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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Oyo to partner South Africa on agric, trade investment Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan
he Oyo State G o v e r n o r , Senator Abiola Ajimobi, has reiterated the readiness of his administration to partner with South Africa in the areas of agriculture, trade and investments. Governor Ajimobi stated this while receiving the South African Consul-
General, Ambassador Mokgethi Sam Monaisa and his team at the Governor’s office, Agodi, Ibadan. The Governor, who described the state as a strategic location for investors, explained that Oyo State is blessed with natural endowment such as arable land, large deposit of marble and granite which he said
would attract investors from South Africa. He added that hisadministration i s c o m m i t t e d t o s t r u c t u r i n g anagricultural relationship with South Africa which he said would add value to the agricultural production capability of the state. He expressed readiness to leverage on the visit
of the ambassador to establish a concrete relationship with South African investors. Earlier in his remarks, the South African Consul-General, Ambassador Sam Monaisa said the South African government would be willing to partner with Oyo state in the areas of education, agriculture, trade and investment.
South West MTV Base to broadcast Dance With Peter show
overs of Globacom sponsored Reality TV show Dance with Peter can now watch the show on MTV Base as the telecommunication giant has added the television channel to the broadcast stations broadcasting the show. In a statement released by Globacom in Lagos, it stated that MTV Base will broadcast the show on Sundays from 6 pm. to 7 pm starting from Sunday October 3. MTV Base thus joins Africa Independent Television (AIT) and Africa Magic which are already running the programme. While Africa Magic Urban (Channel 153 on DSTV) airs the show on Saturdays from 7 pm. to 8 pm, AIT broadcasts it every Sunday
from 3pm to 4pm. The statement added that the second episode showing this weekend would feature Port Harcourt and Benin auditions. The company said it would be a highly entertaining and actionpacked hour, showing the battle by hundreds of dancers to convince the judges, Peter Okoye, Kafayat Shafau Ameh, popularly known as KaͿy, and Don Flexx. The winner of the show will win a brand new Toyota RAV 4 Sports Utility Vehicle, N3million cash prize and the rare opportunity of featuring in P-Square’s next music video. The Àrst and second runners-up will receive a Honda Civic car with N2million and a Kia Rio car with N1million respectively.
Tunde Busari
industry with a view to seĴing a good standard and also boosting revenue base of the union. The chairman expressed the gratitude of the council to the Chief Executive OĜcer of SS Ladsom Limited, Prince Adesina Oladehinde, whom he described as the benefactor of the council. The commissioning was preceded by what was dubbed Independence Anniversary Lecture and Award with the theme: Nigeria at 55: The Pains, The Gains, The Prospect.
Oyo NUJ commissions guest house
he Oyo State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has commissioned a guest house at the Press Centre premises, Iyaganku, Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. The commissioning was done by the Secretary to Ogun State government, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa, on behalf of Governor Ibikunle Amosun. Chairman of the council, Gbenga Opadotun said the eight-room relaxation haven is the modest contribution of his executive to hospitality Inauguration of New NUJ Guests’ House, from left, Gbenga Opadotun, Ogun State SSG, Mr Taiwo Adeoluwa and the Donor, Engr. Adeniyi Oladehinde.
Community accuses DPO of harassment over land issues, petitions IG Ayodele Olalere
Lagos based lawyer, Mr. B a m i d e l e Ogundele has called on the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase to call to order some of his oĜcers who are allegedly being used to harass and intimidate some community leaders in the Lekki area of Lagos State over land dispute. Ogundele, in a Save Our Soul (SOS) leĴer wriĴen on behalf of the community leaders, alleged that a certain Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Oyinlola Adeoye of the X Squad, Force
Criminal Investigation Department, Alagbon, Ikoyi Lagos has continued to allowed himself to be used to terrorise some principal members of the Dada Bakare Family of Abijo Town, Ibeju Lekki local Government Area of Lagos State. According to the leĴer signed by Ogundele and Raimi Oluwaseyi Nojeen on behalf of the family, the family (Dada Bakare) claimed that they are the traditional owners of a large parcel of land totalling 75,000 hectares at Abijo Village, which was oĜcially ga£eĴed by the Lagos State government with No. 55 Volume 40 of
2007. The family stated that they were surprised when one Alhaji Akeeb Alarape Adams popularly known as Adamak, a native of Lamgbasa Village of same Ibeju Lekki allegedly brought some land grabbers to take over their land without their consent or authority of the family. They alleged that the said Alhaji Adams recruited the services of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Oyinlola Adeoye, who allegedly has been giving security backing to the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the hoodlums allegedly
hired by Alhaji Adams. “DC Adeoye personally led a Police Patrol team to take over the Dada Bakare family land at Abijo Town without Court Order or Execution of Court Order despite suit pending in court by Dada Bakare family in LD/2308/2011 against Alhaji Akeeb Alarape Adams & Ors for the illegal trespass,” the statement stated. They however called on Chairman of the Police Service Commission and Inspector General of Police to investigate the activities of DC Adeoye and one Prince Dosunmu for dabbling into land dispute maĴer.
She spoke on the sidelines of the Nurses eekȦScientięc Conference with the theme ‘Nurses: A Force for Change -- Care Eěective, Cost Eěective, Improving Health and Wellbeing,’ which ended yesterday. “To be honest, nurses are not well remunerated in Nigeria; they work like horses but have liĴle to show for it in terms of
remunerations in spite of working under pressure. It is disheartening to see government employing nurses on grade level 7, while other health practitioners start from Grade level 9 and above. “We have been operating on an obsolete scheme of services. This is an unfair situation. Nurses’ welfare should be paramount to the government,’’ Agunloye
said. She aĴributed the situation of the nurses to their not having representatives at high positions who could push their agitations. “Nurses are treated like second hand citi£ens in Nigeria, but the intriguing thing there is that this was not the case in other countries where our leaders visit.
Nurses seek new salary scheme
hairman of the National Association of Nurses and Midwives, National Orthopaedic Hospital (NOHIL), Igbobi, Lagos, Mrs Olusola Agunloye has urged the Presidency to sign into law the new scheme of service for nurses which is currently on President Muhammadu Buhari’s table.
Alhaja Taslimat Fashanu Tennis competition holds today
Ayodele Olalere
his year’s annual Tennis competition in remembrance of Alhaja Taslimat Alake Fashanu tagged ‘ Taslimat Alake Fashanu Memorial Ileya Tennis Classic’ will take place today at the Tennis section of the Lagos Country Club, Ikeja, at 3pm. Today’s competition is the second in its series organised by the son of the deceased, Barrister Babatunde Fashanu. Alhaja Fashanu died in October 2013.
Late Mrs Fashanu
...As Ogwemoh buries mum Oct. 17
i k e w i s e , arrangements have been concluded for the burial of the mother of Barrister Sylva Ogwemoh (SAN), late Mrs Felicia Ebodeamhe Ogwemoh, who died on September 13, 2015 at the age of 90. According to a statement by the family of the deceased signed by one of her sons, Sir Tony Ogwemoh (KSM), a Vigil Mass will hold on Friday October 16, 2015, at Ogwemoh family compound, Otoukwe Quarters, Agenebode Etsako East local government area of Edo
State. The statement added that on Saturday October 17, a Requiem Mass will take place at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Agenebode at 10am while reception follows after interment at Ogbake Primary School. A Thanksgiving Mass is scheduled to take place the following day at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Agenebode. Late Felicia Ogwemoh is survived by children, grand children, sister, brothers, daughters and sons’ in-law and other relations.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
South South
Daniel, Okowa mourns Onosode )RODNH 6RNR\ Sylvester Idowu
he immediate past Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, has expressed his deep condolence on the death of Pa Gamaliel OÍżoritsenere Onosode. In his message on the passing away of the elder statesman, Otunba Daniel described him as a distinguished boardroom player whose contributions to the growth of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sociopolitical and economic development were immense. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pa Onosodeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contributions to the socioeconomic development of the country were immense evident of which
was his various appointments in both private and public sectors. A former Presidential Adviser on Budget AÍżairs and Director of Budget in the second republic, Pa Onosode recorded landmark achievements in bringing sanity and disciplined approach to public Ă&#x20AC;nance,Âľ he said. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though Pa Onosode lived a fulĂ&#x20AC;lled life up to old age, the news came to me as a shock that one of the most illustrious Nigerians is gone. His demise is indeed a huge loss to the whole nation in general.Âľ He prayed for the repose of his soul adding that late Onosode lived a life worthy of emulation and left behind enduring legacies.
Also, Delta State Governor, Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, described the late industrialist and boardroom guru, Deacon Gamaliel Oforitsenere Onosode as a gift to Delta State and Nigeria as a country. He stated this yesterday when he paid a condolence visit to the Onosodeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family at their Surulere residence in Lagos. Okowa, who poured encomiums on the man popularly called Mr Integrity, admonished the widow, Mrs Susan Onosode and other members of the family not to weep for too long but to give thanks and praises to God for giving such a wonderful person to the family, Delta State and the country.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The event of the passing of our beloved daddy, no doubt is painful, but I would advise that this is not the time to cry but rather a time to give praises and thanks to God for giving us somebody like him. His name will continue to resonate in the mind of all Nigerians as a man of integrity. The Corporate world will continue to remember him as he lived his life to the glory of God. He is a vessel of honour and we are all proud of him. So we thank God for his life and for giving him to us,Âľ Okowa said. Okowa, assured that the state will not only provide adequate security but also be part of the funeral activities.
Ar my provides free medical ser vice to 300 Bakassi IDPs
o fewer than 300 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Bakassi local government area of Cross River State beneÄ&#x2122;ted yesterday from the free medical outreach conducted by the 13 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Calabar. Commander of the Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Sani Mohammed, said that the humanitarian medical outreach was part of the Chief of Army StaÄ&#x203A;, Lt. Gen. Tukur Burataiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision on civil-military relations. The IDPs are camping at Ikot EÄ&#x153;ong/Obutong primary school in Bakassi local government area of the state.Mohammed said that the Army decided to reach out to the IDPs because they needed adequate medical service to keep them in good health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are here today to offer free medical treatment to the IDPs. When you look around and see where they are camping, you will be-
lieve that they really need adequate medical care. We also carried out a similar medical outreach in the barracks where the children and wards of soldiers and friends of the Army were equally tested and administered with drugs,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. The commander advised the IDPs to have a positive outlook towards life, adding that the Army would always remember them in their activities. The IDPs were tested for malaria, blood pressure, hepatitis, typhoid and fever, among others, while drugs were equally administered to them. Speaking, the Coordinator of the camp, Mr Aston Inyang, thanked the Army for their humanitarian medical outreach. Inyang said that they were brought to the camp on Oct. 4, 2009, after the ceding of the oil rich Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon on Aug. 14, 2008.
Old Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day: Octogenarian seeks social support scheme for elderly Nath Omame, Port Harcourt
A L-R: Convener, National Career Fair, Shogbamu Oluwaseun; Executive Producer, BAD Music, Gregory Agbiriogu; Managing 'LUHFWRU &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÂżFHU -REOLQN 1LJHULD 0DU\ 'LQDK 9- $GDPV DQG 0XVLF DUWLVW <4 DW WKH 1DWLRQDO &DUHHU )DLU on Developing Innovation & Entrepreneurship Driven Economy, in Lagos.
Police arrest kidnappers of murdered AAU professor, discovers body in shallow grave 7KDQN*RG 2IRHOXH %HQLQ
he Edo State Police Command has arrested Ă&#x20AC;ve persons in connection with the kidnap and murder of Professor Paul Erie who went missing in June 2015. Late Erie, a professor of Agricultural Economics at Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma Edo State, was reportedly kidnapped on June
16, and was never found until Thursday (Independence Day), when some of the suspected kidnappers took the police to Igbanke village where a shallow grave in the forest in which the remains of the deceased was buried by the kidnappers was discovered. According to a press release by DSP Stephen Onwochei, there were eight kidnappers, but three are
still on the run. The statement gave the names of the arrested kidnappers as Awulu Samson, Lucky Owuadegbe, Jeremiah Amayo, Chucks Edobor and Stephen Usiagwu. The statement also revealed how the police had to relocate to Igbanke village on the orders of the Edo State Commissioner of Police, CP Chris O. Ezike, after unsuccessfully trying to un-
ravel the murder when the crime was initially committed. The team subsequently arrested the Ă&#x20AC;ve kidnappers between September15 and 25. The Edo CP conveyed his condolences to the family of the professor, as well as the management of AAU, Ekpoma. He also assured the general public that the police will continue to ensure the safety of citizens in the state.
ocratic Party (PDP) in the state, by voting massively for the All Progressive Congress (APC) in the forth coming gubernatorial elections in the state. Blankson, who spoke at the APCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat in Yenagoa, yesterday when he led over 1000 of his supporters to the leadership of the party in the state to announce their de-
fection from the PDP to APC, said the reasons why they Ă&#x20AC;nally left the PDP was because the party lacks internal democracy. He described the PDP as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;party full of expired politicians who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win elections even at their ward unit,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; adding that the leadership of the party in the state has battered the people with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;lies, deceit,
empty promises and under development of the people and state.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He expressed dissatisfaction over the manner of the leadership of the PDP in the state, adding that because of the role of his boss in the party some of them have been witch hunt and expelled from the party for no genuine reason.
Senator Paukerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aide, supporters defect to APC Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
he Special Assistant on Domestic Matters to Senator Emmanuel Pauker, the member representing Bayelsa Central Senatorial district in the National Assembly, Hon. Osomikime Blankson, has urged Bayelsans to sack the ruling People Dem-
n Octogenarian, Mr Pius Orji, has called for the establishment of a Social Support Scheme for the elderly to enable them overcome challenges associated with old age. Orji made the call in Abakaliki yesterday as the world marks the Old Peoples Day. According to him, old age is divine honour and privilege, adding that those bestowed with such honour should be celebrated. The 82-year old retiree of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, however, regretted that the old were being abandoned by government, even though they had contributed immensely to the development of the society. He said that establishment of the scheme would
enable the elderly to assess free medical care for age-related ailments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The aged ones in the society, especially in Nigeria, do not enjoy any social support programme that will enable them overcome some of the challenges associated with their age. Those of us who are pensioners do not receive our pension beneĂ&#x20AC;ts on time, while a number of us have died waiting to receive these beneĂ&#x20AC;ts,Âľ he lamented. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is shameful that no form of social security programme is in place to act as succour to those who have contributed immensely to the development of the society.Âľ Orji urged government to place premium on welfare of the elderly, saying that society owed a lot to this segment of society because they had contributed to its growth.
TUC wants Nigerians to have faith in Nigeria project
he Chairman, Rivers Trade Union Congress (TUC), Mr Chika Onuegbu, has called on Nigerians to have faith in Nigeria project and work toward its genuine freedom from poverty, unemployment, ethnicity and insecurity. Onuegbu, in Port Harcourt yesterday said that Nigeria at 55 had not lived up to the expectation of the founding fathers, adding that Nigerians had been in bondage of poverty, unemploy-
ment, corruption, ethnicity, religion, and insecurity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, we call on our members, good people of Rivers and Nigerians to have faith in the country,Âľ he said. Onuegbu said that Nigerians should have conĂ&#x20AC;dence that with collective eÍżort and determination the country would be great again. He called on Nigerians to join hands to develop the country and make the environment suitable for all.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 3, 2015
South East
Customs impounds fake drugs, furniture worth N226 million Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Nigeria Customs Service, Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone ‘C’, Owerri has recorded various seizures comprising a truck with 843 cartons of fake drugs, another one containing furniture and furniture components with a Duty Paid Value of N226,380.000.00 According to the unit, the 843 cartons of imported fake drugs consisted of 696 cartons of fake imported Lubumol and 153 cartons of Tramodol analgesic with a Duty Paid Value (DPV) of
N163,260,000.00 The Customs Area Controller in charge of the unit, Comptroller Dimka Victor David, who disclosed this to newsmen at the premises of the NCS, ImoAbia Command in Owerri where he showcased the exhibits, said that they were confiscated on the Eleme/ Aba road on the 22nd of September 2015. He said that the eagle-eyed men of the unit who have traditionally kept vigil on the nefarious activities of die-hard smugglers also seized 303 cartons of glass dining table, 1,936 pieces of side stool with a DPV of N63,120,000 on the
same axis, warning that the Nigeria Customs Service would never rest on its oars until smugglers and their collaborators are flushed out from their hideouts in all nooks and crannies of the country. “We are worried at the upsurge of smuggling in this country despite obvious strict penalties for culprits. The NCS is not sleeping and will ever remain awake to its responsibilities and the persistent cases of smuggling shows how terrible, greedy and deviant people can be and since the smugglers have learnt to fly with-
out perching, we (the NCS) have also learnt to shoot without missing” he cautioned. Dimka who subsequently handed over the fake deadly drugs to the Director-General of National Agency for Foods Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Dr. Paul Orhii, on behalf of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Col. Ahmed Ali (Rtd.) through the Imo State Coordinator, Mr. Mmamel Victor for in-depth investigation and final action said that the driver of the truck conveying the offensive drugs had been arrested and is being investigated.
News NSCDC operatives raid Enugu ‘baby factor ies’, rescue girls waiting to be impregnated Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
espite eͿorts by government and security outÀts to stem incidence of ‘Baby Factories’ in Enugu state, agents of the illicit business are now changing their mode of operation to evade authorities and keep the ‘business’ Áourishing. The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corpse (NDDC), Enugu state command yesterday paraded six girls whose ages range from 15 to 24, and who were recovered from two diͿerent brothels. The girls were also paraded with the proprietors of the brothels, Chief George Obike, owner of Star Palace Hotel located at No. 4 Mission Avenue, Coal Camp, Enugu and Azubuike Aneke, owner of Zubynet Hotel, 26 Okpara Avenue, Enugu, who allegedly engage in the illicit business. The arrests were made through the combined efforts of NSCDC and the Enugu State Child Fostering and Adoption Committee headed by Most Rev Emmanuel Chukwuma,Archbishop of the Anglican Communion, Enugu State Province. The girls are Esther Ani
(23), an SS2 student from Agbani, Enugu State; Ifeoma Agbo (21), a JS3 student from Ezzamgbo, Ebonyi State; Lovett Mbamalu (18), an SS2 student from IÀtedunu, Anambra State; Ogbu Gloria (15), an SS3 student from Eum, Ebonyi State; Chinaza Okoye (18), an SS3 student from Agulu Anambra State; and Aku Udeze Favour (24), an SS3 student from Uzo-Uwani, Enugu State. The girls who are mostly school drop-outs, were alleged to have been kept in the brothels where men pay N1000 per night to sleep with them in order to impregnate them. Subsequently, they are allegedly held until they put to bed before they are released after their babies are sold out. The girls who spoke to our correspondent however noted that they were in the brothels for prostitution only. The proprietors of the brothels, Obika and Aneke, however denied that they were engaged in ‘baby factory’ business, insisting that they run the brothels as prostitution ring where girls pay N100 per night for lodging.
Ember months: FRSC mobilises 2,000 marshals in Anambra
L-R: Guest Speaker, Mr. Akin Joaquim; Counselor, Lanre Awoloku High School, Gbagada Lagos, Mrs. Grace Ukwuije; President, Rotary Club 9110 Nigeria, Rotn. ‘Sola Adenuga-Taiwo and Past President, Rotary Club 9110 Nigeria, Rotn. Tayo Lawal, during the career guidance session for Eva Adelaja Secondary Schools facilitated by Rotary Club of Gbagada in Lagos. Photo: Damilare Bankole
Igbo community in Kano mourn traditional ruler Ted Odogwu, Bureau
digbo community in Kano will mourn the passage of their traditional ruler in Kano, Igwe John Chiejina Nnaji, the Eze dwranma 1V, whose demise was formally announced by the Igbo Community Association leadership in Kano yesterday. In a press statement jointly signed by the president of Ohaneze Ndigbo in Kano, Chief
Chris Chukwubuzor Azuka, and Secretary, Chief Damian Obisike, on behalf of the Kano State Chapter of Ohaneze Ndigbo and the Igbo community, it regrets to announce the passing away of their traditional ruler in Kano. The statement recalls how Nnaji emerged as the fourth traditional ruler of Ndigbo in Kano after he successfully scaled through rigorous selection processes to succeed the late Igwe Barrister O. T. Nnadi, the
Ezedwranma 111. The late Nnaji, was formally presented to the public as the traditional head of Ndigbo by the Igbo community at the popular Ado Bayero Square in Sabon Gari, predominantly occupied by the nonindigenes on August 15, 2009, but was oĜcially crowned on November 30, 2009 at same venue. Until his demise, he was a silent operator as well as a humble diplomat who spent the past six years engaged in the
promotion of peace, unity and progress of Igbo Community in Kano State. In addition, he promoted friendship and co-operation between Ndigbo and other communities in the state. While mourning his sad exit, Ndigbo leadership is calling on all Igbos in Kano to remain calm and continue to promote peace, unity and welfare of Igbo community in line with the aspirations of the late traditional leader, Igwe J.C Nnaji.
he FRSC Sector Commander in Anambra, Mr Sunday Ajayi, has said that nearly 2,000 regular and special marshals of the commission will oversee the embermonth campaign in the state. Ajayi told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Onitsha yesterday that more than 1,000 regular marshals as well as 1,000 special marshals had been deployed for the exercise. He said that tens of patrol vehicles and motorbikes had been deployed; while other was still expected from FRSC headquarters in Abuja for the success of the campaign. ``During this period I can bet, we will not have less than 1,000 staͿ on ground in addition to Special Marshals (Volunteer Marshals) we have over 2,000 people getting ready to work for us during the ember- month campaign. ``Then, we count on our stakeholders to support us. ``When we are talking of stakeholders, we have other
security agencies; we have the state government. ``We have the religious leaders, traditional rulers, who would have one role or the other to play in sensitising the general public and ensuring that our eͿorts yield fruit,’’ he said. He said that the corps was getting support from sister security agencies such as police, civil defence and the army during patrols and surveillance. Ajayi further said that the commission would involve religious leaders, traditional rulers and other stakeholders in sensitisation of the general public. According to him, the ember-month campaign is meant to enforce trac rules and regulations so as to reduce road crashes during the last quarter of the year. With the FRSC’s ember month campaign is in tadem with the Safer Road Initiative of the state government which Governor Willie Obiano launched after the Onitsha oil tanker disaster of May 31.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 3, 2015
North East
Adamawa initiates strategies for industrialisation, says Gov Bindow
L-R: Former Nigeria Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon; Former Interim President, Chief Ernest Shonekan; Former Vice President, Dr. Alex Ekwueme and President Muhammadu Buhari, at the 55th Independence Anniversary Presidential Change of Guards Parade held at the Forecourt Presidential Villa, Abuja…yesterday. Photo: Anayo Opara
Kogi poll: Teachers vow to vote compassionate candidate Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
head of the November 21 governorship election in Kogi State, the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday said its members would only vote for a governorship candidate that has priority for welfare of teachers. Kogi State Chairman of NUT, Comrade Suleiman Abdullahi, who stated this in Lokoja at a media briefing ahead of the World Teachers’ Day celebration, said successive governments since creation of Kogi State have not given priority to teachers’ welfare.
He lamented that teachers who contribute immensely to the development of the society through impartation of knowledge, are often neglected and treated with disdain when it comes to payment of remunerations. “Teachers are frontline workers of the education system. They are responsible for engaging students and promoting learning. They discharge their duties diligently, yet when it comes to remuneration, they are made to go through harrowing experiences. “It is a known fact that both the Holy Bible and Qu’ran abhor the sweat
of the labourer drying up before he gets his wages. Why then do we have to allow the last drain of teachers’ blood to dry up without accessing his wages?” He queried. He said despite the devotion of teachers in the state to duty, they are owed several years of leave grants, unimplemented promotions, annual incremental and unimplemented minimum wage, adding that the education sector will continue to face setbacks if teachers don’t get their legitimate entitlements. “Teachers are highly valuable resources towards achieving sustainable society, but today, we
are overworked, underpaid, underrated, undervalued and underestimated. It is said that to whom much is given, much is expected; so to whom little or nothing is given, what will be expected? “All stakeholders must as a matter of urgency come together to salvage what is left of our educational system if we must build sustainable society. There is no educational policy that can rise above the level of the teacher”. He said there is no wisdom on the part of government to wait until teachers go on strike before paying their entitlements which may result in the institutionalization of illiteracy.
B e nu e l a b o u r c r i s i s ove r s o o n – A nya Godwin Akor, Makurdi
here are indications that the disagreement between the new Benue State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Godwin Anya, and his predecessor, Comrade Simon Anchaver, over handover would soon be over. Mr Anya told Newswatch Times in an interview that he has not been able to
function fully because Mr Anchaver refused to hand over to him on the ground that there were complaints. He said discussions have started between Mr Anchaver and himself on the possibility of the NLC secretariat being handed over to him, pointing out that the oces have been under lock-and-key since he was elected four months ago.
Anya said he was optimistic that Anchqver would hand over to him because he had served for two terms as NLC chairman and that he did not contest elections with him. “Elections were conducted, I was declared winner and sworn in same day, but no handover till now,” He emphasized. He said after the elections, some people wrote to Abuja, claiming that elec-
tions were marred with irregularities. He said the national secretariat of the NLC constituted a committee and those of them that contested were called to state their case. “We have started talking, process of handing over has started; it is because he has travelled, I know that the matter will soon be resolved,” Anya maintained.
Bauchi Polytechnic to commence 7 B.Tech & 13 HND courses Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he management of Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic (ATAP), Bauchi yesterday disclosed that the institution would commence Higher National Diploma (HND) programme in 13 courses and 7 Bachelor of Technology in the next academic
session. Speaking to newsmen in Bauchi, the acting Rector of the Polytechnic, Mallam Suleiman Mohammed Lame said the National Board for Technical Education has granted permission to the polytechnic to run 13 HND course which will commence from next Session.
He said: “The NBTE was in the polytechnic recently and undertook assessment tour of facilities in the polytechnic and they were happy with what they saw on ground both in terms of manpower and facilities. The board decided to grant us permission to start HND programme in 13 courses which will
commence in the next academic session.” Some of the courses that the institution is expected to run HND level include Computer Science, Estate Management, Statistic, Biochemistry, Micro-Biology, Electrical Engineering, Accounting, Business Administration and Public Administration.
damawa State governor, Alhaji Mohammed Bindow, has said the state government has initiated workable strategies and incentives to enhance speedy industrialisation in the state. Bindow made the statement at the Adamawa special day at the 10th Abuja International Trade fair in Abuja yesterday. Represented by the Commissioner for Commerce and Industries, Alhaji Umar Daware, the governor said the strategies were in line with the new orientation of the administrative and micro and economic policy objectives of the government. He said that the strategies were geared toward achieving social and economic change envisaged by the people. The governor said the administration had provided necessary infrastructure in major towns of the state for the achievement of the objectives. He said the government had keyed into the National Industrial Development Plan and National Development Programme of the Federal Government by proposing to implement industrial cluster concepts. According to him, such concepts include the establishment of enterprises
zones for diͿerent classes of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). He said the government was promoting PublicPrivate Partnership in the establishment of industries and other economic ventures and developing industrial parks in partnership with the Bank of Industry. Bindow said that other measures were the establishment of low interest special fund for MSME, provision of tax concessions to investors, liberal land acquisition and equity participation in projects. He said the government planned to establish two international markets in the two commercial towns of Mubi and Yola. Bindow also said the government was ready to go into partnership with investors interested in the solid minerals sector. He said the plan for the establishment of Adamawa cement project had reached advance stage, while eͿorts to ensure the commencement of Mubi Burnt Bricks industries was being intensiÀed. Bindow said that the government was making efforts to establish a Magnesit company in Garkida Local Government Area for the production of fertiliser, refractory bricks and other related products.
Militar y Pension Board allays fears of mishap in forthcoming verification exercise
he Chairman, Military Pensions Board, Air Vice Marshal Muhammed Dabo, has allayed fears of any mishap in the forthcoming military pension verięcation exercise scheduled to hold in designated centres between October 6 and October 20. Dabo said this in Abuja yesterday while brieęng newsmen on the forthcoming verięcation exercise for military pensioners in and outside Nigeria. He solicited the cooperation of pensioners as adequate measures have been adopted by stakeholders to ensure a hitch free exercise. The objective, he explained, was to improve on the administration of military pension in the country. ``It will help decentralize the exercise and at each centre you have two biometric capturing machines that would be done simultaneously; it will reduce the time spent and the crowd and we believe it will go a long way in checking some these incidences of stampede or sleeping outside without any protection. ``Adequate security measures have been taken in vari-
ous centres and we believe and pray that this exercise will be hitch free and we don’t envisage any bad incidence as it use to happen in the past. ``Those who are sick, we have made provision for the various team leaders, those who are hospitalize, to go to the various hospitals and get them verięed even in their hospital beds,’’ he said. According to him, the 2015 biometric verięcation will also make the exercise less cumbersome even as the population will become more controllable during the process. He said the exercise had been designed for the convenience of the pensioners with specięc dates alloĴed according to their rank brackets. ``Private to Lance Corporal and their equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force will start from 6 to 9 of October, 2015. Corporal to Sergeant and their equivalent in the other services, their verięcation exercise will take place from 10 to 13 of October, 2015 ``Staě Sergeant to Warrant OĜcers and their equivalent from the other services, is from 14 to 15 of October, 2015.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Asset declaration: Saraki in the eye of the storm Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
ollowing the directive by the Court of Appeal that urged the embattled Senate President, Bukola Saraki to appear before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) on the lingering hullabaloo over asset declaration, Saraki was reported to have Ànally complied with the Court order and surrendered self to the law by appearing before the Code of Conduct Tribunal on Tuesday morning in company of his deputy, Chief Ike Ekweremadu and some loyal senators. Justice Danladi Umar of the CCT in Abuja last Friday ordered a bench warrant against Saraki for failing to appear before the tribunal to answer false declaration of assets charges. Umar had speciÀcally ordered the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase, or other security agencies to arrest Saraki and produce him in court on Monday (today) to take plea in the 13-count charge slammed on him by the CCB. However, the case that has been declared will be heard behind the Journalists has been adjourned to October 21, probably to allow for due consultations between the “wronged and the aggressor.” Newswatch Times gathered that Saraki was presently facing a 13-count criminal charges bordering on false declaration of assets. Counsel for Saraki, Mr. Mahmud Magaji (SAN), said he had appealed against the ruling by the tribunal judge. The lawyer said, “We have been able to Àle a notice of appeal as well as stay of execution. When you have a valid notice of appeal and stay of execution, it puts the order of the court so granted in abeyance, unless and until the Ànal determination of that content of that order that is being challenged at the Court of Appeal. That is the position of the law.” He also conÀrmed that the notice of appeal and stay of execution had been received by the CCT. “We Àled it at the registry of the Code of Conduct Tribunal in the same court and it has been served on them since Friday; and then we are good to go. They have a copy of it and we have Àled an appeal too. The rule is that you cannot Àle a stay of execution until you Àle notice of appeal and so we are good to go,” he said. The Special Adviser (Media) to the Senate President, Yusuph Olaniyonu, also told newsmen on Sunday that Saraki’s legal team would determine what would happen on (last) Monday. It would be recalled that Saraki incurred the wrath of “powers-thatbe” immediately he chose to run for the senate presidency, ignoring the directives of the party – All Progressives Congress (APC), and its national leader, Sen. Bola Tinubu whose preferred candidate was and is still Ahmed Lawan. Barely was he elected by unanimous votes than he started encountering
multiple scandals that initially centred on his wife before it now moved to the Senate President himself. As the fashioned crises continued to consume Saraki, he was ordered by the Code of Conduct Tribunal to appear before it last Friday to clear some allegations that bother on impropriety levelled against him. However, like a caged lion, Saraki approached the upper Court – Court of Appeal, seeking for stay of action, he lost the bid as his request was thrown overboard. The tribunal resumed trial on Monday without Mr. Saraki’s appearance. Although, his team of lawyers argued against the composition of the tribunal, its chairman, Justice Danladi Umar, ruled that the Senate president must appear before it on (last) Tuesday, the day it adjourned to. As expected especially when his party, APC, was not in full support of Saraki’s presidency, accusing Àngers were pointed at President Muhammadu Buhari and the entire presidency for Saraki’s travail; the growing alleged insinuation that eventually forced the villa to open up on its position. Just last Sunday, the presidency merely absolved self by saying that the trial of Saraki, by the CCT for alleged false assets declaration was purely a judicial process. Buhari’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, in a statement, cautioned against linking the President with the Saraki’s trial, saying Buhari had no hand in it. Shehu said there was no provision in the law for the Code of Conduct Bureau and the CCT to take instructions from any quarters, describing as uninformed the views that the CCT, which he said was equal to any superior court of record, could only act upon external instigation. “As an independent institution equal to any superior court of record, the tribunal is set up by the Constitution to determine the issue of default, false declaration or forgery in assets declaration. This therefore is purely a judicial process and has nothing to do with the Presidency,” the statement noted. However, some political pundits shared same view with the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who on Saturday accused the Buhari-led government of desperation to remove Saraki from oce. According to the PDP in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, Buhari was intolerant, particularly over the treatment being meted out to Saraki. But the Presidency through Shehu replied, “If anyone has an axe to grind with what the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and CCT are doing, they should do it in a judicial manner by challenging those actions in a proper court of law. Let them hire a good team of lawyers to prove their innocence. Government has no desire to persecute anybody. “The President has vowed to respect the rule of law and this is what he is doing by staying out of this matter. He has said times without number that the war against corruption has no sacred cows.
