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Newswatch Times



Friday, December 5, 2014

Domestic economy will remain stable despite drop in oil price –Jonathan









L-R: Deputy Corps Marshal, Motor Vehicle Administration, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Charles Theophilus; Comptroller-General, Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Alhaji Abdullahi Dikko and Corps Marshal of FRSC, Boboye Oyeyemi; during the courtesy visit of FRSC management to NCS’ headquarters in Abuja...yesterday.

I’ve reconciled with ex-president, Atiku tells Catholic bishops Continued from Page 2













2015: Clark accuses opposition of plot to eliminate Jonathan SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja




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Newswatch Times



Friday, December 5, 2014

Canada backs Nigeria with $14m to stop under five deaths


treatments). There is an urgent need to drastically increase the number of children who are receiving these treatments, in order to accelerate progress on MDG4, he noted. The NPHCDA boss, who chairs the Project Steering ZddW2MM`O \RW]O PQMO cZddW2MMOTWYYOLMOcZS\PWPaPM]OPZO review and approve strategies for accelerating treat-

ment scale-up of diarrhoea WSO cQWY]NMSO RXM]O LMYZTO hUMO VMRN\OWSOhUMOeNZiMcPs\aeeZNPed states of Bauchi, Cross River, Kaduna, Katsina and Niger, which make up about 30 per cent of the diarrhoea LaN]MSO RdZSXO aS]MNO hUM\O in Nigeria. According to him, care \MM[WSXO eR2MNS\O fZNO ]WRNrhoea disease in these states RY\ZO ]WCMNO LaPO QZdMO PNMRP-

ment is universal, as well as patronage of public and private facilities. The three-year project will target public and private providers, caregivers and policy-makers in all states. The representative of the Canadian government, who does not want his name in print, said his country is happy to support Nigeria to reduce child mortality.


t’s a season of rewards for Glo subscribers as Globahe Government com, Nigeria’s national of Canada yestertelecommunications carrier, day supported the gives away freebies, including Nigerian Governairtime and cash prizes in two ment with N14 mega promos. million to eradicate underGlo Overload and Glo AllawhUMO]MRPQ\^ ee were launched to give back Executive Director, Nato loyal and new subscribers. tional Primary Health Care Glo Overload gives 200 per cent Delivery Agency (NPHairtime and data bonus instantly CDA), Dr. Ado Mohamand an opportunity of being 100 med, made this known times richer every time they reat the inauguration of the charge N200 and above. NZiMcPO PMMNWSXO ZddW2MMO A whopping N120 million (PSC) of the Department of cash will be won in the Glo ZNMWXSO CRWN\`O NR]MO RS]O Overload promo, while Glo Development (DFATD)Allawee gives new subscribfunded group, shaping loers a total of N18,000 worth cal markets to scale up Zinc of free airtime for call and text and Oral Rehydration Salts dM\\RXM\^O QMO PTZO ZCMN\O RNMO (ORS) in Nigeria to accelerpart of a series of promos beate child mortality reduction ing unveiled by the company through coordinated actions to create happy moments for addressing great drivers of millions of subscribers on the child mortality. network. Mohammed said diarUnder Glo Overload promo, rhoea is the third largest subscribers are guaranteed 200 single cause of childhood per cent bonus airtime autodeaths in Nigeria and each matically for every airtime reyear, over 80,000 children charge of N200 denomination die from diarrhoea, despite and above. the existence of simple, efFor instance, a subscriber fective treatments with the who recharges with N200 will potential to avert nearly 90 automatically get N600 airper cent of the deaths. time; a N500 recharge will give Nigeria contributes about the subscriber N1,500 airtime; 11 per cent of the global di- / 5 %QXQYZ[\]^ 0_`[wQ &_Xx[z[_X\w &\{| }]\X{~Q] 0&&} 3]_ ]\€€Q 0]{ ({zQ] -\Z_` {[zz[X '[{z][Zz +Q\x '_`[  \]x $`‚ƒ\ „‚wQ '_`[ (…QZ‚z[†Q '[]QZz_] 1\z[_X\w 3][€\]^ +Q\wz| &\]Q 'Q†Qw_‡€QXz $ QXZ^ 13+&'$ '] $x_ 0‚|\€€\x `_\]x €Q€`Q] _~ a N1,000 recharge will give arrhoea deaths, while the 13+&'$ -_|X 2`[_]\ +Q\x 3‚`w[Z „QZz_] *]_‚‡ „z\X`[Z ,%}& %\Xˆ ‰‚{‚~‚ 0_x[`_ \Xx +Q\x _~ 3]_ ]\€€Q 0&&} „z\X`[Z ,%}& N3,000 airtime to the subscribcountry only represents two %\Xˆ 0]{ )\xQˆQ€[ 2w‚{_w\ x‚][X z|Q w\‚XZ| _~ 0&&} 3]_ ]\€€Q [X '_`[ *Š\ Š\w\x\ $`‚ƒ\  QxXQ{x\^ er; N2,000 recharge will give N6,000 airtime and N5,000 recharge will give the subscriber a whopping N15,000 airtime. Subscribers are to dial *200# .2/$ 2/$ 2‰,1 derstanding from the people businesses in the course of a Wednesday as protesters from alleged plan by the party to signify interest in receiving who have the need to express protest have equal privilege as Rivers States, who claimed to and the presidency to foist a ederal Capital Terbe ex-militants, stormed the former minister of state for the Overload bonus and subritory Police Com- their grievances and urged citizens of Nigeria. There was total breakdown secretariat as early as 6.30am. education, Nyeson Wike, on sequently get the bonus as missioner, Wilson them not to forget that othThe more than 2,000 pro- them as the state’s governor- many times as they recharge Inalegwu, has ers who may be so deterred of laws and others at the their airtime. warned Nigerians, from going about their lawful PDP national secretariat last testers were angry over the ship candidate. especially politicians who wish to ventilate their grievances, to do so within the ambit of the law. “Because this country cannot of the nation,� he stressed. ing that any of such candidates done and no meeting or atReacting to disturbances -‹„},1$ $„,„+$1$ 0[XX\ On the agreement entered would be chosen by the aspir- tempts have been made on the which accompanied the rin All Progressives survive four years of this level issue at all. As it is now, all of otous protest at the Peoples Congress presi- of incompetence, four years of into by presidential aspirants ants themselves. “I will not rule out the pros- us are aspirants, preparing for Democratic Party (PDP) nadential aspirant, this level of corruption, four of APC, Nda-Isaiah, who is the tional secretariat in Abuja Sam Nda-Isaiah, years of economic collapse. I publisher of Leadership News- pect of a consensus candidate, the forthcoming primaries,� he last Wednesday, Inalegwu yesterday said mean, it is very hard to imagine papers, said the agreement is because even 24 hours is a long declared. Nda-Isaiah commended the admonished aggrieved poli- APC has divine responsibility how bad those four years will not a sign of choosing a consen- time. A consensus candidate sus candidate. will be chosen by the aspir- conduct of the gubernatorial tician to always make peace- to win the 2015 general elec- be. “That is why I said we have a He, however, said he is not ants themselves, who, based on primaries in Niger State, comful protest without encroach- tions to save the nation from divine responsibility to win, not ruling out the fact that there facts on ground, is more likely mending the electoral commiting on the rights of other law further decay. tee for good organisation and abiding Nigerians. Nda-Isaiah said if President just as a party but as a rescue may be a consensus presiden- to win for the party. “But so far, that has not been peaceful conduct. The police boss observed Goodluck Jonathan is allowed mission for responsible citizens tial candidate of the party, statthe PDP protest would have to rule for another four years, turned bloody when angry Nigeria will not be able to surprotester besieged the Wada- vive it again. ta House party’s headquarMu’azu said the members support of the party leader- ]WRPMYVOPQMVOYMRUMOQW\OZ6cM`O He said yesterday after cast- „$0,1‹ ,%5$+,0 $`‚ƒ\ PMN\`O cRa\WSXO PNR6cO XNW]YZc[O ing his vote at the APC guwhere the inauguration was eoples Democratic have exhibited high level of ship. and preventing people from bernatorial primaries in Niger Speaking on behalf of the held. Party (PDP) yester- commitment and loyalty to going about their lawful en- State that the country cannot Roll call of dignitaries at day inaugurated the party and urged them to cZddW2MMO dMdLMN\`O WP\O gagements, while some peo- survive another four years of the convention work together as a team to- chairman, Dr. Mohammed the inauguration included ple’s bags were snatched and incompetent administration. planning commit- wards the successful conduct Bello Haliru, said the task some PDP governors and the wounded in the melee. According to him, “APC has tee ahead the party’s con- of the national convention, LMfZNMO PQMO cZddW2MMO W\O RO Special Adviser to the PresiThe commissioner, who a divine responsibility to win vention, slated for December where President Goodluck daunting one, noting that it ]MSPO ZSO ZYWPWcRYO CRWN\`O disclosed that some arrests the 2015 elections. Even if it be 10 and 11 in Abuja. Jonathan will be formally demands 24 hours work till Rufai Ahmed Alkali, who were made, harped on the by default or an act of omission, is also doubling as assistant Speaking shortly after he NRPWhM]O R\O eNM\W]MSPWRYO cRS- the convention date. rule of law and urged every- or by anything we do on our inaugurated the 51-member didate of the party. Haliru added notwith- \McNMPRNVOZfOPQMOcZddW2MM^ one with genuine complaints part to make Goodluck Jona- cZddW2MM`O j\O RPWZSRYO He noted that the national standing the onerous task, Senator Ken Nnamani to feel free to approach the than continue, even if we al- Chairman, Alhaji Adamu leadership of the party has they will deliver on their is deputy chairman, while police or conduct the protest low him to rig, Nigeria will not Mu’azu, lauded the members cZSh]MScMOWSOPQMWNORLWYWPVOPZO mandate, even as he assured Chief Olusola Oke will serve peacefully. be the same again for the four for honouring the invitation organise a hitch-free conven- ajRyaO PQRPO PQMO cZddW2MMO as secretary of the 51-man Inalegwu advocated for un- years he will rule. tion and assured them of the will commence work imme- cZddW2MM^ despite the short notice. }2‰,1 $'(%$‰2 $`‚ƒ\

per cent of the global population. He further stated that the heavy toll in Nigeria happens because simple, costMCMcPWUM`O YWfMs\RUWSXO PNMRPments do not reach children who need them, adding that only 34 per cent of children with diarrhoea receive ORS and it is estimated that less PQRSO hUMO eMNO cMSPO NMcMWUMO zinc (the two recommended

Glo rewards subscribers in Overload, Allawee promos

Police warn politicians against violent protests


2015: APC has divine responsibility to win –Nda-Isaiah


PDP inaugurates 51-man convention planning committee


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NIS rescues two abducted orphans in Nigeria/Cameroon border JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar


wo orphans, whose names were given as Master Samuel Brown, 15 and Joseph Emmanuel, 14, who were allegedly abducted while selling sachet water in Calabar and taken to Cameroon, have been rescued by men of Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), Comptroller of Immigration in Cross River, Mrs. Funke Adeuyi, has disclosed. Adeuyi, who spoke to journalists in Calabar, yesterday, explained that the children were escorted to Nigeria with the help of the Cameroonian police and received by NIS at the Ikang control post, a border town between both countries. According to her, the children were abducted on July 2014 and taken to Cameroon for child labour by an unknown persons, but emphasized that it was yet to be ascertained their immediate guardians. She said, “the children

claimed in their story that they were abducted on July 2014. Both of them are vulnerable because they are orphans. They were abducted at the point where they used to go out to sell sachet water to make out a living, and

taken to an unknown destination in Cameroon.� “The children were seemingly drugged before they were taken. They said they regained consciousness only after they got to Cameroon where they were received

by one Mr Umoh. “This Umoh used them fZNO]WCMNMSPOPVeM\OZfOQRN]O labour, ranging from fMPcQWSXO hNMsTZZ]`O h\Qing, and making money for the man. “While the children were trying to escape to

Nigeria, they met one man by name Ikang, a boat driver, who together with the help of the Cameroonian Marine Police escorted them to Ikang town, which is the nearest immigration post in Nigeria.�

She said the children were in a stable condition and would soon be handed over to the National Agency for the ProhibiPWZSO ZfO NR6cO WSO MN\ZS\O (NAPTIP) for further investigations Adeuyi lauded the effort of the Comptroller General of NIS, Mr David Parradang for equipping personnel of the NIS PZO hXQPO QadRSO PNR6c[ing and child labour to a stand-still.

Delta: Panel chairman indicts Governor Uduaghan SAMINU IBRAHIM,Abuja


hairman of threeman ad hoc Electoral Panel for the Delta State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) House of Assembly primaries, Bernard Ochepa yesterday, berated Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan River State Governor, Rotimi Amaechi and others at the Action Ptogressives Congress primaries in Port Harcourt, RS]O\ZdMOZ6cWRY\OZfO MYPRO State chapter of PDP sayRivers State‌yesterday. ing he was forced to sign a prepared candidates’ list. Ochepa spoke at the PDP National Secretariat JOSEPH KINGSTON, ams. school, Navy Command- among schools to get hcMO RS]O cZddWPdMSPO PZO when he came to submit Calabar the results of the primaThe performance has al- er Eleazu Uriri said, “the Learn Africa Foundation their studies. he Nigerian ready provided two best award is a challenge to Development Annual Warri said the award ries. He however called on Navy Second- students of the school continue to provide aca- Award.â€? and scholarship given to ary School, with scholarships from demic excellence to the The team leader of the school and students the PDP National OrA k p a b u y o , Learn Africa Develop- students of the school. Learn Africa Foundation, were instituted in con- ganizing Secretary, Alhaji Calabar has ment Foundation to fur_ 2RWSWSXO PQMO \PRPa\O ZfO Mr Ben Warri said stu- junction with NECO to Abubakar Mustapha to emerged the overall best ther their studies. best secondary school in dents of Navy Secondary further recognise the im- NMiMcPORSVOYW\PO\aLdW2M]OPZO in Cross River State in Speaking during the Cross River State was not School emerged the best portance of educational him by the Acting Chair2014 National Examina- award giving ceremony, easy task to come by due and second best candi- excellence to national de- man of the party in the state, Chief Edwin Uzor, tion Council, (NECO) ex- the commandant of the to strive for excellence dates due to their sacri- velopment. insisting that it is the duty of the Panel Chairman and Secretary to do so. Ochepa explained that AMAKA AGBU, the electoral panel report Port Harcourt was forcefully removed enator Mag- APC as consensus can- all his youthful vig- administration of Right We will encourage pro- from the panel chairnus Abe, rep- didate for the February our, talent and sup- Hon. Chibuike Rotimi ductivity and discour- man’s vehicle by an unage rent-seeking. We known aide to Governor resenting Riv- 26, 2015 gubernatorial port from all, he would Amaechi. Hon. Peterside who will continue to build Uduaghan at the Delta pursue the manifesto ers South East election. Peterside’s unani- of the party in order to won 3773 out of the on the legacies we have State Governor’s lodge at and Chairmous adoption was move the state to the 3914 votes cast at the inherited by investing Asokoro in Abuja. man, Senate Com“During the whole epidW2MMO ZSO MPNZYMadO hN\PO dZUM]O LVO ZS- next level of develop- primaries, said that more money in quali- sode, the panel chairman Downstream, yester- ourable Asita and sec- ment, if he won the in the days ahead he tative education and discovered that Mrs. Serah technolo- Adetugbogbo and Duro day, shunned the All onded by Mr. Dere governorship position would present to the emerging world the “Roadmap gies to help keep high- Meseko had compromised Progressives Congress, Samuel. The adoption in the 2015 elections. Delivering his ac- to Prosperityâ€? for the paying jobs in Rivers and they connived with APC, governorship was trumpeted by Govthe governor to perpetrate primaries, that was ernor Amaechi who ceptance speech after state which would be state.â€? He also said that secu- the evil actâ€?, the chairman held at the Alfred Di- said that by the grace QW\O Z6cWRYO UWcPZNVO RPO the covenant of the said in a petition. MPMs eWCO MSPNM`OWSO ZNPO of God the primaries the APC gubernatorial party with Rivers peo- rity would continue to He added that the be the topmost priority ple. primaries at the Alfred would at the end of the Harcourt. PDP acting chairman, of his administration, He said: “In my char WM2MO eWCO WUWcO MSday, produce Peterside Abe, a front liner in Chief Uzor, former state PQMO NRcMO PZO R2RWSO PQMO as the chosen candi- tre yesterday, Hon. ter of service, we are adding that his desire chairman, Chief Peter to be governor of Rivgoing to create opporDakuku who had aldate for the APC. APC governorship Nwaoboshi as well as The newly elected ready been endorsed tunity for all. We have ers State was a product Duro Meseko and Serah ticket, was dropped on Wednesday, No- oRXO LMRNMNO ZfO PQMO YYO by the party said that to grow this economy. of deep commitment to Adetugbogbo were at the vember 26, following Progressives Congress, he had no excuse what- People will have incen- serve and a passion to National secretariat to the endorsement of Hon. DakukuPeterside soever not to succeed, tives to make long-term expand the economic submit mutilated original Dakuku Peterside by promised the people given the solid founda- investment in Rivers opportunities for the \QMMP\O RS]O cZddW2MMO NMports. the state caucus of the of the state that with tion already laid by the state and reap rewards. people.

Navy school emerges best in NECO exam


Abe shuns Rivers APC primaries




South EAST

INEC commences inter, intra state transfer, urges affected electorate to come forward CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha


he Anambra state Resident Electoral Commissioner, Prof Chukwuemeka Onukaogu, said yesterday that the commission has commenced inter and intra transfer of voters card in the state and aNXM]O RCMcPM]O UZPMN\O PZO visit the commission. Prof Chukwuemeka Onukaogu, made the disclosure in Awka during a one day stakeholders meeting with political parties in the state organ-

ized by the commission. He said that the commission carried out intrastate transfer on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at its headquarters and inter–state on daily basis at the same venue. “We are doing all these PZO ZCMNO MYMcPZNRPMO TQZO wish to transfer from one state or city to another the opportunity of performing their civic responsibility”, he stated. Onukaogu reiterated the commission’s seriousness in creating awareness on collection of permanent voters card

by the electorate adding PQRPO OZ6cWRY\OTZaY]O reside in four registration centres at a time to ensure proper distribution of Permanent Voters Card, (PVC). He further said that the Z6cWRY\O TZaY]O \PRVO O fZNO three days in each of the selected four registration centres after which they would visit another four till all the wards were covered. “We decided to break into four registration cenPNM\O PZO MS\aNMO RCMcPWUMO coverage and to be able to dictate and handle any

lapses that might come up”, Onukaogu posited. Onukaogu said that the political party leaders present and other stakeholders were expected to take the information to the grassroots for electorate to know the importance of having their PVC . Speaking at the event a participant, Mr. Obele Chuka said the meeting was an eye opener as it TZaY]O LMO MCZNPO WSO faPWYity if after campaign and preparations the electorate did not turn out to vote. He called on the elec-

L-R: Deputy Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), Enugu state, A. C. Ude; Governorship Candidate, Barr Okey Ezea; State Chairman, Dr. Ben Nwoye and the state Women Leader, Queen Nwankwo, while handing over, the party’s symbol (broom) to the governorship candidate…yesterday.

NASS member empowers youths with computers, printers, cameras CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha


SO faYhYdMSPO ZfO his electioneering campaign promise to empower the youths of his constituency that composed of Ekwusigo, Nnewi North and South Federal constituency, a lawmaker in the Federal House of Representatives, Chuks Emeka Azubogu, yesterday donated three sets of laptop computers, printers, cameras, laptop case and cables worth N.5million to the National Youth Council of Nigeria. He said the empowerment became necessary in view of the need for self reliant instead of seeking for white collar jobs by the youth after their educational career. The lawmaker also donated N50, 000 to each of

the three Local Government Areas in his constituency as impress to help PQMdONaSOPQMWNOZ6cM\^ Presenting the items he said, “I am doing it in faYhYdMSPOZfOPQMOeNZdW\MO I made to you during my electioneering campaign when you asked for these items”.

“I am even willing to support you more to be useful member of the society”, he stated. Responding on behalf of the youths organization, Vin C. Okeke commended the lawmaker and described him as a hard working and accountable federal law-

maker. He reiterated the resolve of the youth organization to always commend any of the lawmakers who provided the people with dividend of democracy and to also assist in recalling non performers and stopping them from winning future elections.

torate to utilize the opportunity to collect their voters card as the only instrument with which they could choose candidates. Also Mr. Emma Uduonu, the state Chairman of the Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA ) com-


n a bid to ensure complete possession of Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) by every eligible voter, the Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA) revealed yesterday that it was partnering with the National Orientation Agency (NOA). Addressing newsmen, the PPA leader in Anambra state, Chief Godwin Ezeemo assured that PPA

faithful and good people of the state close to him and the party would be educated on the importance of PVC adding that, “already PPA is partnering with NOA to carry out voter education in totality in the 21 LGA of the state. Mr. Ezeemo commended the initiatives of the commission to embark on the awareness on PVC collection. He said that the commission should be more com-

dW2M]O WSO ]W\cQRNXWSXO WP\O noble duties unto God by ensuring that there is no room for fraudulent act by PQMOZ6cWRY\^

MO NMXNM2M]O PQRPO PQMO commission said that huge number of voters cards amounting to 90000 was stolen from the commission in Ogbaru Local Government Area and described the act as unfortunate adding that adequate security and sincerity should be applied in issues

mended the commission for organizing the forum . Oduonu said that the earlier they started for encouraging the electorate to pick up their PVC by INEC was a good sign that the commission would perfZNdO LM2MNO WSO PQMO cZdWSXO elections in the country. He promised that PPA would do their bit in educating its members on the importance of collecting their voter’s card.

IPAC asks Obiano to cancel Anambra APGA primaries ALPHONSUS EZE, Awka


overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State and the leadership of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) in the State have been called upon to cancel the Tuesday, December 3, 2014, House of Assembly primaries held in the state. The Inter-Party Advisory Council of Nigeria (IPAC), Anambra State chapter, which made the call in Awka yesterday, alleged that the House of Assembly primaries were marred with “fraud” and therefore “negates the principle of transparent election and insult to the collective intelligence of Ndi Anambra”. Justifying their call, IPAC in a statement which they read to newsmen after their meeting in Awka, said that apart from the fact that APGA is one of them, it is the party in power in the state and should rule by example. In the statement which was read by their state chairman, Hon. Bartho Igwedibia, the group said as an advisory body, they cannot fold their hands when things are not going well but should point the way forward for the sustenance of democracy in the country. The chairman said that their position became necessary because if the situation was not properly handled, the state may be taken to the dark days of

PPA to partner NOA in educating electorate on importance of PVC CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha


as sensitive as electoral dR2MN\^ Ezeemo said that it was laughable for a commission saddled with huge and sensitive truth to say that PVC was stolen or that there was mix up in electoral materials adding, “the question that comes to mind is that are they ill prepared. Please I would like to see a peaceful, transparent, free and fair elections come 2015”.

“political thuggery and bringadage which is no longer fashionable in this dispensation”. He called on the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC), to reject the outcome of the purported primary election, as the authentic delegate list from the earlier ward congress that took place in 326 wards in the state were changed with strange list of delegates.

xx Group

warns governor over breach of PDP constitution



he Coalition of All Abia Groups: Abia Coalition Of Forces against Impunity, Abia Group Campaigning Against Imposition Of Candidates, Abia Youths For Change, Abia Progressive Force For Good Governance, Abia Force Against Rigging, Abia Liberators and Concerned Citizens of Abia, yesterday warned incumbent governor of the state, Theodore Orji to desist from what it termed deliberate breach of internal constitution of the ruling Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) in Abia State. Addressing a press conference in Lagos, National Coordinator and Chairman of the group under the umbrella of Abia Redemption Group, Chigozie Agbakwo argued that, “The various groups observed with shock and anger the several breaches of the internal constitution of PDP as the party prepares its candidates for the general elections of 2015. “By their internal electoral guideline, the party was supposed to conduct an election on the 1st of November 2014 for the 3-man delegates preparatory for the primary elections for the following positions: State House of Assembly, Federal House of Representatives, Senate and Gubernatorial.


Newswatch Times

World Report FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

Yemen’s Qaeda parades US hostage, threatens to kill him–SITE


l-Qaeda in Yemen has threatened to execute a US hostage who called for help in a video released by the jihadist group, SITE Intelligence reported Thursday. The purported hostage said he was 33 and kidnapped more than a year ago in Sanaa in the video dated December 2014. In the video, the hostage said he was looking for help and that his life was in danger. The photojournalist was kidnapped in the Yemeni capital in September 2013, the US-based monitoring agency said citing reports. The video features a message by Nasser bin Ali Al-Ansi, of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, threatening to kill him three days “after the issuance of this statement� if Washington failed to meet the group’s demands. “Otherwise, the American hostage held by us will meet his inevitable fate,� he said, without elaborating on the demands. AQAP is considered by Washington as the most ]RSXMNZa\O R6YWRPMO ZfO Ys Qaeda. Yemen is a key US ally in PQMO hXQPO RXRWS\PO Ys RMda, allowing Washington to conduct a longstanding drone war against the group on its territory. The militant group has exploited instability in the impoverished country since a 2011 uprising overthrew president Ali Abdullah Saleh.


Hong Kong student protesters consider pulling up stakes


ne of the main student groups leading prodemocracy protests in Hong Kong said on Thursday it was considering ending more than two months of street demonstrations in the Chinese-controlled city. The Hong Kong Federation of Students will decide in the next week whether to call on protesters to pull up stakes despite having failed to achieve their goal of ensuring open nominations in the election for the city’s next leader in 2017.

“Some people wish to stay until the last minute and we respect that - but we cannot occupy without meaning,� federation spokeswoman Yvonne Leung told local radio. “We will decide within the next week whether to stay or retreat.� The federation is one of several groups driving the protests in the former British colony. Some members of another student group, Scholarism, have gone on hunger strike while leaders of the pro-democracy “Occupy Central� movement surrendered to po-

lice on Wednesday and called on students to retreat. Student leaders held talks with Hong Kong ofhcWRY\O WSO YRPMO cPZLMNOLaPO failed to break the deadlock after the government said their demand for open nominations was impossible under the laws of the former British colony. Last month, three student leaders were stopped from boarding RO oWXQPO PZO MWiWSXO PZO PR[MO PQMWNO hXQPO fZNO XNMRPMNO ]Mmocracy to the Chinese government. Airline authorities said their travel

permits were invalid. Hong Kong returned to Chinese Communist Party rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems� formula that gives it some autonomy from the mainland and a promise of eventual universal suffrage. Beijing has allowed a free vote in 2017, but insists on screening any candidates for city leader hN\P^ The protests at their peak drew more than 100,000 into the streets but the numbers have now dwindled to just a few hundred.

