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South West
Newswatch Times Monday, November 24, 2014
PVC: Oyo APC alleges PDP INEC, collusion OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
HE Oyo state chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC) has raised an alarm over an alleged illegal deal between the electoral umpire and YZ[\] ^__`[\j] k_q^\_xk`z] leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in which some members of the PDP in the state have been made to gain possession of some INEC’s data capturing machines. This, it alleged, was to carry out illegal registration of fake voters with a view to rig the 2015 general elections in their favour. Oyo APC alleged, in a statement issued in Ibadan yesterday by its Director of Publicity and Strategy, Olawale Sadare, that he had credible information about how some top of k`zY] Z ] x \] ] ] ` kzkx`x\j] the deal which made INEC to release some of the machines to certain individuals from Oyo State who are believed to be working underground to perfect the rigging plans of the ruling party ahead of the 2015 general elections. “We felt obliged to expose the latest shady deal between the PDP and INEC as it con-
\] k ] ` \] _Z ] \k_ ] put into illegal use at some hidden locations in the ancient city. some parts of the state. “In addition to this, some “For the avoidance of doubt, we have details of PDP agents were noticed to Z ]`] Zzkxk `z]ZF \] Zzj\ ] be going round in some parts from Ogbomoso, who is very of Ibadan North East, Egbeda, close to the Villa, requested Ona-Ara, Oluyole among othfrom INEC to be given about er local government areas to 20 DCMs and eventually got recruit vulnerable individu-
APC is alarmist –PDP cerns the possession of the data capturing machines belonging to the electoral body ]YZ[\]k_q^\_xk`z][\[ \ Y] of the ruling party in the state. “ We have it on good authority that a clique of PDP elements which enjoys the
backing of the presidency has successfully facilitated the release of a good number of DCMs to some power mongers in Oyo State who have handed them to their agents who now carry out illegal registration of fake voters in
Osun invests N2.5bn on water –Williams MICHAEL OLANREWAJU, Osogbo
n order to make portable water adequately available to at least 15 Local Government Areas of the State, Osun state government has invested about N2.5billon on the rehabilitation of Ede WaterWorks. This was disclosed by the Special Adviser to Osun state governor on Water Resources, Engr. Tawakalitu Williams while conducting newsmen round the ongoing rehabiliPrincess Abah Folawiyo; founder, Artist and Designer, Nike Centre for Art and Culture, Nike Davies Okundaye; Celebrant, tation work at its Ede Water Queen Ahneva Ahneva; Consular for the Republic of Liberia, Chief (Mrs.) Opral Benson and Director, Business DevelopDam over the weekend. ment, African Community Bridge Foundation, during the opening/birthday celebration for Queen Ahneva Ahneva’s wearAccording to her, “the preable Art Gallery/Gallery Cafe and Fashion show, held in Lekki, Lagos...at the weekend. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho sent administration inherited poor water infrastructure from the past administrations, ^x] Z_] `YY^[ xkZ_] Z ] ZF \ ]] Aregbesola’s administration ers and accused the Nigeria said the party is shocked by He criticized police support ported removal of the Speakdecided to refurbish the dePolice over partisan roles its the police undisguised sup- for the seven PDP members er, Dr. Adewale Omirin, caying facilities at his water men are playing in the crisis. port for Governor Ayodele when they sat to illegally while at the same time they works to enable them funcA press statement by the Fayose so far in the crisis ratify the list of Commission- disallowed APC lawmaktion at their optimum capacPublicity Secretary of the rocking Ekiti State House of er-nominees and Caretaker ers access into the Assembly ity.” party, Taiwo Olatubosun, Assembly. members and also the pur- Complex even while allowShe added that pipes have ing non-lawmakers to sit with been laid while new transthe PDP seven. formers and generating sets Olatubosun also frowned have also been purchased at the police for taking FayOLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan cent times, clashes of intra-party ful as we approach the 2015 ZY\¤Y] ` ^Y`xkZ_] `Y] kxY] ZF- to guarantee uninterrupted power supply. She further he Oyo state chapter rivalry leading to acts of brig- elections adding” the leopard cial intelligence report over disclosed that when the rehaandage, arson and thurggery will not shed its skin. We symof Labour Party (LP) allegation of a plan by APC bilitation work is completed, has criticized All has become the party’s order of pathize with innocent citizens to storm Ekiti with thugs rethe facility would give the the day. k_ z^jk_ ] Zzk \] ZF \ Y] Z] Progressives Concruited from a neighboring state 180, 000 cubic metric of The Labour Party cautioned lost their lives in the cause of gress (APC) in the state to cause mayhem. water per day Decrying the people of the state to be watchdoing their jobs.” state over last Friday’s politi“It is curious that a day af ZZ ] `9kx^j\] Z ] \Ykj\_xY] k_] cal violence in Ibadan, the state ter Governor Fayose’s Chief x \]Yx`x\]xZ]Y\9z\[\_x]Z ] `x\ ] capital which claimed the life Press Secretary, Idowu Adebills, Williams disclosed that of a police inspector, alleging lusi, issued a press release aclack of funds have hindered the party(APC) is synonymous cusing APC of plan to storm the performance of the state’s with violence. Ekiti with thugs recruited water corporation. LP also condemned recent OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan party for deeming it fit to cancel from a neighbouring state, As part of the achievements decision by APC led state govthe last ward congress which ac- the police that are supposed of the present administration, HE Oyo state chapter cording to him, was fraught with to play a neutral role also said ernment to compensate those Williams, who was accompaof Peoples Democratic violence and corruption. whose houses and structures in their own press release innied on the tour by the GenParty (PDP), will towere demolished because of Adeseun in a statement by dicating that the opposition eral Manager of Osun water day repeat its Ward his director of publicity, Mr. politicians are planning to reroad construction in some parts Corporation, Engr. OlugCongress following Dayo Omotoso said that the cruit thugs from a neighbourof the state, describing the govbenga Owojuyigbe, averred the cancellation of the first one cancellation was a vindication ing state for violence,” Olatuernment’s move as belated. that the corporation The LP, in a statement by its held recently just as all the gover- Z ] kY] ZYkxkZ_]x `x]YZ[\]ZF - bosun said, adding: was able to restore water state Director of Media and norship aspirants were screened ers of the party were compro“We are not surprised by supply to Ile Ife and Ilobu, during the week end. Publicity the police role in Ekiti crisis. mised during the congress. x `x] ` \]_Zx] \\_] \9k_ ] `The screening, it was gathHon. Taiwo Ibrahim, strongly The aspirant appealed to his The police has been working x\ ]k_]x \]z`Yx] \] \` Y¡ condemned the Friday Ibadan ered, was aimed at prunning colleagues to shun violence in in cahoots with the governor She noted that the Ilesa wamayhem, alleging it was a sign down the number of aspirants. any form pointing out that the to sustain illegalities in Ekiti ter project that will be funded The outcome of the screen- exercise should not be a do or State. The police did nothing of what is to be expected during by Islamic Development Bank ing exercise has not been made jk\]`E`k ¡ the 2015 general elections. when Fayose’s thugs invaded in partnership with the FedThe party described the in- public but it was learnt that all He reminded his party chief- the court to disrupt proceed- eral Ministry of Finance and cident as barbaric, uncivilized the aspirants pledged to keep tains that it was in unity that ings in the perjury case. They Osun state government will and reckless of a party that has peace during the repeated they can reclaim their mandate looked on when judges, lawcommence by January 2015, been boasting around of main- ward congress of today. adding that any internal wran- \ Y]`_j]Zx \ ] Z^ x]ZF k`zY] calling for cooperation of peoMeanwhile, Senator Ayoade gling would be exploited to were beaten in the court taining peace and order in the ple through prompt payment Adeseun one of the governor- their advantage by the ruling premises while thugs broke state. of water bills to ensure conThe party alleged that it is un- ship aspirants has commended party. k_xZ] x \] ZF \] Z ] x \] k\ ] stant water supply. becoming of the APC as in re- the national head quarters of the Judge to tear court records.
APC raises alarm over killer squad, accuses Police of aiding Ekiti illegalities
he All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti State has raised alarm over threats to the lives of state lawmak-
Lagos PDP to hold rescheduled ward congress today ADEWALE AJAYI
agos State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has said that the reschedule ward congress for the state rescheduled for today will be held across the ward secretariat in the state. According to a release signed by its state publicity secretary Taofik Gani stated that the congress will commence from 12 noon and it will hold in all the 245 Wards of the state at the venue where they do hold their meetings as confirmed by the State secretariat. According to the party, ”the confirmation is to serve as notice to all card carrying members of the Party and particularly debunk the rumours that the delegates congress has been postponed.” It however urged its members to participate in the process as law abiding citizens and loyal members of PDP. It warned detractors and opposition sponsored thugs to steer clear of the congress venues as any intruder or agent provocateur shall be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the land.
als whose data they capture in some locations using INEC machines, it added. A chieftain of PDP who pleaded anonymity said that if APC has such a sensitive allegation,it should be referred to security agents for investigation pointing out that APC has been alarmist and propagandist.
OYO LP knocks APC over Ibadan violence
PDP screens Oyo guber aspirants, ward congress today
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Hoodlums on rampage in Ibadan, three killed OLAIDE OYELUDE & OLUSAKIN BABALOLA
visited the scene of the incident. This is coming two days after the violence that disrupted Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rally of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at Oke-Ado, also in Ibadan where a police Inspector was reportedly killed. Newswatch Times learnt xÂ&#x2030;`x] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;`Y^`zxÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;^Â?\Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Friday and that of Sunday have risen as many who sustained varying degrees of injuries were said have died
but the police said it was yet to arrive at the conclusion of its investigation on the matters. It is expected that the state police boss, Kola Sodipo, would brief the press today at the commandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s headquarters, the Police Public Relation OfÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;\Â?Â&#x17E;] z`Â&#x152;kYk] zZÂ&#x152;`_\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?Â&#x17E;]xZzj] our reporter. However, eyewitnesses said at least three persons Â&#x2022;\Â?\] ÂŻkzz\j] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] `9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]`_]`9\[Â&#x2013;x]Â&#x2022;`Y][`j\]
to burn a petrol station at Popoyemoja junction. Â&#x2030;\] Yx`x\] Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] Z^xÂ&#x2020;x] code named â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Operation burstâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; was seen parading the area in a convoy of six vans. Armored personnel carrier was also stationed at Born Photo junction with sternlooking policemen frisking people in the area. Mr. Okunola Asimiyu, a spare parts dealer in Agodi, Ibadan, whose house on SW9/263 was burnt and destroyed by the thugs, said
that he was yet to come to terms with why his house was burnt down saying, his words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I received a call this morning that my shop was burning. I rushed here but I saw people with guns who were shooting and burning houses. The trouble had started since Friday but todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s violence was targeted at people, houses and shops. They burnt my refrigerators, generators and looted everything in the shop. I am devastated.â&#x20AC;?
hree persons were on Sunday killed as hoodlums suspected to be political thugs went on rampage in four communities in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. About 10 houses were also burnt, while over 200 shops, several trucks, cars, tricycles, motorcycles and household items were also destroyed in the midnight mayhem visited on the people of Born Photo, Isale-Osi, Popo and Idi-Arere by the thugs who stormed the area. One of the houses touched during the raid belongs to the late father of former Governor Rashidi Ladoja of Oyo State. A look at Pa Ladojaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house located at â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Born photoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; junction equally showed that the window planes and the doors were among items damaged. Alhaji Lanre Latinwo, media aide to former Governor `YÂ&#x2030;kjk] `jZÂ`] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;Â?[\j] the damage, describing the development as unfortunate. Carcases of burnt vehicles, tricycles and motorcycles Yxkzz] zk9\Â?\j] xÂ&#x2030;\] jk] `Â?\Â?\ÂŽ] Born photo major road L-R: Chairman, All Progressives Congress (APC), Enugu State Chapter, Dr Ben Nwoye; his deputy, Adolphus Ude when Newswatch Times and Women Leader, Lolo Ngozi-Nwankwo; during a state working committee meeting...yesterday.
2015: Youths caution politicians on choice of words TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
igerian Youth Action for Change has urged politicians to be cautious in their choice of words to towards preventing the polity from being overheated for selfish interest. National president of the group, Charles Mbani, spoke against a statement credited to Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State, threatening to form parallel government if the 2015 elections are rigged. Mbani lamented that such statements have over bearing effect on the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s social and economic life as Nigeria does not belong to only politicians. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is high time people learnt to choose their language carefully, so as not to unjustly constitute themselves to other authorities not known to our law.â&#x20AC;? He emphasised that Amaechi has exhibited the highest level of anti-democracy tendency by calling for war, if his will is to be done, describing him (Amaechi) as an ingrate and trying to destroy democracy, which made him what he is today. Mbani added that the governor, who got his right to lead the people of Rivers State through democratic process, should be the first in line for defence of the process instigate crises and at- that made him. tempting to render the However, the group called countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political insti- on the governor to tender tutions inactive, so as to unreserved apology to the Â?\[`k_] k_] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x152;\Â&#x17D;Z_j] country for trying to stir up 2015 by using extra con- violence, warning that per stitutional means. This is chance Amaechi refuses to broad daylight gang rape tender apologies, law enZÂ&#x2C6;] Z^Â?] q\jÂ&#x203A;zk_Â&#x203A;] j\[ZÂ&#x2021;- forcement agents should take racy by the presidency, note and watch closely his acPDP and Nigeria Police.â&#x20AC;? tions.
NASS invasion: PDP accused of using police to disrupt 2015 polls TED ODOGWU, Kano
non-governmental organisation under the aegis of Change, Security and National Development (CSND) has condemned the recent siege of security operatives at House of Representatives, insinuating that the law enforcement agents are being used by Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) k_] ^_Â?^zÂ&#x17D;] `9\[Â&#x2013;x] xZ] jkYrupt hitch-free conduct of the 2015 elections across the country. A statement issued yesterday by Director (Planning and Strategy) of CSND, Muazu DawakinTofa, in Kano State, emphasised that using state apparatus to instigate political crisis symbolises desperation of President Goodluck Jonathan to Â?\[`k_] k_] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x152;\Â&#x17D;Z_j] 2015. The statement added that the action is an attempt to instigate political crises, being intended to be used as alibi towards aborting the 2015. Meanwhile, Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, who is also a governorship aspirant in the state on the Platform of All Progressives Congress (APC), claimed that sev-
eral negative actions and demonstration of excessive state power by the PDP-led administration are unconstitutional and capable of truncating the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nascent democracy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have earlier warned that we are fast-drifting to state of anarchy in this
country and people can easily conclude that the president has resorted to impunity in build-up to the 2015 elections. PDP wants to ensure that elections are not held at all cost because of the growing national consensus that the party will lose in the 2015 polls.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;When the National AsY\[Â&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;] kY] Â&#x2013;^9k_Â&#x203A;] [\`Yures in place to abort tenure elongation, the president imposed same mission on the national conference, but unfortunately, the plan didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yield any positive dividend. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He has continued to
NIMC, NIS pledge collaboration on national ID cards CYRIL MBAH, ABUJA
ational Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) have pledged to deepen and strengthen existing collaboration between them with regards to completing national identity management. The agencies reached the agreement when ofÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;k`zY]ZÂ&#x2C6;] ]z\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]kxY] Director-General/CEO, Chris Onyemenam, visited NIS, stressing that the move is aimed at deepening and/or strengthening existing collaboration between the two agencies with regards to identity establishment and management apart from leveraging on the cordial relationship between them towards bet-
ter identity management and national security. Onyemenam presented comprehensive overview of the national identity project, disclosing that essence of the project is to assign National IdenxkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`xkZ_] ^[Â&#x152;\Â?] ÂŞ ÂŤ] to genuine Nigerians for identity management in line with international
best practice. He reeled out other electronic functionalities embedded in the card, Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]k_Â&#x2021;z^j\j]Â&#x2020;_`_Â&#x2021;k`z] transactions and most importantly the fact that NIMC database would serve as veritable tool for cross-checking information provided by passport applicants.
Meanwhile, Comptroller-General of NIS, David Parradang, who received the team of NIMC at the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (NIS) boardroom, commended kx] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] \EZÂ?xY] `x] Â&#x152;Â?k_Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intention k_] kj\_xkÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x152;Z_`] Â&#x2020;j\] Nigerians through the instrumentality of National e-ID Card to frui-
tion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is clear for all to see that DG of NIMC has not only succeeded where `zz] Â&#x2013;Â?\Â&#x161;kZ^Y] `9\[Â&#x2013;xY] k_] same direction failed, apart from the fundamental role of forestalling identity theft, the card in addition to biometrics has multifunctional use.â&#x20AC;?
Xmas: CD, police partner to fight crime in Anambra CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha
nambra State branch of Campaign For Democracy (CD), in synergy with Fegge Police Division, Onitsha, will not leave any stone unturned, as both have agreed to partner in ensuring that criminals are q^YÂ&#x2030;\j]Z^x]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Yx`x\Â&#x17E;]\Ypecially during the coming Christmas and yuletide periods. Disclosing this when he
paid a courtesy call with his executive on the DiviYkZ_`z] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] FÂ&#x2021;\Â?] ÂŞ ÂŤ] in charge of the area, Rabiu Garba, the state CD chairman, Vincent Ezekwueme, Y`kj]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2021;\Â?x\j]\EZÂ?x]Â&#x152;\came necessary in view of the need to assist the state government in its resolve to restore the lost glory of Onitsha and the entire state Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]q^YÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]Z^x]^_j\YkÂ?`Â&#x152;z\] elements. Ezekwueme commended the DPO for single-hand-
edly making the area once more a place to live in, recalling that if not for him and Governor Willie Obiano, violent crimes that included armed robbery, kidnapping and assassination would have continued unabated. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are here to thank you because, you have been able to tackle criminals in the area. We are proud of you, we pray you do not relent in Â&#x17D;Z^Â?]\EZÂ?xYÂ&#x17E;Âł]Â&#x2030;\]Y`kjÂĄ]] z`_ÂŻ\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2020;_`_Â&#x2021;k`z]
secretary, Zacheus Onah, Â&#x2022;\zÂ&#x2C6;`Â?\] ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?Â&#x17E;] Â?YÂĄ] ^gustina Maduakor and assistant secretary, Nwamebe Chukwunenye, the CD boss said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;CD, in synergy with police, will make the area crime-free during this Christmas celebrations.â&#x20AC;? In their various remarks, Chukwunenye and Onah stressed the need to beef ^Â&#x2013;] Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] k_] YZ[\] q`YÂ&#x2030;] points that included the open space at Nwangene River, Ochanja roundabout and Creek Road.
South South
Behave responsibly, CMD warns striking health unions JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar
ith the strike e m barked u p o n Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Zk_x] \`zxÂ&#x2030;] \Â&#x2021;xZÂ?] _kZ_]ÂŞ ÂŤ]`_j] other health workers biting hard on the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s public health institutions,
the Chief Medical DirecxZÂ?] ÂŞ ÂŤ] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] `z`Â&#x152;`Â?] \`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;ing Hospital, UCTH, Dr Thomas Agan, has warned members of the striking unions not to threaten the peace of the hospital. Addressing newsmen, the CMD said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I advise all members of the strik-
ing unions to conduct xÂ&#x2030;\[Y\zÂ&#x161;\Y] Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_YkÂ&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ] \]Â&#x2022;kzz]Â?\YkYx]`_Â&#x17D;]`9\[Â&#x2013;x] to threaten the peace of the hospital or those who chose to provide services Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] Z^Â?] Y^E\Â?k_Â&#x203A;] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?kans. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During strike actions, _ZÂ&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;] kY] YÂ&#x2013;`Â?\j] ZÂ&#x2C6;] kzz] Â&#x2030;\`zxÂ&#x2030;ÂĄ] x]Â&#x2021;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\]`_Â&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] ^YÂĄ] Z_Y\½^\_xzÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] ] `Â&#x2013;-
peal to striking unions and indeed all health workers to put the interest of the patient above all other interests.â&#x20AC;? Agan further explained that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the hospital has three core mandates, inÂ&#x2021;z^jk_Â&#x203A;] \Â?Â&#x161;kÂ&#x2021;\] \zkÂ&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] Research and Training ÂŞ \jkÂ&#x2021;`z] x^j\_xYÂ&#x17E;] \Ykdent Doctors and other
`Â?`[\jkÂ&#x2021;`z] x^j\_xYÂŤÂĄ] These core values must never be allowed to sufÂ&#x2C6;\Â?ÂĄ] Z_Y\½^\_xzÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] `_agement will continue to do whatever it takes to ensure these services are sustained.â&#x20AC;? He called on the public
Bury your senatorial ambition, Itsekiri tell Uduaghan SYLVESTER IDOWU, Warri
I L-R: Wife of the Anambra State Governor, Chief (Mrs.) Ebelechukwu Obiano; former President Grand Order of Nights, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Engr. Chief Okeke Eruba, and former Governor of Anambra State, Dame Virgy Etiaba at the Delegates Conference of the Joint Council of Nights, Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion in Onitsha, Anambra Stateâ&#x20AC;Śat the weekend.
Senate Leader vows to boycott fresh ward congresses YkÂź] ªž¿] ] Â&#x17D;\`Â?Y] Yx`_jk_Â&#x203A;Â&#x17E;] `] Senior Advocate of Nigerisis rocking ria, Leader of the Senate the Peoples of the Federal Republic of Democratic Nigeria, which is the coun `Â?xÂ&#x17D;] ÂŞ ÂŤ] xÂ?Â&#x17D;¤Y¤]]Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;\Yx]z`Â&#x2022;][`ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] in Cross RivÂ&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ er State aftermath of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;I therefore will not do November 1st ward con`_Â&#x17D;xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;] xZ] ^_j\Â?[k_\]] Â&#x203A;Â?\YY\Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\] xÂ&#x2030;\]Y`_Â&#x2021;xkxÂ&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Z^Â?]Â^jkÂ&#x2021;k`z] x`x\Â&#x17E;] Â&#x203A;Zx] Â&#x2022;ZÂ?Y\_\j] Â&#x17D;\YÂ&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x2021;\YY]`_j]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â^jkÂ&#x2021;k`Â?Â&#x17D;]ÂĄ x\Â?j`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] j\Â&#x2021;z`Â?`xkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our institutions are far the Senate Leader, Victor [ZÂ?\] k[Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x`_x] xÂ&#x2030;`_] [Â&#x17D;] jZ[`] Â&#x203A;Â&#x152;`]ÂŞ] Â?ZYY] kÂ&#x161;\Â?] personal ambition , indeed \_xÂ?`zÂŤ]xÂ&#x2030;`x]Â&#x2030;\]YÂ&#x2030;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\] `_Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2013;\Â?YZ_Y]`[Â&#x152;kxkZ_ÂĄ] ^Â?] counted out of the fresh j\[ZÂ&#x2021;Â?`Â&#x2021;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;kzz] _\Â&#x161;\Â?] Â&#x152;\] ward congresses slated for complete without the rule xZj`Â&#x17D;ÂĄ of law. We must therefore Ndoma - Egba, who Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x161;\]xÂ&#x2030;\] ^jkÂ&#x2021;k`Â?Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x2021;\] stated this in a statement and respectâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Â&#x2013;\Â?YZ_`zzÂ&#x17D;] YkÂ&#x203A;_\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;k[] It would be recalled that in Abuja explained that PDP in Cross River State taking part in the exercise would be subjudice. He argued that â&#x20AC;&#x153;since there are pending litigations before a Federal High NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt Court in Abuja and a Cross joint operaRiver State High Court tion of secuover the Ward Congresses Â?kxÂ&#x17D;]`Â&#x203A;\_Â&#x2021;k\Y] ZÂ?Â&#x203A;`_kY\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] ] Z_] in Rivers November 1 , 2014, holdState has ing another one now, vowed to rid the State of would amount to subju- crime and criminals. dice.â&#x20AC;? Commissioner of PoHe added that the Courts, lice, Mr. Dan Bature, who had before the congresses `jjÂ?\YY\j] Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] ZÂ&#x2013;were rescheduled to 24 eratives, comprising of November, issued hearing xÂ&#x2030;\] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] `Â&#x161;Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] Â?[Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] notices to the parties to the Air Force and State Sesuit that judgement will be Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] \Â?Â&#x161;kÂ&#x2021;\] ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] `x] delivered on the 24th No- the Police Headquarters, Â&#x161;\[Â&#x152;\Â?Â&#x17E;]ÂŞ Zj`Â&#x17D;]ÂŤÂĄ Moscow Road, Port Har]Âť ]`[]`]z`Â&#x2022;Â&#x17D;\Â?]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;kÂ?xÂ&#x17D;] court, maintained that TAIYE ODEWALE, Abuja
has been engulfed in serious crisis over the November 1st ward congresses Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] xÂ&#x2022;Z] jkE\Â?\_x] Â&#x2021;`[Â&#x2013;Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] x`x\] claiming to have won the congresses. The Ndoma Egba group in particular, said its supÂ&#x2013;ZÂ?x\Â?Y] ] Z_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;\zj] Â&#x2022;Z_] most of the three delegates YzZxY]`Â&#x2021;Â?ZYY]xÂ&#x2030;\]¡Ă&#x20AC;ž]Â&#x2022;`Â?jY] as shown with the results \`Â?zk\Â?] Y^Â&#x152;[k9\j] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] National Headquarters of xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\Ă ][\[ber electoral panel that conducted the elections. ^x] xÂ&#x2030;\] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?_ZÂ?] kÂ&#x17D;\z] [ZÂŻ\] Â&#x2021;`[Â&#x2013;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;Z^_x\Â?\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Y`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] kxY] Y^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\Â?Y] `Â&#x2021;x^`zzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;Z_]
the delegate ship slots ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;] `Â&#x2021;Â?ZYY] xÂ&#x2030;\] wards in the state, before xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;\Â?\] z`x\Â?] `zz\Â&#x203A;\jzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2C6;`zYkÂ&#x2020;\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] YZ[\] [\[bers of the electoral panel `Â&#x2C6;x\Â?] `zz\Â&#x203A;\jzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;Zzz\Â&#x2021;xk_Â&#x203A;] N500million as bribe from the Ndoma Egba camp. An allegation a member of the electoral panel, Senator Emmanuel Anosike Â&#x161;\Â&#x2030;\[\_xzÂ&#x17D;] j\_k\j] `x] `] [\jk`] Â&#x152;Â?k\Â&#x2020;_Â&#x203A;] k_] Â&#x152;^Â`] penultimate week, insisting that the Imoke group lost the elections across the three senatorial districts of xÂ&#x2030;\]Yx`x\]`Y]Â?\q\Â&#x2021;x\j]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\] Â?\Y^zxY] ] Y^Â&#x152;[k9\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] panel on the 2nd of November , 2014
tsekiri leaders of thought, the apex Itsekiri decision makk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x17D;\Yx\Â?j`Â&#x17D;] told Governor Emma_^\z] j^`Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;`_]xZ]Â&#x152;^Â?Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2030;kY] senatorial ambition in 2015 to represent his kinsmen noting that he has failed the Itsekiri nation and Delta State as a whole. ] Â&#x2030;\] z\`j\Â?Y] k_] `] z\9\Â?] to the Governor said their position was hinged on the fact that he had contributed nothing to the development of Itsekiri communities in the almost eight Â&#x17D;\`Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2030;kY]`j[k_kYxÂ?`xkZ_] of the state. According to the letter, the Itsekiri leaders of thought gave detailed infrastructural projects, including roads and schools that were inherited, started `_j] `Â&#x152;`_jZ_\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] `jministration of Governor Uduaghan which noted fell Â&#x152;\Â&#x17D;Z_j] \ÂźÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;x`xkZ_Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2030;kY] kinsmen. ] _] xÂ&#x2030;\] z\9\Â?] YkÂ&#x203A;_\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] `ÂĄ] ÂĄ ÂĄ ] Â&#x17D;Z[kÂŻ\Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2030;k\Â&#x2C6;] ÂŞ `j`[ÂŤ] ÂĄ ÂĄ] \Â&#x2022;`_\Â&#x17E;] Edward Ekpoko, A.O. AgÂ&#x152;ZÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;ZÂ?Z[`Â&#x17E;] Z_Â&#x17D;] j\] `_j] Professor J. Nesin Omats\Â&#x17D;\Â&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;\]z\`j\Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;Z^Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] _Zx\j] \[Â&#x2013;Â&#x2030;`xkÂ&#x2021;`zzÂ&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;`x] there was nothing Governor Uduaghan could do `Â&#x203A;`k_] xZ] Â?\[\jÂ&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Ykx^`tion having sought an aujk\_Â&#x2021;\] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2030;k[] Y\Â&#x161;\Â?`zzÂ&#x17D;] xZ] jkYÂ&#x2021;^YY] xY\ÂŻkÂ?k] [`9\Â?Y] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;Z^x]`_Â&#x17D;]Y^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;\YYÂĄ Âť \] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] Y\_x] xÂ&#x2030;kY] z\9\Â?] xZ] Â&#x17D;Z^] _Zx] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] xÂ&#x2030;\] k_x\_xkZ_] xÂ&#x2030;`x] `_Â&#x17D;xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;] YkÂ&#x203A;_kÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`_x] Â&#x2021;`_] Yxkzz] Â&#x152;\] jZ_\] ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â&#x17D;Z^] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] [`ÂŻ\] amends within the short xk[\] Â&#x17D;Z^] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] z\Â&#x2C6;x] k_] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?_[\_xÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x152;^x]xZ]k_Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?[]Â&#x17D;Z^] that we intend to publish it
Security agencies declare war on criminals in Rivers
criminals will have no hiding place during the Â&#x17D;^z\xkj\ÂĄ Bature, who was imÂ&#x2013;Â?\YY\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] YÂ&#x17D;_\Â?Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;] `[Z_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;]`Â&#x203A;\_cies, stated that it would be tough for hoodlums in the state, as the Police were prepared for them. He explained that the exercise which was Â&#x2021;`zz\j] jkYÂ&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?Â&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] is a continuation of joint ZÂ&#x2013;\Â?`xkZ_Y] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;]`Â&#x203A;\_Â&#x2021;k\Y]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]Yx`x\ÂĄ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like I said before, we have the intelligence.
