Sat 4th july 2015 online

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015


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)*89&'.1.8* 9-* (4:397> &3) 9-* 7*,.43$ @ 9 9-.8 ;*7> 242*39' 2> 9-4:,-98 ,4 94 9-* +&2.1.*8 4+ 9-* ;.(9.28$ :89 1&89 2439-' " 422.88.43*7 +47 :2&3.9&7.&3 .) &3) 7.8.8 &3&,*2*39 -7.8948 9>1.&3.)*8 574;.)*) D 2.11.43 .3 -:2&3.9&7.&3 &.) 94 -*15 ).851&(*) 5*451* .3 .,*7.& &3) 3*.,-'4:7.3, (4:397.*8 &4 *(9*) '> 9-* ;.41*3(* 4+ 9*7747.89 47,&3.8&9.438'A 9-* 89&9*2*39 7*&)$ !-* (422.88.43 8&.) .9 .8 (43 )*39 9-&9 9-* *)*7&1 4;*732*39 <4:1) (439.3:* 94 ,-9 9*7747.82 <.9- 9-* :92489 )*9*72.3&9.43 &3) :7,*3(>' 7*85*(9.3, 9-* 7:1*8 4+ *3,&,*2*39$ @!-* " 89&3)8 <.9- 9-* .,*7.&3 5*451* &3) &:9-47.9.*8 .3 4:7 (42243 ,-9 &,&.389 9*7747.82$ !-* " <.11 (439.3:* 94 8:55479 9-* (4:397> .3 .98 84(.&1 &3) *(4342.( )*;*1452*39' &8 <*11 &8 94 9&(01* :7,*39 3**)8'A .9 8&.)$


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,&.389 9-* '&(0)745 4+ 5&:(.9> 4+ +:3)8 +742 9-* *)*7&1 4;*732*39' & 7.,-98 ,74:5' :3)*7 9-* &:85.(*8 4+ 9-* 4&1.9.43 4+ .;.1 4(.*9> &3) *).& =*(:9.;*8 +47 41.(> 9&'.1.9> ' -&8 (&11*) 43 9-* .,*7.&3 4;*73478 47:2 94 1440 .3<&7)8 .3 9-*.7 ;&7.4:8 89&9*8 &3) ).;*78.+> 9-*.7 84:7(*8 4+ 39*73&11> *3*7&9*) *;*3:* 94 (4251*2*39 9-* 89&9:947> &114(&9.438 +742 ':/&$ !-* ' .3 & 89&9*2*39 /4.391> 8.,3*) '> .98 &9.43&1 7*8.)*39' 7$ 334(*39 $ 0&).,'4' &3) 9-* &9.43&1 *(7*9&7>' 7.3(*88 ;*1>3 $ ,':,:' .3 ':/&' 8&.) @ ;*7! )*5*3)*3(* 43 9-* *)*7&1

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&79> &184 (422*3)*) 9-* *)*7&1 4;*732*39C8 *4 4798 .3 (:7'.3, 9-* 2*3&(* 4+ 404 &7&2' :7,.3, .9 94 5749*(9 9-* 1.;*8 &3) 5745*79.*8 &8 .98 (&7).3&1 7*85438.'.1.9> 94 9-* (.9.?*38$ .0* &184 :7,*) .,*7.&38 94 '* ;.,.1&39 &3) (445*7&9* <.9- 8*(:7.9> &,*398 .3 9-* *4 479 &9 (7:8-.3, 404 &7&2 9*7747.82 .3 9-* (4:397>$ 404 &7&2 9*7747.898' 2.)<**0' ,:33*) )4<3 5*451* <-4 <*7* 57&>.3, .3 2486:*8 .3 43,:34 &3) :0&<&' 4734 9&9*$ ,4;*732*39 4# (.&1 &3) & (.;.1 ! )*+*3(* ,-9*7 (43 72*) 9-&9 404 &7&2 *=97*2.898 8-49 247* 9-&3 66 :81.28 <-4 <*7* 57&>.3, 1&9* *;*3.3, &-*&) 4+ '7*&0.3, 9-*.7 +&89 .3 0**5.3, <.9- 9-* :81.2 -41> 2439- 4+ &2&)&3$ !-*> 8&.) 5*451*' 2&.31> 2*3' ).*) 43 9-* 8549$ 8*3.47 ,4;*732*39 4# (.&1 +742 9-* &7*& 8&.) 9-* *=97*2.898 9&7,*9*) 8*;*7&1 2486:*8 .3 9-* 94<3$ !-* ;.,.1&39* ,74:5 8540*82&3' ''&8 &;&' 8&.) 9-* (.;.1 ! 8*1+! )*+*3(* ,-9*78 .3 :0&<& (43 72*) 9-&9 842* 9*7747.898 &184 '740* .394 5*451*C8 -42*8' 0.11.3, <42*3 &3) (-.1)7*3$


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


South West

Pay workers’ salary now, Anglican Church tells debtor governors $Tq\KBMSM (YG


he Diocese on the Niger, Anglican Communion, Onitsha, Anambra State, has joined the clarion calls on the debtor state governments, some federal agencies as well as private sector to urgently address the non-payment of workers’ salary in the country. The Diocese in a communiquÊ issued after its third session of the 29th Synod decried the non-payment of workers salary in the country especially by some state governments, which is creating hardship for the people. QX z_WX YR’’…QU“…”X

which was jointly signed by the Bishop on the Niger, Rt Rev.Owen Nwokolo, Chancellor of the Diocese, U`X QZÂ’}UX \Wq\Â…Â? ž‹X and the Synod Secretary, Ven. John Nkwoemezie, the church lamented the strike actions by some workers, which is Z}ÂĄW`VW]™X Z>WYzUQqX X z_WX economy of the country. The church called on governments at all levels to seek a lasting solution by paying their workers, saying that a ‘labourer deserves his wages.’ zX QRzW}X z_ZzX z_WX last general election, although peaceful, was characterised by late arrival of materials, faulty card readers,

teenage and child voting, among other vices and z_W`W^R`WX YZ]]W}X RQX X to put machineries in place to ensure that the irregularities are addressed before the next election. The Synod asked Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State to ensure the implementation of the ban on heavy duty vehicles and Lorries from applying on Anambra roads in the day time as announced during the inspection of the tanker |`WX }UVZVzW`X ZzX z_WX [[W`X {W†Z‹X QUzV_ZX {Uz_X z_WX Vice-President, Yemi Osibanjo. The Synod called on the Anambra State

government to intensify W>R`zVX zRX `W}`WVVX z_WX wrong done to the Anglican Church when people suspected to be agents of the Nkwelle ¼…QZ†ZX R{QX QURQX and the state government demolished Ebenezer Anglican Church, OyoluOze, on the night of August 11, 2014. Lamenting that those behind the dastardly act were yet to be brought to book, almost one year after, the Synod called on Governor Obiano to redress the wrong and prevent future occurrence as this will be the only sincere way of dismantling religious politics in the state.

Activists, pastors, petition council over not for Profit Code 2015 $_KHGTG 2TJTGWG


ctivists, Pastors and workers of some Pentecostal churches have petitioned the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria over its plan to promote the ‘Not QST 3TSUV &SWX Y DZD[\]V religious organizations in the country. They have also U`XW VbX jDVVXT EXQSTX D\ Ikeja High Court. According to the lawyers, the proposed code, if implemented, would nullify VbXSFTDF| [\ VbX Fb}TFb E| which leadership of many churches are selected, and impose democracy as preferred means of assumption to the structures SQ Fb}TFbY] `XDWXT]b[~ [\ VbX area of appointment, tenure and succession. Some of the aggrieved churches are Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Living Faith International also known D] :[\\XT]Y &bD~X` D\W Foursquare Gospel Church.

The activists alleged that the promotion of the code was EX[\Z jSSVXW …[Vb DFV[†X connivance of the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment. According to counsel to the activists, Bamidele Ogundele, ‘governance in the church is a spiritual D4D[T D\W VbDV D\| DVVXj~V to separate spiritual D4D[T `XDWXT]b[~ QTSj administrative leadership …S}`W ET[\Z W[FbSVSj| create crisis within the churches of God and create multidimensional FS\VTDW[FV[S\] Y +X ]D[W VbX council has over stepped its powers and functions under Sections 7 and 8 of the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria. The applicants are Bamidele Ogundele, Busola Ogunyode for themselves and the registered Trustees of the Centre for Rule of Law, and Pastor Ayodele 2`DWXŒ[ %DEDV}\WX $WXU`D Isaac Opayinka and Bunmi Olawunmi.

N10b suit: Standard Bank counters Braithwaite’s report $_KHGTG 2TJTGWG


L-R: Vice Chancellor, University of Ibadan, Prof. Isaac Adewole; Lecturer, Prof. Deborah Egunyomi and Nigeria Ambassador @B 8B@FGH 1JF@KBM 6O@GBF@QO JBH &STFSWJT 2WXJB@YJF@KB (ZGW@FSM 3WK[ 0@O\JGT 2ZKTG]J JF F\G 8B@^GWM@F_ K[ ,`JHJB @BJSXSWJT TGOFSWG F@FTGH %JTJBO@BX /@[G (jSJF@KB k@F\ &KBF@BS@BX (HSOJF@KB HGT@^GWGH `_ 3WK[ (XSB_KZ@ @B ,`JHJB 2_K 6FJFGp yesterday.

Osun workers protests 50% salary qRÂĄW`QÂ’WQzXzRXYÂ…zXR>Xz_WX salary of the work force in the state by 50 percent orkers in Osun as from January 2015 is State under ‘unacceptable, satanic the aegis of and a means to frustrate Nigeria Labour Congress the workforce in the state. (NLC) have registered Adekomi also described their displeasure over the the government plan purported 50 percent cut as wicked maintaining R>X R^X ZQÂ…Z`™X VZ]Z`™X \™X that ‘its suicide for any the state government. government to arrive at Addressing the this position after he had newsmen in Osogbo, failed in his constitutional the state chairman of responsibilities for the the union, Comrade past eight month.’ The Adekomi Jacobs, said labour leader said that the resolve of the state never will the entire 0@O\JGT 2TJBWG]JxS 2MKX`K


workforce in the state accept it. He maintained that the situation that befalls the state now is as a result of its systematic failure and ZQ™X Z0W’[zX zRX Y…zX z_WX salaries of workers in the state by even one percent will be vehemently resisted and will lead to unimaginable chaos in the state. Recounting the calamities that have befallen the members of the union as a result of non payment of salaries

by the state government, NLC chairman said almost 350 deaths of pensioners were recorded as a result of inability of the government to pay pension arrears to the pensioners. He however said the issue of Osun workers and the government is ‘no retreats no surrender’ as the union will not relent until government acceded to the demands of the workers and pensioners in the state.

Ondo commissioner urges FG to combat outbreak of disease Toyin Adebayo


he Ondo State Commissioner for Health, Dayo Adeyanju, has urged the Federal Government to always take preventive measures in combating outbreak of diseases that could result in loss of lives. According to him, ‘when

there was an outbreak of Ebola virus Disease (EVD) in Nigeria, even though we did not have it in Ondo State, we institutionalised emergency preparedness towards combating its outbreak.’ At the Future of Health Conference held at Yar’Adua Centre,

Adeyanju said if there is any outbreak of Ebola disease, ‘we will still reacts the same way we reacted because most of the things we put in place such as the laboratory for diagnosis and infections disease hospital are available up till now.’ He further stated

that structures the state government put in place during the outbreak of Ebola such as the control team at the community level, facilities case management and the state rapid response was what helped the state to combat the outbreak of methanol poison (local gin) in Ondo.

he Standard Chartered Bank Plc has described as ‘not factual’ the claim by Dr Tunji Braithwaite that the bank’s installation of giant industrial generators directly opposite his house, would create fumes and QRUVWXYZ[Z\]WXR^XV_Z0W`UQqX the air and the serenity of the environment. `X `ZUz_{ZUzWX_ZVX|]W}XZX N10billion suit against the bank before Justice Doris Okuwobi, a Lagos High R…`zXVU0UQqXUQX †W‡ZˆX WXUVX seeking an order declaring as illegal the erection of a 14-storey commercial building and multi-level car park by the bank in an otherwise residential area UQX UYzR`UZX V]ZQ}‹X ZqRVˆ He claimed that he is uncomfortable with the bank’s installation of the giant industrial generators directly opposite his house,

saying that the generator would create fumes and QRUVWX YZ[Z\]WX R^X V_Z0W`UQqX the air and the serenity of the environment. At the resume hearing of z_WX Â’Z0W`‹X YRÂ…QVW]X zRX z_WX Bank, Mr A. Adegbonmire, tendered two reports before the court through its last witness, Mr Olugbenga Akinola, a town planner. The reports tendered were Advocacy Planning Report in respect of defendant property situated at 142, Ahmadu Bello Way, UYzR`UZX V]ZQ}X ZQ}X z_WX Review of Claimant reply to defendant statement of defence dated July 2013 and August 2014 respectively prepared by Olak Consult. Q}W`X Y`RVV¨WŠZÂ’UQZzURQX by Dr Braithwaite, Akinola told the court that the report he prepared was a counter to the claimant’s report which he said was not factual.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

South South Election tribunal dismisses case against Ayade -KMGq\ .@BXMFKB &JTJ`JW


ross River Governorship Election Petitions Tribunal sitting in Calabar, Friday, dismissed a petition by the candidate of the Labour Party, Ntufam Fidelis Ugbo, against Governor Ben Ayade. Presiding Judge, Mayaki Aliyu Mohammed said he was acting in agreement with the respondents that the case be dismissed out-rightly even though the petitioner

8ZES bDW XDT`[XT U`XW D\ application seeking withdrawal of the case. He said, “All the respondents have agreed that the application is that of dismissal. We have carefully considered all the submissions of the counsels and ruled that the petition be out-rightly dismissed� Counsel to the petitioner, Olusegun Bolitife said his principal, Fidelis Ugbo and his deputy, Nelly Andem Ewa Rabana decided to withdraw the

case against the governor “for peace and progress of Cross River State�. Addressing newsmen shortly after the ruling, State Secretary of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Godwin Etta said, “the whole of Cross River would be in a jubilant mood because VbX U\D` FD]X [\ VbX VT[E}nal regarding the governorship election in Cross River State is now over. The APC governorship candidate had earlier withdrawn his case and

indeed Cross Riverians are now free to celebrate. He commended Ugbo D\W b[] WX~}V| QST U`ing an application for withdrawal of the case, adding that it shows that they were sensitive to the peaceful co-existence of the state. Acting Legal Adviser to Governor Ayade, Alphonsus Eba thanked Ugbo for withdrawing the case, while the lead counsel to Ayade, Mba Ukweni said the ruling was an indication that Nigeria’s democracy was evolving.

News Kidnappers to forfeit property in Rivers -Wike 1JF\ 2ZJZG 3KWF +JWOKSWF


overnor of Rivers State, Nyesom Wike, has declared that anyone apprehended and prosecuted for kidnapping will have his or _W`X [`R[W`z™X YRQ|VzUYZzW}X and destroyed. He told the new state Commissioner of Police, Chris Ezike, who paid him ZXYRÂ…`zWV™XYZ]]XUQX_UVXR!YW‹X at Government House, Port Harcourt, that an amendment to the current kidnapping law was already being treated by the State House of Assembly and would be |QZ]UÂĽW}XUQX}Â…WXYRÂ…`VWˆ He stated: “I believe there cannot be governance without security. Security is one priority we must focus on. We will do the best we can to encourage investors to return to Rivers state. I will give you the total support to see that crime is reduced to the barest minimum in Rivers Stateâ€?. The governor commended the CP for proactively assessing and identifying z_WXY_Z]]WQqWVXR^Xz`Z!YXYRQgestion, kidnapping, armed robbery and cultism. He lauded Mr. Ezike’s “Operation Keep Movingâ€?

zRX WZVWX z`Z!YX ‡ZÂ’VX ZQ}X z_WX one monthâ€? Crime EmerqWQY™X ZÂ’[ZUqQÂŻX zRX |q_zX crime, because they will give the people of Rivers state very high hopes. Some of things that happened a few months ago will be a thing of the past.â€? X RQYW`QUQqX z`Z!YX ‡ZÂ’VX in the state, the governor charged the new CP to deploy a team to check the activities of commercial buses and taxis that usually block the roads and create traf|YX ‡ZÂ’VˆX WX {Z`QW}X z_ZzX the team should not extort money from members of the public. With regards to cultism, Governor Wike told the CP to punish anyone caught for any cult-related crime irrespective of who he is related to, adding, “There should be no sacred cows in dealing with the cultistsâ€?. He also assured the Commissioner of Police of _UVX^Â…]]XVÂ…[[R`zXUQXz_WX|q_zX ZqZUQVzX z`Z!YX YRQqWVzURQX and crime (kidnapping, armed robbery and cultism) in the state. Mr. Ezike commended the governor on his “security friendly dispositionâ€? and promised on behalf of his entourage and the Rivers state command to do his best.

EPZ: Ugborodo contests naming of seaport after Gbaramatu *K^GWBKW 1_GMKZ k@{G K[ 5@^GWM 6FJFG ]GTOKZ@BX &3 &\W@M (Y@{G FK \@M K[QOG @B 3KWF +JWOKSWF 7\SWMHJ_

Ijaw communities threaten to shut down NPDC operations The Ajuju document ers among others, alleged nent to note that NPDC as 6_T^GMFGW ,HK]S Warri


jaw host communities of of Diebiri-Batan and Ajuju in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta have threatened to shut down the operations of the Nigeria Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) allegedly over a multimillion naira dredging contract and compensations for oil spill. The leaders of DiebiriBatan and Ajuju communities rose from a general meeting in Warri last weekend expressing displeasure over the perceived nonchalant attitude of the nationD` S[` UTj VS ]~[`` D\W FS\tracts to host communities. The Ijaw communities alleged that NPDC awarded contracts without due process adding, “it is perti-

a Nigerian-company, whose obligation is to respect the Local Content Act , awarded contracts without due process to their friends and associates, neglecting community-based contractors.�

signed by Chief Favour Izoukumor and Mr Samson Oyimi, Chairman and Secretary respectively of the community, as well as Fulani Arthur and Peter Potoki, women and youth lead-

that the company falsely obtained an FTO (Freedom to Operate) from the communities by falsely claiming that local contractors were involved in the bid for the dredging work.

