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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
South West xxx Pregnant passenger dies aboard
Arikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flight
Biodun Akomolafe
Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, (left) with the newly selected Chief Imam of Owu, Abeokuta Central Mosque, Alhaji Sulaiman Akorede Kehinde, during the Jummat service held at the Owu Central Mosque, Owu, Abeokuta...yesterday.
Strange killer disease: Lagos pleads for calm Chioma Umeha
o l l o w i n g sporaÂ?ic Â?eaths oÂ? chilÂ?ren Â&#x2039;etween the ages oÂ? eight anÂ? 7Ĺ&#x2DC; Â&#x2013;onths in OtoÂ?o Â&#x2039;aÂ&#x2013;e coÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;Â&#x17E;nity oÂ? Etiosa local government area of Lagos state, the Lagos tate government has appealeÂ? to resiÂ?ents to Â&#x2039;e calm as the caÂ&#x17E;se of the Â?eaths sÂ&#x17E;specteÂ? to Â&#x2039;e fatal feÂ&#x2039;rile rash is Â&#x17E;nÂ?er control. Meanwhile the laÂ&#x2039;oratory resÂ&#x17E;lts of Â&#x2039;looÂ? samples taÂ&#x201D;en from the victims are expecteÂ? to Â&#x2039;e oÂ&#x17E;t toÂ?ay. A Â? Â? r e s s i n g Â&#x201C;oÂ&#x17E;rnalists in Lagos, yesterÂ?ay, the stateČ&#x201A;s Commissioner for
ealth, Dr. iÂ?e Â?ris saiÂ? so far aÂ&#x2039;oÂ&#x17E;t Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ&#x161; cases of sicÂ&#x201D; chilÂ?ren with FeÂ&#x2039;rile Rash
llnesses ÇťFR Çź have Â&#x2039;een listeÂ?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fatality of the oÂ&#x17E;tÂ&#x2039;reaÂ&#x201D; was also conÄ&#x2122;rmeÂ? as the graves of Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013; chilÂ?ren who Â?ieÂ? from the FR since the Â?ay of onset of signs anÂ? symptoms in the Ä&#x2122;rst case on
anÂ&#x17E;ary Ĺ&#x153;, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;1Ĺ&#x153;, were iÂ?entiÄ&#x2122;eÂ? Â&#x2039;y their parents. Â?ris explaineÂ? that the Â?isease caÂ&#x17E;sing the oÂ&#x17E;tÂ&#x2039;reaÂ&#x201D; is yet to Â&#x2039;e conÄ&#x2122;rmeÂ?, aÂ?Â?ing that the signs anÂ? symptoms are sÂ&#x17E;ggestive of FeÂ&#x2039;rile Rash llnesses. AccorÂ?ing to him, Â&#x2039;looÂ? samples ÇťanÂ? throat swaÂ&#x2039;sÇź from the patients anÂ? water samples from the commÂ&#x17E;nity have Â&#x2039;een taÂ&#x201D;en to the irology Reference LaÂ&#x2039;oratory at Lagos niversity Teaching Hospital
ÇťL THÇź anÂ? Lagos tate DrÂ&#x17E;g Â&#x17E;ality Control LaÂ&#x2039;oratory ÇťD CLÇź, LA TH, Â&#x201D;eÂ&#x201C;a respectively anÂ? the resÂ&#x17E;lt to Â&#x2039;e maÂ?e pÂ&#x17E;Â&#x2039;lic Â&#x2039;y toÂ?ay. AssÂ&#x17E;ring Lagosians that the state is Â?oing everything to safegÂ&#x17E;arÂ? the health of the citizenry, he annoÂ&#x17E;nceÂ? that the government is presently intensifying eÄ&#x203A;orts to conÂ?Â&#x17E;ct mapping of all slÂ&#x17E;ms anÂ? Â&#x2039;lighteÂ? areas in the state towarÂ?s reÂ?Â&#x17E;cing the health hazarÂ?s associateÂ? with sÂ&#x17E;ch areas. On other interventions institÂ&#x17E;teÂ? Â&#x2039;y the state, Â?ris saiÂ? intensive awareness creation anÂ? commÂ&#x17E;nity moÂ&#x2039;ilisation anÂ? health eÂ?Â&#x17E;cation has Â&#x2039;een laÂ&#x17E;ncheÂ? in the
area throÂ&#x17E;gh meetings anÂ? commÂ&#x17E;nity Â?ialogÂ&#x17E;es. â&#x20AC;&#x153; C o n t i n Â&#x17E; o Â&#x17E; s health eÂ?Â&#x17E;cation of the commÂ&#x17E;nity on immÂ&#x17E;nisation, measles anÂ? personal anÂ? environmental hygiene are also on going,â&#x20AC;? he saiÂ?. C o n t i n Â&#x17E; i n g he Â?iscloseÂ? that laÂ&#x2039;oratory investigation of eight Â&#x2039;looÂ? samples anÂ? seven throat swaÂ&#x2039;s were collecteÂ? from cases of FR anÂ? sent to the laÂ&#x2039;oratory for measles anÂ? other possiÂ&#x2039;le viral illnesses. He fÂ&#x17E;rther Â?iscloseÂ? that the ministry woÂ&#x17E;lÂ? conÂ?Â&#x17E;ct comprehensive s Â&#x17E; p p l e m e n t a l immÂ&#x17E;nisation for all chilÂ?hooÂ? preventaÂ&#x2039;le Â?iseases in the commÂ&#x17E;nity.
Police recovers truck load of PMS, arrest cultists
he Police O p e r a t i ve s aÄ´acheÂ? to perÂ&#x17E; ivisioÂ&#x2014; oÂ? the OÂ?Â&#x17E;Â&#x2014; tate Police oÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;aÂ&#x2014;Â? have arresteÂ? soÂ&#x2013;e sÂ&#x17E;spects  ho hiÂ&#x201C;acÂ&#x201D;eÂ? a trÂ&#x17E;cÂ&#x201D; with Reg No AKD 711 Ç° aÂ&#x2014;Â? loaÂ?eÂ? with Ĺ&#x2122;Ĺ&#x2122;Ç°Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013; litres P ÇťpetrolÇź at allo illiÂ&#x2014;g tatioÂ&#x2014; aloÂ&#x2014;g agosČŚ Â&#x2039;aÂ?aÂ&#x2014; Expressway. The sÂ&#x17E;spects who operateÂ? iÂ&#x2014; a ÇťReg Â&#x17E;seÂ? No Â&#x17E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;owÂ&#x2014;Çź the vehicle to cross the Â?river oÂ? the trÂ&#x17E;cÂ&#x201D; aÂ&#x2014;Â? hiÂ&#x201C;acÂ&#x201D;eÂ? the trÂ&#x17E;cÂ&#x201D; with its coÂ&#x2014;teÂ&#x2014;t aÂ&#x2014;Â? Â?rove to OÂ&#x201D;aÂ?a iÂ&#x2014; EÂ?o tate. The Police operatives swÂ&#x17E;Â&#x2014;g iÂ&#x2014;to actioÂ&#x2014; iÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2013;eÂ?iately
the report was maÂ?e at perÂ&#x17E; Division anÂ? traceÂ? the trÂ&#x17E;cÂ&#x201D; to where it was recovereÂ? with the proÂ?Â&#x17E;ct. One of the hijackers, OmorÂ&#x17E;yi Nathaniel was arresteÂ? with the receiver, Mrs AÂ?eyemi AÂ?eyoyiosola anÂ? the sÂ&#x17E;spects have Â&#x2039;een taken to Department of Criminal nvestigation anÂ? ntelligence, Eleweran, AÂ&#x2039;eokÂ&#x17E;ta for Â?iscreet investigation anÂ? prosecÂ&#x17E;tion. The Commissioner of Police OgÂ&#x17E;n tate, CP AÂ&#x2039;Â?Â&#x17E;lmajiÂ? Ali, commenÂ?eÂ? the Police operatives for the gooÂ? anÂ? professional
operation carrieÂ? oÂ&#x17E;t anÂ? reinstateÂ? commanÂ?Č&#x201A;s commitment to tackle sÂ&#x17E;ch crime anÂ? other criminal activities in OgÂ&#x17E;n tate. The CP also Â?irecteÂ? the DepÂ&#x17E;ty Commissioner of Police in Charge of Department of Criminal nvestigation anÂ? ntelligence, DCP hina OlÂ&#x17E;kolÂ&#x17E;, to personally sÂ&#x17E;pervise the investigation as the CommanÂ? will leave no stone Â&#x17E;ntÂ&#x17E;rneÂ? in making sÂ&#x17E;re that criminals Â?onČ&#x201A;t go Â&#x17E;npÂ&#x17E;nisheÂ? in the state. n the same vein, as part of eÄ&#x203A;orts of Lagos tate overnor, Mr AkinwÂ&#x17E;nmi
AmÂ&#x2039;oÂ?e, to ensÂ&#x17E;re lives anÂ? properties are safe in the tate, the operatives of RapiÂ? Response Â&#x161;Â&#x17E;aÂ? ÇťRR Çź of the state Police CommanÂ?, in the weeČŹhoÂ&#x17E;rs of ThÂ&#x17E;rsÂ?ay, FeÂ&#x2039;rÂ&#x17E;ary 1Ĺ&#x17E;th, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;1Ĺ&#x153;, apprehenÂ?eÂ? 1Ĺ&#x203A; memÂ&#x2039;ers of the notorioÂ&#x17E;s cÂ&#x17E;lt groÂ&#x17E;p known as Awawa Confraternity, the groÂ&#x17E;p which was terrorizing innocent resiÂ?ents of Agege anÂ? its environs. The police team leÂ? Â&#x2039;y P OlaÂ&#x2039;oÂ?e Aroge swoopeÂ? on them with seven response vehicles, anÂ? pickeÂ? Â&#x17E;p the Â?reaÂ?eÂ? groÂ&#x17E;p memÂ&#x2039;ers at Â?iÄ&#x203A;erent locations aroÂ&#x17E;nÂ? Agege axis.
arely three days after a woman p a s s e n g e r died in the toilet of Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos , a 39 year old pregnant woman passenger yesterday died on board Arik Air flight on Port Harcourt -Lagos route. The deceased passenger simply identified as Ijeoma Okedi (Nwokedi) was accompanied on the flight by her husband. The passenger, who would have been marking her first marriage anniversary on April 29, was said to have developed complications mid air. Reliable airport sources informed Newswatch Times that the late Ijeoma was on referral from University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital to University College
Hospital (UCH), Ibadan where she was expected to undergo a treatment for an undisclosed ailment. The source said the deceased had developed complications on mid air and was attended to by some medical personnel on board the flight before she finally passed on. The flight arrived at the Murtala Muhammed Domestic Airport Terminal One ( MMA1) at about 1 pm. The remains of the deceased was however not immediately removed from the aircraft until about 3 pm Spokeman of Arik Air, Banji Ola who confirmed the death promised he would get back to our correspondent with details surrounding it. It would be remembered that a business man died on board the airlineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flight late last year.
Eze Ndigbo rift: Settle your conflict in court, Akinpelu tells Igbo in Oyo Olusakin Babalola,Ibadan
ecretary to the Olubadan In Council, Mr.Liasu Kamoru, and the personal Assistant to the former Olubadan of Ibadan land, Chief Isiaka Akinpelu, have warned litigants in leadership tussle among the Igbo Community in Oyo State not to drag the Olubadan In Council or the Kingmakers to the Igbo conĂ ict in the state. They also advised them to wait for court decision on the matter. The duo described as false a purported l letter written on behalf of OlubadanIn-Council to the eÍżect that Dr.Alex Chukwudum Anozie should no longer claim to be Eze Ndigbo of Ibadanland and Oyo State
respectively. Chief Akinpelu said that to the best of his knowledge, the leadership tussle among the Igbo in Oyo State was pending at an Appellate Court. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Much as we want peace among our people, the court of law should be allowed to mediate on the Igbo leadership conĂ ict. I am sure the Olubadan-InCouncil and the Ibadan Kingmakers have respect for the rule of law and would not do otherwise,â&#x20AC;? he said. Also Mr Kamoru said that there was no letter issued from the palace with the authorisation of Olubadan In council. He advised mischief makers not to drag the revered traditional institution in Ibadan to a sectional conĂ ict.
Amosun commends Owu Muslims over selection of new Chief Imam
gun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun yesterday congratulated Owu Muslims for successfully selecting Alhaji Sulaiman Akorede Kehinde as the new Chief Imam of Owu, Abeokuta Central Mosque. The new Chief Imam was selected following the demise of Alhaji Noah Olayiwola Sodeinde, the late Chief Imam of Owu who passed on in the early hours of February 9, 2016. The Governor spoke during the Jummat service held at the Owu Central Mosque, Owu, Abeokuta, on Friday. Governor Amosun,
while commending Owu Muslims, said they showed exemplary leadership and laid a good precedence in the selection of the new Chief Imam within the shortest possible time and without acrimony. Pointing out that this was an inspiring record which other groups in the country must learn from, Governor Amosun said he was happy with the peaceful selection process irrespective of the number candidates. The new Chief Imam, while appreciating the Almighty Allah, also thanked Governor Amosun for witnessing his turbaning.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 20, 2016
South East
Community appeals FG to intervene in land issue with Anambra govt Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
ggrieved owners of plots of land at Amansea Community, Awka North local government area, Anambra State, yesterday appealed to the Federal Government to prevail on Anambra State government to stop revocation of plots of land allocated to them by the Federal Government in 1996 under the Federal Government Housing Site and Service Project
Scheme. Making this appeal at Inland Town Onitsha, after rising from a closed door meeting, the aggrieved owners recalled that such development housing scheme plots of land was allocated to each state of the Federation stating that the state government should not talk of revocation of a land that does not belong to it. According to their spokesman, Mr. Okechukwu Arinze, an
Estate Surveyor and Property Manager, “the former Ministry of Lands and Urban Development, now Federal Ministry of Works, Housing and Power, allocated the said plots of land to us after paying compensation to the Amansea land owners”. “We are surprised that the state government came into the land and removed the beacons by way of revocation of the land that belongs to us, a land we procured
from the Federal Government,” he said. “We appeal to the Federal Government to caution the state government to stop the revocation exercise and we appeal to Chief Victor Umeh, the former National Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) as an Estate Surveyor and a fellow of Institute of Estate Management of Nigeria to advise Governor Willie Obiano on the implication of the revocation,” he added.
