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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015


South West

Community calls on Amosun to inter vene in crisis some of the residents x2qŒ›’q{^ ’˜^ [}[_›^ Â’~q^ esidents of Amode- right of ownership of the Oke Ore in Ado- community land from the Odo/Ota Local ˜_j—jzx\^}q2\q_}€ Government Area of According to him, Ogun State have appealed the original owners, to Governor Ibikunle Akindipe family however Amosun to intervene in approached the court an ongoing crisis in the and were subsequently community in which declared the true owners of they alleged a group of the land. individuals of terrorising But ever since the court them. ruled on the mater, the Olajide Sangotoke- Amode family has been Amode, one of the |xkjz—^ }q_j˜[}^ x2xk]^ leaders in the community, from the respondents for made the appeal while testifying to the veracity of Z_jq z—^ zq¨}ÂŚqz^ ˜z^ Â’~q^ the claim of the applicants development yesterday in jz^Â’~q^ÂŚx2q_€ Sango Sangotoke-Amode He disclosed that alleged that all their family the crisis began when members have been banned

%9AD BAD (6;9 Abeokuta


from the community by the respondents in the ÂŚx2q_^x}^Â’~qÂŞ^x_q^k[__qzÂ’\ÂŞ^ }kx2q_q{^ xz{^ ~˜\jz—^ [›^ jz^ {j7q_qzÂ’^ ›\xkq}^ xk_˜}}^ the state for fear of being x2xk]q{€ According to him, his forefathers only came to work in the community and were accommodated by the Akindipe family and later their forefathers went to invite their friends to the community who were the forefathers of their current persecutors. Sangotoke-Amode, who was surrounded by some members of the community, appealed to Amosun to come to their aid by intervening in the

crisis before lives are lost. “We are appealing to our amiable governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun to quickly intervene in this ÂŚx2q_^ xz{^ _q}k[q^ |_Â˜ÂŚ^ these people. “They have already demolished some of family buildings in Oke but we thank God no life has been lost,â€? he said. “But if appropriate action is not taken by the government, judging by the desperation of these people, they could hack down anyone any moment because they go about ¨jÂ’~^ {j7q_qzÂ’^ {xz—q_˜[}^ weapons,â€? SangotokeAmode said.

Senator tasks APC lawmakers on unity


he Senator representing Lagos East Senatorial District, Gbenga Ashafa, has urged his colleagues elected on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to close ranks and settle down to work for the sake of the country. Ashafa said this recently in reaction to the senate inauguration fallout, and how WX D4YZX[ X\Y ]Y^W[]DXW_Y E`jq He pleaded that members of the Unity Forum, the Like Minds and other such caucuses in the 8th senate should collapse their structures and form a united, progressive front that will work with the new leadership of the red chamber for the overall interest of Nigerians. He made the call on the heels of the fallout which trailed the stormy inauguration of the Senate on June 9, where Senator Bukola Saraki emerged President, against Senator Ahmed Lawan, the candidate anointed by the

APC. “We have to realise that the hopes of Nigerians are high. The new government has amassed a lot of political capital - having been elected as a result of the massive build-up of goodwill for our various candidates in the elections and the stark disenchantment with the previous administration. As a result, the goodwill of Nigerians must not be taken for granted. So I make this call for one Nigeria, and it starts with us - One Senate, united for the progress of our various constituents and translating change into policies and laws that will, in turn, yield XD†^WE]Y D†j EY†Y‡ZWD] ˆY[‰]X[ for everyone,� he said. Senator Ashafa urged all party members with various leanings to push aside their personal ambitions for now, noting that “whilst the party’s decision is binding on us all, we must see the bigger picture which is a progressive and united Nigeria.�

9 ships arrive Lagos ports with petroleum products, food items


ine ships laden with petroleum products and food items have arrived Lagos ports, waiting to berth. The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) stated this in its daily publication – `Shipping Position’ – made available to newsmen on Friday in Lagos. It said that four of the ships waiting to berth contained petrol, while others contained aviation fuel, diesel, crude palm oil, Z[\]^_jkq^xz{^|_q}~^ }~€ According to the NPA, 38 ships are expected in the / 0 +123 01456782759: (7;5<6 2:3 =72:3283 (:>98<1?1:7 (:@589:?1:72A +12A7; B>C<186 01456782759: &9D:<5A 9> E541852 $FDG2 H8 $F9:I5 BG52F98 014567828 H8 $D4D675:1 B:I1J2<;5 2:3 +123 (3D<2759: 2:3 K825:5:4 H8 L2JDFD %2F2 3D85:4 2 K;1?275< H2:32798I M89482??1 >98 0145671813 (:@589:?1:72A +12A7; B>C<186 5: /2496NI1671832I

Agbaje greets Muslims, urges them to pray for peace H2:6D8 BA23D:G9I1

Lagos orders okada riders to stay off restricted routes H2:6D8 BA23D:G9I1


he Lagos State government has reminded commercial motorcycle operators popularly known as okada of an existing ban from plying 475 restricted roads including bridges and highways. The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transportation, Mr. Oluseyi Coker, who said this yesterday at a Press Conference on the renewal of restriction order on motorcycle operation in the State, added that


he Executive Secretary of the Cocoa Association of Nigeria, (CAN) Mr. Michael Adewunmi was abducted in Akure, the Ondo State capital Thursday night. 7\Y DEj‰ZXW`† [‹YZW‡cally took place at Akinjo


he People’s Democratic Party Â’~q^ x—˜}^ ˜x{^ _x6k^ Agege, Epe, Ijede, Shomolu/ associations in the state to (PDP) governorship Laws (Schedule 11) which Bariga, Ifako Ijaiye/ ensure that their members restricts the operations Ojokoro, Ikorodu, Mushin, strictly comply with candidate in Lagos State, of motorcycle as well Ketu, Ojota, Lagos Island, various Laws regulating Mr. Jimi Agbaje, has called on Muslims to exploit the as Regulation 16 Sub – Ojodu and Badagry in spite their operations. sections 4, 5 and 6 of the ˜|^Â’~q^ x_j˜[}^q7˜_Â’}^˜|^Â’~q^ He reminded the period of the Ramadan fast Law are sacrosanct. past administrations in the operators that at the to pray for the restoration According to him, Section state added that Governor commencement of the full of peace in Nigeria. Describing Nigeria as 3 (1) of the Law stipulates Akinwunmi Ambode’s enforcement, any culprit that “No person shall ride, government would not shall be liable on conviction a nation going through drive or propel a cart, wheel tolerate lawlessness, to imprisonment for a hard times, the politician barrow, motorcycle or jz{j}kj›\jzqÂĄ^ ¢x—_xzÂ’^ term of three years or said Nigerians realise tricycle on any of the routes disobedience to law and render community service that it would take the }›qkj q{^jz^ k~q{[\q^œœ^’˜^ order and loss of lives and in accordance with the intervention of God to bail this Lawâ€?. property of citizens to provisions of Section 347 their country out of its Coker who lamented the continue unabated. of the Administration of k[__qzÂ’^{j6k[\Â’jq}€^ Agbaje gave the counsel resurgence of motorcycle He therefore appealed to Criminal Justice Law of operators on the restricted the leaders of the transport Lagos State as well as have in a Press Statement signed by his Director of roads especially in areas unions and executives his vehicle forfeited to the Media and Publicity, Felix such as Ikeja, Isolo, Apapa, of various motorcycle state. Oboagwina, saying, peace had eluded Nigeria for too long. “Especially with Junction Oshokoti area of along the Akure-Owo Ex- command had swung be- the advent of a new administration, Nigerians the state capital after which pressway by the state Po- gun the search for him. deserve the hoodlum abandoned lice command and had In his reaction, the Pub- everywhere his black Toyota Lexus Jeep been taken to the Ijapo Po- ]WZ 5Y]DXW`†[ 2:ZYˆ `” X\Y peace,â€? he said, adding, “This holy period provides state Police Command, a great atmosphere to seek with four doors opened lice Station, Akure. and went away with his $[ DX X\Y XW“Y `” ‡]]W†^ Mr. Wole Ogodo, on tele- supernatural help for the Ipad and mobile phones. this report, the abductors phone said the Command restoration of peace to this The victim’s vehicle, had not made any contact had commenced investiga- great country.â€? He also enjoined with Registration Num- with the family of the vic- tion on the matter, predictMuslims to pray for the ber ONDO ANG 149 AA tim but Newswatch Times ing that the victim would success of new regimes was reportedly discovered learnt that the state police soon be released. at the Federal, state and

CAN scribe abducted in Ondo M1718 '232 $JD81

ports from June 19 to June 30. The document indicated that the expected ships would sail in with containers, petrol, kerosene, diesel, buck ¨~qxÂ’ÂĄ^ |_q}~^ }~ÂĄ^ —qzq_x\^ cargo, bulk clinker, bulk urea, bulk sugar, ethanol, buthane gas and rice. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 23 ships are in the ports discharging petrol, Z[k]^ ¨~qxÂ’ÂĄ^ }~ÂĄ^ Z[\]^ fertiliser, containers, bulk rice, gypsum, steel products buthane gas and general cargo.

local government levels, as well as for the people of Nigeria. According to him, “We must pray that God will bless this country with caring and visionary leaders, leaders who would have a passion for programmes and policies geared towards x\\q jxÂ’jz—^ Â’~q^ }[7q_jz—}^ of the common man.â€? “This is the holiest period in the Islamic calendar and our Muslim brethren should seize the opportunity to seek divine intervention in ˜[_^ zxÂ’j˜zx\^ x7xj_}ÂĄÂĽ^ Agbaje said. “Politicians and government can do their best, but it takes the intervention of the Almighty God to turn a nation’s fortunes around and to prevent natural and other sorts of disasters.â€? Enjoining Islamic faithful to seize the period as a Â’jÂŚq^ |˜_^ }˜Zq_^ _q¢qkÂ’j˜zÂĄ^ Agbaje encouraged them to cooperate with their neighbours from other faiths to create an atmosphere that would facilitate peaceful coexistence and nationbuilding.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

South South


Wike raises panel to probe Amaechi’s administration Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


he governor of Rivers State, Chief Nyesom Wike, has constituted a 6-man Judicial Commission of Inquiry to probe the administration of the immediate past governor of the state, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. Areas to be investigated by the commission includes the sale of Omoku 150 MW Gas Turbine, Afam 360 MW Gas Turbine, Trans-Amadi 136 MW Gas Turbine and Eleme 75 MW Gas Turbine; the sale of Olympia Hotel; the

monorail project; the nonexecution of the contract for the construction of the Justice Karibi-Whyte Specialist Hospital after the payment of the sum of 39.2million dollars to the contractor. The terms of reference also include the distribution or use by the Rivers State Ministry of Agriculture of the sum of N2billion Agriculture Credit Guarantee Scheme Funds and the withdrawal and expenditure of the accrued N96billion naira from the Rivers State Reserve Fund without compliance with the Rivers State Reserve Fund Law No. 2 of 2008.

The commission is also to ascertain the circumstances of the sold properties, to identify the purchasers, the total cost, and the whereabouts of the proceeds. The commission is also to ascertain whether the transaction were conducted with the requisite transparency and accountability in accordance with the provisions of extant laws in force in Rivers state, and whether the sales were in conformity with international best standards. According to the governor, the terms of reference include to ascertain the construction of the Monorail project, to de-

termine the cost of the monorail and to determine whether the circumstances of the conception and construction of the monorail were in conformity with the international best practices with regards to conception and execution of government projects, and determine the cost and feasibility of the completion of the Monorail project. Among others, the commission is to establish the identity of all persons and the companies involved in all the matters under probe, to make recommendations, and submit its report in one month.

Akwa Ibom State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Gabriel Achong, making a presentation to the Controller of Prisons, Dr. Regina Akpan, during his visit to the Prisons Controller in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State‌yesterday.

Gunmen kidnap VC of Ignatius Ajuru University Nath Omame, Port Harcourt


nknown gunmen have kidnapped the Vice Chancellor of the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Prof. Rosemund Green- Osahagoulu. She was abducted by armed men on her way from work on Thursday evening. The VC who had left the university at the close of work was around the Aker Base area of Rumuolumeni in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area, when the gunmen abducted her. Reports said that the gunmen trailed her from the institution’s main campus and overtook her vehicle and alighted from their car to abduct her. The gunmen who shot sporadically into the air to create panic and scare away people overpowered the se-

curity detail attached to the Vice Chancellor including \Yˆ jˆW_Yˆ D†j [‹Yj `4 —WX\ her. The Registrar of the university, Ikem Adele, expressed shock over the incident. “The management of the university is saddened and worried over the abduction of our Vice Chancellor. It is the prayers of the management and students of the institution that her abductors should release her to come back home immediately.� Adele however added that the abduction did not interfere with the academic programme of the university. As at press time, the abductors were yet to make any contact with the school authorities or family of the VC. The Rivers State police Z`““D†j Z`†‡ˆ“Yj X\Y abduction, and noted that plans have been put in place

to ensure her release. The Police Public RelaXW`†[ 2:ZYˆ 3352 $\mad Mohammad, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), however, said that the command was yet to

make any arrest as regards the abduction. “The command is aware of her kidnapping. Action has since been placed to safely rescue her but no arrest has been made,� he said.

LGs must meet obligations to workers, says Oshiomhole ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State says local government councils must meet their obligations D[ [‹YZW‡Yj W† X\Y Z`†[XWX‰tion, promising the state government would assist the local governments in reY†^W†YYˆW†^ X\YWˆ ‡†D†ZY[ W† order to meet their obligations to their workers. Speaking at the 17th Synod of the Anglican Communion, held at the St. John’s Anglican Church in Benin City, yesterday, the governor who attended the Synod in company of his wife Iara, and several top government functionaries said ‘this is X\Y “`[X jW:Z‰]X ‹YˆW`j W† Nigeria’s history, perhaps since 1999, probably even EY”`ˆY X\Y† 6` jW:Z‰]X X\DX in about two-thirds of states, civil servants, public servants are working and for six months, their salaries are not paid, schools are closed, the children of the poor are at home and only the chiljˆY† `” X\`[Y —\` ZD† D4`ˆj private schools are being taught, compounding the problem of illiteracy with the concomitant security

Pensioners appeal for prompt pension payment in Akwa Ibom ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin

Pensioners in Akwa Ibom State have appealed to the state government to ensure prompt payment of pensions and gratuities to retirees in the state. This is contained in a statement issued yesterday by the state chapter of Nigerian Union of Pensioners (NUP)

Edo to enhance govt, professionals’ partnership – Odubu ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


eputy Governor of Edo State, Dr. Pius Egberanmwen Odubu has stated that state government will continue to promote its partnership with health professionals with a view to harmonising the health indices of the state. Dr. Odubu was speaking on behalf of Governor Adams Oshiomhole during a visit of the state chapter of the Association of Resident Doctors and the Nigeria Medical Association to the Edo State Govern-

ment House Benin City. Describing the association as partners in progress, Odubu assured them of government’s assistance as they work tirelessly to save lives. He admonished the medical doctors not to resort to strike as a way of expressing their grievances as human lives lost during strike actions are irreplaceable. Dr Odubu urged them to strike a delicate balance between agitation for their rights and preservation of human lives. The deputy governor not-

implication and yet we still have relative peace.’ “In this state, we are not perfect, we have asked God to govern the state for us and I believe he is governing the state for us. I am proud to say that in our Southsouth geopolitical zone, we receive the lowest allocation but we are the only one who is up-to-date in the payment of salaries to workers who work for Edo State government,� he said. He added: “There are things going on across the states. There are some of our local Governments who are not able to pay workers. We are working hard to get them to recognize that the bible says ‘the labourer is entitled to his wages’ whether or not the employer is rich. We are working hard to assist them, X` ˆY Y†^W†YYˆ X\YWˆ ‡†D†ZY[ because we have no money to give them; we have to tell them to meet their own ob]W^DXW`†[ D[ [‹YZW‡Yj W† X\Y constitution. Earlier, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Benin, Bishop Peter Imasuen, commended the governor for his contributions not only to the Anglican Communion but to all Christians in Edo State.

ed that the state government believes, in adequate recompense for work done, pointing out that the state government will do anything to motivate the workforce. Edo State NMA Chairman, Prof. Afekhide ErnestOmoti commended the state government for the prompt payment of workers’ salaries. The president, Association of Resident Doctors, Dr. Anthony Oseghale on his part called for the employment of more professionals to man the health subsector in the state.

signed by its chairman, Elder Ettetor Uwah and Secretary, Obong Cosmas Essien. The pensioners,lamented that gratuities of some local government pensioners and primary teachers had not been paid, and urged the state governor, Mr Udom Emmanuel, to implement pension harmonisation and all percentage increases for its members as contained in the federal circular. The union said that many pensioners in the state earned between N800 and N1, 500 monthly because of non-harmonisation of their pensions and decried the neglect of retirees after serving the country meritoriously for decades. The group alleged that while the retirees were wallowing in abject poverty and neglect, some senior public of‡ZYˆ[ \Dj ^W_Y† X\Y“[Y]_Y[ \‰^Y ˆYXWˆY“Y†X EY†Y‡X[ They called on the state governor to give priority attention to the welfare of the retired public servants in the state, and promised to give unalloyed support to the administration of Gov. Emmanuel and appealed for regular and prompt payment of pension entitlements.


Newswatch Times Saturday, June 20, 2015

South East


Imo Monarchs, Okorocha on war path over suspension Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


Y†[W`† W[ EˆY—W†^ across the 27 local ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X DˆYD[ `” Imo State following the re[`]_Y `” `_Yˆ XˆDjWXW`†D] rulers in the state to resist X\Y DXXY“‹X Eq X\Y *`_Yˆ†`ˆ `” ,“` 6XDXY 2—Y]]Y 5`Z\D[ 2ÂĽ`ˆ`Z\D X` [‰[‹Y†j them for joining the Chairman of Imo State Council `” 7ˆDjWXW`†D] 5‰]Yˆ[ +5+

(ÂŚY &]YX‰[ ,]`“‰D†qD W† welcoming former President Goodluck Jonathan to Imo State sometime in March this year when Jonathan was still the sitting 3ˆY[WjY†X 7\Y ^`_Yˆ†`ˆ X\ˆ`‰^\ the factional State Council `” 7ˆDjWXW`†D] 5‰]Yˆ[ \YDjYj Eq +5+ (ÂŚY 6D“‰Y] 2\WˆW \Dj [YX ‰‹ D ‹D†Y] X` W†_Y[XW^DXY `_Yˆ “`†DˆZ\[ DZcusing them of indulging in partisan politics since they

participated in the reception of the former President Goodluck Jonathan during \W[ `:ZWD] _W[WX X` X\Y [XDXY 7\Y [XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X had earlier suspended four monarchs and went ahead X` W†_WXY `X\Yˆ[ X` ”DZY what it called ‘Fact Finding 3D†Y] ¤ +`—Y_Yˆ DE`‰X “`†archs later headed for an 2—YˆˆW +W^\ &`‰ˆX DZZ‰[ing Okorocha of surreptitiously witch-hunting and

intimidating Imo traditional rulers through the setting ‰‹ `” X\Y ‹D†Y] According to Eze Ilomu†DqD X\Y Z`‰†ZW] Z`†XY†jYj that the panel ‘is an unlaw”‰] D†j W]]Y^D] E`jq D†j thus has no powers to ”‰†ZXW`† W† D†q ZD‹DZWXq ¤ D†j _`—Yj X` ˆY[W[X D†q DXXY“‹X Eq X\Y ^`_Yˆ†`ˆ X` W†XW“WjDXY X\Y“ ,† D† D:jD_WX jY‹`[Yj Eq +5+ (ÂŚY '`†D]j 1†DE‰Y `† EY\D]” `”

`X\Yˆ “`†DˆZ\[ W† 6‰WX +2: X\Y “`†DˆZ\[ [XDXYj X\DX `_Yˆ traditional rulers in the 6XDXY —Y]Z`“Yj E`X\ ”`ˆmer President Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari (now 3ˆY[WjY†X —\Y† X\Yq E`X\ _W[WXYj X\Y 6XDXY W† 0DˆZ\ E‰X ª—`†jYˆYj —\q X\Y 6XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X †`— [W†^]Yj DE`‰X `” X\Y“ `‰X ”`ˆ _Y†jYXXD ‰[W†^ D† W]]Y^D]

Nkpor crisis: IMC, opposition intensify leadership struggle Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


L-R: Consulate Haematologist, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Dr. Adewumi Adediran; National Director/CEO, Sickle Cell Foundation, Nigeria, Dr. Annette Akinsete; Chairman Sickle Cell Foundation, Profesor Olu Akinyanju; Air Line Staff, Caverton Airline, Ms Joy Okebalama; Representative, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Director, Diseases Control, Lagos State Ministry of Health, Dr. Eniola Erinosho, at the commemoration of World Sickle Cell Day, held in Lagos ‌yesterday. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Malaria: US donates N2.8b worth mosquito nets to C’River, Ebonyi Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


s part of its support to eradicate malaria in the Z`‰†Xˆq X\Y 8†WXYj 6XDXY[ 86 \D[ j`†DXYj 1 EW]]W`† “W]]W`† —`ˆX\ `” W†[YZXWZWjY XˆYDXYj EYj †YX[ X` &ˆ`[[ 5W_Yˆ D†j (E`†qW 6XDXY[ 7\Y 'WˆYZX`ˆ 86 $^Y†Zq ”`ˆ ,†XYˆ†DXW`†D] 'Y_Y]`‹“Y†X 86$,' 0WZ\DY] 7 +Dˆ_Yq D††`‰†ZYj X\Y j`†DXW`† qY[XYˆjDq W† D [XDXY“Y†X “DjY D_DW]DE]Y Eq X\Y 86 (“ED[[q W† $E‰ŠD

