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Newswatch Times Friday, November 28, 2014
FG employs satellite to track gas flaring CHARLES OKONJI
s the oil and gas VjqXUROU R|WjRQU are becoming uncooperative ZRg}U g}WU WTWjQ_U YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgÂ&#x;XU W>YjgXU Y]U Q^}RWÂ&#x161;RO|U Â&#x201C;WjYU |QXU  QjWU ROU g}WU R|WjU W_gQkU ROTR^Qtions have emerged that the WTWjQ_U YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgU}QXUTWcided to employ the use of satellite tracking system to gQ^Â&#x2030;_WUWjjRO|UVjqXUQOTUP_Q^WU jWQXYOQ[_WUVOWXUYOUg}WRjUQ^tivities. RORXgWjU Y]U OÂ&#x161;RjYOqWOgkU Mrs. Laurentia Laraba Mal_QqkUZ}YUTRX^_YXWTUg}RXU\WXgWjTQ\kU Z}R_WU NOÂ&#x161;WR_RO|U g}WU X\XgWqUROU [N¢QkUXgQgWTUg}QgU g}WUOWZU|QXU QjWUgjQ^Â&#x2030;WjUZQXU QOUYO_ROWUqQPkUX}YZRO|UTQgQU from a U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric TqRORXgjQgRYOU XQgW__RgWkU Z}R^}U ZYN_TU Y[XWjÂ&#x161;WU OQgNjQ_U |QXU VjWXU Z}WOU Yj[RgRO|U over Nigeria. Q__QqkU Z}R_WU OYgRO|U g}QgU the satellite tracking system ^YN_TU }W_PU g}WU WTWjQ_U YÂ&#x161;ernment to realise more than wzU[R__RYOUQU\WQjUROUVOWXkUZ}R^}U it could charge for illegal gas  QjRO|kU XQRTU qWQXNjWqWOgXU g}WU X\XgWqU ZYN_TU jW^YjTU ZYN_TU ]WWTU ROgYU WXgRqQgWXU Y]U }YZU qN^}U |QXU ZQXU [NjOWTkU
its carbon dioxide content and its potential value. She said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has the ability to calculate the amount of NOPQRTU VOWXU YZWTU [\U ]Q^R_Rg\UYZOWjXkUWXgRqQgWTUQgUwz{zU billion per year.â&#x20AC;? ^^YjTRO|UgYUg}WUqRORXgWjkU Z}R_WUg}WU[NjORO|UY]U|QXUZQXU YNg_QZWTUROUz~ Â&#x20AC;kU|QXUÂ QjRO|U that occurred in oil deposits â&#x20AC;&#x153;is still a major cause of human and environmental is-
sues across the country.â&#x20AC;? She pointed out that if gas ZWjWU }QjOWXXWTkU RgU ^YN_TU qWWgU Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;U PWjU ^WOgU Y]U WOWj|\U OWWTXUROU R|WjRQkUZ}R^}U}QXU been struggling to generate enough electricity to keep the lights on for more than gZYUYjUg}jWWU}YNjXUQUTQ\UROU some parts of the country. British High CommissionWjUgYU R|WjRQkU OTjWZU Y^Y^Â&#x2030;kU XQRTU g}WU gjQ^Â&#x2030;RO|U X\XgWqU
ZYN_TUPQROgUQUÂ&#x160;XgQjÂ&#x2030;UPR^gNjWU Y]Ug}WUWÂ&#x2039;gWOgUY]U|QXUÂ QjRO|UROU this country.â&#x20AC;? The U.K.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department for International Development provided funding for the project. RORXgWjU Y]U WgjY_WNqU WXYNj^WXkU jX{U RWÂ&#x201C;QORU _RXYOÂ&#x201D; QTNWÂ&#x2030;WkU[W]YjWUg}WUXgQjgUY]U QUqWWgRO|UY]Ug}WUzÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201D;qWq[WjU j|QORXQgRYOU Y]U WgjY_WNqU Â&#x2039;PYjgRO|U YNOgjRWXUÂ&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U
\WXgWjTQ\kUTRX^_YXWTUg}QgU R|WjRQU PjYTN^WTU z{ U qR__RYOU [QjjW_XUQUTQ\UY]U^jNTWUYR_kUÂ&#x2022;{Â&#x2022;U qR__RYOU [QjjW_XU Z}WOU ^YOTWOXQgWUZYN_TU[WURO^_NTWT{ The Social Development Integrated Centre (Social AcgRYOÂ&#x2014;kU QU OYOÂ&#x201D;|YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgQ_U Yj|QORXQgRYOU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;kU jW^WOgly stated that Nigeria lost Â&#x153;z{ U [R__RYOU g}jYN|}U |QXU Â QjRO|UROU W[jNQj\kUg}RXU\WQjU alone.
Cross-section of stakeholders at the ministerial platform of Federal Ministry of Science and Technology in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
NASS invasion:Parliamentary staff back call to arm sergeants-at-arms TAIYE ODEWALE, Abuja
Qj_RQqWOgQj\U gQ>U Association of Ni|WjRQU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U }QXU g}jYZOU RgXU ZWR|}gU behind the call qQTWU WTOWXTQ\U YOU g}WU Â YYjU Y]U g}WU WOQgWU ]YjU Qjqing sergeants-at-arms at both the National Assembly and statesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Houses of Assembly. WOQgYjU gQU OQO|U Â&#x2013; kU Â&#x2030;ZQU [YqU Yjg}U QXgÂ&#x2014;UqQTWU g}WU^Q__UZ}R_WU^YOgjR[NgRO|UgYU TW[QgWU YOU Y_R^WU OÂ&#x161;QXRYOU Y]U the National Assembly last ZWWÂ&#x2030;U }NjXTQ\{ Enang argued that proviXRYOU Y]U QU _W|Q_U ]jQqWZYjÂ&#x2030;U gYU WqPYZWjU XWj|WQOgXÂ&#x201D;QgÂ&#x201D;QjqXU [WQjU QjqXkU Q_YO|U ZRg}U XgQOTing police force at the various _W|RX_QgRÂ&#x161;WU QXXWq[_RWXkU ^YN_TU forestall future recurrence of ROÂ&#x161;QXRYOkU WRg}WjU [\U g}WU PY_R^WU YjUQO\UYg}WjUXW^NjRg\UYNgVg{ Supporting the call at a qWTRQU [jRWVO|U \WXgWjTQ\kU kU g}jYN|}U RgXU Q^gRO|U OQgRYOQ_U PjWXRTWOgkU Y}QqqWTU QZQkU XQRTU RgU ZQXU ZW_come development because it had become necessary to protect the sanctity of the legRX_QgNjWU]jYqU]NgNjWUQ2Q^Â&#x2030;XU[\U security men. QZQUXQRTUg}W\U}QTUZQOgWTkU Q__U Q_YO|kU g}QgU XWj|WQOgXÂ&#x201D;QgÂ&#x201D; arms be given all the support needed in protecting parliaqWOgXUROUZ}R^}Ug}W\UQjWU^}RW]U XW^NjRg\UY.^WjX{ Â&#x160; WU WÂ&#x2039;PW^gWTU g}QgU g}W\U should have been armed QOTUgjQROWTUQ__Ug}RXUZ}R_WU[W^QNXWU YOU g}WU TQ\kU YNjU qWq-
[WjXU ZWjWU Q2Q^Â&#x2030;WTU QOTU gWQjÂ&#x201D; |QXXWTU Z}WOU ^Qjj\RO|U YNgU g}WRjUTNg\U[\UPY_R^WkU^}Qj|WTU ZRg}Ug}WUjWXPYOXR[R_Rg\UY]UPjYgW^gRO|U g}WU _RÂ&#x161;WXU Y]U ^RgRÂ&#x201C;WOj\kU ZWU ^YOTWqOU Rg{U WU Nj|WU g}WU police to maintain neutrality in the discharge of their duties in the National Assembly and
WÂ&#x161;Wj\Z}WjWkÂ?U}WUXgQgWT{ PWQÂ&#x2030;RO|U ROU g}WU XQqWU Â&#x161;WROkU Ekiti State chapter chairman Y]U g}WU QXXY^RQgRYOkU \YTW_QU \YgYPWkU[_QqWTUjW^WOgU^jRXRXU in his state House of Assembly on politics. }WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXU TRXgQO^WTU g}WqXW_Â&#x161;WXU ]jYqU _QXgU ZWWÂ&#x2030;Â&#x;XU
PjYgWXgU ^QjjRWTU YNgU [\U VÂ&#x161;WU Y]U g}WRjU QjjWXgWTU qWq[WjXkU XQ\RO|Ug}W\UZWjWUOYgUOYgRVWTUY]U the protest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is hierarchy in our association and the trade unRYOU_QZUXgRPN_QgWXUg}QgUZ}YWÂ&#x161;WjUZQOgXUgYU|YUYOUXgjRÂ&#x2030;WUX}YN_TU notify the national body but
g}WU VÂ&#x161;WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXU ZWOgU YOU PjYgWXgU ZRg}YNgU jW^YNjXWU gYU NXU QOTU WÂ&#x161;WOU R]U \YNU ZQOgU gYU PjYgWXgkU \YNU qNXgU }QÂ&#x161;WU ]Q^gXU QOTU V|NjWXU QOTU ZWU ]W_gU Wqbarrassed that they said their XQ_QjRWXUZWjWUOYgUPQRTUQ]gWjUQ_location had been released to the National Assembly.
Dickson may sack political appointees over dwindling federal allocation UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa
overnor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has expressed intention to sack or reduce his po_RgR^Q_U QPPYROgWWXU ]Y__YZRO|U g}WU XgQgWÂ&#x;XU TZROT_RO|U VOQOcial status. Dickson spoke yesterday ROU WOQ|YQkUg}WUXgQgWU^QPRgQ_kU during the Monthly TransPQjWO^\U jRWVO|kU XgjWXXRO|U g}QgU TZROT_RO|U VOQO^RQ_U XgQgNXU Y]U g}WU XgQgWU ]Y__YZRO|U shortfall in revenue accruing from the federal allocation underscores the need for the people to be prudent in their expenditures. }WU |YÂ&#x161;WjOYjkU Z}YU _Qmented that reduced federal allocation to the state is reQ__\UQ>W^gRO|UÂ&#x161;QjRYNXUYOÂ&#x201D;|YRO|UPjY¢W^gXUQ^jYXXUg}WUXgQgWkU emphasised that though he does not think the situation may get to the level of sacking or reducing his political appointees. Â&#x160; ]Ug}RO|XU|YUg}WUZQ\URgURXkU the state government may TYZOXRÂ&#x201C;W{U OXgWQTU Y]U }QÂ&#x161;RO|UPY_RgR^Q_UQPPYROgWWXUZ}YU ZWU ^QOOYgU PQ\kU ZWU }QÂ&#x161;WU gYU TYZOXRÂ&#x201C;W{Â?
WkU }YZWÂ&#x161;WjkU TRX^_YXWTU that reducing the political QPPYROgWWXU ZYN_TU OYgU Q]]W^gUg}WUXgQgWÂ&#x;XU^RÂ&#x161;R_UXWjÂ&#x161;QOgXkU XgjWXXRO|Ug}QgUg}WUYÂ&#x161;WjU ÂŁÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U million used for payment of their (the political appoingWWXÂ&#x2014;UXQ_QjRWXUQOTUQ__YZQO^WXU may be too much to bear if g}WUXgQgWÂ&#x;XUPYYjUVOQO^RQ_UXgQtus persists.
Nigeria takes delivery of naval patrol boat from China gines. It has a top speed Y]U Q[YNgU Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;U Â&#x2030;R_YqWgWjXU PWjU }YNj{U }WU zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U gYOU XgWQ_g}U XU PQjgU Y]U W>YjgXU X}RPUZR__U}QÂ&#x161;WUQUjQTQjUTWgW^aimed at provid- tion area of a ship of about ing adequate se- ÂŁÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;UgYOX{U gU^QOU[WUTRX^YÂ&#x161;WjWTU ^NjRg\UQgUXWQkU R- YO_\UZ}WOURgURXUÂ&#x161;Wj\U^_YXWUgYU geria Navy has the radar of an enemy. gQÂ&#x2030;WOU TW_RÂ&#x161;Wj\U Y]U QU OWZÂ&#x201D;g\PWU of stealth patrol ship from WYP_WXU WPN[_R^UY]U }ROQkUQ]ter completing sea trials. It is g}WUVjXgUPQgjY_UX}RPU }ROQU}QXU CHIOMA UMEHA & ADEWÂ&#x2039;PYjgWTUgYU WXgU ]jR^Q{ WALE AJAYI }WU[YQgURXUYOWUY]UgZYU[jQOTU orkers of OWZU >X}YjWU QgjY_U WXXW_XU the NaÂ&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U qQON]Q^gNjWTU ROU g}WU t i o n a l United State of America and Agency for g}WU WYP_WXU WPN[_R^UY]U }ROQU YYTU QOTU for the country. }WU TWÂ&#x161;W_YPqWOgkU Z}R^}U Drug Administration and ZQXUqYORgYjWTUYOU }ROQU Q- YOgjY_U Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;kU NOTWjU [_WU W_WÂ&#x161;RXRYOU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U XWj- the aegis of the Medical vices by our correspondent in QOTU WQ_g}U YjÂ&#x2030;WjXU ORYOU Q|YXkUkUjWÂ&#x161;WQ_WTUg}QgUg}WU[YQgkU Y]U R|WjRQUÂ&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U}QÂ&#x161;WU Z}R^}U RXU WÂ&#x2039;PW^gWTU gYU QjjRÂ&#x161;WU suspended their strike and R|WjRQUZRg}ROUÂŁÂ&#x201E;UTQ\XUZYN_TU ZR__U [WU jWgNjORO|U gYU ZYjÂ&#x2030;U be used to patrol the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s YOTQ\kU W^Wq[WjUzkUQ]gWjU QU_YO|UTW_R[WjQgRYOUZRg}Ug}WU gWjjRgYjRQ_UZQgWjX{ ^^YjTRO|U gYU g}WU jWPYjgkU WTWjQ_U RORXgj\UY]U WQ_g}{ jRWVO|U OWZXqWOU \WXgWjg}WU PQgjY_U X}RPkU Z}R^}U RXU ~ÂŁU qWgWjXU _YO|kU RXU WÂĽNRPPWTU TQ\U QgU U Y.^WkU QZRg}U gZYU TRWXW_U qQXgWjU WO- |YXkU }QRjqQOkU kU WTWjQ_U jWQU YNO^R_kU YqBIODUN AKOMOLAFE, WITH AGENCY REPORTS
The patrol ship has been named â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the Centuryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the Nigerian navy. Its major misXRYOXU ZR__U RO^_NTWU PQgjY_U QOTU guard duties along the coast_ROWkU PjYgW^gRO|U g}WU WÂ&#x2039;^_NXRÂ&#x161;WU qQjRgRqWUW^YOYqR^UQjWQXkU^Qjrying out marine search and
rescues and preventing marine pollution. gU ZR__U gjQÂ&#x161;W_U qYjWU g}QOU z kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U Â&#x2030;R_YqWgWjXU gYU |WgU gYU R|WjRQ{U OU g}WU ]Y__YZRO|U ÂŁÂ&#x201E;U TQ\XkURgUZR__U|YUYOU]jRWOT_\UÂ&#x161;RXits to several countries. It is recalled that the arrival
Y]Ug}WU[YQgUZQXUTRX^_YXWTUQgUQU symposium on maritime security and safety programme ROU Q|YXkU jW^WOg_\U [\U QÂ&#x161;Q_U QPgQROU Q[R[U XqQOkUZ}R_WU speaking on behalf of the WXgWjOU QÂ&#x161;Q_U YqqQOTU Y]U the Nigeria Navy.
NAFDAC workers suspend strike
Š YUjWXNqWU YOTQ\ jQTWU gWP}WOU [W}kU XQRTU g}WU union took the decision at the end of the meeting Z}R^}U gYYÂ&#x2030;U P_Q^WU QgU g}WU Y]V^WU Y]U g}WU RORXgj\U Y]U Q[YNjkU [N¢QkU NWXTQ\kU ]Y__YZRO|U QOU Q|jWWqWOgU ZRg}U WTWjQ_U YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgUgYU_YYÂ&#x2030;U into the salary structure. }WUqWWgRO|U}QTUROUQ2WOdant delegates from MH kU Q_Qj\U QOTU Q|WXU YqqRXXRYOkU RORXgj\U Y]U
WQ_g}kUQqYO|UYg}WjX{ ^^YjTRO|U gYU }RqkU QU ^YqqR2WWUY]Ug}jWWUTW_W|QgWXU}QXU been sent to look into the YOXY_RTQgWTU WXWQj^}U OXgRgNgWU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U QOTU g}WU
Consolidated Health SalQj\U gjN^gNjWU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U salary structures and the ^YqqR2WWU }QXU gWOU TQ\XU gYU TWÂ&#x161;W_YPU QU [WV2RO|U XQ_Qj\U XgjN^gNjWU ]YjU U ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;After relaying our grievQO^WXU gYU |YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgkU Q]gWjU qN^}U TW_R[WjQgRYOkU RgU ZQXU Y[Â&#x161;RYNXU g}WU NORYOU ZQXU OYgU making unnecessary noise. The forum sympathised ZRg}U g}WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXU QOTU }QÂ&#x161;WU set up a three-man delegate to look into the salary strucgNjWkÂ?U}WUXQRT{ Apologising to Nigerians ]YjUg}WUXgjRÂ&#x2030;WkU [WUWÂ&#x2039;P_QROWTU
g}QgUg}WUNORYOUZQXUPNX}WTU gYUg}WUZQ__kU}WO^WUg}WUTW^RXRYOkU XQ\RO|kU Â&#x160; WU QjWU QPPWQ_RO|UgYUQ__UZW__Â&#x201D;qWQORO|U Nigerians to please bear ZRg}U NX{U YOXRTWjRO|U g}QgU U XQ]W|NQjTXU g}WU }WQ_g}U Y]U g}WU OQgRYOkU ZWU Â&#x2030;OYZU g}QgU XYqWU Y]U g}WU WOemies of this country must be doing all sorts of havoc already.â&#x20AC;? He called on government to live up to its promise of PjYÂ&#x161;RTRO|U QU [WV2RO|U XQ_Qj\U structure at the end of ten TQ\XkU ZQjORO|kU Â&#x160; ]U |YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgU jW_WOgXU ROU RgXU W>YjgU gYU ]N_V__Ug}WUXQ_Qj\UXgjN^gNjWUQXU PjYqRXWTkU ZWU ZR__U OYgU }WXRtate to go back to strike.â&#x20AC;?
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APC condemns IGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision not to recognise Tambuwal ADEWALE AJAYI
ll Progressives Congress (APC) has strongly condemned Inspector-General of Police Suleiman Abbaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to say he does not recognise Aminu Tambuwal as Speaker of the House of Representatives and for weaving a web of lies to cover up the real reasons the police invaded the National Assembly complex. APC, in a statement issued in Osogbo on Thursday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said by refusing to recognise the Speaker, who was duly elected by 360 members of the House of Representatives and a Speaker who has neither been impeached by those who elected him nor removed by the court, the police boss has thumbed his nose at the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As the Speaker, Hon. Tambuwal is the symbol of authority of the House and our countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number four citizen. By saying he does not recognise him as the Speaker, the IG has also
indicated he does not recognise the entire House of Representatives. For a man who was not elected by anybody to make this impertinent assertion about elected representatives of the people is tantamount to treason. Mr. Abba has shunned all pretences to
neutrality, professionalism and decency and he is no _YO|WjUVgUgYUY^^NP\Ug}WURqPYjgQOgU Y.^WU Y]U kÂ&#x;Â&#x;U g}WU party said. APC wondered at what stage IG realised the issue involving the Speaker was subjudice, especially after he constituted himself into
a court of law, which is the only body that is constitutionally empowered to make any pronouncement on the fate of the Speaker and unilaterally withdrew the Speakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s security detail. The party said Nigerians are very much aware that
Abba, by himself, could not have acted the way and manner he did, adding: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;But the truth is that he is dancing to a drum Y]U PWjVT\U [WRO|U [WQgWOU by his masters at the Aso Rock Villa. In the process, he has acted in contravengRYOUY]U}RXUYQg}UY]UY.^W{Â?
Police refute bungling case against suspected terrorist, Ogwuche KOLA OLAWOYIN, Abuja
igeria Police has disassociated itself from alleged bungling of the case against Nyanya bomb blast master-mind, Aminu Sadiq Ogwuche. The police described as most misleading, a media jWPYjgU g}QgU ^}Qj|WXU V_WTU by the Nigeria Police at the Federal High Court, Abuja, were struck out for lack of diligent prosecution in respect of the suspected terrorist. A statement issued by the Force PRO, Ag. CP Emmanuel Ojukwu, yesterday read: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would be recalled that the Department of State Security (DSS), that had intelligence on the Nyanya bombing and was investigating it, made a formal request to the Nigeria Police to assist in extraditing one Aminu Sadiq Ogwuche to Nigeria from Sudan, through the Interpol channel, of which the Nigeria Police is well versed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was at this stage and for this reason that the L-R: Past President, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS), Mr. Segunn Ajanlekoko; Deputy President, R|WjRQU Y_R^WU Yj^WU V_WTU 0XZ 0[X\] ,]^X_[X `q\[ 3X[Zqw[x_ 0X $w[z{[xX^ 2z|x}w^w^ ~_ _ [ $xx|~Â&#x20AC; *[x[X~Â&#x20AC; 0[[_qxz ~xw qxw|\_q^x ^Â x[Â&#x201A; charges against the susmembers in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. pected fugitive Aminu Sadiq Ogwuche, based on RO]YjqQgRYOUg}QgU}WUÂ WTUgYU Sudan. Â&#x160; }WU V_RO|U Y]U ^}Qj|WXU scandal, APC has clearly be prosecuted, the rul- ed to lies and dirty tricks bugging of Democratic YqqR2WWU against the suspect is a exposed its culpability ing party said members ROUQOUQ2WqPgUgYUP_Q\Ug}WU QgRYOQ_U QOTU^YOVjqWTUYNjUXgQOTU of APC should hide their victim and blame PDP (DNC) headquarters, legal procedure to enable regarding their criminal faces. ]YjU g}WRjU XW_]Â&#x201D;ROÂ R^gWTU APC stood the truth on Nigeria Police formally its head and tried to play request the Sudanese autendencies and penchant â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is to say the least woes. ]YjUTW^WRgUQOTU_RWX{Â? despicable that instead of â&#x20AC;&#x153;In referring to Wa- on the intelligence of Ni- thorities to grant Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Insisting that any APC apologising to Nigerians tergate scandal involv- gerians by trying to polit- extradition request in releader found to be be- for this heinous crime, ing American President icise an obvious criminal spect of the suspected fugitive. hind the crime should APC leaders have resort- Richard Nixon and the Q^gkÂ?Ug}WUXgQgWqWOgUXQRT{
PVC cloning: PDP insists APC has case to answer SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday said no amount of tactics employed by the All Progressives Congress (APC) to play on the intelligence of Nigerians will drown its clear act of cloning of INECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Permanent Voter Card (PVC). PDP National Legal Adviser, Victor Kwon, in a statement Thursday, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;in posting series of lame denials, even when caught in the act and attempting to compare their crime to the American Watergate political
he National Orientation Agency (NOA) yesterday opened a sensitisation campaign for less privileged persons, assuring that the government is poised to deliver a credible, fair and free election in 2015. Director General of the agency, Mike Omeri, who
2015: NOA to make case for less privileged spoke at a programme for the disabled in Jos, Plateau State capital, said the coming elections hold a special promise for the nation in view of the massive preparation of government and the electoral management body. The event, put together in conjunction with the In-
terfaith Women with Disabilities Initiative of Nigeria, is aimed at providing necessary security awareness and voter education for this segment of the populace believed to be vulnerable to insecurity. In a statement by the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assistant director, press, Paul Odenyi
and made available to Newswatch Times, Omeri assured physically challenged Nigerians of the W>YjgXUY]UQNg}YjRgRWXUgYUWOsure a peaceful and secure atmosphere for all Nigerians to exercise their right during elections. He tasked them not to give in to self pity, adding
WAEC awards 2013 WASSCE to three candidates JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna
he West African Examinations Council (WAEC) yesterday awarded national distinction and merit awards to three top candidates in 2013 West African Senior ^}YY_U WjgRV^QgWUWÂ&#x2039;QqRnations. This came just as Gov-
ernor Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Babangida Aliyu of Niger urged the examination body to ensure that its standard, which has made it one of the best in the world, is maintained. Master Ogunfolaji Oloruntoba emerged the best candidate for the 2013 WASSCE with 666.6525, with distinctions in all the eight subjects, including
Mathematics and English Language. The second best candidate, Fasola Ifeoluwapo, scored 664.0075, with distinctions in the eight best subjects, including Mathematics and English Language, while Anyanwu Maureen Kelechi emerged as the third best candidate in the examination, scoring 656.5480.
Schools of the three best candidates were also awarded with various awards for producing best students. Chairman of the Nigeria National Committee of WAEC, Barrister Daniel Chike Uwaezuoke, said the awards are aimed at encouraging the youths of the country, hoping that the awards will
challenge them to work harder in order to win similar laurels in future. Presentation of prize books were also made to the three best schools in the May/June 2012 WASSCE in Niger State, while 111 members of staff of the council in Nigeria, who had served meritoriously for 20 years received long service awards.
that electoral process was for all Nigerians, while advising them to be fully part of electioneering. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I assure you all that government is working hard to provide conducive and secure environment to accommodate all segments of the populace to exercise their inalienable right. Physically challenged Nigerians need to be propWj_\UXWOXRgRXWT{Â?U Earlier, Coordinator, Interfaith Women with Disabilities Initiative of Nigeria, Zainab Mustapha, commended NOA â&#x20AC;&#x153;for its ^YOgRONWTU W>YjgXU gYU PjYvide friendly platforms to advance the cause of Nigerians with disabiligRWXkÂ?U Z}R_WU X}WU QTÂ&#x161;RXWTU all physically challenged people to perform their right during 2015 general elections.
Kerosene explosion kills 15-yr old, injures 3 in Benin burns from the explosion. The explosion, which kerosine explosion has took place at No 23 Okkilled a 15- PW[}YU QOWkU Y>U |}WTYU year old boy Street, Textile Mill Road RTWOgRVWTU QXU in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State, Alfred Omonife. Omonife was con- Q_XYU Q>W^gWTU Yg}WjU Â&#x161;R^VjqWTU TWQTU }NjXTQ\U tims including 31 years Q]gWjU }WU XN>WjWTU XWÂ&#x161;WjWU old Loveth Odeh and her THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin
VÂ&#x161;WU \WQjXU Y_TU XYOkU RXdom. Omonife was conVjqWTU TWQTU QgU g}WU Wnin Central Hospital emergency department, where he and two other victims were taken to for treatment. Wisdom on his part, was burnt from his waist
down while his mother had burns all over her body. Loveth who managed to speak to newsmen said she was turning kerosene into a lantern at about 2am when it exP_YTWTUQOTUVjWU_RgUg}WUWOtire room. She said the kerosene
was bought from a neighbourâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house and prayed the state government to investigate as well as arrest those involved in the sale of the destructive, adulterated kerosene. Her husband, Sunday, XQRTU g}WU VjWU [NjOgU g}WU
Delta pays pensioners N1.2bn monthly SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba
Akwa Ibom State Governor, Godswill Akpabio (right); the representative of the Chief Justice of the Federation, Justice Inyang Okoro of the Supreme Court (left), Administrator, National Judicial Institute, Justice Bozimo (second left) and Akwa Ibom State Chief Judge, Justice Idongesit Ntem Isua, at the 3rd Seminar for Judges on Regulation in the Electric Power Sector in Akwa Ibom State...yesterday.
