Saturday 1st aug 2015 online

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


Oyo Election Petition: Tribunal grants Ladoja accelerated hearing Olaide Oyelude,


he Oyo State governorship election tribunal yesterday paved ways for quick and unhindered hearing of the petition ęled by former governor and Accord Party candidate in the last governorship election, Senator Rashidi Ladoja, challenging the result of the last April governorship election in the state. At yesterday’s hearing, the tribunal ruled that all motions and applications concerning the petition must be heard and determined within the 180 days stipulated by the Electoral Act.

Senator Ladoja’s lead counsel, Chief Richard Ogunwole, (SAN), had ęled an application for accelerated hearing of the petition. However, counsel to Senator Abiola Ajimobi and the All Progressives Congress (APC) opposed the application. The tribunal chairman, Justice Mohammed Aliu Mayaki, in his over two hours ruling, ruled that election petitions are in the class of their own which must be handled within the stipulated time and all issues and motions concerning the petitions be dispensed with once and for all. Justice Mayaki had earlier also ruled in favour of Senator Ladoja’s

application which the respondents counsel initially faulted as not being properly addressed and signed by his lead counsel. �The tribunal is convinced that whoever sees the application will not have any doubt that R.A Ogunwole, who appears for the petitioner, has his name and address clearly and properly stated on the application . His address and oĜce telephone numbers are clearly stated in the application. Justice Mayaki, after the ruling, counselled supporters of all parties in the petition to be of good conduct, vouching for the competence of all the counsel appearing for the parties to diligently handle

the case. All the counsels including that of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) , Mr. Adeboye Shobanjo , in their various reactions after the ruling , lauded the ruling by the tribunal chairman. Newswatch Times recalls that Senator Rashidi Ladoja dragged Governor Abiola Ajimobi, All Progressives Congress(APC), Oyo Resident Electoral Commissioner(REC), r. Toyin Akeju and Independent National Electoral Commission(INEC )before the tribunal, challenging results of the last April governorship election in the state.

South West

Lawmaker charges NASS on citizen’s welfare Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


m e m b e r representing IlajeEse-Odo Federal Constituency of Ondo State, Hon. Kolade VictorAkinjo, has said that people’s welfare should be the ultimate concern of the 8th National Assembly irrespective of party a΀liation. Victor-Akinjo gave the charge in Abuja at a programme organised by the Ondo State Liaison O΀ce to welcome lawmakers representing the state in the National Assembly. He said that though members came on the platform of diͿerent political parties, people’s welfare should be the genuine concern of every member, while calling for law that would ensure peoples welfare. He said that the lawmakers would not derail in their responsibility

to provide meaningful and responsible leadership to the citizenry. According to him, ‘we must work all night to ensure we Ă€[ the unemployment issues in this country; we are here to work and make an impact.’ He said that the welfare of Nigerian should be the supreme concern of every legislator, adding that the government must do all within its power to reduce importation and encourage e[portation. “Nigeria is a country thriving on mono product and fully dependent on importation, our e[portation is at its lowest ebbs and the implication is that we e[port employment opportunities and import crises. We have refused to diversify our economy and by the grace of God the current parliament will shed the load of mono product in the country,â€? he said.

Family pleads with Ambode over takeover of ancestral land Ayodele Olalere


/DJRV 6WDWH *RYHUQRU 0U $NLQZXQPL $PERGH OHIW LQ D ZDUP KDQGVKDNH ZLWK &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÂżFHU &RPPRQZHDOWK Enterprise and Investment Council, Mr. Oliver Everett (2nd right) and Deputy President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Nike Akande, during a courtesy visit to the Governor by the C.E.O of Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council, at the Lagos House, Ikeja.

Robbery suspect killed, five nabbed in Oyo Olusakin Babalola


six-man armed bandit operating in Oyo and Ogun States met it’s waterloo after gang raping a victim who was rushed to an hospital after the ordeal. One of the robbery suspects was shot dead by members and oĜcers of the Oyo State Police Command while others were arrested after a shootout with the police in Ogbomosho.

Another member of the gang identięed as Segun, was killed in Ogbomoso during a gun duel with the police. He was a member of the inter-state armed robbery suspects that allegedly terrorised Ogbomoso and Oyo town as well as Ogun State. His corpse was paraded with the other members of the gang that were arrested. The Commissioner of Police in Oyo State, Mr. Mohammed Katsina, said

the gang members struck at Akinmorin village in Oyo town, where they purportedly robbed residents of their valuables at gunpoint, adding that they allegedly raped their female victims repeatedly. “The daredevil robbers terrięed the neighbourhood by ęring sporadically. The sound of gunshots aĴracted the aĴention of the nearby Ambush Squad, which responded swiftly and traced the

gang leader to Abigi, Ijebu Waterside in Ogun State, where he was arrested. His arrest led us to their hideout in Ogbomoso suburb, where the gang, on sighting the police opened ęre ceaselessly. The police tactically repositioned their approach and engaged them in a shootout that lasted for several minutes, at the end of which two of the hoodlums were gunned down, while four were arrested,� he said.

2&8, and Order 39 Rules 3(1), seeking ‘for an order of interlocutory injunction restraining the defendant, either by itself, agents oÄœcials, privies, servants or persons, from unlawfully going into or carrying out any demolitions or ejection of the applicants from their respective business premises at the Ladipo main market, Mushin, pending the hearing and determinatĂŹon of the substantive suit Ä™led before the court.’

At yesterday’s hearing, counsel to the defendant( Mushin local government), Mrs A.O. Akin-Ajayi, told the court that the defendant was served the Notice on July 27, and as such would require time to ęle its reply. She claimed that a group, Igbo Conscience Group, led by Joe Igbokwe and Barr. Onyekachi Ubani,had waded into the maĴer, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the claimants and defendant, where it was

agreed that the applicants would vacate the market within two months. “A meeting was held in the oĜce of the Executive Secretary of Mushin local government by the Igbo Conscience Group. An MOU was signed by the applicants and the defendant and the maĴer was resolved. But we were surprised to receive the Notice ęled by the applicants,� she said. She therefore requested for more time to ęle a reply.

Court stops Mushin LG from demolishing Ladipo market Ayodele Olalere


ustice Iyabo Akinkugbe of an Ikeja High Court, yesterday restrained the Mushin local government from demolishing Ladipo Market pending the hearing of an application ęled by the traders before the court. The claimants, Nnamdi Chukwuka, Franco Oěai, and eight others, had, through their counsel, Richard Nwankwo, ęled a Motion on Notice brought pursuant to Order 38 Rules

he Oyega and Oyegbemiga family has pleaded with Lagos State governor, Akinwunmi Ambode, to revisit the alleged takeover of about 250 acres of land in the Ikorodu area of the state. The family, in a petition to Governor Ambode, condemned media reports of the takeover of the land. In the petition, dated Wednesday, July 22, 2015, the family said its ownership of the ancestral parcel of land at Gbodo village in the Abule Eko area of Ikorodu, has been aĜrmed by a Supreme Court judgment. “That the family ownership was further aĜrmed by the Supreme Court judgment and the family have been enjoying ownership without any encumbrance from any quarters or government

interference howsoever,� the petition stated. The petition also frowned at the way the family’s estate agent, Mr. Lamina and his company, Global Ventures Nigeria Limited, was described as a land grabber. According to the family, contrary to the report, Mr. Lamina legitimately purchased the land occupied by his company. “Mr. Lamina referred to as land grabber was seriously defamed. The said Mr. Lamina’s company-Global Ventures Nigeria Limited, is a purchaser for value without notice and as such Mr. Lamina is not a land grabber because his company legitimately purchased the land occupied by his company at Gbodo Village via Abule Eko, Ikorodu, Lagos contrary to the allegations levied against him.�

FRSC to reduce accident on Lagos/ Ibadan express road Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


s ember months g r a d u a l l y approach, the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) has commenced its clampdown on erring drivers on Lagos Ibadan express road where 406 drivers were sanctioned in the last four days. While brieęng the eputy Governor of Oyo State, Otunba Moses Adeyemo, in Ibadan on measures put in place to reduce accidents on the road, the FRSC boss for the zone, Mr S. Boboye said that in the last four days, over 406 drivers were apprehended for diěerent traĜc oěences. Boboye disclosed that the

convicted drivers who have been prosecuted at mobile courts have been ordered to pay diěerent amounts as ęnes for violating traĜc laws on the high way. The sanction, he said, was to serve as deterrents to others who violate laws on the road with impunity. He called on the state government to establish a trailer park in Akinyele local government in order to minimise the frequent accidents being caused by trailer drivers. Responding, the eputy Governor decried the frequency of accidents being caused by trailer drivers and pleaded with FRSC to checkmate the menace of the drivers.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

South South

Court dismisses suit seeking Gov Ayade’S removal Paschal Njoku, Abuja


ederal High Court sitting in Abuja, yesterday, dismissed a suit which had sought the nulliÀcation of the April 11, gubernatorial election that brought %enedict Ayade of the Peoples Democratic Party into o΀ce as the Governor of Cross 5ivers State. Prior to the election, a chieftain of the PDP in the state, Chief -oe Odey Agi SAN had approached the court, praying for an order invalidating the nomination of Ayade as candidate of the party on the grounds that he Ayade breached certain

provisions of the PDP’s guidelines and the Electoral Act. Agi, who came 2nd in the Cross 5ivers State PDP governorship primaries held on December 8, 2014, contended that Ayade did depose to three diͿerent a΀davits on oath wherein he tendered documents that gave conÁicting and falsiÀed years of birth. Governor Ayade’s counsel, Paul Erokoro SAN , had challenged the competence of the suit and Tueried the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court in Abuja to entertain the suit. However, delivering judgement, -ustice Abdulkadir Abdul-Kafarati,

dismissed the matter, saying that from processes and submissions of counsels, ‘the rd defendant Ayade was validly nominated by the 1st defendant PDP and the guidelines of the party were duly followed. The court said the issue was an internal aͿair of the party, even as it agreed with the PDP that under Section 1 and of the Electoral Act, as amended, Ayade could only be disTualiÀed by the party before the governorship election took place. Earlier, -ustice AbdulKafarati had upheld separate preliminary objections raised by the PDP

and INEC, challenging jurisdiction of the court to entertain the suit on the grounds that the suit borders on internal aͿairs of a party. “This court lacks the jurisdiction to entertain the plaintiͿ’s case, the issue being an internal aͿair of the 1st defendant, the court said. Agi had prayed the court to determine “whether in the circumstance, %enedict %. Ayade is TualiÀed to contest or be nominated without breaching the Guidelines and constitution of the PDP and Section 1 c of the Nigerian Constitution, 1 , as amended.’



My administration will not be distracted by criticism - Gov. Okowa Sylvester Idowu, Asaba


overnor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State said yesterday that unwarranted criticism will not distract his administration from its focus on providing prosperity for all Deltans. The governor, through his Chief Press Secretary (CPS), Mr Charles Aniagwu , made the disclosure while brieęng journalists in Asaba on activities of the governor since assumption of oĜce. “To Senator Okowa, prosperity for all Deltans is not just a political clich· but an agenda that is realisable through commitment to the SMART Agenda. In the course of our electioneering campaign throughout the state, we were emphatic on our promise to improve on the standard of living of our people,” he said. Aniagwu insisted that Governor Okowa’s administration meant well for the state stressing that he was desirous of leaving the state far beĴer than he met it.

Aniagwu decried negative publicity against Governor Okowa’s administration on the pages of newspapers and the social media. He noted that the governor strives to actualise its set objectives. “Even when government welcomes constructive criticisms from right thinking members of the society, Senator (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa’s administration will not be cowed neither will it give in to cheap blackmail from few persons, hiding under the cover of being protectors of public interest to falsify information and mislead the unsuspecting members of the public,” the Chief Press Secretary said. He added that Governor Okowa’s administration has taken proactive measures to curb the eěects of Ěooding on Deltans, stressing that the action has become necessary on account of the predictions of the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) that some states in the country, including Delta, would face Ěood challenges this year.

Council chairman blames delayed workers salaries on Joint Account System Sylvester Idowu, Warri

T L-R: Wife of the Deputy Governor of Ebonyi State, Mrs. Nnenna Igwe, Wife of the Ebonyi State governor and initiator of Family Succour and Upliftment Programme (FSUP), Chief Mrs. Rachel Umahi, Governor Dave Umahi, Wife of the Speaker, Ebonyi State House of Assembly, Mrs. Uzoamaka Nwifuru and Wife of the 1st Executive Governor of Ebonyi State, Chief Mrs. Ukamaka Egwu, during the Àag- off of FSUP in Abakaliki, Ebonyi State...yesterday.

Police foils kidnap attempt on council boss Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


olicemen in Southern Ijaw local government area of %ayelsa State foiled a kidnap attempt on the chairman of the local government, Elder 5emember Ogbe, when policemen attached to him replied gunshots by the kidnappers and repelled the kidnappers. Although the whereabouts of the escaped council chairman still remained unknown as at the time of this report, but police authorities in the state capital had conÀrmed the foiled kid-

napped attempt on the chairman The gunmen however killed two police corporals in the process and went away with their ofÀcial riÁes The kidnappers, after killing the policemen, disappeared to unknown destination and left the lifeless bodies helpless. The sad incident happened between 4pm and pm at the chairman’s residence in Amassoma It was gathered that the killing of the police o΀cers by the hoodlums had attracted huge sympathy as residents of the area were seen in a sorrowful mood e[pressing

shock. The identities of the deceased policemen were not made public, while their corpses had been deposited at the Federal Medical Centre FMC mortuary in <enagoa. Contacted, Police Public 5elations O΀cer, %ayelsa State Police Command, Asinim Butswat, conÀrmed the killing of the policemen, and said the kidnappers also went away with the police riÁes. The PP5O said the two Corporals died due to injuries sustained in the gunshots by the kidnappers, but added that the command foiled the

kidnap attempt on the Council Chairman. The Police spokesman said eͿorts have been intensiÀed to perfect the arrest of the hoodlums and prosecute them accordingly. It will be recalled that the whereabouts of the kidnapped monarch of Gbarain Clan in Tombia Community, His 5oyal Highness, Chief C. A. Otobotekere, is still unknown. The traditional ruler was abducted in the early morning of Thursday -uly 24, 201 , by heavily armed Àve man gang in his residence in Gbarain Clan, Bayelsa State.

he chairman of Warri South-West local government area of Delta State, Hon. George Ekpemupolo, has attributed the inability of councils to pay workers salaries and underdevelopment in the third tier of government to the -oint Account System -AS operated with state governments. George, who is the younger brother to the former leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta MEND , High Chief Government Ekpemupolo alias ‘Tompolo,’

however advocated for the scrapping of the -oint Account System to allow local governments function as they are e[pected in the country. The council boss made this known while speaking to reporters during the commissioning of a community town hall e[ecuted by his administration at Kokodiagbene community in Gbaramatu Kingdom in the council area. The town hall, which he said, cost the local government about N30 million was e[ecuted due to prudent management of the council resources.

Ex-militants hail Buhari, congratulates new Amnesty boss

Sylvester Idowu, Warri


eaders of NigerDelta 3rd phase e[-militants have hailed President Muhammadu Buhari on the appointment of Brig. General Paul Boroh rtd as the new Amnesty Chief E[ecutive to eͿectively direct the aͿairs of the programme. According to a statement signed by the 3rd phase National Chairman, -ulius -oseph and Secretary, Tam Odogwu, the group

commended President Buhari for appointing General Boroh to head and redirect the amnesty programme. They said that the appointment was well deserved and described President Buhari as a listening person who was committed at resolving bottlenecks of the programme. The e[-militants also felicitated with Brig.Gen. Paul Boroh for his well deserved appointment and urged him to improve on the amnesty programme.