Hungary summons U.S. envoy over McCain’s ‘neo-fascist’ comment


Senator John McCain

Gun battle breaks out in Chechen capital, 9 dead

ungary’s Foreign Ministry summoned the U.S. envoy on Wednesday after U.S. Senator John McCain called Prime Minister Viktor Orban a “neo-fascist dictator.â€? The United States has become increasingly critical of Orban’s government, Rcca\WSXO QWdO ZfO XM2WSXO too close to Russia since East-West tensions rose over Ukraine. Hungary’s foreign minister called in ChargĂŠ ]j CRWNM\O S]NÆO ZZ]friend over McCain’s com-

ments, made in the U.S. Senate during a political spat over the appointment of Hollywood producer Colleen Bell as U.S. Ambassador in Budapest. McCain, a Republican, told the Senate on Tuesday: “I am not against political appointees ... I understand how the game is played, but ... (Hungary) ... is on the verge of ceding its sovereignty to a neo-fascist dicPRPZN`O XM2WSXO WSO LM]O TWPQO Vladimir Putin, and we’re going to send the producer of ‘The Bold and The Beautiful’ as the ambassador.� Bell has since been ap-

proved in the Senate and is expected to take up her position in Hungary. “The Hungarian government ... rejects the words of Senator John McCain regarding the Hungarian Prime Minister and the relationship of Hungary and Russia,� Foreign Ministry State Secretary Levente Magyar told national news agency MTI. Noting Orban’s Fidesz party has won parliamentary, European, and local elections, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told MTI: “Hungarian citizens ... articulated a very clear opinion that everyone ought to respect.�

XaSO LR2YMO LNZ[MO out early Thursday in the capital of Russia’s North Caucasus republic of Chechnya, leaving at least three trafhcO eZYWcMO Z6cMN\O RS]O \WnO gunmen dead, authorities \RW]^O QMO hXQPWSXO eaSctured the patina of stability ensured by years of heavyhanded rule by a Kremlinappointed leader. The violence erupted hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin began his annual state of the nation address in Moscow. In his address, Putin \RW]OQMOTR\OcZSh]MSPOPQRPO local Chechen forces were capable of dealing with the “rebels,� who he suggested were receiving support from abroad. McaNWPVO Z6cWRY\O \RW]O militants traveling in three cars entered the republic’s capital, Grozny, at 1 a.m. local time, killing three PNR6cO eZYWcMO RPO RO cQMc[point. The Moscow-based National Anti-Terrorist ZddW2MM`O RO fM]MNRYO agency, said the militants then occupied the multistory Press House in central Grozny, which was YRPMNO]M\PNZVM]OLVOhNM`O[WYYing six gunmen. Russian news agencies quoted uni]MSPWhM]O MRYPQO WSW\PNVO sources as saying at least qmOZ6cMN\OTMNMO[WYYM]`OLaPO PQMO SadLMNO TR\SjPO Z6cWRYYVOcZShNdM]^ The Anti-Terrorist ComdW2MMO\RW]OdZNMOXaSdMSO had been found in a nearby school and an operation was underway to “liquidate� them. No students or teachers were in the school when it was seized by the militants, RIA Novosti quoted vice principal Islam Dzhabrailov as saying. The mood was tense in Grozny on Thursday TWPQOQMRUVscRYWLMNOXaShNMO heard in the background and the area around the Press House and the school building cordoned ZC^ Although unrest is common across the North Caucasus, forceful security measures adopted by Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov have spared NZySVO \WXSWhcRSPO UWZlence for several years. In October, however, a suicide bomber blew himself up outside a concert hall WSO NZySV`O[WYYWSXOhUMOeZlicemen and wounding 12 others as the city celebrated Kadyrov’s birthday.


Newswatch Times

African Report FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

Zambian court rules Lungu is PF presidential candidate after party rift


ambia’s high court has declared defense minister Edgar Lungu the duly elected presidential candidate of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), after a power struggle that has rocked the party ahead of next month’s election shifted to the law courts. The decision, however, is unlikely to end the dispute as a rival presidential candidate said he TZaY]O PR[MO PQMO dR2MNO PZO the supreme court. The divisions in the PF could open the door to an opposition party candidate winning the Jan. 20 election to succeed late president Michael Sata, an outcome that would create political uncertainty in one of Africa’s most promising frontier markets. High court judge Mungeni Mulenga said in a ruling made on Wednesday and seen by Reuters on Thursday that Lungu had been properly elect-

ed as the new PF leader and as the party’s presidential candidate. Lungu was selected to be PF’s candidate on Sunday by a faction in the party in a disputed vote, highlighting a power struggle in the party that arose because Sata, who

]WM]OWSOZ6cMOWSO cPZLMN`O failed to put in place a succession plan. The power struggle WSPMS\WhM]O ZSO ZS]RV`O with a faction loyal to inPMNWdOeNM\W]MSPO aVO cZ2O electing economist Miles Sampa as its new leader. “The purported general

conference of the 1st December at which the said honorable Miles Sampa was elected as another party president of the Patriotic Front be declared illegal, null and void and all decisions made thereof are quashed,� the judge ruled.

Sampa, 44, told Reuters the judgment was made TWPQZaPO XM2WSXO QW\O \W]MO of the story and he had instructed his lawyers to PR[MOPQMOdR2MNOPZOPQMO\apreme court. SPMNWdO eNM\W]MSPO cZ2O ssO fNWcRj\OhN\POTQWPMOQMR]O of state in 20 years -- is in-

African soil crisis threatens food security, says study

N Lungu

South Africa’s Zuma in China to talk about trade


outh African President Jacob Zuma met with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday at the start of a visit to Beijing focused on economic relations, including possible Chinese investment in South Africa’s nuclear power sector.

eligible to run for president because his parents were born in Britain. Questions about PF’s and Zambia’s stabilWPVORNZ\MOTQMSO cZ2OhNM]O Lungu as PF secretarygeneral on Nov. 3, without explaining why, before reinstating him a day later after street protests. The turmoil in PF ranks has raised the possibility that the party could lose votes to the opposition and see former president Rupiah Banda, who lost to Sata in 2011, return to power, or see Hakainde Hichilema, leader of another opposition coalition, win the presidency.

China is South Africa’s largest trading partner and the two are members of the BRICS association of major emerging economies, along with Brazil, Russia and India. Bilateral trade rose by 32 percent last year to 270 billion rand ($24 billion), heavily weighted in China’s favor. South

Africa imports manufactured goods from China, while the vast majority of its exports to China were raw materials. South Africa has also been a reliable diplomatic ally for China in Africa, controversially barring from the country this year Nobel Peace Prize winner the Dalai

Lama, despised by China for his advocacy for Tibetan rights. That sparked his fellow laureates to suspend plans for a meeting in South Africa, with the 1984 winner retired archbishop Desmond Tutu accusing the government of “kowtowing to the Chinese.� At their meeting, Li

praised Zuma for his commitment to the bilateral relationship. “I believe that your visit this time will inject new impetus into ChinaSouth Africa ties,� Zuma said. He was accompanied by seven Cabinet members, including the hSRScM`O PNR]MO RS]O PNRS\port ministers.

U.S. military monitoring Islamic State training in Libya–General

T South African President Jacob Zuma, left, meets Chinese Premiere Li Keqiang

he U.S. military is closely monitoring a nascent effort by Islamic State, the militant group that has overrun parts of Syria and Iraq, to train a cZaeYMO ZfO QaS]NM]O hXQPers in eastern Libya, the commander of U.S. forces in Africa said on Wednesday. Army General David Rodriguez, head of the U.S. Africa Command, said it was not yet clear how closely aligned the trainees were with Islamic State or whether the effort should be targeted by U.S. forces. He said he had not recommended U.S. troops

or air power to go after the training camps in the chaotic North African country at this point. “We’re watching it very carefully to see how it develops,� Rodriguez told reporters at the Pentagon. “Right now it’s just small and very nascent and we just have to see how it goes.� Rodriguez said the trainees appeared to be members of Libyan militias who were “trying to make a name or trying to make a connection.� It was unclear whether they might iZWSO \YRdWcO PRPMO hXQPers elsewhere once their training was complete, he said.

eglecting the health of Africa’s soil will lock the continent into a cycle of food insecurity for generations to come, a report has warned. The publication by the Montpellier Panel said the problem needed to be given a higher priority by aid donors. It added that soil degradation was also hampering economic development, costing the continent’s farmers billions of dollars in lost income. The study has been published ahead of the 2015 international year of soils. The Montpellier Panel - made up of agricultural, trade and ecology experts from Europe and Africa - warned that land degradation reduced soil fertility, leading to lower crop yields and increased greenhouse gas emissions. “In Africa, the impacts are substantial where 65% of arable land, 30% of grazing land and 20% of forests are already damaged,� it observed. Panel chairman Sir Prof Gordon Conway, from Imperial College London, told BBC News: “We spend a lot of time talking about crops and we spend a lot of time talking about livestock. We have big debates about all kinds of agriculture, yet we tend to ignore that it all depends on soils.� He added that recent measurements had shown that soil degradation levels across the continent were very high.


Newswatch Times

EDITORIAL Friday, December 5, 2014

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on truth

OUR VISION To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach

Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)





To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

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Polio eradication: Tackling fresh Kano threats


t a time the global community is making concerted MCZNP\OPZOMNR]WcRPMO deadly and paralytic polio virus worldwide, the fresh discovery of wild polio virus in Sumaila village in Kano recently is a sad reminder that governments at the three tiers are yet to articulate a comprehensive policy eNZXNRddMO]M\eWPMOhSRScWRYO assistance from international support agencies. Earlier, the virus was discovered in Gaya and Tarauni, according to Kano PRPMO ddaSW\RPWZSO 6cMN`O N^O QMNNWfO RQRVR`OTQZOW]MSPWhM]O challenges that ought to have been surmounted had there been a coordinated border states control of the migrating virus. Indeed, it is the migrating menace of the virus, which neither knows nor respects international borders, that has made the eradication a global concern, as free states become easily vulnerable via migration of persons across borders of nations. Therefore, lame is the excuse

of Kano state government that resistance to immunisation by parents and free movement of persons in villages as well as \M2YMdMSP\O\QRNWSXOLZN]MN\OTWPQO Kano constitute challenges. In addition, Yahaya said last week, _ QMNMORNMO\ZdMO\M2YMdMSP\`O especially Rogo and Ikara between Kano and Kaduna states, where they are having boundary issues. This does not enable us to know who is responsible for covering those areas�. However, he said the current challenge is being confronted with the intervention of traditional rulers and some other stakeholders who have compelled the resistant parents to make available their children for immunisation. Recently Federal Health authorities had endorsed a new global comprehensive strategy to eradicate polio from the face of the earth by 2018. The global focus on Nigeria is because of its large populations and massive dWXNRPWZS\OPZO]WCMNMSPOeRNP\OZfO the world, thereby posing great risks to nations with no polio virus. International agencies

Letters to the Editor INEC allow use of temporary voters card


he recent distribution of permanent voter’s card across the country had generated a lot of controversies amongst desperate Nigerians for the coming election. The eagerness of prospective voters to collect their voter cards shows how Nigerians have come to embrace the democratic tenet in this political dispensation. Many Nigerians are sceptical on the preparedness of INEC in conducting free and fair election, going by the problems that bedevilled the insurance of permanent voter’s cards. The large turnout of Nigerians to collect their permanent voter’s cards is an indication Nigerians should not be taken for a ride in forthcoming election. The Independence National

Electoral Commission INEC should ensure Nigeria who could not collect their permanent voter’s cards should be allowed to use their temporary cards to exercise their franchise of electing their next leaders. We saw how some Nigerians has demonstrated carrying placards to demand their permanent voter’s cards which would allow them vote in next year election. INEC should earn the cZSh]MScMOZfO WXMNWRS\OZSOPQMO conduct of next year’s election by not disenfranchising voters as the entire world is very interested. INEC should not give room for suspicious. Bala Nayashi No 1 Yashi Areas Lokoja.

have over the years lamented that Nigeria is one of the last three countries in the entire world where the wild polio virus is still circulating freely, owing largely to the peddling of ignorance. The other countries are Pakistan and Afghanistan. With Nigeria remaining the major global sore thumb, government at all levels must work harder to overcome the QZNNWhcOcQRYYMSXM\OPQRPOdR[MO us a global pariah, a nation that cares less for the well-being of its citizens, whose elites peddle falsehoods to the gullible. The other day, the Sultan of Sokoto Sa’ad Abubakar had warned against the danger of misinformation by prominent northern politicians and scientists who claim the routine yearly anti-polio immunisation drive is hurtful. However, a comprehensive enlightenment campaign must be put in place to undo the damage done already. The failure of governments at the federal, state

and local government to embark on massive enlightenment campaigns to dispel negative campaigns in the past 12 years led to the brutal killing of nine health workers 8 February 2013 in Kano during the administration of oral polio immunisation vaccine to save children from preventable disabilities and death. More than 11 years ago a TWY]hNMORSPWseZYWZOWddaSW\RPWZSO LR2YMOTR\O\eRN[M]OLVOeNZdWSMSPO northern medical, religious and political leaders over false claims that polio vaccine is laced with substances that cause WSfMNPWYWPVORS]O OUWNa\^OO N^O

RNaSRO RWPR`OPQMOPQMSO MRSO of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), NO QdM]O R2WOTMNMOWSOPQMO forefront of anti-polio crusade, though tests at the university PMRcQWSXOQZ\eWPRYOcZShNdM]OSZO toxins in the vaccines used in Nigeria. QdM]O R2WOQR]OPQMSOPZY]OPQMO BBC that polio “vaccine is part

of a United States-led conspiracy to depopulate the developing world�. However, Kaita and R2W`OTQZORNMO\cWMSPW\P\OQRUMO not provided any evidence to cZShNdOPQMWNOcZS\eWNRcVOPQMZNV`O as the United Nations insists that the vaccines used in Nigeria were produced in Muslim Indonesia and were the same used in the U.S., Europe and other countries. The result is an embarrassing legion of the lame, blind, deaf and dumb polio victims dehumanised to beggars in ]WCMNMSPOeRNP\OZfOPQMOcZaSPNV^OO Nigeria still romances the virus and exports it to other countries, the reason for the global concern. All tiers of government must design a comprehensive public enlightenment campaign, using credible persons, to erase the negative impression earlier created, while clerics should be enlightened and mobilised to LMOR2WPa]MOcQRSXMORXMSP\^O Z\PO important the level of education must be improved to reduce gullibility.


Newswatch Times

View Point Friday, December 5, 2014

For a functional, service-oriented legal education


QMONMcMSPOdR\\OfRWYaNMONMcZN]M]ORPOPQMOYR\PO WSRYO RNO nRdWSRPWZSOZfOPQMO WXMNWRSO RTO cQZZYO remains a source of worry for two reasons. WN\P`OWPO\QZT\ORO\MNWZa\O]McYWSMOWSOZaNOYMXRYO education. Secondly, it symptomatic of the rot in the nation’s decadent educational system. Startling figures LVOPQMO OWS]WcRPMOPQRPOĂŒ`Ă?Ă?lO\Pa]MSP\O\RPOfZNOPQMO RNO MnRdWSRPWZS\OZfOTQWcQOZSYVOfZaNO\Pa]MSP\OQR]O WN\PO YR\\`O nine passed in the Second Class (Upper Division) while ZSYVOĂŽĂ?Ă?OeR\\M]OWSOPQMOĂ?RUMNRXMjO McZS]O YR\\Ot ZTMNO Division). Other 1,500 candidates were awarded the Ă?LMYZTORUMNRXMjO N]WSRNVO R\\OTQWYMOPQMONMdRWSWSXOĂŽ`Ă?Ă?lO students failed outright. No doubt, the results have generated controversy in the sense that many of the students believe that they were deliberately scored low by the school authorities TQWYMOPQMO OWS\W\PM]OPQRPOPQMOeZZNOZaPWSXOcZNNMcPYVO reflected the actual performance of the students. To some of the students, the Director-General of the school, Dr. Olarenwaju Onadeko-led management was out only to destroy their career by failing them en masse while calling for a review of the examination and results. Already, the Nigerian Bar Association has indicated its willingness to carry out an investigation into the outcome of the result. It is useful to also examine a few factors that could have been responsible for the dismal performance with a view to tackling them. To begin with, the development could be a reflection of the quality of graduates produced by our universities due to poor funding and non-adherence to extant admission and academic guidelines. Apart from this, enrolling students that are not passionate about the course could be another problem. In this part of the world, students are hoodwinked into studying some preferred courses by their parents because of the prestige and chances of employment - they believe is associated with them like medicine, pharmacy, accounting and engineering, among others. Another factor that could be attributed to the dismal performance is the addiction to the use of the social media. This technology has so much abused that people spend too much time chatting, texting, browsing and pinging when serious attention and decorum are required of them. This point was affirmed by the Chairman, Council fZNO MXRYO ]acRPWZSORS]OROfZNdMNO RPWZSRYO NM\W]MSPOZfO

the NBA, OCJ Okocha (SAN), who blamed the dismal performance to social media abuse by the law students. The use of such devices should be outlawed in the class. To turn things around, there is need for holistic review of legal training in the country. Both the National Universities Commission (NUC) and the Council for MXRYO ]acRPWZSO\QZaY]OdZSWPZNOaSWUMN\WPWM\OdZNMOcYZ\MYVO to ensure that they adhere strictly to stipulated academic standards. ZNOSZT`OTQRPOW\OLMWSXOPRaXQPOWSOPQMOaSWUMN\WPVOW\O the substantive law while the law school curriculum is ]M\WXSM]OPZOcRPMNOfZNOPQMOeNZcM]aNRYOYRT^O ZNOWS\PRScM`O knowledge in courses like the Evidence Act would be useful in law faculties. Secondly, there is the need to review the admission. As obtainable developed countries, only graduates of other ]W\cWeYWSM\ORNMORYYZTM]OPZOMSNZYOfZNO ^ ^O QWYMOTMOdRVO not have a complete shift to that policy, we could settle for an arrangement such that certain number of admitted students should be mature candidates. There is also the need to get more experienced and practicing lawyers to teach students. This would be of immense help because law - being academic and professional in nature - should strike a good balance in WdeRNPWSXOPQMONMxaW\WPMO[SZTYM]XM^O QWYMOdZ\PORcR]MdWcO staff in law faculties are mostly engaged in teaching,

Universities should relax the stringent condition of appointing only academic staff so that brilliant lawyers can be allowed to teach law... The law school should also review its curriculum to ensure that it is what operates in the 21st century that is imparted on students

research and writing of papers for publication, legal practitioners engage more in actual legal practice. Therefore, the senate of universities offering law should relax the stringent condition of appointing academic staff such that brilliant lawyers can be allowed to teach various aspects of law programme. This could be on a part-time basis and local branches of NBA should assist in this regard with special emphasis placed on the sound teaching of substantive courses like the Nigerian legal system, constitutional law, legal methods and law of contract. This will ground the students well in the basic and foundational knowledge in law. O RTOfRcaYPWM\O\QZaY]OcZSPWSaMOPZO]W\cWeYWSMOMNNWSXO students that fail to conform to the discipline expected of future lawyers. It is troubling that many students fail to abide by simple instruction of dressing properly using the dress code. Most times, they are sent out from the lecture and examination rooms for bad and indecent dressing! The law school should also review its curriculum to ensure that it is what operates in the 21st century that is imparted on the students. There should be a way to benchmark such standards with what is obtainable in developed jurisdictions are related to local peculiarities. And to the teachers, they should de-emphasise the common practice of merely dictating notes in the sense that there is a limit to what students can write and comprehend within the space of available time. By virtue of their unique training and job, lawyers are expected to have sound problem-solving skills that can be highly useful to providing good governance in diverse areas such as the promotion of accountability by helping citizens check the excesses leaders, establishment and sustenance of effective and viable institutions, processing of framework that engenders constitutional democracy. Therefore, serious attention should be accorded to the training of lawyers in the country.

Alison-Madueke and the OPEC presidency


ne thing the opposition politicians in Nigeria are not willing to concede is any positive mention for President Goodluck Jonathan and his government in the international media. Just because of the general election down the line early next year, the leaders of the All Progressives Congress (APC) have thrown all objectivity and patriotism overboard. They seem to be under this morbid fear that if NM\W]MSPO ZSRPQRSORS]`OfZNOPQRPOdR2MN`OPQMO M]MNRYO Government are singled out for praises as a result of the achievements they have recorded, then their own chances of victory in the 2015 elections might just be dead on arrival. That was the reason APC and its leaders worked assiduously to change the narrative of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) success by seeking to deny President Jonathan and the M]MNRYO ZUMNSdMSPOPQMOWSPMNSRPWZSRYORccZYR]M\O that poured in as a result of the unbelievable feat of defeating the virus in record time in our country. But like a bolt out of the blues, news broke on November 27 (last week) that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has elected the Nigerian Minister for Petroleum Resources, Mrs Diezani Alison-Madueke as its new president. She was elected at the 166th meeting of the OPEC Conference in Vienna, Austria, and will assume Z6cMOfNZdO RSaRNVOpmqrOPZO\accMM]O WLVRSO WcMO Prime Minister for Corporations, Abdourhman Atahar Al-Ahirish. Mrs. Alison-Madueke before her election as the new president of the organization began the year as the alternate president of OPEC. NaM`O YW\ZSs R]aM[MOW\OSZPOPQMOhN\PO WXMNWRSO petroleum minister to be elected OPEC President. S]MM]OPQMOYRPMO WYTRSaO a[dRS`O NZfM\\ZNO WLNWYO Aminu and King Edmund Daukoru all have been elected to the position before. However, the election of the Nigerian current petroleum minister as the new head of OPEC holds greater

Uche Ugboajah \WXSWhcRScMOWSOdRSVONM\eMcP\^ O ZNO WXMNWROR\OROcZaSPNV`OPQMOR\cMS]RScVOZfO her minister of petroleum resources as the leader ZfO `OWSOSZO\dRYYOdMR\aNM\`O]MhSM\OSZPOZSYVO the greater visibility of our country as a major global player but also more importantly, her emerging leadership role in the strategic global oil politics, especially in an era of falling global oil prices. Alison-Madueke hinted that much after her election when she stated that: “the strategy the M]MNRYO ZUMNSdMSPOZfO WXMNWROWSPMS]\OPZO]MeYZVO PZOca\QWZSOPQMOMCMcP\OZfOPQMOfRYYOW\OPZO]MUMYZeOPQMO country’s gas infrastructure for domestic use.� The emergence of Alison-Madueke as the head

barracking and antagonising her at home. Recall that Alison-Madueke has been facing tough times at home from the opposition elements who have become very uncomfortable with the bold reforms she is pursuing in the petroleum industry, which are aimed at ensuring that the XNMRPMNOSadLMNOZfOZaNOeMZeYMOLMSMhPOfNZdOPQMO exploitation of the oil deposits in our land. Those who, for many decades, have been LMSMh2WSXOfNZdOPQMOWNNMXaYRNWPWM\`OfNRa]ORS]OPQMO poor administration of the oil sector would have none of these people-oriented reforms and have \TZNSOPZOfNa\PNRPMORYYOPQMOMCZNP\OZfOPQMOdWSW\PMN^OO This, perhaps, explains why Allison-Madueke has been summoned time and again to the National \\MdLYVOZUMNOfNWUZYZa\OdR2MN\ORS]OLR\MYM\\O

Alison-Madueke’s Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) that has been gathering dusts at the National Assembly is perhaps the easy casualty of her frosty relationship with the legislature of OPEC now lends weight to the credibility of PQMO M]MNRYO RLWSMPOaS]MNO NM\W]MSPO ZSRPQRSO at a time opposition politicians are using every trick in the book to rubbish the achievements of the PDP government. It is not only an irony but also a soul-searching thing for us as a people that the international community, as represented by the member nations of OPEC, is recognising the nation’s petroleum minister by giving her higher responsibilities at a time that some of our politicians, goaded on by the opposition, are

allegations just to intimidate and get her to back down from seeing those laudable reforms to their logical conclusion. Alison-Madueke’s Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) that has been gathering dusts at the National Assembly is perhaps the easy casualty of her frosty relationship with the legislature, especially from the opposition elements, especially the APC, who have been vehemently opposed to her revolutionary changes in the oil sector. Moreover, the newly-elected OPEC president ranks, arguably,

as the most impactful and visionary petroleum minister in the country. Apart from the ambitious PIB, Alison-Madueke, more than any of her predecessors, has been strong-willed in promoting local content in the industry and thereby growing local capital and the economy. She has also more than any previous minister pursued the policy ZfOMNR]WcRPWSXOXR\OoRNWSXOTWPQOPQMO\MNWZa\SM\\OZfO eaNeZ\MOPQRPOPQMOdR2MNO]M\MNUM\OWSOPQMOWSPMNM\POZfO the Nigerian economy. However at the personal level, Alison-Madueke TWPQOQMNOSMTOeZ\WPWZSOW\O\cZNWSXORSZPQMNOhN\POR\O PQMOhN\POTZdRSOPZOLMOMYMcPM]O NM\W]MSPOZfOPQMO oil cartel. Before her rise at the Cartel, Alison R]aM[MOQZY]\OPQMONMcZN]OR\OPQMOhN\PO WXMNWRSO female minister of petroleum resources. She was ReeZWSPM]OfZNOPQMOhN\POPWdMOLVOPQMOYRPMO NM\W]MSPO Umaru Yar’Adua to the transport ministry in July 2007. She became Minister of Mines and PMMYO MUMYZedMSPOZSO McMdLMNOpl`Opmm�ORS]O after the then Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan LMcRdMORcPWSXO NM\W]MSPOWSO MLNaRNVOpmqm`O YW\ZSs Madueke was appointed Minister of Petroleum Resources. Alison-Madueke is the longest serving minister in President Jonathan’s cabinet and that is not \QMMNOYac[ORYZSM^OO WPQOPQMOTRVO\QMOQR\OR]dWNRLYVO managed the sector on which the nation’s economy is footed, it is not any surprise that this delectable Amazon has been duly recognized globally to lead a critical international organisation YW[MO ^OO QMO\aNeNW\MOPQZaXQOW\OPQRPOZaNOeM2VO eZYWPWc\ORS]OeMN\ZSRYOUMS]M2ROeMNQRe\OLYWS]M]Oa\O from recognising the diamond right in our own hands!