Railway workers down tools, decry victimization KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu
onstruction workers engaged by a Turkish engineering VjqkU U WXgU Africa Limited, rehabilitating the Eastern Railway line from Port-Harcourt to Makrudi, have embarked on strike to protest what they called victimization, proscription of labour union and indiscriminate sack of workers by the company. The workers also complained of alleged plot by the company to deny them of their legitimate severQO^WU [WOWVgU QOTU Yg}WjU WOtitlements as the company winds up in February 2015. ESER will on December 2, 2014 hand over the tested and rehabilitated rail line from Port Harcourt to Enugu after which commercial rail transport would commence from the SouthSouth through South- East to the Northern part of the ^YNOgj\U [W]YjWU VOQ_U ZROTU up of the company in Nigeria. Group Managing Director of the ESER company in Nigeria, Mr. Tugrul Karaduman, however denied all the allegations by the workers allegation, saying that money for payment of g}WU XWÂ&#x161;WjQO^WU [WOWVgXU ZQXU available except that the workers union leaders have not done the needful. Karaduman also said that the company is currently
down seizing workers owing to the fact that its operations are gradually coming to the end. He noted that the comPQO\U RXU OYgU YO_\U _Q\RO|U Y>U Nigerian workers but also sending back its expertrates to Turkey because its job has reduced drastically. Chairman of the ESER workers union, Sampson Nnamani had alleged that the company has violated some of the agreements it reached with workers on
their welfare in 2011, including unwarranted sack of the Human Resources Manager, Mr, Chioma Ejim and frustration of labour unions in the company. Nnamani said that the workers embarked on seatdown strike to press home their demands, alleging however that the company instead of addressing their grievances, is replacing g}WqU ZRg}U OWZU XgQ>U WÂ&#x161;WOU when they have not been ]YjqWj_\U_QRTUY>{
â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is why we are afraid that ESER wants to close the company without paying us our severance and Yg}WjU [WOWVgXU [W^QNXWU g}W\U }QÂ&#x161;WU ZRg}TjQZOU g}WU XgQ>U bus among other suspected frustrating measures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We therefore pray the ministry of Labour and Productivity, the International Labour Organization and the Nigeria Labour Congress and the Trade Union Congress to please come to our rescue,â&#x20AC;? said Nnamani.
property he had in their one room apartment. He said he was at work when the incident occurred and begged public spirited individuals to QXXRXgU}RqUVOQO^RQ__\{ Sunday said late Alfred was his nephew.
overnor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State yesterday disclosed that his administration pays N1.2 billion monthly as pension to retired civil servants in the state. Aside that, he also said the state has contributed over N18 billion since 2007 when it started implementing the contributory pension scheme. Uduaghan, who made the disclosure in a meeting with retirees and other stakeholders in Asaba, cautioned against bringing politics into pension matters, stating that nobody or association could blackmail his administration to abandon the interests of pensioners in the state. Reiterating the commitment of his administration to the welfare of retirees, the governor said that the State Government besides its workers salaries pays out the sum of N1.2 billion monthly as pensions, an amount he noted was more than the wage bill of some state governments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Every month N1.2 billion is given for pension alone, I am not talking of workers salary. I am talking of what we put in for pension. That is the monthly wage bill of many states in this country,â&#x20AC;? he said. According to him, the state government has since the inception of the contributory pension scheme made a counterpart contri-
bution of over N18 billion, with workers contributing over N13 billion to the fund.
I will return Delta to its place of pride â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Okocha
rontline Delta State governorship aspirant, Akwue Peter Eloka Okocha (OON), on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has declared that he would return Delta State to RgXU PQ^WXW2WjU XgQgNXU QqYO|U the league of states in Nigeria should he emerge as the PQjg\Â&#x;XUÂ Q|U[WQjWjUROUg}WU]Yjg}coming election. The accomplished business magnate said this yesterday at the Delta State PDP Secretariat, Asaba when he formally declared his intention to run for the governorship race in Delta State. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am propelled by a profound desire to return Delta gQgWU gYU RgXU PQ^WXW2WjU XgQgNXU among the league of states in Nigeria. To achieve this, however, I intend a consolidation of the good works of the past administrations of the state for I am sincerely convinced that they constitute necessary foundation stones in my vision to take Delta State to new frontiers of development,â&#x20AC;? he said. Speaking further, he identiVWTUg}jWWUÂ&#x2030;W\UXgjQgW|R^UPjRYjRties as the basis for transforming the state. According to him:â&#x20AC;&#x153;Human capital development, social and economic development and infrastructural development are my key strategic priorities.â&#x20AC;?
Protest rocks Rivers as Ogoni rejects Amaechiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guber nominee ISCEST holds NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
rotests erupted in TR>WjWOgU PQjgXU Y]U Rivers State yesterday as thousands of Ogoni youths took to the streets and major roads to demonstrate their displeasure over the endorsement of Dagogo Peterside as the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC. The youths who blocked major junctions of the EastWest Road at Eleme, Akpajo and Tai later turned up at Azikiwe Road and began moving towards government, chanting war songs, denouncing the choice of Peterside as the choice of the party. The Ogoni youths are
...Gives him 48hrs to reverse decision vexed that Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaech betrayed the Ogonis by dumping Senator Magnus Abe, representing Rivers South East and Chairman WOQgWU YqqR2WWU YOU Wtroleum Downstream, an Ogoni. Abe was considered a frontline contender to the governorship ticket until APC stakeholders chose Peterside as its preferred choice for the 2015 gubernatorial election. The Ogoni youths arrived at front gate of government }YNXWUXW2RO|UNPU[NjOUVjWXU with disused tyres. They also destroyed some cars parked at the parking lot in front of government house. The police began shoot-
ing into the air at 9.30am to scare the protesting youths as their numbers continued to increase with the arrival of each commercial bus. }WUPY_R^WUQ_XYUVjWTUXWÂ&#x161;eral canisters of tear gas to scare away the protesting youths from coming too close to the main gate of government house. }RW]U Y]U gQ>U gYU |YÂ&#x161;WjOment house, Chief Tony Okocha, said no one in government could address the protesting youths because they could not establish their identity. Speaking to journalists later in the day, the Pub_R^U W_QgRYOXU .^WjU Y]U g}WU Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People, MOSOP, W|[YjXRU XQWOkU jW|jW2WTU
that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Governor Amaechi has thoroughly betrayed the Ogoniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. He has shown how much he loves the Ogoni peopleâ&#x20AC;?. He declared: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have resolved to support any party that presents an Ogoni as its governorship candidate. We are no longer prepared to play second VTT_WUROUg}WUPY_RgR^XUY]U RÂ&#x161;ers State. Its either governorship or nothingâ&#x20AC;?. Essen lamented: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were informed that some Ogoni youths were staging a peaceful protest in front of government house and one of them was shot. We are still trying to locate where he is and how serious is condition.
inaugural conference
he Inaugural Conference of the International Society of Comparative Education, Science & Technology, ISCEST, comes up in Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State, between December 7 and 11, 2014. The conference is being hosted in Bayelsa State in collaboration with the state-owned Niger Delta University. The conference will be declared open by the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, who will also be the Special Guest of Honour. The President will also be inducted as a Fellow of the International Society of Comparative Education, Science and Technology, ISCEST, at the ceremony.
Newswatch Times
World Report FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Ferguson fallout: Scores arrested in Calif. unrest
ozens of protesters in Los Angeles and Oakland were arrested late Wednesday during a third night of demonstrations linked to the shooting protest in Ferguson, Missouri. Police said at least 130 demonstrators who refused to disperse during a Los Angeles protest were arrested, while 33 people were detained in Oakland following a march that deteriorated into unrest and vandalism. In Los Angeles, about 200 or 300 largely peaceful demonstrators crisscrossed downtown streets for several hours in the afternoon and evening over a decision not to bring criminal charges against a Ferguson policeman for killing a black man. But later some of the protesters were stopped by a phalanx of riot-clad police near the Central Library. Lt. Andy Neiman said an unlawful assembly was declared after some marchers began walking in the street and disruptRO|U gjQ.^{U }W\U ZWjWU ordered to disperse but instead reformed, with police trying to corral them Neiman said 130 protesters were arrested, with most appearing calm as they were hand^N>WTUZRg}UP_QXgR^U[QOTXU and walked to waiting }WjR>Â&#x;XU WPQjgqWOgU buses.
Meanwhile, Oakland police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said the 33 arrests there came after a march by about 100 people through Oakland streets. She said that later small groups began moving through the streets with some vandalizing property, mainly breaking windows. Most of the protesters had dispersed but shortly before midnight Watson said that there was still a very small group that police were monitoring. OU YOTQ\U QOTU NWXday, some demonstrators in Oakland vandalized businesses and blocked freeways to protest the decision not to indict OfV^WjU QjjWOU R_XYOU ROU the Aug. 9 fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. During the demonstration Wednesday in Los Angeles, demonstrators
had marched to a federal building and police headquarters but they were turned away by lines of police after heading toward the county jail and then the Staples Center arena, where the Los Angeles Lakers were playing. Â&#x160; }WUX\XgWqURXUZjYO|kÂ?U demonstrator Jovan jYZOU gY_TU Â&#x201D; {U Â&#x160; WÂ&#x;jWU gj\RO|U gYU _WgU WÂ&#x161;Wrybody know if we come together as a people and unite, we can change it.â&#x20AC;? }WjWUZQXUQU[jRW]kUgWOXWU confrontation where a handful of demonstrators X^jWQqWTUQgUY.^WjXkUZ}YU held raised batons. One Y.^WjU XgjN^Â&#x2030;U QU ZYqQOU who had moved forward, and another shoved a protester. Finally, squads of police boxed in and began arresting around 60 remaining protesters for failure to disperse, Neiman said.
Protesters partake in a sit-in during a rally in Los Angeles
Hong Kong student leaders banned from Mong Kok protest site
wo Hong Kong student leaders were banned from a large area in Mong Kok as a ^YOTRgRYOUY]U[QR_UYOU }NjXday after they were arrested TNjRO|U X^NĂ&#x192;WXU ZRg}U PY_R^WU who cleared one of the largest protest sites that have choked the city for weeks. Joshua Wong, Lester Shum and activist lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung, who was also banned from Mong
Kok, were charged with obXgjN^gRO|U ^YNjgU [QR_R>XU QOTU did not enter a plea. }W\U QjWU TNWU gYU QPPWQjU again in court on Jan. 14. Wong, Shum and Leung were among more than 100 people arrested in Mong Kok over the past two days. YO|Â&#x;XU XgNTWOgU |jYNPU ^}Y_QjRXqU ^YOVjqWTU g}WU court ban. Shum and Leung received similar bail terms. }WU PjYgWXgWjXU QjWU TW-
manding open nominations for the Chinese-congjY__WTU ^Rg\Â&#x;XU OWÂ&#x2039;gU ^}RW]U executive nomination in 2017. Beijing said in August it would allow a vote, but only among pre-screened candidates. Lined with banks, nooT_WU X}YPXU QOTU |jR2\U gWOWments, the streets of Mong YÂ&#x2030;U}QÂ&#x161;WU[WWOUQUÂ&#x2030;W\U[Q2_Wground for protesters and mobs intent on disbanding them, and was viewed as
the protest site most likely to resist clearance. While the protesters regrouped and tried to storm back onto the roads, they ultimately failed to penetrate the mass of police armed with pepper spray and batons deployed to TW]WOTUg}WUqQ¢YjUgjQ.^UROtersections. Some protesters were hospitalized with head injuries from police batons. }WU YO|U YÂ&#x2030;U^_WQjQO^WU
was the second time in as many weeks that police, ^YNjgU [QR_R>XU QOTU ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXU moved to enforce courtordered injunctions to clear g}WUXgjWWgX{U }WUjWqYÂ&#x161;Q_UY]U g}WU PjYgWXgWjXÂ&#x;U [QjjR^QTWXkU tents and furniture is a major blow to the pro-democracy movement. }WU qQROU PjYgWXgU XRgWU ROU TqRjQ_g\UOWÂ&#x2039;gUgYUg}WU^Rg\Â&#x;XU ^}RW]U WÂ&#x2039;W^NgRÂ&#x161;WU Y.^WU QOTU [QjjQ^Â&#x2030;XU ]YjU }ROQÂ&#x;XU WYP_WÂ&#x;XU R[WjQgRYOU jq\U jWqQROXU_Qj|W_\UROgQ^g{U }WjWU is also a small protest site in the Causeway Bay shopping district. As the students regroup, they may target governstood against words of force ment buildings, another and bullying of the other student leader told local side, and unlike the other [jYQT^QXgWjU { â&#x20AC;&#x153;Further actions include side, they did not change a possibility of some escatheir words everyday.â&#x20AC;? He referred to an outbreak lations pointed at governof racially-charged unrest in ment-related buildings or XYqWU { {U^RgRWXUQOTUQTTWTĂ&#x201A;U some of the governmentdepartments,â&#x20AC;? Â&#x160; qWjR^QOU Y.^RQ_XkU ZRg}U related regard to the problems of Hong Kong Federation of today, need success and a Students member Yvonne Leung said, adding that big win.â&#x20AC;? Iran would not be ru- details would be released ined if the negotiations col- soog Kong, a former British colony, returned to lapsed, he said, because Chinese Communist Party it had an â&#x20AC;&#x153;economy of rerule in 1997 under a â&#x20AC;&#x153;one sistanceâ&#x20AC;?, a term he often country, two systemsâ&#x20AC;? foruses to suggest the Islamic mula that gave it some auRepublic has resources to tonomy from the mainland stand up to any foreign and an undated promise of pressure. NORÂ&#x161;WjXQ_UXN>jQ|W{
Iran Supreme Leader says not opposed to extension of nuclear talks
Iranâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
jQOÂ&#x;XU XNPjWqWU _WQTWjU qQTWU ^_WQjU YOU }NjXday he backed extended nuclear talks with world powers, shorRO|UNPU W}jQOÂ&#x;XUOW|YgRQgRO|U gWQqUQ|QROXgUQ2Q^Â&#x2030;XU[\U}RXU hardline acolytes for failing to strike a deal that could have meant major relief from sanctions. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also said that if the talks, extended on Monday for seven months beyond the Nov. 24 deadline, ultimate_\U]QR_WTkUÂ&#x160;g}WUXÂ&#x2030;\UZYOÂ&#x;gU]Q__U to the groundâ&#x20AC;? and that the United States would be the biggest loser if that transpired.
With the two sides having missed a deadline to over^YqWU g}WRjU TR>WjWO^WXU ]YjU the second time this year, Iranians face the prospect of at least several more months of international sanctions that have hammered their standard of living. But Khamenei, the ultimate authority on all IraORQOU qQ2WjXU Y]U XgQgWkU XQRTĂ&#x201A;U â&#x20AC;&#x153;For the same reasons I ZQXOÂ&#x;gUQ|QROXgUOW|YgRQgRYOXkU Â&#x;qUQ_XYUOYgUQ|QROXgUg}WUWÂ&#x2039;tension.â&#x20AC;? In remarks carried on his ZW[XRgWkU }WU XQRTU W}jQOÂ&#x;XU negotiators were â&#x20AC;&#x153;hardworking and serious ... Â&#x2013; }W\Â&#x2014;U ¢NXg_\U QOTU }YOWXg_\U
Newswatch Times
African Report FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Sierra Leone official: Ebola may have reached peak
he Ebola out[jWQÂ&#x2030;U ROU RWjjQU WYOWkU Z}R^}U has been surgRO|U ROU jW^WOgU ZWWÂ&#x2030;XkUqQ\U}QÂ&#x161;WUjWQ^}WTU RgXU PWQÂ&#x2030;U QOTU ^YN_TU [WU on the verge of slowing TYZOkU RWjjQU WYOWÂ&#x;XU ROformation minister said WTOWXTQ\{ NgU ROU QU jWqROTWjU Y]U how serious the situagRYOU RXU ROU RWjjQU WYOWkU QU OROg}U TY^gYjU [W^QqWU RO]W^gWTU WTOWXTQ\U QOTU the World Health OrganRÂ&#x201C;QgRYOU XQRTU g}WU ^YNOgj\U Q^^YNOgWTU ]YjU qYjWU g}QOU }Q_]U Y]U g}WU OWZU ^QXWXU ROU g}WU }QjTWXgÂ&#x201D;}RgU ^YNOgjRWXU ROUg}WUPQXgUZWWÂ&#x2030;{U \U^YOgjQXgkU RO]W^gRYOXU QPPWQjU to be either stabilizing or TW^_RORO|U ROU NROWQU QOTU R[WjRQkU Z}WjWU Â&#x161;R|YjYNXU ^QqPQR|ORO|U]YjUQU WOQgWU W_W^gRYOU g}RXU ZWWÂ&#x2030;U XN|gests the disease might be _YYXWORO|URgXU|jRP{ OU Q__kU zÂŁk~Â&#x153;ÂŁU PWYP_WU }QÂ&#x161;WU [WWOU XR^Â&#x2030;WOWTU ZRg}U [Y_QUROU WXgU ]jR^QUQOTU Yg}WjU P_Q^WXU RgU }QXU Y^^QXRYOQ__\U PYPPWTU NP{U ]U g}YXWkU ÂŁkĂ&#x2021; ~U }QÂ&#x161;WU TRWT{U }WU ^QXWU gYgQ_U RO^_NTWXU
Ă&#x2021;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;UOWZU^QXWXUROU NROWQkU R[WjRQU QOTU RWjjQU WYOWU ROU¢NXgUg}WUPQXgUZWWÂ&#x2030;kUQ^^YjTRO|UgYUg}WU { The disease is transmitgWTU g}jYN|}U ^YOgQ^gU ZRg}U [YTR_\U  NRTXU Y]U g}WU XR^Â&#x2030;kU PN2RO|U}WQ_g}UZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXUQgU PQjgR^N_QjUjRXÂ&#x2030;{U j{U YO|YU [jRZQkU QU gYPU qR_RgQj\U TY^gYjUZ}YUZQXUZYjÂ&#x2030;RO|U QgU QU gjWQgqWOgU ^WOgWjU ROU g}WU ^QPRgQ_kU gWXgWTU PYXRtive for Ebola on WednesTQ\kU Q^^YjTRO|U gYU [QXXU QqQjQkU QU WQ_g}U RORXgj\UXPYÂ&#x2030;WXqQO{ WQj_\UĂ&#x2021;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U}WQ_g}UZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXU}QÂ&#x161;WU[W^YqWURO]W^gWTU ROU g}WU WXgU ]jR^QOU YNg[jWQÂ&#x2030;kUqQO\UROUg}WU}QjTWXgÂ&#x201D;}RgU^YNOgjRWXUY]U NROWQkU R[WjRQU QOTU RWjjQU WYOWUĂ&#x2C6;UQ__UY]UZ}R^}U}QTU gYYU]WZUY]Ug}WUZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXUgYU [W|ROUZRg}{ gR__kU _P}QU QONkU RWjjQU Leoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s minister of inforqQgRYOkU gY_TU ¢YNjOQ_RXgXU ROUQOUYO_ROWUPjWXXU^YO]WjWO^WU g}QgU ZRg}U g}WU RqqROWOgU ^YqP_WgRYOU Y]U gZYU jRgRX}Â&#x201D;[NR_gU gjWQgqWOgU ^WOgWjXkU g}WU ZYjXgU ^YN_TU [WUYÂ&#x161;WjU]YjUg}WU^YNOgj\{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We believe that now g}QgUg}YXWUgjWQgqWOgU^WOg-
WjXU QjWU jWQT\kU g}WU gjQOXqRXXRYOUY]UOWZU^QXWXUZR__U XgQjgU jWTN^RO|kÂ?U }WU XQRT{U Â&#x160; U TYOÂ&#x;gU g}ROÂ&#x2030;U ZWU ^QOU get any higher than we are now â&#x20AC;&#x201D; we are at the P_QgWQNU Y]U g}WU ^NjÂ&#x161;WU QOTU very soon we will have QU TYZOZQjTU gjWOTkU YO^WU we have somewhere to gQÂ&#x2030;WUPWYP_W{Â? RWjjQU WYOWU}QXUOWQj_\U Ă&#x2021;kĂ&#x2021;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;UY]Ug}WUjWPYjgWTU [Y_QU^QXWXkUZRg}UQ[YNgUzkÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U TWQg}XkUQOTUg}WURO]W^gRYOXU QjWU RO^jWQXRO|U XZR]g_\U }WjW{ In its release of the latWXgU V|NjWXU YOU WTOWXTQ\kU g}WU Yj_TU WQ_g}U Organization said both RWjjQU WYOWU QOTU R[WjRQU appeared to be far behind g}WU { {Â&#x201D;XWgU |YQ_U Y]U RXY_QgRO|U Ă&#x160;Â&#x201E;U PWj^WOgU Y]U PQgRWOgXU[\U W^{UzkUZRg}UYO_\U Q[YNgUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;UPWj^WOgURXY_QgWTU ROU WQ^}U ^YNOgj\{U NROWQkU [\U ^YOgjQXgkU QPPWQjXU to have already passed g}QgU gQj|Wg{U }WU Q|WO^\U warned that data is poor QOTU X_YZU gYU ^YqWU ROkU XYU VjqU ^YO^_NXRYOXU QjWU TR]V^N_g{ QONkU g}WU RO]YjqQgRYOU qRORXgWjkU Q|jWWTU g}QgU
WUQ_XYUXQRTUg}QgU RWjjQU Leone would repeat its WPgWq[WjU X}NgTYZOU Z}WOU PWYP_WU Q^jYXXU g}WU ^YNOgj\U }QTU gYU jWqQROU QgU }YqWU Z}R_WU qWTR^Q_U gWQqXUZWOgUTYYjUgYUTYYj{ In Liberia a further sign Y]Ug}WU^YNOgj\Â&#x;XUjW^YÂ&#x161;Wj\U ^QqWU Z}WOU YOWU ^QOTRdate expressed delight Wednesday at how many supporters turned out for QU^QqPQR|OUjQ__\U]YjU WOQgWUW_W^gRYOX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;They told me that there ZYN_TU YO_\U [WU ÂŁÂ&#x201E;U PWYP_WU [NgU UXWWU]YNjUYjUVÂ&#x161;WUg}YNXQOTUPWYP_WkÂ?UXQRTU WOQgWU ^QOTRTQgWU Y[WjgU Rj_WQ]kU son of President Ellen
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Tanzania PM Mizengo Pinda caught in corruption row
anzaniaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prime minister is under pressure to resign over alleged fraudulent payments worth $120m (ÂŁ76m) to an enWj|\UVjqUQOTUgYPUY.^RQ_X{ Mizengo Pinda failed to properly oversee governqWOgU VOQO^WXkU QU PQj_RQqWOgQj\U ZQg^}TY|U ^YqqR2WWUXQRT{ gUQ_XYU^Q__WTU]YjUg}WUjWXignation of two powerful |YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgU qRORXgWjX{U All three have denied any ZjYO|TYRO|{U QXgU qYOg}kU TYOYjXU suspended some aid to QOÂ&#x201C;QORQkU Z}R^}U }QXU jWpeatedly been dogged by ^YjjNPgRYOUQ__W|QgRYOX{U Ă&#x2020; N[_R^UQO|WjÂ&#x;U Qj_RQqWOgkU TYqROQgWTU [\Ug}WUjN_RO|UPQjg\kURXU^NjjWOg_\U }Y_TRO|U QU XPW^RQ_U XWXXRYOUgYUTRX^NXXUg}WUPN[_R^U Q^^YNOgXU ^YqqR2WWÂ&#x;XU ^Q__U ]YjU jU ROTQÂ&#x;XU jWXR|OQgRYOkU TWXPRgWU }RXU W>YjgXU gYU[_Y^Â&#x2030;Ug}WUXWXXRYO{U It shows how angry ruling party MPs are with the government over the RXXNWkU jWPYjgXU g}WU Â&#x;XU [YN[QÂ&#x2030;QjU QqQNU ]jYqU PQj_RQqWOgU ROU g}WU ^QPRgQ_kU
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Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NPP calls for inquiry after London cocaine bust
Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President John Mahama says his family has no Â&#x20AC;qxÂ&#x2039;Z _^ _ [ ~Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;[z[w wX|z _X~Â }\Â&#x2039;[X
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Newswatch Times
EDITORIAL Friday, November 28, 2014
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on truth
OUR VISION To support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest for justice through intellectual approach
Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)
To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence
!"#$! % & ' (#! ' $ editorial@mynewswatchtimesng.com and addressed to the Editor, Newswatch Times, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
Elections without voters: Redressing threats to popular democracy
ewswatch Timesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; persistent fears of a disenfranchised voterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population being a threat to evolution of popular, participatory democracy were reinforced in the week by outcries that the electorate are becoming more apathetic to the failure of political parties and INEC in mobilising potential voters to register without sweat or stress. Ogun, Edo and Lagos state government belatedly declared work-free days recently to enable more voters to regularise their registration with INEC, which has largely slept on its onerous duty of compiling an updated votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; register through continuous registration to capture fresh voters and by conducting public enlightenment campaigns to raise awareness and simplifying easy access to registration. Indeed, the Resident Electoral Commissioner in Plateau State Mr. Habu Dzarma raised alarm in Jos October 28 that more than one million voters have not been captured for the Permanent Voter Cards in Plateau alone. In Iyesi area of Ota LGA in Ogun state, most eligible voters were in the 2011 election disenfranchised because INEC registration centres and Y.^RQ_XUZWjWUQ^NgW_\UX^Qj^WUQOTU_R2_WU or no remedy has been done since then to capture those disenfranchised ahead of the 2015 general elections. INECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apparent apathy in compiling a valid and credible votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; register prompted Lagos State Governor Mr Fashola to raise the alarm that potential voters in Lagos were being disenfranchised going by the alleged reduced potential voters, and wondering if INEC was up to any sinister motive. Though Fashola gave a state-wide broadcast urging potential voters to take advantage of last Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work-free day to regularise their voting status within the remaining two days, it is QPPQjWOgUg}QgU_R2_WU^YN_TU[WUQ^}RWÂ&#x161;WTU within such a short period, especially when the registration centres are few. We had cautioned severally in the past few months about growing votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; apathy, especially on the realisation that rigging of elections often starts with the manipulation of the votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; register via underregistration and over-registration. We had reiterated that growing
apathy of voters during elections was a sure alarming signal that the ^RgRÂ&#x201C;WOj\UZQXU_YXRO|U^YOVTWO^WUROU the democratic process. The refusal of registered voters to turn out and cast their votes cannot in anyway help sustain democracy as a peaceful method of changing leadership QgUTR>WjWOgU_WÂ&#x161;W_X{UU OUg}WUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zzU governorship election in Anambra only 28.8 percent of registered voters turned out to vote or 29 voters out of 100; and subsequent turn out recently was about 30 percent. The recent governorship election in Ekiti state only recorded marginal improvement over Anambra as about 50 percent of voters turned out, a feat reportedly achieved by the personal mobilisation of Ayo Fasoye, who won in a landslide. There is therefore urgent need for all stakeholders in the democracy project to remedy the lacunas responsible for citizens losing interest in participatory and representative democratic process. The Chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U jY]WXXYjU 2Q}RjNU W|QU recently expressed lamentation that few voters were turning out for W_W^gRYOXkUjW|jW2RO|URgUZQXUQUOW|QgRÂ&#x161;WU development. The major culprits of votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; apathy are the INEC that is empowered by the Electoral Act to conduct civic education and promote knowledge of sound democratic practices and the political parties that jostle for votes of the electorate. The failure of INEC to conduct regular and continuous updates of voters; register has excluded disenfranchised several eligible voters while names of the dead and relocated persons pad the votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; register. The inconsistency of the electoral umpire on what mode of election to adopt causes a lot of confusion and apathy. In fact, many ready and willing citizens get frustrated in identifying where to register for elections. This was major snag in the 2011 elections in which many potential votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; were disenfranchised through INEC incompetence. Often times, electoral materials get to polling booths very late thereby frustrating potential voters who might have waited in vain in the rain or sun. In the 2011 governorship election in Anambra State, only 28.8 of the 1.4 million registered voters turned out to vote, according to
the then INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner in Anambra State, Prof. C. E. Onukaogu, who spoke at a Civil Society/INEC dialogue organised by the Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre in Abuja. The subsequent governorship election in YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x153;UTRTUOYgU]QjWU[W2WjUQXU about 30 per cent of registered voters showed interest in voting. But is the political fervor and enthusiasm waning alarmingly to the extent of threatening the foundations of participatory popular democracy? Â&#x;XU_Wg}Qj|R^UQ2RgNTWUgYUPWj]YjqU creditably by overcoming its legendary logistics hurdles over the \WQjXkUPQjgR^N_Qj_\U|W2RO|UW_W^gYjQ_U materials to polling venues on time; and poor enlightenment campaigns to drum up awareness on the rules and regulations guiding polls and inability to update voters register to capture new eligible candidates of voting age. }WUTYÂ&#x201D;YjÂ&#x201D;TRWUQ2RgNTWUY]UPY_RgR^RQOXU to win elections via all crooked means imaginable and the grand ]QR_NjWUY]URO^Nq[WOgUY.^WU}Y_TWjXUgYU allow democracy dividends trickle to the electorate as promised hitherto contributes largely to voter apathy. Many voters see elections as routine
rituals to empower a few people to feather own nests only when they QXXNqWUPYZWj{UU }WjWURXU_R2_WUgYUX}YZU in quality of life of citizens after 15 years of sustained, uninterrupted democracy. Electricity supply is still at the level of anticipatory promises and plans in the legendary pipelines, massive corruption and public sector looting at all tiers of government has combined to deny the people vital provisions for socioeconomic welfare and job opportunities. The insecurity that pervades periods of elections also discourages quality voter turnout, thereby leaving the political space to largely g}N|XkUQjWQU[Y\X{UU W|jW2Q[_\kUWÂ&#x161;WOU security agencies that should protect lives, limbs and property are often biased. However, it is instructive that Prof Jega says INEC has set up a National Inter-Agency Advisory YqqR2WWUYOU YgWjU TN^QgRYOU and Publicity as part of 2012-2016 strategic plans to promote national awareness and education which help to reduce propensity for W_W^gYjQ_UÂ&#x161;RY_WO^W{U }WU^YqqR2WWU is chaired by an INEC national commissioner, Dr. Chris Iyimoga, and is made up of representatives
of National Orientation Agency; Federal Ministry of Information; WTWjQ_U RORXgj\UY]U YqWOU >QRjXU and Social Development; Federal Ministry of Communication; Federal Ministry of Education and National Broadcasting Commission. Others are Nigerian Communication Commission; Nigerian Television Authority, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, News Agency of Nigeria, Nigerian Guild of Editors; Nigeria Labour Congress; Nigeria Union Journalists, and Federal Ministry of Youths Development. Indeed, a comprehensive approach is required to reverse voter apathy and this is not INECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job alone. Political parties must be in the forefront of mobilising and educating and enlightening their members. INEC must put its house in order and conduct civic votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; education. We believe strongly that political parties, INEC and other democracy stakeholders can do more to reverse this negative trend of citizens OYgUX}YZRO|UXN.^RWOgUROgWjWXgUROU voting, which defeats purpose of participatory popular democracy for citizens to have a sense of belonging in actively participating in choosing the leading people or parties.