Â&#x2013;\Â?YZ_YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] [`Â&#x17D;] want to cause undesirable problem that we do not deserve, we are on Â&#x203A;Â?Z^_jÂĄ] Â&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] x\Yx] ^YÂ&#x17E;] we give back to them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The state has been peaceful because we have been working together in joint operations, police and the [kzkx`Â?Â&#x17D;ÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\] ZÂ&#x2013;\Â?`xkZ_] is ongoing. We have been having this operaxkZ_]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;]`zz]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] agenciesâ&#x20AC;?. `x^Â?\] Y`kjĂ&#x201A;] Âť Zj`Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] we are showcasing that
to â&#x20AC;&#x153;feel free to access serÂ&#x161;kÂ&#x2021;\Y]k_] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] `zabar Teaching Hospital as all Consultants, Resident ZÂ&#x2021;xZÂ?YÂ&#x17E;] Z^Y\] FÂ&#x2021;\Â?YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x17D;Z^xÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2021;ZÂ?Â&#x2013;Y] [\[Â&#x152;\Â?YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;Z_xÂ?`Â&#x2021;x] Yx`E] `_j] \Â&#x161;\_] students are providing services to the public.â&#x20AC;?
we are one, so that members of the public would appreciate that we are operating like one secuÂ?kxÂ&#x17D;] `Â&#x203A;\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x17D;ÂĄ] \] Â&#x2022;`_x] xZ] Â&#x203A;`k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;j\_Â&#x2021;\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] members of the public.â&#x20AC;? He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have the Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2013;`Â&#x2021;kxÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x192;]Â&#x2022;\]`Â?\]`Â&#x2022;`Â?\]ZÂ&#x2C6;] policing within this peÂ?kZjĂ&#x192;] Â&#x2022;\] `Â?\] `zYZ] `Â&#x2022;`Â?\] of the critical situation in the state. We cannot deceive ourselves that there is nothing unusual. We are on ground and Â&#x2022;\]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\][`k_x`k_\j]Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;]Â&#x161;kYkÂ&#x152;kzkxÂ&#x17D;³¥
Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]Â&#x2013;ZYx\Â?kxÂ&#x17D;ÂłÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;]`jj\jÂĄ] The Itsekiri leaders of thought recalled with sadness and regret their role in presenting the Governor to the Isokos in 2007 where his intention to run for the governorship election was [`j\] Â&#x2013;^Â&#x152;zkÂ&#x2021;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] time adding that it was out of love, expectations and hope, being an Itsekiri and with the conviction that his tenure would usher in progress and development k_] xY\ÂŻkÂ?k]z`_jÂ&#x17E;]Â?`Â&#x161;`Â&#x203A;\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] communal crises. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We thought we had another Okotie-Eboh in the [`ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] k_] Â&#x17D;Z^ÂĄ] ^Â?] zZÂ&#x161;\] `_j] Y^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] Â&#x17D;Z^] Â&#x2022;`Y] not less than that of those Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] `Â?Z^_j] Â&#x17D;Z^] _ZÂ&#x2022;ÂĄ] Â&#x2C6;] Â&#x17D;Z^] j\[`_j] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;\] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] xZ] Â&#x2022;Â?kx\] Â&#x17D;Z^] xÂ&#x2030;kY] z\xter and take this stand: this indeed, is our answer. Not xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â&#x2022;\] zZÂ&#x161;\] Â&#x17D;Z^] z\YYÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x152;^x] we love Itsekiri more.
Guber: PDP clears Udom Emmanuel
leading aspirant in the 2015 Akwa Ibom Governorship race, Mr Udom Emmanuel has been given xÂ&#x2030;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z]_Zj]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?^zing Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic `Â?xÂ&#x17D;] ÂŞ ÂŤ] xZ] Â&#x2021;Z_x\Yx] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?xÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2021;Z[k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2013;Â?k[`Â?Â&#x17D;] \z\Â&#x2021;xkZ_Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;] k_] Akwa Ibom State. The former Zenith Bank Executive Director Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2021;z\`Â?\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] ÂśZ_`z] YÂ&#x2021;Â?\\_k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;]Z_] `x^Â?j`Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;]k_] Port Harcourt, the Rivers x`x\] Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2013;kx`z] xZ] Â&#x2C6;^zzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2013;`Â?ticipate in the December 8, 2014 governorship primaries. Emmanuel was accomÂ&#x2013;`_k\j] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] ÂśZ_`z] Y\Â&#x2021;Â?\x`Â?k`x] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;] \zj\Â?YÂ&#x17E;] stakeholders and campaign coordinators. The k[[\jk`x\] Â&#x2013;`Yx] Y\Â&#x2021;Â?\x`Â?Â&#x17D;] to the Akwa Ibom State Government arrived at xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] `x] `Â&#x152;Z^x] ¡¸¥šš`[]`_j]Â&#x2022;`Y]Â&#x2022;`Â?[zÂ&#x17D;] Â?\Â&#x2021;\kÂ&#x161;\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]`]z`Â?Â&#x203A;\]Â&#x2021;Â?ZÂ&#x2022;j] ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x2C6;`kxÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2C6;^z]`_j]Y^Â&#x2013;porters. This clearance puts to bed speculations that Mr. Emmanuel was not qualiÂ&#x2020;\j] xZ] Â&#x2021;Z_x\Yx] xÂ&#x2030;\] º¸¡š] governorship election on xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;z`xÂ&#x2C6;ZÂ?[]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ
Newswatch Times
World Report MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
Dutch complete recovery of MH17 wreckage
week long operation to clear the wreckage from the crash site of MalayYk`] kÂ?zk_\Y]qkÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] ¡Ă&#x2026;] in Ukraine has been completed, the Dutch government said yesterday. A cargo train took pieces of the Boeing Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;] `kÂ?Â&#x2021;Â?`Â&#x2C6;x] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] \`Yxern Ukrainian town of Kharkov. The wreckage will be transported to the Netherlands and reconstructed as part of the investigation into the cause of the disaster Z_] ^zÂ&#x17D;]¡Ă&#x2026;ÂĄ] â&#x20AC;&#x153;Despite the complex circumstances and local safety situation, the team was able to work as planned,â&#x20AC;? said a statement issued by Dutch authorities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A few parts of wreckage were too big for transport by train and arrived in Kharkov by truck yesterday.â&#x20AC;? The crash, believed to have been caused by a surface-to-air missile Â&#x2020;Â?\j] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] Â&#x2013;Â?ZĂ ^YYk`_] rebel territory, killed all 298 passengers and crew, two-thirds of them from the Netherlands
I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be Russiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s president for life, says Putin on whether to run for a Â&#x2C6;Z^Â?xÂ&#x2030;] x\Â?[] k_] º¸¡Ă&#x2021;] Â&#x2022;kzz] depend on the situation in the country and his â&#x20AC;&#x153;own mood.â&#x20AC;? Throughout the interview, Putin described efforts at home and abroad that he said were aimed at trying to undermine his rule.
\] Y`kj] xÂ&#x2030;\] \Yx\Â?_] Y`_Â&#x2021;xkZ_Y] `Â&#x203A;`k_Yx] ^Ysian individuals and businesses over Ukraine Â&#x2022;\Â?\] `_] `9\[Â&#x2013;x] xZ] Â&#x2013;^_ish his friends and were â&#x20AC;&#x153;driven by a desire to cause a split in the elite and then, perhaps, in soÂ&#x2021;k\xÂ&#x17D;ÂĄÂł] ^x] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] \Yx¤Y] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`Â&#x203A;Â?k_Â&#x17E;] ^xk_]Y`kjÂ&#x17E;] ^Ysian society remained consolidated behind him.
\] j\YÂ&#x2021;Â?kÂ&#x152;\j] ^YYk`_] laws that restrict foreign funding of non-governmental organisations Russian President Vladimir Putin and foreign ownership ladimir Pu- ^YYk`_]_\Â&#x2022;Y]`Â&#x203A;\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x17D;]Â?\- Â&#x2022;`Y]Â&#x2020;Â?Yx]\z\Â&#x2021;x\j]k_]º¸¸¸¥] of media organisations tin has said leased yesterday.
\] Yx\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\j] `Ykj\] `Â&#x2C6;x\Â?] as necessary to prevent he wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t x`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] k_] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x152;\- two four-year terms to outside interests from Â?\[`k_] ^Y- yond that would be abide with constitu- k_q^\_Â&#x2021;k_Â&#x203A;] ^YYk`_]Â&#x2013;Zzksiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presi- â&#x20AC;&#x153;detrimental for the tional term limits, but tics. Putin acknowledged dent for life and will country and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need retained power as prime step down in line with this,â&#x20AC;? he told the Tass minister and was elected xÂ&#x2030;`x]_Zx]`zz] ^YYk`_Y]Y^Â&#x2013;the constitution no later news agency. Â&#x2013;Â?\Ykj\_x] `Â&#x203A;`k_] k_] º¸¡º] port him, which he said Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2020;_\] `Y] zZ_Â&#x203A;] `Y] xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?] than 2024, according ^xk_Â&#x17E;]¿ºÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2030;`Y]\E\Â&#x2021;xkÂ&#x161;\- to a six-year term. to an interview with a zÂ&#x17D;] z\j] ^YYk`] Yk_Â&#x2021;\] Â&#x2030;\] Putin said his decision criticism was construc-
tive and they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t violate the law. But he said his government would crush anyone who tried to weaken the state, describing them as â&#x20AC;&#x153;bacteria.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;They sit inside you, these bacilli, these bacteria, they are there all of the time,â&#x20AC;? Putin said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But when an organism is strong, you can alÂ&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;Y] ÂŻ\\Â&#x2013;] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xÂ&#x2030;\] q^] because of your immune system.â&#x20AC;?
\]Y`kj]kx]Â&#x2022;`Y]Â&#x2022;Â?Z_Â&#x203A;]xZ] see United States newspapers as independent just because they were able to criticise President Barack Obama, suggesting he saw the media as a political tool. Âť ZÂ&#x2022;] Â&#x2021;`_] kx] Â&#x152;\] k_j\pendent if it works together with the political ZÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Z_\_xY] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2030;kx\]
Z^Y\] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;k\Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x2C6;Âł] ^xk_] said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no independence; there is full dependence and the servicing of certain forces.â&#x20AC;? ^xk_] Y`kj] ^YYk`] `zYZ] has such critical newspapers and sometimes he has to read them because his press secretary brings him â&#x20AC;&#x153;all sorts of Â&#x2020;zxÂ&#x2030;ÂĄÂł
Israeli cabinet approves nationality bill I sraelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cabinet approved a contentious bill yesterj`Â&#x17D;] xZ] ZFÂ&#x2021;k`zzÂ&#x17D;] j\Â&#x2020;_\] it as the nation-state of the Jewish people, a move that zZZÂŻY]xZ]Â&#x2C6;^Â?xÂ&#x2030;\Â?]k_q`[\]x\_sions with Arab Israelis and Palestinians and potentially shake up the ruling coalition government. The bill, which still needs to be passed in parliament to become a law, ostensiÂ&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;] zZZÂŻY] xZ] j\Â&#x2020;_\] YÂ?`\z¤Y] existing Jewish nature into law. But its various versions have drawn accusations that it will undermine the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democratic character, and some rights groups have even denounced it as racist. The vote comes at a time of soaring tensions between Arabs and Jews and a wave ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x161;kZz\_x]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻYÂ&#x17E;]k_Â&#x2021;z^jk_Â&#x203A;] last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s deadly assault on a Jerusalem synagogue in which two Palestinians ÂŻkzz\j]Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\]Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x2013;z\]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;]Â&#x203A;^_Y] and meat cleavers. The Israeli government vowed to respond to the wave of violence with harsh new measures, including a proposal to strip Palestinian `9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ\Â?Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?] Â?\Ykj\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x17D;] rights. Israel has already resumed a controversial poli-
cy of demolishing Palestink`_]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ\Â?Y¤]Â&#x2030;Z[\YÂĄ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the nationality bill was needed to anchor both Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jewish and democratic nature, at a time when he said many were challenging Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s existence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are those who would like the democratic to prevail over the Jewish and there are those who would like the Jewish to prevail over the democratic,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the principles of the law that I will submit today both of these values are equal and both must be considered to the same degree.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x161;Zx\] Y\x] ZE] `] YxZÂ?[Â&#x17D;] Cabinet session in which two of his most centrist coalition partners voted against the proposed bill and voiced Â&#x2020;\Â?Â&#x2021;\] ZÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZYkxkZ_Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;z`k[k_Â&#x203A;] that at this sensitive juncture it would likely just escalate tensions. Finance Minister Yair Lapid, who heads the centrist Yesh Atid party, called it â&#x20AC;&#x153;a bad law, which is badly worded.â&#x20AC;? After voting against the bill, his faction was holding an emergency meeting to discuss further steps. Justice Minister Tzipi
kÂ&#x161;_k]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\] `x_^`Â&#x2030;][ZÂ&#x161;\ment also opposed the bill. In its current form, the bill calls for recognising Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jewish character, institutionalising Jewish law as an inspiration for legislation and delisting Arabic as an ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z]z`_Â&#x203A;^`Â&#x203A;\ÂĄ Arabs make up about 20 per cent of Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population and strongly oppose the bill. The recent unrest has centered around Jerusalemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most sensitive holy site, a hilltop compound revered by Jews and Muslims. Muslims fear that Israel kY] Â&#x2013;zZ9k_Â&#x203A;] xZ] x`ÂŻ\] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] xÂ&#x2030;\] site â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a charge that Israel denies. They are also upset about Israeli restrictions that have limited access for Muslim worshippers on security grounds. Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for an Israeli mayor who suspended work by Arab labourers over the recent violence said they will be allowed to resume building bomb shelters in kindergartens next week, but that children would be moved to other locations in the city of Ashkelon during the construction.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Newswatch Times
African Report MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
Namibia to pick new president in Nov 28 election
his year, Namibia unveiled a hilltop statue of independence leader Sam Nujoma holding aloft a copy of the African countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constitution, which was amended to let him to serve three terms as president until 2005. With the ruling party he led poised for another election win this week, analysts say a tougher test of Namibian democracy will come when an opposition party wins. It is a model that holds true in other parts of Africa where liberation movements that fought colonialism and white minority rule morphed into dominant political parties for decades. While some brought stability and more rights, their lengthy control of state resources and patronage networks fueled increasing resentment among opposition groups. Elections this year in Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa, where ruling parties posted comfortable wins despite Â?ZÂ&#x152;^Yx] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`zz\_Â&#x203A;\YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2020;x] the mold. In Zimbabwe, President Robert Mugabe has kept control since independence in 1980 with a series of disputed elections and crackdowns on dissent. In Lesotho, political instability and even violence has beset a rare African power-sharing experiment in the form of a coalition government. Zambia, however, has had peaceful changes of ruling parties at the polls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The parties themselves must realise that the fact that you brought independence doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean that you own the people,â&#x20AC;? said Muna Ndulo, a law professor and director of Cornell Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Institute for African Development. Some ruling parties, Â&#x2030;\] Y`kjÂ&#x17E;] [`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2020;_j] kx] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`zlenging to let go of power in a peaceful transfer if they lose an election. The presidential candidate of Namibiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling SWAPO party in the November 28 parliamentary and presidential elections is Prime Minister Hage Geingob, who campaigned for independence decades ago at the United Nations. If elected, he would succeed President
kÂ&#x2020;ÂŻ\Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x17D;\] ZÂ&#x2030;`[Â&#x152;`Â&#x17E;] who is stepping down afx\Â?] Y\Â?Â&#x161;k_Â&#x203A;] xÂ&#x2022;Z] Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\Ă Â&#x17D;\`Â?] terms. The new statue of Nujoma, 85, stands in front of a recently inaugurated in-
dependence museum that was built with the help of designers from North Korea, triggering questions about the project cost and the relationship with the secretive Asian state. The museum, a shiny structure perched on three giant pillars, looms over the Namibian capital, Windhoek. It is near a century-old church built by German colonizers whose slaughter of the local people shapes a traumatic narrative in this arid
country of 2 million people on the Atlantic Ocean. The German church on Fidel Castro Street contains a plaque with names of Germans who died during the colonial powerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s massacres of tribesmen in the early 20th century. Up the road is a new â&#x20AC;&#x153;Genocide Memorial Statueâ&#x20AC;? that depicts colonial soldiers lynching victims. South Africa occupied what is now Namibia after the defeat of German forces there in World War I and
later imposed its apartheid system of racial separation. SWAPO guerrillas fought South African troops in a Zzj] `Â?Ă \Â?`] Â&#x2021;Z_qkÂ&#x2021;x] xÂ&#x2030;`x] ended with United Nations-supervised elections in 1989. Independence was declared in 1990. Modern Namibia enjoys political stability and ben\Â&#x2020;xY] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] [`ÂZÂ?] jk`[Z_j] and uranium reserves as well as revenue from tourists drawn to its stark landscapes, including the Namib desert. Geingob, the
prime minister, acknowledged that Namibia still has high poverty and lacks adequate health facilities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No child should be taught under a tree,â&#x20AC;? he has said, referring to the need for more school buildings. x] `] Â?\Â&#x2021;\_x] Â&#x2020;z[] Â&#x2C6;\YxkÂ&#x161;`z] in the southern African Â&#x2021;Z^_xÂ?Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;Â?\\] _\Â&#x2022;] Â&#x2020;z[Y] told stories about a rebelzkZ^Y] Â&#x203A;kÂ?zÂ&#x17E;] `_] ^_Y\9z\j] protagonist who returns to her desolate hometown and the migrations
of the Herero people led by Samuel Maharero, a chief who fought German colonisers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still trying to Â&#x2020;_j]Z^Â?]Â&#x161;ZkÂ&#x2021;\]`_j]Â&#x2022;\¤Â?\] trying to get a lot of things out of our system,â&#x20AC;? said Tim Huebschle, a festival organiser. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Give it a couple of years and I think the themes of this country will become clearer in terms of storytelling.â&#x20AC;?
U.S. promotes entrepreneurship to counter extremism
1x{|}|x~ 3 Â&#x20AC;Â |Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;~Â&#x201E; +|Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2C6;~Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC; 3Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;x{}x Â&#x152;Â&#x20AC;~Â&#x201E; Â&#x20AC; Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E; x~Â&#x201A; Â&#x2039;|Â Â&#x2026; Â Â&#x201E; Â?xÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2030; 3Â&#x20AC;~Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2021;|Â&#x17D;Â&#x160; 3Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;x{}x xÂ&#x201E; Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC; 6x{ 1Â&#x2C6;Â?Â&#x160;{x 6Â&#x201E;xÂ&#x201A;|Â&#x2C6;{ |~ Â&#x2018;|~Â&#x201A;Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2020; 1x{|}|x
UK health volunteers head to Sierra Leone to tackle Ebola
Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] Â&#x203A;Â?Z^Â&#x2013;] of volunteers from Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state National Health Service left for Sierra Leone on Saturday to join the Â&#x152;Zz`]\Â&#x2013;kj\[kÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;xÂ&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻÂĄ More than 30 NHS Â&#x2022;ZÂ?ÂŻ\Â?Y] q\Â&#x2022;] Z^x] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Z_don Heathrow Airport and were due to arrive in the capital Freetown yesterday for a week of training before moving to British-built treatment centres around the West African country. The group includes doctors, nurses, clinicians, psychiatrists and emergency medicine consultants. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I found myself less and less able to hear about the evolving situation in West Africa and the increasing loss of life and do nothing. I felt I just had to go,â&#x20AC;? said Doctor Hannah Ryan,
29, from the intensive care unit at Aintree University Hospital in Liverpool, northwest England. Doctor James Lavers, 37, an intensive care registrar from Bangor in northwest Wales, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This could be the biggest medical disaster of my lifetime, killing hundreds of thousands of people in the region. To prevent this from happening and save vast numbers of lives, large-scale intervention has to happen now.â&#x20AC;? The volunteers have gone through nine days of intensive training at a specialist Ministry of Defence unit in northern England, which has a replica treatment centre. More than 1,000 NHS workers have put their names forward and more teams of British volunteers are due to go out to Sierra Leone over the coming
weeks. More than 5,000 people have died in the west African Ebola outbreak and more than 15,000 have been infected. Recent data has shown a decline in cases in Liberia, the worst-hit country, and Guinea, but last week, 533 new cases were reported in Sierra Leone -- the highest weekly tally since the epidemic began in that country.
Âť ^Â?]Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x]`Â&#x203A;`k_Yx] Â&#x152;Zz`] in West Africa is one of Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest responses to a disease outbreak,â&#x20AC;? said International Development Secretary Justine Greening. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But to beat Ebola we desperately need the experience and dedication of skilled doctors and nurses to care for the thousands of sick and dying patients who are not receiving the treatment they need.â&#x20AC;?
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he United States is promoting entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa as a way to create jobs and counter extremism in the region, senior American officials said Thursday at a conference in Morocco. The environment needed to encourage these new businesses is difficult to find, however, in the highly regulated economies of the region. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a culture of innovation,â&#x20AC;? said Anis Aouni, a Tunisian inventor from Saphon Energy whose new model of a wind turbine was being showcased by Microsoft. But U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and other American officials attending the 5th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Morocco were hopeful of change. Biden called for education systems that questioned orthodoxy, well-defined legal systems that fight corruption and freedom of expression â&#x20AC;&#x201D; elements that local activists have said are in short supply in the Middle East and North Africa. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You cannot think different where you cannot breathe free,â&#x20AC;? said Biden, using the famous slogan of Apple founder Steve Jobs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You cannot think different when you cannot challenge orthodoxy. You cannot think different where you cannot speak your mind.â&#x20AC;? He added that the countries in the Middle East and Africa are racing to create tens of millions of jobs as their overwhelmingly young populations enter the work force. U.S. Commerce Secretary \__Â&#x17D;] Â?kMÂŻ\Â?] xZzj] Â&#x2030;\] Associated Press that governments in the region were coming around to the importance of entrepreneurship as a way of employing the masses of young people not finding work in the current economies.
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Newswatch Times
Monday, November 24, 2014
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Sizes in cm 2.5cm x 1
17cm x 3 25cm x 4 25cm x5 Half Page Full Page
Sizes in inches 1x1 1x 2 2x2 3x2 4x2 5x2 6x2 7x3
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Newswatch Times
Afcon disaster in Uyo: Dumping Keshi not the answer â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Izilein
Onigbinde â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tiredâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of Nigerian football 4 3 1
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Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go on jamboree!