Wike running government of deceit, says Rivers APC $ZJ{J $X`S 3KWF +JWOKSWF


he All Progressives Congress (APC) in Rivers State has said that, having closely observed the slightly over one-month old Rivers State government led by Governor Nyesom Wike, it came to the conclusion that the administration was not sincere to the people. A statement signed by the Publicity Secretary of the Rivers APC, Mr. Chris Finebone, said that during the political campaigns early in the year, Barr Nye-

som Wike and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) claimed to have a development master plan for Rivers State, but that a quick and careful scrutiny revealed it was a cloning of the ‘Roadmap to Prosperity developed by Dr. Dakuku Adol Peterside, the APC governorship candidate. It said: “A further confirmation of this became obvious last week when the governor set up a Steering Committee on the Blue Print for Rivers State Government under

the Chairmanship of Barr Nimi Waltson-Jack who explained that his committee was set up to streamline planned government projects. And the question is: did the Wike team really have a developmental programme for the State ab initio as claimed?� According to the party, “The seeming confusion the government is presently bedevilled with is occasioned by its lack of understanding of Dr. Dakuku Peterside’s Roadmap to Prosperity which the governor copied so badly.�



he multi billion dollars Export Processing Zone (EPZ) project in Warri South West Local Government area of Delta State is being threatened again as Itsekiri people of Ugborodo Thursday asked a Federal High Court in Warri not to allow the naming of the Deep Sea Port, an arm of the project after Gbaramatu, their Ijaw neighbors. The suit was instituted by Chief Ayerimi Emami and four others as plainV[4] DZD[\]V VbX )XWXTD` Government of Nigeria, Attorney General of the Federation, Nigeria Port Authority, the Delta State Government and Attorney General of the state as respodents. In a motion on notice brought before Hon. Justice Abubakar Shittu on Suit No: FHC/WR/86/2015, the applicants prayed the court for “An interim injunction restraining the defendants or whosoever from naming the Deep Seaport project cited in Ugborodo after Gbaramatu or other name pending hearing and determination of the substantive suit.

Among other grounds for the application, the plainV[4] VbX ]D[W 'XX~ 6XD~STV is located in Ugborodo and “to allow the defendants to name it after Gbaramatu amount to sowing seed of discord and disharmony between Ugborodo and their Ijaw neighbors.� In his declaration on the motion at the hearing, Justice Shittu ordered that respondents in the matter who were not present in court be allowed time, not jSTX VbD\ U†X WD|] VS TXspond properly to the Writ of Summons for proper commencement of the suit before the application is determined. The naming of the Deep Seaport, an arm of the Ugborodo EPZ, it would be recalled, was a critical resolution reached among stakeholders to avert looming ethnic war between the Itsekiri nation and their Gbaramatu Ijaw neighbors before former President Goodluck Jonathan was able to do ground breaking for the project, also known as Ogidigben Gas City project earlier this year. The case is adjourned to Tuesday next week for further hearing.


Newswatch Times Saturday, July 4, 2015

South East


Boko Haram:Ohanaeze, Igbo leader demand relocation of inmates Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha.


rked by the transfer of 47 Boko Haram inmates from the North East prisons to Ekwuluobia Prison in Anambra State, the Ohanaeze Ndigbo in Anambra State, led by its President, Elder Chris Eluemuno and the Igbo Spiritual leader, Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, Thursday, demanded the immediate relocation of the inmates in the interest of peace and tranquillity in the country. Addressing newsmen at his country home, Nkwelle-Ezu-

naka, he said, “Our position is that it is not acceptable to us having them here�. “If what President Mohammadu Buhari has to give us as dividend of democracy is Boko Haram terrorists, it is very, very unfair�, he stated. “Ekwulobia prison is not a maximum prison, it is an ordinary prison and if President Buhari meant well for us Igbo, it is not terrorists that he will bring to us; it is not acceptable to us and we are asking him to think again and look for a better place and send them there,� he added.

“Let him build a camp and put them there if there are not enough accommodation in the North East Prisons�, he continued. “Ekwulobia prison does not have maximum security; there are maximum security prisons all over the country. We are asking him to please remove them from Anambra State, otherwise we will embark on the kind of trouble he will not be comfortable with if he does not remove them�, he warned. Contributing, the Igbo Spiritual leader and Ogirishi Igbo, Chief Ezeonwuka stated

that, “It is not acceptable and we shall not accept it; if those Boko Haram in the North East can kill people there, let them be tried and killed there also� he posited. “Boko Haram inmates should remain in the North East where they operate as bringing them down here will be risky�, Ezeonwuka added. On the protest by South East traders against relocation of the terrorists to Ekwulobia prison he said, “The protest showed that we Igbo reject what the Federal Government has done by sending them here�.

PCC raises alarm over poor staff remuneration, resolves 145 cases


he Imo State chapter of the Public Complaints Commission (PCC) has raised alarm over poor remuneraV[S\ ~DF£DZX SQ ]VD4 SQ VbX commission, lamenting that VbX jS\Vb`| ]VD4 ]D`DT| SQ the commission’s workers is not commensurate with their function in quasi-judicial clime. The position was made known by the Commissioner, Barrister Ambrose Uzoma Ugboaja, while presenting the 2014 annual report of the commission in the state, (1st January to 31 December, 2014). According to him, the operational vehicle of the commission could hardly serve its purpose and train[\Z D\W TXVTD[\[\Z SQ ]VD4 []

in dire need of urgent attention. Against this background, the PCC boss contended that assistance and collaboration with the state government, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), public spirited individuals and institutions, including the private sector organisations would be most desirable in so far as the principles, standards and visions of the establishment are not compromised, tainted or prejudiced in any form. He revealed that the year 2014 witnessed a decline in the number of complaints received from members of the public, adding that only 288 complaints were received excluding 247 that were carried over from 2013.

Group offers to assist Buhari on appointments Emma Mgbeahuruike, Owerri


L-R: Mrs. Chidi Onyemelukwe, Dr. Alex Ekwueme and wife Chief Mrs Beatrice, Obi Okoli and Amechi Oformata at Aguata, Orumba North and South Convention in Seattle Washington, USA...recently.

Why we banned okada in major cities - Anambra dep gov Alphonsus Eze, Awka he Anambra State Deputy Governor, Dr. Nkem Okeke, has given reasons why the state government banned the operation of commercial motor-bikes, popularly known as okada in major cities in the state. The deputy governor, who was speaking in Onitsha, the commercial nerve centre of the state, during the R!YUZ]XYRÂ’Â’UVVURQUQqXR^Xz_WX new secretariat of the Amal-


gamated Markets Traders Association of Anambra State (AMATAS), said it was to secure the lives of its citizens. Dr. Okeke told the traders that a visit to any orthopaedic hospital in the state will show many Anambrarians who sustained various degrees of fracture through okada accidents. He said that the ban therefore, was to reduce accidents on the major roads and streets in the state as well as stop injuries and death arising from it. Okeke said in banning

motor bikes, the state government was conscious of the plight of the people, and that is why it provided other means of transport such as mass transit buses for the people. He told the traders to be prepared to pay their taxes and levies, especially with the declining federal allocation, and assured that even with that, the state government has continued to pay its workers on the 25th of every month. He further assured the traders that the internally

generated revenue would be used judiciously for the development of the state such ZVX[`RÂĄUVURQXR^X|`WX|q_zUQqX vehicles that can help them |q_zX |`WX UQYU}WQzVX UQX z_WU`X markets. In his address, the President of AMATAS, Chief Okwudili Ezenwanko, expressed happiness that in spite of the doubt expressed by some traders and market leaders on of the suspicion that it would be an avenue to siphon their money the building eventually was completed.

;V3?3ULD UDJJ9 >3? U34437 JD7MQDM6 D437M $>?KUD7 U3Q7@?K69 2 &3446789 (&;<$= >3? 69@DIJK9LK7M &344Q7K@S &3Q?@ 3> TQ9@KU6 Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri.


he Governor of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, has stressed that the time has come for African nations, particularly the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), to think of a common language outside French and English to unite African nations for business and development to strive.

The governor also described the establishment of ECOWAS Court of Justice as a landmark achievement in the history of ECOWAS activities. He made the assertion when the delegation of ECOWAS Community Court of Justice led by their President, Hon. Justice Maria Do Ceo Silva Monteiro, paid him a courtesy visit at the Government House,

Owerri , as part of the court’s 7th retreat. Owelle Okorocha said that the need for African unity particularly ECOWAS cannot be overemphasised; adding that it has remained a pivot around which the unity of every nation revolves, pointing out that the law court is very vital for ECOWAS unity. The governor used the

visit to congratulate the president of the court for leading the entire ECOWAS court, and commended her for making African women proud. “I believe that this is time for Africa, the days …X bD†X ]}4XTXW QTSj FSlonialism and neo-colonialism is over, African must look inward and leaders of Africa must show quality leadership.�

social-cultural organisation, Igbo (ÂĽ}S bD] S4XTXW to guide President Muhammadu Buhari on his choice of political appointees in the south-East sub-region. Speaking in Owerri, the capital of Imo State after its 2015 second quarterly meeting, the National President of the group, Chief Chibuike Obieshi, explained that [V] S4XT Â…D] \XFX]][VDVXW E| the need to guard against the enthronement of people with grabbing propensity and dubious personality into the present reigns of governance.

Chief Obieshi noted that the bane of governance in the country hinges on the reckless abuse of authority by corT}~V j[\WXW S#F[D`] ~S[\Ving out that his organisation is determined to restore the image of the Igbo man as one who remains resolute in his beliefs even in the face of [\V[j[WDV[\Z jS\XVDT| [\ÂŚ}ences. He said the group is compiling a list of deserving Igbo sons and daughters who, in [V] X]VXXjXW S~[\[S\ Â…[`` UV into the vision of the present government in view of its corrective disposition, observing that the list will soon be forwarded to the President for consideration in his present and future appointments.

One killed, houses burnt over non-payment of electricity bill Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


t least one person was allegedly killed and about U†X bS}]X] ]XV DE`D¼X 7b}T]day at Nkpor, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State by irate mob. Trouble started when a tenant [WX\V[UXW D] 'D†[W …D] DVtacked by a landlord and his family for alleged inability to S4]XV b[] X`XFVT[F[V| E[`` As David was being beaten, one of the landlord’s sons, Tochukwu, stabbed him with a knife at the back which pierced through and came out from his stomach. He slumped and died. It was alleged that before then, the landlord’s daughter had hit him with a press-

ing iron on his face and lost his teeth. On noticing that David had died, sympathizers and passers-by mobilized into a jSE D\W ]XV U†X bS}]X] D\W D car belonging to the landlord ablaze. Consequently, tenants who resided in some of the houses quickly evacuated their properties before the mob set the bS}]X] DE`D¼X WX]~[VX X4STV] made by the Police to prevent them. Contacted, the Ogidi Divi][S\D` 3S`[FX 2#FXT '32 0T +D]]D\ 0}]D FS\UTjXW VbX incident and that the landlord has been arrested and his case U`X VTD\]QXTTXW VS VbX 6VDVX ,\telligent and Investigation Bureau, SIIB, Awka for further investigation.


Newswatch Times Saturday, July 4, 2015


North East Embezzlement: Goje knows fate October Nankpah Bwakan, Gombe


he Presiding Judge of Gombe Federal High Court, Justice Babatunde Qadiri Thursday disclosed that in October he will rule on the multi million naira embezzlement charges levelled against former Governor of Gombe state, Senator Danjuma Goje. Since 2011, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) dragged Senator Goje to court over embezzlement of the state government’s funds running into millions of naira.

After listening to the argument by counsels to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Barrister Wahab Shittu and the accused, Barrister Chris Uche, Justice Qadiri told the both counsels that the court would rule on the suit in October. He warned them not to ask for unnecessary adjournments, but they rather work hard to ensure the speedy conclusion of the case. The presiding Judge, however, adjourned the matter to 14th October for continuation of hearing.

However, the counsel to EFCC restated EFCC’s commitment to persecute anybody found guilty SQ U\D\F[D` FT[jX [\ VbX country saying the Commission would ensure that anybody found to be involved in any form SQ U\D\F[D` FT[jX …[`` EX prosecuted in accordance with the relevant laws of the country. At the resumed hearing of case, Barrister Shittu said contrary to the belief in some quarters that Goje was being persecuted for no course, the former Governor actually comj[VVXW U\D\F[D` FT[jX]

and the EFCC would ensure he faced the charges levelled against him. According to him, “Our case is not political at all. What the EFCC is doing is a yo-man’s job on behalf of the prosecution, the defense, the court and the society in general. Whatever anybody does, he cannot disrupt the process or destroy the institution. Those who are in EFCC are highly professionalized people of immense integrity. Why do we need to persecute Goje who is a statesman? He certainly has questions to answer.�

Abubakar appoints SSG,others Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


overnor Muhammad Abdullahi Abubakar of Bauchi State has approved the appointment of Alhaji Ahmed Sulaiman as the new Secretary to the State Government, while Architect Audu Sule Katagum is the new Chief SQ 6VD4 Alhaji Hashimu Yakubu, Permanent Secretary, Po`[V[FD` $4D[T] *S†XT\jX\V House in a press statement said that Alhaji Ahmed Sulaiman, a seasoned technocrat is making a comeback having served in the same capacity in the late 1990s and he was the immediate past chairman of the state Local Government Service Commission. Other appointments in-

clude that of onetime Head of Service in the state, Alhaji Bello Shehu Ilelah now the Special Adviser, Civil Service Matters, Alhaji Umar Abubakar Tafawa Balewa 'X~}V| &b[XQ SQ 6VD4 S#FX of the Deputy Governor, Alhaji Tahir Ibrahim Tahir is now the Senior Special Assistant scheduling in the S#FX SQ VbX *S†XT\ST Also Alhaji Umar Bala ]}U bD] EXX\ D~~S[\VXW as Senior Special Assistant on Special Duties while Hajiya Aisha Ahmed Borodo and Hajiya Zainab Muhammad are appointed as Senior Special Assistant to Governor’ wife while Alhaji Mansur Manu Soro is now the Personal Assistant, Development Partners and NGOs. All appointments VD£X [jjXW[DVX X4XFV

Polio groups take immunisation/ campaigns to Kaduna streets, markets Baba Negedu, Kaduna


Comptroller of Nigeria Immigration Service, Plateau Command, Mr. Raymond Akra-Jaja (right) with the Deputy, Mr. Jeremiah %@Bx@B HGOKWJF@BX F\G BG]T_ qWKZKFGH ,ZZ@XWJF@KB K[QOGW 0W 0SMFJq\J 5JYJK @B -KM 3TJFGJS 6FJFGp_GMFGWHJ_

CSOs defend TETFUND boss over allegation of mismanagement Taiye Agbaje


coalition of civil society organisations (CSOs), under the auspices of Civil Societies Coalition for Good Governance (CSCGG) has condemned what it called ‘sponsored media attacks� against the Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Prof. Suleiman Bogoro. According to the group, the allegation of mis-

management levied against the executive secretary of TETFUND by one Auwal Ibrahim was aimed at discrediting and dragging Prof Bogoro into cheap politics. The convener of CSCGG, Comrade Okpokwu Ogenyi, who made the remarks dur[\Z D ~TX]] ET[XU\Z [\ Abuja, said the allegation against the agency was the handiwork of the enemies.

“Nigerians need to rise above the pull-himdown syndrome in the spirit of change and embrace useful reforms, particularly in the education sector,� he said. While calling on Prof. Bogoro to be focused on delivering on his mandate at the agency, Ogenyi commended his X4STV] [\ ]VTX\ZVbX\ing tertiary education VbTS}Zb X4XFV[†X D\W prudent allocation of funds among institu-

tions in the country. Rather than the current wave of condemnation, he said, Bogoro should be commended and encouraged as his performance is unequalled and should be an epitome for all who hold public ofUFX] Ogenyi, however, enjoined Nigerians to disregard the activities of the peddlers of such falsehood and give the agency the needed support.

Flood to affect 1m people in Adamawa in 2015 – Agency


he Adamawa State Government on Friday alerted that about one million people in the ]VDVX DTX `[ÂŁX`| VS EX D4XFVXW E| ÂŚSSW Vb[] |XDT Mr Haruna Furo, the Permanent Secretary and Chairman, Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency, raised the alarm in <S`D +X FS\UTjXW VbDV VbX ]VDVX S#FX SQ VbX DZX\F| TXceived a warning message from the National Hydro-

logical Centre that some local government areas of the state would be seriously afQXFVXW …[Vb ŒSSW [\ ``The National Hydrological Centre have called our attention that about nine local government areas of the state mostly along the bank of River Benue are likely to QDFX D WX†D]VDV[\Z ŒSSW Vb[] year. ``In fact the possibility of ŒSSW T[]£ D\W VbTXDV Vb[] year is more of concern

compared to that of 2012,� ]D[W VbX S#F[D` He said that among the predicted areas to be affected included Fufore, Yola South, Yola North, Girei and Demsa. Others are Numan, Lamurde, Guyuk and Shelleng local government areas. He recalled that in 2012 S†XT ~XS~`X …XTX DQfected while many lost their lives and property worth billions of Naira destroyed

E| VbX ÂŚSSW The chairman warned that more than one million people would likely be displaced if precautionary measures are not taken on time. According to him, the areas VS EX D4XFVXW DTX VbX jS]V populated areas in the state. The scribe, however, said that the agency will summon an emergency meeting Â…[Vb ]VDÂŁXbS`WXT] VS U\W lasting solution.

orried by the many incidences of rejections of polio immunizations in the state, the Kaduna emergency operation centre, Journalists Against Polio (JAP) and the Kaduna State Primary Health Care Agency, Thursday said they have concluded arrangements to take the immunisation campaigns and vaccinations to public places in the state. The polio immunisation programme tagged “Mop up for a outbreak response in Kaduna State� the groups said is aimed at taking the campaign and vaccination to all residents of the state capital, local government areas and environs. A statement from the groups

said the exercise is expected to commence from 4-7 July 2015 and would be conducted on the streets, house to house, markets places and motor parks among many others. The statement signed by the Incidence Manager of Kaduna emergency operation centre, Dr Victor Gugong, Ag, Chairman Jounalists Against Polio (JAP) State Chapter, Malam Lawal Dogara and state Health Educator, Kaduna State Primary Health Care Agency, Malam Hamza ikara revealed that 3.5 million children between 0.5 years are expected to be vaccinated during the exercise. The statement appealed to parents to give all the needed support and cooperation to make the exercise a huge success.

