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Daily Newswatch Friday, October 24, 2014


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Daily Newswatch Friday, october 24, 2014


To be Continued Tomorrow



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014


Akwa Ibom police foil attempted attack by terrorists BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


kwa Ibom State Police Command has foiled attempt by some suspected terrorists to blow up Itu head bridge, the only link between Akwa Ibom and Cross River states with some states of SouthSouth. Commissioner of Police, Gabriel Achong, spoke yesterday while addressing journalists in Uyo, the state capital, stressing that the police

command disrupted the plot by the terrorists to bomb the bridge following information from public-spirited individuals. Achong disclosed that the police received tipoff on the plan to blow up the bridge on September 20 by a group of people believed to be

aggrieved militants. “Upon the receipt of the information, my men swung into action and on October 5, operatives from the command arrested two suspects – Samuel Coleman Yaw (m), a Ghanaian resident in Bakassa, Cross River State and Monday

Anthony (m) of Ikang Village, Bakassi Local Government Council of Cross River State.� He added that the mastermind, Boronyefa Olorogun (aka General Bofa), escaped, but he (Olorogun) was trailed to Yenagoa in Bayelsa State after thorough and rigorous search by

combined team of police and Department of State Security (DSS), Akwa Ibom State Command and arrested on October 17. According to him, six super power 90 explosives, five blasting laps, three rolls of detonating cord, one bundle of extra detonating, one

My feud with Amaechi started in 2008 – Wike

SON set to raid markets in Anambra over substandard products

NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt




tandard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) has disclosed that it will soon raid markets in An|ÂœÂ? |{  | Â€{  x{ ž~ƒ‹{ ƒ~Â?standard products out of the system. The state Director of SON, Albert Wilberforce, spoke yesterday at Harbour Industrial Layout, Onitsha while presenting Mandatory Standardisa Â‚xz{ €  Â‚Â&#x;}| Â€{ ¥{ to Dozztephan Industries Limited, producers of Piko Flavoured Drinks, a member of Dozzy Group of Companies Limited. Wilberforce, who represented Director-General of SON, Dr Joseph Odumodu, at the ceremony, emphasised that though no specific date has been slated for the raid, the agency must continue to encourage local industries by educating them on how to measure up with minimum industrial standard after which ailing companies would be closed and substandard goods ž~ƒ‹€¤{x~ {xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ÂƒÂĽÂƒ Â€ÂœÂŚ He commended Dozzy Group for maintaining high quality in all its products as he unveiled the MANCAP €  Â‚Â&#x;}| Â€{ z~ÂœÂ?€ { ¨¨Š¨ª{ which covers Piko Pineapple Flavoured Drink, Piko Orange Flavoured Drink, Strawberry Flavoured Drink and Cocktail Pineapple Drink and expected to expire on June 2017. Meanwhile, Chairman of Dozzy Group, Chief Dan Chukwudozie, lauded SON for doing thorough and honest job throughout the assessment exercise, stressing that the companies have gone far beyond dishing out substandard products to the consumers. “We remain ever grateful to SON and we appreciate our esteemed customers, who are the shakers and movers of our businesses.â€?

Honda Accord 1997 model car were recovered from the suspects. He, however, said the suspects will soon be charged to court. Meanwhile, the police command also paraded 24 suspects for kidnapping and armed robbery including those involved in the kidnap of Project Manager of Petroleum Projects Partners Limited, Fatai Toyin Peters, on August 27.

L-R: Representative of the Minister of Power/guest speaker, Olajuwon Olaleye; President/CEO, WorldStage Limited, Segun Adeleye and Special Adviser to the Governor of Kano State on Energy, Hamisu Abubakar; during the fourth National Electricity Power Conference (NEPC) of WorldStage Limited held in Lagos State‌yesterday. Photo: Bode Agbede

Boko Haram: Ceasefire hasty, unprofessional – Security expert NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt

curity operatives have made into areas that security ex- were hitherto under the pert, Ola- control of Boko Haram lekan Ojo, insurgents. He told Daily has said that yesterday  Â‹Â€{ }€|ƒ€Â&#x; €{ Newswatch and withdrawal of troops during an interview in as announced by Chief of Port Harcourt, Rivers €Š€z}€{  |>ÂŹ{ ‚ { | - State capital, that the tershall Alex Badeh, on Oc- rorists must lay down tober 17, was too hasty their arms before any meaningful talk on ceaseand unprofessional. Ojo emphasised that Â&#x; €{}|z{ |Ž€{¯°|}€Œ “Boko Haram insur Â‹Â€{ }€|ƒ€Â&#x; €{ ­|ƒ{ zx { necessary considering gents know our military, successful foray that the but it appears that our Nigerian army and se- military operatives do


not know Boko Haram insurgents enough on adequate precautions to take or the indices that would drive their neÂąx Â‚| Â‚xzƒ{ Šx { }€|ƒ€Â&#x; €Œ{ They must surrender and submit their arms before any talks on possible }€|ƒ€Â&#x; €{ ­x~°¤{ Â?€{ }xztemplated by Nigerian military.â€? The security expert added that Nigerian military high command must Â&#x; ƒ { xŠ{ |°°{  |}ÂŽ{ xÂŽx{ Haram’s source of information and funding to

enable them block the insurgents from receiving |zÂĽ{ Š~z¤Â‚zÂą{  x{ Â&#x;z|z}€{ their operations and the operatives should be very tactical about the ceaseÂ&#x; €{ ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ ‹|ƒ{ ²¯ xŒ€¤{ to be unworthy.â€? It would be recalled that Badeh disclosed that Boko Haram insurgents have agreed with Federal xŒ€ zœ€z {xz{}€|ƒ€Â&#x; €{ and he (Badeh) instruct€¤{ |°°{ Â&#x;€°¤{ }xœœ|z¤Â€ ƒ{ on the behalf of government to adhere with the agreement.

Cleric donates relief items to UCTH, prisons JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar


hairman of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Cross River State Branch, Bishop Emmah Isong, visited Calabar prisons, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Uwanse Motherless Babies Home and Bakor Hospital yesterday with

assorted items including wheel chairs, bags of rice, beans, cartons of noodles, detergents, groundnut oil, slippers and toiletries among others. Isong, who is also the founder of Calabar-based Christian Central Chapel Int’l (CCCI), disclosed that the gesture was to commemorate 50th and 25th anniversaries of his birthday and marriage respectively.

He was accompanied to the places by other ministers and elders of his church from Cameroon, Ghana and other African countries. “While I was planning this year’s birthday, God told me to celebrate it with the less privileged, the sick and those in prisons and use the opportunity to prophesy towards their peculiar circumstances.�

Meanwhile, Matron in Charge of Uwanse Motherless Babies Home, Mrs Helen Nsung and Director of Administration of UCTH, Mrs Christiana Ekanem, commended Isong for showing love. Ekanem said since Isong prayed for the hospital few years ago over incessant deaths, it is now recording low rate of such cases.

he immediate past Minister of State for Education, Nyesom Wike, has opened up on the genesis of his political feud with Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State. Wike spoke yesterday while featuring xz{ |{ }~ €z { |>|‚ ƒ{ programme of African Independent Television (AIT), ‘Focus Nigeria’, which was monitored in Port Harcourt, the state capital, stressing that his problem with Amaechi actually started in 2008, a year after the governor secured his mandate through Supreme Court on October 25, 2007. He disclosed that the problem started while he was still Chief of  |>{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ xŒ€ zment House because Amaechi believed the insinuations that he was becoming too powerful by political jobbers, who always hung around him (the governor). “People started selling certain ideas to the man you are working with, saying I was very powerful. “If you are not a careful person, you would buy it, which was what actually happened. In 2006/2007 in Rivers State, when we had the governorship primaries of PDP, I was Chairman of Obio/Akpor Local Government Council of the state and I was the rallying point for Amaechi’s nomination and I was his agent.â€?

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

south west

news 9

Ondo monarchs raise alarm over abandoned NDDC projects PETER DADA, Akure


raditional rulers in Ilaje Local Government Council of Ondo State have raised alarm on the alleged abandon of N74 billion worth of Niger Delta Development Comœ‚ƒƒ‚xz{ ¥{ÂŻ xº€} Âƒ{ in the area, stressing that the riverine areas are yet  x{Â?€z€Â&#x; {Âœ~}‹{Š xÂœ{ Â‹Â€{ agency. They spoke through a °Â€ € {ÂƒÂ‚Âąz€¤{Â?ÂĽ{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ| |mount ruler of Ugbo and Olugbo of Ugbo kingdom, Oba Fredrick Akinruntan, Chairman of Ilaje Traditional Council and Amapetu of Mahin, Oba Lawrence Omowole and Secretary of Ilaje Local Government Traditional ‹‚€Š |‚z}ÂĽ{ xœœ‚ €€{ and Odoka of Obe Ogbaro, Oba Obafemi Ogbaro. ‹€{ °Â€ € ÂŹ{ ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ ­|ƒ{ |¤¤ €ƒƒ€¤{ x{ Â‹Â€{x?}€{xŠ{ Managing Director and ‹‚€Š{ €}~ Â‚Œ€{ ?}€ { of NDDC, emphasised  Â‹| { Â‹Â€{ÂŻ xº€} Âƒ{‚z{¤Â‚>€ ent locations across the council were meant to aid development of the com-

munities, but nothing has been done on them. According to the monarchs, the projects, some of which were awarded about 10 years ago, include N19 billion Ugbo ¹‹x¼€{ x|¤{ ÂŤ{ Â?‚°°Â‚xz{

Awoye-Molutehin sand Â&#x;°°Â‚z¹{ ŸŒ½{ Â?‚°°Â‚xz{ ÂŽx ‚¹‹x{ ƒ|z¤{ Â&#x;°°Â‚zÂą{ |z¤{ ŸŒž{ Â?‚°°Â‚xz{ ¤Â‚€¯€{ € Â‚ÂŽ|zÂż Âąx{x°~­|ÂĽx{Â&#x;°°Â‚z¹Œ Others are N12 billion ¼€ x x{ ‹x €{ x Â€} Â‚xzÂŹ{ N6 billion construction of

concrete walkway from Idiogba to Obe axis, N16 billion re-canalisation of Ararome-Oghoye road, ªŒž{ Â?‚°°Â‚xz{ ƒ|z¤{ Â&#x;°°Â‚zÂą{ of Obe Enikanselu and N6.5 billion upgrading of Âœx xƒ‹xĂ€ ÂąÂ?xÂŽx¤|{ ŠŸª{

{ |zƒœ‚ƒƒ‚xz{°Â‚z€Œ However, the traditional rulers have invited x?}‚|°Âƒ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ |¹€z}ÂĽ{ and contractors handling the various projects to |{ œ€€ Â‚zÂą{ xz{  Â‹Â€{ Âœ| € { next week.

L-R: Lagos State Commissioner for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Prince Gbolahan Lawal; representative of Ayegbami Fishermen Cooperative Society, Majidun, Owoade Juwon and Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture, Dr Yakubu Olajide Basorun; during the presentation of 40hp waterman outboard engine to Juwon as a ! "#$%&' *+ %1&$# 2%36 #<%$!= >?*@ &> !Q *&1%!=$ V ' Q< >$!$=Q&' $! XZ*&*V6 [%1*= ' =Q &V%' Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Ban on hijab to promote unity, orderliness – Lagos


|Âąxƒ{  | Â€{ x ney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Ade Ipaye, has applauded judgement of LaÂąxƒ{ ‚¹‹{ x~  { ƒ‚ ‚zÂą{ ‚z{ Ikeja, to uphold the ban on hijab in primary and secondary schools across the state. Ipaye emphasised that

Lagos State Government is in the forefront of promoting human rights in the country and would not ¤Â€zÂĽ{ ‚ Âƒ{ }‚ Â‚¡Â€zƒ{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { €°Â‚gious rights. However, he added that no right is absolute and sometimes, public interest would justify some limitations, saying that once deviations are allowed,

conscious or unconscious Âą x~ÂŻ{ |?°Â‚| Â‚xzƒ{ ­x~°¤{ spring up and it would promote prejudices, limit interactions and weaken the sense of unity among students of the same school. “Uniforms are adopted for school children at the formative stages to encourage sense of unity, discipline, organisation and or-

derliness. We do not want school children at this age to relate on the basis of obvious religious or social }°|ƒƒ‚Â&#x;}| Â‚xzÂŹ{ ‹€z}€{ |¤xÂŻtion of the uniform. “With uniforms, students,  Â€|}‹€ ƒ{|z¤{x Â‹Â€ {ƒ |>{| €{ less likely to focus on dressing or appearance as means of determining status, religion or other socio-cultural

Two LP legislators defect to APC in Ondo PETER DADA, Akure


wo former members of LaÂ?x~ { |  ¼{  ¥{ in Ondo State House of Assembly have formally announced their defection to °°{ xÂą €ƒƒ‚Œ€ƒ{ xzÂą €ƒƒ{  ¥Œ The legislators, Gbenga Edema and Folasade Olasehinde, were received by leadership of the state }‹|¯ € { xŠ{ { ÂĽÂ€Âƒ Â€ ¤|ÂĽ{ at Zion Gate Hotel, Ijapo, Akure, the state capital. It would be recalled that Edema is the only lawmaker that didn’t sign the °Â€ € {xŠ{‚z Â€z {­Â‹Â€z{x Â‹Â€ { {°Â€ÂąÂ‚ƒ°| x ƒ{x?}‚|°°¼{|znounced their defection  x{ €x¯°Â€Âƒ{ €œx} | Â‚}{ |  ¼{ ¥{Š€­{¤|ÂĽÂƒ{|ÂąxÂŹ{ claiming that he has not made due consultation with members of his conƒ Â‚ ~€z}ÂĽ{ xz{  Â‹Â€{ Âœ| € ÂŹ{ while Olasehinde signed, but later made u-turn. Meanwhile, Edema dis-

closed that he took the step after due consultation with members of his constituency who gave him go ahead, stressing  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ ƒ ~} ~ €ƒ{ xŠ{ { in the state have been extinguished following Governor Olusegun Mimiko’s defection. “As at this moment, the ÂŻ €ƒ€z}€{xŠ{ {‚ƒ{zx{°xzÂąer visible in Ondo State. Faced with this state of helplessness, I considered  Â‹Â€{x¯ ‚xz{xŠ{Âąx‚zÂą{ x{ {

like my colleagues, but I ƒxxz{ ¤Â‚ƒ}xŒ€ €¤{  Â‹| { { in the state is even more Š |ÂąÂœÂ€z Â€¤{ Â‹|z{ ÂŚ{ “Apart from the presence of two separate state secretariats, which is symptomatic of internal wrangling within the party, series of litigations and open condemnation in the media have now become order of the day. Also, Olasehinde, who is one of the three female members of the Assembly,

ƒ|‚¤{ƒ‹€{°Â€ÂŠ { {x~ {xŠ{Š ~ƒtration and disappointment faced when Mimiko allegedly abandoned them ‚z{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ|  ¼{|z¤{Âşx‚z€¤{ { without consulting them. However, the state ChairÂœ|z{ xŠ{ ÂŹ{ ƒ||}{ €Ž€meke, while receiving the defectors emphasised that the development is an indication that the party is waxing stronger. “It is the beginning of the positive change across the state.â€?

|?°Â‚| Â‚xzÂƒÂŚ{ Œ€ ÂĽ{ ƒ ~¤Â€z { is equal and students are not able to tease or bully one other about the style, colour or quality of their clothing or religious, social or cultural background.â€? It would be recalled that Justice Modupe Onyeabo dismissed and ruled |Âą|‚zƒ {  Â‹Â€{ ƒ~‚ { Â&#x;°Â€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{ Muslim Students’ Society xŠ{ ‚¹€ ‚|{  ¥{ |Âą|‚zƒ { the state government on October 17, stressing that ƒ~}‹{ ÂŻ |} Â‚}€{ ­x~°¤{ |>€} { secular nature of the state. Onyeabor said Section 10 of the Constitution made Nigeria a secular state and government must maintain neutrality at all times and, therefore, government has duty to preserve the secular nature of the institutions concerned. She added that since the public schools are funded by government, it is, therefore, competent to issue dress codes and other guidelines to students.

Lawyer leads protest against blackout in community KEHINDE ADEGOKE


Lagos-based lawyer and human rights activist, Apeiye Becon Clement, has led the protest against perpetual blackout in his community, Apana Etsako in Apana Etsako West Local Government Council of Edo State. A petition signed by

Clement emphasised that even as the community has been allegedly thrown into blackout by the management of Auchi district x?}€{ xŠ{ x­Â€ { x°¤ing Company of Nigeria  ¥{‚ Âƒ{x?}‚|°Âƒ{‚z{ Â‹Â€{ area still mandated the residents to pay N1,000 every month without receipt. According to the petition: “It is a fact that we are peace-loving people,

which if not considering conduct of the manageœ€z { ƒ |>{ | { ~}‹‚{ ¤Â‚ƒ Â‚} {x?}€{xŠ{ ÂŹ{ Â‹Â€ €{ would have been breakdown of public peace long |ÂąxÂŚ{ ‚x {  x{ ÂŻ ‚Œ| Â‚ƒ| Â‚xz{ of the company, its management brought in some criminal acts of payment of bills by introducing bulk metering system. “Wishing to place on record is the fact that our

people rejected this system because it clearly exhibits act of exploitation centred on the fact that there is nowhere in the world where an entire community would be using one metre. ² €|ƒxz{ Šx {  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ ¯€ Â‚tion of ours is premised on the fact that there was and there is no metre in place but our people were made to be paying N1,000 monthly per household.â€?

APC presidential primaries: Controversy trails Oyo nominees OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan


ontroversy is trailing | Â€ÂœÂŻÂ Âƒ{ Â?ÂĽ{ °°{ xgressives Congress  ¥{ ‚z{ Ž‚z¼€°Â€{ x}|°{ Government Council of Oyo State to choose threemember delegate for the party’s presidential primaries slated for Abuja later in the year. The development is against the background of rejection of Alhaja Serifat Abiola’s nomination earlier as one of the delegates by the party’s women wing, majority of who maintained that she was not their choice. It was gathered that there was tension among members of the party in the area throughout Tuesday ahead of the nomination having ­|‚ Â€¤{ƒx{°xzÂą{| { ´Âƒ{xŠÂ&#x;}€{­Â‹Â‚}‹{‚ƒ{°x}| Â€¤{| {|°most opposite second gate of the council secretariat along Oyo road in Moniya. It was further gathered that some members of the party from the 12 wards of the council waited end°Â€ÂƒÂƒ°¼{ Šx { °Â€|¤Â€ ƒ{ xŠ{ { in Akinyele Local Government Council including the chairman and his caretaker counterpart, Taiwo Opadeji and Opeyemi Salami respectively.

Three serial raping, robbery suspects remanded in prison OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan


he three men who were accused of raping a 24-year-old lady serially during robbery operation at Ijaye near Ibadan, Oyo State capital, have been remanded in the €¤Â€ |°{ ‚ƒxzÂŹ{ Â?|¤|z{ ~ztil December 2. The accused and others still at large conspired and robbed three people of their properties including money at Ijaye on September 6. The prosecution disclosed that the accused include Abiodun Owolabi  ª¾¥{ |œœ€¤{ |‹œxz{ ʻϴ{ |z¤{ œ€Ž|{ ¡Â€{  ª¥{ while others are yet to be apprehended and their victims are Lateef Waheed, Š€€¡{ |Â&#x;~{|z¤{ ‚ƒƒ{ |ÂĽilat, who was on a visit to ‹€ {Â&#x;|z}¸{| { Â‹Â€{ Â‚œ€{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ incident. The prosecution added that the accused descended on the lady and raped her in succession because only N1,500 was found on her. Though the charge was read to the accused, their plea was not taken because the magistrate lacks jurisdiction to try them.

Daily Newswatch


World Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Canada PM vows crackdown after capital shocked by fatal attacks


a n a d i a n Prime Minister Stephen Harper vowed to redouble the country’s Â&#x;¹‹ { |Âą|‚zƒ { ² Â€ x ‚ƒ { organizationsâ€? abroad after a reported convert to Islam rampaged through parliament, shocking the usually tranquil capital city. Shortly after a gunman shot dead a soldier at the National War MeÂœx ‚|°{ ‚z{ }€z |°{ |­|{ on Wednesday morning, a man armed with a shotgun burst into the Center Block of Parliament, pursued by police. He died after dozens of shots rang out a few Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper speaks during a nationally televised address yards away from where on CBC in this still image taken from video in Ottawa, October 22 Harper was talking to his legislators. |­|{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ ƒ|‚¤{ it was too early to say whether one person was responsible for both attacks. The killing of the he narrative sur- ed on Brown. Two have told CNN that Brown ran Canadian soldier was the rounding Mi- now been made public. away, then turned and put second this week with a chael Brown’s ‹€{ Â&#x; ƒ { ¤xz€{ ÂŻ ‚Œ| Â€°¼{ his hands up in surren- possible link to Islamist death continues by the Brown family, sug- der before Wilson killed militants. to evolve as a gested that the closest him. A video of two conHarper said it was too leaked autopsy report ap- ƒ‹x {­|ƒ{Â&#x; €¤{Š xÂœ{|{Šxx { struction workers who early to know whether pears to support the claim away, while others were watched the shooting the gunman had acthat Mr. Brown at one Â&#x; €¤{­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ x­z{‹|¤{‹‚ƒ{ shows them shouting complices but insisted ÂŻx‚z { €|}‹€¤{ Šx { ?}€ { hands up or arms crossed.  x{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ x?}€ ƒ{ xz{  Â‹Â€{ Canada would never be Darren Wilson’s gun. It The autopsy released scene that Brown had his intimidated. also raises questions about Wednesday suggests hands up. Other eyewit“This will lead us to whether Brown was rais- that the closest shot was nesses have suggested strengthen our resolve ing his hands in surrender Â&#x; €¤{­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ x­z´Âƒ{‹|z¤{ that Brown may have |z¤{ €¤x~Â?°Â€{ x~ { €>x  Âƒ{ when he was killed. might have been only an been moving toward and those of our nationThe Aug. 9 shooting of inch from the gun, said Wilson before being shot. al security agencies to x­z{ Â?ÂĽ{ ?}€ { ‚°Âƒxz{ Michael Graham, who is The county’s preliminary take all necessary steps in Ferguson, Mo., has led zx { ÂŻ|  { xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ x?}‚|°{ ‚z- investigation concluded to identify and counter to social unrest led by vestigation, to the St. Lou- that Brown was running threats,â€? he said in a telyouths who have used is Post-Dispatch, which  x­| ¤{ Â‹Â€{x?}€ ÂŚ evised address to the naraucous civil disobedience obtained the autopsy reThe newly leaked evi- tion late on Wednesday. to protest what they see as port. dence is not conclusive, A convert to Islam on the mistreatment of blacks The report “does sup- but the trajectory of one Monday ran over two by whites in authority. port that there was a sig- shot that hit Brown in Canadian soldiers with The eyewitness accounts z‚Â&#x;}|z { |° Â€ }| Â‚xz{ | {  Â‹Â€{ the forearm suggests that at the heart of those pro- car,â€? he said. Brown probably was not tests – that a white cop Other forensic evidence taking what the Post-Disbasically executed an could also shed light patch calls “a standard unarmed black teenager on what happened mo- surrender position with holding his hands up in ments later outside the arms above the shoulders surrender – are now fac- car, where accounts vary and palms outâ€? when he ing forensic scrutiny. in crucial ways. Brown’s was shot, Judy Melinek, The autopsy leaked to friend, Dorian Johnson, a San Francisco-based fothe media Wednesday who has maintained that rensic pathologist, told was one of three conduct- Wilson was the aggressor, the newspaper.

Leaked autopsy raises questions about Michael Brown narrative


Ukrainian PM warns Russia may try to destabilize Sunday’s election


krainian Prime Minister Arseny Ya t s e n i u k on Thursday warned of possible | Â€ÂœÂŻÂ Âƒ{ Â?ÂĽ{ ~ƒƒ‚|{  x{ destabilize Sunday’s parliamentary election in Ukraine and ordered security to be boosted to

prevent “terrorist actsâ€? being carried out. “It is clear that attempts to destabilize the situation will continue and be provoked by the ~ƒƒ‚|z{ ƒ‚¤Â€ÂŚ{ ‹€¼{ ¤Â‚¤{ not succeed during the presidential election (in May) ... but their plans have remained,â€? he told

a meeting of top security chiefs and election monitors. “We need ... full mobilization of the whole law-enforcement system to prevent violations of the election process and |zÂĽ{ | Â€ÂœÂŻÂ Âƒ{ | {  € x ist acts during the elections.â€?

his car, killing one, near Montreal. x Â‹{| |}Žƒ{ xxÂŽ{¯°|}€{ after Canada announced this month it would send six jets to take part in air strikes against Islamic  | Â€{ Â&#x;¹‹ Â€ ƒ{ ­Â‹x{ ‹|Œ€{ taken over parts of Iraq and Syria. Harper said Canada would now “redouble x~ { €>x  Âƒ{  x{ ­x ÂŽ{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ our allies around the ­x °¤{ |z¤{ Â&#x;¹‹ { |Âą|‚zƒ { the terrorist organizations who brutalize those in other countries with the hope of bringing their savagery to our shoresâ€?. €Š€z}€{ ‚z‚ƒ Â€ { xÂ?{ Nicholson said Canada’s deployment to Iraq would go on unimpeded. ‹€{  ­x{ | |}Žƒ{ ‚z{ quick succession could push the Canadian government to pause and rethink before introducing a planned bill to change the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, said Wesley Wark, a professor at the University xŠ{ |­|ÂŹ{­Â‹x{‚ƒ{|z{€pert on national security and intelligence issues. The bill to boost the powers of Canada’s main spy agency, CSIS, was slated to be introduced in parliament this week. “What the government is now confronting is a choice with going forward on whatever its original, probably smallscale changes might have Â?€€zÂŹ{x {ƒ‚ ‚zÂą{Â?|}ÂŽ{|z¤{ thinking about whether there is something more that needs to be done,â€? he said. Canadian police were

investigating a man named Michael ZehafBibeau as a suspect in €¤z€ƒ¤|¼´Âƒ{| |}ÂŽÂŹ{ƒ|‚¤{ a source familiar with  Â‹Â€{Âœ| € ÂŚ Court documents show he previously faced a robbery charge in Vancouver and multiple drug-related charges in Montreal. ÂŚ ÂŚ{ x?}‚|°Âƒ{ ƒ|‚¤{ they had been advised the dead gunman in Wednesday’s shootings was also a Canadian convert to Islam. ?}‚|°Âƒ{ ƒ|‚¤{ | °Â‚|ment would reopen at 10 a.m. (1400 GMT) on Thursday. Treasury Board Minister Tony Clement tweeted that he would convene a regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday and added “#terroristsbedamnedâ€?. Clement and hundreds of legislators had spent about 10 hours locked up in the Parliament as police searched the building. |­|{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ ­| z€¤{ the public to expect an increased presence by ofÂ&#x;}€ ƒ{ ‚z{ }xœ‚zÂą{ ¤|ÂĽÂƒ{ ‚z{ the national capital.

U.N. rights body calls for open elections in Hong Kong


he United Nations

~Âœ|z{ ‚¹‹ Âƒ{ xœœ‚ €€{}|°°Â€¤{xz{ ‹‚na on Thursday to ensure ~z‚Œ€ ƒ|°{ƒ~> |¹€{‚z{ xzÂą{ Kong, including the right to stand for election and zx {Â?€{ƒ~Â?º€} { x{Œ€ ‚z¹Œ The panel of 18 independent experts, who monitor compliance with an international treaty on civil and political rights, agreed the move at a meeting at which they voiced concern at Beijing’s plan to vet candidates in the former British colony. ‹€{ }xœœ‚ €€{ |Âą €€¤{ on “the need to ensure ~z‚Œ€ ƒ|°{ ƒ~> |¹€{ ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ means both the right to be elected as well as the right to vote. The main concerns xŠ{ xœœ‚ €€{ œ€œÂ?€ ƒ{ were focused on the right to stand for elections without unreasonable restrictions,â€? Konstantine Vardzelashvili, who chaired the session, said at its conclusion.


Daily Newswatch

African Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

African beacon, Botswana prepares for tight election


otswana will xz{ ¤|¥{ x°¤{ what are expected to be its closest elec-

tions since gaining independence from Britain 48 years ago as President Ian Khama’s ruling party faces growing dissent in

Ian Khama, President of Botswana

a country often heralded as a beacon of African democracy. Khama’s Botswana x} | }{ | ¥{ ¡{ { expected to win a reduced majority, extending the grip on power it has held since 1966. There is, however, growing support for opposition parties who say change is needed with economic growth slowing and unemployment stuck at around 20 percent. Khama, the son of the southern African coun ¥´ { { ¯ ¤ z ¬{ | { promised jobs and improved water and electricity output if he wins |zx { { ¥ | { z{ x } ¦ Last week Botswana’s sole power station broke down, forcing it to rely on electricity from neighboring South Africa. “If you want to move forward, vote for the BDP

and if you want to move backwards vote for the opposition parties,” Khama told thousands of supporters at an election rally last week. Botswana, the world’s largest diamond producer and a haven for luxury safari tourism, has been one of the world’s fastest growing economies since the 1970s and has remained politically stable on a continent plagued by violence and corruption. The nation of 2 million sits third on Ibrahim Index of African Governance, behind the islands of Mauritius and Cape Verde and ahead of neighboring South Africa. Khama’s BDP are therefore trusted by large swathes of the population ­ x{ | { z ¤{ x { free education and generous social welfare, paid for with revenues from

diamond exports. “I believe in the president and the BDP,” said Neo Phaladze, as smoke rose from the spicy sausages she grills for customers on a dusty roadside in the capital Gabarone. “They have brought us education and helped the poor with jobs and housing. I don’t see anyone else who will do that.” Economic growth, however, has slowed considerably in recent years and was just 1.6 percent in the second quarter of 2014. Economists says Botswana is too reliant on a bloated public sector and diamond exports, which account for one-third of GDP but could dry up in the next 15 years. Critics of Khama, a retired army general, say he has an authoritarian style, pointing to his forced

evictions of bushmen out of their traditional hunting grounds in the Kalahari Desert, in what the president says is a drive to protect wildlife. The opposition has also accused the BDP of ordering the use of violence to suppress opponents, allegations strongly denied by the party. Some of the party’s rivals described the death of charismatic politician Gomolemo Motswaledi in a car accident in July, as “suspicious” - though, again, the ruling party denied any involvement. The media has also complained of harass z ¦{ z { ºx~ z|° { ¤{ to South Africa last month saying his life was in danger after writing a critical article about Khama, while his editor was briefly held by the police and ¤| |{­| {}xz }| ¤¦

Ebola vaccine trials in Africa could start by January, says WHO


he World Health Organization said that two vaccines for Ebola could be used in medical trials in West Africa as early | { |z~| ¥¦{ z{ > } { vaccine – combined with increased international aid and healthcare volunteers – should help to halt an outbreak that’s infected upwards of 9,000 people and killed at least 4,500, almost all in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. The new vaccines are currently undergoing, or in some cases will soon begin, clinical trials in Europe, Africa, and the United States. Experimental Ebola drugs were used to treat a handful of patients in August, but without clinical testing the WHO has been reluctant to roll it out on a larger scale. As The Christian Science Monitor reported at the time, proceeding with caution with an experimental drug is paramount, particularly “on a continent with a history of being on the receiving end” of Western medicines. “We can’t say for certain that these drugs are |® z±{ ¯ x¯° { ¬{ or what the medium to long-term complications might be – neverthe-

less we do need them,” says Dr. Clement Adebamowo, chairman of the National Health Research Ethics Committee of Nigeria. “But we also need to make sure people understand what they are taking. A low level of Western education in a community does not mean that individuals are unable to make rational decisions on the basis of information presented to them – but it means researchers have a very high level of responsibility to provide information in a way people can understand.” ... In 1996, for example, pharmaceutical giant · { ±|z{|{ |°{x { { meningitis drug, Trovan, on children in northern Nigeria, then in the midst of severe outbreak of the disease. Eleven of the 200 children who participated in the trial subsequently died, and their families alleged they had never been told they were participating in a drug trial. The study’s supposed approval from a Nigerian medical ethics body was later found to { |° ¤¦{ {}x ¯|ny denied wrongdoing, ~ { z ~|°°¥{ ° ¤{ x { $75 million with the regional government and made large payouts to families of victims.) Ebola’s death toll in

West Africa has been devastating, but there have been some positive signs of progress in containing the outbreak. Nigeria and Senegal were both declared Ebola free this month. The Monitor’s Dan Murphy writes: While the disease is still a major threat in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, there are signs that new cases are slowing even in these hardest hit countries. In Sierra Leone, the outbreak began in the east of the country, and there are signs the disease is slowing there. That’s not to say there isn’t bad news – the disease has spread to the west. But there are no signs of the kinds of exponential growth that epidemiologists have been most worried about. To be sure, alarm bells are still sounding. Dr. Bruce Aylward, the WHO’s assistant director-general, said Oct. 14 that new Ebola infections “could” reach 10,000 a week “within two months” if the global re ¯xz { { z ~?} z ¦{ ~ { Dr. Aylward’s chief motivation for such statements is actually to ensure that the WHO gets the response it needs. Public health workers |z¤{ x°~z { ± z±{ on the front lines in West

Africa have provided vi |°{ z x | xz{|z¤{ À hand accounts of what it takes to combat the spread of Ebola. Leslie Roberts, a public health researcher at Columbia University, is working in Sierra Leone. In a recent blog post he writes about the socalled “survivor bias.” He writes that there are clinics boasting of high survival rates, but that that shouldn’t necessarily be a sign of success; he’s more impressed with the lack of infection on the part of health workers in these clinics. Prof. Roberts writes that the survival rates at these clinics may be explained by their patients’ histories: Those who are successful treated likely survive at least a week with symptoms, as well as an additional three to four days at the clinics awaiting test results. Of course the longer a patient has been symptomatic when they show up at your clinic, the better the chance they will survive. But, as I said before, the primary health z {x {|{¯| z {±x z±{ for treatment is not that they will get medical care and survive. The prima ¥{ z { { | { ¥{­ °°{ not infect a slew of other people as they become viremic.

