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Saturday, April 18 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

South East


Anambra APGA targets 4 remaining Assembly seats today Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


s fresh election into the Anambra State House of Assembly is being conducted today for the remaining four seats which the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), left out during the last House of Assembly election in the state, the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) said yesterday that it would not engage in celebration over its victory in the state until it wins the remaining four seats today. It would be recalled that APGA had won the 26 House of Assembly seats already declared by INEC out of 30 in Anambra State. A member of APGA Board of Trustees (BOT), Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, told newsmen in

Oba, that there was no room for any opposition house member to come and trouble Gov. Willie Obiano under any circumstance. Ezeonwuka said that the party chieftains had vowed that no single House of Assembly seat would be allowed for the opposition no qx {|}~ {} ~}~ x He said that the party was prepared and eager to win the remaining four; adding: “The remaining will be surely won by APGA, the leading party of the state as well as SouthEast.” “I am using this medium to advise political hawks still operating in the state under the guise of rival political party to steer clear of Anambra State. “We are awakened to make

“The way the House of Assembly election went shows that APGA is on ground and we won fairly and squarely with high margin in all the constituencies. “It had indicated that the results of the National Assembly were not a true |{ { ~ } }~ {} { } } |} Ezeonwuka, who is the people, the electorate,’’ he said. The BOT member said that Ogirisi of Igboland, said that ~ {}|{qx }| 7}{ { ~ } APGA would not go into would be keenly monitored x~ } ~ } ~ {} | 7} and mobilised for; adding: election is done with the party “We are leaving no stone sweeping the seats. Ezeonwuka, however, unturned.” “The Igbo has awoken advised APGA members, to know the importance of who defected to other parties, power, and the need to hold to come back home and join it; thanks to the re-orientation the Igbo identity party – work of APGA, which want APGA - “since we must have the best for the Igbo and other something to bargain with at progressive minds in the the national level.’. country. sure that no criminality would be allowed to happen in any election again in Anambra State. “APGA members have awakened following the electoral malpractices that took place at the National Assembly elections,’’ he said.

Iwuanyanwu alleges death threat against Okorocha Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


usiness mogul and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Board of Trustees member, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, has alleged that the Governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, wants to kill him. } ¡{x¢ }x~}x}¡|{ } | { } } } Ugwu Orji Glass House in Owerri, the capital of Imo State, Chief Iwuanyanwu stressed that he had intelligence report that the governor wanted to kill him on April 11, during the Governorship and House of Assembly elections in the state. In his words, “I learnt over 4,000 thugs were trained and armed. I was also warned to steer clear of the polls or risk assassination. With the arrests recorded by security agents | } ~ {} { { ~ } {} |q{ } the information that Police and army uniforms were freely used, and government vehicles repainted to bear police colours. I heard also the governor has threatened to retire me, but he tends to forget that he is not God. I have brought value to Imo State and impacted life even on my personal capacity. I think it is absolutely unfair to want to rise to power by killing or retiring Iwuanyanwu.” Iwuanyanwu expressed serious apprehension over the future of democracy and civil rule in the state

under Okorocha. According to him, his trepidation is borne out of the antecedents of a new crop of politicians with inordinate love for power, who could do anything to assume positions of power. The elder statesman noted that a lot of desperation and criminality were brought to bear in the last governorship election in the state. “My voice was cloned last week by the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Imo State government, and used to mislead Imo people telling them to vote APC. My voice was played every {} q ~{ } } ~ {} {| q{ ~} owned Orient FM soliciting votes for APC. When I called Orient FM, they said it was sent to them from the Imo Government House. Former Governor Achike Udenwa’s voice was also cloned; I have never seen this level of fraud, dishonour and impunity in my political life,” he said. The PDP leader lamented that Nigeria’s democracy would have made no progress if after more than half a century of Nigeria’s independence, ‘the governorship charade in Imo on April 11 is upheld.’ According to the party chieftain, ­ }~ }} ~x~{ }x } } ? x }qx {} the statement before cameras that she was kidnapped and forced to write election results at gunpoint, and nothing has been said or done about this.’

MAO returns to National Assembly for Abia Eric Elezuo


President-elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari in a chat with Imo State Governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha and Chief Jerry Chukwueke now an APC chieftain

Anambra PDP will cooperate with APGA, says Obi Cyprian Ebele Onitsha


he former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi, yesterday assured that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members in the National Assembly would work with All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), for the ultimate good and progress of the state. He said this during the presentation } {|~ x~{ } } {~ | }~ }~ {}~ x~} won the Senatorial and House of Representatives seats in the state. Flanked by the Senator-elect for Anambra South, Sen. Andy Uba;

Hon. Uche Ekwunife (Central); and Princess Stella Oduah (Anambra |~ ¦ } } x }~ x~}}~ {} { { ~} } having three of them in one party was that they would work together for the good of Anambra state in particular, and Nigeria in general. He expressed happiness that Anambra has ranking members in the National Assembly to ensure that ~ {} ~x~{} { { ~{ } | q} ~| ~ } } qq {{ } x } ~ {|} |{ x~{ } qx {| Asked to comment on Gov. Willie Obiano’s broadcast, where he said that the National Assembly election was rigged, and the actual reasons the PDP did not win a single House

of Assembly seat in the last election, Obi, who said that he was not given to careless talk, said that the National Assembly election was peaceful and orderly unlike the election for the House of Assembly which was fraught with massive inducement, threat to lives and property and many other atrocities. zHe however, said that since it had given the governor the APGA members that he said he needed to work with, that the prayers of every Anambra man was for the governor to build on the foundations already laid for the good of the people of the state. Speaking on those foundations,

Obi recalled that it was under his government that the state built ~ {} | ~} { |{~x| x~ } ~} ~ {} | ~} Teaching Hospital; returned schools to the Church and invested so much in education that the state came | ~} } } x } } |} ~ |{{} consecutive years; rebuilt Onitsha, especially the ten-lane UpperIweka Head bridge dual carriage road; provided many vehicles to security agencies as well as started the demolition of houses owned by, or used for kidnapping; started two major hotels for the state and three shopping complexes in Awka, Onitsha and Nnewi.

NARTO urges Obiano to disregard NURTW, says body is illegal NURTW through its state chairman, Chief Augustine Udeozor, the NARTO state ith the alleged sack of chairman, Osita Okosieme, the National Union revealed that the said Appeal of Road Transport Court awarded N50,000 cost Workers (NURTW) from against NURTW, and declared operating in Anambra State by the that NARTO was the body to state High Court and an Appeal operate in Anambra, and not |~} } } } } x |} NURTW. of National Association of Road Okosieme also described the Transport Owners (NARTO), the congratulatory message Udeozor later has urged Governor Willie sent to the governor over the Obiano to disregard the pleas victory of APGA in the House of of NURTW to re-admit it in the Assembly election as cosmetic state. and brandishing of lost case. Reacting to the pleas by « {} ¡ {x} } ~ } x |x ~} ~ {} Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


Governor’s sympathy on his so called 5000 displaced workers from the Anambra State motor parks since 2003,” Okosieme stated. He, however, reminded the governor that NARTO still awaits the implementation of the Appeal Court judgment which authorised NARTO to commence operation in Anambra State. Okosieme reminded Udeozor that according to the Nigerian Constitution, NURTW is a member of Labour Union and not transportation management as it parades itself while NARTO

is a visible vehicle owner’s body of gentlemen in the transport industry. He advised NURTW to go where it belong which is operating mass transit programme, and stop laying claims to motor parks. Also reacting, the legal adviser to NARTO, Fidelis Mbadugha, recalled that NURTW was warned to desist from causing breach of 2014 Enugu Appeal Court judgment by arrogating or seeking sympathy in any form to avoid confusion over the judgment.

he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Umuahia, Abia State, has issued {|~ x~{ } } {~ | } ~ } } MAO Ohuabunwa -Abia North and others as Senators-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Performing the ceremony at INEC headquarters in Umuahia, Chief Lawrence Nwuruku, charged them to celebrate their victory peacefully and to be magnanimous in their celebration. Following protest, Abia North election results were subjected to three days forensic analysis, booth by booth, before Hon. MAO Ohuabunwa of the PDP was declared winner having

scored the highest number of votes. The detailed result shows that he scored 47,027 to emerge winner, beating David Ogba Onuoha of APGA, who received 28,055 and Orji Uzor Kalu of PPA with 27,002 votes. MAO’s choice was informed by the people’s desire for quality representation, experienced legislation, national reach and possession of oratory skills required to argue bills and motions in the hallow chambers. Abia North Elders represented by Chief Ojo Maduekwe, Nigeria’s High Commissioner to Canada, x?|q{ }~ x~}« ~} }~ {}|{~ | } } quality representation.”

Prof. Samuel Obiora Okafor Buried


ate Prof. Samuel Obiora Okafor, who died on the March 15, 2015, has been laid to rest at his residence, No. 11 Achukwu lane, Onitsha Anambra State, on April 16, 2015. He is survived by his children: Obiora Onyebuchi

Nnaemeka Okafor, Ikemefuna Izuchukwu Chukwunonso Okafor; daughter-in-law, Christiana Nnenne Okafor and grandchild, Marvin Obiora Nnaemeka Okafor. May his soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


South West

Court arraigns NURTW member in Lagos for carrying arms on election day


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Egba in Diaspora awards 17 students scholarship Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


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Ondo APC accuses police of bias in alleged attack on deputy gov { } q ¢ } {} |{ x } x~ {|{ } ~ x~} ~ { {} ~ } x|{} ngered by the alleged } } q{} } ~ {} x {~ } x x ¢} } ~ {} } } ~ {} {| q{ ~} { }} } ~ {} {¡ ~ } x x¢x {| |} } } ~x~{ } x } } « } x x ¢} } x} } } x } } q{} ~ { ~ } } {| |} |} {¡ ~ } } x } ¢ |{} } { x } ~ {} x¡~{|} x {||x~ }x }x7| ~ }x } ~} } }~ {} } | |{ { } |{ } x } x x ¢} } ~ {} ~ ~ ~ } } ¯ ¦} x } x { } ~ {} ~x~{} ~ {} { {|x } {¡ } } {| x ¼} ¡ {} qqx } } x } }~ {} {} ¡x|~ } ~ {|{ |{} x| { } { ~ x~ } }~ {} { ~ } ~ {} qq {|}~ } { ~ x~{} } {} ¡¡ ~ } ¡x|~ } x } | ~} ~ } ¢ } ~ {} ¡{ x } x { { } ~ {} ¡{|¡{~|x~ | } } ~ {} x { { } x ~} qq {|} } {} ¯ ¦ } ~ } qq{ x~{}{7{ ~ } | } xx } ¢{ } } ~} x } } « | } ¢{} } x } {} ~ {} { ~ x~ }¡| ¡{| } |{q { } ~ x~ } {} } ~} } x } ~x { } } x} ~ {|x~{} ~} } x~} | } {¡ } ~x~{q{ ~} { } x } qx {} }~ {} |q{|} qq {|} x x x {}~ } | x ~ } } ¢ |{ } } { } {| } ~x~{} } } ~ {} ~x~{} x¡ ~x } { ~{| x } }~ {} } ~x~{ } {}¡x|~ x ¡} } x|~ ° } ~ } { |{~x| } | } ~ {} {| x } {} } ~} {} x q } { x x } ~ {|x~{ } ~} ¡| { x q } } ~ {} ~x~{q{ ~ } {} x { } x }~ {}{|x} } q¡ ~ } } {| ¼} ~ {} qq {|} } {} } ~ {} ~x~{q{ ~}|{x } x { { }|{ {x }~ {}x x ¢{| } } {7 |~ } ~ } ¡{x¢} ~ } ~ {} ~ x } { ¡ ~{} ~ {} ~x~{} {} } { x~ } ¡{| |} | {|} | q} ~ {} {} ? {| } | } {} } }~ {} x } qqx } } ~ } x { x~ }¡| { }x |~ {}x } } { ~ x~{}~ {}qx {| } q {}¡ {} {} x } ~} } } {} ~x~{q{ ~} |{x } « } ~ | }x }x~}~ {}~ q{} } } ~ {} ~| ~ } } {| |} ~ }|{¡ |~ } Peter Dada, Akure


L-R: Chairman, Ibadan Muslim Community, Alhaji Mustapha Oyero; Secretary to Oyo State Government, Mr. Ismail Olalekan-Alli; Governor Abiola Ajimobi and Asiwaju Musulumi of Yorubaland, Alhaji Abdul-Lateef Oyelade, at the 8th Day Fidau prayer for the late Chief Imam of Ibadanland, Alhaji Busari Haruna in Ibadan, Oyo State…yesterday.

Osun police kill 3 robbery suspects in gun battle Tunde Busari


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Lagos Customs makes N61.7bn at Tin-Can Port in Q1

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APGA chairman urges Ambode to protect interest of Lagos residents x } ~x~{} x |qx } } } | |{ { } |x } x {} ¯ ¦ } | } { x} x ¢ } x } | { } ~ {} ~x~{} {| | { { ~ } | } ¢ q } q { } ~ } ¡| ~{ ~} ~ {} ~{|{ ~} } x } x }|{ { ~ x ¢ } } x } x } ~ {} {| x~ | x } x x~{} } ~ {} ¡x|~ } } ~ {} ¡| } ²²} { { ~ } ~ } ~ {} { } { } } {| x} ¯ ¦} { ~{| x } } x } ~ x~} ~ {} {| | { { ~} } ¡| q ~{} ¡{ ¡ { | { ~{ } ¡| |xqq{

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


South South

Group concerned about Dickson’s ability to deliver PDP in Bayelsa Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


s the Bayelsa State governorship election draws nearer, a group under the aegis of Network for Bayelsa People’s Forum (NBPF), has expressed concern over the possibility of the People Democratic Party ( PDP) to return the Bayelsa State Governor, Seriake Dickson, as ~ {}ÂĄx|~„°Â‚}“x‹}—{x|{|Â…} x‰|qxŠ}  Â”} ~ {} ‹| ÂŒÂĄÂ&#x;} |Â…} Ibipa Oweiza, in a statement issued yesterday in Yenagoa, lamented that Governor Dickson has squandered the goodwill of the party of the state, as majority of the electorate are already yearning ” |}€ xŠ‹{Â… The group is of the view that ‰”} ~ {} } ‰Š‚‰‚~‚}  ÂŠ} Âœ{‘ƒ‰Š‹} the incumbent governor as the party’s candidate in the next governorship election in the state, it should as well consider loosing the state to any

opposition political party that would also be vying for the |{{¢} {x {Š}‚{x~} Â”}¥ •{|Â… According to the group, going by the trend in the country as witnessed in the just concluded general elections, xŠ„} x {qÂĄ~} ~ } ‰q¥ ‚{} ~ {} incumbent governor on the people of the state would lead to mass decamping and serious anti-party activities as most PDP members would work against the interest of the ÂĄx|~„}‰Š}~ {}‚~x~{Â… The leadership of the group said it is particularly worried about the governor’s penchant to instigate controversy which x‚}x‘|{xƒ„}ƒ‰ Â‰Âƒ{ƒ}~ {}ÂĄx|~„… His words: “Two months ago, Governor Dickson caused ~ {} Â‚ÂŒÂ‚ÂĄ{Š‚‰ ÂŠ}  Â”}  Â‘Â…} xq} Inokoba, the state chairman of ~ {} Â&#x;}x‹x‰Š‚~}•‰‚{}€ ÂŒÂŠÂ‚{‘…} This action has already polarised the party in ~ {}‚~x~{Â… “Recently, the governor instigated a sectional leadership of the party in the

state to institute investigation and probe of very senior party members, including a serving senator, Emmanuel Paulker, and the senior special assistant to the President on domestic qx {|}  {|}xŠ~‰Â?ÂĄx|~„}x€~‰ Â‰~‰{‚} with a deliberate intention of ”xŠŠ‰Š‹}{q—{|‚} Â”}ƒ‰‚€ |ƒ… “Governor Dickson is doing —x ‘{}”| q}x‘‘}“xŠ¢Â‚}•‰~ ‰Š}~ {} }”xq‰‘„…} {}ÂĄx|~„}qx„}‘ Â‚{} the next governorship election ‰”} ‰€¢Â‚ ÂŠ} |{~x‰Š‚} ‰~‚} ~‰€¢{~Â…} For the party to do well in the forthcoming governorship election, the party should as a qx {|} Â”}ÂŒ|‹{Š€„}—{‹‰Š}~ }‚  ¥} for a popular and acceptable candidate as Dickson has made himself and the party  {|„} ÂŒÂŠÂĄÂ ÂĄÂŒÂ‘x|} ‰Š} ~ {} ‚~x~{Â…} The party is already in disarray and something must be done ~ }‚x‘ x‹{}‰~Ÿ… |Â…} •{‰à x} |{€x‘‘{ƒ} ~ {} recent action of Governor Dickson, over his disruption of court proceeding at a Federal

‰‹ }  Œ|~}‚‰ ‰Š‹}‰Š} {Šx‹ x… The preferred candidate of


n the aftermath of the national and state elections held on March 28 and April 11, 2015, the Rivers State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) said it is set to head to the state election tribunal to reclaim its mandate which it claimed was stolen by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in connivance with the Independent National Electoral Commission ÂŻ ÂŚ}xŠƒ}~ {}¥ ‘‰€{Â…} Stating the position of the party in a press statement issued in Port Harcourt yesterday, the Rivers }€ x‰|qxŠÂ&#x;} |Â…} x Â‰{‚} —‰xqÂŒ} Ikanya, reassured the people of the state that the mandate which they gave to the party and its ‹  {|Š |‚ ‰¥} €xŠƒ‰ƒx~{Â&#x;} |Â…} Dakuku Peterside, would soon be |{~|‰{ {ƒ…

members and the entire people of Rivers State to remain calm and resolute as the party goes to the tribunal to retrieve its ‚~ Â‘{Š} qxŠƒx~{Â…} ÂŒ|} €x‚{} ‰‚} x‚} €‘{x|} x‚} ƒx„‘‰‹ ~Â&#x;} x‚} { {Š} | Â”Â…} Wole Soyinka, Ambassador John Endwistle of the United States of America, the European Union Electoral Observers and other international bodies have ‚‰Š€{} ~{‚~‰œ{ƒ} ~ x~} ~ {} {‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚} purportedly conducted in Rivers ~x~{}•{|{}x}‚ xqÂ&#x;Âź} ¢xŠ„x}‚~x~{ƒ…} He said Wike’s fate had become sealed by the failure to burn the }  ?€{} ‰Š}  |~} x|€ ÂŒ|~} and with it the evidence of his —x|{Â?”x€{ƒ} {‘{€~ |x‘} ”|xŒƒ…} ÂŤ ‰~ } this development, Chief Wike will now join the league of Sir Celestine Omehia who spent only four months as Governor of Rivers State before he was sacked by the ÂŒÂĄ|{q{}  ÂŒ|~} ‰Š} ¡¾¾³Â…} ‰‚} ‰‚}

€ ÂŠÂœ|q{ƒ}ƒ{xƒÂ&#x;°°}  Â‰{‚x}~ Â‘ƒ}Š{•‚q{Š}


We’re set for election tribunal, says Rivers APC “This brazen electoral theft by Chief Nyesome Wike and his PDP gangsters cannot be allowed ~ } ‚~xŠƒ…} {‚{} ¥ •{|Â?ƒ|ŒŠ¢} anti-democratic elements, in their desperation for power, were not discreet in their electoral fraud that saw the allocation of a bonus of   {|}x}q‰‘‘‰ ÂŠ}  ~{‚}~ } ‰{”} ‰¢{Â…} The documents and video tapes so far assembled will surely see many Rivers INEC and PDP chieftains being thrown into jail at the end of ~ {}ƒx„Â&#x;Âź} ¢xŠ„x}‚x‰ƒ… Rivers APC declared that it had an iron-cast case against Wike and the PDP, adding that it was not surprised that Wike, who could not win up to 30 per cent of the votes in a free and fair election in Rivers State, was now running from pillar to post in a bid to prevent the APC from going to the ~|‰—ŒŠx‘… “We wish to appeal to our


nknown gunmen on

Governor Dickson in the just Thursday night killed, „{‚~{|ƒx„}‰Š} ‹ {‘‘‰… News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Mr Austin Icheghe, the concluded National Assembly Ughelli branch chairman of the Nigerian reports that his pool of blood was still on election to represent Bayelsa ~ {}‚¥ ~}• {|{} {}•x‚}¢Â‰Â‘‘{ƒ… x|} ‚‚ Â€Â‰x~‰ ÂŠ}ÂŻ ÂŚ}‰Š} {‘~x} ~x~{Â… West Senatorial District, Mr NAN also reports that sympathisers His niece, Egunor Uviesa, said the Foster Ogola, has been having NBA chairman was shot in front of his were seen trooping in to console the x} |ŒŠŠ‰Š‹} ‘{‹x‘} —x ‘{} •‰~ } house at 14, Ekredjebor Street, Ughelli, ”xq‰‘„…

