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Newswatch Times

South West

Friday, October 31, 2014

boss joins Ogun Jonathan approves upgrading of Ex-Compass senatorial race Ekiti FMC to teaching hospital A


resident Goodluck Jonathan has approved upgrading of Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Ido-Ekiti to federal teaching hospital and using it for the clinical training of medical students and allied health professionals of Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD). ]^_`^&^j_qw_xzzjq{x`_|}~]_ reference number HMH/ ABJ/450/Vol IV/152 dated October 15 and signed by the immediate past Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi ]ˆ‰|ˆŠ_ ‹~x~^Œ_ ~]x~_ ~]^_ xzzjq{x`_ |}``_ �^_ wqj_ x_ z^j}qŒ_ of 10 years as stipulated in the memorandum of under‹~xŽŒ}Ž�_ � q ‘_ �^~|^^Ž_ ~]^_ government and management of ABUAD. _ ‹}’}`xj_ `^&^j_ ~q_ ~]^_ Chairman, Board of Management of FMC, Ido-Ekiti �“_ ]ˆ‰|ˆŠ_ ˆj�^Œ_ ]}’_ �~]^_ chairman) to “kindly ensure that all necessary actions are carried out to actualise Mr President’s approval.� ~_ |x‹_ �x~]^j^Œ_ ~]x~_ ’xŽagement of ABUAD applied to Federal Government for upgrading of FMC, Ido-Ekiti ~q|xjŒ‹_ ˆ‹}Ž�_ }~_ x‹_ —`}Ž}—x`_

training centre for the institution’s medical students as University of Ibadan and Gombe University are currently using Adeoyo Hospital and Gombe FMC as their respective clinical training —^Ž~j^‹_}Ž_~xŽŒ^’_|}~]_�`q�x`_ zjx—~}—^_ |]^j^_ ˆŽ}{^j‹}~}^‹_

use thoroughly established xŽŒ_ |^``˜�jqˆŽŒ^Œ_ ]q‹z}~x`‹_ as training centres for their clinical students. ~_|x‹_wˆj~]^j_�x~]^j^Œ_~]x~_ after the initial visit by National Universities Commis‹}qŽ_ � ‘Š_ ~]^_ x�^Ž—“_ |x‹_ qw_~]^_qz}Ž}qŽ_~]x~_~]^j^_|x‹_

need to upgrade the facilities x~_ _~q|xjŒ‹_’^^~}Ž�_~]^_ standards of teaching hospital for the training of medical students. Against this backdrop, ABUAD engaged in massive infrastructural development of FMC and has so far

put in place some facilities |qj~]_q{^j_ š_�}``}qŽ_}Ž—`ˆŒing prestigious three-storey male and female hostels, dining hall, library, four fully-equipped laboratories, |^``˜wˆjŽ}‹]^Œ_ —`x‹‹jqq’‹Š_ auditorium and sporting complex.

!"#$ %&!&' (#))*$$*#+', -#, .",*/01&0,' !+2 (##3',!&*4'$ 5,*+/' 78#1!9!+ !:!1; 8'+'</*!,= #- -!,) *+30& .>*+2'1' ?8' ?1!3'@0 !+2 5',)!+'+& %'/,'&!,= !"#$ %&!&' A*+*$&,= #- .",*/01&0,' !+2 (##3',!&*4'$ B, C!>080 ?1!@*2' D!$#,0+; !& &9' <+!1 2*$&,*80&*#+ #- *+30& &# -!,)',$ 20,*+" &9' !",*/ 4!10' /9!*+$ ')3#:',)'+& #,"!+*$'2 8= &9' )*+*$&,= *+ ?># ?8! ."'"' ='$&',2!= 59#&# .8*#20+ ?)#&#$9#

Osun election tribunal resumes amidst tight security, adjourns till Nov 3 Omisore and PDP have petitioned Aregbesola, ]^_ ÂŽ^|`“_ j^—qÂŽ- APC and Independent Nastituted Osun tional Electoral CommisState Election Pe- sion (INEC) as represented tition Tribunal, by four Senior Advocates |]}—]_ }‹_ ‹xÂŒ- of Nigeria (SANs) and 24 ÂŒ`^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ xÂŒÂŚÂˆÂŒ}—x~}ÂŽÂ?_ qÂŽ_ q~]^j_`x|“^j‹Š_|]}`^_ j^Â?the petitions arising from the governorship election held in the state on August 9, has resumed at the state High Court, Osogbo .5F.G .BGC.HJK .2# G>*&* amidst tight security by ormer member of relevant agencies. House of ReprePolicemen and other sentatives, Fatimat security operatives conRaji-Rasaki, has cauÂŒqÂŽ^ÂŒ_ qJ_ ~]^_ xj^x_ wjqÂ’_ tioned the leadership members of the public as of Peoples Democratic Party they mounted roadblocks (PDP) in Ekiti State on the x~_ ~]^_ ~|q_ jqxŒ‹_ `^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ wqj~]—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_|xjÂŒ_—qÂŽÂ?j^‹‹¨ to the state High Court x~}Â’x~Š_ |]q_ }‹_ x`‹q_ ~]^_ located along Ilobu road, |}w^_ qw_ wqjÂ’^j_ xÂ?q‹_ ~x~^_ Osogbo, the state capital, Military Administrator, Brigchecking motorists and adier-General Raji Rasaki people before going into Â?j~Œ‘Š_ ‹zq‰^_ “^‹~^jÂŒx“_ |]}`^_ the court premises. addressing journalists in Ado q|^{^jŠ_ jˆ`}ÂŽÂ?_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ Ekiti, the state capital, stressarguments of the parties ing that all hands must be on qÂŽ_ |]^~]^j_ ~q_ zq‹~zqÂŽ^_ deck to avoid needless crisis pending application on the during the exercise. competence of the petition She declared intention to has been adjourned till No- run for Ekiti Central Senatorivember 3. al position in 2015 on the platThis is sequel to the peti- form of PDP and admonished ~}qÂŽ_ÂŞ`^ÂŒ_Â?“_~]^_—xÂŽÂŒ}ÂŒx~^_ Â’^Â’Â?^j‹_qw_~]^_zxj~“_x‹_|^``_ of Peoples Democratic Par- x‹_]^j_w^``q|_x‹z}jxÂŽ~‹_~q_}Â’ty (PDP), Iyiola Omisore, bibe the spirit of sportsmanchallenging the victory of ‹]}z_xÂŽÂŒ_ÂŽq~_~q_—j“_wqˆ`_|]^ÂŽ_ Governor Rauf none exists. Aregbesola of All ProThe PDP chieftain also gressives Congress (APC). |xjÂŽ^ÂŒ_ `^xÂŒ^j‹_ qw_ ~]^_ zxj~“_ AE(F.G ? .H GI.JK ?$#"8#


Â?^‹q`xŠ_ |]q_ }‹_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ j^‹zqÂŽÂŒ^ÂŽ~Š_|x‹_j^zj^‹^ÂŽ~^ÂŒ_ by four SANs and 14 others. Justice Elizabeth Ikpejime-led election tribunal arrived the court yesterday around 9 am and appealed

to the parties to cooperate |}~]_~]^_zxÂŽ^`_~q|xjŒ‹_^ÂŽsuring fair-hearing on the petition. ^xÂŽ|]}`^Š_ j^Â?Â?^‹q`x¼‹_ lead counsel, Akin Olujimi (SAN); lead counsel of PDP, Alex

Izinyon (SAN) and Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)’s lead counsel, Ayotunde Ogunl^“^Š_ |^`—q’^Œ_ Ž^|_ ’^’bers of the tribunal and z`^Œ�^Œ_~q_—qqz^jx~^_|}~]_ them.

Ex-legislator cautions PDP on Ekiti ward congress


Žq~_~q_�^_—xjj}^Œ_x|x“_�“_~]^_ euphoria of victory in the gov^jŽqj‹]}z_^`^—~}qŽŠ_|]}—]_|x‹_ held in the state recently but ensure openness and transparency before, during and after the congress. Ž ]^_ qŽ`“_ ~]}Ž�_ _ |qˆ`Œ_ advise leaders of PDP about the forthcoming primaries is

that since the exercise is going ~q_ �^_ |}~]}Ž_ ~]^_ zxj~“Š_ ~]^“_ must carry everybody along. Since everybody is important in politics, they should let it be transparent exercise. “They should give everybody sense of belonging. In politics, everybody likes to be recognised. If the leaders are

able to achieve this, I can as‹ˆj^_“qˆ_~]x~_ _|qˆ`ÂŒ_]x{^_ ]}~—]˜wj^^_|xjÂŒ_—qÂŽÂ?j^‹‹¨¯

^Š_ ]q|^{^jŠ_ z`^xŒ^Œ_ wqj_ understanding and support from the people for Governor Ayo Fayose-led administration, describing Fayose as a tested and trusted team leader.

n aspirant for Ogun East Senatorial District, Otunba Seyi Oduntan, on the platform of All Progressives Congress (APC) has formally indicated interest to vie for position having obtained and returned the expression of interest and nomination forms to headquarters of the party in Ogun State. ŒˆŽ~xŽŠ_ |]q_ qÂ?~x}ÂŽ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ wqj’‹_ `x‹~_ |^^‰_ |}~]_ N3.8 million, completed and returned them to the party, joined the race in November 2013 after due —qŽ‹ˆ`~x~}qÂŽ_ |}~]_ —q’’ˆŽ}~“_ `^xÂŒ^j‹_ x‹_ |^``_ x‹_ elders and stakeholders of the party having toured all the nine local government —qˆŽ—}`‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ¥¢£_ |xjŒ‹_ that make up the senatorial district.

^_ zjqˆŒ`“_ ‹]q|^Œ_ qww_ his nomination form after presentation of the expression of interest form to him by the state secretary qw_ Š_ q“}Ž_ “^�ˆ‹}|xŠ_ amidst cheers and jubila~}qŽ_wjq’_~]^_—jq|Œ_x~_~]^_ party’s secretariat in Abeokuta, the state capital. ŒˆŽ~xŽŠ_ |]q_ }‹_ wqjmer Managing Director of

qÂŽ^“|^``_ jqˆz_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ^¤Â˜ Chief Executive Officer of }Â?^j}xÂŽ_ qÂ’zx‹‹_ ^|‹papers, emphasised that the contest for the Senate |qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â?^_ ‰^^ÂŽ^‹~_ Â?^—xˆ‹^_ ~]x~_}‹_|]^j^_~]^_—qˆŽ~j“¼‹_ fate is decided through robust legislative debate, ‹~j^‹‹}ÂŽÂ?_~]x~_}~_}‹_|]“_ }gerians must be extremely careful in choosing those |]q_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_ j^zj^‹^ÂŽ~_ them.

q|^{^jŠ_ xÂŽx`“‹~‹_ xj^_ qw_ ~]^_ {}^|_ ~]x~_ ŒˆŽ~xÂŽ_ may eventually slug it out |}~]_]}‹_Â?q‹qÂ’_wj}^ÂŽÂŒ_xÂŽÂŒ_ former Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga xÂŽ}^`Š_ }w_ Â?q~]_ |}Ž‹_ ~]^_ ticket of their parties. Oduntan is contesting on the platform of APC, |]}`^_ xÂŽ}^`Š_|]q_]x‹_ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~_ returned to Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), is also said to be vying for the same position.

JAMB arraigns cybercafĂŠ operators over unauthorised registration of UTME charge of conspiracy, fraud and impersonation. oint Admissions Police prosecutor, John and Matriculation Idoko, told the court that Board (JAMB) has ~]^_ x——ˆ‹^ÂŒ_ —qÂ’Â’}&^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ xjjx}Â?ÂŽ^ÂŒ_ ~|q_ qz- purported crime on Octoerators of cybercafĂŠ, ber 17 at Fakunle area, OsOlaide Semiu (20) and ogbo, the state capital. Akinjogbin Olatunji (30), Idoko informed the court before an Osogbo Magis- ~]x~_ ~]^_ qJ^Ž—^‹_ —qÂŽ~jxtrate’s Court for allegedly vened the provision of Seccarrying out unauthorised tions 516, 473(1) and 419 of registration of the 2015 ~]^_ j}Â’}ÂŽx`_ qÂŒ^Š_ x|‹_qw_ United Tertiary Matricula- Osun State, 2003. tion Examination (UTME). According to the charge ]^_ ~|q_ x——ˆ‹^ÂŒ_ |^j^_ sheet: “That you Olaide arraigned on three-count Semiu and Akinjogbin AE(F.G ? .H GI.JK ?$#"8#


Olatunji on October 17, 2014 at Fakunle area, Osogbo did defraud JAMB by registering candidates wqj_ _ š¢¥³_ |}~]qˆ~_ express permission from

_ qj_ ~]^_ `x|wˆ`_ xˆthority from JAMB and thereby committed an offence.â€? ]^“_|^j^_x`‹q_x``^Â?^ÂŒ_~q_ have collected N6,000 from xª‹x~_ Â?Œˆ`jx‹]^^ÂŒ_|}~]_ pretence to register her for _ š¢¥³_ |}~]qˆ~_ xˆthority to do so.

q|^{^jŠ_ ~]^_ x——ˆ‹^Œ_

pleaded not guilty to the allegations against them as their counsel, Mrs Raji Abiodun, urged the court to grant her clients bail in liberal term and promised ~]x~_ ~]^“_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_ ÂŽq~_ ÂŚÂˆÂ’z_ bail and are ready to stand for trial. ^xÂŽ|]}`^Š_~]^_zj^‹}ÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ magistrate, Muhammed x‹}‹}Š_ Â?jxÂŽ~^ÂŒ_ ^x—]_ qw_ ~]^_ accused bail in the sum of ¥¢¢ÂŠ¢¢¢_|}~]_~|q_‹ˆj^~}^‹_ in like sum and the case |x‹_ xÂŒÂŚqˆjÂŽ^ÂŒ_ ~}``_ ^—^Â’ber 10 for mention.

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South South

2015: 14 aspirants gang up against Wike NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


ourteen governorship aspirants for the February 26, 2015, gubernatorial election in Rivers State, under the aegis of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, have formed a coalition against the governorship aspiration of the immediate past Minister of State for Education, Nyesom Wike. The aspirants working in concert on the platform of the Rivers Mainstream Coalition, yesterday, staged a pro-rotation rally, at the Liberation Stadium, Elekahia, in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. Wike and the other 14 aspirants who are canvassing that the principle of zoning as enshrined in Section (7) (3), of the PDP constitution should be upheld have all paid and collected their expression of interest and nomination forms. All the governorship as-

pirants who spoke at the rally insisted that the principle of zoning which is precipitated on the time-honoured upland/riverine dichotomy should be adhered to while choosing the governorship candidate of the PDP for the 2015 gubernatorial election. Speaking at the rally, an aspirant and former Chairman of the Presidential Task Force on Power, Chief

Bekinbo Dagogo-Jack, explained that the call for power rotation in Rivers State is popular because it is the appropriate thing to do. “An Ikwerre man cannot take over from another Ikwerre man. There are other ethnic stocks in the state and no amount of intimidation will forestall the on-going campaign to thwart Wike’s ambition to succeed Governor

Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi who like Wike is from the ethnic Ikwerre stock. Barrister Lulu-Briggs, who also addressed the rally, maintained that “our forebears have devised an ingenious bipolar method that allows all ethnic nationalities to have equal access to the governorship. The upland/riverine dichotomy has come to stay. We have

no other choice but to abide by it since it conforms with the position of the PDP constitution�. He asked: “Anyone who has followed the political trend in Rivers State for the past 35 years will concur that there is indeed for a political arrangement that is predicated on the existence of the upland/riverine dichotomy as it is commonly referred to.




2015: Bayelsa Assembly aspirant promises human capital development UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa

Akwa Ibom launches WHO IS WHO in Uyo ll is set for the Public presentation of a book – WHO’S WHO in AkwaIbom State. The 525 page compendium is produced by Ministry ofInformation and Communications in collaboration with Main Trends Limited. According to a release wjqÂ’_ ~]^_ q-—^_ qw_ ~]^_ Hon. Commissioner for Information and Communications, Mr. Aniekan Umanah, the book, which documents stakeholders in the Uncommon Transformation drive of the Akpabio-led administration, is scheduled for Public presentation on Tuesday, 4th November, at the multipurpose hall of Governor’s q-—^_ ÂŽÂŽ^¤ÂŠ_ ^``}ÂŽÂ?~qÂŽ_ Bassey Way End, Uyo, by 11 o’clock in the morning. The event expected to have His Excellency the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Chief Godswill Akpabio as the Special Guest of Honour, will have Senator Emmanuel Ibokessien, Proprietor, Ritman College, Ikot Ekpene, as chairman of the occasion, while Chief Isaac Abakam, CEO Azi Marine Nig. Ltd, will be the Chief Launcher. Accordingly, special invitation is given to the State Deputy Governor, Her Honour Noble Lady Valerie Ebe, the Speaker of Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Elder Sam Ikon, the State Chief Judge, His Lordship Justice Idongesit Ntem Isua xÂŽÂŒ_~]^_ ]}^w_qw_ ~xJŠ_ }j_ Etekamba Umoren.

Ask yourself: does it make any sense to you that in a multi-ethnic state like Rivers State an ethnic stock would want to produce the governor of the state for four consecutive terms of four years each? Now, tell me, what is the rationale behind such a thoroughly skewed, strange and sudden development?�

L-R: Minister of Sports, Mr. Tammy Danagogo; representative of the Minister of Youth Development, Mr. Luka Mangset and Chairman, Organising Committee, President Cup, Malam Alhassan Yakmut, at the opening of a retreat for President Cup committee in Abuja...yesterday.

A\Ibom 2015: Aspirant backs PDP’s decision on zoning BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


governorship aspirant from Eket Senatorial District, Bishop Samuel Akpan has backed the decision of the National Working q’’}&^^_ qw_ ~]^_ ^qple’s Democratic Party (PDP) to bar its aspirants from other zones from contesting the 2015 governorship election. Akpan, a former PDP

Deputy Chairman in the State, thanked the national and state leadership of the PDP for respecting the sanctity of zoning, adding that the move would douse the tension in the state. Promising to run an allinclusive government if elected in 2015, romising his teeming supporters yesterday in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State capital, that his mission is consolidate on the achievements of the outgoing admin-

istration of Governor Godswill Akpabio. Besides, the former Special Adviser to Akpabio on Political and ^�}‹`x~}{^_ Jx}j‹Š_‹zq‰^_ of plans to reposition key sectors of the State’s economy especially in the areas of industrialization, job creation, infrastructural development, human empowerment and agricultural revolution. Urging his supporters to remain resolute in his drive in the State, Akpan

recalled his contributions to the party since 1999, noting that such credentials placed him in good stead for the State political top job. He thanked the Nationx`_ ¤^—ˆ~}{^_ qÂ’Â’}&^^_ (NEC) of the party for its decision to bar the non Eket aspirants from the contest, saying such resolution would go a long way to douse tension in the State ahead of the polls.

NDDC provides free healthcare to oil-producing communities AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt


he Niger Delta D e ve l o p m e n t Commission (NDDC) in conjunction with Global Hands Medical Foundation has commenced comprehensive free medical services to several oil-producing communities in Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local government Area of Rivers State. The seven-day free healthcare which is taking place at the Maternity

and Child health centre in Ukwu, Ndoni is primarily targeted at the poor and the less privileged memÂ?^j‹_ qw_ ~]^_ Â?^ÂŽ^ª—}xj“_ communities. The Chief Medical Director for the programme, Dr. Titus Antai, who was impressed by the success already achieved, said that the massive turn-out of the people to take advantage of the free healthcare was highly encouraging. According to him, more than 500 patients were at~^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ~q_ |}~]}ÂŽ_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ 2 days adding, “We have

performed many major ‹ˆjÂ?^j}^‹_wqj_ÂŞÂ?jq}ŒŠ_q{xjian cyst, hernia, as well as caesarean sections. We have also performed cataract extraction for some patients with impaired vision.â€? Highlighting the ben^ÂŞ~‹_ qw_ ~]^_ _ wj^^_ medical programme, the Chief Medical Director noted that it was very useful for the poor and less privileged people. He said that many people in the jˆjx`_xj^x‹_ÂŞÂŽÂŒ_}~_ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_ to access medical services on account of poverty, cit-

ing the case of two women whose delivery were delayed because they could not raise the money for a caesarean section in a private clinic. “The people complain that medical services in their communities are very expensive because they are seen as coming from oil-producing areas. The private clinics here are very expensive for the people. So, without the free health programme of the NDDC, most of them are more or less helpless,� Dr. Antai said.

head of the 2015 general elections, an aspirant in the Bayelsa state House of Assembly, Hon. Alfred Watson has promised to build a strong human capital development, saying every leader and government should see human development as a major priority. The aspirant who is from Brass Constituency 11, under the plat form of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), stated this yesterday at the PDP Secretariat in Yenagoa, while addressing news men xw~^j_‹ˆ�’}&}Ž�_]}‹_Žq’}Žxtion form. According to him, “This is not the time to start promising what to do and what not to do because electorates are even tired of all these promises from politicians, but what I know is that I will give a voice to the youths and build a strong human capital development if elected into power. “ The race has just begun, Everybody should just go and get prepared and deliver his constituency and give adequate representation. We are believing God, while working assiduously to claim the mandate, we are forging ahead, knowing that at the end of the day, we will become victorious�. He however, stated that he was in the race to streamline the roughage and bring out his people out of the deep channel, even as he enjoined everybody to eschew anything that would bring about rancor and acrimony during the electioneering campaign. The aspirant who also commended the state Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson for his infrastructural development in the state, equally applauded the state |qj‰}Ž�_ —q’’}&^^_ qw_ ~]^_ People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for their sense of coordination and transparency in the state. He further advised other aspirants in the state to avoid the use of violence in achieving victory, as according to him, politics should not be seen as a do or die xJx}jŠ_ zq}Ž~}Ž�_ qˆ~_ ~]x~_ Bayelsa state should always show good example in everything they do especially as the President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan is from the state.


South East


news 9

Enugu demolishes building on NEMA’s property KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu


nugu State Government yesterday demolished a onestorey building illegally sited on a land earlier allocated to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). The building was erected by an Enugu based non-governmental organization, St. Joseph’s Institute on the parcel of land allocated to the South East NEMA. The controversial land is located adjacent to the state House of Assembly in Independence Layout Enugu, the state capital. The state government had stated that the Institute, “built the storey building in the said land, which was duly allocated to the South East zonal q-—^_ qw_ ~]^_ x~}qÂŽx`_ Emergency Management Agency, NEMA by Enugu state government. “They commenced building without having ^j~}ª—x~^_ qw_ ——ˆzxŽ—“_ C of O, whereas the rightful owner, NEMA has the required titlesâ€? said an

q-—}x`_ qw_ ~]^_ ‹~x~^_ Â’}ÂŽistry of land, who craved anonymity. Before the demolition, St. Joseph’s Institute had equally laid claim to the ownership of the said land and is equally in possession of their own ^j~}ª—x~^_ qw_ ——ˆzxŽ—“_

for the same property from the same Enugu State Government. It was learnt that originally, St. Joseph’s Insti~ˆ~^_|x‹_x``q&^Œ_~]^_`xŽŒ_ but it was later revoked because the state government did not want a nongovernment institution

to build any structure in the area for security reasons and subsequently j^˜x``q&^Œ_ ~]^_ `xŽŒ_ ~q_ NEMA. _‹~xJ_qw_~]^_‹~x~^_ }Žistry of Land who supervised the demolition, but did not want his name in print said they acted

under the instruction of the immediate past state Commissioner for lands, Dr Chukwuemeka Ujam, who marked the building for demolition, few months back. Reacting to the development, with newsmen at the demolition site, South

Agbazuere joins race for House of Reps BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia

A L-R: Chairman, Anambra State APGA, Chief Mike Kwento; wife of the National Chairman, Lady Prisca Umeh Ndi and H!&*#+!1 (9!*,)!+ .57. (9*'- €*/&#, K)'9 <11*+" &9' +'/'$$!,= 3!3',$ !-&', 30,/9!$*+" &9' %'+!&#,*!1  #,) !& .57. %&!&' ?-</' *+ .:>! .+!)8,! %&!&'

Onitsha council chairperson impeached CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha


he chairperson of Onitsha South Council Area, Anambra State, Lady Ann Chukwuneke, was yesterday allegedly impeached by two -third (2/3) of the members of

the Legislative Council. As early as 8.30 am “^‹~^jÂŒx“Š_ ÂŞ^j—^˜`qq‰}ÂŽÂ?_ armed Policemen were seen at the council’s headquarters, Fegge, who were said to have prevented workers from entering the premises while the impeachment exercise was going on.

It was gathered that the leader of the legislative Council, Hon. Fred Ezenwa reportedly presided over the impeachment exercise. _{q~^_qw_ÂŽq_—qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^Ž—^_ was reportedly slammed on her during the impeachment procedure over her purported high-

handedness, corruption and mal-administration. In a swift reaction when contacted, the secretary of the Council Area, Hon. Silvanus Mgbechukwu disclosed to newsmen that the impeachment was sponsored by political opponents to the

council chairperson who never found anything good in her. According to the council secretary, “the political opponents tried to create a division between her and the Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano�.

2015: Enugu police assure aspirants of fair play KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu


he Enugu state commissioner of police Abubakar Adamu Mohammed has reassured that he will provide a level playing ground in the state for all aspirants, voters as well as political parties as the electioneering period draws nearer. Mohammed said security will be provided for all concerned but warned that no act of lawlessness or thuggery will be allowed before, during and after the period. He said that his operatives working in partnership with other sister security agencies in the state will stop at nothing at ensuring that the peace and security in the state is sustained and improved upon. Mohammed stated this at the command’s

East zonal Coordinator of NEMA, Major James Eze, said the structure was being erected illegally on ~]^_ z`q~_ qw_ `xŽŒŠ_ x``q&^ÂŒ_ to NEMA for its South x‹~_ÂťqÂŽx`_q-—^¨ He maintained that the Federal Government xÂ?^Ž—“_]x‹_~]^_ ^j~}ª—x~^_ of occupancy of the plot of land and has waited patiently since the past ten months for the demolition of the structure so that “NEMA contractor will commence construction of its South East ofª—^_]^xÂŒÂźÂˆxj~^j‹¨¯

headquarters during the formal presentation of some copies of the book titled; “PERSPECTIVES IN SPORTS DEVELOP ¯Š__|j}&^ÂŽ_Â?“_ qÂ’mand’s Police Public Rela~}qŽ‹_ -—^j_ Â? ‘_ ‹z_ Ebere Amaraizu. In a press statement by Amaraizu, the Commis-

sioner for Police noted that the command has started sensitization of political aspirants voters political parties as well as relevant stakeholders with the just concluded workshop with the Nigeria Bar Association Enugu state chapter at the mess dwelling on Public Order Act and pro-

cession amongst others. He pointed out that a jingle has been made to further sensitize members of the public as any one caught violating the law or taking laws into his hand will be made to face the music in accordance |}~]_ ~]^_ ‹z^—}ª—x~}qŽ_ qw_ the law.

In a similar development three persons namely Umuokeke, Izunna Romeo, Okolo Olisa Solomon and Enekwechi Ray Onyimba have been arraigned before a Chief Magistrate court in Awgu yestersday wqj_x``^�^Œ_qJ^Ž—^_qw_—qŽspiracy, breaking and entry, malicious damage.

South East NUJ plans media resource centre BONIFACE Umuahia



he South East Zone of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) is planning to embark on establishing a multi-million naira Resource Centre in Enugu to facilitate journalism practice in the zone. Vice President of the Zone, Deacon Chris Isiguzo, who made this known in Umuahia, Abia State, while briefing newsmen on the forthcoming third edition of the South East Media Summit at the NUJ Press Centre,

Umuahia said that Enugu State government has shown tremendous interest in the project. “We’ll therefore use the opportunity of this year’s summit to raise the necessary funds to help facilitate ~]^_~x‰^˜qJ_qw_~]}‹_x``˜}’zqjtant project,� Isiguzo said. He explained that the forum was part of the social responsibility of the media and provides the forum for media practitioners to interx—~_ |}~]_ Œ}J^j^Ž~_ xj’‹_ qw_ government, civil society organisations and the private sector operators in the zone. “The aim is to create a ro-

bust forum where issues that border on good governance, media practice and investment as well as the nation’s democratisation process are discussed with a view to creating an improved atmosphere and environment for the general wellbeing of people,� Isiguzo said. This year’s theme is “Harnessing the Dividends of Nigeria’s Diversity,� and former Minister of Information and Communication, Mr Frank Nweke Jnr will deliver the keynote lecture of the Summit slated to hold at Michael Okpara Auditorium Monday, November 3, 2014,

with a former Governor of Ebonyi State, Dr Sam Egwu as Chairman. The event would be preceded by a workshop for journalists in the Zone on Sunday at Villa Roy Hotel, Umuahia where a former Deputy National President of NUJ and a former Commissioner for Information in Ebonyi State, Chief Abia Onyike, would take his colleagues through the rudiments of journalism practice while Dr GOC Okafor, a Consultant with the Federal Medical Centre Umuahia, would also deliver a lecture on stress management.

House of Representatives aspirant from Abia State, Dr. ACB Agbazuere, has declared that his election into the Lower Chamber of the National Assembly would mark the beginning of his people’s long walk to freedom. Agbazuere, a former Commissioner for Information and Strategy and immediate past Adviser to the Governor on Conflict Management and Resolution, is aspiring to represent Isiala Ngwa Federal Constituency comprising Isiala Ngwa North and South local government areas. He assured that if given the mandate to represent his people at Abuja, he would give them effective representation and attract development to the area, saying that those who represented the area for the past 16 years have failed to attract dividends of democracy to transform the constituency. Speaking with Newswatch Times after picking the Expression of Interest and Nomination forms at People Democratic Party (PDP) office in Umuahia, Agbazuere said he has the experience, exposure and pedigree to give his people an effective voice at the centre. “What we are embarking upon today is a long walk to freedom. Our people have long sought freedom. Our people have long sought salvation. Our people have long sought adequate and effective representation. These we have lacked for over 16 years. 16 years of darkness. “They (people of Isiala Ngwa) resolved, came to me, spoke to me, appealed to my conscience and after pondering over this with my God, I said of what use am I if I cannot serve God and my people. I have decided to come and the difference will be clear,� he said.

Newswatch Times


World Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

Russia eyes railway-for-resources project with North Korea


ussia is eyeing a project |qj~]_ xÂ?qˆ~_ $25 billion to overhaul qj~]_ qj^x¼‹_ jx}`|x“_ ÂŽ^~|qj‰_}ÂŽ_j^~ˆjÂŽ_wqj_x—cess to mineral resources in the hermit state, Mos—q|¼‹_ Â?q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~_ ÂŒx}`“_ reported on Thursday.

The mammoth project |qˆ`Œ_ }Ž{q`{^_ ~]^_ ’qŒernisation of about 3,000 kilometres (1,875 miles) of the Stalinist nation’s ageing railroads over a 20-year period, minister for development of Far Eastern Russia Alexander Galushka told state-run Rossiskaya Gazeta.

“It is a commercial project that is mutually advantageous,â€? Galushka |x‹_ÂźÂˆq~^ÂŒ_x‹_‹x“}ÂŽÂ?¨ ]^_ jx}`|x“_ ˆzÂ?jxÂŒ^‹_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_ wq—ˆ‹_ ÂŞj‹~_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ sections near deposits of natural resources, said the minister. Income from the exploi~x~}qÂŽ_ qw_ ÂŒ^zq‹}~‹_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_

then go to a joint RussianKorean company to fund the railroad overhaul, he said. North Korea is thought to be lying on vast reserves of resources, including uranium, iron ore, magnesium and other minerals. qj~]_ qj^x_]xŒ_|xj’_

~}^‹_|}~]_~]^_wqj’^j_ q{}et Union based on shared ideology. Russia retains j^`x~}{^`“_ —`q‹^_ ~}^‹_ |}~]_ its neighbour but has �x—‰^Œ_ ^‹~^jŽ_ zq|^j‹_ }Ž_ Œ^x`}Ž�_ |}~]_ “qŽ�yang’s nuclear ambitions. Ž_ x“Š_ ˆ‹‹}xŽ_ j^‹}Œ^Ž~_ `xŒ}’}j_ ˆ~}Ž_ ‹}�Ž^Œ_ x_ `x|_ —xŽ—^``}Ž�_

Iraqi Kurdish forces enter Syria to fight Islamic State


ÂŞj‹~_Â?jqˆz_qw_ jxÂź}_ ˆjÂŒish peshmerÂ?x_ ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ entered the Â?^‹}^Â?^ÂŒ_ “j}xÂŽ_ ~q|ÂŽ_ qw_ Kobani on Thursday to help push back Islamic ~x~^_ Â’}`}~xÂŽ~‹_ |]q_ ]x{^_ ÂŒ^ÂŞ^ÂŒ_ ¨ ¨_x}j_‹~j}‰^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_ threatened to massacre its Kurdish defenders. Kobani, on the border |}~]_ ˆj‰^“Š_]x‹_Â?^^ÂŽ_^ÂŽcircled by the Sunni Muslim insurgents for more than 40 days. Weeks of U.S.-led air strikes have failed to break their stranglehold, and Kurds are hoping the arrival of the z^‹]Â’^jÂ?x_ |}``_ ~ˆjÂŽ_ ~]^_ tide. The siege of Kobani ‰Žq|ÂŽ_ }ÂŽ_ jxÂ?}—_ x‹_ “Ž_ al-Arab - has become a test of the U.S.-led coalition’s ability to stop Islamic State’s advance, xÂŽÂŒ_ x‹]}ÂŽÂ?~qÂŽ_]x‹_|^`comed the peshmerga’s deployment. _ ÂŞj‹~_ —qÂŽ~}ÂŽÂ?^ÂŽ~_ qw_ about 10 peshmerga ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ —jq‹‹^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ~q_ Kobani from Turkey, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Kurdish and ˆj‰}‹]_ q-—}x`‹_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ x_ `xjÂ?^j_ ÂŒ^z`q“’^ÂŽ~_ |x‹_ ^¤z^—~^ÂŒ_|}~]}ÂŽ_]qˆj‹¨_ “That initial group, I |x‹_ ~q`ŒŠ_ }‹_ ]^j^_ ~q_ —xjj“_ out the planning for our ‹~jx~^Â?“_ Â?q}ÂŽÂ?_ wqj|xjÂŒÂŠÂŻ_ said Meryem Kobane, x_ —qÂ’Â’xÂŽÂŒ^j_ |}~]_ ~]^_ Š_ ~]^_ Â’x}ÂŽ_ “j}xÂŽ_ Kurdish armed group dew^ÂŽÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_~]^_~q|ÂŽ¨ “They need to make preparations so the peshÂ’^jÂ?x_ |}``_ Â?^_ zq‹}~}qÂŽ^ÂŒ_ according to our needs,â€? she told Reuters. Around 100 peshmerga ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ xjj}{^ÂŒ_ Â?“_ z`xÂŽ^_ in southeastern Turkey on Wednesday, joined later that night by a land convoy of vehicles carj“}ÂŽÂ?_ ]^x{“_ |^xzqŽ‹_ including a cannon and truck-mounted high-calibre machine guns. In a compound protect-

90 percent of North Korea’s $10.94 billion debt to Russia from Soviet-era loans q‹—q|_ ]x‹_ `qq‰^Œ_ ~q_ �qq‹~_~}^‹_|}~]_ ‹}x_}Ž_~]^_ face of harsh sanctions from the EU and US over its role in the Ukraine crisis.

Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed in past 24 hours despite ceasefire – military


even Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in the past 24 hours in the east of the country de‹z}~^_ x_ —^x‹^ÂŞj^_ |}~]_ separatists, a military spokesman said on Thursday. ÂŽ ]^“_ |^j^_ ‰}``^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ z`x—^‹_ Â?“_ ‹]^``}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽÂŒ_ qÂŽ^_ |x‹_ killed in an ambush,â€? spokesman Andriy A convoy of peshmerga vehicles is welcomed by Turkish Kurds after crossing into Turkey near the Habur border Lysenko said. Elevgate in the southeastern city of Silopi en others had been ed by Turkish security and there is passage for tians and other commu- ~]^Â’_|}~]_]^x{}^j_|^xz- |qˆŽŒ^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ {xj}qˆ‹_ forces near the border ~]^’Š_|^_|}``_‹^ÂŽÂŒ_Â’qj^_ ÂŽ}~}^‹_ |]q_ ÂŒq_ ÂŽq~_ ‹]xj^_ ons and munitions and incidents. ~q|ÂŽ_ qw_ ˆjŠ_ ~]^_ ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ forces to protect Kobani their ultra-radical brand they have received an The deaths further air drop from the United |^j^_ ÂŒqÂŽÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ —qÂ’Â?x~_ and defeat terrorists in of Sunni Islam. strained a tenuous The United States and States. fatigues and preparing Western Kurdistan,â€? he its allies in the coalition But Turkey accuses —^x‹^ÂŞj^Š_ |]}—]_ —xÂ’^_ ~]^}j_ |^xzqŽ‹Š_ x_ ^ˆ~^j‹_ said in a statement. correspondent said. Islamic State has caused have made clear they do Kurdish groups in Koba- into force on Septem jxÂź}_ ˆjÂŒ}‹~xÂŽ_ j^‹}- international alarm by not plan to send troops to ni of links to the militant Â?^j_³Š_|]}`^_~^Ž‹}qÂŽ_}‹_ dent Mason Barani said capturing large expanses ÂŞÂ?]~_ ‹`xÂ’}—_ ~x~^_}ÂŽ_ “j- _Â? ˆjÂŒ}‹~xÂŽ_ qj‰^j‹¼_ Â?jq|}ÂŽÂ?_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ jˆŽ˜ ]}‹_ j^Â?}qÂŽ_ |x‹_ zj^zxj^ÂŒ_ qw_ jxÂź_xÂŽÂŒ_ “j}xŠ_ÂŒ^—`xj- }x_ qj_ jxŸŠ_ Â?ˆ~_ ~]^“_ ÂŽ^^ÂŒ_ xj~“‘Š_ |]}—]_ ]x‹_ wqˆÂ?]~_ up to a local election to deploy more forces to ing an Islamic “caliphateâ€? ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ Â?jqˆŽŒ_ a three-decade insur- on Sunday organized Kobani if asked. that erases borders be- to capitalize on their air gency against the Turkish by the separatists and strikes. state and is regarded as |]}—]_ ]x‹_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ ÂŒ^“Whenever the situa- ~|^^ÂŽ_~]^_~|q¨_ tion on the ground neces ~‹_ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_]x{^_‹`xˆÂ?]Syrian Kurds have a terrorist group by Announced as illegal by sitates and more forces ~^j^ÂŒ_ qj_ ÂŒj}{^ÂŽ_ x|x“_ called for the internation- kara, Washington and the the Kiev government. xj^_ j^ÂźÂˆ^‹~^ÂŒ_ wjqÂ’_ ˆ‹_ Shi’ite Muslims, Chris- al community to provide European Union.

France investigates mystery drone activity over nuclear plants


rance has launched an investigation into unidentified drones that have Â?^^ÂŽ_‹zq&^ÂŒ_q{^j_Žˆ—`^xj_ plants operated by stateq|ÂŽ^ÂŒ_ ˆ~}`}~“_ _ Š_ }~‹_ interior minister said on Thursday. Seven nuclear plants x—jq‹‹_ ~]^_ —qˆŽ~j“_ |^j^_ Âżq|ÂŽ_q{^j_Â?“_ÂŒjqÂŽ^‹_Â?^~|^^ÂŽ_ —~¨_Âł_xÂŽÂŒ_ —~¨_š¢ÂŠ_ xÂŽ_ _ ‹zq‰^‹|qÂ’xÂŽ_ ‹x}ŒŠ_|}~]qˆ~_xŽ“_}Â’zx—~_ on the plants’ safety or functioning. “There’s a judicial in{^‹~}Â?x~}qÂŽ_ ˆŽŒ^j_ |x“Š_ measures are being tak^ÂŽ_ ~q_ ‰Žq|_ |]x~_ ~]^‹^_ drones are and neutral-

ize them,â€? Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told France Info radio on ]ˆj‹Œx“Š_|}~]qˆ~_‹z^—}fying the measures. The drone sightings Â’x“_ j^ÂŽ^|_ —qŽ—^jŽ‹_ about the safety of nuclear plants in France, ~]^_|qj`ÂŒÂĽÂ‹_Â’q‹~_Žˆ—`^xj˜ j^`}xÂŽ~_ —qˆŽ~j“_ |}~]_ ³À_ reactors on 19 sites operx~^ÂŒ_Â?“_ ¨ Activists from environmental campaigning group Greenpeace forced ~]^}j_|x“_}ÂŽ~q_~]^_ ^‹‹^ÂŽheim plant on the German border earlier this year and have a history of breaking into nuclear plants in France. Greenpeace denied any

involvement in the pilot`^‹‹_Âż}Â?]~_x—~}{}~“¨ “For all its actions, j^^ÂŽz^x—^_ x`|x“‹_ x—~‹_ openly and claim responsibility,â€? Yannick Rousselet, head of Greenpeace’s anti-nuclear campaign, said in a statement. “What is happening is {^j“_ |qjj“}ÂŽÂ?Š¯_ ]^_ ‹x}ŒŠ_ adding that France’s nuclear research institute _ ÂŽ^xj_ xj}‹_ ]xÂŒ_ x`‹q_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ Âżq|ÂŽ_ q{^jŠ_ —}~}ÂŽÂ?_ ˆŽ‹z^—}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_‹qˆj—^‹¨ _ ÂŽxÂ’^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ z`xÂŽ~‹_ q{^j_ |]}—]_ ÂŒjqÂŽ^‹_ ]xÂŒ_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ ‹zq&^ÂŒ_ x‹_ j^“‹˜ Malville and Bugey in the southeast, Blayais in the ‹qˆ~|^‹~Š_ x&^ÂŽqÂ’_ xÂŽÂŒ_ Chooz in the northeast,

Gravelines in the north and Nogent-sur-Seine, ~]^_—`q‹^‹~_z`xÂŽ~_~q_ xj}‹¨ The unmanned aircraft |^j^_ ‹zq&^ÂŒ_ `x~^_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ evening, at night or very

early in the morning, _‹x}ÂŒ¨_ ~_}‹_zjq]}Â?}~^ÂŒ_ ~q_¿“_`^‹‹_~]xÂŽ_¥Š¢¢¢_Â’^ters above nuclear plants xÂŽÂŒ_ |}~]}ÂŽ_ x_ Âł_ ‰}`qÂ’^~^j_ radius.