Newswatch Times
View Point Friday, November 28, 2014
Pending tasks before INEC
oing by the timeline of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), campaigns for presidential and National Assembly elections should commence this month as well as the campaigns for governorship and state House of Assembly elections while those of the National Assembly and presidential and governorship as well as State Assembly elections hold next February. Since the commencement of the Fourth Republic, the nation has been experiencing various challenges in building virile institutions, fighting sectarian crises and corruption in a bid to ensuring good governance and the so-called dividends of democracy. Our electoral system has not been spared the series of upheaval troubling us as a country. The functions of INEC are contained in Section 15, Part 1 of the Third Schedule of the 1999 Constitution (As Amended) and Section 2 of the Electoral Act 2010 (As Amended). The laws, among other functions, empower the commission to organise elections into elective public offices while the power to conduct local government area chairmanship elections, which were vested in States Independent Electoral Commission, is being transferred to INEC, going by the amendment to the laws. However, many Nigerians, local and international observers are already expressing their concerns over a number of issues that should be sorted out without further delay if we are to truly have free, fair and credible elections in the country. Not a few believe that there’s a relative improvement in our electoral process in terms of computerisation of the system, coding of ballot papers, ballot boxes and polling units. For instance, the distribution of permanent voter cards is part of efforts towards having comprehensive and up-to-date voter register. However, both the voter registration exercise and the distribution of voter cards have suffered public criticism as the recent nationwide voter registration exercise conducted by INEC recorded several irregularities as reported in nine states - Edo, Ogun, Imo, Kano, Rivers, Lagos and Nasarawa for the third phase of the nationwide distribution of the PVCs. Again, INEC will still have to contend with the problem of voter apathy. Otherwise, this may frustrate genuine efforts to ensure hitch-free elections. In the last exercise, it was reported that less than 50 per cent of registered voters in the states could collect their cards since the
collection exercise started six months ago, which is now barely three months to the elections. Hence, unless there is an attitudinal change, many eligible voters might be disenfranchised. Another factor is the inability to put in place, electronic voting, which is another obstacle to successful elections. This will not only make as many Nigerians in Diaspora to participate, it should eliminate all shortcomings associated with manual conduct of elections. At the moment, only citizens residing in Nigeria at the time of registration of voters can vote at any election, whereas in other countries, their citizens are able to discharge their civic duties as a result of the opportunity offered by the technology of electronic voting. With a biometric system in place, it is expected that has the system should be cleaned of fraudulent registration and manipulation. INEC will still need to contend with the registration and deregistration of political parties. Many political parties seem not sure of their fate. This should be sorted out before they go deep into electioneering. The insecurity pervading the North-East is another grey area that should be addressed. Despite the ongoing terrorist acts by the Boko Haram sect, INEC has assured that it would conduct elections in the area, which is mostly affected by the insurgency that has assumed a more frightening dimension in Yobe, Borno and Adamawa states.
Again, INEC will still have to contend with the problem of voter apathy. Otherwise, this may frustrate genuine efforts to ensure hitch-free elections. In the last exercise, it was reported that less than 50 per cent of registered voters in the states could collect their cards
No doubt, it is the constitutional responsibility of government to provide adequate security for lives and property. What has also become increasingly worrisome is massive deployment of security personnel and hardware to elections as happened in recent cases in Ekiti and Osun states, where the Nigerian Army, the Nigerian Police, the Department of State Security, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, and other security apparatus were deployed thousands for the governorship elections. The INEC boss, Professor Attahiru Jega, had backed a proposed amendment that would confer the exclusive power to assign security men during elections on INEC by limiting the role of the military at such exercises. Also, the appearance of masked security agents suspected to be DSS operatives had sparked protests from the opposition party. This feature of military rule - an aberration and impediment to any modern day governance - should not have a place under the current dispensation. As the people eagerly look forward to the future, the wishes of voters should be accurately reflected, a salient consideration that has been in short supply since the 1963 elections in the annals of the nation. Voters should ask aspirants cogent questions that require convincing answers on matters that border on their living. These should cover insecurity, unemployment, corruption, decadent power, education, health services and infrastructural deficit. Certainly, we should collectively agree that no government can provide purposeful leadership without having well planned, articulated and sustainable programmes. The aspirants should thoroughly be made to scrutinise intending public office holders and freely determine whether they are fit to be entrusted with their mandate. The National Assembly should do more by moving swiftly to remove all the legal encumbrances hindering INEC from performing its functions creditably. The people should get the best from their country. After all, that is the real essence of democracy.
The politics of power and the power of politics
he topic of this essay bothers on semantic erudition. It will dissect the theme within the context of political theory and practical politics. The essay will confront the political ideals of Aristotle and the political actualities in the Nigerian Republics that are yet to move from primitive political thought of money, crude fame and political gerrymandering, since 1960. Politics should concern a conscious Q2WqPgU[\URgXUTW YgWWXUgYU]jQqWUg}WU synthesis of societal organization that ^QgWjXU]YjUW Wj\YOWkUYjUQUjWXY_NgWUQ2WqPgU to do so. Those, with concern about the TW W_YPqWOgUY]Ug}WUjQ^WUQOTUOYgUXW_VX}U parading of stolen public wealth, seek power for altruistic purposes, not self|jQgRV^QgRYOUQOTUg}WU]Njg}WjRO|Ug}WUWOTXU of political power seekers. On the other hand, the power of politics must be harnessed to improve the social conditions and the living standards of the people. The power of politics, if well-understood and properly used, can turn primitive societies into advanced conditions for citizens to live well. What do we mean by citizens living well? In Nigerian today, there is hunger in the land. An organized society must create conditions of life for its citizens, not the present condition of unorganized life. The graduates have no particular
Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai
X^}WqWUgYU^YOXN_gUgYUWOQ[_WUg}WqUVOTU jobs. The merchants, who supply goods purchase from expensive sources, since manufacturing is inadequate to cover the needs of the citizens. So prices rise, while wages are stagnant.
parties are waiting for elections before they articulate their policies on how they propose to govern. So, we are harassed by hackneyed political sloganeering, promises that are tall orders, with no social relevance to the people’s well-being. Yet, loquacious political neophytes, favour-seeking and fortune-seeking
The new political parties are waiting for elections before they articulate their policies on how they propose to govern. So, we are harassed by hackneyed political sloganeering, promises that are tall orders, with no social relevance to the people’s well-being Personal and social insurance schemes XN>WjUXRO^WUg}WjWURXUOYUW gjQUqYOW\U for such endeavours. Agricultural produce has been dwindling as a result of marauding thieves, who plunder the farms. The state has never been predictable, because political parties do not seem to understand that only the President cannot govern a state. The new political
demagogues proclaim unrecorded successes of leaders, who themselves must wonder, who the beggar is writing about .Aristotle dealt with the issues of ^YO R^gRO|U^_QRqXUgYUPYZWj{U OU R|WjRQkU this has become very manifest since APC entered the political contest. What we do not see is the marked TR>WjWO^WUROUXN[XgQO^W{U }WUPjQ|qQgR^U
thing now in Nigeria is to move from Aristotelian ideals of “HOW FOR DO POLITICS” “YOU CHOP I CHOP” to social political programmes adumbrated during presidential political debates, incisive interviews, and newspaper articles by presidential aspirants. The OGBOSO 1 and OGBOSO 2 syndrome should disqualify any one unwilling to debate issues. Those, NUNA FIKI eye- service occultists, who are proposing artful dodging, must be put to shame by enlightened mankind, who have raised eye-brows that educated people could, even think about absenteeism at presidential debates. The AZATA/NEPU Party of thinking, honest and patriotic Nigerian men and women consider it a cardinal principle of presidential politics in Nigeria to hold many presidential debates for political aspirants to enable Nigerian voters to choose leaders and keep the rest away. We have prepared a 700-page document to assist the presidential debating enterprise. We are optimistic that every Nigerian will learn from our brief. We have circulated the document to political interest groups world-wide. We have formulated new theories that will enhance the emergence of a sound federal state.
Professor Esiemokhai wrote via eesiemokhai@yahoo.com
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Urualla savours Supersportâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
he quiet town of Urualla in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State played host to the Corporate Social Initiative of SuperSport, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. The Dan Ngerem Sports Foundation in conjunction with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, hosted over 1,400 children drawn from 30 schools in the locality. The children were between the ages of 7 and 14 years and the event took place at the St. Michaels Primary school grounds. 25 coaches, including Victor Ikpeba â&#x20AC;&#x201C; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ambassador - Henry Nwosu (MON) and Mike Onyemachara all former Nigerian internationals, taught the kids basic football skills like trapping the ball, heading and pass-
ing the ball. At the end of the skills session, footballs were handed to all participating kids. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hope this event has touched a few of the kids in a way to inspire them to take this further,â&#x20AC;? stated Dan Ngerem a former President of the Athletic Federation of Nigeria. While the general manager of SuperSport, Felix Awogu expressed his joy at the continued support g}QgU Ă&#x2020; WgÂ&#x;XU _Q\Â&#x;U RXU |W2RO|U from communities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is amazing, the level of encouragement & support each â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; event receives from our hostsâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; initiative is SuperSportâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of inspiring the kids to start playing again, thereby keeping them healthy both physically and mentally.
Nigerian refs for Africa Champions Cup By Francis Ajuonuma
wo Nigerian referees were among the Y.^RQ_XU OQqWTU [\U Africa basketball governing body, FIBA Africa to Y.^RQgWU ROU g}WU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;g}U WTRtion of the Africa Champions Cup for Women in Sfax, Tunisia from November 28 through December 7. FIBA badge refereesOlayinka Famogbiyele and Babatunde Popoola will act as accompanying referees alongside Ab-
delaziz Abassi and Hatem Langar (Tunisia), Sammy Wakaba and Ambrose Kisoi Mbalu (Kenya), Banza Kalume Tonton (D.R Congo), Kollo Guy Sani (Cameroon), Clesio Ramos and Francisco Tando (Angola). Zouzou Nadège (Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire), Sarty Nghixulfwa (Namibia) and Chahinaz Bousseta (Morocco) were invited as neutral referees. Tunisian born FIBA Africa Technical Commission President, Abderaouf Menjour, compatriot Ben Said Sahoula and AbdenTRU QOQVUY]U YjY^^YUZR__U serve as technical commissioners; while Tunisian Nourredine Taboubi will serve as referee supervisor. Former two time champions in 2003 and 2009 and Nigerian League champions, First Bank basketball club of Lagos and FIBA Africa Zone 3 winners, Dolphins will  \U R|WjRQÂ&#x;XU  Q|U QgU g}WU Premier continental club championship.
Newswatch Times FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Mikel not good to captain Eagles â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Onye Ephraim Nwosu
x-Nigeria international and London based FIFA licensed agent, Kingsley Onye has returned a damning verdict on ChelXWQÂ&#x;XU R|WjRQOUqRTVW_TWjkU John Obi Mikelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future in the Super Eagles. X-raying the national teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future when the current captain, Vincent Enyeama would have left the scene, Onye said Mikel is not good enough to inherit Enyeamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s captainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm band. The Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defenXRÂ&#x161;WUqRTVW_TWjURXU^NjjWOgly Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; third choice captain behind Enyeama and Austin Ejide. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yes, Mikel may be a good player and one of the oldest in Eagles, but those are not the only parameters for measuring a national team captain. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t necessarily need to be the best in the team to captain it. There are other essential qualities of leadership, which Mikel does not possess,â&#x20AC;? the former Enugu Rangers and defunct Leventis United FC of Ibadan defender pointed out. Mikel, it could be recalled played into the hearts of Chelsea fans when early this year his goal spurred the Stamford Bridge team to victory in the English FA Cup against Derby County. The Nigeria international made the game a
very remarkable encounter as he scored wearing the Blues captainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s band while making his 300th appearance for the London club and Onye insists that wearing the Chelsea QjqU [QOTU RXU QU TR>WjWOgU ball game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What you should not ]Yj|WgU RXU g}QgU }RXU Q2RgNTWU in the national team is Q_ZQ\XU TR>WjWOgU Z}WOU }WU V_WXU YNgU ]YjU }RXU ^_N[kU Chelsea. This may be because they pay his bills. We need a captain who should lead by example. I mean a player with
good leadership qualities who can unite and bring ^YOVTWO^WU ROgYU g}WU gWQqUU and somebody who will command the respect of his teammates. Above all, our captain must be dis^RP_ROWTkU ^YqqR2WTU QOTU }Nq[_WkÂ?U}WUXN[qR2WT{ Meanwhile, former Nigeria coach Samson Siasia recently warned that anyone who wishes to talk to Mikel to raise his game in the national team, must be ready to take a slogging from the Chelsea star. Mikel has come under
intense criticisms following his recent sluggish displays for the Super Eagles, which is in disparity with the zeal he displays in Chelsea colours. Siasia, who lined up g}WU qRTVW_TWjU ]YjU g}WU 2005 FIFA U-20 World Cup and then dropped him for the 2008 Beijing Olympics saidMikel hates criticism. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Someone would have to talk to him. But to talk to Mikel, you have to be ready for your own beating,â&#x20AC;? Siasia reportedly said.
Fed. Cup medal means much to me â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mfon victory did not come easy for the Aba-based club side as they were made to work harder for it by a very formidable DolFrancis Ajuonuma
lo Premier League top scorer, Mfon Udoh has said that winning the 2014 Federation Cup with Enyimba International FC of Aba meant a lot to him. The forward, who X^YjWTU O\Rq[QÂ&#x;XU VjXgU goal in the 2-1 win over Y_P}ROXkUQ_XYUjWQ.jqWTU his determination to take his football to Europe by next season.
phins side that were more adventurous in the game WXPW^RQ__\UROUg}WUVjXgU}Q_]{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Federation Cup medal means a lot to me
[W^QNXWU g}RXU RXU q\U VjXgU ever trophy in Nigerian football; so it is a great delight to have won it. Â&#x160; gUZQXUQUTR.^N_gU|QqWU ]YjUNXUROUg}WUVjXgU}Q_]U[NgU we decided to raise our game and work harder and then goals came,â&#x20AC;? he said. On his future he said: I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know yet but I think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be somewhere around Europe next season. The forward ended the Glo Premier League on 23 goal mark, beating Emem Eduok, who also scored Dolphins only goal in the WTWjQgRYOU NPU VOQ_U gYU the second with 20 goals.
Newswatch Times FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sack Keshi without Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval â&#x20AC;&#x201C;NFF
Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08 emeka.ezeugwu@mydailynewswatchng.com
Fed Cup: Bring back glamour
F Ephraim Nwosu
he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) are handtied in kicking out Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi despite failing to qualify Nigeria for next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s African Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea. A top member of NFF board who does not want his name in print said Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three â&#x20AC;&#x201C;year contract with NFF actually expired at the end of the World Cup in Brazil, where he led the team to the last 16 in the competition and they were ready to let him go. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We indeed sent him away in order to make room for a new coach, but the decision was rescinded after intervention from the Presidency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obvious that we are still not impressed with Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance, but there is nothing we can do about it. As it is now NFF does not have the power re-engage him or sack him again without the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval,â&#x20AC;? stated our source. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The truth is that we are hand-tied and we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to take any action that will cause bad
blood between NFF and the President. He who pays the piper dictates the tune.â&#x20AC;? Just recently some NFF Y.^RQ_XUQPPWQ_WTUgYU WX}RU to honourably walk away
]jYqU}RXU NPWjU Q|_WXU¢Y[U in national interest sine he claimed to have countries queuing up for him go elsewhere. Nigeria failed to qualify for the 2015 African
Cup of Nations following last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2-2 draw with the Bafana Bafana of South Africa at the ultramodern Akwa Ibom International Stadium in Uyo.
Clubs face stringent CAF rules
AF has laid down â&#x20AC;&#x153;the minimum required criteriaâ&#x20AC;? for clubs that will participate in the Champions League and Confederation Cup next year. The African apex body XWOgU YNgU Y.^RQ_U ZYjTU gYU various national federations, including the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Q._RQgWTU gYU RgU YOU g}WU ^jRgWria for their clubs to meet ahead of next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Champions League and Confederation Cup. U XgQgWTU ROU RgXU _W2WjU in October to the NFF that ^_N[XUqNXgUÂ&#x160;]N_V__Ug}WUqRORmum required criteria at the national level for the Club Licensing System. They must obtain their licenses from their federations prior to their participation in those competitions.â&#x20AC;? CAF, having revised club licensing documents XN[qR2WTU [\U g}WU TR>WjWOgU national federations, including the NFF, demand-
ed that teams participating in its club competitions qNXgU }QÂ&#x161;WU XgQTRNqU ^WjgRVcation not older than two years at the start of the season and must also have a head of youth development programme. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All clubs engaged in CAF inter-clubs competigRYOXU X}Q__U ]N_V__U g}WU qRORmum required criteria at the
national level for the Club Licensing System. They must obtain their licenses from their federations prior to their participation in those competitions. Â&#x160; gQTRNqU WjgRV^QgRYOU must not be older than two years at the beginning of the new inter-clubs competition season. Â&#x160; YNU QjWU Q_XYU jWÂĽNWXgWTU
to provide us with your ^YOVjqQgRYOUjW|QjTRO|Ug}WU person within your administration that will focus on the implementation of the Club Licensing System and who will act as the point of contact with CAF,â&#x20AC;? the African football governing [YT\UXgQgWTUROURgXU_W2Wj{ CAF has made it clear that its â&#x20AC;&#x153;updated regulations on the Inter-Clubs competitions will come into forceâ&#x20AC;? from 1 December. Recently CAF had warned that clubs not licensed or properly licensed by their national football federations risk being thrown out of its club competitions. Nigerian champions, Kano Pillars and Cup holders, Enyimba will feature in the 2015 CAF Champions League while the duo of Dolphins and Warri Wolves will take part in the CAF Confederation Cup.
ootball Association (FA) Cup competition, now rechristened Federation Cup remains the oldest football competition in Nigeria. It was aptly dubbed â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Challenge Cupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; because it allows even the amateur team to challenge the so-called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;superiorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of Premier League teams. Thus, both the amateurs and national league clubs ^YN_TU^YqWUg}jYN|}Ug}WU_QTTWjU]jYqUg}WUXgQgWUVOQ_XUgYUZROU it at the national level; hence it is not restricted to elite clubs only. As a result of its uniqueness, in terms of being an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;all^YqWjXÂ&#x;UQ>QRjUQOONQ__\kURgUWO¢Y\WTUg}WU_Qj|WXgU]Y__YZWjX}RPU ZRg}U]QOXUg}jYO|RO|UÂ&#x161;WONWXUgYUZRgOWXXUg}WUgZYUVOQ_RXgXUg}QgU emerged from the knock-out stages. In those days, Nigeria Football Association (NFA) needed extra police cordon gYU ^YOgjY_U ^jYZTU g}QgU ZQg^}WTU OQgRYOQ_U VOQ_XU [WgZWWOU renowned teams like Enugu Rangers (the Flying Antelopes) and 3SC (the Oluyole Warriors) of Ibadan or Stationery Stores of Lagos and Sharks of Port Harcourt. This was because these clubs had massive fan base that followed their darling teams anywhere. It was also because Challenge Cup or Federation Cup remains the true test of Champions. Unlike the Premier League that is decided between 18 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20 clubs on round robbing format and on home-and-away basis, FA Cup is played on knock-out basis right through the states to g}WUOQgRYOQ_UVOQ_X{UU YUQUZROOWjUqNXgU}QÂ&#x161;WUXNjÂ&#x161;RÂ&#x161;WTUXWÂ&#x161;WjQ_U TQNOgRO|U^}Q__WO|WXUgYUWqWj|WUQUOQgRYOQ_UVOQ_RXg{U U NPU RXUQ_XYUg}WUYO_\U_Y^Q_U]YYg[Q__U^YqPWgRgRYOUg}QgU}QXURgXUVOQ_XU P_Q\WTUYOUQUOWNgjQ_U|jYNOTĂ&#x2014;Ug}NXUPjYÂ&#x161;RTRO|U[Yg}UVOQ_RXgXU a level playing ground to win it. But gone are those days, for now, it has become a competition merely surviving on past glories despite the new name â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Federation Cupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has tried desperately to revive the glamour associated with this competition to no avail. Only last Sunday, Enyimba and Dolphins FCs X_N||WTURgUYNgUROUg}RXU\WQjÂ&#x;XUOQgRYOQ_UVOQ_UQgUg}WUjW]Nj[RX}WTU Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere Lagos. And despite g}WUPR2QO^WU|QgWU]WWUY]U zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;kUg}WUXgQOTXUjWqQROWTUWqPg\{U }RXURXUOYgZRg}XgQOTRO|Ug}WU]Q^gUg}QgUWÂ&#x161;WOUg}WUVOQ_UY]Ug}WU female version of the competition was played on the same TQ\U QgU g}WU XQqWU Â&#x161;WONW{U U }NXkU QU zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U gR^Â&#x2030;WgU Q>YjTWTU QU fan the opportunity to watch the two games in one day at one venue. The idea to merge both the male and female VOQ_XUg}WUXQqWUTQ\UQOTUÂ&#x161;WONWUZQXUYOWUY]Ug}WUX\XgWqQgR^U W>YjgUQgUjWÂ&#x161;RÂ&#x161;RO|Ug}WU]Y__YZWjX}RPUY]Ug}WU|QqW{UU WgkUWÂ&#x161;WOU that did not bring the fans streaming back into the stadium for the two matches last Sunday. Neither did the measure workout last year nor the year before that. The competition is slowly sliding into oblivion despite Satellite TV providers, DSTV beaming it live nationwide and beyond. This can be Q2jR[NgWTUgYUXYUqQO\U]Q^gYjX{ In these days of the power of internet and social media, OYgUqQO\UPWYP_WUÂ&#x2030;OWZUg}QgU WTWjQgRYOU NPUVOQ_UZQXU|YRO|U gYU[WU}W_TUROU Q|YXU_QXgU NOTQ\{UU }WjWUZQXUXRqP_\UOYUW>YjgU by the organizers to whip up publicity even within Lagos (the venue) to sensitize fans on the competition. If there ZQXUQO\UqWTRQU^YqqR2WWUXQTT_WTUZRg}Ug}WUjWXPYOXR[R_Rg\U of creating awareness for the competition through the media, I was not aware of it because I did not feel the impact Y]Ug}WRjUjWXPYOXR[R_Rg\{UU }WjWUZWjWUOYUjQTRYUYjU U¢RO|_WXkU billboards and posters anywhere indicating that such was |YRO|UgYU}Y_TU_QXgU NOTQ\{U WZUTQ\XUgYUg}WUVOQ_UYOU NOTQ\kU NO^WjgQROg\U XNjjYNOTWTU RgU QXU [Yg}U VOQ_RXgXU Â&#x2013; O\Rq[QU QOTU Y_P}ROXÂ&#x2014;Ug}jWQgWOWTUgYU[Y\^Y2Ug}WUVOQ_UR]Ug}WRjUjWXPW^gRÂ&#x161;WU managements did not pay them their outstanding entitlements. Thus, the few fans that had any hint of the competition before last Sunday became unsure if it would XgR__U}Y_TUZRg}UXN^}UYqROYNXUg}jWQgU}QO|RO|UYÂ&#x161;WjURg{UU WgkUg}WU organisers did nothing to erase this doubt when the threat was sorted out eventually. I had a discussion with the new UPjWXRTWOgkU ROOR^Â&#x2030;U qQ¢NUYOUg}WUWÂ&#x161;WUY]Ug}WUVOQ_kUQOTU the former Delta State FA chairman couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t help expressing grief on the fact that the competition, up till last Sunday, had no sponsor despite its age-old nationality and popularity. Lagos state came into the fray and has bank rolled the VOQ_XU ]YjU g}WU g}RjTU \WQjU jNOORO|U [W^QNXWU ]YjqWjU XPYOXYjkU Coca-Cola cancelled its 5-year sponsorship agreement worth over $3.9 million in 2009. Cokeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contract with the NFF was worth $660,000 annually and was due to run until 2014. But the multi-national soft drink producers unexpectedly pulled out due to perennial crisis in the football house, which did not augur well with their brand. Ever after the competition has become a pariah to cooperate bodies in Nigeria. Now g}QgU URXU^Q_qWjkU qQ¢NUX}YN_TU[jRO|U[Q^Â&#x2030;Ug}WU|_QqYNj{UU XRTWU|W2RO|UQUOWZUXPYOXYjU]YjUg}WU^YqPWgRgRYOkUg}WUgjYP}\U qNXgU[WU^}QO|WTUgYUQUqYjWU|_QqYjYNXUQOTU[WV2RO|UX}RW_T{UU The paltry monetary reward for winners should be increased to ginger competition and healthy rivalry. The trophy X}YN_TUgYNjUXgQgWXUTNjRO|URgXUÂ&#x201C;YOQ_UP_Q\Â&#x201D;Y>XUgYUWOgR^WU]QOX{UU And there should be adequate publicity for the competition to create awareness. Federation Cup must not die.
