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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
South West
N1bn subsidy fraud: Arisekolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son, others re-arraigned Francis Iwuchukwu
Police arrest 30 criminals in Ondo for various offences Peter Dada, Akure
Osun civil servant attempts suicide over unpaid salaries Tunde Busari
Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun (right), presenting a plaque to the Chairman, Choice International *<=>? @ &BDE@ F@HJK @>L=M=FDNJ P=M?@EQ 0H 'D@E@ &BJE RBJE HBJ TDHDLJK BDM DE BDH 2UJ 0=H@E $FJ=U>L@ =VWPJ yesterday.
Family petitions Naval Chief over alleged murder of Okada rider Ayodele Olalere
ational Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control, (NAFDAC) has sealed the elite confectionaries and multinational food outlet, Chocolate Royale, for alleged various unethical practices and non-adherent to good manufacturing and hygienic practices. In a statement by the agency signed by Anslem Okonkwor, the head of Enforcement Operations
civil servant in Osun State, Mr. Ojo Owolabi, KLNP L,QRTUQVP UWP ULXQP KYNP ZY[QP \]P V^Y_XY_`P LP Nd\NUL_fQP \QZYQgQVP UWP \QP Y_NQfUYfYVQP Y_P \WXd_P ZWfLZP `WgQ^_RQ_UP L^QLP W[P the state. P kWZL\YP kLNP NLYVP UWP KLgQP L,QRTUQVP NdYfYVQP because of his inability to fLUQ^P[W^PKYNP[LRYZ]PLNPfYgYZP servants in the state are \QY_`P WkQVP NYpP RW_UKNP salaries.
Lagos Ansar Ud Deen women launch school project Ayodele Olalere
KQP L`WNP ULUQP WRQ_P Wd_fYZP W[P UKQP _NL^P VP QQ_P WRQ_P WfYQU]P KLNP ZLd_fKQVP L_P LTTQLZP [d_VP [W^P LP d^NQ^]P L_VP ^YRL^]P NfKWWZP ZWfLUQVP and the Public Relation ingredients worth millions interrogation for willfully Y_P LXYZQPY_P XWUd_PL^QLPW[P 2FFZ[ \] ^_Z D`ZjFq x^_Z of naira were uncovered.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; obstructing the NAFDAC L`WNP ULUQ|P â&#x20AC;&#x153;NAFDACâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action operatives in course of their action is sequel to a tipThe event which \G Dj{ |j^Z}}|`ZjFZ [Z~\[^ became necessary following duties during the exercises LZNWP VWd\ZQVP LNP UKQP L__dLZP which indicted the company avalanche of complaints of while others had gone W^`L_YNLUYW_Â&#x192;NP General of illegal importation, Â |\}D^|\j Dj{ DG[\j^ \] ^_Z into hidden to avoid been Asalatu NNQR\Z]P KLVP `dQNUNxP storage and use of expired company to the regulatory apprehended,â&#x20AC;? it stated. ingredients and food bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regulations. To this It added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The UKQP NULUQP fKLY^RL_xP UKQP products for preparing of end, the agency has sealed F\jÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2039;FD^Z{ ~[\{Â&#x2019;F^Â&#x2039; National Missioner as kQZZP LNP RQR\Q^NP [^WRP food and confectionaries both the Chocolate Royale worth over N1bn and had branches across the state served to unsuspecting facilities at Plot 267A been evacuated from both Y_PL,Q_VL_fQ|P customers at the Chocolate Etim Inyang Crescent and premises. The suspects will ffW^VY_`P UWP UKQP Royale as well as operating the Managing Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s be interrogated, while the RYNNYW_Q^xP \VdZP and maintaining illegal cold- residence on 1, Karimu products will be sampled LKRL_P ZL^QkL_Â&#x2026;dxPÂ&#x2020;UKQP rooms at their Managing Kotun Street, all in Victoria and taken to the laboratory T^WÂ&#x2026;QfUP YNP LP ZLdVL\ZQP W_QP Directorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resident where Island, Lagos. Some top for analysis, where the L_VP kQP L^QP YRT^QNNQVP large quantities of various \FF|D}Â&#x2039; \] ^_Z F\Â&#x152;~Djq labels and contents will be kYUKP kKLUP UKQP kWRQ_P L^QPVWY_`|P QPT^WRYNQPUWP expired and spoilt food were equally arrested for properly analyzed.
NAFDAC seals Chocolate Royale, seizes expired products Ayodele Olalere
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
South South
Rivers LG election holds amidst controversy as CP assures of adequate security Nath Omame, Port Harcourt cooperation of other security
ivers State Commissioner of Police, Dan Bature, has assured voters of the readiness his command to provide adequate security for today’s local government area elections, which would take place in 21 out of the 23 LGAs in the state. He also warned trouble D Z[ ^\ ZZ~ \G He spoke at the Command’s headquarters, Moscow Road, Port Harcourt, yesterday while commenting on the preparedness of his F\ Dj{ ^\ ZGZF^| Z}q Zjsure that there was no breakdown of law and order during the election. Bature stated that with the
agencies, adequate security would be provided for the electorate, and urged them to be peaceful during the exercise. He maintained: “The role of Nigeria Police is well known; ours is to provide security, so that Nigerians can perform their electoral functions. Already, we have made arrangements to provide security at all the units and locations where we would have voting. “Already, we are synergizing with other security agencies to ensure the elections are going to be free. I want to assure everybody that we are equal to the task. We have all that it takes to ensure that we have security throughout, for
people to go out to exercise their franchise. “I want to quickly warn that, should anybody dare to disrupt the ongoing process, the person should be ready to face the wrath of the law. We do not anticipate any problem. We expect it is going to be peaceful, and we would ensure that it is peaceful; so that, at the end of the day, we would say we had very successful elections. “I repeat; we have all that it takes to ensure we have peaceful elections. We have the capacity to contend any attempt to frustrate our efforts. We are not apprehensive; we have not received any disturbing intelligence.” Bature assured: “And, like
I told you, we are synergizing with other security agencies. And I can assure you that you don’t have any reason to entertain fear. We want to assure everybody to go out and vote; we are on top of the situation. People should vote peacefully and conduct themselves peacefully. We will be there to give you adequate protection.” In a related development, the Command ordered a restriction of movement of vehicles across the state between 10pm on Friday till 6am on Saturday, except those on essential duties. The ZF\j{ Dj{ jD} }D~ \] ^_Z restriction would be between 9am and 6pm today, May 23, 2015.
APC guber candidate faults Uduaghan over election results
ll Progressives Congress (APC) governorship candidate for Delta State during the April 11 election, Olorogun O’tega Emerhor, has faulted Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan’s recent claim that the South South and South East geo-political zones voted 90 per cent for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), while the rest of Nigeria voted for the APC. Emerhor stated this when he addressed a select media in his Lagos residence recently. It will be recalled that Governor Uduaghan, at a lecture delivered at Trenchard Hall, University of Ibadan recently, was reported as claiming that the elections of March 28 and April 11 introduced a new [ZD}|^q ^\ ^_Z ZGZF^ ^_D^ 1|geria’s electoral map has been re-drawn. Uduaghan was further quoted in the report as hav-
ing said that the election has showed a clear division, which in his opinion was perhaps more than anyone could have anticipated. The entire North had spoken with one voice, with the old Eastern region also speaking with one voice. Furthermore, Uduaghan had noted that the entire North West voted massively for General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd), the APC presidential candidate, while asserting that the electorate in the South East and South South had generally voted above 90 per cent for the PDP. This, according to the governor is indicative of a new and redrawn Nigerian political map. Governor Uduaghan, in the report had claimed that these developments have placed a huge burden on the President-elect and his ^ZD ^\ EZ`|j D j| FD^|\j and healing process of the entire country.
Buhari urged to make power supply priority Alphonsus Nweze Awka
Some Internally Displaced Persons (IDPS) working on the N7m Commercial Farm established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to give succour to Bakassi returnees at Akpabuyo in Cross River State.
Nembe youths disrupt OML 29 production in Bayelsa
ouths from Nembe Communities in Bayelsa have shutdown two flow stations within OML 29 to protest the divestment of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) from the field. A resident, Michael Dennis, told News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday that the communities were aggrieved over the sale of the asset by Shell without recourse to the community. Dennis said the youths embarked on the protest following several attempts to get the oil firms involved in the deal to factor in the interest of the host communities. He said youths stormed the oil field in more than 20 speedboats, and shut it down without any resistance by the armed se-
curity men deployed to the facility. The resident said that the youths had forced oil workers operating the facility to safely shutdown the facility to avert any accident or damage to the installation. It will be recalled that Shell in March 2015 sold off its equity stake in OML for 1.7 billion dollars to Aiteo Eastern Exploration and Production. The security operatives claimed they were not aware of the incident, but ASP Asinim Butwat, told NAN that an official in the oil firm confirmed the development to him. ``Checks at Nembe Division showed that the matter was not yet reported to the Divisional Police Officer, but a source in the facility confirmed the incident, and said that it is being
sorted out,” Butswat said. Nembe communities in Bayelsa and Shell held divergent views on outstanding oil spill compensation and environmental damages as the oil firm plans to divest its assets in
the area. Nembe Oil and Gas Committee had in March 2013 urged prospective investors interested in acquiring Shell’s interests in oil fields in the area to investigate outstanding liabilities.
s Nigerians eagerly await the inauguration of General Muhammedu Buhari as the substantive President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on May 29, a former governorship candidate in Anambra State, Chief Victor Anigbata, has urged him to make the provision of constant power supply to Nigerians his priority. Chief Anigbata, who contested on the platform of the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 2007, and later Nigerian Social Democratic Party (NSDP), said the President- elect can achieve this not by reversing the
Anambra judiciary workers may resume strike Monday Alphonsus Nweze Awka
embers of the Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN), Anambra State chapter, will again from Monday next week shut down the courts in the state, if the state government fails to implement the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the union reached with it. According to a statement of notice for another strike by the union to the state government, the chairman, Comrade Mark Ifezue, said if by yesterday, Fri-
day, the State Government fails to implement the MOU, they will embark on a strike action to press home their demands for the implementation of a Federal High Court judgment that States’ judiciary in the country should be granted financial autonomy. The Court Registrar for Anambra State Judiciary, Doris Ezeani, who confirmed the threat, said that they were equally served the notice that workers will proceed on strike by Monday, if the government fails to implement the MOU on
Friday. Newswatch Times on Saturday gathered that details of the MOU reached with the leadership of Judiciary workers by government’s negotiation team headed by the Deputy Governor of the State, Dr. Nkem Okeke, are the release of money for the payment of workers’ salaries, overhead cost and capital votes into the account of the judiciary. Unfortunately, up till Friday afternoon, no part of the MOU has been honoured by the State Government, hence the nonpayment of the April and May salaries.
privatisation of the power sector, but by compelling the privatised companies to work. He lamented that these privatised companies and their managements were not doing anything or not doing enough to give Nigerians regular power supply, rather they extort consumers in the name of payment of bills even when darkness has become the order of the day in the country. Anigbata, who is a staunch supporter of Buhari, also requested that he should probe all the contracts awarded by ministries and parastatals, and the role of the permanent secretaries and directors, who he accused of not only being contractors themselves, but withheld payment for jobs already executed even when the money has been appropriated as far back as five years. He said that money for some of these projects have been released, but the top echelon in the ministries and parastatals would pay it into a bank account, where it would generate interest for them, and sometimes, the money would disappear. The politician and businessman equally called on Buhari to overhaul the judiciary, alleging that corruption starts and ends in the third arm of government.
Newswatch Times Saturday, May 23, 2015
South East
Biafra plate number:MASSOB decries arrest of members Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
he Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), yesterday decried the arrest of its members by the Police over the use of Biafra plate numbers. Addressing newsmen in Onitsha, Anambra State, MASSOB Regional Administrator for Awka South, Chief Arinze Igbani, expressed surprise that MASSOB members should be arrested over plate numbers when the law allows anyone to own plate number names. “Why must they arrest our members over Biafra plate numbers when individuals and groups have their names as plate numbers? Our leader, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, directed us to put Biafra plate numbers, which we did, and the Police are disturbing us. This is a slight on us, and we will not continue to allow them to disgrace us,” he warned.
The MASSOB administrator recalled that one of their members was arrested by Fegge Police Station and transferred to Awka, where he has been detained over use of Biafra plate number. In his words, “No amount of arrest, intimidation and assault will deter us from the use of the plate numbers and the struggle for the actualisation of a sovereign state of Biafra. In the North, even if you don’t have a plate number on your vehicles and motor bikes, it does not concern the Police; they don’t arrest offenders,” he disclosed. “It is because of this marginalisation that we Igbo resolved to fight for a sovereign state of Biafra, and we will not relent until we actualise it.” Chief Igbani recalled that MASSOB had assisted in the war against criminals in the state, and has continued irrespective of the arrest of its members on Biafran land.
Elechi appoints CPS, 15 others as perm secs Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki
bonyi State governor, Chief Martin Elechi yesterday sworn-in sixteen new Permanent Secretaries, including his Chief Press Secretary, Dr Onyekachi Eni, into the state Civil Service. The appointment which was in accordance with section 208 (2) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) empowers him to appoint Permanent Secretaries and the appointment also reflected the state character principle, as the appointees were drawn from thirteen local government areas in the state. They newly sworn in Permanent Secretaries include Chief Boniface Nwofia, Engr Emmanuel Uche, Mrs Charity Ikebe, Mrs Confort Abia-Onyike, Mr Edwin Okah, Mr John Ogbu, Mrs Patricia Ngozi Chima, Mr Lazarus Ogbuzuru, Engr Alex Chukwu. Others are: Mrs Maria Nwankwo, Mrs Nnenna Igwenyi, Mr Ominyi Stephen Oge, Mr Emmanuel N. Onwe and Mrs Christiana Ogbu. The governor noted that the appointment was to fill vacancies created in the Civil Service as part of measures to reposition the Service. He noted that it is a political appointment which implies that every permanent secretary should dance to the tune of government in power. He also advised them to prepare their minds to undergo series of trainings to get more exposure. “To be a Permanent Secretary does not mean you will be permanent in the job. No more for now. You must be up and doing or you will be shown the way out. It implies extra sacrifice both in time and leisure. You are now less invisible because
you have been called to service that will task you more”, the governor charged them. He told them to collect their letters of appointment and disposition from the Secretary to the State Government and the Head of Service respectively.
L-R: Minister of State for Education, Professor Viola Onwuliri; Archbishop of Owerri Diocese, Archbishop Anthony Obinna, and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration), Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Professor Francis Eze, at a town hall meeting on establishment of Private Tertiary Institutions for Sustainable National Development, in Owerri, Imo State... recently
Group berates Kalu, others over comments on 2015 elections Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
socio-political group known as South East Progressives Assembly (SEPA) has berated ex-Governor Orji Uzor Kalu and other individuals over comments that tend to discredit the 2015 elections in South-East and SouthSouth. Kalu had in a recent inter-
view claimed that the just concluded 2015 general elections were rigged in South East. The former governor who contested for Abia North Senatorial seat under the Progressives People’s Alliance(PPA) was defeated by his Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) rival, Hon. Mao Ohuabunwa. SEPA in a statement signed and made available to newsmen by its president, Ebere
Uzoukwa, however advised Kalu and other losers to approach the tribunal rather than making unfounded claims about the elections. According to the statement, “The attention of the SouthEast Progressives Assembly (SEPA) has been drawn to the uncomplimentary and reckless remarks by some individuals whose sinister motives include to discredit the
Buhari should invest more in youth development, empowerment - PPA leader Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
resident-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari, has been advised to invest more on youth development and empowerment to create crime-free society. Giving the advice in Awka, Anambra state capital, the leader of Progressive People’s Alliance, PPA, in the state, Mr Godwin Ezeemo advised that Buhari should not jettison youth-oriented programmes inherited from the outgoing administration. He made the appeal yesterday while speaking to youths of South-East geo- political zone at a conference with the theme, “Nigeria South-East Youth: The Way Forward”, held under the auspices of Nigeria Youth Volunteer Service (NYVS). He lamented that youths have been schemed out of the socio-economic and political aspects of the country for long and called for caution in order to move Nigeria for-
ward. Ezeemo, who was represented by Mr Churchill Okonkwo, disclosed that he relocated most of his investments to Igbo land in line with ‘think-home’ philosophy. He said that his busi-
nesses are in his rural community, Umuchu Aguata Local Government Area, to impact lives positively at the grassroots through massive employment and quality service delivery. He therefore called on Igbo
political class, captains of industry, and other stakeholders to join forces with him in restructuring the ethical standard and values of Igbo nation through creation of employment, training and empowerment of youths.