Newswatch Times Saturday, August 1, 2015

South East


Ebonyi reschedules N10bn debt, retains MDG boss Impostor bags 10 years Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki


bonyi State Executive Council has approved the rescheduling of N10 billion it owes commercial banks to now extend the period of repayment to 20 years. The Commissioner for Information, Senator Emmanuel Onwe, disclosed this yesterday while brieÀng journalists on the outcome of the state’s executive council meeting held on Wednesday. Onwe said that the state government took advantage of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN)

initiative as directed by President Muhammadu Buhari, to reschedule loan obligations entered into by previous state administrations to provide respite to the new administrations and extend time of re-payment. According to the Information Commissioner, the new arrangement will enable minimal deductions to be made from the state’s monthly Federation allocations, to cushion the Àscal burden of the state. The Commissioner stated that the state executive council reduced its earlier plan of constructing 500 kilometres

of roads within the capital city to 200 kilometres at the cost of N12.5 billion through direct labour. He listed some of the roads to be reconstructed to include; Ogoja and Nkaliki roads, even as he noted that direct labour method would reduce cost by eliminating contract fees and other costs. Onwe stated that the council recommended that all the millennium development goal (MDG) projects be brought to an end, and were subsequently terminated and replaced with sustainable de-

velopment goal (SDG), and that Mrs. Ngozi Obi Chukwu remains the focal person as in the defunct MDG. He said that the council also deliberated on reports by elders committee earlier set up to review the economic beneÀt of continuing with the construction of the on-going multibillion naira Rice City Hotel by the previous administration, and decided to adhere to the recommendations that the hotel project should be completed, but with advise of experts on how it could be run proÀtably.

for fraud Owolola Adebola


he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has secured the conviction of one Esowane Henry Rotechi, who was prosecuted before Justice C.N Mbonu-Nweyi of Anambra State High Court, Onitsha on an 8-count charge that borders on conspiracy, obtaining money by false pretence and forgery, to the tune of N252, 000.00 (two Hundred and Àfty two thousand naira). The convict had pleaded not guilty when he was Àrst arraigned on July 12, 2012. Esowane’s brush with the law started on December 21, 2010 when he presented himself as the legal advis-

er to the Chancellor of Enugu State University of Technology, in which capacity he obtained N150, 000 from one Celestina with the promise to facilitate her admission into the law programme of the institution. He was arrested on September 6, 2011, after the victim suspected that she had been duped. After diligent prosecution by the EFCC, Justice MbonuNweyi pronounced the accused guilty and sentenced him to 3 years imprisonment on count 1 for conspiracy and 7 years imprisonment on each of counts of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for obtaining money by false pretence. The sentence will run concurrently.

Victim of generating set fire calls for financial assistance Cyprian Ebele Onitsha


Gov Rochas okorocha in a handshake with Prof. Ayodele Omoyoso, Chairman, West African College of Physicians of Nigeria during their visit to Govt. House, Owerri

Okorocha urge students to shun crime, cultism Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Imo State government has admonished Nigerian students not to allow students politics interfere with their studies and academic development so as not to jeopardize their future. The Deputy Chief of StaÄ›, Government House, Imo State, Engr. Kingsley Uju, gave the charge while receiving executive members of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) led by its National President, Com-

rade Tijani usuf Shehu, on behalf of the Chief of StaÄ› at the Government House, Owerri. Engineer Uju who condemned a situation where some greedy politicians engage the services of students in tertiary institutions as political thugs to achieve their selfish aims, also urged them to shun cultism, radicalism and crime as these vices are detrimental to their progress. He commended the NANS executive for their peaceful disposition as depicted in their preference for dialogue and peaceful resolu-

tion of issues as engaging in violence. The Deputy Chief of Staě explained that the state governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, has a high regard for the development and welfare of youths which he said prompted him to introduced free education from primary to tertiary level, the ęrst by any state governor in the country. He assured of the state government’s desire to assist the association achieve its noble objectives stating however that the present administration has a policy of not interfering in student union

activities. He promised government’s commitment to the success of a member of NANS executive, Comrade Obinwa Chris Nonye in his aspiration for the post of speakership of the Nigerian Youth Parliament, National Assembly, Abuja. In his response, the National President of NANS, Comrade Tijani Usman Shehu, thanked Governor Rochas Okorocha, for numerous assistance he has been rendering to the association, including the recent donation of new buses to them.

Abia gov charges NSCDC on security


overnor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State has charged o΀cers and men of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) to intensify effort at securing the nation’s pipelines, and clamping down on child tra΀ckers in the state. The Governor gave the

charge when he received in audience the new Commandant of the NSCDC, Abia State Command, Dr. Benito Eze, who called on him. He commended the Corps on its operations against pipeline vandalism in the state, and advised them to share intelligence with other security agencies

and the state government to ensure adequate protection of NNPC pipelines as well as Àghting child tra΀cking. He pledged to partner with the NSCDC as well as support them in enhancing their operations in the state. Earlier in his speech, the Commandant, Dr Benito Eze, who congratulated the Governor on his emer-

gence requested the state government’s continued logistic support to enable them carry out eͿective patrol of NNPC pipelines in the state. He disclosed that the Command recently rescued over 80 pregnant girls from child tra΀ckers, and pledged to discharge his duties according to the law.

blind generating set Ă€re victim, Mr. John Ogugua Nwabufo, from NkwelleEzunaka, Oyi local government area, Anambra State, has called for Ă€nancial assistance following a Ă€re incident from his generating set which consumed all his property, including his house. He described his life as hopeless after he lost everything in the Ă€re. “I am set for death because all I have were burnt to ashes within a twinkle of an eye, coupled with the fact that as a sick man, who has been bed ridden for years. I am Ă€nished. The wealth I acquired in my hay days has within minutes gone down the drain, and I now look on to God to do His wish,â€? he cried. Trouble reportedly started for the man when one of his sons carried a lantern to pass by the generator, and it immediately caught Ă€re and

subsequently torched the entire house. Mr. Nwabufor, a partialblind man, who has been bed-ridden for years, his wife, Ndidiamaka and six children, escaped death by the whiskers as they were evacuated through the window. According to the Chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) in the area, Chief Vincent Obiora Anyakora, the incident occurred in the wee hours when the family members were still asleep. “The entire family was still asleep when their house caught Ă€re, and their neighbours started shouting which made the entire neighbourhood to storm the place, and rescued them. The entire building had caught Ă€re when the rescuers came and they had to break the window from where the father, mother and six children were rescued. If not for God, the father, who is partially blind and bed-ridden for years now and his entire family, would have died.â€?

Anambra community leader escapes assassination Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha

A community leader in Obosi, Idemili North local government area, Anambra State, Chief Emeka IK Orizu, yesterday reportedly escaped assassination attempt after being elected as the new chairman of Little Woods Development Association. The assassins, who were mostly youths, and numbering about 18, attacked him in his

office, for daring to be elected and vowing to fight drug trade, cultism, 419 and armed robbery in Obosi community. He sustained axe injury as he was running away from them, according to him, on the neck and leg and has reported the case to Obosi Police Station. The state’s Police Commissioner confirmed the incident when contacted, adding that investigation is ongoing.


Newswatch Times Saturday, August 1, 2015


North East

Bauchi targets pregnant mothers and children for healthcare benefits Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

Newly promoted Assistant Comptroller General of Nigeria Immigration Service, Mr. Raymond Akra-Jaja (right) handing over to the Acting Comptroller of Nigeria Immigration Service, Plateau Command, Mr. Jerry Binjin in Jos, Plateau State… yesterday.

Gov Abubakar warns against diversion of fertilizer Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


he Bauchi State Governor, Barrister Mohammed Abduallahi Abubakar, yesterday said the state government has procured a total of 10,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser for distribution to farmers in the state at subsidized rate. Governor Abubakar launched the sale of fertiliser in Misau local government area of the state, warned against the diversion of fertilizer in this year’s farming season, saying that

the government will take drastic measure against anybody who is caught in such an act. He said that government has constituted a 16-man committee headed by Brigadier General Ladan B. Yusuf (Rtd) to monitor the distribution and sale of the fertilizer to farmers in the state. He said the NPK will sell for N2, 700 while Urea will go for N3, 000 and warned that no farmer should pay a kobo more than the prices to anyone in Bauchi State. According to him,

“Bauchi is an agrarian state; therefore, there is the need to pay close attention to the agricultural sector. The government is poised to support farmers in order to succeed in the fight against the twin evil of hunger and poverty.” He said: “The government is striving to reduce the burden and hardship of land preparation for farmers by ensuring that agricultural machineries are made available and new ones acquired to meet the growing needs of

farmers across the state.” Abubakar said the agricultural inputs will be provided to farmers in collaboration with the federal government and other donor agencies at subsidized rate. He said that his administration will focus on the training and retraining of agricultural personnel in the state in order to meet up with the development of science and technology of modern day farming with the aim of boosting the capacity of farmers in the state.

Gov Abubakar reiterates commitment to run media friendly govt Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


overnor Mohammed Abduallahi Abubakar of Bauchi state yesterday reiterated his commitment to run a media friendly government by assisting media practitioners in the state. He made the plea when the state chairman of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Comrade Dahiru Garba Mohammed led members of the council to Government House to introduce the newly elected Deputy National President of NUJ, Comrade Mukthar Gidado.

He promised to assist the union in training and retraining of journalists for e΀ciency, but charged them to be objective in their reportage as doing so would be good for the state. But if wrong reports about the state are published, they would be doing great disservice to the state. He assured media practitioners on the payroll of the state government of his determination to implement the wayin allowance which the previous administration of Isa Yuguda failed to implement

even as implementing it would cost the state about N2 million. He regretted that the media had reported him in bad light, but assured that he would continue to work with them in order to help project his administration’s achievement, programmes and policies to the world. However, Dahiru expressed appreciation to the state government for the support the union has enjoyed and assured him of robust working relationship. The Deputy National President, Comrade Gidado said freedom

of speech is the surest way to good governance as well as deepening the nation’s hard earned democracy and stressed that it would assist greatly in eradicating poverty and corruption. He appealed to journalists to report objectively and solicited government continued support in the area of capacity building of his members as it is only when there is improvement that they can objectively report government activities in such a way that it would deepen the nation’s democracy.

The Bauchi State Government is to provide health care services to over 1.2 million children during the Àrst round of 2015 Maternal, Newborn and Child health week being observed in the state. Over 3,000 pregnant women will also beneÀt from the health interventions while four health centres will be used in each of the 323 wards in the state during the exercise. Speaking at the Áag- oͿ ceremony at government House Bauchi yesterday, the state Acting Executive Chairman of Primary Health Care Development Agency, Dr Yahaya Yarima said during the exercise, pregnant women and children will be given Vitamin A supplements, de-worming exercise,

management of minor ailment, birth registration and issuing of birth certiÀcates. Others includes, nutrition screening of children less than Àve years using mid-upper arm circumference. Family planning services, key household practices and education on HIV/Aids and HIV counselling and testing to pregnant mothers. He disclosed that the state has achieved 84% coverage on Vitamin A in the last round saying that Vitamin A coverage is the yardstick used by the National Primary Health Care to access coverage in the states. Dr Yarima called on parents across the state to bring out their children less than 5 years of age and pregnant mothers to access the health services.

80% Nigerian households rely on alternative sources of power Toyin Adebayo


he latest Power poll results released by NOIPolls Limited for the second quarter of 2015 revealed that as a direct eěect of power shortage and the poor state of power supply in Nigeria, most Nigerians have adapted the use of alternative sources of power such as generators, solar inverters etc. with the average use of alternative power supply recorded at 77 per cent over a 27-month period (April 2013 –June 2015). The Chief Operating OfęcerȦDirector of Research of NOIPolls Ltd, Dr Bell Ihua in a statement made available to Newswatch Times in Abuja stated that the poll result revealed that Q2 and Q4 2013 recorded the highest (81 per cent each) use of alternative

sources of power, while Q1, 2015 recorded the lowest at 70 per cent. This result supports ęndings from the recent NOIPolls Power Tracking Report which revealed that there has been no remarkable improvement in power supply over a 30 month period as only an average of 36.4 per cent of Nigerian households saw improvement in power supply. He further stated that, monthly tracking of the usage of alternative sources of power across geopolitical zones revealed that majority of residents across all geo-political zones use alternative sources of power, although the SouthWest Zone recorded the highest overall average (83 per cent) usage of alternative sources of power, moreover this zone is the worst hit zone in terms of actual power supply over a 30-month period.

Drug Trafficking: Court convicts ex-legislator, notorious drug dealer

Owolola Adebola, Yola


former member of Adamawa State House of Assembly and delegate, National Constitutional Conference, Honourable Missa Bobbo and a notorious drug baron, Bappa Madu of Ngurore town, have been sentenced to seven years imprisonment each by Justice Balkisu Bello Aliyu of the Federal High Court sitting in Yola. They were arrested by o΀cials of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in connection with unlawful possession of illicit drugs which is in violation of section 19 of the NDLEA Act. The former legislator was convicted for possess-

ing 81.9kg of cannabis sativa while Bappa was found guilty of possessing 61.6kg of tramadol. Justice Balkisu said that the involvement of the former legislator in drug tra΀cking is shameful and subsequently sentenced him to seven years imprisonment. Missa Bobbo was member, House of Assembly in Adamawa State representing Leko-Koma constituency between 1991 and 1993. He was also a member of the national constitutional conference in 1995. Apart from the dried weeds of cannabis found with him; fresh plants of cannabis were also harvested from his cannabis farm.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


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Saturday, August 1, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015



Intrigues, power play that ended House of Reps crisis Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


or the sake of the doctrine, Separation of Powers (SOP), President Muhammadu Buhari never had the intention of intervening in the recent crises that brought both chambers of the National Assembly to its knees until it dawned on him, his All Progressives Congress (APC) and the party stalwarts that the APC may be heading for the rock; thus, the President in a clinical parley with relevant stakeholders including the alleged arrowhead of the crisis, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, eventually restored peace back to the chamber last Monday. Before then, Newswatch Times recalled that the former Senator representing Akwa Ibom North East, Ita Enang in a press interview, had urged Buhari to personally wade into the National Assembly crisis with a view to resolving the logjam in the interest of the nation. According to him, the election of the presiding o΀cers of the Senate and House of Representatives followed due process, but urged all parties to sheath their swords and put the issue behind them. He also appealed to the APC leadership to watch its utterances over the National Assembly crisis and allow the lawmakers to settle their diͿerences in their own way. Enang, who is the immediate past Chairman, Senate Committee on Rules and Business, said Nigerians are not interested in who emerges as presiding o΀cers of the Senate or House of Representatives, stressing that their concern is whether the federal parliamentarians were doing what could aͿect their lives positively. He said: “I will urge the leaders of the APC and other eminent citizens to prevail on President Muhammadu Buhari to step in because he was elected as president of Nigeria to take the honour, to take salute, to take praises, to be protected, to drive and be protected by siren. “He was also elected by Nigerians to take insults. If any of these matters happen in a manner that is considered that it is not respecting the party, let us please accept that the part of the duty of a leader is also to take the glory and also to take blame. “I want Mr President and all the parties in this matter to please come in because he is the Commander-In-Chief who com-



mands the Armed Forces and the political forces. “Let him come in, intervene as a leader, let him just lift his hands and say, ‘peace be still’ and then put the House and everybody back together”. Enang noted that Buhari was still enjoying the popular support and acceptance by Nigerians; hence the federal lawmakers would listen to him and abide by his peace moves. It would be recalled that the Sokoto State Governor who doubled as the Chairman, Peace Committee on House of Representatives leadership crisis, Alhaji Aminu Tambuwal, about a month ago declared that in spite of public condemnation of the President’s docility on the assembly crisis, Presidency would not intervene in order not to breach SOP, noting that the chamber is not only sacrosanct, the lawmakers too had every constitutional right to act within the House rules, especially in choosing their leadership. Corroborating this, Buhari’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina, said Buhari had since chosen to give recourse to the Constitution of the land and