Newswatch Times Sports/EURO LEAGUE Sturridgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back stronger
resh from becoming the top goalscorer in Champions League history with a hat-trick in a 4-0 win over APOEL Nicosia on Tuesday, Lionel Messi was targeting victory over Paris Saint-Germain and top spot in Group F. Barcelona need to beat the French champions on December 10 to avoid the danger of meeting the likes of Bayern Munich in the last 16 and Messi preferred to stress the importance of victory at the Camp Nou rather than jWÂ W^gU YOU QOYg}WjU jW^YjTÂ&#x201D; breaking night just days after also becoming the alltime leading goalscorer in La Liga. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am happy to have achieved such a great record in such an important competition, but the really important thing is the three points which we won,â&#x20AC;? said the 27-year-old, who overtook Raul Gonzalezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record and sits on 74 goals. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will try to continue as we have played until now and to achieve the objectives that Barcelona need to meet. Â&#x160; gU ZR__U [WU QU TR.^N_gU game. We have already played and lost in Paris. They have very good players and are a team that QjWU |W2RO|U [W2WjU Q__U g}WU time. But we are playing at home, we need to play very well and make sure we win the group.â&#x20AC;?
aniel Sturridge says he is determined to return stronger than ever from his injury woe. The Liverpool striker has been ruled out since September and is set to remain sidelined until the New Year after being diagnosed with a new thigh problem. Sturridge tweeted: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Through all this Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m growing as a man and an athlete. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everybody goes through things in their life that can make or break them. This for me is just another hurdle to jump over. Another door to break down. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back soon enough strong and ready to play. Thanks to everyone for your support.â&#x20AC;? Sturridge starred alongside Luis Suarez last season, scoring 25 goals as Brendan
Record-breaking Messi focuses on PSG
PSG need more qualities to win UCL â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Okocha
aris Saint-Germain need to add more top players to their squad and take some of the burden away from Zlatan Ibrahimovic if they are to win the Champions League, accordRO|U gYU ]YjqWjU qRTVW_TWjU Jay-Jay Okocha. Ibrahimovic returned to the scoresheet in the 3-1 victory against Ajax on Tuesday having spent seven weeks on the sidelines with a heel injury. But Okocha, who spent
Drogba hits 50 goal mark in European competition
RTRWjU jY|[QU[W^QqWUg}WUVjXgU ]jR^QOU player to score 50 goals in European competitions on Tuesday night. The Chelsea striker notched the fourth goal in a 5-0 Champions League win over German side Schalke as the Blues cruised into the last 16 of Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elite competition. Drogba has broken various impressive jW^YjTXUg}jYN|}YNgU}RXU^QjWWj{U WjWUQjWUVÂ&#x161;WU more achievements that the 36-year-old can put his name to: Drogba is the only man to score in four U NPU VOQ_XkU QU ÂĽNQjgWgU Z}R^}U }QXU ^YqWU over the past eight years where Chelsea }QÂ&#x161;WUZYOUWÂ&#x161;Wj\UXRO|_WUYOWUY]Ug}YXWUVOQ_X{ Think thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impressive? If you include g}WUXWqRÂ&#x201D;VOQ_XUQgU Wq[_W\Ug}WOU\YNÂ&#x;__UTRXcover that the Ivory Coast man has eight goals in eight Wembley cup ties. In the 1175 minutes that Drogba has played against Arsenal, he has scored on average one goal every 78 minutes and 20 seconds. Furthermore, his goal to clinch the Emir-
ates Cup for Galatasaray in August 2013 took his astonishing goal record against Arsenal to 15 strikes in 15 matches. Whilst Drogba has tasted defeat in ]jR^QOU NPUY]U QgRYOXUVOQ_XkU}RXUjW^YjTU in the biggest games is unrivalled. Notable goals in the 2012 Champions League VOQ_kU Z}WjWU }WU X^YjWTU g}WU WÂĽNQ_RXWjU QOTU VOQ_UPWOQ_g\UQ|QROXgU Q\WjOU NOR^}{
four years with PSG between 1998 and 2002, believes that Ibrahimovic alone cannot bring them European glory. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s clear that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s their main man now and for that reason they cannot be quite there yet, because you need at least three or four outstanding players to be able to win the Champions League,â&#x20AC;? Okocha told Goal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you are relying so much on one player you might go through a spell where he might not be in good form or he might be injured, and then you ZR__U XN>WjU ]jYqU g}Qg{U YU }WU might not be good enough alone to win the Champions League for them.â&#x20AC;? The ex-Nigeria international does believe, though, that the capital club can win the tournament in the near future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think if you look at their team this year, they }QÂ&#x161;WU TWVORgW_\U RqPjYÂ&#x161;WTU from last year,â&#x20AC;? he added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And I think they stand a good chance of improving, so they will be up for it I think next season.â&#x20AC;? Okocha starred for PSG at a time when targets were XYqWZ}QgUTR>WjWOgkU[NgUg}WU 41-year-old accepts their transformation under the Qatar Sports Investments group as being part of the modern game.
Rodgersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; men came close to winning the Barclays Premier League title. But his setbacks this season have been mirrored by his club who have taken just eight points from their last nine games and currently languish in 12th place in the table.
Ancelotti enquires about Silva
eal Madrid are already looking towards next season and apparently Cruzeiro ^WOgjQ_U qRTVW_TWjU N^QXU Silva is part of their plans. In fact, according to AS, they have already asked about the 21-year-old and been quoted an initial transfer fee of around â&#x201A;Ź15m. However, Los Blancos will face competition for the playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature, with Manchester United, Arsenal, Juventus and Roma all reportedly interested. Former Corinthians YQ^}U RgWU ^YOVjqWTU gYU Sportv that Carlo Ance_Y2RU }QXU QXÂ&#x2030;WTU Q[YNgU g}WU player. Â&#x160; O^W_Y2RU gY_TU qWU g}QgU }WU ^YN_TU Y>WjU }RqU QU ^YO-
tract and asked if he could play where [Toni] Kroos and [Luka] Modric play, because he said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;my President doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sign defendersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He wanted to sign [Marco] Reus and Ance_Y2RU ZQXU QXÂ&#x2030;WTU Z}WjWU }WU could play him,â&#x20AC;? said Tite.
Mancini wants to replace Wenger at Emirates
oberto Mancini has hinted that he would like to take over from Arsene Wenger at Arsenal. The former Manchester City coach has admitted that he has a soft spot for the north London club
and says he would â&#x20AC;&#x153;loveâ&#x20AC;? to take charge at Emirates Stadium. And the 49-year-old, who has recently returned for a second spell as Inter Milan manager, admits that he would be open to taking over from Wenger at the club. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ten years ago I would have chosen Serie A but now I would have to say the Premier Leagueâ&#x20AC;?, Mancini told Corriere dello Sport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would have loved to have managed Arsenal, a club with a special charm. But there is still time. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where do I see myself at 60? As coach of the Italian national team.â&#x20AC;?
Newswatch Times FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Enyama spoils wife with N4.4m Rolex watch
P With
I’m no lesbian —Chichi Igbo
romise, wife of Lille of France and Super Eagles goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama recent_\U QNOgWTU |R]gXU |R WOU to her by her husband. Among the gifts Promise got from her hubby include a beautiful customR WTU Y_W U ZjRXgZQg^}U
valued about $25,000 (about N4.4 million), designer bag and wallet; and she proudly shared it on her instagram page. Enyeama and Promise got married in 2006 after dating for several years in Uyo. They are blessed with three lovely kids.
ormer Super Falcons striker gNjOWTU VgOWXXU trainer, rapper and fashion designer, Chichi Igbo has reacted to rumours that she is a lesbian. The Denmark based professional footballer who represented Nigeria at the 2007 FIFA Women World Cup, said during a chat with Newswatch Sports that XN^}U jNqYNjXU ZWjWU V|ment of some people’s imagination. “It’s ridiculous when people misunderstand your life style. I am tired of hearing about this lesbian question and it is annoying when people make such comments without a proof. “Anybody that calls me a lesbian should come forward with a proof. The fact that they say I look like QU Æ YqU Y\ U QOTU U Q2Q^ U those who criticize gays, does not make me a lesbian. “What you wear should OYgU TWVOWU Z}YU \YNU QjWk U posited the erstwhile Capital Queens FC of Uyo striker. Chichi however did not rule out a role as a lesbian in a movie if she is approached by a producer since she has the physique and looks. “I don’t mind playing such role as long as it is not jWQ_k UX}WUjWP_RWT{
Udeze, Daddy Showkey visit Orphanage
ne time Super Eagles defender, Ifeanyi Udeze and PYPN_QjU qNXR^RQOkU Y}OU ‘Daddy’ Showkey will lead a group of friends under the auspices of ‘Chiefs Forum of Ajegunle’ to donate food and clothes to Amukoko Orphanage this weekend. PWQ RO|U W ^_NXR W_\U with Newswatch Sports, the former West Bromwich Albion wing back stated that it was part of their end of year activities and W PjWXXWTUTW_R|}gUY WjUg}WU prospect of touching the lives of the less privileged Nigerian kids. “It’s part of our annual activities to visit the under privileged kids in our society. We are going there to put smiles on their faces as well as give them fresh hope and sense of belong-
Martins ‘paints’ Lagos red with 2face
Cossy Orjiako romances ex-soccer star
]gWjU XP_R2RO|U ZRg}U ]Yjmer boyfriend for failing to gift her a Range Rover Sport on her birthday, controversial actress and singer, Cossy Orjiakor seems to have found love again. People close to the Nigeria Queen of Boobs say she was XPY2WTUY]U_QgWUZRg}UW ]YYg[Q__U star now FIFA licensed agent, Abumere Ededuan in romantic PYXRgRYOXU QgU TR>WjWOgU PYPN_QjU joints in Festac Town, Lagos. Rumours have it that Ededuan, nicknamed football ambassador, is the young man [W}ROTU g}WU W YgR^U ^QjXU YXX\U has been cruising around with in Lagos.
ing. We could have been like any of them, but by God’s grace and His mercies we are privileged to be who we are today,’’ he said. The group is scheduled gYU jYNOTU Y>U g}WRjU Q^gR Rties for the year with a lavish party at the Badagry Beach on Saturday.
“We see them here (Festac Town)almost on daily basis, but they are more regular during the weekend,’’ our source disclosed. The multi-millionaire football agent neither denied nor ^YOVjqWTU g}WU XgYj\U Z}WOU Newswatch Sports called him to comment on it. “I’m sorry. I don’t like discussing about my private life in public. It’s not proper to do that because it’s a personal issue,’’ he enthused. Not too long ago, Cossy confessed to Newswatch Sports that she was ready to TQgWU }W_XWQU qRTVW_TWjkU Y}OU Obi Mikel if he shows interest in her.
bafemi Martins recently sneaked into Nigeria to catch fun in Lagos as he hosted a beach party to appreciate his pals, who according to him, have supported him through thick and thin in his football career. The Nigeria international, who plays for MLS XRTWkU WQ2_WU YNOTWjXU U hosted his friends and few celebrities which included Tuface Idibia, Africa Pop Prince, Davido and Nollywood actress, EniolaBadmus (a.k.a “Gbogbo big |Q_ UQgU _WX}WU WQ^}UTNjing his brief visit. They wined and dined together after which they had a boat ride. Shortly after the beach party, Obagol and his friends drove to Pyramid night club in Vic-
toria Island to continue their groove. Newswatch Sports gathered that while they were at Pyramid nightclub, they drank and danced till dawn.Martins had hosted a similar party earlier in the new year ZRg}U R RTU ROU Q2WOTance.
Sports/Women Football
with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129
Falcons know World Cup foes Dec 6
igeria womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team, the Super Falcons, will know their group opponents at the 2015 FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup in Canada on December 6, when the draw ZR__UgQÂ&#x2030;WUP_Q^WUROU 2QZQ{ This is Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seventh appearance in the tournaqWOgkU }QÂ&#x161;RO|U ÂĽNQ_RVWTU ]YjU WQ^}UPjWÂ&#x161;RYNXUWTRgRYOUY]Ug}WU ^YqPWgRgRYO{ U R|WjRQÂ&#x;XU [WXgU PWj]Yjmance was at USA 1999 when they were knocked YNgU ROU g}WU ÂĽNQjgWjVOQ_XU [\U jQÂ&#x201C;R_UZRg}UQU|Y_TWOU|YQ_UQ]gWjUVORX}RO|UXW^YOTUROUg}WRjU |jYNP{ A record 129 nations WOgWjWTUg}WUÂĽNQ_RVWjXUQOTU
g}WUVOQ_XUZR__kU]YjUg}WUÂ&#x161;Wj\U VjXgUgRqWkU]WQgNjWUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x20AC;UgWQqXU â&#x20AC;&#x201C; eight more than at GerqQO\UÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zz{ The World Cup will be P_Q\WTU]jYqU NOWUĂ&#x2021;UgYU N_\U ÂŁUOWÂ&#x2039;gU\WQj{
YXgU^RgRWXUQjWU 2QZQkU Moncton, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton and QO^YNÂ&#x161;Wj{ Other participating nations are: Cameroon, Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire, Canada, USA, Norway, Sweden, England, Germany, France, ZRĂ&#x203A;Wj_QOTkU PQROkU }Rna, Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, Colombia, Korea WPN[_R^kU QPQOkU }QRland, Australia and New WQ_QOT{
CAF woos Ngunovandu
}WU YO]WTWjQgRYOU Y]U ]jR^QOU YYg[Q__U (CAF) is believed gYU [WU Q]gWjU g}WU XWjÂ&#x161;R^WXU Y]U Namibiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s renowned top sport medic, Donata NguOYÂ&#x161;QOTNU Q]gWjU RqPjWXXRO|U U Y.^RQ_XU QgU _QXgU monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TN Mobile CAF Women Championship Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U}W_TUROU ROT}YWÂ&#x2030;{ Ngunovandu was apPYROgWTU ^}QRj_QT\U Y]U g}WU Local Organising ComqR2WWUÂ&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U WTR^Q_U N[U YqqR2WWU ]YjU g}WU U aimed at determining P_Q\WjXÂ&#x;UVgOWXXU_WÂ&#x161;W_XUQOTU gYUX^jWWOU]YjUQO\UYg}WjUjWlated illness that can lead to players collapsing durRO|UP_Q\{UUU Ngunovandu is the ^NjjWOgU ^}RW]U qWTR^U Y]U both the Brave Warriors and the Brave Gladiators, having also worked with the Namibian Rugby Union (NRU), in particular the Welwitschias at the 2011 International Rugby Board (IRB) World Cup in WZU WQ_QOT{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;CAF asked me to send in my Curriculum Vitae Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U QXU XYYOU QXU PYXXR[_W{U
U]WW_UÂ&#x161;Wj\U}YOYNjWTUgYU[WU jW^Y|ORXWTU [\U {U }WU PjWXRTWOgU Y]U kU XXQU Hayatou was impressed with what my medic team did at the recent women ]YYg[Q__U ^}QqPRYOX}RPXU in the country,â&#x20AC;? said a g}jR__WTU |NOYÂ&#x161;QOTN{U Ngunovandu holds a Diploma in Basic Science ]jYqUg}WU ORÂ&#x161;WjXRg\UY]U gW__WO[YX^}U ROU YNg}U ]jR^Q{U In 2013, Ngunovandu was |RÂ&#x161;WOUQU_R]WUgRqWUQZQjTU[\U the Namibia Sports ComqRXXRYOUÂ&#x2013; Â&#x2014;{U She also received numerous international ac^Y_QTWXURO^_NTRO|UQU^WjgRV^QgWU ROU qQOQ|RO|U ]YYg[Q__U RO¢NjRWXU ]jYqU g}WU WTN^Qtion research department in London, UK, in 2013 QOTU QU ^WjgRV^QgWU ]jYqU g}WU International Olympic YqqR2WWU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U ROU ROjuries and illness sport in Monte Carlo, Monaco, in Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zz{U â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was surprised when U jW^WRÂ&#x161;WTU g}WU RO]YjqQgRYOU ]jYqU U [W^QNXWU U g}YN|}gU RgU ZQXU QU ¢YÂ&#x2030;W{U I have to thank the Namibian Football Asso^RQgRYOU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U ]YjU qQÂ&#x2030;RO|U qWU Z}YU U QqU gYTQ\{U
Y}OU NRO¢YkUPjWXRTWOgUY]U NFA, gave me the blessRO|kÂ?UXQRTU |NOYÂ&#x161;QOTN{ PWQÂ&#x2030;RO|U gYU O]YjqQOgĂ&#x153;Ug}RXUZWWÂ&#x2030;U]jYqU U headquarters in Cairo, |\PgkU UqWTRQUY.^WjU YVU TTQWU ^YN_TU OYgU ^YOVjqU YjU TWO\U Z}WOU QXÂ&#x2030;WT{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I cannot tell you now, but only the secretary|WOWjQ_UY]U UZR__U[WUROU the position to tell you,â&#x20AC;? XQRTU TTQW{
Newswatch Times FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2014
Sunshine Queensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back stronger â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Olujungbe
]gWjU QU TRXQPpointing Federation Cup VOQ_kU NOX}ROWU Queens coach, Kayode Olujungbe has tipped his girls to bounce [Q^Â&#x2030;UQU[W2WjUgWQqUOWÂ&#x2039;gUXWQXYO{ Although, the Akurebased club side ended the Women Premier League (WPL) season on an impressive note with a second P_Q^WUVORX}U[W}ROTUZROOWjXkU Rivers Angels, Olujungbe }QXU [WWOU _W]gU TRXQPPYROgWTU ]Y__YZRO|U }RXU |Rj_XU ]QR_NjWU to beat Rivers Angels in the WTWjQgRYOU NPU VOQ_U }W_TU at the Teslim Balogun StaTRNqkU Q|YXUYOU NOTQ\{ The Akure side were beaten 2-0 in the keenly ^YOgWXgWTU VOQ_kU [NgU ^YQ^}U Olujungbe believes his girls X}YN_TU }QÂ&#x161;WU TYOWU [W2WjU ROU the encounter that ended X^YjW_WXXUQgUVjXgU}Q_] â&#x20AC;&#x153;We came into the game with the disappointment that we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win the league anymore because weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re secYOTUYOUg}WUgQ[_W{ YUZWU^QqWU in here to win the Federation Cup as a consolation, [NgU ^YN_TOÂ&#x;g{U U gU ZQXOÂ&#x;gU QXU QU jWXN_gU Y]U [QTU P_Q\WjXU ROU YNjU ]Y_T{U U U }W\Â&#x;jWU QU |YYTU team; they have players in the national team just like everybody is saying; Rivers O|W_XkU RÂ&#x161;WjXU O|W_X{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We came in here to TW]WQgU g}WqU WÂ&#x161;WOU R]U RgÂ&#x;XU through penalty shootout because we worked hard in
gjQRORO|{U U WÂ&#x;Â&#x161;WU XWWOU g}WqU play, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve seen all the big players they have in the national team, so we worked towards it and we thought weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to beat them [NgUNO]YjgNOQgW_\UZWUqQTWU XYqWUXgNPRTUWjjYjX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Honestly, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a
good team not becausesome Y]Ug}WqUP_Q\UROUg}WUOQgRYOQ_U team, but generally they P_Q\U Â&#x161;Wj\U |YYTU ]YYg[Q__{U YU when we made those errors g}W\U ^QPRgQ_RÂ&#x201C;WTU YOU Rg{U YNU donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t commit such errors against a good team like that and not get punished
]YjURg{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m disappointed no doubt about that; but it is not because Sunshine NWWOXU QjWU QU [QTU gWQq{U U U can promise you that next season there is going to be [W2WjUPWj]YjqQO^WUg}QOUg}RXU ]jYqUNXkÂ?U}WUXQRT{U
Whyte in Federation Cup ecstasy
he Super Falcons goalkeeper, Ibuheleye Whyte says she ZQXU_YXgU]YjUZYjTXUgYUWÂ&#x2039;PjWXXU }WjXW_]U Q]gWjU }W_Ping Rivers Angels win the Federation Cup at the Teslim Balogun Stadium, Q|YXUYOU NOTQ\{ Whyte saw all the 90 qRONgWXUY]UQ^gRYOU]YjU RÂ&#x161;ers Angels with outstandRO|U PWj]YjqQO^WXU g}QgU denied Sunshine Queens Y]U Â&#x2030;NjWU XYqWU X^YjRO|U opportunities in the encounter, which ended 2-0 ROUg}WRjU]QÂ&#x161;YNj{ The promising 22 yearold shot stopper told Newswatch Times Sports g}QgU[WRO|UPQjgUY]Ug}WU RÂ&#x161;ers Angels history,gives her something to cherish in her career with Women Premier League almost wrapped up by g}WU^_N[{ She said they were able to achieve the desired result because they ZWjWU Q__U ^YqqR2WTU gYwards the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success and praised the Almighty YTU ]YjU qQÂ&#x2030;RO|U RgU PYXXR[_WU ]YjU RÂ&#x161;WjXU O|W_XU gYU emerge Nigerian champiYOXUYO^WUQ|QRO{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough
words to express my ¢Y\{ Â&#x;qUXYU}QPP\UZWUZYO{U Playing in the Federation NPU VOQ_U RXU |jWQgU WÂ&#x2039;PWrience that will remain |jWWOU ROU q\U qWqYj\U ]YjU QU_YO|UgRqW{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was not an easy vicgYj\U ]YjU NXU [W^QNXWU ZWU played against a good side, but with hard work weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re able to come out Â&#x161;R^gYjRYNXUROUg}WU|QqW{ Â&#x160; gÂ&#x;XUQUXZWWgUÂ&#x161;R^gYj\U]YjU NXU QOTU U g}QOÂ&#x2030;U YTU ]YjU giving us the victory once Q|QROkÂ?UX}WUXQRT{
Oshoala keeps mum on future plan
NPWjU Q_^YOXU jQÂ&#x161;WU Y]U the movement, Asisat Oshoala is keeping sealed lips on her potential qYÂ&#x161;WUQ[jYQT{ Oshoala, a revelation at the last FIFA U-20 Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup held in Canada and Golden Ball Award winner at the recently con^_NTWTU ]jR^QOU YqWOU Championship (AWC), has been linked with a move to several European clubs with Arsenal Ladies as the _WQTRO|UXNRgYj{ But the Rivers Angels striker, inan interview at the
WOTU Y]U g}WU WTWjQgRYOU NPU VOQ_U Z}WjWU X}WU X^YjWTU g}WU Port Harcourt-based club XRTWÂ&#x;XU VjXgU |YQ_U ROU g}WU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;U win over Sunshine Queens Y]U Â&#x2030;NjWkUqQTWURgU^_WQjUg}QgU her potential move abroad RXU OYgU \WgU ]YjU PN[_R^U ^YOXNqPgRYO{ She said at the right time Nigerians will get to know }WjUqYÂ&#x161;WqWOg{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll not like to discuss Q[YNgU q\U ]NgNjWU OYZ{U When the time is right Nigerians will know where I ZR__U[WUP_Q\RO|Uq\U]YYg[Q__kU g}QOÂ&#x2030;U\YNkÂ?UX}WUXQRT{U
Newswatch Times
37 Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
T.B Joshua: Challenging Coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquest competence FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