Ramadan: Imam admonishes Muslim faithful to be more prayerful


he Chief Imam of Area Friday Mosque, Abuja, Malam Yahya Garba Al-Yolawi, has admonished the Muslim faithful to observe the last 10 days of Ramadan with earnestness. Delivering a Friday sermon, Al-Yolawi said that the last 10 days of Ramadan was considered the holy days which were special days to the life of every Muslim. ``According to scholars, the last 10 days are the most blessed days in the blessed month of Ramadan , the month the Holy Quran was revealed,’’ he said. The Imam called on the faithful to emulate the Prophet by praying all night with family members in this last 10 days for Al`DbY] [\U\[VX E`X]][\Z] Besides, he enjoined the Muslim faithful to use the last days of Ramadan to perfect their fast. ``It is time to give to the poor, settle disputes and forgive one another. ``It also considered a time for soul searching, evaluating one’s life, supplication

and forgiveness. ``Increase our worship and devotion to Allah; redeem ourselves in this last 10 days of Ramadan,’’ he advised. The cleric also urged the faithful to observe I’tikaf (seclusion), stressing that it gives a believer an opportunity to get closer to Allah. He explained that I’tikaf provides opportunity to prepare oneself to disassociate temporarily from the worries of the world by constantly focusing on remembrance of Allah. NAN reports that I’tikaf is a process of going into seclusion in the mosque for the purpose of worshiping Allah and attaching oneself and heart to His worship. It is necessary that the mosque in which I’tikaf is observed should be a mosque where prayers are held in congregation. Al-Yolawi also admonished them to observe Tahajjud (Mid-night prayers), adding that whoever that prays at night in Ramadan out of faith and in hope of reward would have his previous sins forgiven.

Saturday, July 4, 2015




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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Politics Jega bows out amid knocks and kudos Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


Bisi Akande’s war against the North, NASS years and in the Senate for another eight years emerged as the candidate for the senate president�. On Akande’s position that Saraki and Yakubu Dogara were backed by fuel subsidy thieves and business cartels to become Senate President and House Speaker respectively to frustrate the anti-corruption stance of the Buhari administration with the National Assembly leadership, the duo separately responded and condemned the assertion.

Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


uring the week when the former interim national chairman of All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Bisi Akande urged President Muhammadu Buhari and APC governors to immediately wade into the unending crisis within the party, especially the National Assembly before it collapses, Nigerians initially took and assimilated the elderly advice as a strong one from an insider. But when they gave serious interpretations to his allegation that the Senate President (Bukola Saraki) is in the chamber to act out Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) script, the same Nigerians started to doubt the rationale behind his reasoning. Newswatch Times recalls that Akande, in a press statement last Sunday, advised that the ongoing crisis if not tackled headlong may D4XFV VbX $3&Y] FbD\FX] SQ TXVD[\[\Z power in 2019. He said: “Now that the whole conspiracy has blown open, it is doubtful if the present institutions of party leadership can muster the required capacity to arrest the drift. “It is my opinion that President Buhari and the APC governors should now see the APC as a rocking platform that may not be strong enough to carry them to political victory in 2019 and they should quickly begin a joint damage control X4STV VS TXFS\]VT}FV VbX ~DTV| [\ [V] claim to bring about the promised change before shortcomings begin to aggravate the challenges of governance in their hands�. While condemning the crisis in the National Assembly, Akande had said, “Numerous among those calling themselves businessmen in Nigeria


are like leeches sucking from the nation’s blood largely through various governments and particularly through the Federal Government of Nigeria. “While all these schisms were going on in APC, those who were jittery of Buhari’s constant threat of anticorruption battle began to encourage D\W U\D\FX TXEX``[S\] DZD[\]V VbX APC’s democratic positions which led to the emergence of Senator Bukola Saraki as the candidate of PDP’s tendencies inside and outside APC�. He said, “With the air of oneness, APC went ahead to conduct primaries to select candidates for state governors and Houses of Assembly and for the Presidency and National Assembly. “After the elections which saw APC to victory all round, a meeting was reportedly held by certain old and new-PDP leaders in a PDP chieftain’s house in Abuja to review what should be their share in Buhari’s government and resolved to seek collaboration with the PDP with a view to hijacking the National Assembly and, having gotten rid of Goodluck Jonathan, with


an ultimate aim of resuscitating the PDP as their future political platform�. Akande explained: “Unknown to most APC members, while Sen. Bukola Saraki was being adopted as the candidate for Senate President by certain old new-PDP tendencies, the theory was being propagated that, like in most presidential democracy, the APC minority leaders in the old National Assembly (i.e George Akume for the Senate and Femi Gbajabiamila for the House of Representatives) should automatically become Senate President and Speaker respectively now that the APC has the majority. “Certain leaders felt that most past Senate Presidents had come from Benue State which Akume represented and that Benue State should be made to assume the traditional home of all senate presidents. At the same time, certain senators were clamouring for one of the most ranking senators anywhere outside the North-west zone that produced the President. That was how Ahmed Lawan who had been in the House of Representatives for eight

Newswatch Times recalls that Akande, last Sunday, alleged that the elections of Saraki and Dogara were bankrolled and supported by “most northern elite, the Nigerian oil subsidy barons and other business cartels who never liked Buhari’s anti-corruption political stance.â€? However, on Monday, Saraki and Dogara described Mr. Akande’s statement as “maliciousâ€?, “falseâ€?, “uncharitableâ€?, and “mischievous,â€? maintaining that corrupt oil barons could never support them given their antecedents in the 7th Assembly. According to Saraki in a press statement by his media aide, Bankole 2j[]bSTX E}V QST b[] 6DTDÂŁ[Y] X4STV] the public might not have known the rot, fraud and mismanagement in the Nigerian oil sector. “Again, the attention of the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki has been drawn to a malicious, false and totally reprehensible news report, wherein it insinuated that the election of Dr. Bukola Saraki as the Senate President of the 8th Senate was facilitated by Nigerians associated with dubious claims in the infamous oil subsidy. “The news report went further to give a negative and dirty impression that the emergence of the President of the 8th Senate is aimed to sabotage the Continued on Page 49

When Boko haram transfer rumour shut down Onitsha Alphonsus Eze, Awka


or some time now, relative peace and serenity have existed in Onitsha, the Anambra State commercial city and other major cities of the state. However, it was ruptured last Saturday when traders in the state shut down markets to protest the alleged transfer of Boko Haram suspects to Onitsha and Ekwulobia prisons. The multi-billion naira Onitsha main market, the popular Ochanja market, Eke Awka, Nkwo Nnewi among other major markets in the state were closed down by the leadership of the markets. Both traders and customers, especially those who came from afar were taken aback when they came Monday morning to discover that the markets were closed and the youths had poured into the streets and major roads to protest the alleged transfer of Boko Haram suspects to the South-East, especially to prisons in Anambra State. The protesters, mainly youths, took over major roads and streets in Onitsha and environs such

Men of the Boko Haram militia

as Onitsha Enugu road, Owerri road, Old road, Awka road, among others. Although other markets in the state were closed, there was no major protest in other cities like Onitsha. Expectedly, Onitsha due to its predominance in population of

markets and traders is no novice to such protest. There was confusion as people who came to the market after the weekend were stranded and confused as to the cause of the protest and closure of the markets, until some traders said that they

heard that President Muhammed Buhari had called Governor Willie Obiano the previous day that the Federal Government would move the Boko Haram suspects to Onitsha and Ekwulobia prisons. 7b[] …D] FS\UTjXW E| VbX President-General, Chief Okwudlil Ezenwankwo who said that the transfer of prisoners to the State will no doubt disturb the peace, serenity and tranquillity that has reigned in the State. He said that bringing Boko Haram suspects to Anambra State in particular and the South-East in general will no doubt attract their members who will want to want to secure their release through jail break. Ezenwankwo who said that the protest was a peaceful one, stated that the aim was to express their displeasure to the authority over the speculated relocation of the Boko Haram suspects to the State. The people were quick to point S}V VbDV ,ZES] bD†X ]}4XTXW D `SV in the hands of Boko Haram who had made them target of their Continued on Page 50

July 4, 2015

Keshi’s Cote d’Ivoire job:

Stop chasing shadows, Nwosu tells NFF Udoh‘ll soon bounce back – Anyansi >>Pg.18

Man Utd desperate for Ramos >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Udoh ’ll soon bounce back – Anyansi


hairman of two time African champions, Enyimba International FC of Aba, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu, says Glo Premier League highest goal scorer record holder, Mfon Udoh, will soon bounce back as his days to start training for his comeback to action are numbered. Anyansi, who is the Chairman of the Technical R’’U0WWXR^Xz_WX UqW`UZX RRz\Z]]X W}W`ZzURQX� ž‹X is not happy about the news making the round that Udoh is bedridden. He wondered why some people want to destroy the young promising player by peddling all manners of rumours concerning his health condition. He assured that the Akwa Ibom State born sharp shooter will soon return to action to YR’[]W’WQzXz_WXW>R`zVXR^X_UVX teammate in their quest for glory this season. Anyansi stated this while responding to the rumoured bedridden of the

New appointment excites Obuh

deadly striker in a chat with W{V{ZzY_X WZq…WX U’WVX during the week. ‘There is no iota of truth in the story making the rounds that Mfon Udoh is bedridden,’ Anyansi began. ‘I want to assure you that Udoh will soon commence training. His days for the commencement of training for his return to action are numbered. ‘The fact is that I do not know why some people are bent on destroying this young man. What has he done that people will be carrying such a wicked rumour about him? I don’t think it is fare. ‘It is true that he has not been well but like I said, he will soon commence training in his bid to return to action zRXYR’[]W’WQzXz_WXW>R`zVXR^X teammate. ‘I am of the opinion that instead of peddling such a wicked rumour that Mfon is bedridden, I think that it will \WX\W0W`XzRXWQYR…`ZqWX_U’X with our payers,’ Anyansi said.


Why we sacked Dobrev – Kujah on the management decision to run the club professionally as it is done in civilised clime. He denied the insinuation that the coach was sacked because of the team’s home lost to Wikki Tourist FC. Kujah, however, Z}’U0W}Xz_ZzXUzX{ZVX }U!Y…]zX^R`Xz_W’XzRX V{Z]]R{Xz_WX\U0W`X[U]]XR^X home defeat in the hands of Wikki but declared that such is the beauty of the round leather game. ‘Of course it is true that we have parted way with


t is no longer news that the management of Ifeanyi Uba FC on Monday sacked their Polish Coach, Mitko Dobrev, following their 0-1 lost to Wikki Tourist of Bauchi in their Week 14 game of the 2014/15 UqW`UZX `R^WVVURQZ]X Football League season. According to a top R!YUZ]XR^Xz_WXY]Â…\XZQ}X ^R`WÂ’RVzX UqW`UZX RRz\Z]]X W}W`ZzURQXÂ? žX ]Z™W`VšX ZqWQz‹X `U}Z™X {ZQ†{RX Kujah, the rationale behind the parting ways with Dobrev is based

our foreign coach, Mitko Dobrev on Monday,’ Kujah began. ‘I would want to correct one impression that some uninformed people have concerning the sacking of Coach Dobrev, which is that he was sack because of our home defeat by Wikki Tourists. ‘The sacking of the coach is not due to the _R’WX}W^WZzX{WXV…>W`W}X in the hands of Wikki on Sunday but due to the desire of our proprietor to ensure that the club becomes a global brand.

Dolphins, Sharks, Rivers Angels laud Nwike over payment of salaries of payment of our salaries,


he players and R!YUZ]VXR^Xz_`WWX Rivers State owed clubs, Shark FC, Dolphins FC and River Angels of Port Harcourt have commended Governor ™WVRÂ’X {U†WX^R`X{U[UQqX away their tears by paying their back log of arrears of salaries which the previous government of Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi blatantly refused to pay. _W™X[]Z™W`VXZQ}XR!YUZ]X described the action by z_WX RÂĄW`QR`X {U†WXZVX one which they will ever cherish as he has restored their humanity and dignity. ‘We want to thank his Excellency, Governor ™WVRÂ’X {U†WX^R`Xz_UVX wonderful thing he has done for us when all hopes seems to have been lost,’ the captain of Sharks, Odinga Odinga began. ‘With what he has done

within a short period he has been in the saddle as the chief executive of Rivers State has been very inspiring. ‘I must confess that he has wiped our tears and restored our humanity. What the previous government couldn’t do he has done within a short period of one month of being in charge of the

Z>ZU`VXR^Xz_WXVzZzWˆ ‘We are grateful for z_UVX RÂĄW`QR`X {U†WX_ZVX done for us and I must say that it will ever remain green in our hearts. We are going to cherish this act of kindness he has shown to us and I want to assure him that despite our precarious situation in the league occasioned by the low morale due to lack

{WXZ`WXqRUQqXzRX|q_zXzRX retain our premier league status,’ Odinga assured.

ormer national Under-20 team’s coach, John Obuh, is excited over his new appointment as the coach of Ifeanyi Ubah FC who disengaged the services of the Polish Coach; Mitko Dobrev after the team VÂ…>W`W}XZX_RÂ’WX}W^WZzXZzX the hands of visiting Wikki Tourist FC of Bauchi in WW†Xœ¡X|ŠzÂ…`WVˆX Obuh expressed his happiness with his new appointment in a chat with W{V{ZzY_X WZqÂ…WX UÂ’WVX on Wednesday. It is recalled that Obuh has been without work after parting ways with Enugu Rangers at the end of 2013/14 league season after an acrimonious relationship with the club. It is recalled that the QW{UX\ZVW}XY]Â…\XVU}WX parted ways with their Polish coach, on Monday Z^zW`Xz_WXzWZÂ’XVÂ…>W`W}XZX 0-1 defeat in the hands of visiting Wikki Tourist of ZÂ…Y_UXUQX WW†Xœ¡X|ŠzÂ…`WVˆ Obuh had earlier in the year explained to W{V{ZzY_X WZqÂ…WX UÂ’WVX that he wanted to take his time before deciding where he would pitch his tent as he does not want what happened to him at Rangers to rear its ugly head again. The Abia State born

football tactician is one of the few privileged indigenous coaches that \WQW|zW}X^`R’Xz_WX UqW`UZX RRz\Z]]X W}W`ZzURQX� žX training in the United Kingdom to improve on their knowledge of the game. It is hoped that he will bring his experience to bear in his new assignment with z_WX QW{UX\ZVW}XY]…\X\WUQqX of the best coaches in the land. It is noted that Coach Obuh won the African Youth Championship in South Africa in 2011 and his zWZ’XqRzXzRXz_WX“…Z`zW`|QZ]VX of the 2011 FIFA World Cup in Colombia.

Midweek results El-Kanemi

1 - 0


Wikki Heartland Shooting Nasarawa Kwara Abia Wolves Sunshine Rangers

1-1 1-0 1-0 2-0 2-3 3-1 1-0 3-1 2-1

Giwa IfeanyiUbah Sharks Taraba Enyimba Bayelsa Lobi Akwa Pillars

NPFL TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team Sunshine Enyimba Wikki Giwa Heartland IfeanyiUbah Rangers El-Kanemi Pillars Abia Nasarawa Wolves Shooting Lobi Kwara Akwa Bayelsa Dolphins Taraba Sharks

P 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 12 14 15 14 15 15 15 15 15

W 9 8 8 6 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 4 3 4 4 3 2 2 1

D 2 5 4 7 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 5 7 3 3 5 7 6 8

L 4 2 3 2 6 6 6 5 7 7 6 4 5 5 7 8 7 6 7 6

Pts 29 29 28 25 25 23 23 23 22 22 21 20 17 16 15 15 14 13 12 11

GF 24 18 20 19 21 18 17 14 18 17 15 16 11 11 13 9 10 13 14 11

GA 13 10 12 13 16 13 16 17 16 18 17 10 11 16 19 17 18 17 21 19

+/11 8 8 6 5 5 1 -3 2 -1 -2 6 0 -5 -6 -8 -8 -4 -7 -8


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sports/EURO League Busquets, Xavi holiday together in Sardinia


aving won a fabulous league, cup and European treble {Uz_X Z`YW]RQZ‹XÂ’U}|W]}X stalwarts Sergio Busquets and Xavi more than deserve a holiday. And the pair have both headed to the Italian seaside resort of Porto Cervo in northern Sardinia to spend some time with their partners. Xavi, who said an emotional goodbye to Barca at the end of last season, having enjoyed a q]U0W`UQqXœÀ¨Â™WZ`XYZ`WW`X at the Nou Camp, tended to his pregnant wife as he took in the rays on a sun lounger by the sea. After lifting the La

Liga, Copa del Rey and Champions League trophies for Luis Enrique’s men last season, Xavi’s trophy record grew to 25 as he became the most decorated player in Spanish football history, trumping Real Madrid legend Francisco Gento, who won 23. _WXĂ‚Ăƒ¨Â™WZ`¨R]}XUVXQR{X due to start a new chapter in his life at Al Sadd and is clearly enjoying some more time in Europe before ‡RUQUQqXz_WX ZzZ`XRÂ…z|zˆ He is in Italy with his pregnant fashion journalist wife Nuria Cunillera ZQ}XWŠ¨ Z`YZXzWZÂ’¨Â’ZzWX Busquets, who is there with his companion. Z`YZšVXÄ¨Â™WZ`¨R]}X

}W^WQVUÂĄW¨Â’UQ}W}XÂ’ZQX Busquets, who began []Z™UQqX^R`Xz_WX|`VzXzWZÂ’X in 2008, has brought his girlfriend Elena Galera Moron to Sardinia as he spends some more time with Xavi before z_WX[ZU`X_WZ}XUQX}U>W`WQzX directions. The talented pair have {RQX|ÂĄWX ZX UqZV‹Xz_`WWX Copa del Reys and three Champions Leagues while playing in the same team and have become close friends. Busquets and Xavi were also victorious together at the 2010 World Cup with [ZUQ‹X{Uz_Xz_WX]Z0W`XZ]VRX lifting the Euro 2008 trophy with his country two years earlier.

