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Daily Newswatch

South West

Friday, September 5, 2014

Osun 2014: PDP, APC trade words over arrest, suspension of INEC officials MICHAEL OLANREWAJU, Osogbo


eoples Democratic Party (PDP) and All Progressives Congress (APC) have started trading words by accusing each other over alleged arrest and XYXZ[\X]^\_ ^`_ fj^_ ^Mk]qxX_ ^`_ Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for electoral malpractices during the governorship election held in Osun State on August 9. ]\]Xf[‚_ ^`_ ^x]k[_ <q]‚Xƒ_ x„q…]_ †‡Yx_ [x]x]_ ‡[X]ˆq\ƒ_ described the development as beginning of electoral victory `^‚_ ƒ_ j„]x[_ _ [‰Z„qsised that it is irresponsible manipulation of facts by PDP. It would be recalled that the fj^_^Mk]qxXƒ_ q†Y\‰]_ _ _q\‡_ X]\x^ˆ[_ _ ƒ_ qkk^‚‡]\Š_ f^_ ƒ_j[‚[_qkkYX[‡_^`_X[xx]\Š_ thumb printed ballot papers to APC and manipulation of form EC8 series to favour the party and thus making INEC „[q‡�Yq‚f[‚Xƒ_ †Y…q_ f^_ jq‡[_ ]\f^_f„[_‰q;[‚_f^jq‚‡X_]\Ž[Xtigating to ascertain whether ^‚_\^f_f„[_^Mk]qxX_j^‚�[‡_`^‚_ APC to rig the election. A statement issued Wednesday by Chief Press Secretary f^_f„[_‰]\]Xf[‚ƒ_ qx[_ �]\^xqƒ_ ]\_ X^Š†^ƒ_ f„[_ Xfqf[_ kqZ]fqxƒ_ emphasised that suspension ^`_ f„[_ fj^_ ^Mk]qxX_ ]X_ q\_ ]\dication that the governorship election held in the state on August 9 was massively rigged in favour of the incum†[\f_ Š^Ž[‚\^‚ƒ_ Š†[\]_ qY`_ ‚[Š†[X^xqƒ_ qŠq]\Xf_ f„[_ Z[^ple’s will. „[_‰]\]Xf[‚_q‡‡[‡_f„qf_f„[_ ‚[Ž[xqf]^\_ „qXƒ_ ]\‡[[‡ƒ_ Ž]\dicated PDP that the election was fraught with electoral

Osun constitutes road maintenance gang MICHAEL OLANREWAJU, Osogbo


overnment has constituted Community qX[‡_ ^q‡_ q]\f[nance for the purpose of maintaining the roads constructed †ˆ_ ^ÂŽ[‚\^‚_ qY`_ ‚[Š†[X^xq led administration and pave way for providing new ones towards easing transportation of farm produce to the market. „[_qŠ[\kˆ_]X_‰q‡[_^`_ˆ^Yf„X_ of between 18 and 52 years who would be deployed to their various communities for easy maintenance of roads. Permanent Secretary of the Xfqf[_ ]\]Xf‚ˆ_ ^`_ qf[‚_ [X^Y‚k[Xƒ_ Y‚qx_ [ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\f_ q\‡_ ^‰‰Y\]fˆ_ <q]‚Xƒ_ ‡[x[‚[_ ‚]^x^j^ƒ_j„]x[_X]Š\ing contract agreement for the qŠ[\kˆ_q\‡_]XXYq\k[_^`_k[‚f]—kqf[X_f^_]fX_^Mk]qxX_]\_ X^Š†^ƒ_ f„[_ Xfqf[_ kqZ]fqxƒ_ [‰Z„qX]X[‡_ that lack of maintenance culture in the society is huge barrier to development. ‚]^x^j^ƒ_j„^_]X_qxX^_qX_f„[_ Project Coordinator of Osun Y‚qx_ kk[XX_q\‡_ ^†]x]fˆ_ ‚^Â…[kf_ Â? ¤ žƒ_ ‡]Xkx^X[‡_ f„qf_ the present administration is on course towards ensuring that all road projects are adequately maintained. He promised that the state government would do everything possible to appreciate any good road maintenance gang that performed well apart from f„[_ ‰^\f„xˆ_ k^‰Z[\Xqf]^\Xƒ_ stressing that ladies’ involvement in the gang is paramount. [q\j„]x[ƒ_ [‚‰q\[\f_ [kretary of the state Ministry of Works and Chairman of Project Monitoring Committee of L–R: Head of Lubes, Oando Marketing Plc, Lilian Ikokwu; Deputy Chairman, Motormechs and Technicians Association of Nigeria (MOTAN), ¤ ƒ_ Y‚Y‡[[\_ ‡[qŠ†^ƒ_ ! "# #$ %& '#$* " +! - ./ 01 %&2$3 45$71#28$ 93<7$* 9 -/ = *>$#2- ?@7 B +2 F0 G >1-K = - 2- Q2*$7# * 3 S @@V& 7> commended Aregbesola for Global Services, Shola Balogun, Assistant General Secretary of Nigeria Automobile Technicians Association (NATA), Lagos State Chapter, his total commitment towards Olakunle Mosadoba; during the sign-on ceremony for 100 mechanics selected by Oando Marketing Plc to undergo two-month intensive qk„][ÂŽ]\Š_f„[_fq‚Š[f_^`_ ¤ Â&#x; malpractices and irregularities. According to the statement: “It is on record that the candidate of PDP in the governorship election held in Osun fqf[_^\_ YŠYXf_”ƒ_ fY\†q_ ˆ]ola Omisore and state chapter of the party rejected outcome of the poll on the basis of irregularities and electoral fraud that greeted its process and conduct. – „qf_ ]X_ j„ˆ_ j[_ „qÂŽ[_ —x[‡_ a petition at the Election Petif]^\_ ‚]†Y\qx_X];]\Š_]\_ X^Š†^_ to challenge the victory of ^ÂŽ[‚\^‚_ qY`_ ‚[Š†[X^xq_ qf_ f„[_Z^xxƒ_†Yf_x[XX_f„q\_q_j[[Â?_ q`f[‚_j[_„qÂŽ[_—x[‡_Z[f]f]^\_qf_ f„[_ f‚]†Y\qxƒ_ fj^_ ^Mk]qxX_ ^`_ INEC were suspended for colluding with APC in Osogbo

and Obokun local government councils to rig the election. – „[]‚_q‚‚[Xf_q\‡_XYXZ[\X]^\_ has proved our claims beyond any reasonable doubt that the election was massively rigged because it is our collective belief that a castle built on lies cannot stand the test of time. “I want to urge INEC to do thorough investigation on the ]XXY[_ f^jq‚‡X_ Š[;]\Š_ f^_ f„[_ ‚^^f_^`_f„[_‰q;[‚_j]f„_q_Ž][j_ to exposing and punishing the culprits according to the electoral law. I believe that if it is ‡^\[ƒ_ ‰^‚[_ Z[‚Z[f‚qf^‚X_ ^`_ electoral fraud during the election would also be exposed and dealt with accordingly.�

^j[Ž[‚ƒ_ qkk^‚‡]\Š_ f^_ f„[_ statement issued by the state ]‚[kf^‚_^`_ Y†x]k]fˆƒ_ [X[q‚k„_

q\‡_ f‚qf[Šˆ_ ^`_ ƒ_ Y\x[_ Oyatomi: “APC in Osun State has called on INEC to clear the air urgently on information Š]Ž[\_ f^_ f„[_ ZY†x]k_ †ˆ_ ƒ_ qxx[Š]\Š_ f„qf_ fj^_ ^`_ ]fX_ Xfq<_ have been suspended and are under investigation for manipulating results of the governorship election held in the state on August 9 in favour of APC in two local government councils. “It is unfortunate that handlers of PDP have gone to town manipulating facts and Zxqk]\Š_^<[\k[X_^\_ _†[]\Š_ their intended victim. It is on ‚[k^‚‡_f„qf_^\_š_ YŠYXfƒ_X^‰[_ vigilant youths impounded a truck loaded with ballot papers to be used for the governorship election the follow-

ing day (August 9) and it was widely reported. – „[_ fj^_ Z[^Zx[_ ]\_ k„q‚Š[_ of the vehicle that was arrested ]\kxY‡[‡_ x[kf^‚qx_ Mk[‚_ ^`_ Obokun Local Government ^Y\k]xƒ_ [ŠY\_ X„]x^Â?Y\_q\‡_ X‰q]xq_ q^—Â?ƒ_ j„^_ j[‚[_ qxleged of being in possession of electoral materials before INEC started distributing f„[‰_Â?f„[_‰qf[‚]qxXžÂ&#x;_ „[_fj^_ culprits were handed over to the police and later taken to the state CID in Osogbo. – X„]x^Â?Y\_q\‡_ q^—Â?_j[‚[_ later released to a chieftain ^`_ _ `‚^‰_ x[ `[ƒ_ xq‡]Z^_ xq‡qZ^ƒ_ j]f„^Yf_ q\ˆ_ k„q‚Š[_ Z‚[XX[‡_qŠq]\Xf_f„[‰Â&#x;_ „[_^‚der to release them was simply said to have come from above.â€?

#* 2-2- &$@/ # 2#! &$ / 3<7$ 2- ! *$7$-#@V

Ogun 2,200 pregnant women get SURE-P health care payout BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


o fewer than ÂŤÂƒÂŤÂŹÂŹ_ Z‚[Š\q\f_ women and nursing mothers at Olose community in Ifo Local Government Council of Ogun State „qÂŽ[_†[\[—;[‡_`‚^‰_ Y†X]‡ˆ_ []\ÂŽ[Xf‰[\f_ q\‡_ ‰Z^j[‚‰[\f_ ‚^Š‚q‰‰[_ Â?  ž_ maternal and child health initiative. Chairperson of the Board of Directors of National Ear q‚[_ [\f‚[ƒ_ q‡Y\q_ fqf[ƒ_ ‚_ Â? ‚Xž_ †]X^xq_ ^‡]Z^ xq‚Â?ƒ_ spoke during a programme held at the Olose community’s Primary Health Care Centre. kk^‚‡]\Š_ f^_ ^‡]Z^ xq‚Â?ƒ_ the programme is part of President Goodluck Jonathanled administration’s moves towards reduction of maternal mortality across the country. She disclosed that the Condif]^\_ qX„_ ‚q\X`[‚_Â? ž_Zqˆ^Yfƒ_j„]k„_]X_f„[_f„]‚‡_f‚q\k„[ƒ_ is meant to augment expenses of pregnant women and nursing mothers during antenatal

and postnatal periods. – [f_ ‰[ƒ_ f„[‚[`^‚[ƒ_ [\…^]\_ f„[_†[\[—k]q‚][X_f^_[\XY‚[_f„qf_ whatever amount of money is given out to them here is

expended on their individual antenatal and postnatal care. “Please and for the sake of your baby and your own health q\‡_ j[xx Â†[]\Šƒ_ qÂŽ^]‡_ q_ X]fYq-

f]^\_ j„[‚[_ ˆ^Y_ f‚[qf_ f„[_ _ payout as your own share of the ²\qf]^\qx_kqÂ?[¤Âƒ_j„]k„_ˆ^Y_kq\_ expend on ‘aso ebi’ (ceremonial cloth) for the next social event

ˆ^Y_Zxq\_f^_q;[\‡Â&#x; – [‡[‚qx_ ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ should be commended for its magnanimity towards pregnant women and nurs-

]\Š_ ‰^f„[‚XÂ&#x;_ ^ƒ_ ˆ^Y_ X„^Yx‡_ reciprocate the good gesture by ensuring that the money is spent on what it is meant for and wisely too.â€?

Ekiti health workers protest non-payment of subvention/salary ^F?SF4 FQ4BF_`j F/ 4>2#2


ealth workers in Ekiti State under the aegis of Joint Health Sector Union have protested alleged nonpayment of salary and subvention to hospitals in the state. „[_ Y\]^\_ ŠqŽ[_ f„[_ Xfqf[_ government till September 15 to pay their July and August salaries or be prepared to face industrial action. It also urged the government to release the two months accumulated subvention to the state-owned hospitals towards enabling them to carry out their responsibilities to both workers and the society. „[_qŠŠ‚][Ž[‡_j^‚�[‚X_k^\verged on the gate of Ekiti

fqf[_ \]Ž[‚X]fˆ_ [qk„]\Š_

^XZ]fqx_ Â? ž_ ˆ[Xf[‚day as early as 7 am and carried placards with various inscriptions denouncing government’s action. Chairman of Joint Health Secf^‚_ \]^\ƒ_ _ „qZf[‚ƒ_ ^xq_ Â…^ƒ_‡]Xkx^X[‡_f„qf_]f_]X_Y\fortunate that the state govern‰[\f_‡]‡\¤f_‚[XZ^\‡_f^_q_x[;[‚_ sent to it a week ago demanding release of the outstanding subvention to the hospital. Ojo lamented that the delay in releasing July and August subventions has impacted negatively on the hospital as it is unable to pay its workers’ salaries and put in place necessary things towards improving on working condif]^\_ ^`_ „[qxf„_ j^‚Â?[‚Xƒ_ q‡‡ing that even the July salary

government claimed to have paid could not be accessed in the banks.

^j[Ž[‚ƒ_ „][`_ [‡]kqx_ ]‚[kf^‚_ ^`_ ƒ_ ‚_

“It is disturbing that as at ^xqj^x[_ ŠY\‡]Z[ƒ_Xq]‡_f„[_ hospital is being owed only September 4 people are pro YŠYXf_ XY†Ž[\f]^\ƒ_ Xf‚[XX]\Š_ testing non-payment of Authat the workers’ salary for gust salary.� July has been paid.

Bankole keeps mum on guber ambition, calls for unity BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


mmediate past Speaker ^`_ ^YX[_ ^`_ [Z‚[X[\fqf]Ž[Xƒ_ ]‰[…]_ q\�^x[ƒ_ kept several of his supporters in suspense yesterday when he visited Ogun State secretariat of Peoples Demok‚qf]k_ q‚fˆ_ � ž_ qf_ Yf^ƒ_ †[^�Yfqƒ_ ŠY\_ fqf[_ kqZ]fqxƒ_ qX_ „[_ ‚[`YX[‡_ f^_ k^‰ment on his speculated governorship ambition. Many members and supporters of the state chapter of PDP stormed its secretariat as early as 7 am from all

local government councils of the state with various banners and posters heralding Bankole’s declaration for the ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŻ_ Š^ÂŽ[‚\^‚X„]Z_ ‚qk[_ ]\_ the state. xX^ƒ_ f„[_ Xfqf[_ x[q‡[‚X„]Z_ of PDP was shocked when Bankole simply said he went to the secretariat towards appealing to members of f„[_ Zq‚fˆ_ `^‚_ Y\]—kqf]^\_ and reconciliation of all agŠ‚][ÂŽ[‡_ ‰[‰†[‚Xƒ_ f„^YŠ„_ ]fX_ k„q]‚‰q\ƒ_ qˆ^_ qˆ^ƒ_ assured him (Bankole) of resolve of the party’s execu-

tive to provide level-playing ground for all aspirants. According to Bankole: “We are not the only party with isXY[XÂ&#x;_ `_k^Y‚X[ƒ_j[¤ÂŽ[_x[q‚\f_ ^Y‚_x[XX^\X_]\_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_„q‚‡_jqˆƒ_ especially with the results of ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŽ_ [x[kf]^\XÂ&#x;_ „qf_ ]X_ j„ˆ_ most of us are going round the state to make sure we reconcile as many members as possible and bring those who have left the party back into Â&#x;_ X_ j[_ q‚[_ Y\]f]\Šƒ_ qX_ j[_ q‚[_ ‚[k^\k]x]\Šƒ_ j[_ „qÂŽ[_ ‰Yk„_ †[;[‚_ k„q\k[_ f„q\_ j[_ ‡]‡_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŽÂ&#x;°

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014


Youths, women, protest in Otuoke University, calls for VC’s removal



rate youths and women from the newly established Federal University, Otuoke, home community of President Goodluck Jonathan in Ogbia Local Government area of Bayelsa State yesterday barricaded the en-

trance into the University over alleged refusal of the institution to employ and give out admission slots to indigenes of the community. The protesters are also calling for the removal of the Vice Chancellor, Professor Mobalaji Aluko, Xqˆ]\Š_f„[ˆ_„qŽ[_XY<[‚[‡_ neglect since the new Vice

Chancellor assumed of—k[Â&#x; The protest, which started at about 8am,led to the closure of the entrance into temporary sites of the institution and the disruption of examination exercise for pioneer and 200 level students of the institution. It took the intervention

of heavy deployment of armed Policemen, men of the Joint Military Task Force code named Operation Pulo Shield, the Oloibiri clan head of the Ijaw Youths Council(IYC) led by Comrade Osaanya Osaanya, amongst other authorities. According to the protesting youths, though

recruitments for employment have been done in the last two years, “we demanded that a total of 319 names agreed by the community should be employed. We also demanded for admission slots by the University. And also demanded for a Memoradum of Understanding with the community on issues of employment and admission.� But the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Mobolaji Aluko, said though the university has never failed in engaging host community of

Otuoke on issues of employment and admission as stipulated in the provided legislation, the institution would not want the academic activities be halted. “Community pressure will come up and we have handled them well. But we don’t want to be compelled and the academic activities of the students disrupted. it is not the protest by the youths that forced us to listen but the need to sustain our community relations policy and not allow Community/Student clash�

Tension in Adamawa, as 14 jostles for PDP gov ticket OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola

T L-R: Former Anambra State Governor, Chief Peter Obi; World Bank Country Director, Marie-Francoise Marie-Nerlly; Minister of Environment, Mrs. Laurentia Mallam and former Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey, during the launching of Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project in Abuja‌yesterday.

Feud between Amaechi, Jonathan ‘ll soon be over, Clark SYLVESTER Asaba



jaw national leader, Chief Edwin Clark said yesterday that the lingering dispute between Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State and President Goodluck Jonathan would soon be over. Speaking with Journalists at his Kiagbodo country home in Burutu Local Government Area, he said Governor Amaechi “ is one of our own and will soon come backâ€?. Chief Clark also advised the Jigawa state governor, Alhaji Sule Lamido, to abandon his ambition to stop President Goodluck Jonathan from conf]\Y]\Š_qX_„[_]X_\^f_Â?Yqx]—[‡_ to succeed the president. He warned Lamido to abstain from making further comments against President Jonathan, describing him as a k^‚‚YZf_ZY†x]k_^Mk[‚Â&#x; He blamed Governor Amaechi for the crisis of interest between himself and President Jonathan, describing him as a recalcitrant fellow. Chief Clark however gave a ray of hope for the relationship between the duo saying works were on to readopt the governor back into the ‘fold’, saying “he is one of usâ€?. On Governor Lamido’s presidential ambition, Chief Clark described President Jonathan’s re-election as a

valid ambition, due the people of the Niger Delta. “Lamido should not speak, if he has not been enjoying immunity, he should have been arrested for meddling with the funds of Jigawa state with his children. His children stole Jigawa’s money, billions naira, he’s a signatory to some of those accounts,

but because he’s enjoying immunity, nobody has spoken.

[¤X_ \^f_ f„[_ —f_ q\‡_ Z‚^Z[‚_ person to govern Nigeria. “Apart from the fact that Jonathan has another four ˆ[q‚Xƒ_ q‰]‡^_]X_\^f_Â?Yqx]—[‡_ to be president of Nigeria. One, educationally, he is not Â?Yqx]—[‡Â&#x;_ ]Š[‚]q_]X_‰q‡[_YZ_ ^`_ ÂŽ[‚ˆ_ Â?Yqx]—[‡_ Z[^Zx[ƒ_ x[f_

„]‰_f[xx_‰[_j„qf_„]X_�Yqx]—cations are. Aminu Kano was the one who brought him YZƒ_ f[xx_ ‰[_ j„qf_ „]X_ �Yqx]—cations are to take over from someone who has a PhD, who has been a lecturer, who has been a governor, who has been a deputy governor. The arrogance must be stopped�, he said.

here is palpable tension in Adamawa occasioned by tomorrow’s governorship primaries of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state. Indication emerged that the PDP national leadership and the presidency are determined to choose one out of the 14 aspirants in the race as consensus candidate. But the Adamawa State Chapter of the PDP is already X[f_f^_½[ž_‰YXkx[_j]f„_f„[_\qtional secretariat and the presidency over who becomes its standard bearer in Saturday’s primaries. The State Working Com‰];[[_Â? ž_^`_f„[_Zq‚fˆ_^\_ Thursday held a crucial meeting with the party’s delegates across the 21 local government areas at the party secretariat on this weekend’s primaries and resolved to stand against any imposition of candidate on the party. Some of the delegates who spoke to reporters on condi-

Nyako’s commissioners forfeit houses OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola


avoid any embarrassment. According to the commissioner, the acquisition of the buildings by some operatives of the immediate past administration was gross act of illegality because due process was not followed in the entire exercise. “The State Executive Council has decided to revoke the purported sale which did follow any due process and was done in total contravention of the existing law of the Owner-Occupier Scheme j]f„_ [<[kf_ `‚^‰_ f^‡qˆƒ_ À‚‡_ September, 2014 “They are to remain as of—k]qx_ Â?Yq‚f[‚X_ `^‚_ X[‚Ž]\Š_ commissioners who are to pay rents should they choose to reside in the quarters. This therefore forecloses the issue of free accommodation even for the serving commission-

damawa State government on Thursday revoked the sale of government residential houses and lodges by ousted Governor Murtala Nyako to his commissioners. The government issued a seven-day ultimatum to the ^kkYZq\fX_ ^`_ f„[_ q<[kf[‡_ houses to vacate it or face the wrath of the law. The government position was contained in a press release signed by state commissioner for the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Bashiru Ahmad. The statement said the ockYZq\fX_ ^`_ q<[kf[‡_ „^YX[X_ are advised to vacate and handover these houses in the next seven days to the Ministry of Housing in order to

ers. “Government viewed the sale of these quarters by the operatives of the past government to themselves at the value of N5 million as a criminal act which cannot be condoned by any responsible government. As we are all aware, the average cost of a virgin plot of land around that area goes to about N70 million much less a developed one,� the statement queried. Meanwhile, the Judicial Panel of Inquiry set up by Adamawa State Acting Governor, Alhaji Ahmadu Fintiri, to probe the Nyako administration has ordered the immediate arrest of Kobis Ari, the Secretary to the State Government in Nyako’s administration. Chairman of the panel, Jus-

tice Bobboi Umar, issued a warrant of arrest at the Thursday hearing of the panel after Ari failed to honour the invitation extended to him by the panel, to appear in person. The former SSG is wanted to respond to the allegation made at the panel by the Executive chairman of Adamawa Board of Internal Revenue, Alhaji Abubakar Tuta, that money realised from proceeds of Adamawa xqĂ q_ ]\_ †YÂ…q_ jqX_ ‚[‰];[‡_ f^_ „]X_ ^Mk[ƒ_ ]\Xf[q‡_ ^`_ f„[_ state revenue board. <^‚f_ †ˆ_ k^Y\X[x_ f^_ ‚]ƒ_ Oladele Olalolo, to stop the panel from taking action on f„[_ ‰q;[‚_ †ˆ_ f[\‡[‚]\Š_ q\_ qM‡qÂŽ]f_`‚^‰_q\_ †YÂ…q_ ]Š„_ Court restraining the panel from compelling the former SSG to appear before it, was rejected by the tribunal.

tion of anonymity said that they were told in the meet]\Š_f^_Xfq\‡_—‚‰_qŠq]\Xf_q\ˆ_ imposition of candidate by presidency or the national leadership of the party. They alleged that aspirants who should be canvassing for votes from delegates were instead summoned to Abuja by the presidency a day to the party primary for the purpose of imposing an anointed candidate on them. Indeed, all 14 PDP aspirants have been summoned to Abuja for emergency meeting by the presidency and the national leadership of the party, as it were, to rob minds together. Daily Newswatch gathered that the meeting was occasioned by media reports that 10 governorship aspirants gang up against the governorship aspiration of some of the frontrunners in the race, particularly former governor of Lagos State, Brigadier General Buba Marwa (rtd), Marcus Gundiri, Nuhu Ribadu and Dr Ahmed Moddibo. According to a source in the party, the PDP national leadership and the presidency were not comfortable with the reports and decided to do whatever humanly possible to unite the party ahead of October 11 byeelection. Investigation revealed that in order to make the party primaries a rancour-free event, the presidency to intervene in the power wrangling by inviting all the aspirants, and they may end up forcing on the aspirants one of the aspirants as consensus candidate. However, one of the aspirq\fX_ j„^_ k^\—‡[‡_ ]\_ ^Y‚_ reporter said that they are smelling rat play in view that the national leadership of the party suppose to be in the state two days to the primary instead they are the one move to Abuja. Meanwhile, former Military Administrator of Plateau State, General Aliyu Kama has debunked rumours spreading in Yola that he has stepped down for an aspirant in the race.

Daily Newswatch





INEC wants to disenfranchise 2 million voters in South East says Ndigbo forum CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha


he Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, has

been accused by an Igbo organization, Ndigbo Unity Forum, NUF, of trying to disenfranchise over 2 million voters from South East geopolitical zone sequel to

Inadequate gas supply cause poor power supply -NACCIMA president ALPHONSUS EZE, Awka


he President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), Alhaji Mohammed Badru Abubukar, has blamed poor power supply in the country since after privatisation of power sector to lack of gas supply to the generation and distribution companies. Alhaji Abubakar who spoke yesterday in Onitsha, the Anambra State

Idemili north empowers 120 women CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha o fewer than 120 rural woman were yesterday at Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra state, empowered by Mrs. Nkiru idemobi, wife of the counk]x_ k„q]‚‰q\ƒ_ ]\_ ‡]<[‚[\f_ skills. She informed that about 12 primary schools and 6 health centers have been built by the administration. She also appealed to rural women especially those in the ten communities that made up her local government to give solidarity to the security measures put in place by Governor Willie Obiano by volunteering information to security agents. Mrs Idemobi who spoke ]\_„[‚_^Mk[_ˆ[Xf[‚‡qˆ_Xq]‡_ Obiano’s vision and mission in securing lives and property of Ndi Anambra must be supported by all women. She said the ongoing local government tour of wife of the Governor , Chief Mrs Ebele Obiano is a blessing to indigent widows , physically challenged ,orphans and vulnerable children in the rural communities . ‘‘With this kind of support I am asking our wom[\_f^_XYZZ^‚f_f„[_—‚Xf_xq‡ˆ_ and her husband, kidnapping and armed robbery will disappear in Anambra as women who are mothers will not hide their children from being prosecuted if they commit any ^<[\k[_ qŠq]\Xf_ f„[_ Z[^Zx[_ and the society�.


commercial nerve centre during the third quarterly meeting of the association, advised Nigerians f^_ —\‡_ ^Yf_ f„[_ kqYX[_ ^`_ poor power supply before crucifying the companies that bought over the generation and distribution companies. He said that no businessman puts his money in an investment with^Yf_ —\‡]\Š_ qjqˆ_ ^`_ recouping his money, saying that it was not deliberate policy or inef—k][\kˆ_^\_f„[_Zq‚f_^`_f„[_ companies but due to the fact that there was no adequate gas power supply to them. The President exZ‚[XX[‡_ k^\—‡[\k[_ f„qf_ the government is working hard to shore up gas supply to these companies, so that there can be improved power supply to the consumers, saying � am sure you are seeing remarkable improvement already in power supply to Nigerians.� Abubakar said that the NACCIMA as an Organised Private Sector (OPS), exist for advocacy to the Government to initiate policies that will create favourable business climate for their members, expressing happiness that the Federal Government has been listening to them in some of their policies.

its inability to register the voters as they have not been able to acquire the permanent voters’ cards. In a press release signed by the NUF chairman, Augustine Chukwudum and made available to newsmen in Onitsha, Anambra state yesterday, it accused _ —[x‡_ j^‚�[‚X_ ^`_ in-experience and inef-

—k][\f_]\_„q\‡x]\Š_ _ q<q]‚XÂ&#x; According to the forum chairman, “we observed numerous complaints from residents of South East that INEC Xfq<_ k„q‚Š[‡_ j]f„_ _ f„[_ responsibility of the registration exercise were not enoughâ€?. “We observed that most of the machines for the registration exercise

always experience break – down,â€? he revealed. Consequently, â€?we call on INEC to ensure issuance of permanent voters cards to eligible voters that were denied the chance of registration as a result of INEC ]\[Mk][\kˆÂ&#x;° The forum called on ‚^`Â&#x;_ ;q„]‚Y_ [Šqƒ_ f„[_ INEC chairman to ensure the supervision of

L-R: Resource Person, Dr. Godwin Abonyi; Chairman, National Union of Journalists, Enugu State Council, Mr. Louis Dilibe; Enugu Chairperson, Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), Mrs. Ifeoma Amuta and World S$ @#& 9* -2€ #2 -  S9 4-1 1 "# #$ % */2- # * Q* 9V2-V$ 4+$<$-$ # #&$ _F 9` 4-1 1 "# #$ 4G @ ‚2*1! Sensitisation Seminar for Journalists in Enugu State...yesterday.

War on Ebola: Amaechi meets religious, traditional leaders best to contain and elimi‌advises against stigmatization nate the disease in the state.

NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


o v e r n o r Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi has called on religious and traditional leaders in the state to collaborate and work with the State government to contain the spread of Ebola virus in the

State. At a meeting with Traditional rulers, church leaders, including the Muslim community in the state, held at Government House, Port Harcourt, on Thursday, Governor Amaechi gave the leaders an expository on the Ebola virus and enjoined them

to partner with his adminstration in its operational ‚[XkY[_ [<^‚fX_ †ˆ_ X[\X]f]Ă ing the people in their different domains. Amaechi warned against the stigmatization of people suspected to be infected with the Ebola virus, adding, that the Rivers State Government was doing its

He urged religious leaders to preach about the disease in their churches and mosques as well as traditional rulers in their various communities. He urged them to encourage those under them to imbibe healthy living and wash their hands regularly. Amaechi pointed out: “Ebola is not a death sentence if properly managed. If you think you are Ebola dent Goodluck Jonathan for positive and you know being the major protagonist and you run away, you of the project. “When I was are living in self-denial, so the chairman of the South- we want our pastors, our East Governors’ Forum, we Imams and our traditional met President Yar ‘Adua and Rulers to pass on this mesappealed that the South-East sage.� be declared an Erosion Disas“First, don’t heal them ter Zone. He set up a commit- for us, don’t touch them tee headed by his then Vice for us, just call us, we will President, Dr. Ebele Goodluck Jonathan. John Odey come there and in six hours also played key role. When after examination of the f„[_ k^‰‰];[[_ Z‚[X[\f[‡_ ]fX_ person, we will get the rereport, Dr. Goodluck assured sult and treat the person us he would see that it was accordingly. We are doing implemented. When he now that to curtail the spread of became the President, we Ebola in our communities, appealed to him to carry out so that we can be free to do what was of importance to our normal businesses. But him- the implementation of for now, don’t live in fear, the report. I am happy the report is being implemented don’t panic. If you suspect and I thank the current Min- a case, please call the Ebola ister of Environment for her line,� Amaechi admonished. support�, Obi said.

Seek lasting solution to erosion menace, WB director


ormer Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey has said that the former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi was instrumental to the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project, under which the World q\�_]X_—\q\k]\Š_f„[_k^\f‚^x_ and management of erosion in selected States. Recalling how he almost single handed pushed for the project even when his colleagues were lukewarm yesterday ‡Y‚]\Š_f„[_^Mk]qx_xqY\k„_^`_ the project at the Transcorps Hilton, Abuja, he called on communities to key in into the project. Speaking at the event, the World Bank Country Director, Marie Francois Marie-Nelly emphasized

„]X_j^‚Â?[‚X_]\_f„[_—[x‡Â&#x; “We call on all Igbo residents in Abia, Ebonyi, and Anambra states that have not registered due f^_ _ ]\[Mk][\kˆ_ ]\_ those states to exercise patience and ensure that they registerâ€?. It reiterated that it will not take it kindly with INEC if those people are disenfranchised.

the need to seek lasting solution to the menace of erosion among the participating states of Anambra, Imo, Ebonyi, Enugu, Abia, Edo and Cross River States. She called for ownership and domestication of the project and commended those implementing it for their innovative approach that emphasizes both reclaimation and control. “I have visited Edo and Anambra under Peter Obi and I was pleased with his commitment, which he demonstrated by being f„[_ —‚Xf_ f^_ Zqˆ_ f„[_ fqf[¤X_ counterpart funds of Five Hundred Million Naira for the project. Ebonyi, Cross River and Imo State have also paid theirsâ€?, she said. Expressing happiness over the Project, the current Minister of Environment,

Mrs Laurentia Mallam said that erosion had done havoc to the participating States, depriving their people of enough land for farming and other engagements. She reiterated the commitment of President Goodluck Jonathan to erosion control in the East and the war against ‡[X[‚f]—kqf]^\_]\_f„[_ ^‚f„Â&#x; In his remarks, the former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi who chaired the project lunch and was accompanied by his former Commissioner for Environment, Dr. Mike Egbebike and that of Budget, Prof. Chinyere Okunna, thanked all those who made it posX]†x[Â&#x;_ ;‚]†Yf]\Š_]fX_XYkk[XX_ f^_f„[_k^xx[kf]ÂŽ[_[<^‚fX_^`_f„[_ South-East Governors when he was the chairman of their Forum, Obi thanked Presi-


Daily Newswatch

World Report FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

IS militants vow to ‘de-throne’ Putin over Syria support


slamic State mili- er. “We are already on speaking in accented ZqXf_ÂŤÂŹ_ˆ[q‚XÂ&#x;_ „[_Y\‚[Xf_ the main backers of the tants have issued a our way God willing.â€? Russian, as the camera has since engulfed the Assad regime, providing threat to President In the same video, cuts to a close-up of the entire North Caucasus it with diplomatic and including Dagestan and military support in its Vladimir Putin, X[ÂŽ[‚qx_ —Š„f[‚Xƒ_ X^‰[_ plane’s cabin. vowing to oust him dressed in traditional „[_ ‚^X[kYf^‚¤X_ Mk[_ \ŠYX„[f]q_ j„[‚[_ q;qkÂ?X_ —Š„f_qŠq]\Xf_‚[†[xXÂ&#x; and “liberateâ€? the vola- Muslim robes, threaten said it requested that in- on authorities are a reguThe Islamic State, a tile North Caucasus over Syrian leader Bashar vestigators open a crimi- lar occurence. Sunni extremist group, his support of the Syrian al-Assad from atop the nal probe into the video. The Kremlin, whose at- has gained prominence in The Kremlin fought tention over past months recent months, declaring regime. —Š„f[‚_Â…[fÂ&#x; The General Prosecu“This is Russian equip- two wars with separa- has focused on the an Islamic “caliphateâ€? in f^‚¤X_ Mk[_^`_ YXX]q_‡[- ment,â€? says a voice, tists in Chechnya over the Â?‚q]\[_ k‚]X]Xƒ_ ]X_ ^\[_ ^`_ regions under its control manded that access to the address, which was posted on YouTube on Tuesday and features what jihadists say is a YXX]q\ XYZZx][‡_ —Š„f[‚_ jet, be blocked. “This is a message to you, oh Vladimir Putin, these are the jets that you have sent to Bashar, we will send them to you, God willing, remember f„qfƒ°_ Xq]‡_ ^\[_ —Š„f[‚_ ]\_ Arabic, according to Russian-language captions provided in the video. “And we will liberate Chechnya and the entire Caucasus, God willing,â€? said the militant. “The Islamic State is and will be and it is expanding God willing.â€? “Your throne has already teetered, it is under threat and will fall when we come to you because Allah is truly on .* „2 "&22#$ +2@2#2 < &#$*! <*$ #&$2* 0$ ' -! ! #&$V 7$@$G* #$ G*$ >2- @ - !2$ $ 3 F+$*@2 GV .!@ +27 "# #$ ^Y‚_ X]‡[ƒ°_ Xq]‡_ f„[_ —Š„f- +2@2# -#!