And sending a message to patients that the longer they delay seeking treatment the higher their chance of survival is “the opposite of the message we want to get out,” Roberts writes. He also notes other cases of bias operating during { x~ |®¦{ x { »| -

ple, he’s heard over and over that this outbreak has lower fatality rates than those in the past. Roberts suspects that the truth lies in underreporting, relatives conducting secret burials, or more surveillance in urban areas than in rural ones.

Gunmen kill at least 30 in new C. Africa attacks –UN

Catherine Samba-Panza, Interim president of Central African Republic


|z±~ { z |°{ African Re¯~ ° }¡{ ¡{ - Gunmen have killed at least ¼¨{¯ x¯° { z{ {| |}® { this week in the strifetorn Central African Republic, UN peacekeepers said on Thursday. Several dozen people were also wounded in

{ | |}® { xz{ { } ztral village of Yamale on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the gunmen pillaging and burning down houses, UN force MINUSCA said. Central Africa has recently seen |{ ¯ ® {x { x° z} {¯ z±{ Christians against Muslims after a period of relative calm.


Daily Newswatch

EDITORIAL Friday, October 24, 2014

Daily Newswatch


-Tradition built on truth

To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach

Published by Newswatch Newspapers Ltd.





To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

!"#$%&'(% ) * "$+ # ,'%$ + ( and addressed to the Editor, Daily Newswatch, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624

Issues in mutilated, scarce Naira notes


ore than one year after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) promised to start replacing diseased and mutilated currencies with fresh mints, the acute scarcity of new notes, especially in lower denominations, is worsening transaction furore in marketplaces. CBN authorities have not deemed it right to inform the public why they have reneged on many promises. Daily Newswatch had persistently pointed out the transaction hassles caused by severe shortage of lower denomination currencies. The hassles followed the inability xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ { x{Š~°Â&#x;°{‚ Âƒ{ÂŻ xœ‚ƒ€{ to print and circulate in June 2013 fresh currencies to replace x €z{zx Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ Rather than claim responsibility for the Naira low denominations becoming illegal tender, CBN spokesman Isaac Okoroafor had in Washington ÂŻ ‚°{Šœ{| Â€ÂœÂŻÂ Â€¤{ƒ‹‚Š Â‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{ blame to deposit money banks. Worse still is that the CBN is ÂŻ xÂ&#x; Â‚zÂą{Š xÂœ{ Â‹Â€{}‚ }~°| Â‚xz{ of dirty, mutilated and smelly currencies via its increasing its sorting charges or penalty on commercial banks. The CBN penalty for sorting

mutilated currencies for deposit banks had risen from N3,000 to N6,000 in 2008 to N12,000 now. Commercial banks, which distribute currencies to end users, had resisted paying the surcharge, arguing that sorting responsibility belongs to the apex bank. They further argue that they incur extra costs as mutilated currencies damage their Automated Teller Machine and therefore reissue expired currencies. However, Okoroafor shifted blame, “Banks have failed to make the needed investments in currency sorting and therefore resorting  x{ €À}‚ }~°| Â‚zÂą{~zÂ&#x; {zx Â€ÂƒĂ‡{{ He made a bizarre claim that there is no scarcity of lower denomination notes, and threatened to bypass commercial banks to oddly distribute Mint notes directly to shop owners and end users.

€{|¤ÂœÂ‚ €¤{ÂƒÂŻÂ€}~°| Â‚xzƒ{ Â‹| { {x?}‚|°Âƒ{­Â€ €{‚zÂŒx°ÂŒÂ€¤{ in hawking Mint notes and that security agents would be invited to investigate. Before his exit, however, former CBN Deputy Director, Operations, Dr. Tunde Lemo promised fresh notes from August 2013 (after reneging on earlier June date) and that

Letters to the Editor Police station wanted for Iyesi


he entire people living in the city of Iyesi Ota Ogun State of Nigeria are hereby calling  Â‹Â€{| €z Â‚xz{xŠ{ xŒ€ zx { Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State and the Inspector General of Police that we need a police station or post for fast growing Iyana Iyesi to beyond Ijaba, which is about 6-9 kilometers long with so many communities without a police presence, except the only police station at Onipanu-near Obasanjo farm.

zÂĽ{} ‚œ€{}xœœ‚ €¤{| { Iyesi has to be reported at a Police station that is about 45minutes-1hour before ¹€ ‚zÂą{ x{ z‚¯|z~{ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ station, which is under ƒ |>€¤Œ{ €{zx­{ƒ°Â€Â€ÂŻ{­Â‚ Â‹{ one eye open because of ‚zƒ€}~ ‚ ¼{Šx°°x­Â‚zÂą{‚zž~Âť{ of undesirable elements using motorcycles to rob. We need police presence to complement the private community security on ground now. Pastor A. Mike, Iyesi-Ota, Ogun State.

smaller denominations of N5, N10, N20 and N50 of easy-fade polymer currencies would be replaced with paper notes. This is July 2014, and the public is |­|‚ Â‚zÂą{Š~°Â&#x;°ÂœÂ€z {xŠ{Â? xŽ€z{ promises. Contrary to Lemo’s view then and now, the scarcity of the lower denomination is now a source of quarrels and Â&#x;¹‹ Â‚zÂą{‚z{Âœ| Ž€ ÂƒÂŹ{ƒ x €ƒ{ and transportation business as buyers and sellers feud xŒ€ {²}‹|z¹€ÇŒ{{ ‹€{}~ €z}ÂĽ{ scarcity dispute is worsened by the recirculation of mutilated and smelly currencies rejected by buyers and sellers. Commercial banks re-circulate diseased notes, which should have been properly sorted and destroyed by the CBN. CBN’s major error is that it phased out and stopped the production of polymer currencies in lower denominations six years ago

long before it thought of printing the paper replacement. What happened within the six years of policy mishap is the recirculation of mutilated and x €z{}~ €z}‚€ƒ{Â?€}|~ƒ€{z€­{ notes were not forthcoming, despite Nigeria having two currency printing Mints in Lagos and Abuja. ÂŽx x|Šx {‹|¤{|¤ÂœÂ‚ €¤{ Â‹| { CBN Act 2007 empowers it to issue legal tender currencies to serve as acceptable medium xŠ{€}‹|z¹€{ÂŻ xÂœx Â€{€?}‚€z { payment system and to promote sound (not sickly) Â&#x;z|z}‚|°{ÂƒÂĽÂƒ Â€ÂœÂŚ{ ‚ Â‹{ Â‹Â€{ heated furore generated during transactions in the marketplace, CBN’s failure is glaring. Rather than threaten to instigate the Police to hound Naira hawkers, the CBN should redress the scarcity that has encouraged x?}‚|°{}x ~¯ ‚xz{|z¤{ hawking. Commercial banks have

rejected CBN’s directive and surcharge to sort the mutilated notes so that the disabled currencies are returned to CBN for destruction. With the six-year failure of the currency sorting arrangement with money deposit banks, the CBN should immediately take back its responsibility of sorting currencies because its failure to print new notes is the source of crisis. With the reckless spending in hundreds of billions on non core functions, the CBN cannot claim it lacked funds to perform core duty of protecting Naira’s legal tender. Therefore, dirty and mutilated notes should be withdrawn from circulation immediately, while new currencies are printed urgently as promised. New CBN Governor Godwin œ€Â&#x;€°Â€{}|zzx {}xz Â‚z~€{ Â‹Â€{ ¤Â‚ƒ}xÂœÂ&#x; Â‚zÂą{ƒ‚°Â€z}€{Âœx €{ Â‹|z{ 100 days in the saddle.


Daily Newswatch

View Point Friday, October 24, 2014

Towards a fearless future Continued from last week


{ {± z |°{ xz¬{ ¦{ } | °{ x |»¬{ President of the United Negro College ~z¤{ ¡¬{±| { { ¤{® ¥zx { ¯ z | xz¬{­ { { ­ ¤{ {z ­{ { } x°| ´{ x± | ¬{|{}x°°| x | xz{ ­ z{ { { x~z¤| xz{|z¤{ ¬{| {­ °°{| { { ¯|} { | {|{¤ {­x ® x } { | { { } { x { }|´ { z }{|z¤{ |} |°{ »{­x~°¤{ | {xz{ { {¯ x xz¬{­ } {| { x{} | {|{}° | {}xz¤~ { x { }|zÀ }|z { x{ z { { {¯ x xz{| { all levels. Polly LaBarre, a business and innovation }x ¯xz¤ z} {­ { { {|z¤{ ¤ x |°{¤ } x {x { { ¬{x ¤{ z{ { x~ {® ¥zx {¯ z | xz{ | { |±|· z {| { x{¯ x x { ¤ | {| x~ {° |¤ z±¬{ ~}} ¤ z±¬{ zzx | z±{|z¤{ ¥ z±{z ­{ z± ¦{ x|z{ °|¤ xz ¬{ z{ { { {¼¬{ |° ¤{ x­{} { | { ­x ®{ z{ { |°{­x °¤{ ¥{x> z±{ ¤ | {xz{ x­{ x{ x }x { {|z¤{~z} | z ¥{| {­x ®¦{ °|¤ xz ¬{|{ °°x­{x { ¬{ z{ { } {¯|¯ { ° ¤¬{² ¥} x°x±¥{ x { { |z|± z Ǭ{ | ¤{ | {} { z{ {z ­ { }x~°¤{ { ±| ¤{ x~± { {~ {x {¯ ~| { }x ~z }| xz {­ {¤ } xzÀ |® {|z¤{ { { ­|¥{ x{­x ®{ | xz x~ °¥{­ {¤ > z {¯ xz|° ¥{ during crises. Under the PD set 4, Dr. Susan Aldridge, » °{ z ¥{|z¤{ z¤|z{ } {x { ¤ ° |z{ Atlanta, stressed the need for universities to transit from { z±{ { |¤ xz|°{Í}| ¯~ ´{ x{|{}xz ¯x | ¥{ Í}xz z ´{ z¤ ¦ { { x { { x~ {}x ¯xz¤ z ¬{¯x° }|°{ ¤ } x {x { { ­ {|z¤{ x¤ | x {x { ´ {Í { { ´¬{ ~}®{ x¤¤¬{¯ ­ ¤{ { x }x z±{ª¨©½{ { ¯ ¤ z |°{ ° } xz ¬{ z{ { {® ¥zx {¯ z | xz¬{ ­ { {|z|°¥ ¤{­ | { }|z {}x~°¤{|z¤{° | z{ x­{ { ° } xz{ ± {°| ± °¥{ |¯ { { | z¤ { of the Barack Obama administration. The critical ~ { | {­x~°¤{¤ z {­ x{ }x { {z » { { ¯ ¤ z {|}}x ¤ z±{ x{ {­x~°¤{ Î{ {}|¯| ° ¥{ x{ ± { x { x{|{ |z¤ °°{|z¤{¯~ z±{ z{¯°|} { x~z¤{ }xzx }{ }x ¥{¯°|z {­ ° { {|~ x {x { { ª©«À¯|± { xx®¬{² x °¤{ °| { x ~z }| xzǬ{ ± °{ }~¤¤ ¬{|z} x ¤{ { { {¶{­ { { ~¯¯x {x { z{ Schudder, the co-author. ° ¤¬{² | z±{ ~ ° }{ ¯ |® z±Î{©¨{ ¥ { x{ ~}} Ǭ{ }~¤¤ ´ {¯|¯ {° ¤{ { ° z {x {±xx¤{ ¯ } ¦{² | { x~ z|° { |z Ǭ{­| { { ° {x { { ¯ z | xz{ |¤ {¤~ z±{ { { {½¬{­ } { | ~ ¤{ ° |¤ z±{ºx~ z|° ¬{z| °¥Î{ ® { ¯|z z¬{ |¤° ¥{ |°}x° ¬{ ® { |z¤ {|z¤{ |{ |­ | ¬{­ { ¥{

±| { |°~| ° { z {xz{ x­{ x{ { {¯ x xz|° ¬{ | {ºx~ z|° {° ® { x{ ¤~} {~zz } | ¥{ x ° z }® { ­ ° {|}} z±{ {|~¤ z} {|z¤{¤ ° ® {| ® z±{ { x{¯ ¯| {¯ À z ­{Ê~ xz ¬{­ } { x{ { { unethical. Mike Buckley, Vice-President of Facebook, during the °| {® ¥zx {¯ z | xz¬{ z °° ± z °¥{~z x°¤ ¤{ { z¤ { | {| { |¯ z±{ { ¥{° | z z±{ x{ |¥{| |¤{ z{ {¯ x¤{x {± | { |z x | xz{­ z{ { ¤ |{ °|z¤ }|¯ ¦{ ~}®° ¥{ ¤{ {z ¤{ x{ ± {¤| |{ |z¤{|z|°¥ } ¬{| { |°{ xx° { x { > } {}x ~z }| xz{ ±x z±{ ¥{ |} xx®´ { ~}} { x ¥¬{| { |~ À °° z{ { x { { |}® xz °° { >´ { ?} ¬{ ¯x® {xz{ |°À­x °¤{ »| ¯° { | { °°~ | { {¯ x x}x°¬{ | ¥À xÀ | } { x~ } { | {}|z{ | ° z {¯~ ° }{ z x | xz{ x?} ´{ | } {¯ x} {­ z{ ~ °¤ z±{¯ x± | { ¥{}xz ¤ z±{ { ¯|} {x { x¤ z{ z x | xz{ technology on the desired outcomes under the PD set 7 ° ¤¬{² x x}x°{ z{ Î{ ±z | ¬{ {|z¤{ x} |°{ ¤ |{ Ï{ | ´ { ¯¯ x¯ | Ǧ{ | °¥¬{ { { {«{¤ ° ¤{xz{ { |° z { z± { x{¤x{ x{ > } °¥{|¤ x}| { {¯ x xz|°´ {x ±|z | xz|°{ }|~ {|z¤{| ¤ z±{±x z z |°{|>| {¤ ¯| z { z{ > } °¥{}xx ¤ z| z±{ { |± z±{|z¤{|¤ x}|}¥{ >x ¦{ {°| { xz{xz¬{² { |z { x{ { {| { ¤ x}|}¥Î{

x­{ x{ > } °¥{ z ~ z} { Ǭ{­| {|z} x ¤{ ¥{ Rick Callender and Rachael Gibson, both of the Santa °| |{ |°° ¥{ | { } {| {­ °°{| { ~° { z |¬{ ¤ |°{ x z z { >| {|z¤{ ~ ° }{ x° }¥{ |} } { x~¯{x { { ¦{ { x¯{ ¯ { ¤ z ¤{ ¥{ { | ° {

The critical issues that would determine who becomes the next US president would be: the

a standstill and putting in place sound economic recovery plans

¯ |® { z}°~¤ Î{¯ ¯| z±{ { z¤ {x { {|~¤ z} { ­ °°¬{|} | z±{ x} |°{ ¤ |{} |zz ° {|z¤{± | xx { z ­x ® ¬{°x ¥ z±{ {° ± °| ~ {|z¤{}xz¤~} z±{|{ °¥{ x°°x­À~¯¦{ { z {| { {¤ ± |° ¤{ ´ {}xz z} { include a discussion on the future of PR at the Diversity » ¬{ { }} ¤ | xz{ z{ ~ ° }{ °| xz { ¡{¶¨ { |zz | ¥{} ° | xz{ |® | ¬{z ­x ® z±{°~z} xz{ and the series of interactive and useful syndicated xz {° ® { {xz { { |¤{­ { x~z¤{ x~ } {¯ xz { like the trio of Professor Lynn Zoch, Radford University, ¦{ xz± { z¬{ |z{ ±x{ | { z ¥{|z¤{ ¦{ ~|{ |z±¬{ ¥ |}~ { z ¥{xz{}x ¯| | { ¯ |} } { x { {}° ¦{ | { { Ë{ { ~ ° }{ Relations Society of America is the largest community of {|z¤{}x ~z }| xz {¯ x xz|° ¦{ {| x} | xz{ ¯ x ¤ { | z z±¬{ { |z¤| ¤ {x { »} °° z} {|z¤{ ~¯ x°¤ {¯ z} ¯° {x { } { x { {¯ x xz¦{ As a leading voice in the PR industry, it also advocates x {± | {~z¤ |z¤ z±{|z¤{|¤x¯ xz{x { { } ¦{ ´ {x {ª©¬¨¨¨{ { ¯ z {z | °¥{ ¥{ ¯ |} } {| |¬{¯ x xz|°{|z¤{|}|¤ }{ z±{ z{ { { °¤¦{ z{|¤¤ xz¬{ x { |z{©¨¬¨¨¨{}x°° ± { ~¤ z { are members of the Public Relations Student Society x { }|{ ¡¦{ | z°¥¬{| { { ~ ~ { }x { ± {|z¤{ x { | ° {| { {­x °¤{ {|° |¤¥{ °xx® z±{ x ­| ¤{ x{}xzz } { x{ {z » {}xz z} ¬{ x°¤ z±{z » {¥ | { z{ °|z |¬{ x ± |{­ { { ¬{ ² { xzz } ¤Ç¬{­ } { { { | À ° } ¬{ | ¥{ | x~ ¬{ |¥ {¯ x { x{ { { { ¦{ x{­xz¤ ¬{ { { ° z±{ ¤ | {¯| { | ¬{ }® ¥{ |°°¬{ ­ x{ { {|° x{­ °}x ¤{|°°{ x{ { | { }xz z} { °¤{ z{ °|¤ °¯ |{°| {¥ | ¬{|±| z{ ° ¤À x~ { { | xz {­ ¥{ ¥xz { x~°¤{ { z{ °|z |{z » { ¥ | ¬{­ { x~ z{ x ¯ |° ¥{ ~°¥{ { { ±À} ¥{ ¯|} ¦{ °}x { x{ °|z |Ð


Hitting the airwaves of life


hank God for technological advancement. If you are born in this age, understanding the ¤ > z} { ­ z{ z{ {¤|¥ { x {x~ {|z} x ¡{|z¤{zx­{}x~°¤{ be so great a challenge. That time, you had zx{ ± { x{¥x~ {x­z{ z | z z { »} ¯ { ¥x~{­ {® z±{|z¤{z ­ {­| {}| ¤{ ¥{ xz { |±± ¤{ |z{­ x{­| { }xz¤{ x{ { ® z±{xz°¥{ z{| |} z±{| z xz¦{ {¥x~{ ¤{ {z ­ ¬{¥x~{ { |¤{ x{±x{| ®{ ¥x~ {z ± x~ {x {­| { x { {±x ¯ { | { x°°x­ ¤{ {z ­ ¦{ x~{¤| {zx { { |° ¬{ ° {¥x~{ ¤{|{} |z} { xx{ ­{ to listen to good music and be entertained. { | {} |z± ¤¦{ ~ {¤ ¯ z | xz{ | { z{~z¯| |°° ° ¤{¤ °x¯ z {­ { ~ }{zx­{ z±{~ { °¥¦{ { ± { {z ­ {| {x~ { z± ¯ ¬{ z | z{ ourselves from the comfort of our living xx {­ { ~¯ { ± {¤ z xz{ } z { |z¤{ {¤|¥ {­ {}|z{± { x{­| } { z{ { ¤ z xz{|z¤{­ {| {zx { x¯¯ z±{ ¦ { | { x { ¯|} { z{ {| ­| { { ±x z±{±|±|{ ¯ } |°°¥{­ { { z±°¥{ ± {¯ x | ° ¥{x { { z ~ ¦{ x{ ­x~°¤z´ { {±°|¤{ | z±{ | {± | { x } {xz{ radio, or being the cynosure of all eyes on TV? Everyone does have this desire but not everyone get the chance at it. A good reason is the quantum training | { { Ê~ ¤{ x {xz { {}xz ¤ ¤{ { for the job. z{ {| ­| {x {° ¬{xz°¥{|{ ­{ x } { get to be heard, a handful faces get to be z¬{|z¤{­ ¥{zx {¥x~ Ë{ ¥{} ° | {

might lack ability, they do not lack the x} ¥{ x{|} ¦{ ¥{¤ °x¯{ ° { x {­ z{¥x~{}|z{ { | { x } {|z¤{ | { x­| ¤ {|z{x¯¯x ~z ¥{| { {| ­| ¦{ |} {­ { x~°¤{ {° z z±{ x¬{­| } z±{xz{ ´ {zx {x z{ | ¥{ x { { ~ { ¥{x z{ ¬{ ­ z±{xz{ { z z ¬{|z¤{ |¤ z±{xz{ | { { ~ ¤° {|z¤{ |z|± { x{ |z¤{~¯{ z ­ ¯ z ¦{ | z´ {¥x~{ x~± {x { Ë |¤{ ± ¦{ | {¥x~{°|}®{ z{ ® °°¬{ ¯°|} { { ~} {| { |z¥{¯ xz {¤ { x{ { { ­ { ~±± ¤{¤ z| xz¬{|z¤{¥x~ { | ­| ¬{º~ {|{ |z¤ ~°{¤x ¦{ z¬{ |° z { ¤ z| xz{­ °°{¤ °x¯{ { ® °° ¦ |z¤{ z z {| ° ¥{| { {¯ Ê~ { x { ° { |° z {|z¤{ ® °°{ |¥{ {± | ¬{¥x~{ ° } xz{ z{|z{|~¤ xz¦{ x­¤ {±| {| { still have to get some training from masters an audition but the selectors look out for the ­ x{ | { |¤{ { ~ z{| { {| ­| {x { ¤ > z} { |® Ì{ x {­ x { |° z { |z¤{ life. {x~ ¦{ | ´ {¥x~ { z z { |° z Ë{ Though inside you lay all the talent, it has

| {¥x~{¤ }x ¤{ | {± | { z±{¥x~{ x{ {¤ °x¯ ¤{ x { > } z ¦{ x~{| { SAMUEL UFOT EKEKERE

While talent and skill may be great, you still have to get some training from masters.... Diamond will still be diamond without the cutting, but it’s never going to shine without cutting | {±xx¤{| ¦{ {¥x~{ | ¬{ | ´ {± | ¬{ ~ { {¥x~´ {zx ¬{ z{¥x~ {­x ®{ ± z {zx­¦{ { { | { ¯ } |° ¥{x {¥x~ { | { |z¤ { ¥x~{x~ {| |¤{x {x { z{­ z{¥x~{ | {zx {¯~ z±{ z{|°°{¥x~{}|z¦{ | ´ {¥x~ { °° z±{¯x z Ì{¤ °x¯{ ¦ x {¯ xz { |¥{zx { | { {®z|}®¬{ but determination to succeed drives them. ¥{ {­ | { ¥{­|z {|z¤{ x~± { ¥{

|­| { | {¤ | xz¤{­ °°{ °°{ {¤ | xz¤{ ­ x~ { {}~ z±{ ~ { ´ {z {±x z±{ x{ z {­ x~ {}~ z±¦ x {­ x{| { ¥{ ~} { | ° | {­ { z z±{ ¯| ®° z±{¤ | xz¤{ |{ |ºx ¥{x { ~ |z ¡{­x~°¤{ z¤{ {¤ ?}~° { }x±z · z±{ |z{~z}~ {¤ | xz¤¦{ x~{ |¥{ | { ® °°{|z¤{ |° z { ~ {¥x~{z ¤{ { °¯{x { zx­z ¤{ | z { x{ °¯{ x~°¤{¥x~{ z x{­ | {¥x~ {

talent has fashioned for you. | ´ {­ ¥{¥x~{ | {|°°{ {| ¬{ ~ }¬{ and TV schools. { |} {¯| z±{¤|¥¬{¥x~ { ® °°{ ¯ x {|z¤{¥x~{ ¯{ z x{ {­ ¤ { ­{ x { {­x °¤{­ {|{ |z±¦{ x~{ }x { { ± {x { { x­z¦{ ° {¥x~{ | { |} ¤{ that status of acclaim, the major challenge x z¬{­ } { { { |°°x~ {x { |z¥{± | { { {| ° ¥{ x{ |¥{~¯{ {|z¤{¯~ ¦{ ´ { zx { x{ | ¥¦{ x~{ | { x{ {} | {­ { z ­{ ¤ | {®zx­ z±{ | { z¤{¥x~{ {|{ } x­¤{­ x{| { z±{ x{x~ ¤x{¥x~¦{ x{ stay ahead you have to create the head. z±{|{ |°¤ ¤{ x } {x { |} {| |} { { ¤x­z ¤ { xx¦{ °°{ {¯|¯| |·· {|z¤{²¥x~ { ° {zx­{|{ x {¯ zx zxzÇ{ {¥x~¦{ x {¯ xz {Ê~ {| { ¬{ { | xz{ ­ ¥{ ~¯ | {| { { } {x { ~ } ¤ ¦{ z¤ |z¤{ | {­ {|{ ± {° {}x { |{ ± { »¯ } | xz{ x {¥x~¦{ ¥xz { {¯ ® z±{| {¥x~¬{ {xz { ¥´ {}x { x{ }xz ¤ {| { x¤ °¦{ x~{ ~ {z ¤{ x{ x¤ °{ ¥x~ {° { z{ { ± {° ± {| {|z{ »| ¯° ¦ x­{ ´ { {¥x~{ { {| ­| ¦{ { x¯ {¥x~{ | { |¤{¥x~ { } ¯ { | ¤¦{ x ¯°|} z}¥{}x~°¤{ { ¥{¤ | x~ { x{ {¯ ¯| ¤¦ x~{}|z{ | { {| ¦

Ekekere writes from Uyo via twitter @inyang21 and, +2347062809301


Daily Newswatch

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Daily Newswatch

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Emmanuel to join Beitar Jerusalem


he proposed move of former Golden Eaglets striker, Sani Emmanuel to Beitar Jerusalem thought to have derailed is back on track. The 21-year-old has been in Israel for close to a month training with the Premier League side, before he started contract talks with the club after impressing in a series of test games. Sports Walla is reporting that Sani Emmanuel has reached an agreement on a one-season deal with Beitar Jerusalem, with the club having the option of extending his contract for two more years at the end of the 2014-2015 campaign.

Having said that, his contract with the six-time Israeli Premier League champions can only become activated if he passes a routine medical. The former Lazio youth team player will earn 5,000 Euros per month until January 2014 when it will be increased to 7,000 Euros. Sani Emmanuel saw a move to Lechia Gdansk, Poland fall through last €Â? ~| ÂĽ{ |Š Â€ { ƒ~>€ ‚zÂą{ |{ relapse to his heel tendon injury during trials which lasted for two days. He did not make an ofÂ&#x;}‚|°{ |¯¯€| |z}€{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x; ƒ {  Â€|Âœ{ ÂƒĂŠ~|¤{ xŠ{ |¡Â‚x{ before he ran out of contract this summer.

Osaguona strike propels Rangers


ig striker, Osaguona Ighodaro’s 16th Premier League goal of the season gave Enugu Rangers a hard-earned win against Sharks FC at the Nnamdi Azikwe Stadium. The win takes Rangers to 54 points but they had to survive sustained pressure from the visiting side at the home stretch. The result saw Gbenga Ogunbote’s Blue Angels remain on 52 points, 2 below the Flying Antelopes. Sharks might feel aggrieved at the result, especially after a second half in which they looked the stronger side.

Chiamaka Madu also proved a handful for the Rangers defence, but John Obuh’s team showed some steel to go with the style for which they are renowned. The Angels had the week 34 display against Sunshine Stars by the side of the pitch for inspiration, but made a shaky start, with Osaguona causing problems and scoring the opener from the penalty spot. Sharks enjoyed their best period in the second half, though they failed to break the back-four of the Enugu team.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Ike Uche: I’m ready to play for Amodu Ephraim Nwosu


illarreal of Spain striker, Ikechukwu Uche has declared his readiness to return to the national team under the newly appointed coach, Shaibu Amodu. Uche who has not played for Nigeria since winning the 2013 African Cup of Nations in South Africa, once formed the bedrock of the Super Eagles team until he fell out with erstwhile coach, Stephen Keshi. Prior to his sack, Keshi claimed he recalled the player for the 2015 AFCON ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€ ÂƒÂŹ{ Â?~ {  Â‹| { }‹€{ turned down the invitation. The former Getafe goal poacher however pledged his loyalty to Amodu. “My brother and I played under Amodu when he was in-charge. He was like our father when he was there. We had a wonderful experience playing under him. I am happy to hear he is back. If he still needs my services, I will be glad to give him my best and help Nigeria qualify for the Nations Cup,â€? Uche told Newswatch Sports exclusively from his base in Spain. Amodu led Nigeria to pick the 2010 World Cup

ticket with Uche playing all the games and emerging as the team’s top scorer, and now the 30-yearx°¤{‚ƒ{}xzÂ&#x;¤Â€z { Â‹| { ~¯€ { Eagles can still qualify for next year’s African Cup of Nations coming up in Morocco despite their present slim chance. “We had our best moments during Amodu’s era, but it was unfortunate that he left. He is experienced and I want to believe

that he is one of our best coaches. We all saw what he did when he was there. I know we are not having Âą €| { ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€ ÂƒÂŹ{ Â?~ { zx­{ that he is back, I believe he has what it takes to redeem the situation. “It’s going to be a collective responsibility. On my part, I will work hard with my teammates to ensure that we support him and help Nigeria qualify for the Nations Cup. We have

faced a similar challenge before and we surmounted it. Let’s be positive because all hope is not yet lost,â€? he posited. Amodu too has hinted xz{ €}|°°Â‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻ x°Â‚Â&#x;}{ striker from imposed exile and there are strong indications that he may lead the Super Eagles assault in Nigeria’s decisive Nations ~ÂŻ{ ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€ ƒ{ |Âą|‚zƒ { Congo and South Africa.

AWC: Elegbeleye salutes Falcons Martins Odiete, Abuja


he Director General of the National Sports Commission, Hon Gbenga Elegbeleye has commended the bravery of the Super Falcons Šx {ĂŠ~|°Â‚Š¼‚zÂą{Šx { Â‹Â€{Â&#x;z|°{ of this year’s edition of Africa Women’s Championship holding in Namibia after beating hard South Africa 2-1. The DG of the NSC said he was particularly happy that the Nigerian team also ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€¤{ Šx { z€ { ¼€| ´Âƒ{ World Cup in Canada by winning the match. He was also elated with the doggedness of the players in the face of in-

 Â‚œ‚¤| Â‚xz{ Â?ÂĽ{ x?}‚| Â‚z¹{ which according to him, was not up to the standard. He showered encomiums on the team and most especially the team’s technical crew led by Edwin Okon for preparing them well for the African Championship. He also promised continued support for

the team by the National Sports Commission to ensure the team not only emerges African Champion, but also perform well in the World Cup in 2015. “I am very happy with the performance of the team; most especially  Â‹Â€Â‚ {ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;}| Â‚xz{Šx {z€ { year’s World Cup in Canada. I am particularly hapÂŻÂĽ{­Â‚ Â‹{ Â‹Â€{Â&#x;¹‹ Â‚zÂą{ÂƒÂŻÂ‚ ‚ { of the players despite the ĂŠ~€ƒ Â‚xz|Â?°Â€{ x?}‚| Â‚z¹Œ{ They held their nerves and did their job well to win the match. This sheer bravery is for Champixzƒ{ |z¤{ { |Âœ{ }xzÂ&#x;¤Â€z { and have the conviction that the Super Falcons will emerge 2014 Africa Women’s Championship winners. “It is also a thing of joy to me that Asisat Oshoala continued from where she stopped at the last U-20

World Cup by emerging the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the match. All the players played so well and I am charging them not to rest on their oars until the Cup is won now that they have booked a ¯°|}€{ ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x;z|°Âƒ{ xŠ{ z€ { year’s World Cup. “They should know by now that they will be adequately rewarded if they come back to Nigeria with the AWC trophy because our sport loving President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is known for rewarding athletes and players for good performances and winning laurels for the nation. The National Sports Commission will continue to support the Nigeria Football Federation and all other sports federations in their quest to win laurels for this countryâ€?, Elegbeleye assured.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014


Nwosu recommends Iheanacho to Siasia


where he will be more useful and gain the experience he needs to play in the Super Eagles. I think Siaƒ‚|{ }|z{ œ|Ž€{ ‹‚œ{ |{ �€ € { player,� he said. On the return of Shuiabu Amodu as the caretaker coach of the Super Eagles following the sack of Coach Stephen Keshi,

€z ÂĽ{ ƒ|‚¤{  Â‹| { ‹€{ ¤x€ƒ{ not doubt the ability of Amodu to deliver the 2015

AFCON ticket with the struggling Super Eagles. Amodu is an experienced coach blessed with the technical depth to de°Â‚Œ€ ÂŹ{ €Œ€z{ | { |{ ¤Â‚?}~° { time like what the Eagles are facing now in Group A of the 2015 Nations Cup ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€ ÂƒÂŚ{ € {~ƒ{zx {Šx ¹€ { that he faced a similar situation when he took over from Jo Bonfrere during the 2002 World Cup quali-

Â&#x;€ ƒ{ |z¤{ ¤Â€°Â‚Œ€ €¤{  Â‹Â€{ ticket. “I expect the same thing from him. I know the Su¯€ { |¹°Â€Âƒ{ | €{ ‚z{ |{ ¤Â‚?cult position with just two games left, but as a Nigerian, I believe in miracle and I believe in Amodu’s miracle to deliver the ticket. All he needs is the support of every Nigerian including the media,â€? he said.

Eduok bags six as Dolphins run riots


mem Eduok scored all goals in Dolphins’ 6-0 victory over Nembe City in the Nigeria Premier €|Âą~€{ Â?€}xœ‚zÂą{  ‹€{ Â&#x; ƒ { player to score double hattrick in a match in the history of the Elite League in Nigeria. The Super Eagles invitee started his scoring spree in the 14th minute when he received the ball with his back to the post and chipped into the net. It was an awesome Â&#x;z‚ƒ‹{Š xÂœ{ ‹€{ƒ ‚Ž€ ÂŚ Eduok then added two goals to his Palace in a breathtaking eight-minute spell that started in the 14th minute. With his hat-trick coming in the 22nd minute, fans at the Liberation Stadium expected more from the reli-


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

Amaju, ‘Messiah’ or do we expect another?