News FGM/C has impact on maternal, child mortality –Expert Toyin Adebayo, Abuja
emale Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) exposes women and girls to severe and life threatening health complications (Post-partum haemorrhage, tetanus, sepsis, urine retention, sexual dysfunction and infertility) according to World Health Organisation (WHO) Study. The gender analyst, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Nigeria, Dr. Damilola Obinna, reiterated the study of WHO in her presentation on the topic: FGM/C and the female child during a media dialogue on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) organised by UNICEF in Oshogbo, Osun State. According to her, FGM/C has direct impact on maternal mortality as girls and women that have undergone FGM are 70% more likely to suͿer haemorrhage after giving birth and are twice as likely to die during childbirth). She further explained that not only did FGM/C have direct impact on ma-
ternal mortality it also have on infant mortality, adding that FGM is linked to higher rates of infant resuscitation, stillbirth and increased risk of death during and immediately after birth. Dr Obina stressed that the reason UNICEF AND UNFPA preach abandonment is because FGM is a danger to the sexual and reproductive health of the girls and women because they are exposed to severe and life threatening health complications, post-partum haemorrhage, tetanus, sepsis, urine retention, sexual dysfunction and infertility. She further said that FGM violates the sexual and reproductive health and rights of girls and women such as the principles of equality and non-discrimination on the basis of sex, right to health and bodily integrity and is a form of violence against women and girls, right to life, right to freedom from torture, right to privacy, right to liberty and security of persons and right to the highest attainable standard of sexual and reproductive health.
EFCC arrest five 5 for internet scam
L-R: President-General, Nigeria Union of Railway Workers (NURW), Comrade Saidu Garba; President-General, African Railway Workers Union, Comrade Raphael Okoro and Vice President, NURW, Comrade Orji Kalu, during NURW Eastern District’s Thanksgiving Service in Enugu State.
Clergymen beg Igbos to support Uwazurike Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
iafra clergymen from South East and South South geo-political zones, under the aegis of Biafra Clergy Parliament, yesterday in Onitsha, Anambra State, urged Igbo people to rally round the leader of the Movement for the Actu-
alization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), Chief Ralph Uwazurike, as the Igbo leader. Making the urge after rising from a closed door meeting, they recalled that late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu blessed Chief Uwazurike and handed to him staě of oĜce at Enugu to lead the Igbos to the Promised Land.
According to the spokemen of the clergy, Pastor Aninwede Onyemaechi James, Rev. Agba Festus and Evangelist Joseph Ogbonna ‘whoever that goes contrary to the leadership of Uwazurike would have the wrath of God on him because Uwazurike’s leadership is divine.’ “God has brought him out from the lot to lead us
and as clergymen we will continue to pray for the actualization of a sovereign state of Biafra which we believe will happen soon by the special grace of God,” they said. They also called for the immediate release of all those Biafra agitators being held in various security custodies adding that their release would help to pave way for Igbo unity.
Priest attacks septuagenarian over allegation of juju Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
orshipers at St Dominic’s Catholic Church, Adazienu, Anocha local government area were shocked yesterday, when a US based Catholic priest, Rev Father Mike Steve Ezeatu after mass aĴacked a 70 year old man and beat him to coma. Indigenes of the community said the Reverend Father who is based in the United States had ęn-
ished celebrating a funeral mass and made to leave in his SUV car when he sighted the man identięed as Mr Innocent Nwolisa and beckoned on him to come close. According to the ęrst son of the victim, Ebuka Nwolisa who spoke to journalists “my father was about to leave the compound of Ifedigbo in Ugweni Ojii, where the funeral mass of one late Ifeoma Ifedigbo had just been celebrated by Ezeatu, when he was called back by the priest.”
“I think my father went because we are related to the priest, and they know each other and thouhgt he may be calling him to give him special blessing, but what he got was beating. The only saving grace he had was that I was not around, that was why he got away with his action,” he said. Another eyewitness, Mr Arinze Ezeatu, who is a younger brother of the priest said, “Father Mike complained that the old man was releasing evil pow-
ers at him while he was at the altar celebrating mass, and that was the reason for his action. Arinze and Olisa Ezeatu, both younger and elder brothers of the priest while speaking to journalists said it was not true that Nwolisa was releasing evil powers at him, but that the reverend father was suspecting that the old man may have supported his brothers, whom the priest has for long been at logger head with, over land issue.
peratives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on February 12, 2Ŗ1Ŝ arrested ęve suspected fraudsters who specialized in internet scam popularly known as ‘yahoo yahoo’. The suspects, Okunmwendia Victor, Wowo Odeworitse David, Isaac Otete, Iyera Emmanuel and Ovanerita Samuel, between the ages of 20 and 26 were rounded up at their dif-
ferent hide-outs during a sting operation. While Victor was arrested at 19 Owina Street Benin City, Edo State, the other suspects were apprehended at 4, Lucky Street, Osubi, Warri, Delta State. Some of the items recovered from them include seven diěerent types of laptops, several smart phones, international passport, various che ue books, Ěash drives and diěerent types of internet modems.
U m a h i s u s p en d s cou n c i l chair man over church demolition
overnor David Umahi of Ebonyi State has suspended Mr Joseph Orogwu, the Caretaker Committee Chairman of Ikwo local government area of the state from ofÀce, for demolishing a church. The Commissioner for Information and State Orientation, Sen. Emmanuel Onwe, made this known yesterday while brieÀng newsmen on the outcome of the State Executive Council meeting. Onwe said that the chairman was directed to
hand over all government property in his possession to the vice chairman of the council. “The suspension is authorised by the governor as the demolition is coming at a time the state government is in a productive partnership with churches,” he said. Meanwhile, the commissioner noted that the State Executive Council also received the report of the committee set up to investigate the activities of Dr Emmanuel Utobo, during his tenure as the state Director of Sports.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
South South
EFCC arraigns bizman for dud cheque Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has arraigned one Valentine Orji, the Managing Director of Naxpro Energy & Shipping Company Limited before Justice A. A. Onojovwo of the State High court siĴing in Warri, Delta State on a six-count charge bordering on issuance of dud che ue to the tune of N60million. The petitioner, ARC Marine & Civil Construction Company Limited alleged that sometimes in September 201ř, Orji approached her in the company of one Mr. Bimbo re uesting to buy a vessel, MV DOLA with registration No. IMO Provincial Men Christian Association (PMCA) of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), during a procession for the 2nd Session of Third Conference, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Diocese of Ahoada, Rivers State…yesterday.
Alleged fraud: March 10 fixed for Jonathan’s aide suit against FG Paschal Njoku
ustice Valentine Ashi of High Court of the Federal Capital Territory siĴing in Apo, has ęxed March 10, for deęnite hearing of a fundamental rights enforcement suit ęled by former Special Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Niger Delta Aěairs, Kingsley Kuku, against the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Other respondents in the suit are the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Oěences Commission (ICPC), the Department of the State Security Services (DSSS), Immigration, Civil Defence and Police. At a resumed siĴing yesterday, the court di-
rected all parties in the case to maintain status uo, pending the determination of the suit before it. Justice Ashi told the respondents that his exparte order of September 1ś, 201ś restraining them from arresting Kuku still subsists till the next adjourned date. The presiding judge therefore directed all the parties in the suit to appear before the court on March 10, a day the fundamental rights enforcement suit would be heard. Earlier, the court granted the EFCC’s plea to ęle its counter aĜdavit in opposition to the suit out of time. Though Kuku’s counsel, Sunday Onubi vehemently opposed the re uest, however, the court said it was in the interest of
justice to allow the EFCC to ęle its wriĴen address and to deem same to have been ęled within time. Recall that the anti graft agency had in a leĴer dated July 22, 201ś, and signed by one Olufunke Ogunbode, Head Economic Governance, invited Kuku to appear before it on July 2Ş, 201ś, for uestioning over allegation of conspiracy, stealing, diversion of public funds and abuse of oĜce involving him. Reacting, Kuku who claimed ill had to approach the court for an order restraining the EFCC from stopping his planned travelling to the United States of America to undergo a knee surgery in September last year. Ruling on the ex-parte application ęled by Kuku,
Justice Ashi posited that an infringement on the rights of any person should not be carried out before such a person can approach the court for remedy. It was the opinion of the court that where proceedings are pending in any court, the parties for which reliefs are being sought against must desist from doing anything to prejudice or over reach the court. Conse uently, Justice Ashi stopped any move by the defendants against the applicant pending the determination of his substantive suit. In addition, the court ordered that the defendants be put on notice and to appear before him to show cause why an order of injunction should not be granted against them.
Delta police nabs four robbery suspects Sylvester Idowu, Warri
our suspected armed robbers that usually operates with tricycle in Warri and environs have been arrested by police in Delta State. The suspects were apprehended at about 9.ś0 pm last week by operatives of the Special Anti Robbery S uad (SARS) during a routine patrol. Security sources dis-
closed that the SARS men Ěagged down a tricycle with four occupants who were later discovered to be armed robbers. It was learnt that a search conducted on the suspects revealed one locally made pistol with two live cartridges, one dagger knife and a wrap of weed suspected to be Indian hemp in their possession.
Delta State Police Public Relations Ofęcer, Celestina Kalu, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) conęrmed the arrest. She gave the names of the suspects as Isaiah Etadefe,Happy Ege, SaiĚlasi Mansur and Collins Otone. Kalu further disclosed that a patrol team from Enerhen Division also arrested a notorious armed robbery suspect
that operated last week at Enerhen villages. She said a patrol team was dispatched by the Divisional Police Ofęcer (DPO) Hassan Galadima, on hearing that armed robbers were operating in the village. Kalu gave items recovered from the scene as one locally made Pistol, one live cartridge, a tricycle and woman hand bags.
H. 6Ş2679ř. After the negotiation, the parties agreed on the sum of N140million. The two parties agreed that the vessel would be handed over to Orji’s company after the sum of NŞ0million (Eighty Million Naira) is deposited for the vessel and issuance of postdated che ue covering the balance sum of N60million (Sixty Million Naira). Upon the payment of the initial amount, the vessel was handed over to his company, and it was agreed if by April 1, 2014 he fails to pay the balance the vessel should be returned. However, on presentation of Orji’s che ue in bank, it was dishonoured on the grounds of insuĜcient funds.
Lawyer arrested for alleged land scam
lawyer, Monye Iweobi, has been arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for allegedly obtaining money by false pretence through a property deal. The accused was arrested on February 17, 2016. Sometimes in May 2015, Iweobi, who is also a retired staͿ of the Nigeria Customs Service, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, allegedly obtained the sum of N23million from one Pat Eugene Nwachukwu Egbunna, after they both entered into a deal to sell a property located at 18/20 Rumuwokeh Street,
Rumuibekwe, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Egbunna alleged that the Iweobi wanted to sell his property for N30million, but after negotiation, he agreed to be paid N27million. A part payment of N3.5million was allegedly paid to the accused person in cash while a sum of N23million was transferred to Iweobi. However, the accused person allegedly declined to hand over the property to Egbunna, neither did he refund the money. Instead, he allegedly claimed that the money he received was for repayment of loan, which he had over time given to Egbunna.
85 bag 1st class at UNN’s 45th convocation
he Vice-Chancellor of University of Nigeria Nsukka, Prof Benjamin Ozumba, has announced that 85 out of 13, 554 students that graduated yesterday from the university bagged First Class Honours. Ozumba made this known in Nsukka during the university 45th convocation ceremony. He also said 3, 040 made Second Class Honours Upper Division; 7, 266 came out with Second Class, Lower; 2, 237 bagged Third Class; 256 got Pass while 469 unclassiÀed and 120 obtained Diploma in certiÀcate courses. He said that as result of open door policy of his administration, there had been
cordial relationship between the management staͿ and students’ union government. The Vice-chancellor said his administration had embarked on projects that would improve learning as well as enhance the welfare of staͿ and students. Ozumba urged the graduates to be good ambassadors of the university so as not to bring anything that would dent the image of the institution. In a remark, the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of UNN governing council, Mr Emmanuel Ukala commended the VC and members of the Governing Council for the achievements the university recorded.
Newswatch Times Saturday, February 20, 2016
North East/West
Consensus arrangement tears traders apart Emeka Ibemere
L-R: Director of Pastoral Affairs, Catholic Secretariat, Abuja, Rev. Father Ojaje Idoko; Benefactor of St. Gabriel Chaplaincy, Sir Dr. Obiorah Okonkwo and Archbishop of Abuja Catholic Church, His Eminence, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, during the 1st sod turning of the Chapel of St. Gabriel Catholic Chaplaincy and guest house of the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Nigeria in Durumi District, Abuja. Photo: Wale Adenuga
FG commends people of N/East, UNHCR for supporting victims of insurgency Taiye Agbaje, Abuja
igerians in the North East have been commended for their good neighbourliness and accommodating internally displaced victims of the insurgency in their own homes and communities. The Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, who gave the commendation on Friday during a meeting with a delegation from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) at the Presidential Villa, Abuja , noted that even though
the insurgents still create a sense of fear, many Nigerians are aware and are “doing their bit to accommodate the IDPs.” He said the Federal Government is also committed to many of the initiatives put in place to address the situation of the north-east region of the country. Although there are economic challenges currently in the country, Osinbajo said the Buhari administration is determined to restore the infrastructure, de-mine farmlands and make the aͿected communities safe and habitable again. According to him, the
Federal Government is deeply committed to the recovery and rehabilitation of the north-eastern region and will require the continued support of the United Nations in the eͿort. Osinbajo also commended the UNHCR for its assistance so far. “We are looking forward to much more assistance from the UNHCR,” Prof. Osinbajo told the team led by Mr. Volker Turk, the Assistant High Commissioner, while also acknowledging that the agency has done a lot. Observing that the situation especially with the IDPs in the North-East
poses enormous challenge, the VP said the UNHCR is “peculiarly equipped to deal with this kind of situation.” “We urge the UNHCR to work with us as closely as possible on the resettlement and rehabilitation of IDPs,” the VP said. In his remarks, Mr. Turk while oͿering government the continued collaboration of the UN agency, he stated that it is the aim of the UNHCR to support and assist the Nigerian government on how to create the space for IDPs’ return to their communities with safety, dignity and sustainability.
