Saturday 8th aug 2015 online

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


Agoro, lawmaker differ over proposed sack of Justice Oloyede Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


he former presidential candidate of National Action Council, Dr Olapade Agoro and a member of House of Representatives, Prince.Albert Abiodun Adeogun , have expressed divergent views on the proposed sack of Justice Aramide Folahanmi Oloyede of an Osogbo High Court, over her petition calling for the impeachment of Gov. Rauf Aregbesola and his deputy over alleged corruption and misappropriation of public funds. Agoro and Adegoun expressed their conĚicting views in their

releases made available to Newswatch Times yesterday. Adeogun, a legal practitioner and member of House of Representatives said that it was unreasonable to call for the sack or dismissal of the judge on the petition which she wrote against the governor and his deputy. The lawmaker from Osun East Federal constituency said ‘for her to be dismissed or sacked, the case must be referred to Judicial Service Commission. “She is not just a civil servant or permanent Secretary in Osun State but a Judge from the judiciary. She is from outside the state’s executive. If they have

anything against her, they have to refer to the NJC. It is beyond the power of the state’s executive to sack her,” he added. However, Olapade Agoro who is also hails from Osun State described the judge as a ‘cancer’ which he argued should be removed from the state judiciary. “The safest and quickest known means and ways of killing a cancerous cell before it kills the entire body system is to apply poison to kill it. Not minding the timely and wisdom laden dismissal by the Osun State House of Assembly of Justice Folahanmi Oloyede’s reckless, obnoxious

and irresponsible petition seeking the impeachment of the State Governor Ogbeni Rauf, the fact must be faced that Judge Folahanmi Oloyede is a terrible cancer in the body system of justice dispensation not only in Osun State but the entire nation that must be timely expunged before further damages are done,” the statement stated. It added; “It behoves that in the interest of justice and commonsense it becomes pertinent the Speaker, Osun State House of Assembly within the next seven days kick start the process of sending Justice Oloyede out of Osun State judiciary.”

South West Court remands man over alleged defilement of 12-year-old sister-in-law


28-year-old man, Azeez Abdullahi who allegedly deÀled hiV 2-year-old ViVWer-in-law name wiWhheld , waV yeVWerday remanded in SriVon FuVWody by an AbeoNuWa &hieI 0agiVWraWe &ourW 7he &hieI 0agiVWraWe, 0r AnWhony Araba, ordered WhaW Whe aFFuVed be remanded aW Whe 2ba 3riVonV, AbeoNuWa, pending legal advice from Whe 2΀ce of Whe 'irecWor of 3ublic 3roVecuWionV '33 in 2gun 6WaWe 0r %abaWunde 2mirin, counVel for Whe accuVed, had earlier applied for Whe bail of hiV clienW on liberal WermV 2mirin aVVured Whe

Firm denies property grabbing in Ogun Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


L-R: New Head of Lagos Directorate, News Agency of Nigeria, Mr. Joe Bankole; Director and Head of Marketing, Mrs. Kate Popoola; former Head of Lagos Directorate, Mr. Jide Adebayo and his wife, Mrs. Ifelodun Adebayo, at a send forth party organized for Adebayo by NAN in Lagos…yesterday. Photo: NAN

Drug exporters caution govt over tariffs on life-saving drugs indicates that patients that Chioma Umeha


harmaceutical manufacturers, under the aegis of Association of Nigerian Representatives of Overseas Pharmaceutical M a n u f a c t u r e r s (NIROPHARM) have called on the Federal Government to maintain £ero tariěs on certain imported drugs, insisting that this will ensure more aěordable drugs for patients with chronic diseases. Stating this in Lagos, were members of the association, who tasked government to renew its commitment to improving the wellbeing of Nigerians and to stand ęrm in upholding Economic for West African States’ (ECOWAS) Common

External Tariě (CET) which it is a signatory. The President of the association, Lekan Asuni, said the call was also germane in ensuring that input into local pharmaceutical manufacturing, such as raw materials and packaging is alloĴed zero per cent importation tariě. He faulted the recent calls on government by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Group of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMGMAN) to adjust tax of 20 per cent on certain imported ęnished pharmaceutical products. According to him, PMGMAN’s push was a good omen for the Nigerian government, but he argued that if the

suggestion is adopted, it would unleash an untold hardship on patients who are the end purchasers and users of the medicines. Asuni explained that pharmaceutical products that are life-saving medicines that are used in treating diseases such as cancer, asthma, heart and kidney diseases, and others should continuously enjoy zero per cent. He also raised the alarm that these diseases were on the increase in the country; hence it requires continuous government’s support to curtail them. The president reiterated that the drugs for the treatment of these ailments were presently not locally produced; stressing that removal of taxes on the products

require them will spend less to get them. This is a welcome development and relief, especially in the present economic challenges in Nigeria, he said. “Some critical and lifesaving medicines such as insulin and vaccines have to be imported as no local manufacturer has the requisite technology to manufacture them. Access to essential medicines is crucial to the wellbeing of Nigerians; therefore, it is important for the government not to give in to blackmail nor be pushed into supporting anti-people policies that will lead to higher prices of medicines, as this will put the health of Nigerians in jeopardy and encourage medical tourism,” Asuni said.

courW WhaW hiV clienW would noW Mump bail, if granWed 7he proVecuWor, ,nVp 6unday (igbeMiale, Wold Whe courW WhaW Whe accuVed commiWWed Whe oͿence VomeWime in 0ay aW , 2mowe 6W , 6araNi, Adigbe in AbeoNuWa (igbeMiale Vaid WhaW Whe accuVed had unlawful carnal Nnowledge of hiV 2-year-old ViVWer-in-law +e Vaid WhaW Whe oͿence commiWWed by Whe accuVed conWravened 6ecWion 2 8 of Whe &riminal /awV 9ol , of 2gun 6WaWe, 2 7he plea of Whe accuVed waV noW WaNen by Whe courW Araba, When adMourned Whe caVe Wo 6epWember , for hearing

a n a g i n g Director/CEO of Owoeye Company, Chief Mutairu Owoeye, has denied the allegation that his Firm was involved in property grabbing, particularly in West Senatorial District in Ogun State. Chief Owoeye stated this while reacting to allegations from some uarters that the ęrm had deprived some people of their property. He told journalists in his oĜce at Sango, Ado-Odo/Ota local government area yesterday that such allegation could not be true particularly in the present day when rule of law reigns supreme. Exonerating his Firm from illegal acquisition of landed property, Chief Owoeye noted that his ęrm had not at anytime worked on any property without appropriate legal documents. He disclosed that the company has made it a maĴer of policy to be furnished with all

necessary documents, particularly court’s judgement by its clients before taking up contract and embarking on surveying and partitioning of such property. “We have never been involved in any crooked dealings since the ęrm berthed, because before we even accept a contract from any client, we ask for documents of ownership. It is a prerequisite to accept working for any client because we don’t want to get involved in any litigation mess. So, in most cases, we are armed with court judgements before moving to site to avoid face-oě. It is on record we are law-abiding that’s why we are still in operation after decades of operation,” he said. He dismissed the allegations as spurious, saying ‘those who are making such accusations couldn’t be serious because it is a known fact in our country today that the rule of law is respected and they know the right thing to do.’

NNPC redeploys Komolafe as GGM, Special Duties


Clement Nwoji, Abuja

he Nigerian N a t i o n a l Pe t r o l e u m Corporation (NNPC) has redeployed Mr. Gbenga Olu Komolafe as the Group General Manager, Special Duties. The redeployment was announced yesterday through a release by the Group General Manager, Group Public Aěairs of the NNPC, Ohi Alegbe.

Until his appointment, Mr. Komolafe was the Group General Manager, Crude Oil Marketing Division of the Corporation. According to the statement, “The most senior General Manager in the Crude Oil Marketing Division, Mr. Musa Yola Usman, has been directed to function as the Group General Manager in acting capacity.”

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

South South

MOSOP, APC, others laud FG’s fast-track implementation of UNEP report in Ogoniland Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


he Movement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP) in Rivers State has commended the fasttrack action of President Muhammadu Buhari on the implementation of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) report in Ogoniland. President of MOSOP, Mr. Lebgorsi, in a chat with newsmen in Port Harcourt, described the gesture of the Federal Government under President Muhammadu Buhari as a very welcome development, even as the people of Ogoni still awaited

the formal letter on the announced plan for the cleanup of the land polluted by oil exploration and exploitation activities. “I think for us it is a very welcome development. From our own end we still await the formal letter about what has been announced,” MOSOP President said. On some issues not speciÀed in the announcement such as the Ogoniland Environmental Restoration Authority, Mr. Legborsi said: “There were two options. We already have a HYPREP (Hydrocarbon Pollution Restoration Project) that was created. As you know the Ogonis have been de-

manding for the scraping of HYPREP and within that given demand we also had a plan B. If you are not determined to scraping HYPREP, we demanded for the creation of an autonomous unit within HYPREP called the Ogoni Environmental Restoration Programme Unit. “I think the proposal has also been accepted and that is why I said we are still awaiting the details of what was announced. May be everything was not captured in the announcement but what we agreed on is if you are not scraping HYPREP then you must create a separate unit within HYPREP

called Ogoni Restoration Project Unit to handle locally the Ogoni restoration beat,” he said. Also defending the Federal Government on the $10million put down as against the $1billion recommended by UNEP, MOSOP President stated that the money was just a set up fund. “I think the issue of $10million dollars was just for the fund to be set up, there is no trust fund existing. The fund is supposed to be used to set up the trust fund and to do preliminary work around the trust fund before the contributing agencies will now put money into the trust fund.