Let’s embrace long term planning, Okumagba urges NFF
Victor Enyinnaya
ational Chairman of Nigeria Football Supporters Club (NFSC), Prince Vincent Okumagba, has advocated for long term planning to turn Nigerian football around. Okumagba reiterated that long term planning would go a long way to solve the problems confronting Nigerian football noting that this might put an end to the hue and cry all the time. The NFSC boss observed that there is a need for the states too to embark on grassroots development of football to complement x \] \EZ xY] Z ] ZZx `zz] `^thorities. “We should promote true grassroots football development by doing the right thing. “The truth is that there
is no steadiness in the country’s preparation for the next edition of any major football championship. We have heavily relied on fragile methods of doing things at the last moment. “We have been adamant to learn. The earlier \]YxZ ]x \] ^zx^ \]Z ] _jing scapegoats whenever \] `kz]x \] \9\ ] Z ]^Y¡ “We should go back to the basics, evolve well thought out plans and strategies to train well ahead any championship,’ he posits.
\] `jj\j] x `x] x \] qZ ] against the Bafana Bafana did not come as a surprise to many, saying that we thought that the usual resilient spirit always being displayed by Nigerian players would see the team through again. “The truth of the matter is that since we won the trophy in 2013, we simply went to sleep, and \] _\ \ ] j\\[\j] kx] x] xZ] plan how to achieve more in the next edition. The result of these lapses is what we have just harvested”, he noted.
IAAF: Doha’s $37m offer in 2019 World Championships bid legal
llegations that the Doha team which successfully bid here this week for the 2019 World Athletics Championships made an “illegal” ZE\ ]Z ]ѾÅ][kzzkZ_]ªÒºÓ][kzlion/€29 million) have been denied by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). Responding to a statement made by Jose Maria Odriozola, President of the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation and member of the IAAF’s own ruling Council, that Doha had swayed the vote - defeating Eugene and Barcelona Á] kx ]x \k ]z`x\]ZE\ ] ] communications director Nick Davies told insidethegames: “Nothing about this bid infringed the IAAF procedure for the bidding
2 | x
cities.” x] kY] ^_j\ YxZZj] x \] ure mentioned involved a Ѿ¸][kzzkZ_]ªÒ·À][kzzkZ_®ÕºÓ] million) pledge from a Qatari bank to become a new F k`z] ] ` x_\ ] k_] `] \Á \` ] Y Z_YZ Y k ] j\`z ] kx ]x \]`jjkxkZ_`z]ÑÅ] [kzzkZ_] ªÒÓ¡¹] [kzzkZ_®Õ¹¡¹] [kzzkZ_«] \k_ ] ZE\ \j] xZ] providing tracks in the 21 federations currently lacking them. Similar deals were part of the bidding process which brought the IAAF title sponsors in Samsung ahead of Daegu’s securing the 2011 World Championships, and VTB, the strategic Russian bank, ahead of the 2013 Moscow World Championships. Doha lost out to London Z ] x \] º¸·Å] Z zj] `[pionships despite pledgk_ ] `] [`YYk \] _`_ k`z] k_ \Yx[\_x] Z ] Ѻ¾¿¡º] [kzzkZ_] ªÒ·ÓÅ¡Å] [kzzkZ_®Õ·ÇÇ¡¿] [kzzkZ_« ]k_ z^jk_ ]ÑǸ][kzzkZ_] ªÒ¹¸][kzzkZ_®Õ¿Ó][kzzkZ_«]xZ] Yx` \]x \[]`_j]x \]ZE\ ]Z ]`] sponsorship and television ` ¯` \] Z x ] ѺÀ] [kzzkZ_] ªÒ·Ç] [kzzkZ_®Õº¾] [kzzkZ_« ] as well as underwriting the ZYx]Z ]x \]ÑÅ¡º][kzzkZ_]ªÒÓ¡¹] [kzzkZ_®Õ¹¡Å] [kzzkZ_«] k¶\] money.
Newswatch Times MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
Onigbinde ‘tired’ of Nigerian football
coached the then Green ` z\Y] xZ] x \] _`z] Z ] x \] 1984 Africa Cup of Nations in Cote d’Ivoire and also took charge of the Super Eagles at Korea-Japan Babs Oyetoro 2002 World Cup, alleged ormer Super Ea- being disliked by sucgles manager, cessive Nigerian football Chief Festus administrators simply beAdegboye Onig- cause of his strong stance binde is becom- Z_] [`9\ Y] \z`xk_ ] xZ] _`ing disenchanted about tional football. “I am hated by the peothe entire system saying henceforth he would stay z\] `x] x \] \z[] Z ] `E`k Y] by the sideline and watch because I am always sayproceedings in the Nige- ing the truth. They have labelled me as their enemy rian football scene. Angry Onigbinde just because I am saying retorted:”What is it that the truth. I think the time ] ` \]_Zx]Y`kj]Z ] k9\_] has come for me to keep before now? And what quiet. Why did they kill will I say again that the Bola Ige and Dele Giwa? Was it not because they people will listen to?” Onigbinde, who were saying the truth?
“I cannot force myself or my opinion on them. Let the people running Nigerian football continue to do their things the way it pleases them. The time has come for me to hide my head too”, he expressed his disenchantment. It would be recalled that Onigbinde, a former member of CAF and FIFA’s Technical Study Group, was appointed into NFF’s technical com[k9\\] \`j\j] ] ` kYx\ ] Chris Green during Alhaji Aminu Maigari’s tenure. But he fell out with the leadership of the committee because he was critical of some of the decisions of x \] Z[[k9\\¡ Due to Onigbinde’s unbending posture, the
Z[[k9\\] x` xk `zz ] edged him out by not inviting him again to their meetings. This continued till the end of Maigari’s tenure. Surprisingly, Maigari never waded into the [`9\ ] `Y] \] `zzZ \j] x kY] anomaly within the com[k9\\] xZ] \[`k_] zk¯\] x `x] until he served out his tenure. Amongst his many accomplishments, Onigbinde succeeded in taking Shooting Stars Sports z^ ]Z ] `j`_]xZ]x \] _`z] of the (now rested) Africa Cup of Champion Clubs in 1984, losing to Zamalek FC of Egypt. Onigbinde also served for many years as an administrator for 3SC at their Ibadan home.
Afcon disaster in Uyo: Dumping Keshi not the answer – Izilein
Mark Ogagan
former Chief Coach of Bendel Insurance FC of Banin, Godwin Izilein, has urged a systematic approach to solving what he terms ‘the static nature of Nigerian football’ following Super Eagles failure to qualify for next year’s Africa Cup of Nations. Nigeria played out a 2-2 draw with South Africa last Wednesday in Uyo, which was not enough to earn the Super Eagles a place at the biennial showpiece.
Izilein said every football stakeholder in the country must take responsibility for what happened to the Super Eagles, stressing that it Z^zj] \_\ x] x \] k \ k`] Football Federation (NFF) and the country as a whole to continue with the technical crew led by Stephen Keshi. “I think what happened in the game is not the fault of any particular person. It only shows that while other countries are working extra hard to up their game, Nige k`] kY] Yk9k_ ] Z_] x \] ` ¯] Z ] past glories. “The South Africans came here brimming with Z_ j\_ \] \ `^Y\] x \ ] `j] `z \`j ] ½^`zk \j ] YZ] the pressure was on the Super Eagles to win and go
through, but our boys never really rose to the occasion, and in the end, the chances they squandered early in the game proved fatal,” Izilein reasoned. Izilein, who led Super Falcons to victory at the African Women Championship in South Africa 10 years ago, also faulted NFF’s style of administration, saying the powers that be are not capable of rubbing shoulders with their counterparts in other parts of the world because they are not in tune with modern trends of the game. “We cannot continue like this if our football must move forward. We hear that Shaibu Amodu has been appointed Technical Direc-
tor of the NFF, but where’s x \]z\9\ ]xZ]x `x]\E\ xÈ] \] way coaches are treated in this country needs to be re k\ \j ] ^x] Z9Z[] zk_\] kY ] continuity is the answer if we must move forward.”
Newswatch Times
Proposed trip to UK:
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go on jamboree!
Gbolahan Dada
ne of the beneficiaries of the Nigeria Football
Federation,(NFF), proposed trip to the United Kingdom to train 17 football experts, coach John Obuh, has warned the tacticians and former internationals involved not to see the opportunity as jamboree to relax abroad. In its quest to improve the quality of coaching, match-reading and backroom analysis, and ultimately to improve the fortunes of the various national teams, NFF board had adopted a proposal by its president, Amaju Pinnick to sponsor 17 local coaches , comprising mostly, ex-internationals, to the United Kingdom. Apart from coach Obuh, other members of the project include, Y`] `j`_] ZYYZÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2030;`kÂ&#x152;^] Amodu, Salisu Yusuf, Paul Aigbogun, Kelechi Emeteole, David Ngodigha, Edema Fuludu, Yisa Sofoluwe, Nwankwo Kanu, Augustine â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Jay â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Jayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Okocha, Garba Lawal, Dahiru Sadi, Siji Lagunju, Ann Chiejine, Florence Omagbemi and Garba Musa.
The coaches are expected to learn the modern techniques in coaching and impact the knowledge into the national teams ahead of any international engagement The NFF board is determined to raise fresh technical crew and also set-up a team that would be monitoring matches for the senior team, Super Eagles after the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disastrous exit from the 2015 Nations Cup race billed for Equatorial Guinea. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The proposed trip is laudable project because of the people involved. It is very important that we
go for refresher courses in football in a bid to keep abreast modern techniques in the game but our people should not see it as a jamboree. If all of us would take it seriously, Nigerian football would Â&#x152;\_\Â&#x2020;x] xÂ?\[\_jZ^YzÂ&#x17D;] from the training,â&#x20AC;? Obuh said. The former Under-17 and Under-20 coach said the proposed training Â&#x2022;Z^zj]j\Â&#x2020;_kx\zÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x203A;Z]`]zZ_Â&#x203A;] way as all the participants are expected to take something valuable out and bring it home for Nigerian football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At least, the training
would make individuals Â&#x152;\9\Â?ÂĄ] \]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x203A;Z]xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\] to learn and change the fortunes of our football. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m excited that everybody is involved and collectively, we would take the game to the next level,â&#x20AC;? he said. Meanwhile, Eagles head coach, Stephen KesÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2030;`Y]Â&#x17D;\x]]xZ][`ÂŻ\]ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z] statement about his future with the national team after failing to qualify Nigeria for the next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nations Cup.Observers have been calling for Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s head and are eager to see a new coach at the helm of `E`kÂ?Y]k_] ^Â&#x2013;\Â?] `Â&#x203A;z\YÂĄ
AFCON flop: Downcast Omeruo begs Nigerians Victor Enyinnaya
uper Eagles defender, Kenneth Omeruo has apologised to Nigerians over the inability of the defending African Champions to secure the ticket to next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup of Nations tournament in Equatorial Guinea. [\Â?^ZÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]qZÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\j]`x] crucial moments during the ½^`zkÂ&#x2020;\Â?Â&#x17E;]Y`kj]xÂ&#x2030;\] ^Â&#x2013;\Â?] `gles ouster was like a nightmare to every member of the team, adding that playk_Â&#x203A;] ºà º] jÂ?`Â&#x2022;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] `Â&#x2C6;`_`] `Â&#x2C6;`_`]Â&#x2022;`Y]z\`Yx]\ÂźÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;x\jÂĄ The Middlesborough FC defender dismissed the saying that the Super Eagles
underrated their opponents noting that the South Africans were simply fantastic in that encounter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eagles were never overÂ&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;j\_x] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x203A;`[\ÂĄ] It is still a mystery to most of us that we couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t secure the three maximum points. It is very agonising to see other nations playing at the tournament next Â&#x17D;\`Â?] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;Z^x] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`¤Y] q`Â&#x203A;]
being hoisted in Equatorial Guinea. The 2013 AFCON gold medallist whose visibly shaky voice betrayed his emotion vehemently pleaded with Nigerians to forgive the team for their lacklustre performance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was not deliberate that we played below exÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;x`xkZ_ÂĄ] \]xÂ?k\j]Z^Â?]Â&#x152;\Yx] but fate was cruel to us. The
players resolved to win the game and gave it their best shot. It was obvious that last \j_\Yj`Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2022;`Y]_Zx]Â^Yx]Z^Â?] day otherwise we would Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]Â&#x203A;Z_\]`Â&#x2030;\`j]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] Â&#x2030;`zÂ&#x2C6;ÂĄ] ^x]`zz]Z^Â?]\EZÂ?xY]Â&#x2021;Z^zj] not yield any fruits. It is very painful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, my take as a patriotic Nigerian is for us to take it all as sports people. This is not the time to make excuses or apportion blames to anybody or group of people. Football is a team sport, therefore, we should all bear the consequence collectively. Âť \] YÂ&#x2030;Z^zj] Y\\] kx] `Y] `_] act of God, who knew why kx] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\_\j] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] place. That is the game of football for you, where you win some and lose some. It has happened, what else can we do?â&#x20AC;?
AIBA Congress prepares new blue print for amateur boxing
t the recent Amateur _x\Â?_`xkZ_`z] ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;] YYZÂ&#x2021;k`xkZ_Â&#x17E;] ÂŞ ÂŤ] Congress in Cheju, South Korea, important changes were made, questions were asked and members caught up with one another. The meeting saw the introduction of new regulations to the semi-profession`z] x\`[] xZ^Â?_`[\_x] ZÂ?zj] \Â?k\Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;] ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;]ÂŞ ÂŤ]`_j] ] Â?Z] ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;]ÂŞ ÂŤ]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] next year. Association Presij\_x] Â?ÂĄ] Â&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;Ă ^Z] ZZ] called development too rapid and said the association needs to keep up with the times. In the upcoming season, matches wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the home-away format, rather a one-team encounter that will determine the winner in a two-day competition. Â&#x2030;\] _\Â&#x2022;] ] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ\Â&#x2021;x] will gather the best 80 boxers in the world, according xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\] ]Â&#x2013;Â?\Ykj\_xÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\] ] Â&#x2022;kzz] `zYZ] j\Â&#x2021;kj\] xÂ&#x2030;\] Olympic vacant slots by 2020. Among other issues on the agenda was the question of whether to continue the use of helmets in match\YÂĄ] ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;] \ÂźÂ&#x2013;\Â?xY] `_j] medical professionals have noted that boxers who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use helmets have a lower Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x2021;\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x203A;\9k_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2030;\`j]k_Â^ries by 33 percent.
The congress also held elections for managing Yx`EÂĄ] `Âś`ÂŻÂ&#x2030;Yx`_] z\Â&#x203A;\_j] Serik Konakbayev was appointed the vice presij\_x]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\] `Âś`ÂŻÂ&#x2030;] ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;] Federation, while Timur Kulibayev kept his post as president. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First of all, I am honoured. I realise that this is a big responsibility. It is widely known that KaÂś`ÂŻÂ&#x2030;Yx`_] kY] `] Â&#x152;ZÂźk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2013;ZÂ&#x2022;erhouse; the country is growing dynamically and developing economically while advancing unity and harmony. All of these facxZÂ?Y] Â&#x161;`zkj`x\] `Âś`ÂŻÂ&#x2030;Yx`_¤Y] hosting of EXPO 2017. KaÂś`ÂŻÂ&#x2030;Yx`_] kY] j\Â&#x161;\zZÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;] k_] all spheres and global society now knows it. Therefore, our achievements give us the drive to continue forward. I would like to repeat that it is a big responsibility for me.â&#x20AC;?
WADA opposes to jail terms for dopers
ir Craig Reedie, presij\_x] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] ZÂ?zj] Anti-Doping Agency ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] Y`Â&#x17D;Y] `xÂ&#x2030;z\x\Y] caught using performanceenhancing drugs should be sanctioned under antidoping rules established by sporting bodies and not through the criminal law. Reedie was commenting on a draft law in Germany, expected to be approved in April, that would see athletes found using or in possession of doping products face a jail term of up to three years, reports the Associated Press. Speaking at a meeting of ¤Y]Â&#x2C6;Z^_j`xkZ_]Â&#x152;Z`Â?j] in Paris at the weekend, he said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;An athlete should be sanctioned under the sports rules which have been developed over many years, and he should not be sanctioned under criminal law. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People who say: `If you cheat, you will be put in jail,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; that is not something with which we are comfort`Â&#x152;z\Â&#x17E;Âł] \\jk\] Y`kjÂĄ] Âť \] jZ] not believe that that should happen.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x2030;kz\]`]_^[Â&#x152;\Â?]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2021;Z^_tries have criminalised the xÂ?`FÂ&#x2021;ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] jZÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2013;Â?Zjucts and also use existing legislation regarding fraud against drugs cheats, as this article from the Australian parliament outlines, some have gone even further and k[Â&#x2013;z\[\_x\j]YÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;kÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;]z`Â&#x2022;YÂĄ Those include Austria,
Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]Â&#x2030;`Y]`]z`Â&#x2022;]YÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;kÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`zzÂ&#x17D;] addressing fraud in a sporting context, Italy, which created three separate crimes relating to doping under a law enacted in 2000, France and Spain. Cases related to cycling brought under criminal law include that of Stefan Matschiner, the former `Â&#x203A;\_x] ZÂ&#x2C6;] \Â?_`Â?j] ZÂ&#x2030;z] `_j] Michael Rasmussen, both of whom received doping bans. Matschiner was convicted in 2010 by an Austrian court of helping riders undertake blood doping, and of selling prohibited substances to them and was sentenced to 15 monthsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; imprisonment. Reedie, who from 1992 to 2005 was chairman of xÂ&#x2030;\] Â?kxkYÂ&#x2030;] zÂ&#x17D;[Â&#x2013;kÂ&#x2021;] YYZÂ&#x2021;k`xkZ_Â&#x17E;] `zYZ] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;Â?[\j] an increase of 3 per cent in ¤Y] Â&#x2C6;^_jk_Â&#x203A;] `Â&#x2030;\`j] ZÂ&#x2C6;] the implementation, from 1 January, of the updated ZÂ?zj] _xkĂ ZÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;] Zj\ÂĄ
Sports/ Wenger: Messi could have joined Arsenal
rsenal manager, Arsene Wenger says Barcelona superstar, Lionel Messi “could have signed” for the English club when the player was 15 years old. “We wanted to take (Cesc) Fàbregas, Messi and (Gerard) Piqué.
Newswatch Times MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
“It worked only for Fàbregas. It was when they all played at Barcelona, but I think in the end Messi was comfortable at Barcelona”, recalled the French manager, who has been at the helm of the Gunners since 1996.
Wenger transfer policy offers Reid ‘little hope’ inston Reid’s hopes of landing a move to Arsenal are “very thin indeed,” according to sources inside the Emirates Stadium! The Hammers’ central defender has been linked with the Gunners probably more than any other club, but such a move looks very unlikely indeed. Sources at Upton Park have regularly insisted that there has been no contact from any club despite regular reports of interest from north London and Manchester. But an inside source at Arsenal made it clear that the Gunners boss
would be acting entirely out of character to make such a move. He said: “We have never heard the player’s name mentioned inside the club record shows that Arsene rarely buys from English clubs.”
Fear grips Wenger as Barca join race for Bender
rsenal are in danger of missing out on Bayer Leverkusen star, Lars Bender after Barcelona joined the race Z ] x \] [kj \zj\ ¤Y] Yk nature. Reports last week
claimed that Arsene Wenger was lining up a bid for the anchorman after missing out on Real Madrid’s Sami Khedira. Bender, whose twin brother, Sven plays for Borussia Dortmund, is highly regarded as one of the top enforcers in the
Bundesliga, and Wenger was hoping to strike a £19million deal for the German’s signature. However, Spanish media claims that Barcelona have thrown their hat in the ring as Xavi comes to the end of his career at the Nou Camp.
Luis Enrique is keen to strengthen his options in the centre of the park afx\ ] z\9k_ ] \Y ] ` \ `Y] and Alex Song leave over the summer, and Bender Z^zj] _j] x \] ZE\ ] Z ] playing in Catalonia more appealing than plying his trade at the Emirates.
Arsenal are missing Ozil, says Podolski
Chamberlain stars in new advert
rsenal forward, Lukas Podolski believes Mesut Özil will give the Gunners a major boost when he reruns from injury. “Mesut Özil can’t help us now because he is injured. When he comes back he can help us because he is a great player. We have to start winning games now,” Podolski said. “There is always pressure when you are at a big club and you are not in the top four. So we have to start winning games and start picking up points. The Arsenal star has been ruled out with injury until the new year. The 26-year-old joined Arsenal last year for a club record fee of £42.5m and won the ] ^ ]k_] kY] Yx]Y\`YZ_¡
Is Klopp the man to replace Wenger?
rsenal star, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, has revealed his love for fencing, playing the piano and oil painting in a new advert. The England international takes part in a range Z ] jkE\ \_x] Z k\Y] `_j] games while managing to continue doing ‘keepyuppies’. Chamberlain looks into the camera while multitasking by keeping the ball up in the air and either fencing
B with a partner, playing the piano or painting a portrait of himself. The 21-year-old, speaking to Lucozade, said: ‘Since I was a kid I’ve always been keen on other sports and interests outside of football, so to put two into practice, at the same time was a real challenge. ‘People claim that men aren’t very good at multitasking but I think as you Y\\] k_] x \] z[Y] x `x] ] j\ nitely give it my best shot!’
orussia Dortmund manager, Jurgen Klopp has stunned many by admitting that he would consider an ZE\ ] Z[]` Z`j]xZ][Z \]xZ] the Premier League, fuelling speculation that Arsenal could come forward for his services to replace Arsene Wenger. The legendary Frenchman seems to be losing the backing of the fans as his side continue to falter and there have been many suggestions that Klopp could come in sooner rather than later, something the German has always denied. However, he now admits
he would be happy to consid\ ] `_] ZE\ ] Z[] ` Z`j ] x\zzing BT Sport: “I think it’s the only country I think where I should work, next to Germany. “It’s the only country I ¯_Z ] x \] z`_ ^` \] `] zk9z\] bit and I need the language for my work. If somebody will call me, then we will talk about it.” The German coach has built up a reputation in recent years Z ]Z_\]Z ]x \] _\Yx][`_` \ Y] across the world, after helping Dortmund to new found success over the last few seasons.
Newswatch Times MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
C Milan midfielder, Michael Essien, says Manchester United are missing the leadership of Nemanja Vidic, now of Inter Milan. The former Chelsea [kjÂ&#x2020;\zj\Â?]Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2021;\Y] kjkÂ&#x2021;]k_] the Milan derby on Sunday, in an echo of their tussles in the Premier League. YYk\_] Y`kjĂ&#x201A;] Âť ] xÂ&#x2030;k_ÂŻ] he (Vidic) is being missed by United because things are not really going well for them, especially when it comes to their defence. Âť \] kY] `] xZÂ&#x2013;] Â&#x203A;^Â&#x17D;] `_j] really good defender. He gives everything and puts his body down for every tackle. It will be good to face him in another league. I will be looking forward to it and hopefully we will win.â&#x20AC;? Vidic is a Serbian Defender who was born on the 21st of October 1981 in titovo Uzice, Serbia. Vidic plays his club football in the English Premier League for Manchester United and also plays in the Serbian National Team. Vidic made his debut in 2000 with Spartak Subotica and is now regarded as one of the best defenders in the world.
Messi may leave Spain over tax jail threat
Essien: Man Utd miss Interâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vidic leadership After Debuting for Spartac Sabotica in 2000 whilst on loan, Vidic then went back to Red Star Belgrade till 2004 when he sold to Spar-
tak Moscow. From here Vidic was picked up by Manchester united who he currently plays for. During his time at Manchester united vidic has
received such honours as 3 Premier League titles, the UEFA Champions League, the FIFA World Club Cup and two League Cup medals.
ionel Messi, hailed by many as the greatest footballer of all time, may leave Spain after continuing to fall foul of the tax authorities, sources have said. The player, who earlier this year agreed a new â&#x201A;Ź50m (ÂŁ40m) salary with Barcelona, has complained that he is being singled out for special treatment compared with other elite sports players in Spain Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;]jkYÂ&#x2013;^x\j]x`Âź]`E`kÂ?YÂĄ \YYk]Â&#x2030;`j]Â&#x2030;kY]Â&#x2020;Â?Yx]Â?^_Ă in over tax last year when he was accused of concealing â&#x201A;Ź4.1m earned from image rights in shell companies in Belize and Uruguay. Under Spanish law, anyone who has more than â&#x201A;Ź120,000 in undeclared income automatically faces a jail sentence, but this is generally waived if the ZE\_j\Â?] `Â&#x203A;Â?\\Y] xZ] Â&#x2013;`Â&#x17D;ÂĄ] Messi paid an agreed â&#x201A;Ź5m k_] Y\9z\[\_x] Â&#x152;^x] xÂ&#x2030;\] `^thorities have decided to force the Argentinian-born player to stand trial, with the possibility of going to prison.Sources close to Messi told the newspaper z] Z_Â&#x2020;j\_Â&#x2021;k`zĂ&#x201A;] ÂťĂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\] are other elite sportspeople who have tax problems `_j]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;¤Â&#x161;\]`zz]Â&#x152;\\_]Y\9z\j] administratively, as was the case with Real Madrid players Xabi Alonso and
Iker Casillas and tennis star Rafa Nadal. Messi is the only one who faces legal proceedings that could end with him going to jail. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fed up with Spain and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why he wants to leave.â&#x20AC;? The sources said that in a single year Messi had paid â&#x201A;Ź52m in income tax `_j]Â&#x2020;_\Y]Âť`_j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]YÂ&#x2030;Z^zj] be thatâ&#x20AC;?. They said Messi appeared to be a victim of jZ^Â&#x152;z\] Yx`_j`Â?jYÂĄ] Âť Â&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] started with his image rights, then his signing fee â&#x20AC;&#x201C; who knows where it will end.â&#x20AC;? In the current atmosphere of hostility between Catalonia and the Spanish government, the fact that the Real Madrid players Y\9z\j] Z^x] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2021;Z^Â?x] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\] Barcelonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s star faces criminal proceedings is seen as further evidence of an antiCatalan conspiracy.