Court remands youth for alleged abduction, rape
Chief Magistrate Court in Gusau in Zamfara State, has ordered for the remand of a 20- year-old man, Bashiru Aliyu of Awala Area, in ShinkaÀ
Local Government Area, for abduction and rape. The prosecutor, Cpl. Ibrahim Aliyu told the court that on January 19, Abdul Abdullahi of the same address reported
the case at ShinkaÀ Police station. Aliyu said that on January 16, the accused person allegedly abducted the complainant’s 15 years old sister,
tion of the Federal High Court, Kano knowingly retained the sum of two hundred thousand Naira (N200,000.00) in your United Bank for Africa Plc Account with account number 2073629391 being proceeds of an illegal act on behalf of Omole Kayode being the sum obtained under false pretences from one Pastor Kabiru Maidawa Sani and you thereby committed an oͿence contrary to Section 17(a) of the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (Establishment)
Act 2004 and punishable under Section 17(b) of the same Act.” When the charge was read to the accused person, he pleaded guilty. In view of his admittance of guilt, counsel to EFCC, Musa Isah stated the facts of the case and urged the court to convict him accordingly. Justice Abubakar convicted and sentenced the accused person to twelve months imprisonment without option of Àne, commencing from the day he was arrested.
Man jailed for fraud ustice Zanab B. Abubakar of Federal High Court sitting in Kano on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 convicted and sentenced one Ashiru AÀz Adisa to twelve months imprisonment on one count amended charge of retention of proceeds of crime brought against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. The Count reads: “That you, Ashiru AÀz Adisa a.k.a Rufus Michael sometimes in November, 2014 within the jurisdic-
Aisha Abdullahi to an unknown destination and all eͿorts to trace her proved abortive. He said that on January 19, the accused person was found with the complainant’s sister at Damba Area of Gusau, where he was alleged to have raped her. The prosecutor said that the oͿence contravened section 273 and 283 of the penal code. The accused person pleaded not guilty to the oͿence. The Chief Magistrate, Alhaji Bello Kucheri consequently ordered that the accused person should be remanded in prison custody. He adjourned the case to March 1, for further mention.
ttempt by the Executive members of the Electrical Dealers Association of the Alaba International Market to annual the consensus candidature of one of the aspirants is tearing the entire Electrical section of the market apart, as some stakeholders have decided to pull out of the election which comes on Saturday February 20 2016. Nze Ignatius Okwuegbunem from Orsu local government Area of Imo State and a trader emerged the consensus candidate but the incumbent executive are working to stop his candidature and are plotting to support another private candidate who was not selected in the primaries to contest ahead of Okwuegbunem, a situation that is causing friction among the traders in the Electrical section of Alaba International Market. “There are lots of things on ground as regards the election proper. There is a disagreement in the whole process because of the zoning arrangement that has been in existence for years now. The problem is that the incumbent Executive is trying to thwart the zoning system which we have in our constitution. We have zoned the leadership position of the electrical section among the Àve states of the south east; Abia, Imo, Enugu, Anambra and Eb-
onyi States,” he added. “So, we zoned it so that we won’t be having election problems. This year is the turn of Imo State to produce the Chairman of the Electrical section. Imo Forum have done their primaries and produced me to be the chairman based on consensus arrangement since it’s their turn to produce the chairman but there is misunderstanding because some people who are not members of Imo state indigene or Imo Forum, a stakeholder of Imo traders in Electrical section are refusing to accept our consensus arrangement because of their selÀsh interests.” According to Okwuegbunem, the constitution of the market allowed the zoning system and that there is no room for independent candidate but some part of the incumbent executive are trying to force an independent candidate on the traders and rejected our consensus arrangement which produced me. “They are not happy with my consensus candidature because of their selÀsh interests. And now the Imo people are saying that if the executive go ahead to force a private candidate that never come from the Imo traders they will boycott the election on Saturday because, the market’s constitution doesn’t accept an independent candidate and for that they are threatening to pull out of the election,” he explained.
Kaduna anti-kidnapping squad rescues 4 abducted girls Baba Negedu, Kaduna
he Joint Special Anti-kidnapping Squad of the Kaduna State Government comprising of the Nigerian Army and Police has rescued four young girls abducted by a gang of kidnappers in the state. According to Governor Nasir El-Rufai’s spokesman, Samuel Aruwan, who disclosed this to newsmen in Kaduna, the rescue operation took place around Kateri area in Kachia Local Government of the state. Aruwan said the girls were rescued after a successful raid by the squad who gallantly engaged the dare devil kidnappers. His words, “The security squad that was detailed to follow-up the lead came under Àre from the kidnappers, but the raid succeeded and the girls were rescued.” Aruwan also disclosed that a notorious kidnapper, one Abdullahi Ali, has been arrested following information from members of the public.
“Another notorious bandit, one Mohammed Sani of Bakari village in Dutsin-Ma local government area in Katsina State was arrested by Operation Yaki Surveillance Patrol team in a Joint Operation with the State Armed Robbery Squad of the Nigerian Police on Thursday 18thFebruary, 2016. “A gang of armed robbers had blocked the road along Gwagwada in Kachia Local Government Area of the State and were robbing motorists of their valuables, but distress calls from the victims received prompt response from the police which led to the arrest. Other gang members escaped with bullet wounds, but one AK-47 rie with three loaded magazine was recovered. The Kaduna State Government commends the citizens for providing information to improve the security situation. Aruwan assured that calls to the help lines will always receive prompt response and attention.
Saturday, February20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Modu Sheriff: Dilemma of PDP’s new helmsman Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
ormer Borno State governor, Ali Modu SheriͿ’s emergence as the national chairman of the once touted largest party in Africa - Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) during the week stunned all and sundry especially the political class, not that he is not qualiÀed but because of several unholy allegations against him. Notable is the issue of Boko Haram that has engulfed the North East of Nigeria through which no fewer than 1,000 Nigerians including secondary school girls have died. This does not however include properties razed in the zone and of course the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja. The choice of SheriͿ as PDP Chairman has however been met with outrage by many due to allegations that he is a sponsor of terrorist sect, Boko Haram. For instance, some ministers who served in the administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan, have threatened to leave the PDP if SheriͿ is allowed to remain as national chairman of the party. The former ministers said the imposition of SheriͿ on the PDP would portray to Nigerians- an unserious party. Speaking on behalf of the former ministers was a former Minister of National Planning, Dr. Abubakar Suleiman, who said it was evident that the plan to rescue the party had failed. “Our rescue mission has failed; the redemption boat has capsized and our journey to recovery has come to an end. Whosoever partook in the decision does not mean well for the party and democracy in Nigeria.” “It is obvious that the Àfth columnist has hijacked the party and they are hell-bent on sinking it deeper into irrecoverable level of the pit.” “Some of us would rather review our membership than subject ourselves to selÀsh interests of some cabal whose main goal is political proÀteering. After all, our umbilical cord is not tied to any party.” “Some people will go to the APC while some will form their own political party if they so desire. SheriͿ’s emergence is a setback for the party trying to build its image. Credible members and younger ones are going to leave the party.” “If his emergence is not reversed in the next one week, there could be massive exodus from the party.” “For several times, he has been identiÀed with the issue of Boko Haram, though he has yet to be indicted. But perception matters a lot. We can’t be defending that toga now. We don’t have such time. Remember also that he has problem with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. Such a man shouldn’t be asked to lead a party that is trying to regain power,” they recalled. A member of the NEC said: “Majority of the BOT members have rejected SheriͿ and they have threatened to resign en masse. There is no way his choice can Áy. He is actually not a democrat at all. We will go back to square one.” All the state chapters of the PDP have also opposed the ¶imposition’ of SheriͿ, it was learnt. Instead, they have asked the party to allow the Northeast zone
session in Abuja last night. One of the senators said: “We are worried at the news of the emergence of Sen. Modu SheriͿ as chairman of the PDP. We are worried that some persons are not thinking of the need to move the party forward. “We feel there is need to raise the credibility of the party after the debacle of the last general election. It is not fair that we saddle the party with the burden that the chairmanship of Sen. Modu SheriͿ would bring to the party at this time.” A former Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, the spokesman of the Jonathan Campaign Organisation during last year’s elections, in a statement said: “I do not often speak publicly about the internal aͿairs of the PDP because I have always chosen to remain well above the fray. “This is because I have good friends in every single group and on all sides that constitute the party. However, given today’s events, there appears to be deep cause for concern. “It is clear to me that, more than at any other time in its almost 17 years in existence, the PDP needs serious prayers. If we fail to provide the strong, united, progressive, credible and focused leadership and opposition that is needed to keep our country on course and our government on their toes, then God will never forgive us and He will surely punish us. “If we insist on making the wrong choices about our leadership and if we keep taking people for granted not only will we be Ànished as a party but the entire country will suͿer the to conduct a transparent election to choose the national consequences of our errors and inexplicable ways. chairman. “May God help us and may He forgive us and deliver us from “These governors are playing with Àre because once evil, greedy, corrupt, ignorant and bloodthirsty men.” SheriͿ is foisted, we will quit the PDP,” the source said, After he was declared the acting chairman, SheriͿ announced pleading not to be named. that he will assume oce today, promising to” lead the party to A former Minister, who spoke in conÀdence, said: “With victory in 2019Ц. SheriͿ, the PDP is dead because we cannot reshape or He said that “there will be no witch-hunt. I’ll carry everyone reform the party for 2019 as being envisaged. along in the task of rebuilding the party.” “You will recall that at a stage the party was Meanwhile, the National Auditor of PDP, Alhaji Adewole uncomfortable with SheriͿ in 2015 because of the Adeyanju, has condemned allegations that the new national controversies surrounding him. chairman of the PDP, Senator Ali Modu SheriͿ has links with the “Many of us loyal to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan may Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East. leave the party for a more cosmopolitan and democratic one.” Adeyanju said the allegations were raised by faceless people as The Southeast and South-south caucuses of the PDP in the part of plots to discredit PDP before Nigerians and the international Senate yesterday rejected SheriͿ’s choice. community. Senators have decided not to have anything to do with the PDP led by SheriͿ. According to a highly-placed source, “It is being erroneously speculated in some quarters that our new the senators took the decision at an emergency consultative national chairman, Senator Ali Modu SheriͿ is a Boko Haram sponsor. Let those speculating this come out with concrete evidence and if they don’t have one, they should keep quiet and stop spreading such dangerous rumour.”
We are here today, we are starting from here, and we are going to Aso Rock, Insha Allah by 2019. We will head from here and we will do it together
“We are very much aware that some elements are jittery over PDP’s decision to pick him as its new national chairman and the only way out for them is to label him as Boko Haram sponsor, they cannot succeed in their new plot because the government would have arrested and charged him to court as it had done to a serving Senator in the National Assembly during the President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, the trial is still in progress. They can see PDP’s star rising high again in the northern parts of the country.’’ Continued on Page 35
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Re-run: Why Benue South senatorial election is an issue Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
hough former Senate President David Mark was not the only senator whose election was cancelled, it is just that the cancellation of Mark’s Benue south senatorial zone election by the Appeal Court created serious political curiosity and tension in the state. Today’s election is a two-horse race between Mark, who is recontesting on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Daniel Onjeh of the All Progressives Congress (APC), whose petition led to the nullification of Mark’s election by Justice Ige of the Appeal Court, Makurdi on November 28. Follow-ups from the annulment have been a clear indication that the embattled Mark is a big factor in Benue politics. At least, three persons have been reportedly killed ahead of today’s rerun election when supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC), and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) reportedly clashed during the week. The clash, which occurred at Ugboju in Otukpo Local Government Area, came few days after Mark petitioned the Inspector General of Police, alleging threat to his life. It was gathered that the crisis was triggered by a disagreement between the caretaker Chairman of Otukpo Local Government Area, Mr. Ijachi Ude of the APC and his younger brother, Eje Ude of the PDP. The representative of Otukpo/ Akpa in the state House of Assembly, Johnson Ahubi told newsmen that the crisis was fuelled by some supporters of the APC. Confirming the enormity of the contest above others of its kind in other states, Mark urged his constituent to come out en masse to exercise their civic duties, asking them to comply with the rules of the game by being law. He however calculated, “the opposition may deliberately provoke you to disrupt the election but you must stand tall and exercise your franchise within the ambits of the law,” adding that today’s election is about the welfare and interest of the Idoma/Igede people of Benue State which only the people have the locus standi to decide. Meanwhile, hitherto foes have already retraced their steps into the fold of the PDP representatives. Notable among them was Mark’s sworn political opponent, Alhaji Abubakar
Usman otherwise called “Young Alhaji” who led a political coalition of all political parties in the zone to rally support for the re-election of the lawmaker. At a rally in Otukpo during the week, Young Alhaji urged electorate to vote for Mark as the only political figure that can save the Idoma/ Igede people from political extinction. Before today, it was reported that the entire members of the Accord Party (AP) and some opposition members in the nine local governments making the Zone have come to terms with the ruling PDP for the sole reason of
returning Mark at the poll. According to them, their resolve to work for the former Senate President was premised on his antecedents and the need to defend the honour and dignity of the Idoma nation from the “grand conspiracies” of the enemies of Idoma; which they said was more important than political participation. Addressing the crowd, Young Alhaji explained why he now rallied supports for Mark against Dan Onjeh, saying, “I am not working for David Mark but the people of zone C. I know what they want and I am working for
what they want now. “I am happy that it’s only the voters in Zone C that can decide when it is time up for David Mark in the Senate; not Tiv leaders, not the APC leadership in Abuja and Makurdi. And certainly, this is not the time, he added.” Meanwhile, APC accused Mark, of impunity and inducement ahead of today’s election. According to the Director of Media and Publicity of the Onjeh Campaign Organisation, Comrade Okpokwu Ogenyi in a statement Continued on Page 35
Ondo 2016: One seat, many aspirants Peter Dada, Akure
ew months away, (though) subject to the time-stable of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the people of Ondo State will go to polls to elect another governor to take over from the incumbent, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko whose tenure expires on February 23, 2017. To this end, many politicians have been indicating interest in the most exalted oce in the state. Many of these gladiators are mostly members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC). Apart from the popular parties, some aspirants also prefer to contest under the platform of the less-popular parties like the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Accord Party (AP), Peoples Progressives Alliance (PPA) and All
Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), the Labour Party (LP) and the Peoples Party of Nigeria (PPN). As a matter of fact, in the light of the economic challenges, the state needs somebody, as a governor who will turn its fortune for better, using the available less- utilized natural resources. The
question is who among the gladiators will bring the desired change people want? The opposition, APC, is dominant party with respect to the number of aspirants - over 20 while, it was gathered that more are still warming up. But the PDP has Àve, SDP one while AP, PPA, APGA, LP, PPN were yet to have aspirants as at the time of Àlling this report. At the present time, some of the aspirants who have shown interest in the ticket of the APC include, the lawmaker representing Owo/ Ose federal constituency, Mr. Bode Ayorinde, former Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Mr. Victor Olabimtan, Jamiu Ekungba and Dr. Segun Abraham. Others are, Sen representing Northern Senatorial Districts of the state, Senator Ajayi Boroce, the candidate of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria and former President of the Nigeria Bar Association, Chief Rotimi Akeredolu, lawmaker representing Ondo Central Continued on Page 36
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Odion Ighalo:
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve made Wa tford hou seh o ld na me in Nige r i a Dolphins renamed Rivers Utd
Ronaldinho enjoys free agent life >>Pg.33
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Odion Ighalo: I’ve made Watford household name in Nigeria GBOLAHAN DADA
igerians may be crazy followers of the English Premier Leahue clubs like Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United and City but they are gradually supporting Watford Football Club, according to the Super Eagles star, Odion Ighalo. Ighalo superlative form in the English League and his scoring feat with Watford, has earned him more respect than other Nigerian players in the EPL. Speaking on CNN, Ighalo revealed how Nigerians, home and abroad always keen to watch his club play every weekend in the Premiership. “Because of me now, I think Nigerians now support Watford a lot because, you know, there they always support big teams like Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and all that. Now, My dad is the proudest man on earth because his name always appear at the back of my jersey,” he said. Ighalo said he was fortunate to be successful by playing the round leather game, adding that his father never supported him initially. “I believe if I didn’t make it through football that is
the will of God because everybody has their own destiny. God said this is my destiny. When I start talking about God some people think I’m crazy but I’m not ashamed to say it anywhere I stamp my feet on this earth that God has been my source and will still be my source till the day I will leave this life. I believe strongly in God. Without God I would be nothing in my life because I know he has helped me times a number when there was no hope. “My mum encouraged me whenever my dad wanted to spank me when went out to play football. If I come back and I don’t do my homework and all that. I can remember they would argue. My mum said: “You have to leave him if he wants to play football.” “Leaving Africa then and travelling to Europe because back then I was a liĴle bit nervous, you know. I could remember the night before I went. My mum prayed for me. She was crying that this is a great opportunity for me. That I have to make every use of it and all that. She don’t want me to come back here. “I could remember I was young then watching Premier League on TV and all that. I’m here today doing well and remembering this memory,
thanking God and happy that this is the same League I was watching back then. “If Watford can ęght the way they are doing I believe one day we can win the League and the why not the Champions League because it’s football. “That would be a great moment in my life. I’m telling you that would be great. Ighalo’s success story has already opened doors of transfer opportunities, as clubs scrambling to sign him to beef up their strength. Report has it that Manchester United could be clear to sign Ighalo as Watford pave the way for him to leave in the next transfer window. The Hornets are reportedly lining up a move for Granada striker Isaac Success as a replacement for the Nigerian, who has enjoyed a prolięc campaign in the Premier League. Ighalo, 26, has 14 league goals in 24 appearances so far, and would undoubtedly be a great ęt up front for United, who have lacked spark in aĴack this season. According to the Daily Mirror, United could now be in luck in their pursuit of Ighalo, with Watford agreeing to let him leave if they receive a bid of around £12million for his services this summer.