Gov Ayade attracts tractor manufacturing plant to Cross River … To build 5000 homes for poor, unemployed Sylvester Idowu, Asaba


ross River State Governor, Senator Ben Ayade trade mission to the Republic of Ireland has started to yield fruits with a tractor manufacturing company expressing willingness to set up plant in the state. Ayade, who spent the ęrst day of his visit between Dublin and Monaghan listening to presentations from various Irish investors and businesses, was particularly excited by the presentation from the chairman of Aěordable Building Concepts Limited, Redmond Cullinane. Cullinane informed the governor and his entourage, including Nigeria’s Ambassador to Ireland and Iceland, H.E Bolere Ketebu, that his ęrm can build a home in just one day and half. The system used in constructing the homes, which he calls oě site, is expected to “increase ten fold in 2020 with this type of system making up over 50 percent

of the current construction.” He said the system is the quickest way of fulęlling modern housing needs at a more competitive cost which still ensures good and modern building standards. The Governor revealed that his administration would adopt the system to build 5000 homes for the poor and unemployed. Catering for this class of people, he said, was the most compelling reason why he is in public oĜce. He inspected prototypes of the homes at the company’s warehouse in Monaghan. The governor however, demanded that given the number of homes his government is willing to build, the ęrm should consider siting its manufacturing plant in the state. The governor also announced that the state was willing and ready to partner with an Irish Dairy to establish an Ice cream making factory in the state.

CRPP hails moves by Edo for World Bank loan ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin

T Cross River State Governor, Senator Ben Ayade, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Ireland and Iceland, H.E Bolere Ketebu and Desmond Cullinane inspecting the affordable homes at Monaghan, Ireland yesterday

BEDC debunks disconnecting Police over N151m debt ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


he Benin Electricity Distribution Company, BEDC has denied reports that it disconnected the Edo State Police Command due to debts running to the tune of over N151 million. The company’s image maker, Mr Curtis Nwadei stated this during an interactive session with journalists in his o΀ce at the weekend. Nwadei, disclosed that the Command is indebted to the power distribution company to the tune of N151 million, but the current blackout which affected the Area Command,

Adesuwa Police Station and Zone 5 was as a result of a fault on the transformer that supplies power to the Command, and vandalization of the other one. “The Edo State Police Command is not disconnected. What happened was that the transformer feeding them is bad, and because of the debt, we can’t raise money to repair or replace any transformer. The Command alone is owing us N48, 392, 675million. We invested in the place but we are not getting anything in return”. “We visited the Commissioner of Police over the issue, and informed him about our predicament that we don’t have the money

to repair the transformer. You can go and look at the transformer yourself to verify whether we really disconnected them”, he stated. He stated that Zone 5 Command was also a debtor: “At Zone 5 too, the transformer was vandalized, the Zone alone and the barracks is owing N103, 000,000. You can imagine what it’s like working for a place where we don’t get anything in return. How do you want us to pay salaries, maintain vehicles when we are so heavily indebted? We buy this energy and we pay the supplier of energy”. Nwadei statedthat though they have not dis-

connected the command, plans were on ground to disconnect the barracks: “we can disconnect the barracks because the police high command had made it clear that those living in the barracks should pay their bills”. In his earlier reaction, the Public Relations OfÀcer of the Edo State Police Command, DSP Stephen Onwuche appealed to the BEDC to repair the transformer since the two companies work as a team: “They said the transformer serving this headquarters and Area Command is bad and we have made efforts to reach out to BEDC and we are still talking approaching 8 months.

he Coalition of Registered Political Parties (CRPP), has thrown its weight behind the Edo state government to seek loan from the World Bank. The Edo State chapter of the group stated yesterday in Benin that its support for the move was because the loan would help in the execution of laudable and people oriented projects in the state. It would be recalled that President Muhammadu Buhari has written to the Senate to approve the sum of N14.7billion sought by the state for infrastructures development. CRPP, in a statement in Benin yesterday and signed by Dr. Samson Isibor, said

if the loan was approved by the World Bank, the state Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole would judiciously utilise the fund to better the lots of the people of the state as he had done in the past. “The coalition therefore appreciates and supports the Comrade Governor for seeking the loan from the Worlds Bank to execute laudable and people oriented projects. Since his assumption of o΀ce about seven years ago, he has executed an uncountable numbers of developmental projects such as road networks in rural and urban centres, the on-going modern Central Hospital in Benin, schools among others”, it said.

Ogoni clean up: Buhari, not hater of N/Delta – APC

Paschal Njoku, Abuja


equel to his approval of several actions to fast-track the long delayed implementation of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) aimed at cleaning up oil spillage in Ogoni land and other parts of the Niger Delta, the Rivers state chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC), yesterday said President Muhammadu Buhari is a better son of the Niger Delta

region than former President Goodluck Jonathan and Governor Nyesom Wike. In a statement signed by Rivers state APC chairman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, and made available to Newswatch Times said “by the approval of President Buhari, though not from the region, he has proved to be a better son of Rivers state and the Niger Delta than immediate past President Goodluck Jonathan, and Rivers state Governor Nyesom Wike.


Newswatch Times Saturday, August 8, 2015

South East

Enugu moves to recover Chimarokes’property ceded to FG Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


he Enugu state government has announced its intention to initiate actions toward recovering all property allegedly acquired illegally by the former governor of the state, Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani, which a federal high court ceded to federal government. Subsequently, the State Executive Council (SEC) has approved the appointment of a law Àrm to engage the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the Federal Government with a view to ensuring that the property forfeited to the federal government by a recent order of the federal high court on July 8, 2015 are returned to the state government. The State Commission-

er for Information, Dr. Godwin Udeuhele gave the hint in a press brieÀng at the end of the council’s meeting presided over by Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi at the Government House, Enugu. The commissioner noted that the property in question belong to the following companies: Renaissance University Teaching Hospital, Ceuna Communication Limited (Cosmo FM), Capital City Automobiles Nigeria Limited and Rainbownet Limited. The State’s Information boss accompanied who was Áanked at the press brieÀng by Ministry of Works and Infrastructure counterpart, Engr Patrick Ikpenwa as well as the State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Chief Miletus E. Eze with the

Special Adviser to the governor on Special Duties and Inter-Ministerial Matters, Hon Mrs. Mabel Chinwe Agbo noted that the approval was in response to the Memorandum presented by the State Commissioner for Justice and the Attorney General, Chief Miletus E. Eze requesting for the approval.. He said the council also approved the release of the sum of N216 million to Arab Contractors Nigeria Limited for the provision of electricity, water and other ancillary works at the new State Secretariat complex while the approval was sequel to a memo from the State Honourable Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Engr Patrick Ikpenwa. The council approved to sponsor an Executive

Bill for the domestication of the Child Rights Act (2003) into law, sequel to a memo presented to it by the State Commissioner for Gender AͿairs and Social Development, Hon Princess Peace Nnaji. The council further approved the revalidation of the Executive approval, memo (2013) 47 which earlier approved the development of Oil Truck Parks in Enugu Metropolis, 9th Mile Corner, Obollo-AͿor, Four Corners and Ugwuoba to enable government provide a parking space for oil tankers, generate revenue and employment . This was sequel to a memo from the Special Adviser to the governor of the state on Special Duties and Inter-Ministerial Matters, Hon Mrs. Mabel Chinwe Agbo.

News Ex-Niger Delta militants resolve to fight for common objective Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


x-Niger Delta militants in the oil producing areas of Ohaji Egbema and Oguta Local Government Areas of Imo State yesterday in Owerri, resolved to unite all youths in the areas for purposes of demanding for their rights in all Federal and state establishments. The group warned politicians to desist from causing disaͿection among the youths in the area and vowed to resist any attempt to stop them from getting their rights. The Ex-militants made this declaration after a meeting of stakeholders in Owerri attended by well over 200 youth leaders across the oil producing areas, the convener and National leader, Orashi Camp of ex-agitator/ BOT, Prince Emeka Igwe, the youth leaders disclosed that

they had agreed that they would form common front in demanding their rights. “We have resolved to work together to get all our rights from every Federal and state government agencies like NDDC, ISOPADEC,” adding that before now they had agitated for these rights in disunited front. The meeting which was attended by President, Imo Youth Council, Comrade JeͿ Nwaoha, NDYM Chairman, Comrade Chigozie Ohiri, ISOPADEC Chairman,Oguta, Comrade Fatai Nwanwa, ISOPADEC Youth, Ohaji/Egbema, Comrade Nwulu John, president, Izombe Central Youth, Hon. Dennis Nwachukwu among others, resolved that there was no need to Àght each other when their rights were been trampled upon, adding that they must reconcile themselves and chart a way forward.

Shun pension verification exercise, NUP urged Imo pensioners Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


Abia state Governor, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu receiving an address from Most Rev Sunday Agwu when he led a delegation of the Inter denominational committee on the return of schools in Abia state recently. Photo; Ibeabuchi Abarikwu

‘Shoot vandals of electricity installations at sight’– Umahi urges security agents Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki


he Ebonyi state Governor, Chief David Umahi has directed security agents to shoot vandals of electricity installations at sight. He gave the directive in Abakaliki, yesterday during the commissioning of AbakalikiEnugu express way street light project saying that his administration was committed to making life easy for the residents of the state..