US, S. Korea ‘ create army unit to destroy North’s nukes’


outh Korea said Thursday it would create a combined q‚‰ˆ_Y\]f_j]f„_f„[_ \]fed States, reportedly tasked with destroying North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction in the event of an all-out k^\½]kfÂ&#x; The mechanised unit x[‡_ †ˆ_ q_ _ ‰qÂ…^‚_ Š[\eral will be set up in the —‚Xf_„qx`_^`_\[žf_ˆ[q‚ƒ_f„[_ South’s defence ministry said, as part of elaborate preparations for any future war between the two Koreas. – f_ j]xx_ †[_ f„[_ —‚Xf_ k^‰†]\[‡_ ²Â—[x‡_ k^‰†qf¤_ unit to carry out wartime operations,â€? a defence ministry spokesman said without elaborating on its mission. If war breaks out, the unit would be tasked with eliminating weapons of mass destruction in the nuclear-armed North, Yonhap news cal standpoint: intimidaAs a tactic, decapitation Ç_ q\‡_ f„[_ j[qÂ?[\]\Š_ the “alarmingâ€? purpose agency said. tionâ€?. The contingent would by jihadists is not new -- of his group, its use de- of “recruitment to jihad,â€? “The brutality demon- [žf‚[‰]XfX_ †[„[q‡[‡_ _ clined. †ˆ_ q;‚qkf]\Š_ q_ X‰qxx_ „qÂŽ[_ q_ Â…^]\f_ ^Mk[_ ^`_ _ strated in the video says, journalist Daniel Pearl in But with the emer- minority of radicalised q\‡_ ^Yf„_ ^‚[q\_ Xfq<_ ‘Don’t mess with us.’â€? qÂ?]Xfq\_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŹÂŤÂ&#x; gence of the Islamic State, Muslims impressed by ]\_ ]Â…[^\Š†Yƒ_ \^‚f„_ ^`_ The Islamic State claim [^Yxƒ_j„[‚[_f„[_ _ÂŤ\‡_ It also became a fa- which has broken with such violent excesses. “to be the only ‘true voured method of Al- Al-Qaeda and declared “A dangerous commu- Infantry Division guards Muslims’ and resort to q[‡q¤X_ ‚qÂ?]_ qMx]qf[ƒ_ its own Islamic “cali- nity with a dark view of a strategically important murder and mayhem as a precursor of today’s phateâ€? in Syrian and Ira- the world has interpreted area as a deterrent to an a psychological tactic to Islamic State, under the qi territory, decapitation the video in a celebratory invasion by North Koterrorise other people,â€? leadership of militant has once again become a and empowering vein,â€? rea. said Asma Afsaruddin, a Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. In the event of a full qÆ_j‚^f[_]\_q\_q\qxˆX]X_ potent tool. Z‚^`[XX^‚_qf_ \‡]q\q_ \]Xkqx[_ k^\½]kfƒ_ f„[_ k^‰With Zarqawi’s death qÆ_ Xq]‡_ ÂŽ]‡[^X_ ^`_ f„[_ for the group. versity’s religious studies ]\_ q_ _ ‚q]‡_ ]\_ ‚qÂ?_ ]\_ brutal tactic also served bined unit would absorb department. a mechanised South KoBeheading has become rean brigade and forces almost a calling card for `‚^‰_ f„[_ _ ‡]ÂŽ]X]^\ƒ_ IS, which has used the which is armed with method on opponents helicopters and other adranging from Syrian and vanced weapons. Iraqi government troops Because the Korean to activists who have opk^\½]kf_ [\‡[‡_ ]\_ q\_ posed its abuses. armistice instead of a X_ j[xx_ qX_ f„[_ fj^_ _ peace treaty, the two Kojournalists, in the last two reas are still technically weeks IS has also released at war. videos of a Lebanese sol [q‚xˆ_ Ă€ÂŹÂƒÂŹÂŹÂŹ_ _ ‡][‚_q\‡_q_ Y‚‡]X„_—Š„ftroops are stationed in er being beheaded. the South under a bilatThe method has clearly eral military accord. †[[\_ [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ ]\_ XZ‚[q‡If fresh hostilities broke ing fear: when the group ^Yfƒ_ f„[_ _ k^‰‰q\‡[‚_ advanced in Iraq this in South Korea would year, hundreds of thou- FG1 † >* @ † &/ /2 @$ /$* 3 #&$ .!@ +27 "# #$ ‡2& /2!# * 1' //*$!!2- =1!@2+ assume control of the Xq\‡X_½[‡_]\_f[‚‚^‚Â&#x; 0 *!&2''$*! South’s 640,000 troops.

Jihadists beheadings sow fear, prompt Muslim revulsion rutal beheadings recorded on video by the jihadist Islamic State are intended to terrorise the group’s enemies, but are also angering and alienating the Muslims the group claims to represent. On Tuesday, the jihadist group released a new video purporting to show the beheading of Steven ^fx^<ƒ_ f„[_ X[k^\‡_ _ journalist to be decapifqf[‡_ †ˆ_ ]fX_ —Š„f[‚X_ ]\_ q_ fortnight. The video was described as “sickeningâ€? †ˆ_ f„[_ \]f[‡_ fqf[X_ q\‡_ provoked widespread anger as well as fear -which experts say is precisely the group’s intention. ^‚_ ]fq_ qĂ†Âƒ_ ‡]‚[kf^‚_ of extremist monitoring group SITE, releasing videos of the beheadings ^`_ ^fx^<_ q\‡_ Â…^Y‚\qx]Xf_ James Foley before him “has a straight-forward purpose from an analyti-

in Iraq and Syria. The militants stirred a global outcry last month j„[\_ f„[ˆ_ †[„[q‡[‡_ _ journalist James Foley. „[_—Š„f[‚X_Xq]‡_^\_ Y[Xday they had beheaded a X[k^\‡_ _Â…^Y‚\qx]Xfƒ_ f[ÂŽ[\_ ^fx^<Â&#x;


Daily Newswatch

African Report FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

South Africa ‘refuses’ Dalai Lama visa for Nobel summit


outh Africa has refused to grant a visa for the Dalai q‰q_ f^_ q;[\‡_ the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Cape Town next month, his representative said Thursday. The government “conveyed by phone to me they will not be able to grant the visa for the reason that it would disturb relations between China and South Africa,â€? Nangsa Choedon told AFP. The refusal could proÂŽ^Â?[_q_†^ˆk^;_^`_f„[_ŽÉf„_ annual peace summit, according to a spokesman for South Agfrican laureate and former archbishop Desmond Tutu. “I have heard that if the Dalai Lama is not allowed into the country, other invited guests have said they will not come,â€? Roger Friedman said. The government con—‚‰[‡_ f„qf_ ]f_ „q‡_ ‚[ceived a visa application from the Dalai Lama but suggested that a decision had not yet been made. “The application will be taken through normal due process. The relevant authorities will communicate with the applicant

The Dalai Lama

thereafter,� the department of international relations said. Two years ago, the country’s top court found that the government had acted unlawfully by dragging its heels on a visa application by Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader until it was too late.

China, which accuses the Dalai Lama of covertly campaigning for Tibet’s independence, regularly uses its growing economic and political clout to put pressure on governments around the world to limit contact with the Dalai Lama. China is one of South

Africa’s major trading partners. The Nobel summit in Cape Town in October is backed by foundations representing four South African peace laureates -- Tutu, Nelson Mandela, FW de Klerk and Albert Luthuli. Along with the surviv-

ing South Africans -- Tutu and De Klerk -- the organ]X[‚X_ Xqˆ_ ÂŽĂ€_ ]\‡]ÂŽ]‡YqxX_ and eight organisations „q‡_ k^\—‚‰[‡_ f„qf_ f„[ˆ_ j^Yx‡_ q;[\‡_ f„[_ XY‰mit, including former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev. Choedon said she had \^f_ ˆ[f_ ‚[k[]ÂŽ[‡_ j‚];[\_

Could the blood of Ebola survivors help patients?


s West Africa struggles to contain the biggest ever outbreak of Ebola, some experts say an unusual but simple treatment might help: the blood of survivors. The evidence is mixed `^‚_ YX]\Š_ ]\`[kf]^\ —Š„fing antibodies from survivors’ blood for Ebola, but without any licensed drugs or vaccines for the deadly disease, some say it’s worth a shot. “This is something that’s fairly simple to do,� said Dr. Peter Piot, director of London’s School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the co-discoverer of the Ebola virus. Using blood of survivors is one of the experimental Ebola treatments under discussion at a two-day meeting that began Thursday in Geneva. The more than 200 experts assembled by the World Health Or-

ganization are looking at ]XXY[X_^`_Xq`[fˆ_q\‡_[<[ktiveness and considering which treatments should be prioritized for testing during the current outbreak. There are about a half dozen medicines and vaccines in development. None has been tested in humans but an early trial of one vaccine began this week in the United

States. Yk„_ q;[\f]^\_ „qX_ `^cused on the unproven drug ZMapp, which was given to seven patients, two of whom died. But the limited supply is now exhausted and its developer says it will take months to make even a modest amount. In contrast, WHO’s blood network, an international group of blood

regulators, noted recently there are thousands of survivors from past Ebola outbreaks in Africa who could be tapped as a source. The group said blood from survivors should be considered experimental and recommended that studies be done during the crisis. In another document published this week, _ [Xf]‰qf[‡_ f„[_ —‚Xf_

batches of survivor blood could be available by the end of the year. The agency said it had idenf]—[‡_ X[Ž[‚qx_ ‚[k^Ž[‚[‡_ patients as potential donors, but acknowledged “logistics of blood collection are an issue.� Some scientists think antibodies in the blood of Ebola survivors could help patients infected with the deadly disease.

k^\—‚‰qf]^\_ ^`_ f„[_ ‚[`YXqxƒ_ †Yf_ ]`_ k^\—‚‰[‡ƒ_ this will be the third time ]\_—Ž[_ˆ[q‚X_f„qf_f„[_ qxq]_ Lama has been refused a visa to visit South Africa. Each refusal has been met with an outcry from South Africans who feel it is a betrayal of the commitment to human rights embraced by the government since the end of apartheid 20 years ago. But a spokesman for De Klerk, the South African former president who won the Nobel prize alongside liberation icon Nelson Mandela, said he ‡]‡_\^f_f„]\Â?_q_†^ˆk^;_^`_ the summit would be the right response. “I think the message has Š^\[_ ^Yf_ f„qf_ †^ˆk^;]\Š_ the summit would be the very worst way of protesting,â€? Dave Steward, executive director of the FW de Klerk Foundation, told AFP. “The best way would be to come to the summit and celebrate the 20th anniversary of our democracy and then make any views they want to make known at the summit.â€? He said a refusal of a visa for the Dalai Lama would be “the antithesis of the values of our constitutionâ€?. The Dalai Lama was last †q‚‚[‡_`‚^‰_[\f‚ˆ_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŽÂƒ_ when he was invited to give a lecture as part of celebrations for Tutu’s 80th birthday. That led to a court challenge by opposition parf][Xƒ_ q\‡_ q_ —\‡]\Š_ †ˆ_ f„[_ Supreme Court of Appeal f„qf_ –f„[_ ‰q;[‚_ jqX_ ‡[liberately delayed so as to avoid a decisionâ€?. At the time, Tutu described the African National Congress government as being “worse than the apartheid governmentâ€?.

Attack on Somali Islamist leader seen triggering power struggle


hail of U.S. missiles aimed at the leader of Somalia’s al Shabaab militants may have left a gaping hole in the group’s leadership, potentially the biggest challenge to its unity since it [‰[‚Š[‡_qX_q_—Š„f]\Š_`^‚k[_ eight years ago. Washington believes ]fX_ xqX[‚ ŠY]‡[‡_ q;qk�_ ^\_ Monday killed Ahmed Godane, who aligned al Shabaab with al Qaeda

and authorized the group’s deadly raid on a Nairobi shopping mall last year. Al Shabaab, usually vocal on social media and other channels of communication, has yet to comment. There may be good reason for its silence as it seeks a successor. With no obvious candidate to replace the man who ruled al Shabaab with q\_ ]‚^\_ —Xf_ q\‡_ �]xx[‡_ ^<_ many of his rivals, experts say there is a real chance his death would trigger in-

—Š„f]\Š_^‚_f„[_`^‚‰qf]^\_^`_ smaller, potentially more dangerous, splinter movements. – `_]f_]X_k^\—‚‰[‡_f„qf_„[_ is in fact dead, it is a game changer in many ways for al Shabaab,� said Abdi Aynte, director of the Heritage Institute for Policy Studies in Mogadishu. “What is likely to happen is a struggle for power,� he said. Fragmentation was also possible in the absence of a leader with Godane’s experience and ruthless ap-

proach to dissent, he added. Somalia’s government, with support from African peacekeepers and Western ]\f[xx]Š[\k[ƒ_ „qX_ †q;x[‡_ f^_

kY‚†_qx_ „q†qq†¤X_]\½Y[\k[_ and drive the group from areas it has continued to control since it was expelled `‚^‰_ ^Šq‡]X„Y_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŽÂ&#x;_

Al Shabaab soldiers sit outside a building during patrol along the streets of Dayniile district in Southern Mogadishu


Daily Newswatch

EDITORIAL Friday, September 5, 2014

Daily Newswatch


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To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

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Checking cholera epidemics


ecent report that cholera epidemic killed several persons in the displaced camps of Boko Haram victims is double jeopardy indicating all the three tiers of government are yet to rise to the challenge of the monster of cholera. Hundreds of people have been killed in most northern states in the past 12 months, k^\—‚‰]\Š_f„qf_Xfqf[X_q\‡_ local governments are still slack in taking serious remedial actions to stop the plague that kills speedily and massively as the Boko Haram terror epidemics. Instructively, cholera which commenced its nationwide tour eleven months ago appears to have decided to remain a permanent feature all seasons, all year round. The Project Director , Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, Prof. Abdulsalami Nasidi said January 10 that 2,165 cases were recorded in 22 local government areas of Kano state, with Fagge LGA recording 12 deaths from 276 cases. Further reports said then that Bauchi and many other states were still under f„‚[qfƒ_k^\—‚‰[‡Â&#x;__ „]X_ should not be so if the three tiers of governments are alive

to their responsibility. Cholera kills within 24 hours if the frequent stooling and severe vomiting remained unchecked and x^Xf_½Y]‡_‚[Zxqk[‡Â&#x;_ „[_ diarrhoea and vomiting can lead to rapid dehydration q\‡_†^‡ˆ_½Y]‡_]‰†qxq\k[ƒ_ and death. The causality might be higher, especially in the northern parts, where religious injunction approved burial of the dead within hours, giving no ‚^^‰_`^‚_^Mk]qx_kqZfY‚[_^`_ victims. Cholera, according to medics, is an infection of the small intestine caused by the bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae. Transmission occurs primarily by drinking water or eating uncooked food and fruits contaminated by the faeces of an infected person. In developed countries, due to nearly universal advanced water treatment and sanitation practices, cholera is no longer a major health threat. The last major outbreak of cholera in the United States, for instance, occurred in 1910–1911. What is instructive considering the experiences of more advanced economies  __]X_f„qf_[<[kf]ÂŽ[_Xq\]fqf]^\_ practices, if instituted and

Letters to the Editor Re: Amazing story of wealthy Ijebu entrepreneurs


s a young man from Ijebu land, I read this your write up with gladness of heart, learning about our people. But I want to call your q;[\f]^\_f^_f„[_`qkf_ˆ^Y_‡]‡_ not report details of the work experiences or the process of building the empire in the accounts of both Dr Adenuga and Mr Femi Otedola as you did for others. I believe this is an

omission. Such information would have been of immense help to those of us who are of their generation or not far from theirs, so that we also can take a leave from them, and thereby maintain the good legacy they are laying. I look forward to reading this information in your future prints. Paul Agbolade

adhered to in time, are YXYqxxˆ_XYMk][\f_f^_Xf^Z_q\_ epidemic. However, in Nigeria, our personal hygiene is largely shambolic, with veritable ground for cholera germs f^_]\—xf‚qf[_q\‡_Â?]xxÂ&#x;_ ]Š„f_ now the disease is spreading `^‚_^†Ž]^YX_‚[qX^\X_ĂŠ_—xf„ˆ_ environment, poor hygiene and unsafe drinking water. It is worse where underground water table is high and exposed to contamination, especially with shallow wells. We therefore urge that states and local governments to introduce sanitary inspectors to police and enforce minimum acceptable hygiene in the neighbourhoods. Where sanitary inspectors exist but poorly funded, governments should revive them to ensure that foods meant for public consumption are well prepared under hygienic

conditions and are not exposed to contaminants. To check the spread, there must be intensive and extensive public enlightenment campaigns in the media on the need for proper hygiene, frequent washing of hands after toileting, proper cooking of foods or treating uncooked fresh fruits with disinfectants to eliminate cholera bacteria. The sound legacy of the late Professor Olikoye RansomeKuti, who as Minister of Health, had championed Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) in the late 80s to deal with the scourge of cholera then should be replicated and backed with media public enlightenment campaign on its preparation to arrest fatalities. The ORT simple saltwater-sugar solution to check dehydration, which provokes instant death in

cholera victims, helped to check cholera fatalities then. Radio, television and newspapers were mobilized to educate the public on how to mix properly the ORT solution under RansomeKuti’s Primary Health Care (PHC), which was used to check disease spread at the grassroots level. There is need for the ORT and PHC to be revived by all the states and local governments, which are closer to the largely illiterate rural communities lacking basic health facilities. Much as we urge government to provide drinkable water and regulate food vendors, the citizens too should learn not to depend on government. Rather, they should take their individual wellbeing as a priority, by making cleanliness next to Godliness.


Daily Newswatch

View Point Friday, September 5, 2014

The mess in the Glass House


he imbroglio that engulfed the Nigerian Football [‡[‚qf]^\_Â? ž_`^xx^j]\Š_f„[_\qf]^\qx_f[q‰¤X_Z^^‚_ ^Yf]\Š_qf_f„[_xqXf_ ^‚x‡_ YZ_qZZ[q‚X_f^_†[_qXXY‰]\Š_ an embarrassing magnitude that should no longer †[_qxx^j[‡_f^_k^\f]\Y[Â&#x;_ [`^‚[_\^jƒ_f„[‚[_„qÂŽ[_†[[\_ litigations, court injunctions, dissolution of the Federation †^q‚‡ƒ_XYXZ[\X]^\_†ˆ_f„[_ ĂŒÂ‡ĂŒÂ‚qf]^\_ \f[‚\qf]^\qx[_‡[_ ^^f†qxx_ XX^k]qf]^\_Â? ž_q\‡_f„[_^YXf[‚_^`_ x„qÂ…]_ ‰]\Y_ q]Šq‚]_qX_ f„[_ _ ‚[X]‡[\fÂ&#x;_ qf„[‚_f„q\_fqÂ?]\Š_Xf^kÂ?ƒ_x[q‚\]\Š_`‚^‰_^Y‚_ performance and planning ahead, our football administrators are busy engrossing in power tussle while little attention is †[]\Š_qkk^‚‡[‡_f^_X^Y\‡_`^^f†qxx_q‡‰]\]Xf‚qf]^\_]\_f„[_k^Y\f‚ˆÂ&#x;_ „[_k‚]X]X_]\_f„[_ xqXX_ ^YX[ƒ_j„]k„_Xfq‚f[‡_X^‰[_ˆ[q‚X_qŠ^_ j]f„_f„[_‚[‰^ÂŽqx_^`_ x„qÂ…]_ q\]_ YxY Â†Â‡Yxxq„]_`‚^‰_^``]k[_ q`f[‚_f„[_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŹ_ ^‚x‡_ YZƒ_†‚^YŠ„f_]\_q_‚[Š]‰[_Y\‡[‚_ q]Šq‚]ƒ_ who was in the saddle for four years that was mired by so ‰Yk„_qk‚]‰^\ˆÂ&#x;_ Going by FIFA rules, NFF is meant to be autonomous, ]\‡[Z[\‡[\f_q\‡_`‚[[_^`_Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f¤X_k^\f‚^xÂ&#x;_ „[_Zx]Š„f_^`_ NFF worsened with the recent election of Chris Giwa as its \[j_„[x‰X‰q\Â&#x;_ „]X_‡[k]X]^\_†ˆ_f„[_ ]Š[‚]q\_Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ has pitched its tenth against FIFA, which has warned that the nation will avoid being sanctioned only if the Giwa faction vacates the office while notable football stakeholders such qX_f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ [`[‚[[X_ XX^k]qf]^\_Â? žƒ_ XX^k]qf]^\_^`_ ‚^`[XX]^\qx_ ^^f†qxx[‚X_^`_ ]Š[‚]q_Â? Z`^\žƒ_f„[_kxY†_^j\[‚Xƒ_ k^qk„[X_q‰^\Š_^f„[‚Xƒ_„qÂŽ[_‡[k‚][‡_f„[_Y\\[k[XXq‚ˆ_]\`]Š„f]\ŠÂ&#x;_ The crisis has led to virtually all the tiers of the league being suspended at a critical period when our national team, the YZ[‚_ qŠx[Xƒ_]X_[žZ[kf[‡_f^_†[Š]\_]fX_f]fx[_‡[`[\k[_qŠq]\Xf_ Congo in the next year’s Africa Cup of Nations qualifier, in f„[_\[žf_`[j_‡qˆXÂ&#x;_ Y‚‚[\fxˆƒ_f„[_\qf]^\¤X_`^^f†qxx_x[qŠY[_ _f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ ‚^`[XX]^\qx_ ^^f†qxx_ [qŠY[_Â? ž_qxX^_Â?\^j\_qX_f„[_ x^_ ‚[‰][‚_ [qŠY[ƒ_f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ qf]^\_ ]‡[_ [qŠY[_Â? žƒ_ f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ ^‰[\¤X_ [qŠY[_q\‡_f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ qf]^\qx_ [qŠY[_ Â? ž_ _X[[‰_f^_„qÂŽ[_†[[\_XYXZ[\‡[‡_qkf]ÂŽ]f][X_]\‡[`]\]f[xˆ_qX_ q_‚[XYxf_^`_†^ˆk^ff_†ˆ_‚[`[‚[[X_‡Y[_f^_f„[_k‚]X]XÂ&#x;_ „]X_]X_f„[_X^‚‚ˆ_ Xfqf[_^`_^Y‚_`^^f†qxx_q‡‰]\]Xf‚qf]^\Â&#x; From the unfolding events, one can say that NFF is Y\q‚ŠYq†xˆ_f„[_q‚k„]f[kf_^`_]fX_^j\_‰]X`^‚fY\[Â&#x;_ f_j^Yx‡_†[_

‚[kqxx[‡_f„qf_q\_ †YÂ…q_ ]Š„_ ^Y‚f_„q‡_Xf^ZZ[‡_f„[_[x[kf]^\_f„qf_ †‚^YŠ„f_ q]Šq‚]_q\‡_„]X_f[q‰_]\f^_f„[_†^q‚‡_`^Y‚_ˆ[q‚X_qŠ^Â&#x;_ Yf_ q]Šq‚]ƒ_‚qf„[‚_f„q\_f^[_f„]X_Zqf„ƒ_‡[k]‡[‡_f^_„]‡[_Y\‡[‚_ the threat of FIFA ban, ignored the court ruling and still went q„[q‡_j]f„_f„[_[x[kf]^\Â&#x;_ Šq]\ƒ_q_ [‡[‚qx_ ]Š„_ ^Y‚f_X]ff]\Š_ ]\_ Â?^ˆ]ƒ_ qŠ^Xƒ_qxX^_\Yxx]`][‡_f„[_[x[kf]^\X_k^\‡Ykf[‡_]\f^_f„[_ _[x[kf]ÂŽ[_^``]k[XÂ&#x;_ \XZ]f[_^`_f„]Xƒ_f„[_ q]Šq‚] x[‡_ _†^q‚‡_ brushed aside all the court rulings and refused to vacate them ^‚_qZZ[qx[‡_qŠq]\Xf_f„[‰Â&#x;_ Zq‚f_`‚^‰_f„[_‡]X‚[XZ[kf_`^‚_f„[_ k^Y‚fXƒ_f„[_ q]Šq‚] x[‡_ _†^q‚‡_„q‡_†[[\_†^ŠŠ[‡ Â‡^j\_ by one crisis or another going from missing dollars inside an q]‚k‚q`fƒ_qxx[Šqf]^\X_^`_„]Š„ x[ÂŽ[x_k^‚‚YZf]^\ƒ_‰qfk„ `]ž]\Š_q\‡_ strained relationship among board members, who were said to „qÂŽ[_]xx[Šqxxˆ_k^\Xf]fYf[‡_q_f„[_ [qŠY[_ q\qŠ[‰[\f_ ^‰Zq\ˆ_ Â? žƒ_f^_‚Y\_f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ ‚^`[XX]^\qx_ [qŠY[Â&#x;_ „[X[_Xk[\q‚]^X_ portend great impediment to effective management of football qkf]ÂŽ]f][X_]\_f„[_k^Y\f‚ˆÂ&#x;_ The supervisory Ministry of Sports appears to be incapable ^`_^ÂŽ[‚X[[]\Š_f„[_^Z[‚qf]^\X_^`_ Â&#x;_ f_]X_[žZ[kf[‡_f„qf_j]f„_

Those involved in football administration in Nigeria have no interest in developing the game. This could be due to the ‘free’ money that comes from the government. Football has the capacity for self-funding and revenue generation in Nigeria and elsewhere

the series of allegations levelled against the NFF, the ministry should have demanded accountability for how monies are †[]\Š_XZ[\fÂ&#x;_ Yf_j„[\[ÂŽ[‚_f„]X_„qZZ[\Xƒ_f„[_]‰Z‚[XX]^\_f„qf_ is given is that FIFA’s would sanction the nation because of government intervention! Up till now, the inferno at the NFF secretariat in Abuja is yet to be investigated especially in the face of information that the fire extinguishers at the secretariat [žZ]‚[‡_X]\k[_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŤ_j]f„^Yf_q\ˆ_qff[‰Zf_f^_‚[Zxqk[_f„[‰Â&#x;_ ^\k[‚\[‡_XfqÂ?[„^x‡[‚X_]\kxY‡]\Š_f„[_ Y]x‡_^`_ Z^‚fX_ ‡]f^‚Xƒ_ f„[_Y‰†‚[xxq_†^‡ˆ_`^‚_ Z^‚fX_ ‡]f^‚X_‚[k[\fxˆ_‰[f_f^_‚[ÂŽ][j_ recent happenings and made a case for the need to salvage the X]fYqf]^\Â&#x; As a way out, Nigeria should put in place, a sound football administration where members would consider national interest foremost; instead of leaving the game to a few vested ]\f[‚[XfX_f„qf_qZZ[q‚_f^_†[_q`f[‚_f„[]‚_Z‚]ÂŽqf[_Z^kÂ?[fXÂ&#x;_ ‚^‰_ what we have been seeing, we can safely say that those involved in football administration in Nigeria have no interest ]\_‡[ÂŽ[x^Z]\Š_f„[_Šq‰[Â&#x;_ „]X_k^Yx‡_†[_‡Y[_f^_f„[_²`‚[[¤_‰^\[ˆ_ f„qf_k^‰[X_`‚^‰_f„[_Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\fÂ&#x;_ ]f„^Yf_‰]\k]\Š_j^‚‡Xƒ_ football has the tendency to be the only sport that has the kqZqk]fˆ_`^‚_X[x` `Y\‡]\Š_q\‡_‚[ÂŽ[\Y[_Š[\[‚qf]^\_]\_ ]Š[‚]q_ q\‡_[xX[j„[‚[Â&#x;_ `_f„[_Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_XfqˆX_qjqˆ_`‚^‰_`^^f†qxx_ in terms of full control, it is possible that the right calibre of people that can move in and drive the game forward by X[kY‚]\Š_f„[_q†Y\‡q\f_XZ^\X^‚X„]Z_^ZZ^‚fY\]f][XÂ&#x;_ „[‚[`^‚[ƒ_ the election that brought Giwa into office should be revisited as directed by FIFA while democracy should be allowed to take its full course in choosing leaders for NFF and that should †[_f„[_k^\k[‚\_^`_^Y‚_`^^f†qxx_q‡‰]\]Xf‚qf^‚X_\^jÂ&#x;_ „[ˆ_ should stop throwing stones in the glass house!

Nigeria’s response to Ebola


he United States of America has been proud to work closely with the Federal Government of Nigeria and the governments of the q<[kf[‡_Xfqf[X_f^_—Š„f_f„[_‡[q‡xˆ_ †^xq_ ]‚YX_ ]X[qX[_Â? žÂ&#x;__ ]Š[‚]q_‰YXf_ sustain this coordinated response, and we pledge to continue our support, along with other international partners and global health organizations, until f„[_‡]X[qX[_]X_‡[`[qf[‡Â&#x; Our thoughts are with the families who have lost loved ones and all f„^X[_j„^_„qÂŽ[_†[[\_q<[kf[‡Â&#x;__ [qxf„_ professionals are often at the front lines when infectious diseases erupt, q\‡_ ]Š[‚]q_„qX_XY<[‚[‡_x^XX[X_ _ courageous doctors and nurses who x^Xf_f„[]‚_x]ÂŽ[X_]\_f„[_x]\[_^`_‡YfˆÂ&#x;__ They helped prevent a catastrophic pandemic, and we honor them for their dedication and professionalism, along with the many health care professionals who continue to put their personal safety second in service f^_f„[]‚_`[xx^j_‰q\Â&#x; _‚[k[\fxˆ_ÂŽ]X]f[‡_f„[_ ‰[‚Š[\kˆ_ Z[‚qf]^\X_ [\f[‚_Â? ž_qf_f„[_ [\f‚qx_ Y†x]k_ [qxf„_ q†^‚qf^‚ˆ_ in Yaba and was greatly impressed by the response team led by the ]\k]‡[\f_‰q\qŠ[‚ƒ_ ‚Â&#x;_ q]Xqx_ „Yq]†ƒ_ and personnel of the Federal ]\]Xf‚ˆ_^`_ [qxf„ƒ_f„[_ qŠ^X_ fqf[_ ]\]Xf‚ˆ_^`_ [qxf„ƒ_f„[_ ^‚x‡_ [qxf„_ ‚Šq\]Ă qf]^\ƒ_ ƒ_ ĂŒÂ‡[k]\X_ q\X_ ‚^\f]Ă?‚[X_Â? žƒ_q\‡_‰ˆ_k^xx[qŠY[X_ `‚^‰_f„[_ Â&#x; Â&#x;_ [\f[‚X_`^‚_ ]X[qX[_ ^\f‚^x_q\‡_ ‚[ÂŽ[\f]^\Â&#x;_ „[ˆ_„qÂŽ[_ done, and continue to do, remarkable j^‚Â?Â&#x;__ „[]‚_k^‰†]\[‡_[<^‚fX_x[‡_f^_ ]\k‚[qX[‡_qjq‚[\[XX_^`_ _†ˆ_f„[_

Ambassador James Entwistle

general public, well equipped health facilities that provide good care, and thorough contact tracing – all elements that remain critical to containing and j]Z]\Š_^Yf_ _q\‡_^f„[‚_]\`[kf]^YX_ ‡]X[qX[XÂ&#x;__ Unfortunately, there are no tested and approved drugs or vaccines to ‰]f]Šqf[_f„[_ÂŽ]‚YXÂ&#x;__ f‚]kf_Z‚^f^k^xX_ must be observed when new f‚[qf‰[\fX_q‚[_†[]\Š_[žZx^‚[‡Â&#x;__ \ˆ_ use of an experimental drug must †[_qZZ‚^ÂŽ[‡_†ˆ_f„[_ ^‚x‡_ [qxf„_ Organization and administered under

released from care, but two of them lost their lives despite the experimental f‚[qf‰[\fÂ&#x;__ As medical experts have made clear to us, there is no way to immediately connect the patients’ respective outcomes to the vaccine; far more data is needed before we know whether the ÂŽqkk]\[_„q‡_q\ˆ_[Mkqkˆ_j„qfX^[ÂŽ[‚Â&#x;__ „qf_j[_‡^_Â?\^j_]X_f„qf_qkk[XX_f^_ quality care and treatment makes f„[_‡]<[‚[\k[_qX_f^_j„[f„[‚_^‚_\^f_q_ Zqf][\f_XY‚Ž]ÂŽ[XÂ&#x;__ „]x[_f„[‚[_„qX_†[[\_Y\]‰qŠ]\q†x[_ x^XX_^`_x]`[_]\_ Y]\[qƒ_ ][‚‚q_ [^\[ƒ_q\‡_ ]†[‚]qƒ_[q‚xˆ_f[Xf]\Š_q\‡_f‚[qf‰[\f_

Even after this immediate threat of Ebola has passed, we must remain vigilant to maintain and strengthen the structure put in place to combat it, so that we will be better prepared to deal with any similar outbreak that may occur in the future q_Zqf][\f Z„ˆX]k]q\_qŠ‚[[‰[\fÂ&#x;__ It has been widely reported that small experimental doses of a drug called ZMapp were made available to q_`[j_ _Zqf][\fXĂŽfj^_ ‰[‚]kq\Xƒ_ one Spanish citizen, and three ]†[‚]q\XĂŽX^‰[_^`_j„^‰_j[‚[_ —‚Xf x]\[_„[qxf„_kq‚[_j^‚Â?[‚X_—Š„f]\Š_ f„[_ †^xq_^Yf†‚[qÂ?Â&#x;__ ^‰[_^`_f„[X[_ patients have recovered and been

has produced good results in Nigeria q\‡_‰YXf_†[_k^\f]\Y[‡Â&#x;__ [ÂŽ[\_ _ patients who received care have recovered, which underscores the ]‰Z^‚fq\k[_^`_f]‰[xˆ_qkf]^\Â&#x;__ [qxf„_ Z‚^`[XX]^\qxX_q‚[_Z‚^ÂŽ]‡]\Š_`Yxx f]‰[_ kq‚[_f^_„[xZ_Zqf][\fX_—Š„f_f„[_ÂŽ]‚YXÂ&#x;__ This is why it is important to continue monitoring individuals who have been in contact with infected patients

q\‡_^<[‚_f„[‰_]‰‰[‡]qf[_kq‚[_]`_f„[ˆ_ „qÂŽ[_‡[ÂŽ[x^Z[‡_q\ˆ_ _Xˆ‰Zf^‰XÂ&#x;__ qZ]‡_‚[XZ^\X[_]X_k‚]f]kqx_f^_k^\fq]\_ ]\`[kf]^\X_q\‡_„[xZ_XqÂŽ[_x]ÂŽ[XÂ&#x;__ „[_ XˆXf[‰_]\_Zxqk[_`^‚_ qŠ^X_j^‚Â?Xƒ_ and was quickly redeployed to Port

q‚k^Y‚f_j„[\_q_kqX[_jqX_‚[Z^‚f[‡_ f„[‚[Â&#x; ÂŽ[\_q`f[‚_f„]X_]‰‰[‡]qf[_f„‚[qf_^`_ †^xq_„qX_ZqXX[‡ƒ_j[_‰YXf_‚[‰q]\_ vigilant to maintain and strengthen the structure put in place to combat ]fƒ_X^_f„qf_j[_j]xx_†[_†[;[‚_Z‚[Zq‚[‡_ to deal with any similar outbreak that ‰qˆ_^kkY‚_]\_f„[_`YfY‚[Â&#x;__ „[_ Â&#x; Â&#x;_ ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_fqÂ?[X_f„[_ †^xq_f„‚[qf_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_X[‚]^YXxˆƒ_q\‡_j[_q‚[_ fully dedicated to working with our governmental and nongovernmental allies to respond to this crisis and Z‚[ÂŽ[\f_]fX_XZ‚[q‡Â&#x;__ [_„qÂŽ[_†[[\_ [\ŠqŠ[‡_]\_—Š„f]\Š_f„]X_^Yf†‚[qÂ?_ X]\k[_ q‚k„_j„[\_f„[_kqX[X_j[‚[_—‚Xf_ ‚[Z^‚f[‡Â&#x;__ [_„qÂŽ[_[žZq\‡[‡_^Y‚_ [<^‚fX_q\‡_]\k‚[qX[‡_^Y‚_\Y‰†[‚_^`_ expert personnel in the region over the last several weeks in response to the Š‚^j]\Š_X[ÂŽ[‚]fˆ_^`_f„[_^Yf†‚[qÂ?Â&#x;__ [_ encourage all individuals who think f„[ˆ_q‚[_^‚_[ÂŽ[\_‰]Š„f_†[_q<[kf[‡_ †ˆ_f„[_ †^xq_ÂŽ]‚YX_f^_X[[Â?_]‰‰[‡]qf[_ Z‚^`[XX]^\qx_‰[‡]kqx_„[xZÂ&#x;__ „]X_]X_ k‚]f]kqx_f^_„[xZ]\Š_qxx_^`_YX_XqÂŽ[_x]ÂŽ[XĂŽ including our own and those of the Z[^Zx[_j[_x^ÂŽ[Â&#x;

Ambassador James Entwistle is of the United States Consulate General, Public Affairs Section, Lagos. Phone: 01-4603400


Daily Newswatch

friday, September 5, 2014

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Daily Newswatch

Okagbare guns for Diamond Trophy %&'


Nigeria/DR Congo:

Aghahowa, Etim back Eagles %&'

Giwa resolves to quit if‌




Ojo heads to Hungary


Y\Šq‚]q\_f^Z½]Š„f_ team, Ăšjpest FC have struck a deal with their Belgian counterparts, Racing Genk, for the signing of Nigeria’s Ojo. After Kim Ojo was impressed with the facilities he met on ground, he decided to append his signature to a season-long loan deal with the 20-time champions of Hungary. Shortly after the transfer was completed, the q;qkÂ?[‚_f^x‡_f„[_kxY†¤X_^`—k]qx_ j[†X]f[Ă‘_ – _ Xqj_ f„[_

team play, the passion of the fans heard a lot about - among other things, so _ ‡[k]‡[‡_ —\qxxˆ_ f^_ Â…^]\_ Ăšjpest. – `_ _„q‡_\^f_x]Â?[‡_j„qf_ _Xqjƒ_ _j^Yx‡_\^f_†[_„[‚[Â&#x;_ „[_‰qfk„_qŠq]\Xf_ [†‚[cen revealed to me that _ Š^f_ q_ Š^^‡_ f[q‰ƒ_ †Yf_ if that’s not enough, the sports director Zoltan Kovacs also told me convincing arguments to support j„ˆ_ _X„^Yx‡_k^‰[_„[‚[Â&#x;° Kim Ojo started his career with Nybergsund ‚ˆX]x_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŹÂšÂƒ_†Yf_„[_„q‡_ been seriously courted by Hertha Berlin and Sporting Lisbon before his switch to the Norwegian club.

