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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
South West xxx 7 ships laden with petrol expected
in Lagos ports
even ships are waiting to discharge Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), otherwise known as petrol, at the various oil terminals in Apapa and Tin-Can Island ports in Lagos. The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) stated this in its daily publication - `Shipping Position’, - a copy of which was made available yesterday to the media in Lagos. According to the statement, two other ships will discharge containers. The document stated
that 29 ships laden with petroleum products, food items and other goods were expected to arrive the ports from February 12, to February 24. NPA stated that the expected ships contained general cargoes, buck wheat, containers, steel products, ethanol, base oil, bulk salt, base oil, diesel, kerosene and petrol. About 17 other ships are at the ports discharging buck wheat, general cargoes, bulk rice, buthane, containers, soda ash, and petrol.
NASS should look into 2012 Electoral Law – PDP leader Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan
L-R: Retired Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Oladipo Diya (Rtd.) the Baba Ijo, United African Methodist Evangelical Church Cathedral with the Otun Baba Ijo of the Church, Elder Chief Folorunsho Oladepo and a Patron of the Churchc Elder Emmanuel Adesanya at the 2016, 9th Annual Conference Thanksgiving and Merit Awards Service at Abule Oja , Yaba, Lagos.
LG polls: Amosun promises ex-LG chairmen free, fair elections Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
o v e r n o r I b i k u n l e Amosun has romised Association of Ex-Local Government Chairmen of Nigeria (ASELGON) free, fair and credible council elections coming u in the state soon. He made the romise while receiving the leadershi of ASELGON in Abeokuta yesterday. Receiving the former LG bosses on behalf of the governor, State Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Aěairs ,Chief Jide Ojuko, stated that the Governor Ibikunle Amosun-led administration would rovide a level laying ęeld for all legally recogni£ed olitical arties to artici ate
in the election by not interfering with the state Inde endent Electoral Commission. The ASELGON resident charged Governor Amosun to be trans arent in the conduct of the forthcoming Council elections in the state by guaranteeing true inde endence to the state electoral body. Describing the decision of the state government to conduct the election in A ril as laudable, Asi a observed that the conduct of the oll would go a long way in romoting autonomy of the council areas for o timal erformance. He, im lored the state government to all legible olitical arties to artici ate in the A ril olls. “The beauty of democracy lies in the
lurality of choice and ex ression because the danger of a one arty state is similar to ruling by military ęat under the jackboot. It is on this note that ASELGON calls for o en laying ęeld for all candidates and arties that will be standing for the election. “We similarly urge Your Excellency to kee a date with A ril so that the elections will hold as at when schedule, with the hindsight that caretaker commiĴee for local government is aberration to the 1999 Constitution, Asi a said.” National President of ASELGON, Hon. Albert Asi a, had sought the governor’s intervention in ayment of ending severance allowances
for former local council chairmen in the state. Asi a suggested that the state government could begin to ay the aěected former elected and a ointed council oĜcials in batches of ten considering the ęnancial status of the state at resent. He, however, congratulated and commended the governor on the 40th anniversary of the creation of the state and his erformance which he noted aĴracted President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Oshin banjo to honour the invitation to the anniversary. Governor Amosun, however, a reciated the ASELGON leadershi , romising to consider the ro osal resented before long.
Salihu Bui wins APC bye election for Kebbi’s House of Assembly post Ayo Ajoge, Kebbi
lhaji Samaila Salihu Bui has emerged victorious at the Kebbi State All Progressive Congress (APC) in Kebbi State Primary Election to ęll in the vacant ost in the state House of Assembly to re lace the member re resenting Arewa constituency in the House, Alhaji Abdullahi Yeldu who
died during the stam ed in Mecca, Saudi Arabia last year. The Chairman, electoral commiĴee who was also the returning oĜcer for the election, Mr Edwin Ogumbo declared Alhaji Salihu Bui as winner having scored 205 votes to defeat Alhaji Kabiru Mai Arewa who scored 107 votes while one vote was declared invalid. According to him, delegates from the
eleven wards of the Constituency converged to cast their votes without any form of intimidation,he described the exercise as smooth and trans arent. The State Publicity Secretary of the arty ,Alh. Sani Dododo , described the election in Arewa local government as a litmus test to the State APC government and ex ressed delight over the eaceful conduct
of the election in the area. Dododo however condemned the manner in which some eo le whom he described as ‘hired agents ‘ from the o osition arty (PDP) wanted to cause confusion in order to stall the rocess. He also dismissed the allegation that the list being used for the election was doctored to favour a articular candidate.
ewly elected leader of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP,) in the Oke Ogun zone of Oyo state, Alhaji Omokunmi Mustapha, has called on the National Assembly to critically look into the 2012 Electoral Law with a view to making some amendments. Mustapha who is also a national ocer of the party made the call during his acceptance speech in the zone. He pointed out that an area regarding the death of a candidate during the election and percentage of votes as experienced
recently in Kogi state, should be addressed. Mustapha traced the defeat of PDP in Oyo state to the imposition of candidates which he promised would no longer be allowed in future. He pledged to reposition the party in the zone for future electoral victory adding that internal democracy in PDP would start from Oke Ogun. Meanwhile, a release issued by the State Director of Publicity and Research of the party, Mallam Adebayo Maritala stated that Mustapha’s leadership was endorsed by all the party chairmen and leaders in the region at a meeting held recently in Iseyin .
Ibafo community cr ies out to Amosun over neglect Ajibade Alabi
bafo community in Ogun state has cried out to the state government to come to their aid. According to the Community youth leader, Alhaji Suraju Ogunbayo, Ibafo people have been neglected by the state and they need proper attention now. “Ibafo Community are law abiding and peaceful people. They had been in support of the present government that they went out in large number to re-elect the governor Ibikunle Amosun back to the oce but still, the Ibafo people have not been enjoying fruits of the democracy because Ogun State government always neglect us”. “To say that Ibafo community has good roads is an overstatement because it is one of their major problems especially the roads from Ago-Igbala to Papa and the one from police station to Ebute,those roads are really very bad and needs urgent attention. In my own opinion I think Ibafo
need a roundabout where buses can turn so as to ease trac, if there is free trac Áow, things would move on smoothly but they should contract it out to good engineers because there should be perfection’ , he stressed. “Now that Ogun State is celebrating forty years of its existence, there should hardly be a remote area in Ogun state because forty years is not a joke at all, if by this time, we are still complaining of inadequate electricity and we are counting years, I think we should do reality check here. They say life begins at forty so let us begin to remember to do good to those who vote you into power”. “We need model colleges for our children even if the government did not have land, we have the one we can give out to them to build schools for our children at least they are our future so we can give out anything as regards their education, we also have land to give so that we will get a better health centre at least we are entitled to better health services from the government.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 13, 2016
South East
Obiano rules out intervention for EnuguOnitsha expressway, FG owes State N34b Alphonsus Eze, Awka
overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has ruled out further intervention on the Onitsha Enugu-Onitsha expressway by his administration as the Federal Government is still owing the state government a sum of N34b. Governor Obiano who spoke yesterday during an interactive session with journalists said that subject to the amendment of the 2016 Federal budget, there was no provision for Onitsha Expressway, but hinted that there have been moves to include it in the likely amended budget. He blamed the frequent failure of the road to heavy duty vehicles carrying rods, cement,
fuel and heavy equipment. Governor Obiano said that three Áyover bridges he Áagged oͿ at the early days of his administration in Awka, the state capital, would be completed by May this year, saying that apart from the Áyover bridges improving the physical aesthetics of Awka as a capital city, it will equally ease the trac situation of the city. Obiano who said that the Áyovers will look like the hanging bridge in London stated that the three bridges did not cost up to N10billion, contrary to speculations that variations of the contract have shot up the cost to almost N20b. The Governor who lamented that the revenue proÀle of the state
especially allocation from federation account has drastically gone down said that the State is currently generating between N1.2b and N1.5b every month, but hopes to hit a target of N2.2b every month. Dismissing fears of imposing more taxes on the people of Anambra State, Governor Obiano urged the people to pay taxes as and when due so that the government will have enough fund to work for them. Obiano said he has attracted investment to the state to the tune of 3.2m dollars in the agricultural sector alone even before two years in oce, saying that by the time he Ànishes, the people will know that he was focused. “I am focused. I know where this state is go-
ing By March, I will be two years in oce . By May I will Ànish the Áyovers and Awka will be super. I am a visionary because I can see far, you can’t see it . When I laugh, it is because I see what you do not see” said the Governor. He said that the State government has discovered about 850 ghost workers in the state civil service, assuring that when they knock oͿ all these leakages in the system, the state’s Ànances will improve and they will do more for the people. The state government, he said has contracted a special team to fumigate the state to eradicate mosquitoes, cockroaches and rats to permanently chase away Lassa fever and other diseases.
L-r: The daughter of the Secretary of Conference, (SoC), Methodist Church, Nigeria, Pamela, with her father, Bishop Raphael Opoko, the graduand, Joseph Chukwuma Opoko; his brother, Emmanuel and proud mother, Ezinne Alice Chioma Opoko, at the graduation of Joshua Chukwuma at Gregory University, Uturu-Okigwe, Imo-State.
Activist lauds EU’s support of Biafra Gabriel Ejiofor, Onitsha
nitsha based rights activist, Comrade Anoliefo Modestus, has commended the position of the European Union (EU) over the quest for self-determination of the people of Eastern Region of Nigeria, that they will conduct referendum on the demand. In a statement in Onitsha, Anambra State, Anoliefo, who is the head of Investigation of Human Rights Volunteer Corps, said that the major policy statement by Federica Mogherini, rep-
resentative for Foreign Affairs and Security of EU was soothing and encouraging. The statement by Mogherini was as a result of the request for the independence of Igbo people by the Organization of Emerging African States (OEAS). Mogherini was said to have stated that the independence and border maintenance should be carried out within the framework of international laws and EU will never in anyway support the use of arms for the actualization of Igbo’s self rule from the current Nigerian Government.
Anoliefo said that the response of the Mogherini was very encouraging to the people of the East, giving what they have gone through in Nigeria. The activist rejected claims by some people that amalgamation of the Northern and Southern protectorates in 1914 by Lord Lugard was a marriage that has lasted for long and therefore cannot be broken. “So, the theory that one hundred years of marriage cannot be divorced is out of place. Which marriage? No marriage was contracted at all, rather it was a forced
combination of peoples of irreconcilable diěerences” he argued. He however advised those agitating for Biafra not to put their lives in danger, saying that with non-violence agitation, Biafra would be a reality. He recalled that Gembu in the present day Taraba State was partitioned to Cameroun until 1962 when plebiscite was conducted to bring them back to Nigeria. He advised agitators that instead of wasting their lives, should follow the step of OEAS which aĴracted the attention of European Union.
News CD gives NSCDC 7-day ultimatum to apologise for assaulting businessman Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he Anambra state branch of a human right organization, Campaign for Democracy, CD, led by its chairman and secretary, Comrades Vincent Ezekwueme and Tobias Mmaduakor, yesterday in Onitsha gave the state branch of Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, a 7-day ultimatum to apologise to Chief Joseph C Nwakpadoro for allegedly tear gassing him which resulted in his eyes going blind. Trouble reportedly started for the victim when he went with other petroleum products marketers to the NSCDC headquarters in Awka, state capital, to eͿect the release of some members of the mar-
keters said to have been arrested for selling the products above government’s regulated pump price. Unfortunately for Chief Nwakpadoro, who is the owner of Orpet Àlling station and patron to the association, when other members were getting into the premises of NSCDC, he was refused entry because he was behind and could not join the group at the same time. EͿorts he made to be allowed to enter proved abortive and when he was eventually allowed, an unidentiÀed NSCDC woman reportedly rushed to him and tear-gassed him which caused him severe eyes affections and he is currently hospitalized at an undisclosed hospital in Awka.
Catholic Priest, Nollywood actor commend Anambra police over crime reduction Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
ohn Okafor, (Ibu), a famous Noollywood actor and a popular Catholic Priest, Rev. Father Emmanuel Obinma, who is the spiritual director of Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Uke, Idemili South Local Government Area, Anambra state, were weekend sighted at the Awkuzu headquarters of the Police Special Anti-Robbery Squad, SARS. When asked by newsmen on what brought him to the place, Ibu said he was a police suspect. Asked to clarify what he meant, he stated that, “any person that steps into the police premises is a suspect until you clear
yourself”. According to him, “the law is static and if you don’t go contrary to the law, law will not catch you, but if you go contrary, it will catch you”. “Once you oěend the law, you come to the basket. I dey run for law, that is why I don’t oěend people”, he disclosed further. Reiterating the need to cooperate with the security operatives, he hinted that he came to welcome the new SARS Commander in the state, Mr Ben Abang, adding that Governor Willie Obiano has done a marvellous work by wiping out undesirable elements from the state. Ibu arrived few minutes after the departure of Rev Father Obinma.
I cu r s ed A n a m b r a P D P w i t h my s p ir i tu a l p ower s – Rommy Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
acts emerged yesterday that the crisis rocking the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Anambra state is as a result of the curse inÁicted on the party for allegedly setting the state on Àre during the administrations of former Governors Chris Ngige and Dr Chinwoke Mbadinuju. Making the disclosure weekend at Rojenny stadium Oba, Idemili South local Government Area, the Igbo spiritual leader and Ogirisi Igbo, Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka said that he personally cursed PDP for killing about 2000 people in the state.