He assured that armed security men would be deployed to guard each of the installation site of facilities such as the generators and transformers. “If you tamper with it, you will be shot and we will have contract supervisors to supervise the transformers.” The governor dispelled the rumour that he is renovating the Governor’s lodge at the cost of over N350 million saying renovating the lodge will not consume such a huge sum

as the government has spent only N16million so far on it. He stated that it was the wish of the government to see that all the street light projects were completed but noted that some contractors handling them were not cooperating with the government. “There are some of the projects that we awarded and the cost is such that we can no longer pay. You know what the economy is now; probably they were awarded when

the economy was much better. “Right now, you know the price of oil is going down day by day and we asked these Contractors, who were highly mobilized to complete the job so that we can arrange how to pay them instalmentally but many of them are not willing to do that.” He stressed that the government will terminate the contracts of any Contractors not willing to carry out a quality job.

he Imo chapter of Nigerian Union of Pensioners (NUP) has urged pensioners in the state to disregard directive by the state government for pensioners to appear for veriÀcation exercise. The chairman, NUP, Imo State, Chief, Gideon Ezeji, gave the directive yesterday in Owerri following the state government’s directive announcement on the stateowned radio directing pensioners to appear for veriÀcation exercise. According to Ezeji, ``the position of NUP is that government must pay pensioners three months out of the backlog of arrears of pension owed retirees to enable them transport themselves to the venues of veriÀcation exercise, if necessary’’. It will be recalled that NUP had earlier issued 14 days notice to the state government to pay pensioners before the announcement on the veriÀcation exercise. ``With the expiration of the 14 days notice on July 30, the union issued another 7 days notice beginning from Aug.3’’, adding ``if nothing happens at the end we will be forced to call out pensioners for peaceful demonstration’’. He noted that NUP is not against pension veriÀcation,

but observed that the rate at which government was conducting such exercise was getting too much. ``In 2011, the state conducted pension veriÀcation exercise another veriÀcation exercise was carried out in the year 2013, and we taught after these veriÀcations that there would be solutions on lingering pension arrears and gratuities. ``Yet, the situation had remained the same. As at the end of July, 2015 the civil pensioners are owed six of their pensions, local government pensioners owed seven months, and the worst hit group retired primary school teachers owed 19 months’’, he stated. The NUP state chairman also named pensioners of Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education and Imo State Polytechnic, Umuangwo as other groups of retirees as been owed. He said the excruciating agony pensioners were passing through made the union to send a `save our souls’ mail to Gov. Rochas Okorocha on the matter. ``Regrettably, rather than meet with the union, what we heard was that government and organized labour had agreed for the arrears of pension owed pensioners to be spread to 36 months and that pensioners should be veriÀed.


Newswatch Times Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015


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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015



War on corruption: Buhari walks the talk, shakes NNPC Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


egular supply of electricity and petroleum products are two key issues that are very important for the growth and development of any nation and the survival of its citizenry. The Àrst is tied to domestic and industrial use while the latter drives transportation and the industrial sector. Therefore, disruption in the supply or scarcity these products due mismanagement or corruption usually bring about untold hardship to end users. Nigerians over the years have borne the brunt of irregular electricity supply and acute scarcity of petroleum products. It has been sad tales all through the years and the negative multiplier eͿect on the economy can only be imagined. Indeed, it has been very tough for Nigerians! Successive governments had given several untenable reasons on why we are where we are and no signiÀcant proactive measures were proͿered to turn things around. Hence, Nigerians yearned for total shake-ups in both sectors. Hence, the citizenry on learning of a major shakeup in the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) with the replacement of Dr. Joseph Thlama Dawha with Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu went into jubilation with the belief that the new man at the helm of aͿairs can never be worse. The feelings of hysteria must have been informed by the constant inexcusable change of pump price, product scarcity, corruption in NNPC, though the last administration headed by Dr. Goodluck Jonathan made feeble attempt towards the end of his tenure to investigate the ills in the corporation by allowing the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) to move in. However, by somehow insinuating that Jonathan’s move was too weak to reposition the economy via oil products and management, President Muhammadu Buhari took painstaking and meticulous decision by appointing the Delta State-born Kachikwu as well as giving him brief on what to do revive the corporation’s image which will in no small measure uplift the image of the Buhari whom Nigerians have hitherto refer to as “Baba go slow.” It would be recalled that war on corruption was the selling point of Buhari’s electoral campaign. His zero tolerance for indiscipline and corruption as a former military head of state played a signiÀcant role in his victory

at the polls. Thus, appointment a replacement at NNPC was long expected. The only apprehension that may arise has to do the capability of the new man for the job. This shakeup was long demanded not only by the masses, but also by other inÁuential Nigerians including governor of Kaduna State, Mallam ElRufai who at a function in honour of Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka called for major overhauling of the oil agency. While speaking at the 7th Wole Soyinka Centre Media Lecture Series, Rufai lambasted the national oil Àrm for being run like a parallel government and urged the administration of Buhari to practically “kill” the corporation and set up another national oil Àrm to checkmate NNPC. He believes that the present NNPC will kill Nigeria if it was allowed to continue in operation. “If you don’t kill the NNPC, it will kill Nigeria,” el-Rufai said. He explained that the NNPC is riddled with corruption and until it is destroyed completely and rebuilt from the scratch, there will be no headway for Nigeria. He argued that with his experience as a former Director-General of the Bureau of Public Enterprise, it was possible to destroy a bad organisation and turn it into a good Àrm because Nigeria’s collective wealth was being feasted on by the less than 1,000 employees of the corporation and alleged that NNPC only remitted 42 per cent of what it ought to remit to the Federal Government for about three years. The governor while using statistics to defend his position said in 2014, the Nigeria produced an average of about 2.2 million barrels of crude oil per day, while it imported most of its daily consumption of 43.5 million litres of reÀned petroleum products. He noted that the reliance on imports of reÀned products led to unsustainable expenses on questionable subsidy payments, exempliÀed by the $8.99bn spent in the 18 months between January 2012 and June 2013. According to him, “About N971bn was budgeted for subsidy payments in 2014 alone (more than twice that was eventually paid). You all recall how trillions of naira was paid out as oil subsidy in 2011, when only N254bn was appropriated. No one has been successfully prosecuted for this scam. Huge deÀcits in gas supply have ensured that the country’s thermal plants cannot produce power at optimal levels. “In the eight years leading up to 2014, joint venture production declined by 50.4 per cent. Some 100,000 barrels per day, about Àve per cent of total production, is estimated to be lost to organised theft. And we



all dread the ease and rapidity with which supply shortages lead to endless queues, widespread panic and mortal consequences for the many victims of tanker accidents. “The long and short of the situation of our oil industry is best exempliÀed by the parallel government called the NNPC. In 2012, it sold N2.77tn of ‘domestic’ crude oil, but paid only N1.66tn to the Federation Account. In 2013, it earned N2.66tn, but paid N1.56tn to FAAC; in 2014, it earned N2.64tn, but remitted N1.44tn; while between January and May 2015, it earned N733.36bn and remitted only N473.2bn,” he expressed. He pointed, “That means that the NNPC only remitted about 58 per cent of the monies earned between 2012 and the Àrst half of 2015. A company with the audacity to retain 42 per cent of a country’s money has become a veritable parallel republic!” He however suggested “a Àxation with public ownership and control of every major oil asset, the corruption and distortion that oil subsidy is inÁicting on our economy, and the NNPC in its current form is not in our collective national interest,” as a way out. The governor said, “An e΀cient



and productive oil sector, able to create jobs, spur industrialisation and earn more revenues, requires that we tackle the monster that the NNPC has become. This country can no longer aͿord to maintain an NNPC that arrogantly, unlawfully and unconstitutionally spends an unhealthy proportion of national oil earnings on itself. “We should replace the NNPC with brand new organisations that are Àt for purpose, among others, a commercialised and corporatized national oil company, and new industry regulators. This new national oil company should be capitalised once and for all, and then freed to fend for itself like other national oil companies do, seeking its Ànancing independently from the Ànancial markets and paying due taxes and royalties,” he suggested further. Noting in the same vein in its report, an international agency, the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), while casting a pitiable look on the nation, once alleged that the NNPC failed to remit $12.3 billion (N2.5 trillion) crude oil proceeds into the Federation Account for 10 years. NRGI which monitors the oil and Continued on Page 49