 ÂŠÂ…} {‰Š{¢{Š}  ¢¥ Â—‰|‰Â&#x;}  {|} while alighting from his vehicle at about The spokesman of the Police Command in Delta, DSP Celestina Kalu, who is the authentic candidate ¸}ÂĄÂ…qÂ…}} ``As soon as he came down from his € ÂŠÂœ|q{ƒ}~ {}‰Š€‰ƒ{Š~}‰Š}x}~{Âş~}q{‚‚x‹{}  Â”}~ {} }” |}~ {}ƒ‰‚~|‰€~Â… vehicle, they accosted him and shot him ~ } Â… He lamented that Governor The test reads: ``Yes sir, he (Icheghe)  ÂŠ}~ {} {xƒ… Dickson had thrown caution to ``He was immediately rushed to a was murdered by unknown gunmen the wind when he visited the private clinic in Ughelli where he was last night’’ court premises on March 30, ” Â‘‘ Â•Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}~ {}ÂœÂşÂ‰ÂŠÂ‹} Â”} {x|‰Š‹} Warri South Constituency 1: Delta APC of judgment by the presiding Judge, which according to candidate calls for cancellation of election him was without proper Sylvester Idowu, Warri for the election was identical with Š ~‰œ€x~‰ ÂŠ} ~ } — ~ } ÂĄx|~‰{‚Â&#x;} the SDP being able to pull more elta State House of fraudulent stunts than the other { {Š} x‚} ~ {} qx {|} x‚} —{{Š} Assembly candidate ”x€~‰ ÂŠ}‰Š}~ {} Â…} q  {ƒ}x•x„}”| q} ‰‚}€ ÂŒ|~Â… for Warri South The group wondered why “The 2015 House of Assembly Constituency 1 on the platform election in Warri South a governor should physically of the All Progressives Congress Constituency 1 was a clear desecrate the temple of justice, ÂŻ ÂŚÂ&#x;} |Â…}  Â—‰Š‚ ÂŠ} |‰„ Â&#x;} x‚} indication that the key political noting that as a lawyer and called on the Independent National actors, including the outgoing former lawmaker he should Electoral Commission (INEC) to governor of Delta State, serving lead by example, even as cancel last Saturday’s election in commissioners from the area and it is also worried about the the constituency, alleging massive  ~ {|}ÂĄÂŒÂ—Â‘Â‰Â€} ?€{}  Â‘ƒ{|‚}x|{}—{Š~} intolerance and over-bearing |‰‹‹‰Š‹}—„}‰~‚} ?€‰x‘‚}‰Š}€ Â‘‘Œ‚‰ ÂŠ} on returning us to the theoretical disposition of the governor to with key political actors in the state of nature, described as a €|‰~‰€‚} Â”} ‰‚}xƒq‰Š‰‚~|x~‰ ÂŠÂ… ruling People’s Democratic Party state where might is right and (PDP), including the outgoing ‘‰”{} ‰‚} ‚  |~Â&#x;} —|ÂŒ~‰‚ } xŠƒ} Šx‚~„…} ‹  {|Š |Â… The degree of irresponsibility Addressing journalists demonstrated by these actors „{‚~{|ƒx„} ‰Š} x||‰Â&#x;} |Â…} |‰„ Â&#x;} x} before and during the election is lawyer, described the election that ÂŒÂŠÂĄ|{€{ƒ{Š~{ƒÂ&#x;Âź} {}xƒƒ{ƒ… took place in the constituency on The APC candidate noted that April 11, 2015 as “a dance of shame, a pointer to what he experienced timidity and irresponsibility on •x‚}Âœ|‚~}Š ~‰€{ƒ}x}”{•}ƒx„‚}~ }~ {} the part of the ruling party and its {‘{€~‰ ÂŠ} • {Š} {} •x‚} x x€¢{ƒ} allies,â€? and threatened to challenge during his campaign by a popular the result of the exercise at the PDP/SDP thug known as ‘Kele’ ~|‰—ŒŠx‘… and that on the eve of the election, He added: “The April 11, 2015 }  ?€‰x‘‚} ‰Š} x||‰}  Â€x‘} House of Assembly election for   {|Šq{Š~} x‘‚ } x {qÂĄ~{ƒ} ~ } Warri South Constituency 1 has for smuggle out thousands of incident q{}”x|}q |{}‚‰‹Š‰œ€xŠ€{}~ xŠ}–Œ‚~} report forms to be used to rig xŠ}{‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ…} ~}‰‚}x|‹Œx—‘„}~ {}q Â‚~} {‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚}‰Š}~ {}€ ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ{Š€„… fraudulent election ever conducted “On the 10th day of April, 2015, ‰Š} ~ {} ‰‚~ |„}  Â”}  ÂŒ|} ƒ{x|} ‚~x~{Â…} thousands of incident report forms I have elected to describe it as a were being stolen from the INEC ‘dance of shame, timidity and  ?€{}‰Š} x||‰}  Â€x‘}   {|Šq{Š~} irresponsibility’ on the part of the Area with the aid of mobile |Œ‘‰Š‹}ÂĄx|~„}xŠƒ}‰~‚}x‘‘‰{‚…Ÿ ¥ ‘‰€{q{Š} xŠƒ} }  ?€‰x‘‚…} ~} Ariyo recalled that there were was the vigilant supporters of our three major contending parties ÂĄx|~„} ~ x~} ‚¥ {ƒ} ~ {q} xŠƒ} ‰Š} – the APC, PDP and the Social the pandemonium that ensued, Democratic Party (SDP) - which bundles of these forms were Âœ{‘ƒ{ƒ}€xŠƒ‰ƒx~{‚}” |}~ {}{‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ&#x;} ‚€x {|{ƒ}x| ÂŒÂŠÂƒÂ&#x;}x}€ ¥Â„} Â”}• ‰€ } noting that the SDP was a faction I decided to keep as proof of this of the PDP and “so their tactics x‘‘{‹x~‰ ÂŠ} Â”}”x€~Â…

L-R: Special Adviser to Ogun State Governor on MDGs, Mrs. Hafsat Abiola-Costello; wife of the State House of Assembly Speaker, Mrs. Oluwaseun Adekunbi; wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Olufunso Amosun; wife of former President, Mrs. Bola Obasanjo; State Head of Service, Mrs. Modupe Adekunle and State Commissioner for Women’s Affairs, Mrs. Elizabeth Sonubi, during the one year anniversary solidarity walk for the Chibok schoolgirls in Abeokuta, Ogun State‌recently.

Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt

Unknown gunmen kill Delta NBA chair

a case which we shall pursue to a logical conclusion not only to retrieve our stolen mandate but to ensure that the plot of sharing Rivers State’s federal allocation among the 10 key actors of the PDP in the state does not materialise,â€? |Â…} ¢xŠ„x}”Œ|~ {|}‚~x~{ƒ… Meanwhile, the Rivers State chapter of the PDP, has accused the APC candidate in the Rivers South/East Senatorial district, {Šx~ |} x‹ŠŒ‚} —{Â&#x;}  Â”}  7{|‰Š‹} some pastors and chiefs in Ogoni huge sums of money as an inducement to petition the state election tribunal that no election ~  ¢}¥‘x€{}‰Š}~ {}x|{xÂ… In a press statement released yesterday by the state PDP chairman, Felix Obuah, the party condemned Senator Abe for ‚{{¢Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} ~ } |{qx‰Š} ‰Š}  ?€{} { {Š} x‹x‰Š‚~}~ {}•‰‚ {‚} Â”} ‰‚}ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{Â…

APC chair has no power to suspend me – Organising secretary Sylvester Idowu, Asaba


rganising secretary of the All Progressive Congress ÂŻ ÂŚ} ‰Š} {‘~x} ~x~{Â&#x;} |Â…} Sunny Amorighoye Mene, said yesterday that his alleged expulsion from the party was “a nullity which €xŠŠ ~}‚~xÂŠÂƒÂ…Âź Mene, who was reacting to a ÂĄÂŒ|ÂĄÂ |~{ƒ} {º¥ÂŒÂ‘‚‰ ÂŠ} ‘{ {|} ‚‰‹Š{ƒ} by the state chairman and assistant secretary of the party, Prophet Jones Ode Erue and Comrade Chris Onodjacha respectively, said the leadership of the APC in the state was merely trying to make excuse for its embarrassing failure in the |{€{Š~}{‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚Â… “The state’s party chairman and assistant secretary who signed the ‘{ {|} x {}Š }€ ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠx‘}¥ •{|} to do so; it is only the national convention of the party that can expel members as entrenched in the € ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠÂ… “The action is null and void; it is alien to the constitution of the APC and against the principle of fair hearing as enshrined in the ÂĄx|~„°Â‚} € ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠÂ…}  Â&#x;} ~ {} ‚ }

called expulsion cannot stand,â€? he said in a statement made available ~ } {•‚•x~€ } ‰q{‚… Mene described as pure ”x‘‚{   ƒ}~ {}x‘‘{‹x~‰ Š}~ x~} {Â&#x;} |Â…} Alex Ideh and Hon Temi Harriman worked for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), stressing that it was a “mere propaganda aimed at covering the failure of the Prophet Erue-led executive of the APC in ~ {}‚~x~{Â… He said: “Delta State APC has just emerged from an embarrassing political failure; rather than think about going back to the drawing board, the state chairman wants to continue in his act of maladministration that brought x— Œ~}~ {}ƒ‰‚‹|x€{Â…} “I want to place it on record that at the presidential election, Warri North scored the highest vote, higher than those recorded by any ‘ €x‘}‹  {|Šq{Š~}x|{x}‰Š}~ {}‚~x~{Â…} It is embarrassing to note that our governorship candidate and chairman did not win their wards xŠƒ}‘ €x‘}‹  {|Šq{Š~‚…


Newswatch Times, April 18 2015, 2015


North East

Goods and cash worth N20m gutted by fire at Otukpo market Godwin Akor, Makurdi


ver 120 shops and goods worth over N15 million including over N5 million cash were Thursday night destroyed —„} Âœ|{} x~} ~ {} ~ÂŒ¢¥ } x‰Š} x|¢{~}‰Š} {ŠŒ{}‚~x~{Â… Newswatch Times gathered ~ x~} ~ {} Âœ|{Â&#x;} • ‰€ } ‚~x|~{ƒ} x~} x— ÂŒ~}œ…¾}ÂĄq}x~}~ {}€ Â‚q{~‰€‚} xŠƒ}œ‚ }‚{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚} Â”}~ {}qx|¢{~Â&#x;} ‘x‚~{ƒ}~‰‘‘}²²}ÂĄqÂ…} Eye witnesses told our reporter that the entire ~ÂŒ¢¥ }~ Â•ÂŠ}•x‚}~ | Â•ÂŠ}‰Š~ } € ÂŠÂ”Œ‚‰ ÂŠ} x‚}  Â•ÂŠ{|‚}  Â”} ~ {} burnt shops ran to the scene to ‚x”{‹Œx|ƒ}~ {‰|}•x|{‚… Those whose goods were

not destroyed were said to have carried them on their heads and vehicles to their  q{‚} ~ } ÂĄ|{ {Š~} ~ {q} ”| q} —{‰Š‹}‘  ~{ƒ… } €€ |ƒ‰Š‹} ~ } ~ {} Š” |qx~‰ ÂŠ} ?€{|}  Â”} ~ {}  Â€x‘}   {|Šq{Š~Â&#x;} |} Šx‘{‹•Œ} Š„‰‘ Â&#x;} ‰~} ~  ¢} ~ {} {7 |~‚}  Â”} „ ÂŒ~ ‚} xŠƒ} q{Š}  Â”} ‹  ÂƒÂ•Â‰Â‘‘}~ }ÂĄÂŒ~} ÂŒ~}~ {}Âœ|{}x‚}  ?€‰x‘‚} Â”}~ {}‚~x~{}Âœ|{}‚{| Â‰Â€{} ‰Š} x¢ÂŒ|ƒ‰Â&#x;} ~ {} ‚~x~{} €x¥‰~x‘Â&#x;} € ÂŒÂ‘ƒ}Š ~}x||‰ {} ÂŠ}~‰q{Â… }} Š„‰‘ }‚x‰ƒ}~ {}€xŒ‚{} Â”}~ {} Âœ|{} € ÂŒÂ‘ƒ} —{} x} € x|€ x‘} Âœ|{} stand which was discovered Š{x|}x}”Œ{‘}€ ÂŠ~x‰Š{|}‰Š} ÂŠ{} Â”} ~ {} ‚  ¥Â‚} • {|{} ‚q ¢{} •x‚} Âœ|‚~}Š ~‰€{ƒ… €€ |ƒ‰Š‹} ~ } ‰qÂ&#x;}

ÂŤ  q{— ÂƒÂ„} x‘{|~{ƒ} ~ {} ‚{€Œ|‰~„} q{Š} ‰Š} ~ {} qx|¢{~} • {Š} {} Š ~‰€{ƒ} ~ ‰€¢} ‚q ¢{} {qxŠx~‰Š‹} ”| q}  ÂŠ{} ‚{€~‰ ÂŠ} xŠƒ}~ {„}ƒ|{•}~ {}x {Š~‰ ÂŠ} Â”}  ~ {|}ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{}•  }‚  ÂŒ~{ƒ}” |} {‘¥Ÿ }  ÂŠÂœ|q‰Š‹} ~ {} ‰Š”{|Š Â&#x;} ~ {} x|¢{~} ÂŒÂĄ{|‰Š~{Šƒ{Š~Â&#x;} ‰{”} — Â‹ } ‘xÂĄxÂ&#x;} ‚x‰ƒ} {} suspected the coal stove and ”Œ{‘} € ÂŠ~x‰Š{|} • ‰€ } •{|{} ƒ{‚~| Â„{ƒ} —„} ~ {} Âœ|{} qŒ‚~} x {}€xŒ‚{ƒ}~ {}Âœ|{} ÂŒ~—|{x¢Â… } {} ‚x‰ƒ} ~ {} ‰Š€‰ƒ{Š~} •x‚} being investigated and disclosed that goods and cash • |~ } q‰‘‘‰ ÂŠÂ‚}  Â”} Šx‰|x} •{|{} ƒ{‚~| Â„{ƒ… }} {} x|{~x¢{|} x‰|qxŠ} Â”} ~ÂŒ¢¥ }  Â€x‘}   {|Šq{Š~Â&#x;} |}

Innocent Onuh appealed to the state government to establish a Âœ|{}‚{| Â‰Â€{}ŒŠ‰~}‰Š}~ {}~ Â•ÂŠ}~ } ” |{‚~x‘‘}”Œ~ÂŒ|{} Â€Â€ÂŒ||{Š€{Â… } ŠŒ } x‘‚ } €x‘‘{ƒ} ” |} ~ {} |{‚~ |x~‰ ÂŠ} Â”}•x~{|}Â‚ÂŒÂĄÂĄÂ‘Â„}~ } the town as he said people had ~ }|Œ‚ }~ } ~ Â—‰}~ }‚ ÂŒ|€{}” |} •x~{|} —{” |{} ÂĄÂŒ ‰Š‹}  ÂŒ~} ~ {} Âœ|{Â…} ‰‚}ƒ{‘x„Â&#x;} {}‚x‰ƒÂ&#x;}‘{ƒ}~ } ~ {}€ Â‘ Â‚‚x‘}‘ Â‚‚} Â”}‹  ÂƒÂ‚}xŠƒ} €x‚ Â… }} 7 |~‚}~ }‹{~}~ {}|{‚¥ Š‚{}  Â”}~ {}‚~x~{}¥ ‘‰€{}‚¥ ¢{‚qxŠÂ&#x;} Œ‚~‰Š} Ă {xŠ‰Â&#x;}”x‰‘{ƒ}x‚} {}ƒ‰ƒ} Š ~} ¥‰€¢} ~ {} ‚{ {|x‘} €x‘‘‚} ÂĄÂŒ~} x€| Â‚‚}~ } ‰qÂ… It would be recalled that ‰Š€‰ƒ{Š~}qx|¢{ƒ}~ {}œ”~ }~‰q{} ~ÂŒ¢¥ }qx|¢{~}•x‚}‹Œ {ƒ}—„} Âœ|{Â…

L-R: Executive Chairman, Lagos State Public Works Corporation (LAPWC), Mr. Gbenga Akintola; Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Works and Infrastructure, Engr. Ganiyu Johnson; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, Engr. Paul Bamgbose-Martins; Lagos State Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat and Special Adviser to the Lagos State Governor on Information and Strategy, Mr. Lateef Raji, during the 2015 >?@?KQUV?XZ [VUKK \V?U]@^ \_ Q`U /X^qK {QXQU >?@?KQV_ q| }qV~K X@ ,@|VXKQV€ Q€VU ?@  q‚‚U‚qVXQ?q@ q| *q„UV@qV %X\XQ€@ U )XK`qZX…K (?^`Q †UXVK ?@ ‡|] U XQ Q`U %X^X€ X .XZQ`q ˆVUKK &U@QVU $ZX€KX ,~U‰X /X^qKŠ_UKQUV X_

Grinding machine kills 12-yr-old girl in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


ragedy occurred yesterday when a 12-year-old girl •x‚}   ¢{ƒ}xŠƒ}¢Â‰Â‘‘{ƒ}—„} a grounding machine in xŒ€ ‰}‚~x~{Â… It was learnt that the ƒ{€{x‚{ƒÂ&#x;} ‰‚x } x—x} met her untimely death • {Š} ~ {} qx€ ‰Š{} ”xŠ} —{‘~}   ¢{ƒ} {|}€‘ ~ }xŠƒ} dragged her to the mouth

 Â”}~ {}qx€ ‰Š{Â… The Public Relations ?€{|}  Â”} xŒ€ ‰} ~x~{}  Â‘‰€{}  qqxŠƒÂ&#x;} x|ŒŠx}  xqq{ƒÂ&#x;} x} {ÂĄÂŒ~„} ÂŒÂĄ{|‰Š~{Šƒ{Š~}  Â”}  Â‘‰€{Â&#x;} said the incident occurred  ÂŠ} ~ {} ²´~ }  Â”} ÂĄ|‰‘} ¡¾²´} x~} xqx°x|{}  Â€x‘}   {|Šq{Š~} |{x}  Â”} ~ {} ‚~x~{Â… }} {}‚x‰ƒÂ&#x;}ÂŤ Š}~ {}²´Â?½Â? ¡¾²´}x~}x— ÂŒ~}²¾Ă…¾¾ |‚Â&#x; ÂŠ{} ‰‚ x} Œ—x} ”{qx‘{} xŠƒ}

²¡Â?„{x|}  Â”} x‘ƒ‰qx|‰} ƒ‰‚~|‰€~} ‰Š} xqx°x|{} }  Â”} xŒ€ ‰} ~x~{} •x‚} ‚{Š~} by her mother to process groundnut at a nearby ‹|‰Šƒ‰Š‹}qx€ ‰Š{}‚‰~{Â… } } ÂŤ Š” |~ŒŠx~{‘„Â&#x;} ~ {} qx€ ‰Š{} ”xŠ} —{‘~}   ¢{ƒ} her cloth and dragged her ~ }~ {}‹| ÂŒÂŠÂƒÂ…} ‚}x}|{‚Œ‘~Â&#x;} victim sustained serious ‰Š–Œ|‰{‚… } }  xqq{ƒ} ‚x‰ƒ} the police patrol team

x x€ {ƒ} ~ } xqx°|{} ‰ Â‰Â‚‰ ÂŠ} |Œ‚ {ƒ} ~ {} victim to general hospital

xqx°x|{} ” |} q{ƒ‰€x‘} x {Š~‰ ÂŠ} —Œ~} ‘x~{|} ƒ‰{ƒ} • ‰‘{}|{€{‰ Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}~|{x~q{Š~Â…} }} {}‚x‰ƒ}~ {}€ |¥‚{} xƒ} been released to relatives ” |} —Œ|‰x‘} x€€ |ƒ‰Š‹} ~ } ‚‘xq‰€} |‰~{‚} x”~{|} ¥ ‚~Â? q |~{q} {Âşxq‰Šx~‰ ÂŠÂ…} {} also said that the case is ŒŠƒ{|}‰Š {‚~‰‹x~‰ ÂŠÂ…

INEC lauds Adamawa electorate, politicians for peaceful conduct Owolabi Adenusi-Yola


he Independent National Electoral Commission ÂŻ ÂŚ} x‚} ÂĄ|{‚{Š~{ƒ} {|~‰œ€x~{}  ”} {~ÂŒ|Š} ~ } ƒxqx•x} ~x~{}   {|Š |Â? {‘{€~Â&#x;} {Šx~ |}  xqq{ƒ}} qx|ÂŒ}} ‰—|‰‘‘xÂ… The commission lauded ƒxqx•x} ¥ ‘‰~‰€‰xŠ‚} xŠƒ} {‘{€~ |x~{}” |}~ {‰|}ÂĄ{x€{”Œ‘} conduct in the general {‘{€~‰ Š… The Supervising National Commissioner

 Â”} } ” |} ƒxqx•xÂ&#x;}  q—{}xŠƒ} x|x—x} ~x~{‚Â&#x;} |} ÂŒ|ÂŒ} x¢ÂŒÂ—ÂŒÂ&#x;} qxƒ{} the commendation Friday ‰Š}  Â‘x} • ‰‘{} ÂĄ|{‚{Š~‰Š‹} ~ {} €{|~‰œ€x~{‚} ~ } ~ {} elected candidates in the ‚~x~{Â… ÂŤ } € ÂŠÂ‹|x~Œ‘x~{} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{}  Â”} ƒxqx•x} ‚~x~{} ” |} ~ {} ÂĄ{x€{”Œ‘} manner they conducted ~ {q‚{‘ {‚} Š ~} ” |‹{ ‰Š‹} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{}  Â”} xƒx‹x‘‰} xŠƒ} ‰€ ‰¢x} •  } ~ÂŒ|Š{ƒ} out in large number to vote

‰Š}~ {} Š~{|Šx‘‘„} ‰‚¥‘x€{ƒ} Persons designated voting €{Š~|{‚Â&#x;Âź} x¢ÂŒÂ—ÂŒ}‚x‰ƒ… x¢ÂŒÂ—ÂŒ} ~x‚¢{ƒ} {‘{€~{ƒ} ¥ ‘‰~‰€‰xŠ‚} ~ } —|x€{} ÂŒÂĄ} ” |} ~ {}€ x‘‘{Š‹{Â&#x;}xƒƒ‰Š‹}~ x~} they represent a wind  Â”} € xŠ‹{} xŠƒ} ~ x~} ~ {} electorate were expecting a ‘ ~}”| q}~ {qÂ… x¢ÂŒÂ—ÂŒ} ‚x‰ƒ} } had changed under the ‘{xƒ{|‚ ‰¥} Â”} | Â”} x ‰|ÂŒ} Jega and there was no ‹ Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}—x€¢Â… ÂŤ {} x {} Š Â•} |{x€ {ƒ}

a level where we can say your votes have not only been counted but that they x {} x‘‚ } —{{Š} € ÂŒÂŠ~{ƒ…} {} Š{•} ~ |{‚  Â‘ƒ}  Â”} electoral service delivery set by INEC must never —{}x‘‘ Â•{ƒ}~ }—{}‘ Â•{|{ÂƒÂ…Âź} x¢ÂŒÂ—ÂŒ}‚x‰ƒ… Senator Jibrilla € qq{Šƒ{ƒ} }” |}~ {} improvement recorded in the election and urged the public to accord those elected the needed support ~ }‚Œ€€{{ƒ…

