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Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 3, 2014

APC wants Fayose arrested, prosecuted ADEWALE AJAYI & PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja


ll Progressives Congress (APC) has reiterated its earlier call for the arrest and prosecution of Ekiti Governor-elect, Ayodele Fayose, for leading a band of thugs to Y<YZ[\ ]^_`Zj\ mqw\ xjzjzj\ on the premises of the State High Court on September 25. APC warned that failure to act decisively now would spell danger for judges and the nation’s democracy. The party, in a statement issued in London yesterday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said the issue of the security of judges and the ]w‡j<jˆjx\ Yx‰`w`^_ˆY_`mw\ of justice transcend politics, hence no politician, no matter his status, must be allowed to go scot-free after Y<YZ[`wŠ\‹]xŠj^ It said any delay in taking action will see Fayose as^]‰j\m0Zj�\‰jYw`wŠ\qj\ZYw\ no longer be arrested and prosecuted for what it described as an egregious contempt of court.

\^Y`x\_qj\Y<YZ[\mw\‹]xŠes in Ekiti has also reinforced the call in some quarters, on the basis of constitutional provisions, to subject candidates ^jj[`wŠ\�m‘`_`ZY‘\m0Zj^\`w\_qj\ country to psychiatric tests, to prevent people with mental imbalance from taking over _qj\Y$Y`ˆ^\m‡\^_Y_j’

The party said those trivialising the issue and trying to play dirty politics with it should take a moment to think of what Fayose will do to the judges whom he led thugs to “jY_\]�\”qjw\qj\Y^^]‰j\m0Zj\ as governor of the state. • m”\_qY_\_qj\ q`j‡\ ]xŠj\ m‡\ [`_`\ qY^\ Zmw–ˆ‰jx�\ `w\

Y\ �j_`_`mw\ _m\ _qj\ �\ _qY_\ Fayose was complicit in the Y<YZ[�\ _qj\ \ ^qm]‘x\ _ˆjY_\ the issue expeditiously by taking a decisive action that will make it very costly for Ywzmwj\_m\j˜jˆ\Y<YZ[\Y\‹]xŠj\ again. The need to act is urgent so that no judge gets killed simply because some

powerful personality does not like his or her ruling. “Had the relevant authorities acted with dispatch when another court in the same state was invaded by pro-Fayose thugs earlier the ^Y‰j\ ”jj[�\ _qj\ Y<YZ[\ mw\

]^_`Zj\ xjzjzj\”m]‘x\qY˜j\ been averted.�

Glo pampers HNI customers with Prive


igh Net worth Individuals (HNIs) on Glo network are in for great times as the national telecoms operator has launched a programme to offer them benefits never before seen in the industry. The unique offers were unveiled at the launch in Lagos during a premium customer recognition and special privileges programme called Glo Prive. The programme is meant to recognise and reward the company’s powerful community of high-end loyal prepaid and postpaid customers. Prabhat Aggarwal, Globacom’s Chief Commercial Director, said Glo PrivĂŠ is an exclusive club for top customers on _qj\ ‘m\wj_”mˆ[Â?\m$jˆ`wŠ\_qj‰\ ]w`Âœ]j\Â?ˆ`˜`‘jŠj^\Ywx\“jwj–_^Â’ “Prive represents privilege, x`$jˆjw_`Y_`mw\ Ywx\ jÂ?Z‘]^`˜`_zÂ’\ With Glo Prive, members are treated to privileges provided by Glo network, and other benj–_^\`w\_qj\‡mˆ‰\m‡\]w`Âœ]j\jÂ?Â?jˆ`jwZj^Â?\ ^Y˜`wŠ^\ Ywx\ m$jˆ^\ “z\ premium suppliers, merchants and service providers. “It is our own way of appreciating these niche subscribers in novel ways like no one else in Workers of Kuje General Hospital in a peaceful protest over their non-payment of 8 months’ salary in Abuja...yesterday. the Nigerian telecoms market.â€? ŠŠYˆ”Y‘\ ^Y`x\ _qj\ “jwj–_^\ were designed to delight the high-end subscribers and treat nancial Crimes Commission the entire transaction to de- lessly pursued a cashless dertake its own investiga- them like the kings and queens (EFCC) should investigate termine the real motives be- Nigeria and which has the tion and make its position they are. _qj\ ‰Y<jˆ\ _m\ j^_Y“‘`^q\ _qj\ hind it. responsibility of monitor- public to prove non-com“We are welcoming them actual source of the money, More so, CISLAC said ing cross border transfer of plicity in the entire transac- into a new era of exclusive privinvolvement of the lease “the Central Bank of Nige- funds and foreign exchange tion and avoid erosion of ileges, distinctive treatments, agents and the legality of ria (CBN) which has relent- transactions should also un- Â?]“‘`Z\Zmw–xjwZjÂ’ÂĽ Â?ˆj‰`]‰\Y<jw_`mw\Ywx\‘]Â?]ˆ`ous care. We have taken time to create the ultimate experience for our very valuable, loyal, SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja fairs, Dr. Godson Nnaka, said Rufa’i Ahmed Alkali, has been x˜`^jˆ\ `w\ ‰Y<jˆ^\ ˆjŠYˆx`wŠ\ premium and important personalities who are behind all of drawn to some messages from support groups.â€? he Presidency yes- all registered Support Groups, an amorphous group - PresiHe also reminded “Presi- ‘mÂ&#x;^\ Š`Yw_\ ^_ˆ`xj^\ “z\ m$jˆ`wŠ\ terday denied link to NGOs and Organization supdential View and Endorsement dential View and Endorse- the unique gamut of rewards.â€? a group, Presidential porting Mr. President should The benefits for Glo Prive Platform, inviting Registered ment Platformâ€? of the just View and Endorse- disregard the invitation by this Support Groups and NGOs ZmwZ‘]xjx\ –ˆ^_\ Y_`mwY‘\ members include a free Acment Platform, amorphous group, describing rooting for President Goodluck Summit where members of cident Insurance cover of N20 which has reportedly been the invitation as scandalous.

mwY_qYw\`w\¯°¹²\_m\Y\^]‰‰`_\Y_\ various organisations came in million benefit payable against It added that the Goodluck inviting groups clamouring International Conference Centre their numbers to declare their accidental death, Free Access to Support Group (GSG) is the ‡mˆ\ ˆj^`xjw_\ mmx‘]Z[\ mwY(ICC) on October 16, 2014. total support and solidarity VIP lounges with the Glo PrivĂŠ than’s 2015 re-election bid to a sole umbrella body for all sup“For the avoidance of any to President Goodluck Ebele Card at International Airports port groups rooting for Presisummit in Abuja. doubt, the Special Assistant to mwY_qYwÂ?\ Â?\ ]ˆŠ`wŠ\ ˆ’\ nationwide and special numbers In a statement issued by the xjw_\ mwY_qYwÂ’ • qj\Y<jw_`mw\m‡\_qj\m0Zj\m‡\ the Special Adviser advised all President to formally declare as spouse line with the option Special Assistant on Support Šˆm]Â?^\_m\Zmw^]‘_\Ywx\Zmw–ˆ‰\ his intention to run for the of registering an existing Glo Groups to the Special Adviser the Special Adviser to the Presi‡ˆm‰\_qj\m0Zj\m‡\_qj\ m‘`_`ZY‘\ 2015 general elections. Spouse line. to the President, Political Af- xjw_\ mw\ m‘`_`ZY‘\ $Y`ˆ^Â?\ ˆm‡’\

$9.3m arms deal: Civil society group calls for probe PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja


ivil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) has demanded exhaustive investigations into the recent scandalous development involving $9.3 million found by South African authorities in a private jet belonging to the President, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pastor Ayodele Oritsejafor. In a statement released in Abuja yesterday and signed by Executive Director of CISLAC, Auwal Ibrahim Musa (Rafsanjani), the group called on the National Assembly to investigate the incident with the view to unravelling those behind the action and the motive. The group reminded the lawmakers “that this act puts the image of Nigeria in jeopardy before the international community and reinforces the now infamous perception that Nigeria is an incurably corrupt nation.â€? CISLAC therefore demanded “That the National Assembly should eschew partisanship and immediately commence and conZ‘]xj\ Y\ ‡]‘‘ªjxŠjx\ `w˜j^_`gation into the transaction to determine the trust circumstances resulting in the movement of such huge amount of cash to a foreign country and sanction any erring persons or institution as demanded by law.â€? The group also demanded that the Economic and Fi-

2015: Presidency cautions unlawful group


After 2015 Nigeria will remain politically stable –Jonathan CLEMENT NWOJI, Abuja


resident Goodluck “j‘j\ mwY_qYw\ qY^\ assured the international community that Nigeria will remain politically stable and united after the 2015 general elections. He gave the assurance at audiences with the new Ambassadors of Spain, Finland, Ireland and Ghana, who pre^jw_jx\_qj`ˆ\‘j<jˆ^\m‡\ZˆjxjwZj\ to him at the Presidential Villa. In a statement issued by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati, he reiterated his administration’s commitment to

ensuring that the 2015 elections are as free, fair and credible as they can possibly be. He said, “We received international commendations for the conduct of the 2011 general elections and I can assure you that the 2015 general elec_`mw^\”`‘‘\“j\j˜jw\“j<jˆ’ “Our friends and well-wishers will be welcomed to observe the elections under the auspices of the African Union, ECOWAS, United Nations, the European Union or other `w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\“mx`j^\_m\Y0ˆ‰\ that the elections are as free, fair and credible as we have promised.� Further, he urged Ambas-

sador Alfonso Barnuevo Sebastian De Erice of Spain, Ambassador Pirjo SuomelaChowdhury of Finland, Ambassador Sean Hoy of Ireland and Ambassador William Az-

umah Awinador-Kanyirige of Ghana, to strive to further enhance trade and economic relations between Nigeria and their respective countries. The four new ambassadors

_qYw[jx\ ˆj^`xjw_\ mwY_qYw\ for receiving them and promised to do their utmost best to strengthen bilateral relations between their countries and Nigeria.

PDP cautions aides of elected officials SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja


eoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday counselled Y`xj^\m‡\j‘jZ_jx\m0cials to refrain from comments relating to the administration of the party and `_^\m0Z`Y‘\�m^`_`mw\mw\`^^]j^’ The party noted that ac-

tion of the aides is absolutely unacceptable, saying it will not be tolerated because it is capable of conveying wrong messages regarding the position of the party especially on nomination issues. PDP National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, in a statement issued yesterday, warned all such aides to forth-

with desist from making comments to explain the actions of _qj\�Yˆ_z\mˆ\`_^\m0Z`Y‘\�m^`_`mw\ mw\Ywz\‰Y<jˆ\”qY_^mj˜jˆ’ “All aides of elected of–Z`Y‘^\ ^qm]‘x\ “z\ _q`^\ x`ˆjZtive restrict themselves to the Zmw–wj^\m‡\_qj`ˆ\m0Z`Y‘\“ˆ`j‡^\ and refrain from trying to get involved in party administration.�


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Japan grants N1.9bn for construction of 36 primary schools in Oyo TAIYE AGBAJE, Abuja


he government of Japan has granted about N1.96 billion (1.277 billion Japanese yen) as aid for construction of 261 classrooms in 36 primary schools across Oyo State towards improving on access to basic education in Nigeria. Senior Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Nigeria, Hi-

roshi Kodama, spoke during the signing ceremony of the aid’s agreement with Federal Government in Abuja. Kodama disclosed that under the project, two headmasters’ and teachers’ rooms in addition to 258 toilet booths would be constructed in the schools. “All classrooms would be equipped with desks, chairs and blackboards. We expect the construction to begin in March 2015 and end in March

2016. 1.277 billion Japanese yen (about N1.96 billion) has been allocated as grant by the government of Japan for this project.” He emphasised that the Yw_\ `^\ Y _\ m \ Y Yw ^\ j$m _^\ towards ensuring that Nigeria achieves United Nations Millennium Development Goals and Vision 20:2020. Meanwhile, Minister of National Planning Commission, who signed the grant on behalf of Federal Government, Dr

Abubakar Suleiman, said the m jZ_\ m] x\ \ Z `_`ZY \ Y ^\ in the country’s development drive. The minister said the trade relation between the two countries has been age-long, stressing that “while Nigeria relies on Japan for manufacturing including automobiles, electrical and electronic equipment and high technology machinery, Japan sources some of its primary products including crude petroleum from Nigeria.

L-R: Member, Board of Directors, CSR-in-Action, Gbenga Adebija; Executive Director of CSR-in-Action, Bekeme Masade; Manager (Public Affairs), Nigerian Bottling Company Limited, Ifeoma Okoye; Social Performance Manager, Chevron Nigeria, Esimaje Brikinn and Managing Partner, Zenera Consulting, Meka Olowola; during a press conference on the third Sustainability in the Extractive Industries Conference (SITEL 2014) in Lagos State…yesterday. Photo: Bode Agbede

Ekiti workers begin strike over outstanding salaries RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti


he organised labour in Ekiti State under the umbrella of Joint Negotiating Council ¶ ·\ qY^\ j ]w\ `wxj w`_j\ strike yesterday to demand payment of their outstanding salaries and allowances owed by the state government. The workers also condemned leadership of the state chapter of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) for al j jx\ YZ[YxY`^`ZY \ Y<`_]xj\

Y m]_\_qj` \^]$j `w ^ Chairman of JNC, Oladipupo Johnson, who briefed journalists Wednesday in Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, disclosed that August and September salaries as well as June and July deductions have not been paid as promised by Governor Kayode Fayemi, describing the situation as the highest point of insensitivity. Johnson emphasised that the strike action became imperative following alleged

]wZY jx\ Y<`_]xj\ x`^ Yzjx\ by Fayemi towards the state workers’ welfare. “It is unfortunate to note that even with the pronouncement and promises from top government functionaries, there seem to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Sequel to the following, workers of the public service met and directed that no one should come to work today, October 2 and this subsists until all conditions are met.

“Any worker who refuses to obey this simple directive does so at his or her own risk since the leaders would not take responsibility for anything that happens.” However, Fayemi, who spoke through Commissioner for Information, Tayo Ekundayo, disclosed that he has instructed Head of Service, Bunmi Famosaya, to meet with the leadership of JNC and relay to them that the salaries will be paid within 48 hours.

...PDP faults Fayemi over appointment of new PS RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti


kiti State Chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has disagreed with the state government over the appointment of new permanent secretaries (PS) by the outgoing administration of Governor Kayode Fayemi, stressing that the governor is engrossed in playing politics with issues that have dire consequences on the state’s welfare. A statement issued yesterday by Chief Press Secretary to the Governor-Elect, Idowu Adelusi, in Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, emphasised that the recent actions by Fayemi showed that he is desperate and playing politics of venxj<Y\ Ywx\ ]<`w \ ^_] `w \ blocks on the way of the incoming administration. The statement added that the party is reacting to the

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014


appointment of new eight permanent secretaries by Fayemi. “As much as we are not opposed to people progressing in their chosen careers, one wx^\ _qj\ jZjw_\ Y m`w_ments questionable. The questions which people of the state should help ask Fayemi include which ministries the new permanent sec j_Y `j^\ m] x\ j\ Y<YZqjx½\ Will two permanent secretar`j^\^] j `^j\Y\ `w`^_ z½\ j\ there vacancies that the new permanent secretaries would ½ “It is very ridiculous for Fayemi who has less than _ m\ jj[^\ _m\ jY j\ m0Zj\ _m\ appoint permanent secretaries for the incoming administration. It shows how evil All Progressives Congress ¶ ·\ `^½\ w\ _qj\ Y^_\ m] \ months, the outgoing administration has created 19 new local council development

areas, employed 3,000 workers without following due process and right now backlog of salaries of workers are yet to be paid and workers are currently on strike. However, Fayemi, who spoke through Commissioner for Information, Tayo Ekundayo, said: “Appointment of the new

eight permanent secretaries came following vacancies brought about by the retirement of some, which must j\ jx \ \ ZYw\ _j \ zm]\ _qY_\ we are in government till October 15 and we would not hesitate to take the proper actions if there are vacanZ`j^\_m\ \Y^\ mw \Y^\_qj j\`^\ budgetary provision for it.”

NSCDC arrests seven over adulterated fuel PETER DADA, Akure


igerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Ondo State Command has arrested seven suspects for allegedly possessing 6,900 litres of adulterated diesel. The suspects, who are currently in custody of the agency, include Moruf Olapade, Lawrence Olagunju, Nwanbueze Obinor, Austine Akwarandu, Joshua Orire, Akinbinmi Ayodele and Williams Wale. According to the state Commandant of NSCDC, Andrew Ugwumba, four of the suspects – Olapade, Olagunju, Obinor and Akwarandu were arrested at Ominla along Okitipupa road, Ore in Odigbo Local Government Council of the state last week Thursday at about 11.30 pm with a Volvo Truck registered as Lagos, LSD 484 XA. Agwumba disclosed that the suspects loaded the vehicle with 6,000 litres of suspected adulterated Automobile Gasoline Oil (AGO) also

known as diesel. He added that Orire, Ayodele and Wale were arrested at Ode-Irele in Irele Local Government Council of the state around 8 pm penultimate week with a Honda Accord car registered as Lagos, RH 235 KJA, which they used to carry 25 kegs of 30 litres each and three ²°ª `_ j\[j ^\ jx\ `_q\^]^pected adulterated diesel worth 900 litres. The NSCDC boss while parading the suspects at the state headquarters of the agency in Alagbaka, Akure, the state capital, said the suspects were caught dealing in illegal petroleum products and emphasised that arresting illegal petroleum products dealers is one of NSCDC’s mandates towards monitoring adulteration and pipeline vandalism across the country. He, however, warned those people dealing in the adulterated petroleum products in the state to desist from such act, stressing that NSCDC would do everything possible to rid Ondo of oil-bunkering and other criminal activities.

Ajimobi charges school principals to steer clear of politics OLUSAKIN Ibadan



overnor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State has charged principals of public secondary schools across the state to discharge their professional assignments without involving in political partisanship and acts unbecoming of their position. Ajimobi spoke yesterday while declaring open the 35th congress of the state branch of All Nigeria Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS) at Lagelu Grammar School, Ibadan, the state capital. The governor emphasised that the charge become imperative as the 2015 elections are lurking around the corner, stressing that “politics should be left to politicians so that our present level of friendship and progress will be sustained beyond 2015.”

He acknowledged their strategic roles in developing the state’s education sector and disclosed that the present administration has been partnering and synergising with ANCOPSS on how to build Oyo State of his dream. “Our administration regards education not only as social service but the best heritage that could be bequeathed to our children as leaders of tomorrow, hence prioritising provision of education as part of rights of every child and youth of Oyo State.” Meanwhile, the outgoing President of ANCOPSS, Mrs Olufunmilayo Ojoawo, commended the Ajimobi-led administration’s support towards achievements of the group and hailed the governor for lifting ban on running grants to secondary schools and providing enhanced salary for teachers in the state.

INEC lifts embargo on political campaigns in Ogun BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


gun State m0Zj\ m \ wdependent National Electoral Commission (INEC), has announced the lift of embargo on political campaigns in the state. According to a state-

ment issued by the state ] `Z\ $Y` ^\ 0Zj \ m \ INEC, Ogunseye Olayinka: “In compliance with Section 30(1) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended), which provides that notice of election shall be issued not later than 90 days before the election, Independent National Electoral Commission

\ ]w\ _Y_j\ m0Zj\ has this day, October 1, issued notice of elections as follows – Presidential and National Assembly elections shall take place across the 20 local government councils of Ogun State on February 14, 2015. Governorship and House of Assembly elections will

hold on February 28, 2015.” “With this development, INEC has lifted the embargo on political activities for the 2015 elections as political parties would be expected to conduct party primaries for the various elective m0Zj^\ j_ jjw\ Z_m j \¯\ and December 31, 2014.”

Daily Newswatch


South South

Friday, October 3, 2014

Three arrested for murder of brother’s wife in Delta SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba


curred at about 3 p.m. on September 30, 2014 along Sunny Ojugboh street, Agbor by unknowm persons and that _qj\ ‰Y<jˆ\ ”Y^\ ˆj�mˆ_jx\ _m\ the police by the mother of _qj\xjZjY^jx\^qj\`xjw_`–jx\Y^\ Chichi Dickson. Kalu disclosed that the 25

year old Chichi was found murdered and left in her own pool of blood with a matchet cut on her neck in the dinning room of her husband’s house. The Police image maker said detectives, on receiving the report swung into action and preliminary investiga-

tions led to the arrest of the suspects. She disclosed that items recovered from the scene by detectives included one blood stained cutlass and one military fez cap which was identi–jx\Y^\_qj\�ˆm�jˆ_z\m‡\ [jwj�\ one of the arrested suspects.

Kalu said Ekene had made useful statement to the police while investigations had been upped to apprehend all those connected with the murder. Chichi was the wife of one Dickson Onyemari whose three brothers were arrested over the dastardly act.

hree members of Onyemari family in Agbor, Ika North Local Government Area of Delta State have been arrested by the police for alleged murder of their brother’s wife on the eve of Independence Day celebration. The suspects, Francis Onyemari, Hope Onyemari and Ekene Onyemari, were apprehended shortly after the dastardly act was reported at Agbor Police Division. Daily Newswatch gathered that the murder was blown open by one Mrs Blessing Udeze, mother of the deceased who was said to have found her daughter in a pool of her blood in her husban’s house. She was said to have raised Yw\Y‘Yˆ‰\”q`Zq\Y<ˆYZ_jx\m_qer neighbours before she was �ˆj˜Y`‘jx\_m\ˆj�mˆ_\_qj\‰Y<jˆ\ to the police. Delta State Police Public j‘Y_`mw^\ 0Zjˆ�\ j‘j^_`wY\ Kalu, a DSP, however con–ˆ‰jx\_qj\`wZ`xjw_\\`w\Y\_jˆ^j\ statement yesterday. L-R: Speaker, Anambra State House of Assembly, Princess Chinwe Nwaebili; Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and She said the incident oc- Echezona Etiaba, during the formal opening of Havila Suites in Awka, Anambra State...yesterday.

2015: DSS mops up arms in A’Ibom BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


etermined to forestall any security breach, the Department of State Services (DSS), Akwa Ibom State Command, has begun an aggressive and thorough mopup of illegal arms and ammunition ahead of 2015 general elections. State Director of DSS, Mr. Toma Minti, who disclosed this yesterday during a media chat in Uyo, said the service has seized quite a substantial number of arms and ammunition suspected to have been illegally procured by politicians for next year’s election. Represented by the Deputy Director Operations, Mr. Fubara Duke, Minti said the DSS was determined to partner with other security agencies and the general public to ensure that the 2015 election was devoid of bloodshed.

According to him, the morale and readiness of DSS operatives in the state have been heightened to confront and surmount any security challenge that may crop up before, during and after the election. On the insurgency in the

Northeast of the country, the DSS helmsman said that no part of Nigeria could be regarded as completely safe and immune from the activities of terrorists, adding that Nigerians must accept the fact that the nation was at war.

He, however, condemned a section of the Nigerian media for not playing the role of xj�jwxY“‘j\Y‘‘`j^\`w\_qj\–Šq_\ against insurgency and all manner of criminality being perpetrated by enemies of the country. `w_`�\ ^�jZ`–ZY‘‘z�\ YZZ]^jx\

Niger Delta youth council trains 3,500 BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


he Niger Delta Youth Council, a socio-political group, has trained over 3000 youths of the region in various skills including welding and fabrication within the past three years. This was disclosed yesterday in an address presented by the Akwa Ibom State Chairman of the group, Comrade Henry Ufokiko on the occasion of the inauguration of its Eket Senatorial District Chapters at QIC

Primary School, Usung Inyang, Eket. Ufokiko said in addition to _qj\ Šˆm]Â?Â&#x;^\ Â?jˆ^mwY‘\ j$mˆ_^Â?\ it is working tirelessly to partner corporations and multinationals in the State to empower its members through skill acquisition programme in the area of catering, decoration, production of liquid soap, Izal, insecticides, fashion designing, fabrication and welding among other relevant professions. • \ qY^\ ‹]^_\ –w`^qjx\ training 320 members in Mkpat-Enin Local Government

Area who graduated on 23rd August, 2014 and is currently training more than 3000 members in Oron Federal Constituency. The training will move to Essien Udim on October 27, thereafter Itu Federal Constituency will take its turn in November this year�, the youth leader said. He commended Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State for his uncommon transformation which he said has impacted positively on youths of the State, adding that the group will continue to support good government


ndigenous contractors registered with Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, a subsidiary of ExxonMobil have alleged that they have been marginalized in the award of contracts by the oil giant for the past two years. Speaking to newsmen in Ibeno yesterday, the contractors numbering 282, said Mobil has consistently refused to award contracts to them despite the fact that they are

policies that are intended to “j<jˆ\_qj\‘m_^\m‡\_qj\zm]_q^\`w\ Akwa Ibom State in particular and Nigeria as a whole.



overnor Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole of Edo State has abolished the 35-year retirement policy for civil servants working in Edo as the state workers are now to retire at the age of sixty regardless of whether they have put in 35 years in the state civil service or not. Delivering the Independence anniversary gift to the workers at a meeting with labour leaders at Government House, yesterday, Oshiomhole described the compulsory 35 years as obnoxious. According to him, “our own anniversary gift to workers of Edo State, especially those in the public service has to do with the issue of pension. Over the years, while I was in the NLC, I had wondered why we have a policy in the public sector which is unique to the public sector in which we appear to punish experience. We are compelled to retire because you have put in X number of years. “Having taken the pains to clean up our records and carry out appropriate biometrics of our public servants and made corrections where errors were discovered, I believe that about 90 to 95% of our records as regards to age can now be said to be correct. “That being so, there is no reason for us to continue to use our obnoxious policy of 35 years as a basis to determine one’s years of service in the public service. Therefore, Government has decided to abolish this policy and uphold only that aspect of retirement that has to do with age.

Rivers 2015: Andoni monarchs, elders endorse Anyanya NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


raditional rulers and Chiefs of Andoni, Andoni Local Government Area, yesterday, at Delta Hotels, Port Harcourt, endorsed Major Lancelot Anyanya (rtd), urging him to contest the 2015 governorship elections in Rivers State without further delay. Speaking at the event, one registered with the company. “A total of 282 contractors forum, adding that leaders of of the foremost traditional The Joint Chairman of Mobil from Ibeno, Eket, Onna, Esit the forum had a meeting with rulers in Andoni, His Royal Core Community Contractors Eket and other part of Akwa _mÂ?\ ‰YwYŠj‰jw_\ ^_Y$\ m‡\ _qj\ Majesty, J.W. OkuruketForum, Chief Friday Ebong Ibom State registered with company in Lagos penultimate Nnabiget XIV, JP stated that told reporters that despite fran- Mobil are not awarded mean- week and QIT base of the com- the entire Obolo chiefs were _`Z\ j$mˆ_^\ xmwj\ _m\ ˆj˜jˆ^j\ _qj\ ingful contracts while foreign pany were requested to ad- overwhelmed with joy folugly trend; the oil company contractors are given jobs in dress the situation but nothing lowing the willingness of Akanya to step out to aspire has continued to neglect them. dollarsâ€?, Chief Ebong said, has been done till date. Chief Ebong also averred pointing out that it was abso“Our contractors are com- for the governorship posithat Mobil Producing Nigeria lutely wrong for the company petent to handle all sorts of tion. The royal fathers insistdoes not abide with the spirit to marginalise indigenous ‹m“^\ “]_\ ”j\ Yˆj\ ^]$jˆ`wŠ\ `w\ ed that they will support any of the Local Content Policy contractors. our own land even in the politician from the area who which stipulates that indigHe called on management midst of plenty while foreign is ready to vie for governorenous contractors should be of the company to make use contractors and people from ^q`Â?Â?\Yxx`wŠ\_qY_\•–ˆ^_\Zm‰jÂ?\ patronized for microeconom- of the list of indigenous con- other States are given juicy –ˆ^_\YZZjÂ?_jxÂĽ\Â?ˆ`wZ`Â?‘j\”`‘‘\ be strongly applied. `Z\xm”w^_ˆjY‰\“jwj–_^Â’ _ˆYZ_mˆ^\^]“‰`<jx\_m\`_\“z\q`^\ contractsâ€?, Ebong averred.

282 indigenous Mobil contractors allege marginalization BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo

some media houses of acting as advocates and propagandists for the Boko Haram terrorists, saying that some news reports rather than support the anti-terror campaign, has instead created psychological panic in the minds of Nigerians.

Oshiomhole abolishes 35-year retirement policy for civil servants

He noted: “We are here to identify with his aspirations, though we are not politicians, but will support any politician who wants to aspire to the exalted ^jY_’\ q`^\ `^\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ _`‰j\ an Andoni man is aspiring and for that reason, we are greatly impressed. We commend you for identifying with royal fathers to get our blessings, as we assure you of our unalloyed support at all times�. Responding, Major Anyanya (rtd) paid glowing respect to the royal fathers and pledged his commitment to the overall interest of Obolo people and Rivers State at large. He disclosed that the purpose of the gathering was primarily “to make public what we have done in private and to tell you that I am about to embark on a great journey�.

Daily Newswatch


World Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Syria’s army goes on the offensive as U.S. bombs Assad’s foes


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wjw_\xYwŠjˆ\`^\^]ˆˆm]wx`wŠ\ j˜jˆzmwj\ Ywx\ wm\ Zm]w_ˆz\`^\`‰‰]wj\_m\`_Â?ÂĽ\ zˆ`YÂ&#x;^\ mˆj`Šw\ `w`^_jˆ\ Walid al-Moualem told _qj\ w`_jx\ Y_`mw^\ jwjˆY‘\ ^^j‰“‘z\‘Y^_\”jj[Â’ Hassan Hassan, an ana‘z^_\ Y_\ _qj\ j‘‰Y\ w^_`_]_j\ `w\ “]\ qY“`Â?\ ^Y`x\ _qY_\ ^^YxÂ&#x;^\ Šm˜jˆw‰jw_\ ”Y^\ _ˆz`wŠ\ _m\ ZˆjY_j\ _qj\ `‰Â?ˆj^^`mw\ _qY_\ _qj\ Â’ Â’\ ‘jx\ ^_ˆ`[j^\ ”jˆj\ Zmmˆx`wY_jx\”`_q\`_Â?\`w\Yw\j$mˆ_\ _m\ xj‰mˆY‘`Ăƒj\ mÂ?Â?mwjw_^\ YZˆm^^\_qj\Zm]w_ˆzÂ’ • qY_\ `^\ Y\ xYwŠjˆm]^\ Â?jˆZjÂ?_`mw\ _m\ ZˆjY_j\ “jZY]^j\ zˆ`Yw\ ˆj“j‘^\ Ywx\ _qj\ ‰mxjˆY_j^\ ”`‘‘\ ^_Yˆ_\ _m\ ^]^Â?jZ_\ Ywx\ “j\ ‰mˆj\ Zzw`ZY‘\ Y“m]_\ _qj\ Y`ˆ^_ˆ`[j^Â’ÂĽ “Y‰YÂ?\”qm\ZY‰j\Z‘m^j\ _m\ mˆxjˆ`wŠ\ Y`ˆ\ ^_ˆ`[j^\ YŠY`w^_\ ^^YxÂ&#x;^\ Šm˜jˆw‰jw_\ Y\ zjYˆ\ YŠm\ _m\ Â?]w`^q\ Y‰Y^Z]^\ ‡mˆ\ ]^`wŠ\ Zqj‰`ZY‘\ ”jYÂ?mw^Â?\ ^Y`x\ `w\ Yw\ `w_jˆ˜`j”\ mw\ ]wxYz\ _qY_\ qj\ ˆjZmŠw`^jx\ _qj\ YÂ?Â?Yˆjw_\ Zmw_ˆYx`Z_`mw\ `w\ Y<YZ[`wŠ\ ^‘Y‰`Z\ _Y_jÂ?\ Y‰mwŠ\ _qj\ ‰m^_\ Â?m”jˆ‡]‘\ m‡\ ^^YxÂ&#x;^\ jwj‰`j^\mw\_qj\Šˆm]wxÂ’

HK police warn protesters not to charge buildings


mwŠ\ mwŠ\ Â? m ‘ ` Z j\ ”Yˆwjx\ m‡\ serious con^jÂœ]jwZj^\ `‡\ Â?ˆmÂŞxj‰mZˆYZz\ Â?ˆm_j^_jˆ^\ _ˆz\_m\mZZ]Â?z\Šm˜jˆw‰jw_\ “]`‘x`wŠ^Â?\ Y^\ _qjz\ qY˜j\ _qˆjY_jwjx\_m\xm\`‡\_qj\_jˆˆ`_mˆzÂ&#x;^\ ‘jYxjˆ\ x`xwÂ&#x;_\ ˆj^`Šw\“z\ q]ˆ^xYzÂ’ jw^`mw^\‰m]w_jx\YqjYx\ m‡\_qj\xjYx‘`wj\^j_\“z\^_]xjw_^\‡mˆ\_qj\Z`_zÂ&#x;^\ j`‹`wŠª “YZ[jx\ q`j‡\ Â?jZ]_`˜j\ j]wŠ\ q]wÂŞz`wŠ\ _m\ ^_jÂ?\ xm”w\ Ă…\ Â?Yˆ_\ m‡\ “ˆmYxjˆ\ xj‰mw^_ˆY_`mw^\ Â?]^q`wŠ\ ‡mˆ\ j‘jZ_mˆY‘\ ˆj‡mˆ‰^\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ ^`Yw\–wYwZ`Y‘\Zjw_jˆ’ m_q\ _qj\ q`wj^j\ Šm˜-

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Putin says ‘foolish’ sanctions will not hold back Russia

P Putin

r e s i d e n t Vladimir Putin dismissed Western sanctions as •]<jˆ\ ‡mm‘`^qwj^^ÂĽ\ mw\ q]ˆ^xYz\ Ywx\ ^Y`x\ _qjz\ ”m]‘x\ wm_\ ^_mÂ?\ ]^^`Y\ xj˜j‘mÂ?`wŠ\ `w_m\ Y\ ^_ˆmwŠjˆ\jZmwm‰`Z\Â?m”jˆ’ <j‰Â?_`wŠ\ _m\ _Y[j\ _qj\ q`Šqjˆ\Šˆm]wx\`w\Y\^Â?jjZq\ _m\ ‡mˆj`Šw\ Ywx\ ]^^`Yw\ `w˜j^_mˆ^Â?\ ]_`w\ ^Y`x\ qj\ ”Y^\ ˆj‘YÂ?jx\ Y“m]_\ _qj\ ‰jY^]ˆj^\ `‰Â?m^jx\ mw\ q`^\ Zm]w_ˆz\ m˜jˆ\ [ˆY`wj\

j˜jw\ _qm]Šq\ _qjz\ qYx\ “ˆm[jw\ _qj\ ‡]wxY‰jw_Y‘\ Â?ˆ`wZ`Â?‘j^\ m‡\ _qj\ Š‘m“Y‘\ jZmwm‰zÂ’ xxˆj^^`wŠ\ –wYwZ`jˆ^\ ”mˆˆ`jx\ Y“m]_\ _qj\ ”jY[jw`wŠ\ jZmwm‰zÂ?\ ZYÂ?`_Y‘\ ÂŤ`Šq_\ Ywx\ Y\ Â?m^^`“‘j\ `wcrease in state interven_`mwÂ?\ qj\ ^Y`x\ ]^^`Y\ ”Y^\ ”j‘‘\Â?‘YZjx\_m\”jY_qjˆ\_qj\ ^_mˆ‰’\ • j\ _ˆ]‘z\ ”Yw_\ Y\ Zm]w_ˆz\_qY_\`^\^_ˆmwŠÂ?\ÂŤm]ˆ`^q`wŠÂ?\ ‡ˆjj\ Ywx\ mÂ?jw\ _m\ _qj\ ”mˆ‘xÂ?ÂĽ\ qj\ _m‘x\ _qj\ \

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sanctions could drive ]^^`Y\ `w_m\ Y\ wj”\ Â?jˆ`mx\ m‡\ `^m‘Y_`mwÂ?\ ]_`w\ ]wxjˆ‘`wjx\ _qY_\ qj\ ^Y”\ _qj\ Zm]w_ˆz\ Y^\ Â?Yˆ_\ m‡\ _qj\ ”mˆ‘x\ jZmwm‰zÂ?\ YwxÂ?\ Zm‰Â?Yˆjx\ ”`_q\ m_qjˆ^Â?\ Y\ ‰j‰“jˆ\ Â?‘Yz`wŠ\ “z\ _qj\ ˆ]‘j^Â’ He said sanctions vio‘Y_jx\ _qj\ Â?ˆ`wZ`Â?‘j^\ m‡\ _qj\ mˆ‘x\ ˆYxj\ ˆŠYw`ĂƒY_`mwÂ?\ ]wxjˆ‰`wjx\ _qj\ Zˆjx`“`‘`_z\m‡\`w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ –wYwZ`Y‘\ `w^_`_]_`mw^\ Ywx\ reserve currencies, and

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Daily Newswatch

African Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Ten migrants dead, dozens missing in shipwreck off Libya


t least 10 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa drowned Thursday and dozens more were missing after their boat sank in the jx`_jˆˆYwjYw\ m$^qmˆj\ Libya, the coast guard said. Between 80 and 90 people were rescued after the boat went down in waters east of Tripoli, a coast Š]Yˆx\m0Zjˆ\^Y`x�\Yxx`wŠ\ that survivors said there had been up to 180 people on board. Among those saved were two women, acZmˆx`wŠ\ _m\ _qj\ m0Zjˆ�\ who said the boat capsized three nautical miles m$\ ]YˆY“m]‘`�\ ”q`Zq\ `^\ 60 kilometres (36 miles) from the capital. Thursday’s tragedy was the second this week involving Africans trying to make their way to a new life in Europe and comes a year after 360 people perished in a sinking, “]ˆw`wŠ\ ^q`�\ m$\ _qj\ _Y‘ian island of Lampedusa. On Wednesday, Spanish coastguards pulled the bodies of two Afri-

ZYw^\‡ˆm‰\_qj\^jY\m$\ mrocco and six others were missing after a dinghy carrying them sank. For years, Libya has been a major embarkation point for hundreds of thousands of refugees,

mostly Africans, heading for Europe. They risk their lives on often unseaworthy craft trying to make it to Malta or to Lampedusa, south of Sicily, and hundreds are lost each year.