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


Kogi Guber: My chances are high - Ugbane As aspirants jostle for the governorship race in Kogi State, a leading contender, Sen. Nicholas Ugbane says he is not intimidated by his opponents because of his experience as a two-time senator and former commissioner in the state which places him above them. The eloquent All Progressives Congress (APC) aspirant spoke on his ambition, programmes for the state and other sundry issues. Correspondent, Ademu Idakwo reports. Excerpts: Now that a date has been set for the governorship primaries, what is your campaign team doing to outsmart your opponents in the APC? I have gone through about 75 per cent local government areas in the state and in so doing I have been able to meet with all the party executives in the 21 local government areas. I have been able to meet with the party chairman at the local level, the ward chairmen, women leader,

secretary and the youth leaders and wherever I went, the message was clear. The message was hinged on what I would do for them if I become the Governor of Kogi State by the grace of God which was received with rapt attention and with all seriousness. They are hoping that I will emerge victorious at the end of the primary elections. May we know why you chose to contest for the race? Thank you very much. This is not the Àrst time I have come


out. In 2011, I contested for governorship of Kogi State on the ticket of PDP. It was on the eve of the primary that we had subterranean inÁuence. Subterranean inÁuence in the sense that where a level playing Àeld was created and then something extraneous emerges somewhere to altar the equation, then you regard such emergence as subterranean and because of that, I had to withdraw voluntarily from going into that primary because it

was no longer free and fair. This time around, the same thing that prompted me to come out in 2011, that innate desire to serve the people of Kogi state, to oͿer my services to the people of Kogi state, to do things that will improve their lot, to do things that will give them sense of belonging and make them feel that yes, they are from Kogi state. I will do those things that will improve and help the state in terms of infrastructural and, socioeconomic development etc. So, those burning desires have always remained in me and I now want to actualise them for the people. You have worked in education, commerce, agriculture and youth development as a commissioner, which area would you want to focus on if given opportunity to govern the state? Let me pick it up from when I was the commissioner for education. I was the foundation commissioner that established the state university, got the VC in position and the Àrst set of admissions and so on. I’m happy today that the institution is growing and waxing stronger. Now, if I become the governor, Continued on Page 49

X-raying wage bill controversy in Benue Godwin Akor, Makurdi


ast week, a People’s Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain in Benue State, Godwin Ayihe, recalled before journalists that Governor Samuel Ortom had told the entire citizenry that the monthly wage bill of workers had increased from N2.7 billion to N3.7 billion, though without any justiÀcation for the claimed increase. According to Ayihe, Ortom allegedly obtained N10billion bank loan to pay salaries and xplained that the governor also claimed to have spent N7billion on salaries and pensions for May and June 2015 and wondered why July salary couldn’t be settled with the federal government’s May and June allocations. Even as Ortom had explained that the balance of N3 billion from the N10 billion loan would be used for other projects and programmes, his Media Adviser, Tahav Agerzua conÀrmed the sudden increase of the state’s wage bill from N2.7 billion to N3.7 billion and assured, “there has been resumption of payment of full salaries and overheads in the state”. He also explained that ,“the

past administration had eͿected deductions from salaries of civil servants for several months”. Overheads, he said, were also not paid to ministries, departments and agencies for months. Agerzua therefore, added that the increase was as a result of Governor Samuel Ortom’s commencement of the payment of full salaries and overheads in May and continued in June. According to him, these developments made it impossible for the Àgure to remain at N2.7 billion. He maintained that Governor Ortom had expressed discomfort with the current wage bill and directed a staͿ audit which was going on. “We wish to assure the people of the state that their Ànances are in safe hands and would be deployed to judicious use”, Agerzua declared. His explanation was timely, but not as appropriate since he did not give details of what was being done with federal allocations for the months of May and June, 2015. It would however appear that Governor Ortom gave this explanation when he told journalists that the allocations would be added to the LNLG fund so that July salaries would be paid.


Perhaps, what the state Publicity Secretary of the PDP, Godwin Ayihe, wanted to know indirectly was the blow-byblow account of the income and expenditure of government since Governor Ortom had said that no kobo of the people would be diverted by his administration and that if anybody chops money, money would chop that person. He had said anyone who escapes with looted money would be apprehended by President Muhammadu Buhari in Abuja. Ayihe may have spoken the

minds of Benue people because it takes courage and a lot of frugality for anyone to run a corrupt-free government in Nigeria. As Ayihe voices out his protest on the N10 billion loan and monthly allocations to the state, the Ortom administration should know that the same Ayihe who did not insist that the immediate past governor of the state, Gabriel Suswam, must give details of income and expenditure because they did not declare Àght against corruption, would certainly ask questions about how the supplementary budget of N12.9 billion would be managed by the Ortom administration. Silently, the same Ayihe or simply put, the same Benue people, may want to know how the N5 billion loan for counterpart funding of donor agencies’ programmes and projects would be utilized. This is because in the past, donor agencies stopped their projects and programmes in Benue because of lack of funding on the part of the state government. Apart from the N5 billion loan, members of the public are likely to ask questions about internally generated revenue in Benue state. This is because during the Continued on Page 50

Saturday, August 8, 2015

No panic! ... Agu says Super Eagles ’ll soar over Tanzania in the Nations Cup qualifier in Dare Salem

Premier League: LMC orders FC Taraba to pay or risk points’ deduction >>Pg.18

Chelsea ready for Swansea’s challenge >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Sharks remain formidable – Allen


harks coach, Festus Allen, says his aim is to help the club avoid relegation in the ongoing 2014/15 NPFL

league. The Port Harcourt based club resumed the second stanza of the Nigeria Professional Football League with a

2-1 victory over Warri Wolves on Sunday, and the former Shooting Stars coach has insisted that their last weekend victory will boost their

conędence when they face Sunshine in the midweek ęxture. “We want to end up on a good note and relegation is certainly out of our books,” said Allen after Sharks beat title-chasing 2-1 at home on Sunday. “We will take this form to our next game against Sunshine Stars.” Allen said that his side would have beaten Sharks with a wider margin but for his side’s poor ęnishing. “The scores were not the reĚection of the game because we should have won by a bigger margin, but we lost several chances,” said Allen. Meanwhile, Warri Wolves coach, Paul Aigbogun believes his team lost the game in the ęrst 45 minutes of the game. Kufre Ebong, who has been sidelined by injury, was introduced to the fray to pull a goal back for the visiting Wolves.

that where a club fails to pay remuneration or entitlements due to players for a period of more than sixty days, such club shall be liable to deduction of six points and a further three points for every 30 days for which the amount due remains unpaid. This will be the second

will move to exercise Summary Jurisdiction in a case of failure to meet ęnancial obligation as a similar notice of summary jurisdiction was issued Dolphins of Port Harcourt before the mid-season break. This provision in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) 2014/15 Rules and Framework is the mechanism to ensure that Clubs met their obligations to players with emphasis on remunerations. If FC Taraba does not do anything to avert the impending point’s deduction it will deęnitely relegate to the National League considering the fact that they are at the boĴom of the log.

LMC orders FC Taraba to pay or risk points’ deduction ollowing the time this season the LMC


inability of the management of FC Taraba to live up to its responsibility by paying the players and oĜcials of the club their entitlements, the League Management Company (LMC) has welded the big stick by ordering them to pay or face the full weight of the law. The league governing body has therefore ordered the Taraba ęnanced club to oěset the backlog of salaries owed the players and oĜcials within 60 days or be severely punished by points deduction. LMC formerly charged FC Taraba last weekend for failing to fulęl its ęnancial to the players in line with the provision of the relevant rules and ordered the club to pay all the salary arrears due to the players within 60 days or risk points deduction. This much was communicated to FC Taraba by the LMC’s Chief Operation OĜcer, Salihu Abubakar, in a communication where the club was notięed it must within 60 days from the date of notice (July 30th) to remedy the breach failing which the LMC Board will have no option than to execute summary jurisdiction to commence the deduction of the initial

six points. FC Taraba players have been owed salaries for several months and the LMC in wielding the stick cited Article B9. 45 which made it mandatory for terms of contract between a club and a player to be strictly adhered to. It further stipulates

Dolphins make Adokie Amiesimaka Stadium home


olphins of Port Harcourt FC have adopted Adokie Amasiemeka Stadium as their base. The River State government announced the decision to make the stadium Dolphins’ base last week. Before this time Dolphins have been playing their home games at the Civic Centre but have been asked to relocate to the Adokie Amasiemeka Stadium in the outskirt of Port Harcourt. Meanwhile, the rejuvenated team has vowed to ensure that they are not relegated after Governor Nysom Nwike stepped in to clear the arrears of salaries owed them by past administration of Chibuike Amaechi. To show that they are determined to retain their Premiership

position at the end of the season, Dolphins came from behind to defeat visiting Nasarawa United of Laęa by 3-1 on Sunday to sound a warning to other opponents in the Nigerian elite division that they are in for serious business this time round. This weekend they have tough customers in Abia Warriors to contend with at their new home in Port Harcourt.

Ifeanyi Uba set to pounce on Sunshine Stars


feanyi Uba FC of Nnewi has concluded plans to pounce on visiting Sunshine Stars FC of Akure tomorrow at Rojenny Stadium Oba, Anambra State in one of the ęxtures for the Week 22 ęxtures of Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL). It is really going to be a cracker of sort as both sides will aiming to cart home the maximum points at stake in this encounter. The home side, Ifeanyi Uba FC who earlier sacked their Polish coach, Mitko Dobrev and replaced him with former national Under-20 coach, John Obuh will like to make a big statement with game as

Week 20 FIXTURES Enyimba



Ta r a b a






Enyimba completes transfer of 3 players I f e a n y i u b a v


here is no gain saying that two time African champions, Enyimba International FC of Aba has fortięed for the second stanza of the 2014/15 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) having signed three players ahead of remainder of the season. The players are goalkeeper Joshua Enaholo, forward Musa Najare and midęelder Ahmed Kone, a

Burkina Faso international. Joshua Enaholo is the current Flying Eagles goalkeeper and former member of the MFM Academy while Musa Najare moved to Enyimba from Bayelsa United. Kone, the Burkinabe made the switch to Aba from AS Sonabel. All three players have since started training with the rest of the squad. With the addition of the three new players Enyimba

is now set for the baĴle for the league shield having missed out on the Federation Cup even as the Aba millionaires now table toppers. Meanwhile, there is another foreigner who will be donning the people’s elephant colours going into the second stanza of the league and he is Alloy Browne, a Liberian who was promoted from the club’s youth team after impressing the coaches.