Mr Ugboajah, a political scientist, wrote from Abuja via

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Newswatch Times Friday, December 5, 2014



Newswatch Times Friday, December 5, 2014

Advertise ʨLĘƒÉ“ XÉĄ

And get GREAT mileage through your ADVERT Obasanjo, Atiku parley behind closed Pg.3 doors

2015: I’ve no Pg.3 reason to step down for Jonathan – Tafawa Balewa

Saturday Newswatch Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

-Tradition ww my www mynewswa swbuilt ttch hon hti timesn tim ti i Truth esng g com com

Vol. 1, 01, No. Vol. No. 1003


November 15, 2014 Saturday, March 23,, 2013

N N200 N200

Another m military helicopter 0 hes in Adamawa, awa, 3 killed crashes

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Jonathan yesterday, reJonath turned his expression of interest and nomination forms ms to ccontest the 2015 presidential idential election. Thee form forms, submitted on his behalf by Vice President Nama Namadi Sambo, may have ende ended speculations over wheth whether the President would run o on the same ticket with Sambo. h Sam

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military helicop nother ter reportedly 2 3crashed

on Thursday night in Adamawa State, killing all $$$ % &' $!$ % three persons on board. ! ()"(#% The helicopter was believed !' )*% IJ KL MNOPQ IJRUVWX *JYKO

/JZU[ *J\LVPYLPI $VLU which had earlier been taken by Boko Haram insurgents. Thursday’s crash caused confusion in Yola and its environs, as students and residents of Sangere where the incident occurred ran for cover, believ insurgents ing that Boko Haram RLVL JP U ^VLX_ J=LPXO\L 7_OX 3 & %2 3 ! 3 2 is against the backdrop of "an #3 3 3 $ # 2 earlier rumour that ! the insur $ ! # 3 gents were set to overrun ! 3"#the # 3 # 2 ! " " 3 3 #"3 3 state capital. !" 3 C 3 ! 2 Some residents of % the area 3 # 3 # 3 #3 !3 3 3 when said they got# 3panicky # 1"3 $ "3 3# 3 in rapid they heard explosions # #3 -/ " 3 ! X`ZZLXXOJP UX ,*+ jVL Q`IILW % 3 & 3 I_L

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3 "3 03 3! " " 3 had arrived, on their march 3# to Awards ceremony of the association held at r Taiwo Ajayi, Ajay during the 32nd Annual International al Conference/Exhibition Conferen " '& 03" "$! "3 Professor 3 $ "3Hotell and Suites, Eko Suites Victoria Island, Lagos...on Thursday. y. PHOTO: ABIODUN OMOTOSHO 3 '3 >>Continued on Page 2 2 3 ! %


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Newswatch Times Ltd.

Energy House: 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. E-mail: Tel: 0709-882-1624

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Newswatch Times



X[ \[[] [\^_`qxW[z[\{ {_ |q_]`^[ }[x{[q~ –Siasia

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Okorodudu relishes boxing award

Francis Ajuonuma


ormer Nigerian and Commonwealth boxing champion, Jeremiah Okorodudu says he cannot stop celebrating the recent award presented him by Dstv Africa. Okorodudu, who won a lot of laurels for Nigeria as an amateur boxer, was given an award of recognition by the South Africa-based Satellite TV outlet for his contribution to the growth of boxing in Nigerian and internationally at the GOtv

Boxing Night held on October 23 inside the indoor hall of the National Stadium, Lagos. Others who were given award of recognition include Hogan Jimoh, Ray Amoo, Dele Johathan, Obisia Nwankpa and Joe Lasisi. An elated Okorodudu in his reaction to his recognition told Newswatch Times Sports that by the award he feels very well appreciated in the society after many years of neglect and cannot stop celebrating it with his children. “I was happy, very happy. That means I’ve not LMMSOfZNXZ2MS^ “I must thank the organisers for recognising me. I show it to my children almost every day and they’re happy. I like what they did and it’ll live with me for many years to come,” he said.

MO R]dW2M]O PQRPO PQMO gesture by DStv will go a long way to motivating the upcoming boxers to do well. “It’s great step by DStv and I want to believe that it’ll encourage the oncoming boxers a lot and I pray they will continue with it,” he added.

Essien still pained by Ebola hoax


hana star, Michael Essien has insisted there was no truth in the rumours that he had Ebola and the crazy reports were based on a Social Media hoax. The AC Milan midhMY]MN`O TQZO PaNS\O lp`O was shocked to hear that he allegedly got infected with the deadly virus and explained his side of the story. “It was a Sunday. I trained as usual that morning and went home in the afternoon to relax and chill out,” he told The Guardian. “Then I got a call from our club doctor who told me there was news out that I had Ebola. I said: ‘how can I have Ebola? You saw me this morning at training so what do you mean I have Ebola?’ “Within minutes, my media team had sent me TW2MNO dM\\RXM\O ZfO PQMO hoax and websites on which it was trending. We joked about it and put it to bed. But within 45 to 60 minutes, it was all over PQMOSMT\ORS]O OTR\OXM2WSXO messages from friends, family and ordinary people asking how I was. _ OTR\OMUMSOXM2WSXOXMPO well soon messages and that’s when it dawned on me that I had to do somePQWSXO PZO \PZeO WPO XM2WSXO out of hand. So, together

with Milan and our media team we released a statement clearly stating it was a hoax and there was no truth in the rumour that I had Ebola. “My family was worried about me in London and Ghana to the extent that my mum rang me to double check that I was hSMO PQMO SMnPO ]RV^O O ]ZSjPO enjoy my mum being stressed so that part was not a good experience and it wasn’t fair on the true \aCMNMN\OZfO LZYRORS]OPQMWNO families. It’s not a joke and people need to understand that.” Essien has since become an ambassador for #UnitedAgstEbola, a campaign which raises awareness and funds to educate people about the deadly disease.

Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

Be patient with coaches, Ifejiagwa charges NFF Ephraim Nwosu


x-Nigerian international, Emeka Ifejiagwa has admonished Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) to be patient with its coaches so they could deliver on promises and expectations. Emeka was reacting to the mounting calls that out-of-contract Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi LMO \RcNWhcM]O LMcRa\MO ZfO Nigeria’s ouster from next year’s Africa Nations Cup. The former Charlton Athletic and VFL Wolsburg defender told Newswatch Sports exclusively that Keshi was not to blame for Nigeria’s inability to defend her AFCON trophy next year. He said given the unhealthy atmosphere under which Keshi worked almost all through his three-year reign, the coach performed creditably and ZSYVO SMM]M]O RO YW2YMO eRtience and more tolerable conditions to deliver bigger. Ifejiagwa, who is currently a players’ agent said it was due to NFF impatience that Coach Samson Siasia was booted out of the Super Eagles at

a time that he was painstakingly building a formidable team for the nation. “We are too impatient with our coaches and in most cases, we don’t realize their value until they have been booted out. “Are we not back with Siasia again as the national U-23 team’s coach? Is this not the same Siasia that we said was not good enough

to stay on after Nigeria failed to qualify for 2012 Africa Nations Cup? “Several factors contributed to Nigeria’s failure to reach 2015 AFCON in Equatorial Guinea and the major factor was NFF, not Keshi. There was so much turmoil in the Football House, which distracted the coach and his players from the task at

hand. So why single him out for blame? “Keshi deserves not just a new contract, but a LM2MNO TZN[WSXO cZS]WPWZSO to enable him perform to our expectation. Let’s give him a chance and encouragement to wipe away the disappointment of not qualifying for next year’s Nations Cup,” he posited.

Reorganise our league, Fatusi tells NFF, LMC Maduabuchi Kalu


ollowing Super Eagles lacklustre performances in recent times that culminated in their inability to qualify for next year’s Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea, former international, Teslim Fatusi, has called for the re-organisation of the domestic league. QMOfZNdMNOoVWSXO RXYM\O winger believes that the success of the national teams of any country depends on its domestic league, insisting that as long as the national teams are dependent on foreign based players to prosecute matches, the team will continue to falter “It is sad that Eagles are no more playing the way we used to know them. “As far as I am concern, we missed it the moment

we started relying on foreign based players for the recruitment of players into the national teams. “My position is that we should focus our recruitment of national team players on the local league and we cannot do that without reorganising the league to

enable it, produce the type ZfO eYRVMN\O PQRPO cRSO hPO WSPZO the national teams. “The league should be able to feed the national teams. That is why the reorganisation of the league should be our number priority if we must come out the situation we found our-

selves. “Meanwhile, by advocating for the reorganisation of the league to enable it produce the type of players that TWYYO LMO RLYMO PZO hPO WSPZO PQMO national team set up, it does not mean that our foreign based players are not good. All I am just saying is that we should look inward for the supply of players to the national teams. “We must go back to the glory days of 1980s when more than 80 per cent of the national team players were drawn from the local league. “Even without being told, during the AFCON aRYWhMN\`OdZNMOPQRSOzmOeMNO cent of players of other countries that we played against ply their trade at home and we saw how they made life ]W6caYPOfZNOa\^O OLMYWMUMOPQRPO if we had taken time to train our home based players for PQMOxaRYWhMN\`OTMOdRVOQRUMO ]ZSMO LM2MNO PQRSO TMO ]W]O with predominately foreign based players,” Fatusi said.

Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014



We need encouragement to produce beaters –Siasia


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

The fish bone called Keshi


Martins Odiete, Abuja


oach Samson Sias sia has sent a pass sionate appeal to Nigerians to assist him in LaWY]WSXO RO \ZYW]O splO SRs tional team good enough to challenge for titles. Speaking in Abuja on M]SM\]RV`O WR\WRO SZPM]O that the time has come when Nigerians must put RTRVO PQMWNO ]WCMNMScMO RS]O support them to succeed in their quest to qualify Nigeria for international competitions. Siasia, who was in charge national team when the Super Eagles failed to qualify for the pmqpO O cZsQZ\PM]O by Equatorial Guinea and Gabon, was also sad that the current Super Eagles could not get a ticket to be RPOPQMOpmqrO OTQWcQO incidentally will be hosted by Equatorial Guinea, says ing it is something that Nigerians will not want a NMeMRPO TWPQO PQMO S]MNsplO team. “It is beg that I am begs ging every Nigerians espes cially, you the press guys. You must support us to succeed so that we avoid what happened with the Super Eagles that failed to qualify for next year’s Nas tions cup,� He stressed that on their part as the technical crew they are working day and night to ensure that the team performs well and qualify for the immediate task being next year’s All Africa Games maintaining that though,

it has not been easy to get the right set of players, but admits to some progress. _ MO RNMO SZPO NM\PWSXO RPO all in searching for the right kind of players. MjYYO SZPO NM\PO aSPWYO TMO see the players we are looking for. And I can tell you that we have made ses rious progress and by the time the elimination begin

TMO\QZaY]OQRUMOXZ2MSOPQMO best players,� he said. The Dream Team V1 have been engaged in ses ries of friendly match with some Abuja based football clubs and they would be taking on newly promots ed club to the Nigeria Pres dWMNO MRXaM`O W[[WO ZaNs ist of Bauchi in yet another friendly this week.

Samson Siasia will QZeMO PZO LM2MNO fMMPO QMO achieved when he led the PQMSO RPWZSj\O splO PMRdO to winning silver at the fZZPLRYYO MUMSPO ZfO PQMO pmmĂ?O MWiWSXO YVdeWcO RdM\^O Before then he led the RPWZSj\O spmO PMRdO PZO winning silver at the FIFA spmO ZNY]O caeO WSO PQMO Netherlands.

Adeniyi undaunted by Dilks’ test


fter 14 months out ZfO PQMO NWSX`O RVSMO Adeniyi says his des cision to take on Carl Dilks this Saturday is a statement of intent. The stable mates clash at PQMO WUMNeZZYO YVdeWRO QR\O the Central Area cruisers TMWXQPO LMYPO ZSO ZCMNO fZNO PQMO winner. “He’s way more experis enced than me as a pro, and I respect that,� said undefeats ed Adeniyi. “I’ve been out of the ring for a long while and QRUMO ZSYVO LZnM]O SWSMO fZaNs rounders in my career, so to come straight back against a seasoned pro like Dilksy is a statement of intent about where I think I’m capable of going. “Dilksy is a major step up in class, he’s a domestic gates keeper but I was a cracking amateur, have sparred all the top lads and know what I’m

capable of doing.� As former sparring parts ners, Adeniyi and Livers pool’s Dilks know each other TMYY^O WPQO MN\MV\W]MOeNW]MO also up for grabs in the heat ZfOPQMOWcZSWcO WUMNeZZYOhXQPO UMSaM`O RVSMO\RV\OPQM\MORNMO the nights he has dreamed of R\OROhXQPMN^

“It’s just a brilliant occas sion to be involved in. I’ve als ways wanted to be involved in a local derby and this will LMO RO XNMRPO hXQP^O aNO \PVYM\O won’t cancel each other out; it won’t be a stalemate, it’ll be a cracker.� “I’m excited about this one,� said promoter Steve

ZZ]^O _ QMNMO QRUMO LMMSO \ZdMOLWXOhXQP\ONMcMSPYVOPQRPO QRUMSjPO NMRYYVO cRaXQPO hNM`O LaPO OPQWS[OTMjYYO\MMOROPMNNWhcO \cNReO LMPTMMSO RVSMO RS]O Carl. There’s a title on the line and local pride at stake, and both need to win. The YVdeWRO W\O RO XNMRPO LZnWSXO venue for fans to come to, and we’ll also be showing the bill free on our VIP chans nel.� VIP Promotions present RNYO WY[\O UMN\a\O RVSMO Adeniyi for the Central Area cruiserweight title at the Livs MNeZZYO YVdeWRO ZSO McMds ber 6. Appearing on the uns dercard will be Liverpool’s James Metcalf, Colin Fars ricker, Tom Farrell, Adam Ismail, Ryan Moorhead and debutant Steve Brogan; ZaPQeZNPj\O cZ2O ZZSRSvO Lancaster’s Tomi Tatham; Ellesmere Port’s Mason Cartwright, and Belfast’s Anthony Cacace.

feel sorry for Pinnick Melvin Amaju, the President of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), who is currently at crossroads. Amaju is just two months old on NFF \MRP`O LaPO QMO QR\O RYNMR]VO fZaS]O ZaPO PQRPO LW2MNs[ZYRO W\O SZPO R\O\TMMPOR\OWPO\ZaS]\OWSOPQMOdZaPQ^O POW\OROcNZ\\sNZR]OPQRPO QMOSMUMNOLRNXRWSM]OfZNvORS]OTQRPj\OdZNM`OWPOW\ORO]WCMNMSPO eZPO ZfO [M2YMO fNZdO TQRPO QMO MSUW\RXM]^O QMSO PQMO fZNdMNO Delta State FA Chairman emerged winner in the NFF NM\cQM]aYM]OeZYYOWSO RNNWOZSOPQRPOfRPMfaYO MePMdLMNOlmPQ`O he had believed that the pocket dissensions that trailed his election would easily be sorted out. To pave the way for reconciliation, straightaway in his maiden speech to the delegates, he tendered his unreserved apologies to all PQZ\MOPQRPOfMYPO\YWXQPM]OLVOQW\OUWcPZNVORS]OZCMNM]OQRS]\OZfO appeasements. Next on the line of obstacles to be conquered was Christopher Giwa, who had insisted on consummating his bogus victory at NFF previous shambolic poll in Abuja ZSO aXa\PO pĂŒPQ^O O O WUMSO PQMO TW]Ms\eNMR]O RccMePRScMO ZfO MePMdLMNO lmO eZYY`O dRiaO [SMTO WPO TR\O ZSYVO RO dR2MNO ZfO time before Giwa would be whipped into line and that was exactly what happened. But the new NFF boss (Amaju) least expected the cog that would later emerge to hinder the wheel of his progress as the new helmsman in NFF. WXMNWROTMNMOZSOROcYWCsQRSXRNOWSOPQMOxaRYWhMN\OfZNOSMnPO year’s Africa Nations Cup with majority of football pundits cRYYWSXO fZNO PQMO QMR]O ZfO PQMO aeMNO RXYM\O ZaPsZfscZSPNRcPO coach, Stephen Keshi. Amaju was not particularly Keshi’s fan and had in several occasions made it clear that he did SZPOYW[MOQW\OPRcPWc\ORS]OeYRVOeR2MNS^OO ScM`OQMOPNWM]OPZOeaPO PQRPOUWMTORcNZ\\OPZO M\QWOWSO NRyWYO]aNWSXOPQMO ZNY]O ae`O but he ended up dropping a clanger. So as NFF President, WPO]W]SjPOPR[MORSVONZc[s\cWMScMOcRYcaYRPWZS\OPZOeNM]WcPOPQRPO QMOTR\OXZWSXOPZO[Wc[sZaPO M\QWOfNZdO RXYM\OMUMSOPQZaXQO QMO MUMSPaRYYVO XRUMO QWdO RO TMYYsZC\ZfPsYRS]WSX^O O O aPO PQRPO was the beginning of Amaju’s quandary because he never WdRXWSM]O M\QWj\O hXQPO LRc[O ]M\eWPMO PQMO aSdMNWPM]O \ZfPs YRS]WSX^O O M\QWO TR\O NMWS\PRPM]O LVO RO NM\W]MSPWRYO hRPO RS]O despite not delivering the Africa Nations Cup ticket still, remained irremovable by Amaju. Ever after, Keshi has LMcZdMO RO h\QO LZSMO WSO dRiaj\O PQNZRP`O TQWcQO cRSO SMWPQMNO be swallowed nor be spat out. Unlike in his last tenure R\OPQMO MYPRO PRPMO O QRWNdRS`OTQMNMOQMOQR]OYW2YMOZNOSZO opposition to translating his ideas into action, with his achievements there standing tower high, Amaju has come to realize that at the central (NFF), he must successfully negotiate booby traps occasioned by political, ethnic and personal interests before he could manage Nigerian football RCRWN\OfNZdOPQMOPZe^O I have, severally, listened to the NFF boss presentations on his programmes for Nigerian football and I must say that he has a clear vision of what he intends to achieve and QZTOPZORcQWMUMOPQMdOWSO ^OO POW\OPQMOhN\POPWdMOPQRPORSVO NFF president presented in clear terms a blue print for Nigerian football. For one, Amaju has the corporate clout PZOdRN[MPO WXMNWRSOfZZPLRYYOTZNY]sTW]MOLMcRa\MOQMO]W]OPQRPO TWPQOPQMO MYPRO PRPMOfZZPLRYY^OO QMSOPQW\OW\OfaYYVOfaScPWZSRY`O he may even ease government’s burden of funding the game in Nigeria. Trouble is,there is a clique that reaps from government budgetary allocations to NFF, and therefore TZSjPO caMO WSPZO PQW\O TWPQZaPO RO hXQP^O dRiaO W\O eR\\WZSRPMO RLZaPOMSPNMScQWSXORSOW]MSPWhRLYMOeYRVWSXOeR2MNSO\aWPRLYMO to Nigeria, but he did not take Keshi into consideration in MSUW\RXWSXOPQRPO\V\PMd^OO ZN[WSXOTWPQO M\QWOaS]MNO]aNM\\O fNZdOPQMOPZeOdRVO\ca2YMOPQW\OW]MR^OO QMO OLZ\\OWSPMS]\O to integrate into national teams as many as he could, through the Technical Study Group headed by Austin Jay

RVO [ZcQR`ORYYOfZNMWXSsLR\M]O WXMNWRSOeYRVMN\`OTQZORNMOVMPO to be capped in Nigerian national colours in order to have a pool of players for the Super Eagles. Keshi has been averse PZO PQW\O W]MRvO ZePWSXO PZO ]NRfPO WSO dZNMO M\PRLYW\QM]O fZNMWXSs based players than younger ones, who could grow with PQMOPMRd^OO ZTOTZaY]O M\QWOhPOWSPZOPQW\OeNZXNRddMOTQMSO he deliberately and stubbornly kept out Nigeria’s next Jay

RVO [ZcQROÕO MYMcQWO QMRSRcQZOÕOZSOPQMOeYRa\WLYMOMnca\MO that the player was not yet ripe? Five of Iheanacho’s age mates were in the Bafana Bafana team that caged Keshi’s rudderless Eagles in Uyo, November 19 and thus frustrated them out of next year’s Africa Nations Cup. The danger of foisting Keshi on Amaju despite the coach’s failure to deliver, however, will be reaped later by Nigeria. May we all not pay the price for the few cabals that reap from Keshi’s continued retention in Eagles.

Newswatch Times Sports/EURO LEAGUE Wenger, best thing to happen to Arsenal – Seaman




ormer Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman believes Arsene Wenger is the best thing to happen to the club following fan unrest, but insisted that results do need to improve. An anti-Wenger banner that read ‘Arsene thanks for the memories but it’s time to say goodbye’ was unfurled among the Arsenal supporters during the 1-0 win over West Brom at The Hawthorns on Saturday, a response to the club being ZCOPQMOeRcMOWSOPQMO NMdWMNO League title race. However, Seaman who was already at Arsenal when Wenger arrived in 1996 - has hit back at the Frenchman’s critics and claims he remains one of the best managers in world football. “He is the best thing that has ever happened to Arsenal and the criticism for me is unfair,” the ex-England international

Ronaldinho: I almost joined Manchester United


onaldinho has revealed just how close he was to joining to Manchester United, only to be persuaded into a move to Barcelona by a close friend. The Brazil international moved to Catalonia from Paris St Germain in 2003 and went on to capture numerous club and individual honours, including the Champions League and the Ballon d’Or. However, things could have turned out very differently had he opted for United over Barca – something which was very close to becoming a reality. “Everything was beautiful and happened fast,” the playmaker told Spanish publication El Enganche. “A great friend of mine was about to become a part of the Barcelona board: Sandro Rosell. _ MfZNMO PQMO ZCMN\O came, he had asked me if I would play in Barcelona when they won the election and became the presidents, and I had said ‘yes’. “I was almost on my way to Manchester United and only the details needed to be put onto that deal. “But in the last minute Rosell called me to tell me

they would win the election. That made everything happen so fast. “I wanted to play in Barcelona. When I signed, I didn’t feel pressure, I felt joy.

“I had the chance that all of the players wanted, to play in a great club like Barcelona. “I had the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of my idols.

Marseille keep close tabs on Wass

L “I was proud to play where Romario, Ronaldo and Rivaldo had played and I had the chance to be Barcelona’s new ‘R’. I loved that.”

igue 1 leaders, Marseille are among sides keeping close tabs on Evian star, Daniel Wass. The Danish footballer is widely tipped to leave les Roses for greener pastures at the end of the season, and his coach Pascal DueNRyONMcMSPYVOcZShNdM]OPQMO 25-year-old would be sold

January trip to Chelsea will be decisive – Nasri


amir Nasri believes Manchester City’s January trip to Chelsea will LMO_YW[MOROhSRYgORS]OTWYYO]Mcide the Premier League title. City are the defending champions but Chelsea, who are the only unbeaten team in the division, have established a six-point lead at the top of the table, though Nasri hopes they can close that before they meet again. Jose Mourinho’s team drew 1-1 at the Etihad Stadium in September and Manuel Pellegrini’s team visit Stamford Bridge on Jan. 31 for the rematch, which Nasri

feels could be crucial. He told reporters: “By New Year’s Day we want to be closer to Chelsea -- the game at Stamford Bridge in

RSaRNVO TWYYO LMO YW[MO RO hSRY^O But teams like Southampton are still there, [Manchester] United are coming back so it will be open for a while yet.” City, who have won their last three games in all competitions, visit Sunderland, where they have lost 1-0 in each of the last four seasons, on Wednesday evening. And Nasri added: “We have not had good experiences against them. It’s

told Sky Sports News HQ. “He’s a great guy and a great coach and if he left Arsenal, he would be touted for every top job in Europe, no problem at all.” Arsenal’s league cameRWXSOXZPOZCOPZORO\Pa2MNing start following draws against the likes of Leicester City and Hull City, leaving Wenger’s men playing catch-up. Seaman added: “We’ve probably been playing at only three quarters of our potential.”

RYTRV\O ]W6caYPO PQMNM^O MO know which sort of game they will play against us -- they will be compact and make it hard for us. But after this amazing week, the conh]MScMOW\ONMRYYVOQWXQORS]OTMO need to carry on.” Frank Lampard’s late leveller against his former club earned City a point back in September. City have the Premier League’s top scorer in Sergio Aguero, who has scored 12 times in the division and ROfaNPQMNOhUMOWSOPQMO QRdpions League. And Nasri said: “At the moment up front we have \ZdMZSMOTQZOW\OoVWSXORS]O he can help us unlock any defence in the world. So we have to capitalise on that and hope he can make a ]WCMNMScM^ “I said after [last week’s 3-2 win over] Bayern Munich there’s only one player WSO PQMO TZNY]O LM2MNO PQRSO him and that’s [Cristiano] Ronaldo.” It’s something I’m really convinced about and not just because he’s my teammate. At the moment he’s at the same level as [Lionel] Messi and players like that.”

in the summer. Le 10 Sport has suggested that Marseille and Saint Etienne are hot on the trail of the highly rated fullback, who has been predominantly used in midhMY]OPQW\O\MR\ZS^ Wass has been Evian’s dRWSO R2Rc[WSXO ZaPYMPO PQW\O season, having bagged 6 goals in 13 league outings. Clubs from Spain and Germany have also expressed interest in his services, and with his contract due to expire in June 2016, the Denmark international should be available for mere €3 million in the summer transfer window. Daniel Wass is widely regarded as one of Ligue 1’s most versatile footballers, seeing as how he can operate in a number of positions WSO]MfMScMORS]OdW]hMY]^

Aguero’ll try to bring Messi to Man City


ergio Aguero will do all in his power to convince Lionel Messi that a move to Manchester City is one he should consider,

although concedes it will be quite a challenge to prise the Barcelona icon away from the Camp Nou. Messi’s relationship with Barcelona has always appeared like it will be one that shall never end yet the Argentina international’s future in Catalonia has been the subject of speculation in recent weeks. The 27-year-old hinted that, one day, he could indeed leave Barcelona while Chelsea have since been linked with a enormous £200 million move for the player. Jose Mourinho has since denied an interest in bringing Messi to Stamford Bridge.

Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014



Friend snatches Onazi’s girlfriend



Eagles star confesses: White girls sexier than Naija babes T

QM\MO RNMO ]MhSWPMYVO SZPO the best of times for Nigeria international, Ogenyi Onazi. His mild and gentle heart has been shattered like a badly broken mirror as Newswatch Times Sports gathered that her long-time girlfriend in Italy has dumped him like a piece of rag. According to Italy based FIFA licensed agent and a close pal of the 21-yearold,ShedrackOgu who broke the story to Newswatch Times Sports: “Onazi has been depressed and psychologically down and I think WPOQR\O\ZdMQZTORCMcPM]OQW\O national team and club form of late. Perhaps it was caused by recent problem he had

with his girlfriend whom he lost to one of his closest teammates. I can’t really give the details of how it happened. “All I know is that Onazi and the girl have been in love since he arrived Italy. In fact, she was like a mother to Onazi and she meant the world to him.