By far the worst tragedy took place last month, when about 500 people xˆm”wjx\ m$\ Y‘_Y\ Y‡_jˆ\ _ˆY0Z[jˆ^\ ˆY‰‰jx\ Ywx\ sank their boat after they refused to transfer to a smaller vessel.

The implosion of Libya, civil war in Syria and rewj”jx\ ^ˆYj‘`ÂŞ Y‘j^_`w`Yw\ hostilities have helped Â?]^q\ _qj\ ÂŤm”\ m‡\ ”m]‘xÂŞ be refugees seeking sanctuary in Europe to unprecedented levels.

More than 3,000 migrants have died trying to cross the Mediterranean so far this year, more than double the previous Â?jY[\`w\¯°¹¹Â?\_qj\ w_jˆwYtional Organisation for Migration said Monday.

Dallas Ebola patient vomited outside apartment on way to hospital


wo days after he was sent home from a Dallas hospital, the ‰Yw\ ”qm\ `^\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ Â?jˆson to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was seen vomiting on the ground outside an apartment complex as he was bundled into an ambulance. “His whole family was screaming. He got outside and he was throwing up all over the place,â€? resident Mesud Osmanovic, 21, said on Wednesday, describing the chaotic scene before the ‰Yw\”Y^\Yx‰`<jx\_m\ jÂ?Y^\ Libyan coastguards escort suspected illegal migrants after their boat started to sink east of Tripoli Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday where he is in serious condition. The hospital cited the he Dalai Lama of Nobel peace laure- cancelled after several late Nelson Mandela, _qj\ ˆYw`Yw\q]‰Yw\ˆ`Šq_^\ man’s privacy as the reaon Thursday ates. other laureates pulled has been cancelled as the lawyer Shirin Ebadi -- son for not identifying accused South His comments, at a out in protest. South African govern- both of whom are boy- him. However, Gee MelAfrica of “bul- ceremony to mark the “The Nobel Peace ment wouldn’t allow me Zm<`wŠ\ _qj\ m]_q\ ‡ˆ`ZY\ ish, who said he was a lying a simple 25th anniversary of his Summit scheduled to _m\ Y<jwx\ `_Â?ÂĽ\ _qj\ Y‘Y`\ summit. ‡Y‰`‘z\ ‡ˆ`jwxÂ?\ `xjw_`–jx\ personâ€? after authorities 1989 Nobel peace prize, be held in South Africa Lama said in a speech Williams accused Pres- the man in Texas infected there failed to give him a followed claims that the to honour the legacy of `w\ _qj\ wmˆ_qjˆw\ wx`Yw\ ident Jacob Zuma’s gov- with Ebola as Thomas Eric ˜`^Y\ _m\ Y<jwx\ Y\ ^]‰‰`_\ peace summit had been our fellow laureate, the town of Dharamshala ernment of “selling its Duncan. where he is based. sovereigntyâ€? to China in The New York Times “This is sort of bullying a speech at the ceremony said that Duncan, in his a simple person.â€? at the Dalai Lama’s mon- mid-40s, helped transport South Africa has been astery in Dharamshala Y\ Â?ˆjŠwYw_\ ”m‰Yw\ ^]$jˆcriticised in the past for on Thursday. ing from Ebola to a hospirefusing to grant the “Not a single laureate tal in Liberia, where she Dalai Lama a visa, re- is happy about that de- was turned away for lack portedly under pressure cision (to cancel). Four- of space. Duncan helped from China. teen laureates protested bring the woman back to This year a number of to President Zuma, pres- her family’s home and laureates pulled out of suring him, begging him, carried her into the house, the summit, scheduled to give a visa to His Ho- where she later died, the to be held next week in liness (the Dalai Lama) newspaper reported. Cape Town, in protest at so that we all could be Four days later Duncan South Africa’s failure to together and celebrate in left for the United States, grant the Dalai Lama a South Africa the legacy the Times said, citing the visa. of Nelson Mandela. woman’s parents and The exiled Tibetan spir“We could not go, and neighbors. itual leader thanked his the message we were jÂ?Y^\ qjY‘_q\ m0Z`Y‘^\ fellow peace laureates sending... was a mes- said that up to 18 people, ‡mˆ\ _qj`ˆ\ j$mˆ_^Â?\ ^Yz`wŠ\ sage of protest to China. `wZ‘]x`wŠ\ –˜j\ Zq`‘xˆjwÂ?\ they had “worked hardâ€? _\”Y^\Y\‰j^^YŠj\m‡\Â?ˆm- had contact with the Ebola to resolve the issue. test to governments who patient after he traveled He made his comments sell their soul and their to the United States from at a ceremony in Dhar- sovereignty to China, as Liberia in late September. Y‰^qY‘Y\Y<jwxjx\“z\_”m\ South Africa did,â€? she The children had gone to fellow laureates -- Jody said to loud applause school early this week but Williams, founder of the from the audience of have since been sent home w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ Y‰Â?Y`Šw\ hundreds of Tibetan ref- and are being monitored The Dalai Lama (R) shares a light moment with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jody Wil- to Ban Landmines, and ugees. for symptoms. liams at the Tsuglakhang temple in McLeod Ganj

Dalai Lama accuses South Africa of ‘bullying’



Daily Newswatch

EDITORIAL Friday, October 3, 2014

Daily Newswatch


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FG’s taskforce on abandoned projects


early three years after federal government investigative reports Zmw–ˆ‰jx\_qY_\‰mˆj\ than 20,000 federal projects have been abandoned, the clueless government said September ¹²\`_\`^\‹]^_\‰mm_`wŠ\_qj\^j<`wŠ\]Â?\m‡\ Y\_Y^[\‡mˆZj\_m\qY‘_\_qj\ˆmŠ]j\ÂŤjjZ`wŠ\ of the nation. If the executive arm of government is guilty of gross inaction and insensibility, the legislative arm too has demonstrated any serious commitment is checking the waste of government funds in _qj\Y“Ywxmwjx\Â?ˆm‹jZ_^\_qY_\‘`<jˆ\ the constituencies they supposedly represent. For instance, more than 14 months after, the National Assembly is yet to pass the bill mooted to check unbridled wastage and corruption in abandoned projects; mum is the word from the National Assembly, as if they were unconcerned that the welfare of their constituencies means nothing to them so far their pecuniary appetites are lustfully ^Y_`^–jxÂ’\\ Head of Service of the federation Mr. Danladi Kifasi said in Abuja Sept. 15 said before directors in the service that government was worried by the waste from abandoned

projects by federal ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). He said government has resolved to set up a project performance and monitoring taskforce to punish contractors who collect mobilization funds and disappear. However, this cannot be unless the odious image of the Civil Service is redeemed in mˆxjˆ\_m\ˆj^_mˆj\Â?]“‘`Z\Zmw–xjwZj\ and reverse nation that “government business was nobody’s businessâ€?. To what extend Kifasi can clean the Service rot, which has become a cankerworm? Indeed, the abandoned projects by Federal Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDA) had climbed from 11,886 three years ago to ¯°Â?°°°Â?\Šm`wŠ\“z\–Š]ˆj^\^]Â?Â?‘`jx\ by the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. Speaker House of Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal had mooted in July last year a bill to compel MDAs to implement national budgets in order to halt disturbing trend of failed and abandoned projects. His words, “It is time we changed from the so-called cash-based budgeting system to performance-based budgeting‌.We hope that all arms of government,

Letters to the Editor Nebo’s power pledge in October


he Minister for Power Prof. Nebo while addressing stakeholders on power stated _qY_\_qj\–ˆ^_\”jj[\m‡\ Z_m“jˆ\¯°¹Ă?\ power situation in the country would be stable. When this administration muted privatizing the power sector, to copy the good success recorded in telecom sector, there was apprehension because of the rot in the power sector ]_\_qj\”Yz^\_q`wŠ^\Yˆj\wm”Â?\ Nigerians are sceptical about the Minister’s regular power this month, with the current privatization of power. Power supply to energise the economy of any nation can’t be over emphasized, hence, we believe this administration would leave legacy of regular power supply and thereby Â?]<`wŠ\^‰`‘j\mw\_qj\‡YZj^\m‡\_qj\ masses. In most states across the country,

some of these electricity distribution companies, DISCOs, have not consumers’ expectations. What the people of this country need from this government is the availability of power to ensure they enjoy democracy dividend that the government had promised them. The constant supply of power would ensure economic growth and ensure employment opportunity to our teeming unemployed youths that would use the availability of energy to power their small scale industries. Nigeria should by now be at par with other countries of the world in terms of constant power supply to its industries and citizens for the “jwj–_\m‡\_qj\Zm]w_ˆz\Y_\‘YˆŠj�\wm”\ deplorable condition of constant power failure in the country. Bala Nayashi No 1 Yashi Areas Lokoja.

especially the Legislature and the Executive will learn to build the kind of synergy that will encourage budget implementation and reduce poverty in the land.â€? In addition, Tambuwal noted, “The Presidential Projects Assessment m‰‰`<jj\Âś_”m\zjYˆ^\YŠm¡\j^_`‰Y_jx\ that over 11,886 projects valued at N7.7 trillion were abandoned after government had spent N2.2 trillion on them, and N9 trillion is required to complete the abandoned projects. This is unsupportable wastages. I advocate performance budgeting.â€? Indeed, when similar unaudited abandoned projects by the 36 states and 774 local governments Yˆj\YxxjxÂ?\_qj\–Š]ˆj\”m]‘x\“j\ astounding. Many National ^^j‰“‘z\‰j‰“jˆ^\ÂŤjjZj\_qˆm]Šq\ bogus and unaccounted constituency project votes. The legislative – executive feud over N80 billion constituency projects has bogged down implementation of the 2013 Appropriation Act. q`^\]wZqjZ[jx\–^ZY‘\`wx`^Z`Â?‘`wjÂ?\ [mw‹mÂŞ ”jY‘Y\ˆjŠˆj<jx\qY^\Y‘‘m”jx\ _qj\Zm]w_ˆzÂ&#x;^\xj“_\Â?ˆm–‘j\_m\Z‘`‰“\ to $37 billion, almost to the position before the expensive bailout during

the Obasanjo administration. Despite executive agencies and the Presidency failing to check rein `w\–^ZY‘\`wx`^Z`�‘`wj�\_qj\ `wYwZj\ Minister is strangely advocating the collection of more foreign loans when previous loans have remained unaccounted for and projects not ^jjw\_m\“jwj–_\_qj\�jm�‘j’\\ qj\ Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) was enacted in July 2007. Unknown is the impact of the Fiscal Responsibility Commission set up to manage prudently the nation’s resources, ensure long-term macroeconomic stability, secure greater accountability and transparency in –^ZY‘\m�jˆY_`mw^\’\ ]ˆjY]\m‡\ ]“‘`Z\ Procurement, established to check _qj^j\‡ˆY]x^�\qY^\“jjw\`wj$jZ_`˜j’\\ The NASS that should perform oversight function on the executive has largely slept on its duty. This is why in the past 14 years federal recurrent expenditures is about 75 per cent to service a few thousands of �]“‘`Z\m0Zj\qm‘xjˆ^\”q`‘j\Y\‰`^jˆ‘z\ 25 per cent takes care of the rest 160m million people. During a tour of abandoned projects last year Minister of Information Labaran Maku had –wŠjˆjx\_qY_\_qj\xj^`ˆj\‡mˆ\jŠm\Zˆjx`_\

taking, rather than service delivery, was behind the drive for new projects and abandoning of old ones. The embarrassing trend might stall new projects in 2014 and 2015. The abandoned projects include power projects, for which billions m‡\xm‘‘Yˆ^\qY˜j\“jjw\Zm‰‰`<jx\ with no production of electricity, road, rail, and water transportation infrastructure to jumpstart the economy and provide job opportunities, education, and health institutions provisioning, infrastructure to provide domestic ^j‘‡ª^]0Z`jwZz\`w\‡mmx\Ywx\‡]j‘’\\ Other factors are pitiable planning, inadequate budgeting, delay in releasing project funds, which leads to project execution delay, increased contract cost variation and ultimate Y“Ywxmw‰jw_\Ywx\Zmw_ˆYZ_\^Â?‘`<`wŠ\ to give jobs for the boys. President mmx‘]Z[\ mwY_qYw\ZYwwm_\Y$jZ_\ positively on peoples welfare without urgently curbing corruption “z\m0Z`Y‘^\]^`wŠ\‡ˆY]x]‘jw_\Â?‘mz^Ă‚\ upfront payments for contracts prior to execution, white-elephant money-laundering projects proposed principally to pull out money from the treasury.


Daily Newswatch

View Point Friday, October 3, 2014

Saying bye, bye to hunger


igeria’s strive for food security and availability of abundant agricultural resources may continue to be elusive unless the human factor is properly taken care of and accorded its pride of place. The reality of this position stares us in the face as over the years, efforts of the various governments and key players in this vital sector of our national life have not yielded the desirable results because such a priority had been centred on the non-living variables at the expense of human beings. \ `^Z‘m^`wŠ\_q`^\”Y^\Y\ ˆm‡j^^mˆ\m‡\ Šˆ`Z]‘_]ˆY‘\ Administration, Michael ‘Tunde Ajayi, during his Inaugural Lecture he delivered recently at the Federal w`˜jˆ^`_z\m‡\ Šˆ`Z]‘_]ˆjÂ?\ “jm[]_Y\Âś ¡Â?\ Ogun State. An Inaugural Lecture is a central part of University’s academic life and commemorates the lecturer’s appointment into full Professorship as well as a veritable platform for any distinguished academic to present his/her body of research to the society. The lecture was titled, “Human Resources Management in Agriculture: A Neglected Component of Agricultural j˜j‘mÂ?‰jw_ÂĽĂ‘\_qj\‡`ˆ^_\m‡\`_^\[`wx\_m\“j\xj‘`˜jˆjx\ `w\_qj\ jÂ?Yˆ_‰jw_\]wxjˆ\_qj\ w`˜jˆ^`_zÂ&#x;^\ m‘‘jŠj\m‡\ Šˆ`Z]‘_]ˆY‘\ YwYŠj‰jw_\Ywx\ ]ˆY‘\ j˜j‘mÂ?‰jw_\ Âś ¡Â’\ I have decided to share from this highly educative and thought-provoking presentation such that all the stakeholders and key players in the formulation and implementation of public policies could learn one or two things that will help drive hunger away from our land and invariably take agriculture to its right pedestal, not only as a lucrative business but as a catalyst for rapid economic transformation. The don observed that there is increasing evidence and recognition that what is germane for national development is the human element more than any man-made physical capital. “It has become obvious that human resources are the life-blood of an enterprise. Even within the wonders of modern technology, human resources are the most versatile and adaptive resources Y˜Y`‘Y“‘j\_m\Ywz\mˆŠYw`^Y_`mwÂ?ÂĽ\qj\^_Y_jxÂ’\ In an era when our youths and young people detest farming, the Professor stressed that the acquisition of the relevant skills and knowledge would make the sector lucrative as “human resource management in agriculture may be one of the most enduring contributions to the ^m‘]_`mw\m‡\‡mmx\Â?ˆm“‘j‰^\Ywx\Â?m˜jˆ_zÂĽÂ’\ q`^\`^\“Y^`ZY‘‘z\ so because the strategic attribute of human resources is

that they represent an organisation’s capability to make sound decisions by reacting appropriately to threats and opportunities, unlike materials such as time and capital that lack senses for reasoning and response to the demands of the environment. This clarification is instructive because what ordinarily comes to the mind of any big investor or entrepreneur in agriculture is not the all-important q]‰Yw\‡YZ_mˆ\“]_\jÂœ]`Â?‰jw_\Ywx\”qY_\‰mwjz\ZYw\“]z\ĂŽ\ land, farm implements/inputs and operational funding. This, he opined should not be! As a management function, whose growth began around 1900, the don said human resources covers a range of silent activities such as planning, job analysis, recruitment, training, motivation, intelligent deployment of reward, performance appraisal, and so on. To engage the right hands in agriculture, he observed that the nation should use a combination of methods (oral and written) that would be suitable for selecting the most qualified staff, which should be exposed to adequate and regular training, after appointment. Professor Ajayi regretted that the personnel manning the nation’s various Agricultural establishments such Y^\_qj\ Šˆ`Z]‘_]ˆY‘\ j˜j‘mÂ?‰jw_\ ˆmŠˆY‰‰j^\Âś ^¡Â?\ research centres and institutes are not endowed with sufficient knowledge to effectively deliver and meet the nation’s quest for food security. He also pointed out that to get the best from agricultural workers, management should engender employer-employee ‘symbiosis’, avoid putting too-much-emphasis on wages and benefits but strive to remove what may bring about lack/loss of

# $ $ % &' $ '

motivation, saying that the “principal effect of salary increase is, therefore, to remove dissatisfaction and not _m\ZˆjY_j\^Y_`^‡YZ_`mwÂĽÂ’ To him, managers should move far away from staff ‘drain down’ such that agricultural workers are ‘charged up’ and appraised on a continuous basis to assess their potentials for future advancement, warning employers of labour to desist from jettisoning the recommendations derived from such a sensitive exercise such as staff evaluation in the interest of their organisations. He added that the main actors - the human resources, which facilitate the agricultural system - are the most marginalized in the production process in the sense that they are not well motivated, trained and equipped to effectively carry out their functions to both the farmers and other stakeholders. The don said human resource management in agriculture is well recognised in the developed Zm]w_ˆ`j^\“]_\Yˆj\•Zm‰Â?‘j_j‘z\Y“^jw_ÂĽ\`w\xj˜j‘mÂ?`wŠ\ countries like Nigeria. He corrected an erroneous impression that agriculturists cannot be good administrators in human resource management as he called for the teaching of Agricultural Administration in institutions of higher learning, to help rectify this big challenge. Professor Ajayi, member of the United States of America-based Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, noted that \”Y^\^qm”`wŠ\^]Zq\Â?m^`_`˜j\x`^Â?m^`_`mw\`w\ this regard with the establishment of the first Nigerian ‡]‘‘ª‡‘jxŠjx\ jÂ?Yˆ_‰jw_\m‡\ Šˆ`Z]‘_]ˆY‘\ x‰`w`^_ˆY_`mwÂ?\ which he said was second in Africa, after the University of Legon, Ghana. Other far-reaching solutions that will make the nation self-reliant in food production and self-sustaining in agriculture are according a formal recognition to agriculture as a ‘profession’, publicprivate partnership, inclusion of human resource management in the educational curriculum and prevention of strikes, among others.

Bad roads as FG’s shame in South East


he agenda of the monthly meeting of Ndigbo Unity Forum held on 28th of Sept. 2014 was to appraise the presences of Federal Government in the South East Region. This appraisal was done using various infrastructures as indices. After looking at various pictures display on projector during the meeting, it can be seen that Federal Government has failed the South East Region in the Road, Aviation among other sectors. This is shown by the various dilapidated nature of roads in the region which include. œ¹¡\ \ qj\wmwZqY‘Yw_\Y<`_]xj\_m”Yˆx^\ _qj\ˆmYx\^jZ_mˆ^\`^\jÂ?j‰Â?‘`–jx\“z\_qj\ Umuahia-Ikot Ekpene road, Aba Ikot Ekpene Federal High Way. one of the busiest road connecting South-East to South- South which is in a deplorable State highlighted by the death trap nature of the road at Ekebedi, Umuegbule, Ogbuegbule and Awomukwu section of the road, also the dilapidated nature of Ufuma-Inyachi Oji River Federal High Way, Akwaihedi w]“`\ˆmYxÂ?\ Ăƒ`w`–_j\ ‹Y‰Î\ w]“`\ˆmYx\Y‘‘\ in Nnewi South L.G.A. in Anambra State (2) Other bad roads in the South East Region include Nnewi- AmichiEkwulumiri- Unubi-Aroadizugu-Okigwe road which has remained in extremely bad shape, Otuocha- Adada Road, AmawbiaEkwulobia Spur to Uga, Umunze- Isuochi Road, and also the Inikiri- Umuezeoka 0]‰ª\ Š]‰Y‘j\ w]Š]\ jw]j\ mYx\”q`Zq\

Augustine Chukwudum and Chinedu Onyebuchi

was included in presidential intervention �ˆm‹jZ_\qY^\wm_\ˆjZj`˜jx\Ywz\Y<jw_`mw\ (3) Slow pace of work on OnitshaAwka-Enugu Federal High Way, Enugu-Umuahia-Aba Port-Harcourt Federal High Way, IShiagu Federal College of Agriculture Road Ishiagu Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

Road Condition Leading to Owerri Industrial Estate, Imo State. (5) On the international airport, we Yˆj\zj_\^jj\–ˆ^_\Z‘Y^^\Y`ˆ‘`wj\m�jˆY_`wŠ\‡ˆm‰\ Enugu airport. The much hyped upgrading of Owerri international cargo airport is still a mirage and also since Onitsha inland water way was commission we are yet to see ship. OUR DEMANDS 1) We call on President Goodluck Jonathan led government to commence

! " (4) We also observed that the manufacturing sectors which President Goodluck Jonathan promised to invest massively has not received the desired Y<jw_`mw\_q`^\`^\^qm”w\\“z\_qj\\ j�‘mˆY“‘j\

work on the Umuahia-Ikot Ekpene road, Aba Ikot Ekpene Federal High Way, one of the busiest road connecting South-East to South- South which is in a deplorable State highlighted by the death trap nature

of the road at Ekebedi, Umuegbule, Ogbuegbule and Awomukwu section of the road, Ufuma- Inyachi Oji River Federal High Way, Akwaihedi-Unubi OtuochaAdada Road, Amawbia-Ekwulobia Spur to Uga, Umunze- Isuochi Road, and also _qj\ w`[`ˆ`ÂŞ\ ‰]jĂƒjm[YÂŞ\ 0]‰ª\ Š]‰Y‘j\ w]Š]\ jw]j\ mYx\Ywx\_m\^Â?jjx\]Â?\”mˆ[\\ on other various road in the region where work is going on. 2) We call on the Federal Government to start work immediately Y_\ [”Y`qjx`\ĂŽ w]“`\ĂŽ ŠY\^Â?]ˆ\ [Â?]‘]\ ‡jxjˆY‘\ˆmYxÂ?\ Ăƒ`w`–_j\ĂŽ ‹Y‰ª w]“`\ˆmYx\ in Nnewi South L.G.A of Anambra State. 3) On the second Niger bridge, ”j\mwZj\YŠY`w\ˆjÂŞY0ˆ‰\_qY_\_qj\“ˆ`xŠj\ should not be constructed under public private partnership agreement rather that the Federal Government should fund the whole project Ă?¡\ j\Y‘^m\]ˆŠjx\_qj\–˜j\ m]_q\jY^_\ Governors to speed up economic integration of the South East region by Â?]<`wŠ\Y^`xj\Â?Yˆ_z\Y0‘`Y_`mw\Ywx\”mˆ[`wŠ\ together for the interest of the region.

Chukwudum (President), Onyebuchi (Secretary) Ndigbo Unity Forum <ndigbovoice@>


Daily Newswatch

friday, October 3, 2014

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Daily Newswatch

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Akanni extols Amaju’s quality

Babs Oyetoro


ormer Super Eagles xj jw^` j\ `x j xer, Waidi Akanni has hailed the election of the Delta State FA chairman, Pinnick Amaju as the President of the Nigeria Football Federation saying it is a good development for Nigerian football in the recent time.

Akanni, who heaved a sigh of relief that peace qY^\ wY z\ j_] wjx\ _m\ the glasshouse at the end of the day, called on other stakeholders to support the newly elected president saying there cannot be any meaningful development where crisis reigns supreme. The former U-20 team star disclosed that Amaju has the drive to move the football house forward stressing that he noticed this quality in him when he worked closely with him during his days as the Lagos FA chairman. “I don’t doubt Amaju’s ability to make things happen because he has the drive to get things moving. All he needs is to get the right people to work with him. “It is a good thing that he is not a novice because he has been around for sometimes now. I know with kind of drive he has, he should be able to Y< YZ_\ ^ mw^m ^q` ^\ m \ the federation.”

Danagogo: Nigerian sports’ve made strides

Martins Odiete, Abuja


inister of sports and chairman National Sports Commission, Tammy Danagogo has stated that there is much to rejoice about Nigeria sports in her 54 years of her nationhood. Danagogo noted that Nigeria have achieved so much in the area of sports in the last 54 years, stressing that within these periods, Nigeria even emerged as the best sporting country in Africa. He observed that some countries might be ahead of Nigeria in some speZ` Z\ ^ m _^ \ ]_\ wm_jx\ that cumulatively Nigeria stand head and shoulder above all of them. “We are making giant strides; you can see other countries coming to learn from us. It is because we ‘re making progress; that is why other countries are coming to learn from us.” The Sports Ministers maintained that Nigeria have won more trophies at international championships than any other Africa countries; stressing that in the last two years what Nigeria have achieved cannot be com-

pared to any other country in Africa. He recounted that in the last two years Nigeria have won the Africa Cup of Nations, FIFA U-17 World Cup, silver medal at the FIFA Women U-20 World Cup, did well at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and several other tournaments. He equally agreed that there is still so much work to be done in terms of reaching the level that most of the advanced countries have reached. He singled out the area of facilities as one area the country must improve on, if we are to get to the level of the advanced countries. It should be noted that Nigeria are far behind countries like South Africa and the North Africa Countries in the area of facilities. And it should also be put on record that Nigeria arelagging behind in the area of sports administration too.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Babayaro warns Eagles against Sudan

can opponents and be focused on the task ahead. “All the teams in our group are potential Nations Cup winners; so we must not underestimate any team that is in Ephraim Nwosu that group. Underrating ormer Nigeria a country with the belief Under-23 goal- they are no threats will be keeper, Emma- at our own peril,” Babanuel Babayaro yaro warned. “We should learn to rehas warned the Super Eagles ahead of spect our opponents. We next month 2015 African failed to beat Congo and ] \ m \ Y_`mw^\ ]Y ` j \ South Africa because we underrated them. against Sudan. “The players need to Speaking against Eagles recent poor perfor- approach the matches mance, Babayaro who with caution and be fospoke with Newswatch cused on the big task Sports on the telephone, ahead of them.” He also said that there advised the Eagles to be wary of their North Afri- was need for Keshi’s led


technical crew to give some of the new invitees a chance to prove their j< j \ Yxx`w \ _qY_\ `_\ would help strengthen the team. “Contrary to what people say, I am in support of the introduction of some new players in the team. It’s a welcome development. It will help strengthen the team and it will serve as a wakeup call to other players who have been sleeping as well as make the team more competitive. “Keshi is a professional coach, who knows the best materials he needs to deliver the ticket for Nigeria.” Commenting on Nige-

ria’s chances of qualifying for the Nations Cup, Babayaro echoed that the Super Eagles have the capacity to grab a ticket from their group if they put in the usual Nige `Y\ q_`w \ ^ ` `_\ `w\ _qj\ m _qZm `w \ ]Y ` j ^ “I would like to see our players muster the courage and the usual ` j `Y\ q_`w \ ^ ` `_\ `w\ order to have a chance to qualify for the Nations Cup. With determination Ywx\ Y\ `< j\ `_\ m \ mmx\ luck we will qualify for the Nations Cup. But it will be a shame if we are not in Morocco next year because we are African champions.”

National Honours: Stakeholders fault Toriola’s snub


s the federal government honoured some selected athletes with national honours on Monday in Abuja, sports stakeholders believe the exploits of table tennis’ star, Segun Toriola should have been considered for recognition. They however picked hole in the award for sports with the dominance of football, which they argued would surely discourage other athletes. jZ` ZY z\ _qjz\ ^`wgled out the feat achieved by one of Africa’s most decorated table tennis players, Toriola who remains the only Nigerian in the history of the modj w\ z `Z^\_m\Y<jwx\^` \ Olympic Games. Since making his debut at the All Africa Games in 1995 in Harare, Toriola

has won 13 gold, three silver and one bronze medals for Nigeria, while he remains the most successful table tennis player from the continent at the Commonwealth Games having clinched two gold and four bronze medals since table tennis became a medal hauling event at the games in 2002.

In the African table tennis championships, Toriola won eight gold, four silver and bronze medals. As the most successful African player, he jZY j\_qj\ ^_\ Yzj \_m\ make it to _qj\ ]Y _j wY \ ^_Y j\ at the Olympics and with his six appearances at the Olympics; he joined the

duo of Joao N’Tyamba of Angola and Maria Mutola of Mozambique as the third ever African athlete to compete in six Olympics. From former national table tennis coach, Babatunde Obisanya, fumed over the selection of the awardees, saying, ignoring the exploits of the likes of Toriola was a disservice to other sports. “I don’t think those who did the selection have done justice to other sports. They need to be going into archives to look into the records of athletes before putting names forward for national honours. I don’t think they consider other sports because I noticed that it is only football that is always given consideration.”

Daily Newswatch




Eagles job: Siasia waits in wings


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

Nigeria at 54: Any hurray for sports?

