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Daily Newswatch
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Bomb blast, abducted school girls cause Jonathan psychological trauma
he twin operations carried out by members of Islamic sect, Boko Haram, have thrown the Federal Executive Council into mourning, just as President Goodluck Jonathan is said to be undergoing psychological trauma over the incidents. However, Jonathan was XYZ[\]^\_Y`q\Y4qz[q[\]_q\ q^ples Democratic Party (PDP) unity rally in Kano to prove a point that terroristsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; activities cannot stop governance, the prime intention of the terrorists. Also, FEC yesterday sadly devoted its meeting to receiving reports and deliberating on the early Monday morning bomb blast in Nyanya, Abuja, and the subsequent Monday nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kidnapping of about 100 school girls in a Government Girls Secondary School, Borno State. FEC expressed sadness over the two incidents and condoled the families of the bomb blast victims just as it condemned the dastardly act. It reinforced its resolve to tackle the evil activities of the terrorists and urged Nigerians to rally together with the security agencies to tackle the challenges posed by the terrorists. Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku, Federal Capital Territory Minister, Sen. Bala Muhammad and the Minster of State Health, Dr. Khaliru Alhassan, briefed State House Correspondents on the outcome of the meeting. Maku said FEC condemned the kidnapping of the 100 young school girls and noted that it is a call to action against the perpetrators just as they commended Nigerians for their concerns and help at the scene of the bomb blast, collective action and condemnation of the evil acts. Even as he expressed optimism that though evildoers may thrive for a while but they would not prevail over good, he urged Nigerians to increase vigilance as President Jonathan has directed security agencies to beef up security within FCT and other major cities. Maku further decried the manner the media projected the report of the bomb blast, saying that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the way the bomb blast was reported was very insensitive. Though you are expected to report what has happened, we must show extra care for the psychological health of our people.â&#x20AC;? Maku said â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me also say that we observe with regret that in spite of the great job the media have continue to do, we saw that the way this
incident was reported in the last two days has been very insensitive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The council noted and this is very unprofessional that the papers and most of the television stations just unleashed on Nigerians gory details of pictures that should never
have been published on the basis of humanity, on the basis of professional ethics and the basis of feelings for the sensibilities of our people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We saw on some pages of newspapers the remains of shredded dead bodies printed on the pages of newspapers.
This doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen anywhere in the world because journalism has responsibility to the sensibility of people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Newspapers, televisions are watched by children and minors and it is expected that in cases like this, that professional training, commitment,
should be uppermost in the way we report. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We continue to urge the media that yes we expect that whatever happens must be reported but in reporting, we must show extra care for the psychology health of our citizens and the image of our nation.â&#x20AC;?
Guest Speaker, Professor Ibrahim Gambari (left), and Representative of the Chairman, House Committee on Diaspora, Honourable Malam Mustapher Kabir, at a symposium on Diaspora: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for Effective National Absorption in Abuja.
Traditional ruler, two others die in Rivers communal clash NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
oint Military Task Force (JTF), codenamed Operation Pulo Shield in Niger Delta has deployed troops to Ibaa Community, Emohua Local Government Area, Rivers State, to restore peace in the wake of a communal clash that has reportedly claimed the life of three persons, including a traditional ruler in the area. Ibaa has been involved in a protracted chieftaincy tussle that has created panic in the area, a development that has paralysed social and economic activities in the area. Two rival cult groups, Islanders and Icelanders, allegedly hired by the feuding factions involved in the chieftaincy tussle have been terrorising the community, mostly at nights, looting and damaging property. Ndubuisi, an indigene of Ibaa said the bandits looted and damaged his store and q`qz\ ]_Â?qY]qzq[\ ]^\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ him, adding that most villagers were seeking refuge in neighbouring communities. He said â&#x20AC;&#x153;They damaged my only store. In fact, it was only God that saved me. Many people in the community ran away. All these women you are seeing here, they only come to do small work, towards evening they will run to other communities because they (the cultists) will rape peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wives.â&#x20AC;?
Speaking on the communal Â&#x2019;^zÂĄZÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2019;_YZÂ?Â&#x161;Yz\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ q^ples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ibaa, Sunday Amadi, disclosed that a prominent chief of the community was among those killed in January. Amadi, who spoke from his hideout, complained that the former Commissioner of Police in the state, Mbu Joseph Mbu, was petitioned severally but refused to take
any action. He appealed to the state government to deploy men of the JTF to the area to forestall further violence and killing. Major General Emmanuel ]q¢qÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;q[\ ]_q\ deployment of soldiers to the community, said the action was necessary due to the rising incidents of pipeline vandalism, oil theft and cultism
by armed groups involved in the crisis rocking the community. Atewe, who conducted newsmen round the community, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;military personnel have been deployed here (Ibaa) to ensure that peace and normalcy returns. JTF is working in collaboration with other security agencies to restore peace and normalcy in the community.â&#x20AC;?
Boko Haram: Release abducted school girls without delay â&#x20AC;&#x201C;UNICEF TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
egional Director, West and Central Africa, United Nations Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fund (UNICEF), Manuel Fontaine, yesterday condemned the reported abduction of some 100 school girls between 12 and 17 years old from their hostel in Chibok, Borno State, on Monday night. UNICEF called for their immediate and unconditional release. He also called on Nigerian government to urgently take steps in ensuring that the children are returned to their families unharmed and that they can continue their education in a safe environment. Fontaine, in a statement made available to Daily Newswatch yesterday in Abuja, said the persistent ]Â?qz[\^Â&#x2018;\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;X\^z\XÂ&#x2019;_^^Â&#x201D;X\Zz\ Nigeria is uncalled for. He recalled that very reÂ&#x2019;qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2014;zZ[qz]ZÂ&#x2DC;q[\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x161;qz\ killed 53 children between 13 and 17 years old at the Federal Government College, Buni Yadi, Yobe State, such brutal acts of violence are unacceptable. Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Â?[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]^\ _ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;X\ on schools deny children their right to learn in a safe environment and can rob them of their future. Wherever it takes place, abduction of children is a crime and illegal under international law. Fontaine said that Monday zZÂ&#x2122;_]Â&#x17E;X\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ^z\ ]_q\ _ZÂ&#x;^Â&#x201C;\ school took place hours after over 70 people were killed in a Â&#x;^Â&#x161;Â&#x;\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Y]\Y\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;X\X]Y]Z^z\Zz\ the Nyanya neighbourhood, close to Abuja.
Consumer confidence index of Nigerians declines TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
rienced a total decline of he monthly ¤¼Œ§¨Š^Zz]X\ ^`qÂ?\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ survey by an quarter of 2014. This was made known independent to journalists in Abuja by polling group (NOI Polls) ¨ ^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;X\ q¢XÂ&#x201D;q4qÂ?ÂŚ\\ The polls result also refor the month of March vealed the Personal Well2014 has revealed that Being of Nigerians with ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^zXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;qÂ?\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;[qzÂ&#x2019;q\ index of Nigerians expe- the NOI-Polls Personal
Well-Being Index stands at 41 per cent in March 2014 indicating a slight 1-point drop from Februaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 42 per cent. The NOI-Polls ConXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;qÂ?\ ^zÂ&#x2DC;[qzÂ&#x2019;q\ z[qÂŤ\ for March experienced a XZÂ&#x2122;zZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Yz]\ ¤¨Š^Zz]X\ [qcline from Februaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 80
FG declares Friday, Monday public holidays CYRIL MBAH, Abuja
ederal Government has declared Friday, April 18 and next week Monday, April 21, as public holidays to mark the Easter celebration throughout the federation. A statement from the Interior Ministry said the two days would be used to commemorate Good Friday and Easter Monday in keeping with established practices and
traditions of Christians all over the globe. Interior Minister, Comrade Patrick Abba Moro, who made the declaration in Abuja yesterday, urged Christians to use ]_q\ ŠqÂ?Z^[\ ]^\ Â?qÂĄqÂ&#x2019;]\ ^z\ the challenges facing the nation and to pray fervently for the return of peace to Nigeria and the unity of the country at all times. Moro appealed to Nigerians especially Christians, to use the period
of the holiday to work on those issues that would unite the nation and dwell less on problems that tend to tear us apart. He challenged Christians especially to use the Easter period to build a peaceful and united nation despite mounting losses in human lives and properties resulting from increasing activities of the Boko Haram insurgents and other armed militant groups in the past years.
per cent. The report presents analysis of the individual indicators that make up the PWBI shows that the largest declines were observed in Personal Security (6.6 points) and Economic situation (2.3 points). Additionally, the NOI ^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;X\ ^zXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;qÂ?\ ^zÂ&#x2DC;dence Index for March declined by 12-points to 68 per cent. The poll further revealed also analysis of the two key indicators that constitute the CCI shows that the Present Situation Index increased by 2-points, while the Expectation Index exŠqÂ?ZqzÂ&#x2019;q[\ Y\ XZÂ&#x2122;zZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Yz]\ 20-points decline. This drop shows that Nigerians are less optimistic about their future expectations in March compared to February 2014.
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Daily Newswatch
South South
Thursday, April 17, 2014
FG resolves Ugborodo Community crisis as EPZ project takes off SYLVESTER IDOWU, Warri
he Federal GovernÂ&#x161;qz]\ _YX\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â?qsolved the lingering leadership crisis in the oil rich Ugboro[^\ ^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;\Zz\ YÂ?Â?Z\ ^Â&#x2014;]_\ qX]\ ^Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ YÂ?qY\ ^Â&#x2018;\ qÂ&#x201D;]Y\ ]Y]q\ ]_qÂ?qÂ&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ŠY`ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ¢YÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_q\XÂ&#x161;^^]_\]YÂ&#x201C;q¨^E\^Â&#x2018;\ the multi-billion naira Export Processing Zone and the Gas Â&#x2019;Z]Â&#x2022;\ŠÂ?^²qÂ&#x2019;]ÂŚ Daily Newswatch gathered ]_Y]\XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\Xq]\Â&#x2014;Š\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\]_q\ Â?qXZ[qzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;\]^\¢Y[q\Zz]^\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;Â?ZXZX\ _YX\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_]\ the two warring factions together and signed a peace acÂ&#x2019;^Â?[\Zz\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\YÂ&#x2018;]qÂ?\YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\]_Â?qq\ months of dialogue with the ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZYz\ Y`Â&#x2022;Âł ^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ _qY[q[\ qYÂ&#x2019;q\ Â?^Â&#x2019;qXXÂŚ It was learnt that both the Â?ÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;qÂŤ\ [q_Âł Y`Z[\ ^z¢q\ Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;]Z^zX\Yz[\]_Y]\Â&#x201D;q[\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ _ZqÂ&#x2018;\ _^Â&#x161;YX\ Â?qÂ&#x2022;Z]^Â&#x161;Z\ XZÂ&#x2122;zq[\ the peace accord at the Na`YÂ&#x201D;\ qY[´Â&#x2014;YÂ?]qÂ?XÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\ Â&#x201D;YX]\ ^z[YÂ&#x2022;\ ^z\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ zqÂ&#x2122;^]ZY]q[\]qÂ?Â&#x161;XÂŚ In the signed resolutions Â&#x161;Y[q\ Y`YZÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ ]^\ YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ q¢X¢Y]Â&#x2019;_\ Â&#x2022;qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2019;^ztention over membership of the expected new Ugborodo Export Processing Zone (EPZ) z]qÂ?Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;q\ ^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\_YX\Â&#x;qqz\ put to rest as both parties have XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x;Â&#x161;Z4q[\ ]_qZÂ?\ Â?qXŠqÂ&#x2019;]Z`q\ ¤¾\ nominees needed to reconX]Z]Â&#x2014;]q\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ YÂ&#x201D;Â?qY[Â&#x2022;\_YX\]_q\ ]Y]q\ ^`qÂ?zmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appointed Austin Ob^Â?^Â&#x2122;Â&#x;qÂ&#x2022;Z\YX\ _YZÂ?Â&#x161;YzÂŚ \ ZX]q[\ Zz\ ]_q\ Â?ÂŚ\ [q_\ Yz[\ Tonwe lead faction were ]_qÂ&#x161;XqÂ&#x201D;`qX\YÂ&#x201D;^zÂ&#x2122;XZ[q\ Â?ÂŚ\ Â&#x2022;^\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201C;qÂ&#x2013;\ Y¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x;qÂ&#x201D;q\ Â&#x201C;^Â?^Â&#x2013;\ ^XqX\ ²Z²YÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2013;\ q4Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2013;\ ZÂ&#x201C;q\ ^[Â&#x2122;qÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x2014;^Â&#x2022;^Â?\ ²^Â&#x2122;^Â?Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Z^]\ ^]Â&#x2014;^Â&#x161;Y\ Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;]Xq\ Yz[\ qÂ&#x161;Z\ ¢Y¢Y_ÂŚ \ _ZqÂ&#x2018;\ _^Â&#x161;YX\ qÂ&#x2022;Z]^Â&#x161;Z\]^ŠX\ his factionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s list which also has Â&#x201D;qÂŤ\ Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x2122;_^Â&#x2013;\ Â?ZzÂ&#x2019;q\ qÂ?Â?Â&#x2022;\ ]q]qÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x2022;ZÂ?Z\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qz\
XZÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x161;Y²qÂ&#x161;Z]qÂ&#x2013;\ XYYÂ&#x2019;\ ^]^XYzÂ&#x2013;\ YzÂ&#x;[Â&#x2022;X\ Â&#x161;Y[qÂ&#x201D;Z¨ `¢^_Â&#x2013;\
^_z\ [Y_Â&#x2013;\ qÂ?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x201D;^¢Â&#x2014;\Yz[\
Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2014;X\ ]q]q\YX\z^Â&#x161;ZzqqXÂŚ The seven point resolution also stressed that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Parties agreed to maintain existZzÂ&#x2122;\ ŠqYÂ&#x2019;q\ Zz\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ YzÂ&#x2022;Â&#x;^[Â&#x2022;\ Xqqz\ ¢Z]_\ YÂ?Â&#x161;X\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\
overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo ]Y]q\ _YX\ Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;q[\ Â?^Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201D;\ Â&#x2018;Y]_qÂ?X\ Zz\ the state to remain focused on the maintenance ^Â&#x2018;\ ŠqYÂ&#x2019;q\ Yz[\ XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\ Zz\ ]_qZÂ?\ domains and ignore politicians ¢_^\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\qÂ&#x161;Š]Â&#x2022;\ŠÂ?^Â&#x161;ZXqX\Yz[\ _Y`q\z^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\]^\^EqÂ?\]_q\Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2013;\ YX\]_q\¾¤¼\qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]Z^z\YŠŠÂ?^YÂ&#x2019;_qXÂŚ
q\Â&#x161;Y[q\]_q\Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2022;qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;\Y]\ ]_q\ ZzYÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â?Y]Z^z\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ]Y]qÂ&#x17E;X\ Council of Traditional Rulers and Chiefs under the ChairÂ&#x161;YzX_ZŠ\^Â&#x2018;\ ZX\ ^Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201D;\ Y²qX]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Omo nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Oba Erediauwa, CFR, Â&#x;Y\ ^Â&#x2018;\ qzZz\ Y]\ ]_q\ ^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ ^Â&#x2014;XqÂ&#x2013;\ qzZz\ Z]Â&#x2022;ÂŚ The Governor said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;as we YŠŠÂ?^YÂ&#x2019;_\ ]_q\ ¾¤¼\ qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]Z^zXÂ&#x2013;\ ¢q\ Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;ZYzXÂ&#x2013;\ÂťÂ&#x161;Â&#x2022;XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;XZ`qÂź\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x2122;^ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â?^Â&#x2014;z[\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;Â?\ [^Â&#x161;YZzX\
Â&#x2013;\ z]qÂ?Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;q\ ^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\ could be inaugurated next ¢qqÂ&#x201C;\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?\ Â&#x161;Â&#x161;YzÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x201D;\ [Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x2122;_YzÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no room for di`ZXZ^z\ YzÂ&#x2022;Â&#x161;^Â?qÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ are bound to sheathe their swords and embrace a new Â&#x2014;zZ]q[\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x;^Â?^[^ÂŚ\ Â?qXZ[qz]\
Goodluch Jonathan is expected in Delta at the end of the month and top on his itinerYÂ?Â&#x2022;\ ZX\ ]_q\ Â&#x2122;Â?^Â&#x2014;z[Â&#x;Â?qYÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_q\ Â&#x2122;Z[ZÂ&#x2122;Â&#x;qz\ YX\ Z]Â&#x2022;\ Development and the Marine zZ`qÂ?XZ]Â&#x2022;\ Y]\ Â&#x201C;qÂ?qzÂ&#x201C;^Â&#x201C;^\ where Ugborodo also holds X]YÂ&#x201C;qXÂśÂ&#x2013;\_q\XYZ[ÂŚ
L-R: Director, Department of State Security (DSS), Rivers State, Mr. Abok Nyam; Representative of the Nigerian Air Force Commander, Rivers State, Air Commodore Mammud Madi; Commissioner, Rivers State Police Command, Mr. Tunde Ogunshakin; Com ! "! # $!%& '*!+ / !0*1!+ 2!%& 3 46 6*&% 79 ! <* ! =%& !% = ># ?@%Q ' +@X ! '*!+ / !0*1!+ Commodore Godwin Ochai, during the inauguration of Special-Joint Patrol Team â&#x20AC;&#x153;Operation Sparkâ&#x20AC;? in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Man, 59, commits suicide in Delta SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba
¼š\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X¨^Â&#x201D;[\ man on Tues[YÂ&#x2022;\ q`qzZzÂ&#x2122;\ YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;q[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4q[\ XÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2019;Z[q\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ X_^^]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ _ZÂ&#x161;XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\ ¢Z]_\ Y\ [Yzq\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;zÂŚ\ \ _q\ `ZÂ&#x2019;]ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Z[qz]ZÂ&#x2DC;q[\ YX\ Â&#x2014;z[YÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2014;¡Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;Â&#x;qÂ&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;q[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4q[\ ]_q\ XÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2019;Z[q\ Y]\ ¢Y¨ Â&#x201C;qZ\Â?^Y[\Zz\ Â&#x201C;Y\ ^Â?]_\ YX]\ ^Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ Â?qY\^Â&#x2018;\ qÂ&#x201D;]Y\ ]Y]qÂŚ Police sources disclosed that the deceased was found in his own pool of blood
2015: Shun empty promises, Oshiomhole tells royal fathers THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin
Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;q\Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\¢Â?Y]_\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x201D;Y¢Œ\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ displaced persons must return to their communities immediY]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ÂŚÂś \ YÂ?Â?ZzÂ&#x2122;\ YzÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x2018;^Â?qXqqz\ limitation, a participant at the Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ Â?qX^Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;]Z^z\ [ZXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;^Xq[\ ]_Y]\ the new Ugborodo CommuzZ]Â&#x2022;\ Š^Â?]\ Â?^Â&#x2019;qXXZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^zqÂ&#x2013;\
and promise to put air conditionqÂ?X\q`qÂ?Â&#x2022;¢_qÂ?qÂŚ\ ^Â&#x161;q\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2014;X\Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x2122;_]\ use ethnic sentiments where it XÂ&#x2014;Z]X\Â&#x2014;X\Yz[\]^\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;\^zq\Â&#x;Â?^]_qÂ?\ YÂ&#x2122;YZzX]\ Yz^]_qÂ?ÂŚ\ _ZX\ ZX\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;^Â&#x161;qz]\¢_qÂ?q\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;Â?\Â&#x201D;qY[qÂ?X_ZŠ\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ be brought to test because for X^Â&#x161;q\Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;ZYzXÂ&#x2013;\]_q\qz[\²Â&#x2014;X]ZÂ&#x2018;ZqX\ ]_q\Â&#x161;qYzXÂŚ ¸ ^Â&#x161;q\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\]Â?Â&#x2022;\]^\XŠÂ?qY[\Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x201D;Xq\ rumors, spread disinformation Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ \ŠÂ?YÂ&#x2022;\]_Y]\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â?qÂ&#x161;YZz\ Â&#x2019;^zX]Yz]\Zz\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;Â?\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z]Â&#x161;qz]\]^\ ŠqYÂ&#x2019;q\Yz[\XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;ÂŚÂś _ZÂ&#x201D;q\Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Â?^Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2018;Y]_qÂ?X\]^\ help the government in the main]qzYzÂ&#x2019;q\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ŠqYÂ&#x2019;q\ Yz[\ XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\ Zz\ the state, Oshiomhole said â&#x20AC;&#x153;current q`qz]X\Zz\ŠYÂ?]X\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Â?Â&#x2022;\_Y`q\ ^Šqzq[\]_q\qÂ&#x2022;qX\^Â&#x2018;\q`qÂ?Â&#x2022;^zq\]^\]_q\ fact that without peace, there can be z^\[q`qÂ&#x201D;^ŠÂ&#x161;qz]ÂŚ\ q\Â&#x2019;Yzz^]\q`qz\ ]YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zYzÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2013;\ ZzÂ&#x2018;Â?YX]Â?Â&#x2014;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2014;Â?qÂ&#x2013;\ ¢q\Â&#x2019;Yzz^]\]YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;\^Â&#x2018;\Zz`qX]Â&#x161;qz]\Yz[\ ¢qYÂ&#x201D;]_\Â&#x2019;Â?qY]Z^zÂŚ
¢Z]_\_ZX\[Yzq\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;z\Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x;qXZ[q\_ZÂ&#x161;ÂŚ\ ¸ Â&#x2014;z[YÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2014;¡Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;Â&#x;qÂ&#x2013;\YÂ&#x2122;q[\¼š\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?XÂ&#x2013;\YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;q[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\X_^]\_ZÂ&#x161;XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\ [qY[\¢Z]_\_ZX\[Yzq\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;zÂŚ\ ZX\ Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;qXX\ Â&#x;^[Â&#x2022;\ ¢YX\ Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2014;z[\ Zz\ his own pool of blood with _ZX\ [Yzq\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;z\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x;qXZ[q\ _ZÂ&#x161;\Zz\_ZX\Â?^^Â&#x161;ÂśÂ&#x2013;\_q\XYZ[ÂŚ Daily Newswatch gathered that the deceased had been
XZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Â&#x2018;^Â?\^`qÂ?\Y\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\z^¢\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\ _q\ [qÂ&#x2019;Z[q[\ ]^\ ]YÂ&#x201C;q\ _ZX\ ^¢z\ Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2018;qÂŚ\ _q\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ XZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;zqXX\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ z^]\ Â&#x;q\ ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;q[ZY]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\YXÂ&#x2019;qÂ?]YZzq[\Y]\]_q\ ]ZÂ&#x161;q\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_ZX\Â?qŠ^Â?]ÂŚ It was learnt that the inci[qz]\^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Â?q[\Y]\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\§¼\ ¢Y¨ Â&#x201C;qZ\ Â?^Y[\ ¢_qÂ?q\ ]_q\ [qÂ&#x2019;qYXq[\Â?qXZ[q[\YÂ&#x201D;^zqÂŚ Police sources said the de-
Â&#x2019;qYXq[\X^zÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x2022;Â?ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;q[\ ]_Y]\ _ZX\ Â&#x2018;Y]_qÂ?\ ¢YX\ XZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ Â&#x;qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\]YÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\_ZX\^¢z\Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2018;q\Yz[\ qŠÂ?qXXq[\ X_^Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\ ]_q\ ZzÂ&#x2019;Z[qz]ÂŚ \ ¸ Â&#x2022;Â?ZÂ&#x201D;\ XYZ[\ _q\ ¢YX\ X_^Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q[\ ]^\ Â&#x161;qq]\ _ZX\ Â&#x2018;Y]_qÂ?\ in the pool of his blood with _ZX\[Yzq\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;z\Â&#x;qXZ[q\_ZÂ&#x161;ÂŚ\ q\ had to report the incident to ]_q\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;qÂśÂ&#x2013;\_q\Y[[q[ÂŚ
2015: Tension as zoning splits PDP stakeholders in Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ibom BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo
here is palpable ]qzXZ^z\ Zz\ Â&#x201C;¢Y\ Ibom as elders Yz[\ X]YÂ&#x201C;q_^Â&#x201D;[ers of the Peoples qÂ&#x161;^Â&#x2019;Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2019;\ YÂ?]Â&#x2022;\Zz\]_q\X]Y]q\ are divided over the decision of Governor Godswill Â&#x201C;ŠYÂ&#x;Z^\ ]^\ qzXÂ&#x2014;Â?q\ ]_Y]\ _ZX\ successor emerges on the Â&#x;YXZX\^Â&#x2018;\¡^zZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ This is coming on the heels of the pronouncement Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x201C;ŠYÂ&#x;Z^\ ]^\ _Yz[\ ^`qÂ?\ Š^¢qÂ?\]^\ Â&#x201C;¢Y\ Â&#x;^Â&#x161;\ ^Â&#x2014;]_\ qzY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\ ZX]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;]\^]_qÂ?¢ZXq\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[\ Â&#x201C;q]\ qzY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\ ZXtrict, which according to the governor, was in line with ]_q\ ŠÂ?ZzÂ&#x2019;ZŠÂ&#x201D;q\ ^Â&#x2018;\ q´Â&#x2014;Z]Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ Â&#x2018;YZÂ?\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;\Zz\]_q\ ÂŚ Our correspondent can YÂ&#x2014;]_^Â?Z]Y]Z`qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\[qÂ&#x2019;ZXZ^z\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\]_q\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?z^Â?\ to zone the governorship to Â&#x201C;q]\ _YX\ XŠÂ&#x201D;Z]\ ]_q\ _ZqÂ?YÂ?Â&#x2019;_Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ \qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?X\Yz[\X]YÂ&#x201C;qholders into pro and anti-
¡^zZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x161;ŠXÂŚ The pro-zoning camp is Â&#x201D;q[\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x201C;ŠYÂ&#x;Z^\¢Z]_\X]Â?^zÂ&#x2122;\ support from a group which Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;X\ Z]XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\ qÂ&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2022;^\ qzY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\ ZX]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;]\ qY[ers Forum, while the anti¡^zZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x161;Š\ ZX\ Â&#x201D;q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\ qÂ&#x2019;Â?q]YÂ?Â&#x2022;\]^\]_q\ ]Y]q\ ^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]Â&#x2013;\ Â?ÂŚ\ Â&#x161;YzY\ Â&#x201C;^z\ Â&#x161;YzY\ Yz[\ XÂ&#x2014;ŠŠ^Â?]q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Y\ Â&#x2122;Â?^Â&#x2014;Š\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[\ \ Â&#x201D;[qÂ?XÂł ]YÂ&#x201C;q_^Â&#x201D;[qÂ?XÂŚ _ZX\ ZzÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ¢Z]_Zz\ ]_q\ state PDP was evident on Â&#x2014;qX[YÂ&#x2022;\YX\]_q\]¢^\Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;]Z^zX\ held separate meetings siÂ&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]Yzq^Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ q`qz\ YX\ ]_q\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?\ qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;\ ¢YÂ?zq[\ ]_Y]\]_q\ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\¢^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\z^]\]^Â&#x201D;qÂ?Y]q\YzÂ&#x2022;\^ŠŠ^XZ]Z^z\¢Z]_Zz\ ]_q\ ÂŚ z\ Y\ X]Y]qÂ&#x161;qz]\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x161;qÂ&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2022;^\ qzY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\ ZX]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;]\ qY[qÂ?X\ ^Â?Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Yz[\ XZÂ&#x2122;zq[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Â?ÂŚ\ Â&#x201C;Šq\ ]YÂ&#x201C;Š^\ Yz[\ Â?ÂŚ\ XXZqz\ XqÂ&#x161;YÂ&#x2013;\ Yz[\ Â&#x161;Y[q\ Y`YZÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ ]^\ YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ q¢X¢Y]Â&#x2019;_\ Zz\ Â&#x2022;^\ Â&#x2022;qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;\ ]_Â?q¢\ Z]X\
weight behind the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to zone the Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?z^Â?X_ZŠ\XqY]\Zz\¾¤¼\]^\ Â&#x201C;q]\ qzY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\ ZX]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;]ÂŚ The statement said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In tandem with the democratic principles we have resolved to collaborate and consult with other senatorial districts of the state to ensure the emergence of a credible Â&#x2019;Yz[Z[Y]q\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ Â&#x201C;q]\ qzY]^rial District as a governor of Â&#x201C;¢Y\ Â&#x;^Â&#x161;\ ]Y]q\Zz\]_q\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;qÂ?zY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]Z^z\^Â&#x2018;\¾¤¼œŒ On the other hand, the Â&#x2122;Â?^Â&#x2014;Š\ Â&#x201D;^Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201D;\ ]^\ ]_q\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\ Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x201C;ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q[\ YÂ&#x2122;YZzX]\ ¡^zZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ XYÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Z]\ZX\Â&#x2014;z[qÂ&#x161;^Â&#x2019;Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2019;\YX\Z]\ ¢^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\YÂ&#x161;^Â&#x2014;z]\]^\ZÂ&#x161;Š^XZ]Z^zÂŚ _q\ ŠÂ?^¨ Â&#x161;YzY\ Â&#x201D;[qÂ?XÂł ]YÂ&#x201C;q_^Â&#x201D;[qÂ?X\ Â&#x2122;Â?^Â&#x2014;Š\ Zz\ Y\ Â&#x161;qq]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^z\ Â&#x2014;qX[YÂ&#x2022;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ ¢YX\ Â&#x2019;_YZÂ?q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Y\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\ minister of environment, _ZqÂ&#x2018;\ Â&#x161;q\ Â&#x201C;^ŠZ[^\[ZXÂ&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;ztenanced zoning insisting ]_Y]\ q`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\ YXŠZÂ?Yz]\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x2122;Z`qz\Y\Â&#x201D;q`qÂ&#x201D;\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[\]^\ Â&#x2019;^z]qX]\]_q\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?z^Â?X_ZŠŒ