French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve (L) speaks with Education and Research minister Najat VallaudBelkacem


Newswatch Times

African Report FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

Botswana MPs baulk at president tipping brother as VP


otswana’s freshly elected MPs will be sworn in on Thursday, as a —qŽ‹~}~ˆ~}qŽx`_ jq|_ �jq‰^_ out over suspicions that President Ian Khama is trying to create a “dynasty� by naming his brother as Vice President. Sixty-one parliamentar}xŽ‹_|^j^_~q_~x‰^_ˆz_~]^}j_ posts a day late, amid a court challenge over how they select the vice presiŒ^Ž~_ xŽŒ_ q~]^j_ ‰^“_ q--

cials. Khama, who won a secqÂŽÂŒ_ ~^jÂ’_ }ÂŽ_ q-—^_ `x‹~_ |^^‰Š_ ]x‹_ ÂŒ^Â’xÂŽÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ~]x~_ parliamentarians vote on the vice president by a show of hands, rather than by secret ballot. ]x~_ ]x‹_ ‹zxj‰^ÂŒ_ w^xj‹_ from within Khama’s own party that he is preparing to name his younger Â?jq~]^j_ ‹]^‰^ÂŒ}_ ]xÂ’x_ as his deputy and will try ~q_‹~}Âż^_ÂŒ}‹‹^ÂŽ~¨_ z^x‰}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽqŽ“’qˆ‹ly, a group of MPs from

Khama’s Botswana Democratic Party said they fear ]^_ ’x“_ �^_ x&^’z~}Ž�_ ~q_ create a “dynasty�. “The founding president was the father to the current president. Now the president wants his younger brother, another Khama, to succeed,� said one MP. “We cannot allow a Khama dynasty in Botswana. This is not a family party.� ‹]^‰^Œ}_ ]x’x_ }‹_ _ for the Serowe North West

constituency, once held by his brother. Acting for the governÂ’^ÂŽ~Š_ &qjÂŽ^“_ ^ÂŽ^jx`_ ~]x`}x]_ q`q‰qÂ’Â’^Š_ has launched an urgent application with the High Court to challenge the constitutionality of secret parliamentary ballots. The case is expected to be heard on November 6, and until then the vice president spot will remain ÂˆÂŽÂŞ``^ÂŒ¨ Dumelang Saleshando, a former leader of the oppo-

Burkina Faso parliament set ablaze But about 1,500 people managed to breach the security cordon and were jxŽ‹x—‰}ÂŽÂ?_ zxj`}xÂ’^ÂŽ~Š_ AFP reports. jq~^‹~^j‹_ |^j^_ ‹^&}ÂŽÂ?_ ÂŞj^_ ~q_ ÂŒq—ˆ’^ÂŽ~‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ stealing computer equipment; cars outside the Â?ˆ}`ÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ xj^_ x`‹q_ qÂŽ_ ÂŞj^Š_ it reports. Mr Compaore is a staunch ally of the US and France, which uses ˆj‰}ÂŽx_ x‹q_ x‹_ x_ Â?x‹^_ for military operations against militant Islamists in the Sahel region. Protesters in Burkina Faso Both France and the Eurotesters angry ÂŽ —~qÂ?^j_ £¢_ }‹_ ˆj‰}ÂŽx_ it, Reuters quotes a witropean Union (EU) have at plans to allow x‹q¼‹_ `x—‰_ zj}ÂŽÂ?Š_ `}‰^_ ness as saying. called on him to scrap the ˆj‰}ÂŽx_ x‹q¼‹_ the Arab Spring,â€? oppo Â’q‰^_ —qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â?^_ ‹^^ÂŽ_ President Blaise sition activist Emile Par- billowing from parlia- proposed constitutional amendment. Compaore to gui Pare told AFP news ment. The EU said it could extend his 27-year-rule agency. q`}—^_ ]xÂŒ_ ^xj`}^j_ ÂŞj^ÂŒ_ ÂŚ^qzxjÂŒ}‹^_ ˆj‰}ÂŽx_ x‹q¼‹_ ]x{^_ ‹^~_ ÂŞj^_ ~q_ zxj`}xState television has tear gas to prevent prostability. The US has also ment. Â?qÂŽ^_qJ_x}j_xw~^j_zjq~^‹~- testers from moving in on The BBC’s Laeila Adjovi ers stormed the building the parliamentary build- raised concern about the proposed amendment. in the capital, Ouagadou- ]qˆ‹}ÂŽÂ?_}~_xÂŽÂŒ_jxŽ‹x—‰^ÂŒ_ ing. gou, say the city hall and ruling party headquar~^j‹_xj^_x`‹q_}ÂŽ_ÂżxÂ’^‹¨_ Earlier, the military rezqj~^ÂŒ`“_ ÂŞj^ÂŒ_ x~_ zjq~^‹~ers who stormed parliament. ^xj_ Â?x‹_ |x‹_ x`‹q_ ÂŞj^ÂŒ_ iberia may be increase to the point that hit countries of Guinea, from a helicopter, as a seeing a decline there seems to be a decline Liberia and Sierra Leone crowd surged towards should be able to “comfortin the spread of right now.â€? the presidency, reports He said there had been ablyâ€? meet a target to scale Ebola, with falls say. Ebola-containment in the number 13,703 cases in eight coun- up Parliament was due to of burials and new admis- tries and the reported death measures by December 1. consider changing the sions as well as a plateau toll, to be published later The WHO has been rushconstitution so that Mr }ÂŽ_ `xÂ?qjx~qj“˜—qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_ qÂŽ_ ^ŒŽ^‹Œx“Š_ |x‹_ `}‰^`“_ ing to help organise bed Compaore, 63, could run cases, the World Health to be more than 5,000. ‹zx—^‹_~q_~x‰^_—xj^_qw_ Â?q`x_ wqj_ q-—^_ xÂ?x}ÂŽ_ }ÂŽ_ ^`^—- Organisation (WHO) said. A jump of more than patients in treatment centions next year. ÂŽ q_ |^_ w^^`_ —qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^ÂŽ~_ 3,000 in the number of tres, but there were now A government minister that the response is now cases since Saturday was around 100 beds empty in —qˆ`ÂŒ_ÂŽq~_—qÂŽÂŞjÂ’_j^zqj~‹_ Â?^&}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽ_ ˆzz^j_ ]xÂŽÂŒ_ qÂŽ_ largely due to the data be- Liberia, he said. that the constitutional the virus? Yes, we are see- ing updated with old cases “The single biggest misamendment has been ing slowing rate of new rather than new cases, he ~x‰^_ xŽ“Â?qŒ“_ —qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â’x‰^_ withdrawn, Reuters news —x‹^‹Š_ {^j“_ ÂŒ^ÂŞÂŽ}~^`“Š¯_ said. j}Â?]~_ÂŽq|_}‹_~q_~]}Ž‰_ÂŒq_|^_ agency reports Aylward said he would really need all those beds?â€? WHO Assistant Director j_ qÂ’zxqj^_ÂŞj‹~_~qq‰_ General Bruce Aylward Â?^_ÂŽ~^jj}ÂŞ^ÂŒÂŻ_}w_|jqÂŽÂ?_—qÂŽIn neighbouring Sierra power in a coup in 1987, told a news conference on clusions were read into his Leone, the second worst and has won four disput- Wednesday. statement and Ebola was hit country, the number ed elections since then. “We need to be care- thought to be under con- of cases was continuing The opposition has ful here. This thing hasn’t ~jq`¨_ ÂŽ ~¼‹_ `}‰^_ ‹x“}ÂŽÂ?_ “qˆj_ to increase in some areas, called for a campaign of ÂŒjqzz^ÂŒ_ qJ_ ~]^_ —`}J_ `}‰^_ pet tiger is under control.â€? including the capital Freecivil disobedience to de- that. We’re seeing a reBut he said that if current town, he said. mand that he steps down. versal of that rapid rate of trends continued, the worst


WHO: Ebola appears to be slowing in Liberia


sition Botswana Congress Party who served in parliament for 10 years, said that the vote by secret ballot has been there since before he joined Parliament in 2004. Saleshando said Khama was also endorsed as vice president in 1998 by secret ballot. x‹~_|^^‰¼‹_^`^—~}qÂŽ_|x‹_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ ~}Â’^_ ~]x~_ _ ˜˜_ which has governed uninterrupted since independence from Britain in 1966 -- has won an election by

less than 50 percent of the votes. “The Botswana government enjoys a stellar reputation internationally and comes out near the top on jxŽ‰}Ž�‹_ qw_ wj}—xŽ_ �q{ernance,� said Peter Fabricius, Foreign Editor of South Africa’s Independent Newspapers. “Yet the election results suggest that the people of Botswana don’t all quite share that global enthusiasm for their government.�

Secularist Nidaa Tounes party wins Tunisia election


unisia’s secularist party Nidaa Tounes has won 85 seats in the country’s parliament following Sunday’s elec~}qŽ‹Š_ q-—}x`_ j^‹ˆ`~‹_ show. The governing Islamist Ennahda party won 69 seats in the 217-seat chamber. ]^_ q-—}x`_ j^‹ˆ`~‹_ —qÂŽÂŞjÂ’_ ^xj`}^j_ zj^ÂŒ}—~}qŽ‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ÂŽÂŽx]ÂŒx_ q-cials have already urged Nidaa Tounes to form an inclusive government. Tunisia’s transition to democratic rule after a 2011 revolt has been hailed as a regional success story. ]^_ j^{q`~_ |x‹_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ and least violent of the Arab Spring uprisings against autocratic governments across the region. “In with the oldâ€? is what some Tunisians have been saying about Nidaa Tounes, which has a comfortable lead of 85 seats in the new parliament, in reference to the fact that supporters of the regime of deposed President Ben Ali were allowed to join the party xÂŽÂŒ_jˆŽ_wqj_q-—^¨

But their inclusion has not been without controversy and the party will ‹~}``_ÂŽ^^ÂŒ_~q_ÂŞÂŽÂŒ_—qx`}~}qÂŽ_ partners to be able to govern. Meanwhile, the political Islamist Ennahda party and their secular coalition partners have been punished by voters for their three years in government. Despite the political progress and the international praise, many Tunisians - especially those who are younger and from poorer parts of the country - have been feeling neglected and wqjÂ?q&^ÂŽ_Â?“_~]q‹^_}ÂŽ_~]^_ capital - and simply did not vote on Sunday. The parliamentary poll was the second such election since the uprising. Tunisia’s secularists and Islamists have managed the transition to democracy with less acrimony and bloodshed than their neighbours, correspondents say. The country nevertheless faces a persistent low-level threat from militants. jqˆŽŒ_ÂŞ{^_Â’}``}qÂŽ_ ˆnisians were registered to cast their ballot.

Nidaa Tounes supporters were celebrating even before #-</*!1 ,'$01&$ :',' !++#0+/'2


Newswatch Times

EDITORIAL Friday, October 31, 2014

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on truth

OUR VISION To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach

Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)





To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

! " # $ % $ ! and addressed to the Editor, Newswatch Times, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624

Issues in mutilated, scarce Naira notes


ore than one year after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) promised to start replacing diseased and mutilated currencies with fresh mints, the acute scarcity of new notes, especially in lower denominations, is worsening transaction furore in marketplaces. CBN authorities have not deemed it right to inform the public why they have reneged on many promises. Daily Newswatch had persistently pointed out the transaction hassles caused by severe shortage of lower denomination currencies. The hassles followed the inability of ~]^_ _~q_wˆ`ÂŞ`_}~‹_zjqÂ’}‹^_~q_ print and circulate in June 2013 wj^‹]_—ˆjj^Ž—}^‹_~q_j^z`x—^_jq&^ÂŽ_ notes. Rather than claim responsibility for the Naira low denominations becoming illegal

tender, CBN spokesman Isaac Okoroafor had in Washington zj}`_ÂĄÂł_x&^Â’z~^ÂŒ_‹]}w~}ÂŽÂ?_~]^_ blame to deposit money banks. Worse still is that the CBN is zjqÂŞ~}ÂŽÂ?_wjqÂ’_~]^_—}j—ˆ`x~}qÂŽ_ of dirty, mutilated and smelly currencies via its increasing its sorting charges or penalty on commercial banks. The CBN penalty for sorting mutilated currencies for deposit banks had risen from N3,000 to N6,000 in 2008 to N12,000 now. Commercial banks, which distribute currencies to end users, had resisted paying the surcharge, arguing that sorting responsibility belongs to the apex bank. They further argue that they incur extra costs as mutilated currencies damage their Automated Teller Machine and therefore reissue expired currencies. However, Okoroafor shifted blame, “Banks have failed to make the needed investments in

Letters to the Editor Gov Amosun vs. Deputy Adesegun


gun State Deputy Governor, Prince Segun Adesegun, complained against the Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun over denied welfare. It beats my imagination how such a simple xÂŽÂŒ_’ˆŽŒxÂŽ^_Â’x&^j_—qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^~_~q_ the press. Well, we are in the era of stomach infrastructure! While I don’t want to be drawn into the politics of Ogun or what ulterior motives, if any, might have informed the complaints, there is no one in this country who does not know that one of the most frugal governors in Nigeria is Mr Amosun. He’s also one of the most hard-working governors. I read in 2011 where he told his people that he and members of his ~^xÂ’_]xÂŒ_—qÂ’^_~q_Â’x‰^_‹x—j}ª—^¨_ ^_ said things were so bad in the state ~]x~_~]^“_—qˆ`ÂŒ_ÂŽq~_xJqjÂŒ_~q_`}{^_Â?}Â?¨_ So I was not surprised when I read later that he slashed the salaries of zq`}~}—x`_q-—^_]q`ÂŒ^j‹¨ The Deputy complained of allowances for September and October but everyone in Nigeria knows what is happening with FAAC and Federation Account. I’m even surprised that there

is no salary crisis in Ogun. For two months governors have cried out for ÂŽq~_Â?^&}ÂŽÂ?_x``q—x~}qÂŽ_x~_x``¨_ The good thing is that the Deputy Governor has not accused Amosun of living in luxury while asking others to tighten their belts. He has not accused the governor of constitutional breaches. He has also not complained of paying for his residence because I gathered that Amosun’s aides pay some money monthly from their salaries for the government quarters. Nonetheless, the governor should look into the complaints and see what could be done because there are mischief-makers and political opportunists waiting to make a mountain out of a molehill and see a crisis where there is none in order to rig elections. I also urge the Deputy to see the Governor and sort things out away from public glare. There’s good news coming from Ogun locally and internationally on a daily basis. They ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_‰^^z_~]^_Â?qqÂŒ_ÂżxÂ?_¿“}ÂŽÂ?¨ Vincent Adebayo Ketu, Lagos

currency sorting and therefore j^‹qj~}ÂŽÂ?_~q_j^˜—}j—ˆ`x~}ÂŽÂ?_ÂˆÂŽÂŞ~_ notesâ€? He made a bizarre claim that there is no scarcity of lower denomination notes, and threatened to bypass commercial banks to oddly distribute Mint notes directly to shop owners xÂŽÂŒ_^ÂŽÂŒ_ˆ‹^j‹¨__ ^_xŒ’}&^ÂŒ_ ‹z^—ˆ`x~}qŽ‹_~]x~_ _q-—}x`‹_ were involved in hawking Mint notes and that security agents would be invited to investigate. Before his exit, however, former CBN Deputy Director, Operations, Dr. Tunde Lemo promised fresh notes from August 2013 (after reneging on earlier June date) and that smaller denominations of N5, N10, N20 and N50 of easy-fade polymer currencies would be replaced with paper notes. This is July 2014, and the public is x|x}~}ÂŽÂ?_wˆ`ÂŞ`Â’^ÂŽ~_qw_Â?jq‰^ÂŽ_ promises. Contrary to Lemo’s view then and now, the scarcity of the lower denomination is now a source of quarrels and ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_}ÂŽ_Â’xj‰^~‹Š_‹~qj^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_ transportation business as buyers and sellers feud over “changeâ€?.

The currency scarcity dispute is worsened by the recirculation of mutilated and smelly currencies rejected by buyers and sellers. Commercial banks re-circulate diseased notes, which should have been properly sorted and destroyed by the CBN. CBN’s major error is that it phased out and stopped the production of polymer currencies in lower denominations six years ago long before it thought of printing the paper replacement. What happened within the six years of policy mishap is the recirculation of mutilated and jq&^ÂŽ_—ˆjj^Ž—}^‹_Â?^—xˆ‹^_ÂŽ^|_ notes were not forthcoming, despite Nigeria having two currency printing Mints in Lagos and Abuja. ‰qjqxwqj_]xÂŒ_xŒ’}&^ÂŒ_~]x~_ CBN Act 2007 empowers it to issue legal tender currencies to serve as acceptable medium qw_^¤Â—]xÂŽÂ?^Š_zjqÂ’q~^_^-—}^ÂŽ~_ payment system and to promote ‹qˆŽŒ_Â?ÂŽq~_‹}—‰`“‘_ÂŞÂŽxŽ—}x`_ system. With the heated furore generated during transactions in the marketplace, CBN’s failure is glaring. Rather than threaten

to instigate the Police to hound Naira hawkers, the CBN should redress the scarcity that has ^Ž—qˆjxÂ?^ÂŒ_q-—}x`_—qjjˆz~}qÂŽ_ and hawking. Commercial banks have rejected CBN’s directive and surcharge to sort the mutilated notes so that the disabled currencies are returned to CBN for destruction. With the six-year failure of the currency sorting arrangement with money deposit banks, the CBN should immediately take back its responsibility of sorting currencies because its failure to print new notes is the source of crisis. With the reckless spending in hundreds of billions on non core functions, the CBN cannot claim it lacked funds to perform core duty of protecting Naira’s legal tender. Therefore, dirty and mutilated notes should be withdrawn from circulation immediately, while new currencies are printed urgently as promised. New CBN Governor qÂŒ|}ÂŽ_ Â’^ÂŞ^`^_—xÂŽÂŽq~_—qÂŽ~}Žˆ^_ ~]^_ÂŒ}‹—qÂ’ÂŞ~}ÂŽÂ?_‹}`^Ž—^_Â’qj^_ than 100 days in the saddle.


Newswatch Times

View Point Friday, October 31, 2014

Fayose, it’s time to work


n the last few weeks, new the Ekiti State Governor, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, has dissipated too much energy trading words with his predecessor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, over how Ekiti State, also known as the Fountain of Knowledge has been badly run and why things are bound to go from bad to worse. Fayose seems to be pre-occupied with petty matters making many people to wonder whether the governor really have much to offer his people. Almost daily, the media is awash with how state resources have been wasted on white elephant projects, mismanaged and channelled into wrong use thus portraying the last administration as being wasteful, insensitive, ‘after self comfort’ and terribly corrupt. This time around, Fayose had among others, accused his predecessor of spending a whopping sum of N50m on beds in the newly-built Government House and another N100m tax payers’ money on toilets and bathrooms. Not only that, the helmsman in Ekiti has branded the N3.3b lodge built by the ex-governor as ill-conceived, misplaced and too costly for the state to maintain. Over the years, Fayose has remained a highly controversial person even before he became governor under the first dispensation, before his eventual impeached from office in 2006. One of the main accusations against him as a controversial person alleged youthful exuberance and penchant for violence. While it is completely not out of place for a new government to appraise the situation on ground with a view to working towards effective service delivery and good governance, which not only promote accountability and transparency, it could also give a clear picture of some sort of where-we-are-coming-from, wherewere-are-going and what-it-takes-to-get-there. But the way Fayose is going about his seems to be different. To move the state forward, government should painstakingly actualise the key component of its five major restoration agenda that is hinged on: virile intergovernmental relations, regional integration, effective local government administration, sustainable developmental objectives and highly professionalised public service. Certainly, while a lot could be achieved in terms of federal-state relations because of the existing party influence in which the state is bound to enjoy with the central government with the same party platform, there is need to maintain cordial relations between the executive and the state legislators dominated by the

opposition party, All Progressives Congress (APC), which appears to be worsening by the day. This should be the priority of Fayose. He should not waste precious time on intimidating the state legislators to decamp to his party. Rather, he should see the present arrangement, where both parties have a reasonable representation in the house as good for democracy, though the APC controls more members. Already, this tension is evident in the confrontation between the state government and the state House of Assembly with the sealing off a filling station belonging to the Speaker, Dr. Adewale Omirin. Secondly, regional integration is something he cannot do in a hurry. He would need to take time to study events as they unfold. Apart from Ekiti, the only state that is controlled by PDP is Ondo, which recently joined the PDP family following the recent defection of its governor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko from the Labour Party. Without sounding pessimistic, this integration would remain elusive until the South-West governors align themselves politically. I don’t foresee this happening for now. On local government administration, Fayose should prove his mettle as a truly grassroots politician by courting the local councils. He should ensure that funds meant for the LGAs are released promptly. The 16 Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs), created by Fayemi - as I

!""# $ % &' ( ) * +

have observed in my articles titled, “Fayemi’s Last Minute Rush in Office� could be the first casualty in the new governor’s stride to bring governance to the doorsteps of the people. Also, the developmental objectives mapped out for implementation of the above should be well designed and executed. This should holistically cover security, empowerment, agricultural development, infrastructural transformation, health, education, science and technology while the fraying nerves of civil servants that have embarked on industrial action in the past few weeks should be calmed. Meanwhile, I take exception to the governor’s tokenism when he announced to his people that: “I am already grooming your Christmas chicken and your bags of rice are coming�, through the office of Special Assistant on Stomach Infrastructure and Special Duties. This is rather childish. Also, all outstanding remuneration and entitlements due public servants in the state should be paid within the next two months. In line with the directive that all public service personnel issues including recent appointments, promotions and discipline should objectively be reviewed. This should be done with all sincerity of purpose. He should urgently ensure that the dignity of the judiciary, which was ruffled a few weeks back, is restored and preserved. He could investigate the affairs of the last administration if Fayemi truly has any case to answer. After all, the former governor has offered to defend himself when the need arises. Lastly, the governor should show more decorum in view of his alleged uncouth behaviour. Or, how do we explain what played out a few days ago when the governor reportedly wept after prostrating for primary and secondary school teachers for not abandoning him since his impeachment in 2006 and “rolling on the floor�? This is simply unbecoming, Mr. Governor!

Lagos performance engenders tax payments


lobal leader in credit ratings and research, Fitch Ratings, recently upgraded Lagos State’s national long-term rating to ‘AA+ (nga)’ from ‘AA (nga)’, thus giving the state a stable outlook . Fitch equally —qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_~]^_‹~x~^¼‹_`qÂŽÂ?˜~^jÂ’_wqj^}Â?ÂŽ_xÂŽÂŒ_`q—x`_ currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at ‘BB-‘with stable outlooks and its short-term foreign currency IDR at ‘B’. Its N275 billion MTN programme, together with its N57.5 billion and N80 billion bonds, which mature in 2017 and 2019, respectively, were also x-jÂ’^ÂŒ_x~_Ă… Â˜Ă…_xÂŽÂŒ_ˆzÂ?jxÂŒ^ÂŒ_~q_Ă… ÆÂ?ÂŽÂ?x‘¼_wjqÂ’_ Ă… Â?ÂŽÂ?x‘¼¨_ ]^_jx~}ÂŽÂ?_x—~}qÂŽ_j^Âż^—~‹_~]^_wq``q|}ÂŽÂ?_ rating drivers and their relative weights: High: Management and Administration: Fitch believes that Lagos management is becoming progressively more sophisticated. Fitch equally rates the state high on debt management, which has improved with longer bond tenures and more loans from development banks. The Fitch’s upgrade is a further testimony to ~]^_‹~x~^¼‹_—qÂŽ~}Žˆ^ÂŒ_ÂŞjÂ’_qz^jx~}ÂŽÂ?_z^jwqjÂ’xŽ—^Š_ ^ÂŽ]xŽ—^ÂŒ_~jxŽ‹zxj^Ž—“_xÂŽÂŒ_j^ÂŽ^|^ÂŒ_^Jqj~‹_ towards an increasingly urbane and transparent administration, which is favourable to increasing private sector investments. With a local GDP accounting for 20%-25% of the national GDP, Lagos is a critical driver of Nigeria’s economy. Domestic zjqŒˆ—~}qÂŽ_}‹_wˆ^``^ÂŒ_Â?“_}~‹_ÂŒ}{^j‹}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_^—qÂŽq’“_ as a commercial hub in the country, with service, construction, transport and industry making up 80% of the local economy. Fitch believes that Lagos’ socioeconomic indicators will further improve as local GDP growth is expected to outperform the estimated national GDP growth of 7%-8% in 2014. To keen watchers of events in the country, the Lagos’ Fitch ratings do not come as a surprise. Today, Lagos remains a benchmark for budget implementation and performance in the country. ]^_ x‹]q`x_xŒ’}ÂŽ}‹~jx~}qŽ¼‹_ÂŞj‹~_~|q_Â?ˆŒÂ?^~‹_|^j^_ particularly indicative of the government’s plan to xŒŒj^‹‹_}ÂŽwjx‹~jˆ—~ˆj^_ÂŒ^ª—}~¨_

Tayo Ogunbiyi In 2008, for instance, the state government budgeted 60.05 percent for capital expenditures and 39.5 percent recurrent expenses while in 2009 capital outlay was 63 percent while recurrent spending was 37 percent. In the 2010 budget, capital and recurrent expenditures stood at a ratio of 59 and 41percents respectively. In terms of commitment to budget performance, the State Government has also recorded high ‹ˆ——^‹‹^‹_~]x~_j^Âż^—~_ÂŽq~_`^‹‹_~]xÂŽ_Ăˆ¢_z^j—^ÂŽ~_xŽŽˆx`_ budget performance. For instance, in 2012 and 2013, the state’s budget recorded 89 percent and 85 percent performance respectively. The idea of quarterly budget assessment speaks volume of the zjq˜x—~}{^ÂŽ^‹‹_qw_~]^_‹~x~^_Â?q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~_x‹_}~_xJqjŒ‹_ x_‹—}^ÂŽ~}ª—_Â?x‹}‹_qw_Â’^x‹ˆj}ÂŽÂ?___z^jwqjÂ’xŽ—^_}ÂŽ_ x_—qŽ‹}‹~^ÂŽ~_Â’xÂŽÂŽ^j_|]}`^_zˆ&}ÂŽÂ?_zj^‹‹ˆj^_qÂŽ_ government departments and agencies to meet

follow in West Africa, if not the whole of Africa. The manifestation is quite visible in the increased number of projects embarked upon by government across the state. Infrastructure development is critical to achieving human capital development in any society. The economic impact that infrastructure improvement has on nation building cannot be over-emphasised. Considering the statistics that about 85 percent of the people in the world reside in the developing world and transition economies, and with 67 percent of that population below age 35, the need for infrastructure development to support enduring development j^Â’x}Ž‹_x_Â’x&^j_qw_Â’xÂŚqj_—qŽ—^jÂŽ_wqj_x``_ÂŽx~}qŽ‹_qw_ the world. }~]qˆ~_ÂŒqˆÂ?~Š_ xÂ?q‹_`^xŒ‹_}ÂŽ_~^j’‹_qw_zˆ&}ÂŽÂ?_ in place a concise and precise infrastructure development vision and programme in the country. It has demonstrated sincere resolve to tackle the

A large proportion of the state’s infrastructural renewal

purse are now dwindling. budgetary targets. Recently, the state government announced an 84 percent third quarter budget performance for the 2014 Budget with an 86 percent cumulative or aggregated z^jwqjÂ’xŽ—^_wqj_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_~]j^^_ÂźÂˆxj~^j‹_qw_~]^_“^xj_ covering from January to September. However, against the backdrop of the very high targets it sets, the cumulative performance, still falls short of Government expectation. Nevertheless, by many measures, the performance is a tough act to

power situation through the delivery of embedded power and energy solutions that has led to the completion of 3 power plants across the state. Similarly, the state is presently implementing six simultaneous transport solutions namely; Mile 12 – Ikorodu, Lekki-Epe, Lagos – Badagry, Lagos Light Rail, Lagos Ferry and Lagos Cable Car. In terms of housing provision, the state now delivers 200 Housing Units on a monthly basis with a 10-year mortgage and a maximum interest payment of 9.5 %.

Out of the planned 10 Mother and Child Centres, six have been completed and are fully operational }Ž—`ˆŒ}ÂŽÂ?_~]^_ ’ˆ|q˜ ÂŒqÂŞÂŽ_ _|]}—]_j^—^ÂŽ~`“_ became operational. Others are located in Ajegunle, Gbaja in Surulere, Ifako-Ijaiye, Isolo and Ikorodu. In Agriculture, the state has multiplied increments in Agricultural outputs in the area of poultry, vegetable, and Agro-processing such as rice and cassava milling, transportation: It is instructive to state that a large proportion of the state’s infrastructural renewal drive is being ÂŞÂŽxŽ—^ÂŒ_wjqÂ’_ ÂŽ~^jÂŽx``“_ ^ÂŽ^jx~^ÂŒ_ ^{^Žˆ^Š_ ¨__ ~_ is common knowledge that, for various reasons, the statutory allocations to states from the federal purse are now dwindling. It is, however, remarkable that the state government has continued to perform its statutory obligations on all fronts, irrespective of declining federal allocations. It is to the state’s credit that the }ÂŒ^x_xÂŽÂŒ_~]^_—qÂ’z^``}ÂŽÂ?_Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹_qw_zx“}ÂŽÂ?_~x¤_]x{^_ become a way of life for the people of the State. Through the Lagos experience, it has been proven that, by developing a tax based economy; it is possible for a state to be self-reliant. It is in this regards that Lagos is moving along the path of many countries of the world that had j^—qÂ?ÂŽ}Âť^ÂŒ_~]x~_~]^_zx“’^ÂŽ~_qw_~x¤^‹_|x‹_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_ step to prosperity. It is important to stress that Lagosians are willingly complying with the payment of taxes because government has been able to win their hearts by providing quality public services and ‹z^ÂŽÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_~x¤_j^{^Žˆ^‹_ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~}ÂŞxÂ?`“¨_ This is the best way to build the social contract between citizens and the government. It is, however, }Â’zqj~xÂŽ~_~q_ˆjÂ?^_x_‹}Â?ÂŽ}ª—xÂŽ~_Â’}ÂŽqj}~“_qw_ xÂ?q‹}xŽ‹_ in the formal sector who are yet to be persuaded to pay their taxes to come into the tax fold in order to ‹ˆ‹~x}ÂŽ_~]^_j}‹}ÂŽÂ?_zjqÂŞ`^_qw_~]^_‹~x~^Š_x‹_^Â’Â?^ŒŒ^ÂŒ_}ÂŽ_ the Fitch ratings.

Ogunbiyi is of the Ministry of Information & Strategy, Ikeja.

Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014

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Kick-boxing: WKU African Title holds in Abuja

Martins Odiete, Abuja


he city of the Federal Capital Territory will host promising Nigerian martial artist-kick boxers, including reigning African WKF title holder, Obinka Afam Chigozie and Olakunle Awonyele of Nigerian Army. The event put together by the combat promoters in collaboration with the Mediterranean Sport Centre and Sheraton Hotel, will witness 10 promising Nigerians —q’z^~}Ž�_ wqj_ ª{^_ —x~egories of African open title belts under KWU category. The categories are -WKU African title bout, +71kg WKU full contact African title bout, 81kg WKU-MMA African title bout, -86kg thai boxing African title bout and -71kg KWU full contact African title bout. Addressing the press in Abuja on the event, the coordinator of the programmes and Chairman FCT Kick-boxing Association, Michael Eneduwa said the event is aimed at promoting combat sport and bringing back the uniqueness of kick-boxing in the country and

Africa in general. He said the event will be merged with entertainment for the fun of the game and to the delight of the spectators and participants. “It is going to be a series of events that would merge entertainment and combat sports together to bring back the uniqueness of kick-boxing; and it is going be every last Friday of the month. “This is the second edition and it is going to be regular. Five continental title belts will be on display. We are trying to use combat sports like kick-boxing to send out a message to the people and build role models. ÂŽ q‹~_ qw_ ~]^_ ÂŞÂ?]~^j‹_ that will compete, like Chigozie Obinka, who is African champion; Analikwu Innocent and others, they are ambassadors of the sport. “Chigozie has won WKF African title for WKF. He won it in Kenya earlier this year and this is going to be an additional belt he will be holding as well.â€? Aside Chigozie Afam Obinka and Olakunle Awonyele, others that will compete for various titles on the day are Blessing Monday, Seember Joy, Chucks Romeo, Menia Jack, Analikwu Innocent, Onoja Emmanuel and Ozioma Orji.

BCGS holds health promotional tourney


he Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Health Promotional Tournament |}``_ ~^^˜qJ_ wjq’_ ~qŒx“_ (Friday) through Saturday November 1st, 2014 at Benin Club Golf course, Benin City with about one hundred golfers competing for honours. The tournament organized by NNPC in collaboration with the Benin Club Golf Section (BCGS) will feature lecture on sudden death as a result of cardiac arrest on day one by Professor Augustine Obasohan, a professor of medicine cardiology, University of Benin Teaching Hospital as well as brief talks on Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) billed for the Club pavilion, while golfers will have opportunity to undergo medical check-up too. Captain of the Club, Dr. Bola Atua while briefing Sports Writers in Benin City, noted that the tournament is not just an ordinary event but a health event where about one hundred golfers will be involved in medical check-up to ascer-

tain the level of their health status. “A renowned professor of medicine in cardiology in the person of Prof Augustine Obasohan from UBTH will deliver a lecture series on sudden death especially cardiac arrest that is common these days and many more causes of sudden death in the society. Also, there will be brief talk on Ebola virus disease which has claimed thousands of lives in the West African countries and other parts of the world,â€? “Then the tournament proper will hold on Saturday, November 1st in the morning with about one hundred golfers from different gold clubs across the federation and it is going to be keenly competitive while the dinner party and presentation of prizes will hold later in the day to those that distinguished themselves at the event,â€? “We are optimistic that the tournament will be well x&^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŒ_Œˆ^_~q_~]^_‹}Â?ÂŽ}ÂŞcance of the health talk and lecture by this Professor,â€? Atua said.

Newswatch times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

AFCON qualifiers: Amodu to recall Anichebe, Aiyenugba Ephraim Nwosu


est Bromwich Albion striker, Victor Anichebe and Israel-based Nigerian goalkeeper, Dele Aiyenugba have joined the growing list of players to be recalled by interim coach, Amodu Shaibu as he aims to achieve a miracle withNigeria’s two remaining _ ÂźÂˆx`}ÂŞ^j‹_ xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ Congo and South Africa. The duo has been widely linked with a return to the national team ahead of next month’s decisive matches against the Red Devils of Congo and Bafana Bafana of South Africa as Amodu won’t have time to test new players. Anichebe and Aiyenugba were overlooked by former coach, Stephen Keshi. “It will be very risky for Amodu to experiment with new players as there is no time to do so due to the situation we have found ourselves at the moment. “So, Anichebe and Aiyenugba are among the few tested players, who are likely to get another chance under the new coach. They are currently doing well with their clubs in Europe and they deserve to get anq~]^j_—]xŽ—^Š¯_x_~qz_q-—}x`_

told Newswatch Sports. He explained that the inclusion of Anichebe and }“^Žˆ��x_ |}``_ Žq~_ xJ^—~_ the squad adding that it would rather create competition among the players. “These are crucial matches for us.We want to assemble our best players; as such we don’t want to leave any stone unturned in order to achieve our goals.They have been part

and parcel of the teamin the past. So they are no strangers.These are top professionals and I strongly believe that they will ÂŞ~_ }ÂŽ_ |]^ÂŽ_ ~]^“_ ÂŚq}ÂŽ_ ~]^}j_ teammates in camp. “Besides,we want to present a strong squad with a quality bench that will be as good as the starting eleven; unlike what we saw when Keshi was in charge.â€? Anichebe last featured

for Nigeria in September 2011 in an African Cup of x~}qŽ‹_ _ ÂźÂˆx`}ÂŞ^j_ xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ Madagascar, while 30-year old Aiyenugba last played for the Super Eagles in a 2-2 home draw against Guinea in a 2012 African Cup of x~}qŽ‹_ Â? ‘_ ÂźÂˆx`}ÂŞer, which ultimately ended Nigeria’s dream of qualifying for the 2012 African Cup of Nations co-hosted by Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.

No Nigerian player good for Ballon d’Or – Erico Francis Ajuonuma


x-international, Joe Erico says he was not surprised that no Nigerian player made the 23-man list shortlisted for the 2014 FIFA Ballon d’Or Award, insisting that they are not good enough for the award. The only African listed is Manchester City and {qj“_ qx‹~_ Â’}ÂŒÂŞ^`ÂŒ^jŠ_ Yaya Toure, while the list was dominated by players from Europe and South America. As expected, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Arjen Robben, Angel Dim Aria, Gareth Bale, Eden Hazard, Thomas Muller,

Toni Kroos, Sergio Ramos, Zlatan Ibrahimov, Andrea Iniesta and Manuel Neuer dominated the list. According to Erico, the exclusion of Nigerian players from the list

is an indication that the country lack quality players playing at the highest level in Europe and other part of the world. “Honestly, it didn’t surprise me that no Nigerian was included in the

23-man list released by FIFA on Tuesday for the 2014 Ballon d’Or award. “The truth is that our players are not doing well at their clubs. Most of them are average players playing for lesser team; so you don’t expect such z`x“^j‹_~q_x&jx—~_ _x~tention,â€? he said. The Jongo Bonito exponent said that Nigerian players need to work hard to improve on their z^jwqjÂ’xŽ—^_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_ of play to be considered in future. “Like I’ve said before, the omission of Nigerian players from the list means our players lack quality; so there is the need for them to step up their games at their respective clubs and compete at the highest level,â€? he added.

Newswatch times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014


Mbachu quits for younger ones

I’m not going to be playing xŽ“’qj^Š¯_‹]^_—qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ¨ “I just want to rest and give the younger ones the chance. I know they will do it because they are already doing it,â€? she explained. “I will embark on a coaching course. I hope to go into coaching now that I have retired from the game,â€? she concluded. ]^_ Â’q_ ~x~^_ Â?qjÂŽ_ w^male footballer has won a total of six African Women Championships out of the record seven trophies thatFalcons have garnered.

]^_ ]x‹_ x`‹q_ zxj~}—}zx~^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ x`Â’q‹~_ x``_ ~]^_ ˆz^j_ Falcons’ World Cup campaigns. Due to the skill of the ÂŁĂ”_“^xj_q`ÂŒ_z`x“^jŠ_‹]^_|x‹_ nicknamed ‘Mgbidi Express’. ]^_ |x‹_ jxj^`“_ ˆ‹^ÂŒ_ by Coach Edwin Okon at the just concluded AWC, which Nigeria won and she never expressed any displeasure for not commanding starting shirt anymore. The Most Valuable `x“^j_x~_ qˆ~]_ wj}—x_š¢¥¢_

African Women Championship, who had 89 apz^xjxŽ—^‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹—qj^ÂŒ_ š¢_ goals for Nigeria, said she }‹_ wˆ`ÂŞ``^ÂŒ_ xw~^j_ |}ÂŽÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ lot of laurels for her country and club in her football career. The former Rivers Angels forward, who is the only remaining member qw_ ~]^_ ˆz^j_ x`—qŽ‹_ ~]x~_ z`x“^ÂŒ_ x~_ ~]^_ ÂĄĂ•Ă•Ă•_ }wx_ Women’s World Cup in ~]^_ ÂŽ}~^ÂŒ_ ~x~^‹Š_x`‹q_xÂŽnounced plans to venture into coaching as she felt the time is right to take a bow.