Babs Oyetoro

qj j\ Y j\ ^_ mw \ `wx`ZY_`mw^\ m \ _qj\ Y^^qm]^j\_qY_\_qj\wj z\Zmwª ^_`_]_jx\ ` j `Y\ mm_ Y \ jxj Yª _`mw\ mY x\ Yz\wm_\ Yw_\_m\ m [\ `_q\ZmYZq\ _j qjw\ j^q`\Y Y`w ^\ j^q` ^\ m j\`^\ Y^_ z\ Yw`w \x]j\_m\ _qj\^_ `w \m \ mm \ j^] _^\qj\qYx\ZqY [jx\] \ jZjw_ z\Ywx\Zm] jx\ `_q\_qj\]wqjY _qz\ jª Y_`mw^q` \ qj\ qYx\ `_q\ _qj\ j `m]^\ mY x \ _qj\ wj \ mY x\ q`Zq\ `^\ j`w \ xm `wY_jx\ z\ j j ^\m \_qj\m x\ mY x\ Yz\qY j\Zmwª Z ]xjx\ Yw^\ _m\ j `j j\ _qj\ ` \ m^^\ m \ q`^\ m w_j j^_`w z \_qj\mxx^\^jj \_m\ Y m] \ jª ^q` ^\ jxjZj^^m \ZmYZq\ Y ^mw\ `Y^`Y \ qm\ `^\_m]_jx\_m\ j\`w\_qj\ mmx\ mm[\m \_qj\ jYxª j ^q` \m \_qj\wj \ mY x jw] _` Y_j\ jj[ \`_\ Y^\ `xj z\ j m _jx\ `w\_qj\ jx`Y\_qY_\ `Y^`Y\ Yz\^]ZZjjx\ j^q`\` \ q`^\Zmw_ YZ_\`^\wm_\ jwj jx\ z\q`^\j mzj ]_\ `Y^`Y ^\Z m^j\Zmw xYw_ \ Y`x`\ [Yww`\ _m x\ j ^ Y_Zq\ m _^\_qY_\_qj\ Yzj ^Y\ m w\ ^ jY_\ j ZqYw_\ `^\ wm_\ qY `w \ m \ j^q` ^\ m \`w\Ywz\ Yz\Y^\ j`w \ Y`w_jx\`w\_qj\ jx`Y [Yww`\x`^Z m^jx\_qY_\ j^q`\qY^\YZq`j jx\ ^m\ ]Zq\ m \ _qj\ Zm]w_ z\ Ywx\ Y^\ ^]Zq\ qj\ ^qm] x\ j\Y m jx\_m\Zmw_`w]j\ `_q\q`^\ m

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NFF Warri Congress, best – Anyansi Maduabuchi Kalu

` j `Y\ mm_ Y \ jxª j Y_`mw\¶ ·\ mY x\ j j \ q`j \ jª ` \ wzYw^`\ qY^\ xj ]w[jx\ Z Y` ^\ _qY_\ _qj\ j jZ_`mw \ q`Zq\ ]^qj jx\ `w\ _qj\ wj \ mY x\ Y^\ Y] q_\ `_q\ m_^\ m \ Y]x] jw_\ YZ_`Zj^ ZZm x`w \ _m\ wzYw^`Â\\ qj\ j jZ_`mw\ _qY_\ mª x]Zjx\ `ww`Z[\ Y ]ª jx\ mY x\ Y^\ Zmwx]Z_jx\ `w\ YZZm xYwZj\ `_q\^_` ] Y_jx\ ]`xj `wj^ ¥ qj\ ZqY` Yw\ m \ _qj\ _ m\ _` j\ `ZYw\ qY `ª mw^ \ wz` Y\ w_j wY_`mwY \ mm_ Y \ ] \ m \ Y\ q`w_ª jx\ _qY_\ _qm^j\ qm\ Y] _jx\ _qj\m]_Zm j\m \_qj\j jZ_`mw\ _mm[\ ^]Zq\ m^`_`mw\ Y^jx\ mw\_qj\ jw_\m \_qj` \` ª Y `wY_`mw

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Ogunode ready for Bolt, Blake

Francis Ajuonuma

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Daily Newswatch Sports/EURO LEAGUE Rogers warns Hodgson not to feature unfit Sturridge


Man City boss not sure of UCL progress


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Tiote reveals Arsenal interest


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Xavi breaks Champions League record


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Bayern players evacuate hotel over fire alarm

Yzj w\ ]w`Zq\ j j\ ` jw\ Y\ ]xj\ Y Y[jw`w \ qjw\ Y\ j\Y Y \ m Zjx\_qj \ _m\ j YZ]Y_j\ _qj` \ qm_j \ `w\ m^Zm \ Ywx\ _qj\ jw_` j\ _jY \ ^ jw_\ m j \ Yw\ qm] \m]_^`xj \Y\w` q_\ j m j\ _qj` \ Y_Zq\ Y Y`w^_\ \ m^Zm \ j \ ]Y x`m Y ^\ ^`xj\ m]wx\ _qj ^j j^\ m]_\ mw\ _qj\ ^_ jj_\ ^qm _ z\ j m j\ `xw` q_\Ywx\x`xw _\ Y[j\`_\ YZ[\`w^`xj\]w_` \ Y m]wx\mwj\`w\_qj\ m w`w qj\ Yzj ^\ j j\ ^ m<jx\ q]xx `w \ ]wxj \ Yw[j_^\`w\_j j Y_] j^\

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014



‘How Siasia’s friend died in Owerri’

T With


2face builds nightclub on Agali’s N60m property

hree years after late Samson Siasia’s best friend simply known as Junior died in a mysterious circumstance in Owerri, revelations are beginning to emerge on how he was allegedly killed in the Eastern Heartland. This much was revealed by erstwhile Sharks of Port Harcourt and Heartland FC of Owerri striker, Jerry Uche during an exclusive chat with Newswatch Sports in Lagos. According to Uche, younger brother of former Falcons coach(Ucharia Uche), Junior’s corpse was found in the house of an unknown woman believed to be a prostitute. “The truth of how Junior died has started to surface at last,� he started. “I heard he was found dead in the house of a woman at Aladinma estate with foam and blood in his mouth. He was suspected to have been poisoned. • qY_\ \ ZYwwm_\ Zmw–ˆ‰\ to you now is the wherea-

bouts of the lady. But the general belief is that they were lovers.� Uche blamed the deceased for not leaving Owerri with Siasia after quitting his job with Heartland FC in 2010. “He caused his death. He came to Owerri with Siasia and they lived together until he left Heartland. Siasia loved him so much and when he was going he begged Junior to follow him but he refused to go with him because he was thrilled by the high lifestyle in Owerri.�

Taribo storms Alaba Int’l market for God


rstwhile Super Eagles defender cum pastor, Taribo West was spotted last week at one of the lines in the electronics section of Alaba International market, Ojo, Lagos spreading the word of God. According to an eye witness, the presence of the August visitor at Alaba market instantly brought the mar-


arely a year after acquiring a nightclub in Ikeja, Nigerian R&B king, 2face Idibia has commenced another nightclub business with the parcel of land sold to him by ex-Super Eagles’ star Victor Agali at Festac Town in Lagos. Sources close to the music sensation dis-

closed to Newswatch Sports that in a bid for him to expand his nightclub business, Idibia acquired a massive land belonging to Agali for the erection of _qj\jx`–Zj’ According to our impeccable source, the land which is overlooking the lagoon at First Avenue area of Festac Town, was bought for a whopping sum of N60 million.

“It has been the dream of 2face to invest heavily on nightclub business and that would have been incomplete without having one in Festac Town, where he grew up. “Luckily for him,he got a massive one from his friend, Victor Agali at a give-away price and the jx`–Zj\qY^\‘mwŠ\“jjw\Zm‰pleted and it is already functioning. The name of

the new nightclub is ‘Rumours’ and it is opposite Grasshoppers nightclub�, our source disclosed. Agali had earlier-on sold the land, which was a gift to him in 2001 by former Rivers state Governor, Dr Peter Odili as a reward for being a member of the Super Eagles ^œ]Yx\ _qY_\ œ]Y‘`–jx\ ‡mˆ\ the Korea/Japan 2002 World Cup.

Mikel’s girlfriend delivers baby girl in USA


andra Okagbue, John Obi Mikel’s estranged girlfriend is now a proud mother as she has been blessed with a bouncing baby girl in far-away Houston, United States of America. There are however confusion about who the real father of the baby is, but there are ]wZmw–ˆ‰jx\ ˆjÂ?mˆ_^\ _qY_\ _qj\ jÂ?ÂŞ j‘_Y\ ^mYÂ?\ beauty queen, who has been having a secret Y$Y`ˆ\”`_q\‡Y‰m]^\ `Šjˆ`Yw\‰]^`Z`YwÂ? Chinedu Okoli, (aka Flavour N’abania) qY^\ –wY‘‘z\ Â?m]ˆjx\ Zm‘x\ ”Y_jˆ\ mw\ _qj\ ‰Y<jˆ\ after naming the Ada Ada crooner as the biological father of her child. Flavour and Sandra are also said to be over the moon with the arrival of the tiny pair of feet and have taken to the social media to announce their baby. It is yet to be ascertained whether marriage is on the card following the coming of the new baby.

ketplace to a standstill for close to three hours with majority of the excited audience more interested in catching a glimpse of their former soccer hero and taking his pictures than listening to his preaching. q`^\`^\wm_\_qj\–ˆ^_\_`‰j\ the one time Inter Milan and Auxerre powerful centre-back is on the mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. West, who made two World Cup appearancesplaying at the 1998 and 2002 World Cups for Nigeria, was in Ghana last year on a similar mission. The 42-year-old 1996 Olympic Games Gold medalist is among few ex-internationals who have veered into ministering God’s words after retiring from professional football.

Shocked Tiote’s wife collapses


married English Premier League footballer who already has three children by his wife and mistress has just taken a second bride in his native Cote’Ivoire. Cheick Tiote, 28, who earns ÂŁ45,000 a week playing for Newcastle United, reportedly wed Laeticia Doukrou in a traditional ceremony earlier this month, saying taking another wife was ‘nothing unusual’ given he is a Muslim. But news of the second wedding came as a surprise _m\ q`^\ –ˆ^_\ ”`‡jÂ?\ YxYqÂ?\ ¯²Â?\ who is said to have only found out about it on Facebook. Madah, who lives with

Tiote and their two children in a £1.5m house in a village outside Newcastle, reportedly fainted with shock when she saw the photographs of her husband marrying another woman. jYw”q`‘j\_qj\‰`x–j‘xer also has a one-year-old child with mistress, 33-yearold Zimbabwean Nkosiphile Mpofu, known as Nikki.


Sports/Women Football


with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

Banyana Banyana want to avoid Falcons


anyana Banyana will want to avoid the Super Falcons in the knockout stage of the coming African Women Championship (AWC) in Windhoek, Namibia as they eye _qj\_mÂ?\Â?‘YZj\–w`^q\`w\Šˆm]Â?\ B. The South Africans have Cameroon, Ghana and Algeria to contest with for the top place in group B dubbed “Group of Deathâ€?, while the Super Falcons are in Group A where they will xm\ “Y<‘j^\ ”`_q\ Y‰`“`YÂ?\ Ivory Coast and Zambia. Head coach of the Banyana Banyana, Vera Pauw, who spoke after making Â?]“‘`Z\ qjˆ\ –wY‘\ ‘`^_\ m‡\ ¯¹ª

man squad for the championship, said she will cherish her team emerging top in group B and the same for the Super Falcons in group A so both teams can avoid jYZq\m_qjˆ\`w\_qj\^j‰`ª–wY‘^\ “]_\ZYw\mw‘z\‰jj_\`w\_qj\–nal. She said it will be a mission accomplished if the Banyana Banyana are able _m\ Â?`Z[\ YwYxY\ ¯°¹²\ \ Women’s World Cup ticket in Namibia as they open their campaign against Y‰jˆmmw\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\¹¯Â’ â€?We want to qualify for _qj\ mˆ‘x\ ]Â?\ “z\ –w`^qing in the top three at the AWC. That is the only mandate we have been given by Safa and if we can do that, the whole perspective on women’s football is set to change in the country. And by that I mean hopefully a professional football league for women would be established, that’s what we need. “We need at least a draw against Cameroon. If we can manage to do that, we are set to do well in the group stages. The key thing is to avoid Nigeria and for ]^\_m\xm\_qY_Â?\”j\wjjx\_m\–wish top of our group,â€? she added

Algeria first to arrive


‘Šjˆ`Y\ Yˆj\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ team to arrive in Namibia for the TN Mobile 9th African Women Championship Namibia ¯°¹Ă?Â’ ‘Les Fennecs Dames’ touched down at the early qm]ˆ^\ m‡\ ]wxYzÂ?\ ÂŻĂ•\ jÂ?_j‰“jˆ\ ¯°¹Ă?Â?\ Y_\ _qj\ m^jY\ Kutako International Airport in Windhoek, and were warmly received by m0Z`Y‘^\m‡\_qj\ mZY‘\ ˆŠYw`^`wŠ\ m‰‰`<jj\Âś ¡Â’ qj\ ÖÕª‰j‰“jˆ\ xj‘jŠY_`mw\`wZ‘]xj^\ÂŻÂą\Â?‘Yzjˆ^Â?\ ”qm\ ”`‘‘\ xm\ “Y<‘j\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ Algerians, housed in Group B with Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa. Algeria coach Azzedine Chih explained that the reason behind their early arrival is to acclimatize and continue with preparations for the tournament. “We are here two weeks “j‡mˆj\ ”j\ [`Z[m$\ m]ˆ\ –ˆ^_\ game and we want to feel the weather and just get going and see what we can do here. We are here to take our chances and see how far we can go. We have a tough group of Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa, teams with world cup and

Olympics experience and we know what to expectâ€? Chih was quoted by the Namibia Football Association (NFA) website upon arrival. ‘Les Fennecs Dames’ have lined-up two friendly games against hosts, Brave Gladiators of Namibia, to –wjÂŞ_]wj\ _qj`ˆ\ Â?ˆjÂ?YˆYtions. They were joined by Ghana’s Black Queens, who arrived late on Sunday. qj\ –˜j\ m_qjˆ^Ă‘\ Y‰jroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria, South Africa and Zambia are expected from 7 Octo“jˆ\ ¯°¹Ă?Â?\ ‡m]ˆ\ xYz^\ “j‡mˆj\ the opening ceremony.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Namibia 2014: No Falcons selection sentiment –Okon


uper Falcons head coach, Edwin Okon says the players he has listed for the African Women Championship (AWC) in Namibia are the best for the country. Okon had on Monday wY‰jx\ Y\ ¯¹ªÂ‰Yw\ ^Âœ]Yx\ ‰Yxj\]Â?\m‡\ÂąĂŒ\‘mZY‘\Â?‘Yzjˆ^\ Ywx\ –˜j\ ‡mˆj`Šwª“Y^jx\ Â?ˆmfessionals for the Namibian soccer showpiece with great expectations as the champimw^q`Â?\Šj_^\^j_\_m\[`Z[\m$\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\¹¹\_qˆm]Šq\_m\ Z_m“jˆ\ÂŻĂ?Â?\¯°¹Ă?Â’ The Rivers Angels head coach, who spoke from Abuja where he has been in camp with the Super Falcons, put_`wŠ\ –w`^q`wŠ\ _m]Zqj^\ _m\ their preparation for the socZjˆ\ –j^_YÂ?\ _m‘x\ j”^”Y_Zq\ Sports that although it was not an easy task to arrive at _qj\–wY‘\‘`^_Â?\_qj\‘]Z[z\Â?‘Yzers were picked on merit based on their capability to reclaim the title they lost two year ago in Equatorial Guinea. “I think the playerswe’ve picked are the best legs that can help us achieve our target in Namibia. There’s no sentiment in the team selection.I want to say thatall the players who made the listare there on merit. “Our mission in Namibia is to pick one of the three ^‘m_^\‡mˆ\_qj\¯°¹²\ \ m‰en World Cup in Canada and also to prove that we’re the best in Africa by once again winning the African Women Championship,â€? he said. qj\ –˜j\ ‡mˆj`Šwª“Y^jx\ players-Desire Oparanozie, Onome Ebi, Francisca Ordega, Esther Sunday and Perpetua Nkwocha joined

the rest of the team late on Wednesday. The Super Falcons, eight-time Africa champions are in group A alongside, Ivory Coast, Zabia and host country Namibia. Super Falcons Full list: Goalkeepers: Precious Dede (Ibom Angels), Ibubuleye Whyte (Rivers Angels), Christy Ohieriaku (Oshogho Queens) Defenders: Osinachi

Ohale (Houston Dash, USA), Josephine Chukwunonye (Rivers Angels), Gloria Ofoegbu (Rivers Angels), Onome Ebi (FK Minsk, Belarus), Ngozi Ebere (Rivers Angels), Ugochi Ebere (Rivers Angels) #& # ' Evelyn Nwabuoku (Rivers Angels), Onyinyechi Ohadugha (Rivers Angels), Gloria Iroka (Rivers An-

gels), Cecilia Nku (Rivers Angels), Ayinde Halimat (Delta Queens), Ngozi Okobi (Delta Queens) Forwards: Desire Oparanozie (En Avent Guingamp, France), Perpetua Nkwocha (Sunnana SK, Sweden), Esther Sunday (FK Minsk, Belarus), Asisat Oshoala (Rivers Angels), Stella Mbachu (Rivers Angels), Francisca Ordega (Pitea IFF, Sweden).

Shipanga targets opening game win


he Brave Gladiators will have to win the opening game of the \ m“`‘j\ ¯°¹Ă?\ ‡ˆ`ZYw\ Women Championship Na‰`“`Y\ ¯°¹Ă?\ mw\ Y_]ˆxYzÂ?\ ¹¹\ October against Group ‘A’ rivals Zambia at the Sam Nujoma Stadium, according to head coach Jacqueline Shipanga. Shipanga said the three points will give the team the wjZj^^Yˆz\ Zmw–xjwZj\ “mm^_\ as they seek to go past the group stage at the tournament, where they are making their debut appearance. “It is not about defeating Zambia but it is about win`wŠ\m]ˆ\–ˆ^_\ŠY‰j\j˜jw\`‡\`_\ was against Ghana or Nigeria. Playing at home and in _qj\ –ˆ^_\ ŠY‰jÂ?\ ”j\ wjjx\ _m\ give our fans and sponsors and of course ourselves the momentum. “It is not negotiable at all. j\‰]^_\”`w\m]ˆ\–ˆ^_\ŠY‰jÂ?\ very crucial.â€? With barely ten days to the opening game, the Namibian trainer is pleased

with the response of her players as the D-day looms. “It has been years of hard work and dedication for these girls. They have all pushed themselves hard and showed that they we can do this. We are ready and they are indeed. “It is their moment to shine and do themselves and all of us proud� Shipanga states. The technical team is however awaiting the arrival

of two player; Twelikondjela Amukoto and Ndapewa Katuta to camp. The duo is on a six-month Police training camp. “They are experienced players who always give us options. Katuta can play in xj‡jwZj\Ywx\Y‘^m\`w\‰`x–j‘x\ and Amukoto is such a rock. We were told they will be released for the championship and we are still awaiting their release. We need them�, Shipanga added.

Brazil, Colombia seal world cup tickets


ˆYĂƒ`‘\ ‡]‘–‘‘jx\ jÂ?Â?jZtations by winning the Women’s Copa America for the sixth time and qualifying for the FIFA Women’s World Cup CanYxY\¯°¹²Â’ m‘m‰“`Y\ –w`^qjx\ ˆ]wners up to join Brazil as South America’s second representatives and also nailed down a place at the Women’s Olympic Football TourwY‰jw_\ `m\xj\ Ywj`ˆm\¯°¹ĂŒÂ’ Hosts Ecuador took third

place and will now go for”Yˆx\_m\Y\ YwYxY\¯°¹²\Â?‘YzÂŞ m$\YŠY`w^_\_qj\_jY‰\–w`^q`wŠ\ fourth in the CONCACAF Zone. Argentina completed the top four, all of whom Âœ]Y‘`–jx\‡mˆ\_qj\ Yw\ ‰jˆ`ZYw\ Y‰j^\¯°¹²Â’\ Though deprived of the services of Marta, one of the greatest players the women’s game has ever seen, Brazil still managed to justify their status as favourites, dominating the tournament

‡ˆm‰\^_Yˆ_\_m\–w`^qÂ’\ w\xm`wŠ\ so they lost just once, when their second string went down to Argentina in the –wY‘\ˆm]wx\m‡\Šˆm]Â?\ŠY‰j^Â’ The Brazilians were lethal `w\ ‡ˆmw_\ m‡\ ŠmY‘Â?\ ^Zmˆ`wŠ\ ÂŻÂŻ\ times in seven matches. Six of those strikes came from _qj`ˆ\ jÂ?Â?jˆ`jwZjx\ Y<YZ[ing spearhead Cristiane, the competition’s top scorer. The champions were no less effective at the back, especially `w\_qj\–wY‘\Â?qY^jÂ’

Daily Newswatch


37 Sam Popoola


Judgment, sentensing and appeals in crimimal matters

not comply with the requirements of the law because neither the evidence of the prosecution nor that of the defense was reviewed. No reasons were given for the Zm]ˆ_Â&#x;^\ xjZ`^`mwÂ?\ _qjˆj‡mˆj\ _qj\ YÂ?Â?jY‘\ succeeded. As a general rule, no person can be Â?ˆmwm]wZjx\ Š]`‘_z\ ‡mˆ\ Yw\ m$jwZj\ ”`_q\ which he was not expressly charged. However, where an accused person is ZqYˆŠjx\”`_q\Y\ŠˆY˜j\m$jwZj\Ywx\_qjˆj\ is not enough evidence to convict him “]_\ _qjˆj\ `^\ ^]0Z`jw_\ m˜jˆ”qj‘‰`wŠ\ evidence to convict him for a lesser m$jwZjÂ?\ j˜jw\ _qm]Šq\ _qj\ YZZ]^jx\ ”Y^\ wm_\ ^Â?jZ`–ZY‘‘z\ ZqYˆŠjx\ ”`_q\ _qj\ ‘j^^jˆ\ m$jwZjÂ?\qj\‰Yz\“j\Zmw˜`Z_jx\m‡\_qj\‘j^^jˆ\ m$jwZj\Y^\Â?ˆm˜`xjx\`w\^jZ_`mw\Ă–ĂŒ\ÂśĂŒ¡\ÂśY¡\ of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended)and as decided by the Supreme Court of Nigeria in Nwachukwu vs. The State œ¹Ă„Ă•ĂŒ¡Â’\ ]ˆ_qjˆ‰mˆjÂ?\Yw\YZZ]^jx\Â?jˆ^mw\ ”qm\`^\ZqYˆŠjx\”`_q\Yw\m$jwZj\‰Yz\“j\ convicted for conspiracy to commit that m$jwZj\Y‘_qm]Šq\qj\”Y^\wm_\‡m]wx\Š]`‘_z\ m‡\_qj\^]“^_Yw_`˜j\m$jwZj\Y^\xjZ`xjx\`w\ Y‘mŠ]w\ ˜^Â’\ <mˆwjzÂŞ jwjˆY‘\ m‡\ Š]w\ State. It must be stated that before a court can convict an accused person for an Justice Zainab Bulkachuwa, President,Court of Appeal CJN Aloma Mariam Mukhtar Dr Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe m$jwZj\‡mˆ\”q`Zq\qj\”Y^\wm_\jÂ?Â?ˆj^^‘z\ Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe m0Z`mÂ’\ \ w\ _qY_\ Â?Yˆ_`Z]‘Yˆ\ ZY^jÂ?\ Yw\ mˆY‘\ Testimony of witnesses and co- charged under Section 179 of the Criminal Procedure Act, the following t is a well known procedure that judgment delivered by a lower court accused persons are heavily relied upon Zmwx`_`mw^\ ‰]^_\ “j\ ^Y_`^–jxĂ‘\ ÂśY¡\ _qj\ every judgment of a court must of was later reduced to writing. The by the courts during criminal trials. It is ŠˆY˜jˆ\ m$jwZj\ ‰]^_\ Zmw_Y`w\ ”mˆx^\ _m\ legal necessity be in writing except Federal Supreme Court refused to take therefore necessary for the prosecution `wZ‘]xj\ “m_q\ m$jwZj^Ă‘\ œ“¡\ _qj\ j˜`xjwZj\ as otherwise provided by law for ZmwŠw`ĂƒYwZj\ m‡\ _qj\ ”ˆ`<jw\ ‹]xŠ‰jw_\ to gather enough evidence and do led and facts found must support the Magistrates courts in the Southern because at the time it was reduced thorough investigation, organize his Zmw˜`Z_`mw\‡mˆ\_qj\‘j^^jˆ\m$jwZj\Ywx\ÂśZ¡\ part of Nigeria. It must be stated that to writing the court that delivered it prosecution witnesses and tidy up the it is not necessary to charge the accused court judgment in criminal and civil qYx\ “jZm‰j\ ‡]wZ_]^\ m0Z`mÂ?\ qY˜`wŠ\ charges against the accused person ”`_q\ _qj\ ‘j^^jˆ\ m$jwZj\ Y^\ xjZ`xjx\ “z\ before commencement of trial. In ‰Y<jˆ^\`^\wm_\_qj\^Y‰j\Y^\ mxÂ&#x;^\x`˜`wj\ delivered an oral judgment earlier. From the above provision, it is clear delivering judgment, the court must the Supreme Court in Nwachukwu vs. judgment entrenched in the holy bible. State.

]xŠ‰jw_\ `w\ ‘jŠY‘\ ^jw^j\ `^\ _qj\ –wY‘\ that judgment must contain the points give cogent and compelling reasons An accused person may plead decision of the court upon a criminal for determination and reason for the as to why the evidence of one party for reduction of sentence under the charge, rights and obligation of the decision. The points for determination is to be preferred to that of another. principle of allocutus. It is a plea of parties. A judgment can be in favour of include the guilt or innocence of the w\ `‘‘`j\ mqw\ ˜^Â’\ qj\ _Y_j\ œ¹Ă„ĂŒĂ†¡Â?\ _qj\ mitigation of sentence or punishment the accused person or the complainant. accused person, fact and proof of the accused persons were charged and by an accused person after he or she has It is in favour of the accused person if the j‘j‰jw_^\ m‡\ m$jwZjÂ?\ `wŠˆjx`jw_^\ m‡\ convicted on two counts of burglary “jjw\Zmw˜`Z_jx\m‡\Yw\m$jwZj\`w\Y\Zm]ˆ_\ prosecution fails to prove its case beyond m$jwZj\ Y^\ ”j‘‘\ Y^\ ^jZ_`mw^\ ”qjˆj\ _qj\ and housebreaking. In his judgment, of competent jurisdiction. However, reasonable doubt thereby providing the m$jwZj\ Zmw_ˆY˜jwjx\ Yˆj\ Zmw_Y`wjx\ the trial judge stated that the evidence the omission of the Court Registrar or opportunity for the defense counsel Ywx\ ^Â?jZ`–jx\ Y^\ xjZ`xjx\ `w\ j^]‡]\ against the accused persons was the Judge to ask the accused to make to plead a no case submission. It is ˜^Â’\ w^Â?jZ_mˆ\ jwjˆY‘\ m‡\ m‘`Zj\ œ¹Ă„ĂŒ°¡Â’\ overwhelming and found the accused Yw\Y‘‘mZ]_]^\^qY‘‘\qY˜j\wm\j$jZ_\mw\_qj\ in favour of the complainant if the And where the court is in doubt as to persons guilty. The accused persons validity of the proceedings. Allocutus prosecution is able to establish that whether the point for determination appealed against the conviction on the under section 247 of the CPA does _qj\ YZZ]^jx\ YZ_]Y‘‘z\ Zm‰‰`<jx\ _qj\ should be decided in favour of the ground inter alia that the judgment of not operate to absolve the accused of m$jwZj\_qˆm]Šq\˜jˆ`–Y“‘j\j˜`xjwZj\Ywx\ prosecution or the defense, the doubt the court did not contain the points all punishment; the sentence may be exhibits pointing to show directly that should be resolved in favour of the for determination and reasons for the reduced but not cancelled in its entirety. defense as decided in Onafowokan vs. decision. The Supreme Court agreed Yw\m$jwZj\qY^\“jjw\Zm‰‰`<jxÂ’\ Where the law provides for a Section 245 of the Criminal Procedure The State (1987) by the Supreme Court ”`_q\ _qj\ Zm]w^j‘Â&#x;^\ Zmw_jw_`mw\ _qY_\ _qj\ minimum or mandatory penalty like Judgment delivered by the court did Act (CPA) provides that: “The judge or of Nigeria. xjY_q\ Â?jwY‘_zÂ?\ Y‘‘mZ]_]^\ qY^\ wm\ j$jZ_Â’\ Magistrate shall record his judgment q]^Â?\`w\ w^Â?jZ_mˆ\ jwjˆY‘\m‡\ m‘`Zj\˜^Â’\ in writing and every such judgment Tegbe (1957) where an accused person shall contain the point or points for was deprived of an opportunity for determination, the decision thereon allocutus because the judgment given by and the reasons for the decision and the trial magistrate was read by another shall be dated and signed by the magistrate under section 251 CPA Judge or Magistrate and the time of where the sentence was manifestly light pronouncing it; provided that in the ‡mˆ\_qj\m$jwZjÂ?\`_\”Y^\qj‘x\_qY_\Y‘_qm]Šq\ case of a Magistrate, in lieu of writing the practice adopted was undesirable, ^]Zq\ ]xŠ‰jw_\ Â?\ `_\ ^qY‘‘\ “j\ ^]0Z`jw_\ the sentence would not be reduced. compliance under this section if the In a trial at the Magistrate court in the ‰YŠ`^_ˆY_j\ ÂśY¡\ \ ˆjZmˆx^\ “ˆ`jÂŤz\ `w\ _qj\ Northern part of Nigeria, the Magistrate book his decision thereon and where may at this stage of sentence refer the necessary his reasons for such decision convicted person to a magistrate court and delivers an oral Judgment; or (b) of a higher grade or to the High Court records such information in a prescribed for sentence. This occurs if the court is form.â€? Once a judgment is delivered, of the opinion that the accused person _qj\xjjx\`^\xmwj\œ‡]wZ_]^\m0Z`m¡Â’ m]Šq_\ _m\ ˆjZj`˜j\ Y\ x`$jˆjw_\ mˆ\ ‰mˆj\ In Nwakalamba vs. Commissioner severe punishment than that which the of Police (1958), a judgment delivered magistrate is empowered to impose as by the then Federal Supreme Court Continued on Page 38 upheld the principle of functus


A judgment can be in favour of the accused person or the complainant. It is in favour of the accused person if the prosecution fails to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt thereby providing the opportunity for the defense counsel to plead a no case submission


Daily Newswatch



judgment, sentensing and appeals in crimimal matters in nigeria

cross section of lawyers Continued from Page 37

stated under Section 257 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC). Clearly put, a sentence is the pronouncement by the court upon the accused person after his conviction in a criminal prosecution by imposing punishment stipulated by law. The sentence of the court must be the ^jw_jwZj\ �ˆj^Zˆ`“jx\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ m$jwZj\ “z\ law which created it. When the court makes a pronouncement of sentence, it may direct that it should run concurrently or consecutively. Where the court is silent, the sentence shall be deemed to run consecutively. It must be stated that death penalty is mandatory ^jw_jwZj\ ‡mˆ\ ZY�`_Y‘\ m$jwZj^\ Ywx\ _qj\ ‹]xŠj\ qY^\ wm\ x`^Zˆj_`mw\ `w\ _qj\ ‰Y<jˆ\ after an accused has been found guilty m‡\ Y\ ZY�`_Y‘\ m$jwZj’\ qj\ Zm]ˆ_\ ‰]^_\ make the pronouncement this manner: “The sentence of this court upon you is that you be hanged by the neck until you are dead and may the Lord have mercy on your soul� as stipulated under Section 367 (2) of the CPA and Section 273 of CPC. The President of Nigeria and State Governors can exercise prerogative of mercy on an accused sentenced to death. The judge as soon as practicable must transmit the judgment to the <mˆwjz\ jwjˆY‘\mˆ\ `w`^_jˆ\m‡\ ]^_`Zj\ or State Commissioner of Justice to advise the President or Governor on the exercise of prerogative of mercy. The ‹]xŠ‰jw_\ `^\ Y<YZqjx\ ”`_q\ Y\ Zjˆ_`–jx\ copy of the record of proceedings and Y\ Zm�z\ m‡\ _qj\ Zjˆ_`–ZY_j\ m‡\ xjY_q\ Y^\ stipulated under Section 370 (1) of the CPA. Death sentence cannot be passed mw\Yw\m$jwxjˆ\”qm^j\YŠj\Y_\_qj\_`‰j\m‡\ Zm‰‰`<`wŠ\_qj\m$jwZj\qY^\wm_\ˆjYZqjx\ the age of seventeen (17) years. As a general rule, only a person that is aggrieved by the decision of a court may appeal against such decision. In criminal cases only the prosecutor or the accused person has the right of appeal under Section 243 (9) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) and as decided `w\ Y–]\ Y“`]\˜^’\ qj\ _Y_j’\\ ‘m”`wŠ\

from the above, Persons outside these two categories of persons has no locus standi to bring an appeal under any circumstances. However, any person ”qm\ ”`‘‘\ “j\ Y$jZ_jx\ “z\ _qj\ xjZ`^`mw\ of the court can be made a party to an appeal as decided in the case of Pan ‡ˆ`ZYw\ Yw[\ _x\\˜^’\ qj\ _Y_j\Ywx\Y‘^m\ in Akiinbiyi vs. Adelabu. Appeal shall emanate from Magistrate Court to High Court, from High Court to Court of Appeal and from Court of Appeal to Supreme Court of Nigeria, as the case may be. The decision of _qj\ ]�ˆj‰j\ m]ˆ_\ `^\ –wY‘\ `w\ Y‘‘\ ZY^j^\ `wZ‘]x`wŠ\ Zˆ`‰`wY‘\ ‰Y<jˆ^’\ qj\ wm_`Zj\ of appeal stating the grounds of appeal is usually prepared by the counsel to the party that is approaching the appellate court for a redress. Each Court has its rules and procedure to be followed when approaching a superior court for appeal. The service of a legal practitioner is required for this process. Judgment, sentence and appeal in Zˆ`‰`wY‘\ ‰Y<jˆ^\ Yˆj\ _jZqw`ZY‘\ ‘jŠY‘‘z\ and at the same time procedural. Certain rules must be applied as can be seen from the above court discussions. A party challenging the judgment and

sentence passed by the lower court has the constitutional right to approach a higher or superior court for appeal. Appeal is only necessary where the appellant and his counsel are convinced that there was a miscarriage of justice or that the legal principle of fair hearing was not adhered to during trial. Appeal is also necessary where judgment is delivered without the Judge reviewing the evidence of the prosecution and defense and also for failing to give legal reasons for the court’s decision. A valid judgment must of a necessity include the guilt or innocence of the accused person, fact and proof of the elements of m$jwZjÂ?\`wŠˆjx`jw_^\m‡\m$jwZj\Y^\”j‘‘\Y^\ sections of relevant enactments and case ‘Y”^\ ”qjˆj\ _qj\ m$jwZj\ Zmw_ˆY˜jwjx\ `^\ Zmw_Y`wjx\ Ywx\ ^Â?jZ`–jx\ Y^\ xjZ`xjx\ `w\ Yesufu vs. IGP (1960). Dr Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, is a member of the Nigerian Institute m‡\ w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ $Y`ˆ^\ Âś ¡\ Ywx\ Z]ˆˆjw_‘z\ ^jˆ˜j^\ Y^\ m‰‰`<jj\ member of Human Rights and Political Communication of the American Political Science Association (APSA) chaired at the New York University, USA