Sunshine Stars are one of the favourites for the league shield this having made bold statement of the desire to be Nigerian champions. They were only replaced on top of the log by two time African champions, Enyimba International FC of Aba after they suěered a defeat in week 20 game while Rangers held Enyimba to 1-1 draw in Aba. Sunshine did not play their week 21 game on Wednesday game against Sharks of Port Harcourt and they are placed third on the log while their host are placed 12th after suěering 3-0 defeat in the hands of Warri Wolves who they had beaten in the ęrst stanza in Nnewi.




Wo l v e s

















Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Premier League: Chelsea ready for Swansea’s challenge


helsea could have to begin the defence of its Premier League title without striker Diego Costa when the champions host Swansea at Stamford Bridge on Saturday on the opening weekend of the new season. The Spain striker, who propelled Chelsea to the domestic title with 20 goals in 2014-15, missed his side’s 1-0 loss to Arsenal in the Community Shield last weekend with a hamstring problem. It’s the same type of injury that restricted his appearances throughout the last campaign and Jose Mourinho is unlikely to risk Costa’s health early. That means new signing Radamel Falcao could spearhead Chelsea’s aĴack for the opening encounter. Falcao’s arrival at Chelsea is an intriguing one — the Colombia international was one of the most prolięc

marksmen in the game until his clinical form deserted him last season during a loan spell at Manchester United from Monaco. He managed only four goals in 29 appearances in an underwhelming year at Old Traěord. But Mourinho has taken a chance on the forward, again on loan, hoping to help Falcao return to the form that saw him score 68 times in 86 appearances for Atletico Madrid from 2011-13. Here are some other things to know ahead of the ęrst round of Premier League ęxtures this weekend: Manchester United began last season with the early Saturday kickoě against Swansea and lost 2-1 at Old Traěord in Louis van Gaal’s ęrst game in charge. The Dutchman will be hoping it is not an omen, as his team again takes part in the Premier League curtain raiser

on Saturday, this time hosting ToĴenham. Van Gaal could hand debuts to Memphis Depay, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Morgan Schneiderlin and MaĴeo Darmian and still has David De Gea in his ranks, despite regular reports Real Madrid is lining up a move for the goalkeeper. De Gea will have to keep ToĴenham’s Harry Kane at bay, as the striker looks to build upon his breakthrough season last year where he scored 31 goals in all competitions. Liverpool returns to Stoke on Sunday, the scene of a humiliating 6-1 mauling on the ęnal day of last season. A beleaguered Brendan Rodgers accepted after the game that “if the owners want me to go, I will go.” But he remains as Liverpool manager and leads a new-look side back to Stoke, looking to banish the memories of the defeat in May.

Rooney eyes new goal as NSPCC ambassador


anchester United and England captain, Wayne Rooney, has signed up as the NSPCC’s ęrst ambassador for childhood. The striker, a father of two boys, will help the charity ęght abuse of children by promoting its campaigns and services, especially those supporting other fathers. The charity hopes Rooney’s support will encourage more boys to speak out about abuse or if they are struggling with bullying or to cope with depression.

Wenger: It’s great experience for Chuba


rsène Wenger believes that the Championship will act as the perfect ęnishing school for Chuba Akpom and Isaac Hayden. The Arsenal youngsters have both signed for Hull City on loan as they seek to gain further ęrst-team experience this season. I believe that Championship level is a very good terminal stage of the education of a player Wenger says the move should prove hugely beneęcial to both players. “There is a moment in your career where you are not anymore for youth level and not ready for the Premier League,” the manager told Arsenal Player. “I think in this period in English football, we lose players, because we have nothing really on the competition front to oěer them. They’ve already played for two or three years in the under-21s and they don’t feel they move forward anymore if they

don’t play in the ęrst team. “They are ready to play in a senior team and I believe that Championship level is a very good terminal stage of the education of a player. “Unfortunately we cannot do it for everybody because not everybody can play in the Championship. I think it’s a great experience at the end of the education of a player, before he plays in the Premier League and for Arsenal.” Meanwhile, Anti Cazorla says it was an “easy decision” to sign a new contract with Arsenal. The Spain playmaker agreed to extend his stay in north London last week after another excellent season for the Gunners in a deeper midęeld role. Cazorla has featured 149 times for the club and he believes that Arsenal is the perfect place for him to continue to develop as a footballer. Here I have everything. I have conędence, I have a good team full of good

players and I think this is the best option for me “I’m very happy to sign a new contract with the club,” he told Arsenal Player. “I think this is the best moment in my career and the best club for me, and for the future. I’m very happy and I want to try to help the team get more trophies. “Here I have everything. I have conędence, I have a good team full of good players and I think this is the best option for me. It’s an easy decision to continue to play for Arsenal. “Every year we have a beĴer team and we sign some good players every summer, like Mesut, like Alexis, like Petr Cech now, and this is important for me and the club. Of course we want to improve every year. “I can only thank the fans for the support,” added Cazorla. “They are amazing for us and I want to play for this club, for them, and I try to play well. I want to enjoy it all together at the Emirates.”

Messi headbutt onYanga-Mbiwa ‘normal’


arcelona vicepresident, Jordi Mestre, has played down the seriousness of Lionel Messi’s clash with Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa, claiming that such incidents are “normal” in football. Messi reacted angrily to something said by the Roma defender during the ęrst half of Wednesday’s friendly at Camp Nou, thrusting his head towards the France international before then grabbing his opponent by the throat. Both players were booked for their role in the altercation but there have been claims that Messi was the aggressor and should have been dismissed. However, Mestre feels that the whole aěair was much ado about nothing. “It is what happens in football games,” he told reporters on Thursday.

“I think it is anecdotal and there is no reason for giving this chapter more importance. “It happens and it will keep happening in the future. It is normal when you play football.” After Neymar had opened the scoring in Catalunya, Messi doubled Barca’s advantage shortly

after the Yanga-Mbiwa incident before being replaced midway through the second half. The four-time Ballon d’Or winner is now expected to lead the European champions’ aĴack once more, in Tuesday’s Uefa Super Cup showdown with Europa League winners Sevilla.

Lazio reveal kit for Supercoppa Italiana


azio have revealed the kit their squad will wear in the Supercoppa Italiana. The Biancocelesti face Juventus in the annual ęxture on August 8 in a repeat of the same match two years ago and they have revealed the jersey the players will be wearing in Shanghai for the game. “This will be the kit that Lazio will wear in the Supercoppa Italiana,” the club tweeted, accompanied with pictures of the players wearing it. They qualięed to play in the game after coming second place in last season’s Coppa Italia, but as the winners Juventus also won the Serie A title, Lazio were

given the place. The ęxture two years ago ended in a 4-0 victory for the Bianconeri, who will be hoping for their seventh

title in their fourth straight appearance. Lazio, meanwhile, are after their fourth trophy in their sixth appearance.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


Babs Oyetoro


ewly appointed Super Eagles’ goal keeper trainer, Alloy Agu, has assured Nigerians that the senior national team would be re-packaged to meet the yearning of soccer pundits even as he unfolded plans to demolish the youthful Tanzanian senior national team in Dare Salem in the African Nations Cup qualifier slated for next month. Alloy Agu revealed that the technical crew were really troubled that the Eagles fortunes had nose-dived saying the challenge before the technical crew was to restore the lost glory of the team. He reiterated that the concern of the technical crew led by coach Sunday Oliseh was to fashion a new pattern of play for the team noting that this will definitely call for time and patience from the Nigerian populace.

He promised that coach Oliseh would ensure that all Nigerian players doing well in their respective clubs would be invited to the national team. “We have a daunting challenge before us but I strongly believe we shall overcome this and by the grace of God re-position the team. This is what is uppermost in our hearts. “In our re-building programme we shall give opportunity to all Nigerian players that meet the standard set by the technical crew to come and try their luck. We are aware that Nigerians are blessed with talents scattered all over the world. We shall maintain an open door policy to accommodate some of these players”, he promised. Commenting on the possibility of Mikel Obi and Victor Moses returning to the team, coach Agu explained that in team building

no coach will ignore individual player’s experience noting that the younger players will also benefit from the experience of the older players in the

team. He declared that the match against Tanzania was a must win encounter stressing that the players would

national side. The qualifying game is one in the series and would also serve as a litmus test for the new gaěer. ‘’The best Oliseh should do now is to come in and quickly set the ball rolling on how he would tackle the crucial qualięer match. Incidentally, it is an away game which held much for the country’s dream of being amongst the nations that would vie for honours in Gabon in 2017 edition. My take on this, is that Oliseh has an uphill task before him. To surmount it resoundingly, he must be careful and calculative to know how best to go

about it successfully. It is like a double edge sword. Making his debut on an away soil could be dicey. But with depth planning and cautious selection, he could come out less bruised,’’ he said. Yusuf insists that he has to further put his house in order before the game. However, he posited that the ęrst right step he took was ensuring he decisively stepped into the rift that brewed between the NFF leadership, Goalie Vincent Enyeama and others which would have torn the team apart for the qualifying games. According to him, since

that has been achieved, he should go forward to get the conędence of all the players that would be key to his success in the national team as a coach. ‘’This is imperative so that he will get the best from them. Again, he must get himself to the level of the players as anything short of that may back ęre. It is my belief that if he is on the same page with the players right from day one, no doubt, the lads would ‘die’ for him. His duty is to serve as a stabilising factor, haven captained the team in the past, he should know how best to go about it.