Iwelumo re-joins Moses at Stoke City


day after announcing his retirement from football, Chris Iwelumo has re-signed for ~q‰^_ }~“¨ The former fans’ favourite has joined the Club’s media team and will be providing behind-thescenes content throughout ~]^_ ‹^x‹qÂŽ_ wqj_ ~]^_ q-—}x`_ website, matchday magazine and YouTube channel as he pursues a new career within the sports journalism industry. ]^_ ÂŁĂ”Â˜Â“^xj˜q`ÂŒ_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ it was a tough decision to end his playing but is looking forward to a new career with a club he holds close to his heart whilst he ‹~ˆŒ}^‹_wqj_x_ zqj~_ qˆjÂŽx`}‹’_ÂŒ^Â?j^^_x~_ ~xJqjŒ‹]}j^_ University. “It was certainly a hard decision to make but it has been something which had been at the back of


Emeka Ezeugwu 08115708539 (sms only) 08

NFF crisis: SOS to President Jonathan


Maduabuchi Kalu

uper Falcons’s zx—“_‹~j}‰^jŠ_ ~^``x_ Mbachu has called it quits with the game that brought her so much fame and fortunes, but only to try her hands on coaching career. Mbachu, who was a member of the Namibia š¢¥Ă“_ wj}—xÂŽ_ qÂ’^ÂŽ_ Championship-winning Falcons, said she called time on her career to give opportunity to younger players. According to her, she is retiring from both the national and club levels because she has seen it all having played at the highest level of the game that has given her fame and recognition. Â?x—]ˆ_ }‹_ ÂŽq~_ ÂźÂˆ}&}ÂŽÂ?_ football entirely as she hopes to go into coaching so that in the near future, she will contribute positively in raising younger generation of Nigerian players. In her words: “This is complete. I’ve completed everything about football both in national team and club football. I’m not playing anymore. “I don’t even think I will be selected for the AWC in qˆ~]_ wj}—x_Â?^—xˆ‹^_ _]xÂŒ_ already made it open that


my mind for the last six months,� Iwelumo said in a release pasted on “My only focus for the past two decades has been playing football and getting up every day preparing for games which was a bit odd not to do this morn-

ing. “I have some fantastic memories from my football —xj^^j¨_ _ z`x“^ÂŒ_ wqj_ —q~`xŽŒŠ_x—]}^{^ÂŒ_ÂŞ{^_zjqÂ’q~}qŽ‹_xÂŽÂŒ_|qÂŽ_~]^_ —q&}‹]_ Cup. “There have been a couple of lows along the way but the positives more than

outweigh the negatives.� and although I will miss playing I’m looking forward to the future. “I’ve got a few things lined up to keep me busy alongside my degree —qˆj‹^_x~_ ~xJqjŒ‹]}j^_ Ž}versity.� “I’ve been doing a bit qw_ ‹~ˆJ_ wqj_ ~x`‰ _ qŽ_ top of the work for the Club, whilst I’ll also be cocommentating on tonight’s �x’^_ wqj_ }�Žx`_ xŒ}q_ which should be good.�

^_ xŒŒ^ÂŒĂ–_ ÂŽ ~q‰^_ |^j^_ the club which brought me to English football in ^Â?jˆxj“_ š¢¢¢_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~]^_ next four and a half years turned out to be a fantastic time for me. ÂŽ —qj}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ qj~_ Vale has got to be one of the best highlights during my time at the Club, as well the promotion winning season }ÂŽ_š¢¢Âš¨¯

ur dear President sir, it has become absolutely compelling for me to put together this few lines of appeal to you via this medium. I am aware of “qˆj_~}Â?]~_q-—}x`_‹—]^Œˆ`^‹_~q_ÂŽq~}—^_x_Â’}‹^j`“_z`^x_wjqÂ’_ inconsequential citizen like me. But I am also aware that you love football just as I do and just as several millions of Nigerians equally do. Your magnanimity in rewarding our sports men and women, particularly our footballers, has no comparison. Only few months ago, you authorized several millions of our hard currency to be sprinted to Brazil to pay our players, when they cried out. That alone is a good pointer to the fact that the success of our sports men and women in international competitions excites you too. I am also thrilled to see Nigeria and Nigerians excel in sports meets, particularly football. This is why I have to make this passionate plea that you save this game that we all love so much from the hang-man’s noose. You may have been briefed by your aids on the happenings in Nigerian football since our team’s woeful performance at the last World Cup in Brazil four months ago. The Â?j}^ÂŞÂŽÂ?_Â’x“_ÂŽq~_Â?^_}ÂŽ_ÂŒ^~x}`‹_x‹_“qˆ_Â’}Â?]~_ÂŽq~_]x{^_~}Â’^_ to take-in all that has happened since July this year and counting, but the continued threats by World Football governing body, FIFA, to ban Nigeria from all football wjx~^jÂŽ}~“_ Â’x“_ ]x{^_ ‹ˆ-—^ÂŒ_ ~q_ x`^j~_ “qˆ_ ~q_ qÂ’}ÂŽqˆ‹_ danger the squabbles in the Glass House, Abuja have brought upon us. This is the thrust of my appeal sir. Mr. President, the cardinal point of your administration is your penchant to obey strictly the rule of law. Perhaps, this has been one good reason why you have refrained wjqÂ’_ }ÂŽ~^jw^j}ÂŽÂ?_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ }ÂŽÂ˜ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]j^x~^ÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ ~q_ Â?`q|_ up our football into oblivion. x“_Â?^_“qˆ_ÂŒ^—}ÂŒ^ÂŒ_~q_Â?}{^_~]^_Â?`xÂŒ}x~qj‹_}ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŞÂ?]~_ ~}Â’^_ ~q_ ‹qj~_ ~]^’‹^`{^‹_ qˆ~_ |}~]qˆ~_ qˆ~‹}ÂŒ^_ }ÂŽÂżÂˆ^Ž—^¨__ But alas! The crisis is about to consume Nigerian football and all that your administration has achieved since x‹‹ˆ’z~}qÂŽ_qw_q-—^_}ÂŽ_š¢¥¥¨_ ]}‹_}‹_|]“_}~_]x‹_Â?^—qÂ’^_ equally compelling that you act to stop this brazen banditry by few individuals, whose sole aim is to line their pockets. Many may have misconstrued FIFA’s repeated warnings of a ban on Nigeria, to mean that qÂŽ^_wx—~}qÂŽ_}ÂŽ_~]^_Â?ˆ``Â˜ÂŞÂ?]~_}‹_Â’^j^`“_‹^``}ÂŽÂ?_x_‰}~^_wqj_ the other to pipe down. Yet, so far FIFA has not come qˆ~_ ~q_ ÂŒ}‹q|ÂŽ_ xŽ“_ qw_ ~]^_ ‹^j}^‹_ qw_ `^&^j‹_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ ~q_ ]x{^_ originated from them in the sequence of warnings. This, to me, means that they have been the one sending the admonitions so that we could avert their hammer. In truth, both FIFA and CAF value Nigeria’s membership of their organisations hence it won’t delight them to slam a ban on Nigerian football. In years past, Nigeria have had to rescue both associations, particularly CAF in hosting their competitions in short notice when the hosting right owners withdrew for reasons beyond their control. Even now, as Morocco ponder withdrawal from hosting the š¢¥³_ wj}—x_ x~}qŽ‹_ ˆzŠ_ }Â?^j}xŠ_z^j]xz‹_|qˆ`ÂŒ_]x{^_ come to CAF’s rescue again,but for the fact that the year coincides with Nigeria’s general elections. That’s how much they value us. But they also have obligations to their other members to apply the rules strictly if Nigeria —qÂŽ~}Žˆ^‹_~q_Âżqˆ~_~]^}j_`x|‹¨_ ]}‹_}‹_|]“Š_ j¨_ j^‹}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~Š_ their leniency in giving us second chance, each time their deadline expires, must be taken very seriously. They’ve made it abundantly clear, both in writings and verbally, that once a ban is pronounced, they won’t have any opportunity to revisit it (even if Nigeria later complies to their directives) until May next year. This means, Nigeria won’t defend her Africa Nations Cup in Morocco next year even if we qualify;our local clubs won’t participate in CAF club competitions; our ageÂ?jxÂŒ^_ÂŽx~}qÂŽx`_~^x’‹_Ă‘_~]^_ Â˜ÂĄĂˆÂŠ_ ˜š¢_xÂŽÂŒ_ Â˜ÂšÂŁÂŠ_|qÂŽÂĽ~_ ~x‰^_zxj~_}ÂŽ_~]^}j_j^‹z^—~}{^_ÂźÂˆx`}ÂŞ^j‹Ò_~]^_ ˆz^j_ x`—qŽ‹Š_ who you hosted and eulogized last Wednesday, won’t be in Canada for their World Cup. The deluge of repercussions trailing this ban, if pronounced, will be Â’qŽˆ’^ÂŽ~x`_xÂŽÂŒ_Â?^&^j_}Â’xÂ?}ÂŽ^ÂŒ_~]xÂŽ_|}~ÂŽ^‹‹^ÂŒ¨_ ~_|}``_ set our football several decades backward. I am sure Mr. President, you won’t want posterity to remember you in this manner, hence my appeal that you end the crisis now. You have the capacity to do so. May you save our football and may posterity remember you kindly for doing so. Bless you sir.

Newswatch times Sports/EURO LEAGUE Wolfsburg: Rodriguez going nowhere




olfsburg general manager Klaus Allofs reveals Ricardo Rodriguez will not be heading to England in January. ]^_ `^w~˜Â?x—‰_ xjj}{^ÂŒ_ in the Bundesliga in 2012 and has since been heav}`“_ `}Ž‰^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ x_ ]}Â?]˜zjqÂŞ`^_ Â’q{^_ ~q_ ~]^_ j^Â’}^j_ ^xÂ?ˆ^¨ Chelsea, Manchester ÂŽ}~^ŒŠ_ }{^jzqq`_xÂŽÂŒ_ q~tenham have all been credited with an interest in the |}Ă—^j`xÂŽÂŒ_ }ÂŽ~^jÂŽx~}qÂŽx`Š_ who was valued at ÂŁ15m before his impressive performances at the World Cup. However, Allofs insists the 22-year-old won’t be leaving before his contract expires in two years time. ]^_ ^jÂ’xÂŽ_ qˆ~ÂŞ~_ x`‹q_ remain optimistic of tying

Dortmund not intimidated by Bayern – Hummels


ats Hummels believes Saturday’s g a m e against Bayern Munich is the perfect opportunity for Borussia Dortmund to gain —qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^Ž—^_xÂŽÂŒ_Â?^~_Â?x—‰_qÂŽ_ ~jx—‰_xw~^j_x_ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_‹~xj~_~q_ the 2014-15 campaign.

Man U prepare bid Cole Jurgen Klopp’s men sit a disappointing 15th in the Bundesliga table with just seven points from nine games, but Hummels does ÂŽq~_ w^xj_ ~]}‹_ |^^‰^ÂŽÂŒÂĽÂ‹_ clash with the reigning champions. “We have a great game on Saturday. It’s a great challenge, but if there’s

qÂŽ^_ Â?xÂ’^_ ~q_ Â?x}ÂŽ_ —qÂŽÂŞdence, it’s the one against Bayern,â€? Hummels told ~]^_ q-—}x`_ qj~’ˆŽŒ_ website. Dortmund beat St Pauli 3-0 on Tuesday evening in ~]^_ _ q‰x`_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ˆ’mels was pleased with BVB’s performance. “We’ve never had to go

~]jqˆÂ?]_xŽ“~]}ÂŽÂ?_`}‰^_~]}‹Š_ }~_ ÂŒ^ÂŽ~‹_ “qˆj_ —qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^Ž—^¨_ ˆ~_ |^ÂĽ{^_ ~x‰^ÂŽ_ x_ Â?j^x~_ step forward against St. Pauli. “The second half wasn’t x‹_Â?qqÂŒ_x‹_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_qÂŽ^Š_Â?ˆ~_ it was important to progress. All in all [it was] a commanding performance from us.â€?

Ballon d’Or: Ancelotti surprised by Blatter comment


eal Madrid coach, xj`q_ Ž—^`q&}Š_ says it is impossible ~q_‹]ˆ~_ˆz_ ^zz_ `x&^j_xwter the Swiss claimed Bay^jÂŽ_ ˆŽ}—]_ Â?qx`‰^^z^jŠ_ Manuel Neuer deserves to win the Ballon d’Or more than Cristiano Ronaldo. The FIFA president ‹~x~^ÂŒ_ ^xj`}^j_ ~]}‹_ |^^‰_ that he would prefer the Germany international to win the prestigious individual award following his successful World Cup, Â?ˆ~_ Ž—^`q&}_ }‹_ xÂŒxÂ’xÂŽ~_ ~]x~_ qÂŽx`ÂŒq_ ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_ ~x‰^_ home the trophy for a second year in succession. “I’m surprised by the FIFA president’s comments, but he can say |]x~_]^_|xÂŽ~‹Š¯_ Ž—^`q&}_ said at a press conference. “There’s not much we can do about it. It is impossible to shut up the

the defender down to a new deal. He said: “Ricardo Rodriguez is under contract until June 2016. ÂŽ ~_ ÂŒq^‹Ž¼~_ Â’x&^j_ }w_ |^_ aren’t able to agree a new deal with him, we will not agree to an early departure. ÂŽ Ž“|x“Š_ _xÂ’_—qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^ÂŽ~_ that we will be able to sign a new deal with Ricardo Rodriguez.â€?

president of FIFA... “The Ballon d’Or is something people al|x“‹_ ‹~xj~_ ‹z^x‰}Ž�_ about months before the award ceremony. But there aren’t many things to discuss this year in my opinion. “If Ronaldo won it last “^xj_x]^xŒ_qw_z`x“^j‹_`}‰^_ jxŽ—‰_ }�^j“_xŽŒ_ }qŽ^`_ Messi, then there’s no doubt about it that he will

win again this year after winning important titles with Madrid and scoring so many goals. ÂŽ qj_Â’^Š_ `x&^j¼‹_—qÂ’ment that Neuer should |}ÂŽ_}~_ÂŒq^‹Ž¼~_Â’x‰^_’ˆ—]_ sense...â€? The 23-man shortlist will be narrowed down to just three candidates on December 1, with the winner to be announced on January 12.

Moyes in line for Real Sociedad job


avid Moyes could be set to return to the dugout six months after being axed by Manchester United, with Spanish side Real Sociedad reportedly lining him up as their next manager. Moyes lasted just 10 ’qŽ~]‹_ x~_ ~]^_ `Œ_ jxJqjŒ_ helm before being given his marching orders as United

ÂŞÂŽ}‹]^ÂŒ_ qˆ~‹}ÂŒ^_ qw_ Â?q~]_ ~]^_ ]xÂ’z}qŽ‹_ ^xÂ?ˆ^_xÂŽÂŒ_ ˆjqzx_ ^xÂ?ˆ^_z`x—^‹¨ And now the Scot is said to be a candidate to replace Sociedad head coach, Jagoba Arrasate, according to ESPN. Despite the position not yet being available, the Sociedad hierarchy are already ‹z^x‰}ÂŽÂ?_ |}~]_ zq~^ÂŽ~}x`_ options, with former West

Valdano: Messi has lost his ability to disrupt defence


orge Valdano, ex-director general, ex-player and ex-Real Madrid manager, gave his view of the present form of his fel`q|_—qˆŽ~j“’xŽŠ_ ^q_ ^‹‹}¨ ÂŽ qq‰}ÂŽÂ?_ x~_ ~]^_ `x‹~_ Â?xÂ’^Š_ ^‹‹}_ }‹_ x_ `}&`^_ qJ˜ form. His position has changed on the pitch and now his job is more to provide assists, but he has lost his ability to disrupt the defence – something which

used to solve many past games for Barça,â€? Valdano ‹x}ÂŒ_|]}`^_~x`‰}ÂŽÂ?_qÂŽ_ xÂŒ}q_ MARCA’s ‘Directo MARCA programme. “In the Brazil World Cup, we saw that something was up with Messi; he |x`‰^ÂŒ_ xjqˆŽŒ_ ~]^_ z}~—]¨_ He was physically not at his best and maybe that is the reason for playing further Â?x—‰Š_ ~q_ ÂŽq~_ ~}j^_ ]}’‹^`w_ ‹q_ much,â€? he added.

Brom boss, Pepe Mel and ex q&^Ž]x’_’xŽx�^jŠ_ ˆxŽŒ^_ Ramos also in the running. And the club’s president,

q‰}ÂŽ_ z^jj}Â?x“_xŒ’}~‹_]^_}‹_ ‰^^z}ÂŽÂ?_]}‹_qz~}qŽ‹_qz^ÂŽ¨ “It is true that we are |qj‰}ÂŽÂ?_qÂŽ_ÂŞÂŽÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_q~]^j_x`ternatives and possibilities. I ]x{^_‹zq‰^ÂŽ_xÂ?qˆ~_~]x~_|}~]_ the coach (Arrasate), who ‰Žq|‹_~]x~_x`j^xŒ“¨¯_ ^_~q`ÂŒ_ radio station Cadena Ser. “A club in this situation `qq‰‹_x~_x`~^jÂŽx~}{^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_zq‹sibilities in case things happen and situations get more ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~¨¯


anchester United are reportedly preparing a surprise January move for ex-Chelsea and Arsenal star, Ashley Cole – with the defender ‰^^Ž_ ~q_ ^ŽŒ_ ]}‹_ ~jqˆ�`^Œ_ spell at Roma. Cole moved to Serie A over the summer after his contract at Chelsea expired but has failed to convince his boss, Rudi Garcia, who }‹_ x`j^xŒ“_ `qq‰}Ž�_ wqj_ x_ j^placement. And the Daily Express now say United manager, qˆ}‹_{xŽ_ xx`_|}``_’x‰^_x_ ’q{^_wqj_ q`^_x‹_]^_`qq‰‹_~q_ ‹]qj^˜ˆz_ ]}‹_ `^x‰“_ Œ^w^Ž—^_ by adding the player’s experience. The Dutchman has not �^^Ž_ —qŽ{}Ž—^Œ_ �“_ ˆ‰^_ Shaw and wants Cole’s experience having lost Patrice Evra over the summer.

The former England leftÂ?x—‰_ |x‹_ ~]^_ Â?ˆ&_ qw_ ÂŚq‰^‹_ after joining Roma with him pictured away from the rest of the squad in club photos. q`^¼‹_`x—‰_qw_ ~x`}xÂŽ_]x‹_ also added to his feelings of isolation.

Rummenigge risks fresh Reus row


arl-Heinz RumÂ’^ÂŽ}Â?Â?^_]x‹_j}‹‰^ÂŒ_ a fresh row with Borussia Dortmund by j^x-jÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_ x“^jÂŽ_ ˆnich’s interest in Marco Reus. Bayern chairman, Rummenigge angered qj~’ˆŽŒ_Â?x—‰_}ÂŽ_ ˆÂ?ˆ‹~_ by claiming Reus had a â‚Ź25million release clause in his contract that comes }ÂŽ~q_^J^—~_ÂŽ^¤~_“^xj¨ jxÂŽÂť_ ^—‰^ÂŽÂ?xˆ^jŠ_ Bayern’s honorary life president, added further wˆ^`_ ~q_ ~]^_ ÂŞj^_ |]^ÂŽ_ ]^_ suggested that Reus was ready to leave Signal IduÂŽx_ xj‰¨ Earlier this month, Rummenigge stated that Bayern had discussed the possibility of a move for Reus and he has once more revealed the German champions’ admiration for the 25-year-old - just three days before the

clubs meet in the Bundesliga. Ž ^_ ‰Žq|_ }Ž_ ˆŽ}—]_ that he has a lot of quality,� Rummenigge told Sport Bild. Ž ŽŒ_ |^_ ‰Žq|_ ]}‹_ clause. For us a young German national player of such quality is interesting. “But I do not want ~q_ ’x‰^_ ˆŽj^‹~_ }Ž_ qj~mund.�

Newswatch times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014


Sports/AFFAIRS Uche brothers dive into music

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Yobo floats construction company in Abuja


ormer Super Eagles captain Joseph Yobo has added a construction —qÂ’zxŽ“_~q_~]^_Âż^^~_qw_ his businesses across the globe. The construc~}qÂŽ_ qˆ~ÂŞ~_ ‰Žq|ÂŽ_ x‹_ Joey Nigeria Limited is expected to commence qz^jx~}qÂŽ_ Â?^wqj^_ ~]^_ year runs out. ÂŽ ^‹Š_|^_ÂŽq|_]x{^_x_ construction company in Abuja that is in partÂŽ^j‹]}z_ |}~]_ xÂŽq~]^j_ ÂŞjÂ’¨_ ]^_ —qÂ’zxŽ“_ |}``_ Â?^_ }ÂŽ~q_ Â?ˆ}`ÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?Š_ road and bridge constructions among other things. We are still put~}ÂŽÂ?_ qÂŽ^_ qj_ ~|q_ ~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_ ~qÂ?^~]^j¨ ^_ ]x{^_ x`ready started operation, Â?ˆ~_ }~_ }‹_ ÂŽq~_ “^~_ wˆ``“¨_

qz^wˆ``“Š_ |^_ |}``_ Â?q_ wˆ``_Â?`x‹~_Â?^wqj^_~]^_^ÂŽÂŒ_ qw_~]^_“^xjŠ¯_ qÂ?q¼‹_x}ÂŒ^Š_ ]}^ÂŒqÂť}^_ |xÂ?ˆ^Âť^_ ~q`ÂŒ_ ^|‹|x~—]_ zqj~‹_ in Lagos.


{}ÂŒ^q_wqj_ qˆ—]}ÂŽ_ qŒ“Š_ by J Martins and DJ Arawx~_ ~q_ Â?ˆ&j^‹‹_ ~]^}j_ zx‹‹}qÂŽ_wqj_’ˆ‹}—¨

Baby mama throws birthday bash for Martins - + +. /


Ekwueme wins 7-year court case in Poland olish Supreme court ]x‹_ jˆ`^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ wx{qˆj_ qw_ }Â?^j}x_ }ÂŽ~^jÂŽx~}qÂŽx`Š_ w^xŽ“}_ ‰|ˆ^Â’^_ ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~_ x‹_ ]^_ |x‹_ x|xjÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ³¢_ Â’}``}qÂŽ_ wqj_ ÂŒxÂ’xÂ?^‹_ }ÂŽ_x_—x‹^_~]x~_~qq‰_Ăˆ_“^xj‹_ to decide. ]^_ ÂŁÂĄÂ˜Â“^xj˜q`ÂŒ_ |x‹_ ÂŒjxÂ?Â?^ÂŒ_ ~q_ —qˆj~_ }ÂŽ_ š¢¢Ăˆ_ Â?“_~]^_Â’q~]^j_qw_]}‹_qÂŽ`“_ —]}`ÂŒ_ wqj_ —]}`ÂŒ_ ÂŽ^Â?`^—~¨_ z^x‰}ÂŽÂ?_^¤Â—`ˆ‹}{^`“_|}~]_ ^|‹|x~—] ~jx_ Jx}j‹Š_ ~]^_ ^¤Â˜ q`qÂŽ}x_ xj‹x|_ Â’}ÂŒÂŞ^`ÂŒ^j_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ ]^_ |x‹_ ]xzz“_ ~q_ ]x{^_ |qÂŽ_ ~]^_ case at last. x}ÂŒ_]^Ă–_ÂŽ _]x{^_ÂŞÂŽx``“_ |qÂŽ_ ~]^_ —x‹^_ ~]x~_ x`Â’q‹~_ destroyed my career in Po`xÂŽÂŒ¨_ _ xÂ’_ q{^j|]^`Â’^ÂŒ¨_ Today (last Friday) is my ]xzz}^‹~_ÂŒx“_}ÂŽ_`}w^_xÂŽÂŒ_ _ Â?}{^_ qÂŒ_ ~]^_ Â?`qj“¨ ]“_ |qÂŽÂĽ~_ _ j^ÂŚq}—^_ |]^ÂŽ_ x``_ ’“_`}w^_‹x{}ÂŽÂ?‹_]x{^_Â?^^ÂŽ_ wjqÂť^ÂŽ_ wqj_ ‹^{^ÂŽ_ “^xj‹_ |}~]qˆ~_Â’^_]x{}ÂŽÂ?_x——^‹‹_ ~q_ }~¨ ]^_ Â’q~]^j_ qw_ ’“_ 15-year-old daughter lied xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ Â’^_ ~]x~_ _ ÂŒ}ÂŒ_ ÂŽq~_ zx“_—]}`ÂŒ_‹ˆzzqj~_wqj_wqˆj_

ejected Super EaÂ?`^‹_ ‹~j}‰^jŠ_ ‰^—]ˆ‰|ˆ_ —]^_ }‹_ ‹^~_ ~q_ ~q^_ ~]^_ `}ÂŽ^‹_ qw_ ex-Super Eagles play^j‹Š_ qÂŽx~]xÂŽ_ ‰zqÂ?qj}^Š_ Emmanuel Babayaro and j^—^ÂŽ~`“_ q]ÂŽ_ Â?}_ }‰^`Š_ |]q_ xj^_ ’ˆ‹}—}xŽ‹_ xÂŽÂŒ__ j^—qjÂŒ_`xÂ?^`_q|ÂŽ^j‹¨_ ]^_ }``xjj^x`_ ‹~j}‰^j_ }‹_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ ~q_ ]x{^_ ~^xÂ’^ÂŒ_ ˆz_|}~]_]}‹_^`ÂŒ^j_Â?jq~]^jŠ_ x`ˆ_ —]^_~q_`xˆŽ—]_x_j^—qjÂŒ_ `xÂ?^`_ —x``^ÂŒ_ Ă… _ j^—qjÂŒÂ‹ÂĽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ]x{^_ x`j^xŒ“_ signed some upcoming artistes in Lagos and Aba. xj`“_ ~]}‹_ “^xjŠ_ ~]^_ —]^_ brothers made a cameo appearance in the music

! " # " $ % & '()

Â?xw^Â’}_ xj~}Ž‹_ |x‹_ treated to a surprise birthday party by his baby mama, Abigail Bar|ˆx]_~q_Â’xj‰_]}‹_£¢~]_Â?}j~]day. ]^_ zxj~“Š_ |]}—]_ |x‹_ ]^`ÂŒ_ x~_ ~]^_ ^¤Â—`ˆ‹}{^_ }—]mond restaurant in the city qw_ ^x&`^Šqˆj_ }Â’z^——xÂ?`^_ ‹qˆj—^_ }ÂŽwqjÂ’^ŒŠ_ ]xÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ x~~^ÂŽÂŒxŽ—^_ —`ˆÂ?_ Â?qx`‰^^z^jŠ_ xj—ˆ‹_ jxÂŒ_ {xŽ‹Š_ÂŒ^w^ÂŽÂŒ-

er, Leornado Gonzalez, Mar~}Ž‹¼_ ‹~j}‰^_ zxj~ÂŽ^jŠ ^ŽŽ“_ qqz^j_xÂŽÂŒ_x_]q‹~_qw_q~]^j_ guests including his NigerixÂŽ_ zx`‹¨_ xj~}Ž‹_ |^`—qÂ’^ÂŒ_ ]}‹_~]}jÂŒ_—]}`ÂŒ_|}~]_]}‹_~]}jÂŒ_ baby mama, Abigail early last year. The 26-year-old `xŒ“_|]q_}‹_~]^_^`ÂŒ^j_‹}‹~^j_ qw_ —qÂŽ~jq{^j‹}x`_ }{^jzqq`_ ‹~j}‰^jŠ_ xj}q_ x`q~^``}Š_ ]x‹_ been dating Martins since š¢¥Âš¨

Ayila spoils new lover with exotic cars


“^xj‹¨ ]x~_|x‹_|]^ÂŽ_ _`^w~_ q`xÂŽÂŒ_wqj_ j^^—^Š_Â?ˆ~_~]x~_ |x‹_ÂŽq~_~jˆ^¨¯ ^xÂŽ|]}`^Š_ x_ j^`}xÂ?`^_ ‹qˆj—^_ j^{^x`^ÂŒ_ ~]x~_ ~]^_

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~}x`_]qÂ’^_}ÂŽ_ ‰jx}ÂŽ^Š_|x‹_ qw~^ÂŽ_ ‹^^ÂŽ_ zx}ÂŽ~}ÂŽÂ?_ ^‹~x—_ q|ÂŽ_ j^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ ‰}ŽŒ‹_ qw_ ^¤q~}—_ —xj‹¨ They added that apart wjqÂ’_zxÂ’z^j}ÂŽÂ?_]^j_|}~]_ Â’qÂŽ^“Š_ “}`x_ x`‹q_ Â?}{^‹_ ]^j_ `q~‹_ qw_ x&^ÂŽ~}qÂŽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ is ready to do anything to Â’x‰^_]}‹_ qj}_ qj}_]xzz“¨


Sports/Women Football


with FRANCIS AJUONUMA 08038559129

NWFL board must go —Football advocate


omen football advocate has called for the sacking of the present board of the Nigeria Women Football League (NWFL) led by Chief (Mrs) Dilichukwu Onyedinma. Speaking with SL10 on condition of anonymity, the highly respected women football lover said that ‘the cup of Dili and co was x`j^xŒ“_ÂŞ``^ÂŒ_ˆz¼¨ ÂŽ }`}_ xÂŽÂŒ_ —q_ ]x{^ÂŽÂĽ~_ achieved anything as board members of the NWFL, rather they have drawn us back,â€? he began. “There are many pressing issues that I will discuss here, the current league body must go and you will agree with me that it has been years of wilderness under her watchful eyes. “The Pro League and Premier League are mere Amateur Packages as far x‹_ ÂĽÂ’_—qŽ—^jÂŽ^ÂŒ¨_ q|_—xÂŽ_ a novice be running the affairs of women football in Nigeria?

“During the last Congress held on February 6 }ÂŽ_ q‰qÂŚxŠ_~]^_Ă…wx‰^_Â?qxjÂŒÂĽ_ lied and told us many things like having league matches beamed live and other developments, |]}—]_~]^“_xj^_“^~_~q_wˆ`ÂŞ`¨ “The day Dili was voted as the President of the NWFL, I told delegates that they would regret their actions and ask any women football stakeholder, they would tell you that we are under slavery.â€? “The board claims to be playing a Premier League. What is Premier about the League? What are the measures taken to reshape the league? Is it a Premier League without sponsor? Is it a League that teams are docked points for no reasons? Is it a League that fellow board members are not carried along }ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŞÂŽxŽ—}x`_xÂŽÂŒ_ÂŒx“_~q_ day running? Who are the sponsors of the league? IsDili and Ajisafe accountable? Why are we deceiving ourselves?â€? When reminded that the ladies have achieved a lot on the international scene, the staunch women football follower said: ÂŽ ]^_ ^Jqj~‹_ ÂŒ}ÂŒÂŽÂĽ~_ —qÂ’^_ from the NWFL or even the NFF, rather our girls are ready to die on the battle ground. “I have read reports of Dilichukwu claiming that it has been a remarkable year for her pool of board. Which achievement?â€?

AWC flop: Bassigi rejects failure tag


oach YussifBassigi has rejected the failure tag placed on him and the Black Queens of Ghana following their disappointing outing at the recently conclded African Women Championship (AWC) in Windhoek, Namibia The Black Queens crashed out in the group stage with just a win, a draw and a defeat to tie on four points with secondplace South Africa, but lost the chance to progress in the knockout stage on goal ÂŒ}J^j^Ž—^¨ “I am down; very down. I know I disappointed many people because nothing could convince me we could not qualify or even win the trophy before the

tournament,â€? said the Se‰qÂŽÂŒ}_ x‹xx—x‹_—qx—]¨ “The statistics even proved we were not that bad, but unfortunately my expectations were not met. “But I will not term that as a failure.â€?

Newswatch times FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

Canada 2015 W/Cup: Okon challenges NFF on Falcons


fter helping the Super Falcons to reclaim the African Women Championship (AWC) crown in Windhoek, Namibia on October 25, 2014, Coach Edwin Okon has declared that the ball is now in the court of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to adequately prepare his team for the 2015 FIFA qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_ ˆz_ }ÂŽ_ Canada. Okon told Newswatch Times Sportsthat he already has his World Cupprogrammes, but awaits the directives from the football house to swing into action.

^_ xŒ’}~‹_ ~]x~_ Â?q}ÂŽÂ?_ ~q_ the World Cup demands hard work and he is ready to present a formidable team that can be very competitive against the rest of the Worldin Canada. Okon, who was in charge of the Falconets at the 2012 _ ˜š¢_ qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_ Cup in Japan, stirring them ~q_x_wqˆj~]˜z`x—^_ÂŞÂŽ}‹]Š_Â?x{^_ Almighty God the glory for the Super Falcons success in Namibia.

ÂŽ ~¼‹_x_~]}ÂŽÂ?_qw_ÂŚq“_wqj_Â’^_ seeing the Falcons reclaim the AWC title after losing it in 2012 in Equatorial Guinea; so kudos must go to the players for their commitment and making the country proud by winning the title, which automatically gave us the ticket to compete at the 2015 World Cup in Canada. ÂĽÂ’_{^j“_]xzz“¨

“Playing at the World Cup is going to be interesting as usual and we hope to do well. The Super Falcons belong to NFF, so the ball is now in their court to decide our preparation and programmes. “I thank God for our success in Canada. There was no magic, but God was the magic. We did our part and

qÂŒ_Â?x{^_ }‹_xzzjq{x`Š¯_]^_ said. The Super Falcons defeated the Lionesses of Cam^jqqÂŽ_ š˜¢_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ _ ÂŞÂŽx`Š_ while Les Elephantesof Cote ÂŒÂĽ_ {q}j^_|qÂŽ_~]^_~]}jÂŒ_z`x—^_ at the expense of Banyana Banyana of South Africa to join both Nigeria and Cam^jqqÂŽ_x‹_ wj}—x_ÂżxÂ?_Â?^xj‹_}ÂŽ_ Canada.

Valcke: FIFA’s committed to ensuring A ground-breaking FIFA Women’s World Cup is just around the corner. Canada 2015 will, unprecedentedly, involve 24 teams – eight more than participated at its last edition in Germany. Here, FIFA Secretary-General Jerome Valcke discusses the importance of the competition, what FIFA is doing to ensure excellent playing conditions and its incessant dialogue with the participants.

5)' 5!" +65" 7*#78'9" +'" +65" " ' 5%; " ')</" =" * " > +" 5*?6+" '%+6 " away. What are your personal expectations for the tournament? ]^_ _ qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ World Cup has established itself in recent years as a top wqq~Â?x``_ ^{^ÂŽ~Š_ xÂŽÂŒ_ }‹_ ÂŒ^ÂŞÂŽ}~^`“_ qÂŽ^_ qw_ ¼‹_ ]}Â?]^‹~˜zjqÂŞ`^_ ^{^ÂŽ~‹¨_ ]^_ `x‹~_ edition in Germany raised the bar very high, both on xÂŽÂŒ_qJ_~]^_z}~—]Š_Â?ˆ~_ _xÂ’_ sure that Canada will be a great host for the upcoming event, which will fea~ˆj^_ šÓ_ ~^x’‹_ wqj_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ time. We have also seen unprecedented interest from broadcasters around the world and, as such, have increased the production and services available to media rights licensees for the event. Given the importance of the tournament, you can be sure that we are working together with the National Organ}‹}ÂŽÂ?_ qÂ’Â’}&^^_ Â? ‘_ to provide the best available infrastructure for the teams (who are, of course,

our key players), the visitors and the media covering the event too. This also includes the playing surfaces, which are currently the source of much discussion and which I can personally guarantee will be of the highest international standard for the q-—}x`_ ‹~xÂŒ}ˆ’‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~]j^^_ training sites per host city. This is the reason why we have hired – as for previous FIFA events, including the Â’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_ ˆz_ Ă‘_ xÂŽ_ }ÂŽdependent pitch expert and will also have a technical testing institute to monitor and verify the quality.

'A" /'" &' " )$+5" +65" ' 5%; " ')</" =4 More and more [wom^ÂŽÂĽÂ‹Ăœ_ z`x“^j‹_ xj^_ Â?^—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_ recognised as professional athletes and, nowadays, can make their living out of football. This is thanks to ~]^_ _ qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_

Cup and its global prominence. Professional, semiprofessional and amateur leagues the world over are improving all the time, helping the further developÂ’^ÂŽ~_qw_~]^_|qÂ’^Ž¼‹_Â?xÂ’^_ everywhere. The increased number of participants at ~]^_ÂŞÂŽx`_~qˆjÂŽxÂ’^ÂŽ~_qw_~]^_ qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_ ˆz_‹^j{^‹_ as an additional incentive for the member associations ~q_ zjqÂ’q~^_ |qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ wqq~ball at all levels within their countries. Furthermore, ^x—]_ _ qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ qj`ÂŒ_ ˆz_Â?j}ÂŽÂ?‹_x_‹}Â?ÂŽ}ª—xÂŽ~_`^Â?acy for each host country in terms of infrastructure and participation in the sport. But, in fact, the tangible legacy of this tournament goes beyond the borders of the host country. For instance, after Germany 2011 some broadcasters decided ~q_‹]q|_ÂŒqÂ’^‹~}—_|qÂ’^Ž¼‹_

games live – something which, before the event, had probably only been the case for some international games, if at all. Each confederation and member association is giving greater —qŽ‹}ÂŒ^jx~}qÂŽ_ ~q_ |qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ football in order to become part of the biggest event in the sport. Talking about the stadi !"#$%"&' "#'%() "$%&thing about the pitch qual*+&".')" $%$/$"01234 As mentioned earlier xÂŽÂŒ_—qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_Â?“_~]^_ _ ¤^—ˆ~}{^_ qÂ’Â’}&^^_ Â?x—‰_ in March 2013, the stadiums and training sites will be of the highest standard, which means, in terms of the FIFA quality programme, two ‹~xj‹¨_ ^j^Š_ _|xÂŽ~_~q_j^}~^jx~^_ ¼‹_ —qÂ’Â’}~Â’^ÂŽ~_ ~q_ making sure that all pitches x~_~]^_q-—}x`_‹~xÂŒ}ˆ’‹_xÂŽÂŒ_ training sites will be of this two-star quality. In early October, our pitch expert conducted an inspection and reviewed all the pitches to give recommendations to the NOC to ensure that we will reach the required quality for the tournament. ]^_ j^zqj~_ |}``_ ‹qqÂŽ_ Â?^_ ÂŞnalised and we will make it available to the teams and the media. We are also in close contact with the NOC with regard to logistics, as well as in terms of any need wqj_ ÂŞÂŽxŽ—}x`_ ‹ˆzzqj~¨_ ~_ }‹_ our duty to the players to make sure that all requireÂ’^ÂŽ~‹_ xj^_ wˆ`ÂŞ``^ÂŒ_ Â?“_ ~]^_ NOC.