As a general rule, only a person that is aggrieved by the decision of a court may appeal against such decision. In criminal cases only the prosecutor or the accused person has the right of appeal under Section 243 (9) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as 1 w vs. The State

Leadership of the judiciary


judiciary of unquestionable integrity is crucial for any democracy founded on the rule of law. Even when all m_qjˆ\ ^Y‡jŠ]Yˆx^\ ‡Y`‘Â?\ `_\ ‡mˆ_`–j^\ the individual against any infringements on their rights and freedoms. A judiciary that is founded on the rule of law provides protection against capricious and whimsical acts by the State. It upholds human rights in the face of public institutions and intercedes in disputes between private parties in accordance with the law. Given the pivotal role of the judiciary in ensuring order and good governance, it is important that the highest standards of judicial integrity are entrenched and maintained. The Nigerian judiciary, under the leadership of our Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mariam Alooma-Mukhtar GCON evidently recognizes the need to reposition the judiciary to serve the interests of the Nigerian Â?jmÂ?‘jÂ’\ j\Zm‰‰jwx\_qj\j$mˆ_^\_m\ ensure that order is restored in the ‹]x`Z`Yˆz\Ywx\ŠˆjY_\qj`Šq_^\Y<Y`wjx\ `w\ _qj\ –Šq_\ YŠY`w^_\ Zmˆˆ]Â?_`mw\ Ywx\ `wj0Z`jwZz\ mw\ _qj\ jwZqÂ’\ While we pledge our continued support for the ongoing ethical renewal, we feel constrained to ˆjÂ?jY_\ _qj\ ZY‘‘\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ \ _m\ “j\ included in all aspects of the reform process, including the disciplinary processes of the National Judicial Council (NJC). Once again, we ^Y‘]_j\ _qj\ ‘jYxjˆ^q`Â?\ m‡\ _qj\ jwZq\ Ywx\ ˆjÂŞY0ˆ‰\ m]ˆ\ ^]Â?Â?mˆ_\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ judiciary in the quest for the highest standards of judicial integrity.


qj\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ Yˆ\ ^^mZ`Y_`mw\ will continue to decry _qj\ Y<`_]xj\ m‡\ ‡j”\ m‡\ our colleagues for conduct unbecoming of Legal Practitioners. qj\ \ ”m]‘x\ wm_\ qj^`_Y_j\ _m\ institute disciplinary proceedings against any of its members cited for misconduct by any Courts. We urge our members to be handmaids of justice and should never be deployed as clogs in the ”qjj‘\m‡\‹]^_`Zj\“z\–‘`wŠ\‡ˆ`˜m‘m]^\ suits, appeals and applications. We note with disdain the conduct m‡\ mwj\ m‡\ m]ˆ\ ‰j‰“jˆ^\ ”qm\ –‘jx\ several applications before the Supreme Court to the extent that when the last application was dismissed, costs were awarded personally against the Lawyer. We urge that in such cases the Courts should also make a disciplinary referral in respect of the conduct of such Lawyers. We must all resist anything that would hamper the justice administration system. We must also congratulate m]ˆ^j‘˜j^\Y_\_qj\ Yˆ\‡mˆ\m]ˆ\‰mxj^_\ achievements in the last legal year and dedicate ourselves to doing more this new legal year. Part of the speech delivered by Augustine Alegeh, President, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) speech during the opening of new legal year, 2014


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014


It’s fulfilling reaching top ladder of one’s career –Ogwemoh


ylva Ogwemoh, one of the 17 newly appointed Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) has credicted his ability to reach the top ladder of legal profession to God’s grace and a dint of hard labour, saying nothing is sweeter than that. Ogwemoh is the Principal Partner and Head of the Law Firm of Marine Partners located in the prime and serene business district of Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Ogwemoh had his training as a pupil ‘Y”zjˆ\`w\_qj\‘Y”\–ˆ‰\m‡\ ‘`^Y\ Š“Y[m“Y\ Ăš\ ^^mZ`Y_j^\Ywx\ `[j\ Â’\ Â’\ Ăƒj[qm‰j\Ăš\ mÂ’\“j‡mˆj\^j<`wŠ\]Â?\_qj\‘Y”\–ˆ‰\m‡\ z‘˜Y\ Š”j‰mq\Ăš\ ^^mZ`Y_j^\`w\¹Äį’\ qj\–ˆ‰\ later changed its name to Marine Partners `w\ ¹ÄÄՒ\ ˆ’\ Š”j‰mq\ ”Y^\ Yx‰`<jx\ Y^\ a Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme m]ˆ_\ m‡\ `Šjˆ`Y\ `w\ ¹ÄÕՒ\ j\ Y<jwxjx\ St. Peter’s Grammar School, Agenebode, Edo State, where he obtained the West ‡ˆ`ZYw\ Zqmm‘\ jˆ_`–ZY_j\ ”`_q\ Y\ ˆYxj\ One Distinction in 1980. Thereafter, he Â?ˆmZjjxjx\ _m\ _qj\ ‡Y‰m]^\ _Â’\ Y_ˆ`Z[Â&#x;^\ College, Asaba for his High School Advanced Level education and did his Lower Sixth Form before proceeding to the then Bendel State University (now ‰“ˆm^j\ ‘‘`\ w`˜jˆ^`_z¡Â?\ [Â?m‰YÂ?\ where he obtained LL.B Degree with honours in 1987. He obtained his Masters `w\ Y”\ jŠˆjj\Âś Â’ ¡\”`_q\^Â?jZ`Y‘`ĂƒY_`mw\ in Corporate Management and Finance Law from the Lagos State University. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom, member of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA African Users’ Council), a Panel Member of the Kigali

Chief Ozekhome (SAN) felicitates with the new SAN Ogwemoh

International Arbitration Centre (KIAC), Rwanda. He is also a member of the Lagos Court of Arbitration, Maritime Arbitrators Association of Nigeria and the jŠm_`Y_`mw\ Ywx\ mwÂŤ`Z_\ YwYŠj‰jw_\ Group. He was an Associate Editor, Journal of Human Rights Law & Practice ‡ˆm‰\ ¹ÄĹª¹Ă„Ă„ÂŻÂ’\ x‰`<jx\ Y^\ m_Yˆz\ Public of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 1998, Mr. Ogwemoh is a member of the

Nigerian Bar Association, International Bar Association, LAWASIA, Nigerian w^_`_]_j\m‡\ YwYŠj‰jw_Â?\ YÂ?`_Y‘\ Yˆ[j_\ Solicitors Association of Nigeria and a jŠ`^_jˆjx\ YÂ?`_Y‘\ Yˆ[j_\ ˆYZ_`_`mwjˆ\ with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Nigeria. Mr. Ogwemoh has been involved in legal practice within `Šjˆ`YÂ?\ _qj\ j^_\ ‡ˆ`ZYw\ ^]Â“ÂŞÂˆjŠ`mw\ and internationally since he was called

Foi bill: Court fixes suit against NIS for October 23 FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


jxjˆY‘\ `Šq\ m]ˆ_\ ^`<`wŠ\ `w\ [mz`Â?\ YŠm^\ qY^\ ^j_\ Y^`xj\ Z_m“jˆ\ ÂŻĂ–Â?\ ¯°¹Ă?\ ‡mˆ\ xj–w`_j\ hearing of a suit instituted against the National Institute m‡\ Â?mˆ_^\Âś ¡Â?\Ywx\`_^\_”m\m0Z`Y‘^\m˜jˆ\ failure to comply with the Freedom of Information bill (FoI). qj\ YÂ?Â?‘`ZYw_^Â?\ ZYxj‰`Z\ _Y$\ w`mw\ of Research Institute, National Institute of Sports (NIS), its chairman, Comrade [`wˆj‰`\ ˆYwZ`^Â?\ Ywx\ m‰ˆYxj\ jw\ ‰jĂƒ`\_qj\ w`mwÂ&#x;^\“ˆYwZq\ZqY`ˆ‰Yw\Ywx\ secretary respectively, had dragged the NIS, its director and registrar before the

court over allegation of none release of ^m‰j\ m0Z`Y‘\ xmZ]‰jw_^�\ ˆjZmˆx^\ Ywx\ information to them. It would be recalled that the court, presided over by Justice Saliu Saidu, had adjourned the hearing of the suit at the instance of the applicants’ counsel, Banji Abuloye who informed the court that he needed time to study and reply the Y0xY˜`_^\Ywx\m_qjˆ\Y��‘`ZY_`mw\^jˆ˜jx\mw\ him by counsel to the respondents.

Copies (CTC) of the demanded documents and information. They also want the judge to issue an order of mandamus compelling the respondents to allow them have access to the said documents and information. The court had on June 6, 2014 directed that the applicants apply for the order of mandamus, compelling and directing the respondents to allow the applicants to have access to information sought. The judge had also granted the �jZ`–ZY‘‘z�\ _qj\ Y��‘`ZYw_^\ qYx\ �ˆYzjx\ applicants leave to apply for an order of the court to issue an order of mandamus mandamus compelling or directing the Zm‰�j‘‘`wŠ\ _qj\ ˆj^�mwxjw_^�\ Y^\ Y\ ‰Y<jˆ\ respondents to release onto the applicants m‡\ ]ˆŠjwZz�\ _m\ ˆj‘jY^j\ _qj\ jˆ_`–jx\ ˆ]j\ all the information sought for.

Justice from foreign lands Woman accused of kidnapping daughter to U.S. from Australia


”m‰Yw\ YZZ]^jx\ m‡\ _Y[`wŠ\ her baby daughter from the legal custody of her father in the United States 20 years ago has been extradited from Australia to face criminal charges in the United States, authorities said on Saturday. mˆm_qz\ jj\ Yˆwj<\ `^\ ZqYˆŠjx\ ”`_q\ _Y[`wŠ\ _qj\ Zq`‘x\ ‡ˆm‰\ qjˆ\ jÂ?ÂŞq]^“YwxÂ?\ Benjamin Harris Todd, in South Carolina x]ˆ`wŠ\ Y\ Zm]ˆ_ÂŞYÂ?Â?ˆm˜jx\ ˜`^`_\ `w\ ¹ÄÄĂ?\ when the child was less than 1 year old. qj\ ˆjÂ?mˆ_jx‘z\ Â?`Z[jx\ ]Â?\ _qj\ “Y“z\ _m\ _Y[j\ qjˆ\ _m\ Y\ “`ˆ_qxYz\ Â?Yˆ_z\ Ywx\ wj˜jˆ\ returned. The father had legal custody m‡\ _qj\ Zq`‘xÂ’\ Yˆwj<\ ”Y^\ wm_\ ‡m]wx\ ‡mˆ\ almost 15 years, during which time she relocated to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, remarried and changed her name, authorities said. She was indicted on charges of

`w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ [`xwYÂ?Â?`wŠ\ Ywx\ Â?Y^^Â?mˆ_\ fraud in 2012 and arrested the following year on an extradition warrant in Queensland, Australia. An Australian judge signed an order for her extradition to the United States last month. The daughter, who is now an adult, supported her mother during court appearances, Australian media reported. The case received international Y<jw_`mw\ ‡ˆm‰\ Yx˜mZY_j^\ m‡\ ‰`^^`wŠ\ Ywx\jÂ?Â?‘m`_jx\Zq`‘xˆjwÂ’\ Yˆwj<Â?\²Ă?Â?\”Y^\ “mm[jx\`w_m\Y\ qYˆ‘j^_mw\Zm]w_z\‹Y`‘\mw\ ˆ`xYzÂ?\ ˆjZmˆx^\ ^qm”’\ qj\ `^\ ‘`[j‘z\ _m\ appear in court on Monday, Assistant Â’ Â’\ <mˆwjz\ Y_qYw\ `‘‘`Y‰^\^Y`xÂ’\ j\ would not comment further. Yˆwj<Â&#x;^\Y<mˆwjzÂ?\ ]^^j‘‘\ YZjÂ?\Zm]‘x\ not be reached for comment. The father, who reportedly travelled to Australia to try to build a relationship with his

to the Nigerian Bar in 1988. He has also been involved in several commercial Yˆ“`_ˆY_`mw\ �ˆmZjjx`wŠ^\ `w\ “Yw[`wŠ\ Ywx\ –wYwZj�\ ˆjY‘\ j^_Y_j�\ ^q`��`wŠ�\ m`‘\ Ywx\ gas, both as advocate and arbitrator. Mr. Ogwemoh has 26years experience as a lawyer and has handled several complex and sensitive cases; thereby contributing ^`Šw`–ZYw_‘z\ _m\ _qj\ xj˜j‘m�‰jw_\ m‡\ ‘Y”\ in Nigeria. His areas of practice include; Zm‰�Ywz\ Ywx\ Zm‰‰jˆZ`Y‘\ ‘Y”�\ “Yw[`wŠ\ Ywx\ –wYwZj�\ ^q`��`wŠ\ Ywx\ Yx‰`ˆY‘_z\ and international business transactions. With a vast experience in commercial litigation, Mr. Ogwemoh has successfully represented diverse clients in all superior courts of record in Nigeria.

j\`^\Y\Â?ˆm‘`–Z\”ˆ`_jˆ\Ywx\qY^\Y]_qmˆjx\ several articles in law, amongst which are the following: Registration of Titles to Ship and Mortgages in Nigeria; Ship and Aircraft Finance; Understanding mw_ˆYZ_^\ m‡\ $ˆj`Šq_‰jw_Ă‘\ ‰Â?jˆY_`˜j\ of a Nigerian Maritime Arbitration ˆŠYw`^Y_`mwĂ‘\ mwÂŞ Yˆ_z\ w_jˆ˜jw_`mw\ `w\ Yw\ x‰`ˆY‘_z\ Z_`mwÂŞ`wÂŞ j‰Ñ\ Ywx\ Yw[\ Employees and Asset Declaration Law.

Man, 35, charged with rape of 25 year-old woman


Dorothy Barnett is shown in this &/<=>?@QX[ &X\[Q] ^/?=_``q@ {`|}?

daughter, was not available for comment. His lawyer, J. Graham Sturgis, said Todd has no part in the federal case YŠY`w^_\q`^\j�ª”`‡j’

w\ jwŠ`wjjˆÂ?\ q`[jĂƒ`j\ [”]“`jÂ?\ YZZ]^jx\ m‡\ ˆYÂ?`wŠ\ Y\ ¯²ªzjYÂˆÂŞm‘x\ woman, was on Friday charged before a Tinubu Magistrates’ Court, Lagos. The accused, 35, who lives at Abraham xj^YwzY\ ^_Y_jÂ?\ ‹Yq\ mw\ YŠm^ÂŞ Â?j\ Expressway, is facing a charge of ]w‘Y”‡]‘\ZYˆwY‘\[wm”‘jxŠjÂ’ qj\ Â?ˆm^jZ]_mˆÂ?\ ŠwY_]^\ [j[jÂ?\ _m‘x\ _qj\Zm]ˆ_\_qY_\_qj\m$jwZj\”Y^\Zm‰‰`<jx\ on September 14 at 9.00 pm at the estate. ˆ’\ [j[j\ ^Y`x\ _qj\ YZZ]^jxÂ?\ Y\ ‡ˆ`jwx\ of the complainant, lured her to his apartment before raping her.

j\ ^Y`x\ _qj\ m$jwZj\ Zmw_ˆY˜jwjx\ Section 258 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The accused pleaded not guilty. The Magistrate, Yetunde Pinheiro, granted the accused bail in the sum of ¹°°Â?\°°°\”`_q\mwj\^]ˆj_z\`w\‘`[j\^]‰’ The case has been adjourned till September 16 pending advice from the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Daily Newswatch


Crime Friday, October 3, 2014

Jeffrey Okafor arrested on suspicion of murdering ex-CBBC actor Carl Beatson Asiedu outside south London nightclub By Stefan Gilbert


man wanted in connection with the murder of a promising young rapper who was stabbed to death outside a nightclub in south London has been arrested in Nigeria.

j$ˆjz\ [Y‡mˆ\ ”Y^\ qj‘x\ “z\ m0Z`Y‘^\ on Tuesday over the fatal stabbing of Carl Beatson Asiedu, who performed under the name DJ Charmz. Mr Asiedu, a former student at Selhurst High School for Boys and St Francis Xavier College in Clapham, died in the street after performing a set at Club Life in Vauxhall in August 2009. Police in London are now hoping _m\ jÂ?_ˆYx`_j\ [Y‡mˆ\ _m\ _qj\ \ ^m\ qj\ ZYw\ ‡YZj\ ZqYˆŠj^\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ [`‘‘`wŠ\ m‡\ _qj\ ¹ÄªzjYÂˆÂŞm‘xÂ?\ ”qm\ Y‘^m\ ”mˆ[jx\ Y^\ Yw\ actor on CBBC television. Talented: Carl Beatson Asiedu (Picture: Metropolitan Police) A Zm_‘Ywx\ Yˆx\ ^Â?m[j^Â?jˆ^mw\ ^Y`xĂ‚\

•Û [Y‡mÂˆĂœ\”Y^\Yˆˆj^_jx\“z\_qj\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ authorities and proceedings are now ]wxjˆ”Yz\‡mˆ\q`^\ˆj_]ˆw\_m\_qj\ Â’ÂĽ The arrest comes one month after detectives investigating the case ‘Y]wZqjx\ Y\ q`ŠqÂŞÂ?ˆm–‘j\ YZj“mm[\ YÂ?Â?jY‘\ _m\ _ˆYZj\ [Y‡mˆÂ?\ ”qm\ _qjz\ ^]^Â?jZ_jx\qYx\ÂŤjx\_m\ `Šjˆ`YÂ’ Related stories Scotland Yard said he was last ^jjw\ mw\ \ “mYˆx`wŠ\ Y\ ÂŤ`Šq_\ Y_\ Heathrow Airport using his brother’s Â?Y^^Â?mˆ_\ Y“m]_\ _”m\ ”jj[^\ Y‡_jˆ\ _qj\ murder. ˆ\ ^`jx]Â&#x;^\ ‡Y_qjˆ\ mqw\ ^Â?m[j\ m‡\ his grief as the police appeal was launched, saying: “Part of me died ”`_q\ Ă› YÂˆÂ‘Ăœ\ Ywx\ \ qY˜j\ _m\ ZYˆˆz\ mw\ ‘`˜`wŠ\”`_q\”qY_\`^\‘j‡_\m‡\‰jÂ’ÂĽ Junior Ademujimi-Falade, of Camberwell, has already been jailed for eight years in connection with the case after being convicted of manslaughter in 2011. m‘Y‹`\ Y[mÂŞ ˆj\ Ywx\ “]\ Yw^YˆYz\ were also convicted of violent disorder Carl Beatson Asiedu and jailed for three years each.

Jeffrey Okafor

Cameroonians in US seeks justice over murder of fellow country man w‡mˆ‰Y_`mw\ ŠY_qjˆjx\ “z\ m]ˆ\ correspondent shows that Ejuba was [`‘‘jx\ “z\ q`ˆjx\ Š]w‰jwÂ?\ ”qm\ ”jˆj\ ^Y`x\ _m\ “j\ Â?jˆ^`^_jw_‘z\ ZqjZ[`wŠ\ q`^\ mail box, hoping to intercept Ejuba pay cheques without anybody [wm”`wŠ’ Â?jY[`wŠ\ mw\ q`^\ xjY_qÂ?\ ^mj\ described the late Ejuba as a humble man who does not deserve the unfortunate incident. He said, “ Honestly, we are not happy about the incident. We therefore call on police authority to search and bring the perpetrators to justice. Ejuba was a gentle man to _qj\ZmˆjÂ’ÂĽ Another Cameroonian, Dr. Agnes Ywz`\ ”qm\ ^Â?m[j\ ”`_q\ Y`‘z\ j”^”Y_Zq\ ^Y`x\ ^qj\ ”Y^\ ^qmZ[jx\ when she received the news of the death of Ejuba. qj\ ^Y`xÂ?ÂĽ\ \ ”Y^\ `w\ _qj\ qm]^j\ mw\ Late Dume Ejuba ]wxYz\ ”qjw\ \ ˆjZj`˜jx\ Y\ ZY‘‘\ ‡ˆm‰\ Daily Newswatch gathered that my friend who is a Cameroonian ADEWALE GIWA, Washington DC Ejuba gets at least $5, 000 cheques that Ejuba was murdered. This is unfair and we ameroonians in the `w\ Y\ ”jj[\ ‡ˆm‰\ q`^\ ‰Y`‘\ “mÂ?Â?\ ”q`Zq\ w`_jx\ _Y_j^\ qY˜j\ according to sources might have led really want something urgent to be xmwj\_m\Yxxˆj^^\_q`^ÂĽÂ’ urged police to fish to his death. out those behind the murder of Dume Ejuba, a Cameroonian engineer. President of Cameroonians in Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Daniel Esoe he Economic and According to him, the trial was ”qm\ ^Â?m[j\ ”`_q\ Y`‘z\ j”^”Y_Zq\ Financial Crimes •YwYZqˆmw`^_`ZÂ?ÂĽ\ Yxx`wŠ\ _qY_\ on telephone interview, said they Commission, EFCC, the prosecution ‘ misconstrued would not relent until justice is has said it will appeal and mis-interpreted the Money xmwj\mw\_qj\[`‘‘`wŠ\m‡\ ‹]“YÂ’\ against the ruling of Y]wxjˆ`wŠ\ Z_ÂĽÂ’\ ‹]“YÂ?\YŠjxÂ?\²¹\”Y^\_”m\”jj[^\YŠm\

]^_`Zj\ “ˆYq`‰\ ]“Y\m‡\_qj\ jxjˆY‘\ Lead defense counsel, Wole found dead in his home at Marcliff High Court, Lagos, which today ‘Yw`Â?j[]wÂś\ ¡Â?\ qYx\ Â?ˆYzjx\ Court, Atlanta, Georgia. ^j_\ ‡ˆjj\ _qj\ Â?jY[jˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ YŠm^\ the court to discountenance the w_`‘\ q`^\ xjY_qÂ?\ qj\ ”Y^\ Yw\ State House of Assembly, Adeniyi ZqYˆŠj^\Â?ˆj‡jˆˆjx\YŠY`w^_\ []‡mˆ`‹`Â?\\ independent telecommunication []‡mˆ`‹`\ Ywx\ q`^\ Y`xjÂ?\ zj“mxj\ saying that, the Money Laundering Zmw^]‘_Yw_Â?\ ‰Y[`wŠ\ Y\ ‘m_\ m‡\ ‰mwjz\ Atoyebi. Act 2004, with which the accused from his daily job. Both had been standing trial person was charged, have been The former employee of AT& T , on a 54-count charge of money repealed and replaced with the an American largest multinational laundering to the tune of Money Laundering Act 2011, and telecommunications corporation N503million. so should not have been used in was gathered to have shown some Justice Buba, today ruled that charging him. Atoyebi’s counsel, documents relating to his job to the prosecution failed to prove its ]wxj\ [`w“`^`Â?\ Y‘`Šwjx\ q`^\ his ex- girlfriend before he met his case against the accused persons, submissions with the arguments of unfortunate death.


She however prayed to the family of Ejuba that God gives them fortitude to bear the loss, as she also advised Cameroonians `w\ _qj\ w`_jx\ _Y_j^\ _m\ _ˆjYx\ cautiously. Meanwhile, Fulton Police Department says it has swung into action to investigate what led to the death of Cameroonian engineer. ]‘_mw\ m]w_z\ m‘`Zj\ Â?‘’\ Yz\ Lester said investigation was still going on to arrest and prosecute those behind the death of Ejuba. H e s a i d t h e r e wa s a p r i o r incident report from late July where his ex-girlfriend allegedly stole two of his credit cards and fraudulently ‘`w[jx\ qjˆ\ “Yw[\ YZZm]w_\ _m\ q`^Â?\ Y^\ ”j‘‘\ Y^\ _ˆ`jx\ _m\ ZY^q\ Y\ Ă?²Â?°°°\ ZqjZ[\ using his account. Ejuba is said to be preparing to Šm\ “YZ[\ _m\ Y‰jˆmmw\ Ywx\ mÂ?jw\ Y\ business with a view to employing some Cameroonian youths who are yet to get a job.

N503m Scam: EFCC to appeal Ikuforiji’s acquittal



]^_`Zj\ ]“Y\]Â?qj‘x\ ‘Yw`Â?j[]wÂ&#x;^\ submissions and ruled that “the first and second defendants are qjˆj“z\x`^ZqYˆŠjx\Ywx\YZÂœ]`__jxÂĽÂ’\ But EFCC expressed dissatisfaction with the ruling. “The learned judge erred in this ruling. The proof of evidence to the charge clearly showed that the provisions of the Money Laundering Act had been violated by the accused persons in receiving various cash payments from the assembly amounting to about N338.8 million. The Commission stated that it will explore the option of appeal to bring the accused persons to justice.


Daily Newswatch

Super Friday FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Id El Kabir: Traders’ mixed grill of complaints, consolation GBENGA AJAYI


uslims all over the world will tomorrow celebrate Id el Kabir, also called Sallah, Id el Kabir, the Islamic ‡j^_`˜Y‘\ m‡\ ^YZˆ`–ZjÂ?\ _m\ commemorate the willingness of Ibrahim (also known as Abraham) to follow Allah’s Âś mxÂ&#x;^¡\Zm‰‰Ywx\_m\^YZˆ`–Zj\\q`^\^mw\Â?\\`^\ a time to reunite with family, renew love of friends and engage in elaborate feasting. The mood of this time informs the resolve of many devout Muslims to consider it ‰m^_\ Y]^Â?`Z`m]^\ _m\ ˆjÂŤjZ_\ mw\ _qj`ˆ\ ‡Y`_q\ and review their obedience to the will and injunctions of Almighty Allah. Nonetheless not a few forward-looking or abundantly blessed with foresight among the faithful see in Id el Kabir the need to tap into the business opportunities the period creates and take advantage of the economic ŠY`w^\`_\m$jˆ^Â’\ q`^\`^\_qj\^ZjwYˆ`m\`w\ `Šjˆ`Y\ this year, if the investigations carried out by Daily Newswatch in some South West’s major markets in Sango, Ogun State; Oshodi, Mile 12, Alaba, Ebute Ero, Idumota in Lagos State; Dugbe and Akesan in Oyo State; and Oja Oba and Oja Ife in Osun State, is considered. Facts gathered from a credible source made it known that as early as August, the tempo of activities at Sango Market, Ogun State, had already reached an intense and unprecedented height as hundreds of vehicles (cars, buses and trucks) laden with bags of rice (Agric, PIS, Special, Premium Quality and Aroseuer) had arrived the traditional market in the ancient capital of the Awori daily from nearby francophone country, Benin Republic, between the wee hours and dawn before a maddening Zm‰Â?j_`_`mw\ ‡mˆ\ Â?Yˆ[`wŠ\ ^Â?YZj\ “j‡mˆj\ m$ÂŞ loading the consignments of essential commodity into stalls and stores of their importers. Last week, when Daily Newswatch visited the commercial centre, every nook and cranny of the market, had a semblance of a rice warehouse going by the heights of many well-arranged bags of the popular grain imported from Thailand and ferried into the Zm]w_ˆz\ _qˆm]Šq\ ^jZˆj_\ Ywx\ m0Z`Y‘\ ˆm]_j^Â’\ An army of unkempt urchins working as load carriers were seen helping buyers take at the payment of a fee, their purchase to their cars or the bus stops, before onward journey to their homes. Other goods that complement rice eaters’ appetite such as vegetable oil and frozen chicken were freely advertised at the market. Despite the fact that quantity of these `_j‰^\ Y˜Y`‘Y“‘j\ ‘`_jˆY‘‘z\ ‘`<jˆjx\ _qj\ ‘jwŠ_q\ and breadth of the market impeding free movement of customers and traders, many ^j‘‘jˆ^\ Zm‰Â?‘Y`wjx\ m‡\ ‰Y[`wŠ\ ‘`<‘j\ mˆ\ wm\ sales this festive season. Afusatu Adebiyi, told Daily Newswatch that she sold less than 10 bags in August while “so far last month (September), I have sold just about 15 bags.â€? Many other sellers Daily Newswatch spoke with sang songs of sorrow and told sad stories about poor sales. “A bad business year, this 2014 is, unlike past years when we started swimming in ocean of money months before Id El Kabir,â€? Omolade Kareem, a rice seller at Oshodi, stated sadly. Maybe the sudden rise in the price of rice may be responsible for that. It was gathered that a bag of Special rice, the best brand, now sells for N10, 200, while a week ago it sold for N9, 700. Another brand known as Agric was recently sold for N8, 400 per bag, as against N7, 200 it cost last year. The opportunity of a large market (buyers) is a condition for the success of any business concern, but the huge population of buyers ‡ˆm‰\x`$jˆjw_\ˆjŠ`mw^\m‡\ `Šjˆ`Y\_qY_\ÂŤmmx\ Oshodi, Ebute Ero, Oluwole and Idumota markets, where fabrics are sold, gives a lie

Rams for sale

to the expected gains of traders this festive season, Daily Newswatch has discovered. Even though most of the fabric stores boast assorted quality of textiles such as baby clothes , Swiss, dry, voile lace; tarpheta, organza, guinea brocade, Senegalese, Capiore, kampala, Ankara, wax, Daviva, and ‹YZÂœ]YˆxÂ?\‰Ywz\“]zjˆ^\Zm]‘x\wm_\j$jZ_`˜j‘z\ demand for wares of their choice or pay to buy them. A university undergraduate, in a chat with our correspondent disclosed that the prices of fabrics were not fair. “A sixyard wax Ankara that I bought last month ‡mˆ\ Ă–Â?\²°°\wm”\Zm^_^\ ²Â?\°°°Â’\ \ZYwÂ&#x;_\Y$mˆx\ it.â€? But the manager of V Jay Fashion and Textile Accessories, Iyana Ipaja, Iyabode Sanusi, contradicted the opinion of the last speaker on increased prices of fabrics this season. She explained: “The prices of fabrics we sell in recent times have not been increased. What many people don’t realise is that we are not happy seeing our shops still loaded everyday or our wares gathering dust because it means we are not making ^Y‘j^\ mˆ\ Â?ˆm–_Â’\ qj\ ˆjY^mw\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ “Yx\ business this festive time is the economic Zˆ]wZq\`w\_qj\Zm]w_ˆz\_qY_\qY^\Y$jZ_jx\_qj\ purchasing power of buyers. We sellers on m]ˆ\Â?Yˆ_\^j‘‘\_m\‰Y[j\Â?ˆm–_Â?\m]ˆ\Y`‰\m‡\xm`wŠ\ business.â€? But another seller, Bimbola Akinyanju, who sells at Oluwole Market, YŠm^\ ^‘YwxÂ?\Y<ˆ`“]_jx\_qj\Â?mmˆ\^Y‘j^\_q`^\ season to the coincidence of the popular Islamic festival with new school season, an `wZˆjY^jx\ –wYwZ`Y‘\ ˆj^Â?mw^`“`‘`_z\ mw\ ‰Ywz\ Â?Yˆjw_^\ˆj^]‘_`wŠ\`w\‰Ywz\”`^j\mwj^\Z]<`wŠ\ their budget for other things. “Apart from Â?Yˆjw_^Â&#x;\ –wYwZ`Y‘\ ˆj^Â?mw^`“`‘`_z\ _m\ _qj`ˆ\ wards, the increasing exchange rate does not favour sellers. We buy at a very high cost most of these fabrics; therefore we have to sell to make so responsible gains,â€? she argued. qj\ˆ`Â?Â?‘j\j$jZ_\m‡\_qj\‘m”\^Y‘j^\ˆjZmˆxjx\ in fabric markets therefore resulted in the unemployment or underemployment

of many tailors and seamstress this time around. Last week at Agege, a suburban in Lagos noted for the preponderance of tailors who produce native wear, most of them had only styled few clothes. Manager of Ola Cuts, Oke Koto, Agege, Jimoh Ayinla, informed our correspondent that this year, he was almost on holiday, staying idle ‡ˆ`<jˆ`wŠ\Y”Yz\q`^\_`‰jÂ’\• \Zm]‘x\mw‘z\^j”\ few ‘buba’ and ‘sokoto,’ which only fetched me few thousands. I think the bad economy is taking a damaging toll on our profession making people not to consider highly fashion. They give priority to housing, children’s education, food, health and security,â€? he highlighted. Markets for second-hand textiles are the consolation of the poor at every secular mˆ\ ˆj‘`Š`m]^\ ‡j^_`˜Y‘\ “jZY]^j\ _qjz\ m$jˆ\ cheap shirts, trousers, jeans, skirt, blouse Ywx\ ^qmj^Â’\ _\ Y_Yw\ m”Y\ \ Â?\ Â?mÂ?]‘Yˆ\ ÂŤjY\ market at Abule Egba along AbeokutaLagos Expressway, many buyers were seen haggling with sellers about prices of fairly used clothes when our correspondent arrived there last week, but James Okonkwo, a trader, stated that business was not on the high this period. “Apart from the fact that money is scarce nowadays, we sell European fashion and not the Arabic or Yoruba clothes; therefore you cannot expect to see many Muslims here. But some Muslim women come here to buy ladies’ bags, jewellery, shoes and beads. As from December 1, you will see a crowd of customers.â€? The dull picture in many markets may be replicated in many homes, as the bleat of rams and their fodder may be a rare thing, and consequently, their tables may not be served their highly nutritious meat. Even though Daily Newswatch saw in many streets in Lagos, Oyo, Ogun, Osun and Ondo ^_Y_j^\ ÂŤmZ[^\ m‡\ ‘Y‰“^Â?\ _qj\ ‰m^_\ ^Â?`ˆ`_]Y‘‘z\ ^`Šw`–ZYw_\Yw`‰Y‘\x]ˆ`wŠ\ x\ ‘\ Y“`ˆ\Âśm_qjˆ^\ include goat, fowl, camel, cow), many