“Even if the President wants to help, there is no way he can do anything. Is he going to ask the judge to stop the trial?” he demanded, reiterating, “The President has sworn to an oath to protect the Constitution and will not violate that oath.” Meanwhile, Saraki after unprecedented pressure agreed to appear before the CCT. A statement from Saraki’s media oce said: “While the Senate President Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, had stated and maintained that he is ready to submit himself to due process of the law on any issue concerning him, he also believes that he has an inalienable right to resort to the same judiciary for protection when he feels his fundamental rights are about to be infringed upon. “The Senate President is a law abiding citizen and his absence from tribunal was based on legal advice he received from his counsel that it is not necessary for him to appear before the tribunal at this stage since the jurisdiction of the tribunal and the process of initiating the matter are being challenged before the federal High Court Abuja. “Following the adjournment for the determination of the motion on notice and the substantive suit before the Federal High Court to 30th of September and the appeal pending before the Court of Appeal adjourned to the 29th of September 2015, the
Senate President has decided, as a law abiding citizen, to appear before the Tribunal in the interim. “Dr. Saraki has taken the decision to attend the tribunal sitting to demonstrate his respect for the rule of law in spite of his personal reservation on the process of his trial and the purpose it may be intended to serve. “Dr. Saraki wishes to assure Nigerians of his absolute belief in the judicial process and is therefore conÀdent that the course of justice would be served at the end of this matter,” the statement said. Newswatch Times gathered that the desperate Saraki has been Àghting to remain aÁoat by enlisting the support of his base in Ilorin, Kwara State where the National President of the Ilorin Emirate Descendants Progressive Union, a socio-cultural group of Ilorin indigenes, Alhaji Abdulhamid Adi told journalists that the trial by the CCT was politically motivated. Adi said, “I see it more or less as political persecution. It is purely political. Maybe there are some political opponents that are trying to get at him. We believe he will come out of it. You are presumed innocent until proven otherwise.” But the National Publicity Secretary of the Afenifere Renewal Group, Kunle Famoriyo, and a member of the National Executive Council of the Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
WAIT FOR YOUR TIME! ...Ex-Eaglets coach tells Iheanacho
Wolvesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; equalizing goal against Pillars excites Ibenegbu >>Pg.18
Ancelotti joins Pirlo and Lampard for dinner >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Double delight for Udoji, Enyimba
t was double delight for two time Africa champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba as the Aba millionaires notched win number 16 in the 2015 NPFL season to move one step closer to a seventh league title. Wikki Tourists were dispatched 2-0 in Aba, with a brace from the unlikeliest of scorers: long-serving captain, Chinedu Udoji. The game began with the Peoples’ Elephant very much on the front foot, with former Enyimba goalkeeper, Paul Godwin in the Wikki goal called into action as early as the third minute. Towering centre-back Ifeanyi Anaemena then got a clear sight of goal from Idris Aloma’s Ěight delivery, but failed to plant his header on target in the 15th. The game would eventually descend into a scrap, with the visitors giving away a number of free kicks in dangerous positions. However, the shooting was frequently wasteful. With half-time fast approaching, Udoji decided he’s had
enough, arriving late in the box to latch on to a Peter Onyekachi cut-back and ęre home with 42 minutes on the clock. The timing could not have been more perfect for the club captain’s third league goal for Enyimba since his arrival from FC Abuja ęve years ago. This knocked the
wind out of the sails of Wikki Tourists, who up until that point had been doggedly organised at the back. It would get worse after the break though. Five minutes after the restart, Peter Onyekachi was again in the thick of the action, scythed down in the box. The referee was on hand
and pointed to the spot, and Udoji once more stepped up to complete his brace and double Enyimba’s lead. That ultimately proved enough for the three points, as the Peoples’ Elephant extended their lead at the top of the table to ęve points with seven games still to play.
Wolves’equalizing goal against Pillars excites Ibenegbu .Says ‘goal is special’
kechukwu Ibenegbu, veteran Warri Wolves midęelder, is in ‘Cloud 9’ after his last minute eěort earned his side an all import point away to champions, Kano Pillars on Sunday at the Sani Abacha Stadium, Kano in the Week 31 ęxtures of the Nigeria Professional Football League. Speaking after the crucial game which Pillars thought they had already pocketed the maximum, Ibenegbu said he was happy for scoring the goal because the season has been a bit tough for him due to the fact he has been in and out of the team due to suspension and injury saying that scoring the goal that helped them get a draw at Pillars was special. “I am happy with this goal because this season has been a bit tough for me as I have been in and out of the team (due to suspension and injury). But to score the goal that helped us get a draw
at Kano Pillar is special and also one of the best moments in my career,” said Ibenegbu to npĚ.ng. The truth of the maĴer is that Pillars were a beĴer side on the day as the result did not actually reĚect the true position of what happened on the pitch as the league champions dominated
proceedings throughout the game. A clear indication of Pillars dominance was in the fact that Wolves inform striker, Kufre Ebong could not get a shot at goal in the game. Junior international, Zaharadeen Bello, who marshalled Pillars’ defence, did a great job of keeping Ebong
quiet in the game. The ęrst of Wolves two shots at goal came in the 86th minute when Ibenegbu raĴled Yusuf Mohammed in goal for Pillars with a scorcher of a free-kick. Mohammed could not deal with the shot ęrst time but scrambled to stop the ball from crossing the line.
Allen happy with Sharks victory over Dolphins
estus Allen, Sharks’ coach has expressed happiness over his side’s victory over perennial rivals; Dolphins FC of Port Harcourt says he is hugely relieved after his side earned a hard fought lone goal win against city rivals Dolphins FC in a local derby in the Glo Premier League played in Port Harcourt. An elated Allen told npĚ.ng, that he is conędent his side will beat the drop and praised his players for what he described as a stunning performance. “I am completely relieved. This was the most vital match of our season. We needed to secure maximum three points and a draw would have been disastrous for us. My players understood how important this game was for us, that is why they gave their best,” he said. Speaking further, Allen told npĚ.ng that the victory was hard earned. “The victory we got will boost my team’s chances of
maintaining their top Ěight status. I am conędent we will not be trapped in the relegation zone again. We are out of there and out completely. “Our target now is to secure maximum points away to El-Kanemi. We have been picking points away from home and we hope to still pick some more on the road. We are not giving up, but will stay focused till the end. I can assure you, we will not get relegated,” a positivesounding Allen told npĚ. ng.
Bayelsa Utd dent Ezeji’s Hear tland debut
igeria Professional Football League (NPFL) boĴom-placed Bayelsa United recorded an impressive 3-1 win over Heartland in a Glo Premier League match decided on Monday morning at the Oghara Township Stadium. Forward Samad Kadiri put the hosts in front after 10 minutes before Mohammed Mohammed restored parity for the visitors. Youngster Uche Okeke ensured United went into the break with a superb long range eěort before Bernard Ovoke made sure of victory for the relegation haunted hosts. League veteran, Victor Ezeji made a cameo appearance for Heartland as he plays in his 20th consecutive top Ěight season in Nigeria.
The Match Day 31 encounter was billed to hold on Sunday but was put forward by a day after the pitch became water-logged due to a heavy downpour on Sunday afternoon. The big team news was Ezeji’s anticipated appearance and he was named among the substitutes for Heartland alongside their top marksman, Bright Ejike who was dropped after a lingering goals drought. United however made the brighter start and were rewarded after 10 minutes after Bernard Ovoke pounced on a rash defensive clearance by Kelechi Eke to head onto the path of Samad Kadiri, who swivelled to volley home from 16 yards. The hosts continue to dominate but were
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports/EURO League
It’s BeerFest time! ...as Bayern stars don their lederhosen for Oktoberfest
ayern Munich have opened their Bundesliga season with seven wins from as many games and after Tuesday’s 5-0 thrashing of Dinamo Zagreb, are top of the Champions League Group F with two wins and six points. Pep Guardiola’s side have a lot to be celebrating at the moment. When you add in the
fact that striker Robert Lewandowski is in the form of his life with 10 goals in his last three matches, it is easy to see why the Bayern squad were so happy about at the Oktoberfest celebrations. The squad donned their lederhosen before appearing at the celebrations at the Munich beer festival.
As well as Lewandowski scoring a treble against Croatian side Zagreb on Tuesday, Mario Goĵe also found the back of the net alongside Douglas Costa, Guardiola’s side have begun the season at an electrifying standard but will face their hardest match of the season so far when they return to Bundesliga action on Sunday.
Gerrard dines out in LA with old friends after scoring winner for Galaxy
Ancelotti joins Pirlo and Lampard for dinner ... as speculation over Liverpool job continues
ormer Liverpool and England captain Steven Gerrard appears to still be enjoying the LA life... and he’s brought two old friends along for the ride. The LA Galaxy midęelder, who scored the winning goal for his side against FC Dallas on Sunday, celebrated the successful result with a meal out alongside two old friends, who you may recognise as
professional footballers in their own right. Ian Craney and Ian Dunbavin, both from Liverpool, travelled out to the United States to watch their old friend in action, and were delighted to see him net the winning goal in a 3-2 victory at the weekend. The trio, all wearing sunglasses and dark shirts, headed out in LA following the match, with Gerrard even stopping for a quick snap
with a fan. Craney began his youth career at Everton, before a long career in the Football League at clubs including Swansea and Huddersęeld. In fact, the 33-year-old midęelder is still playing now, for Conwy Borough FC. Dunbavin, a Huytonborn goalkeeper, is one of Gerrard’s oldest friends, playing alongside him at Liverpool in the late 1990s.
arlo AnceloĴi could soon well be making a return to the Premier League but it appears the former Real Madrid manager is enjoying his spare time by linking up with Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard. AnceloĴi has been strongly linked with the Liverpool job to replace the under-pressure Brendan Rodgers - with the Reds enduring yet another disappointing start to the campaign. But the Italian coach was in no mood to worry about the managerial speculation as he enjoyed a spot of dinner with his two former players. The 56-year-old took to his Instagram account to post a photograph after
posing for a snap with the MLS duo in Vancouver. AnceloĴi invited the pair to join him at his favourite restaurant, Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill - where chef Pino Posteraro is a personal
Depay celebrates Man United going top of EPL ... by donning some gold teeth on night out
ootballers are renowned for their bizarre fashion statements and Manchester United aĴacker Memphis Depay is the latest to go out in public with an eye-catching appearance. But it was not Depay’s black shirt liĴered with skulls that was most remarkable, or the leather jacket with white markings spewed across
which made it look like he had lost a scrap with a graĜti artist on his way to the Suburbia nightclub in Manchester on Saturday. Those two items looked rather run of the mill compared to the fake gold teeth he donned for his night out, where he also made a trip to the LIV club. Karrueche Tran, the ex-girlfriend of Chris Brown, was also
pictured aĴending the Suburbia venue. Depay scored his ęrst Premier League goal for United in the Premier League on Saturday in the 3-0 victory against Sunderland at Old Traěord. Depay’s goal came on the stroke of halftime and the three points meant Louis van Gaal’s side usurped Manchester City at the top of the table.
friend of the Italian. Pirlo and Lampard are currently plying their trade in Major League Soccer with New York City but the pair are evidently still friends with their former coach.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
...Ex-Eaglets coach tells Iheanacho
former head coach of the Nigeria U-17 national team, Godwin Izilein, has pleaded that Sunday Oliseh be allowed to carry out his duty as Super Eagles coach without unnecessary distraction, particularly at this time when the former captain is trying to rebuild the team. He criticised calls for the inclusion of Man City forward, Kelechi Iheanacho in the list of players called up for the upcoming friendly matches against Cameroon and Congo, insisting that the Man City player’s time on the international stage will come soon enough. “I don’t understand why there’s so much noise about Oliseh snubbing Iheanacho. People should understand that it’s not possible to call up every
good player at once. “We all know the potential that is Kelechi Iheanacho, and believe me, Oliseh knows it too, and slowly but surely he’ll be making that boy a leading member of his team when the time is ripe,” said Izilein. Last week, Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh, had obviously snubbed Manchester City’s rave of the moment, Kelechi Iheanacho, as he listed goalkeeper and skipper Vincent Enyeama, midęelder John Mikel Obi and forwards Victor Moses and Odion Ighalo among 24 players for next month’s friendly internationals against Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon in Belgium. A critical look at the squad would reveal that a few players were dropped while new ones were considered for a try out.
Eagles lack midfield leader – Ikpeba VICTOR ENYINNAYA
x-international, Victor Ikpeba, says that one of the problems of the Super Eagles is that the team lacks the presence of a midęeld leader that would shape and deęne the pace of the game, and therefore called on the team’s coach, Sunday Oliseh to look critically inwards to ensure that he would get hold of that vital area in the ęeld of play. According to him, the games played so far under the Oliseh led technical crew clearly showed that the former African Champions lacked creative leader in the middle of the pack and must do something urgently possible to ęx that area. He insists that if we can get who would do the needful in the midęeld the problem of the Eagles would have been half solved as we can take it from there. ‘’I must emphasise that unless there is a midęeld leader in the present squad, things would continue to be muddled up and the pressure would also not less on the defence line. The engine room of any side is the strength of its midęeld and the earlier that department is properly ęxed the beĴer for the side as it gears up for the more crucial stage of the qualięers. We all saw the game against the Taifa Stars in the baĴle of Dar es Salaam during the last qualięer, how the
lack of midęeld leader placed the Eagles more on the receiving end. The coach must ęnd the lasting solution to it before the epic match against Egypt next year’s March. Egypt is more coordinated team than Chad and Tanzania we have played so far. It will be great service if we can put out house in order quickly,’’ he points out. The former African Player of the Year continued that the very essence of the friendly
games against Cameroun and Congo are to ensure that all Ěaws in the team would be ęne tuned before the crucial game against our group leader, Egypt. He advised that the need to comb deeply to ęsh out dependable Nigerian players that would add value to the team is now; the areas that would be adequately fortięed must have been identięed after the games against Tanzania and the friendly with Niger Republic.
Enyeama is joined by England –based Carl Ikeme, who in his debut kept clean sheets against Tanzania and Niger Republic in two internationals earlier this month, as well as home –based stars Ikechukwu Ezenwa and Femi Thomas. Former junior international defender Abdullahi Shehu gets his ęrst opportunity at senior level, and Moses Simon, who scored against Niger Republic, is also considered, alongside home boys Chima Akas, Austin Oboroakpo, Paul Onobi and Prince Aggrey. There is also room for Watford FC of England striker Odion Ighalo. The Super Eagles play the Leopards of the Democratic Republic of Congo on October 8 and the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon three days later, in Belgium, as the Nigeria Football Federation activates its plan to entrench stronger bond and cohesion among the relatively new group. The winner of the preliminary round between Swaziland and Djibouti will host the Super Eagles on November 9 in a 2018 FIFA World Cup ęrst round qualięer, with the Eagles hosting the return leg in Nigeria eight days later. All invited players are expected to arrive in Belgium on Monday, 5th October.
IOC pushes S/Korean organizers to be ready for test events
he International Olympic CommiĴee is pushing South Korean organizers to complete venues in time for crucial test events ahead of the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang. The International Olympic CommiĴee pressed South Korean organizers on Thursday to make sure venues are completed in time for crucial test events ahead of the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang. The IOC’s coordination commission wrapped up a three-day visit — and its ęfth overall trip — to Pyeongchang to check on preparations for the ęrst Winter Olympics in South Korea. “The competition sites remain on schedule for the games but the organizers need to maintain their focus,
as some delivery dates are very close to the start of the test events,” commission chair Gunilla Lindberg said. Test events in Alpine skiing, freestyle skiing and snowboarding are scheduled to be held early next year. “It is important that Pyeongchang 2018 delivers these events successfully and, in particular, the test events next February, in order to create a solid basis for its planning and preparations for the games,” Lindberg said. The IOC has expressed concern in the past about the pace of planning and venue construction in Pyeongchang, but Lindberg said Thursday that preparations are now “developing well.” The IOC panel was joined for the meetings by leaders of the seven
international sports federations on the Winter Games program. “It has been a very productive three days,” Pyeongchang organizing commiĴee head Cho Yang-ho said. “I feel that we are in the right direction to stage a great Olympic and Paralympic Games.” The IOC has previously been worried about a shortage of domestic sponsors for the games, but noted Thursday that local organizers have reached over 50 percent of their sponsorship target. “This showed the commission the strong backing of the Korean business community for the games,” the IOC said. Hyundai and Kia Motors signed on as domestic sponsors in July. The IOC commission’s next visit to Pyeongchang will be in March 2016.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on T Truth th
Vol. 01, No. 48
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
My husband proposed to me through my mother Caterer, Otun
26 My Love
an I meet you? My name is Mrs Mosunmola Adebisi Otun What do you do for a living? I am a caterer and event planner? What led you into catering and event planning? I discovered that as a Christian, we need to work according to the vision God has given each and every one of us. I actually discovered that I had this gift of planning, though I did not discover on time. I had my Masters degree in Business Administration, but it took me a while that I had already been operating in my area of calling without knowing. Like in my church when there is any event or social gathering or to take care of people, I am always called upon to take charge because of that gift of planning in me. I never knew I was working in my area of calling, because at that point, I was busy looking for white-collar jobs while ignoring the gift inside of me. Later, I went to a Bible school called WOFBI (Word of Faith Bible Institute) in Lagos. There, we were taught about vision. I would sit down and pray to God that He should reveal to me my area of calling and specialization. I discovered that after WOFBI I was still bothered because I never got a clear vision of where I was supposed to function in the secular world. One of my former pastors asked me to decorate something for him and I told him I could not do it, but he insisted that it was the holy spirit that instructed him to meet me to do it. I never took him serious for once. One of my friends who was supposed to wed came and asked me to do the décor for her, but I told her I could not; however, she said if I learnt it I would be perfect in it. I was asked to go learn about it by my friend, even on event planning. That was how I learnt event planning for six months. While I was there, I was also doing my personal jobs at home. That is why I tell some of my students, since they are here, they should start telling people they are into catering; that will make them serious and learn faster. Because when they ¿nish the training, they would have built a clientele for themselves. I have been doing this for 13years and I thank God for bringing me thus far. What propelled the name “Minds and Brains?” Minds and Brains is not a name I started using when I started event planning; my husband had been using it long before I started this business. It is the name he used to register his business, so I adopted it. So it’s just an arm of Minds and Brains Ltd. How many students have you trained so far? I have trained more than ¿fty students, even close to hundred. When people come to me for training, I ask them “is it because you don’t have anything to do or you have a passion for the job?” For those who have passions for the job, I easily detect them. I have students across the country, like Ibadan, Nnewi, Abuja, etc; even one of my drivers was also one of my students. How do you feel seeing your students scattered across the country doing very well? It is a thing of joy seeing your students doing perfectly well. <ou will be ful¿lled that
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Mosunmola Otun, seasoned caterer and event planner had her Masters degree in Business Administration at University of Ado-Ekiti and Prime Course at the University of Junior Chamber International (JCI), South Africa. She is the Managing Director of Minds and Brains Events and Decorations. She spoke to Society Editor, TUNDE ESO on how she ventured into full time catering as well as the challenges of the business.
you have imparted lives positively, especially young girls because they know they are not a liability to any man, and they have advantages over so many young girls around. They are beautiful, educated, good cooks, home managers, etc. +DYLQJ EHHQ VXFFHVVIXO LQ WKH ¿HOG RI FDWHULQJ and event planning, what else do you think you should be doing? So many things. I would like to have a big
My husb a c tu a ll y w e n t to m y a n d m o th e r th a w a n te d to m a r r y, s h e t h e a s k e d h im th e n a n d h e s a id if h e w a s s u r e yes
school. When I started, I began with event planning, but after a while, I discovered that I was really good as a caterer and a decorator. I left event planning on purpose. Because it is a bit tasking. I would like to have a bigger school than I have at the moment in a formal setting. I also want to have a place where I can import decorating materials at a very large scale. How was your growing up? My growing up was like bitter-sweet. My father was a rich man. I had everything at my disposal till I was 15years old. When I lost my him, everything just changed. I come from a polygamous home. My father was married to seven wives; my mother being the ¿rst wife. I am the ¿rst child and the second daughter. When my father passed away, it was not easy for my mother to take care of us. At times, we there would be no money to transport myself to school, even to pay for my S.S.C.E was very dif¿cult. I had to learn how to adjust to certain
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Love
My husband proposed to me through my mother H w did your husband propose Ho pro How to y u? yo you? A that point, he was a Muslim At a d I was a Christian. an Christian I was also and a vanced in age then ad the because I advanced was 29years old. I just left a was relationship of 7years. 7 relationship My h sband actually hu actua went to husband m mother that th he wanted my m mother to marry; my t en asked him if he th then was sure and he said y s. That ye Tha was how yes. we star we started the jouran here we ney and tod are today. What is your adfo the youngvice for er gen generation? you need to The youth prayerful discover prayerfully their vision, because discov your when you discover foc vision, you will be focused and n t beat about the bush. no b not They should also ask people the what they around them t think their talent Y is. Your talent is som something you do effortlessly e even when you are not being paid. They need to things. After he passed on, my perspective understand due about life changed that no matter what you are process. These things don’t come at once. They going through, you will surely overcome it. need to go through rigorous training. They also Tell us about your educational background need to be diligent, consistent and focused and I went to Command Secondary School at Ikeja stop looking for instant rewards. Cantonment, which was later affected by the If you are made the President of Nigeria, bomb blast. Then I went to Federal Polytechwhat are the three things you would put right? nic, Ilaro where I had both my OND and HND One is electricity. Electricity is very essential in Marketing. Later, I went to University of in this business. We need power for so many Ado-Ekiti for my Masters degree in Business things because it gives your client a well done Administration. Then I did a trainer’s course job. So power is very necessary. Then, human in South Africa in 2004. resource is another key factor. I discover that How long have you been married? an average person is lazy. He doesn’t want to Have been married for seventeen years to the work. They need to know that life is not all glory of God. about money; integrity matters a lot and hard Did you work for any organization before work is very essential. Lastly, infrastructures you started your business? will be put in place. Yes, I worked for the Guardian Newspaper as What does love in marriage mean to you? an advert executive for about two year. Love means sacri¿ce. Love is being ready to Which is more tasking and more ful¿lling sacri¿ce for your partner. My husband has rebetween being a caterer and advert executive? ally sacri¿ced a lot for my business to grow to I would say being a caterer is more ful¿llthis stage. He stood in for me always. And I ing because I am working in the area of my reciprocate his actions as his loving wife by becalling. However, I will never undermine the ing there for him all the time. experience I had from Guardian. I learnt how Where is the best place you have gone to unnot to give up. I learnt how to be a goal-getter. wind? That was how I started pursuing clients and Colorado in USA. I discovered that everything meeting targets. was done orderly. The atmosphere was very Why did you accept your husband’s prorelaxing for me. posal? Are you a fan of any football club? I accepted his proposal because I saw in him a I support Jesus United young man with a vision. A young who knew Last word… where he was going. He had plans for his life. In my own little way, I think in have tried to How has your marriage been so far? affect lives positively. I don’t have plans to start My marriage has been fantastic so far. It is the my NGO now, but I can attach to other NGOs best thing God has blessed me with. as their facilitator.
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, October 3, 2015
Five Minutes with...
eeled -h h ig h n o g in tt u p l, e d o As a m wu k m u lid A ia th n y C – e g n e shoes is a chall TUNDE ESO
rief introduction about yourself Favorite Nigerian song of all time I am Alidumkwu lotem Well loaded by Chinyere Udoma Cynthia. I graduated from Delta Favorite foreign artiste State Polythenic Ozoro, where I studied Tupac Shakur Oce Technology and management. I Favorite Nigerian artiste am a tall model and fair complexioned. Yinka Ayefele Favorite colour Favorite Nigerian actor Blue and red because they both Emeka Ike represent love and are unique in Favorite foreign actor appearance Konye Chelsea Favorite food Favorite Nigerian fashion designer I love pounded yam and draw soup so Joe Lip much and if I have my way, I can eat it Who is your role model? Ini Edo daily all through my life to tell you how :KDW LV WKH QDPH RI \RXU RXWÀW" much I like the delicacy. Grown Favorite place in the world :KDW GR \RX KRSH WR EHFRPH LQ ÀYH \HDUV" I have visited South Africa to unwind A great mother and a fantastic model to Favorite person in the world reckon with globally. My mother, because she is the best How long have you been a model? mother in the world and a caring one that I love so much. I have to live my life I have been modelling for two years now What has been your major challenge in again; I will prefer her to be my mother. WKLV ÀHOG" Favorite foreign song of all time Putting on high-heeled shoes Mama by Frank Edward
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738
Aso Ebi trends to show for occasions
29 2 9
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso Email: tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Ideals you should not compromise in your relationship
elationships are interesting things... The reason the two of you started in the first place was because you were attracted to each other in some form or another. Maybe you liked his pointed nose, height; maybe she made you laugh. You liked each other enough to form something solid and all of a sudden everything done was perfect. But somehow along the line, something is cracking. When you love someone, you can forgive them for many things, but here are few on which you should never compromise. Your bodily integrity and perception of beauty If someone doesn’t love the way you look when they start dating you, you shouldn’t date them. They’re not going to magically enjoy your body/appearance in a way they didn’t before, and even if they did, who would want to be with someone who had to get used to the idea of finding you attractive? If you are dating someone, and feel that you should constantly be losing some weight, or not be seen without makeup, or dressing in a way that feels uncomfortable to you, you’re never going to be truly happy. And if someone slowly convinces you over the course of a relationship that you are not okay the way you are, and you need to change your standards of beauty to meet theirs, that is simply a bad relationship. Your career This one is less universal, because I know a lot of couples who have changed their career paths for the benefit of making a relationship work. Some of these couples are still together, some are not. But in general, even if the individual job/ position/location might change, your overall dreams of what you want to do with your professional life should not be compromised. If your dream is to be a successful actor or politician while you might have to edit your pathway to success slightly to accommodate a long-term relationship, giving up on your dream entirely because of your significant other is a one-way ticket to resenting them, and hating yourself. Ultimately, things change, and you might even find that you don’t want the same things you did five or ten years ago. But you want things for a reason, and you shouldn’t change those profound personal desires for anyone but yourself—because if someone truly loves you, they will want you to pursue what makes you truly happy. Yes! Lack self respect This doesn’t mean loving yourself, vanity, conceitedness. This means actual self respect for your own body and mind. Someone who eats crap all the time, who over sleeps, who fails to shower enough, who watches reality TV back to back is not investing in either their
mind or their body. They don’t respect themselves enough to utilise the complex gifts they’ve been given, like a working body and mind, instead they abuse them and are happy to let both turn to mush. Beware of these people because old habits actually do die hard. Cheating Cheating has been recorded over time as one of the major thing that breaks up a lofty relationship. This might sound obvious, but cheating represents far more than just being drunk and thinking with your genitalia. Someone who can do something they are fully aware would crush you if you found out is someone with deceitful tendencies. Because cheating is not just kissing or sleeping with someone else, a ‘mistake’ that never should have happened. With cheating come lies, betrayal, and shadiness along with a total violation of trust. Stinginess Being known for your stinginess is like herpes, it’s easy for people to believe and it’s very hard to shake. They skip out on a few rounds, they ask to borrow money and doesn’t pay it back, and they eat others peoples food... If you’re in a rela-
tionship with someone like this, you will find yourself making excuses for them. It might even get to the point where you pretend they bought something, just to salvage some respect for them. Someone should naturally give out in a relationship and this should not be limited to any. Both of you should be encouraged to give gifts and other things to make up your relationship. Addiction Again, it might go without saying for some people but addiction isn’t always that obvious. Someone with substance abuse can be extremely sneaky and all sorts of lies can come with it. If they’re not aware of it, it can be worse. Denial is a scary thing when you’re faced with it first hand and unfortunately all the love you give them won’t sober them up. Violence If they hit once, they will hit again. They don’t have to directly come into contact with you to be violent either. Smashing a few plates or punching a wall is just as dangerous. Issues with violence need to be acknowledged and dealt with professionally or else you need to get the fuck out.
