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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015


South West

Heavy duty truck drivers defy govt order, block Lagos metro highways Ayodele Olalere


he National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG), , Petroleum Tankers Drivers (PID), National Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO), Association of Maritime Truck Owners(AMATO), and Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria(IPMAN) made true of their resolve not to quit roads leading to Apapa depot by allowing their tanker drivers to continue parking on the Mile 2, Coconut bus-stop, Eko and Liverpool roads. In the last two weeks, Apapa road has experienced gridlock with the presence of many tankers parked on the road waiting to lift fuel at the Coconut depot. The gridlock stretched from Apapa to Sanya busstop on Apapa- Oshodi

expressway, while the Apapa-Ijora and Eko Bridge axis experienced the same problems. Commuters were forced €Š~ �Š~ €|ŽŠž�|~ �†;…žˆ€‰~ �}.†ƒ�~€Š~€|}†Ž~�} €†ƒ €†Šƒ ~ while economic activities were paralysed. Worried by the situation, the Lagos State government, through the Commissioner for Transportation, Kayode Opeifa, on Wednesday, held a meeting with representatives of the tanker drivers and other stakeholders, and gave a 48hours directive for them to remove their trucks from road. “No tanker should be seen on Eko, Liverpool and Coconut among other bridges. By Thursday, the tanker owners should make one lane available for motorists to use pending the expiration of the ultimatum for enforcement to begin,� he warned.

However, after the meeting, the South-West Chairman of NUPENG, Tokunbo Korodo, argued that the tanker drivers cannot be blamed for the €Ž ;Â…~ Šƒ~ €|}~ ŽŠ Â?Â&#x;~  Â?Â?†ƒÂ?~ that since only three depots out of 50 depots in Lagos are discharging fuel, the tanker drivers had no where to park their trucks and would not leave the roads. According to him, the depots are Capital Oil and Gas, Ibeto Oil and Gas and Integrated Oil and Gas tanks. He had also suggested that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) should decentralised loading of petroleum products to ease the pressure on Lagos. Newswatch investigation revealed that with the expiration yesterday of the ultimatum giving by the state government, the heavy Â?ž€‰~ €Žž…³~ Â?Ž† }ÂŽ ~ Â?}‡}Â?~

the government order. Many of the tankers are still parked indiscriminately in some parts of the road. Places such as Coconut bus-stop and Mile 2 down to Sanya bus stop still witnessed lock-jam as the tankers still occupied major roads preventing Š€|}ÂŽ~ ‚Š€ŠŽ† € ´~ ;…† Âˆ ~ of Lagos State Transport Management Aunthority (LASTMA) are still having |}…€†…~ €†‚}~ Â?†Ž}…€†ƒÂ?~ €Ž ;Â…~ and re-routing them, while commuters still trek to their various destinations. ~ Š¤} }ÂŽÂ&#x;~ €|}~ €Ž ;Â…~ was lighter in places such as Orile-Iganmu where tankers were parked on one lane, allowing motorists to make use of the narrow one lane left. From Idumota to Ijora-Waterside, there were still logjams as tankers still occupied major parts of €|}~ ŽŠ Â?´~ ~ ;Â…}ÂŽ ~ Š£~ €|}~ Nigerian Navy were also ¾ .ˆ†ƒÂ?~€Š~Â?†Ž}…€~€Ž ;Â…´

C.A.C crisis:Group charges factional leaders to embrace peace Peter Dada, Akure


s the lingering crisis rocking the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) is yet unresolved, a group in the church under the aegis of The Patriots has called on the leaders of the two warring factions of the church, the Supreme Council and the General Executive Council to sheathe their swords and embrace reconciliation for the church to move forward. This was contained in a statement issued in Akure, Ondo State yesterday by the Coordinator of the group, Pastor Tunde Omojuwa, on the outcome of the meeting of the group held in CAC Olugbode, Ita Baale, Ibadan, Oyo State, during the week. |}~ € €}‚}ƒ€~ „}…†‡… ˆˆ‰~ frowned at the alleged rejection of reconciliation moves, made by the Patriots Šƒ~ €|}~ ‹Œ�‰} Ž ~ Šˆ�~ }JŠŽ€ ~ at ending the crisis, by the leaders of the General Executive Council (GEC)

faction of the church, noting that it was shameful for the church leaders to be involving in such disunity act. “ We are greatly disappointed that for almost 25 years of the crisis in the CAC, there has not been any clue both from the Ž†ƒ…†„ Âˆ~ ;Â…}ÂŽ ~ €Š~ ÂŽ}žƒ†€}~ our great church and it is also demoralizing that we, as a church have failed to be ‘one fold, one Shepherd ‘ like in the days of our founding fathers. Emphasizing on ÂŽ}žƒ†‡… Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~ Š£~ €|}~ Â…|žŽ…|Â&#x;~ the Patriots said in the communiquĂŠ that it was high time the leaders of both ÂŁÂ Â…Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ ~ ÂŁÂŠÂˆÂˆÂŠ¤}Â?~ €|}~ }ÂˆÂĽ} ~ leadership foot-steps of the founding fathers of the church and allow peace and unity to rule and reign in the CAC ÂŚ~ }~  ;Ž‚~ €| Â€~  ÂƒÂ‰Â€|†ƒÂ?~ |ŠŽ€~Š£~€|}~ÂŽ}žƒ†‡… Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~ ÂƒÂ?~ oneness of the CAC shall no longer be acceptable or tolerated. Enough is enough, “ the group declared.

New Chief Imam of Ibadan land turbaned Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


Association of Senior Civil Savants of Nigeria protesting over Director-General of National Identity Management Commission’s plan to sack 1000 workers in Lagos... yesterday.

Cancer, second leading cause of deaths-Research Nnah Douglas, Abuja

Consequently, at the Induction of the Nigerian esearch has Academy of Science (NAS) indicated that Fellows in Abuja, Professor cancer, a deadly Isa Marte Hussaini ailment caused by both of the Department of genetic and environmental Pharmacology, Faculty factors, is the second of Pharmacy at the leading cause of death University of Maiduguri in many countries of the categorically stated that world. ‘cancer is now the second Although, in Africa, leading cause of death traditional medicine in the United States and practitioners (TMP) claim Europe. €Š~|  }~}J}…€† }~€Ž} Â€Â‚}ƒ€~ Marte said that cancer for what they diagnose which is usually seen as as ‘cancer’ a reason the a disease of the western Cancer Research Project world is a wrong notion of the University of but is in tandem with  Â†Â?žÂ?žŽ†~ ž }Â?~ …†}ƒ€†‡…~ the World Health techniques to validate Organisation (WHO) that the rationale for the use cancer kills more than of herbal medications by HIV/AIDS. TMP.


Going forward, the American Cancer Society (ACS) in its study of 2003 gave a breakdown of mortality rate as a result of   ÂŽÂ†ÂŠÂž ~ Â?† } } ~ žJ}ÂŽ}Â?~ by people in that part of the country but put death by cancer at 556,902 which made up of 22.7%. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) predicts that the annual new cases of cancers are expected to rise from 11 million in 2000 to 16 million in 2020, ‘some 70% of which will be in developing countries.’ IARC in its research revealed thus, “in males, there are more cases of prostate cancer diagnosed

than any other cancer, while in females; breast cancer is more prevalent than other cancers. The research went on to say that among the cancers, ‘pancreatic cancer is the deadliest with mean survival time of 6 months, followed by glioblastoma multiforme which has an average survival period of 9-12 months. In a preliminary cancer conducted at Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital in 2006 revealed that, ‘there are more cervical cancers in women than breast cancer while in men, prostate cancer was more prevalent than other cancers in men.’

overnor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State yesterday in Ibadan led other dignitaries and Islamic scholars from South-West, Edo and Delta States to witness the turbanning of the 18th Chief Imam of Ibadanland, Sheikh Alhaji Abdul Ganiyy Abubakar Agbotomokekere. The new Chief Imam, 80, who was turbaned by members of League of Imams and Alfas from South-West, Edo and Delta States, was immediately presented with a brand new Hyundai car by Governor Ajimobi at the occasion. The governor enjoined the new imam to continue to preach peace and promote understanding and mutual coexistence among Moslems

and Christians in the state. “We shall not relent in our }JŠŽ€ ~ €~„ŽŠ‚Š€†ƒÂ?~„} …}ÂŁÂžÂˆ~ coexistence of people living in the state and we enjoin you to join us in this crusade that will ensure that Oyo State is ‰ŠžŽ~|Š‚}~ƒŠ~‚ .}ÂŽ~€|}~ € €}~ you are from or the religion you practice. I pray for your long reign.â€? The Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Samuel Odulana Odugade who was represented at the occasion by Chief Tajudeen Abimbola Ajibola, equally enjoined the new Chief Imam to promote peaceful co-existence among adherents of various religions in the state, and wished him peaceful reign and long life. The new Chief Imam succeeded Sheikh Busari Haruna III who passed on last month after reigning for 20years.

Groups canvass constitution amendment for more youth participation in politics Ayodele Olalere


wo groups, Nigerian Arise and Nigerian Youth Think-Tank has called for the review of 1999 constitution to make rooms for more youths participation in the country’s political scene . At a one-day summit of the Nigerian Arise/ Nigerian Youth Think-Tank Group Summit, Western Region Summit, with the theme, ‘Generation Change and Transformation in Government: Nigerian Youths and Young Professionals Arise: rewrite your history, take your destiny in your hands, looking beyond 2015â€? held at Ikeja, Lagos, the Director General of the Â?ŽŠž„Â&#x;~ ÂŽ~ †…€ŠŽ~ ;ŠƒÂ?~ †ƒ~ his welcome address said it is high time to change the cliche of Nigerian youths being the leaders of

tomorrow, yet not given the opportunity to hold elective positions in the country. He urged the youth to wake up from their slumber and rise for occasion to be true leaders of today because tomorrow may not come , noting that the Nigerian 2009  €†Šƒ ˆ~ Šž€|~ Šˆ†…‰~Â?}‡ƒ} ~ youth in Nigeria to include all members of the Federal Republic of Nigeria aged 18–35. A lead advocate and constitutional rights and people’s development advocacy initiative, Ikechukwu Ikeji in his paper titled ‘An Analysis of Youths and Young Professionals Involvement †ƒ~ Š }Žƒ ƒ…}~ £ŽŠ‚~ €|}~ ‡Ž €~ republic: The prospects in 2015 and beyondâ€? called for an immediate review of the Nigerian National Youth Šˆ†…‰~ Š£~ ‹ªª~ €Š~ ÂŽ}ÂĽ}…€~ changes taking place around the world.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015


South South/East

Anambra lawmaker blames Jonathan, NWC for election loss Alphonsus Eze, Awka


resident Goodluck Jonathan has been blamed for the massive failure of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the last general election in which the opposition party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), emerged victorious. A chieftain of PDP in Anambra State and member of the State House of Assembly, Mr. Valentine Ayika, said that President Jonathan cannot be exonerated from the failure of PDP to retain power at the centre. Ayika, who was the party’s factional candidate £ŠŽ~ ƒ ÂŠÂ…| Â&#x;~ ÂžÂƒÂžÂłÂŠÂ‡ ~ and Njikoka Federal

Constituency in the election, accused President Jonathan Š£~ Âľ}†ƒÂ?~ †ƒÂ?†J}ÂŽ}ƒ€~ ¤|}ƒ~ some people who think they were privileged in the party hijacked the structure, and were giving the tickets to the highest bidders without recourse to due process. He said if there was a problem in your neighbourhood, you do not feign ignorance or †ƒÂ?†J}ÂŽ}ƒ…}~ Âľ}Â… Âž }~ ‰Šž~ may be the next victim, but the President, who is the leader of the party, did not do anything to curtail the excesses of the members of the  Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ Âˆ~ ÂŠÂŽÂłÂ†ÂƒÂ?~ Š‚‚†.}}~ (NWC) of the party in spite of complaints from various

quarters of the party. He equally accused the NWC of being insincere and behind the failure of PDP in the last election, but lamented that in the face of all the intra party crises in various states, the leader of the party kept mute until the whole thing consumed him too. Ayika said that the current blame game among the key leadership of PDP was a natural fall-out and consequences of failure, noting that the people’s expectations were not met, and this expectedly has been generating bad blood within €|}~ ÂŽÂ ÂƒÂł~  ƒÂ?~ ‡ˆ}~ Š£~ ~ members across the country. The lawmaker however,

urged the members of PDP across the country to adjust to the reality of the situation in the country, that they have lost the election, and are no longer in power, saying that this will give them the backbone to play their new role of opposition party, as well as rebuild itself. “There must be an adjustment on the part of PDP leaders, and even members across the country to the new situation, although the tantrums are expected because the people’s expectations were not met in the elections. So the seemingly crises among PDP leaders are consequences of failure,� said Ayika

Governors charged to emulate Imo security network Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


overnors across the country have been charged to emulate the security paradigm of Imo State, to enable them curb the insurgency in some northern states as well as other crimes …Š‚‚†.}Â?~†ƒ~€|}~…Šžƒ€Ž‰´ The charge was made yesterday in Owerri, the capital of Imo State by an American trained security expert and Governor Rochas Okorocha’s Senior Special Assistant on }…žŽ†€‰~  .}ÂŽ Â&#x;~ †Ž~ †…€ŠŽ~ Ugochukwu Akuchie, while interacting with members of Imo State Guild of Editors (IGE). Sir Akuchie, who expressed gratitude to Governor Okorocha, for giving him the opportunity to serve the people of the state, and prove himself, highlighted some of his accomplishments to include: the eradication of kidnapping and armed robbery in the state; the recruitment and training of the Imo Security Network, the Imo Civil Guard Corps and the Imo Community Watch, as well as the

introduction of welfare scheme for €|}~ }…žŽ†€‰~ Šž€‡€´~ }~ „ŽŠ‚† }Â?~ to introduce programmes that would assist widows and orphans in the state. He commended Imo citizens for the massive votes they gave to Governor Rochas Okorocha during the election, and urged them to continue to support him to take the state to the next level. In his address, the secretary of the Guild of Editors, Mr. Chigozie Uzosike, stressed that the group decided to visit him in recognition of his excellent performance in protecting the lives and property of the citizens. According to him, “He is a transparent man, full of integrity and honour, and has shown this in €|}~‡Â?|€~ Â? Â†Âƒ €~…Ž†‚}´~ †Ž~ ³ž…|†}~ has within his appointment deployed his wealth of experience to bear on the state, especially kidnapping, armed robbery and other social vices have been brought to barest minimum with the help of the Police and other security agencies.â€? He appealed to the governor to reward the SSA by giving him greater responsibility, as according to him, “the reward for hard work is more work.â€?

Rivers NPA embarks on renovation of complex facilities Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Rivers Port Complex, has embarked on the renovation of some of its facilities with a view to enhancing the productivity of the workers. ~ |}~ ÂžÂľÂˆÂ†Â…~ J Â†ÂŽ ~ ;Â…}ÂŽ~ of the Complex, Mrs. Barbara Ejemeh Nchey-Achukwu, said in a statement in Port Harcourt yesterday that the project which ranged from the security post to the old cloak building was in line with the present transformation’s agenda of the Federal Government. Mrs Nichey-Achukwu said L-R: Director, Project Management and Design Department, Federal Institute for Industrial Research Oshodi, Dr. Patrick that the management of the Port Irabor, Special Assistant to the DG, NAFDAC, Mrs. Elizabeth Awagu, Director, Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, NAFDAC, Complex has also gone further to 789 ;<= >?@BHJKQJ ;7T87=7<7 7U UHV X7? @YY BV<VZ@8[ Y@< UHV $88J7\ %<V79 ;@8TU@<T8? (]V<BT=V 789 ^VZT87< @<?78T_V9 ÂŽ}ƒŠ  Â€}~ €|}~ ˆŠƒÂ?~  ¾ ÂƒÂ?Šƒ}Â?~ € J~ by National Agency for Food Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) held at FIIRO, Oshodi in Lagos recently. canteen located at the Dockyard for workers use. “All these projects were

NEMA identifies 11 more LGAs prone to flooding in Abia Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


he National Emergency Management Agency ¡ ¸~| ~†Â?}ƒ€†‡}Â?~ 11 more Local Government Areas of Abia presently prone €Š~¼ŠŠÂ?†ƒÂ?´ The Coordinator, NEMA ¤}ŽŽ†~ „}ÂŽ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ ~ ;Â…}Â&#x;~ Dr Innocent Ezeaku, made the known in Umuahia on Thursday during a workshop Šƒ~ ÂŚ ÂŽ}Â?¼ŠŠÂ?~  ¤ ÂŽ}ƒ} ~ campaign towards early warning and early action and interpretation of 2015 seasonal rainfall prediction.’’ Ezeaku said that the Local Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€ ~ ¤}ÂŽ}~ †Â?}ƒ€†‡}Â?~ after an assessment in the state by the agency in the wake Š£~ €|}~ ‹ªšÂ‹~ ƒ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ Âˆ~ ¼ŠŠÂ?~

disaster. He said the list included Obingwa, Isiala-Ngwa North and South, Osisioma, Aba North and South, Bende, Arochukwu, Isuikwuato, | Â‡ ~ ÂƒÂ?~ ‚žƒƒ}Š…|†´ Ezeaku, who represented the Director-General of the agency, Mr Sani Sidi, said that Umuahia North and Ikwuano LGAs were hitherto being ÂŽ   Â?}Â?~¾‰~¼ŠŠÂ?´ The coordinator said that the ‹ªšÂ‹~ ¼ŠŠÂ?~ Â?†  Â€}ÂŽ~ }„Š }Â?~  ~ ˆŠ€~ Š£~ Â?}‡…†}ƒ…†} ~ †ƒ~ €|}~ nation’s readiness to check  ÂƒÂ?~‚†€†Â? Â€}~¼ŠŠÂ?†ƒÂ?´

}~ ÂľÂˆ Â‚}Â?~ ¼ŠŠÂ?†ƒÂ?~ †ƒ~ €|}~ South East zone on the wanton construction of buildings along the Imo River basin, ÂĽÂ Â?ÂŽ ÂƒÂ€~ Â?† ÂŽ}Â? ÂŽÂ?~ €Š~ €Š¤Âƒ~

planning regulations and dumping of wastes in drains  ÂƒÂ?~Â?ž.}ÂŽ ´ Ezeaku said that the agency had designed a response action plan that entails the „ŽŠ‡ˆ†ƒÂ?~ Š£~ …Š‚‚žƒ†€†} Â&#x;~ ‚Šƒ†€ŠŽ†ƒÂ?~ ¼ŠŠÂ?~ „ŽŠƒ}~  ÂŽ} ~ as part of measures to check the phenomenon. He called on the government at all levels to muster the will power to enforce town planning laws, adding that Â?ž.}ÂŽ ~  ÂƒÂ?~ Â?ÂŽ Â†Âƒ Â?}~ ‰ €}‚ ~ should be extended enough to carry the volume of rain water, especially in urban centres. He also advocated tree planting, proper waste disposal and regular de-silting of the drains as some of the remedial measures against

¼ŠŠÂ?†ƒÂ?´ Ezeaku stressed the need for people to obey and respond to early warning signs, saying that the consequences of failing to act on such signs portend danger for the country. Some participants at the workshop commended NEMA for its timely intervention on disaster cases and pledged to sensitise the people on how to tackle emergency cases. Participants included representatives of the Ministries of Health and Environment, Messrs Agomoh Uchechukwu and Ikechi Mbonu and Mrs Von Obiegbunam, who represented a nongovernmental organisation in Umuahia.

initiated by the Port Manager, Mrs. Carolyn Akum Ufere, who used her wealth of experience as an  Â?‚†ƒ† €Ž Â€ÂŠÂŽ~€Š~Â?ÂŽ ¤~€|}~ .}ƒ€†Šƒ~ of the management at the NPA Headquarters, Marina, Lagos, to the need to embark on these projects in order to enhance the productivity of workers at the Rivers Port Complex.â€? According to the statement, apart from the renovations, the Port Manager, had earlier organized and implemented some other morale-boosting initiatives for workers which included the |} ÂˆÂ€|~ ¤ ÂŽ}ƒ} ~Â… Â‚„ Â†Â?ƒ~£ŠŽ~ € J~ and their families, sensitization seminar for pensioners and the host communities, particularly in the areas of cancer awareness, free eye care for pensioners, stroke detection, treatment and management, prostrate disorder awareness, and management, among others.

