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Daily Newswatch

South West

Friday, October 17, 2014

Jonathan alone can’t develop Nigeria – Lagos First Lady

OPC’s absence, not Ebola marred Osun Osogbo festival – Adams



in secondary schools. competition was aimed to- Deji Haastrup, said: art, we are challenging our “We urge other corporate wards raising and sustain“Sponsorship of the com- youths to develop problemorganisations and individu- ing students’ interest in the petition is also in line with solving and team- building irst Lady of Lagos als to emulate NNPC/ Chev- kjY[ \ Xq\ ^\ w [\ ]^wj` ^\ the company’s vision of skills without losing their State, Mrs Dame ron Joint Venture’s gesture arts as well as promoting the helping Nigeria to lay foun- competitive dispositions. In Abimbola Fashola, towards helping in develop- spirit of healthy competition dation of creative and pro- addition to sponsoring the has said that devel- ing the young talents in our among schools. ductive youths who by vir- National Art Competition, oping the country country.” ^% \W X\Wwk\]^ ]^k^ j^[\ tue of their education can we continue to increase apWXYZ[\ ]^_Y`]^\ ^%X]jk\ Xq\ wZZ\ Meanwhile, Managing by the company’s General stand tall among their peers preciation of the arts among Nigerians, but not only Pres- Director of Chevron, Clay Manager (Policy, Govern- in any part of the world. Nigerians through various ident Goodluck Jonathan’s. ^% \ ^ wk`k^[\ j wj\ j ^\ ^ j\ w [\ Y Z` \ %w`]k \ “Through the vehicles of arts programmes.” Fashola spoke while appraising the art work of one of the contestants during the National Art Competition for Nigerian secondary schools, which was organised by Chevron/NNPC Joint Venture, stressing that Nigeria with its complex challenges as explicitly depicted in some of the art expressions should make history to be a compulsory subject in the secondary school’s curriculum towards enabling the students to w ^\ ^)^]\ Y [^]kjw [` \ of the country, which could w ^\ k` ` w j\ ` w j\ ` \ their expression. She commended organisers of the competition for creating opportunities for Nigerian youths to showcase their talents and providing strong pedestal for j ^ \jX\ ^ X ^\qYZZ ^[ ^[\ artists as well as demon- L-R: Former Governor of Lagos State, Alhaji Lateef Jakande; Commissioner for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Prince Gbolahan Lawal; Govstrating unalloyed commit- ernor Babatunde Fashola (SAN) and Vice-Chairman of All Progressives Congress, Lagos State Chapter, Cardinal James Omolaja Odunmment to developing and baku; during the 2014 World Food Day/Agric Value Chain Empowerment organised by Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Photo: Abiodun Omotosho nurturing talents of students at Oko-Oba, Agege...yesterday.


Why Lagos prison inmates protested, by NHRC FOLAKE SOKOYA


ational Human Rights Commission \ wk\ disclosed that the protest staged by some inmates of Kirikiri Medium Security Prisons, Lagos was caused by the enforcement of rule of law by authorities of the prison. Executive Secretary of NHRC, Professor Bem Angwe, told journalists in Lagos yesterday after tour of facilities and on-spot assessment of the prison during which he met with its XD `wZk\w [\Z^w[^]k\Xq\j ^\ inmates. Angwe said after meeting with all the parties, NHRC discovered that the protest staged by the inmates was not for their welfare but rather against enforcement of rules in the prison. “We have interacted with all parties including the inmates. All the parties were frank in their discussion. ^\w]^\kwj`k ^[\W`j \j ^`]\ explanations. “It is our responsibility to protect the rights of everyone in the

prison including the inmates. We would ensure that all rights of the inmates in Nigerian prisons are meant. We, however, want to say that rules of the prison must not be compromised in any guise. With the security challenges across the country, the prison’s authorities must regulate the number of

visitors per time. “We would submit our report to the appropriate authorities and recommendations would be made also. There is need for government to make our prisons habitable with all basic facilities.” Meanwhile, Comptroller of Prisons in Lagos State, Vincent Ubi, who received

NHRC team, commended the agency for partnering the Nigerian Prisons Service \ jXWw][k\ ^ w ` \ `jk\ \X ^]wj`X k Deputy-Comptroller of Prison in charge of Kirikiri Medium Security Prisons, Lagos, Kayode Odeyemi, later briefed NHRC team on every issue that happened on the day of the

protest, saying that one of the inmates, Christopher Dibia (popularly known wk\ ^ ^]wZ\ ^]k^^] \ wZlegedly instigated some Christian inmates against the authority. It would be recalled that some inmates of the prison protested alleged restriction on their freedom on October 10.


eader of O’odua Peo Z^k\ X ]^kk\ \ Otunba Gani Adams, has disclosed that low turnout was experienced at the last Osun Osogbo festival following non-participation of his group. Adams spoke Wednesday during a meeting of the socio-cultural group, which was held at Ake, Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, revealing that Osun State Government told him and his group not to participate in the festival as usual ostensibly towards curbing the spread of XZw\ `]Yk\ `k^wk^\ He emphasised that OPC promoted the festival to the point of being recognised internationally and has since ^^ \w)]w j` \k^ ^]wZ\jXY]ists from within and outside the country annually for its celebrations. “We in OPC have used our group to preserve and promote our traditions and cultural heritages towards preventing them from going into extinction including Osun Osogbo festival, which has been recognised by international community. “I was in Paris when I received a phone call from Osun State Commissioner for Tourism asking us not organise our programme for Osun Osogbo to curb the spread of Ebola. “He said judging by the number of people thronging the event, people of the state would be at the mercy of Ebola-infected persons. We complied and I appealed to my people who have already expended so much in preparation for the festival so that we would not be blackmailed in case there is a case of Ebola in the state after the festival.”.

Ondo lawmaker set for APC against Mimiko’s defection to PDP PETER DADA, Akure


here is strong indication that the lawmaker representing Ilaje Constituency II in Ondo State House of Assembly, Gbenga Edema, has concluded plans to join All Progressives Con ]^kk\ \ It was gathered that Edema has parted ways with Governor Olusegun Mimiko as well as met with the leadership of APC and promised to announce his defection to the party any moment from now. It was further gathered that it was only Edema who, at the last plenary session of the Assembly, refused to sign the

Z^)^]\ Xq\ ` j^ j\ k` ^[\ \ `k\ colleagues to defect to Peoples ^ X ]wj` \ w]j \ \wqj^]\ Mimiko’s declaration some weeks ago. The lawmaker was reported to have refused to sign the Z^)^]\Xq\` j^ j\X \j ^\ ]XY [\

that he has not consulted members of his constituency on the defection. A close source to him revealed that Edema is not interested in joining PDP because of the several unresolved misunderstandings

between him and leadership of the party in Ilaje Local Government Council as well as the recent cold war between him and Mimiko. Meanwhile, the state Chairman of APC, Isaac Kelemeke, said when addressing journal-

ists recently that some members of the Assembly who do not want to follow Mimiko to PDP are already discussing with the leadership of APC and the party is preparing the ground to welcome them into its fold.

Two kids burnt days before birthday celebrations in Ibadan OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan


WX\ `[k \ wj w `^Z\ ¢ \ w [\ wX `\ w wZXZw\ £ \ who have being preparing for their birthday celebrations tomorrow were burnt to death Wednesday evening at Oloronbo Basorun area of Ibadan, Oyo State capital. An eyewitness told Daily Newswatch yesterday that

j ^\ ]^\ ` `[^ j \ W ` \ X sumed Nathaniel and Naomi, was caused by power surge. ^]^\ W^]^\ X ` j` \ kjXries about the whereabouts of the kids’ mother during the tragic incident, though the woman was on admission in a private hospital for shock as at press time. A version of the report re-

vealed that the woman went to buy tissue paper, while another claimed that she was with a male neighbour in oth^]\ wj\` \j ^\kw ^\ Y`Z[` D `wZk\Xq\ ]^\k^] ` ^\ XYZ[\ not save the situation as the apartment was in the second XX]\ Xq\ j ^\ X ^ kjX]^ \ Y`Z[ing and two of the people residing in the house, Sunday

Fadare and Mrs A Adebukola kw`[\j ^`]\^%X]jk\jX\]^k Y^\j ^\ children were futile. However, the children’s corpses have been taken to a morgue pending arrival of their father, who works in Dubai but got to Lagos State early yesterday for the kids’ birthday slated for the weekend.

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014


Nine get NYSG State award in Anambra ALPHONSUS EZE, Awka


ine Youth C o r p s members of 2013 Batch ‘C’ who passed out yesterday after their service year in Anambra State won the National Youth Service (NYSC) State Honours Award.

The awardees who were selected from the 25 Corpers shortlisted from individual Community Development Projects were, the best Corps member of the year in the state , Idogwu Kinsly from Delta State, Kadiri Patience, Alfred Uwankamtom, EfŒXˆ‰\ …w]Z^k•\ ‰Ywˆw[^\ Kola, Rotimi Odunayo, Ene Christopher, Abioye Ayobami and Adeakin Olayiwade However three were selected for the State Governor cash and gift award.

They are Idogwu who received a laptop and N200,000 cash, Patience, laptop and N150,000 cash and Alfred who came third and got laptop and N100,000. In his speech, Governor Obiano charged the outgoing corps members to make worthy contribution to the development of the country, saying that this is the time for them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired from their various institutions and ex-

perience gathered during their service year. He challenged them not to allow their nation building process terminate with the completion of their service year as there are still more areas their services are need. He extolled the contribution of the NYSC to the development of the country, especially in the area of national unity, education and healthcare delivery as well as infrastructure and agricultural sectors.

In her address, the Coordinator of NYSC in the state, Mrs. Bassey Ekpe, said that 1, 885 corps members of 2013 Batch C were discharged from the service, lamenting however that three NYSC members died during the year, two lost to accident while the other died of natural sickness. He commended Governor Obiano, who handed a cheque of half a million to the Coordinator for his constant support to the scheme in the state.

Okorocha never contemplated leaving APC for PDP, media aide EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri


overnor Owelle Rochas Okorocha, of Imo, has never contemplated leaving the All Progressives Congress (APC) for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), this position was made know by the SSA Media to the Governor, Sam Onwuemeodo. According to him, Nigerians, and indeed, the good people of Imo State in particular must have read some newspaper reports alluding that the Imo State NNAH DOUGLAS Abuja Governor, Owelle Okoroince the creation of cha is at the moment nethe state in 1967, hisgotiating to join the PDP, tory was made yesterand which would mean his day at the Wadata Plaza leaving his party APC. and Headquarters of the “The report was credited People’s Democratic Party to an ultimately strange (PDP), in Abuja, when a group, Imo Progressives female candidate from and Consultative AssemKalabari community in bly, and also with two River State, Biobele Dovague names, Nze Benjadoyi Odesola picked her min Irohah, and Benjamin nomination form to run Ogoke, signing as coordifor the number one plum job in the state in 2015. nator and secretary of the However, Daily group respectivelyâ€?. Newswatch learnt that Stressing that the group apart from Mrs Odesointending to make the la, other aspirants who falsehood look real, said will have to sweat it out for the fact that two PDP with the female politigovernors, Chief T.A. Orji Â?`wˆ\ wˆ[\ Â…w†^\ Â?XˆŒ]Š^[\ of Abia state and Gosdswill that they have also picked Akpabio of Akwa Ibom the forms include Prince kjwj^\w)^ˆ[^[\jÂ…^\W^[[`ˆ‰\ Tonye Princewill, Chief of Governor Okorocha’s Pawariso Samuel Horsedaughter last weekend, it fall, Engineer Emmanuel was part of the Imo govGeorgewill as well as Hon Ibinabo Michael West. ernor’s negotiation to join In his reaction to the the PDP, and they had folAnambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and Commissioner for Education, Anambra State, Prof. Kate Omendevelopment, Secretary lowed the false claim up by ugha, during a tour of the primary and nursery schools in the state...yesterday. of one of the umbrella asking President Goodluck body of Jonathan Support Jonathan not to allow GovGroup otherwise called ernor Okorocha to join the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan PDP. (GEJ) Quest 2015, John Fi- EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, to re-unite with their fami- prison inmates was borne the State. “As a busy government warigbama commended Owerri He commended the Imo lies and pledged to be of out of his desire to extend what he described as a State Government for its we won’t allow Nigerians good conduct in the society. magnanimity to them as he 16 Prison inpositive move made by magnanimity and en- especially Imo people to Addressing the inmates was recommended by the mates granted of Owerri Prison, the Chair- Â?XŠŠ`)^^\ wˆ[\ Ww]ˆ^[\ jÂ…^\ joined the inmates to re- be deceived. The PDP in the only female contender freedom by the Šwˆ\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ XŠŠ`)^^\ Xˆ\ ‡^ˆ^ÂŒÂ?`w]`^k\jX\kjw–\Â?Z^w]\Xq\ frain from crime. “Always Imo state was responsible while also applauding her Imo State Gov- Prerogative of Mercy and all forms of criminal tendenw†X`[\Â?Xˆ‘`Â?j\W`jÂ…\jÂ…^\ wW\ for the falsehood. They brave and courageous step ernor, Owelle )X]ˆ^–\ ^ˆ^]wZ\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ cies as they are integrated and things that will bring ÂŒ]kj\ÂŽZwˆj^[\jÂ…^\qw]Â?^\`ˆ\wˆ\ which he said was borne out of the desire to bring Rochas Okorocha has ap- State, Mr. Chukwuma Ma- back into the society, while you back into the Prison. Owerri based tabloid, we about meaningful change plauded the Governor for chukwu Ume (SAN) who assuring them that govern- Don’t say the Prison is full ignored them, then they his compassion in granting was represented by the ment has made plans to asand can’t admit you;â€? he decided to hide under a in the state. warned. He spoke: “Biobele’s them amnesty during the Secretary of the Commit- sist in their rehabilitation. motley group to push the Some of the freed inmates, The Comptroller, Imo historic step is one that 54th Independent Anniver- tee, Barr. Jude Nwokonkwo Mr. Austin Chukwuemeka belated lies to national said the event was to prop- State Prison Command, should be commended by sary of the Nation. Some of the freed inmates, erly document records as Mr. Ifeanyi Amaliri said who was convicted for life newspapers. And it all the good people of Rivers State as well as her party who spoke at the Owerri regards the process of their the occasion was to formal- but had spent 17 years, shows the pitiable level the the PDP and other good Prisons while signing their release and ensure that ap- ize the release of the 16 in- wrote a book while in pris- party has degenerated to in Bond of Good conduct, ex- propriate records are kept. Xˆ\ ^ˆj`jZ^[\ \ \ Imo state. And they do all mates granted prerogative Nigerians. IN RIGHTEOUSNESS these to deceive the presiHe said the Governor’s de- of mercy after 5 years such I also believe that her pressed joy that they have been given an opportunity \ \ Â&#x; cision to free the deserving exercise last took place in dent by giving him wrong ÂŽwkk`Xˆ\ jX\ ^%^Â?j\ kXÂ?`XÂ? economic changes and the picture of the status of the need to reposition the oil party in the state. ]`Â?Â…\ kjwj^\ qX]\ jÂ…^\ ‡^)^]If truth is sacred, then ment of all should be sup- EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, we owe Nigerians the ported by all stakeholders, Owerri truth. And the truth on she has also proven that He assured that the pointing out that “this will jÂ…`k\ Šw)^]\ `k\ jÂ…wj\ X†^]made this known while on gender can never be a barhe Imo State facility tour of the project bank would be adequately help the ordinary people nor Okorocha has never rier towards achieving government has funded by the State, stress- in the village, the peasant contemplated, and to say headquarters in Owerri. greatness in life,â€? he said. revealed plans ing that about N2 billion farmers, traders to access the least, does not think Okorocha disclosed Fiwarigbama, also bejX\ ‘Xwj\ `Â?]X\ about joining the PDP, bethat the State government has been earmarked for loan.â€? lieve that the only female Finance Bank in He further said that all cause there is no reason for aspirant who has impact- each of the 637 Commu- in partnership with the the project. Owelle Okorocha de- Community Government that either at the moment ^[\ kX\ ŠYÂ?Â…\ jX\ jÂ…^\ ‡^)^]Central Bank of Nigeria nities of the State, with its ment of the downtrodden has equally obtained cer- kÂ?]`‡^[\ jÂ…^\ ŒˆwˆÂ?`wZ\ `ˆkj`- Council (CGC) accounts or in the nearest future esand the grassroots in the headquarters at Okigwe j`ÂŒÂ?wj^\ wˆ[\ Â?XŠŽZ^j^[\ wZZ\ tution as a dream come would be created in the pecially when the PDP is state, will no doubt give Road Owerri. necessary documentation through in the present Imo Micro Finance Banks now stagnant in Imo state, The State Governor other candidates a run for administration’s bid to al- for easier access to the thinking about which leg to qX]\kŠXXjÂ…\jw‹^\X%\Â&#x; Owelle Rochas Okorocha their money. leviate poverty in the state communities. ÂŽYj\qX]Ww][\ÂŒ]kj°Â&#x;

Rivers 2015: Biobele becomes first female guber aspirant


16 freed inmates commend Okorocha, Nigerian prisons


Imo set to float 637 micro finance banks ‌project to gulp N2 billion


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

South South



Edo Assembly crises: APC faction gives EFCC 24-hour to release principal officers THANKGOD Benin



he principal members of the troubled Edo State House of Assembly have been detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), in Abuja, the nation’s capital. Hon. Uyi Igbe, who is the Speaker, Majority Leader, Hon. Philip Shaibu, (Etsako West Constituency 2) and the Chief Whip, Hon. Folly Ogedegbe (Owan East Constituency) were reportedly detained in Abuja on Wednesday, 15th October after they honoured the Agency’s invitation. The three lawmakers, who are all members of the All Progressives Congress, APC, have been charged with forgery of a fellow lawmaker’s signature, in order to perfect an impeachment against the Deputy Speaker, Hon Festus Ebea, who leads the PDP faction of the Assembly. Daily Newswatch learnt that during plenary on Monday, the lawmakers had announced that the anti-graft agency invited them to ap ^w]\ ` \ `jk\ Y»w\ XD ^\ X \ Wednesday, 15 October.

They had linked the invitation to the ongoing crisis in the State Assembly, adding that they are being persecuted by the PDP-led Federal government. Shaibu had two weeks also ago informed journalists that he had been compelled to

appear before the EFCC 18 times in the recent past. Addressing the press yesterday, members of the APC faction of the Assembly has threatened to raise hell if the EFCC fails to release its leaders within 24 hours. Addressing news men

at the Legislative Quarters, Hon. Kabiru Adjoto, representing Akoko Edo 1 condemned the arrest, describing it as inhuman, as Speaker Uyi Igbe, who had collapsed twice on Thursday was denied medical care by the agency. He also accused

President Goodluck Jonathan of ordering the arrests, stating that the accusations are not within the mandate of the agency. It would be recalled that over 100 hoodlums had on Saturday overran Edo Legislative quarters, riddling

Crime: It is now fire for fire – Delta CP OWOLOLA ADEBOLA

L-R: Chairman, Niger Delta Ministers Forum, His Eminence Julius Ediwe; Leader, Rivers State Converge, Mr. Nimi Walson-Jack and his wife, Didi, at the prayer for Nigeria and President Goodluck Jonathan in Port Harcourt, Rivers State…yesterday.

60 years old rapes 11-year old primary school girl in Bayelsa UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa here was palpable fear in Nembe communities of Nembe local government Area of Bayelsa state following an alleged rape of an eleven years old primary school girl by a sixtyyears old titled chief from the community.


The rapist would have been lynched by angry mob but for the intervention of some chiefs from the area who shielded the man and took him to the community police station. The action of the chiefs, according to community sources, have thrown the Ogbolomabiri and Bassanbiri communities of Nembe Area

into a tensed mood over the alleged refusal of some top chiefs from the area to allow the full wrath of the law be meted to the rapist. The rape incident, which occurred last week, has created a lingering tension in the area. The Bassanbiri and Ogbolomabiri communities have over the years been sworn enemies and suspi-

cious of one another. It was gathered that the 60 ^w]k\ XZ[\ ]w `kj \ `[^ j` ^[\ as Inabiah Isaiah popularly known as CO2, was caught red handed having carnal knowledge of an 11 year old minor (names withheld) after luring the girl to his house. An eyewitness account said that “after the mob caught him in the act and his confes-

APC threatens to suspend members over litigation JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar


he All Progressives Congress, APC, Cross River State, has threatened to suspend nine of its members for refusing to withdrew a case they instituted

against the party over June 2014 congress. In a chat with Daily Newswatch yesterday, Mr Bassey Ita, Media Aide to the National Vice Chairman, South South, Mr Hilliard Eta, said ultimatum given the nine members to withdraw the case had since expired.

Ita explained that the APC members had dragged the party to court over the June 2014 congress which they felt was fraught with discrepancies. He said, “following the development, the national echelon of the party, through the South XYj \¼X wZ\XD ^\`kkY^[\

2015: Dickson makes case for more women legislators UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa


head of the 2015 general elections, the Bayelsa state Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson has called on the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) stakeholders in the state to give more slots to the women folk for representation in the state’s House of Assembly. Governor Dickson said the hitherto one female member in the House is not good

36 cars with bullets and destroying homes and property worth millions. The APC faction of the Assembly had accused the PDP of hiring the assailants, an accused the PDP had stoutly denied. Meanwhile, Talakawa’s Parliament, a civil society organisation in Benin has called on Edo citizens to reject the 24 members of the Assembly, stating that they do not mean well for the people. In a press statement made available to journalists, Talakawa’s Parliament argued that any government that does not provide the basic needs of the people, as well as welfare has lost its constitutional rights to continue in power.

enough for a gender friendly government, and announced his intention to have at least three women from the three senatorial districts of the state elected in the House of Assembly. The Governor made this known yesterday in Yenagoa during an enlarged meeting of the leadership of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) with all stakeholders of the party present. The party also used the occasion to meet with the leaders of the defecting mem-

bers of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state, promising to provide level Zw ` \ ^Z[\qX]\j ^\ ^ ^]k\ of the Party ahead of the 2015 general elections in the state. The meeting, which was convened by the State Executive Council (SEC) of the PDP in the State led by Col. Sam X X w\ ]j[ Wwk\ w)^ [^[\ by nine representatives of the many defecting members of the APC led by Comrade Miriki Ebikibina and Hon Sunday Frank-OkputOputu.

an ultimatum dated September 2, 2014 for them to withdraw the litigation or risk severe sanction which includes expulsion. “The ultimatum was signed by the National Vice Chairman, South South. But, up till now, j ^\ w%^ j^[\ ^ ^]k \ are yet to comply with the directives. “Only three of them, out of the twelve who initially were involved in the litigation, withdrew q]X \ j ^\ w)^] \ Yj\ the nine others have remained adamant,” adding that “the issue is now handled by the National Secretariat in Abuja.” He gave the names of j ^\w%^ j^[\ ^ ^]k\wk½\ Mr Anthony Asuquo, Mr Obono Onen and Mrs Rosemary Onah. Others are Mr Ramsey Tiku, Pastor Chris Egbe, Mr Eneji Innocent, Mr James Enyam, Chief Sam Iya and Mrs Bassey Ene.

sion to the crime, the victim’s Yw][`w \]^ X]j^[\j ^\ w)^]\ to the Nembe’s Council of Chiefs for traditional disciplinary action. But he is being shielded.” The victim’s guardian, W X\ `k\ `[^ j` ^[\ wk\ ^]] \ `k\ mounting pressure for a traditional punishment of 35 strokes of cane in the public at the community town hall. But it was also gathered from another source that the pressure from the victims family, who are from Bassanbiri communities of Nembe, are however threatened by some members of a local militia gang loyal to the accused.


elta State Commissioner of Police, Alkali Usman, has declared total war against all forms of crime and criminality in the state with a vow to k \XYj\wZZ\j Xk^\` XZ ^[\` \ recent criminal activities in the state. Reports said the police boss who was visibly disturbed with recent developments in the state summoned all Area Commanders and Divisional XZ` ^\ D ^]k\ jX\ w \ ^ ^]gency meeting where he warned that it will no longer be business as usual stating that all hands must be on [^ \ jX\ j\ ]` ^\ ` \ j ^\ state. Police sources said CP Alkali who stated that it was XW\¹ ]^\qX]\ ]^º\]^ X]j^[Z \ w[ `k^[\wZZ\XD ^]k\w [\ ^ \ of the force in the state who w]^\ Xj\ ]^w[ \ jX\ j\ j ^\ w)Z^\ W`j \ ` \ jX\ [\ w \ alternative.

Oshiomhole mourns ex-PTF secretary, Akpata THANKGOD Benin



overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State has described the death of a former Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), Chief Tayo Akpata, as a colossal loss. \ w\ X [XZ^ ^\ Z^)^]\ w[dressed to Chief Olabisi Akpata, widow of the deceased, Governor Oshiomhole said Chief Akpata’s legacies will always stand him out as one of Nigeria’s greatest. Oshiomhole said: “it is with a very heavy heart that I write to commiserate with you and the entire family over the passing of your beloved husband and lifetime companion, Chief Tayo Akpata. His demise is a colossal loss not only to Edo

State, but indeed, the entire nation, which he served devotedly in several capacities, as an academician, educationist, administrator, businessman and philanthropist. “We, however, take solace in the knowledge that in passing on, Chief Akpata leaves behind a legacy that will forever stand to his credit and assure him of a lasting place of honour among Nigeria’s greatest public servants, particularly men of integrity. “Chief Tayo Akpata is undoubtedly one of Nigeria’s most cerebral and resourceful public servants, a national icon in his own right, who has established solid reputation for original thinking and an uncommon depth in policy articulation especially in relation to national development and public welfare.

Daily Newswatch


World Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Hong Kong leader hopes for fresh talks after night of clashes


ong Kong leader Leung Chunying sought to defuse tension with pro-democracy protesters on Thursday, saying he hopes the two sides can talk next week, but anger over police violence and conj` Y^[\kj]^^j\k Y¾^k\kY gest the students are not about to give up. Leung was speaking after more than two weeks of protests that have paralyzed parts of the city and grabbed global headlines amid scenes of violent clashes and tear gas rising between some of the world’s most valuw Z^\XD ^\ Y`Z[` k The protesters are demanding free elections for their leader in 2017, but Beijing insists on k ]^^ ` \ w [`[wj^k\ ]kj\ and Leung reiterated that the government was unwilling to compromise. ¿ ^\ [X ºj\ [\ ` `Z\ nomination in all Western democracies either,” Leung said when a reporter challenged him on how the talks could progress when he was ruling out any changes to the electoral framework. Chief Secretary Carrie Lam canceled talks with student leaders earlier this month, saying it was impossible to have constructive dialogue. Leung spoke as posters depicting him as a fanged wolf, a gang boss and Hitler stared down from the walls of government headquarters and the Legislative Council building in Admiralty, next to the Central business district, the epicenter of the protest movement against him. In the early hours of Thursday, police used pepper spray to stop protesters from blocking a major road near Leung’s XD ^\ w `[\ Y Z` \ w ^]\ over the police beating and kicking, captured on video, of a protester a day earlier. At police headquarters in the entertainment district of Wan Chai, hundreds of people gathered outside to express outrage at the beating, with dozens queuing to lodge formal complaints. Authorities on Wednes[w \ kw`[\ j ^\ XD ^]\ ` volved in the beating of Ken Tsang Kin-chiu,

Police use pepper spray as they clash with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong

a member of the prodemocracy Civic Party, would be suspended. Footage of the beating has gone viral and injected fresh momentum into the protest that had ^^ \ w ` \wqj^]\ ^w]Z \ three weeks of demon-

strations. Tsang was taken to hospital and activists released photographs showing bruising on his face and body. Several social workers printed a “wanted” poster with color pictures

Xq\j ^\ XZ` ^\XD ^]k\j ^ \ said were responsible. “I think the police have betrayed us Hong Kong citizens,” said Tony Yip, 23, a research assistant at a science museum. “They are using violence against ordinary citizens.”

A few hundred protesters were camped out on Thursday around the main protest site in Admiralty and the atmosphere was calm. At its peak, 100,000 protesters had been on the streets, presenting Beijing

with one of its biggest political challenges since it crushed pro-democracy demonstrations in and around Tiananmen Square in the Chinese capital in 1989. Those numbers have [W` [Z^[\ k` ` w jZ \ But a hardcore group of demonstrators, mostly students, has kept up the pressure on Hong Kong authorities, who have called the protests illegal. China rules Hong Kong under a “one country, two systems” formula that gives the city wideranging autonomy and freedoms not enjoyed in mainland China, with Y ` ^]kwZ\ kY%]w ^\ w \ eventual goal. But Communist Party rulers, fearful that demands for democracy might spread to the mainland, say only candidates ^)^[\ \ w\ X ` wj` \ X `)^^\W`ZZ\ ^\w Z^\jX\ contest a full city-wide vote to choose the next chief executive in 2017. Leung has said there is “zero chance” Beijing will give in to protesters’ demands, a view shared by most political analysts and many Hong Kong citizens.

Ramped up air strikes stall Islamic State advance on Syrian town


he advance of IsZw ` \ jwj^\ jers on Kobani stalled on Thursday according to a monitoring group, after U.S.-led coalition warplanes launched their heaviest bombardment yet on the militants, who have been assaulting the Syrian border town for nearly a month. Last week Turkish and \ XD `wZk\ kw`[\ kZw ` \

State were on the verge of taking Kobani from its heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders, after seizing strategic points deep inside the town. A dramatic ramping up of coalition air strikes reached a new crescendo in recent days, with Islamic State targets around Kobani being hit nearly 40 times in 48 hours. The barrage has halted the militants’ advance, with Kurdish sourc-

es saying that Kurdish YPG j^]k\ w[\ w w ^[\ jX\ retake some territory. The four-week assault has increasingly been seen as a key test of U.S. President Barack Obama’s air strike strategy, and Kurdish leaders have repeatedly said the beleaguered town cannot survive without arms and ammunition reaching the defenders, something Turkish soldiers are seen atop and around armoured neighboring Turkey has so vehicless near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border far refused to allow.

Iran says progress made in ‘very difficult’ nuclear talks in Vienna


ran’s foreign minister said on Thursday that progress was made in “very [`D YZj°\ Y Z^w]\ talks with top U.S. and EU diplomats this week when possible solutions were discussed, sources W X\w)^ [^[\ `k\ ]`^ \ for Iranian media said. Mohammad Javad Zarif spoke after a meeting on Wednesday with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and European Un-

ion foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton that lasted some six hours in Vienna. A senior U.S. of `wZ\ Zwj^\ X \ ^[ ^k[w \ also said some progress was made but that much work remained. ¿ j\ Wwk\ ^] \ [`D YZj \ serious and intensive ... but instead of focusing on problems, we discussed solutions as well,” Zarif said, the sources told Reuters. “There was ]X ]^kk\` \wZZ\j ^\ ^Z[k °\

Zarif said he would next meet Kerry and Ashton in three to four weeks’ time though not in Vienna, Iranian state television reported. Ashton coordinates talks with Iran on behalf of six world powers, including the United States. “We still need serious discussions over various issues,” Zarif said, according to Iran’s IRIB news web site. Iran and the powers -

the United States, France, Germany, China, Russia and Britain - aim to end w\ [^ w[^ ZX \ kjw [X%\ over Iran’s nuclear programme by a Nov. 24 target date. The negotiations are centred on curbing Iran’s atomic activity, which Tehran says is peaceful but the West fears may be aimed at developing nuclear weapons capability, in exchange for lifting sanctions.

With less than six weeks jX\ X \ ^kj^] \ XD `wZk\ kw \` X]jw j\[`%^]^ ^k\ still remain, especially over the future scope of Iran’s production of enriched uranium, which can have civilian as well as military uses. But Zarif said none of the parties involved believed in extending the self-imposed late November deadline for reaching a comprehensive agreement, IRIB said.


Daily Newswatch

African Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Several killed in latest CAR violence

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t least six people have been killed and hundreds qX]�^[\ jX\ ‘^^\ their homes after violence involving the “anti-balaka� militia broke out in the capital of the Central African Republic. Clashes in the capital on ^[ˆ^k[w–\ Ž`)`ˆ‰\ wˆj`�

‡wZw‹w\ Œ‰…j^]k\ w‰w`ˆkj\ soldiers from the country’s newly deployed UN mission left three militia members dead and four peace‹^^Ž^]k\WXYˆ[^[•\XD�`wZk\ said. …^\Œ‰…j`ˆ‰\‡]X‹^\XYj\Xˆ\ the main road to Bangui’s airport when peacekeep^]k\ w)^ŠŽj^[\ jX\ ]^ŠX†^\ an anti-balaka barricade.