Zidane wins appeal against coaching ban
Ronaldo makes me better player, says Bale
Spanish sports court has backed Zinedine Zidaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appeal against a three month ban from coaching Real Madridâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reserve team over his disputed ½^`zkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`xkZ_YÂĄ Spainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s football federation imposed the ban at the end of October, arguing the former France [kjÂ&#x2020;\zj\Â?] jkj] _Zx] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] the right licence to coach in Spain. Real appealed and the three-time World Footballer of the Year was allowed to continue coaching while the Court of Arbitration for Sport considered the case. Zidaneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s assistant Santiago Sanchez, who was also sanctioned by the Spanish federation, the RFEF, was also cleared to continue his duties while the case was considered. Real Madrid initially initially went to the RFEF `Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\`z] Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\] Â&#x152;^x] when that was rejected, the 10-time European champions turned to the Court of Arbitration. Âť Â&#x2030;\] `Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\`z] Â&#x2022;`Y] `Â&#x2021;cepted. This annuls the resolution from the apÂ&#x2013;\`zY] Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\]
RFEF,â&#x20AC;? a spokesman for the court of Arbitration for Sport told AFP. Real insist that Zidane Â&#x2030;`Y] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x2013;\Â?] ½^`zkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`tions to coach their reserve team, although he needs a Uefa â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; licence level three badge to do so
and he only holds a level two. Spanish coaching school Cenafe complained to the Spanish federation, alledging that Real were using Sanchezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name on teamsheets as coach to get
around regulations preventing Zidane from running the reserve team, Real Madrid Castilla. But Real said Zidane ÂťÂ&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] `^xÂ&#x2030;ZÂ?kY\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] the French Football Federation to work as a head coachâ&#x20AC;? for Real Madrid Castilla and its league. Although Zidane has not completed the full quota of practice hours with the French Football Federation (FFF) to gain promotion to level three, the FFF supported Realâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s case, arguing Uefa regulations allow a coach who is being trained to work. kj`_\] YÂ&#x2013;\_x] Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\] Y\`sons with Real as a player after joining from Italian side Juventus in 2001. He scored the winner in the 2002 Champions League Â&#x2020;_`zÂĄ He handed his eldest son Enzo, 19, a debut for the Real Madrid reserve team on Sunday. Real Madrid Castilla were relegated from the second division last season, before Zidane joined xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]Yx`EÂĄ Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;z^Â&#x152;]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]Â&#x2022;Z_]Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\] and drawn two of their last seven matches.
eal Madrid star Gareth Bale has voiced his admiration for Cristiano Ronaldo and says the Portugal star has made Â&#x2030;k[]`]Â&#x152;\9\Â?]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?ÂĄ Bale joined Madrid from Z9\_Â&#x2030;`[] ZxYÂ&#x2013;^Â?] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] summer of 2013 and formed `]j`_Â&#x203A;\Â?Z^Y]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2013;`Â?xnership with Ronaldo and `Â?k[] \_Âś\[`] k_] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] season at the Santiago Bernabeu. The Welshman has been struggling with injury problems this term but says he is continuing to learn from the former Manchester United man. Âť \`Â?_k_Â&#x203A;] ZE] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x152;\Yx] player in the world is just incredible,â&#x20AC;? Bale told The Telegraph. Âť Z_`zjZ] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] amazing since Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been there and I learn something
new every day. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s helpk_Â&#x203A;] [\] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2021;Z[\] `] Â&#x152;\9\Â?] player, which is my constant goal. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m trying to get up to his level. Âť _] Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2021;xÂ&#x17E;] ¤Â&#x161;\] \Â&#x161;\_] Â&#x152;\\_] trying to improve my right foot.â&#x20AC;? Bale went on to admit that it would have been difÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;^zx] xZ] z\`Â&#x161;\] Z9\_Â&#x2030;`[] for any other club than the current European champions. Âť Â&#x2C6;] kx] Â&#x2022;`Y_¤x] \`z] `drid, it would have been Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;] jkFÂ&#x2021;^zx] xZ] \Â&#x161;\Â?] leave,â&#x20AC;? he said. Âť ]zZÂ&#x161;\j][Â&#x17D;]xk[\]`x] Zxtenham and the fans were always incredible to me. I think they understood that the opportunity to join Real Madrid was a once-in-a lifetime chance and at the time I was playing well and I wanted to test myself.â&#x20AC;?
Serena shows her cleavage for Berlei Lingerie
erena Williams, the 18-time singles Grand slam champion has Â&#x152;\\_] Z^xk_Â&#x203A;] k_] Z[`_xkÂ&#x2021;] city Paris, after her outstanding performance to Â&#x2020;_kYÂ&#x2030;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y\`YZ_]`x] ZÂĄ]¡]k_] WTA Rankings. WTA proÂ&#x2C6;\YYkZ_`z] `xÂ&#x2030;z\x\] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] zZZÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] [ZÂ?\] Â&#x152;\`^xkÂ&#x2C6;^z] `Y] she posted a picture from Paris, France to her Instagram account. American tennis star has snapped a photo sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seen standing k_]Â&#x2C6;Â?Z_x]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\] kE\z] ZÂ&#x2022;\Â?] q`YÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;\Â?] Â&#x2021;^Â?Â&#x161;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;z\`Â&#x161;age from the neckline of Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x152;\zx\j]xÂ?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]Â&#x2021;Z`xÂĄ 33-year-old Serena Williams has wore a pair of white headphones, as well as a wide gold chain necklace. She also wore Â&#x2030;\Â?] zZ_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x152;Â?^_\9\] xÂ?\YY\Y] hanging down in loose curls and her face fully jZ_\]^Â&#x2013;]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;]Â&#x2020;zz\j]k_]\Â&#x17D;\-
Â&#x152;Â?ZÂ&#x2022;YÂ&#x17E;] Y[ZÂŻÂ&#x17D;] \Â&#x17D;\] YÂ&#x2030;`jow and glossy pink lips. It also shows that the PaÂ?kYk`_] Â?ZZÂ&#x2C6;xZÂ&#x2013;Y] [kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] Â&#x152;\] seen in the distance, while Â&#x152;Z^½^\xY] ZÂ&#x2C6;] qZÂ&#x2022;\Â?Y] `_j] white doves sat perched Z_]`]z\jÂ&#x203A;\]jkÂ?\Â&#x2021;xzÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x152;\Â&#x2030;k_j] her. In another picture shared to Instagram on Thursday evening, Serena has gave followers to Venus Williams to a glimpse at her adventurous activities in the European hotspot. She has wore a large YÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x17D;]Â&#x152;z`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]Â&#x2030;\z[\xÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\] it looks she is set ready to ride around the French Â&#x2021;kxÂ&#x17D;] Z_] `] [ZxZÂ?Â&#x152;kÂŻ\ÂĄ] \Â?\_`] Â&#x2030;`Y] YÂ&#x2013;Z9\j] k_] `] Â&#x152;z`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]Â&#x2022;k_jÂ&#x152;Â?\`ÂŻ\Â?]Â`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ\xÂ&#x17E;] which she paired with a pink scarf tied around her neck and she also accessorizing with a metallic statement ring.
Can Nadal show begin in 2015?
afael Nadal is eyek_Â&#x203A;] xZ] Â&#x2021;Z[\] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] strongly next year after struggling with Y\Â&#x161;\Â?`z] k_Â^Â?k\Y] xZ] Â&#x2020;_ish the season on disappointment note. Nadal, who had missed most of the tournaments in 2014 season including US Open and ATP World Tour Championships, he is looking forward to Â?\Â&#x203A;`k_] ¡¸¸] Â&#x2013;\Â?Â&#x2021;\_x] Â&#x2020;x_\YY]xZ]Â&#x152;Z^_Â&#x2021;\]Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]Z_xZ] court. Rafael Nadal, the 14time singles Grand slam Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;kZ_]Â&#x2030;`Y]Â&#x152;\\_]Â&#x2022;ZÂ?ÂŻing hard to regain 100 Â&#x2013;\Â?Â&#x2021;\_x]Â&#x2020;x_\YYÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]Â&#x2030;\] kY]Â&#x2013;z`__k_Â&#x203A;]xZ]Â&#x2021;Z[\]Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ]ZE]Â&#x2021;Z^Â?x]Y\`YZ_]xÂ?`k_ing next month soon. He `jj\j]kx]kY]_Zx]Â&#x203A;Zk_Â&#x203A;]xZ]Â&#x152;\]
easy for him to challenge some players on the tour, when he will compete in Doha Open 2015 next year. Spaniard had conÂ&#x2020;Â?[\j]xZ]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]º¸¡š] Â&#x152;^] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x152;k] xZ^Â?_`[\_xÂ&#x17E;] where he is likely to face his rivals Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray. Rafael Nadal had faced several injuries ÂŻ_\\Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â?kYx] `_j] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x152;z\[YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2030;kY] jZÂ&#x2021;xZÂ?Y] j\Â&#x2021;kj\j] xZ] Â?\Â&#x2030;`Â&#x152;kzktation included stem-cell treatment. king of clay is Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;j\_x] xZ] Â&#x2021;Z[\] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;] z\Â&#x161;\z] tennis against top ranked players in 2015 season, Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]Â&#x2030;\]Y`kj]kx]Â&#x2021;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\] `] jkFÂ&#x2021;^zx] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`zz\_Â&#x203A;\] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] him to clinch Australian Open.
Newswatch Times MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014
Davis Cup: Djokovic commits to Serbia cause for 2015
orld No 1, Novak Djokovic will return to Davis Cup action with \Â?Â&#x152;k`] _\Âźx] Â&#x17D;\`Â?] `Â&#x2C6;x\Â?] `] Y\`YZ_¤Y]`Â&#x152;Y\_Â&#x2021;\ÂĄ Following Roger Federerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s withdrawal, Andy Murray stepped k_] xZ] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;] `_] \ÂźÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x152;kxkZ_] match with Novak Djokovic Djokovic has conÂ&#x2020;Â?[\j] Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;kzz] z\`j] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2021;Z^_xÂ?Â&#x17D;] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] round tie with neighÂ&#x152;Z^Â?Y] Â?Z`xk`] Z_] Â&#x2030;Z[\] soil from March 6-8. The countries have only met once since the division of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, with \Â?Â&#x152;k`]Â&#x2021;Z[k_Â&#x203A;]Z^x]Z_]xZÂ&#x2013;] Ă&#x201C;à ¡]k_]`]½^`Â?x\Â?Ă Â&#x2020;_`z]xk\]Ă ] Djokovic won his singles matches against Ivan LjuÂ&#x152;kÂ&#x2021;kÂ&#x2021;]`_j] `Â?k_] kzkÂ&#x2021;ÂĄ \Â?Â&#x152;k`] Â&#x2022;\_x] Z_] xZ] Â&#x2022;k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] xkxz\] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Y\`YZ_] Â&#x152;^x] Djokovic skipped the tournament in 2014 after xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;\Â?\] Â&#x152;\`x\_] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Âś\Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] \Â&#x2013;^Â&#x152;zkÂ&#x2021;] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] ½^`Â?x\Â?Ă Â&#x2020;_`zY]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]º¸¡ž] competition. The 27-year-old conÂ&#x2020;Â?[\j]Â&#x2030;kY] `Â&#x161;kY] ^Â&#x2013;]Â?\x^Â?_] Â&#x161;k`] Â&#x2030;kY] ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z] Â&#x2022;\Â&#x152;site as he set out his plans for the early part of the 2015 season. Djokovic will open his Y\`YZ_] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] ^Â&#x152;`j`z`] World Tennis ChampionYÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x2013;Y] k_] Â&#x152;^] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x152;k] Ă ] xÂ&#x2030;\] \ÂźÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x152;kxkZ_]xZ^Â?_`[\_x]Â&#x2030;\] won last year as well as in 2011 and 2012. He will then move on to Doha for the Qax`Â?] Â&#x2013;\_] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\] Â&#x2030;\`jk_Â&#x203A;]
xZ] ^YxÂ?`zk`] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] Grand Slam of the season, where he made it Z_zÂ&#x17D;]`Y]Â&#x2C6;`Â?]`Y]xÂ&#x2030;\]½^`Â?x\Â?Ă Â&#x2020;_`zY]z`Yx]Â&#x17D;\`Â?ÂĄ
ÂZÂŻZÂ&#x161;kÂ&#x2021;] Â&#x2020;_kYÂ&#x2030;\j] top of the 2014 world rankings after winning the season-ending ATP World Tour Final in Lon-
jZ_Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] Â&#x2022;kM\Â?z`_j¤Y] world No 2 Roger Federer forfeited on Sunday j^\]xZ]`]Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]k_Â^Â?Â&#x17D;ÂĄ
Murray must return to Lendlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aggressive style â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Rusedski
ndy Murray must recapture the style of play he used under previous coach Ivan Lendl if he is to return to majorwinning form, insists Greg Rusedski. The British No 1 crashed out of the ATP World Tour Finals in Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s O2 Arena losing 6-0 6-1 to a rampant Roger Federer. It was not the way Murray would have wanted xZ] Â&#x2020;_kYÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;`x] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] `] frustrating 2014 - his heaviest loss in seven-and-a-half Â&#x17D;\`Â?Y] Ă ] `_j] ^Y\jYÂŻk] Â&#x152;\lieves he has strayed from the successful style that Lendl implemented. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got to get Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ] Â&#x152;\k_Â&#x203A;] jZ[k_`_x] k_] matches, like he was with Lendl. If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play the lesser opponents in the same manner, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just produce it on the day [against Federer].â&#x20AC;? Rusedski told Sky Sports:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;You look at Andy Murray and you think to yourY\zÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17E;] ĂĄÂ&#x2030;\¤Y] Â&#x203A;Zx] xZ] Â&#x203A;Z] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ] the way he was under Ivan \_jz¤] â] Â&#x152;\k_Â&#x203A;] `Â&#x203A;Â&#x203A;Â?\YYkÂ&#x161;\ÂĄ] You cannot turn it on for a match against Federer, you need to consistently play that way throughout the year if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to take the likes of Federer and Novak Djokovic on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got to get
Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ] Â&#x152;\k_Â&#x203A;] jZ[k_`_x] k_] matches, like he was with Lendl. If you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play the lesser opponents in the same manner, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just produce it on the day [against Federer]. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to change everything, he needs xZ] Â&#x203A;Z] Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;\] played under Ivan. Ivan got him to hit his second serve `] zk9z\] Â&#x152;kx] Â&#x2030;`Â?j\Â?Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2013;Â?`Â&#x2021;xkÂ&#x2021;\]
more serves out there, takk_Â&#x203A;]Z_]xÂ&#x2030;\]YÂ&#x2030;ZÂ?x]Â&#x152;`zzYÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2021;Z[ing forward, returning the Â&#x152;`zz] \`Â?zk\Â?] `_j] Â^Yx] [\_tally changing his thought process.â&#x20AC;? ^Y\jYÂŻk] Â&#x152;\zk\Â&#x161;\Y] xÂ&#x2030;`x] the stunning form of Federer and Djokovic has raised xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x152;`Â?] `_j] ^Â?Â?`Â&#x17D;] [^Yx] reassess to keep pace with them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He needs to take a page Z^x] ZÂ&#x2C6;] \j\Â?\Â?¤Y] Â&#x152;ZZÂŻÂ&#x17E;Âł] Rusedski continued. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What he does is goes to his team, sits down, and says â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what jZ] ]_\\j]xZ]jZ]xZ]Â&#x203A;\x]Â&#x152;\9\Â?Â&#x17E;] Â&#x203A;\x]Â&#x152;`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]xZÂ&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;][\_¤Y] tennis and win majors?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Andy Murray was knocked out of the ATP ZÂ?zj] Z^Â?] k_`zY]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]Â&#x152;\k_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;Â?`YÂ&#x2030;\j]¿à ¸]¿à ¡]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] ZÂ&#x203A;er Federer â&#x20AC;&#x153;Murray has to sit down with his team, his coaching Yx`EÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] [\zk\] `^Â?\Ymo and say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what do I have to do to regain my form?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?
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FCT DIGEST FCT residents groan over security cordon Newswatch Times
CYRIL MBAH, Abuja ecurity has been beefed up in several parts of Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory since last week with the deployment of armed, stern-looking soldiers to man strategic locations in the city including the roads leading into and out of the territory. Residents of the territory are however complaining over the crippling and unbearable nature of the new security measures as soldiers have allegedly subjected people to harassment and punkY [\_x] Z ] `x\ \ ] ZE\_ \] even when it is minor. Occupants of villages and Zx \ ] Y\9z\[\_xY] Ykx^`x\j] `zZ_ ] Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport Road ` \] Z Y\] ZE] `Y] YZzjk\ Y] ` \] taken over every stretch of the road and are compelling commercial vehicle drivers to use bus stops or risk being charged to the mobile courts near the Lugbe Flyover Bridge. The sight of soldiers on the Airport Road is frightening since men in arms are stationed at every two or three electric poles interval. No one is left in doubt that the military men mean business and are determined to carry out their brief on the road used by prominent members of the ruling class including President Goodluck Jonathan. It was gathered that pedestrians who run across the expressway instead of using the pedestrian bridges are subjected to punishment which included frog jumping, picking papers or standing in the hot sun after k ]x \]ZE\_j\ ] kzz] \]`Y¯\j] to use the walkover-bridge if the person escapes being charged to the mobile court. As a result of the increased
FCT Minister, Bala Mohammed
presence of soldiers on the airport road, commercial vehicle drivers hardly stop for passengers out of fear and commuters are forced to trek long distances to the bus stops where the military personnel, who are also manning the bus-stops, monitor the behaviour of drivers and pedestrians. A commercial driver called Michael, who plies Area One to
obligations since the army took over security work on the Airport Road because it is now dif ^zx] Z ] x \[] xZ] \` _] \_Z^ ] money from morning till night Z ]x \k ]j`kz ] \[k9`_ \¡] Hire-purchase deal, also called closed-end leasing or rentto-own is the legal term for a contract, in which a purchaser agrees to pay for goods in parts or remit a percentage over a period of time. A hire purchase is termed an instalment plan although there [` ] \] Yzk x] jkE\ \_ \Y] \tween companies providing the service with some agreeing that in the hire purchase agreement, the ownership of the vehicle remains with the seller until the last payment is made. Michel, who drives a hire-purchase taxi said: “My brother the situation is tough. It is no longer as before. With the soldiers on the highway, whether you have passengers or not, they will tell you to move on. We are peaceful people and we do not pose any threats to the public since we are Sauka Village through the Air- always on the road ferrying pasport Road, complained about the sengers to their destinations.” excessive harassment by soldiers, Our reporter who observed saying the situation is making the new development at the Car ^Yk_\YY] jkF ^zx] Z ] x `_Y Z x] Wash Bus stop, Lugbe noticed operators as many of them can- that drivers who enter the bus not make enough money daily terminals are given only a few like they used to before now. seconds to drop or pick passenHe said commercial drivers us- \ Y]`_j][Z \]ZE¡] ing vehicles purchased on credit Drivers, who lingered on the Z ] k \Á ^ `Y\]` \]Y^E\ k_ ]xZ] road or cause obstructions of free feed their families or meet other x `F ] [Z \[\_x ] ` \] k_Yx`_xz ]
NOA urges leaders to champion fight against infanticide in FCT TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
Administration and Human Resources of the Agency, Mr he National Orienta- Ado Solomon, noted that tion Agency (NOA) has whatever harms women afcharged traditional and fects society itself, adding religious leaders in the Fed- that much responsibility rests eral Capital Territory (FCT) on the shoulders of traditionxZ]Y \` \`j]x \] x]` `k_Yx] al and religious rulers in the the killing of twins in some FCT to discourage such negaparts of the FCT and other tive socio-cultural practices, harmful socio-cultural prac- including the killing of twin tices. babies and mothers in parts The Director General of of the territory. NOA, Mr Mike Omeri, gave In his address, the Chairthis charge at a one-day sensi- man of the occasion, Retired tisation campaign to promote General Abdullahi Mamman, positive socio-cultural prac- was of the view that the contices for national develop- cept of negative socio-culment in the FCT held in Kwali tural practices was relative, Area Council. varying from culture to culA statement made avail- ture. He added that priority able by the Assistant Direc- must be given to harmonising tor Press, Paul Odenyi, stated socio-cultural practices with that most negative socio-cul- present day realities in the tural practices in the family, interest of total well-being for business and career are di- all. rected against women. He also stressed the need DG NOA who was rep- for strong moral character resented by the Director of and political will on the part
of leaders to implement policies that will end negative practices in our society. Royal Father of the Day, the Ona of Abaji, Alhaji Adamu Yunusa, represented by the Agabe of Gwargwalada, Alhaji Husseini Imam, urged participants to imbibe the message of the campaign and pledged the commitment of
FCT Minister of state, Jumoke Akinjide
the traditional institutions to promoting positive socio-cultural practices in their traditional domains. Lending his voice, Chairman of Kwali Area Council, Hon. Ibrahim Daniel, condemned the practice of infanticide against twin babies in parts of his area council, Abaji and Gwagwalada area councils, calling on all communities involved in such practices to desist. He said every human being has a role assigned by the Creator to play on earth and killing any infant under the guise of any cultural practice was not only a crime against the state but also a disservice to both the creator and the society. Present at the campaign were politicians, traditional rulers, religious leaders, public servants, students, youth, women and cultural groups.
arrested and punished by the no-nonsense, uncompromising soldiers. It was gathered from the Army Headquarters Garrison that the k_q^¼]k_xZ] ^`] ]Y\ \ `z] \ ^gees from Borno and Adamawa Yx`x\Y] `Y] \ Z[\]^_Y\9zk_ ]` ` x] from raising tension and suspicion within the city. A military source who spoke on x \] [`9\ ] Z Y\ \j] x `x] Y\ ^ kx ] was beefed up because there are fears about the possibility that Boko Haram members may have k_ zx `x\j] x \] `[ ] Z ] x \] _x\ nally Displaced Persons located at Sabon-Kuchigoro near the Games Village Estate where many of them are quartered since last month. Many of the soldiers drafted to the streets are from the garrison and they have also taken over the Z_x Zz] Z ] x `F ] `_j] \j\Yx k`_] movement especially along the Airport Road. There are also patrols of soldiers while the mobile police and the SARS have disappeared from the road and presently concentrate attention at the interior areas of the territory, ministries and agencies of government as well as strategic installations. Some of the Internally Displaced Persons who spoke to our correspondents said they were compelled to move to Abuja because the dreaded Boko Haram insurgents are determined to push further inland and eliminate everyone who refuses to accept their doctrine or caliphate rule in the North East. Many of the refugees such as Hajia Hauwa Abdullahi who came to Abuja with members of her family claimed that her husband was killed by the insurgents and that she ran away with her children even after shots were \j]Y\ \ `z]xk[\Y]`x]x \[] ]x \] insurgents. Hauwa said she was shot twice and that she still had one bullet in her body while the other one perforated her body and went out. The mother of three children, who was still groaning from pain when our reporter visited the camp, appealed to the Federal Government to assist the people in x \]Y\9z\[\_x] kx ] ZZj]`_j][\jication and support some of them who have bullets in the bodies extract them before the objects kill them. A spokesman for the IDPs Mallam Adamu Umaru, thanked God repeatedly for sparing the lives of the people and for saving them from the hands of the insurgents.
\] \ \9\j] Z \ \ ]x `x] Zziticians in Abuja do not know the magnitude of what the people Z ] x \] Z x ] `Yx] ` \] Y^E\ k_ ] in the hands of the insurgents “who are now everywhere in the zone.”