Commissioner dismisses wrangling with govâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family over succession OWOLABI ADENUSI Yola
he Commissioner for local Government AfÂ&#x2018;YZÂ?X\Zz\ [YÂ&#x161;Y¢Y\ ]Y]q\ Â?ÂŚ\ YÂ&#x201D;Z_Â&#x2014;\ YÂ&#x201C;YÂ?Z\ ZÂ?qZ\ _YX\ [ZXÂ&#x161;ZXXq[\YzÂ&#x2022;\Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\¢Â?Yzgling between him and ComÂ&#x161;Yz[qÂ?\ Â&#x;[Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;\ ¡Z¡Z\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ X^z\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?\ Â&#x2014;Â?]YÂ&#x201D;Y\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^\^`qÂ?\¾¤¼\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;qÂ?zY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\YÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Z]Z^zÂŚ There are media reports ]_Y]\ Â&#x;[Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;\ ¡Z¡Z\ Yz[\ YÂ&#x201C;YÂ?Z\\ are at dagger heads over gubernatorial ambition of the state which it was said have Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq[\Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2019;Â?YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Zz\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^\ Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2014;]\ YÂ&#x201C;YÂ?Z\ ¢_^\ ZX\ an in law to the Governor in an interview with the members of the state correspondqz]X\Â&#x2019;_YŠqÂ&#x201D;\^Â&#x2018;\ \Â&#x2022;qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;\ XYZ[\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^\ Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ is indivisible because of political interest of individual YÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Z]Z^z\YX\Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;YZÂ&#x161;q[\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\X^Â&#x161;q\ XqÂ&#x2019;]Z^z\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x161;q[ZYÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apart from being a comÂ&#x161;ZXXZ^zqÂ?\ Zz\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x;Zzq]ÂŚ\ _q\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?z^Â?\]^^Â&#x201C;\Â&#x161;q\YX\^zq\ of his biological son, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t _Y`q\ YzÂ&#x2022;\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x161;\ ¢Z]_\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2022;\ brother Commander Abdul ¡Z¡ZÂ&#x2013;\ ¢q\ YÂ?q\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]^ward the same political interqX]\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ \ Y\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;Z[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\Zz\]_q\X]Y]q\¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ is the matching order given ]^\ Â&#x2014;X\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?\ Â&#x2014;Â?]YÂ&#x201D;Y\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^ÂŚÂś The commissioner declared ]_Y]\]_qÂ?q\ZX\z^\Â?ZÂ&#x2018;]\Zz\ Â&#x2022;YÂ&#x201C;^Â&#x17E;X\ Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ X_q\ [qzZq[\ zÂ&#x2014;Â?XZzÂ&#x2122;\\YzÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;qÂ?zY]^Â?ZYÂ&#x201D;\YÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Z]Z^z\Zz\¾¤¼\Y[[ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_Y]\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ God can decide his fate as _ZX\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\\YÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Z]Z^z\Â&#x2018;^Â?\z^¢\ZX\ to ensure the success of this Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ Yz[\ `ZÂ&#x2019;]^Â?Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ \Zz\¾¤¼Œ ¸ \[^\z^]\_Y`q\YzÂ&#x2022;\Â?ZÂ&#x2018;]\¢Z]_\ YÂ?Â&#x201C;Zz\ Y]YXY\ Â&#x2014;z[qÂ?\ ¢_Y]ever circumstances what people need to understand is that we are brothers whose behaviours will be controlled Â&#x2018;^Â?q`qÂ?\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\^zq\Â&#x161;Yz\]_Y]\ZX\]_q\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?ÂŚ\ \ _Y`q\ zq`qÂ?\ [ZXcussed the issue of governorX_ZŠ\¢Z]_\YzÂ&#x2022;Â&#x;^[Â&#x2022;\ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ the Governor up to this time ]_Y]\YÂ&#x161;\]YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]^\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;ÂŚ I did not even ponder over Z]Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2022;\ ^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ YÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Z]Z^z\ ZX\ ]^\ ensure that this government XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;qq[\ Yz[\ ^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ^[\ Â&#x2019;Yz\ [qÂ&#x2019;Z[q\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2018;Y]qÂŚ\ Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ]ZÂ&#x161;q\ comes the leadership of the ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ ^]_qÂ?\ X]YÂ&#x201C;q_^Â&#x201D;[qÂ?X\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ ]YÂ&#x201C;q\ Y\ [qÂ&#x2019;ZXZ^z\ Yz[\ whoever emerged through a democratic process we will XÂ&#x2014;ŠŠ^Â?]\_ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;Âś\_q\X]Y]q[ÂŚ According to him, Adamawa APC is not at war with itself as believed in some quar]qÂ?X\ Yz[\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\ ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ ZX\ z^]\ Â&#x2014;z[qÂ?\ YzÂ&#x2022;\ ]_Â?qY]\ Y[[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\ Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\ _Z]Â&#x2019;_qX\ ¢Z]zqXXq[\ Zz\ the ongoing congresses of the ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ZX\z^Â?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;\¢_qÂ?q\Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\ YÂ?q\Â&#x;^Â&#x2014;z[\]^\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;YZz]X\ assuring that all issues have alÂ?qY[Â&#x2022;\Â&#x;qqz\Y[[Â?qXXq[ÂŚ
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Daily Newswatch
World Report THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
Rivals flex muscles on streets of East Ukraine
krainian and pro-Russian ^ qX\ ¡q«q[\ their military muscles in the restive east of the country yesterday, a day ahead of high-level diplomatic talks on the escalating crisis. Armoured vehicles from the rival sides appeared on the streets of two neighbouring towns after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Kiev’s decision to send in troops to put down a separatist uprising in its industrial heartland had dragged the country to the brink of civil war. NATO said it planned to deploy more forces in eastern Europe in the face of the crisis, while Germany warned of more bloodshed if the four-way talks in Geneva on Thursday fail. An AFP reporter in the ¡YX_©^Zz]\ ]^¢z\ ^ \ Y` YzX \XY¢\Y]\ qYX]\XZ«\ X\ Yz[\ Z _]\ ]Yz X \ X^ q\ ¡ Zz \ XXZYz\ ¡Y X \ ©Y q[\ in the city centre with dozqzX\ ^ \ zZ[qz]Z q[\ Y q[\ qz\ Zz\ Y ^ ¡Y q\ X]Ytioned around them. Russian media said Ukrainian troops in the vehicles had switched sides to join the separatists but the Ukrainian army told AFP that it had no reports that any of its equipment had been seized. An AFP reporter in the nearby town of Kramatorsk also said Ukrainian forces had deployed a column of 14 armoured vehicles, although these were being blocked by a crowd of pro-Russian protesters. Military jets could be Xqqz\ ¡ Zz \ ^¢\ ^`q \ ^]_\ towns in an additional show of strength. As the situation on the ground appeared to escalate, the authorities in Kiev ratcheted up the verbal attack on Russia, with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk accusing Moscow of trying to build “a new Berlin wall”. Yatsenyuk demanded Moscow halt its alleged support for the separatists but said Kiev remained ^ Z4q[\ ]^\ _ X[Y X\ crunch talks between the top diplomats of Russia, the European Union, the United States and Ukraine. “There is only one directive for the Ukrainian foreign ministry -- the Russian government has to immediately withdraw its commando groups, condemn the terrorists and demand they leave the installations,” he said. Ukraine’s acting Defence
Pro-Russians guarding a seized building
Minister Mykhailo Koval yesterday headed out to the east to check on the progress of Kiev’s seemingly stalled bid to oust the separatists. Ukraine’s military also
© q[ q[\ Y\ \ qX©^zXq\ after two servicemen were allegedly taken hostage by pro-Russian forces in the Lugansk region. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) said in
a statement that Russian commanders in the east had issued pro-Kremlin militants with “shoot-tokill” orders. Elsewhere, pro-Moscow gunmen stormed the may-
^ X\ ^I q\ Zz\ ]_q\ q Z^zY \ capital of Donetsk, according to an AFP reporter at the scene. On Tuesday, authorities in Kiev launched what they called an “anti-ter-
rorist operation”, sending tanks towards Slavyansk -¢_Z _\ q YZzX\ qEq ]Z`q \ under the control of proRussian gunmen -- in a high-risk strategy sharply condemned by the Kremlin but supported in Washington. The 20 tanks and armoured personnel carriers sent to Slavyansk were the most forceful response yet by the Western-backed government in Kiev to the pro-Kremlin militants’ occupation of state buildings in nearly 10 cities across Ukraine’s rust belt. But the move drew a sharp response from Putin in a telephone conversation ¢Z]_\ q Yz\ _Yz q ^ \ Angela Merkel. “The Russian president remarked that the sharp es Y Y]Z^z\ ^ \ ]_q\ ^z¡Z ]\ _YX\ placed the country, in effect, on the verge of civil war,” the Kremlin said in a statement.
Ukraine says Russia fuels ‘terror’ as NATO boosts defence
kraine acc u s e d Russia of fueling “terrorism” in its eastern provinces as NATO bolstered the defense of nearby European nations. Government troops pressed on with an antiXq©Y Y]ZX]\ ^EqzXZ`q\ ]_Y]\ qq[\ Yz\ YZ q [\ zqY \ Kramatorsk yesterday, sending armoured vehicles into the Donetsk region town where pro-
Russian forces have clashed with police. Local media said several armoured personnel carriers were captured be ^ q\¡ Zz \ XXZYz\¡Y X¦\ NATO pledged to hold more military drills in eastern Europe and step up air and naval policing ^z\Z]X\¡Yz X¦\ “Russia has a new com ^[Z] \ ^ \ q«©^ ]\ Zz\ addition to oil and gas -- terrorism,” Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told a government meet-
ing today in Kiev. “It’s become clear our Russian neighbours have decided to build a new Berlin Wall and want a return to ]_q\ ^ [\ Y ¦¶\ The airport operation Y q[\ YZzq X\ X]\ foray against armed ac]Z`ZX]X\ _^ [Zz \ ^I ZY \ buildings in cities near the Russian border. Efforts to contain the antigovernment insurgency risk escalating tensions with Russia, which denies involvement in the
unrest and has warned of a potential civil war. NATO says Russia has 40,000 troops massed on Ukraine’s border after its Yzzq«Y]Z^z\^ \ Z qY\ YX]\ month. Envoys from Ukraine, Russia, the U.S. and European Union are scheduled to hold talks tomorrow in Geneva on the situation. Ukraine’s parliament today rejected a Russian call to send representatives of its eastern regions to the negotia-
tions. With tensions running high, the U.S. and its European allies are threatening a new round of penalties against Russian interests if the crisis continues. Preparatory work is at an “advanced stage” on economic sanctions against Russia, Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for European Union forqZ z¨YEYZ X\ _Zq \ Y]_erine Ashton, told reporters yesterday in Brussels.
Three dead, 292 missing in S. Korea sinking ferry
outh Korean rescue teams, including elite navy SEAL divers, raced yesterday to find nearly 300 people missing after a ferry sank with 459 on board, mostly high school students bound for a holiday island. Lee Gyeong-Og, the vice minister of security and public administration, said 164 people had been rescued, leaving 292 “unaccounted for”. His office said there were three confirmed deaths, including a female crew member and a student. There are fears that the final death toll will be high, after the 6,825-tonne ship listed sharply, capsized and finally sank all within two hours of sending a distress signal at 9:00am (0000 GMT). “I’m afraid there’s little chance for those trapped
inside to still be alive,” said one senior rescue team official, speaking by phone from the scene. Dramatic television aerial footage showed terrified passengers wearing life jackets clambering into inflatable boats as water lapped over the rails of the vessel as it sank 20 kilometres (13 miles) off the southern island of Byungpoong. Some could be seen sliding down the steeply inclined side of the ferry and into the water, as rescuers, including the crew of what appeared to be a small fishing boat, struggled to pull them to safety. Several rescued passengers said they had initially been ordered to stay in their seats, before the ferry suddenly listed to one side, triggering panic. “The crew kept telling us not to move and to stay
Rescue workers try to save passengers of sinking ferry near Jindo, South Korea
seated,” one male survivor told the YTN news channel. “Then it suddenly shifted over and people slid to one side and it became very difficult to get out,” he added. Lee’s ministry earlier announced that 368 people had been rescued -- a mistake it attributed to conflicting information from multiple sources.
Of the 429 passengers on board the ferry bound for the popular southern resort island of Jeju, more than 300 were students travelling with 14 teachers from a high school in Ansan just south of Seoul. “I feel so pained to see students on a school trip... face such a tragic accident. I want you to pour all your energy into
this mission,” President Park Geun-Hye said on a visit to the main disaster agency situation room in Seoul. Many of the survivors were plucked out of the water by fishing and other commercial vessels who were first on the scene before a flotilla of coastguard and navy ships arrived, backed by more than a dozen helicopters.
Daily Newswatch
African Report THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
Egypt court bans Brotherhood members from polls
court on Tuesday b a n n e d members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement listed as a “terrorist group”, from running in Egypt’s upcoming elections, a lawyer and state media said. Egypt’s military-installed authorities are engaged in a deadly crackdown against the Islamist movement, which swept all elections in Egypt since the fall of former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011. A court in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria ordered authorities to bar any candidacies from Brotherhood members or former members in presidential and parliamentary elections. The ruling came after an anti-Brotherhood ^ ©\ q[\ Y\ ©q]Z]Z^z\ calling for the ban. “It is illogical to receive such candidacies after the government designated the Brotherhood a terrorist organisation,” Tareq Mahmoud, a lawyer from the group told AFP. ¸ q\ X Z4q[\ `Z[q^X \ photos and documents showing terrorist acts carried out by the Mus-
lim Brotherhood, which is why it is illogical that they lead the country or represent its people in elections.” In December, the authorities blacklisted the Muslim Brotherhood as a “terrorist group” after blaming it for a deadly bombing north of Cairo. Egypt is to hold a May 26-27 presidential election, widely expected to be won by ex-army chief [q \ Y4Y_\Y ¨ ZXZ \]^\ q\ followed by parliamentary polls. Sisi is riding a wave of popularity after he ousted Egypt’s Islamist president Mohammed Morsi last July. Morsi belongs to the Brotherhood. Since his overthrow, the authorities have cracked down brutally on the movement and its members. Amnesty International says more than 1,400 people have been killed in the crackdown, mostly Islamists. More than 15,000 Islamists, mainly Brotherhood members, have been jailed, while hundreds have been sentenced to death following often speedy trials. Under Mubarak’s rule, the Brotherhood was an
illegal organisation but had candidates run as independents in polls and won a sizeable number of seats. The 85-year-old Brotherhood, Egypt’s most organised opposition group during decades of dictatorship despite being banned, stepped out of the shadows after the 2011 uprising. It won a string of polls culminating in last year’s presidential election, when its candidate Morsi q Y q\ ©] X\ X]\ qqly elected leader. Tuesday’s court ruling against the Brotherhood came hours after a bomb Y4Y \ Zz\ Yz\ © Y q]\ central Cairo district wounded two policemen and a passer-by.
General Abdel Fattah-Al-Sisi
...Clamps hold over mosques to control messages
n his weekly sermon, Muslim cleric Ali Abdel-Moati preached to his congregation in a southern Egyptian city about the evils of making hasty judgments. That prompted a complaint to authorities from a judge, who accused him of criticizing a recent mass death sentence issued against supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed
Morsi. Days later, Abdel-Moati was suspended from the mosque in Assiut, replaced by a new preacher, and put under investigation by the Religious Endowments Ministry. Egyptian authorities are tightening control on mosques around the country, purging preachers and seeking to control the message, as the military-backed
government cracks down on Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood following his ouster last summer. Some 12,000 freelance preachers have been barred from delivering sermons. The Religious Endowments Ministry, or Awqaf in Arabic, now sets strict guidelines for sermons, and anyone who strays from them in Egypt’s more than 100,000 mosques risks removal. _q\ YZ \ ^I ZY X\ XY \ ZX\ to prevent mosques from spreading extremism and becoming a platform for political groups, after widespread criticism that the Brotherhood and its more ultraconservative allies used them to build support, recruit new followers and sway voters. During elections the past three years, Islamist clerics would often tout a vote in the Brotherhood’s favour as a vote for Islam or supported by God. But the result is silencing any sort of critical voice and making the minbar the name for the pulpit in a mosque apolitical, bringing no potential challenge to authorities and delivering a single shade of Islam to the public. “The aim is to prevent mosques from serving agendas of political parties or being used as propaganda machine for any ideology either those with the government or not,” WHO’s media spokes- Sheik Ahmed Turk, direcperson in Guinea, Tarik tor of the Grand Mosques Jasarevic, told TIME last in Egypt, the Awqaf demonth: “We know this partment that oversees the [ZXqYXq¦\ ] X\ z^]\ ]_q\ X]\ largest mosques, told The time we’ve seen it so we Associated Press. “Now we know the measures we push our own preachers can take. It’s not a new and clerics to give apolitical message to normal people.” disease.”
Guinea says Ebola outbreak almost under control
u i n e a ’ s health ministry says deaths from its recent Ebola outbreak have slowed, Yz[\ ]_q\ Y]qX]\ ¡Y q¨ ©\ ^ \ the virus is close to being under control. The disease has already killed 106 in Guinea and spread to neighbouring countries in West Africa, ]\ Y \ ZY ^ \Y\X©^ qXman for Guinea’s health ministry, told Reuters that the number of new cases have fallen dramatically. Once there are no more new cases, the outbreak can be considered under control. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says it could take two to four months for the outbreak to be entirely contained, Reuters reports. There is no known cure or vaccine for Ebola, which is known to kill up to 90 per cent of the people who contract it. The virus spreads through direct contact with bodily
Guinea President, Alfa Conde ¡ Z[X \ Zz [Zz \ ^^[ \ faeces or sweat. The disease can spread via sexual contact or unprotected interaction with contaminated corpses. Although the virus re YZzX\ Y\ XZ zZ Yz]\ ^z q z \ ]_q\ \ ZX\ ^z -
dent it will be contained. Since the majority of people who get the disease will die from it, there’s not too much time for it to spread, as long as health workers can quickly identify who has come in contact with a sick person.
The 37-year-old AbdelMoati, in Assiut, says he is not a Morsi supporter. He said he criticized Morsi in his sermons, saying he was turning himself into a “pharaoh” through his decrees and that the Brotherhood was dividing Egyptians. When Morsi visited Assiut as president, AbdelMoati said he was replaced by another cleric for the day because of his criticisms. An Awqaf Ministry of ZY \ XYZ[\ ]_q\ ² [ q\ ^ plained that Abdel-Moati was “interfering in judicial YEYZ X ¶\ YZ Zz \ ]_Y]\ Zz\ his sermon he directly criticized the court verdict in the city of Minya that sentenced hundreds of Morsi supporters to death for killZz \Y\©^ Z q\^I q \Zz\Y\ ^ \ Y4Y ¦\ _q\ ^I ZY \ X©^ q\ on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media. Abdel-Moati said he never mentioned the verdict or the courts at all and only warned against “making hasty judgments because it could lead to bloodshed.” He said he believes the judge was not even present at the sermon and heard about it secondhand. “Now because of the deep polarisation, any word can be used against anyone because of the hypersensitivity between the rival sides,” Abdel-Moati said. The campaign is being led by the new Awqaf minister, Mohammed Mokhtar Gomaa, who took his post after Morsi’s ouster. He vows to ensure mosques transmit only the message of Al-Azhar, Egypt’s premier Islamic institution that touts itself as the voice of moderation.
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Daily Newswatch thursday, april 17, 2014
Nyanya: Bakare wants confab suspended, Osoba calls for closure of borders
Mikail Mumuni & Nnah Douglas, Abuja
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Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2019;q\Yz[\Â&#x;Â&#x201D;^^[Â&#x201D;q4ZzÂ&#x2122;\¢YX\¸z^\ longer about politics. It is about ]_q\XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Â?Â&#x2022;ÂŚÂś Former Ogun State governor, Chief Segun Osoba, said Nigeria was presently in a state of war, lamenting that gradu-
astor Tunde Bakare has suggested that proceedings at the conference be suspended as a show of solidarity with the victims of ]_q\ Â&#x2022;YzÂ&#x2022;YÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²YÂ&#x2013;\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ^z\ Monday. Bakare said delegates should not continue to sit while the na]Z^z\¢YX\^z\Â&#x2DC;Â?qÂŚ\ However, his suggestion did not enjoy the support of fellow delegates. Nevertheless Kunle Olajide, in his contribution, said events of the week must be viewed with serious concern and demanded that politicians should come together for the sake of the nation to salvage the situation. Olajide said â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a state of war. Politicians must take politics entirely out of this issue. There are external sponsors ¢_^\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\Z[qz]ZÂ&#x2DC;q[ÂŚÂś Annkio Briggs spoke in like manner, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;I speak as a mother. I speak as a woman. I speak as a Nigerian. What is happening in Nigeria happens because of what some people whether inside or outside have [qÂ&#x2019;Z[q[\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\_YŠŠqzÂŚÂś\ Briggs said the spate of vio-
ally the economy and the education system in the northern part of the country were being destroyed in a manner that Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x2122;_]\Â&#x;q\[ZIÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]\]^\Â?qXÂ&#x2014;XÂ&#x2019;Z]Y]qÂŚ\ Osoba suggested immediate closure of the borders between
Nigeria and Cameroon, Chad and Niger Republics, as an initial step to curb illegal border crossing. He added that the conference secretariat should lead a delegation to President Goodluck
Jonathan to express the position of the Confab to government. Ledum Mitee, on his part, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not the time to Â&#x2122;Â?Yz[X]Yz[ÂŚÂś\ He added that â&#x20AC;&#x153;we may have
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not politicians, says HURIWA { | <@ %! = +%* } /1 |%&@+ <* %66%* '!*~ 66*! <@% % 4 % }1 '!*&! 4~X0 ! < +! ~*! Â&#x20AC; *0! 0# 4}10@% "&$ #% <* *! % +*!6 ? # =* 0 Q %& 6 *!& %6 +%* <* ! Â 9 Â&#x201A; =Â&#x201A; &1 <*1 +!# Â&#x20AC;%! 0+*! < +! ~*! Â&#x20AC; *0! 0# Â&#x20AC; > }*Q + Â&#x192; # + / 66 1!% & +@ 0%+%9 Q1$}%0 @ !% & * =%& !% Â&#x192; %&! +%* 6+ Q $# ? # =* < Q %& 6 < +! ~*! Â&#x20AC; *0! 0# Â&#x20AC; > }*Q + *+@ ! <%>%} ?*0% +# 4!ganisations in Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga
Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s African largest economy status calls for no jubilation â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Clergyman Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
Catholic Cleric in Onisha, Rev. Fr. Jerome Ezenwelu, has urged Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, not to be carried away by the euphoria of World YzÂ&#x201C;Â&#x17E;X\ Â&#x2DC;zYzÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\ Â?qŠ^Â?]\ classifying the country as the largest economy in Africa, beating South Africa to the second position. The catholic cleric, who is the Director, Regina Pacis Model Secondary School, Onitsha, Anambra State, however, opined that it was not yet time for the Federal Government to rejoice over the status as the largest economy on the continent. He stressed that it was baseless to do so when there is a large scale unemployment situation and lack of basic necessities of life such as good X_qÂ&#x201D;]qÂ?Â&#x2013;\YE^Â?[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\_qYÂ&#x201D;]_Â&#x2019;YÂ?qÂ&#x2013;\qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;Z]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\YE^Â?[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ education at all levels. Ezenwelu urged the Minister to prove herself right by acting on creation of employment opportunities for Nigerians and channeling the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wealth into priority areas. Father Ezenwelu, who compared the country to a wealthy father who
elders but at a time like this, we need statesmen who should rise up and lead the nation out of this mess. This is no time for Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;XÂŚÂś Daily Newswatch gathered that all the female delegates in the ongoing National Conference were dressed in black Y4ZÂ?q\ Â&#x2022;qX]qÂ?[YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x161;^Â&#x2014;Â?zZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\]qÂ?Â?^Â?ZX]\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Zz\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\^z\ Monday and the daily killing in some parts of the country. The sober atmosphere was _qZÂ&#x2122;_]qzq[\ ¢_qz\ zq¢X\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201D;tered in about the alleged abduction of female students in Borno State yesterday by the Boko Haram Islamic sect. Hajia Aisha Sani Ismail painted a gory picture of the abduction when she stood to condemn in strong terms what has befallen innocent children whose only crime was to agree to be educated.
has enormous resources to waste while members of his family are wallowing in abject poverty, demanded for accountability among the political leaders so that ordinary Nigerians could be patriotic to continue to work for the development of the country.
While applauding the nation for her current status as African largest economy, he however urged the Federal Government to embark on massive investment on education, healthcare, employment and subsidisation of agricultural products so as to give the
people a sense of belonging. The Catholic Cleric, who spoke in a seminar titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nigerian Leaders and Misplacement of Pri^Â?Z]ZqXÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ ¢YÂ&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2014;]Â&#x2013;Âś\ held at Regina Pacis Model Secondary School auditorium, blamed Nigerian leaders for the im-
mense poverty and lack of patriotism among Nigerians.
q\ Â?qÂ&#x2122;Â?q4q[\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\ nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wealth was not evenly distributed to pri^Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\YÂ?qYX\Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_q\Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;]\ of all Nigerians which he said would assist greatly in the reduction of unemployment in the country.
Olokola: Ondo, Ogun cooperate on boundary re-establishment exercise promise when the state DirecThe ongoing boundary re- tor General, Bureau of Lands establishment exercise em- and Survey, Mr. Adewale Osbarked upon by Ogun State hinowo, held a meeting with government in Olokola Free the residents of Araromi, Ilaje, Trade Zone may be very Atijere, Obimileyin and Agpeaceful as residents of the balaobi communities in Ondo communities in Ondo State State sharing boundaries with _Y[\ XZÂ&#x2122;zZÂ&#x2DC;q[\ ŠÂ?qŠYÂ?q[zqXX\ Ogun Waterside Local Govto cooperate with the govern- ernment Area. Speaking on behalf of the Â&#x161;qz]\^IÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;XÂŚ The communities made the communities, Alara 1, Araromi BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta
Seaside, Oba Adesuyi Adekunle Obed, appreciated both the Ogun and the Ondo governÂ&#x161;qz]X\Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_qZÂ?\Â&#x2014;z]ZÂ?ZzÂ&#x2122;\qE^Â?]X\ to keep the Free Trade Zone (FTZ) project alive, expressing optimism that it would enhance their socio-economic life ¢_qz\Z]\q`qz]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\]YÂ&#x201C;qX\^EÂŚ The monarch assured that the communities would coopqÂ?Y]q\ ¢Z]_\ ]_q\ ^IÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;X\ ^z\ ]_q\
boundary exercise. The Director General had earlier appealed to the residents to cooperate with his ^IÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2013;\YIÂ?Â&#x161;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_Y]\]_q\qÂŤercise was not meant to cause boundary crisis, but to ensure that the pillars are well established in order to have a successful FTZ project that would Â&#x;q\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;cial to the two states.
INEC to sign technical support MoU with AU, ECOWAS SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
he Electoral Institute (TEI) of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has concluded arrangement to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will enable INEC to provide technical assistance to the African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Director General, TEI, Professor Abubakar Momoh, disclosed
this yesterday while declaring open a two-day Certified Trainers workshop organised by TEI and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) in Abuja. Addressing the participants, drawn from different INEC departments, Momoh said the training was the first in a series aimed at putting everyone on the same page and ensure that there was a pool of trained and certified personnel that could be called upon at anytime as trainers to be deployed.
He affirmed the Commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s confidence in its effort at building capacity and technical skills for staff to strengthen the electoral process thus far, stressing that Nigeria stood out in building technical competence among electoral institutions in West African countries. He informed the participants that when the MoU with the international organisations were eventually signed, certified trainers could be deployed to any country.