Hear him, “I personally cursed PDP in Anambra state for killing about 2000 people in the state which included the Igwe’s family, NBA chairman in Onitsha, his wife and unborn baby” “Government House was looted and burnt including the lodge in Onitsha; people were slaughtered like cows on the streets, beheaded and set ablaze by PDP in the state. Within the PDP leadership in the state, South-East federal roads and other infrastructure were in a state of decay as a result of abandonment of the zone” According to him, “the predicament that befell PDP was long expected. All those atrocities committed by PDP cannot easily be forgotten”.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
South South
Delta police nab 5 over kidnap, murder of traditional ruler 6\OYHVWHU ,GRZX Asaba
ix persons have been arrested by the police over the kidnap and gruesome murder of the traditional ruler of UbuluUku in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, HRH Edward Akaeze Ofolue III. The State Commissioner of Police, Alkali Baba Usman, said at a press brieÄ&#x2122;ng yesterday that the suspects were arrested in diÄ&#x203A;erent parts of the country after extensive investigations and trailing. He recalled that the process started on January 5, this year when at about 4.20 p.m information was received by the DPO of Igbodo through a text message that the Di3UHVLGHQW 1LJHULDQ 1DY\ 2IÂżFHUVÂś :LYHV $VVRFLDWLRQ 0UV 7KHUHVD ,EDV WK OHIW DQG RWKHU 1DWLRQDO DQG 6WDWH RIÂżFLDOV LQDXJXUDWLQJ WKH QHZ 12:$ RIÂżFH EORFN DW %RURNLUL 0DUNHW LQ 3RUW +DUFRXUW 5LYHUV 6WDWHÂŤ\HVWHUGD\
Tension in Delta as host communities protest imposition of projects by DESOPADEC 6\OYHVWHU ,GRZX :DUUL
ension is gradually building up again in Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri South West Local Government area of Delta State as Flowstation/Wellhead host communities are set for a showdown with Delta State Oil Producing Development Commission (DESOPADEC) over alleged imposition of projects on their communities. The host communities, in a protest leÄ´er to the state Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, said they would resist any aÄ´empt by the state interventionist agency to foist any project that would not be of beneÄ&#x2122;t to the people of the host communities. According to the strongly worded leÄ´er titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Protest Against Imposition of Projects by DESOPADECâ&#x20AC;?, the communities said they would not allow grandiose projects that would be used by oÄ&#x153;cials of the commission to divert funds for personal use. The leÄ´er was signed by Comrade SheriÄ&#x203A; Mulade, Chairman, Kokodiagbene community; Chief James Tangbowei,Chairman, Okerenkoko Community; Chief Mosco Johnny Chairman, Ekpemu Ak-
pata Community Isaiah Odu, Chairman, Akpata Gbe-Gbe Community for Jones Creek Flowstation. Others were Victor Eseimieghan, Chairman,Benikrukru Community; Mr.William Naira Ogoba Chairman, Kenyangbene Community for Abiteye Flowstation; Mr.Collins Oturubo, Okoyitoru community and Chief David Bubor Chairman, Makaraba Community for Makaraba Flowstation. There were other signatories for Utomana, Egwa and Odidi Flowstations â&#x20AC;&#x153;We chairmen and members of oil producing communities of Gbaramatu Kingdom (hosts to Abiteye, Utonana, Makaraba, Jones Creek, Egwa andOdidi Flowstations/Wellheads ), hereby in a strong term condemn the surreptitious moves by the Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission (DESOPADEC) to impose projects on the host communities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our Ä&#x2122;ndings have shown that the state interventionist agency in connivance with the Commissioner representing Ijaw Ethnic Nationality in the Board, Chief Favour Izoukumour, some leaders and top government oÄ&#x153;cials have concluded plans to divert the alloca-
tions accruing to the host communities to build a modular reÄ&#x2122;nery in the area and thereafter claim ownershipâ&#x20AC;?, they alleged. The host communities insisted that the project was misplaced describing it as and an explicit display of wickedness, â&#x20AC;&#x153;because the communities have already sent their priority projects to the agency and as such we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need this projectâ&#x20AC;?. They recalled that the then Chief Wellington Okirikaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s led board embarked on the same modular reÄ&#x2122;nery project, brought in some foreign experts to carry out feasibility study on the project and the proposed site was cleared in anticipation of the groundbreaking and commencement of the project, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but it is disheartening to note that the project was stillbirthed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was later discovered that the so-called experts from the United States of America were fake as they were used as a conduit to siphon money running into several millions of dollars to oÄ&#x203A;shore overseas accounts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Against this backdrop, we urge the agency to do the right thing to engender peace and development in the host communities because DESOPADEC was cre-
ated to develop the host communitiesâ&#x20AC;?, they added. The host communities said however that they would not fold their arms and watch the Delta State Government take away their right by politicizing development projects in oil and gas bearing communities. They therefore demanded that DESOPADEC execute their various communitiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; priority projects as earlier proposed noting that the agency should work with the lists already submiÄ´ed to it and not impose her own â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;politicalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; project(s) on them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We call on Your Excellency not to allow some selÄ&#x2122;sh individuals to manipulate you into embarking on unrealistic programmes and projects for self-aggrandizement which could cause disharmony in the host communities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is imperative to draw your aÄ´ention to the lopsided employment policy of the agency which has completely short-changed the Ijaw Ethnic Nationality. The state does not need a fresh round of communal crisis especially at this period of the dwindling economic fortunes in crude oil earningsâ&#x20AC;?, it added.
visional Patrol team while on patrol was informed that an unregistered black Toyota Land Cruiser was abandoned in a bush along Obio/ Igbodo road by unknown person(s). According to him, the said vehicle was recovered to the police station where a search was conducted and some documents indicating that the said vehicle belonged to one Obi Akaeze Edward, the Royal Majesty of UbuluUku. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In view of this revelation, the palace was contacted and it was gathered that the Obi left the palace alone in the said vehicle to Asaba earlier in the dayâ&#x20AC;?, stressing that the Obiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s absence raised curiosity that he might have been kidnapped.
Sanction Govs who ignore LG polls, Ndoma Egba tells FG Joseph Kingston, Calabar
ormer Senate leader, Senator Victor NdomaEgba, yesterday in Calabar called on the Federal Government to sanction any governor who fails to conduct local government elections. Reacting to insinuations that the Governor of Cross River State, Prof Ben Ayade, was not favourably disposed to conducting local government polls for the current Council Chairmen to leave oÎ&#x20AC;ce this year, Ndoma-Egba said failure of any governor to conduct local government elections as at when due amounts to a breach of the constitution, He added that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;such constitutional breach should attract sanctions, where necessary.â&#x20AC;? He called on President Mohammadu Buhari to muster the needed political will to apply sanction on any state government who
violates the law as concerning elections at the third tier of government. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All the governors, including that of Cross River State, swore to an oath of oÎ&#x20AC;ce to defend and protect the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Constitution provides very clearly for a democratically elected system of local government. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That some governors did not meet that requirement in the past does not mean the current APC government at the Federal level should ignore it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are consequences for breaching the constitutional requirements to have a democratically elected local government system in place. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For instance, the FG could withhold your funds, until you have a democratically elected system in place. And I am sure the APC will consider all of such option.
MADE partners Cross River govt on agro-economic development Taiye Agbaje
he Market for Development Programme in the Niger Delta ( MADE) has partnered with the Cross River State government on agro-economic development in the state . Team leader of MADE, Dr. Terry Lacey, who commended Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State for his good initiatives during a business cooperation visit to the governor, pledged that the DFIDfunded MADE programme would support the sector. According to him in a
statement made available yesterday in Abuja, the Department for International Development (DFID) is working through the MADE Programme to reduce poverty in struggling economies, and that many of its beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries in the Niger-Delta region come from Cross River State . He told Ayade that Cross River, â&#x20AC;&#x153;accounts for 33 per cent of the development MADE are embarking on in the Niger-Delta.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;DFIDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intervention is agro-based, with a focus on oil palm production and it is estimated that the number of beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries in Cross River could double by 2018.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 13, 2016
North East/West
Bagudu has lost focus â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Critics Ayo Ajoge, Kebbi
Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu (left) receiving some publications from the President, 1LJHULD $FDGHP\ RI 6FLHQFHV 3URI 2\HZDOH 7RPRUL GXULQJ D FRXUWHV\ YLVLW WR WKH 0LQLVWHU E\ RIÂżFLDOV RI WKH Academy in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
NDA must produce quality officers to fight insurgency â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Minister Baba Negedu, Kaduna
inister of Defence, Brigadier General Muhammad Munsur Dan Ali (rtd) yesterday in Kaduna said, the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) must produce quality ofĂ&#x20AC;cers that will assist the country tackle the ongoing war against insurgency. Ali also stressed that cadets must learn leadership qualities that will make good and credible oÎ&#x20AC;cers of the armed forces. Speaking shortly after
commissioning the NDA crest and logo monument among several projects at the permanent site of the NDA, the minister however expressed satisfaction with the activities of the institution. He expressed the readiness of the President Muhammadu Buhari led Federal Government to provide necessary assistance to NDA in order to eÍżectively and eÎ&#x20AC;ciently discharge their responsibilities. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;NDA is progressing and I am very happy with what I saw
on ground. I believe this is where the tradition, courage and value of the Nigerian Armed Forces is moulded â&#x20AC;&#x153;The academy is where the Armed Forces are trained and with all the challenges we are having, the NDA has not done badly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Armed Forces will be increased and we are coming to look at how we will assist them and get their projects done, increase their support and enlarge the Armed Forces.â&#x20AC;? The Minister also visited
the indoor gallery range project which is ongoing and whose foundation laying ceremony is expected to be performed by the Chief of Defence StaÍż. Other projects commissioned include, the cadet extension, remoulded 5th termer block, new armoury, obstacle course, the NDA museum and loyalty conference room. Earlier, the NDA Commandant, Major General Mohammed Tasiu Ibrahim, said the institution will not relent in its eÍżorts to discharge itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constitutional duties to Nigeria
Wukari Varsity: Group charges on competence in appointment of VCs Taiye Agbaje, Abuja
non-governmental organisation, Education for All and Rights Advocacy Centre (EARAC), has said that competence should be the basis for the appointment of vice chancellors in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s universities. It warned that mediocrity in such appointment would only further destroy the system. The Country Representative of the group, Dr Godwin Abayomi, who gave the charge at a press brieĂ&#x20AC;ng in Abuja, however, advised the acting Chairman of the Federal University, Wukari, to ensure that competence is not sacriĂ&#x20AC;ced for mediocrity. According to Abayo-
mi, we have, â&#x20AC;&#x153;noticed desperate moves by some unqualiĂ&#x20AC;ed, incompetent and ineligible persons to form an unholy alliance with the Acting Council Chairman to undermine the existing university rules and regulations in the selection of a new ViceChancellor for the University.â&#x20AC;? He alleged that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is a plan to cash in on the naivety of the Acting Chairman to write out results of a non- existent interview to the Minister of Education for onward transmission to President Muhammadu Buhari. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are aware of their plan to abuse the inexperience of the Acting Chairman
who is not an academician, but a practising politician who was only appointed on the basis of his membership of the then ruling Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Democratic Party (PDP), to hoist a Vice-Chancellor on the University, even without any proper interview. I assure you, we are watching and waiting.â&#x20AC;? Abayomi said that after various attempts at recruiting prominent indigenes of the host community had failed to yield results, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is also a plot to fake the endorsements of prominent nationalists like General TY Danjuma in a bid to deceive people within the corridors of power.â&#x20AC;? He said after their failure to make the
pioneer Vice-Chancellor, Professor Geoffrey Okogbaa, submit into their scheme, they have resulted to Ă&#x20AC;ctitious petitions and levelling all manners of allegations against Okogbaa in order to cow him into submission. Abayomi, however, charged the Minister of Education and the Vice-Chancellor â&#x20AC;&#x153;not to allow these charlatans have their way through the backdoor.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We wonder why Nigerians would single the administration of a university out for the promotion of ethnicity and partisanship. Education is the bedrock of any nation and once we get it wrong, we will lose out on all fronts,â&#x20AC;? Abayomi advised.
ritics of Governor Abubakar Atiku Baguduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eight months administration in Kebbi State assessed his performance since assumption of office and described it as lacking in focus and direction. The critics who scored Baguduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration grossly below average explained that the governor took undue advantage of the docile Kebbi society to govern the state as his personal estate having no regards for societal development and integration. They also accused him of gagging information by not deeming it necessary to appoint information managers, adding that he has no regards for information dissemination which is vital and dear to the populace. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gentleman, can this governor give anyone in this state any reason why he did not appoint a Special Adviser on Media after eight months in office; yet a Commissioner of Information was not among the nine commissioners recently appointed.â&#x20AC;?
One of the critics queried. To buttress their claims, the critics who brandished the names and portfolios of newly appointed commissioners pointed out that no one was offered the Commissioner of Information portfolio, a clear indication that Governor Atiku Bagudu intends to keep the state in perpetual darkness in this age of globalisation. Meanwhile, the governor, Senator Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, early in the week assigned portfolios to his eight commissioners which include, Alhaji Abubakar Atiku Bunu, Works & Transport; Abubakar Cika Ladan, Lands & Housing; Muhammadu Magawata Aliero, Eduction; Arch. Bala Sani Kangiwa, Water Resources & Rural Development. Others are Ibrahim Bawa Kamba, Commerce & Industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ibrahim Muhamad Augie, Finance; Ms Rakiya Tanko Ayuba, Attorney General & Commissioner for Justice and Adamu Ibrahim Ngaski, Animal Health & Husbandry.
