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Daily Newswatch

South West

Friday, September 26, 2014

Lagos tasks FG on rescuing abducted schoolgirls FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


eputy Governor of Lagos State, Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, has urged President Goodluck Jonathan to show serious moves aimed at rescuing the schoolgirls, who were abducted by Boko Haram in Chibok, Borno State on April 14. Orelope-Adefulire spoke while delivering keynote address at a stakeholders’ summit on ‘Child Rights Law and Domestic Violence Law’ as part of activities marking the new legal year of Lagos State Judiciary, stressing that it is evident that Federal Government has not done enough towards rescuing the schoolgirls. The deputy governor also tasked Federal Government and security agencies in the `qxz{|}~ {q | ~ xC z ~ z~ q| ~ 0q|{ ~ z ~ z x| ~ { {~ the schoolgirls are rescued alive and reunited with their respective families. She also lamented the rising cases of domestic violence, adding that it is disheartening even with government’s 0q|{ ~ ~ z {|x z{ ~ vocacy and sensitisation. “The implication of this is that we all must double our 0q|{ ~ z ~| {| { ~{q~ z ~

this scourge.” Also, President of Women Arise, Dr Josephine OkeiOdumakin, wants Federal Government to show prove of its commitment towards rescuing the schoolgirls. Okei-Odumakin, who spoke on ‘Domestic Violence Law: Way Forward’, advo` { ~ q z{~ 0q|{ ~ {q | ~ eradicating completely or reducing domestic violence to

minimum level. However, Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Olufunmilayo Atilade, disclosed that the topics were carefully chosen following the increasing cases of domestic violence, rape and other sexual offences on the weaker sex and children. Atilade emphasised that on the average, 10 family courts in the state receive at least two

` ~ q ~ x ~ q0 z` ~ z ~ one case on domestic violence per day. “Recent happenings make it obvious that violence and tyranny are shifting to the girl child. Abduction of the schoolgirls is a case in point. “That is why we have in C z z` ~ {~{ ~ x {~ ~ relevant stakeholders-fathers/ mothers, husbands/wives, children, judges, magistrates,

lawyers, social workers, members of Nigeria Police, prisons, religious groups among others so that we can interact, inform and educate ourselves on the laws, our rights and more importantly encourage children, women and anyone abused to come forward, stand up for his or her rights, break the customary silence and speak out when his/her rights are infringed.”

L-R: Former Head of State, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd); children of late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle, Kehinde and Adebukola Adekunle; during Buhari’s visit to condole with the family at their residence in Surulere, Lagos State...yesterday. Photo: Bankole Damilare

PDP chides Aregbesola over Osun students’ poor performance in SSCE PATRICK OKOHUE


sun State Chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has described performance of students of the state in the recently released results q ~ z q|~ `qz |}~ |{ cate Examination as ‘embarrassing outing’, stressing that it is a fallout of the academic policies of Governor Rauf Aregbesola-led administration. The party decried what it called “declining standard of education in the state under the leadership of Aregbesola, emphasising that the state’s education sector is gradually drifting towards total collapse and blamed the situation on perceived resolve by the present administration to impress and empower ‘few party boys’ at the expense of impacting positively on the masses. It emphasised that the alleged extent at which the state has sunk in the area of education is demonstrated in the statistical analysis of the last SSCE results as published on the website of West African Examination Council (WAEC), which placed Osun State in 22nd behind Kogi and Benue states.

According to the statement issued by the state Director of Media and Strategy of PDP, Prince Diran Odeyemi: “Quick slide from the Mount Olympus of educational growth by Osun State from ninth position in 2009, according to WAEC passing rate, to

the abyss of mediocrity few years after has given the present administration out as the one with much fuss and less focus. “Falling to ignominious 22nd position less than four years of Rauf Aregbesola-led administration even with the

introduction of over-hyped, controversy-ridden ‘Opon Imo’, tablets of knowledge among other ill-conceived initiatives like O’schools should be enough reason for serious governor to resign |q ~q$` ¡ “It would be recalled that it

took PDP-led administration elected in 2003 less than three years to redirect the troubled ship of education in the state occasioned by the improper management of the sector by Alliance for Democracy (AD)led administration that preceded it.”

Religion conversion threatens 14-year-old marriage OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan


14-year-old marriage in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, which is blessed with four children, has been threatened following the wife’s, Idayat Olakewu, conversion to Christianity. The husband, Akinwande Olakewu, said under no condition would he accept a Christian as wife under his roof and he has sued Idayat to Ibadan Customary Court presided over by Chief Amusa Makinde, who adjourned hearing till next week. Akinwande also accused his wife of adultery, though he could not substantiate the allegation in the court, particularly when its (the court) president asked him if he has caught her with another man. He alleged that his wife no longer respects him since she began to be speaking in tongues. However, Idayat while defending herself in the court knelt down and started weeping profusely. She denied engaging in adultery as claimed by her x z ~ { qx ~ `qz | ~ that she is no more a Muslim. The woman prayed the court not to grant her husband’s application in the interest of their children, adding that even with her new faith, she would love and | `{~ { ~ z~ C |~ { z~ before. Meanwhile, the court ordered the couple to go and reconcile, stressing that religion is no licence to eternity but obedience to the ordinances of God and loving fellow humans.

Ebola: ACE Provost assures staff, students of safety PETER DADA, Akure


cting Provost of Adeyemi College of Education (ACE), Ondo, Dr Olufemi Ola x} ~ ~ x| ~ { 0~ z ~ students of the institution of proper safety against outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) on the campus. Olajuyigbe spoke while disclosing various measures being taken by management of the institution towards preventing spread of the disease on the campus. He emphasised that the institution has procured Human Infra-red Thermometer (HIT) to be used at its entrances towards screening people coming into the campus, stressing that it is in line with the institution’s commitments to the safety of lives and compliance with Federal Govern-

ment’s directive. “The management decided to bring in HIT so that we can work hand in hand with Federal Government towards curbing the spread of EVD. “This is just a way to safeguard our institution as students resume for the new academic session. The action is taken in compliance with directive from government, which mandated every institution to put in place measures towards curbing spread of the disease.” Olajuyigbe commended federal and state govern z{ ª~ 0q|{ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ has helped in containing spread of the deadly virus across the country, enjoining { 0~ z ~ {x z{ ~ q ~ ~ {q~ always be conscious of EVD’s existence by taking necessary precautionary measures including regular hand wash

as well as living in decent and clean environment. He also assured members of the institution’s commu-

nity of the preparedness on its health status, adding that the health personnel have been adequately mobilised in ad-

dition to provision of necessary items which would help in preventing outbreak of the virus on the campus.

Stakeholders advocate free health care for children


overnment at all levels have been charged to make compulsory free health care delivery for children (one to 12 years) since they constitute largest population of the society and Nigeria’s future stronghold. Also, members of the ruling class and other stakeholders have been urged to increase allocation of funds to the health sector, especially with increase in primary health care centres and provision of required drugs and other modern facilities as well as regular training for the medical and paramedical personnel towards guar z{ z ~ 0 `{ § ~ { ~` | ~

delivery. A Fellow, Faculty of Paediatrics, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Dr Ijeoma Nnenna Akinwumi; Faculty Secretary, Dr Anthony Ikefuna; a paediatrics surgeon in Lagos State University Hospital (LUTH), Professor Fidelis Njokanma and elder statesman, Professor Michael Bankole; spoke during the 2014 Faculty Day Ceremonies, Faculty of Paediatrics, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria Annual Seminar, was held at MRC Auditorium, Ikeja, Lagos State, stressing that q§ |z z{ª ~ 0q|{ ~ x {~

be complemented by all stakeholders in the country’s economy, particularly accredited non-governmental organisations and wealthy, privileged individuals. In his paper titled “Cry, The Beloved Country; but Sunkunmus, Riranmus” The guest speaker, a London-based paediatrics surgeon, Professor Olugbenmiro Sodeinde (formerly of University of Ibadan), emphasised that there is need for government at all levels with the support and assistance of all stakeholders to tackle the unfortunate de` z ~q ~ 0 `{ § ~ { ~` | ~ delivery.

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

north central

Suspected Enugu militants kill five, raze houses in Kogi ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja


o fewer than ¹‰°­­~ ƒ‡|sons were ‚€„ ~ {q~ ˆ€§Â‡~ been disƒŠ€`‡ ~€z ~q§Â‡|~¾­~ˆqx‚‡‚~ Â?x|z{~„z~ C‡~ q††xz„{}~ q•~ q…„~ {€{‡~ •qŠŠq „zÂ…~ €C€`ÂŻ~ Â?}~ Â…xz†‡z~ ‚x‚pected to be from Enugu {€{‡¥ ˆ‡~€C€`ÂŻ~ˆ€‚~€Š‚q~ƒ€|€Š}‚‡ ~ Â?x‚„z‡‚‚~ qx{ž{‚‰~ schools, hospitals and q{ˆ‡|~‚q`„€Š~€`{„§Â„{„‡‚¥ At a press conference in Lokoja, the state capital yesterday, spokesperson q•~ {ˆ‡~ C‡~ q††xz„{}~ ‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{~ ‚‚q`„€tion (ECDA), Abdullahi qˆ€††‡ ~ €z„‰~€ŠŠ‡…‡ ~

Kogi varsity debunks webometric report of its status



isturbed by some z‡…€{„§Â‡~ †‡ Â„€~ reports aimed at bringing to disrepute the ‡z§Â„€Â?Š‡~ €`ˆ„‡§Â‡Â†Â‡z{‚~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ q…„~ {€{‡~ z„§Â‡|‚„{}‰~ {ˆ‡~§Â„`‡~`ˆ€z`‡ŠŠq|‰~ |q•‡‚‚q|~ €‚‚€z~ ‚€ˆ~ˆ€‚~|‡‡Š‡ ~ out the high points of {ˆ‡~ „z‚{„{x{„qzª‚~ €`ˆ„‡§Â‡ments at a press conference in Ayangba. Isah recalled the uni§Â‡|‚„{}~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡‡z~ |€z¯‡ ~ as first among states’ uni§Â‡|‚„{„‡‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ `qxz{|}~ €z ~ ‚‡§Â‡z{ˆ~ ۠qzÂ…~ „…‡|„€z~ z„§Â‡|‚„{„‡‚~Â?€‚‡ ~qz~ {ˆ‡~ €{„qz€Š~ z„§Â‡|‚„{„‡‚~ q††„‚‚„qzª‚~ ¸ š~ €‚sessment ranking, wondering the recent rating by webometric, which alŠ‡…‡ ÂŠ}~|€z¯‡ ~{ˆ‡~xz„§Â‡|‚„{}~€‚~¹¹¹{ˆ~qx{~q•~¹¹°~ƒqsitions in the country. ˆ‡~ §Â„`‡~ `ˆ€z`‡ŠŠq|~ „z Â„cated that the media and webometric reports were aimed at promoting falsehood on the status of the xz„§Â‡|‚„{}‰~ €  Â„zÂ…~ {ˆ€{~ the present academic sta{x‚~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ xz„§Â‡|‚„{}‰~ €‚~ |€{‡ ~ Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ ª‚~ `x|rent programme accreditation, puts it on full ac`|‡ Â„{€{„qz~€{~º­~ƒ‡|~`‡z{ÂĄ ‚€ˆ~ ‡–ƒŠ€„z‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ qx{~ q•~ ­~ €`€ Â‡Â†Â„`~ ƒ|qÂ…|€††‡‚‰~ °~ ‡|‡~ •xŠŠ}~ €``|‡ Â„{‡ Â‰~ ˆ„Š‡~ ‚„–~ €|‡~ on interim accreditation with no programme denied. On the institutional accreditation carried out by ~ „z~ °­¹¹~ ˆ„`ˆ~ ˆ€ ~ a condition for eligibility {ˆ€{~€{~Š‡€‚{~Ÿ­~ƒ‡|~`‡z{~q•~ ƒ|qÂ…|€††‡‚~ †x‚{~ ˆ€§Â‡~ full accreditation, only °~ xz„§Â‡|‚„{„‡‚~ ½x€Š„•„‡ Â‰~ „z`Šx Â„zÂ…~ q…„~ {€{‡~ z„§Â‡|‚„{}ÂĄ According to him, the institution has churned qx{~ °°~ ž|‚{~ `Š€‚‚~ Â…|€ x€{‡‚~ „{ˆ„z~ °­¹­ž°­¹¹~ ‹~ °­¹°ž°­¹~ €`€ Â‡Â†Â„`~ ‚‡‚sions.

{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~€C€`ÂŻ~ €‚~‚ƒqzsored by a member of zxÂ…x~ {€{‡~ qx‚‡~q•~ ‚sembly, name withheld, in his bid to forcefully Âś`‡ Â‡ÂŞ~ C‡~Â?€`ÂŻ~{q~ zxÂ…x~ {€{‡~ „z~ q| Â‡|~ {q~ |‡€Š„‚‡~ his second term ambition to represent Igboeze North Constituency. €z„~‚€„ Â‰~¡ xz |‡ Â‚~q•~

armed thugs were ferried „z{q~ C‡~ „‚{|„`{~ •|q†~ zxÂ…x~ {€{‡~ Â?}~ ¸z€†‡~ withheld) to eliminate any obstacles to his polit„`€Š~ ۠Â?„{„qz~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ °­¹²~ …‡z‡|€Š~ ‡Š‡`{„qz‚¥~ „§Â‡~ „z Â„…‡z‡‚~ q•~ C‡~ q†munity were hacked to  Â‡Â€{ˆ‰~ ˆ„Š‡~ ‚‡§Â‡|€Š~ q{ˆ‡|‚~‚x‚{€„z‡ ~§Â€|„qx‚~ Â‡-

grees of injury. “The only hospital facility in the district has been completely burnt down. {ˆ‡|~ €`{‚~ q•~ §Â€z Â€ÂŠÂ„‚†‰~ looting, robbery and arson are ongoing as we speak,â€? he stated, adding that the insurgents also looted health and social ‚‡|§Â„`‡~ `‡z{|‡‚‰~ „z`Šx -

„zÂ…~{ˆ‡~ ‡z‡|€Š~ q‚ƒ„{€Š‰~ C‡¥ The palace of the Onu  Â€Â‹  qÂ…q~q•~ C‡‰~ ˆ„‡•~ Aaron Ako, according to him, was not left out, as the hoodlums took their ž…ˆ{~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ |q}€Š~ •€{ˆ‡|ª‚~ house and burnt it completely. The association also

Two killed in truck accident inferno seen running helter skelter, confused, half nude, „z~€~Â?„ ~{q~‚€§Â‡~{ˆ‡„|~Š„§Â‡Â‚‰~ €‚~¿€†‡~Â…xC‡ ~{ˆ‡~z‡€|Â?}~ ‡ €z…‡~ q{‡Š‰~ ˆ‡|‡~ {ˆ‡~`q††‡|`„€Š~‚‡–~ q|¯‡|‚~ `€||}~ qx{~ {ˆ‡„|~ €`{„§Â„ties.

in the accident were burnt, while one mant was a day of terror aged to escape from the for residents of Fele‚`‡z‡‰~ ˆ„Š‡~ €Â?qx{~ ‚‡§Â‡z~ le a suburb of Lokoshops were burnt in the ’€‰~ q…„~ {€{‡~ `€ƒ„disaster. tal, when a truck Though no life was lost laden with diesel collided in the trapped cabs as all Wednesday night with their occupants managed ‚q†‡~ §Â‡ÂˆÂ„`Š‡‚~ €z ~ Â?x|‚{~ The accident, accord- to escape, occupants of „z{q~¿€†‡‚¥ ing to an eye-witness, oc- shops around the area ˆ‡~ {|x`ÂŻ~  |„§Â‡|~ €z ~ curred when the truck, „††‡ Â„€{‡Š}~ ‡§Â€`x€{‡ ~ motor boy, who were coming from Abuja and their wares before the intrapped in the inferno, heading to Okene, lost ferno got to them. Šq‚{~ {ˆ‡„|~ Š„§Â‡Â‚~ €‚~ {ˆ‡}~ control and collided with The accident led to a were burnt beyond rec- ‚q†‡~ §Â‡ÂˆÂ„`Š‡‚~ Â?‡•q|‡~ {|€$`~ Â…|„ ÂŠq`ÂŻ~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ ognition. ‚¯„  Â„zÂ…~q0~{ˆ‡~|q€ ¥ highway for hours, be q††‡|`„€Š~ ‚‡–~ q|ÂŻ q~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ {ˆ|‡‡~ {€–„~ •q|‡~ q$`„€Š‚~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ ‡ ers and their clients were `€Â?‚~ {ˆ€{~ ‡|‡~ „z§qŠ§Â‡ ~ ‡|€Š~ q€ ~ €•‡{}~ q|ƒ‚~



came to the scene and ƒ|q§Â„ Â‡ ~ €z~ €Š{‡|z€{„§Â‡~ route for motorists. Also, the quick inter§Â‡z{„qz~q•~ q…„~ {€{‡~ž|‡~ ‚‡|§Â„`‡~ ‚€§Â‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ‚„{x€tion, as the inferno was controlled from spreading further. q†‡~q•~{ˆ‡~`q††‡|`„€Š~ ‚‡–~ q|¯‡|‚~ ‡–ƒ|‡‚‚‡ ~ ‚ˆq`ÂŻ~ q§Â‡|~ {ˆ‡~ „z`„ Â‡z{‰~ with most of them lamenting that they had to |‡Šq`€{‡~ {q~ ‡zx‡~ {€{‡‰~ their home state, as their business has collapsed due the burning of the hotel in the accident.

called on the Arewa Con‚xŠ{€{„§Â‡~ q|x†~ ¸ š~ and other northern bodies to assist in ensuring {ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ zxÂ…x~ {€{‡~Â…q§ernment respected the xƒ|‡†‡~ qx|{~ Â’x Â…‡ment, which mandated the two state to return to status -quo until the issue q•~ Š€z ~ „‚~ ‚‡CŠ‡ ~ Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ National Boundary Commission. ¡ ‡~ €Š‚q~ „‚ˆ~ {q~ `|€§Â‡~ {ˆ‡~ |‡ €~ qz‚xŠ{€{„§Â‡~ Forum, the Middle Belt Forum and the Northerns {€{‡~ q§Â‡|zq|‚~ q|x†~ to collaborate with Kogi {€{‡~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{‰~{q~…€Š§Â€z„‚‡~ €ŠŠ~ qx|~ |‡…„qz€Š~ machineries, resources and citizenry to resist and abort the plot to de†€|`€{‡~ C‡~ „‚{|„`{~•|q†~ {ˆ‡~ q|{ˆ~ „z{q~ {ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ €‚{‰~€z~‡–‡|`„‚‡~{ˆ€{~ „ŠŠ~ Â…|„‡§qx‚Š}~ €Š{‡|~ {ˆ‡~ …‡q‹ political, historical, cultural map and original territorial boundary of q|{ˆ‡|z~ „…‡|„€~ •q|‡§Â‡|‰´~ €z„~‚€„ ¥

Idoma can’t toy with Mark’s position in 2015 –Awodi GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi


L-R: Minister of Water Resources, Benin Republic, Mr. Kassa Dohaga; Nigerian Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Sarah Ochekpe and Executive Secretary, Niger Basin Authority (NBA), Major General Collins Ihekire, at the NBA extraordinary council of ministers meeting in Abuja...yesterday.

Fraud affects pension management –PTAD central zone, disclosed that the directorate has irector Gen-  Â„‚`q§Â‡|‡ ~ €Â?qx{~ ­Â‰­­­~ eral of the complaints from pensionP e n s i o n ‡|‚‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ ˆ€§Â‡~ zq{~ Â?‡‡z~ Transitional €C‡z Â‡ Â‰~ €  Â„zÂ…~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ Arrangement issue of fraud would be Directorate (PTAD), Mrs. dealt with shortly. According to her, conNellie Mayshak, has described fraud as the main trary to the general belief, problem facing pension it is not only the Police management, which has ‡z‚„qz~ €z ~ „§Â„Š~ ‡|§Â„`‡~ ‡0‡`{„§Â‡ÂŠ}~ €0‡`{‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ Pension Management that management of pension in ˆ€§Â‡~ •|€x ~ `€‚‡‚‰~ ƒ‡z‚„qz~ †€z€…‡†‡z{~ €{~ §Â€|„qx‚~ the country. Mayshak, speaking ƒ€|€‚{€{€Š‚~€Š‚q~ˆ€§Â‡~•|€x ~ in Minna yesterday at a „‚‚x‡‚~€{~§Â€|„qx‚~ Â‡Â…|‡‡¥ “We did not realise that sensitization workshop on pension management there were issues with under PTAD in the north parastatals’ pensions since it was the assumption that JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna


parastatals’ pensions were Â?‡C‡|~ †€z€…‡ ~ {ˆ€z~ `„§Â„Š~ ‚‡|§Â„`‡~ ƒ‡z‚„qz~ q|~ ƒqŠ„`‡~ pension but it was not true. e issues regarding police €z ~ `„§Â„Š~ ‚‡|§Â„`‡~ ƒ‡z‚„qz~ were widely broadcast, we ˆ€§Â‡~ •qxz ~ qx{~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡|‡~ €|‡~ †€‚‚„§Â‡~ „‚‚x‡‚~ „{ˆ~ parastatal pension management,â€? she said. ˆ‡‰~ ˆq ‡§Â‡|‰~ ƒŠ‡ Â…‡ ~ the determination of the €…‡z`}~{q~ qxÂ?Š‡~„{‚~‡0q|{~ to stamp out fraud completely from the pension system. Mayshak emphasised that the fraud that happened in the pension management system in the

past would not happen again, adding that moni{q|„zÂ…~ †‡`ˆ€z„‚†‚~ ˆ€§Â‡~ been put in place to checkmate any case of fraud in the system. ˆ‡~ x|…‡ ~ ƒ‡z‚„qz‡|‚~ zq{~{q~…„§Â‡~„z~{q~•|€x Â‚{‡|‚~ who ask for money to enable them qualify for payment of their pension, calling on them to report any of such case to them. “We are taking steps to monitor people working in the agency to ensure they do not engage in such act and anyone caught would be punished. We ˆ€§Â‡~ Ž‡|q~ {qŠ‡|€z`‡~ •q|~ fraud,â€? she declared.

ormer member of the ‡zx‡~ {€{‡~ qx‚‡~ of Assembly, Austin Awodi, has said Idoma people would force Da§Â„ ~ €|ÂŻ~{q~|‡{x|z~{q~{ˆ‡~ ‡z€{‡~ „z~ °­¹²~ Â?‡`€x‚‡~ {ˆ‡}~`€zzq{~€0q| ~{q~{q}~ with his position. Addressing journalists on who would represent {ˆ‡~ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~q•~ ‡zx‡~ qx{ˆ~ ‡z€{q|„€Š~ „‚{|„`{~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ ‡z€{‡~ „z~ °­¹²Â‰~ q Â„~ said Mark has represented the people well and {ˆ€{~{ˆ‡}~`€zzq{~€0q| ~{q~ queue from behind. “When Yar’adua died, he propounded doctrine of necessity and Nigerians keyed into it; he ˆ€‚~ ‚{€Â?„Š„‚‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ‡zate/National Assembly which epitomises democracy and stabilised it to qz Â‡|•xŠ~ Š‡§Â‡ÂŠÂ‰´~ ˆ‡~ ‡–plained. While pointing out that Mark occupies god position in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and that the Idoma cannot €0q| ~ {q~ {q}~ „{ˆ~ ‚x`ˆ~ opportunity, Awodi ob‚‡|§Â‡ ~{ˆ€{~€z}Â?q }~{ˆ€{~ €C‡†ƒ{‚~ {q~ `qz{‡‚{~ „{ˆ~ ˆ„†~ qxŠ ~ žz ~ {ˆ„z…‚~  Â„$`xŠ{ÂĄ

‡~‚€„ ~‚„z`‡~ qq ÂŠx`ÂŻ~

qz€{ˆ€z~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡‡z~ …„§Â‡z~ automatic ticket by the Â…q§Â‡|zq|‚~€z ~{ˆ‡~ƒ€|{}ª‚~ z€{„qz€Š~ ‡–‡`x{„§Â‡~ `q††„C‡‡‰~  q†€~ ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~ qxŠ ~ …„§Â‡~ €|ÂŻ~ €x{qmatic ticket and added {ˆ€{~ q§Â‡|zq|~ €Â?|„‡Š~ x‚ ۠~ˆ€‚~€Š|‡€ }~„z Â„cated that the state would Â?€`ÂŻ~ˆ„‚~|‡{x|z~{q~{ˆ‡~ ‡z€{‡~„z~°­¹²¥

Daily Newswatch





Fire consumes pastor’s wife, four children SYLVESTER IDOWU, Warri


esidents of the oil rich Warri, Delta State, were yesterday thrown into mourning as the family of a pastor, a woman and her four children were roasted alive in their apartment. ˆ‡~†„ z„…ˆ{~ž|‡~|€Ž‡ ~ the pastor’s building and parts of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Otumara Branch, at Ă‹miko Close, Ăƒngle Park area of the city. Daily Newswatch observed that the situation became more pathetic as the Resident Pastor of the church, Pastor John Kayode, was not around to save his family as he was ‚€„ ~{q~Â?‡~€ €}~€C‡z Â„zÂ…~ a CAC Pastors’ Conference at Arakeji in Osun State when the tragic incident occurred. His wife, his two boys and two girls whose ages ranges between eight and 18 were burnt beyond recognition before help could come their way. An eyewitness, Bright December who was

among early neighbours {q~zq{„`‡~{ˆ‡~ „Š ~ž|‡~zq{‡ ~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ž|‡~`qxŠ ~ˆ€§Â‡~ raged for long before people around noticed it. December, a visitor in the area said, “at about 11pm Wednesday night electricity supply started Âżx`{x€{„zÂ…~  Â€z…‡|qx‚Š}~ and for three times some vigilant residents came out to see what the problem was and nothing was noticed. “Midnight was when I looked out and saw a girl banging on the glass windows by one of the |qq†~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ Â…xC‡ ~ €‚tor’s residence. Later the mother was shouting for help but the burglary proofs restrained immediate entry. “A lady went out to alert other neighbours but it was too late. The Pastor’s wife and the daughter with her at the outer room screemed for 15mins and that was it. By the time it was possible to gain entry, the boys and a girl were already burnt dead in one room while the second girl and mother died in the other room.â€?

Another witness, Mrs Margret Ichibo, a church member said she left the church after prayers with the Pastor’s wife Wednesday adding “that was in the day. I rushed back few minutes to 1am and ž|‡~ ž…ˆ{‡|‚~ ‡|‡~ ’x‚{~ Š€bouring to break in but it was too late. The NEMA people made to evacu-

ate the bodies but we advised that police be in•q|†‡ ~ž|‚{ÂĄ “By the time police came, NEMA people had ‚ „{`ˆ‡ ~q0~{ˆ‡„|~ƒˆqz‡‚¥~ It took the courage of youths in the neighbourhood and some q•~{ˆ‡~ž|‡~‚‡|§Â„`‡~{q~Â?|„zÂ…~ out the bodies between

5 and 6am. The bodies have been deposited at the Warri Central Hospital Mortuary�, she said. The Church Secretary and Warri. Correspondent of the Sun Newspaper, Emmanuel Ogoigbe, who could barely hold his emotions on the tragedy said, “the real pain is in losing our Pastor’s wife

and his entire children, if it is the building, the church could always rebuild.� The Sun journalist added, “The major indicator as to cause of this tragic only points to electrical fault, but then the only people who could have explained the true cause are dead now.�

L-R: Speaker, Bayelsa House of Assembly, Mr. Konbowei Benson; Clerk of the House, Mr. Aaron Timiye; Deputy Governor, Rear Adm. John Jonah (Rtd) and Governor, Seriake Dickson, signing the State College of Agriculture Technology and the State Directorate for Education Inspection and Policy Services Bills into Law in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State‌yesterday.

Rivers:Allow judges to work, NBA tells judicial workers Monarch arraigned over illegal arms possession ‌Judges, magistrates and lawyers not on strike

NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


he Port Harcourt branch of the Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, Rivers State, has called on the judiciary workers in the state to allow judges have access to the premises of the state high court to enable them perform their legitimate duties, pointing out that the judges are not on strike. xÂ?Š„`~ ‡Š€{„qz‚~ $`‡|‰~ PRO, of the Port Harcourt branch of the NBA, Barrister Angus Chukuma, told journalists in Port Harcourt, yesterday, that it was not proper for judiciary workers to lock up the premises of the high court with the intention of preventing the judges from having access to their ofž`‡‚¥~ He lamented: “It is on record that judges working in the state high court are not on strike. The magistrates are also not on strike. Lawyers practicing in Rivers State are also not on strike. The striking judiciary workers should allow the judges have access to their q$`‡‚~ {q~ |„{‡~ Â’x Â…†‡z{‚‰~ |‡‚‡€|`ˆ~ `€‚‡‚‰~ €z ~ €C‡z ~ {q~ q$`„€Š~ `q||‡‚ƒqz Â‡z`‡‚~ „z~{ˆ‡~`qx|‚‡~q•~{ˆ‡„|~q$`„€Š~ dutiesâ€?. Chukuma wondered why judiciary workers, their leaders or agents, or

even privies will deliberately prevent judges from entering the headquarters of the state high court to hold their meetings which he maintained, has nothing to do with their strike.â€? Judgesâ€?, he maintained, “should be allowed to hold their meetings at premises of the high court which re†€„z‚~{ˆ‡~q$`„€Š~§Â‡zx‡~•q|~ such meetingsâ€?. He explained: “The judiciary workers have also prevented lawyers from entering the state high court to hold their meetings. Even if the judiciary workers don’t want to go to work, they should, at least, allow other categories of persons who by the nature of their profession use the premises of the high `qx|{~€‚~€~†€C‡|~q•~|qx{„z‡¥~ There is really no reason for {ˆ‡~ x Â„`„€|}~ {€0~ q|¯‡|‚~ Union, JUSUN, to lock the court when they know very well that they are the only ones on strikeâ€?. Chukuma stressed: “JUSUN should open the court to avoid the kind of drama that played out at the headquarters of the state high court on Tuesday. JUSUN may have down tools, but {ˆ€{~  q‡‚~ zq{~ €0‡`{~ {ˆ‡~ right of lawyers to access the court, or the right of judges and magistrates to access the court; or the right of other segment of the society that use the courtâ€?.

AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt


Federal High qx|{~ ‚„C„z…~ „z~ Port Harcourt, Rivers State, yesterday, remanded the traditional ruler of Rumueprikom Community, in Obio/Akpor Local Gov‡|z†‡z{~ |‡€~q•~{ˆ‡~‚{€{‡‰~ Ž‡~

Anthony Owabie, in prison custody over illegal posses‚„qz~q•~ž|‡€|†‚¥~ The monarch, who was arraigned yesterday before Justice Uche Agomuo, on a count charge of illegal possession of ž|‡€|†‚‰~ €‚~  ‡z„‡ ~ Â?€„Š~ Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ `qx|{~ ۥ{‡|~ {ˆ‡~ $`‡|‹„z‹ Charge of Legal Department of the Police, Mr. Paul Ideny-

enmin, opposed his bail application. ~~ ˆ‡~†€C‡|~ ˆ„`ˆ~�|qx…ˆ{~ before a Vacation Court, on September 8, was adjourned till yesterday, for hearing and plea since the applicant (Police) did not produce the accused person in court. The accused person pleaded not guilty to the one count

charge when it was read to him in court in English Language. The O/C Legal, in opposing the bail application, told the court that his bail application was served on him that morning while in the court by counsel to the respondent, Mr. Emenike Ebete.

Women agents of change – Obiano’s wife CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha


hief Ebelechukwu Obiano, wife of Anambra State governor, Dr Willie Obiano, hinted yesterday that women remain the agents of change anywhere in the world. She disclosed this at Neni, Anaocha and Awka South Local Government Areas of the state during her Thank You Tour of the 21 local gov-

ernment council areas of the state. The governor’s wife consequently beckons on them to live up to their responsibility of good home training and up keeping. ˆ‡~ |‡€$|†‚~ ˆ‡|~ `q††„{ment in giving the womenfolk a face lift by ensuring that the women of the council are empowered economically „z~q| Â‡|~{q~…„§Â‡~€~Â?‡C‡|~Š„§Â„zÂ…~ to their various families.

“I will empower women in this council and teach them ˆq ~{q~`€{`ˆ~ž‚ˆ~�}~‡z‚x|„z…~ that they have tools for work in any area of their choice“, she said. She stressed the need for the unity of the Igbos adding that unity remains the only cement that would bind the Igbos together no matter where they reside and will ginger them to appreciate each others’ abilities and

MASSOB crisis :Madu,13 others wanted to overthrown me - Uwazuruike CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha


eader of Movement for Actual„Ž€{„qz~ q•~ q§Â‡|eign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief €Šƒˆ~ €Žx|x„¯‡‰~ }‡‚{‡|day, hinted that his expelled Director of Information, Uchenna Madu and 13 other top ranking MASSOB members wanted to overthrown him and takeover MASSOB leadership using alleged mismanagement of MASSOB

fund as a base. ~ ``q| Â„zÂ…~{q~ €Žx|x„¯‡‰~ “Madu alongside his thirteen security guards at Okwe, MASSOB headquarters, have been working on man Â€{‡~{q~ Â‡Â‚{€Â?„Š„Ž‡~ ~ and take over my leadershipâ€?. In a statement signed by his †‡ Â„€~ €‚‚„‚{€z{‰~ €Ž„~ ˆ|„‚~ Mocha and made available to newsmen in Onitsha, AnamÂ?|€~ {€{‡‰~ €Žx|x„¯‡~€  Â‡ ~ that Madu became a stooge

to some Igbo politicians and was no longer obeying his orders but that of politicians, hence his expulsion. He maintained that with {ˆ‡~‡–„{~q•~{ˆ‡~q$`‡|‚‰~ SOB has become stronger and focused. q~�xC|‡‚‚~ˆ„‚~`Š€„†~ˆ‡~|‡vealed that Madu withdrew as Chairman MASSOB’s `q††„C‡‡~qz~{ˆ‡~`q|ƒ‚‡‚~q•~ …�q~ qx{ˆ‚~ x†ƒ‡ ~„z~ Žx~ River by the Police which he appointed him as a member.

capabilities with a view to €C|€`{„zÂ…~  Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{€Š~ strides that will stand the taste of time . Chief Obiano reiterated that through her NGO Caring Family Enhancement Initiatives (CAFE) she would ensure that women from ten communities of Anaocha that „z`Šx Â‡Â‰~ ~  Â€ÂŽÂ„‹~ z„‰~  Â€ÂŽÂ„‹ zx‰~  Â€ÂŽÂ„‹ zxÂŻ x‰~ Â…xŠx‰~ ÂŻ €‡Ž‡‰~ `ˆ„ Â€Â‰~ ‡z„‰~ |„‰~ Â…xŠxÂŽq„…Â?q‰ Â?‡Š‡ x~ z ~ in Awka South, Nibo, Nise, Mbaukwu, Umuawulu, Isiagu, Amawbia,Umuokpu among others will get equipment like garri processing machine, palm oil processing and palm cracking machines, sewing machine ,soap making machine, among others. “It is a promise I am giving that I will leave these lo`€Š~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{‚~Â?‡C‡|~{ˆ€z~ I met them, all I need is your prayersâ€? she said. She gave out 20 bags of rice €z ~ •‡|{„Š„Ž‡|~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ „z Â„Â…enous women and widows which included, wrappers, N10,000, indomie, de-worming tablets and books to children in the two council areas.