]X_Àš_Š^qxX_]\_Ă•Ă•_x[qŠY[_ matches for Nybergsund ‚ˆX]x_ ‡]‡_ \^f_ Š^_ Y\\^ticed by SK Brann, who ^<[‚[‡_ „]‰_ q_ f„‚[[ ˆ[q‚_ contract in December 2010. „[_ ÂŤÂŻÂ Âˆ[q‚ ^x‡_ ]X_ f][‡_ to Racing Genk until June 30, 2016.

Astra Giurgiu reject Rennes’ ₏2m bid for Fatai


omanian club Astra Giurgiu have rejected a two million Eu‚^X_^<[‚_`^‚_ [„]\‡[_ qfq]_ from French club Rennes, can exclusively reveal. „[_`^‚‰[‚_ q‚Yx_ ^\stanta of Romania goal poacher, who has been capped by Nigeria at U20 and Olympic team levels, told that the transfer deadline deal was on till 11 pm on August 31. But his club eventually turned it down, insisting the Nigeria striker is crucial to their Europa League ambitions. – _ qx‰^Xf_ …^]\[‡_ Rennes on transfer deadline day. Rennes tabled a bid of two million Euros, but Astra rejected it,� Kehinde Fatai told only – „[ˆ_ Xq]‡_ f„[ˆ_ \[[‡_ me for Europa League

Š‚^YZ_ XfqŠ[Â&#x;_ \‡_ X^_ _ ‚[main with my team Astra Giurgiu.â€? Fatai’s club are drawn in the group stage of the Europa League alongside Celtic, FC Salzburg (Austria) and Dinamo Zagreb (Croatia). „[_ `^‚‰[‚_ _ _ of Jos striker, who was on loan to Club Brugge of Belgium last season, has scored seven goals this season in all competitions for the modest Romanian team.


Nigeria/DR Congo: Aghahowa, Etim back Eagles

Calabar. \_ X[Zq‚qf[_ k„qfX_ j]f„_ Newswatch sports, the duo chorused that Super Eagles have what it takes to dust the Congolese side. – „[_—‚Xf_Šq‰[_]X_k‚Yk]qxÂ&#x; Ephraim Nwosu We are African champions x - N i g e r i a so it’s important we start internationals, on a winning note and top Julius Aghahowa f„[_ Š‚^YZ_ fq†x[Â&#x;_ _ ‡^\¤f_ and Etim Esin see Congo stopping us. have backed Our boys should just go the Super Eagles to there and do the business,â€? defeat visiting DR Congo Aghahowa opined. When asked to hazard a emphatically in this weekend’s Group A guess on the scoreline, the opener of the 2015 African former Shakhtar Donetsk Ukraine hitman YZ_^`_ qf]^\X_Â?Yqx]—[‚_]\_ of


Xq]‡Ñ– „[_ f[q‰_ „qX_ ‡^\[_ ÂŽ[‚ˆ_ j[xx_ ]\_ ‚[k[\f_ f]‰[Â&#x;_ _ am optimistic we will win with a wide margin and eventually qualify from the group. Nigeria can win by 4-0 or more,â€? he said. He however warned that Stephen Keshi and his wards should not be complacent. – _q‰_„qZZˆ_f„qf_j[_q‚[_ playing against Congo in f„[_—‚Xf_Šq‰[Â&#x;__ „[ˆ_q‚[ƒ_]\_ my opinion, not one of the super powers of African football, but we cannot q<^‚‡_ f^_ Y\‡[‚‚qf[_ f„[‰_ else they will surprise us.

Any team that made it to this stage is capable of qualifying for the Nations Cup.� Esin was a bit more k^\—‡[\f_ ]\_ „]X_ ‚[qkf]^\Ô_ maintaining that Nigeria will get a resounding victory over the Congolese.

[_ Xq]‡Ñ– „^YŠ„_ _ don’t see the Congolese qX_ ZYX„^ÂŽ[‚XÂ&#x;_ „[ˆ_ q‚[_ a good side but they won’t be problems to the YZ[‚_ qŠx[XÂ&#x;_ _ Xf‚^\Šxˆ_ believe we can beat them convincingly and go ahead and qualify for the Nations Cup.â€?

Omeruo sure of victory against Congo


Akwa Utd players to strike over unpaid wages ll is not well in the camp of Akwa United, as the team is being owed four months’ salary arrears by the management. „[_ ]Š[‚]q_ ‚[‰][‚_ League football side are reportedly ready to go on strike if their entitle‰[\fX_ q‚[_ \^f_ X[;x[‡_ ]\_ due time. „[_ q\Š‚ˆ_ Zxqˆ[‚X_ stormed the Government

^YX[_]\_ ˆ^_^\_ Y[X‡qˆ_ with placards, demanding their unpaid salaries to be paid. A key player on condition of anonymity said

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

q_ f^Z_ ^Mk]qx_ ^`_ f„[_ kxY†_ threatened to sack them for pressing for their demands. \_ f„[_ ƒ_ ‰q\ˆ_ Z‚^fessional footballers are waiting for their club to pay their arrears. Recently, players from Dolphins FC went on protest against salary nonpayment. SL10 sources gathered that players from a popular club refused to train. However, representatives from the management persuaded them to train after long negotiations with them.

efender,Kenneth Omeruo has predicted that the Super Eagles are focused on opening their 2015 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying series with emphatic victory against Congo at the U.J. Esuene Stadium on Saturday. Omeruo, who was named in the 23-man list `^‚_ f„[_ Zq]‚_ ^`_ Â?Yqx]—[‚X_ against Congo and South Africa said the Super Eagles are mainly in Calabar to win. – ¤Â‰_ „qZZˆ_ f^_ †[_ †qkÂ?_ to the team. We all know j„ˆ_ j[_ q‚[_ „[‚[Â&#x;_ f¤X_ f„[_ Â?Yqx]—[‚X_ `^‚_ f„[_ qf]^\X_ Cup and our defence of title [Afcon 2013] begins on Saturday. We are prepared for the game and anxious to win,â€? Omeruo said. – f¤X_ q_ f[q‰_ j^‚Â?_ q\‡_ everyone is focused on ensuring we earn a remarkable start to our title defence against Congo on Saturday. We will go all out for victory.â€? Asked if the African k„q‰Z]^\X¤_ ]\f[‚]‰_ Šq<[‚_ deserves a contract exten-

sion, the Middlesbrough defender said Coach Stephen Keshi deserves to remain in charge of the national team, stressing that his presence and feats have q;‚qkf[‡_]\f[‚[Xf_^`_Zxqˆ[‚X_ home and abroad to play for the Super Eagles. – [X„]_ ‡[—\]f[xˆ_ ‡[serves to stay. He is a great coach. He has vision and great encouragement for players. He is a good adviser and wonderful coach

that every player – at home and abroad loves to play under him. – `_„[_]X_\^f_„[‚[ƒ_ _j^\¤f_ be. He deserves to remain the coach of the team. He has brought us this far and _j]xx_x^ÂŽ[_„]‰_f^_Xfqˆ_ZYf_ as head coach for continuity,â€? the former Nigeria youth international said. On his return to Middlesbrough on loan from Chelsea after signing a new three-year contract in

May, the 21-year-old ad‰];[‡_„[_„^x‡X_\^_‚[Š‚[fX_ at re-joining the English „q‰Z]^\X„]Z_ ^Yf—f_ qX_ much as he is coping with the tough football life. – f_jqX_q_Š‚[qf_‰^ÂŽ[_`^‚_ me. Even before the World YZ_ [\‡[‡_ _ qx‚[q‡ˆ_ k^\cluded to go to Middlesbrough to improve myself. f_j]xx_†[_†[;[‚_f^_Š^_f^_q\_ [\ÂŽ]‚^\‰[\f_ j„[‚[_ _ kq\_ learn more and get playing f]‰[_ f„q\_ j„[‚[_ _ j]xx_ X]f_ without playing,â€? he continued. – ¤Â‰_„qZZˆ_j]f„_‰ˆ_‚[fY‚\_ f^_ ]‡‡x[X†‚^YŠ„Â&#x;_ \_ the Championship - you play many games, very physical and tough - but ¤Â‰_ ‚[qxxˆ_ [\Â…^ˆ]\Š_ ‰ˆ_ time and can cope with it. f_j]xx_„[xZ_‰[_q_x^fÂ&#x;° However, the former ADO Den Haag of Holland defender insists the Super Eagles will not be distracted by the ongoing crisis ravaging the counf‚ˆ¤X_`^^f†qxx_qX_f„[]‚_q;[\tion will be on recording a bright start to their continental campaign.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014



Giwa resolves to quit if…


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

Giwa: How not to pursue ambition

Martins Odiete, Abuja

[x` qkkxq] [ _ Z [X] [\f_ ^`_ f [_ ] [ ]q_ ^^f qxx_ [ [ qf]^\ _ ]Xf^Z [ _ ]jq_ Xq X_ [_j]xx_\^f_ [X] fqf[_ f^_ Xf[Z_ ^j\_ ]`_ q_ k^ Z[f[\f_qZZ[qxX_k^ ];[[_^ _ f [_ ^Y f_ ^`_ ]f qf]^\_ `^ _ Z^ fX _ _YZfY \X_f [_ [ XYxf_^`_f [_[x[kf]^\ ]jq_ q [_ f ]X_ [kxq q f]^\_ j [\_ [_ qZZ[q [ _ [ `^ [_ [ [ X_^`_f [_ ^YX[_ ^ ];[[_ ^\_ Z^ fX_ ]\_ Y q_^\_ [ \[X q _qx^\ X] [_ ^f [ [ [ X_ ^`_ ]X_ ^q Ô_ q]\fq]\]\ _ f qf_ [_ jqX_ Yx _[x[kf[ _]\f^_^Mk[ ²¤ `_ f [_ qZZ[qxX_ k^ ]f f[[_ ^ _ [ [\_ _ k^ [X_ ^Yf_ f^ q _ j]f _ j[xx ^Y\ [ _ [k]X]^\_ f qf_ _ [x[kf]^\_ ]X_ ½qj[ _jqxq ] _ ¤xx_ [_ [q _ f^_ qkqf[_ f [_ X[qf _ \ _ ^ [^ [ _ \^ ^ _ ` ^ _ f [_ q ][ [ _Zq f][X_ q [_k^ [_ `^ f _j]f _q_kqX[_`^ _f [_qZ Z[qxX_k^ ];[[ _Z ^k[XX_ qX_ [[\_k^\ kxY [ _ j]f _ ^Y _ [x[kf]^\Ô_ f [_ ^\x _ f ]\ _ _ jq\f_ ` ^ _ ^Y _ ]\f[ [\f]^\ _ ]X_ f^_ qX _ f [_ q ][ [ _ Zq f][X_ f^_ ^_ f^_ f [_ ZZ[qxX_ k^ ];[[ °_ [_Xq]

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Okagbare guns for Diamond Trophy Francis Ajuonuma

] [ ]q\_ Y[[\_^`_f [_ f qk _ x[XX]\ _ q q [_j]xx_X[[ _f^_q _ q\^f [ _ x^ _f^_ [ _kq [[ _qX_ X [_ k^ [X_ YZ_ q q]\Xf_ xx X^\_ [x]¾_^`_ \]f[ _ fqf[X_]\_ f [_j^ [\¤X_«¬¬_ [f [X_ qk[_ ^`_ f [_ _ ]q ^\ _ qk[_ ]\_ YXX[xX_f^ q [_ q;x[X_ ]\_ f [_ j^ [\¤X_ «¬¬ _ ]X_ [¾Z[kf[ _ f^_ [_ [[\x _ k^\f[Xf[ _ [fj[[\_ xx X^\_ [x]¾_q\ _ q q [_ qX_ YXf_ fj^_ Z^]\fX_ X[Zq qf[_ f [_fj^_qf x[f[X_q\ _j ^[ [ _j]\X_]\_ YXX[xX_j]xx_fq [_ f [_ ]q ^\ _ qk[_f ^Z `_ f ^X[_ ®Ç_ [ [\fX _ f [_ ]q ^\ _ qk[_ k q Z]^\X_

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Ogwumike, 29 others for NCAA award

[_ _ ^ q\_ ^`_ f [_ [q _ X[x[kf]^\_ k^ ];[[_ qX_ \q [ _ ]\[\ [_ ]\[ °_ jY ] [_q\ _« _^f [ X_` ^ _ÉÉÇ_ Xk ^^x_\^ ]\[[X_`^ _f [_«¬®É_ ^ q\_^`_f [_ [q _qjq _ fq\`^ _ q Yqf[ _ ]\[\ [_ ]\[ °_ jY ] [ qX_ [[\_\q [ _qX_^\[_ ^`_ f [_ f^Z_ À¬_ ^\^Y [[X_ `^ _ f [_ «¬®É_ _ ^ q\_ ^`_ f [_ [q _ qjq _ j ]k _ [k^ \]Á[X_ f [_ \qf]^\¤X_ f^Z_ k^xx[ ]qf[_ `[ qx[_ j]f _ ^Yf Xfq\ ]\ _ qk ][ [ [\fX_ ]\_ qkq [ ]k_ qk ][ [ [\f _ qf x[f]kX_[¾k[xx[\k[ _k^ Y\]f _ X[ ]k[_q\ _x[q [ X ]Z jY ] [ _ j ^_ j qZZ[ _ YZ_ [ _ fq\`^ _ kq [[ _ [k[\fx _ jqX_ \^ ]

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Daily Newswatch Sports/EURO LEAGUE PSG reveal Barca â‚Ź40m offer for Marquinhos




Varela joins Chicharito at Real


anchester United full back, Guillermo Varela has joined Real Madrid on loan until the end of the season, the kxY†_„qÂŽ[_k^\—‚‰[‡Â&#x; The Uruguayan youngster follows Javier ‘Chicharito’ Hernandez to the Spanish capital from Old ‚q<^‚‡_†Yf_j]xx_Â…^]\_ [qx¤X_ Castilla side in the second tier of Spanish football for f„[_ÂŤÂŹÂŽĂ‰Ă˜ÂŽÂŻ_kq‰Zq]Š\Â&#x; Varela will player under France legend Zinedine Zidane who coaches the side in

f„[_ [ŠY\‡q_‡]ÂŽ]X]^\Â&#x; The full back became f„[_—‚Xf_q‚‚]ÂŽqx_^`_f„[_ qÂŽ]‡_ Moyes era last summer, arriving at the club for a reported fee of ÂŁ1m from Penarol having previously made a number of trips to the club and impressed the coaching Xfq<Â&#x; He was a regular at right back for Warren Joyce’s Under-21 side last term and had been tipped to provide back up for Rafael da Silva in the —‚Xf_f[q‰_f„]X_X[qX^\Â&#x; Varela becomes the seventh player to have left Unit[‡_^\_f‚q\X`[‚_‡[q‡x]\[_‡qˆÂ&#x;_

Having failed to win over van Gaal, Hernandez was allowed to join Real Madrid on a season-long loan with the option of a permanent deal, while the arrival of Radamel Falcao from Monaco saw the club sanction Danny Welbeck’s move to Arsenal for a ‚[Z^‚f[‡_`[[_^`_ێljÂ&#x; Promising academy product Tom Lawrence joined Leicester City on a permanent deal where he was later joined by Nick Powell who arrived at the King Power Stadium on x^q\Â&#x; Michael Keane also left

the club to join Burnley in a late deal on loan while Tom Cleverley’s protracted move f^_ Xf^\_ ]xxq_jqX_‚qf]—[‡_†ˆ_ the Premier League on Tues‡qˆÂ&#x; Amid the spate of late departures, United have qxX^_ k^\—‚‰[‡_ f„[ˆ_ qŠ‚[[‡_ a deal to sign Timothy FosuMensah from Ajax before ^\‡qˆ¤X_f‚q\X`[‚_‡[q‡x]\[Â&#x; A statement from the kxY†_ ‚[q‡Ñ_ – „[_ ŽÇ Âˆ[q‚ old is a powerful defender who caught the eye at the AEGON Future Cup and is highly regarded in his homexq\‡Â&#x;°

aris Saint-Germain president Nasser Al „[xq]—_ „qX_ ‚[ÂŽ[qx[‡_ that Barcelona made an offer worth over â‚Ź40 million `^‚_ q‚Â?Y]\„^XÂ&#x; The Catalans lured defenders such as Jeremy Mathieu, Thomas Vermaelen and Douglas to Camp Nou this summer, yet they were keen to add another defender to their ranks and had earmarked Marquin„^X_qX_f„[_Z[‚`[kf_q‡‡]f]^\Â&#x; Nevertheless, PSG see the 20-year-old as an important player for the future and have no intention of selling the centre-back whom they bought from ^‰q_q_ˆ[q‚_qŠ^Â&#x; “We have received a „YŠ[_ ^<[‚_ `‚^‰_ q‚k[lona for Marquinhos, one j^‚f„_ ‰^‚[_ f„q\_ Ă?Ă‰ÂŹÂ‰Âƒ°_ x Â„[xq]—_ jqX_ Â?Y^f[‡_ qX_ Xqˆ]\Š_†ˆ_ [_ q‚]X][\Â&#x;

Bellarabi shuns Ghana for Morocco


erman-born Ghana]q\_ q;qkÂ?[‚ƒ_ q‚]‰_ Bellarabi has suggested he would choose Morocco ahead of Ghana q`f[‚_q‡‰];]\Š_„]X_x^ÂŽ[_`^‚_ f„[_ ^‚f„_ `‚]kq\_k^Y\f‚ˆÂ&#x; The 25-year-old’s nationality has come to the fore following his swashbuckling form in the Bundesliga for Bayer 04 Lev[‚Â?YX[\Â&#x;

Falcao, James sales: Monaco fans demand refunds


ne of Monaco’s biggest supporters websites are imploring fellow aggrieved fans to demand refunds from the Ligue 1 club after two of their biggest stars, James Rodriguez and Radamel Falcao, were allowed to leave for pastures new this XY‰‰[‚Â&#x;_ According to a report in L’Equipe, the administraf^‚X_ ^`_ f„[_ – xq\[f[_ °_ fan site are furious after being assured by Monaco for the last year that Falcao and James would be the focus of the club’s future project and have since called on all fans to seek refunds for their season tickets after the pair were sold to Real Madrid and Manchester United respectively over the course of f„[_xqXf_`[j_‰^\f„XÂ&#x; In a blog statement posted on Planete ASM entitled “Supporters, demand a refund for your season tick[f°Âƒ_ f„[_ x]ÂŽ]‡_ Xfq<_ ‚q\f[‡Ñ_ “With these two departures and with almost no new signings during the whole transfer window, Monaco fans are swinging between anger, confusion and frusf‚qf]^\Â&#x; “The fans feel betrayed today - for having believed the club’s promises and „qÂŽ]\Š_ qkk[Zf[‡_ q_ X]Š\]—-

cant increase in season tick[f_Z‚]k[X_qf_ fq‡[_ ^Y]X_ Â&#x; “We were led around all summer with encouraging slogans and posters promising James Rodriguez and Radamel Falcao would be the focus of the club’s future ^\_f„[_‚]X[_f^_f„[_f^ZÂ&#x; “Demand a refund of your subscription or at least (a refund of) the huge increase from last season! There’s nothing to indicate the club will accept these demands, but at least they will show our general un„qZZ]\[XXÂ&#x;°


Bellarabi was born to a Ghanaian father who has a German passport and a Moroccan mother in Ger‰q\ˆÂ&#x; Though he has never been to the West African country, his father in 2012, claimed he could convince f„[_q;qkÂ?[‚_j„^_]X_kqZZ[‡_ by German at U19 level to switch his nationality to Ghana, generating Ghana]q\_]\f[‚[XfÂ&#x; But the player has suggested he could opt for Morocco, where his mother hails from though he q‡‰]fX_ „]X_ q;[\f]^\_ ]X_ ^\_ Leverkusen for the time †[]\ŠÂ&#x; “I love Morocco as ‰Yk„_ qX_ _ x^ÂŽ[_ [‚‰q\ˆÂ&#x;_ _ k^Y\f_ †^f„_ qX_ „^‰[Â&#x;_ ˆ_ mother is German, my faf„[‚_ ^‚^kkq\ƒ°_ [xxq‚q†]_ f^x‡_ Y\‡[Xx]ŠqÂ&#x;k^‰Â&#x;

Griezmann feels important at Atletico


Rosicky ready to fight on ‚X[\qx_ ‰]‡—[x‡[‚ƒ_ Tomas Rosicky is determined to take his chance when he gets it

“But Paris Saint-Germain are not a club that buys players to sell them ^\_qŠq]\Â&#x;_ [_q‚[_\^f_„[‚[_f^_ do business and try to make Z‚^—f_ ^\_ q_ Zxqˆ[‚Â&#x;_ [_ q‚[_ here to build a great club j]f„_X^‰[_q‰qĂ ]\Š_Zxqˆ[‚XÂ&#x; “If it was our aim to sell Zxqˆ[‚X_ q\‡_ ‰qÂ?[_ Z‚^—fXƒ_ we could have sold three or `^Y‚_ Zxqˆ[‚X_ f„]X_ XY‰‰[‚Â&#x;_ But that’s not our philosoZ„ˆÂ&#x;°

after being only a bit-part Zxqˆ[‚_X^_`q‚_f„]X_X[qX^\Â&#x; The Czech Republic international has made just two substitute appearances – a 70th minute replacement in the 3-0 Community Shield win over Manchester City before an 89thminute cameo in the goalless Champions League Xfqx[‰qf[_qf_ [X]Â?fqXÂ&#x; The 33-year-old featured 39 times for Arsenal last term and is disappointed at being under-used this seaX^\Â&#x;_ ^j[ÂŽ[‚ƒ_„[_‚[k^Š\]Xes it is early days and he is refusing to panic and head `^‚_f„[_[ž]f_‡^^‚_Â…YXf_ˆ[fÂ&#x;

In comments reported by CTK, Rosicky is quoted qX_ Xqˆ]\ŠÑ_ – f¤X_ f^^_ [q‚xˆ_ `^‚_ f„qfÂ&#x;_ „[_ X[qX^\_ ]X_ ˆ[f_ to get going, the Champions League will begin and it will be a roller-coaster of —žfY‚[XÂ&#x; “We will see what the situation looks like in the coming weeks and months, „^j_ ]f_ ‡[ÂŽ[x^ZXÂ&#x;_ ¤Â‰_ \qfYrally disappointed not to have been given a chance †Yf_\^f_Zq\]kÂ?]\Š_ˆ[fÂ&#x; “All I can do now is to train properly and show f„qf_ ¤Â‰_ Z‚[Zq‚[‡Â&#x;_ \‡_ when the chance comes, to fqÂ?[_]fÂ&#x;°

ntoine Griezmann „qX_Xq]‡_„[_]X_X[;x]\Š_ in well with Atletico Madrid as he feels he is an important part of the chamZ]^\X¤_XÂ?Yq‡Â&#x; Griezmann left Real Sociedad for Atletico over the summer and told an interview that Diego Simeone „qX_qx‚[q‡ˆ_]\XZ]‚[‡_„]‰Â&#x; “Everything is going Š‚[qfÂ&#x;_ „[_ ^qk„_„qX_Š]ÂŽ[\_ ‰[_k^\—‡[\k[_Â?Y]kÂ?xˆƒ°_ _ reports the France internaf]^\qx_qX_Xqˆ]\ŠÂ&#x; “Even though I just got here, I feel I’m an important Zxqˆ[‚Â&#x;_ _Š]ÂŽ[_‰ˆ_qxx_^\_f„[_ Z]fk„Â&#x; “It was my desire to go to a club where I could ZxqˆÂ&#x;_ „[\_ fx[f]k^_kqxx[‡_ _ ‡]‡\¤f_„[X]fqf[Â&#x;° Griezmann denied he could have left La Liga and said he wouldn’t have any way as he feels Spanish

`^^f†qxx_XY]fX_„]‰Â&#x; “The League is one of the best championships in Y‚^Z[ƒ°_ ‚][à ‰q\\_ k^\f]\Y[‡Â&#x; “I wanted to stay bekqYX[_ _`[[x_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_Š^^‡_„[‚[Â&#x;_ I really like the game in La ]ŠqÂ&#x;_ \_ ‚q\k[_f„[_j[qf„[‚_ ]X\¤f_Š^^‡_[\^YŠ„Â&#x; “No one other than fx[f]k^_kqxx[‡_‰[Â&#x;_ _„q‡_\^_ particular contact with Mo\qk^Â&#x;°

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014



Jay Jay picks Chidinma’s phone number

N With


Mikel, Rita Dominic rekindle love in UK ! " # $ %& ' &! & ("(%&


lthough Nollywood actress, Rita Dominic has been romantically linked with several rich and famous Nigerians in the past, her recent close-

\[XX_ f^_ „[xX[q_ ‰]‡—[x‡[‚ƒ_ ]�[x_ †]_]X_qx‚[q‡ˆ_X[;]\Š_ tongues wagging within and outside Nigeria. Reliable insider revealed to Newswatch Sports that she was for the umpteenth f]‰[_ XZ^;[‡_ „q\Š]\Š_ ^Yf_

with the Super Eagles mid—[x‡[‚_]\X]‡[_q_ ^\‡^\_ ^tel in a very intimate manner, thus sparking fresh rumours ^`_q\_q<q]‚Â&#x;_ \_ `qkf_ j„]x[_ k^\—‚‰ing the alleged romance between Mikel and Rita, our

Nollywood credible source who does not want her name ]\_ Z‚]\fƒ_ k^\—‚‰[‡_ f„qf_ something had been brewing between them before the ^\‡^\_^Yf]\ŠÂ&#x; “This rumour did not start today,â€? she began during a chat with Newswatch Sports. “It’s been going on for x^\ŠÂ&#x;_ „]X_]X_\^f_f„[_—‚Xf_f]‰[_ ]fq_]X_ÂŽ]X]f]\Š_ ]Â?[x_]\_ ^\don. There is no smoke with^Yf_—‚[Â&#x;_ _[ÂŽ[\_„[q‚‡_f„qf_„[‚_ recent visit was on Mikel’s bills and they’ve been together all through before he left for Nigeria few days ago. “They were behaving like real lovers and were into each other like Romeo and Juliet throughout their stay ]\_ ^\‡^\Â&#x;_ _Xqj_f„[_‚^‰q\tic side of Mikel while he was with Rita,â€? squealed the insider. But in a swift reaction, another source who is close to ]Â?[x_]\_ ^\‡^\_‡[\][‡_f„[_ romance even as he admitted that they had “mad funâ€? ]\_ ^\‡^\Â&#x; “If I deny that Mikel and Aunty Rita did not meet in ^\‡^\_f„[\_ _q‰_q_†xqfq\f_ liar, but I don’t think there is any big deal about it. All I can tell you is that they had a good time together, but that is not enough for people to start insinuating that aunty Rita is positioning herself `^‚_ q_ ‚^‰q\f]k_ q<q]‚_ j]f„_ Mikel. Before man and God, there is nothing going on between them. Rita is not only a big fan of Mikel but Chelsea too, just as Mikel is also a big fan of Nollywood and Rita as well. It was a wonderful outing for all of us as we ‚^Y\‡[‡_^<_j]f„_q_‡]\\[‚_qf_ ^\[_^`_f„[_†[Xf_ ^f[xX_„[‚[_]\_ ^\‡^\Â&#x;_ ^_ †[_ X]\k[‚[_ j]f„_ you there was nothing more than that,â€?he concluded.


in Kano. The big Fenerbahce striker was recently in town during the summer break and paid a surprise visit to the Festac 72 Road home of the former PAOK Salonica captain. After the brief visit, Emenike gave his idol $10,000(about N1.6 million) as a token from him

cumbed and gave him the number,� our source disclosed. In 2010,Chidinma rose to stardom after winning the third season of MTN Project fame West Africa. She has won several awards at home and abroad including the Kora Awards and Nigeria Entertainment Award where she won the Musician and Female Artist of the Year respectively in 2012.

Taiwo acquires new N100m Festac home


ut-of-favour Super Eagles defender, Taye Taiwo has added a new house to his numerous Z‚^Z[‚fˆ_]\_ qŠ^XÂ&#x; The Bursaspor of Turkey wing back, we can report on good authority, is now a proud owner of a 4-bedroom duplex formerly belonging to an ex-Green Eagles forward, Ifeanyi Onyedika. The house it would be recalled was given to Onyedika as a gift from former Nigerian

President, Alhaji Shehu Shagari for being a member of the squad that won the 1980 African Cup of Naf]^\X_]\_ qŠ^XÂ&#x;_ kk^‚‡]\Š_f^_ former Super Eagles assistant coach, Sylvanus Okpala, Onyedika sold the house situated on 722 Road in Festac Town, to Taye Taiwo for about N50 million in order to keep body and soul together. Renovation at the house is ongoing to suit the taste of the 29-year-old. In fact, nearly all the things used were said to have been imported from Europe. A simple but sophisticated house, which an estate agent put the current cost at over N100 million. When completed, Taiwo will become next door neighbour to former Nigeria captain, Segun ‡[Š†q‰]ƒ_ [\‚ˆ_ j^XY_ and Sylvanus Okpala.

Falcons captain reunites with lover


uper Falcons goalkeeper and captain, Precious Dede and her boxer lover, King Davidson Emenogu X[[‰_ f^_ „qÂŽ[_ —\qxxˆ_ X[;x[‡_ f„[]‚_‡]<[‚[\k[XÂ&#x;_ Dede and Emenogu who to help foot some of his bills. Apparently sur- ]X_ f„[_ ‚[]Š\]\Š_ ^‚x‡_ ]Š„f_ Middle Weight Champion, prised by Emenike’s kind have had to deal with cold gesture, Udeze embraced relationships between them him before he zoomed for some time now. ^<_j]f„_„]X_‚[‡_k^x^Y‚[‡_ They were said to have X6 BMW car with plate kept each other at arm’s \Y‰†[‚_ _ ”Â&#x; [_ length before now after threw bundles of N500 packing up a seven years notes through the win- relationship last year as a redow to fans, who recog- sult of marital disagreement. But if the latest developnized him and showered ment is anything to go by, praises on him. they may have let the past

Emenike donates N1.6m to Udeze igeria international, Emmanuel Emenike extended his milk of human kindness to one time Super Eagles defender, Ifeanyi Udeze who was forced into early retirement from football following an injury he sustained in the ill-fated 2006 World Cup �Yqx]—[‚_ qŠq]\Xf_ \Š^xq_

igeria football legend, Austin Jay Jay Okocha demonstrated that he was a big fan of music queen and MTN Project Fame winner, Chidinma Ekile popularly known as ‘Chidinma’ during a recent Women Celebrating Women(WCW)event held at f„[_ Â?^_ ^f[xƒ_ qŠ^XÂ&#x;_ \_]‰peccable source at the occasion told Newswatch Sports that Okocha was impressed by Chidinma’s performance on stage on the night, which might have explained why he approached her when he X]Š„f[‡_ „[‚_ qf_ f„[_ Â?^_ ^tel lobby about 2am in the morning and requested for the phone number of the “Kedikeâ€? crooner. “As soon as Jay Jay sighted Chidinma at the lobby, he walked straight to her and congratulated her on her great performance on stage f„qf_ \]Š„fÂ&#x;_ [_ k„q;[‡_ j]f„_ „[‚_ †‚][½Âˆ_ q`f[‚_ j„]k„_ „[_ demanded for Chidinma’s phone number. Initially Chidinma was shy but as Okocha pressed on she suc-

behind them. “It’s Kings birthday qŠq]\Â&#x;_ qZZˆ_ †]‚f„‡qˆ_ my love. May your days be long my darling King,â€? Dede posted on her Instagram at the weekend.


Sports/Women Football


with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

I’m enjoying my game at Bobruichanka – Ijeoma Obi


igerian striker, Ijeoma Obi says she is enjoying her game with top Belarusian side, Bobruichanka as she looks forward to score more goals in the ongoing season. The former Minsk goal machine was on target for Bobruichanka on Tuesday as they thrashed Gomel 3-0 at the Stadyen Bobruisk. – qXf_X[qX^\_ _jqX_—‚]\Š_ on all cylinders at my former team (Minsk), but this term the goals haven’t come like that,� Obi said shortly

after the league victory at home. “I’ve scored thirteen goals so far this season in the league and three in the Cup games, and there is still more to come from me because I’m enjoying my style of football here. “I’m very happy the way things have turned out for me since I joined Bobruichanka, as I have struck up a good relationship with my teammates.� The goal machine reckons they have what it takes to challenge for the BWPL title. “We have a good team surrounded by experienced players and have performed well even in the matches we have lost,� she added. “We have conceded silly goals in games we have played so far, but we know we have to put a stop to such mistakes in the remainder of our games. Bobruichanka have 27 points from thirteen games and they are third on the BWPL table.

Aluko lauds coach


helsea striker, Eni Aluko believes manager Emma Hayes has brought her global knowledge of the game to the fore in the Women’s Super League while she also is †[\[—;]\Š_ `‚^‰_ X^‰[_ f]ZX_ ^<_ ^X[_ ^Y‚]\„^Â&#x; Hayes’ side top the FA WSL ahead of defending champions Liverpool and third-placed Birmingham City Ladies as the domestic x[qŠY[_ X[qX^\_ [\f[‚X_ ]fX_ —nal stretch. Chelsea only won once in the league last season, —\]X„]\Š_ ^\[_ `‚^‰_ †^;^‰_ last year but have emerged as serious title contenders with six wins from 10 matches so far this term. The England forward Aluko lauded the management style of the former Chicago Red Stars head coach who has helped bring about a turnaround in the club’s fortunes. “Emma knows what she’s doing and her approach is very thorough and very deliberate,â€? Aluko said. “She’s been brilliant for us as a team “She’s had a few tips from Mourinho too so may†[_f„qf¤X_‚Y††]\Š_^<_^\_„[‚ƒ_ particularly in relation to the media, but that’s all part of her management.

“She’s been all over the world coaching and learn]\Š_ `‚^‰_ ‡]<[‚[\f_ Z„]x^X^phies and ethos and it’s something that English football needs. “You need to be able grasp the best of what other kYxfY‚[X_ „qŽ[_ f^_ ^<[‚_ q\‡_ be able to bring that to English game. “Tactically, managerially and even psychologically at times she’s really delivered in terms of team management but what’s most important is that the players are playing for her. “We’re sticking to the game plans that Emma and f„[_ k^qk„[X_ q‚[_ X[;]\Š_ ^Yf_ for us and we’re achieving good things.�

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

Oparanozie to take Guingamp chance


uper Falcons forward, Desire Oparanozie says she hopes to take the best of her chance at the French Feminine Division one side, Guingamp. Oparanozie, who moved to the French club early in August from Atasehir Istanbul, Turkey, believes playing for Gu]\Šq‰Z_^<[‚X_„[‚_‚[ŠYxq‚_ playing time to show the XfY<_X„[_]X_‰q‡[_YZ_^`Â&#x; She said that despite the language barrier, she ]X_ k^\—‡[\f_ ^`_ [\Â…^ˆ]\Š_ her game thus raising it to q_†[;[‚_x[ÂŽ[xÂ&#x; “Last season was a disappointing one for me especially, at Wolfsburg and a bit at Atasehir Istanbul because of limited playing time I had but hopeful Y]\Šq‰Z_j]xx_†[_q_†[;[‚_ place for me. “I want to say I’m ready for a good chalx[\Š[_f^_†[_q_‚[ŠYxq‚_—‚Xf_ team player,â€? said the former WFC Rossiyanka of Russia striker. Guingamp captain, Fevrier Audrey is already relishing the capture of the Nigerian international; whom she believes brings experience to her team having featured in the European Champions’ League with Rossiyanka in the 2012/2013 season and Wolfsburg during the 2013/2014 season. “Her international experience should be a plus for us,â€? she said.