Newswatch Times, Saturday October 3, 2015
he Oganla Fuji, Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, was at his best performance last week Sunday, 20th of September, 2015, at Royal Suite Hotel, Obafemi Awolowo during the album launch of Alhaji Tope Nautical Apase Oganla (Authority) titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Run Townâ&#x20AC;? The launch which drew a lot of society came to electrifying stage when Oganla Fuji arrived the event at late hour to dish out a good performance to fans that yearned for more. Tope spoke after the show: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big thanks to all my fans at home and abroad for the massive turn out at my album launch; these guys are just too awesome. I am so glad to have real fans around always. I also appreciate and respect my boss of life (Alh Wasiu Alabi Pasuma Oga nla Ijoba Fuji Generally); he was just too much. Many people thought he will not grace the event, but he did not only come, he also performed wonderfully. I appreciate his efforts; he is just too much.â&#x20AC;?
Pasuma dazzles at Tope Nautical album launch
any devoted members of the Holy Order of C&S Movement Church (Chapel of 'LYLQH %OHVVLQJ 9LFWRU\ GLVWULFW $\R QL o) located at Alagbado area of Lagos were happy and excited when on the 6th of September they went home with equipment elated to their various vocations courtesy of Remi Awode Foundation. The foundation is set aside to empower church members in various vocations. According to Special Apostle Aderemi Awode, the founder and mentor of the foundation, it is a thing of joy to help those who are in need not only to give them money to eat, but to empower them so that they too can help others in future. Among those that were empowered were caterers, computer engineers, okada riders and traders.
Remi Awode Foundation empowers church members
ho would have thought one could be both a successful political analyst and a griller at the same time? Jide Ogunsanwo, ace information, data and political analyst who was on the panel of Channels Televisionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2015 general elections coverage â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nigeria2015â&#x20AC;&#x2122; has recently added â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Grillerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to his curriculum vitae as he opened â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mr. Grillsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; barbeque place last Saturday in Ikeja Lagos. Jide Ogunsanwo is not just the owner of Mr. Grills, but also the Chief Griller of the restaurant. Very imSUHVVLYH +H LV QRZ RIÂżFLDOO\ WKH ÂżUVW Âľ'DWD &KHIÂś LQ Nigeria. Located in the heart of Allen Avenue Ikeja, the restaurant grilled menu includes interesting grills such as Spicy Tilapia and San Pedro Fries, Warmajama, Sweet Jamaican Chicken, amongst others.
Information and political analyst, Jide Ogunsanwo turns griller
W hile Muslims were enjoying the Sallah festival, an Islamic artiste, Monsurat Yusuf a.k.a Alayo was cooling her feet in police custody at Eleweran, Abeokuta, Ogun state. It would be recalled that Monsurat Yusuf â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problem started when she stabbed her boyfriend, Eric Moses, who passed on some months back. She was later released from detention with a bail bond while the court adjourned its proceeding till October. According to a source, trouble began when Monsurat fell out with her surety, a businessman in Lagos, who stood by her and provided the bail bond in court to secure her bail. Tripling learnt trouble started when Monsurat fled home immediately she was let off the hook and this made her surety to rescind his decision and never notified the court that he could no longer hold forth for her. This is what led to her arrest days before the Ileya festival and she is currently in police custody at Eleweran awaiting her trial that would commence soon. In March early this year, Alhaja Monsurat Yusuf an undergraduate of a higher institution in Abeokuta Ogun state was allegedly accused of murdering a fellow student, Eric Moses, in Abeokuta during a brawl over another girl Moses brought home. According to a source that witnessed the incident, he explained that there was a fight between Monsurat Yusuf and Eric Moses who some people claimed were having an affair and the brawl led to the untimely death of Moses who is also an undergraduate with Monsurat in the same institution.
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
istory was made on Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015 when Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first mobile studio was launched. Under the leadership of Sofolarin Somefun aka Showboy (Mr. Dancing Time) along with his band has given series of great achievement over the years in the entertainment industry has performed both home and abroad. Ask to described the band, Somefun who started his music career at a tender age as a member of the choir at Hoares Memorial Methodist Church Yaba, Lagos said â&#x20AC;&#x153;our band will effortless emcee the entire evening to ensure seamless flow throughout your event and these dynamic performers will have you and your guest on the dance floor all night. So in essence, all what I am saying is that our members will make you happy all night and dayâ&#x20AC;?
Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first mobile recording studio berths
fter the success of his album launch, Emmanuel Adeyemo aka Otolorin cannot but give glory to God and friends for the success of the album launch held at Glitter Hotel, Egbeda, Lagos The launch which was attended by who is who in the media industry was a success. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I give God the glory. I also thank Association of Yoruba Media Presenters, aka Egbe Apede Yoruba, Prophet Adeola Odubiyi aka Baba Emayo, Alhja Sherifat Hammed, General Manger, %RQG ) 0 $UFK 'DYLG $GHED\R $GHJELWH 3ULQFH 0XUDLQR %DQMRNR 7KUHHFR 'U :DOH Babalakin aka Money, and many more who I could not mention their names. They are the ones that made the album launch a successâ&#x20AC;? said the classical presenters .
Aftermath of successful album launch, Otolorin appreciates friends
ollywood Queen of Soap, Jayeola Oluwakemi Kuti, who recently lost her father, was all smiles last week Sunday at Times Square Event Center, Ikeja, Lagos when she was voted as Media Friendly Actress of the Year 2015. She was voted a winner by those who chose her over her colleagues in the industry for her cool headedness and the way and manner she attends to media. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unlike some of her colleagues who will give their phone to their so-called media assistants, Jaye will pick her calls and speak with youâ&#x20AC;? said one of the guests at the event that was full of glitz and glamour. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I appreciate everybody that voted for me and I promise you that I will not disappoint you. This award is also for my colleagues in the industry, it is not all about me. I also thank all media organizationsâ&#x20AC;? Meanwhile Media Friendly Actor was won by Ricardo Agbor
Jaye Kuti adds another feather to her cap
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Murder charge; Monsurat Yusuf an Islamic artiste returns to prison
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Ohakim celebrates grandson’s one year birthday in Monaco
irst son of former Imo state Governor, Ikedi Ohakim, Obinna and his lovely wife, Obiageli’s son Jayden turned a year older last weekend and the proud parents threw him a little celebration.
Igbinedion celebrates 81st birthday in South Africa
he businessman and philanthropist, who clocked 81 this month decided to have the second leg of his 81st birthday party in South Africa. He had one last week in Benin where all his children, friends and associates came together to celebrate him.
Zahra Buhari becomes brand ambassador for Sickle Cell Foundation
Niger ian wins Face of The World Pageant tephanie Umogbai and Damola represented Nigeria and won The Crown for Face of the World international in the Male and Female categories at the Birmingham International fashion week in Birmingham. They are both currently wearing the crown for Face of the World Nigeria and they won Face of the World international after defeating 14 other countries and their reps. Stephanie also won most stylish Queen.
ughter,Zahra, has resident Buhari’s, da ambassador of Scaf d been named the bran nters on all issues ce at Nigeria, an NGO th ll. At her unveiling on bothering on sickle ce spoke on how she lost a a September. 19th, Zahr years ago “I lost a sister ree sister to sickle cell th e cell so I know what it’s kl sic three years back to she said. e” like to lose a loved on
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, October 3, 2015
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
CHARACTER IS IT - Peaceful liv ing
eing peaceful or being peace loving , living peace ably or being a peace maker isn’t outrageous at all. How much peace you have, has so much to do about the kind of life you have lived,the life you are living, the life you plan on living, the place,the environment and more. Peace is about the absence of war,disturbance, conÁict, anxiety or distress, violence, argument in a house,in an area or locality, in a country and the world at large. The presence of calm or quiet, not being worried nor disturbed. It is total tranquillity. Talking about the choices you have ever made, the ones you are making, ones you are planning to make in the nearest future. Choices like where to live, who to marry, the course or career you enrol for, who to be friends or enemy with, religious beliefs, life styles and so on. Everyone wants or desires peace, but not everyone deserves it nor work towards it. Your mindset and belief system should be set straight always. Your priorities should be itemised and addressed frequently. You really need to be a lover of Law and order. Also take a probe into your life motives, disposition, desires, schedules,love modes, aspirations and all. Peace is always seen as a national or even as a world issue. We need to set peace from an individual context to maximise the attainment and acquisition of it. You can only share what you have or exude from your within with others. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “ we must learn to live together as brothers or we perish together as fools”. The peace we all seek for in the world cannot appear until its Áame is Àrst lit in our hearts. Let us examine the lives we live in our homes from birth,becoming toddlers then children. When a baby only encounters love,calmness and serenity, the baby feels safe and secure in his home and environment.
The baby is at rest and will be able to register peace and its attributes in his/her subconscious. As the baby grows into childhood, the child uses up the opportunity of being free from distress, conÁict and otherwise, as a tool to becoming stable. A stable child is therefore the one that has parents or guardians that care for his welfare, quarrel and then settle amicably without blows nor casualties. They should give the children aͿordable basic needs without being traumatised verbally or otherwise. A stable child would not be aggressive or violent because he/she hasn’t encountered violence and anxiety as a norm around him. Take for instance in some polygamous homes, Àghting, conÁicts and violence is the order of each day. In such homes they are driven by the slogan “survival of the Àttest”, which brings rise to/for various vices, learnt subconsciously by the children. Vices like being abusive, aggression, crafty, lying, stealing, being saucy and quarrelsome and many more. As they become youths their life’s ideology become “survival of the Àttest “. The environment also play a major role on how much peace you have and exhibit. If the community is hostile and hash, the children react negatively and resentful. A youth being brought up in a chaotic environment, being neglected and not being trained adequately will be tend to become addictive with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sexual immorality and various crimes like rape, occult and more. They would believe they need most of this to belong or to be at the top of situations. Without a proper monitoring by law enforcement ocers, crime, chaos and violence are perpetuated in the area. The children and youths also need to understand the consequences,eͿect and the outcome of war. How simple religious argument can cause havoc, how bad temper or anger can
disintegrate into a menace.All these makes peaceful living illusive. As a state or even as a country, to secure a peaceful society involves the need to play down on state of origin thing, then the need to give equal recognition to every religion and tribe,to avoid war and terror. Hatred and conÁict are often rooted in differences between people of diͿerent religions and races. Peace is a right, it’s a duty. It is dynamism and generosity. Couples should deduce how best to settle their quarrels amicably, how to scold each other in love without shouts and violence, how not to be hostile and mean to each other and other people. While you resolve issues as parents, be objective and less aggressive, discipline each child with caution and listening ears. You do this by allowing them to pour their hearts expressively without bottling up their fury. When and if they do, they are less prone to aggression and anger. Address your home set up, be the peace maker, and be acknowledged by even God. For every home founded on God those homes are identiÀed by their peaceful living. Peace isn’t just the absence of war, but also the presence of justice and the absence of fear. Here are some questions to ponder over; * who and what do you think about to get a deep sigh of relief and assurance or fear? *where does your peace emanate from? For many, from God, for some, security plans and procedures, husbands/wives, parents, Boss/job, pastors, Kings and others. *what do you glory in, on and about? *what do you boast about or over? *what tickles you? Join the the peace movement campaign, become a peace keeper, be a peace lover and maker, be peaceful. PEACE!
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
n every society, it is rare to find women with “beauty with brains”. Over the years, Nigeria has produced several beaubrains and brainy women who have carved a niche for themtiful an selves. H exclusive Here is an exclus u iv v e list of just a few. OLUCHI O OLU L CHI ONWEAGBA
motola got into acting by accident. t. She started out as a model, and followed her friend to an audition. Her friend didn’t get thee part, but she
hey say is hisencouraged Omotola to audition. The rest they tory. She got a role in the sequel of the Nollywood lywood classic Nneka the Pretty Serpent, but she turned itt down because her mother did not approve of her role as a mermaid. cond daughter Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde along with her second Meraiah stole the spotlight at Elite Model Look 2015.
luchi Onweagba Onw was August 1, born on A 1980. Onweagba’s Onw ffirst irst name comes ffrom the IIgbo gbo language and means ““God’s God’s Work”. She grew up Nigeiin n the suburbs of Lagos, La brothers and rria i a with her two bro daughter of sisters. She is the da si a civil servant father aand mother who w ho was a nurse. At seventeen, sev Onweagba by a famO On weagba was urged b ily friend to enter into the M-Net il preliminary ““Face Face of Africa” prelim sscreening c reening at the M-Net office in Victoria V ictoria Island, Lagos. The agency groomed her to be one of Nigeria’s entrants for the 1998 ccompetiNokia Face of tion (now called the No the fact that, Africa). This despite th a growing up, she had maintained m fashrelative ignorance towards towa ion and modeling. With the support of her family and friends, she decided to compete in tthe inaugural edition of the Face of Africa first-ever in 1998. This was the fi ccontinent-wide co ntinent-wide model ccompetition, oorganized or ganized by the South African cchannel hannel M-Net in collaboration colla with Management. w ith Elite Model Mana She competition. S he won the competitio
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Feminine clips
inda Ikeji was (born September 19, 1980) . She is a Nigerian blogger, writer, model and entrepreneur best known for her controversial publications. She was born and raised in a Catholic family from Imo State, Nigeria. While studying English language at the University of Lagos, she had part-time jobs as a waitress, model and writer. After graduation, Ikeji started blogging in 2006 on the Blogger platform. Ikeji has dealt with controversial posts about celebrities such as Funke Akindele, Richard Mofe Damijo, Dijon Honshu and Tonto Dikeh. She also made controversial publications about Doyin Okupe who described the publications as defamatory. Linda Ikeji’s blog was shut down on October 8, 2014, but restored on October 10, 2014 around midnight by Google for undisclosed reasons.
enevieve Nnaji, born on 3 May 1979, is a Nigerian actress and singer. She won the Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actress in a leading role in 2005. In 2011, she was honored as a Member of the Order of the Federal Republic by the Nigerian government for her contribution to Nollywood. Nnaji was born in Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria but grow up in Lagos, the fourth of eight children and was brought up in a middle class environment. She attended Methodist Girls College (Yaba, Lagos), before transferring into the University of Lagos. While at the university, she began auditioning for acting jobs amongst the many Nollywood projects. Nnaji started her acting career as a child actress in the then popular television soap opera Ripples at the age of 8. In 1998 at the age of 19 she was introduced into the growing Nigerian film industry with the movie “Most Wanted”.
escribing former beauty queen, Omowunmi Akinnifesi as just ‘beautiful’ doesn’t seem adequate anymore. We might need to pull out a dictionary to get the perfect word. Omowunmi is one of Nigeria’s most famous beauty queens, who represented Nigeria in various international beauty pageants and proved herself to be a worthy queen, ten years after. Back in 2005, 18-year old Omowunmi was crowned the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria. That same year, she won Miss Tourism International in Ukraine. In 2012, Akinnifesi obtained a Masters degree in Environmental Monitoring, Modeling, and Management from King’s College London. She has gradually grown into one of our red carpet favorites as she shows up at red carpet events looking every inch breath taking and has never disappointed.
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
CALL 08057482794
L-R: Public Relations Officer, Tax Club, University of Lagos, Olamide Abe; Welfare Secretary, Aribaba Aderinsola; Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr. Babatunde Fowler; President, Tax Club, Oyedeji Tobi and President, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Dr. Olateju Somorin.
L-R: Director General/CEO, IoD, Mr. Victor Banjo; 14th President/Chairman of Govenrning Council, IoD, Mr. Yemi Akeju; awardees/Pioneer Chairman of the Board, Nigerian Communications Commission and APC Transition Committtee, Alhaji Ahmed Joda and former President, IoD, Mr. Emmanuel Ijewere.
L-R: (sitting): Immediate Past President/Chairman of Govenrning Council, IoD, Chief (Mrs.) Eniola Fadyomi; former Patron, Nigerian American Chamber of Commerce/Nigerian British Chamber of Commerce, Chief (Dr.) Chris Ogunbanjo; Mr. Yemi Akeju; another awardees/first female Vice –Chancellor of a Nigerian University, Professor Grace Alele-Williams; Alhaji Ahmed Joda and Mr. Emmanuel Ijewere with others. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr. Babatunde Fowler presenting an award to the Tax Controller, Medium Tax Office, Lagos Mainland Regional East, Mr. Daniel Adebayo Olugbenga at the event. Photo: Segun Padonu
L-R: Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Lagos (UNILAG), Prof. Timothy Gbenga Nubi (left) presenting a copy of the inaugural lecture to the Vice Chancellor of UNILAG, Prof. Rahamon Bello.
L-R: Chief Executive Officer, Richardson Oil and Gas, Mr. Akin Osuntoki; receipient of Special Achievement award/ CEO, Marine Platforms Limited, Mr. Taofik Adegbite and Chairman of the occassion/Executive Director, Deepwater Management, Deepwater District, Total E&P Nigeria Limited, Mr. Bruno Erwes.
L-R: Industrial Hygienist/Managing Partner, Gradi Health and Safety Limited, Mrs. Grace Oji; Chief Executive Officer, Richardson Oil and Gas, Mr. Akin Osuntoki; Manager, Occupational and Environmental Health, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Gertrude Bassey and Chief Medical Advisory, Critical Rescue International, Dr. Abayomi Oluwakolade. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
L-R: Wife of the Inaugural lecturer, Mrs. Nubi Olubunola Adetutu; son Kayode; daughter Pelumi and Olorogun of Ijebu-Ode, Dr. Sunny Kuku. Photo: Segun Padonu
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
CALL 08057482794
is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R: (sitting), Chairman, Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), Lagos State Chapter, Mr. Habeeb Giwa; President, Lagos State Catfish and Allied Farmers Association (LASCAFAN), Mr. Babafemi Ajala, representative of the Chairman of the occasion, Ojomu of Ajiran Land, HRM Oba Tijani Adetunji Akinloye, Sateru II, Chief Kale Bamidele; President, Fisheries Society of Nigeria, Dr. Olajide Ayinla; Director of Fisheries Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture (MoAC), Mrs. Tokunbo Emokpae; representative of Permanent Secretary, Lagos State MoAC, General Manager, Lagos State Agriculture Input Supply Authority, Mr. Bolaji Balogun; National President, Catfish and Allied Farmers Association (CAFAN), Chief Tayo Akingbolagun; Executive Director/CEO, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Gbola Akande and others.
Cross section of guests at the event.
L-R: Brother in-law of the deceased, Mr. Taju Owolabi; Daughter in-law of the deceased, Mrs. Idowu Ajayi; Son of the deceased, Mr. Remi Ajayi; Sister of the deceased, Alhaja Dayo Adesokan, Nee Owoyemi and Son of the deceased, Mr. Dele Ajayi at the remembrance Fidau Prayer for Pa Shehu Babatunde Ajayi, at Idowa Ogun State…recently.
Photos: Segun Padonu
L-R: Guests, Mr. Ojo Aseperi; Mr. Olu Aseperi; deceased Son, Dele Ajayi and another guest, Mr. Fred Osafo, during the event. PHOTOS: BODE AGBEDE
L-R: Consul General, Ghana High Commission, Mr. Apiah Kubi; Guest Speaker/Former Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Pastor Tunde Lemo and Managing Director, AS+A Communications, Yeye Adenike Agnes Shobajo. Pastor-In-Charge, Glory Workshop Centre RCCG, Pastor Tope Akinbola (left); Executive Director, Sahara Group, Tonye Cole (fourth left); Pastor Kunle Ashiru (fourth right) his wife Oluseye and other ministers of God.
Consul General, Ghana High Commission, Mr. Apiah Kubi; Former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Alhaja (Chief) Sinatu Aderoju Ojikutu (left); Managing Director, AS+A Communications, Yeye Hon Adenike Shobajo (fourth left); Honourary Life Vice President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Adetutu Adeleke (second left); President, National Council of Women’s Societies, Mrs. Funmilola Osifeso (third right); representative of Mr. Femi Adesina/General Manager, Corporate Service and Marketing, The Sun Newspaper, Lady Neta Nwosu(right) and others Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
Pastor Kunle Ashiru (fourth left), his wife Oluseye and children with the entire Teenage Church.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Eating smart after a stroke
Baking Carrot Cake for parties
stroke is a sudden attack or death of the brain cells caused by lack of oxygen supply into the brain. After a stroke, the brain cells die in the affected areas and these results to physical disabilities such as sensory loss, memory loss, language disorders, aphasia and visual problems. There are two main types of strokes: Ischemic strokes (caused by a blood clot or build up of plaques due to cholesterol which blocks the blood vessel within the arteries). This results to loss of blood Áow in the brain. The other type is haemorrhagic strokes (rupture of an artery within the brain). This triggers an intracerebral haemorrhage or the rupture of an arteriovenous malformation. Warning signs of strokes are dizziness, loss of balance, sudden severe headache, diculty in walking, sudden numbness or weakness, sudden confusion and sudden vision problem. There are some risk factors. They are: high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, being overweight/obese, stress, regular use of hormonal birth control methods (contraceptives birth control pills, vaginal ring or implant contain synthetic progesterone and estrogen hormones and has well-documented risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack and breast cancer), diabetes (when blood sugar levels are high), lack of vitamin D, (research has shown that lack of sun exposure may be an underlying cause of arterial plaque buildup which is a risk factor for stroke) and when an individual does not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Malnutrition and dehydration are key problems for survivors who don’t make the necessary adjustments. Stroke survivors experience swallowing problems (called dysphagia), problems with arm/ hand movements (for example, using a knife and fork), memory and thinking difÀculties (for example, forgetting to eat or chew food), loss of appetite and depression may set in. Research shows these “brain foods” can reduce the risk of having stroke. That means a low-fat, low sugar and low cholesterol diet are essential. A survivor should aim to eat about Àve servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit everyday. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants (this can help reduce damage to blood vessels) e.g orange, berries, etc; consume plenty of potassium rich foods like bananas, white beans, spinash, plain skimmed yoghurt, avocados, etc (can help control blood pressure); consume foods rich in Àbre ( this can lower cholesterol) and folate (found in green leafy vegetables). Consume moderate amounts of cooked lean cut meat (65-100g), skinless chicken (65-100g), and cooked Àsh (80-120g) . Include oily Àsh like mackerel, herring or trout, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids at least two to three times a week. Consume (1%) low fat dairy foods like skimmed milk, yoghurt, cheese and custard. They contain calcium and potassium which reduce your risk of stroke. Consume plenty of wholegrain breads and cereals because they contain Àbre, folate and other vitamins. Examples are wheat bread, brown rice, whole meal pasta, oat meals and other breakfast cereals. Consume small amounts of heart healthy fats like nuts and seeds –walnuts, cashew nuts, avocadoes, olive oil, etc and aim to drink 8-10 cups of water everyday (except you are on a Áuid restriction). Getting the right amount of Áuid is particularly important if you are only drinking thickened Áuids (because of a swallowing problem).
ngredients - 400gr grated carrots(about 8-10 car-
rots) - 225 gr sugar - 300 gr flour - 4 Eggs - 150ml vegetable oil - half teaspoon salt - 1 leveled tablespoon baking powder - 1 leveled tablespoon baking soda - 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg - 1 tablespoon cinnamon - 120 gr yogurt or heavy cream
(or use 90gr Milk + 30gr melted butter as substitute) Preparation 1a. First preheat the oven at 180ºC or 350ºF. b. Prepare the pan by first greasing the inside with butter and then dust lightly with flour. 2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda , nutmeg and cinnamon together. 3. In another bowl, beat the eggs, yogurt, oil and sugar together until well combined.
4. Then gradually add the flour mixture; mix well and finally add the grated carrots. Mix lightly until well incorporated and pour into the prepared pan. 5. Bake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes or until the cake is done. (You’ll know the cake is ready if a skewer dipped into the cake comes out clean, without any batter sticking to it) Let the cake cool for a few minutes, turn onto a rack and leave to cool completely then serve and enjoy.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time to stop disenfranchising Nigerians in US, says APC Chairman Chief Michael Amuzie is the Chairman of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the United States. In this interview with ADEWALE GIWA in New York, the US-based politician expressed worry on how Nigerians America have continued to be disenfranchised as a result of the pending voting right bill in the National Assembly and other issues. Excerpts:
resident Buhari recently in the US said Nigerians in the Diaspora won’t be able to participate in the voting system because the National Assembly is yet to pass the voting right bill. In your opinion, how would this impact your leadership, and leadership of other organisations in the Diaspora? It is not going to impact my leadership in any negative way. The President did not say he is not going to support the bill. Therefore, we are going to partner with the Presidency, the National Assembly and the Nigeria Embassy here in the US to make this happen as soon as possible. It is time to stop disenfranchising Nigerians in Diaspora. Smaller countries with lesser resources have gone beyond this. The time to do it is now and I am optimistic that the President will do as he has said, which I strongly believe that he is going to look into it. In United States alone, not to talk of Canada, we have millions of Nigerians eager to exercise their voting rights. What is the
essence of being a Nigerian and you cannot able to choose your leader through vote? The idea of neglecting us should stopped. As APC Chairman in United States, what are your goals for this year? Presently, I am working in stabilizing the party in United States. Obviously, we are working on having APC Congress in the United States. Right now, I am waiting for the National Executive Committee of the Party in Nigeria to give me the green light to organize a congress. We are also going to partner with our great party to move Nigeria forward. As you can see that APC is a party to reckon with in all positive areas of life. I am a kind of person that does not take sides; I believe in President Muhammadu Buhari to turn Nigeria around within his 4 years tenure. What is your assessment on the Buhari administration? The President has done well so far. People need to be patient and not to conclude hastily when there is a lot of work to be done.
His body language has spoken a lot; all geared towards strengthening the polity. Character consideration is now a major factor in the public sector. People are now recognizing boundary lines, which must not be crossed. Also, do not forget that the out gone Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) has destroyed a lot of things. Nigerians from the South and East have criticized Buhari for flooding his government with Northerners, what is your take on this? I do not agree when you say “Nigerians from South and East”.
You can say “some” but not “all”. People should be patient. There are a lot of appointments to be made. Let people be patient and see what happens before criticizing. I am from the East and see anything wrong in what President Buhari has done so far. What suggestion or advice do you have to better Buhari’ s administration? The President to remain focused. He should continue to remain the father of the Nation he is and maintain his stand in belonging to everybody and to nobody.
Why Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics
Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
s the former national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics at an event marking his 80 years celebration, many questions than appreciation of the man’s feat were asked. It bothers on “Adamawa politics without Tukur.” Tukur announced his resignation from active politics in his address, in Abuja on Tuesday, at a lecture organised to mark his 80th birthday. The former PDP chairman said he had done his best for the former ruling party and that it was time for him to take a bow from political podium. He said, “I deem it ęt to use this opportunity of my 80th birthday celebration to announce my retirement from partisan politics. “It is time to say goodbye to formal politics. I have used several political platforms to serve my country.
“I leave partisan politics for the younger generation. I want to be a statesman and an adviser. “At the age of 80, I feel I can serve our dear nation more in the capacity of a statesman and father ęgure.” Tukur, as a formidable political powerbroker that has ceaselessly slugged it out with the Atikus of the world, the Prof. Jubril Aminus, the Buba Marwas and other political big shots in the state for one or two political contests and has convincingly won many baĴles even to the surprise of his adversaries. No wonder he was seen and regarded by the former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, as the best man for the job when the need arose for the change in leadership of the erstwhile largest political party in Africa. Tukur, a reformist whose idea of party supremacy was seen by some dissident members as aěront eventually lost to the rebels who decamped in drove to the opposition party, the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN). Nigerian political class now crave for party supremacy especially in the ap-
Tukur pointment of oĜce holders; the same idea preached by Tukur but which was seen and treated like a leprosy that must be discarded. Tukur said during his short-lived tenure as the chairman of the party, he tried to introduce sanity in the party affairs. Now that he quiĴed active politics,
the next poser according to political observers is who now steps into his shoes as able mobiliser to challenge the audacity of the aforementioned political gladiators in Adamawa State? Not even his son is able loose the knot of his sandals. Newswatch Times recalls that compassionate, caring, visionary and hard working leader Tukur is always undaunted by diĜcult assignments and challenges of life. His philosophy of emancipating the black race, through enterprise developments saw him traverse land, sea and air at great personal expense and discomfort to make Africans see the necessity of taking ownership of their continent. He was born in September 15, 1935 at Gambaro Village in present day Gombi Local Government Area of Adamawa State to late Malam Hamman Tukur, Wakilin Chamba (1890-1966) a renowned Arabic teacher, administrator and aristocrat. He was the 3rd son after late Dahiru and Modibbo. His other well known younger brothers include Dr Mahmud Continued on Page 50
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Why Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics Continued from Page 49
Tukur former Minister of Industry and Vice Chancellor of Bayero University Kano and Eng Hamman Adamu Tukur, a retired Director General of Federal Ministry of Mines and Power and Chairman, Revenue Mobilization and Fiscal Commission. At about the age of 5, he was sent to an Islamic/Arabic school under Modibbo Goni Abubakar. After about two years, he was placed under the special care of Alhaji Abubakar Bobbo ( Na’ibin Jada) to complete his Qur’an education. On completing his Quranic education, he was enrolled in JADA Elementary school (1946-1949). Upon completion, he was enrolled in Yola Middle School between 1949 and 1953. On successful completion, he moved in 1954 to Government Secondary School, Bauchi. He passed his London General certięcate Examination in 1957 with Ěying colours. Between 1958 and 1959 Alhaji Bamanga Tukur gained admission in to the Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to study Accountancy and Public Finance. On the successful completion of his studies in Zaria, he proceeded to United Kingdom to Northwest Polytechnic London to study Marine Transportation in the morning and the London School of Economic in the afternoon to study Transportation, Economics and Statistics. After the successful completion of his studies, he was also between 1965-1966 at the PiĴsburg University, United States to read a post-graduate course in Public Administration and International Relations. Tukur, with 18 children (seven boys and eleven girls) from his three marriages with interest in politics dated back to 1959 when he contested for the post of a Representative in Northern House of Representatives as an independent candidate. Though he lost the election, it was on October 23, 1982 after retiring from serving the Nigerian Ports Authority that he was nominated to contest the 1983 gubernatorial election in Gongola State on the platform of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN). On October 1, 1983, he was inaugurated as the Governor of Gongola State with Mr. David Barau as the Deputy Governor. His administration lasted for only three months as the military took over power on 31st December 1983.