Daily Newswatch


World Report FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Muslim scholars release open letter to Islamic state meticulously blasting its ideology


ore than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined an open Š‡C‡|~{q~{ˆ‡~¡ÂžÂ…ˆ{‡|‚~€z ~ followersâ€? of the Islamic State, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using {ˆ‡~†q‚{~ ‚Š€†„`~q•~{‡|†‚¥ Relying heavily on the Quran, the 18-page letter released Wednesday ¸ ‡ƒ{ÂĄ~°¾š~ƒ„`¯‚~€ƒ€|{~{ˆ‡~ extremist ideology of the militants who have left a wake of brutal death and destruction in their bid to establish a transnational Islamic state in |€½~€z ~ }|„€¥ Even translated into z…Š„‚ˆ‰~ {ˆ‡~ Š‡C‡|~ „ŠŠ~ still sound alien to most Americans, said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council of American-Islamic Relations, who released it

to tortureâ€?; “It is forbid Â‡z~ „z~ ‚Š€†~ {q~ €C|„Â?x{‡~ evil acts to Godâ€?; and “It is forbidden in Islam to declare people nonMuslims until he (or she) openly declares disbeŠ„‡•¥´ ˆ„‚~„‚~zq{~{ˆ‡~ž|‚{~{„†‡~ Muslim leaders have joined to condemn the ‚Š€†„`~ {€{‡¥~ ˆ‡~ `ˆ€„|man of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, Aiman Mazyek, for example, last week told the nation’s Muslims that they should speak out against the “terrorist and Nihad Awad( centr), and his American-Islamic Relations renounce ISIS in letter †x| Â‡|‡|‚´~ ˆq~ ž…ˆ{~ in Washington with 10 people to join its forces,â€? q0‡|~€~`q†ƒ|‡ˆ‡z‚„§Â‡~ ‚- Sheikh Shawqi Allam, for the Islamic State and other American Muslim said Awad, using one lamic refutation, “point- the grand mufti of Egypt, who have dragged Islam religious and civil rights of the acronyms for the by-point,â€? to the philoso- and Sheikh Muhammad ¡{ˆ|qx…ˆ~{ˆ‡~†x ¥´ Â…|qxÂƒÂĄ~¡ ˆ„‚~Š‡C‡|~„‚~zq{~ phy of the Islamic State Ahmad Hussein, the Š‡€ Â‡|‚¥ But the Muslim leaders ¡ ˆ‡~Š‡C‡|~„‚~ |„C‡z~„z~ meant for a liberal audi- and the violence it has mufti of Jerusalem and who endorsed Wednes |€Â?„`ÂĄ~ {~ „‚~ x‚„zÂ…~ ˆ‡€§}~ ‡z`‡¥´ ƒ‡|ƒ‡{|€{‡ ¥~ ˆ‡~ Š‡C‡|ª‚~ ŠŠ~ €Š‡‚{„z‡¥  Â€}ª‚~ Š‡C‡|~ `€ŠŠ‡ ~ „{~ €z~ ~ {|€z‚Š€{‡ ~ °¾Â‹Âƒq„z{~ unprecedented classical religious texts Even mainstream Mus- authors include wellrefutaand classical religious Š„†‚‰~ˆ‡~‚€„ Â‰~†€}~žz ~„{~ known religious and ‚x††€|}~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ Š‡C‡|~ tion of the Islamic State scholars that ISIS has  Â„$`xŠ{~{q~xz Â‡|‚{€z ¥ ‚`ˆqŠ€|Š}~ ž…x|‡‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ includes the following: ideology from a collaboused to mobilize young Awad said its aim is to Muslim world, including “It is forbidden in Islam ration of religious schol€|‚¥~ {~ „‚~ €  |‡‚‚‡ ~ {q~ the group’s self-anointed leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, and “the he United States footage of the execution of The latest round of air ž…ˆ{‡|‚~ €z ~ •qŠŠq ‡|‚~ q•~ bombed Islamic €z~€Â? x`{‡ ~ |‡z`ˆ†€zÂĄ~ raids focused on 12 targets the self-declared ‘Islamic State-controlled “We will use our mili- in eastern Syria, where {€{‡¥ª´ q„Š~ |‡žz‡|„‡‚~ „z~ tary might in a campaign the IS extremists control But the words “Islamic Syria as Presi- of air strikes to roll back ‚†€ŠŠ‹‚`€Š‡~q„Š~|‡žz‡|„‡‚¥ Stateâ€? are in quotes, and dent Barack Obama re- ISIL,â€? Obama declared, “These 12 targets were the Muslim leaders who `|x„{‡ ~†q|‡~€ŠŠ„‡‚~{q~ž…ˆ{~ using the acronym for the what we call modular |‡Š‡€‚‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ Š‡C‡|~ €‚¯‡ ~ the jihadist “network of former Islamic State of q„Š~ |‡žz‡|„‡‚‰´~ ‡z{€…qz~ people to stop using the  Â‡Â€{ˆ¥´ Iraq and the Levant, since spokesman Rear Admiral term, arguing that it US, Saudi and Emi- |‡z€†‡ ~{ˆ‡~ ‚Š€†„`~ {€{‡¥ qˆz~ „|Â?}~{qŠ ~ ÂĄ plays into the group’s rati warplanes broadened - Oil facilities pounded “They were struck with unfounded logic that their bombardment to Overnight Tuesday to precision-guided missiles it is protecting Muslim target the oil installations Wednesday, US air raids Â?}~ `q€Š„{„qz~ €„|`|ۥ{ÂĄ~ z~ lands from non-Musin eastern Syria that have {€|…‡{‡ ~ ~ž…ˆ{‡|‚~{ˆ|‡€{- fact, there were more coalims and is resurrecting helped fund the jihadist ening the Kurdish re- lition aircraft in the skies the caliphate — a state group’s brutal rise from gional capital in Iraq and on these particular misgoverned by a Muslim rebel faction to alleged damaged eight militant sions than US (planes),â€? leader that once con…ŠqÂ?€Š~{ˆ|‡€{ÂĄ vehicles operating in east- ˆ‡~‚€„ ¥ trolled vast swaths of The strikes came as ern Syria near the Iraqi Alongside US aviation {ˆ‡~ „  ÂŠÂ‡~ €‚{ÂĄ Obama urged leaders Â?q| Â‡|ÂĄ~ and cruise missiles, Sau“Please stop calling gathered at the UN GenThen as night fell again di Arabia, Bahrain, the them the ‘Islamic State,’ eral Assembly to join his on Wednesday, Arab jets United Arab Emirates and because they are not a coalition and convinced joined the US-led bom- Jordan have hit targets in the Security Council to bardment again as the tar- }|„€~ €z ~ |€z`‡~ „z~ |€½¥~ Barack Obama, John Kerry (rear), chairs a special meet- state and they are not a ing of the UN security council during the 69th Session of religion,â€? said Ahmed back a resolution to stem get list was expanded to Qatar is providing logisti- the UN General Assembly Bedier, a Muslim and the {ˆ‡~ Âżq ~ q•~ •q|‡„…z~ ž…ˆ{- „z`Šx Â‡~‡`qzq†„`~€‚‚‡{‚¥ `€Š~‚xƒƒq|{ÂĄ president of United Voicers that has swelled the IS es of America, a nonprof|€z¯‚¥ it that encourages minorBelgium and the Nethresident Petro †€‚{‡|ÂĄ imploding economy by be closed “to other forms ity groups to engage in ‡|Š€z Â‚~ `q††„C‡ ~ €|Poroshenko Poroshenko also said halting trade between q•~{|€$`´~„•~z‡`‡‚‚€|}ÂĄ `„§Â„`~Š„•‡¥ planes to Iraq and Britain instructed his his ex-Soviet country the mutually dependent The decree said it was President Obama has said its parliament would g o v e r n m e n t would apply for mem- nations and increasing issued “in connection made a similar point, vote Friday on following on Thursday bership of the European the likelihood that Rus- with the continued inter- referring to the Islamic ‚x„{ÂĄ to consider temporarily Union in 2020 as part of a sia will adopt retaliatory vention of the Russian State by one of its ac“The United States of closing Ukraine’s porous broader political and eco- ‚{Â‡ÂƒÂ‚ÂĄ Federation in Ukraine’s ronyms — “the group America will work with border with Russia to zq†„`~|‡•q|†~ƒŠ€zÂĄ A decree published on „z{‡|z€Š~€0€„|‚¥´ known as ISILâ€? — in his a broad coalition to dishelp halt its “intervenThe moves are likely to the presidential webThere was no immedi- speech to the United Namantle this network of tionâ€? in the Westward- further strain relations site ordered the govern- ate reaction to Poroshen- {„qz‚~ ‡€|Š„‡|~ ‡ z‡‚ Â€}ÂĄ~ death,â€? Obama told the leaning former Soviet with Russia, which have †‡z{~¡{q~‚‡CŠ‡¥¥¥~{ˆ‡~„‚‚x‡~ ko’s decision from either In that speech, Obama UN about the Islamic ‚{€{‡ª‚~€0€„|‚¥ declined precipitously of temporarily closing the Kremlin or the Rus- also disconnected the State group, which has A senior Ukrainian se- after the ouster in Kiev of checkpoints on Ukraine’s ‚„€z~•q|‡„…z~†„z„‚{|}ÂĄ Â…|qxƒ~•|q†~ ‚Š€†¥ grabbed vast areas of Iraq curity source told AFP the a pro-Kremlin leader in state border with the RusBoth Kiev and its WestEnumerating its atroci€z ~ }|„€¥ measure was designed to February and Moscow’s sian Federation to cars, ern allies accuse Russia of ties — the mass rape of “Today I ask the world seal the frontier to auto- subsequent annexation of sea and pedestrian traf- sending elite forces and women, the gunning {q~Â’q„z~„z~{ˆ„‚~‡0q|{¥´ †qÂ?„Š‡~ {|€$`~ qxŠ ~ €z ~ Crimea and alleged back- ž`¥´ heavy weapons such as down of children, the Meanwhile, an IS-linked ‡z{‡|~„z{q~•q|`‡~¡Â‚qqz´¥ ing of a deadly insurgenIt added that the surface-to-air missiles starvation of religious group in Algeria which The step -- if and when it `}~„z~{ˆ‡~‡€‚{ÂĄ 2,000-kilometre (1,200- into eastern Ukraine to minorities — Obama had demanded France is adopted -- underscores The potential border mile) land frontier with help the separatist upris- concluded: “No God halt its participation in the extent of Ukraine’s al- closure threatens to fur- Ukraine’s giant north- ing that pro-Kremlin gun- `qz qz‡‚~{ˆ„‚~{‡||q|¥´ the strikes posted video ienation from its historic ther devastate Ukraine’s eastern neighbour may †‡z~Š€xz`ˆ‡ ~„z~ ƒ|„Š¥

US strikes IS oil refineries in Syria


Ukraine prepares to close Russia border to halt ‘intervention’



Daily Newswatch

African Report FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Red Cross team attacked while burying Ebola dead


Red Cross team was attacked while collecting bodies believed to be infected with Ebola in southeastern Guinea, the latest in a string of assaults that are ˆ„z Â‡|„zÂ…~ ‡0q|{‚~ {q~ `qztrol West Africa’s current outbreak. One Red Cross worker is recovering after being wounded in in the neck in x‡‚ Â€}ª‚~ €C€`ÂŻ~ „z~ q|‡cariah, according to Benoit Carpentier, a spokesman for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Family members of the dead initially set upon the six volunteers and vandalized their cars, said Mariam Barry, a resident. Eventually a crowd went to the regional health ofž`‡‰~ ˆ‡|‡~ {ˆ‡}~ {ˆ|‡ ~ rocks at the building. ˆ‡~ €C€`ÂŻ~ „‚~ {ˆ‡~ †q‚{~ recent in a series that

have plagued teams working to bury bodies safely, provide information about Ebola and disinfect public places. The most shocking was the abduction and killing last week in Guinea of eight people, health workers educating peo-

ple about Ebola and the journalists accompanying them. Ebola is believed to have infected more than 5,800 people in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal. The unprecedented size and sweep of the out-

break have led governments to impose severe measures to control it, like a recent nationwide lockdown in Sierra Leone to look for the sick and spread information. On Wednesday, Sierra Leone said 30 more cases uncovered during the

shutdown tested positive for Ebola, raising the total number discovered over the three days to 160. ‡‚„‚{€z`‡~ {q~ ‡0q|{‚~ to control the disease — from outright denials that Ebola exists to fears that the very people sent to combat it are in fact carriers — has frustrat‡ ~‡0q|{‚~{q~‡z ~q|~‚Šq ~ the disease’s spread in all three of the most affected countries, Liberia,

China to send 700 troops to South Sudan to assist U.N. mission


hina said on Thursday it will send 700 troops to join a U.N. peacekeeping mission in South x Â€z‰~ ˆ‡|‡~ž…ˆ{„zÂ…~ˆ€‚~ threatened Beijing’s oil investments. The troops will assist !"# $ #% &% ' $%& *+# / #* $2 ' #% / %3" +$%#45& 723% 2 $&% %3" the U.N. with protecting citizens and humanitardeadly Ebola virus by education in the city of Monrovia, ian workers and in other security-related activities in the newly independent country, said Defence Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng in a statement. The location of the The deadliest Ebola ˆ‡Šƒ~ •q|~ ‡0q|{‚~ {q~ {|}~ {q~  Â€z…‡|‚´~ {ˆ€{~ „†ƒ‡|„Š~ troops and the timing epidemic on record has contain the spread of the global security. of the deployment were “As we speak, America still being negotiated, the infected more than 6,200 virus. Obama, who is send- is deploying our doctors statement said. people in west Africa and killed nearly half of them, ing 3,000 troops to west and scientists -- sup ÂĄ ÂĄ~ q$`„€Š‚~ ˆ€§Â‡~ ƒ|‡according to the World Africa to aid local health ported by our mili- viously said it would be Health Organization’s q|¯‡|‚~Â?€CŠ‡~{ˆ‡~`qz{€- tary -- to help contain {ˆ‡~ ž|‚{~ {„†‡~ ˆ„z€~ ˆ€ ~ gion, urged other coun- the outbreak of Ebola `qz{|„Â?x{‡ ~ €~ Â?€C€Š„qz~ Š€{‡‚{~ž…x|‡‚¥ The virus can fell its vic- tries Wednesday to get and pursue new treat- to a U.N. peacekeeping tims within days, causing behind a broader inter- †‡z{‚‰´~ Â?€†€~ {qŠ ~ {ˆ‡~ mission. Last year China 193-member assembly. rampant fever, severe z€{„qz€Š~‡0q|{ÂĄ In a speech to the Gen“But we need a broadmuscle pain, vomiting, diarrhoea and -- in many eral Assembly, Obama ‡|~‡0q|{~{q~‚{qƒ~€~ Â„‚‡€‚‡~ cases -- unstoppable in- grouped Ebola with the that could kill hundreds ternal and external bleed- crisis in Ukraine and the q•~ {ˆqx‚€z Â‚‰~ „z¿„`{~ ˆq|threat posed by Islamic |„ž`~‚x0‡|„z…‰~ Â‡Â‚{€Â?„Š„‚‡~ ing. In Sierra Leone, Ebola State group jihadists in economies and move raphas infected 1,940 people, Iraq and Syria as “new „ ÂŠ}~€`|q‚‚~Â?q| Â‡|‚¥´ killing 593, by the WHO count, but the UN agency has warned the number of cases across the region could explode in the everal Nobel The Dalai Lama says he coming months without Peace Prize win- wants more autonomy an urgent response. Chinese-controlled ners will skip an for World leaders were annual meeting Tibet, while China says  x‡~ {q~ €C‡z ~ €~ †‡‡{„zÂ…~ in Cape Town he is a separatist. in New York on Ebola The women’s group convened by United because the Dalai Lama Nations Secretary-Gen- has not received a visa to says those skipping a meeting of Nobel peace eral Ban Ki-moon later travel to South Africa. The Nobel Women’s laureates in South Africa Thursday, with Koroma and Liberia’s President Initiative, founded by on Oct. 13-15 are Jody Ellen Johnson Sirleaf female Nobel laureates, Williams, Shirin Ebadi, connected by video link. said in a statement this Leymah Gbowee and a The meeting -- part of week that China puts po- representative of the Inthe United Nations Gen- litical pressure on coun- ternational Campaign to eral Assembly -- will hear tries in order to curb the Ban Landmines. The Dalai Lama won from US President Barack Tibetan spiritual leader’s Obama and world lead- travel and interaction the Nobel Peace Prize in ers are expected to pledge with political leaders. 1989.

Sierra Leone quarantines one million ahead of UN Ebola talks


ierra Leone began a quarantine of more than one million people Thursday in the largest lockdown in west Africa’s deadly Ebola outbreak, as world leaders met to discuss the crisis at the United Nations. The northern districts of Port Loko and BomÂ?€Š„~ ‡|‡~{q~Â?‡~`Šq‚‡ ~q0~ along with the southern district of Moyamba ‹‹~ ‡0‡`{„§Â‡ÂŠ}~ ‚‡€Š„zÂ…~ „z~ around 1.2 million people. With the eastern districts of Kenema and Kailahun already under quarantine, more than a third of the population q•~ ‚„–~ †„ŠŠ„qz‰~ „z~ ž§Â‡~ q•~ the nation’s 14 districts, zq ~ žz Â‚~ „{‚‡Š•~ xz€Â?Š‡~ to move freely. “The isolation of districts and chiefdoms will  Â‡Âžz„{‡Š}~ƒq‚‡~Â…|‡€{~ Â„•ž`xŠ{}~ Â?x{~ {ˆ‡~ Š„§Â‡Â‚~ q•~ everyone and the survival of our country takes precedence over these  Â„$`xŠ{„‡‚‰´~ |‡‚„ Â‡z{~ Ernest Bai Koroma told the nation in a televised address late Wednesday. “These are trying moments for everyone in the `qxz{|}¥´

Sierra Leone and Guin‡€‰~‚€}~q$`„€Š‚¥ In April, Doctors „{ˆqx{~ q| ‡|‚~ Â?|„‡¿}~ pulled out its team from the Guinean town of Macenta after their clinic was stoned. In Liberia, the homes of some of the infected have been €C€`¯‡ ¥~ €‚{~ ‡‡¯‰~ Red Cross workers were threatened in Sierra Leone, Carpentier, the Red Cross spokesman, said.

Several Nobel peace laureates to skip meeting


Dalai Lama

sent a smaller “protection xz„{´~ {q~ Â’q„z~ €~ ÂĄ ÂĄ~ †„‚sion in Mali. China has more than 1,800 peacekeepers in Africa, China’s Foreign Ministry said earlier this month. China has played an unusually active diplomatic role in South Sudan. Â?qx{~ ž§Â‡~ ƒ‡|`‡z{~ q•~ China’s oil imports came from South Sudan when it was pumping at full {„Š{ÂĄ~ ˆ‡~ ‚{€{‡~ ž|†~ ˆ„z€~ National Petroleum Corp. has a 40 percent stake in a joint venture developing {ˆ‡~ž‡Š Â‚ÂĄ The nine-month-old rebellion in South Sudan threatens Beijing’s oil investments. Chinese ofž`„€Š‚~ ˆ€§Â‡~ q|¯‡ ~ „{ˆ~ Western diplomats to help regional African mediators push for a halt to the ž…ˆ{„zÂ…ÂĄ~


Daily Newswatch

EDITORIAL Friday, September 26, 2014

Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com


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Mutilated, scarce Naira notes: Matters arising


ore than one year after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) promised to start replacing diseased and mutilated currencies with fresh mints, the acute scarcity of new notes, especially in lower denominations, is worsening transaction furore in marketplaces. CBN authorities have not deemed it right to inform the public why they have reneged on many promises. Daily Newswatch had persistently pointed out the transaction hassles caused by severe shortage of lower denomination currencies. The hassles followed the inability of {ˆ‡~ ~{q~•xŠžŠ~„{‚~ƒ|q†„‚‡~{q~ print and circulate in June 2013 •|‡‚ˆ~`x||‡z`„‡‚~{q~|‡ƒŠ€`‡~|qC‡z~ notes. Rather than claim responsibility for the Naira low denominations becoming illegal tender, CBN spokesman Isaac Okoroafor had „z~ €‚ˆ„zÂ…{qz~ ƒ|„Š~¹²~€C‡†ƒ{‡ ~ shifting the blame to deposit

money banks. Worse still is that {ˆ‡~ ~„‚~ƒ|qž{„z…~•|q†~{ˆ‡~ circulation of dirty, mutilated and smelly currencies via its increasing its sorting charges or penalty on commercial banks. The CBN penalty for sorting mutilated currencies for deposit banks had risen from N3,000 to N6,000 in 2008 to N12,000 now. Commercial banks, which distribute currencies to end users, had resisted paying the surcharge, arguing that sorting responsibility belongs to the apex bank. They further argue that they incur extra costs as mutilated currencies damage their Automated Teller Machine and therefore reissue expired currencies. However, Okoroafor shifted blame, “Banks have failed to make the needed investments in currency sorting and therefore |‡‚q|{„z…~{q~|‡‹`„|`xŠ€{„z…~xzž{~ notes� He made a bizarre claim that there is no scarcity of lower denomination notes, and threatened to bypass commercial

Letters to the Editor Insecurity needs divine intervention


pray the blessings of God will never forsake President Goodluck Jonathan and that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, will continue to give him divine grace and favour {q~`qz{„zx‡~{q~ƒ„Šq{~{ˆ‡~€0€„|‚~q•~{ˆ„‚~ largest black African country. Virtually all peace loving Nigerian are tired of the incessant Killings, bombings, destruction of properties among others, being carried out by terrorists. It is unfortunate that innocent ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~€|‡~�‡„z…~†€ ‡~{q~‚x0‡|~•q|~ what they know nothing about For four years on, Nigeria has continued to endure unrelenting human and material destruction. Having come this far, every Nigerian is a stakeholder in this joint project collect Nigeria and as minister of God, we need to save our country from total collapse before it is too late. God loves our country. I believe {ˆ‡|‡~„‚~€~�‡C‡|~•x{x|‡~•q|~qx|~`qxz{|}‰~ if we will turn to God, love God, shun all social vices, love our nation and love one another. Church should teach righteousness that exalts a nation, patriotism and dedication, while sin is reproach.

The time is now for Jonathan to do †q|‡~„z~žz Â„zÂ…~†q|‡~Š€‚{„zÂ…~‚qŠx{„qz‚~ to the wanton killings, bombings, among others, particularly in the North East of the country and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). One needs not to be told that something is wrong with the intelligence gathering of our security agencies. We need to seek the support and cooperation of the international communities, and most especially too, our neighbouring countries of Cameroon, Niger Republic and Chad Republic, to put an end to this threat on the sovereignty and security of Nigeria. Also, the Federal Government should ensure that there is adequate funding, more manpower recruitment and capacity building of all the security operatives. Government should take the war against corruption very seriously. Corrupt leaders in all facets of national life – in public and private sectors -should be brought to book in a way that would make others shun corruption. Prophet Oladipupo Funmilade Joel 08033733470

banks to oddly distribute Mint notes directly to shop owners €z ~‡z ~x‚‡|‚¥~~ ‡~€ Â†Â„C‡ ~ ‚ƒ‡`xŠ€{„qz‚~{ˆ€{~ ~q$`„€Š‚~ were involved in hawking Mint notes and that security agents would be invited to investigate. Before his exit, however, former CBN Deputy Director, Operations, Dr. Tunde Lemo promised fresh notes from August 2013 (after reneging on earlier June date) and that smaller denominations of N5, N10, N20 and N50 of easy-fade polymer currencies would be replaced with paper notes. This is July 2014, and the public is awaiting •xŠžŠ†‡z{~q•~Â?|q¯‡z~ƒ|q†„‚‡‚¥ Contrary to Lemo’s view then and now, the scarcity of the lower denomination is now a source of ½x€||‡Š‚~€z ~ž…ˆ{„zÂ…~„z~†€|¯‡{‚‰~ stores and transportation business as buyers and sellers feud over “changeâ€?. The currency scarcity dispute is worsened by the recirculation of mutilated and smelly currencies rejected by buyers and sellers. Commercial

banks re-circulate diseased notes, which should have been properly sorted and destroyed by the CBN. CBN’s major error is that it phased out and stopped the production of polymer currencies in lower denominations six years ago long before it thought of printing the paper replacement. What happened within the six years of policy mishap is the recirculation of mutilated and |qC‡z~`x||‡z`„‡‚~Â?‡`€x‚‡~z‡ ~ notes were not forthcoming, despite Nigeria having two currency printing Mints in Lagos and Abuja. ÂŻq|qۥq|~ˆ€ ~€ Â†Â„C‡ ~{ˆ€{~ CBN Act 2007 empowers it to issue legal tender currencies to serve as acceptable medium q•~‡–`ˆ€z…‡‰~ƒ|q†q{‡~‡$`„‡z{~ payment system and to promote ‚qxz ~¸zq{~‚„`¯Š}š~žz€z`„€Š~ system. With the heated furore generated during transactions in the marketplace, CBN’s failure is glaring. Rather than threaten to instigate the Police to hound Naira hawkers, the CBN should

redress the scarcity that has ‡z`qx|€…‡ ~q$`„€Š~`q||xƒ{„qz~ and hawking. Commercial banks have rejected CBN’s directive and surcharge to sort the mutilated notes so that the disabled currencies are returned to CBN for destruction. With the six-year failure of the currency sorting arrangement with money deposit banks, the CBN should immediately take back its responsibility of sorting currencies because its failure to print new notes is the source of crisis. With the reckless spending in hundreds of billions on non core functions, the CBN cannot claim it lacked funds to perform core duty of protecting Naira’s legal tender. Therefore, dirty and mutilated notes should be withdrawn from circulation immediately, while new currencies are printed urgently as promised. New CBN Governor q Â„z~ †‡ž‡Š‡~`€zzq{~ `qz{„zx‡~{ˆ‡~ Â„‚`q†ž{„zÂ…~‚„Š‡z`‡~ more than 100 days in the saddle.


Daily Newswatch

View Point $9.3m scandal: FG, national shame Friday, September 26, 2014

s the controversy trailing the $9.3million arms deal continues to rage, a twist in the debacle unfolded with another allegation of bribery rocking the lower `ˆ€†Â?‡|~q•~{ˆ‡~ €{„qz€Š~ ‚‚‡†Â?Š}~†€¯„zÂ…~qz‡~{q~€‚¯~ the question: when are we going to get over this mess ƒŠ€…x„zÂ…~qx|~`qxz{|}ĂŒ~ ˆ„‚~{„†‡~€|qxz Â‰~ qzÂĄ~ Š„}x~ € Â€ÂŻÂ„~ˆ€ ~ alleged that members of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the

qx‚‡~q•~ ‡ƒ|‡‚‡z{€{„§Â‡Â‚~ ‡|‡~q0‡|‡ ~Ă?²­Â‰­­­~Â?|„Â?‡~‡€`ˆ~{q~¯„ŠŠ~{ˆ‡~ motion to probe the arms deal. The Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha, ˆ€ ~‚€„ ~ € Â€ÂŻÂ„~ qxŠ ~€ƒƒ‡€|~Â?‡•q|‡~{ˆ‡~ {ˆ„`~€z ~ |„§Â„Š‡…‡‚~ q††„C‡‡~{q~ƒ|q§Â‡~ˆ„‚~€ŠŠ‡…€{„qz‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ˆ‡~ Â‡Â‚`|„Â?‡ ~€‚~¡Â…|„‡§qx‚~ €z ~|‡…|‡C€Â?Š‡´~€z ~{ˆ€{~ˆ‡~|„‚¯‡ ~Â?‡„zÂ…~‚x‚ƒ‡z‚„qz~„•~ˆ‡~•€„Š‡ ~{q~ ƒ|q§Â‡~{ˆ‡~€ŠŠ‡…€{„qz~{ˆ€{~ˆ€‚~Â?‡‡z~|‡•‡||‡ ~{q~{ˆ‡~ qx‚‡~ q††„C‡‡~ on Ethics and Privileges for proper investigation. ˆ‡~|„ƒƒŠ‡~‡0‡`{‚~{|€„Š„zÂ…~{ˆ‡~‚‡„Ž‡ ~†qz‡}~€z ~{ˆ‡~Â…|qxz Â„zÂ…~ of the aircraft have continued to elicit several questions which are begging for urgent explanations from the relevant authorities. The ‡ Â‡|€Š~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{~ €‚~‚€„ ~{q~ˆ€§Â‡~qƒ‡z‡ ~q$`„€Š~ Â„‚`x‚‚„qz‚~ „{ˆ~{ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ •|„`€z~€x{ˆq|„{„‡‚~qz~{ˆ‡~‚‡„Žx|‡~q•~{ˆ‡~†qz‡}~ illegally imported by two Nigerians and an Israeli citizen to purchase arms on behalf of security services using the private aircraft belonging {q~{ˆ‡~ €{„qz€Š~ |‡‚„ Â‡z{~q•~{ˆ‡~ ˆ|„‚{„€z~ ‚‚q`„€{„qz~q•~ „…‡|„€‰~ €‚{q|~ }q~ |„{‚‡’€•q|‰~€~ q†Â?€| Â„‡|~ ˆ€ŠŠ‡z…‡|~­­~ º­º Š¥~ ˆ„Š‡~ the government had tried on its part to explain that the said amount was actually meant for the purchase of arms for the prosecution of the ongoing war against terrorism, the given excuse seems to have been |‡’‡`{‡ ~Â?}~†€z}~ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~„z`Šx Â„zÂ…~{ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ •|„`€z~€x{ˆq|„{„‡‚¥~ Clearly, the act has contravened the existing laws guiding money transfer across international boundaries. Sadly, the longer {ˆ‡~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{ª‚~‡–ƒŠ€z€{„qz~€ƒƒ‡€|‚~{q~Â?‡‰~{ˆ‡~Š‡‚‚~„{~Â?‡`q†‡‚~ ƒ‡|‚x€‚„§Â‡ÂĄ~ ‚~Â?‡„zÂ…~{qx{‡ Â‰~„{~„‚~€Š‚q~zq{~{|x‡~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~†q§Â‡Â†Â‡z{~q•~ `€‚ˆ~Â?}~‚‡`x|„{}~‚‡|§Â„`‡‚~„‚~€~…ŠqÂ?€Š~{|‡z ~€‚~‚q†‡~ž•{ˆ~`qŠx†z„‚{‚~ qxŠ ~ €z{~x‚~{q~Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡ÂĄ~ q~†€C‡|~ˆq ~ ‡~ŠqqÂŻ~€{~{ˆ‡~`€‚‡‰~„{~„‚~{ˆ‡~ z€{„qz~{ˆ€{~„‚~{ˆ‡~xŠ{„†€{‡~Šq‚‡|~qz~€ŠŠ~•|qz{‚¥~ ƒ€|{~•|q†~{ˆ‡~z‡…€{„§Â‡~ „†€…‡~`€‚{~qz~{ˆ‡~€Š|‡€ }~Â?€C‡|‡ ~|‡ƒx{€{„qz~€‚~€~‚‡|„qx‚~z€{„qz‰~{ˆ‡~ qƒ{„†„‚†~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~`€‚ˆ~ qxŠ ~Â?‡~|‡Š‡€‚‡ ~„‚~•€|‹•‡{`ˆ‡ ~€z ~ˆ„…ˆŠ}~

|‡†q{‡~Â?‡`€x‚‡~{ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ •|„`€z~ €{„qz€Š~ |q‚‡`x{„zÂ…~ x{ˆq|„{}~ ˆ€ ~€ŠŠ‡…‡ ÂŠ}~qÂ?{€„z‡ ~€~`qx|{~q| Â‡|~{q~`qzž‚`€{‡~{ˆ‡~†qz‡}ÂĄ~ {~„‚~Â’x‚{~ xz•q|{xz€{‡~{qq~{ˆ€{~ €‚{q|~ |„{‚‡’€•q|ª‚~€„|`|ۥ{~ €‚~„z§qŠ§Â‡ ~„z~{ˆ„‚~ national embarrassment that has caused us a great harm. ˆ„Š‡~ ~ˆ€ ~„z‚„‚{‡ ~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~€|†‚~ Â‡Â€ÂŠ~ €‚~€z~€C‡†ƒ{~{q~ blackmail the association and to paint the pastor as an arms dealer, the Conference of Islamic Organisations (CIO), stated that the `qz{|q§Â‡|‚„€Š~Ă?ĂŽÂĄÂť~†„ŠŠ„qz~`€‚ˆ‹•q|‹€|†‚‹ Â‡Â€ÂŠ~ €‚~€~`|„†„z€Š~€`{~€z ~ €|z‡ ~{ˆ€{~`q§Â‡|„zÂ…~xƒ~{ˆ‡~`€‚‡~`qxŠ ~„†ƒ€„|~ „…‡|„€ª‚~xz„{}~€z ~ |‡’‡`{‡ ~{ˆ‡~ Â‡Â•Â‡z`‡~ƒx{~xƒ~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ ‡ Â‡|€Š~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{‰~ Â‡Â‚`|„Â?„zÂ…~ the whole saga as money laundering, violation of cashless policy and illegal arms procurement. This unfortunate incident has again lent credence to that ill feeling that we are swimming in the pool of corruption. Or, why would a {€{‡~Â?‡~„z§qŠ§Â‡ ~„z~€|†‚~ƒ|q`x|‡†‡z{~x‚„zÂ…~xzq$`„€Š~†‡€z‚~|€{ˆ‡|~ {ˆ€z~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{‹{q‹…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~{|€z‚€`{„qz~ƒŠ€{•q|Â†ĂŒ~ ˆ}~ Â„ ~{ˆ‡~ government have to carry out such transactions in raw dollars when †q‚{~ƒ€}†‡z{‚~€|‡~zq ~†€ Â‡~qzŠ„zÂ‡ĂŒ~ €z}~qÂ?‚‡|§Â‡|‚~€|‡~q•~{ˆ‡~ qƒ„z„qz~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~€`{„qz~q•~{ˆ‡~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~„‚~zq~†q|‡~ Â„0‡|‡z{~•|q†~

its report was thrown into the trash ! "

what terrorist organisations do when they want to purchase arms. That is the more reason why proper investigation should be `qz x`{‡ ~„z{q~{ˆ‡~†€C‡|~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ ‡z€{‡‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~„{~ˆ€‚~€Š|‡€ }~ commenced. The upper chamber should critically consider the following salient points in carrying out its investigations. It should ascertain whether the transaction could be done without passing {ˆ|qx…ˆ~žz€z`„€Š~„z‚{„{x{„qz‚‰~„{~‚ˆqxŠ ~ÂŻzq ~{ˆ‡~‚qx|`‡~q•~{ˆ‡~ †qz‡}‰~žz ~qx{~ ˆ}~ ‡|‡~{ˆ‡~|‡Š‡§Â€z{~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~‚‡`x|„{}~ q$`„€Š‚~‚x`ˆ~€‚~{ˆ‡~€|†‡ ~•q|`‡‚~€‚~ ‡ŠŠ~€‚~{ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ •|„`€z~ „…ˆ~ Commission in Nigeria not involved, determine if the purchase was |‡€ŠŠ}~€~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~„z„{„€{„§Â‡~q|~€~`q§Â‡|‹xÂƒĂŒ~ It also remains a misery that the money, as huge as that, was never  Â„‚`Šq‚‡ ~{q~{ˆ‡~ x‚{q†‚~q|~q$`„€ŠŠ}~ Â‡`Š€|‡ ~€‚~‚{„ƒxŠ€{‡ ~„z~{ˆ‡~ qz‡}~ €xz Â‡|„zÂ…~¸ |qˆ„Â?„{„qzš~ `{ÂĄ~ €‚{Š}‰~{ˆ‡~qx{`q†‡~q•~{ˆ‡~žz Â„z…‚~q•~{ˆ‡~ ‡z€{‡~‚ˆqxŠ ~zq{~Â?‡~ allowed to be swept under the carpet like previous investigations `qz x`{‡ ~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ €{„qz€Š~ ‚‚‡†Â?Š}ÂĄ~ „…‡|„€z‚~ „ŠŠ~zq{~•q|…‡{~‚q~ ‡€‚„Š}~{ˆ€{~€~•‡ ~}‡€|‚~€…q‰~{ˆ‡~ qx‚‡~q•~ ‡ƒ|‡‚‡z{€{„§Â‡Â‚~†€ Â‡~€~Â?„…~ show out of the power sector probe, as people were optimistic of its |‡‚xŠ{ÂĄ~ x{‰~‚qqz~ۥ{‡|~{ˆ‡~`q††„C‡‡ª‚~ q|¯‰~„{‚~|‡ƒq|{~ €‚~{ˆ|q z~ into the trash can, having been overwhelmed by so much bickering and parliamentary politicking. Nothing much has happened to date. Therefore, it will be a great injustice if investigations into this arms deal go the same way just like the previous ones. It should not be!

qx‚‡~q•~ ‡ƒ|‡‚‡z{€{„§Â‡Â‚~†€ Â‡~€~Â?„…~‚ˆq ~qx{~q•~{ˆ‡~ƒq ‡|~ ‚‡`{q|~ƒ|qÂ?‡¥~ x{‰~‚qqz~ۥ{‡|~{ˆ‡~`q††„C‡‡ª‚~ q|¯‰~„{‚~|‡ƒq|{~ €‚~ thrown into the trash can... Therefore, it will be a great injustice if investigations into this arms deal go the same way.

Implications of shale gas revolution on Nigeria, OPEC Continued from Thursday Back Page


ow, the group has recognized a great opportunity in China €‚~{ˆ‡~z€{„qz~ˆ€‚~`q††„C‡ ~{q~ boosting production of gas from shale formations to meet growing energy demand, and also a replacement for dirtier sources of fuel such as coal. Honghua has indicated its interest in participating in future shale gas developments in China by becoming a minority shareholder in projects with state energy producers, foreign companies and local governments. Europe’s Shale Gas Resources ˆ‡|‡~€|‡~‚„…z„ž`€z{~‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~|‡‚‡|§Â‡Â‚~„z~ |„{€„z‰~ qŠ€z Â‰~ |€z`‡‰~ ÂŻ|€„z‡‰~Ăˆ~ xŠ…€|„€¥~ ``q| Â„zÂ…~{q~ ~ ‰~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ˆ€‚~ x|qÂƒÂ‡ÂŞÂ‚~{ˆ„| Â‹ÂŠÂ€|…‡‚{~‚ˆ€Š‡~ …€‚~|‡‚‡|§Â‡Â‚~€{~¾°~{|„ŠŠ„qz~`xÂ?„`~•‡‡{ÂĄ~ ``q| Â„zÂ…~{q~ {ˆ‡~ ~ ‡`|‡{€|}~q•~ {€{‡~•q|~ x|qƒ‡€z~ 0€„|‚‰~{ˆ‡~ `q|ƒq|€{‡~‚{|x……Š‡~•q|~ ÂŻ|€„z‡ª‚~q„Š~€z ~z€{x|€Š~ gas is probably the reason behind the geopolitics ƒ„C„zÂ…~ x‚‚„€~€…€„z‚{~{ˆ‡~ ‡‚{~€z ~{ˆ‡~‡{ˆz„`~ {‡z‚„qz‚~{‡€|„zÂ…~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ €‚{~Ăˆ~ ‡‚{ÂĄ US Oil companies have been pushing for shale gas development in these countries, but ˆ€§Â‡~Â?‡‡z~|‡‚{|€„z‡ ~Â?}~‚„…z„ž`€z{~qƒƒq‚„{„qz~ from citizens and local legislators who worry about the environmental impacts of shale gas extraction (including earthquakes and groundwater contamination caused by hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking processes. Unlike these x|qƒ‡€z~`qxz{|„‡‚‰~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~q0‡|‚~`qz‚„ Â‡|€Â?Š‡~ less opposition because it has been steeped in zx†‡|qx‚~…€‚~ Â„‚ƒx{‡‚~ „{ˆ~ x‚‚„€~„z~|‡`‡z{~}‡€|‚~ and so yearns for energy independence from x‚‚„€¥ x‚‚„€ª‚~‚{€{‡‹q z‡ ~ €Žƒ|q†‰~`qz{|qŠ‚~z‡€|Š}~ qz‡‹ž•{ˆ~q•~{ˆ‡~ q|Š ªÂ‚~…€‚~|‡‚‡|§Â‡Â‚‰~‚xƒƒŠ„‡‚~ †q|‡~{ˆ€z~²­Ă‰~q•~ ÂŻ|€„z‡ª‚~…€‚~€zzx€ŠŠ}‰~€z ~ €Â?qx{~­Ă‰~q•~ x|qÂƒÂ‡ÂŞÂ‚ÂĄ~ x‚‚„€~ˆ€‚~q•{‡z~x‚‡ ~ this strategic position as political and economic Š‡§Â‡|€…‡~q§Â‡|~ „‡§~€z ~ |x‚‚‡Š‚¥~ q ‡§Â‡|‰~{ˆ„‚~ leverage came under challenge on Nov 5, 2013 €‚~ ˆ‡§|qz~‚„…z‡ ~€~²­Â‹}‡€|~€…|‡‡†‡z{~ „{ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{~{q~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ~q„Š~Ăˆ~…€‚~„z~ ‡‚{‡|z~ ÂŻ|€„z‡¥~ ˆ‡§|qz~„‚~‡–ƒ‡`{‡ ~{q~‚ƒ‡z ~ $350m at the exploratory phase of the project and the total investment could reach $10bn. This development is expected to enable Ukraine satisfy its gas needs completely and, under a best case scenario, export energy resources by 2020.