Army chief vows to tackle rising crime in Delta Sylvester Idowu, Warri

Š‚‚ ÂƒÂ?†ƒÂ?~ ;Â…}ÂŽÂ&#x;~ Âş~  . ÂˆÂ†ÂŠÂƒ~Š£~€|}~ †Â?}Ž† Âƒ~ Ž‚‰Â&#x;~ JžŽžƒÂ&#x;~ }ˆ€ ~ State, Lieutenant Colonel Okon Bassey, yesterday, vowed to mobilize other security agencies in the state to tackle the rising crime, particularly robberies and kidnapping. He said the crime, which is now on the increase in the state has been a source of concern for all the security agencies but assured that adequate arrangement would be made to tackle the situation. Speaking with Newswatch †‚} ~ Â€~ JžŽžƒÂ&#x;~ €Â? Šˆ´  }‰~ said he has observed that most of the tricycle popularly called Keke operators comes from


other towns and villages to Warri on a daily basis to work and that some of the criminals too might have taking advantage of the movement. “Such operators who are not resident in Warri could perpetrate such crimes and run back to their bases,â€? he said. Colonel Bassey therefore advised commuters to shun Keke operators who park close €Š~ ¾ ÂƒÂł ~  ÂƒÂ?~ Š€|}ÂŽ~ ‡ƒ ÂƒÂ…† Âˆ~ institutions noting that they often did that for ulterior motives. Chairman of Keke operators in Warri, Paul Onyema, said that the rising cases of robberies with tricycles were becoming worrisome to his union. He said the union was working to see to the scrapping of parallel Keke unions in the state.


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Newswatch Times, May 16, 2015

News Women bid farewell to First Lady Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


igerian women on Thursday converged on Abuja to bid the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, ÂŁÂ ÂŽ}¤}ˆˆ~  £Â€}ÂŽ~ ‡ }~ ‰} ÂŽ ~ †ƒ~ Š;Â…}´ The women, under the aegis of the National Council for Women Societies (NCWS), said €| Â€~€|}~‡Ž €~ˆ Â?‰Ÿ ~ ž„„ŠŽ€~ £ŠŽ~ €|}~ }‚„Š¤}Ž‚}ƒ€~ of Nigerian women was ÂŚÂžÂƒÂ„ ÂŽ ÂˆÂˆ}ˆ}Â?½´ The NCWS President, Mrs Nkechi Mba, said ``the ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰~ Â?  }~ ž ~  ÂŠÂ†Â…} ~ and took us to where we ˆ} Â€~}„}…€}Â?~€Š~Âľ}´ŸŸ She added that during €|}~ €}ƒžŽ}~ Š£~ €|}~ ‡Ž €~ lady, more women were recognised and given }ƒ †€† }~ „Š †€†Šƒ ~ †ƒ~ Â?Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€´ She noted that ``we want to say thank you, we are „ŽŠžÂ?~ Š£~ ‰Šž~  ÂƒÂ?~ ‚ Â‰~ God bless you and your ÂŁÂ Â‚Â†ÂˆÂ‰´ŸŸ Similarly, the Minister Š£~ Š‚}ƒ~ J Â†ÂŽ Â&#x;~  ¿Â†Â‰ ~ Zainab Maina, said that €|}~ ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰~ Â…| Â‚„†Šƒ}Â?~ the initiative that gave Nigerian women the }„Š žŽ}~ €|}‰~ ƒ}}Â?}Â?~ †ƒ~ €|}~ „Šˆ†€†… Âˆ~ „ Â…}~  ÂƒÂ?~

Â?Š }Žƒ ÂƒÂ…}´ Maina said ``I owe my Â?ÂŽ Â€Â†Â€ÂžÂ?}~ €Š~ €|}~ ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰~ who was instrumental to ‚‰~  Â„„Š†ƒ€‚}ÂƒÂ€Ă„~ €ŠÂ? Â‰Â&#x;~ every woman can stand € ÂˆÂˆ~  ÂƒÂ?~ Âľ}~ „ŽŠžÂ?~ €Š~ Âľ}~  ~ †Â?}Ž† Âƒ´~ ``You have left a legacy in the sands of time and we will ever remain grateful to ‰Šž´ŸŸ Also, the wife of the †…}Â? ÂŽ} †Â?}ƒ€Â&#x;~

 ¿Â†Â‰ ~ Amina Sambo, described €|}~ „Ž} †Â?}ÂƒÂ€Âź ~ ¤Â†ÂŁ}~  ~ a mentor, a mother, an  Â? ÂŠÂ… Â€}~  ÂƒÂ?~  ~ ž„„ŠŽ€}ÂŽ~ Š£~€|}~Â… Âž }~Š£~¤ÂŠÂ‚}ƒ´ She commended the ~ £ŠŽ~ †€ ~ ž„„ŠŽ€~ during her tenure and „Ž Â‰}Â?~£ŠŽ~ ~žƒ†€}Â?~ †Â?}Ž† ´ The News Agency of †Â?}Ž† ~¡ ¸~ÂŽ}„ŠŽ€ ~€| Â€~ €|}~‡Ž €~ˆ Â?‰~¤ ~ ¤ÂŠÂŽÂƒ~†ƒ~ at the occasion as the new Chairman of the NCWS Š ÂŽÂ?~Š£~ Žž €}} ´ ƒ~|}ÂŽ~ Â…Â…}„€ ÂƒÂ…}~ „}}Â…|Â&#x;~ €|}~ ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰~ €| ÂƒÂł}Â?~ members of the NCWS for €|}~ ÂŚÂžÂƒÂĽÂ†ÂƒÂ…|†ƒÂ?~ ž„„ŠŽ€~ and for working so hard to †ƒ…Ž} }~€|}~Â… Â„ Â…†€‰~Š£~ŠžŽ~ ¤ÂŠÂ‚}ƒ´ŸŸ |}~  Â†Â?~ €|}~ Âź~ ž„„ŠŽ€~ | Â?~ £žŽ€|}ÂŽ~ ÂŁÂ Â…Â†ÂˆÂ†Â€ Â€}Â?~ €|}~ †Â?ƒ†‡… ÂƒÂ…}~ Š£~¤ÂŠÂ‚}ƒ~Ă…Ă…Â†Âƒ~€|}~ J Â†ÂŽ ~Š£~ ŠžŽ~Â?} ÂŽ~…Šžƒ€Ž‰Â&#x;~ †Â?}Ž† ´½ |}~ }„Ž} }Â?~ her ``unconditional

 Â„„Ž}…† Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~€Š~€|}~¤ÂŠÂ‚}ƒ~ Š£~ †Â?}Ž† ~£ŠŽ~€|}†Ž~ ž„„ŠŽ€~  ÂƒÂ?~ Šˆ†Â? ÂŽÂ†Â€Â‰Â&#x;ŸŸ~  Â?Â?†ƒÂ?~ that she enjoyed such ž„„ŠŽ€~ Ă…Ă… ~ €|}~ ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰~ Š£~ €|}~ }Â?}ÂŽ Âˆ~ }Â„ÂžÂľÂˆÂ†Â…~ Š£~ †Â?}Ž† ´~ ``I recognise the Nigerian women for their intellect, determination, resilience  ÂƒÂ?~| ÂŽÂ?~¤ÂŠÂŽ³´ Ă…Ă… |} }~  .Ž†¾ž€} ~ ¤}ÂŽ}~ Š„}ƒˆ‰~ Â?}‚Šƒ €Ž Â€}Â?~ while we worked together to show our love for our ƒ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ´ Ă…Ă… ž…|~ ž„„ŠŽ€~ ÂŁÂŠÂžÂƒÂ?~ }„Ž} †Šƒ~ †ƒ~ our determination to ensure that Nigerian women are recognised  ~ }ĂƒÂž Âˆ~ „ ÂŽÂ€Âƒ}ÂŽ ~ †ƒ~ €|}~ Â?} }ˆŠ„‚}ƒ€~ Š£~ ŠžŽ~ …Šžƒ€Ž‰´ŸŸ Ă…Ă… ~ „ Â€ÂŽÂ†ÂŠÂ€ Â&#x;~ ‰Šž~ stood for the rebirth and transformation of a new †Â?}Ž† ´~ Šž~†Â?}ƒ€†‡}Â?~ ÂƒÂ?~ ž„„ŠŽ€}Â?~ €|}~ ÂľÂŠÂˆÂ?~ €}„ ~ taken to lead you into more  Â…۠ }~ „ ÂŽÂ€Â†Â…†„ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~ †ƒ~ €|}~ „Šˆ†€†… Âˆ~„ŽŠ…} ´ŸŸ |}~ ‡Ž €~ ˆ Â?‰Â&#x;~ ¤|Š~  Âˆ Š~ „Š³}~ Šƒ~ €|}~ à €|~ ž‚‚†€~ of the African First Ladies Peace Mission (AFLPM), scheduled to hold in Abuja on May 15th, urged Nigerian women to come Šž€~}ƒ~‚ ~£ŠŽ~€|}~ ž‚‚†€´ She refuted the allegation that she was ``rigging

 ÂƒÂ‰ÂŠÂƒ}~Šž€´ŸŸ She said that she drew €|}~ .}ƒ€†Šƒ~Š£~‚}‚¾}ÂŽ ~ Â€~ the 3rd Executive Bureau meeting of the AFLPM in Pretoria, South Africa in 2014, to the last general }ˆ}…€†Šƒ ~†ƒ~ †Â?}Ž† ´ She added that she had told AFLPM that „Ž}„ ÂŽ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ ~ £ŠŽ~ €|}~ elections would not allow her to host the summit then, which she said was to facilitate the election of new executives and | ÂƒÂ?Š }ÂŽ´ ÂŽ ~ Šƒ Â€| Âƒ~ }ÂťÂ„Âˆ Â†Âƒ}Â?~ that it was accordingly agreed that the summit would hold in July in ¾ž¿ ´ The agreement was with the understanding that if President Goodluck Jonathan did not succeed in his re-election bid, she would convene the summit †ƒ~  Â‰~‹ªšÂŒ´ Jonathan, however, stressed that the holding of the summit was to enable the election of a new President of AFLPM and to }ƒ žŽ}~ ~ ‚ŠŠ€|~| ÂƒÂ?Š }ÂŽ´ ``This emergency summit, therefore, is to forestall a misunderstanding that Nigeria intentionally orchestrated it to remain †ƒ~ Š;Â…}~  ~ ~ ÂŽ} †Â?}ƒ€´ŸŸ

North East Bauchi PDP chieftain makes case for APC transition committee )Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


chieftain of Bauchi State Â…| Â„€}ÂŽ~ Š£~ €|}~ }Š„ˆ} ~ Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bibi Dogo yesterday said it † ~†Â?} Âˆ~£ŠŽ~ ~€Ž Âƒ †€†Šƒ~…Š‚‚†.}}~ to collect money from the outgoing  Â?‚†ƒ† €Ž Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~ £ŠŽ~ €|}~ „žŽ„Š }~ Š£~ }J}…€† }~ }Âť}…ž€†Šƒ~ Š£~ €|}†Ž~  Â†Â?ƒ‚}ƒ€ ´ Dogo said this while addressing newsmen in Bauchi over money, which the transition …Š‚‚†.}}~ †ƒ ÂžÂ?žŽ Â€}Â?~ ¾‰~ €|}~ State Governor-elect Barrister Mohammed Abubakar, allegedly collected from the Bauchi State Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€´ ŠÂ?Š~  Â†Â?~} }ƒ~†£~€|}~…Š‚‚†.}}~

had collected the money they have €Š~ ‚ ³} ~ †€~ Â„ÂžÂľÂˆÂ†Â…´~ ÂŚ †ƒ…}~ †€~ † ~  ~ Â„ÂžÂľÂˆÂ†Â…~ÂŁÂžÂƒÂ?~€|}‰~‚ž €~}ÂťÂ„Âˆ Â†Âƒ~€|}~ amount given to them and how ‚ž…|~€|}‰~| Â?~ „}ƒ€~ ÂƒÂ?~€|}~¤ Â‰~ €|}‰~ „}ƒÂ?~ †€~ †ƒ~ €|}~ †ƒ€}ÂŽ} €~ Š£~  Â……Šžƒ€ ¾Â†ÂˆÂ†Â€Â‰´

}~  Â? Â† }Â?~ €|}~ †ƒ…Š‚†ƒÂ?~ administration of General Muhammadu Buhari to investigate |Š¤~Â?Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€~Š;…† Âˆ ~ Â…ĂƒÂžÂ†ÂŽ}Â?~ jets and air craft as one of the best ¤ Â‰~Š£~‡Â?|€†ƒÂ?~…ŠŽŽž„€†Šƒ´ Dogo also advised the governorelect to clear his name on the money allegedly given him by Governor Isa Yuguda, money was alleged to have been used for traversing Bauchi, Lagos, Kano, Š‚¾}~ ÂƒÂ?~ †Â? ¤ ~ € Â€} ´

Benue varsity resident doctors embark on warning strike Godwin Akor, Makurdi


esident doctors at the Benue State University Teaching

Š „†€ ÂˆÂ&#x;~  ³ÂžÂŽÂ?†Â&#x;~| ~ÂżÂŠÂ†Âƒ}Â?~ ‚}‚¾}ÂŽ ~ Š£~ €|}~ žƒ† }ÂŽ †€‰Ÿ ~ Â… Â?}‚†…~ € J~ ƒ†Šƒ~ Š£~ Universities (ASUU), who …Š‚‚}ƒ…}Â?~ †ƒÂ?}‡ƒ†€}~ €Ž†³}~ †ƒ~ }¾Žž ÂŽÂ‰~Š }ÂŽ~ƒŠƒÂ?„ Â‰Â‚}ƒ€~ Š£~  Âˆ ÂŽÂ†} ´ Newswatch Times gathered that the resident doctors, who started a warning strike last |žŽ Â? Â‰~ Š }ÂŽ~ ƒŠƒÂ?„ Â‰Â‚}ƒ€~ Š£~ €|ÂŽ}}~ ‚Šƒ€| Âź~  Âˆ ÂŽÂ‰Â&#x;~ ‚ Â‰~ …Š‚‚}ƒ…}~†ƒÂ?}‡ƒ†€}~ €Ž†³}~ ~ ŠŠƒ~ ~€|}~„Ž} }ƒ€~Šƒ}~}ƒÂ? ´ ~ „} ³Â†ÂƒÂ?~ €Š~ ŠžŽ~ …ŠŽŽ} „ŠƒÂ?}ƒ€Â&#x;~ €|}~ ÂŽ} †Â?}ƒ€~ of the Association of Resident Š…€ŠŽ Â&#x;~ ÂŽ´~ žÂ?ž €†ƒ}~ Enenche, lamented the | ÂŽÂ? |†„~ €|}‰~ |  }~ Âľ}}ƒ~ facing as a result of the salary Â„ÂŽÂŠÂľÂˆ}‚´ ~ ÂŚ |}~ † ž}~ † ~ †‚„ˆ}Ă„~ ¤}~  ÂŽ}~ ƒŠ€~ Âľ}†ƒÂ?~ „ Â†Â?~ £ŠŽ~ €|}~ third month running, and it

| ~ Â… Âž }Â?~  ~ ˆŠ€~ Š£~ | ÂŽÂ? |†„~ £ŠŽ~ ž ´~ }~ |  }~  Â„„} Âˆ}Â?~ €Š~ the government through the |Š „†€ Âˆ~ ‚ Âƒ Â?}‚}ƒ€Â&#x;~ ¾ž€~ nothing has been done, so, we have embarked on a threeday warning strike which Âľ}Â? Âƒ~‰} €}ÂŽÂ? Â‰~¡ |žŽ Â? Â‰¸Â&#x;½~ ƒ}ƒ…|}~  Â†Â?´ ~ ÂŽ´~ ƒ}ƒ…|}Â&#x;~ ¤|Š~  Âˆ Š~ }ÂťÂ„Âˆ Â†Âƒ}Â?~ €| Â€~ €|}‰~ | Â?~ embarked on a similar strike †ƒ~ €|}~ „ Â€Â&#x;~ ¾ž€~ €|}~ † ž}~ ¤ ÂƒÂźÂ€~ ÂŽ} Šˆ }Â?Â&#x;~  Â†Â?~ €|}~ €Ž†³}~¤ÂŠÂžÂˆÂ?~}ƒÂ?~€ŠÂ? Â‰´ ~ }~  Â„„} Âˆ}Â?~ €Š~ €|}~ € Â€}~ government to alleviate their žJ}Ž†ƒÂ?~ ¾‰~ „ Â‰Â†ÂƒÂ?~ €|}†Ž~  Âˆ ÂŽÂ†} Â&#x;~ ÂƒÂ?~ Âˆ Š~Â… ÂˆÂˆ}Â?~ž„Šƒ~ well meaning individuals in the state to intervene in the ‚ .}ÂŽ´ It would be recalled that Benue workers and „}ƒ †Šƒ}ÂŽ ~ |  }~ ƒŠ€~ Âľ}}ƒ~ „ Â†Â?~  Âˆ ÂŽÂ†} ~  ÂƒÂ?~ „}ƒ †Šƒ~ £ŠŽ~ ž„¤ ÂŽÂ?~ Š£~ €|ÂŽ}}~ €Š~ £ŠžŽ~ months due to what the government has described as ÂŚÂ?¤Â†ÂƒÂ?ˆ†ƒÂ?~ Â?ˆŠ¾ Âˆ~ Š†ˆ~ „Ž†…} ½~ ¤|†…|~ †€~  Â†Â?~ |  }~  J}…€}Â?~ ÂŽ} }ƒž}~ ÂˆÂˆÂŠÂ… Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~€Š~€|}~ € Â€}´

Ogun monarch denies alleged assassination plot Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta

L-R: Chairman, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Bauchi State Council, Mr. Dahiru Mohammed; Chairman, Nigeria Labour Congress, Bauchi State, Mr. Hashimu Gital and state Chairman, Trade Union Congress, Mr. Mohammed Usman, during a joint news conference by the Unions on the commencement of strike in Bauchi State‌yesterday.