He therefore advised them to take the training seriously and apply ethical values in carrying out their responsibility in the field. Earlier, Country Director of IFES, represented by Deputy Country Director, Mrs. Uloma M. Osuala, while appreciating the support and co-operation of INEC, said the training was the beginning of several courses IFES and TEI would be organising in a bid to ensure that the electoral process was strengthened.
uman Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) has denied any knowledge of lobbying to compel the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed D. Abubakar, to order immediate release of two members of All Progressives Congress (APC) detained in Sokoto State by the Police. The two APC members were arrested by the police in Sokoto and currently under investigation over their involvement in alleged killing of a youth during a political rivalry clash. In a statement signed by its North West zonal coordinator, Barrister Abdullahi Dantsoho Usman, described the statement credited to the HURIWA and published in one of the national dailies. He explained that the group did not aware of such cases and never met ]^\[ZXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;XX\ZXXÂ&#x2014;q\]_Y]\YEqÂ&#x2019;]X\ political thuggery in Sokoto State or other places across the country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The HURIWA is not a political party or association. It is a group that is Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ _Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;Yz\ Â?ZÂ&#x2122;_]X\ and ensuring justice to all ¢Z]_^Â&#x2014;]\YEqÂ&#x2019;]Z^z\^Â?\ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ÂŚ\ And it is not allegiance to any political party. Therefore, politicians should desist on using its name on ]_qZÂ?\ŠÂ?^ŠYÂ&#x2122;Yz[YÂŚÂś\ The zonal coordinator said, HURIWA is group ^Â&#x2018;\ŠÂ?^Â&#x2018;qXXZ^zYÂ&#x201D;X\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\]^\ enthroned justice and fairness in the country, how it will be involved in a partisan politics or discussing issues that are under investigations by the competent authority of the nation.
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Daily Newswatch
W/Cup: Emenike needs strike partner â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Coach
Brazil 2014:
Onigbinde thumbs down playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wives as incentives + )*
Daily Newswatch
Ghana Foreign coach to lead Falcons to AWC coach bags doctorate award Martin Odiete, Abuja By Babs Oyetoro, with agency report
hana coach, Kwesi Appiah has been handed a honorary doctorate degree by the Day Spring Christian University of Mississippi even before he leads the Black Stars to 2014 World Cup, a local media in Ghana reports. The Black Stars coach, who will be leading the side to the 2014 World Cup in Brazil was decorated with this honour at a ceremony held at the School of Allied Science campus in Accra. Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leading football zq¢X\^Â&#x2014;]Â&#x201D;q]\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;XÂŚ Appiah, nick-named the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Silent Killerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the Black Stars players for _ZX\Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x161;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;\¢YÂ&#x2022;X\^Â&#x2018;\ dealing with indiscipline in his squad, was awarded a Doctor of Psychology in Sports. The former Ghana captain was celebrated for his historic achievement as coach of the Black Stars. Appiah became the Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ Zz[ZÂ&#x2122;qz^Â&#x2014;X\ _YzYian coach to qualify the Black Stars to the World Â&#x2014;Š\Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;X\YÂ&#x2018;]qÂ?\ŠÂ?qXZ[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^`qÂ?\Y\ÂĄYÂ&#x161;Â&#x;^Â&#x2022;Yz]\´Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2DC;cation series. He was therefore one of 10 personalities, who included Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Speaker of Parliament (Rtd) Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho who were awarded the honours for their contributions to the development of Ghana in their `YÂ?Z^Â&#x2014;X\ Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ qz[qY`ours. In a citation, Appiah was celebrated as a Doctor of Psychology in Sports for his contribution to the development of sports in Ghana and the impact made as coach of the Black Stars. Meanwhile, Dr. Appiahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s award by an American University shows how he is respected across the globe for his successes despite the fact that Ghana will face the United States at the World Cup.
here is every indication that Edwin Okon may have to work under a foreign technical adviser if the ]qYÂ&#x161;\ ´Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2DC;qX\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_q\ Â&#x2018;rica Women Championship, AWC in Namibia this year. Director of competitions in the Nigeria Football Federation, Dr. Sanusi Mohammed who
disclosed this while charting with News men in Abuja said that it is part of the partnership agreement they have with their new partners, OrLean. He stated that part of the agreement stipulates that Orlean will help NFF with technical assistants from Croatia that would develop the Nigerian female team coaches. He stated also that one of the foreign coaches would work with the senior women team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is part of our agreement with our new partners that they would help us with technical assistants
from Croatia. The coaches would help to train and develop our women team coaches and also work with the national teams,â&#x20AC;? he added. This new development may be the reason the NFF _YX\ [qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Zzq[\ ]^\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;\ Okon as the substantive coach of the Super Falcons. They are of the opinion that he does not have the maturity to handle the Falcons. Though, the Rivers Angel Coach stated recently that he is the substantive Coach of the team. And so far, he is still in charge, preparing them for the Africa women Championship
´Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2DC;qÂ?X\Yz[\]_q\ŠÂ&#x201D;Yzzq[\ friendly match with Cameroon. Reacting to the new development, the Chairman ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ¢^Â&#x161;qz\ ^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\ of the Nigeria Football federation, Dilichukwu Oyeadinma applauded it; saying it will go a long way to helping the development of women football in Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is true that part of the package includes offering us some technical assistance. We will benqÂ&#x2DC;]\Â&#x2122;Â?qY]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\Z]\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ they willassist the coaches in various women team,â&#x20AC;? she said.
W/Cup: Onigbinde thumbs down playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wives as incentives
& ! '( Babs Oyetoro
ormer Super Eagles coach, chief Adegboye Onigbide has disapproved the plan by some African teams to allow their players to take their spouses and girlfriends to the World Cup saying such practices may not only be counter-productive but un-African as well. Ongbinde told Newswatch Sports on a telephone chat that this kind of practice does not agree with African tradition and culture most especially when it is an important assignment like the World Cup. The Modakeke high chief recalled that Germany practiced it some years back and they came out to tell the whole world that it was a success. But he was quick to add that the fact that it worked for Germany does not mean that it would work for the African countries. The former member of FIFA technical study group argued that the make-up of an African ¢^Â&#x161;Yz\ ZX\ [ZEqÂ?qz]\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ the make-up of her European counterpart. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Aside from the fact that such practice is alien to our culture and tradition as a people, an average African woman has Y\ [ZEqÂ?qz]\ ŠXÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2019;_^Â&#x201D;^Â&#x2122;ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ make-up from her European counterpart. The fact that the German came out to say that it worked for them is not enough reason for any African
country to emulate them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You see, care should be taken when you copy another personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culture so that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t copy wrongly. Korea and China got to where they are today because they built on their culture. You cannot truly develop if you are building on another peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culture.â&#x20AC;? He, however, admonished that the time has come for Nigeria to de-
velop a technical culture in our football that would be imbibed by all the players. He also took a position on the vexed issue and said he would advise women to stay away from the national team camp as their presence would cause unnecessary distractions to the players. It would be recalled that Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national team psychologist recom-
mended that the players be allowed to go to the World Cup with their wives and girl-friends. But the Ghana Football Federation and the populace kicked against it. Also, Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi at the Cadbury Nigeria plc parley with sports journalists in Lagos said he would allow the players to come to the Mundial with their spouses.
Focus on grassroots sports, Minister charges board By Martin Odiete, Abuja
he minister of state in the Federal Capital Territory, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide has charged the newly reconstituted board of sports associations in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to place more emphasis on grassroots sports development. The Minister made the call while inaugurating the reconstituted board of 20 sports associations. Akinjide, who was represented by the secretary of Social Development Secretariat (SDS), Mrs. Blessing Onuh, said members of the reconstituted board of sports associations were carefully selected to serve as a base due to their vast experience in sports management.She urged them to bring their wealth of experience and individual connections to move sports to next level in the FCT and Nigeria in general. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s high time we improvedon our performances in sports; and I urge you therefore to come out with grassroots oriented programmes that will facilitate the discovering of new talents in various sports. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In reconstituting these associations, Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\ ¢YX\ Xq]\ up, which carefully screened men and women with adequate knowledge and experience in sports administration among many that indicated interests. It is our hope therefore that members would bring their vast experience to bear in the running of their various sports associations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like to use this opportunity to assure you that this administration is ever willing to support you in the course of your duty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also hope that you will use your individual connections to compliment the government in either sponsoring competitions or sourcing for sponsorship from well-to-do individuals and corporate institutions,â&#x20AC;? she stated.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
NBBF hammer falls on Police Batons
he Nigeria Basketball Federation, NBBF _YX\ zq[\ ]_q\ ^ Z q\ Batons Basketball Club Yz[\ X Y q[\ Y\ `q¨ Y] _\ suspension on one of its coaches and players for their conducts in a Week 5 game in Ilorin between them and the Kwara Falcons. _^Xq\YEq ]q[\Y q\ ^Y _\ Dominic Dike and Malu Williams and a player whose overall conduct and behaviour during the said game the federation views as “short of the standard expected in our fast growing league.” According to a press statement from the NBBF, coach Dike and Williams are each suspended for `q\ qY q\ Y] _qX\ ¢Z]_\ Z q[ZY]q\ qEq ]\ Yz[\ ¢Z]_\ a warning that they use the suspension period to improve their behaviour. _q\]qY \¢YX\Y X^\ zq[\
N50,000 part of which will be used to replace the damaged plastic chairs in the Ilorin Sports Hall while it was strongly advised to learn to channel its grievances through the available appropriate structures. The NBBF noted that “Although your team won the game, be on notice that the intimidation of game ^I ZY X\Yz[\^©©^zqz]X \ Xq\ of abusive language and damage to property (plastic chairs in the hall) without recourse to available channels of protesting any observed or perceived shortcomings on the side ^ \ Yz \ Y q\ ^I ZY »X¼ \ are actions capable of damaging the image of our game and league and taken together, are a bad example especially coming from a team of law enforcement ^I q X¦¶
2014 W/Cup: Emenike needs strike partner —Coach
Akinola elected NPUGA president
he duo of Akintunde Akinola and Mrs. Lade Aloba have been elected President and Vice President of the Nigerian Private University Games Association (NPUGA) in a bye-election held at the weekend at the Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State. Both president and vice president, who were elected unopposed will ^`q Xqq\ ]_q\ YEYZ X\ ^ \ ]_q\ Association till December 2015 when another election into various executives will hold for another four year term. Other members of the executive are David Ayeni from Babcock University as secretary general; Emmanuel Okon from Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo (WUSTO) as assistant secretary general; Tajudeen Ojesanya from Joseph Ayo Babalola University
(JABU), Ikeji Arakeji as Treasurer; Alh. Ganiyu Adedokun from Fountain zZ`q XZ] \ X_^ ^\ YX\ nancial secretary; Sunday Omobhude from Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo as publicity secretary, and Ayowole Patunola from Bowen University, Iwo, internal auditor. Akinola, before the election, was the erstwhile vice president to the founding president, Dr. John Busari Okoro who died mid-last year and had been in acting capacity until the weekend’s bye- election that Y]q \ ^z q[\_Z \YX\]_q\ authentic president. Aloba, who had served the association in high esteem was elected to take over the vice president slot having justi q[\ _q \ ^ ©q]qz \ Yz[\ administratively wise over the years. The new president, Akinola is the director of sports at Achievers
Osho lauds Tornadoes’ efforts
ead Coach of Nigeria National League side, Kogi United FC, Fatai Oshohas picked Niger Tornadoes as the toughest team his side has faced at home this season. Kogi United defeated 10-man Tornadoes 2-0 in the Week 10 encounter of the NNL in Lokoja at the weekend. A third minute spot kick converted by Ademola Ayoola and Ebenezer Odeyemi’s 57th minutes X Y q[\ ^Y \ Xq4 q[\ ]_q\ tie to ensure yet another 100 per cent home win for the Wada Boys. Tornadoes’ Lukman Y_Z \ ¢YX\ Xqz]\ ^E\ Zz\ an hour of the pulsating encounter after second
^^ Y q\ ^Eqz q \ ]\ ]_q\ ^ X\ ^ \ ^z¡ qz q\ ]Y]q\ could not capitalise on this to increase the goal tally. Despite the victory, ^Y _\ X_^\ Y[ Z4q[\ ]_Y]\ Z]\ ¢YX\ [ZI ]\ ]^\ playagainstTornadoes describing them as a formidable side even as he commended his players for the victory. ¸ ] X\X^\[ZI ]\ ^ \ X\]^\ play against Tornadoes; the X]\ _Y \ ¢YX\ X^\ ©^^ \ ]\ we came out in second half q4q \ ^ Zqz]q[\ Yz[\ ¢Z]_\ Y\ lot of tactical adjustment and we were able to get the win.” The former Remo Stars coach however noted that Kogi United are moving closer to end its winless run on the road.
female football coach, John Wakili has declared that Super Eagles need a very potent forward as well as a very solid back line to do well at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Wakili, who made this observation while speaking with Newswatch Sports on the Super Eagles preparation so far ahead of the Mundial in Brazil,
noted that top striker Emmanuel Emenike will need an equally good strike ©Y ]zq \]^\_q ©\_Z \ q\]_q\ Eagles on in Brazil. Wakili believes that qzZ q\ ^ [\ z[\]_Zz X\ [ZI ]\ Z \ _q\ ZX\ © Y q[\ as the Eagles sole striker against a strong side. “Playing at the World Cup is not going to be easy for any team and this means we must be there with our best players who can withstand the
competition. The Eagles did well at the Nations Cup in South Africa with Emenike very outstanding, but the World Cup is a [ZEq qz]\ Y \ Y q \¢_q q\ we need strikers, who can take advantages in front of goal and I want to believe that the Eagles will be clinical with two potent strikers up front. “I want to also advise Coach Stephen Keshi to work on the team‘s defence, which is a bit sus-
pect and if all these are taken care of, I can see the Eagles going as far as to ]_q\Xq Z¨ zY ¦ “I must commend the Nigerian Football Federation for the manner they have supported the team’s preparations with series of friendlies to keep them in shape for the World Cup, but I must say here that Keshi must be allowed all the free hand to pick his squad for the competition,” he said.
Iran begin pre-World Cup preparation Francis Ajuonuma, with agency report
hile Coach Stephen Keshi is still undecided on who makes the Super Eagles’s list for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil, Iran, one of Nigeria’s opponents have already commenced their preparation in earnest in South Africa. The training tour which lasts until May 7, is Iran’s X]\ XZ zZ Yz]\ Y]_q Zz \ since qualifying for the 2014 tournament last June and comes just 57 days ahead ^ \ ]_q\ ]qY X\ X]\ Y] _\ Zz\ Brazil. But four Iranian clubs -Esteghlal, Sepahan, Foulad and Teraktor-Sazi, who are still involved in the Asian Champions League and thus refused to let their players join the national team as
only 11 players made the trip to South Africa. The poor turnout can only be considered a severe setback for the national side’s prospects as a previous training camp was cancelled
in September, due to lack of funds. According to the Fars news agency, 28 players were called up by Portuguese coach, Carlos Queiroz for the South Africa trip in which
the team is expected to play four friendlies. Queiroz is also without captain Javad Nekounam, who plays with Kuwait SC, as well as those who play in Europe.
Okoku’s N25m foundation for launch
Maduabuchi Kalu
x-international, Paul Okoku, will in Abuja, launch his foundation named Greater Children Foundation. Okoku, who is based in the United States has embarked on a similar project in America and he deemed it appropriate to replicate same in Nigeria, hence the need for the foundation. According to him, some of the dignitaries that would
be at the launch include the wife of Katsina State Governor, Hajia Fatima Ibrahim Shema, coach Stephen Keshi and other well-meaning Nigerians behind the project. “I will be launching my foundation in Abuja. It is something I am passionate about as I have been in this project for 15 years in America. “About three or four years ago, a journalist from Nigeria visited the United States and in course of our discussions, I mentioned to him what I have been doing in the US and he said ‘wahao!” He continued: “The journalist told me that there were a lot of children from poor homes in Nigeria that
¢Z \ qzq ]\ ^ \ X _\ © ^gramme. And that was how we started working towards having the project in Nigeria. And for the past two or three years we have been running the programme here.”
Daily Newswatch Sports/ REAL MADRID Casemiro on Gunners radar Ancelotti unfair to Isco â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Antic
rsenal are reportedly eyeing summer move for Real Madridâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rising defensive midÂ&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ YXqÂ&#x161;ZÂ?^Â&#x2013;\YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Â?[ZzÂ&#x2122;\]^\Â?qŠ^Â?]XÂŚ _q\¨Â&#x2022;qYÂ?¨^Â&#x201D;[\ Â?Y¡ZÂ&#x201D;ZYz\Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?\_YX\YŠŠYÂ?ently been watched by Gunnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; scouts to track his progress as boss Arsene Wenger is keen on a deal this summer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Arsenal have already made contact, according to the Mirror. Casemiro, who joined Real Madrid from Sao Paolo in a ÂŁ5million deal in 2013, has done well ¢Z]_\Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x161;Z]q[\^ŠŠ^Â?]Â&#x2014;zZ]ZqX\Yz[\_ZX\qÂŤÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qz]\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;\ did not go unnoticed by Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top clubs such as Arsenal and Inter Milan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the talented youngster had a great game against Borussia Dortmund Zz\ ]_qZÂ?\ _YÂ&#x161;ŠZ^zX\ qYÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2014;q\ ´Â&#x2014;YÂ?]qÂ?¨Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ XqÂ&#x2019;^z[\ leg. _q\ ]YÂ&#x201D;ZYz\Â&#x2122;ZYz]X\YÂ?q\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]^\ŠYÂ&#x2022;\Y\XZÂ&#x2122;zZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Yz]\ amount of money to secure his services, although Real want to include a buy-back clause in the deal.
Morata wants Real stay
orward Alvaro Morata has revealed it is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;privilegeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to play at the club and that he is happy with his progress. The 21-year-old has zq4q[\ XZÂŤ\ Â&#x201D;qYÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2014;q\ Â&#x2122;^YÂ&#x201D;X\ this season for Los Blancos â&#x20AC;&#x201C; just three fewer than Barcelonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Neymar â&#x20AC;&#x201C; as he has stepped in for the injured Jese Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo in recent matches. Speaking to reporters ahead of the highly anticipated Copa del Rey Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ YÂ&#x2122;YZzX]\ YÂ?Â&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^zY\ on Wednesday evening, Morata said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a privilege to wear this shirt.â&#x20AC;? He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to give everything for this X_ZÂ?]ÂŚ\ qÂŤ]\ Z]Â&#x17E;X\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ against our biggest rivals and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll do everything
we can to try and win. If we stick together weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll achieve that.â&#x20AC;? The youngster, who has represented Spain at Under-21 level and was a key member of the side that lifted the European Under-21 Championship last summer, has been linked with a move away from the Santiago Bernabeu in recent months. It had been claimed that a move to Premier League side Arsenal was agreed and he would ²^Zz\ ]_q\ \ Â&#x2014;Š\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;ZX]X\ on loan, but news of that move has quietened. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also been rumoured to be Y4Â?YÂ&#x2019;]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ Zz]qÂ?qX]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ some of Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest sides including Chelsea, and Liverpool, as well as Napoli, managed by Spaniard Rafa Benitez.
ormer Real Madrid coach, Radomir Antic has criticised Carlo zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ _ZX\ ]Â?qY]Â&#x161;qz]\ ^Â&#x2018;\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?\ XÂ&#x2019;^\ as he feels the youngster did not deserves to be dropped from the starting XI this season. The 21-year-old initially impressed after joining Madrid from Malaga last summer, but lost his starting berth after a number of disappointing performances as zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ ^Š]q[\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Y\ Â&#x161;^Â?q\ solid 4-3-3 system with Angel Di Maria alongside Luka Modric and Xabi Alonso. Isco has since mainly been warming the bench at
Santiago Bernabeu and An]ZÂ&#x2019;\ Â&#x2018;qqÂ&#x201D;X\ zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ ZX\ ¢Â?^zÂ&#x2122;\ to focus on the Spain internationalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s weaknesses in defending rather than his X]Â?qzÂ&#x2122;]_X\Zz\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ÂŚ ¸ zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ _YX\ z^]\ Â&#x;qqz\ fair with Isco,â&#x20AC;? Antic told Goal. ¸ zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\Â&#x201C;qqŠX\^z\Š^Zz]ing at the defensive aspect of Iscoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a tremendous player who adds something vital to the team: creating chances against a defensive opponent. ¸ zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ZX\YÂ&#x201D;¢YÂ&#x2022;X\Â&#x201D;^^Â&#x201C;ing at the playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s weaknesses and this does not help to get the best out of Isco.â&#x20AC;?
helsea will ask for Gareth Bale if Real Madrid Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;\Â&#x2014;Š\]_qZÂ?\ interest in talisman, Eden Hazard (Football) Direct News understands. A source close to Stamford Bridge told FDN the La Liga giants have put the Belgium international on their radar ahead of the summer transfer window, but at this stage he is one of many names on a wish-list which will Â&#x;q\ ¢_Z4Â&#x201D;q[\ [^¢z\ zqÂŤ]\ month. Chelsea have no interest in parting with one of their leading operators and the source claims they will only consider doing business if Hazard asks to leave. The club insider added that even then, it would take a megaÂ&#x161;^zqÂ&#x2022;\^EqÂ?\ŠÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;X\]_q\ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;XZ^z\^Â&#x2018;\q¨ ^4qz_YÂ&#x161;\
^]XŠÂ&#x2014;Â?\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x201D;q\ to push a deal over the line. Wales international YÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2013;\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;^X]\ qŠqzsive player on the planet, made a slow start to q¨ _qÂ&#x201D;XqY\ Â&#x;^XXÂ&#x2013;\ YÂ?Â&#x201D;^\ life in Spain but has es- zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4ZÂ&#x17E;X\XZ[q\XZzÂ&#x2019;q\]_q\ tablished himself as an turn of the year. However, Chelsea important member of
are one of the few clubs capable of matching _ZX\ XYÂ&#x201D;YÂ?Â&#x2022;\ qŠqÂ&#x2019;]Y]Z^zX\ and the opportunity to
The Serbian also admit]q[\ _q\ Â&#x2DC;z[X\ Â&#x201C;qÂ?\ YXZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;YXÂ&#x17E;\ fall from grace in the Spanish capital to be odd. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do not really understand Real Madridâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s posi]Z^z\ Zz\ ]_ZX\ Â&#x161;Y4qÂ?ÂŚ\ ]\ ZX\ Y\ strange situation for me.
Chelsea ready to swap Hazard for Bale work with manager Jose Mourinho could tempt him into returning to London.
Real to offer Di Maria for Falcao Khedira back for Bayern
ami Khedira has returned to Real Ma[Â?Z[\Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\]ZÂ&#x161;q\ since undergoing a knee operation last year. The Germany international was injured in Die Mannschaftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s match with Italy in November, tearing his anterior cruciate ligament. Â&#x2014;]\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?\ was back in full training Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ^X\ Â&#x201D;YzÂ&#x2019;^X\ ²Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x2DC;`q\ months after going un-
der the knife on Monday. Marca report that YÂ?Â&#x201D;^\ zÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;^4Z\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ include Khedira in the squad for the Champi^zX\ qYÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2014;q\ XqÂ&#x161;Z¨Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ second leg against Bayern Munich later this month. But the newspaper also reveals that the forÂ&#x161;qÂ?\ ]Â&#x2014;4Â&#x2122;YÂ?]\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ _Y`q\ two weeks to prove his Â&#x2DC;]zqXX\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;_\Y\[qcision is made.
i Maria has been linked on a number of occasions with a move away from the Bernabeu in recent months, having nearly left the club last summer, and Monaco are among his several admirers. Real will now hope to use the Argentine winger in their pursuit of Colombian striker Falcao, who is reportedly considering a move back to Spain after just one season in Ligue 1 with Monaco. The 28-year-old had emerged as one of the best strikers in the world during his time at previous club
Atletico Madrid, and has Â&#x161;YZz]YZzq[\ _ZX\ Â&#x2DC;zq\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;\ this year with 11 goals in 19 appearances before picking up an injury mid-season. With Madrid also being linked with the likes of Luis Suarez and Sergio Aguero, a new signing upfront is clearly a priority for the Spanish giants, and they will now be hoping to persuade Monaco to part company with the player with the promise of Di Maria in return. Falcao joined Monaco for ÂŁ51million in the summer, along with other big names such as Joao Moutinho and James Rodriguez.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
FFF reveals Zidaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interest in Les Bleus job
Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[\ Â&#x2122;Â?qY]Â&#x2013;\ Zzq[Zzq\ Z[YzqÂ&#x2013;\ ^EqÂ?q[\ ]^\ Â&#x2019;^YÂ&#x2019;_\ the national team two years ago but was turned down by the president of the French Football Federation. Noel Le Graet says in a book [Â&#x2014;q\ ^Â&#x2014;]\ ]_ZX\ ¢qqÂ&#x201C;\ ]_Y]\ Z[Yzq\ expressed an interest in replacing Laurent Blanc after the 2012 European Championship. Blanc Yz[\ Z[Yzq\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;q[\]^Â&#x2122;q]_qÂ?\¢_qz\ France won the 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000. Â?YzÂ&#x2019;q\ ^^]Â&#x;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2122;Y¡Zzq\ published an extract on Tuesday from Le Graetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s book, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Champions du monde 98, secrets et pouvoirâ&#x20AC;?
(98 world champions, secrets and power). z\ Z]Â&#x2013;\ q\ Â?Yq]\ ¢Â?Z]qX\ ¸ Zzq[Zzq\ Z[Yzq\ ¢^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ _Y`q\ Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x201C;q[\ ]^\ _Y`q\ coached Les Bleus,â&#x20AC;? adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clear, he wanted itâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;I met him at _ZX\Â?q´Â&#x2014;qX]ÂŚÂś But Le Graet refused because Z[YzqÂ&#x2013;\ z^¢\ qYÂ&#x201D;\ Y[Â?Z[Â&#x17E;X\ YXXZX]Yz]\ coach, lacked experience. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was not the moment, he needed ]^\Â&#x2019;^YÂ&#x2019;_\Y\]qYÂ&#x161;\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]Â&#x2013;Âś\ q\ Â?Yq]\XYZ[ÂŚ _q\ Ă?¤¨Â&#x2022;qYÂ?¨^Â&#x201D;[\ Z[YzqÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ XÂ&#x2019;^Â?q[\ ]¢ZÂ&#x2019;q\ Zz\ ]_q\ ¤ššĂ&#x2018;\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ ¢_qz\ Â?YzÂ&#x2019;q\ Â&#x;qY]\ Â?Y¡ZÂ&#x201D;\ §¨¾\ Yz[\ YÂ&#x201D;X^\ Zz\ ]_q\ ¾¾Ă?\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ _YX\ Â&#x;qqz\ Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x201C;q[\ ]^\ ]_q\ Monaco job next season as a possible replacement for Claudio Ranieri.