`XZ^ˆÂ?^\ ÂŒ]kj\ ^]YÂŽj^[\ late on Tuesday in the district of Bangui near the banks of the Oubangi river, close to President Catherine Samba Panza’s residence, as armed men raided homes. Âż Â…^\ wˆj`Â?‡wZw‹w\ k^j\ ÂŒ]^\ to 22 houses. Three people were killed, including two burned alive in their

homes,� said Joseph Tagbale, mayor of the district. Samba Panza’s transitional government said that the increase in violence in the city, in which more than a dozen people have now been killed, was part of a plot to destabilise her administration. The country was plunged into chaos when

the mostly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power in the majority Christian country in March 2013, toppling President Francois Bozize. Seleka’s rule was impaired by abuses that prompted a backlash from the mostly Christian antibalaka militia. Michel Djotodia, Seleka’s leader, bowed to international pressure and went into exile in January. France has deployed troops and an African peacekeeping force was beefed up and transformed into a UN mission to stem the sectarian violence. Mayor Tagbale said that Rwandan peacekeepers, who were part of a UN mission that started last month, were deployed nearby to guard Samba Panza’s home but would ˆXj\ †^ˆjY]^\ X%\ j…^\ Šw`ˆ\ road into residentional areas to protect civilians. Myriam Dessables, a spokeswoman for the UN mission known as MINUSCA, rejected the accusation that the peacekeepers failed to step in. “It’s absolutely false. The Rwandan soldiers intervened to stop the violence,� she said.

Fraud charges beset Mozambique polls

The race pits the ruling party’s Filipe Nyusi, a former defence minister, and two opposition candidates


o z a m b i q u e opposition parties have claimed to have unearthed incidents of atj^ŠŽj^[\ ‡wZZXj\ kjYDˆ‰\ as the southern African country voted in closelyfought elections. The Mozambique Democratic Movement (MDM) alleged on Wednesday that one of its members was shot by police in both feet, after he tried to prevent a loÂ?wZ\]YZ`ˆ‰\ ]^Z`ŠX\XDÂ?`wZ\ q]XŠ\kjYDˆ‰\w\‡wZZXj\‡Xà •\ in central Sofala province. “A young man was shot (in the feet). He tried to

stop the Frelimo (local) k^Â?]^jw]–\ q]XŠ\ kjYDˆ‰\ boxes,â€? in central Sofala province, said Sandes Carmona, spokesman qX]\jÂ…^\‘^[‰Z`ˆ‰\ XÂźwŠbique Democratic Party (MDM) opposition party. The presidential election is a closely-watched contest that tests the ruling Frelimo party, which has run the southern African country since independence from Portugal in 1975. Counting started shortly after polling closed on ^[ˆ^k[w–•\ ‡Yj\ ŒˆwZ\ ]^sults are not expected for two weeks. In northern Nampula province, riot police used teargas to disperse

a crowd that had gathered at a polling station to watch the counting, claimed the MDM representative in the area, Elias Nquiri. Main opposition Renamo spokesman, Adriano Muchunga, claimed poZ`�^\ XŽ^ˆ^[\ Œ]^\ `ˆ\ wŠpula, the largest electoral province. The electoral commission, local and foreign obk^]†^]k\ �XˆŒ]Š^[\ kXŠ^\ incidents had occurred, but said on the overall, voting went on fairly smoothly. “There have been some incidents here and there but in general the situation is under control,� Paulo Cuinica, spokesman for the national Electoral Commission told AFP news agency, adding voting went on “smoothly�. “We noticed some irregularities, but I would say all-in-all until closing time, it was fairly okay. It was calm,� EU observer chief Judith Sargentini told AFP. ncumbent President Armando Guebuza, from Frelimo, is prohibited by the constitution from

running for a third term. So the presidential race pits Frelimo’s Filipe Nyusi, the former defence minister, against the veteran leader of former rebel group Renamo, Afonso Dhlakama, and Daviz Simango, Beira city mayor and founder of the Mozambique Democratic Party (MDM). “I am convinced of a victory,� 55-year-old Nyusi told reporters after casting his ballot. “We have worked for a long time, very hard to prepare for this election.�


Dhlakama, 61, who voted at the same polling station, has cried foul each time he lost in previous elections. But he expressed hope that this vote would be free and fair. “Results will be accepted when they are clean. As you know on the African continent, results are often not clean,â€? he said. Âż ^\ Â…XÂŽ^\ qX]\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ time in Mozambique results will be acceptable, proper and with credibility.

Hundreds of people sought sanctuary in St Paul’s Catholic church, clerics there said. “They are afraid of the anti-balaka who have entered their neighbourhoods,� Reverend Jesus Martial Dembele, vicar general of the archdiocese of Bangui, said. “They killed people and burnt down homes.�

Pistorius sentencing: Steenkamp’s family seeks jail term


outh African athlete Oscar Pistorius should be given ÂżkYDÂ?`^ˆj\ ÂŽYˆ`k…Š^ˆj°\ for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, her cousin has told the sentencing hearing in Pretoria. Kim Martin said Pistorius, 27, “needs to pay for what he has doneâ€?. He was convicted of culpable homicide last month but cleared of murder and faces up to 15 years in jail, but the judge may suspend it or `ŠŽXk^\w\Œˆ^Â&#x; Judge Thokozile Masipa later adjourned the court hearing until Friday morning. The defence has argued that Pistorius should serve house arrest and community service for the killing - a suggestion branded as “shockingly inappropriateâ€? by prosecutor Gerrie Nel. The prosecution insists that Pistorius should go to jail, saying his negligent actions have left a “broken familyâ€?. Correspondents say that because of delays the sentence is unlikely to be announced until next month. ‘Not seeking revenge’ Ms Martin - the pros^Â?Yj`XÂˆÂşk\ ÂŒ]kj\ k^ˆj^ˆÂ?`ˆ‰\ witness - said on Thursday that she was fearful of Pistorius. “My family are not people who are seeking revenge, we just feel that to shoot somebody behind a door that is unarmed, that is harmless, needs kYDÂ?`^ˆj\ ÂŽYˆ`k…Š^ˆj•°\ she said. On Wednesday, Ms Martin recounted her pain at hearing that the 29-year-old South African model had been shot dead, saying her death was “the end of the worldâ€?.

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Daily Newswatch

%01135 670891 ;31<= Saboteur +./


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Okagbare eyes Rio 2016 Olympics gold

Francis Ajuonuma


igerian queen of jÂ…^\ j]wÂ?‹•\ Z^kk`ˆ‰\ ‹w‰‡w]^\ kw–k\ W`ˆˆ`ˆ‰\ wˆ\ Z–Špic Games gold medal is a target she has set to achieve come 2016 in Rio [^\ wˆ^`]X•\ ]wÂź`ZÂ&#x; A bronze medalist in jÂ…^\ WXŠ^ÂˆÂşk\ ZXˆ‰\ ÂťYŠŽ\ event at the 2008 OlymÂŽ`Â?\ wŠ^k\ `ˆ\ ^`Âť`ˆ‰•\ Â…`ˆw\‡Yj\w\‘XÂŽ\wj\ Xˆ[Xˆ\Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‡\ Z–ŠŽ`Â?k•\ ‹w‰‡w]^•\WÂ…X\kÂ…Xˆ^\wj\jÂ…^\ Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ XŠŠXˆW^wZjÂ…\ `ˆ\ Zwk‰XW•\ Â?XjZwˆ[•\ WÂ…^]^\ kÂ…^\ WXˆ\ jWX\ gold medals in the 100

wˆ[\ Ă‡ĂˆĂˆ\ Š^j]^k\ ^†^ˆjk•\ ‡^Z`^†^k\ jÂ…wj\ W`jÂ…\ Â…w][\ WX]‹\kÂ…^\Â?wˆ\]^wZ`k^\Â…^]\ []^wŠ\`ˆ\ ]wÂź`ZÂ&#x; Âż ^]jw`ˆZ–•\ jÂ…^\ ˆ^Ă j\ jWX\–^w]k\w]^\‰X`ˆ‰\jX\‡^\ jXY‰…•\]^wZZ–\jXY‰…\wˆ[\ \ Wwˆj\jX\[X\‰]^wj\jÂ…`ˆ‰kÂ&#x; X]\ Š^•\ `j\ `k\ ˆXj\ ÂťYkj\ about going out there to compete for a medal. \ Wwˆj\ jX\ W`ˆ\ wˆ\ `ˆ[`vidual Olympic gold. It `k\‰XX[\qX]\–XY]\]^kYŠ^•\ it is good for your career and it is good for your qYjY]^Â&#x;\ Â…`k\`k\WÂ…wj\ \wŠ\ ZXX‹`ˆ‰\qX]Ww][\jX\`ˆ\jÂ…^\ ˆ^Ă j\jWX\–^w]kÂ&#x; Âż \ÂťYkj\Wwˆj\jX\‰^j\Š–self ready. And as long wk\ jÂ…^\ ‰XX[\ X][\ `k\ ‰`†`ˆ‰\Š^\kj]^ˆ‰jÂ…\jX\‰X\Xˆ•\ \W`ZZ\‰X\qX]\`j\wˆ[\ \‹ˆXW\ it is going to be a lot of WX]‹•°\kÂ…^\kw`[Â&#x;

Mock Champions League: Ekwueme hypes team By Ephraim Nwosu


ormer Super Eagles Š`[ÂŒ^Z[^]•\ q^wˆ–`\ ‹WY^Š^\ ‡^Z`^†^k\ Â…`k\j^wŠ•\ ‹WY^Š^\ XXjball Academy are in the right frame of mind going into Saturday’s Imo State XÂ?‹\ Â…wŠŽ`Xˆk\ ^w‰Y^\ ŒˆwZ\ w‰w`ˆkj\ wˆÂ?Â…^kj^]\ ˆ`j^[\wj\jÂ…^\ wˆ\ ˆ–`wŠ\ jw[`YŠ\`ˆ\ W^]]`Â&#x;\ ‹WY^Š^\ XXj‡wZZ\ Â?w[^Š–\ ‹ˆXWˆ\ wk\ jÂ…^`]\ w[XÂŽj^[\ˆwŠ^•\ w]Â?^ZXˆw•\ in the tournament elimiˆwj^[\ wˆÂ?Â…^kj^]\ `j–\Ă…Â?Ç\ wˆ[\ ]k^ˆwZ\ÂŁÂ?Ă…\wqj^]\ÂŽ^ˆalty shoot-out to reach the ŒˆwZ\Xq\jÂ…^\jXY]ˆwŠ^ˆjÂ&#x; šº \ Wwˆj\ jX\ Â?Xˆ‰]wjYZwj^\jÂ…^\‡X–k\qX]\w\ÂťX‡\W^ZZ\ [Xˆ^\ w‰w`ˆkj\ wˆÂ?Â…^kj^]\ `j–\ wˆ[\ ]k^ˆwZÂ&#x;\ Â…^–\ Â…w†^\kÂ…XWˆ\jÂ…wj\jÂ…^–\w]^\ Â?Â…wŠŽ`Xˆk\`ˆ\Ww`j`ˆ‰\wˆ[\ should be ready for the ÂŒ]^WX]‹k\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ŒˆwZ\ Xˆ\ wjY][w–•ºº\ ‹WY^Š^\jXZ[\ ^WkWwjÂ?Â…\ ÂŽX]jkÂ&#x; ‹WY^Š^Âşk\ w]Â?^lona are expected to face w\ jXY‰…\ ‡w)Z^\ W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^`]\ Â?XYˆj^]ÂŽw]j\ wˆÂ?Â…^kj^]\ ˆ`j^[•\ ‡Yj\ jÂ…^\ Xˆ^\ j`Š^\ `kZw\ ]w‹XW\ wˆ[\ XZXˆ`w\ w]kwW\ \ Š`[ÂŒ^Z[^]\

Daily Newswatch



`k\Â?XˆŒ[^ˆj\jÂ…^–\W`ZZ\jw‹^\ the trophy to their base in ‹`‰W^Â&#x; Âż ^\ Â…w†^\ ‡^^ˆ\ [X`ˆ‰\ W^ZZ\ wˆ[\ `q\ jÂ…^\ ‡X–kÂş\ Â?Y]rent form is anything to go ‡–•\jÂ…^ˆ\ \Â?wˆ\‡^j\–XY\jÂ…wj\ W^\W`ZZ\jw‹^\jÂ…^\j]XŽ…–\jX\ ‹`‰W^\ Xˆ\ wjY][w–•°\ Â…^\ boasted. Âż \Wwˆj\jX\Yk^\jÂ…`k\Â?Â…wˆˆ^Z\ jX\ jÂ…wˆ‹\ XY]\ kÂŽXˆkX]k\ ^kÂŽ^Â?`wZZ–\ ^ÂŽk`•\ XYk^\ Xq\ kk^Š‡Z–\ wkÂŽ`]wˆj•\ ‹^Š‡w\Æ\Xq\ ‹`‰W^•\ Â…`^q\ Â…Y‹WY[`\ X]jYˆ^\ q^wˆ–`\ wˆ[\ Šw‹w\ †–\ ‰^Š‡w\ ÂžĂ‡ĂˆĂ†Ă…\ wÂ?^\Xq\ `‰^]`w\W`ˆner and Ivy Initiative coor[`ˆwjX]˜\qX]\jÂ…^`]\ŒˆwˆÂ?`wZ\ and moral support. Âż `jÂ…XYj\ jÂ…^k^\ ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^•\ W^\WXÂˆÂşj\‡^\WÂ…^]^\W^\w]^\ today. I promise that all jÂ…^`]\Â?Xˆj]`‡Yj`Xˆk\W`ZZ\ˆXj\ ‡^\ `ˆ\ †w`ˆ\ ‡^Â?wYk^\ W^\ w]^\ ˆXj\‰X`ˆ‰\jX\Z^j\jÂ…^Š\[XWˆ\ `ˆ\jÂ…^\ŒˆwZÂ&#x;\ ^\W`ZZ\W`ˆ\jÂ…^\ trophy for them by God’s grace.â€? Â…^\ ŠX\ jwj^\ XÂ?‹\ Â…wŠŽ`Xˆk\ ^w‰Y^\ ŒˆwZ\ `k\ ^Ă ÂŽ^Â?j^[\ jX\ w)]wÂ?j\ crème de la crème of Ni‰^]`wˆ\ qXXj‡wZZ\ `ˆ\ W^]]`\ W`jÂ…\ ŠX\ jwj^\ X†^]ˆX]•\ XÂ?Â…wk\ ‹X]XÂ?Â…w\ wk\ jÂ…^\ special guest of honour.


Panic over Wilson Oruma’s ‘insanity’ Ephraim Nwosu


nxiety heightened over the current state of unstable health of former Super w‰Z^k\ Š`[Œ^Z[^]•\ `ZkXˆ\ Oruma even though the brothers insist that the former Sochaux player is not insane. ]YŠw•\ W…X\ Z^[\ j…^\ XZ[^ˆ\ w‰Z^jk\ jX\ W`ˆ\ j…^\

wÂŽwˆ\šĂ„Ă…\ Â?Æ¢\ X]Z[\ YŽ•\ has been “spirituallyevangelizingâ€? since becoming a ‡X]ˆÂ?w‰w`ˆ\ Â…]`kj`wˆW`jÂ…\ some of his former teammates alleging that he is mentally unstable. Â?Â?X][`ˆ‰\ jX\ jÂ…^Š•\ jÂ…^\ 37-year-old has been acting strange for sometimes as he allegedly roams the streets Xq\ `Â?jX]`w\ w][^ˆ\ `j–\ ž ˜•\WÂ…^]^\Â…^\]^k`[^k•\`ˆ\ WÂ…`j^\‰w]Š^ˆjk\‡w]^qXXj^[Â&#x; Âż \ Wwk\ kÂ…XÂ?‹^[\ WÂ…^ˆ\ \ kwW\ ]YŠw\ ]^Â?^ˆjZ–Â&#x;\ ^\ Wwk\ jwZ‹`ˆ‰\ jX\ Â…`Šk^Zq\ wˆ[\ []^kk^[\`ˆ\w\WÂ…`j^\‰w]Š^ˆj\ W`jÂ…XYj\ qXXj\ W^w]k•°\ w\ qX]Š^]\ YÂŽ^]\ w‰Z^k\ Â?wÂŽjw`ˆ•\ WÂ…X\ [X^k\ ˆXj\ Wwˆj\ Â…`k\ names in print bemoaned. šº \ kwW\ Â…`Š\ Zwkj\ ŠXˆjÂ…\ `ˆ\ Â…`k\ `^ˆˆw\ Â?w]Â&#x;\ ^\ Wwk\ []`†`ˆ‰\ wZXˆ^\ wˆ[\ jwZ‹`ˆ‰\ to himself. I also heard he bumped his Q7 Audi SUV into a shopping complex at Victoria Island recently. I [XÂˆÂşj\]^wZZ–\‹ˆXW\jÂ…^\ÂŽ]X‡Z^Š\W`jÂ…\Â…`ŠÂ&#x;\ ZZ\ \Â?wˆ\kw–\ `k\ jÂ…wj\ jÂ…^\ ]YŠw\ \ kwW\ `k\ [`%^]^ˆj\q]XŠ\jÂ…^\Xˆ^\ \Yk^[\ jX\ ‹ˆXWÂ&#x;\ \ q^Zj\ ÂŽ`j–\ k^^`ˆ‰\ him in such a pathetic con[`j`Xˆ•°\ ZwŠ^ˆj^[\ wˆXjÂ…^]\ Super Eagles player. ˆ\ w\ kW`qj\ ]^wÂ?j`Xˆ•\ younger brother to the gift-

^[\ ÂŽZw–^]•\ XŠ`ˆ`Â?\ ]YŠw\ `ˆk`kj^[•\ qX]\ jÂ…^\ YŠŽj^^ˆjÂ…\ j`Š^•\ jÂ…wj\ jÂ…^\ `ˆkwˆ`j–\ ]Ymour about his elder broth^]\Wwk\ˆXj\j]Y^ĂŠ\w[[`ˆ‰\jÂ…wj\ his life style only changed after he became a bornw‰w`ˆ\ Â…]`kj`wˆÂ&#x; Âż `ZkXˆ\ `k\ †^]–•\ †^]–\ X‹w–Â&#x;\ Â…^]^\ `k\ ˆXjÂ…`ˆ‰\ W]Xˆ‰\ W`jÂ…\ Â…`ŠÂ&#x;\ ^XÂŽZ^\ ÂťYkj\ Â?Â…Xk^\ jX\ Š`k`ˆj^]ÂŽ]^j\ his actions because he is do`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ WX]‹\ Xq\ X[Â&#x;\ `k\ friends visit him regularly wˆ[\jÂ…Xk^\Xq\jÂ…^Š\WÂ…X\Â…w†^\ ‡^^ˆ\ Â…^]^\ Â?wˆ\ Â?XˆŒ]Š\ jÂ…wj\ he is hale and hearty. Âż jÂşk\ ÂťYkj\ w\ ]YŠXY]\ jÂ…wj\

has been all over the place wˆ[\W^\Â?wˆˆXj\ÂŽ]^j^ˆ[\ˆXj\ jX\‡^\wWw]^\Xq\`jÂ&#x;\ jÂşk\]`[`Â?YZXYk\ jÂ…wj\ ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^\ W`ZZ\ ‰X\ wk\ far as interpreting evangeZ`kŠ\ wk\ `ˆkwˆ`j–•°\ [^q^ˆ[^[\ XŠ`ˆ`Â?•\ WÂ…X\ Wwk\ w\ Xˆ^Â? time Flying Eagles goal‹^^ÂŽ^]Â&#x;\

Ykj\]^Â?^ˆjZ–•\jÂ…^\Ă…¢Â?–^w]Â? old lost his multi-million naira Victoria Garden `j–ž ˜\Šwˆk`Xˆ\wŠXˆ‰\ other valuable property kw`[\jX\‡^\WX]jÂ…\X†^]\ ÂŁĂˆĂˆ\ Š`ZZ`Xˆ\ jX\ wˆ\ Yˆ‹ˆXWˆ\ Â?XˆŠwˆ•WÂ…X\ Â?wkÂ…^[\ `ˆ\ on his unstable behaviour jX\ [YÂŽ^\ Â…`ŠÂ&#x;\ `k\ qwŠ`Z–\

Â?Zw`Š^[\jX\‡^\YˆwWw]^\Xq\`jÂ&#x; šº \Â?wˆˆXj\Â?XˆŒ]Š\WÂ…^jÂ…er the story is true or not because our brother has sud[^ˆZ–\ Â?Â…wˆ‰^[\ Â…`k\ w)`jY[^\ jXWw][k\ YkÂ&#x; ^\ [XÂˆÂşj\ ‹ˆXW\ wˆ[\W^\Â?wˆˆXj\j^ZZ\–XY\wˆ–thing about him anymore. X]\ ]^wkXˆk\ ‡^kj\ ‹ˆXWˆ\ jX\ `ZkXˆ•\Â…^\Â…wk\ˆXj\‡^^ˆ\]^Zwj`ˆ‰\W`jÂ…\jÂ…^\qwŠ`Z–\k`ˆÂ?^\ a long time ago and a lot of people are cashing on it to [X\wˆ–jÂ…`ˆ‰\jÂ…^–\Z`‹^\wˆ[\ \ [XÂˆÂşj\‡ZwŠ^\jÂ…^Š•°\w\qwŠ`Z–\ kÂŽX‹^kŠwˆ•\ wkjX]\ X…ˆkXˆ\ ]YŠw\ jXZ[\ ^WkWwjÂ?Â…\ ÂŽX]jk\Xˆ\ÂŽÂ…Xˆ^\q]XŠ\ w]]`Â&#x;

Beckenbauer storm Nigeria for Talent Hunt


ormer Germany and w–^]ˆ\ Yˆ`Â?Â…\Â?XwÂ?…•\ ]wÂˆÂź\ ˆjXˆ\ ^Â?‹^ˆ‡wY^]•\ kXŠ^\ kÂ?XYjk\ q]XŠ\ Spain and England are set to visit Nigeria in search of budding football talents for European clubs. The move according to reliable sources may have been motivated by top notch performances put up by the last set of the national U-17 team at the United ]w‡\ Š`]wj^k•\ Â…^ˆÂ?^\ Â…`k\ decision to scout for players in Nigeria. ^Â?‹^ˆ‡wY^]Âşk\ w]]`†al date is scheduled for next month and being arranged by a Nigerian based ‡Yk`ˆ^kk\ ŠX‰YZ•\ Â…`^q\ Â…Y‹WY[`\ X]jYˆ^\ q^wˆ–`•\ WÂ…X\ [XY‡Z^k\ wk\ jÂ…^\ †`Â?^\

]^k`[^ˆj\ Xq\ ‹WY^Š^\ Football Academy and Â…w`]Šwˆ•\ wŠ\ ZX‡wZ\ XˆÂ?^ÂŽjk\ `Š`j^[Â&#x;\ ^Â?‹^ˆ‡wY^]\ kXÂťXY]ˆ\ W`ZZ\Zwkj\qX]\Π^\[w–k•\wk\Â…^\

W`ZZ\ ‡^\ ^Ă ÂŽ^Â?j^[\ jX\ WwjÂ?Â…\ an organized football tourˆwŠ^ˆj•\WÂ…`Â?Â…\W`ZZ\`ˆ†XZ†^\ players selected from various football academies after a screening exercise and


divided into six teams. The competition is slated for the National StadiYŠ\ Y]YZ^]^•\ w‰XkÂ&#x;\ ÂŽ^w‹`ˆ‰\Xˆ\jÂ…^\ÂŽ]XÂť^Â?j•\ Â…`^q\ Â…Y‹WY[`\ X]jYˆ^\ q^wˆ–`\ kw`[\ Â…^\ Wwk\ ŠXj`†wj^[\ jX\ qwÂ?`Z`jwj^\ ^Â?‹^ˆbauer coming by the number of budding talents that Wwkj^\wWw–\`ˆ\ `‰^]`wÂ&#x; “I travelled to Germany for a business trip and met W`jÂ…\ ^Â?‹^ˆ‡wY^]Â&#x;\ qj^]\ discussion on the need to kÂ?XYj\ jwZ^ˆjk\ `ˆ\ `‰^]`w•\ \ [^Â?`[^[\ jX\ jw‹^\ YÂŽ\ jÂ…^\ ]^sponsibility of bringing Â…`Š\[XWˆ\YÂŽXˆ\Â…`k\wÂ?Â?^ÂŽjance. The essence is for him to discover and develop football talents to stardom jÂ…]XY‰…\ Â…`k\ ^Ă ÂŽ^]j`k^•°\ Â…^\ said.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014


Bassey brands Keshi Saboteur



Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

Pride goes before fall

A Maduabuchi Kalu


former techni�wZ\ �XŠŠ`)^^\ member of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Paul Bassey has disagreed with recent insinuation by Coach Stephen Keshi that he is being sabotaged by some persons, to ensure his failure as the Head coach of the Super Eagles. Bassey, a veteran sports journalist and a member Xq\ j…^\ ^[`w XŠŠ`)^^\ of CAF,noted that if at all there was anybody working against theNational team or a saboteur, it is Keshi and no other person. H e saidKeshi’sachievement with the Eagles at the 2013Nations Cup in South Africaas well as qualifying the nation for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil made him swollen headed as he became ‘Mr. know all’and does not want to take any advice from anybody,while at the same timepicking quarrels with everybody. “The claim by Keshi is baseless. Who are those sabotagingthe team?�Bassey queried. “Why did he not mention names of those who are sabotaging theteam? It is not enough for Keshi to allege that there are people whoare sabotaging the team, why didn’t he mention names.

I challenge himto mention names. Âż k\ w\ Šw)^]\ Xq\ qwÂ?j•\ `q\ anybody is sabotaging the team,it is Keshi and no other person,â€? Bassey stressed. “If he is not the person, W…–\ `k\ Â…^\ Œ‰…j`ˆ‰\ ^†^]–‡X[–Î\ ^\ `k\ Œ‰…j`ˆ‰^†^]–body. He fought the former captain, Joseph Yobo, Vincent Enyeama, Ikechukwu Uche, Osaze Odemwingie, Sunday Mba, Emmanuel Emenike including the innocent boy in Manchester City, Kelechi Iheanacho to mention but a few. What is he talking about? “This is somebody that NFF gave free hands and assisted him inevery way to succeed, but what did they get in return? Keshi foughtthem till the end of the tenure of the Aminu Maigari led NFF on August26.

Âż k\ w\ Šw)^]\ Xq\ qwÂ?j•\ jÂ…^\ press did not help matters. When Keshi isasked to do the right thing by the last board, the press startedshouting that the NFF should leave Keshi alone! “People did not know the hard work that the techˆ`Â?wZ\ Â?XŠŠ`)^^\ Xq\ jÂ…^ÂŽwkj\ NFF put in before every game and we were winning, butimmediately we won the wj`Xˆk\ YÂŽ\ wˆ[\ _YwZ`ÂŒ^[\ for the World Cup,heavens were let lose. Âż Â…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ Â?Xˆ[`j`Xˆ\ Â…^\ gave if he should take the Eagles’ job afterwe crashed at the World Cup was that he didn’t want to workwith the technical comŠ`)^^\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ Â&#x;\ ^ZZ\ Š^•\ where in the worldthat the FAs do not have technical Â?XŠŠ`)^^kĂŽ° wkk^–\ _Y^ried.

He advised Keshi to throw in the towel ashe has reached his zenith. “Go and ask Barrister Chris Green, Victor Ikpeba and others the typeof work we put in before every match during the last board. “As for me, I think it is time for him to go. He has reached his peakand there is no doubt he has done his best for Nigerian football. Hehas done well for the game in the country. Of course his records are here and there is no way anybody can deny him that. “It will be a disaster if Nigeria fail to qualify for the Morocco2015. Nigeria can still qualify for the AFCON 2015, but it will take amiracle. A miracle of Eagles winning all our remaining matches,� Bassey said.

Politics crippling sports –Williams By Maduabuchi Kalu


resident, Nigeria Aquatics Federation (NAF), Babatunde Fatai Williams has cried out that the ongoing political activities have crippled sporting activities in the country. According to Williams, every activity in the sporting calendar exceptfootball has taken a back seat as those at j…^\ …^ZŠk\ Xqw%w`]k\ [X\ ˆXj\ have time any longer to attend to issues relating tosports. Williams expressed fears j…wj\j…^\k`jYwj`Xˆ\�XYZ[\w%^�j\ the National Sports Festival (NSF) holding later in the year in Cross River state. “Nothing is happening at

the moment in thefederation and you are aware of the reason why nothing is happening,� Williams said. “Of course you know that this is the era of politics and those whocall the shots are busy playing the game they know how to play best. “There is no other reason because those who will make things happen in sports are busytrying to ensure either they secure their positions

or ensure certainpeople get to certain positions. That is what is happening at themoment. “All the plans and programmes that we have in our calendar have beenput on hold and there is nothing we can do. This situation is notpeculiar to NAF, it also w%^Â?jk\XjÂ…^]\q^[^]wj`XˆkÂ&#x; “As I speak with you, even this year’s National Sports Festival not certain

that it will still hold. We are supposed to go to Calabar fora meeting of NSF this week, but as I speak with you we are yet toreceive any directive whether the meeting is going to hold or not. “I think we have to wait for some time before things willnormalise. It is only football that they care for at the moment, everyother sport is in the cooler,� Williams lamented.

More Nigerian refs set for FIBA badge only three FIBA badged referees- Kingsley Ojeaburu, Tunde Popoola and Yinka Famogbiyele. However, success for Francis Ajuonuma seven Nigerians participat`‰^]`wÂşk\ ^%X]j\ jX\ ing at the three days FIBA have more refer- Clinic and Examination, ees in FIBA com- which ends today in Copetitions may materialize tonou, will ensure that the at the end of the ongoing country will have a total of FIBA Referee Clinic and Ă†Ăˆ\ ]^q^]^^k\ ^Z`‰`‡Z^\ jX\ XDExamination holding in ciate both continental and international competitions Cotonou, Benin Republic. Presently Nigeria have in 2015.


The seven Nigerian referees are Lai Alimi, Olusegun Adekanmbi, Samuel Sofoluwe, Razak Okedeyi, Joseph Patrick, Musa Gambo and Opeyemi Ogunleye. They will be joined by other African colleagues in the assessment of their knowledge on the ˆ^WZ–\]^†`k^[\Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ DÂ?`wZ\ Basketball rules approved by the FIBA central board as well as physical evaluation.

n adage says: “It is easier to achieve success than to remain successful.â€? The reason for this wise saying is not far-fetched. Only few successful men (and women) can resist the temptation to become arrogant andthe feeling of fallacy that ‘I have arrived,’ which invariably causes them to tumble down from the pinnacle. This also accounts for the easy collapse of several achievers from the peak of their ascension just when they assumed it was hurrah. The misconception soon derails their focus and down they Â?XŠ^\kXŠ^]kwYZj`ˆ‰Â&#x;\\ XwÂ?Â…\ j^ÂŽÂ…^ˆ\ ^kÂ…`\j–Ž`ÂŒ^k\jÂ…`k\ illustration. Here is a coach that emerged the best among peers in Africa in 2013 by virtue of his triumph with Nigeria at the Africa Nations Cup. Here is a coach that became the toast of African football and a role model as ex-player who became a successful coach. Indeed here is a man who made history in several fronts as the only living African to win the Nations Cup as a player and a coach; the only Nigerian to have achieved that feat and `ˆ[^^[\jÂ…^\XˆZ–\ `‰^]`wˆ\jX\Â…w†^\_YwZ`ÂŒ^[\jWX\[`%^]^ˆj\ countries to two World Cup tournaments. They are the feats that instantly turned Keshi into most-sought after bride. But they are also the feats that became his greatest Yˆ[X`ˆ‰Â&#x;\\\ Â…^\wÂ?Â?XZw[^k\wˆ[\jÂ…^\w)^ˆ[wˆj\ÂŽ]w`k^k\jÂ…wj\ go with these accomplishments soon swelled his head and he became unadvisable and uncontrollable. Keshi’s egotism began on the very day he won the 2013 AFCON trophy in South Africa, when he tested Wwj^]k\ ‡–\ j^ˆ[^]`ˆ‰\ Â…`k\ ]^k`‰ˆwj`Xˆ\ Z^)^]\ ^†^ˆ\ WÂ…^ˆ\ the euphoria that greeted his triumph was at peak high. His self-importance instantly reached a new height as clamour for his retention trailed that purported resignation. With the federal government backing his retention on the job, his employers – the Nigeria Football Federation had no option than to make a volte face of abandoning their earlier plot to unseat him and also apologising for even contemplating that. Thereafter, ^kÂ…`\‡^Â?wŠ^\w\ÂŒkÂ…\‡Xˆ^\`ˆ\ \jÂ…]Xwj\ĂŒ\WÂ…`Â?Â…\Â?XYZ[\ neither be swallowed nor spat out. This was more so when the coach and his wards (the Super Eagles) were W`ˆˆ`ˆ‰\ŠwjÂ?Â…^k\`ˆ\jÂ…^\ X]Z[\ YÂŽ\_YwZ`ÂŒ^]kÂ&#x;\\ ZXˆ‰\jÂ…^\ line, no-one could advise Keshi anymore. No, not even jÂ…^\ \ ^Â?…ˆ`Â?wZ\ XŠŠ`)^^\jÂ…wj\`k\ÂŽ]`Šw]`Z–\k^j\YÂŽ\jX\ compliment national team coaches. As has been his hallmark everywhere he coached, Keshi began having problems with everybody; his key players -- Joseph Yobo, Vincent Enyeama, Osaze Odemwingie, Ikechukwu Uche, Sunday Mbah, Victor Moses and recently, Emmanuel Emenike; his employers ĂŒ\ ĂŠ\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽ]^kkÂ&#x;\ \ X\ Šw)^]\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽwkk`Xˆwj^\ wÂŽÂŽ^wZ\ jX\ his good senses, Keshi remained un-teachable and anadvisable. The height of his arrogance was laid bare at the Presidential reception for him and the team, where he impudently told President Goodluck Jonathan that he WXÂˆÂşj\Â…w†^\jX\]^ÂŽX]j\jX\ Âş\k\ ^Â?…ˆ`Â?wZ\ XŠŠ`)^^\`q\ he must remain Super Eagles’ coach. What arrogance? Even with his expired contract yet to be renewed, Keshi remained unrepentant on the quality of players he invited to the national team. The result is 12 games two W`ˆk•\Π^\[]wWk•\Π^\ZXkk^k\wˆ[\Â?XYˆj`ˆ‰Â&#x;\ j\`k\ˆXj\jÂ…wj\ the coach suddenly became a monster at the peak of his success with the Super Eagles. It has been his nature right from his active days as a player. A research will reveal eyeful. It is indeed a shame that all Keshi has achieved as `‰^]`wÂşk\Â?XwÂ?Â…\Â…w[\jX\‰X\YÂŽ\`ˆ\‘wŠ^k\wj\jÂ…^\wZjw]\Xq\Â…`k\ self-esteem. He could have achieved much more had he listened to voice of reasons. He may not be the best coach to handle the Super Eagles, but he certainly is the luckiest. Perhaps the magnitude of his sudden success with Nigeria caught him unawares and unprepared qX]\jÂ…^\]^kYZjwˆj\qwZZXYjkÂ&#x;\ `k\Y)^]wˆÂ?^k•\Â?XŠŽX]jŠ^ˆj\ and body languages all pointed to the fact that he was not set for the sudden stardom that came to him on w\ ÂŽZw)^]\ Xq\ ‰XZ[Â&#x;\ \ j\ Wwk\ Â…`k\ ÂŒ]kj\ j`Š^\ jX\ wkÂ?^ˆ[\ jÂ…wj\ peak as a coach. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and he has become a reference point of how not to sustain success. Keshi needs to take a breather, ask himself soul-searching questions about how and where `j\wZZ\W^ˆj\W]Xˆ‰•\kW`jÂ?Â…\X%\q]XŠ\qXXj‡wZZ\qX]\w\WÂ…`Z^\ before emerging with another country or club. By then, Â…^\WXYZ[\Â…w†^\Â?XŠ^\jX\j^]Šk\W`jÂ…\Â…`k\k^ZqÂ?`ˆ‘`Â?j^[\]Y`ˆ\ and how to avoid a repeat. Experience, they say, is the best teacher.