AWC: Okon rues camp delay


uper Falcons handler, Edwin Okon has lamented the inability of the team to resume camp in preparation for the 2014 African Women’s Championship in Windhoek, Namibia. The team were expected to resume training for the bi-annual championship on Monday, September 1 but the in-house crisis of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) seems to have put the camp resumption on hold. According to Okon, Falcons chances towards achieving success in the competition becomes slimmer at each passing day as more works need to be done on the team. “I’m worried that we have yet to resume camp f^_k^‰‰[\k[_—\qx_Z‚[Zq‚qtions for the Africa Women Championship coming up next month in Namibia. “Each day that passes away outside the camp reduces our chances of doing

well at the championship. “Time is quite running out on us, we scheduled to commence camp and I learnt that won’t be possible any longer as the possible earliest time is next week or thereabout. “I thought if we had re-

sumed on Monday some skeletal work could have started leading to full blown training by the weekend. “Now that’s wishful thinking as we need time —‚Xf_ f^_ Š[f_ x[;[‚X_ ^Yf_ f^_ clubs for the release of the players.

“While we’re delaying resumption camp our traditional opponents, South Africa, Ghana, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Namibia, among others are already in camp playing top grade matches. “I sincerely pray we quickly realise that we don’t have the luxury of time any more in our hands but act fast to see what can be achieved within the available time. “The Namibia 2014 AWC will be hotly contest[‡_ qX_ ]f_ X[‚Ž[X_ qX_ Â?Yqx]—[‚_ for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada and it’s our strongest desire to be at the championship as African champions,â€? he said. Nigeria are in Group A with the hosts, Namibia, Ivory Coast and Zambia in the eight-nation championship which serves as Â?Yqx]—[‚X_`^‚_f„[_ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŻ_ _ Women’s World Cup in Canada.

Daily Newswatch



Sam Popoola


The life-and-death challenges faced by lawyers in North-East Chidi Odinkalu


oobis (not real name), a lawyer in his late 40s, has practised for over 15 years as a lawyer in one of the cities now under emergency rule in north-east Nigeria. Over this period, he has built up a reputation as a hardworking and honest professional, well regarded within and outside the courtroom. In the past 18 months, his life has been turned upside down: He has been physically rough-handled by uniformed military personnel for seeking access to a detained client; „]X_ kq‚_ „qX_ †[[\_ q;qkÂ?[‡_ q\‡_ ‚]‡‡x[‡_ with bullets by unknown persons; and soldiers have reportedly invaded his house on a six-hour long search during which his wife and four children were not allowed to leave the premises. At the end of the “searchâ€?, which took place without a warrant, nothing incriminating was found or removed. As a result, he has relocated his family from the city and will, before the end of 2013, relocate his practice to another city outside north-eastern Nigeria. Dogo, a younger lawyer, has worked in the same city for the past decade also as a lawyer. His brief sometimes involves representing poor or undefended people. In the course of the past six months, uniformed military ^Mk[‚X_„qÂŽ[_fj]k[_f„‚[qf[\[‡_f^_X„^^f_ him for trying to do his work and he has been swiped with a horse-whip at a checkpoint. He now seeks a transfer to a less unpredictable location and may quit his job if he can’t. These two examples illustrate the lifeand-death challenges currently faced by members of the legal profession in the North-East part of Nigeria. Over the period since 2009, as this crisis has deepened, our profession has somehow managed to avert its gaze. Now, our colleagues in these parts are †[X][Š[‡_q\‡_f„[_ q‚_‰YXf_—\‡_q_kx[q‚_ voice at this time to defend the law, its institutions and its relevance in a time of national emergency. Four of the 100 branches of the Nigeria Bar Association are located in the three states now covered by emergency rule. In Borno State, there are two branches in Biu and Maiduguri; and one each in Yola, Adamawa State; and Damaturu, Yobe State. The lawyers who practised in these locations came from all parts of Nigeria. To cite just one example, \‡^_ fqf[_ ;^‚\[ˆ [\[‚qxƒ_ ˆ]fqˆ^_ Jegede, took Silk from the Yola Bar †[`^‚[_†[]\Š_qZZ^]\f[‡_f^_f„[_ ;^‚\[ˆ [\[‚qx¤X_ k„q‰†[‚XÂ&#x;_ _ q]‡YŠY‚]_ was a very well loved location for the legal profession in Nigeria. As a transnational commercial and cultural k[\f‚[ƒ_ ]f_ q;‚qkf[‡_ Z‚^`[XX]^\qxX_ `‚^‰_ within and outside Nigeria. The Bar in Damaturu has grown exponentially in the nearly two decades since it became a state capital. Today, as the political economy of this region has tanked together with its safety and security indices, the wellbeing of its legal professionals and the institutions they serve deserve an Y‚Š[\f_ q;[\f]^\Â&#x;_ „[_ ‡[[Z[\]\Š_ X][Š[_


on the profession has been bad for the region and the rights of its people. The livelihoods of lawyers in the ‚[Š]^\_„qÂŽ[_XY<[‚[‡ƒ_q\‡_X^_„qÂŽ[_f„[]‚_ physical well-being and professional freedoms. To begin with, most lawyers who did not trace their ethnic origins to the north-east or these states have relocated their families and practice to other places. Even many from within the region have similarly re-located outside the region, especially to Kano, Kaduna or Abuja. Clients, especially families of detainees, suspected insurgents or allegedly disappeared persons, are compelled to look for or —\‡_ x[Šqx_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fqf]^\_ `‚^‰_ ^YfX]‡[_ these locations. The costs involved are considerably increased without any commensurate increase in the quality of legal service. Most lawyers from ^YfX]‡[_ f„[_ q<[kf[‡_ x^kqf]^\X_ q‚[_ f^^_ q`‚q]‡_ ^‚_ \^f_ XYMk][\fxˆ_ ]\`^‚‰[‡_ f^_ ^<[‚_ [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fqf]^\Â&#x;_ „[_ q‚_ Association at the branch levels has been ‚[‡Yk[‡_ f^_ ]‚‚[x[ÂŽq\k[ƒ_ ]\‡]<[‚[\k[_ ^‚_ merely surviving. At the national level, the Bar has kept silent through it all.

Augustine Alegeh (SAN), Just sworn-in President of NBA

^‰[_XZ[k]—k_‡[Ž[x^Z‰[\fX_„qŽ[_x[‡_ to this decimation of the organised legal profession in the north-east. Detention or internment practice has been developed without clear parameters or safeguards. Few, if any, know where all detainees are or how many they are. The detaining authorities, especially, the military, appear too willing to identify lawyers with the cause — without any need for proof — of their clients. As a result, many lawyers are branded as insurgents and threatened with persecution or even worse, merely for being good at their job. Additionally, most judges have been reluctant in these places to adjudicate on these kinds of cases in the absence of [<[kf]Ž[_ ŠYq‚q\f[[X_ `^‚_ f„[_ j[xx†[]\Š_ of themselves and their families. Yet, the United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers whose adoption Nigeria voted for in 1990 provides that, “Lawyers shall not †[_]‡[\f]—[‡_j]f„_f„[]‚_kx][\fX_^‚_f„[]‚_ clients’ causes as a result of discharging their functions�, and requires governments to ensure that when “the security of lawyers is threatened as a

Today, as the political economy of this region has ranked together with its safety and security indices, the well-being of its legal professionals and the institutions they serve deserve an urgent attention. The deepening siege on the profession has been bad for the region and the rights of its people. The livelihoods of lawyers in the region have suffered, and so have their physical wellbeing and professional freedoms

result of discharging their functions, they shall be adequately safeguarded by the authorities.â€? It also makes clear that professional associations of lawyers, like the NBA, “have a vital role to play inâ€? among other things “protecting their members from persecution and improper restrictions and infringements, providing legal services to all in need of them, and cooperating with governmental and other institutions in furthering the ends of justice and public interest.â€? In the North-East, the NBA has manifestly failed to demand Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ f^_ `Yx—x_ f„]X_ ^†x]Šqf]^\Â&#x;_ Now, it must stand up to do so or struggle to justify its existence. The menu of what we can do is brief. Three immediately come to mind. First, the NBA at the national level must work j]f„_f„[_q<[kf[‡_†‚q\k„[X_f^_‡^kY‰[\f_ kx[q‚xˆ_ f„[_ qxx[Šqf]^\X_ q\‡_ Zq;[‚\_ ^`_ violations emerging. Second, working with this, the NBA can establish liaison with the Defence Headquarters and the security agencies as well as protocols for reforming detention practice and q<^‚‡]\Š_ ‡[fq]\[[X_ q\‡_ f„[]‚_ `q‰]x][X_ qkk[XX_ f^_ [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fqf]^\Â&#x;_ Third, the leadership of the national _‰YXf_—\‡_q_jqˆ_f^_ZY†x]kxˆ_X„^j_ solidarity with lawyers in northern ]Š[‚]q_qf_f„]X_‡]MkYxf_f]‰[Â&#x; „[_q<[kf[‡_xqjˆ[‚X_q‚[_^Y‚_‰[‰†[‚XĂ”__ f„[_q<[kf[‡_†‚q\k„[X_q‚[_]\_^Y‚_k^Y\f‚ˆ_ and the continuing silence of our Bar cannot be excused. The search for durable solutions to the problems in the north-east requires lawyers and cannot be found without the law. When the qf]^\qx_ ž[kYf]ÂŽ[_ ^‰‰];[[_ ^`_ ^Y‚_ Bar meets in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, on June 6, the well-being of the rule of law and the legal profession in the northeast must be on the agenda. We must make our voice heard, loud, clear, and articulate. Silence could be construed qX_]\‡]<[‚[\k[_q\‡_f„qf_]X_\^f_q\_^Zf]^\_ f„qf_f„[_ _kq\_q<^‚‡_f^_†[_qXX^k]qf[‡_ with. &' $ "( ) % % !# ! " * ! + %% !# ) , ! " % -


Daily Newswatch


friDAY, september 5, 2014

The monster, Boko Haram can be silenced through concerted efforts –Wali xx

G448'(<18 5<61 President of Nigerian :<= $663+(<1(32 H:$ J98@ K<0( L$H =8+8210@ +<008' for drastic actions to '8<0 C(1> 1>8 G60<4(61 )/2'<4821<0(616 < 9 < :393 ;<=<4 6<@(2B (1 (6 320@ 1>=3/B> +32+8=18' 8))3=16 3) <00 <2' 6/2'=@ 1><1 1>8 432618= +3/0' 78 58=4<28210@ 6(082+8' L$M OJOJJQ$ +<51/=86 (1


e have Religious Boko Haram, Political Boko Haram and Criminal Boko Haram, and so, allegedly, with quite some sympathisers, in very unexpected quarters, We now have a monster in our hands, taking an international dimension. Some otherwise, lovely parts of our country, well suited for events of this nature, are suddenly, no go areas. We have long passed the stage of blame games and finger pointing, we are now at the stage of drastic actions to deal with the situation and make every part of Nigeria safe and secured for all. By virtue of the Constitutional Provision, enshrined in the 1999 Constitution, which provides that, the security and protection of lives and property it’s the primary duty of government. In all fairness, the problems preceded the present administrations, federal and states. Our concern however, is with the handling of the situation. Yes, we will need to deploy soldiers to liberate parts of the country, not only from Boko Haram, but from all sorts of criminality. Creating more divisions of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Police, DSS etc. is not and cannot be the solution for today and tomorrow, it might be for today, but definitely not for tomorrow. This is not to show disrespect for the marvellous job our security agencies have been doing, many of whom have even made the supreme sacrifice, so that we might be safe. We do hereby pay our tributes and pray for the peaceful repose of their souls, whilst giving our deepest condolence to their families, as well as our best wishes to those injured or incapacitated. We salute their patriotism. The fact is that they may very well have been kept off harm’s way, if the needful had been done in the past. The core problem is the rot in our Criminal Justice System. Anybody can commit a crime and get away with ease. It therefore becomes difficult, if not impossible to nip issues like Boko Haram in the bud. There are no security cameras; no finger prints banks, no criminal records. This was a country where a couple of years back; we were involved in argument about the identity of a convict. I am sorry, it will happen again, because we still do not have such records till date. Our Prisons are overflowing with inmates; convicts and awaiting trial detainees. Infact, awaiting trial detainees constitute about 70% of inmates, so the prisons are prone to jail breaks and goal delivery, when criminals are gracefully let back into the society to continue from where they left off. The way to defeat a bad idea is with a better one.

Okey Wali


This is the bigger picture in Crime prevention. Trials are delayed because our courts are dysfunctional, because the Judiciary is underfunded, as the other arms of government most unfortunately see the Judiciary as an appendage of the Executive, that should get handouts from the executive. Which is why it is now fanciful for state governors to believe that they have the sole responsibility of appointing Chief Judges. Sometimes with the aquizance of the branches of the NBA in the States. Recently, it does appear that they have put it a nudge higher, when recently a House of Assembly was on the way to removing a Chief Judge from office, fortunately this time around, the Executive did the right thing and did not play along. Unless and until we ensure the independence of the Judiciary and fix our Criminal Justice System and justice delivery system, we would not have started the journey to making this country safe and secured. Let me say this for the umpteenth time, no foreign investor will come to an unsafe country to do business. No matter the amount of travelling around the world, in the name of seeking foreign investors by government officials. Fixing this economy is not going to be a tea party, coming from where we are coming from, but then, there is something

called burden of leadership. The buck stops somewhere, Mr. President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, its right on your table. The NBA wishes you well. And I believe many Nigerians do. This is because this country belongs to all of us and it is in our collective enlightened interest, that you get it right, regardless of political affiliations. We are at a defining moment for our country and our Bar. Let me be clear: A great Bar thrives in a great country. As Nigerian lawyers, we are also Nigerian Citizens, entitled to aspire, with our compatriots and for them, to the best that our country can offer. We make our livelihood from protecting our people, their transactions, and acquisitions, through the law and institutions of government. Our profession is therefore, endangered when government fails or doesn’t work well for our people. Most unfortunately we have played politics with everything; security, economy, and I mean everything. Sometimes they have even tried to drag the Bar into their political bickering. Sorry, we are a lot more discerning than that. As a body of lawyers, at the risk of sounding immodest, we should guide the society and not the other way round. Unfortunately, they appear to have

Anybody can commit a crime and get away with ease. It therefore becomes '()*+/01 () 231 (45366(708 13 2(5 (66/86 0(98 :393 ;<=<4 (2 1>8 7/' ?>8=8 <=8 23 68+/=(1@ +<48=<6 23 *2B8= 5=(216 7<296 23 +=(4(2<0 =8+3='6 ?>(6 C<6 < +3/21=@ C>8=8 < +3/508 3) @8<=6 7<+9 C8 C8=8 (2D30D8' (2 <=B/4821 <73/1 1>8 ('821(1@ 3) < +32D(+1 G <4 63==@ (1 C(00 ><5582 <B<(2 78+</68 C8 61(00 '3 231 ><D8 6/+> =8+3='6 1(00 '<18 Shekau

carried the media with them. We understand the challenge of the media, most are controlled, and their publication determined by their publishers, some of whom are politicians or close associates of politicians and so bring enormous influence on their editors. It’s as bad as you can readily tell the political leanings of many media houses. We deeply appreciate the challenges faced by practicing journalists, but we believe that relevant bodies, responsible for the regulation of the practice of journalism, should check the excesses of their members and ensure respect for professional code of conduct, healthy, fair and balanced reporting. Our elections took place most successfully between the 14th and 15th of July, 2014, and a new executive headed by Augustine Alegeh, SAN, was elected on the 15th of July, 2014 and will, as earlier stated, be inaugurated on the 29th of August, 2014 to lead the NBA for the next 2 years, till August, 2016, by His grace. If I must comment on our elections this year, a lot of issues were thrown up and I believe the succeeding administration will pay more attention to the issue of electoral reforms. There was too much smear campaign, zoning also had so much attention, actually much more than it should and sadly, all of this was in the media. One of my saddest days as the President of the NBA thus far, was the day we paid a courtesy visit on a revered traditional ruler in course of our NEC meeting and he said this to us by way of royal advice ‘‘if you are who you say you are, and if you are who we think you are, then we should not be reading what we read about your elections in the media’’. May be this is why a lot of our colleagues have always had deep concerns about the practice of zoning at the Bar. For many, a professional body like the NBA should have no business with such a policy, but the truth is that, unofficially, we do. It is not known to the NBA Constitution, but unofficially, zoning has always, quietly, existed along the lines of original three regions of east, west, and north. The down side of this practice in the last exercise was that some of our leaders, who should guide us, didn’t get it right on this occasion. If anything, some got things worse, as it became fashionable to read leaders, taking positions in newspapers and on the internet, about Bar elections. This has never happened in the history of NBA elections and most unfortunately, in some cases, history was, with respect, stood on its head.


Daily Newswatch friDAY, september 5, 2014


Graduate docked for stabbing call-girl FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


olice in Lagos have docked a 26 year-old polytechnic graduate, Shola Egunole, before an Ebute-Metta Chief Magistrate’s Court, over alleged stabbing of a commercial sex hawker. The defendant who claimed to be a 2009 graduate of Banking and Finance, from Wolex Polytechnic, Lagos was alleged to have stabbed the commercial sex hawker, Joy Osasuwa, with a sharp knife on the breast and back, at 3Star Hotel, Otto Railway Crossing, Oyingbo, Lagos, on August 12, 2014 after he had, had sex with the victim. According to the prosecutor, Inspector A. U. Moses, the alleged offence offends Section 243 of the Criminal Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011. The defendant however pleaded not guilty to the charge, leading to his lawyer, Obi Simon, notifying the court presided over by Magistrate, K. O. Ogundare that both parties have agreed to settle the matter out-of-court. This then led the Magistrate to admit the defendant bail in the sum of N200,000, with two sureties in like sum. The court equally ordered that the sureties must show to court evidence of three years tax payable to Lagos state government, means of livelihood, and have their addresses verified by the prosecutor. The matter has been adjourned till September 24, 2014 for mention.

Fola Adeola addressing National Conference delegates at National Judicial Institute, Abuja

Man, 31 arraigned over alleged murder FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


etectives from the Lagos command of the Criminal Investigation Department, Panti, Yaba Lagos have arraigned suspected killer of mother of three, late Lizzy Njideka Nzewi, nee Chukwubude, who was murdered on July 19, 2014 at her Festac Lagos residence. The defendant, William Kenneth Chukwunango, a.k.a K C M, 31, is said to be a lover boy to the deceased. According to the detectives, Chukwunango allegedly X\]<[ _x]`[_^Yf_^`_f [_j^ q\_ _Xf q\ x]\ _ her with a wrapper, at about 2 am on the

day under review. The defendant was also alleged to have stolen some items and N140, 000,00 belonging to the deceased after killing her. The items allegedly stolen by the defendant who is facing a two-count charge of murder and robbery includes, one Range Rover Sport car marked EKY 509 AZ; one Nokia cell phone; one Motorola cell phone; one Huwai cell phone and Automated Teller Card, ATM, of Diamond Bank, which the detectives said value is yet to be ascertained. [_^<[\k[X_qkk^ ]\ _f^_f [_Z ^X[kYf]\ _ ^x]k[_ Mk[ _ \XZ[kf^ _ jY_ Y jY _ ^<[\ _ [kf]^\_««®_q\ _« ¯_^`_f [_ ] ]\qx_

Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011. Inspector Chukwu also prayed the court to remand the accused pending an advice from the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP). He told the court that the application was pursuant to Section 246 of the Administration of Criminal Justice of Lagos state, 2011. [_ q;[ _ qX_ [[\_ q ^Y \[ _ f]xx_ September 24, 2014. It would be recalled that the defendant had in his confessional Xfqf[ [\f_ f^_ f [_ [f[kf] [X_ q ];[ _ k^ ];]\ _f [_^<[\k[ _q ]\ _f qf_]f_jqX_ not intentional.

Detroit bankruptcy judge tosses hold-out creditor’s charges


in further court proceedings.” \_]fX_k^Y f_ x]\ _ \k^ q_xqX [ _ out at mediators, including Rosen, who brokered the so-called grand bargain, with allegations of ] Z ^Z[ _ k^\ Ykf_ q\ _ k^\½]kfX_ ^`_ interest. The grand bargain taps into money pledged by philanthropic foundations, the Detroit Institute of Arts and the state of Michigan to ease pension cuts for city retirees. The deal is also aimed at protecting the museum’s artwork from being sold to pay Detroit creditors. Meanwhile, the city, which defaulted on pension debt insured by Syncora and Financial Guaranty Insurance Co and is seeking to void ]f_qxf^ [f [ _]X_^<[ ]\ _q_ [k^ [ _ of only pennies on the dollar to the bond insurers in its plan to adjust ×® _ ]xx]^\_^`_ [ f “The plain truth is that the mediators in this case acted improperly by orchestrating a X[;x[ [\f_ f qf_ qx][\qf[X_ f [_ k]f ¤X_ most valuable assets for the sole [\[ f_ ^`_ ^\[_ k [ ]f^ _ ^YZ °_ \k^ q¤X_ x]\ _Xfqf[ [f ^]f¤X_ q;^ \[ X_ k^Y\f[ [ _ by accusing Syncora of making “false and malicious allegations” and asking Rhodes to strike those



he police in Lagos have arraigned a driver, Oluwaseun Ajayi, and his conductor, Emmanuel Oluwaseun, before a Chief Magistrate’s ^Y f_ ^ [ _ qxx[ [ _ q;[ Zf_ f^_ X[f_ q xqÁ[_ fj^_ Z^x]k[_ ^Mk[ X _ [ [q\f_ Alabi Olubunmi and Corporal Dorcas Olugbenga, both of whom were women. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Nigeria Police, Lagos Command, Panti, Yaba alleged both the driver and his conductor allegations from the court record. k^ ];[ _f [_^<[\k[_qf_ q] [_ YX_Xf^Z _ A hearing on Detroit’s motion was Ijaiye-Ojokoro, Lagos, on July 24, 2014. While the driver was charged on held Monday. ^<[\k[X_ ^ [ ]\ _ ^\_ k^\XZ] qk _ Rhodes denied the city’s request unlawfully capture, retain, and to also remove Syncora’s assertion unlawfully assault, resist and that if approved by the court, obstructing Woman Corporal Dorcas the grand bargain amounts to a Olugbenga from carrying out her “judicially sanctioned fraudulent ^Mk]qx_ Yf _ ]X_k^\ Ykf^ _jqX_k q [ _ qx^\ _j]f _ ] _^\_^<[\k[_ ^ [ ]\ _^\_ transfer.” “The court concludes that q;[ Zf[ _ Y [ The duo were alleged to have pour Syncora’s fraudulent transfer argument is based on evidence petrol on the two police women with resulting from discovery and is an intent to set them ablaze, before the therefore timely,” Rhodes said in Z^x]k[_ ^Mk[ X_ j[ [_ [XkY[ _ _ ZqXX[ _ bye. the ruling. According to the prosecutor, Inspector The judge also declined Detroit’s Clement Okomoise said the alleged request for a public apology to the ^<[\k[X_ ^<[\ _ _ [kf]^\X_ ɬ _ «Ç «« _ mediators from Syncora and its and 172(b) of the Criminal Laws of q;^ \[ X _ j ^_ j[ [_ ] [\_ q_ [Zf _ Lagos State of Nigeria, 2011. They accused pleaded not guilty to the 12 deadline to explain why they charges which led to their lawyers, Mr. should not face sanctions. While the city has won O. K. Etiwo and Abimbola Babatunde, X[;x[ [\fX_j]f _ ^Xf_^`_]fX_ ] [Xf_ pleading for their bail in the most creditors, Syncora, which has a liberal term while trial continues before $400 million exposure mainly from Magistrate Mr. Olatunji O. The lawyers told the court that there insuring pension debt and related ]X_ \^f ]\ _ x] [_ q;[ Zf[ _ Y [ _ q\ _ interest-rate swaps, has emerged ] \qZZ]\ _ ]\_ f [_ q;[ _ q ]\ _ f qf_ as Detroit’s No. 1 opponent in the the main case is that the two accused case. `q]x[ _f^_^ [ _f qMk_xqj The bond insurer was ordered Consequently, the presiding into another round of mediation q ]Xf qf[_ q ];[ _ f [_ [`[\ q\fX_ f^_ with the city and others over the bail in the sum of N300, 000, with two $1.4 billion of pension debt this XY [f][X _ [_ q;[ _ jqX_ f [ [q`f[ _ adjourned till October 17, for mention. week.

Justice from foreign lands U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge late on Thursday removed allegations made by one of Detroit’s remaining hold-out creditors against mediators in the city’s historic municipal bankruptcy case. Judge Steven Rhodes chastised Syncora Guarantee Inc for kxq] ]\ _]\_q\_ Y _®«_k^Y f_ x]\ _ that mediators, Chief U.S. District Court Judge Gerald Rosen and q;^ \[ _ Y [\[_ ] [ _q [_ ]qX[ [_ k^Y f_ \ X_ f qf_ f [_ allegations concerning the mediators ... are scandalous and defamatory,” Rhodes’ ruling stated. It added that the bond insurance k^ Zq\ ¤X_ ] x _Z[ X^\qx_q;qk °_ on Rosen was legally and factually unwarranted, unprofessional and unjust. James H.M. Sprayregen, an q;^ \[ _ qf_ ] xq\ _ â_ xx]X_ representing Syncora said they “respectfully disagree with Judge Rhodes.” “We still have concerns about the fairness of the mediation process,” he said in a statement. “These issues j]xx_ [_q [XX[ _ ^ [_XZ[k] kqxx _

Drivers, conductor docked for attempting to set two police officers ablaze

Daily Newswatch


Crime Friday, September 5, 2014

How I drugged Dubai shopkeeper, stole N10.5m gold –Suspects ADELEKE ADESANYA


25 year-old armed robbery suspect is being detained by operatives of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad Â? ž_ qŠ^XÂ&#x;_ ^Y‚k[X_ k^\—‚‰[‡_ that he had given a redolent account of his criminal escapades with recourse to how „[_‡‚YŠŠ[‡_q_X„^Z_q;[\‡q\f_]\_`q‚_qjqˆ_ Y†q]_ before making away with trinkets worth about N10.5 million, belonging to the victim. „[_XYXZ[kf_j„^_]‡[\f]—[‡_„]‰X[x`_qX_ qÂ?[[‰ƒ_ jqX_‚[k[\fxˆ_f‚q]x[‡_q\‡_—\qxxˆ_q‚‚[Xf[‡_†ˆ_q‚‰[‡_ police detectives led by Superintendent (SP), Abba ˆq‚]ƒ_ q;qk„[‡_ f^_ Â&#x;_ qÂ?[[‰ƒ_ qkk^‚‡]\Š_ to our usually reliable source, was seized from one of his hideouts in Abeokuta, the Ogun State. The suspect, during preliminary investigation confessed that he had a habit of drugging his victims before disposing them of their valuables; he added that his latest victims being two women j„^_j[‚[_^\_q_†YX]\[XX_f‚]Z_f^_ Y†q]Â&#x; _ ^x]k[_†qkÂ?Š‚^Y\‡_k„[kÂ?_^\_ qÂ?[[‰_qkfYqxxˆ_ k^\—‚‰[‡_f„qf_„[ƒ_qf_q_Z^]\f_]\_f]‰[_f‚qÂŽ[xx[‡_f^_ Y†q]_j]f„_f„[_„[xZ_^`_^\[_^`_„]X_`‚][\‡X_j„^‰_ he claimed to have met at a drinking joint at Lekki area of Lagos. “I am an expert at administering sleeping tablets to my wealthy female friends before X[;x]\Š_‡^j\_f^_‡]XZ^XX[XX_f„[‰_^`_f„[]‚_„q‚‡ earned belongings. I learnt the art shortly after which I was defrauded by a prostitute whom I met in Lagos. I lost close to N1 million meant for my trip to Europe to the call girl. “I had gone to a club in Lekki in search for a would be victim in an apparent move to recoup my loss. It was there I eavesdropped some Igbo †^ˆX_j„^_Â…YXf_kq‰[_†qkÂ?_`‚^‰_ Y†q]ƒ_‡]XkYXX]\Š_ the one of the fastest and easiest way to make quick money. One of them had carelessly dropped the „]\f_f„qf_]f_j^Yx‡_†[_Z‚^—fq†x[_]`_f„[ˆ_j[‚[_q†x[_f^_ recruit any sharp guy that could serve as courier to move drugs from Nigeria to any part of the world and that the more the merrierâ€? he added. The suspect confessed further that he quickly qZZ‚^qk„[‡_f„[‰_q\‡_^<[‚]\Š_f„[‰_„]X_X[‚Ž]k[_ and skills. “ I told them that if they could take me to Y†q]_f„qf_ _j]xx_„[xZ_f„[‰_f^_Xf[qx_Š^x‡_q\‡_^f„[‚_ valuables that could fetch them real money more f„q\_‡‚YŠ_f‚qMkÂ?]\Š_Z[‚_ƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x;

qÂ?[[‰_ `Y‚f„[‚_ ‚[ÂŽ[qx[‡_ f„qf_ „[_ f‚qÂŽ[xx[‡_ f^_ Y†q]_ ]\_ q\Yq‚ˆ_ ŽÉ_ ^\_ f„[_ ]\ÂŽ]fqf]^\_ `‚^‰_ „]X_ k‚]‰]\qx_ `‚][\‡XÂ&#x;_ [_ q‡‡[‡_ f„qf_ „[_ X^^\_ discovered on arrival while he was being taken f^_„]X_„^f[x_‚^^‰_]\_ Y†q]_f„qf_f„[_Xf‚[[fX_j[‚[_ `Yxx_ ^`_ kx^X[_ k]‚kY]f_ kq‰[‚qX_ —;[‡_ f^_ ‰^\]f^‚_ movement of criminals. “I was made to understand before I travelled f„qf_X[kY‚]fˆ_]\_ Y†q]_]X_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_f]Š„f_q\‡_]`_kqYŠ„fƒ_ the criminal would end up in jail. I was also told f„qf_Xf[qx]\Š_]X_\^f_q_†q]x_q†x[_^<[\k[_]\_ Y†q]Â&#x; “The following day I dressed as a Muslim, entered one of the shops which was approximately 10minutes journey. While inside f„[_X„^Zƒ_ _‚[Â?Y[Xf[‡_`^‚_q_kYZ_^`_k^<[[Â&#x;_ qÂŽ]\Š_ been served, I intentionally placed it on the table kx^X[_f^_j„[‚[_^\[_^`_Xfq<_q;qk„[‡_f^_f„[_Â…[j[x‚ˆ_ X[kf]^\_^`_f„[_X„^Z_qxX^_„q‡_„]X_^j\_kYZ_^`_k^<[[Â&#x;_ Instinctively, distracted him by splashing some of the content of my cup on his table. “I slipped some sleeping pills into his own kYZ_^`_k^<[[Â&#x;_ ^\[_^`_f„[_j^‚Â?[‚X_\^f]k[‡_‰ˆ_ ‰^ÂŽ[‰[\f_ †[kqYX[_ [qk„_ ^`_ f„[_ q;[\‡q\fX_ jqX_ moving out of the shop since the time for prayers was close by. I pretended that I was also leaving but waited to collect my jewelries which the guy who was my target was trying to wrap. In less than two minutes, he slumped and I quickly took a pack of the jewelries and walked out of the shop into the waiting car mounted by a newly found criminal gang. While inside the car, they told me that the gold is worth about 10.5million naira.