14 years-old boy stabs girl to death in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

auchi State Police Command has arrested a 14-year-old — Â„Â&#x;} ‚qx{‘} ƒ|‰‚Â&#x;}” |}x‘‘{‹{ƒ‘„} ‚~x——‰Š‹} ÂŠ{} xqx~ÂŒ} q‰ŠŒÂ&#x;}²šÂ&#x;}•  } ‘x~{|} ƒ‰{ƒ} x~} ~ {} —Œ—x¢x|} x”x•x} x‘{•x} Š‰ {|‚‰~„} {x€ ‰Š‹}  Â‚¥‰~x‘} ÂŻ ÂŚÂ&#x;} xŒ€ ‰…} } ‚~x~{q{Š~} —„} ~ {}  Â‘‰€{} Œ—‘‰€} {‘x~‰ ÂŠÂ‚} ?€{|} ÂŻ ÂŚÂ&#x;} x|ŒŠx}

 xqq{ƒ} xŠƒ} qxƒ{} x x‰‘x—‘{} ~ } Š{•‚q{Š} ‰Š} xŒ€ ‰Â&#x;} ‚x‰ƒ} ƒ|‰‚} x} |{‚‰ƒ{Š~}  Â”}  Â”x|}  q—{} •x|ƒ} ‰Š} xŒ€ ‰} q{~| ¥ Â‘‰‚} Œ‚{ƒ} x} ‚€‰‚‚ |} ~ } ‚~x——{ƒ}~ {}ƒ{€{x‚{ƒ}‰Š}~ {}Š{€¢}x~}x} —x¢{|„}  {|}x}q‰Š |}x|‹Œq{Š~Â… {} Â&#x;} x} {ÂĄÂŒ~„} ÂŒÂĄ{|‰Š~{Šƒ{Š~}  Â”}  Â‘‰€{} ÂŻ ÂŚ} ‚x‰ƒ} ~ {}¥ ‘‰€{}•{|{}‰Š {‚~‰‹x~‰Š‹}~ {}€x‚{Â…

2015 election results silent revolutionBauchi’s governor-elect Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

auchi State Independent National Electoral Commission ÂŻ ÂŚÂ&#x;} {‚‰ƒ{Š~} ‘{€~ |x‘}  qq‰‚‚‰ ÂŠ{|} ÂŻ ÂŚ} | Â”{‚‚ |} x°xƒ}

xqqx} ÂŒ¢ÂŒ|} „{‚~{|ƒx„} ƒ{‚€|‰—{ƒ} ~ {} Â‰Â€~ |„} Â”} ‘‘} | Â‹|{‚‚‰ {}  ÂŠÂ‹|{‚‚} ÂŻ ÂŚx~} ~ {} |{‚‰ƒ{Š~‰x‘Â&#x;} x~‰ ÂŠx‘} ‚‚{q—‘„Â&#x;}   {|Š |‚ ‰¥} xŠƒ} ~x~{}

 ÂŒÂ‚{}  Â”} ‚‚{q—‘‰{‚} ‰Š} ¡¾²´} ‹{Š{|x‘} {‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚}x‚}x}‚‰‘{Š~}|{  Â‘ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠ}”| q}~ {} ‰‹{|‰xŠ‚}•  } x {}{7{€~{ƒ}~ {}¢Â‰ÂŠÂƒ}  Â”}€ xŠ‹{}~ {„}ƒ{‚‰|{Â… } {}  ¥¥ Â‚‰~‰ ÂŠ} Â&#x;} xÂĄx|~} ”| q} •‰ŠŠ‰Š‹}~ {}ÂĄ|{‚‰ƒ{Š~‰x‘}{‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ&#x;} xƒ} an almost clean sweep in the elections •‰~ }x}qx– |‰~„}q{q—{|‚}{‘{€~}‰Š}— ~ } € xq—{|‚}  Â”} ~ {} x~‰ ÂŠx‘} ‚‚{q—‘„} and 21 state governors to its credit with qxŠ„}‚~x~{}  ÂŒÂ‚{‚} Â”} ‚‚{q—‘„}‚{x~‚… } ÂĄ{x¢Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} x~} ~ {} ÂĄ|{‚{Š~x~‰ ÂŠ}  Â”} {|~‰œ€x~{‚}  Â”} {~ÂŒ|Š} ~ } xŒ€ ‰} ~x~{} ‹  {|Š |Â?{‘{€~Â&#x;} x||‰‚~{|}  xqq{ƒ} —ƒŒ‘‘x ‰} —Œ—x¢x|Â&#x;} ƒ{ÂĄÂŒ~„} ‹  {|Š |Â?{‘{€~Â&#x;} Š‹‰Š{{|} ÂŒ ÂŒ} ‰ƒxƒ } xŠƒ} x~‰ ÂŠx‘} ‚‚{q—‘„}q{q—{|‚Â?{‘{€~} ”| q} xŒ€ ‰} ~x~{Â&#x;} | Â”{‚‚ |} ÂŒ¢ÂŒ|} said no one had expected the outcome  Â”}~ {}{‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚}~ |{{}q ÂŠ~ ‚}x‹ Â…

{} xƒƒ{ƒ} ~ x~} ‰Š}  ‰{•}  ”} • x~} happened at the polls all elected politicians ought to regard it as a warning to sit up and truly serve the electorate who gave them the mandate ~ } ‚{| {} ~ {qÂ&#x;} ‚x„‰Š‹} ~ x~} ‰”} ~ {„} ”x‰‘} in service delivery the people would ‚  Š{|}~ xŠ}‘x~{|}|{  ‘~}x‹x‰Š‚~}~ {qÂ…

{} ÂŒ|‹{ƒ} ~ {} {‘{€~{ƒ}  ?€‰x‘‚} ~ } wisely use the mandate to provide the qŒ€ Â?Š{{ƒ{ƒ}ƒ‰ Â‰Âƒ{Šƒ‚} Â”}ƒ{q Â€|x€„} ~ }~ {}ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{Â&#x;}Š ~}‰Š}~{|q‚} Â”}‚ x|‰Š‹} money but bringing the desired ‰qÂĄ|  {q{Š~}‰Š}~ {‰|}‘‰ {‚… } €€ |ƒ‰Š‹}~ } ‰qÂ&#x;}ÂŤ {|{}‰‚}x}‚‰‘{Š~} |{  Â‘ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠ} ÂŠ}~ {}‹| ÂŒÂŠÂƒÂ…} { ¥Â‘{}|{x‘‘„} |{  Â‘~{ƒ} ~ | ÂŒÂ‹ } ~ {‰|}   ~{‚…} |{{} q ÂŠ~ ‚} x‹ Â&#x;} Š Â— ÂƒÂ„} { {|} ”{‘~} ~ {|{}

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Bauchi rebuilding project will soon take off, says Coordinator Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

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Saturday, April 18, 2015


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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday,April 18 , 2015

Politics I’ll consolidate on Kwankwaso’s achievements – Kano governor-elect Dr. Abduallahi Umar Ganduje is the governor-elect of Kano State as well as the incumbent deputy governor on the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC). Twenty four hours after his emergence, he held a maiden interactive session with a team of journalists, focusing on the goals of his administration and his immediate priority when he mounts the saddle of leadership, come May 29, 2015. Our Bureau Chief in Kano, TED ODOGWU, was among the team and tells what will occupy the attention of the governor-elect in the next four years. Top on his agenda is consolidation, initiation of people-oriented projects and the completion of projects started by the outgoing Kwankwaso-led administration. Among his priorities are the introduction of compulsory education at all levels to economically empower the youths not only to be selfreliant but to be less dependent on government for their livelihood. Excerpts:


hat would be your immediate priority after being sworn in on May 29, 2015 as the substantive governor of Kano State? First and foremost, I must thank the Almighty Allah for guiding us through to a peaceful, free, fair and transparent election. I also appreciate the contributions of various communities in Kano State, just as I am appreciative of the role journalists played in assisting and facilitating the conduct of a peaceful election in Kano State. We are also very grateful to the various segments of the society, including the security agencies for conducting themselves in a civilised manner. I also appreciate the Independent

National Electoral Commission (INEC) leadership for conducting a credible and an acceptable election by insisting on the use of the smart card reader machine and reporting to polling stations at the nick of time. This is a very historic occasion here in Kano, as our contribution to democracy has to be acknowledged in Nigeria today. We contributed the highest votes in the presidential election - 1.93 million - as well as won all the three senatorial districts and all the 24 seats in the House of Representatives. We won the governorship race as well as the entire 40 legislative seats on the platform of the APC in Kano State. I have to also thank His Excellency, the governor of the state, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, for providing the desired leadership, which laid the foundation for the consolidation of the Kwankwasiyya Movement in Kano State. Ours is G}H~ ~€ D‚ , ƒD„~ E~~€ …} ƒ  ƒ~ governor for a very long time. We believe that the issue of continuity is very important; therefore with my huge success in the just-concluded election, my primary objective is to ensure continuity in the administration because lack of continuity is a problem in most state governments in Nigeria, even at the Federal level. A situation whereby if you have a departing administration, the trend is that you can discard whatever was done by the previous administration in the belief that you want to start your own, forgetting that it is public funds that is being used to do whatever is been

done. It is the responsibility of the government to continue with such programmes or policies. What I want to emphasise is that we are going to consolidate on the issue of continuity in governance. That means all the projects that are not completed, we will ‡ˆ }€ ~H‰  ‚  ‰ F‰Š‡‹~ ~  ƒ~Š D€G  ƒ~ ones that have been completed will be put into operation as well as maintain them so that the overall development of Kano State can be assured. Members of the press, I assure you that the major projects that we started will be completed within the time frame of this administration. For example, the hydro-electricity project in Tiga and Challawa was not completed and connecting it even to the national grid is not yet on. That gigantic project is worth N14 billion and we shall continue to work on it. Also, another major project that was not completed is the two- kilometre Œ�‰„~ }€ 6DE‰€ *D } D€G …~ …}‹‹ ‡ˆ D‹‹ ~H‰  ‚  ‰ ~€‚ˆ ~ } ‚ F‰Š‡‹~ }‰€ Another mega project, which is worth over N10 billion in Jakara will be continued. Your predecessor has laid a solid foundation in the education sector so as to bridge the education gap when compared with other states. What fresh measures would you adopt to actualise that objective? On the education sector, we will maintain the tempo but my emphasis would be on prioritising education as well as ensure that education is made compulsory for all Kano children so that the roaming about on the streets

by the Almajiris is completely stamped out. Also, the quality of education is very important to us because it is the vehicle upon which our students will be able to further their education; it is also a vehicle through which people FD€ E~ ~7F}~€ D€G ~H~F }„~ What are your plans for the provision of additional critical infrastructure in Kano State? The critical infrastructure for Kano metropolis will aim at transforming it into a cosmopolitan and mega city where everything will be functional. We shall tackle the issue of transportation within the metropolitan Kano. In terms of road network, we are going to review the Kano master plan, which has not been reviewed for a long time. We shall look into that because new settlements have emerged, hence the need for re-alignment so as to identify critical areas that will need ÂŒÂ?‰„~ ‚ D€G Â? ~‚ƒ €~ Â…‰ ‘ ‰Â? ‰DG‚  Â‰ ‹}€‘  Âƒ~ G}H~ ~€ F‰ŠŠˆ€} }~‚ :~ will also need to rehabilitate some of the roads. So, we assure members of the public that we shall take the issue of critical infrastructure seriously while improving the existing road network, including the transport system. We are going to have a very articulated  D€‚‡‰  Â‡Â‰Â‹}FÂ? ‚‰  ÂƒD Â‰Âˆ  D7F

We believe that the issue of continuity is very important; therefore with my huge success in the just-concluded election, my primary objective is to ensure continuity in the administration because lack of continuity is a problem in most state governments in Nigeria, even at the Federal level

Continued on Page 52


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


I’ll work for Buhari – Gani Adams National coordinator of Oodua People’s Congress (OPC), Otunba Gani Adams, during the week told newsmen in Lagos that even though he worked for President Goodluck Jonathan in his failed second term bid, he was ready to support the course of the President-elect, Major General Muhammadu Buhari if only he is serious about the total transparency he promised during his campaign. MANSUR OLADUNJOYE was there.


ir, just yesterday, we heard that you collected N1.6 billion to support President Goodluck Jonathan’s second term bid. How true is that? Well, come to think of it, how can President Jonathan give an organisation that is not part of his political party such money? I believe Mr. Jimi Agbaje that is one of the governorship candidates that contested in one of the most lucrative states in Nigeria, may not even be given up to N2 billion, not to talk of a group that was just supporting their course. Also, in the campaign group of Jonathan were more than 400 people who did not belong to his party; all we agreed on was to vote for Jonathan. We were neither members of the PDP nor the party’s stakeholders; we were also not part of the strategy to win the election. We only agreed to vote for him. In that process, you will realise that much money could not be given to us to support him. Let me tell you, the N1.6 billion was just an allegation by the opposition parties. I did not and nobody collected N1.6 billion for me to support Jonathan. As a matter of fact, all Jonathan enjoyed from me and the OPC was just a standing relationship he had with us since he was the vice president of this country and we maintained the relationship to the end. You don’t need to ask for money to support somebody with whom you share a relationship during the election. Another thing that earned our support for him was the recognition he gave to us during the election. He invited the leadership of the national coordinating council to the State House, Marina, where he said: “Gani, I want to thank you for what you did for me in 2011, and I want to see 50 of your leaders so

Adams that I can thank them.â€? We went with 77 leaders of the OPC and the president shook hands with everyone of them after which he disclosed that he did not call us because of the election but to thank us for what we did for him in 2011. That alone is more than $2 billion to us. After all, no government has given us that kind of recognition. Although, I have been in the Villa with former President Olusegun Obasanjo like three times, only Jonathan maintained real relationship with us; that was why we didn’t have crises with the governments of the late President Musa Yar’Adua and President Jonathan and there was no hostility from the Federal Government as well. When you are in the Š}GG‹~ ‰Â? ~‹~F }‰€ Â?‰ˆ Â…}‹‹ ‚~~ G}H~ ~€ propaganda which are used to attract people. So, it is fallacious that I collected money to support Jonathan; it is uncalled for; it is a statement that should not come from anybody that has good character. Let me tell you also that ever since that unfounded rumour, I have had serious pressure on me. People have been calling to demand for money or sponsor them for certain projects. The proposal I have on my table now is so large that I can’t sort out  Â„~ ‡~ F~€ Â‰Â?  Âƒ~Š }€  Âƒ~ €~¥ ‰€~ Â?~D just because of that misinformation. Now that electioneering has come and gone, how do you intend to mend fence with Buhari? No permanent friend or enemy. I have been saying that I don’t have problem with Buhari, and from the statement from the media two days ago that anybody that will serve with him will declare his assets in the

court of law, I can assure him of my total support because anybody that can bring transparency to Nigeria on the basis of DFF‰ˆ€ DE}‹} Â?  Â‰  Âƒ~ ~ÂĄÂ ~€ Â‰Â? ~G} ~F }€£ from the usual code of conduct to law court shows that many of our nominated appointees will shy away from the jobs for fear of risking seven years’ jail term. I think that is the foundation of transparency in governance. If Buhari should act on that statement alone, corruption will reduce in Nigeria; many people will run from government appointments and those who believe that they can get appointments on a platter of gold will shun them for those who want to move the country forward to move in. gear to reunite you and Asiwaju Bola sir? Aside politics, Tinubu is one of the respected men in Yorubaland and Nigeria. Anything I say is what I know, and that does not mean I have enmity with him. , DŠ D Â? ~~G‰Š  £Âƒ ~ D€G , ‚ƒ‰ˆ‹G E~ bold to give account of what I know, learn and read. So, I don’t have any personal grudge against him, and as a politician he should also know that he doesn’t need to have permanent grudge against me. The contentious issues couldn’t have got to  Âƒ}‚ ~ÂĄÂ ~€ , }‚ &ƒ}~Â? /D} 0‰ƒDŠŠ~G  ÂƒD caused it. Muhammed started attaching me wrongly with things I never did. So, I have to push back and state my own side. You will recall that at the beginning of this campaign, I didn’t attack any personality. I just said that our group will

support President Jonathan. That was a statement accredited to me on my way out of the country at the airport. However, on my return, I discovered that the statement had generated more interest; even the media had started digging in and by the time we did that rally for Jonathan, that issue was badly staged by the APC camp. After the rally, Mohammed started lying that we destroyed bill boards, possessed arms and were brandishing weapons. But all he said were lies. Of course, you can’t ‹}~ DÂŁD}€‚ Š~ D€G ~¥‡~F Š~ €‰  ‰ ~DF to it. The truth is that nobody was killed or maltreated throughout the rally. So we had to defend it; that was how the issues started. I don’t have any permanent issue Â…} ƒ 7}€ˆEˆ , DŠ Â ÂŁÂƒÂ }€£ Â?‰  ƒ~ <‰ ˆED people. I don’t have any grudge with anybody; in politics, there is no permanent friend or enemy. After the presidential election, I got a call through the assistant to Oba Akiolu to come to the palace, but I ignored it because I didn’t know him. But Kabiyesi called me the second day, and said: “Gani, when will I see you.â€? Immediately, something struck my mind that if I am found in the palace of the Oba just three days after Jonathan’s loss, knowing well that the Oba is for APC while I am for PDP, I am bound to be seen as a traitor. So, I told him to speak on phone. He told me all about Mr. Akinwumi Ambode. Later, I promised him that “throughout the governorship election, I will not utter any statement of support for any party. The APC chairman also called and I also promised him same. Politics is about consultation. Although, I met Buhari in September, there was no follow-up and I have been having a relationship with President Jonathan, some of whose aides are my friends. What do you expect from the Buhari’s government? The pressure groups are limited and politicians are more dangerous. By the time you want to confront all of them, they may end up sponsoring discrediting articles in the media which may at the end F ~D ~ F }‚}‚ %ˆƒD } €~~G‚  ‰ ~ÂĄÂ ~€G ƒ}‚ hand beyond his own party; he should not have it in mind that he didn’t need to accept PDP members; he needs them to form a strong opposition if he is serious about transparency. In governance, there is limit to trusting the people, especially in a rotten society based on corruption like Nigeria. Almost everybody in the country is corrupt. I am hungry for Nigeria to move forward but my own limited ~¥‡~ }~€F~ ~Š‡ƒD‚}‚  ƒ~ ~‚ ˆF ˆ }€£ we advocated at the national conference. Buhari has a role to play on policies and implementation of the report even beyond the national conference. A statement from the president will reduce the price of some essential commodities in the country. Once again, the president-elect can be assured of my support; he should not think that the support he needs is only from his party. There are some people that were against him that will even be more useful to him at the end of the day.

Lagos govt takes steps to improve on services Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


he Director-General in  Âƒ~ /D£‰‚ 6 D ~ 27F~ of Transformation, Mr. Toba Otusanya, during the week maintained that for there to be improvement on the services provided by the government to the citizenry,

there must be a serious feedback mechanism to guide both customers and the government. According to him, it was in the serious consideration of this fact that prompted Lagos government to initiate a service charter on July 3, 2012 with 14 Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) as pilots.

Otusanya, while speaking at  Âƒ~ ÂŒDÂŁ ‰H ‰Â?  Âƒ}‚ Â?~D ‚~ „}F~ charter at the Adeyemi Bero hall, Alausa secretariat Ikeja, ~¥‡‹D}€~G  ÂƒD  Âƒ~ ‚~ „}F~ charter was aimed at not only improving services rendered to the public but strengthened the receptions given to clients/ customers at any of the chartered MDAs. He noted that the MDAs have taken critical steps and

employed variety of strategies to institutionalise the initiative }€  ƒ~} ‰7F~‚ ‚ D }€£  ƒD  ƒ~ initiatives included complete ŠD‘~‰„~ ‰Â? Â? ‰€ ‰7F~‚ introduction of professional signage, capacity building and the operationalisation of customer’s complaints feedback mechanism. He however listed ministries Continued on Page 52

April 18, 2015

Move up! Izilein wants F/Eagles dr drafted dra afted to senior s team

Africa in positive mood for 2015 ITTF World contest >>Pg.18

De Gea, Valdes soak up English sun at theme park



Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

League Watch

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

Umeh blasts LMC over comment on Ifeanyi Ubah FC


he recent pronouncement of the League Management Company (LMC) led by Shehu Dikko, that they do not recognise the name Ifeanyi Ubah FC does not go down well with the Chairman of Anambra FA, Chief Mike Umeh. In exclusive interview with Newswatch League Times during the week, the immediate past | ~} {} |{ { ~} } the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) said it was wrong of the league management body to state that they do not recognise the name Ifeanyi Ubah FC. The experienced

football administrator explained that there is nothing like the LMC saying that they do not recognise the change of name of former Gabros FC of Nnewi to Ifeanyi Ubah FC saying if there is anything that is not clear to the LMC; it should be about x q ~|x~ {}qx {| } which will involve administrative solution. ‘As far as I am concerned, I think it is wrong for the LMC to make such unguided statement that they do not recognise the name Ifeanyi Ubah FC and instructed that the club should revert back to Gabros FC,’ Umeh began. ‘The fact is that the

club has been sold to the Ifeanyi Ubah, and he has decided to do away with the former name Gabros FC which is the proper thing to do. So, I do not know the rationale behind LMC’s outburst and order that the club should revert back to the old name. ‘Whatever that informed LMC’s outburst, I think it will not be something that is beyond administrative procedure and should be followed administratively. ‘What they need to do is for either Gabros to write to the LMC conveying the fact that the club has changed hand or for Ifeanyi

Ubah FC to write to LMC explaining to them they are now the new owners of the club and everything will be { { ‘That is why I do not see the reason the LMC should declare that they do not recognise the name Ifeanyi Ubah FC. If what I have explained is done, I do not see where the LMC will get the reason to declare that the club should revert back to Gabros FC. ‘There is no way for instance, I will use my money to buy a club and you will tell not to change the name of the club, it is not done,’ Chief Umeh explained

Rangers‘ll witness brighter days with Ugwuanyi- Chukwu


ormer national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu, has predicted brighter days for Enugu Rangers International FC following the election of Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi a.k.a (Gburugburu), as the man to pilot the x7x | } } } ~x~{} } the next four years. Chukwu made the prediction in exclusive interview with Newswatch League Times during the week. He explained that he believes in the adage that says ‘the taste of the pudding is in the eating’, saying why he is convinced that Rangers will experience a new dawn under the Enugu State Governor-

elect (Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi) is because, during the electioneering campaigns, Ugwuanyi made out time out of his tight schedule to visit Rangers which was the | ~} } } ~} }x } politician seeking the ? {} }~ {} {| |} } the state. He said with the visit of Ugwuanyi to Rangers during his electioneering campaigns, the governor elect has shown that indeed he is a true Rangers fan and as a result would want to return the club to its glorious past. ‘We at Rangers are very optimist that the fortunes of Rangers would witness turn around with the election of Hon.

Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi as the next governor of Enugu State,’ Chukwu began. ‘As for me I am delighted because for ~ {} | ~}~ q{ }x}¡ ~ x } {{¢ }~ {} ? {} }~ {}

chief executive of the state was able to make out time out of his busy schedule to visit Rangers to show that he is part the club.

We‘ve put our CAF Champions League crash behind – Anyansi


hief Felix Anyansi Agwu, chairman of two time African champions, Enyimba International FC of Aba has declared that the Aba millionaires have put the disappointing CAF Champions League crash behind them and are now focused on their domestic campaigns. Chief Anyansi stated this in exclusive telephone chat with Newswatch Leagues Times during the week. Anyansi, who said he had never experienced what happened at the dying minutes of their

game against Smouha SC of Egypt in all his years as football administrator said instead of that experience to demoralise them it will instead spur them for greater achievements. ‘It’s really sad that we have crashed out of this year’s CAF Champions League for no fault of us par say, but due to ~{|| {} ? x~ } {} witnessed in Egypt,’ Anyansi began. ‘I must tell you that in all my experience as football administrator, I‘ve never seen such bias x }~{|| {} ? x~ } particularly towards the

dying minutes of the game in Egypt,’ Anyansi lamented. ‘But the fact is that we have put that behind us and our focus now is on the domestic competitions (the League and the Federation Cup). ‘We will continue to work hard to ensure that we do our best in the two domestic competitions and by the special grace of God we can still put smiles on the faces of our teeming and loyal fans and supporters across the globe,’ Anyansi assured. Speaking further, Anyansi explained that they are looking forward

to this weekend game against their perennial | x } x } x| } } also crashed out this year’s CAF Champions League penultimate weekend.

Wolves assure of good outing against MK Etancheite


arri Wolves FC, the only Nigerian club still on the continent will today, at the Warri Township ~x q} {} ~} to welcome their opponents from DR Congo, MK Etanchéité in today’s CAF Confederation Cup game with the sole aim of doing the country proud particularly as they are the club still }~ {} ~| ° } x } on the continent. It is recalled that four Nigerian clubs started the journey on the continent but today it is only the Delta State x { } {}~ x~} } ~ } }~ {} ~| ° } x }x }~ {} ¢{} } x| }x } q x} penultimate weekend crashed out of the CAF Champions League {} ¡ } } |~} Harcourt crashed out via the walk over they 7{|{ } }~ {} x } } Club African of Tunisia. Wolves have enormous responsibility as the only Nigerian club still in the race for continental glory and the Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan boys said they were aware of responsibility on their shoulders and promised to do their best for the state and country. This promise was made by the Media manager of the Warri based club, Moses Etu in a telephone chat

with Newswatch League Times during the week. Meanwhile, the Congolese club MK Etanchéité arrived the country via Murtala Mohammed International Airport on Tuesday and were air lifted to Warri immediately where ~ { } ¡{}~ } ¡{ } {} days before the cracker which comes up today, Saturday at the Warri Township Stadium. From the records, the MK Etanchéité is making their second appearance in the CAF Confederation Cup while this is the fourth appearance for the Nigerian representatives. It is expected that the Match Commissioner from Ghana and Match ? x } | q} { { { } arrived Warri yesterday for the second round, | ~} { }qx~ } {~ {{ } the only Nigerian representatives on the continent against the DR Congo club, MK Etanchéité. According to Etu: “The Congo team actually arrived Lagos at 11am and we took them straight to Warri on Tuesday. They came with a 27 man team. We know that they mean business } q } {} x } before the match but we are equal to the task.” Among the players that Warri Wolves need to focus on are Captain Kabangu, Losiyo Bofumbo, Mombo Lusala and Kabangu Ndima.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Messi ‘can’t remember’ all his hat-tricks after scoring 32 A sk most players about the hattricks they’ve scored and they’ll describe in detail how they managed ~ }œŠƒ}~ {}—x€¢} Â”}~ {}Š{~} three times in 90 minutes. But that doesn’t apply to Lionel Messi. The Barcelona star has scored so many trebles at club level - 32 to be exact that he can’t remember each one despite keeping a match ball from every game. Messi will be hoping to add another to his list when Barca take on PSG in the Âœ|‚~}‘{‹} Â”}~ {‰|} xq¥‰ ÂŠÂ‚} {x‹Œ{}ÂąÂŒx|~{|Â?œŠx‘} ÂŠ} Wednesday.

Speaking to Barcelona’s  ?€‰x‘}qx‹xà ‰Š{}x {xƒ} Â”} the game, Messi revealed that his hat-trick balls have a special place in his home even if he can’t recall which games they’re from. ‚¢{ƒ}x— ÂŒ~}‹{ ‰Š‹}{x€ } one signed by his teammates, the 27-year-old said: ‘I always sign it because I believe it is recognition for the whole team. ‘Without my team mates I would not have achieved all that I have on an individual level and I think that with a hat-trick, more than ever, because I depend on them to score goals, so it is a nice souvenir to have them all

sign it. ‘I keep them at home where I keep all my trophies, but I have thought about doing something special with them, something nice with all the footballs. ‘At the moment I have them in glass cases but I am thinking about doing something so that they have a more special place.’

x Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}Š{ {ƒ}¡³³} x} Liga goals for Barcelona over the last 10-and-a-half „{x|‚Â&#x;}‰~°Â‚}‘‰ ‘{}‚Œ|ÂĄ|‰‚{} that Messi has some trouble remembering the 96 which arrived in just 32 matches.

De Gea, Valdes soak up English sun at theme park


anchester United duo David de Gea and Victor Valdes made the most of the rare English sun with a trip to a theme park on Tuesday afternoon. The Spanish pair donned sunglasses as they enjoyed a relaxing time just days after United’s impressive •‰Š}x‹x‰Š‚~}œ{|€{}|‰ x‘‚} Manchester City. It has certainly been a rollercoaster season for the Red Devils, who have emerged in recent weeks as rivals to Arsenal for second place in the Premier League having been struggling to make the top-four earlier in the campaign. That impressive derby day victory was United’s

sixth Premier League win in succession and caps a remarkable return to form for Louis van Gaal’s side. They will inevitably fall short of top spot, but it certainly bodes well for the Dutchman’s side ahead of

Ibe, Sterling ‘caught’ smoking pipes


aheem Sterling arrived at Liverpool’s Melwood base for training on Wednesday after the latest twist to his controversy-ridden season. Sterling has escaped a club punishment after being caught on video inhaling the legal high nitrous oxide, but fresh pictures have emerged of him holding a shisha pipe, this time alongside young team-mate Jordon Ibe. Sterling, 20, and Ibe, 19, were pictured during what is believed to be a visit to a shisha cafe in London earlier this season. {}~{{Šx‹{|}•x‚}‚¥ {ƒ} arriving at Melwood on Wednesday just seconds after Sterling. Ibe was driving a black Range Rover while Sterling arrived in a white version of the same model. Sterling met Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers on Thursday and he was reminded of his professional responsibilities and warned about the

consequences of taking a drug that has been called ‘hippy crack’. Rodgers questioned Sterling’s professionalism on Monday after footage emerged of the 20-year-old unconscious in his house in Southport having taken nitrous oxide with two unnamed friends.

next season. However, it remains to be seen whether De Gea and Valdes will be enjoying the rare English sun or the continuous Spanish sun next season with their futures less than certain.

Campbell ‘goes white’ to promote poll campaign


ormer Arsenal and England defender Sol Campbell is part of a new campaign to encourage minorities to register to vote in next month’s general election. Campbell has joined forces with Homeland actor David Harewood, musician Tinie Tempah and Paralympic medallist// television presenter Ade Adepitan. The campaign, run by Operation Black Vote, features the stars in striking photographs ahead of the voting registration deadline on April 20. Campbell, 40, last month ruled out standing for the Conservatives in

Kensington after Sir Malcolm ‰Ă?‰Šƒ}xŠŠ ÂŒÂŠÂ€{ƒ} {}• ÂŒÂ‘ƒ} be standing down. At the time he said his ‘ambitions lie elsewhere in the political arena’ which led to speculation he could run for London Mayor. Campbell posed for a photograph with his face coloured white alongside the caption, ‘If you don’t register to vote, you’re taking the colour out of Britain.’ And on launching the campaign, Harewood said: ‘What it brilliantly illustrates is that if you don’t register to vote, you are quite literally taking all the vibrancy we x {}‰Š} ÂŒ|}€ qqŒŠ‰~„} 7} the table

Zaha poses for FIFA 16


s the football calendar approaches the business end of the campaign, EA Sports are already looking towards next season as they begin to take close-up shots of football stars for FIFA 16. The latest installment in the popular video game series will be highly-anticipated by its legion of fans as the gaming giants do their utmost to make the newest release the best yet. Crystal Palace winger Wilfried Zaha posted a photo via his Instagram account which shows the England international undergoing close-up shots at ‚{ {|x‘}ƒ‰7{|{Š~}xŠ‹‘{‚…}} Zaha posted the photo on Wednesday with the caption ‘FIFA 16 face shots’ as he took a break from Crystal Palace training. The 22-year-old has plenty to smile about on the pitch as Crystal Palace continue their exceptional run of form under Alan Pardew, with the Eagles unbeaten in four league matches. Zaha returned to Selhurst Park initially on loan at the beginning of the season and the move was made permanent by Pardew during the January transfer window. Since signing permanently, Zaha has scored twice for the ‚ Œ~ }  Šƒ Š} Œ~œ~}x‚}~ {} Eagles sit in 11th place in the Premier League.

Fixtures ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Saturday, April 18 Stoke v Southampton Leicester v Swansea Everton v Burnley C/Palace v West Brom Chelsea v Man United LA LIGA Saturday, April 18 Barcelona v Valencia Deportivo v At Madrid Real Madrid v MĂĄlaga Bilbao v Getafe BUNDESLIGA Saturday, April 18

%&'()'*+-.- 02'3(Leverkusen v Hannover Dortmund v Paderborn Hertha v Cologne Freiburg v Mainz 4567435-.- 94 5039 SERIE A Saturday, April 18 Sampdoria v Cesena Juventus v Lazio


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


Izilein wants F/Eagles drafted to senior team Mark Ogagan


former Chied Coach of the Golden Eaglets, Godwin Izilein has told the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to consider drafting reigning Africa U-20 champions the Flying Eagles to the senior national team. In a chat with Newswatch Times sports during the week, the seasoned coach stated that this has become necessary in view of the shortfall in talent in the present Super Eagles side. “Going by recent poor results of matches played by the Super Eagles, It is very glaring that we need fresh talent in the national

d the h best b team, and option for us at this time is to draft in members of the Flying Eagles who were triumphant in Senegal. “But this should be a gradual process, like we should start doing this after the FIFA Under20 World Cup by bringing in the players to blend with players from the present Under23 squad. This way we stand a chance of building a stronger Super Eagles for the future,� Izilein said. Last month Nigeria lost to Uganda in a friendly international game in Uyo, and a week later, they could only muster a 1-1 draw away to South Africa, and these uninspiring results have cast some doubts on the team’s ability to withstand other teams during the upcoming Africa

Cup of Nations ÂąÂŒx‘‰œ{|‚}ƒŒ{}~ } start in June. Izilein, who led Super Falcons to win the African Women’s Championship in South Africa 11 years ago, further advised the NFF to throw sentiments aside and embrace reality, as this is the only forward for Nigerian football. “It is quite evident that Nigerians are tired of seeing the uninspiring performances of the Super Eagles, and we really have to do something about it. The good news is that we have some fresh talent coming through the underage teams, and we have to take full advantage and build on that,â€? he said. Three-time African champions Nigeria were recently paired with Egypt, Tanzania and Chad

Filying Eagles celebrating AYC victory

Africa in positive mood for 2015 ITTFWorld contest

Babalade blasts Eagles I

...Says they are not worthy of wearing national colours


ormer Nigeria International, Ajibade Babalade, believes the present Super Eagles invitees are a bunch of disappointment and are unworthy of wearing the national colours. The former Shooting Stars Technical Director said commitment was lacking in the players and has suggested that they do not understand the immense responsibility of representing the Country. Ajibade who was a defender in his days says the performance of Super Eagles players in recent times brings him close to tears. � We have millions


of Nigerians who want to play for the National team. Back then when you were invited you were excited to wear the colors and with honor, but these days it seems they don’t take it serious. â€? Its as if the players don’t understand the responsibility of representing the country. When I watch them they bring me close to tears because I don’t see the passion, determination or zeal in them to play for the Nation,â€? Ajibade Babalade said. {xŠ• ‰‘{Â&#x;}~ {} uninspiring Nigerian team are billed to take on Egypt in the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations ÂąÂŒx‘‰œ{|‚… The former African

champions have been drawn in Group G against Nigeria, Tanzania, and Chad during last week’s draw where the tournament will be hosted by Gabon. According to the Egyptian Football Association’s Alaa Abdel-Aziz, the announcements included coach Hector Cuper’s decision to set Saturday, June 13 as the date for the team’s opening ÂąÂŒx‘‰œ{|}x~}  q{}x‹x‰Š‚~} Tanzania. “Cuper picked June 13 x‚}~ {}ƒx~{}” |} ÂŒ|}Âœ|‚~} match against Tanzania, but no venue has been set yet,â€? said Abdel-Aziz. “He asked the EFA to hold a camp every month to get to know the players more, and we accepted this idea. “We will have another €xqÂĄ}‰Š} x„}•‰~ }x} friendly match. The last camp will be on June 8, to be followed by the match against Tanzania.â€? Š} ‰‚}Âœ|‚~}qx~€ }‰Š} charge of the Pharaohs, Egypt beat Afcon 2015 ‚{q‰Â?œŠx‘‰‚~} ÂąÂŒx~ |‰x‘} Guinea 2-0 in a friendly last month. The seven-time continental champions are looking to end what would be a seven-year drought from African football’s showpiece event.

t is now obvious that African players are no pushovers considering the performance of Nigeria’s Aruna Quadri at the 2014 World Cup as well x‚}~ {}~ ¥}¡}œŠ‰‚ } achieved by Egypt’s Omar Assa at the 2013 World Championships in Paris, France. And when the 2015 ITTF World Championships ‚{| {‚} 7}‰Š} ÂŒĂ Â ÂŒÂ&#x;} China on April 26, these players will also be aiming for good œŠ‰‚ } ÂŠ} x„}… Also, the likes of ‹„¥~°Â‚} ‰Šx} {‚ |{”} and Nadeen ElDawlatly are players who are capable of making the continent proud in China. However the number one table

tennis citizen in Africa, Khaled ElSalhy believes Nigeria and Egypt have the • {|{•‰~ x‘}~ }œŠ‰‚ } among the top 16 at the tournament scheduled to hold in China. The African Table Tennis Federation (ATTF boss conviction was based on the performance of Nigeria’s Aruna Quadri and Egypt’s Omar Assar in recent times, which he said has made the players to be popular globally. “We are sure that some top players like Aruna Quadri and Omar Assar are very well known now in China and Europe, and I am sure they will be supported by many spectators especially when they are playing

against European players. We also hope that the performance of other African players through ITTF website will be highlighted to the continent in order to increase the support for the teams for them ~ }œŠ‰‚ }‰Š}—{ {|} position,â€? he said. }} ‘Â? x‘ „}xƒq‰ {ƒ} that the seeding of three players from Africa in the singles { {Š~}€ ÂŠÂœ|q{ƒ} the relevance of the continent at global level. “Actually Africa have three players seeded among all top participants and this indicates a good sign that Africa is on the map of the top 64 players in each category. We are sure that these players will try their best to represent their continent and their countries as well as going as far as possible to the top stage,â€? he said. “ATTF is pushing all participating teams and also do a special follow-up on the top three like Egypt, Nigeria and Congo Brazzaville. We trust that they preparing well for the tournament in order to have their best outing either as a team or individually and we x|{}€ ÂŠÂœÂƒ{Š€{}~ x~} ~ {„}•‰‘‘}œŠ‰‚ }xq ÂŠÂ‹} the top 16 this year,â€? El-Salhy said.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday Newswatch -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 24

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

Why I accepted to marry my husband – Priscilla Kuye

26 Feminine Story

Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

A woman could soon be the new face of the U.S. $20 bill. The nonprofit campaign “Women on 20s” allowed voters to choose three of 15 women candidates for the $20 bill, and now it’s down to the “Final Four.” The candidates are Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Wilma Mankiller.

1.Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady


oosevelt was the first U.S. president’s wife to take “an activist role and present her causes directly to the people through her own press conferences, syndicated columns and radio broadcasts.” She was “deeply influenced by the feminist headmistress” at the boarding school she attended in London at 15. During World War I, Roosevelt spoke at patriotic rallies and worked with the Red Cross, “visiting wounded soldiers and working to improve conditions for the mentally ill.” Although she initially opposed women’s suffrage, she turned around and actively worked with the League of Women Voters after 1920. After the death of her husband, Roosevelt served as a delegate to the United Nations and “fought for the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

Feminine Story 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

CONTENT 2. Harriet Tubman, Abolitionist


ubman “returned to the South an estimated 19 times” to lead slaves to freedom to the North via the Underground Railroad. During the Civil War, Union soldiers relied on Tubman, who served as a spy and scout, to “guide them when poorly drawn and outdated maps could not.” The Quaker Thomas Garrett said of her, “If she had been a white woman, she would have been heralded as the greatest woman of her age.” After the war, Tubman “advocated for education and property for freed slaves in the South and she cared for the elderly and poor.” After her death in 1913, she was nicknamed “General Tubman” “and laid to rest with military honours –- one of the first recorded AfricanAmerican women to serve in the military.”

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3. Rosa Parks, Civil Rights Activist


arks became known as “the mother of the freedom movement” after refusing to move to the back of the bus for a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955. At the time of her arrest afterwards, she was the secretary for the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP and had “recently attended leadership training in workers’ rights and racial equality.” After her arrest, Parks worked for many years in Rep. John Conyers’ congressional office and also served on the board of Planned Parenthood of America.

4.Wilma Mankiller, Cherokee Nation Leader


ankiller was the “first elected female chief of a native nation in modern

times.” She “advocated for extensive community development, self-help, education and healthcare programs that revitalized the Nation of 300,000 citizens.” Mankiller’s “family name refers to a traditional Cherokee rank.” She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998, the highest honour given to civilians in the United States. Mankiller has also taught at Dartmouth College as a guest professor. After the voting period ends (an end date has yet to be decided), the “Women on 20s” campaign will ask President Obama to start the process of getting the winning woman on the bill, Stone said. The group is hoping to have the bill approved by the year 2020, which marks the centennial of the passage of the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote.