Onitsha traders urged to support Obiano’s administration Alphonsus Eze, Onitsha
ince allocations to the state from the Federal Government has continued to decrease, traders in Anambra State have been urged to support the administration of Governor Willie Obiano by regularly paying their taxes and other levies as and when due. The chairman of Onitsha South Street Traders Association (OSSTA), Chief Eric Uwaoma, made the call in Onitsha during the inauguration of new executives of General Goods Dealers Association of Kano and Okwe streets, Onitsha. He urged the traders to assist in the effort by the governor
to improve the revenue base of the state by promptly paying their taxes and levies. Chief Uwuoma said that for Governor Obioma to continue to provide dividends of democracy to the people, they and indeed every other citizen in the state should be able to pay their taxes and levies. He therefore advised new leaders of the market, led by Mr. Nonso Ihejiagwa, that the only way they can avoid confrontation with the Governor was to ensure that members paid development levy, traders’ tax and stall fees for the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and other levies the state has imposed. He reminded that the governor has tremendous respect and regard for the traders and does
not want anything that will bring them in confrontation with his government, but should support his government by paying all necessary levies so that he can sustain his developmental strides for the state. Chief Uwaoma advised the new executive members to lead with fear of God as leadership is not easy because some people will still oppose them in spite of efforts to improve the lots of members. In his speech, Ihejiagwa assured that the new executive will cooperate with government, both at the state and local governments by paying their levies, but requested Governor Obiano to rehabilitate Kano and Okwe streets to reciprocate their gesture.
just concluded 2015 general elections in South-East. The most recent is ex-Governor Orji Uzor Kalu’s shameful postulations during an interview session with Channels Television which was also published in his newspaper, The Sun. “Though we don’t intend to join issues with Kalu who GZ[Z{ D _ |}|D^|j` {Z]ZD^ in the Abia North senatorial contest, it is however crucial to caution these agents of {D[ jZ Dj{ Z} _ ~\}|^|cians against making inciting comments on the outcome of the 2015 general elections in South-East and South-South. 6 FFZ ^\ Dq ^_D^ Z}ZFtions had been won and lost. Any loser that rejects the results as announced by INEC or faults the process has a destination created by the law - the electoral tribunal. The judges shall entertain their petition and adjudicate strictly on them based on the law. “It is therefore in view of the foregoing that SEPA admonishes Kalu and co-travellers to approach the tribunal with whatever evidence they may have gathered. They should stop acting as judges on their own matter. They should know that election tribunal cases are not won either on the pages of newspapers or on national television. Rather than dancing naked in the market square, we expect Kalu and other bad losers to channel their energies on how to argue their matters before the tribunal and stressed that they should also allow our revered judges to adjudicate over the petitions brought before them based on the constitution and
Newswatch Times May 23, 2015
North East Mass protest hits Kano over alleged blasphemy, court set ablaze Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano
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Bauchi law officers shun strike, resume duty
D^ ^_|Â&#x2039; Â&#x2039;^D`Z ÂĽ D^Z DF^|\j ^\ D Z[^ Djq Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi $FF\[{|j` ^\ ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x2019;`}q Â&#x2039;|^Â&#x2019;D^|\j ÂĄ Â&#x152;Zj^ ¤:_|}Z ¢Z D`[ZZ ^_D^ 5ZÂ&#x2039;~\j{|j` ^_Z he Bauchi State Â&#x2019;j~D|{ Â&#x2039;D}D[|ZÂ&#x2039; D[Z }|DE|}|}ZD{Z[ ~[\Â&#x152;|Â&#x2039;Z{ ^\ FD}Â&#x152; branch of the Law ^|ZÂ&#x2039; \] ^_Z \Â&#x2019;^`\|j` `\ 2FFZ[Â&#x2039;ÂĄ $Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;\F|D- Z[jÂ&#x152;Zj^ ¢Z D[Z j\^ Dj{ ^_Z ][DqZ{ jZ[ ZÂ&#x2039; \] ^_Z EZ F\j |jFZ{ ^_D^ q\Â&#x2019;^_Â&#x2039; 0ZDj¢_|}Z ^_Z ^|\j \] 1|`Z[|D /2$1 FDjj\^ qZÂ&#x2039;^Z[{Dq ~Â&#x2019;}}Z{ \Â&#x2019;^ \] ZÂ&#x152;ED[Â?|j` \j Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z j\¢ +\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;Z \] ^_Z ¤7|ÂŁDj||Â&#x2039; ^_Z \j}q Â&#x2039;\}Â&#x2019;^|\j ^\ ^_Z qqDÂĽ ~[ZDF_Z[ $E{Â&#x2019;} ^_Z \jZ ¢ZZÂ? \}{ |j{ZÂ&#x2018;j|^Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z ZÂ&#x152;ED[Â?Z{ Â&#x2019;~\j Eq ~[\E}ZÂ&#x152;Â&#x2039; :Z ¢Dj^ ^\ Â&#x152;DÂ?Z 1qDÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039; ¢DÂ&#x2039; qZÂ&#x2039;^Z[{Dq ¢\[Â?Z[Â&#x2039; |j ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z \ Z[ |^ FD^Z`\[|FD}}q F}ZD[ ^_D^ ¢Z Â&#x2039;Z^ DE}D¨Z Eq Â&#x2039;\Â&#x152;Z |[D^Z Â&#x2019;j~D|{ 0D[F_ Dj{ $~[|} D[Z j\^ ~D[^ \] ^_|Â&#x2039; Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z We are getting back to work q\Â&#x2019;^_Â&#x2039; D^ *D|{Z .\Â&#x152;Â&#x2039;D}D[|ZÂ&#x2039; ,j D Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ Â&#x2039;|`jZ{ |Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Z{|D^Z}q ÂĽ E\^Â&#x2039;\ }\FD} `\ Z[jÂ&#x152;Zj^ 7_Z Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ D{{Z{ Eq ^_Z &_D|[Â&#x152;Dj \] ^_Z $Â&#x2039;D[ZD \] ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z Â&#x2039;\F|D^|\j 0Â&#x2019;_DÂ&#x152;Â&#x152;Z{ ${- ^_D^ ¤&\jÂ&#x2039;ZÂŚÂ&#x2019;Zj^}q D}} Â&#x2039;^D^Z 7_|Â&#x2039; {Z Z}\~Â&#x152;Zj^ |`DÂ&#x152;Â&#x2019; Dj{ 6ZF[Z^D[q 8Â&#x152;D[ F\Â&#x2019;jÂ&#x2039;Z}Â&#x2039; /D¢ 2FFZ[Â&#x2039; \] j|^Z{ ¢|{Z Â&#x2039;~[ZD{ F\j%DEDq\ Â&#x152;D{Z D D|}DE}Z ^\ %DÂ&#x2019;F_| 6^D^Z D[Z DFF\[{|j`{ZÂ&#x152;jD^|\j DF[\Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039; ^_Z jZ¢Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Zj |j %DÂ&#x2019;F_| /2$1 }q {|[ZF^Z{ ^\ [ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Z ¢\[Â? Â&#x2039;^D^Z Dj{ ~[\Â&#x152;|jZj^ {|[ZF^Z{ D}} Â&#x2039;^D^Z F\Â&#x2019;jÂ&#x2039;Z}Â&#x2039; ^\ :Z D[Z ZÂŚÂ&#x2019;D}}q Â&#x2019;[`|j` D}} 7|ÂŁDj|qqD }ZD{Z[Â&#x2039; 6_|ZÂ? [ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Z ¢\[Â? |Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Z{|D^Z}q Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;~~\[^|j` Â&#x2039;^DG \] ^_Z 0|j|Â&#x2039;^[q \] -Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;^|FZ ^\ F\\~Z[D^Z 'D|[Â&#x2019; 8Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Dj %DÂ&#x2019;F_| DÂ&#x2039; ^_Z[Z ¢DÂ&#x2039; j\ ÂŁÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2039;^|Â&#x2018;FD^|\j ¢|^_ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039; Eq FD}}|j` \G ^_Z|[ Dj{ &D}|]D 6_|ZÂ? ,Â&#x2039;qDÂ?D ]\[ ZÂ&#x152;ED[Â?|j` \j ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z ^\\ ÂĽ D^ D ^|Â&#x152;Z ¢_Zj D jZ¢ D{5DE|Â&#x2019; ~\|j^Z{ \Â&#x2019;^ ^_D^ Â&#x152;|j|Â&#x2039;^[D^|\j ¢DÂ&#x2039; DE\Â&#x2019;^ ^\ ${DÂ&#x152;Â&#x2019; Â&#x2039;D|{ ^_Z {ZF|Â&#x2039;|\j Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;F_ F\Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Zj^Â&#x2039; F\Â&#x2019;}{ ^DÂ?Z \ Z[ Â&#x152;Dj^}Z \] }ZD{Z[- ^\ FD}} \G ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z ¢DÂ&#x2039; \jZ \] ^_Z [ZÂ&#x2039;\}Â&#x2019;^|\jÂ&#x2039; D[[| Z{ D^ j\^ _D Z F\Â&#x152;Z ][\Â&#x152; D Â&#x2039;_|~ ,^ F\Â&#x2019;}{ EZ [ZFD}}Z{ ^_D^ {Â&#x2019;[|j` D Â&#x152;ZZ^|j` \] ^_Z Z§{|Â&#x2039;F|~}Z \] 7|ÂŁDj|qqD ZFÂ&#x2019;^| ZÂ&#x2039; \] /2$1 \j 6Â&#x2019;j$}Â&#x2039;\ ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ }\FD^Z{ ^_Z %DÂ&#x2019;F_| *\ Z[j\[ Z}ZF^ {Dq 0Dq ¢_|F_ ¢DÂ&#x2039; }D^$EÂ&#x2019;EDÂ?D[ |j 5|ÂŁ|D /ZÂ&#x152;\ ¢_Z[Z ^_Z 0Â&#x2019;_DÂ&#x152;Â&#x152;Z{ _D{ D~~ZD}Z{ ^\ ^_Z 1|`Z[|D Z[ [D^|Â&#x2018;Z{ Eq ^_Z &\j`[ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039; ~[ZDF_Z[ ¢DÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;~~\Â&#x2039;Z{ /DE\Â&#x2019;[ +Z ]Â&#x2019;[^_Z[ Â&#x2039;^D^Z{ ^_D^ DÂ&#x2039; &\j`[ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039; 1/& ^\ ^\ D~~ZD[ qZÂ&#x2039;^Z[{Dq ¢DÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2019;[`Zj^}q FD}} \G ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z F\Â&#x2019;jÂ&#x2039;Z}Â&#x2039; ^_Z|[ Â&#x2039;F_Z{ZÂŚÂ&#x2019;D}}q Â&#x2039;Z^ DE}D¨Z Eq Â&#x2039;Dq|j` ^_D^ |^ ¢DÂ&#x2039; DGZF^- Â&#x2019;}Z \] ¢\[Â? `\ZÂ&#x2039; EZq\j{ \]Â&#x2039;\Â&#x152;Z |[D^Z q\Â&#x2019;^_Â&#x2039; D]^Z[ |j` ^_Z ¢\[Â? \] ^_Z 7[DjÂ&#x2039;|- Â&#x2018;FZ ¢\[Â? ~\|j^|j` \Â&#x2019;^ ^_D^ ~D^|Zj^}q ¢D|^|j` ]\[ D ^|\j &\Â&#x152;Â&#x152;|^^ZZ Â&#x2039;Z^ Â&#x2019;~ ]\[ D ^_Zq ZÂŚÂ&#x2019;D}}q D~~ZD[ |j F\Â&#x2019;[^ FDÂ&#x2039;ZÂ&#x2039; ^_D^ D[Z E\^_ F[|Â&#x152;|jD} ~[Z^^q }\j` ^|Â&#x152;Z ¢|^_\Â&#x2019;^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;\\^_ _Dj{|j` \ Z[ /2$1 _\¢Z Z[ Â&#x2039;D|{ Dj{ F| |} |j jD^Â&#x2019;[Z D[`Â&#x2019;|j` _|Â&#x152; Â&#x2039;_\¢|j` Â&#x2019;~ ¤:Z ^_Z /D¢ 2FFZ[Â&#x2039; $Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;\- ^_D^ F\j^|jÂ&#x2019;|j` |j ^_Z Â&#x2039;|^
F|D^|\j \] 1|`Z[|D /2$1 %DÂ&#x2019;F_| 6^D^Z E[DjF_ D[Z D^ }\Â&#x2039;^ DÂ&#x2039; ^\ ^_Z ¢|Â&#x2039;{\Â&#x152; EZ_|j{ ^_Z ^|Â&#x152;|j` \] D Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z
D^ _\Â&#x152;Z {|[ZF^| Z ¢\Â&#x2019;}{ D{ Z[Â&#x2039;Z}q DGZF^ ^_ZÂ&#x152; Dj{ D}Â&#x2039;\ j\^ ]\[ ^_Z `\\{ ]\[ ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z
New Borno CP advises officers to keep barracks, offices clean
L-R: Director-General of the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), Ms. Patricia Bala; Minister of Information, Senator Patricia Akwashiki; Director-General of NTA, Mr. Sola Omole; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information, Mrs. Folashade Yemi-Esan and others, at the presentation of Ministry of Informationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2014 Staff Merit Awards in Abuja... yesterday.
Sambo prays for Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s govt Clement Nwoji, Abuja
ice President Namadi Sambo, yesterday, prayed for guidance to the incoming administration to continue with the progress and development of Nigeria. He spoke at a Special Prayer session at the National Mosque Abuja to mark the forthcoming Presidential Inauguration on May 29, 2015. He enjoined all Nigerians to support the administration of Muhammadu Buhari to succeed. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have just per-
formed the special Jumaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at prayer for a successful inauguration of our incoming President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We prayed for peace and development of the country and for Allahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guidance for the incoming administration to continue with the progress and development of Nigeria.â&#x20AC;? Also speaking, the representative of the Presidentelect, former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, expressed gratitude for the support and cooperation of Nigerians to the President-elect, while also urging them to pray for a successful inaugu-
ration on May 29. The Deputy Chief Imam of the National Mosque, Dr. Mohammed Kabir, whose sermon was based on trust, called on leaders at all levels to discharge their responsibilities with the utmost fear of Allah. He also stressed the need for leaders not to betray the trust reposed in them by the people, as they would be asked to give account of all their actions by Allah on the Day of Judgment. Speaking further, the Imam said that Prophet Muhammad admonished Muslims to always remember that everything entrusted in their
care as leaders be it as family head, community leader, state governors and the president, every individual must account for the responsibilities bestowed upon them. The Special Jumaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;at prayer was attended by the Zamfara State Governor, AbdulAziz Yari; FCT Minister, Senator Bala Mohammed; Minister of State for Finance, Amb. Bashir Yuguda and the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, as well as members of the diplomatic corps, military officers, royal fathers and other top government officials.
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Kano DISCO decries dwindling power allocation
he Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO) has expressed concern over the dwindling power allocation to Kano from the National grid. The Managing Director of the company, Alhaji Jamil Gwamna, made the remark while briefing newsmen in Kano on yesterday. Gwamna stressed that the allocation being given to the company was between 30 megawatts and 40 megawatts According to him, 30 megawatts must always go to the Niger Republic directly, and
the company would be left with the balance to distribute to its customers in three states. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The allocation for Kano is very low, and the situation is very pathetic. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;If the situation continues the way it is going now, the entire system will collapse,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. He, therefore, called on the customers in Kano, Katsina and Jigawa states to bear with the company as the fault was not its own making. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;We are not responsible for power generation; we only distribute what we are given,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; the managing director said.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Politics Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, Anenih gone archival ; $< ='= <>?@< HJJQJT >? VT><>< Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
hough Nigeria and Nigerians saw the resignation of the National Chairman of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;largest partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Africa, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Adamu Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu coming, no one ever dreamt that the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Board of Trusteeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chairman, Chief Tony Anenih, would follow suit, having also resigned on Wednesday, few hours after Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu tendered his resignation letter after serious pressure. The truth is that, Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resignation was long overdue; it was simply belated because it came even as the lesser members of the party joined the titans to call for his head, simply because he failed to win the March 28 election for President Goodluck Jonathan and also that he couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win his state, Bauchi in the keenly contested polls. Consequently, the PDP governors and other prominent members across the country subtly asked him to throw-in the towel. Of course, he refused the â&#x20AC;&#x153;candidâ&#x20AC;? advice until he was practically walked out of the PDP governorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; forum, as he was allegedly reported to have lobbied the presidency for safe landing, which apparently could no longer guarantee him the needed security and safety. It was the PDP National Publicity Secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh ^_D^ Â&#x2018;[Â&#x2039;^ `D Z D _|j^ \] ^_Z Â&#x2019;j]\}{ing developments earlier in the day when he told newsmen of the Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resignation. ¤, FDj F\jÂ&#x2018;[Â&#x152; ^_D^ ¢Z _D Z [Zceived the resignation letter of the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national chairman,â&#x20AC;? he said during the parley, adding that Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, who had health challenges, stayed on for the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primaries, the campaigns and the elections after which he travelled abroad for medical treatment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Upon his treatment and after consultations with his family and on personal interest, he has decided to resign as national chairman. In line with the constitution of the party, the Deputy National Chairman of the party, Prince Uche Secondus, has taken charge as the acting national chairman of the ~D[^q ¢|^_ |Â&#x152;Â&#x152;Z{|D^Z ZGZF^ ~Zj{ing replacement from the NorthEast,â&#x20AC;? he said. Newswatch Times learnt that Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu resigned in a letter addressed to his erstwhile deputy, Prince Uche Secondus, the next in the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hierarchy, who is to also take over from him as acting national chairman pending
the appointment of a substantive chairman from the Northeast geopolitical zone. Meanwhile, Anenihâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resignation letter was fetched from his residence on Wednesday night after the NWC issued a Thursday deadline him to review his position. Anenih in his resignation, however, said that he was resigning in favour of President Jonathan to take over as Chairman of the BoT, a claim a senior member of the NWC dismissed as untenable. Oladipo in accepting the letter of resignation, however, directed the Secretary of the BoT, Sen. Walid Jibrin, to hold fort pending the election of a new BoT chairman. According to Anenihâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s onepage letter, which he signed and sent to President Goodluck Jonathan, dated May 20, 2015, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Excellency will recall that in a conversation I had with you a few ¢ZZÂ?Â&#x2039; D`\ , _D{ \GZ[Z{ ^\ Â&#x2039;^Z~ {\¢j ][\Â&#x152; ^_Z \FFZ \] ^_Z &_D|[man of our partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Board of Trustees, and proposed to hand over to you as its new Chairman in a ceremony that would have taken place on the 23rd of May, 2015. I had also repeated this position in our subsequent meetings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a follow-up to the above
reacted with the allegation that the Presidential Campaign Organisation upon the powers granted it by President Goodluck Jonathan mismanaged the election campaigns. President Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign spokesman, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, had on Tuesday, demanded the sack of majority of the members of the NWC, alleging that they betrayed the President, urging, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must throw out the bad eggs in the NWC, and prepare for a long-drawn war of attrition with the incoming government. In order to survive the next four years as a party, we must make the necessary changes at the top; otherwise we will be utterly decimated.â&#x20AC;? He added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are glad that Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu is gone; we call for the resignation of the entire NWC; ^_Z|[ DF^|\j |Â&#x2039; D [ZÂŹZF^|\j \] {|Ftatorial tendency of the party; we will continue to question until all of them (NWC) resign; they should answer the call of the party members; we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want them any longer.â&#x20AC;? In their reactions, some party stakeholders never regretted the going of Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu whom they ac-
proposal and in view of the cur[Zj^ Â&#x2039;^D^Z \] DGD|[Â&#x2039; |j \Â&#x2019;[ ~D[^q , have decided to formally put my \GZ[ |j ¢[|^|j` ^\ ZjDE}Z q\Â&#x2019; Z]fectively assume the Chairmanship of the Board of Trustees or approve a process that will enable any other member of the BoT, who is considered competent to assume the position. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kindly accept, therefore, this letter as notice of my decision to step down from the position of Chairman of the BoT of our party ¢|^_ ZGZF^ ][\Â&#x152; ^\{Dq ^_Z ^_ \] May, 2015. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am happy to inform you that, I remain a loyal foundation member of our great party, and will continue to pray for the prosperity of Nigeria, our party, and for you and your family. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Excellency, kindly accept the expression of my highest regards,â&#x20AC;? he concluded. Political pundits would recall that PDP crises surfaced after the party lost its grounds in the presidential, National Assembly, as well as many governorship slots in the March 28 and April 11 polls. The loss was followed by calls for the resignation of the NWC with some caucuses, including the South-West caucus and the governors, demanding the resignation \] jD^|\jD} \FFZ[Â&#x2039; 7_Z 1:& _D{
We must throw out the bad eggs in the NWC and prepare for a long-drawn war of attrition with the incoming government. In order to survive the next four years as a party, we must make the necessary changes at the top; otherwise we will be utterly decimated Continued on Page 52
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
NASS: Equity should determine choice of principal officers - Ojo Jackson Olalekan Ojo is a security expert and a member of the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS). He is also the National Coordinator of Yoruba Youth Alliance (YYA) as well as the founder of Ijesa Unity Group (IUG) and Obuku-Oriade Solidarity Forum (OSF). He spoke to NATH OMAME on the race for the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives; the need to uphold the tenets of equity in selecting the leaders of the National Assembly and the trading of blames among PDP leaders for losing the presidency. The All Progressives Congress (APC) now constitute the majority in the National Assembly, meaning that it will be expected to produce the Senate President, his deputy; the Speaker of the House of Representatives, his in both chambers. Should zoning be followed, or should the sharing of the key positions be done on merit, with emphasis more on the track records of interested candidates? Irrespective of what party produces the majority in both chambers of the National Assembly, I will strongly suggest that equity should be followed in selecting the next set of leaders for the National Assembly. The North West has produced the President, while the vice president has gone to the South West. I think the North Central should be allowed to produce the Senate President, while the North East should be allowed to produce the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Deputy Senate President and the Deputy Speaker should go to the South-South or South East. Since there is currently no ranking Senator from the South East, I think it will be appropriate for the post of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), to go to the South East or South-South. The \FFZ \] ^_Z 6*) |Â&#x2039; ^_Z Zj`|jZ [\\Â&#x152; of the government, so it will fall on the candidate that has the trust of the president. Having produced the vice president, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think it is wise to zone the Speaker of the House of Representatives to the South West. The APC should not copy what the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) did in 2011, when members of the House in their majority joined ranks to subvert the zoning arrangement of the PDP which had then zoned the Speakership