Costa free to join Chelsea â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Simeone
iego Costa is free to join Chelsea this summer, according to Atletico Madrid manager Diego Simeone. The 25-year-old goal-machine has been linked with a â&#x201A;Ź40m summer switch to Stamford Bridge and Simeone says he will not stand in Costaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way if he wants to make the move. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will depend on him and what he thinks is the best for his future. I will support any decision he makes. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural that Chelsea are interested in him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And that makes me happy, because my aim and that of my Â&#x2019;^YÂ&#x2019;_ZzÂ&#x2122;\X]YE\ZX\]^\Xqq\^Â&#x2014;Â?\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?X\ improve. We understand that ChelXqY\_Y`q\_Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;q\Â&#x2DC;zYzÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\Š^¢qÂ?Â&#x2013;\Yz[\ ZÂ&#x2018;\ _q\ ¢Yz]X\ ]^\ Â&#x201D;Z`q\ ^E\ Â&#x2018;^^]Â&#x;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ the rest of his life, I will have no problem in him going. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was like Radamel Falcao, how could I tell him not to go to Monaco?â&#x20AC;? Simeone lavished praise on his ]^Š\ XÂ&#x2019;^Â?qÂ?\ ^X]YÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ _YX\ Â&#x2DC;Â?q[\ Atletico to the top of La Liga with 26 league goals in 30 appearances.. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a rebel, and I like that, he is [qX]Zzq[\]^\Â&#x;q\Y\[ZEqÂ?qz]\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?ÂŚ\ \ just hope he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop growing, because he still has room to improve. Right now he is among the candidates for the Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or.â&#x20AC;? And Simeone is certain Costa would be a hit under Blues boss Jose Mourinho: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Samuel Etoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;o has Â&#x161;Y[q\]_qÂ&#x161;\Â&#x;q4qÂ?\Yz[\ ZqÂ&#x2122;^\ ^X]Y\ could do his thing there, but for now he is ours.â&#x20AC;? Mourinho is almost certain to sign a top striker this summer after making no secret of his malcontent with his current trio of forwards Fernando Torres, Demba Ba and Samuel Etoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;o.
rsenal have reportedly been given the green light to press ahead with the cut price signing of defender Daryl Janmaat as new contract talks with Feyenoord broke down, according to the Metro. The Gunners have had their eye on the 24-year-old for some time now and are apparently making him their number one target to replace Bacary Sagna as talks to keep the Frenchman at the club appear to have stalled once again. Feyenoord have been desperate to keep him at the Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;q[\]_Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\ their website that talks had Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x;Â?^Â&#x201C;qz\[^¢z\Yz[\_q\ is now set to depart at the end of the season. Janmaart has made no secret of his desire to ply his trade in the Premier League and now Arsenal will look to make their move to secure his signature before he heads ^E\]^\ Â?Y¡ZÂ&#x201D;\]_ZX\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x161;qÂ?\Zz\ order to play a key a part with the Dutch national team.
team-mates.â&#x20AC;? ZYÂ?q4Y\ YÂ&#x201D;X^\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;q[\ ]qqzYÂ&#x2122;qÂ?\ ZÂ&#x161;^zq\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Eq]\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x;q\Y]\]_q\ ]Y[Z^\ Â?ZÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Z\zqÂŤ]\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\ [qXŠZ]q\Y4Â?YÂ&#x2019;]ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Y4qz]Z^z\^Â&#x2018;\]^Š\Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;XÂŚ The 17-year-old has established himself as [ZzqXqÂ&#x17E;X\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]¨Â&#x2019;_^ZÂ&#x2019;q\ Â&#x2122;^YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;qqŠqÂ?\ ]_ZX\ XqYX^z\ and has had a solid campaign. Reports in Italy claim Juventus are targetZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Eq]\ YX\ Y\ Š^]qz]ZYÂ&#x201D;\ Â&#x201D;^zÂ&#x2122;¨]qÂ?Â&#x161;\ Â?qŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x161;qz]\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ZYzÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2122;Z\ Â&#x2014;E^zÂŚ ¸ qÂ&#x2122;YÂ?[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Eq]Â&#x2013;\¢q\_Y`q\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â?qÂ&#x2019;qZ`q[\ calls congratulating him on his season,â&#x20AC;? GiaÂ?q4Y\XYZ[ÂŚ\¸ _qÂ?q\_Y`q\Â&#x;qqz\z^\Â&#x2019;^z]YÂ&#x2019;]X\¢Z]_\ clubs so far. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will keep him for at least another year.â&#x20AC;?
Arsenal get green light to sign Janmaat
The Gunners can snatch him up for a cut price fee now that he has entered ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\ ^Â&#x2018;\ _ZX\ [qYÂ&#x201D;ÂŚ\ Feyenoord had valued the player at ÂŁ7million, but Arsenal will be able to land him for around half of that.
Roma battle Napoli for Suarez
apoli are not the only team in Italy looking to add Atletico Madridâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mario Â&#x2014;YÂ?q¡\ ]^\ ]_qZÂ?\ X´Â&#x2014;Y[\ YX\ Roma have also thrown their hat in the ring to land the 27 year old. The Partenopei and ZYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;^Â?^XXZ\YÂ?q\Zz\Y\Â&#x;Y4Â&#x201D;q\ to secure the services of ]_q\ ŠYzZX_\ Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[qÂ?\ Zz\ Yz\ qE^Â?]\ ]^\ Â&#x161;^Â&#x2014;z]\ a challenge for the Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;[q4^\ zqÂŤ]\ XqYX^zÂŚ\\
Di Natale going nowhere â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Giaretta [ZzqXq\ YÂ?q\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;[qz]\ YŠ]YZz\ z]^zZ^\ Z\ Natale will remain at the club beyond this summer. The Italy forward surprised his club and the fans by announcing earlier this year his intention to retire from football at the end of the season. However, Udinese sporting director, Cristiano ZYÂ?q4YÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;qÂ&#x201D;Zq`qX\ ]_q\ §Ă?¨Â&#x2022;qYÂ?¨^Â&#x201D;[Â&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ Â?qÂ&#x2019;qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ joined the 10 all-time Serie A scorers with 187 goals, will reconsider his decision. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are convinced that Toto (Di Natale) will be ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\¢Z]_\Â&#x2014;X\zqÂŤ]\XqYX^zÂ&#x2013;Âś\_q\XYZ[\]^\ Y¡¡q4Y\ dello Sport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is really charged up and we are certain that he has the determination to continue to play. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a very important player, a leader for his
Despite being tied to the Colchoneros until ¾¤Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x2018;Y\ qzZ]q¡\ _YX\ X_^¢z\ Zz]qÂ?qX]\ Zz\ Â&#x2014;YÂ?q¡\ ]^\ Â?q`^Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;]Z^zZ¡q\ _ZX\ Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[ÂŚ\\ ^¢\ ^Â&#x161;Y\YÂ?q\ also eyeing the Spaniard for a possible move this summer. According to Fichajes. net, Roma is now planning a move for Â&#x2014;YÂ?q¡\ Zz\ ^Â?[qÂ?\ ]^\ [qYÂ&#x201D;\ with life after Miralem Pjanic, who may depart the Capital club this summer. Also, the injury to Kevin Strootman has left the Giallorossi looking for alternatives to reinforce ]_qZÂ?\ Â&#x161;Z[Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x;Y4Â&#x201D;qX\ on all fronts next season. It is thought Roma YÂ?q\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]^\ ^EqÂ?\ Ă?¤¾\ million to secure the services of the Spaniard. YÂ?Z^\ Â&#x2014;YÂ?q¡\ _YX\ made just 17 appearances in the Primera Division for the Colchoneros this season, but missed most of the campaign due to damaged ligaments in his left knee.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
Top 10 highest-earning WTA tennis players The current crop of WTA stars are showing that womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tennis can pack just as much punch as the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side. Like the male tennis heavyweights of today, the cream of the crop in womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tennis make millions of dollars in prize money a year.Some of these 10 women have been in the game for years and still conquer their opponents ! " # $ # % $ &' ( #! $ ( ) # ! ( # * + - /# ( / & ' are the Top 10 ranked female tennis players in the world today, and each playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s respective prize money totals for their careers thus far.
Serena Williams â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $54.2 million
hat is there to say about Serena Williamsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; career that hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t already been said? Sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\Yz[\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;q\]qzzZX\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?\]^\ _Y`q\ ¢^z\ Ă&#x2019;ÂĽÂľ\ Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Z^z\ Zz\ ŠÂ?Z¡q\ Â&#x161;^zqÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ X_qÂ&#x17E;X\ ¢^z\ §\ Â?Yz[\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x161;\ ]Z]Â&#x201D;qX\ ¤Ă&#x17D;\ Zz\ XZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;qXÂ&#x2013;\ ¤§\ Zz\ [^Â&#x2014;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;qX\ ¢Z]_\XZX]qÂ?\ qzÂ&#x2014;XÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\]¢^\Zz\Â&#x161;ZÂŤq[\[^Â&#x2014;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;qXÂźÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2014;Â?\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x161;ŠZÂ&#x2019;\Â&#x2122;^Â&#x201D;[\Â&#x161;q[YÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\Y\Â?qŠÂ&#x2014;]Y]Z^z\YX\^zq\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ Â&#x2122;Â?qY]qX]\]qzzZX\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?X\]^\_Y`q\q`qÂ?\_qÂ&#x201D;[\Y\Â?YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q]ÂŚ\ ]\ §\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X\^Â&#x2018;\YÂ&#x2122;qÂ&#x2013;\ qÂ?qzY\ZX\X_^¢ZzÂ&#x2122;\z^\XZÂ&#x2122;zX\^Â&#x2018;\XÂ&#x201D;^¢ZzÂ&#x2122;\[^¢zÂ&#x2013;\YX\X_q\Â?qÂ&#x161;YZzX\]_q\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[Â&#x17E;X\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\^zq\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\Y\Â&#x201D;Yz[XÂ&#x201D;Z[qÂŚ\ Â&#x161;^zÂ&#x2122;\^]_qÂ?\^E¨Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;Â?]\qz[qY`^Â&#x2014;Â?XÂ&#x2013;\ X_q\YÂ&#x201D;X^\Â&#x;^YX]X\qz[^Â?XqÂ&#x161;qz]X\¢Z]_\ ZÂ&#x201C;qÂ&#x2013;\ Y]^Â?Y[qÂ&#x2013;\ Yz[\ ZÂ&#x201D;X^z\ Š^Â?]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^^[XÂŚ
Maria Sharapova â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $29 million
^Â&#x201D;ZX_¨Â&#x;^Â?z\ Â&#x2122;zZqX¡Â&#x201C;Y\ Y[¢YzXÂ&#x201C;Y\ Â&#x2019;^z]ZzÂ&#x2014;qX\]^\X_^^]\]^¢YÂ?[X\]_q\]^Š\^Â&#x2018;\ the tennis world at the still relatively Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x2122;\YÂ&#x2122;q\^Â&#x2018;\ÂŹĂ?ÂŚ\ _qÂ&#x17E;X\YÂ&#x201D;X^\Š^Xq[\zYÂ&#x201C;q[\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ \ YÂ&#x2122;Y¡ZzqÂ&#x17E;X\ ^[Â&#x2022;\ XXÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x2013;\ Yz[\ _YX\ Yz\ YŠŠYÂ?qÂ&#x201D;\[qYÂ&#x201D;\¢Z]_\ ^4^\ Š^Â?]\ ]YÂ&#x201D;ZY\Â&#x2018;^Â?\_qÂ?\ Â&#x161;Y]Â&#x2019;_qXÂŚ\ Â&#x2014;Â?Â?qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;]_\ Zz\ ]_q\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\ YÂ&#x2018;]qÂ?\ _Y`ZzÂ&#x2122;\ŠqYÂ&#x201C;q[\Y]\XqÂ&#x2019;^z[\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;q\Zz\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\¾¤Â&#x2013;\ Y[¢YzXÂ&#x201C;Y\ZX\]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\_qÂ?\_^Â&#x161;q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Â?Â&#x2022;\ ]^\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\ Z]\ ]^\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Y\ Â?Yz[\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x161;\XZzÂ&#x2019;q\]_q\X]YÂ?]\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\¸ Šqz\ Â?YÂś\^Â&#x2018;\]qzzZXÂ&#x2013;\ Yz[\ _YX\ Â&#x;qqz\ `^]q[\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;^X]\ Š^ŠÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201D;YÂ?\ ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?\Zz\]_q\ \Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_Â?qq\X]Â?YZÂ&#x2122;_]\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?XÂŚ
qÂ?\ qYÂ?zZzÂ&#x2122;X\ YX\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¾¤§\ X]YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ Â&#x2014;Š\ ]^\YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\Ă&#x2019;š\Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Z^zÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\_qÂ?\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;qÂ?^Â&#x2014;X\qz[^Â?XqÂ&#x161;qz]\[qYÂ&#x201D;X\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\ ]_Y]\ z^\ XÂ&#x2014;Â?ŠÂ?ZXqĂ&#x201C;\ ZÂ&#x201C;qÂ&#x2013;\ ^Â?XÂ&#x2019;_qÂ&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x161;XÂ&#x2014;zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ `ZYz\ Yz[\ qÂ&#x2014;qÂ?\ YÂ?q\ YÂ&#x161;^zÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;ŠYzZqX\ X_qÂ&#x17E;X\ XŠ^zX^Â?q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ Â&#x2014;]\ YÂ?ZY\ _YÂ?YŠ^`YÂ&#x17E;X\^z¨Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;Â?]\qŠÂ&#x201D;^Z]X\YÂ?q\ X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ qYXZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ _qÂ?\ Â&#x161;^X]\ [qÂ&#x2DC;zZzÂ&#x2122;\ ´Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Z]Â&#x2022;Ă&#x201C;\ X_qÂ&#x17E;X\¢^z\š\ \XZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;qX\]Z]Â&#x201D;qX\ÂťÂ&#x2018;^Â&#x2014;Â?\^Â&#x2018;\ ]_qÂ&#x161;\ Â&#x;qZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â?Yz[\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x161;XÂźÂ&#x2013;\ Yz\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x161;ŠZÂ&#x2019;\ XZÂ&#x201D;`qÂ?\ Â&#x161;q[YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\ Yz[\ Â&#x201D;YX]\ _qÂ&#x201D;[\ ]_q\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\ zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\^zq\Â?YzÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2018;^Â?\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2014;Â?\Â&#x2019;^zXqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;]Z`q\ ¢qqÂ&#x201C;X\Zz\ Â&#x2014;zq\Yz[\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\¾¤Œ
Victoria Azarenka â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $23.3 million
elarus might not be the most wellÂ&#x201C;z^¢z\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\ ^`Zq]\ X]Y]qXÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ Z]\ _YX\ŠÂ?^[Â&#x2014;Â&#x2019;q[\YÂ?Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\^zq\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x161;^X]\ ]^Š¨z^]Â&#x2019;_\ Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;q\ ]qzzZX\ ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?X\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Â?qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2122;YÂ&#x161;qÂŚ\ ZÂ&#x2019;]^Â?ZY\ ¡YÂ?qzÂ&#x201C;YÂ&#x17E;X\ ]Â?YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ Â?qÂ&#x2019;^Â?[\ ZX\ z^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ X_^Â?]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ X]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;YÂ?Ă&#x201C;\ Y\ ¾¤\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x161;ŠZÂ&#x2019;\ Â&#x;Â?^z¡q\Â&#x161;q[YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\]¢^\ Â&#x2014;X]Â?YÂ&#x201D;ZYz\ Šqz\]Z]Â&#x201D;qXÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\ Y\Â?qŠÂ&#x2014;]Y]Z^z\YX\Y\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\^zqÂŚ\ _ZÂ&#x201D;q\X^Â&#x161;q\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\YÂ&#x201D;X^\Â&#x201C;z^¢\_qÂ?\Â&#x2018;^Â?\Â&#x;qZzÂ&#x2122;\Â?^Â&#x161;Yz]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Zz`^Â&#x201D;`q[\¢Z]_\ q[Â&#x2018;^^\^Â&#x2018;\ \Ă&#x201D;\ _q\_ZÂ&#x161;XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\_YX\]Â?Zq[\qz]qÂ?ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\]qzzZX\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[Â&#x2013;\ ¢Z]_\Â&#x2014;zXÂ&#x2014;Â?ŠÂ?ZXZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x;Y[\Â?qXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]X\Ă&#x201D;\]_q\XqÂ&#x2019;^z[¨ Â?YzÂ&#x201C;q[\ ¡YÂ?qzÂ&#x201C;Y\ZX\YÂ&#x201D;X^\Y\_Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;q\ŠÂ?qXqzÂ&#x2019;q\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x201D;^Â&#x;YÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x;Â?Yz[XÂ&#x2013;\¢Z]_\XŠ^zX^Â?X_ZŠX\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ ZÂ&#x201C;qÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x161;qÂ?ZÂ&#x2019;Yz\ ŠÂ?qXXÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\ Z]Z¡qz\ Y]Â&#x2019;_ÂŚ
Caroline Wozniacki â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $15.6 million
Agnieszka Radwanska â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $13.5 million
Li Na â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $13.3 million
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Petra Kvitova â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $11.1 million
]\ ²Â&#x2014;X]\ §\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ YÂ&#x2122;qÂ&#x2013;\ ¡qÂ&#x2019;_\ ]qzzZX\ X]YÂ?\ q]Â?Y\ `Z]^`Y\ _YX\ YÂ&#x201D;Â?qY[Â&#x2022;\ Xqqz\ ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;qzXq\ XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;qXX\ XZzÂ&#x2019;q\ ]Â&#x2014;Â?zZzÂ&#x2122;\ ŠÂ?^\ Zz\ ¾¾Ă?ÂŚ\ _q\ ]Â?ZÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Š_q[\ Y]\ ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;q[^z\ Zz\ ¾¤¤\Ă&#x201D;\]_q\XYÂ&#x161;q\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\X_q\ŠqYÂ&#x201C;q[\Y]\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\ ]¢^\ ^z\ ]_q\ \ Â?YzÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;X\ Ă&#x201D;\ Yz[\ YÂ&#x201D;X^\ Â&#x161;Y[q\ ]_q\XqÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;X\Â&#x201D;YX]\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\Zz\Â&#x;^]_\]_q\ Â&#x2014;X]Â?YÂ&#x201D;ZYz\ Yz[\ Â?qzÂ&#x2019;_\^ŠqzÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x2019;Â?YX_q[\^Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x;^]_\]ZÂ&#x161;qX\ Y]\ ]_q\ _Yz[X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ YÂ?ZY\ _YÂ?YŠ^`YÂŚ\ z\ ]^Š\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_Y]Â&#x2013;\ `Z]^`Y\YÂ&#x201D;X^\¢qz]\]^\]_q\XqÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;X\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ \ ^Â&#x2014;Â?\ _YÂ&#x161;ŠZ^zX_ZŠXÂŚ\ Â&#x2014;Â?Â?qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â?YzÂ&#x201C;q[\ XZÂŤ]_\Zz\]_q\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[Â&#x2013;\X_q\_YX\Y\Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â?Y]Z`q\XŠ^zX^Â?X_ZŠ\[qYÂ&#x201D;\¢Z]_\ Â&#x2013;\YX\¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\¢Z]_\ ZÂ&#x201D;X^z\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ _qÂ?\Â?YÂ&#x2019;´Â&#x2014;q]X\Yz[\ ZÂ&#x201C;q\Â&#x2018;^Â?\_qÂ?\Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ
Sara Errani â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $7.8 million
Â&#x201D;]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\X_q\_YX\XÂ&#x201D;ZŠŠq[\]^\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\¤¾\Zz\ ]_q\ ¢^Â&#x161;qzÂ&#x17E;X\ Â?YzÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;XÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ ZX\ [ZXYŠŠ^Zz]ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2122;Z`qz\_^¢\X_q\¢YX\^zÂ&#x2019;q\]_q\]^Š¨ Â?YzÂ&#x201C;q[\Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;q\]qzzZX\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?\Zz\]_q\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\Zz\¾¤¾Â&#x2013;\ YÂ?^Â&#x201D;Zzq\ ^¡zZYÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ZÂ&#x17E;X\^`qÂ?YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;qXX\¢Z]_\_qÂ?\[qÂ&#x2018;qzXq¨Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\X]Â&#x2022;Â&#x201D;q\^Â&#x2018;\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2122;Z`qX\Â&#x2019;Â?q[qzÂ&#x2019;q\]^\¢_Â&#x2022;\ X_q\ ZX\ ^zq\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2122;YÂ&#x161;qÂ&#x17E;X\ Â&#x161;^X]\ ¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¨Â&#x201C;z^¢z\ ŠqÂ?X^zYÂ&#x201D;Z]ZqX\]^[YÂ&#x2022;ÂŚ\ _q\ YzZX_\]qzzZX\X]YÂ?\_YX\_Y[\ Y\XqÂ?ZqX\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;X]qÂ?\ŠqÂ?Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;YzÂ&#x2019;qX\^`qÂ?\]_q\ŠYX]\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\Ă&#x201D;\z^]YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Y]\]_q\¾¤§\ Â?qzÂ&#x2019;_\ Šqz\Yz[\ ^Â&#x2122;qÂ?X\ Â&#x2014;ŠÂ&#x2013;\¢_qÂ?q\X_q\Â&#x;^¢q[\^Â&#x2014;]\qYÂ?Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Zz\Â&#x;^]_\]^Â&#x2014;Â?zYÂ&#x161;qz]XÂŚ\ ^¡zZYÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ZÂ&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x201D;X^\ Â&#x201C;z^¢z\ YX\ ^Â?Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019; Â&#x201D;Â?^Â&#x2022;Â&#x17E;X\Â&#x;q4qÂ?\_YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Â?qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\_YX\[qYÂ&#x201D;X\¢Z]_\ [Z[YXÂ&#x2013;\ ^Â&#x201D;qÂŤÂ&#x2013;\ ^zÂ&#x2022;\ Â?ZÂ&#x2019;XX^zÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\ Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x201C;ZX_\ ZÂ?Â&#x201D;ZzqXÂŚ
Jelena Jankovic â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $15 million
_q\ qÂ?Â&#x;ZYz\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[¨zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?¨^zq\ _YX\XÂ&#x201D;ZŠŠq[\]^\qZÂ&#x2122;_]_\Zz\]_q\¢^Â&#x161;qzÂ&#x17E;X\ Â?YzÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;XÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\_qÂ?\ŠqÂ?Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;YzÂ&#x2019;qX\_Y`q\ Â&#x;qqz\X^Â&#x201D;Z[\]_Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_^Â&#x2014;]\]_q\ŠYX]\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?ÂŚ\ qÂ&#x201D;qzY\
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Angelique Kerber â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Career Winnings: $5.4 million
_ZX\ qÂ?Â&#x161;Yz¨Â&#x;^Â?zÂ&#x2013;\ ^Â&#x201D;Yz[¨Â&#x;YXq[\ ]qzzZX\X]YÂ?\ZX\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Â?qz]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â?YzÂ&#x201C;q[\zZz]_\ Zz\]_q\¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[Â&#x2013;\Yz[\]_q\¼¨Â&#x2022;qYÂ?¨^Â&#x201D;[Â&#x17E;X\ ]Â?YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ Â?qÂ&#x2019;^Â?[\ YÂ&#x201D;Â?qY[Â&#x2022;\ XŠqYÂ&#x201C;X\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Z]XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;ÂŚ\ ZzÂ&#x2019;q\ zÂ&#x2122;qÂ&#x201D;Z´Â&#x2014;q\ qÂ?Â&#x;qÂ?\ ]Â&#x2014;Â?zq[\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x2018;qXXZ^zYÂ&#x201D;\ ¤¾\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X\ YÂ&#x2122;^Â&#x2013;\ X_q\ _YX\ ¢^z\ ]_Â?qq\ XZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;qX\]Z]Â&#x201D;qX\^z\]_q\ \]^Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2013;\YX\¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\YX\ Â?qYÂ&#x2019;_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ XqÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ¾¤¤\ \ Šqz\ Yz[\ ]_q\ ¾¤\ ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;q[^z\ _YÂ&#x161;ŠZ^zX_ZŠXÂŚ\ z\]^Š\^Â&#x2018;\]_Y]Â&#x2013;\X_qÂ&#x17E;X\Â&#x161;Y[q\]_q\ \Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;X\¤¤\]ZÂ&#x161;qXÂŚ\ qYÂ&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Y]\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;]_\Zz\]_q\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\Â&#x201D;YX]\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?Â&#x2013;\]_qÂ?q\ZX\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ŠÂ&#x201D;qz]Â&#x2022;\Â&#x161;^Â?q\ ]^\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;q\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ qÂ?Â&#x;qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ Yz[\ _qÂ?\ qz[^Â?XqÂ&#x161;qz]\ [qYÂ&#x201D;X\ _Y`q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;q\ ]_Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\ [Z[YX\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\_qÂ?\^Â&#x2014;]Â&#x2DC;]XÂ&#x2013;\Yz[\ ^zqÂŤ\Â&#x2018;^Â?\_qÂ?\Â?YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q]XÂŚ
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 2014
Maidana, dangerous opponent for Mayweather â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ellerbe
rgentine brawler, Marcos Maidana may be a huge underdog against unbeaten American Floyd Mayweather, but his formidable punching power makes him a dangerous opponent for the poundfor-pound king. Mayweather Promotions chief executive, Leonard Ellerbe even believes that Maidana, the WBA welterweight champion, is the hardest puncher that Mayweather has ever fought in his glittering career. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In my opinion, he is the biggest puncher that Floyd has faced. Maidana is the biggest puncher that Floyd has faced until this point, in my opinion,â&#x20AC;? Ellerbe said. Ellerbe pointed to Maidanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s excellent knockout rate as proof: â&#x20AC;&#x153;He has one of the high-
est knockout percentages out there.â&#x20AC;? Maidana has a record ^Â&#x2018;\ §¼\ ¢ZzX\ Yz[\ ]_Â?qq\ Â&#x201D;^XXqXÂ&#x2013;\¢Z]_\Y\X]Â&#x2014;zzZzÂ&#x2122;\§¤\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]X\¢^z\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\X]^ŠŠYÂ&#x2122;qÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;When he touches people; just go back and look Y]\ ]_q\ Âť [Â?ZqzÂź\ Â?^zqÂ?\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ ÂťÂ&#x201D;YX]\ qÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?ÂźÂ&#x2013;Âś\ Ellerbe said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was the second round. He doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even really turn the shot over. It was more of a grazing shot, and obvi^Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Â?^zqÂ?\ ¢YX\ Âť_Â&#x2014;Â?]ÂźÂ&#x2013;\ and he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recover.â&#x20AC;? Ellerbe said Maidanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s punching power, as well as his come-forward style, will make for an qz]qÂ?]YZzZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ YÂ&#x2122;YZzX]\ YÂ&#x2022;¢qY]_qÂ?\^z\ YÂ&#x2022;\§Â&#x2013;\z^\ Â&#x161;Y4qÂ?\¢_Y]\]_q\^[[X\XYÂ&#x2022;ÂŚ ¸ \[^zÂ&#x17E;]\ŠYÂ&#x2022;\YzÂ&#x2022;\Y4qztion to the odds, because ¢q\YÂ?q\Zz\Y\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]Â&#x2013;Âś\_q\XYZ[ÂŚ\ ¸ _ZX\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;qX\ ]^\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ÂŚ\ Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s busy, he has a very unorthodox style.â&#x20AC;?
Froch vows to stop Groves again
arl Froch and George Groves take to the ring again next month in their rematch and the Cobra has predicted a similar outcome in the Wembley showdown. Froch retained his IBF and WBA supermiddleweight titles when _q\ ¢^z\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ ¢Z]_\ a ninth-round stoppage in Manchester last November. Groves was unhappy about the decision and ZzXZX]q[\ _q\ ¢YX\ Â&#x2DC;]\ ]^\ Â&#x2019;^z]ZzÂ&#x2014;q\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ¢_qz\ referee Howard Foster ended the contest, but Froch insists there will be no arguments about the result this time around. _q\ ^4ZzÂ&#x2122;_YÂ&#x161;¨Â&#x;YXq[\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]qÂ?Â&#x2013;\¢_^\Â?qÂ&#x2019;^`qÂ?q[\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ Y\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]¨Â?^Â&#x2014;z[\Â&#x201C;z^Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;[^¢z\Zz\ Manchester, told Sky Sports:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a mid to late stoppage victory for me unless George Groves does anything erratic and comes out swinging - which he is talking about doing, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But if he does, that suits me brilliantly. He is going to walk straight into a XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;qÂ?\ŠÂ&#x2014;zÂ&#x2019;_\Yz[\]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ is going to be over early. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want that to happen because there will Â&#x;q\Ă&#x2018;ÂľÂ&#x2013;¾¾¾\Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\]_qÂ?q\Yz[\ I want to give them their moneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth.â&#x20AC;? Groves has called for a neutral referee this time, but Froch does not care who is in charge and thinks the demand is a slur against the British boxing authorities. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It looks bad for the British Boxing Board of Control.â&#x20AC;?
Roach: Early aggression cost Bradley
all-of-Fame boxing trainer Freddie Roach was admittedly surprised by Timothy Bradleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aggression at the start of his welterweight rematch against Filipino ring icon Manny Pacquiao last weekend. Bradley did not shy away from toe-to-toe exchanges with Pacquiao, and even caught the Filipiz^\ÂĄÂ&#x2014;X_\¢Z]_\Y\Â?ZÂ&#x2122;_]\_Yz[\ in the fourth round. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expect Bradley to come out with that type of style,â&#x20AC;? Roach said Zz\ ]_q\ Š^X]¨Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ ŠÂ?qXX\ conference. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That threw Â&#x2014;X\ Y\ Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\ Â&#x;Z]\ Â&#x;qÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ ¢q\ thought he was going to box us. We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think he was going to come looking for the homerun all night long.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;He had some success with that. An overhand right in the fourth round â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he hurt Manny,â&#x20AC;? added the trainer. But Bradleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to be aggressive and exchange with Pacquiao proved costly, Roach said, as the American boxer faded down the stretch, his punch output and activity decreasing in the later rounds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was swinging so hard with all the big shots that by the sixth round, he was starting to get tired,â&#x20AC;? Roach said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And I thought from the sixth round, Manny did his job and we just dominated the Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ÂŚÂś â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bradley was going for the fences all night long,
Yz[\ _q\ [Z[\ ]ZÂ?q\ ŠÂ?q4Â&#x2022;\ quickly, I thought. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what made Manny start [^Â&#x161;ZzY]ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ÂŚÂś All three judges scored the bout in Pacquiaoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favor, allowing the Filipino idol to avenge his controversial June 2012 defeat against Bradley and regain his WBO welterweight belt.