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THE TEAM Published by

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patrick ASONYE Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

olayiwola RAZAQ/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, April 18, 2015

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tremendous service to mankind through her active involvement in various professional bodies nationally and globally Mrs. Kuye is virtually synonymous with law, gender activism, philanthropy and church service, thus setting a precedent for the younger generation, particularly in this age of moral decadence.She spoke with Tunde Eso about upbringing, family, love life and marriage.


ow was your growing up? I had a good upbringing in Ibadan and my parents were teachers and my father particularly was a disciplinarian. He wanted his children excel in their academics and each time that happened, he gave us presents so we could perform better in subsequent examinations. Who would you consider a woman of virtue? My mother was a woman of virtue – a hard working woman; my mother is Chief (Mrs) Elizabeth Adekogbe (a princess from Ijebu-Ife, daughter of Obalufe of Ijebu-Ife, Ogun State. What, in your opinion, are the qualities a woman of virtue should possess? Well, I think the woman should work hard, be prayerful because if you work hard and God does

succeed. So hard work, humility and - I have one principle in life: ‘do unto others as you would want them to unto you’. What I cannot tolerate from another person I won’t want to do to you. If you do that; that is love and that is one of the Ten Commandments God gave to us, that we should love God and love one another. That is the problem with us in Nigeria; we hate each other so much that we are killing each other in the North-east. What do you think is responsible for the continuous killings in the North-east? It’s injustice and maybe some people feel that the country has been unjust to them and they just need to pay back by killing people. But God said ‘thou shall not kill’. Why should they continue shedding innocent blood? I think at this point, Nigerians need to pray to God to forgive them of corporate sin. forward? The only way forward for now is that government should dialogue with those perpetrating the killings, because when you go to war, you still sit at the conference table and dialogue. And again, they must look at it critically and see what is really making these people angry, to kill fellow human beings. to stop unwarranted pregnancies especially among students? I believe that if the children are

brought up with the fear of God from home, they will not make such mistakes. But some of the females are usually drugged before being raped. But if we educate our children well, they will not be victims of such abnormality in their life time. Mothers have to be friends of their children so that if they have any problem, they would be able to discuss with their parents. Compare western world love I love theirs because they marry for love. But here in Nigeria, most females marry for money, and anybody that married for money will never get happiness in the marriage. I married my husband for love, not money. Why did you accept your husband’s advances? Because he loves and cares for me. The feeling is there when you meet someone you love and the person loves you in return, you will $

I prayed to know if he was the right man for me and God said yes. What were the qualities you saw in him that made you accept his proposal? He is both reliable and dependable. Besides, I prayed to know if he was the right man for me and God said yes. At the time we met, he had gotten his degree. I also saw him as a hardworking man who not only loved, but also respect my parents, and that is vital. Where and how did you meet your Continued on Page 30


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

‘I married for love, not money’ husband? We met in Ibadan and he proposed to me in London where we were

' 7 $ the University of London when I got * 7 pregnant. In fact, I was just 21 years of age and my husband was 12 years How did he propose to you? 8 *

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with me and arranged how I escaped from the state.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

Special Report

Rare set of all-girl quintuplets born in U.S


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Newswatch Times, Saturday April 18, 2015


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


Unveiling movie producer Ogunfowokan Jacob

A minutes with Funke Eti Funke Eti is reputed as one of the few actresses who have seen the ups and downs of life, but like the proverbial bird, she always come out tops. AJIBADE ALABI paid her a visit at her Ojodu Omole Estate house and discovered a lot about her. Excerpts:


bout me My parents are late and I am the last born. I grew up where I had my primary and post-primary education, though I was withdrawn from Igbobi to Oregun High School. Thereafter, I attended Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, where I studied Economics. I am a presenter, actress and from Lagos Island. Journey to Nollywood I joined the industry about 11 years ago from Igida caucus, June 4, 2003 to be precise. The journey was not smooth as expected; just like anything one expects to be great in. There will always be legitimate corner-corner attached to it until God puts amen That is First movie My first movie was ‘Ina Abe Aso’, produced by Yinka Ajomo now late, and people were impressed with my performance though I appeared only in one scene. People commended and urged me to continue the same way. Which film brought you to limelight? Kike Lomo Orisa directed by Don Richard in 2009. Who are your contemporaries in the film industry? I have so many of them. The likes of Iyabo Ojo, Sola Kosoko, Lizzy Anjorin, Ireti Osayemi, Tayo Sindodo; there are many of them. Why did you choose acting as a career? Because I love it. Acting is like pregnancy; you don t tell somebody you are pregnant, people will know. I believe it is just a talent. I had earlier confided in one of my sisters who work with census board about my intention to act, but she rebuffed it, telling me to face my studies. Then I met Funsho Adeolu but my sister was against it, saying she will introduce me to another person who will not harass me. I’d reasoned that there is no way one was not going to be harassed. We are all adults; if you are not interested in something nobody can harass you. I don’t see harassment as an issue. Marketers and directors will ask you out; they are men; it is expected. It is now left for you to decide if you are interested. Have you ever been sexually harassed? We encounter harassment more from our fans or why would people be calling you around 2 or 3am? And when you pick the call, all you hear is, “hello love�. There was a time a male voice called me, and immediately I picked the call, he was sounding as if he was making love to me. You see these are the kinds of harassments we go through. You will be hearing haaa, huum, the first time that person does that to me, I looked at the time and I looked at myself. When the person did not cut it I have to cut the call myself. So you can imagine that scenario. If I had not cut the line, the person would not have cut it. That is harassment at its peak. Is Funke Eti really controversial as most people perceive? People don’t know much about me. There was a time I was at a location, and my boss was telling somebody that Funke before does not exposed her body. Can you believe that at another location, a lady who was at the place where my boss was saying I have changed my way of dressing was telling everybody at that location that she knew me very well, that formally I used to dress very well, but now I have been exposing my body. Can you believe that? She never knew me from Eve, but she was judging me, and was speaking about me based on what she heard from my boss. It was somebody that called me and told me what the person said about me. So I can tell you that I am not controversial.

s a cinematographer, Ogunfowokan had shot some !" # $ % & ' " ( ) ) !" " ) ( ) * + . /0 1 . * + . /! 2 1 3 the ancient days " son, Aremo, .

* After many years, " forward to meeting him, among whom was the youngest wife of the king, who had * After his education abroad, Are * At his sight, the youngest wife " . and began showing him affection, * " . with the young 4 5 but she (young 5 . " "* 7 the Aremo, she ) . which she added into the food she * Thereafter, Aremo . " * A week after the returns of the king, commotion ensued ) ) " ) . " * 7 . * 8 . $ 9) :;<=* ) / > * /7 . ) * 8 8 ) 7 ' ) ? * ' ( 4@'5) B " " * 8 . 8 + ) : ? ? ) !" ) C ? $B* . ) 8 ) ( " 0 ") ( D E ) F#0) $B * 8 . ) 2 ) ? " ) G ) ) ? " ) F & * ) B # )

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Ariyike Akinbobola defends baby mamas


t takes t k two t to t tango, t so why do people look down on women (and not men) that have children out of wedlock? On this episode of ‘Ariyike Weekly’, TV Personality, Ariyike Akinbobola, shares a letter from a viewer who always feels bad about being called a ‘baby mama’ by the man she got pregnant for. She goes ahead to tell baby papas to respect their baby mamas. Is there anything wrong with the term, ‘baby mama’?

No breast feeding Orjiakor declares


ossy Orjiakor, the controversial Nutty Queen has passed important information to all her potential lovers and suitors. The busty actress-turned-singer recently took to her Facebook page to tell her fans how much she cherishes her boobs by heaping praises on God for bestowing her with such gift. “I am so grateful to God for these lovely boobs though sometimes they are such a burden. The load gets big but I love them,� she says. “In ten years, my boobs will

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I will use sucker to pull the milk for my kids. No direct sucking. No breastfeeding� she quips. Then, she added a line that must have got some guys day-dreaming “OMG My b**bs fell out again yesterday at TBS. I was so shy of myself as a guy helped package it for me.

Turanyo Odunsi set to dazzle @ Joseph Akande Alabi’s burial


unrayo Odunsi known as Queen Lizzy is set for the best performance of her music career as she is billed to dazzle guest at D ‰ < $ ceremony of Elder Joseph Akande Alabi the late father of yours sincerely. The event which is to take place at the N.Y.S.C Camp, Iyana Ipaja, Lagos will also have the crème de la ‘ % & ' $ industry. Fidelis Duker and his wife Tope Duker will lead the likes of Moji Olaiya, Aina Gold, Foluke Dramola, Baba Latin, Kunle Adegbite, Biodun Okeowo aka Omo Butty, Jaye Kuti, Aishat Abimbola aka Omoge Campus, Lizzy Anjorin, Funke Eti and other A List artiste to the ceremony. The ceremony which will be anchored by Dare Alabi Best will also feature Tope Alabi as guest artiste


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


I’m in good terms with AY, others Basketmouth


for my babies, Cossy

any questions have continued to trail the sudden absence of popular comedian, Basketmouth at the just concluded AY Easter show recently after he was spotted casually at the event. Though in time past, not all comedians were invited to their colleagues’ shows but many came around to show love and support despite not performing. But in the case of comedian AY and Basket mouth, many believe that there might be some issues going on underneath. Basket mouth gave the excuse of not being part of those invited for the show, explaining that he only came around the venue by chance as he was schedule to perform at another show that same day. “I was not booked to appear at AY’s show. My name was not publicised as part of the people to be at the show. It is not about comedians being united; AY did his show and never mentioned that Basket mouth would perform, so why would people expect me to be there? It doesn’t make sense. “It was just a coincidence that I was at the venue of the show while it was ongoing. I could not even be a guest at AY’s show because I had another gig on that day I was rushing off to,” he added.

Muna Obiekwe, best actor I ever worked with — Chinenye Uyanna


p and coming Nollywood actress, Chinenye Uyanna, has revealed her experience in Nollywood so far, stating that she loved working with her male colleagues because they do not complicate issues while on set unlike her female counterparts. In an interview with a national Newspaper, she revealed that the late Muna Obiekwe was one actor who helped her to be at her best since she started acting. She stated that Tonto Dikeh is her favourite actress. She said, “The best actor I have worked with was Muna Obiekwe; may his soul rest in peace. He knows how to deliver, and I like him so much because he does not look down on anybody even if you are up-andcoming. He was very good when I worked with him because he brought out the best in me.” “The same goes for Tonto Dike; she keeps to herself whenever she comes on set. They are the best actors I have worked with,” she added.

Tonto Dike reveals crush for Genevieve Nnaji


ollywood ll d actress, t T Tonto t Dik Dike h has revealed l dh her girl-crush il h for her senior colleague, Genevieve Nnaji. The actress/singer made Genevieve her woman crush on Instagram. “I call her Aunty Gene not cos of her Age, But her Strength** @ genevievennaji #by your strength I respect u” she wrote. Her tribute was accompanied by a photo of the actress tagged as the ‘Julia Roberts of Africa‘.

Why I like to share pictures of my cleavage – Cynthia Morgan


lthough she can’t stop sharing pictures of her cleavages on Instagram German Juice crooner, Cynthia Morgan, has said that she can’t pose nude for money. According to the North side Music artiste, she flaunts her cleavage just to ‘play and have fun.’ “I did not do a boob’ job. My breasts are 100 per cent real. They are natural. For me, I don’t see them as erotic pictures. I only posted a picture of my cleavage because it is what I felt like doing at that time. I was not doing it to tease anybody; I was just playing and having fun. It was nothing serious.” Ironically, despite showing the world a reasonable part of her boobs, Cynthia still claims she cannot pose nude no matter how much she is offered. “I don’t think I can pose nude no matter the amount of money offered to me,” she said.

Saturday Newswatch, April 18, 2015


More Tripping...

By Qismat Yinus 51

Nollywood’s Desmond Elliot to resume as Lagos legislator

Beyonce’s mother, Tina Knowles, marries again


ollywood actor/Director, Desmond Elliot, won the Lagos State House of Assembly election and would proceed to the State Assembly where he will be representing Surulere constituency 1. He took to his Facebook wall to express his gratitude to everyone for believing in him and voting for him: “Today marks a new phase in my life as I have officially launched my journey into the Nigerian Politics, firstly I would love to thank the people of Surulere for truly believing in me and my dreams to bringing out new energy and new enthusiasm to our place, today I reaffirm all my promises to you, we have attained victory together and together we shall also attain The Change We Desire. I also want to extend my profound gratitude to everyone who has supported me in this cause, my friends, fans and well wishers. May


ccording to media reports,Beyonce’s mum Tina Knowles, 61, married her 67 year old fiance, actor Richard Lawson in a super yacht outside of Newport Beach, California.It was indeed a beautiful ceremony as everyone wore white to the ceremony, including Beyonce, Solange, Blue Ivy and Jay Z.

P-Square’s Peter Okoye builds multi-million Naira beverage company

Glamorous wedding of Sultan of Brunei’s son


he youngest child of one time richest man in the world, Sultan of Brunei, 31 year old Prince Abdul Malik, who is the second in line to become the next Sultan, got married today to 22 year old Data Analyst DayangkuHaji Bolkiah in a spectacular ceremony at the monarch’s 1,788-room palace in Brunei’s capital, Bandar Seri Begawan. The billionaire monarch went all out for this wedding. The bride and groom wore gold outfits with diamonds. The bride’s shoes were made with extra diamonds and she carried a bouquet made of gems rather than flower. Her tiara, necklace, brooch, bracelet and ring are all made of diamonds, studded with emeralds.


eter Okoye, one half of the P-Square twin brothers, is currently building a multimillion naira beverage and bottling company in Lagos. Located on one acre of land somewhere on the Island, construction of the beverage and bottling company started in 2014, and it is expected to be launched before the end of this year. The company, when officially opened, will be producing bottle water and assorted fruit juice.

Iyanya makes Nollywood debut


ukere’ crooner Iyanya was photographed making his acting debut earlier in the week. He was looking so hot on the set of the new movie, which we all can’t wait to see.

Kanye West jumps into Lake to perform @ free concert in Armenia


anye who went to Armenia with Kim,organized a free concert for her people which held last Sunday in the capital city of Yerevan. He got so excited he jumped into the lake and performed to the delight of Armenians.

Tiwa Savage, Toolz, Waje @ Omawumi’s baby shower


riends threw singer Omawumi a baby shower on the 12th of April. The party which took place at the presidential suite of Intercontinental Hotel, Lagos, had her friends and colleagues such as Toke Makinwa, Tiwa Savage, Sasha, Lami Phillips, Toju Foyeh, Olakunbi Oyelese, Damilola Attoh, Waje, Latasha Ngwube, Freda Francis and others in attendance.

Kylie Jenner rocks grey-blue hair to Coachella


eventeen-year-old Kylie Jenner stormed Coachella music festival in California last weekend rocking gray-blue hair, crop top and shorts with her sister and friends.

Saturday Newswatch, April 18, 2015

35 Feminine Story-2

How I met and married my husband - Karen Igho R

ecently, the former Big Brother Africa winner, Karen Igho, got married in the traditional way to her heartthrob. Born in Jos, Plateau State, Karen is many things rolled into one. She is an actress, business woman, radio presenter (Naija FM station), the Face of Exquisite Magazine and an Ambassador for GoTV. She revealed how she met her white husband and how the journey started. Karen and Hubby The interview which she granted LIB talks about her personal life with her husband, Yaroslav Rakos; her long-term relationship and future plans. Excerpts below: How did you meet your husband? We met when I travelled to London back in summer 2005. We got to know each other and we clicked. How long have you known each other? We have known each other for 9 years. When I hit the limelight, which required me to travel and move around a lot, luckily our relationship stood the test of time. We found that we are meant for each other. There are rumours that you’re pregnant. Are you guys expecting a baby? We are definitely ready to have a baby. Having a family with children is definitely part of our future plans. What exactly are your future plans? Now that I’m married, I think I’ll focus more on my personal life. Right now, it’s all about my family. Work-wise, I have some ideas of a few future projects, so let’s see what comes out. What’s the biggest misconception people have about you? They think I’m wild and crazy. But really, deep down, I’m just a down-to-earth, God-loving, humble, caring and friendly person. As life moves forward, people grow, and my track record proves that I am not wild at all. What’s going on about your health issues; you talked about cancer last year? Thank God everything is fine; I am well and I am grateful for all the well wishes and prayers. One question for Karen’s husband, Yaroslav Rakos: Tell us something about Karen, why you chose her? Karen is a person that can surprise you a lot. I still can’t put my finger on it, which is part of the mystery in the relationship, but I think it’s exactly what made her successful in Big Brother Africa and beyond.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015



our husband shares a very plain and simple relationship with his female friends and keeps you in the loop about everything. However, you still might not like his friendship with other women and feel the strong urge to stop him from talking to his female friends. But, is that the sensible and healthy way to deal with it? There are high chances that he will not like it. And, if you object too much, he might continue to meet these friends without telling you! There is no point in making a big deal by giving ultimatums or confronting him. All it will do is spoil your equation with him. So, what do you do then? No need to worry girls. Read on to know how you can handle this nagging dilemma. 1. Try to be more friendly with his friends It has been seen that women who are friendly with their husbands’ female friends, or even someone from their past, are more comfortable in accepting the friendship their husbands share with them. In fact, you might just realise that your husband’s female friends are fun to be around. This will also make him happier. 2. Give some benefit of doubt Some situations might seem bothersome to you, but they may really be very trivial. If his female friends are sending a text message or there is a missed call or if they are meeting for coffee, these could be totally harmless.

Instead of panicking, try to reason out and analyse the situation calmly and save yourself from the torture of doubt. 3. Trash double standards If you have many male friends, but are insecure about his female friends, it is time to think again, lady! Do not have a different set of rules for you and your husband. Your husband will definitely notice this, and this can really harm your relationship. Having double standards can only lead to confusion and instability in your relationship. 4. Talk to him, not your friends! Stop yourself from making the huge mistake of discussing your husband with your friends! Remember that this is an issue between the two of you, and not something that your friends can do much about. And, imagine if your husband finds out, things might just get from bad to worse! 5. Work on boundaries Share your feelings calmly, and let him know that you would like him to set some boundaries for his female friends. Assure him that you would do the same in case your closeness with your male friends bothers him. You both might just be able to reach an amicable solution. Try these simple ways to deal with this issue. In most situations, things will get better very soon, if you talk it out patiently and coolly.



Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lifestyle y “I love to know what’s in your heart and I know you can share your feelings more with me after we make love. The sequence is worth it to me.” The four phases of sexual connection are: courtship, arousal, orgasm, and pillow-talk. The first and last are more female needs, and the middle two more male. Most men are more open after they are sexually satisfied, and don’t like to talk a lot when they are looking for sex. When women insist on talking before making love, especially about relationship problems, most men balk or try to shorten the interaction. Sometimes it is perfectly reasonable to talk things out to make certain that love-making works better, but offering to forego that preliminary discussion is a sure-fire way to make a man feel understood and accepted. Often men are much more available after they have been loved in a way that is important to them. When they are in a good place, a woman can ask him to talk to her about a troubling issue. “I know how much fun you have with your guy friends and how you try to be more controlled around me, but you don’t have to. I know men think about different things than women do and I want the chance to know that part of you too.” Many men talk and act differently when they’re around their male friends than they do with their women. With their male friends, they most often talk about sports, battles, business, and their health issues. And of course, sex. Depending on the statistic used, men think about sex around 20 times a day, but mostly just brief fantasies. They’re also more interested in pornography than most women are. Women, when they are not jealous, derogatory, or invalidating of these typical male interests are more able to make their partners feel comfortable about sharing those masculine topics with them. Confident women who like who they are and aren’t afraid of competition are in much demand, especially when they are not threatened by testosterone driven men who still love them. “I know my long stories can drive you crazy, so I’ll start

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



aving known that joy is the feeling of great pleasure and happiness, now we would address the need to fill ourselves up with it as individuals. Personal joy can be viewed and derived from different spheres . Intellectually, you need to take delight in aspiring to be better than you are presently. Be prepared to build yourself and others. Seek ways to maximise your gifts, talents and resources adequately. Take courses online or better still go to school for higher learning, enlightenment and upliftment. “Knowledge is power”. Get empowered by being more skilled also. Learn to enjoy what you do; don’t just work for the money, work also for the fulfilment. This implies you need to engage in what you enjoy doing. Be bold about executing your plans and objectives with fun and decision, thinking less of failure and non accomplishments. Look forward to a success laden future and destiny. Physically, joy comes with the satisfaction of dressing nice, eating well, good posture and disposition. Always take your uniqueness into consideration while you address these physical attributes. Dress in a way that compliments can be passed at you. Dressing nicely does not particularly mean being expensive, it simply means wearing appropriate and neat attire. Bear in mind the occasion, the season, the trending style and your stature. Having done these, you look into the mirror, giving yourself a smile and appreciation. An ample aspect of the day is conquered with that smile, bringing confidence, esteem and grace into your life. Eating the meals that suits your health and physical requirements is interesting in this case. Your body should speak “I am ready” in health

with the bottom line and you can ask for more details if you need them.” Women do tend to ramble when they share an experience or be indirect when they want something. If they get how men think, they can work to develop a more direct approach that doesn’t keep their partners hanging, as well as generously offer only what the men ask to know about without unnecessary embellishments. They also understand that certain subjects are easier for men to listen to, and are careful to know the difference. For example, a woman’s distress about a man’s behavior in the relationship should be presented in as limited a way as possible, i.e., complaint, context, feeling, and desired outcome. Interesting stories that are relevant to their men’s lives may get more automatic stage time. “It’s perfectly okay that sports, business, battles, and times you just want to spend with your guy friends are sometimes more important than our relationship.” Many women want their lovers to focus on the relationship above all. They often feel competitive when their male

partners are more interested in watching competitive sports, heavily engaged in business interactions, or into political battles. When men are only with each other, they rarely talk about their personal relationships. In contrast, when women are only with each other, they rarely talk about anything else. Living more in separate compartments as they tend to do, men do often treasure the compartment that holds their loved ones, but they also need guilt-free time to enjoy any others that are important to them. There is one powerful exception. When women have highly demanding jobs where they interact with men a great deal, they do understand and participate more in those typical male interactions. “I trust that you love me by all the things you do for me, even when I don’t ask you to.” Men often show their love by what they do for their women, especially when they’re not asked to do them. Washing a car, making a drink, pouring a bath, buying lingerie, arranging a surprise birthday party, picking up dinner, participating willingly in child care, or fixing something that’s broken are all great examples. Female partners who know this never fail to show their appreciation, usually by affection or by being more available for sex.


Joy, the fill up (2) and vitality. Maintain a good posture of heads up, shoulders high and putting a smile on keeps you on top of situations. With consideration of another aspect of joy derivatives, it is important to boost your psychic. Wake up and stir yourself up with encouragement even if no one does. Reprogramme yourself for happiness, not allowing stress and worries to steal your joy. Don’t settle for good enough or manageable situations; reach out for the best all the time, all the way. You really need to like yourself enough to indulge yourself generally; celebrate yourself. Be passionate about life, but don’t be too serious about it. Change your attitude to suit your purpose by being factual, real and productive at judging environmental confrontations. Focus on your strengths and not your weakness. Handling your emotions to be happy and to be full of joy for a lot of people is a big deal. To have joy in your life, you need to live in the present and the expectation of a bright future. Let go of the past pain, failures, disappointments, betrayal, shame, ridicules and so on. You cannot change your past but can do something about your future. Don’t let your potentials be buried beneath depression, discouragement, fears, weakness and many more. Watch out for new doors and windows that are there being opened in your life circumstance; they aren’t noticed because you keep looking back. Constantly remind yourself that you have a gift, that you are talented and creative, and keep your new dreams alive by feeding it with understanding and wisdom. Focus on what’s right in your life, and be grateful for it while you nurture your motive to be back on track. Obey God’s commands strictly; this gives you peace and joy in abundance knowing you please God in all you do and at all times. For the spiritual ones, worshipping God gives a lot of delight and excitement; this indeed creates fun either at home or at a meeting venue. Learn to talk to yourself positively, declaring your expectations for manifestation, and be expectant because what you think mostly comes your way. Create your world by making your environment nice, decent, cosy and conducive, making aesthetics your

guide. Try making your house or home an Eden, where everything you need is available. Note the word, need, not want - a place with space, organisation, beauty, neatness and cleanliness. Imagine after a busy, disappointing day, all you should think of is the joy you get at getting home to have some rest. This sort of joy can’t be talked about without mentioning your relationship with other people. A good relationship with family, friends, children, parents, colleagues, in laws, superiors, subordinates and others would do you such good and can’t be over emphasised, bringing you so much joy and harmony. How you see yourself is very important, because how you perceive yourself is how you are seen. Do see yourself a winner, champion, victor, loser, success, failure, or an outstanding, unique person? Do you tell your life history as a testimony or a tragedy? Have you forgiven yourself of past wrongs of whatever kind? All these help you to know and understand how to dispose yourself to other people around you. You can’t give what don’t have. Happiness is a choice that emerges from the joy planted or created by you. You can’t give what you don’t have, share your joy with others, not your gloominess. Try not to magnify your problems. Make other people happy by giving the right currency of various denominations of uplift. But better still, understand that you can’t always please some people, it can be frustrating. Talking about making people happy, by this I mean, celebrate with others, be compassionate, empathise as the case warrants it. Take note more of the good (don’t always find faults). Be sensitive to people’s needs; material, intellectual, emotional, psychological and so on. Be a complementary factor, a giver, forgiver, a peacemaker, a builder and more. The much of good you sow into other lives, the more good comes your way. Therefore, sowing smiles on faces will translate into joy for you. Take people for who they are, understand their temperament trait and use your knowledge of that as an advantage to know how to deal with them on an individual bases. Some are introverted and others are extroverted; appreciating these attributes will do a great deal of help at dealing with people without your cool being tampered with.