^\ ^_Z 6\Â&#x2019;^_ :ZÂ&#x2039;^ 7_Z {|FFÂ&#x2019;}^q \] _\¢ to zone key positions has cropped up now because the APC has won majority of the seats in the National Assembly. If the PDP had won, the seeming problem of zoning, which has been capturing the headlines because the slip the PDP made in 2011 due to its negligence which led to the emergence of Aminu Tambuwal as Speaker, from the North West, would not have occurred again. The South West would have been thinking of producing the Speaker. And I am sure other zones would have easily conceded the position to the South West, considering the support political leaders from the South West in the then opposition Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), gave to the eventual emergence of Tambuwal. Nigerians appear to be so enamoured on what zones gets the Senate
Presidency, the Deputy Senate Presidency; the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Deputy Speaker. Why is the race for the other key positions like majority leaders and minority leaders in both houses not being actively canvassed for by legislators from the six geo-political zones? If there is no constitutional stipulation that authorise the majority party in the house to produce the Speaker, and the onus lies on the members of the House to vote for whoever they trust for good leadership, essentially if he is a ranking member of the House of Representatives; in this case, without resorting to zoning or no zoning, then, I will suggest Wole Oke, from Ijesa North, who has been reelected for a third term in the House of Representatives to be considered as the next minority leader. Oke has sponsored many bills, and he is known for his vibrancy and courage. He remained a bridge and an uncommon bridge builder amongst colleagues in the 5th and 6th Assembly. Oke, who was the chairman of the House Committee on Defence for eight years, will be a good interface between the House and the government. He also speaks the major languages in the country. President-elect, Buhari, has declared publicly that he will be running a small government to cut cost. Should he advocate a salary cut in the executive, including ministers and head of agencies of government, would you recommend that the legislators should also have a salary cut? A salary cut by legislators may not be necessary considering the fact that lawmakers are actually closer to the grassroots than the executive. Their emoluments I have come to realise are usually bolstered by their constituency allowances through which they execute some social projects. If you take away their constituency D}}\¢DjFZÂ&#x2039; |^ ¢|}} Â&#x2039;Z[|\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;}q DGZF^ ^_Z|[ relevance to thousands of people who look up to them in the rural areas. The legislators constitute the second arm of government which makes its activities to be autonomous. They draw up their own budget, and so the legislature should be allowed to determine whether it wants a salary cut or not. The executive should be careful not to Â&#x2039;~D[Â? Â&#x2019;~ Djq F\jÂŹ|F^ EZ^¢ZZj |^Â&#x2039;Z}] Dj{ ^_Z }Z`|Â&#x2039;}D^\[Â&#x2039; ]\[ ^_D^ Â&#x152;Dq DGZF^ ^_Z smooth running of government. While I would not support any form of conspiracy between the Federal Government and the National Assembly against the collective interest of Nigerians, the autonomy
of the National Assembly must not be interfered with by the executive just to demonstrate that the incoming government wants to be frugal in its ~Â&#x2019;E}|F Z§~Zj{|^Â&#x2019;[Z ~[\Â&#x2018;}Z 7_Z {[D|j in the economy occurs more glaringly in the executive. Can you imagine a situation where a state governor Â&#x152;D|j^D|jÂ&#x2039; D ÂŹZZ^ \] DE\Â&#x2019;^  Z_|F}ZÂ&#x2039;" 6\Â&#x152;Z Â&#x152;|j|Â&#x2039;^Z[Â&#x2039; _D Z ÂŹZZ^ \] \FF|D} cars worth over 150 million naira. The maintenance of these exotic cars is also a big drain on the economy. To reduce the overall cost of running the federal government, the executive should begin by looking inwards. I agree with General Buhari when he said the cost of running the executive is too high. The presidency, ministries, agencies and departments of governments in the federal and state governments should be pruned down to save more funds for worthwhile capital developmental projects. The incoming president should reduce the number of aides attached to ministers. It appears the presidency has been allowing the ministers to employ D|{ZÂ&#x2039; ^\ [ZÂŹZF^ ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[Â&#x2019;F^Â&#x2019;[Z \] ^_Z presidency of the public service where a deputy can have two assistants or more while an assistant can have two other assistants. These assistants have \FF|D}Â&#x2039; ^\\ ¢_|F_ D[Z ]Â&#x2019;j{Z{ Eq ^_Z government. The incoming president should ban ministers from going abroad for medical check-ups. Is it not scandalous that a Minister of Health ¢|}} `\ DE[\D{ ]\[ Â&#x152;Z{|FD} F_ZFÂ? Â&#x2019;~" The loss of the presidency has provoked so much tension in the PDP that its leaders are now trading blames. There are strong moves by PDP governors to sack the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Working Committee (NWC), accusing its members of not working hard enough to win the presidency. How can the PDP reclaim its lost ground? Is it now that the elders of the PDP realised that all was not well with the ~D[^q" ,Â&#x2039; |^ j\¢" :_q {|{jÂĄ^ Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x152;EZ[Â&#x2039; of the NWC publicly caution members of President Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FDÂ&#x152;~D|`j ^ZDÂ&#x152;" Members of the NWC have come \Â&#x2019;^ ^\ Â&#x2039;Dq ^_Zq ¢Z[Z FÂ&#x2019;^ \G ][\Â&#x152; ^_Z presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign team, and that no ]Â&#x2019;j{Â&#x2039; ¢Z[Z `| Zj ^\ ^_ZÂ&#x152;" So, why did they not intimate the President of this development? They claim that access to the President EZFDÂ&#x152;Z  Z[q {|FFÂ&#x2019;}^ Are they saying the campaign was Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;~Z[|\[ ^\ ^_Z 1:&" :_D^ _D~~ZjZ{ ^\ ~D[^q Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;~[ZÂ&#x152;DFq" The NWC claims the governors of the party hijacked the campaign structure Continued on Page 52
2015 elections: Roles NIPR never played Godwin Akor, Makurdi
f there is any organisation that failed to discharge its responsibilities to the Nigerian people before and during the 2015 general elections, it is the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR). The NIPR abandoned its responsibilities during the campaigns while some Nigerian leaders were banished from the electronic media. The NIPR helplessly watched as the campaign organisations of the two main political parties - Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All
Progressives Congress (APC), washed their presidential candidatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; dirty linens in the public. While the two political parties threw caution and decency to the wind, the NIPR threw professionalism to the mud. For General Muhammadu Buhari, it was understood because he did not have the resources to engage many good hands, but President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had everything that he needed to embark on an internationally acclaimed campaign. 'ZÂ&#x2039;~|^Z %Â&#x2019;_D[|ÂĄÂ&#x2039; ~\\[ Â&#x2018;jDjFZÂ&#x2039; _|Â&#x2039; campaign managers were better in
their choice of words and language whereas Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highly experienced media practitioners and technocrats goofed in every aspect of the campaign. Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s men were aware that the international community had wished that Nigeria was reduced to a shadow of itself during the elections, but they heightened the fear of Nigerians by using abusive languages to say what they knew about the former military leader, Buhari. One had expected that Jonathan would use his years of experience in politics to dictate the trend of his campaign. Apart from the indecent
languages his wife used while she was campaigning for him, the campaign organisation led by Chief Ahmadu Ali almost equated Buhari to an uneducated person. Patience, Ahmadu Ali and Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s media advisers and ministers forgot that Buhari was a military Head of State and that his performance as the Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), was commended. Some of the persons who had j\^ Â&#x2018;j|Â&#x2039;_Z{ ^_Z|[ Â&#x2019;j|Â Z[Â&#x2039;|^q education when Buhari was Head of State damaged his character in Continued on Page 53
May 23, 2015
Temile slams NFF over clauses Rangers’ red card in Ibadan well deserved – Chukwu >>Pg.18
Drogba catches up with Snoop Dogg at Cannes Film Festival >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
NPFL goes on three weeks recess ; ]^ TJ<_`J -_?J
he League Management Company (LMC), on Wednesday announced a three week break on the 2014/15 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). The announcement was contained in a circular released by the Chairman of the League Management Board, Shehu Dikko, on Wednesday. He explained that the break period would be used amongst other things to carry out
spot checks on Clubsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; compliance with the P Zd\NP Q^UYÂ&#x2030;fLUYW_P Regulations and also allow the clubs Managers some space to engage meaningfully with the new political leadership in their respective states. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You may wish to recall that we started the league with blanket provisional waiver to the clubs to allow them comply with all registration requirements before Match Day 9 when a review will be
conducted by the LMC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The break period is also a time to revisit club stadium facilities to remedy observed defects as the clubs have so far operated with provisional
fQ^UYÂ&#x2030;fLUQNÂ&#x2DC;PUKQP P Chairman said. Mallam Dikko said the break had also become necessary to allow the club managers time to acquaint themselves and engage meaningfully with their respective new Governor-owners. The League will now resume June 14 with games of Match Day 11 originally scheduled for Sunday, May 24, 2015. Clubs, fans and sponsors have been assured that the break kYZZP_WUPLBQfUPUKQPVLUQP W_PkKYfKPUKQPÂ&#x2030;_LZP
Akwaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defeat due to lack of concentration- Ekoh QVYLP /fQ^PW[P Akwa Ibom State Â&#x2030;_L_fQVPfZd\PNYVQxP Akwa United Fc, Uwem Ekoh, has blamed lack of concentration for the 2-0 defeat the team NdBQ^QVPY_PUKQPKL_VNP of Heartland FC in Owerri. He also said the early goal against Akwa demoralised them and as a result they found YUPVY/fdZUPUWPfWRQP\LfXP to the game even as he expressed optimism that they are going to improve. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It is painful that Akwa lost again last weekend but that is
football for you. I think that the early goal against the team got them demoralised and apart from that they lost concentration during the encounter. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Apart from lack of concentration and the early goals that got them demoralised the striker did not live up to expectation and the technical crew is taking care of that. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I believe that with the work the technical crew is doing with the team in no distant time the good results will start coming,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ekoh enthused It is recalled that after
the game the coach of the side Baraje blasted the players for their lack of concentration during the game which result in their defeat.
He equally blamed his strikers for not being able to utilise the opportunities that came their way during the game.
show saying that his target for the 2014/2015 NPFL season is to win the league shield and the scorer gong with the ambitious aim of _Q,Y_`PÂ Â&#x20AC;PZQL`dQP`WLZN| â&#x20AC;&#x153;It hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been easy all the while but I thank Allah for how He has been helping me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The season just started L_VP PUKY_XPkQPL^QPT^Q,]P good at the moment, my target for the season is to
ormer captain and coach of Enugu Rangers International Football Club, Christian Chukwu has declared that the Red Card which reduced the Flying Antelope to 10 men on Sunday in their Week 9 against old foes, 3SC in Ibadan was well deserved. According to him: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We thank God for the 1-1 draw particularly as we were reduced to 10 men due to the Red Card that was issued to one of our players during the match. Of course it was a well deserved Red Card and we do not have any problems with that because the rules are very clear,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Chukwu said. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I must commend our boys for their commitment, hardwork and determination during the game which ensured that at least we did not return empty handed at the end of encounter.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The team was determined to ensure that despite the disadvantage of losing a player due to the Red Card we returned with a point as we shared the spoils. Despite our disadvantage in terms of number, it was Rangers who would have won the game as we were the side that threatened our opponents. Management place Abia Warriors on half Salary It was outcry by stakeholders when the management of Abia Warriors during the week slam a half salary measure on the players of the Umuahia based club for losing their home game on Sunday.
Plateau, MFM, FRSC go for consolidation
Big dream: Shuaibu sets 35 goals target, title he adage that says if wishes are horses beggars would ride horses aptly captures the dream of Giwa Football Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; red hot striker, Ibrahim Shuaibu, who has disclosed to a Lagosbased radio station that his target this season is to win the league title and emerge as the goal king with 35 goals. The 20-year-old striker has been in a great form this term in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) with an impressive start to the season, he has scored Â&#x2030;gQP`WLZNPY_P_Y_QPZQL`dQP games. His goals also KQZTQVPKYNPUQLRPUWPÂ&#x2030;_YNKP the month under review without a loss. The sensational striker made his league ambition known to Nigerians on Saturday on Lets Talk Nigeria Football radio
Rangersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Red Card in Ibadan well deserved- Chukwu
win the league with Giwa FC, to score 35 league goals and to emerge as the highest goal scorer,â&#x20AC;? the new Super Eagles invitee told the radio anchor, Olawale Adigun. Ibrahim edged the likes of Mfon Udoh, who holds the record of all time highest goal scorer in the NPFL with 23 goals, Bayelsa United goalkeeper Bassey Akpan, Ubong
Ekpai of Kano Pillars and Wikkiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Godwin Obaje and others to claim the League Bloggers best player award for the month of April. Shuaibu scored 12 goals for the Elephant of Jos last season, his goals helped YkLP PÂ&#x2030;_YNKPY_PUKQP top-six. Heartland target good result against Lobi Following last week 2-0 victory against visiting Akwa United FC, Heartland FC said they kQ^QPKWTQ[dZPW[P`Q,Y_`PLP good result against Lobi Stars FC of Makurdi in this weekend Nigeria Professional Football League. According the Media /fQ^PW[PUKQP LÂżYP Millionaires, Cajetan Nkwopara: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It is our prayer to build on the victory we recorded against Akwa United last week in Owerri.
t promises to be a consolidation week for the front runners in the Nigeria National League (NNL) this weekend as Plateau United and other victorious teams will go for three points at stake to improve their lot on the league table. Plateau United, MFM, Jigawa, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) were among the early league leaders after they recorded wins over their opponents last weekend. MFM of Lagos had defeated host, Gateway United by a lone goal at MKO Abiola stadium, Abeokuta while in Jos, home team, Plateau United FC showed class by thrashing visiting Yobe Desert Warriors 2-0. Also, in Abuja, FRSC walloped guest Sokoto United 3-1 at the Old Parade Ground, Abuja just as e Jigawa Golden Stars FC of Dutse defeated Supreme Court FC of Abuja by a lone goal and Kogi United FC and Spotlight FC played out a 1-1 draw in Lokoja. dUPYUPkYZZP\QPLP\L,ZQP royale in Lagos where city rivals MFM will host First Bank FC at Agege
Stadium. Both clubs have shown impressive performances last weekend with victories hence they will strive to maintain the status quo. Plateau United will play away to Adamawa United in a match the Tin City Boys will try hard to win to show their seriousness towards picking a ticket to return to the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) next season.
Fixtures WEEK 2 FIXTURES DIVISION A1 Spotlight v Kaduna United Supreme Court v Kogi Utd Yobe Desert v Jigawa Stars Adamawa Utd v Plateau Utd DIVISION A2 Sokoto Utd v Gombe Utd Mighty Jets v FRSC Tornadoes v Court Of Appeal ABS v Ranchers Bees DIVISION B1 Bussdor v Crown FC Ekiti Utd v Go-Round Ikorodu Utd v Prime FC Abia Utd v Remo Stars DIVISION B2 J. Atete v Nembe City MFM v First Bank Insurance v Gateway Akwa Starlets v Atiba Utd
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Drogba catches up with Snoop Dogg at Cannes Film Festival I t was a case of the Drog and Snoop Dogg on Wednesday night as Chelsea veteran Didier Drogba kicked back at the Cannes Film Festival with the legendary rapper. Less than 24 hours after he sat out Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shock 3-0 defeat by West ^WRPLUP KQP LkUKW^_NxP ^W`\LPÂ&#x2026;Q,QVPWBPUWPUKQP south of France for the prestigious event. After rubbing shoulders with celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Cara Delevingne on Tuesday QgQ_Y_`xPUKQPÂ Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;]QL^Â&#x152;WZVP
Ivory Coast forward bumped into Snoop Dogg on Wednesday night. Drogba posted a picture of the pair on his Instagram account stating: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Great to catch up with my big bro yesterday @ snoopdogg in Cannes @ viproom SN double O PEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The pairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friendship seems to go back a long kL]|P _P[LfUxP _WWTP W``PUWWXPUWP kY,Q^PUWP congratulate Drogba and his Chelsea team-mates following their triumph against Bayern Munich in the Champions
QL`dQPÂ&#x2030;_LZP\LfXPY_P 2012. Thomas Muellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 83rd minute strike put the German giants ahead but ^W`\LPZQgQZZQVPRL,Q^NP Â&#x2030;gQPRY_dUQNPZLUQ^P\Q[W^QP stepping up to take the decisive spot-kick during the ensuing penalty shoot-out to deliver the European title for the Blues. Following Drogbaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s KQ^WYfNPLUP ZZYL_ÂżP ^Q_LxP Snoop Dogg tweeted: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Shout out to my homeboy Didier Drogba and tha Chelsea squad 4 winning tha Champions League! 1st time Uhearme #execbranchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Lewandowski and Boateng in training brawl ; {< Â&#x192;J{``{Â&#x192;J< Â&#x2026;T^@JT QJ{VJ
Gerrard reminded me a lot of myself
inedine Zidane has hailed outgoing YgQ^TWWZPNXYTTQ^xP UQgQ_P Q^^L^VxPTL]Y_`PKYRP the ultimate compliment by comparing the veteran RYVÂ&#x2030;QZVQ^PUWPKYRNQZ[| Q^^L^VÂ&#x192;NPT^QNUY`YWdNP}Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; year career playing for the Reds comes to an end against UWXQPW_P d_VL]xPkYUKP QLZP Madrid legend Zidane the latest in a long line of stars to laud the former England international. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a player that I ^QLZZ]PUKWd`KUPLPZWUPW[xP PKLVP a lot of time for him and rated him. I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that L\WdUPQgQ^]W_QxÂ&#x192;P YVL_QP told LFCTVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Gerrard: My Liverpoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Why did I like him so much? Perhaps there was something about him that ^QRY_VQVPRQPLPZY,ZQP\YUPW[P myself. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;He preferred to do his
; x{|< }J{~ 0{HT>H ~J J?H Â&#x20AC;>?JH>?J Â&#x20AC;>H{?J ULZXY_`PW_PUKQPÂ&#x2030;QZVxPdNY_`PKYNP gWYfQxPKYNPfWR\LUYgQPNTY^YUP and above all his ability on the ball that could make the VYBQ^Q_fQPY_PLP`LRQ| â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simply that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s one of UKQP[QkPTZL]Q^NxPL_VP PRdNUP come back to his combative
NTY^YUPKQ^QxPkKWPYNPLPNdTQ^\P UQfK_YfYL_xPkKWPYNP`^QLUPW_P UKQP\LZZxP\dUPkKWPRYpQVPY_P UKWNQPÂ&#x2030;`KUY_`PÂ&#x201A;dLZYUYQNPkYUKP everything he did. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;And he led everyone else and pushed them on to do RW^QPL_VPTQ^[W^RP\Q,Q^|Â&#x192;
KQPKLVPNQQ_xP L]Q^_P\WNNP Pep Guardiola sent the feuding pair back to the changing rooms. The spat comes 10
days after Guardiola and striker Thomas Muller clashed on the touchline during the 3-0 Champions League semiÂ&#x2030;_LZPÂ&#x2030;^NUPZQ`PVQ[QLUPUWP Barcelona.
De Geaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s girlfriend refuses to answer questions ^? Â >< 0{? Â&#x201A;?>Â&#x192;JH Â&#x201E;_Â&#x192;_TJ ; {`>H }J{~ 0{HT>H <QJV_~{Â&#x192;>^?