Francis Ajuonuma


€z ÂĽ{ ­xƒ~{ says Nigerian teenage sensation, Kelechi ‹€|z|}‹x{ ­Â‚°°{ Â?€{ Â?€ € { utilised in the under-23 national team, which is currently handled by Coach Samson Siasia and not the Super Eagles. Nwosu, who made this observation while reacting to Iheanacho’s continued exclusion from the Super Eagles in spite of his impressive form with MLS side Columbus Crew of United States, said that playing the youngster so early in the Eagles could put so much pressure on ‹‚œ{­Â‹Â‚}‹{}x~°¤{|>€} {‹‚ƒ{ game. The Gateway FC of Abeokuta coach believes that playing the former Under-17 best player in the Olympic team under Coach Samson Siasia, who has already promised him a place in the squad, will be the right guide for his growth to the Super Eagles. “Yes, most of us saw Iheanacho during the preseason tour with Manchester City; he was very fantastic but was loaned to Columbus Crew where he’s been doing well also.

€{ ‹|ƒ{ ¤Â‚ƒ¯°|¼€¤{ |{ °x { xŠ{ potentials that merit national team call up. “And I think it’ll be good for him to start his senior national team career with the Under-23 Eagles,


able goal machine. Nembe City had no answers to the one-man performance from Eduok as they were reduced to mere

passengers by the Pride of Rivers State. In the 49th minute Eduok grabbed his fourth of the afternoon in the one-sided en-

counter. Another tormentor, Victor Alegbe dribbled through Nembe’s defence, but instead opted to pass to Eduok rather than shoot.  {­|ƒ{|z{~zƒ€°Â&#x;ƒ‹{¯‚€}€{xŠ{ ¯°|ÂĽ{ Â?ÂĽ{  Â‹Â€{ | |}Ž‚zÂą{ œ‚¤Â&#x;€°¤Â€ ÂŚ Eduok set a new Premier €|Âą~€{ €}x ¤{ |ƒ{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x; ƒ { ¯°|¼€ { x{ƒ}x €{Â&#x;Œ€{Âąx|°Âƒ{‚z{ a match in the 71st minute.

€{¯‚}Ž€¤{ Â‹Â€{Â?|°°{~ÂŻÂŹ{ƒŽ‚°°fully dribbled past Nembe defenders to shoot past the goalkeeper. The talisman wasn’t done yet and he grabbed his ½ Â‹{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ ¤|ÂĽÂŹ{ Â?€z€Â&#x; ‚zÂą{ from Adamu Tijani’s intelligent pass. At the end of the match, ¤~xÂŽ{ ¡xxœ€¤{  x{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x; ƒ { spot in the top-scorers’ chart with 19 goals.

don’t know the new president of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Pinnick Melvin Amaju personally. I have never met him one-on-one and until his emergence as NFF president, I can’t recollect bumping into him in the course of my duty as a Sportswriter. I also was not aware of his election manifestoes (if any) during his campaign, which could have swayed massive votes that he polled at the NFF Congress. Candidates for NFF elections hardly have any tangible proposals that can pass as manifestoes because they can hardly articulate any such for the public. They are overtly reliant on government (both states and federal) backings to care for any tenable manifestoes. So, I won’t be surprised if Amaju did not present any, prior to his election. I have also had earful stories about the man’s arrogance and his penchant to look down upon €Œ€ ÂĽÂ?x¤¼{| {|{ƒz|ÂŻ{xŠ{Â&#x;z¹€ ÂƒÂŚ{{ {¤x{zx {ÂŽzx­{‹x­{ true this is, but his carriage so far since his emergence has not proven this allegation. Perhaps, he has learnt quickly to tame his short fuss or maybe the job has not Âąx { Â‹Â€{Â?€ € {xŠ{‹‚œ{¼€ { x{ Â‚¹¹Â€ {x>{ƒ~}‹{ÂŒx°}|z‚}{ eruption. Whatever is the cause of his new leaf, may it lasts and may it prove doubting Thomases wrong. It may be too early also to begin to sing hurrah for the crisis-ridden Nigerian football, but I think Amaju ‹|ƒ{Ž‚}Ž€¤{x>{xz{|{Âąxx¤{ ~ Š{|° €|¤¼Œ{{{ ‚ƒ{¤Â€}‚ƒ‚xz{ to do away with the ego-bloated Stephen Keshi after consulting widely, was a right step. Amaju’s choice of a foreign coach over our local coaches may not be here or there. But that is needed to steady the ship of Super |¹°Â€Âƒ{ Â‹| {‹|ƒ{Â?€€z{Âœ| xxz€¤{‚z{ Â‹Â€{ƒ€|{xŠ{Âœ|Â&#x;|ÂƒÂŹ{ bias, hatred and out right gangsterism in recent times. Only a foreign coach, who knows his onions, would pick players purely on merits and not on nepotism. Even though I may not agree with Amaju’s resort to returning Shuaibu Amodu to Eagles saddle in the €œ|‚z‚zÂą{ Âœ| }‹€ƒ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ { ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€ ÂƒÂŹ{ { ¤x{ however think that he has started well. Though, I would have preferred a consortium of Samson Siasia, Sunday Oliseh and Sylvanus Okpara (Quicksilver) in the interim. And these coaches would have been made to understudy the foreign coach that will be installed later. Siasia and Okpara, for having been there and therefore are well aware of the team mechanism or chemistry (if you like) and Oliseh for his position in FIFA’s Technical Study Group, and therefore vastly endowed. Without prejudice to whatever condition that may be entrenched in the foreign coach’s contract, Siasia, Oliseh and Okpara could have formed a foundation upon which the foreigner ­Â‚°°{Â?~‚°¤{‹‚ƒ{ Â€}‹z‚}|°{} €­Œ{{  {¤x€ƒz´ {Âœ| € {‚Š{‹€{‚ƒ{ coming down with his own assistant coaches, he has to work with some Nigerians that may take over from him whenever he goes. There shouldn’t be another vacuum that may require NFF scampering to Amodu again for rescue should the would-be ‘Oyibo’ coach leave us in a lurch. The new NFF boss must also guard against the norm of jumping into plane with his entourage in the name of scouting Europe for a foreign coach. We are in computer age where all manners of business can be transacted via the internet. The NFF board should avail itself of this simple avenue and stop the waste of tax-payers monies in search of a foreign coach. Alternatively, Amaju could liaise with ´Âƒ{ƒ~Â?{ xœœ‚ €€{Šx { x|}‹€ƒ{ Â‹| {‹|ƒ{ Â‹Â€{¤| |{xŠ{ notable coaches and their ratings all over the world. ‹‚ƒ{ xœœ‚ €€{ }|z{ €}xœœ€z¤{ }x|}‹€ƒ{  Â‹| { ƒ~‚ { Nigeria’s requirements and pay scale for NFF to take its pick. It is that simple. {|°Âƒx{}xœœ€z¤{ Âœ|Âş~{Šx {‹‚ƒ{ |Ž€x>{xz{|¹¹ €ƒƒ‚Œ€{ marketing for the national teams. I understand this was one of his strongest points in his election campaign speech and he has started well. If he succeeds in sourcing for funds outside government heavy subventions, he would have blazed a trail of liberating NFF from government ‘interference’; ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ ­Â‚°°{ Š~  Â‹Â€ { | |} { }x ÂŻx | Â€{ x Âą|z‚¡| Â‚xz{ partnership. The responses of corporate Nigerians to the emergence of this young man as NFF president, is indeed heart-warming. I think Amaju is on the verge xŠ{}| Œ‚zÂą{|{z‚}‹€{Šx {‹‚œƒ€°ÂŠÂŚ{{ €{ÂœÂ‚ÂąÂ‹ {Âş~ƒ {Â?€{ Â‹Â€{ talisman Nigerian football had waited to have for so long. May he not derail.

Daily Newswatch Sports/EURO LEAGUE Gerrard regrets Real snub




Suarez not our type of player —Zidane


eal Madrid legend, Zinedine Zidane, has ƒ xŽ€¤{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x; €{ ahead of Saturday’s eagerly anticipated El Clasico derby by revealing the club never had any interest in signing Barcelona’s Luis Suarez. ~| €¡{ ‚ƒ{ ƒ€ {  x{ Â&#x;z|°°¼{ make his Barcelona debut at the Bernabeu having served a four-month ban for biting Italy defender, Giorgio Chiellini, while playing for Uruguay at this year’s World Cup. Liverpool sold Suarez

to Barcelona for ÂŁ75million in July and although Real were heavily linked with the 27-year-old, Zidane, now a coach at Madrid, insists the club never wanted him. The Madrid coach also said his team had no contact with Liverpool regarding Suarez in the summer The La Liga giants splashed out on playmaker xz‚{ xxƒ{ |z¤{ | |}Ž€ { James Rodriguez during the summer. Zidane said: “There are always reports linking the big players with Real Ma-

drid, but we had no contact with Liverpool regarding Suarez in the summer - he is not a player that we felt we needed. “When Real Madrid want a player, we work very hard to get the transfer done, but it was not a ¯°|¼€ {­Â€{­|z Â€¤ŒĂ‡ Real Madrid splashed the cash this summer to bring in German playmaker Toni Kroos from Bayern Munich and Colombia attacker, James Rodriguez from Monaco. The Uruguayan received the Golden Shoe award

as Europe’s top scorer last season from Kenny Dalglish. The former Real Madrid star scored a memorable ‹|ÂœÂŻÂ‚xzƒ{ €|Âą~€{ Â&#x;z|°{ goal against Bayer Leverkusen. And Frenchman Zidane, ­Â‹x{ÂƒÂŻÂ€z {Â&#x;Œ€{¼€| ƒ{| { €|°{ and scored the winning goal in the 2002 Champions €|Âą~€{ Â&#x;z|°{ ƒ|ÂĽÂƒ{  Â‹Â€{ }°~Â?{ are more than happy with the business they did in the summer, despite Suarez joining Lionel Messi and Neymar to form a fearsome | |}Ž‚zÂą{ Â‚x{| { | }|ÂŚ

‘I’m not cut for bench’ – Podolski


f you were an Arsenal fan who lived under a tree, in a cave, in a barren land in which there were no other people, internet, or smoke signals, then you may not yet know that Lukas Podolski is a bit ~zƒ€ °Â€¤{­Â‚ Â‹{ €¹| ¤{ x{‹‚ƒ{ future. The German World ~ÂŻ{ ­Â‚zz€ { ‚ƒz´ { Â&#x; ƒ { choice for Arsene Wenger, indeed it’s arguable he hasn’t been an automatic for any prolonged period during his Arsenal days. Podolski thought he’d Â?€{ x>{ ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ ƒ~œœ€ ÂŹ{ €gardless of what anyone said when it was over – Podolski’s agents were happily giving on the record interviews to the European press about exit talks and approaches from other clubs. There was no | Â€ÂœÂŻÂ { x{Ž€€¯{|zÂĽ{xŠ{‚ {|{ secret. Podolski has granted an interview to SportBild, and the German magazine title the piece “I’m not the type Šx {  Â‹Â€{ Â?€z}‹Ç{ |z¤{ Âąx{ xz{ to say that the footballer is heading for the exit. He’s x>ÂŚ Podolski is quoted as saying “I have a contract with Arsenal until 2016, feel really good in London and with the fans... I’ll seek the conversation with the

coach and the club to see what is best for all parties. “I want to play football and am not the type who sits on the bench until his contract expires... Whenever I get the chance to play for a long time, I have  Â‹Â€{ }xzÂ&#x;¤Â€z}€{ ÂœÂĽ{ ¯€ Šx Âœ|z}€{Âş~ƒ Â‚Â&#x;€ƒ{‚ ŒĂ‡ It’s not only the Arsenal bench Podolski is worried about, he wants to make sure he stays on the German one and is aware that if he’s not playing club football enough then he could be ushered into international retirement.


line by not challenging myself and having a change of ƒ}€z€ ÂĽ{‚z{|{¤Â‚>€ €z {}x~ztry, but I would have had a bigger regret leaving the club I love. “I am a big fan of Madrid, they are a special club, but for me Liverpool are my z~ÂœÂ?€ {xz€{}°~Â?΂ Gerrard led his side out against the defending Euro¯€|z{}‹|ÂœÂŻÂ‚xzƒ{| { zÂ&#x;€°¤{ on Wednesday night looking to rekindle memories of the 4-0 demolition - their heaviest away defeat in Eu x¯€{Ă€{ Â‹Â€ÂĽ{‚zž‚} Â€¤{xz{ Â‹Â€{ Spanish club in March 2009.

Bayern visit Pope


fter their 7-1 demolition of Roma in the Champions League on Tuesday evening, Bayern Munich visited Pope Francis on Wednesday morning. The German giants donated one million Euros to the church, with Bavarian CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge saying, “Papa Francesco shall decide how to allocate this money to ‹€°¯{¯€x¯°Â€{‚z{z€€¤ŒĂ‡ Among the donations, Bayern also gifted the pope a signed club jersey and a ball.

Fullback David Alaba  xxÂŽ{ x{ ­Â‚ € { x{ÂŒx‚}€{‹‚ƒ{ happiness at the clubs private visit to the Vatican city. “Overwhelmed by one of the greatest experiences xŠ{ÂœÂĽ{°Â‚Š€Ç{‹€{ ­Â€Â€ Â€¤Œ

Cannavaro faces tax evasion inquest


Ayew heading to England or Italy ndre Ayew has no preference choosing between England and Italy as his Marseille

iverpool captain, Steven Gerrard admits he may look back on not signing for Real Madrid when he had the chance as a mistake, but insists he ­x~°¤{‹|Œ€{ €¹ € €¤{°Â€|Œ‚zÂą{ zÂ&#x;€°¤{Š| {Âœx €Œ At the peak of his pow€ ÂƒÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ œ‚¤Â&#x;€°¤Â€ { ­|ƒ{ wanted by a host of Europe’s top sides, including Los Blancos, but he rejected all advances to remain with the only club he has ever known. The 34-year-old has been accused of a lack of ambition on several occasions but he has always stressed he is happy with the choices he made. ² { Â‹Â‚zÂŽ{‚ {‚ƒ{Œ€ ÂĽ{ž| € ing to be linked to a huge }°~Â?{ °Â‚Ž€{ €|°{ |¤ ‚¤Ă‡{ ‹€{ said. “I think I had a couple of options throughout my career to go to Real Madrid but I resisted temptation because of the big connection I had to my hometown club. “It may be something I regret further down the

career draws closer, his legendary father, Abedi Pele has revealed. Andre,24, has been frequently linked with Liverpool but there are also Italian teams hovering and he seems to be keeping options open. The Marseille talisman will be a free agent in the summer and he could re}€‚Œ€{ x>€ ƒ{ Š xÂœ{ ƒ€Œ€ |°{ clubs, including Liverpool, Inter and Juventus. Ayew has been superb in a revelatory Marseille side so far this season and his father, former three-time African Footballer of the Year, AbedĂŹ

Pelè says his son has no preference when choosing between Italy and England. “It’s true that his contract expires in the summer, but right now we are just thinking about playing and winz‚zÂą{ Šx { | ƒ€‚°°Â€ÂŹĂ‡{ €°Â€{ ‚ƒ{ quoted by TMW “Then we will see. There are possibilities in Italy and in England, but that’s for later. “There is no preference between England and Italy. Of course there are great teams in Italy such as Inter, Milan, Napoli and Juventus, but there haven’t been any |ÂŻÂŻ x|}‹€ƒ{¼€ ŒĂ‡

talian World Cup winning captain, Fabio Cannavaro, is under investigation for a suspected major tax fraud, the coun ¼´Âƒ{ Â&#x;z|z}‚|°{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ |znounced Wednesday. The former centre back, who led Italy to glory in Germany 2006, has had assets worth 900,000 euros (Dhs 4,196,336) seized in connection with an investigation into a luxury boat rental business that Cannavaro ran with his wife. In a statement, prosecutors in Cannavaro’s home city of Naples, said they suspected that three multi-million-euro vessels supposedly available for rental through the company were in fact exclusively for the couple’s private use. As such, Cannavaro and his wife, Daniela Arenoso, 40, should have declared them as taxable assets and not been able  x{Â?€z€Â&#x; {Š xÂœ{ Â‹Â€{ÂŒ| ‚x~ƒ{

tax breaks for which only companies are eligible. Cannavaro lined up for Al Ahli in the 2010-2011 season making 16 appearances, before joining Cosmin Olaroiu’s backroom team as his assistant manager, helping guide the Red Knights to UAE League, UAE Cup and UAE Super Cup titles last season. He previously played for Inter Milan, Real Madrid and Juventus.

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014




Troubled Nigerian soccer stars


hile some Nigerian footballers enjoy sizzling careers at their respective European clubs, the reverse is however the case for others. In this edition of NewswatchXtraSports, we reveal how and why some of these players fell from grace to grass. Godwin Okpara: The former Super Eagles defender served jail term in France since 2007. His club and international career was cut short when in 2007 he was sentenced by a French court to 13 years Â‚ÂœÂŻ ‚ƒxzœ€z {|Š Â€ {Â&#x;z¤Â‚zÂą{ him guilty of child abuse and raping his adopted daughter(Tina). Okpara’s wife received 15 years for molesting and torturing the girl, while his mother‚zĂ€°|­{ €}€‚Œ€¤{ |{ Â&#x;ÂŒÂ€Ă€ÂĽÂ€| { sentence for failing to come to the aid of a person in danger. It became a double tragedy for him when Shaun, his 1-year-old son was killed by cancer some couple of years ago. Okpara, 40, last played for Paris Saint Germaine, before he was jailed. The erstwhile schoolboy international made the Super Eagles squad to the 1998 World Cup in France. Celestine Babayaro: The tales of Babayaro’s bankruptcy have been a topic of discussion among football pundits in the past two years. He was allegedly chased by creditors after being listed in the London |¡¡Â€ €{ ­Â‹Â€ €{ ‹€{ ­|ƒ{ declared bankrupt. The bankruptcy order was announced in Croydon, London last year, before being }xzÂ&#x; œ€¤{°|ƒ {Âœxz Â‹ÂŚ{ ‹€{ former Chelsea and Newcastle United star,whoonce was the toast of celebrated English l a -



dies, has been living a quiet life in London and occasionally in Abuja. At the peak of his career, Babayaro, a member of the Atlanta ‘96 gold winning Nigerian Dream Team IV then reported to be earning ÂŁ25,000 a week bought a multi-million naira mansion and moved his parents and siblings to England. He also x­z€¤{ |{ }‹|~>€~ Ă€¤ ‚Œ€z{ Hummer jeep and ran a music record label. His neighbours in England disclosed to Newswatch XtraSports that his ÂŁ475,000 property ‚ƒ{ ÂŻ €ƒ€z °¼{ ƒ~>€ ‚zÂą{ from serious neglect probably as a result of the hard times he now faces. Babayaro who is in his early 40s is yet to get married. Victor Agali: There are feelers that this former Super Eagles goal machine may have gone bankrupt as ~Âœx~ {}xz Â‚z~€ƒ{ x{ž¼{ Â‹| {

he has concluded plans with a renowned estate agent to sell his eye-popping mansion located at 4th Avenue, Festac Town, Lagos. A }°xƒ€{}xzÂ&#x;¤|z {xŠ{ Â‹Â€{Šx œ€ { Hansa Rostock and Schalke 04 ace told Newswatch XtraSports on phone that life has not been the same with the lanky striker since injury robbed him of opportunity to continue his career in Europe. As such, Agali has been selling some of his priceless property including exotic cars and his


houses at 5th Avenue, Festac Town in order to keep body and soul together even as his French wife absconded with his daughter. It would be recalled that R & B crooner, Tuface Idibia recently acquired Agali’s plot of land at First Avenue area of Festac Town for N60 million and he also recently auctioned another of his land at Trans-Amadi GRA Phase 2, Port Harcourt for a give-away price of N1.2 million. The land which was a gift from former Rivers State Governor, Dr. Peter Odili for helping Nigeria to qualify for the 2002 World Cup, was reportedly sold to a former Niger-Delta militant leader who does not want his names in print. Chidi Odiah: Apart from matrimonial problems, which led him to

35 dump his wife, Uju, and three month-old baby Kenzo, he was sacked by Russian club CSKA Moscow after which he was allegedly forced to become a taxi driver in the United States of America. Odiah twice won bronze medal with the Super Eagles at the 2006 and 2010 African Cup of NaQ2x]V_ tions. He made his national t e a m debut in September 2004 in a match against the Warriors of Zimbabwe. Ifeanyi Ekwueme: There seem to be no end to Ekwueme’s many troubles after a protracted transfer wrangle with former club, Wisla Plock in the summer of 2004, which eventually led to the cancellation of his contract with the Polish club. After untying himself from Plock, Ekwueme signed for another Polish side Lech Poznan in December of the same year. He later crossed over to Greece, where he put pen to paper for Aris Salonica. ?}‚|°Âƒ{ xŠ{ ‚ƒ{ °| Â€ { ¤Â‚ƒ}xŒ€ €¤{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ ¯°|¼€ { ‹|¤{ signed a deal with Poznan and dragged him to FIFA court. He was found guilty of double registration by FIFA and banned for six months. His case was compounded by a Ă™Š¨¨¨¨¨{Â&#x;z€{Â?ÂĽ{ {|ƒ{}xÂœÂŻÂ€zƒ| Â‚xz{ x{ ‚ƒ{ |°xz‚}|{Šx { breach of contract. Ever since then, Ekwueme who was a key member of the 2004 African Cup of Nations team led by Christian Chukwu, has been in the wilderness. His wife Dinma, recently eloped with Clinton, his only child to marry an unknown wealthy Abuja based business man. Sources close to the Mbaise born player says he is yet to recover from the psychological trauma of losing his family to another man. Yusuf Ayila: This is not the best moment in the caQ(Rjp`q` reer xŠ{ €œÂ?| °Â€¤{ € |°Â‚ƒ { Kharkiv defensive midÂ&#x;€°¤Â€ { Šx°lowing the crash of his marriage to Gbemisola, mother of his two kids. The trouble started when his estranged wife accused him of unfaithfulness. She was later accused of planning to destroy Ayila’s promising football career as well as killing him to enable her inherit his numerous properties across Nigeria and Europe. ‹| ÂœÂƒÂŹ{‚z}°~¤Â‚zÂą{|{ƒz|Ž€{‚zƒ‚¤Â€{|{Â?x °Â€{ Â&#x;°°Â€¤{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ Ă? Âąogoro’ (local gin) were alleged to have been found in Gbeœ‚´Âƒ{­| ¤ xÂ?€{­Â‹Â€z{‹€{Œ‚ƒ‚ Â€¤{ Â‹Â€{œ‚¤Â&#x;€°¤Â€ {‚z{ ÂŽ |‚z€Œ Family sources revealed that Gbemi’s romance with charms might be largely responsible for the dwindling career of Ayila who ‹|ƒ{Â?€€z{Â?| °Â‚zÂą{ x{¯‚}ÂŽ{ the pieces of his career after endless strange injuries that have been threatening Q$Y]\V to ruin his career of late. Ayila has since sent the woman packing from his house in order to save his life and career. Joseph Enakarhire: It has obviously been a trying period for the exNigeria international in the ÂŻ|ƒ { Â&#x;Œ€{ ¼€| ÂƒÂŚ{ In July 2009, he had an unsuccessŠ~°{  Â‚|°{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ { €ÚŒ{ z{  Â‹Â€{ Šx°°x­Â‚zÂą{ ¼€| ÂŹ{ ‹€{ œ€ {  Â‹Â€{ ƒ|œ€{Š| Â€{| { ¤Â€zƒ€{ x°¤Ž°~Â?{|z¤{ { z€ ¹‚€{ x ~Â?~ÂƒÂŚ{ z{ late 2012,after four years in the doldrums, Enakarhire was signed by S.P La Fiorita to boost the Sammarinese club’s Â&#x; ƒ {}|ÂœÂŻ|‚¹z{‚z{ Â‹Â€{ { ~ xÂŻ|{ €|Âą~€{Â?~ {‹€{Š|‚°Â€¤{ x{ impress. He played only two games for them beŠx €{ ĂŠ~‚ ‚zÂą{ ‚z{ |z¹€ ÂŚ{ ‹€{ Šx°°x­Â‚zÂą{ ¼€| ÂŹ{ the frustrated defender moved to Latvian Higher League champions, Daugava Daugavpils. He was released, having played just two league games. Enakarhire is currently without a }°~Â?{ |z¤{ ‚ƒ{ }xzƒ‚¤Â€ ‚zÂą{ ĂŠ~‚ ‚zÂą{ football as it is no longer yielding money for him. Meanwhile, he is ƒ|‚¤{ x{Â?€{Â&#x;z|z}‚|°°¼{‹|z¤Â‚}|¯¯€¤{ in Belgium where he lives with his family. He appeared for the Super Eagles at the 2004 and 2006 African Cup of Nations. The 31-year-old was Q(^VRVW_]W` |z{~z¤Â‚ÂƒÂŻ~ Â€¤{ƒ |  Â€ {‚z{ Â‹Â€{°| € { x~ z|œ€z {|ƒ{ ‚¹€ ‚|{Â&#x;z‚ƒ‹€¤{ Â‹Â‚ ¤Œ


Sports/Women Football


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Taraba Queens boss congratulates Falcons

with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

FAZ begs Shepolopolo over unpaid allowances


he Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) has called on the Shepolopolo to be patient over their owed allowances for participating at the TN Mobile 9th Africa Women Championship (AWC) in Namibia. The Shepolopolo, who were booted out of the AWC competition, staged a protest on Monday at the FAZ Technical Centre demanding to be paid their US$80 per day allowances promised to them during their stay in Windhoek. Some players have refused to go back to their ‹xœ€ƒ{ ~z Â‚°{ { ƒ€ °Â€Âƒ{ what they are owed after they were given K100 for transportation costs. But FAZ treasurer Kelvin Mutafu, who was the team’s delegation leader, said in an

interview yesterday that the players needed to exercise some patience as the country’s football governing body was looking into the Âœ| € {|¤ÂœÂ‚z‚ƒ | Â‚Œ€°¼Œ Mutafu said there was no point for FAZ to abandon the team after representing the country at the continental championship. “There is no need to panic over the issue of allowances. FAZ is aware about it and we have engaged the xŒ€ zœ€z { x{Â&#x;z¤{|{ƒx°~tion. Government did not budget for the Shepolopo°x{ Â?~ {  Â‹Â€{ Âœ| € { ‚ƒ{ Â?€‚zÂą{ looked into and I would like to urge the players to be patient because there is no need for them to worry, they did their part by playing for the nation and we have to do our part also,â€? Mutafu said. Sports Minister ChishimbaKambwili has also advised the players to ÂŻ~ { Â‹Â€{}x~z ¼{Â&#x; ƒ {|‹€|¤{ of money. ² ‹€{ Â&#x; ƒ {  Â‹Â‚zÂą{  Â‹| { should be at heart is Zambia before other interests like money comes in. They must be patriotic enough to ƒ|} ‚Â&#x;}€{ Šx { x Â‹Â€ { |Âœbia. I advise the girls to put the interest of the country Â&#x; ƒ { |z¤{ Âœxz€¼{ °|ƒ Ă‡{ ‹€{ said.

Bayor desirous of Black Queens’ return


x-Ghana captain, Adjoa Bayor says she remains desirous of making an international return to the Black Queens. The 35-year-old has not received an international call up since leading the team to the last Africa Women’s Championships in 2010. Most of Bayor’s gen€ | Â‚xz{­Â€ €{}‹x¯¯€¤{x>{ to make way for youngster in the Black Queens. The team have however since struggled to hit the same heights achieved in the past – slumping to another low after failing to go beyond the group stage of the 2014 Africa Women’s Championships. Bayor, who was named African Woman Footballer of the Year in 2003 insists she remains

active and will welcome a return to Black Queens if called upon. “We were all sacked from the Black Queens with the excuse that we have aged but I still play active football,â€? the ImÂœÂ‚Âą | Â‚xz{ ?}€ {ƒ|‚¤Œ “I am very active and can still play for the Black Queens and therefore I will welcome an invitation back to the team.â€?


araba Queens FC Chairman, Mustapha Tahir has hailed the Super Falcons |Š Â€ {ĂŠ~|°Â‚Š¼‚zÂą{Šx { Â‹Â€{Â&#x;nal in the ongoing African

Women Championship (AWC) holding in Windhoek, Namibia. The six-time champions defeated their arch rivals, Banyana Banyana of South Africa 2-1 in the

ÂƒÂ€ÂœÂ‚Ă€Â&#x;z|°Âƒ{xz{ €¤z€ƒ¤|ÂĽ{ with a brace from Asisat Oshoala to qualify for the Â&#x;z|°{ |z¤{ |~ xÂœ| Â‚}|°°¼{ book a berth for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada.

Black Queens rue AWC flop


lack Queens midÂ&#x;€°¤Â€ ÂŹ{ °Â‚¡|Â?€ Â‹{ Cudjoe has expressed regret at Ghana’s failure to progress past the group stage of the ongoing Africa Women’s Championship and improve the nation’s chances of reaching the Women’s World Cup after a 7 year absence. ‹€{ ~€€zƒ{ ƒ~>€ €¤{ a 1-0 loss to Algeria in their opening game, held South Africa to a 1-1 draw before beating Cameroon 1-0, yet it was not enough, after the South Africans edged them on goal difference with both sides Â&#x;z‚ƒ‹‚zÂą{xz{Šx~ {ÂŻx‚z ÂƒÂŚ “We came here (Na-

mibia) to qualify for the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada and we regret that we did not qualify,� she said. “We never underrated any of the teams because we knew all the teams are

capable.â€? Ghana has never qualiÂ&#x;€¤{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ xœ€z´Âƒ{ World Cup since 2007 and Cudjoe said “we did our best but I think it was not enoughâ€? in their quest to break the jinx.

Tahir, who spoke with Newswatch Sports moments after the game, commended the players and technical crew for doing the nations proud. “Honestly, the Super Falcons have made my day by qualifying for the 2015 World Cup in Canada and I must congratulate the entire team for making Nigerians proud. I wish them the best of luck with the hope that they will win the trophy a seventh time,â€? he said. He however warned the players against com¯°|}€z}ÂĽ{ ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x;z|°{ against Cameroon on Saturday. “Super Falcons look good for the title, but they have to keep their cool and ¯°|ÂĽ{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {Âą|ÂœÂ€ÂŚ{ ‹€{Â&#x;z|°{ is going to be tough but let them be calm and play their game. They should not underrate their opponents so that victory will be theirs,â€? he said.

Modise relishes 100 goals mark


anyanaBanyana midÂ&#x;€°¤Â€ ÂŹ{ x  Â‚|{ x¤Â‚ƒ€{ says she is excited to reach a 100 goal mark at the ongoing African Women Championship in Windhoek, Namibia. Modise hit the century mark after scoring twice in Banyana Banyana’s 5-1 demolition of Algeria on Saturday to join an illustrious group of players - USA’s Abby Wambach and Mia Hamm, Canada’s Christine Sinclair, Germany’s Birgit ‚z¡{|z¤{ ~z{ €z{xŠ{ ‹‚z|{ {­Â‹x{‹|Œ€{|°°{ƒ}x €¤{Š¨¨{ goals or more. “I am really just doing my

job by scoring goals. But it is still great to have achieved 100 and it is an honour to be  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x; ƒ { Š ‚}|z{  x{ ¤x{ ƒxÂŚ{ { think it also shows that nothing is impossible in football. I think showing that is a great achievement,â€? she said. At the age of 31 Modise believes that she still has more years to play at the highest level. “I believe that I still have Šx~ ÂŹ{ Âœ|ÂĽÂ?€{ Â&#x;Œ€{ ¼€| ƒ{ °Â€ÂŠ { playing at the highest level. I am still hoping for other opportunities, like being signed by a club overseas and playing abroad for one or two years.â€?

Modise was praised for her performance by the technical director of the South African Football Association, Fran Hilton-Smith. ² x  Â‚|ÂŹ{ zx­{ |{ œ€œÂ?€ { of the 100 cap and goal club, has also made history as a woman footballer by being nominated as a member of the top 100 women in South African list a few years back. She is a role model for all women footballers in the country and has a huge fan club in South Africa. She is a very determined lady and is not easily swayed from her goals. Her commitment has always shone through and

ƒ‹€{‚ƒ{}xœœ‚ €¤{ x{ Â‹Â€{ƒ~}cess of the team. Her stint xŒ€ ƒ€|ƒ{ Âą|Œ€{ ‹€ { |{ Â?€ € { vision into the game and she brought this back to South Africa.â€?