Daily Newswatch Sports/EURO LEAGUE Alonso target third UCL crown with Bayern




ayern Munich midŒ^Z[^]•\ w‡`\ ZXˆkX•\ says he would love to win the Champions League for the third time in his career but believes it is too early in the season to single out a favourite for the trophy. Alonso, 32, joined Bayern from Real Madrid in the summer, instantly securing w\�XŠŠwˆ[`ˆ‰\wˆ[\`ˆ‘Y^ˆtial role in Pep Guardiola’s side upon his arrival. Having retired from Spain duty after the World Cup, Alonso stayed at the Bundesliga champions’ training facilities at Sabener Strasse during the international break and sat down with reporters on Tuesday to discuss his start in Munich. “It wasn’t an easy decision to leave Real Madrid. But I felt it was the right

I’m not immortal –Casillas


ker Casillas spoke about his future for Real Madrid and Spain during a media event. “It will be a smooth transition. I’m not immortal, I won’t last forever, but at the moment I feel good and believe I can help my country qualify for the Eurosâ€?, he stated. Asked whether his comments about being frozen out had been a sideswipe at Florentino PĂŠrez,

Casillas rubbished the idea: “When I talk about the club, I’m not speaking about the president. I wasn’t referring to him�. As for the subject of international retirement, the keeper remarked: “After you fail to win a game, all sorts of things go through your mind; you feel angry. It’s like when you have an argument with your brother and you think “I’ll kill him�, but you don’t

mean it. I want to keep playing for the national team for as long as possi‡Z^\W…`Z^\j…^\‰w%^]\Wwˆjk\ me�. “When you’ve been in the Real Madrid and Spain team for as long as I have, people demand you be the best, the same player as always. You have to live with that pressure and respond to criticism on the pitch. I savour trophies more these days�, Casillas

went on, adding that he feels “very lovedâ€? at the BernabĂŠu. The veteran also played down Vicente del Bosque’s recent remarks about the changing of the guard: “We have a fantastic relationship. I’m 33 and I’m not going to play as often as I would like. De Gea and Casilla are on the up now and I wasn’t put out by what he said about a soft transitionâ€?.

Man Utd injury crisis hits new heights


hings have gone from bad to worse as Louis van Gaal has to deal with yet another injury headache with winger Luis Antonio Valencia pulling his hamstring to become the ninth Man United player sidelined according to the Metro. The Ecuadorian was injured during United’s win over Everton and it hadn’t

Anya celebrates Scotland Euro form


kechi Anya believes Scotland have given themselves a good platform to build on in their bid to qualify for a major jXY]ˆwŠ^ˆj\ qX]\ j…^\ Œ]kj\ time since 1998. Winger Anya set up Shaun Maloney’s goal on Tuesday in the 2-2 draw with Poland which puts them on four points after three games. Gordon Strachan’s side are in third place in Group D, above world champions ^]Šwˆ–\ Xˆ\ ‰XwZ\ [`%^]ence. Anya told “We took a lot of heart from the Germany performance (2-1 loss in Dortmund last month), but obviously we didn’t get any points. “On Saturday we beat Georgia 1-0 and now we got this point. “So four points from a possible nine, taking into account that we’ve played Germany and Poland, is a good return and we’ll try to build on that come November.� The Scots next face the Republic of Ireland at Celtic Park on November 14th. Anya, 26, said they will head into the game in conŒ[^ˆj\ŠXX[\wqj^]\j…^`]\[`kplay away to the Poles. Scotland survived a late onslaught after Arkadiusz Milik cancelled out Steven

Naismith’s goal with 14 minutes remaining. The Watford playmaker added: “At the start of the match, to get a point in Poland, who had just beaten Germany 2-0 and we know how good they are after playing them in March, the majority of Scotland fans would be happy. “On saying that, when you’ve got 15 minutes left and you’re 2-1 up away from home, it’s a bit disappointing, but I’m sure we’ll ]^‘^�j\W…^ˆ\W^\Š^^j\YŽ\`ˆ\ November, that it will be a good point come the end of the campaign.�

time to take a new direction,� he said. “I wanted a new challenge and I had the chance to move -- to a new league, a new country, to another top club. First Liverpool, then Madrid and now Bayern -- that’s a wonderful script for my career and that played a big part in my decision.�

appeared to be all that serious it now seems the wideman will not be available for Monday night’s trip to West Brom. Van Gaal brought in ˆ^W\Ž…–k`X•\ w)\ w[�Z`%^\ to help resolve just such a problem and he won’t be short of injury victims to deal with with Valencia joining Paddy McNair (hamstring), Ander Herrera (rib), Chris Smalling (thigh), Jonny Evans (ankle), Ashley Young (groin), Phil Jones (hamstring), Jesse Lingard (knee) and Michael Carrick (ankle) on the treatment table. There is a chance that †^j^]wˆ\ Š`[Œ^Z[^]•\ w]]`�‹\ W`ZZ\‡^\Œj\jX\qw�^\ ^kj\ ]XŠ\ though van Gaal would be wise to not rush the experienced campaigner back too early.

Diaby happy to help Sanogo


Real line up Silva as Khedira’s replacement


ccording to MARCA, if Sami Khedira is to leave the club in January, Real Madrid have already established a target for his replacement – with Cruzeiro’s Lucas Silva catching their eye in recent times. The 21-year old Brazilian has established himself as one Cruzeiro’s most valuable assets over the past year, and is regarded as one of the best young talents yet to grace the senior national team in the country. So much so, that Brazil manager Dunga has recently been questioned as to why Silva hasn’t been included in his

latest squad. Â…^\[^q^ˆk`†^\Š`[ÂŒ^Z[^]\ Â…wk\ ‡^^ˆ\ w\ ÂŒĂ jY]^\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ youth teams for Brazil, and is a fresh inclusion in the U21 setup. He made a real impact at the U20 World Cup in Toulon this summer – a tournament that his country went on to win in impressive fashion. Meanwhile, Sami Khedira is yet to start a game for Real Madrid this season. Â…^\ ^]Šwˆ\Š`[ÂŒ^Z[^]\Â…wk\ had to make do with two kÂ…X]j\Â?wŠ^Xk\X%\jÂ…^\‡^ˆÂ?…•\ W`jÂ…\jÂ…^\Zw)^]\Xq\jÂ…Xk^\Â?XŠing in August against Real Sociedad.

bou Diaby r e m e m b e r s how Kolo Toure mentored him when he joined the club - and is using the experience to help Yaya Sanogo. The France international is giving his compatriot the same guidance he received eight years ago and says it is his “duty� to ensure the 21-year-old succeeds at Arsenal. But Diaby believes that honesty is the best policy when helping a young player. “It’s [about being] somebody who is going to advise you all the time and who is going to tell you the truth when you do something bad,� he told Arsenal Player. “For a young player it’s really important that somebody on the side has their eyes on

your objective. “Yaya sees me as an older brother so it is my duty to help him be comfortable in the squad and at the club. It makes things easier for him and I could see that he needed help, so we need to be there to help him succeed at the club.�

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014





Festac Town, haven for rich Eagles stars !" !# $ % &' % (( " %' ) " )

Osaze joined the growing lists of Super Eagles stars, who own mult i million Naira mansions in FestacTown. The 32-yearold Stoke City forward, has just completed his latest home at AmuWX� [XŒˆ•\`ˆ\j…^\XYjskirt of Festac Town. Newswatch Sports gathered that the tastefully furnished twin duplex withPent House 5$I7G@8@ and boys quarters, set Osaze back to the tune of N200 million. He is expected tomove i n t o the house in December. Taye Taiwo: Taye joined the league of Nigerian footballers,who own houses in Festac Town, when he bought a duplex belonging to ex-Green Eagles striker, Ifeanyi Onyedika, a couple of years ago. The house, which is located on 7 2 2 Road was bought for an undisclosed amount. Few years after acquiring Onyedika’s house, he bought a bigger house where he is currently living with his family. The house is a master piece as the interior decoration and other furnishingswere imported from Europe. Taye’s new home could 52:7=I=:; be sighted on 400 Road on 7th Avenue.




estac Town, Lagos has not only become luxury nests for Nigerian celebrities but also fast becoming the new haven for famous Nigerian football stars. Newswatch Sports beams its searchlight on some of these players, w h o


paint the popular Festival of Arts and Culture ( F E S TA C ) Town red with multi million naira houses.

with a massive gard e n , gymnast i c

V i c tor Agali: The former room Olympic Mara n d 5?:@A@ seille player a n has an eyeOlympopping manpic size sion located on 4th swimming Avenue area at pool. The building is Festac Town. The arguably the most exbeautiful ultra- pensive house in Fesmodern and mar- tac Town. It is estibled mansion built mated to have gulped by a German Con- about N200 million kj]Y�j`Xˆ\ Œ]Š\ W…^ˆ\ when it was built in Agali was playing for 2003.Agaliowned anothSchalke 04, is equipped er duplex on 5th Avenue,

but sold it in order to keep body and soul together. Ifeanyi Udeze: The former all action Super Eagles wing-back has his duplex on 711 road. He is a close neighbour to ex-Nigeria skippers, Segun Odegbami, Henry Nwosu and Sylvanus Okpala.

Osaze Odemwingie:




long ago,


The Nigeria football legend’s palatial home on 1st Avenue is a beauty to behold. The multi million Naira house, sourcesclose to the former African Footballer of the Year, was bought during his active days in Barcelona. Dele Aiyenugba: Dele is one of the new generation of Nigerian players, who have fallen in love with the Festival Town. The unassuming Eagles goalkeeper bought a fabulous and classy home on F Close on 21 Road and has been quietly residing there with his family for the past two years. The house is said to have cost him a whopping N100 million. Nnamdi Oduamadi: The on-loan AC Milan whiz-kid `k\ ‡^)^]\ [^kÂ?]`‡^[\ wk\ a ‘Festac Boy’ having spent a greater part of his childhood in Festac Town. 5(H;:@ Though Odu already has a comfortable home on A Close on 71 Road, family sources disclosed that he has Â?XˆÂ?ZY[^[\ÂŽZwˆk\jX\wÂ?_Y`]^\ ^–`\ ZXÂŒÂˆÂťwˆwÂşk\Â…XYk^\jÂ…wj\Â…wk\ been put on sale at Festac Extension ‡^ÂŒ)`ˆ‰\ Â…`k\ new status as a Super Eagles star. Austin Ejide: His property, which is located after Festac’s new bridge, is just a stone’s throw to Osaze’s house. Though the building is still under con5$E;>= struction, it is however valued at N150 million. The six bedroom all marble apartment with an expensive lawn is complemented by a swimming pool and ‰–ŠÂ&#x;\ Â…^\kÂŽ]wWZ`ˆ‰\^[`ÂŒÂ?^\`k\ said to have two living rooms and two kitchens. Yusuf Ayila: Ayila’s house in Festac Town is another beauty to behold. Information at our disposal re†^wZ^[\ jÂ…wj\ jÂ…^\ \ –ˆwŠX\ –`†\ [^q^ˆk`†^\ Š`[ÂŒ^Z[^]\ is happy with his Festac home on 3rd Avenue, which is said to be his latest acquisition. Gist has it that he bought the house from a billionaire politician and businessman for over N100 million. 1234 56789;8;< The last but not the Z^wkj\ `k\ ZXŒˆ\ WÂ…Xk^\ imposing property at F Close inside 7th Avenue is a cynosure of alleyes. Close pals say the house was bought from a former Senator and could have gone for 52>DFGH=G= nothing less than a N100 million.


Sports/Women Football


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Falcons still workin-progress — Okon

with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

Namibia earn Hayatou praise


resident of the Confederation of African Football (CAF) Issa Hayatou has praised the Namibian Government and its people for their commitment and unwavering support in realising the country’s dream of hosting the 9th edition of the CAF Women’s Championship. Ž^w‹`ˆ‰\ wj\ w\ ‰Z`)^]`ˆ‰\ gala dinner in Windhoek on Monday evening, Hayatou, whose speech was deliv^]^[\Xˆ\…`k\‡^…wZq\‡–\ XZ^Œ\ Oliphant, the chairperson of the CAF Women’s Championship, said Namibia had every reason to be proud of the journey it has travelled

`ˆ\ X]‰wˆ`k`ˆ‰\ j…^\ Œ]kj\ ^†^]\ African Women’s Championship on Namibian soil. Hayatou emphasised the importance of African governments supporting women’s football, saying Namibia in particular, through its professionalism and good organization, has just set a benchmark in the overall development of the women’s game. “On behalf of the entire CAF family, I want to assure the Namibian Government and its people that the tournament started well and it will end well. CAF will make sure the Namibian edition of the women’s championship goes down as one of the best and well organised tournaments,� said Hayatou. Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture, Jerry Ekandjo, thanked CAF for according Namibia an opportunity to host the prestigious event and also giving the country a chance to prove its ability to host similar or bigger international events.

Arsenal legend backs women’s Game


rsenal legend, Ian Wright says that people will be impressed by what they see when England play Germany at Wembley Stadium on November 23. The former England striker is a big fan of the women’s game and will ‡^\`ˆ\w)^ˆ[wˆÂ?^\Â…`Šk^Zq\wj\ ˆ^Ă j\ ŠXˆjÂ…Âşk\ Â…`kjX]`Â?\ ÂŒĂ ture. He said that he is excited by the match and hopes it can prove the catalyst for the women’s game to get jÂ…^\w)^ˆj`Xˆ\ ]`‰…j\q^^Zk\`j\ deserves. “I’m pleased with the way the women’s game is progressing but I think it is under-rated,â€? said Wright. “It’s not as powerful as the men’s game but it’s ŠX]^\ w‡XYj\ Œˆ^kk^Â&#x;\ XYÂşZZ\ get some ladies who are very quick and very powerful but in the main the game is very technical. It’s very good and I like watching it.â€? Wright was speaking as part of Carlsberg’s Fan Squad at an event where Carlsberg invited 1,000 England supporters to Brent Civic Centre for the ‘ultimate England fan experience’ prior to the Three

Lions’ win over San Marino at Wembley. And the Fan Squad member was quick to call on his fellow England supporters to throw their weight behind the England Women’s team. “I think the more people that can back it wˆ[\Wwj�…\`j\j…^ˆ\j…^\‡^)^]\ it will become. It’s massive in America but when they started the players themselves had to go around trying to get people to come to the games. Now they are selling out huge stadiums, it’s amazing. “When you talk about women’s football Kelly Smith leaps to mind, so does Rachael Yankey and one of my all-time favourite players is (England assistant coach) Marieanne Spacey,� reminisced Wright.


oach Edwin Okon says the Super Falcons are not going to lower their guard when they take on host, the Brave Gladiators of Namibia in j…^\ ŒˆwZ\ ‰]XYŽ\ \ Šwj�…\ of the ongoing African Women Championship in Windhoek today. The six-time African

champions presently lead in the group with six points from two matches and are followed by their Ivoirian counterparts and the Namibians with both having three points each from same games. Though the Super Falcons have been in a devastative form in the championship, which has seen them score 10

goals and conceded only two, coach Okon thinks the Falcons are still work-in-progress to reclaim the championship. “We are excited to ‡XX‹\XY]\k^Š`�ŒˆwZ\j`�‹et. We are happy to have won our two games, but it’s not over yet. “We are not perfect just as every team. You cannot get it right all the

time but we hope to get ‡^)^]Â&#x;° The Falcons won their ÂŒ]kj\ ‰wŠ^\ ÉÂ?Ç\ w‰w`ˆkj\ Ivory Coast and whitewash Zambia 6-0 in the second match played on Tuesday to look good for w\ÂŽZwÂ?^\`ˆ\jÂ…^\k^Š`Â?ŒˆwZk\ as they are now tagged as the team to beat in the Namibia.

Ebere dreams AWC title


fter posting a star performance in the Super Falcons 6-0 thrashing of the Shepolopolo of Zambia on Tuesday in a group Amatch of the ongoing African Women Championship in Windhoek, Namibia, Ngozi Ebere has now set her sights on the title. The 23-year oldleftback, voted best player in the comprehensive win that has shot the Falcons `ˆjX\ j…^\ k^Š`�ŒˆwZk•\ kw`[\ winning the remaining matches as the championship progresses will be mission accomplished for her, especially coming two years after their dismal outing at the 2012 edition in Equatorial Guinea. Ebere, now the second Nigerian player to win the best player award after Ngozi Okobi in the opening match against Cote d’Ivoire, has dedicated the award to the Almighty God. “I’m excited to be named the best player of

the match. I dedicate the award to the Almighty God. “We are happy to win our two games so far and hope to improve in our remaining games. We will work hard to win the trophy,� Ebere who plays for local side, River Angels FC told Cafonline. com after the match Ebere was a member of the Super Falcons squad j…wj\Œˆ`k…^[\qXY]j…\wj\j…^\ last edition in Equatorial Guinea.

Mia Hamm wants W/Cup on natural turf


ia Hamm is the latest to call on FIFA to reconsider its decision to play matches of the 2015 World YŽ\ `ˆ\ wˆw[w\ Xˆ\ w]j`Œcial turf. “It’s their biggest tournament,� said Hamm, who played on two World Cup-winning squads in addition to winning two Olympic gold medals. “I would love for them to play on natural grass.� Led by Abby Wambach and Nadine Angerer, a

group of U.S. players has ŒZ^[\w\ZwWkY`j\`ˆ\ ˆjw]`X\ against FIFA and the Canadian Soccer Association, claiming gender discrimination because the men’s tournament is held on natural grass. Hamm said she understands, but “for this tournament you hope, you know, FIFA potentially �XYZ[\`ˆ†^kj\`ˆ\wˆ[\Œ‰Y]^\ XYj\ w\ kwq^\ wˆ[\ ‡^)^]\ wZternative. I totally understand why they have it in that area of the world....�

Daily Newswatch



Sam Popoola


Fuel subsidy suit: When 36 states confront FG in legal battle FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


he 36 states across the federation of Nigeria are currently in legal confrontation with the President Goodluck Jonathan led Federal Government (FG), at the Supreme Court of Nigeria in Abuja. This is clearly to put to legal test what they termed the irregularities in the methods adopted by the (FG) in the deduction of fuel subsidy funds. The state governments insisted that the FG, acting through the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), has been cheating them through the ways and manner the subsidy claims were paid. Two top Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) Joseph Daudu and Lateef Fagbemi, leading the states have urged the apex court to declare the practice as violating the provisions of sections 88 and 162 of the 1999 Constitution. The senior lawyers equally want the Supreme Court to restrain the FG from further deducting the fuel subsidy fund and other expenditure from the oil proceeds before they are paid into the federation account. The states also want the highest court in the land to declare that the present practice by the FG as unwholesome and unconstitutional. It was also their contention that the practice, which they urged the apex court to stop, had led to what they termed inaccuracies in the oil revenue ]^Š`)^[\jX\jÂ…^\ ^[^]wj`Xˆ\ Â?Â?XYˆjÂ&#x; Joined as defendants to the suit, which is slated for hearing on December 8, 2014 w]^\jÂ…^\XDÂ?^\Xq\jÂ…^\ )X]ˆ^–Â? ^ˆ^]wZ\Xq\ the Federation (AGF) and the National Assembly. But the FG is challenging the legitimacy of the suit. But the defendants through a lawyer q]XŠ\ jÂ…^\ XDÂ?^\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ •\ w`WX\ Abidogun and that of the National kk^Š‡Z–•\ ^ˆ\ ‹Xˆˆ^•\ Œ‰…j`ˆ‰\ ‡wÂ?‹•\ in their separate preliminary objections before the court, prayed the court to strike out the case for lack of jurisdiction jX\Â…^w]\jÂ…^\Šw)^]Â&#x; It was their contention that the appropriate court to institute the suit should have been the Federal High XY]j\k`ˆÂ?^\jÂ…^\[^[YÂ?j`Xˆk•\jÂ…^\ÂŽZw`ˆj`%\ were challenging were made by the NNPC, a federal agency. The lawyers to the defendants equally Šw`ˆjw`ˆ^[\ jÂ…wj\ jÂ…^\ Šw)^]\ Wwk\ kjwjYj^\ barred on the grounds that the suit was only instituted in 2012 even though it was challenging deductions made in 2007,2008,2009,2010 and 2011. The defendants also insisted that the claims of the state governments did not disclose any cause of action against them. jÂ…^]\ÂŽ]w–^]k\Xq\jÂ…^\ÂŽZw`ˆj`%k\`ˆÂ?ZY[^•\ “A perpetual order of injunction restraining the Federal Government of Nigeria by itself, servants, agents privies and those taking instruction from it from making any further deductions from the amount standing to the credit of the federation account for the purpose of funding the payment of fuel subsidy claims or any other purpose whatsoever, except those authorised by section 162 of the 1999 Constitution.

Goodluck Jonathan

Âż ˆ\ X][^]\ [`]^Â?j`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ )X]ˆ^–Â? General of the Federation to on behalf of the Federal Government give account of all subsidy claims deducted from the federation account from 2007 till date.â€? According to their claims, “The ÂŽZw`ˆj`%k\w†^]\jÂ…wj\jÂ…^]^\w]^\`ˆwÂ?Â?Y]wÂ?`^k\ in the crude oil and gas revenues ]^Š`)^[\ jX\ jÂ…^\ q^[^]wj`Xˆ\ wÂ?Â?XYˆj\ by the NNPC caused by wrongful deductions at source by the NNPC to fund her operation. Âż Â…^\ ÂŽZw`ˆj`%k\ w†^]\ jÂ…wj\ wk\ w\ Šw)^]\ of practice, subsidy claims ought to ‡^\ ]^Š`)^[\ jX\ jÂ…^\ \ q]XŠ\ jÂ…^\ Petroleum Support Fund by the Federal Ministry of Finance based on claims from oil marketers approved by the PPPRA. “However, NNPC’s practice is to remit to the federation account, amount payable for domestic crude less subsidy claim. The NNPC then requests the Federal Ministry of Finance to pay the amounts due to subsidy claim back into the Federation Account being the balance cost of the domestic crude. “According to a report of the Federal Ministry of Finance dated November 22, 2010, titled, ‘The Interim Report on the Process of Forensic Review of NNPC’ the implication of this unconstitutional ÂŽ]wÂ?j`Â?^\`k\jÂ…wj\jÂ…^\wÂ?jYwZ\]^Š`)wˆÂ?^\Xq\

Diezani Alison-Madueke

proceeds for domestic crude sales to the Federation Account is far less than the amount expected.â€? It would be recalled that the FG had on March 18, 2014 through the Minister of Petroleum, Alison Madueke insisted that the subsidy policy cannot be sustained any longer. According to the minister, “The continued regulation of the downstream sector has its positive and negative impact on the economy, but the negative ^%^Â?j\`k\ŠX]^\jÂ…wˆ\jÂ…^\ÂŽXk`j`†^Â&#x; “The subsidy policy cannot be sustained any longer. This is because jÂ…^\ kY‡k`[–\ ÂŽw–Š^ˆj\ [`[\ ˆXj\ ‡^ˆ^ÂŒj\ the poor it was targeting, but rather it is ‡^ˆ^ÂŒj`ˆ‰\jÂ…^\]`Â?Â…Â&#x;° She also stressed the need to deregulate the downstream oil sector jX\ w)]wÂ?j\ `ˆ†^kjX]k•\ W`jÂ…\ wˆ\ w[[`j`Xˆ\ that government must strike a balance in implementing some of its policies to meet the needs of Nigerians. Madueke added that, “Now that reforms in power sector are underway, the next focus should be reforms in the [XWˆkj]^wŠ\kY‡Â?k^Â?jX]Â&#x; “The industry needs to move to next level by increasing revenue and curb oil theft and pipeline vandalism.â€? Â…^\ ^j]XZ^YŠ\ `ˆ`kj^]\wZkX\w[Š`)^[\ that Nigerians had been faced with

Two top Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN) Joseph Daudu and Lateef Fagbemi, leading the states have urged the apex court to declare the practice as violating the provisions of sections 88 and 162 of the 1999 Constitution

petrol scarcity and there seemed to be no end sight in spite of assurances by the NNPC. She also outlined challenges confronting the government to include perennial oil theft, pipeline vandalism and non passage of the PIB. According to Madueke, “However, we have been confronted with the menace of pipeline vandalism for decades and it has become much more prevalent in the last few years. “In 2013 alone, all the major crude oil pipelines were severely damaged wˆ[\ †wˆ[wZ`k^[\ wj\ [`%^]^ˆj\ ÂŽX`ˆjk\ `ˆ\ time, the Bonny–Escravos line from the ]^Œˆ^]–\Wwk\ˆXj\kÂŽw]^[\^`jÂ…^]Â&#x; “Needless to say pipeline vandalism wˆ[\ kw‡Xjw‰^\ Â?]^wj^[\ k`‰ˆ`ÂŒÂ?wˆj\ ZXkk^k\ for the country; this includes direct and indirect costs for the provision of security, crude oil and petroleum products losses. “Also, production and environmental degradation and associated remediation cost to that and resulting escalation of project implementation cost that go along with it.â€? Madueke pointed out that in spite of these challenges, the country still maintained a stable 2.3 million barrels per day production of crude oil achieved in 2013. She also stressed that the country had the capacity to boost production to three million barrels per day. Aside the Petroleum Minister’s ÂťYkj`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\Xˆ\jÂ…^\]^wkXˆ\W…–\kY‡k`[–\ must be removed on the downstream sector, even President Jonathan insisted that only the total removal of subsidy Xˆ\ ÂŽ^j]XZ^YŠ\ ÂŽ]X[YÂ?jk\ WXYZ[\ w)]wÂ?j\ investors to the oil sector and put an end to the importation of petroleum products as it is currently being done. According to Jonathan, “Why is it that ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^\ w]^\ ˆXj\ ‡Y`Z[`ˆ‰\ ]^Œˆ^]`^k\ `ˆ\ Nigeria despite that it is a big business? It is because of the policy of subsidy, and that is why we want to get out of it. “To change a nation is like surgery. If –XY\Â…w†^\w\–XYˆ‰\[wY‰…j^]\Xq\Π^\–^w]k\ Continued on Page 38


Daily Newswatch



When 36 states confront FG in legal battle third defendants, Minister of Petroleum, Diezeni Alison-Madueke and her counterpart in the Finance Ministry, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, respectively also wants an order order directing the 3rd defendant (Mrs Okonjo-Iweala) to stop further payment of fuel subsidy money predicated on the corrupt, illegal and unlawful fuel subsidy regime. ^\ Zw` j`%\ W X\ w` jw` ^[\ j wj \ ¿ ^\ X ^ \ w Xj\ ^\ »Ykj` ^[\ ` \ the face of the pervasive corruption, perennial fuel shortage and long queues being witnessed in the country,” also want the court to issue a declaration that the fuel subsidy being funded by the FG is a waste of public funds and therefore unlawful and illegal to sustain. The former governorship candidate further prayed the court for, “A declaration that the pervasive corruption inherent in the fuel subsidy scheme has caused untold hardship to the masses of the country and therefore Reginald Stanley Okonjo Iweala is an abuse of the rights of Nigerians as guaranteed by the provision of the 1999 Continued from Page 37 are competitive and non-exploitative Constitution as amended. who has a boil at a very strategic part of and so there is no need for anyone to “A declaration that the fuel subsidy the face, you either as a parent leave that engage in panic buying or product scheme having failed to achieve the boil because the young girl will cry or hoarding. purpose for which it was meant should you take the girl to the surgeon. “The PPPRA in conjunction with the be out rightly abolished as same has “So you have the option of just Department of Petroleum Resources violated the Nigerian people’s rights as robbing metholatum on the face until (DPR) will ensure that consumers are guaranteed by the provision of the 1999 j ^\ X`Z\W`ZZ\ Y]kj\w [\[`k Y]^\ ^]\qw ^\ not taken advantage of in any form or Constitution. or you take that child to the surgeon. On in any way. “A declaration that the failure of the sighting of a scalpel of the surgeon “The DPR will ensure that the interest the 2nd and 3rd defendants in their alone, the child will start crying. of the consumer in terms of quality of Ministerial duties to ensure a corrupt “But if she bears the pains and do the products is guaranteed at all times and free subsidy regime is a breach of public incision and treat it, after some days in line with international best practice. trust and a violation of their oaths or weeks, the child will grow up to “In the coming weeks, the PPPRA Xq\ XD ^\ wk\ X jw` ^[\ ` \ j ^\ k^ ^ j \ be a beautiful lady. There are certain will engage stakeholders in further schedule to the 1999 Constitution.” decisions that government must take consultation to ensure the continuation ^\ Zw` j`%\wZkX\Ww j\j ^\ ^[^]wZ\ ` \ that may be painful at the beginning of this exercise in a hitch-free manner.” Court Abuja to determine, “Whether in and people must be properly informed But months after the PPPRA `^W\Xq\j ^\XD `wZ\ X]]Y j`X \w [\w Yk^\ so that they will be ready to bear the annoucing that subsidy had been Xq\ XD ^\ ` ^]^ j\ ` \ j ^\ qY^Z\ kY k`[ \ pains.” removed from the down stream sector, regime as evidenced by the in-going President Jonathan believes that the decision did not go down well with trial of certain individuals in the Federal Nigeria could witness a turn-around Nigerians who had insisted that the High Court Lagos, the President of the within 10 years once the right policies decision must be reversed. Federal Republic of Nigeria is validly were put in place. The President further For instance, a former governorship competent to order the removal and or argued that , “I believe that you do candidate in the 2007 elections in abolish the fuel subsidy scheme. not need a lifetime to change a nation. w ]w\ jwj^ \ jw Z^ \ ^ ^\ Z^[\ “Whether consequent upon the Under 10 years, Nigeria can change and a suit against the President Jonathan perennial fuel shortages and the people will not even believe that this is led Federal Government (FG) before w)^ [w j\ ZX \ _Y^Y^k\ X \ XY]\ ]Xw[k \ Nigeria again. Immediately you come an Abuja Federal High Court asking it would be proper and lawful for the up with strong policies in key sectors it to compel the President to remove President of the Federal Republic of of the economy and keep it for 10 years, forthwith the subsidy being paid on Nigeria to completely remove and the change will be astronomical.” fuel in the country. abolish the fuel subsidy regime. The Petroleum Products Pricing ^\ Zw` j`%\ ` \ j ^\ kY`j\ Z^[\ \ `k\ “Whether having regards to the near Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) had lawyers, M.A Ebute and U.B. Eyo and infrastructural collapse in our country, on January 1, 2012 announced the dated December 21, 2012, wants, “An it would be proper to re-channel funds withdrawal of petroleum subsidy, order compelling President Jonathan meant for fuel subsidy scheme into the which suggesd that Nigerians will now to refund to the Federation Account building of infrastructural facilities. w \ ÆÉÆ\ ^]\Z`)^]\Xq\ wkXZ` ^ such sum earlier appropriated and or “Whether the 2nd and 3rd defendants The agency in a statement signed by its approved under the sub-head of fuel being appointees of the President by not Executive Secretary, Reginald Stanley subsidy funds.” ensuring a corrupt free subsidy regime said, “Following extensive consultation The suit which has as second and have not failed in their principal duty to with stakeholders across the nation, the Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA) wishes to inform all stakeholders of the commencement of formal removal of subsidy on Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), in accordance with the powers conferred on the agency by the law establishing it, in compliance with Section 7 of PPPRA Act, 2004. “By this announcement, the downstream sub-sector of the petroleum industry is hereby deregulated for PMS. Service providers in the sector are now to procure products and sell same in accordance with the indicative benchmark price to be published forthnightly and posted on the PPPRA website. “Petroleum products marketers are to note that no one will be paid subsidy on PMS discharges after 1st January 2012. “Consumers are assured of adequate supply of quality products at prices that

The lawyers to the defendants equally maintained that the matter was statute barred on the grounds that the suit was only instituted in 2012 even though it was challenging deductions made in 2007,2008,2009,2010 and 2011

Nigerians.” The former governorship candidate in w\Ç¢\ w]w ]w ^[\wD[w `j\ ^\[^ Xk^[\jX\ in support of the originating summons averred that Nigeria now under the leadership of President Jonathan now imports fuel from various oil producing nations for local consumption by Nigerians and that said importation is highly subsidized by the Federal Government running into billions of Naira. ^\ Zw` j`%\ qY]j ^]\ X` j^[\ XYj\ j wj\ the only way to stop what he termed the high level of abuse of the fuel subsidy scheme is the removal of the policy by the FG. The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), under the leadership of its former president, Joseph Daudu (SAN) also posited that, “The Nigerian Bar Association had since the purported removal of fuel subsidy been in active consultation with the NLC, TUC, NMA and other professional bodies and civil societies. “I have also consulted widely with the Branches of the NBA and other senior members of the Bar and our position is unanimous as follows: “That NBA supports and associates itself with all the actions contained in the NLC/TUC communiqué. For the avoidance of doubt, all members of the NBA shall participate in the nationwide strike commencing on the 9th of January 2012. “The strike shall be comprehensive with all lawyers withdrawing their services from courts and elsewhere except as it is necessary to facilitate the continuation of pressure on Government to rescind its actions. “All branches of the NBA are directed to constitute teams of able and dedicated lawyers to assist free of any charge persons who may be unlawfully arrested or manhandled during the period of protest. “Lawyers should ensure that they monitor the response of government particularly any breaches of fundamental human rights or the protocols of international criminal law for the possibility of prosecution of ^]]w j\ w [\ ^ÁY ^]w j\ XD `wZk\ ^qX]^\ appropriate international criminal tribunals. “NBA supports the position of NLC/ TUC that there should be no negotiation W`j \ j ^\ ^Z X]^\ X `)^^\ X]\ w \ other agent of government on this or w \ Xj ^]\ wZZ`^[\ w)^]\ ^ wYk^\ j ^]^\ is in reality nothing to negotiate. The minimum position is the immediate reversal of this provocative and uncalled for increment of petrol. “NBA notes that the said increment will regardless of the much touted palliatives destroy what is left of the lives of Nigerians. The level of dishonesty and disorganisation in the country at this moment will only ensure that the kw`[\ wZZ`wj` ^k\w]^\q]`)^]^[\wWw \ “Before public transportation can be embarked on, Government must set at least 18 months planning National, State and municipal routes determined by passenger density and other modalities. It must have a commercial policy in place to ensure the continuity and uniformity of such a program. “Government from all indication does not believe in planning. Government is not serious about the business of governance. “NBA stands with the people and it is ready to put all its resources at the disposal of good governance and the rule of law.”


