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Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


South West

Ogun supports Buhari on single account BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


gun State Government yesterday commended President Muhammadu Buhari on the recent directive to all Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) in the country to operate a Treasury Single Account (TSA) system. Secretary to the State Government, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa who stated this in Abeokuta noted that the scheme had been in operation in the State since 2011. According to a statement by Kunle Sokunbi, spokesman to

the SSG, the Governor Ibikunle Amosunled administration had commenced the operation of the Treasury Single Account System as part of its re-engineering programme. “Ogun State Government through the xDŠ[_ x`_ {|[_ ŠŠx‹\{Œ\{Ž General in December, 2011 issued a treasury circular which requested each commercial bank to open and operate a single account with the State Government, with sub-accounts for expenditure and revenue. This is in disparity with the previous situation in which over 300 bank

accounts held at various bank branches were in active operation in the individual ministries, department and agencies of government,�,the SSG said. Adeoluwa explained that with the advent of the measure, a technology which enabled the government to view all balances online, real time and move funds electronically when required was put in place. Highlighting the Z[\[]{•_ x`_ {|[_ –\–{–Œ{–—[™_ the SSG revealed that many government dormant accounts were discovered and balances therein were recovered.

He noted that the single account system also reduced the need for short term borrowing with resultant savings in interest payments, besides enhancing reconciliation, control and reduction in revenue suppression as well Œ•_ Œ˜˜x›–\œ_ [”[Š{–—[_ utilization of periodic cash surpluses. Adeoluwa, however, assured that the state government was Šxzz– [^_{x_Šx\{–\‹x‹•_ improvement of all its operations and currently considering opening an account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as part of the programme.

Cross section of Majidun/Ogolonto Community during a ‘save our soul’ visit on the harassment by the Nigerian Navy on the community led by the Chairman, Rev. Oloyede Egbodofo to the National Assembly, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos‌yesterday. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho


shocked by the news of the death, describing it as lamentable. In a press release signed by the Secretary to the State Government, Barr Taiwo Adeoluwa, the governor said the reserve of Nigeria’s top-notch diplomats has been depleted

with the sudden exit of Ambassador Adefuye. “A m b a s s a d o r Adefuye was a scholar of distinction, teacher of teachers and diplomat extraordinaire. He was passionate about Nigeria and defended its interest throughout his distinguished career as a diplomat,�

Rector solicits NGOs, corporate firms’ partnership with govt on education BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


ector of Abraham A d e s a n y a Polytechnic, IjebuIgbo, Ogun State, Professor Bilesanmi Awodero has solicited cooperation of philanthropists and corporate organizations with government on revamping the educational sector. He made the call on Monday at the commissioning of two Engineering studios donated by children of the late Mr. Adedotun Fayomi to the

polytechnic. Prof. Awodero noted that government alone could not fund education in the country, calling for collective [”xq{•_ x`_ –\^–—–^‹Œ˜•™_ organizations to support government for stability in the sector. She reasoned that the wealth of any nation is determined by the quality of education provided for the people, emphasizing that a structural educational system. The rector observed that

inadequate fund and lack of infrastructural facilities in higher institutions of learning contributed seriously to the decadence in the sector. “I want to appreciate Fayomi’s family for the donation of the building, it will go along way in assisting the polytechnic especially the Engineering department for their practical and modeling of their work. We need more of this in the institution because as we can see government cannot fund

Ayodele Olalere


uman rights lawyer, Festus Keyamo has berated those castigating President Muhammadu Buhari over his latest appointments, many of whom are northerners. In a statement issued and signed by him, Keyamo said the uproar generated by the appointment was uncalled for. He described it as the handiwork of opposition party and ‘jobless politicians.’ ‘The so-called ‘uproar’ over the perceived ‘lopsided’ appointments made so far by President Buhari are nothing but an orchestrated frustration of a few jobless politicians who depend only on government appointments as their means of livelihood and, of course, the noise of the latest opposition party in town. The majority of Nigerians want to see good governance, pure and simple, and care less about the ethnic origin of those appointed into positions,� it stated. It added: “My worry is that the decade-long general division of government positions into ‘juicy’ and ‘non-juicy’ and the mentality that these few ‘juicy’ positions must be shared equally amongst the major ethnic groups was nothing but a contraption of the old order from which we have just liberated ourselves.

To my mind, all government appointments pose an equal challenge to those appointed as a call to higher service of fatherland. All public positions come with an equal responsibility to be honest, forthright and dedicated. To go further to classify them as ‘juicy’ or ‘non-juicy’ is just a euphemism for positions that have enough money from which to steal and those that are ‘dry’. Therefore, any agitation from a section of the country to get ‘juicy’ positions is only an agitation for their kinsmen to be appointed to steal enough from which they Z[\]G E^_^`x z He urged Nigerians to support President Buhari in his bid to bring needed change into the country irrespective of tribe the political appointees come from. “I therefore unreservedly condemn, in the strongest of terms, the so-called uproar about ‘juicy positions’ going only to a certain section of this country. All sections of this country should be happy and content with whatever positions that x{^ 3|^}~G^_x G^^ } `x at the end of the day, to give to their kinsmen. After all, the President still has a long way to go with appointments. He {D} _[x ^€^_ `]]^G \ x[ `€^  ^|F^_x [‚ D€D~]DE]^ positions,� it stated.

Group trains students on global technology Ayodele Olalere


n o n governmental organisation (NGO), Career the governor said. Amosun condoled Development Network whose the president, family of (CDNET) Amb Adefuye and the ultimate is, to immensely people of Ogun State impact on students in on the loss one of her very functional career development and illustrious sons. among He prayed to God to counseling school grant his soul eternal secondary rest and give the family students in Nigeria, the fortitude to bear the most importantly in Lagos State has just irreparable loss. launched its programme tagged ‘The Discover Work Taster Programme (DWTP)’ for the Students of Igbobi College Lagos the education alone. “We are calling on private and selected schools in ]qz•™_ –\^–—–^‹Œ˜_ Œ\^_ the state. corporate organizations to Other schools that assist government at all levels Z[\[] [^_ `qxz_ {|[_ as concerned stakeholders to development the educational programme are Select College, system. The allocation International budgeted for education Lagos, Reagan Memorial in the country is nothing Baptist School, Yaba, to compare with what we International School, have in the works sector, as Lagos(ISL), Redeemers a result, the need for all and International School, sundry to assist government at all to improve the standard Maryland, Lagos, Baptist of education in the country,� Academy, Obanikoro, Lagos and Queens the rector said.

Amosun mourns late Ambassador Adefuye gun State Governor, S e n a t o r Ibikunle Amosun, has mourned the death of the immediate past Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, Prof Adebowale Adefuye. Amosun said he was

Keyamo supports Buhari over political appointees

College, Yaba, Lagos with visit to Interswitch Ltd Lagos. The Programme which involved lecture series, practical demonstration of the most recent global technologies, were geared and designed to acquaint the participating students with a direct practical life experience of such application and to get a feel of the world around them. With such application of future disciplines or callings, the students were trained on how to ]\^_x‹{_{|[_^–”[q[\{_Â?xZ_ or career available with •ž–˜˜•_ ÂŒ\^_ Â&#x;‹Œ˜–]ŠŒ{–x\•_ required to succeed within the ICT sector. The programme was a huge success, as the students participating, were greatly impacted, as they obtained their career questionnaires promptly, convincingly ÂŒ [\^[^_ {x™_ Z _ {|[_ very verse, experienced facilitators from both companies.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

South South/East


Abaribe slams Buhari over lopsided appointments ~WGqD 2KDFWVD Abuja


enator Eyinaya Abariba representing People Democratic Party (PDP) Abia South, yesterday slammed the President for allegedly making the appointments to be too lopsided in favour of the North. President Buhari had on Thursday made new appointments with only one out of the six appointments given to a southerner, while x{^ |^ D~_~_‰ `€^ Š^‹  [sitions like the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Comptroller

- Generals of both the Nigeria Customs and Immigration Services were given to Northerners. In a statement, Abaribe told Nigerians not to be surprised with the shape of things under Buhari’s presidency and in particular, the lopsided appointments made so far, saying ‘they should be taken as the style of exclusivity Buhari is known for and perhaps, the style the ruling party, the All Progressives Party (APC), has adopted in running its governance at the centre. +^ } ^F~`FD]]‹ }xDx^G x{Dx going by lopsided appoint-

ments President Buhari had made so far, ‘unity- driven constitutional provisions like the principle of federal character are meaningless to him.’ He added that the trend if not stopped, is dangerous to the Nigerian project and therefore, admonished the President to change style by practically showing and acting as President of all Nigerians irrespective of regional, ethnic or religious divides. “To be fair to him, the President made it clear in his recent state’s visit to the United States of America, of his 95 percent and 5 percent

reward for support. Again, it could be the style of the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC). That is to say that the party has chosen as a style, to run a government that encourages alienation of a sizable portion of its people as well as one that promotes exclusivity,� the statement read. It added:� Nonetheless,it could have been good and politically expedient if President Buhari sees himself as President of Nigeria, which is the hallmark of a statesman and not that of President of a section of the country.�

Governor’s wife offers indigent widows shelter (``W 0X{DW@_YG D 2FDYYG


mpoverished widows across the 637 autonomous communities in Imo state can now heave a sigh of relief as the wife of the state Governor, Nneoma Nkechi Rochas Okorocha has put smiles on their faces. Already, the wife of the governor has built a total of 152 two bedroom bungalows, furnished and handed over to some of the widows, through her pet project christened “She needs a roof project (“SNARP�). Mrs Okorocha who made this revelation in an interactive session with \[›•z[\_ –\_ |[q_ xDŠ[_ said that the gesture was a product of her resolution to drastically alleviate the plight of indigent widows in the state after undertak-

ing an assessment visit to the various communities {x_ Œ•Š[q{Œ–\_ {|x•[_ ÂŒ¤Â–Š{[^_ with unspeakable hardship and poverty. “We have 152 indigent widows who have ben[]{[^_ `qxz_ {|[_ ™_ but there are still very many indigent ones out there apart from the 152 that I have provided with a two-bedroom bungalow eachâ€? adding that each of the bungalows gulped between N3 million to N3.5 millionâ€?. She stressed that to guard against possible hijack of the SNARP project, ÂŒ_—[q–]ŠŒ{–x\_q[•[ÂŒqŠ|_{[ÂŒz_ made up of persons of honour and integrity had been set up to ascertain those really in need of shelter, adding that evidence of being an indigent widow, Imo indigene, coupled with being a distressed orphan is required for the gesture.

Rivers APC faults commission of enquiry “The Justice Omereji Commission of Inquiry is ilhe Rivers State Chap- legal, ill-conceived, and ter of the All Progres- ill-motivated. It should be sives Congress (APC) disbanded forthwith.â€? The party pointed out has kicked against the Rivers Judicial Commission of that the Commission of InInquiry under the Chair- quiry Law which has been manship of Justice George cited as the backbone of the commission did not in any Omerije. The party insisted that the of its 23 Sections authorise commission constituted by the establishing of a JudiGovernor, Chief Nyesom cial Commission of Inquiry, Wike, to investigate the ad- but merely stated that the ministration of the immedi- governor could set up an ate past Governor, Rt. Hon. inquiry “because judicial Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi powers are vested in courts was illegal and lacked the of law (Section 6(6) (b) of the Nigerian Constitution). constitutional power. “As has been made quite In a press statement is}\^G ‚|[ x{^ [*F^ [‚ x{^ clear by legal experts, in Chairman of the party and setting up the Omereji signed by his Senior Spe- Commission, Chief Wike cial Aide on Media and was exercising a power un3\E]~F $0D~|} &{~^‚ (ÂŞ^ known to law. To add ‘JudiChukwuemeka Eze, the cial’ to a mere administraparty alleged that the sole x~€^ ~_ÂŹ\~|‹ G[^} _[x |^ÂŤ^Fx purpose of the commission a doing of right according was to act “as rubber-stamp to law as it gives the public on Chief Wike’s conviction, the wrong impression that without trial, of the former the commission is a High Court by another name,â€? governor of the State. In part, the statement read: Rivers APC chairman said.

$`W W $X{_ Port Harcourt


Representatives of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Management, Mr Bamidele Jones (left), presenting a condolence letter to ?@D FGKQF QT VW?D 1$1 3@Q?QXYWZ@DY [D\Q]KDK ?Q ?@D QT^\D QT ?@D 3YD[GKD]? 0Y[ 0Q[_]`QVW 2[@GqD`G K_YG]X ?@D xDYzG\D QT xQ]X TQY ?@D VW?D .QVW 2[@GqD`G G] ${_|W 2] }DK]D[KWq 1GX@?

Customs impounds vehicles and contraband goods (``W 0X{DW@_YG D 2FDYYG


he Nigeria Customs Service, Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone ‘C’, Owerri, Imo State has again seized two new bullet-proof Prado Jeeps, among other vehicles and contraband goods with a total Duty Paid Value (DPV) of N545,651,050 and D||^}x^G `€^ }\} ^Fx} The Customs Area Controller (CAC) of the unit, Comptroller Dimka, Victor David disclosed x{~} Z{~]^ E|~^`_‰ _^Z}men at the Customs warehouses in Owerri and Be-

nin respectively, where he said that the seizures were made along Aba/Eleme axis and Agbor-Benin Expressway within one week, after the unit impounded an illegally imported bullet-proof vehicle. The Comptroller displayed the seized 85 bales of second hand clothing with DPV of N8, 160,000, and 1 x 40 container of 373 bales of used school bags with a DPV of N22, 477,200 at the Customswarehouse in Owerri; while a total of 13 smuggled vehicles, all brand new models which includes two bullet-proof Prado Jeeps, nine Toyota Land Cruiser Prado and

three Toyota Corolla cars with DPV of N285, 242,000 were similarly showcased at Benin Customs warehouse. In addition, two trucks carrying a total of 1,220 bags of 50kg rice with DPV of N22, 814,000 were impounded among other smuggled trucks with DPV of N110, 187,000 and numerous cartons of imported frozen poultry products with DPV of N96, 770,840 which were already destroyed. According to Dimka, the banned items secretly smuggled into the country fell into the hands of the [‚ x{^ [*F^|} Z~x{ |^F^_x

policy christened ‘Quick `Τ DG[ x^G E‹ x{^ $Fxing Comptroller-General of Customs, Dr. John Atteh to address the need of Customs to maximize revThe seven local governenue generation for the $`W W $X{_ Port Harcourt ment areas under close menation and also ensure a teorological watch include n reaction to the predic- Abua/Odual, Ahoada West, stronger, more oriented, tion by meteorologists that Ahoada East, Ogba Egbema/ €~E|D_x D_G ^*F~^_x &\}parts of Rivers State might Ndoni, Asari Toru, Degema, toms Service. ^ÂŚÂ ^|~^_F^ {^D€‹ ÂŤ[[G~_‰ and Akuku Toru. He explained that while this year, the state governMrs. Briggs-Iti also said that a good number of well ment has rolled out preven- the government would emmeaning Nigerians are ap- tive and mitigating measures bark on a door-to-door sento contain the disaster. sitization campaign in all the preciative of government’s Disclosing these plans in communities that might be ^0[|x} x[ |~G x{^ _Dx~[_ [‚ Port Harcourt yesterday, the D0^Fx^G E‹ x{^ ÂŤ[[G DGG~_‰ F[||\ x~[_ ~_ D]] ~x} |D ~`- state Permanent Secretary in that apart from the proposed Ministry of Special Du- personal contact with people cation, some smugglers are the ties, Mrs. Ibaniba Briggs-Iti, unrepentantly bent on cir- said that the government ~_ x{^ ÂŤ[[G  |[_^ D|^D} x{^ ministry would also produce cumventing the lofty mis- would kick-start a week-long radio and television jingles sensitization programme in }~[_ ‚[| x{^~| }^]`}{ ~_x^|alongside the production and the seven local government G~}x|~E\x~[_ [‚ ]^DÂŤ^x} DF|[}} est. D|^D}  |[_^ x[ ÂŤ[[G the state.

Rivers govt rolls out proactive measures against flooding


Newswatch Times Saturday, August 29, 2015



Newswatch Times Saturday, August 29, 2015


North East

Mammoth crowd mob beauty queen Nnah Douglas


2015 Face of Fashion Africa Ambassador, Miss Laurretta Charles during her visit to the Konduga/Bama Internally Displaced Persons Camp.

Benue govt sets aside N6.4bn for infrastructure, education

grant of N3.2 billion for the purpose. enue state govHe said the N6.4 bilernment has set lion would be paid as aside N6.4 bil- counterpart fund, exlion for the provision plaining that the N5.6 of infrastructure in pri- billion loan approved mary schools. by the State Assembly Disclosing this while would be used as coun|^F^~€~_‰ [*F~D]} [‚ terpart fund for other the Nigerian Union of projects. Teachers (NUT)who Ortom said teachers visited him at the Benue were maltreated in the Peoples House, Gover- past and promised to nor Samuel Ortom said reverse the trend. the Universal Basic EdAccording to him, all ucation Commission monies meant for pro(UBEC has provided a vision of infrastructure,

Godwin Akor, Makurdi


equipment, and welfare would be judiciously applied, describing primary education as the most important level as it forms the foundation upon which the future would be built. Leader of delegation and NUT chairman in the state, Comrade Godwin Anya commended Governor Ortom for commencing the payment of minimum wage to teachers in the state. “The teachers of

Benue state are happy with you,� he stated, adding that they were also in support of the steps he has taken so far with regard to security and welfare of workers. He listed delay in the payment of salaries, lack of promotion, nonpayment of leave grant, retirement and death E^_^`x} D} Z^]] D}  [[| environment in schools as problems that have been facing the teachers.