+Dˆ_Yq [DWj X\DX X\Y j`†Dtion of nearly four million in[YZXWZWjY XˆYDXYj EYj †YX[ X` the two states was part of the 86 ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X¤[ Z`““WX“Y†X X\ˆ`‰^\ X\Y 3ˆY[WjY†X 2ED“D¤[ 0D]DˆWD ,†WXWDXW_Y D†j 86$,' X` ‹ˆY_Y†X “D]DˆWD W† 1W^YˆWD ÂŤ7\Y Z`[X `” X\Y EYj †YX[ including transportation from X\Y ”DZX`ˆq X` Y_Y†X‰D] \`‰[Y\`]j[ W[ _D]‰Yj DX 1 EW]]W`† “W]]W`† ÂŹ \Y [DWj $ZZ`ˆjW†^ X` \W“ D† Y[XW“DXYj “W]]W`† “D]DˆWD ZD[Y[ D†j DE`‰X deaths each year make Nigeria the country with the high-

Y[X “D]DˆWD E‰ˆjY† —`ˆ]j—WjY He hinted that nine other [XDXY[ —`‰]j D][` ˆYZYW_Y EYj †YX[ W† X\Y Z`“W†^ “`†X\[ The director assured that the 86$,' —`‰]j —`ÂˆÂĽ Z]`[Y]q —WX\ 1W^YˆWD¤[ 1DXW`†al Malaria Elimination Pro^ˆD““Y D†j [XDXY[¤ “D]DˆWD elimination programmes in X\Y jˆW_Y X` ‡^\X “D]DˆWD W† X\Y Z`‰†Xˆq ÂŤ%Yj†YX[ EˆW†^ ‹ˆY_Y†XW`† jWˆYZX]q W†X` Y_Yˆq 1W^YˆWD† \`“Y ,X W[ ‰‹ X` ”D“W]WY[ X` \D†^ X\Y“ D†j []YY‹ under them daily to protect X\Y“[Y]_Y[ D†j X\Y “`[X _‰]-

†YˆDE]Y Y[‹YZWD]]q ‹ˆY^†D†X women and children under ‡_Y ÂŹ \Y [DWj +Y \`—Y_Yˆ jW[Z]`[Yj X\DX X\Y 86 ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X¤[ Z`†XˆWE‰XW`† ”`ˆ “D]DˆWD ‹ˆY_Y†XW`† W† 1W^YˆWD [W†ZY \D[ X`XD]]Yj 1 EW]]W`† “W]]W`† EY†Y‡XW†^ “`ˆY X\D† “W]]W`† 1W^YˆWD†[ 7\Y jWˆYZX`ˆ —\` †`XYj X\DX “D]DˆWD ‹]DZY[ D \YD_q E‰ˆjY† `† ”D“W]WY[ D†j †DXW`†D] \YD]X\ [q[XY“[ [DWj ÂŞ,X Dj_Yˆ[Y]q D4YZX[ —`ÂˆÂĽYˆ[¤ ‹ˆ`j‰ZXW_WXq jˆDW†[ \`‰[Y\`]j W†Z`“Y[ \W†jYˆ[ Yj‰ZDXW`†D] jY_Y]`‹“Y†X D†j ‹Yˆ‹YX‰DXY[ ‹`_YˆXq ÂŹ

FUTO berates host communities over destruction of varsity property Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Vice Chancel]`ˆ )YjYˆD] 8†W_Yˆ[WXq `” 7YZ\†`]`^q 2—YˆˆW )872 3ˆ`” &\W^`ÂŚWY $[WDEDÂĽD has condemned the cease]Y[[ ]D†j Y†Zˆ`DZ\“Y†X jW[ˆ‰‹XW`† `” ‰†W_Yˆ[WXq DZXW_WXWY[ D†j jY[Xˆ‰ZXW`† `” ‹ˆ`‹YˆXWY[ Eq [`“Y ‰†[Zˆ‰‹‰]`‰[ “Y“EYˆ[ `” X\Y \`[X Z`““‰†WXWY[ He stressed that no porXW`† `” X\Y 8†W_Yˆ[WXq ]D†j

is in dispute with the host Z`““‰†WXWY[ $ZZ`ˆjW†^ X` \W“ X\Y ‹`ˆXW`† `” ]D†j —\WZ\ —D[ ˆY_`ÂĽYj Eq X\Y ,“` 6XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X —D[ ]DXYˆ ˆY[X`ˆYj D†j \Dj EYY† ‹]DZYj W† X\Y `:ZWD] ^DÂŚYXXY `” Z`ˆˆW^Y†j‰“ 7\Y 9& ˆY_YD]Yj X\DX the said land had also gone through the process of re_`ZDXW`† `” ˆW^\X[ `” `ZZ‰‹D†Zq `ˆjYˆ Eq ,“` 6XDXY W† X\Y `:ZWD] ^DÂŚYXXY titled ‘Supplement to Imo State of Nigeria gazette No 9`] jDXYj 'YZY“EYˆ

‹DˆX % & , 6 1 1` `” 3ˆ`” $[WDEDÂĽD ^D_Y X\W[ Z]DˆW‡ZDXW`† —\W]Y Z`““Y†XW†^ `† \W[ X\ D††W_Yˆ[Dˆq D[ X\Y X\ [‰E[XD†XW_Y 9WZY &\D†ZY]]`ˆ `” X\Y ,†[XWX‰XW`† “I sincerely call on the major stakeholders of the host communities to a meaningful dialogue to re[`]_Y `‰ˆ jW4YˆY†ZY[ D†j ensure a peaceful co-exisXY†ZYÂŹ \Y [DWj +Y \`—Y_Yˆ ˆY^ˆYXXYj that in spite of spirited ef-

”`ˆX[ X` XˆD†[”`ˆ“ X\Y 8†W_Yˆ[WXq [`“Y Z\D]]Y†^Y[ had continued to impair X\Y jY_Y]`‹“Y†X `” X\Y institution to world class [XD†jDˆj[ 3ˆ`” $[WDEDÂĽD ]W[XYj some of these challenges to include inadequate ”‰†jW†^ Z`†[XD†X ]D†j Y†Zˆ`DZ\“Y†X W†DjY¨Â‰DXY [XD4 `:ZY[ D†j DZZ`““`jDXW`† W†DjY¨Â‰DXY ]WEˆDˆq D†j ]DE`ˆDX`ˆWY[ ”DZW]WXWY[ W†DjY¨Â‰DXY ]YZX‰ˆY hall and hostel accommojDXW`† D“`†^ `X\Yˆ[

E`jq \YDjYj Eq (ÂŚY 2\WˆW which was constituted un]D—”‰]]q W† Z`†XˆD_Y†XW`† `” X\Y Y§XD†X ‹ˆ`_W[W`†[ `” /D— 1` `” ,“` 6XDXY `” 1W^YˆWD 7ˆDjWXW`†D] 5‰]Yˆ[ Autonomous Communities D†j $]]WYj 0DXXYˆ[ /D— ¤ They insisted that the ‹D†Y] W[ D .D†^Dˆ`` E`jq which lacks the legal powYˆ[ X` W†_WXY D†q “`†DˆZ\ X` D‹‹YDˆ EY”`ˆY WX

ear of uncertainty has allegedly gripped residents of 1¼‹`ˆ D [‹ˆD—]W†^ Z`““‰nity in Idemili North local ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X DˆYD $†D“EˆD 6XDXY `_Yˆ X\Y X\ˆYDX Eq X\Y opposition party to the Interim Management Committee ,0& [YX ‰‹ Eq X\Y [XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X X\DX WX —W]] Z`†j‰ZX Y]YZXW`† W†X` Y§YZ‰XW_Y `” X\Y X`—† ‰†W`† W† -‰]q 6Y¨Â‰Y] X` X\Y ZˆW[W[ X\DX EY”Y]] X\Y Z`““‰†WXq `_Yˆ X\Y years in which property and ]W_Y[ —YˆY [DWj X` \D_Y EYY† ]`[X X\Y [XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X W† D EWj X` ˆY[X`ˆY ‹YDZY D†j XˆD†¨Â‰W]]WXq [YX ‰‹ X\Y ,0& X` conduct election into the town ‰†W`† Y§YZ‰XW_Y —\WZ\ W[ qYX X` EY j`†Y D[ X\Y ZˆW[W[ Z`†XW†‰Y[ 7\Y ”YDˆ EYZD“Y D‹‹DˆY†X —\Y† `†Y -`Y 2¼‰Y”‰†D [DWj X` EY X\Y 6YZˆYXDˆq `” (]YZX`ˆD] &`““WXXYY [YX‰‹ Eq X\Y ‹Y`‹]Y `” 1¼‹`ˆ —WX\ %Dˆˆ )& Molokwu as chairman wrote D]] EˆD†Z\Y[ `” X\Y X`—† ‰†W`† D†j _W]]D^Y Z\DWˆ“Y† W†”`ˆ“-

ing them of the imminent Y]YZXW`† D†j jY[ZˆWEW†^ X\Y IMC as defunct and warned X\DX \Y†ZY”`ˆX\ †` ˆY_Y†‰Y ^Y†YˆDXW`† [\`‰]j EY ‹‰X W† X\Y ‹‰ˆ[Y `” ,0& ÂŤ7\Y ^Y†YˆD] ‹‰E]WZ W[ \YˆYEq —Dˆ†Yj X\DX 1¼‹`ˆ \D[ ]`†^ ‹D[[Yj _`XY `” †` Z`†‡jY†ZY `† X\Y jY”‰†ZX ,†terim management Committee as a result of its eight years `” jWZXDX`ˆ[\W‹ DˆEWXˆDˆq ˆ‰]Y gross misuse of the community funds and manipulations designed to perpetuate her[Y]” W† `:ZY X` X\Y jYXˆW“Y†X `” 1¼‹`ˆ &`““‰†WXqÂŹ Sources from the MinW[Xˆq `” 7`—† 8†W`† /`ZD] *`_Yˆ†“Y†X D†j &\WY”XDW†Zq 0DXXYˆ[ \W†XYj X\DX X\YˆY is no plan to conduct election W† 1¼‹`ˆ ”`ˆ †`— EYZD‰[Y `” X\Y ZˆW[W[ $ZZ`ˆjW†^ X` X\Y [`‰ˆZY[ ‘there is crisis in Nkpor and X\Y ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X W[ D—DˆY `” WX and is looking into it with a _WY— X` [`]_W†^ WX [` X\YˆY W[ †` ‹ˆ`_W[W`† ”`ˆ X\Y Z`†j‰ZX of election to the town union Y§YZ‰XW_Y X\YˆY ‰†XW] X\Y ZD[Y[ DˆY [`]_YjÂŹ

Why APGA defeated PDP in Oyi - Chairman Cyprian Ebele Onitsha


hairman of All 3 ˆ ` ^ ˆ Y [ [ W _ Y [ Grand Alliance $3*$ W† 2qW ]`ZD] ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X DˆYD[ $†D“EˆD 6XDXY +`† 9W†ZY†X 2EW`ˆD $†qakaorah yesterday said all APGA candidates who conXY[XYj —WX\ 3Y`‹]Y[ 'Y“`ZˆDXWZ 3DˆXq 3'3 D†j `X\Yˆ ‹`]WXWZD] ‹DˆXWY[¤ ZD†didates in the last elections —YˆY “`ˆY ‹`‹‰]Dˆ EYZD‰[Y `” X\YWˆ DZ\WY_Y“Y†X[ D†j “`ˆY Y§Â‹YˆWY†ZYj ‹`]WXWZD]]q Making the disclosure —\W]Y ‡Y]jW†^ ¨Â‰Y[XW`†[ ”ˆ`“ †Y—[“Y† W† 1XYŠY 2qW &`‰†ZW] $ˆYD \YDj¨Â‰DˆXYˆ[ \Y [DWj ÂŞ+`† 0ˆ[ 9W_WD† 2ÂĽDjW^E` $¼‹D“^E` —D[ D “Y“EYˆ `” X\Y W““YjWDXY ‹D[X +`‰[Y `” $[[Y“E]q D†j \D[ EYY† ˆY Y]YZXYj EYZD‰[Y `” \Yˆ ‹ˆY_W`‰[ DZ\WY_Y-

“Y†X[ X` X\Y ‹Y`‹]Y ¤ ‘To thank the people of 2qW ”`ˆ ˆY Y]YZXW†^ \Yˆ [\Y slaughtered a cow for each of the communities in the area apart from other items [\Y ^D_Y X\Y“ ¤ $†qDÂĽD`ˆD\ [DWj ÂŤ%DˆˆW[XYˆ *DEˆWY] 2†qY†weife who is currently representing Oyi and Ayamelum Federal Constituency in the +`‰[Y `” 5Y‹ˆY[Y†XDXW_Y[ W[ D ‹`]WXWZD] [XD]—DˆX —\` EY]WY_Y[ W† DZXW`† X\D† —`ˆj[ His Popularity and that of +`† 2ÂĽDjW^E` D†j “W†Y “DjY $3*$ X` —W† 3'3 ”`ˆ X\Y ‡ˆ[X XW“Y X` Z]W†Z\ X\Y [YDX `” +`‰[Y `” 5Y‹ˆY[Y†XDXW_Y[ '‰ˆW†^ X\Y Y]YZXW`†YYˆW†^ ZD“‹DW^† ‹YˆW`j , X`]j them that Oyi and Ayamelum was APGA stronghold D†j X`jDq X\Yq \D_Y [YY† WX and commended me for my Y4`ˆX ÂŹ \Y [DWj


Newswatch Times Saturday, Jujne 20, 2015


North East Child malnutrition prevalent in three northern states – CS-SUNN Nnah Douglas, Abuja


he growing rate of malnutrition, particularly amongst children in the country, has motivated a study by a non-governmental body, Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN), and disclosed that malnutrition is prevalent in three northern states, namely Kaduna, Nasarawa and Niger. The report, which was carried out through research reveals that trends in nutritional status of children declined from 42% in 2003 to 37% in 2013 while wasting and underweight increased from 11 to 18 and 24 to 29% respectively within

the same period. The Programme Manager for CS-SUNN, Okoronkwo Sunday, in an interview with journalists in Abuja said, “The study was meant to do an in-depth review towards bringing out the real status of malnutrition at the national level with case studies of the three aforementioned states and consult a rapid data collection to access the real situation in the areas.� He said stunting, which is a key indicator for nutrition status amongst children between the age limit 0 to 5 years was still at 37% which is on the high side. Quoting the survey by the National Demographic and Surveys, NDHS,

he said, “According to NDHS, from 2003 used to be 41% in 2008, but as at 2013 it dropped to 37%.� Breaking it down, the organisation said: “Prevalence of Global acute Malnutrition (GAM) among children 0-59 months of age is 8.7% nationally, but 4.1%, 9.8% and 17.7% for the three states under review.� In the same vein, the study said that Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in the three affected states show that, “there is high level of miZˆ`†‰XˆWY†X jY‡ZWY†Zq W† Z\W]jˆY† ‰†jYˆ ‡_Y qYDˆ[ of age in Nigeria with 9WXD“W† $ jY‡ZWY†Zq `” 25%. %D[Yj `† X\Y ‡†jW†^[ CS-SUNN advised that considerations should be

focused on “reduction of the current level of malnutrition by increasing the dietary nutrient intakes through locallyavailable nutrient-dense family homestead farms. Develop nutrition education messages regarding balanced diet, adequate food consumption and dietary diversity as well as develop behaviour change communication strategy to address complimentary feeding.� It also called on the need to target women and address issues of gender equity that contributes to women access to and control over income, which enhance their role in decision making related to household expenditures in communities and society as a whole.

65% Nigerians don’t have access to banks – Aliyu


rked by current indices X\DX `_Yˆ [W§Xq ‡_Y ‹Yˆcent Nigerians, mostly Northerners, have no access to banking system, a sensitization workshop was organised by Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation(NDIC) to National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members as part of the corporate mission and objectives of the corporation. According to the Zonal

Controller, (Kano Zonal `:ZY 0D]]D“ $Ej‰]\Dmid Aliyu, NDIC has paid N93.7 billion Naira to depositors of 14 out of 36 liquidated commercial banks from inception to date. The payment was in two forms; insured and uninsured dividend payments, to deposiX`ˆ[ `” X\Y D4YZXYj ]W¨Â‰WjDXed banks. This comprised of payment of N6 billion to 521,212 depositors of 14 liquidated banks and N2.5 billion to 75,571 customers `” ]W¨Â‰WjDXYj “WZˆ`‡nance institutions across the

country. On the workshop, Aliyu urged the Youth Corpers to take advantage of what they have learnt as ambassadors of NDIC by utilizing such ideas and impact same D†j Y4YZXW_Y]q jW[[Y“W†DXY information on the importance of NDIC to society. “Recent survey indicates X\DX `_Yˆ [W§Xq ‡_Y ‹Yˆ ZY†X Nigerians don’t have access to banking activities in the country, hence our resolve to reach out to the public in form of advocacy mission to impact knowledge on Nige-

rians on the need to patronise banking network�. Reasons for these indices are poor awareness, illiteracy amongst some certain segments in the society, poverty, and unemployment bedevilling the nation. Suggestions were made X` ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X X` ^W_Y ‡nancial support to banks to avoid liquidation; while employment strategy plans be worked out and pursued vigorously by government at all levels to enable citizens secure gainful employment to reduce poverty.

Establish schools for midwives, traditional rulers urge govt Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


orried by the rising waves of early marriage, traditional rulers in Bauchi State have advocated for the establishment of schools for community midwives to check early marriages and high maternal and infant mortality rate commonly associated with northern part of the country. This formed part of the highlights of activities marking the

Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


he North East Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Sani Al’amin Mohammed, has advised Bauchi State Government and state lawmakers to revisit the issue of relocation of headquarters of Tafawa Balewa Local Government from Tafawa Balewa town to Bununu by the administration of Isa Yuguda. Sani while addressing a Press conference shortly after the inauguration of the House in Bauchi, said relocation of the headquarters distorted brotherhood, cultural

commemoration of Day of the African Child held in Bauchi where traditional rulers proffered solutions to cases of early marriages and attendant Y4YZX[ `† X\Y [`ZWYXq Addressing students of post primary schools, traditional ward heads and other stakeholders in the health sector at the occasion, chairman of traditional ward heads in the state, Alhaji Yusuf Isa, said the proposed school will produce [XD4 †YYjYj X` [Yˆ_Y W† \YD]X\

facilities located within communities. He explained further that the idea will curtail early marriages as girls of school age who have been denied the opportunity of going beyond primary school and those who dropped out of school Z`‰]j EY `4YˆYj D “`†X\ basic course in Community Midwifery and on completion be deployed to help their communities. The ward head of Tudun Ya-

rima in Bauchi metropolis also re-echoed the urgent need to train married women as voluntary community mobilizers on girl-child to educate women during marriage and naming ceremonies on the importance of girl-child education. According to him, “This is D† Y4YZXW_Y [XˆDXY^q X\DX ZD† encourage women to send their female wards to school, because the same idea was adopted during polio eradication campaign.�

together among the communities in the area. He regretted that the advice given to the past administration over the relocation of the headquarters fell on deaf ears and condemned the suspension of a female lawmaker that represented Bogoro constituency, Mrs Rifkatu Samson Danna, in the last Assembly because she opposed the relocation and described it as undemocratic and unconstitutional. He advised that the headquarters of new Sayawa Traditional ruler should be cited where the Sayawa communities want in the interest of peace because doing anyX\W†^ Z`†XˆDˆq —W]] †`X ˆYŽYZX the wishes of the people.

Northern artistes to host Dogara Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


L-R: Secretary, International Youth Council, Mr. Abdus-Sabur Oliyide; Chairman, Comrade Jeskaya Okorie and Director, Entertainment and Socio-Cultural Committee, Comrade Ihuoma Celestine, during a news conference on the forthcoming International Youth Conference in Abuja‌Thursday

Dahiru Suleiman, Dutse

N/East PDP wants Tafawa Balewa LG hqtrs relocation revisited value and tradition of living

ssociation of Musicians, Actors and Film Producers from the nineteen northern states has said they will convene in Bauchi state soon to stage series of performances in honour of Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara. Chairman of Bauchi state Association of Musicians, Actors and Film Producers, Alhaji Suleiman Kabiru, said the association is happy with the emergence of Dogara as the Speaker of the 8th National Assembly and believe in his capability and ability to sucZY[[”‰]]q ‹W]`X X\Y D4DWˆ[ `” the Assembly. He told newsmen in Bauchi that they have been fol-

lowing the political development of Dogara since 2003 —\Y† \Y —D[ ‡ˆ[X Y]YZXYj W†X` the National Assembly as member representing Dass/ Bogoro/Tafawa Balewa Federal Constituency and has done credibly well in terms of attracting dividends of democracy and sponsoring moXW`†[ D†j EW]][ `† X\Y Ž``ˆ `” National Assembly. He said the emergence of Barrister Dogara as Speaker has further deepened the nation’s nascent democracy and gave the minority tribes sense of belonging in shaping and determining the future of the country. He called on members of the National Assembly support and cooperate with the Speaker for peaceful and focused 8th Assembly.