Govt will rehabilitate cattle rustlers if...Deputy Gov Ayo Ajoge, Kebbi
ebbi State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Samaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ila Dabai Yombe ,has reiterated the State Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desire to rehabilitate and settle cattle rustlers in the State provided they come out from their hidings and embrace dialogue. Yombe, who made this known in a chat with Newswatch Times expressed governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desire to rehabilitate them and also integrate them back into the society. He added that his interest and deep involvement in the war against cattle rustling in the state was as a result of his campaign promises to the electorate that he would always ensure
their peace and tranquillity at all times. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My being proactive in this war against the bandicts was part of our campaign promises to the people of the State, our government is ready to rehabilitate and resettle these group of people provided they give up their arms and embrace peace.â&#x20AC;? He added. Yombe, a retired Colonel of the Nigeria Army, stated that prosecution of those arrested rested in the hands of the Police. He pointed out that no fewer than 1,600 rustled animals were recovered from the forest of Wassagu, Sakaba and Kamoku forest in Danko/ Wassagu and Sakaba Local Government Areas of the State.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Leadership crises that may wreck once largest party Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
he crisis in Nigeria’s major opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), during the week took another dimension when its Board of Trustees (BoT), held its meeting to defy the directive of the National Working Committee (NWC) that all meetings of the organs of the party be shifted to next week. It would be recalled that the party’s spokesperson, Olisa Metuh, had on Monday issued a statement saying the meeting of the National Caucus of the party had been shifted to next Monday, while that of the BoT would hold on the morning of Tuesday, February 16 to be followed by a meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC). However, some BoT members who spoke on condition of anonymity on Tuesday told Newswatch Times that the BoT was “not answerable to the NWC and would therefore, hold its meeting on Tuesday as scheduled”. The BoT carried out its threat and held its meeting at the Nicon Luxury Hotel in Abuja. One of the major outcomes of the meeting was the decision to sack its acting chairman, Bello Haliru now facing trial at a Federal High Court in Abuja over allegations he received large sums of money from the embattled former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, through his son. The BoT also appointed its secretary, Walid Jibrin as the party’s acting national chairman, pending when a substantive chairman would emerge. Mr. Jibrin said the BoT decided to ignore the decision of the NWC because it is a special organ of the PDP, adding however, that the trustees would still attend next week’s meeting of the caucus and NEC, saying, “The BoT has already called for this meeting. It is a special organ that regulates its activities. We can take our own decision. We will still attend next week meeting.” The new chairman said they decided to replace Mr. Mohammed because his tenure had already expired. “On the 25th of May, we appointed the outgoing acting chairman, Mr. Mohammed to act for three months, when the three months expired, we decided to extend his period by two weeks and that has expired. “Very soon we are going to hold a meeting to elect a substantive chairman, probably during the next meeting of BoT, we will do it properly and elect a substantive Chairman,” he assured. On the controversy surrounding the position of the acting chairman of the party, Mr. Jibrin said the BoT aligns itself with the court ruling that the North-East should produce a Chairman to complete the tenure of Adamu Mu’azu, who resigned after the party was defeated in the 2015 general elections. He said party leaders expected the north-east to meet and pick a short list of three candidates and submit same to the meetings of national caucus and NEC next week.
He said the two meetings would now zero in on one of the three candidates and announce him as the new chairman of the party. Among the contenders from the north-east are two former presidential aides, Ahmed Gulak and Rufai Alkali, as well as a former Minister, Mohammed Wakil, and a former ambassador and Governor of defunct Gongola state, Wilberforce Juta. Newswatch Times discovered that PDP has recently become a party
riddled with defections and thus may face explainable implosion, following notably its serial loss at the polls including the presidency, seats at the National Assembly and the hitherto controlled states. These are exclusion of intra-party law suits among which is the court proceedings Àled by Alhaji Ahmed Gulak against the PDP over the chairmanship of the party. This alone was rumoured to have necessitated the shift in the party’s earlier scheduled meeting this week. Of course, defections across the state to the ruling All Progressives congress (APC) also aͿected the lots of the once bubbling party touted as the largest in Africa. PDP ‘big shots’ including the former Senate President, Dr. Ken Nnamani also resigned his membership of the party recently saying it was no longer the party he knew. No party would survive mass exodus being currently experienced by the PDP and survive; no thanks to the situation reported in Benue State where its former deputy governor, Chief Steven Lawani; former ministers of state for Niger Delta and Education; Chief Sam Ode; Prof. Jerry Agada as well as a former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Defence, Chief Mike Onoja have respectively indicated interest to defect to APC, at the senatorial rerun election
Analytically, now is the time for the party to seize the opportunity offered by the crises to re-invent self on the basis of democratic principles and service orientation
campaign rally slated for Otukpo today. According to the Publicity Secretary of Comrade Daniel Onje Campaign Organization, Mr. Okpokwu Ogenyi, the four persons who are all from Benue South Senatorial District would be leaving the PDP to strengthen Onje’s chances in the rerun election against Sen. David Mark. Newswatch Times gathered that the defection ceremony which would coincide with the Áag oͿ of Onje’s campaign in the senatorial district would attract the National Leader of APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu; the National Chairman, Chief John Oyegun; the Minister of Agriculture, Chief Audu Ogbe; Governor Samuel Ortom and other APC governors in the NorthCentral. However, in a swift reaction to the planned defection, the immediate past minister of interior, Comrade Abba Moro dismissed the insinuation that the purported defection of the politicians would have negative impact on the re run election of Senator Mark, adding that most of the members of the National Assembly as well as the House of Assembly from the senatorial district won election on the platform of the PDP. However, the ongoing crisis within the PDP which saw Ahmed Gulak, former special adviser on political matters to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, invade the national headquarters to take over as chairman, was in essence, the celebration of the tradition of impunity. Even as the PDP navigates through a painful transition that could decide its future, Gulak’s alleged show of shame indicated that those aspiring to pilot the aͿairs of PDP during the post 2015 electoral defeat have learnt little or nothing from history. However, the main lesson from the crisis is that, in theory and in practice, democracy is no vanity; you either believe in and practice it; or you corrupt it for as long as you want, but that grand deceit will implode, sooner or later. How the PDP manages the present crisis would determine whether the party would succeed in reinventing itself. The current PDP crisis is one perfect illustration of Nigerian politicians’ Continued on Page 35
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Buhari’s budget of change that tackles his ‘sainthood’ Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
resident Muhammadu Buhari on December 22, 2015 addressed a joint session of the National Assembly to present the Àrst annual budget proposal of his administration “The Budget of Change”. After highlighting the economic challenges that confronted the country due to the fall in oil prices, Buhari vowed that the budget would reduce to barest minimum, waste from government spending and its funds would only be used for public good. Precisely, he said, “We are determined to ensure that our resources are managed prudently and utilized solely for the public good. To set the proper tone, one of our early decisions was the adoption of a zero based budgeting approach, which ensures that resources are aligned with government’s priorities and allocated eciently.” Newswatch Times gathered that the proposed budget, which has passed second reading, reveals it is a collection of fraudulent and frivolous allocations, many of which are clearly meant to support the opulent lifestyle of public ocials. Many of the allocations were either repeated several times or overpriced. For instance is the allocation for books for Vice President Yemi Osinbajo’s oce. Osinbajo’s oce has more money allocated to it for books than what each of the federal polytechnics in the country get for the same purpose. While N4,906,822 was proposed to be spent on books by Osinbajo, the total allocation for books for 11 of 22 federal polytechnics, which actually have book allocations, was a mere N3,832,038. In fact, of all government-owned educational institutions across all levels, only Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) and the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), got N6, 886,157; and, N6, 466,895 respectively; obviously more allocations for books than what was proposed for the Vice President. According to political analysts, the need for this huge book allocation for the vice president’s oce is even more baing considering the fact that last year, N7, 525,135 was also budgeted for the same purpose. Although a top source in the Presidency accused senior civil servants, whom he described as “budget maÀa”, of sneaking frivolous items into the budget, it is however curious that some of the most outrageous proposals in the budget were found under line items for the State House. The State House Clinic, its billions and a VIP wing Alas Of the N3.9billion the Presidency earmarked for the State House Medical Centre, N308million will be spent on the construction of a new VIP wing at the clinic.
Despite allocating N3.21 billion for health equipment and supplies for the State House Medical Centre, a separate line item under “State House H4TRS” lists a N203, 273,602 budget for drugs and medical supplies and the vice president was also allotted an additional N7.54 million for medical expenses. In comparison to the State House Medical Centre’s N3.8billion allocation, only N2, 666,853,303 was proposed in the budget for the construction of hospitals nationwide. The cables, the lightings and the billions Curiously, the presidency also proposed to spend N322,421,971 to link a cable to the drivers’ restroom at the presidential villa. Another N213,873,953 was proposed for linking of a cable from Guest House No 9 generator house to the gate. The president allocated N618,604,265 for the installation of electrical lighting and Àttings at the villa, which equate to spending N1.6 million daily installing lighting and Àttings and another N371,733,964
for the installation of electrical distribution boards and other cables. Repairs and renovations of existing structures are also obvious money guzzlers in the proposed budget. Buhari’s Guest House and the N400million face-lift The general renovation of Aso Rock Guest House was proposed to cost N387, 980,200, just as furnishing the rooms in the Guest House was put at N45million. Furthermore, a whopping N3.91 billion was earmarked for the annual routine maintenance of villa facilities. A breakdown of this amount shows that the government plans to spend N10.72 million daily on routine maintenance. This amount was exclusive of the N278, 041,172 proposed for villa oce and residential maintenance. Buhari’s N22, 321,880 rent budgeted for Aso Rock Perhaps the most bizarre of all the allocations is the proposed N22, 321,880 budgeted for residential rent at the State House. It is unclear
whom the presidency is paying the rent to. In the draft budget, a total of N436, 054,626 was allocated for meals and refreshment, canteen/kitchen equipment, foodstuͿ and catering materials for the president and the vice president. While N20million was proposed for sporting and games equipment for the Presidential Air Fleet, another N39million was proposed for purchase of recreational facilities at the State House. Surprisingly the Oce of the Head of Service of the Federation proposed to spend another N193, 513,097 for recreational facilities as well. The Presidency also proposed to spend N904, 015,000 for the acquisition of brand new automobile Áeet and Áeet maintenance equipment in the year. This simply means that it would spend N2.5million daily Continued on Page 35
Ondo 2016: One seat, many aspirants Peter Dada, Akure
ew months away, (though) subject to the time-stable of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the people of Ondo State will go to polls to elect another governor to take over from the incumbent, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko whose tenure expires on February 23, 2017. To this end, many politicians have been indicating interest in the most exalted oce in the state. Many of these gladiators are mostly members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC). Apart from the popular parties, some aspirants also prefer to contest under the platform of the less-popular parties like the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Accord Party (AP), Peoples Progressives Alliance (PPA) and All
Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the Labour Party (LP) and the Peoples Party of Nigeria (PPN). As a matter of fact, in the light of the economic challenges, the state needs somebody, as a governor who will turn its fortune for better, using the available less- utilized natural resources. The
question is who among the gladiators will bring the desired change people want? The opposition, APC, is dominant party with respect to the number of aspirants - over 20 while, it was gathered that more are still warming up. But the PDP has Àve, SDP one while AP, PPA, APGA, LP, PPN were yet to have aspirants as at the time of Àlling this report. At the present time, some of the aspirants who have shown interest in the ticket of the APC include, the lawmaker representing Owo/ Ose federal constituency, Mr. Bode Ayorinde, former Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Mr. Victor Olabimtan, Jamiu Ekungba and Dr. Segun Abraham. Others are, Sen representing Northern Senatorial Districts of the state, Senator Ajayi Boroce, the candidate of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria and former President of the Nigeria Bar Association, Chief Rotimi Akeredolu, lawmaker representing Ondo Central Continued on Page 36
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Egypt must fall!