The reason for the bad business this festive time is the economic crunch in the country that has affected the purchasing power of buyers

houses few days ago lacked the presence of at least a ram tethered in their environments. “The reason for this boils down to the cash ÂŤm”Â?\ Â?ˆm“‘j‰\ YĂž`Z_`wŠ\ ‰Ywz\ ‡Y‰`‘`j^\ nowadays,â€? a ram seller in Ibadan, Karimu zYw_m‘YÂ?\^_Y_jxÂ’\ qj\–wYwZ`Y‘\`wZYÂ?YZ`_z\m‡\ many buyers notwithstanding, the security menace posed by the intransigent Boko Haram group in the northern part of the country and high transport cost principally resulted in their high prices. “Because some states in northern Nigeria have become no-go area for us, we went as far as Chad, Niger Republic, Mali and Burkina Faso to buy rams this year. This entailed payment in hard currency, which `^\ ˜jˆz\ ^ZYˆZj\ `w\ _q`^\ Zm]w_ˆz\ wm”’¼\ `<‘j\ wonder, the cost of the animals ranges between N120, 000 and N50, 000. The average-sized one enough for a family of six costs between N60, 000 and N80, 000. He however said that the prices will start falling a day after the celebration. Even if a family is rich enough to provide clothes, supply rice and make the traditional Ă”^YZˆ`–ZjÂ&#x;\m‡\Y\ˆY‰\‘`[j\ “ˆYqY‰Â?\`_\‰Yz\–wx\ the prices of condiments needed to prepare meals as tomato paste, pepper, onions and seasoning too prohibitive. Yesterday at _qj\ `‘j\ ¹¯Â?\ Â?mÂ?]‘Yˆ\ ‡mmx\ ^_]$\ ‰Yˆ[j_\ `w\\ Lagos, a bag of pepper cost N12,000, fresh tomatoes, N8,000; onions, N27,000 while 25 litres vegetable oil and palm oil were N6,200 and N7,000 respectively. Even staple foods, produced in Nigeria, are not free from general price hike. At Ile Epo Market, the price of a bag of garri (yellow) has increased from N6,400 to N6,600, while the white variety which sold for N6,000 a fortnight ago, now sells for N6,200. Also yam tubers, plantain, coco yam, potatoes have witnessed some minimal increases in _qj`ˆ\Zm^_^Â’\ \_ˆYxjˆÂ?\”qm\\\`xjw_`–jx\qjˆ^j‘‡\ as Mary, told our reporter that the forces of supply and demand accounted for the price rise because the market witnesses shortfall in supply during every Id El Kabir because “the North of Nigeria is the food basket of the nation and transporters prefer to enjoy the holiday with their family. Normal supply to the market resumes two weeks after the festival,â€? she disclosed. Conversely, a few non-Muslim intra-city and inter-city transport operators in Lagos are having good business from the gap created by their colleagues that had travelled _m\ _qj`ˆ\ x`$jˆjw_\ ˜`‘‘YŠj^\ Ywx\ _m”w^\ ‘Y^_\ week. In Lagos, the fare paid by passengers in the metropolis, have been jerked up by as high as between 50 and 100 per cent. A bus ride that cost N100 from Oshodi to Agege is now raised to N150. Also many passengers travelling outside Lagos will have to pay heavily. At Oshodi bus station, last Tuesday a ride to Ibadan cost N1,000, a 20 per cent increase above what prevailed before, while at Idi Mangro station on the same day, many passengers paid N2,500 to travel to Lokoja, capital of Kogi State. ”m\”jj[^\YŠmÂ?\_qj\‡Yˆj\”Y^\Y\‘`<‘j\Y“m˜j\ N1,800. What accounted for the increase in fare? Crowd of travellers going for Id El Kabir holiday outstripped the few vehicles available to ferry them to their destinations. If many passengers become frustrated by the stressful transport experience, they may prefer to cancel their journeys as the only practical alternative and add to many million others in the comfort of their cosy qm‰j^Â?\ ”qm\ ”`‘‘\ Š‘Yx‘z\ ‰]wZq\ ÂŤY˜m]ˆjx\ boiled, stewed, fried, roasted or grilled meat, washed down with soft drinks. By the end of this week, when curtain would have been brought down on Id El Kabir, the memory of the grand event would remain in many minds, and in many cities and towns the vestiges of grand festivity become an interesting sight to behold, but for griping traders, December, Christmas time may be another good time.


Newswatch People

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

L-R: Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosu; Chairman, Ogun State Broadcasting &x^‰x^Zq]x[ &z]_{ 2 }–Z^_ (�}[ 'ZƒZ z]€ ‹]{_ 2 }^_ˆ] &zZ]^ˆZ[ x{ qz_ x``Z€]x[ L-R: Company Secretary, Free Range Farm Plc, Mrs Olubukola Olateru; Chairman, Justice Gabsir Ademola Bakre (rtd.) and Special guest, Justice Soremi Dende, during '^ “}[ƒ_ •}€}{ 0Z[Z\][\ ']^_`qx^ &(2 0^ 0]`zZ_ ’Z}\z Z[ƒ ']^_`qx^ 0^ '_–] the 70th birthday anniversary of Chief Olujare Dada, held at OGBC Multipurpose Hall, Akinyanju, during the company’s Annual General Meeting in Lagos...recently. Abeokuta, Ogun State...recently.

/ ÂŒ 0Z[Z\_^ ÂŒ_qZ] 3_Z`_ “]ƒ][\ Š_[q}^_€ 3“Š 0^ ‚_\}[ %Z‘Z^_ /x\]€q]`€ 0Z[Z\_^ 0^ Â’}[ˆ] ÂŒZ–] &z]_{ (|_`}q]~_ 2{ `_^ 0^ %Z[–] $ƒ_€Z[ˆ] Z[ƒ ‚Z _€ 0Z[Z\_^ 0^ %x Z–] $–]Â?xÂ?_ Z{q_^ qz_ ‰^_€_[qZq]x[ x{ Z ˆxÂ?] _ ‰zx[_ ƒ_Z _^ Z‹Z^ƒ qx 3“Š ƒ}^][\ qz_ 1]\_^]Z[ “_ _`xˆ€ $‹Z^ƒ ][ /Z\x€Ž^_`_[q Â?

/ Œ “‹x €‰x[€x^_ƒ €}�€`^]�_^€ 0xzZˆˆ_ƒ %_  x /Z\x€ Z[ƒ $�}�Z‘Z^ 'Zˆ\x\x .Z[x ‹]qz &}€qxˆ_^ .[x‹ _ƒ\_ $[Z �€q 0Z^‘_q][\ ‚q^Zq_\� 0“1 ,€ˆZ] ‚Z Zˆ] and another sponsored subscriber, Usman Mohammed (Niger), during the departure of 20 subscribers to Mecca, for this year’s hajj, sponsored by MTN, at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos.

/ ÂŒ *}_€q ‚‰_Z‘_^ /ZƒÂ? (~Z[\_ ]€q 1‘_`z] &z][_ƒ}ˆ &xx^ƒ][Zqx^ Š]^q}x}€ Â’xˆ_[ of Olive Mountain of Prayer and Praise Ministry, Ijegun, Pastor (Mrs.) Rosemary Collins “]ˆxqzÂ? 3_[q_`x€qZ )_  x‹€z]‰ x{ 1]\_^]Z Â’xˆ_[ /_Zƒ_^ ,‘xq}[ &zZ‰q_^ ÂŒ_~ 0^€ '_ ]\zq 2 ]€_ 3^_€]ƒ_[q x{ qz_ Â’xˆ_[ 0^€ 3z] xˆ][Z 2 ]€_ Z[ƒ $€€]€qZ[q )][Z[`]Z ‚_`^_qZ^Â? 0^€ 1‘_`z] 2[}xzZ Zq qz_ €]|qz Â’xˆ_[ &x[~_[q]x[ ‹]qz qz_ qz_ˆ_ ”%_[_ q x{ Peace in the Home’, held in Lagos‌recently.

L-R: Chairman of the Lecture/President, Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association, Mr. Larry Ettah; foremost industrialist, Dr. Michael Omolayole and Guest Speaker, 0Z[Z\][\ ']^_`qx^ &z]_{ (|_`}q]~_ 2{ `_^ *}][[_€€ 1]\_^]Z 3 ` 0^ ‚_[] $ƒ_q} Zq the 30th Omolayole Management Lecture and book launch in Lagos‌recently.

Chairman, Lagos Mainland Local Government, Oladele Adekanye (second left) presenting gifts to leaders of the destitute home at Okobaba, Ebute Metta, to mark his 50th birthday in Lagos...recently.

L-R: Assistant Inspector-General of Police, Araba Olaitan; Assistant Commissioner of Police, Area H, Lagos State, Mr. Alonge Patrick; Zonal Chairman, Estate Rent Commission Agent Association of Nigeria (ERCAAN), Hon. Bisi Ogunneye and ']~]€]x[Z &^]ˆ_ 2{ `_^ $ Z‰_^_ 3x ]`_ ‚qZq]x[ 0^ 2€_ Š][`_[q ƒ}^][\ qz_ €‹_Z^][\ ][ x{ [_‹ _|_`}q]~_ x{ (ÂŒ&$$1 Zq $^ZÂ?Z (€qZq_ $ Z‰_^_ /Z\x€Ž^_`_[q Â?

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

L-R: Film Maker/Producer, Chiko Ejiro; Film Maker, Ralph Nwandike; Film Make/ 3^xƒ}`_^ Âœ_Â? (–]^x Z[ƒ &z]_{ (|_`}q]~_ 2{ `_^ _ )x^`_ ‚x Z )Z–xÂ?] ƒ}^][\ qz_ ˆ_ƒ]Z unveiling of e-Force, a mega entertainment distribution brand in Nigeria in Lagos... recently.

L-R: Chairman, MicCom Cables and Wires Limited, Chief Michael Ponle; father of the deceased, Mr. Adekunle Adedayo, his wife, Pamila Olayinka Adedayo, daughter, Little Iyanuoluwayimika and wife of the deceased Yemisi, during an evening of Songs for the late Oluwabunmi Omotayo Adedayo in Onikan, Lagos. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

L-R: Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Mrs. Mobola Johnson; founder/president, Center for Value in Leadership (CVL), Professor Pat Utomi; Analyst, Customer Care, Etisalat Nigeria, Olanike Faroun and Country Manager, Intel Corporation, Bunmi Ekundare, during the awards organised by CVL for achievers and inventors in the Information Communication Technology sector in Lagos‌recently.

L-R: Product Marketing Manager, LG Home Entertainment, Sreenath Babu; Winner of LG Eva Cool Refrigerator, Jennifer Agu and Product Marketing Manager, LG Home Appliances, Paul Mba, at the 2014 Inspiration FM summer jam concert in Lagos...recently.

Newswatch People


Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (left), his wife, Olufunso, exchanging pleasantries with the celebrant and Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners Chapel), Dr. David Oyedepo, at the 60th birthday thanksgiving service, held to mark Oyedepo’s 60th birthday at Canaanland, Ota, Ogun State‌recently.

L-R: Vice Chairman, Ogun State Chapter, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Mr. Wale Adegbite; Ogun State Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru; Chairman, Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government, Rotimi Rahman and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Thecla Efuwape, during the fourth quarterly meeting of the association and Ogun State government, at the Council Secretariat in Ota, Ogun State.

L-R: Lecturer, Lagos State University College of Medicine, LASUTH, Dr. Omowunmi Bakare; Director/CEO, Indulge Nigeria Limited, Dr. Bisi Abiola and Guest Speaker/ Director, Disease Control, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Dr. Jemilade Longe, during the Indulge Lunch and Learn Wellness workshop in Lagos‌recently.

Mr. Abolarin Olakanmi Peter and his wife, Bamisaye, during their wedding engagement in Orin-Ekiti, Ekiti State...recently.


Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 3, 2014

Nigeria @ 54: Periscope of milestones recorded in arts sector in one year Commission for Museums and Monuments!â€? & " # = # 3 ./01 At least four people from arts sector ast Wednesday, October 1, 2014 including founder of the Rainbow Foundation Nigeria celebrated her 54th Ywx\ ˆmŠˆY‰‰j\ `ˆjZ_mˆ\m‡\_qj\ \ mˆ_\ anniversary as an independent Harcourt World Book Capital 2014 project, nation. Normally, stakeholders Mrs. Odo Claire ‘Koko’ Kalango, ace movie in every sector of the economy in producer Kenneth Nnebue, who is famed for one way or the other roll out their drums in his 1992 movie, Living in Bondage, popular celebration because Nigeria has come a long actresses, Joke Jacobs and Omotola Jajalde way. [j`wxj\ Ywx\ Y\ `ZqYj‘\ Y`”m\ [`w[]w‰`Â?\ In arts domain, there is every cause for its _qj\ ÆƪzjYÂˆÂŞm‘x\ xj^`Šwjˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ wY_`mwY‘\ ÂŤYŠÂ?\ stakeholders to celebrate because there has were on September 29, 2014 awarded the been tremendous achievement recorded in the prestigious national honours by President sector within one year. Goodluck Jonathan in Abuja alongside other In fact, arts sector has become a place where Nigerians. Nigeria is recording positive image and Though Nnebue was absent at the ceremony, where many young Nigerians have created qjÂ?\ [j`wxj\ Ywx\ `‘˜Y\ ”jˆj\ qmwm]ˆjx\ ”`_q\ employment opportunities for themselves and the Member of the Federal Republic (MFR), others. Kalango was awarded the Member of the Order mˆ\`w^_YwZjÂ?\‡mˆ\_qj\–ˆ^_\_`‰j\`w\_qj\q`^_mˆz\\m‡\ of the Niger (MON), while Pa Akinkunmi was Africa, a state in Nigeria, Port Harcourt in Rivers qmwm]ˆjx\ ”`_q\ 0Zjˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ ˆxjˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ State became the United Nations Educational, Federal Republic and placed on a salary scale !" !# " #$ % & of Special Assistant to the President for life. '( ) *&#" &&+ - " ./01 and the Entertainment Industry m0Z`Y‘\qYwxm˜jˆ\Zjˆj‰mwz\_mm[\Â?‘YZj\mw\_qj\ \ From Left- Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Ahmadu Bello and Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe Movies producers have increasingly World Book and Copyright Day -Wednesday, authors, drama performances, video of the celebrated the society’s 50th anniversary. The Zq]ˆwjx\ m]_\ ‰Ywz\ –‘‰^\ _q`^\ zjYˆ\ `wZ‘]x`wŠ\ April 23, 2014. month and panel discussions, among others. j˜jw_\“jŠYw\”`_q\ Â?q`“`_`mw\ ˆj˜`j”\‡m‘‘m”jx\ October 1, A Place in the Stars, Half of A Yellow At the event, the former holders, Bangkok As part of its Library Support programmes, by opening of the exhibition which began on Sun, Mr. and Mrs. Ukwa and many comedy m0Z`Y‘‘z\qYwxjx\m˜jˆ\_qj\ mˆ‘x\ mm[\ YÂ?`_Y‘\ _qj\ \ mˆ_\ YˆZm]ˆ_\ mˆ‘x\ mm[\ July 8, 2014 and ended on August 2, 2014 at movies that featured popular actors such as: title to Port Harcourt at the event chaired by Capital 2014 recently called on well-meaning Omenka Gallery, Ikoyi, Lagos. jˆZz\ mqw^mwÂ?\ w`\ xmÂ?\ q`[Y\ [jÂ?\ [j‰\ former President of the Republic of Nigeria, citizens to donate new or fairly used books still With the theme: “The Role of Art in National Owoh, Patience Ozokwor, Chika Ike, Michael Gen. (Dr.) A. A. Abubakar (retd), GCFR, in good condition for distribution to indigent Development,â€? SNA’s third convention Godson, Funke Akindele, John Okafor and while Nobel Laureate Professor Wole Soyinka communities within Port Harcourt. featured a two-day conference that took place many others. delivered the keynote address. $2 $ # 3 4 5# 67 ! 2&#38 " 3 on July 7, and 8, 2014, at the Nigerian Institute In terms of music, many Nigerian artistes Meanwhile, through a campaign tagged Still in the literary art section, eight Nigerians m‡\ w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ $Y`ˆ^\ Âś ¡Â?\ `Z_mˆ`Y\ ^‘YwxÂ?\ have been invited in many parts of the world to “Celebrities Readâ€? aimed at using popular role namely: Chimamanda Adichie, Tope Folarin, Lagos. perform and also collaborate with foreign acts. models to inspire children to develop a reading q`[Y\ w`Š”jÂ?\ m‘Y\ qmwjz`wÂ?\ q`“]wx]\ The SNA stakeholders at the convention, Some of them have won many international culture, many Nollywood actors and actresses w]ĂƒmÂ?\ [Y‰Y[Y\ ‘`^Y[”jÂ?\ “]“Y[Yˆ\ xY‰\ evaluated Nigeria’s 100 years of existence Y”Yˆx^\ `w\ x`$jˆjw_\ ZY_jŠmˆ`j^Â’\ mˆ\ jÂ?Y‰Â?‘jÂ?\ read to school children in Port Harcourt. Some Ibrahim and Rotimi Babatunde were selected through the performance of the visual art sector Y‡_jˆ\ ”`ww`wŠ\ _qj\ ¯°¹Ă?\ \ ‡ˆ`ZY\ ]^`Z\ of the actors among others included: veteran as part Africa39 authors. and the engine of technological growth of any Awards, Davido also won the coveted Best Olu Jacobs, Patience Ozokwor and Chinedu Africa39 authors are internationally nation. Also, they explored the role of the arts w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ Z_\ Âś ‡ˆ`ZY¡\ Y”Yˆx\ Y_\ _qj\ \ Ikedieze popularly known as Aki. acclaimed writers below 40 years of age who in causing desirable changes in a society while Y”Yˆx^\¯°¹Ă?Â?\”q`Zq\qj‘x\`w\_qj\ w`_jx\ _Y_j^Â’ ‘^mÂ?\ m‰j\m‡\ `Šjˆ`YwÂ&#x;^\–wj^_\Yˆ_`^_j^\^]Zq\ have won awards that distinguished them enabling practitioners compared favourably Also, D’banj was crowned the Best Selling as MI, Timi Dakolo, Burna Boy and Waje, from others. with their colleagues in other sectors of the African Artiste at the World Music Awards performed the World Book Capital 2014 theme Daily Newswatch gathered that Africa39 economy. 2014 held in Monaco, France on Tuesday, May song at the World Book Capital handover ”`‘‘\ “ˆ`wŠ\ _m\ ”mˆ‘x”`xj\ Y<jw_`mw\ _qj\ “j^_\ In his remarks, the President of the Society 27, 2014. ceremony in Port Harcourt . work from Africa south of the Sahara and its m‡\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ ˆ_`^_^Â?\ ˆ’\ ‘`˜jˆ\ w”mw”]Â?\^Y`x\ Many of them have released albums this The song which was produced by the diaspora. “The selected writers will be invited the 50th Anniversary of the Society of Nigerian year and they are: P’Square’s Double Trouble, Chocolate City Music label is derived from to the Port Harcourt Book Fair this month as Artists coincides with an important period 2Face’s Acension and Dammy Kranes’ the World Book Capital 2014 theme: “Books, Â?Yˆ_\ m‡\ _qj\ Zj‘j“ˆY_`mw^\ m‡\ Â&#x;^\ mˆ‘x\ in the global appreciation of modern and w_jˆ[ˆYwjˆÂ?\Y‰mwŠ\m_qjˆ^Â’ Windows to our world of possibilitiesâ€?. The Book Capital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, where contemporary African art. Dorobucci, a track produced by the Mavin artistes also read to school children. These global shifts, according to him, have Group is a song almost every Nigerian is the book will be launched. After the handover, there been series of & 9 &5 $ # # 3 3 " ;# </ 2 been marked with increasing prices for art singing which critics queries its meaning. events aimed to spur both young and adult works from the continent on the domestic anniversary With the achievements recorded within one Nigerians to cultivate the habit of reading, From July 7, 2014, members of the Society of and international art markets, the inclusion year, art professionals, enthusiasts, writers, such as an international literature and culture Nigerian Artists (SNA) rolled out drums and of African artists at seminal exhibitions and analysts and critics expect more successful exhibition, book of the month, readings with art fairs and most importantly the inclusion outing in the coming years. of African art and artists in contemporary discourse. He shared the history of SNA and revealed that: “In 1964, our founding fathers’ objective was to create a new visual language that merged indigenous traditions with Western techniques. 50 years on, you will agree with us that the events marking this special occasion underscore the SNA’s role in determining the direction and development of Nigeria art, while highlighting art’s contribution to shaping society.â€? w”mw”]\ qm”j˜jˆÂ?\ q`Šq‘`Šq_jx\ ‰zˆ`Yx^\ of challenges facing SNA: “In Nigeria, there still remains poor government funding for the visual arts including numerous endowment funds that are given lip service, a problematic and outdated art curriculum, the absence of a “j–<`wŠ\ Y_`mwY‘\ Y‘‘jˆz\m‡\ ˆ_\_m\qm]^j\m]ˆ\ rich cultural heritage, the non-deployment of works by Nigerian artists as embellishment for public building, and not to mention, the From left: Awardees at the National Award Sept 29, 2014, Omotola , absurdity of a white paper that merges the Koko Kalango and Joke Silva National Gallery of Art with the National Books ADA DIKE


Daily Newswatch Friday, October 3, 2014



“It’s your country now!� a whiteman says in October 1



any people celebrated October 1, which was 54th Nigerian independence `w\ x`$jˆjw_\ ”Yz^Â’\ _\ ”Y^\ celebrated in all corners of Nigeria and abroad as the day Nigeria got qjˆ\`wxjÂ?jwxjwZj\‡ˆm‰\ ˆ`_Y`wÂ’ But a patriotic Nigerian thought it wise to ]w˜j`‘\q`^\wj”\”mˆ[Â?\Y\–‘‰\”q`Zq\_j‘‘^\Y\^_mˆz\ Y“m]_\–Z_`mwY‘\mZZ]ˆˆjwZj\^qmˆ_‘z\“j‡mˆj\_qj\ `wxjÂ?jwxjwZj\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\ÂąÂ?\ÂąĂ„ĂŒ°Â’ ˆ`<jw\“z\ ]wxj\ Y“Y‘m‘YÂ?\ Z_m“jˆ\Âą\”Y^\ Â?ˆmx]Zjx\ Ywx\ x`ˆjZ_jx\ “z\ Y\ ^jY^mwjx\ –‘‰\ maker cum son of the famous theatre and –‘‰\x`ˆjZ_mˆ\Ywx\Â?ˆmx]Zjˆ\ xj\ m˜jÂ?\ ]w‘j\ ‡m‘YwzYwÂ’ qj\_qˆ`‘‘jˆ\”Y^\xmwj\`w\ mˆ]“Y\ YwŠ]YŠj\ Ywx\^]“_`_‘jx\`w\ wŠ‘`^q\ YwŠ]YŠjÂ’\ qj\–‘‰\ ‡jY_]ˆj^\ Yx`Âœ\ Y“Y\ Y^\ w^Â?jZ_mˆ\ Yw‘Yx`\ YĂƒ`ˆ`Â?\ jq`wxj\ Yw[m‘j\ Y^\ `^^\ Y”YÂ?\ Y˜`x\ Y`‘`j\ Y^\ Z[jˆ‰YwÂ?\ `Z[\ qz^\ Y^\ `w_jˆ“m<m‰Â?\ Y“`Yw\ xjmzj\ m‹jxj\ Y^\ Corporal Omolodun and introducing Deola YŠmj\ Y^\ ]w‰`‘Yzm\ Yw^m‰jÂŞ ]_`Â?\ Ywx\ j‰m‘Y\ xjxmz`w\Y^\ xjˆmÂ?mÂ’\ _qjˆ^\YZ_mˆ^\ `w\ _qj\ –‘‰\ `wZ‘]xjĂ‚\ YwYzm\ Â’\ YwYzm\ Y^\ [Y‡mˆÂ?\ Yzmxj\ xjˆ]Â?m[m\ Y^\ w^Â?jZ_mˆ\ ‡mw‹YÂ?\ \ `‰“m\ Yw]j‘\ Y^\ Ywmw\ ]‡mˆ`‹`Â?\ ]w‘j\ ‡m‘YzYw\ Y^\ Š“j[mzYÂ?\ ‡Yzj‰`\ ‘j“]`“mw\Y^\ Y“Y\ ‡Y\Ywx\^m\mwÂ’ _\ _j‘‘^\ _qj\ ^_mˆz\ m‡\ Yw‘Yx`\ YĂƒ`ˆ`\ Âś Yx`Âœ\ Y“Y¡Â?\Y\Â?m‘`Zj\m0Zjˆ\‡ˆm‰\ mˆ_qjˆw\ `Šjˆ`Y\ who is transfered to a quiet and remote town m‡\ [m_j\ `w\ j^_jˆw\ `Šjˆ`Y\ _m\ `w˜j^_`ŠY_j\ the incessant female murder cases in the community and have the mystery solved “j‡mˆj\_qj\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ÂŤYŠ\`^\ˆY`^jx\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\ ÂąÂ?\ `Šjˆ`YÂ&#x;^\`wxjÂ?jwxjwZj\xYzÂ’ qm_\`w\ YŠm^\Ywx\ wxm\ _Y_jÂ?\_qj\–‘‰\Šm_\ ^Â?mw^mˆ^q`Â?^\‡ˆm‰\ YŠm^\ _Y_j\ m˜jˆw‰jw_Â?\ mzm_YÂ?\ ‘`ĂƒYxj\ m_mˆ^\Ywx\ m˜jˆj`Šw\ ˆ]^_\ w^]ˆYwZjÂ’\ _\”Y^\^qm_\‡mˆ\Y\Â?jˆ`mx\m‡\m˜jˆ\‡mˆ_z\xYz^\ Y‡_jˆ\‡m]ˆ\‰mw_q^\m‡\Â?ˆjÂ?ˆmx]Z_`mwÂ’ qj\ –‘‰Â?\ YZZmˆx`wŠ\ _m\ _qj\ Â?ˆmx]Zjˆ\ ”Y^\ slated for release on October 1, 2013, but post production was incomplete; instead, _qj\ _ˆY`‘jˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ –‘‰\ ”Y^\ ˆj‘jY^jxÂ’\ _\ Šm_\ postponed several times and was eventually Â?m^_Â?mwjx\`wxj–w`_j‘zÂ’\ _\ ”Y^\ –ˆ^_\ Â?ˆj˜`j”jx\ mw\ q]ˆ^xYzÂ?\ September 25, 2014 at Metropolitan Club,

`Z_mˆ`Y\ ^‘YwxÂ?\ YŠm^\ Ywx\ Â?ˆj‰`jˆjx\ mw\ Sunday, September 28, 2014 at the Eko Hotel Ywx\ ]`_j^Â?\ YŠm^\ “j‡mˆj\ `_\ ”Y^\ ˆj‘jY^jx\ `w\ Z`wj‰Y\YZˆm^^\ `Šjˆ`Y\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\¹’\ _\ `^\ Âœ]`_j\ `w_ˆ`Š]`wŠ\ _m\ _qj\ jÂ?_jw_\ _qY_\ ˜`j”jˆ^\ ]<jˆ\ x`$jˆjw_\ statements in amazement as if they ”jˆj\`w\_qj\–‘‰\_ˆz`wŠ\ _m\qj‘Â?\_qj\˜`Z_`‰^Â’ Â?jY[`wŠ\ Y_\ _qj\ –‘‰\ Â?ˆj˜`j”Â?\ ‡m‘YwzYw\ jÂ?Â?‘Y`w^\ ”qz\ qj\ Â?ˆmx]Zjx\ _qj\ ‰m˜`j\ Ywx\ delayed the unraveling of the killer by saying that it was a bit easy to known the killer “jZY]^j\qj\”mˆj\”q`_j\‡ˆm‰\_qj\mw^j_Â’\• qj\ –‘‰\ `^\ Y“m]_\ ”qz\ qj\ `^\ [`‘‘`wŠ\ Ywx\ qm”\ `^\ Šm`wŠ\_m\“j\ZY]Šq_Â?ÂĽ\qj\jÂ?Â?‘Y`wjxÂ’ ^[jx\”qj_qjˆ\_qj\–‘‰\`^\Y\_ˆ]j\‘`‡j\^_mˆz\

since a serial killer named Ogbodo did almost _qj\^Y‰j\_q`wŠ\`w\¹Ä²Ă•\`w\ “Y[Y‘`[`Â?\qj\^Y`xĂ‚\ • `wZjˆj‘zÂ?\ \ x`x\ wm_\ [wm”\ Ywz_q`wŠ\ Y“m]_\ _qY_\^_mˆzÂ’\ Z_m“jˆ\Âą\`^\Y\“‘jwx\m‡\–Z_`mw\Ywx\ ˆjY‘`_zÂ’\ jY‘`_z\ `w\ _qj\ ^jw^j\ _qY_\ _qjˆj\ ”Y^\ independence but the crime didn’t happen, though a lot of killings qYÂ?Â?jwjxÂ’\ \ ]^jx\ [m_j\Ywx\ ˆm‰`ˆj\Y^\wY‰j^\m‡\_qj\Â?‘YZj^\_qj\ incident took place because there is no place ZY‘‘jx\_qm^j\wY‰j^\`w\ˆjY‘`_zÂ’\ q`^\`^\Y\Â?]ˆj\ –Z_`mwY‘\^_mˆz\ Y“Y‘m‘Y\ZY‰j\]Â?\”`_qÂ’ • qj\ –ˆ^_\ xˆY‡_\ ”Y^\ _`_‘_jx\ Ă” ]^_Â&#x;\ “j‡mˆj\ ”j\ZY‰j\]Â?\”`_q\_qj\Ă” Z_m“jˆ\ÂąÂ&#x;\Y^\`_^\_`_‘jÂ’\ \ Y‰\ Y\ xˆjY‰jˆ\ ”qjw\ \ xˆjY‰Â?\ \ YZ_]Y‘`Ăƒj\ `_Â’\ q`^\ `^\ Yw\ `wxjÂ?jwxjwZj\ Â?ˆmx]Z_`mw\ Ywx\

Film review

wm_\Y\Â?ˆmÂ?YŠYwxYÂ’\ _\xjÂ?`Z_^\Ywx\ˆjÂŤjZ_^\_qj\ _`‰j^\m‡\m]ˆ\‡Y_qjˆ^Â’\ q`^\`^\wm_\‹]^_\Y\‡mˆ‰\m‡\ jw_jˆ_Y`w‰jw_\“]_\Y\_mÂ?`ZÂ’\ \Y‘”Yz^\”Yw_\‰z\ –‘‰\_m\“j\Y\_mÂ?`ZÂ’ÂĽ qj\ ^_ˆ`[`wŠ\ ^_Y_j‰jw_\ mwj\ ZYw\ jY^`‘z\ Šj_\ ‡ˆm‰\ _qj\ –‘‰\ `^Â?\ • _\ `^\ zm]ˆ\ Zm]w_ˆz\ wm”¼Â?\ which one of the white men stated when they were told that the mysterious rapist, who ˆYÂ?jx\Ywx\[`‘‘jx\–˜j\˜`ˆŠ`w^\”Y^\ Y“`zj^`Â&#x;^\ ^mwÂ?\ xjˆmÂ?mÂ?\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ ŠˆYx]Y_j\ `w\ [m_j\ ”qm\j˜jˆzmwj\ˆj˜jˆjx\Ywx\ˆj^Â?jZ_jxÂ’ qj\ ”q`_j\ ‰jw\ ”Y˜jx\ `_\ m$\ ”q`Zq\ ‰Yxj\ w^Â?jZ_mˆ\ Yw‘Yx`\ YĂƒ`ˆ`\ _m\ ‡jj‘\ disappointed after toiling night and day to unravel the mystery surrounding the [`‘‘`wŠ^Â’\ q`^\ ZY‘‘^\ ‡mˆ\ ^m“jˆ\ ˆjÂŤjZ_`mw\ ‡mˆ\ every Nigerian to do what will bring peace, ]w`_z\Ywx\Â?ˆmŠˆj^^\`w\ `Šjˆ`YÂ’