No panic!

... Agu says Super Eagles ’ll soar over Tanzania in the Nations Cup qualifier in Dare Salem be ginger to raise their game in that encounter. “We know the importance of that match and we are going to prop up the

players to raise their game. We all know that the weakest team on the continent anytime they want to play Nigeria”, he assured.

AFCON 2017qualifiers: Oliseh has huge task ahead – Yusuf

Victor Enyinnaya


ormer Secretary General of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Dr. Tijani Yusuf, has urged the Super Eagles, coach, Sunday Oliseh, to seĴle down quickly and grab headlong the enormous job of qualifying the country for the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Football summit in Gabon. He made the statement while exchanging views with Newswatch Times Sports that the focus of the entire football fans in the country is set on the game against Tanzania

Packaging: Problem of Nigerian sports –Yakmut


Maduabuchi Kalu

irector General of National Sports Commission (NSC), Mallam Al Hassan Yakmut, says packaging is the problem of Nigerian sports. Yakmut stated this in Lagos while presenting a paper titled: “Funding Nigeria Sports” at the seminar organised by Lagos State chapter of Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) held at the national Stadium complex in Surulere last week. He noted that it is erroneously belief that lack of funding is the

major problem of sport development in the country rather it is lack of packaging that has been the bane of sports development in the country. He said that if Nigerian sports are well packaged, private organisations will be falling over themselves to partner with the various sports federations with a view to sponsoring their programmes. “People have always had the impression that funding is the major problem of Nigerian sports but I am sorry to disappoint you by saying that funding is not the

problem of Nigerian Sports rather packaging. “I am not surprise that my declaration that packing is the biggest problem of Nigerian sports does not make sense to most of us in this hall. “When we talk of packaging; it encompasses a lot of things such as provision of ports facilities, vision, transparency, ccountability etc. “If our sports are well packaged I want you assure that corporate sponsors will be running over themselves to partner with the various sports federations.

UEFA Champions League:

Igiebor in, Ajagun out


igeria midęelder, Nosa Igiebor, will play in the UEFA Champions League playoě after his Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv beat Viktoria Plzen 2-0 in a second leg third round qualięcation to advance on a 3-2 aggregate. Igiebor was in action for the entire duration of the

game. However, it was a diěerent story for Panathinaikos midęelder Abduljeleel Ajagun as his club crashed out 4-2 on aggregate to Club Brugge after losing the second leg on Wednesday 3-0. The former Flying Eagles captain was an unused substitute in the game.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti built b ilt on Truth T th

Vol. 01, No. 41

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Celebrating women of substance substa

I was hesitant marrying an elderly person – Feyikemi Niyi Olayinka

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

– Feyikem

i Niyi Olayinka ‡›‹Â?‡Â?‹ ‹›‹ Žƒ›‹Â? Â?ƒ •Š ‘– ‹Â? –‘ Ž‹Â?‡Ž‹‰Š– ™‹–Š Š‡” ‡ŽƒÂ?‹ǯ• ƒ‹Â? ”ƒÂ? ”‘Ž‡ ĥ •ƒÂ? ‡Ǥ Š‡ ‡ ‹• ‹• Š‘™‡˜‡” Â?‘– ’”‘‰”ƒÂ?Â?‡ǥ Dz —ǥ ƒƒ ƤÂŽÂ? ’” †—…‡† – ‘Â?Ž› ÂŽ ƒÂ? ƒ…–”‡••Ǣ •Š‡ ‡‡ ‹Â? Ž‡Â?— Dz ™—”‘ ÂƒÂ™ÂƒÇł ‘Â? „› —Â?†‡ ‹• ƒŽ•‘ ƒ …‘nj’”‡•‡Â?– Ԡ Í ÇĄ Â?Â‡ÂŒÂƒÇĄ ƒ‰‘•Ǥ Š …‡Ž‡„”ƒ–‡† ͙͙ ›‡ƒ”• ‡” ‘ˆ ‡

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ou are celebrating 11 years of marriage; what has being the secret? I can only say the secret is God, love, patience and understanding; that is the secret. How did you meet your husband? I met him through his late cousin, Bukky Okulana. Bukky was my friend and often visited me at home. I just completed my Youth Service then and I was teaching in a school in GRA for A-level students. There was a particular day she came to my house and told me, “Egbon mi so wipe awon like e o, pe awon fe fe e ni� (My elder brother

said he likes you and would want to marry you). I just told her to leave me alone, but she insisted that she was serious and that her brother really wanted me as a wife. She said they were watching the video ¿lm of Oleku when her brother said if he could see this Asake of a girl, he will marry her. Bukky now told him she was my friend and he asked if she was saying the truth. Bukky told him she was serious, but he didn’t still believe her because it was as if Bukky knew everyone around the vicinity. He told her to tell me that he will like to meet me. And

so on that day, she just came to my house and while we are gisting, she told me there is this brother of hers who wanted to meet me. I told her I was too busy to see anybody and that I don’t have time for such rubbish. However, there was a day Bukky was celebrating her birthday; naturally, I went to her house where I met her cousin and other friends. She introduced me to them including her brother and told me that was her brother she was telling me about. I just greeted him casually and sat down

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

somewhere. He later came to meet me and introduced himself as Adeniyi; that he told Bukky he wanted to meet me. I said Bukky told me about it and that I have ¿nally met him. But he said he was not looking for a girl friend, but a wife he will settle down with and that he had told God it was me he was going to marry. I replied him it was not possible because I couldn’t imagine myself getting married to an elderly person. But as time went on, I realised he was sincere about it. So the sincerity, the love, the care are all there. I am sure the past 11 years of marriage has not been a bed of roses. Yes, you are right; it was not easy as we had our ups and downs. It is normal in every marriage since we came from different backgrounds. :e had our challenges ¿nancial and so many other things, but we thank God. Through endurance and patience, we prevailed because God has a hand in the relationship. Ordinarily, some people might say they cannot cope. Is there anyone from both families that was against your marriage?

I don’t think so though he never told me there was anyone from his side who was against it. But he always told me that some people said something, but never made mention of any name. And I usually told him that he doesn’t have to listen to the noise in a market place, but rather face what he intends to buy in the market. It is true, some of our people will talk, but I let him realise that I was born and bred in Ibadan; I am a typical Asabi woman in that movie Oleku. I told him it is in our hands to either make or mar our marriage. Are you saying you are a true replica of the Asabi role you interpreted in Oleku movie? Something like that, listen to your parents, discipline, morals, and patience. When he told me that people were telling him this marriage will not work, I told him it was left for both of us to make it work because it is either we prove them right or wrong. To God be the glory, they have been proved wrong today. When I came in, I saw the ways both of you


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Continued on page 28



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The only thing I saw when I met him was his set of teeth because he is a very dark person.

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tunde ESO


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Newswatch Times, Satruday, August 8, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

He said he was not looking for a girl friend, but a wife he will settle down with and that he had told God it was me he was going to marry

I was hesitant marrying an elderly person were playing like newly married couple. That is what we have been doing since our ¿rst day of marriage. So what pet name did you give your husband? I call him my baby And what pet name does he call you? He also calls me my baby You are a journalist cum actress; with the nature of your profession that is very demanding, how do you manage your home and career? I thank God that you saw him today; normally when I leave home very early, he will still be at home to supervise the home front to ensure everything goes right. He will ensure that everything is in order and make sure the children go to school in their school bus. I make sure I come back home early so that I will be at home when they come back from school to supervise assignments given them. Sometimes,

they would have slept before their father arrives home, while they may not have woken up before I leave for work the ne[t morning. So we manage our home well so that they do not lack parental care. Was there any special attracWLRQ WR KLP ZKHQ \RX ¿UVW PHW him? There was nothing. We still spoke about it three days ago in the night. The only thing I saw when I met him was his set of teeth because he is a very dark person. I told Bukky, ‘haa, your brother is black o’. When I met the whole family members, I realised that they are all black comple[ioned; but they were very pleasant. I am a very pleasant person too. He is a shy person and does not like publicity; apart from that, he is such a jolly good fellow. Did he tell you anything attracted him to you when he saw \RX LQ 2OHNX ¿OP RU ZKHQ KH

met you? He said he watched Oleku and he liked the role I played in the ¿lm; that he had a dream where his mother whom he lost as a young boy told him while watching the ¿lm, ‘that is your wife o, that is your wife o’. So it was like I possess every attribute of his mother; that his mother was very hard working, very simple, gentle and industrious. He told me I am just like his mother. Has there been any time you suspected him of cheating on you or someone told about it? Baba Ijebu (prolonged laughter), he likes money. Anyone that wants to have e[tra-marital affairs or keep girl friends must spend money. He will never spend his money anyhow, not on useless things like women. He can’t even do it, but if it is to work, he can do that. He will prefer it to spend on his chil-

dren than to spend it on women, though the kind of job he does, he deals with women. I do sometimes make jokes of him by asking how his girlfriends are faring and he will tell me they are ¿ne. He will also ask me about my boyfriends and I will also tell him they are ¿ne. We only use that to tease each other. Was there any pressure from his family when you got married concerning having children? No, not at all. I was already pregnant before we got married. Though after our ¿rst child, we waited and waited and waited for the second. You can see the age difference between the ¿rst and the second child. We waited for about ¿ve years before the second child came. People thought the delay might be a result of pressures from my job, but I told them it was not so, that we were still waiting on the /ord. I thank God for today. Even though people now tell me we should have another baby who might be a boy, my husband tells me there is none that is not a child among the two girls we have because they are doing well.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Fashion Extra