MOQMYeM]OQWdO\M2YMO]ZTSO when he arrived here and it was generally believed that they would be heading for the altar very soon, but things fell apart.I have advised him to take the whole thing in good faith and move on with his life and career which is the most important thing.�

Aghahowa: My daughter, gift from God



ne cap Super Eagles and Cukarick FC defender, Ugo Ukah has declared that he married a white girl because he wanted a caring and loving woman as a wife. “The white girls have naturally sexier bodies than black girls. Besides,

they are more loving, faithful caring and romantic, which explains why some of them hardly forgive if you break their hearts,’’ the former Queens Park Rangers player who was capped by coach Stephen Keshi in an international friendly match against Zambia in Kaduna told Newswatch Sports from

his Serbia base. “My parents are in Nigeria and they had always wanted me to have an Igbo girl as a partner having been born and raised in Parma. They were a bit disappointed when it didn’t happen the way they expected it .To be honest, it has always been my dream to marry back home be-

cause I believe that every black woman is beautiful, but when I met my wife I was convinced she was the right woman for me to marry. She is a Godly woman with a good heart. We just welcomed a new baby girl. We are happy and I don’t have any regret making her my wife.�

2Face opens up: My problem with Mikel


igerian music star, Tuface Innocent Idibia has disclosed the real reason behind the rumours making round that he was shunned by QMY\MRO dW]hMY]MN`O ZQSO Mikel Obi in London. It had earlier been reported that Tuface met Mikel in a London nightclub and when he proceeded to exchange pleasantries with him, the Chelsea midhMY]OdRM\PNZO\QZTM]OQWdORO shocking cold treatment. According to the rumour, apparently angered LVO W[MYj\O RNNZXRSPO R2Wtude, Tuface headed to the studio and put his grievance on wax recording ‘Only Me’ (second singles from his unstoppable album). The story was further fueled by the lyrics of

the song; even though Tuface did not mention Mikel’s name. While reacting to the controversial song, Tuface feels the rumour emanated as a result of Mikel’s failure to honour one of Nigeria’s friendly games rather than his snub.

“Mikel and I are good friends,� he said in an interview with Newswatch Sports. “I don’t have any problem with him and it’s not true that he shunned me in London. Mikel is a nice guy and a great footballer I admire and respect a lot.

“What I think that happened was that there was a match involving Nigeria and another country, I cannot remember its name but he was unable to honour that match, so when my album was coincidentally released within that period, people started insinuating that I was criticizing Mikel for not coming for that particular game. “The only time I met Mikel, I was in the company of P-Square. I was surprised when I heard somebody screaming 2Baba and when I turned, it was Mikel himself who was hailing me and we embraced each other after TQWcQO TMO cQR2M]O fZNO \ZdMO time before heading for our respective destinations. That was the story of how the rumour started. It’s part of the price some of us pay for being celebrities.�

ne time Super Eagles goal poacher,

aYWa\O XQRQZTRO paid tributes to her beautiful 13-year-old daughter and only child, Isabela following the successful launching of QMNO TNW2MSO TZN[O ZfO hcPWZSO titled the ‘Ellegers’. Speaking with Newswatch Sports, Aghahowa showered praises on Isabela describing her as a gift from God. “What else do you expect me to say my brother. Isabela is a genius. She is a gift from God and I couldn’t have asked for more from God. We are proud of what she has achieved at her age. She has made me and her mother proud parents.If she continues like this,sky will be her limit.� Isabela, it would be re-

called made her acting debut in Nollywood at a tender age of 11,playing the role of identical twins separated at birth and given PZOPTZO]WCMNMSPOdZPQMN\OWSO cQM ZdLZj\O dZUWMO _ Sconditional’’. She played a dual role of Dakore’s ]RaXQPMNORS]O cQM ZdLZj\O daughter in the movie.

Yes, I love Arsenal –Actress Ayo


opular Yoruba actress, Ayo Adesanya has expressed her admiration for Arsenal FC. Adesanya’s comment is coming after she \QZTM]O ZCO QMNO YZUMO fZNO PQMO Premiership giants when she posted a picture of her in Arsenal strips on her instagram page. “Those pictures were just promotional shots for the

guy that produced the jersey. I will also be doing that for other top teams soon,’ ’the mother of one who came into limelight after starring in Zeb Ejiro’s “Moral Inheritance’’ alongside dZPZYRO RYR]Ms [MWS]MO and Fred Amata in the ‘90s, said. “Coming back to your question,yes I am a big fan of o Arsenal and Thierry Henry r because he used to score a lot of great goals when he h was with us.I fell in love with w Arsenal because they are a one of the best teams in i the world and they play entertaining football, which e some people describe as s sexy football.I am proud to s say s I am a Gunner for life.�


Sports/Women Football


Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

Canada 2015: Okon keeps faith with local players

with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

Onyedinma salutes clubs for league success


hairman, Nigeria Women Football League (NWFL), Mrs. Dilichukwu Onyedinma has commended all the clubs that took part in the 2013/2014 Nigeria Women Football League season which successful ended on November 26, 2014. Onyedinma, who spoke in Abuja, appreciated all the clubs for the orderly manners they conducted themselves all through the league season. “Let me on behalf of the Board of the Nigeria Women Football League commend all our league clubs for the success recorded in the season. We want to thank God that in all the matches we played, we did not record any life threaten incident. Our girls travelled round the country and God preserved them. We are very grateful to God. We’re appreciative to all our clubs

and stakeholders for making our Premier League which we experimented in the season a success. “Also, we appreciate the high level of understanding our clubs showed in MUMNVO W\\aMO PQRPO RCMcP\O PQMO league, especially the trying periods we had with the home matches of Adamawa Queens, which we collectively came together and took a decision that was acceptable to all our stakeholders. All we need now is to build upon the successes recorded and take our Women Football League to an enviable height,” said the Executive board member of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). She was full of praises for various sponsors of the clubs for their passion and zeal in ensuring that our girl-child is empowered in the game of football. “We thank all the sponsors of these clubs for their MCZNP\`O dZ\PO M\eMcWRYYVO WSO ensuring that they groom good players for our women national teams that gave good representations to the country in their various international competitions.” She congratulated the Rivers Angels Football Club of Port Harcourt and Sunshine Queens of Akure for emerging winners and runners’ up of the 2014 Women Federation Cup.

Ecuador make World Cup history


caR]ZNOQRUMOxaRYWhM]O for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada pmqrO fZNO PQMO hN\PO PWdMO WSO their association’s history. caR]ZNOxaRYWhM]ORfPMNORO 1-0 series win over Trinidad and Tobago, earning the YR\PO\eZPOPZOSMnPOVMRNj\OhSRY\O in Canada. caR]ZNOhSW\QM]OPQWN]OWSO South America in September 2014 before advancing to the CONCACAF-CONMEBOL intercontinental eYRVsZCO WSO ZUMdLMNO RS]O

December. After a 0-0 draw on November 8, Ecuador won the away leg 1:0 in Port of Spain courtesy of a Mónica Quinteros late winner to send Trinidad and Tobago crashing out of the world cup showpiece in Canada. From 129 competing SRPWZS\`O PQMO pÎO hSRYW\P\O fZNO next year’s FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015 will meet this Saturday for PQMO cZdeMPWPWZSj\O 6cWRYO Draw on 6 December.


uper Falcons head coach, Edwin Okon has hinted on his readiness to focus more on domestic league players to prosecute the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup scheduled to hold from June 6th to July 5th in Canada. Okon, who included ZSYVO hUMO fZNMWXSsLR\M]O players in the 23-woman Super Falcons squad that conquered the rest of the continent at the 9th African Women Championship (AWC) held in Windhoek, Namibia in October 2014, boasted that the domestic league is blessed with quality players that can be very competitive at the World Cup in Canada; as such he does not need to look elsewhere. “For the World Cup, I’m thinking of home-based players. I’m a grassroots coach; so I’m thinking of how to get more players in this country for the World Cup. There are so many talents. It’s just time,once I get enough time, you will see more great players,” he said. He remains optimistic that the Falcons will make history at Mundial in Canada. “We’ve set a target

for ourselves; we’ve not crossed the knockout stage before so it’s a target for me and my players and they’re aware of it,” he declared. Having guided the Super Falcons to the AWC title and a double for Rivers Angels this year, Okon believes those successes were made possible by God.

“This year has been excellent for me and I thank God because God is the doer of everything. My God and Master, the Omnipotent Omnipresent, Omniscient God is the doer of everything; so I praise Him for these achievements,” he added. Other teams that will

future at the World Cup include Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada China PR, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, England, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Spain, Swe]MS`O TWÚMNYRS]`O QRWYRS]O United States.

Taraba Queens boss wants LMC to run WPL


hairman, Taraba Queens FC, Mustapha Tahir is craving for the League Management Company (LMC) to take over running of the Women Premier League (WPL), beginning with next season. Tahir, whose side, Taraba aMMS\O hSW\QM]O MWXQPQO WSO the 12-teamWomen elite league, which was rounded ZCOYR\POTMM[`OW\OaSWdeNM\\M]O with the way the WPL is presently being run by the management of Nigerian Women Football League (NWFL). The hard working football administrator believes that LMC will help to check the inconsistency which bedevilled the WPL league season this year and make it LM2MNOWSOfaPaNM^ “If I’m to comment on the 2014 season, I’ll say it’s a bad season because of

the way the league body dealt with the league this year. Honestly it’s a failure. If you look at it; Adamawa Queens could not conclude their matches and then the league was delayed for three months. So there were so many league lapses that affected the smooth running of the league this year. “In the coming season,I think it’s very, very important for us to keep to date and I suggest we have a league body like the LMC to run the league as is done with the Nigeria Premier League; and then to have sponsors because the way the league is played has been very, very inconsistent,” he said. Despite the frustration, which the Jalingo-based club encountered due to frequent postponement of matches in the league, Tahirscored his

girls’ performance above average in the concluded season. “I think we’ve performed averagely and we need to improve. The target we had was to survive the season, which we achieved but next season we look forward to improving on our position. “We’ve the experience now and I think we’re going to be the team to watch out for season,” he added.

Newswatch Times



Sam Popoola


Money laundering: How Fani-Kayode secures partial acquittal FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


n a recent decision of the Nigerian judiciary, the no case submission instituted by former minister of aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode, was partially upheld by a Federal High ZaNPO \W2WSXO WSO [ZVW`O RXZ\`O YMRUWSXO him to open his defence only on two of the criminal charge made against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). eMcWhcRYYV`OPQMOcZaNPOeNM\W]M]OZUMNOLVO

a\PWcMO WPRO hYYWs iadZLWRO RcxaW2M]O the former aviation minister of 38 out of 40 counts of money laundering charge. The anti-graft agency had dragged Fani-Kayode to court on an amended 40 count charge, bordering on the RYYMXM]O ZCMScM^O SO WP\O NaYWSX`O PQMO cZaNPO ]W\cQRNXM]O RS]O RcxaW2M]O PQMO fZNdMNO minister of 38 counts. The judge however ordered that the former minister opens defence in respect of counts 25 and 26 of the cQRNXM^O a\PWcMO iadZXZLWROeZWSPM]OZaPO that from the wordings of the charge, it was clear that they were basically set out in two formats, with counts one to 33 of the same format, while other counts of ]WCMNMSPOfZNdRP\^ ccZN]WSXO PZO PQMO ia]XM`O _ ZNO MR\MO of reference, I shall set out counts one and 33 only, being prototype of the two species of the counts; the distinction however, is for the basis of convenience. _ SO ZSMO fZNdRP`O PQMO Rcca\M]O TR\O alleged to have paid the amount into his own account, while in the other, he was alleged to have paid it into the account of a third party. _ OhS]OPQRPOPQMNMOTR\ORSORccMePRScMOZfO cash payment of an amount exceeding N500,000 by the applicant which was SZPO]ZSMOPQNZaXQOROhSRScWRYOWS\PWPaPWZS`O and also, a payment at the behest of the applicant. _ QW\O ]W\PWScPWZSO eRYM\O WSPZO WS\WXSWhcRScMO TQMSO ZSMO cZS\W]MN\O PQMO elements of each count. _ QMO hN\PO MYMdMSPO TZaY]O QRUMO LMMSO \RPW\hM]OWfOPQMOeNZ\McaPWZSOYM]OMUW]MScMO to show that cash sums exceeding the statutory threshold were handed to a \eMcWhM]OPQWN]OeRNPV`OTQWcQOTR\OfaNPQMNO PNRS\dW2M]OPZOROhSRScWRYO\V\PMd^ _ QMO \McZS]O MYMdMSPO W\O ]W\cQRNXM]O where the prosecution leads evidence to show that the said transmission was at the behest of the applicant. _ PO TWYYO LMO WddRPMNWRYO WSO dVO UWMTO whether the monies were paid into the account of the accused or a third party. _ SYVO ĂŽO RS]O rO XRUMO MUW]MScMO RLZaPO eRVdMSPvO PQMO PM\PWdZSVO ZfO rO in particular was in respect of counts 21, 23 and 31, and on the application of eNZ\McaPWZS`O rOTR\O]McYRNM]OROQZ\PWYMO witness. _ PO W\O SZPO WSO ]ZaLPO PQRPO PQMO ZNRYO RS]O TNW2MSO \aLdW\\WZS\O ZfO rO RNMO contradictory and inconsistent and no reasonable tribunal is expected to convict on such testimony. _ QMO SRPaNRYO WdeYWcRPWZSO PQMNMfZNM`O W\O that no evidence exists before this court to establish counts 21, 23, and 25. _ VO MnPMS\WZS`O PQMO \RdMO cRYRdWPVO befalls the remaining counts in the charge. I am of the considered view that no scintilla of evidence has been put forward by prosecution to establish the

EFCC Chairman Ibrahim Lamorde

PTZO [MVO MYMdMSP\O ZfO MRcQO cZaSPO WSO PQMO charge save 25 and 26. _ ĂŽO PM\PWhM]O ZSO cZaSP\O prO RS]O pĂŒO that on the instruction of the accused, he made cash deposits in the sum of N1 million and 1.1 million on the Sept. 20 and 29, 2006. _ qO TR\O RY\ZO YM]O WSO MUW]MScMO PZO PMS]MNO MnQWLWP\O q O RS]O q `O purporting to be statements of accounts alleging actual lodgements of the said sum. _ SOPQMOYWXQPOZfORYYOPQM\M`O OQZY]OPQMOhNdO view that the prosecution has made out a prima facie case to warrant the accused person to put up an explanation by way of defence with respect to counts 25 and 26. _ OSMM]OSZPO\RVOdZNMORPOPQW\O\PRXM`OWSO ZN]MNOSZPOPZOfM2MNOdVO]W\cNMPWZSOWSOPQW\O dR2MN^O QMO WS]aLWPRLYMO cZScYa\WZSO PZO be arrived at is that, this application succeeds in part, the no case submission of the applicant is upheld on all counts, except, counts 25 and 26. _ SO ZPQMNO TZN]\`O PQMO ReeYWcRSPO W\O ]W\cQRNXM]ORS]ORcxaW2M]OZfOcZaSP\`Oq`Op`O 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30,

Femi Fani Kayode

31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 _ QMO Rcca\M]O W\O PQMNMfZNM`O ZN]MNM]O PZO enter his defence with respect to counts 25 and 26. This is my ruling as read out in open court.â€? eMcWhcRYYV`O cZaSP\O prO NMR]\Ă›O _ QRPO you, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode on or before 20th Sept. 2006, while serving as minister of culture and tourism of the Federal republic of Nigeria, in RXZ\O TWPQWSO PQMO iaNW\]WcPWZSO ZfO PQW\O honourable court, made a transaction exceeding N500,000 which was not ]ZSMO PQNZaXQO hSRScWRYO WS\PWPaPWZS`O LVO accepting cash payment of N1 million, which sum was further paid into your personal account number, 103450252601 TWPQO WN\PO SYRS]O RS[O cO eReRO LNRScQ`OSZTO `OPQNZaXQOZSMO aeZO XLRiM`O VZaNO R]dWSW\PNRPWUMO \PRC`O SZTO at large. ZaSPO pĂŒO NMR]\Ă›O _ QRPO VZa`O QWMfO Femi Fani-Kayode on or before 20th Sept. 2006, while serving as minister of culture and tourism of the Federal NMeaLYWcO ZfO WXMNWR`O WSO RXZ\O TWPQWSO the jurisdiction of this honourable court, made a transaction exceeding N500,000 which was not done through

The judge however ordered that the former minister opens defence in respect of counts 25 and 26 of the charge. Justice Ajumogobia pointed out that from the wordings of the charge, it was clear that they were basically set out in two formats, with counts one to 33 of the same format, while other counts of different formats

hSRScWRYO WS\PWPaPWZS`O LVO RccMePWSXO cR\QO payment of N1.1 million, which sum was further paid into your personal account number, 103450252601 with WN\PO SYRS]O RS[O cO eReRO LNRScQ`O SZTO `OPQNZaXQOZSMO aeZO XLRiM`O VZaNOR]dWSW\PNRPWUMO\PRC`OSZTORPOYRNXM^g NWZNO PZO PQMO cZaNPj\O ]McW\WZS`O YRTVMNO to the former aviation minister, Ifedayo ]M]WeMO t u`O SZPWhM]O PQMO cZaNPO ZfO an application for a no case submission hYM]OZSOLMQRYfOZfO RSWs RVZ]M`ORXRWS\PO the money laundering charge made against him by the anti-graft agency. The senior lawyer also informed the ia]XMOPQRPOQMOQR]OhYM]ORONMeYVOZSOeZWSP\O of law in response to the issues raised by the anti-graft agency in their processes. SO R]ZePWSXO QW\O \aLdW\\WZS`O PQMO O prayed the judge to discharge the former minister of all 40 counts, on the grounds that no case has been made out against him, to warrant him to enter a defence. ccZN]WSXO PZO ]M]WeM`O _ VO TRVO ZfO MdeQR\W\`O O TW\QO PZO dR[MO ZSMO ZNO PTZO eZWSP\OLMfZNMO OPR[MOdVO\MRP^ _ QMORcca\M]OeYMR]M]OSZPOXaWYPVOPZOPQMO charges against him before this court, and by so doing, he has joined issues with the prosecution, leaving them to prove their case beyond doubt. _ QMOeNZ\McaPWZSOcRYYM]O\WnOTWPSM\\M\`O and of all these witnesses, none of them came forward to give any evidence that PQMVOQR]ORSVOhSRScWRYOPNRS\RcPWZSOTWPQO the accused. _ TlO t aeMNWSPMS]MSPO ZfO ZYWcMuO PZY]O this court that nobody came forward to say that he gave any cash to the accused. _ Tr`O tfZNdMNO RW]MO PZO Rcca\M]uO XRUMO evidence that it was one Kolade who gave him the money he lodged into the account of the accused, and this does not prove anything against the accused.� QMO\MSWZNOYRTVMNOMxaRYYVOdRWSPRWSM]O that even though the statement of account of the accused was put in MUW]MScMOfZNOTQWcQOQMOTR\ONMxaWNM]OLVO PQMO eNZ\McaPWZSO PZO dR[MO MneYRSRPWZS\`O such statement was not prima facie evidence of crime. ]M]WeMO TQZO dR]MO NMfMNMScMO PZO PQMO cR\MOZfO LRcQROU\O PRPM`OWS\W\PM]OPQRPOLVO the decision of the Supreme Court, such statement of account could only amount Continued on Page 38





How Fani-Kayode secures partial acquittal Continued from Page 37

PZOdMNMO\a\eWcWZSOTQWcQOSZOdR2MNOQZTO well placed, did not constitute a prima facie case. The SAN added that, “If an individual receives several sums of money from ]WCMNMSPO \ZaNcM\`O QMO W\O MneMcPM]O PZO lodge same, and so, the fact that certain amounts are found in his account, does SZPORdZaSPOPZORSOZCMScM^ “I therefore, respectfully urge this court to discharge the accused of all counts in the charge.â€? Responding, counsel to the EFCC, Festus Keyamo prayed Justice iadZXZLWRO PZO \a\PRWSO QW\O TNW2MSO submissions in opposition to the no case submission, and call on the accused to enter his defence. According to Keyamo, “Without wasting the time of this court, I will only correct one notion, and that is that the prosecution’s case does not concern lodgement, but transactions which took place before the lodgement. “Transactions which are done without XZWSXO PQNZaXQO hSRScWRYO WS\PWPaPWZS\`O W\O TQRPO cZdM\O aS]MNO PQMO ]MhSWPWZSO ZfO money laundering.â€? Keyamo consequently urged the court to uphold the objection of prosecution, and call on the accused to enter his defence. According to the charge before Justice Ajumogobia, then former aviation minister was alleged to have transacted TWPQOfaS]\OMncMM]WSXO rmm`OmmmOTWPQZaPO XZWSXOPQNZaXQOROhSRScWRYOWS\PWPaPWZS^ Fani-Kayode was also alleged to have accepted cash payments to the tune of RLZaPO qmmOdWYYWZS`OTQWYMOQMOQMY]O\TRVO as minister of aviation and minister of culture and tourism respectively. QMO RYYMXM]O ZCMScMO RccZN]WSXO PZO PQMO EFCC is in contravention of Sections qrtquOtRuOtLuOtcuOt]uORS]OqrOtpuOtRuOtLuOZfO PQMO ZSMVO RaS]MNWSXO teNZQWLWPWZSuO cP`OpmmĂŽ^ In closing its case against the former aviation minister, EFCC represented by Vitalis Ahaotu intimated the judge of ROYM2MNOfNZdOQW\OeNWScWeRY`O NO MVRdZO informing the court of its intention to close its case. The prosecution’s position was however not opposed by the defence YRTVMN`O RYMO [ZSWO t u^O aPO PQMO \MSWZNO YRTVMNO WSfZNdM]O a\PWcMO hYYWs iadZXZLWROZfOQW\OWSPMSPWZSOPZOhYMOROSZO case submission in answer to the charge against the defendant. This request then led to the trial judge issuing a pqO ]RVO aYPWdRPadO PZO PQMO ]MfMScMO TWPQWSO TQWcQO PZO hYMO PQMWNO ReeYWcRPWZSO before the court, and the prosecution seven days to respond. It would be recalled that the EFCC had ZeMSM]O WP\O cR\MO ZSO RNcQO qm`O pmqĂŽ^O SO all, the anti-graft agency called a total of hUMO TWPSM\\M\O WScYa]WSXĂ›O SUM\PWXRPWSXO ZYWcMO 6cMN\`OLRS[OYMXRYOZ6cMN\`ORS]O former aide to Fani-Kayode. The anti-graft agency had informed the court that claims by a witness, Ojo Agbor in the on-going trial of the former aviation minister, that he was forced to lie against the minister was not true. XLZNOQR]OZSO RVOqĂŽ`OpmqĂŽOWS\W\PM]OPQRPO the anti-graft agency’s operatives beat him up and detained him; forcing him to write a false statement, with a further position that the agency said otherwise he would be charged alongside the former minister. He further told the trial judge that someone else gave him various amounts of money to pay into Fani-Kayode’s

Festus Keyamo

Justice Ibrahim Auta, Chief Judge, Federal High Court

account, adding that the anti-graft agency also told him to write that it was the former minister who gave him the money. Agbor stated further that, “They then told me that I should write that it was Fani-Kayode who gave me the money to deposit. They threatened to make me an accomplice if I don’t write that FaniKayode gave me the money. My Lord, I had no option than to write.� aPORSOWSUM\PWXRPZNOTWPQOPQMORSPWsXNRfPO agency, Shuaibu Umar, who claimed to have handled the case, maintained that Agbor was never forced to make the statement. The investigator posited that he discovered that lodgments were made by various individuals into FaniKayode’s bank account, including by one Mark Ndifreke and Agbor. The witness stressed that Agbor was WSUWPM]O PZO dR[MO RSO MneYRSRPWZSO ZSO PQMO monies he paid into Fani-Kayode’s account, adding that he was cautioned before the statement was made. dRNO \RW]`O _ MO cRdMO PZO ZaNO Z6cMO on his own voluntarily. It’s not true that Agbor was lured to EFCC, beaten, QRS]caCM]O RS]O ]MPRWSM]^O Pj\O SZPO PNaMO that he was beaten up and tortured to write a statement or that he was not allowed to speak to his wife who just had a baby.� Umar further tendered Agbor’s \PRPMdMSP`O TQWcQO TR\O R]dW2M]O WSO MUW]MScMO LVO a\PWcMO hYYWs iadZXZLWRO who had equally declared as hostile,

XLZNvO PQMO hfPQO eNZ\McaPWZSO TWPSM\\O WSO the on-going trial of the former aviation minister. The judge had arrived at the decision shortly after Counsel to the anti-graft agency, Keyamo sought the leave of court to declare Agbor hostile. Keyamo hinged his application on the grounds PQRPO PQMO \PRPMdMSPO ]RPM]O aXa\PO pm`O pmmĂŒ`O XLZNO dR]MO PZO PQMO O TR\O PZPRYYVO ]WCMNMSPO fNZdO QW\O PM\PWdZSVO before the court. Keyamo also said, “Speaking from the RN`O PQMO TWPSM\\O QR\O LMMSO RUZW]WSXO dMO despite all moves to get him to appear before the court. “He even refused to do a pretrial conference with me before the proceeding commenced in spite of the fact that I reminded him of his statement to the EFCC.â€? Prior to this development, the witness had informed Justice Ajumogobia that he was employed as a Personal Assistant t uO PZO PQMO fZNdMNO dWSW\PMNO RS]O PQRPO \ZdMPWdMO WSO aXa\PO p`O pmmĂŒO ]MeZ\WPM]O PQMO \adO ZfO ĂŒmm`O mmmO WSPZO PQMO WN\PO SYRS]O RS[ORccZaSPOZfO RSWs RVZ]MOZSO the instruction of one Mr Kola, who he said was the Property Manager of the former Aviation boss. The hostile witness also informed PQMO cZaNPO PQRPO ZSO eNWYO pĂŽ`O pmmĂŒ`O QMO ]MeZ\WPM]O RSZPQMNO \adO ZfO l`O mmm`mmmO into the account of Fani-Kayode still on the instruction of the said Property Manager. Agbor also revealed that on August