Chijioke Nwaozuzu z‡~ qz Â‡|‚~ ˆ‡{ˆ‡|~{ˆ‡~ ÂŻ|€„z‡ª‚~ |„§Â‡~•q|~ †q|‡~‡z‡|Â…}~„z Â‡ÂƒÂ‡z Â‡z`‡~•|q†~ x‚‚„€~`qxŠ ~ have led to the present crisis had Ukraine signed xƒ~ „{ˆ~ €Žƒ|q†~„z~ƒŠ€`‡~q•~ ˆ‡§|qz‰~•q|~{ˆ‡~ development of its energy resources. Inevitably, ƒ|‡§Â„qx‚~…€‚~ Â„‚ƒx{‡‚~ „{ˆ~ €Žƒ|q†~ qxŠ ~zq{~ have created a pleasant climate for this sort of joint venture and so Ukraine had to choose western oil …„€z{‚~•q|~ ª‚¥ z~°­¹Â‰~€~zx†Â?‡|~q•~ ‡‚{‡|z~‡z‡|Â…}~`q†ƒ€z„‡‚~ Â’q‚{Š‡ ~•q|~`q|ƒq|€{‡~|„…ˆ{‚~q§Â‡|~ ÂŻ|€„z‡ª‚~ ‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~ Â‡Âƒq‚„{‚¥~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~q$`„€Š‚~ ‡z{~„z{q~ z‡…q{„€{„qz‚~ „{ˆ~€z~ ––qz‹ qÂ?„Š‹Š‡ ~`qz‚q|{„x†~ {q~‡–ƒŠq|‡~•q|~ˆ} |q`€|Â?qz‚~q0~ ÂŻ|€„z‡ª‚~ ‡‚{‡|z~ Š€`ÂŻ~ ‡€~`q€‚{ÂĄ~ z~ q§Â‡Â†Â?‡|~°­¹Â‰~{ˆ‡~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{~‚„…z‡ ~€zq{ˆ‡|~ƒ|q x`{„qz‹‚ˆ€|„zÂ…~ €…|‡‡†‡z{~ „{ˆ~€z~ z„‹Š‡ ~`qz‚q|{„x†~q•~„z§Â‡Â‚{q|‚~ to develop unconventional hydrocarbons in the Š€`ÂŻ~‚‡€¥~ ˆ‡§|qz~€z ~{ˆ‡~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{~ had been negotiating a joint operating agreement •q|~‚ˆ€Š‡~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{~‡0q|{~„z~ ‡‚{‡|z~ ÂŻ|€„z‡‰~

€‚~{q~‡z‚x|‡~{ˆ€{~ €Žƒ|q†~ „ŠŠ~`qz{|qŠ~ |„†‡€z~ q0‚ˆq|‡~‡z‡|Â…}~€‚‚‡{‚‰~€‚~ ‡ŠŠ~€‚~‡z‚x|„zÂ…~{ˆ‡~ `qz{„zx‡ ~x‚‡~q•~ |„†‡€~€‚~ˆq‚{~{q~ x‚‚„€ª‚~ Š€`ÂŻ~ ‡€~¿‡‡{ÂĄ~ {~„‚~‡–ƒ‡`{‡ ~{ˆ€{~ ˆ‡z~{ˆ‡~…‡qƒqŠ„{„`‚~ q•~‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{~„z~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~„‚~‚‡CŠ‡ Â‰~ ÂŻ|€„z‡~ „ŠŠ~€  ~‚„…z„ž`€z{~§qŠx†‡‚~q•~‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~ to the growing shale production. Implications of Shale Gas Development to OPEC Member States Until the advent of shale gas, as an unconventional natural gas resource, crude oil and natural gas have been the main global energy resources. It would seem from the foregoing that US is the leading producer of shale gas, followed by China. However, China has the largest shale gas reserves and has set ambitious targets for its production. Ukraine is expected to follow suit shortly. Quite ominously for OPEC Countries, the shale producer nations are the largest energy consumers. z‡~q•~{ˆ‡~†€’q|~•q|`‡‚~„z~ „`ˆ‡€Š~ q|{‡|ª‚~¡²Â‹ q|`‡‚~{ˆ€{~ Â‡{‡|†„z‡~„z x‚{|}~ competitivenessâ€? is the ‘threat of a substitute

Most OPEC member countries that are yet countries now have the opportunity to use their natural gas resources to drive an aggressive ƒ|„q|~{q~ €zxÂŻq§}`ÂˆÂŞÂ‚~qx‚{‡|~„z~ ‡Â?|x€|}~°­¹¾~ as the President of Ukraine. Shell also signed €z~€…|‡‡†‡z{~„z~°­¹~ „{ˆ~{ˆ‡~ €zxÂŻq§}`ÂˆÂŞÂ‚~ government to explore a shale formation in Eastern Ukraine. Numerous oil companies, including Petrochina, ‡ƒ‚qŠ‰~ ˆ‡ŠŠ‰~ ˆ‡§|qz‰~‡{`~ˆ€§Â‡~€Š‚q~‡–ƒ|‡‚‚‡ ~ „z{‡|‡‚{~„z~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ„zÂ…~ |„†‡€ª‚~q0‚ˆq|‡~‡z‡|Â…}~ €‚‚‡{‚¥~ z~{ˆ‡~ˆqƒ‡~{ˆ€{~ |„†‡€ª‚~qz‚ˆq|‡~Ăˆ~ q0‚ˆq|‡~ž‡Š Â‚~ „ŠŠ~}„‡Š ~‚„…z„ž`€z{~‚ˆ€Š‡~‡z‡|Â…}~ resources, these companies have substantially ‡–ƒ€z Â‡ ~{ˆ‡„|~‡–ƒŠq|€{„qz~q•~{ˆ‡~ Š€`ÂŻ~ ‡€~q0~ the Crimean Peninsula. Some observers believe {ˆ€{~qz‡~q•~ x{„zª‚~qÂ?’‡`{„§Â‡Â‚~•q|~€zz‡–„zÂ…~ |„†‡€~

ƒ|q x`{ÂŞÂĄ~ {ˆ‡|‚~„z`Šx Â‡~‡–„‚{„zÂ…~`q†ƒ‡{„{„qz~ among rival companies, threat of new entrants, threat of backward integration, and threat of forward integration. Of all these, one of the most potent is the advent of an alternative product /s. Therefore, the implications of shale gas revolution are threefold. First, it would seem that an alternative energy and natural gas resource is being aggressively explored and produced in nations who consume the greatest volumes q•~‡z‡|Â…}~|‡‚qx|`‡‚¥~ ˆ„‚~ „ŠŠ~Š„¯‡Š}~€0‡`{~{ˆ‡~ demand, supply and prices for crude oil and `qz§Â‡z{„qz€Š~z€{x|€Š~…€‚~|‡‚qx|`‡‚¥~ ˆ‡‚‡~‡0‡`{‚~ will exacerbate if the drilling cost for shale wells

€|‡~‚„…z„ž`€z{Š}~|‡ x`‡ ¥ Second, global environmental concerns are greatly in favor of the use of natural gas as the fuel of the future, as opposed to crude oil. If eventually {ˆ‡~ƒ|„`‡~€z ~‚xƒƒŠ}~q•~‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~…‡{‚~Â?‡C‡|~ than that of the conventional natural gas, OPEC ‡†Â?‡|~ {€{‡‚~ „ŠŠ~Â?‡~•q|`‡ ~{q~žz ~ q†‡‚{„`~x‚‡‚~ for both their crude oil and conventional natural gas or be faced with dwindling revenues from these resources. ˆ„| Â‰~{ˆ‡~…€‚‹{q‹Š„½x„ ~¸ š~{‡`ˆzqŠqÂ…}~`qxŠ ~ ˆ‡Šƒ~{|€z‚•q|†~‚ˆ€Š‡~…€‚~{q~xŠ{|€‹Š„…ˆ{~|‡žz‡ ~ petroleum products. In the likely event that this q``x|‚‰~{ˆ‡~ qC‡| Â€Â†ÂŞÂ‚~ƒ|„`‡‚~•q|~ƒ‡{|qŠ‡x†~ ƒ|q x`{‚~ Â‡|„§Â‡ ~•|q†~|‡žz„zÂ…~`|x Â‡~q„Š~ „ŠŠ~€Š‚q~ Â?‡~€ §Â‡|‚‡Š}~€0‡`{‡ ¥ China has set big targets for shale production for °­°­Â‰~€z ~{ˆ„‚~‚ˆqxŠ ~€`{~€‚~{ˆ‡~œ†€|¯‡|ÂŞ~•q|~ ~ ‡†Â?‡|~ qxz{|„‡‚¥~ ˆ‡~Š€C‡|~ „ŠŠ~ˆ€§Â‡~{q~ŠqqÂŻ~ „z €| Â‚~€z ~‚{€|{~{q~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ~œ q†‡‚{„`~ˆq†‡‚ª~ for their crude oil and natural gas resources. The downstream petroleum industry development should be the primary focus of most OPEC qxz{|„‡‚‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ „ŠŠ~‡z‚x|‡~€ Â‡½x€{‡~|‡žz„zÂ…~ capacity for their crude oil and petrochemical plants construction that will convert natural gas €z ~•‡‡ ~‚{q`¯‚~•|q†~{ˆ‡~|‡žz„zÂ…~ƒ|q`‡‚‚~„z{q~ petrochemical products. ‡|{„Š„Ž‡|~€z ~ ††qz„€~ƒŠ€z{‚~ „ŠŠ~ˆ€§Â‡~{q~Â?‡~ robustly developed as well as secondary plants that will convert petrochemical products to žz„‚ˆ‡ ~Â…qq Â‚ÂĄ~ q‚{~ ~†‡†Â?‡|~`qxz{|„‡‚~ {ˆ€{~€|‡~}‡{~{q~€`ˆ„‡§Â‡~`q†ƒŠ‡{‡~‡Š‡`{|„ž`€{„qz~q•~ their countries now have the opportunity to use their natural gas resources to drive an aggressive  q†‡‚{„`~‡Š‡`{|„ž`€{„qz~€…‡z Â€ÂĄ~ ˆ„‚~„‚~{ˆ‡~{„†‡~{q~ Â?‡…„z~ƒŠ€zz„zÂ…~€z ~‡–‡`x{„qz~q•~€~ÂśÂˆq†‡‹Â?€‚‡ ª~ energy industry for most of these countries. It may be too late by 2020.

Dr Chijioke Nwaozuzu, a petroleum policy expert wrote from Emerald Energy Institute, University of Port Harcourt. Email: cnwaozuzu@ gmail.com. Tel: 070 6874 3617 (SMS Only). (Concluded)


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Daily Newswatch


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Grant, Kluivert join race for Black Stars job

Babs Oyetoro with agency report


he Ghana Football Association is having tough task in selecting a coach for the Black Stars as high |q ~ z ~ ¯ ~ q|mer Chelsea boss, Avran Grant, Dutch legend -Patrick Kluivert, Bernd Shuster and a host of others have joined race for the top job. The GFA is under serious pressure to short {~{ ~` z { ~ q|~ nal selection later in the month. Given the calibre of coaches in the race for the top job, the local

media reported that the GFA has grown grey hair over who to name as the replacement for coach Kwesi Appiah to lead the Black Stars in the on q z ~ ½x | ~ q|~ { ~ African Nations Cup in Morocco. Grant, who had been linked to the technical director post of the Black Stars, beat the Friday deadline. The 59-year-old was appointed technical director at Thai Premier League club BEC Tero z ~ § ~} | ~ q¡ Kluivert was assistant coach to Louis van Gaal at the 2014 FIFA World x ~ z ~ z ~ ~ among the 28 coaches who applied. He had a successful playing career for the Dutch national team and for club sides Ajax Amsterdam, Barcelona and Newcastle. zq{ |~ ~ ~ z~{ ~ hunt for the job is former Real Madrid and Getafe coach, Shuster who is a German. The trio are said to be among the shortlisted 11 after the Ghana FA sieved the applications on Tuesday. The number will be cut to six by the end of the week before a substantive coach is named next month.

150 athletes for bodybuilding tourney

Francis Ajuonuma


o fewer than 150 athletes will compete for laurels at this year’s Mr. Flex Nigeria Bodybuilding Championship scheduled to hold at the Freedom Park, Lagos on November 1, 2014. Stephen OdeneOkolie, President, Steco Productions, organisers of the championship, told Newswatch Sports that the championship will also feature Ms Flex Nigeria Figure. He said that all arrangement has been put in place to make this year’s edition tagged ‘Season 4’ a big success. “The aim of this championship is to give the desired mileage in { ~ ~ q ~ q } x ing and to give Nigeria a sustainable place in

world building ranking. In Nigeria, the general perception of an average person as regards bodybuilders is associated with thugs. But all that perception we have been able to erase so far. “We aim at providing employment for the unemployed youths who are roaming the streets in search of jobs.’ Mr. Flex and Ms Flex Nigeria Bikini’ bodybuilding championship is designed to promote, develop the youth, bring out the best in them where they will represent the country and Africa in bodybuilding championships. “Ms Flex Nigeria, which was introduced into the programme last year, is a muscle and bikini exhibition which will express the unique x| ~q ~{ ~ ~ zder. “There will also be a sport fashion show, music by Iroko percussion of Africa and Jasparazzi”, Odene-Okolie stated.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Ike Uche sad with Keshi’s media tantrums Ephraim Nwosu


ut-of-favour Super Eagles striker, Ikechukwu Uche has expressed sadness with Coach Stephen Keshi’s continued outburst against him in the media despite his persistence not to trade words with him. He said rather than speak to him personally over whatever misgivings he has against him, the coach chose to cast slurs on him for things he knows nothing about. The Spanish Villarreal striker, who indicated for the umpteenth time that he is ever ready to play for the Super Eagles when called upon, however expressed misgivings against the present set up under Coach Keshi. He told Newswatch Sports exclusively from his base in Spain that if he had quit the national team as being rumoured in Nigeria, he would have said so publicly because it would not have been a hidden secret. “If the coach decides to call me, like I told you before, I am still available to play for my country. When

I decide that I want to stop playing, I will come out and say it myself. “We are professionals and we should learn to do things in the proper way. I have no grudges against the coach, yet he has refused to speak with me since we won the Nations

Cup in South Africa, rather he prefers to speak with me through the local press and other people,which is unfair to me and I am not happy about it,” he complained. Uche, Africa’s highest goalscorer in Europe last season, was one of the few

players who was surprisingly left out of Nigeria’s World Cup squad by Keshi. | ~ | ~ xz`qz | ~ | ports that he was dropped by the former Nigeria captain as punishment for criticizing his coaching tactics at the 2013 African Cup of Nations.

Ebola: NSC stops swimmers from Senegal championship

Maduabuchi Kalu


ll the preparations by the Nigeria Aquatics Federation (NAF) to feature swimmers for this year’s Africa Open Water Swimming Championship scheduled to hold in Dakar, Senegal have come to nothing, as the National Sports Commission (NSC) ~` ~q0~{ ~`qxz{|}ª ~ participation. NAF President, BabatundeFatayai Williams hinted that the NSC was q|` ~{q~` ~q0~ | ª ~ participation in the championship because of the outbreak of Ebola in some West Africa countries. Three Nigerian swim | ~ z ~ { q~ q$` ~ were suppose to depart the shores of the country today (Friday) to Dakar,

for the one day championship holding on Sunday. “Our trip to Senegal for this year’s African Open Water Swimming Championship has been cancelled by the National Sports Commission (NSC) over Ebola,” Williams began. “The NSC communi` { ~{q~x ~ z~ ~ C |~ z{~ through the Secretary of the Federation that the championship has been

cancelled. “According to NSC, the cancellation is necessitated by the recent In human treatment meted to Nigerian athletes q§ |~ q ~ z~ 0 | z{~ |{~ of the world. “They cited the arrest and quarantine of some Nigerian athletes in China and the ejection of the Golden Eaglets players from their plane in Togo as reasons for the cancel-

lation. “The NSC further explained that they cannot continue to sit down and watch Nigerians being humiliated in foreign countries because they want to bring glory to the country by representing her. “So, it is on that basis that the NSC cancelled the trip,” Williams said. “If in the wisdom of the NSC to cancel the trip to Senegal, who are we to say no? “And of course their reason is genuine as we are leaving witnesses to the bad treatment being meted out to Nigerians because of the outbreak of Ebola which has since been contained by the country. And the World Health Organisation has ½x }~ { ~{ ~`qxztry Ebola free since there is no single case of Ebola in the country as we speak. “So, that is where we are at the moment,” Williams explained.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014



IAAF Jnr Championships:

Toblow begs Danagogo for unpaid allowances Francis Ajuonuma


wo months after guiding the Nigerian team to the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) World Junior Championships held in Oregon United States from July 22-27, the four coaches thatprepared the team are yet to receive their camp allowances. A member of the coaching crew, Tobias Igwe told Newswatch Sports that they are being owed daily camp allowance of one thousand naira each, which accumulated for three months; April to July. According to him, while they were in Camp training the athletes they had assurances from top q$`„€Š‚~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ {ˆŠ‡{„`~ Federation of Nigeria that all their allowances would be paid to them as soon as funds were made available by the sports ministry for the championship; but up till this moment they are yet to receive a penny.

He said they agreed to go ahead with camping exercise because of their desire to serve the country whenever the authority called upon them, but were disappointed that they could be treated that way. He however called on the Sports Minister and Chairman of the National Sports Commission (NSC), Tammy Danagogo to come to their aid by facilitating

the payment of the three months allowance. “In Oregon, we’re paid our allowances for the championship proper. Everyone of us (coaches) received eight hundred $800 for the eight days we stayed at the championship, but we’ve not been paid the for three months we spent preparing the team in Sapele and Abuja. “All we were told was that we’d be paid when

the ministry makes money available. The other coaches that were dropped at the end of the camping exercise were all paid. “So I want to call on the Sports Minister, Tammy Danagogo to intervene so that we can receive our allowances as promised,� he said. The other coaches are, Olu Sule, Solomon Aliu, and one Amelia from Oyo State.

Eaglets’ll be red hot for Gabon – Amuneke leg in Gabon. The seasoned sports journalist informed that coach Emmanuel Amuneke has really worked on the players Babs Oyetoro ƒxC„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡†~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ Â?‡‚{~ frame of mind for the tiigeria’ s cadet tanic encounter tomornational team is row. ready to go full According to him, {ˆ|qCŠ‡~ €‚~ {ˆ‡}~ {€¯‡~ qz~ “Amuneke has charged their counterparts from Gabon on Saturday inside the U J Esuene stadium in Calabar. Commenting on Saturday’s mother-of-all-battles in the Garden City, {ˆ‡~ {‡€†ª‚~ †‡ Â„€~ q$`‡|‰~ Morakinyo Abodunrin told Newswatch Sports that since they returned from Gabon, the players have not rested on their oars as they have intensiž‡ ~ {|€„z„zÂ…Ă”~ ƒ‡|•‡`{„zÂ…~ strategies for all the important encounter. Abodunrin disclosed that the players had put behind them the painful experience that led to {ˆ‡„|~ °Â‹Âą~ Šq‚‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ ž|‚{~


the players to go all out to demolish their opponents and prove that they are still the reigning world champions. The technical crew has put the team in a killer form and God being on our side, the Golden Eaglets will maul their opponents tomorrow. “I can tell you that the players are turbo charged

for the match. I doubt if Gabon will escape unbeaten, but we are still calling on Nigerians to pray for the team. “You see, one good thing about these players is that they detest defeat and as such they always give their best anytime they are on national assignment. The good thing about the loss in Gabon is that it will bring the best out of these boys on Saturday. “So, Nigerians should watch out for a rejuvenated Golden Eaglets coming out smoking against their opponents,� he said. He, however, dismissed with a wave of hands the rumour that some of the players may be down with injuries. “As I speak with you, none of the players is down with any serious injury; although you cannot rule out players getting knocks in a match but there is no cause for alarm�, he explained.


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08 emeka.ezeugwu@mydailynewswatchng.com

NFF elections: Let football win


ere they go again! Here they start the squabbles all over again. Will there be no end to this tempest in Nigerian football? When all seems to be quiet and calm, suddenly somebody somewhere stirs up the hornet’s nest and instantly hell is let loose. The World football governing body, FIFA seemed to have instilled serenity into our football by ordering a restart process of an election into the executive board of the NFF. But the mischief makers are still hell bent on disrupting that process, which already has been set in motion after last week’s NFF Emergency Congress in Warri. Some miss-guided elements, who do not wish our football well, are bent on starting all over the cyclone that almost swept Nigerian football into oblivion. The rules are clear. qx~ `€zzq{~  |€…~ •qq{Â?€ŠŠ~ †€C‡|~ {q~ €~ `qz§Â‡z{„qz€Š~ court. But these loafers always run to court to obtain spurious injunctions to their favour. The self-styled NFF president-elect, Christopher Giwa and co rightly headed to Court of Arbitration on Sports (CAS) when their elections were annulled by FIFA. That is the only acceptable court that can adjudicate on football nay ‚ƒq|{‚~†€C‡|‚¥~~ ˆ‡}~ÂŻzq ~{ˆ„‚~Â?‡`€x‚‡~{ˆ‡~|xŠ‡‚~‚€}~ so. So, why on earth do these people keep running to orthodox courts to seek redress when they know fully well that these courts have no competent jurisdiction {q~ €|Â?„{|€{‡~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|ĂŒ~ ~ ~ |xz‚~ {ˆ‡~ |xŠ‡‚~ qz~ football all over the World and they say ‘NO’ to courts other than their own or CAS. So why do these people ÂŻÂ‡Â‡Âƒ~ xz€Â?€‚ˆ‡ ÂŠ}~ Âżqx{„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡‚‡~ |xŠ‡‚~ €z ~ „z§Â„{„zÂ…~ FIFA hammer on Nigeria even when they know the dire consequences? ‡‚„ Â‡Â‚‰~ „‚~ „{~ €~  q‹q|‹ Â„‡~ €0€„|~ {q~ |‡z Â‡|~ }qx|~ ‚‡|§Â„`‡~{q~{ˆ‡~ƒxÂ?Š„`ĂŒ~~ •~}qx~q0‡|~}qx|~‚‡|§Â„`‡‚~ „{ˆ~ all good intents and purposes and they are spurned, won’t you retreat to your shells and watch from the sidelines? Must it be ‘either I serve or no one else serves?’Giwa and co may have good intentions to serve, but the enforcer of the rules, FIFA, says they must come through the right channels. So why not re-plan and try again through the acceptable channel, rather than these disruptive tendencies? Again, does one only need to be in NFF board or head it to truly serve Nigerian football? I think that whoever has the passion and means to serve, can do so in any capacity anywhere in the country outside the NFF. Such a ƒˆ„Š€z{ˆ|qƒ„‚{~ `€z~ Âżq€{~ €~ •qq{Â?€ŠŠ~ `ŠxÂ?~ €z ~ •xz ~ „{~ adequately so much that people will beg him to come and serve in NFF. If such football ‘philanthropist’ has antecedents of what he has achieved with such club, wouldn’t even FIFA sanction his ambition if he desires to head NFF? If, for instance, the late MKO Abiola were to be alive and were ready to contest an election into NFF board in order to head it, who qxŠ ~ ˆ€§Â‡~  Â„‚ƒx{‡ ~ ‚x`ˆ~ q0‡|ĂŒ~ q~ qz‡‰~ zq{~ ‡§Â‡z~ the government. This is because his antecedents in Nigerian football remain unparalleled. ˆ‡~ €}~ {ˆ‡‚‡~ …Š€ Â„€{q|‚~ Â?€CŠ‡~ {q~ …‡{~ „z{q~ ~~ board, by hook or crook, simply portray them as fraudsters whose only intention is to loot NFF treasury blind. For, no sane person would do anything under the Sun to get into a position, where he would spend his hard-earned money just for the love of spending; even when he knows that he has nothing to gain therein. No one does that. So they should stop deceiving us with empty rhetoric of how they have the zeal to serve Nigeria football. If the FG ceases to fund football in Nigeria today, every one of those charlatans will be uninterested to go there. It is as simple as that. So {ˆ‡}~ €|‡~ ž…ˆ{„zÂ…~ {q~ …‡{~ {ˆ‡|‡~ •q|~ ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡}~ `€z~ …‡{~ out of there. Still, no one begrudges that; except that they have to get there by the books. This is why it is imperative for them to embrace the new beginning as q0‡|‡ ~Â?}~ ~§Â„€~{ˆ‡~z‡–{~‡Š‡`{„qzÂĄ~~ z}qz‡~ ˆq~„‚~ eligible and interested should adhere to the rules to contest. Aggrieved losers can appeal to the Appeal q††„C‡‡~€z ~ ˆ‡z~‚{„ŠŠ~ Â„‚‚€{„‚ž‡ Â‰~Â…q~{ˆ‡~ ˆqŠ‡~ distance up to CAS to seek justice. That is what is obtainable in a civilized society. That is the rule. That is democracy.

Daily Newswatch Sports/EURO LEAGUE Navas ready to depose Casillas as Real No. 1




eal Madrid goalkeeper Keylor Navas vowed to push Iker Casillas for the No.1 spot after making his debut in Tuesday’s 5-1 win over Elche at the Santiago Bernabeu. Navas, who made an £8.7 million move from La Liga rivals Levante in Au x { ~ ~ z ~ ~ | {~ { |{~ ~ q ~ | {~ ` q ` ~ keeper Casillas. The 27-year-old Costa Rica international made two saves during the match, but could not pre-

My future is Madrid not Man U — Ronaldo


fter scoring his 25th hat trick for Real Madrid on Tuesday, Cristiano Ronaldo has moved to quell growing speculation over his future at the Santiago Bernabeu. Ronaldo, 29, has been constantly linked with a move back to Manchester United this summer, with Premier League giants, Chelsea also reportedly in the hunt. However, after scor-

ing seven goals in his past two games for Real, including four against Elche on Tuesday, Ronaldo spoke to reporters in Madrid and dismissed talk of a switch back to the PL. “It’s all speculation, speaking about my future,” Ronaldo said. “My future is Madrid. I’m happy. The season is going well and I’m not talking about my future, it doesn’t make sense.” “So, that’s the end of that, right?

Maybe not. Ronaldo continues to put in stunning displays for Real and has now scored 12 goals in eight games this season. He has won the La Liga title, Copa Del Rey and the UEFA Champions League with Madrid and is the reigning European and World Player of the Year. Simply put, he has achieved greatness at Madrid and he’s scored 264 goals in 254 games for Real. What else does he have to achieve at the Santiago Bernabeu? His

comments on the reports linking him with United and Chelsea are more to |x ~ | q|{ | ~ q0~ { z~ giving a huge inclination as to where his future lies. He let his guard down over the summer and in interviews he repeatedly stated his intent to one day return to Manchester United. These latest comments should be taken with a pinch of salt as Ronaldo’s future at Real will still be in question for the rest of the season.

Wenger finds Arteta’s replacement


rsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, has claimed he wants Abou Diaby to adapt to the holding role this season – in order to address the short ~ q ~ | ~ z~ ~ squad. The French boss spent around £80million in the summer to bolster his ranks with Alexis Sanchez, Mathieu Debuchy, David Ospina, Calum Chambers and Danny Welbeck. However, Arsenal failed to secure a much-needed z § ~ | ~ § z~ { qx ~ z |~ C ~ ~ was keen on bringing one – with Real Madrid’s Sami Khedira, Sporting Lisbon’s William Carvalho and West Ham star, Alex Song all heavily linked with a move to the Emirates. While recent reports claimed the French boss will | z ~ ~ 0q|{ ~ q|~ ra in January, the manager now suggests that Diaby can be a good back-up for Mikel Arteta and Mathieu Flamini. Wenger indeed handed Diaby an opportunity during the Capital One Cup defeat against Southampton, after being on the side-lines for more than a year. “I try to transform it

(Diaby’s position), yes, because I feel he was injured for a long time and he has the physical potential to win the challenges, to face the game will be easier for him than to play with his back to goal with the injuries he had,” Wenger told Arsenal’s q$` ~ { ¡ “I tried to develop him in a deeper role, I think he can do it. He can be very interesting because he has all the C| x{ ~{q~ q~ {¡~ { | ~ ~ must love it as well because ª ~ q| ~ q ~ z~ q0 z § minded player.”


Essien dreams Milan success with Torres, Van Ginkel


ichael Essien says AC Milan are aiming to replicate Chelsea’s success after seeing Fernando Torres, Marco van Ginkel and Alex join the Serie A club this summer. Essien won the Champions League with the Blues in 2012 and also picked up two Premier League titles during his time at Stamford Bridge. And after seeing a growing contingent of former Chelsea stars arrive at the San Siro this summer, Essien hopes he can now match those achievements in Milan. He told the FIFA website: “Of course it’s nice to have them all here, and also Van Ginkel, who joined on the last day of the transfer

window. “They are some of the nicest people you will meet in football and we always talk about our days at Chelsea. “Hopefully we can bring some of the Chelsea glory days to Milan.”

Juve monitor Gaudino


Pogba pours cold water on Man U, Chelsea move x§ z{x ~ |~ x ~ Pogba has seemingly ruled out the possibility of a return to Manchester United o a switch to Chelsea in the near future, insisting that he’s happy to remain with Juventus. The French internation ~ ~ ¿qx| ~ z` ~ ~ joined the Italian giants in 2012, establishing a reputation as one of the best young players in Europe. He starred for his country at the World Cup in Brazil over the summer and is the current holder of the ‘Goldenboy award’, handed to the best young player in Europe

vent Elche’s Edu Albacar scoring from the penalty spot to give the visitors the lead. However, four goals from Cristiano Ronaldo and one from Gareth Bale secured a comfortable win q|~ | q~ z` qC ª ~ ¡ Navas, who played in ~ § ~ ~ ~ q { ~ ` ~ | ` ~ { ~ ½x |{ | z ~ of the World Cup, told { ~ ` x ª ~ q$` ~ { ~ ×~ “Playing at this stadium is a privilege. It’s something very special and something I’d always wanted.”

every year. Both Manchester United and Chelsea have been z¯ ~ { ~ C { ~{q~ | ~

Pogba from Juventus over the previous 12 months but so far they have been unsuccessful, and it doesn’t look like anything will be changing soon. Pogba joined Manchester United from Le Havre but left the club when his contract expired at Old Trafford two years ago, citing ~ `¯~q ~ | {~{ ~` z` ¡~ His departure caused a stir at Manchester United, but the 21-year-old says there is ~ C ~` z` ~{ {~ ª ~ ¯ ~ a return anytime soon. “I have changed coun{| ~ x{~ {ª ~ zq{~ {qq~ 0 |ent,” he said.

uventus are the latest ~ | q|{ }~ C z ~ their sights on Bayern Munich’s 17-year-old wunderkind, Gianluca Gaudino. ~ { z~ }~ xCqsport reports that the teen ~ |~ ~ xz ¯ }~ to sign a senior contract with the German giants and could leave Bavaria for free next summer. His current deal is said to be worth just

€250 a month. A relative unknown before this season, Gaudino made a striking impression on European football when Pep Guardiola gave him his Bundesliga debut in the season opener against Wolfsburg. The current German champions won the game 2-1, largely thanks to the unheralded youngster, q~ ~ ~ x ~ z¿x z` ~ z~ ~ z ~ z¯ ~ seamlessly with the likes of Arjen Robben and Thomas Muller. xCq q|{~ § ~ { {~ despite strong interest in the player from around Europe, Juve are the favourites because they’ve been watching the player’s development for some time and are said to be the preferred destination of the teenager’s parents.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014



I still love Mikel –Actress Cossy Orjiakor

N With


Okagbare, ex-Eagles star wed on Nov 28


lessing Okagbare, Africa’s reigning sprints queen, has picked November 28, 2014 for her traditional wedding, which is expected to hold in the oil city of Warri in Delta State. Newswatch Sports learnt that this super athlete will tie the knots with ex-Super Eagles star, Igho Otegheri. Okagbare had said €Â?qx{~{ˆ‡~Šq§Â‡~€0€„|Ă—~~¡ ~€`tually knew him before I left the shores of Nigeria. He is someone I knew through a friend and we were not really talking, but something happened and we got talking and that was it. ¡ ~ €`{x€ŠŠ}~ Š„¯‡ ~ ˆ„†~ €‚~ a friend before I left and we were talking as friends on the phone and I was not really surprised when he asked me out. But you know, I had to bid my time even though I was very happy that he asked me out. ¡ ‡~ €|‡~ q†‡z‰~ ‡~ need to do a bit of delay tactics before accepting proposals. He is someone I really want to be with because he is nice and God fearing. Those were some basic things I prayed for in a man. ¡ ‡~„‚~¯„z ~€z ~{ˆ€{~„‚~€~ great thing for me because he supports my life, my career and my aspirations. ¡ ~ `qxŠ zÂŞ{~ ‚€}~ zq~ Â?‡cause he has all what I prayed for in my ideal man. He is a very easy going person and he does not see me as Nigeria’s Blessing Okagbare, but as the woman he loves and I love it. ¡ q‚{~ {„†‡‚~ ˆ‡~ •q|…‡{‚~ that I’m Blessing Okagbare and sometimes I get upset (laughing) I’m just kidding. That is a very great thing because a lot of people just ƒx{~ {ˆ‡~ ˆqŠ‡~ ¡ Š‡‚‚„zÂ…~ Okagbare thingâ€?’ on their head and that pisses me q0¥´ Otegheri and Okagbare both hail from Delta State. Though the November 28 date is still tentative, while the venue for their traditional wedding is yet to be disclosed, Newswatch Sports further learnt that plans are already in top gear for the November ceremony.

ollywood bad girl, Cossy Orjiakor has confessed that she was still in love still with Nigeria football star, John Obi „¯‡Š¥~ The Nollywood sex-pot had once declared her love •q|~ „¯‡Š~ „z~ €z~ „z{‡|§Â„‡ ~ with Newswatch Sports describing the 27-year-old as one of Nigeria’s sexiest footballers she has ever dreamt to meet. Speaking in her latest interview with Newswatch ƒq|{‚‰~ q‚‚}~ |‡€$|†‡ ~ that she has not lost hope q•~ ˆ€§Â„zÂ…~ €~ |q†€z{„`~ €0€„|~ with the Chelsea FC of EngŠ€z ~†„ ÂžÂ‡ÂŠ Â‡|ÂĄ

¡ ‡‚‰~ ~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ €z{~ „¯‡Š‰~ please if you have his contact, give me so that I can reach him directly,â€? she pleaded to Newswatch Sports.

Osaze spends N2.5m on new dogs


Ghana star accused of murder for ritual


current player in the Black Stars of Ghana (names withheld) has been accused of having a hand in the death of his best friend and popular Ghanaian rapper, Theophilus Tagoe with rumours that he x‚‡ ~ˆ„†~€‚~ˆx†€z~‚€`|„ž`‡~ for rituals. In July, Tagoe, popularly known as Castro, went missing while on holiday with the player and other friends. The musician was presumed to have drowned in a jet-ski

accident, but his body was never found, which led to the allegations against the striker, with his family constantly being hounded by Ghanaian press. The football star and his family have however come out to deny the allegation maintaining they have no hand in Castro’s death. The player stated on his website that he will be holding a world press conference {q~žz€ŠŠ}~€  |‡‚‚~€z ~Â?|„zÂ…~ ‚q†‡~`Š€|„{}~{q~{ˆ‡~†€C‡|ÂĄ

¡ ˆ‡~ ƒŠ€}‡|ª‚•€†„Š}~ „ŠŠ~ hold a press conference to address recent issues of public interest including the disappearance of musical icon Theophilus Tagoe (aka Castro). ¡ {~ „ŠŠ~ Â?‡~ |‡`€ŠŠ‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ TheophilusTagoe and Janet Bandu went missing while on a holiday hangout with Family and Friends of the Black Star player at a resort in Ada back in July. RelentŠ‡‚‚~ ‡0q|{‚~ €|‡~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ Â?‡„zÂ…~ †€ Â‡~ {q~ žz ~ {ˆ‡~ †„‚‚„zÂ…~ duo. ¡ ˆ‡~ qƒƒq|{xz„{}~ „ŠŠ~ €Š‚q~Â?‡~x‚‡ ~{q~q$`„€ŠŠ}~|‡spond to some allegations and untruths bandied about in the media over the role of the player,â€? a statement read. ˆ„‚~„‚~zq{~{ˆ‡~ž|‚{~{„†‡~ the Black Stars hit man would be accused of ritual killing. He was alleged to have used his late mother, who recently died in a mysterious circumstance •q|~ ‚€`|„ž`‡‰~ ۥ{‡|~ ˆ‡~ €‚~ listed among the newly initiated members of famous secret cult, (illuminati) in Africa.

igeria international, Osaze Odemwingie has added new dogs to the collection of his pets. Odemwingie, who is likely to be on treatment table for most part of the season, said he paid a whopping sum of ÂŁ10,000 (about N2.5 million) to buy new dogs that would hang out with him at home while he recuperates from a successful operation he underwent in London some couple of weeks ago. ¡ ˆ‡|‡~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡‡z~ zq~  xŠŠ~ moment for me. I have two lovely dogs called Shawawa and Jack and they help make my day at home. But now they have new pals at home. They are already having fun with Theo and Noah (Odemwingie’s kids),â€? the erstwhile Insurance FC of Benin ace disclosed. Apart from the arrival of his latest dogs, Odemwingie also relaxes at home listening to Nigerian music. ¡ ~ˆ€§Â‡~€Â?qx{~¹­~z€†‡‚~„z~ my playing list including my favourites, P-Square, Nice €z ~ ÂĄ~ ˆ‡|‡~„‚~€Š‚q~€zq{ˆer upcoming musician called Leroy from Benin City.I en-

joy his songs a lot,â€? he said. Although the black and brown dogs already had names, Odemwingie said he decided to anoint them with new names on the special request of his two sons. ¡ ‡€ˆ~ {ˆ‡}~ zq ~ ˆ€§Â‡~ new names. One of them is Buster while the other is Roxy,â€? he revealed. With this development Odemwingie now joins the likes of American socialite, actress and entertainer, Paris Hilton who also spend a large part of her income on breeding pets. She reportedly bought some dogs for about $13,000 (over N2m).

Utaka’s dad critically ill in Enugu


a Utaka, father of former Super Eagles and Sivasspor of Turkey forward, John Utaka is presently in a critical state of health at his New Haven home in Enugu following an undisclosed ailment. A family source informed Newswatch Sports on phone •|q†~ zxÂ…xĂ—~ ¡ €ƒ€~ ˆ€‚~ zq{~ Â?‡‡z~ €Â?Š‡~ {q~ €C‡z ~ ƒxÂ?Š„`~ functions because he has

been seriously ill for some time now, but he panicked everybody few days ago ˆ‡z~ „{~ {qqÂŻ~ €~  Â„0‡|‡z{~ twist. Please help us to fast and pray for him,’’ our source lamented. He disclosed that Pa Uta¯€~ €‚~ Â?„ŠŠ‡ ~ {q~ Â?‡~ Âżq z~ abroad but the plan was put on hold due to John’s absence. ¡ ˆxÂŻ x Â„~ ¸ qˆz~ {€¯€š~ €z{‡ ~ {q~ Âż}~ €ƒ€~ {q~ Turkey but no concrete action has been taken since he made the promise. He is your friend, please help us speak with him. He has not been coming home regularly and it got worse since he was married to his French girlfriend. He only calls on phone to get update on the situation of things at home.â€?


Sports/Women Football


with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

NFA unfazed by Ebola


he Namibian Football Association (NFA) has assured that outbreak of Ebola in some West Africancountries will not dampen the country’s resolve to successfully host African Women’s Championship (AWC), slated for October 11-25. Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Ghana are the three West African countries that will feature at the championship. Secretary General of the football body, Barry Rukoro told journalists at a launch in Windhoek that the Local Organizing q††„C‡‡~¸ š~ˆ€‚~{ˆ‡~ situation under control and is working together with the health authorities. “Ebola is a dangerous disease and we appreciate the concerns of all. The LOC is working closely with the health authorities to make sure that it does not happen here. Of the participating countries, Nigeria is the only coun-

{|}~{ˆ€{~„‚~€0‡`{‡ ~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ disease. Therefore, Nigeria is a concern but we are working around the clock to make sure that they don’t transport Ebola to Namibia,â€? Rukoro said. “We have people on the ground in terms of how to test for the disease and there are measures in place. They will be tested in their own countries, but also here in Namibia before they are declared as ž{~{q~`q†ƒ‡{‡ Other countries taking part in the biennial competition that also serves as qualifying berth for the FIFA Women’s World Cupinclude Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Cameroon and Algeria. ‡€z ˆ„Š‡‰~„z~€C‡†ƒ{~ {q~ €C|€`{~ Š€|…‡~ `|q  ~ €{~ the stadia of the championship, the Namibian Football Association (NFA) has promised to throw all the gates open to the public free. Rukoro said tickets can be collected at the NFA Football House in Windhoek or at Compu ticket outlets in Checkers and Shoprite retailers countrywide. “There will be new tickets for every game, and the general public should get their tickets before each game,â€? Rukoro said. “We are busy talking to school principals because we want them to engage the youth to come to the stadiums and support the teams.

Confluence Queens decamp players


ollowing the directive of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to suspend the Women Premier league (WPL) till the conclusion of the African Women Championship holding from October 11-25 in Namibia, the manage†‡z{~q•~ qz¿x‡z`‡~ x‡‡z‚~ FC of Lokoja has decided to send their players home. Spokesperson of the club, Ojo Tosin, who made this known, said that the players were given 18days break to be with their families and refresh ahead of the two remaining games €…€„z‚{~  €†€ €~ x‡‡z‚~ expected to hold in Novem-

ber. “The management decided to allow the players go on a short break, as a result of the AWC, where Nigeria is taking part in. We cannot continue to camp the players while there is no game. So, the management decided to declare a short break. “All the players who are expected to return for the games against Adamawa x‡‡z‚~ „ŠŠ~ Â?‡~ `q††xz„cated with as soon as possible,â€? she said. qzÂżx‡z`‡~ x‡‡z‚~ €|‡~ currently placed 4th on the Nigeria Women Premier League.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Namibia 2014: Super Falcons are on course —Nwabuoku


kipper, Evelyn Nwabuoku says the Super Falcons are on the march to reclaim their title at the African Women Championship holding in Windhoek, Namibia from October 11-25, 2014. From Abuja where the Super Falcons are presently `€†ƒ„zÂ…~ €‚~ {ˆ‡}~ ƒx{~ žz„‚ˆing touches to their preparations for the champion‚ˆ„ƒ‰~ {ˆ‡~ †„ ÂžÂ‡ÂŠ Â‡|~ ‚€„ {ˆ‡~ players are responding well to training programme and there are lots of positives to show. “There are a lot of improvements within the Super Falcons’ team right zq ÂĄ~ ˆ‡~ €C„{x Â‡~ {q €| Â‚~ trainings and matches we’ve played so far have shown how ready and prepared we are for the competition,â€? she said. She assured Nigerians that reclaiming the African title in Namibiaremains their priority even in the face of the crisis in the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). “We are not even thinking of the crisis, because we are determined to bring back the trophy and this is a ½x€Š„ž‡|~•q|~{ˆ‡~ q|Š ~ xÂƒÂĄ~ Everyone’s dream is to be there,â€? she added. ˆ‡~ |‡…|‡C‡ ~ xƒ‡|~ €Šcons drop in the latest FIFA |€z¯„z…‚‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~‚ˆ‡~€C|„Â?x{ed to the inability of the team {q~ƒŠ€}~ˆ„…ˆ~ƒ|qžŠ‡~„z{‡|z€tional matches.

“I’m not surprised at all, with this problem surrounding our football. You can imagine that we went down because we didn’t play quality friendly matches. We only come to camp, play against boys which are cheap opponents and with it we feel we have prepared the team. “We have to play quality

matches to test our strength because I believe FIFA uses that too to assess teams. Sometimes, when I look at some of these countries, I weep because, I’m sure they €|‡~ zq{~ Â?‡C‡|~ {ˆ€z~ x‚¥~ {~ „‚~ just that we don’t prepare enough. “We ought to have passed this stage in Africa.

‡~ €|‡~ •€|~ �‡C‡|~ {ˆ€z~ †q‚{~ of these countries. But due to our lack of organisation and preparation, we still feel inferior to them. NFF need to do more to improve,� she added. The Super Falcons arein Group A alongside Zambia Cote d’Ivoireand hosts, Namibia.

Falcons don’t intimidate us – Shepolopolo


he Shepolopolo of Zambia are growing „z~`qzž Â‡z`‡~€ˆ‡€ ~ of next month’s African Women Championship in Namibia and have told eight-time champions, Super Falcons to be ready for war as they will not be intimidated by their pedigree in the competition. Rated as outside contenders for the 2014 AWC title, Zambia are in group A alongside host countryNamibia, Nigeria and Ivory Coast. Assessing his team’s chase to qualify from group A into the semižz€Š‚‰~ q€`ˆ~ ˆ€|Š‡‚~ Bwale boasted that they are in the competition to prove their worth and not even the Super Falcons can stop them from achieving their dream to seal a world cup ticket. ¡ ‡~ ½x€Š„ž‡ ~ Â’x‚{~ Š„¯‡~ any other team and we will not be intimidated by Nigeria who have won the competition eight times. ¡ ‡~ ½x€Š„ž‡ ~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ AWC championship on merit and we will go for

there as competitors and not mere participants,â€? he said. Bwale, who is boosted by the quality of players in his armoury, hinted that he will be parading €~§Â‡|}~ž{~€z ~Â?€CŠ‡~|‡€ }~ side. “AWC is a big competition and it is vital that we carry healthy players that will represent the country adequately in the championship we shall be `q†ƒ‡{„zÂ…~ „z~ •q|~ {ˆ‡~ ž|‚{~ time,â€? he said.