Still, Roach was not completely happy with Pacquiaoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance, Y[Â&#x161;Z4ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_Y]\ _ZX\ ŠÂ?Z¡q[\ ŠÂ&#x2014;ŠZÂ&#x201D;\¢YX\¸Y\Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\Â&#x;Z]\XÂ&#x201D;^¢er than Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen him in the past.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The game plan didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go quite as well as I thought,â&#x20AC;? he added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;BeÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ Â?Y[Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2022;\[Z[zÂ&#x17E;]\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ ]_q\]Â&#x2022;Šq\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ \]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_]\
_q\ ¢YX\ Â&#x2122;^zzY\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ÂŚ\ q\ didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think he was gonna be that aggressive.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think he was gonna try to knockout Manny with one punch all night long. For six rounds, _q\ ¢YX\ ŠÂ?q4Â&#x2022;\ [YzÂ&#x2122;qÂ?^Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x2013;\ but after six, Manny domZzY]q[\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ÂŚ\ Â?Y[Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2022;\ had worn himself out and looked a bit tired.â&#x20AC;?
Leapai aims to bash Klitschko in Germany
orld heavyweight title contender, Alex Leapai has vowed to â&#x20AC;&#x153;bashâ&#x20AC;? Wladimir Klitschko and emerge as Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next boxing champion on April 26. It was enough to make any NRL rival shudder in fear. World heavyweight boxing title contender Alex Leapai pledged his allegiance to the Broncos before donning a Brisbane jersey on Tuesday. Thankfully for the Broncosâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; foes, former Cowboys scholarship player LeaŠYZ\ ¢YX\ ²Â&#x2014;X]\ Y4qz[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ _ZX\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ _^Â&#x161;q]^¢z\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x161;^]Z^z\Y_qY[\^Â&#x2018;\_ZX\]Z]Â&#x201D;q\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ with Wladimir Klitschko in Oberhausen, Germany on April 26. But it seems Klitschko ¢^zÂ&#x17E;]\Â&#x2122;q]\^E\X^\Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2122;_]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ÂŚ Leapai has been given a token â&#x20AC;&#x153;puncherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chanceâ&#x20AC;? against the WBO, WBA, IBF and IBO title holder who has not lost in 10 years. However, the QueensÂ&#x201D;Yz[\ Â&#x;Y4Â&#x201D;qÂ?\ §¾¨Ă?¨§\ Â?qÂ&#x2019;^Â?[Â&#x2013;\ ÂŹĂ?\ XÂź\ XYZ[\ _q\ _Y[\ more than one lucky shot lined up for the towering §Ă&#x2018;¨Â&#x2022;qYÂ?¨^Â&#x201D;[\ Â&#x201C;Â?YZzZYz\ ÂťĂ?¤¨ §Â&#x2013;\¼¤\ XŸŒ â&#x20AC;&#x153;In boxing one punch
can change the whole story but I am not depending on that one punch,â&#x20AC;? said Leapai who left for Germany on Monday night. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will be honest. I am going out there to bash him, not just one punch.â&#x20AC;? Broncos players appeared in awe of powerhouse Leapai when he lobbed at training on Tuesday. And there was a very real chance they could have lined up against him in the NRL if fate had not stepped in. Leapai revealed he received a North Queensland scholarship in 1997 but his NRL dream was cut short when he embraced his penÂ&#x2019;_Yz]\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x;^ÂŤZzÂ&#x2122;\ ¨\ Â?qÂ&#x2122;Â?q4Y-
Â&#x;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\^z\]_q\Â&#x2018;^^]Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[ÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I did play football but I did a few stupid things and I got banned from footy,â&#x20AC;? Leapai said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was supposed to play ^Â&#x201D;]X\ ÂťÂ&#x2014;z[qÂ?\ ÂŹÂľXÂź\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_q\ Cowboys but it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen.â&#x20AC;? Not that Leapai is regretting his life choices these days. The underdog will bank Ă&#x2019;¤Œ¼\ Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Z^z\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\ win, lose or draw - not that he is considering anything but success against the giant Â&#x201C;Â?YZzZYzÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am training for 12 rounds and this is Germany we are going to, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really hard to win there.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch
Formula 1: FIA upholds decision on Red Bullâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ricciardo
Tennis: French Open prize money now ÂŁ20.6m
orld motorsport ruling body FIA has to uphold the decision on Red Bull driver Daniel Ricciardoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disqualÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Y]Z^z\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ Â&#x201D;YX]\ Â&#x161;^z]_Â&#x17E;X\ Formula One Australian Grand Prix. The 24-year-old Aus]Â?YÂ&#x201D;ZYz\ Â&#x2DC;zZX_q[\ Â?Â&#x2014;zzqÂ?¨Â&#x2014;Š\ behind Nico Rosberg in the season-opening race in Melbourne but was stripped of the result for Â&#x;Â?qYÂ&#x2019;_ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201D;\ÂĄ^¢\Â?qÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Ytions. Red Bullâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appeal, however, was turned down by FIAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Court of Appeal after a six-hour hearing in Paris on Monday.
The ruling left the world championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rookie driver 10th in the championship with 12 points, 49 behind qÂ?Â&#x2019;q[qXÂ&#x17E;\ ŠYÂ&#x2019;qXq4qÂ?\ ^Xberg ahead of Sundayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chinese Grand Prix. Red Bull thus sit now fourth in the constructorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; standings on 35 points with Mercedes leading on 111. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are of course disappointed by the outcome and would not have appealed if we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think we had a very strong case,â&#x20AC;? read a Red Bull statement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are sorry for Daniel that he will not be awarded the 18 points from the event, which we think he deserved,â&#x20AC;? it added.
Golf: Woods doubtful for US Open
rize money at the French Open will rise to more than â&#x201A;Ź25 million (ÂŁ20.6m) this year, an increase of â&#x201A;Ź3m (ÂŁ2.48m) from last year. The menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s champions will receive â&#x201A;Ź1.65m (ÂŁ1.36m) each, â&#x201A;Ź150,000 (ÂŁ123,974) more than 2013, and Â&#x201D;^XZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;ZX]X\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ receive â&#x201A;Ź825,000 (ÂŁ681,859), a raise of â&#x201A;Ź75,000 (ÂŁ61,987). Tournament director and French Tennis Federation director Gilbert Ysern says â&#x20AC;&#x153;this notable increase in Roland Garros prize money is part of the plan that was put in place for 2013 until 2016.â&#x20AC;? There are also notable increases for losers in the second, third and fourth rounds. Last year, the prize money went up from â&#x201A;Ź18.7m (ÂŁ15,455,475) to â&#x201A;Ź22m (ÂŁ18,182,912). The tournament begins on May 25.
Cycling: Taylor ready to test self at BMX Supercross
iger Woods is a doubt for the US Open in June after undergoing surgery on his back at the start of April. The 38-year-old was forced to miss last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Masters at Augusta after going under the surgeonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s knife to correct a problem that has been bothering him for some time. The world number one has failed to hit the heights in his limited appearances this year, and it became obvious that there was a problem as he winced his way round various courses. The 14-time major winner took the option of Â&#x161;ZXXZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Â&#x2022;qYÂ?Â&#x17E;X\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\Â&#x161;Y²^Â?\ Zz\Y\Â&#x;Z[\]^\Â&#x;q\Â&#x2DC;]\Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_q\^]_qÂ?\ big tournaments in 2014 but, according to his long-time friend and former PGA Tour player, Notah Begay, Woods might not be ready to play at Pinehurst on June 12. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been in contact with him this week,â&#x20AC;? he told the Golf Channel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He missed being at Augusta and certainly was watching the tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think he needs to give his back a minimum of 90
days to make sure that scar tissue heals up appropriately and he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t run the risk of re-injuring it. So that would push him past the US Open.â&#x20AC;? The Open Championship is due to be held at Royal Liverpool Golf Club from July 17-20 and, if Begayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calculations are correct, it might even be touch-and-go as to whether the American ZX\Â&#x2DC;]\]^\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;\^z\ qÂ?XqÂ&#x2022;XZ[qÂŚ
reat Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abbie Taylor is ready to test herself against the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best at the UCI BMX Supercross in Manchester. The 20-year-old spent the majority of 2013 out of action with a back injury but will return to the world cup circuit on 18-19 April at the National BMX Centre. Her last outing in the
competition came at Great Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s training base in April 2013 when Taylor Â?qYÂ&#x2019;_q[\]_q\XqÂ&#x161;Z¨Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;XÂŚ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I missed a lot last year because of injury but training has been fantastic. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really loving the track and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gone exactly how I wanted it to go,â&#x20AC;? Taylor said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Preparation has been good, my times have been improving. Hopefully Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll
have a lot of home support at the race. My friends and family and people from my BMX club will be coming so hopefully I can just put in a good performance.â&#x20AC;? Taylorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only appearYzÂ&#x2019;q\ Zz\ Y\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Š\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ came in Abbotsford, Canada during the 2012 season when she won bronze behind Laura Smulders and Kirsten Dellar.
Athletics: Ugandan Parliament probes sex scandal
probe has been opened by the Ugandan Parliament into the alleged sex abuse of female national team runners by a male coach. Since news of the allegations broke last month the scandal, now described as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;national shameâ&#x20AC;? by one Member of Parliament, has been gripping the central African nation and has even cast into doubt their participation in the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this summer. Following below-par performances by Ugandan athletes at the African Cross Country Championships in mid-March, local news reports described extensive sexual harassment and abuse from one coach during a training camp ahead
of the race. One athlete, who stayed anonymous for fear of reprisals, described how the coach would â&#x20AC;&#x153;wake up in the middle of the night and come to our roomâ&#x20AC;?, and â&#x20AC;&#x153;if you refused to do what he wanted, he would beat you upâ&#x20AC;?. The coach, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was also accused of telling female members that they had to have XqÂŤ\ Zz\ ^Â?[qÂ?\ ]^\ ŠqÂ?Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;\ Â&#x;q4qÂ?\ ^z\ ]_q\ grounds that â&#x20AC;&#x153;if a womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private parts are wide, their legs move easilyâ&#x20AC;?. In response to this, team captain Moses Kipsiro, who won a 5,000 and 10,000 metres double at the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games after a 5,000m bronze medal at the 2007 World Championships in Osaka, went public and relayed complaints from his female team-mates.
Given her recent injury setback, she has made a ]^Š\ qZÂ&#x2122;_]\ Â&#x2DC;zZX_\ Zz\ Yzchester her target. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A good performance ¢^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ Â&#x;q\ ]^\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;nal, so top eight,â&#x20AC;? Taylor said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be good if I can Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201C;q\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ _qÂ?qÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\ Â&#x17E;`q\Â&#x161;Y[q\]_q\Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;\ somewhere else (Canada) not many people went. Hopefully the standard of competition will be higher here. I can judge myself against the best in the world.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch
45 Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Boko Haram threatens Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fabric as an entity â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Opara Barr. Victor Opara has carved a niche for himself in the art of defense advocacy. This has seen him being defense counsel in celebrated cases including that of murdered Ms. Cynthia Osokogu thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currently before Justice Olabisi Akinlade of a Lagos High Court in Igbosere. In this stimulating chat with STEPHEN UBIMAGO, he maintains that a lawyer cannot be said to be aiding and abetting criminality and anti-social conduct by representing crime suspects insofar as heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well within the precincts of the law regulating his practice. He also aired his take on burning issues in the polity like insurgency in the northeast, President Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presidential ambition, among others.
ould you regard the spate of Boko Haram 9 9:;<=> ?@A:@> @9<> <CA;DE> AF> G@D> I9<G> JFD> KJFG@=>9<>@9LAFM>JLDN?@DIKDE>G@D> ND<AEDFG> JJEIP:;> JF9G@9FQ<>9EKAFA<GN9GAJFR Nigeria seems to be right now at the edge of a precipice, and if care is not taken, the whole country is going to collapse. And that is largely due to the insecurity in the body politic. As it is, you can see that the scourge of Boko Haram is no longer threatening the northeast alone. It is threatening the fabric of Nigeria as an entity. This is because we are in a state of war. Initially people thought they were merely brawls. Some people called it skirmishes; some called Z]\ Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\ Â&#x;Y4Â&#x201D;qXÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ z^¢\ ¢q\ YÂ?q\ Â&#x;q4qÂ?\ informed: we are in a state of war! You can see the recent deployment of quantum number of troops and the kind of military hardware being taken to the north east. This will tell you that this is not a type of quelling of studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; union riots or the quelling of a riot of people Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\^`qÂ?\Â?ZÂ&#x2019;q\Yz[\[^[^ÂŚ\ ]\ZX\YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\Y\ situation where our territorial integrity is being torn at the edges. As far as I am concerned, the Boko Haramists do not _Y`q\ Yz\ YÂ&#x2122;qz[YÂŚ\ _qÂ&#x2022;\ YÂ?q\ Zz\ Y\ Â&#x161;ZXXZ^z\ just to destroy the society. But in a situY]Z^z\Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x201C;q\]_ZXÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\_Y`q\]^\Â?ZXq\]^\]_q\^Â&#x2019;casion. What is it that has happened to our military? We read in the past that our military were the best in the world. They went to Sri Lanka, they went to [ZEqÂ?qz]\ ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;qX\ Yz[\ qÂŤÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[ÂŚ\ Â&#x2014;]\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ YÂ?q\ z^]\ qÂŤÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Y]\ _^Â&#x161;qÂŚ\ _Y]\ ZX\ ]_q\ problem? Is it as a result of the fact that our military are no longer in tune with the realities of the day? Or is it because there is sabotage somewhere? Or are we q`qz\ ¢Z]zqXXZzÂ&#x2122;\ Yz\ ZÂ&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;^XZ^zĂ&#x2022;\ \ [^zÂ&#x17E;]\ see any reason why people will wake up and slaughter others like rams and Â&#x2122;^Y]X\Yz[\]_q\zqÂŤ]\[YÂ&#x2022;\Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\¢YÂ&#x201C;q\ up, go to church and start singing alÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;ZYÂŚ\ X\Z]\ZX\z^¢\¢q\_Y`q\[q`qÂ&#x201D;^Šq[\ Y\Â&#x201C;Zz[\^Â&#x2018;\X_^Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\YÂ&#x;X^Â?Â&#x;qÂ?\^`qÂ?\]_q\ ^Â&#x201C;^\
YÂ?YÂ&#x161;\ Â&#x161;qzYÂ&#x2019;qÂŚ\ `qÂ?Â&#x2022;\ [YÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ ¢YÂ&#x201C;q\ up, you read the newspapers and all you see is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;500 people slaughtered like rams,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;300 people slaughtered like goats,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; etc. And yet we feel safe. I think ]_Y]\]_q\Â?qYÂ&#x201D;\YzX¢qÂ?\ZX\Y\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;ŠÂ?q_qzXZ`q\ military solution. S>:JKCND@DF<ALD>KAIAG9NS><JIPGAJF=> ?@9G>EJ>SJP>KD9FR Quite honestly, the military need to Y[^Š]\Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x2019;^z`qz]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x161;q]_^[\Zz\^Â?[qÂ?\ to contain the Boko Haram scourge. Our military must be trained in both Â&#x2019;^z`qz]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\ Yz[\ Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x2019;^z`qz]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\ ¢YÂ?Â&#x2018;YÂ?qÂŚ\ Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\YÂ?q\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\Zz\Y\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;q\¢_qÂ?q\ your enemies are desert warriors, you
Victor Okpara
Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\ ]Â?YZzq[\ Zz\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Zz\ ]_q\ [qsert. If your opponents are people who YÂ?q\ Â&#x2014;Xq[\ ]^\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;^Â&#x2014;z]YZzXÂ&#x2013;\ ]_qz\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\]Â?YZzq[\]^\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]\Zz\]_q\ mountains. The most important thing is that you must nip in the bud the aggression and any threat to your own security. So basically the answer is for there to be a well coordinated military camŠYZÂ&#x2122;z\]^\Â?^Â&#x2014;]\]_qXq\ZzXÂ&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;qz]X\¢_qÂ?q`qÂ?\ they may be. They are human beings and not ghosts. PG> <JKD> CDJCID> @9LD> <9AE> G@9G> G@D> ?9N> :9F> JFIS> TD> UJPM@G> G@NJPM@> P<D> JU> EDUG> KAIAG9NS> AFGDIIAMDF:DV> AF> JG@DN>
?JNE<> G@9G> KJND> FDDE<> GJ> TD> EJFD> AF> ND<CD:G>JU>AFGDIIAMDF:DXM9G@DNAFM>:9C9TAIAGS>JF>G@D>C9NG>JU>G@D> AMDNA9F>KAIAG9NSY> J>SJP><@9ND>G@D><9KD>LAD?R You see, when we talk about military campaigns, you must understand that there is no military campaign without military intelligence. So in talking about intelligence-gathering, it must be what Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;Z[qX\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ YX\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2014;zÂ&#x2019;_\ Yz\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ÂŚ\ _Â&#x2014;X\ \YÂ&#x161;\XYÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_qÂ&#x2022;\X_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\z^]\Â&#x161;^`q\ aimlessly like sheep lacking a shepherd. q\ YÂ?q\ XYÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_Y]\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;Z]YÂ?Â&#x2022;\ ^EqzXZ`q\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2019;^^Â?[ZzY]q[Â&#x2013;\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ YX\Z]\ZX\z^¢Â&#x2013;\]_q\¢YÂ?\_YX\[qÂ&#x2DC;q[\Â?qYX^z\
Nigeria seems to be right now at the edge of a precipice, and if care is not taken, the whole country is going to collapse. And that is largely due to the insecurity in the body politic. As it is, you can see that the scourge of Boko Haram is no longer threatening the northeast alone. It is threatening the fabric of Nigeria as an entity
and dialogue. It is now a question of using Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military might to contain the insurgency while not ruling out the ^Š]Z^z\^Â&#x2018;\[ZYÂ&#x201D;^Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;qÂŚ\ _qz\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;Â?Xq\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ [^\ q`qÂ?Â&#x2022;]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Š^XXZÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ to defend the defenseless citizens. And ]_Y]\ZX\¢_Y]\Â?Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;qÂ?¨X_ZŠ\Yz[\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zYzÂ&#x2019;q\ is about. @D>UJNDF<A:>9PEAG>JU>G@D> >A<>:PNNDFGIS> MJAFM> JFY> DG> ?D> @9LD> FJG> <J> KP:@> 9<> @D9NE> G@9G> 9> <AKAI9N> 9PEAG> JU> G@D> > A<> TDAFM> :9NNADE> JPGY> FE> ND:DFGIS> G@D> PEAGJN> DFDN9I> JU> G@D> DEDN9GAJF>NDUDNNDE> AMDNA9F<>GJ><JKD> :JF<GAGPGAJF9I>CNJLA<AJF=>?@A:@>DF9:G<> G@9G>@A<>JZ:D>:9FFJG>9PEAG>G@D>9::JPFG> JU>G@D> Y> JD<>G@A<>G@DF>KD9F>G@9G> G@D> @9FE<> JU> G@D> 9PG@JNAGAD<> 9ND> UDGGDNDE>AF>G@A<>NDM9NER _ZX\ZX\Y\`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\XZÂ&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;q\XZ]Â&#x2014;Y]Z^zÂŚ\ _qÂ?q\ are allegations of misappropriation in the NNPC. There are also allegations of misappropriation at the CBN under the watch of Sanusi. My take on this is ]_Y]\]_qÂ?q\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;ŠÂ?q_qzXZ`q\YÂ&#x2014;[Z]\ of these parastatals. There is nothing X]^ŠŠZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ XqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\XqÂ?`ZÂ&#x2019;qX\^Â&#x2018;\Â?qz^¢zq[\Â&#x2019;_YÂ?]qÂ?q[\Yz[\ forensic accountants, be they Nigerians or non-Nigerians to perform this audit. _qÂ?q\ ZX\ z^\ ^zX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\ ŠÂ?^`ZXZ^z\ that says an account cannot be entrustq[\]^\qŠqÂ?]X\Zz\]_Y]\Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[\]^\Xqq\¢_q]_qÂ?\ there are accounting discrepancies in those accounts for us to know the truth. With due respect to our indigenous accountants, the real challenge is that Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2019;YÂ?qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;\Zz\XqÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]ZzÂ&#x2122;\YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Yz]X\¢_^\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x201D;Z`q\YÂ&#x;^`q\ Â&#x;^YÂ?[Â&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ _Y`q\ Y\ zYÂ&#x161;q\ ]^\ ŠÂ?^]qÂ&#x2019;]ÂŚ\ We are talking about accountants who Â&#x2019;Yz\ X]Yz[\ ^z\ ]_q\ XYÂ&#x161;q\ Â&#x201D;q`qÂ&#x201D;\ ¢Z]_\ ]_qZÂ?\ international counterparts and people ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ XYÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2022;qX\ ¢q\ YÂ?q\ XY]ZXÂ&#x2DC;q[\ ¢Z]_\ ]_q\ job done. I know there are accountants Zz\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\¢_^\_Y`q\Y\zYÂ&#x161;q\]^\ŠÂ?^]qÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\ who can do a good job without compromise. They need not be big names. They could be small names with plenty integÂ?Z]Â&#x2022;Ă&#x2013;\Yz[\z^]\Â&#x;ZÂ&#x2122;\zYÂ&#x161;qX\¢Z]_\Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\Zz]qÂ&#x2122;Â?Z]Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ ^Â&#x2014;\Â&#x201C;z^¢Â&#x2013;\_qÂ?q\Zz\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZYÂ&#x2013;\¢q\_Y`q\ a way of celebrating names rather than Â&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x;Â?Y]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ `ZÂ?]Â&#x2014;qXÂŚ\ \ ]_ZzÂ&#x201C;\ ¢q\ X_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x;Â?Y]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ `ZÂ?]Â&#x2014;qXÂŚ\ qXZ[qXÂ&#x2013;\ ZÂ&#x2018;\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ could bring in foreigners to Nigeria to Â&#x2122;Z`q\ Y[`ZÂ&#x2019;q\ ^z\ Â&#x2019;^zX^Â&#x201D;Z[Y]Z^z\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x;YzÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x2013;\ \Â&#x;qÂ&#x201D;Zq`q\]_qÂ?q\ZX\YÂ&#x201D;X^\z^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\¢Â?^zÂ&#x2122;\Zz\ bringing in reputable international acÂ&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;X\]^\_qÂ&#x201D;Š\¢_qÂ?q\¢q\_Y`q\Y\ challenge in conducting a forensic audit as the present case seems. There is nothing stopping us from bringing people ¢_^\Â&#x201C;z^¢\Â&#x;q4qÂ?\]_Yz\Â&#x2014;X\Zz\Y\ŠYÂ?]ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;YÂ?\ Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x201D;[\ ]^\ YXXZX]\ Â&#x2014;X\ ]^\ [^\ ]_q\ ²^Â&#x;\ Â?ZÂ&#x2122;_]Â&#x2013;\ ZÂ&#x2018;\ ¢q\ YX\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZYzX\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ]_q\ zqÂ&#x2019;qXXYÂ?Â&#x2022;\ qÂŤContinued on page 46
Daily Newswatch
thursday, april 17, 2014
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Boko Haram threatens Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fabric as an entityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Cynthia-Osokogu Continued from page 45
pertise. Recently some northern elders like Maitama Sule, Paul Unongo and others reportedly urged President Jonathan not to contemplate contesting the 2015 general election in view of the pervasive insecurity and what not. Legally speaking, would you subscribe to the call on Jonathan not to nurse presidential ambition given the prevailing circumstances? Stricto sensu, speaking as a lawyer ¢Z]_Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;zqX\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ^zX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^z\ and the electoral law, there is nothing stopping President Jonathan from contesting. If there is a gentle man agreement that Jonathan had with northern Š^Â&#x201D;Z]ZÂ&#x2019;ZYzX\ ]_Y]\ ZX\ Y\ [ZEqÂ?qz]\ ]_ZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\ ]\ becomes a moral thing, a moral burden. But I am not here to talk about morality, because I am not privy to whatever Jonathan said or did not say to them. But ¢Z]_Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;zqX\ Yz[\ ŠYÂ?YÂ&#x161;q]qÂ?X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ^zX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^z\YX\Z]\ZXÂ&#x2013;\]_qÂ?q\ZX\z^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ stopping President Jonathan from contesting the election in 2015; and indeed _q\ZX\´Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2DC;q[\]^\[^\X^ÂŚ\ _Y]\ZX\z^]\]^\XYÂ&#x2022;\ that if there was a gentlemen agreement or there was a zoning arrangement that he had with party members or with northerners, he should not respect such if he wants to. But stricto sensu, I believe that the president that Nigerians need now must be tribally anonymous. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care whether he is an Ijaw man. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t care whether he is an Ibo or Yoruba man. I need somebody that will take us from the doldrums to that promise land in our life time. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want a situation whereby I will only enjoy the dividend of democracy at menopause. I want to enjoy the dividend in my lifetime, while I can still enjoy it. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ¢Yz]\ Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\ ]^\ ]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x161;q\ ]_q\ X]^Â?Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ _q\ generation yet unborn should not wake me up from my grave and say yes we are now enjoying it. So it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter whether Jonathan is from the southsouth or the leader is from the south east. I believe we need somebody who will see me not as an Ibo man, but as a Nigerian; not as a Yoruba man, but as a Nigerian. And he must be one who sees the whole of Nigeria as his constituqzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ _^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\]Â?ZÂ&#x;q\Yz[\]^zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2014;q\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\[ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ ¢q\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ X]Yz[\ Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;\ Zz\ Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ ^X]\ of us just recite the pledge for the sake of it. During recitation of the National z]_qÂ&#x161;\ ¢q\ ²Â&#x2014;X]\ X]Yz[\ Y]\ Y4qz]Z^zÂ&#x2013;\ ¢q\ [^zÂ&#x17E;]\Â&#x201C;z^¢\]_q\Â&#x161;qYzZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\ _Y]\ZX\z^]\]^\ say that I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respect the fact that there are ethnic blocks all over the place. But quite honestly the issue shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be
ethnic origin, but a leader who would guarantee my daily bread, good roads, with our hospitals transiting from being mere consulting clinics to real hospitals, while Nigerians stop going to India, London, America on medical vacations ^Â?\]Â?ZŠXÂŚ\ _Y]\ZX\¢_qz\Z]\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x;q\ŠÂ&#x201D;qYXZzÂ&#x2122;\ to be called a Nigerian. Quite honestly, we need total revolution. When I talk of revolution, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean a bloody revolution, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean a coup dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ĂŠtat or arms revolution. I mean a revolution of ourselves. We keep on talking about constitutional amendment. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think we need that. We need to amend ourselves. We need human amendment instead constitutional amendment. Once we amend ourselves, we amend our psyche, we prioritize our needs and choose between the most compelling, if we get our values right and go back to the days of yore, then quite honestly we will move to the Promised Land. Are you therefore saying that at the heart of the Nigerian challenge is the personality of the average Nigerian? Look, let me tell you, if you take Nigerians as they are now to Britain, I am telling you the British system will collapse within a day. If you take Nigerians as they are now to Libya, the place is going to collapse. Nigerians have this mindset of criminality, a mindset for Â&#x2018;Â?YÂ&#x2014;[Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2019;^Â?Â?Â&#x2014;Š]Z^zÂ&#x2013;\ q]Â&#x2019;ÂŚ\ _Y]\ ZX\ ¢_Â&#x2022;\ ¢q\ are treated like a pariah nation in the comity of nations. Do you imply that Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problem may be located in the DNA? You see it is a problem of the head that
Maitama Sule
_YX\YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\[ZXqYXq[\]_q\Â&#x;^[Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ _Y]\ZX\ why you have both leadership and the Â&#x2018;^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;^¢qÂ?X_ZŠ\ ]Â?qY[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ Â?qÂ&#x2122;Â?q4YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ ŠY]_\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2019;^Â?Â?Â&#x2014;Š]Z^z\ Yz[\ Z[Z^Â&#x161;ÂŚ\ _qÂ?q\ ZX\ what is called orientation. You cannot divorce orientation from the general surrounding. A situation where mediocrity has actually assumed the position of meritocracy; where fraud has been elevated to an art; where if you are richly fraudulent, you will be able to manipulate the Nigerian system, is indeed an ominous and bad situation. And this constitutes the factors that lie at the root of the Nigerian challenge. In other words, once you steal the biggest, you then go and sanitized or launder ]_q\ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¨Â&#x2122;^4qz\¢qYÂ&#x201D;]_\Zz\]_q\Â&#x2019;_Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2019;_qXÂŚ\ ^\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ Â&#x2DC;z[\ Y\ XZ]Â&#x2014;Y]Z^z\ ¢_qÂ?q\ ¢q\ Â&#x2122;Â&#x201D;^Â?ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\¢^Â?X_ZŠ\ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¨Â&#x2122;^4qz\¢qYÂ&#x201D;]_ÂŚ Are lawyers also not part of the problem considering the fact when somebody commits stealing or murder or even corrupt practice, the next thing is to engage the services of a brilliant lawyer to manipulate the judicial process? Well, if you are talking about lawyers who do not live up to their professional obligation to their clients, then lawyers are part of the problem. But there is nothing wrong in a lawyer accepting a Â&#x;Â?ZqÂ&#x2018;\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\Y\XÂ&#x2014;ŠŠ^Xq[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2019;^Â?Â?Â&#x2014;Š]\^IÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\ because by constitutional imprimatur that person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. So a lawyer could accept the brief, because he has a duty to up_^Â&#x201D;[\]_q\Â&#x201D;q4qÂ?\Yz[\XŠZÂ?Z]\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ ^zX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^zĂ&#x2013;\Yz[\]_q\ ^zX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^z\Zz\XqÂ&#x2019;]Z^z\§Ă?\