Newswatch Times, Satruday, April 18, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE


Former Managing Director, Mobil, Chief Pius Akinyelure; former Governor of Lagos State/All Progressive Congress National Leader, Bola Ahmed Tinubu and former Lagos State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Dele Alake.

Former Governor of Lagos State/All Progressive Congress (APC) National Leader, Bola Ahmed Tinubu; wife of the APC Vice President-Elect, Dolapo Oshinbajo; APC Vice President-Elect and Osun State Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


L-R: Children of late General Leader of the Cherubim & Seraphim Movement Church, Prophet Gabriel Fakeye, Kemi, Yemisi, Anu and Tosin.

L-R: Chairman, Surulere Youth District of the church, Prophet Gbenga Ipadeola; Lagos Zonal President, Prophet Oluwakemi Sobande; International Youth President, Apostle Akeni Owairu; Chairman, Youth Fellowship Unification, Lagos State chapter, Brother Oguntoyinbo Bolaji Johnson and Chairman/Apostolate Campus Fellowship, Nigeria and Overseas, Evangelist Atansuyi Olajide. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


Alhaji Nafiu Rabiu (Elder son to Alhaji Isiaku Rabiu of IRS group) with other representatives of the group during a courtesy visit to the President-Elect, General Muhammadu Buhari in his home town Daura Katsina State. L-R: Minister of Education, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau; Minister of State for Agriculture, Hajia Asabe Ahmed; Minister of Environment, Mrs. Lawrencia Laraba-Mallam and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alhaji Aminu Wali, at the Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara

President-Elect General Muhammadu Buhari (standing) speaking with the guests at his home Daura Katsina State.

L-R: Minister for State for Foreign Affairs, Senator Musilu Obanikoro; Minister of Police Affairs, Alhaji Abduljelili Adesiyan; Minister of State for the Federal Capital Territory, Mrs. Jumoke Akinjide and Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Morro, during the meeting.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


L-R: Kogi State Deputy Governor’s wife, Mrs. Awoniyi , Simbabi Ogbeha; Senator Tunde Ogbeha and Special Adviser to the president of the Senate, Hon. Kola Ologbondiyan during the funeral mass of late Mrs. Grace Bosede Ologbondiyan in Kabba, Kogi State...recently. Photo: Wale Adenuga

L-R: Hon. Kola Ologbondiyan in handshake with Senator Tunde Ogbeha during the event.


L-R: Executive Director, Women Right and Research Organisation, Mrs. Abiola Akinyode; former president, Civil Liberty Organisation, Mrs. Ayo Obe; Coordinator, BringBackOurGirls, Lagos, Mrs. Aisha Oyebode; founder, Nigerian Network of Non-Governmental Organizations, Mrs. Yemisi Ransom-Kuti and Human Rights lawyer and activist, Mr. Femi Falana.



The groom, Dapo Oyinloye (middle) being ushered into the engagement venue during his traditional wedding in Ilorin by family members.

Mr. & Mrs. Dapo Oyinloye after their wedding at the Faith Life Chapel, Ilorin, Kwara State, penultimate Saturday.


Managing Director/CEO, Africa Prudential Registrars Plc, Mr. Peter O. Ashade and Chairman, Mrs. Eniola Fadayomi, during the company’s annual general meeting held in Lagos.


Cross-section of participants at the event.

Photo: Segun Padonu

L-R: Director, Africa Prudential Registrars Plc, Mr. Samuel Nwanze; Mr. Peter O. Ashade; Mrs. Fadayomi; Director, Ammuna Lawan Ali and another Director, Mr. Peter Elumelu after the meeting.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Dodo Ikire served with groundnut

Do you read nutrition labels on drugs, packaged food items?


utrition label is a guidance or summary of the required statements that must appear on drug or food labels under the laws and regulations that guides their production and consumption in any community, society or nation in relation to accepted global standards. In this vein, nutritionists are health experts who know the right food for sound health, just as pharmacists’ advice people about the right drug for any ailment with reference to the composition of the drug and its label. In the same vein, manufacturers/nutritionists’ labels help you to choose a more balanced diet. They also help to make you cut down on fat (especially saturated fat), salt and added sugars. Base your meals on starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, pasta and rice, choosing wholegrain where possible; and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Aim for D Â‹~D‚  Â„~ ‡‰  }‰€‚ ‰Â? D „D }~ Â? ~„~ Â? GDÂ? ‚ˆFƒ D‚ ‚‰Š~ ‡ ‰ ~}€ }Fƒ Â?‰‰G‚ ‹}‘~ Š~D  Â‚ƒ ‡ˆ‹‚~‚ and milk and dairy foods. Though many manufacturers state the contents of the products on the packets by using colour code, it is not everybody that knows what the colours stand for. Some front-of-pack nutrition labels use red, amber and green colourcoding. Red means high; amber means medium and green means low. If you buy a food that has all or mostly green lights, you know straight away that it is a healthier choice. Amber light means neither high nor low, so you can eat foods with all or mostly amber lights most of the time. But a red light means the food is high in fat, saturated fat, salt or sugars and these are the foods we should cut down on. Try to eat these foods less often and in small amount. Most pre-packed food products also have a list of ingredients on the packaging or on an attached label. The ingredients list can also help you work out how healthy the product is. Ingredients are listed in order of weight. So the main ingredients in the packaged food always come  Â‚ 7ƒD ÂŠ~D€‚  ÂƒD }Â?  Âƒ~  Â‚ Â?~Â… }€£ ~G}~€ Â‚ are high-fat ingredients such as cream, butter or oil, then the food in question is a high-fat food. However, there are some tips that you can rely on for shopping as stated in the following paragraphs: If you are buying ready meals, check to see if there is a nutrition label on the front of the pack, and then see how your choices stack up when it comes to the amount of energy, fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt. If the nutrition labels use colour-coding, you Â…}‹‹ ‰Â? ~€  Â€G D Š}ÂĄÂ Âˆ ~ ‰Â? ~G DŠE~ D€G green. So, when you are choosing between similar products, try to go for more greens and ambers, and fewer reds, if you want to make a healthier choice. But remember that even healthier ready meals may be higher in fat and energy than the homemade equivalent. If you make the meal yourself, you could save money, too. Therefore, it is very important that you always check the label on any drug or consumable food item packaged for sales at any departmental store or eatery, before buying it for consumption. Nonetheless, though most prepacked foods have a nutrition label on the back or side of the packaging, many people don’t care to read it to know the nutritional composition. Nutrition labels usually include information on energy in kilojoules (kJ) or kilocalories (kcal), usually referred to as calories. They also include information on protein, carbohydrate and fat. They may provide additional information on saturated fat, sugars, sodium and salt. All nutrition information is provided per 100 grams and sometimes per portion of the food.


o you have some fingers of plantain in yo ur home waiting to be eaten? Well, if you are still looking for more things to do with your overripe plantains, you should definitely try Dodo-Ikire. This is a basic appetizer made out of seasoned overripe plantains fried in palm oil. Simple, isn’t it? Note that this could be a fairly messy dish to eat so have napkins on hand for yourself and your guests. Dodo-Ikire is awesome enough by itself. You can serve it with groundnuts but the possibilities do not end there. You could try serving it with pepper sauce or even asun. Whatever accompaniment, you sure will have an amazing time.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

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Stay Healthy

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April18, 2015


Politics I’ll consolidate on Kwankwaso’s achievements – Kano governor-elect Continued from Page 15

} ~ D } D ~ ~F~ D £DG£~ F } £ D7F } ~ D7F }£ DG }£ D G F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } F ~ D7F } ~ D ~ $ D ~ F } }FD } D F ~ } ~ } D .D } ~ } ~ D ~ 7 ~ ~ } ~ ~ D £}£D }F ~ £ } £ D G ~ D F ~ ~ ~ D } £ ~ } ~ 0 } D ~ } }G~ } D ~D ~ ~ ~ ~ } D ~ ~ }F D } D ~ FD ~F } ~ D What security measures will your administration put in place to ensure the safety of lives and property? $ ~ F } }FD } ~ } D ~F } }F } } D ~ ~F}D D ~£D F} } ~ .D :~ } ~~G ~ F ~ D } ~F } D£~ F}~ D ~ D ~ £ ~ ~ 6~F } 7 ) G :~ D D ~ ~ }F F } D :~ D D ~ } E D G ~~ } G~ ~ G~ D ~ } E~ DE ~ F G} D ~ } ~ } D ~ ~F ~ ~ D D ~ } D F ~ ~~G~G ~F } } } ~ ~ } D F} .D D ~ }G~G 7 D } ~ &&79 D G ~ } D F ~ D } E~ ~F~ D ~~ ~ } D .D D ~ What policies will your government initiate to ensure human development? :~ D } D ~D D G~ ~ ~ } ~ ~D D ~ ~ D ~ ~ } } ~£~G D ~ D ~ G~G } ~ ~ } £ D ~ ~F}D } ~G ~F } ~ ~D ~F D ~ } ~G :} } ~D ~ ~ } G} F D£~ ~ ~ D ~ } £ DE DG ~G}FD } $ ~DG . D D D D}G D }G GD } 6 ~ D ~ £ } £ D ~ D } } D ~D FD ~ E~FD ~ ~ E~ }~ ~ D ~ ~ } } E~ ~ D F ~ 7 } } E~FD ~ E~ }~ D ~ } ~F } G} ~D ~ } FD ~ } D ~ F G ~DG ~ D £~ D } D G FD ~ ~ GD D£~ 6 ~ D ~ FD ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ D ~F } D D ~ ~ ~ How would the rural areas feel the impact of your administration? :~ G DG D D } ~£ D ~G G~ ~ ~ ~ , G } ~ DG ~ ~ D D ~D E~FD ~ ~ ~ ~ £~ F~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0D DG D ~ E~F ~ G} D }GD ~G 6 ~ D ~D ~¦ } ~ ~

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On the education sector, we will maintain the tempo but my emphasis would be on prioritising education as well as ensure that education is made compulsory for all Kano children so that the roaming about on the streets by the Almajiris is completely stamped out ~ D ~~ E~ ~ FD } } ~ } ~ :~ } F DE D ~ } } }£D } D ~ D G ~~ ~ FD }G~ DF} } }~ D ~ ~ :~ D ~ F } F~G D } ~ D ~ F ~D ~ ~ } ¡ D ~ ~ ~ F} }~ G E~ } } } ~G What are your plans toward the improvement of the health sector? :~ D } ~ F D ~ £~ ~D DF} } }~ } } ~ F ~ ~ D D ~D $ ~DG ~ D ~ DF }~ ~G D ~ ~ DF~ } ~ } } :~ D F } ~ G D } ~ D ~ D } ~G D ~ ~ } ~ .D 6 D ~ } } ~~ D G D ~ } ~F } G} ~D ~ % } D ~ G ~ D } ~ } ~ } } D } D ~ ~ ~ ~ D ~ ~ E F } G ~ ~ } E~ } } ~G D G } ~ D ~ DE ~ F }GD ~ ~ D ~ } ~ } } D } G E~ G D }FD ~G F~G

Lagos govt takes steps to improve on services Continued from Page 16

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


Akwa Ibom’s PDP victory trailed by controversy Nsikak Ekanem, Calabar


he April 11, 2015 governorship and House of Assembly elections in Akwa Ibom State have come and gone. At least, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), which conducted the exercise, has not declared it inconclusive like it did in few states. Actually, the result has been announced just as the winner as been declared. However, what immediately follows the election is selfevident that another chapter has been opened regarding which person and party is to ˆ€  ƒ~ DHD} ‚ ‰Â?  ƒ~ ‚ D ~ According to the result announced by INEC, Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, who was the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), polled 996,071 to emerge winner. His closest rival, Umana Okon Umana of the All Progressive Congress (APC), scored 89,865. The result was announced by the Vo for the election in the state. The election result as announced by the returning ‰7F~ ‚ƒ‰…‚  ƒD 6DŠˆ~‹ Akpan of the Accord Party came third with 10,598 votes while Senator Helen Esuene of the Labour Party scored 8,600 votes. The spread of votes, as indicated by INEC ‰7F}D‹ ~‚ˆ‹ ‡ ‰„~G ŠD€Â? pre-election analysts wrong. The PDP candidates won in all the 31 local government areas in the state. Before the election, the nine local government areas in Akwa Ibom North East (Uyo) Senatorial District D€G  ƒ~  „~ 2 ‰€ ‚‡~D‘}€£ local government areas in the southern senatorial district were considered stronghold of the APC. Two Ibibio-speaking local government areas in the North Western (Ikot Ekpene) Senatorial District – Ikono

Udom and Ini – were believed to be rooting for Umana also. Eket and Onna local government areas were seen by some political pundits before the election as likely battle ground among Esuene, Emmanuel and Akpan. Emmanuel and Akpan hail from Onna while Esuene is from neighbouring Eket. The result further indicated that the total number of registered voters in the state was 1,548,531 while 1,158,624 voters were accredited for the election. Void votes were 12,256. The announcement came amid protest in the streets of Uyo, the state capital and call by individuals and groups for cancellation of the election over alleged irregularities and violence. At least three persons, according to police, were killed during  Âƒ~ ~‹~F }‰€‚ 8€F‰€ ÂŠ~G report said not less than eight human lives were lost as a result of violence. In what tends to be agreeable with the ‘Uncommon Transformation’ mantra of Governor Godswill Akpabio, PDP’s victory in the governorship election in Akwa

Esuene Ibom State uncommonly stands out among the 29 states that had the same election in the country. Though PDP in Akwa Ibom State failed to top as the highest votes scorer in the 2015 governorship ~‹~F }‰€‚  Âƒ~ G}H~ ~€ }D‹ between the winner and the  Â‚ ÂˆÂ€Â€~ ˆ‡ }‚ D ‚‰Š~…ƒD trailblazing. A gap of 906,206 exists between Emmanuel and Umana. That of Akwa Ibom beats Rivers State to a second position with exactly 2,000 votes. In Rivers the PDP had 1,029,102 against APC’s 124, 896. Though PDP members and its supporters in the state rejoiced over the outcome of the election with pomp, the heralding wind of election losers conceding defeat and congratulating winners among Nigerian politicians in the President Goodluck Jonathan era has not blown to Emmanuel’s direction. It dashes the hope of the state chairman of the PDP, Mr. Paul Ekpo. After the announcement of the result, Ekpo had said: “I hope other candidates who contested this election will allow peace to reign as President Jonathan

Umana did.â€? In a new trend in the country whereby a number ‰Â? ‹DÂ…Â?~ ‚  €D€F}D‹ ‡ ‰ ‹~ may not be uplifted on account of the fallout of the 2015 general elections in most states, it is most likely that some legal practitioners would smile to their banks on matters regarding the last governorship election in Akwa Ibom State. Umana, who was a guest on Channels Television’s election programme, a day after the announcement of the result of the election, said elections did not hold in more than 90 per cent of the polling units in the state. According to him, the exercise was marred by widespread hijacking of election materials by armed thugs. “I can say that we did not have elections in Akwa Ibom,â€? said Umana. He continued: “What happened was a wellorganised, state-sponsored terrorism against the people of the state, using state apparatus. We will certainly challenge the result in court.â€? He said immediately accreditation ended, armed thugs in police uniforms moved around in buses,

‡‰ˆ€F}€£ ‰€ ~‹~F Â‰ D‹ ‰7F}D‹‚ and carting away ballot boxes and other materials. He said the buses used by the thugs were the same ones acquired by the Akpabio’s administration few weeks to the elections. The APC candidate said his party has evidence of video recordings and photographs to buttress its claims. According to him, the elections were only held in Akpabio’s polling unit to put up a propaganda show for television cameras. Umana narrated a personal experience that he could not vote because  Âƒ~ ‡ ~‚}G}€£ ‰7F~ D Âƒ}‚ polling unit said election materials were forcefully taken away by armed thugs led by an aide of the governor. The APC candidate added that out of a total 1,571 ballot papers assigned for the three polling units in his area, only 450 were recovered by security operatives, with most of the materials already thumbprinted. +~ ‚D}G  Âƒ~ ~‹~F Â‰ D‹ ‰7F~ in the local government blamed the loss of the materials on security lapses. He alleged that over 50

political leaders from various polling units in the state, including the former state governor, Victor Attah, and former petroleum minister, Chief Don Etiebet, also called to complain about the hijacking of election materials by armed thugs. He mentioned that in Etinan, the PDP state chairman was caught in a convoy of vehicles with election materials, most of which were already thumbprinted result sheets, with 258 votes allocated to the PDP and one vote to the APC. According to Esuene, in a press statement she personally endorsed, the election “was Š‰ ~ ‰� D ‚ƒ‰… ‰�  €D€F}D‹ strength than the capturing of the wishes of the Akwa Ibom people.� She added that “voters were enticed with cash and goods everywhere; they were cajoled into voting accordingly before they were given what was promised them. This is a clear departure from what the law says.� In a 2,217-word press statement sent to this reporter on Tuesday, Etiebet also gave Continued on Page 54

Ajimobi’s second term:Beyond euphoria of jinx-breaking (AP) who polled 254,520 while n Saturday, Otunba Christopher April Adebayo Alao-Akala 11, 2015, of the Labour party Sen. Isiaq Abiola (LP) came third with Ajimobi of Oyo 184,111 votes. State was re-elected Other contestants the state governor and their results for a second term were Otegbeye }€ ‰7F~  Âƒ}‚ ƒD‚ Taiwo of AA (1,397 however made him votes), Adesipe  Â‰ E~  Âƒ~  Â‚ F}„}‹}D€ Adebola of ACPN governor to be re(3,021 votes), Fatai ~‹~F ~G }€ Â‰ ‰7F~ }€ Akani of APA (2,453 the state. votes), Olaleke Independent Samson of APGA National Electoral (941), Yunusa Commission Kazeem of DPP (INEC’s) returning (1,654) and Akeem ‰7F~ Â?‰ 2Â?‰ Olaide Olayiwola of State, Prof. Ayobami KOWA (1,041 votes). Salami said Ajimobi The rest were polled 327,310 votes Mustapha Ruqayat to defeat his closest of MMPP (4,258 opponent, Sen. votes), Sen. Teslim Rashidi Ladoja of Folarin of the PDP the Accord Party Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan



(79,019 votes) and Engr. Oluseyi Makinde of the SDP with 54,740 votes. Further breakdown showed that Ajimobi’s All Progressives Congress (APC) won in 20 local


governments while Ladoja’s AP won in seven councils and Akala of LP won in six councils. For the state House of Assembly, APC won 18 seats, Accord - eight and LP had six seats.