North-East APC rejects senate presidency


he North-East youths wing of the All Progressives Congress (APC), yesterday, rejected the agitation for the Senate President, }„Ž} †ƒÂ?~ †€ ~ „Ž}ÂŁ}ÂŽ}ƒ…}~ £ŠŽ~€|}~„Š €~Š£~€|}~ „} ³}ÂŽ~ Š£~ €|}~ à €|~ Šž }~ Š£~ }„Ž} }ƒ€ Â€Â† } ´ |}~ Â?ŽŠž„~  Â†Â?~ Ă‚ÂŠÂƒÂ†ÂƒÂ?~ €|}~ „} ³}ÂŽ |†„~ „Š †€†Šƒ~ to North East would bring

Â?} }ˆŠ„‚}ƒ€~€Š~€|}~ÂŽ}Â?†Šƒ´~ Â?Â?ÂŽ} †ƒÂ?~  ~ „Ž} ~ conference in Bauchi, the Taraba State leader of the „ ÂŽÂ€Â‰~ ˆ| ¿Â†~ ÂľÂ?ž ÂˆÂˆ |†~ Baba Ade, said the agitation for Senate Presidency to North East is unfair and unrealistic as the Presidentelect General Muhammadu Buhari is a Muslim, Vice President is a Christian, and Senate President should be ž ˆ†‚~ ¤|†ˆ}~ €|}~ „} ³}ÂŽ~

|ŠžˆÂ?~Âľ}~ ~ |Ž† ۠ Âƒ´

}~ Â?† …ˆŠ }Â?~ €| Â€~ €|}‰~ have been consulting with their colleagues from other Ă‚ÂŠÂƒ} ~ Šƒ~ €|}~ Â… ÂƒÂ?†Â? Â€ÂžÂŽ}~ Š£~ ŠƒŠžŽ ¾Âˆ}~  ³ÂžÂľÂž~ ŠÂ? ÂŽ ~ ¤Â†Â€|~ „Š †€† }~ ÂŽ} „Šƒ } ´~ Â?}~ ÂŽ}Â?ÂŽ}.}Â?~ €| Â€~ North-East region has been relegated, in terms Š£~  Â„„Š†ƒ€‚}ƒ€Â&#x;~  Â‰Â†ÂƒÂ?~ the region deserved the

„Š †€†Šƒ~Š£~ „} ³}ÂŽ~†ƒ~ŠŽÂ?}ÂŽ~ £ŠŽ~€|}~ÂŽ}Â?†Šƒ~€Š~}„}Ž†}ƒ…}~ Â?} }ˆŠ„‚}ƒ€´~ According to him, “Since €|}~ ƒ Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒÂź ~ †ƒÂ?}„}ƒÂ?}ƒ…}~ €|}~ |†Â?|} €~ „Š †€†Šƒ~ €|}~ ÂŽ}Â?†Šƒ~ } }ÂŽ~ Š……ž„†}Â?~ ¤ ~ €|}~ „Š †€†Šƒ~ Š£~ Ž†‚}~ Minister held by late Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, and this time around ¤}~ ƒ}}Â?~ €|}~ „Š †€†Šƒ~ Š£~ „} ³}ÂŽ~Š£~€|}~à €|~  Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ Âˆ~ }Â‚ÂľÂˆÂ‰´½~

Alao ruling house, at a reconciliatory meeting held at Owo Community raditional ruler †Â?|~ Â…|ŠŠˆ~†ƒ~ Âł}Â? Â? Âƒ´~ ‚„| Â†Ă‚†ƒÂ?~ Šƒ~ |† ~ of Owo in Yewa South local innocence about the government, Ogun State, allegation, the monarch the Olowo of Owo, Oba swore he had no such Patrick Fasinu, has |}†ƒŠž ~†ƒ€}ƒ€†Šƒ´ The reconciliatory disassociated himself £ŽŠ‚~ €|}~  ÂˆÂˆ}Â?}Â?~ „ˆŠ€~ meeting which was held €Š~   Â†Âƒ Â€}~  ~ „Ž†ƒ…}Â&#x;~ at the instance of some Segun Rufai, from }‚†ƒ}ƒ€~ „}ÂŽ Šƒ ÂˆÂ†Â€Â†} ~ Š£~ another ruling house the community saw an in the town over his end to the feud between †ƒ…Ž} }Â?~ „Š„žˆ ÂŽÂ†Â€Â‰~ Oba Fasinu and Prince ž£ †´  Â‚ŠƒÂ?~€|}~ƒ Â€Â† } ´ Prince Rufai had alleged The monarch made the denial while reacting that he received several yesterday to the allegation  ÂƒÂŠÂƒÂ‰Â‚Šž ~ „|Šƒ}~ Â… ÂˆÂˆ ~ leveled against him by threatening and warning Prince Rufai, who is him to steer clear of the from the Oba Babatunde call for the removal of the ‚Šƒ ÂŽÂ…|´


Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Politics Ondo:DownfallofOlanusi,riseofOluboyo Peter Dada, Akure

\` X\RQjPU RTU WX\ZRN_ …7TU 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN TDP QjZWU RNDbU^^UP X\R XV RTU WX\ZRN_ XZ 6DR\NPD_ RT XV $`Nj^ 6X jR jQ ^D\MTDE^U VXN RTU N\EEUN QRD]` +X\QU XV $QQU]E^_ RX TDbU claimed it has served him an impeachment notice. Knowing that, the law does not permit to serve j]`UDWT]UZR ZXRjWU jZ DEQUZRjD 7TU ZXRjWU jQ Z\^^jR_ ‘ jR QDjP (bUZ RTX\MT RTU X``XQjRjXZ `DNR_ ^D]EDQRUP RTU QRDRU ^UMjQ^DR\NU XbUN RTU DWR RTU $QQU]E^_ thorough the Speaker, Hon. Jumoke Akindele, stated that the action taken against Olanusi was in ^jZU YjRT QUWRjXZ XV RTU constitution as amended. The CJ then responded to the NU†\UQR XV RTU $QQU]E^_ DZP `NXceeded to set up the Panel, headUP E_ 0N 2^DR\Zgj $PUZj_DZ YTjWT XZ^_ QDR VXN D YUU{ $R RTU QjRRjZM 0N 'D_X ${jZ^DgD 6$1 NU`NUQUZRUP RTU $QQU]E^_ YTj^U 'N %UZQXZ (Zj{\X]Uhin attended for Olanusi, though he said he was appearing for Olanusi in protest, and the legal practitioners argued for several hours on the issue of proper service of the notice of impeachment on Olanusi.


n the last couple of weeks, Ondo State has made headlines in various media as reMDNPQ RTU VDWU X' EURYUUZ RTU QRDRU[Q +X\QU XV $QQU]E^_ DZP RTU VXN]UN 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN $^TDgj $^j 2^DZ\Qj YTjWT UbUZR\D^^_ ^UP to the impeachment of the latter. 5UWUZR^_ RTU U]EDRR^UP VXN]UN PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN YDQ EXXRUP X\R XV XBWU E_ ]U]EUNQ XV RTU $QQU]E^_ RX `DbU RTU YD_ VXN RTU swearing-in of the former Com]jQQjXZUN VXN $MNjW\^R\NU $^TDgj /DQjQj 2^\EX_X DQ NU`^DWU]UZR 7TU QDMD YDQ RTU zNQR XV jRQ {jZP jZ RTU PU]XWNDRjW TjQRXN_ XV RTU QRDRU DQ ZX MXbUNZXN XN PU`\R_ TDQ UbUN EUUZ j]`UDWTUP \Z^j{U QX]U QRDRUQ YTUNU jR TDQ EUWX]U D recurring decimal. 7TU j]`^jWDRjXZ jQ RTDR EXRT 2^DZ\Qj DZP 2^\EX_X TDP TDP their names written in special form in the historical document of the state. +jRTUNRX RTU $QQU]E^_ TDP served notice of impeachment on Olanusi for gross misconduct after which it asked the state’s Chief Judge, Justice Olasehinde Ku]\_j RX QUR \` D QUbUZ ]DZ jZvestigative panel to investigate RTU X'UZWUQ $R jRQ `^UZDN_ QjRRjZM XZ 7\UQPD_ $`Nj^ RTU +X\QU DWcused Olanusi of committing QX]U j]`UDWTDE^U X'UZWUQ YTjWT included condoning and perpetrating fraudulent activities, false allegation against the governor, DEQUZRUUjQ] VNX] XBWjD^ DQQjMZ]UZRQ DZP RN\DZW_ D]XZM XRTUNQ The lawmakers said: “That AlTDgj $^^j 2^DZ\Qj EUjZM RTU TX^PUN XV RTU XBWU XV 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN permitted and condoned the perpetuation of fraudulent activities jZ RTU XBWU XV PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN jZ RTDR XZU $^TDgj %X^D ,PNjQ 2^DZ\Qj RTU _X\ZMUN ENXRTUN DZP 6`UWjD^ $QQjQRDZR jZ RTU XBWU XV RTU PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN `NXW\NUP VD^QU /XWD^ Purchasing Order (LPO) with the {ZXY^UPMU XV $^TDgj $^^j 2^DZ\Qj DZP XERDjZUP VNX] (6+2 5Usources International Limited two RN\W{Q XV $*2 YjRT VXNMUP PXW\]UZRQ DZP VXN `UNQXZD^ EUZUzRQ RTUNUE_ ENjZMjZM RTU XBWU XV RTU PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN jZRX PjQNU`\RU …7TDR $^TDgj 2^DZ\Qj EUjZM RTU TX^PUN XV RTU XBWU XV 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN XV 2ZPX 6RDRU DZP having full knowledge that his _X\ZMUN ENXRTUN $^TDgj %X^D ,PNjQ Olanusi, who at all material time YDQ TjQ `UNQXZD^ QRD' TDP UZMDMUP jZ DWRjbjRjUQ \ZEUWX]jZM XV XBWjD^ XV MXbUNZ]UZR NUV\QUP RX QDZWRjXZ †\UN_ XN PjQWj`^jZU RTU QDjP QRD' RT\Q ENjZMjZM RTU XBWU XV RTU PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN jZRX PjQNU-

pute. …7TDR $^TDgj 2^DZ\Qj EUjZM RTU TX^PUN XV RTU XBWU XV 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN XV 2ZPX 6RDRU UZMDMUP jZ DEQUZRUUjQ] DZP RN\DZW_ E_ NUM\^DN^_ DQQUZRjZM Tj]QU^V VNX] XBWU `^DWU XV YXN{ DZP D^^ XRTUN XBWjD^ UZMDMU]UZRQ Q`UWjVjWD^^_ EURYUUZ $`Nj^ RX DZP 0XZPD_ $`Nj^ YjRTX\R lawful excuse or authorisation, E\R MUZUND^^_ DWRjZM jZ D ]DZZUN inconsistent with the dictates and Uˆ`UWRDRjXZQ XV RTU TjMT XBWU XV RTU PU`\R_ MXbUNZXN XV D QRDRU thus undermining the governing process, in act which amounts to gross misconduct under the constitution. …7TDR $^TDgj 2^DZ\Qj EUjZM RTU TX^PUN XV RTU XBWU XV 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN DR bDNjX\Q PDRUQ WX^^UWRUP bDNjX\Q Q\]Q XV ]XZU_ 1 ]j^^jXZ EURYUUZ DZP VXN RTU `\N`XQU XV RNDbU^^jZM DZP ]UPjWD^ Ej^^ YTUZ jZ DWR\D^ VDWR $^TDgj 2^DZ\Qj PjP ZXR RNDbU^ XZ RTU QDjP Q`UWjzUP PDRUQ or did not travel at all, and/or did

not expend the approved medical Ej^^Q DQ D``NX`NjDRUP RTUNUE_ \Z^DYV\^^_ UZNjWTjZM Tj]QU^V DZP or causing loss to the state government,� the notice explained. The state All Progressives Congress (APC) however, frowned at the development on the ground RTDR 2^DZ\Qj PjP ZXR NUWUjbU DZ_ impeachment notice, noting that Olanusi, who decamped from the 3UX`^UQ 'U]XWNDRjW 3DNR_ 3'3 RX RTU $3& XZ 0DNWT RYX PD_Q EUVXNU RTU 3NUQjPUZRjD^ U^UWRjXZ YDQ X\R XV RTU WX\ZRN_ DZP Q\WT D ZXRjWU WX\^P ZXR EU QUNbUP jZ DEQUZRjD 7TU `DNR_ QDjP jZ D QRDRU]UZR “We are aware of the purported impeachment notice served on RTU 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN $^TDgj $^j 2^DZ\Qj E_ RTU 2ZPX 6RDRU +X\QU XV $QQU]E^_ 7TU 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN TDP YNjRRUZ RX RTU *XbUNnor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko on FriPD_ $`Nj^ YjRT 5UV 1X 2%* $ RTDR TU Yj^^ EU going on routine medical check

That Alhaji Olanusi, being the holder of the office of Deputy Governor of Ondo State, engaged in absenteeism and truancy by regularly assenting himself from office, place of work and all other official engagements specifically between April 13 to 17 and Monday April 20, 2015 without lawful excuse or authorisation, but generally acting in a manner inconsistent with the dictates and expectations of the high office of the deputy governor of a state, thus undermining the governing process, in act which amounts to gross misconduct under the constitution

Continued on Page 52


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Politics Buhari, the surgeon Nigeria needs – Lanre Razaq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


et’s have your overview of the March 28 presidential election won by your preferred candidate, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari (retired)? Well, one needs to give thanks to Almighty Allah that behind a sincere and strong person, there is always a good result. Buhari felt seriously he had a duty to be in charge of Nigeria once again, and see how he could provide for it, and we are lucky to be part of the struggle since 2003 when he was the presidential candidate of the All Nigeria’s People Party (ANPP). The most important thing is that when you attempt a goal with a mission and fails, it is expected of a serious person to pursue the struggle like other leaders in the past. You can imagine how many times Abraham Lincoln of America tried to be the President of America before God eventually WNXYZUP TjQ U'XNRQ *UZ %\TDNj RNjUP in 2003 and failed; he tried in 2007, he failed, he also tried in 2011 and failed, but this man never relented, DZP ZXY *XP TDQ WNXYZUP TjQ U'XNRQ just like Abraham Lincoln who also attempted the White House four times. I can assure you that Buhari will hit hard on the inadequacies and the lacks in Nigeria this time around because he has seen the problems of Nigerians from the view of a patient and determined patriotic. We, the great watchers of this gentleman, are convinced that he would turn Nigerian around. Like he said, he is not a magician because the level of destruction of the nation’s economy is so massive that the situation is better imagined this must the reason why the outgoing cabinet is crying that they would be persecuted. They


don’t know that Buhari is not all out to persecute anybody; he is only coming to bring about a better Nigeria, but those who have done wrong to this country are being troubled by their conscience. What I know too well and which I strongly believe is that Gen. Buhari mean well for this country, and he is going to spend greater part of his life to serve this country. But aren’t you bothered with his age? Thank you, it is not a man that grows old, but the mind, and Buhari is still young at heart. He believes he has a duty and role to play. Don’t forget, he is not the only person doing the jobs, he knows people of like minds he can assign duties to without losing a sleep

for fear of imperfection and delivery of excellence. There are lots of Nigerians ready to be in the service of the President-elect to give Nigeria a better state again. You and other Nigerians should not worry because when the going gets tough, Buhari is one of the few that would keep going. What about his fragile health as being observed in some quarters? It is a mere allegation by Fayose, not observation because he cannot provide any medical report of Buhari to substantiate this. There is a Yoruba adage that points to the fact that God in His wonderful ways could spare a dried or withered tree, and cause healthier tree to fall or die. It is not age RTDR PURUN]jZUQ YTX PjUQ zNQR DZP RTjQ _X\ Yj^^ WXZzN] DR RTU ]XNRD^jR_ RDE^U where you will see children of below four years dying while their parents remain alive. As a Muslim, I strongly believe that the issue of death belongs to God, He giveth and He taketh, He knows when to call and who to call, so, leave the issue of death out of Buhari’s case. As a strongman of APC in Lagos and Nigeria by extension, what are those things you want Buhari to handle One key and critical issue is security; he must handle security in every way because it is only when people have a stable state of mind that they can think of development. After that, there is need for food security, and in D QjR\DRjXZ YTUNU `UX`^U WDZ[R D'XNP three square meals, a responsible government ought to be able to perform empowerment and ensure that poverty is eradicated in the country. When you eradicate poverty, then you can talk of healthcare delivery involving preventive and curative Medicare. Of course, our education is very important because an uneducated ZDRjXZ jQ D zZjQTUP ZDRjXZ YU ]\QR continue to get Nigeria educated. It is when citizens are educated that they will know their rights and when they know their rights, they know the government to support. There is the issue of bad roads; if the roads are good, there will be communication development. The issue of energy in Nigeria has become a recurring PUWj]D^ VXN RXX ^XZM :U WDZ[R D'XNP to leave Nigeria behind while other countries are moving ahead, even small nations are now conscious of need for fast growth, especially in power generation and distribution, all these I am sure Buhari will face head on, and Nigeria will be a better for it. Which area of the nation’s security

did you refer to? , ]UDZ QUW\NjR_ jZ D^^ ND]jzWDRjXZQ Buhari should look into the issue of state police, it is true that some people are afraid of it being misuses, and we WDZZXR EU DVNDjP XV DZ jZzZjRUQj]D^ problem at the expense of the general interest of the citizenry. State police Yj^^ EU ]XNU U'UWRjbU EUWD\QU RTU_ are closer to the people, and know the itineraries of their communities. Consequently, our crime rate will be reduced, if not eradicated. Sir, since majority of APC chieftains did not support the convocation of the just held Constitutional Conference, are you not bothered that the report may be thrown overboard? APC is a listening party; our members at the helms of political D'DjNQ Yj^^ `jW{ RTU MXXP XZUQ XV RTU report and throw those seen as inimical to the growth of the people and the country overboard. We shall not take everything for granted, and we shall not throw everything overboard. Be rest assured that Nigeria will get the best of our government. Now, how do want to advise PDP as an opposition? They have not been able to understand their position; they have not been able to realise their position; they have not been able to come to terms with the reality of the day. They DNU E\Q_ zMTRjZM , Yj^^ XZ^_ NU]jZP them that they have a role to play; they should come to term swith themselves; RTU_ QTX\^P QRX` zMTRjZM RTU_ QTX\^P stop crying over spilled milk and embrace themselves and play the role which we have been playing in the last 16 years. Nigerians want to see how far they go about this game. How would you prepare the minds of Lagosians on the kind of government to expect in Akinwunmi Ambode’s administration? First of all, those of us from Epe have ceaselessly appreciated the power that be that gave us the opportunity to govern the state. We also thank /DMXQjDZQ VXN PUU]jZM jR zR RX U^UWR X\N son as governor. We are not unaware of the demands of Lagosians, and we know very well that Ambode is able to deliver dividends of democracy. I can assure you of one thing, maybe after eight years, Lagosians will still beg us to give them another person to take over from Ambode because Ambode will really perform. We know him in and out; we know his ability and capability to deliver. Continued on Page 52

Day Jonathan, traditional rulers gathered for Gani Adams Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


irector General of the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC,) Sally Mbanefo has described the national coordinator of Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) Otunba Gani Adams as an icon of cultural development in Nigeria. Mbanefo who spoke at the 45th birthday celebration of the founder of Oodua Progressive Union (OPU)

also commended Adams for his U'XNRQ RX PUbU^X` RX\NjQ] jZ RTU country, especially his annual dedication to the observation and celebrations of Yoruba deities across the six states in the region. The event recently held at the all seasons event centre, Agidingbi in Ikeja, Lagos State was attended by the Minister of state for works, Dayo Adeyeye who represented President Goodluck Jonathan as well as top traditional rulers in the south west including the Oni of Ife, 2ED 2{\ZDPU 6jg\DPU DZP $^DzZ XV

Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi. All the speakers who spoke in turns described the celebrant as a role model not only in tourism development, conduct and character but a dogged freedom zMTRUN YTX `^D_UP QjMZjzWDZR role in chasing the military back to the barracks as well as the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria. Adams in his remark at the occasion expressed his gratitude to President Jonathan, Oba Sijuade, $^DzZ $PU_U]j =D{j XV $NjMjPj

Akoko, Oba Yisa Olanipekun Oba Timothy Ipinmoroti, Oluro of Ajowa and traditional rulers from Benin Republic and other African countries and every guest at the occasion, noting that the yearly birthday party was never to show opulence but “to appreciate what Almighty God has done in my life.� Meanwhile, Saheed Osupa, Abass Akande, popularly known as Obesere, Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, Lanre Teriba Atorise were on the band to thrill guests to rhythmical melody.