the principle of SOP on which Nigeria bases its federalism, saying, Buhari’s intervention might portray him as a “dictator or a despot which runs at variance with democratic ethos and values.” That was when the Presidency had the illusion that the NASS would settle its rift by itself. But when it became obvious that an end to the crisis was elusive as Femi Gbajabiamila’s camp continued to rock the boat sailed by Yakubu Dogara’s camp in the House of Representatives and Lawan’s group at the Senate didn’t give Saraki’s breathing space, Buhari last Monday waded into the crisis and was able to restore peace. Newswatch Times reliably recalled that the President had held a closed door meeting with some APC members in the House of Representatives attended by Speaker Dogara and Gbajabiamila who eventually became the APC minority leader. According to a source, the meeting was to aͿord Buhari an opportunity to wade into the crisis. However, the last meeting marks the Àrst time that the president would meet with both camps of

the House since the June 9 election where Dogara defeated the party’s favourite, Gbajabiamila. Though the crisis is over and put to rest by the gladiators, the intrigues the President adopted to settle it is worth mentioning. It was discovered that Buhari had placed a call to Dogara before he (Buhari) went to the chamber to psyche and sound him out before the visit probably to avoid being disgraced like his Vice who had a couple of months ago attempted to force it on Senator Saraki who allegedly rebuͿed him. It was alleged that Buhari reportedly phoned Dogara following a last-minute meeting with party leader, Tinubu, and urged him to embrace peace. It was when he (Buhari) was sure of positive response and honour from the legislator that he headed for the meeting. However, the presidential spokesman, Garba Shehu denied knowledge of any interaction between the President and the Speaker prior to the day’s pronouncement. With all the exclusive politics put to play, tempers reached feverish pitch on the resolution of supporters of Dogara to adopt the party’s “position as amended,” which would have led to the exclusion of Gbajabiamila who lost out in the leadership contest with Dogara on June 9. Security was heavy within the precincts of the Assembly with the Divisional Police O΀cer (DPO), leading the screening of visitors into the Assembly complex while the Speaker also arrived with the National Security Adviser (NSA), Maj.-Gen. Babagana Monguno (rtd). Newswatch Times gathered that Dogara’s camp had resolved to push ahead and support Ado Doguwa (Kano) as House Leader, Bala Jibrin (Kogi) as Deputy Leader, Pally Iriase (Edo) as Chief Whip and Chike Okafor (Imo) as Deputy Leader, but for the Presidency’s alleged intervention. The presidency was said to have urged Dogara to kowtow to the party’s earlier stance on Gbajabiamila as House Leader. Dogara who was presiding over the aͿairs of the House had to allow his deputy, Rep. Yusuf Lasun to take over deliberations while he conferred with Gbajabiamila and Doguwa in the o΀ce of the House Clerk. Following the deliberations that lasted about an hour, the Clerk anContinued on Page 49


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Politics Buhari’s slowness pardonable – Adegbenro A public commentator, Mr. Adejare Adegbenro has pledged his support for President Muhammadu Buhari over his cautious handling of Nigeria. According to the youthful analyst, the President could have made a great mistake if he had rushed to constitute his cabinet immediately after inauguration on May 29. According to him at a media parley, Buhari’s success will depend on how Nigerians rally round him the way they did through the electioneering campaigns. Mansur Oladunjoye ÀOHV H[FHUSWV


ow do you assess President Muhammadu Buhari’s two months in o΀Fe" The government being led by President Muhammadadu Buhari has done remarkably well, given the short time of its existence in o΀ce. And the reason I am saying this is very simple but rather complex. People need to understand what is called governance. When you have a government that means to work for the electorate, the Àrst thing you need to do is to be realistic and to be objective. By so doing, you need to understand

the magnitude of the problem that is on the ground, diagnose it and then you start to apply treatment to it. I will give you an example. It is very easy for people to tag Buhari “Baba Go Slow”. It is very strange and abusive. You are talking about going into the treatment without knowing the root causes of the ailment. Who do you need to tell you that the system in Nigeria is not working" What works in Nigeria" Why don’t you think of the Àlth, mismanagement and corruption and those who steal? It even goes beyond that. So, we need to have a


reorientation in everything. But he was given a handover note EeIore his assumStion oI o΀Fe« (...cuts in) Yes, I know people will be quick to say Buhari was given a handover note before his inauguration by the previous government so he should hit the ground running. But when was it given and what was he given? Now, another reason I said he has done remarkably well is that we have countries that are not faithful towards our government. The government like the United States of America is not friendly to us, if

it were; there would have been so much assistance of collaborations that could have solved a lot of our national problems. But what happens? Today, they are going to sell this to us, tomorrow they are no more selling to us. Yet, with this cat and mouse posture, we still maintain diplomatic relationship with them. Then, what can we do? Is that why he is slow in taking aFtions" When they say this man is slow, they fail to appreciate the fact that he needs to understand the problem that is on the ground before acting. In the handover note, what they will tell you, and what he will Ànd in the o΀ce after the swearing in at the Eagles Square will be a diͿerent ball game entirely. The information he never had before the inauguration, now he has it. The reality is now dawn on him. He needs to articulate it. And people complain that he has not constituted his cabinet without checking how much he has saved for the country in the process. Besides, Mr. President, who we all agree is Mr. Clean and incorruptible, will need equally clean lieutenants that will compliment his eͿort at moving the country forward on a clean slate. Do people know that those they are touting to be Àt for Continued on Page 49

Politicians, political parties preparing for Anambra 2017 Alphonsus Eze, Awka


overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has just spent barely 15 months in o΀ce, having been sworn in as the Governor of state in March 17, 2013 on the platform of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), but politicians and political parties are already neck –deep angling and plotting on how to take over his seat in 2017, when governorship election in the state will hold. In fact, this is understandable because many who has political ambition to become Governor of the state had started their preparation from day one, Obiano was sworn in. Even the Governor himself was also said to have commenced preparation for his second tenure right from the day he won election. Politicians are clever lots. Sources said many of them who are keen were known to have started on time preparing on how to prosecute their political war, so that they will not be taken them unawares, when the war proper comes. Governor Obiano is said to have commenced preparation for his term with a lot of known and hidden programmes among them include, the recent raising his own structure in his party by placing loyalists at the helm of aͿairs in the party in the state and at the national level. During the last state congress of


the party at Women Development Centre in Awka, the former chairman, Chief Mike Kwentoh, was removed and replaced by Nobert Obi, former Obiano’s Commissioner for Special Duties against the expectation of many party members in the State. Newswatch Times onSaturday, learnt that the choice of Dr. Victor Oye seen as the a core loyalists of Orji Uzor Kanu, former Governor of Abia State, whom he worked for, as the national chairman of APGA to replce Chjief Victor Umeh,against the former Minister of Interior, Capt. Emmanuel Ihenacho inspite of support from members of the party across board was to bring somebody who will not jeopardise his second term chance.


Already, in his rare interview with newsmen recently declared that there was no vacancy in Government House Awka until 2021, when Obiano wouild have concluded his two tenure. That in eͿect, implies that the governorship ticket for APGA in 2017 as expected in Nigeria politics will go to Obiano as the incumbent . Governor Obiano has also commenced the Áoating of support groups that will drum support for him for 2017 election. One of such groups was launched in one of the hotels in Awka just a fortnight ago , where the promoters expressed support for Obiano to go for the second term in o΀ce. The is latest move has however

been condemned by critics of the Governor on the ground that it was too early in the day for him to engage in such recruitment of idle loyalists, who will not only distract him but create an avenue to grab a chunk of the state fund. A top member of All Progressives Congress (APC) and former Majority leader of the State House of Assembly, Chief Okonkwo Okom, warned Obiano to jettison the idea of forming support groups who are just there to collect money from him and distract him from providing democracy dividend to the State. He said that it is not those support groups who will make him to have second term but his performance will convince the people of Anambra State to vote for him again. As Governor Obiano and his party are strategising for 2017, so are other political parties in the state or at least the major visible parties in the state. The people’s Democratic Party (PDP), which is just recovering from the shock of its defeat by the APC at the last presidential election has sworn to pursue vigorously their agenda of reclaiming the state from APGA in 2017. The party last weekend held what seemed to be less rancourous congress that returned the immediate state chairman of the party, Ken Emekayi, as the helmsman in an Continued on Page 50

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Retain fresh talent; Kpakor urges Oliseh Aba agog for Enyimba, Rangers cracker >>Pg.18

Simeone proves he’s still in shape >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Wolves dedicate El-Kanemi victory to Gov. Okowa


arri Wolves FC has dedicated their Week 4 NPFL emphatic 5-0 victory against El Kanemi FC to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

According to the club the victory was made possible by the governor who made some money available to them that served as tonic and motivation that led to

their victory against ElKanemi. They assured that they are going to up their game particularly as the second stanza of the league kicks of this weekend. “We are happy for this victory against El-Kanemi FC in our rescheduled Week 6 league game. We are delighted because the victory has improved our standing on the league. “We want to specięcally want to dedicate this victory to Governor Ifeanyi Okowa because he made it possible having made some money available for us. “The money he provided for us served as a tonic and morale booster because for some time, we have praying that the state government should pay us some of the arrears of salaries owed us.

“The governor really motivated us with his timely intervention in our ęnancial predicament and we want to sustain the momentum particularly as the second stanza of the league kicks oě this weekend,” our source said. “We are delighted that the victory has helped us improve on league standing and we are going to continue to do our best in our quest for the league shield. “We are conędent that we are going to do all we can to ensure that the conędence the government, the supporter and fans have reposed on us is not toyed with because we know what it means and by God’s grace we are not going to let them down,” our source assured.

Aba agog for Enyimba, Rangers cracker


t is going to be titanic baĴle tomorrow inside the main bowl of Enyimba International Stadium as two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club welcome Enugu Rangers International FC in the ęrst game of the second stanza of 2014/15 league season. Any game involving the two sister teams is always hot as each side would want to claim supremacy over the other. Just two weeks ago at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium, the two teams locked horns and it was the visiting Enyimba who ran away with the maximum points to the disappointment of Enugu fans. Rangers no doubt will be coming for revenge having lost that encounter in Enugu despite playing well, but it will be seen at the end of the 90 minutes hostilities whether Rangers anger and revenge mission will give them the maximum points. On their part, Enyimba would want to prove that their victory against the Flying Antelope was not a Ěuke even as their veteran coach, Kadiri Ikhana will have to go deeper in his bag of trick to ensure victory tomorrow in Aba just like both sides will not lack support. Rangers as a maĴer of fact, are known to be a strong side that no team

will ever toy with unless you are willing to regret you action. Both sides play good football and as a result fans will certain get value

for their money when they troop to Enyimba International Stadium tomorrow to watch the encounter. The two sister teams know each other very well even as they take their superiority baĴle to another level tomorrow. Looking at the pedigree of both teams and their current form, it seems that the game may end in a stalemate but that is one suggestion that Enyimba would not want to hear as they ęght to topple Sunshine Stars who are table toppers with

Heartland wield big stick, prepare against Wikki


n a bit to ensure that their set target is met at the end of the 2014/15 League season, Heartland FC of Owerri have wriĴen warning leĴers to ęve of their players over their Ěagging performance even as they have pushed four others to the transfer market while three have been sent back to the feeder team. This much was revealed to League Watch Times by no other person than the club’s Media OĜcer, Cajetan Nkwopara, in a chat during the week. On their preparations for this weekend tie against Wikki Tourists of Bauchi, Nkwopara said the Nazi millionaire have been training hard for the encounter. He explained that the team has been training in Maryland, a Catholic Seminary school in Nekede for match.

Heartland is placed ęfth on log at the end of the ęrst stanza having garnered 32 points to show for their eěorts so far. It is expected that the Nazi millionaires will be able to square up against Wikki this weekend in Bauchi. It is going to be an interesting game because Wikki who are placed third on the log would want to capitalize on home advantage to pocket the three points at stake; but the determined Nazi millionaires may not likely going to give them that opportunity. “I would want to let you know that in our eěort to ensure that we meet our target at the end of the season, Heartland FC has wriĴen warning leĴers to ęve players over their Ěagging performance so far in the league,” Nkwopara began.

superior goals advantage. Interestingly, the two coaches have coached Enyimba before even as Ikhana is in Enyimba on second missionary journey. The current Rangers coach, Imama Amapakabo was in Enyimba before he joined Rangers as assistant to sacked Kelechi Emetole. Meanwhile, both Sunshine and Enyimba have same number of points but the Akure Gunners have superior goals advantage as the two time African champions are occupying the second position on the log with 36 points same with Sunshine after the end of the ęrst stanza last two weeks.

Akwa Utd to beef up squad for second stanza


kwa Ibom State Director of sports, Dickson Aniedi, has disclosed that the state ęnanced football club, Akwa United FC will beefed up its squad for the second stanza of the Globacom sponsored Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). Aniedi stated this in a chat with League Watch during the week. The versatile sports administrator explained that they will use the opportunity of the remaining days of the open window to shop for some players to fortify

their squad. “Of course, we are going to beef up our squad just like other teams are doing. We need to beef up our squad to enable us face the task ahead because this second stanza is certainly going to be tougher than the ęrst stanza. “The reason the second stanza of the league is always tougher is because every team will be competing for the shield or for survival as any mistake will be very costly for any team that is not among the ęrst ten on the log,” Aniedi explained.

Week 20 NPFL results El-Kanemi

















Wo l v e s

Ta r a b a












League Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team MP Sunshine 19 Enyimba 19 Wikki 19 Wolves 18 Htlnd 19 Giwa 19 Abia 19 Ifeanyi 19 Pillars 19 Rangers 19 Nasarawa 19 Shooting 18 Akwa 19 El Knm 19 Kwara 18 Lobi 19 Sharks 19 Bayelsa 19 Dolphins 19 Taraba 18

W D L F 11 3 5 30 Agwu, Enyimba Chairman 10 6 3 26 9 6 4 24 10 2 6 28 10 2 7 30 8 7 4 24 9 2 8 23 8 3 8 21 8 3 8 23 8 3 8 Akpokona 21 7 5 7 18 7 4 7 17 7 3 9 13 7 3 9 17 6 4 8 18 4 9 6 17 3 9 7 15 4 6 9 12 3 8 8 16 2 6 10 16

A 18 16 19 17 20 21 23 17 21 21 20 14 18 28 22 23 21 21 22 27

D +12 +10 +5 +11 +10 +3 +0 +4 +2 +0 -2 +3 -5 -11 -4 -6 -6 -9 -6 -11

P 36 36 33 32 32 31 29 27 27 27 26 25 24 24 22 21 18 18 17 12

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


19 Brazil star prepares for Barcelona return


eymar reported back to Barcelona training on Thursday, with the Brazil star making the most of his ęnal few days oě on holiday in Ibiza. The 23-year-old was pictured with friends and family on a private yacht in the popular holiday resort on Tuesday, as the highly-rated youngster enjoyed some downtime before the beginning of the La Liga season.