Carroll attends birthday bash dressed as pirate est Ham NU^YXQ^xP _V]P Carroll showed no signs of disappointment at RYNNY_`PUKQPÂ&#x2030;_LZPTL^UPW[P UKQPNQLNW_PLNPKQPL,Q_VQVP
obert Lewandowski and Jerome Boateng had to be separated by team-mates after clashing during Bayern Munich training on Wednesday. Boateng was unhappy with a robust challenge from Lewandowski and squared up to the Polish striker. Lewandowski stood his ground when confronted by Boateng L_VP LÂ&#x2030;_KLxP QVKYP Benatia and Bayern captain Philipp Lahm had to step in and separate the pair. Unimpressed by what
a birthday party in fancy dress. Carroll was ruled out of the remainder of the season in February after tearing a knee ligament in the Hammersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 0-0
draw with Southampton. And he took the chance to enjoy some time with KQLgYZ]Â&#x152;T^Q`_L_UPÂ&#x2030;L_fĂ&#x2030;QxP Billi Mucklowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family over the weekend as he dressed as a pirate to celebrate her nephewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s third birthday. Resembling Jack Sparrow in the YRT^QNNYgQPfWNUdRQxPUKQP striker was all smiles in a picture of the couple which he posted on Instagram. Carroll began his career at Newcastle _YUQVxP\Q[W^QPZQLgY_`P for Liverpool in a ÂŁ35million move on transfer deadline day in January 2011 but failed to live up to his hefty price tag. Following his spell LUP _Â&#x2030;QZVPKQPÂ&#x2026;WY_QVP the West Ham in a ÂŁ15million move in June 2013 after initially joining on loan a year earlier.
avid de Geaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s girlfriend refused to answer questions when quizzed about the Manchester United goalkeeperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on Spanish TV on Tuesday. The 24-year-old has been heavily linked with a move to La Liga giants Real Madrid in the summer. But when the TV presenter tried to bring up the subject of De QLÂ&#x192;NP^dRWd^QVPRWgQxP Eurovision singer Edurne Garcia ignored the question and then claimed she was having problems with her earpiece. Asked if he would be accompanying her Y_P YQ__LxPkKQ^QPUKQP Eurovision song contest is being held or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;signing [W^P QLZP LV^YVÂ&#x192;xPNKQPNLYVĂ&#x201E;P
QLZP LV^YVxP]QNPW^P_WĂ&#x2039;P NP he going to sign today and kYZZP]WdP\QPUKQPÂ&#x2030;^NUPW_QP KQPfLZZNĂ&#x2039;xÂ&#x192;P L^fYLPfZLYRQVP someone away from camera kLNPfLZZY_`PKQ^xPkLgQVP `WWV\]QPL_VPVL^UQVPWB|
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;You know my boyfriend is working. The league is coming to an end and he wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be able to come. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve NLYVPYUPRL_]xPRL_]PUYRQN|Â&#x192; Presenter Marilo Montero insisted: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Is he going to sign LA LIGA with Real Madrid?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; There was an Saturday, 23 May awkward silence Levante v Elche before the singer Rayo v Sociedad replied: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The truth Barcelona v Deportivo is Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so happy to be here at MĂĄlaga v Sevilla Eurovision.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Celta Vigo v Espanyol She continued Bilbao v Villarreal talking about the SERIE A song contest and when the presenter Saturday, 23 May tried to interrupt Juventus v Napoli and ask again Genoa v Inter about David and QLZP LV^YVxPNKQP BUNDESLIGA tapped her earpiece Saturday, 23 May and retorted: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I Bayern v Mainz canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hear anythingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Hannover v Freiburg \Q[W^QPLVVY_`xPÂ&#x2020; Â&#x192;RP here to talk about Mâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;gladbach v Augsburg Eurovision and Dortmund v Werder about my song. Hamburg v Schalke Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m one of the Cologne v Wolfsburg favourites.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Put on the spot Eintracht v Leverkusen by the presenter Paderborn v Stuttgart who asked her: Hoffenheim v Hertha â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Would you like it if David signed for
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Keshi contract:
Temile Slams NFF over clauses Mark Ogagan
igeria exinternational winger, Clement Temile, has predicted tough times for Stephen Keshi in his second spell as Super Eagles Head Coach, stressing that there are ‘too many unrealistic clauses in his current contract.’ Temile, a former teammate of Keshi in the mid 80s, said the coach is being ‘unfairly restricted’ in the discharge of his duties by the several ‘needless’ clauses embedded in his contract. “This is not fair on the man, even though we’ve often said he should have stepped down a long time ago, but since the NFF still require his services, they should have made
KYNP^WLVPNRWWUKxP_WUP ZZQVP with thorns as they’ve done. “But again, Keshi accepting that contract is like a drowning man who will clutch at a straw,” Temile remarked. In one of the clauses, the ‘Big Boss’ is mandated to reach the semi _LZNPW[PUKQP~ } P P KLRTYW_NKYTP[W^P [^YfL_P players based at home, xPL_VPLUPZQLNUPUKQP NQRY _LZNPW[PUKQP~ } P LUYW_NP dTP _LZNxPW^P essentially be prepared to be booted out. It is also proposed in Clause 5.5 that the Eagles Head Coach should be ready to work under the supervision of the national technical director kKYZQP ZLdNQP | PNULUQNP that the coach would have UWPWBQ^PUQfK_YfLZPNdTTW^UP to all the other national teams. He is also not allowed to go to the press with issues of his salary or his
employers and all of his statements on his team must go through the image maker of the NFF. Similarly, Keshi is not allowed to spend more UKL_P~}PVL]NPWdUNYVQPUKQP shores of the country and he is entitled to just N500,000 as travelling allowance. ZNWPY_fZdVQVPY_PUKQP deal is a clause that forbids him from receiving gifts from corporate bodies, individuals or State Governments without the knowledge of the NFF. However, the one clause that might be rejected out-rightly by Keshi is the one that says he will be given a pool of players by UKQPUQfK_YfLZPfWRRY,QQP from which he will call-up players for games. Z^QLV]xP QNKYPKLNP referred to the document as a “slave contract” and has promised to open discussions with the NFF when he returns from the US.
Kpakor tasks administrators on soccer growth Victor Enyinnaya
x- international, Moses Kpakor, has called on football administrators to pull their resources together for the overall development of the game in Nigeria. He stressed that the state of the game in the country still leaves much to be desired, adding that only a sincerity of purpose and a big heart is the kind of revolution the game needs to thrive in Nigeria. Kpakor said though one cannot be completely NLUYN QVPkYUKPUKQP
situation of the game at the moment, he observed that the present leadership has good ideas on how the modern day game should be run. “The very undoing of the country’s administrators remains lacking a bit of consistency, but there’s plenty of work being done at the top. He however acknowledges that we have been through some hardKY,Y_`PUYRQN|P “One cannot change that fact and the good thing is that we are a big country with lots of talented players. The obvious thing is that we just need to get the right and strong structures in place so that the brightness can stand out
for the good of the game and its stakeholders. ‘The fact is that football has a big and brighter space in the land. Our major problem all these years have been no will power to take the bull by the horn. Government’s deep involvement in the funding of the game RLVQPYUPNWPL,^LfUYgQP because of lack of accountability that exists there. The game has not been growing. The former BCC Lions of Gboko henchman thinks so, insisting that the problem is that we NUYZZPNQ,ZQP[W^PgQ^]PZY,ZQ|P He gave an instance that a country that can easily RLXQPYUPUWP _LZNPW[PL_]P World Cup celebrates a W^ZVP dTP dL^UQ^ _LZP place when ever that comes, that is not good enough. He believes that there is every need to aspire to go further. The gap has closed a lot, UKWd`K|P [^YfL_PUQLRNP L^QP`Q,Y_`PKL^VQ^PL_VP harder to beat, and that’s a fact. In Nigeria we are yet to device ways to remain on top of the game due to lack of planning. “The trouble has been administration and the ability to be accountable. There are an awful lot of talents amongst these youngsters we parade in our age group teams.”
member of scouting team at the ongoing Samuel Oguche organized basketball camp, Greg Brown, is already in love with the abundant natural talents that abound in Nigeria when it comes to the slam and dunk game. ffW^VY_`PUWP ^Q`NxP “I see a lot of athletes, a lot of kids that are ready to learn” He cautioned that people should not be in a rush to expect immediate results from the kids in the camp as some are at the beginning stages in their development
and are in camp to learn while others are in their formative year on their way to actualize their full potential which has `W,Q_PKYRP^QLZZ]P excited. Speaking on the driving force in making the trip to Nigeria, the world famous scout based in Florida in the United state said “Years ago, I came for another camp in Nigeria and I got to know a lot of players and coaches coupled with the drive they have and the willingness to listen to me.” “Years ago, when
I took the kids to the United states, those kids performed well in the classroom and on the court which has encouraged me to fWRQP\LfXPL_VP _VP more kids. He thanked the former Lagos Islander and national team TZL]Q^P[W^PLBW^VY_`PUKQP kids the opportunity to showcase their talent as he described it as the right recipe to develop basketball in Nigeria. Reacting further, he said some of the indigenous coaches are also using the weeklong camp sponsored by Bullet Energy Drink as a learning process from their foreign counterparts which will help their respective teams at the long run when they return to their base. ^Q`PL/^RNPUKLUP since Nigeria have already registered their presence at the Olympics and basketball world championship, developing kids from the grassroots will help them have the basic fundamental knowledge about the game which will in turn improve the quality of players the country in churning out technically sound players as no country Y_PUKQPkW^ZVPfL_PLBW^VP UWPVQTQ_VP} PTQ^fQ_UP on foreign based players without the home grown products.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 27
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
Why I married Danjuma - Actress Caroline Ekanem-Danjuma
Tips to loving relationship
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
nem-Danjuma a k E e n li ro a C ss - Actre h Ekanem to a Scottis i as Ab k ua Ud e lin born Caro Chico anem Danjuma, was ses after her role in Ek es e tr lin ac r ro te Ca af s s, t ht es gh tr ug ac so the most Nollywood ce Idibia. usic sensation, Tufa r . She became one of m he ot ith m w n ce ia an er ig m N ro a d ed father an younger her short-liv to Musa Danjuma, a She was famous for . ge ss ria Ki ar ly m r ad he De r te
went into oblivion so be adored for her al te ld ua ou ad w gr r dy ba la la ul Ca tif # strikingly beau The University of " Danjuma (Rtd). The s ilu ph eo Th l ra ! ne ge. sibling of Ge ood and her marria w ly ol N om fr e nc se about her ab NDE ESO, she speaks TU ith w w ie rv te in In this
Why have you taken a break from acting? I did not leave acting. What I did was set my priorities right. At the time I left the scene, I was a newlywed and a young mother. All that mattered to me were my husband and children. We all know that acting is very demanding, so I had to do a careful consideration. I had just graduated from the University of Calabar, where I studied for a degree in Environmental Protection and Geography and I had a lot of things on my plate. Because talent never wanes, I decided to concentrate on working on the foundation of my marriage and my children. I tried to go back to the industry, but I think the time wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t right. Do you miss being on screen? I miss being an actress especially when I watch Nollywood movies. Interestingly, I can no longer refer to myself as an actress because I have not been consistent. As much as I have my priorities, I still desire to be a part of the industry which brought me so much joy. Thankfully, I played a supporting role in a movie I shot alongside Moses Inwang titled Stalker. I was an assistant director, co-executive producer and stylist on set; it was a collaborative effort. Was it easy to fit in after a prolonged absence? Initially, I shied away from taking up a role but thankfully, I worked with an amazing cast and director who encouraged me. Because I had a baby a few months ago, I imagined I had not shed my pregnancy weight. Given that I hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t acted for over a decade, I left the lead roles for better actors (Nse Ikpe-Etim and Jim Iyke) and they were extremely helpful on
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
set. I am my worst critic when it comes to acting and that is why I always criticise my old movies. You were already doing great as an actress when you got married. Was it a tough call to let go of fame to concentrate on marriage and family? I got married about the time I won the Best Actress Award for my role in Mass Destruction at The Nigeria Movies Award that was hosted in Tinapa. However, it was very easy for me to make the switch because I am a go-getter. At that time, my mind was set on marriage; I always wanted to be married at a certain age. I was already a graduate and I wanted to get married and have kids because I felt it was a form of responsibility. Thankfully it happened. Do you miss spinsterhood? I don’t miss anything because I am an introvert; I love to stay at home and have a good laugh. When I want to go on an adventure, it has to be a really crazy one. I
love horror movies and I am not the type who loves to party because I am very shy. Did you meet your husband while you were working? Yes, I did but I wouldn’t want to talk about the circumstances under which we met. What attracted you to him? He was and still is very calm and gentlemanly; he was not too pushy. You have been married for a decade, how would you describe the journey? The institution is not for fickle minds. I have learnt to be patient, extremely prayerful, kind and I don’t take things for granted. Even though I wanted to be married because I wanted to have children and a husband I can come home to, I have learnt that marriage is much more than the aforementioned. I have gone through the moulding stage; I am now a beautiful masterpiece. Continued on page 28
Car ol E kan My em Lo -Da ve nju>P ... maG >P. G 252
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
I always wanted to be married at a certain age. I was already a graduate and I wanted to get married and have kids because I felt it was a form of responsibility. Thankfully it happened
tunde ESO Correspondent
qismat Yinus Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, May 23, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08061685858
I don’t run the record label any longer. I want to focus on myself as an individual. I was not trained in that aspect of entertainment so I employed people and relied on their expertise. I don’t want to make that sort of mistake again. Right now, I am trained in the fields I am venturing into. Aside from acting, what projects are you currently working on? I am working on opening a luxury empire, which I want to be considered a mini Dubai; I have always loved departmental stores and malls. I want to create a foreign ambience and it will comprise of a spa, beauty salon, interior designing, fashion designing and make - up institutes. I still run my production company and we specialise in screenwriting, directing and other related areas. I have had to undergo trainings at the Academy of Freelance Makeup and the Institute of Interior Designing which are both in London. What is your take on style? My style is edgy and I really love to be noticed when I wearing something nice. I am not crazy about anything in particular, but I love beautiful and unique pieces. I love shoes and bags that have a touch of art. I watch what I eat and maintain a regular fitness routine.
My husband’s calmness was the attraction My husband is extremely supportive of everything I do, he protects me and doesn’t want me to do anything that would hurt me and I appreciate that. I know what pleases him and he hasn’t stopped me from being a part of Nollywood. He knows I love being a creative person. Do you think it is possible to have a successful marriage and career?
Yes, as long as you are on the right path and have the support of your family. It is very difficult when your partner isn’t in the same field as you are. I recall when we were shooting the movie -Stalker; I was on set all night so I had to carry my husband along by explaining things to him. It was difficult for him to accept initially, but later he saw things for himself.
Do you plan to handle movie productions independently? Yes, I may but I would love to collaborate with like - minded professionals and weigh the options before I proceed. If I realise that doing it on my own won’t bring about the best result, I will engage the services of experienced professionals. You once floated a record label and entertainment company…
“I always wanted to be married at a certain age. I was already a graduate and I wanted to get married and have kids because I felt it was a form of responsibility. Thankfully it happened”.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Five minutes with... You could spot her from wherever you stood. She is endowed with luminous bright eyes and sparkling white set of teeth that flash at you once she parts her lips. Her endearing smile and curvature is a testimony of God’s creative ingenuity. Ajoke Bukky Wright, Nollywood actress, mother of two and Economics graduate spoke
I keep to myself because I am tempramental -Bukky Wright
with AJIBADE ALABI this week. There are those who believe that you were somehow lucky at the time you made your break in the industry; what would you say to that? Well, I don’t agree with that because before I could become the house hold name that I am today, I had paid my dues. I have been through thick and thin of the movie business. There were times I went to locations and never got paid. Those times, if I didn’t want to do this job, I would have opted out for something else. But because I love what I do, I decided to hang in there. I believe that tough times don’t last, tough people do. I faced and dealt with the challenges and here I am today. There were times I went for auditioning and never got the roles even when it was obvious I was the best candidate for the role. The producers felt he was more comfortable working with other people. But I give God the glory that today I am who I am and where I am. And I must not fail to mention three people who were instrumental to my journey; they are Sunny Okim, Fidelis Duker, and Shan George There were stories about you dating one guy or the other. Now tell me, how did you deal with male admirers? Well, I simply see them all as male admirers. There is a saying in Yoruba which says “The eyes cannot behold a beauty and not acknowledge that beauty”. It all depends on how the beautiful woman carries herself and responds to the acknowledgement of her beauty. And as for my male fans, I have no issues with them; they are just appreciating the good work of God Who exactly is Bukky Wright and how would you describe yourself? I will say that to a large extent, I am a private person. I am trying to shield myself from the public. I am very homely person. To a lot of people who do not know me closely, they will say she is an extrovert, but I am not. I really prefer keeping to myself and staying indoors. Some people will say Bukky is a snub, but what they don’t realise is the fact they only see me as a snub because I am somewhat shy person. Sure, when I am with my own people, I talk, I play. Some of them will even say I am a crazy person. But despite all of these, I will not allow anyone throw silly stuffs at me. I won’t take nonsense from anyone. I will respond. With me, what you see is what you get. I don’t pretend. So are you saying the Bukky Wright you
projected in the movies is different from the real one? The Bukky Wright people know in movies portrays an iron lady who is hot tempered. I know my temper is bad. I know it is very bad and that is why I am usually very quiet. That is also why I make it clear to people that I take no bull shit. No one throws nonsense at me and then think you will get away. I will respond and take you on. My temper won’t let me stay quiet. Truth is, I don’t like getting into messy situations, so I keep to myself. But within my people, I could be very playful and fun to be with. I am also very respectful too. Ajoke Who authorised you to call me that name (Smiling) Do I need to take order form you before calling you that? Yes oh. Anyway go ahead, you will pay for that after. Let go personal now. What is Bukky’s personal style statement? One might like to say Bukky Wright is expensive and flamboyant. I won’t say I am flamboyant, I just love good things. I am a woman of taste and class. And I believe I have really worked hard to earn them. I am just simply a classy person. Even, the kind of music I listen to is classic. I guessed that is why I love Classic F.M. I am not advertising them here, but they play really classical music that I love. In terms of fashion, again, to me, class is a priority. I have a large collection of all kinds of dresses, clothing, accessories, you name it, but they all have one thing in common and that is class. Let me ask you a question though a lot of people might have asked you this. Are you truly the richest female actress in the country today, especially among the Yoruba group? Ah! I don’t know but I thank God I can afford to take my three square meals a day. Yes, to the glory of God I am comfortable, but the richest? Ah! I don t know oh! I know you are been modest. Looking around your home and the obvious comfort you live in, one might be tempted to believe you could indeed be the richest female actress even though you never allow me full access into your posh and expensive home, having restricted me to the living room. You are not serious; what do you want to come and do in my living room? If you come inside and my husband catches you, what would you tell him? I will tell him I came here to interview you now. Inside my living room? Anu e semi (I pity you) On a more serious note Bukky, your taste and your standard seems to tow that path, that you are the richest actress in Nigeria. I don t know of that, all I know is that I am doing well and living comfortably well.
30 Love Tips
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
9 ways to say ‘I love you’ without words 1. Have a favorite meal ready for a partner unexpectedly: After a long day facing the prospect of an empty refrigerator, there’s nothing like getting surprised with a favorite meal by your loved one. Whether it’s homemade or takeout, it’s a sign of love. 2. Anticipate needs: Nothing tells your partner you know them and love them like giving them what they want before they had to ask for it. It can be something small, like having their coffee ready just the way they like it, or big, like knowing they’ll need extra support during a project at work. The more you observe your partners needs the more you can be there to show your love. 3
If you’re watching television together it’s a delight to be offered the re mote, a very simple way to show a little love.