Hakeem, the suspect

Soon after that, I came back to Lagos to sell the Š^x‡Â&#x;_ ˆ_X„q‚[_`‚^‰_f„[_‡[qx_jqX_ ÉÂ&#x;š‰]xx]^\Â&#x;_ _ k^Yx‡\¤f_X[xx_]f_]\_ Y†q]_X^_f„qf_f„[ˆ_j^Yx‡_\^f_ f‚qk[_f„[_X^Y‚k[ƒ°_ qÂ?[[‰_\q‚‚qf[‡Â&#x; \_„^j_„[_Š^f_]\f‚^‡Yk[‡_]\f^_k‚]‰[ƒ_ qÂ?[[‰_ said he was inspired by a prostitute who drugged and robbed him in 2003. q‚‚qf]\Š_j„qf_„qZZ[\[‡_f„[\ƒ_ qÂ?[[‰_Xq]‡ƒ_ “After my secondary school, as an only son, my mother wanted me to travel to Europe in search of greener pastures. My immediate family, friend q\‡_ ‚[xqf]ÂŽ[X_ j[‚[_ q†x[_ f^_ ‚q]X[_ ÂšÂŹÂŹÂƒ_ ÂŹÂŹÂŹ_ qX_ my pocket money. I had already procured my passport, Visa and ticket for the trip.â€? kk^‚‡]\Š_f^_„]‰ƒ_„]X_½]Š„f_jqX_Xk„[‡Yx[‡_`^‚_ 7.30 am, and that he decided to lodge in a hotel \^f_f^^_`q‚_`‚^‰_f„[_q]‚Z^‚fÂ&#x;_ ^j[ÂŽ[‚ƒ_xqf[‚_f„qf_ night he went to a bar across the road to drink and also look for a woman that he would spend the night with. “I later got a lady who refused to spend the night with me but only two hours. We agreed that I would pay her N1000 as her fee. We moved over to my room and I asked her what she wanted. She said pepper soup. I ordered for pepper soup and beer. While talking she asked me where I was heading to. Midway into the discussion she changed her mind and decided to spend the entire night with me. “I left part of my drink on the cup and went to ease myself. Unknown to me, she put some XY†Xfq\k[_]\_f„[_‡‚]\Â?Â&#x;_ _‡‚q\Â?_]f_q\‡_]\_q_‰q;[‚_ ^`_‰]\Yf[Xƒ_ _Xx[Zf_^<Â&#x; “I woke up late the next morning only to discover that the lady had stolen my passport, money and valuables. I was devastated and q†^ÂŽ[_qxxƒ_ _‰]XX[‡_‰ˆ_½]Š„fÂ&#x;_ _jqX_X^_qX„q‰[‡_

of myself that I refused to go home again. I later summoned courage and went to my aunt’s house in Isolo. She advised me to remain where I was as my mother could die of shame. She actually organized a party few days before my departure.â€? fqf]\Š_ `Y‚f„[‚_ qÂ?[[‰_ Xq]‡ƒ_ – „[_ ŠYˆX_ j„^_ were seating close to me were complaining about a girl whom they said had been eating their money without allowing them to sleep with her. I noticed that they slipped some pills into her drink; few minutes after sipping the drink she Xx[Zf_^<Â&#x;__ \[_^`_f„[_ŠYˆX_kq‚‚][‡_„[‚_]\f^_f„[_kq‚_ while the others were smiling. I vividly recalled what happened to me in 2003 and approached the boys. I begged till guys to tell me what they had just done to the girl. They told me that they used a sleeping pill to sedate her. “Initially I was in doubt of the potency of the drug, so I decided to try it out on my girlfriend. _‡]‡_q\‡_X„[_Xx[Zf_^<Â&#x;_ _qxX^_k^\XYxf[‡_j]f„_‰ˆ_ friend who is a lawyer; he was the one who told ‰[_f„qf_]f_]X_†q]x_q†x[_^<[\k[Â&#x; My target was women whom I could easily lure to a place and either have free sex with them while they sleep or steal from them. I am a wonderful dresser and no woman can resist me. Am a super dresser. “I was able to save money from my proceeds and bought a clean car. The car enabled me to have access to the bigger ladies whose jewelries are normally gold. I had been lucky that I stole a golden trinket belonging to a lady and at the end of the day sold it for N1.2million. This breakthrough encouraged me to go for jewelries,â€? he recalled.

q�[[‰_kxq]‰[‡_f„qf_„[_Š^f_„]X_Ž]kf]‰X_`‚^‰_ clubs, wedding ceremonies and other social

I have been arrested several times both in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. I was able to escape being taken to court because the complainant in each of those cases might be aware that they could lose all if they go to court

engagements and most especially churches or mosques. “If you visit any Muslim gathering where the elites gather, you will have several options. There women are always dressed with golden trinkets. I also successfully ripped off the wife of one Alhaji in Kwara state. The woman who complained bitterly that her husband is very old, arranged and I met her at her private residence. It was very easy to drug her, and pack all the golden trinkets on her body and in the house; she had so many of itâ€?. The suspect disclosed that he was not only after ladies, but that he also extended it to the male folks especially operators of bureau de change. “One day I decided to try my hands on those Mallams that normally buy the stolen goods from me. I knew that they are as guilty as I am. In one of the instances, I was arrested but when we got to the police station, he begged that the case be X[;x[‡_ ^Yf_ ^`_ k^Y‚fĂ”_ f„qf_ xxq„_ j]xx_ Â…Y‡Š[_ ‰[Â&#x;_

[_Â?\[j_f„qf_f„[_Z^x]k[_j^Yx‡_x^kÂ?_„]‰_YZ_qX_ a suspect. In fact, he paid for my bail to end the ‰q;[‚_qX_Â?Y]kÂ?xˆ_qX_Z^XX]†x[Â&#x;_ _†[kq‰[_q_‰qXf[‚_ in the game to the point that Lagos became XqfY‚qf[‡Â&#x;__ _‚[x^kqf[‡_f^_ ^‚f_ q‚k^Y‚f_q\‡_XZ[\f_ two years doing the same thing. I would only k^‰[_f^_ qŠ^X_f^_X[[_‰ˆ_j]`[_q\‡_k„]x‡ƒ°_ qÂ?[[\_ said. The Lagos State police boss, Assistant Inspector [\[‚qx_^`_ ^x]k[ƒ_ ‰q‚_ q\Â?^ƒ_j„^_k^\—‚‰[‡_ the arrest said that he got an intelligence report about a gang who specializes in drugging rich society women before robbing them of their belongings. Manko said upon the report, he detailed the Mk[‚_]\_ „q‚Š[_^`_ ƒ_ _ ††q_ ˆq‚]_f^_kq‚‚ˆ_ ^Yf_‡]Xk‚[[f_]\ÂŽ[Xf]Šqf]^\_]\f^_f„[_‰q;[‚Â&#x; The operatives at SARS were said to have swiftly swung into action by planting detectives at strategic locations where the suspect had been taking his victims to. \_ f„qf_ `qf[`Yx_ ‡qˆƒ_ qÂ?[[‰_ jqX_ qxx[Š[‡_ f^_ have lured two women whom he had pretended f^_‰qÂ?[_q‚‚q\Š[‰[\f_`^‚_f„[]‚_f‚qÂŽ[xx]\Š_f^_ Y†q]_ `^‚_X„^ZZ]\ŠÂ&#x;_ ^_Z[‚`[kf_„]X_Zxq\Xƒ_ qÂ?[[‰_jqX_ said to have assisted them to procure their visa, tickets and even bought dollars for the phantom trip. _ [_jqX_Xq]‡_f^_„qÂŽ[_†^^Â?[‡_f„[‰_]\f^_q_„^f[x_ close to the airport with the excuse that they ‰]Š„f_‰]XX_f„[]‚_½]Š„f_X„^Yx‡_f„[ˆ_Š^_†qkÂ?_„^‰[Â&#x; Manko revealed that on that same night, the suspect came back to the hotel where he had kept his prey with the excuse that he wanted to discuss few details about their trip. “Excitedly, the ladies swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker, by allowing him access into their ‚^^‰_j„[‚[_„[_^<[‚[‡_f„[‰_‡‚]\Â?XÂ&#x;_ „]x[_f„[ˆ_ were drinking together, he dropped some portion of the sleeping pill in their drinks and minutes xqf[‚_f„[ˆ_Xx[Zf_^<Â&#x;

q�[[‰_ Xf^x[_ qxx_ f„[]‚_ f‚]\�[fX_ q\‡_ f„[_ kqX„_ found with them,� he added. [f[kf]Ž[X_ x[‡_ †ˆ_ _ _ ††q_ ˆq‚]ƒ_ tracked him down in Abeokuta where he had since relocated. On realizing that his visitors were familiar faces from the police, he took to his heels but was later apprehended.

qÂ?[[‰_j„^_„q‡_†[[\_q‚‚[Xf[‡_X[ÂŽ[‚qx_f]‰[X_ claimed that he was able to regain his freedom each time he strayed into the police net because f„[_^<[\k[_]X_†q]x_q†x[Â&#x; “I have been arrested several times both in qŠ^Xƒ_ †YÂ…q_ q\‡_ ^‚f_ q‚k^Y‚fÂ&#x;_ _ jqX_ q†x[_ to escape being taken to court because the complainant in each of those cases might be aware that they could lose all if they go to court. All I normally do is to pay back the amount taken and also pay for my bail. Out of 20 cases bordering on theft, I could be arrested once or fj]k[Â&#x;_ „]X_‰qÂ?[X_]f_[qXˆ_f^_Zqˆ_†qkÂ?ƒ_– qÂ?[[‰_ Xq]‡_qX_q_‰q;[‚_^`_`qkfÂ&#x;


Daily Newswatch

Super Friday Friday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

Experts x-ray benefits of e-ID card on economy OLADELE DADA


t’s over a week now, that President Jonathan unveiled the new e-national I D card. The Identity card which is expected to serve ] [ ]q\X_ [;[ _ f q\_ f [_ Z [ ]^YX_ one is aimed at improving on the economic and social lives of the citizens. The multipurpose I.D card will also add to the economic value of the country since it will be linked to each bank account in order to make transactions very easy and convenient. According to the Director-General of Nigerian Identity Card Commission, Chris Onyemenem, “the card would solve the challenge of proof of identity, the way no proof of identity has done. Onyemenem therefore stressed the need for every citizen to register so as to [\ ^ _f [_ [\[ fX_^`_f [_kq _ However, President Good luck Jonathan has asked the commission to ensure that all persons up to 16 years and above should enroll into the National Identity Database and that all MDAs involved in data capture activities should align their activities, with a view to switching over to the NIMC infrastructure. Experts are of the view that the process will enable the Federal Government to have the data base of all Nigerians, adding that some government ministries or commissions like budget and pension commission can also adopt it as a prerequisite for accessing funds. X_Zq f_^`_f [_ [\[ fX _]\_]fX_ Xf_Z qX[ _ Nigerians 16 years and older, and all residents in the country for more than two years, will get the new multipurpose identity card which has 13 applications including MasterCard’s prepaid payment technology that will provide cardholders with the safety, convenience and reliability of electronic payments. ]X_j]xx_ q [_q_X] \] kq\f_q\ _Z^X]f] [_ impact on the lives of these Nigerians who have not previously had access to \q\k]qx_X[ ]k[X The new National Identity Smart Card will incorporate the unique National [\f] kqf]^\_ Y [ X_ _ ^`_ Yx _ registered persons in the country. The enrollment process involves the recording of an individual’s demographic data and ]^ [f ]k_ qfq_ kqZfY [_^`_®¬_ \ [ Z ]\fX _ `qk]qx_Z]kfY [_q\ _ ] ]fqx_X] \qfY [ _f qf_ are used to authenticate the cardholder and eliminate fraud and embezzlement. The resultant National Identity Database will provide the platform for several other value propositions of the NIMC including identity authentication and [ ] kqf]^\ According to Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy in Nigeria, who stressed the importance of the National Identity Smart Card Scheme in moving Nigeria to an electronic platform. She said “This programme is good practice for us to bring all the citizens on a common platform for interacting with the various government agencies and for transacting electronically. We will implement this initiative in a collaborative manner between the public and private sectors, to achieve its full potential of inclusive citizenship and ^ [_[<[kf] [_ ^ [ \q\k[ °_X [_q [ The programme is also designed to move Nigeria into a cashless society, ^\[_ f qf_ ]X_ [Z[\ [\f_ ^\_ \q\k]qx_

Mr Onyemenam

institutions, Wall Street and the Nigerian government. It will be managed by the \q\k]qx_[x]f[X_^`_ qxx_ f [[f _f[k \^k qfX_ and of course Washington and forms ^`_ \q\k]qx_ f q\Xqkf]^\X_ j^Yx _ [_ exchanged through plastic credit and debit cards that would have implanted RFID chips. But despite its merits, Nigerians have not hidden their fear on the availability of the e- I.D card to all Nigerians including f [_x^j[ _kxqXX_j ^_q [_\^f_x[;[ [ Like in the previous years when this type of registration was done. Many Nigerians couldn’t access it due to some itches like unavailability of machines, ]\XYMk][\f_ ^`_ Z[ X^\\[x _ ]Xfq\k[_ ^`_ registration points of towns, cities or communities as well as some questions that looms on the minds of Nigerians like: Can all Nigerians access this when the registration eventually commence? Will it not be like the previous registration of National I.D Card where fewer people could register? Is it a facade? Is the Nigerian government on the verge of controlling ]fX_ Z^ZYxqf]^\_ \q\k]qxx Ö_ _ ]f _

Dr. Okonjo-Iweala

MasterCard and Wall Street involved, will Nigerian government succeed with the plan? Though, it is reported that registration has commenced in some major places like Lagos and Abuja. And if yes, what are the preliminary orientations put in place to sensitize the public on the necessity of doing it? Some answers to these posers were brought before a Lagos based Economic analyst. Mr Bolaji Ogunseye, who threw more light on the necessities of the e-I.D card and areas government might have itches. Speaking on the issue, he said, “the government needs to enlighten the populace especially the lower class so that they can be acquainted with the process. But condemned the process of having an account with a bank as a requisite `^ _ ^ fq]\]\ _ ^ _ xx]\ _ `^ _ Xq ]\ _ ]f_ might not really work. How do banks get to register all these people? It might be cumbersome, if there are no proper arrangements. “Among other challenges in a cashless

We will implement this initiative in a collaborative manner between the public and private sectors, to achieve its full potential of inclusive citizenship and more effective governance

society, is that the state can terminate your [x[kf ^\]k_ \q\k]qx_ x]`[x]\[_ ]`_ q\ f ]\ _ were to happen within the country, for example any form of protests, economic ^j\fY \X _ q_ jq _ ^ _ ]`_ q_ \q\k]qx_ institution such as MasterCard were to go bankrupt. There are many other. Is Nigeria developed to that extent’’ he asked. I believe government should expand the economy to be able to accommodate the masses so that the programme does not marginalize the poor masses. Another analyst, Mr Olalekan Oni who spoke with Daily Newswatch correspondent said that the programme j]xx_ ][x _ q\ _ [\[ fX_f^_ ] [ ]q\X_]`_ Z ^Z[ x _ q\q [ _ [_ Y; [XX[ _f ]X_ _ saying that the National Identity Smart card could be used for surveillance of individuals under the state. “With Nigeria facing a civil war between Islamists insurgents and minority ethnic groups from the oil rich Niger Delta, the National Identity Smart cards can [_ YX[ _ f^_ ] [\f]` _ ]fX_ [\[ ][X °_ [_ explained. While Olabode Cornelius explained that “the biometric ID card is a tool for socio – economic development which enhance international trade and transactions .The implication is that people can transact business anywhere in the world. With this also, basic amenities can also be enjoyed by the citizens who have duly registered. Notwithstanding, some people might still be restricted due one reason or the other, but to some extent it will promote ]\f[ \qf]^\qx_f q [° _ Mr Ogunyode Idris, a security personnel said ,“with the introduction of the biometric card ,the crime rate will be controlled since the NIMC will have the data base of all Nigerians which will even serve as reference point to government agencies for implementation and Zxq\\]\ °

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Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 5, 2014

I was doing stage play in school –O. C. Ukeje Popular Nollywood actor, !# % ! ! * 1 winner 2006 and winner of Best Upcoming Actor AMAA 2008, Okechukwu Chukwudi Ukeje, popularly known as OC Ukeje, in this interview with ADA DIKE, reveals how his journey to stardom started.


ow did your journey to stardom commence? While I was in school in the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, I was doing XfqŠ[_ Zxqˆ_ j]f„_ ‡]<[‚[\f_ Z[^Zx[_ j]f„_ q\_ organisation called ‘Venom of Black Man’. After I graduated from school, I decided to go into entertainment business. One day, somebody told me about Amstel Malta Box Mk[_ Â? ‰†^ž_ k^\f[XfÂ&#x;_ ^_ _ Z]kÂ?[‡_ q_ `^‚‰ƒ_ —xx[‡_]f_q\‡_XY†‰];[‡_]fÂ&#x;_ _xqf[‚_j[\f_`^‚_f„[_ audition. They called me after the audition. Here I am today. What did you go home with after you won the Best Upcoming Actor AMAA 2008? I went home with the sum of N2.5 million, a brand new car and I acted in a movie. The one I did was White Waters. How did


your friend react to your victory? ^‰[_^`_‰ˆ_`‚][\‡X_ZYX„[‡_‰[_f^_ZY‚XY[_ what I am doing now. We still get along. Winning a contest does not automatically make you become someone your friends kq\\^f_fqxÂ?_f^_q\ˆ‰^‚[Â&#x;_ ^‰[_^`_f„[‰ƒ_j„^_ ‡^_ \^f_ Y\‡[‚Xfq\‡_ j]xx_ XZ]f[_ ˆ^YÂ&#x;_ ^‰[_ people will see you from a distance and think they cannot talk to you any longer. What did you do with the money you won? I used it to solve family responsibility and also invested part of it. I also saved part of the money to take care of myself. After April 2008 AMAA Award, have you acted in any movie? I have acted in many movies and TV [‚][XÂ&#x;_ \[_]X_kqxx[‡_– ^‰‚q‡[Â&#x;°_ _qxX^_‡]‡_ – [f]\_ [ˆ°_j]f„_ _ [‚Ž]k[_ ‚YXfÂ&#x;_ _qkf[‡_ ]\_ – j^_ ‚]‡[X_ q\‡_ q_ q†ˆƒ°_ – ^\`YX]^\_ q_ q°_ q\‡_ – qx`_ _ [xx^j_ Y\ƒ°_ q‰^\Š_ others. There are few other promising prospects I have moved into this year. What do you feel made you to win the AMBO Award? I think I am good at what I do. I thank God for that. It is not just being good at what you do. It is important for one to be q_ Š^^‡_ †‚q\‡Â&#x;_ _ q‰_ q_ —\[_ †^ˆƒ_ ]\f[xx]Š[\f_ q\‡_ _f‚][‡Â&#x;_ ^_j„[\_ˆ^Y_k^‰†]\[_qxx_f„[X[_ together, you would excel.

What are your challenges so far? After you won something, the world does \^f_`qxx_qf_ˆ^Y‚_`[[fÂ&#x;_ ^Y_\[[‡_f^_j^‚Â?_„q‚‡_ f^_ ‰qÂ?[_ ]fÂ&#x;_ [k^\‡xˆ_ f„[_ Â?]\‡_ ^`_ ‰[XXqŠ[_ you get from the media and the people who keep asking you whether you have acted in 50 movies. Everything takes time to be built. Most importantly, you have to maintain the status you have. Nobody likes to be high there and later crashed. That is a challenge as well. You studied Marine Sciences, now you are into acting, do they merge? I may still do job that pertains to Marine k][\k[X_ xqf[‚ƒ_ †Yf_ ‰ˆ_ q;[\f]^\_ ]X_ ^\_ [\f[‚fq]\‰[\f_\^jÂ&#x;_ ^_ _q‰_ZY‚XY]\Š_f„qfÂ&#x;_ The thing about Nigeria is that there are k[‚fq]\_f„]\ŠX_ˆ^Y_‡^_\^f_—\‡_^Yf_]\_Š^^‡_ enough time. We are not developed like some countries to be able to train people and discover their gifts early so that by the time they get into the University, they would know what they are good at. I was one of the people who discovered themselves late. People want you to study a course that sounds like a serious profession. By the end of the day, the real talent in you will be revealed. What is your view about Nollywood? Nollywood still has a long way to go. If I can borrow the word from my friend, „[_Xq]‡ƒ_– _j^Yx‡_x]Â?[_ ^xxˆj^^‡_f^_ „[_Xq]‡ƒ_ _j^Yx ‡][_ q\‡_ †[_ ‚[XY ‚[XYXk]fqf[‡Â&#x;°_ _ „[‚[_ q‚[_ quite number of people who are ‡]‚[kf †[;[‚_ qf_ ‡]‚[kf]\Š_ ‰^ÂŽ][Xƒ_ j‚]f]\Š_ scripts, shooting shootin movies and we have †[;[‚_ qkf^‚XÂ&#x;_ _ q‰_ \^f_ ‡]Xk‚[‡]f]\Š_ any actor now. now Why people downplay actors is because, sometimes, the stories are not interesting. Do you believe that Nollywood bel is the third best movie industry b in the world? world Based on what? I think it is based on the th number of movies we churn out ou and their qualities. We are really reall doing great. What are your expectations concerning Nollywood? We need investors who can bring money to move the mo industry forward. Money is needed to turn a good script to a good movie. Governments m in some countries sponsor movies. The Federal Government should assist Governm Nollywood. If we open Nollywo up the market, it will give people the opportunity to showcase showca their talents. When Whe will you be more active in movies? I will wi but, I am trying to be selective about my work. work I like good scripts. Life is i not always about money. mone I am willing to pay the price and suffer a little lit till we get to the point poin where people will adore ado us. Have you rejected any H roles rol before? I will tell you that if I don’t do like a script, I will not no take up a role in it. Have you gone for training about acting? tr I know that I did not study Theatre n Arts A but, I have done a bit of training with ^†[‚f_ ^Y\ŠÂ&#x;_ ^† How have you been able to handle your

We need investors who can bring money to move the industry forward. Money is needed to turn a good script to a good movie. Governments in some countries sponsor movies. The Federal Government should assist Nollywood. If we open up the market, it will give people the opportunity to showcase their talents

admirers? _ q‰_ f‚ˆ]\ŠÂ&#x;_ ^‰[f]‰[Xƒ_ ]f_ ]X_ \^f_ [qXˆ_ to handle them because they get angry when you don’t do what they want. I have someone that keeps me in check and she is a —\[_Š]‚xÂ&#x;_ f_qxx_„qX_f^_‡^_j]f„_‡]Xk]Zx]\[Â&#x;_ Do ladies care? No they don’t. That’s the truth. For me, I am a human being too but I am being careful. What is your future ambition as an actor? I am hoping to get more roles within and outside Nigeria. I also hope that Nollywood will open up for us. I look forward to establishing my own TV station. What is your advice for the up-coming youths? ^\¤f_ x][_ f^_ ˆ^Y‚X[x`Â&#x;_ [f¤X_ \^f_ —xx_ f„[_ industry with people who are not talented in acting. If you remain consistent in what you do, things will work for you. What turns you on and what turn you 94; I like people who are truthful and who are not proud. I hate people who don’t have vision. Can you give us an insight to your background? I hail from Umuahia North Local ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ ‚[q_^`_ †]q_ fqf[Â&#x;_ _jqX_†^‚\_ in Lagos. I am the second child in a family of f„‚[[_ k„]x‡‚[\Â&#x;_ _ XfY‡][‡_ q‚]\[_ k][\k[_ ]\_ the University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, and graduated in 2005. I was on the repertory team that showcased three stage plays for f„[_ ]Š[‚]q_ ^YX[_ qf_ f„[_ ^\‡^\_ YxfY‚qx_ Olympiad in 2012. Did the money you got from the contest make you a happiest man? The money I won made a happy man not the happiest man. When was your happiest moment? When I won the award as the Best Upcoming Actor AMAA 2008 was my happiest moment. It made me to know that in the whole of Africa that I am the best up-coming actor in 2008. That’s very commendable. Any regrets so far? When I lost my father in 1997 was the time I was trying to complete my secondary education. It was a really a sad moment for me.

Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 5, 2014


I’m doing socially-conscious films –Udoka Oyeka " !# 4 "5 5 " ! " 7 % % ( " 5 ) 9$ ( 4 ( ) # $ 7" $ 7 % % ( "5 ! #" : " 5 !# 5# # , ( ; " !# "! + , , !# ) # 4 # % ( 4 " 7 % ;


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Spirit of Lagos calls for entries for Lagos Song Competition


X_ Zq f_ ^`_ [<^ fX_ q] [ _ qf_ k q\ ]\ _ f [_ ]\ X[f_ ^`_ q ^X_ fqf[_ [X] [\fX_ f^jq X_ f [] _ [\ ] ^\ [\f _ ZY x]k_ ]\` qXf YkfY [_ q\ _ f [] _ `[xx^j_ q\_ q ^\ _ ^f [ X _ Spirit of Lagos _ q_ \^\ Z^x]f]kqx _ \^\ [x] ]^YX_ ^ q\]Áqf]^\ _ qX_ ]\ ]f[ _ q ^X_ [X] [\fX_ f^_ Zq f]k]Zqf[_ ]\_ q_ X^\ _ k^ Z[f]f]^\_ f^_ X[x[kf_ q_ f [ [_ X^\ _ f qf_j]xx_ [X^\qf[_j]f _ q ^X]q\X_q\ _ Z ^ ^f[_f [_] [qxX_^`_ q ^X_ fqf[ [_ k^ Z[f]f]^\ _ j ]k _ ]X_ [¾Z[kf[ _ f^_ ] [_ [\ q [ [\f_ q\ _ q ^Zf]^\_ ^`_ ¤X_ [XXq [X_ q ^\ _ q ^X]q\X _ ]X_ ^Z[\_f^_ [X] [\fX_^`_ q ^X _] [XZ[kf] [_

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LABAF 2014 begins November 14


Books from former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s presidential library displayed at LABAF 2013

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Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 5, 2014

Life: all about food and raiment knew that all the struggles in life are because we must meet these insatiable \_‰ˆ_[q‚xˆ_f[[\Xƒ_‰ˆ_`qf„[‚_^`f[\_ needs “food and clothingâ€?. disciplined me especially when I took time out to tinker and I _ †‚^Â?[_ q_ xqj_ qf_ „^‰[ƒ_ ^‚_ Xk„^^x_ observed too that though we may grasp or came back home with a bad qxx_f„[_†[\[—fX_^`_x]`[ƒ_^\[_k^Yx‡_\[ÂŽ[‚_ school result sheet. do without this two. One may not I had thought my dad was the have a house or car and may not need only father who acted that way but I them but he can never do without food observed that all the dads of the boys q\‡_ ‚q]‰[\fÂ&#x;_ xx_ f„[_ †]Š_ ]\‡YXf‚][Xƒ_ around my age that time acted same. X„^ZZ]\Š_ ‰qxxXƒ_ †YX]\[XX_ Z‚[‰]X[Xƒ_ One statement never left their lips: banks etc are all secondary tools to feed x^^Â?_ †^ˆƒ_ _ q‰_ ‡^]\Š_ f„]X_ X^_ f„qf_ ˆ^Y_ these two insatiable needs. can have food on your table tomorrow. The reason we buy cars is just to ease They looked stern while they made this ^Y‚_‰^ÂŽ[‰[\fX_f^jq‚‡X_Š[;]\Š_f^_f„[_ statement. place where we could get money to I have taken my time to observe too buy food and cloth. We buy or build a that it seems our dads were right. All house because we desire a conducive our trouble in life seems to end in our Zxqk[_ f^_ ‚[Xfƒ_ Â?[[Z_ ^Y‚_ kx^f„[Xƒ_ q\‡_ stomachs. Food and clothing seem to be have our meals prepared. Hospitals the focal point of every one’s struggle. are built so that when you are ill and I had wondered why Jesus had spoken ˆ^Y_ —\‡_ `^^‡_ qZZqxx]\Šƒ_ ˆ^Y_ kq\_ ‚Y\_ vehemently about not worrying about in and have your health checked so what to eat and wear when one could as to enable you return to your eating as well have worried about owning a capabilities. Banks exist only as a store horse or living in a house. Even Paul for the money you will use in the future asked that Christians should be content to feed yourself. having food and raiment. It seems they „[_Â?Yqx]fˆ_^`_`^^‡_q_Z[‚X^\_[qfXƒ_q\‡_ knew very well what others never EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT


the cloth he wears speaks volume of the status of a person. You look healthy and good looking because you eat right and dress to suit. One may not leave in a big house or drive in a sport utility Ž[„]kx[_ †Yfƒ_ „[_ k^Yx‡_ Xf]xx_ x^^�_ xq‚Š[‚_ than his means. Our greatest fear isn’t having shelter on our heads or having a posh car to drive in. One may have and lose these f„]\ŠX_ †Yfƒ_ f„[_ ‡[[Z[Xf_ `[q‚_ ]X_ „qŽ]\Š_ to go broke over what to eat and wear. One is not considered poor if he doesn’t own a car or a house. Poverty status is measured based on how one meets his daily need of eating and wearing clothes. That’s why when you google Z^Ž[‚fˆƒ_ j„qf_ ˆ^Y_ X[[_ q‚[_ Z]kfY‚[X_ ^`_ qx‰^Xf_ \q�[‡_ Z[^Zx[ƒ_ f„]\_ j]f„_ Z^f_ bellies and sunken eyes. I would be mesmerized to see a wealthy man who claims to have all the wealth and doesn’t eat and wear good clothes. Not being able to eat could be a huge problem and could tell signs of an end for such a man. The fact about not having food to eat is that your clothes qxX^_j]xx_x^^�_Y\—f_q\‡_ˆ^Y_x^^�_j^‚\_ in them.

^_ ‰q;[‚_ „^j_ ‚]k„_ q\‡_ j[qxf„ˆ_ q_ ‰q\_ ‰qˆ_ X[[‰ƒ_ „]X_ ^\xˆ_ Šq]\_ ^`_ qxx_ his wealth is what he eats and wears. The respect he gets is all vanity and he could choose not to have them but if he `q]xX_f^_Zx[qXY‚[_„]‰X[x`_]\_fqXfˆ_‰[qxXƒ_ he would be doing himself great harm. „qf[Ž[‚_jqˆ_^\[_k„^^X[X_f^_„YXfx[ƒ_ j„[f„[‚_†ˆ_„q‚‡_j^‚�_^‚_X^`f_j^‚�ƒ_f„[_ goal is to put meals on the table. All the shouting of “be the best� by parents f^_ f„[]‚_ jq‚‡Xƒ_ f„[_ –†^XX_ „Y\f]\Š_ your head� phenomenon at the work Zxqk[ƒ_f„[_†^j]\Š_^`_„[q‡_f^_XYZ[‚]^‚X_ [Ž[\_ j„[\_ f„[ˆ_ q‚[_ ˆ^Y\Š[‚ƒ_ f„[_ –†[_ ZY\kfYqx_ qxjqˆXƒ_ †[_ ‡]x]Š[\f_ q\‡_ ‡^_ not procrastinate� talks all fall to one qkfƒ_ f^_ Zxqk[_ ‰[qxX_ ^\_ f„[_ fq†x[_ q\‡_ dress to look nice. You can take time out to do an analysis too. I am certain that you will observe this same truth that reckons with Wiseman Solomon’s words “life is vanity “. Samuel Ufot Ekekere is a writer, teacher, motivator, and change causer inspiring people to their peak performance. He believes everyone needs motivation.

POEMS Chibok Farm Tell me sincerely How did two seven six eggs miss from that farm? Where were the mother hens? Why were there no crows? How great were the eagles? A vulture can never be taken for a cock It has been forever they were picked They must have hatched by now Where are the chicks? No trace of shells Wait a minute; I doubt any of those eggs got missing Probably they were never laid, or were they? Maybe it’s a ploy to distract the poultry maids Chasing and scouting for non existent chicks While the eagles scan and scheme predatory Laying strategies to vanquish the chickens Nestled in the covers of daylight Envisioning its stream of prey wings If there were eggs There should be trails of shells Evidence of the existence Be it the remains of the chicks Existed in the farm Bok Oh! Seven six chicks found their way back?

9=>@ G@ I3=J@ KLP

As I walk along a busy street My gaze trailed a baby Strapped to the mother’s back Making loud shrieking sounds All in chase to unbuckle In the recess of my mind I cajoled the bairn " To touch feet on thorn thresholds Tarry for however long Cheer in every second you’re carried Bask in the moments For a time will come You shall pave your own paths Hardly will anyone be there To hoist you a lather Not your brother, sister, pa And even your own ma Samaritans are diamond and gold The world is a waterspout Barely can one seek splendor Driving Dead Betrayal a scorpion’s sting Danfo fool Deceit circulate like venom of a Car craze cobra Cruising a race on a crooked road The suspense pent up like a Trailer trance... python, Danfo bumped Squeezing life out of a human Car crashed body Trailer trapped # $ $ ) *

Copyright: Amukoyo Gift On a one man army => "? 5 ! RY) @QRSV Wonderful! But because they’re just chicks They could not give map Of the plains they traversed? % & ' ' Two one nine still roaming in the wild forest All the farm hands have grown weary in the search Have the hens and cock ceased crooning? Give me a feather of each of their breeders ' & bushes Go into cities and towns ( ' '" Eating feeds from burst sewers They should not throw in the towel Keep the search alive If there’s anything to search for If they would be found Bring back our chicks. Copyright: Gift Amukoyo => "? 5 ! @J) @QRSV

The love is beetle-brewed‌ With time the baby calmed Wound chubby legs on mother’s hip And clasp arms round neck like a pendant Yes, that’s it baby Hold on to it all, savour it For soon the remains of it, $ corn I got back to my shack, news awaited A neighbour has put to bed, a premature baby With a hand plastered to my forehead I pondered what had prompt this early arrival $ ' into this world? # from Your mother’s breast made you believe The world is of milk and honey? You should have formed a while longer How did your frail body take in the gush of cold? I lit thousands of embers to keep you warm In this hurricane existence of ours Copyright: Gift Amukoyo => "? 5 ! RX) @QRSV

Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 5, 2014 NSIKAK DANIELS


his is too strange to believe it is real. And it is happening to me’ ‌. Abiaimo yawned tilting the silky blinds away to enable him have a clear view of the illuminating and sparkling galaxies. _ „[_Xfq‚X_‡q\k[‡_]\_f„[_½^j_^`_f„[_‚Y\\]\Š_ clouds, exposing the nakedness of the skies’ beauty and mysteries. The songs of the night insects set the tone for the approaching new dawn. The gentle breeze rolled away the cloud from the front of the moon, glowing with awesome peace that permeates every —†[‚_^`_f„[_ZXˆk„[_^`_ †]^ _f„[_Š^x‡[\_k]fˆ_qf_ sleep, with some parts fully awake, bubbling with uncommon sweetness. ‘Can this be true ‌’ he asked no one in particular as he burst into a prolonged laughter, that echoed in the distant hills overseeing the sea side, a whistle away from his house in Amama Island. The wind blew wildly. The leaves rustled, whispering through the trees in a gentle caress that angered the waves as it went up and tumbled down in an unfamiliar style, breaking the moon rays, doing a twist on the ridges of the amazing waves in a thrill. Abiaimo felt a deep lift in his whole being. He smiled and concentrated on the behaviour of the moon, as she quickly ran behind the clouds in hiding, forming all kinds of symbol, with something that looked like a cross at the centre, sat atop a heart blinking with light †]q]‰^ƒ_ `^‚fˆ X]žÂƒ_ q_ k^‰‰Y\]kqf]^\_ consultant, highly cerebral and rich, met Mope at a leadership business forum a few weeks ago and she stock to his soul. Mope `^‚fˆ ^\[ƒ_ q_ ÂŽ]‚Š]\ƒ_ ^ÂŽ[‚X[[X_ q_ k„q]\_ ^`_ businesses in the fast moving consumables’ sector of the economy. Lived in New Heaven, †]^ƒ_ X„[_ jqX_ XZ]‚]fYqx_ j]f„^Yf_ q_ †]qX_ `^‚_ q\ˆ_k‚[[‡Â&#x;_ „[_jqX_f„[_—‚Xf_k„]x‡_^`_q_ Y†x]k_ ^‚Â?X_ [Zq‚f‰[\f_ Â? žƒ_ [‰Zx^ˆ[[Â&#x;_ „[ˆ_ were thirteen, ten girls and three boys. Her ‰^f„[‚_ jqX_ q_ Xf‚[[f_ k^‚\[‚_ Z[;ˆ_ f‚q‡[‚ƒ_ ]\_ \]qŠ]‡]_ q‚[q_ ^`_ †]^Â&#x;_ [‚_ Zq‚[\fX_ ‡]‡_ \^f_ have another child until nine years later. When her siblings began to arrive, she was well equipped to share in the huge burden of raising a large family. She saw herself f„‚^YŠ„_Xk„^^x_†ˆ_YX]\Š_ ˆq_ Š]_qX_„[‚_‚^x[_ model. She was industrious, focused and ‘

Egun Olorisa, Ogun State

Fiction 11.59pm determined, loving and caring. A generous spirit in all. She was to everyone she met a God sent. ˆq_ Š]_jqX_‰q‚‚][‡_f^_q_Z^xˆŠq‰]Xf_ q†q_ Forecast, a pool agent who had women in all Zq‚fX_ ^`_ †]^Â&#x;_ „[_ „q‡_ [x[ÂŽ[\_ k„]x‡‚[\_ fj^_ `^‚_ \]_ ]ZZ[‚_ q\‡_ \]\[_ `^‚_ q†q_ ^‚[kqXfÂ&#x;_ ˆq_ Š]_jqX_q_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_†[qYf]`Yx_j^‰q\Â&#x;_ „[\_ she was smiling, her dimple was amazing, inspiring and sensually tempting. She was dark in complexion. Her legs were straight without a curve. She stood seven feet tall. Her neck was decorated with the rings of beauty. Very peaceful and always smiling with even †[qYf][X_q\‡_Š^^‡\[XX_‚q‚[_f^_—\‡_`‚^‰_f„[_ depth of our soul. Men were intimidated by her physique. Humility and gentleness became her weaknesses. She was hospitality, Â…^ˆ_q\‡_Z[qk[_Z[‚X^\]—[‡Â&#x; In the morning, all her children would „qjÂ?_ ^Š]ƒ_ [Â?^_ q\‡_ ‰^] Â‰^]_ †[`^‚[_ f„[ˆ_ Š^_ to school – Central School, Kiakia, seven Â?]x^‰[f[‚X_qjqˆ_`‚^‰_ \]qŠ]‡]Â&#x;_ ˆq_ Š]_ jqX_ q_ „]Š„xˆ_ ‚[XZ[kf[‡_ j^‰[\_ mobilizer with an unequal commitment to building a just and viable society where love, Z[qk[ƒ_f‚YXf_q\‡_Y\]fˆ_j[‚[_f„[_½qÂŽ^Y‚X_`^‚_ nationhood. To her, every child was hers. She single handedly saw all her children though the university. A few won scholarship from the colonialists. Mr. Whiteman and his wife lived a few „^YX[X_qjqˆ_`‚^‰_f„[_ [\f‚qx_ k„^^xÂ&#x;_ \_f„[]‚_ way to and from school, Mope and others often ran into them strolling leisurely around the vicinity of their house. She wondered why they had no children, whereas it was q_ ‡]<[‚[\f_ Xf^‚ˆ_ j]f„_ „[‚_ Zq‚[\fX_ q\‡_ f„[]‚_ \[]Š„†^Y‚XÂ&#x;_ Yf_^`_kY‚]^YX]fˆ_X„[_qXÂ?[‡_„[‚_ mother. ‘Why is it that Mr. Whiteman and his wife are always together. . . where are their children?’ ²Â&#x;_Â&#x;_Â&#x;_ qk‚]—k[_f^_f„[_j„]f[_Š^‡XÂ&#x;_ „]X_„[xZX_

f„[]‚_ ]‚^\_ †]‚‡_ ĂŠ_ q[‚^Zxq\[_ f^_ ½Âˆ_ †[;[‚_ q\‡_ higher,’ her mother sighed demonstrating with her hands. ‘It gives the iron boxes that snaked along the rail track the energy to whistle and the whole land trembles in great fear. . .’ whispered another woman, gnashing her teeth furiously. ‘We are told. . .’ Mope stammered in fear trying to convince the older women. ‘Hold it there, young woman. Don’t be deceived. They are gods. .’ her mother interrupted.’ ‘Their iron tortoise smoked by the tail, coughs before it begins to walk, runs like an arrow. These people should be feared’, another advised and disappeared into her house whistling and calling her puppies. ‘No! Mama it is called a motor car. It is not‌’ Mope laughed. ‘Mo to car my foot. Their whatever has a way of hypnotizing people. While it is moving the occupants are asleep’, interjected another, looking around in suspicion as if someone was about to arrest her. Years later, Mope knew why Mr. Whiteman had no children. It was by choice, as her illiterate parents decided to have one full †q;qx]^\_ ^`_ k„]x‡‚[\Â&#x;_ ]<[‚[\f_ kYxfY‚[ƒ_ ‡]<[‚[\f_`^xÂ?XÂ&#x;_ ]<[‚[\f_Xf‚^Â?[XÂ&#x; The wind swept through the street without a whistle. She struggled with her gown, as f„[_ j]\‡_ Xf‚]ÂŽ[‡_ f^_ Z[[x_ ]f_ ^<_ „[‚_ †[qYf]`Yx_ body. She hurried to the car. No sooner had she hopped in and sat behind the wheels panting heavily than the rain poured out from heaven beat cats and dogs. Within ‰]\Yf[X_f„[_[\f]‚[_Zxqk[_jqX_½^^‡[‡_q\‡_X„[_ could not see her front until she put on the „[q‡_xq‰ZXÂ&#x;_ „[_f‚qMk_†[kq‰[_„[qÂŽ][‚_qX_]f_ X\q]x[‡ƒ_Xq]x]\Š_f„‚^YŠ„_f„[_½^^‡Â&#x;_ „[_XÂ?][X_ rumbled in concert with the rain. Lightning smiled at will, with frightening rumbles of thunder. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and


Why is it that Mr. Whiteman and his wife are always together. . . where are their children

multiple thunder storms mixed with Y\Z‚[k[‡[\f[‡_†x]\‡]\Š_½qX„[X_^`_x]Š„f\]\ŠÂ&#x;_ \‡_ f„[_ ZY†x]k_ Z^j[‚_ j[\f_ ^<Â&#x;_ q‚Â?\[XX_ [\ÂŽ[x^Z[‡_f„[_[\f]‚[_xq\‡Â&#x;_ „[_f‚qMk_jqX_\^j_ k„q^f]k_ q\‡_ „[xx]X„Â&#x;_ [^Zx[_ j[‚[_ Xf‚q\‡[‡Ô_ ‰^f^‚]XfX_Š^f_Xf^kÂ?[‡_]\_f„[_½^^‡Â&#x;_ ^Z[_jqX_ very far away from New Heaven. Night has `Yxxˆ_‡[Xk[\‡[‡_^\_ †]^Â&#x;_ ‚^‰_j„qf_X„[_Xqjƒ_ it was easy for a man to give birth to a child f„q\_„[‚_Š[;]\Š_„^‰[_]\_f„[_\[žf_X]ž_„^Y‚XÂ&#x;_ The city grounded to a halt. A few metres away from her car a man screamed. ‘How blissful would it be for rapture to occur now. . . ?’ Her heart missed rhythm, pounding like a locomotive engine crawling up Milikin Hills. She shook her head and said, ‘Many would not, especially now that tension is high and people are screaming, kY‚X]\Š_q\‡_‚Y‡[ƒ_—xx[‡_j]f„Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;¤ ’No! This is the second coming of the God of Noah. . .’ laughed another motorist and was cut short by an explosion of thunder ball that forced all to take cover in fear. Mope closed her eyes shouting, ‘Lord, please have mercy. Save our souls‌’ Abiaimo watched the moon slipped completely into the cloud. The skies changed into various colours and faded into dark blue skies saturated with vapour. The breeze evolved into a cold wind. Few minutes, saw the wind ramping through the whistling pines in fury. Slamming doors in anger. He had not seen a thing like this before. ‘In deed the mysteries and complexities ^`_ ^‡¤X_‡]ÂŽ]\]fˆ_kq\_\^f_†[_  Â‚qˆ[‡_†ˆ_q\ˆ_ mortal being. Everything just changed in a space of no time. . .’ he mumbled trying to close the blinds. While he was basking in the bliss of nature’s beauties and splendour of a romantic moon lit evening, he was in deep thought. Mope was qxx_ f„qf_ jqX_ ^\_ „]X_ ‰]\‡Â&#x;_ X_ f„[_ Zxq;[‚X_ ^`_ the heaviest downpour of the year drummed ‚„ˆf„‰]kqxxˆ_ q\‡_ ½^j[‡_ qk‚^XX_ f„[_ ‚^^`ƒ_ q_ thought of Mope coming to him stole into his mind. Simultaneously, she remembered „]‰Â&#x;_ „[_f„^YŠ„f_q†^Yf_„]‰_†‚][½ÂˆÂƒ_X‰]x[‡ƒ_ shrugged her shoulders and said, ² „ü_ ^ˆ_x[f_‰[_†[Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;_ ^_‰[_ˆ^Y_x^^Â?_q_Š^^‡_ man but‌’ ‘How I wish to see. . . Hope she is ok. . .’ he breathed out taking a few steps backwards without looking. At this instant, he heard a knock on the front door. Immediately, he looked at the clock in front of him and it was 11.59pm. At this point the sweet looking moon gently dissolved into the dark clouds. The skies galloped in rumble, cracked into q_½qX„_^`_x]Š„f[\]\Š_f„qf_‚q\_qk‚^XX_f„[_x[\Šf„_ and breadth of the skies with trails of blinks. The door bell went angrily. He stopped and without caution as if he was propelled by an uncontrolled force. He was all smiles as he quickly got to the door. He unlocked it and threw it widely opened. At the door was f^‰ƒ_„]X_‰qf[‚\qx_k^YX]\_j„^X[_^Mk[_jqX_ not far from his house. He stepped back, without looking beaming with smiles invited her in. Utom turned back and said, ‘Come right in. please . . . feel at home.’