GFA rues Okoe’s absence


hana Football Association (GFA) is sad {ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ Š€`ÂŻ~ x‡‡z‚~ will miss the services of Florence Okoe at next month’s African Women Championship in Namibia ˆ‡~ „zÂżx‡z{„€Š~ `€ƒ{€„z~ injured her left knee during €~ ½x€Š„ž‡|~ €…€„z‚{~ x|¯„z€~ Faso in March and is yet to Â‚ÂˆÂ€ÂŻÂ‡~q0~{ˆ‡~„zÂ’x|}‰~•q|`„zÂ…~ GFA to drop her from the squad. GFA, Technical Director, Francis Oti Akenteng, while expressing the football house

regrets on the absence of the forward, but believes in the ability of Coach Yusif Basigi {q~žz ~€~ƒ‡|•‡`{~|‡ƒŠ€`‡†‡z{~ for the player. ¡ ‡žz„{‡Š}‰~„{ª‚~§Â‡|}~ƒ€„zful. That is why it’s very good that you have two to three people in a position and I think he has adequately dealt with the situation. “It’s very sad. We wish Okoe was with us. It would ˆ€§Â‡~†€ Â‡~€~ Â„0‡|‡z`‡~€z}way. You know how she xz„ž‡‚~ {ˆ‡~ ˆqŠ‡~ {‡€†‰´~ Akenteng said.

Daily Newswatch


37 Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com


I will never appear before my wife-judge, it is unethical –Taiwo Taiwo SAM POPOOLA


he Military General Court Marshall recently passed 012345 6173178165 9;5 <=>7?5 squad on 12 solders found ?B>F3;5HJ5KB3>7;52?2>76353415 L5 0>Q>6>H75 U5 5 HK15 4BK275 =>?4365 283>Q>636542Q158H701K710534>6V562;>7?5 3415 6HF0>1=65 W1=15 7H35 ?>Q175 J2>=5 3=>2F5 2X2=35 J=HK5 3415 J2BF3;5 8H763>3B3>H75 HJ5 the Court Marshall. What is your take? The military has its own set of laws that governs its activities. Once you enlist in the army you are subjected to that military laws and discipline which €|‡~ Â„0‡|‡z{~•|q†~{ˆ€{~q•~Š€|…‡|~‚q`„‡{}ÂĄ~~ The way human rights is viewed in the Š€|…‡|~‚q`„‡{}~„‚~ Â„0‡|‡z{~•|q†~{ˆ‡~ €}~ it is viewed in the military. This is not {q~ ‚€}~ {ˆ€{~ „{~  q‡‚zÂŞ{~ †€C‡|ÂĄ~ ~ {~  q‡‚~ †€C‡|ÂĄ~ ~ x{„z}~ „‚~ qz‡~ q•~ {ˆq‚‡~ {ˆ„z…‚~ in the military with its own set of laws {ˆ€{~`€zzq{~Â?‡~`qz qz‡ ¥~~ {~„‚~zq{~qzŠ}~ „z~ „…‡|„€¥~~ {~„‚~€ŠŠ~q§Â‡|~{ˆ‡~ q|Š ¥~~ x{~ the issue of death sentence is another †€C‡|~‡z{„|‡Š}~Â?‡`€x‚‡~ ˆ‡z~}qx~{ˆ„zÂŻ~ of the fact .... there was one man in U.S. „z~ €~ †„Š„{€|}~ Â?€||€`¯‚~ ˆq~ ‚ˆq{~ €{~ ˆ„‚~ colleague. He was charged before the military tribunal and was convicted. As •€|~€‚~ ~۠~`qz`‡|z‡ Â‰~{ˆ‡|‡~„‚~zq{ˆ„zÂ…~ sacrosanct about this. The condemned soldiers together with their colleagues ÂŻz‡ ~ ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡}~ ‡|‡~  q„zÂ…~ €z ~ {ˆ‡~ |‡ƒ‡|`x‚‚„qz~ q•~ {ˆ‡„|~ €`{„qzÂĄ~ ~ {~ „‚~ Â’x‚{~ Š„¯‡~ ‚q†‡Â?q }~ ˆq~ ‚{€…‡‚~ €~ `qxƒ~ €z ~ does not succeed. He must be ready to •€`‡~{ˆ‡~`qz‚‡½x‡z`‡‚~q•~ˆ„‚~€`{„qzÂĄ~~ x{~ {ˆ‡z‰~ „{~  q‡‚~ zq{~ ‡z ~ {ˆ‡|‡¥~ ~ ˆ‡}~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ have the right of appeal. Even under the †„Š„{€|}~ Š€ ‰~ {ˆ‡|‡~ „‚~ €~ |„…ˆ{~ q•~ €ƒƒ‡€Š~ to the higher authorities in the military. z ~q•~`qx|‚‡‰~{ˆ‡}~†€}~ €z{~{q~Â?|„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ ˆqŠ‡~ {ˆ„zÂ…~ „z{q~ `„§Â„Š~ Š€ ‰~ Â?‡`€x‚‡~ there were situation by which some persons who were charged before the †„Š„{€|}~ qx|{~ €|‚ˆ€ŠŠ‰~ •qxz ~ {ˆ‡„|~ €}~{q~{ˆ‡~ xƒ|‡†‡~ qx|{‰~`ˆ€ŠŠ‡z…„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~  Â‡`„‚„qz~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ qx|{~ €|Â‚ÂˆÂ€ÂŠÂŠÂĄ~~ Whether or not that one will jail them is €zq{ˆ‡|~†€C‡|~‡z{„|‡Š}ÂĄ HH\>7?5 235 3415 1]8B6165 ?>Q175 9;5 3415 6HF0>1=6V5 W4H5 X=H3163105 2?2>7635 3415 2^>3B015 HJ5 341>=5 5 3H5 341>=5 XF>?43V5 64HBF05 341615 X=H3163>7?5 6HF0>1=65 4205 84H6175 3H5 0>15 >7631205 HJ5 X=H3163>7?5 3H5 91^1=5 3415 6>3B23>H75 JH=5 341K5 3H5 <?435 X=HX1=F;V532F\>7?5H75KH=2F5?=HB70_ „¯‡~ ~‚€„ ~‡€|Š„‡|‰~{ˆ‡~†„Š„{€|}~ˆ€‚~{ˆ‡„|~ q z~‚‡{~q•~Š€ ‚‰~€`{„qz‰~€z ~|‡€`{„qzÂĄ~~ ~ still believe that mutiny is not what they ought to have resorted to. They `qxŠ ~  Â‡Â‚‡|{~ {ˆ‡~ €|†}‰~ {ˆqx…ˆ~ {ˆ‡|‡~ „‚~€Š‚q~€~Š€ ~€…€„z‚{~ Â‡Â‚‡|{„qzÂĄ~~ ~ qzÂŞ{~ ÂŻzq ~ ˆ‡{ˆ‡|~q|~zq{~ Â‡Â€{ˆ~‚‡z{‡z`‡~„‚~ ƒxz„‚ˆ†‡z{~•q|~ Â‡Â‚‡|{„qzÂĄ~ ‡‚„ Â‡Â‚‰~{ˆ‡|‡~ is an avenue to pass your grievance. z}~†„Š„{€|}~`q††€z Â‡|~`qxŠ ~†€¯‡~€~ †„‚{€¯‡~zq{~qx{~q•~„ŠŠ~ „ŠŠ¥~~ €zƒq Â„x†~ †€ Â‡~ €~ †„‚{€¯‡¥~ ~ z~ †„Š„{€|}~ ‚{|€{‡…}‰~ you may propose to come from behind €z ~ }qx~ €|‡~ ۠Â?x‚ˆ‡ Â‰~ „{~ †€}~ zq{~ be entirely the fault of the Garrison q††€z Â‡|ÂĄ~~ {~`qxŠ ~Â?‡~€‚~€~|‡‚xŠ{~q•~ Â?€ ~‚{|€{‡…}‰~zq{~|‡€ŠŠ}~{ˆ€{~ˆ‡~ €z{‡ ~ {ˆ‡†~ {q~ Â…q~ €z ~  Â„‡¥~ ~ •~ ˆ‡~ ˆ€ ~ €z{‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ‚qŠ Â„‡|‚~ {q~ Â…q~ €z ~  Â„‡‰~ ˆ‡~ qxŠ ~ ˆ€§Â‡~ qz‡~„{~„z~‚q†‡~q{ˆ‡|~ €}‚‰~•|q†~ †}~ q z~ |‡€‚qz„zÂ…ÂĄ~ ~ x{~ {ˆ‡z~ {ˆ€{~ does not mean there should be mutiny €…€„z‚{~ ÂˆÂ„Â†ÂĄ~ ~ {~ „‚~ Š„¯‡~ Â?‡„zÂ…~ |„q{qx‚~ €z ~Š„¯‡~ ~‚€„ ~‡€|Š„‡|~„{~„‚~Š„¯‡~‚{€…„zÂ…~€~

Taiwo Taiwo Obayomi, 2nd Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) is a principled lawyer who cannot compromise ethics of the legal profession for the sake of a common man or reasonable man on the street as he puts it. The former Chairman of the Lagos branch of the bar spoke with SAM POPOOLA boldly, declaring that it is unethical for him to appear in any matter before his wife-judge. Apart from talking on other issues including death sentences recently passed on 12 soldiers and Federal Government’s alleged handling of Boko Haram issue with kid gloves. Excerpts:

Taiwo Taiwo

coup. They should be ready to bear the consequences of their action. What is responsible for what >65 0168=>9105 >75 6HK15 `B2=31=65 265 8H76X>=23H=>2F5 6>F17815 HJ5 3415 =K;5 H75 3415 5W4H5B78H7<=K105=1XH=3562>05 had since been replaced? ˆ‡~ ƒq„z{~ „‚~ {ˆ€{~ „z~ ‡§Â‡|}{ˆ„z…‰~ you must give the other person an opportunity to ventilate his own views €z ~{q~‚{€{‡~|‡€‚qz‚~•q|~ˆ„‚~€`{„qzÂĄ~~ q Â‰~ {ˆ‡~ Š†„…ˆ{}‰~„z~{ˆ‡~ €| Â‡z~q•~  Â‡z‰~ ‡~ ÂŻz‡ ~ ˆ€{~  Â€Â†~  Â„ Ă”~ ‡~ ÂŻz‡ ~ ˆ€{~ §Â‡~ Â„ ¥~~ ‡~ƒx{~{ˆ‡†~{ˆ‡|‡‰~€z ~}‡{~ ‡~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ €‚¯‡ ~ {ÂˆÂ‡Â†Ă—~ ¡ ˆ€{~  Â„ ~ }qx~  qĂŒ´~~ He still wanted them to explain. That is what you call fair hearing. You cannot ‡–ƒ‡`{~{ˆ‡~†„Š„{€|}‰~•q|~‚‡`x|„{}~|‡€‚qz‚‰~ to come out openly and tell you of their žz Â„z…‚~ qz~ `‡|{€„z~ †€C‡|‚¥~ ~ ~ ۠~ ‚x|‡~ they must have conducted in-house

investigation which may have informed {ˆ‡†~ {ˆ€{~ ‡~ ˆ€§Â‡~ Â?‡C‡|~ ÂŻÂ‡Â‡Âƒ~ {ˆ„‚~ •q|~ ‚‡`x|„{}~zq{~qzŠ}~•q|~€|†}‰~zq{~qzŠ}~•q|~ {ˆ‡~ ‚€¯‡~ q•~ e spirit de corps but also for {ˆ‡~ ‚€¯‡~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ ˆqŠ‡~ z€{„qzÂĄ~ ~ {~ „‚~ zq{~ everything that you spill out especially „z~ {ˆ‡~ ‚„{x€{„qz~ {ˆ€{~ ‡~ žz ~ qx|‚‡Š§Â‡Â‚~ {q Â€}~„z~ „…‡|„€‰~†q|‡‚q~qz~{ˆ‡~„‚‚x‡~q•~ qÂŻq~ €|€†¥ HB5611K53H5915=120>7?5K;534>7\>7?5 9H=01=>7?5 H75 3415 6F2K>635 61835 H\H5

2=2KU5 5 275 ;HB5 XF12615 2661665 3415 101=2F5 HQ1=7K173g65 K2771=5 HJ5 4270F>7?5 3415 =1F>?>HB65 =20>82F6_5 65 >35 7H35 W>345 \>05 ?FHQ16_5 4>65 K>?435 42Q15 X=HKX3105 H91F5 2B=1FV5 =HJ5 HF15 H;>7\253H5>70>835 =16>01735 HH0FB8\5 Jonathan of possible sponsorship of H\H5 2=2KU ˆ‡|‡~€|‡~{ q~ €}‚~q•~Šqq¯„zÂ…~€{~{ÂˆÂ„Â‚ÂĄ~~ z‡‰~ ~  qzÂŞ{~ ˆ€§Â‡~ {ˆ‡~ „z•q|†€{„qz~ {ˆ€{~

It is highly unethical and under moral reason, it is also bad. What is bad is bad; there is no two names for it. You see when you talk of ethics, it is not compartmentalised

|q•~ qŠ‡~ q}„z¯€~ ‚ƒq¯‡~ q•¥~ ~ x{~ „•~ ~ |‡€ ~ {ˆ‡~ „z{‡|§Â„‡ ~ §Â‡|}~ ‡ŠŠ‰~ ~ €z{~ {q~ believe that he did not say it all. He must ˆ€§Â‡~ÂŻÂ‡Âƒ{~‚q†‡{ˆ„zÂ…~Â?€`¯‰~ƒ|qÂ?€Â?Š}~•q|~ {ˆ‡~‚€¯‡~q•~‚‡`x|„{}ÂĄ~~ |qÂ?€Â?Š}~{ˆ€{~†€}~ Â?‡~ {ˆ‡~ ‚{}Š‡~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ |‡‚„ Â‡z{Ă”~ {ˆ€{~ †€}~ be the style of the various heads of the •q|`‡‚~ ‡~ˆ€§Â‡~„z~ „…‡|„€¥~~ ~ €z{~{q~ŠqqÂŻ~ €{~„{~ ˆ‡z~ ÂĄ ÂĄ ÂĄ~‚{€|{‡ ~{ˆ‡„|~`€†ƒ€„…z‰~~ ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~{ˆqx…ˆ{~„{~ €‚~€~Â’q¯‡~xz{„Š~{ˆ‡}~ started beheading Christians here and {ˆ‡|‡‰~ €z ~ †q§Â„zÂ…~ €…€„z‚{~ x‚Š„†‚~ amongst them. The world community zq ~ q¯‡~ €z ~ ‚€„ ~ ‡~ €|‡~ ž…ˆ{„zÂ…~ a monster here and decided what to  q~ {q~ ‚{€†ƒ~ „{~ qx{ÂĄ~ ~ ~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡~ {ˆ€{~ `x|{€„Š†‡z{~ „‚~ Â?‡C‡|~ {ˆ€z~ qz‚Š€x…ˆ{ÂĄ~~ Don’t forget that we still have to rescue these over 200 poor girls from their stronghold. They may be using them €‚~ ‚ˆ„‡Š ¥~ ~ qqÂŻ~ €{~ ˆ€{~ ˆ€ƒƒ‡z~ „z~ ‚{|€~Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ ‚|€‡Š„‚~€z ~ €Š‡‚{„z„€z‚¥~~ ``q| Â„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ |‡ƒq|{‚‰~ {ˆ‡~ €Š‡‚{„z„€z‚~ ‡|‡~€C€`¯„zÂ…~ ‚|€‡Š~•|q†~ „{ˆ„z~ ˆ‡|‡~ there were children and women. So the ‚|€‡Š„‚~ˆ€ ~{q~ž…ˆ{~Â?€`ÂŻÂĄ~~ z~{ˆ‡~ƒ|q`‡‚‚~ a lot of civilians who had nothing to  q~ „{ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ ž…ˆ{„zÂ…~ ‡|‡~ „z§qŠ§Â‡ ¥~ We should try and give the Federal q§Â‡|z†‡z{~{ˆ‡~Â?‡z‡ž{~q•~ qxÂ?{ÂĄ~~ ‚~€~ †€C‡|~q•~•€`{~{ˆ‡~ |†~ q|`‡‚~€|‡~{|}„zÂ…~ €z ~ q„zÂ…~{ˆ‡„|~Â?‡‚{ÂĄ~~ {~„‚~zq{~‡€‚}~{q~Â…q~ €z ~€C€`ÂŻ~ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~ ˆq~ €|‡~ }qx|~ •‡ŠŠq ~ countrymen but have gone demonised. Apart from that we should try and realise that every military strategy has its own modus oprandi. They will not disclose to us fully what they are doing. Continued on Page 38


Daily Newswatch


FRIDAY, september 26, 2014

I will never appear before my wife-judge, it is unethical Continued from Page 37

But I believe the way they are trying to curtail Boko Haram will be good to Nigeria so far so best. Permit me to ask this personal question. You are a lawyer and your W>J15 >65 25 6>^>7?5 zB0?15 >75 3415 2?H65 State Judiciary. How do you feel if ;HB=5 X=HJ166>H75 9=>7?65 ;HB5 91JH=15 her, how do you address her with the 7H=K2F5 8HB=316;5 ;HB5 ?>Q15 3H5 1Q1=;5 H341=5zB0?1_ People have asked me this question before now. Let me say without minding whose horse is gored. I will never appear before my wife. It is highly unethical and under moral reason, it is also bad. What is bad is bad; there is no two names for it. You see when you talk of ethics, it is not compartmentalised. It is a wider thing and ethically speaking, for me to appear before her, whether as a claimant or for the defendant, or prosecution or defence counsel in a `|„†„z€Š~ †€C‡|‰~ „‚~ ˆ„…ˆŠ}~ xz‡{ˆ„`€Š¥~ ~ ~ „ŠŠ~z‡§Â‡|~ q~„{ÂĄ~ }~žŠ‡~ˆ€ ~Â?‡‡z~‚‡z{~ {q~ˆ‡|~`qx|{~„z~{ˆ‡~ƒ€‚{ÂĄ~~ ~ |q{‡~€~Š‡C‡|~ to the Admn Judge at that time and {ˆ€{~ ~ €z{‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|~ {|€z‚•‡||‡ ¥~~ }~ „•‡~ ˆ€ ~ ‡€|Š„‡|~ ‚‡z{~ {ˆ‡~ žŠ‡~ Â?€`ÂŻ~ to the Admn Judge before he received †}~ Š‡C‡|‰~ `Š€„†„zÂ…~ {ˆ€{~ Â?‡`€x‚‡~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ žŠ„€Š~ |‡Š€{„qz‚ˆ„ƒ~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ ˆ‡|~ €z ~ {ˆ‡~ chambers of the lawyer handling the `€‚‡~ ‚ˆ‡~ `qxŠ ~ zq{~ ˆ‡€|~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|ÂĄ~~ ˆ‡~  Â†z~ x Â…‡~‚‡z{~{ˆ‡~žŠ‡~Â?€`ÂŻ~€z ~ wrote that she had sworn to an oath and nobody had accused her of bias so she should hear the case. The honourable Admn Judge may be right but to me, ~ ‚€„ ~ zqĂ”~ {q~ ˆ‡|~ ‚ˆ‡~ ‚€„ ~ zqÂĄ~ ~ ~ žŠ‡ ~ €~ zq{„`‡~q•~ Â„‚`qz{„zx€z`‡~q•~{ˆ€{~†€C‡|~ in her court and that solved the case. 65>353415J12=5HJ59>26_55 >7815>35>657H35 2?2>7635 3415 F2W5 H=5 X=283>8165 W4235 >65 W=H7?5341=1_ It is not the fear of bias. It is the fear of what a reasonable man would think that I am appearing before my wife. When you use the text of the reasonable man which is the standard we use in legal profession, it is highly unethical for me to appear before my wife. 4235 >65 ;HB=5 01<7>3>H75 HJ5 3415 =126H729F15K27_ The reasonable man is the ordinary man on the street. What would the ordinary man on the street be saying, interpreting “the husband is appearing before his wife, who is a judgeâ€?. If you are the lawyer on the other side, or defendant or claimant, of course  Â‡Âžz„{‡Š}‰~}qx~ÂŻzq ~{ˆ€{~}qx~ˆ€§Â‡~Šq‚{~ your case. This is especially if my case is good and she gives judgment in my favour, there is every tendency for the ordinary man to read meanings into her decision that what else would you expect? Is he not the husband of the trial judge? If she gives it against me, there would still be tongue wagging: maybe they have family quarrel at home. She is trying to take it out on ÂˆÂ„Â†ÂĄ~ ˆ„`ˆ‡§Â‡|~ €}‰~  Â‡Âžz„{‡Š}‰~ €‚~ €~ †€C‡|~ q•~ ƒqŠ„`}~ €z ~ ƒ‡|‚qz€Š~ |xŠ‡‰~ ~ will not appear before my wife. My case will never go to her court. 4235WHBF05;HB520Q>615F2W;1=65W4H5 appear before their relations q~ |‡Š€{„qz‚~ €|‡~  Â„0‡|‡z{~ •|q†~ „•‡~ and husband. It has happened before „z~qz‡~`€‚‡~q•~ÂĄ~ÂĄ~ÂĄ~ ~ˆ€§Â‡~•q|Â…qC‡z~§Â‡|}~ vividly. I think it is one Adio against Iwo Local Government. It was when one of the accused accused one of the judges on

Taiwo Taiwo

the panel of the Court of Appeal, Justice Atinuke Ige of the blessed memory, of being bias because her husband, Chief Bola Ige (SAN), was the governor of the Oyo state. The Supreme Court said no. There could never be any likelihood of bias. The Supreme Court said it wasn’t a personal case. It was a case involving the government and some parties, so she could not have had any interest in {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|ÂĄ~ ~ {~ „‚~ §Â‡|}~  Â€Â„‚}~ •q|~ ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~ like us whose wife is on the bench. In some cases, we need to be very careful even where our cases are good. Like I said I will never allow my case to go to her court. In fact she would not even ˆ‡€|~„{‰~„z~{ˆ‡~ž|‚{~„z‚{€z`‡¥ How do you assist each other X=HJ166>H72FF;56X12\>7?_ Professionally speaking, assistance is not as to the facts but as to the law. Evidence Act, current decisions on any issue on evidence or current decisions by the Supreme Court, may be brought to her notice or she even ask have you seen so-so case, it was decided on so-so date and issue, those are the legal issues

we discuss in the house. Don’t forget we have two kids who are lawyers; we €ŠŠ~ Â„‚`x‚‚~Š‡…€Š~†€C‡|‚~„z~{ˆ‡~ˆqx‚‡~€‚~ to the law but not as to the fact. H76>01=5 275 2FF1?23>H75 9;5 K7163;5 731=723>H72F58H701K7>7?53415 101=2F5 HQ1=7K1735 HJ5 1]3=2|zB0>8>2F5 \>FF>7?5 >753415 H=34| 263V5W41=150H5;HB534>7\5 >?1=>25 6327065 265 J2=5 265 >66B15 HJ5 3415 =BF165HJ5F2W5>658H781=710_ You see the issue of the Amnesty International is a very daisy one. This is in the sense that Amnesty International, as a group, has a policy. This is based on the fact that they are the mouthpiece of those who safeguard the human rights and who are against a lot of atrocities Â?‡„zÂ…~ `q††„C‡ ~ Â?}~ Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~ agencies or organs all over the world, not only Nigeria. The issue of extrajudicial killing is a very serious one. I believe that even in the war, once you catch an enemy and he surrenders, under the military code, you should not kill that enemy again. He must be brought to trial. He could also be used as exchange between one country or

Any military commander could make a mistake not out of ill will. Manpodium made a mistake. In military strategy, you may propose to come from behind and you are ambushed, it may not be entirely the fault of the Garrison Commander. It could be as a result of bad strategy, not really that he wanted them to go and die

the other. Extra-judicial killing is not the best. People have opined that we are where we are today on the issue of Boko Haram because its former leader that was killed sometimes ago. Some ‚€}~{ˆ„‚~„‚~ ˆ€{~‚ƒ€|¯‡ ~q0~ ˆ€{~ ‡~€|‡~ now having in the country. Amnesty International has its own sources of information. They are not just rouble rousers; they are not speaking because they just want to talk; they are not just accusing the government because they hate the government of President Goodluck Jonathan. They have been acting on some form of information from what they have compiled from all over the country. It’s just only happening in the war front. It’s happening even at the police stations all over the federation. In Lagos State there have been instances of people dying in police detention. I think the government should take it serious so that we won’t be seen as a pariah in the comity of nation. 135 B65 FHH\5 235 3415 6;631K5 HJ5 zB63>815 administration in the country, are you 8HKJH=329F15 W>345 3415 W2;5 HB=5 zB0?165 0>6X17615zB63>815>75341>=58HB=36V5W>34525 X2=3>8BF2=5=1J1=178153H5 2?H65 3231_ Justice administration can be divided into two: civil and criminal. Civil, as pertaining to Lagos is being addressed. I want to state without any mincing of words that we lawyers have a lot to do in de-congesting our courts as relates {q~ `„§Â„Š~ †€C‡|‚¥~ ~ ~ Šq{~ q•~ `€‚‡‚~ z‡‡ Â‡ ~ not to get to courts. A lot of cases qx…ˆ{~{q~ˆ€§Â‡~Â?‡‡z~‚‡CŠ‡ ~Â?}~ ÂĄ~~ ~ Šq{~ q•~ `€‚‡‚~ qx…ˆ{~ {q~ ˆ€§Â‡~ Â?‡‡z~ ‚‡CŠ‡ ~ if lawyers gave honest advice to their clients as to their standing legally from decided cases, from authorities even from the law. But we don’t do it. The Lagos State Judiciary is trying its best, because I practice mostly in Lagos in {‡|†‚~ q•~ •€‚{‹{|€`¯„z…‰~ ‚‡z Â„zÂ…~ †€C‡|~ {q~ xŠ{„ qq|‰~ ‚‡z Â„zÂ…~ †€C‡|‚~ {q~ arbitration and there is what is called ¡ ‡CŠ‡†‡z{~ ‡‡¯´¥~~ ~ ‡‡¯~„‚~‚‡{~€‚„ Â‡~ in December with no normal court Â?x‚„z‡‚‚~ ‡–`‡ƒ{~ ‚‡CŠ‡†‡z{‰~ €|Â?„{|€{„qz~ and reconciliation among parties in some cases. It has yielded much fruits. Justice Ayodele Phillips, the immediate past, Chief Judge of Lagos started it. They will refer some cases to arbitration whereby parties would see the need to ‚‡CŠ‡~ {ˆ‡„|~ `€‚‡‚~ ۠qz…‚{~ {ˆ‡†‚‡Š§Â‡Â‚~ without going legal way that may be lengthened for donkey’s years in the normal court. But when it comes to the issue of criminal justice, they have a long way to go. The interest of the accused is very paramount. Where }qx~ ˆ€§Â‡~ €~ `|„†„z€Š~ †€C‡|~ Â…q„zÂ…~ qz~ €z ~ qz~ •q|~ {ˆ|‡‡‰~ •qx|‰~ q|~ ž§Â‡~ }‡€|‚~ „‚~ very bad. Some accused persons have not seen inside the courtroom for the ƒ€‚{~ {ˆ|‡‡~ }‡€|‚¥~ ~ ˆ‡}~ €|‡~ •q|Â…qC‡z~ in detention. Some of government agencies would keep suspects in cell •q|~ {ˆ|‡‡‰~ •qx|‰~ ž§Â‡~ †qz{ˆ‚~ „{ˆqx{~ charging them to court. These are the fault of the security agencies. Not really the fault of the court, because the court cannot do much other than ˆ€{~€|‡~žŠ‡ ~Â?‡•q|‡~„{ÂĄ~~ ~ €z{~{q~…„§Â‡~ kudos to the immediate past Chief Judge of Lagos, Justice Phillips. She did a lot in releasing awaiting trial people. I believe the present Chief Judge, Justice Oluwafunmilayo Atilade, who incidentally is the sister of Justice Phillips, would follow her footsteps.


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, september 26, 2014


Police harassment: Lawyer petitions IGP FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


awyer to the Oguntola royal family of Ijoku, Sagamu Area of Ogun State, Yemi Oladimeji has asked the Inspector General of Police (IGP), to put an end to allegation of harassment and intimidation of the family members by men of the Nigeria Police. The royal family also revoked the ƒq ‡|~ q•~ €Cq|z‡}~ „{~ Â…|€z{‡ ~ „{‚~ €…‡z{‰~ one Sulex Estate and Properties consultant. According to the petition addressed to the IGP, the royal family argued that principal members of Ijoku royal family led by Chief Adeyinka Adebayo, were arrested and interrogated but were later released on bail. The royal family also informed the IGP that an alleged petition sent to the Force CID, Alagbon, by one Idowu Dosumu and Yisa Suraju was devoid of fact, with an addition that the allegation made against the Ijoku royal family could not be validated. The lawyer in his petition then suggested that, “In other to avoid further use of Police to harass and intimidate, we have decided to petition the Inspector General of Police for redress to enable him consolidate all the investigations.â€? The lawyer equally wants the IGP to embark on what he termed an independent investigation with the aim q•~ƒxC„zÂ…~€z~‡z ~{q~•x|{ˆ‡|~ xƒŠ„`€{„qz~ q•~ƒqŠ„`‡~‡0q|{‚¥ While advising that the police should

zq{~ Â?‡~ x‚‡ ~ {q~ ‚‡CŠ‡~ ƒ‡|‚qz€Š~ ‚`q|‡‚‰~ the lawyer noted that the royal family had executed warrant of possession through court judgments from an Ogun State High Court, which he said was €$|†‡ ~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ qx|{~q•~ ƒƒ‡€Š~‚„C{„zÂ…~ in Ibadan. According to the petition, “Immediately after the execution of the warrant of possession, some people wrote frivolous and false petition to the Force CID, Alagbon with the sole aim of using the police to subvert the enforcement of the court order. OPC members, miscreants are presently qz~ {ˆ‡~ Š€z ~ {ˆ|‡€{‡z„zÂ…~ {q~ €C€`ÂŻ~ them should they venture to visit the judgment property. “Since disobedience to any lawful order amounts to lawlessness which should not be encouraged in this present day, particularly the use of force and intimidation to subvert lawful order. We strongly appeal to you to cause an x|…‡z{~ „z§Â‡Â‚{„…€{„qz~ „z{q~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|~ and anybody found culpable should be made to face the full wrath of the law.â€? It would be recalled that Justice Bode Popoola of the Ogun State High Court had in his judgement in suit q‹~ žŸžºĂŽ~ „z„{„€{‡ ~ Â?}~ q‚„Š€{~ Ososanwo, Alhaja Rabiu Onalesi and Basiriyu Dosumu (for themselves and on behalf of Oguntola family, against Gbenga Abayomi Akinlaja held that Oguntola family are entitled to the statutory rights of occupancy in respect of the parcel of land at Mosimi village,

Suleiman Abba

Ijoku, Sagamu. The judge had also issued an order of perpetual injunction restraining the defendant (Akinlaja), his agent or privies from further trespass on the land. Even, the Court of Appeal in Ibadan had also its judgment delivered

by Justice Chidi Uwa dismissed the €ƒƒ‡€Š~žŠ‡ ~Â?}~ ¯„zŠ€’€~qz~{ˆ‡~Â…|qxz ~ that it lacked merit. ˆ‡~ qx|{~ q•~ ƒƒ‡€Š~ €$|†‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ judgement of the lower court and € €| Â‡ ~ ­Â‰~ ­­­~ €‚~ `q‚{~ „z~ •€§qx|~ q•~ the Oguntola family.

Suspect docked Justice from foreign lands over alleged Man seen with missing UV student being sought land scam FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


50-year-old Fausat Arikowe, has been dragged before an Ebute-Meta Chief Magistrates’ Court over allegation of land scam. The suspect was alleged to have unlawfully obtained the sum of N2.5 million from one Onyemeka Chijioke, under the pretence of given out her half plot of land for sale. The police told the court, presided over by Magistrate Nurudeen Ajayi that the defendant had on April 4, 2014, used a land at Peace Estate, Ipaja, Lagos, to commit the alleged crime. Part of the charged reads; “That you Fausat Arikowe, and others at large sometime in the month of April , 2014 at Peace Estate, Ipaja Lagos, in the Lagos magisterial district, did conspire amongst yourselves to commit •‡Šqz}~{q~ „{~‚{‡€Š„z…‰~€z ~{ˆ‡|‡Â?}~`q††„C‡ ~ €z~q0‡z`‡~ƒxz„‚ˆ€Â?Š‡~xz Â‡|~ ‡`{„qz~°~q•~ the Criminal Law of the Lagos State, 2011. “That you Fausat Arikowe and others now at large on the same date, time and day did conspired among yourselves to obtain the sum of N2.5m from one Onyemeka Chijioke, under the pretence that you have a half plot of land for sale at Ipaja, knowing same to Â?‡~•€Š‚‡~€z ~{ˆ‡|‡Â?}~`q††„C‡ ~€z~q0‡z`‡~ ƒxz„‚ˆ€Â?Š‡~xz Â‡|~ ‡`{„qz~¹°~q•~{ˆ‡~ |„†„z€Š~ Law of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011.â€? In the charge, the police prosecutor, Inspector Richard Odigie also informed the `qx|{~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ €ŠŠ‡…‡ ~ q0‡z`‡‚~ `qz{|€§Â‡z‡‚~ ‡`{„qz~°Â‰~¹°~€z ~°º²~q•~{ˆ‡~ |„†„z€Š~ € ~ of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011. The defendant however pleaded not guilty to all the charges. This made the presiding †€…„‚{|€{‡~{q~€ Â†Â„C‡ ~{ˆ‡~ Â‡Â•Â‡z Â€z{~{q~Â?€„Š~ in the sum of N500, 000, with one surety in like sum. ˆ‡~†€C‡|~ˆ€‚~Â?‡‡z~€ Â’qx|z‡ ~{„ŠŠ~ `{qÂ?‡|~ 29, 2014 for mention.


man authorities believe is the last person seen with a University of Virginia student before she disappeared is being sought on arrest warrants charging him with reckless driving. But they say they also want to talk to him about the missing teen. Virginia State Police issued warrants for Jesse Matthew on a charge of misdemeanor reckless driving, Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy Longo said at a news conference Sunday. Matthew has not been charged in {ˆ‡~  Â„‚€ƒƒ‡€|€z`‡~ q•~ ¹ºÂ‹}‡€|‹qŠ ~ Hannah Graham, who was last seen ‡€|Š}~qz~ ‡ƒ{ÂĄ~¹~„z~ ˆ€|Šq{{‡‚§Â„ŠŠ‡¥ Longo said police want to talk to Matthew, who was seen with Graham before she disappeared. “I believe Jesse Matthew was the last person she was seen with before she vanished off the face of the Earth because it’s been a week and we can’t find her,â€? Longo said. “I’ve made no mistake about it. We want to talk to Jesse Matthew. We want to talk to him. We want to talk to him about his interaction with this sweet, young girl we can’t find,â€? Longo said. Longo said Matthew had stopped by the Charlottesville Police Department’s station Saturday with several family members and asked for a lawyer. He was provided with a lawyer but left in a vehicle at a high rate of speed that endangered other drivers and led to the reckless driving charge, according to the police chief. He said Matthew was there for about an hour.

Virginia State Police spokeswoman said in an email late Sunday that State Police officers were conducing “surveillanceâ€? of the vehicle at the time but did not pursue Matthew. Police said they have focused on Graham’s movements the night of Sept. 12 and into the early morning ˆqx|‚~ q•~ ‡ƒ{ÂĄ~ ¹¥~ |€ˆ€†‰~ €~ sophomore from northern Virginia, met friends at a restaurant for dinner, stopped by two parties at off-campus housing units and left the second party alone, police have said. Surveillance videos showed her walking, and at some points running, past a pub and a service station and then onto the Downtown Mall, a seven-block pedestrian strip lined with shops and restaurants. “Somebody’s gotta know where she is and we want to know who that person or persons are,â€? Longo said. “I don’t want to get tunnel vision just because we have a name, just because we saw her with a particular person,â€? he said. Graham’s parents appeared at the news conference and her father, John Graham, appealed for anyone with any information to call a police tip line. “This is every parent’s worst nightmare,â€? John Graham said. “We need to find out what happened to Hannah and make sure it happens to no one else.â€? More than 1,000 volunteers participated in a weekend search for Hannah Graham, according to authorities.

Graham’s disappearance has sent a ripple of fear through the quiet college town of Charlottesville. Students have said they’ve begun walking in pairs at night and are paying closer attention to their surroundings. The university president, Teresa A. Sullivan, issued a statement Sunday saying the university was committed to helping authorities in the search for the missing woman and “return her safely to her family.� “We are cooperating fully with law enforcement authorities as they continue their investigation,� the emailed statement said.

Andrew Shurtleff

Daily Newswatch


Crime Friday, September 26, 2014

Is Africa losing the battle against corruption? By Stefan Gilbert


orruption remains one of the most pressing challenges facing developing states and Africa in particular, as it substantially undermines development and general prosperity on the continent. This is despite the emergence of strong international legal frameworks, such as the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), which was q { ~ z~°­­»~ z ~ ~ z~| { ~ }~ 140 countries. This was quickly followed by the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption (AUCPCC), which the Africa Union (AU) adopted in 2003 and which has z~| { ~ }~»²~ ~ |~ { { ¡ Indeed, the past decade has seen the proliferation of national anti-corruption commissions and the establishment of q$` ~q ~q x z ~ ~ | `| ~ }~ the above conventions. The donor community has provided millions of dollars to governments z ~ ` § ~ q` {}~ {q~ q { |~ 0q|{ ~ {q~ address corruption and its root causes. § |{ ~ {~ ~ ~{ qx ~ C ~ ~ any, positive results have been accrued. Given that the theory and practice in this ~ | ~ ` | }~ zq{~ q|¯ z ~ {~ }~ ~ time to revisit this problem and explore alternative options. According to most of the available indicators, the war on corruption is at a standstill. In fact, these indicators show that corruption is actually increasing in countries where its impact is likely to be most harsh. Globally, the average country scores produced by Transparency International (used for their ranking system), between 2000 and 2013 have qz ~ q z~ }~ ­ ²~ qz~ ~ ` ~ q ~ ±~ {q~ ±­~ (1 representing low levels of perceived corruption, and 10 the highest). The World Bank indicators on control of corruption provide a more nuanced variation. These indicators show that between 1996 and 2012, corruption has become worse in low and highincome states that are members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), while lowermiddle, upper-middle and high-income non-OECD countries show marginal improvements. For sub-Saharan Africa, { ~ `q| ~ |q ~ |q ~»» °±»~{q~»­ ²±²~ (out of 100, where a high score indicates less corruption). To be fair, much criticism has been levelled at these indicators, as they are primarily based on perception surveys and don’t provide any quantitative evidence for actual levels of corruption. The ranking system used by Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, in particular, has been heavily criticised for its methodological bias against African and other developing states. That said, measuring corruption is problematic, as by its very nature it is a concealed and secretive practice, and can thus only be measured by public perceptions or proxy indicators. | } ~ 0q|{ ~ {q~ `q {~ `q||x { qz~ have increasingly focused on contextual factors, such as transparency, accountability, and rule of law; an absence of which allows corrupt | `{ ` ~{q~¿qx| ¡ Closer consideration of such contextual z ` {q| ~ ` z~ ~ C |~ z~ { ~ `¯~ q ~ |q | ~ z~ { z ~ `q||x { qz¡~

Lamorde, EFCC boss

Of the 46 sub-Saharan African states tracked by the Mo Ibrahim Foundation |q ~ °­­­~ {q~ °­±° ~ |q | ~ z~ { ~ ~ of accountability has also stagnated, with only a marginal average increase (1,36 on a scale of 100). Some 21 of the 46 countries show negative results since the year 2000. Although human development has | z~ z ` z{ }~ ¸ z~ § | ~ z`| ~ of 10,8, on a scale of 100), both rule of law and human rights have experienced an average decrease (-1,8 and -2,4, respectively). Corruption in bureaucracy has shown a marginal increase (3,4 on a scale of 100), however this is due only to several strong exceptions, with 30 of the 46 countries showing a zero or negative change. In sum, when looking at a graph of most governance-related indicators for countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the {~±²~} | ~ }~ ~`qz { z{ }~¿ { ~ ~ not negative, line. Viewed in tandem with high rates of economic growth, the conclusion could ~ | z~{ {~{ ~ z { ~q ~{ ~ z }~ resource-extraction-fuelled economic boom are being accrued by a few: the political and economic elites who are becoming increasingly distant from

companies transporting goods across the `qz{ z z{ ~ x {~ }~ z`q| q| { ~ C}~ `q||x { qz~q ~{| $`~q$` ~ { z~{ |~ overall costs. Unscrupulous behaviour by the larger multinational companies, however those who have the means and resources to avoid engaging in explicitly corrupt practices - is one of the reasons why the z { qz~ q ~ `q||x { qz~ `qz{ zx ~ {q~ ~ hotly debated. Many anti-corruption actors claim that UNCAC and AUCPCC do not extend far enough, and exclude practices that, although technically legal in most cases, should fall under their umbrella. For instance, transfer pricing, tax avoidance and secrecy jurisdictions, issues emanating and resulting from the legal frameworks and agreements within the developed world, and often to { ~ z {~ q ~ x { z { qz ~ `q z ~ and the wealthy elite globally, should also be included in the discourse on corruption. Modernisation and increased international communication - or, put another way, the increased complexity of the globalised world - has seemingly made it easier to engage in legally or ethically questionable behaviour. z~ z z ~ { |z { § ~ |q ` ~ {q~ preventing and combating corruption, one would do well to heed the observation (made by a team reviewing those they govern, and who are willing { ~ 0 `{ § z ~ q ~ § q z{~ ~ to go to greater lengths to protect the in this sector), that giving money to status quo. governments where corruption is The discourse on corruption is beset systemic is a waste of resources. by a troubling argument, namely that z ~` zzq{~ `{~{ ~ z ` | ~q ~ all modern states went through a period `q||x { qz~{q~ z ~ z~ ~ z` | ~ 0q|{~{q~ of high corruption, and that this is a {q ~{ ~ | §}~{| z¡~ q |~ C z{ qz~ x {~ normal part of development. Some even therefore be paid to what governments | x ~ { {~ `q||x { qz~ `{x }~ z { ~ do, rather than say, in order to avoid development, as it ‘greases the wheels’ situations where a reluctant approach to and, in this way, makes doing business tackling corruption is rewarded. |~ z ~ q| ~ $` z{¡ More importantly, however, the That a period of corruption is a developed world must shed the ‘historical imperative’ should be hypocrisy in which their arguments are dismissed as nonsense. While it may cloaked. For as long as they retain their contain some factual basis, it cannot secrecy jurisdictions, which provide be used as an argument to lessen safe havens for the looted money and condemnation of corrupt practices; loopholes for companies cheating particularly in contexts where resources national tax systems, they function as are scarce and rates of poverty extreme. enablers for the problem that they are Similarly, it is generally accepted that dedicated to eradicating. businesses prefer a stable political and At the root of all this is a serious moral economic environment in which to and ethical crisis, shared by politicians operate, where the rules of the game are and economists the world over, clear and applied equally to all. sustaining a system that is inherently Of course, business actors should also biased towards those with resources, be recognised as amoral; intrinsically and increasingly excluding and q{ § { ~ }~ |q {~ | { |~ { z~ q ~ marginalising those who do not. moral or principal good. Hence, such Stefan Gilbert, Senior Researcher, `{q| ~ ~q | { ~ | ~{ | ~ ~ |q {~{q~ Governance, Crime and Justice Division, be made, and many, such as the trucking ISS Pretoria.