Daily Newswatch


37 Sam Popoola


Immunity clause: Will Senate okay removal as House of Reps does? FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


embers of the House of Representatives, last week, took the bull by the horns when they | Â‚Â&#x;€¤{  Â‹Â€{ €œxÂŒ|°{ of immunity clause from the 1999 xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xzÂŚ{ ‹€¼{ }°|‚œ€¤{  Â‹| { ‚ { ‚ƒ{ their constitutional role to initiate what  Â‹Â€ÂĽ{ }xzƒ‚¤Â€ €¤{ Âąxx¤{ °|­{  x{  Â‹Â€{ Âąxx¤{ ¯€x¯°Â€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ }x~z ¼{ |z¤{ €œxŒ€{ inimical ones from the constitution. If the Senate toes the same line xŠ{ ¤Â€}‚ƒ‚xz{ ­Â‚ Â‹{  Â‹Â€{ x~ƒ€{ xŠ{ €¯ €ƒ€z | Â‚ÂŒÂ€ÂƒÂŹ{|z¤{€|}‹{ƒ | Â€{ x~ƒ€ƒ{ of Assembly concurs, the implication ‚ƒ{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ €ƒ‚¤Â€z { xŠ{ ‚¹€ ‚|ÂŹ{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ |ƒ{ ­Â€°°{ |ƒ{ ÂąxŒ€ zx { xŠ{ €|}‹{ ƒ | Â€{ |z¤{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚€ƒ{ ­Â‚°°{ ¤x{ |­|ÂĽ{ ­Â‚ Â‹{  Â‹Â€{ Âą| œ€z { xŠ{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ |z¤{ Â?€{ xz{ Â‹Â€{ƒ|œ€{°Â€ÂŒÂ€°{­Â‚ Â‹{x ¤Â‚z| ÂĽ{}‚ Â‚¡Â€z{  Â‹Â€ÂĽ{ÂąxŒ€ z{‚z{ Â‹Â€{Â€ÂĽÂ€Âƒ{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{°|­Œ{{{  {‹|ƒ{Â?€€z{ƒ€Œ€ |°°¼{| Âą~€¤{ Â‹| { Â‹Â€{ }xz Â‚z~€¤{ ÂŻ €ƒ€z}€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ clause in the 1999 Constitution as |œ€z¤Â€¤{ ‚ƒ{ ƒ‹‚€°¤Â‚zÂą{ ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ x?}€{ ‹x°¤Â€ ÂƒÂŹ{ Â€ÂƒÂŻÂ€}‚|°°¼{ ƒ€ Œ‚zÂą{ ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z { Œ‚}€À¯ €ƒ‚¤Â€z { ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{ |z¤{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚€ƒ{ Š xÂœ{ Â?€‚zÂą{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â€¤{ €Œ€z{ ­Â‹Â€z{‚ {‚ƒ{}°Â€| { Â‹| { Â‹Â€ÂĽ{| €{‚zÂŒx°ÂŒÂ€¤{‚z{ corrupt practices. ‹‚ƒ{ ‚ƒ{ ­Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ °x­Â€ { °Â€ÂąÂ‚ƒ°| Â‚Œ€{ }‹|ÂœÂ?€ { ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€¤{ xŒ€ { Â?ÂĽ{ ‚ Âƒ{ ¯€|Ž€ ÂŹ{ œ‚z~{ |ÂœÂ?~­|°{ ¤Â€}‚¤Â€¤{  x{ Âą~| ¤{ |Âą|‚zƒ { ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ z€­{ |œ€z¤ÂœÂ€z Âƒ{  x{  Â‹Â€{ 1999 Constitution. If this constitution removal of ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{‚ƒ{Âą |z Â€¤{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z {Œ‚}€À ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z {ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{|z¤{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚€ƒ{ ­x~°¤{ Â?€{ ƒ~Â?º€} Â€¤{  x{ Â?€‚zÂą{ }‹| ¹€¤{  x{ }x~  { Šx { } ‚œ‚z|°{ x>€z}€ƒ{ ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ ‚z{ x?}€{ Â?€ƒ‚¤Â€Âƒ{ ¯€ ƒxz|°{ ‚zƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz{ xŠ{ }‚Œ‚°{}|ƒ€ƒ{|Âą|‚zƒ { Â‹Â€ÂœÂŚ As a total of 252 members of the °x­Â€ { °Â€ÂąÂ‚ƒ°| Â‚Œ€{ }‹|ÂœÂ?€ { |¤x¯ €¤{ ž¨{ z€­{}°|~ƒ€ƒ{|¤¤Â€¤{ x{ Â‹Â€{ xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xzÂŹ{ Speaker of the House of Representatives, |ÂœÂ?~­|°{ Âœ|‚z |‚z€¤{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ }°|~ƒ€ƒ{ ­Â€ €{ }xÂœÂŻ €ƒƒ€¤{ ‚z x{ |{ xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz{ œ€z¤ÂœÂ€z { ‚°°{ |° €|¤¼{ ‹| Âœxz‚ƒ€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{|{}xzŠ€ €z}€{}xœœ‚ €€{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ €z| Â€{ |z¤{ Â‹Â€{ x~ÂƒÂ€ÂŚ ‹€{ Âœx Â‚xz{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ |¤x¯ ‚xz{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ }xzŠ€ €z}€{ €¯x  { ­|ƒ{ ÂœxŒ€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{  Â‹Â€{ Deputy Speaker of the House, Emeka ‹€¤Â‚x‹|{­Â‹x{|°Âƒx{¤x~Â?°Â€Âƒ{|ƒ{ ‹|‚ Âœ|z{ xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ x~ƒ€{ xœœ‚ €€{xz{ xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz{ Review. ‹€{ ¯€|Ž€ { ‚zƒ‚ƒ Â€¤{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ °x­Â€ { °Â€ÂąÂ‚ƒ°| Â‚Œ€{ }‹|ÂœÂ?€ { ‹|¤{ œ€ {  Â‹Â€{ constitutional requirement of two Â‹Â‚ ¤Âƒ{ Âœ|Âşx ‚ ¼{ xŠ{ œ€œÂ?€ ƒ{  x{ |œ€z¤{ the Constitution. Section 9 of the 1999 Constitution stipulates that a xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz{ œ€z¤ÂœÂ€z { ‚°°{ƒ~}}€€¤Âƒ{ |Š Â€ {‚ { €}€‚Œ€ƒ{ Â‹Â€{ƒ~ÂŻÂŻx  {xŠ{ª¾¨{  ­xĂ€  Â‹Â‚ ¤ÂƒÂĄ{œ€œÂ?€ ƒ{x~ {xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ x |°{xŠ{Ÿ½¨Œ “We have met the Constitutional €Ê~‚ €œ€z { xŠ{  ­xĂ€ Â‹Â‚ ¤Âƒ{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ |¤x¯ ‚xz{|z¤{ÂŻ|ƒƒ|¹€{xŠ{ Â‹Â‚ƒ{Â‚ÂœÂŻx  |z { Â?‚°°Œ{ € {~ƒ{ |°Ž{ x{x~ {}x°°Â€|Âą~€ƒ{| { Â‹Â€{ ƒ | Â€{|ƒƒ€œÂ?°Â‚€ƒ{Šx { Â‹Â€{|¤x¯ ‚xz{xŠ{ Â‹Â‚ƒ{ €¯x  Ă‡{ |ÂœÂ?~­|°{|¤¤Â€¤Œ{ €|} Â‚zÂą{  x{  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ ¤Â€ÂŒÂ€°xÂŻÂœÂ€z { ÂŻ xœ‚z€z { }xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz|°{ °|­¼Â€ ÂŹ{ ~zº‚{ Â?|ÂĽxÂœÂ‚ÂŹ{Âœ|‚z |‚z€¤{ Â‹| { Â‹Â€{|ÂŻÂŻ xÂŒ|°{ of the removal of the immunity clause from the 1999 Constitution by the House of Representatives is bereft of common sense. ‹€{ }xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz|°{ °|­¼Â€ { |¤¤Â€¤{

Aminu tambuwal

Emeka Ihedioha

 Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ ¤Â€}‚ƒ‚xz{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ x~ƒ€{ xŠ{ €¯ €ƒ€z | Â‚Œ€ƒ{ ­|ƒ{ ~zz€}€ƒƒ| ÂĽ{ |z¤{ ƒ‹x~°¤{ Â?€{ €º€} Â€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{  Â‹Â€{ €z| Â€{ |z¤{ state assemblies. Â?|ÂĽxœ‚{ ƒ|‚¤{ ² €œxŒ‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{  Â‹| { ‚ƒ{ }~ €z °¼{ Â?€‚zÂą{ €zÂşx¼€¤{Â?ÂĽ{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z {Œ‚}€À¯ €ƒ‚¤Â€z { ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{ |z¤{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ ­Â‚°°{ ƒ~Â?º€} { Â‹Â€Âœ{ x{~zz€}€ƒƒ| ÂĽ{¤Â‚ƒ |} Â‚xzƒ{ Š xÂœ{¯€ Šx œ‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {x?}‚|°{Š~z} Â‚xzÂƒÂŚ “There is no common sense in ƒ~Â?º€} Â‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z {Œ‚}€À¯ €ƒ‚¤Â€z { ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{ |z¤{  Â‹Â€Â‚ { ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚€ƒ{  x{  Â‹Â€{  |ÂŒ|‚°Âƒ{ xŠ{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â‚xz{ ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ ‚z{ x?}€{ ƒx{  Â‹Â€{ |œ€z¤ÂœÂ€z { ¤x€ƒ{ zx { Âœ|Ž€{ |zÂĽ{ sense to me at all. “After all, the immunity is only temporary; there is no time limitation  x{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â‚xz{ |ƒ{ ƒ~}‹{ x?}€‹x°¤Â€ ƒ{ }|z{ ƒ Â‚°°{ Â?€{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â€¤{ Â&#x;Š ¼{ ¼€| ƒ{ |Š Â€ { °Â€|Œ‚zÂą{x?}€Œ “It, therefore, makes more sense to retain the immunity clause because €œxŒ‚zÂą{ ‚ { ­Â‚°°{ Âœ|Ž€{ zxzƒ€zƒ€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€ƒ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€ÂƒÂ€{ }‹‚€Š{ €€}~ Â‚Œ€ƒ{ |z¤{ { ~ ¹€{ Â‹Â€{ €z| Â€{|z¤{ƒ | Â€{|ƒƒ€œÂ?°Â‚€ƒ{ x{ €º€} {‚ Ă‡{‹€{ƒ|‚¤Œ €z‚x { ¤ÂŒx}| Â€{ xŠ{ ‚¹€ ‚|{  ¥{ |‹œ~¤{ |Âą|º‚{ ƒ~¹¹Â€Âƒ Â€¤{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ |} Â‚xz{­x~°¤{Âœ|Ž€{ÂąxŒ€ z|z}€{¤Â‚?}~° { ‚z{ Œ‚€­{ xŠ{ ­Â‹| { ‹€{  Â€ œ€¤{ | €z¤|z { °Â‚ Â‚Âą| Â‚xz{¤Â‚ƒ |} Â‚xzÂƒÂŚ ‹€{ { ƒ|‚¤{ ² zƒ Â€|¤{ xŠ{  x |°°¼{ €œxŒ‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{‚œœ~z‚ ¼{}°|~ƒ€{Š xÂœ{ Â‹Â€{

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What if ten governors are standing trial or are convicted at the same time? I shudder at the political B C B E F E

Besides, guided by the fact that the H F CB E C J B

result in a reversal of the presumption of innocence, is it not likely that any chief executive arraigned in court E C J B BC B F E

trial lasts

Vice President Sambo Namadi

“In all the states at the political level, |z¤{€Œ€z{| { Â‹Â€{°Â€ÂŒÂ€°{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ €ƒ‚¤Â€z}ÂĽÂŹ{ x?}€ƒ{ | €{ ¡xz€¤{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻ~ ÂŻxƒ€{ xŠ{ |}‹‚€Œ‚zÂą{ƒ |Â?‚°Â‚ ¼{|z¤{‚z{x ¤Â€ { x{ÂąÂ‚ÂŒÂ€{ |°°{ ƒ€} Â‚xzƒ{ |{ ƒ€zƒ€{ xŠ{ Â?€°xz¹‚z¹Œ{ ~}‹{ ¡xz‚zÂą{ ‚ƒ{ ~z¤Â€ ƒ xx¤{  x{ }xŒ€ { |{  Â‚œ€{ frame. ² € €{ |{ ÂąxŒ€ zx { Šx { ‚zƒ |z}€{  x{ Â?€{ Â‚ÂœÂŻ ‚ƒxz€¤{ x { ƒ€z Â€z}€¤{  x{ ¤Â€| Â‹{  ¤Â€ÂŻÂ€z¤Â‚zÂą{ xz{  Â‹Â€{ x>€z}€{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ ‹€{ ‚ƒ{ }‹| ¹€¤¥{  Â‹Â€{ }xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz|°{ implications are obvious. In all the ƒ | Â€Âƒ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ Š€¤Â€ | Â‚xzÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ ¤Â€ÂŻ~ ¼{ ­x~°¤{‚œœ€¤Â‚| Â€°¼{Â?€}xœ€{ÂąxŒ€ zx ÂŚ ² x{ ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}‚|z{ ­Â‚°°{ ¤| €{ ¤Â€zÂĽ{  Â‹| { ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{  Â€Âœx ƒ{ ­x~°¤{ | Â‚ÂƒÂ€ÂŚ{ ‹| { ‚Š{  Â€z{ ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{ | €{ ƒ |z¤Â‚zÂą{  Â‚|°{ x { | €{ }xzŒ‚} Â€¤{ | {  Â‹Â€{ ƒ|œ€{  Â‚ÂœÂ€Ă‹{ { ƒ‹~¤¤Â€ { | {  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ }xzÂ&#x;Âą~ | Â‚xz{  Â‹| { ­Â‚°°{ Šx°°x­Œ{ €ƒ‚¤Â€ÂƒÂŹ{Âą~‚¤Â€¤{Â?ÂĽ{ Â‹Â€{Š|} { Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ €œxÂŒ|°{ xŠ{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ ­x~°¤{ zx { result in a reversal of the presumption of innocence, is it not likely that any }‹‚€Š{€€}~ Â‚Œ€{| |‚¹z€¤{‚z{}x~  {­x~°¤{ }xz Â‚z~€{‚z{x?}€{­Â‹Â‚°Â€{‹‚ƒ{ Â‚|°{°|ƒ ÂƒĂ‹{ “The criminal process which has been ­Â€|Ž€z€¤{ ‚z{ }€  |‚z{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â‚xzƒ{ Â?ÂĽ{ |{ }°Â€| { |Â?~ƒ€{ xŠ{ ÂŻ x}€ƒƒ{ ­Â‚°°{ zx{ ¤x~Â? { ­Â‚° { ~z¤Â€ {  Â‹Â€{ ­Â€Â‚¹‹ { xŠ{ ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ Âœ|z‚¯~°| Â‚xzÂŚ{ °°{  Â‹| { }|z{ Â?€{ ƒ|‚¤{ | { least without much controversy, is  Â‹| { Šx { ~ƒ{  x{ ƒ‹|Ž€{ x>{  Â‹Â€{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ provisions there are other consequential €Šx œƒ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ } ‚œ‚z|°{ Âş~ƒ Â‚}€{ ÂƒÂĽÂƒ Â€Âœ{ that must follow. ² ‹€ €{ ‚ƒ{ ~z¤Â€z‚|Â?°¼{ |{ °|}ÂŽ{ xŠ{ political will to enforce some of our °|­Âƒ{ |z¤{ ÂœÂĽ{ €}xœœ€z¤| Â‚xz{ ­x~°¤{ Â?€{ |{ ƒ Â€z¹ Â‹Â€z‚zÂą{ xŠ{ ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ ­Â‚°°{  x{ €z|Â?°Â€{~ƒ{­Â‚ Â‹Âƒ |z¤{ Â‹Â€{ €Œ€ Â?€ | Â‚xzƒ{ that may follow the removal of constitutional immunity for our chief €€}~ Â‚ÂŒÂ€ÂƒÂŚ{ ² {z€€¤{ x{}xz}°~¤Â€{ Â‹Â‚ƒ{ƒ‹x  { Â€ÂƒÂŻxzƒ€{ Â?ÂĽ{ €}|°°Â‚zÂą{ Â‹| { Â‹Â€{‚œœ~z‚ ¼{­Â‹Â‚}‹{‚ƒ{ zx­{Âœ~}‹{} ‚ Â‚}‚¡Â€¤{‚ƒ{xz°¼{ Â€ÂœÂŻx | ÂĽ{ |z¤{‚Š{­Â€{­Â‚ƒ‹{ x{ Â€Âƒ { Â‹Â€{€?}|}ÂĽ{xŠ{x~ { } ‚œ‚z|°{ Âş~ƒ Â‚}€{ ÂƒÂĽÂƒ Â€ÂœÂŹ{ ­Â€{ ‹|Œ€{ Âœx €{  Â‹|z{ |{ ‹|z¤ÂŠ~°{ xŠ{ €À¯ €ƒ‚¤Â€z Âƒ{ |z¤{ xŠ{ ÂąxŒ€ zx ƒ{ ­Â‹x{ |°°Â€ÂąÂ€¤°¼{ }xœœ‚ €¤{ x>€z}€ƒ{­Â‹Â‚°Â€{‚z{x?}€{Šx {|{ƒ |  Œ{ ² ‚z|°°¼{ °Â€ { ‚ { Â?€{ zx Â€¤{  Â‹| { impeachment process which is €}xÂąz‚ƒ€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{  Â‹Â€{ xzƒ Â‚ ~ Â‚xz{ ‚ƒ{ far more relevant in terms of its |}}€¯ |Â?‚°Â‚ ¼{|ƒ{|{ €|¤¼{ xx°{Šx {¤Â€|°Â‚zÂą{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ € |z { ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ x?}€{ ‹x°¤Â€ ÂƒÂŚ{ €{ z€€¤{ x{¤Â€ÂŒÂ€°xÂŻ{|{Âœx €{ x°Â€ |z {ÂŻx°Â‚ Â‚}|°{ }~° ~ €{ Â?€Šx €{ ­Â€{ }|z{ ‚z¤~°¹Â€{ ‚z{  Â€Âƒ ¼{ constitutional reforms.â€? Continued on Page 38


Daily Newswatch



Will Senate okay removal as house of Reps does? Continued from Page 37

Another Lagos based lawyer, Carol Ajie posited that, “Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution which grants immunity from both civil and criminal proceedings to Mr president, Mr vice president, the governors, their ¤Â€ÂŻ~ Â‚€ƒ{ |z¤{ x Â‹Â€ { x?}€ƒ{ z|œ€¤{ therein should in my respectful view stay in the interest of our young and thriving democracy.â€?Reason being that ours is a peculiar society with peculiar democratic characteristics open to abuse of judicial processes. “Those calling for the constitutional abrogation should look beyond our immediate needs and think of the long  Â€ Âœ{€>€} {xŠ{€zœ€ƒ‹‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{Â?~ƒ‚z€ƒƒ{xŠ{ governance in unending, frivolous and ÂƒÂŻ~ ‚x~ƒ{ ¤Â‚ÂƒÂŻ~ Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ |zÂĽ{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ holders will be open to injudicious blackmail by political jobbers. “The result - distraction, destruction dis-concentration in the real business Šx { ­Â‹Â‚}‹{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ ‹x°¤Â€ { ­|ƒ{ elected. Suits rather than democratic Âąxx¤Âƒ{ ­Â‚°°{ Â?€{ ž¼‚zÂą{ Š xÂœ{ °Â€ÂŠ { ‚¹‹ {  x{ centre. Governors will be jumping into one court and out of the other in an endless row to defend gold digging claims. “Even with the immunity being clothed them, we hear of an Inspector General of Police who detains a Deputy Governor for days and keeps him incommunicado. We know Governor James Ibori of Delta State despite the immunity clause, is being bandied as an “ex-convictâ€? in a so called charge before a court in some remote part of Abuja by xz€{ ¯€ Â‚ Â‚xz€ { x { |zx Â‹Â€ { ¯°|‚z Â‚>{ Šx { the same so called charge. “Having regard to the present constitutional provision which does not provide for a permanent immunity but only for as long as the person is in x?}€{  Â‹Â€ €|Š Â€ { ‹€{ x { ƒ‹€{ °xƒ€ƒ{ ‚ { |z¤{ becomes subject to litigation, it helps to keep a focus on business and sanitises governance. “His or her prosecutor may press }‹| ÂąÂ€Âƒ{ |Š Â€ {  Â‹Â€{ x>€z¤Â€ ƒ´{  Â€ ÂœÂŹ{  x{  Â‹Â€{ Â?€ƒ { xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻ xƒ€}~ x ƒ´{ |Â?‚°Â‚ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ x { }‚Œ‚°{ ƒ~‚ ÂƒÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ ‹x°¤Â€ { ‚ƒ{ zx { shielded by the statute of limitation act either because the period he was in x?}€{¤x€ƒ{zx {}x~z Œ{ x{­Â‹| { €|°°¼{‚ƒ{ the problem? Fred Egbe is another legal luminary who is of the view that, “Immunity granted to the leaders of this nation under the Constitution is, in principle wrong. The problem with African leaders everywhere, is that they are too full of themselves. They seldom see themselves as part of the community they lead. They seldom share the ƒ~>€ ‚zÂą{ xŠ{  Â‹xƒ€{ ­Â‹xƒ€{ °Â‚Œ€ƒ{  Â‹Â€ÂĽ{ ‚zž~€z}€Œ{ “There is too much lawlessness in the society. In those circumstances for ÂĽx~{  x{ Âąx{ |z¤{ €‚zŠx }€{ |z{ | ‚ ~¤Â€{ x { }xzÂ&#x; Âœ{‚œœ~z‚ ¼{‚ƒ{|{ƒ Â€ÂŻ{‚z{ Â‹Â€{­ xzÂą{ direction. What one should have done was in fact to increase the sense of subjection of powerful people to the law, than to take a trend that seeks to absolve them from basic legal responsibility. “The situation is wrong, it should not ‹|Œ€{ Â?€€z{ ¯€ œ‚ €¤{ | { |°°Œ{ ~ { ­Â‹| { you must understand about black people and it is becoming increasingly evident, is that they do not understand the purpose of public power. “They are not totally aware of their public responsibility. Everybody is on his own, private interest over rule and over ride public duty. The average African leader is only concern about himself and the perpetuation of himself in

Gov. Rabiu Kwankwaso, Kano

Governor Sullivan Chime, Enugu

power, instead of in fact the plight of  Â‹Â€{ƒ~>€ ‚zÂą{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{x ¤Â‚z| ÂĽ{¯€x¯°Â€ÂŚ{ “So this immunity is in the wrong direction because it concentrates all resources on absolving and treating people above the law. So it is wrong psychological, legally and politically.â€? Human rights lawyer, Ebun-Olu Adegboruwa, suggested that, “Under Section 308 of the 1999 Constitution, you cannot compel a governor to appear in court in his private suit. It is necessary  Â‹| { ­Â€{ ¤xz´ { œ‚ƒ~z¤Â€ ƒ |z¤{ ­Â‹| {  Â‹Â€{ Constitution says. You cannot sue the governor in his private capacity but you can sue the governor of Lagos state in a civil suit. ² ~ {‚z{} ‚œ‚z|°{Âœ| € ƒ{­Â‹| { Â‹Â€{°|­{ says is that you cannot proceed against ‹‚œ{ ‚z{ Â€ÂƒÂŻÂ€} { xŠ{ ¯€ ƒxz|°{ Âœ| € ƒ{ ‚z{ criminal cases.â€?The point is that in law time does not run against the state to ÂŻ xƒ€}~ Â€{ } ‚œ‚z|°{ x>€z}Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ z{ x Â‹Â€ { ­x ¤ÂƒÂŹ{|{ÂąxŒ€ zx {}|zzx {ƒ |ÂĽ{‚z{x?}€{

Gov Rotimi Amaechi, River

Gov Babatunde Fashola, Lagos State

Šx { €Œ€ ÂŚ{ zÂĽ{  Â‚œ€{ ‹€{ °Â€|Œ€ƒ{ x?}€{ x { exhaust his tenure the state can start prosecution immediately. “For instance, if you suspect that a governor raped your wife and because ‹€{ ‚ƒ{ ‚z{ x?}€{ ‹€{ ‹|ƒ{ ‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ ÂĽx~{ cannot proceed against him. What the police can do if they are sincere is to conduct proper investigation, examine the woman who was raped, collect her statement and preserve all the evidence. “Immediately the governor leaves x?}€{ ‹€{ }|z{ Â?€{ | €ƒ Â€¤Œ{ €{ }|zzx { plead that because he was governor at the time the incident happened you cannot prosecute him. ² z¤{ zx­{  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ ‹|Œ€{ ƒ~?}‚€z { protection in law because the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal in the case of Gani Fawehinmi versus Inspector General of Police have now said no law stops the police from investigating. ² x{  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ }|z{ Œ‚ƒ‚ {  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ ÂąxŒ€ zx { ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ ‹€{ ‚ƒ{ ƒ Â‚°°{ ‚z{ x?}€{

The immunity earns a lot of injustice. For instance for a governor that is indebted and litigation has been on before he became a governor or a governor against whom there is a dispute against a property and according to Section 308, he cannot be sued

and say there is this complaint we have about you, we are not here to arrest you but to take your statement, we want to get your reaction concerning the allegation and you keep it. ² ~ {‚Š{ÂĽx~{zx­{ €œxŒ€{ Â‹Â€{‚œœ~z‚ ¼{ because others are abusing it, there will be problem. Opponents of the governor who are powerful, opponents of the governor who are in position of authority will never allow a governor  Â‹| {  Â‹Â€ÂĽ{ ¤xz´ { °Â‚Ž€{ ‹‚ƒ{ Š|}€{  x{ ƒ |ÂĽ{ ‚z{ x?}€{Šx {xz€{¤|ÂĽÂŚ “That is what immunity is meant to Âą~‚¤Â€{ |Âą|‚zƒ {  x{ ÂŻ €ƒ€ Œ€{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ from harassment, to allow the man to have time to consider the issues of state, without being worried whether he is going to testify in court and be subject to ridicule. “No way it cannot be possible in a democracy that you remove such immunity and I do not support that it should be removed because in places like India and the United States of America it is meant to secure the ÂŻ €ƒ Â‚¹€{xŠ{ Â‹| {x?}€Œ{ “And if you are a governor and there is an allegation against you, if you ¤xz´ { ‹|Œ€{ |z¼ ‹‚zÂą{  x{ ‹‚¤Â€ÂŹ{ ÂĽx~{ }|z{ waive it, the immunity is for the person x}}~¯¼‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{x?}€ŒÇ On his part, another legal luminary, Ade Oyebanji argued that, “We have a problem of transparency, integrity in terms of our leaders and where there is transparency, honesty and probity, leaders will not be looking for legislation that cloth them with immunity. “What I am saying is that the greatest immunity a leader can have is the acceptance of the masses. Regardless of the legislative immunity, immunity without integrity, transparency will merely breed a discontented populace and a discontented populace is a potential volcano that is capable of erupting any time. ² ‹€ €{ ‚ƒ{ |{ Â?€ € { ƒ€}~ ‚ ¼{ Šx {  Â‹Â€{ protection of the executive in terms of their performance, productiveness, honesty, dedication and transparency. ‹| { ‚ƒ{ ­Â‹Â€z{ ƒ€}~ ‚ ¼{ Â?€}xœ€ƒ{ Â?€ € { than legislative and executive fait of immunity. “Another problem is that immunity expires and that is the more reason why there should be transparency, integrity because it does not expire. “Another disadvantage of immunity is  Â‹| {}‚Œ‚°{Âœ| € ƒ{Âœ|ÂĽ{‹|Œ€{|{ Â€ÂœÂŻx | ÂĽ{ advantage in the sense that there could be statute of time limitation, but in } ‚œ‚z|°{ Âœ| € ÂŹ{ ‚ { ¤x€ƒ{ zx { |¯¯°¼Œ{ ‹€{ immunity earns a lot of injustice. For instance for a governor that is indebted and litigation has been on before he became a governor or a governor against whom there is a dispute against a property and according to Section 308, he cannot be sued. ² ‹€{ Âœ| € { Âœ~ƒ { ­|‚ { ~z Â‚°{ ‹€{ ‹|ƒ{ served his term. To that extent, it is not ridiculous, but fraudulent and clothes the incumbent with criminal tendencies because it is against the principle of equity and fairness. Such law should be ƒ Â‚} °¼{xz{­Â‹| {‹€{¤Â‚¤{‚z{x?}€{|z¤{°Â€ {  Â‹xƒ€{xz€{‹€{¤Â‚¤{x~ ÂƒÂ‚¤Â€{x?}€Œ{ “And let him be pursued and consumed by their past shadows. Let the governors not be distracted from  Â‹Â€{¯€ Šx Âœ|z}€{xŠ{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {x?}‚|°{¤~ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ they should be protected only in respect xŠ{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {x?}‚|°{¤~ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ x{ Â‹| { Â‹Â€ÂĽ{¤xz´ { get distracted from their executive assignment. Who ever want to be a president/governor should be ready to ÂŻ|ÂĽ{|{‹€ x´Âƒ{ÂŻ ‚}€ŒÇ


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014


Justice from foreign lands Killer in the honeymoon murder trial dies


he man convicted for the murder of a woman killed on honeymoon in Cape Town has died, announced South Africa’s Department of Correctional Services. Xolile Mngeni, who was convicted for the murder in 2010 of Anni Dewani, died in a hospital unit of a Cape Town prison. South African prosecutors argue that the woman’s husband, Shrien Dewani, conspired with Mngeni and two other men to kill his wife. Dewani, who has pleaded not guilty to charges ranging from murder to

kidnapping, said he and his wife were hijacked at gunpoint while on a z‚¹‹ ‚œ€{ ¤ ‚Œ€{  Â‹ x~¹‹{ |{ |¯€{ x­z{ township. Dewani said he was forced out of the car and the alleged assailants ¤ xŒ€{ x>{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ ‹‚ƒ{ ­Â‚Š€{ ƒ Â‚°°{ ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ backseat of the car. The car and the body of Anni Dewani were found the next day. Mngeni, who was convicted as the Âœ|z{ ­Â‹x{ Â&#x; €¤{  Â‹Â€{ Âą~z{  Â‹| { Ž‚°°Â€¤{  Â‹Â€{ ªÀ¼€| Ă€x°¤{ ­Â€¤Â‚ƒ‹{ z| Â‚xz|°{ ­|ƒ{ serving a life sentence when he died. Mngeni was diagnosed with a brain tumor during his murder trial in 2011. The Cape Town local applied for

medical parole in July this year but it was denied. Earlier this month, another man convicted for the murder, ¡Â‚­|Âœ|¤x¤|{ ­|Â?€{ Â€Âƒ Â‚Â&#x;€¤{ Â‹| {‹€{ was hired by the Dewani’s taxi driver, Zola Tongo, to kill Anni Dewani. Qwabe and Tongo are currently serving long prison theories for the killing. Dewani is standing trial in South Š ‚}|{ |Š Â€ { Â&#x;¹‹ Â‚zÂą{ € |¤Â‚ Â‚xz{ Š xÂœ{ the United Kingdom for nearly four years. z¹€z‚{ ‹|ƒ{ Â?€€z{ |{ Â&#x;Âą~ €{ ¤~ ‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ British businessman Shrien Dewani appears in the high court in Cape Town ongoing trial.

CJN, NJI boss call for financial prudence in judiciary PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja


hief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Mariam Mukhtar, GCFR, has called on the Âş~¤Â‚}‚| ÂĽ{ ƒ |>{  x{ Â?€{ Âœx €{ prudent in the management of resources accruing to them as well as ensure transparency in the discharge of their duties. Similarly, the Administrator of the National Judicial Institute, NJI, Justice Rosaline Bozimo, OFR restated that for judiciary workers to retain the }xzÂ&#x;¤Â€z}€{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ÂŻ~Â?°Â‚}{‚z{ Â‹Â€{Âş~¤Â‚}‚| ÂĽÂŹ{ “then we must be transparent in all that we doâ€?. The duo made the appeal separately at the ongoing 2014 national workshop for chief registrars, secretaries of judicial ƒ€ Œ‚}€{ }xœœ‚ƒƒ‚xzÂƒÂż}xœœ‚ Â€Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ directors, Sharia courts, area courts, and customary courts, inspectors on information and communication technology, which opened in Abuja on Monday. The CJN, who doubles as Chairman, Board of Governors, National Judicial Institute said, “As a Judicial Administrator, I will urge you to maintain high standard of integrity, incorruptibility, fairness and transparency in the discharge of your dutiesâ€?. ‹€{ zx Â€¤{  Â‹| { |ƒ{ |}}x~z Â‚zÂą{ x?}€ ƒ{ of the various judiciaries, “you should maintain a high level of accountability in terms of monetary dealings with regards to contracts, procurement, €ƒx~ }€{ Âœ|z|ÂąÂ€ÂœÂ€z { €>€} Â‚Œ€{  Â‚œ€{ Âœ|z|ÂąÂ€ÂœÂ€z { |z¤{ x Â‹Â€ { €°| Â€¤{ Â&#x;€°¤ÂƒÂŚ{ On the other hand, as potential Judges, these and some other factors will be



n Abuja Magistrate court has granted bail in the sum of N500,000 to the Chairman of the Imo State chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC), Mr. Hillary Eke for alleged forgery for which he was docked before the court. Eke was arraigned over alleged defamation and forgery of court documents. According to the First Information Report (FIR) tendered in court by the Inspector General of Police, the APC chieftain was accused of forging a document purported to be a judgment of a High Court in Cross River State. The accused person however pleaded “not guilty� to the charge when it was read to him.


ustice Ibrahim Buba of a Federal

‚¹‹{ x~  { ƒ‚ ‚zÂą{ ‚z{ ÂŽx¼‚{ |ÂąxÂƒÂŹ{ has sentenced a 26-years-old apprentice, John Daniel, to two years imprisonment over his involvement in illegal drug deal. The convict who was arraigned on June 30, 2014 was docked on a one count charge of unlawfully dealing in about 14.3 kilogrammes of cannabis sativa, also known as hemp. Daniel had earlier pleaded guilty to the charge, leading to the trial court adjourning the case for review of fact and sentencing. Head of National Judicial Institute (NJI), Justice Bozimo (2nd from right) posed with  { Â‹Â€{ €ƒ~œ€¤{‹€| ‚zÂą{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{Âœ| € ÂŹ{ other team mebers of the institute after a meeting ­Â‚ z€ƒƒ{  x{  Â‹Â€{ | Â‚xz|°{ ~Âą{ |­{ taken into consideration during and judiciaryâ€? is “most apt especially if we zŠx }€œ€z { ¹€z}ÂĽ{ ¥{ €¯~ ¼{ even after your elevationâ€?. take into consideration that transparency Superintendent of Narcotics, Taupyen In addition, the CJN reminded enhances public knowledge about the Sunday intimated the judge that the Directors and Inspectors of Area/Sharia/ judicial system and provides recourse defendant was assigned to him for investigations, on indictments of drug Customary Courts that their roles in the for redress when problems occur. dispensation of justice are enormous; She told the participants that the  |?}Ž‚z¹Œ Sunday explained that in the course stressing that miscarriage of justice can administration of justice “is not only a be prevented if they are careful and public service, but also a service to our of his investigations, he came across ¤Â‚°Â‚¹€z {‚z{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {x?}‚|°{¤~ Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŚ creator, the Almighty Godâ€? adding that various substances which included In her welcome speech, Justice they must therefore endeavour to earn }€  Â‚Â&#x;}| Â€{ xŠ{  Â€Âƒ { |z|°¼ÂƒÂ‚ÂƒÂŹ{ |{ ÂŻ|}Ž‚zÂą{ Bozimo said the workshop was the confidence of both God and man. of substance form, and a request for designed to create an avenue for More so, the NJI administrator ƒ}‚€z Â‚Â&#x;}{|‚¤{Šx ÂœÂŚ He also told the judge that a voluntary  Â‹Â€{ ÂŻ|  Â‚}‚¯|z Âƒ{ Š xÂœ{ ¤Â‚>€ €z { underscored the need for judiciary jurisdictions to cross fertilize ideas staff to be transparent and objective, statement of the accused was also sent on gray areas in the administration of be it in appointments, complaints to his section, alongside a drug analysis justice. and promotions just as she urged report and a bulk exhibit recovered Justice Bozimo said the theme of  Â‹Â€Âœ{ x{€zƒ~ €{ Â‹| {¤Â‚ƒ}‚¯°Â‚z| ÂĽ{Âœ| € ƒ{ from the accused which was contained the 5-day workshop; “promoting should at all times be of paramount in a big brown envelope. It would be recalled that prior to transparency and integrity in the importance to them. Justice Buba’s decision, the convict was given an opportunity to speak, where he maintained his guilty plea posture. Daniel, who appeared in court The alleged act of forgery according was granted to him by the police. to the police prosecutor, Mr. He disclosed that Eke was without a legal representation, prayed V.C Nwadike, was contrary and eventually traced and arrested at a the court to be lenient with its sentence, promising that he would turn a new punishable under Sections 364 and wedding ceremony in Imo state. ŸÛª{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{ €z|°{ x¤Â€{ |­Œ “Your worship, we have genuine leaf. In his judgment, Justice Buba held The alleged forged court document cause to doubt the sincerity of the which indicated that Dr. Cletus accused person to attend his trial that, “This court has considered the Ilomuanya, the former Chairman if released on bail. He was earlier convict’s plea for mercy and the fact of Imo state council of traditional granted administrative bail but he that he is remorseful. “The 26-years-old convict will be rulers was once convicted by the jumped it. A lawyer even came to Cross River State High Court was our office and vouched that he would given another chance in life to turn a allegedly published by Eke as an appear in our office on October 2, but new leaf. “Accordingly, the convict is hereby advertorial in two national dailies on the accused August 15 and 17, respectively. person ran away. He later claimed sentenced to a term of two years The police prosecutor had that he was sick, the police prosecutor Â‚ÂœÂŻ ‚ƒxzœ€z { ­Â‚ Â‹{ €>€} { Š xÂœ{ September 23, 2013, the date of his told the court to remand Eke in said. custody pending the hearing and “Following his refusal to honour his arrest.â€? The fact before the court revealed determination of the charge against bail, a warrant of arrest was signed against him, we mobilized and went that the convict was arrested with the him. Nwadike claimed before the court to Owerri where he was arrested at a narcotic on September 23, 2013 at the that the APC chairman had earlier wedding ceremony and subsequently ‹€ x{ €|{xŠ{ |ƒƒ{Ÿ{ €ŽŽ‚{ |ÂąxÂƒÂŹ{xz{ |{ Â‚ÂŻ{x>ÂŚ violated an administrative bail that brought to this court for trial.