I know the implication of lying to the court. I was coerced into writing the statement. I don’t know I can be sent to jail for lying to the court. I am angry with the EFCC because of the way I was treated. I am not in court to tell deliberate lies. I was arrested by the EFCC operatives and made to lie against Fani-Kayode

qr`O pmmĂŒ`O _ O ]MeZ\WPM]O Ă?ĂŒ`O mmm^mmO WSPZO PQMO WN\PO SYRS]O RS[O RccZaSPO ZfO RSWs RVZ]M^O Y\ZO ZSO aXa\PO pq`O pmmĂŒO O ]MeZ\WPM]O RSZPQMNO Ă?rq`O mmm^mmO WSPZO same account on the instruction of one Mr Kola.â€? It was at this point that Keyamo prayed the court to declare Agbor as a hostile witness after the witness had R]dW2M]OPQRPOQMOdR]MOPQMO\PRPMdMSPOPZO the EFCC. aPO TQWYMO LMWSXO cNZ\\sMnRdWSM]O LVO lawyer to the former minister, Ifedayo ]M]WeMOt u`OPQMOTWPSM\\OReeRNMSPYVO denied his earlier testimony when he told Justice Ajumogobia that all the money deposited by him into the account was given to him in cash by Fani-Kayode. ccZN]WSXOPZO XLZN`O_ OcZShNdOPQRPO O do not know the source of the monies deposited into the account. I did not mention the said Kola in the statement I made to the EFCC. “I know the implication of lying to the court. I was coerced into writing the statement. I don’t know I can be sent to jail for lying to the court. I am angry with the EFCC because of the way I was treated. I am not in court to tell deliberate lies. I was arrested by the EFCC operatives and made to lie against Fani-Kayode.â€? aPO]aNWSXONMsMnRdWSRPWZSOLVO MVRdZ`O the witness informed the judge that, “I ]ZSjPO [SZTO PQMO Z6cMN\O PQRPO RNNM\PM]O dM^O O]ZSjPO[SZTOPQMOSRdMOZfOPQMOZ6cMNO that slapped me when I was arrested. _ QMO Z6cMN\O PQRPO RNNM\PM]O dMO TMNMO not present when I made the statement. O ]ZSjPO [SZTO PQMO SRdMO ZfO RSVO Z6cMNO that obtained the statement from me. The person that gave me the slap was not present when I made the statement. _ SMOZfOPQMOZ6cMN\OWSOPQMO O\PZZ]O surety for me before I was eventually released. As at the time I was shown the \PRPMdMSPOPQW\OdZNSWSXOt M]SM\]RVuORPO the proceeding, I never told the court earlier that I was forced to make the statement.â€? Fani-Kayode is charged by the O ZSO RSO RdMS]M]O ĂŽmscZaSPO cQRNXMO bordering on money laundering. The fZNdMNO dWSW\PMNO TR\O hN\PO RNNRWXSM]O \ZdMPWdMO WSO McMdLMNO pmmĂ?O LMfZNMO

a\PWcMO RdRPO ZQRddM]OZSOROĂŽĂ?scZaSPO charge. He had pleaded not guilty to the charge and Justice Mohammed had XNRSPM]O QWdO LRWYO WSO PQMO \adO ZfO pmmO million with two sureties in like sum. He was again re-arraigned before

a\PWcMO WSPRO aNPRYRs VR[Z`OfZYYZTWSXO the transfer of Mohammed from the Lagos division. The accused was again re-arraigned before Justice Ajumogobia ZSO MLNaRNVOqq`OpmqlORfPMNOPQMOPNRS\fMNOZfO Justice Murtala-Nyako. He was again re-arraigned before

a\PWcMO iadZXZLWRO ZSO RNcQO ĂŒ`O following the amendment of the ĂŽĂ?scZaSPOcQRNXMOPZOĂŽmscZaSP\`OPQMO O having dropped seven of the counts. Justice Ajumogobia is now the third judge to be ceased of the case in the last hUMO VMRN\^O SO PQMO cQRNXM`O PQMO Rcca\M]O was alleged to have transacted with faS]\O MncMM]WSXO rmm`O mmmO TWPQZaPO XZWSXOPQNZaXQOROhSRScWRYOWS\PWPaPWZS^ The accused was also alleged to have accepted cash payments to the tune of RLZaPO qmmOdWYYWZS`OTQWYMOQMOQMY]O\TRVO as Minister of Aviation and Minister of Culture and Tourism respectively. QMO ZCMScMO W\O \RW]O PZO cZSPNRUMSMO PQMO eNZUW\WZSO ZfO McPWZS\O qrtquO tRuO tLuO tcuO t]uO RS]O qrO tpuO tRuO tLuO ZfO PQMO ZSMVO RaS]MNWSXOteNZQWLWPWZSuO cP`OpmmĂŽ^




ADR: Revenue drop for lawyers while settling disputes

Atilade Ayodele Olalere


n 1999, Lagos State Ministry of Justice established The Citizens Mediation Centre (CMC) to serve as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme with the aim of providing quick access to justice and its institutions. It was also expected that it would decongest courts. Carved out of the Directorate for Citizens Rights (DCR) was expected to provide mediation on disputes NMYRPWSXOPZOYRS]YZN]ORS]OPMSRSPOdR2MN\`O employer and employee disputes, fRdWYVO dR2MN\O tWScYa]WSXO dRNWPRYO disputes, child custody, etc.), workmen cZdeMS\RPWZSO dR2MN\`O eNZeMNPVO WSQMNWPRScMORS]OYRS]OdR2MN\`OdZSMPRNVO claims, commercial disputes, and other civil related disputes. At ADR, disputes are resolved quickly between parties who, on invitation, voluntarily present themselves for mediation at the Centre. The centre QR\O hUMO O ccNM]WPM]O M]WRPZN\O RS]OZUMNO\WnPVOtĂŒmuOcMNPWhM]O M]WRPZN\`O with collaborative partnership of the World Bank and the British Council through Justice for All (J4A) and the Lagos Metropolitan Development and Governance Project (LMDGP). In most cases where ADR is used, parties are referred, by court to ADR, must and based on some conditions and agreement which are outlined by the court; agreements reached at ADR are binding on parties. ZdMO \PRPM\O NMXaYRPMO TQZO cRSO ZCMNO such service while in some, as long as the disputing parties elect such method and agree to the resolution, they are free to engage. QMONaYM\ORS]OeNZcM]aNM\ORNMOoMnWLYM`O simple and easily suitable to any types of disputes. Fair hearing is also guaranteed because of the expertise of the mediators. It also save cost and decisions are quickly arrived at. Years after it was established, the O \cQMdMO NMdRWSM]O SZSO MCMcPWUM^O However, on December 31 2012, the Governor Babatunde Fashola led administration decided to breathe life into it through the new High Court of Lagos State Civil Procedure Rules which made it compulsory for legal practitioners to seek preliminary \M2YMdMSPOLMfZNMOReeNZRcQWSXOcZaNPOfZNO redress.

Barrister Valentino Buoro (right) and Akin Olawore during ADR conference

Apart from ADR, Multi-Door QZa\MO RY\ZO ZCMN\O ]W\eaPMO \M2YMdMSP\O between parties through consultation, reconciliation and arbitration. As soon as the scheme was resuscitated by the state government, lawyers promised to make use of the provision by referring their clients to the Centre for dispute resolution. According to the Chairman, Nigerian Bar Association, Ikeja branch, Mr. Monday Ubani, had promised that his colleagues would abide by the new rule. “There are fears, especially by litigation lawyers about the issue of compulsoriness of the ADR. Many lawyers are a bit scared of its operations and modalities. People always want to resist anything that is new. But if it is done in such a manner that it gives absolute fairness and the consequences are favourable and leads to early dispensation of justice, the lawyers will embrace it. It is a rule all lawyers must RLW]MO TWPQO \WScMO WPO QR\O cZdMO PZO MCMcP^O The other alternative is for them to challenge it in court,� he said. However, in spite of such high hopes, all seems not to be well with ADR as lawyers seems to be shunning it. Findings revealed that many lawyers QRUMO NMRYW\M]O PQMO SMXRPWUMO MCMcP\O WPO W\O having on their revenue and as such have decided to abandon the scheme,

preferring long trials at court rather than seeking quick resolution to cases. Barrister Valentino Buoro, the National Co-ordinator of the United Kingdom based Standing Conference of Mediation Advocates told our reporter that the scheme is not working as lawyers lacked the knowledge of its ZeMNRPWZSO RS]O R\O \acQO QRUMO LZVcZ2M]O it. “All over the world, there is a strong move towards quick and amicable dispute resolution of disagreements between business partners. These allow for sustainability of business and the return of investments of concerned parties. An arbitrator decides who is right because he is a professional usually in that area of dispute. “Where parties agreed to mutually NM\ZYUMO PQMO dR2MNO TWPQO PQMO RW]O ZfO RO dispute resolution practitioner, the likelihood is that such disputants would continue the business in a mutually LMSMhcWRYOTRV`gOQMO\RW]^ Continuing he said, “In Lagos, I do not think the expectation behind the formation of ADR by the state government has been met. This is because many people many people have not been using it. There is a lack of depth of awareness and understanding of the process. Until the people understand the way it works, they won’t be able to

In spite of such high hopes, all seems not to be well with ADR as lawyers seems to be shunning it. Findings revealed that many lawyers have realised the negative effects it is having on their revenue and as such have decided to abandon the scheme, preferring long trials at court rather than seeking quick resolution to cases

use it. The sad aspect of it is that even lawyers who are supposed to be taking clients to the place are also not using it because they also do not understand the way it works. What they do not realise is that it is a way of training lawyers if they are making use of it. Buoro further said another thing that is working against the success of the scheme is that it reduces income of lawyers. _ QMO dRiZNO PQWSXO W\O PQMO R2WPa]MO ZfO lawyers. Lawyers need to be persuaded to make use of it. Take for instance; when a person has a case, what he does W\OPZOXZOPZOROYRTVMNORS]OPQMOYRTVMNOhYMO the court papers. But ADR is saying VZaO]ZSjPOSMM]OPZOXZOPZOcZaNP`OYMPj\O\M2YMO it amicably between parties. As a result, it has created a kind of alternative to going through long trials at court. So tell me; how do you want a lawyer to LMO QReeVO PZO XZO RO eYRcMO TQMNMO dR2MNO TZaY]O LMO \M2YMO xaWc[YVO WS\PMR]O ZfO going to court where he can make more money through long trial? That is why some lawyers have called the scheme ‘Alarming Drop in Revenue (ADR).’ He added, “They see it as threat to their revenue and that is why they are resisting it by not taking disputes there. UMSO WfO VZaO RNMO SZPO RO YRTVMN`O eRNPWM\O cRSOXZOPQMNMOPZO\M2YMO]W\eaPM\OTWPQZaPO a lawyer representing them. However, many lawyers do not realize that they can still make money taking clients to ADR. This is because every dispute has a kind of law relating to it and when a client to visit a lawyer and inquire about the process, a lawyer can charge professional fee for educating the client on the process. You don’t make money only by representing a client in court; you can make money from giving information. “The good thing about it is that at `OeRNPWM\O\WXSOcZSh]MSPWRYWPVOeReMN\O which mean whatever is decided at the place is between the parties not third parties. For instance if parties come to mediation and one of them said ‘ I agree I was wrong by damaging your car’ and the other party thinks when he gets to court, he will tell the court PQRPO PQMO ZPQMNO eRNPVO QR\O R]dW2M]O wrongdoing and so the court should give judgment in his favour, the court won’t accept it. Whatever happened inside ADR is secret.�

Newswatch Times


Crime Friday, December 5, 2014

Nigerian facebook fraudster jailed in Ghana ADELEKE ADESANYA


SZPQMNO WXMNWRSO facebook fraudster, Kelvin Ogodogu, has been sentenced to ten months jail term in Ghana for impersonating a Ghanaian actor, Majid Micheal, and duped his fan through facebook social media. SfZNdRPWZSO XRPQMNM]O LVO MT\TRPcQO Times had it that the 37 year old Kelvin poised to be the Ghanian actor on fcebook, and attempt to dupe an RLNZR]O LR\M]O WXMNWR`O [RV`O TQZO believed to have been chatting Majid Micheal, the Ghania movie start. Kelvin, who was apprehended by the operatives of Ghana police was quickly charged to court and sentenced to 10 months imprisonment with hard labour. Recounting on his arrest, luck ran out of the Kelvin Saturday, ZUMdLMNO qrO R\O QMO TR\O RNNM\PM]O LVO the police through the help of some of his neighbours in Kasoa in the Central region, for trying to defraud RO sLR\M]O WXMNWRSOYR]V^ QMO WXMNWRS`O eZ\WSXO R\O RiW]O Michel on Facebook, solicited funds from unsuspecting persons, including PQMO sLR\M]O WXMNWRSO YR]V`O [RV`O PZO bury his mum. Kelvin Ogodogu was arraigned before the Ledzokuku Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) Magistrates’ Court in Teshie on QaN\]RV`O ZUMdLMNO pmO TQMNMO he initially pleaded not guilty to

Kelvin Ogodogu

the charges of impersonation and attempted fraud. During the second hearing on aM\]RV`O ZUMdLMNOpr`OeNM\W]M]OZUMNO by Judge Charles Yaw Boateng, State Prosecutor, Chief Inspector Ophelia Denteh led the Ghanian actor to give his evidence. However, on his third appearance ZSO QaN\]RV`O ZUMdLMNO pĂ?`O MYUWSO pleaded guilty with explanation. He explained that he has always

been a fan of the award winning actor and people even called him Majid Michel. According to Kelvin, the lady in question sent him a message, “Hi Majid� on Facebook and he subsequently initiated a conversation with her. The prosecution demanded to know why he went ahead to chat with the lady on Facebook when he knew he wasn’t Majid Michel and to the point of giving the lady his number

I prefer to rob on Sundays –Suspect


ontrary to the commandment of God that Sundays are rest days for people, a robbery suspect, Kelechi Ikechi, who is cooling his heels at the custody of Lagos police has confessed he prefer robbing on Sundays to other days. The 24 year old Abia State born criminal was arrested on a Sunday during one of his operations at Ejigbo area of Lagos. A police source who hinted on the arrest of the suspect, explained that Kelechi was caught by the neighbour of the house which he was bugling and handed over to us. “He sneaked into PQMOQZa\MORfPMNOPQMOZccaeWMN\OZfOPQMOoRPO had gone for Sunday service in order to carry out the robbery operation. His notion was that people usually leave for church on Sundays, and that will give his opportunity to bugle their houses and cart away their belongings�. Meanwhile, during interrogation, Ikechi confessed to the robbery at one Peter Ibeh’s house, close to his residence. Before the fateful day, Ibeh had reportedly complained that every Sunday, his house was robbed, which caused serious arguments among his family members. Thus he decided to trace the guilty party. According to Ibeh, on the day of Ikechi’s arrest, he hid one of his aides WS\W]MOPQMWNOoRPORS]OTMSPOPZOcQaNcQOTWPQO other members of the family. When the suspect broke in, Ibeh’s aide locked him in from outside and raised the alarm TQWcQOR2NRcPM]OZPQMNOSMWXQLZaN\^

The weekend robber was apprehended immediately and handed over to the police. Speaking about his motives, Ikechi said that he started stealing from

people when he lost his factory job. He added that it was reasonable to break into houses on Sundays because people were absent for a long time in churches.

Akwe Doma: Court refuses request for case transfer


ustice Agatha Okeke of the Federal

WXQO ZaNPO\W2WSXOWSO RhR`O R\RNRTRO State, has dismissed an application hYM]OLVO WdZPQVO SPQZSVO SiW]M`OPQMO second accused person in the ongoing trial of Aliyu Akwe Doma, former governor ZfO RNR\RTRO PRPM^ Doma, Anjide and Dauda Egwe are being prosecuted on a 10 count-charge bordering on money laundering by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. Anjide had approach the court, asking that the case be re- assigned, and alleging bias against her lordship. At the resumed hearing today, the defence counsel, Olalekan Ojo, who stood in for QRNYM\O ]Z\ZdTRS`O `OLNZaXQPOROSZPWZSO on notice for an order of the honourable court to transfer the case. The defence stated that there had been circumstances in the proceedings that suggest a likelihood of bias by the judge. He stated that the judge has failed to subpoena certain functionaries of the state, and that her lordship compelled the second accused (Anjide Timothy) to appear before the court in spite of his critical health condition. He argued that the second Rcca\M]OQR\OYZ\POcZSh]MScMOZfOXM2WSXOROfRWNO trial before her lordship.

The prosecuting counsel, Kemi Pinheiro, `O aNXM]O PQMO cZaNPO PZO ]W\dW\\O PQMO application. He stated that ‘the application ]ZM\O SZPO \QZTO PQRPO PQMO hN\PO RS]O PQWN]O Rcca\M]OQRUMOYZ\POcZSh]MScMOWSOPQMOcZaNP^O PO is only the second that is complaining’. Pinheiro further stated that for a case of bias against a judge to be established, there must be concrete evidence in support of the charge. “It is not enough to say there is a suspicion of bias, rather suspicion must be reasonable and looked from objective stand.� The prosecution further said that the defence does not need a subpoena when WPO cRSO ReeYVO fZNO cMNPWhM]O PNaMO cZeWM\O ZfO document. According to Pinheiro, the cry of the applicant that the subpoena applied for has been consistently turned down by the court is premature and misconceived because the prosecution is yet to close its case neither is it time for the accused persons to open their case. In dismissing the application, Justice Okeke stated that the application for transfer of the case lacks merit. The case was adjourned to January 19, 20 RS]OpqOpmqrOfZNOcZSPWSaRPWZSOZfOPNWRY^

to continue the conversation on Whatsapp. However during its final hearing, the court sentenced the accused to ten months imprisonment with hard YRLZaNO RPO PQMO \RTRdO RnWdadO Security Prison. It would be recalled that the operatives of Ghana police apprehend the convict, Kelvin after which they have been on his trail over time for impersonating Ghanian actor on face book, defrauding his fans. The suspect, Kelvin Ogodogu, a WXMNWRS`O TR\O cRaXQPO fZNO RYYMXM]YVO posing as Majid Michel. He was said to have defrauded a US-based lady of some dollars, supposedly meant to help in the preparations of the actor’s mum’s funeral. RNNRPWSXO PQMO ZN]MRYO PZO a\`O PQMO impersonating popular Ghanian actor, Majid Micheal, stated that he was in the United States recently when he met a lady by name Ikay at an event. Ikay was said to have approached him and told him about their chats on social media and also hinted on the monies she’s been sending him. According to Majid, the lady even said that he (Majid) informed her of his mother’s death and requested for RSO RdZaSPO ZfO kr`mmm`O RSO RdZaSPO \QMO was willing to send. Majid said he protested his innocence but the lady was insistent and argued that it was him (Majid) who had engaged her over a period of time on social media, collected previous monies and recently NMxaM\PM]OfZNOkr`mmmOfZNOPQMOfaSMNRY^ At this stage, Majid explained to the lady that she was not the only victim of scams where people use his name and profile to defraud unsuspecting people. The actor explained to the lady that another lady in Canada was scammed out of a staggering amount close to $30,000. Majid, however, together with Ikay, decided to work together to trace and find the person behind the scam. They called his brother in Ghana, Mawuli and the lady forwarded the details of the culprit and involved Ghana Police in investigating the case. According to the actor, Kelvin initially wanted the money transferred through Western Union and to his real name (Kelvin Ogodogu) and when questioned on why the money wasn’t being transferred to the name Majid Michel, he claimed that the name, Kelvin Ogodogu, was the name of his movie director. With advice from the Police, Kelvin was asked to go take the money from a friend of Ikay, but in a smart move, he sent a friend to collect the money for him. The friend was arrested and led the Police to apprehend the real culprit, Kelvin. RNNRPWSXO QW\O \W]MO ZfO PQMO \PZNVO RPO the Police Station, Kelvin claimed that the name Majid Michel is his nickname, adding that when he was WSO WXMNWR`O QMO a\M]O PZO YZUMO PQMO RcPZNO and his movies, to the extent that his friends started calling him Majid. According to him, when he got to Ghana, he continued using the nickname until one day; Ikay initiated a conversation and they started chatting on social media.


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L-R: Vice President Namadi Sambo ; Chairman, Governing Board, Nigerian National Merit Award (NNMA), Prof’ Michael Essien and Guest Speaker / Bishop of Sokoto Dioceses, Arch. Bishop Martins Kukah, during the opening of the 7th annual forum of the Laureates of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) in Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara

L-R: Supervising Minister of Labour and Productivity, Alhaji Kabiru Turaki; Chairman, House Committee on HIV/AIDS, Malarial Control, Tuberculosis and Leprosy, Dr. Joseph Kigbu; representative of the Minister of Health, Mr. Lanus Awute and DirectorGeneral, National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), Prof. John Idoko, at the launch of Integrated National Guidelines for HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care as part of activities to mark 2014 World AIDS Day in Abuja.

Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

L-R: Chairman, Lagos State House Committee on Works and Infrastructure, Hon. Rotimi Olowo; Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) and Lagos State Attorney-General/Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye, while the governor was signing the Lagos State Infrastructure Asset Management Agency Law, at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House, Ikeja, Lagos.

L-R: Managing Director, Seven Colours Digital Limited, Mr. Shelley Chaudhary; Vice President, Data and Innovation, Airtel, Mr. Nitin Anand and Chairman, Mobile Monday, Mr. Tomi Davies, at the media launch of Airtel’s Catapult-a-Startup entrepreneurial initiative, held in Lagos. Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: Associate Director, Account Management Insight Communication Limited, Mr Sam Osunsoko; Chairman Brand Journalist Association Of Nigeria (BJAN), Goddie Ofose; Managing Director, The Sun Newspapers/President, Nigeria Guild of Editors, Mr. Femi Adesina, during Brand Journalists Association of Nigeria 2nd annual brand and marketing conference, Osun 2014; Theme;Tourism Marketing as Catalyst for Economic Development in Osogbo, Osun State...recently.

L-R: General Overseer, Christ Royal Family Int’l Church, Bishop Tom Samson; Managing Director/CEO, Crown Insurance Company, Chief Felix Ohiri Amadi; Chairman, Classic Int’l Magazine (Author, Harnessing God’s Grace for Business Success), Deacon Iyke Lawson Kanu; H.R.H. Eze Victor Ogbonna 11 and Nollywood _`{ |} ~ } } € ‚` ƒ ƒ„ ‚ € ~ ` ƒ}_ … † } ` | ‡ _ˆ ‡† ‚} € † Business Success, in Lagos...recently.

L-R: Senior Evangelist Oluwatoyin Ajayi; Senior Superintendent G.F. Akinadewo; Prophet Segun Oduneye and Superintendent James Akinadewo, at the second Adoption Service (Adult Harvest) of Motailatu Church, Cherubim and Seraphim Worldwide, Restoration Parish, Akute, Ogun State.

L-R: Ogun State Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Otunba Abimbola Ashiru; Alake and Paramount ruler of Egbaland, Oba Adedotun Aremu Gbadebo; Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; Chairman, Apple and Pears, Habib Jaafar and Secretary to the State Government, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa, during the ‚ ‰‰` ` ` | € $ŠŠƒ} _ ‹} † Œ} }_ �_` ƒ} `ƒ _ Ž �} ƒ € ‚ † ƒ | } Sagamu-Abeokuta Expressway in Ogun State.

Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014



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L-R: Administrative Staff, Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC), Mr. Randolf Ž`ƒ }‰ '}Š„ '`†}‚ † ”•‹& �† % –„ „‰ _ $_‰` ` † `{} Ž €€ � † $†‚ ` | Š†} ‚ €}†} ‚} } } } € } •† _} �’Š ” _ } ` _ €„ „†} € “`|}†` ” _ } ` �‚ ‰`‚ & Š}† ` }ƒ_ } ” _ } ` Trade Promotion Centre in Victoria Island, Lagos. Photo: Bankole Damilre

€ ‚` ƒ € } ‘}_}† ƒ Œ _ Ž €} & ‰‰` ` _„†` | † _ ‚† €†}} �‰ }† Month campaign at Banana Island in Lagos.

— Œ •† _} � †~} ` | & „ƒ �•“ ‘}‰` % ` }|„‰ ` � } $ —}{}ƒ � & ‰‰„ `‚ ` „_} ™ ™ �•“  Ž„†Š†` }ˆ `‹ } ‡ ƒ_ } “ † ™ Ž } ˜ `{}† ` ` –}€ _ �•“ %† _ $‰ _ † … †† • †} ~`†` ` “ † ™ Ž } †}‚} ƒ

— ÂŒ ÂŽ}‚†} † Â&#x; ƒ |`‚ ƒ ÂŽ ‚`} € “`|}†` Â&#x;Ž“ '† ƒ „‰ ~} Â? †„ ~} ` ܠ} `_} ܠ € ÂŽ `} ` } '}Š„ Â?`‚} & ‚}ƒƒ † $‚ _}‰`‚ ˜ `{}† ` € ” _ ܠ € ”_ ™„ ƒ ` ~ _ & `†Š}† †| ` ` | & ‰‰` }} ܠ € $_` ˜|™„‰ } Â&#x; ƒ |`‚ ƒ ÂŽ ‚`} € “`|}†` ˆ „ ƒ ‚ €}†} ‚} ` ” _ State.

L-R: Chairman Parochial Committee, Celestial Church of Christ Canaanland Cathedral, —} _}† —} } |}_} | } Ž }Š }†_ ` & †|} ‹† Š } Ž }}_ $ ` _„ ‘` ‚` ƒ Ž}‚†} † $ ` �{ |}ƒ` $~}}‰ $ `€ ™ } _ �`‚} & `†‰ %† }† • `™ Balogun, at the CCC Canaanland Cathedral 8th Adult Harvest Thanksgiving Service }ƒ_ } ‚ „†‚ „_` †`„‰ – } ~} ƒ ‰ } |„ Ž }ž†}‚} ƒ

L-R: Women Activist, Prof. Hauwa Biu; Vice Chairman, Murtala Muhammed Foundation ��‘ �† $ ~} �„ ‰‰}_ & `}€ �’}‚„ `{} € ‚}† ��‘ �† $` } _} and wife of former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mrs Mariam Uwais, at a workshop on '}{}ƒ Š` | Ž„ ` ƒ} …„‰ ` †` Œ} Š } �}‚ ` ‰ € † “`|}†` ` $ „

Newswatch Times


Arts Friday, December 5, 2014

Creativity Moving Nigeria: Day stars converged to celebrate Nigerian Creative Industry ADA DIKE


xcitement greeted stakeholders of creative industry last Friday, November 28, 2014, when they converged at a star-studded event ZNXRSW\M]O LVO PQMO Z6cMO ZfO PQMO President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, GCFR, BNER, GCON, and spearheaded by the Special Adviser to the President on Research and Documentation, Oronto Douglas, to celebrate them. Tagged: ‘Creativity Moving Nigeria,’ the event which took place at the Convention Centre, Eko Hotels, Victoria Island, Lagos [Wc[M]OZCORNZaS]OÌOedOTWPQOeNMsMUMSPOcZc[PRWYO and arts viewing at the Nigeria Century Exhibition. From there, guests were ushered into a cosy atmosphere inside the hall. Before the guests took their seats, the disc jockey was busy dishing out old school music by foreign artistes before he returned home and doled out entertaining and educative ones from Nigerian artistes including Sound Sultan’s Story, Story, 2Face Idibia’s and others. Then came King Sunny Ade on stage, who charged the hall with his welcome performance with an evergreen song of unity ‘Nigeria Yi ti Gbogbo Wa Ni ‘, backed up by some singers and actors including Segun Arinze, Sani Danja, Ben Ogbeiwi, Kate Henshaw, Rita Dominic, Chinedu Ikedieze (Aki) and Osita Iheme (Aki). This was followed by the National Anthem rendered by All-Stars band in unique way around 7.30 pm. With great expectation, a lot of guests were eager to see Mr. President, who was already in Lagos, but cancelled gracing the event on hearing the news of a twin bomb that exploded at Kano Central Mosque, killing hundreds of people. So, the Honourable of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, High Chief Edem Duke, mounted the podium, and informed the guests why Mr. President could not make it. Below are bits of what happened at the creative industry night: 12314567385795;<=<>7525?5<3@7AC7A147<D3=A<7 E =>87 8=5C7 95?7 1F5 In a calm and quiet mood, the Honourable Minister of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, High Chief Edem Duke, welcomed guests and thanked the All-Stars Band for singing the Nation Anthem. He then made an announcement that sent painful sensation to people’s spines, saying: “Your Excellencies, fellow Nigerians, tonight, PQMO eMRcMO ZfO PQMO SRPWZSO QR\O LMMSO \QR2MNM]^O Tonight, the bloods of our compatriots are oZTWSX^O SYVOROfMTOQZaN\ORXZ`OPQRPOVZaORS]O I and indeed the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria began to make our ways to this venue, heard the unfortunate incident WSO RSZO PQRPO \QR2MNM]O PQMO eMRcMO ZfO ZaNO ]MRNO nation. _ QMNMfZNM`OR\OTMO\WPOQMNMOWSO\ZdLNMONMoMcPWZSO of the recent activities of the last few hours, we ask you with due respect, please join me on behalf of the President, to observe a-minute of silence for those lives that have been lost. “Fellow Nigerians, as we commemorate 100 years of our nation, as we look at the achievements from the years of our fore bearers until today, as we commemorate this evening to the legacy and the achievements of our creative industry, our heads are bowed, our eyes are bloodied for the spirit of this nation, the determination of all Nigerians is that this nation is more important than any other, than any single individual or group,” Duke explained.