Newswatch Times
Crime Monday, November 24, 2014
Transnational organised crimes can bring down governments â&#x20AC;&#x201C;FG also tracing the local capabilities where they are trying to do a lot of copying of the arms ollowing the increasing rate of that they get from outside,â&#x20AC;? he said. transnational organised crimes Also speaking, the Minister of Foreign at the Gulf of Guinea, the Federal E`kÂ?YÂ&#x17E;] [Â&#x152;] [k_^] `zkÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;ZÂ?Â?ZÂ&#x152;ZÂ?`x\j] Government, has said activities of that â&#x20AC;&#x153;transnational organised crime is the perpetrators could bring down widely opposed because it can destabilise governments if urgent step is not taking to democracy, disrupt free markets, drain nip the menace in the bud. national assets, and slow down the The Director-General of Institute for Peace development of stable societies.â&#x20AC;? `_j] Z_qkÂ&#x2021;x] \YZz^xkZ_]ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] Â?ZÂ&#x2C6;] YÂ&#x2030;kx`] â&#x20AC;&#x153;These transnational criminal networks ÂĄ] YÂ&#x2030;kx`Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]Â&#x203A;`Â&#x161;\] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;`Â?_k_Â&#x203A;] `x] `] Z_\Ă often take advanteg of governments that day national workshop titled: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Emerging are unstable with weak institutions that Â?\_jY] k_] Â?`_Y_`xkZ_`z] Â?Â&#x203A;`_kY\j] Â?k[\Y] are unable to prevent them as they conduct and the Implications for Human Security,â&#x20AC;? illegal activities that provide them with in Abuja, also said that if left unchecked, k[[\`Y^Â?`Â&#x152;z\]Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x2020;xYÂ&#x17E;Âł] `zk]_Zx\jÂĄ proceeds from the criminal activities could The minister, who was represented by be used to sponsor people who could xÂ&#x2030;\] kÂ?\Â&#x2021;xZÂ?Â&#x17E;] _x\Â?_`xkZ_`z] Â?Â&#x203A;`_kY`xkZ_] perform dysfunctional roles in the society. Department, Amb John Ejinaka, said failure Fielding questions from journalists, to develop practicable, coordinated national YÂ&#x2030;kx`] YxÂ?\YY\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] xÂ&#x2030;\] ] k[Â&#x2013;zkÂ&#x2021;`xkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] policies in the face of this ever growing transnational criminal activities for Nigeria transnational criminality will further can be so many. threaten and undermine the society. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s take the piracy for example, when The Head of Section of Political, Information the cost of using the waterways become very President Jonathan and Communication of the European Union high, insurance will become high for all the xÂ?Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;]xZ]^Y\]kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`xkZ_][`Â?ÂŻ]xZ]Â&#x203A;\x]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\] technological capabilities to produce small ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] Â?] \_Â?Â&#x17D;] Â?`_ÂŻ\Â?jÂ&#x17E;] Y`kj] xÂ&#x2030;\] kYY^\Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ships using that route. And to that extent, if producers. Most of them are in Europe of arms and light weapons. In the olden times, discourse are very relevant not only to Nigeria any ship succeeds in passing through that course but also locally, people are beginning Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x2013;z\]_\Â&#x161;\Â?]\`YkzÂ&#x17D;]xZZÂŻ]xZ]Â&#x2022;`Â?]`_j]Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x]Â&#x152;^x] but Africa and the Europe. water, whatever goods that it has will be â&#x20AC;&#x153;All the topics have become very important to develop capabilities for producing very today, when people consider that they have more expensive and so the innocent open for the world in recent years, especially Nigeria. harmful small arms and light weapons. guns around them, they are easily prone to society members will pay for that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That means apart from looking outside, Â&#x203A;Zk_Â&#x203A;] Z^x] xZ] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] Â?`xÂ&#x2030;\Â?] xÂ&#x2030;`_] jk`zZÂ&#x203A;^\ÂĄ] Z] These are areas the European Union has already The other one is that transnational we also need to look around locally to Â&#x2022;\] `Â?\] \_Â&#x2021;Z^Â?`Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] \EZÂ?x] xZÂ&#x2022;`Â?jY] xÂ?`Â&#x2021;k_Â&#x203A;] been working hard with Nigeria institution to organised crime can actually bring down see which of our people are using their the sources of these arms from outside and see how best we an assist,â&#x20AC;? he said. regimes because unsupervised criminal activities go on. And if they are too close to our borders, it can become a challenge for even normal governance regime. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So apart from that, proceeds from Â&#x2022;\Â?Â?k]Â&#x2030;`Y]_\Â&#x161;\Â?]Â&#x2030;`j]`_Â&#x17D;][kY^_j\Â?Yx`_jk_Â&#x203A;] \z`xkZ_] FÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x17E;] _jÂ?\Â&#x2022;] _Â&#x2022;\Â?\[Â&#x17E;] transnational organised crime can be used EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri with the host community as he pleaded with stated that he has not been briefed on the negatively to cause problems or sponsor incident and would comment as soon as he has people who can perform dysfunctional roles trader of Northern extraction xÂ&#x2030;\]k_jkÂ&#x203A;\_\]xZ]YxZÂ&#x2013;]xÂ&#x2030;\]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻÂ&#x17E;Âł]Â&#x2030;\]Yx`x\jÂĄ When contacted the Imo State Police Public full details of the situation. in the society. So for these and other reasons, kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;\j] `Y] `kj^] [\x] Â&#x2030;kY] it is important for Nigeria not to ignore what ^_xk[\zÂ&#x17D;] j\`xÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\_] `] YÂ&#x2021;^ĂŁ\] is happening at the Gulf of Guinea because ensued between him and some the piracy there is very disturbing as we Â&#x17D;Z^xÂ&#x2030;Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2022;\Â?Â?k] ^_kÂ&#x2021;kÂ&#x2013;`z] k_] speak. A lot of arms also pass through there Imo State. [ZxZÂ?kYx] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] Â?\Â&#x2C6;^Y\j] xZ] ZE\Â?] `] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x2013;ZY\j]Â&#x2030;kY] ¡Â&#x17E;¸¸¸]_Zx\]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?] because of the weak monitoring activities in The incident which took place at Mbaise Â&#x2013;`Â&#x17D;ZE]xZ]`]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?]`9`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;\j] and asked for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;changeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. that zone. So it is important that we realise Z`j] Â^_Â&#x2021;xkZ_] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\_] YZ[\] ] Â&#x17D;Z^xÂ&#x2030;Y] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] xÂ&#x2030;\] to the Federal Highway Patrol But the policeman responded with fury, this and do what is expected of us in order to Community went to collect levies from the kY] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;xk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] Â&#x2030;kY] zkÂ&#x2C6;\] `x] xÂ&#x2030;\] asking â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;should I be looking for change for you?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; keep that place in check,â&#x20AC;? he said. Hausa traders that operating at the junction University Teaching Hospital, Witnesses said the quarrel was very short The DG noted that Nigeria has to play and an argument ensued over payment of the Â&#x152;`j`_]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?]YÂ&#x2030;Zx]Â&#x2030;k[]k_]`_Â&#x203A;\Â?ÂĄ `_j]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?]xZzj]xÂ&#x2030;\]jÂ?kÂ&#x161;\Â?]xZ]Â&#x2021;Z[\] the leading role since members of the Gulf levy. A commercial bus driver, Umaru Bayi, down from the bus. He then supposedly shot of Guinea Commission have neither the The argument later resulted to institution nor equipment to man the high misunderstanding between the two parties rejected tipping a policeman the miserable the driver in the pelvic area and run away. Umaru Bayi was driving a commercial bus seas. as the youths insisted that the Hausa traders sum of N50, he was supposedly shot in the which departed from Jos in Plateau State His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Gulf of Guinea has been must pay the fees for selling their wares at the Â&#x2013;\zÂ&#x161;kÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]`_Â&#x203A;Â?Â&#x17D;]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?]`_j]z\Â&#x2C6;x]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]j\`jÂĄ According to the witness the quarrel was Monday night, with a full set of passengers kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;\j]Â&#x2030;`Y]Z_\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]^_Â&#x203A;ZÂ&#x161;\Â?_\j]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x2021;\Y] location. worldwide where security challenges will It was gathered that one of the traders who very short. The yet to identify policeman destined for Lagos. As they approached keep growing until something is done. And refused to pay immediately pulled out his stopped the bus and supposedly demanded a Lagos from Ibadan around 1 p.m. during their if nothing is done, it is likely to be one of dagger and stabbed one of the youths who N50 bribe from the driver, but the driver said journey they were stopped by a policeman in a patrol van on the highway. The van was later those top spots that can be an area where retaliated by using cutlass to machete the he only had N1,000 notes. The driver had also asked his passengers to recognized by its plate number, C NPF 6843. criminals of all kinds including terrorists trader. The victim of the shooting incident is currently Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x2020;_j]Â?\Â&#x2C6;^Â&#x203A;\]Â&#x152;\Â&#x2021;`^Y\]kx]Â&#x2030;`Y]`]_^[Â&#x152;\Â?] The situation which caused stampede in Â&#x2030;\zÂ&#x2013;] Â&#x2030;k[] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] `] š¸] _Zx\] xZ] Â&#x2013;`Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;`Â&#x17D;ZE] being operated upon at hospital. His relatives of isolated islands that are not properly xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2013;kx`z]Â&#x2021;kxÂ&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2022;\Â?Â?k]`Y]Â&#x152;ZxÂ&#x2030;]xÂ?`j\Â?Y]`_j] wanted, but none of the passengers had it. After the useless search, the driver had report that he is in life-threatening condition. supervised by any authority, any organised passersby ran helter skater for their lives. This authority. Â?\Y^zx\j] k_] Y\Â?kZ^Y] xÂ?`FÂ&#x2021;] Â`[] xÂ&#x2030;`x] z`Yx\j] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] â&#x20AC;&#x153;And in recent times, piracy has been very hours. high in the Gulf of Guinea and of course, The ugly situation continued until a team of we trace part of the piracy there to activities armed police men and Army were drafted to within Nigeria territorial waters. That means the scene to quell the situation. that Nigeria has to wake up so In his reaction, the Vice Chairman of Arewa that we do not have another security Z_Y^zx`xkÂ&#x161;\] ZÂ?^[]ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] [Z] x`x\] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x2013;x\Â?Â&#x17E;] challenge from that axis. We are already zÂ&#x2030;`Âk] ZÂ&#x2030;`[[`j\] Â&#x152;^Â&#x152;`ÂŻ`Â?] Zz`]Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;Â?[\j] contending with insurgency from the north the incident as he pleaded to the aggrieved east.â&#x20AC;? youths to stop the _] Â&#x2030;ZÂ&#x2022;] Â&#x2013;Â?ZzkÂ&#x2C6;\Â?`xkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Y[`zz] `Â?[Y] `_j] `9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]`_j]Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x161;\]Â&#x2013;\`Â&#x2021;\]`]Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x2021;\ÂĄ zkÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] Â&#x2022;\`Â&#x2013;Z_Y] Â&#x2021;`_] Â&#x152;\] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2021;ÂŻ[`x\jÂ&#x17E;] YÂ&#x2030;kx`] He said that the Imo has been a peaceful said it must be dealt with from multiple state and urged them to sheathe their swords angles. assuring that whatever was the cause of the Âť _\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\[]kY]xÂ&#x2030;\]YZ^Â?Â&#x2021;\YĂ&#x192;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]`Â?\]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x152;z\[] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] Â&#x152;\] Y\9z\j] `[kÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x152;\xÂ&#x2022;\\_] coming from? We have to trace the sources the Northern leaders and the indigenes. of those arms and people have talked about â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hausa people since they started residing in The victim TAIYE AGBAJE, Abuja
Hausa trader killed, scores wounded in Imo
How driver was shot â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Witness
Newswatch Times
Monday, November 24, 2014
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m dispointed by police â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Widow `{|}~ } Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x192; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2020;}Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2C6; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2021;~ at local airport, Lagos, was declared missing xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\j]`x] YZÂŻZÂŻZ]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]jkÂ&#x161;kYkZ_]k_] Â&#x203A;\Â&#x203A;\Â&#x17E;] `Â&#x203A;ZYÂĄ] kÂ&#x161;\]j`Â&#x17D;Y]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2C6;`[kzÂ&#x17D;] widow and mother of three, Mrs Â&#x2030;`Y]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\j]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;`Y\]`x] YZÂŻZÂŻZ] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]jkÂ&#x161;kYkZ_] Hope Oranusi whose missing in Agege, his dead body was found at Capital Â&#x2030;^YÂ&#x152;`_j] Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2C6;Z^_j] j\`j] Â&#x2020;Â&#x161;\] Â?Z`jÂ&#x17E;] Z^Â?xÂ&#x2030;] xÂ?\\x]xZ]Z^Â?]YxÂ?\\x]`_j]Z_]Â&#x203A;\9k_Â&#x203A;] days later has described Nigeria xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\Â&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\][`_¤Y]j\`j]Â&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x2022;`Y]Y\\_]Â&#x152;\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\]xÂ&#x2030;\] policemen as nothing but Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]Â&#x2022;\Â?\]Â&#x2021;Z_x`Â&#x2021;x\j]ZÂ&#x161;\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;`Y\³¥] disappointment to the citizens. Hope while Meanwhile, Mrs Hope who teaches in a YÂ&#x2013;\`ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] Z^Â?] Â&#x2021;Â?k[\] Â&#x2021;ZÂ?Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_x] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] Â&#x2013;Â?kÂ&#x161;`x\]YÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;ZZzÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]\ÂźÂ&#x2013;Â?\YYk_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x152;k9\Â?_\YY] the death of her husband whose corpse was ZÂ&#x161;\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y^jj\_]\Âźkx]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x2030;^YÂ&#x152;`_j]`jj\j]xÂ&#x2030;`x] found some streets away from her house after YÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;`Y] `zYZ] Y^Â?Â&#x2013;Â?kY\j] `x] _\Â&#x2022;Y] Â?\Â&#x2021;\kÂ&#x161;\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] which the family has reported the case at a xÂ&#x2030;\][ZÂ?x^`Â?Â&#x17D;]`9\_j`_xY]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x2030;^YÂ&#x152;`_j¤Y] Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] jkÂ&#x161;kYkZ_] Y`kjÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\[\_¤Y] `Â&#x2021;xkZ_] `Â&#x2C6;x\Â?] corpse was deposited at Yaba demanded the which her husband was found dead showed sum of Ten thousand Naira before they could xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\][\_]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?Â&#x2021;\]`Â?\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]zk9z\]Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2021;\Â?_\j] identify the dead body. The Anambra state about the citizens. Â&#x152;ZÂ?_] _jkÂ&#x203A;\_\] Â&#x2030;ZÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;`zz\j] Z_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] According to her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;When police were authority and others that are concern to see into contacted that my husband was found dead the case in other to forestall future occurrence. at capital road, I expected them to trace him Â&#x2030;\] `Â&#x203A;ZY] Yx`x\] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] ^Â&#x152;zkÂ&#x2021;] \z`xkZ_Â&#x17E;] jZÂ&#x2022;_] xZ] ^Y] ZÂ?] xZ] Â&#x2030;kY] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] k[[\jk`x\zÂ&#x17D;] \_\xÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x2022;ZY^Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]YÂ&#x2013;\`ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;]ZÂ&#x161;\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]kYY^\] because his identity card was found hung on CP Aderanti \ÂźÂ&#x2013;z`k_\j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]`x] ZÂ&#x2013;\[^] kÂ&#x161;kYkZ_] Â&#x2030;kY]_\Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]\Â&#x161;\_]`Y]Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x2022;`Y]j\`jÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x152;^x]k_Yx\`jÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] did nothing than taking his dead body to the ZÂ&#x161;\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;`Y\]k_Yx\`j]ZÂ&#x2C6;]x`ÂŻk_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2030;k[]xZ] ZÂ?Â&#x203A;^\] Â?\Â&#x2021;ZÂ&#x161;\Â?\j] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;ZÂ?Â&#x2013;Y\] `_j] j\Â&#x2013;ZYkx\j] kx] `x] `] [ZÂ?Â&#x203A;^\Â&#x17E;] YxÂ?kÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;k[] ZE] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x152;\zZ_Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] `_j] at Yaba where he was found among the people morgue in Yaba some days after which he was declared missing. He added that though Â&#x2021;z`k[k_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z^zj]_Zx]Â&#x152;\]kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;\j]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]Â&#x2022;\] to be buried en mass. Speaking with our correspondent, a source indication had it that he (John Oranusi) died were left wandering aboutâ&#x20AC;?. The mother of three also maintained that Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]kY]Yk[Â&#x2013;zÂ&#x17D;]kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;\j]`Y] kÂ&#x17D;k]`_j]Â&#x2030;k_x\j]Z_] `] _`x^Â?`z] j\`xÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x152;^x] k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`xkZ_] kY] Z_Â&#x203A;Zk_Â&#x203A;] though she and her family are not relating the incident explained that ; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trouble started to ascertain the cause of his death while his Â&#x2030;\Â?]Â&#x2030;^YÂ&#x152;`_j¤Y]j\`xÂ&#x2030;]xZ]`_Â&#x17D;Z_\Â&#x17E;]Â&#x152;^x]Â&#x2022;\]Â&#x2022;Z^zj] for the family of Oranusi on October 23rd when remain has been released to the family for Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â?\Â&#x2021;k`x\j]kx]kÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]Â&#x152;\\_]Â&#x2021;Z_x`Â&#x2021;x\j] Â?] ZÂ&#x2030;_] Â?`_^Yk] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] Â&#x2022;`Y] `] Y\Â&#x2021;^Â?kxÂ&#x17D;] ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?] burial. ADELEKE ADESANYA
/Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;} Â&#x152; Â&#x201A;}Â&#x20AC; Â?Â&#x2030; Â&#x17D;Â?Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â&#x152;} Â&#x2030;Â&#x2020;} Â&#x2C6;Â&#x192;Â&#x192;}Â&#x2021;}Â&#x2018; Â&#x2019; Â? Â&#x2C6;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2039;
n October 18, when Sebastian Jidonu, a lawyer, walked into xÂ&#x2030;\] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â?\`] ] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] Command in Morogbo, near `j`Â&#x203A;Â?Â&#x17D;] xZ] Y\9z\] `] jkYÂ&#x2013;^x\] `] Â&#x2021;zk\_x]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2030;kY]Â&#x2022;`Y]k_Â&#x161;ZzÂ&#x161;\j]k_Â&#x17E;]zk9z\]jkj]Â&#x2030;\]ÂŻ_ZÂ&#x2022;] that he would be illegally detained, physically `YY`^zx\jÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2030;kY] zkÂ&#x2C6;\] xÂ&#x2030;Â?\`x\_\j] `_j] ^9\Â?zÂ&#x17D;] humiliated. Â?ÂĄ] kjZ_^]Â&#x2030;`j]Â&#x203A;Z_\]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\]ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â?\`] ] commander, Osung Ekpo, to secure the release of a tipper belonging to his client, a member of xÂ&#x2030;\] kÂ?Yx] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`_] kÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\Â?] Â?kÂ&#x161;\Â?Y] YYZÂ&#x2021;k`xkZ_Â&#x17E;] Badagry Branch. Â&#x2030;\] xkÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\Â?] Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2021;`x\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] [\[Â&#x152;\Â?Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] `] Â?kÂ&#x161;`z] ^_kZ_Â&#x17E;] _kZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] kÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\Â?] `_j] ^`Â?Â?Â&#x17D;] [Â&#x2013;zZÂ&#x17D;\Â?Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`Â&#x17E;] Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]`zz\Â&#x203A;\jzÂ&#x17D;] Y\x] ^Â&#x2013;] `_] ^_`^xÂ&#x2030;ZÂ?kY\j] xZzzÂ&#x203A;`x\] `x] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x17D;`Â&#x2020;_] Bridge in Badagry in collaboration with the police. Touts forcibly collect money from jÂ?kÂ&#x161;\Â?YÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2021;`xk_Â&#x203A;] xkÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\Â?Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] jÂ?kÂ&#x161;\Â?Y] xÂ&#x2030;`x] refused to comply at the tollgate. In a petition to the Inspector General of ZzkÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] ^z\k[`_] Â&#x152;Â&#x152;`Â&#x17E;] _`Â?Â?`xk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;kY] ZÂ?j\`zÂ&#x17E;] Mr. Jidonu said that after pleading with Mr. Ekpo to release the tipper to his client, Mr. Ekpo, who is an Assistant Commissioner of ZzkÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] Â&#x17E;] `Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\`Â?\j] xZ] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] `Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;\j\j] xZ] Â&#x2030;kY]j\[`_j]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\_]xÂ&#x2030;\]z\`j\Â?]ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x17E;] Z\z]
`Â&#x2021;ZÂ&#x152;Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;`zÂŻ\j] k_xZ] Â&#x2030;kY] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] YkÂź] ZxÂ&#x2030;\Â?] members of his union. Â?ÂĄ] ÂŻÂ&#x2013;Z]`zz\Â&#x203A;\jzÂ&#x17D;]ZE\Â?\j]xÂ&#x2030;\[]Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;`Â&#x203A;_\] [kÂź\j]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] zZ[Z] k9\Â?YÂĄ] Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]^_kZ_kYxY] Â&#x2030;`j]jÂ?^_ÂŻ]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?]Â&#x2020;zzÂ&#x17E;] Â?ÂĄ] `Â&#x2021;ZÂ&#x152;Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]kY]`zYZ] Â&#x2021;`zz\jÂ&#x17E;] `9\Â?Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;`Â?Â&#x203A;\Â?Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2013;Zk_x\j]xZ] Â?ÂĄ] kjZ_^] and said in Yoruba: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bobo yi ki se agbejoro. Oga etilekun moâ&#x20AC;? meaning â&#x20AC;&#x153;This man cannot be a lawyer. Area Commander, detain him.â&#x20AC;? As if acting on an order from a superior, Mr. Ekpo immediately ordered Mr. Jidonu detained. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Area Commander demanded I must identify my person, which I did by handing ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] [Â&#x17D;] kj\_xkxÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;`Â?j] `_j] Â&#x2021;Z[Â&#x2013;z\[\_x`Â?Â&#x17D;] card but he retorted, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Anybody can print this ÂŻk_j]ZÂ&#x2C6;]jZÂ&#x2021;^[\_xYÂ&#x17E;¤³] Â?ÂĄ] kjZ_^]Y`kjÂĄ â&#x20AC;&#x153;He ordered his boys to detain me. I Â?\½^\Yx\j]xÂ&#x2030;`x] ]Â&#x152;\]Â&#x2013;\Â?[k9\j]xZ]Â&#x2C6;\xÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;][Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2021;`zz]xZ] Â&#x152;`Â?]Â&#x2021;\Â?xkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`x\]`Y][Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2030;Z^Y\]Â&#x2022;`Y]`]YxZ_\]xÂ&#x2030;Â?ZÂ&#x2022;] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[]xÂ&#x2030;\] Â?\`] Z[[`_jÂ&#x17E;]`Â&#x152;Z^x]¡¸][k_^x\Y¤] jÂ?kÂ&#x161;\ÂĄ] \]x^Â?_\j]jZÂ&#x2022;_][Â&#x17D;]Â?\½^\YxÂĄÂł Bent on humiliating the lawyer, Mr. Ekpo arranged for the interrogation and humiliating xÂ?\`x[\_x]xZ]Â&#x152;\]Â&#x2021;`^Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x]Z_]Â&#x161;kj\ZÂĄ
0Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E; Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2021;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;}Â&#x192;Â? Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x152;Â&#x201C;Â? Â&#x152;Â&#x201C; Â&#x201D; }Â&#x2022;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;}Â&#x20AC; PETER DADA, Akure
he corpse of a middle-aged man identified as Lanre Falodun was found hanging on tree in the Â&#x2013;Â?\[kY\Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] `] \_x\Â&#x2021;ZYx`z] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;^Â?Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] `x] Imola area of Owo town in Owo Local ZÂ&#x161;\Â?_[\_x] Z^_Â&#x2021;kz] ZÂ&#x2C6;] _jZ] x`x\] last weekend. It was gathered that the deceased, who has spiritual problem, was taken xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;^Â?Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;kY] Â?\z`xkÂ&#x161;\Y] xZ] Y\\ÂŻ] solution some weeks ago and he has since been under close watch of xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;^Â?Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;¤Y] Â&#x2013;`YxZÂ?ÂĄ] x] Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2C6;^Â?xÂ&#x2030;\Â?] gathered that the deceased escaped Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;^Â?Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;¤Y] YÂ&#x2013;kÂ?kx^`z] Â&#x2030;\`zk_Â&#x203A;] centre and his return there, he went with rope and hanged himself on a tree beside the church.
ZÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Yx`x\] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] ^Â&#x152;zkÂ&#x2021;] \z`xkZ_Y] Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;kÂ&#x2021;\Â?] ÂŞ ÂŤÂ&#x17E;] Zz\] Ogodo, said the case is a suicide mission and criminal offence against the state. Â&#x203A;ZjZ]jkYÂ&#x2021;zZY\j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]j\Â&#x2021;\`Y\j¤Y] photograph has been taken by the police, who went to the scene after which the corpse was deposited at [ZÂ?x^`Â?Â&#x17D;]k_] Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`xkZ_] is ongoing on the matter. Â&#x2030;\] ]Y`kj]xÂ&#x2030;\]j\Â&#x2021;\`Y\j¤Y]Â&#x2C6;`xÂ&#x2030;\Â?] asked the police not to conduct any autopsy on the corpse because his late son had mental problem before he died. He added that the corpse would be released to the family for burial after ZÂ&#x152;x`k_k_Â&#x203A;]`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;kj`Â&#x161;kx]Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[]Â&#x2021;Z^Â?xÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] is the only thing required by the police to release it.
Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030;Â Â&#x201C;} Â&#x2013;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x192; OLUSAKIN BABALOLA,Ibadan
T IGP, Suleiman Abba
Mohammed Adoke
â&#x20AC;&#x153;He ordered his boys to bring me out after 15 minutes in custody and had pstage-managed xÂ&#x2030;\] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] Z_\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x17D;Y] Â&#x2030;Zzjk_Â&#x203A;] `] Â&#x161;kj\Z] Â&#x2021;`[\Â?`] `_j] Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x152;^YÂ&#x17D;] Â?\Â&#x2021;ZÂ?jk_Â&#x203A;] xÂ&#x2030;\] interrogations by the area commander,â&#x20AC;? Mr Jidonu said in the petition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The cameraman had serially shut my photographs and the Area Commander xÂ&#x2030;Â?\`x\_\j]xZ]ÂŻkzz][\]kÂ&#x2C6;] ]Â&#x161;\_x^Â?\j]xZ]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x]xZ] `_Â&#x17D;Â&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]\Â&#x161;\_x]xÂ&#x2030;`x]^_Â&#x2C6;Zzj\jÂĄ] kz`Â?kZ^YzÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] he stripped himself naked, displaying bullet Â&#x2022;Z^_jY] Â&#x2030;\] k_Â&#x2021;^Â?Â?\j] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\] Y\Â?Â&#x161;k_Â&#x203A;] `Y] `] Â&#x203A;`zz`_x] Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?ÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x152;^zz\x] Â&#x2022;Z^_jY] Â&#x2022;\Â?\] Â?\[ZÂ&#x161;\j] xÂ&#x2030;Â?Z^Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;] Y^Â?Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2021;`z] ZÂ&#x2013;\Â?`xkZ_] k_] \Â?[`_Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2030;\]Y`kjÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\Â?\]Â&#x2022;`Y]`]x`9ZZ]Z_]Â&#x2030;kY]z\Â&#x2C6;x] lap and another behind his head as an epitome of bullet wound. He said if he could destroy `Â?[\j]Â?ZÂ&#x152;Â&#x152;\Â?Y]kx]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]_Zx]Â&#x152;\]jkFÂ&#x2021;^zx]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]Â&#x2030;k[] to kill a lawyer.â&#x20AC;? Mr. Jidonu said he was physically assaulted xÂ&#x2030;Â?Z^Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;Z^x]xÂ&#x2030;\]ZÂ?j\`z]`_j]j\x`k_\j]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] º¸]Â&#x2030;Z^Â?Y]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\]ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?YÂĄ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was afraid for my life while the charade z`Yx\jÂ&#x17E;Âł] Â&#x2030;\] x\ÂźÂ&#x2013;z`k_\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Âť Â&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17D;] j`Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;] Â&#x17D;Z^] read about extrajudicial killings in the news and you think it cannot happen to you but it Â&#x2021;Z^zj]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]Â&#x152;\\_][\]kÂ&#x2C6;] ]Â&#x2030;`j]`Â?Â&#x203A;^\j]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;]Â&#x2030;k[] ZÂ?] Y`kj] `_Â&#x17D;xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] `Â&#x203A;Â&#x203A;Â?`Â&#x161;`x\] xÂ&#x2030;\] situation.â&#x20AC;?