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Child trafficking: Seme border hotelier docked over prostitution FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


he owner of Daka Hotel, located at Seme border in Badagry area of Lagos State, Chief Ibidun Joshua, has been dragged before a Federal High Court in Ikoyi, Lagos by the National ‰^ˆÂ?–\qX]\jÂ…^\ ]XÂ…`‡`j`Xˆ\Xq\ ]wDÂ?\ ˆ\ ^]kXˆk\wˆ[\XjÂ…^]\]^Zwj^[\Šw)^]kÂ&#x; According to the agency, the hotel specialises in forcing teenagers into

prostitution. The chief is currently facing trial alongside four others before the court. The charge before the court equally revealed that Joshua together with Xj…^]k\ wZZ^‰^[Z–\ ŽZw–^[\ [`%^]^ˆj\ ]XZ^k•\ particularly in forcing two girls, Charity and Loveth (their aliases) 14 and 17 years old respectively, both from Benin City, Edo State into prostitution against their consent.

Those arraigned on a seven counts Â?Â…w]‰^\jÂ…wj\jXYÂ?Â…^k\Xˆ\Â…YŠwˆ\j]wDÂ?‹`ˆ‰\ alongside the hotel owner, contrary jX\ ^Â?j`Xˆ\ Æ£žw˜\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ ]wDÂ?‹`ˆ‰\ ˆ\ Person (Prohibition) Law Enforcement and Administration Act, 2003, includes: Osasuwa Ruth, Mabel Tasowia, Segun Ajose and Taiye Adesanya. According to the charge sheet before jÂ…^\Â?XY]j•\jÂ…^\ÂŒ]kj\wÂ?Â?Yk^[\ÂŽ^]kXˆ•\ Yj…•\ who has already been convicted,

Army parades 42 suspected Boko Haram members in Lagos

Justice from foreign lands Psychologist says Pistorius is ‘broken man’


scar Pistorius is a “broken manâ€? after killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp because he lost her, his reputation, friends, income and sense of self-worth, a psychologist called by jÂ…^\ Z–ŠŽ`Â?\ ]Yˆˆ^]Âşk\ ZwW–^]k\ j^kj`ÂŒ^[\ Monday. ]Â&#x;\ X]^\ w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰\‰w†^\jÂ…^\j^kj`ŠXˆ–\ ahead of Pistorius’ sentencing for culpable homicide, and it was almost immediately characterized by the chief prosecutor as unbalanced. A sentence for culpable homicide can range from a suspended sentence and w\ Œˆ^\ jX\ wk\ Šwˆ–\ wk\ Æ£\ –^w]k\ `ˆ\ ÂŽ]`kXˆÂ&#x;\ Judge Thokozile Masipa last month found Pistorius not guilty of both premeditated murder and murder in his killing of Steenkamp in the predawn hours of Valentine’s Day at his home last year. ^†^]wZ\ÂŽXZ`Â?^\XDÂ?^]k\kjXX[\‰Yw][\Xˆ\jÂ…^\ dais where the judge sat amid concerns about her security. Masipa drew criticism from some South Africans who thought Pistorius could at least have been convicted of a lesser murder charge on the grounds that he knew a person could die when he ÂŒ]^[\qXY]\‡YZZ^jk\jÂ…]XY‰…\w\jX`Z^j\[XX]\wˆ[\ into a small cubicle, killing Steenkamp. Prosecutors said Pistorius had opened ÂŒ]^\ `ˆ\ wˆ‰^]\ wqj^]\ jÂ…^\ Â?XYÂŽZ^\ w]‰Y^[Â&#x;\ Â…^\ ]Yˆˆ^]\j^kj`ÂŒ^[\jÂ…wj\Â…^\Š`kjXX‹\ j^^ˆ‹wŠŽ•\ a 29-year-old model and budding reality TV star, for an intruder who was about to Â?XŠ^\XYj\Xq\jÂ…^\jX`Z^j\wˆ[\w)wÂ?‹\Â…`ŠÂ&#x;

w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰\ kw`[\ jÂ…^\ [XY‡Z^Â?wŠŽYj^^\ runner had sometimes cried, retched, perspired and paced up and down during sessions in which she tried to assist him. “Some of the sessions were just him weeping and crying and me holding him,â€?

w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰\ kw`[Â&#x;\ Â…^\ j^kj`ÂŒ^[\ kÂ…^\ Â…w[\

been counselling a grief-stricken Pistorius since soon after the Feb. 14, 2013 killing of Steenkamp. Â…^\ j^kj`ŠXˆ–\ Wwk\ ÂŽw]j\ Xq\ wˆ\ ^%X]j\ ‡–\ the runner’s legal team to persuade Masipa jÂ…wj\ `kjX]`Yk\Â…wk\kY%^]^[\^ŠXj`XˆwZZ–\wˆ[\ materially and that he is remorseful. The team hopes the judge will be lenient when she sentences Pistorius, once a celebrated athlete who ran in the 2012 Olympics, after what is expected to be a week of legal argument and testimony. “We are left with a broken man who has ZXkj\ ^†^]–jÂ…`ˆ‰•°\ w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰\ kw`[\ [Y]`ˆ‰\ her testimony. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel criticized her Œˆ[`ˆ‰k•\ kw–`ˆ‰\ `kjX]`Yk\ WXYZ[\ Z`‹^Z–\ still have the chance to rebuild his life and possibly continue his career. “We are now dealing with a broken man, but he is still alive,â€? the prosecutor said. He later questioned the psychologist about what she knew about Steenkamp, noting her life was over. “Do you know anything about her dreams, what she wanted to do in life?â€? Nel said. Joel Maringa, a social worker in South Africa’s correctional services, suggested that Pistorius be placed under correctional supervision, which would include periods of house arrest, for three years and that he perform 16 hours of community service a month during that time. Such correctional supervision would allow Pistorius to j]w`ˆ\ wˆ[\ w)^ˆ[\ wjÂ…Z^j`Â?k\ Š^^j`ˆ‰k\ w‰w`ˆ•\ Maringa said. Nel said such a sentence would be “shockingly inappropriateâ€? and described it as “no sentence.â€? Maringa, who was also called to testify by the defense, listed Pistorius’ involvement in international sporting bodies as well


Police arraign female member over church’s N52,000 theft FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


emi Abbas, a female church member of a congregation, has been arraigned before an Oshodi Magistrates’ Court, over alleged stealing of her pastor’s N52,000. The defendant who resides at 216, Railway Line, Ilupeju, Lagos, however, pleaded not guilty to the charge. But the prosecutor, Kehinde Olatunde, informed the court that the defendant wZZ^‰^[Z–\ �XŠŠ`)^[\ j…^\ X%^ˆ�^\ Xˆ\ September 30 at St. Christopher Spiritual Church, C&S Ilupeju, Lagos. The prosecutor explained that the defendant allegedly stole the said sum belonging to her pastor, Kolawole Oye.

^\w[[^[\jÂ…wj•\Âż Â…^\ÂŽwkjX]\Wwk\w)^ˆ[`ˆ‰\ to some members of his congregation during a counselling session when his phone rang. “He could not hear the caller because of the noise of the generator set, so, went outside to receive the call. “When the complainant came back to his seat, he discovered that an envelope left on his table that contained N52,000 had disappeared. “He quickly raised an alarm and threatened jÂ…Xk^\ Â…^\ Z^qj\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ XDÂ?^\ W`jÂ…\ [^wjÂ…\ `q\ jÂ…^\ money was not immediately returned and confession made.â€? Olatunde said the defendant fell on the ground and confessed that she saw the envelope but only took N5,000 and did not know who took the rest along with the envelope. The prosecutor maintained that the wZZ^‰^[\ X%^ˆÂ?^\ Â?Xˆj]w†^ˆ^k\ ^Â?j`Xˆ\ ÇÓ£\ Xq\ the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The court presided over by Magistrate Akeem Fashola, granted the defendant bail in the sum of N25, 000 with one surety in like sum.

Three secret cult suspects face prosecution

as charity projects and predicted that the athlete’s behavior could be “successfully FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU ŠX[`ÂŒ^[\W`jÂ…`ˆ\jÂ…^\Â?XŠŠYˆ`j–\Â?Xˆj^Ă jÂ&#x;° w]Z`^]•\ w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰•\ WÂ…X\ [^kÂ?]`‡^[\ ^[^]wZ\ `‰…\ XY]j\ k`)`ˆ‰\ `ˆ\ ‹X–`•\ herself as an expert in trauma counseling, Lagos has set aside October 23, 2014 kw`[\kÂ…^\ÂŒ]kj\Š^j\W`jÂ…\ `kjX]`Yk\Xˆ\ ^‡Â&#x;\Ç£\ qX]\[^Œˆ`j^\Â…^w]`ˆ‰\Xq\w\kY`j\`ˆkj`jYj^[\\ last year, 11 days after the shooting death of against the National Institute of Sports (NIS), Steenkamp, and had been counselling him wˆ[\`jk\jWX\XDÂ?`wZk\X†^]\qw`ZY]^\jX\Â?XŠŽZ–\W`jÂ…\ since then. the Freedom of Information bill (FoI). She said the shooting and Pistorius’ Â…^\ wÂŽÂŽZ`Â?wˆjk•\ Â?w[^Š`Â?\ jw%\ ˆ`Xˆ\ Xq\ Z^ˆ‰j…–\ wˆ[\ Â…`‰…Â?ÂŽ]XÂŒZ^\ ŠY][^]\ j]`wZ\ Research Institute, National Institute of Sports Š^wˆj\jÂ…^\wjÂ…Z^j^\Â…w[\wZkX\kY%^]^[\k^†^]^\ (NIS), its chairman, Comrade Akinremi loss. He had lost Steenkamp, his “moral ]wˆÂ?`k•\wˆ[\ XŠ]w[^\ ^ˆ\ Š^Âź`\jÂ…^\ ˆ`XÂˆÂşk\ and professional reputation,â€? many of branch chairman and secretary respectively, Â…`k\ q]`^ˆ[k•\ Â…`k\ Â?w]^^]\ wˆ[\ Â…`k\ ŒˆwˆÂ?`wZ\ had dragged the NIS, its director and registrar before the court over allegation of none release independence, she said. Nel asked the psychologist about Xq\ kXŠ^\ XDÂ?`wZ\ [XÂ?YŠ^ˆjk•\ ]^Â?X][k\ wˆ[\ information to them. Steenkamp’s family. It would be recalled that the court, presided “Would you not expect a broken family?â€? Nel asked, saying Steenkamp’s father Barry over by Justice Saliu Saidu, had adjourned Â…w[\ kY%^]^[\ w\ kj]X‹^\ wk\ w\ ]^kYZj\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ the hearing of the suit at the instance of the applicants’ counsel, Banji Abuloye who killing of his daughter, and Steenkamp’s informed the court that he needed time to study mother had collapsed when she learned of wˆ[\]^ÂŽZ–\jÂ…^\wD[w†`jk\wˆ[\XjÂ…^]\wÂŽÂŽZ`Â?wj`Xˆ\ her daughter’s death. served on him by counsel to the respondents. Nel said Pistorius also had the opportunity to return to his life and his track career. Nel, ÂŽ^Â?`ÂŒÂ?wZZ–•\ jÂ…^\ wÂŽÂŽZ`Â?wˆjk\ Â…w[\ ÂŽ]w–^[\ jÂ…^\ WÂ…X\ kXŠ^j`Š^k\ _Y^kj`Xˆ^[\ w]Ă”^ˆ‡^]‰\ court to issue an order of mandamus compelling sternly, also raised an incident during the jÂ…^\ ]^kÂŽXˆ[^ˆjk•\ wk\ w\ Šw)^]\ Xq\ Y]‰^ˆÂ?–•\ jX\ trial when Pistorius was involved in an ]^Z^wk^\jÂ…^\ ^]j`ÂŒ^[\ ]Y^\ XÂŽ`^k\ž ˜\Xq\jÂ…^\ altercation at a Johannesburg nightclub, demanded documents and information. questioning whether it matched her They also want the judge to issue an order description of a grieving man who had of mandamus compelling the respondents to allow them have access to the said documents withdrawn from society. Defense lawyer Barry Roux said he and information. The court had on June 6, 2014 directed that the would likely call four witnesses during the sentencing hearing. Nel said the state applicants apply for the order of mandamus, would call at least two, with the hearing compelling and directing the respondents to allow the applicants to have access to expected to last a week. There is no minimum sentence in South information sought. The judge had also granted the applicants Africa for culpable homicide or negligent ‹`ZZ`ˆ‰•\ wZjÂ…XY‰…\ kXŠ^\ ^Ă ÂŽ^]jk\ kw–\ w\ Π^Â? leave to apply for an order of mandamus compelling or directing the respondents to year jail sentence is a guideline when a release onto the applicants all the information ÂŒ]^w]Š\`k\Yk^[Â&#x; sought for.


Daily Newswatch


Crime Friday, October 17, 2014

Insecurity is not Nigeria’s Problem – Forensic Expert Dr. Tari Etete, is a forensic security expert who believes that the root of Nigeria insecurity should be traced back to individual’s obligation to love fellow neighbour. In this interview with ADELEKE ADESANYA, the Canadian trained security expert emphasised on reasons why Nigeria is wal ! " #! $lems, how insecurity challenge facing Nigeria could be solved, Nigeria political leaders’ misbehaviour, Boko Haram issue and other sundry issues. Excerpt:


s a security expert, what can you say is the cause of insecurity on Nigeria? The cause of insecurity in this country started with people’s shyness from the word “Security� because of the capital intensiveness. Security is not all about money. One question that pops into my mind whenever I hear the word “security� is that, when you woke up this morning, “were you security conscious?�, did you spend any money to have the security you have now? The answer is a big fat ‘No’. What we need to imbibe is the philosophy of mutual cooperation with XY]\ ˆ^`‰…‡XY]k\ wˆ[\ �Y)`ˆ‰\ –XY]\ �Xwj\ w�cording to your cloth. Do you then see security business as something that is expensive? Of course it is. For you to run the business successfully, you need logistics. This is because; the business involves things like logistics, personnel, training and equipment. But the actual notion of security is what you and I should not take for granted. My security is your security and vice versa. As long as we are mutually aware that if we care for ourselves there will not be insecurity in our land, then we are taking care of security, and no amount of money can buy that. Security as a whole entails sancj`Œ�wj`Xˆ•\ZX†^\qX]\Xˆ^\wˆXj…^]•\^†^ˆ\jX\j…^\ nationhood. Security is all about communication, from communication you have indices, from indices we have point of reference, mitigating factors which can now impact on those points of reference. On the other hand, security is not always violent, rather it is intelligent. It’s about awareness, appreciation, understanding and culture. What can you say is wrong with Nigeria in terms of security? Where Nigeria went wrong in terms of security is that we abandoned community spirit. And by doing that, we abandon the government and the people and this resulted into crisis. Also a good security is; job security, political stability, growth, factory, education and mechanization. So when a country lacks all these basic foundational elements, you will now get element of insecurity, and that is when we will start looking for security to tackle the insecurity, but by then it would have been too late, because so much would have to be captured. What is your take on the ravaging Boko haram issue which Nigeria has been battling for a period of time? On the issue of Boko Haram, things cannot be nipped in the bud. Boko Haram in

Dr. Tari Etete

this country is not the major issue, but our people and the government’s mind set. If by this time next year, we are still talking about security, then we are in big problem. I believe that the best way to tackle insecurity is to sensitize our citizens on the need to value love of one another as a basis for security in this country. The problem could also be solved using the gap of security to cover that which is of manifest truth; which the love of one’s neighbour is as you love yourself. This principle is even highlighted in the Holy Bible. The holy book is all about security. It says be aware, be conscious, take heed, be wise, do this and don’t do that. So, if your heart is secured automatically, it will extend to all parts of the body. A country like Nigeria with the huge money spent on security should not be talking of insecurity if not that citizenry need psychological therapy in regards to love of ourselves, our country and others. Because i still keep wondering how come we are not seeing any improvement with XY]\Â?XYˆj]–ºk\‰wZZwˆj\^%X]jkÂ&#x;\ With huge amount spent on security in

then you are destroying the future. So let Yk\]`k^\w‡X†^\ÂŽ^)–\jÂ…`ˆ‰k\wˆ[\Yˆ[^]kjwˆ[\ that when you are entrusted with responsibility, it’s a God given opportunity for you jX\‰]XW\ÂŒ]kj\wˆ[\Zwj^]\–XY]\ˆwŠ^\W`ZZ\‡^\`ˆ\ the history books that you did well instead of becoming a point of reference negatively to the society. One of the popular legal practitioners in Lagos recently referred to our political leaders as mediocre, what can you say about this? `jÂ…\wZZ\[Y^\]^kÂŽ^Â?j•\ÂŒ]kj\wˆ[\qX]^ŠXkj•\ am not a politician, but I respect individual †`^Wk•\‡^Â?wYk^\`j\Z^w[k\jX\[`%^]^ˆj\]XYj^kÂ&#x;\ I believe that whatever decision you make will take you to your own destination. So all I can say is that whatever mistakes have been made in the past by the leaders need to be avoided in the future; that is using jÂ…^\ÂŽwkj\wk\w\‰Y`[^\jX\‡^)^]\jÂ…^\qYjY]^Â&#x;\ Xing back to the same thing we have been avoiding would not lead us anywhere. Politicians are like head of family, what^†^]\ wÂ?j`Xˆk\ ÂŽXZ`j`Â?`wˆk\ jw‹^\ w%^Â?j\ ^†^]–body in Nigeria. I will only advise they are hold responsible for their actions. So, once they are held accountable for their actions, all the other factors holding us back will be a thing of the past. Corruption in this country is the least of our problems, what we need is the strength of purpose and the collective desire to excel. Most importantly Nigerians should not be afraid of greatness Nigeria, as an expert in security profes- because the greatest black people ever are sion, what would you say is wrong? Nigerians, but we do not even know. We Let us be very pragmatic here. We need need to educate the next generation about to understand that government is all about who we are and what we represent. We priority. And security is supposed to be need to change our path and desist from our topmost priority in this country. If corruption. We represent the greatest and there is insecurity, then we have no stabil- ideal people that God created. The greatest ity and when stability is lacking then we gift mankind has is a black man; our blackhave no hope. ness is our security against ultra-violent, What we have to accept is that we are not because we are the progenitor of mankind. just, and most importantly, we are also not What exactly is your perception about guilty. Some of our past leaders that have corruption in this country? betrayed us in this area in the past have When people talk about corruption, it now realised that they have a negative im- makes me laugh. Nigerians should be in pact on us as a whole. Because when you the position of power because we have a are entrusted with responsibility and you lot of our citizens in the position of power fail due to certain peculiarity, then you are around the world. The question is “How ÂŽY)`ˆ‰\w\ZXj\Xq\ÂŽ]^kkY]^\Xˆ\^†^]–‡X[–Â&#x;\ ˆ[\ did they get there?â€? now we need to understand that when you We have a lot of blacks all around the are entrusted with responsibility, you need world making names for themselves. to follow it up as much as you can because Now, let’s take the Solomon Island for the day your responsibility fails, then you example, how do you think the blacks have failed everybody. So, when you are get there? How did they get so close to entrusted with sensitive things like pro- Japan? Obviously they are from here. curement of arms, trainings, methodology Nigeria is now 54years of age in term of of security and you are not serious about it, independence and yet it is sinking in the oceans. We are not going to change over the night, but we can if people like you and I can make a change. We should let our blackness go beyond fraudulent activities and all other things that white men use against us to negate and defeat us. Imagine, a black man beats up his wife, pours acid on her, because he thinks she is lower than him. He also drinks and do all sort of low things because to him it serves as strength for his inadequacies, whereas, he is a man but cannot function as one, because he has been denied of everything and that is the greatest insecurity that any society can face. All these are elements of personal insecurity which has grown in individual’s blood and it could be traced down to failure of government’s responsibly on citizenry. When there is no job, food security and others, then there is absolutely no security. So, I believe that the most insecurity solution our leaders in this country should be looking towards is what I can kwq^Z–\Â?wZZ\ÂżÂŒĂ `ˆ‰°Â&#x;

The actual notion of security is what you and I should not take for granted. My security is your security and vice versa. As long as we are mutually aware that if we care for ourselves there will not be insecurity in our land, then we are taking care of security, and no amount of money can buy that

Daily Newswatch


Super Friday Three pharmaceutical industries meet WHO’s good Manufacturing practice Friday, OCTOBER 17, 2014



igeria is now listed among the nations of the world whose local pharmaceutical companies produce drugs at World Health Organisation (WHO) standard of Good Manufacturing Practice, (GMP). This means that Nigerian local drugs manufacturing companies can now compete favourably with their foreign counterparts, by the act, drugs ÂŽ]X[YÂ?^[\`ˆ\jÂ…^\Â?XYˆj]–\Â?wˆ\‡^\Â?^]j`ÂŒ^[\ ready to be consumed by patients from every other part of the world without any precarious concern. The Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu , announced the three Nigerian pharmaceutical companies to have met the World Health Organisation’s Good Manufacturing ]wÂ?j`Â?^\ ž ˜\ ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ qX]\ the production of standard drugs to include ; Evans Pharmaceutical limited, May & Baker Pharmaceutical Limited, and Chi Pharmaceuticals limited. “Earlier in the year Swiss Pharm `‰^]`w\ `Š`j^[\ ‡^Â?wŠ^\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ company to receive the WHO’s GMP. Also the following three have joined the rank, Evans Pharmaceutical limited, May & Baker, Chi Pharmaceuticals, by this they have become the only four pharmaceutical companies in whole of West Africa to have done so,â€? he said Continuing, “the world awaits our products such as tablets for Malaria, HIV, tablets used for infections, including Tuberculosis, all these being manufactured here will be pre_YwZ`ÂŒ^[\ ‡–\ \ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ˆ^Ă j\ q^W\ months.â€? Also, Pharm. Ugochinyere Ogudu of Lagos Island Maternity Hospital ^Ă ÂŽZw`ˆ^[\\\ \`k\jÂ…^\kjwˆ[w][`Âźwj`Xˆ\ jÂ…wj\ \ Â…wk\ ÂŒĂ ^[\ qX]\ []Y‰\ ŠwˆYqwÂ?jY]`ˆ‰\ ÂŒ]Šk\ WÂ…`Â?Â…\ ŠYkj\ ‡^\ met. “There is a level of standard required from a pharmaceutical Â?XŠŽwˆ–\jX\w)w`ˆ\`ˆ\ÂŽ]X[YÂ?`ˆ‰\[]Y‰k\ that deals with human health. “Good manufacturing practice is a standard that encompasses the premises, the quality, integrity and safety of a manufactured drug.â€? In illustrating the measures that must ‡^\ Š^j\ [Y]`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ ^Ă ^]Â?`k^•\ kÂ…^\ ^Ă ÂŽZw`ˆ^[\ jÂ…wj\ `j\ `k\ Â?Xˆk`[^]^[\WÂ…^jÂ…^]\jÂ…^\ÂŒ]Š\Â…wk\WÂ…wj\ `j\ jw‹^k\ jX\ ÂŽ]wÂ?j`Â?^\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ ÂŽZwÂ?^•\ w[[`ˆ‰\ jÂ…wj\ jÂ…^\ Â?wÂŽwÂ?`j–\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]Š•\ the manpower, the ethics, the driving force, and focus of the company has to be bordered on safety before GMP is awarded by WHO. According to the minister, Nigerian pharmaceutical industries spent about Ă•ĂˆĂˆ\ Š`ZZ`Xˆ\ [XZZw]k\ jX\ w)w`ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽ]^Â? _YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\WÂ…`Â?Â…\`ˆ\ˆX\Š^wˆk\Â?wˆ\‡^\ ]^‰w][^[\wk\w\Z`)Z^\wÂ?Â…`^†^Š^ˆjÂ&#x;\ Professor Chukwu further stated jÂ…wj\jÂ…^\`kkY^\Xq\ \ÂŽ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ has been one of the challenges facing the Nigerian local drug industries in the past, just as he said that it has also been a case of great concern to the government as huge resources are being lost for non possession of WHO

manufacturing drugs world-wide, if it is found okay, the World Health Organisation will then recommend it to be used anywhere in the world.â€? ]Xq^kkX]\ Â…Y‹WY\ Â?XˆŒ]Š^[\ jÂ…wj\ the non- possession of WHO pre_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ ‡–\ ZXÂ?wZ\ []Y‰k\ Â…w†^\ w%^Â?j^[\jÂ…^\^Â?XˆXŠ–Â&#x; “Global funds for instance earns someone money worldwide and the global funds spends an appreciable sum in Nigeria, unfortunately all the drugs that are made not using global qYˆ[k\ Â…w†^\ ˆXj\ ‡^ˆ^ÂŒj^[\ XY]\ ZXÂ?wZ\ industry because hitherto none of them had WHO GMP.â€? The minister informed that by the three additional pharmaceutical Â?XŠŽwˆ`^k\ `ˆ\ `‰^]`w\ jÂ…wj\ _YwZ`ÂŒ^[\ have displayed acceptable level of compliance to the World Health Organisation Good Manufacturing ]wÂ?j`Â?^•\wˆ[\jÂ…^\qX]jÂ…\Â?XŠ`ˆ‰\^Ă Â…`‡`j`Xˆ\ of healthcare facilities and services in the country will be to launch Nigeria as an emerging regional healthcare destination. ‰Y[Y\ ^Ă ÂŽZw`ˆ^[\ qY]jÂ…^]\ ‡–\ _YXj`ˆ‰\ former Director General of NAFDAC, late Dora Akunyili, favourable quote, “safe-guarding the health of the nation,â€? She said that the premises and the quality of the product of a pharmaceutical company are therefore of very paramount consideration in granting GMP. Gleefully she revealed that the Nigerian companies that have met the ÂŽ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ ^Ă ^]Â?`k^\ kÂ…XYZ[\ ‡^\ congratulated because it doesn’t come Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu ^wk–Â&#x;\Âż –\jÂ…^\_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\`j\Š^wˆk\jÂ…wj\ ÂŽ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\‡–\jÂ…^\Â?XYˆj]–ºk\[]Y‰\ firm is accredited by WHO, it means the companies can compete favourably companies. that such company can produce drugs anywhere in the world in terms of \ \ Âż ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ `k\ Xˆ^\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ that is acceptable world-wide. So it’s standard. major challenges of the Nigerian local of immense benefit to the company “Their products can be sold anywhere drug industries and has been of great and it gives credibility also to the in the world without being prejudiced concern to the Nigerian government country of origin. for coming from Nigeria because it because money and recourses were “When they produced without Â…wk\ \ \ ‡^^ˆ\ Â?^]j`ÂŒ^[\ ÂŒj\ qX]\ Ykw‰^Â&#x;\ YÂ?Â…\ being lost by government for non- GMP, it does not mean that their products can be freely tested and \ ÂŽ]^Â?_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ Xq\ ZXÂ?wZ\ []Y‰\ products are substandard, instead consumed world-wide. manufacturing companies. it meant that their products have “It also enhances the company’s “Out of the 11 companies that started not been approved to be accepted marketing. When WHO says that a the journey, four have succeeded, the world-wide. It also meant that they product is good, it means that such remaining seven will be pre-qualified ÂŽ]X[YÂ?^[\ ^%^Â?j`†^\ ÂŽ]X[YÂ?jk\ jÂ…wj\ Â…w[\ drug can be sold in any part of the soonâ€? he added. not been subjected to appropriate test. world and people will like to patronise In the same vein, Pharm Ogudu Âż Â…^\ _YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\ Š^wˆk\ jÂ…wj\ \ it.â€? She added. said: “For WHO to accredit any has subjected the drugs to test and However, she noted that most of pharmaceutical company of any Â?XˆŒ]Š\ jÂ…wj\ `j\ [X^k\ ^Ă wÂ?jZ–\ WÂ…wj\ `j\ `k\ the ethical drugs used in Nigeria are country, it means that such can prescribed to do and its procedure of `ŠŽX]j^[•\ ‡Yj\ ‡–\ jÂ…^\ _YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`XÂˆĂŠ\ favourably compete in the world- manufacture, the premises, quality ethical drugs can now be manufactured wide arena with other firms in and the usage is in tandem with in Nigeria because the facilities are now developed world, so if a Nigerian the laid down standardised rules of X‹w–\wˆ[\`j\W`ZZ\[^Œˆ`j^Z–\‡]`ˆ‰\`ˆ\ŠX]^\ revenue to the country, and increases trade. Â…^\ qY]jÂ…^]\ ^Ă ÂŽZw`ˆ^[\ jÂ…wj\ \ companies can as well partner with other foreign companies to produce drugs for them on contract like how Nigerians Â?Xˆj]wÂ?j\ ˆ[`wˆ\ ÂŒ]Šk\ jX\ ÂŽ]X[YÂ?^\ []Y‰k\ for them. “Others too can come to patronise Nigerian indigenous companies and it will in return bring economic boost to the entire nation.â€? She ended. The minister of health revealed that \‰w†^\jÂ…^\Â?XˆŒ]Šwj`Xˆ\wqj^]\k^]`^k\ of audit and inspection by its pre_YwZ`ÂŒÂ?wj`Xˆ\j^wŠ\[Y]`ˆ‰\w\WX]‹`ˆ‰\†`k`j\ to Nigeria.