About 10 years later, Tukur joined the National Republic Party (NRC) to bid for the presidency. On Saturday August 1, 1992, the ęrst round of the presidential primaries kicked oě in Katsina, for the presidential aspirants to test their strength and popularity. It is worthy to note that from the analysis of the performances of the aspirants, Tukur made an impressive outing by topping the NRC. It was not until Tuesday 1th November 1993 that in a broadcast to the nation, President Ibrahim Babangida announced the cancellation of the results of the primaries, disqualięed all the 23 aspirants and banned them from participating in politics and elections during the remaining part of the transition programme allegedly for contravening Presidential Primary Electoral Decree No. 37 of 1992 with particular reference to Section 21, 22 and 23. It was the following year, Saturday, November 2, 1993 that he was sworn in as Federal Minister of Industry upon the takeover of General Sani Abacha. His tenure as Minister of Industry spanned for only 14 months up to Wednesday February 8, 1995 when General Abacha dissolved the Federal Executive Council. Within such a short time, he was able to conceive and establish some new projects, completed and commissioned some abandoned projects, re-trained
some staě and motivated. CAREER His career in public service actively started on his completion of secondary school education in Bauchi when he was recruited into the Adamawa Local Government Service in January 1958 in Yola. His best subject in school, Arithmetic, was to open his door of life as it were, by being recruited into the accounting system of the local government administration. He was employed as an Accountant/Supervisor in Adamawa Native Authority. His duties were to prepare budgets for the District Council Funds, supervise all the districts and monitor their ęnances and expenditures. Not long after his recruitment in October 1958, he was sent to Institute of Administration, Zaria to study a Diploma
in Accountancy and Public Finance. On his successful completion of the course, he was promoted as Accountant/Departmental Secretary in-charge of all developmental projects in Adamawa Native Authority amongst other duties. From here, as fate planned for him, he joined the Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry in the former Northern Region as an Assistant Executive OĜcer, Accounts. After a brief tenure, he joined the Nigerian Ports Authority in September 1960 just before Nigeria got its independence from Britain. His working life in the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) spanned between 1960 and 1982 it took him to the pinnacle of his career in 1975 as the General Manager and Chief Executive OĜcer. This was his position until he retired in December 1982 after meritorious service to his fatherland.. For about 22 years, he climbed the ladder of life in the NPA in different departments, and cities holding diěerent positions that groomed him to climb the highest oĜce in the organization. In his 22 years of meritorious service, the Nigerian Ports Authority grew into one of the highly developed parastatals in Nigeria. He was the prime mover of ideas to expand ports facilities in the country and he supervised the execution of gigantic ports development projects. For instance, the Tin Can Island Port was constructed in
a record time of ęfteen month! All these earned him the epithet “Mr Port” in the Nigerian Port Authority. A PAN AFRICANIST AND BUSINESS MOGUL As the elected Executive President of Africa Business Roundtable (ABR) since on December 11, 2001 in Johannesburg, South Africa he creditably leads an African association of businessmen and women. At the national level, he established a large and successful business empire. He has companies in agriculture and allied industries, manufacturing, domestic and international trading, marine transportation and oil services as well as estate development. PHILANTHROPHIST AND COMMUNITY LEADER He is a generous, philanthropist and a champion of the unfortunate and. the underprivileged. Because of his contributions to the development of the society, he is conferred with several traditional titles as an honour and recognition for his contributions. He is the Wakilin Ganye (1988), Asipa Bashorun of Ibadan (1995), Taędan Adamawa (1999), Adaidaha ke Eęk Eburutu and host of other traditional titles. He is also the recipient of over 50 Awards for his contributions in various endeavors including that of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) in 2003. He is also a Director in several companies locally and internationally.
younger generation is carried along in the scheme of government; I am happy that Mr President called for the co-operation of all hands,” Tanko said. He said that it was time for a rebirth, devoid of ethnic, religious and political diěerences. Buhari, in his broadcast message, invited everyone whatever his or her political views to join him in working for the nation. He also said that he had no grudge with anyone on account of past events; emphasising that nobody should fear anything from him, rather people should only fear the consequences of their actions. Alhaji SheĴima Yerima, President, Arewa Youths Consultative Forum (AYCF), expressed satisfaction with Buhari’s call for help in
building the country. ``We are glad that the president has invited everyone to join hands with him in building the nation we desire. ``We have to continue to keep the ęre burning even in the midst of challenges, hoping that one day the situation will change for the better. ``Nigeria is our only country, our hope and pride, we must all be involved in building it, if we truly desire a change; that cannot be done through miracles,” Yerima said. The Lagos State Chairman of Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), Chief Akin Badmus, said the president’s message neatly addressed the challenge of change in roughly 15 minutes. ``The president’s inde-
pendence anniversary address is sober and it addresses the challenge of change in roughly 15 minutes. ``It is a clear change, a shared responsibility, not a job for the president alone. ``We must all play our own part in our own liĴle corners and at whatever level we ęnd ourselves,” he urged. He added that: ``I particularly like the part that reads, `don’t fear me, fear the consequences of your action”. Besides, he said that the demand of responsibility was clear to discern in his speech. However, the National Chairman of People’s Redemption Party (PRP), Alhaji Balarabe Musa, expressed reservations on the president’s speech. According to him, the speech has nothing distinctive from the past posture of the last administration.
NCP, Balarabe tasks President Buhari on campaign promises
he National Conscience Party (NCP) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that he redeems his campaign promises to the people. Dr Yunusa Tanko, the National Chairman of NCP, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in an interview that the people were ready to hold him accountable for not fulęlling his promises. He, however, in his assessment said that the president’s broadcast message was straightforward and well understood. ``But I am of the opinion that the president should fulęl his party campaign promises to the people and work with it because the people would hold him accountable to what he promised. ``It is my hope that the
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Asset declaration: Saraki in the eye of the storm Continued from Page 15
Arewa Consultative Forum, Mohammed Abdulrahman have demanded the resignation of the Senate President. Famoriyo was quoted to have said, “Saraki shouldn’t wait till he is embarrassed completely. In the Western world and other civilized countries, once there is any doubt about one’s character, the next thing for one to do is resign. It is not a matter of whether it is a politically instigated case or a witchhunt. One would have to go and defend himself. He needs not get an injunction because that injunction is an abuse of the court process. Every time there is a problem, people would run to court to get an injunction and that slows down the process. “The fact that one asks for an injunction is already a sign of guilt. If one is not guilty, he should appear in court to defend himself,” he said. Abdulrahman also said, “I have told Saraki to step down since. In any civilised country, one doesn’t become that powerful to stall the democratic process, especially when it has got to do with representation.” Speaking in the same vein, the Deputy National Organising Secretary of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Campbell UmehNzekwe said Saraki was too controversial and unÀt to lead the Senate, urging him to step down and defend himself before the CCT. According to the APGA chieftain, Saraki had already started working against Buhari’s anti-corruption war, including his refusal to appear before the tribunal last Friday. He however condemned the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, Olisa Metuh, for defending Saraki, noting, that he was not surprised that Metuh could defend corruption having been accused by workers of the PDP of mismanaging N12bn
alongside other members of the PDP National Working Committee. When asked if Saraki’s case was a political witchhunt, Umeh-Nzekwe said the truth was that the CCT had just woken up to its responsibilities because Nigeria now has an anticorruption crusader as President. In a seeming face-saving move by the APC, the party’s Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade Timi Frank has described those calling on the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, to resign as ignorant and myopic. It said that the purported resignation threat on the account of unproven allegations does not hold water. Frank spoke on the heels of a call for resignation by a body known as “Northern Ethnic Nationalities Unity Congress (NENUC)”, led by one Bako Benjamin. He stated that the body does not exist and “therefore cannot purportedly speak on behalf of northern youths as “you cannot put something on nothing”. “At best, NENUC is an impostor organisation hurriedly packaged to do a dirty job the behest of Saraki’s traducers, with the sole aim of assailing his towering image. “Where were they when Saraki was governor? Where were they when he was chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF)? Where were they when he blew the whistle on the fuel subsidy scam in the 7th Senate? Where were they when he contested and was elected Senate President? “Let failed politicians not seek to make political capital from this set up against Saraki called asset declaration trial.” “Their claim to have mobilized Nigerians to protest, should Saraki not heed their call to resign in three days, shows their level of desperation to deliver on the smear contract they have
been awarded. “Their ignorance of the law, that a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction, is also most profound. “Is the judiciary no longer the last hope of the people? Saraki had faulted the charges against him as being politically motivated. He had also gone to the Federal High Court to seek redress. “But those who are eager to get him out will do everything to stop the wheel of justice in this case, hence the warrant of arrest issued by the Code of Conduct Tribunal and the spurious calls for his resignation. “Why the hurry to try Saraki, when it is apparent that the Chairman of CCT, Danlandi Umar, himself swimming in a pool of corruption allegations, would rather disobey the orders of a superior court of record that ordered that all parties to the case should appear before it,” he stated. “The position of NENUC, even though does not represent the views of the people of North, are reminiscent of our dark past for which we pray never to return or experience in the annals of this country. “Let this amorphous association and its backers
know that we are in a democracy and not under a dictatorship as they would have wished. “They have threatened to protest which I doubt because it is diversionary, but should they attempt it, they will meet Nigerians on the streets who will match them words for words and action for action,” Timi Frank said. Some political analysts argued that Saraki’s situation was unimaginable coincidence, for the Attorney General to proͿer charges; 12 years after the alleged crimes were committed, “This invariably suggests a shameful vendetta against Saraki, who assumed the Senate presidency against the directive of his party; the APC. Coming after the DSS humiliation of former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuk; the development is a sad commentary on due process, in addition to being the shame of a nation. For, all things considered, neither the Àght against corruption nor that of purposeful leadership would be served; a tragedy Nigeria can do without.” Expectedly, the controversy has excited intense public recriminations, with many unanswered questions; not the least of which is the timing: why it took 12 years for the CCB to realize Saraki made
Look beyond independence celebration, lawmaker, don tell Nigerians
lawmaker in the Cross River State House of Assembly, Mr Hilary Bisong, has advised Nigerians to look beyond the 55th Independence anniversary celebrations and work together for the nation’s economic advancement. Bisong, who represents Boki II Constituency in the assembly, gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Calabar. He described October 1 as the most important cele-
bration in the country’s history, adding that the day was remarkable because it marked the victory Nigeria’s pre-independence leaders achieved in 1960. ``It is noteworthy that Nigeria has remained great and stands united as one country in spite the challenges facing the nation. ``We must continue to unite and work together for the growth of this country,’’ he said. The lawmaker said that Nigeria’s independence in 1960 brought expansive
growth in human and infrastructure development, hence the need for the country to remain united. He congratulated Nigerians on the 55th independence celebration, saying that the nation had fared well in economic development. The legislator also called on all Nigerians to support the present administration in its determination to ęght corruption and security challenges. Dr Okpo Ojah, a lecturer at the University of Calabar,
in his contribution, urged Nigerians to be more commiĴed in the progress and growth of the country. Ojah said that in spite of the challenges facing the nation, Nigeria had continued to grow from strength to strength. Besides, the don called on leaders at all levels to be more patriotic and transparent in their leadership. He noted that if they provide good governance, crime and other illegal activities would be curbed in the country.
false assets declaration. According to political pundits, in timing, the charges are imprudent, almost puerile, in a way that advertises a certain pettiness at the highest level of Nigeria’s leadership. The publicity of APGA in Lagos State, Sanjo said, “Quite predictably, the APC and PDP has continued their war of attrition and slanging match with the APC discounting claims by the PDP that the ruling party is out to emasculate the legislature and install a dictatorship. “The Presidency has come out strongly to deny any involvement, saying the 13-count charge bordering on corruption and alleged false declaration of assets, levelled against Saraki is purely a judicial process. “On this score, the oce of the AGF which Àled the charges before the CCT, have a lot of explaining to do for Nigerians to believe that the charges are not politicallymotivated,” he listed. However this plays out, Nigerians see the action as being in bad faith and the standing view is that the action is punishment for Saraki’s violation of his party’s directives. But veering into the quagmire of political grandstanding holds the potential of eroding the high moral ground from which the President intends to Àght corruption. In the Àrst instance, the CCB’s action has unnecessarily engendered fault lines which put considerable strain on the relationship between the Senate and the Presidency. Another side of the expected face-oͿ is the division among Senators and likely disruption of Senate activities. Whichever way it goes again, the eluding truth is that the same humiliation though may take another shape or form should be expected in the House of Reps as Yakubu Dogara too must pay for also refusing to step down for Femi Gbajabiamila during the quest for the House leadership. He too is like Saraki, a deÀant and a rebel. The tragedy of Nigeria is that its leaders and politicians generally are yet to imbibe the essential attributes of the rule of law. For them, law is no more than a tool of fulÀlling their political dreams and aspirations. This is a serious aberration that reduces it to a respecter of persons, and gives way to an obnoxious philosophy, that makes public oce holders unquestionable and beyond reproach. The result is a pandemic of corruption. It is indeed a pity that Nigerians have merely watch in bewilderment as this malaise gather momentum, forgetting that the price they pay for this is good governance. Nigerians cannot aͿord to be guilty of conspiracy of silence, mute indiͿerence and cold complicity which their silence would suggest should they continue to ignore these humongous travesties of justice without a modicum of decorous protest.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
North Central Kogi govt lauds establishment of CEO Club in Nigeria Taiye Agbaje, Abuja
Chairman, Gamboru-Ngala Local Government Area, Alhaji Abdulrahman Abdulkarim (right), addressing the Internally Displaced Persons from his Area, who were taking refuge in a NEMA Camp in Fufore Local Government Area, Adamawa State, shortly before their evacuation by Borno Government to Maiduguri…yesterday.
Alleged financial recklessness: Suswam won’t go unpunished, says Ortom Adewale Giwa, Washington, DC
overnor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, has vowed not to allow his predecessor, Gabriel Suswam go scot-free over the allegation of Ànancial mismanagement that rocked his administration. Ortom, who accompanied President Muhammadu Buhari to the United Nations General Assembly in New York vowed to do everything possible to bring back all looted funds by the administration of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Besides, Governor Ortom said his amnesty programme initiated to pacify militants who willingly surrendered
weapons has been yielding results. Ortom is one of the governors who came with President Buhari to address United Nations General Assembly. He speciÀcally expressed happiness over the massive turnout of members of the militant group who had surrendered arms so far. “I will ensure that I bring back all the looted funds Suswam had spent recklessly into the state government purse. I had set up a judicial panel to verify the income and the expenditure of government since 2007. I have also set up another panel to verify the authenticity of contracts the past administration had awarded. “I made sure I paid all sala-
ries of civil servants the PDP administration failed to pay; we have been able to pay from May till date,” He stated. While explaining the poor state of insecurity he met Benue State, he blamed the past administration under Gabriel Suswam to have bought dangerous arms for the youths with the intention to win the last governorship election at all cost. He said: “I give glory to God for giving me the opportunity to serve my good people of Benue. Before my assumption in oce, we had security challenges like kidnapping, armed robbery and killings within the state. “The past administration wanted to win the election
at all cost; it bought arms for our youths. A lot of our youths were used to terrorize the state. When I came in, one of the things I did to restore peace was to use a carrot approach. “We made appeals. Now, I am overwhelmed with the way the militants are surrendering their weapons. When notorious leader, Terwase Akwaza, popularly known as Ghana who was terrorizing Benue and Taraba States was invited, he willingly surrendered his arms. Today, he is doing serious meeting with members of other militants who are yet to do so just to make sure they submit their weapons.”
Kogi Guber: I will ensure power shift – Audu Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ogi state All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate for the November governor ship election Prince Abubakar Audu has declared that “power shift or rotation” would be realisable under his administration. The former governor gave the assurance at Kabba headquarters of the Western senatorial district when he formally introduced his running mate, Hon. James Abiodun Faleke, at an APC zonal rally on Thursday. He recalled the pains of marginalisation experienced by the people of former Kabba province both at Kwara and Benue
states and will therefore not wish its continuation in the present Kogi state. According to him, the Ebira, Okuns and the Igala who were all brothers from Kabba province were partitioned to Kwara and Benue states where they suffered the unfortunate discrimination and marginalisation.”No one will wish his brother that sort of experience again” The APC flag bearer however assured that as soon as his party takes over mantle of leadership in the state, the process of power shift or rotation would commence through consultations with all categories of stakeholders across the state to culminate in to a roundtable conference. “The state is
for all of us, we cannot afford to be left out in the scheme of affairs of the nation, we have to be united.” On the choice of his running mate, the APC candidate explained that Chief Faleke, an indigene who lives in Lagos has made waves in politics and business. He was local council Chairman in Lagos and now in his second term at the House of Representatives. Audu said the choice was not unilateral, but with due consultation with his people and party hierarchy: “He is young, dynamic, courageous, energetic and full of positive ideas and promising.” The former governor who boasted that he paid
workers their salaries during his tenure, challenged anybody who has a contrary view to prove him otherwise. He promised pensioners that all their rights denied by the present government would be promptly addressed. “I learnt the neglect by the present government has led to the death of many pensioners; we will address their issue with all seriousness.” The former governor who allayed the fears that APC government was coming to retrench workers, alleged that rather it was the PDP that has already prepared a list of workers to be retrenched due to its in ability to pay salaries.
he Kogi State Governor, Idris Wada, has said that the launching of a chapter of the Chief Executive Ocers (CEO) Club Network Worldwide in Nigeria would help to facilitate economic development in the country. Wada, who spoke at the launch of the chapter in Abuja, also noted that the presence of the club would go a long way in touching the lives of those living in the rural areas. Represented by his Director-General of Protocol, Suleiman Ibrahim, the governor expressed optimism that no sector of the economy would be left untouched by the club’s programmes. “The CEO Club has come to relate with new people. They are people who have potentials to invest and do new things in the lives of our people. They have the money and the companies. So, if the CEO Club is here
and they are willing to tap into the opportunities that abound in diͿerent states and sectors of our economy, I think our economy will grow Àne and more people will be engaged,” he said. Speaking, the founder, CEO Club Network Worldwide, Dr. Tariq Ahmed Nizami, said establishing the club in Nigeria would help to attract trillions of dollars into the economy. He assured that the club would open great opportunities for growing businesses, talents, amongst others, in the country. “What I can tell you is that with CEO Club here, it will attract trillions of dollars business investment in Nigeria because CEO Club has done excellently well in various sectors in diͿerent countries around the world . So, today in Abuja, Nigeria is connected with forty thousand other CEOs with large capabilities for investment as well as the experience and expertise,” he said.
Physically challenged express confidence in Buhari Gyang Bere, Jos
he physically challenged in Nigeria has expressed conÀdence in the All Progressive Congress (APC) and administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to provide sustainable peace in the country. The group also expressed optimism that President Buhari will initiate programmes that will boost the economy for sustainable development. Plateau State leader, Bulus Shanding, in a press statement in Jos, said the physically challenged look forward
to a better Nigeria, “we are happy that the present administration has a place for us to contribute our quota to develop Nigeria.” According to the statement, “Though we might be physically challenged, we are able minded and full of ideas to contribute to the growth of our economy.” He congratulated national and state leaders on the 55th Nigeria Independence anniversary and called for enduring peace, “as we all commemorate our national rebirth; we sue for unity of purpose, pray for enduring peace.”
Patigi indigenes appeal to Buhari for amenities Gyang Bere, Jos
he indigenes of Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State, yesterday, appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to come to their aid by constructing roads and bridges in the area to boost socio-economic activities of the people. The group, under the aegis of Patigi Emirates Development Union, said that such infrastructure would also boost food production and distribution in Nigeria. In a statement signed by the National President of the group, Mr Umar Bologi, the people said the area had natu-
ral endowments to produce enough food for the country. “Despite having the capacity to feed the nation and contribute to its wealth, Patigi Local Government is practically cut oͿ from the entire country because of lack of roads and bridges. “The Federal Government should assist in constructing a bridge across the conÁuence of Rivers Niger and Kaduna as well as construct a road linking Patigi to Bida North and Ilorin West. “This will reduce the congestion of Bida-Mokwa road, Abuja-Lokoja road and thousands of lives lost through road accidents will be drastically reduced.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports Update
Chukwu wants Martins, Ogbeche back in Eagles
x-international, Christian Chukwu, has urged Nigeria coach Sunday Oliseh to recall Seattle Sounders’ striker Obafemi Martins and FC Cambuur forward Bartholomew Ogbeche. Martins announced his retirement from international football in December 2014 following his inability to get an invite to the national team under former coach Stephen Keshi, while Ogbeche who has scored four goals in his last two games for his
Dutch club fizzled out of the national team after the 2002 Fifa World Cup in South Korea and Japan. Both have been in good scoring form for their clubs lately and Chukwu believes their superlative form should not be ignored by coach Sunday Oliseh as they will solve the attacking worries of the Super Eagles. “Everything depends on the head coach though I believe that the Super Eagles is for
every Nigerian provided they are in a very good shape,” Chukwu told Goal. “Ogbeche and Martins are in the right form and I feel they should be invited to the national team. “Both players are tested and boast of experience that can improve the lot of Nigeria during international matches. “Also, they have the ability to convert chances that come their way, which is lacking now in the Super Eagles.”
Coach slams Ambrose for‘stupid mistake’
Nigeria names U-17 squad for pre-World Cup training
igeria has named a provisional squad of 25 players for a pre-U17 World Cup training camp in Argentina. The squad, led by skipper Kelechi Nwakali, departed Abuja on Thursday for Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires, the Golden Eaglets are expected to play a couple of high grade
friendly matches against their Argentine U-17 counterparts and U-20 teams of either Racing or Boca Juniors. The Golden Eaglets in the meantime, rounded oě their preparations in Nigeria on a winning note after handing out a 1-0 and 3-1 defeats to Ace Football Academy and Kaduna Selected Team on Saturday and Tuesday respectively at the Abuja National
Kelechi Nwakali
Stadium. Four players will be dropped before they head oě to Chile. Nigeria is drawn in Group A in Santiago along with hosts Chile, USA and Croatia. The squad: Goalkeepers: Udoh Akpan, Benjamin Amos, Chiaha Chisom, Yunusa Abdullahi, Defenders: John Lazarus, Halilu Lukman, Tochukwu Okoli, Ibe Tobechukwu, Ejike Ikwu, Samuel Opeh, Michael Edidiong Ndochukwu Anumudu Midęelders: Kelechi Nwakali, Kingsley Michael, Taiwo Alimi, Joel Osikel, Agor Chukwudi, Chinedu Madueke Strikers: Victor Osimhen, Samuel Chukwueze, Ebere Osinachi, Orji Okonkwo, Gavi Thompson, Funsho Bamgboye, David Enogela
eltic manager manager, Ronny Deila has slammed Nigeria defender Efe Ambrose for his side’s 2-2 draw at home to Fenerbahce in a Europa League game. The angry manager tagged Efe Ambrose double errors which gifted Fenerbahce two goals as “stupid mistake” on Thursday. Ambrose, who has been recalled by Nigeria for two ęrendlies later this month against DR Congo and Cameroon, gave Fenerbahce a way back into the game with his wayward header being pounced on by Fernandao just before half-time. Fernando scored again after the restart to make it 2-2, once more capitalising on an Ambrose defensive blunder “I think we played well in the ęrst half, although we started a liĴle bit nervous, but after 10 and 15 minutes we were more comfortable on the ball,” began the Celtic boss. “We started to play and put in some crosses and created two very nice goals. “I think we had good control over them but, of course, we made a stupid mistake which happens in football, but y you get
CHAN Eagles face South Africa U23s Oct 13
igeria’s homebased Super Eagles will now take on South Africa U23 team on Tuesday, October 13, after the test game was moved by some days. AfricanFootball.com ęrst broke the story that South Africa U23s will take on the homebased Eagles who are preparing for a 2016 CHAN qualięer. Both the NFF and
SAFA have now ęnalised the game will be played on Tuesday, October 13 in Port Harcourt. The home-based Eagles are top open training camp on Monday, October 4, ahead of a CHAN qualięer against Burkina Faso in Port Harcourt. The match has been ęxed for October 18
Sunday Oliseh, Super Eagles Chief Coach
punished when you are in Europe. “We started the second half poorly and then they get 2-2 from a set play. “That is something we need to sort out, to get beĴer, for sure. “I am disappointed but happy with the eěort of
the team because we had a good chance to win the match.” Celtic fans will ęnd it hard to forgive Ambrose, who also gifted Juventus two goals when they knocked Celtic out of the Champions League two years ago.
Taraba govt agrees to pay FC Taraba players
he Taraba State Government has tabled an undertaken to the League Management Company (LMC) to pay players of FC Taraba salaries running to over 11 months. The LMC has warned Taraba will be docked six points if the government failed to pay the players. “We have an undertaken from the state government, who are the real owners of the club, that they will pay their players what is owed them,” said LMC chairman Shehu Dikko. “What is most crucial is that the players receive what they worked for and we are on track to making this possible.” Taraba are second from boĴom of the league table with 30 points from 31 matches, six points from safety with six rounds of
matches to be played till the end of the season. Most of the clubs in the Nigeria top-Ěight league have defaulted in the payment of salaries and other allowances because they are ęnanced by state governments, who have fallen on hard times and so could not even pay the salaries of their civil servants, needing a bailout from the Federal Government to now do so.
Tijani Babangida, Chairman, FC Taraba
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports Update Leke James excited over Celtic interest
igeria striker Leke James has told AfricanFootball. com the interest of ScoĴish giants Celtic in him has proved he has made progress in the game. The 22-year-old Aalesund striker said he has been scouted by the team, but nothing concrete has been decided yet. “It is true that Celtic want
Abeokuta agog as NBL golf tourney tees off
me, they scouted me, their scout was here to watch me, but nothing concrete yet,” James told AfricanFootball. com “I feel good and excited that a big club like Celtic have shown interest in me. It makes me feel that I am making progress in my career.” He has scored 10 goals in 24 league games this season.
Mark Ogagan
Dele Alli: Monaco draw feels like a loss
igerian-born England new invitee, Dele Alli has said he is disappointed that Tottenham Hotspur drew 1-1 at Monaco in a Europa League game. The 19-year-old
midfielder, who played the entire duration of the game, saw the draw as a loss to the EPL side. “It feels like a defeat,” he admitted. “It was a strong first half and maybe we should have seen the game out, finished a few more chances, but it wasn’t to be,” a disappointed Alli lamented. “Monaco are a good side, we knew what we had to do to win the game and we stuck to the game plan, but it wasn’t to be because they scored that late goal. “It shows how strong we are at the moment to come away to Monaco, draw 1-1 and for it to feel like a loss. Everyone is down and it’s important we pick ourselves up and take the positives from this game into the game at Swansea.”
Odah returns for Rangers after training ground bust-up
orward Marshall Odah has returned to the Rangers squad for Sunday’s league game after Abia Warriors after he was dropped for the home win against Kwara following a training ground bust-up. Marshall walked out on Rangers final training prior to the match against Kwara with permission from the coach and he was ordered to stay out till further notice.
His last game was against Wikki at home in early September during which he scored from the penalty spot in a 2-0 win only to suffer an injury, which kept him out for several weeks. The left-footed striker, who is a brother of Warri Wolves goalkeeper Okiemute Odah, has scored a total of 10 goals in all competitions this season – seven in the league and three in the Confederation Cup.
ll roads lead to Abeokuta for the third Nigerian Breweries annual Invitational golf tournament, which tees oě this morning at the prestigious Abeokuta Golf Course in Oke-Mosan, Ogun State. According to the organizers, about 120 players across the nation are expected to participate at the one day event, now in its third year in the ancient city. At a media brieęng held in Abeokuta on Wednesday, Captain of the Abeokuta Golf Club, Hon (Chief) Olabode Mustapha, who was represented by his deputy Dr. Modupe
Famuyiwa, disclosed that invitations were sent out to various clubs around the country and golf clubs are to present six players each for the competition. “We made this an Invitational tournament because we want to make it more prestigious. It’s essentially an event for amateurs, and our sponsors have provided us with various prizes ranging from electronic gadgets to plaques and trophies that will be at stake for winners,” he said. Famuyiwa revealed further that this third edition of the event is unique in he said every sense, stressing that the club
will continue to maintain its high standard as a golf destination course. “It is with great pride that I announce that the course here at Abeokuta Golf Club is becoming the destination as there is always someone new and interesting to play with. “Last year, at the annual Nigerian Breweries tournament, we did promise not to let the standard that we had set for this club fall, and I believe it is quite evident that we have upped our ante at this club. “Our gratitude goes to the Nigerian Breweries Plc for the continuous faith that they have in our club,
and the opportunity they keep giving us to bring golfers together here in the historic city of Abeokuta,” he added. He appealed to the Ogun State government to come into play and give adequate support to the sport, just as he lamented that the club has relied mostly on private sponsorship to get its tournaments going. Amongst the upcoming golf tournaments at the club this year is the Alake of Egbaland Coronation Pro-Am coming up in November, as well as the Chief Olusegun Obasanjo (OBJ) Pro-Am, scheduled for December.
FIFA U-17 W/Cup: Okpara urges Golden Eaglets to raise game
Ex- Super Eagles goalkeeper, Willy Okpara, on Friday urged the National U-17 team, the Golden Eaglets, to improve on their game during the FIFA U-17 World Cup to be hosted by Chile. The competition holds from Oct. 17 to Nov. 8 in Chile. Okpara told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Soweto, South Africa, that as the defending champions, every team’s ambition would be to defeat them. He said with adequate preparation, the Eaglets had potential to perform well in the tournament. “Being the defending champions, the Eaglets’ pride is at stake. They have to prove to the world that they are good and deserve to win the trophy. “I urge the team to put in more than 100 per
cent effort in all their games and I believe they will do well. “They should keep to their coaches’ instructions and avoid underrating their opponents. Every game should be taken with all the seriousness they deserve,” he said. Okpara, who is also the Team Manager of Orlando Pirates of Soweto, urged the Eaglets to strive to retain the trophy as it would improve the country’s rating in international football. “The players should realise that previous U-17 teams did the nation proud by winning the trophy. Such accomplishments can be repeated through determination and hard work. “I am optimistic of a good outing for the team, given their level of preparation. The handlers of the team are
Emmanuel Amuneke, Golden Eaglets Coach
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Oyo to partner South Africa on agric, trade investment Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan
he Oyo State G o v e r n o r , Senator Abiola Ajimobi, has reiterated the readiness of his administration to partner with South Africa in the areas of agriculture, trade and investments. Governor Ajimobi stated this while receiving the South African Consul-
General, Ambassador Mokgethi Sam Monaisa and his team at the Governor’s office, Agodi, Ibadan. The Governor, who described the state as a strategic location for investors, explained that Oyo State is blessed with natural endowment such as arable land, large deposit of marble and granite which he said
would attract investors from South Africa. He added that hisadministration i s c o m m i t t e d t o s t r u c t u r i n g anagricultural relationship with South Africa which he said would add value to the agricultural production capability of the state. He expressed readiness to leverage on the visit
of the ambassador to establish a concrete relationship with South African investors. Earlier in his remarks, the South African Consul-General, Ambassador Sam Monaisa said the South African government would be willing to partner with Oyo state in the areas of education, agriculture, trade and investment.