4th AFRIFF: 250 movie buffs register in first week

here are indications that the ˆjZmˆx\ m‡\ Y<jwxjj^\ ‡mˆ\ _q`^\ zjYˆÂ&#x;^\ ‡ˆ`ZY\ w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ `‘‰\ j^_`˜Y‘\ Âś ¡\ ”`‘‘\ surpass that of previous editions, with 250 applications already ˆjZj`˜jx\ ”`_q`w\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ ”jj[\ m‡\ ˆjŠ`^_ˆY_`mwÂ’ jj‘jˆ^\‡ˆm‰\_qj\‡j^_`˜Y‘\^jZˆj_Yˆ`Y_\qY^\ `_\_qY_\_qj\mwŠm`wŠ\ˆjŠ`^_ˆY_`mw\jÂ?jˆZ`^j\ has recorded an impressive number of ˆjÂœ]j^_^\ ‡ˆm‰\ –‘‰‰Y[jˆ^\ `w\ `Šjˆ`YÂ?\ jwzYÂ?\ qYwYÂ?\ Y‰jˆmmwÂ?\ m]_q\ ‡ˆ`ZYÂ?\ Senegal, Mali, Malawi, Uganda and ^j˜jˆY‘\m_qjˆ\ ‡ˆ`ZYw\Zm]w_ˆ`j^Â’ jÂ?mˆ_^\ ^Yz\ _qj\ Â?YZ[\ ˆjZj`˜jx\ ^m\ ‡Yˆ\ Y‘^m\ `wZ‘]xj^\ ˆjÂœ]j^_^\ ‡ˆm‰\ ‡ˆ`ZYw^\ in the Diaspora as well as individual –‘‰‰Y[jˆ^\ Ywx\ –‘‰\ Zm‰Â?Yw`j^\ `w\ ]ˆmÂ?jÂ?\ w`_jx\ `wŠxm‰Â?\ w`_jx\ _Y_j^\ Ywx\ YwYxYÂ’ mˆ\ _qj\ ‡j^_`˜Y‘\ ”q`Zq\ `^\ `w\ `_^\ ‡m]ˆ_q\ year, the success story is unprecedented, even as organisers say the best is yet to Zm‰jÂ’ `wZj\`_^\–ˆ^_\jx`_`mw\`w\¯°¹°Â?\ \ has provided free training and talent development opportunities for young Â?jmÂ?‘j\ Ywx\ Y^Â?`ˆ`wŠ\ –‘‰‰Y[jˆ^Â’\ w_jˆj^_`wŠ‘zÂ?\ Ywm_qjˆ\ Y^Â?jZ_\ m‡\ _q`^\ zjYˆÂ&#x;^\jx`_`mw\”q`Zq\qY^\^”j‘‘jx\_ˆY0Z\ on the festival’s website is the hands on training and workshop on scriptwriting,

university in the United States of ‰jˆ`ZY\ ‡mˆ\ ‡]ˆ_qjˆ\ _ˆY`w`wŠ\ `w\ ˜Yˆ`m]^\ Y^Â?jZ_^\ m‡\ –‘‰‰Y[`wŠ’\ qj\ jÂ?Â?‘Y`wjx\ _qY_\ _qˆm]Šq\ _q`^\ initiative and several others, the festival plans to change the jZmwm‰`Z\ qmˆ`Ăƒmw\ m‡\ _qj\ ‡ˆ`ZYw\ –‘‰\`wx]^_ˆzÂ’ • j\ “j‘`j˜j\ ”j\ ZYw\ ]^j\ _q`^\ model for a social revolution that will change the economic horizon m‡\ _qj\ ‡ˆ`ZYw\ –‘‰\ `wx]^_ˆzÂ?\ “z\ providing technical knowledge and skill to enhance the abundant _Y‘jw_^\ `w\ m]ˆ\ –‘‰\ Zm‰‰]w`_zÂ?ÂĽ\ ^qj\^Y`xÂ’ q`^\_`‰jÂ?\“jwj–Z`Yˆ`j^\m‡\_qj\_ˆY`w`wŠ\ ”`‘‘\“j\jÂ?Â?jZ_jx\_m\^qmm_\Y\^qmˆ_\–‘‰\ Y‡_jˆ\_qj`ˆ\Zm]ˆ^j\Y“ˆmYxÂ?\`w\‡]‘–‘‘‰jw_\ of their training billed to be entered into the festival’s students’ short ZY_jŠmˆz\‡mˆ\_qj\^]“^jÂœ]jw_\ \`w\ ¯°¹²Â?\ xj\YxxjxÂ’ ZZmˆx`wŠ\ _m\ _qj\ ‡j^_`˜Y‘\ guidelines, registration for the workshops which opened at the wj”\ \ ”j“^`_jÂ?\ ”””’Y‡ˆ`$Â’ Chioma com on September 15, will close on cinematography, acting and directing October 17, while general registration ‡mˆ\Y^Â?`ˆ`wŠ\–‘‰‰Y[jˆ^\`w\ ‡ˆ`ZYÂ’ ”`‘‘\jwx\mw\ Z_m“jˆ\Ö¹’ q`j‡\ Â?jZ]_`˜j\ 0Zjˆ\ Âś ¡\ m‡\ \ ¯°¹Ă?\ `^\ ^Zqjx]‘jx\ _m\ _Y[j\ Â?\ q`m‰Y\ xjÂ?\ wm_jx\ _qY_\ ‡ˆm‰\ Â?‘YZj\ Y_\ _qj\ Â?mÂ?]‘Yˆ\ `wYÂ?Y\ ]^`wj^^\ _q`^\ ”mˆ[^qmÂ?Â?\ \ `^\ Â?‘Yww`wŠ\ Ywx\ j`^]ˆj\ j^mˆ_Â?\ Y‘Y“YˆÂ?\ ˆm^^\ to take 10 students to a prestigious `˜jˆ\ _Y_j\‡ˆm‰\ m˜j‰“jˆ\Ă„\_m\ÂąĂŒÂ’


Daily Newswatch Friday, October 3, 2014


Dammy Krane’s Enterkaner quite entertaining By ADA DIKE


went somewhere on Victoria Island, shortly before I was introduced to some people there, one track that was being played was ‘Amin’, I quickly took permission from my hosts and started dancing because that fuji song is the type I love to dance (because I am a bridge between the old and new school). (Laughs). It was after the track ended that I was informed that the song was done by one of Nigeria’s young artistes that is taking the music industry by the storm, Dammy Krane. Sincerely, after listening to Dammy Krane’s newly launched debut album, you will not hesitate to play it over and over again because the album contains many tracks that are quite entertaining and inspiring. Titled: ‘Enterkraner,’ the album has beautiful tracks, some of the hit songs in it include: ‘Asiwaju’ (Leader) which explores the principles of being a leader, ‘Falila’ a love song which talks about how love connects someone from youth to adulthood, ‘Uwa di njo’ or ‘Aiye ma le’ (World is Wicked) featuring Puccado, ‘Love Na

Dammy Krane

Die’ featuring Olamide, and ‘In case of Incasity’ featuring Davido. Others are: ‘Oluwakemi’ meaning (God is taking care of me) which is also his mother’s name, followed by my favourite track: ‘Amin’, the Juju song in the album. ‘Jolly Good Fellow’ featuring 2Face

and produced by Spellz is also one of the tracks I love so much. ‘Tomorrow No Dey’ a cultural love song produced by SPellz is also appealing while’ Africa’ also produced by Spellz thrilled me. I love ‘Amin’ so much because the tempo is cool and not high. The track

Album review

is beautifully synchronized with percussion. Above all, it is a prayer track. So I meditate on its lyrics when listening to it. Listening to ‘Falila’ would make someone feel romantic, especially, ladies. I hereby suggest that the fast rising act, whose music cuts across all genres but dwells more on 21st Century Fuji do a remix of ‘Falila’ and make the tempo slow. Signed on Hypertek Digital and 960 Music Group alongside superstars like 2Face Idibia, RockSteady and Sir Victor Uwaifo, Dammy Krane, born Oyindamola Johnson Emmanuel,, through this album has proved that his future is bright in Nigerian music industry. In fact, he is on top of the game as his kind of music can appeal to both young and old, depending on the track one wants to listen to. Born on December 10, 1993 in Lagos, Nigeria, he started writing his songs from the age of six. Dammy Krane’s other hit singles such as ‘My Dear,’ ‘Uni Girls,’ ‘Lobatan,’ ‘Ligali,’ ‘I Like Girls,’ ‘Throw Back,’ ‘Below,’ and so on are dance tracks, wedding and love songs.

Endless search for peace and love Title: Domestic Daddy Author: Adjekpagbon Blessed Mudiaga Publisher: Bulkybon Books Company, Lagos. Pages: 230 Reviewer: Gift Amukoyo


omestic Daddy is a novel set in post-colonial Nigeria; ”ˆ`<jw\ “z\ Y\ Â?ˆj^`xjw_`Y‘\ award winning author, Adjekpagbon Blessed ]x`YŠYÂ?\ ”`_q\ ^_ˆjY‰^\ m‡\ ÂŤY^q“YZ[\ recounts tidbits of the wars that ravaged Nigeria, Africa, and the world in the past, which reminds one of Chinua Achebe’s book, ‘There Was a country,’ perhaps Biafra that barely glowed in the rising sun, as there is no present existence without a past, though a destiny may be delayed but it would never alter. Bringing into limelight three representatives of the major e t h n i c groups in the country in the characters of Mr. Adolphus Ugochukwu, Alhaji Dauda and, Ilesanmi Adegoke, the trio who symbolizes love, support, peace and emotional comprehension that coexist amidst unfiltered “`<jˆwj^^\ Y^\ fact to the m a y h e m which spiraled a m o n g s t brothers from different mother’s hut, the novel is very engaging from the beginning to end.

However, there is no way a red-coal is set to dry vegetation and it will not “‘YĂƒj\ _m\ Y\ ‡ˆjwĂƒz\ –ˆjÂ’\ qj\ Y]_qmˆ\ ”`_q\ his wealth of wits and bank of mirth Â?‘]wŠj^\ mwj\ `w_m\ –_^\ m‡\ ‘Y]Šq_jˆ\ _qY_\ could cause the reader to topple from a chair with tears in eyes as if onion juice popped into it. The contents have a way of relieving its readers with comics by many hilarious incidents and characters such as Mrs. Ogheneochuko, Ekaiete alias ‘I-Know-Everybody’s history-InNigeria,’ Mrs. Rabbit-Must-Not-Escape, Okonoko Darlington, the ‘gagaperen rider’, owner of an ‘ancient bicycle’ and his exclusive escapades as a student of Otovwodo Grammar School. Another noteworthy character in the plot is Udu-boy, a sarcastic comedian, whose slaying tongue can mostly induce laughter. For instance, he tells Ororbor, a student in the novel that, “Because your father is a serving commissioner... where bribery and corruption are kings Y‰mwŠ\ Â?jmÂ?‘jĂ&#x;zm]\ ZYw\ Y$mˆx\ _m\ jY_\ ten bags of rice, three happily gulp the nearby lagoon water that is well fertilized by human wonder your tummy is as big as that of three women joined together.â€? The theme of interlocking destinies through the union between children of bosom friends who reunite and create greater bond also runs through the story line. As fate prevails, the daughter of Ugochukwu and Nwayiocha gets married to Adegoke’s son. Dauda and Titi’s daughter ties the knot with Udu’s son. In a cracking shell, the never blossomed love Titi had for Udu back in his school days, is reincarnates in their children’s love for each other. The novel delves into events of Joy, Halimat, Julius, and Uzo’s amorous relationships with one another, depicting the trivial of everyday teenage and youth’s exuberant lifestyle. It also portrays an exemplary courtship of the highly cultured Nigerian tradition by Uzo as he says “Halimat, I want to pay your bride price to start my own family.

I love you.â€? Whereas, Halimat untwines an epitome of love and curiosity among teenage girls with a lush of daring modernity, which mesmerizes him to “‘m”\m$\qjˆ\ZqY^_`_zÂ?\^qj\_j‘‘^\q`‰Â\• ˆj\ you afraid to touch me? I want you to kiss me.â€? ]_\ ĂƒmÂ&#x;^\ Šjw_‘j‰Yw‘z\ Y<`_]xj\ _m\

Y‘`‰Y_\`^\mÂ?Â?m^`_j\_m\_qj\Y$Y`ˆ\“j_”`Â?_\ Joy and Julius, the playboy, with show of tongue dipped frequently in jars of honey. But Joy pretends that she has ‡mˆŠm<jw\ ]‘`]^Â&#x;^\ wY‰j\ ”q`‘j\ ^qj\ `^\ head over heels in love with him from the moment he engages her in frivolous conversations. She tells Julius, to give her time to think over his proposal even though she has decided within her mind to be his lover, just as many ladies feign love for men they eagerly desire to qY˜j\‘m˜j\Y$Y`ˆ^\”`_qÂ’\ ‘_qm]ŠqÂ?\‰Ywz\ ladies behaves like Joy, not all ladies are ‘`[j\qjˆÂ?\Y^\_qjˆj\`^\^Yz`wŠ\_qY_\Ă”x`$jˆjw_\ strokes for every folks.’ Also, fate itself is oblivious to the uncontrollable situations that Joy encounters, despite being chaste, she experiences the worst of matrimonial relationship, but Halimat ”qm\ ”Y^\ xj–‘jx\ “j‡mˆj\ qjˆ\ ”jx‘mZ[\ lives a happy and successful marital life. \ –wx\ _qj\ wm˜j‘\ q`Šq‘z\ `w‡mˆ‰Y_`˜j\ and educative for any reader. It unfolds themes of love, unity, friendship, betrayal, deceit, war, loss, anguish, value, criticism and destiny. By and large, kudos to the author for emphasizing the feminist in Joy as opposed to conventional single mothers who make despair a headrest and xjÂ?ˆj^^`mw\ Y\ ‡mm_\ ^_mm‘Â?\ ”qjw\ ‘j_\ m$\ the hook by the spouse. I therefore, encourage the public to read the novel, _m\–wx\m]_\”qm\Y‰mwŠ^_\_qj\Â?ˆm‰`wjw_\ men earlier mentioned turned out to be the ‘Domestic Daddy.’ I believe everyman is muggy in nature, outward and inwardly. But, the moment a man sows his seedlings in his wife’s warm soil; he has become domestic and therefore an awaiting daddy.

Book Review

Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 3, 2014


What’s the value of your idea? SAMUEL UFOT EKEKERE


came across this story while perusing through a book some years ago. A chief executive had a staff who earned millions of dollars of monthly wage. This staff came to work when he loved; he was a bit flamboyant in his lifestyle causing a stir amongst other staff that raised highbrows when they observed his high wage and less or no work as compared to their rigorous work on and off the office. The other staff came together to plot his removal. The chief executive received the report, smiled and told his staff, “You are here because of that man’s ideas. His ideas are worth billions to this company.� The secret of some of the biggest companies are the ideas of one or few persons. Big chip companies understand the value of human capital. They understand how much value each staff is especially those with the ability to tinker. These companies welcome credible tinkering that can bring about positive development and growth. The staff that discovers his tinkering ability is on the up side of the company. Ideas build society. People create and make because of ideas. Great inventions started out as some pulse of inspiration that popped in sudden rush. Eureka!! Like Newton’s shouted in his discovery of the idea behind gravity, we muse or shout in joy when we suddenly discover this solution that we have so long hoped to get to solve a need. The sudden joy that elopes could cast us into an ecstatic air and if it is a blue chip idea, the money that could be coming through could be mind-blowing. The quality of an idea is its ability to supply solution to a need in the most efficient way. You may have an idea but it is invaluable if it does not meet the need you want it to meet. When man desired to fly, ideas poked from all corners. Designers and inventors created all sort of flying balloons and flying gliders. They were huge ideas but they were encumbered by the giant limitations they could not fight against; air direction, density and speed. The world waited for that idea, the big one that would solve all these need. There it came; the Wilbur brothers had the startling idea. Ideas have time value. An idea is top notch if it comes just in time when it is needed most. What this means is that an idea could be considered archaic and not useful for present system of things. The time efficacy of an idea is what gives a company advantage over other companies providing the same service. When apple considered releasing its iPhone, bookmakers thought a phone without pads was inconceivable. But the idea alone was enough to make phone tasty consumers bask in anticipation. The cost of the iPhone was skyrocketing and the only answer to apple’s monopoly was a response by Samsung whose design and operating system Google’s android was good response and a cheaper option. The guys at Tecno knew if they had to be relevant and create a name for their efforts, they have to provide a popular option and they hit the right

idea providing android phones with high value capacity at cheaper cost. The strength of an idea is the result it gets at the end of its application. Once the inspiration for an idea arrives, it requires the right application to see it produce the intended result. Our state of development is the quality of ideas transformed into reality. The more creative our ideas, the more creative our inventions and the result is increased performance and higher development status. If our leaders are creative about

their ideas and creative tinkers advise them, they would churn out exceptional leadership. Everyone has the exceptional gift of creating ideas. It’s in everyone but the debars is our ability to value our idea in respect to the ideas of others. The weakness is that you allow higher credence to others who seize on it and improve on their idea making capability. You have to trigger your ability to create ideas and develop them. Your ideas may not be relevant but it has

value. It creates options. You may fail to get that top-notch idea today but if you try, some day you will. Don’t sit back and watch when your idea could be the rallying point. Let your idea poke out and see it propel the kind of transformation you will love to see. Your ideas got value. Samuel Ufot Ekekere is a writer from Uyo, Nigeria. As a teacher, motivator and writer, he writes inspiring writs on personal development for all categories of persons.

Call for entries: Travelling writing and photo story competition ADA DIKE


n organization has launched a tourismbased competition. @ TravelNextDoor in two categories namely: travel writing and photo story oragnised the competition for Nigerians between the ages of 15 and 35 years as part of its contribution to promoting Nigeria’s domestic tourism, The project Initiator, Pelu Awofeso, hinted this in a statement and stated that “the subject for this year’s competition is “My Community�, and it is specifically chosen to tie in with the theme for this year’s World Tourism Day (September 27, 2014) celebrations, which was tagged:“Tourism and Community Development�. “Prizes for Photo Story category are: 50,000 for first prize, N30, 000 for second prize and N20, 000 for third prize, plus 10 consolation prizes.

Same prizes also go for travel writing category.� Entries for the competition open on September 27, 2014 and closes on November 30, 2014; finalists for both categories will be announced on December 7, 2014. According to Awofeso, the entries for both categories are to be focused on a community (village, town, local government and city) located in Nigeria. “For the travel writing category, entries should be a maximum of 1,000 (one thousand) words (and must be previously unpublished at the time of submission for the contest. For the photo story category, entries should be a maximum of five (5) photographs of one community, and with resolution of 800kb and higher; all submitted photographs must be duly captioned/described. Entries for both categories will be judged by an in-house panel of experts comprising writers, journalists and

photographers, who will select the finalists from which the winners will be chosen. “Entries submitted shall not be returned and will become the property of @TravelNextDoor. Participants retain all copyrights to their works, but @TravelNextDoor reserves the rights to edit, modify and publish same for public access on any of its platforms (online and offline) and/ or that of its partners and sponsors, where necessary. Entries for both categories may focus on any public structure or space—a street, market, leisure park/garden, monument, festival, museum—that qualifies as a tourist attraction. The judges’ decisions in both competition categories shall be final. @TravelNextDoor will not entertain any correspondence to this effect.� Submission: All entries (articles and photos) are to be emailed to:

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Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 3, 2014

“Who Wants To Be President?” board game unveiled in Lagos Stories by ADA DIKE


earing “Who Wants To Be President?” some people may think that one is referring to the presidential aspirants from different political parties aiming to contest for the presidential election in February 2015. As an electorate, have you ever wondered how the process of vying for that top political position is done? It is on this note that a new board game that teaches every adult the political strategy was unveiled. The educative, interesting, fun-filled and all round entertaining piece was launched on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at the Freedom Park, Lagos. Known as “Who Wants To Be President?” the game in which the players go through all the processes aspiring political leaders go through with the ultimate aim of winning elections was an eye opener to some of the players who were taught how to play it at the launch. A four-man-player comprising three men and a lady, using their playing cards, began by taking the first step of seeking party nominations, campaigning in the 36 states of Nigeria, cajoling for votes, negotiating for the best deals, strategizing, spying on opponents, disrupting the plans of the opposition, countering their moves and so on. (All these strategies were done on the board). The game ends when one of the players presents the card calling for “Instant Elections” or one of the players reaches the end. Only players who have won votes in 21 states would be eligible to have his “votes” counted. The player with the most “votes” win and is declared president. “Who Wants To Be President?” was developed by Charles Igwe, the widower of the late producer and writer, Amaka Igwe, in 1993. Igwe said the game was created primarily as a form of family entertainment and to educate as many Nigerians as possible on the intrigues, strategies and politics of running for and winning elections. “I wanted to bring the good old days when families would sit around one another and have fun playing a board game,” Mr. Igwe said. “These days, kids prefer to be on their electronic games all day. This is a game everyone can enjoy together. “I also hope that more Nigerians will understand their roles in picking and voting for leaders. The game mimics all the drama and backdoor deals that go on in the political space and by seeing them through this game, I hope Nigerians will be better informed about their country and about the politics that surrounds them.” The game delivers the experience of participating in and contesting elections, the thrill of winning and losing, and the challenge of trying again. Persons of ages eight and above can play the game. It can be played by two to six players, which can be individuals, groups, communities or teams. In addition, the Chief Executive Officer of Aeclipse Games also said that the game would be available in major stores nationwide, with a digital version in the works, adding that he hopes that it would be an

First time players learning to play the “Who Wants To Be President?” board game. educational tool for people who are interested in politics as a subject or hope to run for elections. “This is my contribution to Nigeria. I hope Nigeria is better for it,” he added. There were many personalities present at the media briefing and launch of the board game including the Managing Director, Kravex Gaming Limited; Terae Onyeje, Acting Managing Director; Mr. Emeka Anaba and Company Secretary; Mr. Kelechukwu Nwankwo both of Usosa Communications Limited, popular Nollywood actor Uche Odoputa an entertainment consultant; Scott Igbene, among others.

The “Who Wants To Be The President?” Board Game

18th annual MUSON Festival begins October 18


he 18th edition of the annual Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) will kick off on October 18, 2014. This information was revealed by the Chairman, 2014 Festival Planning Committee, Kitoyi Ibare-Akinsan. According to Kitoyi, this year’s festival begins on October 16 with “My Kind of Music”, one of the festival’s favourites. Also, MUSON alumnus, Imoleayo Balogun and his Big Band will perform Jazz music “blended with African philosophy” at the opening of the festival. Some of the festival’s highlights include drama such as: Jagua Nana – the Musical, Cyprian Ekwensi’s novel produced and directed by Wole Oguntokun on Saturday, October 18. There will be Visual Arts Exhibition at this year’s festival on Sunday, October

19 and run until Wednesday, October 22. In the same vein, Classical Concert, featuring the MUSON Symphony Orchestra conducted by MUSON’s new Artistic Director, Tunde Jegede will come up on October 19. Daily Newswatch gathered that the Orchestra will perform Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin and other works by popular international and Nigerian composers. On Monday, October 20, the Society of the Performing Arts in Nigeria (SPAN), focusing on Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary and Latin, will hold a dance workshop and concert from 2.00 p.m. The annual talent competition for Youths, featuring the best candidates from the earlier stages of the competition in a concert is scheduled for Thursday, October 23. Jazz Night comes up on Friday,

October 24, and it is designed to showcase two young promising Nigerian Jazz artistes. The traditional Gala Choral Concert taking place on Sunday, October 26 has two parts - “Pop Choral Music”, which will feature the works of Andrew Lloyd Weber, E di Capuo, and Andre Van Der Merwe while Nigerian Choral Music, will feature the works of Laz Ekwueme, David Aina and Ayo Bankole, among others. The Musical Society of Nigeria which was founded in 1983 has increased in many aspects. In fact, the MUSON School of Music which was founded in 1989 for providing training for children interested in playing musical instruments now has Diploma programme. The organizers of the festival that will attract people from all walks of life promised to give guests musical treats they will always remember.

Daily Newswatch

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY October 3, 2014

Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele is upset

Double celebration z! for Joke Silva

63 49


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 3, 2014

VJ Adams, Mayor in a new Africa music’s big names make comedy skit,“Bros Na Me� AFRIMA 2014 nominees’ list 0 { ' ' ' $ ' ' ' ! {' # , ' } ' $#w,0$ $ ~$ ~


Tope Olukole

edia and enter_Y`w‰jw_\ m]_–_Â?\ ]wÂŞ mxj\ jx`Y\ has just released the much anticipated online comedy skit, featuring multiple award-winning lead presenter of Soundcity music television, Adams Ibrahim popularly known as VJ Adams and media personality, Ugochukwu Y˜m]ÂˆÂŞ Yzmˆ’ The shoot of this comedy skit

which made news in the past ‡m‘‘m”`wŠ\ _qj\ ‘mZY_`mw\ `w\ j[[`\ m‡\ YŠm^\”qjˆj\`_\”Y^\^qm_\”`‘‘\ after the online release on Fun Code and Nigeria Films TV’s youtube channel hit up television ^_Y_`mw^\ ‘`[j\ ‡ˆ`ZY\ YŠ`Z\ Ywx\ OnTV. Interestingly, the skit with a ‡]wwz\ _`_‘jÂ?\ • ˆm^\ Y\ jÂĽ\ ‡jYtures rib-cracking scenes and acts that will make viewers ask for more.

GLO brings Osupa, Burna boy to Ojude Oba

qj\–˜j\ˆjŠ`mw^\m‡\ ‡ˆ`ZY\ŠY˜j\Yw\`‰pressive account of their respective music industry as the 2014 Nomiwjj^Â&#x;\ `^_\m‡\_qj\ ‘‘\ ‡ˆ`ZY\ ]^`Z\ ”Yˆx^Â?\ Â?\”Y^\]w˜j`‘jx\_mxYzÂ?\ jÂ?_j‰“jˆ\ 23, 2014 during a world press conference qj‘x\Y_\ ˆm_jY\ m_j‘\ jYx”YzÂ?\ Yˆz‘Ywx\ ^_Y_jÂ?\ YŠm^Â?\ `Šjˆ`YÂ’ ˆj^jw_\‡mˆ\_qj\ \ Ywj‘\m‡\ ]ˆmˆ^\ at the unveiling event was jury member ˆ’\ ^ZYˆ\ `x‹mÂ?\ Y\ ^jY^mwjx\ ‰]^`Z\ Â?ˆmducer, representing West Africa (Benin jÂ?]“‘`Z¡Â’\ ‘^m\ˆjÂ?ˆj^jw_`wŠ\_qj\ w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ m‰‰`<jj\ m‡\ \ ”jˆjĂ‚\ Â?jZ]_`˜j\ ˆmx]ZjÂˆĂ‹ ˆj^`xjw_Â?\ `[j\ YxYĂ‘\ Director Brand Communication & Spon^mˆ^q`Â?Â?\ Y_‘m]\ ^m_j_^`Ă‘\ qY`ˆ‰YwÂ?\ w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\ jx`Y\ m‰‰`<jjÂ?\ _j˜j\ zmˆinde and Co-Producer/Country Director, `Šjˆ`YÂ?\ `wŠ^‘jz\ Y‰j^Â’\ _qjˆ\Y<jwxjj^\ included African music industry personalities, heads of partner corporate organisations and music industry stakeholders. Although popular names in the continental music industry showed up on the q`Šq‘zÂŞYw_`Z`Â?Y_jx\ m‰`wjj^Â&#x;\ `^_\m‡\_qj\ awards project that is rewarding excellence by budding and established mu-

NEILS, Kannywood hold health insurance convention in Kano



lobacom is bringing excitement to this year’s Ojude Oba as it plans to feature popular Fuji musician, Saheed Osupa as well as Burna boy at the festival which holds on the third day after the Eid El Fitri celebrations in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State. The network has also promised its teeming subscribers in the town and its environs mouth-watering branded gifts in order to make the yearly carnival memorable. \ qj\ ‰]^`ZY‘\ –j^_Y\ \ ”`‘‘\ ^qm”case comedy, music and drama. The event which holds at the Equity Resort , Ijebu Ode will also feature DJ Top on the juke box while Gbenga Adeyinka will compere the occasion. Head of Public Sector Sales, ‘m“YZm‰Â?\ ˆ\ ]wxj\ ‰]w`[mˆm\ disclosed this at the pre-festival press conference organised to anwm]wZj\_qj\ÂŤYŠªm$\m‡\_qj\‡j^_`˜Y‘’

Globacom which has sponsored the post Eid el Kabir festival for eight consecutive years said the sponsorship was to celebrate the unique culture of the Ijebu people as well as to foster the cause of tourism in the country. Ojude Oba festival is similar in conviviality to the Rio de Janeiro carnival and Y<ˆYZ_^\ _m]ˆ`^_^\ ‡ˆm‰\ Y‘‘\ m˜jˆ\ _qj\ world. The company also said its support for the festival was because of its desire to contribute its quota to the socioeconomic development of Ijebuland as the festival had become a rallying point for sons and daughters of the area to converge in order to chart the course of development for the people. The company said that its customer service team will be on ground to resolve customers’complaints as well as grant them access to ‘m“YZm‰Â&#x;^\ \ Y$mˆxY“‘j\ Â?ˆmx]Z_^\ and world-class services.

t was indeed a gathering of Kanny”mmxÂ&#x;^\‰m^_\`wÂŤ]jw_`Y‘\Ywx\Â?ˆm‰`wjw_\ entertainment practitioners in Kano on Sunday September 21th, 2014 at the Nigeˆ`Yw\ w_jˆ_Y`w‰jw_\ wx]^_ˆz\ jZ_]ˆj\ jˆ`j^\ Âś ¡\ mˆŠYw`Ăƒjx\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ w_jˆ_Y`wment Industry Health Insurance Scheme Âś ¡\Zmw˜jw_`mw\_m\qjˆY‘x\_qj\j˜jw_]al roll out of the scheme from the northern region of the country. The event which held at the General Ra‰Y_\ ]ˆ_Y‘Y\ mw‡jˆjwZj\ Y‘‘\ `w\ `Â&#x;`‰Yq\

m_j‘Â?\ Ywm\qYx\`w\Y<jwxYwZj\ˆjwm”wjx\ artistes and actors like; Sani Danja, Ibrahim Abdullahi, Tumba Bubukan, Aisha Ibrahim, representatives from the Arewa Film Y[jˆ^\ ^^mZ`Y_`mw\m‡\ `Šjˆ`Y\Âś ¡\ led by the President, Abdullahi Sani, representatives from Guild of Directors led by the President, Nasir Gwangwazo, representatives from Guild of Directors led by the President, Aminu Sara and many others. It was indeed one of the biggest gatherings of entertainment stakeholders from that region. 0Z`Y‘^\ ‡ˆm‰\ _”m\ m‡\ _qj\ _qˆjj\ Â?Yˆ_wjˆ\

^\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ ^Zqj‰jĂ‘\ jY‘_qZYˆj\ w_jˆnational and United Healthcare gave an insight via multimedia projections into the “jwj–_^\m‡\qjY‘_q\`w^]ˆYwZj\Y^\”j‘‘\Y^\_qj\ uniform and customized plans (standard Ywx\ ‘_ˆY¡\‡mˆ\_qj\ `Šjˆ`Yw\ w_jˆ_Y`w‰jw_\ Industry Health Insurance Scheme (NEI ¡\Y‡_jˆ\_qj\”j‘Zm‰j\Yxxˆj^^\Ywx\^Â?jjZq\ “z\_qj\`w`_`Y_mˆ^\‘jx\“z\ ˆ’\ j]w\ Â?YˆYÂ’

sic professionals as well as journalists, the nominations of a generous number of emerging African artistes in many award categories threw more excitement into the unveiling event witnessed by local and international press as well as critical stakeholders in the music industry.

Big Brother Hotshots Housemate Profiles Rwanda, Arthur Age: 23 igali-born Radio Presenter Arthur describes himself as ‘funny, humorous and humble’. He says he loves the fact that he is social and makes friends easily. He enjoys people who are humble, and dislikes people who are irresponsible. His favourite foods are rice and beans, his favourite book The Whole Truth, and favourite TV show, Real Husbands of Hollywood. He enjoys Usher’s music and his favourite actor, Kevin Hart, is the star of his favourite –‘‰Â?\ q`w[\ `[j\ \ Yw\ mmÂ’ He says that viewers can expect ‘talent and humour’ from him and if he wins, he’ll invest his money in business. What won’t he do to win? ‘Anything that goes against my human nature’. Arthur believes that ‘originality’ is the best thing about Africa, in terms of its culture. His favourite place outside the continent is the United Kingdom, ‘because that place is calm – especially Wales’. Arthur’s role model is Chris Rock, because ‘he is really good when it comes to comedy and he has helped so many comedians to make it on the market’. Frankie, Age: 33 Frankie is a singer, model and actor with a degree in `wYwZ`Y‘\ YwYŠj‰jw_Â’ His favourite food is ugali with beef stew and his ‡Y˜m]ˆ`_j\ “mm[\ `^\ j‘^mw\ Ywxj‘YÂ&#x;^\ mwŠ\ Y‘[\ m\ Freedom. Frankie enjoys the music of Joe Thomas, ]_qjˆ\ Ywxˆm^^\ Ywx\ mˆŠYw\ jˆ`_YŠj\ Ywx\ qj\ ‘m˜j^\ ‘epic movies and romantic comedies’. His favourite actors?DjimonHounsou, Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washing_mwÂ?\ Y‰jˆmw\ `YĂƒ\Ywx\ ]Â?`_Y zmwŠÂ&#x;mÂ’ He values Africa’s ‘uniqueness and authenticity’ and lists his favourite place as Kigali – his place of birth. Outside of the continent, he says that Canada is his favourite destination because of all the opportunities there, but also because his son Taye was born there. Frankie considers his parents to be his role models, because ‘they have gone through lots of tribulations, but love and kindness always blossomed’. His proudest achievements are graduating from university and when his son was born. Frankie says that viewers can expect ‘great times full of enthusiasm and adventure’ from him and that if he wins, he’ll contribute towards building a school in his grandmother’s village and buy a house for him parents, to thank them for everything they did for him.