Oil Theft: EFCC not under the influence of any govt official


he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has refuted allegation that of being under the z¿x z` ~ q ~ q ~ q§ |z z{~ q$` ~ as canvassed by an online news service. The anti-graft agency said that the on-line news service repeatedly quoted unnamed sources at the EFCC, “made wide ranging allegations linking top q§ |z z{~ q$` ~ q{ ~ q| |~ z ~ serving, to the activities of a certain, Jarret Tenebe, a suspect who is under investigation for oil theft. {~ { { ~ x|{ |~ { {~ { ~ C| x{ qz ~ ascribed to the unknown and unnamed EFCC source “is shocking as it runs

contrary to the established media protocol at the Commission. For the z {~ q ~ | ~ q ~ { ~ x `~ who may have been misled by the C| x{ qz ~ ~ z q| { qz~ z { z ~ from the EFCC to the media are x{ z{ ` { ~ }~{ ~ z { ~q$` ~ spokesperson, which is not the case with this report. “Equally distasteful was the obvious C {~ {q~ { |~ { ~ z`}~ ~ ~ ~ institution that is susceptible to manipulation by vested interests. Claims, that the Commission “had been under intense pressure from several quarters to muddle up the case

in order to spring the suspect free” is an ingenious invention to impugn the integrity of the EFCC. The Commission said that no serving or former petroleum resources minister q|~ x `~ x| ~ ~ z~ z¯ ~ {q~ { ~ investigation in question. Consequently, the Commission dissociates itself from the report in its entirety”. ~ ~ { ~ · C |~ q|~ ` ~ Tenebe, the managing director of Fenix Impex Limited was arrested is still under investigation and in due course { ~ q qz~ ~ ¯ ~ { ~ z z ~ public.”

Daily Newswatch


Super Friday SHIFT: Transforming Nigerian youth FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014



alf of the world’s population of 6.3 billion people are under the age of 25. And so addressing the critical challenges facing the largest youth generation in history is an urgent priority if social and `qzq `~ § q z{~ 0q|{ ~ are to succeed. Nigeria has a population of one hundred and forty million people National Population Census (NPC) 2006) which makes it the most populated nation in Africa. One third of the population however is young people between the ages of 10 to 24 years. The Nigerian National Youth policy of year °­­±~ `{ qz~°~ z ~}qx{ ~ ~ comprising all young persons between the ages 18 and 35 years who are citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. However, one of the major challenges confronting the Nigerian youth is not lack of creativity and talents, but non availability of platform to express their talents and creativity. Many youths are born with innate great talents and skills that could transform the nation into a technologically developed nation and thus place Nigeria among the developed countries in the world. Against this backdrop, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has established a platform to help youths express their skills and ideas through a programme called SHIFT, an annual youth convention which encapsulates career talks, relationship, drama among others. According to the National Youth coordinator, Pastor Belemina Obunge, the theme of this year’s convention ~ § |¿q z ~ | {z ~ aimed at reviving the youth towards realising the greatness deposited in them and achieving their desired goals in life. “RCCG realised a section of the society that should be empowered to make change in our society and that is the youth, having realised that God has blessed this set of people to be a blessing to others, our focus is to ensure that the greatness deposited in them by God is manifested so much so that they go forth impacting

R-L: Bro. Ezekiel Okunowo; Pastor Belemina Obunge, RCCG National Youth Pastor; Pastor Femi Enigbokan; and Bro. Oluwafemi Oyetunde at the press conference in Lagos.

others and be a blessing to their generation”, he said. He said speakers at the convention were carefully selected to steer up the spirit of greatness in the youth to help them shape their future, adding that SHIFT is a programme that celebrates talents and creativity among Christian youths in the country. The programme which has been scheduled for Sept 29 to October 3 at the RCCG Youth Centre, Redeemed camp, Ogun State will have Pastor Enoch Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church, his wife Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye, Dr Oby Ezekwesili, former Minister of Education, Rev Funke Adejumo of Agape Christian Ministries, Rev Joe Olaiya, Pastor Kunle Ajayi among others, ministering to the youth during the convention. He said: “it is erroneous to think of a Nigerian youth not being creative, saying that many youths are creative, but lack the platform to showcase their creativity to the world and the convention aims at

achieving this stressing that the mind blowing testimonies that are being shared in the past becomes the driving force for }qx{ ~{q~ C z ¡ “This is the 12th edition of this programme and we have produced a lot of ambassadors to represent us in other parts of the continent. Many youths in the past have come up to showcase their talents and creativity in this programme z ~ { ~ zx |~ q ~ C z z{ ~ keeps increasing on yearly basis. This is because those q~ § ~ C z ~ q~ `¯~ to inform others, RCCG sponsors the youth that has the best innovation and gives `qz q { qz~ | ` ~{q~{ ~ | {~ z ~ second runner up, it is indeed an inspirational programme that encourages our youths to become entrepreneurs. “Nigeria’s independence will also be celebrated at the programme as the nation clocks 54 on Oct 1, Pastor Obunge said there will be a programme tagged ‘Naija Praise Concert’ and this will be used to appreciate God for Nigeria and also hold a special

It is indeed an inspirational programme that encourages our youths to become entrepreneurs

prayer on behalf of the nation to shift away all forms of social vices that would not move the nation forward. “As the name implies, SHIFT would also be used as a platform to pray for our dear nation that God should shift away corruption, industrial strike actions, terrorism, kidnapping, robbery among others. This is exactly what we are going to do on October 1. There will also be talks from our speakers on Nigeria at 54 and how our youths can contribute towards the developing of their own fatherland”, he said. He said all about SHIFT is to { ¯~ qx{~ ` z ~ z~ C {x ~ by propagating the gospel of ‘Great People, Great Nation’ as instituted by late Prof. Dora Akunyili as well as to pray for the country to be great in terms of development. “It is all about the transformation of our dear country. We need a change in C {x ~q ~qx|~ q ~{q | ~ this country. We want to see youths that will be patriotic and x ~ ~ C |~ | ~ ~ z{~ to achieve change in our method of operation, if things have not been working for Nigeria in its 54th year of existence, we want to raise youth that would change the method and come x ~ { ~ q { z ~ 0 | z{~ and unique that would work for this nation”, he said. The cleric also revealed that the programme is not meant for RCCG youths alone, but all youths across the country , adding that free transportation and accommodation would be provided for those coming from outside Lagos.



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

L-R: Veteran Journalist, Pastor Segun Babatope; Mrs. Esther Kumuyi; General Superintendent, Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor Williams Kumuyi; Osun State Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and Deputy Inspector General of Police, Mr. David Omojola, during the visit of the members of Deeper Life Bible Church to the governor in Osogbo, Osun State‌recently.

Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (right) exchanging pleasantries with the …†‘€’…†� 0‰†‰�…†� '… ˆ‘‡€ &“…ˆ” (•ˆ‘Ž‡…–ˆ 2”Œ‘ˆ $3&2 0 „ 3ˆ�Ž $—ˆ‹‰�€ ˜“…Šˆ ‡“ˆ * €Ž™ 0‰†‰�…†� '… ˆ‘‡€ &“…ˆ” (•ˆ‘Ž‡…–ˆ 2”Œ‘ˆ /‰”‰ �ˆ $” …‘‰ *Ž…ŠŠ‰’ˆ 5€Ž• Š€€‚„ €† ‰”‡ˆ $—ˆ‹‰�€ ˜‰„ …†‡ €—Ž‘ˆ— ‡€ ‡“ˆ �€–ˆ †€ …† “…„ 2‚ˆ 0€„‰† $‹ˆ€‚Ž‡‰ €”Œ‘ˆ

Minister of Works, Mr. Mike Onolememen (left), Minister of State for Works, Prince Adedayo Adeyeye and Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku, (centre) during the 2014 Ministry of € ‚„ 0…†…„‡ˆ …‰Š ‹ …ˆŒ†� …† $‹Ž�‰

L-R: Registrar, University of Ibadan, Professor Olujimi Olukoya; Guest Lecturer, Patrick Quirk and Vice Chancellor, Professor Isaac Adewole, at a lecture on Electoral Security in Nigeria, in Ibadan, Oyo State.

L-R: Vice President, Abuja Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ABUCCIMA), Mr Jude Igwe; ABUCCIMA President, Chief Solomon Nyagba and Director-General, Mr. Joe Wenegieme, at a news conference on the 9th Abuja International Trade Fair in Abuja.

L-R: Non-Executive Chairman, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma; Managing Director/CEO, Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria, Mustapha Chike Obi and former Anambra State Governor, Peter Obi, during the 105th Founder’s Day anniversary of King’s College, in Lagos...recently. Photo: Padonu Segun

L-R: Commissioner for Local Government Affairs, Sokoto State, Alhaji Faruk Yabo; Gen. Muhammadu Buhari and Governor of Sokoto State, Aliyu Wamakko, during the inauguration of 234 ambulances for the 234 wards Rural Primary Health Centres in Sokoto State.

L-R: Bride mother, Mrs Atinuke Shoneye; Groom father, Mr. Dan Ukana; newly wedded couple, Mr. Ojo Ukana and his wife Oluwakemi; Groom Mother, Mrs Stella Ukana and the bride father Mr. John Shoneye, during Dan Ukana son’s wedding held in Lagos...recently.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Former Lagos State governor, Alhaji Lateef Jakande (left), Executive Chairman, Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders (CACOL), Debo Adeniran; Barrister Muiz Banire and Mohammed Fawehinmi, at the 2014 CACOL annual convention held at Ikeja, Lagos‌recently.

L-R: Group Head, Business Services, Mr. Wunmi Adeniyi; Executive Director, Ivory Banking, 0 „ 0‰ › $‚™€‹€’ˆ +ˆ …‡‰�ˆ %‰†‚œ„ 0‰†‰�…†� '… ˆ‘‡€ &(2 0 ,Œˆ 6ˆ‚…‹€ 0‰†‰�…†� Director, HISL, Mr. Segun Akanji; Company Secretary, Mrs Oluwatomi Ojo and Group Head, &€˜ › %‰†‚…†� 0 '‰–…—„€† 5ˆ�“‰ —Ž …†� ‰ ™ ˆ„„ ‹ …ˆŒ†� ‡€ ‰††€Ž†‘ˆ +ˆ …‡‰�ˆ %‰†‚œ„ …†…‡…‰Š payment of 20% bid price for Enterprise Bank’s acquisition in Lagos.

L-R: Chairman, Nigerian Institution of Highway Engineers, Mr. Isa Emoebino; Surveyor-General €” ‡“ˆ )ˆ—ˆ ‰‡…€† 3 €”ˆ„„€ 3ˆ‡ˆ 1˜…Š€ 3ˆ ’‰†ˆ†‡ 6ˆ‘ ˆ‡‰ › 0…†…„‡ › €” € ‚„ ' $‹Ž‹‰‚‰ Mohammad and Managing Director, Federal Road Maintainance Agency, Mr. Amuchi Gabriel, at ‡“ˆ 0…†…„‡ › €” € ‚„ 0…†…„‡ˆ …‰Š ‹ …ˆŒ†� …† $‹Ž�‰

0…†…„‡ˆ €” 6‡‰‡ˆ ”€ 3€˜ˆ $Š“‰�… 0€“‰’’ˆ— ‰‚…Š ‡“… — Šˆ”‡ ‰‘‘€’™‰†…ˆ— ‹› „€’ˆ €”Œ‘…‰Š„ during a visit to the Mole power 33 KVA transmission line in Borno State.



L-R: Anglican Bishop of Lagos, Bishop Adebola Ademowo; Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Oluwafunmilayo Atilade; Bishop of Lagos Mainland, Most Revd Adebayo Akinde and Bishop of Lagos West, Rt. Revd James Odedeji, at the 2014/2015 Legal Year Church Service in Lagos.

L-R; Wife of the Founder of Lagos Comic Conference, Mrs. Ayodele Elegba; Events Director, /‰�€„ &€’…‘ &€†”ˆ ˆ†‘ˆ 0 %‰‹„ $‹€Š‰ …† % ‰†— 0‰†‰�ˆ 'ŽŒŠ 3 …’‰ )€€—„ 3Š‘ 0…„„ '…„“‰ Agarwal and a Director of the Lagos Comic Conference, Mr. Wole Adesite, at the 2014 Lagos Comic Conference which took place at the Indoor Sports Complex of the University of Lagos... recently.

L-R: Sadiq Daba; Wangi Mba-Uzoukwu, Regional Director, West Africa, M-Net; Kunle Afolayan and Kehinde Bankole, during the AfricaMagic exclusive screening of October 1, held at Silver Bird Galleria, Victoria Island, Lagos...recently.

/ 5 % ‰†— 0‰†‰�ˆ *€Š—‹ˆ � 1…�ˆ …‰† % ˆ˜ˆ …ˆ„ 3Š‘ 0”€† %‰„„ˆ› &€€ —…†‰‡€ 2�Ž—ˆ 2‹‰ Festival, Chief Fassy Yusuf; Chairman Ojude Oba Festival Committee, Otunba Wahab Osunusi; Member, Ojude Oba Festival Committee, Chief (Mrs) Bisi Osiogun, at the world press conference “ˆŠ— ‰‡ ‡“ˆ 3‰Š‰‘ˆ €” ‡“ˆ $˜Ž�‰Šˆ €” ,�ˆ‹ŽŠ‰†— ‡€ ‰††€Ž†‘ˆ ‡“ˆ ˆ—…‡…€† €” ‡“ˆ 2�Ž—ˆ 2‹‰ Festival...recently.


Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014

Allyson Davies’ style of ‘Storytelling Through Adiré’ ADA DIKE


~ }~ | ª ~ q| q {~ |{ { ~ ~ | ¡~ ¯ ~ ¯xz } ~ z ~ |~ }~ § ~ {| z q| ~ |{~ x z ~ z~ | ~ ` z~ ~ ¯ z ~ to turning an ash to treasure. ~ ¯ ~ ~`qz{ zx ~{q~| q { qz~ | ~ z ~ z ~ | ` ª ~ | ` ~ `x {x| ~ z~ q ª ~ z ~ ~q§ |~{ ~ q| ~ |~ x { |~ z ~{ ~ z | ~ z |~q ~ ¯ ~ |{~ z{| ~ } qz~ z ~ § ~| ` z{ }~ |q{ ~ ~ qq¯~qz~ | ~ { ~ z ~ } ~q ~{ { ~ ` ~ ~ { |{q~ | `{ ` ~ q { }~ }~ q|x ~ q z~ z~ qx{ ~ { |z~ Nigeria. { ×~ · {q|}{ z ~ |qx ~ Ù|Ú´ ~ { ~ qq¯ ~ ``q| z ~ {q~ § ~ ~ ~ {qq q ~ q ~ | `{ ` ~ x ~ {qq ~ z~ Ù|Ú~ ¯ z ~ z ~ ~ | |}~ q ~ { ~ z` {| ~ C |z~ z ~ z ~ interpretations. ~ · q ~ C |z ~ | ~ | § ~ |q ~ Ù|Ú~ á Úâ¯ã ~ ~ | `{ ` ~ ` ~ ~ ` z ~ { z`{ qz¡~ ~ C |z ~ | ~ qz` ~ x ~ ~ `q xz ` { qz~ § ~ | ` ~ z ~ q`x z{ ~ q` ~ `qzq `~ z ~ z§ |qz z{ ~ `qz { qz ~ q ~ { {~ { ¡~~ q } ~ ~ ~ { ~ C |z ~ qz~ | z~ |{ q|¯ ~ z ~ q| ´~ } ~ § ¡ ~ ® ~ { {~ · z q|{xz { } ~ ~ z~ | ~ qzª{~ q { z~ q`x z{~ {q|} ~ `x {x| ~ z ~ | z` ~ | { z ¡~ ~ qz ½x z{ } ~ ~ ~qx|~ {q|}~{ |qx ~{ ~ } ~q ~{ ~ x|q z¡~~ ~ ~q ~{ ~ qq¯~ ~{q~ q`x z{~ z ~ | |§ ~ { ~ C |z~ z{ | | { { qz ~ z ~ ¯ z ~ {~ x `~ ¯zq ¡~ { ~ x `qz ` qx }~ z ~ ¶ |ä~ á Úâ¯ãª~ C |z ~ § |} | ~ ~ ¯zq ~ { ~ z ` z` ¡~ ~ C |z ~ | ~ `q qz }~ qxz ~qz~ z{ z ~ `x {x| ~ z ~ |qxz ~x ~ in everyday life in Nigeria. ·¶ {|q}{ z ~ { |qx ~ |äª~ z{ | | { ~ { ~ z z ~ q ~ { ~ C |z ~ ` ~ | ~ {| { qz }~ q|z~ ~ ~ q| ~q ~`q xz ` { qz~ z ~{q~x {~ qq ¡~ ~ C |z ~ q`x z{ ~ q` ~ z§ |qz z{ ~ z ~ `qzq `~`qz { qz ~ q ~{ {~{ ¡~~ ~ qq¯~ q~`qz{ z ~ | `{ ` ~ {qq ~ q|~ |ä~ ¯ z ~{ ~ |q` ~q ~ {| `{ z ~

All hands on deck. People dyeing fabrics at Nike Art Centre, Lagos

natural indigo dye and Nigerian proverbs,” she explained. ~ | § ~ { {~ ~ Ù|Ú~ C |z ~ | ~ z ` z{~ z ~ ` ||}~ ~ ¡~ ~ q~ z{ | | { ~ q ~ z ×~ · q ~ z ~ | ~ ¶Ûz Ü~ Ýz Ý~ Þ|ß Þ¯ß Þ{ß Þªß ~¸ | z ~ {~ ® | ¹¡~ ~ ~ {q ` ~ ~ ~ } q ~q ~ { ¡~ ~}qx|~ }~{q~ ~ ~ z ~ { }~ ¯ ~{ ~ {~ ® | ¡~ ~ qq¯~zq{~qz }~ {x| ~ C |z ~ qxz ~qz~ {| { qz ~ Ù|Ú ~ {~ q~ q ~§ | { qz ~ z ~ q |z~ { { qz ~ q ~ { ~ C |z ~ q x | }~ qxz ~qz~ | z~ |{ q|¯ ¡ ~~· ~ ® | ~ ~qz~{ |~ ~ x{~zq q }~ ¯zq ~ ` ~q ~{ ~ x0 | ~ {q ` ~ ` ¡´ ~ | ` ~q ~{ ~ qq¯~ ` ~ ~ ` x ~{q~ be unveiled soon is 5,000. Additionally, there are proverbs in the qq¯ ~ x` ~ ×~ · {~ ~ {}~ § ~ { {~ | ~ zq } ~{ q ~ ~ { ~ { |~ | ~zq{´ · ~ qq¯~ ~ ~ { ~ | z~ |q§ | ~ {q|}~ z ~ `x {x| ¡~ ~ ~ C |z~ z ~ | ~ | C z~ z~ q{ ~ z ~ z ~qx|~ q { ` { ~ z x ~ q|à Ý¡~ q}q~ ¯ ~ ~ ¡ ¡ ~ |q q|~q ~ |{~ z ~ |{~ {q|} ~`qz{| x{ ~

Dyed fabrics

Adire Patterns are so expressive and mood uplifting. "#4 ' %%"#$ & & 2$ 7 $% $ 3 & *" $ $2 3" ' $% $2 $ %3" ! ~2# +$ & 7 " %3 ' %%"#$& and painted by Niké of Nike Art Centre.

Chemicals for dyeing fabrics

# & ! ' ( !# $ # !)* ( + ! )! , ! !# " $ ! !)* -" ! !) ! " /) !# , # 0 " ! !# ! # + /1 / !

~ x{ x ~ }~ q|~{ ~ q| q| ~qz~{ ~ ~ |qq{ ~ {q|}~q ~ Ù|Ú · z~ { { `~ { | ~ { ~ q}~ q ~ Ù|Ú~ ~ ½x }~ qx{~{ ~ z§ ~ ~{ ~§ ¡´ ~ qq¯~ ~ ~ {qq q ~ q ~ | `{ ` ~ x ~ {qq ~ z~ | `{ ` z ~ |ä ~ z ~ ~ | |}~q ~{ ~

z` {| ~ C |z~z ~ z ~ z{ | | { { qz ¡ z ~ ~ { |ª ~ | ~ {x z{~ q ~ { ~ z § | {}~ q ~ x|| }~ q~ ~ { {×~ ~ · |Ú~ zå¯ãß~ | | ~ {q~ { ~ { ~ | {~ { q ¡~ ~ ~ `q qz }~ ¯zq z~ ~ ¶{ } ª¾ª{ ~ È~ } ª¡~ q } ~{ } ~ ~ ~ xz ~½x `¯~ z ~ }~ { ~ ~ x{ x ~ z ~xz ½x ~qx{`q ¡´~ | } ~ ~ ¯xz } ~ ~` ~qz~{ ~ q§ |z z{ ~{q~ x{~ qz }~ z~{ ~ z {|}~q ~ qx| ~ x {x| ~ z ~ { qz ~ | z{ { qz~ · q~ { {~ ~ ` z~ § ~ {| {~ |{~ z ~ | { ~ { ~ ¯ ~ | ~ { ~ z~ q¯x{ ~ xz~ { { ~ z q~ { ~ z~ q q ~ xz~ { { ~ z ~ |~ dye pits in Kano,” she appealed. q ~ | ~ q ~ `{x| ~ { {~ { ~ {q| ~ about Adire.

Famous Photographer Kelechi Amadi Obi is wearing an Adiré{ |$}~ Tshirt. Adiré{ |$}~ refers to the tied resist method of creating Adiré{ /# * %4 $2 # /7 # +$ / !#

Mother and daughter, Nike and Allyson

CEO of Nike Art Centre, Okundaye, enjoying their new book ‘Storytelling Through Adire

Nike teaching participants how to tie and dye fabrics

Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014


Organisation begins campaign on school enrolment in Yola


Stories by ADA DIKE


ith the aim to encourage street children known in Northern Nigeria as ‘Almajiris’ into schools, an access campaign on school enrolment has begun in Yola, the capital of Nigeria’s northeastern Adamawa State. The campaign, according to Media

Coordinator, 1 GAME Campaign, Okon Nya, €Š‚q~ q0‡|‚~ Š‡€|z„zÂ…~ ‚xƒƒq|{~ Â?}~ ƒ|q§Â„ Â„zÂ…~ more than 10,000 Yola pupils with stationery. Nya stated in a release that: “Initiated by 1 GAME Campaign and supported by the Adamawa State Ministry of Education, {ˆ‡~ ƒŠ€z~ „ŠŠ~ „z§qŠ§Â‡~ €„|„zÂ…~ q•~ †‡‚‚€…‡‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ ‡Š‡`{|qz„`~ †‡ Â„€‰~ € §q`€`}~ §Â„‚„{‚~ {q~ traditional, religious, community, women and youth leaders, town hall meetings and

a door-to door campaign, all with an aim to get children into classrooms and learning,â€? he explained. ~ Š‚q~ Â‚ÂƒÂ‡Â€ÂŻÂ„z…‰~ Âą~ ~ |‡ƒ|‡‚‡z{€{„§Â‡~ in Adamawa, Jackson Akor, said: “We are `q††„C‡ ~ {q~ €`ˆ„‡§Â„zÂ…~ qx|~ qÂ?’‡`{„§Â‡~ q•~ ‡z‚x|„zÂ…~{ˆ€{~‡§Â‡|}~ „…‡|„€z~`ˆ„Š ~ˆ€‚~€``‡‚‚~ to free and compulsory basic education. ~¡ ˆ€{~„‚~ ˆ}~Âą~ ~ˆ€‚~„z„{„€{‡ ~§Â€|„qx‚~ programmes to create access to education for the Nigerian children. ~ ¡ ‡~ €|‡~ …‡C„zÂ…~ ‡§Â‡|}qz‡~ „z§qŠ§Â‡ Â‰~ •|q†~ ƒqŠ„{„`€Š~ Š‡€ Â‡|‚~ {q~ §Â„ŠŠ€…‡~ ˆ‡€ Â‚ÂĄ~ ‡~  qzÂŞ{~

want any child in Yola to be left out of school. ¡ „…‡|„€ª‚~ z„§Â‡|‚€Š~ €‚„`~  x`€{„qz~ q††„‚‚„qz~ ¸ š~ ‡‚{„†€{‡‚~ {ˆ€{~ q§Â‡|~ 141,951 children of school age in Adamawa State roam the streets as beggars without access to education. Only Taraba with ‰¹º~ €z ~ q†Â?‡~ „{ˆ~ ¹°Â‰ĂŽ°~ ˆ€§Â‡~ Š‡‚‚‡|~ amount of street children among states in the country’s North-East region than Adamawa. ~ qz‹‚`ˆqqŠ~ €C‡z Â€z`‡~ „‚~ ˆ„…ˆ‡‚{~ ۠qzÂ…~ Nigeria’s northeastern states with only 49 percent of school age boys and 37 percent of …„|Š‚~q•~{ˆ‡~‚€†‡~€…‡~€C‡z Â„zÂ…~‚`ˆqqŠ¥


|‡§qŠx{„qz~ {ˆ€{~ „‚~ {€¯„zÂ…~ ƒŠ€`‡~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ xŠ{x|‡~ and Tourism sector of Ebonyi state, under the leadership of Commissioner Ikporâ€?. ˆ‡~ ˆq ‡§Â‡|‰~ |‡…|‡C‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ †q‚{~ ‚{€{‡‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ qx{ˆ~ €‚{~ˆ€§Â‡~`qz{„zx‡ ~{q~z‡…Š‡`{~€z ~ relegate the ministry to the background, “with the exception of Ebonyiâ€?. ¡ q§Â‡|zq|~ €|{„z~ Š‡`ˆ„~  Â„ ~ zq{~ †€¯‡~ mistake in appointing Chief Ikpor into the Ebonyi state culture and Tourism ministry. ¡ {~„‚~Â?‡`€x‚‡~q•~{ˆ‡~ƒ|q‹€`{„§Â‡z‡‚‚~q•~ Â?qz}„~ state culture and Tourism ministry that the ‚{€{‡~ Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~ |‡`‡z{Š}~ €``‡ƒ{‡ ~ {q~ ˆq‚{~ { q~`qz‚‡`x{„§Â‡~†‡‡{„z…‚~q•~ ˆ„‡•~ –‡`x{„§Â‡Â‚~ of Culture of the Federation and the one-week °­¹¾~ €{„qz€Š~ ‡‚{„§Â€ÂŠ~ •q|~ |{‚~ €z ~ xŠ{x|‡‰~ NAFEST, coming up any time from now. “We are quite impressed with the disposition of Ebonyi state in promoting culture as well as  Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ„zÂ…~ {qx|„‚†¥~ z ~ „{ˆqx{~ ‚qxz Â„zÂ…~ immodest, the State Council for Arts and Culture, as far as CREI is concerned, remains {ˆ‡~†q‚{~§Â„Â?|€z{~„z~ qx{ˆ~ €‚{~€z ~ „…‡|„€¥´ Ugwu, pointed out that numerous socio‡`qzq†„`~ Â?‡z‡ž{‚~ €Â?qxz ~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ {qx|„‚†~ ‚‡`{q|~„•~…„§Â‡z~{ˆ‡~€C‡z{„qz~„{~ Â‡Â‚‡|§Â‡Â‚ÂĄ

‡|~ q| Â‚Ă—~ ¡ •~ ƒ|qƒ‡|Š}~ ˆ€|z‡‚‚‡ Â‰~ {ˆ‡~ culture and tourism sector has the capacity and potentials to boost the economy of any state, because it also a platform that has direct impact on the people and their communities.â€?

Develop the culture of paying taxes –PMAN/LIRS tell musicians NGO rates Ebonyi high on culture, tourism development


he Performing Musicians ‚‚q`„€{„qz~ q•~ „…‡|„€~ ¸ šÂ‰~ „z~ conjunction with the Lagos State zŠ€z ~ ‡§Â‡zx‡~ ‡|§Â„`‡~ ¸ šÂ‰~ ˆ€‚~ `€ŠŠ‡ ~qz~ „…‡|„€z~€|{„‚{‡‚~{q~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ~ the culture of paying taxes. This position was articulated after a meeting held last week at the Lagos headquarters of LIRS at Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos. Commenting, the association’s Caretaker


q††„C‡‡~ ˆ€„|†€z~ ‡§Â„z~ x``„€zq~ €Â?|„‡Š‰~ said: “Music is a money spinner in our country and contributes greatly to the gross domestic ƒ|q x`{~ ¸ š~ q•~ qx|~ `qxz{|}ÂĄ~ Šqz…‚„ Â‡~ Nollywood, it is the biggest employer of labour in Nigeria today generating millions of naira in income for artistes. ¡ qz‚‡½x‡z{Š}‰~ „{~ „‚~ {ˆ‡~  x{}~ q•~ ‡§Â‡|}~ Nigerian musician to pay tax on their earnings. This is in line with the laws of the Centre of Excellence, Lagos State, under the Fashola administration. If taxes are duly paid, this would automatically result in income for the ‚{€{‡~€z ~Â?}~‡–{‡z‚„qz~Â?‡C‡|~ƒxÂ?Š„`~€†‡z„{„‡‚¥~ While we understand that a lot of artistes are not earning much, but a lot are also earning †„ŠŠ„qz‚~q•~z€„|€~€zzx€ŠŠ}~€z ~‚q~„{~„‚~{ˆ‡„|~`„§Â„`~ duty to pay their taxes,â€? he said. The PMAN helmsman also called on the state to step up the campaign against piracy as this would ensure that artistes are not swindled by pirates and by extension equip them with funds to pay their taxes. “When musicians earn good money then they can pay their taxes and this would `xŠ†„z€{‡~ „z~ €~ Â?‡C‡|~ €…q‚~ {€{‡~ •q|~ x‚~ €ŠŠ‰´~ Gabriel added. q||qÂ?q|€{„zÂ…~ €Â?|„‡Š‰~ €z~ q$`„€Š~ q•~ ~ said: “The need to pay taxes cannot be q§Â‡|‡†ƒˆ€‚„‚‡ ¥~ €}†‡z{~q•~{€–‡‚~ „ŠŠ~‡z‚x|‡~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ|q§Â„‚„qz~ q•~ Â?‡C‡|~ €†‡z„{„‡‚~ ˆ„`ˆ~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡‡z~{ˆ‡~qÂ?’‡`{„§Â‡~q•~{ˆ‡~ €‚ˆqŠ€~€ Â†Â„z„‚{|€{„qz~ ‚„z`‡~„z`‡ƒ{„qzÂĄ~ q|~€~†q|‡~§Â„|€Š~€z ~‡0‡`{„§Â‡~ €…q‚‰~†x‚„`„€z‚~z‡‡ ~{q~Â?‡…„z~{q~ Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ~{ˆ‡~ culture of paying taxes.â€?

zqz‹…q§Â‡|z†‡z{€Š~ q|…€z„‚€{„qz‰~ Centre for Reform Education z„{„€{„§Â‡Â‰~ ‰~ ˆ€‚~  Â‡Â‚`|„Â?‡ ~ €‚~ ‡–`‡ŠŠ‡z{‰~ {ˆ‡~ „z§Â‡Â‚{†‡z{~ €z ~ žz€z`„zÂ…~ ‚{|€{‡…}~ Â?‡„zÂ…~ ‡†ƒŠq}‡ ~Â?}~ Â?qz}„~‚{€{‡~Â…q§Â‡|z†‡z{~„z~{ˆ‡~  Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{~q•~ˆ‡|~`xŠ{x|‡~€z ~{qx|„‚†~‚‡`{q|ÂĄ~~ The organisation challenged states in South East zone of Nigeria to emulate Ebonyi in {|€z‚•q|†„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡„|~ |‡‚ƒ‡`{„§Â‡~ „z„‚{|„‡‚~ q•~ Culture and Tourism. ˆ‡~ –‡`x{„§Â‡~ „|‡`{q|~ q•~ ‰~ qzÂĄ~ ˆ„z ‡~ Â… x~ …€§Â‡~ {ˆ‡~ €‚‚‡‚‚†‡z{~ ˆ„Š‡~ speaking with journalists in Enugu on some Â?x|z„zÂ…~„‚‚x‡‚~€0‡`{„zÂ…~ qx{ˆ~ €‚{~|‡…„qzÂĄ According to the organisation, Ebonyi state, through the Commissioner in charge of the „z„‚{|}‰~ ˆ„‡•~ }€`„z{ˆ~ ÂŻÂƒq|‰~ ˆ€‚~ ~ ‚‡{~ {ˆ‡~ pace in that critical but often neglected sector, ˆ„`ˆ~ €Š €}‚~ ‚‡|§Â‡~ €‚~ €~ „z q ~ •q|~ {ˆ‡~ showcasing of a people’s culture and what they are made of in tourism. CREI noted that as a result of the q§Â‡| ˆ‡Š†„zÂ…~ {|€z‚•q|†€{„qz~ {ˆ€{~ ˆ€ ~ {€¯‡z~ place under the current administration in the ‚{€{‡‰~ ‚`q|‡‚~ q•~ „z§Â‡Â‚{q|‚~ €|‡~ zq ~ „z Â„`€{„zÂ…~ interest to do business in the state, which prides itself as “Salt of the Nationâ€? “As an organization that promotes good Â…q§Â‡|z€z`‡~ „z~ qx{ˆ~ €‚{‰~ €z ~ „…‡|„€~ „z~ general, we are quite impressed with the


Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014

Director of the Port Harcourt #madeofblack search for World Book Capital nominated music talents in Nigeria for national award


s Guinness launched its new ̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~`€†ƒ€„…z~ „{ˆ~€z~ „z{‡|‡‚{„zÂ…~ ž§Â‡Â‹Âˆqx|~ {€¯‡q§Â‡|~ q•~ MTV Base, the company recently ounder of the Rainbow announced its search for Africa’s Foundation and Programme Â?‡‚{~{€Š‡z{~{q~`qŠŠ€Â?q|€{‡~ „{ˆ~„{‚~̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ Director of the UNESCO Pan African ambassador, Fuse ODG, on a Port Harcourt World Book ‚ƒ‡`„€ŠŠ}~ |„C‡z~{|€`¯‰~ Š€`ÂŻ~ q††€z qÂĄ~ Capital 2014 project, Mrs. ˆ‡~̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ €z~ •|„`€z~۠Â?€‚‚€ q|~ Odo Claire ‘Koko’ Kalango, has been ¯„`¯‡ ~q0~{ˆ‡~‚‡€|`ˆ~„z~€~Š„§Â‡~§Â„ Â‡q~†‡‚‚€…‡~ nominated for the prestigious national from his studio in the United Kingdom. honour of Member of the Order of the ~ ˆ€z€„€z~ •|qÂ?‡€{~ {€Š‡z{‰~ x‚‡‹ ‰~ Niger (MON) by President Goodluck ˆ€‚~ |„C‡z~ Š€`ÂŻ~ q††€z q~ {q~ `‡Š‡Â?|€{‡~ Jonathan. ̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻÂĄ~ {~„‚~€~{|€`ÂŻ~{ˆ€{~‚„…z„ž‡‚~xz„{}~ She joins a list of over 300 awardees and communality, intended to showcase that are being honoured for their service Africa and the bold creativity of the continent {q~{ˆ‡~Â?‡z‡ž{~q•~{ˆ‡~z€{„qzÂĄ to the rest of the world. Fuse has left two verses In her teenage years, Mrs. Koko of the track empty for up and coming African Kalango emerged a prize winner of the †x‚„`„€z‚~{q~žŠŠ¥~~ Mobil National Essay Competition with “We are looking for talents with a lot of the title ‘What can I do for my country?’ energy, passion and creativity to write the and represented Nigeria at the Kirby two outstanding verses for Black Commando. Smith Youth Camp organised by the Every song I do showcases Africa and if Lions Club in Arizona for promising you’re going to jump on a song with me, you leaders. have to bring your Black on board, because I •{‡|~ ‚ƒ‡z Â„zÂ…~ ž§Â‡~ }‡€|‚~ |„{„zÂ…~ €~ want to ensure this song connects with the weekly lifestyle column in This Day world. I want the world to see how much of newspapers, she founded the Rainbow Kalango a progressive continent Africa isâ€? Fuse ODG qqÂŻ~ ŠxÂ?~ €z ~ ¯„`¯‡ ~ q0~ {ˆ‡~ Âś ‡{~ Nigeria Reading again!’ campaign in experience in Education, Communications said. At the launch of the campaign in Nigeria, 2005. and Social Development. In recognition of her work, she was She is the Festival Director of the the Managing Director and Chief Executive, invited to serve on the READ Campaign Garden City Literary Festival, now Port Guinness Nigeria Plc, Mr. Seni Adetu informed of the Federal Ministry of Education Harcourt Book Festival. A graduate of {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ z‡ ~ ̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ `€†ƒ€„…z~ Â?}~ (in 2007) and sponsored by the British French from the University of Benin Guinness will ignite the Nigerian spirit for Council to represent Nigeria at the and International Relations from the creativity, encouraging everyone to show Edinburgh International Book Festival University of Lancaster, Koko has also positively what they are made of and what (2010). been a member of the Royal Institute makes them unique; such that makes them Koko has worked in Nigeria, the United q•~ z{‡|z€{„qz€Š~ 0€„|‚~ €‚~ ‡ŠŠ~ €‚~ {ˆ‡~ qualify for the talent search. “This campaign will reverberate and also Kingdom and the United States, with Royal African Society.


shine a light on a movement that has been created by a new generation of Africans whose Â?qŠ z‡‚‚~ `€zzq{~ Â?‡~ `qz{€„z‡ ¥~ ĂŚ € Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ „‚~ zq{~ €Â?qx{~ `qŠqx|Ă”~ Š€`ÂŻ~ „‚~ €z~ €C„{x Â‡Â‰~ €z~ €C„{x Â‡~ {ˆ€{~ ‡ƒ„{q†„Ž‡‚~ {ˆ‡~ „z Â„§Â„ x€Š‚~ who aren’t afraid to express themselves progressively. Black is also a beer. An iconic and most distinctive beer that isn’t afraid to express itself. A beer that has the darkest Š„½x„ Â‰~Â?x{~{ˆ‡~†q‚{~ Â„‚{„z`{~¿€§qx|‚‰~{ˆ€{~Â?‡‡|~ is Guinnessâ€? Adetu said. To further amplify the campaign in Nigeria, Guinness recently partnered three of Nigeria’s žz‡‚{~ ‡z{‡|{€„z†‡z{~ €|{„‚{‡¥~ ˆ‡}~ €|‡~ ˆ}zq‰~ Olamide and Eva. To stand a chance to be part of this all African collaboration, participants will listen to the beat {ˆ‡z~ |„{‡~xƒ~Š}|„`‚~€Â?qx{~ ˆ€{~̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ means to them and submit their entry at www. †€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻÂĄ`q†¥~ Aside collaborating with Fuse ODG, winners will also have an opportunity to win their own MTV House Party so that they can join the ̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~†q§Â‡Â†Â‡z{~ „{ˆ~€ŠŠ~{ˆ‡„|~•|„‡z Â‚ÂĄ~ Winners in the competition will be unveiled on MTV Hour of Black in October. “This is an incredible opportunity for Nigerians who want a platform to showcase their creativity and talent. Guinness’ ̆€ Â‡q犀`ÂŻ~ `€†ƒ€„…z~ `‡Š‡Â?|€{‡‚~ {ˆ‡~ Africans who are carving their own path in life and gives them a stage upon which they `€z~ ‚ˆq `€‚‡~ {ˆ‡„|~ ¿€„|~ €z ~ „†€…„z€{„qzÂĄ~ There could be no bigger stage than a chance to collaborate on a track with a star like Fuse ODG! So we encourage our consumers in Nigeria to join the movement and leave their †€|ÂŻ~̆€ Â‡q犀`¯´~‚€„ ~ Â?„zz€~ z}€Š‡Â?‡`ˆ„‰~ Marketing Manager, Guinness.