Kogi East APC endorses Audu Ademu Idakwo,Lokoja


head of today’s primaries to elect the governorship candidate of the party, the executives of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the nine local governments in the eastern axis of Kogi State have unanimously endorsed the candidature of Prince Abubakar Audu. The state vice chairman of the party in the zone,

Comrade Isa Daniel disclosed this at a media E|~^`_‰ Dxx^_G^G E‹ [€^| 1,500 delegates in Lokoja yesterday. He pointed out that the delegates and their leaders took the decision after carefully and critically examined those that put themselves to be nominated as the standard bearer of the party. He said they strongly believed only Prince Audu has the capacity and capability to pull the

state out of the woods, describing the positive development as not only wonderful but unique. According to him, if over 1,500 out of over 3,400 delegates endorsed the former governor, it means today’s exercise is simply to demonstrate their victory, insisting that with Prince Audu on the saddle in the coming dispensation, Kogi State would be great again. Also speaking, the APC chairman in Omala local

government, Mr. Danjuma Baba said the delegates took the decision in view of Prince Audu’s genuine love for the progress of the state, noting that only the former governor has all it takes to nurse the ailing state back to health. He described the APC leader as a founding member of the party, who has always led the opposition, saying it is now a payback time toreciprocate his good gesture.


ension mounts in Miasu local government area of Bauchi State as over one thousand youths from Misau emirate council went on rampage protesting the appointment of Alhaji Ahmed Suleiman as 11th Emir of Misau,. The protesting youths who stormed the emir’s palace and set ablaze over four vehicles within the palace were shouting ‘we don’t want’ and ‘ we want the ]Dx^ ( ~|§} `|}x }[_§

A source from Miasu Emirate told Newswatch Times that mobile police personnel have been drafted to the Emirate to forestall further outbreak of law and order in the area. The Police Public Relations 2*F^| '63 +D|\_D 0[hammad in a press statement warned any group or individuals desiring and preparing to cause chaos in the state to desist as any breach of public peace will attract severe legal consequences. According to him, “Com-

dren who were excited by her presence. The visit was part of the Abia State born African $ ED}}DG[| ^0[|x x[ |^DF{ out to the less privileged as well as commemorate her 25th birthday celebration. She equally dined and wined with the occupants of the camp. Addressing the IDP’s, Queen Lauretta encouraged them not to be dampened by their current challenges, rather they should believe in themselves as there cannot be any limit to what they can achieve. She noted that their stay there is only temporary. Speaking with journalists in Maiduguri, the Queen noted, “I am very passionate about Maiduguri having graduated from its University and therefore had lived here for a couple of years. It once enjoyed an unprecedented peace comparable to only a few other towns in Nigeria before the advent of the security challenges that has now bedevilled the town.�

Golf Club kicks off in Kogi Ademu Idakwo,Lokoja


he chairman of Kogi State Golfers Association, Emmanuel Adejoh Bako, has assured that the proposed golf course at the Kogi State University, Anyigba, will improve economic activities in the state and the immediate community and create wealth for the people. The chairman who stated this yesterday in Lokoja, while addressing journalists to intimate the public on the forthcoming N200 million appeals fund raising for the project slated for August 31, 2015, noted that the golf course will generate employment for the citizenry in addition to other Z[\[]{•_›|–Š|_Šxz[•_›–{|_–{¼

According to Bako, a training range has already been constructed at the University for the training of would-be golfers, calling on all Kogi people to disregard the erroneous belief that the game of gulf is for the rich and the elites. “I am from a humble background and I play gulf. It is erroneous to think or believe that the game is for the rich or the elites, which is totally wrong. Anyone can play it as long as they have interest and the zeal. I do not think that the game would have been included in the Olympic Games if they feel that it is for the rich. That is why I am calling on all Kogi people to disregard that and show interest gulf playing,� he said.

Social Media:Future Project begins training of KanoYouths Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano


he Future Project in collaboration with African Focus for Youth Development (AFFYD), yesterday commenced a three-day ICT free Social bined security forces com- was contained in a press re- Media Training programme prising the police, army and lease signed by the Perma- for over 132 youths in Kano. other services rushed to the nent Secretary, Special SerIn an interview with the scene, dispersed the hood- vices, Abdul Aliyu Ilelah. Coordinator of the Social lums and restored normalcy “Reports reaching the state Media Training programme, ~_ x{^ D0^Fx^G D|^D} 6[ ‚D| government have indi- Ambassador Emmanuel nine suspects have been ar- FDx^G x{Dx D‚x^| x{^ [*F~D] Gabari, who is also the Exrested for criminal conspira- announcement of the ap- ecutive Director of African cy, inciting disturbance and pointment of the 11th Emir Focus For Youth Developmischief while patrols are of Misau and the successful ment (AFFYD), he expressed E^~_‰ ~_x^_}~`^G Z~x{~_ D_G conduct of all the traditional optimism that at the end of outside the town.� rites, some mischief makers the three-day intensive trainTo curtail the riot that have taken advantage of the ing programme, the youths trailed the appointment of apparent jubilant mood of would be better equipped the new Emir the Bauchi the people and instigated than ever before to face fuState government imposed youths into smashing ve- ture challenges in the ever a dusk to dawn curfew in- hicles parked at the emir’s challenging ICT world. G^`_~x^]‹ [_ x{^ x[Z_ 7{~} palace.

Misau boils over appointment of new Emir Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

ver 10, 000 children yesterday threw caution to the wind and mobbed the 2015 Face of Fashion Africa Ambassador, Miss Laurretta Charles. The beauty queen was on a visit to the Konduga/ Bama Internally Displaced Persons Camp (IDPs) located along Dalori area of Maiduguri, the Borno State Capital. Newswatch Times learnt that Queen Lauretta is the `|}x ‚^ D]^ x[ {D€^ GD|^G the insurgents, damned the consequence and visited the camp. Among other things, she donated beverages, food items, toiletries, sanitary for girls and women. The children who are within the age bracket of 8 to 16, upon sighting the queen, who was dressed in queenly robe massively ran to her warm embrace singing songs in Kanuri language while it took the swift response of members of security agencies and 1(0$ [*F~D]} Z{[ Z^|^ on ground to calm the chil-

According to him, the youths, who are already eager with the passion to acquire computer skills, would be trained on Computer Appreciation, as well as in Internet Utilization and Social Media. Also, Gabari disclosed x{Dx _[ ]^}} x{D_ `€^ ^Œ ^|x} ~_ G~0^|^_x } ^F~D]~ª^G D|eas in ICT would impart the basic skills on them, adding that they would also be trained on the acquisition of Microsoft skills, so as not to be left behind as the world has become a global village. He told Newswatch Times that the participants at the training programme would also be drilled to acquire employability and entrepreneurship skills, which Z[\]G E^ E^_^`F~D] x[ x{^ youths for the rest of their life.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


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Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Politics Diya’s coup, Al-Mustapha’s treachery and Abacha’s death By, Lt. Col. Ibrahim Yakassai


n this interesting tell-it-all, Lt. Col. Ibrahim Yakassi goes down memory lane revealing some of the intrigues in the political administrations of former military head of state, Sanni Abacha. I have known Major Hamza El-Mustapha for 17 years. We have been together since our cadet days. He was with the former Head of State, General Sani Abacha. But in 1985, he had some problems with him and was posted to Calabar. I was also posted to Calabar. I was there till the end of 1990 when I travelled to England. By the time I came back in 1994, Mustapha and Abacha had made up. It was Mustapha who told me that I was needed in the Villa (Aso Rock) by Abacha in 1994 and I went. Security at the Villa The security at the Villa was made up of three main arms (a) the Brigade of Guards (b) the Strike Force and (c) the Military Police. But the two main arms are the Bridge of Guards (BG) and the Strike Force (SF). Mustapha was in charge of the security. And even though I am senior to him in rank, because he is (was) my friend, I never minded working under him, kind of. We really worked together. I am a medical docx[| E\x , G[\E]^G D} D }^F\|~x‹ [*F^| Each time the C-in-C was to go out, I either went in the advance party or in the last party. You could say that I was Mustapha’s second-in-command, but that could be wrong too because even though Mustapha was in charge of the Strike Force, there was a commander, Lt Ikilana. He was the F[ D_G~_‰ [*F^| 7{^ %* ZD} DG^ up of 300 soldiers while the strike force was made up of 80. I was trained in security matters, on the orders of the C-in-C in 1994. But even then, I was in charge mainly [‚ x{^ {^D]x{ [‚ ^ E^|} [‚ x{^ [\x`x %* and SF). 0^ E^|} [‚ x{^ [\x`x Z^|^ x|D~_^G ~_ Libya and North Korea. Usually, it was Mustapha, Gwarzo and I who recommended those to be recruited into the out`x %\x , ^ŒD ~_^G x{^ ^G~FD]]‹ 7{^_ we had an embarrassment in Libya. Four of the soldiers we sent for training there tested HIV positive. That was when an embarrassed Abacha now insisted that I must have all those recommended for training undergo an HIV test before they are sent to either Libya or North Korea. Anybody sent is usually given the sum of 11,000 US dollars. So it was like a competition. Of all that were recommended for training, about 10 tested positive. Usually, to make sure there is no misxDŠ^ G\|~_‰ x{^ x^}x ‚[| +,9 , `|}x x^}x x{^ at Aso Rock Clinic. If it is positive, to make assurance doubly sure, I sent the sample to Dr. Njoku at Military Hospital, Lagos and then again to Edo Hospital, Abuja where a course mate of mine, Dr. Gammani, is in charge and then to a laboratory in England. All the steps were to make sure nobody was cheated. These can easily be cross-checked from Dr. Njoku and Dr.

Late Abacha Gammani. Also, even those that tested positive, I used my money to have them treated at Edo Hospital, Abuja. But I had a problem here because of Mustapha. Anybody he did not want to be a member of the seF\|~x‹ [\x`x E^FD\}^ {^ {DG x{^ `_D] }D‹ he would tell them: “Yakassai said you are _[x ^G~FD]]‹ `x z $_G x{~} ZD} D ]~^ /~Š^ , said, only 10 people, after the Libya embarrassment, were diagnosed by me as having the HIV virus. Even though Mustapha was in charge of the security, all the money went to Alhaji Ismaila Gwarzo, who was the National Security Adviser. Gwarzo was always re]\FxD_x x[ |^]^D}^ [_^‹ ‚[| x{^ [\x`x +^ was in the habit of delaying it. Nobody knew what he was doing with the money. He could delay releasing money for between one to two months. The boys were angry and restless. At times, I would go to Kano and borrow money to give out to the boys. I borrowed from somebody like Alhaji Dan Kabo. Then, in April 1997, things were very bad. Mustapha and I decided to go and meet Major General Edward Unimna who was in charge of the Petroleum Trust Fund, PTF (military). We told him of the problems Z^ Z^|^ {D€~_‰ ‚\_G~_‰ x{^ }^F\|~x‹ [\x`x General Unimna asked us to put it in writing. We wanted the sum of N500 million. So we put it in writing. And he released the sum to us in two installments of N300 million and N200 million. What we had planned to do with the money were to buy houses for the boys; vehicles for the boys and for the general welfare. , ZD} x{^ /~D}[_ 2*F^| 7{^ `|}x 1 million, we used to buy vehicles and houses. We bought 23 houses at Gwarimpa Housing Estate, Abuja from Major General Adisa, former Minister for Works and +[\}~_‰ 7{^ {[\}^} Z^|^ ‚[| [*F^|} including Mustapha and 1. Then we bought 26 Peugeot Station Wagon cars and eight Toyota Land Cruiser jeeps, all from ASD, Kaduna. The 23 Peugeot cars we gave to some members of the [\x`x E\x x{^ Ž^^ } Z^|^ ‚[| 0\}xD {D myself, ADC, Aminu, Mohammed, Isiaku

Diya Doba, Lawal Arugungu and Lawal Rabo, O/C Mobile Police. All the money was in my account. It was like this: The cheque was made out in the name of the Security Department. But Mustapha asked me to lodge it into my account. That means another cheque was made out in my name. Mustapha also told me to pay Major Muhammed and Mr. Ahmed Sabi of the SSS some money. When Mustapha asked me to pay the cheque into my account and I asked why, he said we would use it to help ourselves. All through, I continued to give him an update on the state of the account. The remaining N200 million was spent by Mustapha on miscellaneous. He bought a house at the cost of N25 million in Kano, but he paid only N10 million. The remain~_‰ 1 ~]]~[_ ZD} Z|~xx^_ [0 ‚[| {~ D} Public Relations. Mustapha gave out some on welfare, like the sum of N80 million. But I had a problem over this account because I did not know Mustapha is a devil. He was the one who asked me to put the money in my account. He was the person who told me how much to withdraw each time. He was the one who disbursed the money. Just like he ZD} x{^ [_^ Z{[ {DG x{^ `_D] }D‹ [_ x{^ }^F\|~x‹ [\x`x %\x ^DF{ x~ ^ {^ G[^} _[x want to give anybody money he tells them it is Yakassai. And he says: “Go and look at {~} DFF[\_x {^ {D} D]] x{^ [_^‹ z The 1995 Coup The truth is that Abacha really want^G DE[\x }~ÂŚ  ^[ ]^ x[ E^ Š~]]^G 7{^ }~ÂŚ ~_cluded Generals Olusegun Obasanjo and Musa Yar’Adua, Col. Gwadabe, Col. Fadile and Major Akinyemi (rtd). It was God that saved them. When they were eventually jailed, AbaF{D [|G^|^G x{Dx , \}x F[_`| x{^ }xDx^ [‚ health of all the main prisoners each time the prison authorities sent a distress call on x{^~| }xDx^ [‚ {^D]x{ :{^_ , F[_`| , {D€^ to get clearance from him through Mustapha and/or Gwarzo or directly from him at times before I go in company of other doctors and treat the person. Yar’Adua One of the greatest pains, one of the

worst periods of my life was when I read that I might have injected YarAdua with poison. The truth about Yar’Adua and I is that he was the one who came between Abacha, Gwarzo, Mustapha on one side and I. The Inspector General of Police, Alhaji Coomassie, is alive and can bear me witness. I saw Yar’Adua on December 1 or 2, I997. Mustapha called me because of the report he said he got from Abakaliki prisons that Yar’Adua was ill. In fact, the Cin-C called me too. I left for Abakaliki to see Yar’Adua. There, I met the prison doctor and a physician from UNTH Enugu. I have forgotten his name now, but he limps a little. There also was CSP Obuah and I went with my nurse too. The physician from UNTH had been seeing Yar’Adua. He did not look like somebody who was going to die, but he was ill. ‘The then Militarv Administrator of Ebonyi State, Commander Feghagbo, too was there. He had an enlarged liver. Yar’Adua was a chain smoker. We suspected cancer of the lungs [| ]~€^| , DG^ ‹ _[x^ ~_ x{^  |~}[_ ^ÂŚ^|cise book. The physician from UNTH took Yar’Adua’s blood sample, not me. We split the blood sample into two. He took half to UNTH to run tests and I took {D]‚ x[[ x[ |\_ x^}x} %\x |^}\]x} F[_`| ^G a severely damaged liver which was almost failing. He had hepatitis too. We com`| ^G $]‚D )^^xD]  |[x^~_ :^ x[[Š x{~} |^}\]x [_ 7{\|}GD‹ D_G F[_`| ^G [_ )|~day. It was then that the UNTH doctor told us to appoint him as Yar’Adua’s doctor. I phoned Abuja and got permission. When both of us got the result, there was no change in Yar’Adua’s condition. On Saturday he was better. In fact, on Sunday he was strong enough to play a game of lawn tennis. I went back to Abuja. But on Monday morning, Mustapha phoned to tell me that he had a call from Abakaliki which told him Yar’Adua was very ill. He said the physician said he developed jaundice suddenly over-night , |\}{^G x[ 0\}xD {D§} [*F^ x[ ‰^x  ^|mission to go, but Mustapha told me that the C-in-C had not come down; the prison authorities were waiting for permission to allow them transfer Yar’Adua to UNTH, but Mustapha said the C-in-C had not come down. He did not say transfer. By 1 .00 p.m. when I had become frantic, I went to see Gwarzo to get permission from him. I met the IG of Police there. He too had come to see oga. When I told Gwarzo how urgent it was, he said oga had not come down. I now said that it is better to pardon Yar’Adua so he can go and take care of his {^D]x{ %\x *ZD|ÂŞ[ ÂŤD|^G \ , `_D]]‹ }DZ x{^ & ~_ & E‹  D_G he gave permission. And we started organizing the security. I phoned the Enugu and Ebonyi State Military Administrators to inform them that Yar’Adua was going to be transferred to UNTH Enugu. I then phoned the physician who told me Continued on Page 49


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


How ex-MPPP chair was arrested for alleged fraud Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


esidents of Lugbe area of Abuja during the week witnessed the arrest of the suspended Chairman of the Mega Progressive Peoples Party (MPPP), Dare Falade, by the police on allegation of gross misconduct, fraudulent activities and mismanagement of party’s fund while in office. This followed the petition written to the Inspector General of Police by the MPPP National Executive Council (NEC) members. Newswatch Times learnt that Falade was whisked away from his hotel room by the police from the Criminal Investigation Department FCID in Abuja. According to the information given by the Acting Chairman of the Party, Mr. Akanni Olayinka, members of the party have been on the trail of the former chairman before the conduct of the general elections this year.


“He has been on the run with the party’s money supposedly to be used to run the party before, during and after election. “He single handedly opened an account for himself on behalf of the party without input from other executives; he unilaterally disbursed money at will for his personal gain; in fact the former chairman is absolutely running an exclusive administration contrary to

the terms and conditions of his office. In other words, he always failed to carry along other relevant officers of the party in making decisions that affect the party,� Akanni said. According to Akanni, Falade was running a non-responsive administration coupled with acts of financial impropriety to the extent that when an account is to be opened and operated for the party, he flagrantly refused, but rather decided to manage party funds as if it was his personal estate. He emphasized that it was due to lack of accountability, crass graft, disobedience to constituted authority and Constitution of Nigeria in terms of separation of powers and the flagrant violation of the party’s constitution, fraud and various abuses of office among other breaches that he was suspended indefinitely. A visit to the Force Headquarters in Abuja revealed that the police have commenced detailed investigation into the matter to ascertain level of corruption charges against Dare Falade while in office in line with

the standard and belief of the Buhari administration In the petition filed against him, it was revealed that Falade allegedly misappropriated N49million meant for the party. He was alleged to have maintained several bank accounts out of which two major ones were discovered and identified with millions of naira. Specifically, one of the tellers to a bank indicated a deposit of N4.7million supposedly and craftily done not to go beyond N5million stipulated by banking regulations, one Mastercard with detailed amount of money. Members of the MPPP who were interviewed said they were aggrieved with Falade who has been out of job for many years and who is still jobless before being given the opportunity to serve the party, subsequent of which they later found out the way he had grossly enriched himself during the short period he stayed in office. Attempt to speak with the ex-chairman proved abortive as he had been placed under police custody in Abuja.