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Gombe State Deputy Governor, Mr. Tha’anda Rubainu (left), presenting some Ebola virus prevention kits to the Principal, Government Science Secondary School, Gombe, Malam Ahmed Madugu, during the distribution of Ebola Virus prevention kits to primary and secondary schools in the state‌recently.

L-R: Senate President, David Mark; Director-General, National Sports Commission, Gbenga Elegbeleye and Chairman, Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Amaju Pinnick, during a courtesy visit by the newly elected NFA Board to the Senate President in Abuja...recently.

Chief Promoter, Olokun Festivals, Otunba Gani Adams (centre) presenting a trophy to winners D‘ �6@ <ˆ=G: FG=>@ D‘ �6@ 2>D87G )@B�;‡=> ’Dˆ7Œ= “7;A &DI‹@�;�;DG ‘Dˆ 37Œ>;Š ”@ŠDG:=ˆE Schools in Lagos, Bilikis Mogaji (right) and Rashida Akinbaloye (second left) both of Ilupeju -7G;Dˆ *ˆ=II@ˆ ”Š6DD> /=<DB =G: �6@;ˆ ’Dˆ7Œ= C@=Š6@ˆ 0ˆB (7G;Š@ $8;GD>= FˆB� >@‘� =� �6@ <ˆ=G: FG=>@ D‘ �6@ 2>D87G )@B�;‡=> $GG7=> ’Dˆ7Œ= “7;A 6@>: =� (�=> +=>> 2ˆ@<7G /=<DB

L-R: Former Lagos State Commissioner for Environment, Dr. Muiz Banire; Retired Professor of Medical Biochemistry, Professor Abdul Kareem Hussain and Chief Missioner, Ansar-ud-deen Society of Nigeria, Iman Abdulrahman Ahmad, at the Shaykh Ibn Abayomi Annual Memorial Lecture by the Photo: Padonu Segun Ansar-ud-deen Society of Nigeria in Lagos...recently.

Photo: Bankole Damilare

L-R: Representative of the Director General, National Emergency Management Agency, (NEMA), Mr. Daniel Gambo; Director General, Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency, Mr. John Thamonda and the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Daouda Toure, during the International Day for Disaster Photo: Wale Adenuga Risk Reduction Celebration in Nigeria in Abuja.

L-R: Vice President, Igbo Christian Traders and Gospel Ministers Association, Lagos State, Pastor Egbe Matthew; President, Evang. Emmanuel Ezeanui; member, Patrick Obi Nweke and /@<=> $:‡;B@ˆ (‰ŠD 'ˆ )ˆ@: 28@8@ :7ˆ;G< = ‹ˆ@BB Œˆ;@FG< �D @G:DˆB@ 3ˆ@B;:@G� *DD:>7Š8 Jonathan to contest presidential election in 2015 by the association in Lagos...recently. Photo: Padonu Segun

L-R: Deputy High Commissioner, South Africa, Thandi Mgxwati; Executive Director, Exxon Mobil Nigeria, Paul Dieffenthaler; Area Operations Manager, Exxon Mobil Nigeria, Keith Ballay and —@B@ˆ‡D;ˆ 0=G=<@ˆ *ˆ=6=I *;‹ =� �6@ �6 =GG7=> ”D7�6@ˆG ”7G ,8DE; +D�@> D‘‘ B6Dˆ@ Š6=>>@G<@ 6@>: ;G /=<DB ˆ@Š@G�>E

Members of the Nigeria Labour Congress, International Labour Organisation and Trade Union Congress during a walk to commemorate ‘Decent Work Day’ in Lagos...recently. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014

L-R: Manager, Events and Sponsorship, MTN Nigeria, Dola Bamigboye; Lagos State Commissioner for Youth, Sport and Social Development, Wahid Enitan Oshodi and Director of Finance, Lagos ”Â?=Â?@ 0;G;BÂ?ˆE D‘ ”‹DˆÂ?B %=B6;ˆ %ˆ=;ID6 =Â? Â?6@ FG=> I=Â?Š6 Š>DB;G< Š@ˆ@IDGE D‘ Â?6@ 0C1 /=<DB Street Soccer Season 7, held at Campos Mini Stadium, Lagos‌recently.

Commissioner of Police, Oyo State, Mr. Kola Sodipo (right), hands over the key of one of the recovered vehicles to the owner, Pastor Remi Olasunkanmi (left), at a news conference in Ibadan, Oyo State.

/ — 3ˆ@B;:@GÂ? ”D7Â?6 (=BÂ? ”D7Â?6 ”D7Â?6 3ˆD‘@BB;DG=> Â?DI@G )Dˆ7I D‘ 1;<@ˆ;= ?Š6@ (A7@ Ndidi Uzoh; member Board of trustee, Felicia Obilo and Secretary, Nkem Kanu, at the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) 2014 Investment and Technology Week in Lagos‌recently.

L-R: Director, Parastatals Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate, Mr. Taiwo Ogundipe; Director-General, Mrs. Nellie Mayshak and Director, Pensioner Support Services, Mrs. Roz Ben-Okagbue, at a sensitisation workshop on pension management for the South-West in Ibadan, Oyo State...recently.



L-R: Minister of Information, Mr. Labaran Maku; Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Mrs. Akon Eyakenyi and Permanent Secretary of the ministry, Dr. Ezekiel Oyemomi, at the 2014 Ministerial Platform in Abuja...recently.

L-R: Ogun State Govenor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun; his wife, Olufunso, Speaker, Ogun State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Suraj Ishola Adekunbi and Commissioner for Commerce and Industry, Otunba Bimbo Ashiru, during the launch of Trade Route Incident Mapping System (TRIMS) for traders at M.K.O. Abiola International Stadium, Kuto, Abeokuta, Ogun State.

L-R: Directing Staff, Course 23 National Defence College (NDC), Abuja, Commodore, M.O. Kayode; Team Leader, Course 23 NDC, Commodore Aliyu Baba Lawa; Kwara State Governor, Dr. Abdulfatah Ahmed and Team Coordinator, Commodore M.M. Kadiri, during a courtesy visit to the governor at the Government House, Ilorin, Kwara State.

L-R: Asst. Corps Marshall, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Mr. Shehu Zaki; National Coordinator of Special Marshall, Mr. Sini Titsi; Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi; and FRSC Corps Marshall, Mr. Boboye Oyeyemi, while decorating the governor as Patron of the State &DII=G: D‘ �6@ )@:@ˆ=> —D=: ”=‘@�E &Dˆ‹B =� �6@ *D‡@ˆGDˆšB 2‘FŠ@ ,Œ=:=G 2ED ”�=�@› recently.

Daily Newswatch



Friday, October 17, 2014

If you are good in classical music, you can be good in any other kind of music –Tunde Sosan The resident pianist of the Muson Centre, Onikan in Lagos, Dr. Tunde Sosan, in this interview with ADA DIKE, sheds light on how classical music appeals to people.


enowned pianist, Dr. Tunde Sosan believes that when one listens to a combined version of some works and hears different tunes, he or she would be confused to rate it as Jazz, Caribbean, Classical and so on. Concerning this year’s on-going 18th MUSON Festival he states: “I would be conducting from the piano at this year’s MUSON festival myself. Though coordinating it is quite challenging and fun at the same time, I am looking forward to it. “Nowadays, you have a conductor who conducts everything and you just relax and play your part. But when you conduct the orchestra, you have to think outside the box. You need to know the entire orchestra. Orchestra is one of the best I have ever worked with. They are getting better by the day. Mine is a 40-man orchestra,” he said. Being a Classical musician, he explains how he sees the Hiphop, Rhythm and Blues artistes by saying that: “I am a kind of person that doesn’t compare, but I know that I was opportune and actually privileged to play Classical music, though I also play other forms of music. I believe every artist has their own style and it depends on you as a person. If you decide on what the music is all about. If you are really interested in knowing g


something, fine. “You spend time going to learn about it. So when I started Classical music, it was a very intense programme. It gave me that platform to go and learn other things. But one thing about it is that if you are very good in Classical music, you can b e

good in any other kind of music. Jazz, Caribbean, Contemporary or whatever kind of music, is very easy with time because it gives you an edge over all other mediums. So I believe if you know Classical music, you have an edge. “ Is there going to be a meeting point for Classical and Hip-hop music to merge? He was asked: “It is possible. For example, if you pick a song by 2Face such as ‘African Queen’, it is made up of four set of chords ––‘Do D will La Fa So’. That is the thing you w get from beginning to the end of arrange the music. If you want to arran you the song in a classical way, y pick use those four chords. Yu pi say, out the chords and now sa every instead of repeating it eve sound ttimee so that it doesn’t soun tim you boring to the listener, y then say okay, let’s use tthe original idea by doing it before the way he did it befo time, and the second tim maybe, you get a bass to progression. do it on that progressio arrangement Maybe, the arrangeme there; was coming from the you can now decide to go from there. Did you ssee works? how classical music work way. It is not limited to one wa You take it through range of possibilities.” music In terms of doing mu the normal market way by artistes, collaborating with other artist music the great grandson of the mu this legend, Dr. T.K.E. Philips, has th you to say: “Yes, it is possible but y own know Classical Art has its ow style kind of audience. The sty that is different but th we does not mean w branch cannot bran other to oth kinds o f

I now start singing the song that is totally different, some may be interested in it, some may sing, some may cry. That is how Classical music does to individuals. It actually has a way of playing on audience’s mood. It has a way of making you feel about something

music. have not tried but I am one i Ih i d iit b of those that are looking forward to things like that. Let’s use a practical example, If I am giving a concert with 2Face and it happens that he comes on stage and just said four words, “You’re my African Queen” and that is all he says from the beginning to the end. He starts singing and everybody is getting excited and starts applauding. I now come on stage and sit on a piano and they say he is not singing but just playing any boring music. I now start singing the song that is totally different, some may be interested in it, some may sing, some may cry. That is how Classical music does to individuals. It actually has a way of playing on audience’s mood. It has a way of making you feel about something. It is totally different but I haven’t thought of doing collaboration but it could be joined together.” Sosan’s musical career was influenced by his grandmother, Arinola Sosan, and his church organist and master of music, Cathedral Church of Christ, Lagos, Mrs. Tolu Obajimi He graduated from the Lagos University Teaching College of Medicine as a physiotherapist. He holds Bachelor’s degree in Music with a specialty in Piano and Organ performance of Trinity College of Music, Greenwich, England. He honed his skills under the tutelage of Raymond Banning, an ex professor of piano at Trinity College of music, London.

Daily Newswatch Friday, October 17, 2014

“Finding Fela” premieres across Nigeria today ADA DIKE


s this year’s Felabration, the annual celebration of Afrobeat maestro, Late Fela Anikulapo Kuti, which provides an X X]jY `j \ qX]\ kX ^]\ ]^ ^ j`X \ X \ the life and time of the legend as well what his music stands for reaches its peak this weekend, ‘Finding Fela’, a movie which tells the story of Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s life, music, political and social importance hits cinemas across Nigeria today, Friday, October 17, 2014. The movie, which was premiered at the New Afrika Shrine last Sunday, was shot in black and white and colour formats. It uses footages from Fela’s life and times and reveals interviews from Fela’s family members and cronies such as: Femi Kuti, Yeni Kuti, Seun Kuti and Queen Kewe AnikulapoKuti, Bill T. Jones, Jim Lewis Rikki Stein and Lemi Ghariokwu. Daily Newswatch learnt that “Finding Fela” is distributed in Nigeria and Ghana by Silverbird Film Distribution W/Africa Limited. In “Finding Fela” Academy Award winner, Alex Gibney, narrates a biography of Afrobeat maestro, social critic, political activist and champion of the underprivileged, Fela. Born October 15, 1938, the multitalented Nigerian musician used his music, Afrobeat – a fusion of jazz rock and tradition music to entertain and enlighten j ^\ wkk^k\ X ^] ` \ [`%^]^ j\ `kkY^k \ He died on August 2, 1997.



Wole Soyinka Centre calls for submission of entries


hortly after the 2013 winners returned from a one-week study tour of the United Kingdom, which spanned from Monday, September 29, to Friday, October 3, 2014, submission of entries for the 2014 edition of the Wole Soyinka Award for Investigative Reporting has started from Saturday, October 4, 2014. The international exposure the 2013 winners included classes at the Thomson Foundation as well as visits to some media organisations in the UK. The competition, according to its organizers, is open to any Nigerian professional reporter or team of reporters full time or freelancers, who have produced a published story whether through print or electronic media (television; radio or online) primarily targeted Fela at and received by a Nigerian audience. “Entries will be scored by a panel of judges drawn from the media and related professions who are passionate about investigative reporting. Towards strengthening he Four Points Sheraton Hotel, Directed and produced by the celebrated (Segun Arinze); and with millions to the judging process, the Wole Victoria Island, Lagos, came alive Z \ w ^] \ j^ ^\ Y wk \ \ Zw ^\ ` \ j ^\ earn if he would only turn a blind eye, Soyinka Centre for Investigative on Sunday, October 12, 2014, when Stars is a riveting voyage into the dark ` \ w)Z^k\ X k `^ ^\ w [\ ]Xq^kk`X wZ\ Journalism (WSCIJ) introduced an Native Filmworks Limited, pioneer Y [^] WX]Z[\ Xq\ qw ^\ []Y k\ j]wD ` \ w [\ responsibility as he determines which way entry coding system that makes Z \ ]X[Y ^]k\ w [\ j ^\ w ^]k\ of the harrowing consequences to the most to turn. Also starring in the movie are Dejumo the details of media house and of the feature movie, “A Place in the Stars”, vulnerable members of society. Lewis, Yemi Blaq, Femi Branch, Matilda by-line of entrants anonymous to hosted an exclusive screening of the movie. Set in 2006 Nigeria, A Place in the Stars tells \ `k\^ j`]^Z \ ]` wj^\w%w`]\`k\ w]j\Xq\w\k^]`^k\ the story of Kim Dakim (Gideon Okeke), Obaseki, Julian Mcdowell, Armajit Deu and judges in 2012. This has helped to further increase the credibility of of activities leading up to the November a young lawyer with a case and a client Amaka Mgbor. From the story treatment to screenplay, the award programme. 2014 premiere of the movie, and was awash j wj\ Z^w ^\ ` \ ]Xq^kk`X wZZ \ X ` j^[ \ “The 2014 award will honour with Very Important Personalities (VIP) Kim is in possession of information that costume to production design, A Place in the guests, including the crème de la crème of could save scores, if he would only pass it Stars, together with its crop of A-list cast, is in a works that expose corruption, the Lagos business community including on. Faced with the deathly consequences class of its own - for movie magical experience. human rights abuses and The movie will be out in cinemas across regulatory failures from the print, Dejumo Lewis, Gideon Okeke, Segun of crossing ‘industry’ kingpins, including Nigeria on November 14, 2014. Arinze, Alibaba and Audu Maikori. the toughest of them all, Diokpa Okonwo broadcast (radio and television); online, local government, photo, climate change, sports, health, editorial cartoon, and report women categories. “The report women category is introduced this year as a part of WSCIJ’s Report Women! project. The project is geared at increasing the reportage of girls and women issues in the Nigerian media. The award will reward the most outstanding story that focuses on access and or abuse status of the girl or woman. The best work in the broadcast category will also win the VinMartin Ilo grant for investigative reporting. “The deadline for submission of entries is Friday, October 24, 2014. Interested reporters may visit for details of the 2014 award.”

VIP exclusive screening in Lagos: Stars celebrate the Dora Akunyili-inspired-movie ‘A Place In The Stars’


L-R: Gideon Okeke, Dejumo Lewis, Segun Arinze and Steve Gukas


Daily Newswatch Friday, October 17, 2014


Two Brides and a Baby



about the situation. Subsequently, she gets home Title: Two Brides and a Baby complaining to her sister but for Kole, he goes to ]X[YÂ?^[\‡–½\ Z^kk`ˆ‰\ DXŠ his mother (Cassandra Odili) restlessly drinking Directed by: Teco Benson and seeking advice from God-knows-who. Starring: Stella Damasus, Kalu His mother steps in and cautioned him to view his actions, especially at this Ikeagwu, OC Ukeje, Keira period of her joy, saying: Hewatch, Okey Uzoeshi and “you know what to do.â€? In another scene, the Chelsea Eze director introduces another Reviewer: ADA DIKE person as Deji (kalu Ikeagwu) and Ene (Blessing DXŠ˜\ WÂ…`Â?Â…\ ‰`†^\ jÂ…^\ ŠX†`^\ w\ [^k`]^[\ ]^Z`^q\ he themes of this epic movie, Two even in the midst of tension. Brides and a Baby centres on bigamy, Here, marital challenges are shown through true love, wedding fever, deceits and them which they couldn’t handle but since they gossip. were close to the major characters, much was It is a story about Ketche (keira required from them. Hewatch) and Kole (O.C Ukeje), who on their Deji and Ene occasional misunderstand marriage rehearsal day witnessed a sudden themselves and exchange words like children. twist because some truth is not told. This is because Deji sees his wife as a talkative The intruder Ama (Stella Damasus) comes WÂ…X\`k\`ˆj^]^kj^[\`ˆ\XjÂ…^]\ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^Âşk\w%w`]k\ŠX]^\ q]XŠ\ Â…^]\ Â…`[`ˆ‰\ w)^ˆ[k\ jÂ…^\ ]^Â…^w]kwZ\ W`jÂ…\ than his wellbeing but she too is tired of his a precious gift, reviews the relationship she unnecessary nagging on issues. had with the groom and decides to act out her ‡Y]ˆ`ˆ‰\[^k`]^\‡–\Œ‰…j`ˆ‰\[^kÂŽ^]wj^Z–\jX\‹ˆXW\ if the groom is rightly her true love. It has a strong exchange of chemistry from kole wˆ[\jÂ…^\`ˆj]Y[^]\ž Šw˜•\ÂŽ]XŠ`k`ˆ‰\jX\Œ‰…j\‡wÂ?‹\ at this time, and saying: â€˜â€Śdestiny has reunited us and now I’m back for him, my mission is my Š`kk`Xˆ\WÂ…^jÂ…^]\Â…^\`k\‰^)`ˆ‰\Šw]]`^[\X]\ˆXjĂ—Â&#x;Âş The trailer unfolds with a scene of wedding On the long snake-like bridge rehearsal and later leads to ketche the bride and A dark scowl scribbled on my face the groom Kole discussing when the unexpected Spread sideways of the bridge visitor Ama and her friend Omo (Claret Are wide waters beneath Onukogu)came in to the building to create that Feeling cool and calmly leisured lifetime tension throughout the movie. While I am cold and boiling in mind Kole is seen talking to his best man Maye The road is packed with motors more enough (Okey Uzoeshi), asking questions he alone can answer whereas, Ketche is also busy looking Harnessed behind and fore front by forward to know why her man is worried. Patient weary hurrying motorists Here, a man’s emotion is put to test in a scale I could neither wheel forward nor backwards to know if he can be trusted, to choose between I have been clapped by suspending hasty wheels his old date and his brides on their wedding day. ! " ! #$ Thus, “If fears are measured on that same I wished a speed boat in my trunk scale then Kole’s problems will read more than Abracadabra by my passenger seat expected.â€? Pull it out, throw it into the sea and paddle Ama, after noticing the pressure on Kole’s away face, steps out with her friend Omo to gist and I am stuck on Third Mainland Bridge desperately laughs over the situation. I wish there was a mobile toilet Meanwhile, Kole fearfully cannot wait to I am so pressed with bladder and bowel Œ‰Y]^\ XYj\ W…–\ kÂ…^\ Â?wŠ^\ YˆwˆˆXYˆÂ?^[\ wˆ[\ depression must not watch his day crush like the titanic I wish there was an eatery boat. As this continues, Ama still discusses her pain in anger and it becomes clearer to the bride (Ketche) that her husband has not told her some Since I have been walking on the landscape of this air truth. Seeing angels strikingly looking free and fair She quickly pulls out from the venue on a Some are dark, brown, banana or white high speed driving, but God so kind, her chief Pecking, cuddling, kissing the poet at every height bridesmaid Ugo (Chelsea Eze) is there and All singing same song of love pleads with her to take it easy because it may Professing from straight line or a curve cause them an accident. She continues and Oh beautiful beings! I see you all shouts at her as she equally laments and cry But how can I harbour everyone in a hall?


Ukeje and a baby

Sadly, Ketche plays out her emotion as a young bride who will react to deceits, gossip and seeing a baby from another woman on the day of her marriage. She couldn’t wait to throw her wedding ring at Kole’s face and poured her heart-felt tears on him when she gets more of his dishonesty. The scene was clouded with anger from both parties. Kole at this time has lost all hope. He also did not feel he could fall so cheap to Ama’s luring tongue to having at least a last heart-to-heart talk with her which turned out him been drugged. While he was unconscious, she then sent a picture having two of them and their baby to ketche. Â…^\ ]^‘^Â?jk\ Xˆ\ jÂ…^\ k`jYwj`Xˆ\ wˆ[\ [^Â?`[^k\ jX\ leave Kole’s place but because love conquers all, they meet face to face, gazing at each other speechlessly and Kole is left with no option but to tell the truth or face the two ladies and how he [`[\jÂ…wj\`k\WÂ…wj\W^\kÂ…wZZ\Œˆ[\XYjÂ&#x;

The movie has quality of international kjwˆ[w][Â&#x;\ ˆ\ YˆYkYwZ\ ‘wkÂ…\ ‡wÂ?‹\ j^Â?…ˆ`_Y^\ perfectly used to link the past, present and the hanging outcome to the audience. Anyway, so many questions are asked: why did she come back? Will forgiveness really work and why at this time? It’s an emotional play full of clever use of quality soundtrack, professionally directed actions, enjoyable scene delivery and a Hollywood standard with a picture quality telling the audience on how the producer and director had worked tirelessly to achieve excellent production and it conveys a message w‡XYj\jÂ…^\‡`)^]\]^wZ`j–\Xq\Z`q^Â&#x; The message in the movie is romantic. It teaches about couples, marriage including what they fear. It is scored 70 per cent. The lines are clear and delivered as never before and it’s ZwÂ?^[\W`jÂ…\kW`ˆ‰`ˆ‰\‡wZwˆÂ?^\Xq\w\‡]`ZZ`wˆj\‘XW\ of emotions at every interval. The actions were Šw[^\ jX\ ‘XW\ ^wk`Z–\ wˆ[\ jÂ…^–\ ^Ă ÂŽ]^kk^[\ jÂ…^`]\ lines in a unique way.

Film review



ECOWAS Longest Bridge To quench thirst and feel my sac with edible lobsters These chips and ice cream hawkers Are so happy about this crazy jam It is sure making their doughnuts tastier I am convinced they pray everyday For such hold ups and delay So folks can munch their doughnuts With ease and empty the crumbs as well Well, the creator is so benevolent Answering all prayers of his creations Such an awful day for me And a good day the heavens has showered on them I looked through my window And at that instant my eyes caught A mad man sticking his behind out on " & " ! " ' ! ( dinner At the feared sight I was clocked in By the bulge in my bladder On Third Mainland Bridge () ! ! ) * "

The federation or amongst an entourage Of foreign engineers escorted by security armed men Sirens and batons will blaze the trail for our convoy Where there seemed to be no motion I could just wish I was the sick in an ambulance Or I am the fortunate driver of the vehicle On Third Mainland Bridge I was confused if onions were sold As my eyes peered ahead, I saw a hither thither Mile twelve bus dancing ‘skelewu’ +) $ " ! * # ! ! bulbs On Third Mainland Bridge I wish there was a motel I could just pull over Check in and put up for the night I am stuck on the longest bridge in West Africa Roaring yawns with wild wishes Copyright: Gift Amukoyo %&! ' ( #" )$ ! *+ /0123

The Decider Though like Solomon, I hold some royal blood ! $ $ . # / Will my ‘baby boy’ not break into pieces If I have to service all your bedding wishes? I care to regularly dance with only one But dozens keep coming for the space to be won Now that the lot is cast to pick the lucky ace Based on brain and character but not the face

Are you the bird that can always turn anger to fun As time and tide rise and set like the sun? Come enjoy everlasting massive passion of the ‘baby boy’ And be ever happy like a toddler with a toy‌ #4! 5"' 6 7#8 $ 99 ; 8 8 %&! ( #" )$ ! /<+ /0123

Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 17, 2014


Bring back The Niteshift! (1) TONY OKOROJI


t was August 2, 1997. There was ˆX\ wÂ?^‡XX‹•\ W`)^]•\ ˆkjw‰]wŠ\ or Whatsapp then. There was no cell phone‌ no SMS but word was spreading fast that Nigeria’s best known citizen: singer, songwriter, producer, ÂŽ^]qX]Š^]\^Ă j]wX][`ˆw`]^•\ÂŽXZ`j`Â?`wˆ•\wÂ?j`†`kj•\ šWXŠwˆ`Âź^]º•\šj]XY‡Z^\Šw‹^]º•\š`‰‡X\kŠX‹^]Âş\ `Â?XˆXÂ?Zwkj\ ž–XY\ Šw–\ ÂŽZ^wk^\ w[[\ –XY]\ XWˆ˜\ Â…w[\ŒˆwZZ–\ÂŽwkk^[\XˆÂ&#x;\ \Yk^\jÂ…^\WX][\šÂŒÂˆwZZ–º\ deliberately. Before the August 3, 1997 date, the death of Fela Anikulapo Kuti had been ]^ÂŽX]j^[\ Šwˆ–\ j`Š^kÂ&#x;\ wÂ?Â…\ j`Š^•\ `j\ Wwk\ w\ ruse. Of course, this added to the legend of jÂ…^\ŠwˆÂ&#x;\ With his endless wahala with the police wˆ[\ jÂ…^\ w]Š–•\ ^Zw\ Â?Z^w]Z–\ Z`†^[\ Xˆ\ jÂ…^\ ^[‰^Â&#x;\ š XĂ˜\ ^Zw\ Â?wˆˆXj\ [`^Ă˜Âş\ `ˆk`kj^[\ kXŠ^\ of his die-hard fans. Their proof? How can w\kÂŽ`]`j\WÂ…X\‡^w]k\jÂ…^\ˆwŠ^•\ ˆ`‹YZwÂŽX\[`^ĂŽ\ Anikulapo (the one who carries death in his ÂŽXYÂ?…˜•\ Wwk\ jÂ…^\ ˆwŠ^\ ^Zw\ Â…w[\ Â?Â…Xk^ˆ\ jX\ ]^ÂŽZwÂ?^\ wˆkXŠ^•\jÂ…^\qwŠXYk\qwŠ`Z–\Š`[[Z^\ ˆwŠ^\ WÂ…`Â?Â…\ Â…^\ jÂ…]^W\ wWw–\ `ˆjX\ jÂ…^\ j]wkÂ…\ Â?wˆ•\Â?wZZ`ˆ‰\`j\w\kZw†^\ˆwŠ^Â&#x; And then Olikoye, Fela’s elder brother, w\ Š^[`Â?wZ\ [XÂ?jX]\ WÂ…X\ Â…w[\ ‡^^ˆ\ w\ †^]–\ ]^kÂŽ^Â?j^[\Â…^wZjÂ…\Š`ˆ`kj^]\`ˆ\ `‰^]`w\`kkY^[\ w\kjwj^Š^ˆj\Â?XˆŒ]Š`ˆ‰\ˆXj\ÂťYkj\jÂ…wj\ ^Zw\Â…w[\ died but that his younger brother who had Šw]]`^[\Ç¢\WXŠ^ˆ\`ˆ\Xˆ^\[w–\wˆ[\kŠX‹^[\ Šw]`ÂťYwˆw\ Z`‹^\ `j\ Wwk\ ‰X`ˆ‰\ XYj\ Xq\ qwkÂ…`Xˆ•\ died of the dreaded disease, Acquired ŠŠYˆ^\ ^ÂŒÂ?`^ˆÂ?–\ –ˆ[]XŠ^\ ž ˜Â&#x;\ ŠXj`Xˆk\ W^ˆj\ W`Z[Â&#x;\ ^†^]\ ‡^qX]^\ Â…w[\ `‰^]`wˆ\ˆ^WkÂŽwÂŽ^]k\Â…w[\w\ŠX]^\kwZwÂ?`XYk\ kjX]–\wˆ[\jÂ…^–\wj^\`j\YÂŽ\q]XŠ\^†^]–\wˆ‰Z^Â&#x; XZZXW`ˆ‰\ ^ZwÂşk\ [^wj…•\ \ Â…w[\ Šw[^\ w\ ÂŽY‡Z`Â?\Â?wZZ\Xˆ\jÂ…^\ w‰Xk\ jwj^\ X†^]ˆŠ^ˆj\jX\ wÂ?_Y`]^\jÂ…^\†^ˆY^\Xq\ ^ZwÂşk\ q]`Â?wˆ\ Â…]`ˆ^\Xˆ\ ^ÂŽÂŽZ^\ j]^^j\`ˆ\ ‹^Âťw•\Â?XŠŽ^ˆkwj^\jÂ…^\ `ˆ`j`^\ qwŠ`Z–\WÂ…X\Â?Zw`Š^[\XWˆ^]kÂ…`ÂŽ\Xq\jÂ…^\Zwˆ[•\ Šw`ˆjw`ˆ\ jÂ…^\ kj]YÂ?jY]^k\ wˆ[\ jY]ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽZwÂ?^\ `ˆjX\w\Â?^ˆj^]\WÂ…^]^\ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^\q]XŠ\wZZ\X†^]\jÂ…^\ world interested in the legend of Fela could Â?XŠ^\ wˆ[\ ]^Z`^†^\ jÂ…^\ Z`q^\ wˆ[\ j`Š^k\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ `Â?Xˆ•\ Â…`k\ ŠYk`Â?•\ ÂŽXZ`j`Â?k\ wˆ[\ ÂŽÂ…`ZXkXŽ…–Â&#x;\ \ Wwk\Â?^]jw`ˆ\jÂ…wj\YZj`Šwj^Z–•\`j\WXYZ[\ÂŽw–\qX]\ `jk^ZqÂ&#x;\ ÂŽÂŽw]^ˆjZ–•\ Š`ˆ^\ Wwk\ w\ †X`Â?^\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ wilderness. Nobody listened. I understand that today the spot where `‰^]`wÂşk\ ‰]^wj^kj\ ŠYk`Â?\ kjw]\ Xq\ wZZ\ j`Š^k\ Šw[^\ Â…`kjX]–\ `k\ ÂŽw]j\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ kÂŽ]wWZ`ˆ‰\ XŠŽYj^]\ `ZZw‰^\ WÂ…^]^\ ÂŽ`]wj^[\ ŠYk`Â?•\ kXqjWw]^•\ †`[^Xk\ wˆ[\ Â?XYˆj^]q^`j\ ^Z^Â?j]Xˆ`Â?\ ÂŽ]X[YÂ?jk\q]XŠ\^†^]–WÂ…^]^\`ˆ\jÂ…^\WX]Z[\w]^\ ]Yˆˆ`ˆ‰\wŠX‹Â&#x;\ ^†^]wZ\j`Š^k•\ \Â…w†^\‡^^ˆ\jX\ jÂ…^\ q]`Â?wˆ\ Â…]`ˆ^\k^j\YÂŽ\‡–\ ^ZwÂşk\kXˆ\ ^Š`\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ‰`ˆ[`‰‡`\ w]^w\ Xq\ ‹^ÂťwÂ&#x;\ Â…^\ ÂŽZwÂ?^\ `k\ well run by beautiful Yeni, Fela’s daughter WÂ…X\ k^^Šk\ jX\ ZXX‹\ –XYˆ‰^]\ W`jÂ…\ w‰^Â&#x;\ Â…^\ ‰`[`ˆ‰‡`\ kÂ…]`ˆ^\ `k\ w\ j^kjwŠ^ˆj\ jX\ jÂ…^\ Â?XŠŠ`jŠ^ˆj\ Xq\ ^Š`\ wˆ[\ ^ˆ`\ jX\ jÂ…^\ q]X\ ‡^wj\Z^‰wÂ?–\jÂ…^–\`ˆ…^]`j^[\q]XŠ\jÂ…^`]\qwjÂ…^]Â&#x;\ Yj•\ ^Zw\ˆ^†^]\ÂŽZw–^[\wj\ ‰`[`ˆ‰‡`Â&#x;\ Â…wj\jX\ Š^\`k\w\ŠwÂťX]\[`%^]^ˆÂ?^Â&#x; †^]–\ ˆ^W\ Â?`j–\ \ ‰X\ jX•\ jwk‹\ ˆYŠ‡^]\ Xˆ^\ `k\ jX\ Œˆ[\ w\ jXY]\ ‰Y`[^\ wˆ[\ k^^\ jÂ…^\ Â…`kjX]`Â?\ k`j^kÂ&#x;\ ]XŠ\ jÂ…^k^•\ –XY\ Z^w]ˆ\ w\ ZXj\ w‡XYj\ the people: their culture, religion, politics, ^Â?XˆXŠ`Â?k•\ ^jÂ?Â&#x;\ Â…^]^\ `k\ ˆX\ ‰]^wj\ ˆwj`Xˆ\ Xˆ\ ^w]jÂ…\ jÂ…wj\ [X^k\ ˆXj\ jw‹^\ ^Ă j]w\ Â?w]^\ jX\ ÂŽ]^k^]†^\ `jk\ Â…`kjX]`Â?\ k`j^k\ wˆ[\ kÂ…XW\ jÂ…^Š\ X%\qX]\jÂ…^\k`ŠŽZ^\]^wkXˆ\jÂ…wj\`q\–XY\[X\ˆXj\ ‹ˆXW\ WÂ…^]^\ –XY\ w]^\ Â?XŠ`ˆ‰\ q]XŠ•\ –XY\ are unlikely to know where you are going to. Besides, these sites are the bedrock of jXY]`kŠ•\wˆ\`ˆj^]ˆwj`XˆwZ\ŠYZj`Â?‡`ZZ`Xˆ\[XZZw]\ ^ˆj^]ÂŽ]`k^\ jÂ…wj\ w[[k\ Š^wˆ`ˆ‰qYZZ–\ jX\ jÂ…^\ ]Xkk\ XŠ^kj`Â?\ ]X[YÂ?jk\ ž ˜\ Xq\ Šwˆ–\ nations.