Newswatch Times


37 Sam Popoola


Okey Wali’s kidnap was traumatic for the entire NBA –Alegeh


fter 12 days your zj^ÂŒ^—^‹‹qj_ }ÂŽ_ q-—^Š_ j¨_ Okey Wali SAN who was abducted by kidnappers in Port Harcourt has just Â?^^ÂŽ_j^`^x‹^ÂŒ¨_ ]x~_|x‹_~]^_^¤z^j}^Ž—^_ like? What does it say about the security of members of the legal profession in Nigeria? ~_ |x‹_ x_ {^j“_ ‹xŒŠ_ ]xjjq|}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~jxˆ’x~}—_ ^¤z^j}^Ž—^_ wqj_ ~]^_ ^ÂŽ~}j^_ }Â?^j}xÂŽ_ xj¨_ ~_‹]q|‹_~]^_{ˆ`ÂŽ^jxÂ?}`}~“_ and the level of insecurity of Nigerian `x|“^j‹¨ ‰^“_ x`}_Â? ‘_}‹_x_Â’xÂŽ_qw_z^x—^Š_x_ man who has served this country and ~]^_ `^Â?x`_ zjqw^‹‹}qÂŽ¨_ xÂŒ`“Š_ |^_ ]x{^_ also received the news that a lawyer ]x‹_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ ‰}ŒŽxzz^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ xz^`^_ jxŽ—]¨_ Lawyers in other parts of the country ]xÂŒ_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ ‰}ŒŽxzz^ŒŠ_ ^{^ÂŽ_ ÂŚÂˆÂŒÂ?^‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ Â’xÂ?}‹~jx~^‹¨_ ˆ~_ ~]^_ ‰}ŒŽxzz}ÂŽÂ?_ qw_ our past president shows the level of }Ž‹^—ˆj}~“_~]^_ÂŽx~}qÂŽ_]x‹_ÂŒ^‹—^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŒ¨_ It is shocking that we now have people in this country who believe that the only way they can make a living is to toy with ~]^_`}{^‹_qw_q~]^j_z^qz`^Š_}ÂŽÂż}—~}ÂŽÂ?_zx}Ž‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ]xjŒ‹]}z_ qÂŽ_ w^``q|_ }Â?^j}xŽ‹¨_ ~¼‹_ {^j“_ ÂŒ}‹~ˆjÂ?}ÂŽÂ?¨_ ŒŒ}~}qÂŽx`_ qÂŽ^_ ‹~xj~‹_ to wonder if all these years we have had ~]^‹^_ ‰}ŒŽxzz}ÂŽÂ?‹Š_ |}``_ ~]^_ —j}Â’^_ ^{^j_ —qÂ’^_ ~q_ x_ ‹~qz¨_ ^_ ]^xjÂŒ_ ~]x~¼‹_ ‹qÂ’^_ states have enacted laws providing for ~]^_ÂŒ^Â’q`}~}qÂŽ_qw_‹ˆ‹z^—~^ÂŒ_‰}ŒŽxzz^j‹Š_ while some states have passed `^Â?}‹`x~}qŽ‹_ zj^‹—j}Â?}ÂŽÂ?_ ÂŒ^x~]_ z^ÂŽx`~“¨_ ^~Š_‰}ŒŽxzz}ÂŽÂ?_}‹_^{^j“|]^j^_xÂŽÂŒ_^{^ÂŽ_ x‹‹ˆ’}ÂŽÂ?_x`xjÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_zjqzqj~}qŽ‹¨_ Some people said ‘Okey Wali is so ]}Â?]_ˆz_~]^j^Š_|]“_ÂŒ}ÂŒÂŽÂĽ~_]^_Â?^~_zq`}—^_ ‹^—ˆj}~“Þ¼_ ˆ~_ _ ~^``_ “qˆ_ ~]}‹Ò_ ~]^j^_ |x‹_ a business man in Benin City who had ‹}¤_zq`}—^Â’^ÂŽ_zjq~^—~}ÂŽÂ?_]}Â’¨_ ˆ~_|]^ÂŽ_ ~]^_ ‰}ŒŽxzz^j‹_ —xÂ’^Š_ ~]^“_ ~qq‰_ qˆ~_ ~]^_ zq`}—^Â’^ÂŽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‰}ŒŽxzz^ÂŒ_ ]}Â’¨_ ~_ ‹]q|‹_ |]^j^_ |^_ ]x{^_ j^x—]^ŒŠ_ |]^j^_ kidnappers can now confront armed zq`}—^Â’^ÂŽ¨_ ]^“_ ‰Žq|_ ~]^_ z^j‹qÂŽ_ is being protected by armed police Â’^ŽŠ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ “^~_ —qÂŽwjqÂŽ~_ ~]^’Š_ ‹]qq~_ ~]^_ zq`}—^Â’^ÂŽ_xÂŽÂŒ_‰}ŒŽxz_~]^}j_{}—~}Â’¨ }Â?^j}xŠ_ q{^j_ ~]^_ “^xj‹Š_ ]x‹_ constituted the second largest delegation to any International Bar ‹‹q—}x~}qÂŽ_ qÂŽw^j^Ž—^¨_ ˆ~_ “qˆ_ |^j^_ —qŽ‹z}—ˆqˆ‹`“_ xÂ?‹^ÂŽ~_ x~_ ~]}‹_ “^xj¼‹_ —qÂŽw^j^Ž—^_ }ÂŽ_ q‰“qŠ_ xzxŽŠ_ |]^ÂŽ_ “qˆ_ were supposed to have led Nigerian `x|“^j‹¨_ I had made all arrangements to be x~_ ~]^_ _ qÂŽw^j^Ž—^_ }‹_ q‰“q¨_ _ ]xÂŒ_ bought tickets for me and my wife paid for hotel accommodation and —qŽ—`ˆŒ^ÂŒ_ ^{^j“_ q~]^j_ xjjxÂŽÂ?^Â’^ÂŽ~‹¨_ But it would have been irresponsible for me to travel out of the country when the immediate past president of the Bar was }ÂŽ_—xz~}{}~“¨_ _ÂŽ^^ÂŒ^ÂŒ_~q_Â?^_qÂŽ_Â?jqˆŽŒ_~q_ Â’qÂŽ}~qj_|]x~_|x‹_]xzz^ÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?¨_ I was in contact with members of his family and with the security agencies and I needed to be physically present in }Â?^j}x_~q_ÂŒq_~]x~¨_ qŠ_ _—qˆ`ÂŒ_ÂŽq~_~jx{^`_ ~q_ xzxÂŽ_wqj_~]x~_—qÂŽw^j^Ž—^¨ ÂŽ_ ÂŽx~}qÂŽx`_ ‹^—ˆj}~“Š_ }Â?^j}xŽ‹_ j^—^}{^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ —]^^j‹Š_ ~]^_ ÂŽ^|‹_ ~]x~_ x_ ~jˆ—^_ xÂŽÂŒ_ —^x‹^ÂŞj^_ ]xÂŒ_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ j^x—]^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ Â’^Â’Â?^j‹_ qw_ Â?qq‰_ ]xjxÂ’¨_ ]x~_ }‹_ “qˆj_x‹‹^‹‹’^ÂŽ~_qw_~]x~_~jˆ—^Š_^‹z^—}x``“_ now that we hear that it has been broken?


Augustine Alegeh (SAN), the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) recently held an interview with Judiciary Editors of some national dailies, touching on his predecessor, Okey Wali (SAN)’s recent kidnap and release, the need for Nigerian lawyers to be security conscious, why he sacked SLP Council, and the FG’s arms deal scandal, describing it a national embarrassment. SAM POPOOLA was there



We were not involved in any way in ~]^_ zjq—^‹‹_ qw_ ~]^_ —^x‹^ÂŞj^_ xÂ?j^^Â’^ÂŽ~¨_ ^_ ÂŒqÂŽÂĽ~_ ‰Žq|_ ~]^_ ~^j’‹_ qw_ ~]^_ —^x‹^ÂŞj^¨_ ˆ~_ `}‰^_ x``_ q~]^j_ }Â?^j}xŽ‹_ |^_ ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~_ ]^xjÂŒ_ ~]^_ ÂŽ^|‹¨_ ‹_ z^x—^˜ `q{}ÂŽÂ?_ }Â?^j}xŽ‹_|^_|^`—qÂ’^_~]^_~jˆ—^¨_ Anything that will end the hostilities in ~]x~_zxj~_qw_~]^_—qˆŽ~j“_}‹_|^`—qÂ’^¨_ But we now hear that Boko Haram has xÂ?x}ÂŽ_ —qÂ’Â’^Ž—^ÂŒ_ x&x—‰‹_ Œˆj}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ z^j}qÂŒ_qw_~]x~_—^x‹^ÂŞj^¨_ ~_Â’x‰^‹_qÂŽ^_~q_ wonder if truthfully there was such an xÂ?j^^Â’^ÂŽ~¨_ w_~]^j^_|x‹_~]x~_xÂ?j^^Â’^ÂŽ~Š_ why was there a breach of it? We also heard that the Chibok girls |qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â?^_ j^`^x‹^ÂŒ_ ~]x~_ ‹xÂ’^_ |^^‰Š_ ‹ˆjzj}‹}ÂŽÂ?`“_ ~]}‹_ ]x‹_ ÂŽq~_ ]xzz^ÂŽ^ÂŒ¨_ So I call on the Federal Government to

please disclose to Nigerians the terms xÂŽÂŒ_~]^_Â?x‹}‹_qw_~]}‹_—^x‹^ÂŞj^¨_ ÂŽÂŒ_|^ÂĽ``_ encourage the cessation of hostilities ~]x~_ |}``_ x‹‹}‹~_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ ÂŞÂŽx`_ j^‹q`ˆ~}qÂŽ_ of this crisis which has lingered for too `qÂŽÂ?¨ We have also heard that the leader of ~]^_ q‰q_ xjxÂ’_‹^—~Š_ ]^‰xˆ_]x‹_Â?^^ÂŽ_ ‰}``^ÂŒ¨_ ˆ~_ |^_ ]x{^_ ]^xjÂŒ_ ~]x~_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ zx‹~_ Â?^wqj^_ qÂŽ_ x~_ `^x‹~_ ~|q_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ q——x‹}qŽ‹¨_ ]x~_ ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_ |^_ Â?^`}^{^_ now? Again we do not have the full details qw_ ]^‰xÂˆÂĽÂ‹_ ÂŒ^x~]_ qj_ ]q|_ ]^_ ÂŒ}^ÂŒ¨_

q|^{^jŠ_ ‰}``}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ `^xÂŒ^j_ qw_ ~]^_ }Ž‹ˆjÂ?^ÂŽ~‹_ ÂŒq^‹_ ÂŽq~_ ‹~qz_ }Ž‹ˆjÂ?^Ž—“¨_ ]}‹_}‹_Â?^—xˆ‹^_xŽ“_q~]^j_`^xÂŒ^j_—xÂŽ_xj}‹^_ }ÂŽ_~]^_Â?jqˆz¨_ _ÂŽ^|_`^xÂŒ^j_—xÂŽ_^Â’^jÂ?^_

Some people said ‘Okey Wali is so high up there, why didn’t he get police security?’ But I tell you this; there was a business man in Benin City who had six policemen protecting him. But when the kidnappers came, they took out the policemen and kidnapped him. It shows where we have reached, where kidnappers can now confront armed policemen

xÂŽÂŒ_~]^“_Â’x“_]x{^_q~]^j_—qÂ’Â’xÂŽÂŒ^j‹¨_ ÂŽ_ }~‹_ zˆjzqj~^ÂŒ_ ^Jqj~‹_ x~_ ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_ }Ž‹ˆjÂ?^Ž—“Š_ ~]^_ ^ÂŒ^jx`_ q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~_ ]x‹_ x&^Â’z~^ÂŒ_ ~q_ zˆj—]x‹^_ xj’‹_ }``^Â?x``“_ }ÂŽ_ qˆ~]_ wj}—xŠ_ |]}—]_ `^ÂŒ_ ~q_ ~]^_ —qŽª‹—x~}qÂŽ_ qw_ xÂŽ_ x}j—jxw~_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~]^_ ‹ˆ’_ qw_ Ă&#x;Ă•¨ÂšÂ’_ xÂŽÂŒ_ xÂŽq~]^j_ Ă&#x;³¨Ă”Â’_ Â?“_ ~]^_ qˆ~]_ wj}—xÂŽ_xˆ~]qj}~}^‹¨_ ]x~_xj^_ your comments of this? Whenever you are in a situation of |xjŠ_ |]}—]_ }‹_ |]x~_ _ ~]}Ž‰_ |^_ xj^_ }ÂŽ_ j}Â?]~_ ÂŽq|Š_ ~]^j^_ }‹_ ÂŽ^^ÂŒ_ ~q_ j^‹~q—‰_ ~]^_ xjÂ’qˆj“¨_ ]}‹_}‹_~q_Â?^_^¤z^—~^ÂŒ_xÂŽÂŒ_}~¼‹_ ˆŽŒ^j‹~xÂŽÂŒxÂ?`^¨_ ˆ~_wqj_Â’^Š_~]^_—j}~}—x`_ question is how do we restock our armoury? Do we restock our armoury by illegal x—~}qÂŽĂž_ ]x~_ }‹_ |]^j^_ ~]^_ }‹‹ˆ^_ qw_ ~]}‹_ Ă&#x;¥³’_ —qÂ’^‹_ ˆz_ xÂŽÂŒ_ }~_ }‹_ }ÂŽ_ ’“_ {}^|_ x_ ÂŽx~}qÂŽx`_ ^Â’Â?xjjx‹‹’^ÂŽ~¨_ ^_ ]x{^_ descended to the stage where we are unable to buy arms from recognized xÂ?^ÂŽ~‹¨_ ]^_ |]q`^_ |qj`ÂŒ_ ‰Žq|‹_ ~]x~_ |^_ xj^_ ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_x_|xj_xÂ?x}Ž‹~_}Ž‹ˆjÂ?^ÂŽ~‹¨_ ]x~_ ÂŽqÂ?qŒ“_]x‹_Â?^^ÂŽ_xÂ?`^_~q_^¤z`x}ÂŽ_}‹_|]“_ —xÂŽÂĽ~_ |^_ Â?ˆ“_ xj’‹_ wjqÂ’_ j^—qÂ?ÂŽ}Âť^ÂŒ_ xj’‹_ ÂŒ^x`^j‹Þ_ ]“_ xj^_ |^_ ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_ }Ž‹ˆjÂ?^ÂŽ~‹_xÂŽÂŒ_|^_—xÂŽÂĽ~_zjq—ˆj^_xj’‹Þ_ ~¼‹_‹ˆ—]_x_Â’xÂŚqj_ÂźÂˆ^‹~}qÂŽ_~]x~_Â?^Â?‹_wqj_ xŽ‹|^j¨_ Having to buy arms through unconventional means which has not turned out to be against South African laws is indeed a national ^Â’Â?xjjx‹‹’^ÂŽ~¨_ ~¼‹_ {^j“_ ‹xÂŒ_ ~]x~_ x_ country like Nigeria is involved in such xÂŽ_x—~¨_ ]^j^_xj^_Â?^&^j_|x“‹_~]^_w^ÂŒ^jx`_ Â?q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~_—qˆ`ÂŒ_]x{^_Â?qˆÂ?]~_xj’‹¨_ Amnesty International recently published a report alleging massive violations of human rights in the North Eastern part of the country by the }Â?^j}xÂŽ_ Â’}`}~xj“_ }ÂŽ_ }~‹_ ^Jqj~‹_ ~q_ —ˆjÂ?_ }Ž‹ˆjÂ?^Ž—“¨_ Â’^j}—x_x`‹q_Â?x{^_}~_x‹_~]^_ main reason it refused to sell arms to }Â?^j}x¨_ ]x~_}‹_“qˆj_x‹‹^‹‹’^ÂŽ~_qw_~]^_ situation as president of the bar? We have always condemned human j}Â?]~‹_ {}q`x~}qŽ‹_ }ÂŽ_ xŽ“_ ‹]xz^_ qj_ wqjÂ’¨_ {^ÂŽ_}ÂŽ_x_‹}~ˆx~}qÂŽ_qw_|xjŠ_~]^_j}Â?]~‹_qw_ z^qz`^_’ˆ‹~_Â?^_j^‹z^—~^ÂŒ¨_

q|^{^jŠ_|^_]x{^_x‹‰^ÂŒ_qˆj_Â?jxŽ—]^‹_ in those areas to be on the watch and report such violations of human rights to ˆ‹_wqj¨_ `‹qŠ_|^_]x{^_~]^_ ˆ’xÂŽ_ }Â?]~‹_ Watch which has been monitoring j}Â?]~‹_ {}q`x~}qŽ‹_ wqj_ ˆ‹_ }ÂŽ_ ~]q‹^_ xj^x‹¨_ qˆ_—xÂŽ_Â?^_j^‹~_x‹‹ˆj^ÂŒ_~]x~_|^ÂĽ``_ÂŒq_qˆj_ best to ensure the rights of persons in ~]q‹^_xj^x‹_xj^_|}``_zjq~^—~^ÂŒ¨_ It must be further noted that those ÂŞÂ?ˆj^‹_ ~]x~_ Â’ÂŽ^‹~“_ ÂŽ~^jÂŽx~}qÂŽx`_ ]x‹_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ zxjxÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ xj^_ ÂźÂˆ}~^_ ÂŒqˆÂ?~wˆ`¨_ ÂŽ^_ }‹_ÂŽq~_‹ˆj^_}~¼‹_x‹_]}Â?]_x‹_~]x~¨_ A few weeks after you were sworn }ÂŽ_ x‹_ _ j^‹}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~Š_ ‹qÂ’^_ `x|“^j‹_ ÂŞ`^ÂŒ_xÂŽ_x—~}qÂŽ_xÂ?x}Ž‹~_“qˆ_xÂŽÂŒ_ j¨_ }ÂŒ^_ Koku (SAN) over the chairmanship of Continued on Page 38





Okey Wali’s kidnap was traumatic for the entire NBA Continued from Page 37

the NBA Section on Legal Practice. They are challenging the chairmanship of Mr. Koku, yet the NBA is going ahead to hold the SLP conference in Uyo in a fortnight. What is your comment on this?Would that not be sub judice? Firstly, I would say that as an association of lawyers we must practice what we preach. We preach due process and democracy. We preach obedience and observance of the rule of law. As I said in my inaugural address, SPL had nominations and elections where scheduled to be held at the last annual general conference. But no elections held. Rather than hold elections, some people were allegedly coronated. Under the bye-law, there must be nominations and there must be an election before anyone can become the chairman of a section. But this never happened in SLP. In the NBA-AGC programme of events in Owerri, the election was scheduled to be held on Tuesday. But that election didn’t hold. So, to prevent a lacuna and to prevent an illegality, I took a decision that we must have somebody coordinate the activities of the Section until a proper election is held. _ ^j ~x _ x_ x ^_ |x _ ª`^ _ x~_ ~]^_ Federal High Court in Abuja. Another x ^_ |x _ x` q_ x} _ ~q_ ]x{^_ ^^ _ ª`^ _ in Owerri. Many more are preparing ~q_ª`^_~]^}j_ x ^ _x _ _ ]x``^ ^_x``_qw_ them to speak truthfully to the issues. Was there an election? Where there was no election, it is a breach of the NBA constitution and such illegality must not be allowed to stand. I had an overriding duty to protect the sanctity of our constitution by xzzq} ~} _ x_ xj^~x ^j_ q }&^^_ ~q_ q{^j ^^_ ~]^_ xJx}j _ qw_ ~]^_ ^ ~}q _ ~}`_ proper elections are held. The SLP conference is prescheduled and reorganized and all that they are doing to see through the section’s programmes. Today, it’s SLP and we turn a blind eye, tomorrow it might be another section or even a branch. When the process of an election is started, it must be seen through. You can’t take some steps in the process of an election then truncate it halfway through and declare a chairman without the election. The steps that SLP took were strictly pre-election, and the proper election never took place. I am surprised that lawyers who are trained in constitutionalism and due process will have the courage to go to court and urge the court to uphold pure illegality. A shameful act occurred in Oshogbo recently where lawyers were openly } {q`{^ _} _w ~ _ J _x _^¤ ]x ^_qw_ blows at the election tribunal. Ekiti State also just witnessed the desecration of the temple of justice when a judge was physically manhandled by hoodlums on the orders of the governor elect. What is the NBA doing about this? I must confess that we have challenges. In any association there are touts and there are charlatans. In the case of the ]q q_ } } ^ ~ _ |^_ ]x{^_ } ^ ~}ª^ _ ~]q ^_ } {q`{^ _ x _ |^_ ]x{^_ |j}&^ _ ~q_ them. We are awaiting their responses, after which we’ll take the necessary actions. In the case of Ekiti, we have set up a ]} ]_ zq|^j_ q }&^^_ ~q_ } {^ ~} x~^_ the incident and we’ll do all that is necessary to ensure that proper action is taken against whoever is indicted. The lingering crisis in the Rivers State Judiciary has caused so much ]xj ]}z_wqj_`}~} x ~ _~q_~]^_^¤~^ ~_~]x~_

NBA President, Augustine Allegeh (SAN) addressing lawyers during 2014 legal year

today the judiciary in that state is in a comatose state. As president of the bar and a member of the National Judicial Council, how can it be resolved? Well, I will tell you for free that the problem in Rivers State is over who is the Chief Judge or not. The NJC has a role to play and it’s doing just that. However, the courts in Rivers State are shut down as at today, not because of the imbroglio over who is CJ or not. It is rather as a result of the strike by the

} }x`_ ~xJ_ }q _ qw_ } ^j}x¨_ _ ]x _ a meeting with the leaders of JUSUN, because they had planned on going on a nationwide strike. But based on our appeal to them, they have agreed to shelve that strike. If the JUSUN was not on strike, I am sure the courts in Port

xj q j~_|q ` _]x{^_ ^^ _ }&} ¨_ Right after your swearing-in as President, you are on record to have sacked the leadership of the NBA Section on Legal Practice. What could have been responsible for that? Now we understand that some lawyers have sued you and others on this. Yes. I have promised to address that issue. I made it clear that we’ll allow observers at our NEC meetings but it will be on the basis of accreditation from

branches. All those who would like ~q_ x&^ _ x _ q ^j{^_ _ ^^~} _ should indicate through their branches and their names will be sent to the NBA National Secretariat for accreditation. Such lawyers will be issued with name ~x _ ~]x~_ |}``_ ^ x `^_ ~]^ _ x&^ _ ~]^_ meetings. What are your comments on the ongoing moves by the National Assembly to remove or modify the Immunity Clause in the Constitution? I have always said that immunity is wqj_ ~]^_ q- ^¨_ ]^_ ]q` ^j_ qw_ ~]x~_ q- ^_ shouldn’t be jumping from one court to the other defending cases against him at a time when he is supposed to doing the work he is elected to do. If you look at the number of people who have immunity, it’s just few. We have the 38 state governors and the president. If you multiply that by two, we have just 74. In a country of 170 million people, I don’t think 74 persons with immunity should be such a cause for worry. I believe immunity is not ^ ^ xj}` _~q_ q{^j_ z_~]^_q- ^_]q` ^j _ to enable him to do the work he was elected to do. What are your views on the provision of 180 days to conclude election

I had an overriding duty to protect the sanctity of our constitution by appointing a caretaker committee to oversee the affairs of the section until proper elections are held. The SLP conference is prescheduled and reorganized and all that they are doing to see through the section’s programmes. Today, it’s SLP and we turn a blind eye, tomorrow it might be another section or even a branch

petitions? Some have continued to criticize it. That is has occasioned injustice in many instances. I don’t agree with that position. I was involved in the Adam Oshomole’s petition and we went from trial to Court of Appeal, to Supreme Court within the stipulated time. The issue of dragging election petition interminably should be discouraged and stopped. It should be made a thing of the past! If you use your 180 days wisely, you x _ª } ]_ q j_z^~}~}q ¨_ _|x _} {q`{^ _ in another petition when after they gave judgment at the Court of Appeal, the petitioner waited for 42 days before returning back to tribunal. These are 42 days he could have used to start and ª } ]_~]^_ x ^¨_ q _]^_|^ ~_~q_~]^_ q j~_ of Appeal and he was told that he was out of time and he still lost. You have just inherited a huge project, the building of the NBA National Secretariat. Looking at the enormous ª x }x`_q ~`x _~]x~_|q ` _ ^_j^¼ }j^ _ to complete the project, how do you intend to raise such funds and still run the programmes of the association successfully in your two-year tenure? When there is a will, there is a way. We’ll do all within our power to ensure that the project is completed on schedule. The present place the NBA uses as its National Secretariat is q~_ ^ª&} _qw_q j_x q }x~}q ¨_ ~¥ _~qq_ jx z^ _ z_x _} x ^¼ x~^¨_ The result of the Nigerian Law School’s xj_ } x`_^¤x } x~}q _~]x~_]x _¦ ~_ ^^ _ j^`^x ^ _ } _ ¼ }~^_ } xzzq} ~} ¨_ ^_ understand that out of 6000 students |]q_ x~_wqj_~]^_^¤x _q ` _ ¢¢¢_zx ^ ¨_ Part of your campaign promises is that you would declare a state of emergency when elected president. What do you intend to do about this? I have looked at the results and the campus by campus analysis. I must confess that it gives one cause for alarm. The failure rate is really high. I spoke with the Director General of the Nigerian Law School and as soon as he comes back from the IBA conference } _ xzx _ _|}``_ ^^~_|}~]_]} _x _ª _x_ way forward. I have been asking myself q ^_ ¼ ^ ~}q ¨_ _ }~_ ~]x~_ ~]^_ `^ ~ j^j _ are lazy or not doing what they are supposed to be doing? We will sit down with the law school x ~]qj}~}^ _x _ª _x_ q` ~}q _~q_~]^ ^_ problems, I assure you.




Suspend National ID Card registration till enabling law is in place –Information expert


n information expert, Dr. Adedeji Oyedokun, has advised the Federal Government to suspend the ongoing National Electronic Identity (e-ID) Card till there }‹_x_wˆ``Â˜Âż^~—]^ÂŒ_ `x|_ ^Ž‹ˆj}ÂŽÂ?_ zj}{x—“_ qw_ information in the country. Oyedokun who is the President, Records and Information Management awareness qˆŽŒx~}qÂŽ_ Â? ‘Š_ x_ ÂŽqŽ˜zjqÂŞ~Š_ ÂŽqŽ˜ governmental organisation, gave this advice during a press conference marking commencement of the foundation 10th year anniversary in Lagos. President Goodluck Jonathan recently registered and received his National ID Card, marking commencement of the registration. According to Oyedokun, launching the project without an enabling law is ÂŽzˆ&}ÂŽÂ?_~]^_—xj~_Â?^wqj^_~]^_]qj‹^¯¨ ÂŽ ‹_ x_ Â’x&^j_ qw_ ˆjÂ?^Ž—“Š_ ~]^j^_ }‹_ ÂŽ^^ÂŒ_ for a bill to be sponsored into the National Assembly in this regard, because we need it. I would advise them to suspend the zjqÂŚ^—~_ ~}``_ |]^ÂŽ_ |^_ ]x{^_ x_ wˆ``Â˜Âż^~—]^ÂŒ_ law that ensure privacy of information in this country before we proceed on that zjqÂŚ^—~¨__ ]^‹^_xj^_‹qÂ’^_qw_~]^_`}&`^_~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_ the foundation is trying to do to sensitize both government and individualsâ€?, he said. Expatiating, Oyedokun said: “This is because in Nigeria today we are embarking on a multi-billion dollars project like that without any law or policy in place, governing information

privacy. Those individuals and corporate organisations that involve in this project, those international organisations, what are those laws that will govern the way they would use your information and my information? It means we are at their mercy. So whatever they decide to do with those information being collected, they are not liable. That is why even in the tele—q’’ˆŽ}—x~}qÂŽ_}ŽŒˆ‹~j“_~qÂŒx“Š_|^_ÂŒqÂŽÂĽ~_ have regulation on the area of information management or privacy. “They collect our biometry; they collect our information over and over again. They take it outside the shore of this country. Our information is not protected, not guided by any law, local or international. These are some of the areas that we x‹_ x_ ÂŽqŽ˜zjqÂŞ~_ qjÂ?xÂŽ}‹x~}qÂŽ_ jx}‹}ÂŽÂ?_ the awareness for proper information management, that government should look into thisâ€?, said. On the tenth year anniversary of RIMA, “^ÂŒq‰ˆŽ_ ÂŽq~^ÂŒĂ–_ ~_ }‹_ x_ ÂŽqŽ˜zjqÂŞ~Š_ ÂŽqŽ˜ governmental organisation that has been promoting proper management and security records and information in both public and private organisation in the last 10 years. We organise road shows conferences awards, training, etc which are geared towards creating awareness around the need for proper management and security of records and information. “The major challenge we as an organisation has encountered in the past are enormous, most importantly in the xj^x_ qw_ ÂŞÂŽxŽ—}x`_ ‹ˆzzqj~¨_ _ ~_ ]x‹Ž¼~_ Â?^^ÂŽ_

Dr. Oyedokun, RIMA President

easy in this area at all. This is because a lot of organisations are yet to buy into information management. Despite the fact that we have to compare from where |^_ ‹~xj~^ÂŒ_ qJ_ }ÂŽ_ š¢¢Ă“_ ~}``_ ~qÂŒx“Š_ |^_ ‹~}``_ have a handful of them that information

Groups demand NTC Bill’s conformity with global convention A coalition of civil society groups have urged the Senate to ensure that the National Tobacco Control Bill (NTCB) which will be open for public hearing on Wednesday (October 15, 2014) is in conformity with the provisions of the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC). }Â?^j}x_ ]x‹_ ‹}Â?ÂŽ^ÂŒ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ jx~}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ convention. The groups: Environmental Rights Action, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC), and the National Tobacco Control Alliance (NTCA) in a statement issued in Abuja, said a tobacco control bill that is in sync with the FCTC will not only promote public health, Â?ˆ~_x`‹q_Â?^_wˆ`ÂŞ``}ÂŽÂ?_ }Â?^j}x¼‹_qÂ?`}Â?x~}qÂŽ_ˆŽŒ^j_ the FCTC. They insisted that the parliament must plug any loophole that can be exploited by the tobacco industry to undermine the spirit and intention of the bill. ERA/FoEN Director, Corporate Accountability, Akinbode Oluwafemi said: “The public hearing on the National Tobacco Control Bill is a welcome development and presents another opportunity for our lawmakers in the Senate to side with the people by ensuring that the bill is in tandem with the _|]}—]_}‹__~]^_ÂŞj‹~_Â?`qÂ?x`_]^x`~]_~j^x~“¨ ÂŽ ]^_ ^ÂŽx~^_ ’ˆ‹~_ ‹~xÂŽÂŒ_ ÂŞjÂ’_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ wx—^_ of growing misinterpretation of the tobacco control bill by agents of the tobacco industry. It must remain vigilant and resist the deceptions and lies of the tobacco industry and their front groups.â€? Executive Director of CISLAC, Auwal Rafsanjani said: “The public hearing is coming at a time that the health burden instigated by tobacco products has started assuming alarming proportions. Nothing short of ^J^—~}{^_ j^Â?ˆ`x~}qÂŽ_ qw_ ~]^_ Â’xŽˆwx—~ˆj^Š_ ‹x`^_ and distribution of such lethal products is needed now.â€? In the same vein, Interim Chair of NTCA, Dr. Lanre Oginni stressed the importance of ensuring that key provisions of the tobacco control bill are strengthened. “For instance, the Senate must shun all

G . G—'/0&*4' B*,'/&#, 7#2:*+ K=* ?@# ,*"9& ˜!+>'2 8= F'!2 #- A'2*! G . #GH 59*1*3 J!>3#, 20,*+" ! 3,'$$ 8',*'<+" Â?x—‰Œqqj_ x&^Â’z~‹_ x~_ Â?^&}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ ~qÂ?x——q_ room for Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs); industry to dictate its own regulation through Prominent graphic health (picture) warnings suggestions to be part of the National Tobacco on tobacco packages covering 75 per cent qw_ ~]^_ zj}Ž—}zx`_ ÂŒ}‹z`x“_ xj^x‹Ö_ J^—~}{^_ qÂŽ~jq`_ qÂ’Â’}&^^¨ “This is unacceptable and remains an warning labels increase awareness about risks anomaly. It is like a criminal chairing a panel associated with smoking and can prevent the set up to try him. The Senate must be wary of youth from starting to smoke and encourage such dubious suggestions from groups being smokers to quit. Other recommendations of the groups funded by the tobacco industry,â€? Oginni said. On the key elements of the Bill, the groups also include; Exclusion of the tobacco recommends: Creation of a National Tobacco industry from tobacco control policies and qÂŽ~jq`_ qÂ’Â’}&^^_ ~q_ Â?^_ —qqjÂŒ}ÂŽx~^ÂŒ_ Â?“_ implementation: The tobacco industry is not a the Minister of health, and to embrace all legitimate public health stakeholder, as tobacco stakeholders to ensure tobacco control policies ]x‹_ ÂŽq_ ‰Žq|ÂŽ_ ]^x`~]_ Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹Ò_ jq]}Â?}~}qÂŽ_ xj^_ ^J^—~}{^`“_ }Â’z`^Â’^ÂŽ~^ÂŒĂ’_ ~]^_ ~qÂ?x——q_ qw_ ~]^_ ‹x`^_ qw_ —}Â?xj^&^_ ~q_ _ _ xÂŽÂŒ_ Â?“_ Â’}ÂŽqj‹Ò_ industry and its allies are not to be considered jq]}Â?}~}qÂŽ_ qw_ ‹x`^_ }ÂŽ_ ‹}ÂŽÂ?`^_ ‹~}—‰‹Ö_ —}Â?xj^&^‹_ as stakeholders. Adoption of higher taxes should be sold in packs of not less than 20 and price measures to reduce tobacco sticks; Clear enforcement mechanisms and consumption going by global studies that have z^ÂŽx`~}^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_ÂŞÂŽ^‹_‹~jqÂŽÂ?_^ÂŽqˆÂ?]_~q_‹^j{^_x‹_ shown that higher tobacco prices encourage deterrent; Active participation of Civil Society cessation among existing tobacco users, while Organisations (CSOs) in the enforcement of the preventing initiation among potential users; law. The CSOs must be without any tobacco Ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, and }ŽŒˆ‹~j“_x-`}x~}qÂŽĂ’_ x‹‹}{^_zˆÂ?`}—_x|xj^ÂŽ^‹‹_ campaigns on the dangers of tobacco use: The sponsorship. The group also recommends: Enacting 100 public should be educated through awareness per cent smoke-free laws that ban smoking in all campaign about dangers inherent in tobacco indoor workplaces and public places (including —qŽ‹ˆ’z~}qÂŽĂ’_ jq]}Â?}~}qÂŽ_qw_‹x`^_qw_—}Â?xj^&^‹_}ÂŽ_ restaurants, bars and other hospitality venues) vending machines since there is no mechanism and public transport. There should be no to prevent children to access those machines

management is something that they take cognizance of and try to put things right. Tenth Edition The tenth edition is a 3-day programme |]}—]_ |}``_ Â?^_ w^x~ˆj}ÂŽÂ?_ ÂŞ{^_ Â’xÂŚqj_ events. These are annual conference and ^¤zq‹}~}qÂŽ¨__ qj_~]^_{^j“_ÂŞj‹~_~}Â’^Š_|^_xj^_ introducing a beauty pageant. You may wonder what relevance beauty pageant has to do with information management. This particular beauty pageant is completely ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ wjqÂ’_ ~]^_ —qÂŽ{^ÂŽ~}qÂŽx`_ Â?^xˆ~“_ pageant you see around. It is actually a platform we develop to encourage the female folks into a career in information management industry. From our interaction and research over the year in the industry, we realise the fact that information management industry has the potential of creating jobs and investment opportunities and there are over 200 unique job designation ˆŽŒ^j_~]^_}ÂŽwqjÂ’x~}qÂŽ_Â’xÂŽxÂ?^Â’^ÂŽ~_ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_ which is what we are promoting and trying to sensitize the public on. This is because information is power. A lot of people are not aware of this that there are ‹q_ Â’xŽ“_ qzzqj~ˆŽ}~}^‹_ ^¤}‹~_ }ÂŽ_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ qjÂ?xÂŽ}‹x~}qŽ‹Š_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ ‹^—~qj‹Š_ Â’q‹~`“_ prevalent in oil and gas sector. These are the areas we are trying to focusing on, trying to train people locally to be able to take up some of these opportunities. In the past some of those roles were handled Â?“_ ^¤zx~j}x~^‹Š_ Â?ˆ~_ }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ `x‹~_ ÂŞ{^_ “^xj‹Š_ x‹_ zxj~_ qw_ ~]^_ ‹ˆ——^‹‹_ |^ÂĽ{^_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ xÂ?`^_ to achieve over the years, in the area of trying to bread local professionals into ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ÂŞ^`Œ‹¨ I would say that so far in the last one ÂŒ^—xÂŒ^Š_}~_]x‹_Â?^^ÂŽ_}ÂŽÂŒ}{}Œˆx`_^Jqj~‹¨__ ^_ x‹_ xÂŽ_ qjÂ?xÂŽ}‹x~}qŽŠ_ |^ÂĽ{^_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ xÂ?`^_ ~q_ work with likeminded individuals in the ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ wjqÂ’_ ~]^_ `}&`^_ j^‹qˆj—^‹_ |^ÂĽ{^_ been able to gather together amongst qˆj‹^`{^‹Š_|^ÂĽ{^_Â?^^ÂŽ_xÂ?`^_~q_ÂŒq_x``_~]}ÂŽÂ?‹¨__ ÂŽ_ wx—~_ x_ `q~_ qw_ z^qz`^_ ÂŞÂŽÂŒ_ }~_ ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_ ~q_ believe that we are not being funded by the government or any international organisation. This is because of some of `xˆŒxÂ?`^_x—~}{}~}^‹_|^ÂĽ{^_Â?^^ÂŽ_}ÂŽ{q`{^ÂŒ_}ÂŽ_ ~]^_`x‹~_qÂŽ^_ÂŒ^—xÂŒ^¨__ ˆ~_ _—xÂŽ_‹x“_~]x~_}~¼‹_ sort of commitment for us and something we passionately believe in. That is why |^ÂĽ{^_Â?^^ÂŽ_xÂ?`^_~q_Â’xÂŽxÂ?^Â’^ÂŽ~_~]^_`}&`^_ resources to be able to achieve this much |^ÂĽ{^_Â?^^ÂŽ_xÂ?`^_~q_ÂŒq_}ÂŽ_~]^_`x‹~_¥¢_“^xj‹¨__ We are equally seizing this opportunity to call on well-meaning individuals, corporate organisations, government and international organisation to come to our aids, partner with us and work with us in raising the awareness on this all important aspect of our human endeavour. “Information is everything, when you talk about human experience. We rely on information for decision making, we rely on information to be able to know where we are lacking behind, identify those areas we need to improve upon, forecast and plan for the future. A country like }Â?^j}xŠ_|^_ÂŒqÂŽÂĽ~_‰Žq|_qˆj_—}~}Âť^Ž‹Š_qˆj_ zqzˆ`x~}qÂŽ¨__ qˆ_Â?^~_~q_ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_xÂ?^Ž—}^‹Š_ some say 160 million, some say 170 Â’}``}qŽŠ_ }~¼‹_ ÂŒ}‹Â?ˆ‹~}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]x~_ ~]^_ ‹q_ —x``^ÂŒ_ giant of Africa is like this. This is an area government should look into. “In 2010, Lagos State took a very bold ‹~^z_ Â?^}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ ‹~x~^_ ~]x~_ ÂŒ^—}ÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ~q_ —qŽ‹~}~ˆ~^_x_—qÂ’Â’}&^^_wqj_~]^_wqj’ˆ`x~}qÂŽ_ of achieves and records management for the state. As at today, it is only Lagos State that has such a policy in place in the whole of Nigeria. We encourage other states government to follow suit. There is need for them to have states achieves. Apart from national achieves, individual state needs to have achieve. We need to preserve our heritage; we need to preserve all our national emolumentsâ€?, Oyedokun said.


Newswatch Times

Crime Friday, October 31, 2014

Wife of cocaine fugitive wanted for same crime


MOTHER-of-six who is wanted to serve a 20-year sentence in Italy for her part in a multi-million euro ÂŒjˆÂ?_~jx-—‰}ÂŽÂ?_—qŽ‹z}jx—“_ has been arrested in Dublin. Aisha Ahmed (49), who has been living in Tallaght, is sought for extradition to be jailed for her part in a cocaine importing operation in Naples 14 years ago. She is the wife of a taxi driver Yemi Moshood Olatunde (47), who was arrested earlier following an international manhunt. Both maintained they were arrested in —x‹^‹_qw_Â’}‹~x‰^ÂŽ_}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}~“_Â?ˆ~_~]^_ }Â?]_ qˆj~_ ]^xjÂŒ_ ~]^}j_ ÂŞÂŽÂ?^jzj}ÂŽ~‹_ |^j^_ “absolute matchesâ€? for the couple being sought by Interpol. Mr Justice John Edwards remanded ]Â’^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ —ˆ‹~qŒ“_ xw~^j_ Â’x‰}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ same order in the case of her husband.

^_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ ]^_ |x‹_ ‹x~}ܻ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ |qÂ’xÂŽ_ before the court and Aisha Ahmed were “one and the same personâ€?, despite her denials. The couple’s cases have been adjourned pending full extradition proceedings. Keiran Kelly BL, for the respondent, ]xÂŒ_xjÂ?ˆ^ÂŒ_~]x~_~]^_}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}ª—x~}qÂŽ_ÂŒq—ˆ’^ÂŽ~‹_ ˜_ ÂŞÂŽÂ?^jzj}ÂŽ~‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ x_ z]q~qÂ?jxz]_ - were not admissible in evidence.