Makurdi residents behold massive destruction Godwin Akor, Makurdi


n Saturday, August 15, residents of North-bank area of Makurdi experienced what would have been the reenactment of the 2001 army invasion of Zaki-Biam, only that the attack on the semi rural community did not claim lives but injuries and destruction of properties. The penultimate Saturday invasion by soldiers which started at about 11 pm was by soldiers who stormed out to avenge the alleged death of their colleague who was shot and believed to be dead. In Zaki-Biam, the story was that some soldiers had been allegedly killed by the natives who alleged that the soldiers played double standard instead of restoring peace between the two warring ethnic groups, but at Northbank, the story was that a cult member allegedly shot dead a soldier who genuinely came to the town to cash money. While the Zaki-Biam incident ~_€[]€^G x{^ G~|^Fx }_~*_‰ [‚ ]~‚^ [\x of some people during retaliation, the North-bank attack involved destruction of vehicles which were some people’s means of livelihood. At the Northbank, the status symbol is indicated by the number of cars, houses and children and wives that one has. If you are a trader or business man, people respect you when you have chains of businesses and shops. What one may be termed as black Saturday for North-bank residents started at about 11 pm when some

people said they heard gunshots after which they heard shouts from daring persons believed to be soldiers. “If you are a man and you think that you can use cult boys to kill soldiers, come [\xz 2Z_^|} [‚ €^{~F]^} Z{[ }\0^|^G losses said they were afraid to come out, so, they watched the smashing of windscreen, back screen and side glasses through their house windows. According to them, the destruction lasted for over four hours as the invaders entered some people’s houses shouting “where is Alhaji?, where is Engineer?, and where is the big man? Some residents told Newswatch Times that the shooting of a soldier took place along Yogbo road, but massive destruction took place along Udei street and adjacent streets. 2_^ [‚ x{^ |^}~G^_x} D0^Fx^G E‹ x{^ destruction, Alhaji Ibrahim Ndabagi, told Newswatch Times that the Saturday, August 15, incident was the third of such in the series and that 13 of his cars and that of his relations including that of an Assistant Inspector General of Police were allegedly destroyed by soldiers. He said glass doors and windows of several houses including his own were destroyed and thanked God for not allowing those on rampage to rape their wives. Ndabagi who sat on a mat told our correspondent that since his commercial vehicles were destroyed, ]~‚^ E^FD ^ G~*F\]x D_G DGG^G x{Dx Governor Samuel Ortom’s intervention prevented the matter from escalating. He also said the Speaker of the

Ortom House of Assemly, Mr. Terkimbi Ikyange, played good role in calming the youths who were bent on a reprisal attack. Ndabagi appealed to relevant authorities to take up the matter with the President, saying, the Z{[]^ [‚ 1[|x{ ED_Š ZD} `_~}{^G +^ F[ ^_G^G ^0[|x} [‚ x{^ 3[]~F^ Commissioner and the Divisional 3[]~F^ 2*F^| 0| $xxD{ Z{[ {^ said was hospitalized as a result of the crisis. $x `|}x ~x D  ^D|^G D} ~‚ ~]~xD|‹ authorities were not concerned, but few days later, the Commandant, Nigerian Army of School of Military Engineering, Major General Bamidele

Ogunkale, apologized to Governor Ortom and the residents of North-bank as well as the entire people of the state over the unfortunate incident. Ogunkale said the action of the soldiers was lamentable, pointing out that a high powered committee headed by the Deputy Commandant had been set up to investigate the matter. He said those found guilty would be punished in line with the law. Responding to Ogunkale’s apology, Governor Ortom said a committee had been constituted to assess the extent of damage at the instance of President Muhammadu Buhari and assured that the matter would be handled with the seriousness it deserves. Ortom emphasized on the need for cordial relationship to be maintained between the people, government of Benue State and military establishments in the state. A prominent citizen of Benue state, Alhaji Bubakar Tsav, had condemned the action of the soldiers, saying, they should have gone for the cult member who shot a soldier at Northbank instead of destroying property of innocent citizens. Tsav wondered why soldiers who should be protecting lives and property should be destroying them, stressing that those involved should not go unpunished. To assuage the negative feeling of the people on the incident, NASME, in an [*F~D] }xDx^ ^_x }~‰_^G E‹ D &[][_^] Mr J O Attah, said on August 14, 2015, Continued on Page 50

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Go forth and conquer ...Kpakor urges Siasia’s Dream Team to win All Africa Games gold Walcott looks back on relationship with Henry

Wikki ambush Sunshine in Bauchi >>Pg.18



Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Wikki ambush Sunshine in Bauchi


ikki Tourists of Bauchi have concluded every arrangement to ensure that visiting Sunshine Stars of Akure are defeated when they meet at Abubarkar Tafawa Balewa Stadium this weekend in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) [[ž_­_]ÂŽ{‹q[•¼ It is going to be a tough ]ÂŽ{‹q[_Υ_Zx{|_•–^[•_ÂŒq[_ \[Šž_{x_\[Šž_x\_{|[_˜xÂœÂĽ_ While visiting Sunshine occupy the second place behind table toppers Enyimba, Wikki are closely behind them on {|–q^_ÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂŠ[ÂĽ While Wikki who have recorded many away victories this season will be counting on the home support at their disposal to unleash football terror on Sunshine Stars but the Akure Gunners would not reckon with the home support but to ensure that they get positive result out this game as it will go a long way –\_¯‹ –\Âœ_ÂŻq[••‹q[_x\_ ˜[Œœ‹[_˜[ÂŒ^[q•™_ \ Â–zZÂŒÂĽ It is really going to be a tough game as both side will give everything to ensure that something good comes out this match-up at the end of


°¹ÂŽ_z–\‹{[_|x•{–˜–{–[•¼ The coach of Wikki Yakubu Maidajin will have to go deeper in his bag of football tactics to •Š‹ ˜[_›|ÂŒ{_ ‹\•|–\[_ will throw at them as they will be coming to this game to either win xq_^qÂŒÂ›ÂĽ_ |[_Â&#x;‹[•{–x\_x`_ losing this game as far as the Akure Gunners are concerned are out of the way because they are determined

to ensure they make something positive out {|–•_[\Šx‹\{[qÂĽ |–•_–•_\x{_{|[_]q•{_ time the two teams will be meeting this season, they met in Akure in {|[_]q•{_•{ÂŒ\ÂľÂŒ_x`_{|[_ league and the outcome that encounter is now |–•{xq _›|ÂŒ{_zÂŒ [q•_ at the moment is what the outcome of this weekend’s encounter will Z[ÂĽ

Meanwhile, Wikki will be relying on players such as Uche Martins, Mustapha, Ibrahim, Godwin Obaje, Emeka Nwobodo, Idris Guda Mohammed, Peter Ambrose, Festus Umanah, Harrison Madu, Abdullahi Musa, Waziri Christopher and Goalkeeper Haliru Sani to ensure that Sunshine Stars do not leave Bauch ›–{|x‹{_ÂŒ_^[`[ÂŒ{ÂĽ__

Rangers’ Supporters Club has no case – Obi Ekwo


t is no longer news that members Rangers Supporters Club took to the streets of Enugu earlier in the week to protest what they described as ill treatment being meted out to them by the zÂŒ\Œœ[z[\{_x`_{|[_Š˜‹ZÂĽ According to the aggrieved members of the Rangers Supporters Club, the management of the club led by the club’s General Manager, Ozo Paul Chibuzo, has refused to ŠŒqq _{|[z_Œ˜x\ÂœÂĽ_ The protesting members of Rangers’ Supporters ˜‹Z_ŠxzÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^_Z– [q˜ _ that Rangers management refused to make all necessary arrangement for them for them when Rangers travelled to Katsina to honour their [^[qÂŒ{–x\_ ‹¯_•[z–_]\Œ˜_ tie against Lobi Stars, a game that the Flying Antelopes lost after they have been reduced to nine players by the centre q[`[q[[ÂĽ But reacting to the supporters club protest, Rangers’ former player and now the Technical Director of the club, Obi Ekwo told

Enyimba back on top after slim victory

League Watch Times that the protesting members of the Rangers’ Supporters ˜‹Z_|Œ—[_\x_ŠŒ•[ÂĽ According to Obi Ekwo: “The protest by the members of Rangers Supporters Club alleging that they are not carried along by the management of the club has no meaning in the sense that the General Manager, Ozo Paul Chibuzo has gone to the State House of Assembly to [ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\_{|[_•–{‹Œ{–x\™¸_ Z–_ ž›x_Z[œŒ\ÂĽ “They are protesting that the management of Rangers did not carry them along by not paying for their transportation to Katsina, for not booking hotel accommodation for them and the General ÂŒ\Œœ[q_[ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^_{|ÂŒ{_ •‹Š|_[ÂŽÂŻ[\^–{‹q[_›Œ•_ not in the budget and there is no way he would use players salaries and Zx\‹•[•_{x_ÂŒ [\^_{x_{|[_ ‹¯¯xq{[q•_ ˜‹Z_q[Â&#x;‹[•{ÂĽ š Âľx_ |–Z‹¾x_[ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^_ that doing such a thing will amount to fraud and he wouldn’t want to be a party {x_•‹Š|_ŒŠ{ÂĽ_ [_`‹q{|[q_ [ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^_{|ÂŒ{_{|[q[_–•_\x_

money in the club at the moment to be doing what the Supporters Club are [ÂŽÂŻ[Š{–\Âœ_{|[_zÂŒ\Œœ[z[\{_ {x_Z[_^x–\Âœ_`xq_{|[zÂĽ š [_[Â&#x;‹Œ˜˜ _[ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^_ that it is not the responsibility of the management of Rangers to be funding the activities of the club saying that at times the club used to give the Supporters Club some money to assist them buy fuel for their vehicle but that it is not a mandatory thing because such action stems from the magnanimity of the

management and not something bidding on {|[zÂĽ š |[_{q‹{|_x`_{|[_zÂŒ [q_ is that in advanced clime, just the name implies, supporters club is peopled that are passionate about the club that they support ÂŒ\^_{|[ _zŒž[_•ŒŠq–]Š[•_ for the club not that they will be asking the club for ]\ÂŒ\Š–Œ˜_Œ••–•{ÂŒ\Š[ÂĽ “Therefore, based on the [ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒ\ÂŒ{–x\•_x`_{|[_ ™_ _ don’t think that they have a genuine case against Rangers that is the truth x`_{|[_zÂŒ [q™¸_ Z–_ ž›x_ [ÂŽÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ–\[^ÂĽ

wo time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba, are back on the driver’s seat after the Aba millionaires were displaced temporarily by second placed Sunshine Stars of ž‹q[_x\_ ‹\^ÂŒ ¼ Sunshine Stars had displaced Enyimba on Sunday after annihilating visiting El- Kanemi Warriors of Maiduguri by 5-0 on Sunday at the Akure Township Stadium but on Monday when the people’s elephant hosted FC Taraba, the game ended in favour of the host as they pocketed {|[_zŒŽ–z‹z_ÂŻx–\{•_ÂŒ{_ •{Œž[_›–{|_²ÂŽÂą_—–Š{xq ¼ With the victory on Monday, the people’s elephant who were toppled on the table on Sunday by Sunshine Stars with a point but the people’s elephant victory on Monday, has put them back on the driver’s seat with two points clear of Sunshine Stars who have gone back to the second ÂŻx•–{–x\ÂĽ For the mean time, it seems that the race for this year’s league shield –•_\x›_ÂŒ_•{qŒ–œ|{_]Âœ|{_ between the two time African champions and

the Akure Gunners who have been doing everything possible to make good their ÂŒÂ•ÂŻÂ–qÂŒ{–x\•¼ Meanwhile, national team coach, Sunday Oliseh, has included four Enyimba players in the 23 man list of Glo Premier League players invited to the Super Eagles ŠŒzÂŻ_{x_]Âœ|{_`xq_ÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂŠ[•_–\_ {|[_•Â&#x;‹Œ^_{|ÂŒ{_›–˜˜_ZÂŒ ˜[_ Tanzania in Dar es Salam in ÂŒ\_ _Â&#x;‹Œ˜–][q_\[ÂŽ{_ zx\{|ÂĽ The players are goalkeeper Femi Thomas, left-back Idris Aloma and z–^][˜^[q•_ Âľ[ž–[˜_ Œ••[ _ ÂŒ\^_ –\œ•˜[ _ xžŒq–¼ With the four players in the Super Eagles’ camp, Enyimba remains the only club in the league to have four of her players in the ‹¯[q_ Œœ˜[•œ_ŠŒzÂŻÂĽ_

Triumphant Dogo salutes defeated Ganaru


asarawa United head coach, Kabiru Dogo, has paid tribute to his former boss after his wards’ historic giant killing heroics that ended Kano Pillars 12 years’ unbeaten home record in the domestic ˜[Œœ‹[ÂĽ Nasarawa United, admiringly called Solid Miners defeated Pillars 2-1 at the Sani Abacha Stadium –\_ÂŒ_ ÂŒ{Š|_ ÂŒ _ÂŹÂł_]ÂŽ{‹q[_ of the Glo Premier League, {|[_]q•{_x`_•‹Š|_^[`[ÂŒ{_ÂŒ`{[q_ 202 home games that dated ZŒŠž_{x_¹¹´¼_ ›x_Â&#x;‹–Šž_ÂœxŒ˜•_›–{|–\_ the space of four minutes by Mannir Ubale and ÂŒ{‹q[_ ÂŒqx_•Œ›_x”_{|[_Â?–\ÂŽ_ that has blighted the visits x`_Œ˜˜_{[ÂŒz•_–\_{|[_˜[Œœ‹[ÂĽ_ Rabiu Ali would later score a consolation for the host few minutes into the •[Šx\^_|Œ˜`ÂĽ Dogo in his post match comments was self [”ŒŠ–\Ϫ_Š|xx•–\Âœ_{x_ÂŻÂŒ _ tribute to his former boss, Mohammed Baba Ganaru rather that gloat over his `[ÂŒ{ÂĽ “It is a win I want to dedicate to my former boss, Ganaru who I respect so much because I learnt a lot from him and he is a ÂŻ[q`[Š{_Âœ[\{˜[zÂŒ\ÂĽ_ {_–•_\x{_ time to start laughing, but ÂŒ_{–z[_{x_•Œ _›[˜˜_^x\[ÂĽ_ Our hosts need to accept the fact that it happened

this way, sometimes you win and yet lose some, {|ÂŒ{_–•_`xx{ZŒ˜˜_`xq_ x‹™¸_ q[Âş[Š{[^_ xÂœx_›|x_{xxž_ over at Nasarawa United after the midseason departure of Baba Ganaru in circumstances that ˜[`{_xDŠ–Œ˜•_x`_ Œ•ŒqŒ›Œ_ United protesting to the xqœŒ\–•[q•¼ But he would not deny his players their time in the sun and heaped praises on {|[z_`xq_{|[–q_q[•–˜–[\Š[ÂĽ_ “My players deserve a party for their bravery especially in the second |Œ˜`_x`_{|[_œŒz[ÂĽ_ |[ _ž[ÂŻ{_ to our style of play and that proved we are truly a {[ÂŒzÂĽ_ [_ÂŻÂ˜ÂŒ [^_zŒ••–—[˜ _ from the defence to ÂŒ ŒŠž™_{|[_q[•‹˜{_–•_Âœxx^¸Â™_ ^[Š˜Œq[^_ xÂœxÂĽ Dogo have now played ]—[_zÂŒ{Š|[•_•–\Š[_|[_{xxž_ charge, winning three, drawing one and losing one with an outstanding match against Shooting {ÂŒq•_–\_ ZÂŒ^ÂŒ\ÂĽ_ NPFL Week 26 FIXTURES

Enyimba vs FC Taraba Bayelsa vs Sharks Lobi vs Ifeanyiuba Akwa vs Giwa Rangers vs Dolphins Sunshine vs El-Kanemi Wolves vs Wikki Abia vs Heartland Kwara vs Shooting Pillars vs Nasarawa


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Sports/EURO League Neguesha dating West Ham Utd star ...After she was dumped by Balotelli


Walcott looks back on relationship with Henry


|[x_ Œ˜Šx _|Υ_ taken to Instagram {x_q[Âş[Š{_x\_{|[_ –\º‹[\Š[_ |–[qq _ [\q _|Υ_ had on his Arsenal career since joining the club in January 2006. England international Œ˜Šx _•|ÂŒq[^_ÂŒ_¯–Š{‹q[_ of him posing with Henry when he signed from Southampton aged 16 and underneath, a new picture of the pair taken this week. ‘Me & @thierryhenry when I signed in 2006 & {|–•_›[[ž™œ_ Œ˜Šx _›qx{[_ as a caption. ‘It seems Thierry hasn’t aged at all!! #FlashBackFriday #Arsenal14.’ Arsenal hero Henry has been working at the club recently to gain his coaching badges. \_ ‹˜ Â™_ Œ˜Šx _Šxzz– [^_ his future to Arsenal by signing a four-year contract at the club. x_^ÂŒ{[™_ Œ˜Šx _|Υ_zÂŒ^[_ 204 Arsenal appearances and has scored 76 goals and

Henry has made no secret of his admiration for the 26-year-old’s abilities.

[\q _Z[˜–[—[•_ Œ˜Šx _ will succeed if he is deployed as a striker for Arsenal. ‘I saw how much he wants to do it [play up front for Arsenal]. He did it against West Brom and did it against –˜˜Œ_–\_{|[_ _ ‹¯_]\ÂŒÂ˜Â™Âś_ Henry said, speaking at the

launch of The Sun Dream Team in London earlier this month. ‘It’s a long process. You need to play in that position for not only one game – it’s ^–DŠ‹˜{_{x_]\^_ x‹q_q| {|z_ if you play one game in the middle and two games on the right‌ you need to have that consistency to be able to go out there and perform.