Transition Committee recovers 22 vehicles - .01 2342 56 &74433 08 95;<34 Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


he Transition Committee set up by Bauchi state government disclosed that over 22 government vehicles were recovered from the wives of former Governor, Isa Yuguda, which were allegedly taken away. Chairman of the committee, Senator Mohammed Mohammed, made this known at the Government House, Bauchi. He said the recovery was in tandem with the mandate of the committee to recover all WXY“[ Z`†‡ˆ“Yj X` \D_Y been disposed or allocated without conformity with due process and returned to government. “We have so far recovered a total of 22 cars from the wives of the former Governor, Isa Yuguda. We recovYˆYj ZDˆ[ ”ˆ`“ \W[ ‡ˆ[X wife, 7 from the second and 4 from the third. We are yet to recover the remaining cars from his fourth wife who is currently out of the country.�

According to him, “We will ensure that whoever is in possession of government properties will be forced to return them. We urge public servants and the public, especially those involved in the disposal and allocation of the property in question to cooperate with the Z`““WXXYY ”`ˆ Y4YZXW_Y jW[charge of its assignment.� Newswatch Times recalls that Governor Mohammed Abubakar had vowed to employ all measures within the provision of the law to recover all funds allegedly looted, cars and properties in the last tenure under Yuguda. In a related development, Governor Abubakar constituted a twenty-one man committee to review the 2015 budget in conformity with the policies and programmes of All Progressives Congress (APC). The 2015 budget was presented by former Governor Isa Yuguda of then ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and passed into law by the 7th State Assembly in the state.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Politics We never fought over Jonathan/ Buhari choice - NIDOA Nigerians in Diaspora Organisation Americas (NIDOA) has broken its silence after the presidential election over a purported division in its leadership. Mr. Gabriel $%&'&*+ ,&'-+/ 01-23+45* 678/19 47 3:1 49;25+*23+45 +5 this interview with ADEWALE GIWA, denies rumour that the leadership of the group fell apart over who to support in the last presidential election. Excerpts:


here were allegations from DOA was divided over As you rightly noted, we became aware of the said allegation through a newspaper publication which we could dismiss as a smear campaign to discredit the reputation of this great organization. We had many times in the past publicly emphasized that NIDOA (Nigerians In Diaspora Organization Americas) and its sister organizations within the NIDOWORLD (NIDO-Africa, NIDOE-Europe, NIDO-Asia), are ‡ˆ“ W† `‰ˆ ˆY[`]_Y X` ‹ˆ`“`XY X\Y YZ`†`“WZ D†j [`ZWD] jY_Y]`‹“Y†X `” `‰ˆ EY]`_Yj Z`‰†Xˆq 1W^YˆWD :Y j` †`X D†j ZD††`X EY W†_`]_Yj in any regional, state or national political partisanship based on our founding principle. We are dedicated to working with current and future administrations to facilitate the economic, human D†j XYZ\†`]`^WZD] W†_Y[X“Y†X[ D†j jY_Y]`‹“Y†X W† 1W^YˆWD ,X W[ that simple. This has always been `‰ˆ ‡ˆ“ ‹`[WXW`† D†j W† †` —Dq ‹`]WXWZD]]q D:]WDXYj `ˆ D]W^†Yj tablishment of a diagnostic centre ! " # The Nigeria Diaspora Diagnostic & Trauma Foundation (NDD&TF) you alluded to was again another product of the NIDOA platform. As you know, big projects of that nature require gradual but structured approach to accomplishing its goals. 7` jDXY X\Y ”`‰†jDXW`† \D[ `:cially launched its fund raising effort towards the actualization of X\W[ _W[W`† :Y DˆY Z‰ˆˆY†X]q Y†gaging the sponsorship and part-

†Yˆ[\W‹ `” _Yˆq “D†q ˆY‹‰XDE]Y organizations in their capacity E‰W]jW†^ Y4`ˆX X` Y†[‰ˆY [‰ZZY[[ful implementation of the project. 7\Y ‹ˆ`ŠYZX \D[ ˆYZYW_Yj ‹`[WXW_Y endorsement from the Nigerian )`ˆYW^† 6Yˆ_WZY X` X\Y 86 $[[`ciation of Nigerian Physicians in

America (ANPA) and many other ˆY‹‰XDE]Y `ˆ^D†WÂŚDXW`†[ W† X\Y 86 —`ÂˆÂĽW†^ Z`]]DE`ˆDXW_Y]q X` DZZ`“‹]W[\ X\Y jY]W_YˆDE]Y[ ! $ %&'( " ) 9Yˆq —Dˆ“ D†j ‹`[WXW_Y ”`ˆ

]DZÂĽ `” D EYXXYˆ —`ˆj :Y DˆY _Yˆq enthusiastic towards the checklist of tasks this administration intends to take on. We stand in solidarity with Mr. President and his XYD“ D†j \D_Y ”`ˆ“D]]q Y§XY†jed our partnership hands, urging them to peruse their Diaspora resources, as they so desire. Our role in NIDOA is to constant]q [Yˆ_Y D[ D ZDXD]q[X ”`ˆ jY_Y]`‹“Y†X DZˆ`[[ D]] _YˆXWZD][ :Y are committed to promoting the growth of our nation using its human capital. Hence, we were fundamentally established to be a perusable pool of human capital resource to Nigeria’s regionD] [XDXY D†j ”YjYˆD] ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X :Y \D_Y †`X —D_YˆYj W† X\W[ ˆY[`]_Y E‰X Y_Y† “`ˆY Y†Yˆ^WÂŚYj X` be part of any current and future jY_Y]`‹“Y†X D†j ^ˆ`—X\ Y4`ˆX[ of Nigeria. ! * " % " % + , . :\DX —Y \D_Y D]—Dq[ Y“‹\Dsized, as many times as I can remember, full perusal of the Diaspora resources. Consider the ”DZX X\DX 'WD[‹`ˆD 1W^YˆWD†[ \D_Y Z`†XˆWE‰XYj D‹‹ˆ`§W“DXY]q billion to the Nigerian econo“q EYX—YY† D†j WX W[ `†]q Z`““`†[Y†[WZD] X\DX ^`_ernment fully peruse the Dias‹`ˆD ˆY[`‰ˆZY[ D_DW]DE]Y X` X\Y“ I must say that the organization has constantly worked with ‹D[X ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X[ E‰X j` EY]WY_Y that more needs to be done to engage its Diaspora human capital. For instance, I am often disD‹‹`W†XYj X\DX ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X ^`Y[ out to foreign nations to seek ser_WZY[ X\DX WX[ 'WD[‹`ˆD Y§Â‹YˆXW[Y ZD† ‹ˆ`_WjY , D“ _Yˆq D—DˆY `” many skilled Nigerians here in X\Y 86 D]`†Y :Y \D_Y ”`]ÂĽ[ X\DX manage billion dollar engagement portfolios for global companies here, people that are part of building billion dollar technol`^q W†”ˆD[Xˆ‰ZX‰ˆY[ `_Yˆ physicians not counting the pharmacists, nurses and IT professionals and so on. Nigerians that , ¼†`— DˆY _Yˆq Z`“‹YXWXW_Y D†j ^ˆYDX DZ\WY_Yˆ[ W† ]WXYˆDˆW]q D]] [‹\YˆY[ `” \‰“D† Y§W[XY†ZY \YˆY W† X\Y 86 D]`†Y D†j qYX XD]ÂĽW†^ X` them, you’ll get this sense of de[‹DWˆ 7\Yq ”YY] D[ X\`‰^\ ^`_ernment prefers other foreign nationals than engaging their own W† jY_Y]`‹“Y†X ‹ˆ`ŠYZX[ 0D†q `” X\Y[Y ‹ˆ`”Y[[W`†D][ DˆY _Yˆq ‹D[Continued on Page 49


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Politics Ogun PDP’s last card at governorship slot Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


olitical activities set the nation on edge even before the general elections eventually took place, following the earlier postponement. But ever since the change of baton, particularly at the centre, political activities have hit an all time low in most states, especially Ogun State, where activities are now held behind closed doors as politicians are currently lobbying for appointments. The governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, has been innundated with serious demands from political EW^—W^[ —\` —D†X jW4YˆY†X ŠÂ‰WZq `:ZY[ ”`ˆ X\YWˆ Zˆ`†WY[ Many of the bigwigs are reported to have contributed to the victory of the governor in the last election, which the opposition alleged was beyond X\Y W“‹DZX `” X\Y ZD‹WXD] ‹ˆ`ŠYZX[ \Y Y§YZ‰XYj W† \W[ ‡ˆ[X XYˆ“ At the inauguration of the eighth state House of Assembly however, the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) executed a script written behind the doors. 7\Y 6‹YDÂĽYˆ 6‰ˆDŠ 6`¼‰†“EW —\` led the seventh Assembly was reelected, while one of the alleged boys of the governor, Olakunle Oluomo, representing Ifo I was installed as the Deputy Speaker without any jW[[Y†XW†^ _`WZY ”ˆ`“ X\Y ÂŽ``ˆ `” X\Y House. Inconsequential members and supporters of the political parties were treated to some sumptuous meals and drinks by the lawmakers in their individual chosen venues. One would have thought the list of commissioner-nominees and other appointments that need the legislative approval would be submitted by the governor to the Assembly during its maiden sitting,



but members of the public were disappointed as the lawmakers only went through the minutes of the W†D‰^‰ˆDXW`† [WXXW†^ D†j DjŠ`‰ˆ†Yj —WX\W† ‡_Y “W†‰XY[ The opposition has ascribed the governor’s recent decision to accompany President Mohammadu %‰\DˆW `† \W[ `:ZWD] XˆW‹ X` 6`‰X\ $”ˆWZD D[ D Z`†‡ˆ“DXW`† X\DX X\Y APC-led administration has run out of ideas, and there was nothing serious on ground that demanded the governor’s urgent attention in the state. But the election petitions tribunal is providing skeletal political activities

far yielded no positive results. 7\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y[ ZD‰XW`†Yj D]] ‹DˆXWY[ W† the various cases before the tribunal not to pay money into anyone’s bank account for onward transfer to the ŠÂ‰j^Y[ D[ X\Yq —Dˆ†Yj X\DX X\Yq \Dj not appointed anyone to collect bribes on their behalf. :\`Y_Yˆ D‹‹ˆ`DZ\Y[ X\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y[ with the attempt to undermine their dignity may likely face serious ‹ˆ`[YZ‰XW`† \Y†ZY”`ˆX\ D[ X\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y[ didn’t hide their stand against such moves. Nasir The rumour mills could not be left unattended to as it is rife in the state that the opposition, Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), is said to have in its kitty a video clip on how the governorship election results were doctored by the election umpire X\ˆ`‰^\ X\Y W†Ž‰Y†ZY `” D ‹ˆ`“W†Y†X politician in the state. It has been spread in the state, particularly in PDP’s camp that the clip is the trump card that would be unleashed on Governor Amosun, —WX\ —\WZ\ X\Yq Y§Â‹ÂˆY[[Yj Z`†‡jY†ZY would see their candidate, Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka, being declared Daniel the winner of the poll by the court. The controversial video clip is said to have strained the recent reprieve D[ WX Y†XYˆXDW†[ ‹YXWXW`†[ ‡]Yj Eq given to a chieftain of PDP by the party candidates in the last general Y]YZXW`†[ ˆYŠYZXW†^ X\Y ˆY[‰]X[ jYZ]DˆYj [XDXY ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X `_Yˆ \W[ Z`†‡[ZDXYj by the Independent National Electoral property. He was said to have been accused Commission (INEC) on various of complicity in the recording and grounds. release of the indicting video to a 7\Y X\ˆYY “D† ‹D†Y] `” ŠÂ‰j^Y[ PDP chieftain who is known to be an has proved to be tough and expert at litigation to prosecute. ‰†Z`“‹ˆ`“W[W†^ D[ X\Y ]YDj ŠÂ‰j^Y However, the acclaimed video has sounded note of warning against D†q DXXY“‹X X` `4Yˆ X\Y“ ^ˆDXW‡ZDXW`† clip was said to have put the ego of some chieftains of APC to reverse as X` W†Ž‰Y†ZY X\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y“Y†X[ they could not push or impose their 7\Y [XYˆ† ]``ÂĽ `” X\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y[ `† Tuesday, June 16, suggested that some candidates for commissionership appointments because they were recalcitrant politicians might have exposed to have lost their wards to been exploring available sources to the PDP at the poll. ˆYDZ\ `‰X X` X\Y ŠÂ‰j^Y[ —\WZ\ \Dj [`

OPC to Igbokwe: Apologise within 7 days Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


odua People’s Congress (OPC) has threatened that the publicity secretary of All Progressives Congress (APC), Lagos State, Joe Igbokwe risk being punished by Yoruba gods unless he apologises within seven days for allegedly insulting the group. According to the group, Igbokwe in a press interview during the week condemned the engagement of members of the OPC by the federal government to monitor petroleum pipelines in the south west. In the said interview published in a national daily (not Newswatch Times), the APC scribe was said to have described OPC and its members as fraudulent, hoodlums, lawless and outlaws among others. He was said to have asked, (“... why should hoodlums be used in securing pipelines‌? Using OPC is a primitive way of securing pipelines. You don’t give sensitive Š`E[ ]WÂĽY ‹W‹Y]W†Y[ X` `‰X]D—[ ÂŹ OPC in a statement by its Director of Media and Publicity


Secretary, Yinka Oguntimeyin lamented that such statements from Mr. Igbokwe “is not only shocking, E‰X ˆY^ˆYXXDE]Y ÂŹ jY“D†jW†^ ÂŤ2† this note, I wish to say that Mr. Joe Igbokwe withdraws his comments and apologize to the OPC within seven days or risk the wrath of all the deities in Yorubaland. “Igbokwe latest statement is seen as an insult on the entire Yoruba race and would be punished by Yoruba gods and our ancestors if he fails to apologize within seven days. “In our land, it is an insult to speak to an Oba in that manner.


Even if the Oba makes a mistake, you do not stand in the public ^D]]Yˆq X` W†[‰]X \W“ ÂŹ WX ”‰“Yj On OPC as an outlaw, the body referred Igbokwe to the ruling of Justice Anwuli Chikere of the )YjYˆD] +W^\ &`‰ˆX W† $E‰ŠD `† December 19, 2006, during the detention of Otunba Gani Adams and Dr. Fredrick Fasehun in —\WZ\ ÂŤX\Y ˆY_YˆYj ŠÂ‰[XWZY ˆ‰]Yj that the OPC was not an illegal organization, and ordered that nobody should refer to it as an W]]Y^D] E`jq ÂŹ However, Oguntimeyin said, “I recall that at one of the press

conferences organized to draw attention to the campaign, Mr. Joe Igbokwe was invited to speak and he did attend and spoke. “It is funny that at that time Igbokwe did not realize that he was dealing with hoodlums and outlaws, as he would want the —`ˆ]j X` [YY “Y“EYˆ[ `” X\Y 23& ÂŹ OPC queried the legitimacy of Igbokwe to cast aspersions on it and its members thus: “he needs to tell us where he was when members of OPC, alongside other activists like Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Dr. Beko RansomeKuti and Lagos lawyer, Femi Falana, took on the military after the annulment of the June 12 presidential election. “Igbokwe should tell the world what role he played in the struggle to revalidate the annulment of the election and subsequently enthrone democracy in our country. “We need to know where Igbokwe was in 1995 when civil society groups in the country, under the command of NADECCO, organized what was called the ‘mother of all rallies. Where was Igbokwe in 1996 Continued on Page 49

June 20, 2015

Enyeama’s query causes rift in NFF LMC suspends nine stadia from hosting league matches >>Pg.18

Fabregas enjoys deserved break with partner >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Enyimba’s away draw excites Anyansi


hairman of two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu, has expressed excitement over last weekend’s away scoreless draw by his wards in faraway Bauchi, in the Week 11 Nigeria Professional Football qx—[q^Âą ²^ ³’[_q}€ The Aba people’s elephant in their quest for glory refused to succumb to the antics of Wikki Tourists Football Club in Bauchi as the experienced Zjx^ Â’xÂ’q^ zxzkq{^Â’qxÂŚ^ provided answers to all their tricks thereby |_[}Â’_xÂ’jz—^x\\^Â’~qj_^q7˜_Â’}^ ’˜^}qk[_q^ jk’˜_ª€ Reacting to the draw assured that the Aba millionaires are poised to put smiles on the faces of their fans and supporter as they intend to record more heart warming results away from home even as Â’~qÂŞ^x_q^Zq2q_^›_q›x_q{^

for their subsequent games —˜jz—^|˜_¨x_{€ ‘I am excited for the way {_x¨^x—xjz}Â’^ j]]j€^ Â’^j}^ indeed a vital away point and I must commend our players and the technical crew for making it happen,’ zÂŞxz}j^Zq—xz€ ‘I want to assure our numerous fans and supporters that we are not relenting in ensuring that we continue to put smiles ˜z^Â’~qj_^|xkq}€ ‘I want to assure that we are determined to record good results away and to ensure that we also take advantage of playing in front of our fans at home to make the best of the ˜››˜_Â’[zjÂ’jq}€ ‘Although the league is still young but we are poised to ensuring that we continue to do well in all of our engagements and by the grace of God we believe that at the end of the day we will have something to celebrate,’ Anyansi qzÂ’~[}q{€^^

LMC suspends nine stadia from hosting league matches


ollowing reports of the various teams that assessed stadium facilities during the three weeks break of the Glo Premier League, nine of the 20 clubs have had their home grounds placed on suspension by the League Management Â˜ÂŚÂ›xzÂŞ^Âą ²Â€^ ~q^ clubs have thus been directed to choose alternative home grounds from Match Day 12, while Â’~qÂŞ^ Âł^Â’~q^›_˜Z\qÂŚ}^ recorded against their ›\xÂŞjz—^Â’[_|€ Salihu Abubakar, the LMC Chief Operating 6kq_^}xj{^Â’~q^{qkj}j˜z}^ were reached at the recent LMC Board meeting in Abuja which amongst other deliberations assessed the reports as it concerned the state of Â’~q^›\xÂŞjz—^›jÂ’k~q}€^ ~q^ LMC Board also gave the clubs a deadline of 45 days to work on other aspects of the facilities that were found to be below _qÂľ[j_qÂŚqz’€ Abubakar said the _q›˜_Â’}^¨q_q^k\x}}j q{^jz^ three parts; grounds that had approval, grounds with minor problems for which the club has been


So far so good for Kaduna Utd –Lawal


utility player, there is nothing to worry about so far in respect of their quest for a return to the elite \qx—[q^zq³’^}qx}˜z€^ Â’^ is recalled that Kaduna United were relegated at the end of 2013/14 Nigeria Professional Football League along with other teams like qÂŚZq^ jÂ’ÂŞ^ ^qÂ’k€ Lawal stated his mind in a chat with Newswatch Times

he immediate past General Manager of Kaduna United FC and the current Chairman of the Â’qk~zjkx\^kÂ˜ÂŚÂŚj2qq^ of the club, Garuba Lawal has expressed {q\j—~Â’^jz^Â’~q^q7˜_Â’^ of his team at the ongoing 2014/15 Nigeria National qx—[q^}qx}˜z€ According to the former national team

League Watch during Â’~q^¨qq]€ š q\\^}˜^|x_ÂĄ^}˜^—˜˜{€^ We are doing well at the moment and we intend to continue in that direction,’ Lawal Zq—xz€ ‘We won our last home game against Jigawa Golden Stars and we are looking forward to doing well in our subsequent game either home or x¨xÂŞÂĄÂş^ x¨x\^}xj{€

Enyimba take battle toWikki


s the Nigerian Professional Football League resumes this weekend after a three week break, two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba is to take their title ambition to the Bauchi where they will be welcomed by Wikki Tourist € This encounter is not going to be easy for both sides as they trade tackles for the maximum points at }’x]q€^ Enyimba who are occupying the third position with 18 point after week 10 games will be aiming

Asamoah admits Glo Premier League is tough


olphins of Port Harcourt’s Ghana import, Godbless }xÂŚÂ˜x~^~x}^x{ÂŚj2q{^ that it is not easy to play in the Glo sponsored Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) after ensuring that Dolphins shared the spoils with arch rivals, Sharks FC of Port Harcourt in a local derby \x}Â’^ [z{xª€ The hardworking striker made his second appearance for Dolphins after featuring as a second half substitute in their Match Day 10 draw at FC x_xZx€ Although the point earned in the 1-1 draw barely improved his side’s position on the Glo Premier League table as Dolphins still hover just above the drop zone, the former Medeama SC of Ghana star was still delighted for what could be a springboard to a }[kkq}}|[\^kx_qq_^jz^ j—q_jx€

“I thank God for this —˜x\€^ ˜[^]z˜¨^¨q^~x q^ a good team here and I’ve been working hard to get a chance, now this should encourage me to play more and do well,â€? he began in ~j}^k_j}›^ ~xzxjxz^xkkqz’€ “Though I would have been happier if we had won this game but since we almost lost, I am still happy that I was the one Â’~xÂ’^_q}k[q{^Â’~q^Â’qxŒ€^ q^

have not been having good results but I hope this will ~q\›^˜[_^Â’qxŒ€¼ Born on June 15, the goal came on the eve of Asamoah’s birth date and the striker was excited, noting that he always get such “birthday presentsâ€? x_˜[z{^~j}^Zj_Â’~^{xÂ’q€ “Monday was my birthday so I prayed to God that he should give me my Zj_Â’~{xÂŞ^›_q}qz’€^  q_ÂŞ^

—j qz^˜zq^¨qq]^’˜^ Âł^xz{^ the third are grounds with extensive problems for which the clubs have been x}]q{^’˜^ Âł^¨jÂ’~jz^Â’¨Â˜^ ¨qq]}€ Those granted full approval to host matches include Enyimba International Stadium, Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, Liberation Stadium, Oghara Township Stadium and Warri Township Â’x{j[Œ€^ Â’~q_}^x_q^ xzj^ Abacha Stadium, Akure Township Stadium, Aper Aku Stadium, Lekan Salami Stadium and Ilorin ˜¨z}~j›^ Â’x{j[Œ€ Four clubs were directed ’˜^q7qkÂ’^ÂŚjz˜_^_q›xj_}^˜z^ their pitches for which another round of inspection would be carried out on the club’s invitation after xÂ’k~^ xÂŞ^Âœ¡Â€^

time I celebrate, I always get it, even when I was playing for the local Black Stars against Ivory Coast, I }k˜_q{^’˜˜€^

to ensure that they secure a good result at the end of hostilities as they are determined to have a short once more on the league shield at the end of the }qx}˜z€ However, the hosts, Wikki will also be aiming to make good use of home advantage as they will be playing in front of thousands of their }[››˜_’q_}€ On paper, this match can easily go to Enyimba considering their pedigree in the Nigeria Premier League but like they say, football is not mathematics and therefore, it is not over until j’^j}^˜ q_€

LEAGUE TABLE Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

M P Giwa 11 Sunshine 11 Enyimba 11 El Kanemi 10 Pillars 9 Wikki 11 Ifeanyi Uba 11 Abia s 11 Heartland 9 Nasarawa 11 Kwara 10 Wolves 6 Taraba 11 Rangers 11 Akwa 11 Dolphins 10 Bayelsa 11 Sharks 11 Lobi 11 Shooting 9

W 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 2

D 5 2 4 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 5 2 2 4 4 6 6 2

L 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 5 4 4 4 2 4 6 6 4 5 4 4 5

F 13 16 11 11 11 13 13 13 16 11 9 11 12 12 5 10 7 10 6 8

A 6 10 8 10 6 10 10 14 11 13 11 6 14 15 11 12 14 14 13 10

D +7 +6 +3 +1 +5 +3 +3 -1 +5 -2 -2 +5 -2 -3 -6 -2 -7 -4 -7 -2

P 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 16 15 15 14 12 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 8


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Fabregas enjoys deserved break with partner Y Z[\]^ _` Z`\{|^} ^_{ |{ ,~| \ €| } '\{|‚ƒƒ\ Z‚„\\{


esc Fabregas deserves a break after enjoying a successful debut season with Chelsea where he helped the Blues secure ’~qj_^ _}’^ _qŒjq_^ qx—[q^’j’\q^jz^  q^ years. Deservedly so, Fabregas is currently kicking back in popular Spanish destination Ibiza with pregnant partner Daniella Semaan and he has

posted an Instagram snap to prove it. Fabregas completed a shock £30million switch from Barcelona last summer, scoring three goals and notching 18 assists in 34 appearances for Jose Mourinho’s side. But his summer has only just started after returning from international duty with Spain where he produced two impressive

performances. The former Arsenal star bagged a goal and an assist as Spain defeated Costa Rica 2-1 in a friendly earlier this ÂŚÂ˜zÂ’~^Zq|˜_q^}q2jz—^[›^ David Silva’s winner in a 1-0 win over Belarus three days later. After an enjoyable but tiring season, Fabregas made the most of the Ibiza sun as he enjoyed a romantic smooth with his partner.