1999 and 2000. She had been given a 22-year sentence in 2005 which was later reduced to 20 years. ]^_—qˆj~_]^xjÂŒ_x_ÂŒ}Jˆ‹}qÂŽ_ÂŒq—ˆ’^ÂŽ~_ ˜_ j^ÂźÂˆ^‹~}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ `q—x~}qÂŽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ xjj^‹~_ qw_ Ahmed - was sent to the Irish authorities by Interpol in Italy. Sergeant Jim Kirwan told the court when he went to the respondents’ home address Thursdays ago, she was not at home and he left his card with her family. He returned in possession of a Eujqz^xÂŽ_ jj^‹~_ xjjxÂŽ~_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹zq‰^_ ~q_ ]Â’^ÂŒ¨_ ]^ÂŽ_x‹‰^ÂŒ_]^j_ÂŽxÂ’^_‹]^_‹x}ÂŒ_ she was Gloria Aro and denied that she |x‹_x`‹q_‰Žq|ÂŽ_x‹_ }‹]x_ ]Â’^ÂŒ¨ She gave a date of birth in December 1967 and said she was Nigerian but told him she had never lived in Italy. Sgt Kirwan showed her the photoÂ?jxz]_wjqÂ’_ ÂŽ~^jzq`_xÂŽÂŒ_|]^ÂŽ_]^_x‹‰^ÂŒ_ if it was her, she replied: “No.â€? Ahmed said she had never been to Italy. She was arrested and brought to Aisha Ahmed Tallaght Garda Station where she proAhmed Giade, NDLEA boss {}ÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ÂŞÂŽÂ?^jzj}ÂŽ~‹_ ~]x~_ Â’x~—]^ÂŒ_ ~]q‹^_ Ahmed’s arrest hearing was told the of, as promoter, leader or organiser, of the person being sought. respondent was a naturalised Irish citi- ~x‰}ÂŽÂ?_ zxj~_ }ÂŽ_ xÂŽ_ x‹‹q—}x~}qÂŽ_ |}~]_ ~]^_ The court heard she was a naturalised zen and had been living under the name zˆjzq‹^‹_ qw_ —qÂ’Â’}&}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽ_ }ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŞÂŽ}~^_ Irish citizen and had a passport in the of Gloria Aro at Sundale Parade, Tal- number of crimes involving the imporÂŽxÂ’^_qw_ `qj}x_ ÂŽ|^`}‰x_ jq¨ laght. Her husband had been living un- tation, sale, distribution, trade and illicit She had registered with the Garda Nader the name Roy Yemmy Andrew Aro. zq‹‹^‹‹}qÂŽ_ qw_ ÂŽj^Â’xj‰xÂ?`^_ ÂźÂˆxÂŽ~}~}^‹¯_ tional Immigration Bureau in the same ]Â’^ÂŒÂĽÂ‹_‹^ÂŽ~^Ž—^_|x‹_wqj_~]^_qJ^Ž—^_ of cocaine at locations in Italy between name when she arrived there.

Lagos Island is not all about crime‌ Chief Abdul Baquee Yemisi -Coker is a Lagos based politician who has at the same time made his marks in the field of publishing. In an interview with OWOLOLA ADEBOLA, Coker speaks on the state of security, his position on development of Lagos Island and sundry issues. Excerpt.


lmost twenty years ago, you were known to be publishing a weekly known as Lagos Voice, and now you are publishing " A$+#6C" " +65)5" $%/" /*95)ence between the two? ]^j^_ }‹_ x_ —`^xj_ ÂŒ}J^j^Ž—^¨_ xÂ?q‹_ q}—^_ ‹^j{^ÂŒ_}~‹_zˆjzq‹^_x‹_x_Â?^ÂŽ^jx`_}ÂŽ~^j^‹~_|^^‰`“_ that focused on the activities of the Islanders; ~]x~_ }‹Š_ ÂŽ Â’q_ ‰q_ x~x‰}¯¨_ ~_ |x‹_ x_ |^^‰`“_ that revealed the depth of our rich culture as a tribe. However, the newspaper came into being when computer had not actually revo`ˆ~}qÂŽx`}‹^ÂŒ_~]^_|qj`ÂŒ¨_ qÂŒx“Š_}~_}‹_x_ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ ball game. On the other hand, All Progressives Congress Watch is a political monthly magaÂť}ÂŽ^_~]x~_wq—ˆ‹^‹_x&^ÂŽ~}qÂŽ_qÂŽ_~]^_x—~}{}~}^‹_qw_ _x‹_x_zq`}~}—x`_zxj~“_~]x~_}‹_Â’x‰}ÂŽÂ?_|x{^‹_ across the country. It is a magazine that cel^Â?jx~^‹_x—]}^{^Â’^ÂŽ~‹_|}~]qˆ~_ÂŽ^—^‹‹xj}`“_ÂŚ^&}soning the ethics of journalism. The magazine |x‹_}ÂŽ}~}x``“_‰Žq|ÂŽ_x‹_ _ x~—]Š_Â?ˆ~_]xÂŒ_ to change its name when our party decided to rebrand. So, the magazine was carefully planned to disseminate activities of APC as a leading political party that is desirous for change. But then, I need to echo it louder that _]x{^_x`|x“‹_}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_|}~]_~]^_zjqÂ?j^‹‹}{^_ minds, be it politically, socially or what have “qˆ¨_ _—ˆ~_’“_~^^~]_}ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_qw_zq`}~}—‹_q{^j_ 30 years ago because politics runs in our fam}`“¨_ “_{x‹~_^¤z^j}^Ž—^_}ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_qw_zq`}~}—‹_ has actually endeared me to my people, most especially the Islanders who have come to recognize the potentials in me as not only a youth motivator but as a progressive who wants the good things of life for his people.

You have spoken well; but is it true that Islanders, particularly, politicians there are products of violence and criminal activities? It is very sad that some people could have ‹ˆ—]_ ~]}Ž‰}ÂŽÂ?¨_ ~_ |}``_ Â?^_ Â’}‹ŽqÂ’^j_ ~q_ ~]}Ž‰_ that Islanders are nothing but violent people. Let me tell you this; we are the role models for good things of life. My people are civilized and educated. It would be very stupid of an“Â?qŒ“_ ~q_ ~]}Ž‰_ qj_ x‹‹ˆ’^_ ~]x~_ |^_ ]xjÂ?qj_ qj_ allow criminality to thrive. You do not use an isolated case or event to judge a people. Lagos Island is not all about crime, but about proÂ?j^‹‹_xÂŽÂŒ_ÂŒ^{^`qzÂ’^ÂŽ~¨_ ^_xj^_~x`‰}ÂŽÂ?_xÂ?qˆ~_ a community where commerce and industry }‹_ ~]^_ ]x``Â’xj‰¨_ xÂŚqj}~“_ qw_ ~]^_ Â?}Â?_ —qÂ’zxnies you see on the Island today are owned by some Islanders who have made indelible Â’xj‰_qÂŽ_~]^_‹xÂŽÂŒ_qw_~}Â’^¨_ ]^j^wqj^Š_|^_x‹_x_ z^qz`^_xj^_‰Žq|ÂŽ_wqj_]xjÂŒ_|qj‰Š_]qÂŽ^‹~“_xÂŽÂŒ_ good governance as epitomized by our leaders in APC; which is why, today, Lagos remains a model for other States to emulate. Of course; you do not need to forget in a hurry that Lagos }‹_{^j“_—q‹’qzq`}~xÂŽ_}ÂŽ_ÂŽx~ˆj^¨_ ^_xj^_~x`‰}ÂŽÂ?_ about a State that can boast of all the tribes in Nigeria, which is why; my State is the epicenter for hospitality at its best. Therefore, what I am saying in essence is that the real Lagosians would never engage in criminal activities. You must have heard the axiom that says; Jeje lomo ‰q_ÂŽj}ÂŽ_Â? ^x`_ xÂ?q‹}xŽ‹_ÂŒq_ÂŽq~_—qˆj~_~jqˆÂ?`^‘¨_ ^_xj^_‰Žq|ÂŽ_x‹_x_z^qz`^_~]x~_x`|x“‹_‹]ˆŽ_ any act capable of causing breach of the peace most especially Lagos Island. Experience has taught us that there is no gain in criminality At best, Lagos Island is one of the most peace

z`x—^‹_“qˆ_—xÂŽ_{}‹}~_xÂŽÂŒ_~x`‰_xÂ?qˆ~¨_ ~_j^Â’x}Ž‹_ And as a loyalist to the core, when our leader, the centre of entertainment. It is the nerve cen- ‹}|xÂŚÂˆ_ q`x_ ]Â’^ÂŒ_ }ŽˆÂ?ˆŠ_x‹‰^ÂŒ_Â’^_~q_ÂŚq}ÂŽ_ tre of politics. It is the commercial nerve centre his party after my endorsement by ANPP, as a of the country. It remains our own Disney- candidate for the House of Representatives, I land. was swayed; I obeyed without any condition Let me quickly go back to your publica- x&x—]^ÂŒ¨_ ~_|x‹_x_Â’x&^j_qw_`q“x`~“_~q_~]^_zxj~“_ tion, APC Watch. Could you please tell us and its leadership. Not that I was compensatwhat you intend to achieve with it? ed in whatever way. Therefore, if am in any I enjoy being the publisher of one of the most zq‹}~}qÂŽ_ ~q_ x‹‰_ wqj_ xŽ“~]}ÂŽÂ?_ wjqÂ’_ ’“_ zxj~“_ well circulated monthly magazines in the APC ~qÂŒx“Š_ _~]}Ž‰_ _ÂŒ^‹^j{^_~q_Â?^_—]q‹^ÂŽ_x‹_x_—qÂŽcontrolled States of the federation.. The beauty sensus candidate to represent my people in of it all is that the all gloss- magazine is free.I the House of Representatives. It is the wish of have been publishing it for some years as ’“_z^qz`^_Â?^—xˆ‹^Ă’_ÂŽqÂŽ^_qw_~]^Â’_|qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?`}Ž‰_ ’“_ `}&`^_ —qÂŽ~j}Â?ˆ~}qÂŽ_ ~q_ ~]^_ ÂŒ^{^`qzÂ’^ÂŽ~_ qw_ qj_|}Ž‰_q{^j_’“_—xÂŽÂŒ}ÂŒx~ˆj^¨_ ]^“_Â?^`}^{^_}ÂŽ_ my party. You could see that I have actually my leadership and that is exactly what I want. |qj‰^ÂŒ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹~}``_ x‹‹}Œˆqˆ‹`“_ |qj‰}ÂŽÂ?_ wqj_ ~]^_ ~x~^¼‹_ jˆ`}ÂŽÂ?_ political party, All Progressives Congress (APC) to herald our activities as a party to beat at the presidential level come 2015. APC is the only political party capable of securing the lives and property of millions of Nigeria. Therefore, security of lives and property remains very cardinal in the over-all agenda of APC, which is why the government has continuously spent several millions of naira to support the police and other security agencies with the view that people could do their business without any mo`^‹~x~}qÂŽ¨_ ÂŽÂŒ^^ŒŠ_ “qˆ_ ‰Žq|_ that I was once a Supervisory Councilor/Deputy Chairman who would, this time around, love to be endorsed as a consensus candidate under APC come 2015,bearing in mind that I am a tested hand that has been in politics for over 30 years, mobilizing people, re-shaping the destiny of my Abdul Baquee Yemisi Coker z^qz`^_ }ÂŽ_ ’“_ q|ÂŽ_ `}&`^_ |x“¨_



Super Friday Onitsha-North community rejoice over local govt’s presence FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014



hen Barrister Douglas Nwachukwu Egbuna, the chairman of Onitsha-North Local Government Area in his speech during the last independence celebration on October 1, 2014, said that in a city like Onitsha, the government must perform at the highest UVXVU YZ V0V[\]XV^V__ `^j qxYZV__]Y^`U]_z and stressed that “It’s how we keep faith with the people. It’s how we show them that we mean to honour their trust. And it sounds simple, but I assure you it’s not.� Cynics thought it was one of the much empty political statements politicians are known to make at political gatherings to woo the public and garner more support. But true to the point, the chairman has done a lot in terms of bringing dividends of democracy that has eluded them for so long without making any fuss about it. When he declared that his administration is set to complement the state government’s V0Yx\_ ]^ ~x]^ ]^ \x€V YXVx^`^[V \Y \ V people, he had his means of justifying his claim. “My administration in complementing that of the State Governor has embarked upon many projects, some of which have been completed while others are ongoing.� As a testimonial, his administration from onset decided to deal a heavy blow to the ]^\x`^_] V^\ \x` [ qxY~UVz \ `\  VUj \ V progress of the council at the jugular owing to the town being the commercial nerve of the state. His incisive approach brought succour to the nerve wrecking experience that residents undergo, especially during the peak periods in the mornings and evenings and during the close of the main market, the centre of commerce in the city. ‡7Yj`ˆ ‰V  `XV ` \x` [ V^ZYx[VzV^\ authority duly passed into a by-law, which is V0V[\]XVUˆ [`xxˆ]^ Y€\ ]\_ j€\ˆ , `z \`UŠ]^ YZ \ V 2^]\_ ` 1Yx\ 7x` [ $€\ Yx]\ˆ (ONTA),� he declared. Stating further, “Some of you must have passed through the Ogbe-Oye Market and `z _€xV ˆY€ ‰]UU \V_\]Zˆ \Y \ V ZxVV ‘Y‰ YZ \x` [ ]^ \ `\ `xV` , `__€xV ˆY€ \ `\ Y\ Vx UY[`U z`xŠV\_ ‰]UU \`ŠV _€[ ~V`€\]’[`\]Y^ We are also constructing health centres amongst other things,� he added. Consequent upon his pronouncement, residents have used several media to showcase how in spite of their low expectations from the administration, they are amazed on the chairman’s countless recorded achievements. The secretary to the local government, Achike Anyaegbunam, in a chat with Newswatch Times elucidated that 200 makeshift stalls has been built with long span xYY’^ _ VV\_ `\ 2 ~V 2ˆV 0`xŠV\ _Y `_ \Y z`ŠV \ V z`xŠV\ ~V’\\]^ `^j [Y^j€[]XV ZYx commercial activities to various people who \ xY^ \ V z`xŠV\ ZYx j]0VxV^\ \x`^_`[\]Y^_ The market though small in size, has serviced the needs of the residents of the inland town of Onitsha for many years and due to its strategic location at the centre of the town, many people over the years have developed a sort of attachment to it. Ironically, despite its invaluable support to residents who cut across citizens of the state and their nearby neighbours, coupled

New face of Ogba-Oye market

with the fact that those who mostly use the market are indigenes of Onitsha, it was left to _€0Vx ˆV`x_ YZ ^V UV[\ ZxYz _VXVx`U qxVX]Y€_ administrations of the local government till the present administration gave it a face-lift. In response, Emeka Obi, stated that the chairman has really done well to remember the plight of the traders of Ogbe-Oye Market. “It shows that he has the people in mind because nobody has ever remembered to do what he has done and if he continues like this, there is no way the people can desert him,â€? he intoned. $^ˆ`V ~€^`z _\`\Vj Z€x\ Vx \ `\ j]0VxV^\ borehole projects are in progress as Ward 5, Ichida Street; Ward 3, Mba Road; Umuikem, Ward 4 and Ogalonye, Ward 13 -- have been rigged already but added that work in other wards is nearing completion so that the residents will also have clean water. He also threw light on the youth empowerment programme of the chairman which has received further boost by assembling 20 CKD vehicles that will not only support youth recipients but will add value to transportation system within the local government. In health, he enumerated the local YXVx^zV^\›_ V0Yx\ \Y VUVX`\V \ V  V`U\ standard of the residents by constructing  V`U\ [V^\xV_ `\ j]0VxV^\ q`x\_ YZ \ V UY[`U

Egbuna, Chairman Onitsha-North LG

government instead of relying only on the General Hospital at Onitsha. According to him, the aim is to bring health services closer to the people, reduce infant/ maternal mortality and make healthcare `0Yxj`~UV \Y `UU \ V xV_]jV^\_ )Yx \ ]_ cause, health centres have been constructed `\ j]0VxV^\ [Yzz€^]\]V_ ZVjVx`U  Y€_]^ estate 33, Ward 6 and Ogbe-Oye. In the same vein, still under construction is a storey-building which the council is erecting to serve as nurses’ quarters. It will be completed and commissioned by the end of the year as he revealed. In a bid to corroborate the chairman’s _\`\VzV^\ \ `\ 217$ ]_ V0V[\]XVUˆ [`xxˆ]^

In health, he enumerated the local government’s effort to elevate the health standard of the residents by constructing health centres at different parts of the local government

Y€\ \ V]x j€\]V_ \ V \ ]xj YXVx^zV^\ Y []`U in the council said that three towing vans and one 306 vehicle have been recently procured for Onitsha Transport Agency (ONTA) in other to support their operations. )]^`UUˆ  V xVXV`UVj \ `\ 217$ `[\]X]\]V_ ]^ \ V UY[`U YXVx^zV^\  `XV ‘Y€x]_ Vj \ xY€  _VUZ _€_\V^`^[V `^j Y [Vx_ have been trained so far. As a result of the successful work of the agency, the local government has been contracted by the YXVx^Yx \Y \x`]^ \ V _\`\V›_ Y€\’\ ZYx ` _]z]U`x YqVx`\]Y^ [`UUVj \ V ž:]UU]V :YxŠ )Yx[V › Meanwhile, some residents are lamenting the absence of street lights within Onitsha metropolis as has been made available in other neighbouring cities like Asaba and Awka, and which their residents have been enjoying over the years has eluded the residents of the local council. They stated that the ominous dark alleys of the inland town and other parts of the local government have been the reason why crimes of various degrees have thrived in the town especially armed robbery. While calling on the chairman to look ]^\Y \ V qY__]~UV VUV[\x]’[`\]Y^ YZ \ V ‰ YUV Onitsha-North by proposing same to the state government. They believe that consideration of lighting up the entire local government will reduce crime and even support the state governor’s wish of bringing back night life to the state as the town will be seen to champion \ V V0Yx\ ZYx Y\ Vx_ \Y ZYUUY‰



; < YT EH>Q> \Np^XU qT>RBN>GH &,,= YT %U]W {>[U?U )UT[>T qT>RBN>GH &,,= YTR \]^R>_B - ,DWH^TUHB '* &,,= YT vU]W $@[>N Y' =BX>TBW <> '>l^H_ qT>RBN>GH &,,= ;WN_ ,RBU[W &@^Z?^[W =>> YBZ> \ZU]B> )UT[>T qT>RBN>GH &,,= YT E^GG_ $N>NW WGN <>FHUT &U]]>X> UD ,GR^TWGF> WGN )BGWGFBW] YWGWX>[>GH 'T YTR |>RBN> $N>HW_U WH H@> `^TBW] UD qW YBZ> \ZU]B> BG $RW`W '>]HW EHWH>}T>F>GH]_


Newswatch TIMES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014







Newswatch TIMES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

L-R: Consultant Nutritionist and Dietician, Galaxy Urology Hospital, Dr. Chika Ndiokwelu; Director, Public Affairs and Communications, Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited, Mr. Clem Ugorji; Research Fellow, Nigeria Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Dr. Bartholomew Brai, and Professor of Nutrition, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Prof. Ignatius Onimawo, during a panel discussion on ‘Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases; the Pathway to Sustainable and Guaranteed Health Security’, at the 38th conference and annual general meeting organised by Nigerian Institute of Food, Science and Technology (NIFST), in Lagos...recently.

L-R: Chief of Administration, Army Headquarters, Maj.-Gen Garba Wahab; representative of the Federal Government of Nigeria, Ambassador Martin Uhomoibhi; Minister of National Planning, Dr. Abubakar Suleiman and United Nations Resident Coordinator, Mr. Daouda Toure, at the United Nations Day in Abuja.



< ; +>WN $RRUFBWHBUG UD &@WTH>T>N &>THBJ>N $FFU^GHWGHR $&&$ =BX>TBW \]^?WHU_BG $N>[U]W (N^FWHBUG YWGWX>T zBFHUT $_UU]W %^RBG>RR <>]WHBUGR@Bl YWGWX>T -UR>l@ NU@ WGN %^RBG>RR Relationship Manager, Charles Awhawhejiri, at the 2014 Career Day of the association, held at Photo: Padonu Segun University of Lagos, Akoka‌recently.

L-R: Representative of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Chudi Uwadeu; Divisional Manager Agric, Dizengoff West Africa Nigeria Limited, Patrick Ohaji and Managing Director/CEO, Terjimin Farms Limited, Samuel Aende, during horticulture fresh produce structures farmers’ Field Day celebration in Masaka, Nasarawa State...recently.

<>XBRHTWT $NQ>THBRBGX qTWFHBHBUG>TR &U^GFB] UD =BX>TBW $q&\= $]@WpB *WT`W vWGZWTUJ ]>DH and the representative of the Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Information and National Orientation, Kako Are, at the third Alcohol Beverage Marketing Summit in Abuja... recently.

China Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Gu Xigotie (right) with the Acting Commissioner of Police, Federal Capital Territory Police Command, Mr. Wilson Inalegwu, after the former donated a 301 Peugeot car to the command in Abuja.

General Manager, British America Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATNF) Ms. Abimbola Okoya (middle), ˜WGZ>N `_ YTR z>TUGBFW 'WGB>] `>G>JFBWT_ DWT[>T ]>DH WGN YTR +WGGWH^ q>H>T WGUH@>T `>G>JFBWT_ farmer, at the 8th annual lead awards ceremony where BATNF was awarded the CSR Company for Agricultural Empowerment in Lagos...recently.

L-R: President, Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria, Prof. Layi Egunjobi; President, Nigeria Institute of Town Planners (NITP), Mr. Steve Onu; Minister of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Mrs. Akon Eyakenyi and Lagos State Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, Mr. Toyin Ayinde, at the 45th Annual Conference and General Meeting of NITP in Lagos.


Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014

Reading would save your life A Review of Martin E. Udogie’s ‘How To Read More’ Reviewed by Adesuwa Iluobe


n September 19, 2014 Mrs. Okauru x ^_ } ~q_ ~]^_ q- ^_ x _ x ^ Ö_ “Who will review this book?” I `qq ^ _ x~_ }~_ x _ q~} ^ _ }~ _ ~}~`^Ö_ ® q|_ q_ ^x _ qj^¯_ |]} ]_ `qq ^ _ ¼ }~^_ x&jx ~}{^_ ¦ z^ _ x~_ ^_ wjq _ }~ _ ^``q|} ]_ qq _ q{^j_ ~]x~_} _]q|_ ]_ _ } _ q~_ |x ~_~q_j^{}^|_}~¨_ _ } _ q~_^{^ _zx _~]^_ q{^j_ ]_~]q ]~Ò_ _¦ ~_ ^|_}~_|x _ ^``q|} ] ¨_ _ _ `qq ^ _ x|x _ ^ x ^_ ~]^j^_ |x _ x_ `q~_ ~q_ q_ } ` } _ x_ ¿} ]~_ ~q_ x~ ]_ q`x _ ~]^_ x } } ~jx~}{^_q- ^j_qw_~]^_ªj _Ñ_ _|]^j^_ _ |qj _x _ _|^j^_~q_ q_~q_ x q _wqj_x_zjq jx ^_ x``^ _Å ]^_ ^x _ wj} x¥ _}~_|q ` _ ^_ j^x`} ~} _ qw_ ^_~q_{q` ~^^j_~q_j^{}^|_~]^_ qq ¨_

q|^{^j _ wjq _ ~]^_ x ^ _ _ ^|_ }~_ |q ` _ ^_|qj~]_~]^_|]}`^¨_ ~_`qq ^ _`} ^_}~_|q ` _ ^_ } ~^j^ ~} ¨_ w~^j_ ]_ x _ x _ wqj~] _ q`x_ x j^^ _~q_j^{}^|_~]^_ qq ¨_ _ } ]^ _|}~]_j^`}^w_ ^{^ _ ~]q ]_ _ ~}``_ ]x _ ~]^_ j^ zq } }`}~ _ qw_ ^ j} _~]x~_ q`x_j^{}^|^ _~]^_ qq _}~_} _ ]_ easier to criticise. _ ~q ^j_ ¢ _ ¢¡Ó_ xjq _ ¡¢¨¢Àx _ j _ x j _ wqj|xj ^ _ x_ ~^¤~_ ~q_ ^_ x _ }~_ j^x _ ® } _ qq _ qj } ¨_ x _~} ^_~q_j^x _ _ qq Þ_ What are your impressions? Meeting with Dick ~q x _q _}~¨_ q~ _¦ ~_qj ^j^ _ ¢_ qz}^ _ } ~qj_ ^ zx_ ³¢ _ x _ ÔÀÒ_ ]}``}z_ }q _ ¢ _ ^~ ¨_ _x _z`x } _x_`x ]_} _ _ xj} ]_} _ ¨ Ò_ |}~]_ q _x _ z^ }x`_ ^ ~_ ^x ^j¨_ x ~_}~_wqj_ |]^ _ ^¤~_ q _|}``_ ^_} _ x q ¨_ ]x à_ q j_ brother, Martin.” ]q_} _ xj~} Þ_ _]x _x`j^x _ ~xj~^ _ ^ } _ x_j^z` _~q_x _|]q_]^_|x _x _|]x~_x ~}q _ ]^_ |x ~^ _ ^_~q_~x ^_~]^ _ _j^ ^ ^j^ _®q]_~]^_ ^``q|} ]_ qq à¯_ _`qq ^ _ z_x _x ^ _® q`xà_ ]^j^_ } _ ~]^_ j^{}^|_ qw_ ~]^_ qq _ q _ |^j^_ given?” ® _x _ q ^_|}~]_}~ _ ~_}~_} _x~_]q ^¯_ “Why keep it at home? What about the book? _ qq _ x _ q _ ª } ]^ _ q _ ]q ` _ ]x{^_ j^~ j ^ _}~ _}~_} _ q~_ q j_zjqz^j~ ¨_ ]x~_} _~]^_ x ^_qw_~]^_|j}~^jÞ¯ ]^_ } _ q~_`qq _ j^_® _~]} _ xj~} _qj_ q¯ _j^ ^ ^j_ ]} } _]^j _~]^ _ _x ^ _]^j_~q_ q_x _ ^~_~]^_ qq _j} ]~_x|x ¨__ ]^_ q ` _ q~_ j} _}~_~]x~_ x _ ~_zjq } ^ _~q_ q_ q_~]^_ ^¤~_ x ¨_ ]^_ } ¨_ _ªj ~_j^x _~]jq ]_]^j_j^{}^| _~]^ _ ~]q ]~_ q|_ q_ _ j}~}¼ ^_~]} _|}~]q ~_]x{} _ j^x _~]^_ qq Þ_ q_ _~qq _~]^_ qq _x _ ~xj~^ _ j^x } _x _ _x _{^j _ `x _ _ } ¨_ ]^~]^j_ q`x_ } _¦ ~} ^_~q_~]^_ qq _} _]^j_j^{}^|_} _x_ ~qj _wqj_ x q~]^j_ x ¨_ xz~ j} _ x_ j^x ^j¥ _ } ~^j^ ~_ |}~]_ ~qj}^ _ _ ~]x~_|x _~]^_x} _ ^]} _~]^_qz^ } _`} ^ _qw_~]} _ j^{}^|_x _~]x~_} _¦ ~_q ^_qw_~]^_ x _~]} _ j_ xj~} _ q x q }^¥ qq _~^x ]^ ¨_ _ ]x{^_ q~_ |j}&^ _ x_ qq _ j^{}^|_ ^wqj^ _ x~_ `^x ~_ q~_ wqj x`` ¨_ _ ]x{^_ ~}~`^ _ ~]} _ j^{}^|_ ® ^x } _|q ` _ x{^_ q j_`}w^¯¨_ zxj~_wjq _~]} _ z]jx ^_ ^} _q ^_qw_ _wx{q j}~^_ x } _~]} _ qq _ } _ x{^_ } ^¨_ q|Þ_ ^x _ q _ x _ q _ will know. ] _® q|_~q_ ^x _ qj^¯Þ _ ]} _ x q|`^ ^ ^ ~_ ~]^_ |j}~^j_ ~^`` _ ]q|_ ]^_ }j~]^ _ ~]^_ } ^x_ ~q_ |j}~^_ x_ qq ¨_ ^_ w^`~_ ~]^_ ^^ _ ~q_ } zjq{^_ ]} _ z}j}~ x`}~ _ ® _ spirituality was in shambles…” he wrote. This x ^_]} _~q_ q_q _x_ x~]q`} _j^~j^x~_} _ jq~q _x_ remote village near Epe town on the outskirts qw_ x q _ ]x~_~]^_|j}~^j_} _x_ x~]q`} _} _ ^{^j_ } _ q ~ _ ^ x ^_~]} _j^ q x~^ _x``_~]jq ]_~]^_ qq ¨_ ]} _j^~j^x~_ x ^_]} _ q_} ~q_]} ^`w _}~_ |x _x_ qj~_qw_j^ } q{^j _qw_ ^`w_wqj_]} _ ^ x ^_ ]^_]x _x`j^x _} ^ ~}ª^ _j^x } _x _^¤^j } } _ x _ qj^_zxj~ _qw_]} _ ~_~]^_j^~j^x~_ x ^_]} _~q_ j^ } q{^j_~]^_~]}j _Ñ_ z}j}~ x`}~ ¨_ ~_x` q_ }j~]^ _ ~]^_ } }~}x~}{^_ ~q_ |j}~^ _ x _ ]^_ } _ |j}~^¨_ ^_ |q ` _^¤z^ ~_]} _~q_|j}~^_x q ~_~]^_j^~j^x~_qj_

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q|_~q_j^x _ qj^ I am at a stage where I am taking writing very ^j}q ` ¨_ _x`|x _ x _® _]x{^_j^x _~qq_ x _ qq _ _ q~]^j_ z^qz`^_ } _ _ `}w^~} ^ _ _ q|_ ^^ _~q_|j}~^_ } ^ _~]^_|qj` _¦ ~_]x _~q_]^xj_ wjq _ ^⯠jq à_ _ j^x`} ^ _ wjq _ ~]} _ qq _ ~]x~_ _ ^^ _~q_ ^^z_j^x } _~q_|j}~^_ _ ~qj}^ _ ^ x ^_ q~]^j_ z^qz`^¥ _ ~qj}^ _ x _ ]^`z_ } ^_ ~]^_wq _qw_ q j_ ~qj _x _^{^ _} ¿ ^ ^_ q j_ ~ `^_qw_|j}~} ¨_ _j^{}^|_qw_~]^_ qq _} _wjq _~]^_wq``q|} _ x `^ Ö ã_ ]^_ ~ `^ ã_ ^ q _ ^xj ~ ã_ ]^_ ^ ^ª~ _qw_j^x } ã_ _ j}~}¼ ^ ã_ ]q_ ]q ` _j^x _~]^_ qq ã_ q ` }q The Style ]^_ |j}~^j¥ _ ~ `^_ } _ }¼ ^¨_ ^_ x`` _ }~_ ~]^_ ~qj _ ~^``} _ ~ `^_ x _ ^ z`q _ ~]^_ ^_ qw_ Å ~qj ~^``} ¥_ ~q_ j}{^_ ]q ^_ ]} _ zq} ~ ¨_ ]} _ |qj _ }~_ |qj ^ _ wqj_ ^¨_ ^_ ^ _ ~]^_ zq|^j_ qw_ ~qj ~^``} _ ~q_ ~x ^_ ]} _ j^x ^j _ ~]jq ]_ x _ x {^ ~ j^_ qw_ ]} _ } qjx ^_ qw_ ~]^_ ^ j^~_ qw_ j^x } _ ]} _ } q{^j _ qw_ ~]^_ ^ j^~ _ ~]^_ `}{^ _ qw_ q~]^j_ j^x~_ ^ _ x _ |q ^ _ ~]jq ]_ ~]^}j_ ~qj}^ _x _|]x~_|qj _wqj_]} ¨_

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q|^{^j _ q j_ jq|~]_ } _ zj^ } x~^ _ q _ ~]^_ x jq _ ~]^ _ ]x{^_ `x} _ wqj_ ¨_ ]x~_ } _ `^x } _x _ ^z^ ^ _x~_}~ _z^x ¨_ ]^_x ~]qj_ ^ } x~^ _ Å q|_ ~q_ j^x ¥_ ~q_ x``_ zxj^ ~ _ x _ ]}` j^ ¨_ ã ^x ^j _j^`x~}{^` _j^x _ qq _~]x~_xj^_x|x _ wjq _~]^}j_^{^j x _|qj _`}w^¨_ w_x ~ _}~_} _ ^&^j_ ~q_z ~_ ^ xj}q _ q _|x ~_~]^ _~q_`^xj _wjq _} _ ~qj}^ äª ~}q ¨ ã } ^_} _ q~_x _^¤ ^_ q~_~q_j^x ¨_ w_`^x ^j _ `} ^_ ^qj ^_ ] _ x x _ q q`^^»x_ } ^_ x _x_]q ~_qw_q~]^j _ x _j^x _~]^j^_} _j^x`` _ q_ ^¤ ^¨ ã ^x } _ ]q ` _ q~_ ^_x_ ]qj^ _}~_ ]q ` _ ^_ w ¨_ {^ _~]^_wq ~_ }»^_qw_x_ qq _ x _z ~_x_j^x ^j_ qJ¨_ qj_ ^ _ _ } `} ^_~} _wq ~ _x_ qq _|}~]_~} _ wq ~ _ ~_ q ^_]} ]` _j^ q ^ ^ _}w_ _x _~q_ x&^ z~_~q_j^x _}~_x~_x``¨ ã ^qz`^_^ ¦q _x_ qq _x _x` q_^ ¦q _~]^_ª` _ x xz~x~}q _ qw_ ~]^_ qq ¨_ ]} _ } _ |] _ |j}~^j _ `} ^_ ¨ _ q|`} _ xjj _ qj~^j_ qq _ ^j}^ _ j^ qj ^ _~j^ ^ q _ ^ ¨ ã ]^_ qj^_ q _j^x _~]^_ qj^_ q _|x ~_~q_ j^x _ |]^~]^j_ q _ xj^_ q` _ qj_ q _ _ qj_ ]x J^ j_ ^ x ^_ q _ ^ q ^_ {^j _ qq _ x~_ ~]} _ q _ q_qw~^ ¨ ã ^_qw_~]^_~]} _~]x~_ x ^_ qq _^ ¦q x `^_ } _~]^_ ~ `^_~]^ _xj^_|j}&^ _} ¨_ ã q_ q~_`qq _ q| _q _x _ qq _} ^x _z^j q _ qj_ } q{^j ¨_ q ^~} ^ _ ~q_ zjq{^_ x_ zq} ~_ q _ |q ` _ ]x{^_ ~q_ ^_ ~]^_ `x _ jx~¨_ ]^ ^_ ~|q_ ^ ~^ ^ _xj^_~]^_ ^ x ^_} _q ^_qw_~]^_ ~qj}^ _ }~^ _ _~]^_|j}~^j_qw_]q|_ ]}z_ ^x~]_x _ x _ } q{^j^ _~]^_ j^_wqj_ ` ^j¨_ _|j}~^j_ x _ ^_~]^_ `x _jx~_ _~^``} _ ~qj}^ _wjq _]} _z^j z^ ~}{^ _q _ ªj ~ z^j q _ x } ¨ ã ~^j^ ~} _ qq _ xj^_ } z`^ _ zjx ~} x`_ x _ ~^``_ ~qj}^ ¨_ ¤x z`^ _ qw_ ]_ qq _ xj^_ _ ^xj ]_ qw_ ¤ ^``^ ^_ _ q _ ^~^j å_ q ^j~_ H. Waterman Jr., Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, ~]^_ } `^_x _qw_ q j ^_ q|_~q_ ^x _ qj^_ _ xj~} _ q }^¨ ã® q _ x q~_ q ^ ~_ ~]^_ q~ _ `qq } _ wqj|xj ¨_ q_q ^_|x ~ _~q_ }^ _^{^ _~]q ^_~]x~_ |x ~_~q_ q_~q_]^x{^ _ q_ q~_|x ~_~q_ }^_~q_ ^~_

Habits can be good or bad. The brain cannot tell between good and bad habits, that is why we should watch what our habits become. Not wanting to read is a habit, reading is a habit. Make reading a habit. There is nothing to lose if you do, I promise

~]^j^¨_ ^x~]_} _~]^_ } `^_ ^ ~_} {^ ~}q _} _`}w^¨_ ~x _] j _ ~x _wqq`} ]¯_ _~]^ ^_xj^_ q ^_qw_ ~]^_|qj _qw_ ~^{^_ q _wqj ^j_ _qw_ zz`^_ q z ~^j_ x _ qw_ }¤xj_ } x~}q _ ~ }q _ j} _]} _ jx x~}q _ z^^ ]_q _ ^_¡ _ ¢¢³_ x~_ ~x wqj _ }{^j }~ _ ^_ ¡ _ } _ wx q _ wqj_ x _ ~]} ¨_ ]} _ z^^ ]_ } _ ~]^_ ^ q _ ^ ~_ z^^ ]_} _~]^_|qj` ¨_ _x~_ ~q ^j_ ¢ _ ¢¡Ó _ ~_ ]x _ ¢ Ô£À ¢³£_]}~ _q _ q ~ ^ _ } ^_} ` }{^_ _ |x~ ]^ _ }~_ wqj_ ~]^_ ªj ~_ ~} ^_ ~]x~_ x ¨_ ]} _ z^^ ]_ ]x ^ _ _`}w^¨_ _ q~_]q ^_x _j^¿^ ~^ _ q _ _`}w^ _ _ x|_]q|_~]^_ q~ _ q ^ ~^ _x _ xj^_ ~}``_ q ^ ~} ¨_ _j^x`} ^ _ _]x{^_ ^^ _xwjx} _ qw_ q} _|]x~_ _|x ~_~q_ q _ ~_~]^_ qq _ ^| _ } _ ~]x~_ q|_ _ q|_ x _ ]x ^ _ xj^_ } _ ~]^_ q- ¨_ _ ^ ~_~]} _ z^^ ]_~q_ _wx }` _wj}^ _ x _ q``^x ^ _x _|q ` _j^x ä`} ~^ _~q_}~_^{^j _ |^^ ¨_ w_ _]x _ q~_j^x _~]} _ qq _ _|q ` _ ^{^j_ ]x{^_`} ~^ ^ _~q_ ~^{^¥ _ z^^ ]¨_ ~_ x{^ _ _`}w^¨_ }w^_} _ q~_¦ ~_x q ~_|]x~_|^_ } _ ~_]q|_|^_ } _|]x~_|^_ } _~]x~_} _~]^_ xj _qw_|]x~_ |q ` _ q_ q| _q _¦ ^ ^ ~_ x ¨_ q_|] _ q~_ ^ ¦q _ }~_ x _ |^``_ q _ |]x~_ q _ ~]j}{^_ } _ ~]^_ q ~_x _^ j^_ q _~q ]_`}{^ _ _ q} _|]x~_ you love? ã ]^_ x~}q x`_ ¤x } x~}q _ q }`_ _ j^ `~ _ ]x{^_ |}~ ^ ^ _ x_ ^ `} ^_ wjq _ ¡¢¢æ_ zx _} _ ¢¢¢ä ¢¢¡_~q_¡¨À³æ_} _ ^ ^ ^j_ ¢¢Õ¨_ _ } ^j}x _|^_ _ qj^_ ]x zx ^_x _j^ ]xj ^_ xj _~]x _ qq ¨_ ]} x x x_ } ]}^¥ _ x`w_ w_ _ ^``q|_ _ q` _ qj^_~]x _ Ó¢ _¢¢¢_ qz}^ _ } _ j}~x} _ ~_ q` _¦ ~_³ ¢¢¢_} _ } ^j}x¨_ q_ ^ _ ~]} _ ^ ~ _~]x~_q j_ ^~^j}qjx~} _j^x } _]x }~_ in Nigeria is almost a cultural issue. It is not that } ^j}x _ x q~_xJqj _ qq ¨_ ^_ z^ _Ó¢ _ q _ ]x zx ^_ ^xj` _|}~]_x_ q zq _ jq|~]_ jx~^_qw_ æ_x _~q~x`_ q z~}q _]x _j^x ]^ _ ȳ _ÀÈÕ_ ȳ ` _ q&`^ _ _~]^_ ^xj_ ¢¡¡¨_ ]} _z ~ _ _q _~]^_`} ~_qw_~]^_~qz_ ¢_ ]x zx ^_ xj ^~ _ } _~]^_|qj` ¨_ _ q|_~]^ ^_wx ~ _ q| _ ^ x ^_ _j^x _~]} _ qq ¨_ ]x~_} _q ^_qw_~]^_ ^ ^ª~ _qw_ j^x } _Ñ_ q|`^ ^¨ ã _ |} ^ _ zjq `^ _ } _ q ^_ |}~]_ q_ ^x _ q` ~}q ¨_ q~_ ^} _ x `^_ ~q_ j^x _ } _ x_ |} ^ _ problem. ã x }~ _ x _ ^_ qq _qj_ x ¨_ ]^_ jx} _ x q~_ ~^``_ ^~|^^ _ qq _x _ x _]x }~ _~]x~_} _|] _ |^_ ]q ` _|x~ ]_|]x~_q j_]x }~ _ ^ q ^¨_ q~_ |x ~} _ ~q_ j^x _ } _ x_ ]x }~ _ j^x } _ } _ x_ ]x }~¨_ x ^_j^x } _x_]x }~¨_ ]^j^_} _ q~]} _~q_`q ^_}w_ q _ q _ _zjq } ^¨ ã ]jq } }~ _} _~]^_ } `~x ^q _q jj^ ^_ qw_ ^{^ ~ _ ~]x~_ xzz^xj_ } }ª x ~` _ j^`x~^ _ ~_ ]x{^_ q_ } ^j x `^_ x x`_ q ^ ~}q ¨_ _ ~]} _ qq _ ~]^_ ]jq } }~ _ ~qj _ |]} ]_ w^x~ j^ _ j _ w ^ q_ q} }_ x j _ ]q| _]q|_ qq _ x _ ^_x xz~^ _~q_x} _x_ }~ x~}q ¨_ ~_ }{^ _q ^_x_ x ^_qw_ q|`^ ^_ q _ x _x`|x _ jx|_q _~q_ x ^_zq|^jw `_x _z^j x }{^_xj ^ ~ _~]x~_ j^ q x~^_|}~]_ q j_x }^ ^¨_ ~_{xj}q _~} ^ _ } _q ^¥ _`}w^ _ qq _j^x _|q ` _ q ^_~q_ ^xj_} _ }~ x~}q _ q~_^ {} x ^ ¨_ ã ^qz`^_ `} ~^ _ ~q_ q _ |]^ _ q _ ]x{^_ q ^~]} _ ^x } w `_~q_ x _~]x~_~]^ _ q_ q~_ ^~_ q|_qw¨_ ]^ ^_~]} _~]^ _ q_ q~_ ^~_ q|_ qw _xj^_ q ~` _]} ^ _} _ qq ¨ ã q_ ^_ x_ ^&^j_ |j}~^j _ ^_ x ¦^ ~}{^ _ qj^¨_ w_ _ x _® q _xj^_`qq } _^¤¼ } }~^` _ ^x ~}w `¯_ }~_ |q ` _ x~ ]_ q j_ x&^ ~}q _ ~]x _ ® q _ `qq _ ^x ~}w `¯¨_ x~ ]} _ q j_ j^x ^j ¥_ x&^ ~}q _ } _ ~]^_x} _qw_|j}~} _} _~]^_ªj ~_z`x ^¨_ ã _ ]qq } _ qq _ ~q_ j^x _ q ^_ x _ |x ~_ ~q_ ~xj~_|}~]_j^ q ^ ^ _ qq _ }q jxz]}^ _ |]}`^_ª } _|]x~_ qq _ q _j^x`` _`} ^_~q_j^x ¨_ ]^_~}~`^_qw_x_ qq _ x _x` q_` j^_ q _~q_j^x _}~¨ ã _x_|j}~^j _`^xj _~q_ x ^_ qq _ ~jx~^ } x`` ¨_ xjj _q ~_} ^z~]_j^ ^xj ]_x _ ^^ _qz} }q _ ^wqj^_ x } _ q j_ qq ¨ ã q _ x q~_q{^j q ^_ q j_w^xj _ _j } _ x|x _ wjq _ ~]^ ¨_ q _ x q~_ `q{^_ qq _ |}~]q ~_ x } _ q }q _^Jqj~_~q_j^x ¨_ {^ _ ~]^_ jx^`}~^ _]x _~q_ ^]q` _~]^_ ~x~ ^_qw_x_ x ^_ Continued on page 45

Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014


Goethe-Institut Lagos Janey Krest is Achievas calls for entries Entertainment first – Your Story,Your Freedom female artist ADA DIKE


oethe-Institut Lagos, to celebrate the 25th year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, has called for submission of entries of creative literary works, such as poetry, short stories or plays with a theme on Freedom & The Word! The institute revealed that winners would be announced during Lagos Book and Art Fair (LABAF) 2014 and would be presented along with their works to the

public on Sunday, November 16, 2014. “The presentation will take place at our GoetheInstitut stand at the Lagos Book And Art Fair holding in Freedom Park from November 14 - 16, 2014.� Any interested candidate is requested to add his or her name, age, phone number and email address. The requirements for the entries include: “All entries should not be longer than 1,000 words; deadline for submission is November 9, 2014. Entries should be sent to: libo@lagos.