Sturridge back in Liverpool training for first

time since April


aniel Sturridge is edging closer to a return from |–•_˜[\Âœ{| _–\Â?‹q _˜Œ ÂŽx”_ after latest pictures showed him training at Liverpool’s Melwood base on Thursday. The 25-year-old has not featured for Liverpool since April and missed the entire ÂŻq[Ž•[Υx\_Υ_›[˜˜_Υ_{|[_]q•{_ three matches of this Premier League campaign. However, the striker is •{[¯¯–\Âœ_‹¯_|–•_[”xq{•_{x_ work his way back to match ]{\[••_ÂŒ\^_ÂŒ_ÂŻx{[\{–Œ˜_q[{‹q\_ on September 12 against Manchester United. Sturridge made just 18 appearances in all competitions last season during an injury-plagued campaign. Since his last appearance in April, Sturridge has been to the United States to be treated by members of the x•{x\_ [^_ xÂŽ_z[^–ŠŒ˜_•{ÂŒÂ”ÂĽ

He has kept Liverpool supporters updated on his recovery in recent months with a number of pictures and videos on social media. Sturridge joined Liverpool in a ÂŁ12million deal from

Chelsea in January 2013 and has scored 40 times in 67 appearances for the club. Brendan Rodgers’ side have picked up seven points from their opening three games in the Premier League this season after wins against Stoke and Bournemouth followed by a draw at Arsenal. The Reds face West Ham x\_ ÂŒ{‹q^Œ _ÂŒ{_ \][˜^_–\_ their last game before the international break, after ›|–Š|_{|[ _—–•–{_ ˜^_ qŒ”xq^_ to take on rivals Manchester United. Liverpool fans will be looking forward to the prospect of seeing Sturridge back in action alongside their new ÂŁ32.5m signing Christian Benteke. There was no sign of captain Jordan Henderson, though, who missed the game against Arsenal on Monday with a foot injury.

aving moved on from Mario Balotelli after enduring an acrimonious split from the controversial footballer last year, glamourous model Fanny Neguesha has begun dating West

ÂŒz_ \–{[^_z–^][˜^[q_ Cheikhou Kouyate. Striker Balotelli, 25, Zqxž[_‹¯_›–{|_]ÂŒ\Š[[_ Neguesha after a series of arguments last September and she has since moved on to Senegal international Kouyate, after meeting {|[_z–^][˜^[q_›|–˜[_–\_ London for a photoshoot. And the 25-year-old beauty has wasted no time in showcasing her Œ”[Š{–x\_`xq_{|[_ ÂŒzz[q•_ star on Instagram, by wearing the Irons’ light

blue away kit while supporting her new love at Upton Park, and calling him, ‘Best friend for Life.’ Belgian Neguesha’s mother is of CongoleseRwandan descent and she has an Italian father, and she followed Balotelli to Brazil last summer as he scored against England for Italy at the World Cup. Kouyate, 25, has links to Belgium as he was scouted from his hometown club of ASC Yego Dakar by RWDM Brussels in 2006, before moving to Belgian giants Anderlecht in 2008 where he made 206 appearances in six years before heading to East London in 2014. The combative z–^][˜^[q_|Œ•_Z[Šxz[_Œ_ fans’ favourite with the

Irons, adding goals to his game in English football, |Œ—–\Âœ_x\˜ _•Šxq[^_]—[_ during his time time at Anderlecht. He has already scored twice this season in West Ham’s opening three ˜[Œœ‹[_œŒz[•™_\[ –\Âœ_ in West Ham’s 2-0 away win over Arsenal in the season opener before scoring at the Boleyn, with Neguesha in the stands cheering him on last week, as new-boys Bournemouth defeated his team 4-3. Meanwhile, since his break-up with Neguesha, Balotelli endured a torrid time with club side –—[qÂŻxx˜™_\[ –\Âœ_Â?‹•{_x\[_ league goal following his ÂŁ16million move from AC Milan; subsequently, this week, the Reds sent him back to Milan for a season-long loan.

Mayweather gets cosy in bed with four women


s he prepares for his upcoming bout with Andre Berto, Floyd Mayweather has revealed ‘the king sleeps good every night, from head to toe’ as he gave fans a glimpse into his life away from the ring. Earlier this month, the ‘Money Man’ announced Berto will be his 49th opponent when the undefeated boxer returns to the ring on September 12. As he steps up his training regime ahead x`_\[ÂŽ{_zx\{|ϥ_]Âœ|{™_ Mayweather posted a series of snaps on Instagram after posing on his bed. Floyd Mayweather and his girlfriend Doralie Medina posed with an Instagram picture with three other women The 38-year-old boxing legend also posed for a snap with his girlfriend as they cosied up in bed The 38-year-old posed for a picture with girlfriend Doralie Medina, which he re-posted, and then the duo were joined by three other women for another snap beneath a mirrored ceiling. Mayweather, whose ]Âœ|{_›–{|_ [q{x_–•_[ÂŽÂŻ[Š{[^_ to be his last, captioned the snap: ‘The king sleeps good

every night, from head to toe’. The snaps, which were posted on his Instagram Œ\^_ ›– [q_ŒŠŠx‹\{•™_ were later deleted by Mayweather on Monday.

The boxing legend is no stranger to boasting about |–•_ÂşÂŒzZx ÂŒ\{_˜–`[•{ Â˜[_ and he recently splashed out ÂŁ3million ($4.8m) on an ultra-car so rare there are only two in the world.

Liverpool abandon plans of selling Lucas


ucas Leiva is a player that Liverpool have been trying to get rid of for the last 4 years but the Brazilian just keeps proving his worth and in a routine development in this summer’s transfer window, he will not be sold in spite of the club trying its utmost to ÂşxÂœ_|–z_{x_ ‹qž–•|_•–^[_ Besiktas.

According to a report in the Daily Mail, Lucas ›–˜˜_•{Œ _x\_–\_ \][˜^_ and the Turkish club have now decided to pursue Chelsea’s John Obi Mikel as a possible z–^][˜^_xÂŻ{–x\ÂĽ Following the absence of captain Jordan Henderson, Brendan Rodgers feels that Liverpool would need ÂŒ_|x˜^–\Âœ_z–^][˜^_

player with experience Œ\^_ ‹ŠŒ•_]{•_{|[_Z–˜˜_ perfectly. •_Œ_zŒ [q_x`_`ŒŠ{™_ his performance against Arsenal in the 0-0 draw at the Emirates x\_ x\^Œ _]\Œ˜˜ _ convinced Brendan Rodgers that Lucas is a player who would be a valuable asset during the 2015/2016 season for the club.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015



x- international, Moses Kpakor, believes Nigeria’s Under-23 team have what it takes to make history at this year’s Al Africa Games football tournament in Congo. According to him, the calibre of players in the Dream Team camp are xx^_[\x |_{x_q [_ \ _ team at the Games proper in Congo. He however urged the team to be up and doing and be determined to make the country proud when the competition begin in the continent. He advised the Under–23 Eagles Chief coach, Samson Siasia, to beware of other teams in the event. “The boys should be conditioned right from the onset that their mission in Congo is to do well and get it right from the { q{_{x_]\ |¥_ |[_`xx{Z _ Games event should also serve as launching pad for greater things for the team ahead. He recalled that despite the purported withdrawal of Egypt from the football event did not [ {_{|[_ \{ ¯ {[^_ [[\_ competition football would q {¥_ ¬´_ [ _z {_ be vigilant and cautious _ {_ x[ _ \{x_{|[_Z [¥_ Many other teams would have them as prime targets for possible upset,” he

said. According to him, he should use this Games as pivot to test his players to prepare his squad for the `q \_ z¯ _ ][q _ in Senegal and build his team from there. ‘This is obviously should serve as vehicle for the Under-23 Eagles {x_]\[_{ \[_{|[_{[ z_`xq_ the teething competition ahead. It is good thing that there is an All Africa z[ _Z[`xq[_{|[_]\ _ z¯ _ ][q_`xq_ African teams. This is unprecedented and any coach that has the foresight would clinch on this vital opportunity to prepare his side, however not losing sight to grab quality prize in the Games event,’’ he pointed out. Kpakor who is optimistic that the head coach as meticulous as he is has started well from the calibre of players in his camp which shows the direction he is moving to. He has the full grip of the situation and would make full use of it without mincing words, he noted. He however lamented the absence of Taiwo Adeniyi in the squad stating that if there is how he would be accommodated all well and good otherwise there are many of such lads in the list of players already in camp. ‘’The fact is that Siasia has done his home work

Go forth and conquer ...Kpakor urges Siasia’s Dream Team to win All Africa Games gold [ _ _{|[_]q {_ {[¯_ towards achieving his set goal in the All Africa Games football event. I believe that he then sit back with his crew and plan well how to harness the materials in their disposal to pull in at the top of all the team at the

summit. It a task that is achievable if there is harmony, motivation, focus and determination in the camp and it is my belief that while the leadership of the NFF would throw its weight behind the crew and the team, the players would provide the result in {|[_][ ^_{x_{| {_[ [ {¥_ [_

are on course, ‘’ he posited. The former BCC Lions play maker informed that with the level of experience the former international turned coach has now, there is no doubt that he will continue with his winning ways haven come out resoundingly out of two tight situation

^ q \ _{|[_ ][q _ \_ away grounds in Zambia and Congo Brazzaville respectively. Once the players would play to instruction, avoid x [q_ x\]^[\ [_ \^_ complacency the coast will be clear for them to go all out to grab their set goal, he stressed.

Eagles ready for Dar Es Salaam battle – Agu VICTOR ENYINNAYA


uper Eagles assistant coach, Alloy Agu, has declared that he’s excited with the enthusiasm and dazzling form of the home based professionals insisting that the squad will be in superb form when blended with the foreign legion to form a formidable strike force that would demolish Taifa Stars of Tanzania in the win or burst AFCON 2017 ][q_z { |_ \_ q_ _ Salaam. Agu added that the spirit with which the boys showed their readiness for the all important game _Z[_`xq{ ][^_ {|_{|[_ potent force of their foreign colleagues. It would further send stronger indication how serious they have taken the game, therefore nothing would be left {x_ | \ [_ \_ \_[ xq{_{x_ ensure that the host team _` _{x_{|[_]q[ xq _ of the former African champions in front of their teeming home fans. ‘The technical crew are not resting on its oars to work round the clock for the overall success of the ^_ \_x q_ [q _]q {_ major assignment. All hands are on deck, I must assure you that. The spirit is also high. The crew is also in full touch with all the foreign based players that would prosecute the game against the Tanzanian national side. Everything about the match is in place. What is needed is the

support of all Nigerians in prayer. The crew and the lads are quite aware what is ahead and would not q[ [\{_ \_ [ \ _{|[_` _ q ¯_ out the epic encounter,’’ he vows. The former Super Eagles safe gloves however said that though the game will not be a tea party but the Nigerian side is equal to the task because of the team wants to be among the ]\ {_{| {_ x ^_] [_x {_ for action in Gabon in 2017 edition. He also revealed that the zeal with which the Eagles would approach the match will be total and all conquering in manner. ‘We are aware that the homers will throw everything into this game to cause an upset but

the Eagles will device mechanism that would soar away every pressure and steady them into winning ways. The team is determined and focused on this task. It may look tedious because it is an _ [ \ _|x [ [q_{|[_ Sunday Oliseh tutored boys will not have respect for any home advantage. We will advance water tight strategy that will produce the needed result that would see us grabbing the three blooded points. It is a mission that must be comprehensively accomplished,’’ he reveals. He pledged that the Eagles will take the game to the door step of their opponent. There will be no room for laxity. The

match has the trappings of _^ D {_x\[_Z {_ \ [_ and strategic planning would be the watch word of the Nigerians. The fact remains that, there is no smaller country in football again; our boys already knew that so the notion of under rating their day’s opponent is ruled out, instead they will go headlong right from the q[`[q[[¶ _]q {_Z {_x`_{|[_ whistle to go for victory. |[_Z [_x`_ q_ _ z_ will not be confronted with kid gloves. We envisaged it will be rough but the Eagles will keep going. There will steady onslaught on the home team until their resistance is subdued. The Eagles are ready for the worst, he restated.

Amoo: We ’ll br ing honour to Niger ia


igeria’s Under-23 Olympic team assistant coach, Fatai Amoo has said his side have high chances of success at the upcoming All Africa Games in Brazzaville, Congo despite glaring challenges. The Dream Team VI will open its medal account clash against the West African foes, Senegal on September 04. Amoo said though the side will sorely miss key players due to injuries and non-availability they z {_^ _^[[¯_{x_ x _ the campaign brightly against Senegal.

“We have 50/50 chances of success at the Games just like the other members of the group. “Of course, we know {|[_ z¯xq{ \ [_x`_{|[_]q {_ game and the importance of starting a campaign on a good note. “Senegal are force to be reckoned with in the continent especially given their performance at the World Cup coupled with the fact that they will be hosting the Caf Olympic qualifying championship later in the year. “We do not want to make excuses but the reality is that we may not have a seizable

number of our players who started the process as well as imbibed the team’s chemistry and philosophy. ¹ `{[q_x q_ ][q_ in Congo some of them went out to seek greener pastures elsewhere and not yet back. “Though the exercise is positive for the country for players to go out to enhance their potentials to come to play for the mainstream side, Super Eagles. “However, it has a | q{ \ _[ [ {_x\_{|[ q_ team as they have geared perfectly with the rest of teammates.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 44

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Celebrating C elebratiing women off substance

I’m married to my best friend – Arin Oluwo

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dr. Arin Oluwo is a woman with a large heart. The very charming Unilag graduate has warmed her way into the hearts of many Lagosians especially residents around Ikoyi Obalende LCDA through her humanitarian works. She has touched the lives of the youth, women, and the needy. She spoke to QISMAT YINUS about her life, career and marriage at one of her charity events in Lagos. Enjoy! Can you tell us about your experience as the organizer of the just concluded youth leadership training in Ikoyi Obalende LCDA? We set out to contribute to the community through this service for our youth in Ikoyi Obalende LCDA. We wanted to do something different from the usual summer coaching. It’s the holiday period and we felt it is an opportunity to guide these youth in the path of leadership and so we called it Youth Leadership Training. We felt we needed to talk to them and also bring facilitators

encourage them and give them direction on what it takes to be a leader. That was why we arranged this community service. It is purely to help our people in the community and motivate the future leaders to have the right qualities as leaders. So have you been able to make an impact with this training? To the best of my knowledge we have given them a rich training. We have brought facilitators from different backgrounds that are competent in their vari holders were here to train them.

How do you intend to impact on the lives of the youth out there that don’t have the opportunity to be a part of this training? ing out to the young people, and that was why we chose the Senior Secondary step and we had about 150 students that we were able to accommodate with the two week training. As time goes on, we out to those other ones who are artisans or learning one trade or the other as the Lord gives us the opportunity and the

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

privilege. So what is your advice to these young ones as they round up the training exercise? Put into practice what we have taught and shared with them during these two weeks. We are going to give everyone ! " ting from the students. Throughout the # with which they participated. ! $ # you continue with these community service especially in the area of education? % # # my best for the young people and every ! & contribute to the life of others. Where do you get the inspiration to do all these charity works? ' & # # ! "-

% ! life can be changed with a little help, it inspires me to want to help such people. % " ( # & ! & these. What is your philosophy of life? Equal opportunity to all. Fairness to all regardless of gender. ) & your humanitarian activities? * ! #

! love doing. How supportive is your husband? My husband is very supportive. Olawale is very encouraging, a strong pillar of him all to myself. Because of this peace & #


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P>G PG. 255

-3 280

Continued on page 28




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THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



Our relationship went in stages. We were friends before we became lovers and then we decided we would take it to the next level.

Society Editor

tunde ESO Correspondent

qismat YINUS Production Editor

taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, August 29, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

I’m married to my best friend women who may be facing some challenges. What is the key to a successful marriage? Open communication, deep friendship, love, sincerity in dealings with your spouse. What advice do you have for women on how to manage their marriage and career? I think they should try, because the women who have come before us managed everything. It is not easy, but the Lord will give us the grace to be able to balance. As you are holding your home, you should also hold your career. Would you say you are ful ! " # By the grace of God, I am still a work in progress as I still have a lot to do for the

community. $ %&! your marriage? I would say it is very successful because I married my friend. He is my best friend and we are able to talk. Like I said earlier, I expect women to be able to say their mind. Say what you want. Women should have dreams, and their dreams should not die because they are married. You should be able to pursue your dreams as you move with your family. ' (( ! & " &) % ! * " !! ! % !# Yes. It’s been a privilege to come across him and for us to come together as a couple. He is a gentle man to the core. My husband, Olawale Oluwo,

is a very committed husband. $ " ! % (! pose? Well, we met at the University of Lagos in 1989. Our relationship went in stages. We were friends before we became lovers and then we decided we would take it to the next level. + % ! " & &)-

,! # I attended Federal Government Girls College, Benin City, then I came to University of Lagos and I’ve been at the University of Lagos for years now. I had my Ph.D there. I am interested in women and gender issues. My thesis was on women empowerment and education with focus on women’s control over their resources.

Women should have dreams, and their dreams should not die because they are married.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

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Fashion Extra


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Love Tips

Tunde Eso 08057482794

Secrets to a perfect first date

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Newswatch Times, Saturday August 29, 2015


fter her compromising pictures scandal some yeaars ago, Nollywood actress and former Gulder Ultimate Search contestant, Anita Hogan, married her Dutch husband and then relocated to husband’s country to settle down. Since then, she has not been a very regular face on the screen. Though she still visits Nigeria, she is always with her family in the European country. Susan Peters, who we learnt has been on vacation for a while now, was with Anita in the Netherlands where she spent some time with her fellow actress and her family. The Benue State-born actress had fun with Anita Hogan’s family and took some photographs to remember her time out with her friend in Holland.