Saturday May 16, 2015


8,;<=?<@ <@K<KQK (S?@<V? XQY?ZK QXX X=[ \XZ (]^=?K Toure celebrates 32nd birthday in style >>Pg.19

FIFA U-20 W/Cup: Go break the jinx, Yusuf urges F/Eagles >>Pg.20


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

League Watch ‘Heartland got carried away by early victories’ H

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Wolves jet out for CAF date with Leopards


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Abia Comets target promotion


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With the way they are MXjZM jR Yj^^ EU PjBW\^R VXN Shark to get anything from this game but just like they say, in the game of football anything can happen and it is not over until it is over. Therefore, it will be wrong RX YNjRU X' 6TDN{Q EUWD\QU as far as the Glo Premier League is concerned, Sharks FC cannot be underrated by any side the same with Gabros FC. It will be a costly mistake for Gabros to think that this game is going to be a walkover for them. There is no doubt the Nnewi side is doing very well at the moment as their position on the log can attest. Gabros have garnered a total of 14 points after week 8 games last weekend and are placed third on the table, while Sharks are placed 16th on the log after same number of games with

7 points to show for their U'XNRQ QX VDN No matter how anybody look at this game, it is going to be explosive even as Chibuzor Okonkwo will be there to ensure that Sharks attackers are keep at bay from making any dangerous incaution toward their goalpost. No matter the way the pendulum swings at the end of 90 minutes hostilities, fans will be thrilled with the best Nigeria Professional Football League. There is no gain saying that this game is going to be a cracker and one of the star matches of this Week 9 games. A victory in this game which is likely will see Gabros push their points RX YTj^U 6TDN{Q Yj^^ zZP themselves in the relegation zone though it is too early to start talking about relegation.

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NPFL Week 9 Fixtures Ifeanyi Ubah Giwa Dolphins El-Kanemi Wikki Heartland 3SC Nasarawa Kwara Utd Abia

Gabros set to devour Sharks in Nnewi abros FC will this weekend welcome Sharks FC of Port Harcourt in Nnewi with the sole objective to pocket the maximum points at stake. The Nnewi side has been a revelation since the commencement of the season as they have continued to dish out quality performances week after week.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team MP Sunshine 8 Giwa 8 Uba 8 Wikki 8 El Kanemi 7 Abia 8 Pillars 6 Enyimba 8 Kwara 8 Nasarawa 8 Heartland 6 Rangers 8 Taraba 8 Dolphins 7 Akwa 8 Sharks 8 Bayelsa 8 Wolves 4 Lobi 8 Shooting 6

W 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 0 1

v v v v v v v v v v D 1 3 2 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 0 3 2 2 4 4 0 6 1

L 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 3 5 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 4

Sharks Taraba FC Enyimba Bayelsa Lobi Akwa Rangers Sunshine Wolves Kano Pillars F 12 10 11 12 7 8 8 6 6 9 10 10 10 7 3 8 5 7 5 3

A 6 5 6 9 6 8 4 6 9 12 9 11 11 8 7 11 9 4 9 7

D +6 +5 +5 +3 +1 +0 +4 +0 -3 -3 +1 -1 -1 -1 -4 -3 -4 +3 -4 -4

P 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 10 9 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 4


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Juventus WAGS smiling all the way to Berlin .Storari’s wife posts pix on Instagram


uventus stunned Real Madrid at the Bernabeu Stadium on Wednesday as they progressed to the | Â‚„†Šƒ ~ } Â?ž}~‡ƒ Âˆ~ Â€~ the Spaniards’ expense. But it wasn’t just the players that were jubilant at the full time whistle, their wives and girlfriends (WAGS), also got in on the act as wife of goalkeeper Marco Storari posted a group photo to her Instagram account. The wives and girlfriends of the Juve squad were pictured in the stands holding up a message saying ‘noi andiamo a Berlino’, which means see you in Berlin. It sounds like the women were more than  ~ˆ†.ˆ}~}…†€}Â?~£ŠŽ~€|}†Ž~

Ozil soaks up London sunshine ahead Man United trip


esut Ozil has embraced the north London sunshine ahead of Arsenal’s trip to face Manchester ƒ†€}Â?~ €~ ˆÂ?~ ÂŽÂ JŠŽÂ?~€|† ~ weekend. The Gunners’ 1-0 defeat to Swansea on Monday was Ă‚Â†ÂˆÂź ~‡Ž €~†ƒ~€|}~ ÂŽ}‚†}ÂŽ~ League at the Emirates since joining from Real Madrid for ÂŁ42.5 million in the summer of 2013. But the relaxed expression he posted on his Instagram on Wednesday suggests |}~| ~ žJ}ÂŽ}Â?~ˆ†.ˆ}~ stress from that setback in ÂŽ }ÂƒÂ ÂˆÂź ~ĂƒÂž} €~€Š~‡ƒ† |~ }…ŠƒÂ?~†ƒ~€|}~ ÂŽ}‚†}ÂŽ~ League. The World Cup winner told his 2.7m followers that he was ‘loving the weather’ as he sat at the wheel of his car in a white T-shirt, large shades and a woven trilby

Toure celebrates 32nd birthday in style

Gerrard posts picture with daughter on Instagram the season, but he told the …ˆž¾Ÿ ~Š;…† Âˆ~¤}Âľ †€}~€| Â€~|}~ is yet to dwell on his move to Los Angeles. ‘I think at the moment where I am, with a couple of games left to go, I don’t really want to think about it too much,’ he said. ‘Everyone’s talking about it but for me I just want to stay focused on the remaining games and the training and sessions ahead. And ahead of what is bound to be an emotional farewell from Reds supporters to their iconic No 8, Gerrard showed he still has time to have fun with his youngest daughter in the ˆ} Â?Â?ž„~€Š~€|}~¾†Â?~ }ƒÂ?Â?ŠJÂ&#x;~ posting two photos on his Instagram on Wednesday.


teven Gerrard admits his sole focus is his remaining games for Liverpool, after taking time out from his farewell tour by posing with his daughter Lourdes on the sofa. The former England captain has had a busy week already, after eclipsing his equaliser against Chelsea on Sunday by starring with his wife Alex Curran in a British Airways campaign. ž€~ |} Â?~Š£~|† ~‡ƒ Âˆ~ ƒ‡}ˆÂ?~ Â„„} ÂŽ ÂƒÂ…}~  Â? Â†Âƒ €~ Ž‰ € Âˆ~  Âˆ Â…}~€|† ~ weekend, Gerrard has been recuperating at home with the youngest of his three daughters. The 34-year-old will move to LA Galaxy on an 18-month deal at the end of

8 `<qVK z` { |&} ~X@zK


Wednesday. Terry scored against Liverpool last Sunday to become the highestscoring defender in ÂŽ}‚†}ÂŽ~ } Â?ž}~|† €ŠŽ‰~ with 39 goals. }ŽŽ‰Ÿ ~‡£€|Â?‚†ƒž€}~ goal against Brendan Rodgers’ side was his eighth of the season and  ~ÂŽ}…ŠŽÂ?Â? }.†ƒÂ?~ºÂ€|~ overall in the league. He will hope to return to the core of Chelsea’s defence at The Hawthorns on Monday looking to complete the remarkable feat of playing every minute of all 38 games in his team’s title winning campaign.

birthday cakes and shared their best wishes with millions of followers on social media. But it was not enough for Seluk who pointed out that Russian club Anzhi Makhachkala once bought Brazilian defender Roberto  ÂŽÂˆÂŠ ~ ~Ă‘Ă ÂŞÂŞÂ&#x;ÂŞÂŞÂŞ~ žÂ? .†~Â… ÂŽ´ But the one thing Toure and his agent have never had cause to complain about is the staggering sums of money paid to him over the course of his contract.


aya Toure celebrated his 32nd birthday on Wednesday by picking up a staggering ÂŁ720,000 (â‚Ź1million) bonus from Manchester City  £Â€}ÂŽ~€|}‰~ĂƒÂž ÂˆÂ†Â‡}Â?~£ŠŽ~€|}~ Champions League. |}~‚†Â?‡}ˆÂ?}ÂŽ~| Â?~€|}~ clause built in to his contract when he moved to the Etihad Stadium in 2010. City secured Champions League football for next season last weekend when they beat Â&#x;~ ÂƒÂ?~ ÂŽ}~Šƒ}~¤Â†Âƒ~ ¤ Â‰~ from a guaranteed place in the group stage of the competition. Toure’s agent, Dimtry Seluk last year accused City of failing to make enough of  Âƒ~}JŠŽ€~€Š~ Â…ÂłÂƒÂŠ¤Âˆ}Â?Â?}~|† ~ client’s birthday. In fact, the club presented their Ivorian star with two


Terry shares selfie with wife Toni ohn Terry has enjoyed a successful, yet arduous season at Chelsea this year, with the captain playing every single minute of €|}†Ž~ ÂŽ}‚†}ÂŽ~ } Â?ž}~ games so far on their way to being crowned champions. ŠÂ&#x;~¤Â†Â€|~€|}~ ÂŽ}‚†}ÂŽ~ League trophy secured and Chelsea’s next encounter not until Monday at West Brom, the central defender has hit the beach on holiday with his wife, Toni. He shared a picture on Instagram alongside her with over one million followers on

hat. Arsene Wenger’s side have won 15 of the 19 games the Germany international has played in all competitions since returning from a knee injury in January.

Saturday, 16 May

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Saturday, 16 May

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BUNDESLIGA Saturday, 16 May


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015



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Mark Ogagan


ormer Head Š …|~Š£~€|}~ Golden Eaglets, Godwin Izilein, has advised Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi to start restructuring the national team by dumping players in the side who are older than 27. Players like striker Emmanuel Emenike, 28, have often been criticized for lacking €|}~Ă‚} ˆ~ ƒÂ?~‡ƒ† |†ƒÂ?~ power to take Nigeria to the next level, and Izilein has supported calls for a complete overhauling of the team. He said this would pave the way for younger, more vibrant

players like red-hot  Â€ÂŁÂŠÂŽÂ?~ €Ž†³}ÂŽÂ&#x;~ Â?†Šƒ~ Ighalo, and in-form } €~ ŽŠ‚~ Â…}~ ŽŠ¤Âƒ~ Ideye, to shine for the national team. Keshi’s team at the ‹ªšĂ’~ ŠŽˆÂ?~ ž„~‡ƒ Âˆ ~ was dominated by young players like defender Godfrey Oboabona, Efe Ambrose, Victor Moses, Juwon Oshaniwa, Kenneth Omeruo and Raheem Lawal, but Izilein feels more younger players should be drafted into the squad to make it stronger. “I think I am in full support of calls for the national team to infuse fresh blood into the system. Keeping old players in the squad for too long is not good for development because we have so many young talented players

evolving,â€? Izilein emphasized. He further advised the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), to keep its technical department busy for the sake of monitoring Nigerian players overseas and calling up fresh legs. “For me, this is time for the technical department to get to ¤ÂŠÂŽ³´~ }~|  }~ Š~‚ ÂƒÂ‰~ ‰ŠžƒÂ?~„ˆ Â‰}ÂŽ ~ Â… .}ÂŽ}Â?~ around the globe and doing well for their teams. Keshi can start rebuilding his team with this in mind,â€? Izilein told Newswatch Times sports. He advised Eagles coach Stephen Keshi not to try to avoid criticism, but to take it in good faith and soldier on, as this is all part of the game. ÂŚ }.†ƒÂ?~ ÂƒÂ?Ž‰~ Â€~ critics or criticism

will not help because criticism is all part of the game. As we know it in football, you win some and lose some, so he should just take criticism as part of ways to restructure the team, and move on,â€? he said. Izilein, now fully based in Benin where he heads an academy, coached Super Falcons to the ÂŁÂŽÂ†Â…Â Âƒ~ Š‚}ÂƒÂź ~ | ‚„†Šƒ |†„~†ƒ~‹ªªÒÂ&#x;~ and handled Golden Eaglets to the African

žƒ†ŠŽ~ | ‚„†Šƒ |†„~ the following year. e last coached Bendel Insurance in the Nigeria National League (NNL), and later quit following non-payment of a backlog of salaries by the Benin-based £ŠŽ‚}ÂŽ~ ~ ž„~ champions.


World’s runners converge FIFA U-20 W/Cup: Go break the in Okpekpe for 10km race jinx, Yusuf urges F/Eagles


op runners across the world are expected to converge in Okpekpe, Edo state, today to add colour to the third edition of the 10-kilometer Road Race in Nigeria. Already, top athletes are in top gear to make a good impression. Some of them had arrived at the competition venue since last week intensifying their preparations,  ÂƒÂ?~Â?}.†ƒÂ?~ž }Â?~€Š~€|}~ Okpekpe atmosphere. Organizers of the race are hopeful that this year’s line-up will be capable of breaking the Nigerian all-comers’ records for the distance for the third successive year at the IAAF Bronze Label Road Race. Now in its third year and having become the ‡Ž €~ŽŠ Â?~ÂŽ Â…}~†ƒ~ } €~ Africa to earn an IAAF Label, the winners of the past two editions of the race have recorded the fastest times ever witnessed in Nigeria. Last year’s winners Teshome Mekonnen  ÂƒÂ?~ žÂ?}~ ‰ Âˆ}¤Â&#x;~ who triumphed in 28:35 and 32:41 respectively, smashed the Nigerian allcomers’ records of 29:39 and 33:01 that had been set in Okpekpe one year

Victor Enyinnaya


prior. ÂŚ }~ ÂŽ}~ƒŠ€~¿ž €~ bringing in big names, but ¤}~ ÂŽ}~„ž.†ƒÂ?~€ŠÂ?}€|}ÂŽ~ an event that will also make big names,â€? said meeting director Yusuf Alli, the Nigerian recordholder in the long jump. Kenya’s 2010 world junior 5000m bronze medallist, Alice Aprot, will be looking to overcome the disappointment of having to pull out of this ‰} ÂŽÂź ~ ~ ŠŽˆÂ?~ ŽŠ ~ Šžƒ€Ž‰~ | Â‚„†Šƒ |†„ ´~ Her 10km PB of 31:46 from 2014 makes her the fastest in the women’s ‡}ˆÂ?´ She will be up against Ethiopia’s Bekelech Daba, whose PB of 31:58 was  Âˆ Š~ }€~ˆ Â€~‰} ÂŽ´~ †ƒƒ}ÂŽ~ of several road races in

the USA over the past few years, more recently she ‡ƒ† |}Â?~€|†ŽÂ?~ Â€~€|}~  ÂŽÂ† ~ Half Marathon with a PB of 1:10:09. Following the Ethiopian and Kenyan dominance †ƒ~€|}~‡Ž €~€¤ÂŠ~‰} ÂŽ ~Š£~ the race, Morocco’s Aziz Lahbabi will be looking to break that trend in the men’s contest. Last year he recorded the fastest ever half marathon by a Moroccan athlete when winning the Rome-Ostia race in 59:25, passing through the 10km checkpoint in a PB of 28:05. Kenya’s Hillary Kemboi won the Obudu Mountain  Â…}~ˆ Â€~‰} ÂŽ~†ƒ~  Âˆ ¾ ÂŽ~ and will be looking for another victory on Nigerian soil this weekend in Okpekpe.

ormer Secretary General of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Dr. Tijani Yusuf, has called on African champions the Flying Eagles to break a long-standing jinx and win this year’s FIFA U-20 ŠŽˆÂ?~ ž„~£ŠŽ~ †Â?}Ž† ´ “I am using this medium to task the Flying Eagles about winning this elusive trophy for Nigeria. There’s been a long-standing jinx, and I am urging them to go on and break it. So, winning the cup will be a big boost to us as a country,â€? he said. He advised the team’s coach, Manu Garba, to remain focused as he consolidates on the gains the team has so far recorded, adding that opening camp for the squad in Germany is the best option as it will give them the needed atmosphere for exposure, concentration and big boast to face the task ahead. According to him, €|† ~¤Â†ÂˆÂˆ~ JŠŽÂ?~€|}~ €} Â‚~ ÂƒÂ?~|}ÂŽ~Š;…† Âˆ ~ the opportunity to put concrete and water tight match plans in place. Garba he said would also do everything possible to

imbibe same on the boys before hostilities for the ³†…³Â?ŠJ´~ The team, he further said, has the players that can stand out in any given competition however, he commends Garba led technical crew on how it has been handling the  J Â†ÂŽ ~Š£~€|}~ †Â?}~¤|†…|~ gives some great glimmer of hope as the time ticks for the start of the U-20 ~ ŠŽˆÂ?~ ž„~Â?ŽŠžƒÂ?~ ¾ .ˆ}´ ‘I will not fail to say that the choice of Germany for the camp for our U-20 boys would remain one of the best steps taken for the overall success of the team. The truth is that the bench has lots more to do; in order to condition the lads and let them be is the ‡ƒ} €~ÂŁÂŽ Â‚}~Š£~‚†ƒÂ?~£ŠŽ~€|}~ championship. “Match plans must be so }J}…€† }~€| Â€~€|}~Š„„Šƒ}ƒ€ ~ would found it extremely

Â?†;…žˆ€~€Š~…Šžƒ€}ÂŽ~†€´~ | Â€~ Garba and his assistants must fashion for the boys to master inside out. No doubt the team has been posting sterling results, match situation and tournament moods could be unpredictable on players especially if strategies are not focused towards that line,’ he said. Yusuf also reminded the coach to always sound it as note of warning to the players that they must not under rate any opponent or allow whatever success they think they have recorded enter into their heads as such could prove costly at the end of the day. He stressed that though, much is being expected from this team but not the kind one that would put them under any kind of pressure. The lads have the chances to prove that being African champions is never  ~¼ž³}´

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 27

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

How my husband proposed to me – Nkem Okoro

Tips to loving relationship

26 Feminine Story

Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

en with sation of married wom ni ga or an ” ife W he “T orr of naatto diin orrd oo f co deerr and chiefc nd is happily married to un ou ho e fo w ro ko k O m ke N ) rs Nkem Okkoro iis thef ty. Dr. (M es to transform the socie m ho nt lle ce l ministry of education. ex ra g de in fe ild e th in e dr Ca the aim of bu e rectorat iew r who has risen to the Di he ac te a is the society. In this interv ro in ko e O nc m ta Sa bs su of Pastor an om e her a w ice to humanity has mad rv se s es lfl d lifestyle. Excerpt se d an , ite ge lic ria so ar m r Her un he ”, ife e speaks about “The W with QISMAT YINUS, sh