...Dr Yusuf says Eagles should not allow distractions to deny Nigeria maximum points against the North Africans in the Nations Cup qualifier
Valentine blues!... Valdes enjoys evening out with wife ahead of romatic day
LMC in talks with Zenith Bank, Etisalat over NPFL sponsorship rights >>Pg.34
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Egypt must fall! ...Dr Yusuf says Eagles should not allow distractions to deny Nigeria maximum points against the North Africans in the Nations Cup qualifier VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ormer Secretary General of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Dr Tijani Yusuf, has urged Super Eagles not to give way to distractions as they prepare for the allimportant Nations Cup show down against Egypt. According to him, the players and their coaches should learn how to resist any form of temptation that may deny them victory against Egypt next month. He also thumbed up the leadership qualities of the Youth and Sports Minister, Solomon Dalung, on how he maturely seĴled the crisis that ensued between the NFF technical commiĴee members and the Super Eagles handler, Sunday Oliseh. ‘The disaster would have consumed the country’s chase for Gabon 2017 ticket against Egypt even before the game is played. The Minister acted fast and in good faith too. To say the very least, the technical commiĴee’s recommendation to NFF leadership was ill – timed if not the foresight of the Minister that calmed down nerves, it would have been a sad story. We must understand the way Nigerians act and
their emotions to sports, particularly football,’’ he says. Yusuf pointed out that the humanity and patriotism of Dalung was so dripping when he emphatically stressed the need for all and sundry to support Oliseh ahead of the qualifying matches for the AFCON and the World Cup instead of fanning the embers of feud. He added that both NFF and Oliseh led technical crew owe Nigerians AFCON ticket and the only escape route for them is to put whatever diěerences aside and clinch on the on Minister’s olive branch and plan together for the conquest of the daring Pharaohs of Egypt that is spiĴing ęre now. It would be recalled that the Minister posited that Nigerians do not accept anything short of victory. He informed that the performance of the team that led to whatever we are hearing today, from his own investigation, was due to egotism. The University Don insists that in terms of preparations and planning, the CHAN team could be accessed based on their ęrst outing. He said the team had some welfare challenges, which NFF must take full
responsibility. “The apex football body has to admit that contributed to the team’s early crash. “The NFF caused the outburst. It was on the event of trying to pass the bulk that the coach felt he has been pushed so hard unjustly hence the reaction. I won’t believe there is any biĴerness the gaěer harbours for NFF or the technical commiĴee. The technical commiĴee should ask itself why all these for any given coach. There should be more harmonised and civilised way to approach issues without hiĴing the system. This was how they were at Keshi’s neck causing lots of distractions and uncalled threats. They are at it again, thanks to the kind of man in the Ministry today. How many of the past Ministers have behaved this way? We should work assiduously to make meaningful impact in the epic games against Egypt, who are playing friendly matches while Nigeria is busy quarrelling,” he lamented. The former Director of Nigeria Institute for Sports observed that the Minister understands the particularity of our football politics hence these underlined remarks “The idea of losing matches and sacking coaches is over.
Attention on football won’t affect other sports – Dalung
inister of Sports and Youth Development, Barrister Solomon Dalung, has dismissed the insinuation that too much focus on football has been the bane of sports development. He equally dismissed the fact that it was military decree that recognised football as oĜcial sport in the country which has held sports growth in the country to ransom. According to him both views have nothing to do with the
underdevelopment of sports rather the problem of sports development has been that of sports administration which succeeded in structuring Nigerian sports to servicing sports instead of development. Dalung stated this while ęelding questions from sports journalists in Lagos during the ęrst Access Bank sponsored Lagos City Marathon which held recently. “I beg to disagree that the bane of our sports development is because
of too much focus on football,” Dalung began. “I also want to diěer that the supposed Military Decree that ushered in the National Sports Commission that recognised football as the oĜcial sports in the country is responsible for the underdevelopment of our sports. The main problem I can assure you could be traced to sports administration. “And one of the problems we have in sports administration in Nigeria. is our sports are structured in such a way that our it is now servicing sports instead of a developing them. “A servicing sport is a sports system that only responds to needs. So, when you have a tournament coming up, you look around and say oh! Where are the Nigerians? Oh, they are found in Amsterdam, they are in Rome, they are in Munich, and they are in New York. Then you assemble them and give them Green White Green to wear. When they win, you celebrate with them and the next day you cannot ęnd anyone of them in Nigeria.
Why we rescinded our decision – Chukwu MADUABUCHI KALU
member of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Technical CommiĴee and former national coach, Christian Chukwu, has given reasons why some of them who tendered their resignation of their membership of the powerhouse of the national later had a change of heart. According to the former coach of the HaramBee Stars of Kenya, they had to rescind their decision based on national interest. He explained that they meant every bit of their actions but for the pleas by well meaning Nigerians to consider national interest bearing in mind that they are not working for the interest of Oliseh but the country. He said what informed their decision to resign their appointments as members of the technical commiĴee of the NFF was the statement credited to Sunday Oliseh, that he has no business with the commiĴee. The former national team coach reasoned that since Oliseh said he has no business with the commiĴee there is need for the commiĴee to continue to exist because the commiĴee suppose to work with the national team coach and that was why they tendered our resignation. It would be recalled that some members of the technical commiĴee comprising himself, Paul Bassey, Victor Ikpeba among others announced the resignation of their membership of the technical commiĴee of the NFF following Oliseh’s
YouTube outburst. “There is no cause for alarm. Everything is under control I can assure you,” Chukwu told Newswatch Times Sports. “Why I said there is no cause for alarm is because we have all rescinded our decision after we were prevailed upon by well meaning Nigerians that we should not call it quits with the technical commiĴee of the NFF. “We really resigned our membership of the commiĴee because we felt there is no need for us to continue to remain with the commiĴee after Oliseh declared that he has no business with us. So we believe that since he has no business with us there is no need for our continue stay in oĜce as members.. “They reminded us that we should realise that we are not there because of Sunday Oliseh which is the truth but because of the interest of Nigerian football. “We will work hand in
hand with Oliseh as the national team coach but when he declared that he has no business with us, it baĝed some of us because I know for sure that no national team operates without a technical commiĴee. The technical commiĴee of any national team is the engine room of the side but Oliseh in his wisdom says he doesn’t need us. “I am not talking as a novice in football maĴers. I am what I am in all modesty due to football. I have never done any other job all my life except football. I played to the highest level. I captained the team. I have also coached the team. So, I know what I am talking about when it comes to technical maĴers. But like I said, there is no cause for alarm because we have since rescinded our decision in respect of our resignation as members of the NFF technical commiĴee,” Chukwu explained.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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V Va ale Valen ntine len ntin tine S Spec i e tin S peci al pec al e S Va i a le V p l -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 02, No. 6
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Newswatch Times
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Celebrating women of substance
0\ ÀUVW 9DO·V GD\ ZLWK 7REL ZDV VSHFLDO –Titilola Vivour-Adeniji
22 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Titilola Vivour-Adeniji is a legal practitioner and gender advocate. She studied law at Middlesex University in London and served as a Strategic Assistant to the former Attorney- General and Commissioner for Justice, Lagos State from 2011 to 2015. She has passion for policy formulation and implementation. She is committed to public service and human development as a means to touching lives and currently serves as the Coordinator of the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVR). She spoke with Society Editor, TUNDE ESO on her career and marriage.
ow long have you been a legal practitioner and gender advocate? I was called into Nigeria bar in 2010 and I have always been a gender advocate, but I was awoken into it fully in 2014 when I was working for the former Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice in Lagos State, Mr. Ade Ipaye. What have you achieved as a gender advocate? Being a gender advocate has exposed me to lots of opportunities; one of it is my current position where I serve as the Coordinator of the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team. The team basically comprises top level representatives of the Nigeria Police, Directorate of Public Prosecutions, Of¿ce of the Public Defender, the Directorate of Citi]ens’ Rights, Of¿ce of Youth and Social Development, Ministries of Women Affairs & Poverty Alleviation, Health and Education, Civil Society Organizations, and the Media, who are all involved in the ¿ght against sexual and genderbased violence crimes. With the strong effort to increase victim’s safety and offender’s responsibility by providing a cross jurisdictional response that is uniform in approach in the way sexual and gender based violence cases are handled in the State. The team has been able to train social workers, journalists, teachers, nurses even the police on how to respond to issues of rape and sexually abused victims. It also gave us opportunity to introduce laws that guide against those unwarranted acts. Are the laws available to the public? We have three major laws; child rights laws- which is an embodiment of the right of a Nigeria child; we have the domestic violence law 2007- which talks about domestic violence and its remedies; then we have the criminal laws Lagos State 2011 which provides the offences and the punishments. These laws were recently distributed to the public free. How long have you been married? We met 2007 and got married 2012 How did you meet your husband? Oh! You see, when people advocated that they should scrap NYSC, I said no because that was where I actually met my husband. I just got back to Nigeria when I ¿nished my law studies abroad and I enrolled for the orientation camp and he came to talk to me on the last day of the orientation. I represented Platoon 5 for Miss NYSC beauty contest; so I was a bit popular. Everyone already knew my name and so he just called me. He came to talk to me and that was how it all began. What really happened? He just called my name and we exchanged telephone numbers and that was how it all started. How did he propose to you? Why that question?
My first Valentine with him was special; we had dinner and got me a lovely handbag and a cute pen that lights up -XVW IRU SHRSOH WR OHDUQ IURP \RXU RZQ ORYH SUR¿OH The proposal took place on 28th of December. My elder brother has a T-shirt producing company located at Ikeja and we do celebrate the brand yearly. It was on that night when we were getting ready for the party that he proposed after he had informed my parents. What was your immediate reaction? To be honest, I can’t remember because I was just exited. I came from the bathroom, saw him and ran back and he begged me to just come back and gave me the proposal ring. Can you describe who your husband is? He is calm, honest and Oluwatobi he is my greatest champion. My husband inspires me a lot and he is the driving force behind all I am doing. He is my No.1 fan. What are those things you have been able to put WRJHWKHU WR JLYH \RXU PDUULDJH D ¿UP IRRWLQJ" Prayer, communication in the sense that you do not just expect him to know what you are saying, but to say what you mean for him to understand you. What are the three things you will do differently if you were made the president of Nigeria? I will ¿x electricity, ensure value for life. In Nigeria, there no census for death while in America when someone person dies, they will report it by saying they have just lost one American. Nigeria must be a brand. Do you really like to be president of Nigeria? Yes. That is one of my major dreams but now I have realised that I don’t have to be the president of Nigeria before I can affect lives positively. Being the president only gives you the platform to affect more lives. Do you eat together? We eat together and that has cemented our relationship because most times eating together for us elicit
When people advocated that NYSC should be scrapped, I said no because that was where I actually met my husband
lots of fun as I always ask him to leave the rest of the meat for his younger sister, while he mostly replies that I should also respect the elderly by shying away from the remaining piece of the meat for him. At what point did you stop romance with him? Can one ever stop romance? That is not possible in a fruitful marriage like ours because in marriage, romance should take one step after another; therefore romance lives with us. :KDW LV \RXU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI 6W 9DOHQWLQH" St. Valentine is a time to show love, to be caring and affectionate. Ultimately, to show love and be cheerful. +RZ ZDV \RXU ¿UVW 9DOHQWLQH H[SHULHQFH ZLWK your husband? My ¿rst valentine with Oluwatobi was quite special; we had a lovely dinner. After, he got me a very lovely handbag and a cute pen that lights up. What special thing do you want couples to learn DERXW \RXU RZQ 9DOHQWLQH SDFNDJH" Although, Valentine is celebrated once in a year, but for me, I like us to celebrate love, be affectionate and remain cheerful to one another every day. We shouldn’t wait until a day before we go to extra mile to show love. +RZ GR \RX KRSH WR VSHQG \RXU 9DOHQWLQH WRPRUrow? I would be at home with my family; I will make my signature fried rice and chill at home with my family
My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Valentine’s Day: The thrills, myths and realities ``I love you a lot. These words are not even enough to express how much I love you. You came into my life as an angel of God and made my world bright, colourful and full of love. ``I always pray to God to tie us in a sacred knot soon, so that we will spend every moment together. Thanks for your support and care for me, I’m thankful to God who gave me such a true, loving and kind-hearted person as you; happy Valentine’s Day my prince.” These are the kinds of text messages which lovers share on Valentine’s Day, but observers tend to question the veracity of such feelings, saying that the feelings are somewhat super¿cial. Valentine’s Day, also known as the Feast of Saint Valentine is a celebration observed on February 14 every year and it is celebrated in many countries across the world. Valentine’s Day is designed to commemorate the persecution of Saint Valentine, a devout Christian, by Roman Emperor Claudius the Second. Claudius ordered all Romans to worship twelve gods and made it a crime, punishable by death, for anyone to associate with Christians. But Valentine refused to obey the emperor and not even the glaring threat of death could dissuade him from holding on to his Christian beliefs. He was later arrested, imprisoned and sentenced to death. Before his execution, he was reported to have performed a miracle by healing Julia, the blind daughter of his jailer, Asterius. Due to the miracle, the jailer and his entire household (44 family members and servants) gave their lives to Christ and were subsequently baptised. On the eve of his death, Valentine wrote a last note to Julia, urging her to stay close to God. He signed the missive thus: ``From your Valentine’’. His execution took place the next day, February 14, 270 A.D., near a gate that was later named ``Porta Valentini’’ in his memory. Analysts believe that Saint Valentine’s action towards the blind daughter of his jailer, Asterius, is an epitome
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ome tomorrow at Glass House Hotel, Abule Egaba. The who is who in the society and entertainment industry t White House, Ikeja, Saint Janety, Kay Melody and other
t Lauren partners Cakes and Cream to pamper lovers this Valentine Come this Saturday, February 13th, St Lauren non-alcoholic fruit drink, one of the products from the stable of Grand Oak Limited in collaboration with popular cake shop, ‘Cakes and Cream’, will be delighting consumers with free bottles of St Lauren. As part of activities lined up for this globally celebrated season to express love, consumers who make purchases of cakes from ‘Cakes and Cream’ for less than N5,000 will qualify for a 40 percent instant discount; while purchases of N7,000 and above will attract a free bottle instantly. St Lauren non-alcoholic fruit drink will be on display at all outlets of
will be gathered there to catch fun at this year’s Valentine’s Day. Demola Suize from Ondo will entertain guests. artistes will be there in a show that was organised by City People. Cakes and Cream in Lagos (Opebi, Victoria Island and Surulere) simultaneously to serve over 2,000 consumers. The promotion will run while stock lasts between the hours of 8am to 5pm that day. Consumers are encouraged to take advantage of this exciting offer and wow their loved ones with sparkling bottles of St Lauren non-alcoholic fruit drink and cakes. St Lauren non-alcoholic fruit drink is a product of Grand Oak Limited. A business responsible for the distribution of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, some of which includes, Black Mystique Whisky, Swagga Bitters, Calypso Coconut liqueur, Dark Sailor Rum, Lord Dry Gin, Regal Dry Gin and Seaman’s Aromatic Schnapps.