\] Â&#x2030;ZÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x161;\Â?] j\Â&#x2021;zk_\j] xZ] Â&#x2021;Z[[\_x] Â&#x2C6;^Â?xÂ&#x2030;\Â?] on the incident, saying he did not want to jeopardise the case already in court. He alleged that his client was also beaten and bloodied by Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\[\_]`9`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;\j]xZ] Â?ÂĄ] ÂŻÂ&#x2013;ZÂĄ
After subjecting him through the humiliating ordeal and physical assault, Mr. Ekpo instituted a two-count charge of lying to a law enforcement agent and impersonation against Mr. Jidonu at a Magistrate court in Badagry. Âť Â&#x2030;\]Y\Â&#x2021;Z_j]Â&#x2021;Z^_x]Â&#x2021;`__Zx]Â&#x2030;Zzj]Â&#x152;\Â&#x2021;`^Y\]\Â&#x161;\_] xÂ&#x2030;\] [`Â&#x203A;kYxÂ?`x\] Â&#x2030;`_jzk_Â&#x203A;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;`Y\] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;Â?[\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â?ÂĄ] kjZ_^] `9\_j\j] xÂ&#x2030;\] Y`kj] ^_kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;] as he did and there is no how he can be a fake lawyer,â&#x20AC;? said Abayomi Bamidele, the Chairman of Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Badagry branch. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As for the second charge, hearing has been Â&#x2020;Âź\j]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] \j_\Yj`Â&#x17D;ÂĄ] \]Â&#x2022;`kx]xZ]Â&#x2030;\`Â?]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\] magistrate ruling would be. ^x] \Â&#x161;\_] kÂ&#x2C6;] Â?] kjZ_^] zk\j] xZ] Â&#x2030;k[Â&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;\] ] pouted outside the law and beyond the power or the police act by physically assaulting and detaining him illegally.â&#x20AC;? Â?ÂĄ] `[kj\z\] Y`kj] xÂ&#x2030;\] ] Â&#x2030;`j] Â&#x2020;_`zkY\j] plans to charge Mr. Ekpo for assault. Meanwhile, Mr. Jidonu has independently k_Yxkx^x\j] `] Â&#x161;kZz`xkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2C6;^_j`[\_x`z] human rights suit against Mr. Ekpo. Â?ÂĄ] ÂŻÂ&#x2013;Z] jkj] _Zx] Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j] xZ] Y\Â&#x161;\Â?`z] Â&#x2021;`zzYÂ&#x17E;] and text messages sent to his mobile phone for his own side of the story. Â&#x2030;\] YÂ&#x2013;ZÂŻ\YÂ&#x2013;\Â?YZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] `Â&#x203A;ZY] ZzkÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] \_] Â&#x2022;ZY^Â&#x17E;] Y`kj] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;\xkxkZ_] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] Â&#x152;\] k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`x\j]`_j]xÂ?\`x\j]Z_]kxY][\Â?kxÂĄ Âť Â&#x2030;`x\Â&#x161;\Â?] xÂ&#x2030;\] `zz\Â&#x203A;`xkZ_Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;\] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`x\] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;\xkxkZ_] Z_] kxY] [\Â?kxÂĄ] ^YxkÂ&#x2021;\] [^Yx] Â&#x152;\] Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x161;\_] xZ] `_Â&#x17D;Â&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;] j\Y\Â?Â&#x161;k_Â&#x203A;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] justice,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Â&#x2030;\] Â?kÂ&#x161;`zÂ?Â&#x17D;] Â&#x152;\xÂ&#x2022;\\_] xÂ&#x2022;Z] [\_] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] `] Â&#x2C6;Â?\\] Â&#x2022;Z[`_] Â?\Ykjk_Â&#x203A;] `x] Apete area of Ibadan in the Ido area of Oyo state has claimed the life of one of them. A reliable source said that the woman called Mama Ayi who was behind the death was a seller of local gin called â&#x20AC;&#x153;paragaâ&#x20AC;?and has fled the community on hearing that police were looking for her. Â&#x2030;\]xÂ&#x2022;Z]Â?kÂ&#x161;`zY]_`[\zÂ&#x17D;] \Â&#x2030;k_j\]`_j] Â&#x152;Â&#x152;\Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;\Â?\] Y`kj] xZ] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] \_Â&#x203A;`Â&#x203A;\j] each other in an argument when they [\x] `x] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â?\Ykj\_Â&#x2021;\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] jkÂ&#x161;ZÂ?Â&#x2021;\\]] woman. Each of the men declared that he would assert his ownership of the Â&#x2022;Z[`_]`Y]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;]zkÂ&#x161;\]Â&#x2021;zZY\]xZ]\`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]ZxÂ&#x2030;\Â?] `_j]xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?]Y\Â&#x2021;Â?\x]zZÂ&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17E;kx]Â&#x2022;`Y]z\`Â?_xÂĄ Our source added that when kehinde saw his friend off,he was on his way back home confronted by Abbey who allegedly used magical ring to Â&#x152;\`x] Â&#x2030;k[] Â&#x2C6;ZzzZÂ&#x2022;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] \Â&#x2030;k_j\] slumped. He was rushed to the hospital where those who took him there were told that only the person who used the Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`Â?[]xZ]Â&#x152;\`x]Â&#x2030;k[]Â&#x2021;Z^zj]Y`Â&#x161;\]Â&#x2030;kY]zkÂ&#x2C6;\ÂĄ kehinde died some minutes after his admission. His suspected killer had also fled but Â&#x2013;ZzkÂ&#x2021;\][\_]Â&#x2030;`j]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â?\Â&#x2030;\_j\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x152;\Â&#x17D;¤Y] father ordering him to either produce his son or remain in detention,it was gathered. ZzkÂ&#x2021;\] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Z[[^_kxÂ&#x17D;] j\Â&#x2021;zk_\j] comment on the incident saying that any reaction might jeopardise their k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`xkZ_ÂĄ
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Newswatch Times
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Courts cannot interfere in internal/domestic matters of a University
Case reviewed by Sam Popoola
Between: UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN AND:RASHEEDAT ADESINA SC. 166/2009 Date: Friday, June 6th, 2014 Before their lordships: WALTER SAMUEL NKANU ONNOGHEN, J.S.C. (Presided) SULEIMAN GALADIM, J.S.C. BODE RHODIES-VIVOUR, J.S.C. KUMAI BAYANG AKAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;AHS, J.S.C. (Read the Leading Judgment) JOHN INYANG OKORO, J.S.C. BACKGROUND/FACTS: n June 1998, there was a demonstration by the students of the University of Ilorin in the main campus of the University. Subsequently, the Senate ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;]Y\x]^Â&#x2013;]`]Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\]xZ] k_Â&#x161;\YxkÂ&#x203A;`x\]xÂ&#x2030;\][`9\Â?]`_j]Y^Â&#x152;[kx]`]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x] and recommendations for its consideraxkZ_ÂĄ]] _]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x]Y^Â&#x152;[k9\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\Â&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_x]`_j]ZxÂ&#x2030;\Â?]Yx^j\_xY] were indicted and were referred to the stuj\_xY¤]jkYÂ&#x2021;kÂ&#x2013;zk_`Â?Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\]ÂŞ ÂŤÂĄ Although the respondent together with the other students were formally invited to appear before the studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; disciplinary Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\Â&#x17E;]YÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2C6;`kz\j]xZ]jZ]YZ]`_j]k_Yx\`j] instituted an action against the University claiming certain reliefs together with an injunction against the appellant. The appellant was aggrieved and appealed against the order of injunction. During the pendency of the appeal, the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria who is the Visitor to the University inx\Â?Â&#x161;\_\jÂ&#x17E;]`_j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]z\j]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y\9k_Â&#x203A;]^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;]`] Â&#x2013;`_\z]Â&#x2021;`zz\j]Â?\YZz^xkZ_]Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\]Z_]Â&#x2013;Zzkxkcally victimized and rusticated students.â&#x20AC;? Following the resolutions made by the Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\\Â&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_x]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]Â&#x2030;`j]Â&#x152;\\_] rusticated following her suspension from the University was recalled after she had Â&#x2022;Â?k9\_] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;] `^xÂ&#x2030;ZÂ?kxk\Y] `_j] apologized over the role she played in the demonstration. The respondent also paid `] Â&#x2020;_\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ¡Â&#x17E;¸¸¸] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\] j`[`Â&#x203A;\Y] Â&#x2021;`^Y\j] during the demonstration. Despite her recall, her results were never released. So she could not graduate from the University. Consequently, the respondent returned to court. The respondent sought, amongst other several reliefs, the release of her academic records and the degree she was entitled to on the basis of her completed course of study. ^Â?k_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;\]xÂ?k`zÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_x]x\YxkÂ&#x2020;\j] as PW1 and tendered some documents. kÂ&#x161;\] Â&#x2022;kx_\YY\Y] `zYZ] x\YxkÂ&#x2020;\j] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\] `Â&#x2013;pellant. And the reason the appellantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s witnesses gave for the non-release of the respondentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s examination results was that she failed a core course. During address, the appellant challenged the jurisdiction of the court which was resolved in favour of the respondent. The trial court in its consideration of the case on the merit, found in favour of the respondent.
In the Supreme Court of Nigeria Holden at Abuja The appellant sough and was granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court on ¡Ă&#x20AC;xÂ&#x2030;] `Â&#x17D;]º¸¸Ă&#x2021;ÂĄ]] Â&#x2C6;x\Â?Â&#x2022;`Â?jYÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\zz`_x] Â&#x2020;z\j]`_ZxÂ&#x2030;\Â?]_ZxkÂ&#x2021;\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\`z]Z_]šxÂ&#x2030;] `Â&#x17D;] º¸¸Ă&#x2021;ÂĄ]] Â&#x2030;\]Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_x]ZÂ&#x152;Â\Â&#x2021;x\j]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]z`9\Â?] notice of appeal on the ground that the apÂ&#x2013;\zz`_x]jkj]_Zx]Y\\ÂŻ]`_j]ZÂ&#x152;x`k_]z\`Â&#x161;\]xZ]Â&#x2020;z\] the additional grounds of appeal. ISSUE/ISSUES FOR DETERMINATION Whether having regard to the facts and circumstances of instant case, the Court of Appeal was wrong in holding that the trial court had jurisdiction to hear and determine the case. ARGUMENTS Learned counsel for the appellant stated that three conditions as laid down in the locus classicus of Madukolu v. Nkemdilk[] ª¡Ă&#x20AC;¿º] Âş] ] žĂ&#x201C;¡] [^Yx] Â&#x2021;ZĂ \ÂźkYx] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] `]Â&#x2021;Z^Â?x]xZ]\Âź\Â?Â&#x2021;kY\]Â^Â?kYjkÂ&#x2021;xkZ_]k_]`][`9\Â?] and where any of the conditions is lacking, the court would be without jurisdiction to \_x\Â?x`k_]xÂ&#x2030;\][`9\Â?]`_j]`_Â&#x17D;xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]jZ_\]k_] xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;kÂ?Â&#x2021;^[Yx`_Â&#x2021;\]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]_Z]\E\Â&#x2021;xÂĄ]] \] argued that a cursory reading of the endorsement of the claims on the writ of summons and statement of claim before the trial court will reveal beyond any doubt that xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x203A;Â?Z^Y\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;z`k_xkE] ÂŞ_ZÂ&#x2022;] Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_j\_xÂŤ]kY]Â&#x2C6;`kz^Â?\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\zz`_x]xZ]Â?\z\`Y\]Â&#x2030;\Â?] non-existent result. In other words, what the respondent sought from the trial court was an award of a degree of the appellant.
YkxÂ&#x17D;]j\Â&#x203A;Â?\\]kY]`]jZ[\YxkÂ&#x2021;][`9\Â?]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;]xÂ&#x2030;\] courts are prevented from dabbling into as Y^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;][`9\Â?Y]`Â?\]_Zx]Â^YxkÂ&#x2021;k`Â&#x152;z\]k_]`_Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2021;Z^Â?x] of law as the senate of a university being the supreme and ultimate academic authority is the only body with the exclusive Â&#x2013;ZÂ&#x2022;\Â?]xZ]j\x\Â?[k_\]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]kY]Â&#x2020;x]`_j]Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x2013;\Â?] xZ] Â&#x152;\] `Â&#x2022;`Â?j\j] `] j\Â&#x203A;Â?\\ÂĄ] ] \] Â&#x2021;Z_x\_j\j] that the senate did not just arrogate to itself the exclusive power to determine to whom an award of degree should be made as the power is derived from the University of Ilorin Act Cap. U7, Laws of the Federation of kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`Â&#x17E;]º¸¸Ă&#x201C;ÂĄ Learned counsel for the respondent Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\]`Â&#x203A;Â?\\k_]xÂ&#x2030;`x]kx]kY]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;z`k_xkEY]Â&#x2021;z`k[] which determines whether or not the court has jurisdiction in the case debunked the argument that what the respondent sought from the trial court was an award of a degree of the appellant.
\]Â?\Â&#x2C6;\Â?Â?\j]xZ]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;Â?Yx]YkÂź]Â&#x2021;z`k[Y]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\] suit which are declarations seeking to test the propriety of the defendantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance of its functions and the legality of its Â&#x2021;Z_j^Â&#x2021;xY]xZÂ&#x2022;`Â?jY]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;z`k_xkE]`_j]Â?\Â&#x2C6;\Â?Â?\j] to section 2 of the University of Ilorin Act which subjects the University to the jurisdiction of the court. The seventh claim is Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]`_]ZÂ?j\Â?]ZÂ&#x2C6;]YÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;kÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2013;\Â?Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?[`_Â&#x2021;\]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kz\] the eight relief is for an order of mandamus to compel the defendant to discharge kxY] Yx`x^xZÂ?Â&#x17D;] Â?\YÂ&#x2013;Z_YkÂ&#x152;kzkxÂ&#x17D;] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2013;z`k_xkE] while the last two reliefs are claims for damages. DECISION: The apex court unanimously dismissed the appeal.
There is a vast difference between release of results and award of degree. Domestic disputes are those disputes which are solely of interest to members of the University, but the release of results is a matter of some interest to the public and is not strictly a domestic dispute
Justice Akaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ahs who read the leading judgment observed that the issue at stake is the release of the results and not the award of the degree. The respondent was entitled to know the outcome of her examinations. It is the practice the world over that where a student sits for an examination or completes a course he or she is entitled to know the outcome of that examination. It therefore beats my imagination why the appellant refused to release the respondentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â?\Y^zx]Z_]xÂ&#x2030;\]qk[YÂ&#x17D;]\ÂźÂ&#x2021;^Y\]xÂ&#x2030;`x]YÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2C6;`kz\j] a core course and so the appellant had no obligation to release a non-existent result. It was an unnecessary show of power for the University to turn a deaf ear to the respondentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entreaties to release the results. The answer to the interrogatories shows xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â&#x2021;Z^Â?Y\] ] º¸Ă&#x20AC;] Â&#x2022;`Y] x`ÂŻ\_] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] 1998/97 academic year and this was before the demonstration in 1998. Was she notiÂ&#x2020;\j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]Â&#x2030;\Â?]YÂ&#x2021;ZÂ?\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]ž¿]Â&#x2022;`Y]`]Â&#x2013;`YY]ZÂ?]`]Â&#x2C6;`kzĂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2C6;] YÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;`Y] _Zx] _ZxkÂ&#x2020;\j] `Â&#x152;Z^x] Â&#x2030;\Â?] Â&#x2013;\Â?Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?mance in the course, the appellant cannot turn round to blame her for not remedying xÂ&#x2030;\]j\Â&#x2020;Â&#x2021;k\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x17D;ÂĄ]] ]Â?\Â&#x203A;Â?\x]xZ]Y`Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;] and manner the appellant handled the issue leaves much to be desired. The resolution of issue 1 is that the court below was not wrong in holding that the trial court had jurisdiction to hear and determine the case. _]kYY^\Y]Âş]`_j]žÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\]kY]_Z]jZ^Â&#x152;x]xÂ&#x2030;`x] the respondent was allowed to return to the University as a student but the treatment meted out to the respondent after her return has left no one in doubt that the appellant was not happy that the respondent instituted an action in court and from the tone of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;exhibit Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, the fate that has befallen the respondent is a fall out from the action. ]xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\]Â&#x2020;_j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\`z]z`Â&#x2021;ÂŻY][\Â?kx] and it is accordingly dismiss. I make no order on costs. RHODES-VIVOUR, J.S.C.: While aligning his decision to that of the leading judgment, he observed that the courts have no jurisdiction to interfere in the internal or jZ[\YxkÂ&#x2021;] [`9\Â?Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] `] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ] ] ^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] [`9\Â?Y] `Â?\] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] \ÂźÂ&#x2021;z^YkÂ&#x161;\] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x161;k_Â&#x2021;\] of the Senate of the University and the visitor. But where it becomes clear that in resolving domestic disputes the University is found to have breached the civil rights and obligations of the respondent thereby raising issues of public import, the courts would have jurisdiction. See Akintemi & ZÂ?YÂĄ] ÂĄ] _Â&#x2022;^[\Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;kzk]ĂŚ]ZÂ?YÂĄ]ª¡Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2021;š]¡] ] ZzÂĄ]¡¿]Â&#x2013;ÂĄ]Ă&#x201C;šĂ&#x192;]Â?\Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\j]`Y] ÂŻk_x\[k]Â&#x161;ÂĄ] _Â&#x2022;^[\Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;kzk]ª¡Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2021;š]¡ ]ÂŞ xÂĄ]¡]ÂżĂ&#x2021;ÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\Â?\] kY] `] Â&#x161;`Yx] jkE\Â?\_Â&#x2021;\] Â&#x152;\xÂ&#x2022;\\_] Â?\z\`Y\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â?\sults and award of degree. Domestic disputes are those disputes which are solely of interest to members of the University, but xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\z\`Y\]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â?\Y^zxY]kY]`][`9\Â?]ZÂ&#x2C6;]YZ[\]k_terest to the public and is not strictly a domestic dispute. After all the University has exclusive right to decided who it confers its degrees on. No one can question that. A student who takes part in an examination is entitled to see his results. Refusal to release results is not strictly a domestic issue. Refusal to release result to release with no reason for the refusal raises issues of breach of civil right and obligation, denial of fair hearing which are all justiciable. Such a reÂ&#x2C6;^Y`z]kY]_Z]zZ_Â&#x203A;\Â?]Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x2020;_\Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;]jZ[\YxkÂ&#x2021;]`E`kÂ?Y]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\] _kÂ&#x161;\Â?YkxÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ]] Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x2021;Z^Â?xY] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\]Â^Â?kYjkÂ&#x2021;xkZ_]xZ]\Âź`[k_\]Y^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;][`9\Â?YÂĄ]] On the other hand the refusal to award degree cannot be questioned by the courts. That is within the exclusive province of the University.
Newswatch Times
Nothing wrong with Nigeria’s slow criminal justice -lawyer A Lagos based legal practitioner, Mr Alao Akintunde bears his mind on the issue of Nigeria’s slow criminal justice system, corruption of the Judiciary and low quality of law graduates in the country among others. He spoke with BAYO AMODU. Excerpts:
hat is your assessment of the judicial system in Nigeria? The Nigerian judicial system is really moving on well. The Judiciary, as a major arm of government, is the father of all the other arms of government. I said that because if there are disputes among the other arms of government, it will be decided by the Judiciary. They are seen as an uninterested umpire. In developing or developed societies, the position of the judiciary is very important. They ensure that there is justice and equality before the law. Their role is very vital. How would you describe the issue of corruption in the Judiciary, bench and others involved in dispensation of justice in Nigeria? To a large extent, I don’t agree with the notion that the Nigerian Judiciary is corrupt. Let me digress a little bit. If you have an impression that the Nigerian police force is corrupt, and that nothing good can come from them, when you have a matter that has to do with crime, where do you go to? You still have to go to them. I believe that the issue of whether the Nigerian Judiciary is corrupt is not visible. Their role is so important that we have to go to them in matters of justice. There are sensitive issues you can’t decide on your own, they have to be decided by the judiciary irrespective of any allegations you may have levelled against them. I vehemently disagree with the position that the Nigerian Judiciary is corrupt. I will say that they are at least 85 per cent transparent if not 100 percent transparent. Look at most of their judgments, they are all landmark judgements. Internationally, they are rated as one of the best in the whole world. They remain very active and dedicated to their work. As a legal practitioner and with my years of experience in the profession, I see the judiciary as very consistent. There have been clamours for independent funding of the Judiciary with some people agitating for its autonomy. What is your view on this? We are bound by the provisions of the constitution. The role of every organ of government is spelt out in the constitution. In Nigeria, the subsisting constitution is the 1999 constitution which spelt out the role of each arm of government. There is nothing wrong with being dependent on the executive for funding, it doesn’t matter. There is separation of power. The constitution is very unique even though we are still advocating for
few amendments of the constitution where we see fundamental faults. But, in the area of funding, it is still alright. It has been observed by some people that Nigeria’s criminal justice system is slow and ineffective; do you agree with this? In every criminal matter, there is something we called audi alteram partem. It forms the basis of criminal justice in Nigeria. It means that if an allegation of crime is levelled against someone, the onus of proof depends on the prosecution. For instance, if I alleged that somebody raped my child, the prosecution has to prove the case beyond all reasonable doubts. That is why it has to be a little bit slow. This is because it takes time to seat, listen and go through the entire process. There are some matters that could not be accelerated in order to get justice. If you want to get justice, you have to take your time. How do you do that? It is by patiently listening before coming to a conclusion. Criminal justice is slow everywhere. Take for instance the case of Oscar Pistorius, the South African athlete; it was a replica of what we experience in Nigeria. It was a little bit slow but at the end of the day, there was justice. In the area of adjudication of criminal justice in Nigeria, we are still doing well. Do you support the campaign for the eradication of the title of Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SAN)? I believe the conferment of Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN on practitioners who merit it is okay. Nigeria derives it from the British system. They called theirs Queens Counsel; our SAN is a replica of the Queens Counsel. Also, we derive our validity from the English law and the English law is advancing every day. Every
healthy organisation or system has to grow continuously. There is no politics about legal practice. Once you have been able to meet certain requirements for the conferment of the title, you can be considered for it. If you are good, it will be so obvious for everyone to see. You can’t tell us you are good and in practice you are watery. The conferment of SAN to worthy lawyers in Nigeria is still prestigious and those with the tile are recognised worldwide. This is because before one can attain that level, he/she must have laboured for it and must have been a very sound barrister or attorney. Do you hold the view that Senior Advocates of Nigeria should be appointed judges? No. Bench and bar are two deferent things. The conferment of a SAN on someone is because of the person’s ability to advocate as a barrister convincible. There are certain requirements to be met which have nothing to do with the bench. Bench seat over matters, SANs only advocate. Bench are uninterested umpire who listen to argument and submissions, which form the basis of their judgments. What can you say about the issue of lawyers not advising their clients well but filing frivolous applications just to make money? In everything one does in life, orientation really matters a lot. My late father, while he was alive used to say, ‘remember the son of whom you are.’ It all depends on one’s parental background. Someone’s background will definitely reflect in his dealings with people. Let me digress a bit. I’m currently handling a case that has to do with fraud and it is being investigated by the Nigeria Police Force, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Command. Unlike what some
bad eggs in the police may have been known for, the NPF, FCT Command has been exceptional. The officers do their work without demanding any form of gratification yet they still go all out to do a thorough job. I asked myself, ‘why can’t other members of the NPF emulate the example of the FCT Command. But there will still be some bad ones; you can distinguish yourself by being upright. It is not until you cut corners that you will make it in life. Are you impressed by the quality of law graduates today? I’m not. The Council of Legal Education in Nigeria is doing a lot to make sure they produce high quality lawyers for the country. However, the backgrounds of the students from their respective universities are also very important. For some of them, it is questionable. What you get at your LLB is not what determines your performance at the law school. It has to do with having the basic idea of what legal practice entails. Once you have an idea of what they are talking about, you will be considered for pass mark. That is what the law school is all about. Some are good in cramming, they could be lucky that the area they have picked will come out in the examinations. It is a good thing when you understand the basic things in your chosen profession. Truly, the quality is low. I have seen situation where some lawyers could not even move a motion in court. It is worrisome. Apart from being called to the bar, continuous education is mandatory. What is your reaction on the alleged beating up of judges in Ekiti state by political thugs not too long ago? It is an affront on the judiciary. I believe there was an error committed by the presiding judge. He has the power under section 133 of the constitution to compel the perpetrators of the assault to face the wrath of the law. It was contempt in the face of the court. The immunity clause we are talking about did not even come in this case. The conduct was contemptuous enough for the offenders to be given summary trial and be sentenced accordingly. Do you have any fears that Nigeria might break up? I don’t think so. Nigeria might not really break up. What we need to have are credible people at the helms of affairs of the country. Currently, there is a gap in the system and it has to be filled up. For instance, the case of Boko Haram insurgents who are taking over states like Borno, Adamawa and extending their territory to Niger state. If it were to be during the time of former president General Olusegun Obasanjo (rtd) the insurgents would have been silenced. I’m not a politician but I am a critical analyst. I see our president as someone who is particular about his 2015 ambition and think that if certain hard steps are taken people might not vote for him. For God’s sake, he is the commander in chief of the armed forces. The foreign partners who came to offer help left when they felt they were not comfortable. Also, the Nigerian army has a vital role to play in all these. If politics is being played with the lives of Nigerians, what are we expecting in 2015? You can’t build something on nothing.