Different styles of head gears i Bello

m Ayoba

ith ome w c s n o occasi ke at fit li h ifferent t s r a ge t head ming differen ies, na n o m e r e ce nies, marriag ceremo e l t i t ny aincy and ma , chieft s s e e i i t n r o a cerem ement p m the , engag s n o ple fro i t m a a n s o r a o c r ah draw Mrs. Sa u can , o r Y o . n e r r e mo e Gov ess un Stat od actr g o O w y f l l o o wife and N an mosun s you c e A l p e l m n a Ibiku w are s h. Belo e k i D Tonto ket. the mar n i r o f opt


Mrs. Sarah Ibikunle Amosun

Tonto Dikeh


Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

5 ways to know if a man does not love you Love should not be one-sided. Love should be an exchange of loyalty, sincerity and charity. If you seem to be the only one giving these qualities to your relationship, take some time to consider who you are with. Š¢ȹŠĴŽ—Â?Â’Â˜Â—ČąÂŠÂ—Â?ČąÂœÂŽÂŽČąÂ’Â?ȹ¢Â˜ÂžČąÂœÂŽÂŽČąÂ?Â‘ÂŽÂœÂŽČąÄ™Â&#x;ÂŽČą Â?‘’—Â?ÂœČąÂ’Â—ȹ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ›ÂŽÂ•ÂŠÂ?Â’Â˜Â—ÂœÂ‘Â’Â™Çą Ĺ—ÇŻČą Â˜ÂžČąÂ?Â˜Â—Č‚Â?ČąÂœÂ‘ÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂ?˜Š•œ Even though both of you have independent lives and personalities, there should be some goals you share as a couple. If the someone in your life isn’t sharing his achievements, applauding yours, looking to participate in any sort of goal you and him can reach together be warned; he’s not that interested. Ĺ˜ÇŻČą Â˜ÂžČąÂŠÂ›ÂŽȹ¢Â˜ÂžÂ›ČąÂ˜ Â—ČąÂœÂžÂ™Â™Â˜Â›Â?ČąÂœ¢ÂœÂ?Ž– If he really loves you, he will be there with you as you make decisions about your future. He should be someone who is your partner through joy and pain, seeking to Ä™nd ways to help and support you. Love is all about give and take. Be sure that the person you are with is giving, not just taking. řǯȹ ‘’—Â?ÂœČąÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂ?Â˜Â˜ČąÂ’Â—Â?Ž™Ž—Â?Ž—Â? There needs to be a balance in all things, especially in a relationship. While you need to spend time doing your own thing, if your partner is constantly choosing other activities over you, please reconsider. Television, sports, and video games are Ä™ne hobbies to have, but they shouldn’t be where he spends all of his time. Śǯȹ Â˜ÂžČąÂ‹Â˜Â?Â‘ČąÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂ˜Â—ČąÂ?’쎛Ž—Â?ȹ ÂŠÂ&#x;Ž•Ž—Â?Â?‘œ Having your own thoughts and opinions are a part of being your own person, but there should be some shared qualities between you and your partner. If the two of you are pulling in diÄ›erent directions, that will cause conÄšict and disagreement in your relationship. While some disagreement can be good in a relationship, if he is unwilling to compromise in what he thinks is right, that will spell trouble for later on. śǯȹ Â‘ÂŽÂ›ÂŽČąÂŠÂ›ÂŽČąÂŠÄ›ÂŽÂŒÂ?Â’Â˜Â—ČąÂŠÂ—Â?ȹ’—Â?’–ŠŒ¢ȹ’œœžŽœ Even if your partner is very aÄ›ectionate, make sure he respects you. If your relationship is purely based on physical aÄ´raction, then he’s not really into geÄ´ing to know you and having a relationship. If there is a lack of respect in your relationship, move on. You deserve someone who respects you and wants you by his side. Seeing these aÄ´itudes in your man should signal you to take a minute to reconsider your relationship. It is not worth Ä™ghting for love that isn’t there. One day, he might realize how he feels about you, but he may not. It would be worth it to wait for love that is honest and sincere, instead of trying to be with someone who isn’t into you.

Newswatch Times, Saturday August 8, 2015


ollowing the revelation on what led to the crash RI KLV ÂżUVW PDUULDJH WR .KDGLMDW Âą PRWKHU RI KLV three kids, ace actor, Femi Adebayo, has lifted the lids on his plans to walk down the aisle soon. Tripling learnt from a source close to the actor that he is SXWWLQJ ÂżQLVKLQJ WRXFKHV WR KLV ZHGGLQJ SODQV VFKHGuled to hold in a couple of months. Speaking through his publicist, Gbolahan Adetayo, )HPL DIÂżUPHG WKH PDUULDJH UHSRUWV EXW RSWHG WR NHHS mum on further details. He said; “the reports are true and I have decided not to let it out till the right moment.â€? When probed further, Gbolahan said “I can’t say more than that, all I know is the wedding is happening VRRQ ´ 7ULSOLQJ KRZHYHU JDWKHUHG IURP XQFRQÂżUPHG sources that the planned wedding of the movie star to his new found love, Rukayat, is billed for his homeWRZQ ,ORULQ .ZDUD VWDWH ODWHU LQ WKH \HDU Recall that Femi had earlier said in an interview that KLV PDUULDJH WR KLV H[ ZLIH .KDGLMDW WKDW KLW WKH URFNV seven years ago happened after he reneged on his earlier promise that he wouldn’t go deep into acting, but to pursue law as a career. “I made it clear to her that she was not going to marry an actor and that I won’t go deep into acting. I promised I would just do little acting and pay attention to lawâ€?, he stated.


Yoruba actor, Femi Adebayo announces marriage plans


hanaian actor, John Dumelo has apologized to his friend and fellow actor, Majid Michel, for inability to attend his marriage renewal last weekend. John congratulated his colleague, stating that he admires Majid and his wife. According to him, “I’m sorry I missed your special day yesterday. You know sometimes these private jets get over ERRNHG DQG Ă€\LQJ FRPPHUFLDO LV VWUHVVIXO %XW , NQRZ \RX had a magical ‘vows renewal’ day. “I’ve seen how you’ve grown to love your wife even more over the last decade even though I’ve known her longer than you. (Don’t be jealous). You guys make marriage such a sweet thing and I wish you nothing but more wonderful years together. “You should remember that marriage is less about marrying the right person and more about becoming the right person. When you’re having an argument, listen to underVWDQG GRQÂśW OLVWHQ WR ÂżQG ORRSKROHV VR \RX FDQ ZLQ


I’m getting married soon–John Dumelo

he yearly Nigeria Media Nite Out Award is here again DQG DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IÂżFHU RI WKH organisers, Shola Olugbero, this year’s edition will be special. He said, “This year’s edition will no doubt mark the 9th year of rewarding with excellence the efforts of performing media personalities, corporate bodies and supporting individuals, many good jobs have been rewarded in the past and we are still working to ensure the media industry is getting the necessary accolades in this editionâ€? This year’s edition according to him will come up September 20th. 2015, @ Time square Entertainment Event Centre. The Chairman, Board of Trustee Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award is Hon Dr. Bello Mohammed (MON) while chief host will be Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (Lagos state governor) and Mr. Udom Emmanuel (Gov of Akwa Ibom State) as co –host. The guest speaker will be Lai Mohammed (National Director of Publicity, APC).