of unconditional love; a virtue which is associated with today’s Valentine’s Day celebration. They say that the celebration has evolved into an occasion in which messages of affection, love, and devotion are exchanged among people around the world. However, concerned observers say that Valentine’s Day celebration should not be misconstrued as a day to carry out obscene activities. They insist that the celebration ought to be an expression of true love for one another, irrespective of extraneous factors such as religion, tribe, age or status. They also say it is an occasion to exhibit true love and care for the less-privileged, particularly prisoners, widows and orphans, among others. Dr Humprey Aggrey, a Catholic priest, says that Valentine’s Day is a day for people to demonstrate their love for one another, adding that it should also discourage people from fomenting violence and detesting fellow human beings. ``Valentine’s Day is to show love for one another. Therefore, the celebration ought to preach against violence, acrimony and unruly behaviour,’’ he adds. Aggrey, therefore, urges Nigerians to imbibe the true essence of Valentine’s Day in their day-to-day interactions, while promoting peace and unity in the country. Besides, Mr Michael David, an entrepreneur, insists that the focus of Valentine’s Day celebration is to demonstrate affection for others, remember loved ones and exchange gifts like Àowers. He emphasises that during the celebration, people usually express their feelings toward each other, adding: ``That explains why Valentine’s Day is also tagged as `lovers day’.’’ Similarly, Mrs Chizoba Amamchukwu, a social worker, says that the Feast of St. Valentine should be used to show more love to the less-privileged, motherless babies and those in prison. Nevertheless, Miss Christie Dimlong, a pharmacist, notes some members of the society view Valentine’s Day celebration as an opportunity for spouses - husbands and wives - to demonstrate their unconditional love toward each other. She, however, calls on all Nigerians to show more love to the poor and children, saying that these groups of people need extra love and attention. In the same way, Mr Ini Akpabio, the Vice-President, Federation of Tourism Association of Nigeria (FTAN), urges couples to use Valentine’s Day celebration to renew their commitment to their marital vows, reconcile their differences and eschew indecent activities. ``Valentine’s Day is a day that signi¿es love; it is a time to appreciate our loved ones; a time to settle quarrels; a time to forgive and forget. ``Love between spouses should be always and not just on Valentine’s Day alone. Love can be expressed in various ways via exchange of gifts among couples and loved ones as well as visiting tourist sites,’’ he says. Akpabio, however, warns the youth against using Valentine’s Day celebration as an opportunity to engage in indecent activities. Similarly, Mr Tomi Akingbogun, the President of Hotel Owners’ Forum, says that Valentine’s Day celebration could impact positively on certain aspects of the people’s cultures. He insists that ``love is in our culture and culture is not static’’. Analysts warn that Valentine’s Day celebration should not be a period in which people or spouses spend a lot of money on high-priced gifts; insisting that the real feature of the event is showing love for one another. ``Shower your spouse with compliments about all the things you ¿nd irresistible in them - their looks, their talents, how they make you feel, how good they are with the kids and how they provide for the family, among others. ``It could be anything! Just think about the things you appreciate the most and articulate them in a special message spelling them out,’’ some of the analysts say. All in all, the life and times of Saint Valentine aptly depicted the essence of Jesus Christ and by inference, the true nature of Christianity. Even though Valentine’s Day is set aside for the celebration of love; the demonstration of love for other members of the society should be an everyday affair, the analysts add. &RXUWHV\ 1$1 Features
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Feminine Clips
an we meet you? I am Vivien ivien Ike, a born again Christian who ho knows that for her to ful¿ll her purpose, se, she has to ¿rst seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to her. er. A peep into your our background please? I grew up in a family where family values lies in teaching ng the golden rule and practicing what we were taught. That golden rule, as my mum um would say, is to treat others the way you ou would like to be treated. For me, that’s true religion. Added to that, pray without ceasing and have faith in God.
Blind Tasters sters cooking competition; what’s hot about it? Blind Tasters is a healthy competition that celebrates family ly values, promotes thee concept of love, friendship ndship and cooking. It employs blind tasting as a means of evaluating,, promoting, strengthening ening and rekindling the he bond between people. ple. This healthy competition mpetition involves sevenn contestants and seven ven blind tasters. These se blind tasters could be family relations or friends riends of the contestants. ts. The contestants aree assigned to cook ook while the blind nd tasters aree to identify their contestant’s dish. If they fail, they send their contestants to the danger zone where each of them has to identify whatever is presented to them. They do this with their eyes closed and noses clamped. Any contestant that fails the test goes into the elimination room to face a celebrity judge and two other judges. There, they are judged based on the presentation and taste of their food. The contestant with the worst food is eliminated and the one that has the best food wins. The overall winner of the competition leaves with a cash prize of N2m and a brand new car. What makes the reality show unique? Blind Tasters already speaks for itself as its format has been reviewed by top production companies like Buck Productions, which is a leading content creation company that has been honoured many times on Real Screen’s Global 100 list as one of the most inÀuential, inspirational, and world leading production companies in the
world; Eye B e l gium, a c -
Wo r k s
competition is colorful, fun and rewarding! When I say Blind Tasters is rewarding, I am not just talking about ¿nancial reward, but things that money can’t buy like ¿xing broken relationships, restoring peace, trust and unity between families and friends. For me, there are two relationships that really matter; our relationship with God and your relationship with your family. As we know, some people consider friends as family. Blind Tasters has been able to attract international sponsors like Skyrun In-
it’s the foundation of success.
Who is your mentor? Well, I am a perfectionist, so I will go with Jesus because He is perfect. But if you had to rephrase the ques-
Pretty and creative, Vivien Ike runs a production company that will make its debut in television production with a reality show called µBlind Tasters’. The hardworking Nigerian-American who relocated to Nigeria two years ago spoke on her reality show, Valentine’s Day and other issues.
quired by WarnerBro and is seemingly one of the leading independent TV and ¿lm production companies in Belgium; Relatively Real, the television arm of Relativity Media, that produced the hit shows MTV’S Cat¿sh and The American Bible Challenge. Documentary Makers (NeonTV) and InTrouble=one Productions also reviewed the show. Also Blind Tasters is a show that celebrates family values, which includes social, political, religious and work values. All these strengthen the bonds families have and help kids make good choices. I am con¿dent that Blind Tasters will appeal to a broad audience due to its varied content and entertainment value. For example, a mother can be the contestant and her 7 year old can be her blind taster. Can you give more information on Blind Tasters? In three words, Blind Tasters cooking
The bible does not acknowledge Valentine’s Day, but the bible says God is love. So God’s love shouldn’t just be kept for Valentine’s Day; it should be every day thing. Love your neighbour as yourself, spread your wealth by giving to the needy and help the helpless
ternational Company, and big sponsors like Eleganza and Tarzan Cargo Services. We also had part-sponsorship from the deck at Oba Elegushi beach. We are very grateful for their contributions as we look forward to more sponsorship opportunities in the future. How does the show enhance our economy? Creativity is important for economic growth and development. Due to this, my focus has always been to create wealth and in doing so, promote a creative economy. Everything in this world began with a simple idea and this has created job opportunities and generated income, thereby contributing to the development of countries. Blind Tasters is no different in the sense that it is a brilliant idea that has the potential of doing the same thing - generating income and creating job opportunities, which in essence will promote a creative economy and maximize developmental gains in this ever changing world of ours. What inspires you? Creativity inspires me because it breaks down walls and dissolves fear. It boosts your self-esteem and soon enough you begin to see yourself as a creative genius. Because there are no rules, you have so much liberty to express yourself and stretch your imagination. I actually believe
tion and ask me the ones I truly admire, I would not mince words when I say Steve Jobs and Oprah Winfrey. I love people that think different and also those that are cheerful givers. What is your perception of St. Valentine’s Day? I don’t know who St. Valentine is and have never met him or her. Seeing that there are different theories, I don’t want to jump into conclusion. What I will say is, celebrate God’s love on Valentine’s Day and every other day and God will celebrate you. How do you think Valentine’s Day should be spent? People celebrate Valentine’s Day in diverse ways because it means different things to different people. The bible does not acknowledge Valentine’s Day, but the bible says God is love. So God’s love shouldn’t just be kept for Valentine’s Day; it should be every day thing. Love your neighbor as yourself, spread your wealth by giving to the needy and help the helpless. Do this, regardless of your tribe, background and differences. Be devoid of ethnocentric behavior and prejudices and you will get your reward in celebration of God’s love. How would you be celebrating yours? I would be spending mine celebrating God’s love.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Val’s day Special
Qismat Yinus : 08027022738
Valentine’s Day wishes
et’s share the world...Let’s share the world A sea is for you, and waves are for me. The sky is for you, and stars are for me. The sun is for you, and light is for me. Everything is for you, and you are for me. Happy valentine -RVHSK WR SULQFHVV +HOHQ˪
There is a fragrance about you; how beautiful you are my love! Your eyes shine with love behind your veil. You are the best in my world. Oyeyemi Sunday to Omo John Oyeyemi
Hey my sexy judge E-n-d-l-e-s-s-l-y I dream of you my sweet.. I fancifully fantasy of you my baby! You are the crunch of my thoughts You are the core of my art! I,e-n-d-l-e-s-s-l-y think of you My baby whether you think or not!! To my d’point (rose) from Johnson (Jnr).
We started our relationship on 14th of February and I am happy God has crowned it with lovely children and abundant prosperity in peace. My love, you remain the only one I will forever love and celebrate my Valentine with. Love you so much.
My love, I sincerely wish you happy val-
Loving you has remained the only sweet
entine from the depth of my heart. Tolu, you are beautiful and precious to me.
that sweetens my heart. I wish you happy
Sola to Opeyemi
Valentine dear adorable Dora Owoeye. Patrick Adesokan
I am wishing the entire church members and pastor of House of Grace, Ejigbo, Lagos, happy and fruitful Valentine celebration of love in Jesus Name. Tunde
To love alone is not enough to make a relationship, but celebrating love elicits pleasant memories of love which fuel the zeal and interest to remain in love. Here comes another opportunity to celebrate our love my dear Stanley; may our love remain new. Happy valentine from your only lover, Cynthia.
I had wished to celebrate my Valentine with my family members in Dubai and do lots of chopping, but that will not be, due to nonpayment of salary in my company. Therefore I remain in my shell.
It’s pleasant to know that we shall celebrate another Valentine together tomorrow. For me, I and Adetoye, my lovely angel, will be at Silverbird Gallaria to dine and take memorable pictures.
Kayode Ogunjobi
Yours, Olawale.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day sourvenirs
27 7
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
is Th GEr PAis fo LE
CALL 08057482794
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L-R: Bauchi State Governor, Muhammed Abubakar (left) receiving an Award the Chairman, Political Observers Organisation Group, Comrade Mustapha Gwarzo. L-R: Representative of Inspector-General of Police, Cp Samuel Ogunjemilusi; husband of the Force Medical Officer, Chief Sonny Okudo; Force Medical Officer, Aig Grace Okudo and former Force Medical Officer, Aig Emeka Okeke.
L-R: Emir of Bauchi, Alhaji Rilwanu Adamu; Emir of Misau, Alhaji Ahmed Suleman and Emir of Dass, Alhaji Usman Bilyaminu.
L-R: Retired Police Commissioners, Dr. Chinwe Okafor; Dr. Margret Hart and Commissioner-inCharge of Police Force, Animals, Cp Charles Ugomuoh.
R-L: Former miss Oghenerhoro Benson at her traditional wedding with Clement Orimogunje at the bride’s home in Ikorodu, Lagos... recently.
L-R: Osi Balogun of Ibadanland, High Chief Olufemi Olaifa; Otun Olubadan, High Chief Lekan Balogun; Chairman of the occasion, Emeritus Prof. Olu Akinkugbe and former Secretary to Oyo State Government, Alhaji Lekan Ali.
L-R: Pastor Orimogunje (groom’s fathers) Deaconness Olatundun Benson (bride’s mother), the couple: Clement and Oghenerhoro; Benson Edjewhorho (bride’s father) and Mrs. Orimogunje (groom’s mother).