Forgery: Court grants Imo APC Chairman N500, 000 bail PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja

Man gets 2-year jail term over illicit drug deal

Daily Newswatch


Crime Friday, October 24, 2014

How wife abduct and kill stepdaughter over jealousy ADELEKE ADESANYA


ne Aminat Akanni who abducted and killed her stepdaughter fortnight ago has been giving reasons for her evil act behind police net. Daily Newswatch inŒ€ƒ Â‚Âą| Â‚xz{‚z x{ Â‹Â€{Âœ| € { €Œ€|°Â€¤{ Â‹| { œ‚nat who was said married to Mubo Akanni in 2010 conluded in taken such action when she noticed that her husband seemed to be more caring to her stepchildren a lot. Speaking with Daily Newswatch on Sunday, Mubo Akanni, the husband to Aminat, who hails from Ilorin, Kwara State, explains: “I married Aminat (Akanni) in 2010. So that there would not be crisis at home, I rented an apartment for her at Mosallashi Street, Alakara in Orile. She has only one son for me. His name is Yusuf. She does not come to Church  Â€Â€ { |Âąxƒ{ ƒ°|z¤{­Â‹Â€ €{ {°Â‚Œ€{­Â‚ Â‹{ÂœÂĽ{Â&#x; ƒ { wife. “What happened was that on the evening of Friday, October 3, when I returned from work- just a day to the Sallah celebrations- I sent the two children to go buy biscuits in front of the street. That was at about 7pm. We expected them return till around 9pm. I was shocked. I quickly rushed to the Adeniji Adele Police Division, and reported the incident. “Believe me, I and their mother, Funmilayo, could not sleep all through that night. We were walking around the whole night from a police division to the other, repeating the

same thing. The whole Sallah celebration was a sad one as I looked for my two children. Little did I know that it was my second wife who sneaked into our area to abduct them.â€? Mubo, who spoke to our correspondent with tears-soaked eyes, added that Akanni had called him the following day, and given a suspicious comment. He said, “The following morning, at about 11am, Aminat called me and heard me crying on phone. I told her that we were looking Šx { | Â€Â€ÂŠ{|z¤{ xÂ&#x;ƒ| {ƒ‹€{ƒ‚œ¯°¼{ƒ|‚¤{Ă? °°{ { know is that no one can kidnap my own son.’ I was shocked at her statement, but I never thought she was the one behind the whole trouble. “It was six days later when the police arrested her that she then confessed that she }xœœ‚ €¤{ Â‹Â€{|} {Â?€}|~ƒ€{ƒ‹€{}°|‚œ€¤{ {­|ƒ{ not taking care of her, and I had not brought sallah clothes for her son, which is not true. She had sneaked to our area, and asked the two kids to follow her to Orile. This is unimaginable for me.â€? It was learnt that as the search for the two children continued, which took Mubo and ‹‚ƒ{Â&#x; ƒ {­Â‚Š€{ x{ |Œ€°{ x{ °x ‚zÂŹ{ ­| |{  | Â€{ x{ }xzƒ~° {  Â‹Â€Â‚ { €°| Â‚Œ€ƒ{ |z¤{ Ă?ÂƒÂŻÂ‚ ‚ ~|°{ ‹€°¯´{ |{ friend had called them on Thursday, October 9, that she saw Lateef with Akanni around the CMS bus stop, Lagos Island. The police were then invited who trailed her movement and arrested her.

CP IKechukwu Aduba

The mother of the two children, Funmilayo, told our correspondent that Akanni had bottled up grievances against her for a long time. She said, “Aminat killed my daughter. She made us to have a sorrowful festivity. We

were running around police stations. She said she wanted to punish me and my husband because she was having issues with us. So, why did she not come after us, why after my two children?�

Political hoodlums go on rampage in Osun


hugs, allegedly loyal to a politician in Irepodun Local Government Area xŠ{ ƒ~z{  | Â€{‹|Œ€{| |}Ž€¤{|z{|ÂƒÂŻÂ‚ ant for the House of Representatives representing Osogbo, Olorunda, Irepodun, Orolu Federal Constituency in the forthcoming 2015 general elections, Dr. Oluwole Yekeen Alabi and his political supporters ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ÂœxÂ?‚°Â‚¡Â‚zÂą{Šx {‹‚ƒ{x?}‚|°{¤Â€}°| | Â‚xz{}€ emony recently. The thugs numbering more than 20, had descended heavily on Alabi’s campaign train while embarking on procession round the two local government areas of Irepodun and Orolu. Alabi, a gynaecologist, is the Chairman of the Republic of Ireland chapter of Oranmiyan Foundation. The incident, which occurred at Oye Compound in Ward 5 area of Orolu Local Government Area, was allegedly led by two young men popularly called Laredo and Esu Gongo, who

Engr. Funsho Olateju

were armed with various weapons including Â?x °Â€ÂƒÂŹ{Âœ|}‹€ Â€ÂƒÂŹ{Â?x­Âƒ{|z¤{| x­ÂƒÂŹ{|z¤{ Â‹ €| ened that the incumbent occupant of the seat,

xzÂŚ{ |ƒ~z{ ~ƒ~>{‹|¤{x ¤Â€ €¤{ Â‹Â€Âœ{ x{| |}ÂŽ{ any opposition to his second term ambition. In the crisis that lasted about an hour, more than six persons were severely injured including Mrs. Silifat Alabi, Engr. Waheed Olateju, Mr. Olaniyi Ganiyu, Mr. Kabiru Alabi and a member of the vigilante group who had joined his colleagues to provide security for the event. }}x ¤Â‚zÂą{  x{ €°Â‚|Â?°Â€{ ƒx~ }Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ ~ƒ~>{ ‹|¤{ threatened on Thursday, October 2, that he would deal ruthlessly with anyone who attempts to oppose his ambition and had spe}‚Â&#x;}|°°¼{œ€z Â‚xz€¤{ ÂŚ{ °~­x°Â€{ °|Â?‚{ xº€€¤{ Alabi and Bayo Ameen as his prime targets ‹€{Âœ| € {­|ƒ{‚œœ€¤Â‚| Â€°¼{ €¯x  Â€¤{| { Â‹Â€{ Šxz{|z¤{ °xÂ?~{ x°Â‚}€{  | Â‚xzƒ{|z¤{ Â‹Â€{ ?}€{xŠ{ the Department of Secrete Service in Osogbo, the state capital, which drafted their men to the

Mrs. Silifat Alabi

scene of the incident and also visited the injured in the various hospitals, especially those |¤ÂœÂ‚ €¤{| { € }ÂĽ{ ‚Œ| Â€{ xÂƒÂŻÂ‚ |°{‚z{ °xÂ?~ÂŚ

x­Â€ÂŒÂ€ ÂŹ{ €>x  Âƒ{  x{ ¹€ {  Â‹Â€{ €|} Â‚xz{ xŠ{ ~ƒ~>{xz{ Â‹Â€{|°°Â€Âą| Â‚xz{ÂŻ xŒ€¤{|Â?x  Â‚Œ€{|ƒ{}|°°Âƒ{ put through to his telephone line did not go  Â‹ x~¹‹{|ƒ{| { Â‹Â€{ Â‚œ€{xŠ{Â&#x;°Â‚zÂą{ Â‹Â‚ƒ{ €¯x  Œ Meanwhile, in furtherance of his campaign activities towards the 2015 election into the House of Representatives, more than 20 sociopolitical groups including Oranmiyan Foundation worldwide, National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS, Aregbesola Solidarity Forum, Awoleye Alabi Memorial Foundation, AWAMEF, among others, last weekend pledged their support for Alabi’s political aspiration. They made the pledge during Alabi’s public declaration of ambition, which was organised by his campaign group- Itesiwaju Movement, and held at Saint Michael Primary School, Ilobu.

Speaking on behalf of student leaders, the Chairman of Ogun State Axis of the Joint |ÂœÂŻ~ƒ{}xœœ‚ €€{xŠ{ {|z¤{|{°Â€|¤Â€ {xŠ{ the National Association of Osun State Students, NAOSS, Comrade Okikiola Ogunsola, described Alabi as a role model, saying the legacies he left behind as a former President of Ilobu National Students’ Union, INSU, and his contributions to various unions including the students’ union government of the University of Lagos, Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, among others, had really shaped the future of the younger generation. He said the need for reform of the leadership system of the environment by building responsive and responsible representatives, who can complement the giant strides of Governor Rauf Aregbesola, had informed the decision to throw their weight behind Alabi. Alabi was presented to the party faithful by the head of Alabi family and former Chairman of Irepodun Local Government Area chapter of the defunct Social Democratic Party, SDP, and a stalwart of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Chief Ademola Alabi. Also giving testimonies in support of Alabi’s candidacy at the event were representatives of Awoleye Alabi Memorial Foundation, AWAMEF; Oluwole Alabi Youth Vanguard; Nigerian Medical Association, Association of Market Men and Women, Elite Club, among several others. Speaking on behalf of the Republic of Ireland chapter of the Oranmiyan Foundation, the Treasurer of the group who is currently the Senior Special Adviser to Governor Rauf €¹Â?€ƒx°|{xz{ €|° Â‹ÂŹ{ ÂŚ{ |Â&#x;~{ °|ƒ~zÂŽ|zœ‚{ Isamotu, said the group was impressed by the sound and qualitative leadership qualities of the governor, but was at the same time irked by the poor performance of certain representatives, hence the need to put forward individuals who could assist the governor in delivering more dividends of democracy. z{ | €z¤|z}€{ | {  Â‹Â€{ ¤Â€}°| | Â‚xz{ }€ €œxzÂĽ{ were chairmen of APC from more than 30 wards, party leaders from the state chapter of the party and several other dignitaries.


Daily Newswatch

Super Friday FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Day W.TEC marked Int’l Day of Girl Child

Dep. Governor, Lagos State, Orelope-Adefulire SUBAIR MOHAMMED


igeria recently joined the entire world to celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child, a day set aside by the United Nations to increase awareness of gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender. The Girl Child International Day initiative began as a project of Plan International, a non-governmental organization that operates worldwide to raise awareness about the importance of nurturing girls globally and in developing countries in particular. It was a day declared by the United Nations in 2012 to promote girls’ human rights and highlight gender inequalities that remain between girls and boys. For this year’s celebration, the Women’s Technology Empowerment Centre W.TEC, a Nigerian non-governmental organisation that builds the capacities of Nigerian girls and women to increase their economic power and ability to OQRSV SXYZ[ \OOZRO S0R][\^_ [`R\k x\{RO through information and communication technology (ICT) -based training and projects, partnered with Intel, Oracle, iDEA Hub, KraveX and Bella Naija to organize a one day celebration, which was recently held in Lagos at the iDEA Hub. The celebration was intended to highlight women’s achievements in the area of information technology and to serve as a forum to inspire and encourage girls to consider studies and careers in [`R _kY…\^_ †Rx‡ Yˆ ,&7O It was also intended to address the problem of inequality between male and

Lagos State Commissioner for Education, Oladunjoye

female genders in areas such as right and access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and child marriage. /RS‡\^_ …Y‰R^ \^ [`R †Rx‡ Yˆ technology as Olasimbo Olatoregun (Intel), Folake Oyekanmi (Intel), Folake Adeniyi-Adeleye (Oracle), Ihuoma Okoroafor (Oracle) and Terae Onyeje (KraveX), at the event shared their career journeys in technology, as well as the impact of technology on their lives. Also, 52 girls between the ages of 8 and 20 were in attendance and participated in learning sessions on digital animation and blogging (for girls with more limited technology backgrounds) and the hackathon (open to girls with more advanced technology skills). At the end of the event, the girls presented their projects to the audience and prizes were awarded to the developers of the best projects under the Scratch Programming, Mobile Application Development and

Blogging categories. Winners in the Mobile Application Development category are Iyimide 0Sk[\^O S^‡ 'YxSQY 1ZkZ‡RR^ †kO[ and second positions respectively. Winners in other categories include Scratch Programming, Monsurat 2O`\^†OS^ …\[` OR]Y^‡ QYO\[\Y^ _\{R^ to the duo of Oluwanifesimi Oso and Mercy Oyeyipo, while third place was awarded to Hannah Bamgbelu and Marion Okoh Ogbeide. )Yk XxY__\^_ ]S[R_Yk� †kO[ QxS]R …SO Muyibat Aliu and Oyinloluwa Adepiti. Second place: Oluwaferanmi Olatunji, while Hope Phillip took the third position. Newcomers to Technology Award (Given to girls, who despite their limited technology experience, created some inspiring blogging projects) Chidinma Ogbuagu, Ayomide Ojo, Arinola Lesi, Anjolaoluwa Adegbola, Ndifreke Solomon Akpan, Abigail George, Eniola Taiwo, Chisom Cephas,

It was a day declared by the United Nations in 2012 to promote girls’ human rights and highlight gender inequalities that remain between girls and boys.

Chioma Ezubelu, Iyanaoluwa Aje, Susan Uko and Mary Emelieze. Historically, the International Day of the Girl Child was formally proposed as a resolution by Canada in the United Nations General Assembly. Rona Ambrose, Canada’s Minister for the Status of Women sponsored the resolution; a delegation of women and girls made presentations in support of the initiative at the 55th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly voted to pass a resolution adopting October 11, 2012, as the inaugural International Day of the Girl Child. Each year’s Day of the Girl has a [`R‰R [`R †kO[ …SO –R^‡\^_ ]`\x‡ marriage�, and the second in 2013, was –\^^Y{S[\^_ ˆYk _\kx™O R‡Z]S[\Y^ š 7`R resolution states that the Day of the Girl recognizes the empowerment of and investment in girls, which are critical for economic growth, the achievement of all Millennium Development Goals, including the eradication of poverty and extreme poverty, as well as the meaningful participation of girls in ‡R]\O\Y^O [`S[ S0R][ [`R‰ SkR VR� \^ breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting [`R ˆZxx S^‡ R0R][\{R R^›Y�‰R^[ Yˆ [`R\k human rights, and recognizing also that empowering girls requires their active participation in decision-making processes and the active support and engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families and care providers, as well as boys and men and the wider community.


Newswatch People

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

L-R: Coordinator, Women Arise, Ikorodu chapter, Deacon Bayo Obatugashe; President, •Zq`^ $W]ˆ` &VqTV][^ ŠZW '`qZ�WV�Y 'W -Z` 2R`] 2xpqVR]^ 0V\\Vq %`\\Z 6`W]R] Hausawawa, Ikorodu and others at a Public Lecture on 2015 Elections: Options for Survival, organised by Women Arise, Ikorodu chapter, Ikorodu, Lagos.

/ 5 ']W`�‰ZW &ZWTZWV‰` &Zqqp^]�V‰]Z^ˆ &65 $]W‰`\ 1][`W]V 0W (q`RV 2TVWV +`Vx ZŠ 2ŠŒ�` ,^x]V +][_ &Zqq]ˆˆ]Z^ 0W ”YVˆ '`Z &_Zpx_VWY ”]�` 3W`ˆ]x`^‰ ']W`�‰ZW &pˆ‰Zq`W Service, Airtel Nigeria, Mr. Ajah Bakshi and Senior General Manager, Corporate Development, $TZ\\Z +ZˆT]‰V\ˆ 'W +VW]^x`W 6]^[_ 6]^[_ V‰ V q`x]V XW]`Œ^[ Z^ ‰_` TVW‰^`Wˆ_]T X`‰j``^ Apollo Hospitals Group and Airtel Nigeria in Lagos. Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Ministry of Education, Mrs Omolara Erogbogbo; &_]`Š )]^V^�]V\ 2ŠŒ�`W –$&1 3\� 0W $Xxp\ %`\\Z —p‰ZW *`^`WV\ V^x 3`WqV^`^‰ 6`�W`‰VWY Education District 2, Mrs Titilayo Solarin; Managing Director, Chemical & Allied Products (CAP) Plc, Mrs Omolara Elemide and Principal, Eva Adelaja Girls’ Senior Secondary Grammar School, Bariga, Mrs Olujoke Akindele, during the handing over of the repainted Eva Adelaja Girls’ Secondary Grammar School by CAP Plc in Lagos...recently. L-R: Secretary General, Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP), Kaduna Polytechnic chapter, Malam Mohammed Mohammed; Chairman, Malam Musa Ibrahim and Assistant Secretary General, Malam Nasiru Yalo, at an interactive session with newsmen in Kaduna State.

L-R: Channel Marketing Manager, Adebayo Adams; Key Account Manager, Abiola Anifowose; Director of Marketing, Gareth Abel; Director of International Business, Wiko Mobile, Marcel ”V^ '` 3Vˆ V^x &Zp^‰WY 6V\`ˆ 0V^V[`W -Z_^ 3`‰`Wˆ xpW]^[ •]RZ 0ZX]\` ZŠŒ�]V\ \Vp^�_ press conference held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos

Emir of Gombe, Alhaji Abubakar Shehu-Abubakar (middle); Chairman, Broadcasting 2W[V^]ˆV‰]Z^ ZŠ 1][`W]V %21 0V\Vq $XpXVRVW -]‹]jV ŠZpW‰_ \`Š‰ V^x Z‰_`W ZŠŒ�]V\ˆ xpW]^[ a courtesy visit of delegates of the 61st General Assembly of BON to the Emir in Gombe the weekend.

L-R: Chairman, Rockmarine Services Limited, Engineer Elijah Essien; Onwa Ndigbo of Lagos, Chief Rev. Johnson Osuagwu, his wife Adaigbo I of Lagos, Mrs. Vera Ego Osuagwu and Director General, Centre for Democratic Governance in Africa, Dr. Dafe Akpocha, at the distinguished Gold Service award on Humanity to Mr. and Mrs. Osuagwu in Lagos. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

L-R: Acting Regional General Manager, Kano International Airport, Mallam Ibrahim Chatta; Managing Director, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Eng Sale Dunoma; Chief of Staff to Managing Director, Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria, Mallam Kabiru Mohammed Yusuf; Mr Wong Wong of CCECC and Mr Bini Sam Leo, during the inspection of on-going works at the New Terminal under construction at the Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport, Kano, Kano State‌

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

R-L: Chief Imam, Oluwatosin Central Mosque, Alausa, Alhaji Bisiriyu Yusuf Odebiyi; Alhaja Kemi Olaiya and his son, Mr. Nojeem Olaiya, during a thanksgiving to welcome Alhaja Olaiya back home from Mecca, held at Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos...recently.

L-R: Permanent Secretary, LTV 8 & Eko FM, Mr. Adekunle Ajanaku; Chairman, Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Lagos State chapter, Mr. Deji Elumoye; Chairman, Lagos State *ZÂ&#x;`W^ZW ˆ 2ŠŒÂ?` &ZWW`ˆTZ^x`^‰ˆ /$*2&2 0W -Zˆ_pV %Vˆˆ`Y ŠZWq`W *ZÂ&#x;`W^ZW ZŠ Lagos State, Rear Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu; representative of the First Lady of Lagos State, Mrs. Folake Odunlami; Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Aderemi Ibirogba; Special Adviser on Media to the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Hakeem Bello; Guest Lecturer and Legal Practitioner, Mr. Emeka Odikpo, during the 2014 Press Week Lecture with the theme, “Eight Years of Sustainable Leadership in Lagosâ€? organised by the Lagos State *ZÂ&#x;`W^ZW ˆ 2ŠŒÂ?` &ZWW`ˆTZ^x`^‰ˆ V‰ ‰_` &ZqXZ +V\\ /—” &ZqT\`ÂŁ /V‰``Š -VRV^x` 5ZVx Agidingbi, Ikeja, Lagos.

R- L: National Leader, Peoples Democratic Party, Chief Edwin Clark; Chairman, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Indigenes and Geo-Political Leaders Forum, Ambassador Ayuba Ngbako and representative of Senator Aduda, Barrister Musa Salihu, during the FCT Indigenes and Geo-Political Leaders Forum visit to Chief Clark in Abuja. Photo: Wale Adenuga

L-R : Commercial Director, Grand Oak Limited, Aare Fatai Odesile; Chairman, Lexcel Group of Companies, Mr. Ola Rosiji; Managing Director, Grand Oak Limited, Mr. Ashkay Kumar and Executive Director, Grand Oak Limited, Mr. Adekunle Rosiji, during the relaunch of Swagga Schnapps brand and introduction of bitter variants into the market in Akure, Ondo State.

Newswatch People


L- R: Executive Director, Ivory Banking, Heritage Bank, Mrs. Mary Akpobome; Heritage Bank’s Financial Literacy Ambassador, Zuriel Oduwole; Executive Director, Manila Banking, Heritage Bank, Niyi Adeseun and Group Head, Customer Experience and Analytics , Heritage Bank, Ralph Omoregie, at the launch of the bank’s SkoolBank product, held in Lagos...recently.

L-R: President, National Association of Women Journalists, Mrs. Ify Omowole; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Power, Amb. Godknows Igali; Director-General, Securities and Exchange Commission, Ms. Arunma Oteh and Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Sarah Ochekpe, at a public lecture in honour of the minister on her conferment with a national honour of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) in Abuja‌recently.

Head, Government Relations, Nigerian Breweries Plc, Mr Vivian Ikem (left), presenting a trophy to Mr. Babatunde Ojerinde, overall winner of the 2014 Independence Day Golf Tournament, sponsored by Nigerian Breweries and held at the IBB Golf and Country Club, Abuja...recently.

L-R: Head, Public Affairs and Communications, Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Limited, 0W –›Z 2x`^][XZ ']W`�‰ZW ZŠ (xp�V‰]Z^ œZ^V\ 2ŠŒ�` /V[Zˆ 6‰V‰` 0]^]ˆ‰WY ZŠ (xp�V‰]Z^ Mrs. Abiola Abiodun Omole; Director, Human Resources, NBC, Mrs. Grace Omo-Lamai; and Education Secretary, Ajeromi Ifelodun Local Government Area, Hon. Adewale Adeogun, at the presentation of back-to-school kits to 1,200 students of Christ Assembly Nursery/Primary School, Ajegunle, Olodi Apapa, Lagos by NBC...recently.


Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 24, 2014

SNA Lagos Chapter ‘October Rain 2014’ exhibition begins tomorrow !"#" $"% &$ !' !&% &("

Chairman, Society of Nigerian Artists (SNA), Lagos State Chapter, Mr. Dotun Alabi (middle); the Treasurer, Mr. Idowu Sonaya (Right) and the General Secretary, Mr. W. Okonyeh-Dixon

ADA DIKE n line with the celebration of 100 years of Nigeria’s amalgamation and its annual exhibition, a professional body for all practicing visual artists, the Society of Nigerian Artists (SNA), Lagos State Chapter holds its 16th Annual Juried Art Exhibition. Titled “October Rainâ€?, “The Centenary: Nigeria @ 100â€? is the theme of the of the exhibition which will take place at the Nike Art Centre, #2 Elegushi Road, Ikate Roundabout, Lekki-Epe Express Way, Lagos, from Saturday October 25 to 29, 2014. Under the Chairmanship of the Dr. Abiola Akinosho, Chairman, Solidra Circle; The Special Guests of Honour are Mr. Hasib Moukarim, Managing Director, Nigeria Gas and Steel Limited and Engr. P. O. BamgboseMartins, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Works and Infrastructure, Lagos State. The Guests of Honour are Mr. Wale Olagundoye, Managing Director, Exp. Marketing Nigeria Limited and Mrs. Ekene Okoroma, Curator, the National Gallery of Arts. The host is Mr. Dotun Alabi, the Chairman, SNA Lagos State Chapter. Speaking to the press, Mr. Dotun Alabi revealed what guests should expect at the exhibition by saying that this year’s exhibition is unique as colourful artworks which €¯ €ƒƒ{¤Â‚>€ €z {‚ƒƒ~€ƒ{|z¤{€Œ€z Âƒ{ Â‹| {‹|Œ€{ happened in Nigeria since its amalgamation would be on display. “We all know that this country is facing ¤Â‚>€ €z {}‹|°°Â€zÂąÂ€Âƒ{|ƒ{|{z| Â‚xzÂŹ{­Â€{ƒ~ Œ‚Œ€¤{ |{ }‚Œ‚°{ ­| ÂŹ{ ­Â€{ | €{ ƒ Â‚°°{ Â?| °Â‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ ƒ}x~ ¹€{ of terrorism by Boko Haram, and there is also economic hardship. So the centenary €‹‚Â?‚ Â‚xz{ÂąÂ‚ÂŒÂ€Âƒ{~ƒ{|z{xÂŻÂŻx  ~z‚ ¼{ x{ €ž€} { on some of the things that have happened within the last 100 years and also project the ƒ Â€ÂŻ{­Â€{z€€¤{ x{ |Ž€{ x{|}‹‚€Œ€{|{Âœ~}‹{Â?€ € { and civil country,â€? said Alabi. In addition to what the Chairman of SNA, Lagos State Chapter said, the treasurer of the association, Mr. Idowu Sonaya, stressed that the exhibition will showcase a lot of talents. “We are trying to have a prospective Œ‚€­{xŠ{­Â‹| {‚ƒ{|>€} Â‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{}x~z ¼{| {Š¨¨{ ¼€| ƒ{ |z¤{ { Â?€°Â‚€Œ€{  Â‹| { ¯€x¯°Â€{ ­Â‚°°{ Â&#x;z¤{ |{


lot of historical information in the artworks that will be on display. I also want to use this opportunity to invite a lot of Art lovers, prospective buyers, Art connoisseur, Art collectors and the general public to come and celebrate with us, visit the exhibition and make some patronage,â€? he added. In his speech, the General Secretary, Mr. W. Okonyeh-Dixon, said: “Why this year’s €‹‚Â?‚ Â‚xz{‚ƒ{¤Â‚>€ €z {‚ƒ{ Â‹| {|ÂŻ|  {Š xÂœ{Š¨¨{ ¼€| ƒ´{ }€°Â€Â? | Â‚xzÂŹ{ ­Â€{ |°Âƒx{ ‹|Œ€{ Â&#x; ƒ { xŠ{ ‚ Âƒ{ kind special features including workshop for primary and secondary schools which will take place from 10 am to 11 am on Monday, October 27, 2014, 11 am to 12 noon on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 and 12 noon to 1 pm on Wednesday, October 29, 2014,â€? Okonyeh-Dixon emphasized. According to him, there will be students’ interactive session and voting for outstanding works by guests. They implored schools and parents to bring (Headless Man) A man selling his conscience to a politician their students and children to the workshop. “There will be artists’ awards at the event.â€? Some of the exhibiting artists are: Prof. Bruce Onabrakpeya and Kolade Oshinowo, among many others including recently graduated students who have joined the society. “It is a platform for both old and young as their works would be put side by side at the exhibition,â€? Alabi revealed. Some of the works for exhibition In the Happy Woman, the artist inscribed so many things on it including: Dance, Happy, Homeland, Nigeria, African Style, Glad to be African and so on. Dotun explained that it talks basically about joy and was done by one of their aspiring artists called Chigogbo (2014). It is indeed a very lovely piece. The Headless Man, according to Dotun is an expression that has many meanings. “It has a political echo. For example, when you give away your conscience for a piece of meal or small amount of money, it means that you ‹|Œ€{}~ {x>{ÂĽx~ {‹€|¤ŒĂ‡ The one made with carton materials was produced by Odun Orimolade. “It is a form of evolution. Orimolade actually used old portraits in that work to achieve a beautiful Continued on page 45

Happy Woman

The Girl-child holding a bowl

Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 24, 2014

SNA Lagos Chapter ‘October Rain 2014’ exhibition begins tomorrow Continued from page 44

work. Based on the materials, you can see that  Â‹Â€{­x ÂŽ{‚ƒ{|{}xz Â€ÂœÂŻx | ÂĽ{xz€{|z¤{‚ {}|z{Â&#x; { into exhibitions in any part of the world. She is a lecturer in Yaba College of Technology, Lagos,â€? Alabi explained. One wonders whether the work may spoil if water touches it, but Alabi said that the Â&#x;z‚ƒ‹‚zÂą{ ‚ƒ{ ¤xz€{  x{ ÂŻ x Â€} {  Â‹Â€{ ­x ÂŽ{ Š xÂœ{ spoiling when it is wet. Kidnappers’ den made with newspaper }~ ‚zÂąÂƒ{ ƒ‹x­Âƒ{  Â‹Â€{ €Œ‚°{ x}}~ €z}€{ ‚z{ x~ { society. The Aso-ebi is made with spray cans but }xŒ€ €¤{­Â‚ Â‹{ Â‹Â€{ƒ|œ€{Ž‚z¤{xŠ{Š|Â? ‚}ÂƒÂŚ{² ‹€{ ƒxÂ?‚{ ‚ƒ{ ƒ ¼°Â‚ƒ‹°¼{  Â‚€¤{ ‚z{ ¤Â‚>€ €z { ƒ ¼°Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ ­Â‹Â‚}‹{ ÂąÂ‚ÂŒÂ€Âƒ{ xz€{  Â‹Â€{ ‚¤Â€|{ xŠ{ Š ‚}|zzÂ€ÂƒÂƒÂŹ{ especially the Yoruba people. If you look at the head-tie, you would see some styles called ‘The Satellite, the Owambe’ and others.â€? But a closer look at the Aso-ebi shows that  Â‹Â€{‹€|¤Ă€ Â‚€ƒ{­Â€ €{Â?€|~ Â‚Š~°°¼{ Â‚€¤{‚z{¤Â‚>€ €z {

styles, though the fabric were of the same style (just wrapped around the can) which is contrary to what is obtainable in reality as women don’t like sewing or wearing the same style to an occasion but may they wear the same material. The society’s chairman said it was due to the shape of the cans, |¤¤Â‚zÂą{ Â‹| {‚ {­x~°¤{Â?€{¤Â‚?}~° {Šx { Â‹Â€{|  Â‚ƒ {  x{¤Â€ÂƒÂ‚Âąz{¤Â‚>€ €z {ƒ ¼°Â€{xz{ Â‹Â€{}|zÂƒÂŚ{ The Girl-child with a bowl talks about the right of a girl-child and maintains that the girl-child’s right should be protected and the girl-child should be allowed to express ‹€ ƒ€°ÂŠÂŚ{² ‹€z{ÂĽx~{°xxÂŽ{| { Â‹Â€{|Â?¤~} Â‚xz{xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ ‹‚Â?xÂŽ{¹‚ °ÂƒÂŹ{ÂĽx~{ÂŽzx­{ Â‹| {‚ {‚ƒ{|>€} Â‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ z| Â‚xzÂŹ{ |° Â‹x~¹‹{ ­Â€{ ‹|Œ€{ Âąx { z€­Âƒ{ that they will soon be rescued. It basically talks about the ability of the girl-child to be allowed to express herself,â€? Alabi explained. z€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ | |} Â€¤{ ¯‚€}€ƒ{ xz{ ¤Â‚ƒ¯°|ÂĽ{ ‚ƒ{ the Ceramic Pot which was used in the past for fetching and storing water and other