Daily Newswatch


Friday, September 5, 2014

Book on Adire ‘Stroytelling through Adiré’ unveiled Stories by ADA DIKE


espite subconsciously seeing ² ] Ì_ æxçè é¤_ Zq;[ \X _ [ [ j [ [ _ `[j_ \^j_ f [_ X] \] kq\k[ _ [_ Zq;[ \X_ q [_ k^ ^\x _ `^Y\ _ ^\_ Zq]\f]\ X _ XkYxZfY [X_ q\ _ q ^Y\ _ YX_ ]\_ [ [ q _ x]`[_ ]\_ ] [ ]q __ [_ ^^ _ ² f ^ f[xx]\ _ f ^Y _ ] ̤_ _

Winning school returns from visit to Commonwealth Games

xx X^\_ q ][X _]\f[ Z [fX_f [_ [q\]\ _^`_f [_ ]X]f]\ _f [_«¬®É_ q [X_]\_ xqX ^j_ Zq;[ \X _ j ]k _ j[ [_ f q ]f]^\qxx _ j^ \_ qX_ q_ qX_ ^ ^\j[qxf _ xqXX_ f[q _ `^ _^`_k^ Y\]kqf]^\ _q\ _f^_YZx]`f_ ^^ X __ j]\\[ X_ qX_ [[\_ q_ ^\k[_ ]\_ q_ x]`[_ [_ Zq;[ \X _ qkk^ ]\ _ f^_ [Z^ fX _ f] [_[¾Z[ ][\k[_`^ _ X _ ]^ Y\_ ^kY [\f[ _ X^k]qx _ [\ ] ^\ [\fqx_ q\ _ ^f^X^_ q\ _ ]XX_ [ ]f^Z[_ [k^\^ ]k_k^\ ]f]^\X_^`_f qf_f] [ __ ^^xq_^`_ ] Y_ Y\]^ _ ] _ k ^^x _ q ^X [_ ^^ _ qxX^_ k^\fq]\X_ Z qkf]kqx_ f^^xX_ `^ _ X _ ]^ Y\_ ^f^X^_ ` ^ _ ] Y_ Y\]^ _ ] Ì_ q ]\ _f [_Z ^k[XX_^`_[¾f qkf]\ _\qfY qx_ ] _ k ^^x_ Xq] _ ²¤ [_ ]f]X _ ^q kqXf]\ _ ]\ ] ^_ [_q\ _ ] [ ]q\_Z ^ [ X ^ Z^ qf]^\_ _ q\ _ ]f]X _ ^Y\k]x¤X_ ^ ^\j[qxf _ xqXX_ qX_ fqY f_ ^Y _ XfY [\fX_ k [qf] ]f _ ]\f[ \qf]^\qx_ kYxfY [X_ ^`_ ^ ^\j[qxf _k^Y\f ][X_qX_j[xx_qX_f [_ qxY[X_ ^`_ f [_ ^ ^\j[qxf _ X_ q_ f[qk [ _ _ x[q \f_ f [_] Z^ fq\k[_^`_²Z qkf]kqx_k^xxq ^ qf]^\¤_q\ _ ^j_f^_ ]\ _^Yf_ ] [\_fqx[\fX_]\_x[q \[ X_ _ ] ]\ _ f [ _ fqX X_ q\ _ qkf] ]f][X_ f qf_ [¾Z^X[_ f [] _ k [qf] ]f _ f ]X_ _ j]xx_ fq [_ qk _ f^_ f [_ kxqXX ^^ _f^_[\ q\k[_ _f[qk ]\ ¤¤ [_ Xk ^^x_ j^\_ f [_ ^ZZ^ fY\]f _ f^_ ]X]f_ xqX ^j_ qX_ Zq f_ ^`_ q_ f[q _ j]f _ \]\[_ ^f [ _ Xk ^^xX_` ^ _qk ^XX_f [_ ^ ^\j[qxf __ [ _ k^ Z[f[ _ q q]\Xf_ ®É_ ^f [ _ f[q X_ ^ [ _ [_ ^\f X_j^ ]\ _^\_Z ^ [kfX_j ]k _ q [_qxx_f [_ ^Y\ _Z[^Zx[_q_Y\] Y[ _ q\ X ^\_]\f[ \qf]^\qx_ x[q \]\ _ [¾Z[ ][\k[_ ^`_ f [_ ^ ^\j[qxf _ `q ]x

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“Watch ‘Half Of A Yellow Sun’ in cinemas in Nigeria - not online or DVD”


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qx`_^`_q_ [xx^j_ Y\_ qX_ [[\_kxqXX] [ _qX_ ²® ¤__

qx`_ ^`_ q_ [xx^j_ Y\_ ]X_ q\_ q qZfqf]^\_ ^`_ f [_ ]\f[ \qf]^\qx_ [Xf X[xx[ _ q\ _ q\ [_ ]Á[ j]\\]\ _ \^ [x_ ^`_ f [_ Xq [_ \q [_ _ ] q q\ q_ ^Á]_ ]k ][ _ [_ ^ ][_ ]X_ ] [kf[ _ _ ] ]_ q\ [x[ _ [_ ^ ][_^Z[\[ _ Mrs. Abiodun Omotoso and Miss Temitope Agboola ]\_ ] [ ]q\_k]\[ qX_^\_ Y YXf_®

“#made of black will ignite the Nigerian Spirit…” –Adetu " $ % &' %& ( ') * +% "- & +$ %/ +0

R-L: Made of Black Campaign Ambassadors - hip hop stars Phyno, Eva and Olamide

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Daily Newswatch


Weekend Buzz Friday September 5, 2014

Flavour set for parenthood Where will P-Square be on Sept 27?

Ivie Okujaye’s Make a Move now on IrokoTV

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Daily Newswatch

Friday September 5, 2014

Can you guess who this celebrity is?



Where has Missy Elliott been in the 9 years since her last album? A

t last night’s BET Awards, opening act „q‚‚[xx_ ]xx]q‰X_ †‚^YŠ„f_ ^Yf_ ]XXˆ_ xx]^;_ `^‚_ a show-stopping mash-up of „]X_– ^‰[_ [f_ f_ q[°_q\‡_„[‚_ ÂŤÂŹÂŹĂ€_„]f_– qXX_ „qf_ Yfk„Â&#x;°_ ^incidentally, next month marks nine long years since Missy, one of rap’s most acclaimed performers, released her most recent solo album, The Cook†^^Â?Â&#x;_ \_ f„[_ f]‰[_ X]\k[_ f„qf_ record’s release, there have been plenty of indications that xx]^;¤X_`^xx^j YZ_jqX_X^^\_f^_ come, but fans have yet to see q\ˆf„]\Š_fq\Š]†x[Â&#x;_

It’s Lea Michele


ea Michele Sarfati, known professionally as Lea Michele, is an American actress and singer, best known for her performance as Rachel Berry on the Fox television X[‚][X_ x[[Â&#x; Michele’s portrayal of Rachel has received much critical praise, earning her two Golden Globe Award nominations for Best Acf‚[XX_ ĂŠ_ [x[ÂŽ]X]^\_ [‚][X_ YX]kqx_ or Comedy in 2010 and 2011, and an Emmy Award nomination for Best Leading Actress in a Com[‡ˆ_ [‚][X_ ]\_ ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŹÂ&#x;_ „[_ „qX_ qxX^_ received a Satellite Award for Best kf‚[XX_ ĂŠ_ [x[ÂŽ]X]^\_ [‚][X_ YX]cal or Comedy, a Screen Actors Guild Award and three consecuf]ÂŽ[_ [^Zx[¤X_ „^]k[_ jq‚‡X_ `^‚_ „[‚_ Z[‚`^‚‰q\k[Â&#x;_ ]k„[x[_ †[Šq\_ working professionally as a child actress on Broadway in productions such as Les MisĂŠrables, qŠf]‰[ƒ_q\‡_ ]‡‡x[‚_^\_f„[_ ^^`Â&#x;_ \_ ÂŤÂŹÂŹĂ‡Âƒ_ X„[_ ^‚]Š]\qf[‡_ f„[_ x[q‡_ role of Wendla in the Broadway musical Spring Awakening for which she received a Drama Desk jq‚‡_ \^‰]\qf]^\Â&#x;_ \_ ÂŤÂŹÂŹÂšÂƒ_ f„[_ Spring Awakening soundtrack, on which she was a featured solo artist, won the Grammy Award `^‚_ [Xf_ YX]kqx_ „^j_ x†Y‰Â&#x;

‘Bang Bang’ music video: Now with less twerking


A m b e r Po r t wo o d d e t a i l s m e m o i r, ‘ N e ve r To o L a t e ’


‰†[‚_ ^‚fj^^‡_„qX_‡[fq]x[‡_„[‚_ \[j_ ‰[‰^]‚ƒ_ [ÂŽ[‚_ ^^_ qf[Â&#x;_ The 24-year-old reality star spoke to MTV ahead of the book’s release on Y[X‡qˆÂ&#x; ^‚fj^^‡_kq‰[_f^_`q‰[_^\_ ¤X_ ŽÇ_â_ ‚[Š\q\f_]\_ÂŤÂŹÂŹÂ”Âƒ_q\‡_jqX_^\[_^`_ f„[_^‚]Š]\qx_Xfq‚X_^`_XZ]\^<_X[‚][X_ [[\_

^‰Â&#x;_ „[_ ]X_ ‰^f„[‚_ f^_ ‡qYŠ„f[‚_ Leah Leann, and was imprisoned `^‚_ ‡‚YŠ_ Z^XX[XX]^\_ ]\_ ÂŤÂŹÂŽÂŤÂ&#x;_ ^‚fj^^‡_ X[‚Ž[‡_ ÂŽĂ•_ ‰^\f„X_ ^`_ q_ —Ž[ year sentence, and was released `‚^‰_ Â…q]x_ [q‚xˆ_ `^‚_ Š^^‡_ †[„qÂŽ]^‚Â&#x;_ The tell-all memoir will go behind f„[_ Xk[\[X_ ^`_ ŽÇ_ â_ ‚[Š\q\f_ q\‡_ Teen Mom, and reveal more about „[‚_Xfqˆ_†[„]\‡_†q‚XÂ&#x; – _„q‡_†[[\_f„]\Â?]\Š_q†^Yf_j‚]f]\Š_q_†^^Â?_X]\k[_‰ˆ_Xfqˆ_]\_Z‚]X^\ƒ°_ X„[_X„q‚[‡Â&#x;_– _`[xf_]f_jqX_f]‰[_j„[\_ _Š^f_^Yf_f^_qkfYqxxˆ_‡^_]fÂ&#x;_ _f„]\Â?_‰ˆ_ book is able to give strength and determination to those who are strugŠx]\ŠÂ&#x;°_ – _ jq\f_ Z[^Zx[_ f^_ ‚[q‡_ ‰ˆ_ †^^Â?_j]f„_q\_^Z[\_‰]\‡ƒ°_X„[_k^\f]\Y[‡Â&#x;_ – _ qxX^_ „^Z[_ ‰ˆ_ Xf^‚ˆ_ kq\_ ‚[qk„_q\‡_„[xZ_‰q\ˆ_Z[^Zx[Â&#x;°

he 28-year-old singer wants to have a commitment ceremony with Taylor Kinney, 33, outside of the Earth’s atmosphere at the beginning of next year while onboard Sir Richard Branson‘s Virgin qxqkf]k_½]Š„fÂ&#x; A source told the Daily Star newspaper: ‘Gaga and Taylor want to make a pledge for life, and f„]\Â?_ f„[_ XZqk[_ ½]Š„f_ ]X_ too big an opportunity f^_ZqXX_YZÂ&#x;¤_² f_j^Yx‡_†[_ typical of her to have the least conventional ‘wed‡]\Š_ [ÂŽ[‚Â&#x;_ `_ k^Y‚X[_ ]f_ would be a simulatedstyle marriage as there wouldn’t be a priest or ‚[x]Š]^YX_ —ŠY‚[_ f„[‚[Â&#x;_ But they don’t care about convention, it’s more about making each other q_x]`[ x^\Š_Z‚^‰]X[Â&#x;¤ Meanwhile, the ‘Applause’ hitmaker is set to perform during the trip into space on the XZ[k]qx_½]Š„f_ĂŠ_j„]k„_j]xx_k^Xf_ $250,000 per seat and she is looking forward to using the opportunity to spread a ‘mesXqŠ[_ ^`_ x^ÂŽ[¤Â&#x;_ „[_ Xq]‡Ñ_ ² [‚forming in space is such an „^\^Y‚Â&#x;_ _ jq\f_ f^_ k„qxx[\Š[_ myself to come up with something that will not only bring everyone together but will also have a message of love that †xqXfX_]\f^_f„[_†[ˆ^\‡Â&#x;¤ [q\j„]x[ƒ_ qŠq_ĂŠ_j„^_j]xx_ reportedly get her ticket into XZqk[_ `^‚_ `‚[[_ ĂŠ_ j]xx_ „qÂŽ[_ f^_ prepare a month prior to the event to make sure her body can handle the changes in the atmospheric pressure whilst X]\Š]\ŠÂ&#x;

In 2012 Just at the point when even the most hard-core fans are losing interest, Missy returned with two Timbaland produced f‚qkÂ?Xƒ_ – ‚]Zx[_ „‚[qf°_ q\‡_ –”f„_ \\]\ŠÂ&#x;°_ Y‰^Y‚X_ q†^Yf_ a long-awaited Cookbook follow-up kicked back into over‡‚]ÂŽ[Â&#x;_ – _ j^\¤f_ Xf^Z_ Ă˜_ ^f_ f„[_ ‰YX]k_Šq‰[_^\_x^kÂ?ƒ°_X„[_‚qZX_ ^\_ –”f„°_ †[`^‚[_ Z‚^‰Zfxˆ_ `q‡ing into the background of the ‰YX]k_ j^‚x‡_ qŠq]\Â&#x;_ f^Z_ Zxqˆing with our emotions, Missy! „qf_ XY‰‰[‚ƒ_ Â&#x; Â&#x; Â&#x;_ X\qŠX_ Missy and Azealia Banks (later pulled from the track) for a re‰]ž_ ^`_ „[‚_ X^\Š_ – q‡_ ]‚xXÂ&#x;°_

Taylor Swift stars in Selena Gomez’s ‘Centre’ video


hen the moon is full, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez turn the cuteness up to eleven! ^‰[Ă Âƒ_ÂŤÂŤÂƒ_X„q‚[‡_^\_„[‚_ \Xtagram page after midnight on Saturday night a video of what appears to be a full moon and X^Y\‡X_^`_k^ˆ^f[X_„^jx]\ŠÂ&#x; Guys, that happened in real x]`[_q\‡_\^f_Â…YXf_]\_‰^ÂŽ][XÂ&#x;_ q‚‚qf]^\_ Â†ÂˆĂ‘_ Ă­fqˆx^‚Xj]`fÂŽĂ€Âƒ°_ X„[_ Xq]‡Â&#x; “What you are witnessing, actually hearing, is coyotes `‚[qÂ?]\Š_ ^Yf_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ q_ `Yxx_ ‰^^\Â&#x;_ _ ‡]‡\¤f_ Â?\^j_ f„qf_ jqX_ q_ ‚[qx_ f„]\ŠÂ&#x;_ _ f„^YŠ„f_ ]f_ jqX_ Â…YXf_ q_ j^x`_ f„]\Š°_ XqˆX_ É Âˆ[q‚ ^x‡_ Swift, before erupting into giggles with her friend Culled from NEWS TODAY


Glitz & Glam

Daily Newswatch

Friday September 5, 2014

AGN President wins award

Flavour set for parenthood N

T Bukola Bakare

his is good news for N’abania crooner, Flavour. Reports say that the Ada Ada crooner is going to be a daddy soon as he is currently expecting his first child with his ex-

delta soap model girlfriend, Sandra Okagbue. Findings by Glitz and Glam reveal that, the pair started dating last year, and they are so in love. Sandra, had been linked to Nigerian footballer, Mikel Obi, in

ollywood actress and president of the Actors’ Guild Of Nigeria (AGN), Ibinabo Fiberesima, has been given an award by the African Women in Leadership Organisation Atlanta, USA. She took to Facebook to express her gratitude, she wrote: �Woman of Worth 2014 by African Women in Leadership Organisation Atlanta, USA. Thank you Baba Jesus�. Congrats in order.

the past. Also, a source revealed that Flavour is not ready for marriage yet. She is currently abroad, where she’s expected to give birth anytime soon.

s Nonso Diodbvi’ marital a ice

When DJ Caise rocked FUTA


o doubt, the entertainment industry had witnessed unprecedented events in the past months with endorsements from several companies. After touring the South- South and the eastern part of Nigeria earlier, DJ Caise and Close Up made their next stop at the Federal University of Technology Akure where the Disc Jockey once again gave students who were fortunate to q;[\‡_\^_‚[qX^\_f^_ get glued to their seats as he the rocked the crowd with a stellar performance. As expected, many of f„[_q;[\‡[[X_„q‡_q_ swell time.


ollywood actor, Nonso Diobi, recently advised married men on how they should treat their wives based on the vows they made. Hear him:’’ Husbands, please remember that your wife left her family and friends to be with you. The least you can do is be her family and friends. Husbands please remember your wife is now one with you; she should be your closest relative. If you can’t support her, then who will? Husbands, give honour to your wife. Treat her with understanding. She maybe weaker but she’s your equal partner in God’s gift of marriage. Husbands, never be unfaithful to your wife. Remember she’s your partner; the wife of your marriage covenant, and the Lord is your witness.

YX†q\‡Xƒ_ ˆ^Y_ ‰qˆ_ ½^^‡_ f„[_ ^‚‡¤X_ qxf[‚_ j]f„_ your tears, you may weep & wail without answers; your wife’s tears are blocking the Lord’s ears. ^\¤f_`^‚k[_q_‚[xqf]^\X„]Z_f„qf_‡^[X\¤f_—fÂ&#x;_ ^Y‚_ ]`[_ naturally makes room for the people who are meant to be there.


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

NTN creative station workshop command performance in pics

Desmond Elliott, AY, Emem Isong, Linda Ejiofor, at the premiere of Omoni Oboli’s movie


ollywood actress, pro Yk[ _q\ _ Xf_f] [_ ] [kf^ _ ^\]_ ^x]¤X_ \[j_ ^ ][_² []\ _ X_ xx]^;¤_q; qkf[ _f [_k Í [_ [_xq_ k Í [_^`_f [_ ^ ][_]\ YXf _qX_]f_ Z [ ][ [ _qf_f [_ ]x [ ] _ ]\[ qX_^\_ qfY q [_ [ [\f_ q _ ]\_ q;[\ q\k[_ k[x[ ]f][X_ x] [_ [X ^\ _ xx]^; _ ^_ q Y\_ _ q [x_ q Y\ _ [ _ ] [ _ ]\ q_ ]^`^ _ [x]\ q_ <q _ [Y\_ ]\ [x[ _ q\][x_ _ q\][x _ _ [ [ _ qx] q_ Y q q _ YXq\_ [f[ X _ k[_ qXX[ _ ^ ]\_ ] q Y ^ \X^\ _ Y_ [ _ ]k [xx[_ [ [ _ [ ]_ q q_ ]\ ^ Y _ [ _ X^\ _ ] ]_ ^ \X^\ _ ] q_ Y jY_ ^X \_ Yk \^ _ x ]q_ xYk _ [\[_ Zq Y _ \q ]_ ^x]_ q\ _^f [ _ [ ]q_ ] j] X ² []\ _ X_ xx]^;¤_ j^Yx _ [_ X ^j]\ _ ]\_ k]\[ qX_ qk ^XX_ f [_ k^Y\f _` ^ _ ] q _¯f _^`_ [Zf[ [ [_ Z ^ Yk[ _ q\ _ ] [kf^ _ ^`_ f [_ ^ ][_ ^\]_ ^x]_ j^ [_ q_ ½^^ x[\ f _ j ]f[_ [ [xx]X [ _ [XX_ q [_ _ q]_ fq`^_ q\ _

x^^ [ _XfY\\]\ _qf_f [_[ [\f [_ ^ ][_j ]k _j]xx_ [_]\_k]\[ qX_` ^ _ ] q _ [Zf[ [ _¯ _ ]X_ XZ^\X^ [ _ _ _ [ Xf^\[_ q\ _ kk[XX_ q\ _ _Xq ]\ X_ q\ _ ^q\X _ q ^YÁ_q\ _ qxf]\q Z[q ]\ _ qf_ f [_ [ [\f _ ^\]_ Xq] _ _ q _ [x] f[ _ f^_ [_ Z [ ][ ]\ _ _ ^ ][_ f^ q _ _ q _ qf[`Yx_ f^_ qxx_ _ XZ^\X^ X _ _ `q\X _kqXf_q\ _k [j_^`_² []\ _ X_ xx]^;¤ _ `f[ _ qxx_ f [_ ^\f X_ ^`_ q _ j^ _ Xx[[Zx[XX_ \] fX_ q\ _ f [_ [f[ ]\qf]^\_ f^_ ]\ _ ^Yf_ X^ [f ]\ _ ^^ _ [ [_ j[_ q [_ f^ q _ f_ qX_ \^f_ [[\_ [qX _ Yf_ f q\ _ ^ _]f_ qX_ [[\_j^ f _]f _ _ ^x _f ]X_ ^ ][_ [q _f^_ _ [q f_ q\ _ _ ^Z[_ q`f[ _ f [_ Xk [[\]\ _ ^Y_j^Yx _Y\ [ Xfq\ _j _ ^]\ _`^ jq _j[_kq\_^\x _ [f_ [ff[ _ _ \^j_f qf_f [_ [Xf_^`_ ^xx j^^ _]X_\^f_ [f_f^_k^ [ _ Yf_ qX_ Xfq f[ _ qx [q _ q\ _ ^Y_ qxx_ q\ _ _x^ [_ ^Y ° ² []\ _ X_ xx]^;¤ _]X_f [_Xf^ _ ^`_ q_ XYkk[XX`Yxx _ q ][ _ j^ q\ _ j ^_ jqX_ f^ \_ [fj[[\_ fj^_ j^ x X_q`f[ _q_x]`[_k q\ ]\ _]\k] [\f _ [_`^Y\ _^Yf_f qf_f [_ [Xf_

Who will thrill guests at GUS 11 final selection party?


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North American student wins 2014 Miss AGN – EKO Pageant Xf [ _ [\\[f _q_XfY [\f_^`_ qXX_ ^ Y\]-


kqf]^\X_^`_ ^ f _ [ ]kq_ \] [ X]f _ ^f_f [_ ] [Xf_ ^ qf]^\_ ^`_ f [_ \] f_ qX_ X [_ jqX_ q\\^Y\k[ _j]\\[ _^`_ ]XX_ _Ê _ Y[[\_ «¬®É _ [_ jqx [ _ fqxx_ ^\_ Xfq [_ f^_ k^xx[kf_ f [_

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Ivie Okujaye’s Make a Move now on IrokoTV


`f[ _q_XYkk[XX`Yx_k]\[ q_ Y\_² q [_q_ ^ [¤_ _`q\X_`^ _k^ ]\ _^Yf_[\_ qXX[_f^_X[[_f [_ ^ ][_qf_ ]X_kY [\fx _X ^j]\ _^\_ ^ ^ _ f [_k]\[ qX ° _² q [_q_ ^ [¤_f [_ Xf_Z ^f [_ Xf_Z ^ Z [_ ^ ][_ ^ ] j ]k _ q _ Xf_ j[[ _ qZZ[q q\k[_ ]\_ Ykf]^\_ ^`_ _ _ j]\\[ _ f [_ k]\[ q_ k]\[ q ^Yf_ f [[_ ^\f X_ qk _ q\ _ qX_ ][_ Y q] [ _f[xxX_f [_Xf^ _^`_fj^_ [k[] [ _ q [_Z^X]f] [_ [ ][j _qX] [_` ^ _ ][_ _^`_fj^ [k[] [ X]Xf[ X_ f qf_ q _ f^_ XY ] [_ [_ f [_ q\ _ [ q ^_ q\ _ ] ]\ _ j qf_ Xfq [ ^x [ X_ kqxx_ [qf _ ^`_ q_ `qf [ _ q_ k Y[x_ [x Z[ `^ q\k[X_^`_f [] _x] [X _ [ [ x _ q q_ Z[ Xf[Z `qf [ _ q\ _ q_ \^\k q-f [qfX_f [_qY ][\k[_f^_Xk]\f]xxqf]\ _XYxf _ xq\f_ ^f [ _ x]\ [ _ _ q\k[_Xf[ZX_f qf_`Y f [ _ ] [X_k [ [\k[_ x^ [ _ q\k[_ jqX_ f [_ ^\x __ f^_f [_`qkf_f qf_X [_]X_^\[_^`_f [_\[¾f_ ] _ [q\X_ ^`_ [XkqZ[ _ [ [\_ f ]\ _]\_f [_[\f[ fq]\ [\f_]\ YXf f f qf_ jqX_ \^f_ j]f ^Yf_ [_ ^ ][_j ]k _ [k^ [ _ ^^ _ ^¾_^`^ZZ^X]f]^\ _ j [\_ ZYX _ k[_ Y [X _ qX_ [[\_ [Xk ] [ _qX_q_ [qf _^`_ k[_ kq [_ f^_ X ^ [_ q\ _ x]`[_ ` [X _q] _]\_ ^xx j^^ _qX] [_ ]\q_ q _ ` jqX_ qf_ Xfq [ _ X^ [f ]\ _ qx[_ [ q ^ q\ ^ _ q ] _ ]k [x _ q _f^_ ] [ qx ^Xf_[ [ _^f [ _ [ [ _^`_kqXf_q [_ kk^ ]\ _ f^_ ][_ ` [X _ `qk[X_ ]\_ ^xx j^^ _ j ]k _ ]X_ q_ ² q [_q_ ^ [¤_]X_X ^j [ ]qf]^\_ ` ^ _ f [_ \^ _ ]\_ f [_ Z []\ _ ^\_ ^ ^ _ _ jq\f_ X[\f_ q _ ^xx j^^ f^_ Xq _ f q\ _ ^Y_ f^_ qxx_


Daily Newswatch

News of Islam Friday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

World Islamic leader advocates peaceful coexistence QASIM AKINRETI, London


he world leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, Hazrat Masroor Ahmad, the Khalifatul Masih V, has called for peaceful coexistence among religious groups and people of diverse cultures for a more `Yx—xx]\Š_q\‡_XYXfq]\q†x[_‡[ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\fÂ&#x; Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 48th annual conference of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK held at the Oakland farm, United Kingdom, Ahmad Xq]‡_ f„[_ kqxx_ †[kq‰[_ ]‰Z[‚qf]ÂŽ[_ qŠq]\Xf_ f„[_†qkÂ?‡‚^Z_^`_Šx^†qx_‰]XY\‡[‚Xfq\‡]\Š_ among religious groups and extremism qX_j[xx_qX_f[‚‚^‚]X‰Â&#x; He said those perpetuating religious k^\½]kfX_ ‡^_ \^f_ Y\‡[‚Xfq\‡_ f„[_ [XX[\k[_ ^`_ ‚[x]Š]^\Â&#x;_ [x]Š]^\_ [‰Z„qX]Ă [X_ q\‡_ promotes unity among mankind as well qX_]‰Z‚^ÂŽ]\Š_‰^‚qx_Xfq\‡q‚‡_^`_Z[^Zx[Â&#x;_ While condemning acts of terrorism under the guise of religion, the Islamic leader appealed to everyone to understand and appreciate the fact that humanity is one and life is precious, adding that, “On \^_ qkk^Y\f_ ‰YXf_ „Y‰q\_ †[]\ŠX_ ‡[Xf‚^ˆ_ themselves with lethal weapons, when f„[ˆ_ kq\_ [‰†‚qk[_ ‡]qx^ŠY[_ f^_ ]‚^\_ ^Yf_ ‡]<[‚[\k[XÂ&#x;° He urged all Ahmadi Muslims around f„[_j^‚x‡_f^_Z‚qˆ_`^‚_Z[qk[_q\‡_Xfq†]x]fˆ_ ]\_ f„[_ YXx]‰_ j^‚x‡Â&#x;_ „[_ ^‚x‡_ [q‡_ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community xq‰[\f[‡_ q†^Yf_ f„[_ –Z]f]`Yx_ q\‡_ X^‚‚ˆ Xfqf[°_ ^`_ jq‚ f^‚\_ ˆ‚]q_ q\‡_ qÂ?]Xfq\ƒ_ where countless innocent people were †[]\Š_fq‚Š[f[‡_q\‡_Z[‚X[kYf[‡Â&#x; Z[qÂ?]\Š_ q†^Yf_ f„[_ ‡[ÂŽqXfqf]\Š_ consequences of the war in Syria, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said, “The situation in Syria is going from †q‡_f^_j^‚X[Â&#x;_ ^f„_f„[_ ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_q\‡_ f„[_ ^ZZ^X]f]^\_ ‚[†[xX_ „qÂŽ[_ k^‰‰];[‡_ [žf‚[‰[_ k‚Y[xf][XÂ&#x;_ \\^k[\f_ Z[^Zx[_ q‚[_

‌ Condemns war in Muslim countries

Saudi trained medical personnels on MERS

q‚‚[Xf[‡ƒ_ Xfq‚Ž[‡_ q\‡_ f^‚fY‚[‡Â&#x;_ YXx]‰X_ are perpetrating these cruelties on other YXx]‰X_ _ _ q‚[_ Š]ÂŽ]\Š_ \^\ YXx]‰X_ f„[_ opportunity to raise false accusations against Islam while government and

Ebola: Ahmadiyya donates ÂŁ10,000 to Liberia QASIM AKINRETI, London


he Ahmadiyya Muslim ^‰‰Y\]fˆ_ „qX_ ‡^\qf[‡_ ÂŽÂŹÂƒ_ ÂŹÂŹÂŹ_ Z^Y\‡X_ f^_ f„[_ ]†[‚]q\_ Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ f^_ k^‰†qf_ †^xq_ ÂŽ]‚YX_ ‡]X[qX[Â&#x;_ „]X_ jqX_ k^\fq]\[‡_ ]\_ q_ Xfqf[‰[\f_ †ˆ_ f„[_ „‰q‡]ˆˆq_ ‰[‡]q_ k[\f[‚_]\_f„[_ Â&#x; The money is meant to purchase essential medical supplies and protective gears for medical practitioners who have ‡[‡]kqf[‡_ f„[]‚_ f]‰[_ q\‡_ [<^‚fX_ ]\_ f„[_ —Š„f_qŠq]\Xf_f„[_ †^xq_ÂŽ]‚YXÂ&#x; Making the presentation at a special ceremony in London, the national president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association in the United Kingdom, q—Â?_ qˆqf_Xq]‡_f„qf_f„[_„[qxf„_X]fYqf]^\_ ]\_ ]†[‚]q_ ]X_ ^`_ Š‚qÂŽ[_ k^\k[‚\_ f^_ f„[_ association, especially at a time when the country is undergoing a massive ‚[†Y]x‡]\Š_Z‚^k[XXÂ&#x; A dispatch from Minister Counselor \f„^\ˆ_ Â&#x;_ [x‰q„_ ^`_ f„[_ ]†[‚]q\_ ‰†qXXˆ¤X_ Y†x]k_ <q]‚X_ X[kf]^\_ ]\_ ^\‡^\ƒ_ Â?Y^f[‡_ ‚Â&#x;_ qˆqf_ qX_ Xqˆ]\Š_ that “the amount is the association’s ]\]f]qx_ k^\f‚]†Yf]^\_ q\‡_ [<^‚fX_ ‰q‡[_ to galvanize more support from other