w†^\ –XY\ ^†^]\ Â…w[\ w\ ‰Y^kj\ q]XŠ\ wˆXjÂ…^]\ Zwˆ[\†`k`j\–XY\`ˆ\ w‰XkĂŽ\ Â…^]^\[`[\–XY\Â…w†^\ jX\jw‹^\Â…`Š\jXĂŽ\ w]\ ^wÂ?Â…ĂŽ\ ˆ^\Xq\XY]\Â…Xj^ZkĂŽ\ `Z†^]‡`][\ wZZ^]`wĂŽ\ Â…wj\ kÂŽ^Â?`wZ\ kjX]–\ X]\ Â…`kjX]–\[X^k\wˆ–\Xq\jÂ…^k^\X%^]ĂŽ ^\ÂťYkj\Â?^Z^‡]wj^[\XY]\£ÉjÂ…\`ˆ[^ÂŽ^ˆ[^ˆÂ?^\

L-R: Child of Olusegun Ransome-Kuti, Miss Yemisi Ransome-Kuti; former Minister of Education/Chairman of the occasion, Dr. Obiageli Ezekwesili, eldest son of Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti, Femi Anikulapo Kuti; retired Professor of African Philosophy, University of Lagos, Professor Sophie Oluwole; Barrister/Solicitor of the Supreme Court Edward Emeka Keazor and daughter off late Afrobeat legend, Yeni Anikulapo Kuti, during the 6th Fela Debates as part of celebration of Felabration 2014 titled: LEGENDS S ‘who no know go know’, held at NECA House, Alausa Ikeja Lagos...Monday. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

wˆˆ`†^]kw]–Â&#x;\ ]w–\WÂ…wj\Â…w†^\W^\[Xˆ^\W`jÂ…\ the spot where the Union Jack was lowered and the Green-White- Green raised? With wZZ\`jk\`ŠŽ^]q^Â?j`Xˆk•\ \ZX†^\ `‰^]`w\‡`‰\j`Š^Â&#x;\ ˆ[^ÂŽ^ˆ[^ˆÂ?^\ w–\`k\qX]\Š^\w\[w–\jX\Â…`j\jÂ…^\ town and be glad. Where to go to? \kw`[\jX\Š–k^Zq\jÂ…wj\wqj^]\jÂ…^\ Â…wŠŽ`Xˆk\ ^w‰Y^\ ŠwjÂ?Â…^k\ Xˆ\ ^[ˆ^k[w–•\ \ WXYZ[\ Â…^w[\ jX\ ^ˆ\ wZ^‡\ ZYŠ^k^Âşk\ `j^kÂ…`qj\ qX]\ a serious throw-down. There I was sure to Š^^j\ ‰XX[\ ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^\ `ˆ\ w\ ‰XX[\ ^ˆ†`]XˆŠ^ˆj\ wˆ[\ \j]Ykj\jÂ…^\ Y†ˆX]\jX\ÂŽYZZ\w\j]`Â?‹\X]\jWXÂ&#x;\ Â…^ˆ\`j\Â…`j\Š^•\jÂ…^]^\`k\ˆX\ `j^kÂ…`qj\wˆ–ŠX]^Â&#x;\ Â…^\ Y†ˆX]\ Â…w[\ Â?wZZ^[\ Š^\ w\ q^W\ ŠXˆjÂ…k\ ‡wÂ?‹\ jX\ kw–\ jÂ…wj\ Â…^\ Wwk\ kÂ…Y)`ˆ‰\ [XWˆ\ jÂ…^\ Â?ZY‡\ wˆ[\ Â?Xˆ†^]j`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ ÂŽZwÂ?^\ jX\ wˆ\ ^†^ˆjk\ †^ˆY^Â&#x;\ Â…wjĂŽĂ˜ \‹ˆXW\jÂ…wj\ˆ`‰…j\Â?ZY‡k\Â…w†^\w\†^]–\kÂ…X]j\ Z`q^kÂŽwˆÂ&#x;\ Â…^–\w]^\Z`‹^\‘XW^]kÂ&#x;\ ˆ^\Š`ˆYj^\ jÂ…^–\ w]^\ ZwYˆÂ?Â…^[\ W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^`]\ ‰Z`ԕ\ kÂ…`ˆ`ˆ‰\ Z`‰…jk•\ ‡XXŠ`ˆ‰\ ŠYk`Â?\ wˆ[\ ‰w`Z–\ []^kk^[\ WXŠ^ˆ•\ jÂ…^\ ˆ^Ă j\ Š`ˆYj^•\ jÂ…^–\ w]^\ ‰Xˆ^Â&#x;\ Just think of all the night clubs Lagos has had in recent years. Where are they now? X\ –XY\ ]^Â?wZZ\ jÂ…wj\ ŠYZj`Â?jwZ^ˆj^[\ kjwˆ[Â? YÂŽ\ Â?XŠ^[`wˆ•\ X…ˆ\ Â…Y‹WY\ ]wˆ\ Zwkk\ `‰…j\ Â?ZY‡\ Xˆ\ ‡wq^Š`\ WZXWX\ [•\ ‹^ÂťwĂŽ\

^]]–\ ˆwÂź`w\ Â…w[\ ÂźXˆ^\ Xˆ\ ZZ^ˆ\ †^ˆY^Â&#x;\ ^wÂ?Â…\ XŠ‡^]\ `‰…j\ ZY‡\ Â…w[\ ‡XXŠ^[\ wj\ Â…Xˆ`‡w]^\ kjwj^•\ w]–Zwˆ[Â&#x;\ `‹^\ ˆ^‰‡^k^Âşk\ Peak Night Club at Adeniran Ogunsanya Â…XÂŽÂŽ`ˆ‰\ wZZ\`ˆ\ Y]YZ^]^\Wwk\wj\kXŠ^\j`Š^•\ the place to be. If you had not partied at w]–Zwˆ[Âşk\ X][k\ `‰…j\ ZY‡\ WÂ…^]^\ `Z†^]\ qX]‰Y\Â…^Z[\kWw–\qX]\w\ZXˆ‰\j`Š^•\–XY\]^wZZ–\ were not a happening guy in Lagos. There was Faze 2 at Jibowu owned by the Bensons ZXˆ‰\wqj^]\ Xj^Z\ X‡‡–ºk\ w‡wˆ\ wŠ‡XX\Â…w[\ packed up. There was also Fantasy in Yaba piloted by the Murray Bruce brothers. The `]]^ÂŽ]^kk`‡Z^\ ]`Â?\ wˆ`wˆ\ ‹ˆXWˆ\ ‡–\ Šwˆ–\ wk\ jw‰‰^]\ ^^\ ÂŒ]kj\ ^Ă ÂŽ^]`Š^ˆj^[\ W`jÂ…\ `ÂŽZXŠwj\ `‰…j\ ZY‡\ wj\ X]ˆ^]^kj\ Xj^Z\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ZXWY\ j]^^j\ w]^w\ Xq\ ‹^Âťw\ wˆ[\ jÂ…^ˆ\ ÂŽ]XÂ?^^[^[\ jX\ jÂ…^\ YkjXŠk\ ÂźXˆ^\ X%\ X–`ˆ\ j]^^j\WÂ…^]^\Â…^\k^j\YÂŽ\ `Z†^]\ Â…w[XWk\W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^\ Â…^ZÂŽ\ Xq\ ^X\ jwˆ\ ‹^\ WÂ…Xk^\ Â?XŠŽYj^]\ ^ŠŽ`]^\ Wwk\ ‡^‰`ˆˆ`ˆ‰\ jX\ ‡ZXkkXŠÂ&#x;\ w‰Xk\ Â…w[\ \Ă‡ĂˆĂ“Â•\ Xˆ[XZw•\ Â…X^ˆ`Â?`w•\ wˆ`^Zk•\ ÂŽj`Šw•\ Xˆ^–Zwˆ[•\ Y‡Ww–\ `ˆ\ wWwˆkXˆ\ and the Princewill clan practically owned night life in the island with Princes, their nightclub at Federal Palace Hotel. You can please add to this list. They are all gone.

Every new city I go to, task number one is " = 8 " ;! ; 8 9 "5 5 9" ! > 9 " 9? ! ) "5 9 + 4 ; 8! 8 " 8$ ;" "5 # # ' "5 ! >; ";! + ! + # " >9+ > ) >9+ ">? @5 ! 9 ! 8" 8" 8!"5 "58" 9 " "87 F"!8 >8! " #! 9 !J "9 5 9" ! > 9 " 9 8 95 "5 ) P ! "5 9 )# ! 89 "58" P 4 ; " 7 5 ! 4 ; 8! > ) P! )+ 4 ; 8! ; 7 4 " 7 5 ! 4 ; 8! "


Knowing what I know about night clubs, W…–\ kÂ…XYZ[\ `j\ ‡XjÂ…^]\ Š^\ jÂ…wj\ `j^kÂ…`qj\ `k\ Â?ZXk^[ĂŽ\ XW\ [X\ \ ^Ă ÂŽZw`ˆ\ jX\ –XY\ jÂ…wj\ `j^kÂ…`qj\ Wwk\ [`%^]^ˆjĂŽ\ j\ Wwk\ ˆXj\ w\ night club. It was an essential part of the history of Lagos. Niteshift was a Nigerian ÂŽÂ…^ˆXŠ^ˆXˆÂ&#x;\ Â…^]^\ w]^\ Šwˆ–\ `ˆ\ XY]\ Zwˆ[\ jX[w–\ `ˆ\ [`%^]^ˆj\ ÂŽXk`j`Xˆk\ WÂ…Xk^\ Z`†^k\ Šw–\Â…w†^\‡^^ˆ\_Y`j^\[`%^]^ˆj\`q\`j\Wwk\ˆXj\ qX]\kXŠ^\ˆ`‰…j\wj\jÂ…^\ ÂŽ^‡`\ÂŽZwÂ?^Â&#x;\ Â…^]^\`k\ `ˆ[^^[\w\k`‰ˆ`ÂŒÂ?wˆj\wŠXYˆj\Xq\XY]\ÂŽXZ`j`Â?k•\ Â?XŠŠ^]Â?^•\ Š^[`w•\ ^ˆj^]jw`ˆŠ^ˆj•\ kXÂ?`wZ\ ˆ^jWX]‹`ˆ‰\ wˆ[\ Šw]]`w‰^\ ÂŽ]XÂŽXk`j`Xˆk\ jÂ…wj\jXX‹\kÂ…wÂŽ^\`ˆ\jÂ…^\Š`[kj\Xq\ ^ˆ\ wZ^‡k\ ZYŠ^k^Âşk\ Â?X‰ˆwÂ?\ wˆ[\ š Â…`Â?‹^ˆ\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^\ basket’. Â…^ˆ\ \jÂ…`ˆ‹\w‡XYj\`j•\ \wŠ\ˆXj\kY]^\jÂ…wj\ ZYŠ^k^•\ jÂ…^\ ‰^ˆ`Yk\ ‡^Â…`ˆ[\ jÂ…^\ `j^kÂ…`qj\ ÂŽÂ…^ˆXŠ^ˆXˆ\ _Y`j^\ Yˆ[^]kjXX[\ WÂ…wj\ Â…^\ had created. He was so engrossed in doing what he did in his special way that he did ˆXj\]^wZ`Âź^\jÂ…wj\Â…^\Šw–\Â…w†^\‡Y`Zj\w\Â…`kjX]`Â?\ national institution which Nigeria cannot w%X][\jX\q]`)^]\wWw–Â&#x; ‡^Â‰Ă˜\ jw–\ Xˆ\ jÂ…`k\ ÂŽw‰^\ ˆ^Ă j\ W^^‹\ qX]\ ]`ˆ‰\ wÂ?‹\jÂ…^\ `j^kÂ…`qj\ÂžĂ‡Â˜\wk\ \[`kÂ?Ykk\W…–\ we ought to bring back the Niteshift and how we can do it. Bless you.


Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 17, 2014

Moniyke returns with new single ‘OMG’ ft Jethro music is known as “Good Music”, “This is because it’s a fusion of several genres op musical artiste, Moniyke, is of music that appeals to music lovers, back with a new single. Titled ranging from Rhythm and Blues to Soul, “OMG” (Oh My God), the Jazz, Highlife, Soft Rock and so on, which appreciation music features a brings out the best of my voice texture.” musical genius signed under He has not relented in doing good Hybreed label, Jethro Chinweotito music that appeals to all and sundry. Abara, popularly known as J smith, who On October 25, 2012, he released a also produced the track. smash single titled “Were Obim” (Take The groovy track that can be played My Heart), a soft tempo music which anywhere and in every occasion like was performed same day at the Hearts parties, clubs, conferences, churches of Gold Children’s Hospice, Surulere, in expression of thanksgiving to God Lagos when he celebrated his birthday for His faithfulness, was released on with them. Thursday, October 16, 2014. “Were Obim”, a sweet and beautiful In the song, Moniyke expressed love song that expresses an undying gratitude to God, who has continued to love from the depth of the heart is his kYkjw` \ ` \w [\ ZZ\ `k\Z`q^\W`j \ZX ^\w [\ ]kj\ XD `wZ\ k` Z^ \ ^\ X ^k\ jX\ ]^Z^wk^\ blessing. his debut album in 2015. Many people that have listened to the Moniyke is the owner of Hybreed Music j]w \ w ^\w)^kj^[\j wj\`j\`k\j ^\ ` [\Xq\ & Entertainment Company, a record music you would dance to, anywhere company with the state-of-the-art studio and anytime. located at Ikeja, Lagos. “We believe it’s a perfect song for the He hails from Uga in Aguata Local season considering all the happenings Government Area, Anambra State. He in the world lately,” says the talented was born and bred in Lagos. artiste. ^\ qwkj\ ]`k` \ Yk` \ Y]Y\ w)^ [^[\ Moniyke, whose real names are the Federal Government College, Nise, Solomon Ikechukwu Keneze is a known Anambra State and later proceeded Nigerian singer, songwriter, creative- to Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, mind and entrepreneur. where he studied Physics and Electronics He was 16 years old when he started (Production Tech). doing music professionally after he He shares his Philosophy of life: “It is `k ^[\ k^ X [w] \ k XXZ \ w [\ k` ^\ only when you look beyond the present then, “the passion refused to leave me, into the future, that you make the best of even though it wasn’t an industry my decisions.” parents were happy about, but today the He has been working tirelessly vision is coming to reality. Creativity is grooming and promoting artistes and my passion and has continued to push growing as a young focused mind in me through,” Moniyke revealed. the entertainment industry. Video for According to him, the genre of his “OMG” will be ready in few weeks. ADA DIKE


Day Nigerians stepped out to watch brilliant stagecarft ‘The Wives’


istory was made on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at the Agip Recital Hall of Muson Centre, Onikan Lagos, when the best of Nigerian society came out to watch what some are calling the theatre production of the year, ‘The Wives’. The command performance wrapped up a

three-day festival of brilliant stagecraft. ^\ Zw \ W]`)^ \ \ ]Xq^kkX]\ ^[\ Yerima was brought to life by iconic actors including Joke Silva, Jide Kosoko, Iretiola Doyle, Kate Henshaw and Lala Akindoju. There were guest appearances by Toyin Oshinaike, and Media Entrepreneur, Adebola Williams, who makes a return to the stage after 14 years.

“It literally takes the soul to pull of a stage play in this day and time,” said Lala Akindoju, producer of the play. “But those who are passionate about keeping the soul of the culture alive understand why it is important to anchor major productions like ‘The Wives’. The turnout -a full house everyday -

Adebola Williams, Tunde Kelani, Toyin Oshinaike, Jide Kosoko and a crew member

makes it all totally worth it. The audience also enjoyed a command performance by multi-talented singer, songwriter and music producer Cobhams Asuquo. The show was anchored by award W` ` \w jX] \ \ ^»^ \ ^\ ]kj\jWX\ days has also enjoyed brilliant musical performances from Femi Leye and Aramide. “Everyone is incredibly proud of Lala for what she has achieved here with ‘The Wives’; it continues a trend that this incredible young woman has made a habit, pushing trends with big passion projects including the V Monologues and Open Mic Theatre,” said Adebola Williams who played the lawyer around whom the play’s twist was built. “On a personal level, it was gratifying to come back to the stage after 14 long years and to join an excellent cast of Nigeria’s best. Acting has always been \ ]kj\ZX ^\ \w [\ \Wwk\ Zw[\jX\k^^\^w \ performance get a resounding applause w [\j ^\ wZ^ \w\kjw [` \X wj`X ° The Wives was produced by The Make it Happen Productions and supported by Africa Magic, BellaNaija, YNaija, 360nobs, Life House, Red Communication and Terra Kulture. Guests at the performance included Minister for Communication Technology, Omobola Johnson; Chief Executive of Standard Chartered Bank, Bola Adesola; Chief Executive of WIMBIMZ, Osayi Alile; Rita Dominic, Olu Jacobs, Patrick Doyle, Tunde Kelani, Aduke Gomez, Wana Udobang, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, Noble Igwe, football legend Emmanuel Babayaro, Osas Ighodaro, Shade Ladipo, Subomi Plumptre and Mo Cheddah, amongst others.

Daily Newswatch

63 49

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY October 17, 2014

Aghedo reveals her soft spot for Osaze Odemwingie


“NB made the ultimate QRU QRU choice by coming to Aguleri”


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 17, 2014

Big Brother hotshots: Resa & Mira fall first Tope Olukole


wŠ‡`wÂşk\ ^kw\ wˆ[\ XÂźwŠ‡`_Y^Âşk\ `]w\ ‡^Â?wŠ^\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ two housemates to be evicted from Big ]XjÂ…^]\ XjkÂ…Xjk\ Xˆ\ Yˆ[w–\ ÆÇ\ Â?jX‡^]•\wqj^]\jÂ…^\ÂŒ]kj\W^^‹\ which saw the housemates going all-out to impress the conti-

ˆ^ˆj\W`jÂ…\jÂ…^`]\ XjkÂ…Xj\jwZ^ˆjkÂ&#x; \ ZZ\ jÂ…^\ Â…XYk^Šwj^k•\ ^Ă Â?ZY[ing Laveda, who won the title Xq\ ^w[\Xq\ XYk^\wqj^]\kÂ?X]`ˆ‰\ highest with the studio audience during the talent show, were up for eviction this week. q]`Â?w\ †Xj^[•\ wˆ[\ W`jÂ…\ jW^Z†^\ housemates failing to win a country vote, the tie-breaker ]YZ^\ Â?wŠ^\ `ˆjX\ ^%^Â?jÂ&#x;\ Â…^\ ^ˆ[\ ]^kYZj•\ `ˆ[^ÂŽ^ˆ[^ˆjZ–\ †^]`ÂŒ^[\ ‡–\ wY[`jX]k\ `ÂźW^ jkwZY‡w X-

‡X[X•\ Wwk\ jÂ…wj\ ^kw\ wˆ[\ `]w\ had drawn the least support from the continent, and were sent home. \ j\Wwk\w\‡Yk–\ÂŒ]kj\W^^‹•\W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^\Â…XYk^Šwj^k\‰^)`ˆ‰\jX\‹ˆXW\ each other and delving into jÂ…^`]\ÂŒ]kj\Â?Â…wZZ^ˆ‰^kÂ&#x;\ Â…^–\WXˆ\ jÂ…^`]\ ÂŒ]kj\ jwk‹\ w[†^]j`k`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^`]\

Xjk…Xjk\ jwZ^ˆjk\ W`j…\ ŽXkj^]k•\ impressing Big Brother with their skills. Cliques formed, the Œ]kj\ k`‰ˆk\ Xq\ Š`k�…`^q\ �wYk^[\ w\ stir and some housemates got quite close. Mira planted kisses on Luis and Nhlanhla during j…^\†^]–\Œ]kj\Žw]j–\wˆ[\ []`k\wˆ[\ Goitse hooked up just about im-

Š^[`wj^Z–•\jÂ…XY‰…\jÂ…^–º]^\ÂŽZw–ing it cool. The housemates also got to ÂŽw]j`Â?`ÂŽwj^\ `ˆ\ jÂ…^`]\ ÂŒ]kj\ Ă j]w†w‰wÂˆÂźw\ wk‹Â&#x;\ ^w[\ Xq\ XYk^\ Laveda chose the two teams and immediately caused disk^ˆj`Xˆ\WÂ…^ˆ\`j\wÂŽÂŽ^w]^[\kÂ…^Âş[\ ÂŽ`)^[\ jÂ…^\ šw]j`kjkÂş\ w‰w`ˆkj\ jÂ…^\ š`ˆj^ZZ^Â?jYwZkÂşÂ&#x;\ k\`j\jY]ˆ^[\XYj•\ team Waka Waka – the ‘intellectuals ‘ - impressed viewers most with their performance and won immunity from ˆXŠ`ˆwj`Xˆ\jÂ…`k\W^^‹Â&#x;\ ˆZYÂ?‹ily for group members Mira wˆ[\ ^kw•\ jÂ…wj\ ÂŽ]`Âź^\ Â?wŠ^\ jXX\ Zwj^•\ ‡Yj\ `j\ [X^k\ ‰`†^\ Â…^`ZZw…•\

Mega 2014 nominees unveiled

T “ NB made the ultimate choice by coming to Aguleri� – Gov.Obiano


Â…^\ Ă ^Â?Yj`†^\ X†^]ˆX]\Xq\ ˆwŠ‡]w\ jwj^•\ `k\ Ă Â?^ZZ^ˆÂ?–•\ Â…`^q\ `ZZ`^\ ‡`wˆX•\ ]^Â?^ˆjZ–\ ÂŽw`[\ w\ kY]ÂŽ]`k^\ †`k`j\ jX\ jÂ…^\ Â?Xˆj^kjwˆjk\ Xq\ YZ[^]\ Zj`Šwj^\ ^w]Â?Â…\ ÆÆÂ&#x;\ Â…^\ ‰X†^]ˆX]\Wwk\jw‹^ˆ\]XYˆ[\kÂŽ^Â?`ÂŒÂ?\w]^wk\Xq\jÂ…^\ ‰YZ^]`\ÂťYˆ‰Z^\ ‡–\ Â…`[`\ X‹^Š^•\ jÂ…^\ ˆÂ?Â…X]\ Šwˆ\ Xq\ YZ[^]\ Zj`Šwj^\ ^w]Â?Â…\ÆÆÂ&#x;\ Â…^\ ‰X†^]ˆX]\ kwW\ jÂ…^\ [`%^]^ˆj\ jwk‹\ w]^wk\ WÂ…^]^\ jÂ…^\ Â?Xˆj^kjwˆjk\ ^ˆ‰w‰^[\`ˆ\†w]`XYk\‰]Y^ZZ`ˆ‰\Â?Â…wZZ^ˆ‰^kÂ&#x;\ ^\Wwk\jÂ…^ˆ\jw‹^ˆ\jX\jÂ…^`]\ ‡wk^\Â?wŠŽ\WÂ…^]^\Â…^\Š^j\jÂ…^\ YZ[^]\ Zj`Šwj^\ ^w]Â?Â…\ÆÆ\Ww]]`X]kÂ&#x; \ Â…^\‰X†^]ˆX]Âşk\Âż ^^Ă˜°\Â?Â…wˆj\Wwk\Š^j\W`jÂ…\wˆ\^Z^Â?j]`q–`ˆ‰\Âż wÂ…Ă˜°\ ]^kÂŽXˆk^\q]XŠ\wZZ\ YZ[^]\ Zj`Šwj^\ ^w]Â?Â…\Â?Xˆj^kjwˆjkÂ&#x;\ qj^]\jw‹`ˆ‰\w\ glimpse at their jungle abode, he sought to know if the contestants ‡Y`Zj\jÂ…^`]\kÂ…^Zj^]k\jÂ…^Šk^Z†^k•\wˆ[\jÂ…^–\Â?XˆŒ]Š^[\jÂ…wj\jÂ…^–\[`[Â&#x; \ ^\wZkX\wk‹^[\jÂ…^Š\Â…XW\jÂ…^–\Â?XÂŽ^[\WÂ…^ˆ\`j\]w`ˆ^[\wˆ[\jÂ…^\Â?Xˆtestants replied that they are accustomed to the sometimes harsh Â?Xˆ[`j`Xˆk\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ ÂťYˆ‰Z^Â&#x;\ ^\ W`kÂ…^[\ jÂ…^Š\ W^ZZ\ wˆ[\ ÂŽZ^[‰^[\ jX\ ‡^\ w†w`Zw‡Z^\jX\Â?]XWˆ\jÂ…^\ Zj`Šwj^\ Â…wŠŽ`Xˆ\Xˆ\ wjY][w–•\ X†^Š‡^]\ 1. \ Â…^\‰X†^]ˆX]\Wwk\ÂŽw]j`Â?YZw]Z–\qwkÂ?`ˆwj^[\‡–\jÂ…^\ ZwÂ?^\ q\ Â…^\ wZ‹`ˆ‰\ ]YŠÊ\WÂ…^]^\jÂ…^\ ˆÂ?Â…X]\k`jk\jX\[`kÂ?Ykk\†w]`XYk\`kkY^k\W`jÂ…\jÂ…^\ contestants.

^\kw`[½\Âż º†^\ÂťYkj\‡^^ˆ\jw‹^ˆ\]XYˆ[\jÂ…^\ÂťYˆ‰Z^\wˆ[\ \kwW\jÂ…^\Z`†`ˆ‰\ arrangements, what they have to pass through to be able to discover jÂ…^\ j]^wkY]^Â&#x;\ j\ Wwk\ w\ †^]–\ ^Ă Â?`j`ˆ‰\ k`‰…j\ qX]\ Š^Â&#x;\ j\ ]^Š`ˆ[k\ Š^\ Xq\ Š–\ X–k\ Â?XYj\[w–kÂ&#x;\ \^†^ˆ\kÂ…w]^[\kXŠ^\Â?Â…wˆjk\jÂ…wj\W^\Yk^[\jX\[X\ [Y]`ˆ‰\Š–\ X–k\ Â?XYj\[w–k\W`jÂ…\jÂ…^\Â?Xˆj^kjwˆjkÂ&#x;\ Yj\‡^–Xˆ[\jÂ…wj•\ jÂ…^\Z^kkXˆ\q]XŠ\WÂ…wj\ YZ[^]\`k\[X`ˆ‰\Â…^]^\`k\jÂ…wj\`jÂşk\w\kj]Xˆ‰\‡]wˆ[\ wˆ[\jÂ…^–\w]^\j]–`ˆ‰\jX\‡]`ˆ‰\kj]Xˆ‰\ÂŽ^XÂŽZ^Â&#x;\ ˆ[\ÂŽw]j\Xq\‡^`ˆ‰\w‡Z^\ check you out whether you are strong or not is how you survive in the jungle. I understand they cook their food here, I saw the thatched houses which the contestants built themselves that they now live in, \ kwW\ jÂ…^\ ‡^wYj`qYZ\ ]^Â?^ÂŽj`Xˆ\ w]^w•\ \ kwW\ jÂ…^\ ZwÂ?^\ q\ Â…^\ wZ‹`ˆ‰\ Drum, it is a beautiful place to behold.â€?

Â…Zwˆ…Zw•\ Y`k•\ wÂ?‹–Ç•\ ]^Âźw‰w…•\ ]Â&#x;\ÇÕ£•\ `ÂŽ^•\ []`k•\ ZZw…•\ Y)^]ÂŽÂ…Z–\wˆ[\ ÂşwŠ\ ^w\kXŠ^\ room to breathe this week. \ qj^]\ Â?Â…^Â?‹`ˆ‰\ XYj\ Â…XW\ jÂ…^\ week had played out, IK called jÂ…^\Â…XYk^Šwj^k\jX\X][^]Â&#x;\ qj^]\ a trademark dramatic pause, \ ]^†^wZ^[\ jÂ…wj\ ^kw\ Wwk\ jÂ…^\ ÂŒ]kj\ Â…XYk^Šwj^\ jX\ ‡^\ ^†`Â?j^[\ q]XŠ\ `‰\ ]XjÂ…^]\ XjkÂ…XjkÂ&#x;\ qter she said her goodbyes, she was philosophical when she joined IK on stage, declaring herself “at peaceâ€? and saying jÂ…wj\ kÂ…^Âş[\ Š`kk\ `ÂŽ^\ jÂ…^\ ŠXkjÂ&#x;\ Â…^\ Â…XYk^Šwj^k\ W^]^ÂˆÂşj\ X%\ jÂ…^\ hook yet, though, as IK took viewers back into the house wˆ[\`ˆqX]Š^[\jÂ…^\ XjkÂ…Xjk\jÂ…wj\ someone else would be leaving `ŠŠ^[`wj^Z–Â&#x;\ `]wÂşk\ ˆwŠ^\ Wwk\ jÂ…^\ˆ^Ă j\jX\‡^\]^w[\XYj•\k^ˆ[`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ XÂźwŠ‡`Â?wˆ\ Â…XŠ^Â&#x;\ qj^]\ checking out her highlights on kjw‰^•\ kÂ…^\ w[Š`)^[\ jÂ…wj\ kÂ…^Âş[\ ‰X)^ˆ\ Â?ZXk^\ jX\ Y`k\ [Y]`ˆ‰\ Â…^]\ brief stay, no surprise as she left the Namibian in tears after an embrace and kiss on her way out of the house. Nigerian hip hop ambaskw[X]k\ …–ˆX\ wˆ[\ ZwŠ`[^\ ‹`Â?‹^[\ X%\ jÂ…^\ kÂ…XW\ W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^`]\ Â…`j\š Â…Xkj\ X[^Âş\wˆ[\]^jY]ˆ^[\ again later on with a medley of jÂ…^`]\Œˆ^kj\X%^]`ˆ‰kÂ&#x;