Fellaini enjoys Miami holiday with twin brother Mansour Y \ƒ„[^  }†‚‚ ‡‚\†^ \ˆ ‚† &}‚ƒ^‚\ ‰\` \|{ Š_|  }‚ {\ |[{\ƒ  ‚\„

Ozil in no mood to pose for pictures


unners star }›˜2q{^\qx jz—^^ Los Angeles nightclub with two blondes Arsenal playmaker Mesut Ozil took to Insatgram on Sunday to proclaim it was time for a few weeks of relaxation following the end-ofseason internationals. And the German ÂŚj{ q\{q_^¨x}Â’q{^\j2\q^ Â’jÂŚq^jz^\q2jz—^~j}^~xj_^ down as he was pictured leaving a Los Angeles nightclub with two blondes on Monday night. The Gunners’ record signing was in no mood to pose for the camera though as he made his getaway from Hooray Henry’s in Hollywood. Âźj\^x2qŒ›’q{^’˜^~j{q^ his identity and was seen covering his face with his red hooded top as he climbed into the vehicle. The former Real Madrid

ÂŚj{ q\{q_^’˜˜]^~j}^}qxÂ’^jz^ the front alongside a male companion while the two women sat in the back. World Cup winner Ozil reportedly split from exgirlfriend Mandy Capristo last year following accusations that he had an

x7xj_€ The 26-year-old, who cost the Gunners ÂŁ42.5million in the summer of 2013, was in action for Germany as they beat Gibraltar 7-0 in x^ [_˜^¡žÂœÂż^Âľ[x\j q_^˜z^ Saturday.

Adebayor flashes ÂŁ250,000 Rolls Royce Ghost Y \ˆ ‚† ‰\^ |{ÂŒ Â?[_~ [Ž‚† Â?[ÂŒ[ ‰\†‚‚† ˆ[ƒƒ[€|{ÂŒ ‰\` \|{‰‡ †‚‘‚‰ |[{


mmanuel Adebayor had a smile back on his face on Wednesday as he posed alongside

his personalised Rolls Royce Ghost - which costs at least ÂŁ250,000 - with Nigerian musician Wizkid.

Last week, Adebayor hit out at Togo ÂŚxzx—q_^ Â˜ÂŚ^ xjzÂ’ qÂ’^ when he revoked the striker’s captaincy on the morning of their opening Africa Cup ˜|^ xÂ’j˜z}^Âľ[x\j q_^ against Liberia after he reported late for the squad’s match preparations. The 31-year-old scored an 87th minute winner in the match on Sunday as the Sparrow Hawks emerged 2-1 victors to go joint top behind Group A leaders Tunisia, who ~x q^x^Zq2q_^—˜x\^ {j7q_qzkq^x|Â’q_^˜zq^ game


to be told by a hotel doorman that the Belgian was not playing. Mourinho planned for Kurt Zouma to man mark Fellaini - with teenager Ruben LoftusCheek playing the 6ft 4in

Œj{ q\{q_^jz^’_xjzjz—€ But he feared his tactical master plan was set to be for nothing when he was told that the United powerhouse was not playing by the doorman at the club’s hotel.


Lampard, 36, who is Chelsea’s all-time leading goal scorer with 211, spent last season on loan at Manchester City but is leaving to play Major League Soccer for City later in July. Ahead of his move to the Big Apple, Lampard and xzkqq^ ~_j}’jzq^ \qx]\qª^ were given a farewell by his

sister-in-law to be where they were treated to a delicious-looking chocolate cake. Lampard wrote on his Facebook page: ‘Thanks for a lovely goodbye and good luck cake from my sister in law to be!’ The former Chelsea star recently expressed his ‘extreme pride’ at being awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. ‘I am delighted to receive this huge honour,’ said Lampard, who won 106 England caps. ‘I feel very fortunate to have had such a long and |[\ \\jz—^kx_qq_^jz^|˜˜’Zx\\€^ This is an extremely proud moment for myself and my family.’ Lampard has been honoured for services to football after an English football career which began at West Ham and ended at City. He joined Chelsea in 2001 for ÂŁ11million and made 429 appearances for the Blues over 13 years. He helped Chelsea secure a league and FA Cup Double in 2009-10 scoring 22 league goals from ÂŚj{ q\{^xz{^k˜zÂ’_jZ[Â’jz—^ 17 league assists.

e’s been riding on a crest of a wave following a relatively successful second season at Manchester United and Marouane Fellaini has taken the expression literally during his summer holidays. ~q^ÂŚj{ q\{q_^¨x}^ pictured on top of a jet ski in Miami as he enjoyed the warm weather across the Atlantic. Fellaini is currently on vacation with his twin brother Mansour and the duo stood out on the beach with their iconic afros. Following his side’s 1-0 win over Manchester United on April 18, Jose Mourinho revealed he prepared his Chelsea players to deal with the threat of Marouane Fellaini all week – only rank Lampard given good luck cake as Chelsea legend prepares to join New York City The goodbyes for Frank Lampard have begun as the former England international prepares to make the move across the pond to join New York City FC.

Farewell Lamps!


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sports/News ÂŞÂ˜[^\˜˜]^xÂ’^jÂ’^|_Â˜ÂŚÂĄ^jÂ’^j}^x^ delicate issue that must he last has not been Zq^kx_q|[\\ÂŞ^~xz{\q{^¨jÂ’~^ heard regarding maturity by both sides. Nigeria Football “We are just coming out Federation (NFF’s) query |_Â˜ÂŚ^\˜z—^{_x¨z^k_j}j}^ to Super Eagles captain, Â’~xÂ’^qz—[\|q{^x\\^|xkqÂ’}^˜|^ Vincent Enyeama, on his ˜[_^|˜˜’Zx\\^}~˜_Â’\ÂŞ^x|Â’q_^ [2q_xzkq}^˜ q_^Â’~q^}x|qÂ’ÂŞ^ the last World Cup held ˜|^ x{[zx^x}^~˜}Â’^˜|^\x}Â’^ jz^ _xÂźj\€^ ˜[^x_q^x\}˜^ ¨qq]Âş}^ ^Âľ[x\j q_^ aware that we are trying against Chad. ZÂŞ^x\\^ÂŚqxz}^’˜^xk~jq q^ Enyeama allegedly tore suitability and there has up the query, and this is Zqqz^|_x—j\q^›qxkq^xz{^z˜¨^ said to be causing ripples Â’~j}€^ Â’^_qx\\ÂŞ^|_j—~Â’qz}^ÂŚqÂĄ^ ^ xÂŚÂ˜z—}Â’^Â’~q^qÂłqk[Â’j q^ ÂŚ[}Â’^k˜z|q}}ÂĄÂĽ kÂ˜ÂŚÂŚj2qq^ÂŚqÂŚZq_}^˜|^ According to him, in as NFF. much as I don’t support A top source at the Enyeama’s purported Football House told action on the constituted Newswatch Times Sports x[Â’~˜_jÂ’ÂŞÂĄ^~˜¨q q_^Â’~q_q^ that the decision to query }~˜[\{^~x q^Zqqz^—_qxÂ’q_^ Â’~q^ j\\q^˜|^ _xzkq^—˜x\jq^ understanding that would ¨x}^z˜’^k˜\\qkÂ’j q\ÂŞ^Â’x]qz^ lead to amicable ways because the player has to trash out this instead qx_\jq_^x›˜\˜—jÂźq{^˜ q_^~j}^ Â’~q^]jz{^˜|^{jÂŚqz}j˜z^^ comments and as such, it is assuming now. It }~˜[\{^Zq^|˜_—j qz€ is true that nobody is ~q^x[Â’~˜_jÂ’xÂ’j q^jz}j{q_^ jz{j}›qz}jZ\q^jz^xzÂŞ^—j q^ |[_Â’~q_^x\\q—q{^Â’~xÂ’^Â’~qj_^ set up but we need a xkÂ’j˜z^kxz^}x|q\ÂŞ^Zq^\j]qzq{^ ÂŚj³’[_q^˜|^q³›q_jqzkq^xz{^ ’˜^Â’~q^|xkÂ’^Â’~xÂ’^Â’~˜}q^Zq~jz{^ young to rebuild this team, Â’~q^}xj{^Âľ[q_ÂŞ^}x—x^~x q^ the source adds. }k˜_q}^’˜^}q2\q}^¨jÂ’~^Â’~q^ It would be recalled that lad and it is not in the best Enyeama ignored NFF jzÂ’q_q}Â’^˜|^¨~xÂ’^Â’~q^›_q}qzÂ’^ query which has set him Z˜x_{^¨xzÂ’}^’˜^xk~jq q^jz^ in head collusion with the the game. \qx{q_}~j›^˜|^Â’~q^Z˜{ª€^ Â’^ “I pray that it would not has led to the Football body ›_˜ q^k˜[zÂ’q_›_˜{[kÂ’j q^ ’˜^ Â˜¨^Â’~xÂ’^Â’~q^—˜x\]qq›q_^ xÂ’^Â’~q^qz{^˜|^Â’~q^{xª€^ ˜[^ ÂŚ[}Â’^Zq^›[zj}~q{^|˜_^~j}^ }qqÂĄ^|_Â˜ÂŚ^¨~jk~q q_^xz—\q^ misdeeds. Victor Enyinnaya


Enyeama’s query causes rift in NFF

Ogbomosho agog for Amos Adamu Olape reigns at millionaire soccer tourney Chess festival


jÂ’ÂŞ^˜|^ Ogbomosho, in Oyo State, is set to play host to this year’s q{jÂ’j˜z^˜|^Â’~q^xzz[x\^ Dr. Amos Adamu Football Competition, the organizers ~x q^k˜z _ÂŚq{^’˜^ Newswatch Times sports. This year’s competition will be organized by Istijabah Football Organisation (IFO). A release issued by the organising kÂ˜ÂŚÂŚj2qq^}Â’xÂ’q{^

that the competition is {q}j—zq{^’˜^{j}k˜ q_^ young talents and encourage them to build their career in |˜˜’Zx\\€ According to IFO Chairman, Alhaji Sanni Abdul Akeem, interested teams are expected to call žĂŠžĂ‹Ă‹ĂŒĂŠĂ?¡ĂŒĂŒ^|˜_^|[_Â’~q_^ details. ĂŽ xk~^Âľ[x_Â’q_^ zx\j}Â’^ at the tournament will collect a brand new }qÂ’^˜|^Æq_}qÂŞ}^¨~j\q^Â’~q^ zx\j}Â’}^¨Â˜[\{^—˜^~Â˜ÂŚq^ ¨jÂ’~^ÂŚÂ˜_q^x2_xkÂ’j q^

›_jÂźq}ÂĄÂĽ^ Z{[\^ ]qqÂŚ^ {j}k\˜}q{^|[_Â’~q_€ ^ÂŚqÂŚZq_^˜|^ Âş}^ Âłqk[Â’j q^ Â˜ÂŚÂŚj2qq^ between 2006 and 2010, Dr. Amos {xÂŚ[^}q_ q{^x}^ j_qk’˜_^ qzq_x\^˜|^ the National Sports Commission NSC) |˜_^Âœž^ÂŞqx_}^Zq|˜_q^ being redeployed in ˜ qÂŚZq_^¡žžĂŠÂ€^ Prior to his appointment as Director General, Adamu was the j_qk’˜_^˜|^ ›˜_Â’}^˜|^ Â’~q^ÂŚjzj}Â’_ÂŞ^|˜_^Âœž^ years.



nternational Master Bunmi Olape, in the ÂŚj}Â’^˜|^Zq}Â’^›\xÂŞq_}^jz^ the country, has emerged x}^Â’~q^¨jzzq_^˜|^Â’~q^ÂŚxj{qz^ j\\j˜zxj_q^ ~q}}^ q}Â’j x\^ that was rounded up in Lagos on Monday. \x›qÂĄ^x^ qÂ’q_xz^˜|^ }q q_x\^jzÂ’q_zxÂ’j˜zx\^k~q}}^ ’˜[_zxÂŚqzÂ’}ÂĄ^|˜_^Â’~j}^|qxÂ’ÂĄ^ the prodigy has won an all expense paid trip to Las Vegas, USA in October 2015. jÂ’~^x^’˜’x\^˜|^Ă…Âœ¥žžž¥žžž^ in prizes, it is the higheststakes open chess tournament in history. ~q^}qk˜z{^q{jÂ’j˜z^˜|^ the Millionaire Chess is }k~q{[\q{^’˜^kÂ˜ÂŚq^[›^|_Â˜ÂŚ^ 8-12 October, 2015 in Las Vegas, USA. ~q^ jk’˜_ÂŞ^˜|^ \x›q^xÂ’^ the Lagos tournament was x}}[_q{^|˜\\˜¨jz—^x^ÂŚxĂ†Â˜_^ }qÂ’Zxk]^ZÂŞ^jz|˜_ÂŚ^ [—qzq^ ¨xzx^jz^~j}^ zx\^—xÂŚq^ ˜|^Â’~q^q qzÂ’^¨~qz^ÂŚx{q^ a blunder against Lapite Oluwadurotimi. It was \x›q^Â’~xÂ’^›_˜ Â’q{^|_Â˜ÂŚ^ this game has he secured a win against Femi Adeshina ’˜^\q q\^˜z^}q qz^›˜jzÂ’}^ with Lapite. z^Â’~q^›\xÂŞÂ˜7ÂĄ^¨~jk~^ ¨x}^Z\jÇ^xz^qÂľ[j x\qzÂ’^ ˜|^›qzx\Â’ÂŞ^}~˜˜’^˜[Â’^jz^ |˜˜’Zx\\ÂĄ^Z˜’~^›\xÂŞq_}^{_q¨^ Â’~q^ _}Â’^—xÂŚq^Z[Â’^ \x›q^ ¨Â˜z^Â’~q^_q q_}q{^—xÂŚq^ to earn the Las Vegas Millionaire tournament ticket. “I am delighted to be Zxk]^’˜^|˜_ÂŚ^xz{^_qx{ÂŞ^’˜^ dominate the national chess scene again. It was not an qx}ÂŞ^Â’x}]^|˜_^ÂŚq^Zqkx[}q^ I started badly in the

Chess President

opening rounds but happy to return into wining way. “To all my opponents, I say a big thank you because ¨jÂ’~˜[Â’^Â’~q^}Â’j7^˜››˜}jÂ’j˜zÂĄ^ ^¨Â˜[\{^z˜’^~x q^Z_˜[—~Â’^ Â’~q^Zq}Â’^˜[Â’^˜|^ÂŚqÂĄÂĽ^q\xÂ’q{^ \x›q^_q}›˜z{q{^x|Â’q_^Â’~q^ zx\^—xÂŚq€

˜¨q q_ÂĄ^ÂŚxzÂŞ^k~q}}^ pundits were pained that the new sensation on the scene, Uwana could not ¨jz^Â’~q^|q}Â’j x\^jz^}›jÂ’q^˜|^ his brilliant outings in all recent tournaments. The young prodigy just needed to win the his last game against Lapite to win the tournament but blundered to a lost xz{^—x q^~j}^˜››˜zqzÂ’^

the chance to go into play ˜7^x—xjz}Â’^Â’~q^q qzÂ’[x\^ winner, Olape. In all 170 players ›x_Â’jkj›xÂ’q{^jz^{j7q_qzÂ’^ kxÂ’q—˜_ÂŞ^˜|^›\xÂŞ^jz^ĂˆĂ‰{xÂŞ^ tournament held at the ~q _˜z^  qzÂ’^ qzÂ’_qÂĄ^ Gbagada, Lagos. ~q^ _q}j{qzÂ’^˜|^ Nigeria Chess Federation (NCF), Mr. Lekan Adeyemi, commended the Millionaire Chess company that promotes chess and organises global chess tournaments. The organisation conducted Â’~q^ _}Â’^ j\\j˜zxj_q^ ~q}}^ Open tournament which was held in Las Vegas, USA last year.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015


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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 34

Saturday, June 20, 2015

My h u s b m a n a d n E va n i i s n t gelis t h h e t Eb e b w e inim s o t r i Og l d ir i

Celebrating women of substance

Tips to loving relation ship

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

imi Ogiri in b E t s li e g n a – Ev


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ge. career and marria

! " # $ # "! "" % " & My name is Evangelist Mrs Ebi Ogiri. I am a native of Bayelsa by birth and River State by marriage. I’m in my mid 40’s and by the special grace of God; I’m a mother of six children, four single births and a set of twins. ' () ) ") ! % * ! % ) % +, ! $ & Actually I will call it rendering service to humanity which has always been part of me even as a child. I would buy things and share to people without knowing what it meant. As I grew up, the interest increased and I became determined to help the less privileged which is now part of me. So what I did basically was to teach those women skills and trade, just to earn extra income so they can use it to assist themselves and family. Widows are specially

assisted because they suffer a lot of loneliness and lack, and I give them soft loans which can be used to trade or make a living. Occasionally, I donate food stuff to their families. / ! ! % % ) & months ago and even though it’s been ongoing. Like I said, I have always been involved in women on NGO started less than three months ago. It started in more than 1,000 women were trained and empowered. And these women were trained in vocations like catering, tailoring, bead making, hat making, make-up and tying of head-gear. They were also trained on chemical-based productions like how to make insecticide, body spray and so on. Why we

picked these areas of training was because I have looked at the society and I just wanted something that will not just involve ordinary training, but what they could also make income from. At the end of the day, you see them looking so happy with that con ! own to save themselves and their children. 0% ! % %# %"" , #% %"" %# ) & " # lot of people need assistance. Now, if you want to start giving them money, how many can we reach? Like I said, I always have special interest in widows because most are often neglected by their husband’s family, friends and loved ones. The widows have

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015 the responsibility to take care of the children, and some of them, the moment their husband dies, that is the end of the education of their children. So people like this should be motivated in the society. We always say children are the leaders of tomorrow and if these children are not well taken care of, just imagine how the country will be like in future. Basically that is my drive, just to put smiles on people’s faces. Since the inception of this initiative in Lagos, how many women have you trained? Since the inception in March 2015, we’ve trained over 1,000 women and many of them are empowered more with their equipment of trade. Like I told you earlier, they were segmented into different classes depending on their interest. When they come, we ask them what they would like to learn; we don’t impose anything on anybody because it is what you have interest on that’s what you will learn. Some will want to learn catering, tailoring, and some will want to know how to bake cakes, how to cook national and intercontinental dishes and a lot more. You know the surprising thing, regardless of their age, you see them so dedicated to their work, you see them in their classes well seated and waiting for their instructors to come, and this is enough reason to inspire me to do more; it motivates me in wanting to give more to the

society. Since the inception, you have adopted 3,500 women and trained just 1,000, why? We trained only 1,000 because of lack of funds. The $ ! Ruby Gardens around Ikate in Lekki. We spent a lot of money engaging these women.