South West MTV Base to broadcast Dance With Peter show
overs of Globacom sponsored Reality TV show Dance with Peter can now watch the show on MTV Base as the telecommunication giant has added the television channel to the broadcast stations broadcasting the show. In a statement released by Globacom in Lagos, it stated that MTV Base will broadcast the show on Sundays from 6 pm. to 7 pm starting from Sunday October 3. MTV Base thus joins Africa Independent Television (AIT) and Africa Magic which are already running the programme. While Africa Magic Urban (Channel 153 on DSTV) airs the show on Saturdays from 7 pm. to 8 pm, AIT broadcasts it every Sunday
from 3pm to 4pm. The statement added that the second episode showing this weekend would feature Port Harcourt and Benin auditions. The company said it would be a highly entertaining and actionpacked hour, showing the battle by hundreds of dancers to convince the judges, Peter Okoye, Kafayat Shafau Ameh, popularly known as KaͿy, and Don Flexx. The winner of the show will win a brand new Toyota RAV 4 Sports Utility Vehicle, N3million cash prize and the rare opportunity of featuring in P-Square’s next music video. The Àrst and second runners-up will receive a Honda Civic car with N2million and a Kia Rio car with N1million respectively.
Tunde Busari
industry with a view to seĴing a good standard and also boosting revenue base of the union. The chairman expressed the gratitude of the council to the Chief Executive OĜcer of SS Ladsom Limited, Prince Adesina Oladehinde, whom he described as the benefactor of the council. The commissioning was preceded by what was dubbed Independence Anniversary Lecture and Award with the theme: Nigeria at 55: The Pains, The Gains, The Prospect.
Oyo NUJ commissions guest house
he Oyo State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) has commissioned a guest house at the Press Centre premises, Iyaganku, Ibadan, the Oyo State capital. The commissioning was done by the Secretary to Ogun State government, Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa, on behalf of Governor Ibikunle Amosun. Chairman of the council, Gbenga Opadotun said the eight-room relaxation haven is the modest contribution of his executive to hospitality Inauguration of New NUJ Guests’ House, from left, Gbenga Opadotun, Ogun State SSG, Mr Taiwo Adeoluwa and the Donor, Engr. Adeniyi Oladehinde.
Community accuses DPO of harassment over land issues, petitions IG Ayodele Olalere
Lagos based lawyer, Mr. B a m i d e l e Ogundele has called on the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase to call to order some of his oĜcers who are allegedly being used to harass and intimidate some community leaders in the Lekki area of Lagos State over land dispute. Ogundele, in a Save Our Soul (SOS) leĴer wriĴen on behalf of the community leaders, alleged that a certain Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr. Oyinlola Adeoye of the X Squad, Force
Criminal Investigation Department, Alagbon, Ikoyi Lagos has continued to allowed himself to be used to terrorise some principal members of the Dada Bakare Family of Abijo Town, Ibeju Lekki local Government Area of Lagos State. According to the leĴer signed by Ogundele and Raimi Oluwaseyi Nojeen on behalf of the family, the family (Dada Bakare) claimed that they are the traditional owners of a large parcel of land totalling 75,000 hectares at Abijo Village, which was oĜcially gazeĴed by the Lagos State government with No. 55 Volume 40 of
2007. The family stated that they were surprised when one Alhaji Akeeb Alarape Adams popularly known as Adamak, a native of Lamgbasa Village of same Ibeju Lekki allegedly brought some land grabbers to take over their land without their consent or authority of the family. They alleged that the said Alhaji Adams recruited the services of the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Oyinlola Adeoye, who allegedly has been giving security backing to the illegal and unconstitutional actions of the hoodlums allegedly
hired by Alhaji Adams. “DC Adeoye personally led a Police Patrol team to take over the Dada Bakare family land at Abijo Town without Court Order or Execution of Court Order despite suit pending in court by Dada Bakare family in LD/2308/2011 against Alhaji Akeeb Alarape Adams & Ors for the illegal trespass,” the statement stated. They however called on Chairman of the Police Service Commission and Inspector General of Police to investigate the activities of DC Adeoye and one Prince Dosunmu for dabbling into land dispute maĴer.
She spoke on the sidelines of the Nurses Week/Scientięc Conference with the theme ‘Nurses: A Force for Change -- Care Eěective, Cost Eěective, Improving Health and Wellbeing,’ which ended yesterday. “To be honest, nurses are not well remunerated in Nigeria; they work like horses but have liĴle to show for it in terms of
remunerations in spite of working under pressure. It is disheartening to see government employing nurses on grade level 7, while other health practitioners start from Grade level 9 and above. “We have been operating on an obsolete scheme of services. This is an unfair situation. Nurses’ welfare should be paramount to the government,’’ Agunloye
said. She aĴributed the situation of the nurses to their not having representatives at high positions who could push their agitations. “Nurses are treated like second hand citizens in Nigeria, but the intriguing thing there is that this was not the case in other countries where our leaders visit.
Nurses seek new salary scheme
hairman of the National Association of Nurses and Midwives, National Orthopaedic Hospital (NOHIL), Igbobi, Lagos, Mrs Olusola Agunloye has urged the Presidency to sign into law the new scheme of service for nurses which is currently on President Muhammadu Buhari’s table.
Alhaja Taslimat Fashanu Tennis competition holds today
Ayodele Olalere
his year’s annual Tennis competition in remembrance of Alhaja Taslimat Alake Fashanu tagged ‘ Taslimat Alake Fashanu Memorial Ileya Tennis Classic’ will take place today at the Tennis section of the Lagos Country Club, Ikeja, at 3pm. Today’s competition is the second in its series organised by the son of the deceased, Barrister Babatunde Fashanu. Alhaja Fashanu died in October 2013.
Late Mrs Fashanu
...As Ogwemoh buries mum Oct. 17
i k e w i s e , arrangements have been concluded for the burial of the mother of Barrister Sylva Ogwemoh (SAN), late Mrs Felicia Ebodeamhe Ogwemoh, who died on September 13, 2015 at the age of 90. According to a statement by the family of the deceased signed by one of her sons, Sir Tony Ogwemoh (KSM), a Vigil Mass will hold on Friday October 16, 2015, at Ogwemoh family compound, Otoukwe Quarters, Agenebode Etsako East local government area of Edo
State. The statement added that on Saturday October 17, a Requiem Mass will take place at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Agenebode at 10am while reception follows after interment at Ogbake Primary School. A Thanksgiving Mass is scheduled to take place the following day at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Agenebode. Late Felicia Ogwemoh is survived by children, grand children, sister, brothers, daughters and sons’ in-law and other relations.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
South South
Daniel, Okowa mourns Onosode )RODNH 6RNR\ Sylvester Idowu
he immediate past Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, has expressed his deep condolence on the death of Pa Gamaliel OÍżoritsenere Onosode. In his message on the passing away of the elder statesman, Otunba Daniel described him as a distinguished boardroom player whose contributions to the growth of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sociopolitical and economic development were immense. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pa Onosodeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contributions to the socioeconomic development of the country were immense evident of which
was his various appointments in both private and public sectors. A former Presidential Adviser on Budget AÍżairs and Director of Budget in the second republic, Pa Onosode recorded landmark achievements in bringing sanity and disciplined approach to public Ă&#x20AC;nance,â&#x20AC;? he said. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though Pa Onosode lived a fulĂ&#x20AC;lled life up to old age, the news came to me as a shock that one of the most illustrious Nigerians is gone. His demise is indeed a huge loss to the whole nation in general.â&#x20AC;? He prayed for the repose of his soul adding that late Onosode lived a life worthy of emulation and left behind enduring legacies.
Also, Delta State Governor, Sen. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, described the late industrialist and boardroom guru, Deacon Gamaliel Oforitsenere Onosode as a gift to Delta State and Nigeria as a country. He stated this yesterday when he paid a condolence visit to the Onosodeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family at their Surulere residence in Lagos. Okowa, who poured encomiums on the man popularly called Mr Integrity, admonished the widow, Mrs Susan Onosode and other members of the family not to weep for too long but to give thanks and praises to God for giving such a wonderful person to the family, Delta State and the country.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The event of the passing of our beloved daddy, no doubt is painful, but I would advise that this is not the time to cry but rather a time to give praises and thanks to God for giving us somebody like him. His name will continue to resonate in the mind of all Nigerians as a man of integrity. The Corporate world will continue to remember him as he lived his life to the glory of God. He is a vessel of honour and we are all proud of him. So we thank God for his life and for giving him to us,â&#x20AC;? Okowa said. Okowa, assured that the state will not only provide adequate security but also be part of the funeral activities.
Ar my provides free medical ser vice to 300 Bakassi IDPs
o fewer than 300 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Bakassi local government area of Cross River State beneÄ&#x2122;ted yesterday from the free medical outreach conducted by the 13 Brigade, Nigerian Army, Calabar. Commander of the Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Sani Mohammed, said that the humanitarian medical outreach was part of the Chief of Army StaÄ&#x203A;, Lt. Gen. Tukur Burataiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision on civil-military relations. The IDPs are camping at Ikot EÄ&#x153;ong/Obutong primary school in Bakassi local government area of the state.Mohammed said that the Army decided to reach out to the IDPs because they needed adequate medical service to keep them in good health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are here today to offer free medical treatment to the IDPs. When you look around and see where they are camping, you will be-
lieve that they really need adequate medical care. We also carried out a similar medical outreach in the barracks where the children and wards of soldiers and friends of the Army were equally tested and administered with drugs,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. The commander advised the IDPs to have a positive outlook towards life, adding that the Army would always remember them in their activities. The IDPs were tested for malaria, blood pressure, hepatitis, typhoid and fever, among others, while drugs were equally administered to them. Speaking, the Coordinator of the camp, Mr Aston Inyang, thanked the Army for their humanitarian medical outreach. Inyang said that they were brought to the camp on Oct. 4, 2009, after the ceding of the oil rich Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroon on Aug. 14, 2008.
Old Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day: Octogenarian seeks social support scheme for elderly Nath Omame, Port Harcourt
A L-R: Convener, National Career Fair, Shogbamu Oluwaseun; Executive Producer, BAD Music, Gregory Agbiriogu; Managing 'LUHFWRU &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÂżFHU -REOLQN 1LJHULD 0DU\ 'LQDK 9- $GDPV DQG 0XVLF DUWLVW <4 DW WKH 1DWLRQDO &DUHHU )DLU on Developing Innovation & Entrepreneurship Driven Economy, in Lagos.
Police arrest kidnappers of murdered AAU professor, discovers body in shallow grave 7KDQN*RG 2IRHOXH %HQLQ
he Edo State Police Command has arrested Ă&#x20AC;ve persons in connection with the kidnap and murder of Professor Paul Erie who went missing in June 2015. Late Erie, a professor of Agricultural Economics at Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma Edo State, was reportedly kidnapped on June
16, and was never found until Thursday (Independence Day), when some of the suspected kidnappers took the police to Igbanke village where a shallow grave in the forest in which the remains of the deceased was buried by the kidnappers was discovered. According to a press release by DSP Stephen Onwochei, there were eight kidnappers, but three are
still on the run. The statement gave the names of the arrested kidnappers as Awulu Samson, Lucky Owuadegbe, Jeremiah Amayo, Chucks Edobor and Stephen Usiagwu. The statement also revealed how the police had to relocate to Igbanke village on the orders of the Edo State Commissioner of Police, CP Chris O. Ezike, after unsuccessfully trying to un-
ravel the murder when the crime was initially committed. The team subsequently arrested the Ă&#x20AC;ve kidnappers between September15 and 25. The Edo CP conveyed his condolences to the family of the professor, as well as the management of AAU, Ekpoma. He also assured the general public that the police will continue to ensure the safety of citizens in the state.
ocratic Party (PDP) in the state, by voting massively for the All Progressive Congress (APC) in the forth coming gubernatorial elections in the state. Blankson, who spoke at the APCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat in Yenagoa, yesterday when he led over 1000 of his supporters to the leadership of the party in the state to announce their de-
fection from the PDP to APC, said the reasons why they Ă&#x20AC;nally left the PDP was because the party lacks internal democracy. He described the PDP as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;party full of expired politicians who canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win elections even at their ward unit,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; adding that the leadership of the party in the state has battered the people with â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;lies, deceit,
empty promises and under development of the people and state.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He expressed dissatisfaction over the manner of the leadership of the PDP in the state, adding that because of the role of his boss in the party some of them have been witch hunt and expelled from the party for no genuine reason.
Senator Paukerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aide, supporters defect to APC Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
he Special Assistant on Domestic Matters to Senator Emmanuel Pauker, the member representing Bayelsa Central Senatorial district in the National Assembly, Hon. Osomikime Blankson, has urged Bayelsans to sack the ruling People Dem-
n Octogenarian, Mr Pius Orji, has called for the establishment of a Social Support Scheme for the elderly to enable them overcome challenges associated with old age. Orji made the call in Abakaliki yesterday as the world marks the Old Peoples Day. According to him, old age is divine honour and privilege, adding that those bestowed with such honour should be celebrated. The 82-year old retiree of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, however, regretted that the old were being abandoned by government, even though they had contributed immensely to the development of the society. He said that establishment of the scheme would
enable the elderly to assess free medical care for age-related ailments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The aged ones in the society, especially in Nigeria, do not enjoy any social support programme that will enable them overcome some of the challenges associated with their age. Those of us who are pensioners do not receive our pension beneĂ&#x20AC;ts on time, while a number of us have died waiting to receive these beneĂ&#x20AC;ts,â&#x20AC;? he lamented. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is shameful that no form of social security programme is in place to act as succour to those who have contributed immensely to the development of the society.â&#x20AC;? Orji urged government to place premium on welfare of the elderly, saying that society owed a lot to this segment of society because they had contributed to its growth.
TUC wants Nigerians to have faith in Nigeria project
he Chairman, Rivers Trade Union Congress (TUC), Mr Chika Onuegbu, has called on Nigerians to have faith in Nigeria project and work toward its genuine freedom from poverty, unemployment, ethnicity and insecurity. Onuegbu, in Port Harcourt yesterday said that Nigeria at 55 had not lived up to the expectation of the founding fathers, adding that Nigerians had been in bondage of poverty, unemploy-
ment, corruption, ethnicity, religion, and insecurity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, we call on our members, good people of Rivers and Nigerians to have faith in the country,â&#x20AC;? he said. Onuegbu said that Nigerians should have conĂ&#x20AC;dence that with collective eÍżort and determination the country would be great again. He called on Nigerians to join hands to develop the country and make the environment suitable for all.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 3, 2015
South East
Customs impounds fake drugs, furniture worth N226 million Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Nigeria Customs Service, Federal Operations Unit (FOU) Zone ‘C’, Owerri has recorded various seizures comprising a truck with 843 cartons of fake drugs, another one containing furniture and furniture components with a Duty Paid Value of N226,380.000.00 According to the unit, the 843 cartons of imported fake drugs consisted of 696 cartons of fake imported Lubumol and 153 cartons of Tramodol analgesic with a Duty Paid Value (DPV) of
N163,260,000.00 The Customs Area Controller in charge of the unit, Comptroller Dimka Victor David, who disclosed this to newsmen at the premises of the NCS, ImoAbia Command in Owerri where he showcased the exhibits, said that they were confiscated on the Eleme/ Aba road on the 22nd of September 2015. He said that the eagle-eyed men of the unit who have traditionally kept vigil on the nefarious activities of die-hard smugglers also seized 303 cartons of glass dining table, 1,936 pieces of side stool with a DPV of N63,120,000 on the
same axis, warning that the Nigeria Customs Service would never rest on its oars until smugglers and their collaborators are flushed out from their hideouts in all nooks and crannies of the country. “We are worried at the upsurge of smuggling in this country despite obvious strict penalties for culprits. The NCS is not sleeping and will ever remain awake to its responsibilities and the persistent cases of smuggling shows how terrible, greedy and deviant people can be and since the smugglers have learnt to fly with-
out perching, we (the NCS) have also learnt to shoot without missing” he cautioned. Dimka who subsequently handed over the fake deadly drugs to the Director-General of National Agency for Foods Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Dr. Paul Orhii, on behalf of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Col. Ahmed Ali (Rtd.) through the Imo State Coordinator, Mr. Mmamel Victor for in-depth investigation and final action said that the driver of the truck conveying the offensive drugs had been arrested and is being investigated.
News NSCDC operatives raid Enugu ‘baby factor ies’, rescue girls waiting to be impregnated Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
espite eͿorts by government and security outÀts to stem incidence of ‘Baby Factories’ in Enugu state, agents of the illicit business are now changing their mode of operation to evade authorities and keep the ‘business’ Áourishing. The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corpse (NDDC), Enugu state command yesterday paraded six girls whose ages range from 15 to 24, and who were recovered from two diͿerent brothels. The girls were also paraded with the proprietors of the brothels, Chief George Obike, owner of Star Palace Hotel located at No. 4 Mission Avenue, Coal Camp, Enugu and Azubuike Aneke, owner of Zubynet Hotel, 26 Okpara Avenue, Enugu, who allegedly engage in the illicit business. The arrests were made through the combined efforts of NSCDC and the Enugu State Child Fostering and Adoption Committee headed by Most Rev Emmanuel Chukwuma,Archbishop of the Anglican Communion, Enugu State Province. The girls are Esther Ani
(23), an SS2 student from Agbani, Enugu State; Ifeoma Agbo (21), a JS3 student from Ezzamgbo, Ebonyi State; Lovett Mbamalu (18), an SS2 student from IÀtedunu, Anambra State; Ogbu Gloria (15), an SS3 student from Eum, Ebonyi State; Chinaza Okoye (18), an SS3 student from Agulu Anambra State; and Aku Udeze Favour (24), an SS3 student from Uzo-Uwani, Enugu State. The girls who are mostly school drop-outs, were alleged to have been kept in the brothels where men pay N1000 per night to sleep with them in order to impregnate them. Subsequently, they are allegedly held until they put to bed before they are released after their babies are sold out. The girls who spoke to our correspondent however noted that they were in the brothels for prostitution only. The proprietors of the brothels, Obika and Aneke, however denied that they were engaged in ‘baby factory’ business, insisting that they run the brothels as prostitution ring where girls pay N100 per night for lodging.
Ember months: FRSC mobilises 2,000 marshals in Anambra
L-R: Guest Speaker, Mr. Akin Joaquim; Counselor, Lanre Awoloku High School, Gbagada Lagos, Mrs. Grace Ukwuije; President, Rotary Club 9110 Nigeria, Rotn. ‘Sola Adenuga-Taiwo and Past President, Rotary Club 9110 Nigeria, Rotn. Tayo Lawal, during the career guidance session for Eva Adelaja Secondary Schools facilitated by Rotary Club of Gbagada in Lagos. Photo: Damilare Bankole
Igbo community in Kano mourn traditional ruler Ted Odogwu, Bureau
digbo community in Kano will mourn the passage of their traditional ruler in Kano, Igwe John Chiejina Nnaji, the Eze dwranma 1V, whose demise was formally announced by the Igbo Community Association leadership in Kano yesterday. In a press statement jointly signed by the president of Ohaneze Ndigbo in Kano, Chief
Chris Chukwubuzor Azuka, and Secretary, Chief Damian Obisike, on behalf of the Kano State Chapter of Ohaneze Ndigbo and the Igbo community, it regrets to announce the passing away of their traditional ruler in Kano. The statement recalls how Nnaji emerged as the fourth traditional ruler of Ndigbo in Kano after he successfully scaled through rigorous selection processes to succeed the late Igwe Barrister O. T. Nnadi, the
Ezedwranma 111. The late Nnaji, was formally presented to the public as the traditional head of Ndigbo by the Igbo community at the popular Ado Bayero Square in Sabon Gari, predominantly occupied by the nonindigenes on August 15, 2009, but was oĜcially crowned on November 30, 2009 at same venue. Until his demise, he was a silent operator as well as a humble diplomat who spent the past six years engaged in the
promotion of peace, unity and progress of Igbo Community in Kano State. In addition, he promoted friendship and co-operation between Ndigbo and other communities in the state. While mourning his sad exit, Ndigbo leadership is calling on all Igbos in Kano to remain calm and continue to promote peace, unity and welfare of Igbo community in line with the aspirations of the late traditional leader, Igwe J.C Nnaji.
he FRSC Sector Commander in Anambra, Mr Sunday Ajayi, has said that nearly 2,000 regular and special marshals of the commission will oversee the embermonth campaign in the state. Ajayi told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Onitsha yesterday that more than 1,000 regular marshals as well as 1,000 special marshals had been deployed for the exercise. He said that tens of patrol vehicles and motorbikes had been deployed; while other was still expected from FRSC headquarters in Abuja for the success of the campaign. ``During this period I can bet, we will not have less than 1,000 staͿ on ground in addition to Special Marshals (Volunteer Marshals) we have over 2,000 people getting ready to work for us during the ember- month campaign. ``Then, we count on our stakeholders to support us. ``When we are talking of stakeholders, we have other
security agencies; we have the state government. ``We have the religious leaders, traditional rulers, who would have one role or the other to play in sensitising the general public and ensuring that our eͿorts yield fruit,’’ he said. He said that the corps was getting support from sister security agencies such as police, civil defence and the army during patrols and surveillance. Ajayi further said that the commission would involve religious leaders, traditional rulers and other stakeholders in sensitisation of the general public. According to him, the ember-month campaign is meant to enforce trac rules and regulations so as to reduce road crashes during the last quarter of the year. With the FRSC’s ember month campaign is in tadem with the Safer Road Initiative of the state government which Governor Willie Obiano launched after the Onitsha oil tanker disaster of May 31.
Newswatch Times Saturday, October 3, 2015
North East
Adamawa initiates strategies for industrialisation, says Gov Bindow
L-R: Former Nigeria Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon; Former Interim President, Chief Ernest Shonekan; Former Vice President, Dr. Alex Ekwueme and President Muhammadu Buhari, at the 55th Independence Anniversary Presidential Change of Guards Parade held at the Forecourt Presidential Villa, Abuja…yesterday. Photo: Anayo Opara
Kogi poll: Teachers vow to vote compassionate candidate Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
head of the November 21 governorship election in Kogi State, the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) yesterday said its members would only vote for a governorship candidate that has priority for welfare of teachers. Kogi State Chairman of NUT, Comrade Suleiman Abdullahi, who stated this in Lokoja at a media briefing ahead of the World Teachers’ Day celebration, said successive governments since creation of Kogi State have not given priority to teachers’ welfare.
He lamented that teachers who contribute immensely to the development of the society through impartation of knowledge, are often neglected and treated with disdain when it comes to payment of remunerations. “Teachers are frontline workers of the education system. They are responsible for engaging students and promoting learning. They discharge their duties diligently, yet when it comes to remuneration, they are made to go through harrowing experiences. “It is a known fact that both the Holy Bible and Qu’ran abhor the sweat
of the labourer drying up before he gets his wages. Why then do we have to allow the last drain of teachers’ blood to dry up without accessing his wages?” He queried. He said despite the devotion of teachers in the state to duty, they are owed several years of leave grants, unimplemented promotions, annual incremental and unimplemented minimum wage, adding that the education sector will continue to face setbacks if teachers don’t get their legitimate entitlements. “Teachers are highly valuable resources towards achieving sustainable society, but today, we
are overworked, underpaid, underrated, undervalued and underestimated. It is said that to whom much is given, much is expected; so to whom little or nothing is given, what will be expected? “All stakeholders must as a matter of urgency come together to salvage what is left of our educational system if we must build sustainable society. There is no educational policy that can rise above the level of the teacher”. He said there is no wisdom on the part of government to wait until teachers go on strike before paying their entitlements which may result in the institutionalization of illiteracy.
B e nu e l a b o u r c r i s i s ove r s o o n – A nya Godwin Akor, Makurdi
here are indications that the disagreement between the new Benue State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Godwin Anya, and his predecessor, Comrade Simon Anchaver, over handover would soon be over. Mr Anya told Newswatch Times in an interview that he has not been able to
function fully because Mr Anchaver refused to hand over to him on the ground that there were complaints. He said discussions have started between Mr Anchaver and himself on the possibility of the NLC secretariat being handed over to him, pointing out that the oces have been under lock-and-key since he was elected four months ago.
Anya said he was optimistic that Anchqver would hand over to him because he had served for two terms as NLC chairman and that he did not contest elections with him. “Elections were conducted, I was declared winner and sworn in same day, but no handover till now,” He emphasized. He said after the elections, some people wrote to Abuja, claiming that elec-
tions were marred with irregularities. He said the national secretariat of the NLC constituted a committee and those of them that contested were called to state their case. “We have started talking, process of handing over has started; it is because he has travelled, I know that the matter will soon be resolved,” Anya maintained.
Bauchi Polytechnic to commence 7 B.Tech & 13 HND courses Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he management of Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic (ATAP), Bauchi yesterday disclosed that the institution would commence Higher National Diploma (HND) programme in 13 courses and 7 Bachelor of Technology in the next academic
session. Speaking to newsmen in Bauchi, the acting Rector of the Polytechnic, Mallam Suleiman Mohammed Lame said the National Board for Technical Education has granted permission to the polytechnic to run 13 HND course which will commence from next Session.
He said: “The NBTE was in the polytechnic recently and undertook assessment tour of facilities in the polytechnic and they were happy with what they saw on ground both in terms of manpower and facilities. The board decided to grant us permission to start HND programme in 13 courses which will
commence in the next academic session.” Some of the courses that the institution is expected to run HND level include Computer Science, Estate Management, Statistic, Biochemistry, Micro-Biology, Electrical Engineering, Accounting, Business Administration and Public Administration.
damawa State governor, Alhaji Mohammed Bindow, has said the state government has initiated workable strategies and incentives to enhance speedy industrialisation in the state. Bindow made the statement at the Adamawa special day at the 10th Abuja International Trade fair in Abuja yesterday. Represented by the Commissioner for Commerce and Industries, Alhaji Umar Daware, the governor said the strategies were in line with the new orientation of the administrative and micro and economic policy objectives of the government. He said that the strategies were geared toward achieving social and economic change envisaged by the people. The governor said the administration had provided necessary infrastructure in major towns of the state for the achievement of the objectives. He said the government had keyed into the National Industrial Development Plan and National Development Programme of the Federal Government by proposing to implement industrial cluster concepts. According to him, such concepts include the establishment of enterprises
zones for diͿerent classes of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). He said the government was promoting PublicPrivate Partnership in the establishment of industries and other economic ventures and developing industrial parks in partnership with the Bank of Industry. Bindow said that other measures were the establishment of low interest special fund for MSME, provision of tax concessions to investors, liberal land acquisition and equity participation in projects. He said the government planned to establish two international markets in the two commercial towns of Mubi and Yola. Bindow also said the government was ready to go into partnership with investors interested in the solid minerals sector. He said the plan for the establishment of Adamawa cement project had reached advance stage, while eͿorts to ensure the commencement of Mubi Burnt Bricks industries was being intensiÀed. Bindow said that the government was making efforts to establish a Magnesit company in Garkida Local Government Area for the production of fertiliser, refractory bricks and other related products.
Militar y Pension Board allays fears of mishap in forthcoming verification exercise
he Chairman, Military Pensions Board, Air Vice Marshal Muhammed Dabo, has allayed fears of any mishap in the forthcoming military pension verięcation exercise scheduled to hold in designated centres between October 6 and October 20. Dabo said this in Abuja yesterday while brieęng newsmen on the forthcoming verięcation exercise for military pensioners in and outside Nigeria. He solicited the cooperation of pensioners as adequate measures have been adopted by stakeholders to ensure a hitch free exercise. The objective, he explained, was to improve on the administration of military pension in the country. ``It will help decentralize the exercise and at each centre you have two biometric capturing machines that would be done simultaneously; it will reduce the time spent and the crowd and we believe it will go a long way in checking some these incidences of stampede or sleeping outside without any protection. ``Adequate security measures have been taken in vari-
ous centres and we believe and pray that this exercise will be hitch free and we don’t envisage any bad incidence as it use to happen in the past. ``Those who are sick, we have made provision for the various team leaders, those who are hospitalize, to go to the various hospitals and get them verięed even in their hospital beds,’’ he said. According to him, the 2015 biometric verięcation will also make the exercise less cumbersome even as the population will become more controllable during the process. He said the exercise had been designed for the convenience of the pensioners with specięc dates alloĴed according to their rank brackets. ``Private to Lance Corporal and their equivalent in the Navy and the Air Force will start from 6 to 9 of October, 2015. Corporal to Sergeant and their equivalent in the other services, their verięcation exercise will take place from 10 to 13 of October, 2015 ``Staě Sergeant to Warrant OĜcers and their equivalent from the other services, is from 14 to 15 of October, 2015.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Asset declaration: Saraki in the eye of the storm Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
ollowing the directive by the Court of Appeal that urged the embattled Senate President, Bukola Saraki to appear before the Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) on the lingering hullabaloo over asset declaration, Saraki was reported to have Ànally complied with the Court order and surrendered self to the law by appearing before the Code of Conduct Tribunal on Tuesday morning in company of his deputy, Chief Ike Ekweremadu and some loyal senators. Justice Danladi Umar of the CCT in Abuja last Friday ordered a bench warrant against Saraki for failing to appear before the tribunal to answer false declaration of assets charges. Umar had speciÀcally ordered the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase, or other security agencies to arrest Saraki and produce him in court on Monday (today) to take plea in the 13-count charge slammed on him by the CCB. However, the case that has been declared will be heard behind the Journalists has been adjourned to October 21, probably to allow for due consultations between the “wronged and the aggressor.” Newswatch Times gathered that Saraki was presently facing a 13-count criminal charges bordering on false declaration of assets. Counsel for Saraki, Mr. Mahmud Magaji (SAN), said he had appealed against the ruling by the tribunal judge. The lawyer said, “We have been able to Àle a notice of appeal as well as stay of execution. When you have a valid notice of appeal and stay of execution, it puts the order of the court so granted in abeyance, unless and until the Ànal determination of that content of that order that is being challenged at the Court of Appeal. That is the position of the law.” He also conÀrmed that the notice of appeal and stay of execution had been received by the CCT. “We Àled it at the registry of the Code of Conduct Tribunal in the same court and it has been served on them since Friday; and then we are good to go. They have a copy of it and we have Àled an appeal too. The rule is that you cannot Àle a stay of execution until you Àle notice of appeal and so we are good to go,” he said. The Special Adviser (Media) to the Senate President, Yusuph Olaniyonu, also told newsmen on Sunday that Saraki’s legal team would determine what would happen on (last) Monday. It would be recalled that Saraki incurred the wrath of “powers-thatbe” immediately he chose to run for the senate presidency, ignoring the directives of the party – All Progressives Congress (APC), and its national leader, Sen. Bola Tinubu whose preferred candidate was and is still Ahmed Lawan. Barely was he elected by unanimous votes than he started encountering
multiple scandals that initially centred on his wife before it now moved to the Senate President himself. As the fashioned crises continued to consume Saraki, he was ordered by the Code of Conduct Tribunal to appear before it last Friday to clear some allegations that bother on impropriety levelled against him. However, like a caged lion, Saraki approached the upper Court – Court of Appeal, seeking for stay of action, he lost the bid as his request was thrown overboard. The tribunal resumed trial on Monday without Mr. Saraki’s appearance. Although, his team of lawyers argued against the composition of the tribunal, its chairman, Justice Danladi Umar, ruled that the Senate president must appear before it on (last) Tuesday, the day it adjourned to. As expected especially when his party, APC, was not in full support of Saraki’s presidency, accusing Àngers were pointed at President Muhammadu Buhari and the entire presidency for Saraki’s travail; the growing alleged insinuation that eventually forced the villa to open up on its position. Just last Sunday, the presidency merely absolved self by saying that the trial of Saraki, by the CCT for alleged false assets declaration was purely a judicial process. Buhari’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, in a statement, cautioned against linking the President with the Saraki’s trial, saying Buhari had no hand in it. Shehu said there was no provision in the law for the Code of Conduct Bureau and the CCT to take instructions from any quarters, describing as uninformed the views that the CCT, which he said was equal to any superior court of record, could only act upon external instigation. “As an independent institution equal to any superior court of record, the tribunal is set up by the Constitution to determine the issue of default, false declaration or forgery in assets declaration. This therefore is purely a judicial process and has nothing to do with the Presidency,” the statement noted. However, some political pundits shared same view with the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who on Saturday accused the Buhari-led government of desperation to remove Saraki from oce. According to the PDP in a statement by its National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, Buhari was intolerant, particularly over the treatment being meted out to Saraki. But the Presidency through Shehu replied, “If anyone has an axe to grind with what the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and CCT are doing, they should do it in a judicial manner by challenging those actions in a proper court of law. Let them hire a good team of lawyers to prove their innocence. Government has no desire to persecute anybody. “The President has vowed to respect the rule of law and this is what he is doing by staying out of this matter. He has said times without number that the war against corruption has no sacred cows.