Movies @ Nigerian cinemas

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 3, 2014

Nollywood actress, Funke Akindele is upset pastemaster #nawho pls kindly report ASAP. This is just too bad. Heard there is also a fake manager of mine asking peeps to pay for the delivery of gifts they won! Pls beware! It ain’t me or my management. Thanks,� Akindele said. For the records, the authentic account, @funkejenifaakindele has got over 750 posts, has over 113, 000 followers and follows 761 accounts while the fake account @ funkeakindele was opened two years ago and currently follows 19 accounts, has 25 posts and 10, 000 followers. Our investigation revealed that between January through June 2014, celebrities like Uti Nwachukwu (March), Doris Simeon ( January), Chika Ike (March) and Klint Da Drunk (May) have all had impersonators exploiting their fans and friends.

Movie Title: October 1 Rating: (SPECIAL SCREENING) Rated 18

Sona stars in Supermalt digital AD campaign Synopsis: Its September 1960, and with Nigeria on the verge of independence from British colonial rule, a northern Nigerian Police Detective, DAN WAZIRI, is urgently despatched by the Colonial Government to the trading post town of Akote in the Western Region of Nigeria to solve a series of female murders that have struck horror in the hearts and minds of the local community. Featured Actors: Sadiq Daba,Kehinde Bankole, David Bailie, Nick Rhys, Kunle Afolayan Genre: Suspense/Horror Running Time: 143 mins

Movie Title: The Freemason Rating: Rated 18 Synopsis: A wealthy banker lies ritualistically and brutally murdered. The banker’s daughter and only heir, Rana (Alex McKenna), calls upon Cyrus Rothwell (Randy Wayne), a brilliant but eccentric freelance writer, to assist in the investigation. Teaming up with veteran homicide detective Leon Weed (Sean Astin), they suddenly –wx\ _qj‰^j‘˜j^\ _qˆ]^_\ `w_m\ _qj\ ZˆzÂ?_`Z\ ”mˆ‘x\m‡\ ˆjj‰Y^mwˆzÂŞ\Â?`<jx\YŠY`w^_\Y\[`‘‘er searching for a legendary relic, shrouded by hundreds of years of myth and mystery. Rothwell’s troubles multiply as he discovers that the killer is one of the banker’s close inner circle. With an inheritance of millions hanging in the balance, everyone is a suspect and every action perceived as motive. Rothwell’s path becomes even more cloudy as his relationship with the beautiful heiress dances on the edge of charm and collusion. Cyrus is forced to come to grips with powers beyond his natural senses as well as his own mysterious past ties to Freemasonry in order to unmask the killer before they strike again. The Freemason is a thoughtful suspense thriller- part Sherlock, part Hitchcock, creating a gripping mystery for you to unlock. Featured Actors: Sean Astin, Randy Wayne, Alex McKenna, Richard Dutcher Genre: Action/Adventure Running Time: 95mins


ngered by an impersonator’s attempt to fraudulently coax money out of her teeming fans and friends on Instagram, Nollywood actress and brand ambassador, Funke Akindele has dedi-

cated a bit of time t o reveal the identity of the impersonator and also gave him/her a piece of her mind on her Instagram page. “#impersonatoroflife #copyand-

Traedonya partners Music Box, announces track-listing for EP


w\Yw\j$mˆ_\_m\_Y[j\qjˆ\‰]^`ZY‘\ŠY‰j\_m\_qj\wj�_\‘j˜j‘�\ budding act, Traedonya has revealed a partnership with Music Box and the track-listing for her maiden album Her label, Prohibition Entertainment recently an-

nounced what it described as the strategic marketing alliance with the emerging music company Music Box. Traedonya also known as ‘The Bride Of New Funk Hipopera’ and her solo debut EP, ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’ will be introduced to Music Box’s growing audience. As part of the campaign, the singer will also create a jingle. “We are excited to partner with Music Box which is a company on the way up with their innovative business stratjŠ`j^Â’\ ‡_jˆ\ ZqY<`wŠ\ ”`_q\ ]^`Z\ mÂ?Â&#x;^\ Mike Hoy, I wanted to work with them for Traedonya’s debut project. We have a blank slate to work with,â€? A.K SmithFord of Prohibition said. With Music Box, music consumers are expected to get hand curated bundles of good songs from independent artistes and labels customized to individual taste delivered straight to the customer’s inbox twice a month. • _\`^\Y\Â?ˆj<z\^”jj_\xjY‘\‡mˆ\_qj\Yˆtiste and fans, actually. Music Box has developed great relationships with an army of independent musicians who all they want to do is share their creative passion with as many people as possible. Music Box understands that –wx`wŠ\wj”\‰]^`Z\m]_^`xj\m‡\zm]ˆ\jÂ?isting interests and social circles isn’t the easiest process.


ast-rising British Nigerian Pop artiste and musician, Sona has announce an exclusive new collaboration with Supermalt - the biggest and longest-serving malt drink brand in the UK, as Sona features in the brand’s new digital advert campaign for 2014/2015. The Londonbased rising star leads in Supermalt’s –ˆ^_\mw‘`wj\˜`xjm\^Â?m_\_jY^`wŠ\Y\Â?jˆ‡mˆmance of ‘Omode Yi’ - the single itself having recently made its debut on the Capital Xtra Afro Beats Top 10 charts, while his massive record ‘Ijo Sona’ is the theme music for another of the brand’s online video spots, which captures a West African celebration, with Supermalt. With Sona gearing up to support Wizkid in his UK concert in only a ‰Y<jˆ\ m‡\ xYz^Â?\ Ywx\ ”`_q\ q`^\ ^`wŠ‘j^\ ‘No Wahala,’ ‘Ijo Sona’ and ‘Omode `Â&#x;\ ^_Ywx`wŠ\ –ˆ‰\ Y^\ _qˆjj\ m‡\ _qj\ “`Šgest Afro Beats tunes of 2014, Sona is having the breakout year of his career so far, and this new collaboration with Supermalt just goes on to solidify what a breakthrough year 2014 has been for Sona.



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 3, 2014


he movie Facade follows the story of the central character, Jerry (Wole Ojo) who is being detained for a crime he knows wm_q`wŠ\Y“m]_Â’\ w\Y\ÂŤY^q\“YZ[\ mode, he goes to see his boss, Mrs Obiora, a fast talker who dis-abuses his mind on prospects for working for the governor’s special unit team. He calls his wife, Cecil (Kehinde Bankole), a career womanturned-fashion designer and tells her how his day’s going. On her part, she is preparing for the Abuja Fashion Festival. Jerry is helped by a secretary to see the Commissioner. He calls his friend, Joe (played by musician Nomoreloss) and tells him to help him gain entry into a certain lounge where politicians and prostitutes hang out. Noteworthy is Nomoreloss’ acting prowess. In another development, Cecil’s been trying to have a child with Jerry (He’s not the father m‡\qjˆ\–ˆ^_\Zq`‘x\”qm‰\_qj\‘Y_ter loves all the same). At the lounge, Jerry and Joe wait frantically to see the commissioner. Guards wonder why they are there and keep an eye on them. Meanwhile, Cecil calls her son, Denise who is in the boarding school. She is oblivious of what’s going on at the lounge. Jerry encounters the Commissioner in the gents who refuses to help him except he passes the Promax, an exam professors and ministers struggle to pass. Back to the present, Jerry’s still seated in the interrogation room, asks for water and reminisces about his m0ZjĂ‘\qj\xjZ`xj^\_m\^jY_\‡mˆ\_qj\ Promax exams, a hint his boss, Mrs Obiora got wind of. The Governor of the state wants his Special Units Project to be made up of young minds and progressives who have not be tainted by politics. His commissioners are amazed. Mrs Obiora tries to frustrate Jerry’s move to sit for the exams but his wife, Cecil advises him to trudge on. \ wj\ m‡\ _qj\ m‰‰`^^`mwjˆ^Ă‘\ Dike(played by Ghanaian, David Mackenzie) happens to be dating the Governor’s daughter, Gina(Slyvia Oluchi).Meanwhile, Cecil’s back from her trip to Ghana with her friend Ella Obasi(Belinda).She suggests that they should fast as a couple till things turn around for good. Afterwards, Jerry sits for the Promax exams, he has qm_\ ÂŤY^qj^Â?\ Yw\ Ă”`wwjˆ\ ˜m`ZjÂ&#x;\ tells him the answers and he begins to scribble the answer. Everything happens so fast and surprisingly, he passes the Promax and thus, began to get job openings and was even asked to head the governor’s Â?jZ`Y‘\ w`_^\ ˆm‹jZ_Â’\ qY_\Ă”`wner voice’ keeps helping him make steady progress at work. Commissioner Dike feels otherwise, just as Gina catches a glimpse of Jerry at work and lusts for him (Trouble looms). In another development, Chidi (played by the guy [wm”w\ Y^\ ]wm‰\ mw\ Ă” `w^j‘Â&#x;¡\ becomes Jerry’s ally at work.

Jerry takes a closer look and realises that it’s his wife’s ring!. The twist here’s that this is a woman he left at home that morning! Consequently, he dashes home and to his dismay, couldn’t –wx\ jZ`‘’\ qj\‰mˆŠ]j\Y<jwdant makes him realise that Star Cast: Wole Ojo, Kehinde Bankole, Nomoreloss, David he’s been living with Ghost as Cecil also died alongside Mackenzie, Slyvia Oluchi, Belinda. Ella on their way back home from Ghana. All the pieces now begin to fall into place, her. Reviewer: Bukola Bakare A curious Joe, who has a just as Cecil’s ghost appears nose for news quickly informs to him. He realises that the Back at home, he tells Cecil that his boss was with her. ReJerry as Ella used to work in Ă”`wwjˆ\ ˜m`ZjÂ&#x;\ _qY_\ qY^\ “jjw\ about the inner voice that’s ports say that Gina fell to her speaking to him all the while, “jjw\ qj‘Â?`wŠ\ q`‰\ `w\ _qj\ m0Zj\ death and naturally, Jerry be- Cecil’s shop. So, what exactly happened? The duo head to helping him out with various and feels that he doesn’t de- comes the prime suspect. He’s tasks was all the handiwork serve some of the accolades. in a lot of trouble now as he’s the morgue where Jerry con–ˆ‰jx\ ‘‘YÂ&#x;^\ “mxzÂ’\ qjz\ ”jˆj\ of Cecil!. The Governor’s daughter, Gina even accused of stealing the de`w‡mˆ‰jx\“z\_qj\ mˆŠ]j\Y<jwinvites him over to her place ceased’s phone. Ella, who works with Cecil dant that another body was also and drugs him in the process. She begins to seduce him and apparently, had an accident on brought in, even though it had they spend the night together. her way back from Ghana with been burnt beyond recogniAs events tion. The only interesting piece The next morning, the gov- Cecil. Some of Joe’s colleagues m‡\ `xjw_`–ZY_`mw\ mw\ _qj\ ^jZmwx\ unfold, Zahra ernor’s daughter is found dead! ^qm”\ ]Â?\ `w\ _qj\ m0Zj\ ”`_q\ Yw\ corpse was the deceased’s wedChidi tries to clear all evidence `xjw_`–ZY_`mw\ _qY_\ “j‘mwŠjx\ _m\ needs an escort ding ring.


for a Valentine’s ball dinner and she bumps into,Tyrone(Majid Michel),an attractive young man.They remain casual during the evening and exchange light banters and jabs too.Soon, the chemistry develops and Tyrone becomes bessoted with her


Glitz & Glam

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 3, 2014

Double celebration for Joke Silva


ou cannot but fall in love with this screen diva. Every time, one watches her movie, she leaves viewers and fans alike, in awe of her acting prowess as well as her diction. She is none other than Joke Silva. On September 29th, the veteran actress was a year older and she also received a national award (MFR) that same day in Abuja. On hand to felicitate with her was her husband, Olu Jacobs as well as her son, Gbenga who is a splitting image of his father. Silva was one of the recipients at the National Honours award ceremony which took place at the National Conference Centre, Abuja. The trio posed for the cameras just after she received her award. Congratulations in order to the actress. No doubt, it was a well deserved gift for the thespian.

Brewing tension between Tiwa Savage and Tee Billz? Tee Billz is said to no longer be in charge of her calls, and doesn’t accompany her to events anymore. This Bukola Bakare highlighted at was the Africa Unplugged eports in some event at London, where section of the the couple were not media report- spotted together. edly suggest turbulent Yesterday was also times in the marriage of Tee Billz’s birthcelebrity couple, Tiwa day and Tiwa SavSavage & Tunji ‘Tee age didn’t wish him Billz’ Balogun. happy birthday unAccording to reports, til seventeen hours Tiwa has sacked her when she uploaded q]^ Ywx\m \ j\ mw_q^\ a photo of him. It has from being her man- got everyone talking ager. and we all hope all is


well with the power couple. In another development, she has named Meka Millions as her new manager. The new manager who is said to be a protégé of TeeBillz is now saddled with the responsibilities of going to most events with her, pick calls on her behalf and many more. Meka Millions is also currently managing fast rising rapper, Olusegun Olowokere aka Iceberg Slim.

Akon’s official DJ for Heineken Green Light


kon’s official DJ, Benny D will set the ball rolling for the takeover of three premium nightclubs in Lagos over the next two months The ‘Heineken Green Light’ club parties will also feature a limited edition Heineken bottle called Ignite, which is a smart, interactive bottle that lights up and glows in sync with music, beats and motion, thus adding flair to the club party night. According to organizers, other surprise international DJs will be announced as the

clubbing series kicks off on October 4th at Club Escape in VI, Lagos. Benny D, real names,

Benny Demus also produced ‘Don’t Let Up’ which appeared on Akon’s multi-platinum debut album, ‘Trouble’.

K9 releases video for Care About Us …features Sound Sultan T qj\ `xjm\ m \ Äâ^\ recent single, Care About Us which features Sound Sultan reportedly leaked online late last week. The singer/

songwriter who just recently got signed to Big Baby Entertainment had earlier tweeted that the video would be released this

week in celebration of Nigeria’s 54th anniversary. The video was shot in Festac by Jassy Generation pictures.

Annie Idibia bags award


retty wife of Tu-face Idibia is also a bundle of talents just like her husband. Having fea-

tured in a number of Nollywood productions, The mother of two recently won the Actress of the Year award at the Peace Ambassadors Achiev-

ers Award which was held recently in Abuja. The actress was elated at the honour bestowed on her in recognition of her contributions to the


Daily Newswatch

News of Islam FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Hajj: Pilgrims benefit from orientation programme SUBAIR MOHAMMED


undreds of pilgrims qYx\ jwj _jx\ m \ Y \ m `jw_Y_`mw\ m Y \ qj x\ ^j Y Y_j z\ `w\ _qj\ _ m\ Z`_`j^\`w\ Y]x`\ `w xm \_m\ jZ_] j\ ` ` ^ qj\x]m\m \ mqY Yx\ Y jj \ Y^ `\ and Abdur Rahman Umari have been m Yw`Ã`w \_qj\m `jw_Y_`mw\ m Y j^\ m \ ^j j Y \ zjY ^\ wm \ qj j`w\ _qjz\ jZ_] j\ ` ` ^\mw\x`$j jw_\Y^ jZ_^\m \ _qj\ ` ` Y j\ Ywx\ _qj\ Zm jZ_\ Yz\ m \ j m `w \Y \ Y \ `_]Y ^ `_q\ _qj\ Y`x\ m \ m jZ_m \ Ywx\ ^ `xj^ \ Y^ `\ Ywx\ Y `\ j Y`w\ _qj\ ^Y `jw_\ jY_] j^\ m \ x`$j jw_\ Y \ `_]Y ^\ _m\ ` ` ^\`w\_qj\qm z\ Ywx \ w\ `zYxq \ Y_\ _qj\ Z m^j\ m \ _qj\ j^jw_Y_`mw \mwj\qm] \ Y^\xjx`ZY_jx\_m\ Y\ ]j^_`mwªYwxªYw^ j \ ^j^^`mw\ qj j\ ` m _Yw_\ ]j^_`mw^\ j j\ Y`^jx\ mw\ x`$j jw_\ Y ª j Y_jx\`^^]j^ \ ]^qY Y \ `\ Y j\ ^m j\ ]^j ] \ jx`ZY \ `w^_ ]Z_`mw^\ _m\ _qj\ ` ` ^ \ w\ jxxYq \ qY[ªjª Y` Y\ ]^_\ Y ^m\ organized a similar programme in q`Zq\ Y^ `\ j^jw_jx\ q`^\ Y \ m `jw_Y_`mw\ m Y j\ _q m] q\ Y\ m jZ_m Pilgrims during Hajj ] _`\ `Y]xxjjw\ Y ^q Ywx`\ m \

Y `Y\ `ÃY `Y\ ¶ zxj Y Yx·\ Y j\ Y\ jZ_] j\mw\_qj\ ` _]j^\m \ Y \Ywx\x j \ Y<jw_`mw\m \_qj\ Y _`Z` Yw_^\_m\Y\ ] Yw`Z\ j ^j\] `w \_qj \_m\^qm \ Y_`jwZj\Ywx\ SUBAIR MOHAMMED mmx\ Ywwj ^\x] `w \ Y qj\ ]^ ` \ ` q_^\ mwZj w\ \ jj \ qYw\ Y Y[` \ Zmw jwj \ m \ ¶ ·\ qY^\ Zm jwxjx\ _qj\ m Y j \^Y`x\`w\q`^\ jZ_] j\_qY_\ _qj\ ` j `Yw\ ` `_Y z\ m \ _qj\

Y \ ^qm] x\ j\ j m jx\ `_q\ qY Y \ xjY_q\m \ m[m\ Y Y \ jYxj \ `wZm j\ ¶ mwjz\ jY wjx\ _q m] q\ j Y \ ]qY Yx\ Y^q` Yz^·\ jZY]^j\ Y \ `^\ m ` Y_m z\ m \ q`^\ Y^\ Zmw_Y`wjx\ `w\ Y\ j^^\ Y\ ]^ ` \ mw z\ mwZj\ `w\ q`^\ ` j\ Ywx\ `_\ ^qm] x\ j\ jj\m \qY Y \¶` j Y ·\`wZm j \ ^_Y_j jw_\ ^` wjx\ z\ _qj\ x` jZ_m \ m \

MURIC lauds military over death of Boko Haram leader


Cleric canvases prioritising child education MANSUR OLADUNJOYE


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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

News of Islam


OAU Muslim alumni commends FG, LSG on Ebola containment MIKAIL MUMUNI, Abuja

President, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, in the recent $9.3million arms deal he Federal and Lagos scandal in South Africa,â€? pointing State governments have out that “UNIFEMGA and all wellbeen commended for the meaning people the world over are swift manner with which disturbed by the unholy alliance they contained the Ebola between the Federal Government Virus Disease (EVD) in the country. and the CAN President.â€? The commendation was made by Other high points of the the Obafemi Awolowo University communique was that the Muslim Graduates Association association resolved to improve (UNIFEMGA) in a communique partnership with all relevant released in Abuja yesterday at the bodies in her alma mater and other end of its national retreat held in stakeholders for greater visibility Omu-Aran, Kwara State, with the and leverage on established theme “Refreshing the Strategic goodwill. It also resolved to Agenda: A Community Respected collaborate more extensively with and Trusted.â€? relevant MDAs, legislative bodies The association said the measures and organizations within and adopted by the governments and the m]_^`xj\ _qj\ Zm]w_ˆz\ ‡mˆ\ “jwj–Z`Y‘\ success recorded demonstrated “the goals. ability of the Nigerian government The association also resolved and people to address any threat to partner with the Federal with the right political will.â€? Government and all stakeholders UNIFEMGA in the communiquĂŠ, to improve the quality of and signed by Professor AbdulWahab access to education in Nigeria. It Š“j”m‘j\ Ywx\ ‘qY‹`\ “x]‘ Y<Yq\ added that it has re-engineered her Olanlege, National President and empowerment programmes for its National Secretary respectively, members and students to make it urged the Federal Government to all encompassing from admission `w_jw^`‡z\ `_^\ j$mˆ_^\ _m\ ˆj^Z]j\ _qj\ till graduation from the university Chibok girls and make adequate _m\Y<Y`w\ŠˆjY_jˆ\qj`Šq_^Â’ preparations for their rehabilitation. On the current insurgency and It equally “condemned in strong other societal ills the nation is terms the alleged involvement of going through, it noted that the the Federal Government and CAN lack of proper understanding of


L-R: The National Missioner of NASFAT, Alhaji Gbade Akinbode, Dr. AbdulLateef Adetona, Deputy Chief Missioner, Alhaji Abdul Azeez Maruf and Governor of Osun State, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola during the 15th Annual Women’s Week, at NASFAT International Prayer centre, Mowe, Ogun State recently.

correct Islamic values were part of retreat to take the lead in correcting their root causes and added that this via its education programmes Y\ ^�jZ`–Z\ Zqm`Zj\ ”Y^\ ‰Yxj\ Y_\ _qj\ for members and the general public.

Network urges N/Assembly to probe $9.3m arms scandal

Oritsejafor for trying to extricate himself from the illegality because Eid-il-Adha: NSCIA congratulates Muslim ummah he Nigerian Muslims of his claim that the jet was hired out TAYO SALAMI 1Z]^@Aˆ 101 \EB by Eagle Air in which he has only unprecedented adversity befalling the ummah of Muhammad worldwide called on the National “residual interest�, it pointed that he Nigerian Supreme Council Ew` BEHAGYHZ ^G]\ ]\Z [ZDGZ? ]\E] $DDE\ Assembly to constitute the CAN president had severally ?@A ,BDEFGH $IEGAB 16&,$ rewards and replenishes as He wishes. an investigative panel to suggested that Nigerians, especially under the leadership of the probe the whopping sum of $9.3 Christian communities, be allowed Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji While felicitating with Muslims and million meant for the purchase of to bear arms purportedly for selfMuhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, defence, and so this matter should has congratulated the entire Muslim xA{Gw{ ]\ZF ]@ AZ_ZH] @w ]\Z ?EH] ]\E] arms. not be treated lightly. Ummah in Nigeria and beyond on the wZG]\ZA ]\Z _ZB\ w@A ]\Z [D@@` @? ]\Z In a release signed by Alhaji The release added that, “the BEHAGYHGED EwGFEDB AZEH\ $DDE\ [x] @xA Ibrahim AbdulKadir and Alhaji auspicious occasion of this year’s Eid)Z`ZAED *@‘ZAwFZw] )* \EB GBBxZ` piety, the NSCIA urged the ummah Najeeb Gambo, the Amir and il-Adha celebrations. a statement shamelessly admitting Abubakar in a release signed by the to continue to pray on these days of General Secretary of the association Secretary-General, Professor Ishaq tashreeq that Allah would continue on behalf of their members, it urged ownership of the cash. We believe Oloyede, said, “As millions of our to expose and humiliate those the National Assembly to prosecute this is just an attempt to cover brethren converge in the holy precincts who manipulate state power and anybody found guilty in the case up the illegality and shield those of Ka’abah, Muna, Muzdalifah and Christianity to malign, denigrate and so as to assure Nigerian citizens, involved, because of their closeness Arafah in these blessed days and attack Nigerian Muslims for ungodly especially Muslims, of their safety to the Presidential Villa. It is an open secret that there is an illicit relive the commitment, patience and and mundane purposes. Abubakar urged Muslims who are and security. relationship between the Pastor BEHAGYHZ @? ,[AE\GF ]\Z ?E]\ZA @? ?EG]\ The association noted that the Muslims in Nigeria are enjoined to not on pilgrimage to fast on the day discovery and subsequent detention and the Presidency. It will therefore use this occasion to demonstrate the of ‘Arafah,’ intensify the recitation of of the private/commercial jet not be surprising if the Presidency faith of Ibrahim against the backdrop Al-Qunut and engage in meritorious stashed with the mind-boggling would stoop to the lowest to defend of the contemporary challenges facing activities with the conviction that amount from the shores of Nigeria him. This attempt by the Federal Allah will take charge of our concerns. the ummah. by the South African authorities is Government to explain the volatile According to him, “Ibrahim’s faith “We pray that Allah accept our ‘ibadah Ew` BEHAGYHZ GwHAZEBZ @xA ‡GGFEw Ew` not only highly embarrassing but issue is not only unacceptable but ^GDD [Z AZ_ZH]Z` Gw ]\Z xw_GwH\Gw{ also highly suspicious. good deeds and grant us the faith of suspicious. commitment to Islam, despite the :\GDZ ]\Z AZEB@wB @IZAZ` [” ]\Z Ibrahim and divine protection,� he While condemning Pastor Ayo powerful forces massed against it in FG for resorting to procurement added. Nigeria today; patience in the face of of arms through the black market without due process as enshrined in the Procurement Act guiding such transactions is untenable, we he custodian of the two millions of Muslims all over the world. with its problems and requirements. holy mosques, King Thus, it is the duty of the Muslim “It is important to establish positive challenge the FG to publish the Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, ummah to abide by and protect Islamic relations with other cultures for a memo or the minutes of the Federal has called on Muslims culture since misconceptions and [A@E`ZA H@@—ZAE]G@w Ew` ?xDYDDGw{ (•ZHx]G‘Z )(& FZZ]Gw{ ^\ZAZ to embrace modernity violence have created an atmosphere the requirements of contemporaneity such procurement was debated without discarding Islamic cultural of confusion and chaos. Adding does not go against our culture, which and approved. We believe that the values. He made this notion at ]\E] –]\Z xFFE\ B\@xD` ?xDYDD G]B is based on Islamic values and Arabic illegitimacy involved was the whole reason why a private jet of someone the opening ceremony of the 15th commitments on international and language. Makkah conference organized by humanitarian cooperation.� “Today our ummah is passing close to the Presidency was used, the Muslim World League, tagged, Speaking further, he said, “The through disturbing times, which despite the number of jets available “Islamic culture: Originality and ummah should not let the values necessitates our Islamic scholars and ^G]\Gw ]\Z 3AZBG`Zw]GED _ZZ] contemporaneity.� of human rights, freedom and writers to study the shortcomings and It added that, “the whole scenario In a speech delivered on his behalf democracy slip out of its purview. We deal with them with wisdom.� also smells of money laundering. by the Makkah Governor, Prince should maintain a balance between He urged Islamic scholars to From whichever perspective it is Mishal Bin Abdullah, the king said, originality and contemporaneity, formulate programmes and plans that viewed, the action is reprehensible, “The glittering Islamic culture and ^\GH\ GB Ew ZIZH]G‘Z ?@AF @? would spread the true image of Islam dishonourable, illegal and a threat civilization is a unifying force for interaction in this age and dealing and combat deviant thought. to national security.�




Islamic culture unifies Muslims globally–King Abdullah



Islam and your health

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only) Hospital in Tennessee. In one study, those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49 per cent lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease compared with those who consumed less potassium (about 1000 mg per day). High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones. Diabetes: Studies have shown that type Âą\x`Y“j_`Z^\”qm\Zmw^]‰j\q`Šqª–“jˆ\x`j_^\ have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One cup of cherry _m‰Y_mj^\Â?ˆm˜`xj^\Y“m]_\ÂŻ\ŠˆY‰^\m‡\–“jˆ’ Skin: Collagen, the skin’s support system is reliant on vitamin C as an essential nutrient that works in our bodies as an antioxidant to help prevent damage caused by the sun, pollution and smoke, smoothens wrinkles and improves overall skin texture. Constipation: Eating foods that are high omato is a vegetable every not a magic bullet, so you can’t drink, lower incidence of prostate cancer.â€? household cannot do without. It smoke and eat saturated fats and say it is Among younger men, diets rich in `w\ ”Y_jˆ\ Zmw_jw_\ Ywx\ –“jˆ\ ‘`[j\ _m‰Y_mj^\ is used mostly to prepare soups okay because I’m eating tomatoes. It is best beta-carotene may play a protective role can help to keep you hydrated and and stews, but many people who to eat tomatoes as part of a Mediterranean against prostate cancer, according to a your bowel movements regular. Fiber is consume this vegetable do not diet, with plenty of fruits and vegetables.â€? study conducted by the Harvard School of essential for minimizing constipation and adding bulk to the stool. [wm”\`_^\qjY‘_q\“jwj–_^Â’\ m‰Y_m\qY^\‡m]ˆ\ Gerry Hayman, spokesperson for the Public Health’s Department of Nutrition. Pregnancy: Adequate folic acid intake is chambers, so also is the heart. Tomatoes British Tomato Growers’ Association, Colorectal Cancer: Beta-carotene when it is ripe, is red and the heart is also investigated the lycopene content in consumption has been shown to have an essential for pregnant women to protect red in colour. Extensive researches have x`$jˆjw_\˜Yˆ`j_`j^\m‡\_m‰Y_mj^Â’\ qj\ˆj^]‘_\ inverse association with the development against neural tube defects in infants. Depression: The folic acid in tomatoes shown that tomatoes are indeed pure of his investigation revealed that, “Slow- of colon cancer in the Japanese population. heart and blood food. ripening, imported types of tomatoes tend `Šq\ –“jˆ\ `w_Y[j^\ ‡ˆm‰\ ‡ˆ]`_^\ Ywx\ may also help with depression by Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins to have lower levels of lycopene. They have vegetables are associated with a lowered preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body, which can A and C and folic acid. It contains a been bred for long-life, and this interferes risk of colorectal cancer. ”`xj\ YˆˆYz\ m‡\ “jwj–Z`Y‘\ w]_ˆ`jw_^\ Ywx\ with the ripening process. The important According to the American Cancer prevent blood and other nutrients from antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid, thing is to enjoy tomatoes – especially Society, some studies have shown that reaching the brain. Excess homocysteine lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene when you’re trying to encourage children people who have diets rich in tomatoes interferes with the production of the feeland lutein. to eat them.â€? may have a lower risk of certain types of good hormones serotonin, dopamine and Alpha-lipoic acid helps the body qj\ “jwj–_^\ m‡\ Zmw^]‰`wŠ\ ‡ˆ]`_^\ Ywx\ cancer, especially cancers of the prostate, norepinephrine which regulates not only mood, but sleep and appetite as well. to convert glucose into energy. Some vegetables of all kinds including tomatoes lung and stomach. Weight reduction: Tomatoes are one of evidence suggests that alpha-lipoic acid Yˆj\ `w–w`_jÂ’\ ^\ Â?‘Yw_\ ‡mmx\ Zmw^]‰Â?_`mw\ Blood pressure: Maintaining a low aids in blood glucose control, improves goes up, the risk of heart disease, diabetes sodium intake is essential to lowering the low-calorie vegetables and are also vasodilation and protects against and cancer goes down. High fruit and blood pressure, however increasing very low in any fat contents and have zero retinopathy in diabetic patients and may vegetable intake is also associated with potassium intake may be just as important cholesterol level. Nonetheless, they are an even help preserve brain and nerve tissues. healthy skin and hair, increased energy “jZY]^j\ m‡\ `_^\ ˜Y^mx`‘Y_`mw\ j$jZ_^Â’\ excellent source of antioxidants, dietary Choline is an important nutrient and lower weight. Increasing consumption According to the National Health and –“jˆÂ?\‰`wjˆY‘^Â?\Ywx\˜`_Y‰`w^Â’\ w\YZZm]w_\ found in tomatoes that helps with m‡\ ‡ˆ]`_^\ Ywx\ ˜jŠj_Y“‘j^\ ^`Šw`–ZYw_‘z\ Nutrition Examination Survey, fewer than of their all-round qualities, dieticians sleep, muscle movement, learning and decreases the risk of obesity and overall 2 per cent of U.S. adults meet the daily and nutritionists often recommend them in cholesterol controlling and weight memory. Choline also helps to maintain mortality. 4700 mg recommendation. the structure of cellular membranes, aids Cancer: As an excellent source of the Also of note, a high potassium intake is reduction-diet programmes. Eyes protection: Zea-xanthin is another in the transmission of nerve impulses, strong antioxidant vitamin C and other associated with a 20 per cent decreased ÂŤY˜mwm`x\ Zm‰Â?m]wx\ ‡m]wx\ Y“]wxYw_‘z\ assists in the absorption of fat and reduces antioxidants, tomatoes can help combat risk of dying from all causes. Zqˆmw`Z\`wÂŤY‰‰Y_`mwÂ’ the formation of free radicals known to Heart health:\ qj\ –“jˆÂ?\ Â?m_Y^^`]‰Â?\ in tomatoes. Zea-xanthin helps protect Lycopene is the antioxidant that gives cause cancer. vitamin C and choline content in tomatoes eyes from “age-related macular diseaseâ€? tomatoes the rich red colour. Tomatoes Prostate Cancer: Lycopene has been all support heart health. An increase in Âś ¡\ `w\ j‘xjˆ‘z\ Â?jˆ^mw^\ “z\ –‘_jˆ`wŠ\ account for 80 per cent of lycopene linked with prostate cancer prevention potassium intake along with a decrease harmful ultra-violet rays. The vegetable consumption. in several studies. According to John in sodium intake is the most important contains very good levels of vitamin zZmÂ?jwj\‰Yz\qj‘Â?\_m\”Yˆx\m$\Â?ˆm^_Y_j\ Erdman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of dietary change a person can make to Â?\ ÂŤY˜mwm`x\ Yw_`ÂŞmÂ?`xYw_^Â?\ Â?Yw_q`w^\ cancer. Much of the interest in tomatoes the Department Of Food Science and reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, and lutein. Altogether, these pigment has been due to the antioxidant lycopene Human Nutrition at the University of according to Mark Houston, M.D., M.S., compounds are found to have antioxidant – which helps to mop up damaging free Illinois, “There’s very good, strong, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at properties and help in vision, maintain radicals in the body that can harm our epidemiological support for increased Vanderbilt Medical School and director of healthy mucus membranes, skin and cells. In fact, people living in the West get consumption of tomato products and the Hypertension Institute at St. Thomas bone health. Consumption of natural ˜jŠj_Y“‘j^\Ywx\‡ˆ]`_^\ˆ`Zq\`w\ÂŤY˜mwm`x^\`^\ 85 per cent of this nutrient from tomatoes. known to help protect from lung and oral Apart from prostate cancer, lycopene cavity cancers. ‰Yz\ qj‘Â?\ _m\ ”Yˆx\ m$\ “ˆjY^_\ ZYwZjˆÂ?\ Good source of vitamin C, Vitamin B stomach cancer and age-related muscular and Potassium: Additionally, tomatoes are degeneration. And it could boost the also a good source of antioxidant vitamin skins ability to protect itself against ultraC (provide 21% of recommended daily violet rays. Some studies have suggested levels per 100 g); consumption of foods lycopene may play a role in reducing bad rich in vitamin C helps the body develop cholesterol. resistance against infectious agents and ZZmˆx`wŠ\ _m\ ˆ’\ qm‰Y^\ _]<Y‡mˆxÂ?\ scavenge harmful free radicals. Also, an expert in prostate cancer and vicefresh tomato is very rich in potassium. president of Prostate UK, “The important Potassium is an important component thing to remember is that you need m‡\ Zj‘‘\ Ywx\ “mxz\ ÂŤ]`x^\ _qY_\ qj‘Â?^\ `w\ a whole tomato to get its goodness. controlling heart rate and blood pressure Lycopene is best when combined with caused by sodium. Furthermore, tomatoes m_qjˆ\ “`mÂŤY˜mwm`x^\ `w\ _m‰Y_mj^\ ”q`Zq\ contain average levels of vital B-complex ‰Y[j\_qj\‘zZmÂ?jwj\‰]Zq\‰mˆj\j$jZ_`˜jÂ’ÂĽ\ vitamins such as folates, thiamin, niacin, Also, Sian Porter, a dietician at the British ˆ`“mÂŤY˜`w\Y^\”j‘‘\^m‰j\j^^jw_`Y‘\‰`wjˆY‘^\ Dietetic Association, said, “It’s important like iron, calcium, manganese and other to remember that lycopene has to be taken trace elements. as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. It’s

Tomatoes ward off prostrate cancer –Experts


Lycopene is the antioxidant that gives tomatoes the rich red colour. Tomatoes account for 80 per cent of lycopene consumption Lycopene may help to ward off prostate cancer

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

Conference of Holy Qur’an


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Oneness of Allah



slamic Scholars have divided the Concept of oneness of Allah into three broad categories, namely Tauheed Uluhiyyah, Tauheed Hubbubiyyah and Tauheed Sifaht wal-Asma’. Tauheed Uluhiyyah is the Oneness of God in His right to be worshipped. This statement is underscored by the declaration of faith: “La ilaha illala Allah,” that is “there is no one worthy of worship except Allah.” This is the foundation for faith in the religion of Islam. In other words, there is no Islam without this fundamental statement. Remove this statement and you cease to be a Muslim. This is one statement that has been running through the vein of belief since the dawn of time. This statement is supported by another important statement, namely : “Muhammad Rosullullahi,” meaning, “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” This second statement is authenticated by Allah, Himself, when He said: “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets.” Prophet Muhammad is so dear to Allah that He declared : “Certainly Allah and His angels shower prayer and praises on the Prophet, Oh you who believe, shower prayer on him generously.” The second category of Tauheed, Rububiyyah is fundamental in Islam and exclusive to Allah. Whether you believe in Allah as Robb – the Lord – or not, He is and remains so as He had been from time immemorial.