2016 Olympic Qualifiers: NBF invites 22 boxers to camp
igerian gold medallist at the last All African Games in Brazzaville, Congo, Soldier girl, Edith Ogoke-Agu, and her two compatriots in the Nigerian Army, Kehinde Obareh and Caroline Linus are among the 22 boxers of 18 men and 4 women that resumed ęnal camping exercise at the General Kenneth Minimah boxing hostel, National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos, ahead of the RIO 2016 Olympic
qualięers scheduled to hold in Cameroon. Also invited is another 2015 All Africa Games Gold Medalist, Efe Ajagba and Silver Medalist, Apochi Efetobor while Muyideen Oyakojo, Dauda Azeez, Soyoye Kazeem, Oladosu Rilwan, Femi Oyeleye, Abua Christian, Korede Adeniyi, Ademuyiwa Kehinde, Ayodele Mike, Danuloko Ekele, Rahmon Rasak and Kenneth Rolands, also made the list of invitees. Secretary General of the Nigeria Boxing Federation,
Olusola Luke who dropped this hint in Lagos yesterday, also informed that two foreign based boxers, Sadiq Umar based in the United Kingdom and Belgium based Gabriel Francis who will face Efetobor Apochi in the heavy weight category are among the boxers while Toyin Oladeji, Falilat Tijani and Jecinta Umunakwe completes the women list. Tony Konyegwachie, Adurah Olalehin, Sabo Mohammed, Ossai Christopher and Jeremiah Okorodudu are the ęve coaches guiding the athletes in camp trials will be conducted on Saturday when only ten boxers (7 men and 3 women) will be selected to represent Nigeria at the RIO 2016 Olympic qualięers holding in cameroun from March 8 – 20 2016. Vice President of the Nigerian Boxing Federation Ibrahim Suleman Zango said those invited to camp were carefully selected by the technical oĜcials was based on merit even as he expects an explosive camping exercise
NFF /Oliseh war of words: Obaseki appeals for cease fire VICTOR ENYINNAYA
ormer second Vice President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Chief Oyuki Obaseki, has appealed to the leadership of the apex football governing body in the country and Super Eagles head coach, Sunday Oliseh, to bury the hatchet and abide by the truce accord by the Youths and Sports Minister, Solomon Dalung. According to him, Nigerians must thank Dalung for seĴing the tone that brought the already tensed atmosphere to normalcy. He acted not only as an impartial father to his children, his action points to encouraging peaceful existence and a culture of tolerating one another in all situation. We should preach more what holds us together than that that divides us, The Minister acted in good faith and these parties must reciprocate us uncommon and unconditional gesture, he remarks. He recalled the eěorts by the Minister to bring our quest to confront the Pharaohs squarely in an all important clash as the smoothening balm that would have worked wonders by now rather there are still drums of war in both camps and described it as unsportsmanlike. ‘’This is the time to wholeheartedly embrace peace so that full concentration in the task ahead would take hold. This is one game that needed focus and thorough planning. We should lay down our arms and rather imbibe the aĴitude to ęght a common enemy that would be praying that the
imbroglio continues so that there will low moral and conĚict in our camp which will be to their advantage,’’ he posits. Obaseki urged Amaju Pinnick to dust the tension and call his fellow commiĴee members to order to allow the coach the frame of mind to think well for the match. The Egyptian team won’t be a push over. “The task to totally subdue them here cannot be over emphasised. He pointed out that the game involving Egypt and Nigeria have always been rated atop of bill encounter, therefore, all hands must be on deck if we must convincingly pocket the ęrst leg. Egypt must fall freely in Kaduna. The argument and counter argument should give way for reason and common sense to triumph, he preaches. ‘’I know the storm has gathered for Oliseh but my question is why now. No maĴer what has done, the timing is wrong. It is a pity that the technical commiĴee would always
want the coach to be under them and when a coach question, this kind of ugly scenario would ensue which is not always in the best interest of the nation. We should try to avoid it. This kind of conĚict was order of day during Keshi’s era only that the former coach has tick skin this same people in the technical commiĴee near mar his eěorts at the initial period which they later succeeded. It is too ugly to behold, he’’ he rues. The former boss of Nigeria Football League cautioned and called for more civilised way of working relationship for the good and development of the sport in the land. This is not the normal times for the country’s football and so we should not engage in things that would further heighten the tension in football arena. He advocates that bridges of understanding and oneness must be built. We have to encourage one another and pat ourselves on the back for the spirit of the game to continue to grow in us, he explained.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 02, No. 6
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Celebrating women of substance
0\ ÀUVW GDWH ZLWK 7REL ZDV VSHFLDO –Titilola Vivour-Adeniji
22 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Titilola Vivour-Adeniji is a legal practitioner and gender advocate. She studied law at Middlesex University in London and served as a Strategic Assistant to the former Attorney- General and Commissioner for Justice, Lagos State from 2011 to 2015. She has passion for policy formulation and implementation. She is committed to public service and human development as a means to touching lives and currently serves as the Coordinator of the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVR). She spoke with Society Editor, TUNDE ESO on her career and marriage. offenGerÂśs responsibility by proviGinJ a cross MurisGictional response tKat is uniform in approacK in tKe Zay se[ual anG JenGer baseG violence cases are KanGleG in tKe 6tate 7Ke team Kas been able to train social ZorNers, Mournalists, teacKers, nurses even tKe police on KoZ to responG to issues of rape anG se[ually abuseG victims ,t also Jave us opportunity to introGuce laZs tKat JuiGe aJainst tKose unZarranteG acts Are the laws available to the public? We Kave tKree maMor laZs; cKilG riJKts laZsZKicK is an emboGiment of tKe riJKt of a 1iJeria cKilG; Ze Kave tKe Gomestic violence laZ - ZKicK talNs about Gomestic violence anG its remeGies; tKen Ze Kave tKe criminal laZs /aJos 6tate ZKicK proviGes tKe offences anG tKe punisKments 7Kese laZs Zere recently GistributeG to tKe public free How long have you been married? We met anG Jot marrieG How did you meet your husband? OK <ou see, ZKen people aGvocateG tKat tKey sKoulG scrap 1<6&, , saiG no because tKat Zas ZKere , actually met my KusbanG , Must Jot bacN to 1iJeria ZKen , ÂżnisKeG my laZ stuGies abroaG anG , enrolleG for tKe orientation camp anG Ke came to talN to me on tKe last Gay of tKe orientation , representeG Platoon for Miss 1<6& beauty contest; so , Zas a bit popular (veryone alreaGy NneZ my name anG so Ke Must calleG me +e came to talN to me anG tKat Zas KoZ it all beJan What really happened? +e Must calleG my name anG Ze e[cKanJeG telepKone numbers anG tKat Zas KoZ it all starteG
ow long have you been a legal practitioner and gender advocate? , Zas calleG into 1iJeria bar in anG , Kave alZa\s been a JenGer aGvocate, but , Zas aZoNen into it full\ in ZKen , Zas ZorNinJ for tKe former Attorne\-*eneral anG &ommissioner for -ustice in /aJos 6tate, Mr AGe ,pa\e
lice, Directorate of Public Prosecutions, OfÂżce of tKe Public DefenGer, tKe Directorate of &iti]ensÂś 5iJKts, OfÂżce of <outK anG 6ocial Development, Ministries of Women Affairs Povert\ Alleviation, +ealtK anG (Gucation, &ivil 6ociet\ OrJani]ations, anG tKe MeGia, ZKo are all involveG in tKe ÂżJKt aJainst se[ual anG JenGer-baseG violence crimes WitK tKe stronJ effort to increase victimÂśs safet\ anG
My first Valentine with What have you achieved as a gender advocate? him was special; we had %einJ a JenGer aGvocate Kas e[poseG me to lots of opportunities; one of it is my current dinner and got me a lovely position ZKere , serve as tKe &oorGinator of tKe /aJos 6tate Domestic anG 6e[ual 9iolence handbag and a cute pen 5esponse 7eam 7Ke team basically comprises top level representatives of tKe 1iJeria Pothat lights up
How did he propose to you? WKy tKat Tuestion" Just for people to learn from your own love SURÂżOH 7Ke proposal tooN place on tK of December My elGer brotKer Kas a 7-sKirt proGucinJ company locateG at ,NeMa anG Ze Go celebrate tKe branG yearly ,t Zas on tKat niJKt ZKen Ze Zere JettinJ reaGy for tKe party tKat Ke proposeG after Ke KaG informeG my parents What was your immediate reaction? 7o be Konest, , canÂśt remember because , Zas Must e[iteG , came from tKe batKroom, saZ Kim anG ran bacN anG Ke beJJeG me to Must come bacN anG Jave me tKe proposal rinJ
My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
I met Oluwatobi at NYSC camp
- Titilola Vivour-Adeniji Can you describe who your husband is? He is calm, honest and Oluwatobi he is my greatest champion. My husband inspires me a lot and he is the driving force behind all I am doing. He is my No.1 fan.
because that was where I actually met my husband
Prayer, communication in the sense that you do not just expect him to know what you are saying, but to say what you mean for him to understand you.
What are the three things you will do differWhat are those things you have been able ently if you were made the president of NiWR SXW WRJHWKHU WR JLYH \RXU PDUULDJH D ¿UP geria? I will ¿x electricity, ensure value for life. In footing? Nigeria, there no census for death while in when someone person dies, they When people advocated America will report it by saying they have just lost one American. Nigeria must be a brand. that NYSC should be
scrapped, I said no
Do you really like to be president of Nigeria? Yes. That is one of my major dreams but now I have realised that I don’t have to be the president of Nigeria before I can affect lives positively. Being the president only gives you the platform to affect more lives. Do you eat together? We eat together and that has cemented our relationship because most times eating together for us elicit lots of fun as I always ask him to leave the rest of the meat for his younger sister, while he mostly replies that I should also respect the elderly by shying away from the remaining piece of the meat for him. At what point did you stop romance with him? Can one ever stop romance? That is not possible in a fruitful marriage like ours because in marriage, romance should take one step after another; therefore romance lives with us. What is your understanding of St. Valentine? St. Valentine is a time to show love, to be caring and affectionate. Ultimately, to show love and be cheerful. +RZ ZDV \RXU ¿UVW 9DOHQWLQH H[SHULHQFH with your husband? My ¿rst valentine with Oluwatobi was Tuite special; we had a lovely dinner. After, he got me a very lovely handbag and a cute pen that lights up.