Neymar was given an extended break oě by the Catalan giants after participating in the Copa America for his country. Neymar has a clause in his contract which allowed him to rest further over the summer period as he returns to the La Liga giants raring to go ahead of next month’s big kick oě. As well as visiting Ibiza, the Brazil star has been in Las Vegas this summer,

most notably being in aĴendance for the UFC 189 ęght between Conor McGregor and Chad Mendes in the Nevada desert, while also meeting American basketball legend Michael Jordan on his travels, too. Neymar will be hoping he and his teammates can continue where they left oě last season after claiming a memorable treble, when they face Sevilla in the UEFA Super Cup ęnal against Sevilla.



e may have retired over nine years ago, but Diego Simeone certainly looks like he could pull his boots back on and take his

Another shade of Blue

place in Atletico Madrid’s midęeld once again next season. The 45-year-old, who moved into management immediately after calling

time on his playing career in 2006, looked in tip-top shape as he was pictured enjoying a break in Marbella. The Atletico boss was joined in southern Spain by model girlfriend Carla Pereira, who he has been dating for over a year. The pair were spoĴed riding bikes around the town and relaxing on a large sunbed as Simeone enjoyed a quick break from pre-season training. Atletico began their preparations for the new La Liga season with a 2-0 win against Numancia on Saturday and face Real Oviedo in their second friendly. Simeone will have to cut his break short in order to take charge on Tuesday as the La Liga outęt get ready for their season opener against newlypromoted Las Palmas on August 22.

beating Manchester City 4-1 last week and continued their preparations for the new season in perfect fashion. The 10-time European Cup winners next face Inter’s city rivals AC Milan this

week to conclude their tour of China. Accompanied with the captionDZ ‘On our way to Shanghai! #RMTour2015,’ Ronaldo, Lucas Silva, Rodriguez and Danilo posed for a photo.

again proved his aěection for Benęca as he posed with the Portuguese giants prior to their International Champions Cup match against New York Red Bulls on Sunday. Benęca are in Mike Tyson’s home country of the United States but instead of wearing the the Big Apple side’s team colours, Brooklynborn Tyson proudly wore the red shirt of the Portuguese side. The 49-year-old heavyweight legend has previously spoken of his aĜnity for the Lisbon-based club, which apparently stems from when a PortugueseAmerican friend gave him a ‘Glorioso’ jersey several years ago.



idier Drogba has enjoyed a stellar career in England, France, Turkey and China but he appeared to be taken aback by the welcome he received in Montreal on Wednesday. Hundreds of fans turned up at Pierre EllioĴ Trudeau International Airport to greet the Ivorian star after he agreed to join MLS side Montreal Impact. The 37-year-old left Chelsea this summer after playing 381 games for the Blues and winning four Premier League titles across two spells with the London club. Drogba, who was released by the west London side at the end of the season, will oĜcially

join the Canadian club when he receives his Canadian work permit. The MLS side are currently sixth in the Eastern Conference and took to TwiĴer to conęrm the news on Monday night.

Impact President Joey Saputo told the club’s oĜcial websiteDZ It’s an honour to welcome Didier Drogba to the Impact. From the ęrst conversation I had with him, I felt that he really wanted to play in Montreal.

+H·V WKH %DGGHVW 0DQ RQ WKH 3ODQHW 5RQDOGR UHOD[HV LQ WKH SRRO GXULQJ 5HDO·V EXW ZKR HYHU NQHZ 0LNH 7\VRQ VXSSRUWHG %HQILFD" pre-season tour of China ike Tyson once In a previous interview read about the story of


eal Madrid have been in such red-hot form during preseason that their star man took a diěerent approach to cool oě. Accompanied with the caption ‘Recover’, Cristiano Ronaldo took to Instagram on Tuesday as he relaxed in a swimming pool. The Real forward was in a happy mood as he basked in the Chinese sunshine following the Spanish giants’ latest pre-season win the day before. Goals from Jese, James Rodriguez and Raphael Varane saw the Santiago Bernabeu outęt beat Inter Milan 3-0 in the International Champions Cup on Monday in Guangzhou. Real already won the Australasia edition of the pre-season competition after


with Diario O Jogo, Tyson saidDZ ‘It’s been many years, but I still have that sweater at home. It was oěered by a friend of mine, a son of Portuguese immigrants in the United States. ‘He always spoke to me about Benęca and his passion for the club, so I was curious. I’ve

the Glorious (Benęca’s nickname).’ And Tyson, who in Januray 2014 tweeted, ‘R. I. P. Eusebio Black Panther BENFICA forever’ after the death of the Mozambique-born Portuguese legend, made sure to link up with Rui Vitoria’s men when he got the chance this weekend.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


Retain fresh talent; Kpakor urges Oliseh Mark Ogagan


igeria exinternational midęelder, Moses Kpakor, has advised newly-appointed Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh not to discard the young players who featured for the national team in the last Afcon qualięer against Chad. Young guns like William Stroot-Ekong, Kingsley Madu, Anderson Esiti and Rabiu Ibrahim were handed debuts by Stephen Keshi in his last game in charge of the team, and Kpakor, who played a key role in Nigeria’s silver-medal performance at Algiers ’90 Nations Cup, feels Oliseh should not kill the momentum. “I think Oliseh should start by giving these boys more opportunity to express themselves and allow Nigerians to judge. Personally I think the boys did well against Chad considering that it was their ęrst game together as a team, so I think, yes, Oliseh should continue with them. That’s the best option for him at the moment,” Kpakor told Newswatch Times sports from Makurdi.

He backed the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) on Oliseh’s appointment, stressing that the coach’s experience as a player is basically what he needs to succeed at the top level. “Yes, for me, Oliseh is a good choice. He has good personal experience of football at this level, he’s a licensed coach and perfect football education instructor, and I will not ask for more. “And, even though he has never coached at top level; that is not a disadvantage. I don’t see that as a problem at all. No coach in the whole world has ever coached in his mother’s womb. We all started at some point. “But the most important thing is that, he has the credentials required to carry out a task in a profession that is his,” Kpakor noted further. While criticising those that have argued that Oliseh is not qualięed for such a high-proęle job like that of the Super Eagles simply because he has never coached at high level, the one-time BCC Lions of Gboko captain insisted that it’s all in theory. “All talk about experience or inexperience is all in theory. Dunga of Brazil

didn’t do it either, yet he won two Copa America and Confederation Cups for his country. Same applies to Franz Beckenbauer who won the World Cup for Germany in 1990. “Similarly, the late Yemi Tella did not coach any

high proęle teams before winning the U-17 World Cup, and Jo Bonfere didn’t as well, but he won us the Afro-Asian Cup and the Olympic soccer gold. “I think we should just wait and see how Oliseh performs ęrst before passing judgement,

but personally I feel he has the required manmanagement skills to succeed. On Oliseh’s preference for a foreign technical assistant, Kpakor said the former Eagles skipper has every right to chose whom to work with, and advised

everyone to support rather than castigate him. “Of course, it has to be a man he trusts. The NFF can have their own assistants, but I think it’s high time a coach selects his immediate staě rather than have assistants forced on him.

to distract them,’’ Okumagba who led the strong team of NFSC that provided a one stop support during the ęrst leg added that the Nigerian side would not lack in support and charged the squad to ensure that nothing the desperate Congolese side would do to intimidate them would work. He insists that after all, the players are experienced and knew what to do when the chips are down. The boys and their crew must have it at the back of their mind that the baĴle of PointeNoire would be tough as

the seĴing has portrayed. The answer to it remains thorough preparation for the worst, he added. ‘’No doubt the Claude Le Roy tutored team would come out with all antics that would devastate the visitors but Samson Siasia, his crew and the players are aware the expectations of the generality of Nigerians and would not give any space for the over ambitious Congolese to operate. The usual atmosphere would be charged right from their point of entry but the antidote for it is to have the big heart to eěective

counter and overcome the threat,’’ he said. He recalled that with the new addition of players by the chief coach Samson Siasia to give more teeth to the aĴacking prowess of the U-23 side, the game would be hot and tough to behold. It further showed the readiness of the former Olympics champions not to give any inch to their hosts for any mischief. According to him, the prompt response of the players to camp also lends credence to their preparedness to go all out to pick victory in the win or burst baĴle.

B a t t l e o f Po i n t e - N o i re : O k u m a g b a c h a r ge s D r e a m Te a m t o b e a t C o n go

Victor Enyinnaya


ational Chairman of Nigeria Football Supporter Club (NFSC), Prince Vincent Okumagba, has urged Nigeria’s U-23 side to brace up and take the ęght to their Congolese counterparts when both teams square up in a Rio 2016 Olympics qualięer on Sunday. Nigeria won the ęrst leg 2-1 in Port Harcourt, and need just a draw to bag a ticket to the Olympic showpiece. He made the assertion during a telephone conversation from Abuja that no doubt it will be a grudge baĴle of wits judging from the kind of ęreworks that prevailed during the ęrst leg duel in Port Harcourt. ‘’I foresee a ęght to ęnish football game between both sides. The way and maĴer the Nigerians prosecuted the ęrst leg was obvious that the team wanted to score as many goals as possible but near misses rub them such opportunity. It will be real ęght for the ticket. U-23 Eagles lads have shown their willingness to be at the Olympics and will redouble their eěorts to rebuě whatever tricks the homers would employ

Bulgarian coach Dobrev on verge of return to NPFL Mark Ogagan


ormer Technical Adviser of Nnewibased FC Ifeanyi Ubah, Mitko Kostandinov Dobrev, is on the verge of landing another plum job in Nigeria’s Premier League cadre, as clubs engage in ęnal leg of preparations ahead of the second stanza of the NPFL season, which commences this week. The Bulgarian-born tactician was ęred after the Nnewi-based side lost a Glo Premier League game at home to Wikki Tourist FC, but could be making a quick return to league

action soon. This was conęrmed to Newswatch Times sports by his agent, Mr. Geoěrey Aghogi, who said his client, will storm Nigeria any moment from now. Aghogi, who has managed Dobrev since the Bulgarian ęrst burst into the Nigerian soccer scene in 2006, threw more light on how the former Heartland tactician was unfairly dismissed by FC Ifeanyi Ubah without being paid his full entitlements. According to him, Dobrev’s contract with FC Ifeanyi Ubah stipulated that

in the case of his contract being terminated before its expiration, he will be paid the sum of ęve thousand US dollars (Ǟ5,000), being a month’s salary, plus ten thousand US dollars (Ǟ10,000) as sign-on-fees. “The way and manner the Chairman of FC Ifeanyi Ubah, Chukwuma Ubah handled the whole situation was very wrong. He asked Coach Mitko Dobrev to sign on behalf of his agent, who had been in Nnewi two weeks, before the coach was sacked, and the Chairman knows Dobrev cannot read English,” he explained.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Celebratingg women off substance

– Food scientist, Oluwafunmilayo Bakare

I was annoyed with my husband the day he proposed

Vol. 01, No. 40

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

– Food scientist, Oluw afunmilayo Bakare

Oluwafunmilayo Ba ka teach other women re is a food scientist cum businesswom ho an who lloves to in heir marriages. A ro ǡ w to susttaiin th spire and le model to other w om en, Funmi, as in this interview wit h QISMAT YINUS, w Ǥ Ƥ here she spoke abou generally. Excerpts : t her marriage, busi ness and life


an you tell us about yourself? My name is Oluwafunmilayo Bakare, a food scientist. I studied Food Science, and I’m presently into bakery products. I supply cakes, bread and other bakery products. I collect in large quantities from bakeries and distribute to people. I distribute to sellers according to their orders. I do it like three or four times a week.

Did you decide to go into this business because you studied food science? Not really! I went into business mainly because of my marriage; because when I was serving (NYSC) I had the intention of continuing with the food company I served under. One year after my marriage I got pregnant and about two months to my delivery date my husband asked me

to stop working because we would start raising kids. So I had to stop basically because of my marriage, and I give God the glory, because I have more time for my kids; I am able to take care of them. I’m at home before they come back. I have enough time for my family because I am running my own business.

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Can you tell us about your marriage? It has been wonderful. I am married to a handsome man. We’ve been married for 18 years now and we have two wonderful kids - a boy and a girl. The marriage has been wonderful because my husband has been wonderful. How would you describe your husband? He is a nice man, and very gentle. I trouble him a lot. My husband is my friend; it is fun being with him. He is a wonderful person, and there is one unique thing about my husband. When he has, he is ready to give us hundred percent. We would even be the ones returning the money and telling him to keep some for himself. He is always there, and ready to assist. He calls me every time to check on me and the kids too.

How supportive of your business is your husband? He is very supportive. Sometimes when I want to go about my business and my vehicle is faulty, he would give me his own car and volunteer to drive. We go together, distribute together, and go home. How did you meet your husband and how did he propose to you? I met him when I was about to write my JAMB exams, and I was attending a lesson which was on the same building as his elder brother’s restaurant. That was where we met. He was in the University, and I was just about to get into the higher LQVWLWXWLRQ ,W ZDV LQ P\ ¿QDO \HDU DW <DED College of Technology that he proposed. It was really funny, because I was actually annoyed with him that day. I was like, ‘I am graduating soon, and you are not


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Continued on page 28




PG. ING 32-3 ... 4

THE TEAM Published by

My husband is my friend; it is fun being with him. He is a wonderful person, and there is one unique thing about my husband

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher



tunde ESO


qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, August 1, 2015

Tunde Eso 08057482794

I don’t usually advocate for trust, because if you trust someone too much and the person breaks your heart, you will never get back that trust

I was annoyed with my husband the day he proposed even telling me your plans’. I don’t think the relationship will continue when I graduate, and he said that was what was on his mind. He said we should get married. I thought he was joking, and he said no, that he wanted us to get married even before my NYSC, because he did not want me to go and come back to tell him stories. I agreed, and immediately after my three weeks orientation at Iyana Ipaja, we got married. How has married life been since then? It has been wonderful to the glory of God. You know it is not by power or might. There is no marriage that does not have hiccups. We’ve had our hiccups, but after about eight or ten years of marriage, ev-

erything blended. We blended WRJHWKHU DQG ZH KDUGO\ ÂżJKW nowadays. We joke and laugh a lot .We talk, and relate well even-though he is far older than me. He is actually 10 years older than me, but we enjoy our home. Our children always love to come home from boarding school. God has been wonderful in my marriage. I thank God.

it out, express your feelings, sit down to talk about it with your partner and handle with prayers, it might break your marriage. I don’t usually advocate for trust, because if you trust someone too much and the person breaks your heart, you will never get back that trust. With communication and prayers everything is possible.

and business? Like I told you earlier, my business is not an everyday thing, and I come back home early almost every day. I come back before everyone. So I’m able to balance both well. What is your philosophy of life? Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Once you know you can’t take something, do not do it to others. Live and let others live!

Tell us about your family and educational background? , DP IURP D IDPLO\ RI ¿YH If you had the chance to come and I am the only girl and last What are the keys to a sucback to this world, would you child. I have four brothers. cessful marriage? marry the same man? I started my primary educaNumber one is communicaYes, and I always tell him tion at Regan Primary School, tion. Communication is very I’ll marry him over and over Onike, Yaba, Lagos. My secvital. Don’t bottle up things. If again. He is the only one that ondary education was at Our you know you can’t take some- can tolerate my excesses. I Lady Of Apostles, and I prothing, say it out, because if play a lot with my husband. He ceeded to Yaba Tech for HND, you don’t, your spouse won’t is such a wonderful guy. He is after which I went to Lagos know and he would be thinkloving and peaceful. State University (LASU) for ing something else. You might How do you balance marriage postgraduate studies. be hurt, and if you do not say


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

es with... Five minutes niola E s s e r od act called Nollywo popularly n this i , ” s Badmus l r i big g SO “gbogbo with TUNDE E n ee interview weight has b k. r ac said he her than drawb to blessing

My weight has been a blessing to me –Eniola Badmus


hat has been your biggest challenge since you got into Nollywood? I’ve been in this industry for a long time; I don’t even look at challenges anymore. When you stay too long in a particular stuͿ, it doesn’t look challenging anymore because my life is all about this that I do. I’ve been doing this for over a decade so I can’t just say one thing is challenging. I try my best in all that I do You mostly play bad girl roles in movies, why? I don’t remember the ones that I played bad girl recently, maybe before, but I know I’ve changed a lot of stuͿs. I’ve

been playing other roles too and the fact that I play bad girl role doesn’t mean I am bad, maybe, I’m good at it though. You and Davido were seen together recently, what were you guys doing? Shout-out to my brother, Davido That’s a movie shoot, that’s my movie coming out sometime next year. I shot some in Yankee and I’m shooting part of it again in Nigeria Have you ever thought of losing weight? Why is this my being big an issue to people? Okay, everybody has to be very slim, right? In the US they don’t discriminate like this o, it’s only in Nigeria people get worked up about being overweight.