L-R: Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (left); Group Managing Director, Access Bank, Mr. Herbert Wigwe (right), jointly presenting a cheque of $50, 000 to the 1st Prize Winner of the Lagos City Marathon, Abraham Kiptom from Kenya, with the 2nd Prize Winner, Hosea Kipkemboi from Kenya (second left) and the 3rd Prize Winner, Debebe Kolosa from Ethiopia (second right)
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Val’s Day Special
=Ylaf_ gml gf Kl& NYd]flaf] k <Yq
<9LAF? ;9DDK
onye, 55, businessman needs a plump 50 plus old kind, caring and hardworking woman for a commited relationship. Call: 09096548632 Bunmi, 32, from Ogun State but resides in Ibadan, teacher and single parent wants a responsible, God-fearing and hardworking man for marriage. Call: 08164697618 Femi, 42, civil servant, needs a working-class woman for marriage. Call: 08038341039 Taiwo needs a rich, healthy and humble man to help her through school. Call: 09035251547 Adeyemi, 27, Christian, tall, dark, smart from Osun State needs a decent lady between ages 21 and 26 for a serious relationship. Call: 08027549858
Olanrewaju, 30, orphan from Akure, Ondo State, needs a classy, caring and mature woman between the ages of 25 and 35 years for a serious relationship that can lead to marriage. Call: 08088793479, 08038534195 A 50-year-old man needs a lady as a lover. She must be financially buoyant. Call: 07056584366 Oladimeji needs a girl between the ages of 25 and 30 years, not too short or tall, fair in complexion and also a wife material. Call: 08028879100, 08033297631 Pastor Femi, 35, male, works and stays in Calabar, Cross River State. He needs a serious and God-fearing woman for a wife. Call: 08100367410, 08127059632
y girlfriend is double-dating My girlfriend got herself another boyfriend. When I asked her why, she said she loves me, but the other guy gives her money. What do you think? Val, Lagos Val, She can’t claim she loves you while she is cheating on you. She is being a greedy girl – collecting money from one man and ‘loving’ another. Don’t let her fool you. Tell her what’s on your mind in a calm voice. Have a heart to heart talk with her and find out whether she wants to break up with you. Anyone who tells their partner they are dating someone else is ready to leave that relationship. If she loved you (really loved you), she would not have admitted easily that she’s double dating. To make a relationship work, you need respect, honesty and communication. I doubt if you two have that because if she values you and the relationship, she would have discussed it with you before running after someone else’s money. I think it’s time for you to re-evaluate your relationship and lay things on the line. If she wants to date others, then you must be free to date other girls. There are several fishes in the ocean. Good Luck!
Text your dating requests to 08057482794. Do you have a relationship or emotional issue to share or seek advice on? Contact the number above (Email/SMS only)
Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Sports/EURO League Valentine blues!...
Valdes enjoys evening out with wife ahead of romatic day
here hasn’t been much for Victor Valdes to celebrate in the past year but the Spanish goalkeeper enjoyed a romantic evening out on Wednesday ahead of Valentine’s Day. The Manchester United goalkeeper who joined Standard Liege on loan for the rest of the season was pictured cuddling up with his wife Yolanda Cardona. The three-time Champions League winner made only two appearances for United after signing an 18-month contract in January 2015 and had not featured at all this season. But the former Barcelona goalkeeper has clearly not let his Old Traěord nightmare interfere with his personal life as the 34-year-old posed with
Cardona in a snap that was posted on her oĜcial Instagram account. Valdes, who has played as many games for Standard Liege in the past two weeks as he did in 12 months at United, also shared the photo on the social media site and wrote: ‘I love you, for life.’ Valdes recently opened up during an interview Spanish newspaper El Pais about how lonely he felt at United having been made to train alone with academy goalkeeping coach Alan FeĴis by boss Louis van Gaal. United manager Van Gaal claimed Valdes refused to play for the reserves and the Spanish goalkeeper admits he felt ‘very alone’ during his time at Old Traěord. He told El Pais that he once asked FeĴis: ‘What if
I were to hit the post and were to lose consciousness, and if I swallowed my tongue? ‘Alan replied, “I’ve got my phone in my pocket, I’d call and they’d come to help you”. ‘I told Alan, “I feel very alone”.’ Valdes’ start to life in Belgium was a positive one, as he made one particularly good save in the victory over OudHeverlee Leuven. But the Spain international admiĴed he didn’t have time to ęnd out much about the club before joining. ‘I didn’t have time to talk to [Fellaini] because I left really quickly,’ Valdes told Belgian news website DHnet. ‘We’ll contact each other to talk about the club and the city that he knows very well.’
Ronaldo remains world best player - Zidane
ristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world, according to his Real Madrid coach, Zinedine Zidane. The Frenchman -- a three-time winner of FIFA’s World Player of the Year prize himself -- put the Portuguese ahead of Barcelona star, Lionel
Messi, as the greatest player on the planet in an interview with Mexican newspaper, Record. “Cristiano Ronaldo is the best,” Zidane said. “People can say what they like about Cristiano Ronaldo, but in his heart he’s a good person. “Messi is the rival and that rivalry is great
for the footballing spectacle, it’s what the fans want to see.” Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world, according to his manager Zinedine Zidane. Zidane’s predecessor as Real coach, Rafa Benitez, was criticised by the Spanish media when he said it was suĜcient to describe Ronaldo as “one of the best.” Ronaldo has so far scored 19 goals in La Liga for Real, who trail Barcelona by four points and have played a game more than the Catalan giants. Zidane, who replaced Benitez at the Bernabeu last month, admits he now has a greater understanding of the stress and pressure which comes with being Real coach.
Neymar set to become Barca’s 2nd-highest earner
nly Lionel Messi will earn more money at Barcelona than Neymar when the Brazilian superstar signs a new contract at the club. The 24-year-old is currently Barcelona’s seventh-highest earner but he will catapult up the rankings when a new deal is agreed. Catalan newspaper Sport has released a graphic - showing which players earn the big bucks at Barcelona now and when new contracts are signed in the near future. Guardiola eyes new keeper for City job
Impending Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola, is keen in bringing in Inter goalkeeper, Samir Handanovic to the Etihad in the summer, according to Corriere dello Sport. The two-time Premier League champions have been linked with a raft of players since they conęrmed Guardiola would replace Manuel Pellegrini at the end of the season. Even by the standards of previous transfer rumours, this comes as a surprise when you consider the goalkeeping department is one of the more assured
positions that does not need addressing in the summer and also the fact that he has only recently signed a new deal at Inter.
I won’t follow Guardiola to Man City – Robben
ayern Munich winger, Arjen Robben, does not expect to join Coach Pep Guardiola when he moves to Manchester City in the summer. After years of speculation, the Catalan conęrmed earlier this month that he will succeed Manuel Pellegrini at the end of the season but, despite Robben’s great admiration for his boss, the Netherlands international does not see a return to the Premier League in his future. The Dutchman told Metro of the timing of the news: “I think it was a good moment to clarify a few things for the future. Everyone knows what’s going to happen. The rumours were already there so maybe it was beĴer to give some clarity as soon as possible. “No, he didn’t ask me to join him on his way to Manchester City,” he continued, laughing. “I don’t think he would do that - not with me and not with other players either. “We all have only one goal: to ęnish this season with as many trophies as possible. That’s the only thing that maĴers right now.” Robben has already won two Bundesliga titles under Guardiola’s stewardship at Bayern and is on course for more glory this season - and the 32-year-old says that he has been taught a great deal by the former Barcelona coach. “I’m actually not really thinking about Guardiola’s departure yet; it’s still too nice to
work with him on the pitch to think about his departure,” he remarked. “In the next few months, I want to enjoy working with him. Hopefully we can say goodbye to him by winning multiple trophies. “The rumours about his departure had already been ongoing for some time but still I was hoping that he would stay. It was hard to hear that he was going to leave us. It’s a pity because the collaboration was perfect. He is an amazing coach. “What I will miss the most about Guardiola? His obsession with the game and his knowledge, which makes you a beĴer football player. I’ve been playing football for a while but Guardiola really made me a beĴer player. I was 29 when I started working with him so I wasn’t very young but, if you see the steps I made thanks to him, it shows you what he is capable of doing. Guardiola didn’t just put me on the Ěanks but in other positions as well. I’ve been a striker and a midęelder, which
made my game more varied.” Done deal: Robinho completes move to Atlético Mineiro The President of Brazilian side, Atletico Mineiro, has conęrmed that the club have managed to sign former Manchester City, Real Madrid and AC Milan forward, Robinho. Of course Robinho does have ties with Santos, who he has played for on three separate occasions but instead he’s joining Atletico instead. The Brazilian forward was a free agent following his release by Chinese side, Guangzhou Evergrande and he has signed in time to be registered for the Copa Libertadores. It’s going to be interesting to see whether or not he can have an immediate impact on Atletico or whether it takes some time for him to adjust. Club president Daniel Nepomuceno conęrmed the deal on TwiĴer with the move rumoured for the past few days.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Ezeji retires after two decades of active football
ictor Ezeji, former Dolphins, Sharks and Enyimba player made history as the ęrst local league player to have announced his retirement from active football after a career that spanned two decades. Ezeji announced his retirement in a press conference in Lagos on Wednesday. The former national team player started his football career with Sharks FC in 1996 before joining sister club Dolphins and then to Enyimba where he made history as one of the players that won the then elusive CAF Champions League with the Aba millionaires. Following the club’s continental triumph, he left the People’s
Elephants to Dolphins spending three seasons in Port Harcourt before moving to Tunisian outęt, Club Africain for a season. He returned to Nigeria with Sharks before having short stints with Sunshine Stars, Heartland and has decided to call it a day in football. An emotional Ezeji, who addressed the media at the SWAN secretariat, at the National Stadium Lagos, thanked his former clubs and the media for all the support they showed during his playing days and says he is looking forward to going into insurance for footballers. “I am ending my career for good, without any form of injury,” said Ezeji “My
ligaments are complete but I just have to say goodbye because I won’t be playing forever. “My appreciation goes to all the clubs I played for as a playerI won’t forget how Barrister Chris Green discovered me at a very tender age, took me to Sharks for trial where I signed my ęrst contract. “It has been a good drive for me though with some hills (to climb) but I’m glad I ended well bearing in mind that I played in the Nigerian topĚight for 20 years. “For the media, I will say a big thank you because they made me who I am as a footballer. Whenever I felt I couldn’t go on, they gave me the courage to believe in myself.”
LMC in talks with Zenith Bank, Etisalat over NPFL sponsorship rights
he League Management Company (LMC) has started discussions with prospective corporate bodies such as Zenith Bank, Etisalat over the sponsorship of the league with Globacom failing to renew their deal. League Watch can reveal that one of the country’s leading commercial banks, Zenith Bank and one of the leading telecommunications giants, Etisalat have indicated their interest in becoming new sponsors of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). The League Management Company (LMC), rising from its Annual General Meeting, announced the expiration of its contract with title
sponsors, Globacom as well as a reclassięcation of sponsorship packages, following the end of the 2016 Super Four preseason tournament. The LMC and
Globacom signed a three-year sponsorship agreement worth N1.9billion in 2013, and in a statement released on Wednesday, the LMC announced its agreement with the telecommunications giants has come to an end after the Super Four tournament, with the title sponsorship of the league now thrown open to ‘all interested corporate bodies’. The development has left the league without any title sponsors at present, but sources have informed that both Zenith Bank and Etisalat have held ‘preliminary discussions’ with the LMC over the possibility of picking up the title sponsorship.
Enyimba played Vipers without Udoh
igerian champions, Enyimba International FC travelled for their CAF Champions League preliminary round, ęrst leg game against Ugandan champions, Vipers
without prolięc striker, Mfon Udoh, Goal understands. The two time African champions departed the shores of Nigeria on Tuesday aboard an Ethiopian airline Ěight and arrived in
Adeniji targets NPFL title with Sunshine Stars
unshine Stars striker, Tunde Adeniji, says he will not be leaving the club this transfer window as he targets the Nigeria Professional Football League title. The 20-year-old was a target for champions, Enyimba as well as Warri Wolves and Kano Pillars, after scoring 16 goals last term but he says he has given his word to his current club that he won’t be leaving them this window and has every intention of keeping his word. “I already told my club that I will not be leaving
them now,” Adeniji said. “Even the new coach (Samson Unuanel) called me and asked me to stay
and I promised him I would. “So for now, I am still with Sunshine and I have
not joined Enyimba or Kano Pillars, I am still with my club.” When asked if he would have turned down the opportunity to play abroad if oěers came, his response was rather noncommiĴal. He said: “Well I don’t know about that and it’s not like I didn’t get some oěers but God knows best and for now I remain a Sunshine player. “Whenever God says is the right time to move, I will move but for now I am focused on Sunshine and how we can win the league title next season,” he added.