CO Titi My VloEla V Love. >PGR ivou .. >
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Feminine Clips
Creativity is needful for economic growth - Vivien Ike C an we meet you? I am Vivien Ike, a born again Christian tian who knows that for her to ful¿ll her purpose, she has to ¿rst seek the kingdom of God and everything else will be given to her. A peep into your background please? I grew up in a family where family valaching the golden rule and ues lies in teaching hat we were taught. That practicing what golden rule, as my mum would say, is rs the way you would like to treat others to be treated.. For me, that’s true ded to that, pray religion. Added sing and have without ceasing faith in God.
ers cooking Blind Tasters competition; what’s hot about it? ers is a Blind Tasters ompetition healthy competition tes famthat celebrates ily values, promotes the concept of love, nd cookfriendship and oys blind ing. It employs tasting as a means of evaluating, promotngthening ing, strengthening ling the and rekindling n people. bond between This healthy competition involves seven contestants and nd seven blind tasters. Thesee blind tasters could be family relations or friends of the contestants. The contestants are assigned to cook while the blind tasters are to identify their contestant’s dish. If they fail, they send their contestants to the danger ]one where each of them has to identify whatever is presented to them. They do this with their eyes closed and noses clamped. Any contestant that fails the test goes into the elimination room to face a celebrity judge and two other judges. There, they are judged based on the presentation and taste of their food. The contestant with the worst food is eliminated and the one that has the best food wins. The overall winner of the competition leaves with a cash pri]e of N m and a brand new car. What makes the reality show unique? Blind Tasters already speaks for itself as its format has been reviewed by top
production panies Buck Pro-
choices. I am con¿dent that Blind Tasters will appeal to a broad audience due to its varied content and entertainment value. For example, a mother can be the contestant and her year old can be her blind taster.
liant idea that has the potential of doing the same thing - generating income and creating job opportunities, which in essence will promote a creative economy and maximize developmental gains in this ever
Can you give more information on Blind Tasters? In three words, Blind Tasters cooking competition is colorful, fun and rewarding! When I say
Pretty and creative, Vivien Ike runs a production company that will make its debut in television production with a reality show called µBlind Tasters’. The hardworking Nigerian-American who relocated to Nigeria two years ago spoke on her reality show, Valentine’s Day and other issues.
ductions, which is a leading content creation company that has been honoured many times on 5eal Screen’s Global 1 list as one of the most inÀuential, inspirational, and world leading production companies in the world; (ye Works Belgium, acTuired by WarnerBro and is seemingly one of the leading independent TV and ¿lm production companies in Belgium; Relatively Real, the television arm of Relativity Media, that produced the hit shows MTV’S Cat¿sh and The American Bible Challenge. Documentary Makers NeonTV and InTrouble=one Productions also reviewed the show. Also Blind Tasters is a show that celebrates family values, which includes social, political, religious and work values. All these strengthen the bonds families have and help kids make good
Creativity is important for economic growth and development. Due to this, my focus has always been to create wealth and in doing so, promote a creative economy.
Blind Tasters is rewarding, I am not just talking about ¿nancial reward, but things that money can’t buy like ¿xing broken relationships, restoring peace, trust and unity between families and friends. For me, there are two relationships that really matter; our relationship with God and your relationship with your family. As we know, some people consider friends as family. Blind Tasters has been able to attract international sponsors like Skyrun International Company, and big sponsors like (legan]a and Tar]an Cargo Services. We also had part-sponsorship from the deck at Oba (legushi beach. We are very grateful for their contributions as we look forward to more sponsorship opportunities in the future. How does the show enhance our economy? Creativity is important for economic growth and development. Due to this, my focus has always been to create wealth and in doing so, promote a creative economy. (verything in this world began with a simple idea and this has created job opportunities and generated income, thereby contributing to the development of countries. Blind Tasters is no different in the sense that it is a bril-
changing world of ours. What inspires you? Creativity inspires me because it breaks down walls and dissolves fear. It boosts your self-esteem and soon enough you begin to see yourself as a creative genius. Because there are no rules, you have so much liberty to express yourself and stretch your imagination. I actually believe it’s the foundation of success. Who is your mentor? Well, I am a perfectionist, so I will go with -esus because He is perfect. But if you had to rephrase the Tuestion and ask me the ones I truly admire, I would not mince words when I say Steve -obs and Oprah Winfrey. I love people that think different and also those that are cheerful givers. What is your perception of St. Valentine’s Day? I don’t know who St. Valentine is and have never met him or her. Seeing that there are different theories, I don’t want to jump into conclusion. What I will say is, celebrate God’s love on Valentine’s Day and every other day and God will celebrate you.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016 Qismat Yinus : 08027022738
Trendy outfits to rock in this month of love
ebruary is considered the month of love ve because Saint Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day falls on the 14th of this beautiful month. To celebrate this great month it is best to embrace the colour red which is the colour ur of choice for love. A touch of red is all you need throughout the month onth as this depicts love, and the celebration that comes with it. Here are some stunning fashion pieces with which you can n speak the language of love without saying a word.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Chrisland school VGC holds second edition of career day
hrisland High School,Victoria Garden City,Lagos aheld the second edition of its Career Day themed My Profession,My P a s s i o n , o n F r i d a y, J a n u a r y 29th,2016 at the school hall to enlighten its students on the career options available to them and guide them towards making career choices. The school’s management headed by High Chief (Dr)Mrs W.AAwosika (OON),Chairman and founder,Chrisland Schools,Mrs I.O Adeyemi,Managing Director,and Mr T.I Kritzinger,Principal Chrisland High School,VGC, had Dr Fakorede OlaG e o rjide Ayinde,a senior lecgina Azike, who turer and author, Mrs is currently the head teacher of ChrisPromise Chinedum Nosiri,a legal land Primary School,VGC, to educate practitioner,Eng O.J Sikuade,an industrial engineer,Dr Ifeoma interested studets on their various career Ezeoma,a paeditrician, Mr Ogunya- choices. While speaking on the Engineering kin Omoniyi,an accountant,and Mrs profession,Eng O.J Sikuade advised the
students on the profession,and its requirements. “Without pain there is no gain. Engineering is a very versatile profession and Engineers use science and mathematics to solve real problems” he said. The 2016 Chrisland High School,VGC Career Day is the second edition,following its inaugural career day which took place in 2015.
Hairdresser in court for allegedly cutting neighbour’s breast
23-year-old woman, Nfoma Chilaka, who allegedly cut her neighbour’s breast with a razor blade, was arraigned yesterday before an Ikeja Magistrate Court in Lagos.
The accused, who lives at 18, Oridamisi St., Abule-Oki, Iyana Ipaja, a suburb of Lagos, is facing a onecount charge of grievous harm. The prosecutor, Insp. Rachael Williams, told the court that the offence was committed on Feb. 16 at
Two youths get 7 strokes of cane for street fighting
Gudu Upper Area Court in Abuja, yesterday, sentenced two youths to seven strokes of the cane each, for engaging in a street ¿ght. The Judge, Umar Kagarko, gave the sentence after the convicts begged for leniency. Emeka Dim and Igbudu Joseph, both of Area 1, Garki, Abuja, had earlier pleaded guilty to the charge. The convicts, both friend, said they had forgiven each other and pleaded with the court to forgive them. Earlier, the Prosecutor, Mr Augustine Urom, told the court that both men were arrested by Gulf II Patrol Team and brought to the police station on Feb. 18. Urom said that the patrol team, attached to Garki police station, were on patrol within the Garki axis when the incident took place. CCThe team saw them engaging in a ¿ght on the street and arrested them.’’ According to him, during police investigations, they admitted to the crime. He said that the act was contrary to sections 113 of the Penal Code.
the residence of the accused. Williams told the court that a ¿ght ensued between the accused and one of her neighbours, Mrs Cynthia Samuel. ``The accused used a new razor blade and cut her neighbour’s breast which led to bleeding. ``The complainant sustained a serious injury as a result of the deep cut,” she said.
The offence, according to the prosecutor, contravened Section 243 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011. The accused, however, pleaded not guilty. The Magistrate, Mrs C.Y. Balogun, admitted the accused to a bail of N50,000 with two sureties in like sum. She therefore adjourned the case to March 3 for mention.
27 7
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
is Th GEr PAis fo LE
CALL 08057482794
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx L-R: Bauchi State Governor, Muhammed Abubakar (left) receiving an Award the Chairman, Political Observers Organisation Group, Comrade Mustapha Gwarzo. L-R: Representative of Inspector-General of Police, Cp Samuel Ogunjemilusi; husband of the Force Medical Officer, Chief Sonny Okudo; Force Medical Officer, Aig Grace Okudo and former Force Medical Officer, Aig Emeka Okeke.
L-R: Emir of Bauchi, Alhaji Rilwanu Adamu; Emir of Misau, Alhaji Ahmed Suleman and Emir of Dass, Alhaji Usman Bilyaminu.
L-R: Retired Police Commissioners, Dr. Chinwe Okafor; Dr. Margret Hart and Commissioner-inCharge of Police Force, Animals, Cp Charles Ugomuoh.
R-L: Former miss Oghenerhoro Benson at her traditional wedding with Clement Orimogunje at the bride’s home in Ikorodu, Lagos... recently.
L-R: Osi Balogun of Ibadanland, High Chief Olufemi Olaifa; Otun Olubadan, High Chief Lekan Balogun; Chairman of the occasion, Emeritus Prof. Olu Akinkugbe and former Secretary to Oyo State Government, Alhaji Lekan Ali.
L-R: Pastor Orimogunje (groom’s fathers) Deaconness Olatundun Benson (bride’s mother), the couple: Clement and Oghenerhoro; Benson Edjewhorho (bride’s father) and Mrs. Orimogunje (groom’s mother).
L-R: Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (left); Group Managing Director, Access Bank, Mr. Herbert Wigwe (right), jointly presenting a cheque of $50, 000 to the 1st Prize Winner of the Lagos City Marathon, Abraham Kiptom from Kenya, with the 2nd Prize Winner, Hosea Kipkemboi from Kenya (second left) and the 3rd Prize Winner, Debebe Kolosa from Ethiopia (second right)
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Love Tips
Qualities men secretly wish women knew
en love kisses Men love those little kisses you trail down his neck and chest. It makes men feel cool and help them to remember you are there for them. Men love long hair Most men when your hair is long down to your waist. It’s beautiful and like it when your hair’s pulled back and away from your face. Men secretly love when you buy him clothes Take advantage women. Otherwise, he will still be wearing his old long shut and t-shirts. So take vantage of buying him new pairs of wears to win
his love more. Sleeping on his chest Men love it when they feel like they’re protecting you. And believe it or not, they do like a cuddle! Men love natural women Men like it when women doll up, but believe it or not, they love it even more when you’re natural. Hair down, makeup free and not a care in the world, that makes you look more beautiful. Men don’t like weak women Men like you more when things get tough and you are still emotionally strong. Sure, your man wants to take care of you and support you, but
not to the point that he’s nothing but a babysitter! Besides, when you do get upset he will take you a lot more seriously if you’re not crying. He want you to have self respect A bit of self-dignity and self-confidence in who you are and what you want is hot. If you can’t respect yourself, he won’t respect Dressing up Don’t bother asking your man if he likes what you’re wearing. Firstly, they never know what the right answer is and secondly, he’s always going to say yes. So get dress sense catalogue and look for better ways to dress elegantly for your man to appreciate you more.
onye, 55, businessman needs a plump 50 plus old kind, caring and hardworking woman for a commited relationship. Call: 09096548632 Bunmi, 32, from Ogun State but resides in Ibadan, teacher and single parent wants a responsible, God-fearing and hardworking man for marriage. Call: 08164697618 Femi, 42, civil servant, needs a working-class woman for marriage. Call: 08038341039 Taiwo needs a rich, healthy and humble man to help her through school. Call: 09035251547 Adeyemi, 27, Christian, tall, dark, smart from Osun State needs a decent lady between ages 21 and 26 for a serious relationship. Call: 08027549858
Olanrewaju, 30, orphan from Akure, Ondo State, needs a classy, caring and mature woman between the ages of 25 and 35 years for a serious relationship that can lead to marriage. Call: 08088793479, 08038534195 A 50-year-old man needs a lady as a lover. She must be financially buoyant. Call: 07056584366 Oladimeji needs a girl between the ages of 25 and 30 years, not too short or tall, fair in complexion and also a wife material. Call: 08028879100, 08033297631 Pastor Femi, 35, male, works and stays in Calabar, Cross River State. He needs a serious and God-fearing woman for a wife. Call: 08100367410, 08127059632
y girlfriend is double-dating My girlfriend got herself another boyfriend. When I asked her why, she said she loves me, but the other guy gives her money. What do you think? Val, Lagos Val, She can’t claim she loves you while she is cheating on you. She is being a greedy girl – collecting money from one man and ‘loving’ another. Don’t let her fool you. Tell her what’s on your mind in a calm voice. Have a heart to heart talk with her and find out whether she wants to break up with you. Anyone who tells their partner they are dating someone else is ready to leave that relationship. If she loved you (really loved you), she would not have admitted easily that she’s double dating. To make a relationship work, you need respect, honesty and communication. I doubt if you two have that because if she values you and the relationship, she would have discussed it with you before running after someone else’s money. I think it’s time for you to re-evaluate your relationship and lay things on the line. If she wants to date others, then you must be free to date other girls. There are several fishes in the ocean. Good Luck!
Text your dating requests to 08057482794. Do you have a relationship or emotional issue to share or seek advice on? Contact the number above (Email/SMS only)
Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Sports/EURO League Ronaldinho enjoys free agent life
hether he was bamboozling a static defender with his patented ‘elastico’ or shooting past a perplexed goalkeeper, you could always rely on Ronaldinho for entertainment. At the peak of his powers, the Brazilian always played with a smile on his face, clearly enjoying his time on the pitch and not much appears to have changed now that he is oě it. Flashing his trademark toothy grin, the former Barcelona midęelder looked to be very much in the party spirit, enjoying the aĴention of a beautiful
bruneĴe as he socialised in Salvador. While much uncertainty remains over the 35-year-old’s future, he did return to action for Fluminense at the end of January, featuring in a Florida Cup match against Shakhtar Donetsk despite leaving the club by mutual consent in September. When asked if he planned to return to a top-level European club, he replied: ‘Let’s see, I can’t say.’ Currently a free agent, Ronaldinho - a World Cup winner with his country back in 2002, has not played in Europe since leaving
AC Milan in 2011 and according to his brother and agent Roberto de Assis Moreira, the 2004 & 2005 Ballon d’Or winner, is interesting clubs all across the world. ‘He has had more than one oěer from England, but Asia or the United States are more likely destinations. ‘My brother is a competitor. He loves to win: that is what people do not realise about him. And he still wants to play. ‘He has never had serious injuries; his body is in perfect condition. I think he has three or four years left to him, maybe more.’
Neymar shows off impressive torso
eymar hasn’t been afraid of showing defences his fancy footwork all season and now the Brazilian has revealed a bit more of himself on social media too. The Barcelona superstar took to Instagram on Thursday to post a selęe of himself in the mirror.