arring any last minute change, Justice Lateefa Okunnu of the High Court of Lagos State, would on December 3, 2014 commence hearing into the XNRgU V_WTU [\U g}WU W|RXgWjWTU jNXgWWXU Y]U the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), alongside its founder, jYP}WgU WqRgYPWU YX}NQ{ }RXU RXU [W^QNXWU QU PjY}R[RgRYOU XNRgU ZQXU _QXgU ZWWÂ&#x2030;U V_WTU [\U ^YNOXW_U gYU [Yg}U SCOAN and Joshua before Justice Okunnu apparently to challenge the competence of the Coroner Court, presided over by Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe to investigate into the cause of the collapsed guest house belonging to the church, which resulted into the death of 116 people mostly YNg}U ]jR^QOX{ }WU ^YNOXW_kU _Q_WÂ&#x2030;QOU ¢YU ¢YROWTU QXU respondents in the suit, the Coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Court of Lagos State and Magistrate \WgQTWU YqY_Q]W{ PW^RV^Q__\kUg}WUXNRgU[jYN|}gUPNjXNQOgU gYU jTWjU Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;U N_WU ÂŁU Y]U g}WU R|}U YNjgU Y]U Q|YXU gQgWU Â&#x2013; RÂ&#x161;R_U jY^WTNjWU N_WXÂ&#x2014;U Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2022;UQOTUXR|OWTU[\UYOWU { U [Rq[Y_QU is praying Justice Okunnu for an order of prohibition, against the Coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Court of Lagos State and the presiding Magistrate Komolafe from exceeding g}WRjU ¢NjRXTR^gRYOU ROU g}WU ^YOTN^gU Y]U coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquest into the death of unknown persons in the collapsed building within the premises of SCOAN YOU WPgWq[WjUzÂ&#x2022;kUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;{ According to the suit designated Ă?z Ă?Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;kU UQ_XYUZQOgUg}WU Lagos High Court to issue, â&#x20AC;&#x153;An order of Certiorari to quash the proceedings of the 1st and 2nd respondents in the conduct of the coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquest into the death of unknown persons in the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Ikotun Egbe, Lagos on 12th September, Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U ROU XNRgU ONq[WjU Ă? Ă?Â&#x201E;zĂ?Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U ^YO^WjORO|U qQ2WjXkU RXXNWXU QOTU circumstances other than what directly caused the death of the victims and the manner of their death for having been conducted without or in excess of the XgQgNgYj\U¢NjRXTR^gRYOUY]Ug}WUzXgUQOTUÂ&#x2022;OTU jWXPYOTWOgX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;A declaration that the decision of the coroner to summon the applicants to give evidence at a time when no materials were placed before the coroner against the applicants is a breach of the QPP_R^QOgXÂ&#x;UjR|}gUgYU]QRjU}WQjRO|{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;A declaration that the coroner who relied on his personal knowledge of the facts of the case is not a proper person to preside at the inquest into the death of people at the collapsed building of \OQ|Y|NWU }Nj^}UY]U __U QgRYOX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;A declaration that the coroner Z}YU jW_RWTU YOU WÂ&#x2039;gjQOWYNXU qQ2WjXU OYgU borne out of the records to reach his conclusion that the 2nd applicant is a necessary witness when in fact is not, is ROU [jWQ^}U Y]U g}WU jN_WXU Y]U OQgNjQ_U ¢NXgR^WU and fair hearing guaranteed by the 1999 ^YOXgRgNgRYOU Y]U g}WU WTWjQ_U WPN[_R^U Y]U R|WjRQ{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;An order prohibiting the coroner from conducting further inquest/ proceedings relating to the construction of the collapsed building which facts are clearly outside the scope of a coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
0~zqZ_X~_[ 2][_~w[ .^Â&#x152;^Â&#x20AC;~Â [ Â&#x201D;~xÂ&#x2039;[w {] _ [ Â&#x17D;^Â&#x20AC;q\[ ~xw Z^Â&#x152;[ Â Xq[xwZ ^Â _ [ \^|X_ w|Xqxz &^X^x[XÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;qZqZ_ _^ _ [ Â&#x20AC;^\|Z _ [ \^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;~Â&#x17D;Z[w {|qÂ&#x20AC;wqxz ^Â Â&#x2014;]x~z|[ & |X\ ^Â $Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC; 1~_q^xZ Â&#x2014;&2$1
ROÂĽNWXg{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;An order quashing the proceedings of the coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquest in its entirety for being conducted in breach of the rule of OQgNjQ_U¢NXgR^WkU_RÂ&#x2030;W_R}YYTUY]U[_QTWkUQOTU for taking proceedings clearly outside g}WU X^YPWU Y]U g}WU ¢NjRXTR^gRYOU Y]U g}WU jWXPYOTWOg{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;An order prohibiting the respondent ]jYqUROXRXgRO|UYOUg}WUPWjXYOQ_UQ2WOTQO^WU of the 2nd applicant as such will be ZRg}YNgU YjU ROU WÂ&#x2039;^WXXU Y]U ¢NjRXTR^gRYOkU NO^YOXgRgNgRYOQ_UQOTUNO_QZ]N_{ Â&#x160; OUYjTWjUY]URO¢NO^gRYOUgYUjWXgjQROUg}WU respondents as presently constituted from further conducting any inquest into the collapsed building of Synagogue Church of All Nations, as the 2nd respondent has demonstrated personal ROgWjWXgU ROU g}WU XN[¢W^gU qQ2WjU QOTU }RXU OWNgjQ_Rg\U^_WQj_\U^YqPjYqRXWT{ Â&#x160; OU YjTWjU Y]U RO¢NO^gRYOU jWXgjQRORO|U coroner from taking and continuing to take evidence/proceedings on the issue of approval and construction of the collapsed building, which issues are clearly outside the scope of a coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ROÂĽNWXg{Â? ¢YU}QTUQPPQjWOg_\UZ}R_WUPN2RO|UNPUQU defence as to the reason why the SOAN founder had not been able to appear
before the coroner said no witness XNqqYOXU}QÂ&#x161;WU[WWOUW>W^gWTUYOU YX}NQ{ }WU _QZ\WjU RO]YjqWTU g}WU ^YNjgkU presided over by Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I say this because I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want anybody to believe that witness summons has been served YOU { U YX}NQ{ ^^YjTRO|U gYU ¢YkU Â&#x160; }WU ^YNjgU X}WjR>U was not able to personally serve the summons on the prophet on the reason g}QgU }WU ZQXU NOQÂ&#x161;YRTQ[_\U Q[XWOg{U WU RXU the chief mourner and has been visiting jW_QgRÂ&#x161;WXUY]UÂ&#x161;R^gRqX{ Â&#x160; }WU X}WjR>U YO_\U qQOQ|WTU gYU XWjÂ&#x161;WU the witness summons on one of the evangelists around at the time he arrived g}WU ^}Nj^}{U XU QU qQ2WjU Y]U ]Q^gkU RU ZQXU RO]YjqWTUQ[YNgUg}WUX}WjR>Â&#x;XUÂ&#x161;RXRgUgYUg}WU church and I instructed that whoever is receiving the said summons should Q^Â&#x2030;OYZ_WT|WUjW^WRPgUY]Ug}WUXNqqYOX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;What I have done is out of abundance Y]U^QNgRYOUQOTUQXUQOUY.^WjUY]Ug}WU^YNjg{U I submit that service on counsel in a ^jRqROQ_U qQ2WjU RXU OYgU PjYÂ&#x161;RTWTU ]YjU ROU the Administration of Criminal Justice QZ{U UQqUOYgU[Q^Â&#x2030;WTU[\U_QZUgYUQ^^WPgU witness summons meant for another PWjXYO{Â? In responding, Magistrate Komolafe
$ 2346787974: ;<79 =>; ?>;9 =@@B D?@F 8G H4<:;@? 94 8496 J&K$L >:F M4;6<> 8@P43@ M<;97H@ KB<::< >22>3@:9?G 94 H6>??@:Q@ 96@ H4R2@9@:H@ 4P 96@ &434:@3 &4<39 23@;7F@F 4U@3 8G &67@P V>Q7;93>9@ KG@9>F@ W4R4?>P@ 94 7:U@;97Q>9@ 7:94 96@ H><;@ 4P 96@ H4??>2;@F Q<@;9 64<;@ 8@?4:Q7:Q 94 96@ H6<3H6 =67H6 3@;<?9@F 7:94 96@ F@>96 4P 2@42?@ R4;9?G J4<96 $P37H>:;
said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You have spoken from the Bar QOTU UXYU[W_RWÂ&#x161;WU\YN{U NgU UWO¢YROU\YNUgYU }W_PUg}WU^YNjgUROUg}RXUXRgNQgRYO{ Â&#x160; WgUNXUXWWUZ}QgUg}WUX}WjR>UZR__U^YqWU [Q^Â&#x2030;U gYU gW__U g}WU ^YNjg{U }WU WXXWO^WU Y]U XWjÂ&#x161;R^WU RXU gYU [jRO|U gYU g}WU Q2WOgRYOU Y]U Z}YqWÂ&#x161;WjU g}QgU }RXU Q2WOgRYOU RXU OWWTWTU ROU^YNjg{ Â&#x160; }WU ^YNjgU ZR__U TYU Z}QgU RXU OWWT]N_{U }WU ^YNjgU RXU OYgU }WjWU gYU RO R^gU ]Njg}WjU RO¢NjRWXUYOUQO\[YT\{U UZYjTURXUWOYN|}U ]YjUg}WUZRXW{U }WUPjYP}WgUX}YN_TUOYgUPNgU }RqXW_]UROU^YO R^gUZRg}Ug}WU_QZ{ Â&#x160; W__U g}WU PjYP}WgU g}QgU }WU X}YN_TU [WU Y[WTRWOgU gYU g}WU _QZXU Y]U g}WU _QOT{U WU are not prosecuting nor persecuting QO\YOW{Â? It would be recalled that prior to this development, Justice Ibrahim Buba of QU WTWjQ_U R|}U YNjgU XR2RO|U ROU Â&#x2030;Y\RkU Lagos had thrown out a suit praying the court to put a halt to the ongoing inquest into the collapsed guest house, [W_YO|RO|UgYU kU Â&#x2030;YgNOkU Q|YX{ Justice Buba while delivering ¢NT|qWOgU ROU g}WU XNRgU ROXgRgNgWTU [\U QU _QZ\WjkU _NÂ&#x2030;Y\QU |NO|[W¢WUYOU ^gY[WjU 28, 2014 seeking an order restraining further hearing into the inquest, declared that the lawyer completely misconceived the role of governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agencies, stating that the fact that the founder of the church, Prophet Joshua was indicted, does not suggest that the ^YjYOWjU}QTUQ_jWQT\UqQTWUNPU}RXUqROT{ }WU ¢NT|WU ]Njg}WjU }W_TU g}QgU R]U ]YjU instance, a prosecution strongly believes that a person is guilty and brings a charge against him, it does not mean the ¢NT|WU qNXgU qQÂ&#x2030;WU QU ^YOÂ&#x161;R^gRYOU YjU g}QgU g}WUQ^^NXWTUZYN_TUOYgU|WgUQU]QRjU}WQjRO|{U }WU ^YNjgU Q_XYU }W_TU g}QgU QXRTWU g}WU fact that the coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s court was not a ^YNjgU Y]U _QZU [NgU QU ]Q^gÂ&#x201D;VOTRO|U WOgRg\kU Prophet Joshua and his church were not ^YqP_QRORO|{ Justice Buba said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Supposing they are XQgRXVWTUZRg}UZ}QgUZQXUXQRTUYjUQ__W|WTkU then what is the right of this applicant that is being infringed upon that the ^YNjgU^QOUPjY^WWTUgYUPjYgW^g{Â? }WU^YNjgU]Njg}WjUOYgWTUg}QgU |NO|[W¢WU Continued on Page 38
Challenging Coronerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inquest competence
Ade Ipaye, Lagos Attorney General and Justice Commissioner Continued from Page 37
did not show any threat or injury he ZYN_TU XN>WjU ZRg}U g}WU ROÂĽNWXgkU OYjU TRTU he disclose a legal or justiceable right to protect. ^^YjTRO|UgYUg}WU¢NT|WkUÂ&#x160; UgjRQ_U^YNjgU will only have jurisdiction to enforce the fundamental rights of an applicant guaranteed under Chapter 4 of the YOXgRgNgRYOkUR]Ug}WUqQROUjW_RW]XUROÂ&#x161;Y_Â&#x161;WXU a breach of the fundamental rights of the applicant. Â&#x160; }WU^YjYOWjUZQXUXWgUNPU[\Ug}WUXgQgWÂ&#x;XU WÂ&#x2039;W^NgRÂ&#x161;WkU QOTU g}QgU [\U g}WU PjRO^RP_WXU Y]U XWPQjQgRYOU Y]U PYZWjXkU g}WU ^YNjgU would not ordinarily interfere with the workings of another arm of government. Â&#x160; ]gWjU QU ^Q_qU ^YOXRTWjQgRYOU Y]U Q__U g}WU RXXNWXUQOTUQj|NqWOgXkUg}WUQPP_R^QOgU}QXU failed to make a case for the enforcement of fundamental rights. Â&#x160; }WU^QXWU_Q^Â&#x2030;XUqWjRgkUXQqWU[WUQOTURXU hereby dismissed.â&#x20AC;? jRYjU gYU g}RXU TW^RXRYOkU NXgR^WU N[QU had declared that he would not issue restraining orders against the ongoing ROÂĽNWXgU ROgYU g}WU ^Y__QPXWTU [NR_TRO|U belonging to SCOAN until he hears the case on its merit. He made the declaration while ruling on an oral application initiated by an |NO|[W¢WkU XWWÂ&#x2030;RO|U gYU XgYPU ]Njg}WjU proceedings before the Lagos State YjYOWjU YNjgUXR2RO|UROU Â&#x2030;W¢Q{
NXgR^WU N[QU ]Njg}WjU qQROgQROWTU g}QgU an order of interim injunction was not necessary in the circumstance on the reason that the applicant was not PWjXYOQ__\UQ>W^gWTU[\Ug}WUROÂĽNWXg{ ^^YjTRO|U gYU g}WU ¢NT|WkU Â&#x160; _g}YN|}kU Okedinachi wants an order of interim RO¢NO^gRYOU jWXgjQRORO|U { U YX}NQU ]jYqU QPPWQjRO|U[W]YjWUg}WU^YjYOWjkU UqNXgUXQ\U g}QgU}WURXUOYgUQUPQjg\UgYUg}WUXNRgkUOWRg}WjU is he held in detention. Â&#x160; }WU jWXPYOTWOgXU ZWjWU XWjÂ&#x161;WTU ZRg}U g}WU ^YNjgU PjY^WXXWXU YOU jRTQ\kU QOTU [\U g}WU jN_WXkU g}W\U }QÂ&#x161;WU VÂ&#x161;WU TQ\XU gYU jWXPYOTkU [NgU gRqWU ZQXU Q[jRT|WTU QOTU g}W\U Q^^WPgWTkU QOTU XYkU _WgU NXU OYgU _YYXWU sight of the issue here. Â&#x160; ]U |NO|[W¢WU ZQXU g}WU PQjg\U XNqqYOWTU[W]YjWUg}WU^YjYOWjkUg}WOUg}WU RXXNWU Y]U QU jWXgjQRORO|U YjTWjU ZR__U QjRXWkU [NgUROUg}RXUXRgNQgRYOkU}YZU^QOU UjWXgjQROU the whole world. Â&#x160; }WUQPP_R^QOgU}QXUOYgUX}YZOUg}QgU}WU ZR__UXN>WjUQO\UTQO|WjUR]Ug}WUjWXgjQRORO|U YjTWjURXUOYgU|jQOgWTkUQOTUXYkU UZR__U}WQjU g}RXU ^QXWU YOU RgXU qWjRgU YOU }NjXTQ\kU YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU Ă&#x2021;kU QOTU U ZR__U OYgU |jQOgU QO\U restraining orders; this is the ruling of this court.â&#x20AC;?
Prophet TB Joshua
WXRTWXkU g}WU ¢NT|WU Z}YU }QTU Q_XYU earlier declared that he would not issue restraining orders against the YO|YRO|U ROÂĽNWXgU ROgYU g}WU ^Y__QPXWTU building belonging to SCOAN until he }WQjXU g}WU ^QXWU YOU RgXU qWjRgkU qQROgQROWTU that an order of interim injunction was not necessary in the circumstance on the reason that the applicant was not PWjXYOQ__\UQ>W^gWTU[\Ug}WUROÂĽNWXg{ ^^YjTRO|U gYU g}WU ¢NT|WkU Â&#x160; _g}YN|}kU the applicant wants an order of interim RO¢NO^gRYOU jWXgjQRORO|U { U YX}NQU ]jYqU QPPWQjRO|U[W]YjWUg}WU^YjYOWjkU UqNXgUXQ\U g}QgU}WURXUOYgUQUPQjg\UgYUg}WUXNRgkUOWRg}WjU is he held in detention. Â&#x160; }WU jWXPYOTWOgXU ZWjWU XWjÂ&#x161;WTU ZRg}U g}WU ^YNjgU PjY^WXXWXU YOU jRTQ\kU QOTU [\U g}WU jN_WXkU g}W\U }QÂ&#x161;WU VÂ&#x161;WU TQ\XU gYU jWXPYOTkU [NgU gRqWU ZQXU Q[jRT|WTU QOTU g}W\U Q^^WPgWTkU QOTU XYkU _WgU NXU OYgU _YYXWU sight of the issue here. Â&#x160; ]U |NO|[W¢WU ZQXU g}WU PQjg\U XNqqYOWTU[W]YjWUg}WU^YjYOWjkUg}WOUg}WU RXXNWU Y]U QU jWXgjQRORO|U YjTWjU ZR__U QjRXWkU [NgUROUg}RXUXRgNQgRYOkU}YZU^QOU UjWXgjQROU the whole world. Â&#x160; }WUQPP_R^QOgU}QXUOYgUX}YZOUg}QgU}WU ZR__UXN>WjUQO\UTQO|WjUR]Ug}WUjWXgjQRORO|U YjTWjURXUOYgU|jQOgWTkUQOTUXYkU UZR__U}WQjU g}RXU ^QXWU YOU RgXU qWjRgU YOU }NjXTQ\kU YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU Ă&#x2021;kU QOTU U ZR__U OYgU |jQOgU QO\U restraining orders; this is the ruling of this court.â&#x20AC;? PW^RV^Q__\kU |NO|[W¢WU }QTU Qj|NWTU that the composition of the Coroner ROÂĽNWXgUZQXUQUOW|QgRYOUY]Ug}WUPjRO^RP_WU of natural justice and Section 36 of g}WU YOXgRgNgRYOkU QOTU QXU XN^}U RgU ZQXU NO^YOXgRgNgRYOQ_kUON__UQOTUÂ&#x161;YRT{ }WU ^RÂ&#x161;R_U jR|}gXU Q^gRÂ&#x161;RXgU Q_XYU jW^Q__WTU ROU g}WU XNRgU g}QgU g}WU YjYOWjU ROÂĽNWXgU was constituted by the Lagos State Government after the agencies of the state government had indicted founder Y]Ug}WU^}Nj^}k { U YX}NQUQOTU}RXU }Nj^}U
of wrongdoing by adding additional structures on the building without approval. }WU _QZ\WjU qQROgQROWTU g}QgU R]U g}WU ROÂĽNWXgURXUQ__YZWTUgYU^YOgRONWkURgUZYN_TU seriously occasion miscarriage of ¢NXgR^WkUQXUg}WUXQqWU YjYOWjUZYN_TU}RO|U its decision on the testimonies of the XQqWUQ|WO^RWXUY]U Q|YXU gQgWkUZ}R^}U}QTU YPWO_\UROTR^gWTU YX}NQUQOTU}RXU }Nj^}{ }WU ^RÂ&#x161;R_U jR|}gXU _QZ\WjU ]YjU ROXgQO^WU recalled that the Lagos State Emergency |WO^\U Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;kU g}WU Q|YXU gQgWU NR_TRO|U YOgjY_U |WO^\kU g}WU Q|YXU gQgWU RjWU WjÂ&#x161;R^WkUg}WU Q|YXU gQgWU jQ.^U QOQ|WqWOgU |WO^\U Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U QOTU others made public and prejudicial report in public domain that the building collapsed as a result of QTTRgRYOQ_U XgjN^gNjWXkU Z}R_WU YX}NQÂ&#x;XU claim that the building collapsed as a result of an aircraft hovering round the [NR_TRO|U qYqWOgXU [W]YjWU RgU ^Y__QPXWTkU was ignored. ^^YjTRO|U gYU |NO|[W¢WkU Â&#x160; }WU Q|YXU gQgWU NR_TRO|U YOgjY_U |WO^\U WÂ&#x161;WOU went ahead to seal up the main building Y]U g}WU ^}Nj^}{U }WU WOWjQ_U QOQ|WjU of the agency even said in the papers QOTU U ÂĽNYgWU }RqU QXU ]Y__YZXU Ă&#x2020;ZWU }QÂ&#x161;WU investigated and found that they had no approval for the additional structures. Even the main church which they have QTTWTUQ[YNgUg}jWWU YYjXUYOUZQXUXWQ_WTU two days ago.â&#x20AC;? }WU _W|Q_U _NqROQj\U g}WOU PjQ\WTU g}WU court to issue an order nullifying the composition of the Coroner and the PjY^WWTRO|XUXYU]QjkUQXUZW__UQXUQUPWjPWgNQ_U injunction restraining the defendants jointly and severally from further PjY^WWTRO|kU XR2RO|kU ROÂ&#x161;WXgR|QgRO|kU Wq[QjÂ&#x2030;RO|U YOU ]Q^gU VOTRO|U YjU gQÂ&#x2030;RO|U any untoward action in any manner whatsoever on any facts connected to the case.
A declaration that the coroner who relied on his personal knowledge of the facts of the case is not a proper person to preside at the inquest into the death of people at the collapsed building of Synagogue Church of All Nations
gU ZYN_TU [WU jW^Q__WTU g}QgU g}WkU Q|YXU State Government had on September Â&#x2022;Ă&#x2021;kUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U^YOXgRgNgWTUQUg}WU YjYOWjU^YNjgkU presided over by Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe apparently to unravel the circumstances leading to the incidence. Ogungbeje who is a lawyer on October Â&#x2022; kUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;UROXgRgNgWTUg}WUXNRgkUPjQ\RO|U]YjUQOU injunction against the coroner pending the determination of a substantive suit. }WU_QZ\WjU}QXUQXUTW]WOTQOgkUg}WU Q|YXU gQgWU YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgkU 2YjOW\U WOWjQ_U Y]Ug}WU gQgWkU TWU PQ\WkUQOTU Q|RXgjQgWU Oyetade Komolafe.
YZWÂ&#x161;WjkUQXUROÂĽNWXgUROgYUg}WURO^RTWOgU ^YOgRONWXkU ]Q^gXU }QÂ&#x161;WU ^YOgRONWTU gYU emerge as to the possible cause of the incident. YjUROXgQO^WkU RÂ&#x161;RXRYOQ_U Y_R^WU .^WjU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U Y]U Â&#x2030;YgNOU Y_R^WU YqqQOTU QOTU }RW]U NPWjROgWOTWOgU Y]U Y_R^WU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;kU Haruna Alaba informed the Lagos gQgWU YjYOWjU YNjgkU g}QgU g}WjWU ZWjWU possibilities of sabotage leading to collapse of the guest house belonging to the church. }WU U Z}YU ZQXU gWXgR]\RO|U [W]YjWU g}WU ROÂĽNWXgU qQROgQROWTU g}QgU PY_R^WU Y.^WjXUQ2Q^}WTUgYUg}WU^}Nj^}U}QTUTYOWU a good job before his arrival.
WUXgQgWTU]Njg}WjUg}QgkUÂ&#x160; gUZQXUQUPQOR^Â&#x2030;\U situation as at the time of my arrival to the scene. Members of the church were of great assistance to the rescue workers U XQZU YOU |jYNOTU ^Qjj\RO|U YNgU jWX^NWU operations. Â&#x160; O]Q^gkU g}WU ^}Nj^}U [jYN|}gU XYU qQO\U ambulances to help rescue workers carrying out their operation. We had a hitch free rescue operation with all the rescue workers. Â&#x160; }WOUg}WU U[YXXU^QqWUgYUqWU to complain that he had a hectic time |W2RO|UgYUg}WUXRgWkU UQPY_Y|RXWTUQOTUQ_XYU ^Q__WTU}RXUQ2WOgRYOUgYUg}WU^jYZTUQjYNOTU the collapsed scene.â&#x20AC;? }WU U ]Njg}WjU Qj|NWTU g}QgkU Â&#x160; YjU each of the ambulances used for the YPWjQgRYOkU PY_R^WqWOU ZWjWU Q2Q^}WTU to ensure a hitch free movement to g}WU }YXPRgQ_{U }WU [QjjR^QTWU XWWOU QgU g}WU entrance leading to the collapsed site was initiated on my instruction to ensure that we are able to control the crowd. Â&#x160; WUQ_XYUPNgUg}WU[QjjR^QTWUROUYjTWjUgYU Q__YZUg}WUjWX^NWUZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXUTYUg}WRjU¢Y[X{U U ^QOUQ_XYU^YOVjqUgYUg}RXU^YNjgUg}QgUg}WjWU was no meeting with any of the rescue ZYjÂ&#x2030;WjXkU RO^_NTRO|U g}WU U [YXXU before proper rescue operation began. Â&#x160; }WjWU RXU g}WU OWWTU gYU ^Qjj\YNgU investigation into possible sabotage as [WRO|U g}WU ^QNXWU Y]U g}WU ^Y__QPXW{U }WjWU are lots of security lapses which could have led to sabotage on the collapsed building. Â&#x160; }WU QRj^jQ]gXU XWWOU YOU g}WU TQ\U Y]U g}WU RO^RTWOgU  WZU QgU QU Â&#x161;Wj\U _YZU Q_gRgNTWU Q^jYXXU g}WU |NWXgU }YNXWkU QOTU g}QgU TjWZU YNjUQ2WOgRYO{U gUZQXUg}WU^}Nj^}UqWq[WjXU that crawled under the collapsed [NR_TRO|UgYUPN__UYNgUÂ&#x161;R^gRqXUYOUg}WUVjXgU day. Â&#x160; }WU ^}Nj^}U qWq[WjXU }QÂ&#x161;WU OYU business in granting or denying access to anyone who wants access to the collapsed site and the church security men acted on the instruction of the police under my command.â&#x20AC;? CSP Alaba further assured the court that investigation into the incident was XgR__UYO|YRO|kUWÂ&#x161;WOUQXU}WUQTTWTUg}QgkUÂ&#x160; }WU police is looking into possible sabotage on the collapsed building. We are also investigating into possibility of the hovering aircrafts as being responsible for the collapse.â&#x20AC;?
N97m bank fraud: Fidelity bank manager, Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top 100 lawyers to husband trial continues today FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
he trial of the Executive Assistant, Electronic Business unit of domestic operation of Fidelity Bank plc, Uchenna Abazu and her husband over alleged N97 million fraud continues today before the Federal High Court, Lagos. Justice Mohammed Yunusa adjourned the case till today during the last hearing. The couple-defendants are facing a four-counts charge made against them [\U jXU U U ]Y[RU ]jYqU g}WU Y.^WU Y]U g}WU 2YjOW\U WOWjQ_UY]Ug}WU WTWjQgRYOU (AGF) and Justice Minister. The charge reads: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Uchenna Abazu â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fâ&#x20AC;? between the 29th day of February, 2008 and 12th day of February 2009 in your capacity as Executive Assistant, Electronic Business Unit of Domestic Operation of Fidelity bank plc located at 23, Awolowo Road ikoyi Lagos, conspired with your husband Tochukwu Phillip Abazu, to commit felony to wit: forgery and g}WjW[\U^YqqR2WTUQOUY>WO^WU^YOgjQj\U to section 3(6)of the miscellaneous Y>WO^WXU Q^gU ^QPU qzĂ&#x160;U Y]U g}WU _QZXU Y]U the Federation of Nigeria 2004, and in conjunction with 1(2)(a)(B) (c) of the same act. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Uchenna Abazu (F) and Tochukwu Phillip Abazu your husband between 29th February, 2008 and 12th February, 2009 at Fidelity Bank plc, 23, Awolowo Road Ikoyi, Lagos, did forge
statement of account 027402010024417 belonging to Tochukwu Phillip Abazu when you Uchenna Abazu an Executive Assistant with Fidelity Bank Plc with identity card number 1705 in furtherance of your common intention made false entries into Tochukwu Phillip Abazuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s account number 027402010024417, opened with Fidelity Bank Plc on the 6th of June 2007 at 23, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi Lagos did forge statement of account 027402010024417 belonging to Tochukwu Phillip Abazu, when you Uchenna Abazu an Executive Assistant with Fidelity Bank Plc with identity card number 1705 in furtherance of your common intention made false entries into Tochukwu Phillip Abazuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s account number 027402010024417 opened with Fidelity bank Plc on the 6th of June 2007 at 23, Awolowo Road Ikoyi, Lagos, in the
sum of about N97million knowing that they were false entries which said false entries were acted upon as genuine, via eighty-two Fidelity bank Plc cheques with serial numbers 03097572 to 0397601, 00106503 to 00106542 and 01951151 to 01951161, to the prejudice of Fidelity Bank Plc and Federal Government of Nigeria and thereby ^YqqR2WTUQOUY>WO^WUPNORX}Q[_WUNOTWjU XW^gRYOXU zQk[kQOTU ^U Y]U g}WU Y>WO^WXU miscellaneous Act. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Uchenna Abazu and Tochukwu Phillip Abazu between the 29th of February 2008 and 12th of February 2009 at Fidelity Bank Plc, 23, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi did conspire with one another to wit: stealing and thereby ^YqqR2WTUQOUY>WO^WUPNORX}Q[_WUNOTWjU section 516 of criminal code cap c38 of the law of federation of Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Uchenn Abazu and Tochukwu Phillp Abazu between 29th of February 2008 and 12th of February 2009 at Fidelity Bank Plc 23, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi did steal the sum of about N97 million belonging to Fidelity Bank Plc and the Federal Government of Nigeria with eighty-one Fidelity Bank Plc account earlier mentioned and subsequently diverted part of the said money to two accounts in commercial banks and thereafter withdrew same for your personal use and thereby ^YqqR2WTU QOU Y>WO^WU PNORX}Q[_WU under sections 390 (6)and (7) of the criminal code cap c38 of the laws of the federation of Nigeria 2004.â&#x20AC;?