Be physically and emotionally present: These are big ones. Being physi cally there for your partner is only half the relationship: Listen, pay atten tion, be emotion ally present when you’re physically present. Being a car ing presence for a partner really shows your love on a daily basis.
Create special surprises for your partner: They can be as simple as a mint on the pillow or an affectionate note snuck in a gym bag.
Listen, really listen: There’s a huge difference between hearing and listening. More than talking, listening is the real key to good communication in a relation ship and a sign of love.
Surprise a partner after a trip by picking her up from the airport: Nothing says “I love you” like being greeted at baggage claim with a kiss.
Celebrate unexpected anniversaries, like the anniversary of a first date or kiss: The private, unexpected anniversaries you remember are a real sign of love for your partner. Even if it’s just a note reminding them that six years ago today you first said the ‘L’ word to each other, it’s a sign of love that you remember.
Not harassing them about time with their friends that doesn’t include you: Se riously, giving your partner his or her space is not only healthy, it’s a sign of love.
Newswatch Times, Saturday May 23, 2015
! " # $ % & ' & & ( % ) * + , .
Tope Osoba premieres â&#x20AC;&#x153;Single Ladyâ&#x20AC;?
Nollywood actress Uche Jombo shared lovely photo of herself and her husband Kenney Rodriguez alongside a very emotional and romantic caption as they celebrate their third wedding anniversary. The talented Nollywood producer is also pregnant.
Uche Jombo gives husband romantic message as they celebrate third marriage anniversary
creen diva, Mercy Johnson-Okojie took to social media to send a birthday message to her husband, Prince Okojie who added another year last weekend. You would recall the couple got married in 2011 and have two children, Purity Okojie and Henry Okojie. Mercy, the Ebira-born sexy actress has surprised many with her marriage. Gossip said the marriage will not last more than two years but now the marriage is going to four years and still counting.
Mercy Johnson Okojie celebrates husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s birthday
Sumptuous thespian, Eniola Badmus known for her breathtaking movie roles has released a picture that greatly exposed her bounties. The picture surfaced online few days ago and it is bound to get tongues wagging. Not known for seducing wears, Eniola stunned her fans and admirers with the wears that showed her shape - back side.
ollywood screen diva, Stephanie Linusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; new flick â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; won the gong for the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Best Protagonist Awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at the Bentonville Film Festival held in Arkankas, USA. In its inaugural edition, the award was hosted by Nick Cannon at a star studded event. The actress couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t attend the festival, but the filmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s co-producer/editor Jane Lawalata picked up the award in her stead. The flick, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is an inspiring movie based on a true story about Zara and Halima who find themselves in the same cultural trap regardless of their backgrounds. They each struggle to make meaning to their lives.
Stephanie wins award at Bentonville Festival
ome 14th of June, 2015, the Association of Yoruba Media Presenters will have their day with a lot of fun fair at Glitters Hotel, Egbeda, Lagos. According to the committee chairman of the upcoming event, Mrs. Aderonke Laide Gold, the celebration will afford the presenters opportunity to come together at least for once since most of them are always busy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will be an opportunity for all of us radio presenters to meet one another in a social gathering. The association is presently under the leadership of Aare Yinusa Aiyeniromo. The association is not a baby as it was formed over 25 years agoâ&#x20AC;? Mrs. Gold also stated that they intend to start celebrating their day every year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hence from this year, it will be a yearly celebration for us. Expected to perform at the event is Prince Goke Oyewunmi ikini lowun orin on Bond F/M.
Yoruba Media presenters celebrates
he second edition of the Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original Expression Show is phase of the competition last week Friday and Saturday at the University of Ibadan. The oldest and most prestigious university in Nigeria which boasts of over 30,000 students hosted Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original Expression Show which was designed to give young undergraduates, fresh graduates and corps members with unique creative abilities a platform to showcase their original works for a chance to win amazing prizes and opportunities. According to the organizers, the Ibadan auditions were open to thousands of registered participants from within and around the ancient city. The trio of fashion experts Mai Atafo, Kunbi Oyelese, Kelechi AmadiObi and House of Tara were all part of the jury who judged the partici ! ! ! " # Obudu Cattle Ranch, Cross Rivers State, later in the year. The next audition train stops at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State on Friday May 22nd and Saturday 23rd, University of Nigeria Enugu on the 29th and 30th before stopping at University of Lagos on the 5th and 6th of June 2015. Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original Expression Show is sponsored by Fayrouz natural premium soft drink. Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original places emphasis on creativity and originality as expressed in the art of modelling, fashion designing, make-up artistry and photography in the spirit of entrepreneurship.. Pirates rough handled Biodun Okeowo in Lagos Top Yoruba actress, Biodun Okeowo had a rough day with a pirates
! " $ %" & ' () *& + / Some days ago, pirates released the movie to the market, which later triggered a protest by some practitioners in the movie industry in Nigeria. Biodun, narrating her experience in the hands of a pirate in Lagos, " " seller, but was attacked thereafter. She disclosed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I saw a pirated copy of October 1st today (last week) and I rolled down to get oneâ&#x20AC;Ś.having it in my hold, I asked the guy ! " (% & 8 (: % " ! ;& < (= ! & & 8 " 8 !
>? " 8 (@ & 8 Q ! and my driver rolled up.â&#x20AC;? V " X ! ! >: " 8 ! struggled with me, but on seeing me alight from the car, he scampered,â&#x20AC;? she said.
Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original begins audition at Ibadan
ongbird Tiwa Savage is presently having her baby shower in billionaire Femi Otedolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s private yacht and her friends including Toke Makinwa, April by Kunbi, Elohor Aisien are there. The talented artiste did not waste time in up loading the pictures into the social media for her fans to have a feel of the event.
Tiwa Savage celebrates baby shower
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Eniola Badmus strikes killer pose
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
too long ago, lific female disc and daughter of
e is proud single father of a three year old daughter, and yet expecting another cute baby from his Colombian fiancĂŠe, Sonia Lareina, who he met recently on Instagram. But IK Ogbonna according to what he said recently is not a casanova as people paint him to be. Although he is regarded as one of the hottest sex symbols in the Nigerian entertainment industry for his suave looks and carriage, the Nollywood actor cum model, claimed he belongs to God. In a recent interview, he defended himself saying it was all bunch of lies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be true; people can only say what they want to say because a lot of people believe that you can only get something by selling your body, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t roll that way. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m strictly Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s child and I belong to the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Umu Chineke communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;; that is Children of God community. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m strictly Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s property and He takes care of my business for me.
I.K Ogbonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s confession!
s the music industry was awakened to the cheery news of the birth of the daughter of Mavins artiste, Dr. Sid and his wife, Simi Esiri, little did anyone observe that another artiste was celebrating the birth of another baby? Hours before the birth of the Esiriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter, HKN Gang head act, Davido, had shared the picture of an adult hand in the grip of a childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;God is great. New life, new beginnings, new album. It is our year.â&#x20AC;? However, the artiste has thrown confusion amongst his many loyal fans as the faces to which the hands belonged to were not seen. Many congratulatory messages have begun to pour in for the artiste. Another observation noted was that his alleged baby mama, Sophie Momodu, who is based in Abuja was said to have given birth yesterday in Lagos. She also shared the same picture on her social media page about a day before the artiste did.
ot pro pro-jockey
Davido now a father?
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
More Tripping...
Qismat Yinus 51
OAP Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi launches shoe line
opular On-Air-Personality with Beat FM, Gbemi Olateru-Olagbegi launched her shoe line which is named after her - Gbémisókè - a women’s shoe line consisting of flats, pumps and mules for women who wear size 42 and up. Gbemi said she decided to start her line due to personal challenges getting the right shoe sizes here and abroad. “It’s quite tough for women like me who wear UK size 9 and up, to find nice shoes. Most stores don’t carry such big sizes, and when they do, they sell out quickly. After complaining for years, I decided to create a line to make life easier for women like me who have bigger feet. I meet women every time who have the same challenges, and I was surprised to realize no one was really doing anything about it.’
oard b l l i B s d n ow n a t t e t e r r B s i r h C daugh h t i w s d r aw a lty, her re d hter, Roya ts
d au g d boo n gave his Timb erlan really & tu u T hris Brow le e y lo oke d ut in a litt c ar p et deb illb oard Awards. Th B at the 2015 er. cute togeth
hters g u a d d n a a i b Annie Idi g outfits r o ck m a t c h i n
Uche Ogbodo releases new photos to celebrate birthday
T te looked really culast rs te gh au d er h outfits nnie and out in matching as they stepped um is pictured on the far week. Annie’s m
A right.
he actress and mother of one was a year older last Sunday. Uche who was excited about her new age took to her Instagram page to wish herself a happy birthday and released new photos. “The year 2015 has brought me hope and lots of happiness. For the lessons I learnt along the way, I have no regrets, rather I have learnt to stand taller no matter that may come, It is a new year for me! A new hope, a brand new opportunity to soar! Happy birthday to me!”
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, May 23, 2015
olitician cum businesswoman,Chief (Mrs) Kemi Nelson is a very stylish woman. The pretty and fashionable socialite never fails to impress at social gatherings. She is highly respected and admired when it comes to fashion and style. Kemi Nelson has become a fashion role model and this is as a result of her signature “gele” style, which makes her look very unique and exquisite at events. See some stunning photos of this lady of style and let her signature “gele” looks captivate you. Qismat Yinus
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gloria Maduka After 13 years in the U.S, Gloria Maduka decided to come home to start a movie and musical
f you are a regular listener to On-Air Personality and singer-songwriter Gloria Maduka, you may have noticed as On-Air Personality at the station. There have been talks about some bad blood between her and the station which led to her leaving. But as it seems, the multi-talented Americanbred star has only moved on to bigger things. She claims there is no such thing as bad blood ! 8 Z[ V >8 ! ! " 8 Z[ " "
showcase my talents. I worked really hard when I was with them and added as much value ! ! 8 ! great training ground for me as they strive for excellent \ % ! to Cool family where she will be
She is already being featured [ ] ^^ _ Nigeria Info between 5am and 10 am. She is also a co-anchor on The Blog and The Night Show on StarTimes Channel *^` " _#{ ^#*|
V ! "
V >} but I am not a fan of revealing anything until I am 100% 8 ! environment tremendously. I had an encounter with Amin Moussali, my Managing Director, long before I got 8 Z[ V 8 ! " 8 Z[ 8 ! " Lead Presenter at another fairly new TV station but at the time, 8 ! 8 Z[ 8 ! fairly new. I know this sounds naive, but I can be that loyal; so 8
career. While still in a bid to carve a niche for herself, she was sucked into the world of radio. She is the afternoon belt queen at Inspiration FM. She has not abandoned her passion though. In a chat with AJIBADE ALABI , she talks about how her life abroad is shaping her new life at home.
x Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
CelebrityChat I remember being really sad, but I knew God may have had other plans for me. I then got to a point where I was yearning for more. I am never comfortable with complacency and stagnation, so I began to feel burned out and was losing motivation. I was humbled by the applause from my bosses at Inspiration FM and from the listeners, but I knew I was ready to grow and explore more depth. I made sure I did my best until the very ! 8 ! ! yourself even if you are no longer content.â&#x20AC;? Of her reason for leaving so abruptly, she adds, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to apologise to my listeners for not informing them before leaving Inspiration FM. I had asked for the chance to do so, but the chance never came. My resignation was quite sudden and it all happened so quickly. The last day I walked out of Inspiration FM was the same day I was already shooting promos for my TV shows at Cool TV. There is a lot expected from me here. It is safe to say I am now working and I love that. Growth comes from dedication and diligence.â&#x20AC;? When asked about her relationship with Inspiration FM, she said that there is no bad blood between her and the station. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They took me in when I got back from the US 8 8 ! } " " me a wider platform to reach more people. I am still in touch with several people at Inspiration FM and I wish them the best.â&#x20AC;? Prior to her exit, Gloria was nominated at the Nigerian Broadcasters Merit Awards in two categories: Sexiest On-Air Personality and Outstanding Radio Program Presenter. She thanks God and her fans. Despite her popularity, many will not know that she actually came into the country just two years year ago. She had lived most of her life in the United States of America. Thirteen years to be precise. And after much soul searching, the yearn for home came calling and in 2012 she answered that call. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I moved back to Nigeria because I felt it was time. You know there is a point in your life you feel it is time to move on. That point when you feel your purpose in a particular " 8 " 8 ! & despite the fact that I got a good job in a big telecommunications company. I knew I was not doing what was making me happy. I have the love for music and entertainment in general and I was not getting it there. Also, everyone at home kept telling me to come home.â&#x20AC;? : Â&#x201E; ! " ! V / ! ! " She knew that if she was in her own country, she would get a fairer trial. All these put together helped Gloria make up her mind. As an aspiring musician, Gloria was struggling her way to stardom in the US, though she never made it to the big league, she had achieved some degree of success. In herr brief stint, she performed to a packed stadium at a football game in USA. The match involved Valencia football club which had Michael Jordan in attendance. She did so ! ! (= & Â&#x201E; " Â&#x201E; ! ! & < ! ! " : Â&#x2026; ] ! : ! Â&#x201E; % } ! when she really saw the potential in Nigerian music. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After I did the North American ! : 8 ! Â&#x201E; 8 ! studying people like May D, Brymo, and MI and I realised that Nigerian music is not bad. I know that we could also do a lot about our content as well. We focus more on Q Q 8 ! ! 8 ! 8 I respect people like Waje and Omawunmi who are original and have rich contents in their songs, but I know what I can bring as well to the scene.â&#x20AC;? The obvious question now is why is she on radio and not on CD? She explains that radio was like a stepping block for her when she returned from America. She also has a broadcasting background in the US. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First of all, I have a degree in journalism. When I was in college (University), I was the anchor for the community TV. I also did some newspaper journalism.â&#x20AC;? Such a background is not an automatic ticket to get a radio Â&#x201E; Â&#x2021; V to her when she met Kenny Ogungbe who gave her a chance to work with him on his Raypower show. She later walked up to Chief Soni Irabo who gave her the afternoon belt on Inspiration Fm. So when are we going to listen to her passion, her full album? Gloria says she is still working on it and might be featuring artistes like May D and Mode 9. Going back to her past, Gloria before leaving for the US grew up in Lagos. She had part of her secondary education in Ogbomoso. Her parents noticed that she was ! ! ! >[ always supported me in whatever I did. All they were concerned about is that I do not % 8 " ! it. They are not really like the traditional parents. They guided me and allowed me to make decisions for my own life.â&#x20AC;? In over two years of working in Nigeria, a pretty damsel from the United States will ! " }
" Â&#x2021; ' >[ music and my programme are my men. Nigerian men are hot, I will not lie. For now, I think Lynx and Vector looks great. I also like JJC, there is something about his eyes and has a very good personality. Ramsey Nouah is another handsome dude; he is more handsome in person than what you see in movies.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
L-R: President Goodluck Jonathan and his wife, Patience being presented with a gift of an enlarged photograph from the church committee. Aso Villa Chaplain, Ven Obioma Onwuzurumba and wife, Martha; Engr Jide Adeniji and Prof Durosimi Efi during the Thanksgiving / Farewell Church Service in honour of the president and his family at the Aso Villa Chapel State House Abuja.
L-R: Founder, OpenEye Production Company, Ifeoma Fafunwa; Chief Executive Officer, Etisalat Nigeria, Matthew Willsher, his Wife, Deborah Willsher and Director, Brands & Communication Etisalat Nigeria, Enitan Denloye at the event.
President Goodluck Jonathan; First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan and family members dancing during the service. Photo: Anayo Opara
BOI HOLDS MEDIA PARLEY L-R: Director, Business Development, Etisalat Nigeria, Alex Kamara; Actress, Ufuoma McDermott; Chief Executive Officer, Etisalat Nigeria, Matthew Willsher and Actress, Odenike at the ‘Ankara Night’ event sponsored by Etisalat in Lagos…recently.
L-R: Executive Director, Small, Medium Enterprises, Mr. Waheed Olagunju; Executive Director, Large Scale Enterprises, Alhaji Boni Alkali; Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Rasheed Adejare Olaoluwa all of Bank of Industry (BoI), during the media parley in commemoration of one year of BoI’s impact in the industrial and SME sectors under the leadership of Mr. Rasheed Olaoluwa in Lagos…at the weekend (L-R) Nigerian Idol Season 5 Top 5 Contestants - Godson Goodluck (Classic Tunez), Oyinkepreye Deborah Toun (Preye), Ogunrombi Olakunle (K-Peace),Ogunmoyero Modoluwamu (Dolu) and EseAmadasun Imuetiyan (Nex2) after the Top 5 Gala performances at OMG’s Dream Studios in Lagos.
Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Rasheed Adejare Olaoluwa (4th left), Executive Director, Large Scale Enterprises, Alhaji Boni Alkali (6th left); Executive Director, Small, Medium Enterprises, Mr. Waheed Olagunju (8th left) all of Bank of Industry and Brand, Money and Capital Market editors at the event. Photos: Bode Agbede
L-R: Nigerian Idol Season 5 Top 5 contestants - Ese-Amadasun Imuetiyan (Nex2), Ogunmoyero Modolowamu (Dolu), Ogunrombi Olakunle (K-Peace), Oyinkepreye Deborah Toun (Preye) and Godson Goodluck (Classic Tunez) after their qualification for Top 5 at OMG’s Dream Studios in Lagos.
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
L -R Executive Secretary, Ikoyi-Obalende LCDA, Toyin Caxton-Martins; CEO, MTN Nigeria, Micheal Ikpoki; Air Vice Marshal Monday Morgan, Commandant, Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, Oshodi; CMO, MTN Nigeria, Bayo Adekanmbi and Sales & Distribution Executive, ‘Tshola Barrow at the presentation of prizes to MTN Golf Championship winners of the male and female Net category in Lagos.
L-R: Chairman of the Occasion; Bar. Osaro Isokpan; Vice Chancellor, Covenant University, Ota/Guest Speaker, Prof. Charles Ayo; Founder/Chairman, The Hayford Alile Foundation, Apostle Hayford Alile and his wife Deaconess Pat.
L-R General Manager, Consumer Marketing, MTN, Richard Iweanoge; Senior Country Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, PWC, Uyi Akpata; Chief Executive Officer, MTN Nigeria, Mike Ikpoki and Sales & Distribution Executive, ‘Tshola Barrow during the tournament.
L-R: Chairman of the occasion; Bar. Osaro Isokpan; Managing Director, Gemia Leather Works Enterprise, Babagida Alhassan; Founder/Chairman, The Hayford Alile Foundation, Apostle Hayford Alile.
L-R: R&B Singer, Kola Soul; Hip Hop/Reggae Singer Terry G and Innovation Commercialization Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc, Mr. Ubani Christian.
L-R: Innovation Manager, Guinness Nigeria Plc, Ms. Dorcas Mashingil; Ace Rapper, M.I. Abaga; and Assistant Brand Manager, Spirit, Mr. Toluwalase Ogunyemi.
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN (middle); Chief Bola Sanusi (right) and the Special Adviser to the Governor on Commerce and Industry, Mr. Oluseye Oladejo (left) during the 6th Tradesmen and Artisans Day and Graduation Ceremony for Re-trained Artisans and Traders organized by the Lagos State Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Lagos…recently.