Your initiative has engaged in series of empowerment trainings, how do you get support? We get funds from companies, banks, through friends, and well-wishers. Remember it is a NonGovernmental Organization (NGO). What challenges do you think widows face most in this country? They face a lot of challenges. Number one is food. You know the basic needs of a man are food, clothing and security. I think these are the basics needs. Then some of them will want to give more to their children by sending them to school and to improve more on themselves. They face loneliness because they don’t really have people around them to motivate them. In fact a lot of them, the moment their husbands die, they just give up because they don’t have any hope that anything good can come out of them. Continued on page 28

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THE TEAM Published by

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I love my husband because he is loving and tolerant

tunde ESO Correspondent

qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, June 20, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

I devote 70 percent of my time to family and 30 percent to work

My husband is the best man in the world From my own assessment, one thing I think we should get right is that widows are part of the population that are really neglected. Some of them are neglected by families and even loved ones. I have a case where one of my students who is a widow was in a situation where her husband’s family took away the children from her and refused to allow her see them. They made her look like she was a witch and the children were scared of her. They have said so many things to the children that whenever they saw their mom, they ran away. So just imagine the agony such a woman will be going through. You said widows are often neglected after the death of their husbands, how do you think this can be addressed in the society? Well, it starts from the family of the husband and the inability to accept somebody that is not a member of their family, forgetting that anybody that is married to a family has automatically become a member of the family. Also, I think families should also ensure widows and their children are well taken care of. After the training programmes, what

are the plans put in place to make trainees self -reliant? A lot of them are given equipments. The ones in the catering department were given ovens and gas cookers. Also, the ones in tailoring department were given sewing machines. The women in the hat making department were given materials they can use to start a trade. Those in make-up and head tie were given make up boxes, brushes and lots more. All these may not be too big, but at least, they can start up something. Can you share some of the most touching cases that you have handled since you set up your NGO? I just mentioned one who has about whenever they see her because of what family members have deposited in their minds. Also, there is a case of a girl who is about 22 years and is a widow with a 4 month old baby. According to her, she went into labour when she got the news of the death of her husband. So she actually gave birth a day after the death of her husband. In what ways do you think government and private sectors can participate and

support? The government can assist by providing more empowerment centres where widows can go and learn a trade or probably get educated in any area of their choice. Also, for NGOs like us that are so determined in reaching out At least if we cannot cover all the widows in Nigeria, we try our best in growing and making sure that most of them are really touched. Now that you have covered Lagos and Rivers, are you looking beyond these two states? Of course we intend to get to every widow. In fact, that is our goal: Reaching out to every widow in Nigeria. We are not going to limit ourselves to Lagos and Rivers States. The next state is Bayelsa; from there we will go to the North, because initially we were thinking of reaching out to every geographical zone in Nigeria. Do you have another area of interest apart from widows? Yes! We cover other areas like the less privileged, the children who I have special interest on and also the youth. I give scholarships yearly to orphans

! have the potentials to excel in their academics. We fund their needs from primary to university level, and most of them are doing extremely well today. How do you meet the people that you assist? I don’t have special ways of meeting them. When I go out to the market, I see some of them; I go to church, they are there, and they are just all around the society. If you look closer, you would see at least one or two people that need assistance. I also tell the widows that they should come with a widow the next time, and the news spreads and before you know it, every How do you combine your busy schedule with your marriage? This is possible because my husband is very understanding. I seek permission to do all these works from him. The time for my family is different from the time for my philanthropic works. There is no area that is lacking, as I devote 70 percent of my time to my family and 30 percent to my work, unlike some women who do the opposite. So, does your husband support your philanthropic works? Yes, he is one of the sponsors of my works. How will you describe your husband? He is the best man in the world. He is very nice, kind, loving, caring, tolerant, patient and a giver. Any marriage advice to young ladies You must be submissive, honest, faithful and patient. You must also be hard working to become a virtuous woman. You must be respectful to your husband, children and the society at large. Can you tell us about your marriage? My marriage is one of the best and successful marriages in the world, because of the understanding of my husband and children. We work together as a team. My husband is one of our sponsors.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Five minutes with... Tamilore Ojo Martins is one of the wave making actresses currently rocking Yoruba movie industry, especially the movie scene in Ibadan. She got into acting few years ago, but has been able to carve a niche for herself. The sexy actress spoke with AJIBADE ALABI on many issues. Excerpts:

e m s e k a m x d e “ Se x a l e r d n a s n i co o l t r a O jo M e r o l i m a -T


ell me about your new movie? It’s about a lady that was used for money rituals. Any man that has anything to do with her will experience poverty, no matter how rich the person may be. The lady has to die to save her sister from being used by the same person that used her. It is titled Aida. What prompted the storyline? It is prompted by what is happening in the society. Some guys are ready to sleep with anything in skirts. But as one Yoruba adage says, “Ohun to wa l’ eyin eefa ju eje lo”, That is, what is behind six is much more than seven. Men should be very careful and stop sleeping with every lady they see. Is it a true life story? Yes. I am shooting the movie to teach all promiscuous men some lessons. It happened in Badagry, but I don’t know the man in question. He was unable to survive it. Can you take us through your journey into acting? I first came into the industry in 2007. I left and later came back fully in 2010 under Laide Olobe’s group.” Why did you leave? I left because I couldn’t cope with my job then. What were you doing? I was a journalist then with the Nigerian Tribune. Why did you leave? Journalism is a very tasking job that requires full attention on its own. Acting also is the same. I found it difficult then to combine both together and I had to leave one for the other. Between the two professions, which one are you happy doing the most? I am happy with the one I am doing presently. Why acting? I chose acting because I have a passion for it. More so, acting is in my blood. My mum was once an actress with late Duro Ladipo’s theatre group. You are such a beautiful lady, why are you still single? I don’t want to talk about it please. There is so much abuse of sex in the movie industry, what’s your view about the word “sex” and sex before marriage? Sex is a normal thing between two adults and it’s biblical that we should be having it with our loved ones before we have babies. Sex to me is something I do with someone I love only. It is something I love doing because I know I’m very good at it. I’m not someone that will shy away from reality, so I will tell you my mind. It is something you are good at doing, can you talk more on that? Yes I can say I’m perfect in love making, but don’t forget I said I love doing it with someone I love only. Sex is spiritual. As long as my partner wants it, I give it to him. Which means if your partner asks for marathon daily, you won’t hesitate? Yes. How do you feel if you don’t have it in a week? Get me right please, I’m not an addict. Sometimes I don’t have sex for months, but when I want to have it, I make sure I do it wholeheartedly. Why do you love sex? I love it because it makes me feel cool and relaxed. I could as well relax without having sex, but sex cools the mind. What drives me crazy in the process depends on the way my man handles me. Honestly, what turns me crazy is the way my man responds to sex.

So how do you know when you are in love? I don’t easily fall in love, but when I find out I can do crazy things for a man, that is when I know I’m in love with the person. You were romantically linked with Oyo State Governor Ajimobi, how true is that? That is not true. It’s just a speculation; he only showered encomium on me. I was given an award by Oyo state government for a job well done and some journalists used the avenue to start speculating false reports.

30 Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 ways to make him crazy about you Tunde Eso 08057482794


othing is better than being in a relationship where the guy is head over heels in love. If you want to make a guy crazy about you, it only takes a little bit of patience. The following steps will make it easy for him to fall completely in love with you. Wear perfume or a specific scent In the past, researchers have performed studies that have shown that scent is one of the most powerful memories. Even when we cannot remember where we smelled a scent, we recall smelling it in the past. It may sound superficial, but picking a specific scent can make guys fall head over heels for you. Choose a flirty perfume and dab a little on the wrists. Before long, he will associate that smell with being around you. Be involved with his friends and family If your friends hated the guy, it would make you question your relationship. The same thing goes for your date. Guys are loyal to their close friends and family. Learn how to get along with his friends and ask genuine questions about his family. If you honestly care about his close connections, he will be crazy about you. Enjoy your life It may not seem relevant, but enjoying your life is attractive. No one wants to spend time with a downer. If you are constantly depressed, it will only drive him away. Someone who is confident and loves their life is attractive. Learn how to enjoy your life and your guy will fall head over heels for you. Be independent Men tend to be turned off by girls with low selfesteem or a clingy nature. Be independent and show that you can get by on your own. Your independence is attractive and a sure fire way to keep his interest. Stay beautiful What is on the inside may matter most, but your personality was not the first thing he noticed. Even though we like to think that looks do not matter, the truth is that they matter greatly. In long-term relationships and marriages, it is easy to let your looks slip. Whatever you did to attract him originally, you should keep doing. Whether it was curly hair or a natural look, that style is what attracted him to you. When we fall in love, it is far too easy to become wrapped up and excessively clingy. You may want to spend all of your time with him, but constantly sticking to him will only push him away. A little absence will make the heart grow fonder. When he needs space, let him have it. By knowing when to be close and when to stay away, you will make him go crazy for you. Jealousy Jealousy is one of the worst things anyone can do in a relationship. Some ladies try to flirt with other guys or spend all their time with friends in an effort to make their love interest jealous. In some relationships, this may work. For most relationships, a delicate balance of together time and friend time will serve best. You want to give him enough time to miss you and not so much time that it makes him jealous. If you have already made it official and are going out, flirting with others should be stringently avoided.

Don’t be afraid to be unique No two people are exactly the same and there is no reason you should try to be. You have unique qualities and you should let them shine. These attributes set you apart and are attractive to your significant other. Don’t be afraid to let your individualism and unusual traits out. Learn to listen If you want to catch your crush, you have to listen. Everyone likes to feel like someone cares and wants to pay attention to them. The best way to show that you care is to listen to what he says. Guys like it when the girl they care about cares about them too. Instead of always talking about your own passions and interests, let him speak his mind. He may not always be as vocal with his feelings, but he will open up eventually. Be yourself You have to be yourself. If you are pretending to have different qualities or attributes, your guy will be falling for a lady that is not you. Over a few weeks or months, he will discover that what he is dating is a fraud. Likewise, a guy who is not interested in who you are at the start is not a person that you will end up spending your life with. You need to find a guy who likes you for who you are. Make sure to be yourself and he will be crazy for you. Stick to these ten tips and you are sure to make your crush fall head over heels. Be yourself and be involved in his life. If he thinks you care about his life, he will love you for it.

Newswatch Times, Saturday June 20, 2015


frican icon and actress Omotola was a special guest in Kinshasa with her team ready to makers. Omotola also rocked some ! " drooling and showering her with compliments.


When Omotola dazzled with her stunning outfits


( " x old last week and kicked off ages of her with fans and followers on her social media accounts. It will be recalled that the age of the ^ Q " she is older than the age she claims, while some also say she is younger than the age she claims.


How Halimat celebrated her birthday

his was precisely what Kenyan socialite and model, Corazon Kwamboka posted on her Instagram page and we were completely shocked until we read further and took a look at the picture she posted.


Celebrity model, Corazon having Japanese s* x


op actress, Mide Martins, has developed a thick skin to negative stories that have been written about her in the media since she got married to a movie director in the Yoruba film industry, Afee Owoh. Not many people had expected the pretty lady to settle for Owoh as husband because he was well older than her. In fact, the man was her late mother’s manager. While alive, Afeez Owoh was also a close friend of Funmi Martins. But not too long ago, rumour had it that Mide had left her husband, but she came out to vehemently deny the speculations.

Mide Martins defends her choice of husband

ans of veteran actress, Bukky Wright, are not happy with her at the moment, same with fans of her son, Ojayy Wright, who became a musician recently. There is small drama happening between the ace actress and her son, and decided to bring their fight to the public. The budding artiste, Ojaay Wright, has been trying to get into the Nigerian music industry after graduating from school and signed a management deal with his mother’s company, Wright Media International. However, it was gathered that there are issues between them over the release of his new single Hello under her management. The drama ensued when Ojayy released the song online, but a few hours later, his mum asked the song to be pulled down because it was not approved. Feeling pained, Ojayy took to Twitter to expresses his frustration after apparently travelling to Texas to shoot a video for the single. His mother also replied his rants via twitter.“People will disappoint you sometimes, even the ones closest to you.


" < = going around as regards their family. Paul Okoye took the time to react to the rumours on behalf of the family. Read what he had to say on * / )<

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" > " families and stuff, but if it has to do with God and church‌ re on ur own‌.the thunder that will >> ?? @ J all.


Paul Okoye goes tough on rumour mongers

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" $ % & gwu, aka Afro-Candy, threw shades at the American singer and hip hop star, # % ' ( while, but because of weight, she had to wait a bit to shed some pounds only for her to see % ' )* for a while, but was waiting to lose weight before * " * " # % ' " * /

* was complaining about my weight and tummy, " " * " : *

the time. I guess I am gonna stop worrying and ; " *


Afro-Candy throws shades at Nicki Minaj, calls her copycat

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Bukky Wright and son at logger-head

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

( ( X q ] " ` ` Productions, has been announced as the opening x{ V * ZV* \ " @{ |{ $ ( $ }

( ! ! of a twenty-one year old Afro- hipster, who embarks ' ! " ~ ~ when it is threatened with closure. " "

" " ! bring them back to life again.


Ayanda opens Durban film festival

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* * * " a fellow celeb as well.

embarrassing moment with mom

ot too long ago, prolific female disc jockey and daughter of billionaire business business-man, Femi Otedola, Cuppy was officially dressed as a Tourism Ambassador for the Federal Republic’s ‘Fascinating Nigeria’ campaign. In doing her country p proud, the 21 year-old DJ attended the Financial Times Luxury Summit 2014 in Mexico to join some of the world’s most influential people in discussing the next 15 emerging to e economies of which Nigeria is one of them. Feelers from the trip disclosed that Cuppy fully : " and

N Savage reveals Tiwa




More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

Elenu and wife celebrate second wedding anniversary


omedian Elenu and wife Chinwe celebrated their second wedding anniversary during the week and shared this sweet message on Instagram. “Just like the sun light up the earth, you light up my Life. We started casually, became friends, then BFF, and then we became one on this very day two years ago. Now she’s ma back bone; that woman the bible refes to as virtuous cos she’s been building me and her home. Thanks baby for bringing sunshine into my life; it’s been an amazing two years with you and if I come back to life again, I will go to Obowo in Imo State and marry all over again. You are the best woman ever liveth. Love you to the moon and back.

omes c l e w e c n i r P D’ b a by b oy

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r, Hala o h c n a s NN new Popular Ceds colleague N Gorani w d Syrian-American, CN r

e ncho rench rais n-base d A o d n o L l a n 45, Internatio la G orani, a H t, n e d s p on NN a n d C or re lleague, C o c r e h d ie u ch a th marr ib. It was s e tr S n on June 14 a ti is nalist, C hr photojour e e ding! b eautiful w


Jennifer Lopez stuns in shorts as she takes her children out


he 45 year old singer and actress flaunted her hot body in a crop top and shorts as she took her 7 year old twins Max and Emme shopping for watches at a sports store in The Hamptons on New York’s Long Island last week.

Newswatch TImes, Saturday, June 20, 2015


FFashion Clutch purses for bridesmaids Qismat Yinus 08027022738


ccessories can make or break your outfit. From hats to shoes, it is important to strike the right balance with accessorizing; otherwise an outfit might simply turn out all wrong. One accessory in particular is important on both a function level and a fashion level: the clutch purse. A standard clutch purse holds some basic necessary items, including a driver’s license, credit cards, cash, and perhaps a cell phone. Here are some lovely clutch purses for bridesmaids.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015


– Iyabo Ojo


ho is Iyabo Ojo? Iyabo Ojo is from a family of three. I am from Ogun State, Itoko, to be precise and an actress. I have two younger siblings and the only girl. My father is late, while my mother, Mrs. Olubunmi, is still alive. She resides with me here while my brothers are based in the UK. I was born on Dec, 21, 1977. I am a graduate of Estate Management from Lagos State Polytechnic. I got married and have two kids - Festus and Pricilla. I became an actress in 1998, after I met Bimbo Akintola in 1997. She took me round the industry and was given an opportunity to show case my talent through Keppy Ekpeyong in

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, ‹]DqYj D [‰E ]YDj ˆ`]Y W† D ‡]“ XWX]Yj 6DXD†WZ 7\DX —D[ “q ‡ˆ[X time of ever facing a camera. In 1999, I got married and had my son and in 2001, I had the second baby, a female. In the same year in November/ December to be precise, I came back to the industry, but was told I had to travel to the East. As a Yoruba woman, I decided to pitch my XY†X —WX\ <`ˆ‰ED “`_WY[ 6` , \Dj X` [X‰jq X\YWˆ —Dq[ D†j Š`W†Yj $173 I also joined Odunfa Caucus where we have the likes of Alhaji Hassan 7DW—` 2^`^` $]\DŠW <W†¼D 4‰DjˆW $]\DŠW $EEYq /D†ˆY D[ X\Y ]YDjYˆ[ of the group. In 2002, I was very lucky to have featured in one of Yinka 4‰DjˆW¤[ ‡]“[ %DED 'DˆWŠW—`† D†j Y_Yˆ [W†ZY XW]] †`— , \D_Y EYY† DZX-



Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

CelebrityChat W†^ ,† , [XDˆXYj ‹ˆ`j‰ZW†^ “q “`_WY[ 7\Y ‡ˆ[X ‡]“ —D[ %`]‰XW”Y 7\YˆYD”XYˆ , \D_Y j`†Y %`”YE`ÂĽ` 2]`]‰”Y ([D† D†j 2¼‰†¼‰† EWˆWEWˆW One of your works, Arinso received a lot of commendation. What do you have to say on that? 0q ]DXY[X —`ÂˆÂĽ $ˆW†[` , ZD† [Dq W[ ”ˆ`“ *`j EYZD‰[Y X\Y ‡]“ ˆYD]]q ^D_Y “Y —\DX , —D†XYj W† D ‡]“ ,X —D[ X\Y ‡]“ X\DX —`† D† D—Dˆj DX X\Y $E‰ŠD )W]“ )Y[XW_D] :Y &` `‹YˆDXW_Y 3WZX‰ˆY[ [‹Y†X D ]`X `” “`†Yq X` “DÂĽY X\Y ‡]“ —\WZ\ , j`† X Y_Y† —D†X X` “Y†XW`† +D]” `” X\Y “`_WY —D[ [\`X W† *\D†D D†j , \Dj X` ÂŽq D]] “q DˆXW[XY[ D†j “Y“EYˆ[ `” X\Y ZˆY— X` *\D†D 6`“Y —Y†X X\YˆY Eq ˆ`Dj *\D†DWD†[ —YˆY ”`ˆZYj X` Z`†”Y[[ X\DX , D“ X\Y ‡ˆ[X ‹ˆ`j‰ZYˆ —\` \Dj Eˆ`‰^\X D ]`X `” ZˆY— D†j DˆXW[XY[ X` *\D†D X` [\``X D ‡]“ 7D]ÂĽW†^ DE`‰X q`‰ˆ 1*2 XY]] ‰[ “`ˆY DE`‰X WX :Y ŠÂ‰[X Z\D†^Yj X\Y †D“Y †`— WX W[ †` “`ˆY 3W†¼ 6Y§q /DjWY[ ,X D]] [XDˆXYj ]WÂĽY D Z\W]j¤[ ‹]Dq ,X W[ %% [X‰4 EYX—YY† ‰[ —\` DˆY ”ˆWY†j[ <`‰ [YY , \D_Y X\W[ ‹D[[W`† ”`ˆ ^W_W†^ `‰X :Y —D†X X` \Y]‹ X\Y ]Y[[ ‹ˆW_W ]Y^Yj Z\W]jˆY† Some people believe you are arrogant and picked on your quarrel with Lizzy Anjorin as a case; that you claimed to be older than her. Are you really arrogant as implied or is it a misconception about your character? , —D†X X` Z`ˆˆYZX X\W[ W“‹ˆY[[W`† ‹Y`‹]Y \D_Y DE`‰X “Y D†j /WÂŚÂŚq $†Š`ˆW† [X‰4 2‰ˆ ¨Â‰DˆˆY] W[ †`X `† [Y†W`ˆWXq WX —D[ D “W[Z`†ZY‹XW`† `” Z\DˆDZXYˆ ,X —D[ EY]WY_Yj X\DX , \D_Y D ‹ˆ`E]Y“ D†j X\DX ^Y†YˆDXYj X` D ]`X `” Z`†Xˆ`_Yˆ[q 7\YˆY W[ X\W[ _WY— , \Dj DE`‰X \Yˆ DE`‰X jW4YˆY†ZY W† Z\DˆDZXYˆ , j`†¤X —D†X X` EY Z]`[Y X` \Yˆ D†j X\DX ^Y†YˆDXYj D ]`X `” D†^Yˆ 1`X ZD]]W†^ “Y D† D‰†Xq `ˆ ZD]]W†^ `†Y D† D‰†Xq W[ †`X X\Y W[[‰Y ,† ”DZX , D“ `†Y `” X\`[Y W† X\Y W†j‰[Xˆq —\` j`Y[ †`X EY]WY_Y W† X\DX D‰†Xq [X‰4 7` “Y ˆY[‹YZX W[ ˆYZW‹ˆ`ZD] 2† X\Y W[[‰Y X\DX , D“ Dˆˆ`^D†X , EY]WY_Y `†]q X\`[Y —\` j`†¤X ¼†`— “Y —W]] X\W†¼ ]WÂĽY X\DX 7\D†¼ *`j q`‰ DˆY DX “q ‹]DZY ^ˆD†XW†^ X\W[ W†XYˆ_WY— , ¼†`— `” “D†q DZXˆY[[Y[ —\` —W]] †`X —D†X D Š`‰ˆ†D]W[X W† X\YWˆ \`‰[Y E‰X X\DX W[ †`X “Y , D“ j`—† X` YDˆX\ 7\Y ”DZX X\DX `†Y W[ ‹ˆW†ZW‹]Yj j`Y[ †`X “DÂĽY `†Y Dˆ ˆ`^D†X $†q—Dq ‹Y`‹]Y D]—Dq[ \D_Y jW4YˆY†X `‹W†W`†[ `† ‹Y`‹]Y D†j X\DX W[ —\q , j`†¤X ]W_Y “q ]W”Y ”`ˆ D†qE`jq , ]W_Y “q ]W”Y ”`ˆ “q[Y]” You have been romantically linked with Muka Ray. Tell us the true story; is there a romantic relationship between you? 0‰¼D 5Dq W[ D ”ˆWY†j D Eˆ`X\Yˆ D†j Z`]]YD^‰Y :Y DˆY E`X\ DˆXW[XY[ D†j