I understand it is not healthy to be overweight at all, but should it be an issue as a lifestyle? Has your weight aͿected your career in any way? How now? That is what has been working for me. It is not easy to be big and famous. Instead of my weight being a drawback, it has actually been a blessing. What do you Ànd attractive in a man? I just like a regular guy that has talent, even if he does not have talent, he has to be intelligent. A regular man, an average man; but please no body odour and no mouth odour, such are very important to me.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Love Tips

Tunde Eso 08057482794

8 romantic things you should do with your spouse


ove brings happy feeling that fills within you when you make the effort to please someone else without prioritizing your own interests, and putting their interests before yours. Here are romantic ways to express just how much you love partner. 1. Dance together Dance. Looking for a romantic idea that involves a bit of music and fun? Head to a club together, or stay back at home and play something romantic in the background. It may seem corny or awkward at first, but a few minutes into the dance, and it’ll just feel perfectly romantic. 2. Take shower together There are many couples who do. I know just as many couples, who don’t shower together. When one person is modest, they don’t like to shower, with their partner. Whether you are married or you are still in courtship. But it’s very romantic to take a shower together. Make it more romantic, go into the bathroom. Find the perfect water temperature. 3. Buy gifts for each other Gifts exchanged between partners should be symbolic of their love and commitment. No matter whether it is traditional or nontraditional, this gift should be meaningful, or at the very least, personal. Give random gifts of flowers, candy, book, shoe, wallet, bag, paints, brazzire etc 4. Look into each other’s eyes Look into your partner’s eyes and say “I love you”. Say it like you mean it without trying to be funny or sounding corny. 5. Watch a romantic movie if both of you don’t feel like taking the effort to dress up and head out somewhere, just bring the romance into your living room. Pick a romantic movie that both of you haven’t watched yet, snuggle up, order in and spend a lazy afternoon in each other’s arms. 6. Back rubs and body massages The one of most romantic idea, to give a great back massage and body rubs. There’s only one thing better than getting a great back massage, and that’s giving one. You are giving somebody a gift that can relieve pain, anxiety, and stress, relax muscles, and contribute to their general sense of well-being. 7. Cooking together Cooking may be a task but cooking together always seems like a fun thing to do as a couple. Plan an exotic menu together and spend an evening or an afternoon cooking together at a leisurely pace. 8. Wear your husband’s clothes Wearing each other clothes is quiet romantic and memorable.

Newswatch Times, Saturday August 1, 2015


ssociation of Yoruba Media Presenters of Nigeria led by President Yinusa Aremu Ayeniromo last Thursday led the association to the Ikorodu home of Oba Saula Ifayemi Olamilekan the Ogboni Agbaye worldwide on a courtesy visit and to present him his award as the life patron of the association. Also there were Sholagbade Lawal, Amubieya, Laitan Oladele, Laide Gold, Hakeem Amsat, Baale Mekunnu, Ajibola Olatunbosun, Adeyemo Otolorin, Soji Adetokun, Ademola Olota, Tope Afolabi, Inaolaji Arikuyeri, and others. While receiving the team, Oba Saula said it was nice to still have people who believed in the culture of Yoruba. The president of the association, Yinusa Aiyeniromo, while presenting the award to Kabiyesi said the association is proud to have him as their life patron as they have searched IRU ZKR WKH FDS LV ÂżWV EHIRUH FKRRVLQJ WKH 2ED Saula.


Egbe Apede visits Oba Saula



LQFH WKH VDIH GHOLYHU\ RI 0DYLQ 5HFRUGV ÂżUVW ODG\ Tiwa Savage, a lot of gifts and good wishes have poured in from admires and from Malivelihood. The former partner of Tonto Dikeh is known to give out customised gift items to celebrities in Nigeria that are mainly gold-plated. This time, he gave Tiwa Savage a customised diamond encrusted microphone and was personally delivered by him. 7KLV LV QRW WKH ÂżUVW WLPH 0LFKDHO $ZRODMD KLV UHDO QDPH is giving out customised microphones to musicians. Meanwhile, the new mother and baby are reportedly yet to return to Nigeria. I hardly have time to enjoy luxuries of life—Wizkid Multiple award-winning singer, Wizkid, has stated that he used to dream of having luxuries of life while growing up. He however disclosed that now that he can afford such, he hardly has time for them. Explaining the reason for it, the artiste said his busy schedules have deprived him of enjoying the luxuries of life he had dreamt of when he was younger. Wizkid, who recently clocked 25, said he hardly has the time to cruise around in posh cars. In his words, “I used to pray to have nice cars, but now I got no time to drive them. I miss my babies.â€?

Malivelihood offers Tiwa Savage gift

fter her relationship with Lanre Nzeribe crashed some years ago, Nollywood actress, Monalisa Chinda, is in love again. However, the actress, who just kicked off her television programme, ‘You and I,’ declined revealing the identity of her new man, but said he is a Nigerian based in the country. “Oh well, I am in a relationship with a Nigerian based in Nigeria,� she told New Telegraph. Speaking about her new show, she said she got the inspiration from her column on a national newspaper. “I started out by writing for a column in one of the national newspapers, every Saturday. I was writing on social issues that affect all of us. “While feeding the column, I was amazed at the number of messages I got, over 500 to 1000 messages and phone calls. You need to read or listen to some of these people, things that are despicable, things that one can’t even phantom,� she said.


Monalisa Chinda finds love again


hough the premier was done yesterday July 31, 2015 at the Nigerian Cinemas, but the promo pictures of her muchtalked about flick, ‘When Love Comes Around’ featuring Jim Iyke, Eku Edewor and others, has been dropped many days before the premier date . Sultry Ghanaian actress, Zynnell Zuh, has shared some promo photographs. Her fans have been anticipating the release of the movie, which has already won some awards. Earlier in the year, ‘When Love Comes Around’ was nominated in the Best Movie Comedy and Best Script Comedy categories at the 2015 AMVCA. At the premiere of the film in Ghana, pundits critically acclaimed it to be one of the best movies that has been produced lately in Africa because of its excellent storyline and production. ‘When Love Comes Around’ is a romantic comedy about a girl called ‘Love’ who doesn’t believe in love because of an early heartbreak, which made her decide to only date men for financial security and not for love.


Zynnell Zuh drops promo pictures for new movie

ge Peters belongs to the new generation of hot Nollywood stars; she is beauty plus brains. She advanced her modelling career to acting after a successful graduation from school. Today, she is fulfilling her long time dream of thrilling her fans on the Nollywood’s big screen.

nfazed by the irregularities that accompanied the maiden edition of the Africa Meets Reggae concert held last year at the National Stadium, Victor Essiet and the Mandators crew hopes to showcase its second edition. The second annual Africa Meets Reggae and World International Festival is to be held on the 27th and 28th November, 2015 in Lagos, Nigeria and it will be showcasing the top names in Reggae and world music in Africa and around the globe. The festival will start with symposium on the 19th of November, 2015 themed “The role of music in modern contemporary Nigeriaâ€?. The main show tagged “The executive showâ€? will take place at Ember Creek (the beautiful ocean venue) at 32, Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos. The second show is tagged “The people’s showâ€? and it will take place at the Hockey Pitch, National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos, Nigeria. Essiet also mentions that Africa Meets Reggae will launch KHU ÂżUVW TXDUWHUO\ PXVLF DFDGHP\ LQ $XJXVW “It will interest you to know that Africa Meets Reggae will ODXQFK KHU ÂżUVW TXDUWHUO\ PXVLF DFDGHP\ LQ $XJXVW This academy is aimed at nurturing young and raw talents, helping groups, bands and upcoming artistes prepare, develop and enhance performing skills and general music business. This year’s festival line ups will be announced later.â€? Africa Meets Reggae has been an annual event in Los Angeles, USA, under Echodelic Music and Dub Club Production. The festival has always had in attendance world renowned reggae artistes yearly. This year’s theme is “Voice to the Voicelessâ€?, with world and internationally recognized and local artistes in attendance. The concert comes in two parts in 2015 with audience segregation in other to satisfy and cater for all lovers of Reggae and world music in Nigeria and neighbouring West African states. There will be indoor event before the outdoor. He said that the outdoor will be without restriction to attendance while all minors must be accompanied by adults.


All roads lead to Africa Meets Reggae Concert in November

ven though Big Brother Africa has been placed on hold for now, its regional versions will hold as planned, M-NET, producer of the Africa’s biggest reality show has said. In a statement issued this week, M-NET disclosed that its regional version of the Big Brother shows will go on, “including Big Brother Angola and Big Brother Mzansi.� “Big Brother continues to captivate audiences in each market in which it is produced, and the move to regionalize the show allows producers to re-evaluate the direction of the show,� the statement said. M-Net thanked “Big Brother Africa� fans for their continuous support and assure them that in the future, further announcements will be made.�


Regional Big Brother shows to hold

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ogechi Peters dazzles in her new photo shoot

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


romising and talented Bright Solomon aka B.Solo is a singer, songwriter, recording artist, performer and entertainer. He hails from Edo State, Nigeria. B.Solo as he’s fondly called had his education in Ghana. He’s best known for his charttopping single “BANGING“. He is currently under the Management of Mississippi Entertainment Company. Handsome and softspoken B.Solo is a promising act with his stunning performance with some of his other colleagues such as 9ice, OritsheFemi, Sabi, Timaya, Duncan Mighty among others. After his arrival from a business to Dublin, he has begun to promote his mind-blowing debut single titled “Fine Girl�. This song is talks about beautiful ladies out there and it shows some emotional feeling concerning the other gender. B.Solo is another interest artiste who is ready to take up the groove of the music industry Speaking on his new single, B. Solo said the song will wow his fans and he believes that it will be on Global Top 10, Naija Top 10 and Naija Countdown Top 10. I plan to ‘collabo’ one major artiste. I have passion for music and I will sing till I win Grammy award.


I would sing till I win Grammy Award‌Hip-Hop act, B. Solo declares


Ajibade Alabi 08023934887



More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

“THE WIFE” set to host another training in August


he Wife, a group of married women with a burden to en¬hance the institution of marriage and family welfare is set to specialized training on August another hold 11, at Viginis Hall, Yaba, Lagos. Their trainings hold every second Tuesday of every month and according to media reports, the organization has continued to build excellent homes to transform the society. The theme for the forthcoming specialized training is ‘The place of prayers in counselling children’.

King Sunny Ade set to float radio station


ing Sunny Ade, popularly known as KSA is set to float a radio station. The radio station which has been under works for years now will start transmission before the end of the year. According to him, the station will be the first music and culture station in Nigeria. It has also been named M&C (Music and Culture) Station. When asked why the commencement of the radio station took so long, the legendary musician said: “Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well. The NBC has its operational standard, so do I. I deliberately took time off to carefully select a team of loyal partners who share same vision on what a music station should be. Don’t forget also that this will be the first radio station in Nigeria that will be solely devoted to promoting our culture and our music”, he said.

Bobbi Kristina Brown passes on at 22 The Kardashian/Jenner clan celebrate their grandma’s birthday in style im Kardashian was showing off a very large baby bump when she went with her family to a matinee performance of The phantom of the opera at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood last Sunday to celebrate their grand ma- Mary Jo’s birthday. Momager Kris Jenner and her boy toy Corey Gamble, Kim’s grand ma, Mary Jo, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie and Mason Disick, all went to the event.


months has died aged 22 - six obbi Kristina Brown tub. unconscious in a bath after she was found l and ita sp ho s rushed to The aspiring singer wa after 31 ry ua -induced coma on Jan at b placed in a medically tu -filled e-down in the water fac ed er ov sc di s wa e sh swell, Georgia. her townhouse in Ro nounced this e Houston family an A representative of th in a statement.


Newswatch TImes, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Fashion How to easily and stunningly rock the monochrome trend Qismat Yinus If you kept up with the fashion week, then you know that ‘Black & White’ is here to stay! One of my favourite trends from this season is the monochrome trend. Brands like Givenchy, Balmain, and Isabel Marant have made monochrome a staple in their vast collections. Now, it’s time to embrace the monochrome trend!



Celebrity Chat

Mrs. Morenike Olufunmilola Buraimoh is the proprietress of Nikky –Bee Schools Idimu, Lagos. As an educationist, she is concerned about the academic and moral upbringing of our children who will be better prepared as future leaders of our nation. In this interaction with AJIBADE ALABI, she spoke on several issues. Excerpts


f I may ask, why are you a woman with passion for education? Right from onset, I have been a trained educationist, a seasoned educationist. So when I found myself in the profession of teaching, it was like one ÂżQGLQJ KHUVHOI LQ D IDPLOLDU WHUUDLQ , MXVW love education and I like to give the best to children; this has been my goal since childhood. Tell us about your self My name is Mrs. (Deaconess) Morenike Buraimoh. I was born about 60 years ago in Lagos Island, but I am from Ikorodu town of Lagos State. I am married to Eng. Olukayode Buraimoh , a retired permanent secretary in Lagos State. I am blessed with four children (3 boys and 1 girl) with many grandchildren. +RZ GLG \RXU MRXUQH\ WR HGXFDWLRQ EHJLQ" $FWXDOO\ , VWDUWHG DV DQ $FFRXQW 2IÂżFHU in 1974 with the Lagos State Accountant *HQHUDOÂśV 2IÂżFH LQ 0DULQD /DJRV EHIRUH I resigned after a few years to further my studies. But I actually started my teaching career at Christ Church Cathedral Primary School, Broad Street Lagos in 1976. I also served as a teacher in secondary school in Lagos State So when did you decide to have a school RI \RXU RZQ" The foundation of Nikky-Bee Schools actually started in 1992 at No3, Buraimoh Street. And we thank God that since the inception of the institution till date; the schools have been progressing in the attainment of respected lifelong and internationally valued education. I started the primary section in 1992, while the secondary school was established in 2000. But we moved into our permanent site in 2010 What have been the challenges over the years?

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015



Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Celebrity Chat If I tell you there are no challenges, I am not saying the truth. In spite of quality facilities and a conducive environment we have here, we have a lot of challenges. For instance, there LV DOZD\V D ¿QDQFLDO FKDOOHQJH ZH DOVR KDYH challenges in terms of independence from the government and non-prompt payment of fees by the parents and probably meeting up with government policy although that was at the commencement of the school but now, we have met up with the policy. But we still need favourable government policy towards the execution of our duties because we are here train minds and mould destinies. How do you cope as career woman as well as a mother? That has not been a problem for me because my husband and I both have the same dream RI ÀRDWLQJ D VFKRRO 6R ZKHQ WKH SURMHFW FRPmenced, it was like a normal thing which never disturbed my home as a woman. Moreover, all my children are grown up and there was not PXFK , ZRXOG LQ WKH KRPH VLQFH LW LV MXVW PH and my husband I need to take care. Are any of your children taking after you? One or two of them could take after me although they are all in their various professions. They could act as directors much later. For now, my husband is the director of the schools.

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



magine a society without Corruption. Where things work like being automated, where people’s minds are stereotyped towards hard work,rules, regulations, by laws, values and ethics. Where people’s mindset is liberated and integrity based. Where people’s moral codes are founded on Truth and transparency. Doing things right for no gain nor prospect. Knowing and believing everything is done to God’s standards and status. Corruption,the process of decay,being willing to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain,power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get advantage. Fighting corruption should be drafted to encroach into children upbringing and their orientation. What a child becomes and how the child behaves is dependent on how the child is nurtured and his nature. Nature talks about the child’s trait,passed down to the child by his parent’s blood/genes. Nurture talks about attention, retention, reproduction and motivation. There isn’t much one can do about a child having the traits of his dishonest and immoral parent,but with a more deliberate nurture, the child’s orientation can be tailored along the straight path,thereby becoming a better person and citizen. Attention as relating to Nurture refers to how much listening,care and time is given to the child to teach,guide and mentor rightly. A child not given attention will believe life and living is by chance. Sometimes it’s done well and other times,its not. Retention talks about how much and how far a child can store for subsequent use/application. The child should have more of good actions and behaviour stored from time to time.