Addis Ababa, before connecting a Kenya Airways Ěight to Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Enyimba got to Entebbe International Airport at around 11.58pm local time and were received by oĜcials of Vipers without their prolięc striker, Mfon Udoh. The 23-year old, club sources informed Goal, was left behind due to a ‘minor injury’ and was not part of the 35man delegation that travelled to Kampala. The striker scored 23 league goals for Enyimba two seasons ago, to make the highest goal-scorer in a single season in the history of the Nigerian football league, but couldn’t re-enact that form last season as he suěered injuries and illnesses which kept him out of games over a long stretch. He was reported to be on the verge of joining his former club, Akwa United early last month, but has remained with the Enyimba instead. At the time of ęling in this report, league Watch was yet to get the result of the match played yesterday. It is recalled that Enyimba are League champions after garnering 70 points last season.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, Ferbruary 13, 2016
Leadership crises that may wreck once largest party Continued from Page 13
warped sense of duty and their disrespect for democracy. For instead of concentrating on service to the people, their primary concern remains who is up that must be brought down, or who is down that must be buried. In their love of power for its own sake, the only use to which they put it is intrigues and vanities, sparing no thought for the people in whose trust the power is held. The facts of the crisis needs no retelling, but after the disgraceful outing of the PDP in the 2015 election, especially the presidency, which it lost; the then national chairman, Adamu Mu’azu resigned. The PDP constitution unequivocally states that in the event of death, removal or permanent disability of the chairman, someone from his geopolitical zone should be selected to Àll the void. But instead of selecting a replacement from Mu’azu’s Northeast zone, the erstwhile national vice chairman, Uche Secondus, stepped in as acting national chairman, much to the chagrin of Gulak, who hails from the Northeast. Gulak Àled a suit challenging the competence of Secondus to occupy the position of PDP acting national chairman. Gulak contended that the appellation of “acting national chairman” was unknown to the PDP constitution, praying the court to determine whether not being from the Northeast; Secondus was qualiÀed to lead the party in such a capacity. On December 16, 2015, an Abuja High Court ordered Secondus to “vacate oce and allow Mr. Ahmed Gulak or any other person from the Northeast zone to take over” as acting national chairman. It was based on that order that Gulak sought to crown himself national chairman. Polical pundits were of the view that Gulak ought to have rather tour his
northeast geopolitical zone and canvass for support for his candidacy. This failure at building consensus on the path of restoring the PDP to its constitution is considered as highly disturbing. While the crisis has engendered debate about PDP’s future, it has also exposed the fact that the so-called largest party in Africa, was nothing other than a special purpose vehicle for political contractors and sundry jobbers and predators for acquiring power for selÀsh sake to amass wealth via the route of government as the biggest business and mindlessly impoverishing the people. But as is always the case with all houses of cards, the PDP eventually, had to face its own internal contradictions. According to analysts, the on-going frenzy is a scramble for power for its own sake. Worse even, the shameless altercation is not about any wellformulated ideology or philosophy to transform the PDP, but rather on self-aggrandizement. Nothing is more disheartening. While the PDP is locked in a frenzied but obviously haphazard eͿort to put its house in order, some have said the implosion was expected because of the content and character of the party. No doubt, from formation, the PDP has remained a non-descript entity, an umbrella body of strange bedfellows. The arrangement that brought it to power in 1999 was bereft of strong democratic principles. In eͿect, all those who occupied executive positions at both the state and federal levels merely usurped party powers and undermined its supremacy to the extent that once they emerge, the party ocials became more powerful than the party that produced them. As a corollary, loyalty shifted from the party to individuals who were either elected into public oces, appointed into same or were wealthy Ànanciers. Party discipline was thrown overboard and executive whims and extra-constitutional behavior
Sen. Akpabio
governed party aͿairs so much so that its constitution was operated only to suit the temperament of PDP leaders. What is more, internal democracy was banished from the party and its members became untaught to the fact that democracy is the pleasant tyranny of the majority. General elections conducted since PDP came into power have all tainted the democratization process and were the worst in Nigeria’s electoral history. The party became an unwieldy behemoth, housing many undemocratic tendencies, especially politicians who discerned early enough that government is the fastest route to wealth and designed a way to get in at all cost. The PDP thus became a clog to the democratic transformation of the polity, an unmanned or poorly driven monstrous truck rolling over the landscape, crushing anything in its path, with its Àrst victims being its prominent members. Given this undemocratic character of the party, the present crisis is hardly surprising. Analytically, now is the time for the party to seize the opportunity oͿered by
the crises to re-invent self on the basis of democratic principles and service orientation. In repairing the breach caused by the terrible loss of the 2015 general election, conventional political wisdom dictates that all those who played active part in both the Jonathan’s administration and the NWC, should maintain a digniÀed distance from the party’s leadership. The argument can, of course, be made that the APC is not much better. It is hoped that they would learn a lesson or two from the crisis rocking the PDP. Nigeria needs healthy opposition parties. Democracy does too. Apart from being an aggregation of people with commonality of interest, a political party is the motor-force of democracy and a breeding ground for leadership and policy articulation. The healthier the parties in democratic credentials; the healthier the polity; it is therefore, not just a mere wish but an ardent hope that, from the current rumblings in PDP, may emerge a better and responsible opposition party with the interest of Nigeria and democracy at
Buhari’s budget of change that tackles his ‘sainthood’ Continued from Page 14
on its automobile Áeet. This is in addition to the N259million for the Purchase of “Tyres, Batteries, Fuses, Toolboxes, Car Jacks, Tyre Changing ‘Machines’ and Kits” and N27million to purchase C-Caution Signs, Fire Extinguishers, Towing Ropes and Booster Cables for the Aso Rock automobile Áeet. It has however become increasingly clear that the government may have a problem with getting its priorities right. For Instance, at a time when the nation’s armed forces are battling a murderous insurgency in the country’s North East region – a war that has left many soldiers and ocers with horrendous injuries – the Ministry of Defence proposed to spend N1.39 billion for the procurement of a houseboat in Abuja, a Áoating house mostly used for relaxation and a dwelling place by top ocers. Also the Ministry of Communication Technology proposed N585,000,000 for the purchase of chairs and N415,500,000 for the purchase of tables. Under this ministry, there was also a particularly arbitrary line item tagged: Procurement of the Equipment and its Accessories. The draft budget did not state
what this equipment is and what kind of accessories it requires but a whopping N2.9 billion was projected to be spent on this item. The Ministry of Information and Culture also proposed to spend N99,281,250 for the procurement of 1,600 chairs at the National Theatre and N140,911,157 for the procurement of computers for National Troupe of Nigeria, while budgeting nothing for costumes, props and other equipment. In comparison, the total allocation for the procurement of computers by the Ministry of Science and Technology is N91, 394,900. Fashola and his N140million naira for a single borehole The Ministry of Works, Power and Housing proposed to spend N140, 000,000 for the construction of a single solar borehole, and N161, 500,000 for the construction of a motorised borehole. The Ministry of Interior budgeted N576, 500,000 for the construction/ provision of electricity, N595, 606,148 for repair/ rehabilitation, and N6.2 billion for research and development. The Nigerian Prison Service however budgeted N500, 000,000 for “capacity building.” In the 2015 budget, the allocation for security equipment for the Nigerian Immigration Service was N86, 057,143 but the Àgure leapt
astronomically to N2.12 billion in the draft 2016 budget. Repetition galore The proposed budget for the National Institute for Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) has a repetition of the same line items with diͿerent allocations. The agency proposed N15, 000,000 for water reticulation in main station and immediately proposed the N5, 000,000 for the same item. Similarly, the Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology repeated the allocation for “Construction/Provision of Agricultural Facilities” twice with diͿerent Àgures. The item was Àrst cost for N626, 037,709 and then for N50, 000,000. Another curious feature of the draft budget is the allocation of same amount for unrelated items. For instance, the National Library allocated N5, 021,254 each for the following items: books, printing of non-security documents, cleaning and fumigation services, cooking gas/fuel cost, transportation equipment fuel cost, refreshment and meal, medical expenses, sporting activities, and direct teaching and laboratory cost. At the French Language Village in Badagry, N17, 897,716 each was proposed for the building of clinic block, construction of a 250 metres perimeter fence, and a female hostel.
Same item, diͿerent prices Newswatch Times review of the budget also revealed that diͿerent prices were quoted for the same item by diͿerent agencies and parastatals. For example, several prices were quoted for a unit of Toyota Hilux van. The same model of van was valued at N1,264,941 by the Gashaka Gumti National Park; N5,700,000 by the Nigerian Natural Medicine Development Agency; N6,500,000 by Federal Government Girls’ College Owerri; N7,500,000 by the Ministry of Technology, Akure; N8,855,000 by the Federal Government Girls’ College, Gumi Tambuwal; and N9,178,142 by Federal Government Girls’ College Umuahia. The proposed cost of the same vehicle in the budget of the Federal Government College, Ezzamgbo, Abakaliki is N10,000,000. It was valued at N11,147,675 by the Federal Technical College Lassa; N12,888,016 by the Ministry of Health; N13,500,000 by the Federal Government College, Okigwe; N15,970,515 by the Foreign Service Academy; N26,600,000 by the Oce of the National Security Adviser; N27,273,523 by the Federal Technical College, Ikare; and N27,660,000 by Federal Government Girls’ College, Kazaure.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Ondo 2016: One seat, many aspirants
How lawyers aid crimes –EFCC
Continued from Page 14
Senatorial District, Sen Tayo Alasoadura, Derin Adesida, Ademola Adegoroye and Foluso Adefemi. Also indicating interest in APC’s ticket are: the PDP candidate in the 2012 governorship election, Chief Olusola Oke, Awodeyi Akinola, former commissioner Special Interest Mr. NiranSule Adesuyi , A US-based legal practitioner Chief Bukola Adetula, Director-General of the National Aide Corps, Pius Osunyinkami, Adeniyi Adegbonmire, Tunji Ariyomo, Dapo Adelegan, Muyiwa Ogunleye and Wale Akingbade among others. At the camp of the ruling PDP where only Àve chieftains of the party have shown interest in succeeding Mimiko, there is no conspicuous reason for having few number of aspirants but it was learnt that some of the chieftains who were capable and qualiÀed to contest the election deliberately did not want to take the risk because they were yet to understand the body language of the governor on who he will support. Those who are closed to the governor said he never discussed successor’s issue with any of his political associates and friends neither had he anointed any of his aides to succeed him. This has made the road bleak for many intending aspirants but in spite of that, some still took the risk to come out and show interest and had been working towards getting the ticket at the primaries. Most of them are members of the current State Executive Council. The gladiators of the PDP include: the current Commissioner for Environment, Barrister Sola Ebiseni, the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Eyitayo Jegede, commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Mr. Bamidele Dada. Others are : the immediate past Director-General of the National Sports Commission, Gbenga Elegbeleye, Special
Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
T Akeredolu
Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Niger Delta AͿairs and former Chairman of Presidential Amnesty Programme, Kingsley Kuku and the Coordinator of the Bureau of Private-Public Partnership in the state, Prince Adenekan Olateru-Olagbegi In the same vein, the former Minister of Power and Steel, Dr. Olu Agunloye recently announced his defection from the PDP to the SDP, apparently to pursue his governorship ambition which appeared to be impossible in the PDP. Fortunately, the development will make the SDP has its name on the ballot sheet as Agunloye may automatically become its governorship candidate. Similarly, the renowned businessman, Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim too is being speculated to join the race at the appropriate time. With the date of the primaries yet to be Àxed, the aspirants are already on the Àeld, making consultations and holding ward meetings across the state and sponsoring some party activities underground, many of them have not declared their intention formally to the party and the people of the state, except Bode Ayorinde and Victor Olabimtan of the APC . But the Director of Media and Publicity of the APC, Mr. Steve Otaloro said only three out of over 20 party’s aspirants had formally announced to the party of their intention to contest the primaries. According to him, the aspirants included: Sen Boroce,
Ayorinde and Adefemi. He said, “They have come to inform the State Working Committee (SWC) of the party their intention to contest but in believe others too are deÀnitely coming, because we have been hearing their activities out there. By the time the political time-table is out I am sure others will come will follow suit.” While making his public declaration at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Press Centre, Akure, Ayorinde said he decided to join the race to transform the state to an enviable status and to change the age-long perception of the state as a civil service state to an industrialised one. He also promised to establish one industry at each of the 18 local governments of the state so as to provide employment for the teeming youths and will also empower the women. Olabimtan, a former PDP chieftain and former commissioner in the Federal Civil Service Commission, while declaring intention to journalists promised to run a fair and transparent government, if elected. He said, “We will treat Ondo as a whole. And development will be distributed across the state: 30 per cent North, 30 per cent South, 30 per cent Central and the remaining 10 per cent for Akure as a state capital. We shall create employment opportunities for our youths and properly utilize our human and natural resources” Similarly, none of the Àve
PDP aspirants has made a public declaration neither to the party nor the public but it was gathered that rigorous work are ongoing within the party by the aspirants to woo members ahead the forthcoming primary, holding in the middle of the year., All the PDP aspirants are in the current cabinet of Dr. Olusegun Mimiko except Kingsley Kuku who has travelled to the United States for medical treatment but his absence had not negatively aͿected his intra-party campaign as he has been doing the work through his group: Kuku Support Group, headed by the former state Chairman of the PDP, Mr. Ebenezer Alabi Interestingly, the political atmosphere is now being gingered up in the state following series of political activities like meetings, radio and television jingles. Political programmes were being sponsored by various aspirants and mini political rallies were also ongoing. Towns and villages in the state are Àlled with posters of aspirants. Many vacant apartments on the popular Oba Adesida and Oyemekun roads in the state capital are now being occupied the aspirants for campaign oces. The news media too are not left out of the current political activities in Ondo as many sponsored favourable writeups and eulogies about some of the aspirants have occupying spaces on the social media on daily basis.
Pardon Beko’s son, human right group pleads Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
group of human right activists under the umbrella of Beko Rights Klub during the week staged a peaceful protest to Lagos State House of Assembly to seek national pardon for Brigadier Enitan Ransome Kuti and his colleagues with regards to the case of mutiny by the military court. Their spokesperson, Mr. Debo Adeniran stated that they want the Nigerian Government to grant Brigadier Kuti, son of
Dr. Bekololari Ransome kuti national pardon with regards to the to the case of mutiny against them following the decision of the Military Court in January 2015 after the Baga massacre carried out by Boko Haram insurgents. “Today makes it a decade when Dr. Bekololari Ransome kuti passed away as a crusader for democracy and we are strongly convinced that the revelations reeled out from the arms procurement scandal and the DasukiGate conÀrm their innocence and patriotism; we believe with
this expositions that the actions of Brig. Gen. Enitan and others are justiÀable, reasonable and dialectical,” he explained. He further stated, “we want unconditional release of Beko’s son and his colleagues because they were punished for Àghting to make others live. We also appeal to the relevant authority to pardon, release and absorb them back into the Nigerian Army. We want this Assembly to submit our petition to the Senate President and the Speaker of House of Representative for necessary actions.”