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



he knowledge and practise of good character traits is founded on how disciplined you are. Discipline is the practice of training of people to obey rules or a code of conduct or behaviour. Controlled behaviour resulting from such training as discipline, cant be over emphasized. The training usually involves techniques and rudiments for the skill, it can also be by rebuke or punishment for an offense. Discipline demands regular practice and instructions being taught, learnt and utilised. At keeping good habits and walking decisively away from bad ones. Doing the right things at the appropriate time in the right manner. Never under, or agitated nor being moved to behaving contrary to accepted rules and codes. Discipline applies to every area of life/living, at techniques of doing things, behaviours and dispositions. It is the bed rock on which every character trait gains strength. Not being driven by emotions, situations or issues but knowing that what is right is right. A disciplined man is a cautious, conscientious, conscious person. Discipline is vital for a successful life. Discipline means abiding by, or adhering to certain rules or norms of social life. Self-discipline therefore is what a person imposes on himself taking it as his duty to God, society or some other institution. It is about making good choices and helping others to do the same. It is also knowing and accepting the consequences of breaking rules. Self-discipline is when you know what is the right thing to do and you do it without being reminded. It demands a strict control over an individual’s right and privilege,which if unchecked may result in disorders and anarchy in social and otherwise. Our life needs to be well punctuated with discipline so there would be peace, harmony, serenity and order in our society. In our social life we need to follow some norms

‹ˆ`j‰ZYˆ[ :Y DˆY ŠÂ‰[X ”ˆWY†j[ X\YˆY W[ †`X\W†^ ]WÂĽY D ]`_Y D4DWˆ `ˆ ˆY]DXW`† [\W‹ EYX—YY† ‰[ WX W[ ŠÂ‰[X ‹Y`‹]Y —\` DˆY ZDˆˆqW†^ [‰Z\ D ˆ‰“`‰ˆ[ 0‰¼D W[ “DˆˆWYj —WX\ ”`‰ˆ ÂĽWj[ , D“ D][` \D‹‹q W† “q ˆY]DXW`†[\W‹ , D“ XY]]W†^ q`‰ X\W[ †` “DXXYˆ —\DX ‹Y`‹]Y “Dq [Dq X\Yq —W]] [XW]] EY [YYW†^ ‰[ X` gether. Is there any regret that you are an actress? <Y[ “q `†]q ˆY^ˆYX W[ X\DX , j`† X \D_Y D†q ‹ˆW_DZq D†j , j`†¤X Y_Y† [YY WX D[ D ˆY^ˆYX %‰X X\Y `†Y X\DX ‹DW†[ “Y DˆY X\Y ˆ‰“`‰ˆ[ D]—Dq[ ZDˆˆWYj DE`‰X “Y Eq X\Y “YjWD —\WZ\ DˆY †`X Xˆ‰Y WX ^YX[ “Y D†^ˆq , D]—Dq[ D[ÂĽYj “q [Y]” —\YˆY j` X\Y[Y ˆ‰“`‰ˆ[ Z`“Y ”ˆ`“" ,” ,qDE` 2Š` W[ †`X DZXW†^ —\DX —W]] [\Y \D_Y EYY† j`W†^" , —`‰]j \D_Y EYY† ‹ˆDZXWZW†^ ([XDXY 0D†D^Y“Y†X D†j —`‰]j EY W†X` Y[XDXY E‰[W†Y[[ Are you in support of lesbianism? :\q [\`‰]j , EY W† [‰‹‹`ˆX `” ]Y[EWD†W[“" , D“ †`X `†Y —\` [‰‹‹`ˆX[ /Y[EW , j`†¤X \D_Y D ‹ˆ`E]Y“ —WX\ X\`[Y —\` ‹ˆDZXWZY WX WX¤[ X\YWˆ Z\`WZY E‰X , j` †`X EY]WY_Y W† WX EYZD‰[Y , j`†¤X X\W†¼ WX¤[ †`ˆ“D] ,X¤[ †`X EWE]WZD] , D“ †`X Z`†jYҠW†^ X\Y ‹ˆDZXWXW`†Yˆ[ E‰X X` “Y WX¤[ †`X †`ˆ“D]


Character is it: Discipline-the foundation (1) of behaviours and make a harmonious adjustments between our rights and duties. Also to prevent chaos, humans as higher animals derived discipline to effect peace and serenity in our societies. Take for instance if man was not guided with the idea of marriage, money (currency) as a tender in exchange for whatever was needed for purchase and clothing, to conceal some body parts, to curtail misbehaviour. Marriage has helped to prevent excesses, confusion, aggression, rage, abuse, rape and more. Imagine without marriage, who takes responsibility for fatherhood for the children, what would be the driving force for a man to work and eventually what is his essence as a human being. Procreation as a major essence for marriage, I believe man and woman should always be the ones to come together for the union. To maintain all these, discipline is used as the guide, monitor and order to these norms, values and laws. Discipline as a guide helps to know and sustain the value and the essence of marriage to the society , as a monitor it helps to scrutinise his wife is identified as his, bearing his name and having his children. Even when two wives are married, they are identified, thereby we know who is responsible for what and what , for this reason A man would not think he can have sex with everybody and anyhow. With discipline, the man is bound by marriage, the demands and complications of divorce. His quest for more is thereby clamped with penalties of violation of cultural and societal laws. With these societal rules, regulations and laws, discipline will reduce the tendencies for abuse, rape and molestation. Discipline is the backbone in the Nations politics. Democracy demands discipline to run properly, if not it will be ran like a car without brakes. There may be chaos and topple soon, if discipline isn’t the practise of the politicians, especially among the elected ones. It is an essential virtue for Leaders at various capacities to be effective and purposeful at achieving their supposed goals. Leaders must possess and maintain an intellectual and moral discipline of high order to command respect and obedience. Discipline in view, parents, teachers and children are not exempted. Disciplined Children are the pillars of a Nations strength and with their strength of character, they can lift a nation to the great height of progress. It’s a constraint on liberty and self-fulfilment and freedom. It should be taught by education and enlightenment. As children grow from being babies into toddlers, what they see to emulate matters greatly. They watch to see how things are done around them, the language used, gestures, appearance/outlook and all. They see more than the tangible things, but also the intangibles. It is best to fortify

children with acts of discipline early enough, knowing its essence, the gains and its effects on their life and their society as a whole. There was a little boy who was given everything he wanted. As an infant, he was given a bottle at the first little whimper. He was picked up and held whenever he fused. His parents said, He will think we don’t love him if we let him cry. He was never disciplined for leaving the yard, even after being told not to do so. He suffered no consequence for breaking windows or tearing up flowerbeds. His parents said, He will think we don’t love him. He was given no chores to do, practically everything was done for him, they said, so he won’t think we don’t love him. Nobody ever stopped him from using bad words and he was never reprimanded for scribbling on the walls. They gave the excuse of maybe he just needs to stifle his creativity. He also was never forced to go to church with the parents, he went whenever he wanted to go. The parent would say, he will think we are forcing religion down his throat. One day his parents received news that their son was in jail for assault. They cried to each other, all we ever did was love him and do for him. Unfortunately, that is, indeed, all they did. The boy could have been taught from childhood to stay out of trouble, so he would have become a good boy, having been taught to do the right things, reprimanded for doing the wrong things even if he cries, facing consequences like being grounded in his room or being deprived. Discipline is the executor for every knowledge in any character trait or attitudinal behaviour, since it is one thing to know, it is another to do that right thing you know, at the right time and the right way. For instance, when home works are given, you are told how it should be done and when it should be submitted. Another is when a chore is given, the chore is expected or you are told how it should be done and done before a stipulated time. Doing the home work or chore at your time and way/mode is indiscipline. Children should be given appropriate ground rules to be followed, this should be given along with the consequence factor, which is the punishment they should expect if they defaulted or derailed during their quest for fun. Ground rules are guiding principles and rules that are drafted and itemised by the parents involved in bringing the children up. Usually the rules comes with their ages and their mental capacity. Examples of these rules are; always brush your teeth before food and may be twice daily. Always lay your bed before leaving your room every morning. Wash your hands before and after food no matter what type of food you eat. Always finish up your assignment before watching television. Always collect the amount of food you can finish, and so on.

To be continued next week


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE


1 L-R: Iranian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Saheed Koozechi; Former Governor of Jigawa, Alhaji Saminu Turaki and Kebbi State Governor, Atiku Bagudu.

Cross section of some Iranian Industrialists at the event.



L-R: President, Old Boys’ Association of CMS Grammar School (OGS), Mr. Abayomi Akin-Johnson; Mr. Leke Oseni; 3rd Vice President of OGS, Mr. Adedapo Fashanu; Secretary General, Dr. Patrick Okpahi and Baba Eto of Lagos, Chief Folarin Coker,

L-R: Emeritus Prof. Kenneth Iwugo; Justice Yinka Faji; Mrs. Afolashade Johnson; President, Old Boys’ Association of CMS Grammar School (OGS), Mr. Abayomi Akin-Johnson; Justice Hunponu-Wusu; Bishop Judge Bako and Major-General Victor Babatope Williams (rtd). Photo: Segun Padonu


National President, Government College Ibadan Old Boys Association, Mr. Biodun Jolaoso; Chairman of the occasion, Chief Olu Falomo; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of youth, Sports & Social Development, Lagos State, Dr. Adesegun Oshiyimika and his wife Sola.

L-R: Mr. Yomi Jones; Group Managing Director, Ola’kleen Holdings/guest speaker, Mr. Ade Ogundeyin and Ex-Officio member of Government College Ibadan Old Boys Association (Lagos Branch), Mr. Richard Ajamajebi. Photo: Segun Padonu

Vice Chancellor, University of Port Harcourt, Prof. Joseph Ajeinka (left) with the Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission, Prof. Julius Okojie.

Cross section of graduates of the University of Port Harcourt at the Convocation.

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

is Th GE PAis for E L




L-R: Guest Speaker, Prof. Joseph Ojo; President, Nigerian Academy of Engineering, Prof. Isola Salawu; Vice-President, Mrs. Johanah Maduka and Past President, Engr. Dr. E.J. Amana.

Director-General, National Youth Service Corps, Brig.-Gen. Johnson Olawumi (left) inspecting things produced by Corps members.

Managing Director/CEO, Morpol Engineering Services Limited, Chief S.S. Sanusi (left); new Fellow of Nigerian Academy of Engineering, Engr. Prof. Sunday Adefila with family members. Photo: Segun Padonu


L-R: Director of Real Sector, Nigeria Investment Promotion Council (NIPC), Mr. Reuben Kifasi; Associate Programme Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Nigeria, Mr. Sani Dawop; Executive Secretary, NIPC, Mrs. Uju HassanBaba and Leader of Delegation, Dang Zhimin.

L-R: Director of Finance and Accounts, Nigeria Investment Promotion Council, Alhaji Sadiq Hassan; Director, National Competitive Policy and Advocacy, Mr. James Ebuetse and Director, Overseas and Domestic Operations, Ladi Katagum.

Corps members cheering the Director-General, Brig.-Gen. Johnson Olawumi at his visit.

Shows L-R: The General Overseer Christ Healing Evangelical Church (CHEC) Pastor Samuel Babatunde Ogunfowokan with the Church Europe and Asia Rep., Pastor Adegboyega Talabi with an Interpreter at the 2015 International Convention, Christ Healing Evangelical Church (CHEC) at Loburo, Mowe Camp Ground, Ogun State.

Shows Presbyter Hoares Memorial Methodist Church Cathedral Yaba, Lagos, Very Revd. Emmanuel Subuloye (m) flanked by the Circuit Steward, Bro. Ola Ayinde and the lay president elect, Rotarian Otunba Bola Onabadejo ( r) at the award presentation to the Presbyter at the 2015 Annual Synod, Diocese of Lagos Mainland at Folawiyo Bankole Memorial Methodist Church, Surulere, Lagos


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

How to cook assorted cow meat pepper soup

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Nutrients that boost immunity

Qismat Yinus 08027022738


ood nutrition plays a critical role in enhancing the health of our immune system. In terms of diet, keeping our immune system healthy is just as much about what foods act as suppressors to our immune system as it is about what foods enhance its health. Our immune system protects us against bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing organisms like bacteria, yeasts, fungi or parasites which may be present in the food we eat and air —Y EˆYDX\Y W† ,X W[ D† Y:ZWY†X Z`“‹]Y§ defense system that shields us against jW[YD[Y[ Y§D“W†W†^ X\Y W†XYˆ†D] Y†_Wronment and ensuring that any harmful organisms are eliminated and destroyed quickly. Some research results however, have WjY†XW‡Yj [`“Y jWYXDˆq ”DZX`ˆ[ X\DX D4YZX X\Y \‰“D† W““‰†Y ˆY[‹`†[Y Under-nourished people are at greater risk from infections. Protein-calorie malnutrition such as occurs with prolonged starvation, stringent self-imposed dietW†^ D[ W† D†`ˆY§WD `ˆ W† ‹ˆ`”`‰†j jW[ease states such as cancer and AIDS, robs the body of its defensive capabilities, depleting the white blood cells as well as crucial immune system proteins. ,† DjjWXW`† Y§ZY[[W_Y Y†Yˆ^q W†XDÂĽY may also compromise the immune sysXY“¤[ DEW]WXq X` ‡^\X W†”YZXW`† 2EY[WXq is linked to an increased rate of infectious disease and obese people are more likely to develop coronary heart disease, which has been linked to alterations in the immune function. Studies have shown that there are some areas where it is most likely that pathogens do enter into the body. These areas are: the skin which covers the enXWˆY E`jq W[ D ‡ˆ[X ]W†Y `” jY”Y†[Y X\Y [X`“DZ\ DZWj W[ D][` D†`X\Yˆ Y4YZXW_Y barrier against many pathogens due to its high level of acidity. Our small intestine has special areas that detect foreign antigens and stop pathogens from entering through its walls and getting into the inner environment of our body. Maintaining healthy cells within the tissues including the gastrointestinal tract is vital for optimal health. Certain vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, phytonutrients and proteins (amino acids) are all key elements to a healthy immune system. The fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K are also important to our overall health. Good sources of vitamin A and E whole grains, leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, brown rice, olW_Y[ D[‹DˆD^‰[ YXZ (§ZY]]Y†X [`‰ˆZY[ of pro-vitamin A carotenoids include vegetables such as leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, asparagus, and bok choy. Concentrated sourcY[ `” _WXD“W† . W†Z]‰jY ZD‰]WÂŽ`—Yˆ D[ well as most green vegetables such as spinach, peas, soybeans, broccoli and asparagus. Vitamin C appears to support a decrease in the length of time and severity of symptoms associated with upper respiratory viral infections and D [‰‹‹`ˆX X` \YD]W†^ DX [WXY[ `” W†ŽD“mation and even patients with cancer. Sources are citrus fruit, strawberries and ZD†XD]`‰‹Y _Y^YXDE]Y[ [‰Z\ D[ Eˆ`ZZ`]W turnip greens, collard greens, cabbage, asparagus, etc. Many of the B-vitamins are also very important in supporting a \YD]X\q W““‰†Y [q[XY“ (§D“‹]Y[ `” foods with B vitamins are: whole grains, _Y^YXDE]Y[ D†j ”ˆ‰WX[ ZD† [Yˆ_Y D[ Y§ZY]lent sources of at least some of these vitamins.


igerian pepper soup is a broth-like savoury, spicy soup made with either assorted meat/fish or poultry and some ‘’hot’’ local spices. This is one of the sought-after Nigerian soups and is usually named based on the type of meat (protein)used in cooking it. This recipe below, is the assorted cow meat pepper soup, but you can also use the same recipe for goat meat pepper soup Ingredients *500 g assorted cow (tripe, heart, liver & muscle)...cut into small pieces *2 tablespoonful pepper soup spice mix *Habanero/chilli pepper (to taste) *2 teaspoonful dry uziza/basil leaves (optional) *1 tablespoonful of ground crayfish

*2 stock cubes /stock powder(maggi or knorr e.t.c) * 1 teaspoon thyme (optional) *1 medium onion bulb (chopped) * Salt - to taste *Water (as needed) Preparation If you don’t have the pre-packaged pepper soup spices, you can prepare you own pepper soup spices. First, clean and cook the toughest meat first, which is usually the cow foot and tripe (shaki). Add salt and thyme, pour enough water to cover the meat and leave to cook for 35 minutes on medium heat. Tip: The thyme is optional, so you leave it out if you want to.

After 35 minutes, stir and add the cow heart. Cook for 10 minutes and then add the muscle (fuku) and the liver. Stir well and add more water to cover the meat. Add the chopped onions and stock cubes. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Next, add the ground pepper, ground crayfish, uziza/basil leaves, the ground pepper soup spices, mix thoroughly and cook for 5 minutes or until the assorted meat are well cooked. Now the pepper soup is ready . Serve hot and enjoy. Nigerian pepper soup can be served alone as a side dish, or eaten as a meal, with eko (agidi), agidi jollof, boiled yams, boiled potatoes and boiled plantains.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015



We never fought over Jonathan/ Buhari choice - NIDOA Continued from Page 15

sionate about any opportunity to give back to their loved nation. These are simply what we hope the new administration will explore to their advantage. What has your organization achieved since your leadership 2 ,X W[ `”XY† jW:Z‰]X X` XD]¼ DE`‰X achievements without sounding boastful or arrogant. Let me say this, NIDOA are like underdogs and do not really like laying claims to things. We are doing a lot of behind-the-scene activities such as engaging the US government on several fronts. Lobbying bi-lateral trade and investment partnerships with US companies, requesting increased support on security from the world intelligent communities, campaigning against xenophobic attacks on Nigerians abroad, conducting national and continental rallies against the Chibok girls abduction and many more. We have recently successfully achieved the passing of the Diaspora Commission Bill at the Nigerian Senate and pending presidential endorsement. This bill has been over four years coming with aggressive background lobbying to the credit of many within the Diaspora discourse. We have been very instrumental to the adoption of four bills by the just concluded National conference, a credit to the resilience of NIDOA Chairman, Chief Gab Okoye, and many other members of NIDOWORLD. There is this notion/thought from Nigerians in Diaspora that NIDOA is established to work with any government in power just to get what the leadership wants in terms of political positions and others. What can you This is a ridiculous insinuation and much unfounded. Let me say


this, it is obviously not my position to read minds and cannot determine what aspirations people may or may not be secretly nurturing. However, I can clearly say that many members of this organization, while they may be very passionate about the opportunity to truly serve their nation, have not received any appointment or been elected into any of‡ZY 1`— [‰:§ X` [Dq X\DX †`X\ing is wrong with anyone having a political ambition or any zeal to serve his nation honestly. Your question suggests that people join our organization as a conduit to seeking political power and of‡ZY , ZD† `†]q [Dq X\DX †`X\W†^ that I know of in our character, charter or mission remotely suggests such disposition. We are constantly encouraging membership and participation in NIDOA as part of the national develop“Y†X Y4`ˆX :Y Y†Z`‰ˆD^Y X\Y ‰[Y of NIDO platform as a giveback Y4`ˆX X` `‰ˆ EY]`_Yj †DXW`† D[ —Y are truly endowed with the skills “`[X EY†Y‡ZWD] X` X\Y †DXW`†al discourse. Fair enough, many


members of the Diaspora community are seeking that social contract from our government that can provide a soft landing pad to its Diaspora communities seeking to transition back. That at best is the hope of many NIDO members with respect to your assumptions. That clearly precludes the acqui[WXW`† `” ‹`—Yˆ `ˆ ‹`]WXWZD] `:ZY[ Nonetheless, aside being apolitical as an organization, we do not discourage political aspirations as long as that is not done using our brand or platform. As the image-maker of NIDOA, what are the challenges currently facing your organiza 5 6 Our challenges are many, but clearly surmountable. While we constantly strive to elevate the image of this organization, we are still poised to emboldening our collective resolve. It is my goal to see a much stronger relationship between the Diaspora community and our nation. It so far appears forthcoming with the signing of the Diaspora Commission Bill by the President which will form a

We do not and cannot be involved in any regional, state or national political partisanship based on our founding principle. We are dedicated to working with current and future administration to facilitate the economic, human and technological investments and development in Nigeria. It is that simple

building block. We will continue to pursue gainful partnerships with foreign investors in an effort to boost economic growth. We are aggressively building our Diaspora youth forum intended to equip our young generations with the hope of promoting diversity across cultural lines. We are still very passionately committed to globalizing the NDD&TF projYZX Y4`ˆX X` Y†[‰ˆY X\Y ”‰]] ‹DˆXWZWpation of the entire Diaspora community across the globe. There are D ”Y— `X\Yˆ EYˆX\W†^ Y4`ˆX[ X\DX , am not privileged to disclose, but in good time, that will immensely EY†Y‡X `‰ˆ 'WD[‹`ˆD Z`““‰†WXq and nation in general.