Â…^\ÂťXY]ˆ^–\Xq\ \ Ww][k\Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\`k\q`ˆwZZ–\[]wW`ˆ‰\ Â?ZXk^\ jX\ `jk\ q`ˆwZ\ [^kj`ˆwj`Xˆ\ W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^\ XŠ`ˆ^^k\ ˆveil (a.k.a. Pre-Noms Party) scheduled for Tuesday, ÇÆkj\ Â?jX‡^]•\ Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ wj\ jÂ…^\ XŠ‡XÂ? wZZ\ W`jÂ…`ˆ\ jÂ…^\ ^Ă pansive Lagos Television premises. Â…^\ XŠ`ˆ^^k\ ˆ†^`Z•\ WÂ…`Â?Â…\ `k\ jÂ…^\ k^Â?Xˆ[\ ŠwÂťX]\ ^†^ˆj\ Xq\ \`k\w\†`ˆjw‰^\XÂ?Â?wk`Xˆ\WÂ…^]^\jÂ…^\Šw`ˆ\ˆXŠ`ˆ^^k\Xq\Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ \ Ww][k\WXYZ[\‡^\wˆˆXYˆÂ?^[\wˆ[\wZkX\‡^\kÂŽ^Â?`wZZ–\]^Â?X‰ˆ`Âź^[\wˆ[\Â…XˆXY]^[Â&#x;\ Â…^\ XŠ`ˆ^^k\ ˆ†^`Z\`k\jÂ…^\Š`ˆ`\Â?Z`ŠwĂ \ Xq\jÂ…^\wˆˆYwZ\ Yk`Â?\wˆ[\ ˆj^]jw`ˆŠ^ˆj\ XkÂŽ^Z\ Ww][k•\WÂ…`Â?Â…\ ‰]wˆ[\q`ˆwZ^\Â…XZ[k\Xˆ\ ]`[w–•\ X†^Š‡^]\Æɕ\Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰Â&#x; Â…^\ ÂťXY]ˆ^–\ wÂ?jYwZZ–\ ‡^‰wˆ\ `ˆ\ ÂŽ]`Z\ WÂ…^ˆ\ \ Xqq`Â?`wZZ–\ XÂŽ^ˆ^[\ qX]\ ^ˆj]–Â&#x;\ Â…^\ ˆj]`^k\ ]^wZZ–\ ÂŽXY]^[\ `ˆ\ Z`‹^\ jX]]^ˆj`wZ\ ]w`ˆ[]XÂŽk\ W`jÂ…\ ŠX]^\ jÂ…wˆ\ Ă‡ĂˆĂˆĂ™\ `ˆÂ?]^wk^\ Â?XŠŽw]^[\ W`jÂ…\ jÂ…^\ maiden edition. This year, more categories were added to make the Ww][\ ŠX]^\ ^ˆÂ?XŠŽwkk`ˆ‰\ and cross-over in structure. Â…^\ `ˆ‰Z^k\ wj^‰X]–\ Â…wk\ proven to be a special revelaj`Xˆ\ Xq\ jÂ…^\ Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ ^[`j`Xˆ\ wk\ `j\ involves the youths who have kÂ…XWˆ\ k^]`XYk\ ^Ă Â?`j^Š^ˆj\ jX\ display creative frenzy at the radually, Nollywood movie producer, Dabby XŠ`ˆ^^k\ ˆ†^`ZÂ&#x;\ j\ WXYZ[\ Chimere of Dabz Movies is taking the centernot be out of place to tag the stage as a go-to –person in the production of soft event “Night of the Youth in smut films in the motion picture industry. Yk`Â?wZ\ ^†XZYj`Xˆ°Â&#x; Months back after enraged fans and movie ˆ\wZZ•\w‡XYj\Ă•¢\k`ˆ‰Z^k•\ÆÅÆ\ buffs reacted over the release of her much controversial but Z‡YŠk\ wˆ[\ ÇÇ\ Š^[Z^–k\ w]^\ wave making movie, Island Babes, she has this time braved prenominated in several catjÂ…^Š\wZZ\jX\ÂŽ]X[YÂ?^\wˆXjÂ…^]\kXqj\kŠYjÂ?Z`‹^\ \‘`Â?‹•\Ă‡Âˆ[\ Xˆegories. eymoon. Â…^\ Â…`^q\ ˆ†^`Z^]\Xq\ ^‰w\ This movie which is the topic of every discourse among NolĂ‡ĂˆĂ†Ă‰\ XŠ`ˆ^^k\ `j^\ `k\ ˆXjwZ–WXX[\ ÂŒZŠ\ ZX†^]k\ `k\ w‡XYj\ w\ Â?XYÂŽZ^•\ Z^Ă Ă \ ‹Y‡X\ wˆ[\ Â?Â…^\ ble media mogul and FoundIwuanyanwu who decided to spice their relationship up by ^]Ăš •\ ]`ZZw\ •\ ]Â&#x;\ w]]–\ going on a second honeymoon but as things turned out, ÂźwŠXÂť^Â&#x;\ jÂ…^]\ ^Š`ˆ^ˆj\ ÂŽ^]jÂ…^]^\ Wwk\ w\ kÂŽX`Z^]•\ [Yˆˆ`\ [^•\ ZY]‹`ˆ‰\ w]XYˆ[\ jX\ Šw‹^\ sonalities like Pastor Dotun sure the honeymoon ends in tatters. Âť^Zw‡`•\ X‹^\ `Z†w\ ž ˜•\ \ XW^†^]•\jÂ…^\j]w`Z^]\]^Z^wk^\kÂ…XWk\ Z^Ă Ă \ ‹Y‡X\wˆ[\ [Yˆamong others will also play ˆ`\ [^\‰^jj`ˆ‰\Yˆ[^]\^wÂ?Â…\XjÂ…^]Âşk\k‹`ˆk\jX\‡]`ˆ‰\jX\Z`q^\WÂ…wj\ key roles on the night. ^Ă wÂ?jZ–\ wˆ\ \ kˆ^w‹\ ÂŽ]^†`^W\ q]XŠ\ erotic love es \ ^Â?]^jw]`wj\kÂ…XWk\jÂ…wj\ capade means presenters of the more than in a new movĂ†ÂŁĂˆ\ XŠ`ˆwj`Xˆk\`ˆÂ?ZY[^ĂŠ\ q–\ `^•\Ă‡Âˆ[\ Xˆ^–Chukwu, Benita and Bella moon. Xk^\ ‹XÂť`^•\ •\ kwZŠXk•\ The thrust ‡^Z^\jÂ…^\ ZYj`kj•\ ^Š`\ kÂ…^of the movie is qXˆ•\ •\ ^]Â?–\ Xk^Ž…•\ the emotional ‹`ˆ\ Zw‡`\ wˆ[\ \ Ă‡ĂˆĂ†Ă…\ intrigues inwWw][\ W`ˆˆ^]•\ kjÂ…^]\ ‰volved with bekele. There will also be viewers to be performances from some upkept on the coming and established aredge of their tistes. seats whether It is noteworthy that the jÂ…^\ ^Ă ÂŽ^]` XŠ`ˆ^^k\ ˆ†^`Z\ W`ZZ\ ‡^\ ence would live on two radio networks, make or mar w–ŽXW^]\ ^jWX]‹\ Ăš wwÂť`\ the marriage \ wˆ[\ XÂŽ\ w[`XÂ&#x;\ Â…`k\ `ˆof the couple, dicates that the event will wk\ Â?Â…^\ kXXˆ\ ]^wÂ?Â…\ XYj\ jX\ w‡XYj\ Ă…ĂˆÂŠ`ZZXˆ\ found out the `‰^]`wˆk\ †`w\ X]j–\ ^†^ˆ\ tryst between žÉ¢Â˜\]w[`X\kjwj`XˆkÂ&#x;\ Â…^\^†^ˆj\ Z^Ă Ă \ wˆ[\ will be officially flagged off [Yˆˆ`Â&#x; ‡–\É½ĂˆĂˆÂŽÂŠÂ&#x;

Dabby Chimere goes for another soft smut Nollywood movie, 2nd Honeymoon



Lizzy Anjorin shares daughter’s photo

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 17, 2014

Beauty Aghedo reveals her soft spot for Osaze Odemwingie


izzy Anjorin, beautiful Nigerian actress and entrepreneur recently shared an image of herself and Rotimi Anjorin, her grown up daughter on her Instagram page and as you might have guessed, fans loved it.

Was Tiwa Savage knocking her hubby in her song?


igeria’s gifted singer, Beauty Aghedo also known as B’Dash is one artiste who earned her stripe as a member of D’Beats, which won the Star Quest contest in 2011 and has since released a second single titled ‘Oruko Jesu.’ In this interview, she spoke about her family, career and why she sings pop. M;PRX4 81Z4 384 26[\4 ]3.24 ;8^4 M6Z4 M;X4 your music career been? I just dropped my new single titled, Oruko Jesu. A song which talks about the various things the name of Jesus can do for us. And as for my music career, it has been growing. Before Oruko Jesu, I dropped a single titled, God Bless Me for Your Eyes. I gave it the title because after D’Beats, winners of Star Quest 2011 was disbanded after our one-year reign, a lot of people thought that I would not want to sing again. So that was what


iwa Savage, award-winning singer is in the news again and this time, it is her new song, ‘Colours of Love’ ... that digs up the matrimonial ghosts that the singer is presently trying to tame and eventually overcome. The song was initially leaked online before its eventual release and one of the deeply set and controversial lines in the song went thus: “When the sky is grey outside, you use your smile to make it blue... Don’t let this love we have fade into black...” Tiwa’s marriage has been besieged by rumours of alleged infidelity and battery on the part of her husband, Tee Billz as well as heavy accusation of distrust between the couple. The fact that she hired a new manager in place of her husband who had been her manager from inception as well as her refusal to comment on the lingering fears of her matrimonial collapse has kept fans and friends worried for weeks.

prompted the song. But I am very pasabout my musical

sionate career. What were your formative years like? Growing up had its ups and downs. My dad died when I was about eight or nine years old and my mother have been there all the way to support us. I come from a family of seven. I and my twin brother are the last born. Right from childhood, I have always loved singing. When I was still in the church choir, every Saturday which is choir practice she would ask me if I was not going for rehearsal if she saw me at home. I will say my mother has always taken an interest in my music career. Also, my brothers and sisters

Davido flaunts dollars on Instagram


avido, one of Nigeria’s richest performing artistes has once again stirred the nest of controversy by posting an image on his Instagram w ^Ê\ W ^]^\ ^\ wY jk\ bundles of dollar notes without revealing precisely how much they add up to. Recently, another artiste, Waconzy pulled a similar stunt, which w ]^[\ wk\ ^\ Wwk\ seen to have posed with $1 notes contrary to the $100 notes, which he claimed added up to $100,000.

have been very supportive as well. What is the relationship with your twin brother like? We are very close and it has been nice all the way though he is married now. I feel a Z`)Z^\ `j\ »^wZXYk\ ^ wYk^\ ^\ WXYZ[ ºj\ w ^\ time for me anymore. But he is growing and I am happy for him. He sings too, but he is a pastor. What was the motivation when you to entered for the 2011 Star Quest musical show? I heard that the last band was signed on to Kennis Music and I love that record label so much. However, I went into the competition determined to win as an individual but thank God my band, D’Beats won. During our one-year reign, we were able to come out with an album titled, D’Beats Goes On and we were signed to Now Muzik label for one year. During the audition, I didn’t know that I was going to make it into the house. When I went for the audition in Benin City I had almost lost my voice and I prayed to God to help me make it through. In the end, I made it through because the judges saw behind my cracked voice. Tell us about your experience at the reality show and lessons you took away I had times when I cried and sometimes I laughed as well. But it was exciting all the way and it is still exciting right now. I was not interested in anybody’s perfection as long as we could work as a team. The lesson I learnt was that everyone comes from [`%^]^ j\ X ^k\ Yj\ W ^ \ XY\ ^^j \ XY\ should be able to blend and work together or do given task together. What is your kind of song? For me, I sing Christian songs but I love pop music as well. My brand of music is pop. There is this enjoyment behind it whenever you listen to pop songs. It has nice rhythm and sound. I knew I was not going to be a gospel artiste even though I started singing in the church. What does music mean to you? If music were a man I will get married to him straight away because I love music. How do you get your inspiration? I get my inspiration from people’s experience, life experience, my personal experience and the word of God I hear as well. As a young musician, how would you rate the Nigerian music industry? I will say it is growing and I am growing along with it. Who are those you look up to in the music industry? Outside Nigeria, I look up to Chris Brown and Beyonce. In Nigeria, I like Tiwa Savage and Omawumi because they are hardworking women. And for the late Kefee, I really looked up to her because of her kind of songs. They are simply unique. How do you relate with your male fans? I love them and they love me too. I can peck and hug them but there is a limit anyway. The limit is that you should not touch me the way you would touch your girlfriend. Aside music, do you think you want to do something else? Yes, of course. I would want to go into acting if the opportunity presents itself. Nevertheless, I am an embodiment of talents. You are the brand ambassador for Healing Wings Foundation. What is your responsibility? Healing Wings Foundation is a nongovernmental organisation saddled with the responsibility of empowering youths, women and the vulnerable. My pet project as its brand ambassador is to create cancer awareness among women in the society and Africa as well. It also entails helping to give free education to the poor in the society. I will be working with some organisations and individuals as well.



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 17, 2014


he movie King of Justice’ depicts the underlying theme of being fair in one’s dealings. In the opening scene, the king (Jim Lawson Maduike) with his chiefs in the palace who are seen handing over the keys to the palace to the former. As soon as the chiefs take their leave, the King calls one of them back, Onowu (Olu Jacobs) and they _Yw]]^Z\X ^]\j ^\ w)^]k\w]`king in the palace. Afterwards, the queen, Lolo (Joy Nwuba) WwZ k\jX\j ^\ ` \jX\ [\XYj\ what caused the argument and he tells her of Onowu’s plans to divide the kingdom!. In the next scene, Onowu returns to the palace to sort out sucession issues. Later, the king summons the chiefs to the palace and accuses them of greed and trying to take the throne by usurping him. The chiefs are shocked at these allegations. In the midst of all these, the king pronounces Onowu as the heir apparent and administrator to the throne. The queen, Lolo walks into the palace with her son, Chibuzor (Chinedum Iluoma), astonished at the king’s pronouncement. According to custom, her son is supposed to be the heir to the throne. As events unfold, some unknown men, suspected to be bandits emerge from nowhere, blocking the path of the king’s car as he approaches the palace. They walk to the car, shoot the king and leave the guards unharmed. The news of the death of the ` \ k ]^w[k\ Z` ^\ W`Z[\ ]^\ wk\ j ^\ wZw ^\ `k\ ZZ^[\ W`j \ k pathizers wondering how he died mysteriously. Simultaneously, the priest is seen in a shrine paying obeisance before the gods and places a curse on those responsible for the king’s untimely demise. The chiefs, alongside the guards all gather in the palace as Ojukwu, a guard who was with the king at the time he was killed is being questioned over the gruesome killing. He maintains his innocence. The chiefs also deliberate on who will take over the throne when the priest walks in and urges them not to do anything without the consent of the gods. Onowu who is bent on becoming the king seats on the throne tells those present about the late king’s decision that he should act as the king pending when young Chibuzor , the prince would grow to become the king of the kingdom. That same night, he instructs the guards to invite the queen, Lolo for a chat with him the next morning. In the dead of the night, some unknown men carry the queen and her son away from the palace! Back at the palace, Ojukwu is being accused of abducting the queen and the prince. Still, he maintains his innocence. Onowu, the acting king orders that Ojukwu should be remanded in custody pend-

King of Justice Star Cast: Olu Jacobs, Ngozi Ezeonu, Chiwetalu Agu, David Ihesie, Jim Lawson Maduike, Joy Nwuba, Ikechukwu Sir Umeh, Emmanuel Ibeh, Reviewer: Bukola Bakare ing the time they are found. In the midst of all these, two men in the community walk in to the palace and painfully announce the death of the queen!. Her body was deposited along a bush path and this comes as a shock to all and sundry but the where about of the young prince is not known. Ojukwu who is the prime suspect is tied to a pole and is being stoned by some men (Viewers would

argue back and forth that he is innocent). Onowu, who is alone laughs scornfully as his plans have been accomplished ( He kills the queen and takes the prince far away from the kingdom in order to inherit the throne) He calls two of the chiefs to the palace and they discuss ways to accomplish his goal of becoming king. In the concluding part of the movie, the act-

ing king invites two guards to the palace and forces them to swear before the priest so as not to admit to killing the late king and the queen. The movie will continue in a sequel as viewers are yet to know what eventually happened to Chibuzor, the Prince. Was he later crowned the king and what did fate hold for him. One wonders if he also challenged Onowu. These and more will be begging for answers in the part two of the movie. King of Justice is a

movie of betrayal and greed as depicted by Onowu who betrayed the late king, killed him and his queen just to become the king. There was great acting synergy among the cast and Olu Jacobs (MFR) lived up to his billing as a veteran actor in Nollywood.

Onowu who is bent on becoming the king seats on the throne tells those present about the late king’s decision that he should act as the king pending when young Chibuzor , the prince would grow to become the king of the kingdom


Glitz & Glam

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 17, 2014

When Tuface and Whizkid stormed Rumours night club


Flavour drops Ghetto Chinedu Okoli (born 23 November 1983), better known by his stage name Flavour N’abania or Flavour is a renowned singer, Bukola Bakare songwriter, instrumentalist and lavour Nabania performer. He beneeds no introduc- gan his musical cation in the enter- reer as a drummer for tainment industry. The a local church in his artiste is rumoured to hometown of Enugu have dropped a new sin- State. He is popularly Z^ \ ^)X\W ` \`k\X ^\ known across Africa of the singles on his new and the world for his album which should massive club banger hit the stores soon. The “Nwa Baby Remix)”. fresh ragga/high-life fu- He is currently signed sion track from the to 2nite Entertainment high-life royal is pro- Music Label. duced by Jay Stunz, In 2005, he released his and whets appetites self titled debut album ahead of the full LP.


N’abania In 2010, N’abania. 2010 FlaFla vour released his second studio album Uplifted. It was supported by the singles “Nwa Baby (Remix)”, “Adamma”, and “Oyi Remix”. The album’s success made Flavour one of Africa’s most sought out artists. Flavour was booked to perform at numerous concerts and social events following Uplifted’s. Over the years, the Ada Ada crooner has warmed his way into the hearts of many with his highlife genre of music and has collaborated with a number of his colleagues which is w \w)^kjwj`X \Xq\ `k\ ^]satility.

Ty Bello welcomes Twins


he entertainment circle came alive last week with the ecstatic news that celebrity photographer. Toyin Bello (Popularly called Ty Bello) and her husband, Kashetu welcomed twin boys in the United States on October 10th. While many have started congratulating the couple, the real deal is the fact that they waited nine long years before their bundles of joy arrived. Ty Bello started out with the group KUSH back then at the University of Lagos. Her former group mem-

bers include Gospel singer, Lara George and rapper, Emem. The Greenland, Ekundayo and I have a dream crooner recently released a new album, The Morning

Songbook ; one which is gradually warming its ways into the hearts of music lovers. The twins have been named Christian and Christopher.

op Icon 2Face Idibia’s Festac nightclub ‘Rumors’ was a befitting venue for the debut live performance of “Dance Go”, the landmark collaboration between him and pop star Wizkid. The upbeat, feel good #HennessyArtistry2014 theme song debuted on October 2nd and is currently buzzing on the airwaves. Dance Go was produced by popular producer Sarz, with Hennessy Artistry as the executive producers. 2Face and Wizkid also went back to back on their individual hit tracks like Show Me The Money, For Instance, Ojuelagba, If to say, In My Bed, Catch the vibe, etc, and later closed with “Dance Go”. 2Face’s wife, Annie Idibia was also present at the event as she stood behind her husband, cheering him on as he performed. The Hennessy Artistry club tour was hosted by Beat FM’s Jimmie with DJ SPinall as guest DJ for the night. Other performances at the event include Naija Ninjas’ Yung GreyC, YBNL’s Lil Kesh and Sound Sultan who performed Kokose with Wizkid VIP guests kept showering money on 2Face and Wizkid as they performed. They also threw thousands of Naira in the air as Wizkid performed “Show Me The Money” 2face and Wizkid also gave out numerous bottles of Hennessy XO and VSOP to fans who came out to party

with them. The pair were also at Cosmo Lounge in Port Harcourt on Saturday, October 11th. That same night in Lagos, Rumors in Ikeja also witnessed great performances from #HennessyArtistry2014 supporting acts, Reminisce, Skales and Runtown. No doubt, it was a night to behold.


he is one woman who certainly knows her onions, she is also an infusion of beauty, style, elegance and intelligence, all rolled up into one. What you get is the amazing Betty Irabor. Recently, the Publisher of Genevieve Magazine took to her twitter handle to advise celebrity couples to stop living their lives on social media. Betty is happily married to top Nigerian broadcaster, Soni Irabor, and they celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary this past July so she has quite a bit of experience when it comes to marriage. She urged them to stop living their lives on twitter, facebook and other social media platforms. Well said, Betty.

Betty Irabor’s advise to couples

Daily Newswatch


News of Islam Friday, OCTOBER 17, 2014

FG charged to provide enabling Sacrifice selfish, evil propensities environment for SMEs in serving TAYO SALAMI


he Federal g o ve r n m e n t has been c h a r g e d to admit and face the reality of widespread poverty in the country by providing an enabling environment for the growth of small and medium enterprises. This call was made by the national Amir of the Companion, an Islamic organisation of Muslim men in business and the professions, Alhaji Musibau Oyefeso, in a press statement released to journalists. Oyefeso referred the statement made by President Goodluck Jonathan at a unity rally that extreme poverty has been reduced by 50 per cent in Nigeria as shocking. Adding that, “The evidence on ground could not support the declaration. Also, the government has not done anything that is ]w[` wZZ \ [`%^]^ j\ ` \ j ^\ last three years thereby, wondering what could have translated to 50 per cent reduction in poverty as claimed by the President.” He noted that the President did not support his claim with any statistical proof. The statement stressed, “This declaration by the President may have been predicated on a recent report by the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) which stated in September 2014 that Nigeria recorded 85 per cent employment in j ^\ ]kj\ wZq\ Xq\ ÇÈÆÉ\ wk\ contained in a statement issued by the StatisticianGeneral of the Federation, Dr Yemi Kale, in Abuja, which read: “In both the ]kj\ w [\ k^ X [\ _Yw]j^]\ of 2014, over 85 per cent of employment was made up of the three cadres of managerial, professional, technical, clerical and ]^Zwj^[\XD ^\WX] ^]k °\ This report obviously contradicts a similar report by the Central Bank of Nigeria, which stated in June 2014 that 70 per cent of the 80 million youths in Nigeria are either unemployed or underemployed.” Oyefeso said, “In the Companion, we

are disturbed that government continued to live in the delusion that poverty is reducing because the GDP is increasing thereby confusing growth with development. We are not in doubt that there can be no genuine reduction in poverty in Nigeria unless the growth in the economy actually translates to higher standard of living among the populace. The truth of j ^\ w)^]\`k\j wj\j ^]^\`k\ evidently worsening gap between the rich and the

poor in the country. The ]` \ w]^\ ^)` \ ]` ^]\ W `Z^\j ^\ XX]\w]^\ ^)` \ poorer.” On behalf of the members of the Islamic organisation, he called on the government to familiarise itself with global poverty indices and base its pronouncements on the extent to which Nigeria has actually overcome these indices which include health, education and standard of living. He urged the government to be

mindful of the causes of the endemic poverty in Nigeria as stated in the World bank report which include harmful economic and political systems, wj`X wZ\ X ` jk\ w [\ violence, human rights abuses, weak government ^%^ j` ^ ^kk\ w [\ ^D `^ \ j ^]\ wYk^k\ include weak respect for the rule of law, weak control of corruption, environmental conditions and population growth. “All of these have high prevalence in Nigeria,” he added.

The Amir added that, “Electricity generation has never exceeded É ÈÈÈ\ ^ wWw)k\ ` \ j ^\ last three years or more, we continue to import ]^ ^[\ ^j]XZ^Y \ products in spite of the overwhelming multiplier ^%^ j\ j wj\ j ^\ ^ X X \ WXYZ[\ w ^\ ^ ^ )^[\ q]X \ ]^ ` \ ]Y[^\ ` \ Nigeria. Infrastructural facilities in the country have not witnessed any radical transformation to spur any meaningful economic growth and development.”

FCT Minister, Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed addressing 2014 pilgrims at Muna,Saudi Arabia

King Abdullah commends agencies for 2014 Hajj’s success


ustodian of the two holy X k _ Y ^ k \ K i n g Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, has X ^ [^[\j ^\^%X]jk\Xq\ government agencies and private organizations in making this year’s Hajj a big success. He declared in a cable to the Interior Minister, Prince Mohammed bin Naif, chairman of the X `)^^ \ ^\ kw`[½\ ¿ ^\ w ]^ `wj^\ j ^\ ^%X]jk\ of your royal highness and the supreme Hajj X `)^^\ wk\ W^ZZ\ wk\ k^ Y]`j \ XD ^]k\ w [\ employees of public and private agencies in making this year’s hajj operation a

big success.” While thanking the Almighty Allah for His blessings, he praised all XD `wZk\w [\^ ZX ^^k\Xq\ hajj-related organizations for doing their jobs responsibly. Adding that, “This has resulted in ^D `^ jZ \ w]] ` \ XYj\ the various plans related to hajj security, health services, pilgrim safety w [\j]wD °\ King Abdullah underscored the XX][` wj^[\ ^%X]jk\ j wj\ allowed pilgrims to move smoothly to the tent city of Mina, Mount Arafat for the standing prayer ritual, before moving to Muzdalifah and then Mina for the stoning of the

Jamrat, without any major incidents. He stated, “We thank God for protecting the health of pilgrims from infectious diseases.” He praised the precautionary measures taken by the Health Ministry and reiterated Saudi Arabia’s readiness to extend the best possible services to the pilgrims.

Allah – Fashola TAYO SALAMI


he Amir, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria, Dr Mashuud Adenrele Fashola, has urged Nigerians to stand by the truth at all times. He made this statement while speaking to members of the Islamic organization and newsmen in Ibadan, Oyo state. Speaking further, he said Nigerians should kw ]` ^\wZZ\k^Z k \w [\^ `Z\ propensities in the pursuit of the pleasure of Allah, they should concentrate on the welfare of all humanity with fairness and without any discrimination. Fashola said most human beings are not prepared to do the right thing or say the truth because of love for materialism or worldly gain. “Most of us are dishonest, fraudulent, inconsiderate, and very k^Z k \ ` \ XY]\ ZX ^\ qX]\ wealth and worldly pleasure at home, in j ^\ w] ^j \ ` \ XD ^k \ wj\ schools, at workshops, and even at places of worship. We cannot do away with our reckless immorality and corruption, talk less Xq\ kw ]` ` \ XY]\ [^w]^kj\ things for the pleasure of Allah and submission to His will, some are even prepared to maim and kill others for the love of wealth and political power,” he said. He admonished the faithful to uphold the legacy of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and should realize that the promise of Allah to Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) covers only the faithful and not the unjust or wrong doers.

UNIFEMGA Abuja chapter meets tomorrow


he monthly g e n e r a l meeting of the Abuja chapter of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Muslim Graduates A s s o c i a t i o n (UNIFEMGA) comes tomorrow Saturday at Ummah Food Concept, Area Eleven, Garki, Abuja by the FCTA

secretariat. The association’s branch general secretary, Barrister Kolade Adeosun, disclosed that a health lecture on “Urological diseases in middleaged men and women” would be delivered by Dr. Miftau Bioku, while w \ [YZqw)w \ ^ZZX \ would give a spiritual [`^j\ X \ ¿ %^ j` ^\

parenting as a panacea to social problems.” Asking members to w)^ [\ ]X jZ \ XZw[^\ disclosed that the report from the UNIFEMGA national retreat held from 26-28th September, 2014 at Omu-Aran, Kwara State, would be presented at tomorrow’s meeting which is billed to be hosted by Alhaji AbdulBasit Bolaji Bakare.

Daily Newswatch

News of Islam

Friday, OCTOBER 17, 2014


rand Mufti S h e i k h Abdulaziz A l Asheikh, chairman of the Council of Senior Ulema and the General Presidency of Scholarly Research and Ifta, criticized tweeters who are focusing only on the negative issues of Hajj 2014 without seeing the positive side of it, describing such social network users as “mean and illmannered.� During his sermon on Friday at Imam Turki bin Abdullah Mosque, the grand mufti said humans are not perfect and mistakes are bound to happen. “The human mind has its limitations and it is wrong to assume that it has full knowledge of everything,� he said, adding that owing to this limitation, humans can be right about something while at other times they may totally miss the point. He stressed that true believers and those who have faith in Islam are able to see both sides of a picture: the positive and the negative. “It is unfair to point


Grand Mufti condemns negative comments on hajj to a small error and overlook the great

efforts having been made for a successful

Hajj season,� he said, adding that tweeting

using bad language is wrong and shows

that the tweeter has no ethics or principles.

L-R: Ibadan Circuit President, Alhaji Muliudeen Ademoye; Tabliq Secretary, Alhaji AbdulSalam AbdulAzeez; Sadr, Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya -%>%”%7 1=?"!=% %!3 $* @5%• $* @4% =! 3!= 5=Q%@ –"5$ =5%@ 65$33@ ,,%!3 0! 0 $%>" 63@= $—"˜ ?*"! % ™#7%š $@@= $—"˜ ?*"! %7 7$" "= "@ .%*=! Q!%›"! $"@ %7 $$>% =››% Q!%›= ? ?!3 = ,*% % !"5" 7@› ˜

Madinah to host traditional festival


adinah w i l l host a

traditional forum later this month that will include the ancient tradition of lighting Œ]^k\jX\W^Z�XŠ^\‰Y^kjk•\ camel races and poetry readings. “Narkom Haiyah� or “Your Fire is Alive,� is the second such event being held in the region. It will be held from Oct. 28 to 30 in Al-Swaydrah, under the aegis of Madinah Gov. Prince Faisal bin Salman. Abdullah bin Marzouq Al-Suhaimi, head of Al-Swaydrah Centre and the chairman of the forum’s supreme �XŠŠ`)^^•\ j…wˆ‹^[\ Prince Faisal on behalf of the region’s families for supporting the event. He said the forum aims to preserve Saudi heritage by ensuring that young people understand and have a connection to the past. One of the traditional ^†^ˆjk\ `k\ w\ Œ]^�Z`‰…j`ˆ‰\ competition for 40 young men under the age of 20. The lighting Xq\ Œ]^k\ …wk\ `ˆ\ j…^\ Žwkj\

been a welcoming gesture for guests, symbolizing the generosity of Arabs. The young men also have to make and serve Â?X%^^Â&#x;\ \ Â?XŠŠ`)^^\ Xq\ elders will evaluate the contestants.

Al-Suhaimi said there would also be a worldclass camel-racing event, adding that Camel races date back to pre-Islamic times and is considered a manifestation of wealth, power, heroism and a source of pride for

tribes across the Arabian Peninsula . There would be participants from Gulf Cooperation Council countries. Individuals would be able to go for camel rides . Other events include

poetry evenings, traditional games and the auction of horses, camels and sheep. People would be able to rent tents with basic amenities. Al-Suhaimi said tour operators would be organizing trips to

and from Madinah for tourists, who will visit various ancient sites in the area. He praised the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities qX]\`jk\^%X]jk\jX\Ž]XŠXj^\ tourism in the region and the country.

Islamic scholar calls for support against terrorism


renowned Islamic scholar h a s extended his full support to the call of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah to crush terrorism using every means possible. “Neither Islam nor any other religion supports killing or disrupting peace and stability among nations,� said Sheikh Abubakar Ahmed, general-secretary of the All India Sunni Jamiyyathul Ulama, during a recent press conference in Makkah. Abubakar also

urged world leaders, Islamic scholars and community members all over the world to unanimously back King Abdullah’s strong commitment in uprooting divisive plots. Abubakar was speaking with Indian Hajj volunteers in Makkah upon the conclusion of Hajj rituals. “The word ‘Islam’ itself means peace. This is why not a single member of our community supports extremism,� he said. The recent statement made by the scholar c o n d e m n i n g

notorious Islamic State (IS) atrocities in Iraq and Syria was welcomed by humanitarian groups and conveyed by world media. “Indian Muslims do not need the help of external powers for their safety. “The Indian constitution and judiciary gives them security irrespective of the ruling government. I was the first person to speak against Al-Qaeda’s plans to enter India and won full support for my calls.� “Youth should use their time and

wealth to care for the needy instead of indulging in crime and terrorism,� he said. Abubakar also alluded to his organization’s initiatives and financial aid to help flood-hit victims in Kashmir. “A medical team, including doctors, will leave for Kashmir very soon,� he added. The reconstruction of the flood hithouses, mosques and educational institutions will be undertaken during the subsequent phase.

He also added that Jamia Markaz will celebrate its 37th anniversary on Dec. 18, 19, 20 and 21 at its headquarters in Calicut. Many dignitaries from India and abroad are slated to attend the conference. Markaz Director Abdul Hakeem Azhari, Jeddah Islamic Cultural Foundation (ICF) GeneralSecretary Ahmad Malahiri, Secretary Mujeeb A.R. Nagar and Markaz Jeddah Committee Secretary Bava Koomanna were also present at the press meeting.