President Jonathan He emphasised that: the spirit that has wielded us together over a hundred years will continue to see us through. “That is our commitment!” The Minister also expressed sincere apology from Mr. President whom he said was already in the building as he has always done in the recent past to pay compliment to the sweat of

Nigeria’s creative community. “But he sent me to say to you that he may join us in the course of this evening because, for him as a leader of the biggest black nation on the face of the earth, the challenge of today, the challenge of insecurity, the challenge of insurgency is one that breaks his heart and he sees the futility of trying to ]WUW]MOPQW\OcZaSPNV^O MO\WP\OPZSWXQPONMoMcPWSXO

on the event of the last few hours. With your courage, with your determination, with the resolute desire of our country men, our fore fathers and founding fathers of this nation would not have worked in vain. That as we begin to move into the next century, that our being the larger part of this country, our spirit will prevail against wickedness in places that are strange in Nigeria because truly, people went in Kano today to pray in supplication to God to bring peace to this nation, but so many of them never returned home. Many families today are weeping because of this dastardly act. When will it stop? When will the WS\aNXMScVO\PZeOLMWSXOPQMO]MhSWSXOMYMdMSPOWSO Nigeria? “When men and women in the creative industry and community are exercising and exploiting their innate talents and creativity to advance the frontiers of our achievements, when will men who wish us ill stop to be PQMO ZSM\O PQRPO ]MhSMO a\O WSO PQMO MVM\O ZfO PQMO global community? So we must all with one determination, make up our mind that in our YW2YMOcZNSMN\`OTQMPQMNOLVOeNRVMN\`OTQMPQMNOLVO information to the security agencies, whether by standing up against insurgency, we will move the spirit of this nation forward to ensure the transformation is successful,” he added. He lauds Nigerian creative industry: “Today, PQMO \ZfPO eZTMNO ZfO WXMNWRO QR\O NM]MhSM]O PQMO positioning of our country within the comity of nations. While we sit in our comfort zones, this galaxy of stars who are gathered in this room tonight, by their creativity, by the innate talents with which nature and God have endowed them, have continued to win hearts and minds for Nigeria. Today, they say, and quite correctly so, that the Nigerian movie industry has become the second best YRNXM\PO hYdO WS]a\PNVO WSO PQMO TZNY]^O QNZaXQO our movie industry, jobs are created, but more importantly, we have broken the boundaries of geography. Our movie industry has moved us into the homes of people in every continent of the world. And so, it is with pride that when Mr. President speaks to the President of China, at the end of the day, the President of China Continued on page 45

King Sunny Ade singing ‘Nigeria Yi Ti Gbogbo Wa’, backed up by Segun Arinze, Sani Danja, Kate Henshaw, Rita Dominic, Waje, Aki and Pawpaw and Ben Ogbeiwi Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Newswatch Times


Friday, December 5, 2014


Creativity Moving Nigeria ..... Continued from page 44

talks about Nollywood. To the President of Brazil, after they had discussed all the big issues, he ended up talking about Nollywood. So also the President of South Africa, Kenya and in the Caribbean. So tonight, we pay respect to you because truly, you have taken the collateral of our culture; you have moulded it into mysterious story, epic story and stories of love. You have hearts and minds for Nigeria. And I say this to my colleagues; it is only when culture gets there that business begins to come. “So also, I am proud of our entertainers who PZ]RVOQRUMONM]MhSM]Oda\WcOZfOPQMOcZSPWSMSPOZfO Africa and beyond. And so, all over the world, whether it is in New York or Las Vegas, we begin to listen to Nigerian music in clubs and lounges all over the place. And the rhythm is very compelling. “It was with pride that I spent a quarter of a day earlier in the year to see the works of Ben Enwonwu and the rest of them adorning no other place than Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom. “Only in the month of August, when the President hosted a Nigerian Cultural Night at the John F. Kennedy Theatre in Washington D.C in the United States of America, did I get to know that in the Washington D.C. Garden is a museum of African art. But then, the architectural theme of that is taken from two arts pieces that were taken from Owo in Ondo State in 1930. So, Nigerian creative community has moved Nigeria beyond the boundaries of our nation and beyond the boundaries of Africa.� He noted that: “Not too long ago, Mr. President had the opportunity of a visit from the world renowned designer, Roberto Cavalli, who came to celebrate and appreciate our fashion designers and expressed his determination and that of his fashion empire to work with our designers and to grow new talents. When you go to fashion stores in Milan, New York and everywhere, our fashion ]M\WXSMN\O QRUMO NM]MhSM]O fR\QWZSO ZSO RO XYZLRYO platform. “Need I speak about our writers? Many of whom have their works translated into languages that we cannot even imagine and being taught in schools in Russia, England, Denmark and all over the world. Truly, the Nigerian creative community has positioned itself as the primus inter pares amongst the ]WCMNMSPO \ZcWRY`O McZSZdWcO eYRPfZNd\O ZfO PQW\O nation. I truly salute you, I am glad to say that in the 100 years of Nigeria, no president, no administration has paid as much respect to this sector as the President of the Federal republic of Nigeria, Dr. Ebele Goodluck Jonathan. “I think it is just appropriate for us to spend an evening with the very best of Africa, the UMNVO LM\PO ZfO PQMO TZNY]`O \W2WSXO RdZSX\PO a\O WSO the consternation of stars, men and women ZfO cZYZaN`O ZfO oRdLZVRScM`O ZfO \TRX`O PNaYVO NMoMcPWSXOZfO WXMNWR^g

MOMdeQR\W\M]OPQRPO_caYPaNMOW\OPQMO]MhSWSXO element of our nation� and added that, “it is the most important commonwealth that we \QRNM^O POW\OROPNaYVONMoMcPWUMOMYMdMSPOZfOROeNZa]O people that you and I are. So as princes and princesses of Nigeria, as queens and kings of Africa, I welcome you tonight and wish you a wonderful time. May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!� He thanked his colleagues, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr. Godwin dMhMYMORS]OcZNeZNRPMOXWRSP\OfZNOXNRcWSXOPQMO occasion and also expressed gratitude to the Chairman of Zenith Bank plc and Visafone, Mr. Jim Ovia, MFR, for sponsoring the event. Creative industry contributes about N1.2 trillion to Nigeria’s GDP -Dr. Ngozi OkonjoIweala The Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Honourable Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who also spoke on behalf Mr. President, assured stakeholders of

Audience celebrating Nigeria when Dakolo was performing ‘Great Nation’ the creative industry that President Jonathan, would continue to support the industry, which she said has been a reference point in any part the world. She thanked everyone in the creative industry “for the fantastic night you have given us this evening� and noted that the creative industry has enriched people’s lives and has continued to enrich people’s lives within and outside Nigeria. “We want to appreciate the power of the creative industry which comes about 1.4 per cent of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and that comes about N1.2 trillion that this industry is contributing to this country. The creative industry is contributing more than 200,000 jobs directly and one million jobs indirectly. We regard this industry as one of the viable ways for creating jobs and wealth in Nigeria. “This administration of President Ebele

ZSRPQRSOQR\OdR]MOROYZPOZfOMCZNP\OPZO\aeeZNPO the industry. For example, YouWiN, many of you may not know that within YouWiN, we are supporting about 197 entrepreneurs in the creative industry, which equates to 28 per cent ZfO PQMO PZPRYO LMSMhcWRNWM\O ZfO Za W ^O QM\MO enterprises are receiving about N8.1 billion. As a result of this, the creative industry has created 5,456 jobs for youths and for themselves. Some of the entrepreneurs have won national and international recognitions in fashion and visual arts. “As you heard, Mr. President launched last year, ‘Project Act Nollywood’, a N3 billion grant programme to support the Nollywood industry which we will be expanding to also encompass the other creative industries. Till this moment in time, no government has supported our creative industry. Following consultation with stakeholders, the project has supported the following: Capacity building with N300 million so that industry practitioners can update their skills to provide PQMO PRYMSPO SMM]M]`O RO hYdO eNZ]acPWZSO TZNPQO of N700 million and the distribution worth of N2 billion to help build the distribution of audio-visual contents, cut down on piracy and LM2MNO eNZPMcPO PQMO WSPMYYMcPaRYO eNZeMNPVO WSO PQMO industry. _ MO [Wc[M]O ZCO WdeYMdMSPRPWZSO ZfO PQW\O ‘Project Act Nollywood’ in July last year in capacity building and so far, 205 individuals have undertaken several courses at home and abroad, particularly, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and India.

Veteran musician and current chairman of National Council of Women Societies Onyeka Onwenu (left) and Nigerian artist and designer Nike Okundaye

The sum of N132 million have so far been disbursed for these courses. In addition, seven eNWURPMO hYdO WS\PWPaPWZS\O WSO RXZ\`O RSZO RS]O Port Harcourt have been awarded with the total sum of N108.5 million to develop their capacity to other training programmes. A few have received their monies and others are TRWPWSXOPZOfaYhYOcMNPRWSOcZS]WPWZS\ONMxaWNM]^ _ SO hYdO eNZ]acPWZS`O PQMO O M]MNRYO ZUMNSdMSPO TR\O W]MSPWfVWSXO hYd\O PZO cZs eNZ]acMO RS]O \ZO fRN`O pĂŒO LMSMhcWRNWM\O QRUMO been awarded N215 million. Another batch ZfOLMSMhcWRNWM\OW\OcaNNMSPYVOLMWSXOeNZcM\\M]O and would be ready within two weeks. About Ă?mO hYd\O eNZiMcP\O TWYYO LMO cZshSRScM]O aS]MNO this initiative. In addition, the distribution component will be launched this December. I am told that the website will soon be ready for applications, so I think we are moving on in a good direction here. A lot of work is being done with the Film and Video Censor’s Board, the Nigerian Copyright Commission with the issue of trying to see how to protect intellectual property, while also improving the infrastructure for the distribution of cZeVNWXQPO dRPMNWRY\O YW[MO hYd\`O da\Wc`O hSMO arts and so on,â€? Okonjo said. She implored the creative industry to continue to support President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration to make progress.

Look into three areas in visual art sector -Prof. Onobrakpeya The octogenarian, Prof. Bruce Onobrakpeya, on behalf of the visual artists in Nigeria, thanked Mr. President for his immense support to the industry. “We appreciate your great interest in the creative sector and all that the government has been doing to elevate our sector to a higher level, where we can continue to play an optimum role in the development of our country, Nigeria.â€? He also called on the government to look into three areas in visual art sector which he \RW]O SMM]M]O aNXMSPO R2MSPWZSO RS]O PQM\MO RNMĂ›O “To establish a National Endowment Fund for arts which will include the welfare and empowerment of the artists. The second is the building of infrastructure to showcase artist products. Third on this list is the National Gallery of Arts. This in fact, is long overdue.â€? Similarly, Onobrakpeya also used the opportunity to express his appreciation to President Jonathan for the greeting he extended to him during his 80th birthday and when he was honoured by Museum of African Arts.

Continued on page 46


Newswatch Times


Friday, December 5, 2014

Creativity Moving Nigeria ..... Continued from page 45

We desire further conversation with you -Prof. Remi Raji Also speaking at the occasion, the President of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Prof. Remi Raji, thanked the president for R2MS]WSXO PQMO LaNWRYO ZfO PQMO YRPMO NZf^O QWSaRO Achebe in Anambra State and for supporting the colloquium of Arrow of God at 50. Raji appealed to President Jonathan to support Nigerian literary community and noted that ANA is a very important member of the creative community. “We desire further conversation with you on the ways and means of building structures and WS\PWPaPWZS\OfZNOPQMOLMSMhPOZfO WXMNWRSOTNWPWSXO and writers. You have been a supporter of Nigerian literature. The #BringBackTheBook project which has been very dear to you, Mr. President, is a mind of ideas in which ANA is most pleased and interested in.â€? Mr George Osodi unveiled photographs (Faces of President Jonathan) In the same vein, a renowned photographer, Mr George Osodi, who took shots of the president during the occasion of his swearingin in 2011 as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which was unveiled at PQMOMUMSP`OaNXM]OPQMOXZUMNSdMSPOfZNOMCMcPWUMO copyright laws and stronger sanction against ZCMS]MN\^ Documentaries Ă? QMO NMRPWUMO SoaMScMsO WXMNWRSO Contemporary Art’, a documentary which revealed the history of the Nigerian Contemporary Art, featuring Kolade \QWSZTZ`O SVMdRO CZM]as [W[MORS]OZPQMNO notable artists, was shown. “Creativity is a way of life,â€? says Oshinowo. Also, guests watched another documentary, titled: ‘100 Years of Nigerian Music’ which showcased the metamorphosis of music in Nigeria and music genres such as Apala, Juju, Fuji, Afrobeat and so on, highlighting the contributions of some Nigerian musicians, past and present including: Orlando Owoh, Sunny Ade, late Osita Osadebe, late Fela Anikulapo Kuti, late Christy Essien Igbokwe, Shina Peters and 2face, among others. The music documentary also focused on some music which encourage education namely, Christy Essien’s ‘Omo Mi Seun Rere’, love and music that transcends boundary such as Iyanya’s ‘Kukere’. Another documentary on the movie industry, ‘Forward Nigeria’, showed award TWSSWSXO hYddR[MN`O aS]MO MYRSWO RS]O ZPQMNO stakeholders who aired their views on how the industry has fared. Performers Choreographers, cultural troupes and many other traditional dancers were on ground to showcase Nigeria’s rich culture through music. Emotions hit the roof of the building when PQMO TWSSMNO ZfO PQMO hN\PO \MR\ZSO ZfO ]ZY\O M\PO Africa in 2007, Timi Dakolo, in a full sonorous voice sang his popular inspirational track: ‘Great Nationâ€?. Dakolo’s song forced all and \aS]NVOWSOPQMOQRYYOPZONW\MOae`OTRUMOPQMWNOoRX\O and sang along. Another inspirational gospel artiste, Lara George, performed her latest reigning track, ‘Dansaki’. Saluting her mother land, an internationally acclaimed Soul Jazz, songwriter and recording artiste, Asa, strumming her guitar, thrilled the audience with ‘E bami Kira Fun Mama Mi’. She removed her shoes and danced wonderful steps that gave her a resounding applause. Another act that won the hearts of guests was when Onyeka Onwenu, Omawuni and Waje went on stage and did Onwenu’s songs, ‘Iyi Ogogo’ and ‘Ekwe’. This was followed by Omawuni’s performance of Megbele. Other artistes that spiced the night with their music were: Sani Danja, Sunny Neji, Cobhams, DNMT, Moeazy, Zaaki Azzay and D’Banj,

and Osun State. The next one is people from the Middle Belt North Central States: Kogi, Niger, Benue, Kwara, Plateau, Nassarawa and the Federal Capital Territory. The last segment is the Fulani people - North-Western States: Kaduna, Kebbi, Zamfara, Sokoto, Kano, Jigawa and Katsina State,â€? he explained. Asked why he decided to produce the work, he said that: “Tomorrow, we might not have the six geo-political zones of Nigeria, so I created it to tell a story about the zones.â€? yMO \RW]O QMO dR]MO PQMO TZN[O \eMcWhcRYYVO fZNO exhibition at the event. He has been functioning for 23 years in practice and works in the National Theatre, Lagos. Roll call Corporate World: The Central Bank ZUMNSZN`O dMhMYM`O PQMO QRWNdRSO ZfO MSWPQO Bank plc and Visafone, Mr. Jim Ovia, MFR and many others. Writers: Odia Ofeimun, Toni Kan, Lola Shoneyin, Eghosa Imaseun, Maxim Uzoatu, Iquo Diana-Abasi Eke and so on, Visual artists: Prof. Bruce Onobrakpeya, Onobrakpeya (right) presenting an art book to Duke Kolade Oshinowo, Chief Mrs. Nike Okundaye, Media Installation by Prof Onobrakpeya, Odogwu Fidelis Eze, Mudi Yahaya, Mufu among others. a]WO RVRj\OĂ? O\PWYYO NMRdOZfO O M2MNO aPaNMj`O Onifade, Uche James Iroha, Odogwu Fidelis Comedy Warri-born popular comedian, Bowoto Aluminium Print 2014 and ‘I am The next Eze, Jacob Jari, Tayo Quaye and Onyema CZM]as [W[M`ORdZSXOZPQMN\^ Jephta, also known as Akpororo, thrilled the Nollywood Star’, among others. Musicians: Onyeka Onwenu, Omawumi, Describing his work, Odogwu Fidelis Eze, called guests with jokes that sent them reeling with MoEazy, Daddy Showkey, Sunny Neji, 9ice, laughter. His jokes bothered on his growing his work “Six Geo-political zones, 2014 (Metal)’. According to him, “Art is a document, so I Duncan Mighty, Weird MC, up in his parents’ home and some of the works Comedians: Ali Baba, Ayo Makun (AY), the Nigerian movie and music industries are used metals to document the six geo-political zones of Nigeria. I used symbols of these zones Gbenga Adeyinka, Teju Baby Face, Igo-Dye producing. and Akpororo. to represent what I have here, “he explained. Compere Actors: Olu Jacobs and his wife, Joke, QMO hN\PO \MXdMSPO W\O Ă?PaNLRSj^O _ fO VZaO \MMO RO The Master of Ceremony, Dayo BenjaminsLaniyi, did well to ensure that the programme typical Hausa man from the North-Eastern Pete Edochie, Patience Ozokwor, Segun States like: Taraba, Borno, Bauchi, Adamawa, Arinze, Ibinabo Fiberisima, Rita Dominic, Ini was followed according to laid down plans. Gombe and Yobe State, you would know that Edo, Kate Henshaw, Waje, Mbong Amata, Artworks displayed at the event Eucharia Anunobi, Zack Orji, Monalisa Visual art sector in Nigeria can be likened turban is a form of identity for them. “The second segment symbolises the red Chinda, Nobert Young, Ngozi Ezeonu, Ann to a goldmine being scratched at the tip. This is because if well sponsored, it will boost the cap chiefs in the eastern part of the country Njemanze, Jibola Dabo, Kanayo O. Kanayo, (South-Eastern States): Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo, Ufuoma Ejenobor, Fred Amata and Yemi country’s GDP. Some notable Nigerian visual artists that Abia and Anambra State. Red cap is like their Blaq. Others are: Saint Obi, Emeka Ossai, Ramsey showcased their works among others were: character. The third group are people from Prof. Bruce Onobrakpeya, Mudi Yahaya, Mufu Niger-Delta area (South-Southern States): Nouah, Kalu Ikeagwu, Prince Ifeanyi Dike, Tony Onifade, Uche James Iroha, Odogwu Fidelis Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Edo, Cross River, Rivers Umez, Ini Edo, Dakore Akande, Okey Bakassi, Eze, Jacob Jari, Tayo Quaye and Onyema and Delta State. They wear beautiful caps. It is Toyin Aimakun Johnson, Fathia BalogunWilliams, Shan George and many others. a representation though not very detailed. CZM]as [W[M^ Producers and directors: Lancelot Imasuen “The next one symbolises people from the Some of the works exhibited at the event were: Aro Eghwere (Hunter’s Muse Alte II) South-Western States: Oyo, Ogun, Lagos, Ondo and Fidelis Duker were there.

Mudi Yaya’s ‘I still Dream of A Better Future’, Aluminium Print 2014

Six Geo-political Zones (2014) Metal, by Odogwu Fidelis-Eze

‘I am The next Nollywood Star’

Aro Eghwere (Hunter’s Muse Alte II) Media Installation by Prof Onobrakpeya

Newswatch Times


Friday, December 5, 2014


Chimamanda Adichie to headline Emirates Airline Festival of literature ADA DIKE

nformation reaching Newswatch Times stated that one of Nigeria’s prominent novelists, Chimamanda Adiche, will headline the Emirates Airline Festival next year in Dubai, alongside Alexander McCall Smith. According to the organisers, the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature will return in March next year with more than one hundred and twenty authors, including a range of talks, panel discussions and master classes, all revolving around the theme of Wonderland. They further stated that the festival continues its reputation of luring marquee names. The author of Purple Hibiscus (2003), Half of a Yellow Sun (2006), and Americanah (2013), Adiche, will be in Dubai to discuss her third novel Americanah, as well as its predecessor, the 2006 Orange Prize-winning Half of a Yellow Sun. Another author that will headline the event, Smith, is a Pakistani author of Mohsin Hamid. Known for his evocative trio of regionally- based novels including his latest, last year’s How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, his most renowned work, The Reluctant Fundamentalist, was dR]MOWSPZOROhYdOWSOpmqp`O]WNMcPM]OLVO WNRO Nair. Also, the Chinese-British author Jung Chang, best known for her controversial 1991 family memoir, Wild Swans, which sold 10 million copies, will be there. Her work remains banned in her native China. In addition to the new festival guests, several Dubai favourites will be back which include Palestinian author and poet, Mourid Barghouti who will discuss his acclaimed career, which includes his


1997 Naguib ÂŹMahfouz Medal-winning novel I Saw Ramallah. “Desert Stanzas will return with poetry from John Agard, Imtiaz Dharker, Yang Lian, Victor Rodriguez-Nunez and Owen Sheers, all under the stars of the desert night. Michael Morpurgo is returning to the festival, and this time he is accompanied by the stars of the acclaimed stage version of War Horse: intricate life-size horse puppets Joey and Topthorn. On the night of Thursday 4 March, the Al Mamzar theatre will host a night of readings, songs and performance from the book and stage versions of the classic story. Genre-bending novelist Jasper Fforde has ZCMNM]O RO fMTO Yac[VO R\eWNWSXO RaPQZN\O PQMO chance to have him review their work in Fforde’s Fantastic Feedback. An all-new graphic novel strand features authors and illustrators Zeina Abirached, Naif Ys a2RTR`O YÆdMSPO RYZae`O RSO URSO Hamme, Satoshi Kitamura and Nicolas Wild,â€? they stated. More than 120 top authors from around the world will gather at the InterContinental Hotel, Dubai Festival WPVO fNZdO RNcQO lO PZO Ă?`O pmqrO fZNO hUMO packed days of literary activity. Adichie

Mabati Cornell Kiswahili announces prize for African Literature


n a bid to appreciate writing in African languages and encourage translation from, between and into African languages, a new Mabati Cornell Kiswahili Prize for African Literature has been announced.