AP national secretary, Alhaji Nureni Adisa, refused to sign and collect the election results, attributing his action to his party’s directive; so also was the party’s candidate

who rejected the results, revealing that his party would challenge the results at the election tribunal while Akala and Makinde have congratulated Continued on Page 54


Newswatch Times, Saturday, Apile18, 2015

Politics Ajimobi’s second term: Beyond euphoria of jinx-breaking Continued from Page 53

National Party of 1}ÂŁ~ }D 131 Ajimobi over his Ige and many of victory. his party supporters That Ajimobi has never thought that won a second term he could lose that is no mystery as election for he really the development is performed as a just the by- product governor while his of chains of events party, the UPN was which began with seen as the most the formation of APC as a mega party popular party in the old Oyo State. to challenge the His loss at the once upon vibrant election opened and dominant PDP, the eyes of several culminating in the politicians to the victory of General fact that there are Muhammadu other factors apart %ˆƒD }  G ‰Â? from performance the APC as the that determines president-elect governorship victory in the March 28 in Oyo. ~‹~F }‰€ %ˆƒD }‚ Thus, when Nigeria victory, no doubt, returned to the boosted Ajimobi‘s current democracy chances, just as it in 1999 and Alhaji did for several APC candidates across the Lamidi Adesina was elected as the state country. civilian governor, This also coupled the late veteran with the inability politician built and of members of the serviced a political opposition in the structure that state to unite and present a formidable covered the entire state to ensure his opponent against re-election bid. Ajimobi at the This election. notwithstanding, It is a rare feat for Alhaji Adesina was Ajimobi to have defeated in the 2003 won a second term election by Ladoja of especially if one recalls circumstances the PDP then. Just like it surrounding his happened to Ige and emergence as the Adesina, Ladoja too APC candidate and did not have the the calibre of some luxury of second of his opponents term as his fellow in the elections. party man, Akala, Events leading to then of the PDP his victory at the was given the party polls have however ticket and eventually shown that the Nigeria electorate are elected the governor gradually embracing Ajimobi in the democracy with defunct Action all its intrigues and Congress of Nigeria surprises. $&1 G~Â?~D ~G Perhaps, late Akala of the PDP in &ƒ}~Â? %‰‹D ,ÂŁ~ ‰Â? 2011 to become the the defunct Unity incumbent governor. Party of Nigeria If truth must be 831 …‰ˆ‹G E~ told, the victory of remembered for his Ajimobi now of spirited but failed the APC in the last ~H‰  ‚  ‰ ‚~ „~  ƒ~ election has changed state twice. Ige who the political terrain of was sworn in as the state, and it will the state civilian governor on October never be the same again. 1, 1979, contested )} ‚ 1}ÂŁ~ }D‚ and lost in the 1983 re-election bid to Dr. brand of politics has been a winner Omololu Olunloyo takes all project, has of the defunct

given the governor and his party, the opportunity to attract more members especially from other political parties. It is a matter of days for other political parties to witness mass exodus into the APC. Secondly, for Ajimobi to have broken the jinx of ‘no second term Â?‰  Âƒ~ £‰„~ €‰ ÂŤ circumstances may have thrown him up as a political godfather in the state. That is a truism. Now that the people of the state have spoken and voted for Governor Ajimobi to run a second term in ‰7F~ } }‚ ƒ‰‡~G that he will not betray the trust and  Âƒ~ F‰€ G~€F~  Âƒ~ people have in him by “giving him a second chance.â€? Fortunately, Ajimobi had, in his post-election speech, lauded the electorate, assuring them of his readiness to perform better than he did in ƒ}‚  Â‚  ~ Š A nongovernmental grganisation, also known as ‘The Centre for Democratic -‰ˆ €D‹}‚ Â‚ &'- }€ its congratulatory Š~‚‚DÂŁ~  Â‰ %ˆƒD } and Ajimobi, urged them not to betray  Âƒ~ ‡~‰‡‹~‚  ÂˆÂ‚ D€G F‰€ G~€F~ CDJ, in the message signed by its chairman, Mr. Victor Oluwadamilare and executive ‚~F ~ D Â? 0 %‰‹D Ogunlayi declared: “The governorship election in Oyo State was the most challenging in recent times owing to the peculiarity in its campaign issues, numerical strength, gladiators and pacesetter status. The CDJ is of the opinion that the renewed

mandate would spur the governor to step up his activities in a way that will E~€~  D‹‹ FD ~£‰ }~‚ of people especially the common man. Of greatest assets to him in his second  ~ Š }€ ‰7F~ D ~  Âƒ~ various criticisms that dodged and FƒD DF ~ }‚~G ƒ}‚  Â‚ term performance by his opponents and adversaries as well as those who parted ways with him on principles. None of the constructive criticisms must be wished away now that the political brick bat is over.â€? All eyes are now ‰€ $Š}Š‰E}‚ ‚ Â?‹~ of leadership in his ‚~F‰€G  ~ Š }€ ‰7F~

for Ajimobi to have broken the jinx of ‘no second term for the governor,’ circumstances may have thrown him up as a political godfather in the state. That is a truism

Akwa Ibom’s PDP victory trailed by controversy Continued from Page 53 personal account to reinforce the point that the last election was fraught with fraud. The information technology guru stated that he had personally set up a communication network in the whole state “for concerned persons and groups to communicate with him as to the goingson, on the election day so he “could attempt to solve their problems.� Presenting detailed D€D‹�‚}‚ ‰� ~H‰  ƒ~ ŠDG~ to retrieve result sheet in his polling unit and the report he got from other political leaders and voters across the state, Etiebet stated that “there were no governorship and state House of Assembly elections in Akwa Ibom State on April 11, 2015 according to INEC guidelines and regulations.� Also alleging widespread irregularities and violence, Attah called for cancellation of both the governorship and House of Assembly election in the state. The immediate past governor of the state gave personal experience that he could not vote in his unit because electoral materials were allegedly hijacked. He said: “The violence of shooting and attacking was so widespread; carting away of election materials including card readers. My appeal which I have made to everybody that is prepared to listen to me is to accept the fact that truly, there were no elections in Akwa Ibom.� Citing personal experience in his native community in Ibiono Ibom local government area, Senator Ita Enang corroborated Attah. The United States Embassy in Nigeria is reportedly alleging electoral irregularities in Rivers and Akwa Ibom states. “We have seen the reports of violence and alleged irregularities, particularly in Rivers and Akwa Ibom states,� the US embassy is reported to have said in a statement. The foreign mission called on aggrieved parties “to pursue their grievances peacefully in the judicial arena.� Godwin Tom FredFish, the president of a sociopolitical organization called Akwa Ibom Mandate Union, described the election as “a theatrical manipulation of events to suit a particular candidate.� He called on “every lover of democracy to rise up and condemn it.� The APC in both the state and the national have in separate statements also rejected the result of the election even as they joined in calling for its cancellation. Akpabio has condemned call for cancellation of the election, dismissing claim of irregularities and violence. According to him, allegations by his predecessor and the candidate of the APC were mere fabrications from a prepared script by the opposition party in the states to deceive the people and cause confusion. He mentioned that reports from all parts of the state from those who monitored the elections gave accounts that the exercise went on peacefully and orderly throughout the state, without any incidents, except two. The governor boasted that “Even if elections were held in Akwa Ibom for 10 times, it

Â…}‹‹ E~ G}7Fˆ‹ Â?‰ D€Â?E‰GÂ? to defeat the PDP.â€? Senator (7‰€£ %‰E 8ŠD€D‚ ‘}€G ~G and former two terms senator for Akwa Ibom North East Senatorial District, who phoned in to the Channels Television programme while Umana was featured had hailed the election in Akwa Ibom as being credible. He said the exercise was held without hitches in all parts of the state and that he knew not of any ballot snatching. Chief Victor Matthew, a chieftain of the PDP in Oron in interview with Newswatch 7}Š~‚ D  }Eˆ ~‚ (ŠŠD€ˆ~‹‚ victory to zoning arrangement initiated by the party, saying, ¨8G‰Š‚ „}F Â‰ Â? F‰Š~‚ timely; this time was for Eket Senatorial District. On why PDP won in Oron, he said that it was Oron elders that oppose the PDP candidate while the youths were for him. According to him, “it is the youths that vote and not the elders.â€? He added that “there was clear demarcation between the youths and the elders in Oron.â€? Matthew also adduced  ÂƒD (ŠŠD€ˆ~‹‚ ‡~ ‚‰€D‹} Â? played a role in the election. “The only person that was ÂŚÂˆD‹} ~G D‚ D  ÂƒD  }Š~ Â…D‚ Udom – he has all it takes in  Âƒ~  Â€D€F}D‹ ŠD€DÂŁ~Š~€  Â‰ boost the economy of the state because we are not talking about oil revenue now.â€? %~‚}G~‚ ƒ~ D‹‚‰ ‚D}G  ÂƒD â€œAPC has no home in Akwa Ibom.â€? ,€~Š %D‚‚~Â? ( }Š …ƒ‰ }‚ DGG ~‚‚~G D‚ °6~€D Â‰ ÂŤ EÂ? his peers on account of being a social critic, blamed the orientation of the people of  Âƒ~ ‚ D ~ Â?‰  Âƒ~ 3'3‚ „}F Â‰ Â? He said he left the APC back to the PDP on discovering that the people are yet ready to embrace change like other states. Akwa Ibom, in his view, “has no ideological leaning.â€? He added that poverty contributes in making the people weak. He blamed Attah for “coming at the dying minute to criticise the system.â€? Faulting the religious belief of predestination, which he said is predominant in the state, Etim said: “Others were praying while ballot papers and other electoral materials were being snatched in broad day light.â€? He also faulted church leaders for allowing those who reap from electoral fraud to use church platforms for “thanksgiving.â€? A source close to one lecturer at the University of Uyo who Â…D‚ D ~ Âˆ €}€£ ‰7F~ }€ one of the local government areas quoted the university teacher, whom he said is a no-nonsense person, as saying  ÂƒD  Âƒ~ ~‹~F Â‰ D‹ ‰7F}D‹‚ were helpless in checking the alleged irregularities. According to the source, collation of results was done in the country home of the state governor in Ukana, near Ikot Ekpene under the supervision of the governor himself. The source said that had the PDP ‰7F}D‹‚ E Â‰ÂˆÂŁÂƒ }€ ~‹‹}ÂŁ~€F~ to bear the scores would not ƒD„~ E~~€ }€ŒD ~G  Â‰ ~ÂŒ~F the huge gap. The source, who is from the Annang-speaking part of the state, and seems to be having sympathy for the PDP candidate, however, ‚D}G  Âƒ~ Â? DˆG F‰ˆ‹G E~ *‰G‚ way of ensuring election of D }ÂŁÂƒ ~‰ˆ‚ ŠD€  Â‰ ~H~F changes in the system.

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Saturday, April 18

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Saturday, April 18,


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015


North Central

Sustain SURE-P health programme, women tell Buhari

INEC presents certificates of return to Lalong, Jang, Dariye, others S

Justina Asishana, Minna

Gyang Bere, Jos


he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) x‚} ÂĄ|{‚{Š~{ƒ} €{|~‰œ€x~{‚}  ”} return to Plateau State APC Governor-elect, Barrister Simon Lalong, and National Assembly members who were elected during the March 28 General Elections. } |{‚{Š~‰Š‹} ~ {} €{|~‰œ€x~{‚} on Thursday, the INEC’s National Commissioner representing Plateau, Nassarawa and Kogi states, Dr. Abdulkadir Oniyangi, ÂŒ|‹{ƒ} ~ {q} ~ } –Œ‚~‰”„} ~ {} € Šœƒ{Š€{} |{¥ ‚{ƒ}  Š} ~ {q} by the electorate.

He urged them to give their respective constituency adequate representation with x}  ‰{•} ~ } —|‰Š‹} q{xŠ‰Š‹”Œ‘} development to the state and Nigeria at large. Among those who received ~ {‰|}€{|~‰œ€x~{‚} ”}|{~ÂŒ|Š}x|{}   {|Š |Â?{‘{€~Â&#x;} x||‰‚ {|} Simon Lalong; Governor Jonah Jang, who is elected to represent Plateau North Senatorial District, Jeremiah Useni, Plateau South and Joshua Dariye Plateau Central. Also, among those who |{€{‰ {ƒ} ~ {‰|} €{|~‰œ€x~{‚} ” |} ~ {}  Œ‚{} ”} {ÂĄ|{‚{Š~x~‰ {‚} ‰‚}  Š…} Œ‘{‰qxŠ} •xŠƒ{} ”} the APC, who is to represent

Jos North/Bassa constituency. The others are Barr. Edward Pwajok, to represent Jos South/Jos East constituency; Hon. Solomon Maren, representing Mangu/ Bokkos; x||‰‚~{|} ‚~‰”xŠŒ‚} „xŠ‹}‰‚}~ } |{ÂĄ|{‚{Š~} x|¢Â‰ÂŠ} xÂƒÂ‰Ă“ ‰„ q} € ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ{Š€‰{‚Â&#x;} Â”}~ {} Â… Pankshin/Kanke/Kanam constituency will be represented by Hon. Timothy  Â‘ÂŒ}•  }‰‚}~ {} ‰{”} ‰¥}‰Š} ~ {} ~x~{}  ÂŒÂ‚{} Â”} ‚‚{q—‘„¿} Hon. Beni Lar, who is the ƒxŒ‹ ~{|} Â”}~ {}Âœ|‚~} x~‰ ÂŠx‘} x‰|qxŠ} Â”} Â&#x;}‰‚}|{~ÂŒ|Š‰Š‹} ” |}~ {}~ ‰|ƒ}~{|q}~ }|{ÂĄ|{‚{Š~} Langtang North/Langtang  ÂŒ~ Â&#x;} x‘‘}  ÂŠ} ~ {} ¥‘x~” |q}  Â”} the PDP.

}  Š…} ƒ|‰‚} x–{}  ”} ~ {} }‰‚}x‘‚ }|{~ÂŒ|Š‰Š‹}” |}~ {} ~ ‰|ƒ}~{|q}~ }|{ÂĄ|{‚{Š~} x‚{} constituency while Hon.

 ÂŠ Œ‘‘} {¢x|xÂŒ}  Â”} ~ {} PDP is to represent Shendam/ Mikang/Qua’an Pan Federal constituency. } {Â‚ÂĄÂ ÂŠÂƒÂ‰ÂŠÂ‹Â&#x;}~ {}‹  {|Š |Â? elect, Barrister Lalong urged ~  Â‚{}{‘{€~{ƒ}~ }~ ‰Š¢} Â”}• x~} ~ {„} €xŠ} ƒ } ” |} ‘x~{xÂŒ} xŠƒ} Š ~} • x~} ‘x~{xÂŒ} €xŠ} ƒ } ” |} them. He promised to run an all inclusive government ƒ{  Â‰Âƒ}  Â”} {~ Š‰€} xŠƒ} xŠ„} ” |q}  Â”} ‚{Š~‰q{Š~} xŠƒ} marginalisation, saying everybody will be treated on equal basis.

ome women in Nasarawa State have called on the President-elect, MajGen. Muhammadu Buhari, to sustain ~ {} Â? } {x‘~ }ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{}—{€xŒ‚{} Â”}‰~‚} ¥ ‚‰~‰ {}{7{€~‚} ÂŠ}~ {}‘‰ {‚} Â”} ‰‹{|‰xŠ‚… {} • q{Š} ~ Â‘ƒ} ~ {} {•‚} ‹{Š€„}  Â”} ‰‹{|‰x}ÂŻ ÂŚ}‰Š} {?Â&#x;} x‚x|x•x} ~x~{Â&#x;}~ x~} ~ {} Â? } {x‘~ } ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{} ‰qÂĄ|  {ƒ} primary healthcare service delivery to less privileged women and children in the society. } —{Š{œ€‰x|„Â&#x;} |‚…} ‰~‰Š‰} ¢ÂŒxƒ{ŠÂ&#x;} appealed to Buhari to retain and expand the ‚€ ¥{} Â”}~ {} {x‘~ }ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{}” |}~ {}—{Š{Âœ~}  Â”}x‘‘} ‰‹{|‰xŠ‚… žž {} x~} ~ {} ‹|x‚‚|  ~‚} ¢ÂŠ Â•}  Â•} ~ {} Â? } {x‘~ } ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{} xƒ} ‰qÂĄx€~{ƒ} ¥ ‚‰~‰ {‘„}  ÂŠ}  ÂŒ|} ‘‰ {‚Â&#x;} xŠƒ}  ÂŠ} ~ {} ‘‰ {‚}  Â”} other Nigerians positively; the programme xƒ}‘{ƒ}~ }~ {}{  Â‘ÂŒ~‰ ÂŠ} Â”}ÂąÂŒx‘‰~„} {x‘~ €x|{} delivery not only in our area, our state, but across the country. žž {€xŒ‚{} Â”}~ {}‰Š~{| {Š~‰ ÂŠ} Â”}~ {} Â? } programme, pregnant women most especially ‰Š} ~ {} |ÂŒ|x‘} x|{x‚Â&#x;} {Š– Â„} {x‘~ } ”x€‰‘‰~‰{‚} ”|{{}

 Â”} € x|‹{} • ‰€ } x‚} |{ƒŒ€{ƒ} ~ {} —Œ|ƒ{Š}  Â”} hospital bills on their husbands and other people in the country. žž {} ~ xŠ¢} |{‚‰ƒ{Š~}   ÂƒÂ‘Œ€¢}  ÂŠx~ xŠ} ” |}‰Š‰~‰x~‰Š‹}~ {}ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{}xŠƒ} ~ {|} {x‘~ } policies, and I want to call on the Presidentelect to sustain the programme in order to |{ƒŒ€{}~ {}¥‘‰‹ ~‚} Â”}~ {}• q{ŠÂ&#x;°°}‚ {}‚x‰ƒ… According to her, sustaining the programme would not only improve on the {x‘~ }‚~x~Œ‚} Â”} ‰‹{|‰xŠ‚Â&#x;}—Œ~}‰~}• ÂŒÂ‘ƒ}x‘‚ } reduce mortality rate and boost the socio{€ ÂŠ q‰€}ƒ{ {‘ ¥q{Š~} Â”}~ {}€ ÂŒÂŠ~|„… {}€ qq{Šƒ{ƒ}   Â…} xŠ¢ } ‘Â? x¢ÂŒ|x} Â”} x‚x|x•x} ~x~{}” |}‰qÂĄ|  Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}~ {}‚~xŠƒx|ƒ} Â”} ‘‰ Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} Â”}~ {}€‰~‰à {Š‚}~ | ÂŒÂ‹ } ‰‚} {x‘~ }¥ ‘‰€‰{‚} ‰Š}~ {}‚~x~{Â&#x;}xŠƒ}€x‘‘{ƒ}” |}‰~‚}‚Œ‚~{ŠxŠ€{Â… She called on Nigerians to support the incoming administration to enable it succeed ‰Š}ƒ{‘‰ {|‰Š‹}ƒ‰ Â‰Âƒ{Šƒ‚} Â”}ƒ{q Â€|x€„}~ }~ {} electorate. On her part, Mrs. Zainab Dogara, ƒ{‚€|‰—{ƒ} ~ {} Â? } {x‘~ } ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{} x‚} an unusual intervention policy that should be |{~x‰Š{ƒ}xŠƒ}”ŒŠƒ{ƒ}xƒ{ÂąÂŒx~{‘„}—„}‚Œ€€{‚‚‰ {} administrations in the country.

Benue civil servants kick against proposed NLC strike Godwin Akor, Makurdi


ivil servants in Benue State have expressed disgust over the way the state chairman  Â”} ~ {} ‰‹{|‰x} x— ÂŒ|}  ÂŠÂ‹|{‚‚} (NLC), Mr. Simon Anchaver, has been qxŠx‹‰Š‹}~ {}x7x‰|‚} Â”}~ {}ŒŠ‰ ÂŠÂ… } } ‚~x7}  Â”}  ÂŠ{}  Â”} ~ {} q‰Š‰‚~|‰{‚Â&#x;} Mr. Oyigoga Idago, told Newswatch ‰q{‚} ~ x~} Š€ x {|°Â‚} €x‘‘} ” |} ‚~|‰¢{} at the time Governor Suswam should —{}‘{x Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} ?€{}•x‚}x}•x„} Â”}Œ‚‰Š‹} workers to line up his pocket. Another civil servant, Ortsegha ‚ Â‹xÂ&#x;}•  }‰‚}x}‚~x7} Â”}~ {} |‰qx|„} Schools Board, alleged that Anchaver had signed secret documents with ‹  {|Šq{Š~}  ÂŠ} ~ {} ƒ{ƒŒ€~‰ ÂŠ}  Â”}

workers’ salaries. A woman, who works with ~ {} x‹{Š€„} ” |} xƒŒ‘~} ‘‰~{|x€„} xŠƒ} •  } ÂĄ|{”{|‚} xŠ ÂŠÂ„q‰~„Â&#x;} ~ Â‘ƒ}  ÂŒ|} correspondent that civil servants x {} —{{Š} ƒ{€{‰ {ƒ} ” |} ~  } ‘ ÂŠÂ‹} ‰Š} Benue State. She claimed that labour ‘{xƒ{|‚} xƒ} Š ~} ƒ{”{Šƒ{ƒ} ~ {} €xŒ‚{}  Â”}• |¢{|‚Â&#x;}‚ Â&#x;}~ {‰|} Â‰{•‚}• ÂŒÂ‘ƒ}Š } longer be respected. Sunday Okwebenyi, a civil engineer ‰Š}  ÂŠ{}  Â”} ~ {} ‹  {|Šq{Š~} x‹{Š€‰{‚Â&#x;} described the seven day ultimatum given to the state government on NLC’s readiness to embark on strike x‚} ÂŠ{} Â”} ‰‚}Œ‚Œx‘}– ¢{‚Â&#x;}xŠƒ}€x‘‘{ƒ} ÂŠ} Governor Suswam not to discuss any qx {|}|{‘x~‰Š‹}~ }~ {}‚~|‰¢{}•‰~ } |Â…} Anchaver.