Cross section of tradesmen and artisans, government officials, invited guests and other at the event.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
How to bake cake without oven
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
VITAMIN D: The SunshineVitamin
Qismat Yinus 08027022738
ack of vitamin D is now of great concern because it plays a much broadZ[ {|Â&#x2039;ZDÂ&#x2039;Z Â&#x2018;`_^|j` [\}Z ^_Dj \jFZ thought. Many studies in recent years have linked low levels of vitamin D to health risks like heart disease, high blood pressure, prostrate and breast cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble essential nutrient ¢_|F_ |Â&#x2039; Â&#x152;D{Z Â&#x2019;~ \] Â&#x2039;Z Z[D} {|GZ[Zj^ ]\[Â&#x152;Â&#x2039; of vitamins. Two forms are important in humans: vitamin D2, which is made by plants, and vitamin D3, which is made by human skin when exposed to sunlight. Its major role is to absorb calcium, which forms and maintains strong bones. It is used alone or together with calcium to improve bone health and decrease fractures. Without proper levels of vitamin D, bones will become soft and brittle and can lead to osteoporosis. Vitamin D deÂ&#x2018;F|ZjFq FDÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2039;ZÂ&#x2039; [|FÂ?Z^Â&#x2039; Â&#x2039;\]^Zj|j` \[ ¢ZDÂ?Zjing of the bones) in children and in adults, vi^DÂ&#x152;|j ' {ZÂ&#x2018;F|ZjFq FDj }ZD{ ^\ \Â&#x2039;^Z\Â&#x152;D}DF|D ¢ZDÂ? E\jZÂ&#x2039; Dj{ Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;F}ZÂ&#x2039; Dj{ \^_Z[ F_[\j|F health conditions. People who may be at a high risk for vi^DÂ&#x152;|j ' {ZÂ&#x2018;F|ZjFq |jF}Â&#x2019;{Z ^_Z Z}{Z[}q \EZÂ&#x2039;Z individuals, those with limited sun exposure, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers, babies who are exclusively breastfed and dark Â&#x2039;Â?|jjZ{ |j{| |{Â&#x2019;D}Â&#x2039; Â&#x152;Z}Dj|j |j ^_Z|[ Â&#x2039;Â?|jÂ&#x2039; acts as a natural sun blocker but adequate ex~\Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;[Z ^\ ^_Z Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;jÂĄÂ&#x2039; EÂ&#x2019;[j|j` [DqÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2019;}^[D |\}Z^ B radiation) is vital). People who have condi^|\jÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;F_ DÂ&#x2039; FqÂ&#x2039;^|F Â&#x2018;E[\Â&#x2039;|Â&#x2039; Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;FÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2039; EÂ&#x2019;|}{ Â&#x2019;~ |j ^_Z }Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x2039; \[ |jÂŹDÂ&#x152;Â&#x152;D^\[q E\¢Z} {|Â&#x2039;ZDÂ&#x2039;Z D[Z D}Â&#x2039;\ D^ [|Â&#x2039;Â? ]\[  |^DÂ&#x152;|j ' {ZÂ&#x2018;F|ZjFq Very few foods naturally contain meaningful levels of vitamin D and because of its importance to the body, incorporating vitamin D in the diet is essential. Important vitamin ' ]\\{Â&#x2039; D[Z ]D^^q F\}{ ¢D^Z[ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;_ }|Â?Z Â&#x2039;D}Â&#x152;\j Â&#x152;DFÂ?Z[Z} E}Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2039;_ DjF_\ |ZÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2039;D[{|jZÂ&#x2039; Dj{ tuna, as well as cod liver oil. Some foods are ]\[^|Â&#x2018;Z{ ¢|^_ ^_Z  |^DÂ&#x152;|j ZÂ&#x2039;~ZF|D}}q Â&#x152;|}Â? infant formula and some brands of orange juice, yogurt, cheese and breakfast cereal. Nearly every body tissue has receptors for vitamin D, among them the intestines, brain, heart, skin, sex organs, breasts and lymphocytes, as well as the placenta. The vitamin, ¢_|F_ DF^Â&#x2039; DÂ&#x2039; D _\[Â&#x152;\jZ |Â&#x2039; Â?j\¢j ^\ |jÂŹÂ&#x2019;ence the expression of more than 200 genes. According to a report written by Health Canada, â&#x20AC;&#x153;an average healthy adult, between the ages of 19 and below, 400IU per day is recommended; for ages between 19 and 50, should receive about 600 IUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of vitamin D per day. Recommendations for those between the age of 51 and 70 are 600 IU and 800 IU for people over the age of 70. For pregnant and breastfeeding mothers 600IU is requiredâ&#x20AC;?. The Harvard School of public health in a report stated that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;for most people, the best way to get the recommended daily intake is by taking a supplement, but the level |j Â&#x152;\Â&#x2039;^ Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;}^| |^DÂ&#x152;|jÂ&#x2039; ,8 |Â&#x2039; ^\\ }\¢ encouragingly, some manufacturers have begun adding 800 or 1,000 IU of vitamin D to their standard multivitamin preparations. But in adults, taking up to 2,000 IU per day as a supplement is safe. In fact, some people may need 3,000 or 4,000 IU per day for adequate blood levels, particularly if they have darker skinsâ&#x20AC;?. It is therefore vital to make sure your diet contains enough vitamin D to ensure proper _ZD}^_ ,] ^_ZÂ&#x2039;Z ]\\{Â&#x2039; {\ j\^ Â&#x2018;^ |j^\ q\Â&#x2019;[ {|Z^ remember that most vitamin D comes from sun exposure; simply by exposing yourself to sun rays. The human body naturally produces the vitamin after exposure to ultraviolet light. Meanwhile, the Endocrine Society recommends that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;people at risk of vitamin ' {ZÂ&#x2018;F|ZjFq EZ Â&#x2039;F[ZZjZ{ ^\ {Z^Z[Â&#x152;|jZ ^_Z|[ serum levelsâ&#x20AC;?. Do not take excess of the vitamin. Studies have shown that high doses of the vitamin is toxic and can cause loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, headache, depression, deposits of calcium in the kidneys and even death.
ake baking has been around for decades and so has the means of baking. Before the invention of gas and electric ovens, Cakes and other snacks were baked successfully on the stove top and also enjoyed by all. And even with the new inventions, we can always fall back on the old baking methods, whenever we simply run out of electric power or gas our conventional ovens fail us. So hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how to bake a cake without an oven. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll need: For the Cake Batter: - 300 grams Plain flour or Cake flour - 150 grams Sugar - 3 eggs - 120 grams Butter - 3 tablespoonful Milk(optional) - 1 leveled tablespoon Baking Powder - Flavor of choice For Baking the Cake: - A large pot with a lid(cover)
A rack or a flat aluminum bowl that can fit into the pot - Foil paper Tip: medium sized gravel stones and sand can also used as a base for the pot, but I would not advice the use of sand because it can accidentally get into the cake batter Steps: 1. First prepare your baking pan by either lining with a parchment paper or greasing with butter and then dusting lightly with flour. Next, place an iron rack (or aluminum plate or iron gauze) into a clean empty wide pot, cover the pot really tight and preheat on high heat for 10 minutes. While the pot is heating up, beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl, until creamy; add the eggs and beat well; add the milk and flavor, also beat well and finally sift in the baking powder and flour. Combine all together and pour into the prepared baking pan.
2. Carefully, open the now hot pot and place your cake pan on the hot rack (or hot stones or hot sand). Tip: You can cover the pot with a foil to prevent heat from escaping through the sides of the lid, but only do this when the cake has risen, so that it wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ruin the top of the cake 3. Now cover the pot again and leave the cake to bake well on high heat for about 10 minutes, then reduce to medium heat and let the cake continue baking for 30 to 50 minutes(depending on the size of the cake you are baking). 4. After 30 minutes open up the pot and check for â&#x20AC;&#x153;donenessâ&#x20AC;? by dipping the center with a skewer. If the skewer comes out clean, then the cake is done baking, but if it comes out moist, let the cake bake a little longer and test with the skewer again, after 5 minutes. 5. When the cake is done, take it out of the hot pot and leave to cool for 10 minutes before turning it over on a cake rack or plate. Serve and Enjoy!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Saturday, May 23, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, Anenih gone archival Continued from Page 15
happened during the election. He, however, described Anenihâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resignation as a shock, even cused of not meaningfully develas he called on party stakeholders oping the party. to rally together to push the party According to Governor Ayoforward. dele Fayose of Ekiti State, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The While a former acting Nationresignation is a welcome development. We see it as paving way for al Secretary of the party, Chief total repositioning of the party for Remi Akitoye, described the situation as â&#x20AC;&#x153;A good development, it its new role post-May 29. will help move and reposition the â&#x20AC;&#x153;The normal thing is for leadparty,â&#x20AC;? the Senator representing ership of a political party to reEdo South Senatorial district, Sensign after losing a major election. The PDP which held power at the ator Ehigie Edobor Uzamere, said â&#x20AC;&#x153;I see that he has done the right FZj^[Z ]\[ qZD[Â&#x2039; FDjÂĄ^ EZ {|GZ[thing by resigning voluntarily. He ent. The chairman ought not to cited health reasons, and we achave waited for people to ques^|\j _|Â&#x2039; F\j^|jÂ&#x2019;|j` |j \FFZ EZ]\[Z cept it. He has done his best.â&#x20AC;? On his part, a member of the throwing in the towel. PDP is bigger than every one of us. The par- partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BoT, Chief Ebenezer Babatope, expressed that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu ty can now move forward,â&#x20AC;? he has done an honourable thing by posited. The erstwhile Deputy National resigning, and I believe strongly Chairman of the party, Chief Bode that the party will move forward, and play its role as the opposition George, commended Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu for his action, noting that it would en- party to the APC.â&#x20AC;? able the party to investigate what
Most PDP members other than the BoT and the NWC generally believe that with the sack of Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, the party is then in a better position to reposition itself for 2019. As tenable as their grievance(s) may seem, a point yet to be consider is the attitude and dispositions of the incoming chairman.
That is whether the attributes that matter to the development and progress of the party abound in him/her. This become necessary as the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;largestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; party in the continent shops for Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s replacement so that the ongoing crises would not be the beginning of its end.
NASS:Equity should determine choice of principal officers - Ojo Continued from Page 16
of the President. The NWC have stated publicly that it was sidelined. Was that not a mistake? If members of the PDP NWC did not have access to the President nor had no role in the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign, why did they mention these draw backs to the press? To me, the NWC is crying over spilt milk. It should have alerted Nigerians or members and supporters of the PDP that its hands were tied by overbearing governors and foot soldiers of President Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign
organisation. The truth is that the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign organisation had some persons who ordinarily should not have been appointed to handle such assignments. The arrogance, bitterness and campaign of calumny exhibited by some of these persons truly infuriated Nigerians. At a time in the course of the presidential election campaign, the presence and utterances \] Â&#x2039;\Â&#x152;Z |jÂŹÂ&#x2019;Zj^|D} Â&#x2039;~\Â?ZÂ&#x2039;~Z[Â&#x2039;\jÂ&#x2039; |j the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign organisation became a huge minus for President Jonathan. And this is a lesson for all of
us. The truth of the matter is that those who assured the President they will rally six million votes for him in the South West lost in their units. The PDP candidates who won elections in the last general elections in the South West are those who are truly relevant in the politics of the South West. I am sure that the lessons learnt from the outcome of these elections will assist all serious politicians in planning for future elections. Nigerians are no longer interested in hate campaigns.
Any serious politician, henceforth, will have to identify persons who can articulate his polices without insulting people. Anyone who wants to win an election in Nigeria must be able to preach a convincing message of hope and change devoid of rancor, acrimony and bitterness. Most of those who drove the engine of the PDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presidential campaign were liabilities, rather than assets. What is happening now in the PDP is what I will refer to as an implosion, which has shaken the very foundation of the party.
Rumble in Enugu as Chime, Speaker Odo fight to finish Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
n Enugu, the popular phrase now seems to be â&#x20AC;&#x153;we shall remain at each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jugular till May 29 do us path.â&#x20AC;? This best describes the on-going duel between the Speaker, Eugene Odoled 15 membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; state legislators on one side and Governor Sullivan Chime on the other side. Newswatch Times recalled that for about eight years, the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s legislative and executive arms have experienced rosy relationship, but the bubble bursts soon after the primaries of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) last year. For lesser mortals, the political crisis rocking the state culminating in the motion for impeachment of the governor last month could not have come at a better time because it exposed the â&#x20AC;&#x153;conspiratorial collaborationâ&#x20AC;? which they alleged were not totally in the interest of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resources. The political actors are now casting stones at their glass houses, exposing themselves, even as the Police may have allegedly joined the fray. What started like childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play last month has nosedived into one of the Â&#x2018;Z[FZÂ&#x2039;^ Â&#x2039;FÂ&#x2019;ÂŽZÂ&#x2039; Z Z[ ¢|^jZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Z{ |j ^_Z }|]Z of Chimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration and the State Assembly. 15 out of the 24 lawmakers on Monday May 4, 2015 commenced an impeachment process against Chime \j ^_Z D}}Z`D^|\jÂ&#x2039; \] ]\[`Z[q |jÂŹD^|\j of funds for state project executed and unlawful acquisition of public landed property. But on the same day, the other nine legislators loyal to Chime removed Speaker Odo, suspended some principal
\FFZ[Â&#x2039; Dj{ Z}ZF^Z{ &_|jZ{Â&#x2019; 1¢DÂ&#x152;ED DÂ&#x2039; the new Speaker. The governor and the leadership of the party in the state had since congratulated the minority speaker, even as Chime boasted that the lawmakers cannot impeach him. Despite intervention of the Governor-elect, Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the two warring parties have continued to battle for supremacy. 7_Z 3\}|FZ \j |^Â&#x2039; ~D[^ Â&#x2039;ZD}Z{ \G ^_Z State Assembly complex to prevent any faction from sitting. The development made Speaker Odo to seek court injunction to order the Police to unlock the gates to the Assembly, and not prevent the lawmakers from engaging in their lawful duties. Odo also raised the alarm over threat to his life. But ^_Z ~\}|FZ {ZÂ&#x2018;Z{ ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ \[{Z[ DÂ&#x2039; |^ continued the siege on the Assembly complex. Subsequently, the Federal High Court in Enugu penultimate Friday threatened to commit the Inspector General of Police ,*3 ^\ ~[|Â&#x2039;\j ]\[ ÂŹ\Â&#x2019;^|j` ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ order in the enforcement of fundamental rights. The threat was contained in a Notice of Consequence of Disobedience of Court Order (Form 48), signed by the Registrar, Federal High Court Enugu, addressed to the IGP, Force Headquarters, Abuja. A copy of the Form 48 obtained by our correspondent reads in part: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take notice that unless you obey the directions contained in this Court order, you will be guilty of contempt of Court, and will be liable to be committed to prison.â&#x20AC;? The Court presided over by Justice Continued on Page 54
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Oyo: Dwindling influence of Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political dynasty 7 years after Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan
That the March 28 and April 11 general elections created surprises, and proved some bookmakers wrong, especially in some states, is not contestable. The elections also revealed that not only has power changed hand from one political party to another in several states, new political godfathers have also emerged, forcing some political godfathers to become yesterday men. No matter the development in Nigeria contemporary political cycle, especially in Oyo State, there is no way the name of High Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu would not be mentioned. Before his death on Wednesday June 11, 2008 at 80, the Ibadan high chief cum veteran politician, fondly [Z]Z[[Z{ ^\ DÂ&#x2039; x$}DDÂ&#x2018;j Moleteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; held the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political terrain spellbound. There is no doubt that the political activities of such prominent Ibadanland politicians including Chief Adegoke Adelabu (Penkelemesi),Chief Busari Adelakun (Eruobodo), Chief Meredith Adisa Akinloye, Chief Lamidi Ariyibi Adedibu as well as Alhaji Lamidi Adesina DGZF^Z{ Dj{ Â&#x2039;_D~Z{
Nigeria polity as well as that of the state. Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death has however, closed a chapter in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contemporary politics, especially those activities that revolved around horse trading, Machiavellian principles \] ¤^_Z Zj{ ÂŁÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2039;^|Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2039; ^_Z meansâ&#x20AC;?, outright bravery and manoeuvres. Adedibu throughout his political career as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; was controversial no doubt, although the controversy revolved around his political savvy, calculations and manipulations. Former governors like Dr. Victor Olunloyo, late Alhaji Lamidi Adesina, Alhaji Rashidi Ladoja and Chief Yekini Adeojo as well as many others would freely wish to share this fact because they had at one point or another tasted both the sweet and bitter pills of Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political savvy. For instance, at the national level, the issue of the annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election will not be complete without Adedibu. It would be recalled that he arranged the controversial bail for late Chief Moshood Kasimawo Abiola, the then presidential candidate of the defunct Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the acclaimed winner of the said
Adedibu election. Although many Nigerians criticised his (Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) action then, he however, argued that it would be better for $E|\}D ^\ Â&#x2018;`_^ ]\[ _|Â&#x2039; mandate as a free man rather than in detention. Of course, Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political activities dated back to 1951 when he, along with the Awoists in Ibadan, worked on Ibadan people to accept his preferred candidate, late Chief Obafemi Awolowoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political philosophy and ideology. By 1958, Adedibu was fully in the Awoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political camp which got him a good place in the defunct Action Group (AG). By 1962, during the Awo/Akintola crisis that engulfed the old western region, Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name featured prominently, although he was never
Obasanjo tried when others were eventually tried for treasonable felony. During the Second Republic, Adedibu had shifted ground to the defunct National Party of Nigeria (NPN) under the chairmanship of late Chief Meredith Adisa Akinloye. Adedibu also played prominent roles in the election of former President Olusegun Obasanjo. The former President, not minding whose ox is gored, once proclaimed himself a student of Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political school. Until his death in 2008, Adedibu claimed and demonstrated that he was a political godfather to be reckoned with in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s politics. Indeed, former Governor Adebayo Alao- Akala, former Deputy Governor Hazeem Gbolarumi,
Ladoja former Deputy Governor Taofeek Arapaja, former Senate leader, Teslim Folarin, former governorship aspirant, Dr. Azeez Adeduntan and Alhaji Abbas Oloko, among others, were at a point in time in Chief Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political camp. Adedibu could be said to have dominated Oyo State political landscape until his demise in 2008, especially from 1999 to 2008. Of course, his son Kamorudeen Adedibu, enjoyed from the development as he was a senator (Oyo South) from 2007 to 2011. Just few years after his death, Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political dynasty and |^Â&#x2039; |jÂŹÂ&#x2019;ZjFZ \j ^_Z country and Oyo Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s politics have dwindled. For instance, not only
Akala his political party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) performed woefully in the last general elections in the state, attempts by the late politicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s followers including his son, Sen. Kamoru, to secure reelection in 2011 were unsuccessful. The truth is that as the nation marks another land mark in her political history, it is sad to observe that the once formidable Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political dynasty is no more. Also, his once ever bubbling Molete residence has turned a complete shadow of itself as the veteran politicianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s several foot soldiers, who used to throng the place on daily basis, have all gone to look for succour Continued on Page 54
2015 elections: Roles NIPR never played Continued from Page 16
Â&#x2019;jÂŚÂ&#x2019;Dj^|Â&#x2018;DE}Z ^Z[Â&#x152;Â&#x2039; If not because soldiers had decided to restrict itself to its primary responsibilitiesthings would have gone bad because military uniform was reduced to rags by the way Buhari was ridiculed. This was a man reputed to have made indelible marks in the area of discipline and corruption. It was as if those in government were already afraid that Buhari would try them should he become president, so, they used every unacceptable approach to discourage the populace from voting for him. Apart from the fact that the NIPR would have watched the country degenerate into a total war zone the way developed countries had wished, it did not assist the
Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), to fashion out what was expected of the political parties during campaigns. When the PDP started reducing generals to Â&#x152;Z[Z \FFZ[Â&#x2039; |^ ¢\Â&#x2019;}{ have been expected of Obasanjo, Mark, Babangida, Onoja, Ejiga, Diya, Shagaya, Useni and a host of others to tell their boys in the army to disorganise the administration, but they only cautioned. The worrisome part was the docile attitude of media executives whose organisations were used to damage the good name of Nigeria and its past leaders. Media executives in Nigeria were in the position to take a position on the dangers of the type of campaign the parties were carrying out, and make such position known to their campaign organisations.