Ronaldo relaxes as son shows off his skills


e may have won the last two Ballon d’Or prizes as the world’s best footballer but Cristiano Ronaldo could soon have some competition on his hands in the form of his young son judging by the skills Cristiano Jnr been V_R{UQqXR>X{Uz_X_UVX}Z}ˆ The Real Madrid star is enjoying a brief break in the Bahamas after another long season for club and

country but unusually the world’s most recognisable player hasn’t been the one turning heads on the island’s beaches. QVzWZ}‹XUzšVX_UVX|ÂĄW¨Â™WZ`¨ old son’s skills on the sand Z0`ZYzUQqXz_WXZ0WQzURQ‹X Z]z_RÂ…q_Xz_WX^R`{Z`}X¨X who scored 61 goals in a trophyless season for _UVXY]Â…\X¨X_ZVQšzXqRQWX completely unnoticed. RQZ]}RX{ZVXV[R0W}X Y_Z0UQqXzRXz_`WWX\]RQ}WX

women on the sunbeds after relaxing on a lilo in the water while he looked proud of his only Y_U]}šVXZ0WÂ’[zVXzRXÂ’ZzY_X his tricks with stepovers ZQ}XÆUY†VXz_WXR`}W`XRQX the day along the shore. He also dined like a king at Bagatelle Miami last Friday night.The group enjoyed a dinner of Beef tartar, Hamachi, sliders, Chateaubriands, Stripped \ZVV‹XYR“…U]]W0WVXZQ}X pomme puree. It was certainly a far cry from the talk of recent weeks that claimed RQZ]}RX¨X{_RX_ZVX\WWQX avoiding speaking to z_WX[`WVVXR^X]ZzWX¨X{ZVX unhappy with life in the Spanish capital and the potential departure of zWZÂ’¨Â’ZzWX W`qURX ZÂ’RVˆ Spanish centre back Ramos is a target for Ronaldo’s former club Manchester United and the Portuguese star was said to have made a personal

Rudiger agent claims Chelsea interest


helsea are interested in zÂ…0qZ`zXYWQz`W¨ back, Antonio Rudiger, according to the German international’s agent. Chelsea boss Jose RÂ…`UQ_RXYRQ|`Â’W}X]ZVzX

month that he wants to add a defender to his squad this summer, and Rudiger is apparently among the players the Blues have been keeping an eye on. “I know there’s interest from Chelsea and

R]^V\Â…`q‹¯Xz_WX¨Â™WZ`¨ old’s agent, Sahr Senesie, told Kicker. “Antonio would love to stay in Germany.â€? Contrary to his agent’s comments, Rudiger Z}Â’U0W}X]ZVzX™WZ`Xz_ZzX it was a dream of his to play in the Premier League, following links to Manchester United. “Of course I am aware of the interest from Manchester United,â€? Rudiger said last August. Ç _W™XZ`WX}W|QUzW]™XRQWX of the top clubs in Europe and they are in a league I have been dreaming of. The Premier League is very physical, intense, breathtaking and with a lot of goals. “My focus, though, remains on playing for zÂ…0qZ`zˆX R`XQR{‹X X‡…VzX have to try and progress as a player.â€?

Man Utd desperate for Ramos


t this stage it would probably be wrong to read too much into the reports linking Sergio Ramos with a move to Manchester United. It’s fairly evident that there UVX\`UW|QqXZQ}XYRÂ…QzW`¨ \`UW|QqX^`RÂ’X\Rz_X clubs and from Ramos, {Uz_XÂ’Â…Y_XR^XUzX|]zW`W}X through his brother and agent Rene. What seems to be playing out is a complex series of negotiations involving Ramos’ new contract and the potential transfer of David De Gea from United to Madrid. But beyond all that, it’s readily understandable why Louis van Gaal might want to sign Ramos. As Sir Alex Ferguson said when United signed Nemanja Vidic, reported by the Telegraph in 2006, “good defenders win you things.â€? Since Vidic’s departure, and with Rio Ferdinand’s

decline and subsequent departure, United have lacked a real leader from the back where once they had two. When Ferdinand and Vidic were at their [WZ†XUQXŸŸ½¨ŸžXZQ}X United went a Premier League record 11 games without conceding a goal, they were fortunate in having two.

Their styles contrasted, but both could be relied upon. Vidic was tough and physical, willing to hurl himself into challenges and blocks—an R]}¨^ZV_URQW}X}W^WQ}W`X who inspired by example. Ferdinand was more reserved and classy, defending using his positioning and pace.

City miss Pogba but may land KDB


aul Pogba to Barca, Kevin De Bruyne to Manchester City, and z{RX’U}|W]}W`VXzRX Aston Villa are among Thursday’s newspaper transfer stories. Manchester City look

increasingly likely to miss out on Paul Pogba, also linked with Chelsea, after senior Barcelona representatives met with Juventus managing director Giuseppe Z`R0ZXZQ}XV[R`zUQqX director Fabio Paratici on

Wednesday. Z`R0ZX]ZzW`XUQVUVzW}X Pogba would not be sold, but it is claimed Barcelona, who are under a transfer embargo until January, want to put a deal in place for Pogba to remain in Turin next season and then move to the Nou Camp in a year’s time. City could be facing \W0W`XQW{VX`WqZ`}UQqX another of their prime targets, Kevin De Bruyne, however, with the Daily Mail claiming there are indications that z_WXÂ’U}|W]}W`X{U]]XZV†X Wolfsburg to consider R>W`VX^R`X_UÂ’XZzX[]ZQQW}X contract talks next week. City are also set to make a third bid for Liverpool forward Raheem Sterling, the newspaper claims. Aston Villa will hold contract talks with Idrissa Gueye today, according to several newspapers, after _ZÂĄUQqXZXĂˆžÂ’U]]URQXR>W`X ^R`Xz_WX U]]WXÂ’U}|W]}W`X accepted.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sports/News Victor Enyinnaya


Keshi’s Cote d’Ivoire job:

Stop chasing shadows, Nwosu tells NFF

x- international, Christopher Nwosu, has urged Nigeria Football Federation,(NFF), to stop chasing shadows and concentrate on Super Zq]WVX“…Z]U|YZzURQX^R`X AFCON championship. He spoke against z_WX\ZY†q`RÂ…Q}XR^Xz_WX alleged Stephen Keshi’s interest in the Cote d’ Ivoire national team top job. ‘’When the rumour gained ground and the subsequent appearance R^Xz_WXYRZY_X\W^R`WX the NFF Disciplinary RÂ’Â’U0WW‹X XVZU}Xz_ZzX z_WXÂ’UVY_UW^XÂ’Z†W`VXZ`WX at it again. However, as the distraction lasted it {ZVX^R`Xz_WX\WVzXR^Xz_WXX UÂ’ZqWX^R`Xz_WX\Â…zX Xz_ZQ†X God, the coach has been vindicated. Nwosu insists that UzXUVX_Uq_XzUÂ’WX^RRz\Z]]X administrators imbibe Z0UzÂ…}WXR^X†WW[UQqX VWQVUzUÂĄWXUVVÂ…WVXR>X z_WX[Â…`ÂĄUW{XR^Xz_WX public until thorough homework on it is }RQWX\W^R`WXUzX\WYRÂ’WVX public knowledge. He adds that the way and manner the alleged Keshi/ Cote d’ Ivoire job VzÂ…>X{ZVX_ZQ}]W}X]W^zX much to desire. To say the very least, it caused ]RzVXR^XzWQVURQXZQ}X huge distraction to our ^`UYZX Â…[XR^X ZzURQVX “…Z]U^™UQqXÂ’ZzY_WVˆXX _WXQWW}XzRXYWZVWX|`WX

ZQ}X^RYÂ…VXRQXz_WXzZV†X ahead is now. It must be cushioned so that YRQ|}WQYWXZÂ’RQqVzXz_WX lads would be restored. ‘’I want to charge Keshi to ensure that z_WX|`VzXVzW[X_WX{RÂ…]}X take is to restore YRQ|}WQYWXUQXz_WXzWZ’ˆX zXUVX^R`WÂ’RVzXzZV†ˆX Again the game against Tanzania must be won despite this temporary setback. Eagles have to [`W[Z`WXzRX{W]]XzRX^ZYWX their next opponent. It is nice to note that with the latest revelation by z_WX ÂĄRU`UZQX^RRz\Z]]X authorities, all tension it earlier created would |QZ]]™X}UWXZXQZzÂ…`Z]X death. There should be Â’WZQUQq^Â…]XWQqZqWÂ’WQzX zR{Z`}VXz_WXÂ…[]U^zÂ’WQzX R^Xz_WXqZÂ’WXqWQW`Z]]™‹ššX he pleads.

WX^`R{QVXZzXz_WX unabated cat and mouse †UQ}XR^X`W]ZzURQV_U[Xz_ZzX still exists between NFF and the coaching crew ZQ}XYZ]]W}X^R`XZXY_ZQqWX R^XZ0Uz…}WˆX WXVz`WVVW}X that a situation suspicion \WYR’WVXz_WXR`}W`XR^Xz_WX day amongst these key stakeholders remains most worrisome and ought to be totally and sincerely discouraged.

WX^…`z_W`XZ}¥RYZzWVX ^R`XU’[`R¥W}XV™QW`q™X whereby both parties {U]]X‡W0UVRQXz_WX]RQqX _W]}XZYzXR^X\WUQqXZX\`UQqX down syndrome to each , and think particularly Z\R…zXz_WXqZ’WX^R`X Nigeria’s sake, he said.

Voigt to lead Nigeria to Afrobasket contest


igeria Basketball Federation has selected William ˆX RUqzXZ_WZ}XR^X others to lead its campaign at the 2015 ^zR\ZV†WzX WQšVX Tournament in Tunisia. Coach Voigt was the Head Coach/ WQW`Z]X ZQZqW`X R^Xz_WX Z†W`V^UW]}X

ZÂ’XR^Xz_WX X Development League ^`RÂ’X Â…qÂ…VzXŸŸžX to July 2014 during which period he won more games than any other Coach in the D-League and helped his team to be regular Season Champions in 2012-2013. Coach Voigt was R^^W`W}XZXV_R`zX term contract until September to win z_WX ^`R\ZV†WzXZQ}X “…Z]U^™X UqW`UZX ^R`Xz_WXŸœĂ„X URX Olympic Games. ^X_WXVÂ…YYWW}V‹X_WX will be the Coach to lead the team to the Olympics. He is to be assisted by

ZXzWZÂ’XR^X VVUVzZQzX Coaches and Video analyst. Coaches Ayinla Johnson and Abdulrahaman R_ZÂ’Â’W}XZVX{W]]X as the team doctor and physiotherapist will keep their [RVUzURQVX^`RÂ’Xz_WX ŸœĂ‚XYRZY_UQqXVzZ^^ˆ The new Coach will not be new to the National team and Nigerian Basketball environment as he has previously YRZY_W}Xz{RXR^Xz_WX

team’s standouts, Alade Aminu and Ike Diogu in the NBA D-League and has also volunteered in Summer Basketball Camps R`qZQUVW}X\™X ZVZUX Ujiri in Zaria and Lagos between 2004 and 2008. The National team training camp is expected to open in Abuja on 15th July with both home ZQ}X^R`WUqQX\ZVW}X players.

Celtic, Udinese jostle for Idowu


W]zUYXR^X YRz]ZQ}X and Udinese R^X zZ]™XZ`WXUQX z_WX`ZYWX^R`X UqW`UZQX player, Akinjide Idowu. Idowu is yet to play ^R`XZX[`R^WVVURQZ]XY]…\‹X \…zX_ZVX^WZz…`W}X^R`X Nigeria at the Under-17 and Under-20 levels. He was the anchor man UQX’U}|W]}XZVX UqW`UZX won the 2013 FIFA U17 World Cup in the United Arab Emirates, and also played a key

role as Nigeria got to z_WXVWYRQ}X`RÂ…Q}XR^Xz_WX 2015 FIFA U20 World Cup. He is seen to possess the marking ability which the Nigerian national teams have lacked in recent years. Nigeria U20 coach, ZQÂ…X Z`\ZXRQYWXVZU}X Akinjide Idowu can ‘mark the devil out R^XZXqZÂ’WšÂˆX _Zz‹XR^X course, may have been ZX|qÂ…`ZzUÂĄWXWŠ[`WVVURQ‹X

but it is a testament R^X }R{Â…šVXÂ’Z`†UQqX ability. Though not the tallest at 1.71m, Idowu also boasts the ability to win possession easily UQXz_WXZU`ˆX WX_ZVXR^zWQX \WWQX`W^W``W}XzRXZVX the ‘human shield’ by teammates, and can Z]VRX[]Z™XUQXZXÂĄZ`UWz™XR^X positions. He has sometimes |]]W}XUQXZzX`Uq_z¨\ZY†X ZQ}XYWQz`Z]X}W^WQVW‹X which shows he is not a

‘one trade’ man.Idowu _ZVX^WZzÂ…`W}XUQXRÂĄW`X ĂƒÂźXqZÂ’WVX^R`X\Rz_Xz_WX Nigeria U17 and U20 teams respectively. He []Z™W}XZ]]XĂ„XÂ’ZzY_WVX ^R`Xz_WX UqW`UZX œÀXZVX z_W™X|QUV_W}XVWYRQ}X at the 2013 CAF U17 championship in R`RYYRˆX _RÂ…q_XQRzX ZX[`R]U|YXqRZ]VYR`W`‹X but Idowu had his ^ZU`XV_Z`WXR^XqRZ]V‹X }Â…`UQqXz_WX“…Z]U^™UQqX YZÂ’[ZUqQX^R`Xz_WX œÀX

championship, scoring two goals. Idowu has tested with Norwegian club, Sogndal, and almost signed with Czech club, Sparta Prague just \W^R`WXz_WXŸœĂƒX ^`UYZX Youth Championship. It remains unclear the club he will sign with eventually, but Italian club, Udinese and YR0UV_XY_ZÂ’[URQV‹X Celtic are monitoring the 18-year old.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 36

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

I married someone who has fear of God

Folashade Olabanji-Oba

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


ade Olabanji-Oba Honourable Prince Fo lashade Olabanji-Ob a is a real estate con and founder of Shellt sulltant er of Grace, a non-g overnmental organ this interaction with isation. In AJIBADE ALABI, she speaks on her organ marriages fail and o ization, why ther sundry issues. E xcerpts‌


ay we know you please? My growing up was fun. Anytime I think about it, I smile. Till today, I crave what I enjoyed as a baby. I was blessed with a wonderful father and a most loving and caring mother. Thing were not always rosy, but we got along alright because they understood father was a semi-literate, while my mother was illiterate. They were bent on giving us quality education. My mother used to express frustration that she didn’t go to school; that of all her siblings, she was always sickly. She is not someone to compromise however. Before you can get anything from her, it must be for school before she gives you any attention. She would call us pet names and praise us every morning. was a very shy girl, she would always encourage me to quit being shy, saying I am beautiful inside and outside. Though she wanted me to be bold, the way she raised us made me to be afraid of her. Till the day she died, I couldn’t look straight into my mother’s eyes despite the

love and respect I had for her. My father was a disciplinarian, who would spare no time to ensure I turn out alright. Sometimes, my mother would feel like my father was being too harsh on me, but he raised me like a little boy, because he wished I was a boy. He wouldn’t drop a standard despite the fact I am a girl. Before he died, my father, who claimed he felt like a fool when God gave me to him, confessed that there is a better plan for me. Till his death, he was so proud of me. Later I found out he loved me. He just did not want me to be over pampered and spoilt. My mother had me very late, and there was that tendency for her to spoil me, but she didn’t. What kind of girl were you when you were small? I was like every other girl, I loved dancing, listened to music, but I also loved my books. Because I was in boarding school from nursery, primary to secondary school, I always looked

forward to coming home for holidays to help my mother in her retail business. She was into textiles and once I came home, she would make sure I woke up by 4:00 am, dressed up and ready to accompany her to the market. Most times, I stayed there till evening before going back home; she wouldn’t leave me at home. She would always want me to have quality time with her at home. As a small girl, what was your aspiration? I wanted to be a lawyer. As a little girl, I liked to feel I was representing everybody’s interest. I liked to share and take care of people and though I was very fragile, I didn’t like trouble. I felt people listened when I talked. Then I left secondary school and got admission to study law. My mother felt I was too young, and should go for my ‘A’ level. Fortunately, I ended up studying business administration. My mother was really interested in me being

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

an entrepreneur and she always said I have sales skills. Everybody was comfortable with her; they could buy things from her and always trusted her judgment. She felt I had the same gift. Later, she ventured into real estate which I am also doing now.