Robbers raid AUMTCO, kill doing skeletal duties, as well policeman personnel x‚}‚{€Œ|‰~„}ÂĄ{|‚ ŠŠ{‘}x| ŒŠƒ}~ {} ?€{Â…


~} ‘{x‚~}  ÂŠ{} ¥ ‘‰€{}  ?€{|} ‘ Â‚~} ‰‚}‘‰”{} ÂŒ|‚ƒx„}Š‰‹ ~}• {Š} x}‹xŠ‹} Â”}| Â——{|‚}|x‰ƒ{ƒ}~ {}  ?€{} Â”} —Œ–x} |—xŠ} x‚‚} |xŠ‚¥ |~} Company (AUMTCO) in Katampe, along Kubwa Expressway. Mr Tunde ¢Â‰ÂŠ~ Â‘xÂ&#x;} ~ {} € qÂĄxŠ„°Â‚} {xƒ}  Â”} L-R: All Progressives Congress (APC) State Chairman, Taraba State, Alh. Hassan Jika Ardo; APC gubernatorial candidate Marketing and Communication, told in Taraba State, Sen. Aisha Jummai Alhassan and National Chairman of the party, Chief John Odigie-Oyegun, during a ~ {} {•‚} ‹{Š€„}  Â”} ‰‹{|‰x} ÂŻ ÂŚ} [VUKK \V?U]@^ q@ Q`U  X@ UZZXQ?q@ q| Q`U ^€\UV@XQqV?XZ UZU Q?q@ ?@ Q`U KQXQU XQ Q`U @XQ?q@XZ `UX Œ€XVQUVK q| Q`U [XVQ_ ?@ „{‚~{|ƒx„}‰Š} —Œ–x}~ x~}~ {}‹xŠ‹} Â”}Âœ {} armed robbers was armed with guns Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga. and other dangerous weapons. ¢Â‰ÂŠ~ Â‘x}‚x‰ƒ}~ x~Â&#x;}x‚‰ƒ{}”| q}¢Â‰Â‘‘‰Š‹} ~ {} ¥ ‘‰€{}  ?€{|Â&#x;} ~ {„} x‘‚ } ‰Š“‰€~{ƒ} ƒ‰7{|{Š~} ƒ{‹|{{‚}  Â”} ‰Š–Œ|‰{‚}  ÂŠ} ‚ q{} q{q—{|‚} Â”}‚~x7Â… žž {}ŒŠ” |~ŒŠx~{}‰Š€‰ƒ{Š~} xÂĄÂĄ{Š{ƒ} x| ÂŒÂŠÂƒ}š}¾¾}ÂĄÂ…qÂ…} ÂŠ} ÂŒ|‚ƒx„}Š‰‹ ~Â&#x;} ‚Œ€€{{ƒÂ&#x;}ƒ{œŠ‰~{‘„}qŒ‚~}€x||„} • {Š}q Â‚~}‚~x7}q{q—{|‚} xƒ}€‘ Â‚{ƒ} Times in Jos, and stressed that government by carrying on people along, but when there ” |}~ {}ƒx„… Gyang Bere, Jos Barrister Lalong has a passion — x|ƒ} { {|„} ÂĄx|~‚}  Â”} ‘x~{xÂŒ} is a disconnect and people žž {} xƒ} x} ”{•} xƒq‰Š‰‚~|x~‰ {}

Lalong’ll improve standard of living in Plateau – APC chieftain


‰{”~x‰Š}  ”} ~ {} All Progressives Congress (APC), Hon. Isaac Gono, has expressed optimism that Plateau State Governor-elect, Barrister Simon Lalong will make government policies that will ‰qÂĄ|  {}~ {}‘‰ ‰Š‹}‚~xŠƒx|ƒ} ”} ~ {}ÂĄ{ ¥‘{} ”} ‘x~{xÂŒ} ~x~{Â… He noted that politics is all about the people, and blamed ~ {} Œ~|‰‹ ~}”x‰‘Œ|{} ”}~ {} } government in the state on its disconnection with people at the grass root, adding that any government that is not centred on improving the leaving € Šƒ‰~‰ Š} ”}‰~}€‰~‰à {Š‚}‰‚}— ŒŠƒ} to be rejected by the people. }  Š…}  Š Â&#x;}•  }‰‚}x}” |q{|} {€|{~x|„}  ”} xŠ‹~xŠ‹}  |~ } Local Government Area, stated this yesterday during an interview with Newswatch

to take Plateau to an enviable height. He advised the governorelect to give priority to peace building and reconciliation due to the crisis that has {Š‹Œ‘”{ƒ} ~ {} ‚~x~{} ‚‰Š€{} ¡¾¾²Â&#x;} ‚x„‰Š‹} ~ x~} Š } q{xŠ‰Š‹”Œ‘} development can take place in ~ {}x—‚{Š€{} Â”}ÂĄ{x€{Â… According to him, “APC won the governorship election ‰Š} ‘x~{xÂŒ} ~x~{} x‚} x} |{‚Œ‘~}  Â”} x|ƒ} • |¢Â&#x;} xŠƒ} x‘‚ } ” |} ~ {} ”x€~}~ x~} }ÂĄ| Â–{€~}•x‚}~x¢{Š} collectively as Plateau project, so winning the election was an assured issue because the party carried the entire Plateau people along. “Barrister Simon Lalong made it very clear even during his campaign that he was going to run an all inclusive

without disconnecting any ethnic group. He has already ” |qŒ‘x~{ƒ} x} ¥ ‘‰€„} ~ x~} •‰‘‘} carry everybody along, and I will advise him to move own •‰~ }~ x~}” |}x}—{ {|} ‘x~{xÂŒÂ…Âź He expressed optimism that Lalong will not disconnect the people, and assured that “There should be no disconnection with Plateau people; there should be no gap and he should not allow anything to take him away ”| q} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{Â&#x;} —{€xŒ‚{} •{} ¢ÂŠ Â•} ~ {} |{‚Œ‘~}  Â”} • x~} brought about the massive discontentment with the PDP Government in the state, and so, the people should always € q{}Âœ|‚~}‰Š}{ {|„}¥ ‘‰€„}xŠƒ} ‰Š}{ {|„}ƒ{€‰‚‰ ÂŠÂ…Âź He insists that “Any administration that wants to

suddenly become arrogant and see governance as the business  Â”}~ {}{‘‰~{} ÂŠÂ‘„Â&#x;}~ {Š}„ ÂŒ}€xŠ} be sure that discontentment will come in, and people will become disenchanted; that was why Plateau people went ” |} }—{€xŒ‚{}~ {}ÂĄx|~„} x‚} ‰ƒ{Š~‰œ{ƒ} • x~} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{} want. “I have always maintained that APC was going to win the election because the party was x—‘{}~}” |qŒ‘x~{}x}ÂĄ| Â‹|xqq{} that was centred on the people with a view to carrying the common people along, and ~ {„}•{|{}x—‘{}~ }‰ƒ{Š~‰”„}• x~} •‰‘‘} ‘‰—{|x~{} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{} ”| q} ~ {} ~{||‰—‘{} x€~‰ ÂŠ}  Â”} ‚ q{} individuals, we are all living in this nation and we know how ~ ‰Š‹‚}‹ ~}{Âş~|{q{‘„}—xƒÂ&#x;Âź} {} ‚Œ—q‰ {ƒ…

žž {} ‹xŠ‹}  Â”} x— ÂŒ~} Âœ {} | Â——{|‚} entered the company through the xƒq‰Š‰‚~|x~‰ {} ‹x~{} xŠƒ} ” |€{ƒ} ~ {‰|} •x„} ‰Š~ } ~ {} €x‚ }  ?€{Â&#x;} ¢Â‰Â‘‘‰Š‹} ~ {} policeman and injuring some other ‚~x7}q{q—{|‚}‰Š}~ {}ÂĄ| Â€{‚‚Â&#x;°°} {}‚x‰ƒ… Akintola added that the company xƒ}„{~}~ }x‚€{|~x‰Š}~ {}ƒ{‹|{{} Â”}‘ Â‚‚} ‚Œ7{|{ƒ}—„}~ {}€ qÂĄxŠ„}x‚}~ {}qx {|} was being investigated by the Police. He, however, said that the loss could be minimal as the company did not handle cash on a large scale. ``Maybe they thought that all our —Œ‚{‚}—| ÂŒÂ‹ ~}€x‚ }~ }~ {} ?€{}x~}~ {} {Šƒ} Â”}{x€ }ƒx„¿}—Œ~}~ x~}‰‚}Š ~}~ {}€x‚{Â… ``Our ticketing is handled by agents who pay directly into the company’s account every day, but that is not to say ~ x~}•{}ƒ‰ƒŠ°~}‚Œ7{|}xŠ„}œŠxŠ€‰x‘}‘ Â‚‚} to the robbery.

Kogi: PDP blasts APC for accusing INEC of bias Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described ~ {} x‘‘{‹{ƒ} x€€Œ‚x~‰ ÂŠ}  Â”} biased role by the All Progressives Congress (APC) against the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Commissioner, | Â”{‚‚ |} {~{|} x~xÂŒÂ&#x;} x‚} x} ¥‘ ~} ~ } €|{x~{}€ ÂŠÂ”Œ‚‰ ÂŠ} x Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}‘ Â‚~}x}¢{{Š‘„} contested assembly election. } {}‚~x~{°Â‚} x‰|qxŠ} Â”}~ {} Â&#x;} Alhaji Hassan Salawu, said since the  ÂŒ~€ q{}  Â”} ‘x‚~} x~ÂŒ|ƒx„°Â‚} {‘{€~‰ ÂŠ} ‰Š~ } ‚~x~{‚°}  ÂŒÂ‚{‚}  Â”} ‚‚{q—‘„} across the country, the Kogi State € xÂĄ~{|} Â”}~ {} } x‚}—{{Š}—{ x Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} true to type- mourning and blaming { {|„~ ‰Š‹}xŠƒ}{ {|„ ÂŠ{}‰Š}‚‰‹ ~}” |} its palpable electoral maladies. Their ‘x~{‚~} Â‰Â€~‰q}‰‚}~ {}  Â‹Â‰} ~x~{} {‚‰ƒ{Š~} ‘{€~ |x‘}  qq‰‚‚‰ ÂŠ{|}ÂŻ ÂŚÂ…} } ÂŤ ~} x} ÂĄ|{‚‚} € ÂŠÂ”{|{Š€{} ‰Š}  ¢ Â–x} ‘x‚~} {ƒŠ{‚ƒx„Â&#x;} ~ {} ‚~x~{} x‰|qxŠ}  Â”}~ {}ÂĄx|~„Â&#x;} |Â…} q{~ÂŒ Â&#x;}ƒ{‚€{Šƒ{ƒ} {x Â‰Â‘„}  ÂŠ} ~ {} } x€€Œ‚‰Š‹} ‰q}

 Â”} € ÂŠÂŠÂ‰ Â‰ÂŠÂ‹} •‰~ } ~ {} { ¥Â‘{‚} Democratic Party to rig the election. q{~ÂŒ Â&#x;}•‰~  ÂŒ~}x}‚ |{ƒ} Â”}{ Â‰Âƒ{Š€{} claimed that his party had won ten ‚{x~‚} ÂŒ~} Â”}~ {}x x‰‘x—‘{}¡´Â&#x;}—Œ~}~ x~} INEC working in cohorts with the } ƒ{€‘x|{ƒ} ‚ q{}  Â”} ~ {} {‘{€~‰ ÂŠÂ‚} x‚} ‰Š€ ÂŠÂ€Â‘Œ‚‰ {} ‰Š€‘Œƒ‰Š‹} ~  Â‚{}  Â”} {¢Â‰ÂŠx}xŠƒ} ”Œ} ~x~{}€ ÂŠÂ‚~‰~ÂŒ{Š€‰{‚…Ÿ He said their party at both national and local levels have its misgivings xŠƒ}ƒ {‚}Š ~}‰Š~{Šƒ}~ }  Â‘ƒ}—|‰{”‚}” |} the electoral umpire or its agents. } ÂŤ {}  Â•{ {|Â&#x;}  Â‘ƒ} ‚~| ÂŠÂ‹} {º€{ÂĄ~‰ ÂŠ}~ }~ {}x {qÂĄ~}—„} q{~ÂŒ } ~ }ƒ|x‹}~ {}Šxq{} Â”} ÂŒ|}ÂĄx|~„}‰Š}~ {} qÂŒÂƒÂ…Âź} {„}‚~x~{ƒ…} He stressed that politics is a game  Â”} ŠŒq—{|‚Â&#x;} xƒƒ‰Š‹} ~ x~} ~ {} ÂĄ{ ¥Â‘{}  Â”} ~ {} ‚~x~{} x {} ‚¥ ¢{Š} {‘ ¹ÂŒ{Š~‘„} through their votes. “They have ‚  Â•ÂŠ}  ÂŠÂ€{} x‹x‰Š} ~ {‰|} ÂĄ|{”{|{Š€{} ” |} ~ {} Â…} } ‰‚} ”|{{} ~ } q ÂŒ|Š} its rejection by the people exactly ~• } •{{¢Â‚} x”~{|} ‰~} xƒ} x} —{ {|} ÂĄ{|” |qxŠ€{Â…}



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sports Update Awoniyi: Don’t compare me with Yekini U

nder-20 striker, Taiwo Awoniyi, says nobody should compare him with the late Super Eagles legend, Rashidi Yekini. There have been a number of players, who have been likened |}~ ~{ }~ } }~ {} vacuum left by late Yekini - Nigeria’s alltime leading scorer at senior level. Recently Super Eagles and Fenerbahce striker, Emmanuel Emenike, was compared to the legendary striker for his bulldozing nature in front of goal, but the Fener man has hit a bad patch. Awoniyi in recent weeks has shown his predatory instincts as a striker and those characteristics were evident in the 2-1 win in Lusaka when he

Sixteen teams slug it out in Federation Cup play-offs


ixteen teams, including the exciting youthful side, Nath Boys FC of Lagos, AA Stars of Sokoto and Kukuruku FC from Edo State are poised for the play 7}| } }~ } year’s Federation Cup competition, which comes up on Tuesday, 21st April. {}¡ x 7} round brings together the rookie teams among those that |{x { }~ {} x } in the States. After ~ {}¡ x 7 }~ {} winners proceed to the Draws for the National competition, which this year has been set for April 30. Black Cats of Cross River State, Mgbo Ambassadors of Ebonyi and Kwara Football Academy will also be involved in the matches spread across the federation.

Crystal Palace,Leicester City eye Ujah


few clubs in England have made enquiries about the availability of Cologne striker Anthony Ujah ahead of the reopening of the transfer window. Crystal Palace and Leicester City are among the English Premier League teams that are mulling over a bid for the Nigeria international, having made contact with his camp. However, signing ~ {} ~| ¢{|} }x} {} ~} complicated as he has not featured in at least 75 percent of national

team’s matches over the last two years. Cologne decided to sign Anthony Ujah on a permanent deal in the summer of 2013 after impressing the previous season while on loan from Mainz 05. Werder Bremen were credited with an interest in the forward at the start of this month. As things stand, it is envisaged that he’ll extend his contract with the Billy Goats or join another Bundesliga club before the start of next season.


scored twice to down Zambia’s under-23s despite being called into the Nigerian team few days before the game. His goals at the National Heroes Stadium ensured Nigeria’s passage to the men’s football event of the All-Africa

Games in Congo in September this year. Awoniyi said he’s happy with such comparison but still feels they are just words of “encouragement that should keep me working hard.” “I thank God

Congratulations pour in for Sanusi


here have been several congratulatory messages for the new General Secretary of Nigeria Football Federation, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi. In its own congratulatory messages delivered at the NFF Secretariat on Thursday, the Kebbi State Ministry of Youth Development and Sports wrote: “We are fully aware ~ x~}~ {}x x q{ ~} }~ {} zenith of your esteemed professional career is a culmination of years of hard work, steadfastness, perseverance, loyalty, dedication and single – mindedness in the discharge of your responsibilities. “We are therefore { ~}~ x~} } x {} all the qualities and drive to credibly discharge your new challenging national assignment.” The Kebbi State Football x~ } }x} { {|} signed by its Chairman,


Alhaji Abubakar Ladan (a former Member of the NFF Executive qq {{¦ } { x|{ }~ x~} “your appointment is a clear testimony of your hard work, commitment to duty and exemplary behavior exhibited in the course of your service to the Federation. We pray to Almighty Allah to continue to guide and protect you and to give you the wisdom and strength to cope with the requirements of the new ? { ¼ On its part, the Gwandu Emirate Development Association is of the view that “your appointment is not only well-deserved but long overdue. Your record of service, commitment to duty and hard work are very much exemplary. Your well-known contribution to the development of football not only in the Emirate but in the whole of Kebbi State is much appreciated.”

Almighty, the author and creator of all things. Well he [Yekini] was a legend I heard about, but as a {} } ~} | } up, praying and hoping to get there. I believe it is just a word of encouragement that should keep


PSL says no to xenophobic attacks


he 32 Premier Soccer League club captains have joined chairman, Dr Irvin Khoza, in taking a stand against { {}x }x x ¢ } on other human beings. This week in South Africa has been riddled with violence which saw some people losing their lives through these x x ¢ } This has touched x }x7{ ~{ }~ {} foreign players who are currently playing for South African clubs in both the Absa Premiership and National First Division. Clubs from the Premier Division and NFD will observe a moment of silence


ahead of their º~ |{ }~ } {{¢{ } in respect of those who have lost their lives during the º{ ¡ }x x ¢ Captains from all the clubs will read a message of solidarity for the victims of violence. The PSL calls for calm and tolerance. We say no to the hatred of fellow human beings. The Premier Soccer League has |q{ }~ x~}x} moment of silence will be observed in remembrance of the victims of xenophobia, ahead of this weekend’s PSL and NFD games. “The 32 Premier Soccer League club captains have joined

chairman, Dr Irvin Khoza in taking a stand against { {}x }x x ¢ } on other human beings. “Clubs from the Premier Division and NFD will observe a moment of silence ahead }~ { |} º~ |{ } this weekend in respect of those who have lost their lives during the º{ ¡ }x x ¢ “Captains from all the clubs will read a message of solidarity for the victims of violence. “The PSL calls for calm and tolerance. We say no to hatred of fellow human beings,” the league revealed in a statement.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sports Update

Lawal in trouble over missing $150,000 transfer fee F

ormer General manager of Kaduna United, Garba Lawa,l is currently not having the best of time after his replacement as the team boss. Lawal is currently facing pressure over his failure to properly account for the sum of $150,000 paid by Celtic as part of a 20% sell on clause inserted in the deal that took Efe Ambrose to Ashdod of Israel. The money realised from the deal ran into N30 million, which was reportedly paid into the club account and the returnee club chairman, Sabo x—x„x| }€ Šœ|q{ƒ}~ x~}~ {} transaction took place but the money could not be found in the club’s bank account. Babayaro made the revelation on Liberty Radio Sports Ride, an evening show on 91.7 FM anchored by Mohammed Mowiz Suleiman “The money was paid last year into the account and from the transactions on the account it was withdrawn but for what purpose I don’t

Anyansi-Agwu happy for Odemwingie


hairman of the NFF Technical and Development Committee, Chief Felix Anyansi-Agwu has expressed delight for Peter Osaze Odemwingie’s return to action after eight months of forced absence, through injury. The speedy forward ‚ˆH~ ~G D ‘€~~ ‹}ÂŁDŠ~€ injury during his club, 6 Â‰Â‘~ &} Â?‚ Â?DŠ‰ˆ‚ defeat of champions Manchester City in the English Premiership in August last year, and has been out since. “I am very happy for Osaze (Odemwingie) because an athlete always wants to be out there doing his thing. You cannot imagine what he would have gone through in those months out on the treatment table. “It is also good news for Nigeria because he has been huge for us on several occasions and his experience is still needed in the Super Eagles.â€? 7ƒ~ ~H~ „~‚F~€ Â‚ }‘~ scored one of Nigeria’s  Âƒ ~~ £‰D‹‚ D  Âƒ~ ),)$ :‰ ‹G &ˆ‡  Â€D‹‚ Âą  Âƒ~ ‘~Â? ‚ }‘~ DÂŁD}€‚ Bosnia-Herzegovina that ˆ‹ }ŠD ~‹Â?  Â‰Â‰Â‘  Âƒ~ 6ˆ‡~ (D£‹~‚  Â‰  Âƒ~ 5‰ˆ€G ‰Â? He was an alternate player in the Nigeria Â‚ÂŚÂˆDG D  Âƒ~ ),)$ :‰ ‹G &ˆ‡  Â€D‹‚ }€ .‰ ~D and Japan, and played at  Âƒ~ D€G ),)$ :‰ ‹G &ˆ‡  Â€D‹‚ +~ ƒD‚ also played in four Africa &ˆ‡ ‰Â? 1D }‰€‚  Â€D‹‚

know as there is no documents on itâ€? He said. “Garba Lawal is the only one who can explain what the money was used for as I found out upon resumption players are yet to be paid 12 months salaries. “How can you have such money and yet fail to pay people who sweat for the name of the team? “I also discovered from the bank that he placed himself on a salary of 2 million Naira in three months; point to note here is that in my stay as the team chairman I have never been paid a dme as salary.â€? Speaking on same issue q{ƒ‰x} ?€{|} ”}~ {} x|—x} Lawal lead board, Uba —|x ‰qÂ&#x;}x‘‚ }€ Šœ|q{ƒ} only Lawal can answer and explain what the money was used for. “I don’t even know about the money, I’m hearing about it now, only Garba Lawal can explain what he did with the moneyâ€? He said on the same programme and


NFF suspends Keshi’s contract signing A

gain for the umpteenth time, Nigeria Football Federa~‰ ÂŠ}ÂŻ ÂŚ}ÂĄÂŒ~} 7}~ {} planned contract signing of Coach Stephen Keshi, contrary to assurances by NFF General Secretary, Mohammed Sanusi.  } ?€‰x‘}{º¥Â‘xŠxtion was given by the federation but a top ‚~x7}€ ÂŠ~x€~{ƒ} ÂŠ}~ {}

qx {|}‚‰q¥‘„}  ‘ŒŠteered the federation was not ready. Another top board member who did not want to be quoted explained that there were some issues that needed to be trashed out and which necessitated the shift.

{}€ Œ‘ƒ}Š ~}€ Šœ|q} a new date but stated that the signing may hold next week.

However, a source hinted at possible reason for suspension of the event, noting that Keshi’s contract papers were supposed to be  { {ƒ}xŠƒ}xÂĄÂĄ|  {ƒ} by the National Sports Commission but which has not been done. Other reasons adduced include the fact the NFF President Amaju Pinnick is away in London.


Atalanta wants Joel Obi Yusuf to replace Amokachi as Keshi’s assistant


talanta are interested in signing ‰‹{|‰xŠ}x x€¢Â‰ÂŠÂ‹}q‰ƒœ{‘ƒ{|}  {‘} Chukwuma Obi in the summer transfer window, the Italian news source Corriere di Bergamo has revealed. The 23-year-old enforcer has been blighted by injuries through his time at Inter Milan, with the management reportedly willing to cash in if a serious buyer comes for his services. Inter Milan recently struck a deal with Al-Arabi over an exchange involving the Nigeria international for Belgian winger

xŒ‘Â?  Â‚{} ¥ ¢ÂŒÂ… But Obi and his entourage failed to agree personal terms with the Qatari club which threw a spanner in the works. {}q‰ƒœ{‘ƒ{|} x‚} contractual obligations with the NerazĂ ÂŒ||‰}ŒŠ~‰‘}¾~ } ŒŠ{} 2017. Inter Milan are yet ~ } 7{|} ‰q}x}Š{•} deal, leaving room ” |}~ {}q‰ƒœ{‘ƒ{|}~ } leave when his current contract expires. He has recorded 10 appearances and scored 1 goal in the Serie A in the ongoing campaign. Currently, he is valued at 4 million Euros with Empoli also on his heels too.

It remains unclear why the ormer Enyimba and NFF have insisted against Kano Pillars coach, Amokachi, but it is believed Salisu Yusuf, will be the top-shots at the Glass the new assistant to Stephen House want a coach from Keshi when he returns as the core northern part of the Super Eagles coach. the country to make up the The El-Kanemi Warriors’ coach has been mentioned as a possible replacement for the outgoing Daniel Amoka€ ‰Â&#x;}—Œ~} ²¾Â…Š‹}€xŠ}€ ÂŠÂœ|q} that ‘D Black’, as Salisu is fondly called, will be the next Super Eagles assistant coach. had earlier reported that Daniel Amokachi would no longer be working with Keshi as soon as his € ÂŠ~|x€~}‰‚}œŠx‘‰à {ƒ}•‰~ }~ {} Nigeria Football Federation. And as it stands, Salisu will become Stephen Keshi’s assistant in place of Amokachi, and according to sources, will be in charge of the home based Super Eagles team that will prepare for the CHAN 2016 ÂąÂŒx‘‰œ{|‚… Salisu had previously worked with the Super Eagles, serving as one of the assistants to Samson Siasia during his brief reign as the Salisu Yusuf Super Eagles coach.


numbers. It has also been reported that Keshi has had a falling out with Amokachi, even though his camp have denied such.


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