Susan Peters hangs out with Anita Hogan, Hubby in Holland


ast week Monday, August 23, 2015, was Funke Akindele birthday as she added a year on that day. On that day, Jenifa as Akindele is been called got several congratulatory messages from her fans and colleagues in the entertainment industry. But for actress Biodun Okeowo, she can’t forget in a hurry what Funke did for her and how the prayers of the celebrant turned her life around. Biodun, who is also known as Omo Butty, posted Funke’s picture on her Instagram page and wrote an inspiring story of how her life was changed for good. She wrote, “Funke, you do not know this, but I seize this opportunity to tell you that from that very day you spoke to me, advised me and even prayed for me, my perspective to life has changed and it has helped me in many ways, which also increased my love and respect for you. You’re strong, so you advised me to be strong, which worked for


Funke Akindele now a prophetess?

ollywood actor, Funsho Adeolu, is not happy based on an interview granted recently. The bearded actor said that it has become dif their wealth on social media as fakes and pointed out that such actions only put their lives at risk.


Funsho Adeolu’s confession

I f feelers emanating from grapevine are anything to go by, then the marriage of Toyin Aimakhu and her husband, Adeniyi Johnson, is on the verge of collapse. According to a source that is close to the sultry actress, Toyin and her husband have been having rough times lately and efforts by some family members to resolve the issues have reportedly proved abortive. The actress is said to have accused her husband of grievous allegations and from what we were reliably told, Toyin is fed up and does not care what people might say if she calls it quit with the union. “As things are now, Toyin is fed up with Niyi, who plays with her heart the way he likes. He is too distracted to be with Toyin alone and he is not doing anything to genuinely make amends. He begs for forgiveness and later goes back to his vomit. “This issue has been on for long and we have tried to ensure they remain together happily, but as it is now, we are tired. We have told Toyin to just see herself as a single lady rather than kill herself because of a ‘fine boy’,� the source, who claimed to be in the know of issues going in the family told the source last week. The source has also observed that the actress has deleted some of the pictures of her husband from her social media accounts. She also now addresses herself as Miss Aimakhu, removing the earlier Mrs attached to her name. Meanwhile, efforts to reach Toyin for her reaction to this story proved futile as her number was switched off when we called. It would be recalled that not too long ago, both parties parted only to reconcile and then released a statement. Another source has given us load down of some insight into what actually caused their latest fight. Watch out for the juicy details shortly.

t seems one of Nigeria’s leading comic personalities, Oluwadamilola Adekoya, also known as Princess, has dusted off all the worries of her former marriage and has now moved on with her life. From the look of things, she may have found love in the arms of another man. The popular rib-cracker was seen in a photograph with a supposed friend, who is reportedly a European. The obviously excited comedienne took to her social media page to post pictures of hers with the ‘oyinbo boyfriend’ and wrote, “Chilling with my baby.� She further asked, “Isn’t he cute?� giving hints that he might be the next ‘one’. Recall that Princess revealed sometimes ago that she has been getting lots of marriage proposals from men from Spain, Germany, Italy and many more.


Will comedienne Princess marry her white lover?

ith the likes of Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, expressing the affection she has for her husband to be, many would be tempted to go

" " # # Since her recent introduction which became talk of the town, Tonto has been praising her lover at every opportunity. Last week, she made a very nice prayer request to God on behalf of her man by begging God to preserve his life so he can enjoy her and the kids. In her words, “My husband is a gift and a testimony and for this, he shall be blessed in his spirit and soul. His body shall be full of vitality of the Lord, his life garnished with wealth and abundance; he is experiencing peace all around. I shall not mourn over him, because ! " % & of our children and I. He will eat the good of this land. The Lord will not take him where there is no grace. The Lord will keep our love alive and our marriage will be more fruitful than ever before. God bless my husband richly. AMEN/AMIN.


Has Tonto Dikeh become a pastor?

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pray Toyin Aimakhu’s marriage does not collapse.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


istory will be made today, Saturday 29th of August, 2015 at Adeyemi Bero Auditorium, Alausa Secretariat, Ikeja, Lagos, when Nigerian conductors under the name of Bus Conductors Association of Nige ! " # $ chart with tripling last Thursday, the president of the newly formed association, Comrade Israel Ade Adeshola, stated that part of the reason the association was formed was due to the security challenge in the country. He said. “The security challenge in the country calls for all hands to be on deck towards checkmating the malaise� He further stated the roles bus conductors # # ! ! cial both to commuters and drivers. This new development he says will curb the excesses of some unlawful bus conductors because there is no body to checkmate them. According to him, “A conductor most times knows and can identify a criminal in public buses because when a criminal enters a bus, the conductor can easily identify him; this is because he comes in close contact with t passengers and he knows who is who inside a bus because the job of the driver is to drive.


Bus Conductors Association of Nigeria berths


Ajibade Alabi 08023934887



More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

Queen Of England makes history


n the 9th of September 2015, the Queen of England - Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, 89, will enter the history books as the longest serving British queen ever. She’ll be passing the record set by her great-grandmother; Queen Victoria who Buckingham Palace’s calculationreigned for 23,226 days, 16 hours and 23 minutes.

Omotola’s son Captain E gets triple surprise at his 17th birthday


t was the 17th birthday of Omotola’s son and one of the youngest music producers in Africa on the 20th of August. CaptainE got a surprise birthday party despite not expecting one. His father captain Ekeinde who had also been away for over 2 weeks on his flight simulator, flew in that day to attend his surprise party. The biggest surprise of the night however, was Mastercraft and Del B as he had always told everyone that Mastercraft is his best music producer to meet. Legendary producer Del B who has been a mentor to Captain E made this happen.

Jibola Ajimobi set to wed next week in Lebanon ibola who had her introduction party few weeks back in London and her engagement at her father’s home in Oluyole Ibadan on Friday, August 21st, will have her white wedding in Lebanon next week. It will be recalled that Jibola got engaged to her man Ayo, on her birthday on the 14th of June, 2015 and just shortly after they started the formality of becoming husband and wife.


Kylie Jenner pimps out her Ferrari from Tyga


ylie Jenner who is back from her vacation was spotted shopping with her friend at Barneys New York. She was seen with her gift from Tyga, the white Ferrari. She has changed the colour from white to Matte Grey colour with red wheels.


Newswatch TImes, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fashion The pointy toe stiletto pump-rock in style Qismat Yinus The stiletto is that shoe that never really goes out of style but always lingers in the background. Besides them squeezing your toes (then again beauty is pain) they are truly the shoes to have. The stiletto heel dates back to the 19th century and have been recreated by numerous designers over the years. Valentino, Prada, Gucci, Christian Louboutin have all given their platforms styles the backseat and placed the focus on this classic.


Celebrity Chat

- Bisi Ibidapo Ibidapo--Obe Obe In a recen t interview with the C Bisi Ibidap EO of B.I.O o Obe, be Lingerie, tter know logbalogb n and adr a in Nolly e ssed as O wood, e mo behind he unburden r business s t h e secret and caree r. Excerpt s:


erhaps you commissioned your shop, B.I.O Lingerie about a year ago. How would you describe the experience so far? It would have been over a year, but the shop wasn’t equipped enough at the time I got it, so it wasn’t operational at the initial stage. I had to wait till it was fully loaded ! # " With regards to patronage, I will say so far so good. God has been very wonderful to us. People patronize us daily, both men and women, old and young. They come regularly. And not only that, they also discover that our prices are reasonable. How has the business changed your life since inception? A lot of changes. I see now myself as a busy person. It’s not easy sleeping at home when you’re not on location. I am happy I have another lucrative business. And it’s

( things have been happening in my life since I opened the shop. I have met new people, ! # " We learnt the shop is worth millions of naira. How much exactly did you spend on it? It’s not a lie; B.I.O Lingerie is a multi-million naira project. I can’t really say this is the + # ! " ' ! # ' / ) ! wonderful to me. " ! " 2 + 3 No, a point of correction! I am not into sex toys really. My shop is called Lingerie, where we deal in undies for both men and women. We sell so many things, including shoes, bags, scarves, bras, night wears for men and women and even children. The sex toys people are referring to is just a small section of the business. And to me, it’s not a big deal. It’s only our mentality here in Nigeria that’s somehow. In the western world, they don’t see it as anything big. Left to me, anybody using sex toys is even decent compared to a prostitute. If you’re using a sex toy, you’re better than a woman jump ! 6 2 # + ! ) 7: 6 + # " ' + < ' & small section of the whole business. It is an addition to what I deal in. Is it true that couples patronize you? % 3 # " ! " ! + 3 % 3 " How do you juggle your new business and acting? I cope well because none is affecting the other. Remember, I can’t be on location for " #

# ! clients. And if I want to go to location, it doesn’t affect my business because I have a ! = # $ # I have no problem about that. Are you working on your personal movie now? * # " 7 # ! ! God. It has been long you produced a movie, why? * # ! + ! # I have not produced any movie to call mine. What could be responsible for that? ' "

' ' " ! > # " & And anytime I want to produce, I always made sure the movie is better than the previous one. We Yoruba actors can’t pay ourselves professionally. Most times, we help one 6 # ' ! # " ' # ' " everything involved in shooting a movie. For instance, for me to feature in any movie, I " # cast, costumes, camera and all that. Even the storyline must be very good. Do you still see yourself as one of the highest paid actresses in the Yoruba movie sector?

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Celebrity Chat Yes, of course. Okay, what was the highest fee you have ever received? I can’t disclose that; it’s a private issue. It’s between me and whoever the producer of the movie is. Your admirers , especially your fans are complaining that you no longer feature in movies regularly. What can we attribute that to? It’s true, but I will apologise to them for that. It’s not as if I am arrogant, I don’t like appearing in movies just for the sake of it. And besides, I need to relax a little after giving birth to my baby. I need to take good care of her and so many things. Also, if people like us don’t sit back, those coming would not move forward. We should allow them to showcase their talents and progress in their career. It can’t be just me alone all the time. So, that’s also one of the reasons they have not been seeing me in many movies in recent times. But now, I am back fully and I promise they will see me more often than ever. What has acting not done for you? Nothing really. I would say acting has done almost everything I asked from God. I think what I am looking on to God for now is to have a personal house. I will also like to acquire a private jet (laughs). So far, # ! ! " In added another year in January; how old are you now? I am still a young girl, I just clocked 38. Glory be to God. At 38, what are the things you can’t be involved in again? * ' ! # ' demanding respect from anybody, be it within and outside the industry. But if you know I deserve it, give it to me. I can’t also be involved in anything that I am above. Even at 38, what will you say life has taught you? ' # ! # give glory to Almighty God.


The Counselor

Contentment as great gain

Bimpe Onwuchekwa



content person accepts whatever God provides for his life. He is happy with what attributes are his. He is satisfied with his immediate and extended environment. He accept as adequate despite wanting more or better. It is practical to want more or want better,its also profiting to desire and aspire for greater heights. Contentment isn’t same as unambition. For a child,contentment is an essential virtue to grooming, it’s about maximising what there is financially,materially and otherwise at every point to achieve the expected or the required. Believing the future holds better things, knowing and appreciating what is in the inside(gifts and talents) for use for now and the future. Contentment can and should inculcate into children as early as possible. A content child is always happy and stable. Children should be taught and given the culture of identifying their belongings,who and who owns the different items around them. One of the ways to do that is by allowing them to eat from their individual plates as toddlers. For a growing child ,they need to understand the difference between needs and wants. They need to know on time why some things are done,and done the way they are. Like why we eat; we eat to live and be healthy. They need to be taught to accept,appreciate, and be satisfied with the food,toys,clothing,shoes books and so on that are theirs. When children are properly trained ,they can’t easily be lured with things. For a youth,is about creating and having a mindset of being wealthy/rich in the mist of poverty. Knowing the difference between luxury

and necessity. If you are not content, you are greedy . It takes conscious discipline to be content. The trait is easier to learn with awareness and understanding of what is obtainable and accessible at every point in time. For adults contentment leads to satisfaction on the job,fulfilment at accomplishment trail and sustenance at dream pursuit. Contentment makes you know which dream to pursue, plans to execute, business to trade in,product to invest in,approach to apply at different instances . You are able to identify certainty,contegencies, and the uncertain. You are able to identify who to mingle with and who to be friends with. You are not selfish nor self centred. You need to accept your present state before you can progress into the next stage of your life. Contentment can be used as a yard stick to monitor your desires,dreams, wants and needs at every point in time. Lack of contentment makes you insatiable and unfulfilled. You will always buy things you don’t need nor will use in the nearest future; impulsive and spontaneous buying. Like buying clothes,shoes and other items that are isn’t your type nor size. Some people buy believing they will loose weight soon whiles others thinks that they will gain some weight . Lack of contentment would also make you buy material to sew styles you admire on someone, without thinking of your peculiar stature and height. Lack of this virtue,contentment can as well go as far as wishing someone else’s child is yours because he/she is brilliant or talented in a particular way,thereby making you envious. Every one is gifted, but they need to be sourced out for maximum utility. Lack of contentment may lead to sleepless nights and unhappiness. Remember the days of Forum Investment house, collecting cash from people. Most of which wasn’t returned nor given with the interest promised. A lot of people gathered their money from other

banks to hand over without thinking of the possible consequences. Lack of contentment easily lead to depression, complex and low self esteem. Always wishing you are the other person, for their outlook beauty and so on. You need to be satisfied, happy and fulfilled about the way you look. Remember you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God,you are a unique being. Lack of contentment leads to unrealistic demand or quest to travel abroad. Most often these people are not certain of what to expect or would do when they get there, like are they schooling there or working there,what kind of job and so on. They spend all their life savings, get loans, sell their shares,belongings and more just to travel abroad. Sometimes they go as far as resigning their appointment at their work place,believing they would get a good job and live a better life over there. For a few that their destiny is hinged to being abroad it’s worth the risk,but for more the effort is in futility. For couples,it is a distinguishing ingredient for stability and lasting relationship.You need to accept and appreciate your partner and his/her excesses and strengths to the fullest. This would certainly keep your relationship in shape and satisfaction. Celebrate and utilise their strengths. You then aspire to bring the best out of them by true complementary expressions. For instance,when a nagging wife takes her time to take care of her home and children adequately. She isn’t enterprising but modest,prudent,friendly and accommodating. How is she perceived and treated? Beings content with your partner brings about faithfulness and commitment to the vow made on the wedding day to your spouse. It’s all about being thankful for what you have and being patient for what’s to come. Be at rest,embrace God’s provision for your life and livelihood, allow your vision and dreams come alive progressively . Insufficient isn’t same as non at all. .Delay doesn’t mean denial. Attainment in contentment is a life skill of great gain.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE


R-L: Chairman, Famfa Oil, Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija; her son, Rotimi; Founder, Omooba Yemisi Adedoyin Shyllon Art Foundation (OYASAF), Prince Yemisi Adedoyin Shyllon; and his wife, Chief (Mrs.) Funmilayo Shyllon.

L-R: Immediate Past President, the Cathedral Circle, Christ Church Cathedral, Mr. Segun Adeyinka, his wife Mrs. Mercy; wife of the President of the Circle, Chief (Mrs.) Olufunke Bolarinde and President, Cathedral Circle, Chief Sam Bolarinde.



Wife of Vice President, Mrs. Dolapo Osinbajo (right), receiving Patron award from the National President, Association of Orphanages and Homes Operators in Nigeria (ASOHON), Rev. (Mrs.) Dele George.

L-R: Current Chairperson of Association of Orphanages and Homes Operators in Nigeria (ASOHON)/Founder, Vigilant Heart charitable Society Home, Mrs Maria Osawemen; Bayelsa State Coordinator, ASOHON, Mrs. Empere Tarilusi; National President, ASOHON, Rev. (Mrs.) Dele George, wife of Vice President, Mrs. Dolapo Osinbajo; National Secretary, ASOHON, Dr. Gabriel Oyediji; Treasurer, ASOHON/President/ founder, Sought After Children orphanage, Mrs. Carol Silver-Oyaide and North Centrak/Plateau States Coordinator and founder, Kingdom Kids Orphanage, Jos, Mrs. Sandra Chikan. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


L-R: Director, Cargo; Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria,[ FAAN], Dr. Ofulue Uchenna; Miss Sa’ada Dunoma; Managing Director, FAAN, Engr. Saleh Dunoma; Mrs. Maru Dunoma; Director, Human Resources, FAAN, Hajia Salamatu Umar-Eluma; Director, Maintenance & Engineering, FAAN], Engr. Olufemi Ogunode, and General Manager, Planning Federal Airport Authority of Nigeri,[ FAAN, Miss Nse Ikkideh, during the 2015 National Productivity Order of Merit Award held in Abuja…recently.

L-R: Chief Security Officer, Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Mallam Ali Danbatta; Chief of Staff to the Managing Director of FAAN, Mallam Mohammed Kabir; Managing Director, FAAN, Engr. Saleh Dunoma; Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of FAAN, Alhaji Maázu Dahir; Special Assistant to the Managing Director of FAAN, Mr. Sam Bini Leo, during the 2015 National Productivity Order of Merit Award held in Abuja… recently.

L-R: Comedian, Owen Gee; Senior Marketing Manager, Consumer Business Group, Olaonipekun Okunowo and Country manager, Consumer Business Group, Mr. House Yangfufu, both of Huawei Technologies Company Nigeria limited, at the launch of Huawei P8 smartphone in Lagos recently.

L-R:Celebrity Photographer, Kelechi Amadi-Obi and Country Manager, Consumer Business Group, Huawei Technologies Company Nigeria Limited, Mr. House Yangfufu, at the event.