be named Dec 1
he eagerly anticipated list of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top 100 lawyers will be released on December 1, 2014, the publishers have said. Giving an insight into the legal practitioners who made the list, Emeka Nwadioke, lawyer and Editor of the listing, said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our goal is to find and recognize lawyers who have demonstrated a truly exceptional level of professional competence,â&#x20AC;? adding that the exclusive list includes preeminent litigators, transactional lawyers and leading lawyers in diverse practice areas â&#x20AC;&#x153;who have shaped Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legal industry in the current year.â&#x20AC;? According to Nwadioke who is also the Editor of City Lawyer Magazine, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The survey is indeed an eye-opener, not least because it confirms the point that peer rating remains perhaps the most authentic and reliable method for validating excellence among peers. While many well-known practitioners expectedly made the list, there are quite a few surprises, not least the displacement of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;more popularâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; practitioners by their relatively obscure peers.â&#x20AC;? NIGERIAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TOP 100 LAWYERSÂŽ is designed to provide the most transparent, most respected, useful and definitive referral guide on legal excellence in Nigeria. The publishers Fidelity Bank MDCEO Nnamdi Okonkwo do not accept payments of any kind from lawyers, law firms or third parties for listing in the compendium, and pride themselves on the fact that to accept his intention to retire. BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin. the lower court was wrong to have lawyers cannot buy entry into the Gbadeyan wanted the courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s held that a notice of retirement takes publication. }WU YNjgU Y]U PPWQ_U XR2RO|U in Ilorin has ordered the declaration that his employment with W>W^gU]jYqUg}WUTQ\URgUZQXUjW^WRÂ&#x161;WTUQOTU Nwadioke said the all-gloss reinstatement of a law the university still subsists in view of his terminates contract of employment. compendium highlighting the career It states that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it was wrong to paths and accomplishments of the lecturer, University of Ilorin, employerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s refusal/neglect to convey its hold that it is unnecessary for the honorees will also be released next Barr. Deji Gbadeyan after acceptance of his notice of retirement. He, however, prayed the court to University to communicate acceptance nine years. month, adding that a Foreword to The University was also directed to mandate the university to pay all his of retirement notice to the appellant for the over 100-page compendium was salary arrears and other entitlements purpose of ending the employment. pay Gbadeyan all his arrears of salary â&#x20AC;&#x153;graciously writtenâ&#x20AC;? by the highly â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was erroneous to hold that there respected Hon. Justice George A. and other entitlements due to him due to him till date. Gbadeyan further prayed the lower are no legal consequences after the Oguntade (CFR), Justice Emeritus of from June 10th, 2005 to date when the university allegedly refused to court to mandate Unilorin to restore contract of employment has come to an the Supreme Court of Nigeria. his name on his pay roll as well as to end. endorsed his retirement notice. It is recalled that the publishers had â&#x20AC;&#x153;The above holding with respect is earlier unveiled the methodology In a unanimous judgement delivered pay him all areas of salary and other entitlement due to him till date. inconsistent with the reasoning of the by Justice Chidi Uwa, the appellate for the listing, noting that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Because The lower court only granted only his trial judge in granting relief 2â&#x20AC;?. court gave the orders in a case with the quality of a peer review survey second relief. The Appeal Court noted that both the is directly related to the quality of reference number: CA/IL/27/2012 Consequently, Gbadeyan appealed trial judge and Unilorin did not dispute its voting pool, nominations were between Timothy Ogundeji Gbadeyan the judgement of Federal High Court acceptance of retirement notice as preand University of Ilorin. obtained exclusively from the ranks delivered by Justice Olayinka Faji on condition to qualify one for enjoying of Senior Advocates of Nigeria The Appeal Court maintained jWgRjWqWOgU[WOWVgX{ that the lower Court erred in law by three grounds to wit: and acclaimed Solicitors who also the appellate court to determine The Court of Appeal, therefore, set constituted the entire candidate pool.â&#x20AC;? upholding the second relief out of the six sought by the lecturer concerned whether the lower court was right aside the decision of the trial judge and The results of the online survey were over the Varsityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mute on approval of in raising uncontested purported awarded N50,000.00 cost against the then collated by the Board of Editors jWXR|OQgRYOU QOTU ¢W2RXYORO|U g}WU _W|Q_U University. his retirement notice. who double-checked the ranking It would be recalled that Gbadeyan W>W^gUY]U}RXUQ^^WPgQO^WUY]U}RXUjWgRjWqWOgU through independent research and notice according to Pension Act, 2004. had on February 10th, 2010 in an discreet interviews with pre-eminent The Appeal was further based on the originating summons sued Unilorin at legal experts. The Advisory Board right of the court to have dismissed the WTWjQ_U R|}U YNjgkU _YjROUYOUg}WUqQ2WjU is made up of renowned experts TYOÂ&#x;XU VÂ&#x161;WU Yg}WjU jW_RW]XU }QÂ&#x161;RO|U |jQOgWTU and sought six reliefs. including professor of jurisprudence The don asked the Court to declare g}WU XW^YOTU YOWU g}QgU Q^^WPgQO^WU _W2WjU & international Law, Prof. Akin was required to process his retirement g}QgUQU_W2WjUY]UQ^^WPgQO^WUY]U}RXUOYgR^WUY]U Oyebode; former UNILAG Dean [WOWVgX{ retirement constitutes valid condition to of Law, Prof. Chioma Agomo; He also prayed the appellate court determine contract of service between current Dean of Law, University of to hold and determine the lower courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s him and the university. Lagos, Prof. Akin Ibidapo-Obe, and right in dismissing his 3-6 prayers The legal practitioner wanted acclaimed solicitor, Mr. Lawrence Q|QROXgUg}WUZWR|}gUY]UQ.TQÂ&#x161;RgUWÂ&#x161;RTWO^WU g}WU ^YNjgU gYU TW^_QjWU g}QgU QU _W2WjU Y]U Fubara Anga. and dictates of the law. acceptance is the condition and platform â&#x20AC;&#x153;Given that inclusion in the The Court of Appeal held that upon which his pension and gratuity compendium is based on peer can be calculated and paid according to by the lower courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s granting of the review, it is expected to be a singular TYOÂ&#x;XU XW^YOTU jW_RW]kU Q^^WPgQO^WU _W2WjU Pension Act, 2004. honour,â&#x20AC;? the publishers had stated, of retirement notice was necessary He prayed the lower court to hold adding: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The enthusiasm shown by to process the appellantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s retirement g}QgUg}WUNORÂ&#x161;WjXRg\Â&#x;XUQ2RgNTWUgYU}RXU_W2WjU the nominees is unparalleled. We are [WOWVgXUROU_QZ{ Y]UOYgR^WUY]UjWgRjWqWOgUZRg}UW>W^gU]jYqU Abdul Ganiyu Ambali, Vice Chancellor, highly excited about this endeavour.â&#x20AC;? The Appeal Court further held that June 10th, 2005 amounted to its refusal UNILORIN
Appeal Court reinstates UNILORIN don, 9 years after
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Newswatch Times
Friday, November 28, 2014
First significant accident that happened in my life was going to school â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Obasanjo ADA DIKE
Former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, statesman author, farmer and soldier, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR, in # "&#$ *!$& #$ !"+ +!- $!$ '. / 0%!%- # -#"12 # &! mind on his personal life and general issues at the Ake Arts and Books Festival that took place in Abeokuta, Ogun State, last week. +!- ' " ! ' &!( # % $& ( $ !0" * !$ !% !- !# $ '#14 # #%5 &# 6 # ' 7 % + $&#$ & &# * ! %8 #%-!%- ( / 1 ((#%'28 # $ &! 9 ! %" !% $& !- !#% !6! :# ; / $ 1 :! 28 # $ &! 6!" $ $& %#$! % # ! !$# 1 #' <$#$ ; /=&! %!(# # ' #%28 # &! &!"# > "$! % % $& %#$ (#% * ! % ' !%- &! $!( # # !$!"# ! % ; #%' / 7 -* 28 # $ &! ! %' #%' + 1 0- !% $& #% # 1 ?@DD " 4 % * ( ( ! ! 9 "$ ' !% the coming months. Born in Ibogun-Olaogun in what was then Abeokuta Province of ?@HJ " %!# !- !#8 ' !%- &! "# !% $& !- !#% (18 & 6 ' !% $& K%!$ ' #$! % #" + !%- ! ! % $ $& %- !% ?@D?4 ( $& 8 & *# ( $ ' $ $& !$! % $& % # L" ((#%'!%- $& $&! ' # !% ((#%' !6! ! % $& !- !#% (1 ' !%- $& !6! :# 8 #%' #"& ' $& #+ !% &! "# *& % & *# # !%$ ' $& #' <$#$ #%' ((#%' in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal republic of Nigeria ( # 1 ?H8 ?@MD $ "$ ?8 ?@M@4 # #%5 *# * %Q!% # # ' ( " #$!"# 1 "$ ' !' %$ $& ' # !" !- !#% % #1 T@8 ?@@@8 *# Q "$ ' !% TJJU #%' $ ' ' *% ( $& !' %"1 !% TJJM #$ $& %' &! " %' $ ( #%' $ % ' $ &! # (4 ! $& "&! #'6 "#$ $& - % # #%5 !' %$!# ! # 14
9;<=> ?9;> @A<<> ;B> D> <E)<A> FE@> DF9;@> ?9;G> HIE<=I99=> DJ=> B9KA> 9L> @IA> MA?> EJO;AJHAB> EJ> ?9;G> HIE<=I99=> @ID@> ?9;> PE<<> D)GEF;@A>?9;G>B;HHABB>EJ><ELAQ Childhood! You have to ask my father and mother. (Laughter). That sounds laughable but it is true. Except what they told me and then of course, what I know when I started knowing my right from my left. Let me start from what they told me. My mother met my father when she was sent by my grandmother to our village, where my great grandmother in one way or the other founded. Then, a cousin of my motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s asked my mother whether she was married and she said no, that she did not know anything about marriage. So, a man from our village asked my motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand in marriage. Then what transpired after that, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. But, obviously, they got married because I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have been born me if they were not married. And they produced me. Something interesting happened about my date of birth. When I started school, then the teacher asked me about my age and I went home and asked my mother, â&#x20AC;&#x153;mummy, I want to know my date of birth,â&#x20AC;? and she told me that: â&#x20AC;&#x153;You were born on Ifo Market day. I went under labour when people were going to the market. But by the time they would return, I had you. Ifo QjÂ&#x2030;WgUTQ\URXUWÂ&#x161;Wj\UVÂ&#x161;WUTQ\XkUXYkUZ}QgUTQ\kU what month and what year, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know,â&#x20AC;? said my mother. My father was a farmer because farming
was the only thing that was going on in our village at that period. One day, I was coming back with my father and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what work I would do in future. Then my father asked me: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This farming we are doing, is it what you prefer to do for the rest of your lifeâ&#x20AC;?. Then I said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;yesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Before then, a cousin of mine had left the village and went to Abeokuta to become a vehicle mechanic. That was the second work I knew apart from farming. When my father asked me what I would like to become, I told him that I would like to be a vehicle mechanic, but he later encouraged me to |YU gYU X^}YY_{U }QgU ZQXU g}WU VjXgU XR|ORV^QOgU accident that happened in my life, my father deciding to send me to school. In those days, there were few schools in the village areas. But he never wanted me to start school in the village because it is believed that students schooling in the city are more brilliant. So I left home and moved to Abeokuta and registered in a school closer gYU YNjU ]QqR_\U ^YqPYNOT{U gU ZQXU TR.^N_gU for me to get registered in school because ZWU ZWjWU QU [RgU _QgW{U WU gjRWTU VÂ&#x161;WU X^}YY_XU including Owu African Church School but I was not taken because we were late. I was staying with my auntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s husband then and }WU ZQXU QU VX}WjqQO{U Qj_\U ROU g}WU qYjORO|kU ZWUZYN_TU|YUgYUg}WUjRÂ&#x161;WjUgYUVX}UQOTUXW__URgU to market women. After three months, my father came furiously and asked: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Subo, what are you doing with my son? ...You lazy man, do you want to turn my son to a lazy man like you?â&#x20AC;? My fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s idea of being a hardworking man is that you wake
Obasanjo up at 5 am, before the sun rises; you were already sweating on the farm. Anything less than that, you are a lazy man. He took me back to the village and later took me to a nearby village and spoke to the headmaster of a school. He asked him to admit me in his X^}YY_{U UZQXUQTqR2WTUQOTUg}WUXgYj\UQ[YNgU admission is for another day or whenever I ZjRgWU q\U qWqYRjU \YNU ^QOU VOTU Rg{U W^QNXWU of my age and height, I started in Class one. Then they thought I could jump a class and I jumped. The school terminated in standard two. By that time, the decided to join four schools together. So they formed Ibogu United School. I was asked to join standard two and do entrance exam. And I passed. Actually, I came second. I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spell â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Shokolokobangosheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. (Laughter). The school ended in standard so it was either I terminated my education in standard four or I join another school. I went to a school and I was asked to take standard four WÂ&#x2039;QqX{U U ZWOgU gYU XgQOTQjTU VÂ&#x161;W{U }WU jWXgU RXU history. }WUVjXgUg}RO|Ug}QgUROÂ NWO^WTUq\U_R]WUZQXU my fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to send me to school. }WU XW^YOTU g}RO|U g}QgU ROÂ NWO^WTU q\U childhood was, along the line, while I was in another school, my fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fortune turned but that school decided to give me what they called scholarship. The scholarship included doing some works like cleaning, washing plates and so on. In form four, it TYWXUOYgUqQ2WjUZ}YU\YNUQjWkU\YNUqNXgUgQÂ&#x2030;WU a qualifying exams. I did, and I passed. I later left after contemplating furthering my education in a higher institution- which was the University of Ibadan. So I was XgNT\RO|U ]YjU WOWjQ_U WjgRV^QgWU TN^QgRYOU (GCE) Examination (advanced level) and at the time applied for a college. I found out I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t read because I was working. I applied somewhere to be a teacher where I told the headmaster that I can teach anything except drawing. When the headmaster wanted to allocate subject to me, he included drawing. What struck me was that we were doing exams while in that school and I passed. We were also allowed
to apply for scholarships and I applied. One day, I was reading Daily Times and saw advertisement for military opening. I applied and got enlisted in the Nigerian Army in 1958. I went for training at _TWjX}YgU U QOTU ZQXU qQTWU QOU Y.^WjU ROU g}WU Nigerian Army. I was also trained in India at the Defence WjÂ&#x161;R^WXU gQ>U Y__W|WkU W__RO|gYOU QOTU QgU the Indian Army School of Engineering. I served at 1 Area Command in Kaduna. I was promoted to Chief Army Engineer, and was made commander of 2 Area Command from July 1967, and then the Ibadan Garrison Organisation. I was also trained in DSSC, Wellington. I commanded the Armyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3 Marine Commando Division during the Nigerian Civil War. I was appointed the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal republic of Nigeria on February 13, 1976. J> RSUVW> ?9;> PG9@A> D> F99M> 9J> @IA> <D@A> I;MP;KD> D=;JD> XA9YP;> DJ=> HIG9JEH<A=> D> F99M> 9J> IEKZ> ID@> EB> ?9;G> [EAP>H9JHAGJEJY> XA9YP;Q> The late Chukwuma Nzeogwu was a patriot and nationalist, but he was naive. He was my friend in the army. I wrote that book just to say what I know about him. DB> @IA> <D@A> I;MP;KD> D=;JD> XA9YP;>D>IAG9>9G>D>[E<<DEJQ For me, he was. There is nobody who knows him that will not tell you that he was a nationalist. And in that my book, I said that yes, Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu ZQXU QU OQgRYOQ_RXgkU QU PQgjRYgkU QU ^YqqR2WTU Nigerian, but he was naĂŻve. Whatever you want to take from that, it is left for you. But I know him; he was a good friend of mine. I came back from a trip a day before the coup but he never told me that he was planning a coup. After the coup he told me that whether he told me or not was one of the hardest decisions he had to make because if he told me and I said no, he shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t, it was too late for him not to go ahead with it; if he told me and I said â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;yes good idea, it Continued on page 45
Arts 45 First significant accident that happened in my life was going to school –Obasanjo Newswatch Times
Friday, November 28, 2014
&^x_qx|[w X^ ~z[
ZQXUgYYU_QgWUgYUVOTUQUjY_WU]YjUqW{U YU}WUg}WOU TW^RTWTUOYgUgYUgW__UqW{U UZjYgWUg}QgU[YY U¢NXgU gYUXQ\UZ}QgU UZQOgWTUgYUXQ\UQ[YNgU}Rq{U UZQXU OYgU¢NT|WqWOgQ_{U What do you consider as the greatest danger in Nigeria? QO\U g}RO|XkU [NgU R]U \YNU QX WTU qWU g}WU ONq[WjU YOWkU U ZYN_TU XQ\U ROXW^NjRg\U RXU g}WU |jWQgWXgU^}Q__WO|WU]Q^RO|Ug}WUOQgRYO{U How can security challenges in Nigeria be controlled? U jWqWq[WjkU U ZQXU YNgU Y]U g}WU ^YNOgj\U qYjWUg}QOUgZYU\WQjXUQ|YkUZ}WOUg}WU ORgWTU QgRYOX U [NR_TRO|U ZQXU [Yq[WTU QOTU Y YU
g}WqU gYU Y[XWj WU QU ^WQXWVjWU TNjRO|U Z}R^}U g}WRjU |jRW QO^WXU ZYN_TU [WU QTTjWXXWTkU [NgU OYg}RO|UZQXUTYOWUQ[YNgUg}Qg{ Giving this backdrop, reforms and economy, how do you rate this government? W_YZUQ WjQ|Wà What is your view about homosexual? UQqUQU^YOXWj QgR WUQOTU U}Q WUOYUQPY_Y|\U ]YjUg}Qg{U UQqUQU }jRXgRQO×U\YNUqQ\Ug}RO U U QqU OYg{U NgU U Qq{U U [W_RW WU QU OQgRYOU XgQjgXU ]jYqU g}WU R[_WkU ZRg}U QU qQOU QOTU QU ZYqQO{U OU q\U PQjgU Y]U g}WU ZYj_TU }YqYXW NQ_Rg\U RXU QOUQ[YqROQgRYO{U gUqNXgU[WU[WgZWWOUQUqQOU QOTU QU ZYqQO{U ]U YTU ZQOgWTU g}QgU g\PWU Y]U jW_QgRYOX}RPkU WU ZYN_TU OYgU }Q WU ^jWQgWTU PWYP_WUqQ_WUQOTU]WqQ_W{ YTU TRTU OYgU qQ WU QU qRXgQ W{U WU X}YN_TU
Literature under the rock at Ake Arts and Book Festival in Abeokuta ADA DIKE
Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (4th right); his wife Olufunso (3rd right); AABF Director, Lola Shoneyin (5th Xqz _ ~xw ^_ [XZ ~_ _ [ ^ }\q~ ^ [xqxz ^ $$%) ~Z_ [[ qx 2z|x _~_[
Newswatch Times
Friday, November 28, 2014
Tomato Jos
Producer: Victor Okoli Director: Odinaka Ede o Executive Director: Anayo Ezeugwu u, Starring: Victor Osuagwu, y, Chiwetalu Agu, Dede Oneday, Uche Ogbodo, Geraldinee b Ekeocha, Susan Obi, Zainab Ugwuonwu and others. Reviewed by: Ada Dike
omato Jos is an Igbo moviee shot in Asaba, Delta State. It explores how a man strives to o change his standard of living g using the available means ns without considering the outcome. Ogadinma Okeke (Victor Osuagwu), a motorcycle rider decides to destroy thee qQjÂ&#x2030;U Y]U PYÂ&#x161;Wjg\U ROU }RXU _R]WU [\U |W2RO|U |U married to a woman above 60 years, s, Adaeze (Susan Obi), the only daughter er of a rich man, Chief Okeataigwe who o placed an advertisement and promised d to reward anybody that would marry hiss daughter with N5 million, a house and a car. He encounters opposition from her parents who vowed never to allow him to marry a woman that has reached qWOYPQNXW{U YU [N2jWXXU }RXU PYROgkU Ogadinmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father says g}QgU |QTROqQÂ&#x;XU VQO^Ă&#x153;WU is older than him. To villagers, advertising for a suitor to ask for oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand in marriage is strange, that is why some people in that town condemn Chief Okeataigweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s act saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;How can a man advertise and promise whoever would marry his daughter many things?â&#x20AC;? Some say her hands are massive. But Ogadinma tells his mother that despite the fact that she has reached menopause, she would bear children for him as Sarah in the Bible did. }WU ^QqWjQU qYÂ&#x161;WXU ]jYqU TR>WjWOgU locations to where Ogadinma was having series of meetings with his family members to Chief Okeataigweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mansion where he and his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; legged, old daughter are waiting earnestly for Ogadinma. In another scene, a fair, tall and beautiful lady, Olanma (Uche Ogbodo) jW¢W^gXU}WjUVQO^Ă&#x153;UZ}YUgjQROWTU}WjUROUg}WU university And starts dating governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brother and argues that she canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t marry Raphael (Hayes Achu) because he is an illiterate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Raphael sponsors my education in exchange of my body,â&#x20AC;? she argues. Olanmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father is in support of her daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision due to money the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s brother always gives him. In another scene, the movie exposes WÂ&#x2039;gjQU qQjRgQ_U Q>QRjU [WgZWWOU WjYOR^QU (Zainab Ugwuonwu) and Ibugo before Veronicaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s husband, Ijelu (ChiwetaluAgu) catches them. Ogadinma and Adaezeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wedding draws crowd who danced to the rhythm of the live band playing Awiloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s songs followed by â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yori Yoriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bracketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s song after the arrival of the couple. The brideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chief bridesmaid and bridesmaids are above 60 years. Some of them support themselves with walking sticks. After Ogadinma gets all he wants, does he have rest of mind? Review Tomato Jos, which was shot in Asaba, Delta State is a very entertaining movie, viewers would laugh from the beginning to the end because of Victor Osuagwu and Dede Onedayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance that are talented in acting comedy.
king f with a wal ting hersel aids suppor m es id br e of Oneday), on dike (Dede stman, Obi be , om ro ideg Bride and br
Since everybody does not understand Igbo language, the movie supposed to be subtitled in English Language. Uche Ogbodo couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t communicate  NWOg_\U ROU Igbo language w i t h o u t a d d i n g English language to her sentence which you cannot see in some movies done in other Nigerian languages. It scores 60 per cent.
hers stick and ot
Movie Review
wu) ictor Osuag a Okeke (V , Ogadinm om ro eg id br Bride and in Tomato Jos movie ) (Susan Obi
and Adaez
POEMS My Boyfriend Dear errant boyfriend # $ % & ' & damsel You know why? Because it is not a certainty you be the one I bear my palm wine cup or walk towards down the aisle I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re my future hubby That girl I may have clubbed with nails and tooth Can be the sister, niece or cousin to my Mr. Right Imagine when he introduces me to his family The sister is solidly speechless
% ! ( ) ** ! Appraising my features with look of disgust Hate radiating from her heats " + ! !â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mum sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the mad lady that broke my arm And imprinted boyfriend snatcher on my cheeksâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; / +%+ 0# +!( & â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the Mohammed Ali that tied your championâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s belt Around my daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neck and waist Son, how dare you bring this brutal bruiser to my home That caused my child to be hospitalized for weeks ' # '
gentleman to call Angel Over my tool box will my son screw is knot with your Blunt blurted screw driver Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll rather he marries Christy Martin.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; So hint me darling, What do I do when my would be mate Hovers over his kid sister Murmuring smothering words on how he vowed to Make his sisterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assailant pay painfully? Telling her how sorry he is for bringing in the ! ) % disconcerting past " + ! & !! dispassion To cast that beast into deep red coals Meanwhile, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re elsewhere frolicking With your other belles No thank you dearie Am not about to doom my love life * ' * +!Irrespective of how strong and sweet your long Sugar cane is It is not worth the tooth ache it gives me later I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have cash for touch and go You can always be cased in the show glass Like a freshly baked hot dog
But I, would be moved to the art gallery As an ancient antique exhibited For the criticism of man and a case study to woman.
The Seed Of A Careless Life A life without bearing is unthinkable It is like a traveller without destination Many people wander through the desert Of life without a clear cut vision Many are lost to the world Only a handful of them come with purpose A wind from the south has rain in its mouth These people come empty handed like prisoners The world is indeed a maximum prison Some people are locked up for life No one knows if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever be freed Many of them are self imprisoned anyway The seed of a careless life is sown with ease Whereas they are reaped with a basket of tears. ! "
Newswatch Times
Friday, November 28, 2014
Society of Nigerian Artists holds exhibition in Port Harcourt to promote peace AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt
oised to promote peace in Society and the ideals of Plateau State in particular, the Plateau State chapter of Society of Nigerian Artists has in collaboration with the National Gallery of Arts, Friday, organised an arts exhibition in the Port Harcourt, the capital city of Rivers state. }WU QjgRXgXU X}YZÂ&#x201D;^QXWTU TR>WjWOgU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XU ]YjU lovers of arts and nature who thronged into Novotel Hotel in the heart of the metropolitan city to savour the beauty of art. The Chairman of Society of Nigerian Artists, _QgWQNU gQgWkU j{U Â&#x201C;WÂ&#x2030;RW_U TN[jQWUXQRTUQgUg}WU occasion that the exhibition would help to PjYqYgWUPWQ^WUROUg}WUXY^RWg\Ug}jYN|}UQjgZYjÂ&#x2030;kU adding that the theme of the exhibition, Â&#x160; W_W[jQgRO|U WQ^WÂ?kUZQXUQRqWTUQgU_W2RO|Ug}WU people of Rivers state and the world over to Â&#x2030;OYZkU_YÂ&#x161;WkUQOTUQPPjW^RQgWUg}WU]Q^gUg}QgUPWQ^WU has returned to Plateau State after the crisis that jY^Â&#x2030;WTURgU[WgZWWOUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;zUQOTUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201E;kUQUPWjRYTU^_YXWU to ten years. U j{U TN[jQWUQ_XYUQTTWTUg}QgUQjgRXgXUQ__UYÂ&#x161;WjU the world helped to help preserve our culture g}jYN|}U g}WRjU Â&#x161;QjRYNXU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XU g}QgU PYjgjQ\XU nature at its best that the only way to sell Nigeria to the outside world was to exhibit the ZYjÂ&#x2030;XUY]UQjgX{ He pointed out that Nigerians have excelled in the area of art all over the world, saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We QjWU}WjWUgYUX}YZ^QXWUYNjUZYjÂ&#x2030;{U }WUg}WqWUY]U the exhibition is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Celebrating Peaceâ&#x20AC;?, because in the whole world there was no peace but within individuals if there was peace it would Q>W^gUXY^RWg\{U â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want individual peace and that is why ZWU ZQOgU gYU NXWU YNjU ZYjÂ&#x2030;U gYU X}YZ^QXWU PWQ^WU and that is why we came from Plateau to showcase and tell people in Rivers that there is peace on the Plateau. U Â&#x160; jYqU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;zU gYU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201E;U ZWU ZWjWU ROU ^jRXRXU [NgU many people are still afraid that there is still crisis in Plateau State. There are no more ^jRXWXĂ&#x2014;UQOTU\YNUÂ&#x2030;OYZUg}WUqY2YUY]U _QgWQNURXU Peace and Tourism and so we are showcasing, selling the peace of plateau to others because it is what you have that you can give to others,â&#x20AC;? he stated. TN[jQWUXgQgWTUg}QgUPYÂ&#x161;Wjg\UROUg}WU^YNOgj\U }QXUQ>W^gWTUg}WRjU[NXROWXXU[NgUg}QgUg}W\U}QTUgYU sell themselves to the outside world through exhibition, noting that government cannot provide all the needs of its citizens. He continued: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Many Nigerians are well in position of the art, they have been excelling. PQjgU ]jYqU g}QgkU RgU RXU g}WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XU Y]U YNjU forefathers. The sculptures at the galleries of g}WUqNXWNqXUQjWUg}WUZYjÂ&#x2030;XUY]UYNjUQjgRXgXkUg}WU ^jQ]gXqWOĂ&#x2014;U_RÂ&#x2030;WUg}WU WXgQ^U}WQTUg}QgUZQXUgQÂ&#x2030;WOU gYU jRgQROU Z}WOU ZWU ZQOgWTU RgU ROU z~Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160;U g}W\U refused to bring it that we cannot sustain it; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s because of the way they value it, they value our ZYjÂ&#x2030;XUQOTUWÂ&#x161;WOU R|WjRQOXUg}WqXW_Â&#x161;WX{ UÂ&#x160; ]U\YNU|RÂ&#x161;WUQOUQjgZYjÂ&#x2030;UgYUg}WUQÂ&#x161;WjQ|WUqQOU he will grab it from you with speed but tell him to buy it, no way. It is poverty occasionally that qQÂ&#x2030;WXU PWYP_WU OYgU gYU Q^ÂĽNRjWU Q__U g}WXWU g}RO|X{U Again when somebody is living in a room with eight children and a wife and husband when he has not hung his clothes, where will }WU}QO|UQjgZYjÂ&#x2030;X{U NgUg}YXWUZ}YUQjWUZW__UgYU TYUQjWU[W|ROORO|UgYU[N\Ug}WqUQOTUQOUQjgZYjÂ&#x2030;U doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t depreciate, it appreciates. People go to Dubai to buy things; people are also coming }WjWUgYU[N\UYNjUQjgZYjÂ&#x2030;UgYY{U }WUYO_\UZQ\UZWU can boost it is to expose it, and that is what we are doing now because if we are on the Plateau without coming to Port Harocurt, you will not Â&#x2030;OYZUg}QgUZWU}QÂ&#x161;WU|YYTUZYjÂ&#x2030;XU_RÂ&#x2030;WUg}RXUQOTU that is the purpose of our comingâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Qj_RWjkU ROU }RXU YPWORO|U jWqQjÂ&#x2030;XkU jY]U jQOÂ&#x2030;U |RYqY}kU QU PjY]WXXYjU Y]U QjgU YOU g}WYj\U QOTU QU fellow of the Society of Nigerian Artists lauded
the initiative of the Plateau Artists. He said the theme of the exhibiting was apt, considering the fact that art is a tool for promoting peace in society. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The theme is apt in the sense that there is no Yg}WjUgYY_U]YjUPWQ^WUWO|Q|WqWOgUg}QOUg}WUZYjÂ&#x2030;U Y]U QjgĂ&#x2014;U [W^QNXWU g}WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;U Y]U QjgU RXU QOU QÂ&#x161;WONWU whereby we understand ourselves, because what the artist does is a representation of life the way he experiences it and because of that RgU[jYQTWOXUg}WUÂ&#x2030;OYZ_WT|WUY]UPWQ^WkÂ?U}WUXQRT{ U j{U R^}QW_U ¢Q_WU Z}YU XPYÂ&#x2030;WU YOU QgU g}WU Y^^QXRYOU QOTU Z}YU PjWXWOgWTU VÂ&#x161;WU TR>WjWOgU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XUYOUg}WUWÂ&#x2039;}R[RgRYOkUXQRTUg}YN|}U}WUZQXUQU graduate of English Language, he got inspired by things around him and put them into reality ]YjUg}WU[WOWVgUY]UqQO{ U }WU WÂ&#x2039;}R[RgRYORXgU ^Q__WTU YOU \YNg}XU gYU _YYÂ&#x2030;U inwards and discover their innate talents and use them to promote society rather than engage themselves in criminal activities that would not add any value to their lives. U ^^YjTRO|U gYU }RqĂ&#x201A;U Â&#x160; U }QÂ&#x161;WU VÂ&#x161;WU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XU g}QgU I am exhibiting here today. Guardian Angel, Terminus in Jos, Terminus tells us how peaceful Plateau State was before and during the crisis we experienced. I get inspired by nature, by things that happen around me, everyday life. I did not read this in school, I read English in the university and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m painting. I started drawing when I was a child and gradually I started painting. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What I will say to the youths is, they X}YN_TU_YYÂ&#x2030;U]YjUXYqWg}RO|U]jYqUZRg}ROUNX{U XUQU human being on earth, there is something God has deposited in you that you need to discover to change your society, to help you as a person. YU\YNUOWWTUgYUZQÂ&#x2030;WUNPkU\YNUOWWTUgYU_YYÂ&#x2030;U]YjU that thing that is innate and explore the world with it,â&#x20AC;? he said. Those who participated in the exhibition included artists, sculptures, ceramics, and PQROgWjXU Z}YXWU ZYjÂ&#x2030;XU Y]U QjgU ZWjWU _QÂ&#x161;RX}_\U displayed.