Professor Dapo Adelugba: Exit of a great dramatist ƒ )„†‡ˆ‰Š ‹ˆŒ�ˆ‰ŽŽ‡ ˆ‡Š‡‰‘‡’


professional career. His funeral programme is as follows: A release made available by Teniayo Adelugba on behalf of the family, revealed that there will be an Evening of Tributes from 5.00 to 7.00 pm on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at Faculty of Arts Quadrangle, University of Ibadan. On Thursday, December 11, 2014, Service of Songs will hold from 5.00 - 7.00pm at the Department of Theatre Arts Premises. Also, Artistes’ Nite, from 8.00 to 10:30pm will hold at Arts Theatre, University of Ibadan. Lying-in-State will take place at Trenchard Hall, University of Ibadan at 8:00am on Friday December 12, 2014 followed by Commendation Service at 9:00am in the same venue. Interment: to be announced by the Family.

he art community in Nigeria was thrown into mourning when the news of the demise of foremost dramatist and scholar, Emeritus Prof. Dapo Adelugba was announced. The former Head of the Theatre Arts Department of the University of Ibadan died at the age of 75 after a brief illness in a private hospital in Ibadan on Sunday night, November 23, 2014. Born on March 9, 1939, Adelugba had his education at the University College, Ibadan, where he studied English. He took part in a lot of productions such as Wole Soyinka’s Swamp Dwellers, where he acted as the Blindman while at the University of Ibadan. The great man of the theatre was President of University College, Ibadan Dramatic Society, where he adapted Moliere’s Les Fourberies de Scapin (The Trickeries of Scapin) to That Scoundrel Suberu. O SO qzĂŒĂŽ`O QMO \aLdW2M]O QW\O R\PMNj\O ]MXNMMO dissertation at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he wrote on Nationalism and the Irish Theatre. Adelugba later joined the teaching services of the University of Ibadan, where he retired in 2004. He spent his last teaching years as Emeritus Professor at the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, from where he retired hSRYYVOPTZOVMRN\ORXZ^O Newswatch Times gathered that thousands of Theatre Arts graduates and practitioners on the stage and screen in Nigeria and beyond owe him a debt of gratitude for his mentorship and fatherly counselling on their studies and Adelugba

The announcement was made on November 22, 2014 at the Ake Art and Books Festival held in Abeokuta, the Ogun State, Nigeria. According to the Director of Mabati Rolling Mills, Kenya, Sarit Shah, “Supporting literature and literacy is crucial to the development of a thriving culture, and Mabati Rolling Mills W\O eNZa]O PZO eNZUW]MO hSRScWRYO \aeeZNPO fZNO the foundation of a new venture in African language publishing. The new prize for Kiswahili Literature seeks to reward East African writers, artists and thinkers who, through their work, encourage literacy at all levels of East African society. We believe it is vital to reconnect the world of ideas with the practical world of business and commerce, and to do so with relevance to the communities which have been pivotal to success of our business in East Africa for over 50 years.� Also speaking, the Director of International SWPWRPWUM\ORPO ZNSMYYO SWUMN\WPVj\O 6cMOZfOPQMO WcMO NZUZ\POfZNO SPMNSRPWZSRYO CRWN\`O RaNWMO RdWRSW`O \PRPM]O PQRPO PQMO Z6cMO _W\O eYMR\M]O to co-sponsor this exciting new initiative, Under the leadership of Vice Provost Fredrik Logevall, we have taken steps to expand our robust array of international opportunities for the Cornell community and to provide additional avenues to deepen their understanding of our diverse global \ZcWMPV^O POW\ORSOQZSZaNOPZOLMOeRNPOZfORSOMCZNPO that promotes vibrant literary traditions and encourages meaningful interaction between the peoples of East Africa.� Meanwhile, the Board Member Ngugi Wa Thiong’o said that: “The Mabati-Cornell prize is a major intervention in the struggle for writing in African languages, for their place and visibility in the global sun of literary imagination. Prizes have generally been used to drown African Literature in African YRSXaRXM\O aS]MNO RO aNZeQZSMO oZZ]^O WPQO the Mabati-Cornell prize the dreams of Diop, A.C. Jordan, Obi Wali and others are very much alive. I hope that this prize becomes an invitation for other African languages to do the same and much more.� In the same vein, the co-founder Mukoma

Wa Ngugi said that the “prize recognizes that all languages are created equal and no one language should thrive at the expense of the other. But beyond that recognition, the Prize sets a historical precedent for African philanthropy by Africans and shows that African philanthropy can and should be at the center of African cultural production.� The Cornell Assistant Professor of English added that: “The prize recognizes that all languages are created equal and no one language should thrive at the expense of others. But beyond that recognition, the prize sets an historical precedent for African philanthropy by Africans and shows that African philanthropy can and should be at the center of African cultural production.� Primarily supported by Mabati Rolling Mills of Kenya (a subsidiary of the Safal Group), PQMOZ6cMOZfOPQMO WcMO NZUZ\POfZNO SPMNSRPWZSRYO CRWN\ORPO ZNSMYYO SWUMN\WPVORS]OPQMO fNWcRSRO Studies Center at Cornell University, the inaugural prize award will hold October next year. “The prize will be awarded to the best unpublished manuscripts or books in Kiswahili published within two years of the RTRN]O VMRNO WSO hcPWZS`O eZMPNVO RS]O dMdZWN`O and graphic novels. First-prize winners receive $5,000 in the categories of prose and poetry; second prize in any genre is $3,000 and third prize is $2,000. “The winning entry will be published in Kiswahili by East African Educational Publishers, and the best book of poetry will be translated and published by the Africa Poetry Book Fund. Award ceremonies will be held at Cornell and in Kenya and Tanzania. The three prize-winning writers will spend a week in residence at Cornell and a week at an additional partner institution,� the organisers added. Board of Trustees include: Abdilatif Abdalla t QRWNu`O a[ZdRO RO XaXW`O WyyVO 2NMM`O Happiness Bulugu, Walter Bgoya, Henry Chakava, Chege Githiora, Carole Boyce Davies, Rajeev Shah and Ngugu Wa thiong’o, among others.


Newswatch Times


Friday, December 5, 2014

Osundare bags honour well deserved ADA DIKE


elicitations and congratulatory dM\\RXM\O QRUMO cZSPWSaM]O PZO oZTOO like rivers to one of Nigeria’s literary icons, Prof Niyi Osundare, for being a recipient of the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM) by President Goodluck Jonathan for the 2014 edition. According to reports, President Goodluck

ZSRPQRSO ]McZNRPM]O \aS]RNMO TWPQO PQMO RTRN]OZSOWSO LaiROZSO McMdLMNOÎ`OpmqÎ^ SSZaScWSXO PQMO RTRN]`O PQMO QRWNdRSO ZfO the council of NNOM, Professor Etim Essien, described Osundare as an outstanding \cQZYRNO RS]O NM\MRNcQMNO TQZ\MO \MNUWcMO PZO QadRSWPVO WSO PQMO hMY]O ZfO QadRSWPWM\O QR\O successfully carved his name in gold in the hearts of people of this nation and many SRPWZS\OZfOPQMOTZNY]^O NNOM, according to Essien, is Nigeria’s highest and most prestigious prize for outstanding intellectual and academic R2RWSdMSPO TQWcQO QR\O MScZaNRXM]O RO QWXQYVO \WXSWhcRSPO SadLMNO ZfO PQMO LM\PO WXMNWRSO minds to seek accolades at home. Many people including the Executive Governor of Ekiti State, His Excellency, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, have sent congratulatory messages to the dramatist. Fayose described Osundare’s contributions to scholarship and research as unparalleled across the globe and added that the literary giant had carved a niche for himself as one RcR]MdWROPQRPOQR]O\RcNWhcM]OfZNOPQMOcZaSPNVO RcR]MdWcOPZOR2NRcPOXYZLRYONM\eMcP^ Born in 1947 in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, the essayist obtained degrees at the University of Ibadan (Bachelor of Arts), the University of Leeds (Master of Arts)

NUASSA holds First Anambra Day Celebration



RS]O ZN[O SWUMN\WPV`O RSR]RO t ZcPZNO ZfO QWYZ\ZeQVOt Q u`OqzĂ?zu^O The literary critic became a professor from 1989, Head of English at the University of Ibadan from 1993 to1997and became professor of English at the University of MTO NYMRS\OWSOqzzĂ?^ Some of his publications include: Songs from the Marketplace (1983), Village Voices (1984), Moonsongs (1988), Songs of the Season (1999), Selected Poems (1992),

Midlife (1993), Thread in the Loom: Essays ZSO fNWcRSO WPMNRPaNMORS]O aYPaNMOtpmmpu`O QMO Emerging Perspectives on Niyi Osundare (2003), Not My Business (2005) and Tender Moments: Love Poems (2006). ZdMO ZfO PQMO QW\O TZN[\O PQRPO TZSO RTRN]\O RNMĂ›O QMO VMOZfOPQMO RNPQOtqzĂ?ĂŒ`OTWSSMNOZfORO ZddZSTMRYPQO ZMPNVO NWyMORS]OPQMOeZMPNVO prize of the Association of Nigerian Authors) RS]O RWPWSXO RaXQPMN\Otqzzm`OTWSSMNOZfOPQMO ZdRO TRN]u`ORdZSXOZPQMN\^

he National Union of Anambra State Students (NAUSSA), SWUMN\WPVOZfO RXZ\O QRePMNOQR\O completed arrangement to hold its hN\PO� SRdLNRO RVO MYMLNRPWZSj^ QW\O TR\O NMUMRYM]O WSO RO \PRPMdMSPO made available to Newswatch Times by its organisers. WPQO PQMO QMdMÛO � QMO ZYMO of Agriculture and Youth Entrepreneurship’, the main aim of the celebration, according to the organisers, is to encourage the youths ZfO SRdLNRO PRPMOZSOPQMOSMM]OPZORCMcPO ZSM\O MSUWNZSdMSPO eZ\WPWUMYVO TWPQO RO productive mindset, a good sense of direction, the ability to take charge RS]O dR[MO WXMNWRO LM2MNO fZNO RYYO RS]O sundry. QMO ZccR\WZSO TWYYO QZY]O ZSO M]SM\]RV`O McMdLMNO qm`O pmqÎO RPO the Faculty of Arts Theatre, of the prestigious University of Lagos, RS]O PQW\O dRXSRSWdZa\O MUMSPO TWYYO be graced by top notch personalities including the President of the Federal MeaLYWcO ZfO WXMNWR`O W\O ncMYYMScV`O N^O ZZ]Yac[O LMYMO ZSRPQRS`O vO the Executive Governor of Anambra PRPM`O W\O ncMYYMScV`O QWMfO t N^uO WYYWMO ^O LWRSZ`OPQMO WcMO QRScMYYZN`O SWUMN\WPVO ZfO RXZ\`O NZf^O RQdRSO MYYZvO O MSRPZNO QNW\O XWXM`O NWScM\\O PMYYRO ]aRQ`O N\^O iaO fMiW[R`O N^O XQRYWMR[aO ^O NWSyMO RS]O N^O fMRSVWO Ubah, amongst others.

Cultural troupe, some Nigerian artistes thrill guests at Thermocool 40th anniversary party



Sisiano Dance Troupe performing at the event




ca\PZdMN\O PQRPO TMO TWYYO SZPO TRUMNO WSO ZaNO resolve to constantly ensure that through all of fRdWYVOLM\POdZdMSP\O_TMOTWYYORYTRV\OLMOPQMNMgO eNZUW]WSXO \aeeZNPO PQNZaXQO ZaNO TZNY]O cYR\\O innovative range of household appliances for RSOMSQRScM]OYWfM\PVYM`gO RP\W\OR]]M]^

63 49

Newswatch Times

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY December 5, 2014

Men of my generation are not romantic –Clarion Chukwura


Day Tonto Dikeh slapped her stylist with $3,300 *+/ *+/


Tope Olukole


ove don’t cost a thing but how does this love works if two does not agree? Nollywood actress, Clarion Chukwura, has described men of her generation as not being romantic. Clarion stated that men are full of themselves that they have large doses of carryovers from the generation of their parents and grandparents. She noted that despite the fact that her generation were not romantic, she feels that her son’s generation were more romantic than hers. “I would say that a greater percentage of Nigerian men are players; and the women have decided that PQMWNOLM\POTRVOPZOhXQPOLRc[O is to do what the men do. Now, both married men and women engage in MnPNRsdRNWPRYO RCRWN\^O ZO them, it’s no big deal, it is fun,� she said

Newswatch Times FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 2014

Men of my generation are not romantic -Clarion Chukwura


StarTimes wins NBMA, gives decoders away for Xmas


n recognition of its unmatched technical infrastructure and remarkable contributions towards making digital television accessible for every Nigerian, foremost RVs UO eNZUW]MN`O PRN WdM\O s PRNO MPTZN[O QR\O LMMSO adjudged the best Pay Digital O cQRSSMYO eNZUW]MNO TWPQO M\PO McQSWcRYO SSZURPWZSONMcMSPYVORPO PQMO pmqĂŽO WXMNWRSO NZR]cR\PMN\O MNWPO TRN]\O t uO WSO RXZ\^O QMORSSaRYORTRN]\OcMYMLNWty event, currently in its 5th edition, recognizes and celebrates outstanding broadcasters and innovators from all geo political zones in Nigeria; and is hosted RcNZ\\O]WCMNMSPOeRNP\OZfOPQMOSRtion. Receiving the award, Star WdM\O aLYWcO MYRPWZS\O RSRXMN`O \NRMYO ZYRiW`O \RW]O PQMO RVO

O eYRPfZNdO W\O ]MYWXQPM]O PZO LMO recognized for its meaningful contributions and technical innovations towards enhancing RccM\\OPZOxaRYWPVORS]ORCZN]RLYMO ]WXWPRYO PMYMUW\WZS^O ZYRiWO R]]M]O PQRPO PRN WdM\O TWYYO cZS\W\PMSPYVO consolidate its technical infrastructure, support local content and enhance television experience with rich and interesting channels for news, music, sports, cartoon, documentary and movies to ensure interesting digital television experience for all Nigerians, both old and young. ZO cZddMdZNRPMO PQMO fM\PWUMO season and ensure every NigeNWRSO MSiZV\O ]WXWPRYO O MneMNWMScM`OfZNMdZ\PO RVs OeNZUW]MN`O s PRNO MPTZN[O PRN WdM\`O has commenced massive free decoder give-away promos for everyone during the yuletide \MR\ZS^O QMOMncWPWSXOZCMNOW\OcZd-

ing ahead of the 2015 digital switch over and is aimed at offering every Nigerian an opportunity to own set-boxes required fZNOxaRYWPVO]WXWPRYO OMneMNWMScM^ From November 18, 2014 to

RSaRNVOlq`Opmqr`O PRN WdM\OTWYYO be giving away one free Star WdM\O]McZ]MNOPZOMUMNVZSMOTQZO subscribes for 1 month unique bouquet or for 2 months classic subscription. Y\Z`OROfNMMO PRN RPO O\RPMYYWPMO decoder plus dish will be given out to anyone who subscribes for 3 months Smart bouquet on StarSat. In addition, customers will be smiling home with exciting gift items in the on-going Ă? PRN WdM\O MR\ZSO ZYYVjO RS]O ‘StarSat Family Fiesta’ promos. PRN WdMO aLYWcO MYRPWZS\O RSRXMN`O \NRMYO ZYRiWO\RW]`O PRN WdM\O QR\OWSPNZ]acM]OPQW\OZCMNOR\OeRNPO ZfO WP\O NM\ZYUMO PZO ZCMNO R\O dRSVO

Nigerians as possible the opportunity to own decoders for free and enjoy the festive season with family and friends in high \eWNWP^O MOTMSPOZSO\RVWSXOTQWYMO the ‘Season Jolly’ promo is de\WXSM]O PZO MncWPMO PRN WdM\O a\ers; the ‘Family Fiesta’ promo is targeted at rewarding prospective and existing subscribers of PRN RPO O \RPMYYWPMO ]McZ]MN^O QMO\PRNOeNWyMOfZNOPQMOeNZdZ\OW\O six sets of luxury sofas and there are also consolatory items like YRde\`O PRN WdM\O ĂŽmO QZSM`O television sets and other giveaway prizes for subscribers. Grand draws for the promos would hold on December 15, and January 30. Winners can retrieve consolatory and giveRTRVOeNWyM\OfNZdORYYO PRN WdM\O business halls while the star prize is to be retrieved from the PRN WdM\OQMR]OZ6cMOWSO RXZ\^

Barry Showkey set to drop new album

he son of the Fuji creaPZNO YQRiWO W[WNaO VWS]MO RNNW\PMNO\RW]OQMOQR\OPR[en over the Fuji music where his father stopped. apart fNZdO PQMO fRcPO YQRiWO ]MTRYMO [RSiWO RNNVO QZT[MVO W\O SZTO [SZTSOLMOPZO dMNWcROLR\M]O aiWO artist, yet the love for the Fuji fans and Nigerians home and abroad inspired the son of “Mr aiWO _O YRPMO YQRiWO W[WNaO VWS]MO barrister to drop a new album fNZdO dMNWcRO ]ZTSO PZO WXMNWRO

Day Tonto Dikeh slapped her stylist with $3,300

for the best satisfaction of music lovers with a unique voices and dynamic lyrics. ]MTRYMO [RSiWO RNNVO Showkey started his music carrier at tender age,4yrs to be precised.he has been able to released dZNMOPQRSOfZaNO]WCMNMSPORYLad\O including ‘transformation’ which he sang to pay tribute to PQMOYRPMOĂ? aiWOWcZSjO NO W[WNaO VWS]MO RYZXaSOĂ? NO aiWjORSO LR]RSO man which everybody generally accepted as Fuji creator.

]MTRYMO [RSiWO RNNVO Showkey in an interview with news men he made it known to the general public that the entire Fuji singers all over the world appreciate their immense support on Fuji music. MRSTQWYM`O RNNVO QZT[MVO also made it known to Nigerians to await his new album titled ‘originality’ which shall hit the market by God grace latest 18th of December 2014,from d stable of 100% entertainment.

igeria’s fashion stylist and CEO ZfO j O Signature, Jeremiah Ogbodo, who happens to be Nollywood’s acPNM\\`O ZSPZO W[MQj\O\PVYW\P`O QR\OXZ2MSORO\QZc[MNOZfOVMRNO 2014, when he woke up to get a weekend gift of half a million naira from his cliMSP`O ZSPZ^ Jeremiah who could not hold back his joy, took to his social media page to make the joyful announcement with a picture of the cash on his Instagram page with the caption: “@tontolet u won’t kill me o. So @ tontolet came to visit Last WXQPO S]O R\[M]O ZNO VO RNO MV\`O cYRWdWSXO QMO ZNXZPO MNO We\O PWc[O SO VO RN^O O Z[MO aeO QW\O ZNSWSXO S]O ZaS]O UMNO

RYfO OdWYYWZSO RWNRO SO VO RNO WPQO OSZPMO QRPO RV\O O TRS[VO S]O dO W[MO ZQO ZTO QMOcNRyVO QWSX\O O ZO QNZaXQO Oia\POcRSjPOMneYRWS^O QRS[\O dRdWO TMM[MS]OPZQO R]P^g It is good that such a thing can happen from a friend, but how well should fans PNa\PO ZSPZO W[MQj\O XWUMs RTRVwO ZeMO WPO W\O SZPO RSother publicity stunt just PZO XRWSO dZNMO R2MSPWZSO R\O she is best known for creating controversies on social media just for bloggers to have what to write about


Newswatch Times FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 2014

Movie Rack!

Nigerians come down hard on Ronke Oshodi Oke & album launch photos

Title: A Place in the Stars Synopsis: Kim Dakim (Gideon Okeke), a young lawyer gets a client with a case that YMRUM\O QWdO cZSoWcPM]^O MO QR\O WSfZNdRPWZSOPQRPOcRSO\RUMOdRSVOYWUM\OWfOQMOeR\\M\O it on, but he also stands to make millions WfO QMO ]ZM\SjP^O SO RO UMNVO cZNNaePO cZaSPNVO where everyone loves money and no one cares how you make it, Kim sees this as QW\OcQRScMOPZOdR[MOWPOLWX^^O a]]MSYVOW\ORPO TRNOZSOPTZOfNZSP\`OZSMOPZO\PRVORYWUMORS]O the other against his conscience and everything he has been raised to believe is NWXQP^ Starring: Gideon Eche-Okeke, Segun Arinze, Yemi Blaque, Femi Branch Rating: 18 MSNMÛO a\eMS\MÞ ZNNZN Running time: 120 min



RNNMY\ZSO Rating: PG Genre: Action/Adventure Running time: 125min

P Title: Automata Synopsis:


iZNPO Ă NMS\MS`O VYRSO c MNdZ2O Rating: 18 Genre: Science Fiction Running time: 109 min

opular Yoruba actress, Ronke Oshodi [MOfZaS]OQMN\MYfOZSOPQMONMcMWUWSXOMS]OZfO QMRUVOcNWPWcW\d\OfZYYZTWSXOPQMONMYMR\MOZfO WdRXM\OcRePaNM]OfNZdOQMNONMcMSPORYLadO YRaScQ^ While some openly questioned her musical credentials, majority took straight shots at her accusing QMNOZfOLYMRcQWSXOQMNO\[WS^O MNPRWSOXaM\P\OTMNMOSZPO \eRNM]OfNZdOPQMOUMNLRYOZS\YRaXQPOR\OPQMVONMcMWUM]O TMNMORY\ZOQWP^ Below are some of the reactions from her album launch: Chike Odum: Lovely pictures NWMYMO QWdMyWMÛO ZS[M^^^O MYYO ]ZSMO ZQ^O UMNVbody now wants to be a musician Gladys: Music we may never love to listen to Ayodele:O ddddd^^^O Pj\ORYYOXZZ]OPQZaXQ^^^O j]O love to read the review though Olaleye Adisa: My people with overcrowded eRNPV^O SVTRV`O ZSXNRP\OPZOQMN

Uche Emma:O ZZY Vicky: Not bad Sylvia:O ZNaLRO fRcM\Ă&#x;O ZNaLRO dR[MsaeO MUMNVwhere Wilheminna:O ZS[M`OQRUMSjPOVZaOQR]OMSZaXQOZfO this cream that you have been drinking Please try lotion Sade:O YLadwO QMNMj\OhNMOZSOPQMOdZaSPRWS Pat:O YYO O\MMOW\OLYMRcQM]OfRcM\ORS]O ZNaLROeRNPVO lovers Grace:O SVQZTĂ&#x;O QW\OW\OXNMRP Neks:O ZdMO\cRNVOfRcM\OQMNMORNMOYW[MOTWPcQM\^O ZS[MOW\OROLMRaPWfaYOTZdRSORS]O OcZSXNRPaYRPMO her Sarah Sanni:O YYO YZZ[WSXO faSSV^O QMO \WSX\O SZTwO S]OPQMOYZZ[OZSO XRO MYYZj\OfRcMOW\OMeWc Ada Owerri:O ZSXNRP\Ă&#x; Ajanaku Oluwakemi: All these Yoruba actresses SMUROfRWYOPZO]W\\ReeZWSPOWSOPMNd\OZfO]NM\\WSXOsO RWĂ&#x; Ukbliss: Yoruba skin bleachers




Private Storm tells the story of rage and jealousy and abuse in relationships. In the opening scene, an invalid, Alex(Ramsey Noah) struggles to get into his wheelchair. He begins to soliloquise about his present condition. In a flashback mode,another scene shows Alex with his fiancee, Gina (Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde). The couple seem to be in a happy mood as the former heads off to play tennis. Gina takes the ay off and holds on production in her office. Her boss, Richie (Frankincense Eche-Ben) orders her in. A temperamental Alex storms the office and an argument ensues. Consequently, he forces Gina to resign against her own wish. After wards, he shows off his Queen to his friends, telling them about her transition from a career woman to a boutique owner!. Gina is so frustrated. In another part of the country, Jason Jibunoh(John Dumelo), a publisher and budding writer searches for the big story to publish. He heads home to his nagging fiancee,Lisa(Ufoma Ejenebor) and they pick up a fight. As expected, his woman feels threatened due to a third party(Another woman). The scene moves back to Alex who accuses Gina of flirting with other men at a party. In a furious rage, he drops her in the middle of no where!. A visibly shaken Gina begins to fret. Minutes later, he comes back and takes her home. Alex apologises for his irrational behaviour and promise to keep his temper in check. Thus, the relationship goes on. The morning after, Jason wakes up to find out that no thanks to Lisa, he has no clothes to wear to his meeting!. Worse still,no water to have his bath. Sadly, he shows up at work in a pair of slacks, tee-shirt and a thong which he mistakes for a handkerchief!. Gina begins to work at her boutique and a childhood friend, Tony Gomez(Blossom Chukwujekwu) pays her a visit. They begin to catch up on old times when suddenly, Alex shows up;jealous and angry for no reason. Gina seems fed up while Alex drives off causing an accident. She ends up in the hospital with minor bruises(Thankfully). The apologies seem to have become a routine now and for Gina, it’s time to end this raging storm in her life. Uju(played by Christian Ajisaje),Gina’s friend wonders how her friend got hurt. Apparently, Gina lied that she was hit while cross-

Newswatch Times


FRIDAY December 5, 2014

A Private Storm

Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde

Starring: Ramsey Noah, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde, John Dumelo. Ufoma Ejenobor, Ngozi Ezeonu. Produced by: Vivian Ejike Reviewer: Bukola Bakare ing the highway!. Still, she returns home to Alex. Viewers would become angry at this point. Meanwhile, Uju thinks that her friend is lucky to

have a man like Alex!(What an irony. If only she knew). As events unfold, Gina prepares for Uju’s party. Simultaneously, Jason’s

mother(Ngozi Ezeonu) longs to have her family back again. She pines for her estranged son and so does Jason’s sister,Katie (Tessy Oragwa). Waiting up for Alex till 1am,Gina leaves for Uju’s party without him!(Trouble looms). Alex returns home

shortly to an empty house, angry of course. Consequently, he locks Gina up in the bathroom. Clearly, she is tired and calls him a coward. In order to spite her, Alex brings in a hooker into their home and she bursts into tears. Jason heads off to Lagos to see Alex(Viewers realise that they are estranged brothers) but the latter refuses to see him due to family squabbles. Uju advises Gina to work things out with Alex who she considers a big fish. At this juncture, she reveals him as the jealous, raging lover. Uju is totally dis-appointed. Gina packs her stuff, drops her engagement ring and moves in with Uju. Alex returns to an empty home, visibly distraught at this development. Viewers wonder what will happen next. Will he go and search for Gina, will the couple make up,more importantly, will Alex settle his squabbles with his family?. Find out in the sequel to this movie. A Private Storm is quite an interesting movie as there was great acting synergy from Nollywood regulars; Ramsey Noah,Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde,Ngozi Ezeonu and neighbouring Ghana’s John Dumelo. Other acts didn’t dis-appoint, especially Christian Ajisaje who played the part of Uju. Her diction was superb as she delivered her lines well. Thumbs up for script writer and producer, Vivian Ejike.

Ufoma Ejenebor

Ramsey Noah

John Dumelo

Ngozi Egeonu

Newswatch Times FRIDAY December 5, 2014


Glitz & Glam


Bukola Bakare

Sound Sultan named creative producer for Hennessy Artistry finale


ound Sultan has been announced as creative director for the 7th edition of Hennessy Artistry’s VIP hSRYM^O Mj\O MneMcPM]O PZO LNWSXO PZO the event an all-new look and feel with groundbreaking scenery and performances. QMO XNRS]O hSRYMO QZY]\O RPO PQMO Landmark Event centre in VI,

Lagos tomorrow, December 6, 2014 and will see him script the whole show as well as coordinate choreographic performances. Hennessy Artistry 2014 headliners, 2Face and Wizkid as well as supporting acts, Reminisce, Skales, Shaydee, Orezi, Yung L, Endia, Yung GreyC, RunTown will LMOeMNfZNdWSXORPOPQMOhSRYM^

MULOAN hosts stake holders’ forum


ast week, the Music Label owners Association of Nigeria (MULOAN) put together a stakeholders forum which was meant to be a jaw jaw session. The event which was held at the Lagos State Television premises had top shots in the music industry WSO R2MS]RScMO WScYa]WSXO RYYO the major record label owners around. The chairman of the occasion was Tony Okoroji, the Chairman of the Copyrights Society of Nigeria. In his speech, Okoroji brought to light the new menace threatening the music industry and the ways at which to go around it. According to him, Alaba has stopped being a threat to record labels and distributors and the new culprit is the internet. “Before you will be afraid that some people will take your work and make copies of it u l t i - t a l - the troupe’s support all and then sell them but nowaented co- through.The show will days, things have changed. m e d i a n , also witness the presen- They will put your songs on A b i o d u n tation of awards to de- the internet and people just Aremu, aka Baba Sa- serving people.’ go there and download for biko & His comedy The comedian added free.â€? International (Tujuka) that invited guests inMULOAN President, Mr. who is also a thea- clude Prof. Sabitu Ari- Joel Ajayi expressed his detre- arts practitioner, yo Olagoke (Founder, light at the turn out of the broadcaster, singer, Shafaudeen in Islam, event and stated his belief composer, script-writ- worldwide and Dean, that resolutions made at the er, producer and ace Faculty of Engineering, conference will help push Masters of Ceremony Federal Poly, Ilaro Ogun (M.C) is set to organ- State), Pastor E.O Ade- the association and the Nigeise his yearly concert/ ribigbe (G.O, Holy Liv- rian movie industry forward. comedy day tagged ing Apostolic Church, Speaking about the associa“Tujuka Dayâ€? which Nigeria), Engineer Bisi tion he said, “MULOAN is he started in 1980 , on QW2a`O NWScMO MdW\WO the body of promoters of Sunday, December 7, Adeaga, L/Evang. Flor- musical artistes and mar2014. The annual event ence Amole, Barrister keters of musical products. Abiodun Our job is to discover people will take place at Omo Sarafadeen Ajorosun Club House, Ali, Oloye Lekan Alabi who have talents of music, Olubadan), add value to their talents Ibadan (Total Gar- (Ikolaba dens) Oyo State and El- Hajj Basiru Komo- through creative production would be graced by lafe, Hajj Yakubu Gbe- and artistic packaging. We old and new members deogun, Chief Deacon O SOR2M\PRPWZSOPZOPQRPOfRcPOW\OPQMO of the comedy & thea- Joseph Oni among oth- also bring t hem into public hit single ‘ Just Hold on’ featuring tre group which was ers, alongside two of the domain through extensive advertising . Tuface among other chart burst- formed in 1978. Group’s patrons (El-Hajj At the event were musiers eMR[WSXOPZO YWĂšORS]O Jare Sobaloju and Mr. cal legends, Dr. Ebenezer He recently released the video Glam on the event, the Yomi Olowe). Obey amongst other musito his latest single “Onye (Eji comedian said:- “It is to Baba Sabiko started cal greats. Saheed Oshupa, out as an artiste with Kolo).â€? give thanks to Remi Aluko, Lanre AtorGod and also give late Duro Ladipo TheaThe video was shot in Cape ise, Azeezat, Kamorudeen Town, South Africa and produced back to the society who tre in 1974 and formed Oloyin amongst others. has been the pillar of his own group in 1978. by Godfather Productions.