Our military must be trained in both conventional and unconventional 2345346 ,5 789 346 :;<=>?; >? 3 @D3F6 where your enemies are desert warriors, 789 K9Q= R6 =43>?6W >? :;<=>?; >? =<6 W6Q64= ,5 7894 8@@8?6?=Q 346 @68@D6 2<8 346 9Q6W =8 :;<=>?; >? =<6 K89?=3>?Q =<6? 789 K9Q= R6 =43>?6W =8 :;<= >? =<6 mountains
says the man is presumed innocent until ŠÂ?^`qz\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;ZÂ&#x201D;]Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ _Â&#x2014;X\Y]\]_q\]ZÂ&#x161;q\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\YÂ?q\ accepting that brief, by law, he is an innocent man. You then deploy your skills ]^\[qÂ&#x2018;qz[\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;_\Y\ŠqÂ?X^zÂŚ\ _q\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x201D;Y¢yers I berate are those that would compromise the judicial system or the ethics of the profession. Lawyers must understand that they owe a duty to themselves, to the court, to the client and to God. So to that extent, you are a corrupt and fraudulent lawyer if you are part of the structure corrupting the system, and for that you ought to be brought ]^\ Â&#x;^^Â&#x201C;ÂŚ\ Z]_Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x161;qz]X\ Yz[\ parameters of decent law and decent practice, and within the limits of norms contained in the rules of professional conduct of legal practitioners, of course if a suspected armed robber comes to engage the services of a lawyer, save in certain instances where your conscience and beliefs do not allow you, then you ought to accept the brief and do it with the fullest of gumption at your disposal. What are your views about the desirability of the Confab? It is a waste of time. Who are these delegates? Are they not the same Nigerians? Are they not the same people who led this country to the current position? It is not about how many conferences we have, but the sincerity of those conferences. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need rocket science to know that what is bad is bad. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to be told that as a governor you ought to provide basic amenities in your state, good roads, portable water, YE^Â?[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ _^Â&#x2014;XZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ qz_YzÂ&#x2019;q[\ Â&#x161;ZzZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;\¢YÂ&#x2122;qÂ&#x2013;\q]Â&#x2019;ÂŚ\ _ZX\ZX\]_q\Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ have with the people. As a president, you do not need advisers to tell you that you have an abiding duty to ensure the security of life and property under your watch; to ensure that corruption is reduced to the barest minimum. So you Â&#x2DC;z[\Y\XZ]Â&#x2014;Y]Z^z\¢_qÂ?q\]_q\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2018;YÂ&#x;\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x;q\ a waste of national resources, because what are you going to say at the confab that you cannot say at the legislature if you are sincere. What point are you going to make there that you cannot channel through constitutional amendment and making of bills and assenting to bills. So it is going to be party time like it had been in the past. It is diversionary; people will go there and enjoy themselves; a lot of resources will be wasted and Nigerians are the ones who ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â&#x2DC;zYzÂ&#x2019;q\ Z]\ ¢Z]_\ ]_qZÂ?\ X¢qY]ÂŚ\ ]\ ]_q\ end of the day the confab will produce Â&#x201D;Z4Â&#x201D;q\^Â?\z^]_ZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\\\\\\\\\
Daily Newswatch thursday, april 17, 2014
Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula
Validity of a contract
here are other requirements in addition to the elements of a contract for a contract to be `YÂ&#x201D;Z[ÂŚ\ _q\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ZX\]_Y]\]_q\ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\_Y`q\Â&#x2019;YŠYÂ&#x2019;Z]Â&#x2022;\]^\Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]ÂŚ\ qÂ&#x2019;^z[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ ŠÂ&#x2014;Â?Š^Xq\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x201D;Y¢Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;ÂŚ\ _ZÂ?[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;YÂ&#x201D;\ Yz[\ ]_q\ ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Zz]qz[\]^\Â&#x2019;Â?qY]q\Y\Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;YÂ&#x201D;\Â?qÂ&#x201D;Y]Z^zX_ZŠŒ\ YX]Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x2019;^zXqz]ÂŚ\ _^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\ YzÂ&#x2022;\^Â&#x2018;\]_qXq\Â&#x;q\Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Y\ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2019;Yz\YXXqÂ?]\ it as a basis of his defence. Such defenses ^ŠqÂ?Y]q\]^\[q]qÂ?Â&#x161;Zzq\¢_q]_qÂ?\Y\ŠÂ&#x2014;Â?Š^Â?]ed contract is either (1) void or (2) voidYÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;qÂŚ\ ^Z[\Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]X\Â&#x2019;Yzz^]\Â&#x;q\Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2DC;q[\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ qZ]_qÂ?\ ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ ^Z[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]X\ Â&#x2019;Yz\ Â&#x;q\ Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2DC;q[ÂŚ z[qÂ?\ ]_q\ zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;ZX_\ Â&#x201D;Y¢Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x201C;q\ Â&#x161;qÂ?ZÂ&#x2019;Yz\ Â&#x2014;Â?ZX[ZÂ&#x2019;]Z^zÂ&#x2013;\Zz\Y[[Z]Z^z\]^\^EqÂ?Â&#x2013;\YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;qŠ]YzÂ&#x2019;q\ Yz[\ Â&#x2019;^zXZ[qÂ?Y]Z^zÂ&#x2013;\ ]_qÂ?q\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\Yz\Zz]qz]Z^z\^z\]_q\ŠYÂ?]\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ ]^\Â&#x;q\Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x;^Â&#x2014;z[ÂŚ\\ _qÂ?q\ZX\Y\ŠÂ?qXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Š]Z^z\Â&#x2018;^Â?\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;qÂ?Â&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\YÂ&#x2122;Â?qqÂ&#x161;qz]X\]_Y]\ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ Zz]qz[\ ]^\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2122;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;^Â&#x2014;z[\ ÂťÂ&#x2014;zÂ&#x201D;qXX\ ]_q\ ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ qŠÂ?qXXÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ X]Y]q\ ]_Y]\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ [^\ z^]\ ¢Yz]\ ]^\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x;^Â&#x2014;z[Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x201C;q\ Zz\ _qY[X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ YÂ&#x2122;Â?qqÂ&#x161;qz]ŸŒ\ z\ ]_q\ ^]_qÂ?\ _Yz[Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x161;YzÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x201C;Zz[X\^Â&#x2018;\[^Â&#x161;qX]ZÂ&#x2019;\Yz[\X^Â&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\YÂ&#x2122;Â?qqÂ&#x161;qz]X\ YÂ?q\Â&#x2014;zqzÂ&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x2019;qYÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\^z\]_q\Â&#x;YXZX\^Â&#x2018;\ŠÂ&#x2014;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;\ Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ZzX]YzÂ&#x2019;q\Â&#x;q]¢qqz\Â&#x2019;_ZÂ&#x201D;[Â?qz\Yz[\ ŠYÂ?qz]XÂŚ\ zq\ qYÂ?Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ qÂŤYÂ&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;q\ ZX\ Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2014;z[\ Zz\ Balfour v. Balfour ,[1919] 2 KB 571. 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Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN (right), Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye (middle) and the President, Global Network of Public Interest Law, Professor Edwin Rekosh (left) during the Lagos Public Interest Law Partnership (LPILP) Dinner/Launch of the Pro-Bono Trust Fund with the theme, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Building A Culture of Pro Bono in Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;? in Lagos, on Friday, April 11, 2014
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Only those involved in striking a bargain would have standing to enforce it. In general, this is still the case, only parties to a contract may sue for the breach of a contract, although in recent years the rule of privities has eroded somewhat and third @34=7 R6?6:F>34>6Q <3X6 R66? 3DD826W =8 recover damages for breaches of contracts they were not party to
of England, , for contracts subject to legislation equivalent to the Statute of frauds, there is no requirement for the entire contract to Â&#x;q\Zz\¢Â?Z]ZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ŠÂ?^ŠqÂ?]Â&#x2022;\]Â?YzXactions there must be a note or memoran[Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;\ q`Z[qzÂ&#x2019;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;q\ Zz]^\ qÂŤZX]qzÂ&#x2019;q\ YÂ&#x2018;]qÂ?\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\ _YX\ been formed. The note or memorandum Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\Â&#x;q\XZÂ&#x2122;zq[\Zz\X^Â&#x161;q\¢YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\Yz[\Y\XqÂ?ZqX\ ^Â&#x2018;\[^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;qz]X\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x;q\Â&#x2014;Xq[\Zz\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;q\^Â&#x2018;\Y\ single note or memorandum. It must contain all material terms of the con]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\]_q\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x;²qÂ&#x2019;]\Â&#x161;Y4qÂ?\Yz[\]_q\ŠYÂ?]ZqX\ to the contract. In England and Wales, the common law Statute of Frauds is ^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\z^¢\Zz\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x2019;q\Â&#x2018;^Â?\Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;YÂ?Yz]qqXÂ&#x2013;\¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ must be evidenced in writing, although ]_q\ YÂ&#x2122;Â?qqÂ&#x161;qz]\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x;q\ Â&#x161;Y[q\ ^Â?YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ qÂ?]YZz\ ^]_qÂ?\ Â&#x201C;Zz[X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;X]\ Â&#x;q\ Zz\ ¢Â?Z]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^Â?\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ YÂ?q\ `^Z[Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Zzstance, for sale of land under s. 52, Law ^Â&#x2018;\ Â?^ŠqÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;]\¤š¼Œ Â&#x2018;\ Y\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]\ ZX\ Zz\ Y\ ¢Â?Z4qz\ Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Yz[\ X^Â&#x161;qÂ&#x;^[Â&#x2022;\ XZÂ&#x2122;zX\ Z]Â&#x2013;\ ]_qz\ ]_q\ XZÂ&#x2122;zqÂ?\ ZX\ ]Â&#x2022;ŠZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;^Â&#x2014;z[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ Z]X\ ]qÂ?Â&#x161;X\ Â?qÂ&#x2122;YÂ?[Â&#x201D;qXX\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¢_q]_qÂ?\ _q\ _YX\ YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â?qY[\ Z]Â&#x2013;\ Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Estrange v. Graucob [1934] 2 KB 394, ŠÂ?^`Z[q[\]_q\[^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;qz]\ZX\Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;\Zz\ nature, Curtis v. Chemical Cleaning and Â&#x2022;qZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^\ Ă&#x2122;¤š¼¤Ă&#x161;\ ¤\ \ Ă&#x2018;¾¼Œ\ ^¢q`qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ YIÂ?Â&#x161;Y]Z`q\ [qÂ&#x2018;qzXqX\ XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;_\ YX\ [Â&#x2014;Â?qXX\ ^Â?\ Â&#x2014;zÂ&#x2019;^zXÂ&#x2019;Z^zYÂ&#x;ZÂ&#x201D;Z]Â&#x2022;\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\qzYÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\]_q\XZÂ&#x2122;zqÂ?\ ]^\ Y`^Z[\ _ZX\ ŠÂ&#x2014;Â?Š^Â?]q[\ ^Â&#x;Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2122;Y]Z^zÂŚ\ Â&#x2014;Â?]_qÂ?Â&#x161;^Â?qÂ&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x2018;\Y\ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\¢ZX_qX\]^\Â&#x2014;Xq\Y\[^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;ment as the basis of a contract, reasonable notice of its terms must be given to the ^]_qÂ?\ ŠYÂ?]Â&#x2022;\ ŠÂ?Z^Â?\ ]^\ ]_qZÂ?\ qz]Â?Â&#x2022;\ Zz]^\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\ YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x161;YZz\ q¢\ qÂ?Â?Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x161;ŠYzÂ&#x2022;\ ][\`ÂŚ\ ^Â&#x;qÂ?]X^z\¤š¾Ă?Âź\Ă?\ \§Ă&#x17D;šŒ\ _ZX\ ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;[qX\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;_\]_ZzÂ&#x2122;X\YX\]ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q]X\ZXXÂ&#x2014;q[\Y]\ ŠYÂ?Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\X]Y]Z^zXÂŚ
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Daily Newswatch
Health Thursday, April 17, 2014
Medical personnel examining Goitre patient during the screening exercise of the lagos State goitre control programme at Badagry recently
Lagos records successful goitre surgery of 11 persons q 8=<64Q 23>=>?; Chioma Umeha, Health Editor
hey have neck swelling of almost the same design and shape. _qÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x2DC;z[\Z]\[ZIÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]\]^\X¢YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;^¢Â&#x2013;\ X]Â?qzÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x2014;X\ ]^\ Â&#x;Â?qY]_q\ ^Â?\ q`qz\ Â&#x2019;_YzÂ&#x2122;q\ ]_qZÂ?\ `^ZÂ&#x2019;qÂŚ\ _qÂ&#x2022;\ XÂ&#x2014;EqÂ?\ Â&#x2014;z]^Â&#x201D;[\ŠYZzX\[Â&#x2014;q\]^\Â&#x;Â&#x201D;qq[ZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ZzÂĄYÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;Y]Z^z\ Yz[\Â&#x2019;YzÂ&#x2019;qÂ?^Â&#x2014;X\[q`qÂ&#x201D;^ŠÂ&#x161;qz]ÂŚ\ Z4Â&#x201D;q\[Z[\]_qÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x201C;z^¢\]_Y]\Â&#x2018;^Â?]Â&#x2014;zq\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\XÂ&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;q\^z\]_qÂ&#x161;\Â&#x2014;z]ZÂ&#x201D;\ ¢_qz\Y\XqÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2019;]q[Â&#x2013;\XŠqÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;ZX]\Â&#x161;q[ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x161;ZXXZ^z\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ YÂ&#x2122;^X\ ZzZX]Â?Â&#x2022;\^Â&#x2018;\ qYÂ&#x201D;]_\Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x161;q\Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ YÂ?Â&#x2019;_\¤¾Â&#x2013;\]^\Â&#x2019;^z[Â&#x2014;Â&#x2019;]\Y\Â&#x161;q[ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\qÂŤYÂ&#x161;ZzY]Z^z\ on them. _ZX\¢YX\]_q\ŠÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2122;_]\^Â&#x2018;\ÂĽÂľ\ŠY]Zqz]X\¢Z]_\zqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ X¢qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;ZzÂ&#x2122;XÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ YÂ?q\ z^¢\ Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;4ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ ]_q\Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\Š_YXq\^Â&#x2018;\ YÂ&#x2122;^X\ ZzZX]Â?Â&#x2022;\^Â&#x2018;\ qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x2122;Â?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;qÂ&#x2013;\ ]YÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;q[\ ¸ Y[YÂ&#x2122;Â?Â&#x2022;\ ^Z]Â?q\ ^z]Â?^Â&#x201D;\ Â?^Â&#x2122;Â?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;qÂ&#x2013;Âś\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;qzÂ&#x2019;q[\ this week. z\ ^z[YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ ]^\ Â&#x;q\ ŠÂ?qÂ&#x2019;ZXqÂ&#x2013;\ Y\ ]qYÂ&#x161;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x161;q[ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ qŠqÂ?]X\ [qŠÂ&#x201D;^Â&#x2022;q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ YÂ&#x2122;^X\ ]Y]q\ Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ ]^\ Y[YÂ&#x2122;Â?Â&#x2022;\ YÂ?qY\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\
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Already, 11 persons have been operated upon as at Tuesday, when the State Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola, 584K3DD7 \3;;6W 855 =<6 6X6?= 3= ]3;8Q ^=3=6 _?>X64Q>=7 `63F<>?; +8Q@>=3D ]$^_`+ 8? `96QW37
Continued on page 52
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I carry out 250 open Nigeria, two others rank top in global heart surgeries Polio vaccine yearlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Pg 50 rejection
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Pharmacists commend Swiss Pharma for receiving WHO Pg 53 certification Pg 52
An orange a day wards off stroke risk
Pg 54
Daily Newswatch
Health e l
Thursday, April 17, 2014
I carry out 250 open heart surgeries yearly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dr. Nzewi
Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Mr. Onyekwelu Nzewi, an indigene of Nnewi in Anambra State, is the leader of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Save a Heart Foundationâ&#x20AC;?; a United Kingdomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (UK) based non-governmental organization (NGO). He is the team leader of cardiothoracic surgeons currently collaborating with University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) to carry out open heart surgeries in the hospital. He works with Belfast Health & Social which collaborates with another NGO known as VOOM Foundation, based in the United States of America to carry out the project. It is to the credit of the two Foundations and hard work of the Chief Medical Director of UNTH, Dr. Christopher Amah and his management team that the open heart surgery programme of the hospital, suspended about 10 years ago, was revived last year. In this interview with some journalists, Dr. Nzewi speaks about the programme, his contributions and that of the NGOs in bringing hope to the hopeless. Our Correspondent KENNETH OFOMA has the excerpts:
ive overview of the foundation and what it intends to achieve for Nigeria \ \ ]Â?YZzq[\ Zz\ ]_ZX\ zZ`qÂ?XZ]Â&#x2022;\ Zz\ ¤šĂ&#x2018;Âľ\ ¢_qz\ ]_q\ ^Šqz\ _qYÂ?]\XÂ&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;qÂ?Â&#x2022;\¢YX\`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\YÂ&#x2019;]Z`q\Yz[\Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;]\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_q\ zZ]q[\ ZzÂ&#x2122;[^Â&#x161;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;Â?]_qÂ?\
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Daily Newswatch
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Continued from page 50
for one million population; In Canada it is 1,200 for a million population. The WHO decided to cut it to 240 for developing countries and that is what the likes of China, Indian is trying to achieve. I decided to cut that half for 120 and my estimate for Nigeria is 120 cases per million population. We are actually touching the tip of the iceberg. How do we sustain this or make it viable? We cannot make it viable by having smaller units that adopt these cases and going to the newspapers to celebrate. We make it possible by concentrating in one area, making sure that the locals (Nigeria-based doctors) can now do it. We are also trying to ensure that this area becomes well- established in order to make this place a centre for others to come and tap the knowledge and this is what is happening. I had visitors from Umuahia here from and also from LASUTH. They come to see what is happening in order to tap into it. It is a centre for excellence for treating patients and also a centre that will help in training others. The small facilities that we have here is capable of doing 250 open heart cases in a year and that we hope to achieve from next year. Last year, we did about 50 cases and this year we are going to do about 120 cases and I am hoping that the local people should start doing new cases on their own. The building of the multi-purpose open heart centre that is ongoing when it is completed will deliver a thousand cases in a year and it will take about four surgeons to do one thousand cases per year. For me, I do 250 cases per year. Many people are concerned about the cost? For it to be sustainable, the cost has to come down to the level an average Nigerian can pay. Our organizations are working on that. I want the Nigerian government to have an enabling legislation that will make it possible for this to come to reality. What happens now is that one person signs in as a distributor for that company and no other person is allowed to bring in products that will competes with them; NAFDAC says; ‘you must register. I was in YZ\ Y4qz[Zz \ ]_q\ ^ [\ qY ]_\ Conference, which is the Arab health ^z q qz q\ ¢_Z _\ z^ Y \ Y4 Y ]X\ over 35 delegates and spoke for my organization and on the cost of open heart surgeries for Africa. They all z[q X]^^[¦\ q\X]Y ]q[\¢Z]_\]_q\ X]\ initiative which is the valve and we _Y`q\ qqz\Y q\]^\^Eq \Z]\Y]\ qXX\]_Yz\ 30 per cent of what it cost overseas. Despite this, I think it is still very expensive. The reason why I said so is because I know how much it costs to make a valve. When I was a Director in the private hospital, I negotiated the cost. So it is possible. z\ Z q ZY \_^¢q`q \Z]\ZX\Y\[ZEq qz]\ ball game; what the biggest company told me is that NAFDAC demands that every item must be registered with half a million. What this means is that you have to register whatever you are bringing into the country as drugs; that is not encouraging people to sustain their business. The true cost of open heart surgery in Nigeria is between N1.5 and N1.8 million, but presently the UNTH is charging between N750, 000 and one
Patient, Maduka after open heart surgery
deformed, causing a serious problem. Because of the campaign by the likes of the Nigerian Heart Foundation, Pan African Society, the incidence has continued to drop and this is treated by two tablets of penicillin. What is rising is Ischemic heart disease and the reason why it is rising is because we have abandoned eating our normal million and they are able to do that government can say: “At the end of food -cocoa, palm oil and we now because of some of the consumables the year, tell us how many cases that depend on fast food and westernized we got as a charity, otherwise they have done and if you have not met diet. would be unable to do that. Our the target, bring our money back but What are the risk factors? organization is registered for the if you have met it and exceeded that, If you are diabetic, overweight, purpose of doing exactly what I have we give the marching grant that is have high hypertension and your just said and not only coming to do required.” cholesterol is elevated, you are at If the federal government provides risk. All these young people that die cardiac surgery. Our main objective is to train the locals in order to be fund for 100 cases, that will enable suddenly is due to massive heart self-sustaining and be able to do the the hospital cut the price from one Y4Y \ Yz[\ z]Z \ ¢q\ [^\ X^ q]_Zz \ operation themselves. It is only when Z Z^z\ ]^\ `q\ _ z[ q[\ Yz[\ ]_Y]\ about our eating habit, it is bound to they are able to do it that the cost will ZX\ YE^ [Y Z Z] ¦\ \ ¢Yz]\ ^z]Zz ^ X\ continue. There are two ways we can come down as well as sustainable. funding, not special intervention [^\ X^ q]_Zz \ Y ^ ]\ Z]\ Ô\ _q\ X]\ ZX\ The special intervention is very that comes and dries away. change by education; we realized what What is the major cause of rising causes it and teach people to change necessary. But what I would have loved to happen is for government to cases of heart diseases in Nigeria? their lifestyle. The second option is There are three aspects of heart that we make provision for treating fund the open heart surgery the way it is funded elsewhere. Open heart problems. Congenital heart disease, it. 75 per cent of all heart operations surgery is funded in my institution whether you are white, yellow, done in the UK are Ischemia diseases and we do a lot of cases yearly. black, it is the same case that cuts and it is here (Nigeria) with us. It is What the government does is that at across all races and this means the an epidemic waiting to happen and the beginning of every year, we are development of heart diseases. The when it happens it is going to wipe given money because government same number of congenital heart ]_q\ YÃ qz q\ ^ \ ]_q\ X^ Zq] \ z^]\ ]_q\ knows what a case costs. If they give disease you have in Nigeria is the poor. you money for 1200 cases, you have same that you have in Ireland, Britain How do you train the local doctors or USA. The second is rheumatic to carry out the operation on a to deliver that number. So the Nigerian government heart disease and this is caused sustainable basis? should identify institutions that run by simple infection of the heart, A Cardiothoracic Surgeon takes open heart surgery in the country throat that is not well treated. So the an average of six years to be fully and mandate them to do 250 cases in immunological consequence of that is trained. We require four heart again deposited in the hearts muscle surgeons per hospital in Nigeria a year and provide the money for it. They can also tell them to give and from the age of 20 and 25, the at an average of 120 cases per one account yearly. For instance, the heart muscle becomes thickened and million populations. For you to train Cardiothoracic Surgeons you have to be doing regular open heart cases and you cannot do more cases when there is no funding for it. Proper funding is The small facilities that we have here is capable of not just giving institutions money to doing 250 open heart cases in a year and that we hope hire or buy materials but making sure that patients are available for the young to achieve from next year. Last year, we did about doctors and Consultants to be trained. 50 cases and this year we are going to do about 120 Yz\ ^ \ YE^ [\ ]^\ _Z q\ ´ Y Z q[\ Cardiothoracic Surgeon from the cases and I am hoping that the local people should ^©qÕ\ ]\ ZX\ Y\ [ZI ]\ ]_Zz ¦\ ^\ \ start doing new cases on their own. The building of suggest funding for about 250 cases per year. With the level of consultants in the multi-purpose open heart centre that is ongoing cardiothoracic surgeons that we have, training them will be quite easy and it when it is completed will deliver a thousand cases in will not last up to six years. If you train a year and it will take about four surgeons to do one them rapidly for about two years, you thousand cases per year. For me, I do 250 cases per year will turn out doctors that will move to other institutions and there they will train more and the number will increase.
‘Cardiovascular diseases is an epidemic waiting to wipe out affluence of the society’
Health News
Daily Newswatch Thursday, April 17, 2014
Lagos records successful goitre surgery of 11 persons Continued from page 49
government will provide a sustainable solution to this illness, Idris said. In response, the team, comprising surgeons and other medical experts, began XÂ&#x2019;Zqz]ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;\XÂ&#x2014;Â?`qÂ&#x2022;\¢Z]_\Y\`Zq¢\]^\Â&#x2DC;z[ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\ root causes of the neck-swelling disorder, the Commissioner said. The occurrence of this alarming number of neck swellings in an isolated region ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;[ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Š_Â&#x2022;XZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\Yz[\Â&#x2DC;zYzÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;Â?[qz\ to local residents who referred these ŠY]Zqz]X\]^\Z]X\XqÂ&#x2019;^z[YÂ?Â&#x2022;\Yz[\]qÂ?]ZYÂ?Â&#x2022;\_qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ care facilities made the state government to [q`qÂ&#x201D;^Š\Yz[\^EqÂ?\Y\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;ŠÂ?q_qzXZ`q\X]Â?Y]qÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\qEqÂ&#x2019;]Z`q\Yz[\Â&#x201D;^zÂ&#x2122;\]qÂ?Â&#x161;\ZÂ&#x161;ŠYÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\_q\z^]q[ÂŚ _q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ Š_YXq\ Â&#x2019;^zXZX]q[\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Y\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;ZzZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ assessment of the patients and an qŠZ[qÂ&#x161;Z^Â&#x201D;^Â&#x2122;ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ XÂ&#x2014;Â?`qÂ&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;\ in order to determine the true extent of the disease burden, as well as, investigate the determinants of the disease, the Commissioner told journalists, last _Â&#x2014;Â?X[YÂ&#x2022;ÂŚ [Â?ZX\_Zz]q[\]_Y]\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\z^¢Â&#x2013;\Â&#x161;YzÂ&#x2022;\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ YEqÂ&#x2019;]q[\Â?qXZ[qz]X\qÂ?Â?^zq^Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_]\]_qÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x2019;^z]Â?YÂ&#x2019;]q[\]_q\[ZXqYXqX\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\]_qÂ&#x2022;\[Z[\z^]\ Â&#x2014;Xq\ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Š\ ]^\ [Â?ZzÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2013;\ _qzÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x161;Y²^Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_qÂ&#x161;\ within the age bracket of between 30 and 59 Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X\_Y[\Â&#x;qqz\ZzÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;]q[\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_q\YÂ&#x2122;q\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2DC;`qÂŚ The commissioner, who decried the alarming rate of the disorder in the area, pledged governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s determination to check the scourge. He further explained that the exercise is aimed at instituting preventive measures that will reduce the prevalence of the disease in the region, determine those patients that are more suited for medical treatment with drugs, and provide selection criteria for patients more suited and stable Â&#x2018;^Â?\ XÂ&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;qÂ?Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ ]\ ]_q\ Â&#x161;^Â&#x161;qz]Â&#x2013;\ ]_q\ ŠY]Zqz]X\ _Y`q\Â&#x;qqz\^EqÂ?q[\[qÂ&#x2DC;zZ]Z`q\Â&#x2019;YÂ?qÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2122;ZzzZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^z[YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\Zz\ Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;^¢ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\Â?q`Zq¢\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Y\ ]qYÂ&#x161;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ _ZÂ&#x2122;_Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ XÂ&#x201C;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[\ XÂ&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;q^zX\ Yz[\ endocrinologists. However, in order to reduce the incidence of the disease burden in the long term, measures are being put in place to stem the root cause of this alarming number Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ ]_q\ YÂ&#x2122;^X\ X]Y]q\ qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ ZzZX]Â?Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;^XX\ XYZ[Â&#x2013;\ Y[[ZzÂ&#x2122;Ă&#x2013;\ ¸]_qÂ&#x2022;\ Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\ include measures such as health education ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;zZ]Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x161;qÂ&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?XÂ&#x2013;\ Z^[Z¡Y]Z^z\ ^Â&#x2018;\ their salt, and other processes that the public _qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ŠÂ?^Â&#x2018;qXXZ^zYÂ&#x201D;X\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\X]Y]q\Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\²Â&#x2014;[Â&#x2122;q\ suitable.â&#x20AC;?
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Medical personnel examining goitre patient.