What exactly is “The Wife” all about? As the name implies, it is a ministry to married women. We are there to ensure that we all fulfil our special duties as wives and mothers, in taking care of our husbands properly as the heads of the family and our children because God blessed us with them as gifts. It is our duty to bring these children up in the right way. And that was why I wrote the book “Grooming The Next Generation” which is a handbook to guide mothers on how to raise and nurture their children, so that the next generation will be better than ours. We also use “The Wife” as an avenue to take care of ourselves as wives so that we will live to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We noticed that if mothers are okay and well taken care of we won’t have orphans around. We also take care of burning issues in the society an example of which is global warming. We noticed that the family has a lot of power to mitigate against the effects of global warming. So we have trained mothers on global warming so that they will understand what it is all about. We are a group that empowers and train women. We have also trained on landscaping, and how women should take care of their environment. Then currently we are training them on how mothers can be effective counselors, because we believe that prevention is better than cure. So rather than wait for problems to become full blown, like cultism, prostitution, drug abuse and the likes, the mothers will be able to counsel their children about all these. We

Feminine Story 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015 also train wives to have sizzling marital sex with their husbands. What inspired your establishment of “The Wife? I am a wife and that is the most inspiring aspect. I’ve also gone through some of these challenges, and while interviewing a lot of women I noticed that it is fairly universal, and I felt that “The Wife” would be able to tackle all these. I am passionate about anything that has to do with marriage and family. God asked me to go and affect the lives of women, so it is like a call. So have you been able to achieve your goals as the founder and coordinator of “The Wife”? We have achieved so much, that “The Wife” is now a household name, most especially because of the three books which I have written. ‘See What The Lord Has Done” was the first one where I wrote about the challenges I faced as a wife, and mother, the second one was “Enriching Marital Sex” which teaches couples to enjoy pleasurable sex, and this reduces the chances of being tempted to have sex outside marriage. Then the third one is “Grooming the Next Generation” which covers anything that has to do with effective parenting and

mentoring. How would you describe your marriage? My marriage is like heaven on earth, even people can testify to this fact. I’m married to my heartthrob and all these trainings and research works that I’ve done so far have helped me to put to practice what I train other people to do. I’m also a beneficiary of “The Wife” through its trainings. How would you describe your husband? My husband is very loving. When they say that love is reciprocal and whatsoever you sow you reap, it is very true. Because I’m not selfish, and I put into practice all that I train people to do. All these are also bearing fruits in my marriage, because my husband loves me dearly. I’m like a model wife and I know that I have put in a lot of efforts to be what I’m supposed to be as a wife. I thank God that he appreciates all of these. How did you meet your husband? We met during our final year at the university. How did he propose to you? People always want to know this. Well, he did not kneel down to propose. He’s such a gentleman, he proposed in a cute way. He


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tunde ESO Correspondent

qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, May 16, 2015

husband the head. You should also be a companion to your husband. You should work as a team, not to be in competition as to who will outdo the other. Also satisfy your husband sexually. And sex has a lot of benefits. It reduces stress. When you have quality sex, there are chemicals that God has made you to release like oxytocin and this helps your health. Sex also brings about intimacy and strengthens the marriage. You should also take proper care of your children who will grow to contribute positively to the society. You should also take care of yourself. You should always be attractive. Are you working on any project at the moment? We are planning to train mothers to be counselors. We will train them about the techniques, characteristics of counselors and a lot more. We will be training them at Viginis events center in Yaba, Lagos,on the 12th of May. Tell me about your family and educational background I am from a noble family and I had a fairly exciting childhood. My father was a police officer, and my mother was into catering services. I’m from a family of seven, and we are all graduates. I am the fifth child. We have architects, government officials, medical professionals and an engineer in the family. I had my first degree at the university of Lagos where I studied Biological Sciences Education and came out with a second class upper division, then I went back for my Masters in Educational Administration, and I have been doing a lot of research work as a trainer at “The Wife” and this afforded me a PhD(Hon. D.H.L) from European American University, Commonwealth of Dominica in 2009.

‘Howmyhusbandproposedtome’ actually told me he would love to spend the rest of his life with me, and I think that is the most gracious thing I’ve ever heard. And I’m so happy to be married to him. We’ve been married for over thirty one years, and I’ve never had any cause to regret ever marrying him. People always say we are a perfect example of what a marriage should be. Does he support ‘The Wife”? Yes. I tell people that the support of my husband is the greatest miracle, because he left his job of a

managerial position in a bank, and came to work in the church and you know the church cannot pay as much as a financial institution. But even with the little he gets from the church, he still invests in “The Wife”. He believes in what I’m doing. I call him “The Wife” professor because he is our research man. He’s the greatest support financially, materially and strength wise. What is the key to a successful marriage?

The key to a successful marriage is you. As you make your bed so you will lay on it. Whatever you want in your marriage, give it to your spouse. Do you want love; give it to your spouse. Do to others what you’ll want from them. So who is an ideal wife? A wife is supposed to take care of a household, and this starts from the husband. You must know that the head must be respected as the head. The husband is positional head. God is the one that made the

He actually told me, he would love to spend the rest of his life with me, and I think that is the most gracious thing I’ve ever heard.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Five minutes Evia Simon is sexy and

Men misbehave about my curvy figure - Evia Simon

beautiful. But if you miss anything about the up and coming star, her massive buttocks is sure never to be missed. Even Evia herself says her “ass” has caused her embarrassments too often than she cares to remember, not only from men but also from women. Evia lets us into her personal world and the world of make-believe.

Your name sounds sweet, Evia. That is my stage name. My real name is Eveshoyan. I’m from Edo state, from a family of six, but my parents are late. Only four of us are left: two girls and two boys. I’m based in Abuja When did you start acting? I started acting in 2007, but officially in 2010. I started when I was in Kogi State. I began with their local movies. Then in 2009 I went to Port Harcourt on a mission. But officially I registered with AGN Abuja in 2010. . Where did you school? I did my secondary school at Kogi State, Okene precisely. My primary school was in Kano because I was born in Kano and I did my polytechnic at Kogi, State Polytecnic Lokoja, Kogi State How many movies have you done so far? With the Waka Pass, Waka Come, I think they’re more than 30. I can’t really say because the Waka Pass are even more. Which are the most popular ones? Three Generals, Its part two is Stubborn Generals. Regent of Kings is in six parts and there are Prince Apart and Bless the King. Others are Ifunanya, showing onIroko TV now and on cinemas; Dirty Princess, Oga Madam, and many others. You once said that men go crazy over your figure Yeah, it’s true. My ass gives me undue

attention and even to me, it can be so embarrassing sometimes. At times I don’t just feel happy about it. Of course, there are other girls who are shapely, sexy, and beautiful, but you know, this is me and they are them. I don’t know what they are passing through, but I know that I’m passing through hell daily. Even girls get funny about it sometimes. Are you currently in any relationship? I’m single. I’m not married. . What do you find attractive in a man? Oh my God! A black guy. I like it when a guy is black, shining black, tall, huge, very smart and hardworking, God-fearing, caring – guys that give attention to a lady even if the girl is saying rubbish, at least, he listens to her and hear her out. Can you do a sex scene in a movie? No I can’t. I can’t do a sex scene. I can kiss in a movie but I can’t go nude. The highest I can go in a movie is my bra on and maybe a pant bum. I can’t even wear a G-string in a movie. I can’t even wear pant in a movie. I can wear a bra but nudity, I can’t do that. We’ve been hearing of lesbianism in Nollywood. Is it rampant or just rumours? Lesbianism is everywhere. When you talk of Nollywood, it’s there too at the top and everywhere. So it’s not a new thing. It is everywhere, not only in Nollywood.

30 Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

By Tunde Eso

20 health benefits of Kissing Tunde Eso

There’s more to kissing than meets the eye! Not that you really need an excuse (or 10) to make kissing a priority, but you’ll be smearing on your Lip Smackers and puckering up after you discover some of % $ # &

Continued from April 25, 2015

1. Turns up the fun Speaking of fun, kissing is a blast!. Kissing is such an important way of expressing ourselves, and the many " the realm of creative. With so many ways if you want to make it through cold season to kiss and express ourselves through it, unscathed, it’s time to pucker up! fun becomes part of the experience, and fun is a great tool for happiness!� 4. Spurs arousal and enhances sex Frequent sex can enhance everything '& * $ " from heart health to your self-esteem, Kissing is great if you have a headache. and there’s no better primer for sex than Its help ease your pain. Kissing kissing! “Kissing is a powerful type of passionately gets your heartbeat revved in foreplay... it helps increase the chances a healthy way that helps lower your blood that both partners will have a good and pressure pleasurable erotic experience.� +& * $ It may sound counterintuitive, but viruses — especially if all that kissing leads to sex. Research from the journal Medical Hypotheses indicates that women build up immunity against the cytomegalovirus by kissing infected partners. Another study performed at Wilkes University found that study participants who had sex once or twice a week had higher levels of the infection$ /& ;

5. It makes better marriages Seriously. It’s not just that frequent kissers may have stronger marriages (which is great for mental and emotional health), but kissing can actually help you choose the right partner. When you kiss someone, your body is subconsciously sharing information about your respective immune systems. it’s important for partners a better opportunity for survival. So if kissing your crush immediately douses the

" # up to biological incompatibility. 6. Increases happiness Kissing releases endorphins, and to quote Elle Woods from Legally Blond, “Endorphins make you happy. Then give yourself a free happiness boost with a little smooching? 7. Decreases pain During a heated, heart-racing kind of kiss, your body releases adrenaline, which can actually reduce feelings of pain. Pair that with the similarly pain-reducing endorphins that are released during physical intimacy, and locking lips gives

$ nagging headache. 8. Lowers stress How often do you feel frazzled and exhausted at the end of the day? Blame it on your body’s natural response to stress: So if you can lower stress and reduce those

" # with your spouse, do it as often as you can! 9. Burns calories Sure, kissing may not burn as many calories as, say, running a mile, but it does pump up your metabolism to about twice its usual rate. Most people burn about 1 calorie a minute at rest, but according to Dr. Stills, kissing burns about 2 to 3 calories per minute. You won’t want to skip Zumba in favor of a makeout session, but next time you’re lounging around on the couch with your spouse, turn up the heat with some calorie-boosting kisses. 10. Saves face Kissing doesn’t just burn calories — it’s a workout for your face. If you fear your jowls are starting to sag, try tightening things up with some regular, vigorous kissing. It’s the perfect non-surgical prescription to enhance your youthful appearance: safe, free and fun!

Newswatch Times, Saturday May 16, 2015



Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Nollywood actress Liz Da Silva unveils new business


retty actress, Elizabeth Omowunmi Tekovi Da Silva otherwise known as Liz Da Silva, has unveiled her new business line, called Teamup concepts. It deals in kiddies wears, adult underwears, jewellery boxes and beddings. It was launched amidst funfair with colleagues such as Dayo Amusa, Adediwura, Mercy Aigbe Gentry, She Boy among others in attendance. Speaking on her new business, the act said she has been involved in the business for sometime before her decision to

! " # $ Inu Fufu will hit the market this month. The movie features Flakky Ididowo, Damola Olatunji, Wale Akorede, Liz Da Silva among others.

Top Nollywood stars, celebrities gathered for AK Media 10th anniversary

Liz Anjorin and her controversial of lifestyle


ecently, it was reported that popular Yoruba actress, Liz Anjorin, was in a relationship with London big boy who is known as Wese Peckham. It was all over the social media that the man chased his seven-month pregnant wife out of his home in order to get married to Liz in a few weeks. But reacting to the allegation, obviously angry Liz claimed she didn’t know where the story was coming from. She denied having any amorous relationship with the said Wese. While admitting Wese is her friend and ‘confidant,’ Liz however said she has business relationship with the man and there is nothing more to the relationship.

Klint DaDrunk, storm bamboo


op Nollywood stars and who is who in Nigeria gathered last week to celebrate the 10th year anniversary % & ' #* / :; < the company, Asiwaju Benson Akindeju, explained that the => $ $ ? long way; from the debut of our educative; hilarious comedy drama, face2face to different family dramas from our stable today� Q $ X $ started it all. ? & * rented apartment in a shopping complex and now to the glory Q & ':"

Road, Wasimi, Maryland, Lagos. Gradually, with the success recorded from the advent of face2face, AK MEDIA thus brought the following to the Nigeria scene of entertainment: family ties 1; family ties 2 (friends

Z[ \ ] X Z[ $ found; oyinmomo; a Magazine talk show showing on Africa magic Yoruba and another cable TV, MY TV in Abuja.� The man also used the opportunity of the celebration to $ terized modern day happenings within the family. It is a must watch family drama that will rule the drama world just like previously produced drama from our stable�.

Fuji music star, Mutiu Kekere Awori set for US tour


fter his successful 3 months tour of Europe and Asia last year where he played in Vienna and Australia, and given an award as the best fuji musician by Royak Club in Vienna, Australia, Madrid in Spain, among other cities in Europe, fuji super star, Mutiu Ishola (Kekere Awori), has signed an agreement with Olantech Global Promotions in New Jersey. Ther, he is going to perform next month (June). According to Ola Adeoye the promoter of the tour, the US tour will be one of those numerous foreign tours that will come the way of the music star.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015


Regina Askia’s daughter Stephanie involved in auto crash

Yoruba traditional hairstyles not only for beautification-Awe


ormer beauty queen/actress, Regina Askia’s first child, Stephanie Regina Hornecker, has been involved in a car accident. It happened in Ivory Coast last Wednesday where Stephanie was interning in her father’s company and catching a vacation. She was on the way back home with friends driving when her car took a full side impact from a truck in an intersection. Thankfully, Stephanie was in the back seat and had her seat belt on. the story was pasted by Regina Askia on her Facebook.


ot projockey

Mr. Melody


he second edition of The Most Beautiful Girl in Eko Cultural pageant is taking place live at Bamboo Event Hall, Omole-Ojodu, Lagos on Friday September 18, 2015. The event was to take place at the Royal event hall but was changed due to some technical reasons. According to the General Manager of Ereon pageantry, Miss Taiwo Samson who is also the chairperson of the 2015 planning committee, the change of venue to Bamboo Event Hall became necessary for optimum result, being the second edition. She further stated that comedians Klint Da Drunk, Mr. Melody and popular artiste Zule Zoo of Africa among others will perform live at Bamboo Event Hall. Expected at the event would be personalities cutting across government, fashion, movie, and the music world. There would be music, dance, comedy, and cultural extravaganza.� The Most Beautiful Girl in Eko Cultural pageant is supported by the Lagos State government, The Federal Ministry of Tourism, Culture and National Orientation, power horse energy drink, kissmix drink, Bamboo Event Hall, JCB inn and hall, Pepsi cola, Lacasera drink,Tender brooks premier drinks, Oak fashion designs among others.

Unveiling curvy Ghanaian actress and model, Moesha Babiinoti Boduong


urvy Ghanaian actress and model, Moesha Babiinoti Boduong is no doubt one of the most curvaceous female celebrities in Ghana and in the African movie industry in general. The diva believes, “if you got <& = she has never been too online. The actress, has the kind

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> " @ a run for her money any day, anytime.

too long ago, lific female disc and daughter of

rof. Bolanle Awe, a former Director of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, says the traditional hair-styles of Yoruba women are not only for beautification. Awe told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan that the hairstyles could serve religious purposes as well as indicate identification, age, political power, ceremony, occupation or mood. The don said Yoruba traditional hair styles could also function as a medium of communication, mark of initiation, show of state of mind and mark marital and social status of women. She also explained that failure to properly groom the hair among the Yoruba was indicative of deviance or anti-social behavior as well as sign of illness. “The hair is a very central point in Yoruba beliefs; humans are referred to as ‘omo adari hurun’ ( a specie that grows hair on the head.) “The head occupies a pre-eminent place compared with other parts of the body, so too, the hair that covers the head. “The culture and tradition of hair-do is rooted in both spiritual and biological roles of an individual’s head,� the don said. `` A style from the fore-head which ends at the back of the neck shows the carrier is married; besides, married women adorn the head with hairstyles from both sides of the head and finish up at the middle. “Such a network that connects the forehead and back together is a style that shows maturity, power and status of the woman,’’ she added.


Oge Okoye and Nkiru Sylvanus publicly shun each other


t’s obvious the ongoing supremacy and husband snatch =

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ollywood’s controversial gal, Tonto Dikeh, was recently sighted with Mr X, She recently hinted that she’s currently on vacation in Dubai with her Mr X and has since been sharing photos of her activities. From her airplane selfie to kissing a dolphin in Atlantis, Tonto Dikeh seems to be having loads of fun but her fans have easily sighted that the actress is rocking a different hairstyle in the photo with her boyfriend, while the pictures she took alone has an entirely different one.


More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

Koko Ita-Giwa Obioha expecting first child


enator Florence Ita-Giwa’s daughter, Koko ItaGiwa, who got married last year to Chimaobi Obioha in an elaborate society wedding is pregnant. Koko, who is in her 20s, was sighted recently at an occasion looking visibly heavy.

niel a D s s i K oner, Woju cro o is Daniel, wh loses dad

iss s lost his moment, K ave of the e hit single Woju, ha e passing b ehind th inger announce d th page. It dad. The s r on his Instagram w ide ar tiste orld fathe . M ay away of hise c alle d that the G-W ay re cently would b e rrate d his 21st bir thd b ear the loss. only celeb him the for titude to G o d g r a nt

R b boss u l C t h g i N a d M ov i nde dies i e d o S m e e k A

man and b boss, business e,has died. u cl ht ig n r la u op Akeem Sodeind L agos socialite, s died on the 10th of May in The Movida bos n battling acute diabetes ent ad bee L agos. Akeem hure for a while now and even wsaid il and kidney fa dia for treatment which was e to the UK and In He returned to the social scen to be successful. ed his night club which had ely and even re-opense of his ii-health Unfortunat been shut becau died last Sunday. he relapsed and


Yoruba actress Bimbo Thomas opens wine and liquor store “Omo Ghetto” actress, Bimbo Thomas, opened a Wine & Liquor store on the 10th of May, 2015 in Ikeja,Lagos. The popular actress now officially joins the long list of actresses who double as businesswomen.


Newswatch TImes, Saturday, May 16, 2015



hanaian television host and actress, Joselyn Dumas is a very pretty and curvaceous woman who knows just how to work her body. She is quite stylish and known for rocking body dresses most times as this form of outfit suits her body structure. She is indeed a stunner and can be described as a fashionista. Here are some of Joselyn’s most alluring looks.