“Even if the President wants to help, there is no way he can do anything. Is he going to ask the judge to stop the trial?” he demanded, reiterating, “The President has sworn to an oath to protect the Constitution and will not violate that oath.” Meanwhile, Saraki after unprecedented pressure agreed to appear before the CCT. A statement from Saraki’s media oce said: “While the Senate President Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, had stated and maintained that he is ready to submit himself to due process of the law on any issue concerning him, he also believes that he has an inalienable right to resort to the same judiciary for protection when he feels his fundamental rights are about to be infringed upon. “The Senate President is a law abiding citizen and his absence from tribunal was based on legal advice he received from his counsel that it is not necessary for him to appear before the tribunal at this stage since the jurisdiction of the tribunal and the process of initiating the matter are being challenged before the federal High Court Abuja. “Following the adjournment for the determination of the motion on notice and the substantive suit before the Federal High Court to 30th of September and the appeal pending before the Court of Appeal adjourned to the 29th of September 2015, the
Senate President has decided, as a law abiding citizen, to appear before the Tribunal in the interim. “Dr. Saraki has taken the decision to attend the tribunal sitting to demonstrate his respect for the rule of law in spite of his personal reservation on the process of his trial and the purpose it may be intended to serve. “Dr. Saraki wishes to assure Nigerians of his absolute belief in the judicial process and is therefore conÀdent that the course of justice would be served at the end of this matter,” the statement said. Newswatch Times gathered that the desperate Saraki has been Àghting to remain aÁoat by enlisting the support of his base in Ilorin, Kwara State where the National President of the Ilorin Emirate Descendants Progressive Union, a socio-cultural group of Ilorin indigenes, Alhaji Abdulhamid Adi told journalists that the trial by the CCT was politically motivated. Adi said, “I see it more or less as political persecution. It is purely political. Maybe there are some political opponents that are trying to get at him. We believe he will come out of it. You are presumed innocent until proven otherwise.” But the National Publicity Secretary of the Afenifere Renewal Group, Kunle Famoriyo, and a member of the National Executive Council of the Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
WAIT FOR YOUR TIME! ...Ex-Eaglets coach tells Iheanacho
Wolvesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; equalizing goal against Pillars excites Ibenegbu >>Pg.18
Ancelotti joins Pirlo and Lampard for dinner >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
Double delight for Udoji, Enyimba
t was double delight for two time Africa champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba as the Aba millionaires notched win number 16 in the 2015 NPFL season to move one step closer to a seventh league title. Wikki Tourists were dispatched 2-0 in Aba, with a brace from the unlikeliest of scorers: long-serving captain, Chinedu Udoji. The game began with the Peoples’ Elephant very much on the front foot, with former Enyimba goalkeeper, Paul Godwin in the Wikki goal called into action as early as the third minute. Towering centre-back Ifeanyi Anaemena then got a clear sight of goal from Idris Aloma’s Ěight delivery, but failed to plant his header on target in the 15th. The game would eventually descend into a scrap, with the visitors giving away a number of free kicks in dangerous positions. However, the shooting was frequently wasteful. With half-time fast approaching, Udoji decided he’s had
enough, arriving late in the box to latch on to a Peter Onyekachi cut-back and ęre home with 42 minutes on the clock. The timing could not have been more perfect for the club captain’s third league goal for Enyimba since his arrival from FC Abuja ęve years ago. This knocked the
wind out of the sails of Wikki Tourists, who up until that point had been doggedly organised at the back. It would get worse after the break though. Five minutes after the restart, Peter Onyekachi was again in the thick of the action, scythed down in the box. The referee was on hand
and pointed to the spot, and Udoji once more stepped up to complete his brace and double Enyimba’s lead. That ultimately proved enough for the three points, as the Peoples’ Elephant extended their lead at the top of the table to ęve points with seven games still to play.
Wolves’equalizing goal against Pillars excites Ibenegbu .Says ‘goal is special’
kechukwu Ibenegbu, veteran Warri Wolves midęelder, is in ‘Cloud 9’ after his last minute eěort earned his side an all import point away to champions, Kano Pillars on Sunday at the Sani Abacha Stadium, Kano in the Week 31 ęxtures of the Nigeria Professional Football League. Speaking after the crucial game which Pillars thought they had already pocketed the maximum, Ibenegbu said he was happy for scoring the goal because the season has been a bit tough for him due to the fact he has been in and out of the team due to suspension and injury saying that scoring the goal that helped them get a draw at Pillars was special. “I am happy with this goal because this season has been a bit tough for me as I have been in and out of the team (due to suspension and injury). But to score the goal that helped us get a draw
at Kano Pillar is special and also one of the best moments in my career,” said Ibenegbu to npĚ.ng. The truth of the maĴer is that Pillars were a beĴer side on the day as the result did not actually reĚect the true position of what happened on the pitch as the league champions dominated
proceedings throughout the game. A clear indication of Pillars dominance was in the fact that Wolves inform striker, Kufre Ebong could not get a shot at goal in the game. Junior international, Zaharadeen Bello, who marshalled Pillars’ defence, did a great job of keeping Ebong
quiet in the game. The ęrst of Wolves two shots at goal came in the 86th minute when Ibenegbu raĴled Yusuf Mohammed in goal for Pillars with a scorcher of a free-kick. Mohammed could not deal with the shot ęrst time but scrambled to stop the ball from crossing the line.
Allen happy with Sharks victory over Dolphins
estus Allen, Sharks’ coach has expressed happiness over his side’s victory over perennial rivals; Dolphins FC of Port Harcourt says he is hugely relieved after his side earned a hard fought lone goal win against city rivals Dolphins FC in a local derby in the Glo Premier League played in Port Harcourt. An elated Allen told npĚ.ng, that he is conędent his side will beat the drop and praised his players for what he described as a stunning performance. “I am completely relieved. This was the most vital match of our season. We needed to secure maximum three points and a draw would have been disastrous for us. My players understood how important this game was for us, that is why they gave their best,” he said. Speaking further, Allen told npĚ.ng that the victory was hard earned. “The victory we got will boost my team’s chances of
maintaining their top Ěight status. I am conędent we will not be trapped in the relegation zone again. We are out of there and out completely. “Our target now is to secure maximum points away to El-Kanemi. We have been picking points away from home and we hope to still pick some more on the road. We are not giving up, but will stay focused till the end. I can assure you, we will not get relegated,” a positivesounding Allen told npĚ. ng.
Bayelsa Utd dent Ezeji’s Hear tland debut
igeria Professional Football League (NPFL) boĴom-placed Bayelsa United recorded an impressive 3-1 win over Heartland in a Glo Premier League match decided on Monday morning at the Oghara Township Stadium. Forward Samad Kadiri put the hosts in front after 10 minutes before Mohammed Mohammed restored parity for the visitors. Youngster Uche Okeke ensured United went into the break with a superb long range eěort before Bernard Ovoke made sure of victory for the relegation haunted hosts. League veteran, Victor Ezeji made a cameo appearance for Heartland as he plays in his 20th consecutive top Ěight season in Nigeria.
The Match Day 31 encounter was billed to hold on Sunday but was put forward by a day after the pitch became water-logged due to a heavy downpour on Sunday afternoon. The big team news was Ezeji’s anticipated appearance and he was named among the substitutes for Heartland alongside their top marksman, Bright Ejike who was dropped after a lingering goals drought. United however made the brighter start and were rewarded after 10 minutes after Bernard Ovoke pounced on a rash defensive clearance by Kelechi Eke to head onto the path of Samad Kadiri, who swivelled to volley home from 16 yards. The hosts continue to dominate but were
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports/EURO League
It’s BeerFest time! ...as Bayern stars don their lederhosen for Oktoberfest
ayern Munich have opened their Bundesliga season with seven wins from as many games and after Tuesday’s 5-0 thrashing of Dinamo Zagreb, are top of the Champions League Group F with two wins and six points. Pep Guardiola’s side have a lot to be celebrating at the moment. When you add in the
fact that striker Robert Lewandowski is in the form of his life with 10 goals in his last three matches, it is easy to see why the Bayern squad were so happy about at the Oktoberfest celebrations. The squad donned their lederhosen before appearing at the celebrations at the Munich beer festival.
As well as Lewandowski scoring a treble against Croatian side Zagreb on Tuesday, Mario Goĵe also found the back of the net alongside Douglas Costa, Guardiola’s side have begun the season at an electrifying standard but will face their hardest match of the season so far when they return to Bundesliga action on Sunday.
Gerrard dines out in LA with old friends after scoring winner for Galaxy
Ancelotti joins Pirlo and Lampard for dinner ... as speculation over Liverpool job continues
ormer Liverpool and England captain Steven Gerrard appears to still be enjoying the LA life... and he’s brought two old friends along for the ride. The LA Galaxy midęelder, who scored the winning goal for his side against FC Dallas on Sunday, celebrated the successful result with a meal out alongside two old friends, who you may recognise as
professional footballers in their own right. Ian Craney and Ian Dunbavin, both from Liverpool, travelled out to the United States to watch their old friend in action, and were delighted to see him net the winning goal in a 3-2 victory at the weekend. The trio, all wearing sunglasses and dark shirts, headed out in LA following the match, with Gerrard even stopping for a quick snap
with a fan. Craney began his youth career at Everton, before a long career in the Football League at clubs including Swansea and Huddersęeld. In fact, the 33-year-old midęelder is still playing now, for Conwy Borough FC. Dunbavin, a Huytonborn goalkeeper, is one of Gerrard’s oldest friends, playing alongside him at Liverpool in the late 1990s.
arlo AnceloĴi could soon well be making a return to the Premier League but it appears the former Real Madrid manager is enjoying his spare time by linking up with Andrea Pirlo and Frank Lampard. AnceloĴi has been strongly linked with the Liverpool job to replace the under-pressure Brendan Rodgers - with the Reds enduring yet another disappointing start to the campaign. But the Italian coach was in no mood to worry about the managerial speculation as he enjoyed a spot of dinner with his two former players. The 56-year-old took to his Instagram account to post a photograph after
posing for a snap with the MLS duo in Vancouver. AnceloĴi invited the pair to join him at his favourite restaurant, Cioppino’s Mediterranean Grill - where chef Pino Posteraro is a personal
Depay celebrates Man United going top of EPL ... by donning some gold teeth on night out
ootballers are renowned for their bizarre fashion statements and Manchester United aĴacker Memphis Depay is the latest to go out in public with an eye-catching appearance. But it was not Depay’s black shirt liĴered with skulls that was most remarkable, or the leather jacket with white markings spewed across
which made it look like he had lost a scrap with a graĜti artist on his way to the Suburbia nightclub in Manchester on Saturday. Those two items looked rather run of the mill compared to the fake gold teeth he donned for his night out, where he also made a trip to the LIV club. Karrueche Tran, the ex-girlfriend of Chris Brown, was also
pictured aĴending the Suburbia venue. Depay scored his ęrst Premier League goal for United in the Premier League on Saturday in the 3-0 victory against Sunderland at Old Traěord. Depay’s goal came on the stroke of halftime and the three points meant Louis van Gaal’s side usurped Manchester City at the top of the table.
friend of the Italian. Pirlo and Lampard are currently plying their trade in Major League Soccer with New York City but the pair are evidently still friends with their former coach.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
...Ex-Eaglets coach tells Iheanacho
former head coach of the Nigeria U-17 national team, Godwin Izilein, has pleaded that Sunday Oliseh be allowed to carry out his duty as Super Eagles coach without unnecessary distraction, particularly at this time when the former captain is trying to rebuild the team. He criticised calls for the inclusion of Man City forward, Kelechi Iheanacho in the list of players called up for the upcoming friendly matches against Cameroon and Congo, insisting that the Man City player’s time on the international stage will come soon enough. “I don’t understand why there’s so much noise about Oliseh snubbing Iheanacho. People should understand that it’s not possible to call up every
good player at once. “We all know the potential that is Kelechi Iheanacho, and believe me, Oliseh knows it too, and slowly but surely he’ll be making that boy a leading member of his team when the time is ripe,” said Izilein. Last week, Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh, had obviously snubbed Manchester City’s rave of the moment, Kelechi Iheanacho, as he listed goalkeeper and skipper Vincent Enyeama, midęelder John Mikel Obi and forwards Victor Moses and Odion Ighalo among 24 players for next month’s friendly internationals against Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon in Belgium. A critical look at the squad would reveal that a few players were dropped while new ones were considered for a try out.
Eagles lack midfield leader – Ikpeba VICTOR ENYINNAYA
x-international, Victor Ikpeba, says that one of the problems of the Super Eagles is that the team lacks the presence of a midęeld leader that would shape and deęne the pace of the game, and therefore called on the team’s coach, Sunday Oliseh to look critically inwards to ensure that he would get hold of that vital area in the ęeld of play. According to him, the games played so far under the Oliseh led technical crew clearly showed that the former African Champions lacked creative leader in the middle of the pack and must do something urgently possible to ęx that area. He insists that if we can get who would do the needful in the midęeld the problem of the Eagles would have been half solved as we can take it from there. ‘’I must emphasise that unless there is a midęeld leader in the present squad, things would continue to be muddled up and the pressure would also not less on the defence line. The engine room of any side is the strength of its midęeld and the earlier that department is properly ęxed the beĴer for the side as it gears up for the more crucial stage of the qualięers. We all saw the game against the Taifa Stars in the baĴle of Dar es Salaam during the last qualięer, how the
lack of midęeld leader placed the Eagles more on the receiving end. The coach must ęnd the lasting solution to it before the epic match against Egypt next year’s March. Egypt is more coordinated team than Chad and Tanzania we have played so far. It will be great service if we can put out house in order quickly,’’ he points out. The former African Player of the Year continued that the very essence of the friendly
games against Cameroun and Congo are to ensure that all Ěaws in the team would be ęne tuned before the crucial game against our group leader, Egypt. He advised that the need to comb deeply to ęsh out dependable Nigerian players that would add value to the team is now; the areas that would be adequately fortięed must have been identięed after the games against Tanzania and the friendly with Niger Republic.
Enyeama is joined by England –based Carl Ikeme, who in his debut kept clean sheets against Tanzania and Niger Republic in two internationals earlier this month, as well as home –based stars Ikechukwu Ezenwa and Femi Thomas. Former junior international defender Abdullahi Shehu gets his ęrst opportunity at senior level, and Moses Simon, who scored against Niger Republic, is also considered, alongside home boys Chima Akas, Austin Oboroakpo, Paul Onobi and Prince Aggrey. There is also room for Watford FC of England striker Odion Ighalo. The Super Eagles play the Leopards of the Democratic Republic of Congo on October 8 and the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon three days later, in Belgium, as the Nigeria Football Federation activates its plan to entrench stronger bond and cohesion among the relatively new group. The winner of the preliminary round between Swaziland and Djibouti will host the Super Eagles on November 9 in a 2018 FIFA World Cup ęrst round qualięer, with the Eagles hosting the return leg in Nigeria eight days later. All invited players are expected to arrive in Belgium on Monday, 5th October.
IOC pushes S/Korean organizers to be ready for test events
he International Olympic CommiĴee is pushing South Korean organizers to complete venues in time for crucial test events ahead of the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang. The International Olympic CommiĴee pressed South Korean organizers on Thursday to make sure venues are completed in time for crucial test events ahead of the 2018 Winter Games in Pyeongchang. The IOC’s coordination commission wrapped up a three-day visit — and its ęfth overall trip — to Pyeongchang to check on preparations for the ęrst Winter Olympics in South Korea. “The competition sites remain on schedule for the games but the organizers need to maintain their focus,
as some delivery dates are very close to the start of the test events,” commission chair Gunilla Lindberg said. Test events in Alpine skiing, freestyle skiing and snowboarding are scheduled to be held early next year. “It is important that Pyeongchang 2018 delivers these events successfully and, in particular, the test events next February, in order to create a solid basis for its planning and preparations for the games,” Lindberg said. The IOC has expressed concern in the past about the pace of planning and venue construction in Pyeongchang, but Lindberg said Thursday that preparations are now “developing well.” The IOC panel was joined for the meetings by leaders of the seven
international sports federations on the Winter Games program. “It has been a very productive three days,” Pyeongchang organizing commiĴee head Cho Yang-ho said. “I feel that we are in the right direction to stage a great Olympic and Paralympic Games.” The IOC has previously been worried about a shortage of domestic sponsors for the games, but noted Thursday that local organizers have reached over 50 percent of their sponsorship target. “This showed the commission the strong backing of the Korean business community for the games,” the IOC said. Hyundai and Kia Motors signed on as domestic sponsors in July. The IOC commission’s next visit to Pyeongchang will be in March 2016.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on T Truth th
Vol. 01, No. 48
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
My husband proposed to me through my mother Caterer, Otun
26 My Love
an I meet you? My name is Mrs Mosunmola Adebisi Otun What do you do for a living? I am a caterer and event planner? What led you into catering and event planning? I discovered that as a Christian, we need to work according to the vision God has given each and every one of us. I actually discovered that I had this gift of planning, though I did not discover on time. I had my Masters degree in Business Administration, but it took me a while that I had already been operating in my area of calling without knowing. Like in my church when there is any event or social gathering or to take care of people, I am always called upon to take charge because of that gift of planning in me. I never knew I was working in my area of calling, because at that point, I was busy looking for white-collar jobs while ignoring the gift inside of me. Later, I went to a Bible school called WOFBI (Word of Faith Bible Institute) in Lagos. There, we were taught about vision. I would sit down and pray to God that He should reveal to me my area of calling and specialization. I discovered that after WOFBI I was still bothered because I never got a clear vision of where I was supposed to function in the secular world. One of my former pastors asked me to decorate something for him and I told him I could not do it, but he insisted that it was the holy spirit that instructed him to meet me to do it. I never took him serious for once. One of my friends who was supposed to wed came and asked me to do the décor for her, but I told her I could not; however, she said if I learnt it I would be perfect in it. I was asked to go learn about it by my friend, even on event planning. That was how I learnt event planning for six months. While I was there, I was also doing my personal jobs at home. That is why I tell some of my students, since they are here, they should start telling people they are into catering; that will make them serious and learn faster. Because when they ¿nish the training, they would have built a clientele for themselves. I have been doing this for 13years and I thank God for bringing me thus far. What propelled the name “Minds and Brains?” Minds and Brains is not a name I started using when I started event planning; my husband had been using it long before I started this business. It is the name he used to register his business, so I adopted it. So it’s just an arm of Minds and Brains Ltd. How many students have you trained so far? I have trained more than ¿fty students, even close to hundred. When people come to me for training, I ask them “is it because you don’t have anything to do or you have a passion for the job?” For those who have passions for the job, I easily detect them. I have students across the country, like Ibadan, Nnewi, Abuja, etc; even one of my drivers was also one of my students. How do you feel seeing your students scattered across the country doing very well? It is a thing of joy seeing your students doing perfectly well. You will be ful¿lled that
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Mosunmola Otun, seasoned caterer and event planner had her Masters degree in Business Administration at University of Ado-Ekiti and Prime Course at the University of Junior Chamber International (JCI), South Africa. She is the Managing Director of Minds and Brains Events and Decorations. She spoke to Society Editor, TUNDE ESO on how she ventured into full time catering as well as the challenges of the business.
you have imparted lives positively, especially young girls because they know they are not a liability to any man, and they have advantages over so many young girls around. They are beautiful, educated, good cooks, home managers, etc. +DYLQJ EHHQ VXFFHVVIXO LQ WKH ¿HOG RI FDWHULQJ and event planning, what else do you think you should be doing? So many things. I would like to have a big
My husb a c tu a ll y w e n t to m y a n d m o th e r th a w a n te d to m a r r y, s h e t h e a s k e d h im th e n a n d h e s a id if h e w a s s u r e yes
school. When I started, I began with event planning, but after a while, I discovered that I was really good as a caterer and a decorator. I left event planning on purpose. Because it is a bit tasking. I would like to have a bigger school than I have at the moment in a formal setting. I also want to have a place where I can import decorating materials at a very large scale. How was your growing up? My growing up was like bitter-sweet. My father was a rich man. I had everything at my disposal till I was 15years old. When I lost my him, everything just changed. I come from a polygamous home. My father was married to seven wives; my mother being the ¿rst wife. I am the ¿rst child and the second daughter. When my father passed away, it was not easy for my mother to take care of us. At times, we there would be no money to transport myself to school, even to pay for my S.S.C.E was very dif¿cult. I had to learn how to adjust to certain
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Love
My husband proposed to me through my mother H w did your husband propose Ho pro How to y u? yo you? A that point, he was a Muslim At a d I was a Christian. an Christian I was also and a vanced in age then ad the because I advanced was 29years old. I just left a was relationship of 7years. 7 relationship My h sband actually hu actua went to husband m mother that th he wanted my m mother to marry; my t en asked him if he th then was sure and he said y s. That ye Tha was how yes. we star we started the jouran here we ney and tod are today. What is your adfo the youngvice for er gen generation? you need to The youth prayerful discover prayerfully their vision, because discov your when you discover foc vision, you will be focused and n t beat about the bush. no b not They should also ask people the what they around them t think their talent Y is. Your talent is som something you do effortlessly e even when you are not being paid. They need to things. After he passed on, my perspective understand due about life changed that no matter what you are process. These things don’t come at once. They going through, you will surely overcome it. need to go through rigorous training. They also Tell us about your educational background need to be diligent, consistent and focused and I went to Command Secondary School at Ikeja stop looking for instant rewards. Cantonment, which was later affected by the If you are made the President of Nigeria, bomb blast. Then I went to Federal Polytechwhat are the three things you would put right? nic, Ilaro where I had both my OND and HND One is electricity. Electricity is very essential in Marketing. Later, I went to University of in this business. We need power for so many Ado-Ekiti for my Masters degree in Business things because it gives your client a well done Administration. Then I did a trainer’s course job. So power is very necessary. Then, human in South Africa in 2004. resource is another key factor. I discover that How long have you been married? an average person is lazy. He doesn’t want to Have been married for seventeen years to the work. They need to know that life is not all glory of God. about money; integrity matters a lot and hard Did you work for any organization before work is very essential. Lastly, infrastructures you started your business? will be put in place. Yes, I worked for the Guardian Newspaper as What does love in marriage mean to you? an advert executive for about two year. Love means sacri¿ce. Love is being ready to Which is more tasking and more ful¿lling sacri¿ce for your partner. My husband has rebetween being a caterer and advert executive? ally sacri¿ced a lot for my business to grow to I would say being a caterer is more ful¿llthis stage. He stood in for me always. And I ing because I am working in the area of my reciprocate his actions as his loving wife by becalling. However, I will never undermine the ing there for him all the time. experience I had from Guardian. I learnt how Where is the best place you have gone to unnot to give up. I learnt how to be a goal-getter. wind? That was how I started pursuing clients and Colorado in USA. I discovered that everything meeting targets. was done orderly. The atmosphere was very Why did you accept your husband’s prorelaxing for me. posal? Are you a fan of any football club? I accepted his proposal because I saw in him a I support Jesus United young man with a vision. A young who knew Last word… where he was going. He had plans for his life. In my own little way, I think in have tried to How has your marriage been so far? affect lives positively. I don’t have plans to start My marriage has been fantastic so far. It is the my NGO now, but I can attach to other NGOs best thing God has blessed me with. as their facilitator.
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat YINUS Production Editor
taiwo BERNARD Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, October 3, 2015
Five Minutes with...
eeled -h h ig h n o g in tt u p l, e d o As a m wu k m u lid A ia th n y C – e g n e shoes is a chall TUNDE ESO
rief introduction about yourself Favorite Nigerian song of all time I am Alidumkwu lotem Well loaded by Chinyere Udoma Cynthia. I graduated from Delta Favorite foreign artiste State Polythenic Ozoro, where I studied Tupac Shakur Oce Technology and management. I Favorite Nigerian artiste am a tall model and fair complexioned. Yinka Ayefele Favorite colour Favorite Nigerian actor Blue and red because they both Emeka Ike represent love and are unique in Favorite foreign actor appearance Konye Chelsea Favorite food Favorite Nigerian fashion designer I love pounded yam and draw soup so Joe Lip much and if I have my way, I can eat it Who is your role model? Ini Edo daily all through my life to tell you how :KDW LV WKH QDPH RI \RXU RXWÀW" much I like the delicacy. Grown Favorite place in the world :KDW GR \RX KRSH WR EHFRPH LQ ÀYH \HDUV" I have visited South Africa to unwind A great mother and a fantastic model to Favorite person in the world reckon with globally. My mother, because she is the best How long have you been a model? mother in the world and a caring one that I love so much. I have to live my life I have been modelling for two years now What has been your major challenge in again; I will prefer her to be my mother. WKLV ÀHOG" Favorite foreign song of all time Putting on high-heeled shoes Mama by Frank Edward
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
For enquiries call Qismat Yinus on 08027022738
Aso Ebi trends to show for occasions
29 2 9
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso Email: tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Ideals you should not compromise in your relationship
elationships are interesting things... The reason the two of you started in the first place was because you were attracted to each other in some form or another. Maybe you liked his pointed nose, height; maybe she made you laugh. You liked each other enough to form something solid and all of a sudden everything done was perfect. But somehow along the line, something is cracking. When you love someone, you can forgive them for many things, but here are few on which you should never compromise. Your bodily integrity and perception of beauty If someone doesn’t love the way you look when they start dating you, you shouldn’t date them. They’re not going to magically enjoy your body/appearance in a way they didn’t before, and even if they did, who would want to be with someone who had to get used to the idea of finding you attractive? If you are dating someone, and feel that you should constantly be losing some weight, or not be seen without makeup, or dressing in a way that feels uncomfortable to you, you’re never going to be truly happy. And if someone slowly convinces you over the course of a relationship that you are not okay the way you are, and you need to change your standards of beauty to meet theirs, that is simply a bad relationship. Your career This one is less universal, because I know a lot of couples who have changed their career paths for the benefit of making a relationship work. Some of these couples are still together, some are not. But in general, even if the individual job/ position/location might change, your overall dreams of what you want to do with your professional life should not be compromised. If your dream is to be a successful actor or politician while you might have to edit your pathway to success slightly to accommodate a long-term relationship, giving up on your dream entirely because of your significant other is a one-way ticket to resenting them, and hating yourself. Ultimately, things change, and you might even find that you don’t want the same things you did five or ten years ago. But you want things for a reason, and you shouldn’t change those profound personal desires for anyone but yourself—because if someone truly loves you, they will want you to pursue what makes you truly happy. Yes! Lack self respect This doesn’t mean loving yourself, vanity, conceitedness. This means actual self respect for your own body and mind. Someone who eats crap all the time, who over sleeps, who fails to shower enough, who watches reality TV back to back is not investing in either their
mind or their body. They don’t respect themselves enough to utilise the complex gifts they’ve been given, like a working body and mind, instead they abuse them and are happy to let both turn to mush. Beware of these people because old habits actually do die hard. Cheating Cheating has been recorded over time as one of the major thing that breaks up a lofty relationship. This might sound obvious, but cheating represents far more than just being drunk and thinking with your genitalia. Someone who can do something they are fully aware would crush you if you found out is someone with deceitful tendencies. Because cheating is not just kissing or sleeping with someone else, a ‘mistake’ that never should have happened. With cheating come lies, betrayal, and shadiness along with a total violation of trust. Stinginess Being known for your stinginess is like herpes, it’s easy for people to believe and it’s very hard to shake. They skip out on a few rounds, they ask to borrow money and doesn’t pay it back, and they eat others peoples food... If you’re in a rela-
tionship with someone like this, you will find yourself making excuses for them. It might even get to the point where you pretend they bought something, just to salvage some respect for them. Someone should naturally give out in a relationship and this should not be limited to any. Both of you should be encouraged to give gifts and other things to make up your relationship. Addiction Again, it might go without saying for some people but addiction isn’t always that obvious. Someone with substance abuse can be extremely sneaky and all sorts of lies can come with it. If they’re not aware of it, it can be worse. Denial is a scary thing when you’re faced with it first hand and unfortunately all the love you give them won’t sober them up. Violence If they hit once, they will hit again. They don’t have to directly come into contact with you to be violent either. Smashing a few plates or punching a wall is just as dangerous. Issues with violence need to be acknowledged and dealt with professionally or else you need to get the fuck out.