CORRUPTION -The havoc deceit,exturtion,lies and other discrepancies should be avoided around the child. Imagine an adult lying obviously to someone on phone about where he is, and child hears and wonders why. Reproduction is that process of their being able to practice all that they had learnt with their senses. The child can either have enough good experiences or bad ones to reproduce. Each time an adult watches what a child reproduces,they get the hints of what behaviour strives around the child, so they(the adults) can retrace their steps in actions and ask questions to sample the child’s opinions even to know the source of the bad behaviour. When the source is discovered to be outside your reach, you may then need to reinforce good behaviour for the child to retain subsequently. A child who lives in an environment where being abusive and vulger means all to them. Sometimes in such environment abusive words are even used to exchange pleasantries. Imagine a woman that sells food at the motor pack. The child will need so much guide and teaching to effectively project good training from the parent or guardian as the case may be. Motivation can either be towards doing the right things or doing the wrong things also. All these determines to which extend bad or ill nurture affects the life of a child. In spite of our corrupt and wayward society,we really at this time be particular while planning and scheduling what to disseminate to the child. Moral values should be highlighted and emphasised more in schools. Children should be full of knowledge of what is good,unfair and evil. To know how to make good choices against all odds. To always see beyond the present, always looking into the future. Make them stand for the truth,no matter the cost. Teach them to place less value on material things and money. They need to learn respect, respect for older or younger,rich or poor,superior or inferior, bosses and subordinates also. Let them know every action proceed a reaction. They need to be taught compassion, unprejudiced , equality and fairness. They also need to be kept from lying, being lazy and being crafty. To salvage the decay in our society, we need to stop indulging our children, by believing everything they need must always be provided and made available at all cost.

Open them up to responsibility, decency, modesty,sense of dignity,self worth and purpose. A child should be able to stand for what she knows is right all the way. A child was sent to buy beans cake for an older cousin, he left hurriedly,but rushed back to say “you will give me out of it o”. The cousin declared no,he wasn’t going to give him out of it. The boy left grudgingly to buy the beans cake. When he came back,he handed the beans cake over but did not drop the change for his cousin. The older cousin asked for the change, he became agitated, so the change was snatched off him swiftly. More often than not,these days,children believes they deserve reward for everything they do. They forget so much of what adults around them do and provide for them from birth. I believe there is a need to talk to them,analysing life issues with stories of known fallen corrupt people, with Bible Characters and others,especially when they are been scolded for being dishonest or extortionate. As a child grows into a youth,he becomes aware of life,its enjoyment, it’s fun and its demands. They always want to “belong”. This makes them go out of their way to do things that are far fetch. As they do the wrong things,they are hailed by their other friends,making them feel on top of the world. The youthful stage is quite delicate, because all that you have inculcated may just be exerted with peer pressure and influence. At this stage you need to check on their steadfastness on/of their good behaviour by sampling their opinion at various situation. Counselling them with every opportunity, analysing the various happenings in the country and making sure the parent/child relationship is secure. You should also pray for them always to stand for truth against all odds. Training our younger generation needs tact and thrift especially at this times and season. Couples as parents should be conscious,cautious , emphatic and courteous at eradicating the rule of corruption in our society. We need to retrace our steps. The days of getting special centres for an examination to be passed for possibility of admissions are over. Treat yourselves as partners with care,dedication,honesty ,trust,prudence,commitment and love. Be sure you are true, outright,upright and graceful. Keep up the fight, there is hope,there is hope indeed.


PAThis i G SAs for E

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015



Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (left) in a warm handshake with Owa Obokun of Ijeshaland, Oba Gabriel Adekunle Aromolaran (right) during the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony of Chibuzo & Ikekpere at the Methodist Church Nigeria, Diocese of Lagos Mainland, Hoare’s Memorial Methodist Cathedral, Yaba, on Saturday, July 25, 2015.

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (2nd left) in a group photograph with the couple, Mr. & Mrs. Ikekpere Victor Kanu-Uche , Groom’s Father & Prelate, Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu-Uche (right), his wife, Nneoma Florence Uche (left) and Ogun State Deputy Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga (2nd right) during the Solemnization of Holy Matrimony of Chibuzo & Ikekpere at the Methodist Church Nigeria, Diocese of Lagos Mainland, Hoare’s Memorial Methodist Cathedral, Yaba, on Saturday, July 25, 2015.


L-R: Chairman, Nigerian Bar Association (Badagry Branch), Bar. Chris Okoye; Human Rights Lawyer and Former Secretary-General of the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights, Bar. Malachy Ugwumadu and Chairman of the occasion, Sir. Osuala Nwagbara.

Cross section of participants at the events.


Lecturer, Prof. Arogundade Rasheed Ajani (left) and his wife Alhaja Nufisat Arogundade.

Miss Rashidat Arogundade; former Speaker of Lagos State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Adeyemi Ikuforiji; Alhaji Hassan Arogundade and Alhaji Ibrahim Arogundade. Photo: Segun Padonu


L-R: Band Ladies, Ola Omo Cultural Group Owo, Ondo State, Rejoice Adefunke; Adedeji Adeto; Olagoke Taiyelolu; Titilayo Folasade; Omotosho Aderonke; Olakunle Abiodun; Wahab Morenikeji; Adebiyi Idowu; Owateru Olawunmi and Band Leader, Chief Tola Ijateregun, a.k.a. Poki Toro.

L-R: Band Manager, Ola Omo Cultural Group Owo, Ondo State, Sesan Oluwaseun; Band Boys, Bayode Olumuyiwa; Jacob Temitayo; Wahab Eniola; Band Leader, Chief Tola Ijateregun, a.k.a. Poki Toro; Engineer Thompson; Okundalaiye Aruna; Olatunde Olamilekan; Ojo Wahab and the Leaders Children, Morenike at the occasion.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

3 39 is Th GE PAis for E L


L-R: Winner Season 7, Project Fame West Africa, Geoffrey Oji; Convener, Chief Executive Officer, Roundtable Alpha Summit 2015, Ayoola Babington-Ashaye; Chief Executive Officer, 2wice As Nice limited, Elvina Baby Ibru.

Ogbo Awoke Ogbo; Former Special Adviser to the President on Employment, Josephine Washima; Bruno Oaikhinan and Publicity Manager, Stimullus Productions and Entertainment, Joseph Folorunsho.




President, African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), Jane Valla and Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Stock Exchange/President, African Securities Exchange Association (ASEA), Mr. Oscar Onyema,

L-R: Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Directors in Tanzania, Said Baraka Kambi; President/ Chairman of Governing Council, Institute of Directors Nigeria (IoD), Mr. Yemi Akeju; President, African Corporate Governance Network (ACGN), Jane Valla; Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian Stock Exchange/President, African Securities Exchange Association (ASEA), Mr. Oscar Onyema; Vice Chairman/CEO, Icon Stockbrokers Limited, Mr. Chike Nwanze and Director General/CEO, IoD, Mr. Victor Banjo. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


L-R: Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Elder, His Eminent, Baba Alakoso Alao; Ex Prelate of Methodist Church in Nigeria, Prelate Emeritus Sunday Makinde; Chairman, South West CAN, Archbishop Magnus Atilade; CCN Executive Lagos State, Bishop Abimbola and Archbishop of Lagos, Methodist Church of Nigeria, Most Rev. (Dr.) Joseph Ajayi.

Representative of the Chairman, National Population Commission, Mrs. Seyi Aderinokun (left) and Director, Disaster Risk Reduction, National Emergency Management Agency, Mr. Alhassan Nuhu.

L-R: Former Chairman, Agege Local Government, Chief Enoch Ajiboso; Secretary, Amuwo Odofin Local Government, Deaconess Ajibola-Ojodu; former General Counsel to former Lagos State Governor/representative of Mr. Babatunde Fashola, Mrs. Oyinkansola Okusanya; Chairman, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Lagos State, Apostle Alexander Bamgbola; representative of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode/Permanent Secretary, Home Affairs, Mrs. Oladimeji Grace Ebunola; and Chairman, June 12 Movement, Comrade Olawale Okunniyi. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

L-R: Member, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Youth Participatory Platform, Fatima Aliyu-Gebi; Federal Commissioner for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons, Hajiya Hadiza Sani-Kangiwa and UNFPA Country Representative, Ms Ratidzai Ndhlovu.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

xxxxxxxxxxxx Qismat Yinus

0806.565.1922 (sms only)


Soya Beans: Health Benefits


oya beans are one of the nutritious foods. It belongs to a family of legumes and also very rich in proteins, minerals, and vitamins including folate, potassium and, in some cases, Àber. The soya bean is a native of China and now widely cultivated in India, United States, Europe and some parts of Africa. It is key to note that soya bean’s proportion of protein is ‘complete’ as it contains building blocks of proteins in the proportion that make them most available and most valuable for human needs. Soya beans are the best of all proteins and ranks the highest respect with protein of milk, eggs and meat. In the past years, soya beans have attracted the attention of research scientists around the world for health properties beyond basic nutrition. While most proteins are acid in their ash, soya bean is rich in alkaline, hence, regarded as a corrective diet and very good for the treatment of many ailments especially when consumed in milk form. Research has shown that 90% of the protein in soya beans is absorbed in the body and 95 to 100% of the milk is easily digested. According to webMD News archives, soya beans’s isoÁavones are credited with producing the healthy beneÀts. The isoÁavones were Àrst considered to be ‘’plant estrogens” and estrogen-like in action. But experts now believe they may also work in other ways, such as having antioxidant properties. Among the Àndings in a research also, soya beans relieved certain menopausal symptoms such as hot Áashes and night sweats in women. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) o΀cially recognized the cholesterol-lowering eͿects of soy protein with a health claim stating that 25 grams of soy protein per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Most soy foods are also low in saturated and trans fats, one reason why the American Heart Association has recognized soy foods’ role in an overall heart-healthy diet. Soy from foods has also been linked with lower risks of breast and endometrial cancer in studies. Soya beans contain low amounts of carbohydrates and therefore regarded as been suitable for diabetics. It’s rich in iron and has been found beneÀcial in the treatment of anaemia. Aneamic patients are also advised to consume them in a very light form to ease digestion. Soya beans are regarded as a remedy for skin disorders such as eczema, inÁammation, itching and allergic reactions. According the Nature Cure of Medical research, improvement in the skin health occurs due to lecithin content (a natural emulsiÀer which helps disperse fatty deposits and cholesterol from vital organs in the body. Soya beans are used in other forms such as Áour, which is prepared by roasting the soya beans and removing their coatings and then grounding into powder. This is taken in form of a beverage or added in foods such as pap/ ogi, and some soups like egusi soup. Another form is the soya milk. This is prepared by Àrst sorting soya beans seed, wash and soak overnight in water for 12 hours (change water at least once and feel it in your hands if seeds are still very hard, if so, soak again for a few more hours to aid easy blending and better milking).


ow to cook Nigerian fried pepper stew (Obe ata dindin) Obe Ata Dindin (buka stew) is a Nigerian fried pepper stew, very common in restaurants and local food kiosks. It is a very spicy, savory stew made with tomatoes, hot peppers and spices. If you are longing for that buka or mamaput style pepper stew, here’s the obe ata dindin stew recipe for you. Obe ata dindin (buka stew) ingredients: *10 whole tomatoes *2 large red bell peppers/tatashe *4 scotch bonnets/atarodo *100ml Palm oil *2 medium-sized onions *1 teaspoon garlic powder or A garlic clove *500grams of assorted meat(beef,shaki(tripe),ponmo) *2 tablespoonful ground crayfish(optional)

*4 hard boiled eggs(optional) *Salt to taste * 1 stock cube or any seasoning of choice Direction for cooking obe ata dindin/ Buka Stew: Before you start with the obe ata stew: *Cook or boil the meat you would be using and set aside for later use *If you want to add eggs, then also boil them before hand, peel off the shell and set aside. Now to prepare buka stew: * Add the pepper, tomatoes and one onion in a blender and blend (you can also make use of canned stewed tomatoes if you don’t have fresh tomatoes)... make sure to add little water as you blend, but if you end up with a watery mixture, simply add it to a pot and boil to remove excess liquid. * Next, place a pot on medium heat,

pour in the palm oil, heat it up until is very hot(but not smoking), then add the meat and fry until dry. Then take them out and set aside. * Now add an onion (shredded) into the hot oil, fry a bit and then add the blended tomato & pepper mix. Cook until the mixture loses its sour taste, or until you begin to see the oil rise to the top. * Next, add the garlic powder, bouillon cubes, ground crayfish and salt to taste. You can also add more seasoning if you like to. Mix thoroughly, cover and leave to cook for 2 minutes. * Add the fried meat, mix well, cover the pot, simmer for 5 minutes and put off the heat. * Add the boiled eggs and your buka stew/obe ata dindin is ready...ENJOY.

Saturday, August 1, 2015


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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


Intrigues, power play that ended House of Reps crisis Continued from Page 15

nounced Iriase as Deputy Whip, Jibrin as Deputy Leader, Doguwa as Chief Whip and Gbajabiamila as Leader. This sealed the existing cold war and ushered in the elusive peace as all the lawmakers were jubilant and congratulated the Speaker for reaching out to his rival. Dogara also announced a complement of four o΀cers to represent the minority Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, as principal o΀cers. Those announced were Rep. Leo Ogor (PDP, Delta) — Minority Leader, Rep. Wilfred Chukwuma (PDP, Anambra) — Deputy Minority Whip, Rep. Yakubu Badre (PDP, Kaduna) — Deputy Minority Leader and Rep. Binta Bello (PDP, Gombe) — Minority Whip. The announcement of Gbajabiamila as House Leader was a departure from the earlier stance of the Speaker that doing so would violate the spirit of federal character given that Gbajabiamila is from the South-West which had already Àlled the position of Deputy Speaker. While reacting to the composition of the Body of Principal O΀cers and his selection as the House leader, Gbajabiamila said, “What you saw in the last 49 days was actually democracy in action. “That’s what politics is all about: everybody trying to outwit everybody for the greater good of the country. I’m glad that everything has panned out the way it did. You will now see the House you knew in the last four years back in action, working for the people, working for the nation. I’m sure we’ll have a lot more to say later,” he added. Also speaking, Dogara urged fellow legislators to project the inter-



est of the country above personal interests, saying, “We can neither aͿord to abuse the conÀdence reposed in us nor can we dare to expose ourselves to the cruel judgment of history. “We had started on an excellent note, or so I thought, having spent



a whole legislative day conducting free, fair and transparent elections to elect the two presiding o΀cers, at the end of whichthose who won and those who did not win exercised great maturity in respecting the will of the majority. “How come then that this spirit

of maturity and democratic culture suddenly appears to be eluding us in our eͿort to conclude the composition of principal o΀cers to facilitate smooth take-oͿ ? “Our great party, the APC, along with Mr President and other party leaders exhibited uncommon democratic tradition by abstaining from direct interference in the process, given the manner we conducted the election in this chamber on June 9. “I am persuaded that they do not regret reposing such conÀdence in us. In this regard we owe them, ourselves, and indeed all Nigerians a duty to prove that we can conclude this process rancour-free and without denting our party’s democratic credentials. This we can do and I am conÀdent that we shall. “Today marks the 49th day since June 9; it would appear it has been all about us and our personal ambitions. My dear colleagues, the mandate we hold is not about our personal ambitions, it is all about the people, the people, and the people. Indeed it is about Nigeria.” “As representatives of the people therefore, we must be the manifestation of their high expectations of good governance, probity, transparency and accountability; we must be the manifestation of their unmitigated impatience against dormancy in governance and above all, we must resonate their pain of poverty, squalor and insecurity,” he urged. Also speaking in the same vein, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) in a statement by its Deputy President and the General Secretary, National Union of Textile & Garment Workers (NUTGTWN), Issa Aremu, has called on the lawmakers to settle down for legislative work, sayContinued on Page 50

Buhari’s slowness pardonable – Adegbenro Continued from Page 16

some positions are not as clean as they think? So, how can I assess the government that is given four years tenure in two months? So, for me, personally, it is so far so good for the government of the day. In fact, Muhammadu Buhari is a success story by the grace of God. Can we attribute his advent age to his slowness? I do not care about his age. My concern is for Nigeria to work. If the President of Nigeria is to work from the intensive care unit of a hospital, God forbids, and he would give direction on how the country would work, so be it. I need political maturity, sincerity of purpose and dedication, which, I am convinced Buhari possesses. I am a Nigerian. I don’t want to be described as a Yoruba, Ibo Hausa or Itsekiri. I am a Nigerian and I need somebody who feels for Nigeria. And let me tell you one thing, when I see Buhari, I see somebody who feels for Nigeria

and who is ready to make the system work in the country. I now understand that Buhari is a man of very few words but great actions. And come to think of it, Buhari is somebody nobody can compromise through sycophancy. If you think that by singing his praises he would go out of his way to patronize you unduly, that would amount to winking at somebody in the dark. Meaning you are wasting your time. So, I pray to God to prolong his life and give him sound health to be able to take us to the path of honourable society. We pray that God gives him the courage and wisdom to succeed because if this man fails in his eͿorts at cementing the unity of this country further, I do not see a Nigeria again. Are you still convinced that he will succeed Àghting corruption going by the rot on ground? I am not saying Buhari is a saint. But let me tell you one thing, he was about the most honourable Nigerian that came out to ask for

people’s mandate. And he can never succeed until we, the over 150 million people of Nigeria back him up to take us to the promise land. We don’t need to steal to be rich and become millionaires in dollars. All we need to do is to be hardworking, prayerful and be lucky. He has started on the right way and we need the support of the media in that course. He has made it clear that no Nigerian is above the law and that is what we want. And that is why Nigerians should support the government. You and I know that Nigeria is a corrupt country. My prayer is that may God give this man the political will to continue what he is doing. And one thing I know, by the special grace of God, we will get to a point where the majority of Nigerians would support this government and they would say, whatever you do, we support you. But I will never support anything selective. But anything that is for the betterment of Nigeria, let us go.