Qismat Yinus


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015



alling in love with a married man is not easy. It comes along with a lot of commitments. Basically, when you decide to be a mistress to someone, you need to keep your eyes wide open and mouth shut. So, the very basic tips to be a $ $ out what he is looking out in this relationship, and why he is

V & The main disadvantage of being a mistress is the relationship problems itself. When you are falling for a married man, one of the good relationship mistress tips is that you should know why the man is # V & The key to being a ‘good mistress’ is to keep your limits and make sure that they also understand these limits. One

By Tunde Eso

of the good tips to be a mistress is to keep everything about your relationship a secret. The following are a few relationship mistress tips. Don’t be easily available One of the good tips to be a mistress is that you need to make them wonder, this can be done by making sure that you are easy as well as hard to get. Flirt a little, but not all the time, do not sound too desperate, and talk about other men – all this will make them wonder a little. No Falling in Love Try not to fall in love with a married man, this will only hurt you as he will not be losing anything. This is one of the golden relationship mistress tips. You should know that when he can cheat on his wife, he can cheat on you too. If you are looking for someone to love, don’t go for a married man and make them an

adulterer. ; J

to treat yourself well, especially if it is with someone you work with. O _" and you aren’t. This way he will take the liberty to read the note and he will also be careful with the way he treats you. Do not Brag One of the most important relationship mistress tips to follow is that once you have got him sleeping together; regularly watch what you say to others and who you say what. It is best if you don’t share this kind of information. The fun for a moment can become a lifelong problem in no seconds. Enjoy the relationship Don’t take the relationship too seriously. If you do, it will only stress you out. Enjoy every aspect of the relationship. Just keep a few things in mind and be careful of what | $ &



Newswatch Times, Saturday, May16, 2015

Lifestyle y 1. If he says to you ‘I only want to be with you,” pay attention. The question that should come to mind is, ‘Well, who else? Who else would you want to be with? Why am I the only one?’ What does that even mean? 2. He says, ‘I want you to have my baby.’ Trust me, that very often is said in the passion of the moment and he means it in the moment but it’s not going to be the way he feels the next day. 3. He’s NOT affectionate and/or if you’re kissing and he’s kissing you back but you find his eyes are open and he’s looking around, you should know that’s a sign to consider. 4. He makes AND breaks promises. If he’s always promising you, ‘We’re going to go out’ or ‘We’re going to meet my family’, but it doesn’t happen, there’s a reason he’s not keeping the promises. 5. He always talks about the future, but the future never comes. It’s about what’s going to happen, what’s always ahead…but you’re left dealing with what DIDN’T happen. Bottom line: If you find you’re waiting for something more to happen between the two of you and the only thing that seems to be happening is that you’re having great s*x, he may be faking the LOVING PART. You may want to start paying attention to that so that you don’t wind up feeling left out of the rest of his life and not being able to bring him into your life in a more complete way.

Joy- the fill up (2)

Bimpe Onwuchekwa

up with encouragement even if no one does. Reprogramme yourself to be happy,not allowing stress and worries to steal your joy. Don’t settle for good enough, manageable situations, reach out for the best all the time, all the way. You really need to like your self enough to indulge yourself generally,celebrate yourself. Be passionate about life but don’t be too serious about it. Change your attitude to suit your purpose ,by being factual, real, and productive at judging environmental confrontations. Focus on your strengths and not your weakness. Handling your emotions to be happy and to be full of joy for a lot of people is a big deal. To have joy in your life, you need to live in the present and the expectation of a bright future. Letting go of the past pain,failures, disappointments, betrayal, shame,ridicles and so on. You can not change your past but can do something about your future. Don’t let your potentials be buried beneath depression, discouragement, fears, weakness and many more. Watch out for new doors and windows that are there being opened in your life circumstance ,they aren’t noticed because you keep looking back. Constantly remind yourself that you have a gift, you are talented and creative, keeping your new dreams alive by feeding it with understanding and wisdom. Focus on what’s right in your life and be grateful for it,while you nurture your motive to be back on track. Obey God’s commands strictly, this gives you peace and joy in abundance knowing you please God in all do and at all times. For the spiritual ones, worshipping God gives a lot of delight and excitement, this indeed creates fun either at home or at a meeting venue. Learn to talk to yourself positively,declaring your expectations for manifestation and be expectant because what you think mostly comes your way. Create your world by making your environment nice, decent ,cosy and conducive , making aesthetics your guide. Try making your house or home an eden, where everything you need is available. Note the word; need. I didn’t mention want. A place with space,organisation, beauty ,neatness and cleanliness. Imagine after a busy, disappointing day,all should think of is the joy you get from getting home to have some rest. This sort of joy can’t be talked about without mentioning your relationship with other people. A good relationship with family,friends, children, parents, colleagues, in laws, superiors, subordinates and others would do you such good and can’t be over emphasised, bringing you so much joy and harmony. How you see yourself is very important, because how you perceive yourself is how you are seen. Do see yourself a winner, champion, victor,loser, success, failure, or an outstanding, unique




The Counselor

ith reference to the previous counsel on “ Joy”, Having known that joy is the feeling of great pleasure and happiness, now we would address the important need to fill our selves up with it as individuals. Personal joy can be viewed and derived from different spheres. Intellectually, you needs to take delight in aspiring to be better than you are presently. Be prepared to build yourself and others. Seek ways to maximise your gifts,talents and resources adequately. Take courses online or better still go to school for higher learning for education, enlightenment and uplift, “Knowledge is power” Get empowered by being more skilled also. Learn to enjoy what to do, don’t just work for the money but also for the fulfilment. This implies you need to engage in what you enjoy doing. Be bold about executing your plans and objectives with fun and decision, thinking less of failure and non accomplishments. Look forward to a success laden future and destiny. Physically, joy comes with the satisfaction of dressing nice ,eating well, good posture and disposition. Always take your uniqueness into consideration while you address these physical attributes. Dress in a way that compliments can be passed to appreciate your dressing. Dressing nicely does not particularly mean being expensive, it simply means wearing appropriate, neat, fit in. Bear in mind the occasion, the season,the trending style and your stature. Having done these you look into the mirror, giving yourself a smile and appreciation. An ample aspect of the day is conquered with that smile, bringing confidence, esteem and grace into your life. Eating the meals that suits your health and physical requirements is interesting in this case. Your body should speak “I am ready” in health and vitality. Maintain a good posture of heads up,shoulders high and putting a smile on keeps you on top of situations. With the consideration of another aspect of Joy derivatives, boost your psychic . Wake up and stir yourself

person? Do you tell your life history as a testimony or a tragedy ? Have you forgiven yourself of the past wrongs, whatever kind of past you had or had lived? All these helps you to know and understand how to dispose yourself to other people around you. You can’t give what don’t have. Happiness is a choice that emerges from the joy planted or created by you. You can’t give what you don’t have, share your joy with others, not your gloominess. Try not to magnify your problems. Make other people happy by giving the right currency of various denominations of uplift. But better still, understand that you can’t always please some people,it can be frustrating. Talking about making people happy,by this I mean, celebrate with others,be compassionate, empathise as the case warrants it. Take note more of the good,good done and seen( don’t always find faults). Be sensitive to people’s needs ; material, intellectual, emotional,psychological, and so on. Be a complementary factor, a giver,forgiver ,a peacemaker, a builder and more. The much of good you sow into other lives, the more good comes your way. Therefore sowing reasons to smile on faces, will translate into joy for you. Taking people for who they are, understanding their temperament trait, using your knowledge of that as an advantage to knowing how to deal with them on an individual bases. Some are introverted and others are extroverted. Appreciating these attributes will do a great deal of help at dealing with people without your cool being tampered with. Be careful of negative influences, choose your friends,stay away from dangerous and venomous family members, colleagues, neighbours and more. Choosing your friends helps your joy level. Friends that mock you and make jest of you will certainly affect and demoralise you. Bringing you down is their theme so you need to start a new positive scheme, discard them and choose another. Keep friends that tell you the truth in an encouraging way. Play your own trumpet if no one cares to play it for you. Criticism are posed for assessment and correction to bring about the better of someone, but when it does other wise, ignore. Engage yourself in various exciting exercises such as gym, household chores, washing, cooking and more. Have your way of making fun out of the activity, like playing music, singing, whistling, homing and more of your own innovation of making yourself happy. Joy in the home is very important and crucial, since it determines how well and how full your joy can really be. In this case married couples should look out for how peace and harmony can permanently be installed in their home. Peace is the bedrock for the sustainance and the refilling of joy in the home.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE



President Goodluck Jonathan (left) and other dignitaries during the event.

President, Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, Most Rev Ignatius Kaigama presenting a gift to President Goodluck Jonathan during the farewell visit by the Catholic Bishop of Nigeria to the President in Abuja.

President Goodluck Jonathan [Centre) in a group photograph with members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria during the visit. Photo By Anayo Opara


L-R: Her Excellency, Dame Patience Faka Jonathan and the First Lady of Congo Republic, Mrs. Anthoin Ssassou Nguessou, at a cocktail night after a film show event in honour of African First Ladies in Congo Republic.

L-R: Adviser to President Denis Nguesso First Lady, Rosalic Matonde; Dame Patience Faka Jonathan and Nigerian Ambassador To Congo Republic, Princess Victoria Jolaade Onipede, during the visit.

L-R: Minister of State FCT, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide; FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed; Managing Director, Julius Berger Plc, Mr. Detler Lubasch; Abuja Division Julius Berger Divisional Manager, Mr. Harmut Warnecke and President Goodluck Jonathan, during the Inspection of the Lot 2, Umaru Musa Yar’adua Expressway, Airport Road, Abuja. yesterday. Photo: Anayo Opara


L-R: Speaker, House of Representatives/Governor-Elect, Hon. Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, with the Senate President, Senator David Mark, during the 8th National Assembly Induction Certificate Course Dinner on Legislatives Studies for the newly elected legislators in Abuja.

L-R: Representative of the Chief of Defence Staff, Maj. Gen. A. Alkali; Governor of Sokoto State, Aliyu Nagatakarda Wamakko and the Senator-Elect, Arch. Salihu Hussain, at the event.

Photo: Wale Adenu

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015


L-R: Minister of Justice, Mohammed Bello Adoke; Minister of Agriculture, Akinwumi Adesina and Minister of Trade and Investment Olusegun Aganga, during the Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja.



L-R: Mother of the Bride, Mrs. Adebola Adekunle Legunsen; Groom, Mr. Amen Osahon Omere; Bride, Elizabeth Shade Legunsen; Father of the Bride, Mr. James Adekunle Legunsen and Step Mother of the Bride, Mrs. Olufunmilayo Legunsen, during the wedding of Shade and Amen in Lagos…recently. Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: Father of the Groom, Mr. Osamede Johnbull Omere; Groom, Mr. Amen Osahon Omere; Bride, Shade Elizabeth Legunsen and Mother of the Groom, Mrs. Elizabeth Omere, during the wedding of Shade and Amen in Lagos…recently. Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: Minister of Mines and Steel, Alhaji Mohammed Sada; Minister of Transport, Senator Idris Umar; FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed and Minister of Special Duties, Alhaji Kabiru Tanimu Turaki, during the meeting. Photo: Anayo Opara



L-R: The groom, Mr. Omoo Osiakpemeh and his newly heartthrob, Mrs. Kehinde Osiakpemeh (Nee Otuyemi) during their wedding at the St. Peter’s Anglican church, Abule-Egba, Lagos...recently.

L-R: Bride’s mother, Mrs. Alice Otuyemi; Groom, Mr. Omoo Osiakpemeh; his wife, Kehinde and the bride’s father, Mr. Josiah Otuyemi during the wedding of their daughter, Kehinde at the St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Abule-Egba, Lagos... recently.

L-R: Staffs, Satson Schools Ketu Lagos, Mr. Adewunmi Adeniji; Mrs. Okunola Olusola; Proprietress, Satson Schools/Celebrant, Mrs. Olabisi Amoa-Abdul; her Son, Master Muiz Abdul; Mrs. Durojaiye Adebukola; Mrs. Falade Bukky; Miss Saki Esther and Mrs. Oladimeji Toyin, during the 50th Birthday Anniversary of Mrs. Olabisi Amoa-Abdul in Lagos…last Saturday.

L-R: Younger Sister of the celebrant, Mrs. Remi Kokumo; Husband of the celebrant, Alhaji Hotul Abdul; Celebrant’s son, Master Muiz Abdul; Proprietress, Satson Schools/Celebrant, Mrs. Olabisi Amoa-Abdul; Celebrant’s Mother, Mrs. Wuraola Balogun and celebrant’s younger Sister, Mrs. Falade Bukky during the celebrations.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Kitchen

How to prepare Plantain Moi Moi (Ukpo Ogede)

Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Is caffeine bad?




lantain Moi Moi (Ukpo Ogede) is a delicious Nigerian recipe that was born out of plantain surplus. It is a great way to use up overripe plantains instead of throwing them away. - 2 medium sized over-ripe Plantains (don’t worry about the black skin,but be sure that the inside hasn’t gone bad. Ripe plantains can also be used) - 200g Unripe plantain flour OR Corn Meal(cornflour) - 1 Cooking spoonful Palm Oil/red stew oil/ vegetable oil - 1 Cooking spoonful ground Crayfish - 1 Handful deboned boiled fish or fresh prawns (optional) - 1 medium sized Onion bulb - 2 seasoning cubes - Pepper to taste - Salt to taste - Containers for pouring the Plantain moi moi (Uma/banana leaves, aluminium or plastic bowls) Tip: in the absence of plantain flour, corn flour(corn meal) can be used as a substitute. The corn flour

used here is ground whole maize and should not be confused with corn starch(used for ogi/akamu) which is also known as corn flour in some countries. Cooking directions for Plantain Moi Moi (Ukpo Ogede) - Place the un-

pour it into the bowl with the unripe plantain paste.Mix thoroughly and add a little warm water to get a lighter , but not watery consistency. -

Add the palm oil, stock cubes and salt to taste. Mix thoroughly. - Next, scoop the plantain mixture into any container of choice , you can add the cooked fish or fresh prawns(if you are using any), then seal tight and set aside.

- Put a pot of water or steamer to boil. Place the containers into the pot&cook until the Plantain moi moi solidifies. ripe plantain flour (or corn meal) into a bowl, add a little warm water and mix the flour until you get a smooth paste. Set aside for later use. -Next,Wash, peel and slice the over-ripe plantains. Blend the plantains with the crayfish, onions and pepper;Blend into a smooth paste and

(You may have to add water to the pot from time to time, as it dries up). This steaming process takes about 45mins to 1 hour Take out the moi moi from the pot, leave to cool a bit; serve and enjoy. Plantain Moi Moi(Ukpo Ogede) is usually eaten as a snack or as a meal with Pap(ogi/akamu), oat meal,Custard or Rice recipes.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Politics Ondo: Downfall of Olanusi, rise of Oluboyo Continued from Page 15

${jZ^DgD ^UP RTU &TjUV XV 6RD' to the Governor, Dr. Kola Ademujimi, and the Permanent Secretary jZ RTU 'U`\R_ *XbUNZXN[Q XBWU Kehinde Temikotan, in evidence as witnesses on all the seven allegations against Olanusi. Enikuomehin however, argued that his client was not properly served to appear before the panel, and therefore, maintained that the panel could not continue sitting, citing Section 36 sub sections 1, 2 and 3 of the constitution. In his own argument, Akinlaja pointed out that the fact that Enikuomehin appeared, conzN]UP RTDR TjQ W^jUZR YDQ `NX`UNly served. He also presented a copy of a letter signed by Olanusi informing the governor of his intention to travel on Monday, April 27, so as to show that he (Olanusi) was indeed in the country when the notice was served, and he must have received it through one of the means it was sent to him. He prayed the panel to disregard Enikuomehin’s claims, maintaining that the numerous evidences on ground attest to the fact that Olanusi was in the country, and was well and properly served the summons as well as the notice of impeachment. Chairman of the panel, after considering arguments of the two parties, concluded that there YUNU Q\BWjUZR UbjPUZWUQ EXRT oral and documentary) on ground which showed that the former deputy governor was properly served the summon. The panel later sent its report to the Assembly for consideration. On receiving the report of the Adeniyan-led Panel, the State Assembly converged with 23 of the 25 members adopting the report to impeach Olanusi with all the members in attendance, unanimously supporting the motion moved and seconded by the Majority Leader, Hon Ifedayo Akinsoyinu and Deputy Majority Leader, Hon Oyebo Aladetan respectively.

To back up his motion, Akinsoyinu representing Ondo West State Constituency II cited Section 188(11) of the 1999 Constitution, saying, “having been found culpable of the allegations levelled against him, I hereby move for the impeachment and removal from XBWU XV $^TDgj $^j 2^DZ\jQj ‘ Oluboyo

However, the newly sworn-in Deputy Governor, Alhaji Laisisi Oluboyo is occupying the seat illegally. We still have faith in the judiciary that illegality perpetrated by the Assembly will be set aside by the court

To wrap it up, the Speaker, Hon Jumoke Akindele, therefore, directed that the government property in the custody of the sacked number two citizen be retrieved as soon as possible, and the House ended the plenary. Some hours later on same day, the House reconvened to clear the Deputy Governor-nominee, Lasisi Oluboyo after which his swearing-in followed at the Cocoa Conference Hall of the Governor’s 2BWU ${\NU Congratulating the new Deputy Governor, Governor Oluse-

gun Mimiko said members of the state’s Executive Council had work as one body, and the inclusion of Oluboyo would further strengthen the unity in his cabinet. Responding, the 53 year old Oluboyo, who hailed from Ikare town in Akoko Northeast Local Government of the state, thanked his boss, members of the state Assembly and the entire people of Akokoland for making him worthy of the new position. The former Commissioner for Agriculture in the state pledged to be 100 per cent loyal to his boss, as well as give his best in taking the state to a greater height. However, the state APC has condemned in totality the process through which its party man, 2^DZ\Qj YDQ NU]XbUP VNX] XBWU vowing to challenge the entire process in court. In a statement signed by its Publicity secretary, Abayomi Adesanya, APC described the process as unlawful, saying that “it is the height of impunity by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)’s led MXbUNZ]UZR jZ RTU QRDRU ‘ The statement further read: “The impeachment of Olanusi as the deputy governor of Ondo State is temporary. The whole process of the impeachment was a sham and charade. How on earth will a deputy governor be im`UDWTUP YjRTjZ zbU PD_Q" “It shows that there were unholy alliances among Governor Olusegun Mimiko, Chief Judge, Olasehinde Kumuyi and the Governor’s stooges, who called themselves lawmakers to embark on il-


legal process to impeach the duly elected Deputy Governor. “However, the newly swornin Deputy Governor, Alhaji Laisisi Oluboyo is occupying the seat illegally. We still have faith in the judiciary that illegality perpetrated by the Assembly will be set DQjPU E_ RTU WX\NR ‘ jR DPPUP Meanwhile, traditional rulers from Akoko district of Ondo State, have urged the new Deputy Governor, Alhaji Lasisi Oluboyo to be loyal to his boss, Governor Olusegun Mimiko, for him to sucWUUP jZ XBWU They also enjoined him to support Mimiko for the overall development of the state. The monarchs spoke at the palace of the Olukare of Ikare-Akoko, Oba Akadri Momoh when the Deputy Governor paid a courtesy visit to the traditional ruler where he was also charged to be steadfast, and show high level of commitment to all responsibilities given to him. The Akoko monarchs, who spoke through Oba Momoh commended Mimiko for the choice of Oluboyo as the Deputy Governor of the state. Speaking, the Deputy Governor, who described his appointment as the will of God, noted that his appointment was by divine arrangement as he never dreamt of it. He appealed to the people of Akoko land and the state at large to support the Mimiko administration in its quest to develop the state, assuring that the people of the state will enjoy more dividends of democracy than before.