This fundamental statement is made in Surat-ul-Fatiah, Opening chapter of Holy Qur’an, where Allah is pronounced as Robbul-alahmeen,” meaning, “the Lord of the Worlds.” qj\ ^` w` ZYwZj\ m \ _q`^\ ^_Y_j jw_\ `^\ the monumental responsibility of catering for the entire creation in both the heavens and the earth, which Allah says “does not distress Him,” in Ayatu-Qursiyyu. The import of this statement is that only Allah provides sustenance and protection for all human beings, animals, plants and all other creatures on land, in the seas, in the heavens and the cosmos. The Qur’an has said that: “A leaf xmj^\wm_\ Y \m$\_qj\_ jj\j Zj _\ `_q\ the knowledge and permission of Allah.” Elsewhere, Allah says: “it is not for a soul to die except with the permission of Allah, as ordained at a jx\_` j ¥ For instance, when it rains all human beings – irrespective of their religious

j ^]Y^`mw\ ` \xj ` j\ jwj _^\ m \ rainfall. Similarly, all people enjoy _qj\ jwj _^\m \^]w Yz^\ `[j\_qj\^m Y \ energy which invigorates systems with its planetary power. Again, the plants which are moistened by rainfall, and which makes photosynthesis from sunrays, are consumed by Christians, Muslims, African traditional religionists and the atheists alike. There is no discrimination in the benevolence of Allah. This is a demonstration of the quality of Rububiyyah, Lordship of Allah over the worlds, which He does not share with anyone. It is also a manifestation of the qualities of ArRahman – an exclusive title of Allah, being the Benevolent God Who takes care of all the world without discrimination. This quality imposes on Allah the responsibility of catering for you in this world whether you believe

There is no discrimination in the benevolence of Allah. This is a demonstration of the quality of Rububiyyah, Lordship of Allah over the worlds, which He does not share with anyone

in Him or not. As long as He has decided in His own wisdom to create you into this world, He carries the liability of taking care of your needs for as long as you remain on earth. The third class of Tauheed, Asma’ and Asfaht – confers on Allah the exclusive rights to His 99 names – and _qj\x` `wj\Y< ` ]_j^\ q`Zq\ j\xmj^\ not share with any of His creatures. For instance, “every soul shall taste death,” while Allah does not die just as He was not born. Allah has no son just as He has no parents. Conversely, a barren woman is ^Yx\ jZY]^j\ ^qj\ qY^\ wm_\ ] jx\ _qj\ q] Yw\ Y< ` ]_j\ m \ mZ jY_`mw \ Marriages have often broken down for lack of children to bless the matrimony. So, it is simply human _m\ j j_\Ywx\ j\ j m<jw Again, Allah needs neither partners nor partnership to execute programmes in his Kingdom. Whenever He desires a thing, He simply tells that thing to be and it is! It is as simple as that. In the same vein, Allah is neither overtaken by slumber nor sleep. In the same way, Allah has no look-alike. The Holy Qur’an in Surat-ul-Ikhlas, says “…and there is no one like Him!” (Qur’an 112 : verse Í· \\ qj^j\Y j\j Z ]^` j\Y< ` ]_j^\m \ Allah which He does not share with anyone. Holy Qur’an raises three cases against those who stand up against the doctrine of Islamic monotheism. To Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and what are in between them. He creates whatever He wishes and has power over all things.” (Qur’an 5 : 18) Allah knows best!


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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2014

23 years old man commits suicide in Jos occurred in the Bukuru Area of Jos South Local lateau Police m˜jˆw‰jw_\ ˆjY\ m‡\ _qj\\ Command has State. commenced w˜j^_`ŠY_`mw\ “z\ Y`‘z\ i n ve s t i g a t i o n Newswatch revealed that to unravel the the deceased mother, Cemystery surrounding the cilia Sunday that the vicdeath of a 23 year old _`‰Â&#x;^\ ‘`‡j‘j^^\ “mxz\ ”Y^\ zm]wŠ\ ‰Yw\ Â?`xjw_`–jx\ found dangling from a as Lucky Sunday whose rope he tied to the ceiling lifeless body was found of her bedroom. hanging in his room yesMrs. Sunday noted that terday. her son had a history of The incident believed bad temper but she could to be an act of suicide GYANG BERE, Jos


Ahmed inaugurates committee on creation of new LCDAs. BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin.


he Kwara State governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed has inaugurated YÂŞÂąĂ?\ ‰Yw\ Zm‰‰`<jj\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ creation of Local Council Development Authority (LCDA) in the State. qj\ Zm‰‰`<jj\ ”q`Zq\ `^\ headed by a Board of Trustees (BoT) member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Alhaji Abubakar Kawu Baraje, has eight weeks to submit its report. Other members of the com‰`<jj\Yˆj\ ‘qY‹`\ Y`x]\ ^^YÂ?\ ‘haji Khaleel Bolaji, Mr. Tunde ‰YˆÂ?\ “x]‘ YqY“\ ^^YÂ?\ ˆ’\ Joshua Ogunlowo and Alhaji Rasaq Umar. The rest include Prof. Halidu Abubakar, Chief Wole [jÂ?\ q`j‡\m‡\ _Y$\_m\ m˜jˆwmˆ\ Ahmed, Alhaji Muhammad Toyin Sanusi, Dr. Abubakar ^qm‘Y\Ywx\ ‘qY‹`\ “x]‘ Yx`ˆ\ Oba Salihu. qj\ Zm‰‰`<jjÂ&#x;^\ _jˆ‰^\ m‡\ ˆj‡jˆjwZj\ Yˆj\ _mĂ‚\ xjw_`‡z\ Y‘‘\ basic parameters contingent to _qj\ZˆjY_`mw\m‡\ ^\]^`wŠ\ variables peculiar to the Kwara environment while borrowing relevant experiences from other States that have similar structures; “Consider all factors related _m\ ˜`Y“`‘`_z\ Âś w_jˆwY‘‘z\ jwjˆated Revenue, population, land area, etc.) in suggesting an area for LCDA status; identify a suitable community as headquarters taking due cognizance of precedence in administrative responsibility in arriving at the choice; “Consider other relevant factors that will ensure uniformity, equity, fairness, and greater sense of belonging; Assess the possibility of converting existing districts into development YˆjY\Zm]wZ`‘^\”`_q\‘`<‘j\Yx‹]^_ment where necessary and review the reports of similar exercises carried out in the past and any other considerations _qj\Zm‰‰`<jj\–wx^\Â?jˆ_`wjw_\ to successful completion of this crucial assignmentâ€?. The governor added: “As presently constituted, the local government structure remains largely inadequate considering our population, land mass and other demographic features.

not say who or what drove him to commit suicide. ZZmˆx`wŠ\_m\qjˆ�\• \qYx\ just returned from the ‰Yˆ[j_\ ”qjˆj\ \ ”jw_\ _m\ sell grains when we discovered his lifeless body. \ ”Y^\ xˆjwZqjx\ ‡ˆm‰\ _qj\ ˆY`w\^m\ \”jw_\^_ˆY`Šq_\_m\ the bathroom to remove ‰z\Z‘m_q’\ ‡_jˆ\_qY_\ \_ˆ`jx\ to enter the room but it was locked from behind. \ “YwŠjx\ Ywx\ ZY‘‘jx\ m]_\

his name but there was no response. She further disclosed that their neighbours said they heard him singing to a radio song earlier in the day and when suddenly there was silence, they assumed he had taken a nap.� Mrs Sunday said they found his lifeless body dangling after the door was forcefully opened Yxx`wŠ\ _qY_\ _qj\ ‰Y<jˆ\

was reported to the police while the corpse was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. The Police Public Rela_`mw^\ 0Zjˆ�\ ‰‰Yw]j‘\ Abuh when contacted said,� it is true we have a report of a young man ”qm\ Zm‰‰`<jx\ ^]`Z`xj\ by hanging himself in Bukuru, Jos m]_q\ \ m‡\ _qj\ _Y_j\ capital. The police are in˜j^_`ŠY_`wŠ\_qj\‰Y<jˆ’

Peace committee co-ordinator for Benue/ Nasarawa to be honoured GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi

bajimba, headquarters of ]‰Y\ ‘mZY‘\ Šm˜ernment area of Benue state would be adorned with many colours when the traditional council honours their son, Alhaji Aliyu Tashako, for restoring peace between the Tiv and Fulani in Benue and Nasarawa states. Daily Newswatch gathered that the dis_ˆ`Z_\ qjYx\ m‡\ “Y‹`‰YÂ?\ q`j‡\ _j˜jw\ ”Y_^jÂ?\ sought approval from higher authorities before notifying Tashako of the award ceremony which would be graced by representatives of the police commissioners in the two states and members of the civilian joint peace committee drawn from Tiv and Fulani communities. Sources close to the traditional council also told our correspondent that governors of the two states have been invited to the event which would hold at the pub‘`Z\ ^Âœ]Yˆj\ `w\ “Y‹`‰“Y\ next Saturday. Erosion threatening Gombe-Dukku road near the Federal College of Education in Gombe State...yesterday. The honouree, Alhaji Aliyu Tashako told Daily Newswatch in an interview that a letter has been sent to him in respect of the honorBISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin. The accused person ary chieftaincy title that code law. \ \ _\ Yxxjx\ _qY_\ _qj\ Zm‰pleaded guilty when ar- would be given to him. The convict was charged w\ ‘mˆ`w\ YŠ- for snatching H.T.C hand- plainant raised alarm for raigned before the court. He said friends from assistance and the convict istrate Court set valued at N54, 000 beThe police prosecutor, across Nigeria have has sentenced ‘mwŠ`wŠ\_m\mwj\ ‰jjwY_\ ^- was pursued and arrest- ‘`‹Y\ “jŠ]wxj\]ˆŠjx\_qj\ been invited to grace one Popoola ^Yq\m‡\ mĂ‚\Ă„Ă?Â?\ x]w\ _ˆjj_Â?\ ed by good Samaritans court to convict Ademola the occasion and pointAdemola, 22, ‘mˆ`wÂ?\ ”YˆY\ _Y_j\ZYÂ?`_Y‘’\ around the area, stressing as charged, arguing that ed out that the Tiv and that the accused person to four months imprison_qj\m$jwZj\•`^\˜jˆz\ˆY‰- Fulani in the two states qj\ m‘`Zj\ `ˆ^_\ w‡mˆ‰Y- confessed to the crime. ment for theft. _`mw\ jÂ?mˆ_\ Âś ¡Â?\ ^_Y_jx\ now coexist peacefully. • w˜j^_`ŠY_`mw\ Zmwx]Z_- pant in the societyâ€?. The presiding Magis- that the victim (Ameenat \ w\q`^\‹]xŠ‰jw_Â?\ YŠTashako said some jx\Y_\ \m0Zj\ˆj˜jY‘jx\ trate, M. K. Aluko who ^^Yq¡\ qYx\ ˆjÂ?mˆ_jx\ Y_\ istrate Aluko convicted Fulani herdsmen were that the suspect is of quesgave the judgment, con- the Special Anti Robbery him, sentenced him to recently arrested over victed the accused person, Âœ]Yx\m0ZjÂ?\ ‘mˆ`w\Y‘‘jŠ`wŠ\ tionable character with- four months imprisonallegations of rape, asout reasonable means who was arraigned before that the convict snatched ment adding that he sault and killing and the court for theft contrary her handset while on her of livelihood and that he should be given 12 strokes commended the police Zm‰‰`<jx\ _qj\ Y‘‘jŠjx\ m‡to section 287 of the penal ”Yz\‡ˆm‰\Y\‡ˆ`jwxÂ&#x;^\Â?‘YZjÂ’ of cane. for commencing the in‡jwZjÂĽÂ?\_qj\ \^Y`xÂ’\ vestigation. He urged Tiv and Fulani communities in the ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja two states to send rep _\”m]‘x\“j\ˆjZY‘‘jx\_qY_\ ritories and not Anambra w]Š]\^_Y_jÂ’ He said Odagba Com- resentatives to the ocsince the commissioning State. n aspirant for of the oil exploration faciliAbalaka who is vying for munity in Okaba had vast casion, stressing that _qj\ xYqÂ?\ “Y‹`Â?\ ties belonging to Orient Pe- _qj\ xYq\ jxjˆY‘\ Zmw^_`_]- reserves of coal, but it is a the event would further ‡]\ Ywx\ Š- troleum Resources (OPR) ency ticket on the platform poor, quiet community in strengthen the cordial alamela/Odo- at Aguleri-Otu Aguleri in of the PDP urged the Presi- Kogi State, with a history relationship between lu Federal wY‰“ˆY\ Y^_\ m]wZ`‘\ dent to use his position and of being sidelined and los- the two groups. Constituency in Kogi state, Area of Anambra State by ensure justice is brought to ing its identity due to the _\ ”m]‘x\ “j\ ˆjZY‘‘jx\ wŠ`wjjˆ\ [m‹`\ Yw`j‘\ “- ˆj^`xjw_\ mmx‘]Z[\ mwY- bear in the dispute which refusal of the federal gov- that the Alhaji Aliyu alaka has appealed to Pres- than where he declared has lingered for too long ernment to pay royalty to Tashako peace restora`xjw_\ mmx‘]Z[\ mwY_qYw\ Anambra State as the 10th and has put development the host state. tion committee between to declare Kogi State as the oil-producing state, there at bay in the communities. He said as an aspir- the Fulani and Tiv in 11th oil producing state to have been claims and agitaHe recalled the case of the ant aiming to represent Benue and Nasarawa douse the tension among tions from the neighboring coal mine in Okaba in Kogi the Federal constituency states was inaugurated the neighboring commu- ^_Y_j^\ m‡\ mŠ`\ Ywx\ w]Š]\ state where the commu- ”qjˆj\ “Y‹`\`^\Y‘^m\‘mZY_jxÂ?\ in April this year and nities bordering Udeke that the oil deposits being w`_z\ ^]$jˆjx\ ]w_m‘x\ xjŠ- qj\ xmj^\ wm_\ ”Yw_\ _qj\ “Y‹`\ since then, there has `w\ “Y‹`\ `w\ mŠ`\ ^_Y_j\ Ywx\ explored by the company radation from the activities Â?jmÂ?‘j\ _m\ ^]$jˆ\ _qj\ ^Y‰j\ been relative peace beAguleri in Anambra state. tween the two groups. were domiciled in their ter- but the glory was taken to fate as the Okaba people.

Man sentenced to four months imprisonment for handset theft.


F.G urges to declare Kogi 11th oil producing state


Daily Newswatch

remilekun oyo (1952- 2014)


Jonathan, OBJ, NGE, others mourn CLEMENT NWOJI, BOLU-OLU ESHO,


resident Goodluck Jonathan, former president, Olusegun Obasanjo, the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), as well as several other individuals and bodies, yesterday expressed immense sadness at the news of passing away of one of the most eminent Nigerian female journalists and former Managing Director of News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Dame Felicia Oluwaremilekun Oyo. Remi Oyo, who was a Presidential Spokesman under Obasanjo and also a Fel m \m \ \Ywx\`_^\ ^_\ jmale president, according to her husband, Vincent, “died peacefully on Wednesday (October 1, 2014) in the United Kingdom where she was receiving treatment for a cancer related ailment.” Jonathan, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Reuben Abati, extended condolences to the widower, her children, Otome and Okiemuote, her surviving siblings and other relatives. The President similarly commiserated with the Nigerian Guild of Editors, which Dame Oyo served most admirably as a twoterm president in the course of her trail-blazing journalism career, the management Ywx\ ^_Y$\ m \ \ Y^\ j \ as the many colleagues, friends and protégés she garnered in her very ful jx\\ ` j He expressed believe that although she was already much honoured in life with accolades and awards, in-

Z ]x`w \ 0Zj \ m \ _qj\ der of the Niger, Dame Oyo would always be remembered. Former President Obasan m\ zj^_j xYz\ m_j\ Y\ j<j \ of condolence to Vincent, the husband of his erstwhile media aide, the late Remi Oyo, commiserating with him and lamenting that the sudden death left a very sour taste in his mouth. He described the deceased as a “dutiful and hardworking woman and she gave her very best to the end in the service of her fatherland. She was not only dutiful she was a professional and loyal to the core. Not only loyal in terms of her job but loyal in terms of being a Nigerian. “Her integrity was above board and on no account could you persuade her to do what she considered not to be right. Ever resourceful, trustworthy and conducting herself with humility, Remi left an indelible mark in her national assignment at the federal level, even as the Managing Director of News Agency of Nigeria, at some point. qj\ wY `_z\ m \ j ` ^\ passage is painful, especially as she still had a lot to contribute to her family, to which she was highly devoted, her community and the entire nation but we can draw solace that she lived a very responsible and caring life. Indeed, her manners and conduct while alive will continue to linger in our memory and serve as a source of inspiration.” He, however, consoled the

widower, Vincent Oyo and children of the deceased as well as the family, saying, “I extend my heartfelt condolences to the entire family on this bereavement and pray that God Almighty will grant you the fortitude to bear this great loss. May the soul of our dearly beloved Remi rest in perfect peace.”

The Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) also joined others in mourning the passage of Oyo, saying she will long be remembered by NGE for her exemplary leadership qualities, which brought the guild out of a near comatose state, with about 200 members and transformed it into a vibrant associa-

tion of senior editors, with more than 400 members. Her tenure as the NGE president marked a new beginning for the guild and laid a solid foundation for its transformation into a force to be reckoned with in the country, a release issued by NGE’s Secretary-General, Isaac Ighure noted.


ormer Vice President Atiku Abubakar has said the death of Oyo was not only a loss to Nigerian journalism but also to Ni-

gerian women at large. Atiku, who disclosed this in a condolence message released by his mex`Y\ m0Zj\ `w\ ] Y\ mw\ Thursday, noted that the late former Managing Director of NAN had dis-


overnor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta yesterday expressed regrets at the death of Mrs. Oluremi Oyo, stating that she left indelible footprints in the history of Nigeria. In a statement, the governor said the late Mrs. Oyo will be remembered for her pioneering role as a journalist, editor, media manager, community leader and ultimately, as spokeswoman of former President Obasanjo. Uduaghan pointed out _qY_\ ^qj\j Zj jx\`w\ Y `ous roles assigned to her as a thorough bred professional, culminating

`w\ j`w \ j jZ_jx\ _qj\ ^_\ female president of the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), a position used in providing responsible leadership for journalists in the country. He particularly applauded the simplicity,

G Late Oyo

tinguished herself in her profession as an excellent and hardworking journalist, who rose to the position of president of the Nigeria Guild of Editors. The former vice president noted that Oyo’s

rise to prominence in her chosen profession was a testimony to the fact that m jw\ Zm] x\ Y<Y`w\ Ywz\ position through excellence, once the opportunity was given to them, explaining that late Oyo

was a pride to Nigerian journalism and womanhood at large, adding that she was a role model to many professional m jw\ Zm `<jx\ _m\ hard-work and excellence.

poise and humility with which she executed tasks assigned to her, ensuring that the media remained a pillar that could not be ignored in the country’s nascent democratic experiment. “Irrespective of which

political divide you belong, one fact that was visible to all was her determination to make the media relevant and sustain it as an important pillar of democracy. That is why I regret that she would not be around to contribute

her quota in the transition to the 2015 general elections,” he lamented. Uduaghan asked God to grant the deceased family, NGE, NAN and the media fortitude to bear the loss and exit of a quintessential Amazon like Mrs. Oyo.

‘NUJ NAN Chapel will miss her’ TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja


he Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) chapel has expressed regrets at the demise unto glory of their former Managing Director, Dame Oluremi Oyo.


he Senate has described as shocking, the death of Mrs. Oyo, recalling her contributions to media development, particularly her pivotal role in revolutionising news gathering through wire services as exempli jx\`w\qj \^_j `w \ j m mance in NAN as its Managing Director. Senate’s spokesman, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, in a statement on Yesterday in Abuja, said “Senate is really shocked, knowing that her loss is another blow to the media industry in Nigeria, coming in quick succession to m_qj \ q` q\ m j\ xjY_q^\ of notable media professionals in recent time.” Abaribe said the Senate will really miss her.


She left indelible footprints in Nigeria’s history –Uduaghan SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba


Amosun saddened

Oyo was a role model to professional women - Atiku SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja

news 61 Senate shocked

“Our amiable former MD would have been 62 on October 12 but it pleased her Creator to call her home at a time family and well-wishers were looking forward to celebrate her worthy life,” said the chapter chairman, Rev. Ajide Felix. “We deeply mourn her

demise and will greatly miss her dedication to the journalism profession, tireless leadership and contribution to the development of the media in Nigeria. “As our mentor and leader in NAN, we recall with fond memories her passion and dedication to duty, strong commit-

jw_\ _m\ ^_Y$\ j Y j \ her belief in hard work, reward for hard work and the unity of Nigeria.” The NUJ NAN chapel extended ite deepest condolences to Dame Oyo’s family and prayed that God comforts her family and also grant her eternal rest.

overnor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun has expressed sadness at the death of Dame Oyo. A statement by his Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on Media, Mrs. Funmi Wakama, Amosun said he was shocked by the sudden death of the veteran journalist, describing it as a big loss to journalism in particular and the media industry in general. “Dame Oyo was not only an icon of an ideal journalist but also a trailblazer in the pen profession, who was well respected in the media world. I recall those days at the Villa, when I was a senator, I used to marvel at her energy and dedication to duty as Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to President Obasanjo between 2003 and 2007. “I used to wonder how a woman could keep up with such a strenuous job Y^\_qj\ ^_\ j Y j\^ m[j^person to a president.” The governor also acknowledged her superlative performance in all professional capacities, saying “As a reporter, editor and Nigerian bureau chief of Rome-based Inter Press Service News Agency (IPS), Remi Oyo exhibited a passion for journal`^ \ q`Zq\ Yxj\qj \Y<Y`w\ greater heights, including j jZ_`mw\Y^\_qj\ ^_\ j Y j\ president of the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) and subsequent appointment as Managing Director of NAN.” He described the deceased as a shining example to other female journalists, commiserating with her family, manage jw_\ Ywx\ ^_Y$\ m \ \ NGE, as well as the media industry in Nigeria.

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Daily Newswatch

-Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 2, No. 420

Friday, October 3, 2014


Personal labours, national honours


et me specially appreciate these people, the taxi driver, Imeh Usuah, Corporal Solomon Dauda, presidential steward, Mr. Michael Onuh. Those who take into criminalities because of poverty are not quite right because myself and some of you here knew where we are coming from. We passed through stress but we didn’t take to criminality. For these gentlemen, we appreciate you.â€? With the above words this Monday, President Goodluck Jonathan himself captured the top highlights of the National Honours Awards of this year while garlanding the 313 (originally 305) Nigerians and others who were deemed to have made ^`Šw`–ZYw_\ Zmw_ˆ`“]_`mw^Â?\ _qˆm]Šq\ Â?jˆ^mwY‘\ labours, to the development of Nigeria. The three gentlemen specially appreciated by the President, with the designer of the wY_`mwY‘\ÂŤYŠÂ?\ Y\ `ZqYj‘\ Y`”m\ [`w[]w‰`Â?\ Y‘^m\ ^Â?jZ`–ZY‘‘z\ YZ[wm”‘jxŠjx\ ‡mˆ\ qY˜`wŠ\ “contributed so much to the history of this countryâ€?, are the poster guys for this year’s awards ceremony because they are just ordinary Nigerians doing /who did extraordinary things. _\ `^\ wm_j”mˆ_qz\ _qY_\ ‡mˆ\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ _`‰j\ in many years, it appears that ordinary Nigerians, not only politicians, top technocrats, powerful though corrupt individuals and money bags only, can also considered for such national recognitions. While the taxi driver returned a princely ^]‰\ m‡\ ¹Õ\ ‰`‘‘`mw\ ‡mˆŠm<jw\ `w\ q`^\ ZYˆ\ by a passenger, the presidential steward survived “about nine Presidents and nine First Ladiesâ€?, since the time Shagari, a miracle of a man indeed! There is no doubt that the Honours Award m‰‰`<jj\ _q`^\ zjYˆ\ x`x\ Y\ ‰Yˆ˜j‘‘m]^\ job for which the President deserves commendation. The thoughtfulness of the diverse selection is remarkable and that framework should be made to endure. As Y\‰Y<jˆ\m‡\‡YZ_Â?\qYˆx‘z\”m]‘x\Ywz\Â?ˆj˜`m]^\ edition surpass the quality of the current 2013/2014 honours, as symbolised by the four men mentioned and many others, since the award was instituted in 1963 through the Order of Dignity Act. However, what would have made the honours perfect was the oversight engendered by the exclusion of the late Dr. Stella Ameyo Adadevoh and Nurse Justina Ejelonu. The argument that the awards are not given posthumously is hollow in a situation where the “doctrine of necessityâ€?, which incidentally brought President Goodluck Jonathan to power, would have been re-invoked to celebrate the two ladies

”qm\^YZˆ`–Zjx\_qj`ˆ\‘`˜j^\^m\_qY_\”j\”m]‘x\ not all die of Ebola Virus Disease. No one would blame the Government for taking recourse to that “doctrine�. It is to the personal credit of these professional Amazons, especially Dr Adadevoh that the rampaging Ebola has been contained in Nigeria and for which the `w_jˆwY_`mwY‘\Zm‰‰]w`_z�\‡mˆ\_qj\–ˆ^_\_`‰j\ in many years, was obliged to commend us for doing something right: the response to Ebola. Supposing the two women of honour did not take the risk they took at the critical _`‰j\ _qY_\ `_\ ‰Y<jˆjx�\ ‰Yz“j\ _qj\ ˆjŠ`mwY‘\ pandemic would have become an epidemic in Nigeria, something even beyond the Liberian proportions. Apart from names previously mentioned,


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RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji 07089781189 (SMS Only)

of Ilorin appears twice through the names of its former and incumbent Vice-Chancellors. Both Professors Oloyede and Ambali richly deserve the awards for the personal labours they had expended in evolving a University to beat. For more than a decade now, the University of Ilorin has carved a niche for itself as the most peaceful and stable public university in Nigeria. It is therefore not ^]ˆÂ?ˆ`^`wŠ\ _qY_\ YÂ?Yˆ_\ ‡ˆm‰\ “j`wŠ\ _qj\ –ˆ^_\ University in Nigeria to be ranked within _qj\“j^_\¯°\_”jw_z\`w\ `Šjˆ`YÂ?\–ˆ^_\`w\¯°¹¹\ (by the ranking web of world universities or webometrics), then in 2014 (by For International Colleges and Universities), the

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another striking thing is the prominence of the University of Ilorin in the awards list. This prominence is underscored by the Zmw‡jˆ‰jw_\ m‡\ _qj\ 0Zjˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ jxjˆY‘\ jÂ?]“‘`Z\ Âś ¡\ Ywx\ 0Zjˆ\ m‡\ _qj\ ˆxjˆ\ of the Niger (OON) on the immediate past Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Is-haq O. Oloyede, and the current Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Abdul Ganiyu Ambali, respectively. It is phenomenal that of the seven universities (out of 129 universities in the Zm]w_ˆz¡\”qm^j\Y0‘`Y_jx\Â?jˆ^mwY‘`_`j^\”jˆj\ honoured, only the name of the University

University has raised the bar of excellence and remains the most beloved University in the country. Based on the data from the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), the University of Ilorin emerged in Nigeria from being the 8th most preferred university in 2011 to the 5th most preferred in 2012. The University became the 2nd most preferred University last year and the most preferred this year, with no fewer than 105,000 applicants, placing the University of Benin at a distant second with 74,000 applicants.

This quantum and progressive improvement is due to the quality of leadership the University has, as symbolised by the personal labours of the honoured x]m\Ywx\_qj\`w^_`_]_`mwY‘\j$mˆ_^\_m\‰Y[j\_qj\ w`˜jˆ^`_z\–ˆ^_\Y‰mwŠ\jÂœ]Y‘^Â’\ qj\Y”Yˆx^\ are richly deserved. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE, HAPPY SALLAH! If weeks were to compete for honours, this week would win gold due to three major phenomena that characterise it. Apart from the colourful awards ceremony that made Abuja to stand still on Monday, Nigeria also became 54 years old as an Independent nation two days ago, precisely, October 1, 2014. qm]Šq\mw‘z\‘`<‘j\`^\_qjˆj\_m\Zqjjˆ\Y“m]_\ on how Nigeria has been managed by its successive leaders till date, that the country remains one, despite the daunting challenges it faces, is still notable. The commemoration of the day, which has lost its usual colours, two days ago, was another opportunity to hope Nigeria would, in a not-too-distant future, be able to unleash her full potential and occupy a pride of place in the eyes of her citizens and the rest of the world. The week of celebrations will peak tomorrow with the big Sallah or Eidul Adha, the celebrations of which has even made the Federal Government to declare next Monday and Tuesday as public holiday. In his Sallah message conveyed on the Independence Day, the Secretary General of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic $Y`ˆ^\ Âś ¡Â?\ ˆm‡’\ ^ÂŞqYÂœ\ Â’\ ‘mzjxjÂ?\ felicitates with the Muslim Ummah and urges them to demonstrate the faith of ˆmÂ?qj_\ “ˆYq`‰Â?\”qm^j\^YZˆ`–Zj\_qj\”qm‘j\ festival. According to the release, “this Ibrahimic ‡Y`_q\ ”`‘‘\ “j\ ˆjÂŤjZ_jx\ `w\ _qj\ ]wÂŤ`wZq`wŠ\ commitment to Islam, despite the powerful forces massed against it in Nigeria today; patience in the face of unprecedented adversity befalling the ummah of ]qY‰‰Yx\”mˆ‘x”`xj\Ywx\^YZˆ`–Zj\”`_q\ the belief that Allah rewards and replenishes as He wishes.â€? “While felicitating with Muslims and ]ˆŠ`wŠ\_qj‰\_m\ˆjÂŤjZ_\mw\_qj\‡YZ_\_qY_\wj`_qjˆ\ _qj\ ÂŤj^q\ wmˆ\ _qj\ “‘mmx\ m‡\ _qj\ ^YZˆ`–Z`Y‘\ animals reach Allah but our piety,â€? the Council urges the Ummah to continue to pray that Allah continue to expose and humiliate all those who terrorise Nigerians with the instruments of politics and religion.

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH NEWSPAPERS LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. ISSN 2354-3639 DELE FASHOMI

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