DW broadens operations, opens office in Lagos, Nigeria ADA DIKE


n a bid to build a stronger presence and expand its services in African market with increased coverage as well as dominate the highly competitive media market in the world, Germany’s international broadcaster, Deutsche Welle (DW), has opened a new correspondents’ q-—^_}ÂŽ_ xÂ?q‹Š_ }Â?^j}x¨_ Speaking to the media last week Thursday in Lagos, the Director of programming, Gerda Meuer, revealed that DW correspondents based in Lagos are Jan-Philipp Scholz and Adrian Kriesh, have been at their bureau q-—^_‹}Ž—^_ ^z~^Â’Â?^j¥Š_š¢¥Ă“¨ According to her, DW chose Lagos because it is a highly populated, dynamic and strong economic city. “No German correspondent is here,â€? says Meuer, who revealed that it is in line with their new plans towards international speaking coverage. “Our presence for 50 years in Africa has contributed to a special appreciation coming from our audience. They know that we impartially explain, analyze and interpret current events from a German and European perspective,â€? the Director of programming added. While corroborating Meuer’s statement, the Head of Programmes, Claus Stacker

]}Â?]`}Â?]~^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹_ qw_ ~]^_ ÂŽ^|_ q-—^_ xÂŽÂŒ_‹~j^‹‹^ÂŒ_~]x~_}~_|qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~_~]^_`q—x`_ channels and existing networks as there would be no competition between the two ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ Â’^ÂŒ}x_ Ă‘_ jxÂŒ}q_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~^`^{}‹}qÂŽ¨_ ^_ pledged that they would guard against unbiased reports. In the same vein, the Head of DW’s Hausa Service, Thomas MĂśsch, who has spent many years in Nigeria and speaks Hausa xÂŽÂ?ˆxÂ?^_ÂżÂˆ^ÂŽ~`“_‹x}ÂŒ_ÂŽ xˆ‹x_zjqÂ?jxÂ’Â’^_ has been here. If you really want to reach people, use local languages,â€? he added. The Consul General, Germany, Mr. Michael Derus, in his welcome address said ~]^_ ÂŽ^|_ q-—^_ ]}Â?]`}Â?]~‹_ ~]^_ }Â’zqj~xŽ—^_ in the Germany perception Nigeria is, as well as the economic relations between the two countries. “It is in Germany’s interest to learn something about Nigeria. Unlike the news on Ebola and terrorism reported about Nigeria, it is an incentive for German business partners to come hereâ€? However, Newswatch Times learnt that Nigerian listeners can receive DW’s complete radio program in Hausa and English via shortwave and satellite. “Twenty Nigerian FM stations all over the country rebroadcast individual Hausa and English Magazines. Eight Nigerian television stations broadcast DW programming.â€?



igerian born rapper, singer, songwriter, composer and an electrifying entertainer, Janeykrest, whose real name is Janefrancis Amadi Chinemerem is everything you need to ‰Žq|_ xÂ?qˆ~_ x_ ’ˆ‹}—_ ~x`^ÂŽ~_ qj_ Â?^&^j_ —x``^ÂŒ_ the total package. Krest as fondly called by many is known for her English, pidgin and Igbo lyrics with a unique complexion, androgynous appearance and not leaving her brilliant stage craft. She was born on March 7th, in the early 90s, in her home town Port Harcourt City, where she grew up and started her career. ]^_ x&^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŒ_ Â?q~]_ ]^j_ zj}Â’xj“_ xÂŽÂŒ_ secondary school in Port Harcourt, River state. In 2011, and proceeded to the University of Calabar, where she obtained ]^j_ —^j~}ª—x~}qÂŽ_ }ÂŽ_ ^j‹qÂŽÂŽ^`_ xÂŽxÂ?^Â’^ÂŽ~_ and currently studying for her degree in Political Science at Tansian University. ]^_ ^Â?Â?x^_ ‹}ÂŽÂ?^j_ z^jw^—~`“_ ÂŞÂŽÂŒÂ‹_ x_ balance between education and her talent,

waxing strong with enviable grades in school. She participated in Rap contests and TV Reality shows like: King of Rap 2010, RSSDA, One Mic, Loud in Kas, organized by River State Government in which she emerged the winner, Sprite Triple Slam 2011 and Lucozade Boost Reality Show 2011. ~}``_ |}~]}ÂŽ_ ~]}‹_ z^j}qŒŠ_ ‹]^_ ‹]q~_ ]^j_ ÂŞj‹~_ single video “Nigeriaâ€? which was nominated for Odudu Award as Best Female Hip-hop Video of the Year in Port Harcourt. Other TV reality contests includes: Nigerian Idol and Peak Talent Show season3, were she emerged the regional |}ÂŽÂŽ^j_xÂŽÂŒ_ÂŞj‹~_jˆŽŽ^j_ˆz_x~_ x~}qÂŽx`_ÂŞÂŽx`‹_ in each contest, she won the 2013 MTN Pulse xz_ x&`^_ xÂŽÂŒ_ j^—^ÂŽ~`“_ |qÂŽ_ ^‹~_ ^Â’x`^_ Artiste of the year at the 2014 Paradise Music Awards in Calabar. Her versatility gave her an edge to be on a hit single “Don’t Worry Be Happy Remixâ€? with Ace comedian Klint Da Drunk and a Diabetes theme song with top stars like Sammy Okposo, Nigga raw, Konga and Ernest Asuzu of “Nollywoodâ€?.

Reading would save your life Continued from page 44

to get healed from snake-bites in the wilderness (it is a Bible story and it is also in the book). ĂŁ ‹_x_|j}~^jŠ_`^xjÂŽ_~q_~^``_‹~qj}^‹_^xj`“¨_ ~xj~_ with a bang to sustain your readers’ interest, so that they don’t lose interest in the book and miss out in learning the message you are trying to pass across. ĂŁ `|x“‹_Â?^_x~_“qˆj_Â?^‹~¨_ ]^ÂŽ^{^j_“qˆ_xj^_ speaking always do your best because you ÂŽ^{^j_ ‰Žq|_ |]q_ }‹_ `}‹~^ÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ Ă‘_ ^ÂŽÂŚxÂ’}ÂŽ_ ¨_ Mays, President Morehouse College. ĂŁ qq‰‹_ ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â?^_ |^``_ zx—‰xÂ?^ÂŒ¨_ ]^_ œ^``q|}‹]ÂĽ_—q`qˆj_qw_~]}‹_Â?qq‰_‹ˆj^_x&jx—~^ÂŒ_Â’^¨_ ĂŁ ÂŽq|_~]“‹^`w¨_ ÂŽq|_“qˆj_—qÂ’wqj~_ÂťqÂŽ^_xÂŽÂŒ_ the things that make you read and understand Â?^&^j¨_ ~_}‹_ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_wqj_^{^j“qÂŽ^¨ ĂŁ ŽŒˆ`Â?^_“qˆj_ÂŒ}‹~jx—~}qŽ‹_xÂŽÂŒ_~]^ÂŽ_Â?q_Â?x—‰_ to what you were doing. You would experience renewed focus when you do so. Do same when reading. ĂŁ ^xÂŒ_}ÂŽ_—]ˆŽ‰‹Š_ÂŽq~_x~_qŽ—^¨_ j“}ÂŽÂ?_~q_ÂŞÂŽ}‹]_ x_ Â?qq‰_ x~_ x_ ‹}&}ÂŽÂ?_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_ ÂŽq~_ x`|x“‹_ Â?^_ wˆŽ_ and chances are that you would miss out on the message of the book. You can read a book

everyday for an hour or thirty minutes or even less. ĂŁ ÂŽÂŒ^j`}ÂŽ^_ xj^x‹_ ~]x~_ “qˆ_ |qˆ`ÂŒ_ |xÂŽ~_ ~q_ refer to as you read. ĂŁ ^{^j_‹~qz_j^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?¨ ^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹_qw_ ^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ ĂŁ ~_}Ž—j^x‹^‹_“qˆj_{q—xÂ?ˆ`xj“_Â?xŽ‰_xÂŽÂŒ_]^`z‹_ “qˆ_^¤zj^‹‹_“qˆj‹^`w_Â?^&^j ĂŁ ~_Â’x‰^‹_“qˆ_x_Â?^&^j_|j}~^j ĂŁ ~_Â’x‰^‹_“qˆ_Â’qj^_‰Žq|`^ÂŒÂ?^xÂ?`^¨_ ĂŁ qˆ_—xÂŽ_Â?q_qÂŽ_xÂŒ{^ÂŽ~ˆj^‹_Â?“_j^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?¨_ _]x{^_ travelled the world because I read. ĂŁ ^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?Š_ ^‹z^—}x``“_ ]xÂ?}~ˆx`_ j^xÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ wqj_ general knowledge helps to facilitate the acquisition of persuasive presentation skills. ĂŁ ~_ }Ž—j^x‹^‹_ qˆj_ jÂ?xÂŽ}‹x~}qÂŽx`_ }‹}Â?}`}~“_ ÂŽÂŒ^¤_Â? ‘_Ă‘_ ]}‹_}‹_x_~^jÂ’_ˆ‹^ÂŒ_~q_Â’^x‹ˆj^_ one’s organisational skills and productivity. However, you cannot showcase this if you do not know how to express yourself and you —xÂŽÂŽq~_^¤zj^‹‹_“qˆj‹^`w_^J^—~}{^`“_}w_“qˆ_ÂŒq_ÂŽq~_ read extensively. ĂŁ qq‰‹_ ‹^j{^_ x‹_ }Ž‹z}jx~}qÂŽ¨_ ~_ ÂŒ^z^ŽŒ‹_ qÂŽ_ what books you read. For me, I can say I have read a lot of books but after reading this book, I am not sure I have been reading the ‘right

books’. My Critique The fact that I now hold this book so dear to me makes it hard to critique it. However, I do have some constructive criticisms: 1.Not everyone has the ability to read in Â?^~|^^ÂŽ_~]^_`}ÂŽ^‹_qw_‹~qj}^‹¨_ ~_~x‰^‹_x_j^Âż^—~}{^_ person who is on a mission to learn, to read stories and draw lessons from them. So while story telling is a good technique to draw readers’ x&^ÂŽ~}qŽŠ_~]^_|j}~^j¼‹_qÂ?ÂŚ^—~}{^_—qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^~_`q‹~_}ÂŽ_ the stories. 2.I told a friend “I am reading ‘How To Read More’â€? and He said “I don’t read ‘How-to’ booksâ€?. People do not like to be taught some sensitive things e.g. how to write, how to speak, how eat healthy and so on. In fact the more you want to teach them the more they default. They |xÂŽ~_ ~q_ `^xjÂŽ_ ~]^‹^_ ~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ÂŞÂŽÂŒ_ —qÂ’wqj~_ zones by themselves. In this regard, the author did stress the need to know what works for you. Also, this is not the only book that seeks to teach ]q|_~q_j^xŒŠ_}~_Â’x“_ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~_Â?^_z^j—^}{^ÂŒ_x‹_xÂŽq~]^j_ x&^Â’z~_x~_|]x~_]x‹_Â?^^ÂŽ_|j}&^ÂŽ_Â?^wqj^¨_ 3.My criticisms are still building up. Who should read the book

This book should be read by: Children from the ages of eight with guidance, youths, adults and every Nigerian and the world at large should come to know and read this book. Conclusion I want to laud Mr. Martin for writing this book. His passion for reading is enviable and I will endeavour to tow same path (I want to be like him when I grow up). Reading this book makes me feel sane, because I always go on and qÂŽ_xÂ?qˆ~_|]“_Â?qq‰‹Š_|j}~^˜ˆz‹Š_`^&^j‹_xÂŽÂŒ_‹q_ on should be as simple as possible. He has also Â?ˆ&j^‹‹^ÂŒ_’“_‹^ÂŽ~}Â’^ÂŽ~‹_~]x~_—qÂ’z`^¤_~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_ —xÂŽ_Â?^_|j}&^ÂŽ_}ÂŽ_{^j“_‹}Â’z`^_|x“‹¨_ _qŽ—^_~q`ÂŒ_xÂŽ_}ÂŽ~^jÂŽ_x~_’“_q-—^_ÂŽ ^}ÂŽÂ?_xÂ?`^_ to express what you know in the simplest terms shows how smart you areâ€?. I was touched when I went through her log book and found that she wrote it down. Thank you Mr. Martin for this book. It took Â’^_qÂŽ_x_ÂŽ^^ÂŒ^ÂŒ_ÂŚqˆjÂŽ^“_qw_j^Âż^—~}qÂŽ¨_ _w^^`_Â’qj^_ focused now. It saved my life. I will read more. G C" /5 A$" < 'H5" * " +65" ' =$%&" 5#)5+$)&!" ' =<*$%#5" )'.5 *'%$< " <#


Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014

Produced and directed by: Chico Ejiro Starring: Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Uche Obi Osotule, Emeka Ossai, Segun Arinze, Chijioke Unknown to the guards, the slaves stealthily river. On their way home, Ugo leads the people. Abagwe, Susan Obi, Pat Oghre, Jayke unlock the padlocks. Ugo from behind chained Three warriors run to the palace while the the lead guard, unchained King, Lolo and the Aernan, Rita Edochie and others Amadi, Kalu and all the Whiteman were Reviewed by: Ada Dike

The Slave


he Slave explores man’s inhumanity acts unleashed to fellow men. It is a movie about slave trade which occurred in some African countries many years ago. The movie opens with a white man arriving through the sea with gifts including mirror, alcohol and hats for a king and his wife, Lolo (Susan Obi).He goes back to his country with slaves in any of his visits. Slaves were given marks with hot irons, tortured, sold and killed on a daily basis, tied with chains even as they cry every day for freedom which was far. A native doctor in that land has two children -male and female, Obinna and Ugo (Omotola Ekehinde) respectively. He tries to teach his children his career saying he does not know who will take his steps after he is gone, not knowing that it will help them while he is still alive. In another scene, Kalu (Segun Arinze) is ÂŞÂ?]~}ÂŽÂ?_ |}~]_ ]}‹_ ‰}Ž‹’^ÂŽ_ ~q_ j^—`x}Â’_ ]}‹_ `x~^_ father’s lands. They trick him and promise to show him his father’s land but capture him in that bush and send him to the barn where slaves were kept. Some of them that were not selected by the Whiteman were returned to the barns and sometimes thrown into the ocean. On daily basis, weeping and gnashing of teeth was the order of the day. Meanwhile, Amadi (Kanayo O. Kanayo) and Idika (Emeka Ossai) are the King’s sons but they hate each other. Amadi does not like the kind of business his father is doing while Idika even molests and rapes some female slaves. But Amadi ensures that no guard, including his brother has carnal knowledge of Ugo (Omotola). When the older ones in that land join their ancestors who will take over? It is on this note that Elders in that land revolt and confront the King who warns that any man who touches a tail of a lion does so at his own risk. His son Idika storms in and sends the elders out. But Amadi hates his father’s way of ruling their land and leaves home to unknown destination. Due to fear of unknown, Lolo asks the king to do something so that Amadi will not return with warriors to destroy them. Ugo’s father vows not to allow his daughter become a slave. A slave called Princess watches helplessly as her maid is killed in that jungle. Her father, a King had two wives. Her stepmother sets her Â’q~]^j_ ˆz¨_ ]^j^_ }‹_ x_ Âżx‹]Â?x—‰_ qw_ |]^j^_ ]^j_ father was scolding her mother and suddenly his father collapsed and died. They accused her mother of killing her father. After consultations, the elders of the land buried her mother and her brother alive with her father while her stepbrother was installed a king. “Her continuous stay in the palace is a threat to my throne,â€? said the new king. So they later sold her as a slave. Ugo, who turned to a fortune-teller tells Amadi that her parents are planning to kill him. Amadi is in love with Princess and decides to escape with her. Being caring, she asked him to help the other slaves. Idika (Ossai) goes home from the barn and set Amadi up by hiring people to lie against Amadi that he hired them to come and wipe his parents and himself out. The King advises his younger son not to kill Amadi but to capture him alive. Strange things do happen! “I told you, I would get you.â€? Idika captures Amadi, chains him and put him in a barn like a slave. Princess informs Ugo that she has all the keys that will unlock all the padlocks, but they are afraid that the warriors and guards will recapture them. Ugo then explains to them that she could send them to sleep with ashes. Few hours for them to be taken to the foreign land, Amadi and Kalu share the agony of being turned to slaves in their own land.

slaves and the guards one after the other fell into the

Film Review


Jalade Ekeinde



discussing and confess that Lolo

and Idika bribed them to set Amadi up. Out of anger, the king pushes Lolo; she hits her head on a stone and she died. Idika killed Amadi shortly he declared freedom to humanity but Idika is also killed by some slaves. The villagers killed the King and burnt his palace. Ugo is killed as she steps into her father’s house. The Slave is a very emotional movie which reveals how rulers sold their subjects as slaves. One would not stop crying while watching the slaves cry helplessly. There was injustice, cruelty and wickedness as a greedy King deals in slave trade. Though the movie was done in English language, the slave guards were speaking good English Language unlike the pre-colonial Africans who did not understand or speak English Language but communicated with the white men through signs. I became confused after watching how my fellow black men and women were tortured, killed and sold to the Whiteman who deceived their King by giving him ordinary mirror, alcohol and cap. It is time Africans liberate themselves from slavery mentally, physically and emotionally by loving and appreciating one another. Chico Ejiro, the producer and director picked best actors in Nollywood who really depicted the pre-colonial Africans in their roles and costumes. They include Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, Kanayo O. Kanayo, Emeka Ossai, Susan Obi, Rita Edochie, Uche Obi Osotule and others. The Slave is one of the best Nollywood movies I have watched recently. The location, which is a village, bush and a beach, was the best. Their —q‹~ˆ’^‹_ |^j^_ j^x``“_ xŽ—}^ÂŽ~_ x&}j^‹_ ~]x~_ —q{^j_ the waist and breasts for women and small |jxzz^j_~]x~_—q{^j‹_~]^_Â?ˆ&q—‰‹_wqj_Â’^ÂŽ¨_ ]^j^_ was no notable error in terms of grammar, role and so on. I don’t know if this movie has part ~]j^^Š_}~_|x‹_j^x``“_ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_~q_}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}w“_~]^_—x‹~_Â?“_ ~]^}j_ÂŽxÂ’^‹_Â?^—xˆ‹^_}~_|x‹Ž¼~_|j}&^ÂŽ_x~_~]^_^ÂŽÂŒ_ of the movie.

POEMS A Friendly Foe Folly The door for the marauders to raid and sack His brother’s household as assigned the damning steps As a famous patriot by the authorized marketers A proletariat could not have advertised the product To its designed standard; else, consumers and shop owners Would not notice and buy the pesticide He succeeded in exhibiting the commodity And sold the idea to the buyers That has made him a harbinger of health In the books and papers of disasters He shone is name with a dark spray He was diagnosed for having the pestilence His cells were examined to have been eaten up By the parasite’s venom The obvious symptom were not screen shot There was no heavy bleeding His eyes were not blood shot The irritant bums were not imprinted on his skin He was the path sawyer of society’s fright An element of Ebola Yo-Yo May your hypnotized soul rest in peace Ferruginous hawk, nice try but you should have invested It would have been sold by now Africa wide You cooked your virus in the Congo’s and there was no demand In the Guinea, Sierra Leone you did same The pest continually paralyze the Liberian consumers Now the Giant of Africa you increase your gloved hands They are the best bet and catch, the exorbitant big boy spenders That counters death and diseases Raptors, you have been defeated happiness and love that abounds " Do your research and experiment to create vaccines To curb your own natural pestilence Dare if you can and your brains will just hemorrhage Your head slum to the table toppling your chemical cons #

You’re have failed, the woes will wrath with you

The creator knows we have more problems as it is $ Dare him one more time And the clouds might just club at your laboratory Chew your damning reports of thousands kicked by the epidemic Your sinew analysis is vague and vile The blue whale of Africa remains gigantic and massive It will take the creator of all creations to pull down Africa Dark blue, light blue, dark gray My condolence for the shades of the dark demon That has clouded your lightened hemisphere

% Surely in due time Overlook the strong hold of the dam The water is more powerful than the building sheets Ebola, a friendly foe folly Africa’s anodyne abounds from the Almighty It kills any ailing anthrax Agent provocateur be forewarned When you cook your concoction chemical meals Dish it out on your tables to taste and give yourselves ratings We’re not interested in the pudding or what it tastes like. Copyright: Gift Amukoyo '( " ) ! % *+ /0123

Treasure I have found a treasure so inestimable Birthed forth in measure inexplicable Not the legendary king Solomon Mines That is mysterious to the minds This treasure is the desire I aspired to acquire So I will forever not retire to admire A cynosure my treasure is to every eye The virtuous darling that will not make me sigh Bought with the price I could not pay ' That I ponder on the wisdom of God the Supreme Being Who makes us compatible as human beings He created all things bright and beautiful And gave us eyes to see them as wise and wonderful 4 5#!6 ) 7 8

Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014


Bring back the Niteshift! (3) TONY OKOROJI


ust like the seasons, night clubs come and go but unlike the seasons, they never come back. }~^ ]}w~_ ÂŒ^ÂŞ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ qŒŒ‹¨_ ]^_ club which opened on Opebi Road in 1988 shut its doors about 1994 following disagreements with the owners of the rented property. NiteShift however came back bigger than before in February 1999 when Ken Calebs Olumese completed the circular ‹]xz^ÂŒ_ q`}‹^ˆ’¨_ ]^_ x`{x~}qÂŽ_ qxÂŒ_ ^ÂŒ}ª—^_ Â?^—xÂ’^_ ~]^_ —`ˆÂ?¼‹_ z^jÂ’xÂŽ^ÂŽ~_ site. As if to say that nothing built by man can really be permanent, there would be no Christmas party at NiteShift in 2003. _ |^^‰_ ~q_ ]j}‹~Â’x‹Š_ ‹z^—}ª—x``“_ qÂŽ_ December 18, 2003, the Coliseum went ˆz_}ÂŽ_ÂżxÂ’^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_^{^j“~]}ÂŽÂ?_|x‹_Â?ˆjÂŽ~¨_ Once again, the NiteShift sensation —xÂ’^_ ~q_ x_ ‹—j^^—]}ÂŽÂ?_ ]x`~¨_ ]^j^_ |^j^_ many who were sure that Olumese could not compose a third movement to ]}‹_ ^z}—_ ‹“’z]qŽ“¨_ ]^“_ |^j^_ |jqÂŽÂ?¨_ |^ÂŽ~“_ Â’qÂŽ~]‹_ `x~^jŠ_ ‹z^—}ª—x``“_ qÂŽ_ August 5, 2005, NiteShift came roaring back in a redesigned Coliseum and for eight unbroken years no one could stop the orchestra. At NiteShift, many learnt how to ÂŒq_ ~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_ |^``¨_ q_ —qÂ’z^j^_ xÂŽ_ ^{^ÂŽ~Š_ you had to be an Ohi Alegbe, a Yinka jx}Â?_qj_x_ x}|q_ Â?}`^“^¨_ ]^_~^—]ÂŽ}—x`_ quality of every presentation had to be ‹zq~_ qÂŽ¨_ ]^_ ‹]q|Â?}Âť_ }Â’zj^‹xj}qŠ_ ÂŒ}_ Lawani and Kunle Akintayo Stewart who lead the technical line for many big shows in Nigeria today, polished quite a bit of their craft at NiteShift. ]^“_ zjq{}ÂŒ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ ~^—]ÂŽ}—x`_ ‹ˆzzqj~_ wqj_ ~]^_ `}‰^‹_ qw_ ^`}¤_ ĂĽ_ qÂ“Š_ Œ’ˆŽŒ_ z}—^Š_ }‰^_ ‰j}Š_ ˆŽŽ“_ ^ÂŚ}Š_ ˆŽŒ^_ĂĽ_ ˆŽ’}_ Â?^Š_ ^}`_ `}{^j_xÂŽÂŒ_ many of the stars who made NiteShift their second home and from there took their careers to another level. Recently in London, I met Segun Roberts, the voice that welcomed you to NiteShift Â?^wqj^_~]^_`}‰^‹_qw_ ŒŒ“_ x“_ Â’qÂŒ}xÂ?Â?^_ consolidated the position. Segun and I shared memories and nearly cried at the thought of NiteShift disappearing. ]^j^_ xj^_ ~]q‹^_ |]q_ |}``_ ‹|^xj_ ~]x~_ Alibaba started stand-up comedy in }Â?^j}x¨_ {^ÂŽ_ ’“_ wj}^ÂŽÂŒ_ `}_ |}``_ ~^``_ you that despite his huge impact on the art, there were several progenitors of the trade ahead of him. Only a people without history would have ‹q_ ‹qqÂŽ_ wqjÂ?q&^ÂŽ_ ~]^_ `x~^_ Â?j^x~_ x`z]_ Opara. Before Ali and the new crop of comedians hit it big, the late John Chukwu who proudly reminded you that he shared the same initials with Jimmy Carter, James Callaghan, Jesus Christ and Julie Coker was bringing down the roof with laughter at NiteShift. JC made NiteShift a second home despite the fact that he owned Klass Night Club. Jude Onakpoma with ]}‹_ˆŽ}ÂźÂˆ^_—x``_‹}Â?ŽŠ_Ă… |x“˜ |x“¼_xÂŽÂŒ_ his hilarious Michael Jackson theatrics was a NiteShift staple before he —]^—‰^ÂŒ_ qˆ~_ ~q_ ~]^_ ÂŽ}~^ÂŒ_ ~x~^‹¨_ j}Ă—_ xJqˆj_ ]xÂŒ_ —jx—‰^ÂŒ_ Â’xŽ“_ j}Â?‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ÂŒj}{^ÂŽ_ ^{^j“Â?qŒ“_ —jx“_ |}~]_ `xˆÂ?]~^j_ at NiteShift before going back to Ghana and winning elections to parliament xÂŽÂŒ_‹ˆÂ?‹^ÂźÂˆ^ÂŽ~`“_Â?^—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_]}‹_ÂŽx~}qŽ¼‹_ Minister of Information. Following ~]q‹^_zx~]ÂŞÂŽÂŒ^j‹Š_~]^_`}‰^‹_qw_ `}Â?xÂ?xŠ_ Gbenga Adeyinka, Okey Bakasi, Julius Agwu, AY, Klint Da Drunk, etc., have all had their day on the NiteShift stage. Since the shut-down of NiteShift, a number of people have expressed


ÂŒ}‹’x“¨_ ]^“_ x‹‰Ö_ Ă…]q|_ —qˆ`ÂŒ_ x_ Â?j^x~_ Â?ˆ‹}ÂŽ^‹‹_ `}‰^_ }~^ ]}w~_ —`q‹^_ ‹]qzÞ¼_ ]^“_ Â?^~_ }~_ |jqÂŽÂ?¨_ qjÂ?^~_ ~]^_ wxèxÂŒ^Š_ NiteShift was not a business. It was a labour of love and a nation building zjqÂŚ^—~_ |]}—]_ qÂŽ^_ Â’xÂŽ_ ]xÂŒ_ ~]jˆ‹~_ upon himself. I believe that Olumese simply wanted to prove a point that Nigerians can do things well. If Ken x`^Â?‹_ `ˆ’^‹^¼‹_j^x`_qÂ?ÂŚ^—~}{^_|x‹_~q_ make money, he had more than enough connections to buy and sell, supply and retrieve, forward and backward, set up a church, build a university that teaches

`}&`^Š_ ‹^~_ ˆz_ x_ ‹]xÂ’_ Š_ Â?^_ x_ `x—‰^“_ ~q_ x_ zq`}~}—}xŽŠ_ jˆŽ_ wqj_ zq`}~}—x`_ q-—^_ himself or do any of those things that Nigerians do to make quick and easy money. ^~_ Â’^_ Â?}{^_ “qˆ_ xÂŽ_ ^¤xÂ’z`^Ă–_ q~_ once did anyone ask me for a penny to gain entrance into NiteShift. Much of my drinks at NiteShift were not paid wqj_Â?“_Â’^_Â?ˆ~_Â?“_~]^_ ˆ{ÂĽÂŽqj¨_ _`q~_qw_ Niteshifters will tell you that they had the same experience. Most of the people ~q_ Â?^_ wqˆŽŒ_ }ÂŽ_ }~^ ]}w~¼‹_ `xÂ’qˆj_ Boys of Nigeria had talent, dreams,

A lot of Niteshifters will tell you that they had the same experience. Most of the people to be found in NiteShift’s Glamour Boys of Nigeria had talent, dreams, ambitions and a lot of swagger. They had no money. Very few ( That did not stop Olumese from pulling them close, giving them an opportunity to network and helping them to realize their dreams

xÂ’Â?}~}qŽ‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ x_ `q~_ qw_ ‹|xÂ?Â?^j¨_ ]^“_ had no money. Very few of them could xJqjÂŒ_x_Â?qqÂŒ_Â?q&`^_qw_—qÂ?ÂŽx—¨_ ]x~_ÂŒ}ÂŒ_ not stop Olumese from pulling them close, giving them an opportunity to ÂŽ^~|qj‰_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ]^`z}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^Â’_ ~q_ j^x`}Âť^_ their dreams. At Niteshift, some of these young people rubbed shoulders with the likes of the greatest sportsman the world has ever known, the iconic q]xÂ’Â’^ÂŒ_ `}Š_~]^_qÂŽ^_|]q_Âż^|_`}‰^_ x_ Â?ˆ&^j¿“_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹~ˆŽÂ?_ `}‰^_ x_ Â?^^¨_ ]^“_ met the likes of the suave Babagana Kingigbe and spoke with tried and ~^‹~^ÂŒ_~x`^ÂŽ~‹_`}‰^_ Â?qÂť}_ ‰qÂŽÂŚq_ |^x`x¨_ Does anyone make money this way? jxÂť}`“Š_ ~]}‹_ }``qÂ?}—x`}~“_ }‹_ x~_ ~]^_ ]^xj~_ of the legend of Ken Calebs Olumese and the triumph and fable of NiteShift. qÂ’^_q~]^j_z^qz`^_x‹‰Ö_Ă… ]“_ÂŒ}ÂŒ_~]^_ Guvnor not pass on the management of }~^ ]}w~_ ~q_ x_ “qˆŽÂ?^j_ z^j‹qŽÞ¼_ _ Â’x“_ have asked the same question if I have not faced the same challenges in the institutions that I have run. NiteShift is not a bank or an insurance company. Its method is a complete ÂŽq{^`~“¨_ ~_ Â’x“_ Â?^_ ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_ wqj_ x_ `q~_ qw_ people to understand but there is no university in this world that teaches you how to run an institution like NiteShift. It is about the dream, the {}‹}qÂŽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~]^_ zx‹‹}qÂŽ¨_ ]^j^_ }‹_ ÂŽq_ instruction manual or template. Buoyed by the vision, you follow your instinct. A lot of what Olumese did to succeed would have been considered by many x‹_ }jjx~}qÂŽx`_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹ˆ}—}ÂŒx`¨_ ]^ÂŽ_ “qˆ_ think of it, the geniuses of our time are people who shun the norm. In other words, they break the rules and create the impossible. Grooming a successor in the circumstance is not as easy as it ‹qˆŽŒ‹¨_ ]^_ wx—~_ ~]x~_ “qˆ_ ‹]xj^_ x_ Â?^ÂŒ_ with someone does not mean that you share his dream. ]x~_ÂŒq^‹_ÂŽq~_Â’^xÂŽ_~]x~_j^x`_ }Â?^j}xŽ‹_ —xÂŽ_xJqjÂŒ_~q_`^~_ }~^ ]}w~_ÂŒ}^Š_~]^_|x“_ we turned our backs on Pepple Street and left music and software pirates to take over the historic spot where }Â?^j}x¼‹_ Â’q‹~_ j^{^j^ÂŒ_ ’ˆ‹}—}xÂŽ_ qw_ x``_ times, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, practiced his unique art. I have wondered whether those of us with NiteShift in our DNA or to whom NiteShift forms an important part of the history of our life and nation cannot start something like a NiteShift Foundation that can bring back the historic institution we love and make sure that we can hand it over to a new generation. I do not believe that we cannot generate the enthusiasm and resources to keep alive a foundation that can continue to foster transethnic friendship in Nigeria, promote creativity, intellect, excellence and all those things that money cannot buy |]}—]_ `ˆ’^‹^_Â’xÂŒ^_ˆ‹_^ÂŽÂŚq“_wqj_ÂŽ^¤~_ to nothing. I think of a foundation in which Ken Calebs Olumese is appropriately compensated for the use of the facilities he built with sheer doggedness. I think of a foundation in which Olumese is a consultant and adviser and properly j^’ˆŽ^jx~^ÂŒ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ j^Â’x}Ž‹_ ˆ{ÂĽÂŽqj_ wqj_ x‹_ `qÂŽÂ?_ x‹_ ]^_ —xÂŽ¨_ ]^‹^_ xj^_ ’“_ thoughts. I am sure there are many other thoughts out there. Please share them with us. Meanwhile, when does Ken Calebs Olumese get the national honour which he richly deserves? I am reminded that before he became President, Goodluck Â?^`^_ qÂŽx~]xÂŽ_|x‹_qÂŽ_~]^_ }~^ ]}w~_]q~_ seat.


Newswatch Times


Friday, October 31, 2014

President Jonathan felicitates with Professor Tess Osonye Onwueme at the celebration of her Archival Collection

Celebrating the Archival Collection of Dr. Tess Osonye Onwueme (Photo: Courtesy University of Wisconsin Eau Claire) ADA DIKE


he President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, GCFR, has congratulated one of Nigeria’s best playwrights, Professor Tess Osonye Onwueme at the celebration of her Archival Collection. Speaking at the event which took place at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, United States of America on Saturday, October 18, 2014, President Jonathan said: “It is my pleasure to be here today at this celebration of the Archival Collection of Professor Tess Osonye Onwueme, eminent University jqw^‹‹qj_qw_ `qÂ?x`_ ^&^j‹_x~_~]^_ ÂŽ}{^j‹}~“_qw_ Wisconsin, Eau Claire.â€? Mr. President, who was represented by the Special Assistant to the President on Documentation, Molara Wood, described Onwume as “unarguably Africa’s most famous female dramatist.â€? _ ÂŽ_]}‹_|qjÂŒÂ‹Ă–_ÂŽ ]^_`^&^j_}ÂŽwqjÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_Â’^_xÂ?qˆ~_ this event from the Chancellor and Foundation q-—^‹_ qw_ ~]^_ ˆŽ}{^j‹}~“Š_ ^`qÂźÂˆ^ÂŽ~`“_ ÂŒ^‹—j}Â?^‹_ Prof Onwueme as “a national icon that Nigeria and the United States shares with the worldâ€?. “That description succinctly captures the ^‹‹^Ž—^_ qw_ ~]^_ Â?j^x~_ |qÂ’xÂŽ_ qw_ `^&^j‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ internationally acclaimed scholar and poet who earned her place in the globe writing plays with themes of social justice, culture and the environment. She belongs to the distinguished community of conscience for whom art is not for its own sake but rather for the sake of life. In her various literary exploits she has used her art to give loud voices to traditionally silenced views such as African Women, life in Africa, the youth and the global poor. “This special recognition by the university where she has distinguished herself as a Professor of Cultural Diversity and English is the icing on the cake on her too numerous recognitions and awards over the years. “I congratulate Prof Onwueme and encourage her to continue to churn out more and more literary outputs to reshape our world which is in dire need of pedagogy from nurturers of global civilization in her mould. It is also my wish that this great icon will

—qÂŽ~}Žˆ^_~q_‹^j{^_x‹_x_ÂŞÂ?ˆj^_qw_^¤zj^‹‹}qÂŽ_qw_ the great bond between Nigeria and the United States of America. “We the people of Nigeria are proud of her and her accomplishments, just as we cherish the monument Wisconsin University has erected in her honour,â€? he said. Prof. Onwueme, according to him, is one of the most important playwrights that our country Nigeria has produced. “She is, without doubt, the most published and celebrated female playwright to emerge from the continent of Africa. We are most proud of her exceptional achievements and outstanding contributions to Literature and Drama, and the

|qj`ÂŒ_qw_`^&^j‹_x‹_x_|]q`^¨ “Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the

qÂŽqˆj_ }‹_ Â?^ÂŞ&}ÂŽÂ?¨_ ^j“_ w^|_ z`x“|j}Â?]~‹_ are candidates for the canon with their very ÂŞj‹~_ |qj‰‹¨_ jqw¨_ ^‹‹_ ‹qŽ“^_ ÂŽ|ˆ^Â’^_ }‹_ one of those rare few. From the beginning, her work stood out with a striking poise; and ~]j^^_ ÂŒ^—xÂŒ^‹_ qw_ zjq`}ª—_ `}~^jxj“_ zjqŒˆ—~}qÂŽ_ ]x{^_qÂŽ`“_—qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ŒŠ_|}~]_—qz}qˆ‹_zjqqwŠ_]^j_ original promise. “ Prof. Onwueme’s career is characterised by a trajectory of consistency, range, beauty and energy. Among her most memorable works are: the epic dramas ‘Tell It To Women’ and ‘What Mama Said’; ‘Then She Said It’ (a play)

and ‘Riot In Heaven’ (drama for the voices of colour). She has engaged the environment in every sense of the word. She has explored gender relations, and has created a fresh paradigm for performance aesthetics. Her works have also helped revive a dimension of that unity of conception and performance that ~]^_|qj`ÂŒ_}‹_}ÂŽ_ÂŒxÂŽÂ?^j_qw_wqjÂ?^&}ÂŽÂ?¨ “ Having emerged as one of the most vibrant voices of the radical theatre tradition in the Nigeria of the 1980s, Onwueme went on to become a leading voice of politically —qÂ’Â’}&^ÂŒ_ ÂŒjxÂ’x_ }ÂŽ_ qˆj_ —qˆŽ~j“¨_ ]^_ |x‹_ qÂŽ^_ qw_ ~]^_ Ă… q—‰_ jq|_ q}—^‹¼_ }ÂŽ_ |]x~_ }‹_ now known as the ‘Alternative’ tradition of }Â?^j}xÂŽ_ `^&^j‹_ Œˆj}ÂŽÂ?_ qˆj_ ^—qÂŽÂŒ_ ^zˆÂ?`}—Š_ w^xj`^‹‹_xj~}‹~‹_~]x~_^ÂŽÂ?xÂ?^ÂŒ_}ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŒxj}ÂŽÂ?_ÂźÂˆ^‹~_ wqj_x_Â?^&^j_ }Â?^j}x¨ _ÂŽ ]jqˆÂ?]_~]^_ÂŞ^j—^_Â?^xˆ~“_xÂŽÂŒ_—qÂ’Â’}~Â’^ÂŽ~_ of her work, Onwueme has stood against all forms of oppression, including gender discrimination and environmental exploitation in the Niger Delta. “According to Prof. G. G. Darah, Prof. Onwueme “challenged the orthodoxies of drama by women writers... she took on the issues of women victims of exploitation in the oil industry xÂŽÂŒ_ x&^ÂŽÂŒxÂŽ~_ ^ÂŽ{}jqÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~x`_ —j}‹}‹¨¨¨_ xŽ“_ qw_ her female protagonists are activists who resist marginalisation and gender stereotype.â€? “Dr. Onwueme’s works have become canonical and we in Nigeria are proud of her achievements. Her energy remains a source of inspiration to generations of young men and women at home and now, evidently, in the rest of the world. Her commitment to her art has also inspired a new dimension of respect for both artistic and scholarly excellence. “We are blessed that God gave us an artist of the calibre of Prof. Onwueme, and we are proud to share her gifts with the world. “For inviting me to this occasion, marking the donation of the ‘Tess Osonye Onwueme Papers’ to the University of Wisconsin-Eau `x}j^_ qˆŽŒx~}qŽŠ_ _xÂ’_Â’q‹~_Â?jx~^wˆ`¨_ ^j“_ clearly, our beloved playwright’s papers will now become a permanent resource for scholars and students for posterity. This is how it should be: rewarding excellence and creativity with recognition and legacy.â€?