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Pharmacists commend Swiss Pharma for receiving WHO certification
harmacists under the auspices of the PharmaÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2014;]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ^Â&#x2019;Zq]Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\ Âť Âź\_Y`q\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2122;Â?Y]Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Y]q[\ ]_q\ YzYÂ&#x2122;qÂ&#x161;qz]\Yz[\ ]YE\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¢ZXX\ _YÂ?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2014;]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ZÂ&#x161;Z]q[\ Âť ÂźÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x;qZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ Š_YÂ?Â&#x161;Yceutical manufacturer in Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Â?Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x;¨ Y_YÂ?Y\ Â&#x2018;Â?ZÂ&#x2019;Y\]^\Â?qÂ&#x2019;qZ`q\Â&#x2019;qÂ?]ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Ytion for compliance to the X]Â?ZzÂ&#x2122;qz]\ ^Â?Â&#x201D;[\ qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ Â?Â&#x2122;YzZ¡Y]Z^z\ Âť Âź\ standards for Good Manufacturing Practice ÂťÂ&#x2019; ŸŒ ^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;qz[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ¢ZXX\
Pharma, was Pharm. OluÂ&#x161;Z[q\ Â&#x201C;Zz]YÂ&#x2022;^Â&#x2013;\ Y]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\ President of Pharmaceu]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ^Â&#x2019;Zq]Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\ Âť ÂźÂ&#x2013;\¢_^\z^]q[\]_Y]\Z]\ZX\ a laudable achievement. z\Y\Â&#x201D;q4qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x201C;Zz]YÂ&#x2022;^\XYZ[\ ]_Y]\ ¢ZXX\ _YÂ?Â&#x161;Y\ _YX\ enter international hall ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x161;q\ YX\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;Â?X]\ Zz\ ]_q\ XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x;¨ Y_YÂ?Yz\ Â?qÂ&#x2122;Z^z\ ]^\ get the patronage of the ¢^Â?Â&#x201D;[\ _qYÂ&#x201D;]_\ Â&#x;^[Â&#x2022;\ ^z\ [Â?Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;X\ ŠÂ?^[Â&#x2014;Â&#x2019;q[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ manufacturer. He also said that the accomplishment is a sign of commitment, diligence and hardwork on the part ^Â&#x2018;\ ¢ZXX\ _YÂ?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2014;]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ ZÂ&#x161;Z]q[Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]_q\
organisation ensure it ŠÂ?^`qX\Z]X\Â&#x161;q4Â&#x201D;q\YX\Â&#x2122;Â&#x201D;^Â&#x;YÂ&#x201D;\ ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;qÂ?\ Zz\ Š_YÂ?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2014;]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;\ industries. _q\ \Â&#x;^XX\XYZ[Ă&#x201C;\¸ q\ ¢Â?Z]q\]^\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2122;Â?Y]Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Y]q\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ and the entire ManageÂ&#x161;qz]\ Yz[\ ]YE\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¢ZXX\ _YÂ?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2014;]ZÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x201D;X\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\ ZÂ&#x161;Z]q[\ ^z\ ]_q\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2014;[YÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ YÂ&#x2019;_Zq`qÂ&#x161;qz]\^Â&#x2018;\Y4YZzZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\ landmark feat of the 1st Pharmaceutical Manufacturer in ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\Yz[\Zz[qq[\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x;¨ Y_YÂ?Y\ Â&#x2018;Â?ZÂ&#x2019;Y\]^\Â&#x;q\[qXZÂ&#x2122;zY]q[\ Y\ ¨ ^Â&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;YZz]\ Â&#x201D;Yz]ÂŚÂś ¸ _ZX\ YÂ&#x2019;_Zq`qÂ&#x161;qz]\ qŠZ]^Â&#x161;Z¡qX\ _YÂ?[\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z]ment and diligence over ]_q\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?X\ Yz[\ ¢q\ YÂ?q\ `qÂ?Â&#x2022;\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x2014;[\]^\Z[qz]ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2022;\¢Z]_\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;Â?\
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Health News
Daily Newswatch Thursday, April 17, 2014
Experts lament challenges of pharmacy profession in Nigeria
xperts have bemoaned the working conditions for pharmacists in the country, noting that they are not conducive to their productivity, even as they added that graduates are practically released into a system that is completely strange and which they are ill-prepared for. Stating this was a pharmacist, Dr. ‘Lolu Ojo, at this year’s annual celebration of the Pharmaceutical Association of Nigerian Students (PANS), Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife, who lamented that pharmacists struggle in practically all areas of practice. Speaking on the challenges of the pharmacy profession in the 21st century, Ojo said that despite the sound education, the environment of practice does not allow the young graduates to give their best. He noted that “In the hospital, the doctor is the boss. He has cornered everything and in fact, will prefer Pharmacy and other irritating para-medicals to be thrown out of the hospital. There can only be one head of department who will probably retire as an Assistant Director or at best a deputy director. Everyone one else must wait. The situation ZX\ z^]\ [ZEq qz]\ Zz\ ]_q\ various ministries, parastatals and agencies. It is the same experience at the community and industrial arena”. Explaining further that the available space has been occupied and practically locked up by businessmen, entrepreneurs who will be derisively called traders or charlatans, he said “paradoxically, the very well trained graduate eventually become a wanderer moving one job to the other seeking an elusive comfortable Y ]Z] [q\]^\¡ ¦¶ This, he said, has taken many colleagues back to school to accumulate more degrees in accountancy, law and engineering, adding that this has led to accumulating a class of hybrid pharmacists, disXY]ZX q[\ Yz[\ z_Y©© \ others. Blaming everybody for the trend, Ojo said “everybody blames everybody. To the youths, our leaders had been docile, unimaginative
Yz[\ Xq X_ \ Z \ z^]\ ^ ]¨ rightly stupid or foolish. They have sold our franchise to the dogs. Others blame the doctors, traders, government, etc. Yet, the situation gets worse and our
supposedly formidable enemies are consolidating while we continue to agitate challenging every imaginable foes and adversaries”. As solution, he proffered that the challenge
will be on how to use the instrumentality of the profession to achieve their aim. He said: “Mercantilism or professionalism? There is always this delicate balance between the
professional and mercantile nature of pharmacy. Your training in pharmaceutical sciences does not prepare you adequately for the business of pharmacy. Drug is a specialised article
L-R: Otunba Bimbo Ashiru, Ogun State Commissioner for Commerce and Industry; Mr Dharnesh Gordhon, Managing Director and Chief Executive, Nestlé Nigeria PLC; Dr. Samuel Adenekan, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Manager, Nestlé Nigeria and Prof. Ganiyu O. Olatunde, Chief of Staff to the Governor, during a courtesy visit by the Managing Director of Nestlé Nigeria to the Governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, recently.
of trade and most of the very successful pharmaceutical entrepreneurs are not pharmacists. If, therefore, you have your eyes on the mercantile Pharmacy, then you must retrain yourself appropriately. You must learn the trade and become an expert in it.” While welcoming participants to the event earlier, the dean of the faculty of pharmacy, Prof (Mrs) Onawumi, advised them to make good use of the lecture. The event also witnessed a debate which was won by the host university, OAU. The debate was organised to encourage pharmacy students to know what is going on apart from their discipline. PANS president elaborated that it was also designed to ensure that pharmacy students are well informed about events around them. The debate which was the second edition of the _Y[q\ Y Z_Yz\ z]q ¨ Pharmacy Debate saw Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, University of Ibadan and Igbinedion University, Okada coming second, third and fourth respectively.
Nigeria, two others rank top in global Polio vaccine rejection NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
he Executive Chairman of the Bauchi state Primary Health Care Development Agency (BSPHCDA) Dr Nisser Aliyu Umar has said that Nigeria is one of the few countries of the world that is yet to totally eradicate the wild polio virus infection. Speaking to journalists, the BSPHCDA boss said the inability of the country completely eradicate polio has made Nigeria to remain the main exporter of the disease to other countries of the world.
q\ q q4q[\ ]_Y]\ \ development has continue ]^\ YEq ]\ ]_q\ Z Y q\ ^ \ ]_q\ country adding that 51 cases of polio was recorded globally in April alone, with Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan ranked as the top endemic countries. According to him, the problems that hinders the successful eradication of the virus in the nation include rejection of polio
vaccine in some parts of the country, weak skills and capacity of vaccinators, inadequate social mobilization funds and absence of community leaders as they are mostly represented by siblings
¢_^\[^\z^]\Zz¡ qz q\©Yrental decisions. Y \ Y X^\ YXXZ q[\ Bauchi state as one of the highest risk states of polio virus in the country and added that six polio cases _Y`q\ qqz\ ^z q[\ YX]\
year in Bauchi and Toro local government areas of the state. He recommended that for the disease to be eradicated completely in the country there shall be regular sensitization of
clinicians and community, provision of adequate funds for the exercise and motivation of key informants especially the nonorthodox such as patent medicines store to report cases.
Patent medicine vendors charged to stock genuine drugs
icensed patent medicine vendors in Ogun State have been advised to always stock genuine and wholesome drugs as well as adhere strictly to rules and regulations guiding their business in accordance with the National Drug policy. The State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Olaokun Soyinka who gave this charge in Abeokuta pointed out that this becomes imperative to further safeguard the lives of people buying drugs from them. Soyinka, represented by the Ministry’s Director of Public Health, Dr. Qudus Yusuf threw this
challenge in Abeokuta at the opening ceremony of the 5th orientation seminar for the licensed patent medicine vendors in the State. According to a press release from the information of q \ ZzZX] \ ^ \ health, Mrs. Seun Oyelade-Makinde, ¦\ ^ Zz Y\YI q[\ that patent medicine `qz[^ X\ Y q\ ]_q\ X]\ point to contact for basic needs in the communities, saying; “it was important to enlighten them on their limitations, roles and operational responsibilities.” “The key role of
patent medicine vendors to meet the health needs of the citizen in the local communities cannot be over emphasized, but they are supposed to know their limitation, roles and responsibilities,” the Commissioner stated. He disclosed that in its quest to vigorously pursue affordable and quality health care and ensure sanity in drug distribution, the Senator Ibikunle Amosun led-administration in the State has proposed to adopt the National Drug Distri-
bution guidelines, assuring that the ministry’s pharmaceutical inspection ^ Z4qq\ ¢^ [\ be unrelenting in the clamp down on drug hawkers and illegal pharmaceutical premises. In his presentation, the Registrar, Pharmacists Council of Nigeria, Pharmacist Gloria Abumere represented by James Iyiola noted that the ^ z Z \ _Y[\ zY ized arrangements to enforce operational guidelines and provide signposts for licensed patent medicine vendors.
Doing this, she said would help reduce intake of unwholesome drugs as only licensed patent medicines shops would be patronized by members of the public. Welcoming guests earlier, the State Chairman, National Association of Patent Medicine Dealers (NAPPMED), Comrade Adeniji Fatai commended the State government ^ \Z]X\qE^ ]X\^z\ q ulatory activities and capacity building for members, saying that the trend has helped to maintain standard practice among them.
Daily Newswatch
Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Why early dinner is important
An orange a day wards off stroke risk
ating foods that contain vitamin C may reduce your risk of the most common type of hemorrhagic stroke, said a study. Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, papaya, peppers, broccoli and strawberries. Hemorrhagic stroke is less common than ischemic stroke, but is more often deadly. The study involved 65 people who had experienced an intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke, or a blood vessel rupture inside the brain. They were compared to 65 healthy people. Participants were tested for the levels of vitamin C in their blood. Forty-one percent of cases had normal levels of vitamin C, 45 percent showed depleted levels of vitamin C and 14 percent were considered deficient of the vitamin. On average, the people who had a stroke had depleted levels of vitamin C, while those who had not had a stroke had normal levels of the vitamin.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our results show that vitamin C deficiency should be considered a risk factor for this severe type of stroke, as were high blood pressure, drinking a l c o h o l and being overweight in our Orange study,â&#x20AC;? said study author Stephane Vannier with Pontchaillou University Hospital in Rennes, France. Vannier added that vitamin C appeared to have other benefits like creating collagen, a protein found in bones, skin and tissues. Vitamin C deficiency has also been linked to heart disease.
Grapefruit, garlic helps liver function
ne of the most vital organs of your body, the liver is responsible for most metabolic functions. Here are foods to include in your diet to keep your liver functioning normally. `^Â&#x2019;Y[^XĂ&#x201C;\ `^Â&#x2019;Y[^X\ produce a type of antioxidant called glutathione, which is needed for our livers to filter out harmful materials. YÂ?Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;Ă&#x201C;\ ^Y[q[\ ¢Z]_\ XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201D;fur, a mineral that helps rid the body of toxins, garlic is known to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It is also used in the treatment of high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and bacteria-related illnesses. Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x161;qÂ?ZÂ&#x2019;Ă&#x201C;\ XZzÂ&#x2122;\ ]Â&#x2014;Â?meric (haldi) as a spice in your food can not only enhance the colour but also help your liver. It is said to help your system digest fats and acts as a natural detox for your liver. Â?YŠqÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x2014;Z]Ă&#x201C;\ ZÂ&#x2019;_\ Zz\ `Z]Ymin C and containing antioxidant properties, having this fruit or as a juice can help flush out carcinogens and toxins. ŠZzYÂ&#x2019;_Ă&#x201C;\ qYÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2022;\ `qÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;ZqXÂ&#x2013;\
q]6357 X6;;>6Q 6Q@6F>3DD7 Q@>?3F< D6==9F6 @48=6F=Q >= especially spinach and lettuce help in neutralising chemicals and aid protective mechanism for the liver. Z]Â?Â&#x2014;X\Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x2014;Z]XĂ&#x201C;\ Z]Â?Â&#x2014;X\Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x2014;Z]X\ like oranges and lemons are full of vitamin C that can help your body remove out all the toxic materials and aid the digestion process. Garlic
esides eating healthy, one should eat early to ward off digestive problems and disorders. Generally, one sleeps immediately after dinner and fail to give the stomYÂ&#x2019;_\ XÂ&#x2014;IÂ&#x2019;Zqz]\ ]ZÂ&#x161;q\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ [Zgestion. Neelanjan Singh, Nutritionist with Heinz Nutri Life Clinic explains that most of your digestive ŠÂ?^Â&#x;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x161;X\Â&#x2019;Yz\Â&#x;q\Â&#x2DC;ÂŤq[\¢Z]_\ an early dinner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is important to have an early dinner because if you have a late dinner the body does not have time to digest it well,â&#x20AC;? says Neelanjana. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are going to be in the prone position soon ¢_qÂ?q\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\Â&#x201D;Zq\[^¢z\ÂĄY]\^z\ the bed. That way the digestive track is not working at its optimal level.â&#x20AC;? Hence it is advised to give your body 2 hours before you hit the sack. Neelanjana Singh recommends some basic solutions that you can in corporate in your daily life, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Best yogic posture for digestion is vajra assan, the kneeling pose.â&#x20AC;? She further explains the Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;]X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Yz\ qYÂ?Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ [ZzzqÂ?Â&#x2013;\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you have early dinner, you are unlikely to go to bed after supper. You are Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x201C;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ]^\ Â&#x;q\ XZ4ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2014;ŠÂ&#x2013;\ qzgaging in moderate activity at home, and maybe watching T.V. In that posture, [ZÂ&#x2122;qX]Z^z\ ZX\ Â&#x;q4qÂ?\ Yz[\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\ will go to sleep when you are not really bloated with food. That could lead to YÂ&#x2019;Z[Z]Â&#x2022;\ Yz[\ ÂĄY]Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2019;q\ Yz[\ gas. Acidity becomes a big problem if you have a late dinner.â&#x20AC;? ^4^Â&#x161;\ Â&#x201D;ZzqĂ&#x201C;\ ZÂ&#x2122;qX]Z^z\ takes two hours, hence to avoid digestive disorders give your stomach two hours before you go sleep.
Avocado regulates heart,controls diabetes,others
onsidered as one of the healthiest fruit, the pear-shaped avocado is found in salads, even ice-creams. Rich in vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, etc, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why you should include the creamy avocado in your diet too. Regulates your heart- It contains vitamin B6 and folic acid, which helps regulate homocysteine levels (high homocysteine level is related to an increased risk of heart disease) Since it contains folate, avocado is also known to reduce the risks of a heart stroke. Lowers cholesterol - Avocado is recommended for those with high cholesterol levels. This is because it is Â?ZÂ&#x2019;_\ Zz\ Â&#x;q]Y¨XZ]^X]qÂ?^Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ ZX\ qEqÂ&#x2019;]Z`q\ in lowering blood cholesterol levels. A great source of potassium, the fruit also helps in controlling blood pressure levels. Regulates vision- Avocados is an
excellent source of carotenoid lutein, avocado is known to help protect against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Controls diabetes - The monounsaturated (good) fats present in the fruit can reverse insulin resistance which helps to regulate blood sugar levels. It also contains X^Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;q\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x;qÂ?\]_Y]\Â&#x201C;qqŠX\Y\X]qY[Â&#x2022;\ blood sugar levels. Nourishes skinUsing avocado oil or having it as a part of your diet can help nourish your skin and make it glow. The fruit is rich in antioxidants, and as a result, prevents your skin from sagging ^Â?\ YÂ&#x2122;qZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\ ]X\ Yz]Z¨ZzÂĄYÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;Y]^Â?Â&#x2022;\ properties also help cure the redness and irritation of skin. It is also known to boost your immune system and encourages a healthy nervous system.
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Crime Thursday, April 17, 2014
NSCDC Rivers State command hails CP Ogunsakin OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
he Acting State Commandant of the NSCDC, Mrs. Christiana Abiakam, has described the Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Tunde Ogunsakin, as an advocate of synergy and collaboration. He made the statement recently during a courtesy visit on her. Describing Ogunsaking as an apostle of commitment to nation-building, she added that the CPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s courtesy visit to the NSCDC State Headquarters is a telling tale that â&#x20AC;&#x153;good days are here again.â&#x20AC;? Soft-spoken Abiakam also expressed joy that the Commissioner had initiated a move to foster a Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;]Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\ Â&#x2019;^^ŠqÂ?Y]Z^z\ Â&#x;q]¢qqz\ the Rivers State Command of the Police and NSCDC. She said this in response to the CPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s earlier Y[[Â?qXX\Zz\¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\_q\Y[`^Â&#x2019;Y]q[\]_q\zqq[\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ all concerned in the arduous task of protectZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x201D;Z`qX\Yz[\ŠÂ?^ŠqÂ?]Â&#x2022;\Zz\]_q\X]Y]q\]^\¢^Â?Â&#x201C;\ in unison. _q\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ _ZqÂ&#x2018;\¢YX\Â&#x201D;Y]qÂ?\ŠÂ?qXqz]q[\¢Z]_\ Š Š a copy of the NSCDC Act before his departure.
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Ogunsakin in hand shake with Mrs Christiana CP Ogunsakin inspecting guard of honour
Nigeria: Savage terrorist attack bears the mark of Al Qaeda
^¡qzX\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\ ¢qÂ?q\ Â&#x201C;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[\ Zz\]¢^\qŠÂ&#x201D;^XZ^zX\Zz\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²YÂ&#x2013;\Y\ city in central Nigeria, on the morning of April 14. ComÂ&#x161;Â&#x2014;]qÂ?X\ ¢qÂ?q\ YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\ ]^\ Â&#x;^YÂ?[\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;XqX\Yz[\]YÂŤqX\Y]\Â&#x2019;Â?^¢[q[\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;X\X]Y]Z^z\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_qZÂ?\ ]Â?ZŠ\ ]^\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;\ Zz\ Â&#x2019;qz]Â?YÂ&#x201D;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\ ¢_qz\ the detonations took place. Witnesses say ]_Y]\[^¡qzX\^Â&#x2018;\Â&#x;^[ZqX\YÂ?q\XÂ&#x2019;Y4qÂ?q[\YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\ the area of carnage. It is feared that this Â&#x161;YÂ&#x2022;\_Y`q\Â&#x;qqz\Â&#x2022;q]\Yz^]_qÂ?\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\]_q\ YÂ?Â&#x161;q[\ Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x161;\ XqÂ&#x2019;]\ Â&#x201C;z^¢z\ YX\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ _YX\ X¢^Â?z\ ]^\ ZÂ&#x161;Š^Xq\ Â&#x2014;XÂ&#x201D;ZÂ&#x161;\ Â&#x201D;Y¢\]_Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_^Â&#x2014;]\]_q\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]Z¨q]_zZÂ&#x2019;\Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]Z¨Â?qligious nation. Witnesses say that at least 40 bodies have been taken to makeshift Â&#x161;^Â?Â&#x2122;Â&#x2014;qX\ Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;Z]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x201D;q\ Â?qXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;q\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;X\ and police are gathering body parts. The blast tore a hole at least 4 feet deep in the ground at Nyanya Motor park, ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ ZX\ YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;]\ ¤¾\ Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x201D;qX\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ ]_q\ Â&#x2019;qz]qÂ?\ f Abuja. More than 30 vehicles, including buses, have been destroyed. Secondary explosions, caused by ruptured fuel tanks, added to the destruction. Panic qzXÂ&#x2014;q[\YX\]_q\ÂĄYÂ&#x161;qX\Â?^Xq\]_Â?^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_^Â&#x2014;]\]_q\ bus station. _q\[qY[\Yz[\¢^Â&#x2014;z[q[\YÂ?q\Â&#x;qZzÂ&#x2122;\]YÂ&#x201C;qz\ to area hospitals, including Asokoro General Hospital in Abuja.
\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x17E;X\ ZzXÂ&#x2014;Â?Â&#x2122;qz]X\ _Y`q\ Â&#x201C;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q[\ more than 1,500 civilians in three states in north-east Nigeria so far in 2014. Abuja has been hit by the Muslim marauders several ]ZÂ&#x161;qX\ Â&#x;qÂ&#x2018;^Â?qÂ&#x2013;\ ZzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Y\ [qY[Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ^z\ the United Nations compound in 2011. The Nigerian government has not yet ŠÂ?^`Z[q[\ Yz\ ^IÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;\ [qY]_\ ]^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\ ¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ Zzvolved dozens of vehicles. According to ]_q\ Z[qX\ zq¢X\ YÂ&#x2122;qzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;\ Â?ÂŚ\ Y]Â?ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ^Â?\ Alumuku â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a Catholic priest of the DioÂ&#x2019;qXq\^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\Ă&#x201D;\XYZ[\¸ _q\ŠÂ&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;q\¢_qÂ?q\]_q\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\¢YX\Â&#x2019;YÂ?Â?Zq[\^Â&#x2014;]\]^[YÂ&#x2022;\ZX\^zq\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ largest suburbs of Abuja and is located ¤¼¨¾\Â&#x201C;Â&#x161;\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_q\Â&#x2019;qz]qÂ?\^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²YÂ&#x2013;Âś\¢_^\ Y[[q[Â&#x2013;\ ¸ _q\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;X\ [qŠ^]\ ¢_qÂ?q\ ]_q\ qŠÂ&#x201D;^sion took place is normally used by a large zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;]qÂ?X\ ]^\ Â&#x2122;q]\ ]^\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;\ Zz\ the center of the capital. The victims are ]_qÂ?qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\ z^Â?Â&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;\ Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ Â&#x;qÂ&#x201D;^zÂ&#x2122;\ ]^\ ]_q\¢^Â?Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;YXXÂ&#x2013;\¢_^\¢qÂ?q\^z\]_qZÂ?\¢YÂ&#x2022;\ ]^\¢^Â?Â&#x201C;ÂŚÂś \¸ _q\YÂ&#x2014;]_^Â?Z]ZqX\_Y`q\z^]\Â&#x2022;q]\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;q[\ ]_Y]\]_ZX\¢YX\Yz\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Â&#x2019;YÂ?Â?Zq[\^Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ Haram, but suspicion is likely to fall on YÂ?Â&#x161;q[\ Â&#x2122;Â?^Â&#x2014;Š\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;ÂśÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x2019;^z]ZzÂ&#x2014;q[\ q`ÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2013;\ ¢_^\ ZX\ ]_q\ [ZÂ?qÂ&#x2019;]^Â?\ ^Â&#x2018;\ communications for the diocese. \ _q\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ Zz\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²Y\ Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x161;q\ Â&#x201D;qXX\ ]_Yz\ Y\ [YÂ&#x2022;\YÂ&#x2018;]qÂ?\Yz\ ŠÂ?ZÂ&#x201D;\¤§\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?-
am in villages in the north-east of NigeÂ?ZYÂŚ\ ]\ Â&#x201D;qYX]\ Ă?Âľ\ ŠqÂ?X^zX\ ¢qÂ?q\ Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â?[qÂ?q[ÂŚ\ ¸ _q\XZ]Â&#x2014;Y]Z^z\ZX\`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\[ZIÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]ÂŚ\ _q\YÂ?Â&#x161;Â&#x2022;\ ZX\Â&#x2019;_YXZzÂ&#x2122;\]_q\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;\Â&#x161;qz\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\]_qXq\ in response commit reprisals against civiliansâ&#x20AC;?, said Rev. Alumuku. The priest said ]_Y]\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x17E;X\ X]Â?qzÂ&#x2122;]_\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;qX\ Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ the support it receives from abroad. Said
Boko Haram members
q`ÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2013;\¸ \Â&#x201D;YÂ?Â&#x2122;q\zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\^Â&#x2018;\ ^Â&#x201C;^\
YÂ?YÂ&#x161;\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]qÂ?X\YÂ?q\z^]\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZYzXÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x;qÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x2014;Xq\ Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has deÂ&#x2019;Z[q[\]^\^EqÂ?\XÂ&#x2014;ŠŠ^Â?]\]^\]_q\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZYz\ Xlamist sect.â&#x20AC;? He added that Al Qaeda, is ¸Zz`^Â&#x201D;`q[\ Zz\ ]_q\ Â&#x2DC;zYzÂ&#x2019;ZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ XÂ&#x2014;ŠŠ^Â?]\ Yz[\ ]Â?YZzZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ^Â&#x201C;^\ YÂ?YÂ&#x161;\ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]qÂ?XÂŚ\ ]\ ZX\ ]_qÂ?qÂ&#x2018;^Â?q\z^\Â&#x201D;^zÂ&#x2122;qÂ?\Yz\Zz]qÂ?zYÂ&#x201D;\¢YÂ?ÂŚÂś
Daily Newswatch Thursday, April 17, 2014
Crime 73
Nigerians commend Inspector General of Police (IGP) Nigerians have started commending the efforts of the Inspector General of police Mohamed Abubarkar ,saying his tenure in office has passed the litmus test most especially in the area of crime prevention and control in the country . ADELEKE ADESANYA of our Crime Desk conducted the opinion poll. Hear out our respondents;
Kehinde Bankefa
Yinka Akorede What I can say is that, police though are fair compared to before, but most of them are still with their useless habit of bribe collection and sundry. Most of them will pretend as if they are passing cars on the road while they will ask the area boys to be collecting money Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ ]_q\ [Â?Z`qÂ?X\ ^z\ ]_qZÂ?\ Â&#x;q_YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;ÂŚ\ ZÂ&#x201C;q\ I said earlier, that does not mean they YÂ?q\YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Â&#x;Y[Â&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\¢q\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\_Y`q\X^Â&#x161;q\\]_Y]\ zqq[q[\]^\Â&#x;q\ÂĄÂ&#x2014;X_q[\\^Â&#x2014;]\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x2019;q\ because they are disgracing the rest ]_Y]\YÂ?q\_YÂ?[¢^Â?Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Yz[\`qÂ?Â&#x2022;\ŠÂ?^Â&#x2018;qXXZ^zYÂ&#x201D;ÂŚ\ Â&#x201D;X^Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ ]^^\ zqq[\ ]^\ ensure full support for them so that they can combat crime well in our society.
Kehinde Bankefa Police under the leadership ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ ŠÂ?qXqz]\ \ _Y`q\ ]Â?Zq[ÂŚ\ At least, they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t block roads again and most of them are now looking good in their new uniform and I think this is cool and good enough. Apart from this, I learnt that the man (IGP) injected Y\Â&#x201D;q`qÂ&#x201D;\^Â&#x2018;\[ZXÂ&#x2019;ZŠÂ&#x201D;Zzq\Zz\]_q\^Â?Â&#x2122;YzZsation which we all see because the nonsense ones in the police are now cautioned, especially in YÂ&#x2122;^XĂ&#x2013;\z^¢Â&#x2013;\]_qÂ&#x2022;\YÂ?q\Â&#x;q4qÂ?\^E\ÂŚ
Bankefa Femi
Wole Aina I will commend the Inspector General of Police because I can he his work in the Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ XZzÂ&#x2019;q\ _ZX\ YÂ?Â?Z`YÂ&#x201D;ÂŚ\ X\ Y\ Â?qXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201D;]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ _ZX\ YÂ?Â?Z`YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\Zz\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\YÂ?q\z^¢\Â&#x161;^Â?q\Â&#x2019;^ordinated unlike before. Their station look more neat and in their operations, they act mature unlike before. The amazing of it all is the road blockage that the man put end ]^\ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;q[ZY]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\_q\YÂ?Â?Z`q[\^IÂ&#x2019;qÂŚ\ \]_ZzÂ&#x201C;\Zz\ that area, he did a lot well because, through the road blockage then, robbers were using ]_q\Y`qzÂ&#x2014;q\]^\Â?^Â&#x;\Šq^ŠÂ&#x201D;q\^z\]_q\_ZÂ&#x2122;_¢YÂ&#x2022;X\ while they pretend to be police. And since the cancelling of it, we really hear of such robbery in our society.