The Majority Leader of the House, Hon. Sanai Agunbiade who represented the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Mudashiru Obasa assured the protesters that justice will be done and the course they came for is humanitarian because they are here to seek justice. “A copy of your petition will be delivered to the Hon. Speaker for necessary actions and we will resolve the matter and make everything peaceful because we are here to serve members of the public,” he assured.
he Acting Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ibrahim Magu, during the week shocked the world to reveal the illicit roles being played by legal practitioners to aid the political class in defrauding the nation. Addressing delegation of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA) who paid him a courtesy visit, Magu said unprofessional conducts of some lawyers is giving the NBA a bad name. He said, “Society is not served when prominent members of the bar not only take clearly tainted briefs, but even facilitate the commission of crimes by knowingly supplying the technical knowhow and later, helping in the dispersal of the proceeds of crime. “There are lawyers within the fold of the NBA who ought not to be among your noble ranks. “Those people are not Àt to be called ministers; rather, they are vandals of the temple of justice,” he alleged. Consequently, he charged NBA to join hands with the commission to stamp out corruption in the country. He also decried the practice by some members of the NBA who he said were aiding individuals and corporate organizations to perpetrate economic and Ànancial crimes, stating that the input of lawyers would be needed to successfully wage the war against fraud, corruption and money laundering. “Law enforcement, just as the judiciary, encompassing the bar and the bench, is a critical link in the justice delivery system of any society. I dare say that even when opinions and tactics diͿer, the interest of the two blocs cannot but converge on the overriding interest of the people,” he said. Magu, who stated that no other anti-graft agency in Nigeria had beaten the record of the EFCC in the areas of prosecutions and convictions, further described the ordinary Nigerian as the victim of money laundering, embezzlement, diversion of funds and frauds. He, therefore, urged them to share in the vision of President Muhammadu Buhari’s war against corruption, while also congratulating the body for supporting the EFCC over the years. Earlier, the president of NBA, Augustine Alegeh, expressed the reason behind the courtesy visit, saying that it was to salute the courage of Magu in the corruption war. Mr. Alegeh, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, also said the EFCC and NBA needed to work in synergy for the war against corruption to be won.
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Saturday, February 13, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Sports Update
Moses set for Eagles return
roubled Nigeria head coach, Sunday Oliseh, has included Victor Moses in his programme for the 2017 AFCON qualifying match against Egypt billed to hold in Kaduna next month. Moses, who is on loan to West Ham United from Chelsea, is yet to play for Nigeria since Oliseh became manager in July last year following the sack of Stephen Keshi. Administrative sources have told supersport.com that the 25-year-old aĴacking winger will be recalled for the Africa Cup of Nations double-header with Egypt.
It is understood that Oliseh has got in touch with the former Crystal Palace man for the clash with the Pharoahs. “Victor Moses is one of those listed to make a return to the Super Eagles. He has been in good shape and the coach said he has spoken to him and a number of other top players for the game against Egypt,” a supersport. com source informed. Moses has had to stay away from international football following injury issues in the past year. However, he recently restated that he remains “commiĴed” to play for the Nigerian men’s national team.
Oliseh spies on Success, Akpom ...To give Matthew a chance
igeria coach, Sunday Oliseh, has been looking at several new players like Granada striker Isaac Success and Chuba Akpom, who is on loan to Hull City from Arsenal. According to NFF technical commiĴee chairman Chris Green, Oliseh has been working hard in Europe shopping for the players who will do Nigeria proud in next month’s AFCON doubleheader against Egypt. “Oliseh is looking at players like Isaac Success and Chuba Akpom for the match against Egypt,” disclosed Green.
Young striker Success, for one, has established himself at La Liga side Granada this season after he was a late withdrawal from the country’s squad to last year’s Under-23 AFCON in Senegal. Green further disclosed that Oliseh will appear before his technical commiĴee to defend his choice of players for the showdown against Egypt. “Oliseh will appear before us in Abuja. We must assist him to beat Egypt,” said the top oĜcial, who revealed that his commiĴee members have rescinded a decision to quit following the
recent tirades of the Eagles coach. Oliseh has said midęelder Ifeanyi MaĴhew has played his way into the main Super Eagles after he picked him as his best player at the recent CHAN in Rwanda. Oliseh has said at least seven players from CHAN 2016 led by MaĴhew have proved they are good enough for the full international team. “From CHAN, it is no secret that Ifeanyi Mathew was our best and most consistent player there. Personally, he is one of the players I am looking at for the Super Eagles,” disclosed Oliseh.
“I just hope he does not lose form or suěer any injury. “We had at least seven very good players from CHAN who can stand up to the high level because I put them through high tempo play.” The 19-year-old MaĴhew, playing as the second defensive midęelder, was an ever-present as Nigeria crashed out in the group stage of the CHAN. The versatile player has already represented Nigeria at U17and U20 levels. The Eagles coach further disclosed his plans for next month’s crucial AFCON qualięers against Egypt.
Ramat Cup: Lagos through to s-final
agos state t t has h qualięed for the semi-ęnal of the ongoing Youth Sports Federation of Nigeria Under-16 Ramat Cup Competition presently going on in Kano State. The team defeated hard ęghting Ogun State by a lone goal to book a ticket to the ęnal
f four that th t will ill be b decided d id d today. In the other quarter- ęnal matches, Katsina defeated Rivers State by 2-0; Kaduna recorded a 1-0 victory over the host state, Kano while Bauchi defeated Adamawa by 3-0 to book the last semi- ęnal ticket. With this result, Lagos
State will now meet Katsina State in the ęrst semi- ęnal match while Kaduna squares up with Bauchi in the last semi- ęnal match. Meanwhile, YSFON has announced that the Governor of Kano State, Abdullahi Ganduje and his deputy have promised to grace the
Fleetwood sign Ameobi
nglish League One side, Fleetwood Town, have signed Nigeria striker, Shola Ameobi, till the end of this season. Ameobi,34, is a free agent after English Championship side Bolton Wanderers could not oěer him a longer deal due to their ęnancial diĜculties. Fleetwood Town manager Steven Pressley
said they are delighted to get the experienced former Newcastle United forward. “In January we signed a number of younger players and it was vital to the group that we brought in a player with experience,” Pressley said. “We certainly couldn’t get any more experience than Shola and we are absolutely delighted with that.”
ęnals of the competition which comes up on Sunday. Making the announcement, President of the Federation, Yusuf Gawuna noted that the decision of the Governor and his Deputy to grace the ęnals is unprecedented in the history of the Federation even as he promised that all logistics has been put on ground to ensure a successful ęnal. Gawuna who also doubles as Kano State Commissioner for Agriculture while commending all the participating states for exhibiting good spirit of sportsmanship especially commended Yobe State for participating in the competition not minding the security challenges being faced by the state.
Igbinoba wary of Generation Foot
asarawa United aĴacking midęelder, Esosa Igbinoba, says he is on his guard along with his teammates as they face Senegal second tier outęt, Generation Foot. The Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) side play hosts to the Senegal Cup champions at the National Stadium in Abuja in the ęrst leg of the Caf Confederation Cup preliminary round this Sunday, and Igbinoba’s 2003 experience with Lobi Stars in same competition is reason to be cautious. He acknowledged that apart from having liĴle information about their Senegalese opponents, African club competitions can be full of surprises like what he experienced in 2013 when he suěered a humiliating 1-7 defeat at Liga Mu³ulmana de Maputo. He relives his 2013 experience to supersport. com: “It was not a good experience because it is one I will always like to forget but at times such things cannot be forgot as they serve as a lesson. We won 3-1 in the ęrst leg, and we were very hopeful until we lost 7-1 in the second
leg in Mozambique. Some things didn’t favour us but that’s football for you, and we were made to learn the hard way.” As Igbinoba prepares to appear in only his second club competition on the continent, he holds a quiet hope about the Nasarawa United team and at the same time, is cautious with the Senegalese Ligue 2 side lurking. The former Lobi Stars man believes that the Solid Miners have a decent squad to see oě AS Generation Foot over two legs. “This team is a very good one,” he said to supersport. com. “There are many quality players in the team and we showed this last season in the league, and hopefully we want to show it in the Confederation Cup though it is a diěerent competition.” Igbinoba, who scored 15 league goals, including four from free kicks, hopes he can help the Laęa side reach the next round of Africa’s second tier competition. “Like other players in the team I want to help win against Generation Foot and qualify for the next round,” said Igbinoba.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 13, 2016
Sports Update
Morocco par t ways with Badou Zaki
adou Zaki has quit as coach of the Morocco national team by mutual consent, the Royal Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) announced Wednesday. “After 20 months of instability and inconsistent results, the federation have agreed with Zaki to end his contract by mutual consent,” the federation said in a statement, adding that a new coach would be appointed in the coming days. Former international goalkeeper Zaki, 56, took over as Morocco manager for the second time in May 2014, but the team has struggled recently and was knocked out of the
African Nations Championship at the group stage. Zaki ęrst managed the side for three years from 2002, losing the Africa Cup of Nations ęnal to Tunisia in 2004. Herve Renard, who was sacked by French club Lille earlier this season, is rumoured to be lined up to take over. French sports daily L’Equipe reported that sources close to the FRMF said last month that Renard was “a priority to take over the Atlas Lions”. Frenchman Renard, 47, has won the Africa Cup of Nations twice as a manager, ęrst with Zambia in 2012, and then with the Ivory Coast last year.
‘Pep ’ll love working with Iheanacho’
CCL: Vipers sting Enyimba
ganda champions, Vipers SC upset their Nigerian counterparts, Enyimba 1-0 in a CAF Champions League preliminary round ęrst leg match in Kampala yesterday. Vipers, who were without star striker Farouk Miya who has moved to Belgian club Standard Liege, neĴed the match winner in the second half after a goalless ęrst 45 minutes.
The return leg match will be played in the Nigerian southern town of Port Harcourt on February 28 as Enyimba fortress the Enyimba International Stadium in Aba is under major renovation. Vipers are making their continental debut after they pulled out of featuring in the 2010 Champions League, while Enyimba have won this competition twice, in 2003 and 2004.
anchester City great, Paul Dickov, believes Pep Guardiola will be delighted at the prospect of working Nigerian starlet, Kelechi Iheanacho. The Bayern Munich trainer will replace Manuel Pellegrini at the end of the current season having led the Bavarians to successive German titles. Iheanacho has scored eight goals in all competitions for City this season across all competitions and Dickov believes Guardiola will be excited at the prospect of taking the young Nigerian under his wings. “Pep will be watching Iheanacho and will be excited about the prospect of managing him. “I remember when Pep was at Barcelona,
he got rid of Yaya Toure to bring a young Sergio Busquets in. At the time, people thought he was crazy to do it but it proved the right decision. “All the youngsters at City now, with the way the club’s going and the investment they’ve had in the academy, are starting to believe they’ll get their chance. As much as they can go and buy the top players in the world, they want to bring through top talent as well,” Dickov told ESPNFC. The former City striker then identięed Iheanacho’s humility as one of the factors which could shoot him to an even more meteoric rise under Guardiola’s management. “I think he could be a top, top player,” he said.
“The thing I like the most is the humility he’s got. For a young kid coming through, he scored his hat-trick against Villa and when you listen to his interviews after, or any interviews he’s done, he’s very mature for his age oě the pitch and it also shows on the pitch. “I’ve played up front on my own and throughout my career and it’s really diĜcult. For him to come into the team and play that lone striker role - not just his goals, his all round play - shows he has the making of a top player there. “If you speak to people at the club they say he’s a hard worker who wants to learn all the time and he’s always asking questions. I’ve watched him playing at under-21 games over the last 18 months and you can tell
he’s a [good] player,” he said. Current City boss, Pellegrini, says he allowed forwards Edin Dzeko and Stevan Jovetic to leave at the start of the season because of his conędence in Iheanacho and Dickov believes it was an astute decision. “A lot of questions were asked about Manuel at the start of the season about why they didn’t sign another striker. I know from within the club they felt they didn’t have to because Kelechi was there and ready to go. “He’s forced himself into the team. It’s a massive conędence boost to pair him with Aguero for a Premier League match (against Sunderland) and he’ll take that conędence in his stride as well,” he said.
CAF Confed: Akwa Utd in baptism of fire in Congo
igeria cup holders, Akwa United, face a rather diĜcult task on their debut in the CAF Confederation Cup at Congo’s V Club Mokanda in Pointe Noire on Saturday. Last year, perennial strugglers in the Nigeria league Akwa United won their ęrst-ever major trophy when they upset Lobi Stars 2-1 in the country’s cup ęnal to qualify to feature in the 2016 Confederation
Cup. Experienced goalkeeper Bassey Akpan has promised Akwa will not disappoint on their international debut. “We have been waiting for this opportunity to play on the continent and we will not disappoint Nigerians,” vowed the shot stopper who has played in the league in Vietnam. “The encounter will not be an easy one because our opponents are a good side, but we
just have to be strong to achieve our dream.” The conędence of the team from the oil-rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria has been boosted after they won a pre-season tournament that included Nigeria champions Enyimba and Warri Wolves, who will both feature in the CAF Champions League. They are led by experienced Belgian coach Maurice Cooreman, who replaced history-
making Zakary Baraje, and have improved their squad with several top signings like Jude Aneke, who was top scorer of the Nigeria league four years ago. However, they lost their leading scorer Aniekpeno Udoh, who has moved to Norway after he neĴed nine goals in the league last season. Striker Friday Obong, who was top scorer in their successful cup run, will now be expected to provide the goals.
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