Newswatch Times, Saturday October 3, 2015
he Oganla Fuji, Wasiu Alabi Pasuma, was at his best performance last week Sunday, 20th of September, 2015, at Royal Suite Hotel, Obafemi Awolowo during the album launch of Alhaji Tope Nautical Apase Oganla (Authority) titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Run Townâ&#x20AC;? The launch which drew a lot of society came to electrifying stage when Oganla Fuji arrived the event at late hour to dish out a good performance to fans that yearned for more. Tope spoke after the show: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big thanks to all my fans at home and abroad for the massive turn out at my album launch; these guys are just too awesome. I am so glad to have real fans around always. I also appreciate and respect my boss of life (Alh Wasiu Alabi Pasuma Oga nla Ijoba Fuji Generally); he was just too much. Many people thought he will not grace the event, but he did not only come, he also performed wonderfully. I appreciate his efforts; he is just too much.â&#x20AC;?
Pasuma dazzles at Tope Nautical album launch
any devoted members of the Holy Order of C&S Movement Church (Chapel of 'LYLQH %OHVVLQJ 9LFWRU\ GLVWULFW $\R QL o) located at Alagbado area of Lagos were happy and excited when on the 6th of September they went home with equipment elated to their various vocations courtesy of Remi Awode Foundation. The foundation is set aside to empower church members in various vocations. According to Special Apostle Aderemi Awode, the founder and mentor of the foundation, it is a thing of joy to help those who are in need not only to give them money to eat, but to empower them so that they too can help others in future. Among those that were empowered were caterers, computer engineers, okada riders and traders.
Remi Awode Foundation empowers church members
ho would have thought one could be both a successful political analyst and a griller at the same time? Jide Ogunsanwo, ace information, data and political analyst who was on the panel of Channels Televisionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2015 general elections coverage â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Nigeria2015â&#x20AC;&#x2122; has recently added â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Grillerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to his curriculum vitae as he opened â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Mr. Grillsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; barbeque place last Saturday in Ikeja Lagos. Jide Ogunsanwo is not just the owner of Mr. Grills, but also the Chief Griller of the restaurant. Very imSUHVVLYH +H LV QRZ RIÂżFLDOO\ WKH ÂżUVW Âľ'DWD &KHIÂś LQ Nigeria. Located in the heart of Allen Avenue Ikeja, the restaurant grilled menu includes interesting grills such as Spicy Tilapia and San Pedro Fries, Warmajama, Sweet Jamaican Chicken, amongst others.
Information and political analyst, Jide Ogunsanwo turns griller
W hile Muslims were enjoying the Sallah festival, an Islamic artiste, Monsurat Yusuf a.k.a Alayo was cooling her feet in police custody at Eleweran, Abeokuta, Ogun state. It would be recalled that Monsurat Yusuf â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problem started when she stabbed her boyfriend, Eric Moses, who passed on some months back. She was later released from detention with a bail bond while the court adjourned its proceeding till October. According to a source, trouble began when Monsurat fell out with her surety, a businessman in Lagos, who stood by her and provided the bail bond in court to secure her bail. Tripling learnt trouble started when Monsurat fled home immediately she was let off the hook and this made her surety to rescind his decision and never notified the court that he could no longer hold forth for her. This is what led to her arrest days before the Ileya festival and she is currently in police custody at Eleweran awaiting her trial that would commence soon. In March early this year, Alhaja Monsurat Yusuf an undergraduate of a higher institution in Abeokuta Ogun state was allegedly accused of murdering a fellow student, Eric Moses, in Abeokuta during a brawl over another girl Moses brought home. According to a source that witnessed the incident, he explained that there was a fight between Monsurat Yusuf and Eric Moses who some people claimed were having an affair and the brawl led to the untimely death of Moses who is also an undergraduate with Monsurat in the same institution.
By AJIBADE ALABI e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
istory was made on Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015 when Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first mobile studio was launched. Under the leadership of Sofolarin Somefun aka Showboy (Mr. Dancing Time) along with his band has given series of great achievement over the years in the entertainment industry has performed both home and abroad. Ask to described the band, Somefun who started his music career at a tender age as a member of the choir at Hoares Memorial Methodist Church Yaba, Lagos said â&#x20AC;&#x153;our band will effortless emcee the entire evening to ensure seamless flow throughout your event and these dynamic performers will have you and your guest on the dance floor all night. So in essence, all what I am saying is that our members will make you happy all night and dayâ&#x20AC;?
Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first mobile recording studio berths
fter the success of his album launch, Emmanuel Adeyemo aka Otolorin cannot but give glory to God and friends for the success of the album launch held at Glitter Hotel, Egbeda, Lagos The launch which was attended by who is who in the media industry was a success. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I give God the glory. I also thank Association of Yoruba Media Presenters, aka Egbe Apede Yoruba, Prophet Adeola Odubiyi aka Baba Emayo, Alhja Sherifat Hammed, General Manger, %RQG ) 0 $UFK 'DYLG $GHED\R $GHJELWH 3ULQFH 0XUDLQR %DQMRNR 7KUHHFR 'U :DOH Babalakin aka Money, and many more who I could not mention their names. They are the ones that made the album launch a successâ&#x20AC;? said the classical presenters .
Aftermath of successful album launch, Otolorin appreciates friends
ollywood Queen of Soap, Jayeola Oluwakemi Kuti, who recently lost her father, was all smiles last week Sunday at Times Square Event Center, Ikeja, Lagos when she was voted as Media Friendly Actress of the Year 2015. She was voted a winner by those who chose her over her colleagues in the industry for her cool headedness and the way and manner she attends to media. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unlike some of her colleagues who will give their phone to their so-called media assistants, Jaye will pick her calls and speak with youâ&#x20AC;? said one of the guests at the event that was full of glitz and glamour. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I appreciate everybody that voted for me and I promise you that I will not disappoint you. This award is also for my colleagues in the industry, it is not all about me. I also thank all media organizationsâ&#x20AC;? Meanwhile Media Friendly Actor was won by Ricardo Agbor
Jaye Kuti adds another feather to her cap
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Murder charge; Monsurat Yusuf an Islamic artiste returns to prison
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Ohakim celebrates grandson’s one year birthday in Monaco
irst son of former Imo state Governor, Ikedi Ohakim, Obinna and his lovely wife, Obiageli’s son Jayden turned a year older last weekend and the proud parents threw him a little celebration.
Igbinedion celebrates 81st birthday in South Africa
he businessman and philanthropist, who clocked 81 this month decided to have the second leg of his 81st birthday party in South Africa. He had one last week in Benin where all his children, friends and associates came together to celebrate him.
Zahra Buhari becomes brand ambassador for Sickle Cell Foundation
Niger ian wins Face of The World Pageant tephanie Umogbai and Damola represented Nigeria and won The Crown for Face of the World international in the Male and Female categories at the Birmingham International fashion week in Birmingham. They are both currently wearing the crown for Face of the World Nigeria and they won Face of the World international after defeating 14 other countries and their reps. Stephanie also won most stylish Queen.
ughter,Zahra, has resident Buhari’s, da ambassador of Scaf d been named the bran nters on all issues ce at Nigeria, an NGO th ll. At her unveiling on bothering on sickle ce spoke on how she lost a a September. 19th, Zahr years ago “I lost a sister ree sister to sickle cell th e cell so I know what it’s kl sic three years back to she said. e” like to lose a loved on
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, October 3, 2015
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
CHARACTER IS IT - Peaceful liv ing
eing peaceful or being peace loving , living peace ably or being a peace maker isn’t outrageous at all. How much peace you have, has so much to do about the kind of life you have lived,the life you are living, the life you plan on living, the place,the environment and more. Peace is about the absence of war,disturbance, conÁict, anxiety or distress, violence, argument in a house,in an area or locality, in a country and the world at large. The presence of calm or quiet, not being worried nor disturbed. It is total tranquillity. Talking about the choices you have ever made, the ones you are making, ones you are planning to make in the nearest future. Choices like where to live, who to marry, the course or career you enrol for, who to be friends or enemy with, religious beliefs, life styles and so on. Everyone wants or desires peace, but not everyone deserves it nor work towards it. Your mindset and belief system should be set straight always. Your priorities should be itemised and addressed frequently. You really need to be a lover of Law and order. Also take a probe into your life motives, disposition, desires, schedules,love modes, aspirations and all. Peace is always seen as a national or even as a world issue. We need to set peace from an individual context to maximise the attainment and acquisition of it. You can only share what you have or exude from your within with others. Martin Luther King Jr. once said “ we must learn to live together as brothers or we perish together as fools”. The peace we all seek for in the world cannot appear until its Áame is Àrst lit in our hearts. Let us examine the lives we live in our homes from birth,becoming toddlers then children. When a baby only encounters love,calmness and serenity, the baby feels safe and secure in his home and environment.
The baby is at rest and will be able to register peace and its attributes in his/her subconscious. As the baby grows into childhood, the child uses up the opportunity of being free from distress, conÁict and otherwise, as a tool to becoming stable. A stable child is therefore the one that has parents or guardians that care for his welfare, quarrel and then settle amicably without blows nor casualties. They should give the children aͿordable basic needs without being traumatised verbally or otherwise. A stable child would not be aggressive or violent because he/she hasn’t encountered violence and anxiety as a norm around him. Take for instance in some polygamous homes, Àghting, conÁicts and violence is the order of each day. In such homes they are driven by the slogan “survival of the Àttest”, which brings rise to/for various vices, learnt subconsciously by the children. Vices like being abusive, aggression, crafty, lying, stealing, being saucy and quarrelsome and many more. As they become youths their life’s ideology become “survival of the Àttest “. The environment also play a major role on how much peace you have and exhibit. If the community is hostile and hash, the children react negatively and resentful. A youth being brought up in a chaotic environment, being neglected and not being trained adequately will be tend to become addictive with drugs, alcohol, nicotine, sexual immorality and various crimes like rape, occult and more. They would believe they need most of this to belong or to be at the top of situations. Without a proper monitoring by law enforcement ocers, crime, chaos and violence are perpetuated in the area. The children and youths also need to understand the consequences,eͿect and the outcome of war. How simple religious argument can cause havoc, how bad temper or anger can
disintegrate into a menace.All these makes peaceful living illusive. As a state or even as a country, to secure a peaceful society involves the need to play down on state of origin thing, then the need to give equal recognition to every religion and tribe,to avoid war and terror. Hatred and conÁict are often rooted in differences between people of diͿerent religions and races. Peace is a right, it’s a duty. It is dynamism and generosity. Couples should deduce how best to settle their quarrels amicably, how to scold each other in love without shouts and violence, how not to be hostile and mean to each other and other people. While you resolve issues as parents, be objective and less aggressive, discipline each child with caution and listening ears. You do this by allowing them to pour their hearts expressively without bottling up their fury. When and if they do, they are less prone to aggression and anger. Address your home set up, be the peace maker, and be acknowledged by even God. For every home founded on God those homes are identiÀed by their peaceful living. Peace isn’t just the absence of war, but also the presence of justice and the absence of fear. Here are some questions to ponder over; * who and what do you think about to get a deep sigh of relief and assurance or fear? *where does your peace emanate from? For many, from God, for some, security plans and procedures, husbands/wives, parents, Boss/job, pastors, Kings and others. *what do you glory in, on and about? *what do you boast about or over? *what tickles you? Join the the peace movement campaign, become a peace keeper, be a peace lover and maker, be peaceful. PEACE!
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
n every society, it is rare to find women with “beauty with brains”. Over the years, Nigeria has produced several beaubrains and brainy women who have carved a niche for themtiful an selves. H exclusive Here is an exclus u iv v e list of just a few. OLUCHI O OLU L CHI ONWEAGBA
motola got into acting by accident. t. She started out as a model, and followed her friend to an audition. Her friend didn’t get thee part, but she
hey say is hisencouraged Omotola to audition. The rest they tory. She got a role in the sequel of the Nollywood lywood classic Nneka the Pretty Serpent, but she turned itt down because her mother did not approve of her role as a mermaid. cond daughter Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde along with her second Meraiah stole the spotlight at Elite Model Look 2015.
luchi Onweagba Onw was August 1, born on A 1980. Onweagba’s Onw ffirst irst name comes ffrom the IIgbo gbo language and means ““God’s God’s Work”. She grew up Nigeiin n the suburbs of Lagos, La brothers and rria i a with her two bro daughter of sisters. She is the da si a civil servant father aand mother who w ho was a nurse. At seventeen, sev Onweagba by a famO On weagba was urged b ily friend to enter into the M-Net il preliminary ““Face Face of Africa” prelim sscreening c reening at the M-Net office in Victoria V ictoria Island, Lagos. The agency groomed her to be one of Nigeria’s entrants for the 1998 ccompetiNokia Face of tion (now called the No the fact that, Africa). This despite th a growing up, she had maintained m fashrelative ignorance towards towa ion and modeling. With the support of her family and friends, she decided to compete in tthe inaugural edition of the Face of Africa first-ever in 1998. This was the fi ccontinent-wide co ntinent-wide model ccompetition, oorganized or ganized by the South African cchannel hannel M-Net in collaboration colla with Management. w ith Elite Model Mana She competition. S he won the competitio
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Feminine clips
inda Ikeji was (born September 19, 1980) . She is a Nigerian blogger, writer, model and entrepreneur best known for her controversial publications. She was born and raised in a Catholic family from Imo State, Nigeria. While studying English language at the University of Lagos, she had part-time jobs as a waitress, model and writer. After graduation, Ikeji started blogging in 2006 on the Blogger platform. Ikeji has dealt with controversial posts about celebrities such as Funke Akindele, Richard Mofe Damijo, Dijon Honshu and Tonto Dikeh. She also made controversial publications about Doyin Okupe who described the publications as defamatory. Linda Ikeji’s blog was shut down on October 8, 2014, but restored on October 10, 2014 around midnight by Google for undisclosed reasons.
enevieve Nnaji, born on 3 May 1979, is a Nigerian actress and singer. She won the Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actress in a leading role in 2005. In 2011, she was honored as a Member of the Order of the Federal Republic by the Nigerian government for her contribution to Nollywood. Nnaji was born in Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria but grow up in Lagos, the fourth of eight children and was brought up in a middle class environment. She attended Methodist Girls College (Yaba, Lagos), before transferring into the University of Lagos. While at the university, she began auditioning for acting jobs amongst the many Nollywood projects. Nnaji started her acting career as a child actress in the then popular television soap opera Ripples at the age of 8. In 1998 at the age of 19 she was introduced into the growing Nigerian film industry with the movie “Most Wanted”.
escribing former beauty queen, Omowunmi Akinnifesi as just ‘beautiful’ doesn’t seem adequate anymore. We might need to pull out a dictionary to get the perfect word. Omowunmi is one of Nigeria’s most famous beauty queens, who represented Nigeria in various international beauty pageants and proved herself to be a worthy queen, ten years after. Back in 2005, 18-year old Omowunmi was crowned the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria. That same year, she won Miss Tourism International in Ukraine. In 2012, Akinnifesi obtained a Masters degree in Environmental Monitoring, Modeling, and Management from King’s College London. She has gradually grown into one of our red carpet favorites as she shows up at red carpet events looking every inch breath taking and has never disappointed.
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
CALL 08057482794
L-R: Public Relations Officer, Tax Club, University of Lagos, Olamide Abe; Welfare Secretary, Aribaba Aderinsola; Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr. Babatunde Fowler; President, Tax Club, Oyedeji Tobi and President, Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Dr. Olateju Somorin.
L-R: Director General/CEO, IoD, Mr. Victor Banjo; 14th President/Chairman of Govenrning Council, IoD, Mr. Yemi Akeju; awardees/Pioneer Chairman of the Board, Nigerian Communications Commission and APC Transition Committtee, Alhaji Ahmed Joda and former President, IoD, Mr. Emmanuel Ijewere.
L-R: (sitting): Immediate Past President/Chairman of Govenrning Council, IoD, Chief (Mrs.) Eniola Fadyomi; former Patron, Nigerian American Chamber of Commerce/Nigerian British Chamber of Commerce, Chief (Dr.) Chris Ogunbanjo; Mr. Yemi Akeju; another awardees/first female Vice –Chancellor of a Nigerian University, Professor Grace Alele-Williams; Alhaji Ahmed Joda and Mr. Emmanuel Ijewere with others. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
Chairman, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Mr. Babatunde Fowler presenting an award to the Tax Controller, Medium Tax Office, Lagos Mainland Regional East, Mr. Daniel Adebayo Olugbenga at the event. Photo: Segun Padonu
L-R: Dean, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Lagos (UNILAG), Prof. Timothy Gbenga Nubi (left) presenting a copy of the inaugural lecture to the Vice Chancellor of UNILAG, Prof. Rahamon Bello.
L-R: Chief Executive Officer, Richardson Oil and Gas, Mr. Akin Osuntoki; receipient of Special Achievement award/ CEO, Marine Platforms Limited, Mr. Taofik Adegbite and Chairman of the occassion/Executive Director, Deepwater Management, Deepwater District, Total E&P Nigeria Limited, Mr. Bruno Erwes.
L-R: Industrial Hygienist/Managing Partner, Gradi Health and Safety Limited, Mrs. Grace Oji; Chief Executive Officer, Richardson Oil and Gas, Mr. Akin Osuntoki; Manager, Occupational and Environmental Health, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Gertrude Bassey and Chief Medical Advisory, Critical Rescue International, Dr. Abayomi Oluwakolade. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
L-R: Wife of the Inaugural lecturer, Mrs. Nubi Olubunola Adetutu; son Kayode; daughter Pelumi and Olorogun of Ijebu-Ode, Dr. Sunny Kuku. Photo: Segun Padonu
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
CALL 08057482794
is Th GE PAis for E L
L-R: (sitting), Chairman, Fisheries Society of Nigeria (FISON), Lagos State Chapter, Mr. Habeeb Giwa; President, Lagos State Catfish and Allied Farmers Association (LASCAFAN), Mr. Babafemi Ajala, representative of the Chairman of the occasion, Ojomu of Ajiran Land, HRM Oba Tijani Adetunji Akinloye, Sateru II, Chief Kale Bamidele; President, Fisheries Society of Nigeria, Dr. Olajide Ayinla; Director of Fisheries Lagos State Ministry of Agriculture (MoAC), Mrs. Tokunbo Emokpae; representative of Permanent Secretary, Lagos State MoAC, General Manager, Lagos State Agriculture Input Supply Authority, Mr. Bolaji Balogun; National President, Catfish and Allied Farmers Association (CAFAN), Chief Tayo Akingbolagun; Executive Director/CEO, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Gbola Akande and others.
Cross section of guests at the event.
L-R: Brother in-law of the deceased, Mr. Taju Owolabi; Daughter in-law of the deceased, Mrs. Idowu Ajayi; Son of the deceased, Mr. Remi Ajayi; Sister of the deceased, Alhaja Dayo Adesokan, Nee Owoyemi and Son of the deceased, Mr. Dele Ajayi at the remembrance Fidau Prayer for Pa Shehu Babatunde Ajayi, at Idowa Ogun State…recently.
Photos: Segun Padonu
L-R: Guests, Mr. Ojo Aseperi; Mr. Olu Aseperi; deceased Son, Dele Ajayi and another guest, Mr. Fred Osafo, during the event. PHOTOS: BODE AGBEDE
L-R: Consul General, Ghana High Commission, Mr. Apiah Kubi; Guest Speaker/Former Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria, Pastor Tunde Lemo and Managing Director, AS+A Communications, Yeye Adenike Agnes Shobajo. Pastor-In-Charge, Glory Workshop Centre RCCG, Pastor Tope Akinbola (left); Executive Director, Sahara Group, Tonye Cole (fourth left); Pastor Kunle Ashiru (fourth right) his wife Oluseye and other ministers of God.
Consul General, Ghana High Commission, Mr. Apiah Kubi; Former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Alhaja (Chief) Sinatu Aderoju Ojikutu (left); Managing Director, AS+A Communications, Yeye Hon Adenike Shobajo (fourth left); Honourary Life Vice President, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mrs. Adetutu Adeleke (second left); President, National Council of Women’s Societies, Mrs. Funmilola Osifeso (third right); representative of Mr. Femi Adesina/General Manager, Corporate Service and Marketing, The Sun Newspaper, Lady Neta Nwosu(right) and others Photos: Abiodun Omotosho
Pastor Kunle Ashiru (fourth left), his wife Oluseye and children with the entire Teenage Church.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
My Kitchen
Qismat Yinus
Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Eating smart after a stroke
Baking Carrot Cake for parties
stroke is a sudden attack or death of the brain cells caused by lack of oxygen supply into the brain. After a stroke, the brain cells die in the affected areas and these results to physical disabilities such as sensory loss, memory loss, language disorders, aphasia and visual problems. There are two main types of strokes: Ischemic strokes (caused by a blood clot or build up of plaques due to cholesterol which blocks the blood vessel within the arteries). This results to loss of blood Áow in the brain. The other type is haemorrhagic strokes (rupture of an artery within the brain). This triggers an intracerebral haemorrhage or the rupture of an arteriovenous malformation. Warning signs of strokes are dizziness, loss of balance, sudden severe headache, diculty in walking, sudden numbness or weakness, sudden confusion and sudden vision problem. There are some risk factors. They are: high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, being overweight/obese, stress, regular use of hormonal birth control methods (contraceptives birth control pills, vaginal ring or implant contain synthetic progesterone and estrogen hormones and has well-documented risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack and breast cancer), diabetes (when blood sugar levels are high), lack of vitamin D, (research has shown that lack of sun exposure may be an underlying cause of arterial plaque buildup which is a risk factor for stroke) and when an individual does not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Malnutrition and dehydration are key problems for survivors who don’t make the necessary adjustments. Stroke survivors experience swallowing problems (called dysphagia), problems with arm/ hand movements (for example, using a knife and fork), memory and thinking difÀculties (for example, forgetting to eat or chew food), loss of appetite and depression may set in. Research shows these “brain foods” can reduce the risk of having stroke. That means a low-fat, low sugar and low cholesterol diet are essential. A survivor should aim to eat about Àve servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit everyday. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants (this can help reduce damage to blood vessels) e.g orange, berries, etc; consume plenty of potassium rich foods like bananas, white beans, spinash, plain skimmed yoghurt, avocados, etc (can help control blood pressure); consume foods rich in Àbre ( this can lower cholesterol) and folate (found in green leafy vegetables). Consume moderate amounts of cooked lean cut meat (65-100g), skinless chicken (65-100g), and cooked Àsh (80-120g) . Include oily Àsh like mackerel, herring or trout, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids at least two to three times a week. Consume (1%) low fat dairy foods like skimmed milk, yoghurt, cheese and custard. They contain calcium and potassium which reduce your risk of stroke. Consume plenty of wholegrain breads and cereals because they contain Àbre, folate and other vitamins. Examples are wheat bread, brown rice, whole meal pasta, oat meals and other breakfast cereals. Consume small amounts of heart healthy fats like nuts and seeds –walnuts, cashew nuts, avocadoes, olive oil, etc and aim to drink 8-10 cups of water everyday (except you are on a Áuid restriction). Getting the right amount of Áuid is particularly important if you are only drinking thickened Áuids (because of a swallowing problem).
ngredients - 400gr grated carrots(about 8-10 car-
rots) - 225 gr sugar - 300 gr flour - 4 Eggs - 150ml vegetable oil - half teaspoon salt - 1 leveled tablespoon baking powder - 1 leveled tablespoon baking soda - 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg - 1 tablespoon cinnamon - 120 gr yogurt or heavy cream
(or use 90gr Milk + 30gr melted butter as substitute) Preparation 1a. First preheat the oven at 180ºC or 350ºF. b. Prepare the pan by first greasing the inside with butter and then dust lightly with flour. 2. In a large bowl, sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda , nutmeg and cinnamon together. 3. In another bowl, beat the eggs, yogurt, oil and sugar together until well combined.
4. Then gradually add the flour mixture; mix well and finally add the grated carrots. Mix lightly until well incorporated and pour into the prepared pan. 5. Bake in the preheated oven for about 50 minutes or until the cake is done. (You’ll know the cake is ready if a skewer dipped into the cake comes out clean, without any batter sticking to it) Let the cake cool for a few minutes, turn onto a rack and leave to cool completely then serve and enjoy.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Saturday, October 3, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Time to stop disenfranchising Nigerians in US, says APC Chairman Chief Michael Amuzie is the Chairman of All Progressives Congress (APC) in the United States. In this interview with ADEWALE GIWA in New York, the US-based politician expressed worry on how Nigerians America have continued to be disenfranchised as a result of the pending voting right bill in the National Assembly and other issues. Excerpts:
resident Buhari recently in the US said Nigerians in the Diaspora won’t be able to participate in the voting system because the National Assembly is yet to pass the voting right bill. In your opinion, how would this impact your leadership, and leadership of other organisations in the Diaspora? It is not going to impact my leadership in any negative way. The President did not say he is not going to support the bill. Therefore, we are going to partner with the Presidency, the National Assembly and the Nigeria Embassy here in the US to make this happen as soon as possible. It is time to stop disenfranchising Nigerians in Diaspora. Smaller countries with lesser resources have gone beyond this. The time to do it is now and I am optimistic that the President will do as he has said, which I strongly believe that he is going to look into it. In United States alone, not to talk of Canada, we have millions of Nigerians eager to exercise their voting rights. What is the
essence of being a Nigerian and you cannot able to choose your leader through vote? The idea of neglecting us should stopped. As APC Chairman in United States, what are your goals for this year? Presently, I am working in stabilizing the party in United States. Obviously, we are working on having APC Congress in the United States. Right now, I am waiting for the National Executive Committee of the Party in Nigeria to give me the green light to organize a congress. We are also going to partner with our great party to move Nigeria forward. As you can see that APC is a party to reckon with in all positive areas of life. I am a kind of person that does not take sides; I believe in President Muhammadu Buhari to turn Nigeria around within his 4 years tenure. What is your assessment on the Buhari administration? The President has done well so far. People need to be patient and not to conclude hastily when there is a lot of work to be done.
His body language has spoken a lot; all geared towards strengthening the polity. Character consideration is now a major factor in the public sector. People are now recognizing boundary lines, which must not be crossed. Also, do not forget that the out gone Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) has destroyed a lot of things. Nigerians from the South and East have criticized Buhari for flooding his government with Northerners, what is your take on this? I do not agree when you say “Nigerians from South and East”.
You can say “some” but not “all”. People should be patient. There are a lot of appointments to be made. Let people be patient and see what happens before criticizing. I am from the East and see anything wrong in what President Buhari has done so far. What suggestion or advice do you have to better Buhari’ s administration? The President to remain focused. He should continue to remain the father of the Nation he is and maintain his stand in belonging to everybody and to nobody.
Why Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics
Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
s the former national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics at an event marking his 80 years celebration, many questions than appreciation of the man’s feat were asked. It bothers on “Adamawa politics without Tukur.” Tukur announced his resignation from active politics in his address, in Abuja on Tuesday, at a lecture organised to mark his 80th birthday. The former PDP chairman said he had done his best for the former ruling party and that it was time for him to take a bow from political podium. He said, “I deem it ęt to use this opportunity of my 80th birthday celebration to announce my retirement from partisan politics. “It is time to say goodbye to formal politics. I have used several political platforms to serve my country.
“I leave partisan politics for the younger generation. I want to be a statesman and an adviser. “At the age of 80, I feel I can serve our dear nation more in the capacity of a statesman and father ęgure.” Tukur, as a formidable political powerbroker that has ceaselessly slugged it out with the Atikus of the world, the Prof. Jubril Aminus, the Buba Marwas and other political big shots in the state for one or two political contests and has convincingly won many baĴles even to the surprise of his adversaries. No wonder he was seen and regarded by the former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, as the best man for the job when the need arose for the change in leadership of the erstwhile largest political party in Africa. Tukur, a reformist whose idea of party supremacy was seen by some dissident members as aěront eventually lost to the rebels who decamped in drove to the opposition party, the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN). Nigerian political class now crave for party supremacy especially in the ap-
Tukur pointment of oĜce holders; the same idea preached by Tukur but which was seen and treated like a leprosy that must be discarded. Tukur said during his short-lived tenure as the chairman of the party, he tried to introduce sanity in the party affairs. Now that he quiĴed active politics,
the next poser according to political observers is who now steps into his shoes as able mobiliser to challenge the audacity of the aforementioned political gladiators in Adamawa State? Not even his son is able loose the knot of his sandals. Newswatch Times recalls that compassionate, caring, visionary and hard working leader Tukur is always undaunted by diĜcult assignments and challenges of life. His philosophy of emancipating the black race, through enterprise developments saw him traverse land, sea and air at great personal expense and discomfort to make Africans see the necessity of taking ownership of their continent. He was born in September 15, 1935 at Gambaro Village in present day Gombi Local Government Area of Adamawa State to late Malam Hamman Tukur, Wakilin Chamba (1890-1966) a renowned Arabic teacher, administrator and aristocrat. He was the 3rd son after late Dahiru and Modibbo. His other well known younger brothers include Dr Mahmud Continued on Page 50
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Why Bamanga Tukur bowed out of politics Continued from Page 49
Tukur former Minister of Industry and Vice Chancellor of Bayero University Kano and Eng Hamman Adamu Tukur, a retired Director General of Federal Ministry of Mines and Power and Chairman, Revenue Mobilization and Fiscal Commission. At about the age of 5, he was sent to an Islamic/Arabic school under Modibbo Goni Abubakar. After about two years, he was placed under the special care of Alhaji Abubakar Bobbo ( Na’ibin Jada) to complete his Qur’an education. On completing his Quranic education, he was enrolled in JADA Elementary school (1946-1949). Upon completion, he was enrolled in Yola Middle School between 1949 and 1953. On successful completion, he moved in 1954 to Government Secondary School, Bauchi. He passed his London General certięcate Examination in 1957 with Ěying colours. Between 1958 and 1959 Alhaji Bamanga Tukur gained admission in to the Institute of Administration, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to study Accountancy and Public Finance. On the successful completion of his studies in Zaria, he proceeded to United Kingdom to Northwest Polytechnic London to study Marine Transportation in the morning and the London School of Economic in the afternoon to study Transportation, Economics and Statistics. After the successful completion of his studies, he was also between 1965-1966 at the PiĴsburg University, United States to read a post-graduate course in Public Administration and International Relations. Tukur, with 18 children (seven boys and eleven girls) from his three marriages with interest in politics dated back to 1959 when he contested for the post of a Representative in Northern House of Representatives as an independent candidate. Though he lost the election, it was on October 23, 1982 after retiring from serving the Nigerian Ports Authority that he was nominated to contest the 1983 gubernatorial election in Gongola State on the platform of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN). On October 1, 1983, he was inaugurated as the Governor of Gongola State with Mr. David Barau as the Deputy Governor. His administration lasted for only three months as the military took over power on 31st December 1983.