When can you withdraw your support from Buhari? If tomorrow, after his tenure, it is established that Buhari himself is corrupt, I will support the government of the day to take up the matter and prosecute him. I pray almighty God to touch the hearts of Nigerians to rally round this man to succeed rather than talking about whether he is slow or he is fast. What do we want to achieve? We want a Nigeria where institutions work. That is the most important thing. Interestingly, this is the same Buhari that some people said was the sponsor of Boko Haram! Today, Buhari is the cleanest of the clean and that was why we voted for him. Today, Buhari is Saint Buhari. After all, the late music legend, Fela Anikulapo has once said that in the city of the blind, one-eyed man is the king. How do you think the National Assembly crisis can be resolved? Well, on the crisis in the National Continued on Page 50


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Politics Buhari’s slowness pardonable –Adegbenro Continued from Page 49

Assembly, I will like to call on President Buhari, who is the father of all to exhibit spirit of forgiveness in the larger interest of the country. He should intervene to douse the tension so that the country can move forward. I don’t have full information about how it happened. But as it is now, God has reasons for everything. The almighty God, in both the Bible and the Qur’an teaches us to have the heart of forgiveness. And I have the conÀdence that President Buhari will open an avenue for smooth transition and amicable settlement of the crisis. If we start to pass bulk

and apportion blames on who did this and who did not do that, before we know it, four years would have gone by. It has happened and it has happened. The best option now is to harmonize our positions to Ànd a way forward. Nigeria has no time to waste. And for me, I believe Mr. President will do what is right over the matter. And nobody is saying that Senator Bukola Saraki is not qualiÀed to be Senate President. He is eminently qualiÀed like other Senators. He is just one among the equals. And going by his pedigree and antecedents, the cap Àts Saraki just as it would have Àtted other


contestants for the position. And for now, he is doing well as Senate President. I pray God to give Saraki the wisdom to assist


his principal and father, President Buhari to succeed in his onerous task of taking Nigeria to the promise land. I also urge other Senators

to bury their hatchets and support Saraki in passing laws that would assist the President to move the country forward. And from President Buhari’s utterances and body language, one would decipher that he desires a true country. I therefore urge all Nigerians to rally round him and be patient with him because problems of 16 year cannot be solved in two months. And I can assure you that with the way he has started, by 2019, Nigerians will beg Buhari to contest for a second term in o΀ce because his government will be a success story by the grace of God.

Intrigues, power play that resolved House of Reps crisis Continued from Page 49

ing, Nigerians look forward to progressive legislations for national development. He commended both the Senate and House of Representatives for the new spirit of reconciliation which led to their successful resumption of legislative business on Tuesday. According to the statement, “The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara has closed the chapter of acrimony with his commendable apology to Nigerians for the unparliamentary conduct during the crisis. “Labour is encouraged also with the remark of the Senate President, Senator Bukola Saraki that ‘Leadership is secondary, primary responsibility is good

governance.’ This renewed sense of compromise by legislators should be reÁected in their work ahead. “The renewed reconciliation must now pave the way for real legislative business which the Senate under the leadership of Senator Bukola Saraki has commendably started with the reading and screening of the Service Chiefs as submitted by President Muhammadu Buhari. “More than ever before, the 8th National Assembly has enormous tasks ahead given the unacceptable level of poverty in the land, factory closures and mass unemployment. “Nigerians look forward to progressive legislations for national development, wealth generation, enhanced productivity, pro-


tection of domestic industry, ensuring dignity of labour, creation of jobs and decent wage among others. “Real reconciliation among legislators must start


with good laws for good governance,” it said. Meanwhile, with the House crisis carefully placed in the archive, the situation has left the South-

East as the only geopolitical zone without a representative in APC’s complement of principal o΀cers. On this, Rep. Austin Chukwukere (APC, Ideato North/South), Imo State, said that the South-East members were not happy because the party abandoned them despite what they passed through during the election. “We are not happy over our exclusion and the way the party has abandoned us despite what we passed through during the election to ensure that APC has representation in our place. Our constituents have been calling us over this development and we have not heard from the party why this injustice should be meted on us,” he said.

Politicians, Political Parties preparing for Anambra 2017 Continued from Page 16

apparent bid to put their house in order. Although there were protests from some factions of the party like Tony Nwoye, the governorship candidate of the party in 2013 governorship election in the State and Chief Chris Uba’ faction, which is claiming that Chief Ejike Oguebego is still the authentic party chairman as his tenure was yet to expire, it was learnt that the stakeholders of the party agreed that Emekayi was still relevant in mobilising the party members for the on -coming battle.

Former Governor of the state, Peter Obi who joined PDP after his eight- year tenure in the state on the platform APGA, who is said to have been given the mandate by the National Working Committee (NWC) of PDP endorsed Emekayi’s selection. Although, Obi was said to be behind Emekayi, it was also learnt that other stake holders in the State, who are eyeing the governorship seat of the state may have agreed for him to return since he is the person who can galvanise the party now in the state inspite his shortcomings. Part of PDP strategy on

how to take over Anambra state the hand over the mandate to the party to Obi to restructure and deliver PDP in the 2017 governorship election. This is a task Obi himself has gladly accepted to accomplish in what many said was in a bid to get even with his successor , Obiano, who he he worked hard to ethrone as the Governor of the State. Former GovernorObi was also said to be nursing vicepresidential ambition of PDP, since the party must have zoned the presidential slot to the North. There is no doubt

that the battle for the governorship slot is going to be keenly contested among the heavy weights in the party, who have commenced oiling their structure since the position has also said to be thrown open to every interested party members in the State. Some of the likely contenders include, Senators Andy Uba, Stella Oduah,Uche Ekunife, Nwoye among others. If Obi delivers Anambra for PDP, he would have redeemed his perceived dismal performance during the last presidential election and will use it to convince the party to give him the Vice-Presidential

slot against other contenders in the South East and South South geopolitical zones. Many PDP members, especially from South East particularly Anambra State were believed not to be happy with Obi for the low Àgure the South East posted in the last presidential election as against 2011 election. Infact, many were of the opinion that as the Deputy Director-General of Jonathan Campaingn for the South covering South Sout, South East and South Wset, he has no reason not to have eͿectively coordinated and mobilised the South Continued on Page 53

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


Politicians, political parties preparing for Anambra 2017 Continued from Page 50

East and Anambra State in particular to vote for the former president massively. He has to work hard to show that he is still relevant in the state . It was speculated that it was the turn out of the last election that kept Obiano on seat up till this moment as PDP members in the State had perfected plan with the party leadership in Abuja and then presidency o΀cials that immediately Jonathan wins, Obiano would be impeached, since the party would rig in majority of their members into the State House of Assembly. But this was not to be so as their rigging machinery was said to have collapsed immediately Buhari was announced the winner of the presidential election. The APC is another party that should be watched closely as 2017 election approaches, given the fact that they are the party in power at the Federal level. Although, the party in the state seem not to be concerned about the next election, apparently due to the challenges they are facing in the National Assembly and nonconstitution of the Federal Executive Council (FEC) by the prersident, there are some individuals said to be making under ground moves to secure the party ticket in 2017. Some of them include, former Governor of the State,Senator Chris Ngige, who has run for the governorship of the State several times and we heard that he is still keen to contest again, former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo,Senator Ikechukwu Obiora among others. The Labour Party in the state seem to be having an eye at the Government


House Awka too, with some politicians being speculated to use the structure of the party to realise their governorship ambition. Labour Party in the State is known to have been provided their structure to prominent Anambra politicians, who wanted to use it to become the governor of the state. Among them were Senator Uba and oil magnate, Chief Ifeanyi Ubah. The Party of late, has elevated itself to o΀cial opposition party in the state tackling ,critical policies and programmes. Obiano, which they considered detrimental to the welfare and good of the State. The chairman of Labour Party in the State, Comrade Luke Ezeanokwassa in the past two brieÀngs of media in the last had lambasted Governor Obiano over the transfer of Boko Haram suspects to the Anambra State, accusing him of being in the know of the entire plan but pretending not to be aware. He also accused the Governor of raising private militia which he used to intimidate and harass traders in the


state, poor performance in providing democracy dividend, excessive revenue drive among others. He said, “ Ndi Anambra expected Governor Willie Obiano to use N75 billion in cash and investment left by his predecessor Mr. peter Obi to Àx dilapidating infrastructure in the state capital, with the rains here with us,” fear has gripped the residents of Amikwo in Awka South Local area as gully erosion and Áooding are threatening buildings in the area. Many no longer drive into their houses as roads have become impassable. Even the popular Keke NAPEP an commercial motorcylcles no longer ply the area and those who have vehicles have parked them and resorted to trekking to the nearest safe place to board transport to their various destinations anytime they want to go out. Streets mostly aͿected include: Rebecca Nwobu, Evens Ebbe close, Comrade Obi Ochije close and Annunciation Road. Some operators of shopping malls in the area have abandoned them because they need

Ndi Anambra expected Governor Willie Obiano to use N75 billion in cash and investment left by his predecessor Mr. peter Obi to fix dilapidating infrastructure in the state capital, with the rains here with us

boat to ferry across once it rains and Áood often empty into their shops destroying their goods. The government of Anambra State as a matter of urgency should swing into action to come to the aid of the residents of Amikwo community through the state ministry of environment. Our party frowns that after increased illegal and multiple taxes orchestrated by agents masquerading as government revenue collectors in Amikwo and other parts of the state, the government in place in Anambra could not clean the perennial drainage channels and construct new once in places where they are needed to avert Áooding problem. This is callous and very insentitive of the state government in delivery democratic dividends promised Ndi Anambra. We also implore the state government to as a matter of urgency to reduce their zealous quest for Internal Revenue drive. Parents and guardians in public secondary schools are groaning under multiple taxation levies in the state. Investigations by our party revealed that although the state introduced free education at some level of education, the state ministry of education had continued to impose various levies on students ranging from sports to scratch card levies for online checking of their internal results. We wish to draw the attention of His Excellency Chief Willie Obiano on his recent empowerment programme to some selected youths of Aguleri from money drawn from the coͿers of the state, who are given a minimum of one million naira each through the o΀ce of the Special Adviser to the Governor on Political AͿairs. We implore His Excellency to extend same to her 176 communities across the 21 Local Government Areas of Anambra State. We strongly believe in the adage that says “what is good for guess is equally good for the gander”. The party is aware that Chief Willie Obiano was privy to the relocation of Boko Haram Prisoners to Ekwulobia Prisons in Aguata Local Governemnt Area few months back.

We urge Ndi Anambra to calm down as we totally condemn the blowing of trumpet by the Nambra State Government about the relocation, because it caused lots of damages to the state especially economic lost. Many however believe that somebody somewhere who has governorship ambition and wants to use the party structure to realise it must be beating the drum, the Labour Party members are dancing, although the chairman denied that somebody was behind their sudden attack on the Governor. The perception of Obiano among the political elites in the States has not been impressive as many of them see him as one term Governor on the ground that yet to demonstrate the verve and political sagacity of a sitting Governor who wants to make it for a second term. He also seems not carry the masses of the state a long as some of his policies are seen by them as anti-poor, neither is he said to be popular with the political class and the elites in the state. And that the present and clear danger for Obiano, which his aides and advisers must start working in earnest. Apart from the three Áy-over bridges, the Governor is constructing in the state capital, Awka and some roads being done in his area, mostly his community and that of his wife’s town, many of his critics argue that he has not done enough on road projects, which is still the need of the hour for the people of the State, like his predecessor. But the APGA state chairman insisted Obiano in the last 15 months has done enough to endear him to the people of Anambra State, enumerating the drastic reduction of crime in the State, prompt payment of salaries to workers and teachers, purchase of mass transit buses to the workers among others as the democratic dividend the governor has provided. However, 2017 is still far away for any of the party which is eager to clinch the governorship of the seat to achieve that if they strategise eͿectively.

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Saturday, August 1

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


North Central

Lalong declares war against corruption, insecurity in Plateau

Senator Jang commiserates with victims of chemical explosion in Jos

Gyang Bere, Jos

ormer governor of Plateau State and senator representing Plateau North in the 8th National Assembly, Senator Jonah David Jang, has commiserated with survivors of the lethal chlorine leakage that occurred in Plateau Water Board Treatment Plant in Jos last week which killed eight people. Accompanied by some of his aides, former commissioners, and members of the House of Reps and Plateau State House of Assembly, Senator Jang took time and was at the Plateau Specialist Hospital where he consoled the victims on their treatment beds, and encouraged them to continue to seek the face of God in every situation. During the visitation, he also prayed with the survi-


lateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, has re-iterated his commitment to wage war against insecurity and corruption in order to provide an enabling environment for Plateau citizens to contribute meaningfully to the development of the state. Governor Lalong stated this yesterday during the swearing of Management Committee Chairmen for the 17 local government areas, held at Government House, RayÀeld Jos. It could be recalled that

Governor Lalong had dissolved the elected Council chairmen, who were elected under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), claiming that their dissolution is within the conÀnes of the law. According to him “As a responsible government committed to reducing the suͿerings of our people, we have satisÀed, in our estimation, the requirement of the law, conscience and the expectations of the people of Plateau in our actions. Our government, for the purpose of emphasis, will not fold her hands and watch those who are

called to the highest threshold of accountability in leadership become unaccountable in public service to the mandate given to them. “As a new government, we are confronted with the challenge of paucity of funds in the midst of security concerns, myriad of social welfare and developmental challenges needing immediate attention, for which we are resolute on delivering in our quest to restore Plateau to her glorious days and position of pride in the comity of states. “Your selection as Management Committee Chairmen and that of your other mem-

bers is a product of broad spectrum consultation, so that you are conscious of the expectation of the people, and morally under the burden of conscience to deliver on the expectation of the citizenry. “We are on a Rescue Mission, and now as a part of the team, you are under the mandate to provide purposeful leadership in line with our policy trust of revamping the economy, sustaining peace and security, ensuring prosperity through good governance, which is the hallmark of development; within the duration of your service,” he stated

Gyang Bere, Jos


vors for quick recovery, and called on families of those who died as a result of inhaling the deathly chemical to take solace in God because He alone knows why certain things happen the way they do. He called on the authorities to embrace more sophisticated water treatment options, charging those vested with the responsibility of overseeing o΀ce equipment and stores to be more cautious and step up concentration to avoid such accidents. Senator Jang who had earlier in the month condoled and commiserated with victims of twin bomb blasts that disrupted Ramadan prayers in Jos also expressed hope that President Buhari will bring his military experience to bear as his administration seeks to end the Boko Haram menace and other security challenges in Nigeria.