Essien Jonathan The NIPR was expected to hold several stormy sessions on the dangers of poor handling of the campaigns, but such meetings were never held. This is where the likes of late Professor Ikechukwu Nwosu are needed. It would be unfair however, to heap the entire blame on the national leadership of
the NIPR because state chapters of the institute have enormous roles to play in the shaping of the operations of the main body. One had expected that at least one of the chapters would have drawn the attention of the national secretariat to the terrible statements that were being made about Buhari and other candidates.
At this stage, it is pertinent to ask: Was the APC more decent in the use of language during the campaigns? Was the APC campaign team more educated and professionally competent that those in the PDP? Most APC leaders were not riotous in their approach. Presently, the PDP bigwigs are clamouring for Alhaji Adamu 0Â&#x2019;D¨Â&#x2019;ÂĄÂ&#x2039; ~\Â&#x2019;j{ \] ÂŹZÂ&#x2039;_ because he criticized the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign strategy. As the campaigns progressed, some persons who were not competent enough spoke about Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alleged poor educational background. They forgot that one military training overseas was considered as an equivalent of the ordinary diploma in Nigeria. In fact, some of the generals were issued Â&#x2018;[Â&#x2039;^ {Z`[ZZ Dj{ Â&#x152;DÂ&#x2039;^Z[ÂĄÂ&#x2039; {Z`[ZZ FZ[^|Â&#x2018;FD^ZÂ&#x2039; D^
the end of their courses outside Nigeria. While one would say that the NIPR needs to be reorganised to enable it perform its duties ZGZF^|Â Z}q Dj{ ZFF|Zj^}q it must be stated that the institute is expected to be a pace setter. The Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), could be said to have performed better in terms of the monitoring of activities of political parties and INEC before and during the elections because the national president spoke on a number of issues several times. What about the roles the NIPR played when the NLC went on strike over fuel subsidy removal some years ago, and what role is it expected to play as another strike action looms over yet another removal of fuel subsidy this year. Yours sincerely will keep you posted.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 23, 2015
Politics Endless rumbles in Enugu as Chime, Speaker Odo fight to finish Continued from Page 52
D.V. Agishi had earlier granted an ex-parte motion brought by Odo in suit number: FHC/ EN/CS/99/2015, which has eight members of the House of Assembly, the Commissioner of Police and the IGP as 1st to 10th respondents respectively. The motion included an interim injunction restraining the 9th and 10th respondents (Commissioner of Police and the IGP), whether acting by themselves or ^_[\Â&#x2019;`_ ^_Z|[ \FFZ[Â&#x2039; from inhibiting, curtailing or in any way imperilling the applicantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right to personal liberty as enshrined in Section 35 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria pending the determination of the substantive motion. The Court further restrained the 9th and 10th respondents from preventing the applicant from accessing the precinct of the State House of Assembly, especially his chamber with 15 other members of the House, except the 1st and 8th respondents to carry on their lawful duties, including the constitutional functions vested on them by the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended, pending the determination of the substantive motion. The Court also granted an order compelling the 9th and 10th respondents to withdraw all Police \FFZ[Â&#x2039; {Z~}\qZ{ ^\ the Enugu State House of Assembly, except the applicant (Odo) otherwise requests for their presence pending the determination of the substantive motion. Notwithstanding the Court order restraining the Police from curtailing the liberty of the Speaker, the State Police Command on Thursday May 14 invited him over the impeachment notice issued to Governor Sullivan Chime by 14 members of the House. It was gathered that the invitation was prompted by a petition to the Police by the outgoing governor, complaining about an allegation of forgery, made against him in the said impeachment notice. %[|ZÂ&#x2018;j` ÂŁ\Â&#x2019;[jD}|Â&#x2039;^Â&#x2039; D^ _|Â&#x2039; Enugu residence, Odo F\jÂ&#x2018;[Â&#x152;Z{ ^_D^ ^_Z 3\}|FZ extended an invitation to him and former National Auditor of PDP, Ray Nnaji, and some members of the House. Odo recalled that he had procured a court order directing the Police to restrain themselves from curtailing the liberty of his humble self and 14 other members of the House of Assembly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This order was served on Wednesday, and the Commissioner of Police
Oyo: Dwindling influence of Adedibuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political dynasty 7 years after Continued from Page 53
Ekweremadu has received same. I wish to formally bring to your notice that up till this morning, the Commissioner of Police has not obeyed the order. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Instead, in the evening of yesterday, the Commissioner of 3\}|FZ ^_[\Â&#x2019;`_ _|Â&#x2039; \FFZ on account of a petition that was written by His Excellency, the Governor, invited me to appear at the State Police Command on Monday.â&#x20AC;? Odo recalled that he had earlier told the press that his life and that of his family are in the hands of the Governor of Enugu State and the Commissioner of Police, Adamu Mohammed. Stressing that legislative matters ought not to be taken to the Police, the Speaker expressed fears that they may be detained if they honour the invitation, and poisoned in the custody of Enugu State Police Command. Odo said the least the House expected from the person they served the impeachment notice is a response to the allegations made against him, and not for the Police to take over the functions of the House of Assembly. Meanwhile, a former PDP National Auditor, Hon. Ray Nnaji, who was also invited by the Police over the same matter, has accused Governor Sullivan Chime of attempting to circumvent his investigation by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Following the crisis that pitched Enugu State House of Assembly against Governor, Chime, the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commissioner of Police, Adamu Mohammed, has invited the Speaker, Eugene Odo, ]\[ Â&#x2039;\Â&#x152;Z F}D[|Â&#x2018;FD^|\jÂ&#x2039; 7_Z invitation was said to be in relation to impeachment charges preferred against Governor Chime. Odo said the Assistant Commissioner of Police who invited him via telephone call told him that he was invited to explain one of the allegations in the impeachment notice accusing Governor Chime of forging the 2012 supplementary budget. Odo wondered why the Police are interfering
Nwobodo in the House legislative mandate even when the House has obtained a court injunction against Police obstruction of the proceedings of the house. But the Commandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Police Public Relations 2FFZ[ (EZ[Z $Â&#x152;D[D|¨Â&#x2019; faulted Odoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claim, noting that the Speaker can only know reason for his invitation when he honours the invitation. The Speaker, while addressing journalists however, said he does not intend to honour the Police invitation, alleging that the police and Governor Chime have connived to detain and poison him in cell. He urged the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, to intervene in the state crisis, and call CP Adamu Mohammed to order. Odo disclosed that he remains the authentic Speaker of Enugu State House of Assembly that attended the just concluded Conference of Speakers of State Houses of Assembly in Abuja, where the situation in Enugu State was condemned by a resolution of the body. He described Hon. Chinedu Nwamba as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Speakerâ&#x20AC;? who now leaves in Enugu State Government House. But barely 24 hours after the crisis broke out, the Governor-elect; Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, attempted to broker a truce between the warring factions, as he held a closed door meeting with the 24 members of the House. At the end of the meeting, the two factions resolved to sheath their swords for the next two weeks (as at then), while ZG\[^Â&#x2039; D[Z EZ|j` Â&#x152;D{Z to restore peace and normalcy to the legislature before the end of their tenure. Spokespersons of the two groups, +\j 0|F_DZ} 2jqZ¨Z [Z~[ZÂ&#x2039;Zj^|j` ,`j\Z¨Z North 1 constituency for Odo faction and Hon Joseph Ugwumba representing Enugu-East Rural constituency for Chinedu Nwamba faction, said within the period of the two weeks, the Assembly complex would remain under lock and key except in any case of an emergency where they
Nnamani are required to engage in legislative activities. While applauding Ugwuanyi for swiftly intervening in the matter even when he was yet to DÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Z \FFZ DÂ&#x2039; `\Â Z[j\[ the lawmakers agreed to be part of all the peace processes he would initiate in a bid to return the Assembly to one House. But despite his intervention, the crisis continued to fester. Observers are actually beginning to wonder if this is the same House of Assembly that last year impeached the state Deputy Governor, Sunday Onyebuchi, at the behest of the state governor over what later turned into the (in)famous â&#x20AC;&#x153;chicken impeachment sagaâ&#x20AC;?. Not many would believe that the Chimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government would come under probe by this House of Assembly, and that they would have the courage to stop Chimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s N11 billion loan request last month, and above all, move impeachment motion against him. 7_Z FÂ&#x2019;[[Zj^ Â&#x2018;`_^ actually started with a petition by some concerned indigenes of Enugu State, to the state House of Assembly. The House then launched an inquiry into the activities of the state government, especially with regard to concessioning of the state water corporation to a private company suspected to be sponsored by Governor Chime and his family, as well as the shoddy contract awards at the Enugu State Universal Basic Education Board (ENSUBEB), amounting to over N3 billion. While appearing before the House, the Managing Director of the Corporation, Engr. Akah, told the bewildered members of the State House of Assembly that he did not look at the content of the contract document concessioning the state water corporation before signing it. The signing, it was revealed, took place in the presence of Governor Chime. The concession was in favour of a private company, A.G Gold Trust, which was to manage water provision on behalf of the state for 25 years.
in the political camps of other political chieftains in the state including Otunba Alao- Akala, +D¨ZZÂ&#x152; *E\}D[Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;| among others. What is remarkable is that his widow, Alhaja Bose and Sen. Kamorudeen have been maintaining what is left of the political dynasty of Adedibu. A chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the state, Prof. Olusoji Adejumo, equally told Newswatch Times that the reality is that one does not expect Adedibu to live forever, adding that the dynamics of politics might have even caught up with him if he were to be alive today. The House is piqued that should the concessioning sail through, a litre of water will cost 42k contrary to 7k it is now. Surprisingly, the General Manager of the corporation was sacked few days after testifying before the House. Rankled by the embarrassing probe, the state government allegedly stopped overhead allocations to the House. But the Assembly in a stormy session on Wednesday April 24, 2015 issued warrant of arrest on the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s AccountantGeneral, Paschal Okolie. The House had on resumption of the probe of the state government on Tuesday the previous day summoned Okolie but he refused to honour the invitation. The House, during her sitting on the said day, cancelled the water concession deal of the government, stopped land allocation at International Conference Centre, construction of Park and Shopping Mall near the House of Assembly complex and land allocation at Old Eastern Nigeria Industrial Centre at Zikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Avenue Enugu. The House also suspended the House Committee Chairman on Finance, Hon. Johnbul Nwagu (Governor Chimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kinsman), accusing him of plot to bring the House to disrepute. It was the above development that set the Â&#x2039;^D`Z ]\[ ^_Z Â&#x2018;jD} F}DÂ&#x2039;_ between Chime and Odo. It also led to war of words. Chime reacted through an open letter in a newspaper advertorial attacking the Odo for allegedly spearheading the onslaught on the executive. Among other things, the governor, who issued the open letter advertorial through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Chukwudi Achife, alleged that Odo was angry because he lost governorship bid to Hon. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi;
Declared Adejumo, who is one time chairman of the State Universal Education Board (SUBEB), â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ordinarily, High Chief Adedibu is supposed to be there forever. That is the reality of life. See what has happened in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political terrain since his demise in 2008. See what has happened to Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in PDP. Who says Chief Adedibu couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;GZ[Z{ Â&#x2039;|Â&#x152;|}D[ ]D^Z The truth is that Chief Adedibu played his part in politics while alive just like any other person. Everyone will play theirs and depart at the appointed time.â&#x20AC;? that the land allocations being condemned by the Assembly were those made by the state government during his Â&#x2018;[Â&#x2039;^ ^Z[Â&#x152; ^_D^ ^_Z +\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;Z had earlier approved the N11 billion loan which they turned around now to reject and that the House members were allocated lands at Nkpokiti layout. But in a reaction, Speaker Odo expressed regrets that the governor has degenerated to attacks on his person over a decision taken by the entire House of Assembly. Odo, who spoke to journalists in Enugu through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Lawrence Agbo, expressed displeasure over the sack of the Managing Director of Enugu State Water Corporation, Engr Chinedu Akah, saying it was done in bad faith. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are crying for the public to appreciate what the House is passing through; but the House hopes that it will not be pushed so hard; the lawmakers should be allowed to do their duties. We welcome constructive engagement like public debate on issues we raised and not be subjected to E}DFÂ?Â&#x152;D|}  |}|Â&#x2018;FD^|\j Dj{ attacks. We are ready to respond to issues on point of law and morality,â&#x20AC;? he said. The chief press secretary to the speaker alleged that it was the lawmakersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rejection of N11 billion loan request from the executive that has precipitated the sour relationship between the two arms of government. He also decries a situation ¢_Z[Z ~Â&#x2019;E}|F \FFZ[Â&#x2039; ¢Z[Z summoned by the House and they refuse to come, saying such attitude poses danger to democracy. The speaker agreed that the House had on November 2014 approved the N11billion loan with a proviso that the projects for which it was meant must be completed before the expiration of Governor Chimeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tenure on May 29.
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Newswatch Times, October 11, 2014
North Central
Loan scam: Court restrains Police from inviting, arresting Saraki Pascal Njoku, Abuja
EÂ&#x2019;ÂŁD '|Â |Â&#x2039;|\j of the Federal High Court has restrained the Inspector General of Police, especially operatives of the Special Fraud Unit (SFU) from harassing, intimidating and E[ZDF_|j` ^_Z ]Â&#x2019;j{DÂ&#x152;Zjtal rights of former Governor of Kwara State, Bukola Saraki and his aides. Saraki, a senator representing Kwara Central Senatorial district in the 1D^|\jD} $Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;ZÂ&#x152;E}q _D{ gone to court over series of letters of invitation extended to him to appear EZ]\[Z ^_Z 6~ZF|D} )[DÂ&#x2019;{ Unit for investigation in D EDjÂ? }\Dj [ZÂ&#x2039;\}Â Z{ |j
his favour two years ago. In the suit filed for the enforcement of his fundamental human rights against the Police, Saraki had specifically asked the court to order the Police to stop inviting, or make any move to arrest him over allegation of complexity in the Â&#x2039;D|{ EDjÂ? }\Dj ^[DjÂ&#x2039;DF^|\j 'Z}|Â Z[|j` ÂŁÂ&#x2019;{`Â&#x152;Zj^ |j the suit, Justice Ahmed Mohammed held that any attempt to commence further interrogation of Saraki over an issue al[ZD{q {ZF}D[Z{ F}\Â&#x2039;Z{ Eq the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation would amount ^\ D E[ZDF_ \] ]Â&#x2019;j{DÂ&#x152;Zjtal rights of the senator. 7_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ _Z}{ ^_D^ |^
¢\Â&#x2019;}{ EZ Â&#x2019;j]D|[ ]\[ ^_Z All Progressives Congress F_|Z]^D|j ^\ EZ Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;EÂŁZF^Z{ to further interrogation Eq ^_Z 3\}|FZ _D |j` EZZj cleared of any wrongdoing Eq ^_Z $*) |j ^_Z [Z~\[^ which the Police willingly Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;EÂ&#x152;|^^Z{ ^\ ^_Z Â&#x152;|j|Â&#x2039;^Z[ Justice Mohammed said ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ _D{ j\ F_\|FZ EÂ&#x2019;^ to give effect to the legal opinion of the minister that the complaint against SenD^\[ 6D[DÂ?| ¢DÂ&#x2039; EDÂ&#x2039;Z}ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039; unfounded and not supported with any documentary evidence since he has no link with Joy Petroleum Limited, the complainant. More so, the court refused to give credence to the depositions of the Police that they were act-
ing on further evidence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In law, the court cannot rely on any averment that is not supported with even a faint documentary evidence,â&#x20AC;? Justice Mohammed said. ¤7_Z ]D|}Â&#x2019;[Z \] ^_Z 3\lice to produce in court the provisional findings Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;EÂ&#x152;|^^Z{ ^\ ^_Z 0|j|Â&#x2039;ter of Justice, and the letter of the minister to the Police indicate that the FDÂ&#x2039;Z ¢DÂ&#x2039; j\^ ]D \Â&#x2019;[DE}Z to the Police, he added. Consequently, the three }Z^^Z[Â&#x2039; \] |j |^D^|\j Â&#x2039;Zj^ Eq Police to Saraki for further interrogation on the closed matter were quashed, and Â&#x2039;Z^ DÂ&#x2039;|{Z Eq ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;[^ ]\[ having no effects whatsoever.