Buhari, the surgeon Nigeria needs – Lanre Razaq Continued from Page 16

against him; why not in your own view of Lagos State just advise him on what to do to earn this trust and The issue of advice of our son is not to be read on the pages of newspapers; we have spoken to him and he has assured us of total commitment to the progress of Lagos State, which is why we and those who know him have described Tj] DQ RTU …WXZQX^jPDRXN ‘ 7TU RN\RT jQ that if Ambode can’t deliver dividends

of democracy now, nobody else can do it; Ambode is the needed material VXN /DMXQ 6RDRU 7TUNU jQ D Pj'UNUZWU between somebody that drank a volume of water and somebody that died while swimming. Ambode had been part of the system and he knows how government machineries work for better performance and result; he will apply them well and properly too. Ambode started from the scratch – local government - and got to the peak of his career – permanent secretary

and Accountant-General of the state. I wonder which area he doesn’t understand; Ambode is not a kind of person that crosses the river on a map; he has been there practically on the bank of the river, and he had been in a canoe with the paddle and has crossed several times, it wouldn’t be too PjBW\^R RX MXbUNZ /DMXQ How would you rate former President Olusegun Obasanjo and Asiwaju Bola Ahmed in the campaigns that eventually brought Buhari to

I am not in a position to discuss these two gentlemen, who are great leaders of this nation. One thing that TDQ ]DZjVUQRUP jRQU^V jQ RTU RN\U U'UWR of the game of politics that there is no permanent friend or permanent enemy, but when the interest come together as one, you will see politicians who are patriotic enough, and who want to save the nation, come together and forget personal issues to work together for the progress of the country.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015


PDP:Wind of crises blowing Africa’s ‘largest party’ Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


ircumstances surrounding the March 28 presidential/National Assembly elections and the April 11 governorship/state Assembly elections that “dethroned� President Goodluck Jonathan as well as denied the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) many erstwhile umpires though later opened counter-accusations but the imbedded treachery especially right from the PDP’s primaries that not only dismembered it at the national level where the National Working Committee (NWC) was in disarray, leading to the formation of the nPDP as well as the defection of zbU MXbUNZXNQ E\R D^QX saw to the systematic implosion of the largest party in Africa. 7TU WXZzN]DRjXZ RX RTjQ YDQ zNQR^_ RTU TUDR on the PDP national chairman, Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu targeted at his either forceful resignation of all the NWC or their outright sack, even against all odds. The allegations by the

agitators that include the PDP governors and other well placed members were partly, mismanagement of party’s fund and outright sell out/betrayal that culminated in the loss of the party’s candidate at the election. While counter accusations were going on at that level, same scenario is already playing in Lagos State where the party chairman, Mr. Tunji Shelle was during the week sacked by 34 members of the State Working Committee (SWC.) Shelle was on Monday sacked by the SWC after being found guilty of about 13 allegations against him. The accusations included mismanaging the N100 million election campaign funds and manipulating the party’s primaries last year in favour of Jimi Agbaje and other candidates and thus led to the defeat of the PDP at the polls. He was immediately replaced by Kamaldeen Olorunoje, who before his new appointment was the vice chairman of the party. However, the Lagos State PDP had since been factionalised with each being led by the allegedly sacked chairman and his deputy now the just crowned head. Meanwhile, Shelle has

Mu’azu described the sack as null and void, dismissing those involved in his alleged removal as “jokers�. Faulting his removal, Shelle said it was contrary to the PDP constitution, insisting that it is only the National Executive Council (NEC), of the party that can remove Tj] VNX] XBWU He said, “They are

Jonathan jesters, they are jokers. They are a set of irresponsible people. I do not even know them because they do not belong to the PDP. They have not followed the party’s constitution and in any case, the SouthWest leadership has already rebuked them. I was at a meeting of the South West leaders when I got the message and the South West has already

Yes, Ebonyi problem was one of the issues discussed at the meeting, but we are almost at the solution to that problem. The meeting ended amicably, I don’t think he stormed out of the meeting. I think the governor was

reacted to it. Similarly, the national leadership has rebuked them because I am a member of the National Executive Council of the party, they do not have the powers to remove, impeach or even suspend me.� However, the PDP state secretary, Alhaji Wahab Owokoniran at D `NUQQ ENjUzZM DR RTU party’s state secretariat, the decision was a protest against the way the party was being run, “We members of the state executive have agreed that the way the party is being run should not be allowed. You will all agree with me that this party is not well run before, during and after the elections. There is need for restructuring. If we want restructuring, there is no way the chairman WDZ WXZRjZ\U jZ XBWU ‘ he explained, adding that the Disciplinary Committee had recommended expulsion or impeachment of Shelle having found him guilty of all the 13 allegations levelled against him. He accused Shelle of unilaterally rendering the PDP structure inactive before, during and after the 2015 polls without the approval of the state executive and allocating “funds to various party members DZP XBWjD^Q DWWXNPjZM to his wishes of seeking the approval of the State

Working Committee.� Shelle, he said, hijacked the functions of treasurer and the party secretary: “the money received by the party was outsourced to a third party who keeps it in his bank account and disburses from it.� In addition, he said “he (Shelle) calls party XBWjD^ ]UURjZMQ YjRTX\R consultation. Lawful duties were neglected, especially refusing to consult with the State Electoral Commissioner until four months after he was deployed to the state. Party guidelines on payment for nomination form were breached by allowing his favoured aspirants to collect forms without payment. “In Epe LGA, he manipulated a draw situation between two aspirants in the party primaries to favour his preferred candidate who subsequently defected to APC after losing the election,� Owokoniran alleged. In his acceptance speech, the newly appointed Acting Chairman, Olorunoje, promised to bring about a new lease of life to the Lagos PDP, saying, “the party shall be reorganised, renewed and reformed to face future challenges.� However, shortly after the news broke out, some youths led by Continued on Page 54

Udom’ll defray state debts – Essien Nse Essien is a House of Assembly member-elect for Onna State Constituency of Akwa Ibom State. He is a staunch member of the Peoples Democratic Party and close ally of Deacon Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, the state’s governor-elect. He spoke with BASSEY ANTHONY on the March 28 and April 11 general elections among other issues of state and national importance. Excerpts:


ould you please give your own assessment of the governorship and House Assembly elections held across the state recently? The last election was highly successful in Akwa Ibom State, in the sense that it was free and fair. The people had the opportunity to express their will on who governs them,

and that includes the people of Onna state constituency, and I am grateful to them and I am grateful to God. But there are complaints from certain quarters that the elections in this state were characterised by violence, malpractices, hijacking of ballot boxes among others. What do you say to that?


I would not say there were no incidences of hijacking like the one involving a major general; they were isolated cases however, and cannot dismiss the elections as being unfair. I didn’t notice the hijacking of ballot boxes in my area. So, by and large, it was fair. The United States

of America and some other countries wish the elections in Akwa Ibom and Rivers states were cancelled over allegations of electoral malpractices; do you think they are fair in their judgment? No, they have not said elections should be cancelled, I only learnt that they said INEC

should investigate such situations. They have no right to call for cancellation. They are not Nigerians; they don’t run our democracy; our democracy is standing based on what we have on ground, and the people have fully expressed what they desire and that is what they got. At the centre, the incoming government is All Progressives Congress (APC), which is the wish of Nigerians, but here in Akwa Ibom State; the wish of the people is that PDP should remain in power. If the United States is calling for the investigation of the elections in Akwa Ibom State, it will only mean that the elections were

not properly conducted, what are your thoughts about this? Asking for investigation does not mean that they have WXZzN]UP RTDR jR YDQ ªDYUP 7TUNU jQ ZX election conducted in any part of the world where the opponents or losers do not complain; some of them go as far as refusing to concede defeat. That is the major problem. If the candidate of the APC had conceded defeat or congratulated the winner, you won’t hear these stories. How about the other states in the north where the PDP conceded defeat, we congratulated them. So, it’s about bad losers; they should learn from the President of the Continued on Page 54


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May16, 2015

Politics PDP: Wind of crises blowing Africa’s ‘largest party’ Continued from Page 53

one Shamsideen Lawal stormed the secretariat of the party at GRA Ikeja to protest Shelle’s removal. The youths, led by one Shamsideen Lawal, said they would not allow the acting chairman, Olorunoje and his team to function until the decision is reversed. According to them, “We will not accept this kangaroo impeachment. How can you say you impeach a man who gave \Q zbU QUDRQ jZ RTU +X\QU of Representatives and eight seats in the House of Assembly in a state that is the a stronghold of APC,? They asked. Also in Ekiti State, the party’s chairman, Chief Idowu Faleye has been removed by the SEC at a meeting on Tuesday, for D^^UMUP jZUBWjUZW_ Faleye, a loyalist of Governor Ayodele Fayose, was also accused of failure to convene a meeting since he DQQ\]UP XBWU ^DQR _UDN It would be recalled in 2014 that Fayose mounted the rostrum when the then Chairman, Mr. Makanjuola Ogundipe, to the position of the National Vice Chairman, Southwest of the PDP. The SEC, which was said to have sacked the chairman without notifying the governor, elected Mr. Olatunde Olatunde became the acting Chairman South west pending TjQ NDRjzWDRjXZ E_ RTU National Executive Committee (NEC). Olatunde, who disclosed this to journalists in Ado Ekiti on Wednesday, said appointing Faleye as the chairman was an error, because he hailed from Ido Ekiti, in Ido/Osi Local Government Area with the State Youth leader of the party. But Faleye, maintained that he was still the duly elected chairman while asking journalists to ignore his purported sack. According to him, the issue is all about money, adding that his appointment has been NDRjzUP E_ RTU 1(& because he led the state to the PDP National Convention last year and voted. It would also be recalled that there had been lingering crises in the Ebonyi State chapter of the party where the governor, Chief Martin Elechi defected to the Labour Party (LP), accusing the secretary to the federal government,

Udom’ll defray state debts – Essien Continued from Page 53

Kashamu Anyim Pius Anyim and others of complicity. The party almost lost the state in the just concluded polls if not that it has been one of the few strongholds of the largest party in the continent. Truce did not come easily to the state as Newswatch Times reliably gathered that President Jonathan had RX QUR \` D zbU ]U]EUN Governors Committee to resolve the political crisis in the state. The committee members were Governors Gabriel Suswam (Benue), Sule Lamido (Jigawa), Saidu Dakingari (Kebbi), Sullivan Chime (Enugu) and Godswill Akpabio (Akwa Ibom). They were mandated to help the Presidency RX NUQX^bU RTU VDWU X' between Governor Elechi and his deputy, Dave Umahi, alleged to be sponsored by Anyim, the situation that sharply divided the party in the state, especially when it was rumoured that the former stormed out of the peace meeting held in the State House Abuja. Though, Suswam later announced that a resolution was at hand, even as he explained that Elechi did not storm out of the meeting but left at the end of the meeting RX T\NN_ X' DZP WDRWT D ÂŞjMTR EDW{ TX]U QD_jZM “I don’t think he (Elechi) stormed out of the meeting. We ended the meeting properly, and I EU^jUbU TU TDP D ÂŞjMTR RX catch so he was rushing. “Yes, Ebonyi problem was one of the issues discussed at the meeting, but we are almost at the solution to that problem. The meeting ended amicably, I don’t think he stormed out of the meeting. I think the governor was rushing to WDRWT D ÂŞjMTR ‘ TU QDjP Meanwhile, Shelle of Lagos PDP described his impeachment as an exercise in futility, insisting he remained the state chairman of the party, declaring,

Akpabio “They have committed a huge blunder because they will regret getting jZbX^bUP jZ RTU zNQR `^DWU ‘ He added: “I have worked for the party; I have done what no other person has done for the party before. The party has never won elections in the past but in my time, we won some seats. Now these nonentities have been sponsored to remove me. They must have been sponsored because they are a group of hungry people, they PX ZXR TDbU `UPjMNUU ‘ Some PDP stalwarts, including Governors Babangida Aliyu of Niger state and Fayose of Ekiti state have urged leaders of PDP to emulate the British political leaders, who resigned after leading their party to defeat, describing as unfair the plan to form a factional PDP if they were forced asked to resign. South-West PDP leader Chief Olabode George blames PDP failure on internal foes, “PDP lost the elections because of unresolved issues and due to the handiwork of enemies within coupled with the conspiracy from INEC leader, who wisely made Nigerians to have the impression that the election was free and fair YTUZ jR YDQ ZXR ‘ Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeife, a former governor of Anambra State, and a delegate at the 2014 National Conference, believes that the Yoruba, the Igbo, the Fulani and the Hausa should cooperate with the will of God. He declared to have a pre-conception of a nation ruled by an executive Igbo President because the Igbo are people of destiny. He said in a recent interview, “We believe in what we are doing. When it becomes necessary, we act like one person and one voice. You saw how the election was in the East. Nigerians can now know who they are dealing with, when they look

Jang towards Igbo people. We are a united people acting like one person. As you can see, we are not divided even by religion. Therefore when something becomes necessary, we focus and act as one. Some otherwise wise people said we packed all our eggs in one basket, but for most of us who are not so wise, we are so happy with the result of the elections, where we demonstrated oneness, trust and comradeship YjRT RTU 6X\RT 6X\RT ‘ Senate Leader, Victor Ndoma-Egba, has revealed that the road to the March 28/April 11 electoral loss of the PDP and Jonathan began with the December 2014 primaries when the governors deliberately shut out ‘unwanted candidates’ and imposed their own – Jonathan – on the party. Accordingly, RTU NUQ\^RDZR U'UWR was exodus from the PDP without any WXNNUQ`XZPjZM jZÂŞ\ˆ as aggrieved PDP members defected to the opposition parties because they were squeezed out. “In the case of the PDP recently, politicians left because they felt RTDR RTU_ PjP ZXR zR within the governors’ calculations. The phenomenon will endure for as long as ownership of political parties is not with its members but with, as in the case of the PDP, the governors. Governors (especially of the PDP) have become so over bearing that it is only their wishes that rule. The party (at the national level) suborns its constitution, guidelines and even court orders to please the whims and fancies of governors who appropriate the will of members and impose RTUjNQ jZ jRQ QRUDP‘ TU averred, adding, “A party that does not have internal party democracy can only falsely promise RTU ZDRjXZ PU]XWNDW_ ‘ Meanwhile, Senate President, David Mark

Federal Republic of Nigeria; they should learn from the PDP. We lost and equally conceded defeat and so, we are not losers, everybody is a winner; most especially the 3NUQjPUZR YTX QDWNjzWUP for peace to reign in the country. Don’t you think APC at the centre and PDP at the state level here might work against the interest of the state? It will not work in the interest of the state. Lagos State has always been an opposition. Now, we are in the opposition that they were before; didn’t they survive? It will not stop the allocation of the state coming to Akwa Ibom. How many Federal presence have you seen in the last 16 years in Akwa Ibom; all the developments we have had have come from our internally generated revenue as well as the resources from the centre, and we survived. It gives us an opportunity to concentrate our resources on developing the state rather than going to take our resources to sponsor party politics in Abuja. So, it’s a plus to us to use this period to really develop Akwa Ibom. With the resounding victory of the APC at

the Presidential and governorship polls in most states in the country, how do you see the PDP in the next dispensation? What the political map of Nigeria has shown now is that we are now taking APC’s position, and they are taking ours. So, we are ready. We made some mistakes, and life is all about making mistakes and correcting them, and it is time for us to regroup and restrategize. You can’t win all the time. We knew that a time like this will come one day, so we are not afraid. What are your thoughts about the Presidentelect, Gen Muhammadu Buhari (Rtd)? A lot is expected of the incoming President. I believe absolutely in God. This is the fourth time he is taking a shot at the presidency, and God has a reason for making him the President of Nigeria at his age. This is the oldest president Nigeria has ever produced. I sincerely believe that God will use him well for Nigeria; God has a reason for bringing him, I believe that. People will be disappointed; a lot of people will be disappointed because he will not do it the way people expect him to do.

has warned that PDP may be heading towards extinction if the inzMTRjZM jZ RTU `DNR_ is not put to an end forthwith, expressing deep worries over the worsening acrimony among senior party men. Mark stated this when the Deputy President of the Senate Ike Ekweremadu, who heads the PDP Post – election assessment committee visited him, appealing to all aggrieved members to sheathe their swords and embrace dialogue. He however advised the PDP members across the country to accept their new status as members of the opposition party, rather continue to trade blames. He added that it was high time members of the party rose up from the woeful defeat at the recent general election, urging party members to be prepared to build a strong and united party ready to play a credible opposition. Mark also observed that the poor performance of the PDP in the last elections might be a blessing in

disguise, disclosing that the party would return to the trenches to evolve strategies that would bring it out of the woods. With the wave of crises blowing in the party across the states, Nigeria may after all be disappointed at the turn of politics especially when it is not whole enough to play the needed healthy opposition like APC did EUVXNU jRQ U'XNRQ YUNU graciously rewarded. It simply means that the nation may be stylishly heading for a party state with anarchy brazenly looming. The situation, according to the strong man of Epe politics, Lanre Razaq can only be redeemed if the party immediately wakes up from its slumber to realise its present position as opposition and act as the most important and equip watchdog over the incoming APC. This can only be achieved with new credible and respected leader to pilot RTU D'DjNQ XV RTU `DNR_ rather than the usual sellouts.

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Saturday, May 16

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 9, 2015


North Central

Kwara lost N2.5bn investments to litigation – Gov Ahmed Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


wara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, yesterday disclosed that the state has lost private investments worth N2.5 billion to litigation, saying government no longer has the capacity for involvement in business. Ahmed further hinted that a private investor from Lagos would have invested a huge amount of money on the Amusement Park in Ilorin, the state capital, but for the pending legal suit. He however, called on Ilorin Emirate Descendants’ Progressive Union (IEDPU), to  Âˆ¤ Â‰ ~†ƒ€}ÂŽ }ƒ}~†ƒ~ ž…|~‚ .}ÂŽ ~ on behalf of the community with a view to avoiding missing opportunities in future. “N2.5 billion which would

have been invested to generate more employment opportunities for our youths was diverted to another state because of needless litigation,� Ahmed stressed. The state’s chief executive made this known while receiving the leadership of IEDPU, which paid him a courtesy visit at Government House, Ilorin, and presented a position paper on the developmental agenda for the community in the next four years. Ahmed advised the union to remain apolitical, adding that as agents of community development, they must ensure that politicking was not stretched to the limit at the expense of development and growth of the community. His words: “Community development associations must remain insulated from

partisan politics, but remain as complimentary partners in  .ÂŽ Â…€†ƒÂ?~Â†ÂƒÂŁÂŽ Â€ÂŽÂžÂ…€žŽ Âˆ developments and opportunities to their communities. “The economic reality is that government no longer has the capacity for involvement †ƒ~ ¾ž †ƒ} Â&#x;~ ¾ž€~ †ƒ~ }.†ƒÂ?~ conducive environment for economic growth. Even globally, governments were de-investing in business by concentrating on critical areas like provision of infrastructure, health services, security, energy and schools.â€? The Governor also emphasized that the security task force set up in the wake of violence perpetrated in Ilorin emirate recently by some hoodlums would be in

place to ensure enduring peace in the community, saying his administration has zerotolerance for miscreants. He assured that strategies were been evolved to come up with rehabilitation programmes for hoodlums and miscreants, adding that lack of jobs did not call for resort to wreaking havoc on innocent people. Earlier in his address, the National President of IEDPU, Alhaji AbdulHameed Adi, said the position paper presented by the union centred on critical areas like security, health, job Â…ÂŽ} €†ŠƒÂ&#x;~ ˆ ƒÂ?~ ‚ .}ÂŽ ~  ‚ŠƒÂ?~ others. Adi said the Union was in support of the candidature of the immediate past governor of the state, Dr. Bukola Saraki, for the position of the Senate President of the 8th National Assembly.