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Newswatch Times
Monday, November 24, 2014
Insecurity: You must not allow politicians use you â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Cleric
Lamido, Atiku in secret talks in Jigawa MOHAMMED SULEIMAN, Dutse
crucial meeting was held between Forernment is using police and He asked Lau explained He called on government Muslim Umar should stand mer Vice President, ^Â&#x2013;] `_j] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;xY] xÂ&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2021;Z^Â?Y\] solders to kill and harassed that members of Boko Harto do everything possible he National ChairAlh. Atiku Abubakar and and ensuring peace across people? He described it as am sects are not Muslims beto curtail this menace addman of the NiGovernor Sule Lamido, at geria Jamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;tu barbaric and way of causing cause the religion does not ing that all Traditional rul- the country, especially the the governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private resipreach or encourage killing. ers across the country and North. Izalatil Bidâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ah religion dis-harmony.â&#x20AC;? dence, in Dutse. Waâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;iqamatis SunFormer VP who landed nah Sheikh Abdullahi Bala at Dutse International AirLau has called on the Nigeport exactly 10.am yesterria Security agencies not to day with his private jet No allow politicians use them N7 CAC, was received by to destroy the nation. large crowd of APC supHe made this call yesterporters headed by the state day at the closing ceremony party Chairman, Alh. Ado of a three days national camSani Kiri. paign and seminar on unity, The meeting which was security and development, convened at the instance held at the Birnin-Kebbi Staof Governor Lamido lasted dium in the state capital. for two hours was aimed to The persistence of Governcanvass support for the latment using the Nigeria secuerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presidential ambition. rity in killing and harassing The most fascinating asinnocent people according pects of such an imprompto him is at alarming rate. tu visit was for Atiku to visHe pointed out that the it Lamido at his personal securities that are supposed residence, instead of Dutse to protect the masses are Government House. being used by the GovernEven though journalists ment and some aggrieved were restricted from getpoliticians to destroy the ting access to the motives peace and harmony of the of the meeting, a source Borno State Governor, Kashim Shettima (third left), inspecting feeding facilities at an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp country. said it was not was not â&#x20AC;&#x153;Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you see how Gov- during a routine visit in Maiduguri, Borno State...yesterday. unconnected with Atikuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign strategy in wooing Governor Lamido to APC. Abubakar who initially NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi convened meetings geared party in Yobe state at all levels. told journalists that he was He added that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want so far failed to do this.â&#x20AC;? Bulamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spokesman, Has- towards strengthening the ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] xk[\] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2030;kY- in Jigawa to meet Jigawa the minister to realize that ggrieved Peoples the party is very important to san Gimba Ahmed dismissed party for 2015. tory of the party, the minister APC delegates, along side Democratic Par- ^Y] `_j] Â&#x2022;\] `Â?\] Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\j] xZ] the accusation insisting that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those accusing Dr. Bulama hosted a successful stakehold- with the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leaders ty (PDP) youths working for the success of the his principal is working very are not fair to him. The minis- ers meeting in Damaturu with in Yobe state yes- party come 2015 with the right hard to ensure that PDP ter is working very hard to en- `zz]xÂ&#x2030;\]z\`j\Â?Y]k_]`9\_j`_Â&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;Âł] across the 27 LGAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of Jigawa. terday accused leadership but Dr. Bulama has wins the state as his boss had sure electoral victories for the Gimba said. On why meeting with the minister of Science and Atiku at this particular Technology Dr. Abdul Bulamoment, the Jigawa PDP ma of destroying the party in Chairman, Alh. Salisu Mathe state allegedly due to the BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna at the polls. always encourage our Super knows that governor Shema muda said he reserved his way and manner he is hanPart of the statement also Eagles to crush our oppo- is a peace loving, tolerant comment, emphasizing dling the party. group under and accommodating indi- Governor Lamido being a said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Even when the crowd _\_xY]k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;\zj]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;ÂĄ They further alleged that the auspices of where trying to derail in their Âť Â&#x2030;\]j\zkÂ&#x152;\Â?`x\]`9\[Â&#x2013;x]]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] vidual. These arm chair critics Â&#x2013;^Â&#x152;zkÂ&#x2021;] ZFÂ&#x2021;\] Â&#x2030;Zzj\Â?] kY] Â&#x2C6;Â?\\] the fortunes of the party Civil Society Alresponse, Governor Shema the opposition to quote gov- lack the wisdom and moral to meet with any promiwould be worse than 2011, if liance for Good corrected them when he said ernor Shema out of context is authority to engineer any nent personality like Atiku, Dr. Bulama does not embrace Governance, form of positive change,â&#x20AC;? the among others. crush them at the polls. Just to say the least laughable. the steps taken by the Na- (CSAGG) yesterday in Kaduas football lovers in Nigeria This is so because everyone group said. tional leadership of the party na warned the opposition All in bringing the party back Progressives Congress, (APC) on track in the state before and other opposition stakethe 2015 general elections the holders to stop blackmailparty may not have serious ing Katsina State governor, TED ODOGWU, Kano Â&#x2020;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x2022;ÂŻ\Â?Y] xÂ?`k_\j] Z_] ] ment also focused on policies 2013. impact in the state. Ibrahim Shehu Shema over a maintenance, CD production in other sectors, such as ICT, Subsequently, Kwankwaso ano State Govern- and entrepreneurship skills. One of the youths who gave purported video clip alleging towards complementing the noted that the State government has so far his name as Abubakar Ad- the governor was encouragDescribing the event as an- education sector and enhanc- ment has also successfully expended not less other milestone, Kwankwaso, ing youth empowerment. amu told newsmen that the k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;kY] Y^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\Â?Y] xZ] `9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] YÂ&#x2013;Z_YZÂ?\j] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] Â&#x152;`xÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] than N362,432,590 maintained that it is part of way and manner Dr. Bulama his political opponents. According to him, the move š¸¡Â&#x17E;] š¸ºÂ&#x17E;] `_j] š¸ž] `_j] ] q`Â&#x203A;in empowering xÂ&#x2030;\] Yx`x\] Â&#x203A;ZÂ&#x161;\Â?_[\_x¤Y] \EZÂ?xY] led to the establishment of Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] ZE] xÂ&#x2030;\] YÂ&#x2013;Z_YZÂ?YÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x2013;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] kY]Â&#x2030;`_jzk_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2013;`Â?xÂ&#x17D;¤Y]`E`kÂ?Y] A statement by the group is already diminishing PDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made available to Newswatch 181 students of the state in- in empowering youth, as well Kano State Institute of Infor- 250 students for the foreign popularity and if not check Times also called on Nigeri- digenes by sponsoring their as improve the quality of life mation Technology, which is scholarship programme under the All Progressive Congress ans to disregard what they training progammes in higher of Kano people and society at one of the 24 Institutes estab- 504 and part of 505 Kano State is gaining more grounds than said was falsehood by agents institutions abroad to acquire large. lished by the state government. Government Foreign ScholarPDP in the state. of destabilization, adding that the necessary skills, so as to On the occasion, KwankHe maintained that it has be- ship Schemes. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the video was doctored and become self-employed and waso recalled that exactly at come necessary in view of govOn the whole, Kwankwaso President Jonathan needs to manipulated to tarnish the useful to the state government, this time last year, a similar ernmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s belief and conviction also disclosed that the state themselves and the society. know that the PDP in Yobe image of the governor. ceremony for the departure that Information Technology is government has spent a total of The State Governor, Rabiu ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] Â&#x152;`xÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17E;] _^[Â&#x152;\Â?k_Â&#x203A;] now globally regarded as the N1.174 billion (1, 174, 209, 550). state is into another bad time The statement signed by again. We felt that our current the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Presi- Musa Kwankwaso made the 197 to Kampala University in driving force for job creation, Similarly, Kwankwaso reminister who is the leader of dent, Abdulsalam Ahmad disclosure over the weekend at Uganda was held. skill acquisition, generation of vealed that in line with our the party in the state will carry and Secretary, Bashir Musa, Government House during the According to the Governor, wealth and revenue to all sec- Â&#x2021;Z[[k9\j]`_j]YÂ&#x2013;kÂ?kx\j]\EZÂ?xY] everybody along especially also argued that Governor Y\_j]ZE]Â&#x2021;\Â?\[Z_Â&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;]¡Ă&#x2021;¡]Yx^- within 100 days of this ad- tors of the economy. towards stimulating the busiconsidering the moves by our Shema never encouraged his dents to International Univer- [k_kYxÂ?`xkZ_] k_] ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x17E;] Â&#x161;`Â?kZ^Y] To ensure continuity and ness and productive potentials National Chairman Adamu Y^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x\Â?Y]xZ]ÂŻkzz]ZÂ?]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ]`_- sity of East Africa, Kampala, developmental educational sustainability of these institu- of all those trained under this Mauzu to salvage the party in ybody but rather urged them Â&#x203A;`_j`Â&#x17E;]`Y]Â&#x2022;\zz]`Y]xÂ&#x2030;\]q`Â&#x203A;Â&#x203A;k_Â&#x203A;] programmes and projects were tions, Kwankwaso also dis- scheme, each of the 952 parthe state. Unfortunately, Dr. to vote out the opposition in ZE] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ºš¸] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\kÂ&#x203A;_] YÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;Zz`Â?YÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x2013;] initiated at the basic, secondary closed that the State Govern- ticipants will be given the sum Bulama is not a politician and the 2015 general elections by students for post-graduate and tertiary levels. ment enacted an enabling law of thirty thousand naira (N30, he is not ready to learn from rejecting non Peoples Demo- studies, including graduation Apart from that, Kwankwa- for the Institution, which was 000) being Government Entrepeople on ground.â&#x20AC;? cratic Party, (PDP) aspirants and empowerment of 952 traf- so noted that the state Govern- duly signed into law in June preneurial Assistance. AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
Youths accuse minister of destroying PDP in Yobe
Group charges opposition to stop blackmailing Katsina Governor
Kano spends N362m to empower 181 students abroad
Newswatch Times
Monday, November 24, 2014
48 killed in Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attack on Borno fishing community close to the border with Chad. Doron Baga is the oko Haram sect base of the Multi-National members at the Joint Task Force (MNJTF), weekend killed comprising troops from 48 traders in DorNigeria, Chad and Niger Z_] `Â&#x203A;`Â&#x17E;]`]Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;xk_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;\] Yz`[kYx]Â&#x203A;Â?Z^Â&#x2013;] community in Borno State,
and it is 180 kilometres from Maiduguri, the state capital. Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x2030;\`j]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;]xÂ?`j\Â?Y] association, Abubakar Gamandi, reportedly said yesterday that â&#x20AC;&#x153;scores of Boko
`Â?`[] Â&#x2020;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x\Â?Y] Â&#x152;zZÂ&#x2021;ÂŻ\j] `] route linking Nigeria with Â&#x2030;`j]_\`Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x161;kzz`Â&#x203A;\] of Doron Baga on the shores of Lake Chad on Thursday `_j]ÂŻkzz\j]`]Â&#x203A;Â?Z^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;]Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x2021;]Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;] traders who were on their
Crisis in Kogi PDP over change of delegates list ADEMU IDAKWO-lokoja
risis hit the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Okehi Local government area in Kogi state, following the alleged changing of delegate lists of the party Following the recent delegates by the former council
Chairman in the area, Zubairu Adagu to suit his desperate ambition to go to House of Representatives. The Local Government Area which had eleven wards was expected to produced 3 delegates per ward with a total of 33 delegates. Newswatch Times gathered from a reliable source
that at a stake holders meeting held on November 1st , 2014 in Obangede, the headquarters of the Local Government, having perused and scrutinized the three delegates in each of the 11 wards form Okehi, submitted the list to the returning ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?Â&#x17E;] `zz`[] [\_\Y`] Salami to enter it into the
result sheet of the party, a long with the former council chairman Alhaji Abubakar Adagu Suberu. Suberu was alleged to have later tricked the returning ZFÂ&#x2021;\Â?]xZ]Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x161;\]Â&#x2030;k[]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\Y^zx] sheet and later altered the list to favour of his aspiration of becoming a member of House of Representative.
Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;]xZ] Â&#x2030;`j]xZ]Â&#x152;^Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;ÂĄÂł] Gamandi said the insurgents set up a barricade at Dogon Fili, 15 kilometres from Doron Baga, and YxZÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\j] `] Â&#x2021;Z_Â&#x161;ZÂ&#x17D;] ZÂ&#x2C6;] Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;] vendors around midday, slaughtering some of them and drowning others in the lake. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Boko Haram gunmen slit the throats of some of the men and tied the hands and legs of the others before throwing them into xÂ&#x2030;\]z`ÂŻ\]xZ]jÂ?ZÂ&#x2022;_Â&#x17E;Âł] `[`_di was quoted as saying on telephone from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital. He claimed the assailants killed all of their victims without using their guns. Âť Â&#x2030;\]`9`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ\Â?Y]ÂŻkzz\j]xÂ&#x2030;\kÂ?] victims silently without the use of the gun to avoid atxÂ?`Â&#x2021;xk_Â&#x203A;] `9\_xkZ_] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] xÂ&#x2030;\] [^zxkĂ _`xkZ_`z] xÂ?ZZÂ&#x2013;YÂ&#x17E;Âł] `mandi said. He added that the Dogon Fili route provided the safest passage for traders from Doron Baga to Chad as other routes are infested with Boko Haram gunmen who rob and kill travellers. Also, Mallam Ali Jatu, a resident in Maiduguri, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boko Haram members laid ambush for traders who Â&#x2021;`[\] xZ] Â&#x152;^Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;] k_] ZÂ?Z_] Baga ... they killed more than 40 of them and carted `Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;YÂ&#x2030;\Y] YZ[\] xÂ&#x2030;\[] Â&#x2030;`j]Â&#x152;Z^Â&#x203A;Â&#x2030;xÂĄÂł]
Unemployment is abetting Nasarawa crises â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Umbugadu GODWIN OJOSHIMITE, /xÂ&#x2026;x
he member representing Akwanga/ Wamba/ Nasarawa Eggon Federal Constituency, at the National Assembly, Hon. David [Â&#x152;^Â&#x203A;`j^]Â&#x2030;`Y]`9Â?kÂ&#x152;^x\j]xÂ&#x2030;\] incessant crises rocking some parts of Nasarawa State to youths unemployment as a contributory factor. Hon. Umbugadu who made this known at the graduation of 250 youths on entrepreneurial skills from the three local government areas in his constituency, said the delicate position the state has found itself, is a pointer to the fact that most of its youths are unemployed and so serve as veritable tools in the hands of self-serving members of the society in perpetrating criminal activities. The lawmaker, who partnered with Project Development Agency (PRODA) in organizing the workshop, said the trainees who have been Â&#x2021;\Â?xkÂ&#x2020;\j] k_] jkE\Â?\_x] `Â?\`Y] ZÂ&#x2C6;] interest would be exposed to requisite job opportunities in collaboration with relevant government agencies. He noted that the exercise would be a continues process adding that the trainees have so far been coached in areas such as personal and business visioning, basic marketing and sales technique among others.
Group raises alarm over alleged missing voter cards in Kogi L-R: Representative, Country Representative, International Fertilizer Development Centre (FAO), Mr. Henry Ekpiken; representative of the Director, Planning, Policy and Coordination, Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Dipo Oteniya and Assistant Representative, FAO, Dr. Rabe Mani, during the FAO Countrystat National Userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Sensitization Seminar in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. Photo: NAN
mended the REC for the Â&#x2020;x] Â&#x2030;\] Â?\Â&#x2021;ZÂ?j\j] k_] Y^_] group, Kogi during the governorship Equity, has election were he was adraised an judged to have conducted alarm over an a free and transparent elecContinued from Page 4 prices fall, or OPEC makes a sembly have also been re- Â?kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] [\`Y^Â?\YÂ&#x17E;Âł] YÂ&#x2030;\] _Zx\jÂ&#x17E;] alleged delib- tion, however warned him decisive cut that should aladding that panic is not a vised; stressing that govern\Â?`x\] `9\[Â&#x2013;x] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] _j\- not to drag his name to the Even the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s richest zZÂ&#x2022;] Â&#x2013;Â?kÂ&#x2021;\Y] xZ] Â?\Â&#x2021;ZÂ&#x161;\Â?Â&#x17E;Âł] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;kstrategy. ment was now proposing a pendent National Electoral mud in Kogi state by trying members would struggle linguirian said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The OPEC Âť x¤Y] k[Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x`_x] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Z^Â?] benchmark of $73 dollars Z[[kYYkZ_Â&#x17E;] ] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] to deny some communities to endure a year of $70 oil, which would be required to meeting will have binary out- per barrel to the National strategies are based on facts state to dis-enfranchise and wards from electing Âťj\_xÂł] ZÂ?xÂ&#x2030;] [\Â?kÂ&#x2021;`_]Z^x- Â&#x2021;Z[\] Z_] Zkz] Â&#x2013;Â?kÂ&#x2021;\YÂĄ] _] ZxÂ&#x2030;\Â?] Assembly compared to the and a clear understanding legible voters which their their leaders through the words, the price cannot stay earlier proposed benchmark of both the strengths of the Permanent Voter Cards deliberate disenfranchisput, Tchilinguirian said. economy and the challeng- were said to be missing. of $78. ing them. Of the 10 analysts an- Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]kx]kYÂĄÂł x] Â&#x2022;Z^zj] Â&#x152;\] Â?\Â&#x2021;`zz\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] es posed by the drop in oil According to OkonjoThe National CoordinaTo portray their claims, they ticipating no formal change from OPEC on Nov. 27, three the Federal Government last Â&#x2022;\`z`Â&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;\] \j\Â?`z] k_kYxÂ?Â&#x17D;] prices which is currently at tor of the group, Chief Ad- gave the instances in Odolu said it would pledge to bring week announced a multi- of Finance has been keeping $79 for our premium Bonny eniyi Ojuola and the Sec- Â&#x2022;`Â?j]k_] jZz^ÂŽ] Â&#x203A;`z`[\z`] Zretary, Mr. Paul Negedu cal government area and Ogia output in line with the cur- pronged strategic response a close eye on movements in Light Crude. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The drop in oil prices is `x] `] Â&#x2013;Â?\YY] Â&#x152;Â?k\Â&#x2020;_Â&#x203A;] ZÂ&#x161;\Â?] Â&#x2022;`Â?j] k_] Â&#x152;`Âk] Â&#x2022;\Â?\] _Z] Â&#x152;ZjÂ&#x17D;] rent target of 30 million bar- to mitigate the adverse ef- global oil prices because of rels a day. The group would fects of the decline in global the critical importance of oil a serious challenge which the weekend alleged that was given PVC. However, the Resineed to trim about 250,000 oil prices. The Coordinating as the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most impor- we must confront as a coun- about 433, 576 PVC could Minister for the Economy try. We must be prepared to tant source of revenue. not be accounted for, aldence Electoral Combarrels from the 30.25 milShe explained that even [`ÂŻ\]Y`Â&#x2021;Â?kÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;\Y]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\]_\Â&#x2021;\Y- leging that the recent com- [kYYkZ_\Â?Â&#x17E;] _j\Â&#x2013;\_jlion a day it pumped in Oc- and Minister of Finance, Dr. Â&#x203A;ZÂśk ÂŻZ_ÂZĂ Â&#x2022;\`z`Â&#x17E;] Y`kj] though the government sary. But we should also not ment by the Resident Com- ent National Electoral tober, data from the organithe response was a mix of has been working hard on forget that we retain some missioner in the state, Mr. Z[[kYYkZ_ÂŞ ÂŤ] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] zation shows. Ecuador and Venezuela measures designed to boost several scenarios and con- important advantages, such Olusegun Agbaje that they State, Mr Olusegun Agbaje who was sensing that danwill ask OPEC members in non-oil revenues further, tingency plans in readiness as a broad economic base are still intact was a ruse. Â&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] `zz\Â&#x203A;\j] xÂ&#x2030;`x] ] ger was lurking around Vienna to trim production plug loopholes and waste for any eventuality, it was driven by the private sector `Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x161;\]xÂ&#x2030;kY]x`Â?Â&#x203A;\xÂ&#x17E;]`_]ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z] and cut unnecessary expen- important to proceed in a and anchored on sound pol- has perfected to disenfran- over the shoddy deal in from Ecuador, who asked ditures in order to cope with measured manner, based on icies. Our strategy is to con- chise many voters at the xÂ&#x2030;\] ] ] Â&#x2030;`Y] jkYÂ&#x2021;zZY\j] a complete understanding tinue to strengthen the sec- strong hold of a particular that out of 1,189,356 Per_Zx] xZ] Â&#x152;\] kj\_xkÂ&#x2020;\j] k_] `Â&#x2021;- the situation. of the challenges. As part of the response, tors that drive growth, such political party in order to manent Voters Card(PVC) cordance with government â&#x20AC;&#x153;Given the nature of the she said the Medium Term as agriculture and housing, give victory to a preferred sent to the state, 755,777 policy, said on November oil market, we needed to see Expenditure Framework while reducing waste with political party and its can- has been distributed across 18. the extent and trend of the (MTEF) and the Budget 2015 a renewed focus on pru- didates across the nation. the 21 Local Government â&#x20AC;&#x153;Either OPEC disappoints oil price in order to take the proposal to the National Asj\_Â&#x2021;\ÂĄÂł The group which com- Areas of the state. xÂ&#x2030;\][`Â?ÂŻ\x]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]_Zx]Â&#x2021;^9k_Â&#x203A;]`_j]
Hope rises as OPEC meets this week
Newswatch Times
News perspective
Monday, November 24, 2014
Iran, powers set to miss nuclear talk deadline, seek extension
ran, the United States and other world powers are all but certain to miss today’s deadline for negotiations to resolve a 12-year standoff over Tehran’s atomic ambitions, forcing them to seek an extension, sources said. The talks in Vienna, Austria, aim for a deal that could transform the Middle East, open the door to ending economic sanctions on Iran and start to bring a nation of 76 million people in from the cold after decades of hostility with the West. However, sources confirmed Sunday what officials close to the talks have been predicting privately for weeks: that a final deal is still too far off to hammer out by the deadline. “Considering the short time left until the deadline and number of issues that needed to be discussed and resolved, it is impossible to reach a final and comprehensive deal by Nov. 24,” Iran’s ISNA news agency quoted an unidentified member of the country’s negotiating team in Vienna as saying. “The issue of extension of the talks is an option on the table and we will start discussing it if no deal is reached by Sunday night,” the official said. A European official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity, said: “To reach a comprehensive deal seems physically impossible. Even if we were to get a political agreement, the technical annexes are not ready.” The United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China began the final round of talks with Iran on Tuesday, to clinch a pact under which Tehran would curb its nuclear work in exchange for lifting economically crippling sanctions. Some Western officials describe two possible options for a rollover if Monday’s deadline is missed. Under one scenario, the talks would simply break off and experts from the two sides would reconvene in a few weeks for another attempt at a comprehensive deal. A length-
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L), Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (R) and EU envoy Catherine Ashton pose for photographers before a meeting in Vienna November 22, 2014. ier option would be a formal extension into next year, adding new elements to an interim agreement from last year. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and EU envoy Catherine Ashton on Sunday at a 19th century palace in the center of Vienna, their fifth meeting since the talks began. An Iranian official described the meeting as good but added: “We still have a lot to work on.” The talks aim to end
Western suspicions that Iran is seeking an atomic bomb capability, while allowing Iran to have the civilian nuclear programme it says is its right under international treaties. In a breakthrough preliminary deal reached a year ago, the United States and European Union agreed to ease some sanctions on Iran, while Tehran agreed to some curbs on its nuclear programmes. But a final deal proved elusive, with the sides forced to extend an earlier deadline in July. Last year’s negotia-
tions opened secret talks between Tehran and Washington, which have transformed relations between two countries, whose deep enmity has been one of the central facts of the Middle East since Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution. This year, the United States and mainly Shi’ite Muslim Iran have found themselves on the same side on the battlefield against Sunni Muslim militants from Islamic State, especially in Iraq, where both Washington and Tehran provide military support to the Baghdad government.
Both U.S. President Barack Obama, a center-left Democrat, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a Shi’ite cleric elected on a pledge to reduce Iran’s isolation and improve the economy, would have to sell any deal to sceptical hardliners at home
However, without a nuclear deal, two countries that have labeled each other the “Great Satan” and a member of the “axis of evil” are destined to remain enemies. Sanctions, tightened sharply since 2010, are inflicting severe damage to Iran’s economy, while the United States and ally Israel have said they reserve the right to use force to destroy any Iranian nuclear bomb programme. Both U.S. President Barack Obama, a center-left Democrat, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, a Shi’ite cleric elected on a pledge to reduce Iran’s isolation and improve the economy, would have to sell any deal to sceptical hardliners at home. Washington would also have to win acceptance from regional allies, Israel and Saudi Arabia, both foes of Iran. Kerry briefed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone on Saturday and Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal in person at the Vienna airport on Sunday. “Iran must not be allowed to set itself up
as a nuclear threshold state,” Netanyahu said about his conversation. “There is no reason for it to retain thousands of centrifuges, which would allow it to enrich uranium for a nuclear bomb in a short period of time.” Officials say an extension of the talks could last from several weeks to several months, depending on how close a deal seems by the end of Monday. Neither side wants the negotiations to collapse but Western officials say they are afraid extending the talks again could make it even harder to get a final deal. Iranian and Western diplomats close to the negotiations in Vienna have been telling Reuters for weeks that the two sides remained deadlocked on the key issues of Iran’s uranium enrichment capacity and the pace of lifting sanctions. The Iranian official quoted by ISNA said the sides “were trying to reach a framework accord on major issues like ... the number of centrifuges, enrichment capacity and the timeframe of lifting sanctions.”