What was your reaction? I was shocked and wondered who the person might be, and why he could not confront me personally. So, they called his name, that is , my shy friend’s name, which surprised me because he was there as well. He sat there staring, and I said, but this is him How did you meet your husband? sitting down here; does it mean he cannot talk My husband played a fast one on me; he was for himself? I looked him straight in his eyes my brother’s friend. Anytime, he visited my and asked him, “Why can’t you talk for yourbrother, he would tell me, ‘Please, help me get self?� He replied that they were asking me and a good wife like you�. Whenever I asked him that I should answer the question and not stare what he wanted in a woman, he would tell me he needs a good wife material like me. He now at him. However, I still looked at him and asked him, “Is it true you sent them to talk to said, what about me marrying him? I replied me�? His response was that he does not know, that he was too hard and that I can’t marry and that I should answer the question they somebody like him. asked me. I told him I like soft-spoken, gentle guys. I told them I won’t answer the question until he However, he always made me laugh. One day, uses his mouth to tell me himself. It was then he he looked at me and said he wanted to tell me opened up, saying he loves me. He demanded something. He wouldn’t look me in the eye, my immediate response however. however. The next week, four of his friends I laughed and looked straight into his eyes and called me for an invitation to a dinner. I didn’t told him he is a big-for-nothing guy, that after have any choice than to go with them. He was there smiling at me. One of his friends said they all his boastfulness, he could not even talk to a lady. And we all laughed. had a message for me from one of their closest Later, when getting into the car with his friends, friends who loves me so much. They said he secretly adored me and always sang my praises. he came out ask again if I would marry him to They said he could not even sleep and wanted

to marry me.


Fol C ash My O VaEde OLove >P R la ...

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Continued on page 28




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THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



My husband always made me laugh

tunde ESO Correspondent

qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, July 4, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

My mother was really interested in me being an entrepreneur and she always said I have sales skills

! # $ over, we must curb greed, because there is so much competition all

young girls want it all in one day; they don’t have time to go through the process. Once you pick a partner believe in one another, above do. "( $ ' 3 " $ 4 % ' # % ! % I think it was tough for him to ask is about balancing. I do what I do tration, I studied Real Estate and 0 ( $ 0$ * $$ ' me because he used to say Omo because I love to do it. However, Mortgage Banking, which is what I 1 ' $ ! Mushin does not know how to we must never forget why we do I think it has to do with luck and love. Besides, he was raised by it and the primary purpose is that consultant and developer, politics marrying the right spouse. That is a single mother. I told him I was we are here to love one another as came out of my desire to serve something everybody should pray afraid though, because he is never

for, especially for your children God. It started like a ministry and serious about anything, that he capacity we are endowed, let us I made up my mind that I want to from when they are little. It is a jokes a lot. make sure we are a blessing and give my life to God and live the make or break issue for most peolive a life of blessing. Sometimes, Christ-like life as much as I can. ple in life. One of the best things you feel you are running alone and you can do for yourself when you ! most times don’t even have time many things were not right in my meet anybody apart from all the I think because he always makes

life, and so, when anybody asked pretty faces, is to intimately know me laugh. I used to call him a way of taking care of everything. me, I would tell them all I want is the God you serve. comedian, while he would call me inner peace. For me peace is priceYou must marry somebody with Iya Jesu, lets pray. Obviously, I like ) * + $ ( /$ % the fear of God; challenges are less, but the peace I so much crave to serve God. I think he used that to 0 ! comes from knowing and loving guaranteed in life, but the attitude sweep me off my feet. It is an empowerment and training you have towards them determines my God and giving Him everycentre, a voice for the voiceless, thing, no matter the challenges I the altitude you get. " # $ # # % & especially women. It is however am going through. I know He is So, it is very important that you ' $ ( ! not restricted to women because bigger than my problems. agree on how you plan your life. we have a lot of men that we have I realise I can reach out to children ! "

more than 24 hours a day. He will trained in different vocations like, and thereafter started reaching out somebody in Kano; they will not just say that to God be the glory. to the community. Funny enough, move in the same direction. You There are some days I could spend ics, shoes making and so many must make sure you have a true life I ventured into politics because of more time with my family, and other things. partner with complementary vision voluntary service, I just wanted to there are days I think I should be of help and I am glad somebody and mission. spend more time out there, but it $ # $ $ # - 2 0 % $$ ' 0 gave me that opportunity.

I married someone who has fear of God


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Five minutes with...

I want to collaborate with 2face Idibia, Yemi Alade –Jennifer porary to a contem chosen g in rm fo s ugh her fore tran resenter be s become famous thro p V T a s a bi ha She w " nifer Fab-O singer. Jen " ) %*%'$ ( ! $ %&$'%

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Can we know you please? My name is Jennifer Fab-Obi, a TV host, On-AirPersonality, voiceover artiste, newscaster, writer and singer. I’m an only girl with four amazing brothers from Imo state. I began my sojourn into broadcasting almost the same year I started out singing professionally and debuting my first project, “Yepirapira�. I took a break to harness my skills as a broadcaster. In 2014 after working on different “songs, I released the video on “Follow you go’’ which starred cameo appearances of some friends which included veteran musicians like Sunny Nneji, Dede Mabiaku, Felix Duke, rapper K9, BBA host IK Osakioduwa, comedians Buchi, Owen G, and Funny Bone. The video was directed by my brother Jude FabObi. What was the motivation behind going into music? I was inspired by the need to communicate with a larger crowd so I could express my thoughts in a most sublime manner. You recently dropped a hit song featuring Oritse Femi; what really inspired that? Oritse Femi is super talented and skilled when it comes to delivery. I knew only him would be the perfect ingredient to give the song a good feel. So after I recorded my part and had a discussion with Fliptyce, the producer, he said it was cool. And then Femi did his verse which came out pretty awesome. When did you take music as a professional career? I kicked off my musical career professionally in 2007. Can you describe the kind of music you do? I will say my kind of music style is R and B pop, although I don’t like to limit myself, you know. I won’t say I have a particular style; I like to play around different sounds.

What are your sources of inspiration? Two words, my environment. We will want to have information about the singles you have dropped so far? I have officially released four singles. The first one was ‘Yepirapira’, produced by Shogon; the second is ‘Move anyhow’ produced by Kaka, the late lady of songs Mrs Christy Essien Igbokwe’s son; the third is ‘Take it away’, produced by Geamat and ‘Follow you go’ is the last of them which was produced by Ex –O who also produced Knighthouse’s ‘Wonberi’. Which artistes would say influenced you musically? Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Adele, Jhene Aiko and Frank Ocean. The music industry is highly competitive, what effort will you put in to break through? Well, the truth is I intend being myself. My competitor is myself and with no one; everyone is super talented in their own right, but the best I can be is being me. So I am going to be as witty, creative as I can be with what I churn out. What are those steps you will utilize to achieve your goals? There are lots of them and they will unravel themselves by working hard to the top. Are there challenges you are facing at the moment? I don’t have any because I always like to get rid of them. We’ll like to know if music in your linage and are your parents supportive? My late dad used to sing, but not professionally; my late mum didn’t like the idea of me taking music as a profession. My dad died few years before I kicked off my career as a singer, so I really wouldn’t have known his reaction to me veering into music.

In next five years, where would you want music to take you to? Wow, I see a lot of things happening and I know it is going to be huge. I just can’t wait. Who are the artistes you would like to work with and why? I would love to work with 2face, Patoranking, Olamide, Phyno, Oritsefemi and Yemi Alade. They are all astoundingly talented and have got the energy for the game. Internationally, I would love to work with Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Adele and Frank Ocean. Aside music, what other things do you do? Aside music and working as a reporter/presenter at Hip TV, I am also the host for Video Fashion on AIT, TVC, WAP TV to mention a few. I am a voiceover artiste, a writer, an Mc, a newscaster and an OAP.

30 Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Things every woman should know about dating men over 50


Tunde Eso 08057482794

elieve it or not it can be a bit trickier when you’re dating someone over 50. It all depends on what you’re looking for of course but ladies, be prepared to meet some of these guys.

The Complainant – This guy likes to whinge. If you’ve been

the one to arrange where to meet he will most likely complain Z\RÂ…zXz_WX]RYZzURQ‹Xz_WX[Z`†UQq‹Xz_WX{WZz_W`‹Xz_WXz`Z!YX_WXWQYRÂ…QzW`W}XRQXz_WX{Z™XZQ}XÂ’RVzX}W|QUzW]™XZ\RÂ…zXz_WX[`UYWXR^XZX YR>WWXUQX RVzZˆX WW[XYZ]Â’XZQ}X‡…VzXz`™XzRX†WW[Xz_WX}ZzWXV_R`zˆX That pile of ironing is starting to look appealing now. The Style Icon Ă‹X _U]WX™RÂ…XV_RÂ…]}XZ]{Z™VXÂ’Z†WXZQXW>R`zX when going on a date, you will meet a guy at some point who didn’t get the email about the dress code. He won’t bat an W™W]U}XZ\RÂ…zXzÂ…`QUQqXÂ…[XUQXZXÆWWYWXZQ}XR]}X‡WZQVˆX R[W^Â…]]™X he will impress you so much with his sparkling wit and banter that you’ll be prepared to overlook it. I’m not placing any bets on that one. Doting Daddy – Hopefully the guys you want to date have families as then they’ll understand if you have to cancel at any time due to a family emergency. What you don’t sign up for is someone leaving you in the middle of dinner, because he has to take one of his daughters shopping as she’s run out of teabags. Players – Think that they’re too old to be players? Think again. Some men like to still think that they’ve got all the moves ZQ}XU^X™RÂ…š`WXY_Z0UQqX{Uz_XVRÂ’WRQWX{_RX}RWVQšzXZYzÂ…Z]]™XÂ…VWX your name in the conversation, but there’s a lot of “Hunâ€? and “Sweetâ€? he’s probably got a few ladies lined up. Fat balding Â’WQX‡…VzX}RQšzXVWWÂ’XzRX†QR{X{_WQXzRXqUÂĄWXÂ…[ˆ Boring Brian – Without doubt you will meet this guy, in fact it’s probably safe to say that a few of your dates will turn out to be ones where you don’t actually have to speak at all, ZVX™RÂ…X{RQšzXqWzXZX{R`}XUQˆX RÂ…š]]X_WZ`XZ]]XZ\RÂ…zXz_WX}U>W`WQzX bus routes, where the rest of his department where he works are going on holiday, what his ex is up to, and you probably won’t get asked one single question. Safe to say your ears will be bleeding. Anyone Will Do – This guy is looking for a companion, VRÂ’WRQWXzRXÇ}RXVzÂ…>ÂŻX{Uz_ˆX WX{ZQzVXVRÂ’WRQWXzRXqRXRQX_R]Uday with, visit garden centres, markets, car boots, and some-

RQWXzRXqRXzRXz_WXYR`QW`XV_R[X{Uz_X_U’ˆX zX}RWVQšzXÂ’Z0W`X{_RX™RÂ…XZ`W‹X anyone at all will do. Some women might want the same but hopefully you want someone who’s already got a bit of a life going on. Can’t Be Bothered – He’s not prepared to travel far to meet you ,in fact he’d prefer it if you came to see him in his local pub as it’s on the street where he lives, that way he doesn’t have to go past the second ]ZÂ’[X[RVzˆX WzXRQX_UVX[`R|]WX_WXVZ™VXÇ RÂ…]}X`W]RYZzWXU^X XÂ’WzXz_WX`Uq_zX woman.â€? Set In Their Ways – As far as the bedroom goes it’s probably safe to say they’ll fall into one of two camps. Either wanting to try things that they’ve never done before or, the opposite. So don’t expect too much. Maybe leaving the light on is as exciting as it’s going to get.

Newswatch Times, Saturday July 4, 2015


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Kate Henshaw moves out of Lekki home after fire incident






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...I cry over unattractive things!

Tiwa Savage shares pregnancy experience

JC who has been a rapper, singer and producer recently thrilled his fans and guests at Industry Night where he

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JJC thrill fans, wants collabo with Olamide


here has been serious debate about sexual harassment in the movies industry. Some actors are of the opinion that the practice should be abolished; some directors and producers and even actors are championing its course while some are even denying its existence. However, fast rising Nollywood actress, Banke Adewunmi says that sexual harassment is exists in Nollywood and needs to be nipped in the bud. While speaking to a team of journalists in Lagos, she says: “There’s sexual harassment in the industry. It’s not easy making it without being sexually harassed. Some people think it is like trade by barter. It is real. There should be a level playing ground for all without attaching any dirty conditions. People should be allowed to showcase their God-given talents without any hindrance,� she said.Hmmm! somebody is reading this?


Banke insists, sexual harassment is real in Nollywood

ot minding the controversy that is trailing her husband or her acting career, Nollywood actress Laide Bakare is currently living large in the US not minding whose ox is gored . Laide, we can report here has just acquired a brand new G-wagon Benz and 2015 Honda Pilot which drew a lot of holes into her bank account. Apart from that, she is also on a shopping spree as she plans to return to Nigeria soon. She was photographed at the Louis Vuitton store where she was served a glass of champagne for being a good customer. She was also pictured in a new G-Wagon she just bought and hopes to ship to Nigeria. But what is however not clear is whether she will come home to Nigeria with her wanted husband or she will be here all alone to resurrect her dying profession -acting, which has nose-diving of late.

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King Sunny Ade cancels US tour

Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Laide Bakare acquires G-Wagon Benz, goes shopping spree

Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


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Ruth Kadiri advises on marriage

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PMAN reconciliatory meeting ends in deadlock


Ajibade Alabi 08023934887



Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

More Tripping...

Qismat Yinus 51

Yeni Kuti’s daughter, Rolari weds traditionally


he only child and daughter of Yeni Kuti, Rolari Segun married her Australian lover, Benedict Jacka at the Afrikan Shrine in Ikeja, last Saturday. Yeni, mother of the bride was said to have wept while praying for her daughter, while friends around her consoled her. Benedict’s relations were also in Nigeria to attend the wedding.

Unveiling of ‘The Legendary Show’

L u n ge r o y ’s o b o Y h p e Jos b r o t h e r we d s

ther, ootballer Joseph Yobo’s younger bro Gideon married Blessing Akpan, the Hope younger sister of Super Eagles player, h. an in Liverpool, England on June 27t

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egends cut across all sectors of the society such as in music, literature, performing arts, sports, politics, arts and many others. They have been grouped into five categories: Perennial Legends, AllTime Legends, Today’s Legends, Next Generation Legends and Kids’ Legends which serve to reiterate the reason for the show: Celebrating Legends, Making Legends, and Inspiring Legends. Those honoured in the first season were Legendar y Rasheed Yekini, Legendar y Jimi Solanke, Legendar y Ras Kimono, Legendar y Patrick Doyle, Legendar y DJ Jimmy Jatt, Legendar y 2face Idibia (now known as 2Baba),and many others across all five categories. Filming for Season One of The Legendar y Show commenced on 19th June, 2015 and ended on 22nd June 2015. With insightful interviews, incredible performances, stamping of each legend’s footprint on the sands of time and the actual presentation of the footprint-turned-award, every segment of the show was remarkable and entertaining. The Legendar y Show is surely going to be the biggest television show on in Africa and one of the best in the global entertainment industry. The Legendar y Show is one of many TV contents from Glass House Entertainment, a fast growing media and entertainment company in Nigeria.

Newswatch TImes, Saturday, July 4, 2015



The Polka Dots Trend Qismat Yinus Polka dots are a persistent trend as the seasons come and go, and with a few simple rules, they can totally change your look, transforming a dull outfit into a chic, slightly retro and romantic look, even uber-feminine and sophisticated. They are certainly one of the most eye-catching and striking prints, whether we are talking about a clothing item or an accessory. Therefore, it is very important to know when, and especially how to wear them. However, they still remain a classic element in the fashion history.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


-Biodun Okeowo


Uncle Murphy, my senior colleagues in the industry has told me not to speak on the issue, but for the fact that I respect you a lot and moreover I need to clarify some things, hence the reason I want to speak on this issue,â€? she VS`W Vb[] TX~STVXT D] ]bX S4XTXW b[j D ][V [\ bXT FSjQSTVDE`X S#FX “Wuraola used to be a friend; we met at the `SFDV[S\ SQ D U`j V[V`XW ÂŽ/ST[ (TXÂŻ ]SjXÂ…bXTX [\ 6}T} `XTX /DZS] [\ 1STjD``| , WS\YV keep friends, but I relate with my friends and FS``XDZ}X] †XT| Â…X`` 1SESW| [\VTSW}FXW bXT to me; she told me she has been itching to jXXV jX $\W D] D jDVVXT SQ QDFV ]bX †[][VXW jX UT]V [\ j| bS}]X Â…bX\ , Â…D] ]V[`` TX][W[\Z [\ $ÂŁ}VX $QVXT Â…X jXV DV VbX ]D[W `SFDV[S\ I then invited her for my next movie which was “Omo Buttyâ€? where I gave her a minor TS`X 7bXTXDQVXT , ]VDTVXW VDÂŁ[\Z bXT S}V VS solicit roles for her from other producers and W[TXFVST] `[ÂŁX %D|S 7[ÂŒD\[ D\W $QXXÂĽ (\[S`D Â…bS FD\ EX EXDT jX Â…[V\X]]

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

CelebrityChat and also gave it to his other colleagues to use. Iyabo Ojo angle ,|DES 2 S FDjX [\ bX\ VbX UZbV D] ZXVV[\Z messier on blog. She told me I am a scandal-free actress and should maintain my status as one. She now put us on video conferencing to settle the matter. After settlement, it was a shock to me to hear that I ran to Iyabo Ojo to help me talk to Wuraola. People should ask Iyabo Ojo if I told her to help plead with Wuraola on my behalf; that I did so because she (Wuraola) was about to speak to press on the issue. Me? Why should I do that? Iyabo Ojo is just a peace maker, nothing more. Integrity It was even more shocking to me when I read her talking about integrity. She said she is protecting her integrity. Which integrity does she have? I have produced more than eight movies in the industry; I have travelled to a lot of countries and I have a business I am doing apart from being a face in the industry; a regular one for that matter. So between her and me, who has integrity to protect? I think I will leave that to people to judge. But all I know is that we are not in the same class, we are far apart. This is someone I always took along to locations to canvass for roles for her. All I know is that she is just envy of me. And talking about integrity, if I don’t have integrity I would not have received an award as the Best Personality of the Year in 2010 from Global Excellence magazine; and that is not the only award. I have received awards both in Nigeria and overseas. Finally I will not speak on the issue again after this interview