Looking in impressive shape, the 24-year-old can be seen showing oě his six-pack while wearing just a towel. took to Instagram on Thursday to post this topless selęe while wearing a towel Neymar is enjoying another stellar season at the Nou Camp - having scored 22 goals in 31 matches for the club to
date. Barca’s No 11’s current contract expires in 2018 but despite admiĴing ‘many things could happen’, he is conędent of striking a deal in Spain. ‘The renewal [talks] are under way. I still have three years left on my contract and I am relaxed. I’m optimistic we will reach an agreement,’ he said after helping the Catalan giants to a stunning 6-1 La Liga victory against Celta Vigo on Sunday night. more years yet and many things could happen.’ Barca followed that win against Celta Vigo with a 3-1 triumph at Sporting Gijon on Wednesday evening. Luis Enrique’s side travel to Las Palmas on Saturday knowing a win will give them a ninepoint lead at the top of La Liga before rivals Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid play on Sunday.
Welbeck ‘back to his best’
rsene Wenger believes Danny Welbeck’s injury layoě has made him a ‘stronger man’ and is contemplating handing the striker his ęrst start since April in their FA Cup clash against Hull. The England striker returned from 10 months on the sidelines to score a stoppage-time winner against Barclays Premier League leaders Leicester City last week. It was revealed this week that Welbeck’s team-mates chanted his name as he walked into the changing room after that win and Wenger could reward him with a place in the team on Saturday. ‘It’s always a good observation of a character and person to be injured
for such a long time,’ Wenger said. ‘You look how does he resist to that stress of not being capable to play. ‘How much can he respond. The eěort he puts in in his rehab and how focused can he be every day.
‘In Danny’s case he had a few setbacks. He got injured in April. We prepared him for the FA Cup ęnal. He had a setback – a huge setback – and has become a stronger man. ‘Physically he is back to his best.’ The Arsenal boss celebrated wildly when Welbeck scored his goal, and could start him in the Cup against Hull Wenger also revealed that, having made a successful return to ęrst team action against Leicester from the bench, the England striker could be in line for a start in the FA Cup against Hull on Saturday. ‘I might start him,’ said the Arsenal boss ahead of his 100th FA Cup tie as a manager.
Atletico Mineiro hires lingerie models to launch new kit
tletico Mineiro were forced to seĴle for second place in last season’s Brazilian Serie A – but they are certainly winning when it comes to kit launches. The Belo Horizontebased side found the perfect formula for nailing the launch of their new 2016-17 strip, commissioning a number of models to parade the latest design on the catwalk. As well as showing oě the black and white striped Caixa sponsored shirt the underwear models also displayed other examples of the club’s latest clothing line. The new sports line included various Atletico Mineirothemed T-shirts, towels, and Ěags with
the laĴer being shown oě by models wearing pitch black bikinis. While some fans were probably happy to see a number of scantily clad females donning the new designs, many were likely to have been just as happy when they saw Robinho in it. The ex-Man City and Real Madrid man returned to Brazil last week when signing a two-year-deal with the club following a sixmonth spell in China. ‘Robinho is Atletico’s new signing,’ the Belo Horizonte team said in a short statement. ‘Robinho will sign for two seasons.’ He scored three goals for Guangzhou Evergrande and Atletico Mineiro secured his services despite interest from Santos, who were
hoping to take him back to his ęrst club for a fourth spell. Robinho has returned to Brazil with former club Santos on two separate loan deals prior to a ęve-year spell with AC Milan and his brief time with Guangzhou respectively. The forward, who has won league titles in Brazil, Spain, Italy and China, had also been linked with a possible move to Premier League leaders Leicester City. Atletico Mineiro ęnished second in Serie A last season - 12 points adrift of Corinthians but it was enough to qualify for the Copa Libertadores. Robinho will be named in the squad for the Copa Libertadores this year – a trophy he is yet to win.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Let the league kick-off I
t promises to be an exciting weekend for the fans when the 2015/2016 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) kicks oě today. There were tremendous improvements in the league last season especially with teams winning away from home – 31 away wins in the league to record the highest number of such wins in 10 years. A total of 817 goals were scored last season making it the second highest ever after last season’s tally of 836, while average aĴendance has been put at 8,000, the highest in 15 years. The clubs have been busy in the transfer market and they have featured in several preseason tournaments and friendlies to prepare for the new campaign.
However, some of the stars who sparkled last season have left for greener pastures overseas. They include last season’s top scorer with 17 goals Gbolahan Salami, who is now with KuPS of Finland alongside Wolves skipper Azubuike Egwuekwe; Akwa United’s Aniekpeno Udoh and Shuaibu Ibrahim of Giwa FC have joined Norwegian clubs Viking and FC Hangesund, respectively. Abia Warriors star striker Chisom Chikatara has left for Wydad Casablanca in Morocco after 13 goals last season and four goals at the recent CHAN in Rwanda. Coming in the opposite direction are Osanga King, who has played in France and Tunisia, ex-Mamelodi Sundowns of South Africa midęelder Solomon Okpako and Sadiq Yusuf,
who played in Norway before he returned home to join Kano Pillars. The league still boosts quality in the likes of record league hotshot Mfon Udoh, Ezekiel Bassey, Ubong Ekpai, Ifeanyi MaĴhew and Austin Obaroakpo. Seven-time champions Enyimba remain the team to beat with Kano Pillars, who have recruited several top stars like Prince Aggreh and Chris Madaki from the CHAN Eagles, Akwa United, Nasarawa United and Warri Wolves all primed to mount a serious challenge for the top prize. Last season, Giwa was the surprise package of the league as they recorded many unbelievable results and almost clinched a continental ticket. Such is also expected this season as Akwa United, who have baĴled
Plateau, Tornadoes a grudge tie’
iger Tornadoes captain and goalkeeper, Mustapha Aliko has said his side are expecting a grudge match against newly promoted side, Plateau United. The two promoted sides will kickoě the 2015/16 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) season on Saturday at the Tin City fortress, Rwang Pam Stadium in Jos. Both sides clashed in the Nigeria National League (NNL) Super Four ęnal in Abuja with the Minna-based side coming out from the onslaught victorious. Aliko said his side will strive to avoid defeat at Plateau United in their debut match in the Nigerian top Ěight. “It’s certain to be a derby and revenge match as Plateau United will come all out to make amend the NNL Super 4 ęnal match loss to us in
Abuja last year. “I know the painful defeat will be fresh in their minds when both sides line up for the NPFL matchday 1 clash on Saturday in Jos. “However, we are
ready to pull another surprise at their expense with the quality of players in our fold right now. “I think we have a beĴer squad at the moment than the side that defeated them in the NNL Super 4 ęnal clash. “I quite understand that the encounter will be diĜcult but our aim is to claim an outright victory or worst case scenario a draw. “We have vowed to avoid defeat in our debut in the top Ěight no maĴer the challenges as defeat will dampen our morale going into the next matches,” said Aliko to supersport.com. Tornadoes are one of the promoted sides to the top Ěight others are Plateau United, Ikorodu United and MFM FC.
against relegation for the past three seasons, look set to spring some surprises. In November, they won a ęrst-ever Federation Cup and they followed this up by emerging tops at the pre-season Super 4, which included Enyimba and Warri Wolves, before they stopped Enyimba on Wednesday to clinch the Charity Shield to usher in the new season. They have an experienced and proven coach in the Belgian Maurice Cooreman, who has worked at several other clubs including Enyimba and Ikorodu United.
Unuanel: Akwa Utd,Sunshine‘ll boost morale
unshine Stars head coach, Samson Unuanel has described as morale booster the ‘Owena Waves’ top Ěight clash against in-form side, Akwa United. Sunshine will host the Promise Keepers in Sunday’s Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) matchday 1 tie at the Akure Township Stadium. Unuanel said though his
side are confronted with formidable opponents they will certainly turn them back empty-handed. “Playing Akwa United on matchday 1 is quite good for me it will give us a boost and lift with a win heading into the next matches. “Akwa United are damn privileged to have in their kiĴy the Federation Cup, NPFL Super 4, Charity Cup titles as well as continental win in Congo against Vita
Bassey guns for double with Enyimba
Bulgar ian club grabs Adeniji
unde Adeniji has completed a move to Bulgarian topĚight side PFC Levski Soęa. The Nigerian international striker signed a three-year contract with the 26-time Bulgarian champions on Wednesday, according to the club. “Striker Babatunde Adeniji has signed a three-year contract with Levski,” announced the club on their website. “The Nigerian put his signature under the contract at the oĜces of the club.” The teenage striker had a light training session
with the team before he was later put through a brief conditioning session
Club Mokanda. “We are ready for the opening day clash and we will surely give it to them the way they wanted it. “I want to win my ęrst match in-charge of Sunshine Stars, I’m always greedy and tasty for victory. “I’m playing 38 matches I’m lucky to give it very hard ęrst and foremost to Akwa United. “The game is sure to be tough but we will try to send them back home empty-handed. “We have played quality tune-up matches to set in motion a successful campaign,” said the former Kwara United coach to supersport.com. Sunshine Stars were sixth best on 61 points in the 20-team elite league last season.
by the club’s Italian ętness trainer, Rocco PerroĴa.
Adeniji expressed his gratitude to supersport. com about completing his move to the Bulgarian club and hopes to hit the ground running for the Soęa outęt. “I am grateful to God that this happened. I am very happy. Now I want to focus and play football for my new club,” he said. Adeniji scored 15 goals last season while with Sunshine Stars in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). He was a member of the Nigerian squad to the 2016 African Nations Championship (Chan) in Rwanda.
HAN Eagles star, Ezekiel Bassey, has said he hopes to win a league and cup double with Enyimba this season. Enyimba won a record seventh in November, but they did not get oě to a great start ahead of the new season when they lost 4-3 on penalties to cup holders Akwa United in Wednesday’s Charity Shield to usher in the new season. However, Bassey said they have put behind the loss to his hometown club and will be aiming for a league and cup double by the time the new season gets underway this weekend. “We will not only defend our league title, but also win the cup,” said the dashing winger.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, Ferbruary 20, 2016
Modu Sheriff: Dilemma of PDP’s new helmsman Continued from Page 13
The PDP Governors Forum also, during the week expressed full conÀdence in SheriͿ. According to a press statement by the Coordinator, Osaro Onaiwu, “after careful deliberation and consideration, the choice of SheriͿ, who is an ex governor and senator, comes at a good time, considering his vast experience. “SheriͿ is coming on the job with immense wealth of experience and will, no doubt, use his vast network to rebuild the party. He will restore members’ conÀdence and act as a counterforce to the many antics of the present APC regime,” it noted. NGF further urged SheriͿ to “shun all diversionary tactics that might be thrown at you and concentrate on how to bring all aggrieved party members together; as well as fashion out ways to woo new members, especially the youths. “The forum is solidly behind you and will deploy its support to ensure that the shared vision for our party is realised as we prepare for 2019,” NGF assured. The governors further stated that the perilous situation in the country was an opportunity for the new party leadership to prove that PDP, as a national party, is the only party that can reunite Nigeria. Meanwhile, before the caucus meeting that elected SheriͿ ended, party spokesman Olisa Metuh told reporters that SheriͿ had been endorsed, adding that more consultations would be made. He said all the organs of the party endorsed the former governor at separate meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday. According to him, 29 aspirants indicated interest in the race but the Northeast zonal caucus pruned the list to Àve. Among the contestants were Girgiri Lawan, Mohammed Wakil, Wilberforce Juta, Abdullahi Jalo, Ahmed Gulak, Ahmed Fufai Alkali, Saidu Kumo and Shehu Gabam. He conÀrmed that Ribadu did not
show interest. The party did not state the criteria used in picking SheriͿ, who is one of the closest associates of former President Jonathan. The tenure of Mu’azu, which SheriͿ is meant to complete, is expected to end next month. But Metuh could not conÀrm the expiry date of SheriͿ’s tenure, saying the decision would be made public later. It would be recalled that like a child crying over spilled milk, many PDP loyalists mourned the former President Goodluck Jonathan’s historic loss to Muhamadu Buhari in the tension-soaked 2015 election. Aside the former Minister of Niger Delta AͿairs, Mr. Godsday Orubebe who almost tore rival politicians to shred at the collation centre, Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State also cried more than the bereaved, accusing all around him as traitors, reasoning that they must have played one indecent role or the other for the sitting president to have lost to an “old, unÀt and unhealthy” candidate. SuͿering most salvos from the governor was the party national chairman Alhaji Adamu Mu’azu accused
Sen. Akpabio
of being responsible for the defeat the party. Pointedly, Mu’azu was said to have tactically given the victory on a platter of gold to Buhari. According to Fayose, Jonathan and the party lost in the elections because Mu’azu compromised in the conduct of the elections, noting that he (Fayose) had cogent evidence to show that Mu’azu romanced the APC before the elections. Threatening to expose Mu’azu, he called for the dissolution of the Mu’azuled National Working Committee (NWC). Having patiently taken shots from all directions, Mu’azu later rose to deny any inglorious role that eventually gave the election to APC and Buhari, reasoning that as a founding member of the PDP who strongly believed in its principles and ideologies, “I have repeatedly reminded many that I, Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu have been in the PDP since 1999 as a matter of principle and strong ideology. “Those who insinuate that I did not do my best for our great party and President Goodluck Jonathan during election are being economical with the truth. In the
face of abuse, insult and open ridicule by our friends and brothers we supported our leader President Jonathan faithfully,” Muazu said. He asked those blaming him for not delivering maximum votes to the president in the north not to forget that “it is the people who vote.” “I have always preached against ethnicity and tribalism and the voting pattern in the election was a concern to me personally. I will support President Jonathan again and again if the opportunity presents itself.” He said the unity of Nigeria to him was greater than sectional or ethnic interests, saying, “I can never regret supporting our leader President Jonathan. If I had my way, everyone in my state (Bauchi) would have voted for President Jonathan but it’s the people that vote not me.” Subsequently, in the heat that followed weeks of intrigues and political manoeuvring, embattled Mu’azu bowed to pressure and resigned his position, to travel abroad on medical vacation. Also, chairman of party’s Board of Trustees (BoT), Chief Anthony Anenih and other NWC members took same honourable Continued on Page 36
Re-run: Why Benue South senatorial election is an issue Continued from Page 14
recently in Otukpo, the Director General of David Mark Campaign Organisation and immediate past Interior Minister, Comrade Abba Moro was using the official plate number of the Ministry, an office he left since May 28, 2015 to sensitize vulnerable youth on violent acts. Ogenyi further advised that the security agencies must do more especially in checking the illegal possession of government official plate numbers being used as a cover to perpetuate this evil act. “Heavily armed men are assembled all over the Senatorial district to intimidate, mime and kill APC supporters across the 9 Local government areas in preparation towards the Saturday re-run election”, he stated. Mark, an ex-soldier has always remained the ¶captain’ of Benue South ¶political ship’, a position he has been holding since 1999. Within the area delineated as Zone C in Benue; there are those who insist that David Mark must be retained for a 5th term , while
others are of the opinion that it is time to try new hands after 16 years of Mark in the Senate. Some believe that Mark, who served as the Senate President for a record of eight years must remain to conclude the work he has already started in the zone. Some of the projects, according to them include the N17 Billion Otukpo Multi-Purpose Dam in Otobi-Ankpa, the situation of the Medical School, and the Law Faculty of the University of Agriculture, Makurdi in Otukpo, the pursuit of the creation of an Apa State, the completion of the Rural Access Mobility Project which has been largely abandoned by the Minister of Agriculture et al. Many have argued favourably for Mark that as a Senate President, it was difficult to raise certain motion as such may be termed sentiment, hence the need to give him another chance to raise motions to support the creation of APA and other states as a Neutral member in the National Assembly. Many believe that the creation of APA state may be realized if Mark is given another opportunity.