‘Aso-ebi’ (Uniforms)

things. But artists supposed to explore the aesthetic beauty of using ceramics to work so as to maximize its potentials. One may not be wrong to say that ceramic works are few ¤~€{ x{‚ Âƒ{Š |¹‚°Â€{z| ~ €Œ{² |ƒ {¼€| ÂŹ{­Â€{‹|¤{ |Â?x~ {  Â‹ €€{ }€ |œ‚}{ €z Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ Â?~ { xz°¼{ ‹|Œ€{ one this year. In fact, people now use more }xzŒ€z Â‚xz|°{}€ |œ‚}ƒ{Âœ| Â€ ‚|°Âƒ{ x{­x ÂŽ{ Â‹| { the ancient one.â€? He explained further that a lot of artists are doing more of painting works than x Â‹Â€ ƒ{Â?€}|~ƒ€{‚ {‚ƒ{|{°Â‚ °Â€{€|ƒ‚€ { x{~ƒ€{ÂŻ|‚z Âƒ{ xz{ }|zÂŒ|ƒ{  Â‹|z{ ƒ}~°¯ ~ ‚zÂą{ |z¤{ }| Œ‚z¹Œ{ ² z¼­|ÂĽÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ } xÂ?€ { |‚z{ ‚ƒ{ |z{ x¯€z{ exhibition and people are allowed to chose any medium they wanted to exhibit and it is ­Â‹| { Â‹Â€ÂĽ{ƒ~Â?œ‚ €¤{ Â‹| {­Â€{|}}€¯ €¤ŒĂ‡{ Other works include: Banana seller, Royalty, sculptural works and so on. Below, are some of the works that will be ¤Â‚ƒ¯°|¼€¤{| { } xÂ?€ { |‚z{€‹‚Â?‚ Â‚xz{­Â‹Â‚}‹{‚ƒ{ Ž‚}Ž‚zÂą{x>{ xÂœx x­ĂŽ

Ceramic work

Banana seller


Artwork made with carton material



Daily Newswatch


Film title: The Governor’s Gift Produced by: Pressing Forward Productions Starring: Jim Iyke, Tonto Dikeh, J.J Bunny, Reviewed by: Ada Dike

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Governor’s Gift


he major themes of Governor’s Gift’ centre on the consequences xŠ{­|¼­| ¤{°Â‚Š€ƒ ¼°Â€{|z¤{‚zÂ&#x;¤Â€°Â‚ ¼{ such as contracting deadly disease, promiscuity, prostitution, murder and suicide. But one important message that must not depart from our minds is that whatever we do, there are repercussions. Thus, our past has a way of paying us in the future. Also, when you are not mentally, physically and morally balance to face challenges as a growing child, you should think before you act. z{  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ Â&#x;°ÂœÂŹ{ ­Â‚°¤{ |z¤{ z|~¹‹ ¼{ ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|{ (Tonto Dikeh), accommodates Vivian (J.J Bunny), an abandoned virgin. But she must survive after realising that the Governor and his gift are dangerous and deadly. Vivian decides to punish those who lured her except Kenneth (Jim Iyke), whose star is lucky‌.but what happens to the others? The movie is a perfect blend of two countries, London and Nigeria. The scene opens in London with Vivian’s family. They are packing their belongings to leave for Nigeria. Vivian’s father is aggressive to his wife and he goes around dragging her to get |°°{ Â‹Â€Â‚ { Â‹Â‚zÂąÂƒ{ÂŻ|}Ž€¤{x { Â‹Â€ÂĽ{°xƒƒ{ Â‹Â€Â‚ {ž‚¹‹ Œ In the middle of the heat, Vivian is not willing to leave. Anyway, as life can be harsh sometimes, she is left to her fate. She cries herself to pieces until she goes to live with her aunty. { ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|´Âƒ{Âœx Â‹Â€ ÂŹ{Â?€‚zÂą{Ž‚z¤{|z¤{°xŒ‚z¹{ accommodates her for some time but ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|{ ­Â‚°°{ zx { °Â€ { ‹€ { Â?€Œ{ ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|{ ‚ƒ{ |{ known clubber, smoker, liar and prostitute ­Â‹xƒ€{| ‚ ~¤Â€{‚ƒ{°Â‚Ž€{|{°xƒ {¤x¹{{{ x|œ‚zÂą{ London with her male friends like James. He is a man of deals; he coordinates young girls from clubs to respected personalities in the society. Here, the two loose birds are dragged to the net by James. In the same vein, they go to club to see ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|´Âƒ{ Š ‚€z¤Âƒ{  Â€ÂŒÂ€ÂŹ{ ÂŽxÂ&#x;ÂŹ{ |œ€ƒ{ |z¤{ others. Vivian in her nature is very quiet and decent because it’s not her style but for ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|ÂŹ{  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ ‚ƒ{ ‹€ { ­x °¤{ ­Â‹Â€ €{ ƒ‹€{ ~°Â€ÂƒÂŚ{ She begins to dance; exposing her body to viewers and dancing with her legs up like a masquerade performing. But for Vivian, not feeling comfortable begs they leave immediately because her aunty will kill her. In another scene at home, Vivian is seen sad ­Â‚ Â‹{ Â‹Â€{­|ÂĽ{xŠ{°Â‚Š€{ƒ‹€{‚ƒ{Š|}‚z¹Œ{ ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|´Âƒ{ Âœx Â‹Â€ { ‚ƒ{ |Âą|‚zƒ { ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|´Âƒ{ Â?€‹|Œ‚x~ { Â?~ { she cannot stop her due to her rascality. She usually equates her to Vivian but unknowingly to her, Vivian is also becoming |{Œ‚} Â‚ÂœÂŚ{ €|z­Â‹Â‚°Â€ÂŹ{ ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|{‚ƒ{‚zŠx œ€¤{Â?ÂĽ{

|œ€ƒ{|Â?x~ { Â‹Â€{ xŒ€ zx ´Âƒ{Œ‚ƒ‚ Œ{ ‹‚€Š{ Âœx{ Dike from Africa, the Governor is having a ÂŻ|  ¼{ | {  Â‹Â€{ ‚¹‹{ xœœ‚ƒƒ‚xz{ °x¤¹Â€{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ his friends after sealing a deal. {{ z{ Â‹| {Š|‚ Â‹ÂŠ~°{¤|ÂĽÂŹ{ ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|{|z¤{ ‚Œ‚|z{ are introduced to His Excellency but Vivian must pay the price and she received the gift. The gift is assault, rape and Human ‚œœ~zx¤Â€Â&#x;}‚€z}ÂĽ{ Œ‚ ~ƒ{  ¥Œ{ ‚Œ‚|zÂŹ{ Â?€‚zÂą{ z|Ă?Œ€{ |z¤{ z€­{ ‚z{  Â‹Â€{ |} { ­|ƒ{ Â?‚ € { Â?€}|~ƒ€{ƒ‹€{‹|ƒ{°xƒ {‹€ {ÂŻ €}‚x~ƒ{žx­Â€ { x{|{ wicked and cruel man. She decides to leave her auntie’s house to meet a friend. She then tells her the situation and that when she reported the case to the police, they said they can’t do anything because the Governor was on a diplomatic mission. Sadly, the table has turned as everything has changed for war. Vivian being victimised decides to lash her anger on those involved in her misfortune. Few days later, she disguises herself by changing her name to (Angel) and invites these three friends, who are also working

together to sleep with her in a hotel one after the other. Although, Steve is married with a baby girl whose naming ceremony is by  Â‹Â€{­|ÂĽÂŹ{ ­xÂ&#x;{‚ƒ{€zÂą|¹€¤{ x{‹‚ƒ{ÂŻ € ÂĽ{°|¤¼{ James is a freelancer and a friend to Kenneth ­Â‹x{‚ƒ{‚z{°xŒ€{­Â‚ Â‹{ ‚Œ‚|z{Š xÂœ{ Â‹Â€{Â&#x; ƒ {¤|ÂĽ{

he saw her. Kenneth is a young contractor but also a womaniser in London. Meeting Vivian he thought was a blessing but he later laments the day he discovered James and others have slept with her. This anyway occurred when

he proposed for her hand in marriage with his friends present. She couldn’t withstand the shame but she left crying. Vivian is now sick, taken to the hospital only to realise she is HIV positive. Kenneth, after searching for her got to the hospital weeping. Then he goes home to break the unpleasant news. Suicide was the order of the day for Steve, after going home to meet his wife and his child on the day of their dedication. James is also killed by his ¹‚ °ÂŠ ‚€z¤{Â?~ {Šx { €zz€ Â‹ÂŹ{­Â€{Âœ~ƒ {Â&#x;z¤{x~ Ă?{{ The movie is a blend of Romance and tragedy with a pointer which indicates true love in its purest sense. In addition, it’s an educative story line with great suspense, which narrates the misfortunes that befall womanisers, multiple sex partners and their likes. The characters are meaningful and their roles were entertaining especially ÂĽz Â‹Â‚|ÂŚ{ ‚Œ‚|zÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ °Â€|¤{ }‹| |} Â€ { ‚ƒ{ |{ ¯€ Š€} {|} Â€ÂƒÂƒ{­Â‹xƒ€{°Â‚Š€{ÂŻ| € z{‚ƒ{|{°Â€ÂƒÂƒxz{ to girls that prostitute to make money. The movie is scored 45 because a lot of things were not put in place. It was marred by poor pictures and poor productions. The producer ‹‚ €¤{z€­{|} x ƒ{|z¤{‚ {­|ƒ{¤Â‚?}~° {Šx {~ƒ{ x{ write their real names because we could not get it at the end of Part Two. If a trophy should be given to the most controversial female character in Nollywood, then her name must top chat through this movie ‘Governor’s Gift’. It teaches moral but lacks sequential combination for the scenes which were supposed to be Nigeria and London. Kenneth also did very well in his actions and | ‚ ~¤Â€{ x­| ¤Âƒ{‹‚ƒ{Â?€°xŒ€¤{¹‚ °ÂŠ ‚€z¤{€Œ€z{ when she was infected by HIV.

POEM A Friendly Foe Folly From afar I can discern the protestation Clang of the Congo gong The Guinea gong echoing foul play I picture the Sierra Leon’s loom spread out To weave in state of confusion I can feel the pulse in Liberia’s labyrinth of melancholy I see the forefathers trespassing Terrains of the terrestrials and aquatics With daring spares poised, hooks hanged Killing for food not for fun They barely have pacts with Roving creatures in the air, perching on trees Their food for thought and feed bordered In pursuit, their feet swam in the Congo waters Crossing and criss-crossing, emerging with their Hunter’s price They storm their humble abode bearing prices to the grandfathers Salted with Sierra Leone’s purest salt, grilled with blazing coals Drilled in the warmth of the Guinea rays to dry Chewed and gnawed from sweet Liberian soup Revitalizing and neutralizing the grandfathers The forefathers didn’t dispense cowries and time To rear monkeys and bats as pets Experiment and fame gorillas and elephants for circus shows Kissing and pecking their bodies for performances well done They didn’t sleep cuddling animals at night Even before the birth of the forefathers The Congo waters served and sourced To cleanse body and quench thirst Chilled Congo water drank from the horns of animals Clothed with their warm well dried skins In the jam of Afro beats, reggae, pop and jazz The father has no time to hunt and kill He buys the bush meat from the seasoned bush meat dealers Cooked all over with boiling water and salt Washed with treated water and dipped in steaming soup ! They have less time to hunt and tame even the fowl Their sons are scientists, but they have denied them a laboratory They’re suppressed, cannot practice and carry out experiments

The fathers fear probably they’ll bring down Their roofs with deadly substances And dump the poisoning waste And cabbage chemicals in the residents bin Succeeding pollution damages in the environs The fathers and sons do not chase wilds in the deadly geographic They have no son’s lab to tend and study their animal traits They can barley promote and spare the paper currency For research facilities from the rising horizon of the new age The world at large is a wide expanse of earth, moon and space We can never know what goes around the sun What breakfast, lunch and dinner is cooked " ! The devil has been canvassed in black paint Therefore, anything coated in black is an associate of the devil Often times, research shows the origins of unheard diseases To evolve from the nests of the black birds and black mammals A preposterous decayed mentality The diseases are lamely materialized and its source invisible But there are visible disasters #

$ % & ' ! ' I may not know where those plagues sets from One thing I do know is what is ongoing in My precious continent, Africa Africa my tamed motherland Tamed with treacherous fertilizers Enhancing staggering maturity % Purging but never purged out to keep face Dancing to the sarcastic tune of the jailbird We had a bodacious personal in town He was an unwanted family guest Crispin emissary of rift, his arrival a sonic boom He was an unknown until he became A vest pest pet ( There was no foul fragrance May he was paid a huge price to carry the spray ) We’re in a loved world, where the brother unlocks To be continued

Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 24, 2014


Bring back The Niteshift! (2) TONY OKOROJI


f any Nigerian deserves a national honour, the Esan born workhorse and creative genius, Ken Calebs Olumese does. To the best of my knowledge, Olumese never held a government job nor did he ever do a government contract. He has however done more to create friendships across Nigeria, give impetus to many an aspiration and promote  Â‹Â€{ }~° ~ €{ xŠ{ ‚z Â€°°Â€} { Â&#x;z€ƒƒ€{ |z¤{ }°|ƒƒ{  Â‹|z{ anyone paid from the commonwealth of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The NiteShift phenomenon created by Ken Calebs Olumese deserves a whole book. Trying to capture the rise, fall and rise again of that phenomenon and the vision and sheer will power that drove it, in one column like this, is a tall order. I make bold to write that Nigeria may have Â?€€z{ ¤Â‚>€ €z { ‚z{ |{ z~ÂœÂ?€ { xŠ{ ­|ÂĽÂƒ{ ­Â‚ Â‹x~ { ‚ Â€ ‹‚Š Œ{ x {‚zƒ |z}€{ Â‹Â€ €{‚ƒ{°Â‚ °Â€{| Âą~œ€z { that the celebrated and distinct Nigerian movie ‚z¤~ƒ ¼{ zx­{ ÂŽzx­z{ |ƒ{ x°°¼­xx¤{  xxÂŽ{ x>{ with Living in Bondage, Kenneth Nnebue’s 1992 blockbuster Igbo language home video featuring the likes of Kenneth Okonkwo, Francis Agu, Okechukwu Ogunjiofor, Kanayo O. Kanayor, Nnenna Nwabueze, Ngozi Nwosu, etc. The amazingly well told ritual °xŒ€{ƒ x ÂĽ{xŠ{ z¤¼{|z¤{ € ‚ {­|ƒ{ Â‹Â€{Â&#x; ƒ { Â‚œ€{ that a Nigerian audio–visual production had been successfully mass marketed in the VHS format. Undoubtedly, Living in Bondage was  Â‹Â€{‹‚ { Â‹| {x¯€z€¤{ Â‹Â€{žxx¤¹| Â€ÂŚ However, it is indeed possible that the Nigerian movie industry may not have gained universal traction without the camaraderie that }|œ€{x~ {xŠ{ªŠ{ ¯€Â?‚{ x|¤{ Ž€º|ÂŹ{ Â‹Â€{ž| { ‚¹‹ { above where Tastee Fried Chicken today dishes out Charcolite Chicken and ‘Chicken Salad’ to all and sundry. That was where in 1988 NiteShift was born and where the likes of Zeb Ejiro, Fred Amata, Zik Zulu Okafor, Segun Arinze, Clarion Chukwurah, Gloria Anozie (before Mr. Young made her his own), Biola Ogunduyile or Abiola Segun Williams as she is now known, Richard Mofe Damijo, Liz Benson, Keppy EkpeyongBassey, Kate Henshaw, Stella Damasus and many others regularly fraternized under the banner of Glamour Boys of Nigeria (GBN). GBN was one of those unique creations of Ken Calebs °~ÂœÂ€ÂƒÂ€ÂŚ{ ‚ Â‹{ ‹‚ƒ{ ¹‚Š { xŠ{ ÂƒÂŻx ‚zÂą{ ¤Â‚ƒ Â‚z} Â‚Œ€{ talents destined for the top before their bloom, Olumese provided this upwardly mobile crowd a platform for networking and ultimate success. Under the swinging and swaying lights of NiteShift, a lot of Nigerian movie ideas were shaped and executed and the rest, like they say, is history. Another industry that may have been ÂƒÂ‚Âąz‚Â&#x;}|z °¼{  x~}‹€¤{ Â?ÂĽ{ °~œ€ƒ€´Âƒ{ °|Âœx~ { Boys of Nigeria is the media industry. In the tick of GBN were three young reporters: Femi Akintunde Johnson (FAJ), Kunle Bakare (KB) and Mayor Akinpelu. I sat through some of the conversations that spurred the trio to go ahead and bring to life the famous FAME Weekly. With their eventual separation, Kunle Bakare with FAJ created Encomium Weekly today run by KB and his wife, Desola and Mayor Akinpelu founded Global Excellence. FAJ sits on top the Mega Awards with his wife, Iretunde. Dele Momodu, another Glamour Boy who once edited May Ellen Ezekiel’s Classique magazine, stormed the world with Ovation International. Ehi Braimah who became almost an Olumese twin brother at NiteShift is today a communications guru and very successful hotelier. Ehi was however deputy to Moji Danisa, the famous Queen of Junk who terrorized the high and mighty with Climax magazine founded by Sunny Ojeagbase and ‘mathematical’ Segun Odegbami. Charles Okogene who edits Saturday Independent was part of the inner sanctum of Olumese’s ‘resource team’ and so was Azuh Arinze who now publishes Yes International magazine.

Arinze’s brother, Azuh Amatus, a niteshifter ‹‚œƒ€°ÂŠÂŹ{ €¤Â‚ Âƒ{  Â‹Â€{ ‹‚¹‹{ ž¼‚zÂą{ z Â€  |‚zœ€z { Express founded by Mike Awoyinfa and Dimgba Igwe. There is no question in my mind that the soft sell brand of journalism in Nigeria Âąx {‚ Âƒ{Â&#x;°°Â‚ÂŻ{| { ‚ Â€ ‹‚Š Œ{ The doyens of Nigerian journalism such as Sam Amuka-Pemu who owns Vanguard Newspapers; Clarkson De Majomi who owned the defunct Mail Newspaper and was reputed to be one of Nigeria’s most elegant and sought after men of a generation; Ray Ekpu, co-founder of Newswatch and Stanley Macebuh, Managing Director of the Guardian found the NiteShift Gold Card Sector (later, Platinum Sector) to be a great place to unwind, sip vintage cognac, make friends and have exhilarating conversations. So did the very cerebral Bolaji Akinyemi, Sunny Kuku, Festus Odimegwu, Kalu Idika Kalu, Bode Olajumoke, etc, etc. At Niteshift, they talked politics across tribal lines; they talked business across tribal lines and made things happen in Nigeria. NiteShift was also a magnet for Nigeria’s beautiful women of power: from the likes of Opral Benson to Florence Ita Giwa to |z}|{ Š€¹Â?~|{ |z¤{ ­Â‹x€Œ€ { ­|ƒ{ ĂŠ~|°Â‚Â&#x;€¤{  x{ Â?€{ |ÂœxzÂą{  Â‹Â€{ z| Â‚xz´Âƒ{ Âœxƒ { ‹‚¹‹{ ž¼‚zÂą{ fashionistas. They loved the special royal treatment Olumese gave them and the razz

and pizzas that NiteShift exuded. What of the designers who clothed them? Where else do you think you would have found David Kolawole Vaughan, my man, Dakova; Maureen Amenechi of Maufechi; Vivid Imagination or city clothier, Bevista? They all laid siege at the NiteShift. It is true that like many others, I religiously read Rueben Abati in the Guardian. It is also true that without NiteShift the real brilliance of Abati, the man who today speaks on behalf of President Goodluck Jonathan, would not have become apparent. At NiteShift, Dr. Abati was a constant member of Olumese’s resource team and the articulate reviewer with the uncanny retentive memory of many a Grand House Reception proceeding. Abati simply held many spellbound. The Grand House Reception was  Â‹Â€{ ‚ Â€ ‹‚Š { ž|ÂąÂƒÂ‹Â‚ÂŻ{ €Œ€z { |z{ ‚z Â€°°Â€} ~|°{ feast, where a key policy maker or newsmaker is brought to the hot seat on the revolving stage |z¤{ Â&#x; €¤{ ĂŠ~€ƒ Â‚xzƒ{ Š xÂœ{ €Œ€ ÂĽ{ ¤Â‚ €} Â‚xz{ xz{ important national or international issues with  Â‹Â€{z| Â‚xz´Âƒ{‹x €ƒ {Âşx~ z|°Â‚ƒ Âƒ{‚z{ Â‹Â€{œ‚Œ In the long list of persons who have had to face a barrage of questions at the Niteshift Grand House Reception will be found the late MKO Abiola, Atiku Abubakar, Babatunde Fashola, Orji Uzor Kalu, Ayo Fayose, Jolly Nyame , Emmanuel Uduaghan, Anyim Pius

At Niteshift, every step was choreographed, rehearsed and rehearsed again and no detail was spared. Victor #

* turned lawyer made sure that security was always top notch. No poorly dressed person was allowed into NiteShift regardless of how many bags of money he was bringing with him


Anyim, Chris Okotie, Ikedi Ohakim, T.A. Orji, |ƒ‚ {€°{ ~Š|‚{€ }ÂŚ{ ‹€{€>€ Œ€ƒ}€z { ‹|z|‚|z{ Head of State, JJ Rawlings was not spared live Â&#x; €{Š xÂœ{|°°{|z¤{ƒ~z¤ ÂĽ{|ƒ{‹€{­Â€z {xz{ Â‹Â€{‹x { seat at the NiteShift Grand House Reception. At Niteshift, every step was choreographed, rehearsed and rehearsed again and no detail was spared. Victor Eiremokhae, the smiling ÂŻx°Â‚}€{ x?}€ {  ~ z€¤{ °|­¼Â€ { Âœ|¤Â€{ ƒ~ €{  Â‹| { security was always top notch. No poorly dressed person was allowed into NiteShift regardless of how many bags of money he was bringing with him. Every sector had its special wine glass. A hostess could be sacked for ƒ‚ ‚zÂą{|{Âą~€ƒ {‚z{ Â‹Â€{­ xzÂą{ƒ€} x {xŠ{ Â‹Â€{}°~Â?{ or serving the guest with the wrong glass. At a Grand House Reception, the dressing of the crew was ‘Oriental ornamental’. NiteShift was a well-tuned orchestra. The eagle eyed Guv’nor was everywhere. Ken Calebs Olumese, the man who composed the NiteShift symphony conducted the Orchestra. Night after night, he stood through it all, saw it all and with the wave of the hand, had the diverse instruments all in harmony. Ps: Please contribute your own experience to this piece on a historic Nigerian institution. When I started this two weeks ago, it was meant to be in two-parts. By popular demand, it will now have a Part three. Please join me for the concluding part which will deal with how we bring back the NiteShift. See you next week.

Online community set to release unique short story collection


he award-winning Nigerian online community, The Naked Convos  ¥{ ‹|ƒ{ ÂŻ~Â?°Â‚ƒ‹€¤{ ‚ Âƒ{ Â&#x; ƒ { collection of short stories. Titled ‘These Words Expose Us: An Anthology’ is a collection of stories that focus on the impact that words, especially the things we say (or don’t say) can have on our lives and relationships – exposing intimate

These Words Expose Us

thoughts and complex feelings. It features stories by award-winning writers like Uche Okonkwo, Osemhen Akhibi, Wole |°|Â?‚{ |œ€°|{ ||Ž‚{ € €‹{ |z¤{ Â?x°|‹|z{ Adeola. The unique, sensual cover which plays on the theme of words and exposure was created by Tokunbo Aworinde, an art contributor on the site. }}x ¤Â‚zÂą{ x{ x°Â€{ |°|Â?‚{|~ Â‹x {|z¤{Â&#x;} Â‚xz{

Editor at TNC, “This unique and complex collection of stories has been released for purchase today, it highlights the power of words to make us feel intensely.â€? The stories are of varying lengths and styles, creating suspense and an enjoyable element of surprise to the reader. In Orange Tree, words reveal to a young woman the truth about her father, this challenged all the feelings she has held on to about him for so long. The shortest story in the collection There, I said it, is a ž|ƒ‹{Â&#x;} Â‚xz{€°|Â?x | Â‚xz{xŠ{|{Âœ|z´Âƒ{¤Â€}‚ƒ‚xz{ x{ cheat on his wife. In Apparitions, Nigerian grief is dissected |z¤{ €¯°x €¤{ ­Â‚ Â‹{  Â‹Â€{ Â&#x;z|°{ ­x ¤Âƒ{ xŠ{ |{ grieving widow, exposing the hope in her heart. Naming describes events in the life of an emotionally detached woman when the man ƒ‹€{‚ƒ{‹|Œ‚zÂą{|z{|>|‚ {­Â‚ Â‹{|ƒŽƒ{‹€ { x{z|œ€{ his unborn child. The Girl by the Window, is a disturbing story about a mother’s relationship with her troubled daughter. In A Certain Sort of Warm Magic follows the lives of two lovers from the time they meet until one of them experiences a profound revelation. It has been described by reviewers as a truly heartwarming unconventional Nigerian love story. Other compelling stories in the collection includes The Thing with Mr. Lawal, Business, z x¤~}‚zÂą{ ‚ƒ |zÂŹ{ ‹€{ >|‚ ÂŹ{ °x´Âƒ{ €} € { z{{ Afternoon at the Palms and many more, all ­ ‚ €z{‚z{~z‚Ê~€{|z¤{€zÂą|¹‚zÂą{{ƒ ¼°Â€ÂƒÂŚ


Daily Newswatch


Friday, October 24, 2014

Writer, artistes, others join CATE and Waka-about to clean beach

Some of the participants

} °¤ z{|z¤{ { z xz z ¦{ z} ¤ z |°°¥¬{ { ¤ |{ }| { x{ { xz{ } x { ©«¬{ ª¨¨«¦{ t was an exciting experience for »|} °¥{ »{¥ | {°| ¬{ | { { x¤|¥¬{ } x { hundreds of beach Samaritans that ©«¬{ª¨©µ¬{­ {}| { x{}° |z{ ° |{ |} ¦ | z¤ ¤{ |{ }° |z~¯{ » } { | { ®~z{ ² { | {}° |z ¤{ |z¥{ {x { |±x { ° |{ |} { z{ { ®® {| |{x { |±x ¬{ xz{ | ~ ¤|¥¬{ } x {©«¬{ª¨©µ¦ |±± ¤Î{² |± {|{ °° xz{|±| z { | { À{ | { x~ { x } ¬{ x { { |{ °ÐÇ{ nformation reaching Daily { ­| { ¯~ { x± { ¥{ °¤ z{ z¤{ { Newswatch stated that the z xz z { ¡¬{ x x { ± |z{ { ± xz { x { }|{ ±| { |z{ zxzÀ±x z z |°{ x |±z | xz{ ¡¬{ ¯ { |}}x~z { x { { ­ } { x}~ { xz{ } | z±{ z xz z |°{ ¯ } { ~ }{ z¤~ ¥{ | { { |° { |­| z { |z¤{ ¯ x x z±{ }xÀ ª¨©µ{ x z ´{ { x { { °°{ }|{ x~ { | xz± { ¥x~z±{ ¯ x¯° ¬{ z{ ~ }{ ­| ¤ { ¡¬{­| {~z ° ¤{ ¯| z ¯{ ­ { |®|À| x~ { ¤ |¬{ xz{ ~ ¤|¥¬{ ¯ {ª¼¬{ª¨©µ{¤~ z±{ ¯~ ° { |z¤{ ¯ x x { x { }~° ~ { |z¤{ |{­x °¤{¯ {}xz z} { °¤{ z{ |±x ¬{ x~ { z{ ± |¦{ ± |¦ z{ { ¤ z { z{ { |} {}x ~z ¥{ ° x~± { ¯x¯~°| { z| { z{ { | ¤{ | { { » } {­| { { ±± {|z¤{ }xz z z |°{ ~ }{ z¤~ ¥{ x­ ¤{~¯{ x { zzx | { z { ¥{ | {­ z ¤{ xz{ { ± °¥À|z } ¯| ¤{ x z ´{ so far this year as the participants who were { x { { |­| ¤ { ¯ xº } { | { { ¤ ¤ ¤{ z x{ { ± x~¯ { ~ ¤{ }° |z z±{ ­| ¤ z±{ »} °° z} { ¥{ ~¤¤ z±{|z¤{ xx° { ~} { | { |® ¬{ xx ¬{ } °°x¯ |z { | ° ¤{ ~ }{ ¯ x xz|° { | { |± {|z¤{ x{xz¬{ x{}° |z{ { ~ x~z¤ z± { ­ °°{ | { ºx~ z|° ¬{ { zx z| xz { x { { |} ¦ of a generous number of emerging xz±{ { |} { | | |z { z}°~¤ ¤{ African artistes in many award xz {x { ± |´ {} ° | ¤{¥x~z±{|~ x ¬{ categories threw more excitement Ê~x{ |z| | { ® Ì{ z |°{ |z|± { z x{ {~z ° z±{ z {­ z ¤{ ¥{ x { |¤ x{ z { ©¨¼¦{ ¶ ¬{ ~z® À | ~ { °x}|°{ |z¤{ z z| xz|°{ ¯ { | { ­ °°{ ~ x¤x°|{ |z¤{ |z¥{ | { z}°~¤ z±{ | { } }|°{ |® x°¤ { z{ { ~ }{ ¤|z} {} ­¬{ | { ¥ | ¤{ ¬{° ¤{ ¥{ | { z¤~ ¥¦ |° ~{ | { z | z ¤{ ¥xz ¦ xz±{ { ­ °°À®zx­z{ }|z{ Daily Newswatch{ ° | z { | { { ² ´ { ~ }{ z| { xz{ { zx z { ° { ° |z~¯{ |z¤{ z~¯{ ®~z{ ° |{ |} Ç{ | Î{ | ® ·x°x{ x~ { }|¡{ »{ {¯| {x {|{ x ¯x | { x} |°{ ¯xz ° ¥{ zx z| xz ¬{ | ¤x{ ± |¡{ »{ ¡{ z | {x { x {¯| z z±{x~ ¦{ zx z| xz ¬{ | xz¤{ °| z~ ·{ ¯ |® z±{ ­ { { x { { ¤ |{ |z·|z |¡{ ­x{zx z| xz ¬{ { | { | { { |} ¬{ { x~z¤ { x { °¤ z{ ±¥¯ ¡{ ­x{zx z| xz ¬{ | | |{ x~ { z¤{ { z xz z { ¡¬{ { }|¡{ { zx z| xz ¬{ |®x ¤ { x°|{ °| ~ ~¬{ | ¤{ { » } { | { x{ |z|¡{ xz { zx z| xz¬{ ­|{ | |± { ¤~}| { ¯| } ¯|z { xz{ { z ¤{ x{ °¯{ ± |¡{ ­x{ zx z| xz { |z¤{ ~ ~{ }x ~z { ® ¯{ { |} { }° |z{ |z¤{ x~ { }|¡{ {zx z| xz ¦{ |¤ z±{ |~ ~°¬{|z¤{ x{±~| ¤{|±| z { {z ±| { { ~¤¤ z±{ ~ }{ |} { xz{ { > } { | z±{ x { }° | { } |z± ¬{ | { x z ´{ { Î{ x°° |} { ­ °°{| { z ~ { | { { z xz z {| { ± |¡{ x~ { zx z| xz ¬{ x { | { ~ | z| ° {|z¤{}xz z~ { x{ {| {¯°|} { ¥||°|{ |z|¡{ x~ { zx z| xz Ì{ x {¯ x¯° {|z¤{­ °¤° {}|z{~ { | °¥¦ | x |z® z±{ ± |¡{ ­x{zx z| xz { ² x { {¯| {©¶{¥ | ¬{ { | { z{|} °¥{ |z¤{ x~ |{ z { ¥ |° { |~ |z |¡{ z x° ¤{ z{ ¯ xº } { | { | { x{ ¤x{ ­ { ­x{zx z| xz ¬{| xz±{x ¦



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Popular names make AFRIMA 2014 Nominees’ List


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“Imunisin” by Bade Ojuade for launch on Sunday


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63 49

Daily Newswatch

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY October 24, 2014

BBA winner, Dillish Matthews bares her boobs OP

Yemi SoladeOP joins politics?