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



ervice is the watch word for quality leadership. From God’s perspective, service is not an option, it’s a mandate. Rendering service is what living is all about. We were meant to be symbiotic in nature: Service to God and humanity. Service can be seen in the following spheres; performing duties, leadership, followership, contributing, charity, meeting a need, paying attention to others, taking responsibility and showing compassion. Service involves being able to give without expecting returns or reward; giving without taking credit. It requires living beyond your own life or needs to better others’ lives. I remember those days when a child is given money to buy an item; the item is bought promptly and given to the older person without expecting any reward or gift. These days, the child in fact makes bargain of what reward he/she expects after the errand. Children need to be shown and taught the act of service. As they receive love, care, affection, attention, discipline, financial support, education, facilities, infrastructure and many more, they need to know about sharing and giving back to their society somehow. They need take care of the materials, tools, gadgets, facilities , infrastructures they are given for use for education, comfort and utility as the case may be. They should be given responsibilities and ageappropriate chores to do. Sometimes, depending on their ages, you can reward or show them appreciation. Teach them to appreciate what they are getting from their environment no matter how small. They should be taught to give smiles, obedience, care and understanding even when they are scolded, since it is for their good as well as give


Service: Much needed virtue hard work, honesty and cooperation. Their gifts and talents are sourced out for maximum utility in the society. They should be taught patriotism to keep their service in scope and view for productivity and progress. Since they are the leaders of tomorrow, children should be taught leadership skills with expectations of their needs being met. Service to God entails obedience to His requirements and commandments, just as service to humanity also entails obedience to parents, elders and societal/school rules. It is in obeying God that a lot of children find their footing and build up a solid foundation for other life values. Contribution can be seen from different angles of the physical and abstract. A child should see his/herself as a contributing factor to the yielding of our world. They should contribute their intellect for further development of the society by paying attention in class , contributing to the well being, joy, unity and oneness in the home by performing their duties and chores. Having a help should not debar the allocation of duties in the home to a child, like overseeing the younger one with supervision and clearing the table and floor after food. Followership training is essential for child submission to authorities and being cooperative. Charity should be given priority during curriculum building in schools. Roles of visiting “homes” should be essentially encouraged on gratitude bases. Going with material goods isn’t too much to teach for children to learn giving as a culture. Children should learn understanding emotional gestures by paying attention to other people’s emotional needs thereby becoming compassionate. A child being used to watching the mum’s countenance and feelings would have learnt how to know when someone else is in need . It is service to parents for a child to always look out for how to make their parents happy and comfortable. Charity begins at home, they say, giving and sharing should be practised within the family. This includes sharing views, intentions, emotions and other. As a child grows into a youth with a service oriented heart, he is able to lead with a mindset of service. Not measuring how much he’s given to how much he’s receiving as returns, maximising every opportunity for tangible and intangible service. A young man once told his story of how he got his first and only job before he became an entrepreneur. He said after some months of search for employment after his youth service,

he walked into a computer company and requested to see their boss. He told him he would like to render free services at the company. He was taken in with no salary plan which he sure did diligently. He resumed early and closed later than all the staff. By the time the month was ending, he was known to be the most handyman around. He was then paid salary with the other staff members because of his diligence till he resigned to start his own business. Leadership is about readiness to serve by leading others to achievements and progress. Leaving out the Boko Haram insurgency, the youth corps members should be ready to serve in any state, and work in any organisation available. You should be known for what you stand for and what purpose you will choose to pursue to fulfilling destiny. Being ready to use your talent and gift to better your society, utilising your mental faculty, your physical attributes, like a very tall youth playing basketball, a masculine featured girl playing female football, an exceptionally intelligent person involved in the game of chess and so on. Rendering service with your discovered talent and gift is meant to pave way for your greatness. An adult that got his/her role right in the home and society from young would certainly be a dedicated civil servant, a diligent employee and a thorough employer of labour. Such persons would be committed to paying tax and fulfilling other laws of the land, giving their quota at the required time. As parties in a home, they are responsible parents, performing their roles adequately, laying good examples for their children as role models. They are committed to making their homes by keeping their partners happy. They are not particularly interested in who is giving more in all to make the home a home indeed. Let’s have in view a retrenched man. He is by circumstance made to stay back at home rendering necessary services to enhance the home as a relief for his wife. He cooks, washes, and does homework for their children among other things. He sees as an opportunity to warm up/blend with his children, building a more interesting home, till he’s engaged in another employment or becomes an entrepreneur or any other business to make ends meet. Service is therefore, a sacrifice we all must learn to make, we are at the time when everyone is led to decide whether we would act upon life issues and demands by readiness for service or simply be on the watch. Life is a game; you either watch or participate.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE


L-R; Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Joseph Dawha; Managing Director, Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited, Mr. Babs Omotowa; General Manager, External Relations (NLNG), Kudo Eresia-Eke and President Muhammadu Buhari; during the President’s meeting with Board of Directors of Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas Limited, in Abuja.

L-R: Director, Nigeria Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Limited, Ambassador Bagudu; Deputy Managing Director, NLNG, Mallam Isa Inuwa; Managing Director, Nigeria NLNG, Mr. Babs Omotowa and Group Managing Director, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Joseph Dawha; during the meeting. Photo: Anayo Opara



Jigawa State Governor, Badaru Abubakar; Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomhole and Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Godwin Emefiele, at the inauguration of members of the National Economic Council, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (right) in a warm handshake with his Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal (second left) and Nasarrawa State, Umaru Tanko Al-Makura, during the inauguration of the National Economic Council, at the Aso Villa, Abuja…yesterday.


The immediate past Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN (right); Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwan Akiolu (2nd left); former Chief of Staff to Governor Fashola, Mr. Lanre Babalola (2nd right) and Alhaji Alabi Macfoy (left), during the Thanksgiving Prayer Service organized by the Fashola Family in honour of Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN, for his 52nd birthday and successful completion of two terms (2007-2015) in office as the Governor of Lagos State at Ladipo Labinjo Street, Surulere, Lagos.

The immediate past Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola SAN (left) with his wife, Dame Emmanuella Abimbola Fashola (right) during the event.

L-R: Vice Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce, Nigeria (ICC), Mr. Dharnesh Gordhon; Guest Speaker/Economist, Mr. Bismarck Rewane; Chairman, ICC Nigeria, Mr. Babatunde Savage.

L-R: Legal practitioner and consultants Professor Ayo Olawoyin; Chartered Arbitrator/ Mediator, Sofunde Osakwe Ogundipe& Belgore, Mr. Muhammad Dele Belgore and representative of Sterling Bank Plc/Sponsor, Mr. Yemi Odubiyi. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


L-R: Chairman of the occasion, Prof. Dele Olowokudejo; Vice Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Raha,on Bello; Guest Lecturer, Prof. Akin Oyebode and Dr. (Mrs.) Funmi Sofoluwe.



L-R: Brigadier General Emeritus/4th BG of The African Lads Brigade & The African Lasses (ALLB), Brigade Jonathan Akinsanya; BG Emeritus/5th BG Babatunde Awobiyide; former Vice President of Nigeria/ National Patron of ALLB. General Oladipupo Diya (rtd.) and National Patroness of ALLB, Rev. Dr. Princess Akintoye Braimoh

L-R: Chairman, University of Lagos Alumni Association, Lagos State Branch, Dr. Ayodele Ogunleye (third left); Dr. (Mrs.) Funmi Sofoluwe (second right) and other participants at the eve nt. Photo: Segun Padonu


L-R. Salem African Church Cathedral Peoples Warden, Bro. Bode Sobola; Rev. A Agesin; Brigadier General of The African Lads Brigade & The African Lasses Brigade (ALLB), Engr. Olusanya Folarin; the primate of First African Church Mission, the most Rev. Solomon Gbolahan Abimbola; ALLB Chief Commandant, Abiye Ojo; Salem African Church Cathedral Provost Ven. Akin Bamiselu and the Provost Warden, Bro. Omolaja Faleye Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


The Ogun State Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs.) Yetunde Onanuga [1st Left]; Ogun SSG, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa [in the middle] The Vice Chancellor Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye. Professor Saburi Adesanya [1st Right], during a condolence visit paid to the institution on the death of eleven OOU students by the Ogun State Government.

L-R: Ojomo Oluda of Ijebu Owo, Oba Kofoworola Arulewo III; Olowo of Owo, Oba David Olateru-Olagbegi; his Spouse, Olori Lolade Olateru-Olagbegi; Wife of the Oluyere of IyereOwo, Olori Alaba Adako and the Oluyere of Iyere-Owo, Oba Alaba Ebiyanmi Adako during the traditional wedding.

Ogun State Deputy Governor Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga with Miss Akinbo Laughter Ibukun the only survivor of the ghastly Motor accident that claimed the lives of eight undergraduate OOU students and four POST UTME candidates of the institution on her visit at Babcock University teaching Hospital, Ilishan Lemo Ogun State also in her company the Ogun State SSG [1st Left] Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa and Professor Saburi Adesanya OOU VC [2nd left]

Prince Olaleke Olateru-Olagbegi and his bride, Princess Olubunmi Olateru-Olagbegi during their traditional wedding at the Aruwajoye Hall, Ijebu-Owo, Ondo State.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

How to cook (Adalu) - Nigerian beans and corn porridge

Amazing Health Benefits of Cucumber

Qismat Yinus 08027022738


ucumber is an edible vegetable that comes from the cucumber plant cucumis sativus, which is part of the gourd family. They are one of the oldest cultivated vegetables and believed to have originated from India. It is a member of the same family as watermelon, pumpkins, gourds, squash and zucchini. Like watermelon, cucumbers are made up of mostly (95 percent) water, which means eating them on a hot sunny day can help you stay hydrated. Cucumbers are composed of mostly water and low in calories. Nutritionally, it has very relatively high antioxidants such as vitamins A, B, C and K. It also contains valuable excellent sources of minerals like: silica, ]SW[}j ~SVD]][}j FD`F[}j Fb`ST[\X ÂŚ}Srine, sulphur and magnesium. 7bX b[Zb UEXT ]S`}E`X UEXT [\ F}F}jbers dissolves into a gel-like texture in your gut, helping to slow down your digestion. This helps you to feel full longer and is one TXD]S\ Â…b| UEXT T[Fb QSSW] jD| bX`~ Â…[Vb weight control. The water content of the cucumber helps aid digestion, keeps the body hydrated and regulates body temperature. Cucumbers also contain unique polyphenols and other compounds that may help reduce one’s risk of chronic diseases such as cancers, etc. Silica in cucumber improves the health of the skin and makes it naturally hydrating resulting to a good complexion and a glowing skin. Silica also helps strengthen connective tissue such as bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels. It is believed that cucumber when sliced into circles and placed on the eyes are the most wonderful and natural eye pads for those who have dark circles around their eyes. These natural eye pads do wonders when placed on the eyes in a relaxed fashion after a long days work. When cucumber is grated and applied over the face, eyes and neck, and left for 15 to 20 minutes has been QS}\W X4XFV[†X D] D EXD}V| D[W D\W D EX]V tonic for the skin, good for treating acne, pimples and other skin blemishes. Cucumber juice promotes hair growth, nails, teeth, gums and helps repair cells due to its high silicon and sulphur content particularly when mixed with carrot, lettuce and spinach juice. &}F}jEXT] FS\VD[\ D\ D\V[ [\ÂŚDjjDVST| ÂŚD†S\S` FD``XW U]XV[\ VbDV ~`D| D\ [j~STVD\V role in brain health, improving memory and protecting nerve cells from age-related decline. Fisetin has been found to prevent progressive memory and learning impairments in mice with Alzheimer’s disease. Fresh cucumber juice can provide relief from heartburn, stomach disorders such as constipation, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is good for dissolving kidney stones, treatment of urinary bladder disease and reduces hyperacidity in the urine. It is also said to be used in controlling high blood pressure because of the potassium, magnesium and UEXT FS\VX\V] [\ [V Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins, including vitamin B1, vitamin B5, and vitamin B7 (biotin). B vitamins are known VS bX`~ XD]X QXX`[\Z] SQ D\­[XV| D\W E}4XT ]SjX SQ VbX WDjDZ[\Z X4XFV] SQ ]VTX]] They contain polyphenols called lignans which may help to lower your risk of breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers. Cucumbers contain phytonutrients called cucurbitacins, which have anti-cancer properties. According to the George Mateljan Foundation: “Scientists have already deterj[\XW VbDV ]X†XTD` W[4XTX\V ][Z\D`[\Z ~DVbways required for cancer cell development and survival can be blocked by activity of cucurbitacins.â€? Cucumber juice is great for rheumatism, arthritis, gout conditions caused by excessive uric acid in the body.


dalu (Nigerian beans and corn porridge) is a delicious traditional Nigerian food, also known as ‘’Ewa ati Agbado’’(Yoruba) and ‘’agwa na oka’’(Igbo). It is a great way to combine beans and corn together. This way, you get the best of both in a single meal. If you are not a fan of beans, this recipe will make you an instant beans lover. Ingredients for adalu/beans and corn porridge: 300g red beans /black eyed beans/brown beans 250g sweet corn(either canned or raw from the cob) 1 medium onion bulb, chopped 2 tablespoonful ground crayfish 2 cooking spoonful red palm oil/ red stew oil

1 stock cube Pepper to taste Salt to taste Adalu/beans and corn porridge preparation: Before cooking : **To cut down cooking time, soak the beans overnight or for 3 hours.Rinse of and set aside. **If you are using canned sweet corn, strain out the liquid, rinse and pour into a sieve and set aside. **If you are using raw corn from the cob, remove from cob, wash well and set aside To cook the adalu/beans and corn porridge *Pour the beans into a pot, add

enough water and leave to cook until soft or about 45 minutes. *After about 45 minutes, add the sweet corn, crayfish, pepper and stock cube, mix well and leave to cook for 10 minutes. (if you are using raw corn, add it to the pot at the same time as the beans ,because it takes a long time to cook) *After 10 minutes, stir well and add the palm oil and salt to taste. Leave to simmer for 1o minutes and your adalu/beans and corn Porridge is ready. Adalu/Bbeans and corn porridge can be eaten on its own or topped with stew.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015



Jega bows out amid knocks and kudos Continued from Page 15

al Commissioner (REC) Lagos State, Akin Orebiyi, assured that the agency would improve on its electoral process ahead of the 2019 polls, especially in the areas of production and distribution of the PVCs. He said, “We promised to do a number of things, but we couldn’t deliver all, for instance, only 60% of the PVCs were distributed in the whole of Ogun State. While 5.6 million eligible voters were able to redeem their PVCs in Lagos out of about 5.8 million that registered. This means that around 200,000 eligible voters were disenfranchised.� While evaluating himself and the comj[]][S\ [\ VbX `D]V U†X |XDT] bX FD``XW VbX shots, Jega was quoted to have urged other African countries to use the Election Risk Management tool for their elections just as he used at the successful 2015 General Elections in Nigeria. Jega at a workshop sponsored by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance on ERM, Jega recalled, “The tool has enabled us to do electoral risk mapping to generate data and do analysis to support a range of activities targeted at either mitigating risks or taking proactive measures in ensuring the conduct of free, fair, credible and especially peaceful elections.� He explained that the ERM is designed to build users’ capacity to understand electoral risk factors, collect and analyse risk data, design prevention and mitigation strategies, as well as record the results of actions. According to him, the tool was inspired by successful elections in more developed countries worldwide. Meanwhile, civil society organisations have tested the tool in Colombia and Sri Lanka while the electoral bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kenya have piloted it. Electoral management bodies in Nigeria

Prof. Jega handing over to Prof. Wali as INEC Chairman


and Nepal are using the tool while six African countries over the next three years will be implementing the tool in partnership with the AU. Still on the way forward for the commission, Jega while speaking at the dinner in his honour by the NLC et al said “Elector-


D` TXQSTj bD] Œ}]V EXZ}\ D `SV jSTX X4STV] need to be done. The Justice Muhammed Uwais panel has a lot of good recommendations, which are yet to be taken on board and implemented. Ž%XV…XX\ \S… D\W VbXTX [] ]}#cient time and scope for us to be able to en-

sure that additional reform methods can come in,� the former INEC boss continued. He reminded all that the commission made a recommendation two years ago for amendment of the electoral act and the constitution to improve the legal framework before the 2015 General Elections. He regretted that it had not materialised up to the present. He however, described the existing legal framework as fairly good, saying, “It could have been better if the legal framework had been improved.� Jega urged the lawmakers to continue supporting the INEC and the future electoral reforms. In his view, improvement in the electoral process in the country is still required, praising the commissioners and VbX ,1(& ]VD4 QST VbX[T ]}~~STV D\W X4STV] }\WXT †XT| W[#F}`V F[TF}j]VD\FX] QST ]}Fcessful elections in 2015. Meanwhile, reactions have continued to trail Jega’s exit. A Lagos based veteran journalist, Elder Julius Kayode, told our reporter that Jega was able to make a name for himself as an electoral umpire that conducted two successful elections, recalling that most of his successors couldn’t achieve the feat. According to the media consultant, “History will not forget him easily; no wonder all the people that matters, including international bodies, have been applauding him. “He is calculative and assertive; he did his best in the 2015 elections such that the then President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, conceded defeat, a scenario which had never happened in the history of Nigeria. “You will agree with me that not many people are at the tribunal to contest the X`XFV[S\] bX FS\W}FVXW Vb[] FS\UTj] VbDV he is a calculated strategist and not garrulous. As a matter of fact, he was able to contribute a lot to the development of our politics, and was also able to avert bloodshed that could have ordinarily trail any election that was heated before its conduct,� he Continued on Page 53