About 10 years later, Tukur joined the National Republic Party (NRC) to bid for the presidency. On Saturday August 1, 1992, the ęrst round of the presidential primaries kicked oě in Katsina, for the presidential aspirants to test their strength and popularity. It is worthy to note that from the analysis of the performances of the aspirants, Tukur made an impressive outing by topping the NRC. It was not until Tuesday 1th November 1993 that in a broadcast to the nation, President Ibrahim Babangida announced the cancellation of the results of the primaries, disqualięed all the 23 aspirants and banned them from participating in politics and elections during the remaining part of the transition programme allegedly for contravening Presidential Primary Electoral Decree No. 37 of 1992 with particular reference to Section 21, 22 and 23. It was the following year, Saturday, November 2, 1993 that he was sworn in as Federal Minister of Industry upon the takeover of General Sani Abacha. His tenure as Minister of Industry spanned for only 14 months up to Wednesday February 8, 1995 when General Abacha dissolved the Federal Executive Council. Within such a short time, he was able to conceive and establish some new projects, completed and commissioned some abandoned projects, re-trained
some staě and motivated. CAREER His career in public service actively started on his completion of secondary school education in Bauchi when he was recruited into the Adamawa Local Government Service in January 1958 in Yola. His best subject in school, Arithmetic, was to open his door of life as it were, by being recruited into the accounting system of the local government administration. He was employed as an Accountant/Supervisor in Adamawa Native Authority. His duties were to prepare budgets for the District Council Funds, supervise all the districts and monitor their ęnances and expenditures. Not long after his recruitment in October 1958, he was sent to Institute of Administration, Zaria to study a Diploma
in Accountancy and Public Finance. On his successful completion of the course, he was promoted as Accountant/Departmental Secretary in-charge of all developmental projects in Adamawa Native Authority amongst other duties. From here, as fate planned for him, he joined the Federal Ministry of Trade and Industry in the former Northern Region as an Assistant Executive OĜcer, Accounts. After a brief tenure, he joined the Nigerian Ports Authority in September 1960 just before Nigeria got its independence from Britain. His working life in the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) spanned between 1960 and 1982 it took him to the pinnacle of his career in 1975 as the General Manager and Chief Executive OĜcer. This was his position until he retired in December 1982 after meritorious service to his fatherland.. For about 22 years, he climbed the ladder of life in the NPA in different departments, and cities holding diěerent positions that groomed him to climb the highest oĜce in the organization. In his 22 years of meritorious service, the Nigerian Ports Authority grew into one of the highly developed parastatals in Nigeria. He was the prime mover of ideas to expand ports facilities in the country and he supervised the execution of gigantic ports development projects. For instance, the Tin Can Island Port was constructed in
a record time of ęfteen month! All these earned him the epithet “Mr Port” in the Nigerian Port Authority. A PAN AFRICANIST AND BUSINESS MOGUL As the elected Executive President of Africa Business Roundtable (ABR) since on December 11, 2001 in Johannesburg, South Africa he creditably leads an African association of businessmen and women. At the national level, he established a large and successful business empire. He has companies in agriculture and allied industries, manufacturing, domestic and international trading, marine transportation and oil services as well as estate development. PHILANTHROPHIST AND COMMUNITY LEADER He is a generous, philanthropist and a champion of the unfortunate and. the underprivileged. Because of his contributions to the development of the society, he is conferred with several traditional titles as an honour and recognition for his contributions. He is the Wakilin Ganye (1988), Asipa Bashorun of Ibadan (1995), Taędan Adamawa (1999), Adaidaha ke Eęk Eburutu and host of other traditional titles. He is also the recipient of over 50 Awards for his contributions in various endeavors including that of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON) in 2003. He is also a Director in several companies locally and internationally.
younger generation is carried along in the scheme of government; I am happy that Mr President called for the co-operation of all hands,” Tanko said. He said that it was time for a rebirth, devoid of ethnic, religious and political diěerences. Buhari, in his broadcast message, invited everyone whatever his or her political views to join him in working for the nation. He also said that he had no grudge with anyone on account of past events; emphasising that nobody should fear anything from him, rather people should only fear the consequences of their actions. Alhaji SheĴima Yerima, President, Arewa Youths Consultative Forum (AYCF), expressed satisfaction with Buhari’s call for help in
building the country. ``We are glad that the president has invited everyone to join hands with him in building the nation we desire. ``We have to continue to keep the ęre burning even in the midst of challenges, hoping that one day the situation will change for the better. ``Nigeria is our only country, our hope and pride, we must all be involved in building it, if we truly desire a change; that cannot be done through miracles,” Yerima said. The Lagos State Chairman of Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM), Chief Akin Badmus, said the president’s message neatly addressed the challenge of change in roughly 15 minutes. ``The president’s inde-
pendence anniversary address is sober and it addresses the challenge of change in roughly 15 minutes. ``It is a clear change, a shared responsibility, not a job for the president alone. ``We must all play our own part in our own liĴle corners and at whatever level we ęnd ourselves,” he urged. He added that: ``I particularly like the part that reads, `don’t fear me, fear the consequences of your action”. Besides, he said that the demand of responsibility was clear to discern in his speech. However, the National Chairman of People’s Redemption Party (PRP), Alhaji Balarabe Musa, expressed reservations on the president’s speech. According to him, the speech has nothing distinctive from the past posture of the last administration.
NCP, Balarabe tasks President Buhari on campaign promises
he National Conscience Party (NCP) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to ensure that he redeems his campaign promises to the people. Dr Yunusa Tanko, the National Chairman of NCP, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in an interview that the people were ready to hold him accountable for not fulęlling his promises. He, however, in his assessment said that the president’s broadcast message was straightforward and well understood. ``But I am of the opinion that the president should fulęl his party campaign promises to the people and work with it because the people would hold him accountable to what he promised. ``It is my hope that the
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Asset declaration: Saraki in the eye of the storm Continued from Page 15
Arewa Consultative Forum, Mohammed Abdulrahman have demanded the resignation of the Senate President. Famoriyo was quoted to have said, “Saraki shouldn’t wait till he is embarrassed completely. In the Western world and other civilized countries, once there is any doubt about one’s character, the next thing for one to do is resign. It is not a matter of whether it is a politically instigated case or a witchhunt. One would have to go and defend himself. He needs not get an injunction because that injunction is an abuse of the court process. Every time there is a problem, people would run to court to get an injunction and that slows down the process. “The fact that one asks for an injunction is already a sign of guilt. If one is not guilty, he should appear in court to defend himself,” he said. Abdulrahman also said, “I have told Saraki to step down since. In any civilised country, one doesn’t become that powerful to stall the democratic process, especially when it has got to do with representation.” Speaking in the same vein, the Deputy National Organising Secretary of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Campbell UmehNzekwe said Saraki was too controversial and unÀt to lead the Senate, urging him to step down and defend himself before the CCT. According to the APGA chieftain, Saraki had already started working against Buhari’s anti-corruption war, including his refusal to appear before the tribunal last Friday. He however condemned the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, Olisa Metuh, for defending Saraki, noting, that he was not surprised that Metuh could defend corruption having been accused by workers of the PDP of mismanaging N12bn
alongside other members of the PDP National Working Committee. When asked if Saraki’s case was a political witchhunt, Umeh-Nzekwe said the truth was that the CCT had just woken up to its responsibilities because Nigeria now has an anticorruption crusader as President. In a seeming face-saving move by the APC, the party’s Deputy National Publicity Secretary, Comrade Timi Frank has described those calling on the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, to resign as ignorant and myopic. It said that the purported resignation threat on the account of unproven allegations does not hold water. Frank spoke on the heels of a call for resignation by a body known as “Northern Ethnic Nationalities Unity Congress (NENUC)”, led by one Bako Benjamin. He stated that the body does not exist and “therefore cannot purportedly speak on behalf of northern youths as “you cannot put something on nothing”. “At best, NENUC is an impostor organisation hurriedly packaged to do a dirty job the behest of Saraki’s traducers, with the sole aim of assailing his towering image. “Where were they when Saraki was governor? Where were they when he was chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF)? Where were they when he blew the whistle on the fuel subsidy scam in the 7th Senate? Where were they when he contested and was elected Senate President? “Let failed politicians not seek to make political capital from this set up against Saraki called asset declaration trial.” “Their claim to have mobilized Nigerians to protest, should Saraki not heed their call to resign in three days, shows their level of desperation to deliver on the smear contract they have
been awarded. “Their ignorance of the law, that a man is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction, is also most profound. “Is the judiciary no longer the last hope of the people? Saraki had faulted the charges against him as being politically motivated. He had also gone to the Federal High Court to seek redress. “But those who are eager to get him out will do everything to stop the wheel of justice in this case, hence the warrant of arrest issued by the Code of Conduct Tribunal and the spurious calls for his resignation. “Why the hurry to try Saraki, when it is apparent that the Chairman of CCT, Danlandi Umar, himself swimming in a pool of corruption allegations, would rather disobey the orders of a superior court of record that ordered that all parties to the case should appear before it,” he stated. “The position of NENUC, even though does not represent the views of the people of North, are reminiscent of our dark past for which we pray never to return or experience in the annals of this country. “Let this amorphous association and its backers
know that we are in a democracy and not under a dictatorship as they would have wished. “They have threatened to protest which I doubt because it is diversionary, but should they attempt it, they will meet Nigerians on the streets who will match them words for words and action for action,” Timi Frank said. Some political analysts argued that Saraki’s situation was unimaginable coincidence, for the Attorney General to proͿer charges; 12 years after the alleged crimes were committed, “This invariably suggests a shameful vendetta against Saraki, who assumed the Senate presidency against the directive of his party; the APC. Coming after the DSS humiliation of former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuk; the development is a sad commentary on due process, in addition to being the shame of a nation. For, all things considered, neither the Àght against corruption nor that of purposeful leadership would be served; a tragedy Nigeria can do without.” Expectedly, the controversy has excited intense public recriminations, with many unanswered questions; not the least of which is the timing: why it took 12 years for the CCB to realize Saraki made
Look beyond independence celebration, lawmaker, don tell Nigerians
lawmaker in the Cross River State House of Assembly, Mr Hilary Bisong, has advised Nigerians to look beyond the 55th Independence anniversary celebrations and work together for the nation’s economic advancement. Bisong, who represents Boki II Constituency in the assembly, gave the advice in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Calabar. He described October 1 as the most important cele-
bration in the country’s history, adding that the day was remarkable because it marked the victory Nigeria’s pre-independence leaders achieved in 1960. ``It is noteworthy that Nigeria has remained great and stands united as one country in spite the challenges facing the nation. ``We must continue to unite and work together for the growth of this country,’’ he said. The lawmaker said that Nigeria’s independence in 1960 brought expansive
growth in human and infrastructure development, hence the need for the country to remain united. He congratulated Nigerians on the 55th independence celebration, saying that the nation had fared well in economic development. The legislator also called on all Nigerians to support the present administration in its determination to ęght corruption and security challenges. Dr Okpo Ojah, a lecturer at the University of Calabar,
in his contribution, urged Nigerians to be more commiĴed in the progress and growth of the country. Ojah said that in spite of the challenges facing the nation, Nigeria had continued to grow from strength to strength. Besides, the don called on leaders at all levels to be more patriotic and transparent in their leadership. He noted that if they provide good governance, crime and other illegal activities would be curbed in the country.
false assets declaration. According to political pundits, in timing, the charges are imprudent, almost puerile, in a way that advertises a certain pettiness at the highest level of Nigeria’s leadership. The publicity of APGA in Lagos State, Sanjo said, “Quite predictably, the APC and PDP has continued their war of attrition and slanging match with the APC discounting claims by the PDP that the ruling party is out to emasculate the legislature and install a dictatorship. “The Presidency has come out strongly to deny any involvement, saying the 13-count charge bordering on corruption and alleged false declaration of assets, levelled against Saraki is purely a judicial process. “On this score, the oce of the AGF which Àled the charges before the CCT, have a lot of explaining to do for Nigerians to believe that the charges are not politicallymotivated,” he listed. However this plays out, Nigerians see the action as being in bad faith and the standing view is that the action is punishment for Saraki’s violation of his party’s directives. But veering into the quagmire of political grandstanding holds the potential of eroding the high moral ground from which the President intends to Àght corruption. In the Àrst instance, the CCB’s action has unnecessarily engendered fault lines which put considerable strain on the relationship between the Senate and the Presidency. Another side of the expected face-oͿ is the division among Senators and likely disruption of Senate activities. Whichever way it goes again, the eluding truth is that the same humiliation though may take another shape or form should be expected in the House of Reps as Yakubu Dogara too must pay for also refusing to step down for Femi Gbajabiamila during the quest for the House leadership. He too is like Saraki, a deÀant and a rebel. The tragedy of Nigeria is that its leaders and politicians generally are yet to imbibe the essential attributes of the rule of law. For them, law is no more than a tool of fulÀlling their political dreams and aspirations. This is a serious aberration that reduces it to a respecter of persons, and gives way to an obnoxious philosophy, that makes public oce holders unquestionable and beyond reproach. The result is a pandemic of corruption. It is indeed a pity that Nigerians have merely watch in bewilderment as this malaise gather momentum, forgetting that the price they pay for this is good governance. Nigerians cannot aͿord to be guilty of conspiracy of silence, mute indiͿerence and cold complicity which their silence would suggest should they continue to ignore these humongous travesties of justice without a modicum of decorous protest.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
North Central Kogi govt lauds establishment of CEO Club in Nigeria Taiye Agbaje, Abuja
Chairman, Gamboru-Ngala Local Government Area, Alhaji Abdulrahman Abdulkarim (right), addressing the Internally Displaced Persons from his Area, who were taking refuge in a NEMA Camp in Fufore Local Government Area, Adamawa State, shortly before their evacuation by Borno Government to Maiduguri…yesterday.
Alleged financial recklessness: Suswam won’t go unpunished, says Ortom Adewale Giwa, Washington, DC
overnor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, has vowed not to allow his predecessor, Gabriel Suswam go scot-free over the allegation of Ànancial mismanagement that rocked his administration. Ortom, who accompanied President Muhammadu Buhari to the United Nations General Assembly in New York vowed to do everything possible to bring back all looted funds by the administration of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Besides, Governor Ortom said his amnesty programme initiated to pacify militants who willingly surrendered
weapons has been yielding results. Ortom is one of the governors who came with President Buhari to address United Nations General Assembly. He speciÀcally expressed happiness over the massive turnout of members of the militant group who had surrendered arms so far. “I will ensure that I bring back all the looted funds Suswam had spent recklessly into the state government purse. I had set up a judicial panel to verify the income and the expenditure of government since 2007. I have also set up another panel to verify the authenticity of contracts the past administration had awarded. “I made sure I paid all sala-
ries of civil servants the PDP administration failed to pay; we have been able to pay from May till date,” He stated. While explaining the poor state of insecurity he met Benue State, he blamed the past administration under Gabriel Suswam to have bought dangerous arms for the youths with the intention to win the last governorship election at all cost. He said: “I give glory to God for giving me the opportunity to serve my good people of Benue. Before my assumption in oce, we had security challenges like kidnapping, armed robbery and killings within the state. “The past administration wanted to win the election
at all cost; it bought arms for our youths. A lot of our youths were used to terrorize the state. When I came in, one of the things I did to restore peace was to use a carrot approach. “We made appeals. Now, I am overwhelmed with the way the militants are surrendering their weapons. When notorious leader, Terwase Akwaza, popularly known as Ghana who was terrorizing Benue and Taraba States was invited, he willingly surrendered his arms. Today, he is doing serious meeting with members of other militants who are yet to do so just to make sure they submit their weapons.”
Kogi Guber: I will ensure power shift – Audu Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
ogi state All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate for the November governor ship election Prince Abubakar Audu has declared that “power shift or rotation” would be realisable under his administration. The former governor gave the assurance at Kabba headquarters of the Western senatorial district when he formally introduced his running mate, Hon. James Abiodun Faleke, at an APC zonal rally on Thursday. He recalled the pains of marginalisation experienced by the people of former Kabba province both at Kwara and Benue
states and will therefore not wish its continuation in the present Kogi state. According to him, the Ebira, Okuns and the Igala who were all brothers from Kabba province were partitioned to Kwara and Benue states where they suffered the unfortunate discrimination and marginalisation.”No one will wish his brother that sort of experience again” The APC flag bearer however assured that as soon as his party takes over mantle of leadership in the state, the process of power shift or rotation would commence through consultations with all categories of stakeholders across the state to culminate in to a roundtable conference. “The state is
for all of us, we cannot afford to be left out in the scheme of affairs of the nation, we have to be united.” On the choice of his running mate, the APC candidate explained that Chief Faleke, an indigene who lives in Lagos has made waves in politics and business. He was local council Chairman in Lagos and now in his second term at the House of Representatives. Audu said the choice was not unilateral, but with due consultation with his people and party hierarchy: “He is young, dynamic, courageous, energetic and full of positive ideas and promising.” The former governor who boasted that he paid
workers their salaries during his tenure, challenged anybody who has a contrary view to prove him otherwise. He promised pensioners that all their rights denied by the present government would be promptly addressed. “I learnt the neglect by the present government has led to the death of many pensioners; we will address their issue with all seriousness.” The former governor who allayed the fears that APC government was coming to retrench workers, alleged that rather it was the PDP that has already prepared a list of workers to be retrenched due to its in ability to pay salaries.
he Kogi State Governor, Idris Wada, has said that the launching of a chapter of the Chief Executive Ocers (CEO) Club Network Worldwide in Nigeria would help to facilitate economic development in the country. Wada, who spoke at the launch of the chapter in Abuja, also noted that the presence of the club would go a long way in touching the lives of those living in the rural areas. Represented by his Director-General of Protocol, Suleiman Ibrahim, the governor expressed optimism that no sector of the economy would be left untouched by the club’s programmes. “The CEO Club has come to relate with new people. They are people who have potentials to invest and do new things in the lives of our people. They have the money and the companies. So, if the CEO Club is here
and they are willing to tap into the opportunities that abound in diͿerent states and sectors of our economy, I think our economy will grow Àne and more people will be engaged,” he said. Speaking, the founder, CEO Club Network Worldwide, Dr. Tariq Ahmed Nizami, said establishing the club in Nigeria would help to attract trillions of dollars into the economy. He assured that the club would open great opportunities for growing businesses, talents, amongst others, in the country. “What I can tell you is that with CEO Club here, it will attract trillions of dollars business investment in Nigeria because CEO Club has done excellently well in various sectors in diͿerent countries around the world . So, today in Abuja, Nigeria is connected with forty thousand other CEOs with large capabilities for investment as well as the experience and expertise,” he said.
Physically challenged express confidence in Buhari Gyang Bere, Jos
he physically challenged in Nigeria has expressed conÀdence in the All Progressive Congress (APC) and administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to provide sustainable peace in the country. The group also expressed optimism that President Buhari will initiate programmes that will boost the economy for sustainable development. Plateau State leader, Bulus Shanding, in a press statement in Jos, said the physically challenged look forward
to a better Nigeria, “we are happy that the present administration has a place for us to contribute our quota to develop Nigeria.” According to the statement, “Though we might be physically challenged, we are able minded and full of ideas to contribute to the growth of our economy.” He congratulated national and state leaders on the 55th Nigeria Independence anniversary and called for enduring peace, “as we all commemorate our national rebirth; we sue for unity of purpose, pray for enduring peace.”
Patigi indigenes appeal to Buhari for amenities Gyang Bere, Jos
he indigenes of Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State, yesterday, appealed to President Muhammadu Buhari to come to their aid by constructing roads and bridges in the area to boost socio-economic activities of the people. The group, under the aegis of Patigi Emirates Development Union, said that such infrastructure would also boost food production and distribution in Nigeria. In a statement signed by the National President of the group, Mr Umar Bologi, the people said the area had natu-
ral endowments to produce enough food for the country. “Despite having the capacity to feed the nation and contribute to its wealth, Patigi Local Government is practically cut oͿ from the entire country because of lack of roads and bridges. “The Federal Government should assist in constructing a bridge across the conÁuence of Rivers Niger and Kaduna as well as construct a road linking Patigi to Bida North and Ilorin West. “This will reduce the congestion of Bida-Mokwa road, Abuja-Lokoja road and thousands of lives lost through road accidents will be drastically reduced.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports Update
Chukwu wants Martins, Ogbeche back in Eagles
x-international, Christian Chukwu, has urged Nigeria coach Sunday Oliseh to recall Seattle Sounders’ striker Obafemi Martins and FC Cambuur forward Bartholomew Ogbeche. Martins announced his retirement from international football in December 2014 following his inability to get an invite to the national team under former coach Stephen Keshi, while Ogbeche who has scored four goals in his last two games for his
Dutch club fizzled out of the national team after the 2002 Fifa World Cup in South Korea and Japan. Both have been in good scoring form for their clubs lately and Chukwu believes their superlative form should not be ignored by coach Sunday Oliseh as they will solve the attacking worries of the Super Eagles. “Everything depends on the head coach though I believe that the Super Eagles is for
every Nigerian provided they are in a very good shape,” Chukwu told Goal. “Ogbeche and Martins are in the right form and I feel they should be invited to the national team. “Both players are tested and boast of experience that can improve the lot of Nigeria during international matches. “Also, they have the ability to convert chances that come their way, which is lacking now in the Super Eagles.”
Coach slams Ambrose for‘stupid mistake’
Nigeria names U-17 squad for pre-World Cup training
igeria has named a provisional squad of 25 players for a pre-U17 World Cup training camp in Argentina. The squad, led by skipper Kelechi Nwakali, departed Abuja on Thursday for Buenos Aires. In Buenos Aires, the Golden Eaglets are expected to play a couple of high grade
friendly matches against their Argentine U-17 counterparts and U-20 teams of either Racing or Boca Juniors. The Golden Eaglets in the meantime, rounded oě their preparations in Nigeria on a winning note after handing out a 1-0 and 3-1 defeats to Ace Football Academy and Kaduna Selected Team on Saturday and Tuesday respectively at the Abuja National
Kelechi Nwakali
Stadium. Four players will be dropped before they head oě to Chile. Nigeria is drawn in Group A in Santiago along with hosts Chile, USA and Croatia. The squad: Goalkeepers: Udoh Akpan, Benjamin Amos, Chiaha Chisom, Yunusa Abdullahi, Defenders: John Lazarus, Halilu Lukman, Tochukwu Okoli, Ibe Tobechukwu, Ejike Ikwu, Samuel Opeh, Michael Edidiong Ndochukwu Anumudu Midęelders: Kelechi Nwakali, Kingsley Michael, Taiwo Alimi, Joel Osikel, Agor Chukwudi, Chinedu Madueke Strikers: Victor Osimhen, Samuel Chukwueze, Ebere Osinachi, Orji Okonkwo, Gavi Thompson, Funsho Bamgboye, David Enogela
eltic manager manager, Ronny Deila has slammed Nigeria defender Efe Ambrose for his side’s 2-2 draw at home to Fenerbahce in a Europa League game. The angry manager tagged Efe Ambrose double errors which gifted Fenerbahce two goals as “stupid mistake” on Thursday. Ambrose, who has been recalled by Nigeria for two ęrendlies later this month against DR Congo and Cameroon, gave Fenerbahce a way back into the game with his wayward header being pounced on by Fernandao just before half-time. Fernando scored again after the restart to make it 2-2, once more capitalising on an Ambrose defensive blunder “I think we played well in the ęrst half, although we started a liĴle bit nervous, but after 10 and 15 minutes we were more comfortable on the ball,” began the Celtic boss. “We started to play and put in some crosses and created two very nice goals. “I think we had good control over them but, of course, we made a stupid mistake which happens in football, but y you get
CHAN Eagles face South Africa U23s Oct 13
igeria’s homebased Super Eagles will now take on South Africa U23 team on Tuesday, October 13, after the test game was moved by some days. AfricanFootball.com ęrst broke the story that South Africa U23s will take on the homebased Eagles who are preparing for a 2016 CHAN qualięer. Both the NFF and
SAFA have now ęnalised the game will be played on Tuesday, October 13 in Port Harcourt. The home-based Eagles are top open training camp on Monday, October 4, ahead of a CHAN qualięer against Burkina Faso in Port Harcourt. The match has been ęxed for October 18
Sunday Oliseh, Super Eagles Chief Coach
punished when you are in Europe. “We started the second half poorly and then they get 2-2 from a set play. “That is something we need to sort out, to get beĴer, for sure. “I am disappointed but happy with the eěort of
the team because we had a good chance to win the match.” Celtic fans will ęnd it hard to forgive Ambrose, who also gifted Juventus two goals when they knocked Celtic out of the Champions League two years ago.
Taraba govt agrees to pay FC Taraba players
he Taraba State Government has tabled an undertaken to the League Management Company (LMC) to pay players of FC Taraba salaries running to over 11 months. The LMC has warned Taraba will be docked six points if the government failed to pay the players. “We have an undertaken from the state government, who are the real owners of the club, that they will pay their players what is owed them,” said LMC chairman Shehu Dikko. “What is most crucial is that the players receive what they worked for and we are on track to making this possible.” Taraba are second from boĴom of the league table with 30 points from 31 matches, six points from safety with six rounds of
matches to be played till the end of the season. Most of the clubs in the Nigeria top-Ěight league have defaulted in the payment of salaries and other allowances because they are ęnanced by state governments, who have fallen on hard times and so could not even pay the salaries of their civil servants, needing a bailout from the Federal Government to now do so.
Tijani Babangida, Chairman, FC Taraba
Newswatch Times, Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sports Update Leke James excited over Celtic interest
igeria striker Leke James has told AfricanFootball. com the interest of ScoĴish giants Celtic in him has proved he has made progress in the game. The 22-year-old Aalesund striker said he has been scouted by the team, but nothing concrete has been decided yet. “It is true that Celtic want
Abeokuta agog as NBL golf tourney tees off
me, they scouted me, their scout was here to watch me, but nothing concrete yet,” James told AfricanFootball. com “I feel good and excited that a big club like Celtic have shown interest in me. It makes me feel that I am making progress in my career.” He has scored 10 goals in 24 league games this season.
Mark Ogagan
Dele Alli: Monaco draw feels like a loss
igerian-born England new invitee, Dele Alli has said he is disappointed that Tottenham Hotspur drew 1-1 at Monaco in a Europa League game. The 19-year-old
midfielder, who played the entire duration of the game, saw the draw as a loss to the EPL side. “It feels like a defeat,” he admitted. “It was a strong first half and maybe we should have seen the game out, finished a few more chances, but it wasn’t to be,” a disappointed Alli lamented. “Monaco are a good side, we knew what we had to do to win the game and we stuck to the game plan, but it wasn’t to be because they scored that late goal. “It shows how strong we are at the moment to come away to Monaco, draw 1-1 and for it to feel like a loss. Everyone is down and it’s important we pick ourselves up and take the positives from this game into the game at Swansea.”
Odah returns for Rangers after training ground bust-up
orward Marshall Odah has returned to the Rangers squad for Sunday’s league game after Abia Warriors after he was dropped for the home win against Kwara following a training ground bust-up. Marshall walked out on Rangers final training prior to the match against Kwara with permission from the coach and he was ordered to stay out till further notice.
His last game was against Wikki at home in early September during which he scored from the penalty spot in a 2-0 win only to suffer an injury, which kept him out for several weeks. The left-footed striker, who is a brother of Warri Wolves goalkeeper Okiemute Odah, has scored a total of 10 goals in all competitions this season – seven in the league and three in the Confederation Cup.
ll roads lead to Abeokuta for the third Nigerian Breweries annual Invitational golf tournament, which tees oě this morning at the prestigious Abeokuta Golf Course in Oke-Mosan, Ogun State. According to the organizers, about 120 players across the nation are expected to participate at the one day event, now in its third year in the ancient city. At a media brieęng held in Abeokuta on Wednesday, Captain of the Abeokuta Golf Club, Hon (Chief) Olabode Mustapha, who was represented by his deputy Dr. Modupe
Famuyiwa, disclosed that invitations were sent out to various clubs around the country and golf clubs are to present six players each for the competition. “We made this an Invitational tournament because we want to make it more prestigious. It’s essentially an event for amateurs, and our sponsors have provided us with various prizes ranging from electronic gadgets to plaques and trophies that will be at stake for winners,” he said. Famuyiwa revealed further that this third edition of the event is unique in he said every sense, stressing that the club
will continue to maintain its high standard as a golf destination course. “It is with great pride that I announce that the course here at Abeokuta Golf Club is becoming the destination as there is always someone new and interesting to play with. “Last year, at the annual Nigerian Breweries tournament, we did promise not to let the standard that we had set for this club fall, and I believe it is quite evident that we have upped our ante at this club. “Our gratitude goes to the Nigerian Breweries Plc for the continuous faith that they have in our club,
and the opportunity they keep giving us to bring golfers together here in the historic city of Abeokuta,” he added. He appealed to the Ogun State government to come into play and give adequate support to the sport, just as he lamented that the club has relied mostly on private sponsorship to get its tournaments going. Amongst the upcoming golf tournaments at the club this year is the Alake of Egbaland Coronation Pro-Am coming up in November, as well as the Chief Olusegun Obasanjo (OBJ) Pro-Am, scheduled for December.
FIFA U-17 W/Cup: Okpara urges Golden Eaglets to raise game
Ex- Super Eagles goalkeeper, Willy Okpara, on Friday urged the National U-17 team, the Golden Eaglets, to improve on their game during the FIFA U-17 World Cup to be hosted by Chile. The competition holds from Oct. 17 to Nov. 8 in Chile. Okpara told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Soweto, South Africa, that as the defending champions, every team’s ambition would be to defeat them. He said with adequate preparation, the Eaglets had potential to perform well in the tournament. “Being the defending champions, the Eaglets’ pride is at stake. They have to prove to the world that they are good and deserve to win the trophy. “I urge the team to put in more than 100 per
cent effort in all their games and I believe they will do well. “They should keep to their coaches’ instructions and avoid underrating their opponents. Every game should be taken with all the seriousness they deserve,” he said. Okpara, who is also the Team Manager of Orlando Pirates of Soweto, urged the Eaglets to strive to retain the trophy as it would improve the country’s rating in international football. “The players should realise that previous U-17 teams did the nation proud by winning the trophy. Such accomplishments can be repeated through determination and hard work. “I am optimistic of a good outing for the team, given their level of preparation. The handlers of the team are
Emmanuel Amuneke, Golden Eaglets Coach
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