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015




Coordinator, DFID South West, Dr. Adesina Fagbenro; representative of Senator Oluremi Tinubu, the Immediate Past Chairman, Coker-Aguda LCDA, Hon Omobolanle Akinyemiobe; Acting Consul General, U.S., Dehab Ghebreab and Chief Executive Officer, iamaCHAMP Limited, Abiola Salami

L-R: Corporate Affairs Manager, Mr. Kufre Ekanem; Marketing Manager, Mr. Emmanuel Agu and Corporate /Brand PR Manager, all of Nigerian Breweries Plc, during the launch of Guilder Ultimate Promo in Enugu, Enugu State…recently. Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: (Sitting), Non Executive Director, United securities, Neka Udezue; Chief Executive, Leadership Learning Limited, Folasade Adefisayo; Chief Executive Officer, iamaCHAMP Limited, Abiola Salami; Founder, Watermark Academy, Victoria Adewunmi and Chief Executive Officer, Rough and Tumble, Adenike Ogunlesi. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


L-R: Brand Ambassadors, Guilder, Nigerian Breweries Plc, Mr. Yemi Blaq; I’ll Rhymz and Ebuka Obi Uchendu, at the event. Photo: Bode Agbede


L-R: Rev. (Mrs.) Edith Mpamugo; Coordinator, District Women Ministry (WM), Assemblies of God, Apapa District, Evangelist (Mrs.) Esther Ogunbola; Guest Speaker, Pastor Regina Uduagbomen and President, District WM, Deacons Veronica Obinyan.

Bride parents, Mr and Mrs. Bolaji Wasiu Jinadu

Cross Section of the participants at the14th Annual Women Convention.

L-R: Alhaji Jinadu, Bride’s father, Gbemisola Jinadu Raji, Bride and Mrs Jinadu, Bride’s mother


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Kitchen Qismat Yinus

Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

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Cutting off 5 - 10% of your body weight could have huge impact


How to cook Nigerian coconut rice


[ ‹[\ Š_[Z x{Dx xDŠ~_‰ [0 just as little as 5%-10% of your body weight could have a huge impact in lowering the risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers such as colon, prostate and breast cancers, joint problems, backaches, E|^Dx{~_‰  |[E]^ } D_G G~*F\]x‹ ~_ sleeping? According to Catherine Champagne, a researcher with Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center, “after a consistent pattern in weight loss studies, when patients ][}^ `€^  ^| F^_x  ^| F^_x [‚ x{^~| body weight, they had reduced blood pressure, LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol, improve glucose tolerance, and in general, lower risk for cardiovascular disease.â€? Weight gain is so gradual and occurs over a long period of time that it {D} E^^_ D G~*F\]x xD}Š ‚[| ~_G~€~G\D]} x[ F|~x~FD]]‹ \_G^|}xD_G x{^ } ^F~`F ‚DFtors that may be responsible for their weight gain. Some factors include: genes, family history of obesity, lack of sleep, stress and anxiety, depression, certain medications such as steroids and blood-pressure antidepressants, disease and sicknesses like heart, liver and kid_^‹  |[E]^ }  |^‰_D_F‹ ]DFŠ [‚ `E|^ ~_ [_^§} G~^x} `E|^ D~G} G~‰^}x~[_ D_G makes one eat less) etc. It is, therefore, important that we check our body size using some measures such as the Body Mass Index (BMI), which assesses our weight in relation to our height that is (BMI = weight (kg)/Height (m)2). The ideal weight range is 19 - 25. People who weigh over BMI of 25-30 are considered to be overweight; while BMI of 30 and above is obese. Another method of assessing whether we are of healthy weight is to measure our waist circumference. This gives an indication of how much fat is stored around our middle. To measure waist circumference, locate the top of the hip bone; place the tape measure evenly around the bare abdomen at the level of the bone and read the tape measure, recording in inches. Ensure that the xD ^ ~} `| ]‹  ]DF^G D_G G[ _[x  \}{ tightly into the skin and measures waist circumference after breathing out normally. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “women with a waist circumference of more than 35 inches and men with a waist circumference of more than 40 inches, are at increased risk of developing chronic diseases.â€? The more weight gain, the more severe these problems may become. Losing a little weight can therefore, be es ^F~D]]‹ E^_^`F~D] ‚[|  ^[ ]^ Z{[ }x[|^ their excess weight in their abdomens, rather than their hips. When we consume more calories than our body requires to perform our day’s activities, the extra calories would be stored as fat, which could lead to obesity and other diseases. But when we eat just about the same amount of calories to meet our body’s energy needs, our weight will stay the same. For a person who wants to maintain a healthy weight for a life time, the individual must understand that it’s all about energy balance. However, focusing on total calories may not be the most useful way to consume fewer calories than one expends, says researchers.


igerian coconut rice is always a welcomed dish in many homes, parties or events. Its rich coconut taste and aroma can’t be ignored. Although it looks a lot like the Nigerian jollof rice, it is quite different in aroma and the ‘’coconut’’ taste, isn’t what you get with jollof rice. Nigerian coconut rice can also be made plain without stews or tomatoes, making it look more like plain boiled rice, but with the distinctive coconut taste. Ingredients for Nigerian Coconut Rice *500g parboiled rice *150ml tomato stew *100ml coconut milk *100 ml chicken or beef stock *1 medium sized onion bulb *Ground crayfish (optional) *Stock cubes/stock powder/ seasoning of choice *Pepper (to taste) *Salt (to taste) Preparations before cooking the Nigerian coconut rice **If you don’t have coconut milk, coconut oil can also be used. **Cook the chicken/beef, grill/ fry and set aside; reserve the stock (liquid from cooking the meat) **Prepare your tomato stew. **Now wash and parboil the white rice and leave to drain in a colander / sieve. **Grind the crayfish and set aside Now to cook the coconut rice * In a large pot, pour in the tomato stew, meat stock and the extracted coconut milk. Leave to boil for 5 minutes * Pour in the parboiled rice to the pot, add the ground crayfish, stock cubes, pepper and salt to taste. Make sure that the liquid in the pot is at the same level as the rice in the pot, if not, add some more to top it up. * Now cover and leave the rice to cook on medium heat until the liquid

in the pot is dried up. Tip: High heat will make the rice burn before it is cooked, while low heat will make the rice soggy and will also burn at the bottom. *The rice should be properly done when there is no more liquid in the pot. Serve with the grilled/fried meat and enjoy.

Note: Coconut rice always turn out a bit sticky because of the oil in the coconut milk used in the recipe. Nigerian coconut rice is usually served with salad, moi moi or fried plantains (dodo).

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015



Diya’s coup, Al-Mustapha’s treachery and Abacha’s death Continued from Page 15

Yar’Adua was slipping into a coma. This was 3.00p.m. He was transferred to UNTH. I arrived Enugu airport by 6.00p.m and by 700p.m. I was at UNTH where I met both the Enugu and Ebonyi State Military Administrators. They told me Yar’Adua was dead. They said he was in coma when he was brought to the hospital. And that he died in the hospital. That was where my problem started with Abacha, Mustapha and Gwarzo. I phoned Abuja-Mustapha and the ADC to the C-in-C and informed them of Yar’Adua’s death; I asked them what to do because by this time, the prison-authorities had refused the body. The hospital too refused the body saying their mortuary was bad. Abuja ignored me completely. The &{~^‚ [‚ $| ‹ 6xD0§} F[_‚^|^_F^ ZD} ‰[~_‰ [_ ~_ (_\‰\ 0~]~xD|‹ [*F^|} Z^|^ x{^|^ 7{^ &{~^‚ [‚ '^‚^_F^ 6xD0 x{^_ 0Djor-General Abdulsalami Abubakar (present C-in-C), was in Enugu and so was the &{~^‚ [‚ $| ‹ 6xD0 6x~]] _[E[G‹ ~_‚[| ^G Abubakar. They did not want him to know. I waited for Abuja to call us back, time was 300a.m. They did not. It was then I told the Military Administrator of Enugu State that: “Look, Yar’Adua is a Muslim, he is a  |[ ~_^_x `‰\|^ +^ {D} G~^G }~_F^ p.m. and this is 300a.m. and nobody from Abuja has cared to call us. I am willing to take a risk if you are willing. I want to take his body back to Katsina, to his people. He agreed to take the risk. It was then I phoned the IG of Police, Ibrahim Coomassie and briefed him on the situation and what I wanted to do. The IG responded at once: “If you do, I will be there to receive him.â€? As soon as the IG told me this, I took D_ D~|F|D‚x D_G  \x <D|§$G\D§} E[G‹ , `|}x ÂŤ^Z {~ x[ $E\ÂŽD x[ |^‚\^] 1^~x{^| $EDcha, Gwarzo, ADC nor Mustapha knew I was in Abuja with his body. From the Abuja airport I called Mustapha. He thought I was still in Enugu and asked me to still wait. I did not tell him and this was how I took’ Yar’Adua’s body to Katsina. That was how the IG received his body. It was not a Federal Government’s delegation. The IG x[[Š [0 [_ {~} [Z_ $_G x{D_Š *[G {^ G~G because he was the one who saved my life. In Katsina, they almost lynched me. The IG shielded me. The truth is that Abacha, Gwarzo and Mustapha wanted Yar’ Adua to be buried in Abakaliki prisons like a common prisoner, a common criminal. And Yar’Adua was not a criminal, He did not do anything. When I got hack to Abuja after Yar’Adua’s burial, Abacha, Gwarzo and Mustapha refused to speak to me. But none of them had the courage to ask me, “Why did you take Yar’Adua’s body back to Katsina?â€? They knew what happened. First, they delayed to give permission early to transfer him to UNTH when the prison aux{[|~x~^} _[x~`^G x{^ DE[\x {~} }xDx^ [‚ health. Second, they ignored him even in death. And people think there was a Federal Government delegation, that Abacha gave permission for his body to be taken home. He did not. I am pained by the accusation that I injected Yar’Adua with poison. Allah knows

Al-Mustapha the truth. The truth is that all through the period Yar’Adua was in jail, I never gave him any injection. I never took his blood sample. The only time I had anything to do with his blood sample was when his physician got his blood while he was ill, gave me half and took half. Anybody can crosscheck this with the physician and prison authorities. The medical reports are available. Nobody injected him with anything. The G^Dx{ F^|x~`FDx^ } ^F~`^} x{^ FD\}^ [‚ G^Dx{ - primary liver cell carcimo. Chief MKO Abiola Abiola’s case is as traumatic to me as Yar’Adua’s case. I never saw Abiola alone. Many doctors were seeing him. Falomo, his doctor, was seeing him too. In my particular case, I never, ever saw him alone. I was always in company of other doctors Charles Ogboma, Opong, Miner (from Aso Rock Clinic), two mobile policemen. I alZD‹} }DZ {~ ~_ F[  D_‹ [‚ DE[\x `€^ x[ six people. At a point, Dr. Bako was withdrawn. I was not told why. Of course, there was always a delay before we were allowed to see him. The delay was from Abacha and Mustapha. They have to give us permission to see him. He was their prisoner. Between two of them, they kept him in solitary detention. Not me. Each time we were allowed to see him, we saw him promptly. Abiola had his own B/P apparatus. I remember once when Abiola complained that he had radiculopathy. It took three months before his doctor, or us were allowed to see him. When Z^ }DZ {~ {[Z^€^| Z^ F[_`| ^G ‚|[ tests that Abiola had no radiculopathy. There was no urgency to transfer him to any hospital abroad. Let me say here that the last time I saw Abiola was in September 1997. Abiola died in July I998. Again, let me say for the sake of Allah that at no time did Abiola complain all through the period I was seeing him that he had a problem with his left side heart, never. Usually he complained of diarrhoea and headache. Then in early 1997, he complained of abdominal pains, but we found out he had what is commonly known as pile. So, we gave him suppositories and I reported his condition to Mustapha. When he complained of the state of his mattress, I used my money to buy him a new one.

Yakassai Like in Yar’Adua’s case, I never ever gave Abiola any injection nor did I ever take his blood for any test. Unfortunately, $E~[]D ~} _[x {^|^ x[ F[_`| x{~} E\x x{^ authorities know. All the doctors and personnel that were seeing Abiola with me know this. Diya: The Airport Explosion The explosion that almost killed Lt General Oladipo Diya took place on December 13, 1997 as he was on his way to the burial ceremony of the mother of Major-General Lawrence Onoja. It was at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. The truth is that the government lied when it said through the Commissioner of Police, Abuja, that the explosion was an accident from a hand grenade. It was a bomb. The target was General Diya. Abacha and 0\}xD {D ZD_x^G x[ `_~}{ {~ [0 2x{^|} would have died with him. They used two boys. Both of them are dead. Both of them had the same names – Samaila. As a medical doctor, when the explosion happened, , ZD} x{^ `|}x  ^|}[_ x[ |\}{ x[ x{^ D~| [|x But for my job, 1 would have collapsed because of what I saw. One of the boys was blown to pieces. I was the one who meticulously packed his body in a paper bag. The other boy was half burnt. I was the one who took him to Gwagwalada General Hospital and told them it was an accident. I told them it was a car accident. He died two or three days later. But before he died, he spoke to me, almost in whispers, because he was very bad. He told me it was Mustapha who asked them to bomb Diya. I did not tell anybody this. The only person I told was Mustapha because he was my friend. I told him: “Look at what Samaila told me before he died. But nobody else heard it because he spoke to me in whispers, for my ears only.â€? So only Mustapha did I tell. It was Mustapha who sent them. Samaila told me clearly before he died. The 1997 Diya Coup I do not know how I got involved, but this is the story of how I knew. On December 20, 1997, Mustapha called me and told me there was a coup and I said: “No, I do not believe it.â€? +^ ÂŤD|^G \ ,_ ‚DFx , G~G _[x E^]~^€^ ~x I did not take it seriously. I arrested Diya. I arrested him in a guest house. Then on January 5, Mustapha called me and asked me

to pray hard. I asked: “Why?â€? He said I could be arrested. He said Mohammed, one of us (jailed too) told him that he went to see General Adisa. And I asked: Did Adisa say he was planning a coup? Did he tell Mohammed he was planning a coup?â€? He said no, but that Mohammed said Adisa was grumbling. He said Mohammed said he told me that Adisa was grumbling. I said: “Yes, he told me, but he told you too and he told everybody.â€? Mustapha told me this three times. Then, on Tuesday, -D_\D|‹ E‹ D [_^ [*F^| &D xD~_ Umar, came and told me that Mustapha ZD_x^G x[ }^^ ^ ~_ x{^ [*F^ 7{^_ 8 D| told me to surrender my arms. I knew the method. We have been arresting others. And we usually asked them to surrender arms. So, I knew they had come for me. I surrendered my arms and followed him. When I got there, Mustapha ZD} ~_ x{^ [*F^ 7{^‹ Š^ x ^ Z{^|^ Z^ could see each other. I was looking at him. 7{^‹  \x {D_GF\0} [_ ^ {^ F[\]G _[x look at me. 7{^‹ x[[Š ^ x[ -[} ~_ {D_GF\0} $_G when Major General Chris Garuba saw ^ ~_ {D_GF\0} {^ D}Š^G x{^ x[ |^ [€^ x{^ {D_GF\0} +^ FD]]^G 0[{D ^G +^ called both of us together and Mohammed told him that he only told me General Adisa was grumbling and that he told Mustapha and others the same thing. Major General Garuba discharged and acquitted me. He also discharged and acquitted Col. Bako. The letter of our discharge and acquittal copied to everybody was dated January 10, 1998 (see letter, boxed). As soon as we were discharged, I left for Abuja. I went to my house. I was very happy. Stupidly, I still took Mustapha as my friend. So, I phoned him to tell him to rejoice with me, that I had been discharged and acquitted. He was in Libya then. But that same night, some security men came to my house and said Mustapha said they should take me and keep me in the guest house. Then, Mustapha came back from Libya and did not get in touch with me. He refused to speak to us. (Bako and I). But after three days, he sent people to come and apologise. They even brought a cheque for me to sign for them. The cheque was to the x\_^ [‚ 1 `€^ {\_G|^G x{[\sand naira). I gave it to a Squadron Leader and an SSS operative, Lawal Arugungu. But the following day, I was asked to go back to Jos. When I got there, and Lieutenant Garuba saw me, he was furious, very furious. Then Col. Frank Omenka gave me D `]^ D_G ~x F[_xD~_^G Âł ^G~FD] z , D}Š^G what is this? What is medical, but I told them what I thought they were referring to. It happened on December 20, that day Mustapha told me there was a coup. It concerned an SSS operative who was given chloroform to drink until he lost consciousness. He died later on. But before he died, he talked to me. His name was Mohammed Sule. When Sule was brought to me, he was very bad, in a very bad shape. He was brought on the night of December 20, to the Villa. I resuscitated him. The following day, he Continued on Page 53


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Politics Makurdi residents behold massive destruction Continued from Page 16

a soldier on course in NASME left the barracks to North-bank to make cash withdrawal from an ATM machine, but was later brought back to the barracks medical center with gunshot wounds on his neck and that he was bleeding profusely. According to him, it was alleged that the soldier was shot by unknown cult groups operating in Northbank, Makurdi, and that they often consider the military as a threat to their dominance of the area. “The injured solder was ~ ^_ `|}x D~G x|^Dx ^_x D_G referred to Headquarters 45 NAF Medical Center for further management at about 2310 hours”, he disclosed. He further stated that “on seeing


A destroyed vehicle

A victim their colleague in a pool of his blood and thinking he was dead, some course mates of the injured soldier were driven by sentiment and decided to go

after the cultist in Northbank”. Attah explained that when the residents sighted the soldiers and having a prior knowledge of what happened

to a colleague of theirs, they took to their heels resulting to pandemonium. He added that this resulted into the civil disturbance that was reported.