Appeal Court reinstates Adeyemi’s petition against Melaye Paschal Njoku, Abuja


L-R: Former President, General Ibrahim Babangida (rtd.), receiving a gift from Managing Director, Bank of Industry, Mr. Rasheed Olaoluwa and the Bank Executive Director, Mr. Waheed Olagunju, during the of¿cial visit of Bank of Industry Management Board to the former President at his resident, in Minna Niger State...yesterday.

Plateau govt inaugurates panel to investigate Laminga chlorine gas leakage Cyprian Ebele


lateau State government yesterday inaugurated an 11man panel to investigate the cause of the chlorine gas leakage which killed eight people and left over 100 hospitalised in Jos. The incident occurred on Saturday, July 25 at the Laminga Water Treatment Plant in Jos. Mr Rufus Bature, Secre-

tary to the State Government (SSG), inaugurated the panel on behalf of Gov. Simon Lalong. The governor said that the members were carefully selected because of the technical nature of the investigation. He stressed that their mandate was to identify the cause of the incident, determine safety standard at the plant and proěer solution against future occur-

rence. Other terms of reference includes ‘to ascertain whether or not safety standards and regulations exist at the plant, to ęnd out if there are encroachments into the treatment plant and advise appropriately and to ascertain the number of people aěected amongst other things.’ He said that the panel has four weeks to submit its report and advised the

members to take the assignment very seriously. Responding, Mr Jimmy Cheto, the Chairman of the panel, expressed appreciation to the governor for the mandate given them and pledged that they would be diligent in carrying out the investigation. Niger APC may soon experience crack - Don “We have lost lot of lives through insurgency and Justina Asishana, Minna go on the path of destruction. we should not lose lives Speaking to newsmen in again through carelesscrack may soon apMinna, the don stressed that ness,’’ he said. pear on the walls of the overwhelming vote for

Congress, APC as well as the general election slated for November. The group’s state coordinator, Mr Tony Akeje and the secretary, Babtunde Oyejide, in a statement in Lokoja yesterday and made available to journalists said if the two-time Senator is voted into power, he will massively transform the state to an agrarian state

by harping on the huge agricultural potentials and by utilizing the over 80 percent of the population in the state. The group who said they were in Lokoja to mobilise the youths, market women and able men to support the Ugbane project said they are very sure if voted, the senator will maximally utilize Geregu power plant to eliminate the

use of generators. The group which cut across the ethnic divides in the state said so far, twenty thousand volunteers have been recruited to carry out the senators’ rich political manifesto to the nooks and crannies of the state for the purpose of winning conędence and support of the electorate for his candidature.

Youths mobilise volunteers for Ugbane Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


political pressure group of All Progressive Congress, APC Volunteer Network, AVN, in Kogi state said it has mobilised twenty thousand volunteers to canvas for the emergence of Senator Nicholas Ugbane to become the Ěag-bearer of All Progressive

ourt of Appeal, Abuja division, has set aside the decision of the National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal, sitting in Lokoja, which had on June 18, struck out the petition of Senator Smart Adeyemi of Peoples Democratic Party. Aggrieved by the ruling of the tribunal’s Chairman, Justice Akon Ikpeme, the embattled PDP senator headed to the appellate court to challenge the striking out of his petition against Senator Dino Melaye of the All Progressives Congress. The Independent National Electoral Commission had returned Melaye as winner of the senatorial election for Kogi West Federal constituency. However, Smart Adeyemi cried foul and ran to the tribunal al-

leging irregularities, malpractices and widespread rigging in the election that ushered in Melaye, and consequently asked the tribunal to nullify the poll. Delivering ruling on the appeal yesterday, Justice Mohammed Adume ordered that the petition be returned to the tribunal for it to be heard on its merit. Justice Adume opined that the tribunal had erred in law when it wrongfully struck out Adeyemi’s petition on technicalities rather than on substantial justice. The appellate court noted that the position of the tribunal that Adeyemi’s petition was not Àled within the time frame prescribed by law was wrong. Justice Adume observed there was no evidence before the tribunal to substantiate Melaye’s submission that the petition was Àled out of time.


the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Niger State following its indulgence in nepotism, ethnicity and marginalisation, a don, Dr. Yusuf Larry Ayuba, has declared. Ayuba, who is a lecturer at Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, said that unless the Niger State APC learns from what is happening at the Federal level, and how the President sees everyone as his and does not belong to nobody, the APC in the state will

change in the state should not be turned into family imposition at the expense of fairness, justice and equity. Referring to APC’s aĴempt to gag one of its senators, Senator David Umaru, from speaking the truth about the way appointments were shared in the state, Ayuba said suppressing the truth would not help the party, rather it would destroy the goodwill the people have in them.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sports Update

Odemwingie not retiring yet


igerian international, Peter Odemwingie is not about to call time on his career. Odemwingie, 34 made his debut for the Nigeria national football team in 2002 but last turned out for the Super Eagles in 2014 at the Fifa World Cup. He has represented his country at U23 level previously, helping the Dream Team win Silver in the men’s football event at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. At senior level, Odemwingie has played over 60 times including at two World Cups and four Africa Cup of Nations with the Super Eagles. Odemwingie, currently on the books of Barclays

English Premier League club, Stoke City has however declared that he is not about to retire from the sport that brought him fame and fortune. “I’ve not given it too much thought to be honest, and I could remain in sport. But I deęnitely do want to get some more education. You never know what will happen next in life….do you?,” Odemwingie asked rhetorically when quizzed by The forward is now seĴing his sights on a successful season with the PoĴers whose fans have taken to him like a duck to water. “I was always surprised how quickly Stoke fans took to me. I came here and fans saw I was really happy with the move. “Everything about the club was right for me. The reception I had that day at comeback game was truly amazing. “Ryan Shawcross has been here a number of years and even he said at training during the next week that he had not heard anything quite like it,” he said.

Governor’s cash tears Rangers apart


t o million two illio Naira gift to Rangers by Enugu State Governor, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, has torn the team apart rather than ęre them up for Sunday’s derby against Enyimba. According to local media reports, some oĜcials of the club Friday morning got into a shouting match because they felt short changed, after a training session at the Nnamdi Azikiwe Stadium in Enugu. According to our ever reliable source who witnessed the show of shame Friday morning, the camp commandant and the kit manager who felt short-changed

Ifeanyi Uguwanyi

by the amount they received from the governor’s gift did not hide their emotions as they demanded for what they felt should be paid to them. “It was really a shameful act from both club oĜcials. This was supposed to be a gift to motivate the team for the task against Enyimba in Aba, but it now seems to be a curse,” said the source. “It got so bad that the technical adviser in trying to seĴle the rift lost his eye glasses. “I just hope this disgrace will not aěect the players who have been puĴing their best in training for the Aba encounter.”

Don’t expect miracles – Oliseh N

ewlyappointed Super Eagles Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh, has asked for patience from Nigerian fans, warning that the team’s fortunes won’t change overnight. Oliseh is concerned about the lack of Nigerian players representing top clubs in Europe and warned he is introducing a new playing philosophy that will take time to come to fruition because he doesn’t get much time with the players.

“To coach Nigeria is not the easiest job in the world and one is only as good as the players,” he told FIFA’s website. “Nigeria at the moment has a lot of potential, but we don’t have a lot of conęrmed players in the top clubs in the top leagues, so taking over the national team now means we have to remake the whole team and introduce a new philosophy of playing style, of culture and mentality. “That is very diĜcult to do when you are the

national team coach because you have very limited time with the players unlike when you coach a club. So that is why I was very hesitant.” The Super Eagles were dealt a favourable World Cup qualięcation draw and will play the winner of Djibouti and Swaziland in order to advance to the group phase. “It is going to be very, very diĜcult, but I believe we can qualify. All we have to do is look at ourselves, try

to improve our game and hopefully we will qualify,” he added. “Our ambition is to get the best to play for Nigeria, and football is geĴing faster these days and it keeps geĴing faster and faster. The tempo is diěerent now, and we can see in the ęrst division of most nations that is where the tempo is. “We are practically starting from scratch, so that is why I am saying that people should not expect miracles from us,” he concluded.

in the semięnal 1-0 on their way to lifting their ęrst continental trophy. Equatorial Guinea will be buoyed by the scored draw in Abuja two weeks ago and so will be full of conędence against the African champions in front of their home fans. Falcons will miss the service of reigning African Player of the Year Asisat Oshoala due to injury, Onome Ebi and Josephine Chukwunonye, due to club engagements in Belarus and USA, respectively. However, aĴacking midęelder Ngozi Okobi who missed the ęrst leg will be available for selection for this clash. Cecilia Nku told the Falcons will survive the heat and go past Equatorial Guinea.

“I am optimistic that we will qualify for the Olympics, I believe we will beat Equatorial Guinea on Sunday to go through,” Rivers Angels star Nku told Skipper Evelyn Nwabouku added: “They drew with us in Abuja, but nothing says we cannot go there and win also.”

Falcons face uphill task in Bata


igeria women’s team, the Super Falcons, will confront their major African rivals Equatorial Guinea at their backyard on Sunday, with the hope of advancing to the next round of the qualifying series for 2016 Rio Olympics. Equatorial Guinea, the only team to have won African Women’s Championship outside Nigeria after they won it twice in 2008 and 2012, drew 1-1 with Nigeria in the ęrst leg in Abuja a fortnight ago. The Falcons must aim for a bigger scored draw or an outright victory in Equatorial Guinea commercial capital of Bata to now go past their hosts. Equatorial Guinea defeated Nigeria in 2008

Ngozi Okobi


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015

Sports Update Battle of Pointe-Noire: Shoot at

sight, Siasia orders players


ream Team coach, Samson Siasia, has ordered his players to go for goals in Sunday’s Africa U-23 Championship qualięer against Congo in Ponte Noire. Nigeria is in danger of being knocked out of the race for an Olympic soccer slot, after failing to utilise home advantage a fortnight ago, when they could only beat the Congolese 2-1 in Port Harcourt. Before the team left Nigeria for Congo, Siasia pleaded with his players to be composed and go for the kill in Pointe Noire, saying that it is their ability to convert chances that will ultimately determine their fate. “I hope we can do it over there in Congo and that is what I keep on

emphasizing to the boys. We have always created a lot of chances in all our games and I am very sure we will repeat the same in Congo. So if we can create ęve chances and take two, then we are good to go. That means the Congolese have to score four goals to displace us which won’t be possible with my team�, Siasia said. Siasia further stressed that the technical crew have advised the players on the basiscs of the game particularly as it related to scoring goals under pressure. He said:� We just have to make sure the touches are right and we don’t have to be in a hurry in front of goals. You don’t have to shoot hard to score sometimes, you only have to pick your spot�.

Visa knocks Shehu out of Congo war


ortugal-based Shehu Abdullahi will not feature for Nigeria in Sunday’s CAF U23 Championship qualięer in Congo because he was not granted an entry visa, it has been revealed. “Shehu was originally on the squad for Congo,

but it was later discovered that he was not given a visa to Congo and so he could not travel with the squad again,� a top source informed “He has since left Abuja for Sokoto to visit his family.� Shehu’s availability was initially in doubt because of a thigh injury he suěered in a preseason game in Portugal last week, but his club later cleared him for the Congo match. The former Kano Pillars star arrived Nigeria on Tuesday and was to have played as cover at right fullback. On Wednesday, he also featured in a test game against Amakson Academy, which the Dream Team VI won 3-0.

‘Old warhorse’ Bala Mohammed rejoins Pillars


xperienced campaigner Bala Mohammed has rejoined hometown club Kano Pillars. Bala was skipper of the league champions when they reached the semięnals of the 2009 CAF Champions League. “Bala’s transfer back to Pillars has been completed,� Pillars spokesman Idris Malikawa told He was released by Pillars three seasons ago during which time he featured for Jigawa

Golden Stars and Enyimba. He is a versatile player who is comfortable anywhere in the defence as well as in defensive midęeld. Pillars will on Sunday host Lobi Stars in the ęrst game of the second round of the league. Both teams played out a dramatic 3-3 draw in the reverse ęxture in Makurdi two weeks ago with the home team coming back from three goals down to salvage a draw.

Dream Team lands in Pointe–Noire T

he U-23 National Team, Dream Team VI, Friday afternoon landed in the economic capital of Congo, Pointe-Noire. The Nigerian delegation led by the Chairman of NFF Technical and Development CommiÄ´ee, Chief Felix Anyansi-Agwu landed

at the Augustino Nero International Airport, Pointe-Noire at about 12.25pm local time (same time with Nigeria) on board an Ethiopian Airline Äšight. On arrival, the Nigerian delegation was received by the ConsulGeneral of the Embassy

of Nigeria, Brazzaville, Mr. Adamu Shuaibu Hamza, accompanied by Mr. Adebayo Iyaomiye and the president of the Nigeria community in Pointe-Noire, Mr Ezenwabasili Egbuna. Immediately on arrival, the delegation, with the assistance of the

Embassy oĜcials took the team to Hotel De Fez where they are accommodated . Members of the Nigerian community in Congo wearing T-shirts they have produced specially for the ‘baĴle’ The team later trained at about 5pm on Friday.

Beijing chosen to host 2022 Winter Olympics


eijing was chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to host the 2022 Winter Olympics on Friday, EHFRPLQJ WKH ¿UVW FLW\ WR EH awarded both summer and winter Games. The Chinese capital beat Almaty, Kazakhstan in a secret ballot of 85 IOC members, held at a convention center in downtown Kuala Lumpur. The ballot was conducted WZLFH ¿UVW HOHFWURQLFDOO\ and then by paper after it was discovered the electronic system had malfunctioned. Despite concerns about a lack of natural snow in the city’s distant mountains, and protests from human rights groups, Beijing had been the clear favorite to win the vote after it successfully hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics.

The high-powered Chinese delegation assured IOC members that Beijing was the safe choice because it had already proved it could stage the Games and said it would take winter sports into the backyard of the world’s most populated country. The bid team from Almaty tugged at the IOC’s heartstrings, urging the committee, which includes sports administrators, captains of industry and even royalty, to resist the temptation to go back to China and instead send a positive message to smaller developing countries that they too could host the world’s greatest sporting events. Kazakhstan Prime Minister Karim Massimov delivered a powerful, moving speech, but the IOC, grappling with the effects of a global economic crisis and facing

Thomas Bach dwindling interest from countries wanting to host the Olympics, opted for Beijing. The decision to go with &KLQD DJDLQ UHDIÂżUPHG the shifting power-base of

world sport, with East Asia now poised to host three successive Olympics. South Korea’s Pyeongchang will host the 2018 Winter Games and Tokyo the 2020 Summer Olympics.

NBA Africa game live on DStv’s SuperSport


ven though the National Basketball’s (NBA) ęrst-ever game in Africa was sold out in under an hour, basketball fans across the continent will have a front row seat to the match thanks to SuperSport’s live broadcast. The exhibition match, scheduled for Saturday at the Ellis Park Arena in Johannesburg, South Africa, will be live on SS6 HD from 2.30pm (CAT). The match, in support of various charity organisa-

tions across the continent, pits Team Africa against Team World. Captained by two-time NBA All Star, Luol Deng of the Miami Heat, who was born in South Sudan, it’s going to be a homecoming of sorts for Team Africa players as they were born on the continent while some are second generation Africans. The team features AlFarouq Aminu (Portland Trail Blazers; US; parents from Nigeria), Giannis Antetokounmpo (Milwaukee

Bucks; Greece; parents from Nigeria), Nicolas Batum (CharloÄ´e Hornets; France; parents from Cameroon), Bismack Biyombo (Toronto Raptors; Democratic Republic of Congo), Boris Diaw (San Antonio Spurs; France; parents from Senegal), Gorgui Dieng (Minnesota Timberwolves; Senegal), Festus Ezeli (Golden State Warriors; Nigeria), Serge Ibaka (Oklahoma City Thunder; Congo), and Luc Mbah a Moute (Sacramento Kings; Cameroon).

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