An artwork doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t depreciate, it appreciates. People go to Dubai to buy things; people are also coming here to buy our artwork too. The only way we can boost it is to expose it, and that is what we are doing now because if we are on the Plateau without coming to Port Harocurt, you will not know that we have good works like this and that is the purpose of our coming
Newswatch Times
Friday, November 28, 2014
16th LABAF: Extraordinary book and art festival in 2014 learnt how to wash hands to avoid germs. that the dispossessed in the society are clamour }WU Â&#x2030;OYZ_WT|WU Y]U ]jR^QÂ&#x;XU VjXgU Y[W_U ing for change. He focused on Soyinkaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two works namely: his yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lagos Book and Art Laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka and his works, Festival (LABAF) has come and came to fore during a colloquium which â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Man Died,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; which he said was apt for gone, but its memory will linger for a started around 1.30 pm. With the theme: activism and â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Dance in the Forestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. This was followed by panel of discussion and long time in the minds of the people â&#x20AC;&#x153;Soyinka: and The Nation Building, experts g}QgU Q2WOTWTU g}WU VjXgU Y]U RgXU Â&#x2030;ROTU ]jYqUTR>WjWOgUNORÂ&#x161;WjXRgRWXUQOTU_RgWjQj\U|RQOgXU festival symposium themed: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Intervention including the keynote speaker, Professor of Series: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Soyinka as a Public intellectualâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; which literary festival. Inspired by the 25th anniversary of the fall of African and African-American Studies and was anchored by the chairman of the Nigeria the Berlin Wall, 20th Anniversary of the South of Literature and Comparative Literature at Human Rights Commission, Prof. Chidi A. African Democracy and 15th anniversary of Harvard University, USA, Prof. Biodun Jeyifo; Odinkalu. On the second day, notable literary experts Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 4th Republic, the Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest art Member, Editorial Board, The Nation, Prof. festival, themed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freedom and The Word,â&#x20AC;? Ropo Shekoni; Dean of the Faculty of Arts at including Chuma Nwokolo, Toni Kan, was celebrated in honour of Prof. Wole University of Abuja, Prof Mabel Evwierhoma; Adewole Ajao and Kola Tubosun, among author, Odia Ofeimun; and Dr. Yemi Ogunbiyi, others, x-rayed books on the theme, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Search Soyinka at 80. j|QORXWTU [\U g}WU YqqR2WWU YjU W_WÂ&#x161;QOgU among others discuss extensively about For Freedomâ&#x20AC;?. Books that were discussed included: David Welshâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Rise And Fall Art (CORA), pre-festival events began on Soyinka and his works. The keynote speaker, Prof Jeyifo, who Of Apartheid; Nelson Mandela, Long Walk Monday, November 10, 2014 with Book Trek QOTUg}WUQ2WOTQO^WU]YjUg}WUWÂ&#x161;WORO|UY]UPYWgj\kU re-titled his lecture: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freedom and Nation to Freedom; Peter Schneiderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Wall book reading and so on, at the British Council, Buildingâ&#x20AC;?, pointed out that Nigeria has too Jumper; Ala Al Aswanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chicago; and Wale many Richard II than Henry IV and stressed Adebamiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Trials and Triumphs: The Story Of Ikoyi, Lagos was quite impressive In his speech, CORAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Programme Chair, Jahman Anikulapo, stated that the Book Trek is a series of literary event put together to usher participants into the main activities of the yearly festival. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Authors and writers are very important, but we insist that all these books are being published and are not even on our streets. We are not seeing them; not reading them, and we are not engaging them. So all of these lies will go on, and we will pass away and our children will read and believe these lies, and the lies will become part of our history because some of us who were alive when these books were published failed to engage them.â&#x20AC;? There were beehives of activities from Friday, November 14, 2014 to November 16, 2014, at the main venue of the festival, Freedom Park, Broad Street, Lagos, as literary enthusiasts, performance artists, authors, students and pupils from many schools including Playpen Nursery and Primary School, Isolo, Lagos }QTU ]NOÂ&#x201D;V__WTU QOTU [NX\U TQ\XU Q2WOTRO|U L-R: Category Activation Manager, Larger, Kayode Abass; Brand Manager, Larger, TR>WjWOgUPjY|jQqqWXUY]Ug}WUWÂ&#x161;WOgXURO^_NTRO|U Obiageli Ndep, Harp Brand Ambassador, Chinedu Okoli â&#x20AC;&#x153;Flavour Nabaniaâ&#x20AC;?, Sales Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc, Mr. Dennis Ebeye and Senior colloquium, conventions, music, dance, drama, Divisional Brand Manager, Larger, Shina Ajiboye at the Harp Music Nite in Owerriâ&#x20AC;Śrecently art stampede, book presentation, visual art exhibition, poetry slam, conversation and so here was excitement in Owerri, the event was the Harp Music Nite which has the on. capital of Imo State last weekend ace Afro Hip Hop star as its brand ambassador. Students learnt a lot of things including the when guests, friends and well It was indeed a night of music as the award history of the Fall of Berlin Wall at Goethe wishers felicitated with Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winning musician dished out his popular tunes Institut stand. They also participated in book hip hop rave of the moment, Flavour for guests to dance sing and dance along. The readings, visited visual arts exhibition and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nabaniaâ&#x20AC;? as he celebrated his birthday. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ada, Adaâ&#x20AC;? crooner was pleasantly surprised ADA DIKE
The News. Day Three commenced with â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Book and Youth Empowermentâ&#x20AC;?. Special focus was on books published by authors under 35 such as Chude Jideonwoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re We The Turning Point Generation?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Ayo Sogunro,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Wonderful Life Of Senator Bonifaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Okechukwu V_RkÂ&#x;XUĂ&#x2020; YZU gNPRTRg\U QÂ&#x161;WTU \U R]WÂ&#x;{U The Lagos Book and Art Festival (LABAF) is CORAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual culture picnic with a high [YYÂ&#x2030;U ^YOgWOgU QRqWTU gYU Q2jQ^gU ]QqR_RWXU QOTU QU public that seeks cultural entertainment. The Book and Art Festival is a 16-year old event, established in 1999, the year of the OQgRYOÂ&#x;XUjWgNjOUgYUTWqY^jQ^\kUgYU^Q__UQ2WOgRYOU to the importance of literacy. The Festival is Q_ZQ\XUV__WTUZRg}U]NOUQOTUg}jR__XkUZRg}U_RÂ&#x161;WU[QOTU and theatre performances, galleries displaying art, and a series of art, craft, textile, dancing workshops focused on kids happening all over g}WUYPWOUVW_T{
Fans excited as Flavour celebrates birthday at Harp Music Nite
when the Harp Larger team presented him with a specially made birthday cake. At the event, consumers of Harp Premium Q|WjUZWjWUgjWQgWTUgYUQOUNO]Yj|W2Q[_WUqNXR^Q_U experience, as the friendship beer from the stables Y]U NROOWXXU R|WjRQU _^U Â&#x2030;R^Â&#x2030;WTU Y>U RgXU XW^YOTU edition of Harp Music Nite. Flavour Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;abania, who left the atmosphere at the bars charged as he ensured the guests were thoroughly entertained with his unique brand of music. According to the Marketing Manager Lager, Paul Asemota, Flavour represents a generation of Nigerian musicians who have dared to be TR>WjWOgkU^YOOW^gRO|U]jRWOTXUZRg}Ug}WRjU[jQOTU of music, same way Harp does. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Harp Music Nite is an avenue to reach out to more consumers of the brand and treat them to great experiences. The music tour also gives us the opportunity to celebrate the energy of the crew who are better together as we are providing an avenue for friends to bond and have fun. Harp Lager was re-launched last year giving the iconic lager a cool new look which has made the brand more attractive to consumers all around the globeâ&#x20AC;? Asemota said. Consumers who came to celebrate with the award winning act at the party also won fantastic prizes courtesy of a music competition at the Harp Music Nite.
Guinness powers Olamideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Street OT Listening Party
hapsodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Bheerhugz at Ikeja Mall penultimate weekend was agog as Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hip hop rave of the moment Olamide â&#x20AC;&#x153;Baddoâ&#x20AC;? treated guests to his new album at an exclusive listening session powered by Guinness. Olamide, a Guinness Made of Black Ambassador is highly revered for his mastery of rap in his native Yoruba language. After the success of the previous albums, including the excellence of YBNL (Yahoo Boy No Laptop) and BGEL (Baddest Guy Ever RÂ&#x161;Wg}Â&#x2014;kU _QqRTWÂ&#x;XU^NjjWOgUZYjÂ&#x2030;URXUQUjWÂ W^gRYOU of his almost â&#x20AC;&#x153;bloodlineâ&#x20AC;? connection with the XgjWWgXU kU RgXU [W_RW]XkU Q2RgNTWU QOTU ]WW_RO|XU QXU RgU Q>W^gXUg}WUTQ\UgYUTQ\U_R]WUY]Ug}WUQÂ&#x161;WjQ|WU ]jR^QO{ Olamide Adedeji, popularly known by his stage name Olamide or Baddo by his fans, is a Nigerian Hip-Hop recording artist from Ogun State. He records his music mostly in Yourba language his native tongue. He currently records under YBNL Nation Entertainment, of which he is CEO and has signed Lil Kesh and Viktoh as rookies, Lil Kesh who has one Y]U}Y2WXgUXRO|_WXUY]UÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;UĂĄU }YÂ&#x2030;RUZRg}UQUjWqRÂ&#x2039;U featuring Olamide and Davido. Olamide currently holds the record of the most number of nominations at the Headies and highest number of awards won at a single Headies event. Currently with over 20 OYqROQgRYOXU ROU TR>WjWOgU QZQjTU ^QgW|YjRWXU ROU 2014 alone, Olamide has shown his relentless
consistency in maintaining his lead as one of R|WjRQÂ&#x;XUqYXgUgQ_WOgWTUQOTUPjY_RV^UROTR|WOYNXU exports. Recently signed as ambassador by leading beer brand GuinnessÂŽ Foreign Extra Stout for the Made of Blackâ&#x201E;˘ Campaign, demonstrates that Olamide has undoubtedly earned his stripes as the voice for the young, dynamic and vibrant urban communities across Africa. Explaining the choice of Olamide as an Ambassador for the campaign, Mr. Seni Adetu, Managing Director/Chief Executive, Guinness R|WjRQU _^UXQRTUÂ&#x160; _QqRTWURXUQU[YOQÂ&#x201D;VTWU|QqWU changer. This he has demonstrated not only ROU}RXUXg\_WUY]UqNXR^U[NgUROUg}WUN2WjUXZQ|UZRg}U which he delivers his lines and the passion with which he pursues his career. You can see and feel the raw energy when he does what he is passionate about. It is that passion we celebrate gYTQ\{U _QqRTWU RXU TWVORgW_\U äqQTWYĂĽ_Q^Â&#x2030;Â?{U Present at the listening party were Ricardo, Dija, Korede Bello all of Mavins, YQ and Phyno amongst others. The Street OT or Street Orientation album which is available as a pre-order download on itunes, was released on the 14th of Nov. 2014. The album is produced by Pheelz and Young John â&#x20AC;&#x153;the wicked producerâ&#x20AC;? and has a total of twenty-one (21) tracks available for download and twenty (20) tracks on the CD version; Don Jazzy, Phyno and Reminisce are among some of the interesting features on the album.
L-R: Kunle Faloye-Senior Brand Manager Guinness FES, Femi Adelusi-Head, Media and Marketing Communications, Olamide Adedeji and Femi Folarin-Head Consumer Planning &Activation, Guinness during Olamideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Street OT album listening party in Lagosâ&#x20AC;Śrecently
So far, three (3) singles have been released ]jYqUg}WUQ_[NqUQOTUgZYUÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2014;UÂ&#x161;RTWYXUĂĄU gYj\U]YjU the gods and Goons Mi. The most recent single ĂĄU PUROUTQU^_N[kURXU^NjjWOg_\UjW^WRÂ&#x161;RO|UqQXXRÂ&#x161;WU airplay. Speaking on the music, award winning disc jockey, Dj Spinall said â&#x20AC;&#x153;listening to Up in da club has given me hope to expect that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;new eraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sound from this album, a direction that many avoid but is threaded by exceptionally gifted legendsâ&#x20AC;?. The Street OT album listening party was powered by Guinness Nigeria on the Made of
Black platform along with Etisalat Nigeria, Beat QOTU QR¢Q{U }WUQ_[NqUZQXU_QgWjUY.^RQ__\UjW_WQXWTU at a concert held at the NYSC Orientation Camp, Lagos on the 14th of November 2014. The essence of the album is in its delivery and message which is to instill the full orientation and survival lessons Olamide has gathered and utilized in every situation, relationship and experience from and with the streets. It is Q_XYUQOUQ.jqQgRYOUg}QgU _QqRTWURXUQUX\q[Y_UY]U consistency, perseverance and a beacon of hope, ^YOVjqRO|U}WURXUgjN_\UqQTWUY]U[_Q^Â&#x2030;{UUUUUU
63 49
Newswatch Times
Weekend Buzz FRIDAY November 28, 2014
10 things you probably didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know about 2Face XYQ
13-year-old prodigy set to hit stardom XYQ
Tope Olukole
t was fun and excitement at the eight edition of Corporate Elite every musical concert in Lagos as over 5,000 guests who stormed the conventions Expo Centre of Eko Hotel and Suits partied till early hours of morning. Lagos confirmed her status as the entertainment hub of Africa, as the crème de la crème of global entertainment trouped in numbers to be part of the international annual music festival. The event, co-sponsored by Pepsi, the leading brand in carbonated soft drink, brought together the best of music stars in Nigeria and other parts of the world. Tuface Idibia, surprisingly did not perform but still managed to pull fans and admirers to where he was seated. The legendary Freddy Jackson filled the hall with his sonorous voice as he sang old tunes that brought
Newswatch Times FRIDAY November 28, 2014
2Face, Mario, Shina Peters, others light up Pepsi co-sponsored Corporate Elite
back pleasant memories. Dru Hill, Mario, 112, SA Group, Micasa and many others also serenaded the audience with songs that brought chills to many fans
especially the ladies as some were seen openly shedding tears of happiness. Nigerian acts took their performances to another level. jQRÂ&#x201C;kU YOWU Y]U R|WjRQÂ&#x;XU VO-
est set the stage on fire with his motivating songs, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Rich and Famousâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mercyâ&#x20AC;? which had fans singing along. As the ladies were still swooning over Praiz,
GUS 11 Ultimate Man,LastWoman Standing, Viewersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Choice officially presented their cars
he Gulder Ultimate Search contestants that won cars in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition of the reality TV programme were Y.^RQ__\U PjWXWOgWTU g}WRjU vehicles rec ently. The ceremony was held at the headquarters of Nigerian Breweries Plc., manufacturers of premium lager beer, Gulder. }WU ^YOgWXgQOgXU Z}YU Y.^RQ__\U took ownership of the vehicles were Chinedu Ubachukwu, the winner of Gulder Ultimate Search 11, Samantha Appi, the Last Woman Standing QOTU 2YU QOYOkUZ}YUWqWj|WTUQXUg}WU Viewersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Choice. While Chinedu was handed a brand new Ford Explorer SUV, Samantha QOTU 2YUZWjWU|RÂ&#x161;WOUg}WUÂ&#x2030;W\XUgYUg}WRjU Ford Eco Sport and Ford Focus cars respectively. The presentation of three ^QjXUgYUg}jWWUTR>WjWOgU^YOgWXgQOgXUZQXU a landmark in the annals of Gulder Ultimate Search; which had only previ-
ously given the Ultimate Champion a brand new SUV. }WU ^QjXU ZWjWU Y.^RQ__\U PjWXWOgWTU by Mr. Nicolaas Vervelde, Managing RjW^gYjĂ?U }RW]U Â&#x2039;W^NgRÂ&#x161;WU .^WjkU j{U Walter Drenth, Marketing Director and Mr. Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Adviser, all of Nigerian Breweries Plc. While presenting the vehicles to the winners, Mr. Vervelde stressed the need for the contestants to conduct themselves as role models to Nigerians youths and be mindful of the fact that they are ambassadors. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;On behalf of Nigerian Breweries Plc., I congratulate you on the feats you achieved on Gulder Ultimate Search 11. Always remember that people will see you as representing the Gulder brand. You must be of good behaviour at all times and be conscious of the fact that many Nigerian youths are looking up to you.â&#x20AC;?
another sex symbol, Banky W, stormed the stage to take the audience on another musical orgasm and excitement with some of his current tunes which included â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ma Jaye Orimiâ&#x20AC;?. Young Nigerian artists, Jeffry and Immaculate set the stage for Omoakin who stormed the podium with beautiful tunes such as Suretete and Talosobe. The audience were yet to recover from Omoakin when JJC, the true African artist took the stage by storm with his popular tune, We Are African. Lami Phillips, an African female song writer and singer, caught attention of everyone with her sparkling black net dress and white shoe the moment she stepped on stage. She lives up to expectation with beautiful presentation from her award winning album, Intuition. An ecstatic Head of Marketing, Seven up Bottling Company Plc, makers of Pepsi, are of the headline sponsors of the event, Mr. Norden Thurston explained Pepsiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sponsorship of the event in the last eight years: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pepsi seeks to achieve a connection with its consumers, the positioning of Pepsi is to â&#x20AC;&#x153;live for nowâ&#x20AC;? and to live for now means making the best part of every single moment, tonight all five thousand people here are living for now. This year Corporate Elite was bigger and better. We always seek to excite and engage our consumers and we have been around this long because of the consumer. Don Jazzy, High Priest, Dudu, KCee, Afro Juju crooner, Sir Shina Peters were some of the other stars that shone like gold on the night. Pepsi is a brand known to nurture talents in sports through the Nigerian Idol and the Pepsi Football Academy.
13-year-old prodigy set to hit stardom
igerian kid star, Soaleze, who had unveiled works from her much expected International world music Album, the 5th Horseman, with an explosive performance at the luxNj\U WXgROU YOU QU |_R2WjU V__WTU OR|}gU recently had a large turnout of top radio and television personalities to her album listening party. U _XYUROUQ2WOTQO^WUZWjWUg}WUWOgWjtainment writers and Disc Jockeys (DJs), two videos of the title track, The 5th Horseman and Ave Maria shot on 5Red were also on display at the event. Newswatch Times learnt, that the album which is due for an inter-
national release on the stable 11th Street Atlanta Records label and shall be reaching the world through the Universal Records distribution system, doing 500 stores worldwide on release features six masterfully crafted vocal and six instrumental tracks. According to the Solazeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Manager and biological father who is also a veteran music producer, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The music which is clearly designed as an African and European crossover with a likely world and cross culture acceptance also has African rhythm. The string works will bring it easily to European and American delight. It aims to achieve what most Nigerian releases have truly failed
to do. Gain universal acceptance. The 5th Horseman Album is destined to establish the young artiste Vjq_\UQXUQU|_Y[Q_UP_Q\WjkU}WUjWÂ&#x161;WQ_WT Replicating the great personality that in a superlative performance earned her a sustained standing ovation from the Ambassadors of Britain, Ireland, Nigeria and the city of Atlantaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s international comqNORg\U |_R2WjQgRkU YQ_WÂ&#x201C;WU X}YZWTU the quality audience why she has achieved a truly exceptional and Q^^W_WjQgWTU Â R|}gU gYU ROgWjOQgRYOQ_U stardom. It will be recalled that In her Atlanta performance audience was Mr. Steve Fisher, the very private and legendary American sound
engineering genius who had personally deployed his luxury studios and skills through the last months working with a strong gWQqU YOU g}WU Â&#x2030;RTU XgQjÂ&#x;XU VjXgU WÂ&#x161;WjU music Album. Interestingly, Steve Fisher holds an unequaled track record for his ZYjÂ&#x2030;U YOU YÂ&#x161;WjU zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U U WjgRVWTU Gold and Platinum releases, over 100 Billboard Top 10 projects, including over 30 Billboard #1â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, and been a part of over 20 Grammy nominated projects, including 5 Grammy winners. With plaques from TLC, Nas, Ludacris, India Arie, 2 Pac, Notorious BIG, Whitney Houston, Scarface, T.I., Mario, Lil Wayne and Future.
Newswatch Times FRIDAY November 28, 2014
Movie Rack!
10 things you probably didn’t know about 2Face
Title: Dumb and Dumber To Synopsis: U\WQjXUXRO^WUg}WRjUVjXgUQT WOgNjWkU
Title: A Most Wanted Man Synopsis: U }W^}WOU NX_RqU R__W|Q__\U RqqR|jQgWXU gYU Qq[Nj|kU Z}WjWU }WU |WgXU ^QN|}gU ROU g}WU ROgWjOQgRYOQ_U ZQjU YOU gWjjYj{ gQjjRO|ÂU }R_RPU W\qYNjU Y>qQOkU Q^}W_U ^ TQqXkU QORW_U jç}_U QgRO|ÂUz WOjWÂU ^gRYOÝ T WOgNjW NOORO|UgRqWÂUz UqRO
Halima Abubakar maintains she did not contemplate suicide
n the Cupboard tells the story of The DeSousa Family. In the opening scene, Tara(Tess Abubakar) is with her cam-coder and reminisces about her late father. Suddenly, her siblings, Jenkins (Uti Nwachukwu), Tricia(Ini Edo), Tega(Alex Ekubo) and Junior(Moris Sesay) begin to argue after returning from the States. In a state of of fury, their mother (Biola SegunWilliams) is visibly angry at this development and informs them that their late fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will, will be read before heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s buried. Her daughters wonder this is so. Tricia concludes that maybe it was their fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wish. The Next day, the whole ]QqR_\U U XW2_WU TYZOU gYU QU ]Qqily breakfast. Needless to say that their mother misses their father. Suddenly, Junior blurts out what it would be like to have money. His siblings are surprised. After a brewing tension, Tega suggests they all go out. At the eatery, all are seated except Tricia who stays back home where Chidi Okafor(Lydia Forson) pays her a visit. Tega and Jenkins [jWQÂ&#x2030;U ROgYU QU V|}gU YÂ&#x161;WjU Â&#x2030;RjNU Â&#x2013; ROORVOWU QONÂ&#x2014;U Z}YqU g}WU former got pregnant. Back home, Tricia is obviously a lesbian with Chidi, her PQjgOWjU Y]U VÂ&#x161;WU \WQjXĂ {U WWqXU no one knows this within the family. Everyone returns home and Tricia is shocked that her sisterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cam-coder recorded all her escapades with }WjU _WX[RQOU PQjgOWjĂ Â&#x2013; RWZWjXU would say trouble looms). Her mother admonishes her to be more patient if she wants her ]YNjg}UqQjjRQ|WUgYUZYjÂ&#x2030;Ă Â&#x2013; Wj\U ironic since sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lesbian). Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to read the will and the family lawyer turns YNgU gYU [WkU }RTRĂ U Â&#x2013; jR^RQÂ&#x;XU _WXbian partner). While reading the will, Jenkins challenges Tega and says that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not }RXU ]Qg}WjÂ&#x;XU XYOĂ U W|QÂ&#x;XU ZYj_TU comes crumbling just as Jenkins cancels all his credit cards and leaves him penniless. Callously, he asks him to go in search of his real father. Suddenly, Tega bumps into Â&#x2030;RjNkU }RXU Y_TU Â QqWU QOTU TRXcovers that he has a son. Chidi becomes cold to Tricia since she refused to make their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;af]QRjÂ&#x;UPN[_R^{U OUQUVgUY]UjQ|WkUX}WU tells Tricia that just like Tega, X}WÂ&#x;XUQ_XYUQU[QXgQjTĂ {U At the house, their mother wonders why Jenkins is being hard on Tega. At that moment, Tricia storms in, points a gun at her mother, demanding to know her real father. Tara brings her cam-coder and announces to all that Tricia is a _WX[RQOĂ {U RXgQÂ&#x2030;WO_\kU g}WU gjR|ger is pulled and hits their mother. Luckily, it only hit her shoulder and in a weak state, she urges them to go back }YqWU QOTU VORX}U jWQTRO|U g}WU will. As expected, Chidi steps down as the family lawyer while a new lawyer (Susan Peters) takes over. Surpris-
Newswatch Times FRIDAY November 28, 2014
In the Cupboard
ing for her school project and it is adjudged the best. Elated, she says that though there were so many skeletons in the cupboard, all turned out well. The movie mirrors the fact g}QgUOYUqQ2WjUg}WUXÂ&#x2030;W_WgYOXUQOTU that their father was a good trials in oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life, one can overProduced by: Desmond Elliot and Caroline man, even though he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come. There was great acting their biological one. Conse- synergy among the cast. Apart Reviewer: Bukola Bakare quently, everyone leaves the from Biola Segun-Williams(of house except Tara. ingly, Nkiru shows up too and shocked. Tinsel fame), Nollywoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ini After a while, the older four Edo and Big Brother Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Back at the hospital, their everyone wonders why. After a while, at their late fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother corroborates all their have a re-think and return to Uti Nwachukwu, new comrequest, a CD is played. Their father said and told them how the house. Of course, Tara is ers; Alex Ekubo, Tess Abubalate father(Zik Zulu Okafor) she had all of them through ar- surprised. They enter their kar and Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Moris Sesay reveals that he is not the bio- gRV^RQ_UROXWqROQgRYOUQ]gWjU\WQjXU qYg}WjÂ&#x;XUjYYqUQOTUVOTU}WjUXgR__U also demonstrated their acting _Y|R^Q_U ]Qg}WjU Y]U QO\U Y]U g}WqĂ U of childlessness. Reality stares on her bed. Sadly, they think prowess. The storyline and Needless to say that they are all Jenkins, Tricia, Tega, Junior sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dead( the audience will plot was well laid out and thorsurprised. Moreso,he says that and Tara in the face. While they think so too) but after much oughly interpreted. Nice work he is the father of Nkiruâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son, realise that their mother lied all suspense, she reunites with her from Desmond Elliotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Denziot a revelation which leaves Tega the while, Tara tells her siblings kids. Tara turns in her record- Productions.
Star Cast: Biola Segun-Williams, Uti Nwachukwu, Ini Edo,Alex Ekubo, Lydia Forson, Tess Abubakar, 9GEB> ABD?W> EJJEÂ&#x2021;JA> DJ;Z
Newswatch Times FRIDAY November 28, 2014
Glitz & Glam
Denrele set to search for his missing rib
ollowing tweeter trends, the on air personality and channel O . VJ, Derenle Edun after saying he is searching for a woman who is fun and would not try to change but accept him the way he is some m o n t h s a g o , g o t on tweeter recently and put up this post : ‘’ How many weddings will I ^YOgRONWU gYU Q2WOTU g}RXU \WQjU XW]ÍU Heading out to three weddings
today I got the message already, Time for me to go marry!” He said. Born in Hamburg, Germany to a Yoruba father and an IndianMauritius mother. He is the only son and has two sisters. He grew up in Germany and came to R|WjRQU Z}WOU }WU ZQXU V WU Z}WjWU }WUQ2WOTWTU gU jW|Yj\ XU Y__W|WkU Ikoyi and the University of Lagos. Well, here’s wishing him luck as he searches for his missing rib.
Pasuma releases new video …features Tiwa Savage Bukola Bakare
ganla 1 of Fuji, Wasiu Alabi Pasuma has released the video for the song, Ife. The song which features vocal contributions of Mavins First lady, Tiwa Savage. The song was produced by Spellz . In an interview with Goldmyne TV,Pasuma said: ‘’ Everyone is talking about it and the response has been very good. Ife is a love song and having Tiwa on it is like Fuji making love to R&B (according to Tee Billz). It’s a song everyone will like not only because of the rhythm and the lyrics but also because I did the unexpected’’. On her own part, Tiwa Savage added that: ‘’ Pasuma Wonder is one person I have always respected. He has been in the game for a very long time and remains one of the biggest artistes in Nigeria. XU QU qQ2WjU Y]U ]Q^gkU q\U husband is a fan of Pasuma. I am not going to say much about the song but I can tell you that, it will blow your mind. It’s wonderful working with Pasuma’’. The song and video are already rocking the airwaves and a few people who have the work commended the duo for g}WU_QgWXgUW>Yjg{U
Ayuba, Tayeta for Akesan Day 2014 T
wo prominent fuji musicians from Ogun gQgWkU }RW]U TWZQ_WU Ayuba (Bonsue fuji King) from Ikenne and another
Doris Simeon stuns in new pictures
or her birthday this year, mother-of-one and Yoruba Actress, Doris Simeon released a set of photos. Even after her failed marriage to Daniel Ademinokan , the thespian has continued to devote her time and energy to her work. Many have said she is ageing gracefully. Edo born Doris Simeon has featured in a number of Yoruba movies and still counting. Sadly, her once-happy marriage has hit the rocks. Nonetheless, she seems to have gotten her groove back.
top shot Taiwo Akanni & His Karori fuji band, popularly known as Tayeta, from Iperu Remo will grace the grand finale of this year’s Akesan Day celebration, being the 29th anniversary tomorrow ( Incidentally Saturday, November ~kU z U QgU TW[N NY_QU TW[NgNU R R^U
Q__U éU WOgXU WOgjWkU RjU WXXRO|gYOU Adebukola Adebutu way, Ilisan Road, Iperu Remo in Ikenne Local Government area of Ogun State. Speaking to Glitz and Glam, the event will start at 10am with the launching of N150 million development fund for the community. The Special guest of honour of the occasion would be His Excellency, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, Governor of Ogun State, while the father of the day, is Sir Dr. Kessington A. Adebutu (Baba Ijebu) with the royal father of the day as HRM Oba Adeleke Idowu Basibo (JP) the Odoru V, Oluperu of Iperu Remo, Ogun State. They added that Ayuba and Tayeta have promised to enliven the Akesan Day with unbeatable music, songs and beats that will continue to last long and if not longer in the memory of the people who will throng the show. No doubt, all roads will lead to the historic event tomorrow.