„‰q‡]ˆˆq_k^‰‰Y\]f][XÂ&#x;° The cheques were presented to ‰†qXXq‡^‚_ Y‡^x`_ ÂŽ^\_ qxx‰^^Xƒ_ j„^_ XY†X[Â?Y[\fxˆ_ fY‚\[‡_ f„[‰_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ f^_ q_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fqf]ÂŽ[_ ^`_ f„[_ ]†[‚]q_ [‡]kqx_ q\‡_ Dental Association in the United Kingdom, ‚Â&#x;_ ^Â?Yx^_ q]jq]Â?Yƒ_q\‡_f„[_Z‚[X]‡[\f_^`_ f„[_ \]^\_^`_ ]†[‚]q\_ ‚Šq\]Ă qf]^\X_]\_f„[_ \]f[‡_ ]\Š‡^‰ƒ_ ‚]\k[_ qˆx^‚Â&#x; The association has already commenced the purchase of intended medical supplies j„]k„_j]xx_X^^\_†[_q]‚x]`f[‡_f^_ ]†[‚]qÂ&#x;

opposition are actively destroying the citizens for the sake of either retaining or Šq]\]\Š_Z^j[‚Â&#x; – \_ qÂ?]Xfq\_ j[_ qxX^_ —\‡_ f„qf_ [žf‚[‰[_ k‚Y[xfˆ_ ]X_ †[]\Š_ ]\½]kf[‡_ YZ^\_ ‰[‰†[‚X_ ^`_ f„[_ ZY†x]k_ q\‡_ Zq‚f]kYxq‚xˆ_ qŠq]\Xf_ „‰q‡]_ YXx]‰XÂ&#x;_ [^Zx[_ q‚[_ †[]\Š_ Z„ˆX]kqxxˆ_ q\‡_ ‰[\fqxxˆ_ f^‚fY‚[‡Â&#x;_ f„[‚_ qÂ?]Xfq\]X_ q‚[_ qxX^_ †[]\Š_ f‚qZZ[‡_ ]\_ this system of cruelty and it seems the intensity of these grave circumstances will continue to increase, hence, there is a great need for prayers that all forms of [žf‚[‰]X‰_q\‡_f[‚‚^‚]X‰_[\‡Â&#x;° He prayed that Islam’s name would not †[_fq‚\]X„[‡_^‚_‡[`q‰[‡_†ˆ_f„[_qf‚^k]f][X_ q\‡_ ]\Â…YXf]k[X_ †[]\Š_ `qxX[xˆ_ Z[‚Z[f‚qf[‡_ in the name of the religion while admonishing religious leaders to show Š^^‡_ †[„qÂŽ]^Y‚Xƒ_ ]\_ f„[]‚_ k^\‡Ykf_ q\‡_

[Xk„[j_†];[‚\[XX_^‚_„qf‚[‡_q‰^\Š_f„[‰Â&#x; In another development, the world Islamic leader revealed that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community had completed the translation of the Holy Qur’an into the Maori language spoken in some part of Australia during the past ˆ[q‚Â&#x;_ ^\X[Â?Y[\fxˆƒ_ f„[_ ^‰‰Y\]fˆ_ has translated the entire Qur’an into 72 xq\ŠYqŠ[XÂ&#x; Ahmad also noted that over 550,000 YXx]‰X_ q\‡_ \^\ YXx]‰X_ „qÂŽ[_ Â…^]\[‡_ the Ahmadiyya Muslim community Šx^†qxxˆ_ †[fj[[\_ ÂŤÂŹÂŽĂ€_ f]xx_ ‡qf[Â&#x;_ [_ qxX^_ announced that the Ahmadiyya Muslim ^‰‰Y\]fˆ_ „qX_ †[[\_ [Xfq†x]X„[‡_ ]\_ Ç_ k^Y\f‚][X_Šx^†qxxˆ_q\‡_f„qf_‡Y‚]\Š_f„[_ZqXf_ year Ahmadi Muslim communities had †[[\_ [Xfq†x]X„[‡_ ]\_ [x]Ă [_ q\‡_ ‚YŠYqˆ_ `^‚_f„[_ÂŽ[‚ˆ_—‚Xf_f]‰[Â&#x;

Hajj: Thousands of doctors trained to fight infections


ealth authorities in Makkah have commenced training for medical personnel’s, including nurses and doctors, in dealing with prevention of infection of f„[_ ]‡‡x[_ qXf_ [XZ]‚qf^‚ˆ_ ˆ\‡‚^‰[ k^‚^\qŽ]‚YX_ �  ^ ž_ ‡Y‚]\Š_ f„[_

qÂ…Â…_X[qX^\Â&#x; The Director of the Ministry of Health, qÂ?Â?q„_ ‚[Š]^\ƒ_ ‚Â&#x;_ †‡Yx_ qxq‰_ ^^‚jqx]ƒ_ ]\_ q_ Xfqf[‰[\f_ Xq]‡_ Ă€Âƒ_ š_ \Y‚X[X_ q\‡_ ‡^kf^‚X_ q‚[_ †[]\Š_ Z‚^ÂŽ]‡[‡_ f‚q]\]\Š_ qf_ [‚q_ [\[‚qx_ ^XZ]fqxƒ_ qÂ?Â?q„_ ]\_ ‡[qx]\Š_ j]f„_ k^‚^\qÂŽ]‚YXÂ

‚[xqf[‡_kqX[X_q\‡_]fX_Z‚[ÂŽ[\f]ÂŽ[_‰[qXY‚[XÂ&#x;_ Adding that the extensive training that †[Šq\_ xqXf_ j[[Â?_ j]xx_ xqXf_ `^‚_ f„‚[[_ ‰^‚[_ j[[Â?XÂ&#x; According to Noorwali, “The infection k^\f‚^x_ ‰q\qŠ[‰[\f_ q\‡_ [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ preventive measures are needed for such q_‰qXX]ÂŽ[_Šqf„[‚]\ŠÂ&#x;_ xx_‡^kf^‚X_q\‡_^f„[‚_ Zq‚q‰[‡]k_ Xfq<_ q‚[_ †[]\Š_ ‡[Zx^ˆ[‡_ `^‚_

qÂ…Â…_]\_ qÂ?Â?q„Â&#x;° While emphasizing the importance of [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ ‰[qXY‚[X_ `^‚_ ]\`[kf]^\_ k^\f‚^x_ ‰[f„^‡X_ ]\_ ÂŽ][j_ ^`_ k^‚^\q_ q\‡_ †^xq_ viruses, Noorwali said all deployed

Xfq<_ ‰YXf_ ZqXX_ f„[_ ]\`[kf]^\_ k^\f‚^x_ ‰q\qŠ[‰[\f_ f[XfX_ k^\‡Ykf[‡_ †ˆ_ f„[_ ^ _ ]\_ f„[_ „^xˆ_ k]fˆÂ&#x;_ – „[_ ^ _ ]X_ determined that pilgrims should return to their homes in a safe and healthy state and free from any virus infection during f„[]‚_ Z]xŠ‚]‰qŠ[_ ]\_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰ƒ°_ „[_ Xq]‡Â&#x;_ In preventing and controlling any XYXZ[kf[‡_ †^xq_ kqX[Xƒ_ f„[_ ^ _ has made it mandatory to report any suspected symptoms to health qYf„^‚]f][X_j]f„]\_É_„^Y‚XÂ&#x;

Daily Newswatch

News of Islam

Friday, september 5, 2014


MICA unrelenting effort in Islam propagation TUNDE BUSARI


he choice of Yahaya Abdullateef and Mubasir Najimudeen was a credit to the brilliance of the ^‚Šq\]X]\Š_ k^‰‰];[[_ f„qf_ ZYf_ together the annual Ramadan

lecture. „[_ x[kfY‚[_ „qX_ k^\ÂŽ[\][\fxˆ_ ^kkYZ][‡_ q_ Z[‚‰q\[\f_ Zxqk[_ ]\_ f„[_ kqx[\‡q‚_ ^`_ Movement for Islamic Culture and Awareness (MICA), Alimosho zone of Lagos State and has so far successfully drawn a good number of Islamic faithful to the axis. AbdulLateef and Najimuden, who are students of Dhar Naheem and Salmon k]fq‡[xƒ_ ‡]‰Y_ ‚[XZ[kf]ÂŽ[xˆƒ_ „[x‡_ f„[_ k^\Š‚[Šqf]^\_qf_f„[_ YZ[‚_Xfq\‡q‚‡_ qxx_^`_ `q‰[ƒ_ Š†[‡qƒ_XZ[xx_†^Y\‡_qf_f„[_k^‰Zx[f]^\_ of their recitation of the glorious Quran. It was a beauty to behold and, indeed, an ]\XZ]‚qf]^\_ f^_ Zq‚[\fX_ j„^_ q‚[_ Š‚q‡Yqxxˆ_ losing war on their children acquisition of Quranic knowledge. While AbdulLateef was reciting in Arabic, Najimudeen was at hand to do the translation in a clear Yoruba language that betrays his 10-year-old. This acclaimed interesting segment †‚^YŠ„f_ ^Yf_ f„[_ _ Z„]x^X^Z„ˆ_ ^\_ ‡[ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\f_^`_f„[_ˆ^Y\Š_^\[X_^\_f„[_Zqf„_ of Islam. The alarming rate, at which kids q‚[_k‚qÂŽ]\Š_]\‡[Z[\‡[\k[_^`_k„^]k[ƒ_]f_jqX_ ‚[qX^\[‡ƒ_ ‰q‡[_ _ q_ ‚^Y\‡_ Z[Š_ ]\_ q_ ‚^Y\‡_„^x[_]\_]‰Zq‚f]\Š_ Xxq‰]k_[‡Ykqf]^\_ and culture in the youngsters. „[_ —‚Xf_ ŠY[Xf_ x[kfY‚[‚ƒ_ †‡Yx q`[[Ă _ Salawudeen, was all out to assert the role Xxq‰_ „qX_ Zxqˆ[‡_ q\‡_ ]X_ Xf]xx_ Zxqˆ]\Š_ ]\_ f„[_ k^\f[‰Z^‚q‚ˆ_ j^‚x‡Â&#x;_ \_ „]X_ x[kfY‚[_ titled: The Lies And The Truth: Muslims ^\f‚]†Yf]^\_ ^_ ^‚x‡_ [ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\fÂ&#x;_ Salawudeen, who is the Chief Executive Mk[‚_ q\‡_ q\qŠ]\Š_ ]‚[kf^‚_ ^`_ ‚^^Â?X_

^\[ˆƒ_Xq]‡_j^‰[\`^xÂ?_X„^Yx‡_†[_f„q\Â?`Yx_ to Islam for librating them from the ills f^_ j„]k„_ f„[ˆ_ j[‚[_ XY†…[kf[‡Â&#x;_ [_ Xq]‡_ Xxq‰_ Xf^^‡_ YZ_ qŠq]\Xf_ f„[_ ŠˆZf]q\_ ]\Š_ Pharaoh. [X]‡[Xƒ_ „[_ kx[q‚[‡_ f„[_ q]‚_ ^\_ f„[_ ‰]Xk^\k[Zf]^\_f„qf_f‚q]x[‡_f„[_f‚^Y†x[X^‰[_ ^Â?^_ q‚q‰_X[kfÂ&#x;_ [_‡]<[‚[‡_Xf‚^\Šxˆ_j]f„_ f„[_ ‰]x]fq\f_ Š‚^YZ_ q\‡_ ‡[Xk‚]†[‡_ f„[‰_ qX_ ungodly. “It is sad that the enemies of Islam go about to confuse the world about what ^Â?^_ q‚q‰_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fXÂ&#x;_ q\ˆ_ ^`_ YX_ Â?\^j_ q\‡_ Y\‡[‚Xfq\‡_ j„qf_ f„[X[_ Z[^Zx[_ ‚[Z‚[X[\fƒ_†Yf_‚[Šq‚‡x[XX_^`_f„qf_f„[ˆ_j^Yx‡_ always associate bad things to Islam. Let me ‰qÂ?[_]f_kx[q‚ƒ_ ^Â?^_ q‚q‰_]X_\^f_q\_ Xxq‰]k_ Š‚^YZÂ&#x;_ „[ˆ_ q‚[_ q\f] ]Xxq‰_ Š‚^YZ_ j„^_ Z[‚Z[f‚qf[X_ÂŽq‚]^YX_`^‚‰X_^`_[ÂŽ]x_Y\‡[‚_f„[_ ŠY]X[_^`_Z‚^ZqŠqf]\Š_ Xxq‰ƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x;_

A cross section of participants at the lecture

Salawudeen also argued with reference Z^]\fX_ f„qf_ Xxq‰_ k‚[qf[‡_ f„[_ ‰^‡[‚\_ j^‚x‡Â&#x;_ [_ Xq]‡_ f„[_ ^ZZ^X]f]^\_ qŠq]\Xf_ Islam is a deliberate design to slow down ]fX_ Z‚^Š‚[XX]^\Â&#x;_ – Yf_ f„[_ ‰^‚[_ f„[ˆ_ f‚ˆƒ_ f„[_`Y‚f„[‚_ Xxq‰_Z‚^Š‚[XX_q\‡_X^_]f_j]xx_]\_ f„[_`YfY‚[_X]‰Zxˆ_†[kqYX[_]f_]X_f„[_‚[x]Š]^\_ k‚[qf[‡_ †ˆ_ xxq„_ f^_ ‚Yx[_ f„[_ j^‚x‡ƒ°_ f„[_ lecturer said. It was not all about sermon, health issue jqX_ qxX^_ Š]ÂŽ[\_ q_ Z‚]^‚]fˆ_ q;[\f]^\_ qX_ ‚_ \qXq\ˆq_ †‡Yx qÂ?[[‰_ [\x]Š„f[\[‡_ f„[_ audience on oral hygiene that is, ways on how to take care of mouth. „[_ˆ^Yf„`Yx_ \]ÂŽ[‚X]fˆ_^`_ qŠ^X_Z‚^‡Ykf_ x[`f_ \^_ ^\[_ ]\_ ‡^Y†f_ ^`_ „]X_ ‡[Zf„_ ]\_ f„[_ ‡[\f]Xf‚ˆƒ_q\_]‰Z^‚fq\f_q‚‰_^`_‰[‡]k]\[Â&#x;_ [XZ]f[_ „]X_ ÂŽ[‚ˆ_ kqXYqx_ qZZ[q‚q\k[_ ^`_ a University Matriculation Examination qZZx]kq\fƒ_„[_f^^Â?_f„[_qY‡][\k[_f^_q_‚^Y\‡_ of health tutorial, which commensurately [q‚\[‡_„]‰_q_j]x‡_^ÂŽqf]^\ƒ_[XZ[k]qxxˆ_`^‚_„]X_ k‚[qf]ÂŽ[_Z‚[X[\fqf]^\_xqk[‡_j]f„_‰[q\]\Š`Yx_ q\‡_qZZ‚^Z‚]qf[_Â…^Â?[XÂ&#x;_ ‚_ †‡Yx qÂ?[[‰ƒ_ Zq‚f]kYxq‚xˆ_ k^\‡[‰\[‡_ f„[_ k^\ÂŽ[\f]^\qx_ jqˆ_ Z[^Zx[_ „^x‡_f^^f„_†‚YX„_q\‡_]fX_qZZx]kqf]^\_‡Y‚]\Š_ kx[q\X]\Š_ ^`_ f„[_ ‰^Yf„Â&#x;_ [_ ‡]‡_ X^‰[_ ‡[‰^\Xf‚qf]^\_ `^‚_ kxq‚]fˆ_ ZY‚Z^X[_ q\‡_ encouraged the audience to turn to a new

x[q`_`^‚_f„[_Š[\[‚qx_†[\[—f_^`_f„[]‚_„[qxf„Â&#x;_ “Failure to hold brush in the right way is f„[_ †[Š]\\]\Š_ ^`_ f[[f„_ Z‚^†x[‰Â&#x;_ [_ „qÂŽ[_ ‡]Xk^ÂŽ[‚[‡_ f„qf_ ‰q\ˆ_ Z[^Zx[_ ‡^\¤f_ Â?\^j_ how to hold brush, leading to their inability f^_ kx[q\_ f„[]‚_ f[[f„_ Z‚^Z[‚xˆÂ&#x;_ \‡_ ]`_ f[[f„_ q‚[_ \^f_ kx[q\_ Z‚^Z[‚xˆƒ_ ‡[kqˆ_ X[f_ ]\_ q`f[‚_ X^‰[_f]‰[_q\‡_Z‚^†x[‰_Xfq‚fXÂ&#x;_ `_f„[_‚]Š„f_ treatment is not sought and given to the f[[f„ƒ_]f_x[q‡X_f^_x^XX_^`_f[[f„ƒ_f^_YX[_Zxq]\_ xq\ŠYqŠ[ƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x;_ The dentist thus encouraged the audience to hold the brush in what he described as 45 degree angle to the gum line. And brush in q_k]‚kYxq‚_‰^f]^\Â&#x;__ „]Xƒ_„[_]\X]Xf[‡ƒ_Xj[[ZX_ ZxqÂ?Y[_q\‡_‡[†‚]X_^Yf_^`_j„qf_„[_qxX^_kqxx[‡_ Š]\Š]ÂŽqx_ Z^kÂ?[fÂ&#x;_ [_ qxX^_ [\k^Y‚qŠ[‡_ f„[_ audience to make it a habit to visit dentist every six month for test and examination of the state of their teeth. “Also, it is advisable that we change our toothbrush in every three month or once the †‚]Xfx[X_†[Š]\_f^_½q‚[Â&#x;_ ^\¤f_fqÂ?[_q\ˆf„]\Š_ [žk[Zf_jqf[‚_q`f[‚_†‚YX„]\Š_]\_f„[_\]Š„fÂ&#x;_ f_]X_ [Â?Yqxxˆ_]‰Z^‚fq\f_f^_Xqˆ_„[‚[_f„qf_YX[_^`_f„[_ X^_kqxx[‡_f^^f„Z]kÂ?_]X_\^f_Š^^‡_f^_^Y‚_f[[f„Â&#x;_ [_\[[‡_f^_Â?\^j_f„qf_qxx_f^^f„ Z]kÂ?_‡^[X_]X_ to injure our gum and teeth. If this is done, ^Y‚_‰^Yf„_]X_]\Â…Y‚ˆ `‚[[ƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x;__ While lecture was going on inside the fully

^kkYZ][‡_„qxxƒ_‰[‡]kX_j[‚[_Y\‡[‚_f„[_f[\fX_ ^YfX]‡[_ f„[_ „qxx_ q;[\‡]\Š_ f^_ k^‰Zxq]\fXÂ&#x;_ All kind of tests were being conducted on [ˆ[Xƒ_ f[[f„ƒ_ q\‡_ _ ^`_ f„^X[_ j„^_ ^<[‚[‡_ themselves for the exercise. Drugs were also given as well as right advice. ‚_ [„]\‡[_ qX]Yƒ_ q_ †[\[—k]q‚ˆ_ ^`_ f„[_ Xk„[‰[ƒ_ jqX_ —xx[‡_ j]f„_ Â…^ˆ_ q`f[‚_ „[_ „q‡_ successfully undergone his eyes test, which, he said, was overdue. Wasiu, an intra-city commercial driver, said the nature of his job had not made it easy for him to create time f^_ÂŽ]X]f_^Zf]k]q\ƒ_q‡‡]\Š_f„qf_„]X_\[]Š„†^Y‚ƒ_ j„^_ „q‡_ q;[\‡[‡_ f„[_ ZqXf_ [‡]f]^\X_ ^`_ _ q‰q‡q\_ Z‚^Š‚q‰‰[ƒ_ k^\ÂŽ]\k[‡_ „]‰_f^_q;[\‡_ŽÉ_[‡]f]^\Â&#x;_ – _ q‰_ „qZZˆ_ `^‚_ j„qf_ _ ]X_ ‡^]\ŠÂ&#x;_ _ j]X„_^f„[‚_Z[^Zx[_j„^_„qÂŽ[_„[qxf„_Z‚^†x[‰_ Š[f_f^_Â?\^j_q†^Yf_f„]X_fˆZ[_^`_Z‚^Š‚q‰‰[Â&#x;_ I now know what is really wrong with my [ˆ[Xƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x; \x]Â?[_ f„[_ k^‰‰^\_ Z‚qkf]k[_ j„[‚[†ˆ_ ^†x]Šqf^‚ˆ_Z‚qˆ[‚X_j[‚[_Xqk‚]—k[‡_`^‚_XYk„_ Z‚^Š‚q‰‰[ƒ_ _ [\XY‚[‡_ f„qf_ [qk„_ Xqxqf_ jqX_ ^†X[‚Ž[‡_ j]f„^Yf_ ‡]X‚YZf]\Š_ f„[_ Z‚^Š‚q‰‰[Â&#x;_ Children session was indeed an assurance ^`_q_Z‚^‰]X]\Š_`YfY‚[_^`_ Xxq‰Â&#x;_ „[_X[XX]^\_ was well coordinated to give the kids latitude to mix freely with one another under an exciting ambience.

Terror suspects arrested in Saudi Arabia


audi security authorities arrested šš_ Z[^Zx[_ j„^_ q‚[_ XYXZ[kf[‡_ ^`_ †[]\Š_ Zq‚f_ ^`_ q\_ x q[‡q_ k[xx_ Zx^;]\Š_ q;qkÂ?X_ ]\X]‡[_ q\‡_ ^YfX]‡[_f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰Â&#x; This was announced amidst the advance of the Islamic State extremist Š‚^YZ_ ]\_ ‚qÂ?_ q\‡_ ˆ‚]qƒ_ j„]k„_ „qX_ Z‚^‰Zf[‡_ qY‡]_ ‚q†]q_ f^_ fqÂ?[_ „q‚X„[‚_ ‰[qXY‚[X_ qŠq]\Xf_ Xˆ‰Zqf„]Ă [‚X_ j„^_ k^Yx‡_ f„‚[qf[\_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰¤X_ Xfq†]x]fˆÂ&#x;_ Addressing the media on Tuesday, \f[‚]^‚_ ]\]Xf‚ˆ_ XZ^Â?[X‰q\_ qÂ…Â&#x;_ [\Â&#x;_ Mansour Al-Turki said some of the men „q‡_ Z‚[ÂŽ]^YXxˆ_ X[‚Ž[‡_ Z‚]X^\_ X[\f[\k[X_ `^‚_X]‰]xq‚_^<[\k[XÂ&#x;_– f_]X_Y\`^‚fY\qf[_f„qf_ X^‰[_ ^`_ f„^X[_ j„^_ „q‡_ k^‰Zx[f[‡_ f„[]‚_ sentences and were released by court ^‚‡[‚X_‚[fY‚\[‡_f^_f„[]‚_Z‚[ÂŽ]^YX_jqˆXƒ°_ Al-Turki said.

[_ Xq]‡_ X[kY‚]fˆ_ `^‚k[X_ ‰^\]f^‚[‡_ f„[_

Š‚^YZ_`^‚_‰^\f„X_q\‡_x[q‚\[‡_q†^Yf_f„[]‚_ Zxq\XÂ&#x; „[_ XZ^Â?[X‰q\_ Xq]‡_ f„[_ q‚‚[XfX_ kq‰[_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ f„[_ ZqXf_ X[ÂŽ[‚qx_ ‡qˆX_ ]\_ q_ X[‚][X_ ^`_ ‚q]‡X_]\_ÂŽq‚]^YX_Zq‚fX_^`_f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰Â&#x;_ „[_ Z^x]k[_Xqˆ_f„qf_f„‚[[_^`_f„[_‰[\_q‚[_ [‰[\]_ \qf]^\qxXƒ_^\[_]X_Xf]xx_†[]\Š_]‡[\f]—[‡_q\‡_ f„[_‚[Xf_q‚[_ qY‡]XÂ&#x;_– [kY‚]fˆ_qZZq‚qfYX[Xƒ_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ q_ Z[‚]^‡_ ^`_ X[ÂŽ[‚qx_ ‰^\f„Xƒ_ ‰^\]f^‚[‡_ qxx_ f„[_ XYXZ[kfXƒ_ Zq‚f]kYxq‚xˆ_ f„^X[_ j]f„_ [žf‚[‰]Xf_ ]‡[^x^Š][Xƒ°_ f„[_ Saudi Press Agency quoted Al-Turki as saying. “Months of monitoring and X[kY‚]fˆ_^†X[‚Žqf]^\_Z‚^ÂŽ]‡[‡_[ÂŽ]‡[\k[_f^_ ‡[fq]\_f„[_XYXZ[kfX_q\‡_f„jq‚f_f„[_Zxq\X_ that they were on the verge of carrying ^Yf_ †^f„_ ]\X]‡[_ q\‡_ q†‚^q‡ƒ°_ „[_ Xq]‡Â&#x;_ Al-Turki said that there was no armed resistance during the two-week long X[kY‚]fˆ_ ^Z[‚qf]^\Â&#x;_ [_ Xq]‡_ f„[‚[_ j[‚[_ no women among those arrested. “All

leaders of terror cells have been arrested, q\‡_f„[ˆ_]\kxY‡[‡_f„^X[_j„^_XZ[k]qx]Ă [‡_ ]\_f‚q]\]\Š_^`_q‚‰X__q\‡_[žZ[‚fX_]\_xY‚]\Š_ ˆ^Yf„_f^_Â…^]\_f[‚‚^‚_^Yf—fXƒ°_„[_Xq]‡Â&#x; „[_q‚‚[Xf[‡_Z[^Zx[_†[x^\Š[‡_f^_ÂŽÂŹ_f[‚‚^‚_ Š‚^YZXÂ&#x;_ ‰^\Š_f„[‰ƒ_\]\[_j[‚[_q‚‚[Xf[‡_ `‚^‰_ q‚Â?qĂ _ Y‰q]‚_]\_ ]ˆq‡„_Z‚^ÂŽ]\k[Â&#x;_ [‰†[‚X_ ^`_ q\^f„[‚_ k[xxƒ_ k^‰Z‚]X]\Š_ 13 Saudis and two Yemenis, were from qÂ?Â?q„_ q\‡_ q]xƒ_ []Š„f_ ]\kxY‡]\Š_ q\_ Y\Â?\^j\_ Z[‚X^\_ `‚^‰_ ]ˆq‡„ƒ_ q\‡_ —Ž[_ `‚^‰_ X]‚Â&#x;_ „[_ XZ^Â?[X‰q\_ Xq]‡_ ÂŻÂŽ_ men belonging to six cells were arrested from four regions, including Makkah, Al-Qassim and the Eastern Province. All ^`_ f„[‰_ „q‡_ k^\fqkfX_ j]f„_ f[‚‚^‚_ ^Yf—fX_ ^Z[‚qf]\Š_ `‚^‰_ ^YfX]‡[_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰Â&#x;_ “They were awaiting instructions to carry out assassination of a number of Z‚^‰]\[\f_ —ŠY‚[X_ ]\_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰Â&#x;_ „[_ XYXZ[kfX_ ]\kxY‡[‡_ q_ XZ[k]qx]Xf_ ]\_ Xxq‰]k_

„q‚]q„_ q\‡_ jqX_ Z‚[Zq‚]\Š_ ‚]‡qˆ_ sermons meant for terror organizations ^YfX]‡[_f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰ƒ°_ x Y‚Â?]_Xq]‡Â&#x; Over the weekend, Custodian of the j^_ ^xˆ_ ^XÂ?Y[X_ ]\Š_ †‡Yxxq„_ jq‚\[‡_ f„qf_ [žf‚[‰]XfX_ k^Yx‡_ q;qkÂ?_ Y‚^Z[_q\‡_f„[_ _]`_f„[‚[_]X_\^f_q_Xf‚^\Š_ ]\f[‚\qf]^\qx_ ‚[XZ^\X[_ f^_ f[‚‚^‚]X‰Â&#x;_ ]X_ remarks were believed to be in reference f^_ f„[_ Xxq‰]k_ fqf[_ Š‚^YZ¤X_ ^<[\X]ÂŽ[Â&#x;_ qY‡]_ X[kY‚]fˆ_ ^Mk]qxX_ †[Šq\_ †q;x]\Š_ Al-Qaeda militants around a decade ago when extremists launched a string ^`_ q;qkÂ?X_ ]\_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰_ q]‰[‡_ qf_ f^ZZx]\Š_ f„[_ ‰^\q‚k„ˆÂ&#x;_ qY‡]_ ^Mk]qxX_ ‚[XZ^\‡[‡_ j]f„_ q_ ‰qXX]ÂŽ[_ k‚qkÂ?‡^j\_ f„qf_ Xqj_ ‰q\ˆ_ ½[[_ f^_ [‰[\Â&#x;_ \_ f„[_ f]‰[_ X]\k[ƒ_ f„[_ ]\Š‡^‰_ „qX_ \^f_ X[[\_ q\ˆ_ ‰qXX]ÂŽ[_ q;qkÂ?Xƒ_ f„^YŠ„_ ]f_ „qX_ ]‰Z‚]X^\[‡_ XYXZ[kf[‡_ ‰]x]fq\fX_ q\‡_ sentenced others to death.


Islam and your health

Daily Newswatch Friday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only)

Walnuts, good for brain development – Experts


alnut is an edible X[[‡_ ^`_ f„[_ f‚[[_ \Yf_

YŠxq\X_ ‚[Š]qÂ&#x;_ „[_ plant originated `‚^‰_ \‡]qÂ&#x;_ „[__ X[[‡_ ^`_ qx\Yf_ „qX_ q_ \Y‰†[‚_ ^`_ „[qxf„_ †[\[—fX_ ‚q\Š]\Š_ `‚^‰_ j[]Š„f_ management to prevention and Xx^j]\Š_^`_ÂŽq‚]^YX_kq\k[‚XÂ&#x; _ qx\Yf_ x^^Â?X_ x]Â?[_ q_ x];x[_ †‚q]\ƒ_ q_ x[`f_ q\‡_ ‚]Š„f_ „[‰]XZ„[‚[ƒ_ YZZ[‚_ k[‚[†‚Y‰X_ q\‡_ x^j[‚_ k[‚[†[xxY‰XÂ&#x;_ ÂŽ[\_ f„[_ j‚]\Â?x[X_ ^‚_ `^x‡X_ ^\_ f„[_ \Yf_ q‚[_ Â…YXf_ x]Â?[_ f„[_ \[^ k^‚f[žÂ&#x;__ qx\YfX_ „[xZ_ ‡[ÂŽ[x^Z_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ f„‚[[_ ‡^Ă [\_ \[Y‚^\ f‚q\X‰];[‚X_ `^‚_ †‚q]\_ `Y\kf]^\Â&#x; _\[j_XfY‡ˆ_ZY†x]X„[‡_]\_f„[_kY‚‚[\f_ ]XXY[_ ^`_ f„[_ ^Y‚\qx_ ^`_ Yf‚]f]^\_ X„^jX_ f„qf_ jqx\YfX_ „qÂŽ[_ q_ X]‰]xq‚_ †[\[—k]qx_ [<[kf_ ^\_ k„^x[Xf[‚^x_ x[ÂŽ[xX_ q\‡_  Â‚[qkf]ÂŽ[_ Z‚^f[]\_ Â? žƒ_ q\_ ]\½q‰‰qf]^\_‰q‚Â?[‚_f„qf_]X_Xf‚^\Šxˆ_ qXX^k]qf[‡_ j]f„_ qf„[‚^Xkx[‚^X]X_ q\‡_ „[q‚f_‡]X[qX[Â&#x; qx\YfX_ q‚[_ „]Š„_ ]\_ Z‚^f[]\ƒ_ ÂŽ]fq‰]\Xƒ_ ^‰[Šq_ Ă€_ `q;ˆ_ qk]‡Xƒ_ f‚qk[_ ‰]\[‚qxXƒ_ x[k]f„]\_ q\‡_ ^]xXÂ&#x;_ ^‰Zq‚[‡_ j]f„_ ^f„[‚_ \YfXƒ_ j„]k„_ fˆZ]kqxxˆ_ k^\fq]\_ q_ „]Š„_ q‰^Y\f_ ^`_ ‰^\^Y\XqfY‚qf[‡_ `qfXƒ_ jqx\YfX_ q‚[_ Y\]Â?Y[_ †[kqYX[_ f„[_ `qfX_ ]\_ f„[‰_ q‚[_ Z‚]‰q‚]xˆ_ Z^xˆY\XqfY‚qf[‡_ `q;ˆ_ qk]‡X_ Â? Xž_ q\‡_ q‚[_ f„[_ ^\xˆ_ \Yf_ j]f„_ q_ X]Š\]—kq\f_ q‰^Y\f_ ^`_ qxZ„q x]\^x[\]k_ qk]‡Â&#x;_ ^‚[^ÂŽ[‚ƒ_ jqx\YfX_ „qÂŽ[_]\X]Š\]—kq\f_q‰^Y\fX_^`_X^‡]Y‰_ q\‡_q‚[_k„^x[Xf[‚^x_`‚[[Â&#x; Calories in Walnuts:_ \_^Y\k[_Â?šŠž_ ^`_ Â?k„^ZZ[‡ž_ jqx\YfX_ k^\fq]\X_ ŽšÀ_ kqx^‚][X_ ^`_ j„]k„_ ÂŽÂŻĂ€_ kqx^‚][X_ k^‰[_ `‚^‰_f„[_`qfXÂ&#x;_ Vitamins and Minerals in Walnuts: qx\Yf_ k^\fq]\X_ q_ xq‚Š[_ q‰^Y\f_ ^`_ ÂŽ]fq‰]\X_ Ç_ Â?ÂŹÂ&#x;‰Š_ Z[‚_ ^Y\k[_ ^`_ jqx\Yfž_ Z‚^ÂŽ]‡]\Š_ š_ Z[‚k[\f_ ^`_ f„[_ ‡q]xˆ_ ‚[Â?Y]‚[‰[\fÂ&#x;_ f_ qxX^_ „qX_ Zx[\fˆ_ ^`_ `^xqf[_ q\‡_ f„]q‰]\_ q\‡_ YX[`Yx_ Â?Yq\f]fˆ_ ^`_ ÂŽ]fq‰]\_ _ ]\_ f„[_ `^‚‰_ ^`_ f^k^Z„[‚^xÂ&#x;_ qx\Yf_]X_q_‚]k„_X^Y‚k[_^`_ ‰q\Šq\[X[ƒ_^\[_X[‚Ž]\Š_k^\f‚]†Yf]\Š_ f^_ qx‰^Xf_ „qx`_ ^`_ ]fX_ ‚[Â?Y]‚[‡_ ‡q]xˆ_ ÂŽqxY[Â&#x;_ f_]X_qxX^_‚]k„_]\_^f„[‚_‰]\[‚qxX_ XYk„_qX_‰qŠ\[X]Y‰ƒ_Z„^XZ„^‚YX_q\‡_

iron. Omega 3 in Walnuts: Omega 3 and ‰[Šq_Ç_q‚[_fj^_[XX[\f]qx_`q;ˆ_qk]‡X_ ‚[Â?Y]‚[‡_†ˆ_f„[_†^‡ˆ_`^‚_k[xx_Š‚^jf„ƒ_ ]‰‰Y\[_`Y\kf]^\ƒ_†x^^‡_kx^;]\Š_q\‡_ ‡]X[qX[_ Z‚[ÂŽ[\f]^\ƒ_ †Yf_ ^Y‚_ †^‡ˆ_ kq\\^f_ ‰qÂ?[_ f„[‰_ ^\_ f„[]‚_ ^j\Â&#x;_ ^_ f„[X[_`q;ˆ_qk]‡X_„qÂŽ[_f^_†[_^†fq]\[‡_ `‚^‰_ ^Y‚_ ‡][fÂ&#x;_ Y‚_ †^‡ˆ_ \[[‡X_ fj^_ k‚]f]kqx_ ‰[Šq Ă€_ `q;ˆ_ qk]‡Xƒ_ Â?[]k^XqZ[\fq[\^]k_ qk]‡ƒ_ kqxx[‡_ _ q\‡_ ‡^k^Xq„[žq[\^]k_ ^‚_ ž_ q\‡_ jqx\Yf_k^\fq]\X_q_Z‚[kY‚X^‚_ ‰[Šq Ă€Âƒ_ kqxx[‡_ qxZ„q x]\^x[\]k_ qk]‡_ Â? žƒ_ j„]k„_f„[_†^‡ˆ_k^\ÂŽ[‚fX_f^_ _q\‡_ Â&#x;_ \_ ^Y\k[_ Â?šŠž_ ^`_ jqx\YfX_ Z‚^ÂŽ]‡[X_ŽšŠ_^`_f^fqx_`qf_^`_j„]k„_ŽÀŠ_ q‚[_ _q\‡_ÂŤÂ&#x;¯Š_q‚[_ Â&#x; Cholesterol Content in Walnuts: qx\Yf_ „[xZX_ Z‚[ÂŽ[\f_ „[q‚f_ ‡]X[qX[_ q\‡_ q‚[_ f„[_ `‚Y]f_ ‚[k^‰‰[\‡[‡_ `^‚_ x^j[‚]\Š_ k„^x[Xf[‚^xÂ&#x;_ f_ ]X_ q\_ [Xfq†x]X„[‡_ `qkf_ f„qf_ k^‚^\q‚ˆ_ „[q‚f_ ‡]X[qX[_ Â? ž_ ]X_ qXX^k]qf[‡_ j]f„_ „]Š„_ f^fqx_ k„^x[Xf[‚^x_ q\‡_ „]Š„_ _ k„^x[Xf[‚^x_x[ÂŽ[xXÂ&#x;_ fY‡][X_kq‚‚][‡_^Yf_ qk‚^XX_ \]f[‡_ fqf[Xƒ_ YXf‚qx]qƒ_ [j_ [qxq\‡ƒ_ Zq]\ƒ_ q\‡_ X‚q[x_ ]\‡]kqf[‡_ f„qf_ k^\XY‰]\Š_ ÂŤ_ f^_ Ă€_ X[‚Ž]\ŠX_ ^`_ jqx\YfX_ ‡q]xˆ_ ‡[k‚[qX[X_ k„^x[Xf[‚^x_

x[ÂŽ[xX_XYMk][\f_f^_x^j[‚_‚]XÂ?_^`_ Â&#x;_ Walnuts as Brain Food: Walnuts „qÂŽ[_ Z^f[\f]qx_ „[qxf„_ †[\[—fX_ ]\_ f„[_ q‚[q_ ^`_ ‰[‰^‚ˆ_ q\‡_ k^Š\]f]ÂŽ[_ `Y\kf]^\_qX_j[xxÂ&#x;_ ^j_^‰[Šq_Ă€_]\fqÂ?[_ „qX_ †[[\_ x]\Â?[‡_ f^_ ‡[Z‚[XX]^\_ q\‡_ ‡[kx]\[_ ]\_ k^Š\]f]ÂŽ[_ `Y\kf]^\Â&#x;_ \‡_ fqÂ?]\Š_]\f^_k^\X]‡[‚qf]^\_f„qf_jqx\Yf_ ]X_q_‚]k„_X^Y‚k[_^`_ _Â?^‰[Šq_Ă€ÂžÂƒ_]f_\^_ ‡^Y†f_Z‚^‰^f[X_†‚q]\_„[qxf„Â&#x;_ fY‡][X_ „^j[ÂŽ[‚_ X„^j_ f„qf_ ^\xˆ_ ‰^‡[‚qf[_ q‰^Y\f_ ^`_ jqx\Yf_ Â?ÂŤ_ ^‚_ Ç_ Z[‚k[\f_ ^`_ q_ „[qxf„ˆ_ ‡][fž_ kq\_ ]‰Z‚^ÂŽ[_ ‰^f^‚_ q\‡_ †[„qÂŽ]^‚qx_ XÂ?]xxX_ ]\_ ^x‡[‚_ q‡YxfX_ q\‡_ „]Š„[‚_ q‰^Y\fXƒ_ Xqˆ_ ”_ Z[‚k[\fƒ_ ]‰Zq]‚[‡_‚[`[‚[\k[_‰[‰^‚ˆÂ&#x; Walnuts for Hair - Walnut is a good ²Â„q]‚_`^^‡¤_f^^Â&#x;_ „]X_]X_†[kqYX[_jqx\Yf_ k^\fq]\X_†]^f]\_Â?ÂŽ]fq‰]\_ ՞_f„qf_„[xZX_ Xf‚[\Šf„[\_ „q]‚ƒ_ ‚[‡Yk[_ „q]‚_ `qxx_ q\‡_ ]‰Z‚^ÂŽ[_„q]‚_Š‚^jf„_f^_k[‚fq]\_[žf[\fÂ&#x;_ qx\YfX_ ]\_ ‚[Š\q\kˆ_  _ xf„^YŠ„_ \^f_‰Yk„_‚[X[q‚k„_„qX_Š^\[_]\f^_f„[_ Xq`[fˆ_ q\‡_ †[\[—fX_ ^`_ k^\XY‰]\Š_ jqx\Yf_ ‡Y‚]\Š_ Z‚[Š\q\kˆƒ_ ]f_ ]X_ †[x][ÂŽ[‡_ f„qf_ jqx\Yf_ ‰qˆ_ XfqÂŽ[_ ^<_ \qYX[q_ ‡Y‚]\Š_ Z‚[Š\q\kˆ_ q\‡_ †^^Xf_ †‚q]\_ ‡[ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\f_ ]\_ f„[_ k„]x‡Â&#x;_