Daily Newswatch

Islam and your health

Friday, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Carrots: Anti-diarrhea, anti-anemic



he appearance of a sliced carrot ZXX k\ Z` ^\ j ^\ Y w \ ^ ^\ w [\ science has shown that carrots ]^wjZ \^ w ^\ ZXX[\ XW\jX\j ^\ eyes. w]]Xjk\ w]^\ w)]` Yj^[\ W`j \ w \ medicinal properties. Research has shown that carrot cleanses the intestines, it is said to be diuretic, re-mineralizing, anti-diarrhea, anti-anemic and an overall tonic. Carrot is ]` \ ` \ wZ wZ` ^\ ^Z^ ^ jk\ W ` \ Y]`q \ w [\ revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the maintenance of acidwZ wZ` ^\ wZw ^\ ` \ j ^\ X[ \ w]]Xj\ wZkX\ has a reputation as a vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight. Raw grated carrot can be applied as a pressure to burns for a kXXj ` \ ^%^ j \ jk\ ` Z \ ^ ^] `¼` \ »Y` ^\ wk\ w\ w]j` YZw]Z \ ^ ^ `wZ\ ^%^ j\ X \ j ^\ liver. Carrots are a nutritious addition to the diet as it is one of the richest sources of beta carotene. They also have an amazing combination of phytonutrients comprising other carotenoids such as alpha-carotene and lutein, hydroxycinnamon acids, w j X w ` k\ w [\ XZ w ^j Z^ ^k\ Z` ^\ falcarinol and falcarindiol. They are also important sources of Vitamin C, Vitamin \ [`^jw] \ ^]\ w [\ Xjwkk`Y \ ^ \ wZkX\ contain Vitamin B6, niacin, folate, Vitamin E, enzyme-supporting manganese and molybdenum, and energy-providing Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and phosphorus. Carrots are high in carotenoids which regulate blood sugar. They also contain wZ wZ` ^\^Z^ ^ jk\W ` \ Y]`q \w [\]^ `jwZ`¼^\ j ^\ ZXX[\wk\W^ZZ\wk\ wZw ^\j ^\w `[\wZ wZ` ^\ ratio in the body. The high potassium content in carrots helps in balancing the high levels of sodium associated with hypertension and controls blood pressure. Also, carrots contain high amounts of ^jw\ w]Xj^ ^\ w [\ Xj ^]\ ^wZj ^ ^ )` \ compounds such as Vitamin A, minerals and w j`XÁ`[w jk \ w]]Xjk\ X%^]\ k^ ^]wZ\ ^wZj \ ^ ^ jk\ w [\ w]^\ w]j` YZw]Z \ ^ ^ `wZ\ qX]\ X] w k\Z` ^\j ^\^ ^k \k ` \[` ^kj` ^\k kj^ \ and teeth. w]]Xj\`k\Xqj^ \Yk^[\` \»Y` ^\j ^]w \qX]\j ^\

treatment of certain diseases. In fact, carrots were initially grown as medicine for treating a variety of ailments. ^\ ^ ^ jk\Xq\^wj` \ w]]Xjk\qX]\k ` \w]^\ as follows: Healing qualities Carrots possess great healing qualities. Raw or grated carrots can be applied to WXY [k \ Yjk\ w [\ ` w wj`X \ qX]\ _Y` \ ^wZ` \ ^`]\w j` ` w wjX] \ ]X ^]j`^k\ ^Z \jX\]^ `jwZ`¼^\w [\jX ^\j ^\k ` Eye care Carrots are excellent for the eyes. This is possible because of the presence of beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A in the liver. This vitamin is converted in the retina to rhodopsin, a purple pigment necessary for night vision. Beta carotene improves night vision and protects against ^ ^\ ]X Z^ k\ Z` ^\ ZwY X w \ w YZw]\ degeneration and senile cataracts. It is also helpful in night blindness. A study has proved that consumption of beta carotene ]^[Y ^k\j ^\]`k \Xq\ w YZw]\[^ ^ ^]wj`X \ \ 40%. w][`X wk YZw]\ ^ ^ jk Carrots contain a variety of antioxidants

and polyacetylenes which together provide a protective shield to the heart. Studies have shown that consumption of foods ` \ ` \ w]Xj^ X`[k\ ZXW^]\ j ^\ ]`k \ Xq\ ^w]j\ disease. Besides being extremely rich in beta carotene, carrots also contain alpha-carotene and lutein. Regular consumption of carrots protects the heart from oxidative damage, plaque formation and bad cholesterol elevation. This is because they contain kXZY Z^\ ^]k\W ` \ ` [\W`j \ `Z^\w `[k Prevents cancer Studies have shown that the consumption Xq\ w]]Xjk\ w \]^[Y ^\j ^\]`k \Xq\ZY \ w ^] \ breast cancer and colon cancer. Carrots are rich in the poly-acetylene antioxidant, qwZ w]` XZ\ W ` \ jk\ w w` kj\ w ^]k\ \ destroying pre-cancerous cells in the tumors. Carrots also possess anti-carcinogenic properties that inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the colon and support the health of the lower digestive tract. Boosts immune system Carrots contain a variety of nutrients, antioxidants and Vitamin C which boosts the immune system. Regular consumption of carrots creates a protective shield for the

Carrots are high in carotenoids which regulate blood sugar. They also contain alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood as well as balance the acid alkaline ratio in the body.

Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only) body. Dental health w]]Xjk\ k ]w ^\ X%\ qXX[\ w]j` Z^k\ w [\ plaques in the teeth and mouth. It also stimulates the gums and facilitates qX] wj`X \ Xq\ kwZ` w \ wZ` w\ `k\ wZ wZ` ^\ ` \ nature; it balances the acid-forming and cavity-forming bacteria. The minerals ]^k^ j\` \ w]]Xjk\ `ZZ\ w] qYZ\ ^] k\` \j ^\ mouth and prevent tooth decay. Cleanses the body Carrots contain abundant amounts of `jw ` \ \W ` \wkk`kj\j ^\Z` ^]\` \ Yk ` \ out toxins from the body. It reduces the accumulation of bile and fat in the liver. The kXZY Z^\ ^] \X \j ^\Xj ^]\ w [ \ Z^w k^k\j ^\ colon by facilitating waste elimination. ^ ^ `wZ\ [Y]` \ ^ kj]Ywj`X \ w [\ j ^\ post-menopausal phase w]]Xj\ »Y` ^\ `k\ ^Áj]^ ^Z \ ^ ^ `wZ\ qX]\ women. The phytoestrogen in carrots helps relieve menstrual pain and regularizes bleeding in those having heavy menstrual XW \ j\`k\wZkX\ ^ ^ `wZ\qX]\ Xkj ^ X wYkwZ\ WX ^ \ wk\ `j\ ^Z k\ jX\ ^j\ ]`[\ Xq\ Xj\ Yk ^k\ and stabilizes other menopausal symptoms. Helpful during pregnancy Carrots are particularly helpful during pregnancy. It aids the proper development Xq\ j ^\ q^jYk\ w [\ ]^[Y ^k\ j ^\ ]`k \ Xq\ q^jwZ\ infections and miscarriage. Regular consumption of carrots helps in the ]X[Y j`X \Xq\ ]^wkj\ `Z \w [\` ]X ^k\`jk\ quality. Prevents stroke According to a research conducted at Harvard University, people who consumed X]^\j w \k`Á\ w]]Xjk\w\W^^ \w]^\Z^kk\Z` ^Z \ jX\kY%^]\q]X \kj]X ^k\` \ X w]`kX \jX\j Xk^\ who ate only one carrot a month or less. Source of calcium Most people are not aware that carrots contain calcium which is vital for the growth and development of bones in children and women. Digestive health w]]Xjk\ w]^\ w\ XX[\ kXY] ^\ Xq\ ^]\ W ` \ helps in regularizing bowel movements w [\ w`[k\ [` ^kj`X \ j\ `k\ wZkX\ ^ ^ `wZ\ ` \ X [`j`X k\Z` ^\ X kj` wj`X \w [\w `[\]^ YÁ \ ^k`[^k \j `k\ ^]\w`[k\` \W^` j\]^[Y j`X Carrots for glowing skin X kY j`X \ Xq\ w]]Xjk\ ^^ k\ j ^\ k ` \ healthy and vibrant because of its Vitamin C and antioxidants contents. Carrots can also be used to prepare an inexpensive and X ^ `^ j\ qw ^\ wk \ \ `Á` \ ]wj^[\ carrot with some honey and applying it as w\qw ^\ wk \jX\ ^j\ ZXW` \k ` Treatment of blemishes/scars w]]Xj\ »Y` ^\ `k\ ^qq^ j` ^\ ` \ ^jj` \ ]`[\ of blemishes and scars. Also to clear blemishes, carrot pulp can be applied on j ^\k ` Anti-ageing benefits Carrots also contain Vitamin C which aids collagen production in the body. Collagen is a type of protein that is vital for j ^\ w` j^ w ^\Xq\k ` \^Zwkj` `j \ j\ ^Z k\ ]^ ^ j\ W]` Z^k\ w [\ ZX k\ j ^\ ]X ^kk\ Xq\ ageing. Vitamin A, being an antioxidant, wZkX\w)w k\j ^\q]^^\]w[` wZk\jX\ ]^ ^ j\k` k\ Xq\ w ^` \ Z` ^\ W]` Z^k \ ` ^ jwj`X \ w [\ w \Y ^ ^ \k ` \jX ^ ^jw\ w]Xj^ ^\ ` \ w]]Xjk\ `k\ w\ k ` q]`^ [Z \ nutrient that is converted to Vitamin A inside the body. It helps in repairing the k ` \j`kkY^k\w [\ ]X `[^k\ ]Xj^ j`X \w w` kj\ the sun’s harsh rays. The antioxidants and w]Xj^ X`[k\ ]Xj^ j\ w [\ X [`j`X \ j ^\ k ` \ to increase its immunity against the sun and heal sunburns. In fact, consumption of w]]Xj\»Y` ^\w jk\wk\w\ wjY]wZ\kY \ ZX Suitable for dry skin ^ `^ \ Xq\ Xjwkk`Y \ w \ Z^w[\ jX\ [] \ k ` \ w]]Xjk\ w]^\ ]` \ ` \ Xjwkk`Y Ê\ ^ ^ \ []` ` \ w]]Xj\ »Y` ^\ w \ ]^ ^ j\ j `k\ ]X Z^ \wk\W^ZZ\wk\ ^^ \j ^\k ` \ []wj^[ Treatment of skin ailments w]]Xjk\ w]^\ ^%^ j` ^\ ` \ j ^\ ]^ ^ j`X \ w [\ Y]^\ Xq\ w]`XYk\ k ` \ w`Z ^ jk \ ^\ w j`XÁ`[w jk\ ` \ w]]Xjk\ w \ j]^wj\ k ` \ X [`j`X k\ Z` ^\ ` Z^k\ w [\ w ^ \ ]wk ^k \ [^] wj`j`k\ w [\ Xj ^]\ k ` \ ]X Z^ k\ wYk^[\ [Y^\jX\ `jw ` \ \[^ `^ \

Daily Newswatch

Conference of Holy Qur’an

Friday, OCTOBER 17, 2014

Muhammed, bearer of good messages



uran in its various chapters has clearly pointed out the personage; Prophet Muhammed (saw). It Zw]` ^k\ `kkY^k\ X ^] ` \ his parentage, early life, shepherdhood, marital life and his eventual prophet-hood. His person has been described [`%^]^ jZ Ê\ wk\ ^kk^ ^]\ Xq\ ZZw \ a bearer of good news, mercy to the world, the seal of prophet hood, among other appellations. Who is this Muhammed, whose heart is full of mercy and compassion? Quran 33:45 describes Prophet Muhammed as a bearer of good messages and a counsellor. “Prophet! surely We have sent you as a witness, and as a bearer of good news and as a Warner. And as one inviting to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving torch. And give to the believers the good news that they shall have a great grace from Allah. And be not compliant to the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and leave unrewarded their annoying talk, and rely on Allah; and ZZw \`k\kYD `^ j\wk\w\ ]Xj^ jX] ° ZkX \wD] ` \j ^\kjwjYk\Xq\j ^\ ]X ^j\ of Islam as a truth bearer, Quran 35:2425 ““And if they call you a liar, so did those before them indeed call (their messengers) liars; their messengers had come to them with clear arguments, and with scriptures, and with the illuminating book.” Surely, We have sent you (Muhammad (saw) as a witness and as a bearer of good news and as a warner, so that you (the people) may believe in Allah and His Messenger and may aid him and revere him; and (that) you may declare His (Allah’s) glory, morning and evening. Quran 48:8 – 9. In his article on the person of Prophet Muhammed, Reehab Ramadan wrote that: “For forty years prior to the revelation, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was indisputably known to be of sound morals. Amongst his tribe, he was known as “As-Sadeeq Al-Ameen,” meaning the honest and trustworthy

one. The fact that he was given this name can mean one of two things: Either his honesty and trustworthy nature surpassed all others, or at the time, it was ]w]^\jX\ [\kX ^X ^\W X\Wwk\ X ^kj\w [\ trustworthy; therefore his nature was unique and treasured as such. May God cause us to be of those who yearn to be in the presence of the Prophet Muhammed (saw) and truly make him beloved to our hearts.” Ustaz Ramadhan also described Prophet Muhammed as a man of ultimate consideration. “Even at a young age, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) showed amazing consideration to those around him. ^k `j^\j ^\Zw \Xq\w\kj^w[ \qwj ^]\ Y]^\ and the many trials he endured in his youth, the Prophet continued to persevere and serve those who were around him. After the death of his grandfather, he was sent to live with his uncle, Abu Talib. Abu Talib had many children but he always treated the Prophet Muhammad (saw) as his own and did not deprive him of what he needed. He was known to be a generous man and would always feed the pilgrims when they would come to make pilgrimage. Because of his intense generosity, Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed. At the young age of thirteen, Prophet Muhammad (saw) decided that he never wanted to be a burden on the shoulders of his uncle and wanted to fend for himself. In a time where being a shepherd was seen to be lowly

and unrewarding, the young Prophet kw ]` ^[\ `k\ XW \ ` w ^\ w [\ ^ w ^\ a shepherd, receiving the lowest pay possible. He did whatever he could to make sure that his uncle did not have to struggle to keep him fed and carried his own weight around the house. He stayed patient and rose in ranks in the work force until he became a successful business man by j ^\ w ^\ Xq\ jW^ j ^ \ j\ `k\ wj\ j `k\ j` ^ \ that Khadijah hired him to work for her. Just as his ego did not prevent him from a lowly job when he needed it, again his ego did not prevent him from working for a successful woman, whom he would eventually marry. When Prophet Muhammad (saw) did wZZ \ w]] \ w[`»w \ ^\[`[\ Xj\qX] ^j\ the generosity of his uncle. It was not enough for him that he had carried his own weight when living with his uncle, he also wanted to give back. The Prophet returned to Abu Talib and made a noble w [\[` ` ^[\]^_Y^kj \ ^\wk ^[\qX]\X ^\ of the children of Abu Talib so that he could raise him and care for him, just as his uncle had once done for him. Abu Talib agreed and gave him Ali, who would later be a great torch bearer of Islam. Abu Talib did not expect such a gesture; rather, it came from the pure Y k^Z k \ ^w]j\Xq\j ^\ ]X ^j \ ^\Wwk\ truly a man of consideration, asking for nothing in return. Today, often times a “religious” person is seen to be someone who is

He was truly a man of consideration, asking for nothing in return


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rough and rigid, spouting do’s and don’ts without thinking twice about the emotions of the person being scolded. The Prophet, however, was the farthest from any such description. He (saw) was a man who was enveloped in mercy, who cared for the weak, encouraged the women, and stood up for anyone in need. The Prophet (saw) did not only have mercy towards the men. Society at that time treated women very harshly, he was also busy working against this to replace it with mercy and compassion. The men at the time of Prophet Muhammad (saw) were privileged with the opportunity to constantly be in his company, learning and growing with him. The women wanted to have such an opportunity, and being the leader that he was, the women did not feel any shyness or fear in requesting this from him. Upon request, the Prophet set aside a special time just for the women so that he could answer their questions and help them with what they needed. The Prophet’s mercy was vast and inclusive. He spread it far and wide to the point that even animals could [\ ]^qY ^\ ` \ `k\ ` [ ^kk \ q\ j ^\ many instances that are breathtakingly vibrant with the clemency of the Prophet is that of the helpless bird. ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud was travelling with the Prophet (saw) and a few other ^ \ ^\Xq\j ^\ ^ \jXX \w \^ \q]X \ j ^\ `][ºk\ ^kj \ Yj\ Xq\ [^k w`] \ j ^\ `][\ w ^\w [\ w ^[\`jk\W` k\wj\j ^\ Prophet, and he took immediate notice to her sad state. He turned to his companions and asked them who had made this poor `][\ `k^]w Z^ \ X \ [` \ XYj\ j wj\ her egg had been taken, he ordered the man to return the egg to her as a sign of mercy and compassion. At a time when many humans were not being shown kindness, the Prophet mastered kindness to mankind and was already encouraging kindness and rights for animals. Indeed, the prophet of Islam (saw) is an exemplar; a messenger of truth and mercy to the world.


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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2014


DPR threatens to sanction erring petrol stations in Kwara BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin


he Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) in Kwara State has threatened to impose heavy kwˆ�j`Xˆk\Xˆ\wˆ–\ŒZZ`ˆ‰\kjwj`Xˆ\

caught sabotaging governŠ^ˆjÂşk\ ^%X]jk\ wj\ Šw‹`ˆ‰\ ÂŽ^troleum products available to the public. It also hinted that it has k^wZ^[\ q^W\ ÂŒZZ`ˆ‰\ kjwj`Xˆk\ found to be operating without due compliance with the

guidelines set by DPR. The state’s operation controller, Engr. Amos Jokodola, who gave the warning in Ilorin, the state capital yesterday in a chat with newsmen, said: “One petrol station was sealed in the state Tuesday for hoard-

ing 33,000 litres of fuel for inexplicable reason. “The department was also mounting surveillance on Xj…^]\ ŒZZ`ˆ‰\ kjwj`Xˆk\ jX\ w†X`[\ possible cheat and exploitation of innocent consumers of the commodity,� he said.

Jokodola maintained that any fuel station dispensing to the public was expected to be inclined with quantity, quality and statutory compliance and other ethical conduct prescribed by the department. According to him, DPR would not shirk its responsibility of beaming search light on petrol stations with a view to ensuring the rules of engagement were adhered to. Âż ˆ\ Y^k[w–•\Ă‰Ăˆ\ÂŒZZ`ˆ‰\kjwtions were visited, 13 had product and were operating and one was sealed for hoarding of 33,000 litres. It is an on-going exercise. It is part of our responsibility. This is just a weekly report. The one

for previous weeks, we had Šwˆ–\ÂŒZZ`ˆ‰\kjwj`Xˆk\jÂ…wj\W^]^\ sealed and also diversion. This is another issue that we are also looking at. So, it is an ongoing exercise. It is our routine work to visit the stations. “As I am speaking with –XY•\Š–\Š^ˆ\w]^\Xˆ\jÂ…^\ÂŒ^Z[Â&#x;\ Because we have head of department that handles issues like monitoring, he would go there to monitor for quantity, quality and statutory compliance. Even if your quantity and quality are okay, are you Z`Â?^ˆk^[\ jX\ XÂŽ^]wj^\ w\ ÂŒZZ`ˆ‰\ station? do you have trained manpower to man that premises and house-keeping among others.

Maku, Dabiri, others commend photo journalists NNAH DOUGLAS, Abuja

O L-R: Director, Health Education, Plateau Ministry of Health, Mr. Gimba Musa; Plateau Commissioner for Environment, Mr. Silvanus Dongtoe and Director, Administration, Ministry of Environment, Mr. Patrick Dalom, at the training 3+ " '=!3 >" 7%@ $"%@7$ 3+•5"!# 3 (*3@% '=! # =#"%#" = -3# 3@%7"% 67%7" ›"#7"! %›

Ex-Plateau PDP chair declares gubernatorial ambition GYANG BERE, Jos


he immediate past chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Plateau State, Dr. Haruna Dabin has declared his intention to contest the governorship seat in the state during the 2015 election. Dabin, who declared his intention yesterday in his Keleshi village of Kanke Local Government Area of Plateau State, said his government will be devoid of ethnicity, nepotism and any act capable of destabilising the state. Saying he was frustrat^[\ XYj\ Xq\ XD�^\ W…^ˆ\ …^\ made his intention know to contest the governorship election, he claimed that he stood his ground to safeguard the constitution of the party for the overall interest of the state. According to him, “By the grace of God, henceforth, I shall be the new face of the leadership of Plateau State and indeed I shall continue to be the face of democracy and progress for all Plateau people at home and in diaspora. There is no fear in democracy and all democrats have nothing to fear, except the shackles of fetishism, illiteracy, poverty, disease and underdevelopment mindset, from which we have since been liberated. “My mission is to enthrone Plateau as the

model disciplined society; where a secure and prosperous people live, consolidating on the traditions of our heroes past, through exhibiting excellence in all spheres of human endeavor, by pursuing innovative programmes and projects. And engendering the spirit of servant leadership, integrity and team work,�

Dabin declared. The former PDP chairman pointed out, “On 29 November, at the special state congress, we shall move from being an aspirant to be the governorship candidate of our great party. We shall take the centre stage towards defeating the forces that have held Plateau hostage

and stunted the march to our greater freedom and manifest glory. “We have the commitment to the welfare and development of the entire Plateau State and all Plateau people, irrespective of the ‘divide’ of ethnicity, religion and indigene ship,� he stated.

utgoing Minister of Information, Labaran Maku, his counterpart from the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Bala Mohammed and a member, House of Representatives and some others have unanimously commended the creativity and hard work shown overtime by members of the Photo Journalists Association of Nigeria (PJAN). The commendations came at a two-day photo exhibition by PJAN, tagged: ‘Democracy Archives’, held at yesterday in Abuja. Maku, who acknowledged the inevitability of photo journalists, particularly in print media, maintained that photography brings alive past memories that were hitherto qX]‰X)^ˆÂ&#x; According to him, “photog-

Ortom promises to woo foreign investors to Benue GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi


utgoing Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Samuel Ortom, has promised to woo foreign investors to Benue State if given the 2015 governorship position. The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship hopeful told the people of Apa and Agatu local governments during consultation that he would use his experience and contacts at the Federal Ministry of Trade, Industry and Investment to link the state with the international business community. Ortom said Benue has a lot of untapped agricultural and mineral resources and promised to provide conducive

environment for investors that would partner with his government, if given the mandate. He said traditional rulers would be integrated into the policies of his administration, so as to bring about positive change, stressing that their experience would help him in the promotion of law and order. Prominent members of

the party and royal fathers from the two local governments pledged their support and gave Ortom their blessings, saying his antecedents and experience in politics place him on advantage. Those who responded on behalf of the party elders and traditional rulers included Yusufu Ogbole, Anebi Ehoche, Godwin Adobunu,

Onyeibi Audu, Nick Ochojila, Chief John Antenyi, Chief Sunday Oyigadu, Chief Samuel Onuh and Chief John Ochai. They said Ortom has worked for the position of governor, considering the impact he has made on the lives of many, irrespective of their religious, ethnic and political backgrounds.

Plateau House of Reps aspirant lauds Jonathan’s transformation agenda GYANG BERE, Jos


n aspirant contesting for the Jos North/ Bassa Federal Constituency of Plateau State in the House of Representatives, Samaila Rukuba, has applauded the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan, saying the gesture has taken the nation to an enviable height. Rukuba, who is warm-

ing up to unseat Suleiman Kwande, stated this yesterday in Jos at the headquarters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Plateau State while picking the nomination form to run for the post in 2015. He also lauded the Transformation Agenda of the president in the agricultural sector, saying the administration’s policies in the sector have not only turned the sector around but also im-

Žw�j^[\ k`‰ˆ`Œ�wˆjZ–\ Xˆ\ j…^\ lives of Nigerians. According to him, “PDP has done well in transforming the country in every state. PDP is working assiduously to make sure youths in the country have a great future and President Jonathan is on track to actualise that,� adding that “PDP, as a united party, is working hard to ensure we secure a ‡^)^]\qYjY]^\qX]\j…^\–XYj…\Xq\ this nation.�

raphy is so important because it captures nature, events, personalities and stores them for future generations to see.â€? In a rather comic disposition, the minister noted that photo journalists are the only professionals licensed to ‘shoot at sight’ “yet nobody has been harmed.â€? Maku encouraged PJAN members not to relent in their ^%X]jk\ wj\ Â?wÂŽjY]`ˆ‰\ jÂ…^\ Šw‰`Â?\ moments which can also evoke developmental changes in society, added that “without photo journalists, I doubt if anybody will run newspapers as media XYjÂŒjkÂ&#x;° In a similar vein, a member, House of Representatives, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, evaluating the role of photo journalists in nation-building, lauded the group for its ability to form the association and charged, “that you are able to put together this association is very commendable, with what you have done, you are elevating and bringing dignity to your wkkXÂ?`wj`Xˆ\wˆ[\–XY\w]^\Z^)`ˆ‰\ everybody know that photo ÂťXY]ˆwZ`kjk\w]^\^†^ˆ\‡^)^]\jÂ…wˆ\ any other profession.â€? The lawmaker and former frontline broadcaster, who pledged unalloyed support for PJAN, also decried the hazards of the profession, saying “without you, there will be no newspapers; without you there will be no media, we appreciate you and I insist that every journalist must be insured.â€? Earlier President of PJAN, Abuja Chapter, Abayomi Fayese, said the motivation behind the maiden photo-display is aimed at depicting the evolvement of events that have shaped the unity and cohesion of the country as an indivisible nation. Fayese stressed: “We organised this event as a prelude to promote our patriotism, leadership role and nation building despite the challenges facing the country, as he lamented on some of the challenges facing the association. “We are faced with myriad of challenges due to the nature of the job. Photo journalists are †YZˆ^]w‡Z^\ jX\ w)wÂ?‹k•\ jÂ…^]^\ `k\ no life insurance for our members and our members have no access to protective kits such as body armoured vests, helmets and so on.

Daily Newswatch



Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola:NGO takes hand washing campaign to schools paign to include all and sun- velopment (USAID), and the ^^ \ `[^ j` ^[\ wk\ j ^\ ^kj\ Xkj\ ^%^ j` ^\ Ww \ jX\ kw ^\ dry saying “People should Global Communities (GC), channels of information dis- the lives of children,” Wao prevent outbreak of not only imbibe handwash- Water, Access, Sanitation and k^ ` wj`X \jX\^ kY]^\^%^ j` ^\ ter, Sanitation and Hygiene Ebola and any disease, ing but they must use soap Hygiene of the Urban Poor hand washing with soap un- (WASH) programmes. a Non Governmental before food and after using (WASH-UP) programme. der the Global Hand Washing According to him, “WashOrganization known as the the toilet.” The Coordinator NEWSAN programme. ing hand before eating and Network of Civil Society OrShe said the day was set Bauchi, said personal hygiene Also speaking Hajiya Mari- after defecation drastically reganization in Water and aside to commemorate this and good yam Garba of the Fahimta duces the spread of diarrhoea Sanitation (NEWSAN) has year’s Global Hand Washing sanitation have become ma- Women Development Center diseases and has far reaching taken handwashing cam- Day under the United States jor challenge for many people Bauchi said “The simple act of ^%^ jk\X \j ^\ ^wZj \w [\W^Zpaign to primary and second- Agency for International De- saying school children have hand washing with soap is the fare of children.” ary schools in Bauchi. The Bauchi state Coordinator of the Network Mrs Titi Yakubu said hand washing `k\ X ^\ Xq\ j ^\ Xkj\ ^%^ j` ^\ means of preventing diseases saying there is the need for school children to take personal hygiene practice seriously. She was speaking at the Handwashing Day which is celebrated on October 15 every year in Bauchi and this year’s theme was:“Choose Hand Washing, Choose Health” held at Rahma Women Conference Center, said the celebration was aimed at emphasizing the importance of handwashing among the school children. According to her, the day which was originally set aside for school children but they L-R: National President, Nigerian Union of Journalists, Malam Muhammed Garba; Deputy Director, International Institute for decided to expand the cam- Journalism, Mr. Nicholas Igwenagu and Executive Secretary, National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Mr. Masu’du KaNANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


KEDCO MD alerts electricity consumers on impending high tariff TED ODOGWU, Kano


ano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO) has recorded an average aggregate base line loss of 49 per cent but expressed happiness that an independent ^]` wj`X \ \ wj`X wZ\ Z^ tricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) through its independ^ j\ X kYZjw j\ wk\ X ] ^[\ w [\w ^ j^[\j ^\ Y]^ At a meeting the companies has with stakeholders on the AT&C and Customer Number Enumeration, held at Tahir Palace in Kano yesterday, the Managing Director and Chief Á^ Yj` ^\ D ^]\Xq\ \ Dr Jamil Gwamna, said the forum is ostensibly to entertain comments from the public, as the development will inevita Z \Z^w[\jX\` ]^wk^\` \jw]`% According to the MD, consumers will pay more in order to obtain the level of service they require because the cur]^ j\ jw]`%\ Z^ ^Z\ w]^\ [^ `j^Z \ zaure, during a courtesy visit to NBTE Kaduna; Kaduna State. low, which have two components. He listed one of the components to include the energy cost TED ODOGWU, Kano Thousand Naira Only) read to him, the accused ]w \ wD[w `j\ qX]\ `k\ Z`- must be a public servant w [\ j ^\ Á^[\ w] ^k \ w[[` \ by HDF and Sons Nigeria person pleaded not guilty, ^ j\ jX\ ^\ w[ `)^[\ jX\ w`Z \ of not less than grade level that KEDCO recovers its investigeria’s antiLimited, dishonestly con- prompting the prosecution but the prosecution counsel 14, with a landed proper- ^ j\ j ]XY \ Á^[\ w] ^k \ graft body, verted the said amount to counsel, Musa Isah to re- opposed the bail with a 10 ty within the jurisdiction, as the energy cost is a variable the Economic your personal use, thereby quest another date for hear- w]w ]w \ XY j^]\wD[w `j while the accused must de- cost, which is predetermined. and FinanGwamna noted that the X `)^[\ w [\ X%^ ^\ ing in view of the plea of the In his ruling, the presid- posit his international passcial Crimes privatisation exercise was incontrary to section 308 of accused. ing judge, who granted port to the court. Commission (EFCC), yesthe Penal Code and punHowever, the Defence the accused bail in the sum The case has been ad- formed by the urgent need to terday in Kano arraigned ishable under Section 309 counsel, Abdulkarim K. N1,000,000 (One Million journed to November 19, ` »^ j\^D `^ \` jX\j ^\ XW^]\ one Husein Tahir, with his of the Penal Code. Maude moved a bail appli- Naira Only) and one surety 2014 for commencement of sector in recognition of the criticompany, KAMISA NIGEcal role of electricity in the naWhen the charges were cation containing 20 para- in like sum said the surety trial. RIA LIMITED before Hon. tion’s socio-economic developJustice Farouq Lawal of the ment of the country. Kano State High Court on He stressed that one major exa six-count charge, borderpected outcome of the exercise ing on criminal misapprois the achievement of customer priation and issuance of dud satisfaction by the introduction cheque. of business ethics and discipline The complainant alleged BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna This is as Miss Jigide cess to internet at all. parade was low key, the co- in the running of the affairs of the that he gave the accused Nwamaka who built and “She built and equipped a ordinator hinted that, “we utility by the new owners. the sum of N22,650,000 to ‘’This will ensure business even out of 2,343 equipped a library at Gov- library at Government Sec- don’t want corps members execute a contract with the 2013 batch ‘C’ ernment Secondary School, ondary School, Yaka-suwa to gather together in one sustainability and developNigerian Custom Service members of Na- Yaka-suwa Village, Lere lo- Village, Lere local govern- place because of security ment of the power sector. but after conclusion and tional Youth Service cal government area of the ment area of Kaduna state, situation in the country. So However, this cannot be taken payment for the contract, Corps (NYSC) who state, emerged overall best where there was no internet they are to go and collect for granted as there are certain the accused fraudulently yesterday completed their out of seven corps members facility. The people of the j ^`]\ [`k w] ^\ ^]j` wj^\ obligations that must be met converted the money and one year mandatory Nation- that were recommended for area were very happy about at local government where mutually by the two parties, j ^\w ]Y^[\ ]X j\jX\ `k\ ^]- al service are to repeat the the state award due to their the development because j ^ \k^] ^[ \ Y]\XD `wZk\w]^\ the utility companies and their sonal use. outstanding performance. they are seeing the impact X \ ]XY [\jX\w)^ [\jX\j ^ \ valued customers alike.’’ service year. Thereafter, the accused He therefore that KEDCO According to Nasamu, already. Our rural commu- and give them other necesThe state Coordinator person issued the com- of NYSC, Mr. Hilary Na- “we are not looking at the nities are being left behind sary information needed”. can only recover its invest Zw` w j\ ^\[`w X [\ w \ samu said the punishment cost corps members spend in terms of internet without On a sad note, however ^ j\ j ]XY \ Á^[\ w] ^k \ cheques totalling N32, is because the seven of them on community development considering the future of our the state NYSC lost one Miss which consumers pay, add650,000, covering the capital were absent from their place projects, but in terms of ef- youth who live and school Jessica Tongdyen Yaktal ing that what can only reduce w [\ j ^\ ]X j\ []wW \ q]X \ of primary assignment fect and sustainability espe- in such communities, “he from Plateau state in auto the amount of losses depends the contract but the cheques without permission. cially in rural communities stressed. crash on Friday July 18 this on the amount of investment were returned unpaid on KEDCO makes in the network On why the passing out year. He said among the seven, where people don’t have acpresentation to the bank, four that absconded for in the system. [Y^\ jX\ Zw \ Xq\ kYD `^ j\ three months were to repeat In an interview, the Commisfunds in the account. sioner for Market Competition service year while the other One of the charge read: three that missed the service and Rates in the Nigerian ElecNational Hajj Commission of day. That you Husein Tahir and for cumulative period of two TED ODOGWU, Kano tricity Regulatory Commission, According to Yola, the re- Mr Ayo Ekpo, said that the Nigeria (NHCN), Kano zone, Kamisa Nigeria Limited months and below would ^\ ]kj\ wj \ Xq\ ££Ä\ Alhaji Mohammed Yola, turning pilgrims, who were forum is explain some of the sometime in 2009 in Kano serve the period of extenpilgrims out of 5,550 W X\ w[^\ j ^\ X ] wj`X \ from Ajingi, Albasu, Gaya, work done by the Commission within the jurisdiction of sion doubled the number of from Kano State, who disclosed that the pilgrims Takai, Warawa and Wudil Lo- on certain loss base line for the the High Court of Kano days they were absent. State, while being entrustAccording to the coordi- performed this year’s hajj in touched down at the Mallam cal Government Areas of the various electricity distribution ed with the sum of N22, nator, the move is to serve Saudi Arabia have returned to Aminu International Airport, State were all in good health, companies in the country but Kano onboard a Max air Boe- all of who arrived with their particularly for Kano and Yola 650,000 (Twenty two mil- as deterrent to others in the the country. ^\ ^ j` \XD ^]\Xq\j ^\ ing 747 aircraft on Wednes- luggage. lion Six Hundred and Fifty future. Discos.

EFCC arraigns Tahir, firm over dud cheque


Seven to repeat service, as 2,336 corps members pass out in Kaduna


559 Kano pilgrims return from Saudi Arabia


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