Bisi Akande’s war against the North, NASS Continued from Page 16

anti-corruption posture of President Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government as well as sabotage the ‘Change agenda’ of the APC,â€? the statement read. It continued, “One of such desperate attempts to justify this blackmail and others was the story published in newspapers of Monday June 29 2015 as contained in a statement issued by the former Interim National Chairman of APC, Chief Bisi Akande. “We dare say that the entire story Â…D] VbX UZjX\V SQ VbX [jDZ[\DV[S\ SQ the author. We make bold to state that in the 7th Assembly, Senator Bukola Saraki was Chairman of the Senate Adhoc Committee which exposed the fraud and mismanagement in the oil sector. ÂŽ8\V[` 6DTDÂŁ[Y] jSV[S\ S\ VbX ÂŚSST SQ the senate, no one was in the picture of the rot in the sector or took any action. Therefore, surely, Senator Saraki will be the last person the oil baron will want to see as Senate President. “No doubt, we make bold to state that Saraki is the last person to be so sponsored by the oil barons or cabals. “In that position, Saraki did not only lead his colleagues in exposing the rot

in the scheme, but made very strong recommendations on how the system could be reformed and made corruptfree. “It is on record that through his jSV[S\ S\ VbX ÂŚSST SQ VbX 6X\DVX VbX House of Representatives followed in what was then known as Oil Subsidy Probe to which Ministers of Finance and Petroleum were summoned and at least over N500 billion was saved. Certainly, Saraki is the last person to be so sponsored by the oil barons or cabals,â€? the statement added. Saraki pledged that the 8th Senate under him would give all necessary legislative support to the DWj[\[]VTDV[S\ VS UZbV D\W TXW}FX corruption ,“as his previous actions and bold steps taken against the so called oil barons indicate that Saraki is committed to anti-corruption. “For avoidance of doubt, we want to make it abundantly clear that it is totally false, untrue and calculated mischief to suggest that Senator Saraki’s emergence as Senate President was facilitated by oil barons. This is a case of giving the dog a bad name so as to hang it. Another blatant lies that FD\\SV ÂŚ| ÂŻ bX ]VTX]]XW

Also reacting through his media aide, Hassan Turaki, Dogara challenged Akande to name the oil barons whom he alleged sponsored his election. Denying link with corrupt oil barons, the statement explained thus, “In case &b[XQ $ÂŁD\WX WSX] \SV ÂŁ\SÂ… VbX UT]V investigative motion adopted by the 8th House of Representatives under the leadership of the Rt. Hon. Speaker was to investigate the allegation of fraud in the oil-swap contract awarded by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). “A resolution instituting investigation into the allegation was passed with a resolve to constitute an Ad-hoc committee to investigate the NNPC, as well as its subsidiary, Pipelines and Products Marketing Company over the swap contracts. “How then can the House under the leadership of Mr. Speaker order investigation into activities of those who allegedly sponsored his election?â€? he asked, pointing that, “Chief Akande`s allegation is both unfortunate and uncharitable.â€? Mr. Dogara said he had displayed his commitment to complement Buhari’s anti-corruption agenda since assuming

S#FX D] VbX 6~XDÂŁXT “What we expect the Chief to do at this critical time in the life of our nation and the APC as a party is to play the role of an elder statesman and help to bring warring party members to the table and not ignite crisis that will further divide the party that he helped to build,â€? he advised. Turaki sought, “We call on all Nigerians and the general public to disregard such allegations as they are meant to distract the new leadership of the legislature from concentrating on passing legislations that will bX`~ VS UZbV ~S†XTV| [\]XF}T[V| infrastructural decay, and to revive our economy.â€? As if not done with attack on Akande for his blistering outburst, another chieftain of the APC, Alhaji Kawu Baraje, on Tuesday, at a meeting of the party’s leaders faulted Akande’s accusatory letter in which he accused the party’s northern leaders of fuelling the current crisis rocking the party in the strongest manner. Baraje described as unfortunate the statement by Akande, saying, Continued on Page 50


Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Politics Bisi Akande’s war against the North, NASS Continued from Page 49

“Akande and co believe that they have the exclusive right to determine who occupies what position in today’s Nigeria and whoever tries to challenge their position must be subjected to savage attack in the media. That tactic is WXU\[VX`| }\WXjSFTDV[F “I have known Chief Akande to be an honest man. I got the shock of my life when he alleged that I had a meeting in my house with ‘some old and new PDP members with a view to hijacking the National Assembly through the aspiration of Dr. Bukola Saraki as the Senate President�. “I have been quiet as a leader so as to not to be seen as taking sides because of my closeness to Dr. Saraki, else people will read meaning into it. “Akande has been playing a role which I admire. He will recall that he met some actors with a governor from the North-West and a leader of the party from the SouthWest, where the leader from the South-West was cautioned to be reasonable in this crisis. “He (Akande) supported the view of the governor from the North-West that the particular leader from the South-West should be admonished for his action. It is therefore surprising that Akande is now being economical with the truth and painting a picture that exists only in his


imagination,� he stated. Also, the apex northern socio-cultural group, Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) in a press statement has criticized Akande for his comments on the National Assembly leadership crisis. According to the ACF, the crisis rocking the ruling APC over the election of the National Assembly presiding S#FXT] D\W VbX FSj~S][V[S\ SQ ~T[\F[~D` S#FXT] [] \SV only of concern to APC, but to all Nigerians in view of the ugly development in both chambers of the National Assembly. Like a vulture waiting on its prey, the PDP in Assembly awaits the carcass of the ruling party so as to again bounce back to foremost reckoning since most people that built the APC were once members of the PDP. It is just


a matter of time before the nPDP and other aggrieved APC members start to sing “way back home.� A PDP lawmaker representing Ojo Federal constituency of Lagos, Tajudeen Obasa, has warned against this, noting that his party will work hard and see how they (members) will turn the PDP to the majority party in the House. Obasa told newsmen that a lot of things are currently going on underground between the PDP and the ruling party (APC). “All eyes are on us, the PDP members, because we are in the minority. I have told my constituents that they should bear with us. After the inauguration, within six months, the voice will be heard everywhere.

as well as tell the APC that they have vibrant hands within their fold. “We are going to run a strong opposition in the parliament. Secondly, we want to tell them that they don’t know how to run the opposition. They have been in the minority before, but presently, we are going to make sure minority becomes the majority in 2019. And as it is, we want to tell them that there are vibrant hands within the PDP and so shall it be,â€? he boasted. “The future of PDP is much brighter than before. Dogara A political party can decide to stop bearing the name The 8th Assembly will not and form another party by be a tea party. We are going changing the name and so there to work and meet it depends on the situation. the expectations of our In politics, you don’t have constituencies. permanent enemies or “However, we will see how permanent friends. we will turn the minority “Your enemy today can be to the majority. The All your best friend tomorrow. Progressives Congress (APC) For instance, Obasanjo and started from the Alliance Tinubu in those days were for Democracy (AD) then to enemies, but today have Action Congress (AC) and to become political pals,â€? he Action Congress of Nigeria said. (ACN), and now APC. For 16 Meanwhile, PDP held years, it was in opposition. sway for 16 years before it It has now become the disintegrated; now APC is majority party. We will not barely a month at the helm release our own plans, but the SQ D4D[T] D\W [j~`S][S\ Assembly will be fantastic. is eminent; what it simply We are one and for one implies is that the marriage Nigeria irrespective of party that brought it to fore was of W[4XTX\FX] %}V X­~XFV VS ]XX D convenience. That the party lot from the PDP lawmakers,â€? is still one now is a matter he averred. of time because the strange 7bX UT]V VXTj `DÂ…jDÂŁXT ]D[W bedfellows may soon sing “to that PDP will run a strong thy tent oh Israel.â€? opposition in the parliament

When Boko haram transfer rumour shut down Onitsha Continued from Page 16

attacks in virtually most of the attacks like Madala Catholic Church in Suleija in Niger State, where scores of worshippers who were predominantly Igbos got killed after the bombing of the Church by the insurgents. There was also the Mubi attack in Admawa State where about 14 persons from one community in Anambra State including a manager of the Diamond Bank were killed by men suspected to be Boko Haram members . Several persons were roasted to death when luxurious buses that mainly ferried South-East bound passengers were bombed in a popular Kano motor park among others incidents in Northern cities where Boko Haram held sway. To another school of thought, the alleged transfer of Boko Haram suspects which the Federal Government or the Nigerian Prisons authorities have kept mum was a way


of President Buhari’s desire to punish Ndigbo for not voting for him during the last presidential election. But even as the traders demonstrated, it was gathered that the Federal Government was bent on transferring the suspects. By Monday last week, speculation and tension were high in the entire state when the suspects numbering about 47 were brought to Ekwulonbia Prison in Aguata Local Government Area of the State. Following the alleged

behind the move of the Federal Government under the leadership of Buhari to transfer Boko Haram inmates to Anambra prisons, except to punish the people from this part of the country for failing to vote for him. Others said that the President was carrying out the script of Northern elders who have been working assiduously to nail the former Chief Buhari SQ $Tj| 6VD4 /V *X\ Azubuike Ihejirika, who arrival of the suspects, is of Igbo extraction for palpable fear and panic has ~XTQSTj[\Z b[] S#F[D` W}V| gripped the people of the of confronting Boko Haram State. It was gathered that insurgents. the suspects were brought They argued that part to the Ekwukobia prison of the script was the Sunday night amidst tight frivolous and false Amnesty security by personnel of the International report that Nigeria Army that escorted indicted Ihejirika and some them. other top Nigerian Military $`VbS}Zb D`` X4STV VS S#FXT] QST D``XZXW`| £[``[\Z FS\UTj VbX VTD\]QXT SQ VbX the insurgents, which suspects to the Ekwulobia Buhari has accepted to Prisons was unsuccessful, probe. D ~T[]S\ S#F[D` [\ VbX ]VDVX An Onitsha based human who pleaded anonymity and pro-democracy group, FS\UTjXW VbX WX†X`S~jX\V the International Society Critical minds have been for Civil Liberties and the questioning the rationale

Rule of Law (Intersociety) in a statement said the proposed transfer of the detained Boko Haram suspects was viciously aimed at massive destruction of Igbo lives and properties , saying that the relocation of Boko Haram insurgents to the South-East and the South-South zones were unacceptable. “The policy is illconceived and politically motivated. We, therefore wonder the rationale behind the reported proposed transfer of the so called “martyrs of revolutionary Islamism to the areas controlled E| VbX [\UWX`]ÂŻ [Q \SV QST political motivation and ill conception aimed at massive destruction of Igbo lives and propertiesâ€?, the group said in a statement signed by the chairman, Board of Trustees, Nze Emeka Umeagbalasi. Intersociety challenged the All Progressives Continued on Page 53

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Politics Jega bows out amid knocks and kudos Continued from Page 49

hailed. In contrast, the former scribe of Afenifere Renewal Group (ARG), Yinka Odumakin, told Newswatch Times that Nigerians will do a lot to clear the mess created E| -XZD …b[`X [\ S#FX He accused that at the tail end of his administration, especially during the conduct of 2015 Presidential Election, Jega was biased and favoured some sections of the country by allegedly ensuring greater supply and distribution of voter cards in the north while supplying little to the south. According to him, election results were announced in millions in the north, hinting especially in Katsina, and thousands in the south except in Delta, Lagos and Rivers states. He posited that the fate of the commission would hang largely on the presidency and the yetto-be appointed substantive chairman, who may either be straight with Nigerians or be a willing tool in the hands of the Federal executive. He said, “Jega’s handling of voter’s card is a violation of Nigeria’s constitution that prescribes

18 years of age for any voter. We saw underage voters in the north; this is a fundamental issue to be discussed and corrected by the commission. “Secondly, he favoured certain section of the country in the distribution of Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs); his mess will have to be cleared for Nigeria to progress,� he stated. However, the Lagos State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr Olatunji Shelle, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that Jega did his best, but left a lot of questions unanswered. “He brought about the use of Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) and card readers; this is laudable. “However, the execution of this innovation left much to be desired,� Shelle said. But Alhaji Musa Umar, a chieftain of All Progressives Congress (APC), Kano State Chapter, said that Jega’s tenure in INEC was revolutionary, saying, “He ushered in dynamic changes in the electoral process that resulted in the conduct of the freest and most peaceful election ever in the coun-



try.� The Lagos State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), Dr. Akin Badmus, said that Jega delivered the best election in Nigeria, “He actually did more than his promise by conducting the best election in Nigeria since 1960. “The technology he introduced jDWX D`` VbX W[4XTX\FX , bS~X b[] successor will build on that,� he said. Also, the National Chairman, African Democratic Party, (ADP),

Chief Okey Nwosu, described Jega as a model for all Nigerians. “No matter what Jega did as INEC Chairman, whether good or bad, the fact that he chose to go share his experiences in the classroom, to enrich and empower upcoming Nigerians, he has earned my respect. “Even if I have complaints about the elections, Jega has become a scintillating example for all of us. “Certainly, his robust practice and scholarship will mean well

for our country. “His rich experience will advance scholarship, research and practice,� Nwosu said. Chief Gboyega Adeniji, a 2015 governorship candidate of KOWA Party, said Jega delivered on what he was appointed to do. “Our democracy has taken root via successful transition, where an elected president lost power to the opposition. “I give credit to him because he complied substantially with the rules and regulations guiding the recent general elections,� Adeniji said. The National Chairman, Progressive Action Council, Chief Charles Nwodo, also said that Jega did not perform well enough as INEC chairman. Now that Jega has gone back to the classroom though with promise to always return in whatever capacity he sought to help Nigeria, political pundits have argued that if a better replacement is duly made at the INEC, the crisis of underage-voters will be a thing of the past and subsequently, the nation’s electoral processes will be respected, cherished and appreciated globally.

When Boko haram transfer rumour shut down Onitsha Continued from Page 50

Congress (APC) controlled Federal Government to prove the protesters wrong by reversing permanently the wicked and pogrom oriented policy, insisting that access to justice including speedy trial, fair hearing and conventional convictions and sentencing is not done by resorting to prisoners’ transfer alone or exportation and escalation of insurgency to other strategic parts of Nigeria for clear political vendetta even when most of the said detainees are still in awaiting trial. “The fate of prisoners and the problem of prisons congestion in Nigeria are the test cases for the APC led Federal Government. All the prisons in Nigeria as well as their facilities are over stretched and overcrowded. There is a case of a prison in Lagos State built for 2,905 inmates capacity which housed 4000 inmates as at 2008 and another one in Makurdi, Benue State, built for 240 inmates that now houses 500 inmates, etc. Similar thing applies to the prisons in the South-East including those of Awka, Onitsha and Ekwulobia in Anambra State. They have exceeded

their capacities by over hundred percent. Another test case for the APC led Federal Government is maximum application of the newly passed Administration of Criminal Justice Act of Federation 2015. The noble provisions in the Act, with respect to addressing holding charge, endless capital criminal investigations, prosecutorial TXQXTTD`] D\W WXUF[X\F[X] unfair hearings, long detentions without trial and long trial without convictions and acquittals; should be maximally exploited and applied in the case of the insurgents and other awaiting trial inmates in Nigerian prisons� But there is another school of thought who is of the view that since the prison is in exclusive list, the Federal Government can put suspects in any part of the country they considered expedient. After all, the group argued, in the First Republic, late Chief Obafemi Awolowo was put in Calabar prison, late human right activist D\W UXT| FT[V[F SQ j[`[DVT| government was sent to Gashua prison in Yobe State by the regime of General Ibrahim Babangida. Even former President

Madukaife, said that the deployment of inmates around the country is the statutory responsibility of the Federal Government, neither that of Anambra State nor that of the traders. They should therefore not create an environment of insecurity in the state with the unwarranted protest.


Oludsegun Obasanjo and late Musa Yar Adua were incarcerated in Abakiliki prison in Ebonyi State. Why then the fuss about transferring the Boko Haram insurgents to Anambra prisons? This apparently is because of the name Boko Haram and the mutual suspicion among Nigerians occasioned by ethnicity and religious sentiment. But the APC blamed Governor Willie Obiano for the traders’ protest alluding that the state government might have instigated the protest. The Publicity Secretary of APC in the state, Okelo

While APC in the state described the whole thing as a rumour, the suspects were said to have been brought down to the Ekwulobia prisons Sunday night, hence the continuation of the protest by the traders in and around Ekwulobia Tuesday Ezenwakwo said that they shut down the Ekwulobia market as part of the protest against the relocation of the insurgents to the state, saying that they will continue until the authorities listen to their request. He appealed to President Buhari to direct prison authorities to reverse the decision in the interest of peace in the state and the entire South East, saying that Boko Haram suspects are not like other prisoners, especially political prisoners who are harmless as their presence might radicalise other inmates and generally

create insecurity in the state. He described some APC members in the state who are defending the action as “political jobbers�, who are backing the transfer of the insurgents at the expense of their kiths and kilns because they want a job at all cost. But the Anambra State Government reacting to the insinuation by APC and other views critical of Government Obiano’s position in the manner, said in a statement signed by the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Media, Mr James Eze, that although Governor Obiano was against transferring the inmates to the state, he took up the matter with the Presidency which assured him that they will look into the matter. The Governor appealed to the people of the state and Ndigbo in general to remain calm and avoid anything that might lead to breach of peace in the state as the matter is being resolved at the highest level. As the matter lingers, many are aghast that while other geo-political zones share the commonwealth of the nation while Ndigbo is relegated to the background, Buhari is adding salt to injury with this latest decision.