EFCC: Petitioner opens can of worms on Lamorde’s alleged N2trn sleaze


s the Senate probe of the alleged N1trn diversion by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) Chairman, Mr. Ibrahim Lamorde, opened Wednesday, the petitioner, George Uboh, told the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petition that the anti-graft agency actually recovered well over N3trillion loot between 2004 and 2011, insisting that the agency must be compelled to return N2.051trillion to the Federal Government. Maintaining that the agency must have allegedly defrauded the country to the tune of N2.051trillion from seized properties and funds of individuals under its investigation, Obuh, a convicted credit card fraudster in the United States, further alleged that Lamorde gave some of the choice properties seized from former Bayelsa State Governor, DSP Alamieyesigha, and others, to Usman Lamorde, his younger brother. Though Lamorde was absent at the session, Obuh, who backed his allegations with figures, said on naira recoveries alone, “In a December 02, 2011 letter EFCC sent to the Chairman, House Committee on Drugs, Narcotics and Financial Crimes, EFCC stated that the aggregate recoveries from 2004 to 2011 (8 financial years) was N1,326,754,554,482:80. EFCC did not mention

APGA governorship form for Kogi, Bayelsa polls put at N1.5m


where the N1.3 Trillion recovered was remitted to.” Maintaining that EFCC’s claim that it did not recover up to a Trillion Naira is complete false, Obuh gave the breakdown thus: 2004—N7,070,693,130:00 2005—965,651,737,039:00 2006—N6,622,261,783:79 2007—N7,700,150,381:20 2008—N18,141,628,546:98 2009—130,885,187,726:83 2010—N52,877,464,867:00 2011—137,805,431,008:08. According to him, “In EFCC’s “Summary Of EFCC Monetary Recoveries 2003-March, 2013” (11 financial years), EFCC stated that the aggregate recoveries for 11 financial years is N497,385,427,485:63; EFCC did not mention where the N497.3 Billion recovered was remitted to, going by the following breakdown2003—N974,783,213:06 2004—N21,018,557,263:28 2005—N71,053,996,008:60 2006—N8,199,908,189:03


2007—N41,479,032,319:70 2008—N44,542,822,622:30 2009—255,306,693,033:55 2010—N10,559,513,355:91 2011—N11,117,460,717:88 2012—N27,844,769,688:19 2013—N5,287,891,074:13. Insisting that the documents submitted were prepared under Lamorde , Obuh disclosed that total recoveries to be remitted as confirmed by EFCC are: 1.995 trillion + 48.9 billion + 7.3 billion + 0.4 billion = N 2.051 trillion, asking, “After recovering over 2 trillion naira,, how did the funds melt away?” He also alleged that EFCC under Lamorde also indulge in doctoring of bank accounts and diversion of already seized loots. He said, “Two Access Bank recovery account statements tendered herein show opening balances of -0- as of 1, July 2004, but no transaction occurred until June/July 2008 re-

spectively. These transactions are expunged. Where are the funds deposited between July 2004 and June/ July, 2008? “EFCC diverted and concealed N779 Million of recoveries from Tafa Balogun in its record (aggregate should be 3,037,255,521.60 – not 2,258,100,516.98); Instead of transferring N3.3 billion from Spring Bank to its Access Bank recovery account, EFCC transferred only N2.2 billion and concealed it by understating the summation of the balances in the various accounts hence the Access Bank statement had N2.2 billion after the concealment. “Access Bank should be compelled to bring complete and unadulterated statements from 2004 till date. Aminu Ibrahim and Co, Auditors, should be compelled to come and shed light on discrepancies in its records and that of the already traced EFCC accounts,” he alleged. After Obuh’s submissions, Chairman of the Committee, Senator Samuel Anyanwu (PDP Imo East), promised that the committee will look into the allegations very seriously, saying the allegations are very weight. He however maintained that the committee was not out to run anybody or agency down, but only on facts -finding mission. Meanwhile, the committee walked out officials of

he All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) has put the sale of its governorship forms in Kogi and Bayelsa states at N1.5million. National Director of Publicity of the party, Mr. Ifeanacho Ogbuejiofor, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja recently. He said that ‘’Expression of Interest’’ form would cost N500, 000 while the nomination form would be obtained at the cost of N1 million. He said that sale of form commenced on Monday, adding that the forms would be obtained at the party’s National Secretariat in Abuja. He expressed readiness of the party to participate in the elections in both states, saying that the party would ensure that it fielded a good candidate for the contest. The spokesman said that date for the primaries to pick the candidate would be decided after the sale of forms and knowledge of the number of aspirants. ‘’Before now, many persons indicated to contest in the elections in both states and I hope that now that the party is ready, they will come for the forms,’’ he said.

the EFCC from Wednesday’s hearing after the agency’s head of legal services, Mr. Chile Okoroma, sought permission to make contributions despite an earlier request by the EFCC through a letter to the committee for an extension of date to appear before the committee. After hearing the submissions of the petitioner against the EFCC boss, Okoroma and his colleagues spoke to defend Lamorde, but things became ugly for them when they identified themselves as EFCC personnel. This disclosure made the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Samuel Anyanwu (PDP Imo East) to walk them out of the session. However, after they left the venue, Okoroma spoke without permission, describing the method being adopted by the committee to conduct the public hearing as unjust and contrary to the law, saying ” it is very wrong for a petitioner to be heard publicly in the absence of the person the petition is against.”

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Politics Diya’s coup, Al-Mustapha’s treachery and Abacha’s death Continued from Page 53

was vomiting blood and passing blood. He told me it was Captain Bature who gave him the chloroform to drink. I recorded Sule. In fact, I recorded him on video. And I gave it to Mustapha. I do not know what they wanted, but as soon as I told this story, the charge was dropped. I was discharged again by General Garuba. He told me I will get my letter. But Col. Frank told me: no, don’t go back to Abuja yet, go and stay ~_ x{^ [*F^|}§ ‰\^}x {[\}^ Dx 5\kuba barracks, Jos. I was there for three weeks, doing nothing. From there, I even signed a cheque to the tune of four million naira for Mustapha. Then one Monday morning, I was invited again to face another panel. This time, they made sure Garuba did not see me. I faced only Col. Frank. I was not allowed to see Garuba. Frank now asked me about the N500 million PTF money. And I told Frank it was easy, that it was Mustapha who was in charge of the money, but that he told me to pay it into my account from where he controlled it. They even invited General Adi}D Z{[ F[_`| ^G Z^ E[\‰{x 23 houses from his ministry at Gwarinpa Housing Estate, Abuja. So I was asked to write it down. As I was writing it down, a po]~F^ [*F^| FD ^ D_G x[[Š x{^  Dpers from me, said I should stop. It was from there that I was now sent to Jos prisons and chained hands and legs to the ground for three weeks. Malu’s Judgement They now charged me for conspiracy to commit theft. The Special Military Tribunal (SMT) cleared me. Mustapha himself was invited. He knows the truth. The SMT found Mustapha guilty as an accomplice to theft. Yet, I was the one sentenced to 14 years imprisonment. When Mustapha came to Jos, he denied even knowing me or anything about the PTF account. Yet, even when I ZD} Dx 5\Š\ED ED||DFŠ} , }~‰_^G a cheque to the tune of four million naira for them. He denied until he was shown the documents. But Malu stopped it and allowed Mustapha to go. Malu is a nice, G~}F~ ]~_^G G^F^_x [*F^| ‚D~| minded. The truth is that Malu found [_]‹ `€^  ^[ ]^ ‰\~]x‹ 7{^}^ were Generals Diya, Olarenwaju, Adisa, Major Fadipe and Akinyode (Military Assistant to Olarenwaju). He discharged and acquitted others. But Abacha told him: “NO.â€? That was part of the reasons the judgment was delayed. After everything, Malu had said he would read the judgment the next day. But the judgment never came until three weeks later. They wanted to rope in as

many people as possible. Even the Director-General of SSS, Peter Nwaoduah, an innocent man who did not know what they were doing, who they marginalised, they wanted to rope him ~_ (€^_ x{^  |^}^_x &*6 5^D| Admiral Mike Akhigbe, they wanted to rope him in. Yomi Tokoya was badly tortured so that he would rope Akhigbe in. But he refused. Even the present Head of State, General Abubakar, they wanted to implicate him. Three times, Abacha asked them to bring out Diya. He spoke to Diya using satellite phone. He asked Diya to implicate General Abubakar. But Diya refused. Plans to kill Diya and 15 Others In June 1998, two attempts were made to kill 16 of us including Generals Diya, Olarenwaju and Adisa. But for the mercy of Allah, we would all have been dead by now. 7{^ `|}x Dxx^  x ZD} [_ -\_^ 1. Those who arranged this were Sabo, Mustapha, Frank, Marmoni (SO) and ArugĂźngu (Military Police). That day, they came to Jos prison and put us in a Black Ma|~D :^ Z^|^ }x~]] {D_GF\0^G D_G chained on the legs. They told us that Abacha wanted to see us, (to) talk to us and pardon us. We were on our way to the Jos airport but troops, sent by the GOC, 3rd Armoured Division, Major General Peter Sha, intercepted us and brought us back because nobody told the GOC. And I do not think any other person knew, Mu}xD {D ÂŽ\}x ZD_x^G x[ Š~]] \} [0 They wanted to bomb the aircraft carrying us. The second attempt was on the 8th of June, the day Abacha died. We did not know Abacha had died. So, they came at about 9.00 a.m. and told us the C-in-C wanted to see us. We boarded a presidential jet, but instead of taking us to Abuja, they took us to Kano, x{^ [‚ \} :^ Z^|^ {D_GF\0^G In Kano, they put all of us in one small room. It had only one bed and one chair, nothing else. They left us there with no food. In the night, they brought us very small food, very little. But Allah saved us. I just looked outside, and saw one of my boys, a member of the Strike Force. He saw me and beckoned to me. So l went near the window. The boy told me, “Oga nobody knows you are here. It is only Mustapha. We are to kill you, but I will never participate.â€? The boy sneaked out. And I now told General Diya and others. We all began to pray. That is why Allah is wonderful because from nowhere, x{^ E[‹} }xD|x^G `‰{x~_‰ D [_‰ themselves. They never agreed on Z{[ Z[\]G }xD|x x{^ Š~]]~_‰ `|}x They fought and we heard them.

Late M. K. O. Abiola

It was later they told us Abacha was dead and so they stayed action. We were there from June 8 to July 14. Coups Against Abacha Since February 1996, there have been four coups against Abacha. (I) Sokoto ‘96: The coup was to take place during the Chief of $| ‹ 6xD0§} F[_‚^|^_F^ ~_ 6[Š[to. But because Abacha did not go, it was aborted. The plan was to kill him there and simultaneously take over in Abuja. But he did not come. (2) Kotangora: “Exercise Eagle Eyeâ€?. This was going to be very bloody. But again we did not go. We knew what they planned. They were going to kill Abacha there before we used our boys to disorganise it. Our boys removed the safety pins in everything. (3) Escravos: Again, Abacha was supposed to be there for an NNPC project. Escravos is sea-locked. If we had gone, they Z[\]G {D€^ }^D]^G [0 x{^  ]DF^ and that would have been it. But we did not go. It was when that one failed that they planned the 1997 coup. Unfortunately, Diya was the fall. (4) 1997 Coup: There were two plans. Bamaiyi had told Diya that all the military commanders had decided to remove Abacha. Diya agreed because he thought he was dealing with a human being. He wanted to be Head of State too. But Bamaiyi had an alternative plan. Once he knew he had Diya’s attention, he went and told Abacha that Diya was planning a coup. He became a sort of Abacha plant. But there was a second plan. Troops had already been de ][‹^G ‚|[ .^* D_G *\D|G} Batalion. When it failed, they fell back on the Diya coup. Abacha’s Hidden Agenda Abacha was not able to sack or arrest Major General Ishaya Bamaiyi inspite of what he knew because he (Abacha) had a hidden agenda. Having used Bamaiyi to get rid of Diya, Olarenwaju and Adisa, he also wanted to use Col. Bako to get rid of Bamaiyi. In Jos, Abacha asked Bako to speak up

about Bamaiyi, but Bako refused to talk. If he had talked about Bamaiyi, Abacha would have caged Bamaiyi too. Then, he would have gotten rid of everybody. Mustapha Killed Kudirat, Rewane Mustapha is a naturally dull person. He is a dunce. But he thinks he is a super intelligent [*F^| 0\}xD {D G~G _[x  D}} his Captain to Major promotion exam. The Military Secretary can prove this. Abacha, as CDS, begged for his promotion. That was how he was promoted. Because he was a dunce, he was always afraid of having intelligent people around him. He felt I wanted all the money. He wanted the boys to call him a saint. He supported all Abacha’s atrocities. We knew the ones organised by the opposition. We knew the ones that were inside jobs. Twice, the Lagos State Military Administrator was targeted. They were inside jobs. Mustapha was the one who or‰D_~}^G x{^ Š~]]~_‰ [‚ 5^ZD_^ D_G .\G~|Dx )[| .\G~|Dx x{^ [*F^|} used were: (1) Lawal-OC MOPOL (2) Samaila — Brigade of Guards 5[‰^| Âś 6x|~Š^ )[|F^ (4) Col. Frank - DM1 He also embarked on ethnic cleansing. Examples: (I) He implicated Maigari of Protocol department and replaced him with Dagari. (2) He posted Lt. Col. Abdulmalik Jubril to Pakistan and replaced him with Lt. Col. Abdallah (Abacha’s) ADC, from his state, Yobe. (3) He removed Major Idris and posted him to Yola. (4) He removed Ibrahim and replaced him with Jidda from Maiduguri. (5) He implicated Major Mohammed in the 1997 coup and re ]DF^G {~ D} $G ~_ 2*F^| x[ the C-in-C with Major Biwatai from Yobe. (6) He implicated Major Isyaku and replaced him as O/C Artillery with Capt. Lawal from Ng-

uru. (7) He implicated Lt Col. Maina, he appeared before the SIP in 1995. (8) He removed Lassa and replaced him with Dagam (MTO). And look at me, I do not know why I am implicated in the coup except that I guess they were not happy with me over: (1) My decision to send Yar’Adua’s body to Katsina against their wishes that he be buried in Abakaliki prisons. (2) That I knew about the Diya experience at the Abuja airport. 7{^‹ ZD_x^G x[ E[ E {~ [0 (3) He felt I was close to Abacha and that I could become the CSO. In Bako’s case, he was implicated because: (1) Mustapha’s wife was Bako’s girlfriend. Mustapha never forgave him. (2) Being at NECON, he had a direct access to Abacha. And Mustapha hated that. (3) He was close to Sambo Dasuki. (4) There was a tink-tank for Abacha. And while Mustapha had no ideas, Bako had very bright ideas. Mustapha suspected Abacha wanted to make Bako Commander, Brigade of Guards. Who Am I? I was most shocked to hear x{Dx ‹ ÂŹ\D]~`FDx~[_ D} D ^G~cal doctor is being queried by Falomo because I worked with evil minded people. Can Dr. Falomo explain what slow poison is? What is it? He should educate me. It appears to me that Dr. Falomo has nothing to do and has forgotten what medicine is all about. He should please try to go on a refresher course, especially on the pharmacology of poisons. o I am a consultant gynaecologist. o I am a Fellow of the West African College of Surgeons. o I am an Associate Fellow of the Medical College of Obstetrician/ Gynaecologists. o I am a member of the 5[‹D] &[]]^‰^ [‚ 2E}x^x|~F~D_ Gynaecologists, England. o I am a Fellow of the International College of Surgeons. o I was the ‘Consultant *‹_D^F[][‰~}x $}[ 5[FŠ &]~_~F , was National Coordinator, National Programme on Immunisation.. o I was Medical Consultant, Family Support Programme. o I was the physician to the present C-in-C, when he was the CDS. I always treated/operated his family members. o I am not making excuses for myself. But I am not a bad man. I worked with devils. Allah will take care of me. Because he knows the truth. God bless Nigeria.

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Saturday, August 29

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Stay Healthy

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Saturday, August 29


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


North Central Ortom, Suswam meet on security Godwin Akor, Makurdi


enue State governor, Samuel Ortom, on Thursday held a meeting with his predecessor, Dr. Gabriel Suswam, at the Presidential Lodge of Benue Peoples House, Makurdi. The former governor was accompanied to the meeting which was held behind closed doors by the Catholic Bishop of Katsina-Ala Diocese, Bishop Peter Adoboh, and his elder brother, Dr. President Muhammadu Buhari and the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Bishop Mathew Hassan Kukah, during the visit of the Bishop to the president in Abuja…Thursday. Photo: Anayo Opara

Kogi NUT urges Wada to review teachers’ working condition Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) in Kogi State has asked Governor of the state, Idris Wada to review service year of retirement of teachers upwards to 65 years to enable them give their best in the teaching profession. State chairman of NUT, Comrade Suleiman Abdullahi, made the call in Lokoja at a seminar organized by State Universal Basic Educa-

tion Board (SUBEB) with the theme ‘Restoring lost glory to public schools.’ He noted that the best brains in the teaching profession are wasting away due to early retirement from service, adding there is need for government to extend the retirement age of teachers just as it did in the case of university lecturers and those in the judiciary. “In the University system it was discovered long ago by Federal Government

and it has been raised to 70years,” he said Abdullahi expressed worries that unlike in the past where core professional teachers were employed to teach in schools, employments of teachers nowadays are done based on patronage thereby encouraging quackery. He charged the state government to give adequate attention to the remuneration and welfare of teachers especially payment of minimum

wage if it wants genuine restoration of the lost glory to public schools. “We can achieve a lot if the retirement age is pushed to 65 years because at the moment we are losing the best hands in this profession. Those who joined the teaching job between 1979/80 to 1985 are those who are properly trained. The current problem is that employment into the teaching profession these days is by patronage,” he said.

Gov Ahmed orders payment of salary arrears Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


he Kwara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, yesterday ordered the immediate payment of the outstanding two months’ salary arrears to civil servants in the state. Ahmed’s directive follows the state government’s receipt of the bailout funds from the federal

government. It will be recalled that the state was one of the only two states to have complied with the paperwork for accessing a bailout loan from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). The Governor gave the directive in a statement signed by his Senior Special Assistant, Media and Communications, Dr. Muyideen Akorede and made available to News-

watch Times. He lauded the civil servants for their patience during the salary delay, pledging that his administration will renew Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) drive with a view to ensuring that the state government continues to meet its obligations such as payment of salaries and development projects promptly. Ahmed further assured workers that salary arrears

at local government councils will also be cleared as soon as paperwork is completed and the necessary funds are received from the federal government as agreed. He empathized with the workers for the hardship caused by the delayed salaries, expressing optimism that the country will soon overcome the economic crises that led to the salary delays across the country.