^j[Ž[‚ƒ_ ^\[_ XfY‡ˆ_ X„^j[‡_ f„qf_ k^\XY‰]\Š_ f‚[[_ \YfX_ �]\kxY‡]\Š_

Consuming walnuts regularly could even reduce the risk of breast cancer. Also, numerous studies have also shown that regular consumption of walnuts can prevent and even slow the progress of prostate

jqx\Yfž_‡Y‚]\Š_Z‚[Š\q\kˆ_k^Yx‡_‚q]X[_ f„[_^‡‡X_^`_qXf„‰q_qX_`^^‡_qxx[‚Šˆ_]\_ f„[_k„]x‡_†ˆ_ÂŻÂŹ_Z[‚k[\fÂ&#x;_ Yf_ q‚Žq‚‡_ k„^^x_ ^`_ Y†x]k_ [qxf„_ \Yf‚]f]^\]XfX_ ‚qf„[‚_ XYŠŠ[Xf_ f„qf_ k^\XY‰Zf]^\_ of peanuts and tree nuts during Z‚[Š\q\kˆ_ ‰]Š„f_ [ÂŽ[\_ ‡[k‚[qX[_ f„[_ ‚]XÂ?_ ^`_ qxx[‚Š]k_ ‡]X[qX[_ ‡[ÂŽ[x^Z‰[\f_ ]\_k„]x‡‚[\Â&#x; Walnuts prevents cancer qx\YfX_k^\fq]\_‰Yxf]Zx[_]\Š‚[‡][\fX_ f„qfƒ_ ]\‡]ÂŽ]‡Yqxxˆƒ_ „qÂŽ[_ †[[\_ X„^j\_ f^_ Xx^j_ kq\k[‚_ Š‚^jf„ƒ_ ]\kxY‡]\Š_ ^‰[Šq Ă€_`q;ˆ_qk]‡Xƒ_q\f]^ž]‡q\fXƒ_q\‡_ Z„ˆf^Xf[‚^xXÂ&#x;_ ^xx^j]\Š_ q_ XfY‡ˆ_ ^\_ xq†^‚qf^‚ˆ_ q\]‰qxX_ †ˆ_ ‚[X[q‚k„[‚X_ qf_ f„[_ [Zq‚f‰[\f_ ^`_ ]^k„[‰]Xf‚ˆ_ q\‡_ ]k‚^†]^x^Šˆƒ_ q‚X„qxx_ \]ÂŽ[‚X]fˆ_ k„^^x_ ^`_ [‡]k]\[ƒ_ Y\f]\Šf^\ƒ_ [Xf_ ]‚Š]\]qƒ_ ]f_ jqX_ ]\‡]kqf[‡_ f„qf_ k^\XY‰]\Š_ jqx\YfX_ ‚[ŠYxq‚xˆ_ k^Yx‡_ [ÂŽ[\_‚[‡Yk[_f„[_‚]XÂ?_`^‚_†‚[qXf_kq\k[‚_ ]\_ „Y‰q\XÂ&#x;_ kk^‚‡]\Š_ f^_ f„[‰_ †[fq X]f^Xf[‚^x_ Â?q_ Z„ˆf^Xf[‚^xž_ ]\_ k^‰†]\qf]^\_ j]f„_ Šq‰q f^k^Z„[‚^x_ Â?ÂŽ]fq‰]\_ ž_ †[\[—f[‡_ qŠq]\Xf_ kq\k[‚_ k[xx_ Š‚^jf„Â&#x;_ Y‰[‚^YX_ XfY‡][X_ „qÂŽ[_ qxX^_X„^j\_f„qf_‚[ŠYxq‚_k^\XY‰Zf]^\_ ^`_jqx\Yf_kq\_Z‚[ÂŽ[\f_q\‡_[ÂŽ[\_Xx^j_ f„[_Z‚^Š‚[XX_^`_Z‚^Xfqf[_kq\k[‚Â&#x; Walnuts and Type 2 Diabetes - ]q†[f[X_ q\‡_ ^†[X]fˆ_ [žZ[‚f_ ‚Â&#x;_ qÂŽ]‡_ qÆ_ ‚[k^‰‰[\‡X_ jqx\Yf_ qX_ q_ \Yf‚]f]^YX_ `^^‡_ f„qf_ ‰YXf_ `^‚‰_ q\_ ]‰Z^‚fq\f_ k^‰Z^\[\f_ ^`_ q_ „[qxf„ˆ_ ‡][fÂ&#x;_ [_ k^‰Zx[f[xˆ_ qŠ‚[[X_ j]f„_ f„[_

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Daily Newswatch Friday, SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

Conference of Holy Qur’an


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Etiquette of Tahajjud prayer



ahajjud prayer is part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), which Muslims are to follow all the time. In his famous work, Fiqh As-Sunnah, Sheikh Sayyid Sabiq elaborates on the subject as follows: Ordering His Messenger to perform Tahajjud, Allah Almighty says what means: {And during a part of the night, pray Tahajjud beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.} (Al-Israa’ 17:79) „]X_ ^‚‡[‚ƒ_ qxf„^YŠ„_ jqX_ XZ[k]—kqxxˆ_ directed to the Prophet, it is nevertheless refers to all Muslims, since the Prophet is a perfect [žq‰Zx[_q\‡_ŠY]‡[_`^‚_YX_]\_qxx_‰q;[‚XÂ&#x; Moreover, performing Tahajjud Prayers ‚[ŠYxq‚xˆ_Â?Yqx]—[X_^\[_qX_^\[_^`_f„[_‚]Š„f[^YX_ and makes one earn Allah’s bounty and mercy. In praising those who perform the late night Prayers, Allah says what means: {And they who pass the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing.} (Al-Furqan 25:64) Next to these Quranic verses, there also exist a number of hadiths that reinforce the importance of Tahajjud. `Abdullah ibn Salam reported: “When the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) came to Madinah, the people gathered around him and I was one of them. I looked at his face and understood that it jqX_ \^f_ f„[_ `qk[_ ^`_ q_ x]q‚Â&#x;_ „[_ —‚Xf_ j^‚‡X_ _ heard him say were: ‘O people, spread the salutations, feed the people, keep the ties of kinship, and pray during the night while the others sleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.’â€? (At-Tirmidhi.) Salman Al-Farsi quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Observe the night Prayer; it was the practice of the righteous before you and it brings you closer to your Lord and it is penance for evil deeds and erases the sins and repels disease from the body.â€? (At-Tabarani) @ \I]^J3J@9_@ qKzJq The following acts are recommended for one who wishes to perform the Tahajjud Prayer: Ăą Z^\_ Š^]\Š_ f^_ Xx[[Zƒ_ ^\[_ X„^Yx‡_ ‰qÂ?[_

the intention to perform the Prayers. Abu Ad-Darda’ quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Whoever goes to his bed with the intention ^`_ Š[;]\Š_ YZ_ q\‡_ Z‚qˆ]\Š_ ‡Y‚]\Š_ f„[_ \]Š„fƒ_ but, being overcome by sleep, fails to do that, he will have recorded for him what he has intended, and his sleep will be reckoned as a charity (an act of mercy) for him from his Lord.â€? (An-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah). Ăą \_jqÂ?]\Š_YZƒ_]f_]X_‚[k^‰‰[\‡[‡_f„qf_^\[_ wipes the face, use a toothbrush, and look to the sky and make the supplication which has been reported from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Abu Hudhaifa reported: “Whenever the Prophet intended to go to bed, he would recite: (With Your name, O Allah, I die and I live).â€? And when he woke up from his sleep, he would say: (All the Praises are for Allah Who has made us alive after He made us die (sleep) and unto Him is the Resurrection.)â€? (Al-Bukhari) Ăą \[_ X„^Yx‡_ †[Š]\_ j]f„_ fj^_ ‚qÂ?òq„X_ q\‡_ then one may pray whatever one wishes after f„qfÂ&#x;_ò ¤]X„q„_Xq]‡Ñ “When the Prophet prayed during the latenight, he would begin his Prayers with two ‚qÂ?òq„XÂ&#x;°_Â? YXx]‰ž Ăą f_]X_‚[k^‰‰[\‡[‡_f„qf_^\[_jqÂ?[X_YZ_^\[¤X_ Z

family, for Abu Hurairah quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “May Allah bless the man who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up his wife and who, if she refuses to get up, sprinkles water on her face. And may Allah bless the woman who gets up during the night to pray and wakes up her husband and who, if he refuses, sprinkles water on his face.â€? (Ahmad) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) also said: “If a man wakes his wife and prays during f„[_\]Š„f_^‚_f„[ˆ_Z‚qˆ_fj^_‚qÂ?òq„X_f^Š[f„[‚ƒ_ they will be recorded among those (men and women) who (constantly) make remembrance of Allah.â€? (Abu Dawud.) Ăą `_ ^\[_ Š[fX_ Xx[[Zˆ_ j„]x[_ Z[‚`^‚‰]\Š_ Tahajjud, one should sleep. This is based on f„[_ „q‡]f„_ \q‚‚qf[‡_ †ˆ_ ò ¤]X„q„_ Â?‰qˆ_ xxq„_ be pleased with her), who quoted Allah’s Messenger as saying: “When one of you gets up during the night for Prayer and his Qur’anic recital gets mixed up to the extent that he does not know what he says, he should lie down.â€? (Muslim.) Recommended Time for Tahajjud Tahajjud may be performed in the early part of the night, the middle part of the night, or the xq;[‚_Zq‚f_^`_f„[_\]Š„fƒ_†Yf_q`f[‚_f„[_^†x]Šqf^‚ˆ_ ò X„q¤_ ‚qˆ[‚_Â?\]Š„f_ ‚qˆ[‚žÂ&#x; ˆ Š ˆ

Performing Tahajjud prayers regularly qualifies one as one of the righteous and makes one earn Allah’s bounty and mercy

While describing the Prophet’s way of performing Prayer, Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “If we wanted to see him praying during the night, we could see him praying. If we wanted to see him sleeping during the night, we could see him sleeping. And sometimes he would fast for so many days that we thought he would not leave fasting throughout that month. And sometimes he would not fast (for so many days) that we thought he would not fast during that month.â€? (Al-Bukhari, Ahmad and An-Nasa’i.) Commenting on this subject, Ibn Hajar says: _– „[‚[_jqX_\^_ XZ[k]—k_ f]‰[_]\_ j„]k„_f„[_ Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would perform his late night Prayer; but he used to do whatever was easiest for him.â€? @ J{\@ ILJ@_9q@ K|K}}^> It is best to delay this Prayer to the last third portion of the night. Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven during the last third of the night, inquiring: ‘Who will call on Me so that I may respond to him? Who is asking something of Me so I may give it to him? Who is asking for My forgiveness so I may forgive him?’â€? (AlBukhari) _ ò ‰‚_ ]†\_ ò †Xq„_ Â?‰qˆ_ xxq„_ †[_ Zx[qX[‡_ with him) reported that he heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) saying: “The closest that a slave comes to his Lord ]X_ ‡Y‚]\Š_ f„[_ ‰]‡‡x[_ ^`_ f„[_ xq;[‚_ Z^‚f]^\_ ^`_ the night. If you can be among those who remember Allah the Exalted One at that time, then do so.â€? (At-Tirmidhi) @ |J@ ^LPJq@9_@ K~ K|{@IG@ K|K}}^> q„qÂ…Â…Y‡_ ‚qˆ[‚_ ‡^[X_ \^f_ [\fq]x_ q_ XZ[k]—k_ \Y‰†[‚_ ^`_ ‚qÂ?òq„X_ f„qf_ ‰YXf_ †[_ Z[‚`^‚‰[‡ƒ_ nor is there any maximum limit that may be Z[‚`^‚‰[‡Â&#x;_ f_ j^Yx‡_ †[_ `Yx—xx[‡_ [ÂŽ[\_ ]`_ ^\[_ Z‚qˆ[‡_Â…YXf_^\[_‚qÂ?òq„_^`_ ]f‚_q`f[‚_ò X„q¤Â&#x; Samurah ibn Jundub (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah ordered us to pray ‡Y‚]\Š_f„[_\]Š„fƒ_q_x];x[_^‚_q_x^fƒ_q\‡_f^_‰qÂ?[_ the last of the Prayer the Witr Prayer.â€? (AtTabarani and Al-Bazzar) Allah knows best!

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Daily Newswatch

Bauchi to commence verification of teachers NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


orried by the poor performance of secondary school students in this year’s West African Examination Council (WAEC), the Bauchi State ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ˆ[Xf[‚‡qˆ_‚[]f[‚ated its commitment to con‡Ykf_ ÂŽ[‚]—kqf]^\_ [ž[‚k]X[_ `^‚_ teachers in the state. The exercise, according to a reliable source is aimed at ½YX„]\Š_ Y\Â?Yqx]—[‡_ f[qk„[‚X_ as well as those with fake cerf]—kqf[X_`‚^‰_f[qk„]\Š_Z‚^`[Xsion. Commissioner for Education Alhaji Ibrahim Aminu made the disclosure at a Stakeholders meeting on education to re-examine the performance of students in the last WAEC where many XfY‡[\fX_ k^Yx‡_ \^f_ Xk^‚[_ —Ž[_ k‚[‡]fX_q\‡_q†^ÂŽ[_]\_‚[x[ÂŽq\f_ subjects. According to him, despite „YŠ[_Š^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_]\ÂŽ[Xf‰[\f_ in the education sector yet students’ performance was not measurable with the amount of money sunk into the sector.

[_ ]‡[\f]—[‡_ \^\_ k„qxxq\f_ q;]fY‡[_ ^`_ †^f„_ Zq‚[\fX_ q\‡_ teachers as well as lack of ad[Â?Yqf[_ XYZ[‚Ž]X]^\ƒ_ ]\½Yž_ ^`_ ^ÂŽ[‚_ f„‚[[_ ‰]xx]^\_ ‡]XZxqk[‡_ persons to the state and the Z‚^†x[‰X_ ^`_ Y\Â?Yqx]—[‡_ teachers are the reason be„]\‡_ f„[_ Y\]‰Z‚[XX]ÂŽ[_ Z[‚formance of the students in WAEC. Aminu said the meeting had sent its recommendations and suggestions to the State ^ÂŽ[‚\‰[\f_ q\‡_ X[[Â?_ f„[_ qZZ‚^ÂŽqx_^`_f„[_Xfqf[_Š^ÂŽ[‚\ment to allow it chart the way forward. He said the Minimum Â?Yqx]—kqf]^\_ ^`_ [qk„]\Š_ ]X_ qf]^\qx_ [‚f]—kqf[_^`_ ‡Ykqf]^\_ _†Yf_‰q\ˆ_‡]Zx^‰q_ holders were employed as teachers and the state cannot expect quality teaching from them but assured that after f„[_ ÂŽ[‚]—kqf]^\ƒ_ X^‰[_ j^Yx‡_ be sent for training while others would be redeployed to f„[]‚_‚[XZ[kf]ÂŽ[_—[x‡_^`_‡]Xk]plines. He said they recommended for the opening of more zonal ^Mk[X_ f^_ [\XY‚[_ [<[kf]ÂŽ[_ ‰^\]f^‚]\Š_q\‡_[ÂŽqxYqf]^\_^`_ teachers and students performance across the state.



Friday, September 5, 2014

Suspected killer of Yoruba patron in Kano arraigned in court TED ODOGWU, Kano


uspected killer of the late Yoruba community patron in Kano, Alhaji Ganiyu Akanbi Bello has appeared before

a Kano Chief Magistrate k^Y‚fƒ_X];]\Š_qf_ ^‰q\Xxq\‡_ in the Sabon Gari area of the State. The suspect, Abubakar Abdulrahman Sadiq, 26, who resides at Badawa quarters,

\qXq‚qjq_ ^kqx_ ^Ž[‚\ment Area of the State was qkkYX[‡_ f^_ „qŽ[_ ‰Y‚‡[‚[‡_ Alhaji Ganiyu Bello, owner of Gab centre for Excellence on June 5, 2014 at his residence on Race Course Road,

ƒ_ qXq‚qjq_Â?Yq‚f[‚XÂ&#x; Abubakar was charged for criminal trespass, armed robbery and culpable homik]‡[ƒ_ ^<[\k[X_ k^\f‚q‚ˆ_ f^_ Section 348, 298 and 221 of the penal code.

L-R: Kaduna State Deputy Governor, Ambassador Nuhu Bajoga; Chairman, Northern Elders Council, Alhaji Tanko Yakassai, and Kogi State Governor, Idris Wada, at the inauguration of Northern Elders Council Board of Trustees in Kaduna State‌yesterday.


ot less than 16 promoters of foam products „qŽ[_ †[[\_ qZprehended by the Censorship Board in the Tudun Wada area of Kano for allegedly performing road

show promotion in exposed and indecent dresses. In a statement issued by the Board’s Principal Public Relaf]^\X_ Mk[‚ƒ_ _ qxq‚q†[_ YXq_ Mohammed quoted the Ex[kYf]Ž[_ [k‚[fq‚ˆ_^`_f„[_ ^q‚‡ƒ_ Alhaji Dahir Bello as saying that the action of the promoters

k^\f‚qŽ[\[‡_ f„[_ Z‚^Ž]X]^\_ ^`_ Section 94 sub-section D of the State’s Censorship law 2001. According to the statement, the accused persons, who appeared before the court of the Board yesterday were charged for nudity, indecent exhibition, illegal sales without permission

and noise making. The accused persons, who pleaded not guilty to the of`[\k[X_ j[‚[_ „^j[Ž[‚_ Š]Ž[\_ bail conditions to produce f„‚[[_ †q]x]<Xƒ_ j„^_ q‚[_ ‚[�Y]‚[‡_ f^_ Z‚[X[\f_ k[‚f]—kqf[X_ of their landed property, two recent passport photographs

q\‡_ ÂŽÂŹÂŹÂƒÂŹÂŹÂŹÂ&#x;ÂŹÂŹ_[qk„Â&#x; Chief Magistrate, Ibrahim Kaliu subsequently ordered the accused persons to be kept at the prison till the day of the adjournment on September 10, 2014, following their failure to satisfy the outlined bail conditions.

Kano FRSC establishes more centres for driver’s license issuance TED ODOGWU, Kano


ano State Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) has established \^f_ x[XX_ f„q\_ —Ž[_ new centres, otherwise designated as ‘works stations’ `^‚_f„[_]XXYq\k[_^`_‡‚]ÂŽ[‚¤X_x]cense. The acting Sector Commander of the Commission and Head of Operations in f„[_ Xfqf[ƒ_ ‚_ q†]‚_ q‡q†^ƒ_

Major General Ugo Buzugbe j„^_ „qX_ X[‚Ž[‡_ f„qf_ kqZqkollowing the recent ity for many years before his redeployment of redeployment to army headX[\]^‚_ q‚‰ˆ_ ^Mk- quarters. ers, a new ComAssistant Director, Army mander has been Y†x]k_ [xqf]^\X_ Mk[‚_ qZZ^]\f[‡_ `^‚_ f„[_ ]Š[‚]q\_ Captain Danjuma Jonah Army Armoured Corps Danjuma in a press stateÂ? ž_]\_ qYk„]_Xfqf[Â&#x; ment said Buzugbe has The new Commander is been deployed to the headMajor General Tanko Ya- quarters to head the Army haya Gaiya who replaced Headquarters Department


But police prosecutor, Ezeoli Padua said the accused person pleaded guilty to all the three count charges preferred against him.

^j[ÂŽ[‚ƒ_ f„[_ Z‚[X]‡]\Š_ Judge, Chief Magistrate Hassan Ahmed ordered the remanding of the accused person in prison and subsequently adjourned the case to October 10, 2014. f_ X„^Yx‡_ „^j[ÂŽ[‚_ †[_ ‚[called that on June 5, 2014, the accused, Abubakar, stormed his former employer’s residence on Race road, ƒ_ qXq‚qjq_ x^kqx_ ^ÂŽernment area of the State at about 11 pm. Shortly after gaining entrance into the premises, he qxx[Š[‡xˆ_ q;qkÂ?[‡_ „]X_ `^‚mer boss, during which he Xfq††[‡_ „]‰_ X[ÂŽ[‚qx_ f]‰[X_ and died three days later in the hospital from the stab j^Y\‡X_]\½]kf[‡_^\_„]‰_†ˆ_ his assailant.

^j[Ž[‚ƒ_ `^xx^j]\Š_ q_ f]Z_ ^<ƒ_ f„[_ qkkYX[‡ƒ_ †Y†q�q‚_ was apprehended in his q‡qjq_ ‚[X]‡[\k[_ ]\_ qsarawa area of Kano and charged to court for culpable homicide.

Censorship board apprehends 16 foam promoters over indecent dressing in Kano

made the disclosure at a oneday sensitisation campaign rally, organised for commerk]qx_ Ž[„]kx[_ ‡‚]Ž[‚X_ ]\_ q\^_ yesterday. Also, he disclosed that the campaign rally, held at Kano ]\[_ q\‡_ qxq‰_ qf^_ ‰^f^‚_ parks was organised by the commission in collaboration with ARM Pensions. According to him, the centres are located at Bichi, Gwarzo Rano, Municipal and ^‰q\X_ xq\‡_ ]\_ q\^_ ‰[-

tropolis. The decision to establish q‡‡]f]^\qx_ x]k[\X[_ ^Mk[Xƒ_ qkcording to him was ostensibly designed by the commisX]^\_ f^_ [\XY‚[_ f„qf_ ‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_ acquired the document with ease. ²¤ [`^‚[_ \^jƒ_ ‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_ „q‡_ \^_ qxf[‚\qf]ÂŽ[_ f„q\_ f^_ Š^_ f^_ f„[_ ^q‚‡_^`_ \f[‚\qx_ [ÂŽ[\Y[_ to access the document but `^‚_\^jƒ_f„[ˆ_kq\_ÂŽ]X]f_q\ˆ_^`_ the new centres to acquire the document,’’ he said.

‡‚]Ž[‚X_f^_k^^Z[‚qf[_j]f„_^Y‚_ men, so as to reduce the rampant rate of accidents on the highways’’, he said.

[_ f„[‚[`^‚[_ q‡Ž]X[‡_ k^‰‰[‚k]qx_ ÂŽ[„]kx[_ ‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_ f^_ qÂŽ^]‡_‚[kÂ?x[XX_‡‚]ÂŽ]\Šƒ_qX_j[xx_ qX_ [\XY‚[_ f„qf_ f„[]‚_ ÂŽ[„]kx[X_ are roadworthy. ‘’Tyres are the heart of any ÂŽ[„]kx[ƒ_X^_qxjqˆX_‰qÂ?[_XY‚[_ that your tyres are not faulty’’, he added. According to him, the commission has deployed a num†[‚_ ^`_ Zqf‚^x_ ÂŽ[„]kx[X_ j]f„]\_ the state to check the excesses ^`_‡‚]ÂŽ[‚XÂ&#x; Prior to his appointment The Sector Commander he was the Director of Ad- commended ARM Pensions ministration at Defence In- for sponsoring the campaign telligence Agency (DIA), and urged other corporate headquarters who has as- organisations to emulate the sumed duty as the Com- company. ‰q\‡[‚_ ^`_ f„[_ ]Š[‚]q\_ In his remark, the ManArmy Armoured Corps af- ager of ARM Pensions, Alhaji ter the routine military cer- Isma’il Salisu said the decision emonial handing and taking of the company to sponsor the ^ÂŽ[‚_ f„qf_ f^^Â?_ Zxqk[_ qf_ f„[_ campaign was informed by Quarter Guard in Obienu, their commitment to reduce Barracks. road accidents in the state.

^j[ÂŽ[‚ƒ_ „[_ jq‚\[‡_ ‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_ f^_ qÂŽ^]‡_ j„qf_ „[_ ‡[Xk‚]†[‡_qX_f„[_²Â—ÂŽ[_‡[q‡xˆ_ XĂ”_ ÂŽ[‚_XZ[[‡]\Šƒ_ ÂŽ[‚_x^q‡]\Šƒ_ ÂŽ[‚fqÂ?]\Š_‡q\Š[‚^YXxˆƒ_ †Xf‚Ykf]^\_q\‡_ ÂŽ[‚_k^\—‡[\k[_ as they are the main causes of road accident. q‡q†^_ [žZxq]\[‡_ f„qf_ f„[_ campaign is aimed at sensif]X]\Š_ ‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_ ^\_ f„[_ \[[‡_ f^_ strictly comply with road traf—k_‚Yx[X_q\‡_‚[ŠYxqf]^\XÂ&#x; ²¤ ^†^‡ˆ_x^ÂŽ[X_‡‚]ÂŽ[‚X_x]Â?[_ the FRSC, hence the need for

New NAAC commander assumes duty in Bauchi NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


of Policy and Plans (DAPP) as the Chief of Policy and Plans(COPP). The statement quoted Major General Buzugbe qX_ Xqˆ]\Š_ „[_ jqX_ x[qŽ]\Š_ Bauchi with huge nostalgic `[[x]\ŠX_ „qŽ]\Š_ X[‚Ž[‡_ qf_ Žq‚]^YX_f]‰[X_‚]Š„f_`‚^‰_„]X_ [q‚xˆ_‡qˆX_qX_q_ˆ^Y\Š_^Mk[‚_ in 1982 when he came for course, later instructors and [Ž[\fYqxxˆ_ k^‰‰q\‡[‡_ f„[_

corps. According to the statement, the new Commander Armoured Corps (CAC), Major General Gaiya is a seasoned senior Armoured Mk[‚_ j„^_ „qX_ „[x‡_ ÂŽq‚]^YX_ k^‰‰q\‡_ q\‡_ Xfq<_ qZpointments and was the Commander of the 21 and 22 Armoured Brigades in Maiduguri and Ilorin reXZ[kf]ÂŽ[xˆÂ&#x;

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Daily Newswatch

-Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 2, No. 400

Friday, September 5, 2014


Wisdom consists in being able to distinguish among dangers and make a choice of the least harmful. – Niccolo Machiavelli


Poor parenting syndrome his is not the best of times for Nigeria virtually in all areas. There is a lot of tension in the land with our fellow citizens being subjected to various forms of inhumanity. Children cannot go to school in many places, especially in the north east, and their future hangs on the balance. For 144 days now, the abducted girls of Chibok are still languishing in the captivity of their abductors, our tormentors. Enemies of humanity still kill us physically and psychologically. We are in soup. A good number of those who should be agents of change as economically disadvantaged. Misery and despondency are the lot of many young men and women who are now ready tools in the hands of the devil. There are so many vices tantalising the Nigerian society that there is no day that we are not witnesses to tragedy. This is not the country that our past heroes envisioned. Nigerians have become dangerous and desperate that nothing is deemed too much, too sacred to play politics with. The general atmosphere is bad and I am astounded that more and more people f„]\Â?_f„[_jqˆ_f^_q;q]\_XYkk[XX_]X_f^_†qkÂ? Xfq†ƒ_ betray and destroy others. The social system has collapsed and everyone is “on your ownâ€? mode. Nobody is responsible for the other and everything is f^ZXˆ fY‚ŽˆÂ&#x;_ [_ „qÂŽ[_ Y\j];]\Šxˆ_ q‡^Zf[‡_ Castlereagh’s famous dictum, “each person for himself, all for Godâ€?. It is surprising how our leaders pretend everything is right and all j„qf_‰q;[‚X_]X_j]\\]\Š_[x[kf]^\XÂ&#x;_ When have we suddenly become a nation of beasts in human skin? The root of the general situation of depravity and insecurity in the society is home. Charity begins at home, so is rot. If the home fails, the society is doomed. Our family system has collapsed and the streets are busy. Our lives were happier and simpler when parents were conscious of their duties and raised socially responsible children. There were fewer cars and fewer accidents. But there were abundant peace and happiness. The parents were good and were totally devoted to the proper upbringing of their children. As a child, I would always meet my mother at home after school. The society was sane then as everyone remembered the signature goodbye at departure time: remember the son/daughter of whom you are. Though parents remain till today the


—‚Xf_ Xk„^^x_ f„qf_ k„]x‡‚[\_ q;[\‡ƒ_ ‰q\ˆ_ ^`_ them are not available. It is like a school without teachers where failure is inevitable. Young mothers of today are missing like the Malaysian plane. They abdicate from their duty posts and nature does not allow a vacuum. What they fail to do, the street q\‡_f„[_f[x[ÂŽ]X]^\_^<[‚_f^_X[‚Ž[Â&#x;_ „[_‚[XYxf_]X_ palpable in the faces of young men we see on the pages of newspapers after being arrested `^‚_q‚‰[‡_‚^††[‚ˆ_q\‡_X]‰]xq‚_^<[\k[XÂ&#x; At the other extreme are the relatively comfortable parents who abandon their children in search of lucre. As victims of acute poor parenting syndrome, their idea about child upbringing is feeding them with a

RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji 07089781189 (SMS Only) more than friends; Romeo and Juliet commit suicide for love; Harry Porter uses witchcraft; Sleeping Beauty is lazy; Dumbo gets drunk and hallucinates; Scooby Doo gives nightmares and Snow White lives with seven guys,â€? the message read. There is a big disconnect between many parents and their children nowadays. This is even more prevalent among those who assume that by enrolling their children in “standardâ€? schools only and paying exorbitant school fees, which they work day and night to make, f„[ˆ_„qÂŽ[_`Yx—xx[‡_f„[]‚_‡YfˆÂ&#x;_ „YXƒ_f„[_ŠqZƒ_ both physical and emotional, between them and the children is as wide as that between

Ibrahim Shekarau, Education minister

sandwich of television and cartoons. As someone rightly observed in a message forwarded to my mailbox, how would children obey their parents and be socially responsible in a situation where in the popular cartoons and television programmes, they are directly and indirectly miseducated? “Tarzan lives half naked; Cinderella comes home at midnight; Pinnochio lies all the time; Aladdin is the king of all thieves; Batman drives at 200 mph; Mickey and Minnie are

the North and the South. Without much parental supervision and training, many children pass through primary and secondary education system. They make `‚][\‡X_ f„qf_ ^<[‚_ f„[‰_ ‰^‚[_ —‚[_ f„q\_ x]Š„fÂ&#x;_ They learn many things that are inimical to their success and future. By the time they get to the higher institutions and their full personality traits become manifest, the damage is almost irreversible. Like the proverbial “Omoyeâ€?

f„qf_ jqxÂ?[‡_ \qÂ?[‡_ f^_ f„[_ ‰q‚Â?[fƒ_ [<^‚fX_ f^_ kxq‡_ f„[_ ‰^‚qxxˆ [‰Zfˆ_ q\‡_ ÂŽqxY[ ÂŽqkY^YX_ youngsters usually become abortive. Such youngsters become vulnerable to negative peer pressure as any means of „qÂŽ]\Š_ `q‰[_ q\‡_ Z^j[‚_ †[k^‰[X_ q;‚qkf]ÂŽ[Â&#x;_ There is nothing that such youth cannot do since they have been directly and indirectly indoctrinated that money is the ultimate. From prostitution to armed robbery, from internet fraud to brazen thuggery, many of the youth of today are desperate and desolate. It is high time we went to the drawing board to address the root cause of our social crises. This root is poor parenting syndrome. If parents still do their responsibility, our traditional values of empathy, good character, ‡]Xk]Zx]\[ƒ_ ]\f[Š‚]fˆ_ q\‡_ X[x½[XX\[XX_ j^Yx‡_ not be lost in those would be shot up to leadership positions in our country. With socially responsible youth and good families, the nation and the world would be †[;[‚_^<Â&#x;_ f_]X_\^f[j^‚f„ˆ_f„qf_f„[_Z‚]‰q‚ˆ_ responsibility of the parents is to raise good and responsible children for the society. Our society is sick because the family unit is sick. ^_ ‚[Xf^‚[_ „[qxf„_ f^_ f„[_ X^k][fˆ_ q\‡_ q;q]\_ peace and happiness, the family must be kY‚[‡_—‚Xfƒ_†[Š]\\]\Š_`‚^‰_[qk„_^`_YXÂ&#x;_ Marshall Field’s ten guidelines for success are very important to our everyday living in order to get our bearing right. As a successful businessman, his insight, shared recently †ˆ_ f„[_ ]k[ Â„q\k[xx^‚_ ^`_ f„[_ \]ÂŽ[‚X]fˆ_ of Ilorin, Prof. Abdul Ganiyu Ambali, is recommended as a daily guide in our quest for national renaissance: 1. The value of time – don’t waste it. 2. The value of perseverance – don’t give up. 3. The value of hard work – don’t be lazy. 4. The dignity of simplicity – don’t be complicated. 5. The worth of character – don’t be dishonest. 6. The power of kindness – don’t be uncaring. 7. The power of duty – don’t shun responsibility. 8. The wisdom of economy – don’t be a spendthrift. 9. The virtue of patience – don’t be impatient. 10. The improvement of skills – don’t stop practicing.

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