‘Rotary International has impacted positively on Nigerians’ Gyang Bere, Jos


ollowing the quest to complement Federal Š }Žƒ‚}ÂƒÂ€Âź ~ }JŠŽ€ ~ in making life comfortable for Nigerians, the District Governor of Rotary International District 9125 Nigeria, Tolu Mogbeyi Omatsola, has said that Rotary clubs in the country will continue to contribute positively towards providing humanitarian services for the less privilege in the society, He said that over 580 clubs in the country during his tenure have dedicated their resources towards helping the less privilege communities by identifying their challenges in the areas of water sanitation, maternal health and child health care, disease prevention and health treatment and economic empowerment with a view to addressing them. Omatsola stated this yesterday during the 6th District Conference tag DISCON 2015, held at Crest Hotel Jos, adding that the event will provide them the opportunity to

assess the performance of various clubs and challenges in the country, and how they have impacted on the lives of the needy in the society. According to him, various clubs have worked towards meeting the needs of various communities in the country through provision of portable water, provision of drugs, organising small scale entrepreneurship and provision of learning materials for schools across the country. The district governor added that clubs across 23 states in the country has been inviting him to commission one project or another within the ‡ }~ ÂŽ} ~Š£~…Šƒ…}ƒ€Ž Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~€Š~}ƒ ¾Âˆ}~ them assist the vulnerable ones in the society. Presenting a paper on “The Rotarian Spirit of Humanitarianism and its implication for a dislocated humanity,â€? a former Aso Rock Chaplin, Prof. Yusuf Ameh Obaje, said Rotarians has the ability to change positively the negative thought and conspiracy against the society through provision of humanitarian gestures.

Benue rescinds decision on appointment of first class chiefs Godwin Akor, Makurdi


Sokoto State governor Aliyu Wamakko (right) with Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) Corps Marshal, Boboye >‚V[VZT 9J<T8? UHV ,87J?J<7UT@8 @Y )„^& &@ZZ789 @Y…BV T8 ^@K@U@ [V=UV<97[

Lead poisoning: Niger evacuates residents Justina Asishana, Minna


ollowing the death of 28 persons from lead poison in Assara village †ƒ~  ‡~ Š… ˆ~ Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€~ Area of Niger State, the state government have evacuated1, 500 residents from their homes. Disclosing this to newsmen †ƒ~ †ƒƒ Â&#x;~€|}~ | †Ž‚ ƒ~Š£~  ‡~ LGA, Shuaibudeen Isah, said government took the step to evacuate the people in order to

prevent further contamination and poisoning of residents of the village. He further said that the state government has also closed down illegal mining sites within and around the village, where more lead-ore were found. It will be recalled that the Federal Government through the Minister of State for Health, Fiddles Nwankwo, had on Wednesday announced the death of 28 persons in the local

government area as a result of lead poisoning. The Minister said that as at Tuesday, out of 65 cases reported, 28 persons, who were Â…|†ˆÂ?ÂŽ}ƒ~ Âľ}ˆŠ¤~ €|}~  Â?}~ Š£~ ‡ }~ ¤}ÂŽ}~ …Šƒ‡Ž‚}Â?~ Â?} Â?~ ¤|†ˆ}~ hundreds of domestic animals were also killed by the lethal substance. The state’s Director of Public Health, Dr. Mohammad Usman, stated that a multi-sectoral …Š‚‚†.}}~|  }~Âľ}}ƒ~ }€~ž„~¾‰~

the state government to tackle the issue of lead poisoning †ƒ~  ‡~ Š… ˆ~ Š }Žƒ‚}ƒ€~ Area of the state, adding that €|}~ …Š‚‚†.}}~ | �~ € Ž€}�~ sensitising the community on preventive measures, and how to avoid further infection and death. Usman said that the state government would work towards providing emergency }Ž †…} ~ €Š~ €|}~  J}…€}�~ communities.

Fulani herdsmen attack Benue community, kill 3 alleged that some of their cows were stolen, and that they were }ƒ}¤}Â?~ . Â…Âł ~¾‰~ žˆ ÂƒÂ†~ paid N300, 000 as compensation, herdsmen on the people wondering why they should kill of Sengev in Gwer-West three of the inhabitants after Local Government Area of Benue collecting the money. Â?¾ŠžŽ~  Â†Â?~  J}…€}Â?~ State Friday have left three communities included Tsepersons dead. Special Adviser to the governor Agbulu, Tse-Atakpa and Tseon security, Air Commodore Abichi among others and that the John Ugbour, told newsmen that ‚ ÂŽ ÂžÂ?}ÂŽ Âź~  . Â…Âł~ ¤ ~  Â? Â†Âƒ €~ hundreds of people have been decisions arrived at during the displaced even as many have meeting earlier held with Fulani ž € Â†Âƒ}Â?~ Â?†J}ÂŽ}ƒ€~ Â?}Â?ÂŽ}} ~ Š£~ leaders, traditional rulers and farmers. injury. He said since the herdsmen Ugbor said the Fulani had have decided to kill the people Godwin Akor, Makurdi


Â?} „†€}~ €|}~ }.ˆ}‚}ƒ€Â&#x;~ €|}‰~ should leave Gwer-West with their cows so peace will return. Sources close to the local government said those injured are receiving treatment at Naka, headquarters of the local government, and named those killed as Mr. Iorhen Agbulu, Mrs. Anakula Gbesa and Mr. Agboughul Uoor, while Godwin Ahuna was said to be in a critical condition. Reacting to the development, the President of Tyoshin Development Association, Dr. Sylvester Ugbegili, in a

statement, condemned the žƒ„ŽŠ ÂŠÂł}Â?~  . Â…Âł~  ÂƒÂ?~ Â?ÂŽ Ă‚†ƒÂ?~ Š£~ Â… .ˆ}~ Šƒ~ £ Ž‚~ ˆ ÂƒÂ? ~ Â… Âž †ƒÂ?~ damage to crops. The association said it was high time the Federal Government took concrete steps towards checking unnecessary invasion of the homes and farms of people of Gwer-West by herdsmen. ÂŚ ‰Š |†ƒ~ „}Š„ˆ}~  ÂŽ}~ ÂľÂŠÂƒ Â‡Â?}~ citizens of this country, and must not be treated as aliens; the Fulani should be told to vacate Tyoshin land which is entirely for farming activities, Ugbegili warned.

enue State government may rescind its decision €Š~ Â„„Š†ƒ€~‡Ž €~…ˆ ~Â…|†}ÂŁ ~ following its counsel’s application €| Â€~ €|}~ ‚ .}ÂŽ~ |ŠžˆÂ?~ Âľ}~ }.ˆ}Â?~ out of court. When the case came up yesterday, at the Makurdi High Court, Counsel to the Benue State government, Mr. Edward Ashiekaa, told the court that he had approached his clients; the outgoing Governor, Gabriel Suswam; the Tiv traditional council and 6 others, who advised him to }}Âł~Šž€~Š£~…ŠžŽ€~ }.ˆ}‚}ƒ€´ While moving the oral application, Ashiekaa apologised profusely to the court, maintaining that he was absent when the court issued an injunction restraining

his client to stay action on the  Â„„Š†ƒ€‚}ƒ€~Š£~‡Ž €~…ˆ ~Â…|†}ÂŁ ~†ƒ~ the state. “I want to move a motion asking the court to give us some time, €Š~ }}Âł~ Šž€~ Š£~ …ŠžŽ€~ }.ˆ}‚}ƒ€Â&#x;½~ Ashiekaa pleaded. Šžƒ }ˆ~€Š~€|}~„ˆ Â†ÂƒÂ€Â†JÂ&#x;~ }ƒ¿ Â‚†ƒ~ Adanyi, Professor Tony Ijohor, did not oppose the oral application by Ashiekaa even as the Presiding Judge, Justice Margaret Kpojime, adjourned the case to May 27 for further hearing. It would be recalled that a member of the Benue State House of Assembly, Mr. Benjamin Adanyi, dragged the governor and seven other respondents to court Š }ÂŽ~†€ ~Â?}…† †Šƒ~€Š~ Â„„Š†ƒ€~šª~‡Ž €~ class chiefs, alleging that the House of Assembly did not validly and properly pass the bill.

Group tasks Lalong on unity Gyang Bere, Jos


group under the aegis of Gamai Unity and Development Organisation in Plateau and Nasarawa states has advised Plateau State Governor-elect, Barrister Simon Lalong, to eschew ethnic and religious sentiment, and work for unity and justice when his  Â?‚†ƒ† €Ž Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ~  ÂžÂ‚} ~ Š;Â…}~ on May 29. The Gamai nation, which was led by the traditional head of the Land, The Long Gamai, Miskoom Hubert Shaldas II, on a courtesy visit to congratulate Barrister Lalong on his victory at the poll, appreciateed Plateau people for supporting a Gamai man as governor of the state, and urged the Governor-elect to uphold the spirit of togetherness in moving the state to an enviable height. Miskoom Shaldas II described the emergence of Barrister Lalong as an act of God, and advised him to shun ethnic,

religious and other vices in the administration of the state, and see Plateau as united entity. Responding, the Governorelect, Barrister Lalong, expressed appreciation to the Gamai Nation, and assured that the incoming administration in the state will learn and build from past mistakes in order to take Plateau forward. He assured the people of the state of even development based on equity, justice and fair play. Also in his speech, the President of GUDO, Miskoom Thomas Shialsuk, described the election of Lalong as the manifestation of the resolute position of the people of the state to take their destiny in their hands in order to move Plateau State forward. He said that given the high expectations from the people of the state in the face of the many daunting problems, GUDO is …Šƒ‡�}ƒ€~ €| €~ €|} }~ …| ˆˆ}ƒ�} ~ can be surmounted, given the experience of Barr. Lalong in both private and public service.



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sports Update Falcons’ opponents Australia names W/Cup squad


ne of Nigeria’s group opponents at the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup, Australia |  }~ƒ Â‚}Â?~€|}†Ž~‡ƒ Âˆ~ 21-woman squad for the tournament which will be held from 6th June to 5th July. Alen Stajcic has wasted no time at all †ƒ~ }.ˆ†ƒÂ?~Šƒ~|† ~‡ƒ Âˆ~ squad for the World Cup following an intense four-month preparation in Australia and Europe. All teams are obligated to present €|}†Ž~‡ƒ Âˆ~ ĂƒÂž Â? ~€Š~ FIFA by the 28th May deadline. But Australia has a head start over all the Š€|}ÂŽ~€} Â‚ ~¾‰~‡ƒ ÂˆÂ†Ă‚†ƒÂ?~ their squad. “We have selected a positive squad with players that have a strong belief that they can go into any game

and win,â€? said Stajcic. Australia will be opening their 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup campaign against USA on 8th June. They will also face Nigeria and Sweden in their subsequent Group D matches at the World Cup. Goalkeepers: Lydia Williams, Melissa  ÂŽÂľÂ†}Ž†Â&#x;~  Â…Âł}ÂƒĂ‚Â†}~ Arnold Defenders: Clare Polkinghorne, Laura Alleway, Servet Ă‚ÂžÂƒÂˆ ÂŽÂ&#x;~ €}„|~  Â€Âˆ}‰Â&#x;~ Elise Kellond-Knight †Â?‡}ˆÂ?}ÂŽ Ă“~ |ˆ}†Â?|~ Sykes, Emily van Egmond, Leena Khamis,  Â‚}³ ~ ž.Â&#x;~ ˆ ÂƒÂƒ ~ Kennedy, Teresa Polias, Hayley Raso, Katrina Gorry, Nicola Bolger, Michelle Heyman Strikers: Larissa Crummer, Caitlin Foord, Lisa De Vanna, Kyah Simon, Samantha Kerr

Keshi happy with Kaduna but prefers Lagos S

uper Eagles Boss Stephen Keshi Happy With Kaduna For Nigeria Vs Chad But Admits He Would Prefer Lagos Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi has expressed satisfaction with the choice of Kaduna for Nigeria’s 2017 Africa Cup of  Â€Â†ÂŠÂƒ ~ĂƒÂž ÂˆÂ†Â‡}ÂŽ~ Â? Â†Âƒ €~ Le Sao of Chad. The game, which is billed for the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in the Northern city of Kaduna, comes up on June 13, and is Nigeria’s opening ‡€žŽ}~†ƒ~€|}~ÂŽ Â…}~£ŠŽ~€|}~ Gabon 2017 Africa Cup of Nations. And speaking in a radio interview, the 53‰} ÂŽ~  Â†Â?~|}~† ~  Â€Â† ‡}Â?~ with the choice of Kaduna as venue for the game. “Kaduna is good, we’ve been there before,â€? he said. “Kaduna is okay and the people of Kaduna are very friendly and of course it is a part of Nigeria. “They are always behind the team one hundred percent and they support us to the last whistle and it will be fun to play in Kaduna,â€? he said. The former Super Eagles captain however said he would have preferred to play in Lagos instead, if it were possible. “The National Stadium in Lagos is for me,

I’m Not Afraid Of Losing My Job Says NFA Marketing Director


he Director of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Idris Adama says he will not feel bad if the association goes ahead with plans to advertise his job. “There is nothing wrong with a new administration seeking a new management team to drive its vision,’’ Adama told select media in Abuja on Friday. He, however, observed that there would be wisdom in working with those already on ground, so as not to make avoidable mistakes. He said he was not afraid of losing his job in the event that the

association proceeded to advertise his current job. “It takes wisdom and understanding for a leader to work with the people he has met on ground’. “But some leaders will not be comfortable working with the people they have met on ground; the new leadership may need to engage those it feels can deliver its vision,’’ Adama said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) gathered that some members of NFA board appear poised to remove some Âł}‰~‚ ƒ Â?}‚}ƒ€~ € J~ whose loyalties perceived to be in doubt. NAN gathered that the

decision to advertise the position of the marketing director might have been endorsed at the NFA board meeting in Abuja on Wednesday.

is the most exciting place to play football because of the crowd and everything and it’s

awesome,â€? he concluded. The game in Kaduna ¤Â†ÂˆÂˆ~ƒŠ€~Âľ}~ } |†Ÿ ~‡Ž €~ in the Crock City, as his

second game in charge of the Super Eagles – a friendly against Zambia – was played in Kaduna.

Ifeanyi Uba wants team to sustain result


roprietor off Gabros Football Club of Nnewi, Ifeanyi Uba, has charged his players to sustain the good run which has made them occupy the third position in the ongoing Glo Premier League just as he noted that the team must maintain the momentum which made them play a 3-3 draw with Taraba Fc when they host Sharks of Port Harcourt this weekend in the week 9 of the premier league. He noted that the good run presently being enjoyed by the club was because of his vision to bring back the lost glory of professional football in the country which was championed by the late Chief MKO Abiola,

Israel Adebayo, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu and Leventis Limited who through their clubs namely; Abiola Babes, Stationery Stores, Iwuanyanwu Nationale

and Leventis Utd take their place not only in the country but the entire continent. “My decision to go into football proprietorship ¤ ~ÂľÂŠÂŽÂƒ}~Šž€~Š£~€|}~Ă‚} Âˆ~ to complete what great football lovers like late Chief MKO Abiola and Israel Adebayo started which helped in rewriting the history of Nigerian football. “As a person who believes in perfection, I am doing all within available resources to ensure we have the best professional team in Nigeria as well as a state of the art stadium which construction is on- going at Nnewi and I believe that when the stadia is completed, Nigerian football will never remain the same.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 16, 2015

Sports Update

FIFA U-20 W/Cup

Iheanacho, Simon make Nigeria squad M

anchester City teenage } } ~ } } | ~ |} | ~ ~ ~ } ~ . ³ ~ ¤ } ~ } ~ ~ have been named in Ni } ¼ ~ } ~ ~ |}~ £ ~ } ª~ ~ ~ ~ }¤~ } ´ | |~ |}~ ¤ ~ } ~ }~ ~ ~ ³} ~ } ~ ~¤} }~ ~ ~ £~ |}~ ~ | }~ £~ |}~ } ¼ ~ } ~ | ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~ the Nigerian Under-20 } ~|} ~ | ~ ~ µ ~ } ~ |} ~ ~ |}~ Ã ´ ~ ~ }~ |}~ ¹ ~ } ~µ ~¤ ~ ¤~| }~ ~µ . }~ £ ~ ~ } ~ } ~ } } ~ |}~ µ} ~ }~ ~¤ |~ |}~ } }~ ¤ ~

¤ ´ µ ~ } } ~ } ~ ³ ~¤| ~ | ~µ}} ~}» } ~£ ~ |}~ } ~ } ~ à ~ £ ~ |}~ | ~ }~µ ~ } |} ~ } | ~ ~ }~ |}~ ~ ´ | ~ µ ~ }~ £~ } ~ £} ~ µ ~ } }~ · ¸~ ~ } £ } ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ }~ ~ £~ |}~ |} ~ ~ } ~ } ~ ~| ~µ}} ~ }£ ~ ~ £~ |}~ ~ ~ }¤~ } ~ } ~ ~ ´ ~}» } } ~ ~ ~ | } ~ £ } ~ ~ | }µ} }~ ¤ ³ ~ £} ~ £} ~ £} ~ |}¤ ~ } ~ µ¤ ~ | } ~ Â}| ~ ~ | ~ ¤ ~ ~ ~ ³ ¿ }~ ¤ ~¤} }~ ~ } ~ ~ |}~ } ´

Team Nigeria to test run AAG with Okpkepke Road Race


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Martins, major injury doubt for Seattle


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Fed Cup: Pillars, Plateau clash again


he 2015 Federation Cup round of 32 match between Kano Pillars and Plateau United will be an interesting go into the match with fresh memories of what happened when they met in the 2012 Federation Cup. The Nigerian League champions, Kano Pillars haven’t seen action in the 2015 Federation Cup. In the round of 64, Masu Gida walked over Zara FC who failed to show up in Gusau. Plateau United, after a morale boosting lone goal win over Premier League club 3SC in Aba, will hope to seek revenge when they face-off again. Both teams met at the quar Federation Cup at the Agege stadium, Lagos, where Kano Pillars won 3-2. At this stage, Kano Pillars

look good to go past Plateau United considering that the Jos based team are short of cash. Plateau United left Jos late on Tuesday night and arrived Aba on match day but still managed to pip 3SC by a lone goal. take place on July 8 and 9.

!"# $ %&'!()*+ Enyimba vs. Remo Stars Lobi Stars

Vs. Niger Tornadoes

Heartland Spotlight



Vs. BJ Foundation

Kano Pillars Vs Plateau United Gateway Vs El-Kanemi Warriors Abia Warrior

Vs Crown FC

Gabros Vs Bayelsa United Papilo Vs. FC Taraba J.Atete


Prime FC

Akwa United Vs. Peace Maker Wikki Tourist Vs. Niger Tornadoes Feeders


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