But popular political analyst and a pro-Onjeh, Enenche Enenche said, “There was a time Idomas had vibrant members at the House of Reps making great exploits. The likes of Hons David Idoko, Agbo Ogah, Solomon Agidani, Nelson Alapa among others, had outstanding representations at the house of reps, but today the story is different, “strong and smart men must be isolated from power” this is the ideology upon which competence, intelligence and efficiency, perished on the altar of mediocrity and sycophancy… One man dictates who gets what! However, the Akume, Tivs sentiment is gradually eating deep into the heart of the people. The PDP team believes that former governor of the State and a serving senator of the federal republic, George Akume was only using the APC candidate to fight David Mark over his (Akume) inability to emerge as President in the senate. It has been speculated that Onjeh is too ¶small’ to serve as a Senator in Idoma political shrine. To them, he lacks the political will and experience needed to
influence positive projects to the zone, expressing that there is nothing a ¶rookie’ can achieve in the Senate. According to them, he may not even make a chairman of any important committee. He may not understand the arcane rules of the chamber. He may not have the camaraderie engendered by long stay in the red chamber to have forged relationships across party lines to be able to bring the bacon home. However, this argument has since been countered by the APC team that maturity is not in age but the state of mind. They said, “You don’t judge a book by its cover.” He insisted that Onjeh, having led the National Association of Nigerian Students, NANS and West African Students Union, WASU, which are reputed to be the toughest organisations to lead, the Orokam-born can no doubt spearhead the office. No matter the intrigues and power-play it’s only a matter of hours from now and Benue South natives will know their fate.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Ondo 2016: One seat, many aspirants Continued from Page 14
Senatorial District, Sen Tayo Alasoadura, Derin Adesida, Ademola Adegoroye and Foluso Adefemi. Also indicating interest in APC’s ticket are: the PDP candidate in the 2012 governorship election, Chief Olusola Oke, Awodeyi Akinola, former commissioner Special Interest Mr. NiranSule Adesuyi , A US-based legal practitioner Chief Bukola Adetula, Director-General of the National Aide Corps, Pius Osunyinkami, Adeniyi Adegbonmire, Tunji Ariyomo, Dapo Adelegan, Muyiwa Ogunleye and Wale Akingbade among others. At the camp of the ruling PDP where only Àve chieftains of the party have shown interest in succeeding Mimiko, there is no conspicuous reason for having few number of aspirants but it was learnt that some of the chieftains who were capable and qualiÀed to contest the election deliberately did not want to take the risk because they were yet to understand the body language of the governor on who he will support. Those who are closed to the governor said he never discussed successor’s issue with any of his political associates and friends neither had he anointed any of his aides to succeed him. This has made the road bleak for many intending aspirants but in spite of that, some still took the risk to come out and show interest and had been working towards getting the ticket at the primaries. Most of them are members of the current State Executive Council. The gladiators of the PDP include: the current Commissioner for Environment, Barrister Sola Ebiseni, the Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Eyitayo Jegede, commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Mr. Bamidele Dada. Others are : the immediate past Director-General of the National Sports Commission, Gbenga Elegbeleye, Special Continued from Page 35
The six were the former Minister of State (Power), Mohammed Wakil, former governor of old Gongola State, Wilberforce Juta, National Vice Chairman (North East), Senator Girgiri Lawan, Senator Kumo and Shehu Gabam. At the end, SheriͿ was on Tuesday ratiÀed by the party national caucus meeting at its secretariat in Abuja, and was sworn-in as the new chairman of the PDP. Newswatch Times gathered that he shot himself through because of his Ànancial strength. A PDP NWC member was quoted to have said, “He (SheriͿ) has money. He is fearless and has the capacity to galvanise the north for the PDP,” the PDP NWC member said.
Mark still my boss, says Agada Godwin Akor, Makurdi
Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Niger Delta AͿairs and former Chairman of Presidential Amnesty Programme, Kingsley Kuku and the Coordinator of the Bureau of Private-Public Partnership in the state, Prince Adenekan Olateru-Olagbegi In the same vein, the former Minister of Power and Steel, Dr. Olu Agunloye recently announced his defection from the PDP to the SDP, apparently to pursue his governorship ambition which appeared to be impossible in the PDP. Fortunately, the development will make the SDP has its name on the ballot sheet as Agunloye may automatically become its governorship candidate. Similarly, the renowned businessman, Barrister Jimoh Ibrahim too is being speculated to join the race at the appropriate time. With the date of the primaries yet to be Àxed, the aspirants are already on the Àeld, making consultations and holding ward meetings across the state and sponsoring some party activities underground, many of them have not declared their intention formally to the party and the people of the state, except Bode Ayorinde and Victor Olabimtan of the APC . But the Director of Media and Publicity of the APC, Mr. Steve Otaloro said only three out of over 20 party’s aspirants had formally announced to the party of their intention to contest the primaries. According to him, the aspirants included: Sen Boroce,
Ayorinde and Adefemi. He said, “They have come to inform the State Working Committee (SWC) of the party their intention to contest but in believe others too are deÀnitely coming, because we have been hearing their activities out there. By the time the political time-table is out I am sure others will come will follow suit.” While making his public declaration at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Press Centre, Akure, Ayorinde said he decided to join the race to transform the state to an enviable status and to change the age-long perception of the state as a civil service state to an industrialised one. He also promised to establish one industry at each of the 18 local governments of the state so as to provide employment for the teeming youths and will also empower the women. Olabimtan, a former PDP chieftain and former commissioner in the Federal Civil Service Commission, while declaring intention to journalists promised to run a fair and transparent government, if elected. He said, “We will treat Ondo as a whole. And development will be distributed across the state: 30 per cent North, 30 per cent South, 30 per cent Central and the remaining 10 per cent for Akure as a state capital. We shall create employment opportunities for our youths and properly utilize our human and natural resources” Similarly, none of the Àve
PDP aspirants has made a public declaration neither to the party nor the public but it was gathered that rigorous work are ongoing within the party by the aspirants to woo members ahead the forthcoming primary, holding in the middle of the year., All the PDP aspirants are in the current cabinet of Dr. Olusegun Mimiko except Kingsley Kuku who has travelled to the United States for medical treatment but his absence had not negatively aͿected his intra-party campaign as he has been doing the work through his group: Kuku Support Group, headed by the former state Chairman of the PDP, Mr. Ebenezer Alabi Interestingly, the political atmosphere is now being gingered up in the state following series of political activities like meetings, radio and television jingles. Political programmes were being sponsored by various aspirants and mini political rallies were also ongoing. Towns and villages in the state are Àlled with posters of aspirants. Many vacant apartments on the popular Oba Adesida and Oyemekun roads in the state capital are now being occupied the aspirants for campaign oces. The news media too are not left out of the current political activities in Ondo as many sponsored favourable writeups and eulogies about some of the aspirants have occupying spaces on the social media on daily basis.
Modu Sheriff: Dilemma of PDP’s new helmsman
SheriͿ, while addressing PDP members at the Abia State Governor Okezie Ikpeazu’s thanksgiving service in Umuahia, the state capital, said the party, under his leadership would unseat APC in 2019. SheriͿ said, “We are here today,
we are starting from here, and we are going to Aso Rock, Insha Allah by 2019. We will head from here and we will do it together,” he said. He added, “This long cap is prepared to lead my colleagues and brothers to Aso Rock, Insha
Allah. By the grace of Allah nothing will deter this party from going to Aso Rock in 2019. By the time we put down our masterplan I am sure they (APC) will go back to where they came from. And Insha Allah, nothing will stop us.”
ormer Minister of State for Education, Prof. Jerry Agada, has restated his loyalty to Sen. David Mark, stressing that his defection from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to All Progressives Congress (APC) did not mean that he abandoned his boss. Agada who stated this in a chat with newsmen in Makurdi, explained that he defected because the people of Orokam in Ogbadibo local government area of Benue state have always looked at him to show them the way. He said he has always been the Àrst person to attain high position in the area, pointing out that he was the Àrst permanent secretary and the Àrst minister to be appointed from the place. He said his defection from the PDP was occasioned by the decision of his people to remain in the main stream, saying, “My defecting from a party does not mean dumping Mark; I am the Àrst permanent Secretary and Àrst Minister to come from Orokam after which no other person has been appointed from that area to Àll these posts”. The former minister who insisted that Mark did well for Idoma people in his 16 years at the Senate however called on the people of Benue South Senatorial District to vote according to their conscience in today’s rerun.
ECOWAS court set March 15 for Dasuki’s Case
he Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court of Justice is set to hear the case of former National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki, for the enforcement of his fundamental human rights. Records provided by the Registry Department of the Court shows that hearing in case no ECW/CCJ/APP/01/16 Àled by Col. Dasuki has been Àxed for 15th March 2016 Dasuki’s case is among the over 40 cases that the sub regional court scheduled for the Àrst quarter of 2016. It will be recalled that former NSA to former President Goodluck Jonathan, is being detained by the Department of State Security (DSS) over his allegedly diverting $2.1 billion meant for arms procurement. According to the Court, most of the cases borders on human rights violation. The court will deliver judgements in Àve of the cases, give rulings on three others while the rest of the cases are for hearing. Three of the judgements will be delivered on 16th February 2016. In another of the cases due to be heard during this Àrst quarter, Dorothy Chioma Njemanze and three others are in suit no ECW/CCJ/APP/17/14 suing the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, alleging that they were arbitrarily abducted, detained and assaulted sexually, verbally and physically at diͿerent times between January 2010 and March 2013.
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Saturday, February 20, 2016
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Saturday, February 20
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Saturday, February 20,
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
North Central
NBA boss advocates capital punishment for corrupt officers Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin
Head, Farm Management, Azara-Jere Irrigation Scheme Land Development and Ago-Industrial Complex, Mr. Umar Ndanusa; Managing Director, S.C.C Nigeria Ltd., Mr. Levy Yuval and Minister of Water Resources, Mr. Suleiman Adamu, during the Minister’s inspection visit to the project site, at Azara-Jere in Kaduna State...at the weekend.
I will reconcile aggrieved PDP members in Plateau for 2019 –Chairmanship candidate Gyang Bere, Jos
lateau State chairmanship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Philip Asanato Adik, has blamed the failure of the party during the 2015 general election on lack of internal democracy designed to scheme out some aspirants but vowed to run an all-inclusive party politics that will reconcile aggrieved members for a formidable and issues-driven opposition ahead of 2019. He noted that if given
the mandate to steer the party’s leadership in the state, he will run a decent and all-encompassing people-oriented political party that new comers can readily key into, devoid of ethnic and regional sentiments. Hon. Adik stated this yesterday during a press conference in Jos, to unveil his campaign blueprint and called on PDP delegates across the three senatorial zones to vote massively for his candidature during the state party’s convention. According to him “It is
still fresh in our minds the dishonourable and manipulation of internal processes which was designed primarily to scheme out able aspirants out of contention into various political oces. We are also living witnesses to the contemptuous machination of some cliques in the party to suit their personal interests. “We have witnessed a situation where grave ineptitude and insensitivity to the aims and political aspirations of some members was highly exhibited. We all know how the suprem-
acy of our party was grossly abused. So bad was the situation that some party ocials surrendered their ocial functions to a cabal in government and defended to serve the appointees of the head of the cabal on electoral matters which are primarily party functions” Hon. Adik who has demonstrated strong political will to take the party out of it travail said, “I want to assure you that I have the character to provide leadership not to advance my interest, but to serve humanity.
NPC to commence 2017 Census EAD on Monday Gyang Bere, Jos
ederal Commissioner, National Population Commission, Plateau State, Hon. Cecilia Dapoet said the Commission has concluded plans to start the second phase Enumeration Areas Demarcation (EAD) for the 2017 Census in Jos South Local Government Area of the State for an accurate, reliable and acceptable census. Hon. Dapoet stated this
yesterday while brieęng journalists at the Commission’s Headquarters in Jos, that the exercise will run simultaneously with birth registration of all unregistered children in the selected local government areas of the state. She informed that the second phase of the Enumeration Area Demarcation for the 2017 Census will take place between the 22nd February to 14th March 2016 in Jos South Local Government
Area of Plateau State. According to her, “Getting the 2017 Census EAD right is not just an option, but an absolute necessity in the quest to deliver to the nation an accurate, reliable and acceptable census. It is in this regard that the Commission is leaving no stone unturned in order to ensure that the EAD for the 2017 Census is carried out meticulously, professionally and scientięcally in order to provide the basis for the smooth conduct
of 2017 census” She maintained that the methodology of the census is designed to achieve full Geographic Information System (GIS) compliance. The Commission in 2006 Population and Housing Census experimented with digital data capture and will adopt the methodology for full scale implementation during the 2017 Population and Housing Census and subsequent survey in Nigeria.
Also, member representing Jos South/Jos East Federal Constituency in the National Assembly, Hon. Edward Gyang Pwajok urged the people to sheath their swords and embrace peace for sustainable development. Lalong in a press statement signed by his Director of Press and Public Aěairs, Emmanuel Nanle, assured inhabitants of the two Local Government Areas of Government’s determination to
protect lives and properties and noted that the security agencies have been mandated to ensure an end to the dastardly act. However, Sen. Jang in a separate statement signed by his media Aide, Chris Gyang, urged both Beroms and Irigwes in these areas to embrace peace and use dialogue rather than violence in seĴling their disputes. The lawmaker lamented that people who had lived like brothers for
centuries were now ęghting each other as a way of settling their problems. He commended traditional rulers, the STF and other security agencies for their timely intervention and assured that, as the vice chairman of the Senate CommiĴee on National Security and Intelligence, he was fully taking part in on-going peace eěorts in these and other parts of the state facing similar challenges.