Port Harcourt World Book Capital launches another book drive

Give a teen a book


s part of its Library Support programmes, the UNESCO Port Harcourt World Book Capital (PH WBC) 2014 is `€ŠŠ„z…~ qz~ ‡ŠŠ‹†‡€z„z…~ citizens to donate new or fairly used books still in good condition for distribution to indigent communities within Port Harcourt.

ˆ‡~ Â?qq¯‚~ †€}~ Â?‡~  |qƒƒ‡ ~ q0~ €{~ €z}~ q•~ the following locations in Port Harcourt from 29th September to 3rd October 2014; ~‹~ xÂ?„Š‡‡~ „Â?|€|}Ă”~¹Ÿ~ •€†~ {|‡‡{‰~ ž „z‡¥ ~ ‹~ ‡z{|€Š~ „Â?|€|}Ă”~ Âť~ ‡|z€| ~ €||~ {|‡‡{‰~ Town. ~ ‹~ €„zÂ?q ~ qqÂŻ~ ŠxÂ?Ă”~ °­~ Â…Â?q q~ {|‡‡{‰~ Old GRA. ~ ‹~ ‡‚{~ „{‡~ { ¥Ă”~ °²ž°Ÿ~ Š‡Š‡z q~ {|‡‡{‰~

GRA Phase II. ~ ‹~ „Š„†€z’€|q~ x{Š‡{‚~ €{~ ~ Â’xz`{„qz‰~ Woji and Trans Amadi. ~‹~ ‡{|q~ €|¯‰~ Â?€`ˆ€~ q€ ~ ~ ˆ€‚‡~ ~‹~ „Š§Â‡|Â?„| ~ „z‡†€‰~ q|{~ €|`qx|{ This is the third Book Donation Drive the PH WBC 2014 is organising to place books within reach of children and youths. Successful drives were conducted

to commemorate Christmas 2013 and Children’s Day 2014. The books received from these exercises were donated as seed libraries to 5 orphanages as well as a home for street children. It is expected that this third Book Drive will produce three more seed libraries in communities which hitherto ˆ€ ~§Â‡|}~Š„CŠ‡~q|~zq~€``‡‚‚~{q~Â…qq ~Â?qq¯‚¥

Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014 SAMUEL UFOT EKEKERE


he beauty of life is her ability to change circumstance when she deems fit. Life isn’t always that uhuru we anticipate coming into her would present. Some persons come into her holding golden spoons, some silver spoons, some bronze spoons, others aluminium spoons and some others still, plastic spoons. Whatever spoon variant you stepped into life with, you can replace it. There is so much in life that offers joy but this much eludes most people who aren’t privilege to connect to this joy bank. It is grueling challenging life from the position of an underdog. It often takes striving and a battle to challenge and win. Life’s situations have no permanent seats. They are unseated when the right challenger hits top gear. Damning situations can upturn and great moments can become checkered. Persons striving to make meaning of their lives can get it right if they really want. It just takes triggering the belief factor. If you are struggling in pursuance of the better life, you aren’t far from it. The better life might have eluded

The belief factor a great number of persons but if you believe, you can get it. Our “belief” is the trigger upon which our bullets are shot towards the prime target, the better life. It is a continuous persistent push with an uncommon assurance that soonest what you want will get straight into your hands. Our ability to believe comes from our well of complete dedication to the pursuance of the better future that we so much desire. It provides the platform upon which actions towards actualization of our goals and dreams manifest. Our object of belief arrives from our minds camera. The mind creates graphic details absorbing images of what it considers as the better life from our environment, storing those images and processing them into pictures as the goal to pursue. The clearness of the picture increases the chance one will get at it. You won’t want to have a picture that’s not clear. Opportunities in life may vary but everyone does have a right to the best of them. What holds most persons back from pushing for what

they really want however clear the picture is the artificial barriers that are placed by society and self. People think they have a chance to attain a task but they never push for the attainment of that task because they accept the hypothetical debars placed around them. Nevertheless, once you believe, no bars can stand. The future attainment of our present picture only results from an absolute confidence in the possibility of the picture meeting reality. The picture may seem gigantic, enormous, and even weird but they are possibilities. With certainty, pictures are created from scenes that already exist. What you’ve pictured already exist in this sphere; there is no impossibility clause on it. Your own picture only seems unique because it consists of a conjunction of various images only you have seen. You can attain any height. Take the Obama success story for example. Belief rose far ahead of societal or racial barriers. Attaining presidency seemed an impossible feat for blacks and coloured of America but it


wasn’t for Obama. His belief came from the fact that others had become president before him and he was only merely repeating what George Bush had done. Had Obama accepted the reality of his minority clause and stooped low in fear, he wouldn’t have attained the feat which was the privy of every American as written in the American constitution. The things you need to make your life the kind you always desired may not be available now but it has a place in the nearest future which your belief can help you drive to. Believe you will get that house, car, family, wife, husband, child, degree, certificate etc. Don’t stop believing till you get it. When we believe with certainty about the future, life always has a way of playing out herself in the direction of our belief. The scenes play one by one and you’d discover yourself as the lead actor in what had once only being a mere dream. Don’t stop now, Just believe. What you want is right there closer than you think. Samuel Ufot Ekekere is a writer and an author cum speaker from Uyo, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria.

POEMS Apple In Sodom Decided to stay home today Would call in sick at work I felt guilty for scarcely being home I want to make up for lost times He’s unease... His face void of emotions Styling every seductive pose, To steer his staying stares Tried out wardrobe of sultry outfits To rekindle his passionate Burning stares... His mind and body remained chaffed I’ve screwed up way out of line I dashed out only for some minutes I sauntered into the living room With tons of goodie bags He was gone from the settee There’s one haven he could be Unwinding and twisting my waist Swinging my hips and popping Top buttons of my shirt I glide towards our nest of roses I heard soft moans and hard groans My senses snapped My breathe breaking My heartbeat quickened My steps took strides Behold a banging bing! Mine forever, until death do us part

Beneath a same blood That runs through my veins I reached for the doorknob My pond palm slid off It could, I couldn’t hold My knees buckled My eyes an itchy ocean I screamed out words My lips didn’t mouth She’s an experienced rider Atop a sturdy stallion They twined as Siemens twin They’re so matched I thought he was merely mad at me Never imagined I have become so repulsive I willed myself to move My legs were rooted on same spot Alongside strangled satiated screams from both I let out my pained outrage cries Two pairs of bewildered faces turned to me Faces shamed and crestfallen They muttered nonsense words of pleas My mind ravaged for reasons why I sought solace anywhere And darkness embraced me.

Democratic Dividend Several moons gone, Wigs and bibs gunned, Learned ones hungry, Litigants angry.

fluids. Where shrines and police take our place. We are in the cross-roads of anomaly?

The latest fight: Two elephants suffocate grasses, Fight breeding mudslinging, cults, strikes. Fight rather crude than civil, senseless.

Is this the democracy we craved? Which our fathers fought for, Which our heroes died for, Is the dividend this deadly, dirty, dying.

We are in the middle of Anarchy. A system soaked with inflammable

Copyright: Angus Chukwuka

Pool Party Other pool party approaches The beatification of every mask Strings of guest are mandated to grace the occasion It’s the gathering of a four term celebration Different folks of all spheres, Are part takers of this feast The blind, lame, deaf, dumb Pauper and wretch of the earth Whose attendance is massive Are the most honored guest R.S.V. P.; go to any designated pool center You must not be an experienced swimmer Provisions of life jackets have been made There’s a photo stand for leisure shots Be certain the paparazzi clicks a A genuine replica of you It will be your pass to the red carpet Conveyance in exclusive air conditioned motors The vehicles will ply roads handsomely Constructed by Julius Berger There’s excess of every sweetener If it causes ache in your stomach They’re professional physicians To administer white coated coke Gulped down with refined water A six by six water bed for bed rest Constant lightening to keep Your darkest fears folding Securities situated at every nook Against attacks from your own The event came, declared a work free day All they were told are fantasy Streets and roads were deserted of four wheels The lamed crawled; blind were led by a whip The gray hairs mount on three wheels Nursing mothers docked with a baby Tied to their backs while toddlers bound behind

Agile youth rapidly covered grounds Above them, siren helicopters blared with other arrivals Beneath, armored cars crunched, vibrating limbs Arriving, the gates of the pool were flung open The pool had not been dredged since The last time, stale substance float The towels offered must be bearing bugs One thing not in lack were swim suits A swimmer can have as many And have a thousand dives in the pool The able bodied dived in, lame were wheeled With automated chair and controlled in The blind were led by waiters, Hands used to feel the depth of water And dried with a piece of paper The aged only smeared finger on the water And wiped it on tattered wraps It was a descending sight Body swam on bodies They all wanted to bath in the dirty pool With hope they’ll clean up in the inner shower room To their chagrin, it was inaccessible Only but few gained entrance They were all barred When they got to their various habitats Shred wraps of each souvenir, the contents were; Cross-country skiing Dilapidated hospitals Garden bush schools Lantern Street light Watched men equipped with Knockout, tree stem and tricycle Gloom sprawled over the blessed region Copyright: Amukoyo Gift (Written: August 23, 2014)


Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014

Jideonwo’s book reading holds at Terra Kulture Sept 27 Stories by ADA DIKE


n Saturday, September 27, 2014, Terra Kulture in Victoria Island, Lagos, will host an author, lawyer and entrepreneur, Chude Jideonwo for reading of his book ‘Are We The Turning Point Generation?’ The event which will be hosted by a TV personality and film director, Kemi Adetiba, with a question and answer session anchored by awardwinning author, reviewer and marketing executive, Toni Kan will hold from 5 to 7pm. ‘Are We The Turning Point Generation?’ which was launched in April this year at Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos, attracted many media personalities and celebrities. The book has toured the world including South Africa, London, New York and other cities. Jideonwo believes that this generation is a lucky one in terms of new tools which enable everyone to spread information easier. “We are not beholden to the same media interest that would have limited the power of our voices. We are able to communicate to a large number of people by ourselves without needing a third party. So we have a lot of tools that can enable us create a movement within the country. Whether we will end up doing it is not something that Chude can predict. If I want to become like Nigerian leaders who say things

like ‘one Nigeria,’ ‘We are together,’ I will say yes. But like Achebe said, those woolly clichĂŠs are part of what ruins the country.

Theme song for ‘A Place In The Stars’ released


nformation reaching Daily Newswatch revealed that the theme song for a narrative feature, “A Place in the Starsâ€? has been released. A statement made available by one of „…‡|„€ª‚~ƒ„qz‡‡|~žŠ†~€z ~ ~ q†ƒ€z}~€z ~ producers of the movie, Native Filmworks „†„{‡ Â‰~ |‡§Â‡Â€ÂŠÂ‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ q$`„€Š~ †q§Â„‡~ theme song was performed by a music maestro with the ability to transform everyday experiences and emotions into beautiful storytelling, Jeremiah Gyang. Gyang, a singer/songwriter and multiinstrumentalist has contributed immensely to the entertainment industry internationally and Nigeria in particular. “The song was inspired by the movie of the same title, ‘A Place in the Stars’, directed €z ~ ƒ|q x`‡ ~ Â?}~ |‡‚ƒ‡`{‡ ~ žŠ†~ †€¯‡|‰~ Steve Gukas. The movie is a riveting account of drug {|€$`¯„zÂ…Ă”~ •q`x‚„zÂ…~ qz~ ˆq ~ •€¯‡~ €z ~

adulterated medical drugs are being traded for billions of dollars. Set in 2006 Nigeria, ‘A Place in the Stars’ tells the story of Kim Dakim (Gideon Okeke), a young lawyer who gets a client „{ˆ~ €~ `€‚‡~ {ˆ€{~ Š‡€§Â‡Â‚~ ˆ„†~ `qz¿„`{‡ ¥~ ‡~ has information that can save many lives if he passes it on, but he also stands to make millions of dollars if he doesn’t. In a very corrupt country where everyone loves money and no one cares how you make it, Kim sees this as his chance to make it big. Problem is, Diokpa Okonwo (Segun Arinze), the kingpin of the counterfeit medical drugs trade who his case is against, doesn’t play nice. The movie is scheduled to premiere in Africa – Lagos/Abuja, South Africa, Kenya and in the West – London and New York/ Maryland later part of the year. The movie will be available in cinemas across Nigeria from November 2014.

“Are we ready to build our capacity to do better when we eventually take over the reins of leadership, politically and in government? Are we going to be able to do that? Are we going to form an ecosystem of integrity and impact? Are we going to be able to mobilize millions of people, which is the ultimate thing,

because it is one thing to be right, it’s another thing to have people who believe that you are right. Are we able to mobilize millions of people to match the old system politicians, number for number, person for person, vision for vision? If we were able to do that, yes we’ll be the turning point generation,â€? Jideonwo said. Published by Farafina’s Kamsi imprint, the book‘s publisher, Jideonwo will also be featured author at the Lagos Book and Art Festival, the Ake Festival and the Port Harcourt Book Festival. He has also been announced as a speaker at TEDxEuston in December. Born on March 16, 1985, and named by Forbes as one of Africa’s 30 best entrepreneurs under 30, Chude Jideonwo’s career is centred on using the media as an active tool to galvanise a generation of Africans to action. He is Managing Partner of RedMedia Africa, owners of The Future Africa Awards Africa & x††„{‰~ ĂŞ~ •|„`€‰~€z ~ €„’€¥`q†Ô~ and founding Executive Director of The Future Project, which empowers young people across Africa through leadership and enterprise. In 2010, he founded EnoughisEnough Nigeria, which has become the country’s foremost good governance group for young Nigerians. A lawyer and award-winning journalist, he has a Master’s Degree in Media and Communication from the Pan-African University. He is a Global Shaper with the World Economic Forum and sits on the boards of the Oando Foundation and Micosoft4Afrika.

The British Council offers training programme for culture journalists in Lagos


ood news coming to art world has it that the British Council ˆ€‚~ €zzqxz`‡ ~ {q~ q0‡|~ €~ three-day workshop for culture journalists in Lagos. This was stated in a statement made available to Daily Newswatch some days ago. According to the British Council, “Nigeria has a developing arts and entertainment sector that currently contributes one-point-two percent (1.2%) to the gross domestic products (GDP). This sector is however highly undervalued and struggles to receive the right amount q•~ €C‡z{„qzÂĄ~ ˆ‡~ |qŠ‡~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ …‡z‡|€Š~ †‡ Â„€‰~‚ƒ‡`„ž`€ŠŠ}~{ˆ‡~`xŠ{x|‡~Â’qx|z€Š„‚{‚‰~ „z~  |€ „zÂ…~ €C‡z{„qz‰~ €ƒƒ|‡`„€{„qz~ €z ~ action towards this sector is important and cannot be over-emphasized. But how do culture journalists write about a theatre performance? How is a review  Â„0‡|‡z{~•|q†~€~ƒq|{|€„{~q|~€z~‡‚‚€}ĂŒ~ q ~ can literature be featured on TV?â€? they queried. The statement emphasised that: “The |„{„‚ˆ~ qxz`„Š~ „ŠŠ~ q0‡|~ €~ {|€„z„zÂ…~ programme for Nigerian culture journalists in Lagos in late October 2014 with the aim to: Facilitate the circulation of knowledge and experience among participants. -Improve culture reporting practice ƒ€|{„`xŠ€|Š}~{q~€C|€`{~€~}qxz…‡|~€x Â„‡z`‡¥ -Set up a network of Nigerian journalists. -Further the role of the media within the Nigerian arts and culture sector -Promote exchange between Nigeria and the United Kingdom.

‹ €|{„`„ƒ€z{‚~ „ŠŠ~ Š‡€|z~ €Â?qx{~  Â„0‡|‡z{~ approaches to cultural reporting. They will develop skills and discover tools that can be used to make their arts reporting more contemporary, informed and engaging particularly for younger audiences. “Essential components of the programme include: three -day workshop for cultural journalists on reporting the arts and facilitated by Nigeria and UK media specialists. Participants will be expected to write blog entries during the training, sometimes about the same topic •|q†~ Â„0‡|‡z{~ƒ‡|‚ƒ‡`{„§Â‡Â‚ÂĄ~ ~ C€`ˆ†‡z{‚~ {q~ Šq`€Š~ €z ~ „z{‡|z€{„qz€Š~ cultural organisations and cultural events. Cultural organisations and events will cut across the various art forms/sectors. Participants will deliver 2000 word articles on these organisations and events that will be published on new or existing media platforms for Nigerian arts and culture.â€? Eligibility: The participants will include: Be current journalists including arts writers, critics and theorists, working for print and online magazines, newspapers, radio, television, new media platforms, or any other form of media -Have at least three years’ journalistic experience ‹ ‡~Âżx‡z{~„z~‚ƒq¯‡z~€z ~ |„C‡z~ z…Š„‚ˆ Application: Application deadline is Friday, October 10, 2014 Interested candidates should submit a ~€z ~€~qz‡~ƒ€…‡~Š‡C‡|~q•~†q{„§Â€{„qz~{q~ arts.nigeria@ng.britishcouncil.org

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Daily Newswatch

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY September 26, 2014

Toyin Aimakhu’s happy moment ^_


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY September 26, 2014

Big Brother Hotshot reveal Housemate Profiles

Kenya, Alusa Age: 33 ctor, Radio Drama Director and MC Alusafrom Nairobi, Kenya, is married and has three children. His favourite food is ugali with chicken stew and traditional vegetables. His favourite book is TD Jakes’ HeMotions and he likes watching National Geographic, The Exes and Nigerian movies on TV. On the music front, he enjoys lis{‡z„z…~ {q~ €x{„‹ qŠ‰~ €ž¯„ŽqŠq‰~


P.Square, YoussouN’Dour and Salif Keita. One of his favour„{‡~žŠ†‚‰~ |€„z„z…~ €}‰~•‡€{x|‡‚~ one of his favourite actors: Denzel Washington. Describing himself as ‘ambitious, spiritual, out-spoken, generous and mysterious’, Alusa likes people who are ‘detailed’ and who have a good sense of humour, because he likes to laugh. He doesn’t enjoy people who ‘emit negative energy’. He entered Big Brother Hotshots for the exposure, as well

Top Radio OAP Tosyn Bucknor’s review of Omoni Oboli’s Being Mrs Elliott


op Radio OAP Tosyn Bucknor, who was at the premiere of Omoni Oboli’s Being Mrs ElliqC‰~ˆ€ ~{ˆ„‚~{q~‚€}~€Â?qx{~ the movie “I recently went for the premiere q•~Âś ‡„zÂ…~ |‚~ ŠŠ„qCª‰~€~†q§Â„‡~ Â„rected by Omoni Oboli. And just a week or two before then, I saw ‘Half of a Yellow Sun’.... ˆ‡~ Âś ‡„zÂ…~ |‚~ Š„qCÂŞ~ ƒ|‡†„‡|‡~ €‚~€~•xz‰~ ‡ŠŠ‹€C‡z Â‡ ~qz‡~ „{ˆ~ Omoni looking very elegant in her monochrome look. It was nice to see AY in a monochrome look as well, almost like it was planned . Speaking of AY, he was in the movie, playing one of the support-

ing lead roles actually. I thought he gave a good account of himself and was one of the highlights of the movie. Another highlight of the movie for me was the comedy, especially one provided by Miss Oru‌ When you watch the movie, watch out for the girl with Lepacious Bose; she almost stole the show. A big scene-stealer was Omoni Oboli herself who is a fantastic actress. Generally, ‘Being Mrs Elliott’ was interesting movie to watch; I liked the premise, and how it was explored. I would like to see a television series based on Âś ‡„zÂ…~ |‚~ ŠŠ„qCÂŞ~€`{x€ŠŠ}¥´

as the intrigue of living with total strangers in a closed environment and the desire to share his lifestyle with a huge audience. Alusa is looking forward to having the continent watching him: ‘I’m an artist, a performer, so I love €C‡z{„qzÂĄ~ ª†~ zq{~ in the least bit intimidated, in fact, I’m thrilled’ Alusa lists Mombasa and his village of Kakamega as his favourite places in Kenya, because they’re both very exotic in their ways and rich culture. He says the best thing about Africa is the people. ‘Africans are both beautiful in form and diverse culture,’ he says. Outside of Africa, his favourite place is Brazil. ‘Rich culture, beautiful women, sweet samba music, festivals, food – I could go on and on,’ he says. Uganda, Ellah Age: 23 Ellahis a Sales Assistant with a BSc in Business Computing from Nsambya, Uganda. She lists her favourite foods as ravioli, rice and chicken and her favourite books as Think Like A Man, Act Like A Lady, and Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich. She enjoys watching Reality shows like Real Housewives of Atlanta, New York and Orange County. Her favourite singers include India Arie, August Alsina, Beyonce, Rihanna and Sam Smith. Her favourite place in Uganda is the Lake Bunyonyi Resort and she says the best thing about Africa is ‘the warmness of the people’. Outside of her home country, she says Cambodia is ‘a hidden gem and somewhat a free country’. Ellah has 12 brothers and sisters and says her Mom is her role model: ‘her strength and character captivate me’. Ellah is most proud of having become Miss Uganda 2013/14 because ‘it €‚~€~‚{„0~`q†ƒ‡{„{„qz~€z ~€~‚{|qzÂ…~{‡‚{~ for me’. She was inspired to enter Big Brother Hotshots because of the fact that ‘it unites Africa and also is a platform for me to advance’. She says she’s ‘super excited and is looking forward to being on the show. She describes herself as ‘charismatic, bitchy, outspoken, loving and sophisticated’ and says that she’s ‘strong and determined’. She values ‘honesty, charisma and joyfulness’ in others, but dislikes ‘lies and fakeness’.If she wins the grand prize, Ellah will buy cars for her mom and invest the rest in real estate. >K929W1V5 B^1=X4F;5 ?1†5‡ˆ ~ xC‡|ƒˆŠ}~„‚~€~ € Â„q‰~ ‡Š‡§Â„‚„qz~ |‡senter and Producer from Harare. She lists her favourite foods as meat, pasta with cheese, black-eyed peas and eggs. Her favourite books include the Bible, The Firm, The Long Goodbye, and the Sherlock Holmes series. She likes to watch Chopped, 24, Intelligence and Big Brother Africa. ~ xC‡|ƒˆŠ}~‡z{‡|‡ ~ „…~ |q{ˆ‡|~ q{shots because she’d always wanted to be part of a national sports team, but never got the chance. ‘Being on Big Brother Africa will allow me to take the opportunity to market myself and

expand my brand’. She says she won’t use ‘backstabbing and cheating’ or immoral and unethical methods to get the prize. If she wins, he’ll send her sister, brother and kids to really good schools, start a chain of unique food, social and fashion hangout joints and take her mom shopping. Describing herself as ‘unique, feisty, mysterious, •xz‹Šq§Â„zÂ…~€z ~ „C}ª‰~ xC‡|ƒˆŠ}~‚€}‚~{ˆ€{~ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~ are always shocked when they discover that he’s humble, compassionate and kind. He likes other people with a sense of humour, honour and truthfulness, and dislikes ‘dishonesty and people who pretend to like a person’.

My Big Nigerian Wedding Season 2 comes with a bang


•{‡|~ƒqƒxŠ€|~ Šq……‡|~ ‡†„‚„~ „}‡ xz~€z ~ˆ‡|~žancĂŠe Yomi Odusanya won the maiden edition of My Big Nigerian Wedding (MBNW)put together by the organizers of Wed Expo, the Wed Expo team gears up for the second season of the show. The event this year would see two lucky couples go home with a N15million wedding each. The winners would also enjoy other goodies that would be part of the event. }~ „…~ „…‡|„€z~ ‡  Â„zÂ…~¸ š~„‚~{ˆ‡~ž|‚{~ ‡ ding reality show in Africa and it aims to give lucky couples their dream wedding, all-expense paid. This season participants at the event would also be able to take advantage of the wedding seminars, bridal rehearsals, beauty routines, and other services which would be made available to them. The participants for this year’s show would be registered at the Wed Expo which would be holding at the Tafawa Balewa Square Lagos Island, on the 10th – 12th of October. Wed Expo would be happening simultaneously with the Wine/Spirits and Beauty Expos in what has been tagged the Mega 3 Expo. The winner would emerge from those who registered at the event. According to Akin Eso the CEO of Exhibition Gurus “MBNW season two, would be having two winners this season, as there would be a Lagos and Abuja wedding. The reason for two weddings this season is to enable us reach more intending couples and make their dream weddings come true. The registration for the event would be at the exhibition grounds, in order for particiƒ€z{‚~{q~•xŠŠ}~‡zÂ’q}~€ŠŠ~{ˆ‡~Â?‡z‡ž{‚~€C€`ˆ‡ ~{q~{ˆ‡~‡§Â‡z{~ before it goes online.â€? Speaking on the Wedding Exhibition, Akin ESo CEO of Exhibition Gurus said that the aim of the wedding expo is to bring together all those who are stakeholders in the wedding industry “Wed Expo is to bring all those who are either preparing for their weddings or those who are helping others plan their weddings together. The expo is to teach people how to get the wedding of their dreams and still be within their budgets.â€? The winners would also be given a honeymoon in Dubai, all-expense paid. The weddings which will be produced by Riverside Production would be made into a reality TV series and aired on Television stations around the country.


Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, other female stars who have been hacked

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY September 26, 2014

Untold story of why Medical Director was dismissed over Joan Rivers’ death said. The New York Times reported that an ear, nose, and throat specialist was in the operating room at Yorkville Endoscopy in €zˆ€C€z~qz~ xÂ…ÂĄ~°º~ ˆ‡z~{ˆ‡~`q†‡ Â„€z~ had her upper endoscopy despite the physician not being allowed to practice medicine in the clinic. ˆ‡~ xz„ Â‡z{„ž‡ ~ ÂĄ ÂĄ ÂĄ~ ‚ƒ‡`„€Š„‚{~ €‚~ brought in by Rivers’ gastroenterologist, |ÂĄ~ qˆ‡z‰~ €z ~ €‚~ „ Â‡z{„ž‡ ~ €‚~ €z~ qÂ?server, not a doctor, so clinic personnel assumed it was Rivers’ makeup artist. However, the specialist examined Rivers’ voice box before and after the gastroenterologist performed the routine procedure, during which a tiny camera was used to look down the throat into her digestive system as Rivers had been complaining of hoarseness and a sore throat.

Olympia Dukakis & Joan Jett co-star in Lifetime original movie


ummer is ending with an unwanted bang for Jennifer Lawrence — and a slew of other female stars — because it seems they have been hacked. On Sunday, numerous photos featuring a scantily clad J.Law popped up online after being posted by an anonymous source. In some pics, the Oscar-winning actress wears a bathing suit; in others, she wears‌ well‌ a lot less. However, it sounds like they all were private snaps stolen from her cell phone. (It’s also worth noting that the hacker has claimed to have over 60 nude ‚‡Šž‡‚~ {q~ ‚ˆ€|‡‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ †‡€z‚~ {ˆ‡|‡~ `qxŠ ~ Â?‡~€~ ˆqŠ‡~Šq{~†q|‡~ ˆ‡|‡~{ˆ€{~ž|‚{~Â?€{`ˆ~ came from.) While Jennifer’s team is not denying the images are of the 24-year-old thesp, they’re none too pleased with this situation. “This „‚~€~¿€…|€z{~§Â„qŠ€{„qz~q•~ƒ|„§Â€`}‰´~€~‚ƒq¯‡‚person for Lawrence told The Insider With Yahoo. “The authorities have been contacted and will prosecute anyone who posts the ‚{qŠ‡z~ƒˆq{q‚~q•~ ‡zz„•‡|~ € |‡z`‡¥´ But J.Law, who has been in the headlines lately for her reported romance with Coldplay’s Chris Martin, was hardly the only ‚{€|~{q~‚x0‡|~{ˆ„‚~•€{‡¥~ €{‡|~„z~{ˆ‡~ Â€}‰~ƒ„`‚~ surfaced of Kate Upton, Lea Michele, Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice, Brie Larson, Kirsten Dunst, Becca Tobin, Jessica Brown „z ÂŠÂ€}‰~ ‡|‡‚€~ €Š†‡|‰~ |}‚{‡z~ „C‡|‰~ Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Yvonne Strahovski, and Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney. The FBI said it had been made “aware q•~ {ˆ‡~ €ŠŠ‡…€{„qz‚´~ €z ~ €‚~ ¡Â€  |‡‚‚„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|‰´~ €``q| Â„zÂ…~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ ‚‚q`„€{‡ ~ Press. A spokesperson for Apple also spoke out, saying the company was looking into whether any of their iCloud accounts, online storage space for photos and music, had been tampered with. “We take user privacy very seriously and are actively investi…€{„zÂ…~{ˆ„‚~|‡ƒq|{‰´~‚€„ ~{ˆ‡~|Â‡ÂƒÂĄ Not surprisingly, many of these women ˆ€§Â‡~qƒ{‡ ~{q~|‡†€„z~‚„Š‡z{~qz~{ˆ‡~†€C‡|Ă”~ however, a few have taken to social media {q~‡„{ˆ‡|~`qzž|†~q|~ Â‡z}~{ˆ‡~€x{ˆ‡z{„`„{}~q•~ the photos and make a statement about the situation at hand.

x‚{„`‡~{qqÂŻ~{q~ „C‡|~{q~‚€}~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ƒˆqtos were fake. “These so called nudes of me are FAKE people. Let me nip this in the bud right zq ÂĄ~Ă­Âƒxz~„z{‡z Â‡ í´ Upton’s lawyer issued a statement to The Insider With Yahoo, saying, “This is obviously an outrageous violation of our client Kate Upton’s privacy. We intend to pursue anyone disseminating or duplicating these illegally obtained images to the fullest ex{‡z{~ƒq‚‚„Â?Š‡¥´


ollowing the circumstances surrounding the death of comedian Joan Rivers, the Medical Director at Yorkville Endoscopy, where Joan Rivers was having her procedure and went into cardiac arrest, Dr. Lawrence Cohen has been asked by the board to step down from his post, which he accepted. Fresh facts have emerged about an unauthorized doctor being present for the actress’s medical procedure, which led to Dr.

Cohen’s dismissal. z~ xz„ Â‡z{„ž‡ ~ ÂĄ ÂĄ ÂĄ~ ‚ƒ‡`„€Š„‚{~ €‚~ brought in by Dr. Cohen but the problem was that specialist was not cleared to work at the clinic, which must review and approve the credentials of every physician prior to allowing them to participate in procedures. “Dr. Cohen is not currently performing procedures at Yorkville Endoscopy; nor is ˆ‡~`x||‡z{Š}~‚‡|§Â„zÂ…~€‚~†‡ Â„`€Š~ Â„|‡`{q|‰´~ a spokesperson for Yorkville Endoscopy

Marvel reveals Wolverine will die on October 8


z~ `{qÂ?‡|~º‰~°­¹¾Â‰~ €|§Â‡ÂŠ~ „ŠŠ~‡–{„zÂ…x„‚ˆ~{ˆ‡~Š„•‡~q•~qz‡~q•~„{‚~•€§qx|„{‡~ˆ‡|q‡‚‰~ qŠ§Â‡|ine, the hairy, Canadian bundle of muscle with the claws by killing him. His death will happen just in time for New York Comic-Con; when the comic book ‘The Death of Wolverine’ wraps up. There might be some questions as to why Marvel would want to kill one of its most popular characters and the face of the X-Men franchise and there may be some queries as to how one kills ‚q†‡qz‡~ ˆqª‚~㠠q|{€Š¥~ z~ qŠ§Â‡|„z‡ª‚~‚qŠq~‚‡|„‡‚‰~ |„{‡|~ €xŠ~ q|z‡ŠŠ~ˆ€‚~ |„C‡z~€z~€|`~„z~ which Wolverine gets infected with an alien virus and loses his healing factor as a result. The loss of his mutant ability has been woven into the character’s many comic book appearances.


aria Bello wields a weapon and €~{ˆ„|‚{~•q|~§Â‡z…‡€z`‡~qz~{ˆ‡~ž|‚{~ poster released from Lifetime’s upcoming Stephen King adaptation, “Big |„§Â‡|¥´ Based on King’s novella of the same z€†‡‰~¡ „…~ |„§Â‡|´~•qŠŠq ‚~ ‡ŠŠq~€‚~€~•€†qx‚~‚x‚ƒ‡z‚‡~€x{ˆq|~ ˆq~žz Â‚~ˆ‡|‚‡Š•~ in a real life mystery when her car breaks  q z~€z ~‚ˆ‡~žz Â‚~ˆ‡|‚‡Š•~ˆ„{`ˆ„zÂ…~€~|„ Â‡~ with the wrong person. Also read: Stephen King Movie ‘Big Driver’ Starring Maria Bello Picked Up by Lifetime As she recovers and her mind unravels, she sets out on a quest for revenge to track down her assailant. Š}†ƒ„€~ x¯€¯„‚‰~ q€z~ ‡C‰~ zz~ q  ~ and Will Harris co-star in the movie. ¡ „…~ |„§Â‡|´~ƒ|‡†„‡|‡‚~qz~ „•‡{„†‡~qz~ €{x| Â€}‰~ `{~¹º~€{~Âş~ÂƒÂĄÂ†ÂĄ~ ÂĄ


G Glitz & Glam

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY September 26, 2014

My accident ordeal by Chroma Onyekaba



Âą~ ‡€|‚~ qŠ ~ z}‡¯€Â?€~ ˆ„q†€~ q‚‡†€|}‰~ €~ žnal year undergraduate of the Abia State Univer‚„{}‰~ {x|x~„‚~{ˆ‡~ „…‡|„€z~ reigning Queen of Democracy and Â?}~§Â„|{x‡~q•~ˆ‡|~`x||‡z{~q$`‡‰~‚ˆ‡~ is addressed as the 2013/2014 Face of Democracy Advocate owing to ˆ‡|~{|„x†ƒˆ~€{~{ˆ‡~Â…|€z ~žz€Š‡~q•~ the annual pageantry contest held qz~ {ˆ‡~ Âź ~ q•~ ‡`‡†Â?‡|‰~ °­¹Â‰~ at the Prestigious Transcorp Hilton located in the nation’s capital Â?x’€¥ q†‡~ q•~ ˆ„q†€ª‚~ ½x€Š„{}~ {ˆ€{~ overtime endeared her to all classes of people is the fact that apart from the fact that she is an epitome of a true African beauty and ƒ|„ Â‡Â‰~ `qxƒŠ‡ ~ „{ˆ~ ˆ‡|~ ‚‡z‚‡~ q•~ ‡–ƒq‚x|‡‰~ z}‡¯€Â?€~ q‚‡†€|}~„‚~ ˆx†„Š„{}~ƒ‡|‚qz„ž‡ Â‰~•q`x‚‡ Â‰~€z ~ visionary and a true representa{„§Â‡~q•~{ˆ‡~€§Â‡|€…‡~ „…‡|„€z~}qx{ˆ‰~ and of course she is also teachable and adorable. z•q|{xz€{‡Š}‰~{ˆ‡~|‡„…z„zÂ…~ €`‡~ of Democracy Advocate said she could not understand that while she was on top of preparations for the proposed National Peace Summit with the aim to explore alternative peace possibilities in Nige|„€‰~ ‚ˆ‡~ •€`‡ ~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ Âś{ˆ‡~  Â‡§Â„Š~ and the dark blue sea’ following a ghastly automobile accident she had which sadly two of its passengers killed on the spot while many ‚x‚{€„z‡ ~§Â€|„‡ ~ Â‡Â…|‡‡~q•~„zÂ’x|}ÂĄ Narrating her ordeal to Satur Â€}~ ‡ ‚ €{`ˆ~ ˆ„q†€~ ‚€„ Ă—~ “this interview will be incomplete „{ˆqx{~ƒxC„zÂ…~ q ~ž|‚{‰~ ~ €z{~ to formally extend my thanks and appreciation to God who made it possible to come over the trauma q•~ €~ †€’q|~ €``„ Â‡z{~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ ˆ„…ˆ €}‰~ qz`‡~ €…€„z‰~ €ŠŠ~ {ˆ€z¯‚~ Â?‡~ {q~ God. {~ ˆ€ƒƒ‡z‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ qz~ Âş{ˆ~ q•~ xÂ…x‚{~ °­¹¾Â‰~ ~  Â‡`„ Â‡ ~ {q~ {|€§Â‡ÂŠ~ Â?}~ |q€ Â‰~ ~ •q|•‡„{‡ ~ x‚„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ ÂżÂ„Â…Âˆ{~ ticket on me owing to the fear of Âż}„zÂ…~„z~€~Â?€ ~ ‡€{ˆ‡|‰~ ~ Â‡`„ Â‡ ~ {q~ ‡†Â?€|ÂŻ~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ Â’qx|z‡}~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ €‚{~Â?}~|q€ ~ ˆ‡|‡~ ~x‚‡ ~{ˆ‡~Š€‚{~ bus of a particular and prominent |q€ ~{|€z‚ƒq|{~`q†ƒ€z}‰~{qqÂŻ~q0~ •|q†~{ˆ‡„|~ Â?x’€~q$`‡‰´~‚ˆ‡~‚€„ ¥ ˆ‡~ ‚€„ ~ ˆ„Š‡~ qz~ {|€z‚„{‰~ {ˆ‡~ driver of the vehicle she boarded drove the bus with every sense of professionalism and to the ad†„|€{„qz~q•~{ˆ‡~ƒ€‚‚‡z…‡|‚‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ €Š‚q~„z Â„`€{‡ ~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~Â’qx|z‡}~ €‚~ smooth as they proceed to on their €}~ {q~ ‡||„~ Â?x{‰~ €``q| Â„zÂ…~ {q~

gaining consciousness that a reckŠ‡‚‚~ ÂśÂˆÂ„{~ €z ~ |xzÂŞ~ {|€„Š‡|~  |„§Â‡|~ ˆ„{~ their car which resulted in the bus somersaulting several times. z~ˆ‡|~ q| Â‚Ă—~¡ „{ˆ„z~{ˆ‡~z‡–{~{‡z~ ‚‡`qz Â‚~ ۥ{‡|~ ~ †€ Â‡~ €~ `q††‡z{~ {ˆ€{~ ~ €‚~zq{~Â…q„zÂ…~{q~ Â„‡~‚q†‡qz‡~ ‡Š‚‡~ Â‡Â€{ˆ‰~{ˆ‡|‡~ €‚~€~‚‡|„qx‚~Â?€zÂ…~ at the back of the vehicle which ~ Š‡€|z{~ `€†‡~ •|q†~ €z~ qz`q†„zÂ…~ €zÂ…q{‡~{|€„Š‡|~ ˆq~ €‚~Â’x‚{~Â?‡„zÂ…~ `€|‡Š‡‚‚‰~Â?‡`€x‚‡~ˆ‡~ˆ„{~x‚~ˆ€| ~€z ~ while our vehicle was somersaulting into the swamp very close to the „§Â‡|~ ‡zx‡‰~ˆ‡~{qqÂŻ~q0~€z ~„z•q|mation received is that as we speak ˆ‡~ €‚~}‡{~{q~Â?‡~•qxz ¥´ ``q| Â„zÂ…~{q~ ˆ„q†€‰~€‚~‚qqz~€‚~ the accident occurred two people ˆq~Â?q€| Â‡ ~€0‡`{‡ ~Â?x‚~ Â„‡ ~qz~ „‚‚~ z}‡¯€Â?€‰~{ˆ‡~‚{q|}~`ˆ€z…‡ ~ the spot while good spirited Ni ˆ‡z~ {ˆ‡}~ Â…q{~ {q~ x`ˆ„‰~ „z~  q~ gerians including men of the Fed {€{‡‰~ qx{ˆ‹ qx{ˆ‰~ „…‡|„€¥ “As soon as we got to Auchi close {q~ {ˆ‡~ „§Â‡|~ ‡zx‡‰~ ~ €‚~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ †qq ~{q~{€¯‡~€~‚ˆq|{~‚Š‡‡ƒ‰~ ˆ„Š‡~ ~ €‚~‚{|x……Š„zÂ…~{q~{€¯‡~€~z€ƒ‰~‡§Â‡|}thing seems not to be alright within †‡~€z ~„††‡ Â„€{‡Š}~ ~†€ Â‡~€~ƒq‚„{„§Â‡~`qz•‡‚‚„qz~{ˆ€{~¡ ~ „ŠŠ~zq{~ Â„‡~ in place of another and to corrobo|€{‡ ~†}~•‡‡Š„z…‚‰~{ˆ|‡‡~q{ˆ‡|~ƒ‡qple expressed their state of discom•q|{~ „{ˆ~|‡…€| Â‚~{q~{ˆ‡~Â’qx|z‡}¥´ qz{„zx„z…‰~ ˆ„q†€~ ‚€„ ~ {ˆ€{~ „z~ €~ †€C‡|~ q•~ †„zx{‡‚~ ۥ{‡|~ {ˆ‡~ strange feeling of discomfort and ƒq‚„{„§Â‡~ `q††‡z{‚‰~ €ŠŠ~ ‚ˆ‡~ `qxŠ ~ remember was a loud bang which followed a hard hit on the bus she Â?q€| Â‡ Â‰~Â?x{~‚ˆ‡~ €‚~{qŠ ~ۥ{‡|~|‡-