E-Books set to surpass print in the U.S. BISI DANIELS


{^j_~]^_ÂŽ^¤~_ÂŞ{^_“^xj‹Š_~]^_wx~^_qw_~]^_ ^˜Â?qq‰_}‹_‹^~_~q_{xj“_‹}Â?ÂŽ}ª—xÂŽ~`“_Â?“_ country. In Germany, for example, it will remain a niche player for the foreseeable future, according to a PricewaterhouseCoopers study published by the Economist. Today in the United States, the e-book industry is worth about $5.7 billion while print is worth approximately $10 billion. By 2018, print and e-books will be worth $7.9 and $8.7 billion respectively, an incredible shift compared to other developed nations like Germany where print is going to remain dominant. The e-book is also set to surpass print in the United Kingdom. In 2018, its e-book industry will be worth $1.5 billion compared to print which is expected to generate sales of $1.4 billion. What Writers Need To Know About The E-Book Market E-books have dramatically changed the landscape for authors looking to get published. q|Š_ |}~]_ ~]^_ zj^‹‹_ qw_ x_ w^|_ Â?ˆ&qŽ‹Š_ xÂŽ_ unknown author can go from manuscript to Â?qq‰_x{x}`xÂ?`^_wqj_‹x`^_}ÂŽ_qÂŽ`}ÂŽ^_‹~qj^‹_~jx-—‰^ÂŒ_ by millions of people—with or without the backing of a publishing house. For established authors with agents and/or publishers, e-books have changed everything, too. Digital distribution through major retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple’s

iBookstore and Kobo has given published authors fresh and exciting ways to reach worldwide readers with their new titles as well as their backlists—which, thanks to e-books, never go out of print. ĂŹÂ?“_ ^j^’“_ j^^ÂŽÂŞ^`ŒŠ_ ^ÂŒ}~qj}x`_ ÂŒ}j^—~qj_ qw_ Digital Book World ˜Â?qq‰‹_]x{^_~jˆ`“_`^{^`^ÂŒ_~]^_z`x“}ÂŽÂ?_ÂŞ^`ÂŒ¨_ Kindle, Nook and Apple bestseller lists feature titles from big publishing’s all-stars right x`qÂŽÂ?‹}ÂŒ^_ÂŞ^j—^_—qÂ’z^~}~}qÂŽ_wjqÂ’_~]^_|qj`ÂŒ_qw_ }ÂŽÂŒ^z^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŽ~_zˆÂ?`}‹]}ÂŽÂ?¨_ ]jqˆÂ?]_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_]x`w_ of 2013, self-published e-books appeared on the weekly Digital Book World E-book Bestseller `}‹~_ ÔÔ_ ~}Â’^‹Š_ zˆ&}ÂŽÂ?_ }ÂŽÂŒ^z^ÂŽÂŒ^ÂŽ~_ xˆ~]qj‹_ collectively fourth among all “publishers,â€? ahead of such powerhouses as Simon & Schuster, Macmillan and HarperCollins. Revered New York Times book critic Michiko Kakutani even named a self-published work among the top 10 books of 2012 (The Revolution Was Televised: The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who ]xÂŽÂ?^ÂŒ_ _ jxÂ’x_ qj^{^j_Â?“_ `xÂŽ_ ^z}ÂŽ|x``‘¨ [Learn the 5 Essential Story Ingredients You ^^ÂŒ_~q_ j}~^_x_ ^&^j_ q{^`Ăœ By early 2013, e-books accounted for nearly 29 percent of all trade publishing revenues in the U.S., according to the Association of American Publishers. In the U.K. and Canada, publishers are reporting similar trends, and newer e-book markets such as Germany and

xzxÂŽ_ xj^_ —x~—]}ÂŽÂ?_ ˆz_ ÂźÂˆ}—‰`“¨_ _ ÂźÂˆxj~^j_ qw_

Americans read an e-book in 2012 (according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project)—a proportion that has surely gone up since. And a recent survey by Digital Book World and PlayCollective revealed that some 54 percent of kids ages 2–13 read e-books, suggesting that as that generation grows up, e-book reading will become even more popular. The trick to building a successful career as an author in the digital arena is understanding the marketplace. Here’s what every writer really needs to know. How E-books Have Changed Distribution Today, anyone with a smartphone, e-reader or tablet computer has the world’s largest bookstore in her pocket. While stats vary between countries, publishers, genres and even titles, it’s thought that Amazon has the largest part of the worldwide e-book sales market share. In the U.S., the company is estimated to account for about 60 percent of all e-book sales, with Nook and Apple each comprising 15–20 percent, and Kobo and other smaller players making up the rest. (In Canada, however, where Kobo is based, it is estimated to have a slight lead over Amazon.) Myriad smaller retailers are also cashing in on digital titles. Smashwords, a company that distributes self-published e-books, reports that it generated $20 million in revenue in 2013 from taking a small cut of sales from titles it’s distributed to e-book retailers outside of Amazon.

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Newswatch Times

Weekend Buzz FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 2014

My relationship with Omotola Jalade – Genevieve



Davido set to collaborateq{ with Trey q{ Songz


Newswatch Times FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 2014

Youth empowerment will fast track MDGs Tope Olukole


ell us about your businesses? To the glory of God, I own two engineering firms that are into the fabrication and building of heavy machinery; we manufacture water tankers, fire engines, garbage/compacting trucks and the likes and they are doing very well. And you should know that it wasn’t easy setting up companies as such abroad. But the determination to succeed against so many odds encouraged me to forge ahead. And if I succeeded out there, I also feel I should also be responsible to my people at home by contributing my quota to the development of my home state and country. That is why I am an advocate of job creation for millions of Nigerians who need a means of survival. We have the manpower, so it’s quite disheartening to realize that we are yet to unleash the potentials of our zealous youthful generation. What do you think needs to be done? Is it for the government to create jobs or what? It is the responsibility of

Prince Rotimi Paseda is a successful businessman with engineering companies abroad that specialize in fabrication of heavy machinery. He was in Nigeria recently and spoke to TOPE OLUKOLE about how entrepreneurship and the creation of jobs will save millions of the nation’s youths.

all. For instance, I am back to contribute my quota by contesting the governorship position of my state, Ogun. That way, I can use my available resources and then gov-

ernment influence to bring succor to the people. Nigerians need to realize that entrepreneurship is the future. If start-up capital is a problem for some, govern-

Big Brother Hotshots:Will Sheillah survive the battle of the boys?


he tide in the Big Brother Hotshots house seems to be turning, if Monday night’s nominations are anything to go by. With six of the seven housemates evicted so far being women, there’s just one lady in danger this week – Botswana’s Sheillah. The other six nominees are all men: Arthur; Frankie (both Rwanda); Kacey Moore (Ghana); Luis (Namibia); Mr. 265

(Malawi) and Macky2 (Zambia). With the departures of Alusa and Laveda still sinking in, Big Brother started summoning the housemates to the Diary Room immediately after the live eviction show on Sunday, to make their nominations. Sheillah picked up 10 nominations, with her housemates citing both her x&}~ ^_ x _ ]^j_ x }z `xtive nature as reasons. Macky2 was next with 9 nominations,

followed by Mr. 265 and Luis with 5 and 4 respectively, Kacey Moore and Arthur with 3 each, 2 for Permithias and 1 for Nhlanhla & Samantha. Monday’s Head of House task was as keenly-contested as ever. First up, the housemates ]x _ ~q_ ª _ j^ _ x`` _ ]} ^ _ in the garden, with the semiª x`} ~ _ q} _ q _ ~q_ jx ^_ ^x ]_ other on cooler racing cars on the grass for the coveted title. JJ, Samantha and Sipe came up trumps in the ball search, before JJ prevailed on the ‘track’ to clain bragging rights this week. After Big Brother revealed the nomination results to the housemates on Monday evening, JJ was immediately summoned to the Diary Room to give his ‘add’ decision. He seemed to have made his mind up before his session, and named Frankie without hesitation. Voting opened immediately after that decision, and runs until next Sunday morning. The more you vote for your favourite nominated housemate, the ^&^j_ ~]^}j_ ]x ^_ qw_ ~x } _ in the house and being named as the winner. There are four ways to vote for your favourite housemate each week

ment can assist via provision of start-up capital even if it is on a small scale. Also, the organization of workshops, vocational trainings, among others would fast track development in every sector of the economy. Nigerians have learnt to become independent and provide for most of their basic needs themselves. Those who have succeeded in business need to look back and help others grow. So, you are saying our government has failed? Well, yes and the people are frustrated. This hampers economic growth. Take

education for instance, why should people pay so much? Why would a government reduce school fees and increase salaries when it is election time? Why can’t basic healthcare be free? Why are our power sector killing businesses as most depend on alternative sources of power? Our politicians and the rich can travel abroad at anytime with their families to get good healthcare and that is why they can neglect the millions who can’t. Our people must begin to demand for their rights from the political office holders. For instance, if our political office holders have children in Nigerian universities, there wouldn’t be so many strikes or if they were stuck in traffic in an ambulance on their way to the hospital, they would know what to do. When people pay through their nose for something that should be ordinarily subsidized by their government, forging successful entrepreneurs would become more tasking. So, the solutions are not so vague if our people would choose to do the right thing. More businesses will thrive under right conditions and more people will contribute economically to the GDP. We have the people, we have the resources. We only require the right mindset. How do you intend to make a change? I will simply challenge the Nigerian youths to stand for what is right and position themselves for emancipation from oppression and selfish leaders. Entreprenuership is the future of Nigeria and our youths should drive this change. I stand for change and I will champion this cause with every opportunity I get.


Newswatch Times FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 2014

Cheso debuts 2 singles ‘Neku Nek’ and ‘Supaghetti Body

Clems Onyeka’s Death:Nollywood Actress Vivian Okeke writes an open letter to AGN


jqzz} _~|q_ } `^_qJ_]} _È ~jx _ j^w x ^_ zjq¦^ ~ _ z_ x _ q } _ } ^j _ ]^ q_ ]x _ j^`^x ^ _ ~|q_ ^|_ } `^ _ ~}~`^ _Å ^ _ ^ ¥_x _ zx ]^&}_ q ¨¥ }j~]} _ x_ q{^`äj^wj^ ]} _ {xj}^~ _ qw_ `} ^_ ~x`^ ~_ x _ q~]} _ ]qj~_ qw_ j^x~}{}~ _ `}^ _ jq ^_ ~^j~x} ^ ~_ }{^ _~^^ } _ } _ `q{^j _ ]^ q_ qj _ |x¦} ]^ q_ ^j ]q _ ` }¦x] _}~ _{^j _q| _x _|]x~_}~_`q{^ _~q_ j^ q _x _Å~]^_ ^|^ ~_ ^ x~}q _} _~]^_ q _ qw_ qz_ } ¨¥ }~]_ ¢¡Ó_zjq{} _~q_ ^_x _} ^ ^ä jq } x }x _ ^xj_ wqj_ `}^ _ jq ^_ ~^j~x} ^ ~ _~]^ ¥{^_ q ~} ^ _~q_ ^_x_zxj~_qw_ ^| _ |qj~] _ x ~}{}~}^ _ |}~]_ ~]^_ `x~^ ~_ ^} _ ~]^_ ] ^_ ^ _j^ qj ^ _¦ ~_x q ~_x_|^^ _x q_ } _~]^_ xz}~x`_ }~ _ ¦x _x~_~]^_Å j^wx ^¥_ } ~^ } _ xj~ _wqj_ ]^ q¨ ]^ q_ zjq{^ _ ~q_ ^_ x_ ª ^_ xj~} ~^_ x _ zjq ^j_ `} ^|} ^ _ |]q_ ^ x _ `} ~^ } _ ~q_ } _} _x_ j}~} x`_ x ^j_ j} _]} _^xj` _]} ]_ ]qq`_ ^xj _|]} ]_ x|_]} _¦q} _ z_|}~]_]} _ ] j ]¥ _¦ }qj_ ]q}jÒ_]^_^ ¦q ^ _} ^ ~}w } _ q _x _]q|_~]^ _j^`x~^ _~q_q ^_x q~]^j_ ~q_wqj _x_ } x`_ q zq }~}q _ _|}~]q ~_j^ ~j} ~} _]} ^`w_~q_x_zxj~} `xj_ ^ j^_qw_ } _ ]^ q_^¤z`qj^ _ }{^j ^_ } x`_ `~ j^ _x _ } _qz^ _~q_ ^|_ } x`_} ^q`q }^ _ q~]_x _x _ xj~} ~^ _x _x _x_zjq ^j_ x _|q ` _ ^_ ^^ _q _ ]} _Å j^wx ^¥_zjq¦^ ~ ¨ ]^ ^_ ^^_]} _|}~]_x_ j^x _~q_ }~} _~]^_ x~}q _x _ q ~} ^ ~_x~_`xj ^ _~]jq ]_ } ¨_ }~]_ ]} _ jj^ ~_ x }`}~ _ x _ q~_ ^ ^x } _ ]} _ zq~^ ~}x`_ x }`}~ _ ~]^_ q _ x ~_ |]q_ ¦ ~_ j^~ j ^ _ wjq _ x`}wqj }x_ |]^j^_ ]^_ ~ }^ _ }q_ jq ~}q _ } ^^j} _} _ ¨ ¨ _} _x z}j^ _~q_]}~_zq~^ ~}x`_z^x _|}~]_]} _ } ¨


]^_ ~qj _ }` _qw_ } ^j}x_ ]x _ ^^ _ ~x ^ _ ~q_ |x ^_ } ~q_ ~]^_ } ^_ qw_ ª } _ x_ |x _ ~q_ x~^j_ wqj_ ~]^_ ~]j^^_ ]}` j^ _`^w~_ ^]} _ _ q `` |qq _ x ~qj _ `^ _ ^ x_ |]q_ |x _ }``^ _ _ x_ ~jx _ ``^~_ |]^ _ ]^_

Genevieve Nnaji speaks about her relationship with Omotola

Slemzy returns with ‘Sugar Honey’


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Newswatch Times FRIDAY OCTOBER 31, 2014

Beverly Osu, Owumi Ugbeye and Tayo Sobola, commend producers of Stolen Lives Tope Olukole


tolen Lives, the new movie from Nelson Jombo and Emmanuel Williams has received accolade from the members of cast of the movie. They applauded the producers for a job well done. Speaking on her role in the movie and her experience on the set of Stolen lives Owumi Ugbeye said “my experience on set was nice, was a fun experience. I played the lead character Amarachi. People should expect an honest performance, hopefully a real depiction of the struggles a lot of youths have to go through in their daily lives. On the whole, I had a nice time working with every member of cast and crew.â€? “I played the role of Jumoke, Bukky Wright and Kunle Coker’s daughter. I was a good daughter and I fell in love with a guy, played by Alex Ekubo. I later turned out to be a bad girl due to peer pressure and my boyfriend. My —]xjx—~^j_|x‹_x_Âżx‹]“_Â?}j`Š_ she could do anything for love and she lived a fast lifeâ€? Beverly Osu said. According to Tayo Sobola, “my experience qÂŽ_ ‹^~_ |x‹_ ÂŞÂŽ^Š_ }~_ |x‹_ ~]^_ normal location lifestyle

MEGA awards unveils nominees


and it was really very cool. People should expect me playing a funny character, my character is someone good and nice. They should ^¤z^—~_ ~q_ ‹^^_ Â’^_ zˆ&}ÂŽÂ?_ ’“_ Â?^‹~_ foot forward. I played the part of Anita.â€? Stolen Lives is the story of four Â?}j`‹_ wjqÂ’_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ Â?x—‰Â?jqˆŽŒ‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ |}~]_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ ‹~qj}^‹_ ~q_ tell. The story revolves around Â’xjx—]}Š_ xÂŽ^&^Š_ ˆ’q‰^_ xÂŽÂŒ_ Anita. Amarachi who is the lead character in the movie was raped at a tender age, while her cousin

xŽ^&^_ ^ŽŒ^Œ_ ˆz_ �^}Ž�_ _ Positive. Jumoke fell in love with a cultist and Anita found solace in the arms of older men. The movie features Jide Kosoko, Ruth kadiri, Alex Ekubo, Ik Ogbonna, Owumi Ugbeye, Tayo Sobola, Beverly Osu, Toyin Alausa, Eric Obinna, Bukky Wright, kunle Coker, Biola Williams.

O.C Ukeje, Gideon Okeke and others shines @ the premiere of When Love Happens


h e n Love Happens, t h e new movie from FilmOne Distribution Company which was premiered at the Genesis Deluxe Cinemas, Lekki penultimate week, had the crème de la crème of the Nigerian Movie InŒˆ‹~j“_}ÂŽ_x&^ÂŽÂŒxŽ—^¨ The movie which features top Nolly-

wood d actors and d actresses like Desmond Elliot, Gideon Okeke, Weruche Opia, O.C Ukeje, Oreka Godis, Bukky Wright, Beverly Naya, Bassey Keppy Ekpeyoung, Shaffy Bello and others is a romantic comedy. The movie was produced by Moses and Seyi Babatope and directed by Seyi Babatope. Below are exclusive pictures from the premiere

Azadus, Mr Raw thrill fun lovers @ Legend Taste & Tell


t was indeed a night of pleasant surprises recently at the King-size Place, a popular bar in Lagos, as two music stars, Azadus and Mr. Raw, thrilled revelers as part of the ongoing Legend Taste &Tell in-bar activation. The duo practically brought the roof down with medley of some of their popular tracks to the delight of the audience. While Azadus rendered some hit tracks including You Is the One, See Trouble, Madam, Dem Say You Say, Mr. Raw belted songs like Obodo, Ofediokwu, among others. However, the pair was not the only star of the night. The band, Platinum Blazzers, also gave a good account of themselves as they took the audience through a medley of old school and more contemporary music. It wasn’t only a night of music and dance as a number of consumers of the Legend Extra Stout drink walked away with prizes including refrigerators, T-shirts, free bottles of Legend Extra Stout, Face caps and other exciting instant prizes

courtesy of the stout drink. The Legend Extra Stout Taste & Tell in-bar activation, which kicked off on October 3, 2014, is a unique form of activation where participants are engaged in a blind taste exercise. They taste several unidentified drinks and are asked to identify the Legend brand. Participants who correctly identify Legend Extra Stout are rewarded with fantastic prizes weekly across Lagos. The campaign, which is a follow-up to the relaunch of Legend Extra Stout earlier in March this year, is aimed at reinforcing in the consumers the unique great Legend taste, as well as to ^Œˆ—x~^_~]^’_qŽ_~]^_‰^“_x&j}�ˆ~^‹_qw_ ^�^ŽŒ_ Extra Stout in an atmosphere of fun. Speaking on the activation, Funso Ayeni, Senior Brand Manager, Legend Extra Stout and Life Lager Beer, Nigerian Breweries PLC., stated that the activation was one of the ways the brand was connecting with its teeming consumers. He stated that the activation was designed to reward and excite consumers of the brand.

n its uncanny revolutionary vision of taking the Nigerian Music Industry to the next level through the revival of the grossly neglected Nigerian Gospel Music scene, the organizers of Nigeria’s Premier Gospel Awards, “THE MEGA AWARDS� (Music and Entertainment Gospel Awards) has magnificently unveiled her Nominees for the 2014 edition. The classy unveiling event tagged “Pre-Noms Party� is the key event after the “MEGA Music Workshop� that ushers in the mighty “MEGA AWARDS Night� already branded “THE MEGA SHOW� by the Award’s Central Working Committee (CWC), organizers of the Gospel Award, taking place on November 14, 2014, at the Haven Event Centre, Ikeja GRA, Lagos. The Nominees’ unveil was held at the Combo Hall of the Lagos Television, Ikeja, Lagos. Although, it started 15 minutes behind schedule (5pm) after a brief red carpet (4pm), on October 21, 2014. It was a top-notched show laced with glitz, razzmatazz and fanfare. It was a memorable night of excellent entertainment and colorful marriage of drama, comedy and palatable musical performances from top emerging gospel acts. The guest artistes drawn from the major geographical locations of Nigeria unleashed five-star performances to the delight of the audience who were asking for more. The thrilling performances no doubt made the event grand. Notably among them were vivacious Esselyte, a Niger-Delta tradocontemporary songstress and her dramatic group and Liyia, a fast-raising Gospel Hip-Hop artiste and her creative dance crew. Others are Itunu Segun Oseni, an inspiring songbird and veteran gospel Reggae act, Paul Parsol. Top Comedian and Musician, Omo Jesu, brilliantly anchored the event. He added more colour to the event with his hilarious musical displays and trademark juicy jokes. Remarkably, the event was aired live on Nigerian’s Premier Private FM Radio Station, Ray Power Fm and Top Radio Fm Simultaneously. The well-packaged event attracted Nigerian’s distinguished celebrities such as broadcasting guru, Dr. Larry Izamoje (founding Chairman, Brilla Sports Radio); Music legend, Laolu Akins, Deji Irawo, CEO, Exclusive to Divinity (X2D) Television Channel; Gloria Rhodes of Steve Rhodes Foundation, Flo Nathan Akiremi, MEGA Artiste of the year (2013), Taiwo Oladoye, MEGA Best New Act (2013), Ebele the Flutist, Mercy Joseph, Ejiro Adigbo, Publisher of Top Celebrities Magazine; Perry Martins, CEO, Gospotainment Radio; Olusola Tomoloju, Publisher, Christian News Scroll Magazine, among others. Of course, there were also adequate attendance from music fans, artistes, media practitioners and general public.

Newswatch Times

Glitz & Glam



Timi Dakolo, Yinka Davies, Gordons to perform @ historic Love Musical


imi Dakolo, DJ Xclusive, Gordons to Perform at Historic Love Musical Soul singer Timi Dakolo, DJ Xclusive, veteran vocalist Yinka Davies, comedian Gordons, prolific artist Ice Nweke and others will come together in an exquisite love musical performance. The event tagged ‘Love the Musical’ will deliver a special theatre experience with a rich combination of dance, drama, music and poetry. The show, organized by Limitless Minds Africa also feature special appearances from popular OAPs like Mannie and ZOE and will take place at The Eko Convention Centre, in Lagos on November 2, 2014 Special guest artistes include Ranti Ihimoyan, Donna the Poet, Sheila, Efe Paul Azino and Sasu, Frank Konwea and Kay Strings, while TV personality Andre Blaze will host the show. The event would be directed by renowned dancer and artiste Ice Nweke and would be produced by Clementine Vervelde. Speaking to Glitz and Glam, organizers say that the inspiring story is a clear portrait of the lives of three beautiful women on a journey in search of the true meaning of love.

Sauti Sol releases Sura Yako remix video ‌features Iyanya Bukola Bakare


auti Sol has released the video for his popular

song ‘Sura Yako’ (The remix) and featured the Kukere crooner Iyanya. ‘Sura Yako’ is the fourth single off

Sauti Sol’s upcoming album: Live and Die in Afrika. The video was shot by Enos Olik & Bokeh Family.

Obiwon and wife mark 3rd wedding anniversary


o p u l a r m u s i c artiste, O b i o r a Nwokolobia-Agu , popularly known as Obiwon celebrated his 3rd wedding anniversary recently and to mark the occasion, he released new photos of his adorable family in commemoration of the event. It would be recalled that the artiste left his plump bank job to pursue his musical dreams, having graduated from The University of Nigeria; Nussuka with a degree in Agricultural Extension and had a brief stint with the group, Thorougbreds. Some of his albums include Get them off me and The Rebirth. He is now a gospel artiste.

Davido set to collaborate with Trey Songz


e needs no introduction in the music business .From the moment David Adeleke aka Davido released the hugely successful Damiduro to critical acclaim, he has gone ahead to churn out a number of hits which include collaborations with Akon xÂŽÂŒ_ xª‰}Âťq`q¨_ The news making the rounds now is that the music maker is set to collaborate with American singer, Trey Songz. From all indications, the new work will be a hit when it eventually hits the stable, it would

be a monstrous hit. No doubt, music lovers are fervently waiting . Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Davido relocated to Lagos at a young age. He released his debut album Omo Baba Olowo in 2012, which includes the singles “Back Whenâ€? featuring Naeto C, “Dami Duroâ€?, “All of Youâ€?, “Overseasâ€? featuring Sina Rambo, “Ekuroâ€?, “Gbon Gbonâ€? and “Feel Alrightâ€? featuring Ice Prince. Davido has released the singles “Gobeâ€?, “One of a Kindâ€?, “Skelewuâ€?, “Ayeâ€?, and “Tch^`^~^_Â? qqÂŒ`}w^‘¯_qJ_]}‹_ˆz—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_x`bum which was slated to be released in the fourth quarter of 2014.



News of Islam FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014

Zakat Foundation empowers needy, sponsor surgery

Mrs Ismail collecting a cheque of N150,000 from the EDCEO, ZSF Imam Abdullahi Shuaib, for the operation of her child for chronic cough and nasal surgery SUBAIR MOHAMMED


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Vote for credible candidates, Ahmadiyya advised TAYO SALAMI


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^_ ]} ^ _ ~]^_ ^`^ ~qjx~^_ wqj_ ^``} _ ~]^}j_ q }^ ^_x _~]^}j_{q~^ _} _^¤ ]x ^_wqj_ L-R Missionary (Barr.) Rabiu Uthman; General Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at z _qw_j} ^_~]^j^ _{q~} _wqj_} q z^~^ ~_ Nigeria, Alhaji Abbas Iromini and Amir, Dr. Mashhud Aderenle Fashola, during the 40th Majlis Ansarullah Nigeria, Shoora 2014, recently.

News of Islam



NASFAT honours first baby of the year TAYO SALAMI


o commemorate the Islamic New Year -- Hijra 1436 ¨ Š_ ~]^_ |qÂ’^ÂŽ_ xJx}j‹_ —qÂ’Â’}&^^_ qw_ x‹jˆ`˜ x]}˜ ˜ x~}]_ q—}^~“_ qw_ }Â?^j}x_ Â? ‘Š_ Â’xÂŒ^_ x_ Â?}xÂŽ~_ ‹~j}ÂŒ^_ Â?“_ zj^‹^ÂŽ~}ÂŽÂ?_ x_ ‹~xj_ zj}Âť^_ ~q_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ Â?xÂ?“_qw_~]^_“^xj_xÂŽÂŒ_x`‹q_Â?x{^_Â?}w~‹_~q_ q~]^j_ Â?xÂ?}^‹_ Â?qjÂŽ_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ ÂŒx“_ qw_ ˆ]xjjx’Š_ |]}—]_ wx``‹_ qÂŽ_ x~ˆjÂŒx“Š_ —~qÂ?^j_šÔŠ_š¢¥Ă“Š_x~_~]^_ xÂ?q‹_ ‹`xÂŽÂŒ_ x~^jÂŽ}~“_ q‹z}~x`¨_ ]^_ |qÂ’^Ž¼‹_ |}ÂŽÂ?_qw_~]^_ ‹`xÂ’}—_qjÂ?xÂŽ}Âťx~}qÂŽ_x`‹q_ ˆ‹^ÂŒ_~]^_qzzqj~ˆŽ}~“_~q_ÂŒqÂŽx~^_x_Â?xÂ?“_ }Ž—ˆÂ?x~qj_~q_~]^_]q‹z}~x`¨ ^—^}{}ÂŽÂ?_ ~]^_ Â?ˆ^‹~‹_ x~_ ~]^_ —qÂŽw^j^Ž—^_ jqqÂ’_ qw_ ~]^_ ]q‹z}~x`Š_ ~]^_ ]}^w_ ^ÂŒ}—x`_ }j^—~qjä ]}^w_ ¤^—ˆ~}{^_ -—^j_ qw_ xÂ?q‹_ ‹`xÂŽÂŒ_ x~^jÂŽ}~“_ q‹z}~x`Š_ j¨_ qÂŽx`ÂŒ_ Â’q‹^Â’}Š_‹x}ÂŒ_ _|qÂ’^ÂŽ_]x{^_ Â?^^ÂŽ_ ~qˆ—]}ÂŽÂ?_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹q|}ÂŽÂ?_ }ÂŽ~q_ ~]^_ `}{^‹_qw_z^qz`^_}ÂŽ_~]^_‹q—}^~“¨

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Ahmadiyya extols virtues of General Gowon

...Donates incubator to Island Maternity Hospital ]^_|qÂ’^Ž¼‹_|}ÂŽÂ?_~^xÂ’_|]}—]_|x‹_ `^ÂŒ_ Â?“_ ~]^_ x~}qÂŽx`_ qÂ’^ÂŽ_ Jx}j‹_ ^—j^~xj“Š_ `]xÂŚx_ qª‹x~_ Â?}q`x_ jqÂ?ˆŽŒxÂŒ^Š_‹~x~^ÂŒ_~]x~_~]^_{}‹}~x~}qÂŽ_ to the hospital was to commemorate ~]^_Â?^Â?}ÂŽÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_qw_~]^_ ‹`xÂ’}—_ ^|_ ^xj¨_ ]^_‹x}ÂŒ_~]x~_|qÂ’^ÂŽ_]x{^_~q_ÂŒ^{^`qz_ ~]^}j_‹z}j}~ˆx`_`}{^‹_Â?^—xˆ‹^_~]^“_]x{^_ z}{q~x`_jq`^‹_~q_z`x“_}ÂŽ_ ‹`xÂ’¨_ ]^_ ‹x}ŒŠ_ ÂŽ _ |qÂ’^ÂŽ_ ]x{^_ {xj}qˆ‹_ jq`^‹_ xÂŽÂŒ_ j^‹zqŽ‹}Â?}`}~}^‹_ |^_ xj^_z`x“}ÂŽÂ?_‹q_x‹_~q_Â’x‰^_~]^_|qÂ’xÂŽ_ x_Â?^&^j_z^j‹qÂŽ_}ÂŽ_~]^_‹q—}^~“¨_ ^_]x{^_ {xj}qˆ‹_ zjqÂ?jxÂ’Â’^‹_ |]}—]_ xj^_ qw_ Â?j^x~_ Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~_ ~q_ |qÂ’^ÂŽ_ x~_ `xjÂ?^¨_ ^_ ]x{^_ xÂŽ_ ^Â’zq|^jÂ’^ÂŽ~_ zjqÂ?jxÂ’Â’^_ |]^j^_ |^_ qjÂ?xÂŽ}‹^_ {q—x~}qÂŽx`_ ‹‰}``‹_ ~jx}ÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ wqj_ |qÂ’^ÂŽ¨_ `‹qŠ_ _

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hmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria has extolled the humility and candour of the former Nigerian head of state, General Yakubu Gowon, as he clocks 80. The leadership recalled the steadfastness displayed by General Gowon during the civil war, his pronouncement of “No victor, no X`^¼€]_ Vj¢ `^j \ V ]zqUVzV^\`\]Y^ of the famous ‘3Rs’, Reconciliation, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation – after the war. This process, no doubt had a major impact on the Nigerian society through the late 1960s and 1970s. Prominent among this was the establishment of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), a byproduct of the reintegration process. More importantly, the Ahmadiyya leadership noted that General Gowon xVz`]^_ \ V Â’x_\ 1] Vx]`^  V`j YZ state to host the world leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih II, when he visited Nigeria.

JMF urges LASG to ignore court ruling on Hijab TAYO SALAMI


n appeal has gone to the Lagos State government to ignore the court judgment on hijab and issue a directive to school principals to allow female Muslim students to use it in school. This call was made last week at the press conference organized by the Joint Muslim Forum, (JMF), held at Rahmat Islamiyyah Hall, Ikeja, Lagos. While addressing journalists, JMF noted that if the judgment is implemented, it is capable of creating avoidable tension and crises, thereby destroying the peaceful co-existence and religious tolerance Lagos State currently enjoys. However, JMF warned that if Lagos State government do not take necessary steps concerning the issue, it would resolve to ‘no

hijab, no vote’ during the upcoming elections in February 2015. Adding that, “We have decided to vote for any candidate from any political party willing to grant us religious freedom. We would vote for those who will approve the use of hijab in schools irrespective of political ` U]`\]Y^ ¢ To this end, JMF urged Gov. Babatunde Raji Fashola to promote religious harmony and reverse discriminatory policies against Muslims who have supported and demonstrated goodwill for peaceful coexistence even in the face of blatant provocations. In another development, JMF has reiterated its total rejection of the campaign for a Christian governor in Lagos in 2015 and pleaded with Lagosians to reject any candidate that emerged on account of unfathomable or disguised religious sponsorship.

Stressing further, the group stated, “We remain committed to democratic norms and principles in the election of governor for Lagos State. Merit and demonstrated capacity to govern must be the criteria to determine the next governor of the state. We are for the steady development, security, peace and welfare of Lagosians -]xxV_qV[\]XV YZ xVU] ]Y€_ ` U]`\]Y^ of governorship election candidates. We would educate our people and Lagosians and pitch our tents behind any candidate from any party or from any religion who emerges to contest governorship election in the state on the basis of merit and not because he or she was appointed or _qY^_YxVj Y^ xVU] ]Y€_ ` ^]\ˆ Yx YjZ`\ Vx]_z ¢ The group enjoined Lagosians not to allow mediocrity and religious sentiments to becloud their reasoning in the choice of their preferred candidate.


Islam and your health Antioxidant strengthens the body’s immune ‹“‹~^Â’Ă’_ j^Œˆ—^‹_ ~]^_ ‹^{^j}~“_ qw_ x‹~]Â’xŠ_ cancer, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, premature ageing, as well as delaying the ^J^—~‹_qw_xÂ?^}ÂŽÂ?¨_ `}{^‹_—qÂŽ~x}ÂŽ_—qÂ’zqˆŽŒ‹_ called polyphenols that appear to have ‹}Â?ÂŽ}ª—xÂŽ~_xÂŽ~}˜}ÂŽÂżxÂ’Â’x~qj“_zjqz^j~}^‹¨ More so, the juice of olive, otherwise known as olive oil is a source of antioxidants. This oil is monounsaturated, and it has a positive ^J^—~_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ —]q`^‹~^jq`_ `^{^`_ }ÂŽ_ qˆj_ Â?`qqÂŒ_ streams, by reducing it. Monounsaturated fats are an important part of our diets. Olive oil prevents cholesterol from sticking to the artery walls, therefore combating against diseases such as strokes and heart diseases. Also, it controls blood sugar, thereby protecting diabetes. Olive oil is extracted from ripe olive fruits. The unripe and over ripe fruits contain less amount of the oil. The fruits are processed ~]j^^_ ~}Â’^‹¨_ ˆ——^‹‹}{^`“Š_ ~]^_ ÂŞj‹~_ jqˆŽŒ_ qw_ oil is the best in quality, golden in colour, with a light fragrance and known as virgin oil. Some varieties of olive oil remained ˆŽ—]xÂŽÂ?^ÂŒ_ }ÂŽ_ }~‹_ ^J^—~}{^ÂŽ^‹‹_ wqj_ “^xj‹¨_ ~_ contains therapeutic potential even if it is a thousand years old. According to Ibn Al-Qayyim, olive oil is an exhilarant, glows up the facial complexion, provides prevention against poisons, regulates the digestive process, expels the intestinal parasites, makes the hair lustrous and minimises ageing problems. The massage of olive oil with common salt over the gums is a remedy for several diseases of gums and teeth. The local application of olive oil or the water extracted from the crushed q`}{^_ q}`_ `^x{^‹_ }‹_ ^J^—~}{^_ qÂŽ_ Â?q}`‹Š_ jx‹]^‹_ and itching. The chronic ulcers and boils, |]}—]_ ‹]q|_ ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_ ]^x`}ÂŽÂ?_ —qÂŽÂŒ}~}qŽŠ_ xj^_ healed up with the use of olive oil locally. According to Zahbi, “Olive oil strengthens the hairs and body. Hence, it could be used as a good tonic in old age problems and to delay the ageing process. It is also useful in sexual weakness. Combination of normal ‹x`}ÂŽ^_ |}~]_ q`}{^_ q}`_ }‹_ ]}Â?]`“_ ^J^—~}{^_ }ÂŽ_ burns cases.â€? ]^_Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹_qw_q`}{^_q}`_}Ž—`ˆŒ^‹Ö_ `}{^_q}`_ can serve as a moisturizer as it can be rubbed qÂŽ_]xŽŒ‹Š_]x}jĂ’_}~_}‹_ˆ‹^ÂŒ_x‹_x_Â?x`Â’_~q_wqj~}w“_ the hair while it keeps the hair shiny and zj^{^ÂŽ~‹_ ÂŒxÂŽÂŒjˆJ¨_ `‹qŠ_ |]^ÂŽ_ jˆÂ?Â?^ÂŒ_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_Â?qŒ“Š_}~_wqj~}ÂŞ^‹_xÂŽÂŒ_Â’q}‹~ˆj}Âť^‹_~]^_‹‰}ŽŠ_ combating dry skin and softening it. It also combats against acne. When it is massaged qÂŽ~q_~]^_Â?qŒ“Š_}~_wqj~}ÂŞ^‹_~]^_`}Â’Â?‹Š_—qÂ’Â?x~‹_ xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ }ÂŽÂżxÂ’Â’x~}qŽŠ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹qq~]^‹_ x|x“_ aches and pains from tired muscles. In addition, olive oil combats wrinkles and In the hadiths, it was recorded that the ÂŒ^`x“‹_~]^_^J^—~‹_qw_q`ÂŒ_xÂ?^¨_ ~_ÂŞÂ?]~‹_‹~jq‰^‹Š_ Prophet (SAW), said: “Every kind of olive oil heart-disease, high blood pressure and is for you, and anoint yourself with it‌â€? diabetes. It aids digestion and strengthens Hazrat Sayyed Al-Ansari narrated that the the bowels, as well as the stomach. It also Prophet (SAW) said “Eat the olive oil and soothes pain and strengthens the body’s massage it over your bodies since it is a holy immune system. (mubarak) tree.â€? (Tirmizi, Ibn Maja). General consumption of olive oil, due to its Hazrat Alqama Bin Amir also narrated that high anti-oxidant properties helps to combat the Prophet (SAW) said, “There is olive oil diseases such as cancer (studies in particular for you, eat it, massage over your body, since show breast cancer), asthma, arthritis, }~_}‹_^J^—~}{^_}ÂŽ_ x^Â’qjj]q}Œ‹_Â? }`^‹‘¨¯_Â? Â?ÂŽ_ osteoporosis, among others. Al-Jozi, Zanbi). Other uses of Olive oil The Vitamin E contained in Olives is the Stomach ailments body’s primary fat-soluble antioxidant. A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice

Olive oil soothes pain, relieves constipation


aitoon also known as olive oil is described as a sign of peace and friendship in this world. It was noted that the roots of the olive tree are so extensive and strong to the extent that in times of drought, when other trees die, the olive tree is still standing. It draws from deep within the earth when the heavens withhold their life-giving water. Qur’an chapter 23 verse 20 states that: “And We created the tree which grows on Mount Sinai -- it gives oil and is used as food also by those who like to eat it‌â€? Also Qur’an chapter 24 verse 35 says, “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost Â?`q|_^{^ÂŽ_}w_ˆŽ~qˆ—]^ÂŒ_Â?“_ÂŞj^¨_ }Â?]~_ˆzqÂŽ_ light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.â€? To this end, the human body easily absorbs olives. This aids digestion so that the body can handle food with ease. Imam Jalaaluddin as-Suyuti, in his book, “Medicine of the Prophetâ€? suggests that drinking olive oil keeps the bowels moving, soothes pains and combats constipation. Olives are also very light foods (i.e. contain low calories), but at the same time very ÂŞ``}ÂŽÂ?Ă’_Â?^}ÂŽÂ?_xÂ?`^_~q_ÂźÂˆ}—‰`“_‹x~}‹w“_]ˆŽÂ?^jŠ_ and lead to fewer total calories ingested at meal time.