AEDC assures of improved power supply, transparent billing Godwin Ojoshimite, !"!


he Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) has assured electricity consumers in Nasarawa State of improved power supply and transparent billing system for optimum satisfaction. The team leader, Client Relationship and Customer Services of the company, Dr. Balami Halidu Arhyel, gave the q \ [_ | [_Zq []\ _z[zbers of the State House of As [zZ _ xzz [[_ x\_ xq _

and Transport yesterday, when he led a delegation from the AEDC to the Assembly. Dr. Arhyel, explained to the legislators that his company is legally licensed to distribute electricity, adding that it can only dispense what has been allocated to it from the national grid. The team leader noted that AEDC is only allocated 11.5% of the quantum of energy generated nationwide saying his xz¯ \ _ \|[q {[^_ ] [_ ^ [qent vending platforms after privatisation in November 2013.

He, however, said that the platforms have already been upgraded and the AEDC has \ [_z q {[^_{x_\[ _[D [\{_ x\[ _{x_ ¯¯xq{_º[® Z [_[ ¯ ments, such as POS, internet, as well as SMS (electronic wallet) in a short time from now. The AEDC leader listed some of the post privatisation challenges the company faced to include inadequate, weak and obsolete infrastructure resulting in epileptic power supply, lack of willingness by some customers to pay for electricity, theft of energy, and vandalism.

Terkura Suswam. ,x ZD} x{^~| `|}x ^^xing since the inauguration of Governor Ortom which the former governor did not attend. 1[ [*F~D] }xDx^ ^_x was issued after the meeting but it was gathered from a source in the government house that the discussion centered on security and ways [ D [~G~_ F[_«~Fx E^tween the two of them as various committees continue to submit their reports on assets and liabilities.

Shagaya advises Useni to concentrate on legislative functions Gyang Bere, Jos


ormer Senator, John Shagaya, has advised Senator representing Plateau South in the National Assembly, Jeremiah Useni, to concentrate on legislative functions that will improve the standard of living of his constituency, rather than indulging in controversies. He cautions Useni against interfering in private issues that does not concern him, and focus on how to contribute immensely on national discourse that will attract development to his constituency. Senator Shagaya in a press statement issued to journalists in Jos, reacted to the comment made by Sen. Useni on a private memo he communicated to the National Chairman of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Chief John OdigieOyegun on the state of National Assembly Election Tribunal in Plateau State. “My advice to Sen. Use-

ni is to apply his energy to legislative functions and }]^^ ]^}} [_ x{^ «[[| [ x{^ red chamber. I don’t think that his party and indeed members of our constituency will be too pleased with the habit of sleeping in the Assembly. It is most unfortunate that Senator J.T Useni had to comment on a private and personal letter addressed to a political party leadership that he is not a member and that the letter was not copied him,” he said. He added; “As a responsible Nigerian and a man of honour who has been a Senator before Useni, I will not join issues with him as he shall not be the last Senator from Plateau South. He ~} [_] E\x _\ E^|} ` ^ ~_ line of past Senators from Southern Senatorial District. It seems to me that he }\0^|} |[ x{^ G~D||{[^D of the mouth and some unexplained idiosyncrasies especially the aspect of his libellous comment.

Rotary International dismisses claim of cultism Gyang Bere, Jos


onal Coordinator of Rotary International District Dr. Arhyel, who was supported by other colleagues 9125, Tulu Omatsola, has during the presentation to the dismissed the misleading inAssembly, however revealed formation making round in that in line with AEDC’s com- some quarters that Rotary is mitment to improved service a cult organisation, and endelivery, it has invested about courage Nigerians to join the N2 billion to improve network club to impact positively on disadvantage communities. assets and infrastructure. He noted that Rotary He listed some of the areas of investments in the state to International has contribinclude acquisition and instal- \x^G ~ ^_}^] ~_ x{^ ` {x lation of 19 new transformers against Polio and maternal x`_^ [q[\{_ ¯ { [ _{x_q[¯ [_ death in Nigeria, adding that faulty ones, 140 feeder pillar it has rendered assistance to units, 120 high tension poles schools to provide conducive learning environment, and 54 low tension poles.

communities and orphanage homes among others across the country. 2 Dx}[]D DG^ x{^ F]D|~`cation during a Membership Development Seminar for Zone 4, held at the Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Centre of Excellence, Bukuru-Jos Plateau State. He said the activities of Rotary International are open for everybody in the society who so wish to participate, adding that the programmes are done in an open environment which attract media coverage for public consumption, saying that cannot be tag as a cult group by any section of the society.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015


Team Nigeria in high jump final, relays


he Beijing 2015 IAAF World Championships ends on Sunday with Team Nigeria participating in three events. High Jumper, Doreen Amata, will join the best women high jumper in the world to compete in {|[_]\Œ˜•_x`_{|[_[—[\{_ tomorrow. Our 4x100m and 4x400m women will also participate in the heats x`_{|[_[—[\{•¼_ |[_]\Œ˜•_ of the women 4x100m is slated for Saturday

[—[\–\œ™_›|–˜[_{|[_]\Œ˜•_ of the women 4x400m is slated for Sunday evening. Team Nigeria has zŒ^[_{|[_]\Œ˜•_Œ\^_ •[z–Ž]\Œ˜_–\_•xz[_ events, while some athletes have set new personal bests. The performances of some athletes especially in events like women heptathlon, men triple jump, and others events is clear indication that Team Nigeria track Œ\^_][˜^_{[Œz_|Œ—[_

every good chances in {|[_{qŒŠž_Œ\^_][˜^_x`_ the Brazzaville 2015 All Africa Games. Meanwhile, the ath˜[{[•_Œ\^_xDŠ–Œ˜•_Œq[_ expected to leave Beijing on Sunday and arrive Nigeria Monday. They are expected to report in camp to continue preparation for the All Africa Games. Ath˜[{[•_›|x_|Œ—[_]\–•|[^_ their events here have already working hard to ensure they succeed at the African Olympics.

Licensing seminar eye opener to Niger ian clubs –Dikko

Ikeme set for Eagles debut


olverhampton Wanderers goalkeeper, Carl Ikeme, is one of the surprise call ups to the Super Eagles team by new coach Sunday Oliseh. “An email arrived at the club and the manager Kenny Jacket asked me what he should do.� Ikeme says in an exclusive interview with Calvin Emeka Onwuka when they met in London. “I thought it was a joke by one of my team mates so I called the number in the email and spoke to coach Sunday Oliseh.� At 29 this has indeed come as a surprise to the long serving Wolves keeper. “Some years in the past it did cross my mind (International caps/career) but as I never heard anything I forgot about it or at least not think about it�. He was nevertheless surprised at the call up

and intends to enjoy it all šÂŒ{_z _Œœ[_ _ÂŒz_–\_ÂŒ_Z[ [q_ position to enjoy this call up. I am looking forward greatly to meeting up with the best Nigerian players available. I am aware of how important the national team is Nigerians so it will be great sampling the atmosphereâ€?. Goalkeepers {qÂŒ^–{–x\Œ˜˜ _Âœ[{_Z[ [q_ with age so it seems Ikeme is following the same route “now my Šx\Š[\{qÂŒ{–x\_–•_Z[ [q_ and I am more relaxed during matchesâ€?. What will make your season? š |_Âœ[ –\Âœ_ÂŻqxzx{[^_ with Wolves and then winning caps with Nigeria will just be great - absolutely fantastic to be honestâ€?. Says the soft spoken giant of a goalkeeper. Ikeme speaks so quietly it is a mystery how he shouts while

in goal “oh in goal the shouting and speaking to my back four is normal. I have found that the more I talk the less I have to do in goalâ€?. Carl Ikeme’s dad is from Onitsha in the east of Nigeria “my dad and grandad came over to Birmingham when my dad was 16..â€? you know that makes you Igbo? “Oh yes am a proper igbo boyâ€? he says. “I have visited Nigeria many times but never in the capacity of Nigerian player; my dad is already going to be in Nigeria for the Niger match in Port Harcourt and I am certain many of my family in Nigeria will ÂŒ [\^¸¼_ What comes across throughout the interview is the humility of Ikeme and the excitement he does have at this call up. This is a man who is proud of this new phase of his playing career and this can only be good for coach Sunday Oliseh and his coaching crew.


he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) have said the ongoing CAF club licensing seminar in Abuja would be an eye opener for Nigeria Premier league clubs. NFF second vicepresident Shehu Dikko said this in Abuja on Thursday at the opening of a two-day CAF club licensing seminar for clubs in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). Dikko, who is also the chairman of the League Management Company g p y

(LMC), said that he was optimistic that the seminar will expose the clubs to the basic rules of the game. “FIFA have since 2007 introduced club licensing requirements for all clubs participating in domestic leagues and intercontinental competitions,� he said. “The objective is to ensure that there is a minimum benchmark that clubs need to meet for them to be able to participate in the league and in intercontinental

competitions. “The clubs need these minimum requirements `xq_{|[z_{x_Z[_Z[ [q_ organised, with sporting facilities, infrastructure, ]\ÂŒ\Š–\Ϫ_Šxzz[qŠ–Œ˜_ activities, the personnel and what have you.`` According to him, x\Š[_{|[_Š˜‹Z•_ÂŒq[_Z[ [q_ xqœŒ\–•[^_ÂŒ\^_Z[ [q_ managed, it means the ÂŻÂ˜ÂŒÂ [q•_›–˜˜_Z[_Z[ [q_ÂŻÂŒÂ–^ÂĽ Twenty Nigeria Premier ˜[Œœ‹[_Š˜‹Z•_ÂŒq[_ÂŒ [\^–\Âœ__ the seminar, which is jointly organised by CAF and NFF.

Dele Alli eager to make home debut


“&WYV ,@D`D }QVzD[

x [\|Œz x [\|Œz_ Hotspur’s Anglo –œ[q–Œ\_z–^][˜^[q_ Dele Alli reckons that the |–{[_ Œq{_ Œ\[_x‹{]{_ ŠŒ\_•[Š‹q[_{|[–q_]q•{_›–\_ of the season when they tackle Everton at home on Saturday. And the England youth international believes the team will deliver if the supporters turn out en masse to cheer the players. “The fans were amazing when I came on at Leicester last week, � said Dele Alli

{x_{x [\|ÂŒz|x{•¯‹q¼ŠxzÂĽ_ “They’ve been incredible since I’ve been here and I can’t thank them enough for their support. “Of course, I’m hoping to get some game time and make my home debut at the Lane, but if it doesn’t happen this weekend, Âśz_Šx\]^[\{_–{_›–˜˜_Šxz[_ soon.â€? The 19 - year - old Alli •Šxq[^_|–•_]q•{_ÂœxŒ˜_–\_ the Premier League last weekend against Leicester City.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 29, 2015

Uzochukwu, Omeruo confirm Monday arrival


ewly invited z–^][˜^[q_ Izunna Uzochukwu and Turkeybased Kenneth Omeruo are billed to join the Super Eagles training camp in Abuja on Monday. Nigeria play Tanzania on September 5 in Dar es Salaam. “I will be in Eagles camp on Monday by God’s grace,� the Amkar [qz_x`_ ‹••–Œ_z–^][˜^er said. The 25-year-old

player has played four games for his Russian club this season. Kasimpasa defender Omeruo also told he will meet up the deadline set for the foreign pros to hit camp. “Hopefully, I will arrive camp on the arrival date set by the coach,â€? he said. The Eagles are due {x_º _x‹{_{x_ ÂŒ\ÂľÂŒ\–Œ_ x\_ÂŒ_•¯[Š–Œ˜_ÂşÂ–Âœ|{_x\_ Wednesday from Abuja.

Sports Update Tanzania fans will cheer Eagles –Thomas


AFCON: Carayol opts out of Gambia squad


ustapha CarayThe Gambia squad: ol has revealed Goalkeepers: Modou he asked not to Jobe (Niarry Tally, Senbe in The Gambia’s squad egal), Sam M. Jammeh to face Cameroon in their (IFK Sunne, Sweden), Africa Cup of Nations Alagie Nyabally (Tusker Â&#x;‹Œ˜–][q_x\_­_ [ÂŻ{[zZ[qÂĽ_ FC, Kenya) The 26-year-old told Defenders: Abdou BBC Sport: “I told coach Jammeh (RoPS, Finland), Raoul Savoy I need to Bubacarr Sanneh (AC concentrate on my transHorsens, Denmark), Kebfer away from Middlesba Ceesay (Lech Poznan, brough. Poland), Omar Colley “I have just joined Hud- (Djurgarden IF, Sweden), ^[q•][˜^_x\_˜xÂŒ\_•x_\[[^_ Pa Modou Jagne (FC {x_Šx\Š[\{qÂŒ{[_x\_•[ ˜–\Âœ_ –x\™_ ›–Ă?[q˜Œ\^ԙ_ ‹•|[q[_]q•{_{|[\_›[_›–˜˜_•[[_ man Koli (Mosta, Malta), next time.â€? ÂŒzÂŒ^x‹_ ‹  _ ÂŒ\•x_ Modou Barrow, on loan (Caroline RailHawks, at Blackburn Rovers from USA), Kenny Mansally Premier League Swansea, (Real Salts Lake, USA) will lead a new-look Scor –^][˜^[q•Õ_ ÂŒ\\ÂŒ_ pions side. Nyassi (San Jose EarthSavoy has handed a quakes, USA), Sulaymaiden call-up to Buman Marreh (Granada, bacarr Trawally followSpain), Dawda Ngum ing the young striker’s (FC Holviken, Sweden), impressive showing with Ebrima Sohna (Kuohis on-loan Chinese team pion Palloseura, Finland), Yanbian Changbaishan Modou Barrow (BlackFC where he has scored burn Rovers, England), 14-goals to help the team Sainey Nyassi ( FC sit top of the Chinese Edmonton, USA), Omar second tier. Jagne (Dalkurd, Sweden), Also in the squad are Matarr Nyan (Tusker FC, Granada’s Sulayman Mar- Kenya), Hamza Barry reh and young defender (Maccabi Netanya, Israel) Bubacarr Sanneh of DanForwards: Assan Ceesay ish side AC Horsens, and (Casa Sports, Senegal) BuKebba Ceesay of Lech bacarr Trawally (Yanbian Poznan returns. Changbaishan FC, China), However, HJK HelPa Amat Dibba (GIF sinki’s in-form striker Sundsvall, Sweden) EbraOusman Jallow is not hima Sawaneh (Wassland included because of perBeveren, Belgium) sonal reasons. SUWON TOURNAMENT FIXTURES 2nd September: Nigeria Vs. Korea: Kick Off-20:00 4th September: Nigeria Vs. Brazil : Kick Off- 17:30 6th September: Nigeria Vs. Croatia : Kick Off- 20:00

t’ll be dÊjà vu for Enyimba’s shot stopper, Femi Thomas, who’s keen on returning to Tanzania where they fans as he claims love good football. Thomas 26 hopes he’d selected as one of three goalies when Nigeria resume their Af-

Šx\_Â&#x;‹Œ˜–][q_ŠŒzÂŻÂŒÂ–Âœ\_ –\_{|[_]q•{Ž˜[Âœ_Œ›Œ _{–[_ to the Taifa Stars. The former Flying Eagles goal tender says his experience of Tanzanian football fans is memorable assuring the crowd will cheer the Eagles if they put ‹¯_]\[_`xx{ZŒ˜˜_ÂŒq{istry.

Meanwhile, Sunday Oliseh has expressed satisfaction with the outcome of his NPFLbased players’ performance following Yesterday’s 3-0 win in a practice match against Amakson Academy in Abuja. Sunshine Stars and the current League

season’s top goal scorer Tunde Adeniji got a ]q•{_|Œ˜`_ZqŒŠ[_ŒœŒ–\•{_ the academy team and Wikki Tourists’ Godwin Obaje completed the easy win as the ŠŒzÂŻ_[\{[q•_–{•_]\Œ˜_ phase before the list of 5 players for the Afcon Â&#x;‹Œ˜–][q_ŒœŒ–\•{_ ÂŒ\ÂľÂŒnia is announced.

Simon upbeat about Gent’s UCL chance


AA Gent attacker, Moses Simon, has said that he cannot wait for the group stage of the 2015/16 Uefa Champions League to commence after his side were drawn in Group H. The draws conducted on Thursday saw KAA Gent lined up in Group H alongside French heavyweights Olympique Lyon, Zenit St Petersburg of Russia and Spanish side Valencia. The 20-year-old revealed his excitement watching the draws and says one of his life goals will come true when the

group stage commences on September 15. “Yes, I saw the draws and I must say I was very happy and excited at the prospects of facing the three teams in the group,� Simon said. “It’s every footballer’s dream to play in the World Cup and the Champions League. I’m no different. I can’t wait for the matches to start. “I played in the Europa Cup with my former team AS Trencin and I enjoyed every bit of the experience. I’m sure the Champions League will be a step further.

“Everyone here is motivated and by God’s grace we shall do our best against the teams in our group.�

Gent start their campaign at home against Olympique Lyon on Wednesday, September 16.?

Eaglets to face hosts Korea Wednesday


he Under-17 national team, Golden Eaglets, will play hosts Korea > ! at the 4-Nation Suwon International Tournament, on Wednesday. Arrangements have been 2 ! _ Football Federation for the Golden Eaglets to depart for Korea on Sunday for the 4-Nation invitational competition which was shifted in July due to the outbreak of MERS in the Far East. Hosts Korea Republic ! & ! 6 2 # Croatia and Nigeria, and the teams will play one other in a round-robin basis between September 2 and 6

to determine the tournament winners. The Golden Eaglets would open their account against the Baby Taegu Warriors on September 2 and would complete their schedule 6 2 { tia on September 4 and 6 respectively. | 2 ment is a good test run for the four teams heading to the FIFA U-17 World Cup Chile 2015, where incidentally, Nigeria and Croatia are drawn together along with host Chile and USA in / 6 2 Korea are also in the same Group B along with Guinea

and England. Meanwhile, Golden Eaglets’ squad of 18 players + leave their closed- camping site in Katsina on Saturday en route to Lagos through Abuja where they are + } tournament, and are expected in Suwon on Monday, August 31. They are due back in Nigeria on September 8. Ahead of their trip to Suwon, the Golden Eaglets continued their preparation for the tournament with a 4-1 win against Katsina State Football Club Owners’ Selected Team at the Karkanda Stadium in Katsina on Thursday.

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