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 24, 2014

Big Brother hotshots: Africa sends three more ladies home! Tope Olukole


hree more of the Big Brother Hotshots ladies were evicted during Sunday’s live show as Africa gave Lilian (Nigeria), Esther (Uganda) and Sabina (Kenya) their

marching orders. Their departures, in conjunction with the evictions of Resa and Mira last week, mean that Â&#x;Œ€{°|¤Â‚€ƒ{‹|Œ€{zx­{Â?€€z{€Œ‚} Â€¤{ from the Hotshots house – and not a single one of the men! The trio was sent home after gathering the fewest votes from Africa over the course of the week, of the nine nominated housemates. JJ

€}€‚Œ€¤{ Â&#x;Œ€{ }x~z ¼{ ÂŒx Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ Tayo received three and Permithias two. Four housemates received one country vote each and two housemates received no country votes. The tie-breaker rule again came ‚z x{€>€} { Â‹Â‚ƒ{­Â€Â€ÂŽÂŹ{ x{ÂƒÂ€ÂŻ| | Â€{ Â‹Â€{ four housemates who received one country vote each. Heading into the house for the

Â&#x; ƒ { Â‚ÂœÂ€ÂŹ{ { Â€|ƒ€¤{ € œ‚ Â‹Â‚|ƒ{|z¤{ Idris about their liaisons with the ladies before asking Head of House Samantha to stand and reveal her ‘add’ decision. She revealed that she had based her decision on the strongest member of the winning Extravaganza group, with Ellah as her choice. After giving several housemates heart-in-mouth moments, IK revealed that Lilian and Esther would be heading home. The two emerged on stage in ‹‚¹‹{ÂƒÂŻÂ‚ ‚ ÂƒÂŹ{­Â‚ Â‹{ ‚°Â‚|z{Â&#x;z¤Â‚zÂą{ Â‹Â€{ Izuchukwu who only watches composure to freestyle while IK his brother when Gulder Ultimate provided the beat, and Esther saySearch is broadcast on TV but has ing she’d felt close to Tayo because no access to him for now, said he can he shared her straighforward naeasily adapt to jungle life. He said: ture. IK also revealed the StarMeter ² Œ€ ÂĽÂ?x¤¼´Âƒ{ Š| Â€{ ¤Â‚>€ ÂƒÂŚ{ z{ °Â‚Š€{ some people excel and some other results for the week – a measure of people don’t. I will try to adapt to the popularity of the housemates,

Contestant’s brother defies counsel: Vows to enter for GUS


zuchukwu Ubachukwu, younger brother of Chinedu Ubachukwu, one of the contestants in this year’s edition of Gulder Ultimate Search, has reacted to his brother’s advice not to participate in the reality TV show. In one of the episodes of the programme currently being broadcast on selected TV stations, Chinedu who is still on the show, discouraged friends and family members from registering to participate, describing the experience as tough. The contestant said: “To be sincere, if I should leave here, I won’t advice a loved one to come here. But the loved one may think I don’t

want him to progress in life. Because he or she may think that I’ve come and I’ve made it and I don’t want him or her to make it. But here in the jungle, it is really tough.� Izuchukwu has however decided to forge on with his quest to register to participate in the next edition of Gulder Ultimate Search, despite his brother’s warning. The 21 year old 100 level student of the Enugu State University of Science and Technology said he does not see Gulder Ultimate Search as tough. He stated that his brother probably made that statement because he could not adapt to jungle life in his early days in the jungle.

jungle life.â€? When he was reminded that there was no make-believe in Gulder Ultimate Search as the contestants truly sleep in the jungle, surrounded by dangerous elements; that they truly ƒ~>€ {Š xÂœ{ÂœxÂƒĂŠ~‚ x{|z¤{x Â‹Â€ {{‚zsect bites and that they go hungry for days because they are not regularly given food, he replied: “I know that they sleep in the jungle. Look, mosquitoes are everywhere in Nigeria. As for the food, I can tell you I am not a person that craves for food, so I will survive.â€? Izuchukwu said he has told his mother about his dream to register for Gulder Ultimate Search next year. Her reply to him was to take a cue from Chinedu, his brother’s message. He stated: “She laughed at me and told me whether I did not listen to what my brother said in newspapers and on TV.â€? Izuchukwu however resolved: “It is not going to stop me from trying.â€? When asked if he would perform ƒxœ€{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{  |ƒŽƒ{ Â?€ € {  Â‹|z{ ‹‚ƒ{{ brother in the event that he is chosen to go into the jungle, he said: “I’m sure next year’s tasks will Â?€{ ¤Â‚>€ €z { Š xÂœ{  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ ¼€| ´Âƒ{  |ÂƒÂŽÂƒÂŚ{{ Let’s wait and see.â€?

NEILS holds Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Insurance Convention Scheme


head of the roll out of the Nigerian Entertainment Health Insurance Scheme (NEIHIS), a powerful delegation have been embarking on a nationwide tour to further sensitize and educate the practitioners of the entertainment and media industry on the workings of the scheme and also importantly the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Trust Fund (NEIHTF). Also, to lay a


Best Actor In A Leading Role (English) Tope Teleda In A Mile From Home Best Actor In A Leading( Yoruba) Yinka Quadri In Aremo Ite Best Actor In A Leading Role (Hausa) Sadiq Sani In Hadarin Gabaz Best Actor In A Leading Role(Igbo) Okey Bakassi In Onye Oz1 Best Actress In A Leading Role(English) Œ‚€{ ÂŽ~Âş|¼€{ z{ °|}ÂŽ{ ‚°Â‹x~€ €{ Best Actress In A Leading Role(Yoruba ) Seyi Asekun In Fifehanmi Best Actress In A Leading (Igbo) Queen Nwokoye In Adamobi Best Actress In A Leading Role (Hausa) Asmau Abubakar Hadarin Gabaz Best Supporting Actor (English) Femi Jacobs In Dream Walker Best Supporting Actress (English) Rita Dominic In The Meeting Best Supporting Actor (Yoruba) Dele Odule In Kori Koto Best Supporting Actress (Yoruba)

Ayo Adesanya In Sanbe Most Promising Actor Abdulateef Adedimeji In Kudi Klepto Most Promising Actress º€xÂœ|{ Âą~{ z{ ‚ƒÂ&#x; Best Child Actor °|œ‚¤Â€{ |Œ‚¤Âƒ{ z{ °|}ÂŽ{ ‚°Â‹x~ €{ Best Actress Kanyisola Eniola In Oritoke And Priscillia Ojo In Silence Movie Of The Year Silence Comedy Of The Year 30 Days In Atlanta Movie With The Best Social Message ~ { ‚>€ €z}€{ =>?@K ?QUK @XQK Z@[?\]K +@[QX A Mile From Home Best Kiss In A Movie ‚}‹€°{ |º‚¤{ z¤{ €Œ€ °¼{ |ÂĽ|{ z{ x ¹€ ‚zÂą{ ~z€ Best Use Of Make Up In A Movie Cobra Movie With The Best Cinematography Apaye Movie With The Best Screenplay Render To Ceaser Best Short Film Brave Best Documentary |¤{ ~¤¹Â€ ‚zÂą{ x { €Œ€°xÂŻÂœÂ€z { Best Tv Series Lekki Wives Best Edit In A Movie

based on social media buzz. Tayo topped the viewer poll this week – the question being about which housemate has ‘the X –Factor’ meaning that he will receive a gift this week. The question for the coming week is “Which Big Brother Hotshot is the sexiest?â€?. Just as the housemates were relaxing, IK took viewers back into the house and told them that there’d be another eviction, revealing that Sabina was the third housemate to be evicted on the night. Out on stage, the composed Kenyan said she’d connected with Permithias because of his music and his background. She told IK she was still living in hope that there was as second house for evicted Hotshots, but he }xzÂ&#x; œ€¤{  Â‹| {  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ €Œ‚} Â‚xz{ ­|ƒ{ the end of the road for her.

A Mile From Home Best Use Of Food In A Movie Being Mrs Elliot Movie With The Best Sound Render To Ceaser Movie With The Best Production Design Osunfunke Director Of The Year Desmond Elliot Revelation Of The Year (Male) Daniel K. Daniel Revelation Of The Year (Female) Linda Ejiofor

rock solid foundation for the planned uniform health insurance cover for the entire entertainment industry. Initiated by the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Lecture Series (NEILS) and backed by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), the main objective of this initiative is to Institute a private health insurance scheme with customized plans known as; the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health zƒ~ |z}€{ }‹€œ€{  ¥{ ÂƒÂŻÂ€}‚Â&#x;cally for the entertainment industry to enroll to. This will be administered by 3 partner Health Management Organisations (HMOs) under the close supervision of NHIS. Also, to establish the Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Trust Fund (NEIHTF) with  Â‹Â€{ƒx°Â€{|‚œ{xŠ{ÂŻ xŒ‚¤Â‚zÂą{|z{€>€} Â‚Œ€{ health care delivery systems to practitioners within the industry through several projects and initiatives that will help curb the surge in avoidable deaths amongst celebrity entertainers owing to poor health management. This will also put to an end the traumatic experience entertainers go through to raise funds when down with terminal ailment and other related sicknesses. The Nigerian Entertainment Industry Health Trust Fund will serve to compliment the insurance cover. The Kaduna convention is billed to hold on Sunday October 26, 2014 at the conference hall of Kenfeli Palm Beach Hotel, Barnawa, Kaduna. The Port-Harcourt event is scheduled for Wednesday October 29th, 2014 at The Arena, 30 Tombia Street (Beside Le Meridian), GRA. The Warri convention will also hold on Thursday October 30th, 2014 at the Shell Ramp, By Enerhen Junction, Warri/Sapele Road, Warri.. The last leg of the tour is the Benin-City convention and is scheduled for Friday October 31st, 2014 at Oba Akenzua Cultural Center, 1 Airport Road.


Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 24, 2014

Nigerian model, Destiny Owusu shares new lingerie photos

BBA winner, Dillish Matthews bares her boobs


estiny Owusu, Nigeria’s New York-based model has shared some of her new photos where she strikes an assortment of poses in lingerie. Destiny Owusu has made a reputation with her daring nature and the Virginia born New York based African model in her early twenties ‚ƒ{ ÂŽzx­z{ Šx { ‹€ { Â&#x;€ }€{ |z¤{ Ă?} |¡¼´{ shoots.


illish Mathews, winner of the 2013 edition of the Big Brother Africa reality TV show has appeared in a traditional Namibian wear when she recently visited women of the Namibian Himba tribe. She went ahead to share photos from her visit to a tribe largely considered the last aemi-nomadic indigenes of Namibia. In a bid to fully understand their culture, Dillish found herself trying on some of the local wears, some of which left her boobs entirely bared.

TY Bello drops new album, ‘The Morning Song Book’


Y Bello, Nigerian singer and celebrity photographer has come out of a long spell from the music scene to release a new al-

ber of the Kush musical group took to her website where she stated that the songs came to her during her morning devotion and she had decided to share them as freely as God had laid them out to her. “In 2009 I hit this beautiful season where I would write music to God as my morning devotion. It was a unique time of discovery and I felt it was a beautiful way to give of myself...Open and sincere...It ­|ƒz´ {°xzÂą{ Â‹| { { €|°Â‚¡Â€¤{ that I was recieving way more than I was giving... Well, it’s taken a number of years to make... Here it Â?~Âœ{  Â‚ °Â€¤{ Ă? ‹€{ x z‚zÂą{ is. My gift to God... His to Song Book’ and to make me. And yours for free for things more interesting, as long as I can keep it so, the singer has put all the let me know how it did. songs on her new album On a perfect day. Please feel free to share,â€? she out for free download. TY Bello, a former mem- wrote.

Lois Bewarang debuts ‘Mama’s Prayer’


udding singer, Lois Bewarang has made her musical debut ­Â‚ Â‹{ ‹€ { ƒxzÂą{  Â‚ °Â€¤{ Ă? |Âœ|´Âƒ{ Prayer.’ Against all odds, Lois brings forth |z{ x>€ ‚zÂą{  x |°°¼{ ­x  Â‹ÂĽ{ |z¤{ Â&#x;°°Â€¤{ with a message of inspiration and hope. Teaming up with T.U.C (The Undisputed Champion), 18-year old Lois who went in for the Jos Bring It On Competition and put in quite a performance, holds back on nothing as she clearly shows on this tune, totally non-compliant - a tune wildly regard€¤{ |ƒ{ |{ ¤Â€Â&#x;|z { ƒxzÂąĂŒ{ ­Â‚ Â‹{ ƒx{ Âœ~}‹{ more to be expected from Lois.



Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 24, 2014


irebrand is a movie from the stable of Royal Arts Academy and was produced by Emem Isong and Moris Sesay. Due to the notable movies that have been released from the academy, one would have thought that it would live up to its billing a top notch production. Iyabo (Ngozi Nwosu) chides her daughter, Feyi (Monalisa Chinda) for not getting married. She advises her to go and consult a prophet over her continued spinsterhood. In another development, Alero (Susan Peters) and Stella (Chioma Chukwu®|À ®¯x |¡{ | { | | ¬{ °°|{ asks Alero to go in search of a job and stop lying in bed. In another scene, Mrs Ojogwu (Abiola ±~zÀ °° | ¡{ |¤ {|{ {|z¤{ keeps her management team in their toes. Apparently, Stella is her personal assistant and comes z{ |z¤¥{| x~z¤{ {x?} ¦ Mrs Ojogwu calls her son, Fabian (Joseph Benjamin) who is in ¤ {z ¤{x { ~¯¯x { z{ {x?} ¦{ His mother promises to send her PA to help him. Fabian’s dating Feyi, an arrogant lady and his sister doesn’t seem to like her. Feyi says she doesn’t work for money and depends on her late father’s inherit|z} { x { ~ |°¦{ { |z}¸{ {zx { too pleased by her outburst. After closely working with Stella, he takes a liking to her as she helps him to run his company and even helps him clinch deals. On the other hand , Feyi keeps spending money with no means of livelihood to his charign. The next scene comes in so unreal; it is supposed to be a getaway for two couples but they didn’t put life into the scene, Viewers would agree that it was too drab. Meanwhile, Feyi plans on marrying Fabian who has second thoughts about the wedding (the former is already dreaming of a honeymoon in the Bahamas). He tells her that he’ll pop up the question when the time is right. { x { °|¤ { z{ { x?} { like him. He picks Stella from her home and wants to get to know { ¬{ ¥ { ® ¯ { x¯¯ z±¬{ picks up a new jeep and has low self-esteem. Stella begins to feel too smothered by Fabian at work and she’s not comfortable with that. His mother doesn’t seem to like the ­|¥{ { { ­ { ¦{ °°|{ ± z { x{± {| |} ¤{ x{ | |z{ ~ { her girlfriend, Alero warns her that it’s a disaster waiting to happen. In another development, Feyi storms Fabian’s apartment and seems desperate for marriage; a move he is not ready for at the moment as he already loves Stella. Vera (played by Nse Ikpe-Etim) stumbles on Fabian and Stella having lunch and promptly calls her friend, Feyi(Trouble looms). She arrives at the restaurant, creates a huge scene at the place, leaving Fabian and Stella so embarrassed. Nonetheless, the duo keep working together and start making out. In another development, Feyi’s mother, Iyabo takes her to a prophet (David Mackenzie) for special prayers. He advises her to pray for three days as there’s a revelation concerning her husband. In the process, he asks for a long list of items This scene is rather unnecessary, lacks substance and drags on for too long. Monalisa C hinda who

Firebrand Star Cast: Chioma Chukwuka-Akpotha, Joseph Benjamin, Abiola-Segun-Williams, Monalisa Chinda, Ngozi Nwosu, Susan Peters,Uche Jombo. Reviewer: Bukola Bakare played the role of Feyi seems a bit laid back in her role interpretation in this movie. Nse-Ikpe-Etim who was cast as Vera would have did justice to the character. Now, back to the movie; Feyi and her mother storm out of the prophet’s place. The next scene shows Mrs. Ojogwu who is frantically look z±{ x { x { xz ¥{ z{ {x?} ¦{ xz Ê~ z °¥¬{ { }|°° { |{ |>{ meeting and brings in an investigator. He conducts a one-on-one interrogation with members of

|>¦{ { »¯ } ¤¬{ °°|{ {| ed, accused of stealing the money and detained. Fabian is distraught over the issue while Feyi uses the opportunity to seduce him. { zx | ° { |­{ { { | { { wears the same bolero and skirt that she wore in an earlier scene; { { ­ { |{ ¤ > z { zz { wear. That’s a visible slight on the part of the costumier. While in detention, Stella realises that she’s pregnant and is later released. Next scene shows her in court as a lawyer. How come?.

Feyi continues her sit-home trend while her husband (Obviously, she married Fabian since Stella’s out of the picture) asks her to go and spend her inheritance if she doesn’t want to work. Ngozi Nwosu who plays Feyi’s mum, Iyabo seems to have a bit of a problem with her Yoruba diction. Unlike what viewers have seen in previous sitcoms and movies. Still, Fabian tries to patch things up with Feyi as no one knows what happened to Stella. As events unfold, Feyi is caught at the airport with hard drugs. Her mother-in-law is so embarrassed to put it mildly. The culprit is not remorseful at all and her mother fears that she may end up in prison. The family’s referred to a lawyer who turns out to be Stella!(How a one-time PA suddenly becomes a lawyer remains a mystery).Everyone is x}® ¤¦{ ~ { z¤ z± { x­{ that Feyi actually stole the money Mrs Ojogwu was looking for; one which Stella was wrongly accused of stealing(It was in a bid to setup).Fabian and his mother are visibly upset. In court, Feyi’s friends, Adiya (Uche Jombo) and Vera (Nse Ikpe ¡{| { x}® ¤{­ z{ ¥{ z¤{ out that Stella’s the lawyer representing their friend.(Only God knows what this duo were doing in this movie as they only made cameo-appearances). Fabian later discovers that he has a son by Stella, no doubt, she’s distraught and he tries to apologise to her, three years after(she’s now a lawyer three years later? Peharps she had been studying part-time

while she worked for his mother). She feels it’s too late as she lost her father who passed on when he learnt that she was detained for a crime she didn’t commit. {{ {|{ } {° ±|°{ |°¬{ ¥ { { jailed; there was no build up scene x{ { x{ {}x~ { xx { ~>{­| { rather impromptu. Somehow, Fabian reunites with his son, Obinna. Viewers could conclude that he made up with Stella too. Firebrand comes across like a script that was hurriedly shot. So many scenes were left open-ended. One minute, you are watching a scene, next minute, another one pops up in your face!.Even with the list of Nollywood stars who made up the cast, it wasn’t too impressive.

Feyi is caught at the airport with hard drugs. Her motherin-law is so embarrassed to put it mildly. The culprit is not remorseful at all and her mother fears that she may end up in prison

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY October 24, 2014


Glitz & Glam

Phyno release new video


alented singer, Phyno has released the video for his song “Nme Nme”. Nme Nme is one of the tracks on his “No Guts No Glory” album. The video was directed by Clarence Peters. According to Biography Home, to some he’s Chibuzor Nelson Azubuike, but to most, he’s the ‘Man of the year’, Phyno. Starting up as a producer in 2003, a decade of passion and hard work has seen the “Ghost Mode” rapper/producer move from ‘underground hype’ to a household name in Nigeria. Having produced for the likes of Timaya, Flavour, Ruggedman, 2Shotz, Bracket, J Martins and Mr. Raw, Phyno found his way around the industry and decided to move to Lagos in 2007 so as to increase his impact. By 2010, the eccentric producer decided to try his hands on the other side of the booth, starting his own Rap career, and Indigenous Igbo Rap has never been so cool ever since. The multiple hits to his credit as a producer and rapper, Phyno is putting final touches on his official debut album “No Guts, No Glory” slated to drop before the end of 2013. Phyno grew up in Enugu and also schooled in Enugu and graduated from IMT (Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu) with a degree in Public Administration. This man of the year hails from Anambra state and also he is the 4th child in a family of five.

Artistes storm Ibadan for Ale Erebe Night da crème la creme of Nigeria entertainment industry is being package by Adeleke Gbenga Emmanuel. Speaking to Bukola Bakare ° Ú{ |z¤{ °| ¬ { x ganizer said that First ll roads will lead lady of Oyo State, Mrs to Solam Events Florence Ajimobi (JP) Centre, Oluyole, and Grand Master Wale Ibadan, Oyo State to- Lawal (Baba Promo) day when the Mother will be special guests of all Celebrities tagged: of honour at the event. “Yoruba Comedy Real- He also stated that, the ity Show and Ale Erebe show will commence & Ibadan 2014 Celebri- by 3pm with red carpet ties Award presented by while the event proper Intercontinental Events ­ °°{® }®Àx>{{| {µ¯ {¦ { Magazine in conjunc- red carpet will be antion with Bigdee Enter- chored by Yotomi T, V, tainment Network. The Omididan Olayink, and annual event which is Iyabode Onasanya (Idan set to draw the crème Irawo).


He also disclosed that rtistes such as Yinka Ayefele MON, Jide Kosoko , Baba Aderupoko, Apesin Taye Currency, Alhaji Rasheed Ayinde Merenge ,Baba Toye Ajagun, Adona , , Olaniyi Afonja Sanyeri, Muyiwa Ademola Authentic, Femi Adebayo, Yemi Sonde, , Ololade Amanda,Princess Omo local,Muyiwa Adegoke Londoner, Ojopagogo, and his cultural troupe, J15 School of Performing Art, will also be there to add glamour and class to the night event which is fully supported by a host of sponsors.

Yemi Solade joins politics?


omeone made a comment recently about the number of entertainers going into Politics. First, it was Desmond Elliot, followed by Kenny Saint Best, Abolore Akande aka 9ice, Tony Tetuila. It seems the political race getting much more serious. ‘’If everyone leaves entertainment for politics, how will we cope, who will we watch on television?’’ quipped a fan. Well, news has it that popular actor, Yemi Solade has reportedly joined the band-wagon of celebrities who are contesting for one political seat or the other. The former lecturer and popularly actor is vying for a place in the senate on the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC).

Imunisin by Bade Ojuade for launch on Sunday


a v e making r e -

nowned arts and culture promoter and

broadcaster of note, Bade Ojuade is popularly known as a member of Freelance and Independent Broadcasters Association of Nigeria (FIBAN) Oyo State Chapter. On Sunday, October 26, 2014, he is set to launch another chartbuster album (CD & VCD) entitled En-slavery (Imunisin) at Yinka Ayefele’s Music House in Ibadan. The event scheduled to start at 12 noon. During a recent preview of the album, Chief Bade Ojuade, stated that Imunisin centres on the leadership enslavement in the country, (socially, politically and economically) despite Nigeria being an independent nation, since 1960. He added that: ‘’the colonialism we had during the era of the British still surrounds all as-

pects of our life till date; despite all the God- given human and natural resources we have in Nigeria Our leaders still oppress and deny the masses with impunity’’. He said. Bade Ojuade, a Ph.D (in view) student in the University of Ibadan majoring on (Yoruba stylistics) started broadcasting in 1990 with Radio Nigeria Ibadan, and later joined Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State. (B.C.O.S) in 1993. He also had a brief stint with OGTV where he handled various programmes like “OrikiOnile”, “Iriri-Aye”, “Akagbadun”, among others. His past works of arts include “Aropinteniyan” & Omo- Naija. Dignitaries expected include His Imperial Majesty Oba Lamidi Olayiwola ¤ ¥ { ¬ °|| z{ { Oyo kingdom), Prophet Muideen Moses Kasali, Malam Olaolu Yussuf Ali, (SAN), Chief AbdulRasheed Alani Adedapo (MD Jackpot R Pools), Mrs Adeyoola Olaitan (Perm. Sec. Oyo TESCOM,Ibadan zone), Alhaji Abiodun Waheel Olayiwola Ojetola, Hon. Rotimi Makinde (MHR) among others.


Daily Newswatch

News of Islam FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Ansar-ud-Deen Ladies celebrate anniversary

Alhaja Hamdalat Akamo, president, Ansar-ud-deen Ladies Association

Alhaja Mulikat Olabisi vice president, Ansar-ud-deen Ladies Association



llah (swt) highly revered women so much so that He dedicated a chapter of the glorious quran (Surat Nisaa) to them. Therefore, the unifying role of women in their homes, the society and of course in religion cannot be overemphasized as exhibited by Ansar-ud-Deen Ladies Association, a group within Ansar-ud-Deen family which for seventy years has been promoting and nurturing ideal women from the context of Islam for earthly challenges. Aliamdulilah! The Ansar-ud-Deen ladies’ Association which is aim at improving the spiritual, moral and academic status of Muslim Ladies is 70 and it will be rolling out drums to glorify Allah (swt) and honour deserving members of the association come November 2nd , 2014 for their contribution to the ideals of the Association in particular and Ansar-ud-Deen and Islam in general. Recently at a forum organised by the society in Lagos, Alhaja Mulikat Olabisi, vice President, Ansar-uddeen Ladies’ Association recounts tremendous moments in the association during their adolescent days as they strive to promote Islam. She said, “Ansar-ud-Deen Ladies

Association was founded and launched on the April 1st , 1943 by Alhaja Hulaimot Shodeinde. Then it was known as Ansar-ud-Deen Girls Association. But as members of the Association grew from Adolescent to womanhood, what was known as girls association gradually became Ansar-ud-Deen Ladies Association. Although, I was not among the founding members, but it was on record that the association was formed when the number of Muslim females could be counted xz{ z± { ¯ ¦{ ° ± xz{ | { | { | { time was not practised as it ought to be done. During that period in time, there was not a single Muslim Girls’ Secondary School in existence and there were persecution of Muslims for practising and answering Islamic name. Therefore, in order to correct this, our fathers and mothers in Islam felt there was a great need to form an association that would promote collective will of Muslim girls and would also foster unity among Muslim girls of the Ansarud-Deen Society, thus preventing them from drifting from the fold of Islam and losing their identity. Another reason for founding the association is to further entrenched Islamic principle among Muslim female so that they would adopt

it as a way of life. Therefore, I will say that the establishment of the association is to enhance and create a platform whereby Muslim ladies would have the opportunity to participate adequately in the activities of the parent body- Ansarud-Deen so as to improve the lot of the Muslims spiritually, morally and academically. Aliamdulilah, this we have achieved in the last seventy years as an association within Ansar-ud-deen society of Nigeria. I can boldly say that we have accomplished the purpose for which the association was formed and that is why we are giving post-humus award to some of our members who had diligently served the association, and also recognise those that are still living among them”. On the activities and achievements of the Association since it was established, Alhaja Hamdalat Akamo, President, Ansar-udDeen Ladies Association disclosed that “Since it was established, we are contributing our quota to the propagation of Islam. We realise the fact that women are essential in the development of the home and society at large, therefore there is a need to equip and prepare them for greater challenges of nurturing their various homes and society which

was why the ladies Association was formed to tutor Muslim girls, ladies and women on the path of Allah so that they could achieve these. So far, we have been able to propagate the religion of peace to an enviable height within the Ansar-ud-Deen fold and of course throughout the Muslim world. In Ansar-ud-Deen society, we cherish education so much that many of our members then were educated. And in order to continue to foster the society’s passion for education, at our seventieth anniversary celebration, we are looking at launching a fundraiser for the proposed Ansar-udDeen Society’s Summit University. Also, we would honour deserving members of the society who have contributed in one way or the other to the growth of the society. Importantly, post humus award would be given to our matron, Late Alhaja Hulaimot Shodeinde for her contribution to the growth of Islam and for laying the foundation which ensure that Ansar-ud-Deen Muslims ladies remain united in Islam. Other awardees at the anniversary celebration would include Alhaja Lateefat Gbajabiamila, Alhaja Nimotalai Aduke Lawal, Mallam Yusuf Alli (SAN), Alhaji Jamiu Ashimi amongst others”.

News of Islam

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014


Group condemns court judgement on Hijab TAYO SALAMI


he Companion, an association of Muslim men in business and the professions has condemned the recent court judgement upholding the ban on the use of hijab in Lagos State public schools. This was stated in a release signed by the national Amir of the association, Barrister Musibau Oyefeso. Oyefeso stated in the statement that, “We condemn this judgement because it is against God-given (and we dare say natural and inalienable) right of female Muslims Â€ÂƒÂŻÂ€}‚|°°¼{  Â‹xƒ€{ ­Â‹x{ ‹|Œ€{ | |‚z€¤{ the age of puberty. The judgement ‚ƒ{ ~z|}}€¯ |Â?°Â€ÂŹ{ x>€zƒ‚Œ€{ |z¤{ provocative to Muslim parents in particular and all Muslims in general.  {‚ƒ{|z{| Â€ÂœÂŻÂ { x{¤Â€zÂĽ{ ~ƒ°Â‚œƒ{x~ { fundamental human rights and we want to put on record that we shall not take it lightly. The judgement is a discrimination against Muslims and denies us the right to practice our religion as divinely instructed.â€?

‹‚°Â€{ }|°°Â‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ | €z Â‚xz{ xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ judiciary and other stakeholders to the fact that female students in many ÂŻ~Â?°Â‚}{ ƒ}‹xx°Âƒ{ ‚z{ ¤Â‚>€ €z { ƒ | Â€Âƒ{ ‚z{ Nigeria are allowed to use hijab, it has not being known or reported to destroy uniformity sought by government in the issuance of dress code, he however wondered how |Âąxƒ{  | Â€´Âƒ{}|ƒ€{‚ƒ{¤Â‚>€ €z Œ{ The statement further read, “We call on the state government to voluntarily ignore the judgement and uphold the right of female Muslim students by issuing directive to school heads and principals to allow the use of hijab to students who subscribe to its use. In this way, government would have shown that

it is father to all and does not alienate any section of the community. This ƒ Â€ÂŻ{¤x€ƒ{zx {‚z{|zÂĽ{­|ÂĽ{x>€z¤{ Â‹Â€{ so-called Nigeria’s secular nature as provided for in Section 10 of the Constitution. “We hasten to remind the government that the judgement if implemented is capable of creating avoidable tension and crisis, thereby destroying the peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance which the state currently enjoys. We are not in doubt whatsoever that some overzealous teachers, school heads and principals will take full advantage of the judgement to taunt and victimise female Muslim students as witnessed in the recent past.â€?

The companion however called on public school students and the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN), Lagos State area unit to maintain peace and allow lawyers to appeal the case and take other necessary steps to upturn the judgement. Adding that, “We call on them to be patient and be rest assured that we are on the right path and Insha Allah victory will come our way ultimately. Allah is with those who are patient.� The companion also used the opportunity to plead with Muslims to be vigilant and be mindful of those they vote into power since the 2015 another general election is around the corner.

ICRC establishes close ties with Zakzaky TAYO SALAMI


O QSk[ Yˆ \[O R0Yk[O to foster unity and enlighten the society about its activities, the International Commission of the Red Cross (ICRC) visited the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, to establish close ties with the Islamic organization because of \[O RÂœR]Z[\Y^ Yˆ ORx¢ROO ORk{\]RO [Y humanity. The ICRC team from the delegate Y3]R ]Y‰Qk\O\^_ $XZ›S S^‡ .S^Y `RS‡ Y3]RO Â…RkR kR]R\{R‡ on Tuesday by Sheikh Zakzaky at the Hussainiyyah Baqiyyatullah, Zaria. Hatim Ibrahim Fadlallah, the leader of the team said, there was need for the commission to sensitize the public on its humanitarian activities in order to get public support to achieve its objectives. Fadlallah further said, “the ICRC is playing vital humanitarian roles in war-torn regions, adding that, the commission has established kR_\Y^Sx Y3]RO \^ 1\_Rk\S [Y reach out to communities and organizations. Also, it trains organizations and communities on safety and life-saving strategies.â€? The visiting team used the opportunity to condole Sheikh Zakzaky over the killing of 34 members of the Islamic organization including three of his sons. Sheikh Zakzaky expressed appreciation to the team, promising that there would be a cordial relationship between the ICRC and the Islamic Movement in Nigeria.