‡|€Š~ q€ ~ €•‡{}~ q|ƒ‚~¸ š~Â’q„z~ hands to their rescue where the dead were deposited to the nearby †q|Â…x‡~€z ~{ˆ‡~„zÂ’x|‡ ~{€¯‡z~{q~€z~ undisclosed hospital in the state. {€{„‚{„`€ŠŠ}~ Â‚ÂƒÂ‡Â€ÂŻÂ„zÂ…~ z}‡¯€Â?€~ `qz{„zx‡ Â‰~ ¡ ‡~ ˆ€ ~ { q~  Â‡Â€ ~ passengers while 16 people were „zÂ’x|‡ Â‰~qzŠ}~{ˆ‡~ |„§Â‡|~q•~qx|~§Â‡ÂˆÂ„`Š‡~‡‚`€ƒ‡ ~xzˆx|{‰~{ˆqx…ˆ~ ~ qzÂŞ{~ ÂŻzq ~ „•~ ˆ‡~ ˆ€ ~ „z{‡|z€Š~ „zÂ’x|„‡‚‰~ Â?x{~€ŠŠ~{ˆ‡~ ˆ„Š‡‰~ ~ €‚~‚{„ŠŠ~xz`qz‚`„qx‚~q|~ qxŠ ~ ~‚€}~„z~€~‚{€{‡~q•~ `q†€‰~‚ˆ‡~€  Â‡ ¥ ˆ‡~ •x|{ˆ‡|~ ‡–ƒŠ€„z‡ Â‰~ ¡ ~ €Š‚q~ |‡€Š„Ž‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ ~ `qxŠ ~ zq{~ €Š¯~ Â?‡`€x‚‡~†}~Š‡•{~Š‡…~ €‚~Â?€ ÂŠ}~€0‡`{‡ Â‰~ ˆ‡z~ ~|‡…€„z‡ ~`qz‚`„qx‚z‡‚‚‰~ ~ˆ€ ~{q~`€ŠŠ~€~`Šq‚‡~•|„‡z ~q•~†„z‡~ ˆq~Š„§Â‡Â‚~„z~  q~ {€{‡‰~€z ~ ~ €‚~ rushed to a more reliable hospital ˆ‡|‡~ ~ €‚~ {qŠ ~ {ˆ€{~ †}~ ƒ‡Š§Â„`~

Â?qz‡~ €‚~€0‡`{‡ ¥´ ˆ„q†€~ ˆq~‚€„ ~{ˆ€{~ˆ‡|~‡–ƒ‡rience in that unprecedented accident went further to increase her faith in God because according to ˆ‡|‰~ ‚ˆ‡~ ˆ€ ~ ƒ„Š‡ ~ xƒ~ Š„•‡~ ‡z|„`ˆ„zÂ…~ƒ|q’‡`{‚~{q~‡–‡`x{‡~‡§Â‡z~ ˆ„Š‡~ she also combined all that with her ‚{x Â„‡‚~„z~‚`ˆqqŠ‰~Â?x{~‚€„ ~‚ˆ‡~ €‚~ optimistic of the fact that she will walk again with her legs. ¡ ‚~ q ~ qxŠ ~ˆ€§Â‡~„{‰~ ~q| Â‡|‡ ~ for a discharge the next day be`€x‚‡~ ~z‡‡ Â‡ ~{q~…‡{~{q~ ‡||„~{q~ †}~ ƒ€|‡z{‚~ ˆq~ €{~ {ˆ„‚~ Â’xz`{x|‡~ ‡|‡~ ˆ„…ˆŠ}~ {|€x†€{„Ž‡ Â‰~ ˆ„Š‡~ „z~ ‡||„‰~ {ˆ‡~ ˆq‚ƒ„{€Š‚~ ‡|‡~ qz~ ‚{|„¯‡~€z ~ ~Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡~{ˆ€{~ qxŠ ~Â?‡~ the worst thing to happen to anyÂ?q }~ €0‡`{‡ ~ €z ~ z‡‡ Â„zÂ…~ †‡ Â„`€Š~ˆ‡Šƒ~{q~‚x|§Â„§Â‡~€~{|€…‡ }¥´

GUS contestants enter Aguleri Jungle


fter an intense exercise which saw them overcoming several obstacles when other hopefuls fell by the wayside; and after a suspensežŠŠ‡ ~ žz€Š~ ‚‡Š‡`{„qz~ ƒ€|{}‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ coincided with the launch of a z‡ ~ xŠ Â‡|~Â?qCŠ‡‰~{ˆ‡~`qz{‡‚{€z{‚~ for this year’s Gulder Ultimate ‡€|`ˆ~ ˆ€§Â‡~ žz€ŠŠ}~ ƒ|q`‡‡ Â‡ ~ {q~ the Aguleri forest. Their search for this year’s hidden treasure has commenced in earnest. The lucky contestants for this }‡€|ª‚~ ‚‡€|`ˆ‰~ {€……‡ ~ Âś ˆ‡~ „‚‚„qzª‰~ €|‡×~ xqˆ€~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ¯‡zz€‰~ €…Â?q‚q‰~ q‚ˆx€‰~ †‡ Â„¯‡~ ¯‡zz€‰~ z‡~ q‚}~ q‡‰~ Â?€`ˆxÂŻ x‰~ ˆ„z‡ x‰~ Cq‰~ €zqz~ ˆ„†‡z‡†‰~ •qŠ€Â?„~ ††€zx‡Š~ Šx‚‡…xz‰~ |qˆ~ q‡Š€~ €z ~ ƒƒ„~ €†€z{ÂˆÂ€ÂĄ~ |Â„Â’Â€ÂŻÂƒq|~ q|‡C€‰~ qÂ?„z‚qz~ ˆ€|qz‰~ |„€{€~ Š‡‚‚„zÂ…~ ‚‡‰~   qˆ~ §Â„~€z ~ €…Â?€…„|q~ €z |€¥ |„q|~{q~{ˆ‡„|~‡z{|}~„z{q~{ˆ‡~Â’xz…Š‡‰~{ˆ‡~`qz{‡‚{€z{‚~ƒ€„ ~€~`qx|{‡‚}~`€ŠŠ~qz~{ˆ‡~ –‡`x{„§Â‡~ q§Â‡|zq|~ q•~ z۠Â?|€~ {€{‡‰~ ˆ„‡•~ „ŠŠ„‡~ Â?„€zq‰~ €{~ {ˆ‡~ {€{‡~ q§Â‡|z†‡z{~ House in Awka Anambra State. The delegation from Nigerian

|‡ ‡|„‡‚~ Š`¥‰~ †€zx•€`{x|‡|‚~ q•~ xŠ Â‡|~ Š€…‡|~ Â?‡‡|‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ Š‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ contestants to the Anambra State Government House included Ku•|‡~ ¯€z‡†‰~ q|ƒq|€{‡~ 0€„|‚~  §Â„‚‡|‰~ ††€zx‡Š~ Â…x‰~ €|¯‡{„zÂ…~ €z€…‡|‰~ xŠ Â‡|‰~ ‡…‡z ~€z ~ „•‡‰~ z}‡¯€~ ÂŻqŠ„‰~ ‡z„q|~ |€z ~ €z€…‡|‰~ xŠ Â‡|~€z ~ ‡xz~ € €Š‰~ |€z ~ €z€…‡|‰~ xŠ Â‡|ÂĄ z~ˆ„‚~|‡†€|¯‚‰~ q§¥~ „ŠŠ„‡~ Â?„ano expressed satisfaction that the Gulder brand deemed the Aguleri Â’xz…Š‡~q•~ z۠Â?|€~ {€{‡‰~ž{~‡zqx…ˆ~ to host the 11th edition of Gulder Ultimate Search.

‡~ ‚€„ Ă—~ ¡ ª†~ §Â‡|}~ ˆ€ƒƒ}~ {q~ |‡ceive all of you here in Anambra €z ~ ~ `q††‡z ~ }qx|~ „‚ q†~ „z~ choosing Anambra for the Ultimate Search. The choice of Aguleri is commendable. You are going to žz ~§Â‡|}~„z{‡|‡‚{„zÂ…~ƒŠ€`‡‚~„z~qx|~ ‚{€{‡¥´

‡~€Š‚q~x|…‡ ~{ˆ‡~ „…‡|„€z~ |‡ eries delegation to take out time to visit interesting sites in Anambra {€{‡¥~ ‡~ ‚€„ Ă—~ ¡ •~ }qx~ {€¯‡~ {„†‡~ qx{~{q~§Â„‚„{~ z۠Â?|€‰~}qx~ „ŠŠ~‚‡‡~ ˆ‡|‡~ € ~ €‚~Â?x|„‡ ¥~ •~}qx~€|‡~ familiar about with the story of the †„‚‚„zÂ…~{|„Â?‡~„z~ ‚|€‡Š‰~•|q†~{ˆ‡~Š„z-

‡€…‡~ q•~ €`qÂ?‰~ € ~ Š‡€ ~ {ˆ‡~ {‡€†~ through this side of the world. And he was believed to be the progeni{q|~q•~{ˆ‡~ Â…Â?q~|€`‡~ „{ˆ~ Â…xŠ‡|„~€‚~ {ˆ‡~ž|‚{~‚qzÂĄ~ qx~`€z~€Š‚q~§Â„‚„{~{ˆ‡~ {ÂĄ~ q‚‡ƒˆ~ €{ˆqŠ„`~ ˆx|`ˆ~ ˆ‡|‡~ }qx~ „ŠŠ~ žz ~ qx{~ †q|‡~ €Â?qx{~ {ˆ‡~ Š‡‚‚‡ ~ €{ˆ‡|~ ‡z‡~ €z‚„¥~~ ‡~€|‡~ leaders in many areas. That is why ‡~€|‡~{ˆ‡~Š„…ˆ{~q•~{ˆ‡~z€{„qz¥´ |ÂĄ~ x•|‡~ ¯€z‡†‰~ q|ƒq|€{‡~ 0€„|‚~  §Â„‚‡|‰~ „…‡|„€z~ |‡ ‡|„‡‚~ Š`¥‰~ {qŠ ~ {ˆ‡~ Â…q§Â‡|zq|~ {ˆ€{~ he was pleased to bring good tid„z…‚~•|q†~ „…‡|„€z‚~ |‡ ‡|„‡‚~ Š`ÂĄ~ q††‡z Â„zÂ…~ Â?„€zq~ •q|~ Â…qq ~ Â…q§Â‡|z€z`‡~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ ‚{€{‡‰~ ˆ‡~ ‚€„ Ă—~ ¡ ª†~ƒŠ‡€‚‡ ~{q~Â?‡~„z~{ˆ‡~ƒ|‡‚‡z`‡~ of a man who has taken an iconic step in pushing the frontiers of gov-

‡|z€z`‡¥~ •~{ˆ‡|‡~„‚~qz‡~‚{€{‡~{q~|‡`qÂ…z„‚‡~ „z~ „…‡|„€‰~ „{~ „‚~ z۠Â?|€~ {€{‡¥´ ˆ‡~ q|ƒq|€{‡~ 0€„|‚~  §Â„‚‡|~ revealed that three states lobbied {q~ ˆq‚{~ xŠ Â‡|~ Š{„†€{‡~ ‡€|`ˆ‰~ but the brand opted to hold GUS „z~ z۠Â?|€‰~ ‡§Â‡z~ {ˆqx…ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ State government did not try to „zÂżx‡z`‡~{ˆ‡~qx{`q†‡¥~ ‡~zq{‡ Ă—~~ ¡ „{ˆqx{~ €z}~ ƒx‚ˆ~ •|q†~ z۠Â?|€‰~ „{ˆqx{~ €z}~ ŠqÂ?Â?}„zÂ…~ •|q†~ z۠Â?|€‰~ „{ˆqx{~ €z}~ ƒq‚„{„qz„zÂ…~ •|q†~ z۠Â?|€‰~ Â’x‚{~ Â?}~ ƒx{{„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ }€| Â‚{„`¯‚‰~ {ˆ‡~ †‡`ˆ€z„‚„†‚‰~ {ˆ‡~ `|„{‡|„€~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ {€Â?Š‡‰~ „{~ was clear to us that we will come to Anambra State for Gulder Ulti†€{‡~ ‡€|`ˆ~¹¹¥´


Glitz & Glam

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY September 26, 2014

Toyin Aimakhu’s happy moment Bukola Bakare bukola.bakare@mydailynewswatchng.com

M the

e n t i o n her name in movie c i r c l e s , especially Yoruba arm of

Nollywood. Toyin A Aimakhu-Johnson ll d T kh J h sure knows her onions when it comes to interpreting her roles; a feat which has endeared her to many of her teeming fans. Recently, the Nollywood actress was so excited about being paid N1.5million at a single event that she took to her instagram page to share the good news. She gushed about being the compere and coordinator of the event and reeled a list of some of the goodies she would buy with the money.

When Sound sultan, others dazzled Lagos

Veecko Kyngz drops Communicate ‌features Duncan Mighty V


oundsultan, Phyno, Gordons, and a host of others held the Lagos crowd spellbound at {ˆ‡~ †‚{‡Š~ €Š{€~ ˆq {„†‡~ žz€Š‡‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~ held at the Unilag Indoor Sports Hall on 18th

September. At the event, ž§Â‡~ }qxzÂ…~ {€Š‡z{‚~ ˆq~ were selected through auditions were mentored and also got to perform on stage with the established acts. Apart from that, they also took home cash prizes.

eecko Kyngz doesn’t need much introduction, especially in the Eastern part of Nigeria following the huge success of his singles; Ikpu Ya and Kedu Ncha Bu Omo ft. Phyno.


th at i s s e t to ke e p m usi c l o ve rs p e rma n ent l y o n yo u r f e e t. Th e n e w s i n gl e wa s m i xed a n d ma s te re d by GrandMix for KraftHouse Media.

Ileya show for Top One Garden


n Saturday, October 4th, it would be celebration and glass clinking all

Kenny Saint Best’s campaign posters he is one of entertainers gearing up to join the political train in 2015. It is no longer news that gospel crooner, Kenny Saint Best wants to vie for a space in the Lagos State House of Assembly. As expected, the artiste has started creating the much needed awareness, starting from the

On this recent effort, “Communicateâ€? he employs the artistry q•~ q|{~ €|`qx|{ª‚~ ž|‚{~ son, Duncan Mighty on a beat c reated by Mr Tee to p roduc e a h i t

grassroots. Campaign posters with the inscription, ‘KSB 2015, Turnaround Galore’ have been pasted in strategic location within the Lagos metropolis. Observers as well are curious to know what she has in the offing; is she set to quit music for good if all goes according to plan? Time will tell.

the way with a music, dance and comedy courtesy International Breweries Plc, makers of Trophy beer as selected Fuji musicians and others will converge on Top One Garden, Podo Village, Ibadan for this year’s Ileya Show. The popular outfit is run by Solomon Ojedayo According to the show’s promoter, Mr. Babatunde Agboola-Alubarika of TASCO Music Promotions, artistes billed to perform at the forthcoming event include Tai-

ye Currency (Apesin Oganla), Remi Aluko, Sulaimon Maito (Paso Poly), Modinatu Akanke (Iyalaje Oganla), Suliyat Epo Akara, Opeyemi ElesinNla (Arole Currency) and others. He added that the Ileya Show is meant to serve as the contribution of Intl’ Breweries Plc and Top One Garden to add glamour, fun and excitement to this year’s Muslims Festival and at the same time promote our indigenous music and culture.


Daily Newswatch

News of Islam FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Zakzaky calls for proper planning of Ashura mourning, remembrance

L-R:Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky delivering his lecture during the seminar at Zaria while a guest looks on.


he leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky has called for proper planning of Ashura mourning and remembrance, a religious obligations prescribed by the Ahlul Bayt (the Infallibles). He made the statement at a oneday seminar organized by the central `q C ~ qz~ x| ~ z ~ | ª z~ symbolic trek held at the Hussainiyah Baqiyyatullah, Zaria last Saturday. The seminar was held in preparation q|~ { ~ } |ª ~ `q q| { qz~ q ~ x| ~ z ~ | ª z~{| ¯¡ Sheikh Zakzaky said, commemoration of Ashura, which included mourning sessions and | ª z~ } q `~ {| ¯~ qx ~ ~ observed and seen as a religious duty. Speaking further, Sheikh Zakzaky said, narratives of Ashura tragedy z~ ~ { | z ~ z ~{ ~ | ª z~{| ¯~ revives spirit of brutality, ever fresh in the heart of a listener and instills love z ~ ` z ~ ~ ~ }~ { ~ Ahlul Bayt. “This is necessary as there was a move to wipe out Ashura remembrance by the enemies in the past. However, Allah wills that it remains ever fresh in the hearts of men over time,” he pointed. He added that, the enemies had realized the dangers of Ashura remembrance, hence the constant plot {q~ C `¯~ z ~ x | ~ { ~ x{~ { qx{~ success. Sheikh Zakzaky therefore called for proper planning to curtail the new comers to conform to instituted discipline that drives the Movement. According to him, “It is a great

wonder how people have embraced this call within a short period. We are also surprised at the rapid response and acceptance from people from other parts of the world is expressing amazement. All we can say is that, this is from Allah”. He pointed that, the Movement is known for discipline and good conduct in organizing mass event z ~ q| ~ 0q|{ ~ qx ~ ~ ~ {q~ contain emerging issues. In his words, “We are known for high discipline and exemplary conduct. We are not a crowd. We have a work plan, purpose and mission. We are not driven by emotion, but by leadership and sincerity of purpose. This is a good testimony on the Movement. “Our control of mass gatherings ~ zq{~ ~ qz }~ 0 | ~ x{~ accumulated years of moral discipline and experience. I know that control q ~ z ~ `q | ~ ` z~ ~ § |}~ $`x { ~ in any case there is need to extend such discipline to the new comers in

Majalis and other special sessions so that we would operate on the same level”. To further achieve the intended purpose, the Leader called for division of labour in order to avoid overlapping of duties, as well as provision of working tools. Stressing the importance of internal and external security, Sheikh Zakzaky said enemies may want to disrupt the gatherings as they tried, but failed in the past. He explained that some people were sent for training in Saudi Arabia last year on how to detonate q ~ x| z ~{ ~ | ª z~ } q ` ~ but their plan was exposed and the operation eventually failed. “Had they tried it, we would have exposed the full details of the plan, names and identity of those who went for the training”, he added. On the killings on Quds day in Zaria, he said Nigerians have realized those killing them in the name of Boko Haram. “On broad daylight we saw

This is necessary as there was a move to wipe out Ashura remembrance by the enemies in the past. However, Allah wills that it remains ever fresh in the hearts of men over time

the real Boko Haram in their full gear; their commanders were exposed. Now we know the real Boko Haram and their international conspirators, U.S and Israel. With this exposition, if any of our members is found dead, we know who killed him”. Sheikh Zakzaky challenged the killers: “Let them boldly come out with full authority and say they did it. They are always looking for excuses to justify their act of savagery; this is an act of cowardice. Let them be courageous enough to openly claim responsibility, or claim that it was an order from their masters, U.S. and Israel. Or let their commander come out and claim that he did. Your atrocity on us can never be hidden anymore; we will unmask you on every move you made against us. To be frank, all that they did to us ~ {~{ {~ x {~ ~ ~zq~ C |~ the length of time. The massacre of Ashura that happened in the past, an agony which we now remember and revive, was also a debt that would be paid. Similarly, what they have done to us is a debt that will surely ~ ~ ~ `q| ~{ {~ x {~ ~ C ¡~ The payment is very costly, and the day of payment will surely come. It will be paid here in this world and in the hereafter. This is for sure; but the time is yet to come.” Sheikh Zakzaky urged the organizers of the events to intensify 0q|{~ {q | ~ x`` ~ z ~ { }~ should make room for external criticism, adding that, “Everything should be given proper planning and a work plan should be strictly adhered to.”

Daily Newswatch

News of Islam



Hajj: Embarking on spiritual journey of eternal bliss

Pilgrims boarding an aircraft MOMOH RAIMI BIO


ll praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creatures. We do praise and glorify Him as much as we thank Him for His umpteen favours and ceaseless blessings. We humbly beseech His assistance and earnestly implore Him to overlook our errors and shortcomings. From the evil whispering of our soul and the dire consequences of misdeeds, we sincerely seek recourse in His divine shield and shelter. Whoever Allah, the Omnipotent Source of guidance, has guided to the path of righteousness, has indeed received true guidance and none can ever lead astray. But whomever He has not shown the right path, has lost his way and guidance. I attest with all my heart that there is no deity, whether human or supra-human, that is deserving of worship in truth and sincerity save Allah - the Unique, and that Muhammad, the seal of all prophets, is His servant and messenger. “O you believers fear Allah the way He ought to be feared, and do not let death catch up with except in the state of total submission to Allah’s will.” Q3:102 “O men, fear your Lord who has created you from a single soul Adam, and from him created his pair, and spread from the duo many men and women. Also, fear Allah in whose name you ask each other of for you rights, and beware of violating the rights of the womb-relations.

Allah is indeed ever watchful over you.” Q4:1 “O you believers fear Allah and say what is right. By so doing, Allah will rectify your deeds to your own advantage, and pardon your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger has indubitably achieved great success.” Q33:60-71 To start with, the best speech is the words of Allah and the best guidance is that preached Muhammad (PBUH). The worst of religious affairs are the newlyinnovated, and every innovation is heretical, whereas every heresy is clear misguidance and every bit of misguidance will be in hell. “Hajj - Embarking on a spiritual journey of eternal bliss” is the topic Friday discourse of today. The word HAJJ derives originally from Arabic language and as a technical term in Islamic

jurisprudence, it connotes those acts of dedicated devotions which are performed after assuming the state of Ihram with the sole intention of worshipping Allah. These devotions are comprised of FARD (necessary duties), TAWAF (circumambulation of the holy kaaba), WUQUF (staying or making a sojourn at Arafat) and so on, which are performed according to a particular order at specified times. Allah asserts: “Surely, the first house of worship to be appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah - Makkah. It is full of blessings and guidance for all creatures humankind and jinns. In it, are crystal clear signs like the Place of Ibrahim; whosoever enter it, shall attain security and safety. And making pilgrimage to the house (Kaaba) is a duty that mankind owes Allah for those who can afford

I attest with all my heart that there is no deity, whether human or supra-human, that is deserving of worship in truth and sincerity save Allah

the essences to do so. And whoever disbelieves (i.e denies the obligation of Hajj), then Allah starts not in need of whole world.” Q3:96-97 These two lofty verses of the holy Quran unequivocally express the obligation of undertaking the spirit journey, Hajj, as a duty to Allah and as a source of attaining both worldly and spiritual blessings, tranquillity, as well as safety. This is so, because it affords the Pilgrim the once-in-a-life-time opportunity, at least, to have a direct sight of the great signs of Allah which in turn fill the mind with ingredients of leading a successful live and a triumphant hereafter. It instils in the believers the spiritual strength remain steadfast in their belief in the oneness of Allah, and by extension make it easy for them to persevere relentlessly in observing their duties to Him. The reason for this is not far to seek, as Millions of believers from the whole world converge yearly on the holy land to perform this spiritual rites regardless of their races, social strata, countries, and tribes worshipping one true God. What other unifying factor could be stronger than this? As for the virtues and excellence of Hajj, Abu Huraira, a devout companion, reported the Prophet as saying: “ ... a dutiful hajj has gotten no other reward than paradise.’’ I pray that Allah grant us the opportunity and provided us with the means to fulfil this spiritual obligation.


Islam and your health

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only)

Sweet potatoes stabilize blood sugar levels, lowers insulin resistance

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Sweet potato is actually a healthy sweet food that was rated one of the 10 best foods to eat by the Center for Science in the public interest

ย q{ย {qยก~ ย }ย qย ย ~ |ย ย ย ย ย ~ {ย ย ~ ย ย qqย ~ ย xย ย |~ ย ย ยงย ย ย ~ |ย {ย ย |~ ย ย q ย }~ qz~ `qย ย ย |ย ย qz~ {q~ ย ย ย ย ย ย ~ ย |xย {~ ย xย ย |ย ~ ยธย |x`{qย ย ย ~ย ย x`qย ย ~ย {`ยน~ย zย ~{ย ย |ย ย q|ย ย ~ |ย `qย ย ย zย ย ย ~ ย ย ~ ย ~ ย ย ย ย {ย }~ ย qqย ~ ย xย ย ย ย ย ย z{~ย ยงย z~ย z~ย ย ย ย ย {ย ย ยก~ ย ย ~{xย ย |~ย ย ~ย z~ย ย `ย ย ย ย z{~ย qx|`ย ~qย ~ ยฟย ยงqzqย ย ~ย ย ย zqย ย `~`qย ย qxzย ย ~ย x`ย ~ ย ย ~ ย ย {ย ย `ย |q{ย zย ~ ย zย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย zย ยก~ ย ย ย ย ~ `qย ย qxzย ย ~ ย |ย ~ ย q ย |ย xย ~ zย {x|ย ย ~ ย z{ย qย ย ย ย z{ย ยก~ ย {ย ย ย z~ ~ ย ย ~ ย ย ย q~ |ย ยฝxย |ย ย ~ ย }~ {ย ย ~ ย qย }~ {q~ ย ย ย z{ย ย z~ ย z{ย ย |ย {}~ qย ~ ย ย ย ย {ย }~ ย x`xย ~ ย ย ย ย |ย zย ย ~ ย zย ~ ย ยฏย zยก~ {~ ย ย ~ ย ~ ยงย {ย ย ~ zx{|ย ย z{~ ย q|~ ย ย ย ย {ย }~ ยงย ย ย qzยก~ qzย xย ย {ย qz~qย ~zย {x|ย ย ~ยงย ย ย {ย ย ย ย ย ~ ย zย ~ย |xย {ย ~|ย `ย ~ย z~ยฟย ยงqzqย ย ย ~ย |q{ย `{ย ~ {ย ย ~ย qย }~ย |qย ~ย xzย ~ย zย ~q|ย ย ~`ย ยงย {}~ `ย z`ย |ย ยก ย ย qย ~ ย ~ {xย ย |~ ย ย ~ ย z|ย `ย ย ย ~ ย {ย ~ many essential vitamins such as ย ย z{q{ย ย zย `~ ย `ย ย ~ ยธยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ยฒยนย ~ ย }|ย ย qย ย zย ~ ยธยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ยฌยนย ~ ย zย ~ {ย ย ย ย ย z~ ยธยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ยฑยนย ~ zย ย `ย zย ~ ย zย ~ |ย ย qยฟย ยงย zยก~ ย ย ย ย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย zย ~ ย |ย ~ ย ย ย ย z{ย ย ย ~ ย z~ {ย ย ~ ย ย zย ย ~ {ย ย {~ {ย ย ~ ย xย ย z~ ย qย }~ |ย ยฝxย |ย ย ~ {ย ย ย ~ ย |qย ~ ย ย {ย |zย ย ~ ย qx|`ย ย ~ {q~ |ย ย ย ย zย ย ย ยก~ ย ย ย ย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย zย ~ ย xz`{ย qz~ ย ย ~ `qย ย ย `{q|ย ~ย q|~ยงย |ย qxย ~ย zยฎ}ย ย ย ~ย x|ย zย ~ ย ย {ย ย qย ย ย ย ยก~ ย {ย ย ย z~ ยฌ~ ย ย ย ย ย ~ |ย ย x`ย ~ {ย ย ~ `ย ย ย ย `ย ย ~ ย qย q`}ย {ย ย zย ~ ย z~ qx|~ ย qย ย ย ย ยก~ qย q`}ย {ย ย zย ~ ย ย ย ~ ย ย ย z~ ย ย zยฏย ย ~ ย {ย ~ ย ย ย ย zย |ย {ย ยงย ~ ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ~ ย z`ย xย ย zย ~ {ย ย ~ ย |ย ยงย z{ย qz~ qย ~ย ย ย |{~ย Cย `ยฏย ยก ย ย {~ย q{ย {qย ย ~ย |ย ~ย ~ย qqย ~ย qx|`ย ~ qย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย z~ ยก~ ย ย ย ย ~ ย qย {~ ย ย qย ย ย ~ ยฏzq ~{ย ย {~ยงย {ย ย ย z~ ~ย ย ~ย ย ย q|{ย z{~{q~ ย ย ย ย ~ ย |ย ~q0~`qย ย ~ย zย ~ยฟx~ยงย |xย ย ย ย ~ ย ย ~ ย ย qย ย ย ~ ย |ย ~ ย ย |ย ~ {ย ย {~ {ย ย ย ~ `|x`ย ย ย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ย ย }ย ~ ย z~ ย ย ย q|{ย z{~ |qย ย ~ ย z~ ย qzย ~ ย zย ~ {qq{ย ~ ย q|ย ย {ย qzย ~ ย ย ย ย ย {ย qzย ~ย zย ~ย ย qqย ~`ย ย ย ~ย q|ย ย {ย qzยก~ {~ ย ย ย ย ย ~ ย ``ย ย ย |ย {ย ~ qxzย ~ ย ย ย ย ย zย ย ~ ย |qย x`ย ย ~ `qย ย ย ย ย z~ ย ย `ย ~ ย ย ย ย ย ~ ย ย ย z{ย ย z~ ย ยฏย zยชย ~ }qx{ย ย xย ~ ย ย ย ย {ย `ย {}ย ~ and is essenยฌtial to helping us cope ย {ย ~ย {|ย ย ย ยก~ {~ย ยงย z~ย ย ย ย ย |ย ~{q~ย ย ย ย ~ ย |q{ย `{~{ย ย ~ย qย }~ย ย ย ย zย {~{qย ย zย ~{ย ย {~ ย ย }~ย ย ~ย ย zยฏย ย ~{q~`ย z`ย |ยก {~ ย ย ย q~ `qz{ย ย zย ~ ย {ย ย ย z~ ~ ย ย `ย ~ ย ย ~ `|ย {ย `ย ย ~ ย q|~ ย ย ย xzย ~ ย }ย {ย ย ~ ย zย ~ qยงย |ย ย ย ~ย ย ย ย {ย ยก~~ ย {ย ย ย z~ ~ย ย ย }ย ~ย z~ ย ย ย q|{ย z{~|qย ย ~ย z~qx|~ย zย |ย }~ย ย ยงย ย ย ย ~ ย qqย ย ย ~ ย zย ~ ย ย ย ย ย ~ {q~ ย xย ย ย ~ ย ย ย ย {ย }~ ย qzย ย ย ~ย ย ย |{ย ~zย |ยงย ย ย ~ย ยฏย zย ~ย zย ~{ย ย {ย ย ~ ย zย ~ย {~ย xย ย q|{ย ~{ย ย ~{ย }|qย ย ~ย ย ย zย ยก ย ย {~ ย q{ย {q~ ย |qยงย ย ย ย ~ ย ~ ย qqย ~ ย ย qxz{~ qย ~ ยงย {ย ย ~ ย ย zย |ย ย ย ~ ย x`ย ~ ย ย ~ ย |qzย ~ `ย ย `ย xย ย ~ ย ย ย zย ย ย xย ย ~ ย ย zย ย zย ย ย ย ~ย zย ~ย q{ย ย ย ย xย ~{ย ย {~ย |ย ~ ยงย |}~ ย ย ย ย z{ย ย ย ~ ย q|~ ย zยฎ}ย ย ย ~ ย |q{ย ย zย ~ ย zย ~`ย |ย qย }ย |ย {ย ~ย ย {ย ย qย ย ย ย ยก ย ย {~ ย q{ย {q~ ย ย ย ยงย ย ~ ย |ย ~ ย zย ย ย ย ~ ย q|ย ~zx{|ย {ย qxย ~{ย ย z~{ย ย ~{xย ย |~ย {ย ย ย ย ยก~ ย ย ย ย {~ ย ย |~ ย ย ย ย {ย ~ ยฑยญยญย ~ qย ~ ย |ย ย ย ~ ย ย ย ยงย ย ~`qz{ย ย z~ย q|ย ~ย |qzย ~ยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ~ ย qย ย ย {ย ย ย ~ ยงย {ย ย ย z~ ย ~ ย zย ~ ย q{ย ย ย ย xย ~ ย x{~ย ย ย ย ~ย qย ย xย ~{ย ย z~ย {ย ~{xย ย |ยก ย ย }~`qz{ย ย z~ย |qzยก~ ย zย |ย ย ~ย |qz~ย ย ~ zย ย ย ย ย ~ ย }~ {ย ย ~ ย qย }~ ย q|~ ย ย ย ยฝxย {ย ~ ย zย |ย }ยก~ {~ย ย ย q~ย ย ย }ย ~q{ย ย |~ย ย ย q|{ย z{~ |qย ย ย ~ ย z~ {ย ย ~ ย qย }ย ~ ย z`ย xย ย zย ~ |ย ย ~ ย zย ~ ย ย {ย ~ ย ย qqย ~ `ย ย ย ~ ย |qย x`{ย qzย ~ |ย ย ย ย {ย z`ย ~{q~ย {|ย ย ย ย ~ย |qย ย |~ย ย รฐย xzย ~ ย xz`{ย qzย zย ~ย zย ~{ย ย ~ย ย {ย ย qย ย ยฎย zย ~qย ~ ย |q{ย ย zย ~ย ย qzย ~q{ย ย |~{ย ย zย ย ยก ย ย {~ย q{ย {qย ย ~ย |ย ~ย ~ย qqย ~ย qx|`ย ~ qย ~ ย ย ย รฐzย ย ย xย ย ~ ย ย `ย ~ ย ย ~ {ย ย ~ |ย ย ย ย ย {ย qz~ ย zย ~ ย z{ย ย ย {|ย ย ย ~ ย ย zย |ย ย ยก~ ย ย zย ย ย xย ~ย ย ~zย `ย ย ย ย |}~ย q|~ย ย ย ย {ย }~ ย |{ย |}ย ~ ย ย qqย ย ~ ย qzย ย ~ ย ย ย |{ย ~ ย xย `ย ย ~ ย zย ~zย |ยงย ~ย xz`{ย qzยก

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2014

Conference of Holy Qur’an


Send your comment to mohammedsubair872@yahoo.com 08055752970

Spiritual journey to Makkah


visit to the Holy Mosque of Mecca and Medina, with the grave of the Prophet xˆ€††€ Â‰~„‚~€~ž|†~ „‚ˆ~•q|~ the vast majority of Muslims. There are two types of pilgrimages in Islam; the Hajj, also called the major pilgrimage, which is compulsory for every Muslim who is physically, mentally €z ~žz€z`„€ŠŠ}~½x€Š„ž‡ ~q|~€Â?Š‡¥~ ˆ‡~ €’’~ `€z~ qzŠ}~ {€¯‡~ ƒŠ€`‡~  x|„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ ž|‚{~ ¹­~ days of the Hijri month of Zul Al-Hijja and each Muslim is required to undertake it only once in their lifetime. The Umrah, or minor pilgrimage, is optional and can Â?‡~ƒ‡|•q|†‡ ~€{~€z}~{„†‡~{ˆ|qx…ˆqx{~{ˆ‡~ year, even during the time of Hajj. The essence of performing Umrah is {q~ ‚ˆq ~ {q{€Š~ ‚xÂ?†„‚‚„qz~ {q~ ÂŠÂŠÂ€ÂˆÂĄ~ ˆ‡~ ‡z{|€z`‡~{q~Â?q{ˆ~‚€`|‡ ~`„{„‡‚~q•~ Â€ÂŻÂŻÂ€Âˆ~ and Medina is only granted to Muslims. Whoever intends to perform Umrah or Hajj must assume the sacred state, Ihram. For men this means they need to Â?‡~ |‡‚‚‡ ~„z~ ˆ„{‡~`Šq{ˆ‚~ ˆ„Š‡~ q†‡z~ `€z~ ‡€|~ q| Â„z€|}~  |‡‚‚‰~ Â?x{~ {ˆ‡„|~ ˆ€„|~ €z ~ ˆqŠ‡~Â?q }~†x‚{~Â?‡~§Â‡Â„Š‡ ~€``q| Â„zÂ…~ to Islamic tradition. Fights, quarrels, ‡€|„zÂ…~ƒ‡|•x†‡‰~`xC„zÂ…~ˆ€„|~q|~z€„Š‚~€z ~ killing an animal, even a small insect, are •q|Â?„  Â‡z~ x|„zÂ…~{ˆ‡~‚€`|‡ ~‚{€{‡¥ With all signs of pride and wealth removed and while carrying out the same rituals, invoking and supplicating to the same God, thousands of Muslims from all around the world, gather as equals in one place. The centre of the pilgrimage is Al-Harram in Makkah, which houses the €€Â?€¥ Contemplating faith in this huge gathering invokes a pure sense of Allah’s might, which the pilgrims invoke to |‡ Â‡Â‡Â†~{ˆ‡„|~‚qxŠ‚~€z ~Â?q Â„‡‚~€z ~•q|…„§Â‡~ their all sins. The supplication renews the

€’’„‚~Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡~„z~ q Â‰~{ˆ‡„|~|‡Š„…„qz~€z ~„z~ themselves.

x‚Š„†ª‚~ Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ €€Â?€~ €‚~ Â?x„Š{~ Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ|qƒˆ‡{~ Â?|€ˆ€†‰~ „{ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ €‚‚„‚{€z`‡~ q•~ ˆ„‚~ ‚qz~ ‚ˆ†€‡Š‰~ Â?}~  Â„§Â„z‡~ orders to stand as a mark of Allah’s House on Earth. Muslims all around the world ƒ|€}~ ž§Â‡~ {„†‡‚~ €~  Â€}~ „z~ {ˆ‡~  Â„|‡`{„qz~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ €Â?€€¥ The Umrah consists of only two rituals; € ۥ~q|~`„|`x†€†Â?xŠ€{„qz‰~ ˆ„`ˆ~†‡€z‚~ {q~`„|`Š‡~{ˆ‡~ €€Â?€~‚‡§Â‡z~{„†‡‚~„z~€z~€z{„‹ clockwise direction, and Sa’y, which †‡€z‚~ {q~ €Š¯~ ‚‡§Â‡z~ {„†‡‚~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ {ˆ‡~ €•€~€z ~ €| €~ÂˆÂ„ÂŠÂŠÂ‚ÂĄ~ z~{ˆ‡~Š€C‡|~{ˆ‡}~|‡‹ ‡z€`{~ Â?|Â€ÂˆÂ€Â†ÂŞÂ‚~ „•‡~ €’€|ª‚~‡z Â‡Â€§qx|~ {q~ žz ~ €{‡|~ ˆ‡z~ ‚ˆ‡~ €‚~ Š‡•{~ €Šqz‡~ {ˆ‡|‡~ „z~ {ˆ‡~  Â‡Â‚‡|{~ „{ˆ~ ˆ‡|~ Â?€Â?}‰~ {ˆ‡~ prophet Ishmael. The Zamzam spring appeared from the ground as a gift from Allah to Hajar and ˆ‡|~ Â?€Â?}‰~ €z ~ {q~ {ˆ„‚~  Â€}~ {ˆ‡~ €†Ž€†~ ‚ƒ|„zÂ…~‚{„ŠŠ~|xz‚~€z ~ƒ„Š…|„†‚~Â?‡Š„‡§Â‡~{ˆ‡}~ |‡`‡„§Â‡~ €~ Â?Š‡‚‚„zÂ…~ Â?}~  |„z¯„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ €{‡|~ €z ~ q•{‡z~ Â?qCŠ‡~ ‚q†‡~ {q~ {€¯‡~ ˆq†‡~ •q|~ friends and family. The sacred state of pilgrimage ends after ƒ‡|•q|†„zÂ…~ €ŠŠ~ {ˆ‡~ |„{x€Š‚~ €z ~ `xC„zÂ…~ €~

lock of hair, however a lot of men prefer to shave their heads completely. Each expansion or renovation carries the z€†‡~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ €x Â„‹ |€Â?„€z~ ¯„zÂ…~ xz Â‡|~ whose reign they took place, even several of the gates to the Haram, the sacred enclosure, carry the names of Saudi |€Â?„€z~|xŠ‡|‚¥ A new expansion project is currently underway in Mecca’s Haram, nearly half {ˆ‡~ €|‡€~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ €|۠~ „‚~ `Šq‚‡ ~ q0~ •q|~ construction. After the work is completed {ˆ‡~ qŠ}~ q‚½x‡~ „ŠŠ~ Â?‡~ €Â?Š‡~ {q~ €``q††q Â€{‡~€Â?qx{~{ q~†„ŠŠ„qz~ƒ„Š…|„†‚~ at the same time. €Š‡ˆ~ xˆ€††€ Â‰~ €~ €x Â„‹ |€Â?„€z~ engineer said that the main intention Â?‡ˆ„z ~ {ˆ‡~ |‡zq§Â€{„qz‚~ „‚~ {q~ †€¯‡~ {ˆ‡~ €|۠~ ŠqqÂŻ~ †q|‡~ `q†ƒ€{„Â?Š‡~ „{ˆ~ „{‚~ ‚x||qxz Â„zÂ…~ Â?x„Š Â„z…‚¥~ ¡ ˆ‡~ government saw that the Holy Mosque’s was disappearing in the middle of the surrounding skyscrapers and hotels, so it undertook the construction to make the

€|۠~ŠqqÂŻ~Â?„……‡|‰´~ˆ‡~‚€„ ¥

The essence of performing Umrah is to show total submission to Allah. The entrance to both sacred cities of Makkah and Medina is only granted to Muslims

The road from Makkah to Medina {€¯‡‚~€Â?qx{~ž§Â‡~ˆqx|‚‰~€z ~€ŠŠ~{ˆ‡|‡~„‚~{q~ see an endless yellow desert with a few ˆ„ŠŠ‚‰~ ÂŻzqŠŠ‚~ €z ~ ‚q†‡~ ƒ€Š‡~ Â?x‚ˆ‡‚~ ˆ‡|‡~ and there. The name of the road is Hijra, or emigration, referring to the supposed same route Prophet Muhammad took during his emigration from Makkah to Medina. The visit to Al-Medina Al-Monawara, or the Illuminated City, where Prophet Muhammad continued to spread his message until he died, is not compulsory  x|„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ„Š…|„†€…‡‰~ Â?x{~ ‚{€}„zÂ…~ „z~ ‡ Â„z€~•q|~`qxƒŠ‡~q•~ Â€}‚~ˆ€‚~Â?‡`q†‡~{ˆ‡~ ˆ€Â?„{~q•~€ŠŠ~ƒ„Š…|„†‚¥ ‡ Â„z€~ „‚~ ¾­¯Â†~ zq|{ˆ~ q•~ ‡``€~ €z ~ is honoured for housing the prophet’s mosque, where he imparted the divine ‚Š€†„`~ {‡€`ˆ„z…‚~ {q~ ˆ„‚~ ž|‚{~ •qŠŠq ‡|‚‰~ his grave and the graves of his most ‚„…z„ž`€z{~`q†ƒ€z„qz‚¥ The city is centred around the Holy mosque, situated on a fertile plain. Unlike the mountainous terrains around Makkah, ‡ Â„z€~ „‚~ •xŠŠ~ q•~ Â?‡€x{„•xŠ~ q|`ˆ€| Â‚~ €z ~ palm groves. The city is known for its kind €z ~ …‡z‡|qx‚~ „zˆ€Â?„{€z{‚‰~ ÂŻzq z~ €‚~ {ˆ‡~ descendants of the prophet’s companions, who are always ready to aid the pilgrims. The Haram courtyard is surrounded Â?}~‡–½x„‚„{‡~ž§Â‡~‚{€|~ˆq{‡Š‚‰~€z ~{ˆ‡~`q‚{~ of accommodation depends on their distance from the Haram, the longer it takes to reach the Haram, the less you will pay. Pilgrimage is an auspicious opportunity for each Muslim to visit the sacred areas, for recreation and spiritual nourishment. †|€~ ‚„…z„ž‡‚~ €~ z‡ ~ ‚{€|{~ •q|~ †€z}~ pilgrims, who during their journey realise the real meaning of their lives and the essence of their relationship with Allah and the surrounding universe. ŠŠ€ˆ~ÂŻzq ‚~Â?‡‚{ĂŞ


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Kebbi to collaborate NGO, donor agencies on health care delivery AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


ebbi State Commissioner for Health, Hussainin Raha has assured all the NGOs and donour agencies who wish to partner with the state government to do so as the government is ready to partner with them in order to promote the Health Care Service Delivery and reduce the maternal health care service delivery in the state. Raha spoke yesterday in ˆ„‚~q$`‡~ ˆ„Š‡~ƒŠ€}„z…~ˆq‚{~ to one of the NGOs, Kebbi Maternal Health Care Service [MCHCS] when they paid him a courtesy visit. He explained that for any state to reach zero line on primary health care delivery system such state must collaborate with NGOs and other donor agencies. Pointing out that Kebbi state government has done a lot in health sector ‘‘we have reduced the cases of maternal mortality and child birth in the state, we are among the best in the country and the best in the North.� The Commissioner further explained that by January next year the newly constructed Kalgo Modern Hospital would be commissioned as all necessary arrangements have been concluded including the purchases of medical equipments and furniture. Responding, the chairperson of the NGOs, Hajiya Mariyam Mustaph said that the aim of the organization is to ensure that women and children should have access to Health care service delivery.

Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 26, 2014

FG has increased funding of tertiary institutions, says TETfund boss NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


he Executive Secretary of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro yesterday said the allocation to each public university in Nigeria has increased from N303 million to N912 million be-

tween 2010 and 2014. Giving a break down, Bogoro said the allocations to polytechnics has risen from N183 million in 2010 to N661 million while that of the Colleges of Education has increased from N157 million in 2010 to N581 million in 2014. Speaking at the 2014 Joint

TETFund\Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Bogoro noted that the partnership between TETFund and FIRS has resulted in annual increase in allocations to various public institutions saying that the number of institutions has also increased from 157 in 2010 to 183 in 2014. Represented by Director

of Corporate Planning and Development Mallam Aliyu Naiye, Bogoro said the fund has been discharging its obligations consistently over the years with integrity, transparency and in a total compliance with the law and other extant rules and regulations issued by government.

L-R: Kaduna State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman, Dr. Abubakar Haruna; Kaduna State Governor, Mukhtar Yero and Chief Whip, Kaduna State House of Assembly, Mr. Philemon Usman, at the launch and distribution of Mukhtar Yero, Endowment Fund in Kaduna State...yesterday.

NUJ tasks President Jonathan,Yero on southern Kaduna attack council chairman Yusuf Idris in Kaduna yesterday. he Kaduna state The congress deliberated on chapter of Nigerian issues of National Importance Union of Journal- and contended that “the Fedists, (NUJ) yester- eral and Kaduna State Govday called on Presi- ernments should be proactive dent Goodluck Jonathan and in handling the case of incesGovernor Ramallan Yero to ‚€z{~ €C€`ÂŻ~ qz~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ‡qƒŠ‡~ q•~ put in place measures that Southern Kadunaâ€?. „ŠŠ~`x|Â?~{ˆ‡~„z`‡‚‚€z{~€C€`¯‚~ The communique signed in the state. by Austin Anyebe, Chairman The charge is contained in a Communique drafting comcommunique at the end of its †„C‡‡~ €Š‚q~ ¡`qz Â‡Â†z‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ congress presided over by the `qz{„zx‡ ~€C€`ÂŻ~€z ~{ˆ‡~z‡ ‚~



that government and the security agencies have not done much to curtail the killings in the area hence suggested that, there should be an inter-states security meeting between Kaduna, Nasarawa and Plateau {€{‡‚‰~ {q~ ƒ|q0‡|~ ‚qŠx{„qz~ {q~ the lingering crisis�. Part of the communique said, “The union is also of the view that the Federal Government should equally extend the same security measures being put in place in the North -East

in the Southern part of Kaduna State, Plateau and Nasarawa. “The congress also agreed and approved to embark on the building of conference hall and three-storey lodge within the secretariat. The project is to be funded by an estate developer in collaboration with the union at the cost of about ž§Â‡~ˆxz |‡ ~†„ŠŠ„qz~ €„|€¥ “The congress also resolved to evolve measures that will enable members own their housesâ€?.

2015: Fight against third term wins support for Atiku in Kaduna- Youth leader BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna


q|~  €|„zÂ…~ {q~ ž…ˆ{~ former President Olusegun Obasanjo over his third term ambition, the Arewa Youth Leaders and stakeholders have declared their support for former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar to succeed President Jonathan in 2015. The group in a communiquĂŠ at the end of its one day meeting in Kaduna, disclosed that the former vice president has earned a place in the political history of Nigeria as someone who took enormous risk to strengthen democracy when it was under severe presidential threat of third term bid in 2007. According to the communiquĂŠ, signed by the secretary of the group, Musa Adamu, the group said the former vice

president, in his bid to save democracy, approached the judiciary over ten times on various issues with a landmark supreme court judgement to his favour which is nursing the current democracy today. The communiquĂŠ added while all the presidential aspirants from the All Progressives Congress (APC), are ‡†„z‡z{Š}~ ½x€Š„ž‡ ~ €‚~ ¿€…bearers or president of this country, there should be a dispassionate evaluation of the present national mood for a preferred choice of the people. They said, “The leadership or presidency of this country must speedily move from trial and error to decisiveness and absolute display of informed decisions and political will in order to secure the future of its citizens. “The choice of the right person for the job should be

centred around experience, integrity, liberal disposition, courage, pure civilian with democratic credentials and this is where the former vice President, Atiku Abubakar takes the lead among others,� the communiquÊ said. The communiquÊ further

expressed dismay over the grave insecurity and diminishing quality leadership in the country saying, this is affecting all aspect of national life, which must be halted immediately. “It is very disheartening that within the PDP some

northerners with presidential credentials whom it was strongly believed will give a shot at the presidency to provide credible alternative leadership seems to be foot dragging due to a subterfuge/ staged managed arrangement of endorsing the incumbent.

RUWASA moves to end water scarcity in Jigawa DAHIRU SULEIMAN, Dutse


igawa state government through its Agency, Rural, Water, and Sanity Agency(RUWASA) with support of Department For International Development (DFID) have constructed 724 hand pumps in a bid to arrest water shortage in Buji, Roni, Gagarawa, Birnin x x‰~ „}€ €‰~ €žz~ x‚€‰~ and Gwiwa LGA’s. RUWASA MD Engineer Labaran Adamu made the disclosure while speaking to

€„Š}~ ‡ ‚ €{`ˆ~„z~ˆ„‚~q$`‡~ at Shuwarin in Kiyawa council of Jigawa state. He said in addition that plans has reached an advanced stage by the Agency to construct 120 hand pumps next year. On open defecation, Adamu said the Agency has constructed 84 laterines as well as intensify campaign on personal hygiene on public across the state. According to the MD 30 of the constructed laterines were constructed in selected prima-

ry schools, while 54 were constructed in the 27 LGA’s with { q~‡€`ˆ~„z~{ˆ‡~€0‡`{‡ ~€|‡€‚¥ He also announced plans to construct forty more in 20 primary schools across Jigawa state. Engineer Adamu remarked that the Agency had embarked on vigorous public awareness mobilization on danger of open defecation, and importance of utilizing modern toilets in houses, and hand washing after toilets to control spread of communicable diseases.

He assured that TETFund would not derail in carrying out its mandate as an intervention agency to all public tertiary institutions saying {ˆ‡~ •xz ~ „‚~ `q††„C‡ ~ {q~ supporting institutions for development of education. Chairman of the fund, Dr. Musa Babayo said the partnership between the two agencies was aimed at overcoming the major challenges hindering the transformation of the nation’s tertiary institutions noting that the partnership in Education Tax collection has translated into transformative projects being executed by the fund in various institutions. Babayo who was represented by a member of the board Honourable Victor Bala said in 2013 the Fund has surpassed its target of N118 billion by recording a total collection of N279 which indicates an increase of N161 billion over the target set for the year.

Fintiri’s absence stalls Nyako’s case against impeachment OWOLABI ADENUSI-Yola


ˆ‡~ `€‚‡~ žŠŠ‡ ~ €{~ qŠ€‰~ High Court by ousted Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State has suffered another setback in his bid to challenge the process of his removal by substitute services due to inability of the acting governor of the state Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri to appear before the court. The Court presided by Jus{„`‡~ ‚ˆ€}€~ €zx~„z~„{‚~‚„C„zÂ…~ yesterday adjourned to 30th ‡ƒ{‡†Â?‡|~ {ˆ‡~ `€‚‡~ žŠŠ‡ ~ Â?}~ ousted Governor Murtala Nyako challenging the substituted service of notice of his impeachment. Counsel to Nyako, Adeniyi Akintola (SAN) had sought the court permission with regards to whether the substituted service of notice of impeachment against Nyako was in order. He noted with concern that since the case started the third respondent and acting Governor of Adamawa State Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has not made appearance despite the fact that the ž|‚{~ €z ~ ‚‡`qz ~ |‡‚ƒqz Â‡z{‚~ have done so expressing surprise that since the case was žŠ‡ ~{ˆ‡~{ˆ„| ~|‡‚ƒqz Â‡z{~ˆ€‚~ not made appearance. “When we came to the court, we discovered that the third respondent has not made appearance and the issue was only mentioned this morning. Had I known the situation, I wouldn’t have come today.

Daily Newswatch Friday, September 26, 2014


News Perspective

When NDIC closed doors to tourism in Brazil BY IJEOMA OKOYE


igeria, the most ƒqƒxŠqx‚~ Â?Š€`ÂŻ~ nation in the world, is noted for its wide va|„‡{„‡‚~ q•~ {qx|„‚{~ €C|€`{„qz‚¥~ These tourist centres are seen Â?}~ †€z}‰~ ‡‚ƒ‡`„€ŠŠ}~ „z~ {ˆ‡~ hospitality sector, as an avenue to market the nation’s „†ƒ‡``€Â?Š‡~ „†€…‡~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ |‡‚{~ of the world. ˆqx…ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ °­¹¾~ q|Š ~ Cup, held in Brazil, had come and gone, the fallout from {ˆ‡~…ŠqÂ?€Š~‚q``‡|~‡§Â‡z{~„‚~‚{„ŠŠ~ rocking the Nigerian Tourism Development Board (NTDC). NTDC is neck deep in alŠ‡…‡ ~žz€z`„€Š~•qxŠ~ƒŠ€}~€ŠŠ‡…‡ ÂŠ}~ƒ‡|ƒ‡{|€{‡ ~Â?}~„{‚~q$`„€Š‚~ over a proposed Fans’ Village to showcase Nigeria’s culture {q~•qq{Â?€ŠŠ~•€z‚~„z~ |€Ž„Š¥ Director General, NTDC, President Jonathan ‚~ €ŠŠ}~ Â?€z‡•q‰~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡‡z~  |€……‡ ~Â?‡•q|‡~{ˆ‡~ `qzq†„`~ reports on the unfolding scan- entered into legal commit†‡z{‚~qz~Â?‡ˆ€Š•~q•~ ‰~{ˆ‡~ and Financial Crimes Com- dal. One of the editors, who government and most espemission (EFCC) over alleged unwholesome conduct while €C‡z Â‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ Â?|„‡žz…‰~ ‚€„ ~ cially the people of Nigeria.â€? Investigation revealed that handling contractual deals majority of the editors were running into several millions €zzq}‡ ~ Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ |‡½x‡‚{~ zq{~ NTDC, which ranks tops on the failed Fans’ Village in |„{‡~€z}{ˆ„zÂ…~€Â?qx{~ˆ‡|~‡–- among other agencies in the cept the one emanating from Culture, Tourism and NationBrazil. al Orientation, has remained ~ ~ ž|†‰~ ~ z{‡|{€„z†‡z{~ her consultants. Beside the alleged Memo- a major income driver of the „…‡|„€~ „†„{‡ Â‰~ q z‡ ~ Â?}~ Azania Omo-Agege, Daily randum of Understanding ministry. NTDC supervises National Newswatch learnt, took (MoU) that NTDC entered NTDC to EFCC over the al- into with Za Entertainment, Council for Arts and Culture Š‡…‡ ~Â?q{`ˆ‡ ~ „…‡|„€z~ qq{- Ministry of Culture and Tour- (NCAC), National CommisÂ?€ŠŠ~ €z‚ª~ „ŠŠ€…‡~ ¸ š~ €{~ „‚†~„‚~‡½x€ŠŠ}~ q||„‡ ~€Â?qx{~ sion for Museum and Monu{ˆ‡~ °­¹¾~ q|Š ~ xƒ~ ˆ‡Š ~ „z~ how a planned crowd pull- ment (NCMM), the National ing event to promote Nigeria Theater and the National Brazil. Troupe. The project was estimated ended as a one-room show. It was gathered that the Others are Nigerian Insti{q~ `q‚{~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ ¾­~ {q~ ²­~ †„ŠŠ„qz‰~ Â?x{~ z‡§Â‡|~ ‚€ ~ {ˆ‡~ ~ Â?q€| ~ €ƒƒ|q§Â‡ ~ ¹°~ tute for Hospitality and Tourlight of the day, a situation ƒ‡|‚qz‚~{q~{|€§Â‡ÂŠ~ „{ˆ~ Â?€z‡- „‚†~ ¸ šÂ‰~ ‡z{|‡~ †€z}~ Â‡Â‚`|„Â?‡ ~€‚~€~z€{„qz€Š~ fo to Brazil for the tourna- for Black Arts and Culture ment with the Duty Tour Al- (CBAC), National Gallery of ‡†Â?€||€‚‚†‡z{ÂĄ ˆ‡~ ž|†‰~ ~ z{‡|{€„z- lowance (DTA) paid for the Arts (NGA) and National Inment, is asking the anti-cor- €ƒƒ|q§Â‡ ~zx†Â?‡|~q•~ƒ‡|‚qz‚¥~ stitute for Cultural OrientaContrary to the travel ar- tion (NICO). |xƒ{„qz~ €…‡z`}~ {q~ ƒ|qÂ?‡~ {ˆ‡~ The NTDC governing funds allegedly raised from |€z…‡†‡z{‰~ Â?€z‡•q~ {|€§sponsors for the Fans Village elled to Brazil with three Â?q€| Â‰~ €„Š}~ ‡ ‚ €{`ˆ~ and how much was actually journalists, the Chairman gathered, has decided to deal q•~ ~ ‚{€0~ xz„qz‰~ ˆ‡|~ with issues of mismanagespent. The company made the daughter and Omo-Agege, ment, high handedness and demands in a petition sent „{ˆqx{~ €z}~ †‡†Â?‡|~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ disregard for civil service |xŠ‡‚~|‡ƒq|{‡ ÂŠ}~Â?‡„zÂ…~ƒ‡|ƒ‡{q~ {ˆ‡~ ~ ˆ€„|†€z‰~ Â?|€- NTDC project unit. It was still unclear who the {|€{‡ ~Â?}~{ˆ‡~ ~Â?q‚‚¥ ˆ„†~ ۠q| Â‡Â‰~Â?}~„{‚~`qxz‚‡Š‰~ ~ €‚~ƒ€„ ~{q‰~€~†€C‡|~{ˆ‡~ The Director General, Newman Akpore. Daily Newswatch gathered ministry is trying to unravel ‰~ ‡`ˆx‡‹ Â?€z‡•q‰~ allegedly did everything pos{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ xƒ‡|§Â„‚„zÂ…~ „z„‚{|}~ too. Za Entertainment, in its ‚„Â?Š‡~ {q~ `q§Â‡|~ xƒ~ €z~ €ŠŠ‡…‡ ~ of Culture and Tourism apƒ€|‡z{Š}~ „|¯‡ ~ Â?}~ †€z}~ €ŠŠ‡- petition, stated that “The fraud during the just congations and petitions received EFCC should determine the `Šx Â‡ ~ |€Ž„Š~°­¹¾~ q|Š ~ xƒ~ on the Fans’ Village had to following: the total amount ۥ{‡|~€~•€„Š‡ ~€C‡†ƒ{~{q~`ˆ‡ ~ „‚‚x‡~ €~ ½x‡|}~ {q~ {ˆ‡~ ‡†Â?€{- collected from various corpo- up a piece of incriminating {Š‡ ~ ~ ‰~ Â?€z‡•q‰~ Â‡- rate and private sponsors; the document in a Brazilian hotel account used for such collec- qz~ xz‡~¹º¥ †€z Â„zÂ…~‡–ƒŠ€z€{„qzÂĄ~ Daily Newswatch learnt It was also gathered that as tion of funds from sponsors; ‚qqz~ €‚~ {ˆ‡~ ~ Â?q‚‚~ |‡- {ˆ‡~ {q{€Š~ ۠qxz{~ ‡–ƒ‡z Â‡ ~ that she had asked for a meet`‡„§Â‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ½x‡|}~ ‚ˆ‡~ €‚‚‡†- qz~{ˆ‡~ „…‡|„€z~ qq{Â?€ŠŠ~ €z‚~ ing with President Goodluck Â?Š‡ ~ˆ‡|~‚{|€{‡…„‚{~{q~ q|ÂŻ~qz~ Village project in Brazil and qz€{ˆ€z~{q~‡–ƒŠ€„z~ˆ‡|~|qŠ‡~„z~ how the entire scandal could the outstanding and unpaid the alleged fraud fast smearÂ?‡~ †€z€…‡ ~ „{ˆqx{~ †‡ Â„€~ contractual commitments of „zÂ…~ˆ‡|~`|‡ Â„Â?„Š„{}ÂĄ the NFFV project. Â?€z‡•q~ €‚~ €ŠŠ‡…‡ ~ {q~ €C‡z{„qzÂĄ~ “These funds were collect- have diverted an undisclosed {~ €‚~Š‡€|z{~{ˆ€{~‚ˆ‡~½x„`¯Š}~ q|…€z„‚‡ ~ €~ ƒ|‡‚‚~ Â?|„‡žzÂ…~ ed for the reason of the NFFV amount of money meant for with News Editors where she project in Brazil, of which our the sponsorship of a proposed ƒŠ‡€ Â‡ ~{q~Â?‡~q†„C‡ ~„z~{ˆ‡„|~ client is a stakeholder and has Fans’ Village in Brazil, after

Sally Mbanefo

which she asked for the Memorandum of Understanding ¸ q š~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ ˆ‡|~ €z ~ ~ Entertainment, the contractor •q|~{ˆ‡~ƒ|q’‡`{‰~{q|‡~„{~€z ~Â?‡gan to chew the paper.

‡|~ €C‡†ƒ{~ {q~ `ˆ‡ ~ €z ~ swallow the MoU led to a ƒˆ}‚„`€Š~ €Š{‡|`€{„qz~ Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ her and President of ZA Entertainment, Azania OmoAgege, who held her tightly and forced the papers out of her mouth. {~ qxŠ ~Â?‡~|‡`€ŠŠ‡ ~{ˆ€{~{ˆ‡~ NTDC in conjunction with the €{„qz€Š~ ƒq|{‚~ q††„‚‚„qz~ and Nigeria Olympics Com†„C‡‡~ˆ€ ~ƒŠ€zz‡ ~€~{qx|„‚†~ village also known as Fans’ „ŠŠ€…‡~„z~ €q~ €xŠq~ |€Ž„Š~{q~ Š€‚{~{ˆ‡~ x|€{„qz~q•~{ˆ‡~ q|Š ~ Cup, in order to showcase Nigeria’s rich culture, tourism assets, entertainment, cuisine and investment opportunities, as well as, where fans could unwind and have fun. Daily Newswatch gath‡|‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ Â?€z‡•q‰~ ˆq~ €‚~ initially not interested in the project, took it over after she  Â„‚`q§Â‡|‡ ~ {ˆ€{~ {ˆ‡~ ‡0q|{‚~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ|q’‡`{~ `q††„C‡‡~ €z ~ the contractors were already }„‡Š Â„zÂ…~žz€z`„€Š~|‡‚xŠ{‚¥ According to a source, “The ƒ|q’‡`{~`q††„C‡‡~‚‡z{~Š‡C‡|‚~ to state governments, sister €…‡z`„‡‚~€z ~Â?€z¯‚‰~‚qŠ„`„{„zÂ…~ sponsorship and partnership since the DG made it clear that the NTDC will not fund q|~ {€¯‡~ |‡‚ƒqz‚„Â?„Š„{}~ •q|~ {ˆ‡~ project. ¡ ~†€z Â€{‡~Š‡C‡|~‚„…z‡ ~Â?}~ {ˆ‡~ ~ €‚~…„§Â‡z~{q~ |ÂĄ~ xfai Ladipo, the CEO of Agile Marketing Company, who ‡z{~ €|qxz ~ „{ˆ~ {ˆ‡~ Â?|qchure, marketing the project and seeking funds. ¡ •{‡|~‚q†‡~Â?€z¯‚~ˆ€§Â‡~„zdicated their support for the project, the DG then changed

{ˆ‡~ |‡`‡„§Â„zÂ…~ Â?€zÂŻ~ €``qxz{~ from that of the contractors to NTDC account and immediately cancelled the marketer’s contract. ¡ ˆ‡~ {ˆ‡z~ ƒ„`¯‡ ~ €Â?qx{~ three journalists, her daughter and Omo-Agege, without any †‡†Â?‡|~q•~{ˆ‡~ ~ƒ|q’‡`{~ `q††„C‡‡~€z ~ ‡z{~{q~ |€Ž„Š¥ The source added that “In Brazil, Omo-Agege took her to the project site which he ˆ€ ~`q††„C‡ ~{q~ƒ€}„zÂ…~•q|‰~ Â?x{~ {ˆ‡~ ~ |‡•x‚‡ ~ {q~ …„§Â‡~ ˆ„†~€z}~†qz‡}~Â?x{~qƒ{‡ ~{q~ rent a hotel room which she decorated as a fans’ village. ¡ ˆ‡z~ †q‹ …‡…‡~ `qz•|qz{‡ ~ ˆ‡|~ €Â?qx{~ {ˆ‡~ „‚‚x‡‰~ ‚ˆ‡~|‡½x‡‚{‡ ~{q~‚‡‡~{ˆ‡~ ~ of the contract, which she colŠ‡`{‡ Â‰~ {q|‡~ €z ~ €C‡†ƒ{‡ ~ {q~ `ˆ‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ€ƒ‡|~ Â?x{~ †q‹ …‡…‡~ Â…|€Â?Â?‡ Â‰~ { „‚{‡ ~ ˆ‡|~ hand and retrieved the part of the paper that has her signature.â€? ˆ„‚~  Â‡§Â‡ÂŠqƒ†‡z{~ ‡–ƒ‡`{‡ ÂŠ}~ ‡–ƒq‚‡ ~ †q‹ …‡…‡~ {q~ xz{qŠ ~ ‡†Â?€||€‚‚†‡z{~ „z~ |€Ž„Š~•q|~ˆ„‚~„z€Â?„Š„{}~{q~†€¯‡~ payment for his commitments there. Omo-Agege, in his comment, said “The situation is that I came into partnership „{ˆ~{ˆ‡~ ~Â?q€| ~{q~Â?x„Š ~ the Fans’ village in which we went around looking for funds, as I was told that the funds will have to come from the private sector. “The monies were remitted into NTDC account and I went to Brazil to secure the venues and hotel accommodations. ¡ €ŠŠ}~ Â?€z‡•q‰~€ŠŠ~q•~€~‚x den, cancelled all the plans that we had and went ahead {q~ q~€~‚ˆ€†~ „…‡|„€z~•qq{Â?€ŠŠ~ fans’ village in a hotel room in Brazil. ¡ ˆ‡z~ ‡~ Â…q{~ {ˆ‡|‡‰~ ‡~

had serious arguments and ~ {qŠ ~ ˆ‡|~ „{~ €‚~ €~ Â?|‡€`ˆ~ q•~ agreement and she insisted on doing a fans village for one or two days. I told her she cannot do a fans village for one or two days as it was not what we had sent out to the organizations funding the project. “ZA Entertainment will have nothing to do with a sham fans village in a hotel room. “I didn’t have money to do anything in Brazil as planned as all the money was supposed to come from NTDC.â€? On the alleged confronta{„qz~Â?‡{ ‡‡z~ˆ„†~€z ~{ˆ‡~ ‰~ ˆ‡~ ‚€„ ~ ¡ ‡~ ˆ€ ~ €z~ €Š{‡|`€{„qz~„z~ |€Ž„Š¥~ ˆ‡z~ ‡~ ‡|‡~ at the reception of the hotel, she asked me for my copy of the MoU of the project that we signed and I went upstairs to †}~ˆq{‡Š~|qq†~€z ~ ~Â?|qx…ˆ{~ it to her.â€? ¡ ˆ‡|‡~ ‡|‡~ ž§Â‡~ ƒ‡|‚qz‚~ present at the reception with x‚×~ {ˆ‡~ Š€Â?qx|~ Š‡€ Â‡|~ •|q†~ NTDC, a journalist form The Nation Newspaper, Omolola from Thisday Newspaper and another lady from NTA. “Immediately she got hold of the MOU, she tore it into ƒ„‡`‡‚~ €z ~ Â?‡…€z~ {q~ `ˆ‡ ~ „{ÂĄ~ ~ {ˆ‡z~ Â…|€Â?Â?‡ ~ ˆ‡|~ €z ~ {qqÂŻ~ the remaining pieces from her asking why she was doing that? “Till today, she has not given me an answer to that.â€?

‡|‡~ Š„‡‚~ {ˆ‡~ `|x–~ q•~ {ˆ‡~ †€C‡|‰~ „{~ „‚~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ €†€Ž„zÂ…~ ˆ„Š‡~ ‚q†‡Â?q }~  Â‡{€„Š‡ ~ {q~ Â?qq‚{~ {qx|„‚†~ qxŠ ~ €z{~ to thwart same. Tourism is a ‚‡`{q|~Š€{‡Š}~‚‡‡z~€‚~€~§Â„Â?|€z{~ avenue not only to increase z€{„qz€Š~ |‡§Â‡zx‡~ Â?x{~ €Š‚q~ to launder the image of the country among the comity q•~z€{„qz‚¥~ q~‡§Â‡|}~€§Â€Â„Š€Â?Š‡~ opportunity to showcase the `qxz{|}ª‚~ xz„½x‡z‡‚‚~ „z~ `xŠture and geography, whether €{~ˆq†‡~q|~€Â?|q€ Â‰~‚ˆqxŠ ~Â?‡~ hugely utilized. Honestly, Nigeria does not  Â‡Â‚‡|§Â‡~ {ˆ„‚~ {}ƒ‡~ q•~ ‡†Â?€||€‚‚†‡z{~„z~§Â„‡ ~q•~‡0q|{‚~q•~ all stakeholders in promoting the good image of the country with particular reference to Mr. President’s transformation agenda. {~ ˆ€‚~ Â?‡`q†‡~ z‡`‡‚‚€|}~ {q~ •q|‡‚{€ŠŠ~ •x|{ˆ‡|~ ‡†Â?€||€‚‚ment to the image of our great country. •~ €z}{ˆ„zÂ…~ €{~ €ŠŠ‰~ €ŠŠ}~ Â?€z‡•q~ „‚~ ‡–ƒ‡`{‡ ~ Â?}~ watchers of happenings in the tourism sector to take NTDC {q~ €~ †q|‡~ ‡z§Â„€Â?Š‡~ ˆ‡„…ˆ{~ {ˆ€z~ ˆ‡|‡~ {xzÂ?€~ Šx‚‡…xz~ xz‚‡ ‡‰~ •q|†‡|~ ~ „rector General, left it. €z}~ €|Â…x‡~ {ˆ€{~ xz‚‡ ‡~ qxŠ ~zq{~…€†Â?Š‡~€ €}~ˆx…‡~ qƒƒq|{xz„{}~ Š„¯‡~ {ˆ‡~ q|Š ~ Cup to sell Nigeria and its rich culture to the rest of the world.

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Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com

-Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 2, No. 415

Friday, September 26, 2014


Who are the terrorists?


or long, Muslims have always protested against the use of “Islamicâ€? in characterising the murderous Boko Haram group because they do not represent Islam. However, despite the denunciation of the group and condemnation of its agenda by Muslim leaders, there is an inexplicable obsession of harassing the majority of peace-loving Muslims with the obnoxious activities of a fringe minority. With the recent revelation that Christian religious leaders engage in gunrunning, arm deviant youths and incite „†ƒ|‡‚‚„qz„‚{„`~ †„z Â‚~ {q~ Š€xz`ˆ~ €C€`¯‚~ on Muslim communities while blaming Muslims at the same time, the situation is clearer. What is disappointing is that some uninformed or mischievous people ‡‚ƒ‡`„€ŠŠ}~ „z~ †‡ Â„€~ `„|`Š‡‚~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ xC‡|~ ‚x`ˆ~ things as “Islamic terrorist group, Boko Haramâ€?, an anachronism that should be totally rejected. In other words, a terrorist is a terrorist, ƒx|‡~€z ~Â‚Â„Â†ÂƒÂŠÂ‡ÂĄ~ ‚~{ˆ‡~•€`{‚~q•~{ˆ‡~†€C‡|~ are coming unmistakably to the public …Š€|‡‰~ „{~ „‚~ Â?‡C‡|~ {‡||q|„‚†~ Â?}~ x‚Š„†‚~ and Christians are condemned all together „{ˆqx{~€z}~|‡Š„…„qx‚~€$Š„€{„qzÂĄ~ The reports of aircraft dropping ammunition and food supplies on insurgents given by Emirs and locals in the North East have now become meaningful. ‡…€| ÂŠÂ‡Â‚‚~ q•~ xz‚x``‡‚‚•xŠ~ €C‡†ƒ{‚~ {q~ ˆ„ Â‡~ Â?‡ˆ„z ~ €~ žz…‡|‰~ {ˆ‡~ `€‚ˆ‹•q|‹€|†‚‹„z‹ a-private-jet scandal linked to the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria has demonstrated that terrorism in Nigeria goes beyond the dimensions and scope of what even our leaders are ready to admit. It would therefore smack of aberration for any self-respecting Government or media to continue to malign the entirety of a religious group with terrorism. Those who tag Muslims as terrorists are enemies of humanity. This is because as Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocitiesâ€?. These atrocities, including torture that Amnesty International says is of industrial scale in our country, are still going on with our collective humanity being diminished. It is high time killings and torture stopped Â?}~ ‚{qƒƒ„zÂ…~ {ˆ‡~ „ Â‡z{„ž‡ ~ ‚ƒqz‚q|‚‰~ zq{~ shielding them from law and justice. A German scholar was asked about terrorism and Islam. He began his response through a series of questions: Who started the First World War? Not Muslims. Who started the Second World War? No Muslims. Who killed about 20 million aborigines in

Australia? Not Muslims. Who dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Not Muslims. Who killed more than 100 million Indians in North America? Not Muslims. Who killed more than 50 million Indians in South America? Not Muslims. Who took about 180 million African peoples as slaves and 88% of them died and were thrown into the Atlantic Ocean? Not Muslims. ¡ „|‚{~q•~€ŠŠ´Â‰~ˆ‡~•x|{ˆ‡|~‚xÂ?†„C‡ Â‰~¡}qx~ ˆ€§Â‡~{q~ Â‡Âžz‡~{‡||q|„‚†~ƒ|qƒ‡|Š}ÂĄ~ •~€~zqz‹ Muslim does something bad, it is a crime. If a Muslim commits the same, he is a terrorist. q~ ž|‚{~ |‡†q§Â‡~ {ˆ„‚~  qxÂ?Š‡~ ‚{€z Â€| ~ €z ~ then come to the pointâ€?. It is trite that since the collapse of the


All religions have been attacked from within at some point and all people of faith have a responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of all religion: do unto thy neighbor as you would have done to you. – Barack Obama

RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji

mahfouzade2@gmail.com 07089781189 (SMS Only) a chart, a summary of its study compiled from the FBI database, which shows that {ˆ‡~ ƒ‡|`‡z{€…‡~ q•~ ƒq‚‚„Â?Š‡~ {‡||q|„‚{~ €C€`¯‚~ masterminded by Muslims between 1980 and 2005 was minimal. The study showed that there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the US than Islamic. ˆ‡~ |‡ƒq|{~ |‡§Â‡Â€ÂŠÂ‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ ƒ€C‡|z‚~ q•~ terrorism among various groups as follows: Latino, 42%; Extremist Left Wing Groups, 24%; Jewish extremists, 7%; Islamist extremists 6%; Communists 5% and others, 16%. The implication of the reports is that Muslims are not “more terroristâ€? than the others though the tag of terrorism appears to have been reserved for Muslims only.

Barack Obama, President of the United States

defunct USSR, the need for a new enemy to justify big defence budgets and provide market for the lucrative and tightly controlled arms production industry had arisen. Islam, which incidentally is the fastest growing religion in the world, happens to be {ˆ‡~ {€|…‡{~ q•~ {ˆ„‚~ €|~ €z ~ zq~ ‡0q|{~ qxŠ ~ be sparred to tarnish its image as well as blackmail and punish its adherents. But this is not right. Despite all the lies we are being made to believe, the percentage of Muslim terrorists in the world is marginal. Last year, the Loon Watch of Princeton University published

If the statistics of the CIA and Pew Research Centre are anything to go by, the monstrosity called the Islamic State of |€½~ €z ~ }|„€~ ¸ š~ ˆ€‚~ ¹Â‰~ ²­­~ ž…ˆ{‡|‚ž~ terrorists. The population of the world in 2013 was estimated to be 7.2 billion out of which 1.6 billion are Muslims. This means that 23% of the world’s populations are x‚Š„†¥~ x{~ Â„0‡|‡z{Š}‰~€ƒƒ|q–„†€{‡Š}~qz‡~ out of every four persons in the world is a Muslim. €‚‡ ~qz~{ˆ‡~…„§Â‡z~ž…x|‡‚‰~{ˆ‡~ƒ‡|`‡z{€…‡~ of ISIS in the world Muslim population is 0.001969%, far less than 1%. If other fringe

groups like Al-Qaeda, Al Shabaab and the original Boko Haram are added, hardly qxŠ ~ {ˆ‡~ ž…x|‡‚~ ‚{„ŠŠ~ €  ~ xƒ~ {q~ ¹É¥~ ˆ„‚~ shows that it is irrational and wicked to blame more than 99% of people for the crime of less than 1%. The essential thing is to appreciate that religions should be absolved of the acts of terrorists since they only use the name. As President Barrack Obama said in his address to the United Nations General Assembly two  Â€}‚~€…q‰~¡ ŠŠ~|‡Š„…„qz‚~ˆ€§Â‡~Â?‡‡z~€C€`¯‡ ~ from within at some point and all people of faith have a responsibility to lift up the value at the heart of all religion: do unto thy neighbor as you would have done to you.â€? In that sense, terrorists are not Muslims; terrorists are terrorists and they should bear their fathers’ names. The short but crucial message of the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, this Sunday on the occasion of the International Day of Peace is apt and worth re-sharing and this `qŠx†z~ x|…‡‚~ {ˆ‡~ „ Â‡z{„ž‡ ~ ‚ƒqz‚q|‚~ q•~ terror to allow Nigeria to “breathe the air of peaceâ€?: “We ask combatants to put down their arms so all can breathe the air of peace. ¡ |†‡ ~ `qz¿„`{~ `€x‚‡‚~ xz{qŠ ~ Â…|„‡•~ to families, communities and entire countries. ¡ qq~ †€z}~ €|‡~ ‚x0‡|„zÂ…~ {q Â€}~ €{~ {ˆ‡~ brutal hands of the warmongers and terrorists. “Let us stand with them in solidarity. “Peace and security are essential foundations for social progress and sustainable development. “That is why three decades ago, the z„{‡ ~ €{„qz‚~ €$|†‡ ~ {ˆ‡~ |„…ˆ{~ q•~ peoples to peace. “Throughout the coming year, we will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the United Nations. “Our organization is founded on the pledge to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war. “We have made much progress. “But much remains to be done. ¡ ‡~†x‚{~ qx‚‡~{ˆ‡~ž|‡‚~q•~‡–{|‡†„‚†~ €z ~{€`¯Š‡~{ˆ‡~|qq{~`€x‚‡‚~q•~`qz¿„`{ÂĄ “Peace is a long road that we must travel together – step by step, beginning today. “Let us all observe a minute silence, at noon. ¡ ‡{~x‚~€ŠŠ~|‡¿‡`{~qz~ƒ‡€`‡~á~€z ~ ˆ€{~„{~ means for our human family. “Let us hold it in our hearts and minds and tenderly nurture it so that it may grow and blossom.â€?

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH NEWSPAPERS LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. ISSN 2354-3639 DELE FASHOMI

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