OPC to Igbokwe: Apologise within 7 days Continued from Page 16

when Olisa Agbakoba led a rally against the military? “And Igbokwe needs to tell the world where he was on June 4, 1998 when civil society groups, led by the late legal luminary, Chief Gani )D—Y\†“W X``ÂĽ D Z`:† X` $EDZ\D “I am sure that in all of these cases, Igbokwe was in the comfort of his house, or better still, hiding under his bed, when several thousands of our members battled the military to rescue Nigeria from the clutches of the cabal,â€? he posed. OPC recalled, “It is on record that most of these activities were led and indeed commanded by members of the OPC. It is also on record that we lost several members of the OPC to ensure that

democracy which unfortunately Igbokwe and his likes are now feeding on to take foot in Nigeria. “It is therefore sad that Igbokwe would refer to members of a group X\DX ‹]DqYj [‰Z\ [W^†W‡ZD†X ˆ`]Y[ in the attainment of democracy in Nigeria as hoodlums and outlaws,� it said, pointing to the fact that, “Among our members are medical doctors, lawyers and technocrats among others.� According to the statement, the group’s chieftain, Gani Adams recalled how he and OPC fought for the release of the leader of MASSOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike and the leader of NDPVF, Asari Dokubo from detention, saying, “it was Otunba Gani Adams who put together a body, the Coalition For the Freedom of Dokubo and

Uwazuike (COFDU) under the leadership of prominent activist, Ayodele Akele, to campaign and organize rallies to call for their release.â€? OPC explained that “For this same man to now refer to members of a group, made up of more than six million Yorubas, as hoodlums and outlaws is regrettable and unacceptable to us. ÂŤ+Y \D[ jY‡†WXY]q EWXXY† X\Y ‡†^Yˆ X\DX ”YYj[ \W“ D†j ZD]]Yj ”`ˆ war. It is not in doubt that Igbokwe and others like him are hypocrite. We have it on record that most of them use members of the OPC as security in their homes, but come `‰X[WjY X` XY]] X\Y ‹Y`‹]Y jW4YˆY†X stories. “Despite Igbokwe’s self-acclaimed knowledge, he has displayed an

infantile sense of understanding in the pipeline protection contract. “Out of ignorance or deliberate mischief, Igbokwe and others have failed to understand that the contract was a duly-signed one between the OPC and NNPC. It was supposed to last between March 15 and June 15, 2015. So, in Y4YZX X\Y Z`†XˆDZX ˆD† WX[ Z`‰ˆ[Y and was never terminated by the Federal Government,� challenging Igbokwe to take a tour of the communities where the pipeline runs through and interact with the residents on their experience since the OPC started watching over the facilities. “Our men have brought some sense of safety and security to the people of the areas where these pipelines pass through,� he said.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Politics Rivers’ uneasy calm and Wike’s scorecard Nath Omame, Jr.


he ominous clouds of politically motivated violence that spewed into bloody confrontations and deaths before and during the elections appear to have been swallowed by the emergence of a new government. The crass whirlpool of intolerance evinced by the combustive streak of reluctance to listen to views that do not align with those cherished by other pressure groups, associates, or political parties is thawing to the amazement, and passive acclamation of many residents, who —YˆY [ZDˆYj X` `4Yˆ W††`Z‰`‰[ public comment in the weeks and months preceding the March 28 presidential and April 11 gubernatorial elections. Although, there were other candidates in the governorship election, the three main candidates were Dr. Dakuku Peterside, a former member of the seventh House of Representative, of the All Progressives Party (APC); Chief Nyesom Wike, a lawyer, of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the candidate of the Labour Party (LP), represented by Prince Tonye Princewill, a Petroleum Engineer. But the candidature of Chief Wike and Dr. Peterside were those that visibly heightened political tension in the state. And the political disagreement between former Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and Wike, then a Minister of State for Education in former President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration, became the focal point of the root that grew into a tree, bearing fruits of political suspicion, mutual distrust, isolation, squabbles, andpolitical intolerance that, in the course of explosive arguments, spilled over into political violence. Until Wike plucked the vim to challenge Amaechi, his erstwhile Z\‰“ Z`†‡jD†X D†j ”Y]]`— W†jWgene of the Ikwerre ethnic stock, there was no formidable opposition to Amaechi’s stronghold of the PDP. Once Wike made his disagreement public, other grassroots and notable politicians in the state, who felt ignored or marginalised by Amaechi’s government thronged to Wike’s side to enlarge the bandwagon of opposition. Wike signaled his resolve to confront Amaechi’s unquestionable dominance of Rivers politics by sponsoring a legal challenge to the legality of the state executive of the PDP, which was then led by Chief Godspower Ake, as chairman. Decisions by the Ake-led executive were re^DˆjYj D[ ‡†D] EYZD‰[Y X\Yq —YˆY seen as the position of Amaechi, who, as governo, was the leader of the PDP in Rivers State. Consequently, all those who felt alienat-


ed by the party’s executive could only sulk because the governor would always approve of whatever action the state executive took since it was seen as an extension of Amaechi’s government. But all that changed on Monday, April 15, 2013, when Justice Ishaq Bello, of an Abuja High Court, sacked the Ake-led exco. Justice Bello proclaimed that the chairman and the secretary have been sacked by the order of the court, and that Felix Obuah and Walter Ibibia Opuene, should be immediately sworn-in as chairman and secretary, respectively. And the then National Chairman of the PDP, Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, complied and swore them in at Abuja. Amaechi and his supporters recoiled in anger. Feeling slighted, Amaechi and his supporters refused to accept and work with the Obuah-led state executive of the PDP, perceived as Wike’s creation. Protest for and against the decision of Justice Bello, snowballed into street violence that the then Commissioner of Police, Mbu Joseph Mbu, banned continued public protest and public show of solidarity to Government House that had taken the shade of a daily routine. To demonstrate the degree of his opposition to Amaechi, Wike found-

Amaechi ed the Grassroots Development Initiative (GDI,) with executives in all 23 local government areas of the state. The GDI later metamorphosed into his governorship campaign machinery. Amaechi, in turn, set up the Rivers Leadership Foundation (RIVLEAF), and some months later, the Save Rivers Movement (SRM). The GDI, RIVELEAF and SRM, vigorously embarked on subtle political campaigns even before the embargo on active partisan political campaigns were formally lifted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). The tone of the groups for Amaechi and Wike, because of prevailing circumstances, became increasingly belligerent. Accusations and counter accusations of betrayal became rampant. Those who were politically rewarded by Amaechi and those who felt alienated by Amaechi’s government took adversarial positions and dug deeper into their trenchY[ 7\`[Y —\` \Dj EY†Y‡XYj from Amaechi’s government and those who believed they will be accommodated by Wike should he become Amaechi’s successor sank deeper into their dungeon and brickbats, and statements, comments and criticisms erupting form both camps became in-

Peterside creasingly more trenchant and uncompromising. The adamant stance of both opposing groups, did, indeed, increase political tension in the state. And the governorship campaigns further shot up the tempo of smoldering tension culminating into a culture of intolerance and bloody confrontations witnessed before and during the general elections. Another factor that provoked so much anger and endeared Governor Wike to those opposed to Amaechi’s style of governance was Amaechi’s public aversion to Jonathan’s second term bid for the presidency. Being a native of Utuoke, in Bayelsa State, South-South geo-political region; those in Rivers State who felt that Jonathan from the South-South should be allowed to vie for a second term saw another reason to align with Chief Wike who was openly campaigning for the re-election of Jonathan for a second term of four years. That a governor from the South-South was not only working against the re-election of Jonathan for a second term, but had formed a rather intimidating alliance with othYˆ ‹`]WXWZD] ‹DˆXWY[ D†j W†Ž‰Y†XWD] politicians in other geo-political regions to thwart Jonathan’s chances of being re-elected, fur-

Though the APC and some members of the public have expressed dismay over some actions taken by Governor Wike since he took over power three weeks ago, he has also received loud accolade from some sections of the public, including professional and trade bodies

ther bolstered Wike’s regiment of supporters. Therefore, the issues that provoked political disagreement became two-pronged and increasingly more complex, vexatious, and combustive in the weeks and months leading to the election. Both contending groups hammered out series of weighty allegations during the campaigns, and the reactions of supporters from either camp to refute these allegations provoked very passionate arguments that more often than not deteriorated into violence and bloody skirmishes. But these inglorious scenarios appear to have evaporated with Wike’s electoral victory and formal swearing-in as the governor of Rivers State, on Friday, May 29. Though the declaration of Wike as the winner of the March 28 governorship election was received with some reservation by the APC, and the party has gone to the election petition tribunal in its determination to prove its claim that the election was not free, fair and credible, Wike’s swearing-in ceremony which was held at the Liberation Stadium, Elekahia, was nonetheless a colourful convivial carnival parade. Governor’s Wike swearingin ceremony was a continuation of the celebration of back-slapping and thumbing of the hand with which Wike’s supporters and admirers received the news of Wike’s victory. Somewhat, Wike’s victory has soothed the pain, anguish and suspense that his supporters went through before and during the election. And having clinched the coveted position of governorship, the temptation, bitterness and willingness to react aggressively to members and supporters of the APC palled considerably, may be because they are now more interested in getting actively involved in *`_Yˆ†`ˆ :WÂĽY¤[ ÂŽYj^W†^ ^`_ernment. ,† \W[ ‡ˆ[X ‹`]WZq [‹YYZ\ “W†utes after he became the governor of Rivers State, Wike poured cold water on the raging controversy on who should be appointed the chief judge of the state, an unfortunate development that led to the closure of courts for 21 months, by appointing Justice Daisy Okocha, the most senior judge in the hierarchy of the state High Court as the acting chief judge. He also appointed Justice Christy GabrielNwankwo as the acting president of the Customary Court of Ap‹YD] 2† X\Y ‡ˆ[X —`ÂˆÂĽW†^ jDq D”ter he was sworn-in, Wike sworein both Justice Daisy and Justice Gabriel-Nwankwo, putting paid to the lingering judicial crisis in the state. Judges, lawyers, deContinued on Page 53

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Politics Why Ortom upturned Suswam’s policies public places. In fact, some of the street sweepers who had laboured for several years beecently, Governor gan to weep over what they Samuel Ortom candescribed as injustice in the celled the over 4,000 recruitment exercise. They alrecruitments into the Benue leged that only relations of civil service by his predecesthe highly placed in governsor, Gabriel Suswam. Ortom ment were given papers. had told Suswam that the reThe civil service commiscruitments were not being sion was forced to issue letmade in good faith because ters to people who were said civil servants and pensionto be replacing retired civil ers were being owed and oth- servants and those that died. er debts were already staring Even as the commission rehim on the face. fused to engage people illeEven as Ortom was comgally, the exercise went on unplaining, Suswam said he XW] 6‰[—D† ]Y”X `:ZY would continue to make apThis illegal recruitment pointments until his time was extended to the local govover, and that Ortom could ernments where over 14, upturn his policies if he so 000 ghost workers were diswish. This was the time he ap- covered by a former speproved the appointment of cial adviser on Local Govern[W§ ‡ˆ[X Z]D[[ Z\WY”[ W† 7W_ ]D†j “Y†X D†j &\WY”XDW†Zq $4DWˆ[ despite a court order restrain- who had started a biometing him from doing so. ric screening of all local govSome of the recruitments Yˆ†“Y†X [XD4 7\W[ —D[ —\Y† made into the civil service the local government service were facilitated under the commission tried to refute the Subsidy Reinvestment and special adviser’s revelation Employment Programme concerning the presence of (SURE-P). SURE-P money ghost workers in the 23 local had been released to Benue government areas of the state. State about two years before Some of the elected council the House of Assembly raised chairmen that recently left ofconcern over its non utilisa‡ZY —YˆY ˆYZˆ‰WXW†^ `_Yˆ tion, prompting the state gov- [XD4 [YZˆYX]q W†X` X\Y _DˆW`‰[ ernment to start passing bulks departments of the local govon who was with the money. ernments, but the problem As the pressure from the overwhelmed the immediAssembly increased, governate past special adviser, who ment constituted a commitwas seen by the chairman of tee and engaged about 7,000 the Local Government Service youths, who were being paid Commission as an opponent. stipends. But towards the end Apart from the problems of last year, payment of stimentioned above, teachers pends to them stopped. In were screened several times, May this year, the Suswam but nothing tangible came out administration gave an orof the exercises. This continder for their absorption into ued until the payment of minthe civil service, giving those imum wage to other workers at the top echelon of governin 2011 while that of teachers ment the opportunity to inbecame a problem. When the clude their relations from par- teachers became fed up, they ticular sections of the state. embarked on strike, which al%Y”`ˆY 6‰[—D“ ]Y”X `:ZY most paralysed the state as many of those who were not the national secretariat of the included in the SURE-P reNigeria Union of Teachers cruitment began to display (NUT), gave Benue teachers their appointment letters in the backing. Godwin Akor, Makurdi



The excuse that there was no money for the payment of minimum wage to teachers was not acceptable to them as they insisted that what was paid to other workers should be paid to them. This situation continued until the 2015 elections drew very close, and Gabriel Suswam began to lobby them concerning his senatorial ambition. The teachers gave him the impression that they were going to support him to win the election in the Benue North-East Senatorial District, but he was deceived. The issue is: Why would a governor who could not pay workers’ salaries and monthly pension increase the burden of his successor by recruiting more people into the civil service? Why would a governor who has not left a kobo in the treasury allow his aides to backdate the employment of some people who were engaged in May this year? The problem of recruitment was heightened by Suswan’s insistence that Tor Tiv “‰[X D‹‹`W†X [W§ ‡ˆ[X Z]D[[ chiefs because he had interest in somebody’s appointment. He, who insisted that the process of appointment must go on, later instructed his lawyers to settle the matter out of court. As a lawyer, he ran foul of the law by going against a court injunction under the excuse that the order was not served on him. To show that what he did was not in the best interest of

ers would not be compounded, Governor Ortom recently dissolved the caretaker committees and also dissolved the boards of government establishments constituted as the immediate past governor was DE`‰X X` ]YD_Y `:ZY Some of the persons who may not know why Governor Ortom decided to cancel the recruitments and reverse Suswam some of the decisions taken the state, Governor Ortom has Eq \W[ ‹ˆYjYZY[[`ˆ “Dq ‡†j ordered the Tor Tiv to withthis piece educative, while jˆD— X\Y ‡ˆ[X Z]D[[ Z\WY”XDW†Zq X\`[Y D4YZXYj jWˆYZX]q —`‰]j titles given to some persons in EY†Y‡X “`ˆY ”ˆ`“ X\Y —ˆWXY up because they would have Tiv land. —DWXYj ”`ˆ X\YWˆ [D]DˆWY[ W†‡As if the immediate past netum. administration was carrying Yours sincerely was surout a vendetta mission, it orprised when a highly placed dered the deposition of the citizen expressed surprise chairman of Gwer-West Traover Governor Ortom’s acditional Council, Chief Daniel Abomtse, under the excuse tions. He said Ortom should have left the status quo to rethat he was fuelling crisis between Tiv farmers and Fulani main because Suswam met such a situation and allowed herdsmen. it. The senior citizen forgot To show that the deposithat Suswam became govtion exercise was done in bad faith and in futility, Governor ernor when things were goOrtom has ordered the imme- ing on smoothly, but the same Suswam who knew that saldiate reinstatement of Chief Abomtse, who had told news- aries and pension were being men that he was removed be- owed left several burdens for his successor. cause he did not canvass for The same Suswam knew votes for the ruling party at that many contractors and that time. He explained that banks were being owed bethe out gone administration cause he couldn’t meet up, had forgotten that he, Abombut he tried to increase the tse, was not supposed to be state’s debt just because he partisan. —D[ ]YD_W†^ `:ZY The plan by the immediEven if Suswam was the ate past administration to insenior citizen’s friend, he crease the state’s wage bill at should have taken critical all levels did not stop at relook at the situation in Benue, cruitments and other things and called a spade a spade. mentioned above. In the twiBenue people expect Govlight of Governor Suswam’s ernor Ortom to continue with administration, he constitutthe sanitisation of the sysed caretaker committees for the 23 local government areas, tem as he tackles the problem of debts left by his predeand he appointed his cronies. cessor headlong. His decision The exercise was carried to remove the head of serout in spite of the fact that vice, who orchestrated ille[`“Y ]`ZD] ^`_Yˆ†“Y†X [XD4 gal recruitments and turned were owed salaries for some the hands of the clock the othmonths. er way, is one of the policies On the condition that the situation of debts owed work- cherished by the people.

Rivers’ uneasy calm and Wike’s scorecard Continued from Page 50

tainees, litigants, the police and members of the public can now assess the court. Wike assured after swearing in both Justice Okocha and Gabriel-Nwankwo, that “the door of justice will no longer be shut to any Rivers man or woman.� A day after the courts were opened, Wike formally inaugurated the 8th House of Assembly. The House which was entrenched in the political crisis that entrapped the state formally wit-

nessed the sitting of lawmakYˆ[ ”`ˆ X\Y ‡ˆ[X XW“Y W† “`†X\[ in the House of Assembly complex along Moscow Road, in Port Harcourt. These two momentous events contributed in no small measure to dousing the tension witnessed before and during the gubernatorial election in the state. However, an`X\Yˆ ŽD[\‹`W†X EˆY—W†^ W† X\Y state is the allegation by 22 local government chairmen and their councilors that Governor Wike is planning to dissolve their coun-

cil executive by obtaining a resolution from the House of Assembly to act in that direction. The 22 local government chairmen, councilors and their supporters last week staged a peaceful protest to the House of Assembly, insisting that they will resist any attempt by Governor Wike to dissolve them. Much as government is said to be a continuum, that aphorism as demonstrated by Governor Wike should be limited to the realm of worthwhile capi-

tal projects that can convincingly impact positively on the lives of the electorates. On Monday, June 15, Governor Wike dissolved all boards of parastatals and agencies of government in the state. He ordered that all members of the dissolved boards and agencies should handover all government properties to the various authorities in their boards. Though the APC and some members of the public have expressed dismay over some actions taken by Governor Wike since he took

over power three weeks ago, he has also received loud accolade from some sections of the public, including professional and trade bodies. The major problem after the general election is the increasing spate of kidnapping which the police have begun to confront with daring resolve. Security, lack of funds, employment generation, power, bad roads, lack of market spaces for traders, multiple taxation syndrome are some of the problems confronting Governor Wike’s administration.

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Saturday, June 20

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Stay Healthy


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Saturday, June 20,

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015


North Central

Three jailed for selling Indian hemp Godwin Akor, Makurdi


)YjYˆD] +W^\ &`‰ˆX presided over by Justice Binta Nyako has convicted and sentenced three persons to various terms of imprisonment for selling ÂĽ^ `” ,†jWD† \Y“‹ `X\Yˆ—W[Y ¼†`—† D[ ZD††DEW[ Twenty eight year old Ahi Terver who pleaded guilty to the charge was convicted

and sentenced to three years imprisonment without option `” ‡†Y ”`ˆ ÂĽYY‹W†^ ÂĽ^ `” Indian hemp at his residence DX $†^EDDqY _W]]D^Y 0DÂĽÂ‰ÂˆjW A 42 year old man, Ayo Uhia, of Tsar, Mbaduku , was convicted and sentenced to eight months imprisonment —WX\`‰X `‹XW`† `” ‡†Y ”`ˆ `””YˆW†^ X` [Y]] ÂĽ^ `” ,†jWD† \Y“‹ $ qYDˆ `]j “D† 7Yˆsee Chiior, of Tsar, Mbaduku,

was also convicted and sentenced to eight months imprisonment with the option of ‹DqW†^ D ‡†Y `” 1 ”`ˆ `4YˆW†^ X` [Y]] X` X\Y ‹‰E]WZ ÂĽ^ `” ,†jWD† \Y“‹ Prosecutor for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, Mr Danjuma Sule, who tendered the banned substance as exhibit, had earlier prayed the court to convict the accused since they had all

‹]YDjYj ^‰W]Xq X` X\Y Z\Dˆ^Y :\W]Y jY]W_YˆW†^ ŠÂ‰j^“Y†X Justice Binta Nyako said the prosecutor had proved the case beyond all reasonable doubt to warrant conviction `” X\Y DZZ‰[Yj ‹Yˆ[`†[ 6\Y warned youths in the state against engaging in hard drugs as these will jeopardise X\YWˆ ”‰X‰ˆY D†j `ˆjYˆYj `:cials of NDLEA to destroy the ED††Yj [‰E[XD†ZY

Gov Sani-Bello launches Operation zero potholes in 100 days Justina Asishana, Minna


iger State governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello has launched a policy of having zero potholes —WX\W† jDq[ W† `:ZY )]D^^W†^ `4 X\Y ÂŤ2‹YˆDtion Zero Potholes within 100 daysâ€? scheme in Minna Thursday, the Governor said the project is designed to ensure improvement of urban W†”ˆD[Xˆ‰ZX‰ˆY The major roads in the state are dilapidated and require prompt attention and he would ensure that potholes are patched on all roads in major cities in the [XDXY +Y [DWj X\Y —Dˆ D^DW†[X potholes will be extended to X\Y ˆ‰ˆD] DˆYD[ ÂŤ2‹YˆDXW`† zero potholes within 100 days is the beginning of an Y4`ˆX X` ÂĽYY‹ `‰ˆ ˆ`Dj[ ”ˆYY

`” ‹`X\`]Y[ :Y DˆY [XDˆXW†^ with the urban centres and very soon we shall cover X\Y ˆ‰ˆD] DˆYD[ X`` 7\W[ W[ to ensure protection of lives D†j ‹ˆ`‹YˆXq ÂŹ \Y [DWj 7\Y project will make use of cold asphalt technology, which is manufactured within the [XDXY Earlier, the manufacturer of the cold asphalt and one time Minister of Sports, Engineer Sani Ndanusa said cold asphalt technology is a globally accepted and faster ap‹ˆ`DZ\ X` ˆ`Dj “DW†XY†D†ZY The technology is a new innovation in construction and an improvement on the bitu“Y† D[‹\D]X +Y D[[‰ˆYj X\Y government of availability of the material adding that his company has entered into an agreement with the University of Ilorin to enhance the technology and to provide †YZY[[Dˆq XYZ\†WZD] [‰‹‹`ˆX

NSCDC rescues middle aged man from kidnappers Godwin Akor, Makurdi


Pastor, Christ Evangelical Intercessory Fellowship Ministry, Kaduna, Pastor Yohana Buru (left) distributing food to destitutes to break their fast in Kaduna State‌Thursday

Scholars pledge partnership with varsity Godwin Akor, Makurdi


eague of Idoma Professors, LIP, has promised to work in partnership with the newly established Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, to help promote academic excellence. Speaking at a dinner organised in honour of the governing board of the institution by the immediate past Senate President, David Mark, in Otukpo, chairman of the league of over 100 professors, Professor Owoicho Akpa, said the body will deploy its armoury to ensure Â’~xÂ’^ Â’~q^ [zj q_}jÂ’ÂŞ^ x2xjz}^ Â’~q^ }Â’xÂ’[}^ ˜|^ x^ _}Â’^ k\x}}^ jzstitution.