Cross section of Ahmadiyya members at the Eid recently

Ahmadiyya world head urges members to serve true cause of Islam TAYO SALAMI


embers of Ahmadiyya Muslim community have been urged to serve the cause of true and peaceful Islam to the best of their abilities. This notion was made by the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, while delivering his address at the end of the 32nd annual Ijtema of Majlis Ansarullah, held at Baitul Futuh Mosque complex, SouthWest London, United Kingdom, last Sunday. Speaking further, he admonished members of Ansarullah to utilize their maturity and experience, so as to be true helpers of Allah. In his address, Ahmad pointed [`R O\_^\†]S^]R Yˆ [`R SZœ\x\Sk� organisation ‘Majlis Ansarullah’ and outlined the responsibilities of individual members in light of the writings of the founder of the

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad explained that God did not have any need for ‘Helpers’ as He is the ‘Possessor of all Powers’, however ‡ZR [Y *Y‡™O \^†^\[R *kS]R +R _S{R Muslims the opportunity to serve and propagate their faith so that they can become recipients of His blessings and rewards. Speaking about the duties of true Helpers of Allah, he said: “On one hand, it is our duty to proclaim the Oneness of God and to invite people towards Him and to teach them about the true and pristine teachings of Islam. However, we must assess ourselves to know the extent we are following Islam’s true teachings. “We have to inculcate Islam’s true teachings into our daily lives and lead by our positive example. This is the means to show people around the world the purity and nobility

of our master, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It is also a means of proving that Islam is a living religion.� Ahmad further noted that Islam kR Z\kRO ‰S^V\^‡ [Y ˆZx†xx XY[` [`R rights owed to God and the rights owed to God’s creation. “With each passing day, Ahmadi Muslims must strive to better themselves \^ ˆZx†xx\^_ XY[` ˆZ^‡S‰R^[Sx objectives of their faith,� he added. According to him, “In the teachings of the Promised Messiah, the Holy Qur’an is a book of enlightenment, with a universal and eternal teaching, therefore, it should not be considered a book of ‘stories’ but rather as a ‘philosophy for life’. “The continued success and progress of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was due to the blessings of Allah. Adding that, “people in ‡\0RkR^[ QSk[O Yˆ [`R …Ykx‡ `S{R been guided to Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, through divine guidance.�


Islam and your health

Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only)

Dazzling effects of Zamzam water

z {x { {¯ } x~ {± {¯ °± { x{ { x°¥{ |z¤{|°­|¥ { z±{ |}®{ x { z¤ { |z¤{ | °¥{ members is Zamzam water, the most blessed water. It is |{ |}° { x { °°| ¬{ { ° ± ¥{ |z¤{ { } x z{± { x{ x¯ { | °{|z¤{ { x ¬{

|º| ¬{ |z¤{ x~± { { x{ |°°{ ¯x ¥¦{ { x¯ { { ¯x ¤{ x{ | { | ¤¬{² { { the most blessed water, good nourishment | {­ °°{| {|{ x~ } {x { |° z±{ x {| ° z ¦Ç{

{|° x{ | ¤¬{² {}|z{ {¤ ~z®{ x {­ | { ¯~ ¯x {xz { | { z{ z¤¦Ç{ { x¯ { | ¤Î{² { {­| {xz{ { |} {x { { | { { {­| {x { | ·| Ì{ { { |{® z¤{x { xx¤{|z¤{|{ |° z±{ x { }®z ¦Ç{ | {|°À || ¬´¼¼¨ª¡¦ Against this backdrop, Zamzam water is popular among Muslims in the whole-wide ­x °¤¦{ { x ¥{ x { { ­| { }x~°¤{ { |} ¤{ x{­ z{ |º| ´ { | } ¤{ x {­| { x { { xz¬{ | °¬{ ¥{ ~zz z±{ x{ |z¤{ x{ | |{ |z¤{ | ­|{ z{ ¦{ x { { }| { back to where her son was, a spring has ± ¤{z | { {¯°|} { { xz{­| { z±¦{ { ±z }|z} {x { | ·| {­| {}|zzx { { x °xx® ¤{ | { ¯ °± { ¯ | { |z¥{ z { | { x}}~ ¤{ ¤~ z±{ { ° { x { x¯ { | { |z¤{ { z}°~¤ { ~zz z±{ ­ z{ { °° {x { | |{|z¤{ | ­|¦ °± { ¤ z®{ x { { ¯ z±{ |z¤{ ¯ x {| °~ xz {­ { {­| ¦{ {­| { {|° x{ ° ¤{ x{ | { ¤ } z|°{Ê~|° ¦{ ~ ¬{ |z¥{¯ °± { |® {° {x { | ·| { ­| { |}®{ x{ {}x~z ¥{­ { {| {x { ¤ z® z±{ { Ê~ z °¥{ ¯ } |°°¥{­ z{ ¥{ are sick. {z| | ¤{ ¥{ z{ ||º| { z{ { |¤ {

| |z¬{ { | ¤{ { x¯ { zx ¤{ | ¬{ ² | ·| {­| { { x {­ | { { {¤ ~z®{ x ¦{ ¯ |® z±{ ~ ¬{ { | ¤¬{² } x°| {|z¤{ ± x~ { ¯ x¯° { | { »¯ z} ¤{ ¦{ ¥{¤ |z®{ {­ { { z z xz{x { ~° °° z±{ x {z ¤{ ~} {| { |° z±{ x { }®z {x { z±{ ¤{ x { ¯x ¥{ |z¤{ ¤ ¬{ |z¤{ °°| { ~° °° ¤{ { x¯ ¦Ç { ­| { ¯x ¤{ | { { x¯ { ¤ |z®{ it, did ablution with it and poured it on his head. He carried Zamzam water in small ° {|z¤{°| ± {}xz | z { x{| { x{¯x~ { { xz{ { }®{|z¤{± { { x{ { x{¤ z®¦{ °À ° °| { °À | | ¬{««¼¡¦ ¯| { x { | z±{ ¤ } z|°{ | ~ ¬{ | ·| { ­| { | { { | ° ¥{ x{ Ê~ z} { {|z¤{ | ¥{ ~z± ¦{ x { x¬{ |z¥{ °| }{ } x°| {¤ |z®{ {|z¤{ »¯ z} ¤{ {¤|··° z±{ > } ¦{ x { z |z} ¬{ | { ~{ |z | {¤ |z®{ | ·| {­| { so as to be knowledgeable and he became the

best among the scholars in his era. Al-Bakri said: “I tried Zamzam water and sensed the truth about what had been said about it, and when I drank it, I had no doubt | x~ { {| |· z±{ > } ¦Ç According to Imam Nawawi in the Majmu, ² { | ´ { |z¤{ x { }x z¤ ¤{ drinking Zamzam water as much as ¯x ° ¬{ |® z±{xz ´ { °°{x { ¬{|z¤{¤ z® z±{ { x { {|>| {x { {­x °¤{|z¤{ { | ¦{ x{ { xz { ­ { x{ ¤ z®{ { x { x ± z { x { }x ¥{ x { |z{ °°z { |z¤{ { ° ® ¬{ { |} { { °|¬{ z xz z±{ {z| {x { °°| ¬{ z{ |¥ ¬{ ² { °°| ¬{ ¥x~ { x¯ { | ¤Î{ {­| {x { | ·| { { x { | {­ } { {­| {¤ ~z®{ x ¦{ { °°| ¬{ {¤ z®{ { x{ | { ¥x~{ |¥{ x ± { ¦{ { °°| ¬{ x ± { { x { { °°| { {¤ z®{ { ® z±{ |° z±{ x { °°z Ì{ { °°| ¬{ |°{ ¦Ç{ { Ê~ { x { ¤ z® z±{ | ·| { include: á |} z±{ {Ê °|¦ á z xz z±{ °°| ´ {z| ¦ á ¯¯ z±{ { z{ { | ¦ á z® z±{xz ´ { °°¦ á xx® z±{| { { || |{ ¥{ {¥x~{ ¯{ {¥x~´ { z{ }}|¦ á ¯ z®° { ­| { xz{ ¥x~ { |¤¬{ |} { |z¤{ chest. á z} | {¥x~ { ~¯¯° }| xz¦ á z®{ { x { ­ | { ¥x~{ z ¤{ z{ { ­x °¤{|z¤{ { | ¦ á{ |¥{² { °°| ¬{¥x~ { x¯ { | ¤Î{ {­| {x { | ·| { { x { | {­ } { {­| { ¤ ~z®{ x ¦{ { °°| ¬{ {¤ z®{ { x { ~} {|z¤{ ~} ¦Ç{ z{z| {­ | {¥x~{­|z { x { { ­x °¤{x { { | ¦{ z{ |¥¬{² { °°| ¬{ ¯° | {¤x{ {x~ {x {¥x~ { x~z ¥¦Ç{

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The best water on the face of the earth is the water of Zamzam; it is a kind of food and a healing from sickness

¯ |® z±{ ~ ¬{ { | ¤¬{ ² { ¤ z { ¯ x¯ }{ ¤ } z { { { |¯¯° }| xz{ x { ~ ´|z }{ { |z¤{ |~ z }{ ¯ x¯ }{ ~¯¯° }| xz { x{¯ z {x {}~ {|z¥{® z¤{x { ailment or diseases. The natural is based on {~ {x {z| ~ |°{ ° z { ~} {| { | ·| { ­| ¬{ xz ¥¬{ °|}®{ ¤¬{¤| { ¤¬{x° {x °¬{ x {x °¬{x ¤ z| ¥{­| {|z¤{ x{xz{ z{ z±{ the same purposes. ² { ¤{ { º~ { { }x z| xz{ x { { ­x{ ° ® { } z±{ x { ¯ } }{ ~ ´|z }{ { z{ | ·| {­| ¬{ xz ¥{|z¤{ x{xz¦Ç

{ zx ¤{ | { | ·| { ­| { { xz { x { { x { ¯x­ ~°{ ¤ }| xz { ~ ~|°°¥{ |¤ z ¤{ ¥{ ¯ x¯ }{ ¤ }|°{ ¤x} x { |z¤{ { |°° { z x{ { }xz¤{ |z¤{ ¤{ }| ±x ¦{ { }|z{ { |® z{ z| ~ |°°¥{ x { | { |{ » ~ { ­ { { ¤ z { { x { { x°¥{ ~ ´|z{ |z¤{ |~ z }{ x¯ }{ supplications. ® zx°|{ x°¤{ | °¥{ ­ ­| } { | ¬{ | ·| { ­| { ¤| { |}®{ x{ { { x { { | { x { | ¬{ x¯ { | ¬{ |z¤{ { }| { z x{ z±{ | { |{ ° z±{ |z¤{ }x x { x{ |º| ¬{ { x {x { | °¦{ z± °{ ~ °{ }x |z¤ ¤{ { x{ ±~ { x { |z¤{ x { } x°| { x¯ z ¤{ | { { { ¤ } °¥{ }x z±{ x { {¯| |¤ ¦ He recalled that, Zamzam water will ­x ®{ x { |z¥{ x { ¥x~{ ¤ z®{ { x { | { }x z¤ ¤{ ¥{ { x¯ { ­ ° { } z±{ »| ¯° {x { {}x ¯|z xz {x { { x¯ { ­ x{ xz¤°¥{¤ |z®{ {| {|{ | z{ xx { x{ | { memorization and to cure malaria. ² ~ { ± | { | ¬{ | { |° ®{ ~ ¤{ { x { z { x ¥¦{ x{ ­xz¤ { { x · ¤{ {­ x° { ~ ´|z{~z¤ { {|± { x { z¬Ç{ { | ¤¦ ¯ |® z±{ xz{ { ~ ~°z { x { | ·| { ­| ¬{ ® zx°|{ | ¤¬{ ² | ¤{ xz{ ¥{ »¯ z} ¬{ ­ z{ | ·| { ­| { { |¤ z ¤{­ { xz ¥¬{ x { x {|z¤{ x { ¯ } |°{ ~ ´|z }{ { x { }~ z±{ ¤ | { |¥| ~{ | À | ¡¬{ { }~ { ¤ ¥{ }x~± ¬{ x { ¯ ° ± { |z¤{ }~ { | |{ ­ { | ¦{ | ·| {­ { x { { z{ { x°¥{ ~ ´|z{ |¥| ~{ ~Ê~¥¥| ¡{ }~ { ± | z { }x ¯° °¥{|z¤{ x { | °¥{ z|® ´{|z¤{ }x ¯ xz ´{ zx ¦{ ² { ~ | ~°{ | | { { } ¤{ z x{ | ·| { ­| { z{ ¬{ |z¤{ ¤ |z®{ ¥{ |° { ¥{ x z z±{ |z¤{ z ± ¬{ { ±~°| { { z ~|°{}¥}° {|z¤{ | { { x­{x { { ¯ x¤¦{ {| {z~ x~ {~ {x { | ·| { ­| { |z¤{ { > } z { }|z{ z { { x À ¯ | · ¤{ |z¤{ | { ~} { { { ± °¥{ }x z¤ ¤{ x { { }xz } x~ À z¤ ¤{ ¯ x¯° ¦Ç

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014

Conference of Holy Qur’an


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Wealth acquisition: What Quran says

ownership of something is ascribed to someone: “And do not give to the weakn his essay on the Quranic injunctions ­ ¤{ {¯ x¯ ¥¬{­ } { °°| { | { |¤ { in respect of wealth and riches, Shaykh for you a means of support.” [Surah AnAbul Hasan Ali Nadwi, an Indian Nisa’: 5] Nevertheless, Qur’an does not deem the historian, Islamic scholar and author of many scholarly materials, opined that man such a permanent and eternal orphan and imbecile species as would require man is not the real owner of his wealth. According to him, “The relation that man to have his property and wealth kept bears with his wealth is described in the permanently under supervision and control Qur’an by the word ‘Kasb’ (acquisition), of someone else, thereby not having any which means man is not the real owner of right of disposal of any sort over his wealth and property. that wealth, but its ‘acquisitor.’’ According to the Qur’an, what behoves Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah: 267 that “O you who believe! Spend out of the good the man’s status of glory and perfection and his intellect is that he be made independent, things you have earned…” Moreover, in respect of this ‘acquisition’, empowered and enabled to administer his too, the holy Qur’an says that it is not merely property. The Quran also says, “Allah propounds a your wisdom, ingenuity and diligence that have gone into it. It is, instead, the guidance ° ~¤ Ì{ { {|{ xz¤ |z{ z °| ¤{­ x{ from Allah and the prudence that He has has not power over aught, and there is one vouchsafed you and His grace of facilitating whom We have provided from Ourselves { | { | { | { z| ° ¤{¥x~{ x{¤x{ { with goodly provision and he spends out of it in private and public.” [Surah An-Nahl: 75] ‘acquisition’. { | ¬{ { x { |°°¬{ z °° ¤{ { | { | { “That is why the people who boasted to have acquired whatever they did by the dint the man is not the real owner of the wealth of their own intellect, sagacity and ingenuity and property. The real owner is Allah, the Exalted. It is due to His Grace and Favour ­ { ~> ¤¦ In another chapter, the Qur’an says: that this wealth and property fell to his lot. “When hurt touches a man he calls on Us, He (the man) is only its custodian. And he and afterwards when We have changed should, therefore, remain strictly observant it into a favour from Us, he says: ‘I have obtained it by force of my knowledge.’ Nay! It is a trial, but most of them know not.” [Surah Az-Zumar: 49] Allah also says in another chapter of the Quran that “Do they not know that Allah expands provision for whom He wills, and stints it for whom He wills? Verily here are signs for them who believe.” [Surah AzZumar: 52] Despite all that, however, the holy Qur’an grants recognition to man’s legitimate acquisition of wealth, its inheritance in accordance to the norms laid down by the Shariah and the fair means adopted for transfer of ownership. And on this premise, it deems man’s x­z ¯{ º~ ¤Ì{ |z¤¬{ x¬{ { | } ¬{ x>{|z¤{xz¬{ {­ |° { x{ |z{ {­|¥{ {



of the limits prescribed by Him in their disposal and utilization: “Then, We appointed you in the land as successors after them, that we might see how you would work.” [Surah Yunus: 14] So, this should instilled in man the conviction that there is another life after this one in which he will have to give account of all the wealth and property that he has had in this life before the One who is the real owner x { Ì{|z¤{ {­x~°¤{ { z{ x­{ | { | { { been able to acquit himself of the obligation of being His vicegerent, deputy and trustee. Nadwi said further that “It has very forcefully tried to instil this conviction and inculcate in mind that this world is not the ‘el Dorado’, an abode to lead a life of luxury and lust. It is, instead, the abode of ordeal. “All the wealth and riches, the articles of luxury and comfort that are there in this world are by way of ordeal. It is all trial and tribulation. This life, whether short or long, is not a respite for self-indulgence. It is, instead, a respite for performance. This wealth and property is not for acquisition of means of luxury and self-indulgence, and fun and frolic. It is, instead, the currency for buying the commodity of requital in the Hereafter and the Divine Appeasement. This life is not the actual occasion for selfindulgence and enjoyment. Its actual place

Who has created death and life, that He might test you as to which of you is excellent in work

is the Paradise that one would get in the life after the present one.” In several verses of the Quran, Allah enjoins His creature not to amass wealth recklessly. For instance, He says in (Surah Al-Kahf: 7) that “We have made whatever is on the earth as an adornment of it, that We test them-which of them is best in work.” Also, He says, “Who has created death and life, that He might test you as to which of you is excellent in work.” [Surah Al-Mulk: 2] Then, Allah also says, “And do not strain your eyes after what We have given pairs of them to enjoy: the splendour of the life of this ­x °¤¬{ | { { ± { ¥{ { zÌ{|z¤{ the provision of your Lord is the best and most lasting.” [Surah Ta-Ha: 131] Those disclaimers who, having deemed this world the be-all and end-all, would have indulged in pursuit of pleasures and had all {¤ {|z¤{¯| xz { ~° °° ¤{ { ° { doing nothing for the Hereafter would be accosted thus: “You made away with your good things in your life of the world, and you enjoyed yourselves therewith, so today you shall be requited with the torment of ignominy…” [Surah Al-Ahqaf: 20] “It also made it imperative that the wealth must be earned by such means as are legitimate unsullied, un-tyrannical. For this purpose it imposed on acquisition some legal and moral restrictions. The man is zx { ¯ ¤{ x{ |}Ê~ { ­ |° { ¥{ |z { of fraud, theft, gamble, ruthlessness and highhandedness. All methods like those x { ¯ ¤¥¬{ ~ ~ ¯| xz¬{ ¤ } ¯ xz{ |z¤{ swindling, speculation and forward trading were declared forbidden. And these are the very gateways through which large amounts of wealth are suddenly, and without any exertion of labour and fair mode of exchange get into one’s hands,” Nadwi wrote in his book. “O you who believe! Devour not your property among yourselves unlawfully, but let those be a trading among you by mutual |± z Ì{ |z¤{ ® °°{ zx { ¥x~ ° ¦{ °¥{ Allah is to you ever Merciful.” [Surah AnNisa’: 29]

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Daily Newswatch FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2014


2015: PDP ’ll ensure free, fair, credible elections - Mark GYANG BERE, Jos


enate President David Mark said €>x  { ‚ƒ{ ‚z{  xÂŻ{ geared by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to ensure a free, fair and credible election during the 2015 general elections. Mark, speaking yesterday in Jos, the Plateau State

capital during a constituency empowerment and Development Programme of Senator Gyang Pwajok, representing Plateau North Senatorial Zone, to mark his two years in ofÂ&#x;}€{ƒ|‚¤{ {­Â‚°°{€zƒ~ €{ the 2015 general elections is conducted under peaceful atmosphere. According to him, “The

elections will be free and fair and PDP will ensure that the elections are credible and those who lose must be ready to accept it. When you go for an election, the game for every competition is that there must be a winner and loser when you lose, don’t Âœ|Ž€{ ‚ { |{ Â?| °Â€{ Š xz { x { war, because there will be

another opportunity for you.� He said the country was witnessing challenges but God will help Nigerians to overcome it, saying “We have challenges but we are gradually overcoming those challenges and we need the contribution of every Nigerian for us to be able to overcome the chal-

lenges.â€? Mark, who earlier presented a 14-seater bus to °| Â€|~{ { x?}€{ ¤xnated by Pwajok, commended the lawmaker for empowering his constituents. He said, “The contribution Pwajok has made at  Â‹Â€{ žxx { xŠ{  Â‹Â€{ €z| Â€{ ‚ƒ{ because there is peace in his constituency and I’m happy Pwajok has made his people proud, from the items to be distributed to his constituents.â€? The Senate president, however, promised to

support Pwajok when he ‚ƒ{ Âąx‚zÂą{  x{ Ž‚}ÂŽĂ€x>{ }|Âœpaign for whatever elective position in the state and called on other politicians to emulate the legislator. Items distributed by Pwajok at the constituency empowerment programme included large and small grinding machines, sewing machines, tricycles, hair dressing kits, irrigation water pumps, vehicles and computer sets, amongst others, amounting to over N150 million.

Buhari campaign committee inaugurated in Kogi that Nigeria under Buhari would witness accelerated chieftain of the development. According to him, Buhari All Progresƒ‚Œ€ƒ{ xzÂą €ƒƒ{ ­x~°¤{ Â&#x;¹‹ { ­Â‚ Â‹{ ÂŒÂ‚Âąx~ ÂŹ{  ¥{ ‚z{ x¹‚{ those problems that have State and state retarded the growth of the }xĂ€x ¤Â‚z| x {xŠ{ ~‹| ‚{ |Âœ- nation, saying the former ÂŻ|‚¹z{ Âą|z‚ƒ| Â‚xzÂŹ{ ‹‚€Š{ head of state would put the James Ocholi, SAN, has said country on sound economic the former head of state pedestal through purposeful would salvage the country leadership. He stressed that considerif given the mandate in the coming political dispensa- ing his military background, Buhari has all it takes to tion. Inaugurating the cam- tackle problems of insecurity ÂŻ|‚¹z{ }xœœ‚ €€{ ‚z{ xÂŽxÂş|ÂŹ{ confronting the nation, even Ocholi pointed out that the as he maintained that educacountry needed a positive tion at all levels would be acchange after 15 years of }x ¤Â€¤{ xÂŻ{ÂŻ ‚x ‚ ¼{Â?ÂĽ{ Ă€ bad governance, saying Bu- led government. Ocholi equally assured hari presidency would turn around the fortunes of the  Â‹| { {|¤ÂœÂ‚z‚ƒ | Â‚xz{­|ƒ{ poised to “strengthen and nation.

€{ zx Â€¤{  Â‹| { { ­|ƒ{ empower our weak institupoised to dislodge PDP from tionsâ€? like police, armed power, so as to rescue the forces, civil service, judicination from backwardness, ary, electoral umpire among corruption, maladministra- others, to enable them distion and insecurity, adding charge their constitutional duties impartially, rather than “being a wing of PDP.â€? He described Buhari as an incorruptible personality with vast experience required in tackling the economic, po Â‚xzÂƒÂŹ{  Â‹Â€{ { ƒ|‚¤{ ² ‹€{ litical and security problems confronting the country, say ‚¹€ {  | Â€{ x°Â‚}€{ xÂœ- ing such a man of integrity mand has commenced should be saddled with the serious preparation to- responsibility of leading the wards the 2015 elections nation at this critical moment through the training of of her history. The state co-ordinator its personnel and we are meeting with other secu- charged members of the ‚ ¼{ |¹€z}Â‚Â€ÂƒÂŹ{ { |z¤{ }xœœ‚ €€{  x{ ­x ÂŽ{ |ƒƒ‚¤~other stakeholders to ously in ensuring that Buhari ensure a peaceful elec- ¤x{ zx { xz°¼{ €œ€ ¹€{ |ƒ{ { standard bearer but wins the tion.â€? coming presidential election. ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja

A Head of Search and Rescue, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), Kabiru Salihu (left); speaking on improvised explosive device incident evacuation at a simulation drill for stakeholders in Jos, Plateau State.

Niger spends N805m on polio eradication JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna


bout N805 million have been expended for the eradication of wild polio virus in Niger State in the past seven years, the state deputy governor, Ahmed Musa Ibeto, dis}°xƒ€¤{ ­Â‹Â‚°Â€{ Â? ‚€Â&#x;zÂą{ newsmen on the progress of the state government in eradicating the virus. Ibeto said the state government spends N115 million every year for the last seven years, adding that the state government was making good progress, as there is no more case of wild polio virus in the state.

€{ | ‚Â?~ Â€¤{  Â‹Â‚ƒ{ Š€| { to political will, oversight and commitment of state government, establishment of functional state primary health care development agency, involvement of religious and traditional rulers and the establishment of mobile courts, to ensure compliance with immunization. According to him, there have been minimal resistance of parents to the immunization of their children and wards, explaining that the state

government was currently facing resistance in Katcha Local Government Area. “The only resistance we have now is in Katcha Local Govern-

ment, where we have 20 cases of parents refusing immunization for their wards; we have also recorded one case each ‚z{ |Â&#x;ÂŹ{ x Âą~ÂŹ{ |‚ŽxÂŹ{ ‹|}‹|zÂą|{ |z¤{ ~°Â€Âş|ÂŚ{

But we are still working on educating the people more,� Ibeto said. He said 2.5 children are being immunized in 275 wards in every immunization plus day.

...Police caution politicians against incisive statements JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna

‚¹€ {  | Â€{ xœœ‚ƒsioner of Police, Olusola Emmanuel Amore, has warned politicians in the state against using incisive statements and issues that can bring violence in the state. Amore, who stated this yesterday while Â? ‚€Â&#x;zÂą{z€­ÂƒÂœÂ€z{| { Â‹Â€{ state Police Headquarters in Minna, appealed that politicians should conduct themselves properly, urging them to ensure strict compliance to the electoral act, to ensure peaceful and successful campaign. He noted that the country is in a political period and with the challenges it is facing, it does not need politicians to heighten the polity. “I want to appeal to politicians and Nigerlites to conduct themselves properly, they

should not incite people or bring issues that will bring violence to the state. “Parents are cautioned to have their children and wards under check, while religious and opinion leaders should help inculcate in adherence of the faith and belief but tenets of peaceful

existence.� The police commissioner warned against political thuggery, saying police will not hesitate to deal with anyone found wanting. Disclosing how readiness the state police command is towards ensuring peace before, during and after the 2015 elec-

Ejection order: Group urges Kogi Govt to restrain action ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja


he Association of Phone Technicians and Accessories Dealers (APTAD), Kogi State chapter, has appealed to state government to exercise restraint over notice to vacate Obasanjo Square and relocate to Zango Daji area of the state capital, Lokoja. The plea was contained in |{ °Â€ € { |¤¤ €ƒƒ€¤{  x{ xœœ‚ƒƒ‚xz€ { Šx { ~° ~ €{ |z¤{ Tourism in the state, which was signed by the chair-

man, Tairu Salifu and secretary, Ebuka Ugwuagu, a copy of which was made available to newsmen in Lokoja yesterday. The association called on those in government at the state level to see their members and their children are determined to embark on self help in the face of the current unemployment problems facing the country. €|} Â‚zÂą{  x{ |{ °Â€ € { Š xÂœ{  Â‹Â€{ x?}€{ xŠ{ xœœ‚ƒƒ‚xz€ { Šx { ~° ~ €{|z¤{ x~ ‚ƒœ{ Â‚tled: Notice To Vacate Oba-

sanjo Square with reference x{ Âż Âż ¿œ¿Š½¿ ÂŚ ½œ{ ¤| Â€¤{ ŠŸ{ } xber, 2014, the group stated that it was aware of the inter-ministerial meetings chaired by secretary to the state government (SSG) and all decisions taken. “Sir, we members of this association are fully comœ‚ €¤{  x{ ƒ~ÂŻÂŻx  Â‚zÂą{  Â‹Â€{ government action but it should take the prevailing circumstances we have found ourselves into consideration, as the commissioner insisted in paragraph

Âź{xŠ{ Â‹Â€{°Â€ € { Â‹| { Â‹Â€{|ƒƒxciation has been relocated  x{ |zÂąx{ |º‚Ç{  Â‹Â€{ °Â€ € { stressed. The association lamented that the land allocated is already subject of dispute, as somebody is already laying claim to its ownership, adding that up till now, there is no title document covering the said land. ‹€{Âą x~ÂŻ{¤ €­{| €z Â‚xz{ of government to the fact that they are law abiding citizens and very careful with security situation in the country.

Daily Newswatch



Friday, October 24, 2014

Senate committee tasks FG to increase rural electricity funding TED ODOGWU, Kano


z| { x { xz{ Privatization has called on the Federal Government to increase the funding of rural elec }| xz¬{ x{ z| ° { ~ |°{}x munities enjoy regular supply of electricity. | |z¬{ z| { x { on Privatization, Gbenga Oba¤| |¬{ | ¤{ z{ |zx{ ¥ ¤|¥{ during its oversight function x{ |zx{ ° } } ¥{ ~ xz{ Company that members of his }x {­x~°¤{¤x{ { { to ensure regular power supply to those in the villages. Obadara explained that the objective, among others, is to enable the electorate in rural areas enjoy dividends of democracy. According to him, regular and stable power supply can be achieved through adequate ~z¤ z±{x { ~ |°{ ° } }| xz{ Boards (REB). Responding to a question, he explained that the board is still in the process of providing infrastructure, so as to provide adequate power supply to Ni-

Kebbi youth group wants Dakingari to select credible candidate AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


hairman of Youth Vanguard for Sustainable x} |}¥¬{ { | { chapter, Alhaji Haruna Baba, has called on Governor Saidu Usman Dakingari, Dakingari of { | { |z¤{ { °¤ { x{ select credible candidate for the 2015 governorship election. Baba, who made this call while addressing newsmen yes ¤|¥{ z{ z z{ ¬{ | ¤{ that the chances of PDP to win the governorship election is to work out strategies by bringing old hands who have the political structures in order to ensure success and progress of the party. He stated that people are looking for those who are relevant to them, so, PDP should not mistakenly impose any candidate on the masses as that could spell doom for the party in the state. }}x ¤ z±{ x{ ¬{ { State, which has been adjudged peaceful, should not turn to state of violence and anarchy during elections. The chairman, who com z¤ ¤{ >x { x { { ¯ z { administration for transforming the state by constructing more roads, schools and hospitals across state, also pleaded that a credible candidate be selected to succeed him. Baba urged stakeholders in the state to come into compromise by choosing creditable candidates and ensuring peace in the state and Nigeria democracy.

gerians. As a measure to achieve the desired results, he charged electricity consumers to ensure prompt payment of their bills, to enable the service providers maintain their equipment and enhance more power generation. Obadare stressed the need for Federal Government to revive

{ ~ |°{ ° } }| xz{ x| ¤¬{ so as to ensure even distribution of power to all Nigerians, particularly, the rural dwellers, noting that the rural dwellers form the bulk of the electorate, who made it possible for politicians to remain in leadership position. Managing Director and Chief » }~ { ?} { x { ¬{ Dr. Jamil Gwamna, while laud-

ing the Federal Government’s foresight in commercialising the power sector, described it as a step in the right direction towards revival of the power sector. “We have copied from other jurisdictions in this country on how their privatization went and we believe that we have learnt a lot from the privati-

zation of the power sector in other jurisdictions. I believe that privatization is the solution to corruption, because if you remember the whooping amount of money government often invests in the power sector without results, all that is gone due mainly to privatization of the sector,” Gwamna said.

Sokoto APC guber aspirants reject zoning, consensus AYO AJOGE, Sokoto

Some governorship aspirants of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Sokoto State have expressed concern over the proposed consensus arrangement set up to streamline many aspirants jostling to secure the party ticket for candidate from Sokoto South zone. ¥{ ~ ¤{ | { ~} { political arrangement is a predetermined way to deny aspirants a level play-ground to ± {| { {¯| ¥{ |±{ | { and work against the party’s success in the forthcoming general elections in the state. It is recalled that during the party stakeholders’ parley presided by the state governor, Alhaji Aliyu Wamakko, a ª©À {}x {­| { { up and mandated to work out modalities of zoning and adopt a consensus candidate for the party governorship ticket. A source disclosed that some aspirants who do not fall within the zone favoured by the com { |¤{® }® ¤{|±| z { ~} { decision and equally vowed to go ahead in securing their nomination forms from the party’s national secretariat in Abuja. Speaking with newsmen, a Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Maiduguri, Borno State, Oliver Dashe (Left) presenting relief materials to Mrs. Iya Monguno, Principal, party chieftain and one of the Government Girls Secondary School, Maiduguri, for internally displaced persons (IDPs) living in the school...yesterday. leading aspirants from Sokoto South, Professor Lawal Bashar, insisted that the idea of zoning of the Forum, OsaroOnaiwu, constitutional amendment, above the present national was not contained in the party’s Continued from Page 2 said the governors accused describing it as ‘totally unac- minimum wage of that coun- guidelines for contesting any “One of the implications some individuals in the Na- ceptable and outrightly con- try. election. of this amendment is the jet- tional Assembly of using the demnable’. Bashar’s words: “It is zoning Speaking on the wider imtisoning by the NASS of the }xz z} {}x { x{ x } { The union said it has moni- plications of the action of that has put so many impediconcept of a national mini- through an amendment that tored with keen interest what the Senate, the union leaders ments in our country and it mum wage as enshrined in was clearly rejected by the it described as ridiculous at- posited that the timing of the has made political leaders to the 1999 Constitution (Item Senate during the constitution tempts by some elements decision, so close to the prep- perpetuate themselves on the 34 of the Second Schedule). amendment debates and votes. within the upper house of the aration for general elections public. It is rather unfortunate What this means is that every Onaiwu added that the National Assembly to trun- in 2015, which might actually that this misguided decision individual employer will de- governors noted that it was cate the economic stability of {|z{| ¯ { ¥{ {~z } ~- was taken by some party staketermine its minimum wage. improper in an issue of this the nation, create more hard- pulous characters to provoke holders despite its problems This is extremely retrogres- magnitude for the conference ship in the land, drive the Ni- a national industrial crisis and the potentials for disaster sive and dangerous. }x { x{x ~ z{ {¯x- gerian people to the extreme at a time when the nation is in our party.” “The other implication is sition of a majority in the up- and pave way for all forms of barely managing to cope with He expressed dismay over that it will turn the wage de- per house. the recent stakeholders’ meetviolent reactions. ongoing ones. termination process in states The statement described The congress notes that, un“Nevertheless, unless the ing, where zoning and conseninto a “legislative” exercise the push for local govern- like its counterpart, the House Senate wisely reverses its de- sus topped its agenda, adding instead of the universal best ment autonomy by the \ of Representatives, the Senate cision pronto, we, as Nigerian ² {| { z±{|{­ xz±{¯ }practice model of collec- National Assembly as hasty was playing ignorance of the workers, shall not hesitate to edence because the strategy of tive bargaining as enshrined ­ x~ { { }xz ¤ z±{ { principle and concept of the resort to that option. zoning has created havoc. And in the ILO Convention 154 problems of executive reck- minimum wage as practised “The decision is a surrepti- if our party in Sokoto State has on Collective Bargaining as ° z { |z¤{ z > } { |¤- in decent societies the world x~ { | ¯ { x{ x~z¤{ { decided to adopt it, then, we are well as Convention 98 on the ministration at the local level. over. death knell of the Nigerian la- heading for the same disaster.” Right to Organise and CollecAlso speaking, a political The governors warned that A statement jointly signed bour movement by undermintive Bargaining. the amendment will lead to by the duo of Comrade Bob- ing, emasculating and frag- group, Sokoto4Guiwa Pro“In light of the foregoing, the hijack o some local gov- x |°| | ±| |{ |z¤{ x - menting it into much smaller ject, who is championing the the Congress believes the re- ernment administrative struc- rade (Barr.) Musa Lawal, z > } { ~z { ­ { zx{ z|- emergence of another aspirant, moval is a deliberate and cal- tures by a few powerful indi- President and Secretary Gen- tional voice but only functional Alhaji Abubakar Bello Guiwa, }~°| ¤{ | ¯ { x{ x { ~ { viduals without the oversight eral of the TUC respectively, within the states and at the also from Sokoto South, said from the working poor to the the state government current- noted that the union had mercy of the state governors. their candidate would accept slave-poor. ly provides. The forum, how- ­ z{ |z¤{ z | ¤{ { “The Senate’s position will all measures taken by the par“We also believe it is a con- ¬{ »¯ ¤{ }xz ¤ z} { on global trends and best doubtlessly encourage the ty leadership to ensure that a scious ploy by some people that the amendment will be practices on the issue. state governments across the credible candidate emerged. to truncate the on-going elec- rejected by a majority of the The groups’ spokesperson, For instance, according to length and breadth of the tioneering process. An emer- State Houses of Assembly. the duo, in the United States country to start paying star- Alhaji Shehu Buda, however gency NEC has been conMeanwhile, the Trade of America, the Congress ex- vation wages to their work- appealed to the party leadvened for Monday October Union Congress of Nigeria clusively legislates on mini- ers, whereas the current mini- ership, as well as the state 27, to mobilise workers for (TUC), yesterday, estab- mum wage. mum wage of N18,000 cannot governor, to reconsider the further action. We appeal to lished its opposition against “Indeed, only recently, the even meet the immediate decision of zoning and conthe Nigerian people to show the decision of the Senate to newly elected Councillor in needs of the masses. This sensus, stressing, “Politics is all understanding in the event of remove the minimum wage | ° ¬{ x x { |­|z ¬{ is sure to heat up the polity about popularity and political fallouts from our proposed issue from the exclusive leg- sponsored a byelaw propos- and lead to predictably un- strength; we want a situation action.” islative list to the concurrent ing $15,000 national mini- savoury consequences,” the that all aspirants could meet at For the NGF, the Secretary legislative list in the proposed mum wage which is well TUC held. the party primaries.”

Crisis brews over NASS’ constitution amendment

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Daily Newswatch

-Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 2, No. 435

Friday, October 24, 2014


Big men, small character


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Mukhtar, CJN

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“Seven Deadly Sins Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality *&=<$? @$Q<*6Q =%#&$"# – Mahatma Gandhi

RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji 07089781189 (SMS Only)

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