Massaging olive oil over the body tones up the muscles and organs, it relieves muscular pains and arthritis


Tayo Salami - 08052169951 (SMS only) can help soothe stomach pains. To use this natural remedy, combine 1 tbsp. olive oil with the juice of Âź lemon and drink the mixture twice daily, ideally in the morning and evening before meals. This treatment can be repeated daily as necessary unless it bothers your stomach further or causes any q~]^j_xÂŒ{^j‹^_‹}ÂŒ^_^J^—~‹¨_ xjÂ?^_zqj~}qŽ‹_qw_ this mixture can also be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for 48 hours if you prefer. Also for constipation and stomach upsets, take one teaspoon of olive oil mixed with ‹qÂ’^_`^Â’qÂŽ_ÂŚÂˆ}—^_qÂŽ_xÂŽ_^Â’z~“_‹~qÂ’x—]_ÂŞj‹~_ thing in the morning to treat constipation. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to some olive oil, and massage it into the abdomen to soothe an upset stomach. To lower blood cholesterol levels qÂŽqˆŽ‹x~ˆjx~^ÂŒ_ wx&“_ x—}Œ‹_ }ÂŽ_ q`}{^_ q}`_ help lower LDL (“badâ€?) cholesterol levels |}~]qˆ~_xJ^—~}ÂŽÂ?_ _Â?ÂŽÂ?qqÂŒÂŻÂ‘_—]q`^‹~^jq`_ or triglyceride levels. To lower your cholesterol, at least 15 per cent of your daily calories should come from monounsaturated wx&“_x—}Œ‹¨_ ]^ÂŽ^{^j_zq‹‹}Â?`^Š_ˆ‹^_q`}{^_q}`_ }ÂŽ_ z`x—^_ qw_ Â?ˆ&^j_ qj_ q~]^j_ {^Â?^~xÂ?`^_ q}`‹_ }ÂŽ_ cooking, in preparing dressings for salads or vegetables and in making sandwiches. Olive oil is also recommended for patients with heart and artery diseases since it reduces the level of harmful cholesterol (LDL) in the bloodstream and raises that of useful cholesterol (HDL). For soothing cold cough A constant cough that isn’t related to bronchitis is usually due to cold or allergies. Taking 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of extravirgin olive oil can quickly help in calming the cough, as it lubricates and calms the back of your throat. To relieve muscular pains and arthritis Massaging olive oil over the body tones up the muscles and organs, it relieves muscular pains and arthritis. Cancer Prevention A study, published by the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that women who consume high levels of monounsaturated fat have a lower risk of developing breast cancer. Another study by scientists at the University x~_ ˆJx`qŠ_ ]^_ ~x~^_ ÂŽ}{^j‹}~“_qw_ ^|_ qj‰Š_ demonstrated that b-sitosterol, a fat found in vegetable oils such as olive oil, helps prevent the formation of prostate cancer cells. A recent study by doctors at the University of Oxford has shown that olive oil has a zjq~^—~}{^_ ^J^—~_ xÂ?x}Ž‹~_ }ÂŽ~^‹~}ÂŽx`_ —xŽ—^j¨_ ~_ was also established that olive oil reduces the level of bile and raises that of DAO (the enzyme diamine oxidase), thus protecting against abnormal cell growth and cancer. Facts to note about olive oil ĂŁ qj_ ~]^_ ]}Â?]^‹~_ xÂŽ~}q¤}ÂŒxÂŽ~_ —qÂŽ~^ÂŽ~Š_ choose extra-virgin or virgin olive oil -- these are the least processed forms. ĂŁ ¤~jx˜{}jÂ?}ÂŽ_—qÂ’^‹_wjqÂ’_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_zj^‹‹}ÂŽÂ?_ of the olives and has a superior taste. ĂŁ }jÂ?}ÂŽ_q`}{^_q}`_}‹_qÂ?~x}ÂŽ^ÂŒ_Â?“_zj^‹‹}ÂŽÂ?_~]^_ crushed fruit in bags and removing the oil. It has a greenish tint and has a stronger taste than virgin olive oil. ĂŁ `}{^_ q}`‹_ |}~]_ `xÂ?^`‹_ ‹ˆ—]_ x‹_ Ă…j^ÂŞÂŽ^ÂŒ_ q}`ÂĽ_Ă… qÂ’x—^_q`}{^_q}`ÂĽ_qj_Ă…`}Â?]~_q}`ÂĽ_‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^_ avoided as they are not always 100% olive q}`¨_ qÂ’x—^_}‹_~]^_Â?jqˆŽŒ_Âż^‹]_xÂŽÂŒ_z}~‹_xw~^j_ pressing. ĂŁ ‹^_ q`}{^_ q}`_ wqj_ `q|˜~^Â’z^jx~ˆj^_ cooking. The particles in the oil will burn at ]}Â?]^j_ ~^Â’z^jx~ˆj^‹Š_ ~]ˆ‹_ Â?ˆjÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ qJ_ ~]^_ Â’xŽ“_]^x`~]_Â?^ÂŽ^ÂŞ~‹¨_ ĂŁ ~qj^_“qˆj_q`}{^_q}`_x|x“_wjqÂ’_]^x~_xÂŽÂŒ_ light to maintain phytochemical contents. To this end, olive oil can either be consumed hot or cold, olive oil protects the stomach against diseases such as gastritis and ulcers by reducing gastric acid levels. In addition to this, by activating the bile, it makes it perfect. It regulates the discharge of the gall bladder and reduces the risk of bile stone formation. Moreover, thanks to the chloride it contains, it also assists the functioning of the liver and thus helps the body to eliminate waste zjqŒˆ—~‹¨_ ÂŽ_xŒŒ}~}qŽŠ_}~_x`‹q_]x‹_x_Â?^ÂŽ^ª—}x`_ ^J^—~_qÂŽ_~]^_Â?jx}ÂŽ_xj~^j}^‹¨


Conference of Holy Qur’an


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Hijrah: New Year, New Leaf



he noble Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah is one of the grandest events in the history of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) gives us through the two migrations -- the ÂŞj‹~_ }ÂŚjx]_qw_~]^_ ˆ‹`}’‹_~q_ ~]}qz}x_ and his own to Madinah, then called Yathrib – taught many lessons and examples. He teaches us that change j^ÂźÂˆ}j^‹_]xjÂŒ_|qj‰_xÂŽÂŒ_‹x—j}ª—^¨ The New Hijrah Year occasion is a ~}Â’^_ wqj_ j^Âż^—~}qŽŠ_ x‹‹^‹‹’^ÂŽ~Š_ xÂŽÂŒ_ planning for the coming year. One should seize this occasion by assessing his work in the past year(s) and plan to `^xÂŒ_x_Â?^&^j_`}w^_}ÂŽ_~]^_—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?_“^xj¨_ ~¼‹_ ]}Â?]_~}Â’^_~q_j^Âż^—~_qÂŽ_xÂŽÂŒ_‹~ˆŒ“_qÂŽ^¼‹_ relationship with God, with his own self, and with people. ÂŽ_~]^_q——x‹}qÂŽ_qw_~]}‹_“^xj¼‹_ ‹`xÂ’}—_ New Year, one remembers that days and years that pass bring him closer to the time of his death. Therefore, he should prepare himself for departing the world by improving his relationship with God and with people. After death, one will miss the great opportunity of correcting his mistakes and will then get the outcome of his work in this world. The New Year constitutes a j^x`_ qzzqj~ˆŽ}~“_ wqj_ —qjj^—~}ÂŽÂ?_ qÂŽ^¼‹_ mistakes before it is too late. ——qjÂŒ}ÂŽÂ?_ ~q_ Ăą Â’xj_ }Â?ÂŽ_ `˜ x&xÂ?¼‹_ sincere advice, one should bring himself to account before he is taken to account and weigh his deeds on ~]^_ x“_qw_ ˆŒÂ?Â’^ÂŽ~¨_ ]^—‰}ÂŽÂ?_qÂŽ^¼‹_ deeds in this world helps in realizing qÂŽ^¼‹_‹]qj~—qÂ’}ÂŽÂ?‹_xÂŽÂŒ_—qjj^—~}ÂŽÂ?_]}‹_ mistakes. The New Year, therefore, —qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^_x_‹~qz_}ÂŽ_qÂŽ^¼‹_`}w^_~q_|^}Â?]_ ]}‹_zx‹~_ÂŒ^^Œ‹_xÂŽÂŒ_Â?^&^j_z`xÂŽ_wqj_~]^_

future. Be Careful, It’s a New Leaf The New Year is like a new leaf. A ˆ‹`}Â’_‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_Â?^_—xj^wˆ`_~q_ÂŞ``_}~_|}~]_ what pleases God and helps him lead a happy life in this world and in the ]^j^xw~^j¨_ ÂŽ^¼‹_ |jqÂŽÂ?ÂŒq}ÂŽÂ?‹_ ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_ be corrected with no delay. Good deeds should be increased and maintained. At the beginning of the New Year, one should check his relationship with God xÂŽÂŒ_|}~]_z^qz`^¨_ w_qÂŽ^_ÂŞÂŽÂŒÂ‹_qˆ~_~]x~_]^_ fails to carry out some religious duties, he has to resolve to make up for any missed obligations. He should observe his daily prayers, dhikr, religious zjx—~}—^‹Š_ ^~—¨_ `‹qŠ_ qÂŽ^¼‹_ j^`x~}qŽ‹]}z_ with people should be maintained and improved in case of any mistakes. God Accepts Repentance One is advised to start the New Year with repentance and start a new leaf with God and people. Repentance, with its basic conditions and requirements, is highly recommended. The Prophet

(peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Oh people, repent to Allah, for indeed, I repent to Allah 100 times every day.â€? (Muslim). qÂŒ_ x——^z~‹_ z^qz`^¼‹_ j^z^ÂŽ~xŽ—^_ whatever their sins are. Allah forgives all sins as He, Almighty is the Most forgiving, the Most Kind. Allah Almighty says: “O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is OftForgiving, Most Merciful. (Az-Zumar 39:35). So, the New Year is a golden opportunity for Muslims to renew and maintain sincere repentance. Therefore, repentance, cannot be considered as valid unless one takes the following steps: One must feel deep remorse for ~]^_ ‹}Ž‹_ qÂŽ^_ ]x‹_ —qÂ’Â’}&^ÂŒ¨_ ÂŽ^_ must refrain from it totally while also abstaining from all those leads or

At the beginning of the New Year, one should check his relationship with God and with people. If one finds out that he fails to carry out some religious duties, he has to resolve to make up for any missed obligations.

circumstances that led him to such a ‹}ÂŽ_}ÂŽ_~]^_ÂŞj‹~_z`x—^¨

^_’ˆ‹~_Â?^_ÂŞjÂ’`“_j^‹q`{^ÂŒ_ÂŽ^{^j_~q_ sin again, and immediately becoming occupied in whatever good deeds that he can do in order to wipe out his past sins. All of the above involve sins violating ~]^_ j}Â?]~‹_ qw_ ``x]Ă’_ }wŠ_ ]q|^{^jŠ_ qÂŽ^¼‹_ sins violate the rights of human beings, then he must also do whatever it takes to return or compensate or redress the grievances of the person he has wronged. Paying the aggrieved person his dues or compensating him in whatever ways possible becomes an essential condition for valid repentance. Once accomplished, repentance, as stated above, will undoubtedly wipe qˆ~_ qÂŽ^¼‹_ ‹}Ž‹Š_ xÂŽÂŒ_ Â?ˆxjxÂŽ~^^_ ]}Â’_ x_ clean record. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “One who has repented of a sin (sincerely) is like one who has never sinned at all.â€? Don’t Miss the Opportunity The New Year occasion is a chance ~q_j^{}^|_qÂŽ^¼‹_ÂŒ^^Œ‹_xÂŽÂŒ_j^`x~}qŽ‹]}z_ with God and with people. Islamic events constitute opportunities to ˆŽŒ^j‹~xÂŽÂŒ_ ‹`xÂ’_xÂŽÂŒ_j^wqjÂ’_z^qz`^¼‹_ behaviours. Days and years bring one closer to his death time; so a Muslim should be careful not to miss any opportunity to translate Islamic teachings into practice. Finally, we should never lose hope }ÂŽ_ Â?x}ÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?_ ``x]¼‹_ z`^x‹ˆj^_ xÂŽÂŒ_ forgiveness. The New Year is like a new `^xw_ ~]x~_ ‹]qˆ`ÂŒ_ Â?^_ ÂŞ``^ÂŒ_ |}~]_ Â?qqÂŒ_ ÂŒ^^Œ‹_xÂŽÂŒ_Â?^]x{}qˆj‹¨_ ^~¼‹_j^z^ÂŽ~_~q_ Allah and maintain good relationship with all people and work to spread Islamic values of justice, freedom, and equality. Allah knows best!

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Why pipeline vandalism persists - IPMAN chairman BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin


he Ilorin depot of the Independent Petroleum Marketers Association (IPMAN) has blamed the incessant oil pipeline vandalism in the country on the alleged }ÂŽÂŒ}J^j^Ž—^_ Â?“_ ‹^—ˆj}~“_ agencies to support the x‹‹q—}x~}qÂŽ_}ÂŽ_}~‹_^Jqj~‹_~q_ stem the ugly trend. Chairman of IPMAN, Abdulrasheed Olopade made the assertion yesterday while speaking exclusively with Newswatch Times, stressing that attacks on pipelines leading to Oke-Oyi Depot of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) from Â?Â?qÂ’q‹q_ ]xÂŒ_ ‹}Â?ÂŽ}ÂŞcantly reduced. He further lamented that it was worrisome that nothing was being done to collaborate with the association’s private security guards recruited to mount surveillance on oil installations despite overtures made to the security agencies. According to Olopade, if there is synergy between security agencies and IPMAN as required by the association, the menace

would have been tackled head long. He, however, urged security agencies to change their approach to the issue of pipeline vandalism, “which has caught global

x&^ÂŽ~}qÂŽ¨¯ The IPMAN boss explained that the country cannot but wage war against the menace follow}ÂŽÂ?_}~‹_xÂŒ{^j‹^_^J^—~_qÂŽ_~]^_ economy, as well as busi-

ness of the association. He further assured that the association would not rest on its oars in providing an enabling environment for security personnel to reduce the impact of


ogi State Government is to commit N5.4 billion towards the development of primary education. Governor Idris Wada, who made this known while receiving the report of the Interim ManxÂ?^Â’^ÂŽ~_ qÂ’Â’}&^^_ qw_ the State Universal Basic Education Board, which was set up by the government to look into the problems faced by basic education sector, said the state will source for a loan of N 2.7 billion to augment another N2.7billion already in the coffers of the National Universal Basic Education Board, earmarked for the development of primary education in the state. Wada opined that government will soon commence comprehensive re-organisation and re-structuring of basic education in the state, to overcome challenges that had slowed down progress of the sector. He commended the committee members for a job well-done and assured that some of them would be retained as

depot. Right now, vandalism has been reduced drastically and once that is achieved, loading would continue unabated in Ilorin depot. “If there is any problem we are facing on the line now, it is the problem of government agencies (security). Even the vandals are not our problem. The government agencies are not co-operating with the guards we put on the lines. If we have that cooperation, vandalism would have reached zero level.

2015: INEC vows to disenfranchise electorate without PVCs GODWIN !<!


T A man being immunised with meningitis vaccine during the nationwide immunisation campaign against the disease at Ihahe area of Omu-Aran in Irepodun Local Government Area of Kwara State...yesterday.

Kogi to spend N5.4bln on primary education ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja

pipeline vandalism on the nation’s economy. His words: “The issue of vandalism has become a recurring decimal in Ilorin depot. But miracle had happened to Ilorin depot because our lines are almost free now, based on ^Jqj~‹_ |^_ ‹]qˆ`Œ^j^Œ_ }Ž_ collaboration with PPMC Ilorin depot to sanitise the lines. “In the last two and half months now, our lines are reasonably free. Reception is becoming reasonable and by so doing, we have started loading in Ilorin

members of the new substantive education board that will soon be re-constituted. In his remarks before presentation of the report, chairman of ~]^_ —q’’}&^^Š_ ~^{^Ž_ Akwu, told the governor the report is of two volumes, with emphasis

on identifying the causes of delay in payment of teachers’ salaries, non implementation of promotion and payment of leave bonus of teachers for a period of four years, as well as recommendations on how to overcome these challenges.

He commended the support of the state chapter of National Union of Teachers (NUT) and education secretaries towards the success of the assignment and expressed delight that teachers’ salaries have been paid.

he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has vowed to disenfranchise electorate without the permanent Voters Card (PVC) in the 2015 general elections. Resident Electoral Commissioner of INEC for Nasarawa State, Ahmed Makama restated this at a stakeholders’ meeting held in preparation for the distribution of PVCs slated to be held from 7 to 9 November. Makama explained that those who would not be able to collect their PVCs within the stipulated period would have to collect it at their various local government areas. The INEC commissioner disclosed that 19 out of the 1,495 polling units in

PDP:100 aspire for House of Reps, state Assembly in Plateau GYANG BERE, Jos


o fewer than 100 aspirants have purchased the expression of interest and nomination forms of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Plateau State to represent their constituencies in the Federal House of Representatives and state House of Assembly. Newswatch Times gathered that among the aspirants is former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Edward Pwajok, former Commissioner of Works, Chris Hassan and Permanent Secretary Government House Jos, on Security, Istifanus Gyang, among others, who served the administration of Governor Jonah David Jang. Also, Chairman Pank-

shin, Kanke, Kanam Youth Network purchased the nomination form for one Ambassador Joseph Sule Golen. However, for the Plateau State House of Assembly, Speaker Titus Alams was said to have led members of the House who had interest in recontesting the election to PDP secretariat to pick

the expression of interest and nomination forms. Speaking to Newswatch Times shortly after receiving his nomination forms purchased by a committee of friends, Hassan, who is aspiring to represent Bassa/Jos North federal constituency in the House of Representatives, said he will put more effort to put a stop to the Jos

crisis and other incessant communal clashes in the areas. Hassan, who has his campaign slogan: ‘Unity 2015’, noted that his aim of going to the National Assembly is to provide a level playing ground, where aggrieved groups can discuss, for permanent peace in Jos North, the state capital.

the state was deleted from their system but promised that such units would be reregistered. “Out of the 1495 polling units in the state, 19 was deleted from our system but we would re-register them. We have 15 of such issues in xÂŞxŠ_ qÂŽ^_ }ÂŽ_ ^xÂŽxŠ_ qÂŽ^_ }ÂŽ_ Toto and two in Awe local Â?q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~_xj^x‹Š¯_]^_‹x}ÂŒ¨ According to him, voters can transfer their PVC to another local government or state, where such application should be done through the local government of registration. The INEC commissioner said the Continuous Voters Registration (CVR) would ~x‰^_ }Â’Â’^ÂŒ}x~^_ ^J^—~_ xw~^j_ the distribution of PVCs, explaining that CVR is meant for those who may not be able to get their PVCs and those who are just reaching the age of voting. Also speaking at the forum, the state Commissioner of Police, Usman Yakubu, disclosed that 42 polling units have been deserted by inhabitants as a result of the crises rocking the southern zone of the state. Usman explained that plans are already on ground to manage some of the less volatile places to ensure that PVCs are distributed in those areas. He, however, called on all stakeholders to put hands on deck to ensure a hitchfree permanent voters distribution.

Group drums support for Kogi LG chairman for Reps ADEMU IDAKWO, Lokoja


w o m e n group, Carrier Women of Ajaokuta (CWA), has declared its support for the House of Representatives ambition of the council chairman of Ajaokuta Local Government, Aloysius Okino. In a statement by the leader of the group, Seª“x_ “}Â?qŠ_ }~_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ x‹_ chairman of the council,

‰}ÂŽq_ ]x‹_ ÂŚÂˆÂ‹~}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ mandate given to him by people of the area, particularly the women. Oyibo said the chairman has sincerely used ]}‹_zq‹}~}qÂŽ_~q_x&jx—~_~]^_ dividends of democracy to the women, saying they are going to give him an overwhelming support. According to her, the chairman works in line with the activities of President Goodluck

Jonathan and Governor Idris Wada of Kogi, through the appointment of women into key political positions. The achievements, she said, includes progressive women empowerment programme, provision of primary healthcare, construction of market stores and bursary award to indigent students in the area. Maintaining that Okino has done well

to deserve a higher responsibility, she said the provision of free cooking kerosene has reduced ~]^_ ‹ˆJ^j}ÂŽÂ?_ qw_ |qÂ’^ÂŽ_ tremendously. “Through all these, he has positively impacted on the lives of our women. Therefore, the only way to appreciate his good work is to give him a higher responsibility for more dividends of ÂŒ^Â’q—jx—“Š¯_ “}Â?q_ xjgued.

Newswatch Times



Friday, October 31, 2014

Kano imposes stiffer sanctions on 14–year old over husband’s killing TED ODOGWU, Kano


he Kano state Ministry of Justice yesterday before a Kano High Court, ‹}&}ÂŽÂ?_ }ÂŽ_ ^Âťx|x_ }{}‹}qÂŽ_ ÂŞ`^ÂŒ_ x_ ÂŽ^|_ _ wqˆj˜ count allegations against, 14 year-old Wosilat Tasiu, over allegation of murdering her 35-year old husband, Umar Sani and three others. Kano Justice Ministry, represented by Senior state counsel, Barrister Lamido Soron Dinki sought the relief of the court to substitute the initial charge sheet with a new one, pointing out that the accused person was before the court on a one count charge of culpable homicide, explaining that those allegedly murdered were four persons and therefore stressed the need for the accuses to be slammed with a four-count charge, bordering on culpable homicide, just as he also prayed the court to admit the accused person to be arraigned on the fresh allegations. In his submission, Lamido argued that the application for the substitution of the charge sheet is pursuant to section 185(b) of the criminal procedure code.

Bus crushes 55-year old man in Bauchi NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


luxurious Maccopolo bus yesterday crushed a 55 years old man in Sade Village of Darazo Local Government Area of Bauchi state The bus with registration number XD 817 NEN driven by one Ebele Anuebunwa 53yrs of G.U.O Group knocked ÂŒq|ÂŽ_ ~]^_ Â’xÂŽ_ }ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}ÂŞ^ÂŒ_ as Isah Garbage Sado. Bauchi state Police command Public Rela~}qŽ‹_ -—^j_Â? ‘__ _ Mohammed Haruna conÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_ ~]^_ }Ž—}ÂŒ^ÂŽ~_ ~q_ newsmen in Bauchi in a statement that, po`}—^_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ~jx-—_ z^j‹qÂŽÂŽ^`_ x&x—]^ÂŒ_ ~q_ xjxÂťq_ ÂŒ}{}sion have since visited the scene and the victim rushed to General Hospital Darazo were he was —qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_ÂŒ^xÂŒ¨ It said the driver made x&^Â’z~_~q_^‹—xz^_Â?ˆ~_|x‹_ pursued and arrested. Investigation into the cause of the accident is in progress.

But Counsel to Wosilat, Barrister Husaina Ibrahim informed the court, that she is not objecting to the graduation of the charge against her client from one count charge to four count but kicked against the arraigning of the accused persons, arguing that there is an impending motion to be brought before the court. Delivering ruling, the presiding judge, Justice Mohammed Yahaya noted that there is no motion before the court, adding

that, whenever the motion is brought on notice, the court would further attend to it in its ruling, just as the court granted the relief sought by the state counsel, ordering that the new charge sheet be read out to the accused person. ]^_ —]xjÂ?^_ ‹]^^~_ ÂŞ`^ÂŒ_ against the accused 14 year-old girl reads that on April 5, 2014 at Yan Tsoro Village in Gaya Local Government Area of Kano state, that Wosilat deliberately poisoned her late husband’s meal with

~]^_}Ž~^Ž~_~q__‹ŽˆJ_`}w^_qˆ~_ of him. The charge sheet further alleged that, Umar Sani, 35 years old, Hassan Alhassan 25 years-old, Nasiru Mohammed, 13 years-old, and Indo Ibrahim, 12 years-old all partook in the poisoned meal, and at the close of the day lost their lives, the prosecution stated. The accused person, Wosilat Tasiu, 14 year-old declined to respond to the allegations levied against her before the court, as she broke down in tears but

Justice Mohammed Yahya entered a plea of not guilty into the court record, on her behalf. State prosecution counsel, Barrister Lamido Soron Dinki prayed the court to xÂŒÂŚqˆjÂŽ_~]^_Â’x&^j_~q_x_wˆture date for hearing, and informed the court that the prosecution will present 10 witnesses. The court ordered the Â’x&^j_ xÂŒÂŚqˆjÂŽ^ÂŒ_ ~q_ _ qvember 27-28 for hearing and ordered the accused person to be remanded at the Kano Remand Home.

Executive Chairman, Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency (ADSEMA), Malam Haruna Hamma (left), presenting relief materials to an internally displaced person from Gwoza, Bulama Buba, at a settlement camp in Malkohi village near Yola, Adamawa State...yesterday.

NASS: Sambo picks nomination form AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


he Special Assistant (SA) to Minister of Special Duties and In~^j_ q{^jÂŽÂ’^ÂŽ~x`_ Jx}j‹Š_ Barrister Aliyu Mohammed Sambo, yesterday in his country home of Birnin-Kebbi picked his nomination form to run for the BirninKebbi, Bunza, Kalgo Federal constituency. Sambo according to a press statement he made available to newsmen shortly after, said his vision is to give a Â?^ÂŞ&}ÂŽÂ?_ j^zj^‹^ÂŽ~x~}qÂŽ_ xÂŽÂŒ_ service to his people at the National Assembly which he described as the centre stage for National politics in the country. He stated that, he envisage to accomplish his intention through a robust constituency outreach programme that will articulate the yearning and the expectation of his constituency. The aspirant also promised to adequately represent ]}‹_ z^qz`^_ ~q_ ~]^_ ^J^—~_ ~]x~_ there will be the presence of Federal project in his constituency and the state in general. He therefore called on delegate to the primaries to turn out en mass to vote for his promising and viable vision for the state in order to uplift the constituency. “I will also wish to call on all my supporters to be peaceful, orderly and law abiding throughout the electioneering process,â€?he concluded.

2015: 28 Borno lawmakers obtain APC guber form for Shettima


embers of National Assembly and their counterparts at the Borno State Assembly, 28 of them in total yesterday picked an expression of interest and nomination form which they intend donating to the state governor, `]xÂŚ}_ x‹]}Â’_ ]^&}Â’xŠ_ as their choice candidate for the All Progressives Congress (APC) to seek re-election in 2015. The lawmakers consist of one out of two APC Senx~qj‹Š_ÂŞ{^_qˆ~_qw_~]^_^}Â?]~_ members of the House of Representatives under the APC and 22 out of 27 members of the Borno State House of Assembly, all of whom refused joining former Governor of ~]^_ ~x~^_ `}_ qŒˆ_ ]^j}J_ who moved to PDP. Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume, representing Borno South and Mohammed Tahir Monguno representing Nganzai,Marte and Monguno Federal

Constituency of Borno State who led the 28 NASS and State lawmakers in total, in of company council chairmen, party chieftains, women representative, youths and zq`}~}—x`_ q-—^_ ]q`Œ^j‹_ ~q_ the national Secretariat of APC in Abuja yesterday, said in separate remarks that there were many individuals and groups scampering to obtain the re-election forms for the governor but that as representatives of the entire people of the State they decided to take the responsibility that majority of Borno citizens consider very dear to their hearts. Speaking on why the

lawmakers decided to obtain the forms for the governor, Hon. Tahiru Monguno, said as representative of Borno people they were at the party secretariat to express the —qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^Ž—^_ ~]x~_ qjÂŽq_ people and residents have in the governor. He said Borno people were very impressed with what he described as “the excellent performance of the governor in the last three and half years especially with the manner he manages the security challenges in the State, his genuine efforts towards reclaiming peace, his reconstruction ^Jqj~‹_xÂŽÂŒ_]}‹_—qˆjxÂ?^_}ÂŽ_

carrying out numerous projects despite the challenges�. Monguno added that despite the recent defection of some APC stalwarts to the PDP, majority of the lawmakers both at the national and state Assembly remained in APC and were standing behind the governor. While presenting the forms, the party’s deputy national chairman South, Engr. Segun Oni, said it was a good thing that the lawmakers have come to show solidarity to their governor, saying “one good term deserves another.�

^_ ‹x}ÂŒ_ ~]^_ —qÂŽÂŞÂŒ^Ž—^_ of APC has never shaken

about the state, saying the party is proud of the governor despite the insurgency challenges in the state. He assured that APC would continue its dominance in the state, adding that by the time APC get the power at the center in 2015, the issue of insurgency would be a thing of the past. Receiving the forms after making payments, Senator Ndume told the party national leaders that Borno state is a comfortable APC stronghold assuring the National headquarters that its leaders had nothing to worry about.

Kwankwaso releases N26m for fire service operations TED ODOGWU, Kano


ano State Governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso has released not less than N26 million to the

State’s Fire Service. Shortly after the donation, during his visit to the Tsanyawa and Bichi Fire Stations, yesterday, the acting Director of the Service, Alhaji Balarabe Habu Kabara, said the money is meant for

communication gadgets and uniforms for personnel. According to him, out of the N26m, N19, 900,250 is earmarked for the purchase of uniforms for personnel of the department, while N6, 135,000 is for the procure-

ment of radio communication gadgets. Kabara explained that the gesture will further fortify the activities of the service in prevention and —qÂŽ~jq`_qw_ÂŞj^_qˆ~Â?j^x‰‹_}ÂŽ_ the state.

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 1, No. 2

October 31, 2014



Canonising docility as Nigeria’s foreign policy


oo soon, the recent events all around us – in Chad, Gabon, South Africa, and Egypt have forced upon me yet another interrogation of Nigeria’s dysfunctional relationship with the world under President Goodluck Jonathan. Was it not only a few weeks ago that I was compelled to ask what President Jonathan was doing in Washington? _]xÂŒ_ÂźÂˆ^j}^ŒŠ_~]^ŽŠ_~]^_‹^Ž‹^_}ÂŽ_ÂŞw~“_ wj}—xÂŽ_ Elders journeying, like beggars, to meet a lame-duck Chief Obama in his own courtyard. Seeing that the man had this rush to renew marital vows with an estranged Africa }ÂŽ_ ~]^_ |^^_ ]qˆj‹_ qw_ ]}‹_ ÂŞÂŽx`_ ~^jÂ’_ }ÂŽ_ q-—^Š_ did he then have to summon elders from the wife’s village for lunch, to make that point to the world? The symbolism of that trip to Washington }‹_ ÂŽq~_ `q‹~_ qÂŽ_ ~]^_ ÂŒ}‹—^jÂŽ}ÂŽÂ?¨_ ~_ —qÂŽÂŞjÂ’^ÂŒ_ the status of Nigeria as a journey-man in international relations. We have elevated naivety to the point where we roll in the mud, heap sand on our own head, while the world is busy throwing dirty water at us, yet expecting things to end well. With each day, it becomes more apparent that Nigeria’s engagement with the world, under President Jonathan, is not founded on any guiding philosophy. With the yawning absence of a compass, we grope in the dark, our diary one of serial misadventure on the global arena. We are simply all over the place. It is impossible to tell what President Jonathan’s {}‹}qÂŽ_ }‹Š_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_ ~q_ }ÂŒ^ÂŽ~}w“_ ~]^_ underpinning philosophy that governs his foreign policy. He is not helped by the people xjqˆŽŒ_ ]}Â’¨_ _ qˆ~}ÂŽ^_ Â’x&^j‹_ qw_ zjq~q—q`_ have suddenly taken on a shoddy life of their own, in the hands of incompetent aides. Again and again, we end up with eggs on our faces - lost in the crowd in the gathering of world leaders, snubbed at the Mandela funeral service, relegated to the back row at the US-African Leaders Summit. How did it get this bad? ^_ÂżqˆŽŒ^j_x~_`}&`^_~]}ÂŽÂ?‹_q~]^j‹_~x‰^_wqj_ granted. How do you even explain the fact that our President ended up in a meeting with Chadian President Idriss Deby in ~]^_ —qÂ’zxŽ“_ qw_ ~]^_ ]^j}J_ qw_ qjÂŽqŠ_ |}~]_ photographs as exhibit? How is the world to take us seriously with such faux pas? How

Simbo Olorunfemi

did things even get to the point where we have to kow-tow to dark places to gain traction for issues that should not take a regional leader more than a phone call to resolve? }�^j}x_ �xJ‹_ xjqˆŽŒ_ ~]^_ �`q�^Š_ |}~]_ Žq_ discernible purpose and direction, its stature visibly diminished. We have lost our voice. We have become an object of scorn and ridicule, in our supposed backyard. Respect for the giant of Africa has been eroded, the sub-region is yearns for leadership from Nigeria. How much of a rallying point on the Ebola crisis were we for West Africa,


“If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again.â€? – Malcolm X excuse to keep us away from engagement with the rest of civilisation. Where do we start? Is it with the treatment meted out to young Nigerian Athletes in China, leading to a decision to withdraw them from the Youth Olympics? Is it the blatantly hostile act of the xÂ?qÂŽ^‹^Š_]x{}ÂŽÂ?_ÂŞj‹~_‹~qzz^ÂŒ_Âż}Â?]~‹_wjqÂ’_ Nigeria, then forcing our Under-17 Football team to disembark from the plane in Togo? Is it the abuse and disrespect Nigerian —}~}Âť^Ž‹_ ^¤z^j}^Ž—^_ }ÂŽ_ ÂŒ}J^j^ÂŽ~_ zxj~‹_ qw_ ~]^_ world for holding the green passport? Over the weekend, there was a report about Air France, leaving some Nigerians stranded abroad, on account of a section of its crew j^wˆ‹}ÂŽÂ?_~q_¿“_~q_ }Â?^j}xŠ_qÂŽ_x——qˆŽ~_qw_~]^_ Ebola outbreak. What won’t we see? To a large extent, we brought this upon ourselves, as a nation. The international arena is a war-zone. There is no room for naĂŻve weaklings who cannot put their house in order. Respect is earned, the hard |x“Š_ ÂŽq~_ Â?“_ Â?xŽŒ“}ÂŽÂ?_ zqzˆ`x~}qÂŽ_ ÂŞÂ?ˆj^‹_ or rebased GDP. How can there be respect for citizens of a crawling giant, disabled by the incompetence of her own leadership? Who will show respect for a country that has not demonstrated duty of care over its own citizens, leaving them to the perils

President Goodluck Jonathan

before the virus came calling? Even now, with the disease ravaging the region, where is our plan of action? Every country now mistakes us for a football, kicking us around ~]^_ _ ÂŞ^`ŒŠ_ `}‰^_ Â?q`x_ {}jˆ‹¨_ ]^_ xˆjx_xjqˆŽŒ_~]^_Â?}xÂŽ~_qw_ wj}—x_]x‹_|qjÂŽ_qJ¨ For years, Nigerians have been stigmatised on account of sundry crimes which ordinarily know no geographical boundaries. These days, even dwarfs on the international stage are clutching onto the Ebola outbreak as

of wilderness, home and abroad? Other countries are quick at jumping on the queue to maltreat Nigerians, because our leadership has proven, over time, it places `}&`^_{x`ˆ^_qÂŽ_~]^_`}{^‹_qw_}~‹_q|ÂŽ_z^qz`^¨_ Which country will allow her citizens to be locked up in jail, under questionable circumstances, as presently obtains for many Nigerians, in China? Which other country will allow for her citizens to be hounded and harassed as is often the

experience of Nigerians in a number of African countries? Which country will allow for the shenanigans in the foreign embassies in Nigeria, in the name of visa interview? ^~|^^ÂŽ_ ~]^_ |^ÂŒ}‹]_ xÂŽÂŒ_ ˆ‹~j}xÂŽ_ Â’Â?x‹‹}^‹_}ÂŽ_ Â?ÂˆÂŚxŠ_}~_}‹_ÂŒ}-—ˆ`~_~q_~^``_|]q_ takes the gold medal in the shoddy handling of visa applications. Even then, what does one make of Professor Obododimma Oha’s ordeal in the hands of our brothers in the South African High Commission? We might not have our house in order, “^~¨_ ˆ~_ ~]x~_ }‹_ ÂŒ^ÂŞÂŽ}~^`“_ ÂŽq_ ^¤Â—ˆ‹^_ wqj_ ‰}ÂŽÂŒ^jÂ?xj~^ÂŽ_ qŽ‹ˆ`xj_q-—}x`‹_~q_‹ˆÂ?ÂŚ^—~}ÂŽÂ?_ Nigerians to all forms of abuse as it’s presently the case in many of the embassies. You often wonder if some of these openhouse visa interviews were designed to humiliate and dehumanise Nigerians. There is no excuse in the world for Egypt Air to still Â?^_¿“}ÂŽÂ?_qˆ~_qw_ }Â?^j}x_xw~^j_~]^_}ÂŽ]ˆ’xÂŽ^_ treatment meted out to Kunle Abdul-Azeez, recently deported to Nigeria, after 4 days of ordeal at the hands of the airline. What was that about the tearing of his Nigerian passport in Egypt? The General Manager of Egypt Air, Khaled `_ xÂŞ^Š_’ˆ‹~_]x{^_]xÂŒ_xzz^x‹^Â’^ÂŽ~_qÂŽ_]}‹_ mind, when he reportedly told the 17-year old passenger, whom his airline wrongly routed to Moldova instead of Ukraine that he “may have been locked up in a cell in Cairo because of Ebola virusâ€?. As we like to say here – it is not Khaled’s fault. As we did ÂŽq~_ÂŒ^^Â’_}~_ÂŞ~_~q_‹^ÂŽÂŒ_x_w^|_ ]}ÂŽ^‹^_—}~}Âť^Ž‹_ back home, to protect them from the Ebola ‘epidemic’ in Nigeria in reciprocation for the good gesture by the Chinese, why won’t the Egyptian treat us so shabbily. It is not his fault, no doubt. A write, the Gabonese Ambassador to Nigeria has not Â?^^ÂŽ_ ‹ˆ’’qÂŽ^ÂŒ_ Â?“_ ~]^_ qj^}Â?ÂŽ_ Jx}j‹_ Ministry, as prelude to his being declared persona-non-grata for the unfriendly acts of his country. Yet, we want to be treated with respect. It does not work that way. How long are we going to put up with disrespect, ^‹z^—}x``“_ wjqÂ’_ —qjÂŽ^j‹_ qw_ ~]^_ ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_ |^_ watered with sweat and blood, while we fold our hands and watch? We might have faltered as a nation. We Â’}Â?]~_ÂŽq~_Â?^_Â?^&}ÂŽÂ?_}~_j}Â?]~Š_}ÂŽ_Â’xŽ“_xj^x‹_qw_ `}w^¨_ ˆ~_~]}‹_—xÂŽÂŽq~_Â?^_xÂŽ_^¤Â—ˆ‹^_wqj_ˆ‹_~q_Â?^_ ÂŒq—}`^_xÂŽÂŒ_z`x“_~]^_ÂŞ^`ÂŒ_|}~]_‹ˆ—]_ÂŽx}{^~“¨_ We cannot suddenly canonise docility as Nigeria’s foreign policy. It has not always Â?^^ÂŽ_`}‰^_~]}‹¨_ }Â?^j}x_ÂŒ}ÂŒ_ÂŽq~_}ÂŽÂżÂˆ^Ž—^_~]^_ seismic shift in Southern Africa which led to the independence of Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and the end of apartheid in South Africa, by being docile. The time for President Jonathan to stand ÂŞjÂ’_x‹_~]^_`^xÂŒ^j_qw_x_z^qz`^_ÂŒ^‹^j{}ÂŽÂ?_qw_ some respect, is now. He can start by telling Olorunfemi, works for Hoofbeatdotcom, a Nigerian Commmunications Consultancy.

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH TIMES LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. DELE FASHOMI

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