Plateau communities clash: Lalong, Jang, Pwajok call for calm Gyang Bere, Jos
ollowing the recent clash between people of Vwang and Kwall communities in Jos South and Bassa local government areas of Plateau State, Governor Simon Lalong, and Senator representing Plateau North in the National Assembly, Jonah David Jang have appealed for calm among the aěected communities
he chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Ilorin branch, Mr. Manzuma Issa has advocated capital punishment for corrupt public ocers in the entire Africa continent. Issa who made the suggestion in llorin, while speaking with newsmen, frowned at what he described as alarming rate of corruption in Africa especially Nigeria. The measure, he maintained, will stem the tide of graft and brazen looting of public funds among elected ocers and public servants. According to him, countries like Singapore, China, Taiwan, Vietnam and South Korea which adopted death penalty to curb corruption had succeeded in Àghting
corruption. The chairman lamented that corruption has become endemic in Africa, saying the association is in support of the anticorruption war crusade of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration His words: “Funds that should ordinarily be spent on the health, education and agricultural sectors to Àght terrorism are being diverted to individual pockets. Therefore, I am of the view that oͿenders either caught for capital or simple oͿences should be treated in accordance with the law”. Issa noted that the Nigerian judiciary was still operating in the pre- independence era “and in colonial courts where judges still write in long hands” and described the act as very stressful and retrogressive in nature.
MPPP, PPA endorse Ogembe Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
he Mega Progressive People’s Party (MPPP) and Progressive People’s Alliance have urged supporters of the party to vote Hon. Ahmed Ogembe of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in today’s re-run election for the Kogi Central senatorial seat. Chairmen of the parties, Alonge Galio Methuselah and Hon. Isah Abubarkar, made the call during a joint press conference yesterday in Lokoja the Kogi State capital. The MPPP said its candidate; Alhaji Bashir Sani Omolori has made himself ‘unavailable’. The PPA said that the
party’s candidate in the 2015 general election, Usman Abatemi defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC). It said that it will not Àeld any candidate in the Kogi Central senatorial rerun election and called on members to support Ogembe. It stated that in January 2016, the party secretariat wrote the Indepedendent National Electoral Commission (INEC) of its decision not to re-present Abatemi. Meanwhile, the National Orientation Agency (NOA) has admonished eligible voters in Kogi Central and Kogi East senatorial districts to remain law abiding before, during and after the exercise.
G ro u p d e c r i e s c r i s i s i n Ko g i , u rge s B u h a r i t o i n t e r ve n e Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
group under the auspices of Kogi Patriots has expressed concern over the current political wrangling rocking the state. The group also called on President Muhammadu Buhari and other well meaning Nigerians to ęnd urgent solution to the present political log jam in the State to prevent breakdown of law and order. In a statement by the group signed by its Director of Publicity, Dr Kabiru Ahmed, made available to journalists in Lokoja, faulted the emergence of
Alhaji Yahaya Bello and the impeachment saga rocking the state House of Assembly. The statement noted that the sad political development in Kogi arising from the emergence of Alhaji Yahaya Bello as the Governor of the State and impeachment of the Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Alhaji JimohMomoh Lawal, needed urgent intervention to save the State from sliding into anarchy. It also faulted the clearance of Hon Simon Achuba as the Deputy Governor of the State and described the action as illegal.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Sports Update
Egypt must fall says Oliseh
igeria coach, Sunday Oliseh, has said he does not expect his team to play beautiful football when they host Egypt in a crucial AFCON qualięer next month, but he still expects them to grind out a win. The Super Eagles welcome group leaders Egypt to the northern Nigeria town of Kaduna on March 25. A home win will lift Nigeria above the Pharaohs in the race for the automatic ticket to
“It may not be beautiful, but we must win,” said Eagles coach Oliseh. “We can carry the day, if we play at the level they can play and with the support of the fans.” The coach further said he expects to open training camp with players from the domestic league at least two weeks to the AFCON qualięer. He also assured on his health after he was bogged down for several months with a viral aĴack, saying he can
now play his favourite sport tennis, which he could not do four months ago. Recent tests showed a remarkable improvement and he will have another test early next month. “I’m very happy to announce that I have started playing tennis again. For the past three,four months, I have not played,” he reported joyfully. “I can run and now I don’t catch my breath when I run up their stairs.”
... Dares Mikel over Eagles role
igeria coach coach, Sunday Oliseh, has said he expects Chelsea star Mikel Obi to play in a role that will give the Super Eagles results, revealing further he would prefer to play the midęelder in a defensive position, like Chelsea do. Oliseh’s predecessor
Stephen Keshi played the Chelsea star mostly as a free player in the engine and that freed him to join the aĴack more often. It was also the same role he played when he broke out internationally under coach Samson Siasia at the 2005 FIFA U20 World Cup in the Netherlands.
“With the national team, it’s not what you want that maĴers, it is what will bring us results,”said Oliseh in a radio interview. “If you don’t want to do that, I will play players who want to help us, like I did against Swaziland.” In October, Oliseh dropped Mikel to the bench for all 90 minutes when the Eagles hosted Swaziland in a 2018 World Cup qualięer in Port Harcourt. The Eagles coach maintained Mikel is best as a central defensive midęelder. “My personal opinion is that he should be given a more central defensive role, like (Guus) Hiddink is using him. He should be the umbrella for the two central defenders,” Oliseh said.
Bigger clubs will come for Musa - CSKA
igger clubs than EPL surprise leaders Leicester will come for Nigeria skipper, Ahmed Musa, in the summer, according to CSKA Moscow president Yevgeny Giner. Leicester tabled an 18 million pounds bid for Ahmed Musa in January and are reported to ready p to spend more in the
summer to get their man man. Manchester United were also linked with the 23-year-old striker, whose release clause is put at about 23 million pounds. “Musa is a strong forward who can cover three positions and I’m sure that in the summer, there will be bigger clubs coming in for him,” warned CSKA boss Giner.
The CSKA chief also revealed he blocked the Nigeria star from moving last month because he is crucial in the team’s push for the Eussian league championship. “We talked to Musa and he understood that he needed to ęnish the season with us because we stand a good chance of becoming champions,” he said.
Watford manager confirms Isaac Success interest
atfo d atford manager, Quique Sanchez, Flores has conęrmed that Watford are interested in luring Granada forward Isaac Success to the club. A number of recent reports have suggested the Nigerian forward as a replacement for Odion Ighalo who may be sold in the summer. Success who has
scored four La Liga goals this season was reported to be a £9million target for Spartak Moscow in January but the Russian Premier League side were unable to secure a deal. Flores has admiĴed that the 20-year-old is on their radar and insists he is well-suited to the English Premier League.
Moses hailed at Hammers
est Ham midęelder, Mark Noble, has hailed the impact that Chelsea loan star Victor Moses has had at the club this season. Moses joined the club in the summer for a season-long loan from Stamford Bridge and was in excellent form until picking up an injury in December which put a brake on his season. Since then he has struggled to make the
same iimpact b but iinspired i d the Hammers to a comeback at Norwich last time out. When asked whether Moses is an impact player, Noble said: “That’s Victor. He’s got that in him. He was fantastic, he set up the ęrst one with a great run and set up some vital chances for us. “That’s what we’ve got as a squad now, we’ve got the players to do that. The manager has players
at his disposal to turn it around and as soon as they scored the second we really took the game to them.”
Mazembe players target third CAF Super Cup
fricans champions, TP Mazembe, will be ęred-up by the recent triumph of DR Congo at the African Nations Championship in Rwanda when they gun for a third CAF Super Cup against Tunisia’s Etoile du Sahel in Lubumbashi on Saturday. Earlier this month, DRC won a second African Nations Championship reserved for players featuring in their home leagues when they thumped Mali 3-0 in the ęnal. They were deserved winners after they won the inaugural tournament in the Ivory Coast in 2009. Several Mazembe stars including skipper Joel Kimwaki and striker Jonathan Bolingi were part of this latest international conquest and they were rewarded by the country’s President with brand-new 4x4s. The ęve-time African champions have clinched the prestigious Super Cup twice, in 2010 and 2011. But Les Corbeaux, or ‘The Ravens’, will
be without Tanzania international striker Mbwana SamaĴa, who joined Belgian club Genk in January after four seasons at the Congolese club, who line up players from Zambia, the Ivory Coast, Ghana and Tanzania. ‘Samagoal’ was named CAF best African player
based in Africa last year after his goals helped them to a ęfth Champions League crown. Frenchman Patrice Carteron has also quit and he has been replaced by countryman Hubert Velud, who has already made a name for himself in Algeria and was also coach of Togo.
Martins completes Chinese Super League switch
igerian striker, Obafemi Martins, has announced his departure to the Chinese Super League via his oĜcial
TwiĴer account. Obafemi Martins has become the latest bigname signing to join the Chinese Super League, after Shanghai Shenhua secured his services from Major League Soccer side SeaĴle Sounders. Martins joined SeaĴle in March 2013 from La Liga outęt Levante UD for a reported Ǟ4 million fee, and won the 2014 U.S. Open Cup under the leadership of Sigi Schmid. The Nigeria international is entering the twilight of his career, and the ęnanciallylucrative move should come as no surprise.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 20, 2016
Sports Update Ibiam goes home April 9
reen Eagles pioneer goalkeeper, then popularly known as Red Devils Mr. Sam Ibiam will be buried on April.9, 2016 at his hometown Unwana in Aękpo LGA of Ebonyi state. Late Ibiam among 17 others like Isaac Akioye of then Hercules Ibandan, Justin Onwudiwe of then Lagos Railway and the host of others won Marine Crosby at Liverpool 5-2 barefooted. Speaking to newsmen in Abakaliki, Mr Chukwuemeka Ibiam, the late Eagles ęrst son, said that his father featured for the team during its Red Devils days in the 40’s and 50’s and was among those that manned the goalpost for the nation. “He died on December.2, 2015 at the Federal Medical Centre, Umuahia, as I have toured several South Eastern states where I met past Eagles Stars such as Christian Chukwu and Emmanuel Okala. He noted that they discussed on ways of ensuring a hitch free burial. “There has been no assistance so far from both bodies” Mr.Ibiam also expressed disappointment over the indif-
ference of the Federal Ministry of sports over the death and burial of his father. “When we visited the ministry of sports,we only met Alhaji Mohammed Sanusi, an NFF oĜcial while the sports ministry’s oĜcials said that the minister traveled abroad as the time of my visit.” He noted that the federal government can immortalize his father in several ways but what he needed mostly was adequate support to ensure a beęĴing burial for their father. “We have been variously promised of assistance before the burial date but till now we have not received any funds from any quarter” he said. He said that the family wants the Ebonyi government to immortalise their father by naming the Abakaliki Township Stadium after him. “We have the situation in Imo where the Owerri Township stadium was named after Dan Anyiam while the Lagos government named its new stadium after Teslim Balogun. “These people were my father’s contemporaries in the Red Devils”
Green to offer Amuneke Eagles job after U-20 World Cup victory
FF technical commiĴee boss, Chris Green, has made a bold statement by saying Emmanuel Amuneke would be considered for the Super Eagles top post should he win the U20 World Cup. Nigeria have not won the FIFA U20 World Cup despite
coming close in 1989 and 2005. Green has now said Amuneke could stake a strong claim for the country’s top coaching post should he make history next year with the Flying Eagles after he led the U17s to World Cup glory in 2015. “He has already won the U17 World Cup and has now been taken up to the U20s with his boys. And should he now deliver again, he could take over the U23s or even the Super Eagles,” declared Green. Coach Samson Siasia was considered for the Super Eagles post after his exploits with both the Flying Eagles and the country’s Olympic team.
How Rivers govt formed Rivers Utd FC
he Rivers State government yesterday said the state-owned football clubs, Dolphins and Sharks, have been disbanded and merged into one team called Rivers United FC. The Commissioner for Sports, Mr Boma Iyaye, told newsmen in Port Harcourt that the government agreed to adopt Rivers United FC as its team name. Iyaye said the government took the decision based on the current economic challenges facing the state and the nation at large. ``The government believes that if its resources were properly harnessed and concentrated in sponsoring one team, the state would beneęt more. ``Therefore, the two football teams owned and sponsored by the state are hereby disbanded and merged together to form one indefatigable football team,’’ he said. Iyaye said the name was aimed at enhancing unity among Rivers people and fostering a united community identity with the football club. He said the government would take necessary step to register the new team with Corporate Aěairs Commission (CAC), and the league Management Company
(LMC) accordingly. ``All assets and liabilities of both Sharks FC and Dolphins FC have been taken over by the new club. ``It is a painful decision to be taken but we believe that the overall interest of Rivers foot-
ball lovers and stakeholders will be beĴer oě,’’ Iyaye said. The commissioner described the moĴo and mission of the new team as ``United through Football’’ and ``To be the foremost Football Club in Nigeria’’ respec-
tively. Rivers United which takes over Dolphins slot in the Nigerian Premier Football League will play against Enyimba International FC of Aba on Sunday in Port Harcourt as the 2015/2016 competition begins.
...Gets Management Team
he Rivers State ministry of sports has approved the appointments of ęve individuals into the management commiĴee of Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) club, Rivers United. Former Dolphins coach, Stanley Eguma has been named technical manager the club while former Sharks chief, Okey Kpalukwu will serve as acting general manager of the club. Albert Chinwo was appointed welfare secretary while supersport.com correspondent, Sammy Wejinya takes charge as media oĜcer. Princess Akiri was also appointed as a member of the management commiĴee of the club. Announcing the appointments on Friday, Rivers State Sports Commissioner, Honourable Boma Iyaye explained that “the best
hands have been chosen” to pilot the aěairs of the club. “We painstakingly choose everyone who has been appointed in the management commiĴee of the club which is the new Ěagship of Rivers State. “These individuals will no doubt contrib-
ute their wealth of experience to ensure that Rivers United becomes the best football club in Nigeria,” Iyaye said. Rivers United will open their NPFL campaign on Sunday against champions, Enyimba International at the Port Harcourt Liberation Stadium.
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