Keshi got it wrong â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lawal
ormer Super Eagles [kjÂ&#x2020;\zj\Â?Â&#x17E;] `Â?Â&#x152;`] `wal has posited that his criticisms of Stephen \YÂ&#x2030;k]Â&#x2022;\Â?\]_\Â&#x161;\Â?]Â&#x2013;\Â?YZ_`zÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x152;^x]Â&#x2030;kY]Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;]ZÂ&#x2C6;]ĂĄÂ&#x2030;\zÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;¤]xÂ&#x2030;\] \[Â&#x152;`9z\j] ^Â&#x2013;\Â?] `Â&#x203A;z\Y] coach. `Â&#x2022;`z] Â&#x2030;`Y] `zYZ] \Âźpressed regret at how Keshi took the criticisms personal. Speaking in an interview Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] ¡¸¥_Â&#x203A;Â&#x17E;] `Â&#x2022;`z] `zYZ] `jjY] xÂ&#x2030;`x] Â&#x2030;\] Z_zÂ&#x17D;] [\`_x] Â&#x2022;\zz]`_j]Â&#x2022;`Y]`zÂ&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;Y]Y`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] xÂ&#x2030;\]xÂ?^xÂ&#x2030;]xZ] \YÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x17E;]`Y] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`¤Y] Â&#x2C6;`kz^Â?\] xZ] ½^`zkÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] xÂ&#x2030;\]º¸¡š] Â&#x2C6;Â?kÂ&#x2021;`] ^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] `-
tions has proven. Âť ] Â&#x2022;`Y_¤x] `Â&#x2C6;x\Â?] Â&#x2030;kY] ÂZÂ&#x152;Â&#x17E;] Â&#x152;^x] ] Â&#x2022;`Y] Â&#x2030;\zÂ&#x2013;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;k[] xZ] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x203A;\] Â&#x152;^x] Â&#x2030;\] xZZÂŻ] kx] Â&#x2013;\Â?sonal and if he took it perYZ_`zÂ&#x17E;]xÂ&#x2030;`x¤Y]Â&#x2030;kY]ZÂ&#x2022;_]Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x152;lem. I know the national x\`[]kY]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]`zz]ZÂ&#x2C6;]^YÂĄ] x]z\`Yx] I tried to advise him from xÂ&#x2030;\]zk9z\]ÂŻ_ZÂ&#x2022;z\jÂ&#x203A;\] ]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] in the game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I keep telling people xÂ&#x2030;`x] ¤[] _Zx] Â&#x2021;Â?kxkÂ&#x2021;kÂśk_Â&#x203A;] \YÂ&#x2030;k] `_j] ] jZ_¤x] Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] `_Â&#x17D;xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]`Â&#x203A;`k_Yx]Â&#x2030;k[Â&#x17E;]Â&#x152;^x] ]Â&#x2022;`Y] Â^Yx] x\zzk_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2030;k[] xÂ&#x2030;\] xÂ?^xÂ&#x2030;] and he refused to listen and `x]xÂ&#x2030;\]\_j]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]j`Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\] are we now? Âť x¤Y]Y`j]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2C6;Â?kÂ&#x2021;`_] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;kZ_Y] Â&#x2022;kzz] _Zx] Â&#x152;\] `x] xÂ&#x2030;\] ^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] `xkZ_Y]k_] ½^`xZÂ?k`z] ^k_\`]_\Âźx]Â&#x17D;\`Â?ÂĄ] x¤Y] Y`j] ] x\zz] Â&#x17D;Z^Â&#x17E;] kx¤Y] Y`jÂ&#x17E;Âł] Â&#x2030;\] Y`kj]`Â&#x203A;`k_]Â?\Â&#x203A;Â?\xÂ&#x2C6;^zzÂ&#x17D;ÂĄ Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?[\Â?] Zj`] ] ZÂ&#x2C6;]
Zzz`_j] [kjÂ&#x2020;\zj\Â?] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] Z_\] ZÂ&#x2C6;] \YÂ&#x2030;k¤Y] Â&#x2020;\Â?Â&#x2021;est critics and it was no Y^Â?Â&#x2013;Â?kY\]xÂ&#x2030;`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]ĂĄ kÂ&#x203A;] ZYY¤] kicked against having the Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?[\Â?] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`]k_x\Â?_`xkZ_al as the Super Eagles team coordinator when he was _`[\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] [`Â^] k__kÂ&#x2021;ÂŻÂĄ
Quadri for North American Championship
Go, Keshi go, NFF urge Eagles coach
kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`]Â&#x2021;Z`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17E;] x\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2030;\_] \YÂ&#x2030;k]Â&#x2030;`Y]Â&#x152;\\_ kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`]Â&#x2021;Z`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17E;] x\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2030;\_] \YÂ&#x2030;k]Â&#x2030;`Y]Â&#x152;\\_]^Â?Â&#x203A;\j]_Zx] xZ]xÂ?Â&#x17D;]xZ]Yx`Â&#x17D;]Z_]xÂ&#x2030;\]ÂZÂ&#x152;]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]Â&#x2C6;`kzk_Â&#x203A; xZ]xÂ?Â&#x17D;]xZ]Yx`Â&#x17D;]Z_]xÂ&#x2030;\]ÂZÂ&#x152;]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]Â&#x2C6;`kzk_Â&#x203A;]xZ]½^`zkÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\]x\`[]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]xÂ&#x2030;\]º¸¡š] Â&#x2C6;Â?kÂ&#x2021;`] ^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;\]x\`[]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]xÂ&#x2030;\]º¸¡š] Â&#x2C6;Â?kÂ&#x2021;`] ^Â&#x2013;]ZÂ&#x2C6;] `xkZ_YÂĄ Â&#x2021;Z_xÂ?`Â&#x2021;x] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;] \YÂ&#x2030;k] kY] Â&#x2021;^Â?Â?\_xzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;kxÂ&#x2030;Z^x] `] Â&#x2021;Z_ xÂ&#x2030;\] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] ZZxÂ&#x152;`zz] \j\Â?`xkZ_ÂĄ _j] `] xZÂ&#x2013;] ] ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z] xZzj] ] Â&#x2013;ZÂ?xĂ&#x201A;] Âť `z Âť `zÂŻk_Â&#x203A;] `Â&#x2022;`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;Z_Z^Â?`Â&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y[`Â?x\Yx]xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] x\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2030;\_] \YÂ&#x2030;k] Â&#x2030; Â&#x2030;Z _Z^Â?`Â&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x152;\]xÂ&#x2030;\]Y[`Â?x\Yx]xÂ&#x2030;k_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] x\Â&#x2013; t do. to Âť x¤Y]Â&#x2013;Zk_xz\YY]xZ]Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x203A;]`Â?Z^_j]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\_]Â&#x17D;Z^¤Â&#x161;\]Â&#x2C6;`kz\jÂ&#x17E;]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] Âť x¤Y]Â&#x2013;Zk_xz\YY]xZ]Â&#x2030;`_Â&#x203A;]`Â?Z^_j]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\_]Â&#x17D;Z^¤Â&#x161;\]Â&#x2C6; Â&#x152;\\_]Â&#x2021;Z[Â&#x2013;z\x\zÂ&#x17D;]Â?\Â\Â&#x2021;x\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\] ]`_j]`Â?\]^_Â&#x2022;`_x\j] Â&#x152; Â&#x152;\ \_]Â&#x2021;Z[Â&#x2013;z\x\zÂ&#x17D;]Â?\Â\Â&#x2021;x\j]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\] ]`_j]`Â?\ Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]jkY`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Zk_x\j]Â&#x2C6;ZZxÂ&#x152;`zz]Â&#x2C6;`_YÂĄÂł Â&#x152; Â&#x152;Â&#x17D; ]jkY`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Zk_x\j]Â&#x2C6;ZZxÂ&#x152;`zz]Â&#x2C6;`_YÂĄÂł \YÂ&#x2030;k]\_j^Â?\j]`]x^Â?Â&#x152;^z\_x]xk[\]j^Â?k_Â&#x203A;]xÂ&#x2030;\]½^`z \YÂ&#x2030;k]\_j^Â?\j]`]x^Â?Â&#x152;^z\_x]xk[\]j^Â?k_ kkÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`xkZ_] kÂ&#x2020; Â&#x2021;`xkZ_] Â&#x2021;`[Â&#x2013;`kÂ&#x203A;_Â&#x17E;] k_] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022; Â&#x2022;`Y] Y`Â&#x2021;ÂŻ\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\] ]`_j]Z_zÂ&#x17D;]Â?\k_Yx`zz\j]`Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]k_Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;]xÂ&#x2030;\] ]`_j]Z_zÂ&#x17D;]Â?\k_Yx`zz Â&#x152;Â&#x17D; x\Â?Â&#x161;\_xkZ_] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k` kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] Â?\Ykj\_xÂ&#x17E;] ZZjz^Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] Z_`xÂ&#x2030;`_ÂĄ Z Zjz^Â&#x2021;ÂŻ] Z_`xÂ&#x2030;`_ÂĄ _j] xÂ&#x2030;\] k_x\_YkxÂ&#x17D;] k_ ZÂ&#x2C6;] YYÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;^z`xkZ_] YÂ&#x2013; \Â&#x2021;^z`xkZ_] `Â&#x152;Z^x] Â&#x2030;kY] ffuture fu ture inc increased folzzZÂ&#x2022;k_Â&#x203A;] zZ Â&#x2022;k_Â&#x203A;] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`¤Y] 22-22 d 2draw with Z ^xÂ&#x2030; Â&#x2C6;Â?kÂ&#x2021;`] k_] Z^xÂ&#x2030;] Â&#x17D;Z] z`Yx] Â&#x2022;\\ÂŻ] that [\` [\`_x] xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] wil wi ll _Z will _Zx] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;] `x] _\ _\Âźx] Â&#x17D;\`Â?¤Y] continenxx`z] Â&#x2020;_`zY] k_]
½^`xZÂ?k`z] ^k_\`ÂĄ kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] Â&#x2030;`j] Â&#x203A;Z_\] k_xZ] the that match knowing a win would earn their Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x2021;\] `x] xÂ&#x2030;\] xZ^Â?_`[\_xÂ&#x17E;] their failure to do so has z\Â&#x2C6;x] ]Â&#x2013;Â?\Ykj\_x] [`Â^] k__kÂ&#x2021;ÂŻ]Â?\Â&#x2C6;^Yk_Â&#x203A;]xZ]_`[\] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x152;\zk\Â&#x161;\Y] kY] ÂťxÂ&#x2030;\]
ideal man to lead the team from the present j`Â?ÂŻ]xZ]Y^_YÂ&#x2030;k_\³¥ Keshi himself has refused to comment on whether it is the end of his time as coach with the x\`[] Â&#x2030;\] Yx\\Â?\j] xZ] `xkZ_Y] ^Â&#x2013;] Â&#x203A;zZÂ?Â&#x17D;] k_] º¸¡ž]
`_j] z\j] xZ] xÂ&#x2030;\] z`Yxà ¡¿] ZÂ&#x2C6;] xÂ&#x2030;kY] Y^[[\Â?¤Y] ZÂ?zj] ^Â&#x2013;]k_] Â?`ÂśkzÂĄ ^x] xÂ&#x2030;\] ] ZFÂ&#x2021;k`z] `jj\jĂ&#x201A;]Âť \]jZ\Y]_Zx]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] `_Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;Z_xÂ?`Â&#x2021;x^`z] ZÂ&#x152;zkÂ&#x203A;`tions with the federation; Â?\[\[Â&#x152;\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x152;Z`Â?j]`zYZ] ZE\Â?\j] xZ] YÂ&#x2013;Z_YZÂ?] Â&#x2030;k[]
and his assistants to managerial courses with good intention. Âť \] Â&#x2022;kzz] Â&#x2013;Â?ZÂ&#x152;`Â&#x152;zÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x203A;\x] `] ÂZÂ&#x152;] \zY\Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â?\] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?\]
`_^`Â?Â&#x17D;] Â&#x152;^x] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Z^_xÂ?Â&#x17D;] will not get the opporx^_kxÂ&#x17D;]xZ]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;]`x]xÂ&#x2030;\]_\Âźx] `xkZ_Y] ^Â&#x2013;ÂĄÂł
Ukah blames poor playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; selection for Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ouster
kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`¤Y] Â?^_`] ^`jÂ?k] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] listed in three-man Joola team that will feature k_] xÂ&#x2030;kY] Â&#x2022;\\¯¤Y] ¡Ă&#x2026;xÂ&#x2030;] \jkxkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ZÂ?xÂ&#x2030;] [\Â?kÂ&#x2021;`_] `Â&#x152;z\] \__kY] \`[Y] Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;konships holding in United States. ^`jÂ?kÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] kY] Â?`_ÂŻ\j] ž¸] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2022;ZÂ?zjÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;kzz] Â&#x152;\] ÂZk_\j] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?[\Â?] Â&#x2022;ZÂ?zj] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;kZ_] `_j] zÂ&#x17D;[Â&#x2013;k`_Â&#x17E;] JĂśrg RoĂ&#x;kopf as well as ^YxÂ?k`¤Y] Â&#x2030;\_] \kÂźk_Â&#x203A;ÂĄ Â&#x2030;\]º¸¡Ă&#x201C;] ]xZ^Â?_`[\_x] Â&#x2030;ZzjY] Â&#x2C6;Â?Z[] ZÂ&#x161;\[Â&#x152;\Â?]ÂşĂ&#x2021;]xZ]ž¸]`x]xÂ&#x2030;\] `xkZ_`z]
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Â?`x\j] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?Y] k_] xÂ&#x2030;\] world. In a statement made `Â&#x161;`kz`Â&#x152;z\]xZ] `xkZ_ Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x]Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] ZÂ?Â&#x203A;`_kÂś\Â?YÂ&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;\] xÂ&#x2030;Â?\\Ă j`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;`[Â&#x2013;kZ_YÂ&#x2030;kÂ&#x2013;Y] Â&#x2013;Â?Z[kY\Y]xZ]Â&#x152;\]\ÂźÂ&#x2021;kxk_Â&#x203A;ÂĄ Âť Â&#x2030;\] ¡Ă&#x2026;xÂ&#x2030;] \jkxkZ_] ZÂ&#x2C6;] ¤Y] \`[Y] \Â&#x161;\_xÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;\] Â&#x2022;kzz] Â&#x152;\] \_ÂZÂ&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] Z^Â?] Y\Â&#x2021;Z_j]Â&#x17D;\`Â?]`x]Z^Â?]_\Â&#x2022;]Â&#x161;\_^\ĂŤ] º¸¡ž] Â&#x2022;`Y] `] Â&#x203A;Â?\`x] Y^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;\YY] `_j] Â&#x2022;\] \ÂźÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2021;x] º¸¡Ă&#x201C;] xZ] Â&#x152;\] _Z] jkE\Â?\_xÂĄ] Â?`jkxkZ_`zzÂ&#x17D;] xÂ&#x2030;\] z`Â?Â&#x203A;\Yx] x`Â&#x152;z\] x\__kY] Â&#x2021;Z[Â&#x2013;\xkxkZ_] k_] ZÂ?xÂ&#x2030;] [\Â?kÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x17E;] xÂ&#x2030;kY] xÂ&#x2030;Â?\\Ă j`Â&#x17D;] tournament features a team component in an otherwise individual-focused sport in xÂ&#x2030;\] ÂĄ] Â&#x2030;\] Â&#x2020;Â?Yx] j`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;kzz] Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x161;\] Â&#x17D;Z^] `_] ZÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;ZÂ?x^_kxÂ&#x17D;] xZ] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2030;kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;\Â?] `_j] zZÂ&#x2022;\Â?] Â?`_ÂŻ\j] x\`[Y] Â&#x152;`Y\j] Z_] Â&#x17D;Z^Â?] ZÂ?kÂ&#x203A;k_`z] Y\\jk_Â&#x203A;] `_j] Â&#x2022;kzz] \Â&#x161;\_x^`zzÂ&#x17D;] j\x\Â?[k_\] Â&#x17D;Z^Â?] jkÂ&#x161;kYkZ_] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x2021;\[\_x] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â?\Yx]ZÂ&#x2C6;]xÂ&#x2030;\]\Â&#x161;\_xÂĄ] Â&#x2C6;x\Â?]xÂ&#x2030;\]Â&#x2020;Â?Yx]j`Â&#x17D;Â&#x17E;]x\`[Y]Â&#x2022;kzz] spend the remainder of the xZ^Â?_`[\_x] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] k_] `] z`Â?Â&#x203A;\]Â?Z^_j]Â?ZÂ&#x152;k_]`_j]Â&#x2C6;`Â&#x2021;\] \½^`zzÂ&#x17D;] Â&#x2021;Z[Â&#x2013;\xkxkÂ&#x161;\] x\`[Y] that also placed in the same jkÂ&#x161;kYkZ_Â&#x17E;Âł] xÂ&#x2030;\] Yx`x\[\_x] stated.
\Â?Â&#x152;k`Ă Â&#x152;`Y\j] j\Â&#x2C6;\_j\Â?Â&#x17E;] Ugo Ukah has declared that he was not YÂ&#x2030;ZÂ&#x2021;ÂŻ\j] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] Â&#x2C6;`kz\j] xZ] ½^`zkÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] ] º¸¡š] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2021;`^Y\] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x2021;Z^_xÂ?Â&#x17D;¤Y] Â&#x152;\Yx] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?Y] `Â?\] _Zx] Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] the team. Â&#x2030;\] ]+^ÂŻ`Â?kè¯k]ZÂ&#x2C6;] \Â?Â&#x152;k`] Â&#x2021;\_xÂ?`z] j\Â&#x2C6;\_j\Â?Â&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2013;Â&#x2013;\j] Z_Â&#x2021;\] Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`Â&#x17E;] ½^\YxkZ_\j] xÂ&#x2030;\] Â&#x17D;`Â?jYxkÂ&#x2021;ÂŻY] Â&#x2021;Z`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] x\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2030;\_] \YÂ&#x2030;k]^Y\j]xZ]Â&#x2021;`zz]^Â&#x2013;]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?Y]`Y]Â&#x2022;\zz]`Y]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17D;]Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x152;\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;\Y]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?Y]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z]Â&#x2022;Z^zj]Â&#x2030;`Â&#x161;\] Â&#x2030;\zÂ&#x2013;\j] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] Z_] [`xÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2030;] j`Â&#x17D;ÂĄ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was not surprised that [Â&#x17D;]j`Â?zk_Â&#x203A;]Â&#x2021;Z^_xÂ?Â&#x17D;] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] jkj] _Zx] ½^`zkÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x17D;] xZ] j\Â&#x2C6;\_j] xÂ&#x2030;\] `xkZ_Y] ^Â&#x2013;] xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;] Â&#x2022;Z_] Â^Yx]z`Yx]Â&#x17D;\`Â?Â&#x17E;Âł]Â&#x2030;\]Â&#x152;\Â&#x203A;`_ÂĄ Âť Â&#x2030;kY] kY] Â&#x152;\Â&#x2021;`^Y\] xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\] `Â?\]Â&#x152;\9\Â?]Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;\Â?Y]Z^x]xÂ&#x2030;\Â?\] than the ones who are Â&#x2013;z`Â&#x17D;k_Â&#x203A;] Â&#x2C6;ZÂ?] kÂ&#x203A;\Â?k`] Â?kÂ&#x203A;Â&#x2030;x] _ZÂ&#x2022;Ă&#x192;]`_j]YZ]xÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x17D;]j\Y\Â?Â&#x161;\]`]
chance to prove themselves k_]xÂ&#x2030;\]_`xkZ_`z]x\`[ÂĄÂł
\] ½^\YxkZ_\j] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Â&#x17D;] Z_\] z^ÂŻZÂ&#x17E;] Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;Z] Â&#x2030;`Y] Â&#x152;\\_] in good form for his EngzkYÂ&#x2030;] Â?\[k\Â?] \`Â&#x203A;^\] Ykj\]
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Enyeama prefers AFCON to CAF Award
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Okaka linked with Milan rivals
ampdoria striker, Stefano Chuka Okaka, has been linked with Milan rivals, Inter Milan and AC Milan. The player who recently snubbed Nigeria to play for Italy is a target for the Milan teams, according to La Gazzettadello Sport. Okaka, currently on the books of Sampdoria is contracted to the club until the summer of 2016. The 25-year-old is reportedly well admired by Inter manager Roberto Mancini. The two Milan sides are looking to sign a striker to boost their forward line in the winter transfer window. The experience of the former Roma man could Z \] \_\ k`z] Z ] `_ ] of the two teams if they eventually make him their main target. His status as an international also makes him `_] `9 ` xk \] \ ZYkxkZ_ ] as he is in the form of his life. Okaka scored on his international debut to hand Italy a 1-0 win over Albania on Tuesday night. He joined the list of players of Nigerian parentage who opted for other countries following his recent call up to the Italian senior national team. Okaka was drafted in by manager, Antonio Conte for the game against Albania after inixk`zz ] \k_ ]Z[k9\j¡ He is not the only Nigerian donning the colours of the Azzuris, as they also have Angelo Ogbonna in the team. In 2006, he turned down a call up to the Nigeria senior national team at a time when he `Y] \`¯k_ ]k_xZ]x \] Yx] team of his former side AC Roma. However, reports in Italy a year ago suggest his willingness to switch allegiance back to Nigeria after failing to make the senior team grade with Italy despite his exploits with their youth teams. The ex-Fulham loanee can still represent Nigeria at competitive level if Italy fail to use him in any of x \k ] ^ Z]º¸·¿]½^`zk \ Y¡
Rivers Angels coasting to double triumphs
ivers Angels produced two moments of stunning quality to seal part one of a domestic double by lifting the Women’s Federation Cup against Sunshine Queens at the Teslim Balogun Stadium on Sunday. Asisat Oshoala and Stella Mbachu scored spectacular second-half goals k_] `_] k_x\ \Yxk_ ] _`z] k_] Lagos. Oshoala struck a brilliant opener after 66 minutes and evergreen Mbachu unleashed an even \9\ ] Yx k¯\] x \_x ] [k_utes later to clinch Rivers Angels’ victory with a qZ^ kY ¡ The win ensured that
Edwin Okon’s ladies. made kx] \] Z_Y\ ^xk \] \j] ^ ] winners’ medal. It also puts the Port Harcourt Angels on the brink of total domestic domination as they stand just one match away from the Premier League title. Sunshine Queens, in contrast, were left devastat\j]`_j] \q\ xk_ ]Z_]`] `[\] they gave a lot in terms of taking the match to their highly fancied opponents. The Sunshine Queens technical bench predictably restored goalkeeper, Funke Okewole in place of Elizabeth Johnson, while overlapping AdeolaAminu also got the nod to start. It was a moment of ex-
kx\[\_x] k_] `] Yx] `z ] Z ] explosive football action with some of the big names like Adeola Aminu, Evelyn Nwabuoku, Asisat Oshoala, Stella Mbachu, Funke Okewole, Funsho Ogunrinola and Ebere Ngozi in action. Rivers Angels created numerous chances but were foiled by the reliable Okewole who stood tall to x \k ]`9` ¯k_ ] Z ` Y¡ Aminat Yakubu should have put Rivers Angels ahead in the 43rd minute, while Yetunde Aluko missed a good chance to put Sunshine Queens ahead in the 45th minute. Okewole demonstrated why she is so highly rated
with several close range saves in the match. It was Oshoala who took the lead twenty one minutes into the second 45 minutes.
from a brilliant pass from Markson Ojobo to shoot the ball into the right hand side of Rotimi’s post. Some minutes later, a rare howler from Rotimi gifted Mfon a sight at goal, but he elected to pass to Chinonso Okonkwo. The striker turned superbly \ Z \] k_ ] k ] `Yx] x \] goalkeeper.
At last Enyimba had k[ \x^Y] `_j] \ \] \9k_ ] the dangerous Mfon into threatening positions, allowing him to force Rotimi to save low to his right with `_] \EZ x] Z[] x \] \j \] Z ] the area. Ten minutes to the end of the match, Eduok reduced the tally from an excellent pass by Victor Alegbe.
Mfon shoots Enyimba to Fed Cup title
fonUdoh capped a brilliant individual season for Enyimba International as they overcame Dolphins FC 2-1 to lift the Men’s Federation Cup trophy. His goal early in the second half proved decisive as the People’s Elephants were rewarded with a silverware. Dolphins’ goalkeeper, Rotimi Sunday was at fault as the winning team ben\ 9\j] Z[] kY][kYx`¯\]`_j] that led to the second goal for Enyimba at the Teslim Balogun Stadium. The introduction of substitutes, Rasheed Olabiyi and Nzube Anazaemba also propelled Enyimba to a second Cup title in two consecutive season. For Dolphins, their season will now be regarded as a relative disappointment after failing to add a trophy to their rich cabinet. The winning team were on the back foot early on \_]Yx k_ Y]Z ]\EZ xY] Z[] EmemEduok put Femi Thomas in goal for Enyimba under pressure. Enyimba were coping
comfortably as Dolphins left Eduok too isolated at times. Emeka Atuloma was also being forced to drop too j\\ ]xZ]ZE\ ]Y^ Z x]xZ]x \] beleaguered Victor Alegbe and Ebube Okpokwu rather x `_]`jj]`9` ¯k_ ] Zx\_ ] to the game. The quiet Mfon stormed ZE] x \] zZ ¯Y] k_] x \] ¹¹x ] [k_^x\] \_] \] Z x\j]
NFF want ‘younger Eagles’ in future
he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) have decided to start building a new senior national team, with the focus now on younger players. ]Y\_kZ ]ZF k`z]Z ]x \] NFF hinted that the federation is looking at getting younger players to replace the squad, which failed to qualify for the 2015 African Nations Cup. \]ZF k`z]k_YkYxY]x `x] restructuring the team and selecting what would become of the technical crew would form part of the agenda of the board
when they meet after Sunj` ¤Y] \j\ `xkZ_] ^ ] _`z] in Lagos. ] ZF k`zY] \zk\ \] that part of the problems in x \]º¸·¹] ]½^`zk \ Y] kY]j^\]xZ]x \]`9kx^j\]Z ]x \]
Ambrose: Messi easy to play against
players. They are also of the opinion that most of x \[] ` \] _Z] zZ_ \ ] x] xZ] be in the national team. The NFF, who were k_] `] ^__k_ ] `9z\] kx ] Stephen Keshi, prompting the intervention of the President, are of the opinion that Nigeria could ` \] \Y\_x\j] \9\ ] players than some of those that played at the World Cup and featured in the `xkZ_Y] ^ ]½^`zk \ Y¡ The younger South African players ran rings around the visibly slower and ponderous Nigerian team in Uyo during the 2-2 draw.
igeria defender, Efe Ambrose has described former world footballer of the year and Barcelona star, Lionel Messi as the easiest player he’s had to mark in his professional career. In what could be a shocking revelation, Ambrose claims that the Argentine superstar who only on Saturday became the top goalscorer of all time in the Spanish La Liga with 253 goals, is very predictable to play against. The Celtic of Scotland defender – who has played against Messi on several occasions both for Nigeria and Celtic – says it’s ‘easy’ playing against the Argentina captain. “You cannot call Messi a number 9 because he roves; so it’s easy playing against him. The easiest player to play against is the one that doesn’t come to bully you and it’s Messi of course,” he said. “Messi doesn’t come to you, he makes his move from afar and for me if you play against someone like Messi, you’ll have time to see what he wants to do and you have time to read his plan because he doesn’t come to the center half, he plays from far away with his ability and dribbling skills. “So that’s why for me I would say Messi is easier because Barcelona just pass and pass the ball. So as a center half you just have to keep to your zone. So for me, I think Messi is easy,” Ambrose said further. The 26-year old Nigerian defender has been in k_jkE\ \_x] Z [] x kY] Y\`son, and has recently lost kY] z` \]k_]x \] \zxk ] Yx] team. He has also been hugely criticized in Nigeria as one of the players who let the country down with below par performances as they failed to qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations to be held in Equatorial Guinea. But in a more shocking revelation, Ambrose rates West Bromwich Albion striker and compatriot, Victor Anichebe as the toughest player he’s played against, and says Swedish superstar and PSG striker, Zlatan Ibrahimovic is another player that could be jkF ^zx] xZ] z` ] ` `k_Yx] even though he’s yet to face to big Swede.
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