He assured the governing council that the institution will not lack personnel as many medical doctors and other relevant professionals of Idoma extraction will be willing to come home to contribute their quota to ÂŚx]q^Â’~q^jz}Â’jÂ’[Â’j˜z^x2xjz^jÂ’}^ goals. He lauded Senator Mark |˜_^jz¢[qzkjz—^Â’~q^\˜kxÂ’j˜z^˜|^ the institution in Idoma land in his life time. Responding, the Chairman and Pro-Chancellor of the University, Arc Ferdinand Agu, thanked the Idoma professors for their desire to make the institution succeed as there is no point to have a varsity of excel\qzkq^ ¨jÂ’~˜[Â’^ kÂ˜ÂŚÂŚj2jz—^ jÂ’^ to excellence.

The pro-chancellor who lamented the dropping of Nigerian universities from world ranking promised to convene a brain of scholars to brainstorm on the way forward for the new university. He said the university will not become a victim of politics of the host community which makes it mandatory for a university to appoint its vice chancellor from its host community as the practice, according to him, destroys the ideals of scholarship. The paramount ruler of Idoma people, His Royal Highness, Agaba-Idu, Ikoyi Elias Obekpa, who was represented at the occasion expressed profound gratitude to Senator Mark, saying he

has a good story to tell the ancestors whenever he goes to the great beyond. Senator Mark who was represented by his wife, Helen, promised to give support to the institution when he is called on. He said the 600 hectares of land donated Stop castigating Wada- Group warns to the institution was done out of the passion the people Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja istration. have and that the people “Going by the level of rewere ready to give more land group, Kogi Ethics sources available in the State, whenever the need arises. and Good Gover- the governor has performed Other speakers like retired nance Group, KEG- well above average. It takes xÆ^ xZ_jq\^ {˜ ]¨[^ xz{^ GG, has condemned Comrade more than a rabble-rouser to the Women Leader of the Mohammed Ali, a People’s be able to manage a state at a Peoples Democratic Party, Democratic Party, PDP, mem- time of national economic dePDP, in the state, among oth- ber and governorship aspirant pression. Capt. Wada’s ability ers expressed the desire to in the state for spreading lies to pay salaries promptly at a assist the institution to suc- on the performance of incum- time when several other states ceed as they are anxious to bent governor, Capt. Idris q qz^¨jÂ’~^Zq2q_^_q qz[q^Zx}q^ develop. Wada, and urged politicians owe workers deserves comin the state to play by the rules mendation.â€? The group stated. of the game. They further said that the has been a symbol of resisIn a press statement signed infrastructure development tance, is being demonized and by its Chairman, Comrade and agriculture transformaaccused by the very purveyors Atojoko Reuben in Lokoja tion agenda of the governor of the evils he staked his life to Thursday, the group said it is are models other states are confront, and that throughout very alarming that the former emulating. “In spite of the his tenure he agonized when- chairman in a desperate bid to lies of desperate political charever a single life, Muslim or pursue an inordinate politi- acters, we and the grassroots Christian, was lost in a crisis cal ambition decided to turn people of Kogi can see the and continued to pursue a truth on its head as it relates manifestations of the goverrobust programme of peace to the achievements and per- nor’s laudable intentions in E‰W]jW†^ formance of the Wada admin- our communities.

Jang vows to defend Plateau, condemns killings by STF Gyang Bere, Jos


enator representing Plateau North in the 1DXW`†D] $[[Y“E]q 'ˆ Jonah David Jang has vowed X` ˆY“DW† ‡ˆ“ W† jY”Y†jW†^ X\Y integrity and unity of Plateau State and Nigeria despite deliberate attempts by some individuals who misrepresented

\W“ D[ X\Y DˆZ\WXYZX `” -`[ ZˆW[W[ +Y Dˆ^‰Yj ZˆW[W[ W† 3]DXYD‰ started in 2001 which preceded his administration as gover†`ˆ W† +Y —`ÂˆÂĽYj \Dˆj towards reconciling the aggrieved groups and described as myopic how some people have misconstrued him as X\Y ZD‰[Y `” X\Y _W`]Y†ZY ,† a press statement signed by

his Personal Assistance and Media aide, Chris Gyang, he dismissed claims made by the National Secretary, Jama’atu ,ÂŚD]DX‰] %Wj¤D :D¤WÂĽD“DX‰[ 6䠠D -,%:,6 %Dˆˆ $]Wq‰ Alhassan Sangei, who accused him of igniting Plateau crisis j‰ˆW†^ \W[ Dj“W†W[XˆDXW`† 7\Y statement said it is ironic that people like Senator Jang, who

enue State Command of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, has rescued a middle aged man, &]YX‰[ 2jD\ D]]Y^Yj]q DEducted by a gang of suspected kidnappers and armed robEYˆ[ W† 8^E`ÂĽ`]` 7\Y _WZXW“ 0ˆ 2jD\ —D[ D]]Y^Yj]q ÂĽWjnapped by the gang on May DX 8E`]]` $”`ˆ (†‰^‰ [XDXY The Command’s Public 5Y]DXW`†[ 2:ZYˆ ,[WDW\ 0qegba, in a statement on behalf of the commandant, said the kidnapped victim was ˆY[Z‰Yj —\Y† `:ZWD][ `” X\Y Corps, acting on intelligence report, raided the gang’s hide-

out during which the suspects escaped and left behind the _WZXW“ According to the image maker, several items belonging to the suspects including three AK 47, three locally made pistols with assorted live ammunition, one military identity card with number 02925 belonging to one Emenike Joseph of 82 Battalion, Enugu, and a Golf Saloon car with registration number AE 133 MAR, and a number of other items were recovered j‰ˆW†^ X\Y ˆDWj Myegba said the victim has been handed over to the Department of State Security Service for further investigaXW`†



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sports Update Judo stages trials for All Africa Games


o raise a team capable of winning laurels at the 11th All Africa Games billed for Congo Brazzaville, the Nigeria Judo Federation (NJF) is staging a two day trial in Abuja. The event scheduled for July 2 to July 5 will take place at the Civil Defence Academy, Sauka near Abuja. The decision to stage the trials was taken at the end of the executive board meeting in Abuja last week. President of the NJF, Dr. Musa Oshodi who presided over the meeting told sport writers that the Â’_jx\}^¨q_q^zqkq}}x_ÂŞ^ĂŽÂ’Â˜^ enable the federation raise a crack team that can face any opposition during the continental Gamesâ€?. ĂŽ ~q^{q}j_q^˜|^Â’~q^ federation is to storm the Games with judokas that can win medals for the country. ĂŽ ˜^¨q^zqq{^’˜^~x q^Â’~q^ trials to get the very best of judokas who the country can be proud ofâ€?, Dr. Oshodi stressed. The judokas who excel at the trials the federation boss further informed would be invited to camp |˜_^Â’~q^ zx\^k˜[zÂ’{˜¨z^’˜^ the continental showpiece. Dr. Oshodi said there was no time to waste in the build-up p to the Games.

kk˜_{jz—^’˜^~jÂŚ^ĂŽ q^ have just a few weeks to the Games which will take place between September 4 to 19. So there is no time to waste in our preparation. Immediately after the trials, we will open the camp for intensive preparationâ€?. Dr. Oshodi expressed optimism that Nigerian judokas would prove their ÂŚq2\q^xÂ’^Â’~q^ xÂŚq}€ ĂŽ ~q^k˜[zÂ’_ÂŞ^j}^Z\q}}q{^ ¨jÂ’~^ zq^Æ[{˜]x}^¨~˜^ can contend with the continent’s best with the right preparationâ€? the NJF helmsman said. The trials will feature men and women judokas in all the weight categories. According to the guidelines of the trials,only judokas with valid licence are eligible to contest. In addition, the judoka must not be less than 18 years in August. Athletes’ representative on the NJF board, Mr Segun Gbayi said the trials were necessary to know the current form of the judokas xz{^›[Â’^’˜—qÂ’~q_^Â’~q^ĂŽ q_ÂŞ^ best that we have in the country’. He said the All Africa Games would have on parade the very best on the continent adding that ĂŽ j—q_jx^kxzz˜’^x7˜_{^’˜^ go there with a second rate q squadâ€?.

Why Falcons, Flying Eagles crashed –Expert


i i b igeria-born USA-based football agent, Kingsley Chukwuemeka, has said Nigeria women’s team and the Flying Eagles failed to excel at their respective World Cups because both teams have quality players but lacked quality coaching. ĂŽ Â’^j}^x^›jÂ’ÂŞ^Â’~xÂ’^Z˜’~^ teams, Falcons and Flying Eagles, have to lose the way they did at the World Cup,â€? began Chukwuemeka. ĂŽ ~q^›_˜Z\qÂŚ^¨jÂ’~^ both teams is the same - coaching. Both teams have talented players in their fold who could have gone far in both competitions, but the coaches on the benches lack what it takes. ĂŽ ~j}^j}}[q^j}^z˜’^ peculiar to these two teams only, but a general problem with Nigerian coaches and Africans at large. Nigeria coaches don’t have the coaching technique to handle teams at the world stage. ĂŽ xz[^~x}^}Â˜ÂŚqÂ’~jz—^x}^ a coach, he has eyes for identifying talent, but he needs to go on coaching courses and conferences outside Nigeria to equip

himself. Not only Manu, but the other coaches too so that they will be know how football is in the world now. ĂŽ ^xÂŚ^}x{^z˜’^Zqkx[}q^ Nigeria crashed out, but the way they lost to Germany was too woeful, Flying Eagles who play possession football but had only 35 per cent possession against Germany. That is bad.â€? He further told |_jkxz ˜˜’Zx\\€kÂ˜ÂŚĂ?^ĂŽ ^ think the Flying Eagles failed because they got carried away because they won at U17 and won the African U20 Championship. The world stage is {j7q_qzÂ’^xz{^¨~qz^ they went to Germany, instead for them to play strong teams to prepare themselves, they were playing U20, and U23 of clubsides, players in such teams don’t get a chance in any of the national teams in Germany.â€? Further commenting on Falcons coach, Edwin Okon, Chukwuemeka }xj{Ă?^ĂŽ ~q^Â’x\qzÂ’^˜|^Â’~˜}q^ girls is enough to get to Â’~q^ zx\^˜|^Â’~q^ ˜_\{^ Cup with a sound coach.

Keshi loses power on Nigeria squad N

igeria head coach, Stephen Keshi, will no longer make a unilateral decision in the selection of the Super Eagles squad for international matches. President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Amaju Pinnick, disclosed that the Super x—\q}^—x7q_^ĂŽ¨j\\^}Â’j\\^ have his inputâ€? in calling up players but will now have to be supervised by the technical director, Shuaibu Amodu. Keshi is also likely to work with the technical study group headed by his former national teammate, Austin

Okocha, who is now chairman of the Delta State FA. Pinnick further stated that Amodu has been directed by the football federation to wield his powers as technical director as the NFF will hold him responsible, and z˜’^ q}~jÂĄ^ĂŽj|^xzÂŞÂ’~jz—^ happens.â€? ĂŽ q}~j^¨j\\^}Â’j\\^~x q^ his input (in the team). The only people who are not really working well now is the technical study group because it is a process. He doesn’t have the liberty anymore to say he wants to bring in players from places.

ĂŽ q^ÂŚ[}Â’^\˜˜]^xÂ’^x\\^ the players (he invites from now on) and it must go through the technical department and Amodu will certainly make a comment. And like I told him (Shuaibu Amodu), if anything happens we are not going to hold Keshi responsible but we are going to hold you responsible because you are a part of it. And we made him to understand that and he said ‘yes sir.’ So if you say you want to be Keshi’s friend - we are z˜’^ —~Â’jz—^xzÂŞZ˜{ÂŞ^É^˜_^ you want to compromise but you are the technical director and we are going

to hold you responsible. And he said ‘yes.’ So he is very strong and is not just a passing technical director,â€? said Pinnick. Keshi only signed a new two-year contract recent to return as Nigeria ÂŚxzx—q_ÂĄ^xz{^~j}^ _}Â’^ task is to qualify the Super Eagles for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations in a qualifying group that includes Egypt, Chad and Tanzania. j—q_jx^]jk]q{^˜7^ their campaign in the |k˜z^Âľ[x\j kxÂ’j˜z^¨jÂ’~^ a 2-0 win in Kaduna last Saturday with Gbolahan Salami and Odion Ighalo —q2jz—^Â’~q^—˜x\}€

Blackpool starlet chooses Nigeria over England


lth lthough hh he is eligible to represent England, Blackpool starlet Bright OsayiSamuel has pledged his international future to the Super Eagles. The teenager was born in Nigeria to Nigerian parents before he immigrated to the United Kingdom at the age of 10 after spending some time in Spain, where his dad resides till date. ‘’I’ll be honored to play for any nation possible but I’d rather play for Nigeria because it’s where my mum and dad are from and I don’t want to forget my roots,’’ Bright Osayi-Samuel said to news24

‘’I have always enjoyed the Africa Cup of Nations and it’s something I’d love to play in hopefully. ‘’And the Nigerian team always gives young players chances so that’s }j—zj kxzÂ’^|˜_^ÂŚq€ºº A winger by trade, Osayi-Samuel has picked Chelsea’s Nigeria international Victor Moses and Barcelona’s Neymar as his role models. ‘’I love watching Victor Moses, I’m known to be very skillful and quick. ‘’I also love watching Neymar a lot. I learn all my skills from him. Watching him on TV and just trying to copy it on Â’~q^ q\{€


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sports Update Chukwubuikem ready to battle Enyimba


SC forward ,Menshack Chukwubuikem, has said his team are ready for the big test against his former club Enyimba on Sunday in a Nigeria league Week ÂœĂ‹^—xÂŚq^jz^ Zx{xz€ Shooting Stars have recorded four points in their last two games under new coach Gbenga Ogunbote and Chukwubuikem reckoned the man has changed the team for Zq2q_^xz{^Â’~xÂ’^~q^¨j\\^Zq^ —\x{^’˜^~[_Â’^ zÂŞjÂŚZx€ “We are gunning for nothing against Enyimba in Ibadan on Sunday other than the three points

xÂ’^}Â’x]q€^ Â’^j}^Â’_[q^Â’~xÂ’^ Enyimba are in form and we are equally in good |˜_ÂŚÂĄÂĽ^~q^{qk\x_q{€ ĂŽ ^~x q^Â’~q^k˜z {qzkq^ that Enyimba won’t survive it on Sunday because our new coach has taught us all we need to know to excel in games individux\\ÂŞ^xz{^x}^x^Â’qxŒ€¼ Chukwubuikem told |_jkxz ˜˜’Zx\\€kÂ˜ÂŚ^~q^ wishes to be the one to ¨_qk]^ zÂŞjÂŚZx€ “I am looking forward to be part of the game, I will be happy if I happen to be the one to score the goals to nail them,â€? he }xj{€^

FIFA corruption: Anouma denies ‘Qatar bribe


vorian ex-FIFA executive Jacques Anouma has told the BBC that he did not ackq›’^x^Ă…ÂœÂ€ĂŒÂŚ^ÂąĂ’ÂœŒ²^Z_jZq^ over Qatar’s successful ¡ž¡¡^ ˜_\{^ [›^Zj{€^ His denial comes amid a criminal investigation by Swiss prosecutors into the 2018 and 2022 World [›^Zj{}€ Mr Anouma said that

justice should now be left ’˜^_[z^jÂ’}^k˜[_}q€ The Swiss investigation follows the indictment of }q qz^’˜›^ ^˜6kjx\}^jz^ May, accused of accepting bribes and kickbacks estimated at more than Ă…ÂœĂŒžŒÂ€ Mr Anouma also said that $2m paid by Qatar to the Confederation of |_jkxz^ ˜˜’Zx\\^Âą ²^jz^ ¡žÂœž¥^x~qx{^˜|^Â’~q^ zx\^ World Cup vote, did not oblige African members to  Â˜Â’q^|˜_^Â’~q^ [\|^zxÂ’j˜z€^ Negotiations with xÂ’x_j^˜6kjx\}^|˜_^Â’~q^ Ă…ÂœÂ€ĂŒÂŚ^Z_jZq^x_q^x\\q—q{^’˜^ have taken place in a hotel in the Angolan capital Luanda, during the Caf xzz[x\^k˜z—_q}}^jz^¡žÂœžÂ€^ But Mr Anouma said there was no way he could have been involved as he was not in the counÂ’_ÂŞ^xÂ’^Â’~q^Â’jÂŚq€^ Qatar denies any allegations of bribery in relation ’˜^jÂ’}^¡ž¡¡^ ˜_\{^ [›^Zj{€^

Sellas not afraid of Ghana’s sack


lack Satellites coach, Sellas q2q~ÂĄ^}xÂŞ}^~q^ is ready to step down if the Ghana Football Association decides to shake up the technical Â’qxŒ€^ The 2009 FIFA U20 World Cup winning coach failed to meet his self-imposed target ˜|^x^}qÂŚjÉ zx\^Zq_Â’~^xÂ’^ this year’s tournament in New Zealand after exiting at the round of ÂœÂż^}Â’x—q€^ “I am here to serve my country, if authorities says I should serve my k˜[zÂ’_ÂŞÂĄ^ ^¨j\\ÂĄÂĽ^ q2q~^ ’˜\{^ Â˜ÂŞ^ ›˜_Â’}€^ ~xzx^~x{^ zj}~q{^ top of Group A after wins against Argentina and Panama and a draw with Austria, but were outclassed 3-0 by Mali, who are currently in the

}qÂŚj}€^ “If they say I should stay, what is the problem?â€? There’ve been calls |˜_^ q2q~Âş}^~qx{^}jzkq^ Â’~q^j—zÂ˜ÂŚjz˜[}^qÂłj’€^ But the Liberty Professionals technical director says he’s calm and simply awaiting the FA’s  q_{jk’€^ “I have got the opportunity to serve my nation and if the opportunity comes and they say come and serve, who am Ă—^ ^¨j\\^}q_ q€^ ^xÂŚ^Â’~q_q^ ’˜^}q_ q€^ q q_x\^k˜xk~q}^ in this country have not got the opportunity to }q_ q^Â’~qj_^zxÂ’j˜z€¼^ Possible candidates ’˜[Â’q{^’˜^_q›\xkq^ q2q~^ include current Inter Allies boss Paa Kwasi Fabin and former Kotoko manager Masud Didi _xÂŚxzj€^

Emenike ’ ll join top Euro league, says ex-manager F

enerbahçe striker, Emmanuel Emenike, will join a major European league according to his former ÂŚxzx—q_ÂĄ Ă?kq\^ \{џ€ \{jÂź^¨x}^ÂŚxzx—q_^˜|^ Emenike at KarabĂźkspor where the powerful }Â’_j]q_^ _}Â’^ÂŚx{q^x^zxÂŚq^ |˜_^~jÂŚ}q\|€ The experienced strik-

er is expected to leave the Yellow Canaries after a {j}x››˜jzÂ’jz—^}qx}˜z€ The Nigerian international striker has scored ˜z\ÂŞ^  q^—˜x\}^jz^Ă‹Ăˆ^ league appearances this season in all competiÂ’j˜z}€ Emenike has also attracted interest from the Arab gulf and China but

\{Ă‘Âź^Zq\jq q}^~q^¨j\\^z˜’^ leave Europe this sumÂŚq_€ “Emenike will join a top European league over the summer he will not be moving to the Arab [\|^˜_^ ~jzxÂĄÂĽ^ \{Ă‘Âź^’˜\{^ x{ÂŞÂ˜}›˜_€ The 28-year-old striker has been linked with a number of clubs over the

past season from Eng\xz{^xz{^ [}}jx€ ˜2qz~xÂŚ^¨q_q^ linked with a â‚Ź10 million move in January for Emenike by the newspa›q_^ qÂ’_˜€ qzq_Zx~Ă•q^ zj}~q{^ the SĂźper Lig as runners up and booked a place in next seasons Champions qx—[q^kÂ˜ÂŚÂ›qÂ’jÂ’j˜z€

Ike Uche delighted to move to Mexico


igeria striker, Ikechukwu Uche, has expressed his delight on his deal with Mexican club Tigres UANL. The former Recreativo De Huelva striker promised to do his best to justify the move. “I’m very happy to announce an agreement with & ! ' * my best for the team #SomosTigres,� Uche tweeted. Ike Uche has sealed a three-year deal with the Mexican team from La Liga side Villarreal, where he scored 36 goals in 98 games. Uche, who stil had two more years to run on his Villarreal contract, appeared to be surplus to requirement at the La Liga side so much so that he was not listed by the club for pre-season training. Uche has played all his professional football career outside Nigeria in Spain, for Racing Ferrol, Recreativo De Huelva, Getafe, Real Zaragoza, Granada and Villarreal until now

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