Joel El releases new video

Babab Sabiko to stage comedy concert



hen he came unto the Nigerian music industry, many wondered what artiste, Joel Amadi popularly called Joe El had up his sleeves. Within a short space of time, he was able to prove that he has what it takes to stay on top his game.

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IG sets up committee to dialogue with community leaders over insecurity *‰$1* %(5( -_{


he Inspector General of Police SuliedRSO LLR`O has set up RO \eMcWRYO cZddW2MM`O comprising of Police MneMNP\O PZO LNWSXO PZO RSO end the perennial communal clashes in the country through interface with the aggrieved communities and tra]WPWZSRYOYMR]MN\^ Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG), Christopher Dega stated this yesterday during a meeting with community leadMN\O ZfO ]WCMNMSPO PNWLM\O and religions from the 17 local government RNMR\OZfOPQMO\PRPM^ QMO cZddW2MMO TR\O charged with the re\eZS\WLWYWPVO ZfO MS\aNing an end to increasing communal clashes among communities in YRPMRaO\PRPM^ The AIG stressed PQRPO PQMO cZddW2MMO W\O

PZO eNZCMNO \ZYaPWZSO PZO the clashes, saying “the cZddW2MMO W\O cQRNXMO TWPQO PQMO NM\eZS\WLWYWties to put an end to the loss of lives through

cZddaSRYOcYR\QM\^g Dega who spoke on LMQRYfOZfOZPQMNOrO j\O fNZdOPQMO\WnOXMZseZYWPWcal zones of the country TQZO RNMO dMdLMN\O ZfO


charged with the re\eZS\WLWYWPWM\O ZfO fRcWYWtating dialogue among communities to avoid further communal cYR\QM\^

Police diffuse bomb in Jos *‰$1* %(5( -_{

„_€Q `QXQYZ[\][Q{ _~ z|Q .Š\]\ „z\zQ *_†Q]X€QXz  _€QX (€‡_ŠQ]€QXz 3]_ ]\€€Q [X 2€‚ $]\X .Š\]\ „z\zQ

Group despises zoning for credible, competent governorship candidate in Plateau *‰$1* %(5( -_{


head of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) governorship Primaries in Plateau State, a group under the aegis of Political Re-awakening Support Team has urged the People of Plateau State not PZO \RcNWhcMO cNM]WLYMO RS]O competent candidate on the alter of zoning PoliticRYOZ6cM\OWSOPQMO\PRPM^ Chairman of the Group,

ZS^O ZSRPQRSO dRS]MO made the call yesterday ]aNWSXO RO NM\\O LNWMhSX`O held at the Nigeria UnWZSO ZfO ZaNSRYW\P\O t uO NM\\O MSPNMO Z\`O YRPMRaO PRPM^

ZS^O dRS]MO \RW]O PQMO Group which hails from Plateau Central Senatorial Zone, stressed that Plateau Central are in support of Senator Gyang Pwajok due to his cNM]WLWYWPV`O cZdeMPMScMO and true conviction of his eZYWPWcRYORLWYWPVOPZOXZUMNSO the state with fairness RS]Oia\PWcM^ According to him “it is disheartening that political participation is distinctively polarized along ethnic, reliXWZa\ORS]O\McPWZSRYOYWSM\^O

The police chief said the community has visited Benue state, and discussed with stakeQZY]MN\vOPQMOcZddW2MMO hopes to visit other insecurity prone \PRPM\^ Community leaders who spoke at the meeting identify land disputes, poverty, religion and political difference as the major source of the violence in the \PRPM^ QMO cZddW2MMO WSPMNface with community YMR]MN\O WSO R\M`O RSXPRSX`O RN[WSs R]W`O WVZd`O Z\O ZaPQO R\\R`O


Hence, the call for rotation, we must shift from PQW\^O MO RNMO SZPO dZNMO ethnically and religiousYVO ]WUMN\MO PQRSO dMNWcR^O Yet, Americans do not clamour for rotational YMR]MN\QWe^ “It is not out of place fZNO MS^O VRSXO TRiZ[O to aspire to the governor-

ship of the state even if he hails from the same zone with the current ZccaeRSPO ZfO PQMO Z6cM^O America is the most deUMYZeM]O SRPWZSO LMcRa\MO WPO]ZM\OSZPO\RcNWhcMOcNM]WLWYWPVO PZO NZPRPWZS^O PO QR\O rmO \PRPM\^O PO W\O pprO VMRN\O of democracy, only 18 out of 50 states have pro-

duced the United State’s NM\W]MSP\g He argued that zoning is not a constitutional dR2MNOSMWPQMNOWPOW\ORO]Mdocratic principle, adding that it denies the state of cReRLYMOYMR]MN\OTQZOTWYYO transform the state to an MSUWRLYMOQMWXQP^


that “As for rotational leadership, the framers of our constitution like those of USA foresaw that it produces mediocNWPVO WS\PMR]O ZfO cNM]WLWYWPV^O PQSWcWPVONRPQMNOPQRSO political ideology plays more dominant role in the choice of Political YMR]MN\gOQMO\PRPM]^

2015 polls: Ahmed cautions against violence therefore frightened of defeat, sponsors thughead of gery and other forms 2015 polls, ZfOUWZYMScMg^ GoverThe Governor SZNO L- stated this yesterday d u l F a t a h TQWYMO oRXXWSXO ZCO O PQMO Ahmed of Kwara has qĂ?O [WYZdMPNMO NZLR]WsO cautioned the people Megida road project in of the state against in- Moro local government UZYUWSXOWSOUWZYMScM^O area of the State, esti MO ]M\cNWLM]O PQMO dRPM]O RPO RO cZ\PO RLZaPO people who promote zqqdWYYWZS^ violence as enemies of Ahmed also warned eNZXNM\\O TQZO da\PO LMO those who want to \QaSSM]O LVO RYYO NWXQPO cRa\MO PNZaLYM`O WS\PWthinking people of the gate violence or import State and others who thugs into the State uncrave good govern- der any guise that “the RScM^ people of Kwara reject According to him, them now and will re“only those who are ject them at the polls in afraid to test their pop- pmqrg^ ularity in a free and He maintained that fair elections and are road construction and BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin


NMQRLWYWPRPWZSOTMNMO[MVO components of his administration’s strategic infrastructure development programme under the Shared Prosperity IniPWRPWUM^ The Governor noted that despite the challenging economic times in the country, his administration’s development initiaPWUM\OTWYYOSZPOLMOQRYPM]`O adding that road projects such as Oke- Oyi RSTR`O YReRs RYMPM`O QRZs MLLRO RS]O YZNaO Township roads in the council area would LMO cZS\PNacPM]O WSO ]aMO cZaN\M^ He also assured the people of the lo-

cal government area PQRPO _ReRNPO fNZdO \WnO cZddaSWPWM\O PQRPO LMSMhPM]O fNZdO RYYZcRPWZSOO of transformers and 15 communities where LZNMQZYM\O TMNMO PZO LMO \aS[`OdZNMOTZaY]OLMSMhPOfNZdO\acQOfRcWYWPWM\O WSOPQMO]RV\ORQMR]g^ The chairman of Moro local government RNMR`O YQRiWO L]aYganiyu Mohammed underscored the \WXSWhcRScMO ZfO PQMO construction of the NZLR]Ws MXW]RO NZR]O to the council area, lamenting that only Ipaye district where the road falls has no tarred roads in all the hUMO ]W\PNWcP\O WSO PQMO YZcRYOXZUMNSdMSP^


olice anti LZdLO aSWPO ZfO the Plateau State Command yesterday averted what could have turned out PZO LMO LYZZ]V`O fZYYZTing reports of defused LZdLOeYRSPM]OSMRNO WSO City Primary School in

Z\`O PQMO YRPMRaO PRPMO cReWPRY^ It was gathered that PQMO LZdLO TR\O \eZ2M]O LVO RSO MRXYMsMVM]O \PRCO of the primary school, who promptly raised RSORYRNd^ However, the school authority now quickly call the police antiLZdLO PZO PQMO \cMSMO R\O they quickly rushed to PQMO \cMSMO RS]O ]WCa\M]O PQMOLZdL^ ZShNdWSXO PQMO WScWdent, the spokesman of the Special Task Force t uOZSO Z\OcNW\W\O Retain Ikediche Iweha said, “yes there was a LZdLO eYRSPM]O RPO PQMO premises of Tin City eNWdRNVO\cQZZYOWSO Z\g According to him, the timely intervention of PQMO eZYWcMO RSPWO LZdLO squad save the day as the IED was detonated LMfZNMOWPOcZaY]OMneYZ]M^ He urged the people PZO LMO UWXWYRSPO RPO PQMO yuletide and report any suspicious person ZNOZLiMcPOPZOPQMONMYMURSPO security agencies for eNZdePORcPWZS^





B/Haram storms Bajoga, Ashaka, flees after military push were said to be dressed in military uniform, arrived he Boko Haram in Bajoga, headquarters insurgents yes- of Funakaye Local Govterday stormed ernment Area of Gombe Bagoja and State and 60 kilometres Ashaka, two from Gombe, the state towns in Gombe State, capital, in a convoy of 20 raiding banks and burn- vehicles at about 7 am. Bajoga residents said ing government buildings as well as political the militants shouted “Allahu Akbar� (God is eRNPVOZ6cM\^O Both residents of Bajoga XNMRPMNuO RS]O hNM]O WS]W\and students of Federal criminately before burnGovernment Girls’ Col- ing down a police staYMXMO oM]O WSPZO PQMO La\QO PWZSOWSOROPQNMMsQZaNOLR2YMO for safety as Boko Har- with troops. A resident who escaped am insurgents stormed the town, heralded by said: “Sound of explosion sounds of explosions and and gunshots woke us up from sleep and we had gunshots. The insurgents, who to hurriedly leave to the NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


outskirts of town where I was calling you from.� “They raided two banks RS]O \MPO hNMO PZO Z6cM\O ZfO political parties. They also set sections of the local government secrePRNWRPO ZSO hNM`gO \RW]O Rbani Ashiru, a resident. Another resident, Sani Dankani, said the sound ZfO XaShNMO RS]O MneYZ\WZS\O fZNcM]O QWdO PZO oMMO into the nearby bush. “From where I’m standing, I can see billows of black smoke cZdWSXO fNZdO ]WCMNMSPO parts of the town,� he added. A schoolteacher, Sa’adu Balarabe, was

quoted as saying that troop reinforcements were sent from Gombe and a military jet which bombed the militants, forcing them to withdraw. With the troop reinfZNcMdMSP`O PQMO R2Rc[MN\O were said to have driven towards the town of \QR[R`O hUMO [WYZdMPNM\O away, near the border with Yobe State. At Ashaka, a source said, “They didn’t touch anyone.� O \PRCO dMdLMNO RPO PQMO cement factory, who R\[M]OSZPOPZOLMOW]MSPWhM]`O cZShNdM]O PQMO RccZaSPO and said the factory was

Permanent Secretary, Jigawa Ministry of Education, Alhaji Abdullahi Hudu (left) receiving a set of computer from DFID-funded Teacher Development Programme’s state coordinator, Hajiya Fati Abubakar, for teachers’ training in Dutse, yesterday.

evacuated before the attack. “Our fear was conhNdM]^O QMVO TMSPO WSPZO the factory and headed to the administrative building where company vehicles were parked,� the employee said. “They took away several Hilux (four-wheel drive) vans. They also went to the factory clinic and took away an ambulance along with drugs. They didn’t harm anybody.� The same plant was R2Rc[M]O ZSO ZUMdLMNO 4, when pick-up trucks and large quantities of industrial dynamite used in mining were also taken. QMO \PRCO dMdLMNO \RW]O the explosives had been moved since the last raid and although the militants looked for more, PQMVOTMNMOaSRLYMOPZOhS]O any. The Gombe State police spokesperson, DSP Fwaje Atajiri, told newsmen that the police had restored normalcy in PQMORNMRORfPMNOPQMOR2Rc[\O by the insurgents, but cZaY]OSZPOcZShNdOTQMPQer there was any casualty. He said, “There was an R2Rc[O ZSO RiZXRO RNZaS]O 8:30 am local time this morning by suspected gunmen. It was an unfortunate incident that had since been brought under control. It is a not a new thing. This has been

a phenomenon that we have to grapple with.� PRiWNWO RY\ZO cZShNdM]O that the gunmen also dR]MO RSO R2MdePO PZO YRaScQO R2Rc[O ZSO SMRNLVO Ashaka Cement Company but were repelled by gallant security personnel on alert. _ SOR2MdePOZSO \QR[RO was unsuccessful. We assure the general public that there is no cause for alarm. They should remain calm, go about their normal business and report any suspicious person or group to the nearest security agency, so that we proactively react by nipping it in the bud,� he said. QMOPTZOR2Rc[\OZSO RiZXRORS]O \QR[ROhPOROeR2MNSO of almost daily violence by the Islamists, who have taken over more than two dozen towns in the three TZN\PsRCMcPM]O\PRPM\OWSONMcent months. Boko Haram has frequently raided banks for funds to buy weapons, while burning down police stations, government and political party buildings is a sign of their opposition to government. Although not as badly hit by Boko Haram violence as Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states, Gombe State has seen a number ZfO R2Rc[\`O WScYa]WSXO RO bus station bombing in October which killed at least eight.

APC governorship candidates emerge nationwide BISI ADEDAYO (Ilorin), OLAIDE OYELUDE (Ibadan), KENNETH OFOMA (ENUGU), AMAKA AGBU (Port Harcourt)


overnorship candidates of the All Progressives Congress (APC) emerged nationwide before midnight on Thursday with Governors Abiola Ajimobi, Ibikunle Amosun and Abdulfatah Ahmed, respectively of Oyo, Ogun, Kwara states, leading the charge. QMO O oRXsLMRNMN\O WSO the governorship race include Okey Ezea (Enugu), Ortega Emerhor (Delta), Dakuku Peterside (Rivers) and Umana Umana (Akwa Ibom). In many of the APC state governorship primaries, collation of votes was in progress as at press time. The states include Abia, Adamawa, Ebonyi, Benue, Taraba, Niger, Kaduna, Kano, Kebbi, Plateau, Nasarawa, Katsina, Jigawa and Zamfara states. APC primaries did not hold in Gombe, Bauchi, Imo, Bayelsa states for in-

!"# !"$%& '!() *!(+'"+ ,(-(+$ )( *.(/ 0!/&/ /+( 12/3 #(/+(+$ his only opponent, Oken- ings. !#")( 4/& 5(22" 2(/) &3 explicable reasons. Also, Ondo, Ekiti, Osun, Edo, Anambra, Cross River, Kogi and Sokoto states will not be having their governorship elections in 2015 as the incumbents have not exhausted their tenure. Borno and Yobe are in the gale of insecurity occR\WZSM]O LVO LYZZ]YM2WSXO from the Boko Haram sect. About 3,016 delegates from across the 16 Local Government Areas (LGAs) ZfO TRNRO PRPMOR6NdM]OPQMO APC governorship candidature of Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, yesterday. The primary election held at the main bowl of Kwara State Stadium in Ilorin. Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Z6cMN\ONMcZN]M]OSWSMOWSURlid votes Responding to his afhNdRPWZS`O QdM]O \RW]O QMO was prepared to render more services to the youths and the entire state in general. His Oyo State counter-

part, Ajimobi also emerged the APC candidate, polling 4,662 votes. He defeated, Dr. Ayobami Wasiu Adesina, eldest son of former governor of late Alhaji Lamidi Adesina, who polled 22 votes. Ninety votes were declared void. Lumumba Adeh led a hUMsdRSOMYMcPZNRYOcZddWPtee which carried out the Oyo State congress. Ahmed and Ajimobi were not the only APC governors that emerged R\O oRXsLMRNMN\`O PQMO \RdMO applies to Amosun. The Ogun State governor was without a contender. Similarly, a two-time governorship candidate of Labour Party in 2007 and 2011, Okey Ezea was yesterday elected the governorship candidate of the APC in Enugu State. Ezea was returned by 3467 delegates across the state through the process ZfOR6NdRPWZSORPOPQMOeRNPVj\O state secretariat, Enugu. His only rival, Dr. Ifeanyi Asogwa, had earlier

stepped down for Ezea and is now contesting Nsukka/ Igboeze South federal constituency seat. Peterside emerged in Rivers State just as his main opponent, Senator Magnus Abe the Chairman of SenRPMO ZddW2MMO ZSO MPNZYMum Downstream shunned the APC governorship primaries that was held at the YfNM]O WMPMs eWCO MSPNM`O in Port Harcourt. Abe, a frontliner in the NRcMO PZO R2RWSO PQMO O governorship ticket, was dropped on Wednesday, November 26, following the endorsement of Peterside by the state caucus of the APC. Peterside, who won 3773 out of the 3914 votes cast at the primaries, said that in the days ahead he would present to the world the “Roadmap to Prosperity� for the state which would be the covenant of the party with Rivers people. In Delta State, Olorogun Ortega Emerhor was also elected unopposed when

mor Tilije walked out of the congress venue. In Lagos and Akwa Ibom states, all was set for the emergence of Akinwunmi Ambode and Umana Umana. While Umana confounded all comers, Ambode took the remnants of his opponents, namely Senator Ganiyu Solomon and Dr. Leke Pitan, to the cleaners. Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello was leading on the votes in the Niger State primaries. There was tight security at some other venues of the convention, especially in Kaduna, Kano and Plateau states. In Plateau in particular, delegates were subjected to serious screening before accessing the venue of the primaries at Crest Hotel in Jos. In Kaduna, exercise was conducted at the Kaduna International Trade Fair complex along KadunaZaria road with the agents from all the aspirants closely monitoring the proceed-

Among those who vied for the governorship ticket were former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, (FCT) Mallam Nasir el Rufai, a member House of Representatives representWSXO R[RNhs a]RSOfM]MNRYO constituency, Isa Ashiru, the Director General of the Progressive Governors Forum, Alhaji Salihu Lukman and former Kaduna State Accountant General, Sa’id Kajuru. APC primaries in neighbouring Kano State took a dramatic turn when the Deputy Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, Kawu Sumaila, gave up his governorship ambition for other contestants for the party’s gubernatorial ticket. Another top contender for the party’s governorship ticket, Alhaji Usman Alhaji was equally believed to have stepped down, leaving the stage for the deputy governor, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje and General Lawan Jafaru Issa.

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 1, No. 27

December 5, 2014



Dissection of Obasanjo’s prognosis


hen I received the invitation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to participate in the “Strategic Stakeholders’ Dialogue on Peaceful Elections in 2015� that held on Tuesday and Wednesday (December 3 and 4) this week at the NICON Luxury, Abuja, YW2YMO]W]O O[SZTOPQRPOPQMOWSUWPRPWZSOTZaY]OPaNSO out to be a double blessing. The UNDP and its partners, the Democratic Governance for Development Project (PGD), PQMO S\PWPaPMO ZfO MRcMO RS]O ZSoWcPO M\ZYaPWZSO t uO RS]O PQMO NRS\WPWZSO ZSWPZNWSXO NZaeO t uO]M\MNUMOROeRPOZSOPQMOLRc[OfZNO]ZWSXOPQMO needful on creating awareness and developing capacity for violence-free elections in the 2015 elections. When the counting is done, their contributions would count as part of the stones cast in the right direction. Apart from the profundity of the presentations dR]MORS]OPQMOWSPNZ\eMcPWZSOPQMOfZNadOZCMNM]O to a wide spectrum of Nigerians, it provided an opportunity for me to lay my hands, courtesy of a participant, on a widely reported speech. The speech was delivered by former President Olusegun Obasanjo at the book launch of the venerable “man of integrity, honesty, humility and correctness in all sense of those words�, as LR\RSiZOeaPOWP`O ZSZaNRLYMO a\PWcMO a\PReQRO Akanbi (rtd.) last Tuesday. Though the reportage of the former President’s address had been weaved around his criticism of President Goodluck Jonathan and the National Assembly by the media, the \aLiMcPOdR2MNOZfOPQMOPQZaXQP\ORS]OPQMO\eMR[MNj\O pan-Nigerian fervour were sadly buried in the heap of sensationalism. His speech has a magnetic pull and this unputdownable aura that are typically infectious. As a strategic stakeholder in the Nigerian project, Chief Obasanjo centred his address on four burning issues in Nigeria: security, corruption, youth unemployment and the economy. His understanding of these issues is deep and his insights are thought-provoking. There is no doubt that a dispassionate focus on the four critical issues would lead Nigeria out of her sorry situation. Apart from providing gripping national statistics that shows the backwardness of the North East at the levels of education, infant mortality, maternal mortality and poverty, hence a context for implosion, his handling

of the four subjects reveals his versatility. On security, for example, he refers to those who see Boko Haram insurgency from the religious prisms as “the enemies of this countryâ€?. According to him, “Boko Haram is a menace and a dangerous one at that, but why must it be emphasized as an Islamic jihadist? Both words are unhelpful in the context of our own situation which requires bi-partisan and collective national understanding of the issues at stake and action to be taken‌A menace is a menace, a thief is a thief, a terrorist is a terrorist; not a Christian thief or an Islamic thief.â€? He


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. – Albert Einstein

RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji 07089781189 (SMS Only) to soil their hands�. He decried youth unemployment while warning that it could lead to youth anger and explosion. He also unpretentiously stated what the state of the economy is: in the doldrums. The address is a food for thought, a forthright prognosis of the disaster ahead if the current situation is not addressed seriously. At the Stakeholders’ Dialogue, where I read PQMOR]]NM\\`OZfORYYOPQMOeNM\MSPRPWZS\OZfOPQMOhN\PO day, none struck a chord in me more than that of the immediate past Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ilorin and former President of the Association of African Universities (AAU), Prof. Is-haq O. Oloyede. For many who know him, Prof. Oloyede is esteemed as one of the biggest blessings of God to Nigeria. For those

Obasanjo also upbraided those who emphasise and politicise religious division in the country. After dealing with security, he went ahead to address the remaining three issues with hSM\\M^O QZaXQO QW\O cQRNRcPMNW\RPWZSO ZfO PQMO National Assembly as corrupt received much R2MSPWZS`O WPO ]W]SjPO dR2MNO PZO dRSVO PQRPO QMO acknowledged that “there are still honourable and distinguished men and women in the National Assembly who will do nothing

who do not, unfortunately, Lord Denning NMXNM2M]OPQRPOWXSZNRScMOW\OROdW\fZNPaSM^ In his presentation, “The Need for Peaceful Elections in 2015â€?, he called a spade a spade TQWYMO ]NRTWSXO R2MSPWZSO PZO PQMO eYWXQPO ZfO PQMO victims of the violence that trailed the 2011 elections especially in Kaduna and elsewhere. He drew on the reports of the International Crisis Group (ICG) released on November 21, pmqĂŽO RS]O PQMO NM\W]MSPO ZddW2MMO ZSO pmqqO

Electoral Violence chaired by Dr Sheikh Lemu to amplify the fears on 2015 elections. eMcWhcRYYV`OPQMO OSZPM]OPQRPO_PQMOcZaSPNVO is heading towards a very volatile and vicious MYMcPZNRYOcZSPM\Pg^O MONMXNM2M]OPQRPOPQMO M]MNRYO ZUMNSdMSPO PQRPO \MPO aeO PQMO ZddW2MMO ZSO 2011 Electoral Violence has not implemented the report, which addresses the causes of electoral violence and the way to curb it. The analysis of Prof. Oloyede is that guarding against violence requires justice and good governance so that what happened in 2011 would not repeat itself. His practical suggestions on preventing violence in the next elections lay in pre-election, election and post-election activities and strategies that government especially and the stakeholders at large have to implement. Both Chief Obasanjo’s prognosis and Prof. Oloyede’s analysis are crucial peaceful elections in Nigeria. It is important as the election approaches that the terrible insurgency going on in the country be stripped of its fake, dubious and mischievous religious toga. Evil does not have religion and sincerity and professionalism should be the watchwords of those in charge. QMOZSYVO\SRXOW]MSPWhM]OLVOPQMO\PR[MQZY]MN\O is that politicians, both in government and outside government, are not interested in peaceful elections, there are only interested in winning them. The renaissance needed in this regard borders on the need for political actors to cultivate the spirit of sportsmanship and LMOcZddW2M]OPZOeMRcMOWSOTZN]\ORS]OWSORcPWZSO from now till the elections and afterwards. ÛO O O O O QMO QW\PZNWcO XNRS]O dZ\xaMO ZfO RSZ`O hN\PO built in the 15th Century and rebuilt in the mid-19th century, was bombed last Friday as worshippers were set to observe their prayers. ZNOPQMOhN\POPWdMOWSOÎmmOVMRN\`ORO adRRPOeNRVMNO was stopped as several people, perhaps more than 100, were killed and others critically injured through explosions and targeted shootings. QMO]MUR\PRPWSXOR2Rc[\OcRdMOSZPOYZSXORfPMNO the Emir of Kano urged people to defend themselves against the terror of Boko Haram. As we pray for the repose of the dead and wish the injured speedy discovery, we can only hope that the atrocities unleashed on Nigerians by murderous gangs prowling the land will come to an end one day. Three things are needed to survive this world of peril: someone to love, something to do and something to hope for. Let us love, let us act and let us hope.

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH TIMES LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. DELE FASHOMI

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