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Saturday, July 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015


North Central

Nasarawa ALGON exonerates Al-makura over LG workers salaries *KH]@B 2xKM\@Z@FG /JQJ


he Association of Local Government of Nigeria (ALGON), Nasarawa State chapter, has exonerated Governor Umaru Tanko Al-makura from nonpayment of workers of local government areas (LGAs) salaries in the state. There have been allegations in some quarters of the state that the state governor has EXX\ ]DESVDZ[\Z VbX X4STV] SQ LGAs in paying their workers. The Chairman of the state $/*21 D\W /DUD /SFD`

Government Area, Suleiman Wambai, who revealed this |X]VXTWD| DV D ~TX]] ET[XU\Z [\ /DUD ]D[W ][\FX /*$] [\ the state have been accessing their allocations directly from the Federation account. He explained that in the last four years, the LGAs in the state have been paying salaries with monies from the Federation account alongside funds from SURE-P and access crude oil account. Wambai explained further that since January funds from the SURE-P and access crude oil account were stopped as

a result of the dwindling economic situation, there had been a short fall in the allocations accrued to the LGAs. He stated that as a result of the shortfall of the LGAs allocation, workers in the various local governments would have to be paid by percentage so as to halt the issue of non-payment of salaries. “As a result of the dwindling revenue accruing to the local governments in the state, we had earlier collected an S†XT WTDQV SQ j[``[S\ \D[TD D\W j[``[S\ \D[TD VS D}Zment the salaries of our work-

ers, and these banks charge 35% interest which they collect immediately the next allocation comes. This we believe is immoral, and we cannot continue with it. “We have entered into agreement with the Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) that henceforth we will pay workers according to percentage. This means that any month the allocation comes in full, we will pay in full and any month the percentage drops, we will pay according to the percentDZX VbDV FSjX] ÂŻ bX ]D[W

Ex Kogi gov warns against campaign of calumny ahead guber poll Ademu Idakwo - Lokoja


frontrunner for the Kogi State governorship election on the platform of All Progressives Congress (APC), Prince Abubakar Audu, has called on politicians in the state to eschew bitterness and name calling while aspiring for governorship position of the state. The former governor stated this over the weekend during an endorsement rally organised by a political pressure group in the state named ‘G-63’ in Lokoja. The former governor, who said he was overwhelmed by the turn out of his supporters across the state to grace the occasion, said the strange practice and behaviour being exhibited by some politicians in the

state, who have resorted to name calling and ‘pull him down’ attitude is disheartening, and described it as uncalled for. Audu further stated that bX [] †XT| FS\UWX\V SQ …[\ning the election because of his antecedents as two time governor of the state where he brought to bear infrastructural development across the state. He promised that if elected, he will ensure that all the salaries arrears owed Basic Education Teachers are paid, adding that he is seriously worried about the plight of teachers in the state. Audu said he will make the workers welfare a priority if elected, adding that the insinuation that he is not workers-friendly was borne out of mischief by his detractors.

Speaker decries gap between Benue Assembly and journalists Godwin Akor, Makurdi


Representative of Director-General of NEMA, Mr. Daniel Atabo (second left), presenting relief materials to the Secretary, Askira8`J /KOJT *K^GWBZGBF $WGJ K[ %KWBK 6FJFG $T\Jx@ 6JBSM@ %GTTK W@X\F ]@F\ 1(0$ 2[QO@JTM 5GH &WKMM JBH &KZZSB@F_ /GJHGW during the second phase of the Agency’s Integration Programme for Internally Displaced Person, returnees in Uba town of Borno State‌yesterday.

Kogi community berates American missionary over visit to governor Ademu Idakwo - Lokoja


miworo Community in Ajaokuta Local Government Area of Kogi State has disowned the Hausa/Fulani delegation who claimed to be their leaders when they paid a visit to the state Governor, Captain Idris Wada, in the company of an American Missionary, Rev. Phyllis Sorto, who was rescued from abductors. They described her visit in company of non leaders of the community as undermining the host community where she is operating her school, “Hope Academy�. This is coming on the heels of her return from her home country and visit to the Governor Idris Wada in the company of supposed leaders of Emiworo. Rev Sorto had travelled to America after weeks of captivity in the den of kidnap-

pers. The heir apparent to the traditional stool of the Village, Prince Ndaa Abu, who spoke to news men in Lokoja yesterday, indicated that those captured in the media as their leaders were not native Fulani, and cannot represent the community. He said the people of the village hold Sorto in very high esteem because of her missionary work which has brought development to their community. “When she returned to Abuja, we were happy, and we called her and asked when she would be returning to Emiworo. “When she returned, she paid a visit to the palace, and appreciated all concerned as {W]]XZVXW>R`zVX’Z}WXzRXVWY…`WX her release from her abductors.� He said the people are happy to see her return alive, and

hale and hearty. However, he observed that the community was not informed about her visit to the governor. “There was actually no misgivings on her visit, but the major issue is the fact that we were embarrassed to hear that she went with leaders of the town only to be confronted with pictures of Fulani herdsmen who are not even from their town, Emiworo. “We were receiving calls from people all over the country trying to know exactly what has befallen the community for it to have relinquished its dignity.� “Nobody from Emiworo was part of that event. If it is ZX …]ZQUX >ZU`‹X z_W™X }U}X QRzX involve the Ardo of the Fulani in Emiworo. He said they only saw the Fulani but not the one from their domain. He said Emiworo is not a …]ZQUXVW0]W’WQz‹XZ}}UQqXz_ZzX

if she was presenting Emiworo leaders to the number one citizen of the state, the true leaders should be part of it, and it should be those well recognised like the Elecho of Emiworo, who is the overall village head. He said there is the Madaki of Emiworo, community chairman of Emiworo, the youth leader, the Bassa Komo, the Agatu community leader of Emiworo, but none of these leaders were part of her courtesy visit On whether they have reach out to the missionary, he said they tried but were told she travelled to Akwa ibom State, adding however, that the community have resolved to invite the missionary to the [Z]ZYWX^R`XY]Z`U|YZzURQˆ Abu said they don’t have any grouse against the missionary rather they were aggrieved when she was abducted.

peaker of the Benue State House of Assembly, Mr. Terkimbi Ikyange, has attributed Seventh Assembly’s poor performance to lack of media coverage. Ikyanger told Newswatch Times in an interview that from the beginning, the Eighth Assembly would set a template for itself and work out a programme that would involve full participation of journalists. The lawmaker representing Ushongo state constituX\F| ]D[W VbXTX …D] WXUciency in the coverage of the

House activities in the past, and appealed to journalists to monitor oversight functions of the standing committees that would soon be constituted. Ikyanger, who was a minority whip in the Seventh Assembly, promised that a strong standing committee on information would be constituted to facilitate a robust relationship between the media and the House. “If you do not help us, people will not misunderstand us; the person that was in-charge did not know the meaning of what we were doing, so, there were WXUF[X\F[X] ÂŻ bX DWWXW

Wada rewards 10 outstanding corps members Ademu Idakwo - Lokoja


he Kogi State Governor, Captain Idris Wada, has rewarded 10 outstanding corps members with state honours award, adding that their contributions to the state’s health and education have improved service delivery in both sectors. The awardees are selected and rewarded out of the 2245 corps members of the 2014 batch ‘B’ passing out from national service in the state. Speaking yesterday during the event in Lokoja, Captain Wada described various community development projects executed by the awardees as a positive gesture, which no doubt is having immeasurable impacts on the residents of their communities and oth-

W`X\WQW|YUZ`UWVˆ He commended the dedication and perseverance of the corps members, saying that the country looks up to their leadership abilities, which they have acquired through their worthwhile exposure during National service. He said, “NYSC has been an integral part of Kogi State success stories; corps doctors, pharmacists and other paramedical organs have greatly helped to improve our health service delivery, and also, our education sector in the state is positively impacted. “It is pertinent to mention that the outstanding achievement of these 10 corps members for State Honours Award is being rewarded by the state government with a token of N50, 000.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sports Update Stoke boss hails Osaze stay


toke City chief executive Tony Scholes has expressed his delight over the contract extension of Nigeria international Osaze Odemwingie. Osaze signed a oneyear contract extension with the club on Thursday. Scholes told the club’s website: “We’re delighted to that Peter has extended his stay with us at the club until the summer of 2016. Ç WXV >W`W}XZQX

unfortunate injury last season after making a big impression immediately after joining the club. “Peter has worked incredibly hard to \Z0]WX\ZY X^`R Xz_UVX zRX`WqZUQX^ ]]X|zQWVV X

W¹VXZX[R[ ]Z`X|q `WX not just in the dressing room but with club VzZ>XZQ}XV [[R`zW`VX so we are thrilled to keep him on board this season.” VZ¥WX_ZVXVYR`W}X|¡WX goals in 23 appearances for Stoke since joining the club last year.

Keshi still swims in muddy water T

Alabi returns to Cyprus


igeria defender, Rasheed Alabi, has returned to Cyprus to join Pafos FC. The former Omonia Nicosia central defender signed a year’s deal with the newly promoted top ÆUq_zXzWZ XZQ}XzR]}X he is delighted with the move. “I signed a year’s deal with Pafos FC. I am delighted to be back here,” Alabi said. “The team just got promoted UQzRXz_WX|`VzX}U¡UVURQ X


my ambition is to do my best to help the team remain in the top ÆUq_zXZzXz_WXWQ}XR^Xz_WX season.” On how it was playing in Portugal, Alabi said, “It was good experience playing in Portugal. I loved every bit of it because they play good football there.” He has played for Delta United, Doxa Katokopia, OmoniaNicosia(both Cyprus) and Leixoes (Portugal).

he brouhaha surrounding Super Eagles coach,Stephen Keshi , doesn’t seem to abate any bit as news has emerged that, indeed the ‘Big Boss’ applied for the Ivory Coast job through a proxy even though same application was withdrawn subsequently. French coach Herve Renard left his post earlier this year to take over at French Ligue 1 side Lille in Ligue 1 after leading the Elephants to Africa p

Cup of Nations glory in Equatorial Guinea last January The Ivory Coast Football Federation (FIF) short listed 59 coaches for the Elephants job and that was where the ‘sonnet’ started. Much to the consternation of the Nigeria Football Federation, whom after a ]RQqX}`Z{QXR zX\Z0]WX_Z}X handed Stephen Keshi a new two year deal, the 53 year old was also listed. Keshi, through his agent and brother Emmanuel

Ado vehemently denied applying for the Ivory Coast job even though his name was on the list. It was clearly something the Nigeria Football Federation didn’t take lightly to and they made such known to Keshi by inviting him to a meeting to thrash out the issue. Prior to that, Ado, had sent out a press release neither denying or accepting that his client(Keshi) had applied for the job and insisted all of the mêlée was set forth

by ‘people’ who wanted Keshi to fail. The NFF and Keshi eventually sat and despite the details of the meeting not released to the public a lot of questions were thrown to the fore. WV_UXÆZz] X}WQUW}XW¡W`X applying for the Elephants job when quizzed at the meeting. The football house however said it was going to continue to pursue the case and will send an emissary to Abidjan to dig further on the issue.

Sunshine drag Odunlami, agent to NFF


unshine Stars have reported Kunle Odunlami and his agent Oluwasegun Jewel to the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) for unprofessional conduct as the player is in Morocco to join Raja Casablanca after he reportedly absconded from the team. They also placed the []Z W`XRQXZQXUQ}W|QUzWX suspension. The Akure Gunners ZQQR QYW}XRQX {U0W`X that Odunlami abandoned the team at Asaba on their way to honour a Week 14 league game against Rangers. “The Management of Sunshine Stars FC has suspended Mr Ebenezer Kunle } Q]Z UXUQ}W|QUzW] X for absconding from the team,” the club reported.

“Mr Odunlami absconded from the team at Asaba, Delta State on Saturday 27th June, 2015 on the way to Enugu to honour the week 14 match against Rangers without R!YUZ]X[W` UVVURQX from the Club. We later learnt he traveled to Morocco to engage in talks with Raja Casablanca. “We have reported the agent involved in the purported deal, Mr. Oluwasegun Jewel to the NFF for his lack of professionalism in the Z0W` We have communicated the suspension of Mr. Odunlami to the appropriate authorities UQY] }UQqXÎz_WQ>X (Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) and @LMCNPFL (League Management Company).



Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sports Update Murray: Nadal loss a warning


ndy Murray admits Wimbledon’s top contenders have been put on high alert after two-time champion Rafael Nadal’s shock second-round exit.Murray was on course to face Z}Z]XUQXz_WX“…Z`zW`¨|QZ]VX at SW19 but the Spaniard crashed out in four sets to world number 102 Dustin Brown on Thursday night. It means the draw has opened up for the British number one after eighth seed David Ferrer, also placed in Murray’s quarter, withdrew from the tournament through injury. Murray plays Italian Andreas Seppi for a place in the last 16 on Saturday and the Scot insists Nadal’s defeat proves nothing can be taken for granted. “When that happens it’s always a bit of a warning to everyone else,â€? Murray said. “The depth of tennis just now is very high and upsets happen, and for sure they happen more than they did a few years ago.â€? Murray’s consistency against lesser opponents is impressive given the 28-year-old has reached 17 consecutive grand slam “…Z`zW`¨|QZ]Vˆ

WX{U]]X\WXYRQ|}WQzXR^X avoiding an upset against

Seppi too, after winning their last six encounters without even dropping a set. “I expect a tough match,â€? Murray said. “He made the |QZ]XUQX Z]]WXz{RX{WW†VX ago and he beat Roger (Federer) in Australia, so he’s a very dangerous opponent. “It’s going to be an WŠz`WÂ’W]™X}U!YÂ…]zXÂ’ZzY_X to win.â€? Murray was left unVZzUV|W}X\™XZX\Z0]UQqX |`Vz¨`RÂ…Q}XÂĄUYzR`™XZqZUQVzX Mikhail Kukushkin but the world number three showed his class against Robin Haase, ousting the Dutchman with his variety and speed of thought. A more dominant, aggressive style of play has been high on Murray’s agenda this year and crucial to that adjustment has been new coach Jonas Bjorkman. Bjorkman, who reached a career-high ranking of four in the world, joined Amelie Mauresmo on Murray’s back-room team in March and Tim Henman believes the Swede will prove an excellent addition. “I know Jonas very well, I played 10 years at least on the tour with him, we practised together a lot and he’s a great guy,â€? Henman said.





usa Mohammed’s representative, Adam Mohammed, has described the player’s move to Turkish club Istanbul Basaksehir FK as z_WX|`VzX\R]}X’R¥WX\™Xz_WX Flying Eagles skipper to take the football world by storm. The 18-year-old Musa has signed a three-year contract with the ambitious Turkish Super

League club and Adam Mohammed, who midwifed the transfer, said he believes the fullback is now headed for bigger things. “The real work starts now for Musa. If he listens and is not carried away, then he could be one of the best in the world,� Adam Mohammed told AfricanFootball. com “He has all the ingredi-

ents to be great and now he has a platform and time to be that. “The player is very excited and he knows what he has to do now.� The owner of FC Hearts of Abuja also disclosed that it was not such a dif|Y…]zX}WYUVURQXzRXR[zX^R`X z_WX VzZQ\…]XR…z|zX}WV[UzWX a number of interests from some top European clubs like Hamburg and Rosenborg.

“The club genuinely want the player, they scouted him long before the U20 World Cup and will give him his chance UQXz_WX|`VzXzWZ’ˆX R…XYZQnot ask for more,� he said. “They have built a brand-new stadium and in the new season, they will feature in the Europa League. “They have many big plans and Musa is part of these plans.�

Falcao gets fresh start at Chelsea


olombian international striker, Radamel Falcao said yesterday he is raring to go at Chelsea after signing a one-year loan deal with the English Premier According to www. League champions., one of The 29-year-old came out the fans tweeted ‘Say of a disastrous one year goodbye to your family loan at Manchester United for one last time before and is looking forward they go to sleep, you to plying his trade under won’t be seeing them to- Jose Mourinho for the morrow you snake idiot.’ forthcoming season. Another wrote, “Re“I am very happy to be ally wish Stephen Hunt joining Chelsea and can’t ended your life,� referwait to start training and ring to a 2006 incident help with our aim of in which Cech sustained retaining the league title injuries after colliding and being successful in with Hunt. Europe,� he told the club’s The goalkeeper who website. signed a four-year with French side Monaco, Arsenal, said leaving who own his contract, was “the hardest thing he had to do,� but been made with Chelsea wanted an opportunity and the London side have zRX[]Z™X|`VzXzWZ’XRQYWX a “buy option� for Falcao. again. Falcao endured a frustratThe 33-year-old ing spell at Manchester wrote even wrote a United last season, manqRR}\™WX]W0W`XzRX _W]VWZX aging just four goals for fans, wishing the team the Old Trafford side. well. He also failed to score for

Cech gets death threats from Chelsea fans etr Cech has allegedly received death threats following his decision to leave Chelsea after an 11-year career to join rival Arsenal football club. Chelsea fans took z_WU`X[`RzWVzVXzRX {U0W`‹X calling him a “snake� and a “traitor�.

Musa’s first bold move to greatness –Mohammed

Colombia as they reached the Copa America quarter United had an option to purchase the former Atletico Madrid and Porto hitman at the end of his year-long stay but decided against a permanent deal. The Colombian suffered a serious knee injury which ruled him out of the 2014 World Cup and has since struggled to rediscover the form, which saw him revered as one of the world’s top strikers. Mourinho said last month he wanted to revive the forward’s career, saying: “It hurts me that people in England think that the real Falcao is the one we saw at Manchester United.� & ' ( ropean club was Portuguese side Porto, where Mourinho made his reputation as a coach. Chelsea had a striker vacancy after Ivory Coast veteran Didier Drogba left at the end of the season. Falcao made his Champions League debut against

Chelsea and also scored a hat-trick against the Blues in the European Super Cup during a spell with Atletico Madrid. He then moved to Monaco but was less successful in France where he suffered the knee injury that caused his World Cup heartbreak. ) * Mourinho will hope


Falcao can rediscover his goal-scoring touch at Stamford Bridge and bolster an attack already featuring Diego Costa and Eden Hazard. Falcao is set to join his new team-mates on Chelsea’s pre-season tour of the United States, ahead of a possible return to Old Trafford on December 28.

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