Yinka Akorede
Fatoba Esan I can say the IGP has tried his best so far, at least we can see it in the police. They are no more like before. Police before were the ones causing commotion in the society with their bribe demanding tendencies and sundry; but I think they are more orderly now, especially the MOPOL. The MOPOL are well disciplined, they are no nonsense police, and they Â&#x2122;Z`q\z^\Â?^^Â&#x161;\]^\]_^Xq\YÂ?qY\Â&#x;^Â&#x2022;XÂ&#x2013;\q`qz\ the area boys respect them so much to the extent that when they see ]_qÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ [^zÂ&#x17E;]\ Â&#x161;ZXÂ&#x;q_Y`qÂŚ\ ^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2013;\ as an organisation is doing well now ]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\]_qÂ&#x2022;\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\_Y`q\Y\Â&#x201D;^]\]^\[^ÂŚ
Bankefa Femi I will say the IGP is trying. Since his arÂ?Z`YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\ Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ YÂ?q\ z^¢\ Â&#x161;^Â?q\ Â&#x2019;^^Â?[ZzY]q[ÂŚ\ They now look neat and some of them are presentable in the public. Their new uniforms that were introduce made them to Â&#x201D;^^Â&#x201C;\Â&#x;q4qÂ?\]_Y]\]_qZÂ?\YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\]ZÂ&#x161;q\Â&#x;Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\¢_ZÂ&#x2019;_\ I think sometime instigate some of them in [q`ZÂ&#x201D;ZX_\YÂ&#x2019;]XÂŚ\ _q\Â&#x161;^Â&#x;ZÂ&#x201D;q\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\YÂ?q\YÂ&#x201D;X^\z^]\ doing badly. In my area in Berger, they are always on standby with their amour tank, and with that they reduce the operations of the area boy, in fact yesterday, I still boarded bus there around 10.30pm and the whole place was safe. The IGP is okay, \²Â&#x2014;X]\¢ZX_\_ZX\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;qXX^Â?\¢_qzq`qÂ?\ZX\^Â&#x201C;YÂ&#x2022;\
Abajigin Olanrewaju
Wole Aina
Abajigin Olanrewaju Police in Nigeria always are the same ]_ZzÂ&#x2122;ÂŚ\ _^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\¢q\_Y`q\z^]\_qYÂ?[\YzÂ&#x2022;]_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ YÂ&#x;^Â&#x2014;\ _ZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ Â&#x201D;q]\ _ZÂ&#x161;\ Â&#x2DC;zZX_\ _ZX\ ]qzÂ&#x2014;Â?q\ Zz\ ^IÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2013;\]_Y]\ZX\¢_qz\¢q\¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\Xqq\ZÂ&#x2018;\_^¢\_YX\ allegations or not, from there we will determine if he has done well or not. Though to look at things, he looks good with how he coordinates the police, but that is not what we are saying. Look at the Boko Harram issue, what s police doing about it. Are they z^]\ ]^\ ŠÂ?^]qÂ&#x2019;]\ Zz[ZÂ&#x2122;qzqXĂ&#x2022;\ ^Â&#x2013;\ ¢_qÂ?q\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ \ XYÂ&#x2022;\]_qÂ&#x2022;\YÂ?q\]Â?Â&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;Ă&#x2022;\ X\Â&#x2018;YÂ?\YX\YÂ&#x161;\Â&#x2019;^zÂ&#x2019;qÂ?zÂ&#x2013;\ they need to do a lot in order to earn my commendation.
Seun Tosin Olumuyiwa The present leadership of the police has tried, Police though we see them as lazy nay ,is trying a bit if am to comment on him. He has force before, they are now doing well put the police in order to the extent that some of in reducing crime. Look at a place them are coordinated in their conduct. If you com- like Oshodi , you can now walk there pare the old time with now you will understand q`qz\ Y]\ zZÂ&#x2122;_]Ă&#x2013;\ ]_q\ Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ YÂ?q\ ]_qÂ?q\ Fatoba Esan what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m saying. The police in Nigeria are known with their amour tanks to protect the Â&#x2018;^Â?\ [ZEqÂ?qz]\ Â&#x;Y[\ Â&#x;q_Y`Z^Â&#x2014;Â?XÂ&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ Â&#x201D;^^Â&#x201C;\ Y]\ ¢_Y]\ ZX\ citizens, To me, I think they are renhappening to them presently. Recently I heard of [qÂ?ZzÂ&#x2122;\Y\\Â&#x2122;^^[\XqÂ?`ZÂ&#x2019;q\]^\]_q\Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]Â?Â&#x2022;ÂŚ\ Y\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\]_Y]\¢YX\[ZXÂ&#x161;ZXXq[\^`qÂ?\_ZX\YÂ&#x2019;]\^Â&#x2018;\_Y`ZzÂ&#x2122;\ If it were before, you cannot walk in Sharon Omos Nigeria police are nothing but 419. As far as am concerned, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see anything carnal knowledge of a young girl in plateau state. Lagos once it is ten at night, but now change in them. They are always the same set of people of the same set of ideas. All That is what we are saying. If it were before, the that has been reduced to a minimal ]_qÂ&#x2022;\²Â&#x2014;X]\zqq[\ZX\]^\Â&#x2019;_YzÂ&#x2122;q\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_qZÂ?\¢Â?^zÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x161;qz]YÂ&#x201D;Z]Â&#x2022;\Yz[\Â&#x161;^`q\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\ ^Â?¢YÂ?[\ man may be indulged while another person may Â&#x201D;q`qÂ&#x201D;ÂŚ\ ^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ _Y`q\ Â?qYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ ZÂ&#x161;ŠÂ?^`q[Â&#x2013;\ `qz]Â&#x2014;Â?q\Zz]^\XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;_\YÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\Â&#x201C;z^¢\]_Y]\_q\ŠYZ[\¢Z]_\ and I think it does depend on the Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;_]ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x2019;Â?ZÂ&#x161;q _ZX\ ²^Â&#x;Â&#x2013;\ Z]\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ XqÂ?`q\ [q]qÂ?Â?qz]\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ^]_qÂ?XÂŚ\ X^Â&#x2013;\ ]_q\ leadership. The IGP is really trying; man is really working. but could do more. Tolu Elliot ^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;qÂ&#x2013;\]_^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\YÂ?q\]Â?Â&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\]_qÂ&#x2022;\X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\_Y`q\ a long way to go in order to get it right. To Toyosi Adeniji X]YÂ?]\ ¢Z]_Â&#x2013;\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ zqq[\ ]^\ ÂĄÂ&#x2014;X_\ Y¢YÂ&#x2022;\ ]_^Xq\ I cannot say whether the man try or hunger strikes once among them. Those ones not. Police if you look at them, encourthat no nothing than bribe collection, they age a lot of bad things in the society, need to either curb then or chase them away. Yz[\ \[^zÂ&#x17E;]\Â&#x;Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x161;q\]_qÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\q`qz\]_q\Šq^I can imagine you will go to a police station ŠÂ&#x201D;q\Zz\Â&#x2122;^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\YÂ?q\[^ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_qZÂ?\^¢zÂŚ\ to report case and they will demand money ^\¢_Y]\[^\¢q\qŠqÂ&#x2019;]Ă&#x2022;\ ZÂ&#x2122;qÂ?ZY\Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ZX\ before they follow you, just that I will not ]_q\^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2018;^Â?Â&#x2019;q\ \Â&#x201C;z^¢\]_Y]\ZÂ&#x2018;\Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;\\Â&#x2122;Z`q\ mention the station, when my brother was them a distress call, they will tell you robbed and we went to police station, the z^\Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201D;\Zz\]_qZÂ?\`q_ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;qĂ&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ZÂ&#x2018;\]_qÂ&#x2022;\YÂ?q\ Š^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ ^z\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2014;z]qÂ?\ ¢qÂ?q\ [qÂ&#x161;Yz[ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x2018;^Â?\ Â&#x2DC;`q\ to raid the cars on the road, they will thousand before they follow us. So, with that _Y`q\ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201D;ÂŚ\ ^\ Â&#x161;qÂ&#x2013;\ \ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ Â?Y]_qÂ?\ ]qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ ]_q\ ¢ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ \XYÂ&#x2022;\]_qÂ&#x2022;\_Y`q\]Â?Zq[Ă&#x2022;\ _^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2122;_\ \z^]\YÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ \]^\Zz]qzXZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x161;^Â?q\qE^Â?]\]^\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Â&#x;\]_q\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_qÂ&#x161;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x;Â&#x2014;]\ ¢q\ X]ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;\ _Y`q\ Â&#x;Y[\ qÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;X\ YÂ&#x161;^zÂ&#x2122;\ ugly ones among the police so that he them. On their boss, he has tried his best; at Â&#x2019;Yz\_Y`q\_ZX\YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Â&#x201D;Y[qX\Zz\Â&#x;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201C;\¢_qz\_q\ Toyosi Adeniji Â&#x201D;qYX]\_q\Â&#x2019;Yzz^]\Â&#x;q\q`qÂ?Â&#x2022;¢_qÂ?qÂŚ\ q\ZX\Y\Â&#x161;Yz\ Tolu Elliot Â&#x2DC;zYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x201D;qY`qX\]_q\^IÂ&#x2019;qÂŚ at the job.
he peace and security committee set up by the Inspector General of Police, Mohammed Abubakar to find lasting solution to clashes between farmers and Fulani herdsmen in the country has urged the people of Plateau State to forget the past and close ranks for enduring peace. Chairman of the Committee and Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG Operations), Force Headquarters, Abuja, Micheal Zuokumor, made the call yesterday during an interactive session with traditional and community leaders in Plateau State, held at the
Daily Newswatch thursday, april 17, 2014
north central
Police urges Plateau people to close ranks for lasting peace ^Â&#x201D;ZÂ&#x2019;q\ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2019;qÂ?XÂ&#x17E;\ qXXÂ&#x2013;\ Jos. Zuokumor said the clash between Fulani and farmers across the country is unnecessary, adding that the leadership of the police force has taken a drastic measure toward resolving the avoidable clashes which has claimed several lives. According to him, the Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z]]qqÂ&#x17E;X\ ]qÂ?Â&#x161;X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ reference is to find solution to the problem, noting that of all the
wars that the world has gone through, the dispute was resolved in a round table discussion and the present situation in the state will not be an exception. He challenged Fulani and farmers in Plateau to embrace peace, pointing out that they have lived peacefully for over 200 years and wondered what went wrong that they cannot forgive each other for an enduring peace. The police chief noted
that Nigeria is blessed with natural resources and fertile land for farming, lamenting that not up to 30 per cent of the land has been used and charged that there is no need fighting instead of being together to enjoy what God has given them. Zuokumor stressed that the country is blessed with crop of good leaders under the leadership of President Goodluck Jona-
than, adding that the country is practising democracy that gives more room to citizens to contribute in governance. He said the committee has visited Benue, Nasarawa, Katsina, Zamfara, Kaduna and Plateau states, saying they are heading to Delta and Edo states. However, Plateau State Police Commissioner, Chris Olakpe, urged the traditional and community lead-
Kogi intensifies awareness campaign on flood
Man arrested over rape of 3-year old in Plateau
n 18-year old man yesterday raped a threeyear old baby in Busabuji, a suburb of Jos, the Plateau State capital, where rape cases have become rampant. Daily Newswatch gathered that the man, named Ezekiel Abiahun, lured the manor with sweets and biscuits and forced himself on her. It was gathered that when the girl felt the pains, she screamed, urging neighbours to come to her assistance. Police Public Relation Officer, Felicia Anslem, who confirmed this to journalists, said the suspect has been arrested and is currently undergoing interrogation at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). Meanwhile, this is a second case of rape in the state within two weeks, as a 70year old HIV positive man raped a four-year old girl in Barkin-Ladi Local Government Area of the state. The suspect was arrested by the police and investigation is ongoing.
ers to take the message of peace to their respective localities, saying a round table discussion should also be organised at the grass root for enduring peace. Olakpe noted there is nothing more than dialogue in solving dispute and called on the different ethnic nationalities in the state to avail themselves of dialogue to arrest the circle of violence that has claimed several lives in the state.
L-R: Obaro of Kabba, Oba Micheal Olabayo; Minister of Works, Mr. Mike Onolememen; Kogi State Governor, Idris Wada and Chairman, Senate Committee on Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Sen. Smart Adeyemi, at the inauguration of rehabilitation work on Egbe-Kabba road In Kogi State... recently.
Kogi gov decries lax in basic education board Z]Â&#x2022;\Y4qz]Z^z\Zz\_ZX\]Â?YzXÂ&#x2018;^Â?ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja
overnor Idris Wada of Kogi yesterday expressed disappointment with the high level of nonperformance of the present management of the State Universal Basic Education Board. Wada, who expressed dismay over the poor performances of the management of SUBEB, noted that education has been given prior-
mation agenda and vowed ]^\ Â?qXZX]\ YzÂ&#x2022;\ Y4qÂ&#x161;Š]\ Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ those entrusted to oversee the sector sabotage governÂ&#x161;qz]Â&#x17E;X\ qE^Â?]\ ]^¢YÂ?[X\ ]_q\ realisation of the goal. Speaking in Lokoja yesterday during the courtesy call by members of the Bureau for Local Government Pension on him, the governor promised to re-organise the Â&#x;^YÂ?[\ ]^\ qzXÂ&#x2014;Â?q\ qIÂ&#x2019;ZqzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;\ and result oriented system. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am disappointed with the non- performance of
the chairman and members of SUBEB and very soon, I will restructure the board, to give room for improved services in handling the YEYZÂ?X\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ŠÂ?ZÂ&#x161;YÂ?Â&#x2022;\ XÂ&#x2019;_^^Â&#x201D;\ teachers in the state.â&#x20AC;? Wada lamented. The governor commended members of the bureau Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ¢^Â?Â&#x201C;ZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^Â&#x2014;]\ qEqÂ&#x2019;]Z`q\ modalities that facilitated regular payment of pensioners in the state and the Â&#x2122;Â?Y[Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201D;\ Xq4Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x161;qz]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_qZÂ?\ gratuity. He directed the pension
board to take accurate statistics of the local government pensioners in the state, to avoid payment to ghosts pensioners. Earlier, the Executive Secretary of the Bureau for Local Government Pension, Joseph Ogundare, lauded the governor for addressing the plight of pensioners, especially the regular payment of their pension and promised that the board will not compromise transparency in the system.
â&#x20AC;ŚDisolves state executive council ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja
overnor Idris Wada of Kogi has dissolved the X]Y]qÂ&#x17E;X\ qÂŤqÂ&#x2019;utive council. A statement signed
Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\ ]_q\ ^`qÂ?z^Â?Â&#x17E;X\ Šqcial Adviser Media and Strategy, Jacob Edi, indicated that the dissolution was conveyed at the end of the weekly executive council meeting in Lokoja.
The statement added that the governor thanked the former cabinet members for their Â&#x2014;zÂĄZzÂ&#x2019;_ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Yz[\ Â&#x161;qÂ?Ztorious services to the state and he further enjoined them to be ready
for further services to the fatherland as may be required. The commissioners are to hand over to the permanent secretaries in their respective ministries.
n a bid to avoid a repeat of the 2012 ÂĄ^^[\ [ZXYX]qÂ?Â&#x2013;\ ^Â&#x2122;Z\ State government said it has embarked on aggressive media and public enlightenment campaign on the need for those still living at the river bank to relocate to safer ground. Special Adviser to the state governor on Â&#x161;qÂ?Â&#x2122;qzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2022;\ Y4qÂ?XÂ&#x2013;\ Air Vice Gabriel Abdul (rtd.) stated this Tuesday in Lokoja, the state capital, during the sensitization workshop organised by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). Abdul said the government is determined to ensure that the citizenry is adequately protected from manmade or natural disasters, adding that the ÂĄ^^[\ `ZÂ&#x2019;]ZÂ&#x161;XÂ&#x17E;\ _^Â&#x2014;Xing estate will soon be commissioned. Earlier, the Head of Operation, Abuja OfÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;q\ ^Â&#x2018;\ Â&#x2013;\ X_YÂ&#x2022;Y\ Isah Chonoko, said there is a paradigm shift from disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness to awareness campaign. Chonoko, who deXÂ&#x2019;Â?ZÂ&#x;q[\ ]_q\ ¾¤\ ÂĄ^^[\ disaster as unprecedented with its devastating impacts on lives, properties and livelihood, added that the fatality would have been worst if the yearly awareness creation and sensitisation had not been carried out at the beginning of that year.
Daily Newswatch
Norht West
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Nyanya blast: Christian Forum demands response to violence TED ODOGWU, Kano
orried by the incessant wave of violence across the country, the Christian Elders Forum of Northern States have called on the Federal Government to embrace a robust approach to the menace, following the killing of over 70 commuters after a bomb blast, which rocked Nyanya overhead bridge on Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²YÂł qI\ ŠÂ?qXX\ ¢YÂ&#x2022;\ at the outskirts of Abuja early Monday morning. Also, the Forum demanded speedy response to the various acts of violence, currently rocking the nation, especially the ]qÂ?Â?^Â?\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;X\Â&#x;Â&#x2022;\]_q\ŠÂ?^scribed Boko Haram sect. In a statement, jointly signed by the Chairman and National Secretary of the Christian forum, Olaiya Phillips and Emmanuel Subilim, respectively, and made available to newsmen in Kano yesterday, the forum notq[\]_Y]\]_qXq\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;X\_Y`q\ compounded the logic behind such brutal acts of barbarism. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;If the thousands of innocent civilians killed already this year are not enough evidence of Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s immoral disregard for the sanctity of human life, then Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s atrocities would leave no room for doubtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boko Haram has repeatedly demonstrated that they have no regard for who they targetâ&#x20AC;? They have indiscriminately attacked Christians and Muslims in their quest to impose a radical interpretation of their religion. They have killed teachers and students in their pursuit to prevent Northern Nigerians from educating themselves and their chil[Â?qzÂŚ\\ _qÂ&#x2022;\_Y`q\Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;q[\ men and women, old and young. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like the millions of our fellow Nigerians attacked Monday morning, who are of all reliÂ&#x2122;Z^zX\Yz[\[ZEqÂ?qz]\q]_zZÂ&#x2019;\ groups across the nation, we are disturbed by the inhuman actions of Boko Haram and their criminal activities or every sinÂ&#x2122;Â&#x201D;q\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ ]_Y]\ ]_qÂ&#x2022;\ _Y`q\ launched and for every single life they have taken and for every single family they have tried to break. Nigeria will not be broken.â&#x20AC;? While condoling the
families of the victims and injured, the forum stated that â&#x20AC;&#x153;NOSCEF Â&#x2019;Yzz^]\Â&#x2DC;z[\¢^Â?[X\]^\Â&#x2019;^zvey our grief and sorrow at the loss of so many innocent Nigerians. Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tragic events have dealt another devastating
blow in the heart of our Northern Christian community and our Muslim neighboursâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; alike. We mourn the loss of those murdered in Amchaka, Dikwa, Kaigamari, Kala-Balge, Gambulga, Gwoza and Ngoshe and
ask our members and fellow Nigerians to pray for the victims and their families. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Following news of a [q`YX]Y]ZzÂ&#x2122;\ Â&#x;^Â&#x161;Â&#x;\ Y4YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\ on the Nyanya Motor Park at the outskirt of Â&#x;Â&#x2014;²YÂ&#x2013;\ \ qÂŤ]qz[X\
our thoughts and prayers to those victims and famZÂ&#x201D;ZqX\ YEqÂ&#x2019;]q[ÂŚ\ \ q\ ŠÂ?YÂ&#x2022;\ that God will relieve their XÂ&#x2014;EqÂ?ZzÂ&#x2122;\Yz[\Â&#x;Â?ZzÂ&#x2122;\]_qÂ&#x161;\ the peace they need. â&#x20AC;&#x153;NOSCEF supports and is solidly behind our security forces campaign
to rid the country of this menace and those who align themselves with them. We demand a rapid and robust response to the escalating violence. The murder of innocent Nigerians cannot be tolerated. Enough is enough.â&#x20AC;?
Zuru Emirate holds Uhola festival AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
. 1 ?+ + 3*> ! *! 01 @+ ! Â&#x2DC; !* % 6Q 0+% & +@ 6+ !+ ! Q 0 6 %6+!%$1+ +* +! % $ X0% !% 6 *~ ?1! ' Q!* gramme in Kaduna State...yesterday
KEDCO to stop allocation of dedicated lines TED ODOGWU, Kano
he Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO) yesterday in Kano said it would no longer allo-
cate dedicated lines to private houses of some of its customers. KEDCOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spokesman, YEY\ XÂ&#x161;Yz\ [ZXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;^Xq[\ to newsmen in Kano that only industrial customers would now enjoy such privilege due to the high
nature of the bills the line also known as blue line. XÂ&#x161;Yz\ Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x161;qz]q[\ ]_Y]\ KEDCO lose up to N600 million to illegal activities of those on the dedicated lines, adding that the decision is purely economic and had no
political undertone. It would be recalled that until the latest development, KEDCO used to allocate dedicated lines to special customers, at a special charge as the lines are also known as blue line.
he Zuru Emirate Council in Kebbi State has Â&#x2DC;ÂŤq[\ Â?Z[YÂ&#x2022;\ ÂŹÂĽ]_\ Yz[\ Y]Â&#x2014;Â?[YÂ&#x2022;\ÂŹĂ?]_\YX\\]_q\[Y]q\Â&#x2018;^Â?\ ]_ZX\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?Â&#x17E;X\ ]Â?Y[Z]Z^zYÂ&#x201D;\ _^Â&#x201D;Y\ Festival. Chairman main committee of the festival who is also the traditional ruler of Dabai Kingdom in Zuru emirate, Alhaji Isah Sami, disclosed this to Newsmen at a press briefing in Birinin-Kebbi to herald the coming of the festival. Alhaji Sami disclosed further that General Ishaya Bamaiyi (retrd) has been appointed as the Chairman for this year festival. He therefore called on individuals, corporate organizations, companies and agricultural research institutes to take advantage of the festival to showcase new agricultural innovations of cultural heritage of the Zuru people. The traditional ruler Y`qÂ?Â?q[\ ]_Y]\ ]_ZX\ Â&#x2022;qYÂ?\ _^Â&#x201D;Y\ is aimed at bringing together agricultural research institutes in order to showcase new innovations and interact with farmers in the area.
SURE-P: Kaduna empowers 7,600 women, youth with starter packs BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
ot less than 7,600 youths and women YÂ&#x2019;Â?^XX\ ]_q\ §\ Local Government Areas of Kaduna State yesterday received their emŠ^¢qÂ?Â&#x161;qz]\ ¨ \ X]YÂ?]qÂ?\ packs distributed by Goverz^Â?\ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201C;_]YÂ?\ YÂ&#x161;YÂ&#x201D;Yz\ qÂ?^\]^\ ]_q\Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;ZYÂ?ZqXÂŚ The packs is a fallout of the ]Â?YZzZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;ZYÂ?ZqX\ ÂĄYÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;q[\^E\Zz\ ^`qÂ&#x161;Â&#x;qÂ?\¾¤§\ by the Governor where he reiterated his administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to ensuring that youth of the state are provided with the wherewithal to set up their own business for self employment and actualization of their full potentials. In his speech at the occaXZ^zÂ&#x2013;\ qÂ?^\ XYZ[\ ]_q\ ŠÂ?^Â&#x2122;Â?YÂ&#x161;\ was organized to present graduates of the various training schemes with support in
meeting the critical requirement of seed capital for starting viable businesses that will contribute to the rapid economic development of our State and reduce unemployment rate. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the trainings conducted under the various trades were rigorous and in depth. At the outset we were unequivocal in emphasising, that only trainZzÂ&#x2122;\ ZzX]Z]Â&#x2014;]Z^zXÂłÂ&#x2DC;Â?Â&#x161;X\ ¢Z]_\ demonstrable competences in the business will be engaged in the youth trainings. Our insistence was to ensure effective transfer of technology ]^\]Â?YZzqqX\Â&#x2018;^Â?\Â&#x161;YÂŤZÂ&#x161;Â&#x2014;Â&#x161;\Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;]XÂŚ The Governor said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Each of the trainees would receive starter packs relevant to his/ her trade in addition to take ^E\ Â&#x2122;Â?Yz]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ]_q\ XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x161;\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¤¾Â&#x2013;\ 000. \ ¸ _q\ Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;ZYÂ?ZqX\ ¢_qÂ?q\ trained in aluminum works,
photography, leather work, printing business, block makZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\Â&#x;Â?ZÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;\Â&#x201D;YÂ&#x2022;ZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2DC;X_\ŠÂ?^Â&#x2019;qXXing, GSM repairs, honey processing, animal husbandry, plumbing works, horticulture, agricultural enterprise among others. They were those also trained Zz\ Â&#x2019;Y4Â&#x201D;q\ Â&#x2018;Y4qzZzÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2013;\ Â&#x;qq\ Â&#x201C;qqŠing, maize production, sugarcane production, ginger production, goat keeping, beauty and cosmetology, tie and dye, vegetable processing, catering and event management, piggery, hair dressingâ&#x20AC;?, he said. The Governor stressed that â&#x20AC;&#x153;it was pertinent to re-state the determination of our administration to continue to acÂ&#x2019;^Â?[\ŠÂ?Z^Â?Z]Â&#x2022;\Y4qz]Z^z\]^\XÂ&#x201C;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;X\ acquisition, as well as training and retraining of the youths Â&#x2018;^Â?\]_q\qÂ&#x2019;^z^Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x2019;\Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;]\^Â&#x2018;\]_q\ stateâ&#x20AC;?, adding that the objectives of this approach are to stimulate the economy of the state through creation of mas-
sive employment opportunities for the people and reduce poverty. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In this regards, we have concluded plans to engage ÂŹÂ&#x2013;ÂĽÂĽÂľ\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;]_X\ Â&#x2014;XZzÂ&#x2122;\ ^Â&#x2014;Â?\ ¾¤§\ ¨ \ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2014;z[XÂŚ\ _qXq\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;]_\ ¢^Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;[\Â&#x;q\[Â?Y¢z\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_q\ÂŹÂĽÂĽ\ wards across the State with 40% of them to be women. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They would provide community development services within their respective wards in the areas of sanitization of major roads and public institutions, provision of security, control of human and vehicuÂ&#x201D;YÂ?\ ]Â?YIÂ&#x2019;\ qXŠqÂ&#x2019;ZYÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ [Â&#x2014;Â?ZzÂ&#x2122;\ occasion and public functions, sensitization/enlightenment, advocacy on peace etc. They would be paid an allowance ^Â&#x2018;\ ¤¾Â&#x2013;\¾¾¾\Â&#x161;^z]_Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\¢Z]_\qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;]\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\ ŠÂ?ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2013;\¾¤Ă?ÂŚ\\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the same vein, the state will collaborate with the Federal Ministry of Finance ]^\ qzYÂ&#x;Â&#x201D;q\ ¾¾¾\ Â&#x2014;zqÂ&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;^Â&#x2022;q[\ graduates of our State to
participate in the Federal ^`qÂ?zÂ&#x161;qz]\ ¨ \ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;munity services, women and youth programme scheme on Graduate Internship Scheme Âť ŸŒ\ z[qÂ?\]_ZX\ŠÂ?^Â&#x2122;Â?YÂ&#x161;Â&#x161;qÂ&#x2013;\ each participating graduate will receive an allowance of §¾Â&#x2013;\¾¾¾Œ¾¾\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_q\ q[qÂ?YÂ&#x201D;\ Government and a stipend of ¤¾Â&#x2013;\¾¾¾\Â&#x2018;Â?^Â&#x161;\]_q\ ]Y]q\]^]YÂ&#x201D;ing N40, 000.00 monthly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As pioneers of a novel initiative of this administration, I urge you to use the skills you have acquired during this training programme for the Â&#x;qzqÂ&#x2DC;]\ ^Â&#x2018;\ z^]\ ^zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;\ Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;Â?XqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;\ and immediate family but to the good of the entire people of our State. Speaking earlier, the Deputy Governor Ambassador Nuhu Bajoga who is the state _YZÂ?Â&#x161;Yz\ ^Â&#x2018;\ ¨ \ ZÂ&#x161;ŠÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x161;qz]Y]Z^z\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;Â&#x161;Z4qq\ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x161;mended the Governor for the opportunity given the comÂ&#x161;Z4qq\]^\XqÂ?`qÂŚ
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