Don drags Benue govt to court over last minute employment *=KRDE $U=< 0@U><KD
don, Professor Aloysius Ihuah, has dragged the Benue State government to court over what he called last minute employment and appointments as well as sale of government property. ,j D Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;|^ Â&#x2018;}Z{ \j _|Â&#x2039; EZ_D}] Eq 3[\]ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;\[ 7\jq ,ÂŁ\hor, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Professor Ihuah is praying a Makurdi High Court to restrain the state government from employing 4,500 workers, and making last minute appointments. Professor Ihuah averred ^_D^ DÂ&#x2039; D ~Â&#x2019;E}|F Â&#x2039;Z[Â Dj^ {Â&#x2019;}q ZÂ&#x152;~}\qZ{ Eq ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z `\Â Z[jÂ&#x152;Zj^ _Z _DÂ&#x2039; j\^ EZZj paid salaries for the past three months while other
NYCN suspends chairman ->HLDE@ $HBDHB@E@ 0DEE@
he Niger State chapter of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) has sus~Zj{Z{ |^Â&#x2039; F_D|[Â&#x152;Dj -Â&#x2019;E[|j $E{Â&#x2019;}}D_| 0Â&#x2019;[Z`| \ Z[ D}leged gross misconduct. ,j D Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ Â&#x2039;|`jZ{ Eq the council Secretary, Iliyasu Isah Jikuchi, the decision was taken at an emergency meeting held to consider the accusation of gross misconduct Dj{ F\jÂ&#x2039;^|^Â&#x2019;^|\jD} E[ZDF_ levelled against the suspended chairman. ¤7_Z 1D^|\jD} <\Â&#x2019;^_ Council of Nigeria, Niger State chapter, has suspended its chairman at its state ex-
L-R: Former Military Administrator of Sokoto State, Retired Navy Capt. Adisa Raji; Prime Minister of Niger Republic, Alhaji Birigi 5@WED 6=U=L= 6L@LJ *=TJ<E=< $NDQ> Â?@M@UU= @EK LBJ *=TJ<E=< =V Â&#x17D;@R@ 6L@LJ DE 1DÂ?J< 5J?>FNDP 0< *@<M= 6@NDV=> @L LBJ DE@>Â?><@LD=E =V ,NNJN@ /=P@N *=TJ<EMJEL /=KÂ?J DE 6=U=L= 6=U=L= 6L@LJ <JPJELNQ
Diaspora Nigerians solicit support for Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration *Q@EÂ? %J<J -=H
ith high expectations of change in every sector of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy, Nigerians in the Diaspora under the Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;E[Z}}D \] %Â&#x2019;_D[| )[|Zj{Â&#x2039; 2[ganisation Network, are seeking the support of their fellow countrymen for the Presidentelect, Muhammadu Buhari, to ZjDE}Z _|Â&#x152; ^DFÂ?}Z F\[[Â&#x2019;~^|\j which has eaten deep into the ]DE[|F \] ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;j^[q 7_Z `[\Â&#x2019;~ Â&#x2039;D|{ ^_D^ 1|`Z[|DjÂ&#x2039; _DÂ Z Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;GZ[Z{ ]\[ D }\j` time under previous adminis-
trations, arguing that the only way the citizens can get the change they yearned for is to give their full support, cooperation and loyalty to the incoming administration. 7_Z `[\Â&#x2019;~ Â&#x2039;D|{ ^_D^ |^ _DÂ&#x2039; formed a think-tank group of professionals and experts, that would provide advice to the government on policy issues. 7_Z [ZÂ Z}D^|\j |Â&#x2039; F\j^D|jZ{ |j D Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ Â&#x2039;|`jZ{ Eq ^_Z coordinator of the group, Mr. Charles Sylvester, and made DÂ D|}DE}Z ^\ \Â&#x2019;[ F\[[ZÂ&#x2039;~\j{Zj^ yesterday. It assured Nigeri-
ans that Buhari will not let the country down. ¤:Z D[Z ÂŚÂ&#x2019;|^Z F\jÂ&#x2018;{Zj^ that with Gen. Muhammadu Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s antecedents, he will not disappoint Nigerians. We EZ}|Z Z |j _|Â&#x2039; DE|}|^q ^\ ^Â&#x2019;[j the country around, especially in stemming the virus called F\[[Â&#x2019;~^|\j ¢_|F_ _DÂ&#x2039; EZZj ^_Z EDjZ \] ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;j^[qÂĄÂ&#x2039; {Z Z}\~Â&#x152;Zj^D} ZG\[^Â&#x2039; |j ^_Z ~DÂ&#x2039;^ ÂĽ 7_Z Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ D{{Z{ ¤7_Z group we have formed is made up of professionals from every Â&#x2018;Z}{ \] _Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Dj Zj{ZD \Â&#x2019;[ Dj{ we will regularly provide position papers on various issues
DGZF^|j` ^_Z F\Â&#x2019;j^q ÂĽ 7_Z `[\Â&#x2019;~ {Z~}\[Z{ ^_Z D}}Z`Z{ D^^ZÂ&#x152;~^Â&#x2039; Eq ^_Z *\\{luck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration to frustrate the transition programme, urging the outgoing government to ensure that there is a smooth and rancourfree transition programme. ,^ Â&#x2039;D|{ ¤,] ^_Z [Z~\[^Â&#x2039; \] the uncooperative attitude of the present administration to the transition programme is Djq^_|j` ^\ `\ Eq ¢Z Â&#x2019;[`Z D}} those involved to make availDE}Z ^\ ^_Z |jF\Â&#x152;|j` D{Â&#x152;|j|Â&#x2039;tration the necessary assistance needed for a smooth start.â&#x20AC;?
¢\[Â?Z[Â&#x2039; _D Z j\^ EZZj ~D|{ ]\[ \ Z[ Â&#x2018; Z Â&#x152;\j^_Â&#x2039; qZ^ ^_Z government was seeking to ZÂ&#x152;~}\q \ Z[ Â&#x2039;^DG ^\ further compound the situation. +Z Â&#x2039;D|{ ^_Z Â&#x2018;[Â&#x2039;^ {Z]Zjdant has also concluded arrangements to lease some state owned companies including the Benue Fertilizer Blending and Chemical Company Limited, adding that the actions would put ^_Z Â&#x2039;^D^Z |j^\ Â&#x152;\[Z {|FFÂ&#x2019;}^ Â&#x2018;jDjF|D} Â&#x2039;^D^Z $FF\[{|j` ^\ ^_Z ~}D|j^|G the current market value of the Benue Fertilizer Blending and Chemical Company with its machinery, warehouses and other facilities, is DE\ Z 1 E|}}|\j ¢_|}Z ^_Z current market rate of leased properties such as the plant |Â&#x2039; 1 Â&#x152;|}}|\j ~Z[ DjjÂ&#x2019;Â&#x152;
ZFÂ&#x2019;^| Z Â&#x152;ZZ^|j` 7_Z [ZÂ&#x2039;\}Â&#x2019;tion was reached at its emergency meeting which was convened to consider gross misconduct and constitu^|\jD} E[ZDF_ Eq ^_Z Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2039;~Zj{ed chairman.â&#x20AC;? 7_Z Â&#x2039;^D^ZÂ&#x152;Zj^ ]Â&#x2019;[^_Z[ stated that the Deputy Chairman, Mr. Gideon Adamu would serve as chairman in acting capacity, adding that a seven-man committee have EZZj ~Â&#x2019;^ |j ~}DFZ ^\ |j ZÂ&#x2039;^|gate the allegations against the chairman. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A seven-man committee was put in place to investigate the allegation, and give the suspended chairman a fair hearing; they are given a month to report to the House.
Benue varsity shut as NASU begins strike *=KRDE $U=< 0@U><KD
enue State University, which has remained partially closed for four months as a [ZÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2019;}^ \] ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z ZÂ&#x152;ED[Â?Z{ Â&#x2019;~\j Eq |^Â&#x2039; }ZF^Â&#x2019;[Z[Â&#x2039; Â&#x152;Dq EZcome totally closed following the industrial action declared Eq |^Â&#x2039; j\j DFD{ZÂ&#x152;|F Â&#x2039;^DG :_|}Z ^_Z DFD{ZÂ&#x152;|F Â&#x2039;^DG |Â&#x2039; \j Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z EZFDÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2039;Z \] j\j payment of salaries since January, the non academic Â&#x2039;^DG |Â&#x2039; \j Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z \ Z[ ^_Z j\j payment of hazard and shift allowances for over six years. As a result of the strike, the university is now completely shut down, including the teaching hospital where the Â&#x2039;^DG [ZFZj^}q ¢Zj^ \j D ^_[ZZ day warning strike over non
payment of salaries for three months. Our correspondent gathZ[Z{ D^ ^_Z Â&#x2019;j| Z[Â&#x2039;|^qÂĄÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2018;[Â&#x2039;^ and second gates, which are under lock and key that the situation may force the teaching hospital to forcefully ZÂŁZF^ ~D^|Zj^Â&#x2039; DÂ&#x2039; }DE ^ZF_j|cians, nurses and other nonDFD{ZÂ&#x152;|F Â&#x2039;^DG _D Z D}[ZD{q ÂŁ\|jZ{ ^_Z Â&#x2039;^[|Â?Z 1Z¢Â&#x2039;¢D^F_ 7|Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x2039; `D^_Z[Z{ ][\Â&#x152; \FF|D}Â&#x2039; \] ^_Z j\j DFD{ZÂ&#x152;|F Â&#x2039;^DG Â&#x2019;j|\j -DÂ&#x152;ZÂ&#x2039; ${|j`| Dj{ -DF\E 0DjqDÂ&#x152; that the management of the university has refused to respect the agreement it signed ¢|^_ ^_Z Â&#x2019;j|\j |j Dj{ insisted that the institution must remain closed until government decides to han{}Z ^_Z ~[\E}ZÂ&#x152; ¢|^_ ^_Z Â&#x2039;Z-
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I contemplated suicide - Adebayor
FIFA U20 W/Cup: Hungary gear
m m a n u e l Adebayor has claimed his brothers held a knife to his throat when he played for Monaco because they wanted money. Adebayor describes KWkPKQPkWXQPdTPUWP _VPKYNP siblings, Kola and Peter, standing over him at his apartment in the French Riviera. Peter passed away in July 2013 and Adebayor claims Kola accuses him of his death. In an astonishing 1,649word post on Facebook, Adebayor also revealed he has contemplated suicide ‘many times’ and that his sister Iyabo would often have to convince him not to kill himself. It was after a training session with Monaco that Adebayor returned home L_VP kWXQP UWP _VP LP X_Y[QP held against him by his two brothers, who had previously arrived at his apartment uninvited. “I was very tired and decided to go take a nap,” the 31-year-old revealed on Wednesday. “I woke up and a knife was held to my throat. As I opened my eyes, both of my brothers were there. “They were shouting and they claimed that I was wasting their time. Peter was going mad and Kola was supporting. “I asked them: ‘Is this the only way to solve this issue? If yes, then kill me and take the money.’ It’s only at that moment that he put the knife down.” Adebayor phoned his mother, Alice, before contacting the police, which he later claims was held against him by his family as he was accused of being a ‘bad person’ for
doing so. The Togo international allowed his brothers to stay because ‘blood is thicker than water’, but gave Kola an unknown amount of money for his ‘own safety’. Kola apparently blamed Adebayor for Peter’s death because the shop he bought for him ‘was not good enough’, and he would receive texts from his older brother telling him his ‘career would be destroyed’. He adds that Kola did _WUPL,Q_VP QUQ^ NP[d_Q^LZxP despite Adebayor sending him money to travel from Africa to Germany. Adebayor, whose last LTTQL^L_fQP[W^P W,Q_KLRP was against his former club Manchester City on May 3 in the Barclays Premier League, reveals his experiences almost led him to take his own life. “Many times I wanted to give up,” Adebayor added. “Ask my sister Iyabo Adebayor how many times I have called and was ready to commit suicide? I kept these stories for years. “But If I die, no one would know my story, no one would learn from it. Some people say I should keep these stories private, but someone has to NLf^Y fQPKYRNQZ[ PNWRQW_QP has to talk about it. “I know people would relate to my story and others would learn from it. For every one who knows me, I’d do anything for my country and my people. Final message from the younger brother to the older brother: Quit Smoking and Quit Drinking. That was my story.”
Daily Newswatch
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015
up for Flying Eagles
ungary have LVRY,QVPUKQ]P are working on having more power by the time they face the likes of African champions Nigeria at the U20 World Cup in New Zealand. Hungary and Nigeria will clash in a Group E on June 7. The Hungary ~ P N dLVP L_VP NULBP departed for New
Zealand on Tuesday and are due to arrive early today at their _LZP VQNUY_LUYW_P W[P UKQP town of New Plymouth, the scene of their three group matches. “We travel to New Zealand with the team of the future, with players who have been able to play in the national teams at various age groups for several years”, said Storck, who
KLNP L__Wd_fQVP LP _LZP squad for the World Cup. “The squad members have displayed only good form in training sessions and matches and have been selected on the basis of these performances. I have _WUP TLYVP L,Q_UYW_P UWP which leagues or clubs they play in. He added: “We stand ready for our task
having been successful in training and in our warm-up matches but at the same time I wouldn’t say the condition of our team is yet 100%. “We would still like to improve their strength and, as well as this, there is a need UWP _QP Ud_QP Wd^P ULfUYfNP L_VP NTQfY fP U^LY_Y_`P routines if we are to reach our target.”
Osaze thrilled to make Stoke history
i i striker, igeria t ik O s a z e Odemwingie has said he is delighted to be involved in Stoke City’s record-breaking season where they have earned their highest points ever. Stoke City are currently ninth on the English Premier League table with 51 points, and could get more with the last game on Sunday at home to Liverpool. Stoke broke the 50-point barrier for UKQP ^NUP UYRQP NY_fQP winning promotion to the Premier League in 2008 after playing out a goalless draw with Burnley on Saturday. Mark Hughes has guided Stoke to backto-back ninth-place _YNKQNPY_PUKQPUWTP Y`KUP and Osaze insisted it is a good time to be associated with the club.
The Nigeria striker said he hopes that they can carry the momentum through into next season and create a legacy that the fans will never forget. “The most important thing is always the group. And I’m very happy I could make it \LfXPL_VPUKLUPUKQP`LBQ^P welcomed me back,” said the player who has recovered from a longUQ^RPY_ d^]PZL]WB| “Two seasons with back-to-back top-10 _YNKQNPYNP[L_ULNUYf|P KQP players have achieved what nobody has achieved and those are the things you want to hear. “It’s great that I am able to make a minor contribution to a time which we as players will never forget, when we are helping to lay
foundations for the club. “This is a memorable time for the team. They L^QP _WUP dNUP `Q,Y_`P results, but also pleasing supporters with top-
class football that gets them excited. “Hopefully one day, when Stoke City go to Europe and win cups, they will not forget us.”
Daily Newswatch
THURSDAY, MAY 21, 2015
FIFA Women W/Cup: Oshoala: We
have deadly attack F
ollowing their departure to Canada on Tuesday night via Paris for the FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup, Super Falcons forward, Asisat Oshoala has argued that if they can blend enough as a team, they will KLgQP UKQP \QNUP L,LfXP LUP UKQP tournament. The 20-year-old Liverpool Ladies forward is expected to RLXQPUKQPÂ&#x2030;_LZPfdUxPLZW_`NYVQP Desire Oparanozie, Iniabasi Umotong, Courtney Dike and Francesca Ordega, and believes they will potentially have the deadliest frontline in Canada. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a very good L,LfXP L_VP P UKY_XP UKLUP YNP one thing that will work for us if we blend properly as a team,â&#x20AC;? she told sl10. ng shortly before their departure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if all of us Â&#x2019;L,LfXQ^NÂ&#x201C;PkYZZPRLXQPUKQPÂ&#x2030;_LZP NÂ&#x201A;dLVP\dUPY[PkQPVWP PUKY_XPkQP kYZZPKLgQPUKQPVQLVZYQNUPL,LfXP at the World Cup. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most important thing is just for us to get a \Q,Q^P d_VQ^NUL_VY_`P W[P W_QP another, understand each personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strengths and that will give us an advantage.â&#x20AC;? The Falcons will play Sweden in their opening Â&#x2030;pUd^QP L_VP NKWLZLP YNP expected to lead Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s forward line but she says it kYZZP\QPLPUQLRPQBW^UPL_VP_WUP just her. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not the only one in the team, I have teammates and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a fWZZQfUYgQPQBW^UxÂ&#x2DC;PNKQPNULUQV|
lying Eagles coach, Manu Garba says he has selected his 21 players for the FIFA U20 World Cup based on merit, and nothing else. Manu announced KYNP Â&#x2030;_LZP NÂ&#x201A;dLVP UWP the competition in New Zealand last Friday, with the only top casualty being Alhassan â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Muazamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ibrahim, but Manu says he has done his selections based on what the players have been able to do for the team and for their clubs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have always said it that we would select our players based on merit and not on sentiments,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have been with the boys for some time now and we have selected them based on what we have seen of them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If it were possible I would have selected all of them because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all very good players but we only have to pick a NTQfYÂ&#x2030;QVP _dR\Q^P L_VP we have selected only the best of them at this minute.â&#x20AC;? The former Nigeria U17 coach also spoke on why he selected some of the overseas based players who arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t with the team in Germany. â&#x20AC;&#x153;None of those WWU\LZZP WRRY,QQxP ^NP big way in your last a clear determination to you can.â&#x20AC;? Dilichukwu Onyedinma, competitive match. You VWP\Q,Q^PUKL_PL_]PW[P]Wd^P The Falcons play boys (overseas based) Pinnick said the present have always done the predecessors have ever Sweden, Australia and got selected because Super Falcons have the nation proud and I see done. Our record in the USA in Group D of the 7th they play abroad. We ability and capacity to go ]WdP VWY_`P QgQ_P \Q,Q^P Y_P W^ZVP dTPYNPÂ&#x201A;dL^UQ^PÂ&#x152;Â&#x2030;_LZP FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup understand their clubs all the way. Canada. berth, set by the Class Â&#x2030;_LZNxP UKQY^P Â&#x2030;^NUP RLUfKP couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t release them â&#x20AC;&#x153;I know you girls â&#x20AC;&#x153;As African champions, of 1999. The NFF wants coming up against the and you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t blame are raring to go, having I want you to go to the ]WdP UWP VWP RdfKP \Q,Q^P Y_P Swedes in Winnipeg on the boys for that but fW_Â&#x201A;dQ^QVP LZYP Y_P LP World Cup this time with Canada, and we believe June 8. we monitored their progress for their clubs L_VP kQP L^QP NLUYNÂ&#x2030;QVxÂ&#x2DC;P he added.
NFF urges Falcons to make World Cup history
frican champion N i g e r i a have a great opportunity to become UKQP Â&#x2030;^NUP UQLRP [^WRP UKQP continent to win the FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup, so says the Nigeria Football Federation. Minutes before the team departed its hotel for the Nnamdi Azikiwe Airport, Abuja on its way to Canada on Tuesday night, NFF President Amaju Pinnick challenged the girls to shred their previous World Cup mark in Canada. In a farewell speech delivered on his behalf by Chairman of the Nigeria Women Football League and Chairman of the NFF Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Manu: We picked players on merit
Melissa upset Adegoke at CBN Tennis Open ^Wd_VPUKdNPÂ&#x201A;dLZYÂ&#x2030;QVP[W^PUKQP Â&#x201A;dL^UQ^Â&#x152;Â&#x2030;_LZNP kKYfKP fWRQNP up today. Speaking after the game, QZYNNLP Â&#x2030;VÂżKQ_xP kKWP KLVP earlier beaten Ebere Fortune By Francis Ajuonuma in her game on Tuesday, u s s i a n - b o r n said she is indeed happy Nigerian Tennis to have sent Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s player, Melissa number two seed out of the Â&#x2030;VÂżKQ_P ]QNUQ^VL]P f^QLUQVP competition. Describing her victim a major upset at the ongoing 37th Central Bank as a good player, Melissa of Nigeria Open Men and confessed that her power Women Senior Tennis play coupled with consistent Tournament holding at the L,LfXPkKYfKPYNPKQ^P`^QLUQNUP tennis court of the National weapon, gave her victory Stadium, Surulere, Lagos over Adegoke. KQPQÂ&#x201A;dLZZ]PfWRRQ_VQVP when she defeated Women seed two, Sarah Adegoke the standard of the 6-0, 4-6, 6-0 in the second championship, which she
said is comparable to those played elsewhere and gave kudos to the management of Central Bank of Nigeria for the sponsorship. Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s singles defending champion and tournament top seed, Christy Agugbom also f^dYNQVPY_UWPUWVL]Â&#x192;NPÂ&#x201A;dL^UQ^Â&#x152; Â&#x2030;_LZP LNP NKQP \QLUP dTfWRY_`P Junior sensational player, Angel Mcleod 6-1, 6-4 while her mother, Beauty Mcleod made up for her loss by defeating Beauty Oghenekevwe 6-2, 6-0 to RWgQPUWPUKQPÂ&#x201A;dL^UQ^Â&#x152;Â&#x2030;_LZN| Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top seed ZYBW^VP _WNW^Q`\QP L_VP Menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s singles defending
champion, Abdulmumuni Babalola also lived up to expectations as both won their second round games UWP Â&#x201A;dLZY[]P [W^P UKQP Â&#x201A;dL^UQ^Â&#x152; Â&#x2030;_LZ|P _WNW^Q`\QP VQ[QLUQVP Christopher Edward 6-1, 6-4 while Babalola outclassed Michael Eludoyin 6-0, 6-2 as Candy Idoko beat Daniel Odeh 6-1, 6-2 to advance also. The Otu Brothers, John and Thomas also won their `LRQP UWP ^QLfKP UKQP Â&#x201A;dL^UQ^Â&#x152; Â&#x2030;_LZN|P WK_PVQ[QLUQVP LXd\dP Hassan 6-2, 6-1 while Thomas out-stroked Taiwo Owolabi 6-3, 5-0 retired as Moses Michael beat Destiny Da-Silva 6-4, 6-2.
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