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Be proactive, police AIG tells newly promoted officers GODWIN /~}~
he Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIG) in-charge of zone 4, Adeola Adeniji, yesterday, charged newly promoted Y.^WjXUY]Ug}WU]Yj^WUgYU[WU proactive in their duties. The AIG who made the ^Q__UQgUg}WUY.^RQ_UTW^YjQtion of 5 newly promoted PY_R^WU Y.^WjXU QgU g}WU Qsarawa State Command said it has become immiOWOgU]YjUPY_R^WUY.^WjXUgYU TYN[_WUg}WRjUW>YjgXUZ}R_WU carrying out their duties especially as the 2015 elections is around the corner. Â&#x160; Y_R^WU Y.^WjXU X}YN_TU not be partisan, they should be honest, purposeful and proactive especially as the 2015 general elections is around the cornerâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Speaking on behalf of the newly promoted of-
V^WjXU U QR|QOQU QORkU thanked President Goodluck Jonathan and the Y_R^WU Yj^WU ]YjU VOTRO|U them worthy of the pro-
motion. He promised that with the new position given to them, they would contribute their quota to
strengthen the security of the state and the country at large. Newswatch Times rePYjgXU g}QgU Y.^WjXU Z}YU
were newly promoted from the rank of Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) to Assistant Commissioner of Police
enator Joseph Waku, has purchased the nomination form to contest the 2015 governorship election in Benue State on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC).
Al-makura declares to re-run GODWIN OJOSHIMITE, /~}~
L-R: Niger State Commissioner for Agriculture, Alhaji Mohammed Yahaya Kuta; Niger State Governor, Dr. Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu %~{~xzqw~ $Â&#x20AC;q]| ~xw (Â&#x152;qX ^Â Â&#x2014;|Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x161;~ $Â&#x20AC; ~Â&#x161;q $Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x20AC; ,{X~ qÂ&#x152; w|Xqxz _ [ Â&#x201D;~z ^Â Â &[X[Â&#x152;^x] ^Â _ [ &^xZ_X|\_q^x ~xw Rehabilitation of 198 Kilometer, Rural Roads at Izom, Niger State.
Waku joins Benue governorship race GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi
(ASP) are Usman LongLong and Maigana Sani }R_WU Y.^WjXU PjYqYgWTU from the rank of ASP to Deputy Commissioner of Police(DSP) are Dauda Mamman, Ahmed Malumsfashi and Diema Abibo.
Waku who left the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in 2003 after he had served as Senator on the platform of the party, told newsmen at his Makurdi residence that he joined the race under the platform of the APC so that he would use the experience he garnered over the years
to develop the state. The outspoken senator promised to rejuvenate the state by creating jobs, stressing that Benue is not supposed to be poor because it has a rich expanse of land which does not need fertilizer to grow the needed farm produce.
He said his ambition was being propelled by the young people of the state who have, in the past two years, pressurized him to contest the coveted seat. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are many but they chose me because they know my antecedents, I have gathered experience
and I want to develop my people; I have come to rejuvenate Benue, I will unite everybody in the state,â&#x20AC;? he stated. He said time has come for the elderly to rule the state, stressing that past governors of the state were young men.
asarawa State Governor Umaru Tanko Al-makura has thrown his hat into the ring to contest the 2015 general elections as governor of the state. Governor Al-makura who made the declaration yesterday, at the Government House Lafia, said his decision to make the declaration a low key was informed by the incessant crises which rocked the state recently and would not want to be insensitive to the plight of those affected. He also said that, he decided to seek re-election as a result of the giant strides his administration has achieved in the past three years in office and the clarion calls from the people of the state to re-run. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In response to these clarion calls, therefore, I, Umaru Tanko Al-makura have humbly accepted to offer myself again as a candidate in the 2015 general elections. I promise the good people of Nasarawa State that we will continue with our service to them with due diligence, patriotism and, above all, the fear of the Almighty God.
Okonjo-Iweala unfolds strategies against economic downturn Continued from Page 4 According to her, this was sequel to the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rebasing exercise which demonstrated a large $510 billion GDP with a diverse non-oil base, even as the efforts of the FIRS supported by McKinsey & Co had focused on strengthening tax administration and thereby plugging leakages and loopholes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For example, only 25 percent of our SMEs are registered taxpayers. Remedying that will broaden the tax base. Our Auditors complete 3-5 audits a year compared to 50 a year in Angola. Speeding up audits will help improve tax collections and anomalies, just as correcting these loopholes is on target to bring in an estimated N75 billion above the 2014 FIRS revenue target. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We believe that, given the impressive performance and the now visible larger economic base, FIRS can do a lot more. Consequently, we have raised the 2015 budget threshold to
N160 billion above the 2014 target,â&#x20AC;? she explained. She added that there ZWjWU Q_XYU YO|YRO|U W>YjgXU to ensure that all agencies of government comply with all extant laws relatRO|U gYU g}WRjU jWqR2QO^WU Y]U surpluses to the treasury, including through the strict implementation of Mr. Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s directive on agencies and parastatalsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; jWqR2QO^WUgYUg}WUgjWQXNj\{ She again said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is crucial, as many agencies }QÂ&#x161;WU OYgU [WWOU jWqR2RO|U surpluses to the treasury as they should. In this regard, I recently met with MDs of Banks to ensure their collaboration and compliance,â&#x20AC;? stressing that â&#x20AC;&#x153;we are also looking at our policies on investment incentives, and waivers and exemptions, and are working with Nigeria Investment Promotions Commission (NIPC) to stem the tides of abuses.â&#x20AC;? She lamented that over 30 percent of companies operating under pioneer status abuse their tax exempt
status, emphasising on the need for Customs to plug existing leakages and loopholes to enhance revenues. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are also introducing surcharges on certain luxury goods in the country, not only to raise additional revenue but also to ensure that g}WU[W2WjÂ&#x201D;Y>UROUYNjUXY^RWg\U ^YOgjR[NgWU QU _R2_WU [RgU qYjWU to easing the pain resulting from the current economic headwinds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In summary, our aim on the revenue side is to raise an additional N480 billion ($3 billion) over the 2014 base in the next three years.â&#x20AC;? Speaking on the expenditure side of the strategy, the minister said for the 2015 budget, government would cut certain recurrent spending, such as purchase of administrative equipment, overseas travels and trainings, etc, describing this as the low hanging fruit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We shall also complete the work on IPPIS which has already covered half the agencies and weeded
out 60,000 ghost workers saving N160 billion. Completing this work could save another N160 billion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the medium term, the current pressures provide a unique opportunity for the country to reduce duplication of agencies, comqRXXRYOXU QOTU ^YqqR2WWXU within the administration and to restructure and reduce recurrent expenditure, reform public administration and make serious W.^RWO^\U|QROX{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Inevitably, there will also be some cuts in capital expenditure in the 2015 Budget, but this is being done in a way that is propoor and pro-average Nigerian,â&#x20AC;? she continued, noting that focus will be on priority sectors of infrastructure, health, education, and security, as well as growth stimulating and job creating sectors like agriculture, housing and creative industries. In infrastructure component, she said there would be focus on certain priority national projects, such
as Lagos-Ibadan expressway and the second Niger Bridge, Oweto Bridge, Abuja-Kaduna Rail, Maiduguri-Enugu Rail, Zungeru, Kashimbila and Mambila Hydro etc, adding that critical infrastructure to provide an internet future for the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth will also be important. She went further, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Expenditures related to the average Nigerian will be the focus. In fact, let me say here that we are building a social safety net for the poor and vulnerable in our society with support from the World Bank and DFID. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a direct outcome of Mr. Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s social policy drive. For example, using NIMC as a base, a Conditional Cash Transfer system will be developed targeted at women and their households of up to VÂ&#x161;WU^}R_TjWO{U }RXUZR__UWOcourage them to send children to school, especially girls and get themselves maternal and infant health care. This approach would complement what we have
been doing with the SUREP and MDGs.â&#x20AC;? On the issue of oil subsidies, she said there has been misinformation, explaining that subsidies in the MTEF have fallen necessarily because the declining oil prices would yield a lower landed cost of fuel, meaning a lower amount of subsidy would be needed. According to her, it is only natural that subsidies may be reduced but they have not been phased out as you will see in the MTEF which shows that a lower level of subsidies of N458.68 billion has been provided. She reiterated that the VX^Q_U PY_R^\U qWQXNjWXU spelled out for the short to medium term will, no doubt, helpstabilise the economy and provide room for the ultimate long term strategy to develop this country, adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our VX^Q_U qWQXNjWXU ZR__U Q_XYU now be accompanied by appropriate monetary policy measures as we have always stressed.â&#x20AC;?
Newswatch Times Friday, November 28, 2014
Woman, 29 arraigned in Kano over child abduction TED ODOGWU, Kano
named, Abdul Sunusi aged 4 years, Mohammed Sunusi aged 6 years, QVNU QX}RjUQ|WTUÂŁU\WQjXU with intent to sell them to one Tina at the cost of Â&#x153;ÂŁÂ&#x201E;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2013;g}jWWU }NO-
TjWTU QOTU V]g\U g}YNXQOTU naira only)â&#x20AC;?. Inspector Shaibu Musa said that, g}WU Y>WO^WXU ^YOgjQÂ&#x161;WOWTU g}WUPjYÂ&#x161;RXRYOXUY]UXW^gRYOXU 97 and 273 of the penal code of Northern Nigeria.
YZWÂ&#x161;WjkU g}WU Q^^NXWTU told the court that, the ^YOgWOgUY]Ug}WUPY_R^WUVjXgU information was not true and urged the court to release her on bail. In her ruling, the presiding
magistrate, Hajiya Mariam Sabo after adjourning g}WU qQ2WjU gYU W^Wq[WjU zkÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U ]YjU qWOgRYOkU Yjdered the accused to be remanded in prison custody.
2015: Sokoto Police warn politicians against violence
29-year old w o m a n , RTWOgRVWTU QXU YÂ&#x161;WU |QjU has been arraigned before a No manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Land Chief MagRXgjQgWU ^YNjgU YÂ&#x161;WjU g}WU Q[duction of four children $Â&#x203A;2 $-2*( Â&#x2014;^Â&#x2039;^_^ in Hotoro quarters in QOYU qWgjYPY_RX{U U YÂ&#x161;WU he Sokoto is standing trial before State Police the court, on a two-count Command has charge bordering on warned political criminal conspiracy and parties in the state abduction. to conduct their acThe police prosecutor, gRÂ&#x161;RgRWXU ROU qQOOWjU Inspector Shaibu Musa that conform with told the court that, the acelectoral guidelines ^NXWTU PWjXYOU ^YqqR2WTU and regulations g}WUY>WO^WUYOU YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU ahead of next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zÂ&#x2022;kUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;{U }WU^}Qj|WUX}WWgU general elections. read against the accused }WU WPNg\U Yqread thus: that on Nomissioner of Police, Â&#x161;Wq[WjU zÂ&#x2022;kU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;k QONXRU j{U YN|_QXU |[YOIbrahim and Mohammed _WORU |QÂ&#x161;WU g}RXU ZQjOAhmed, both male resiing yesterday while dents of Hotoro quarters addressing leaders in Kano reported that the Y]U Â&#x161;QjRYNXU PY_RgR^Q_U accused had conspired parties in the state. with one Tina now at The meeting which large to abduct their children. ZQXU ^YOÂ&#x161;WOWTU [\U Â&#x160; YNU YÂ&#x161;WU |QjkU jWXRthe state police comTWOgU Y]U QTQZQU ÂĽNQjgWjXU 5 / 3|{Â&#x20AC;q\ 5[Â&#x20AC;~_q^xZ 2 }\[X Â&#x203A;^Â&#x20AC;~ (Â&#x20AC;[\_Xq\q_] 'qZ_Xq{|_q^x &^Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;~x] Â&#x203A;('& 0X $Â&#x20AC;q]| $Xw^ &^XÂ&#x17D;^X~_[ &^Â&#x152;Â&#x152;|xq\~_q^x 0~x~z[X 0X qQOTUROUÂ&#x161;RWZUY]Ug}WU criminally conspired to .qxzZÂ&#x20AC;[] 1Â&#x2039;[Â&#x152;x[Â&#x152;[ ~xw +[~w ^ &^Â&#x152;Â&#x152;[X\q~Â&#x20AC;Z 0X 0|Z_~Â&#x17D; ~ Â&#x153;ZÂ&#x152;~x ~_ ~ x[Â&#x201A;Z \^x [X[x\[ ^x ~\_qÂ&#x2013;q_q[Z ^ _ [ \^Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;~x] qx Â&#x203A;^Â&#x20AC;~ unfolding political abduct their children, $w~Â&#x152;~Â&#x201A;~ Â&#x2014;_~_[Â?][Z_[Xw~] TWÂ&#x161;W_YPqWOgU ROU g}WU
Lamidoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s convoy crushes two cyclists MOHAMMED SULEIMAN, Dutse
al. UsqQOU W__YU and Isa Idris of NOTN[NXU U ÂĽNQjgWjXU ROU NgXWU qWgjYPY_RXU }QÂ&#x161;WU _YXgU QU _W|U WQ^}U Z}WOU YÂ&#x161;WjOYjU
Lamidoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s riders crushed them on bike while on high speed. The incident occurred on Limawa-Galamawa highway on their way to NgXWU RjPYjgU gYU WX^YjgU g}WU|YÂ&#x161;WjOYjUgYU [N¢Q{ Narrating how the incidence on his sick bed at
Rasheed Shekoni Specialist Hospital, Mal. Isa Idris said the accident occurred on their way to condole QU jW_QgRÂ&#x161;WU QgU QÂ&#x2030;ZQ\QU Â&#x161;R_lage, when they were XqQX}WTU[\UYOWUY]U YÂ&#x161;Wjnor Lamidoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s riders. Also speaking one of g}WU Q>W^gWTU Â&#x161;R^gRqkU Q_{U
XqQOU W__YUQUĂ&#x2021;ÂŁU\WQjUY_TU said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;thanks be to God, when we were smashed [\U g}WU YÂ&#x161;WjOYjÂ&#x;U XU jRTWjU we lost our consciousness, we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where we are, until a day after, only to wake up on hospital sick bed. YOgQ^gWTkU YÂ&#x161;WjU g}WU RX-
QNXQkU U gYU YÂ&#x161;WjOYjU Lamido on media said }QÂ&#x161;RO|U^YqqRXWjQgWUZRg}U ]QqR_RWXU ROÂ&#x161;Y_Â&#x161;WTU ROU g}RXU unfortunate incidence, YÂ&#x161;WjOYjU QqRTYU }QXU instructed his personal physicians to take good ^QjWUY]Ug}WUÂ&#x161;R^gRqX{
Kano donates N.5m to non-indigenes orphanage home TED ODOGWU, Kano
ano state |YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgU has donated ÂŁÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U to Green PasgNjWU jP}QOQ|WU YqWkU predominantly occupied by non-indigenous orphans in the state. U }WU WPNg\U YÂ&#x161;WjOYjU Y]U g}WU gQgWkU jU QOTN¢WUU noted that, the magnaORqRg\U Y]U g}WU XgQgWU YÂ&#x161;WjOqWOgUUgYUY>WjUXN^^YNjU to the non indigenes orphanage home in SabonGari, was to enable them feel the impact of parental care. Ganduje, who announced the donation at g}WUÂ&#x161;WONWUY]Ug}WUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂŁUWTRtion of the annual Kano Ndi Igbo New Yam festiÂ&#x161;Q_kUUXWRÂ&#x201C;WTUg}WUYPPYjgNnity to call on corporate [YTRWXU QOTU ROTRÂ&#x161;RTNQ_XU to extend support to orphans. Commenting on the
WZU QqU ]WXgRÂ&#x161;Q_kU g}WU WPNg\U YÂ&#x161;WjOYjUU}ROgWTU g}QgkUg}WU]WXgRÂ&#x161;Q_URXUQUP_Qgform on which the Igbo Nation showcase their rich culture and traditions. U OU g}WU Y^^QXRYOkU U Â&#x201C;WU Ndiâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Igbo Kano, Igwe
YOR]Q^WU [WÂ&#x2030;ZWkU Z}YU stressed the importance of the New Yam celebration among the Ndigbo TRX^_YXWTU g}QgU g}WU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂŁU WTRgRYOUY]Ug}WU]WXgRÂ&#x161;Q_UZQXU low keyed due to the ongoing security challenges in the country.
He therefore urged Ndigbo, resident in QOYU gYU _RÂ&#x161;WU ROU PWQ^WU and harmony, just as he called on Ndigbo community to continue to _RÂ&#x161;WU ROU PWQ^WU ZRg}U YNjU host community, adding that our people
}QÂ&#x161;WU _RÂ&#x161;WTU QOTU U }QÂ&#x161;WU been trading in Kano for years, as you can see, in spite of the usual petty security challenges, Ndigbo in Kano are _RÂ&#x161;RO|UROUPWQ^WUZRg}UYNjU brothers from the host community.
INEC adjusts dates for PVC, CVR collection in Kaduna, Katsina, Niger & Borno SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
he Independent National Electoral Commission Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U \WXterday adjusted dates for the distribution of Permanent Voter QjTXU Â&#x2013; XÂ&#x2014;U QOTU g}WU conduct of the Continuous Voter RegistragRYOU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U WÂ&#x2039;Wj^RXWU ROU Phase III. According to the YqqRXXRYOÂ&#x;XU W^RXRYOU Â&#x2039;gjQ^gUTQgWTUÂ&#x2022;ÂŁg}U
YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U QOTU XR|OWTU [\U g}WU RjW^gYjU Â&#x2013; YqqRXXRYOÂ&#x;XU W^jWtariat) Ishiaku A. Gali, said the Commission }QXU QPPjYÂ&#x161;WTU g}QgU g}WU distribution of PVCs in Kaduna and Katsina states will take place ]jYqU QgNjTQ\kUĂ&#x2021;g}U Wcember to Monday, 8th W^Wq[WjUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;{ It added that the CVR exercise in these two states will take place ]jYqU WTOWXTQ\kU zÂ&#x201E;g}U W^Wq[WjU gYU YOTQ\kU
zÂŁg}U W^Wq[WjUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;{ Similarly, the ComqRXXRYOU Q_XYU QPPjYÂ&#x161;WTU that the distribution of Permanent Voter Cards Â&#x2013; XÂ&#x2014;U ROU R|WjU QOTU YjOYU XgQgWXU ZR__U gQÂ&#x2030;WU place from Friday, 12th W^Wq[WjU gYU NOTQ\kU zÂ&#x20AC;g}U W^Wq[WjU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U adding that the CVR exercise in these two states will take place from Wednesday, 17th W^Wq[WjU gYU YOTQ\kU Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022;OTU W^Wq[WjUÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;{ The commission ex-
plained that distribugRYOUY]U XUROU RÂ&#x161;WjXkU Nasarawa and the outXgQOTRO|U _Y^Q_U |YÂ&#x161;WjOments in Lagos state will take place from jRTQ\kUÂ&#x2022; g}U YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU gYU NOTQ\kU Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;g}U YÂ&#x161;Wq[WjU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U QXU WQj_RWjU scheduled. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The CVR exercise in these states will take place from WednesTQ\kU Â&#x153;jTU W^Wq[WjU gYU YOTQ\kU g}U W^Wq[WjU Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x20AC;U QXU WQj_RWjU X^}WTuledâ&#x20AC;? it concluded.
state was also aimed at curbing political thuggery and othWjU Â&#x161;R^WXU QXXY^RQgWTU with it. He therefore urged political parties to restrict their politi^Q_U Q^gRÂ&#x161;RgRWXU ZRg}ROU the area permitted by the police. Mr. Agboneini recalled that the Independent National Electoral CommisXRYOU Â&#x2013; Â&#x2014;U }QXU jWleased the timetable since on the16th of this month, he therefore urged them to deliberate QqYO|U g}WqXW_Â&#x161;WXU on the way forward. He also noted that the meeting would XWjÂ&#x161;WU QXU QU PjYQ^gRÂ&#x161;WU measure to deliberate on issues that are imminent to the forthcoming elections. Quoting from the Â&#x161;QjRYNXU XW^gRYOXU Y]U the laws guiding election campaign in the country, the police boss warned that any body found wanting shall be prosecuted in accordance with the law. The police boss also assured that the Police would PjYÂ&#x161;RTWU qQÂ&#x2039;RqNqU security before, during and after the elections.
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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 1, No. 22
November 28, 2014
My flight fright and shame
eing a Nigerian can be agonising sometimes and it still beats oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s imagination that our leaders can be so blind, deaf and dumb at g}WUXQqWUgRqW{U \U R|}gU]jR|}gUgYU Cameroon this week has removed further [_RXgWjXU QOTU U QqU XN>NXWTU [\U QU XWOXWU Y]U shame as a Nigerian. I am part of a team that won a competitive Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA) research grant and we were invited to the University of YaoundĂŠ II, Cameroon, for a workshop. We were at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport at the right time, at least three hours before departure, as WÂ&#x2039;PW^gWT{U }WURgROWjQj\UZQXUgYU \UgYU YqWU QOTU]jYqUg}WjWU^YOOW^gUYOUQOYg}WjU R|}gUgYU Douala from where we would be picked up to YaoundĂŠ. There were a few people behind me, including the highly esteemed former Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), Prof. Peter Okebukola, whom I had greeted earlier. I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t prepared for what I heard at the counter when it was my turn. My three colleagues were just in front of me and they were checked in. As I stepped forward, I realised there was a problem as the ASKY RjU Â&#x2013;RgU ZQXU q\U VjXgU gRqWU Y]U Â&#x2030;OYZRO|U g}QgU such an airline exists anyway) personnel ZWjWU¢NXgUVTT_RO|UQjYNOT{U The waiting was long and I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like the idea of a personality of Prof. Okebukolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s status standing. I asked them if they knew him and wondered aloud how they could keep us, he especially, waiting for so long. My jaw dropped when I was eventually told g}QgU g}WU  R|}gU ZQXU YÂ&#x161;Wj[YYÂ&#x2030;WTU QOTU g}WjWU was no space for the rest of us, except one. Say that again, I was going for a scheduled programme in which I had a role to play for Allahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sake! That was when we started the typical arguments that would ensue in that kind of situation as everyone seemed to be helpless. Having introduced Prof. Okebukola XN.^RWOg_\kU }WU XgWPPWTU YNgU QOTU XPYÂ&#x2030;WU sense into their heads questioning the type of airline they were operating in the 21st century. I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mind that a single seat g}QgUZQXUQÂ&#x161;QR_Q[_WU[WUQ__Y2WTUgYUg}WUWqROWOgU Nigerian, who equally had an important QXXR|OqWOgUROU YqW{ }QgU ZQXU g}WU PjY[_WqU QOTU ZWU XW2_WTU
down to solution. The solution was that I could not get to Cameroon that day as the only available option was to be placed on an g}RYPRQOU Rj_ROWXUÂ R|}gUg}QgUZYN_TUQjjRÂ&#x161;WU Addis Ababa at night and then connect to QOYg}WjU g}RYPRQOU Rj_ROWXU Â R|}gU gYU YN_QU g}WU OWÂ&#x2039;gU TQ\{U OgjWQgRWXU gYU Â \U XgjQR|}gU gYU YaoundĂŠ eventually became void as there ZQXUOYUXgjQR|}gUÂ R|}gUgYUg}WU^QPRgQ_U^Rg\Ug}WU following day, I was told. In the midst of all this, I got a nice text from Prof. Okebukola who profoundly QPPjW^RQgWTUZ}QgU}WU^Q__WTUq\UÂ&#x160;XQ^jRV^WÂ?{U It was really an honour to meet him again, I jWP_RWTUZ}R_WUQ.jqRO|U}RXUWÂ&#x2039;}YjgQgRYOUg}QgU it was Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s perfect plan for me to sleep in Addis Ababa. After a short while of people hooting and hissing and me smiling my
Osita Chidoka, Aviation minister
way around, we eventually boarded the g}RYPRQOU Rj_ROWXUÂ R|}g{ As soon as I stepped into the airplane, with a colleague of mine going for the same workshop, Prof. Charles Nwadigwe of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, and another ]jRWOTÂ&#x201D;ROÂ&#x201D;Â R|}gqQjWkU O|j{U NTWU YjWq[WjkU U ZQXUXN>NXWTU[\UQUTWWPUXWOXWUY]UX}QqWUg}QgU Nigeria does not have a national carrier. The
Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever regret. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lawrence J. Peter
RENAISSANCE By Mahfouz A. Adedimeji
mahfouzade2@gmail.com 07089781189 (SMS Only)
U ~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;U g}QgU ZWU Â WZU RXU jW_QgRÂ&#x161;W_\U qQXXRÂ&#x161;W{U It could accommodate hundreds of passengers. Prof. Nwadigwe retorted that he could have taken ground transportation from Calabar straight to Cameroon and save himself the time and trouble. YgU [WRO|U g}WU VjXgU gRqWU U ZYN_TU Â \U Ethiopian Airlines, I was again ashamed by the originality of the Ethiopians. They would speak their language, Amharic VjXgkU[W]YjWUg}W\UZYN_TUgjQOX_QgWU]YjU\YNUROU English. And I wondered when Nigerians would be ever proud of their languages and cultures to the extent that they would XPWQÂ&#x2030;U g}WqU ROU g}WU QRjP_QOWU QXU g}WU Y.^RQ_U languages of communication.
Guinea. Our itinerary did not include the Ethiopian leg of the trip and it was when it was certain, perhaps, that there was more space in the aircraft that we were asked to [YQjTUQ]gWjUYNjU Q|YXÂ&#x201D;|RÂ&#x161;WOU[YQjTRO|UPQXXU was changed. gUZQXUjWQ__\UQU R|}gqQjWUWXPW^RQ__\UZ}WOU you look at the several hours of hovering on air for a journey that shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have ordinarily lasted beyond one and half hours at most. If Nigeria had her own national carrier, not Nigerians just having private jets, the trauma would have been averted. One would not have been ashamed that one had to depend on Benin Republic and Ethiopia on what Nigeria could not provide. It was a delightful experience all the same for the adventurous part of me. As I found it QXROROWUg}QgUQU R|}gUZYN_TU[WUYÂ&#x161;Wj[YYÂ&#x2030;WTkU further investigation revealed that the cabin ^jWZUY]UQOYg}WjUQRj_ROWUZWjWU YZOUYOUYNjU  R|}gU gYU YqWkU _WQÂ&#x161;RO|U NXkU g}WU YjR|ROQ_U passengers, in the lurch. I shuddered at the thought that if we were to be on the high XWQXkUXYqWUNXU_RÂ&#x2030;WU YgXQqUZYN_TU}QÂ&#x161;WU[WWOU thrown overboard to create room for the Yg}WjXĂ U gU ZQXU QOU NO]Yj|W2Q[_WU  R|}gqQjWU and a deep sense of shame. Drawing from my experience, I have two recommendations for the Minister of Â&#x161;RQgRYOkU Z}YU qQTWU QU _YgU Y]U TR>WjWO^WU QgU the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC). The issue of a functional national carrier that must be the hub of West Africa, at least for now, must be taken with priority so that the ^RgRÂ&#x201C;WOXUY]UÂ&#x160;g}WU_Qj|WXgUW^YOYq\UROU ]jR^QÂ?U would not always be at the mercy of the Â&#x160;XqQ__WXgU W^YOYqRWXU ROU ]jR^QÂ?U ]YjU g}WRjU travels. Start it now! OU Q^gNQ_RXRO|U g}WU VjXgU jW^YqqWOTQgRYOkU XWgU NPU Y]U QU XqQ__U ^YqqR2WWU Y]U Â&#x2030;W\U ^YqqWj^RQ_U R|}gUYPWjQgYjXUQOTUPjRÂ&#x161;QgWU¢WgU owners in Nigeria and make them design We arrived Addis Ababa at night and a framework for successfully managing the had a long and serpentine queue, in national carrier, a symbol of our national which they prioritised their citizens. We pride, within six months. They should be addressed issues all the way until we represented on the management board as ended up in Panorama Hotel where we well. Then, tie their licences of operation were accommodated overnight. There to the success of the carrier and if their was still drama the following morning suggestions do not work, bar their private too as we were asked to step aside on the ¢WgXU]jYqU \RO|UQOTUXQÂ&#x161;WUg}WUzĂ&#x160;Â&#x201E;UqR__RYOUY]U  R|}gU gYU NYQ_QU Â&#x161;RQU Q_Q[NkU ÂĽNQgYjRQ_U us the shame. It will work!
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