9th Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award holds next month


deosun Adeyemi Akinola whose stage name is 3pple is an upcoming artiste with a lot of dream. The diminutive Abeokuta Ogun State born artiste whose single track “Fly High, Kokoko,Ileke, Tolongo received a lot of ovation has restated his dream that come what may, he will be a name to be reckoned in Nigeria music industry. “My dream is simple, I want to be among the best in the industry if not the best, and by God s grace, it will soon be a dream come true� All what I need is a good manager to manage me and I believe the sky will be my limit. He also spoke about the recent development of music in Nigeria “Nigeria music is now growing seriously, and I believe sooner or later, we will do away with foreign music from Nigerian scene� intones Adeosun who studied Arts and Design from Yaba College Technology , Lagos


3pple set for the top

elebrated filmmaker, Tunde Kelani, has joined the growing band of online television owners with rich African cultural themed contents for viewers globally. The new online platform, which was launched Tuesday is web - based and optimum on all mobile devices. The video channel is designed to offer viewers of all ages a refreshing viewing experience of past and current works of the award winning film director and other cultural themed contents from different owners across Africa and the Diaspora. The platform also offers viewers, business owners, private or corporate organizations the opportunity to advertise and promote their brands. “It is an attempt to respond to the yearnings of our teeming fans of rich African themed contents on the go. Distributing films or other contents physically are becoming increasingly difficult, revenues are lost on a daily basis and content owners are at the mercy of the menacing activities of pirates. I think it is just natural, expedient and sensible to take contents closer to the consumers on demand and in terms that suit all the parties involved. Research, Kelani said, has shown that with a simple mobile device, online TV viewers can watch any content online without scruples. To subscribers of, there will be a wide range of genre, including movies, high quality drama, interviews and documentaries that focus on issues mainstream media fails to cover adequately. Besides Kelani’s titles such as Oleku, Agogo Ewo, Saworoide, Thunderbolt( Magun), Narrow Path, Campus Queen and Maami, his latest experience with ‘filmed play’, Yeepa, an adaptation of Prof. Femi Osofisan ‘ classic play, Yeepa Solarin Nbo will be on the play list. Coming to esteemed lovers of the new channel is Amos Tutuola’s Palmwine Drinkards. As the new online destination for African cultural themed contents, Kelani urged all other content owners to get on board.

deleke Gbenga Emmanuel, the young publisher of Intercontinental Magazine and photojournalist who is also the brain behind Ale Erebe, a yearly event, is set to storm Atlanta, Gorgia, U.SA., for another award. The Ibadan, Oyo state born is set to be awarded “Nigeria Best Photo journalist for 2015 by Yoruba Heritage Awards next month. The widely travelled photojournalist who has been to Ghana, Liberia, Paris, Freetown among others, in a conversation with Tripling said photography to him is no challenge, rather it enables him to know people because there is nowhere he cannot get to. “It is a profession I love as it affords me an opportunity to meet important people� Restating why he deserved the award, he said he was given the award based on his supremacy over contemporaries. “I can handle camera at any angle, I can report and I can also do interview; that is what makes me different from others; these I believe gave me an advantage over my colleagues even though I also believe I was given the award based on my performance�


Adeleke Gbenga Emmanuel set for another award

or Dr. Mrs. Gloria Nwakaego Elemo, Director General of the Federal Institute for Industrial Research Oshodi (FIRO), there is something to celebrate about as the company is set to receive an award at the forthcoming Nigeria Media Nite-Out Award for outstanding Government Agency of the Year The award ceremony which will come up on Sunday, 20th September, 2015 will be a boost for the company whose indigenous discovery of Nigeria foods has received a lot of positive impact from Nigerians both in Nigeria and abroad


FIRO to receive NMNA award

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Tunde Kelani’s online Tv debuts

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015



REEL .ULVWLQD %URZQœV GHDWK SKRWR was reportedly sold to a tabloid for $100,000. It’s not yet clear which publication bought the photo, which was secretly WDNHQ RI KHU LQ D FRI¿Q EXW VXSSRVHGO\ LW was snapped at the 22-year-old’s viewing on Friday, one day before her funeral at Saint James United Methodist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia. While the person responsible for WDNLQJ WKH SKRWR KDV QRW EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG 70= reports that the Brown and Houston families are blaming each other for the unauthorized image.

Bobbi Kristina death photo sold to tabloid for $100,000


Ajibade Alabi 08023934887



More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

Kcee, Harrysong meet Governor Ambode


usic stars Kcee and Harrysong visited Lagos state Governor Akinwunmi Ambode at the State House Marina last weekend. Stay glued to this page to find out the reason behind this visit.

Iyabo Ojo launches second phase of beauty parlour


he actress opened the second phase of her beauty parlour- FesprisWorld last Sunday,and her colleagues, media friends and friends from the entertainment world all came to join her in the celebration.

Timaya meets Rihanna in Barbados Indigenous rapper, Reminisce loses dad opular Nigerian indigenous rapper, Remilekun Shafaru, popularly known as Reminisce has lost his dad. The rapper announced his passing last Saturday on Instagram with the caption; “Inna lillahi wa inallah-e-raji’oon. #RIP ALHAJI A . A . SAFARU. #DADDYMI.”.


maya who igerian music star, Ti dos for the is currently in Barba ival met countr y’s music fest rformance on stage. Rihanna after his pe seen dancing to Rihanna was earlier Timaya’s music.



Newswatch TImes, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Cool new ways to rock the knotted wrapper trend


Qismat Yinus The knotted wrapper was one of the fashion trends of 2013 in Nigeria that we all fell in love with! It is one of the most beautiful trends that have continued to make our weddings, naming ceremonies, fune funerals, and even red carpets more won’t fade away, or we just can’t get colorful. This trend just w enough of it. Here are som some pictorial suggestions on how to rock the knotted wrapper trend this season.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Celebrity Chat

Queen Nwokoye Talented Nigerian actress, Queen Nwokoye. in a chat with TUNDE ESO talks on her background and career. Exerpts:

d ckgroun am a b r u o y e. I out ell us ab s Queen Nwokoy d for i e r My name I was born and b ma s. an actres but I am from An ven s ily of se n Lago a while i grew up in a fam My parents . .I bra State good upbringing ded Queens a n d e I att and I ha atholics. ed Sociology and C h c n u a t are s and studi Azikiwe Univeru g u n E , er School ogy at Nnamdi be a lawy o t l d o e p t o n r a h Ant lly w a. I actua ut. k w ? A , y t i s rk o industry o e i w v t o o n m but it did ou come into the my national r y How did the industry afte for a second o t o n g i I came pursuit, anted to e w h t I . r e o f c i d v youth ser aw. While I waite I developed l d degree in ding auditions an given a role n s e a I was att for movies. I w a movie. Alr on the passi e I auditioned fo aid I read well. m s i t y t the 多rs y shy, the ence and kept r e v s a w though I ilding my con多d not like until I bu d I started ird roles that I di e getting w roles. r nges? got bigge nveil your challe shyness and u s Can you allenge I had wa ped and alh ty c The 多rst oks. I was stereo Directors did lo . then, my he good girl roles they felt I had t e s t ways go fy becau t interpret other i s r e v i d to o not want t look and may n n e c an inno




Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Celebrity Chat characters well. I faced that for a long time until I featured in Adaure. That pulled the trick. Were your parents in support of your career? My parents did not raise eyebrows at my decision. They told me that I had their full support. I am an ambassador of the family and I have to represent them well. I send movies to them and I make sure they do not watch the ones in which I played romantic roles. Do you consider yourself competing with other actress? I am not in competition with anyone. The industry is big enough for everyone. I get my scripts and I interpret my roles. What has been your motivation? Prayers have kept me going. God is the main reason for my success. A lot of things happened so fast and in ways I never expected. I never knew I would get to this stage. I have passion for the job and I am not there for the money. I am happy with what I am doing now and I do not have any regrets. I am ful¿lled.

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



aving known that joy is the feeling of great pleasure and happiness, now we would address the need to fill ourselves up with it as individuals. Personal joy can be viewed and derived from different spheres. Intellectually, you need to take delight in aspiring to be better than you are presently. Be prepared to build yourself and others. Seek ways to maximise your gifts, talents and resources adequately. Take courses online or better still go to school for higher learning, enlightenment and upliftment. “Knowledge is power”. Get empowered by being more skilled also. Learn to enjoy what you do; don’t just work for the money, work also for the fulfilment. This implies you need to engage in what you enjoy doing. Be bold about executing your plans and objectives with fun and decision, thinking less of failure and non accomplishments. Look forward to a success laden future and destiny. Physically, joy comes with the satisfaction of dressing nice, eating well, good posture and disposition. Always take your uniqueness into consideration while you address these physical attributes. Dress in a way that compliments can be passed at you. Dressing nicely does not particularly mean being expensive, it simply means wearing appropriate and neat attire. Bear in mind the occasion, the season, the trending style and your stature. Having done these, you look into the mirror, giving yourself a smile and appreciation. An ample aspect of the day is conquered with that smile, bringing confidence, esteem and grace into your life. Eating the meals that suits your health and physical requirements is interesting in this case. Your

Joy, the fill up -

body should speak “I am ready” in health and vitality. Maintain a good posture of heads up, shoulders high and putting a smile on keeps you on top of situations. With consideration of another aspect of joy derivatives, it is important to boost your psychic. Wake up and stir yourself up with encouragement even if no one does. Re-programme yourself for happiness, not allowing stress and worries to steal your joy. Don’t settle for good enough or manageable situations; reach out for the best all the time, all the way. You really need to like yourself enough to indulge yourself generally; celebrate yourself. Be passionate about life, but don’t be too serious about it. Change your attitude to suit your purpose by being factual, real and productive at judging environmental confrontations. Focus on your strengths and not your weakness. Handling your emotions to be happy and to be full of joy for a lot of people is a big deal. To have joy in your life, you need to live in the present and the expectation of a bright future. Let go of the past pain, failures, disappointments, betrayal, shame, ridicules and so on. You cannot change your past but can do something about your future. Don’t let your potentials be buried beneath depression, discouragement, fears, weakness and many more. Watch out for new doors and windows that are there being opened in your life circumstance; they aren’t noticed because you keep looking back. Constantly remind yourself that you have a gift, that you are talented and creative, and keep your new dreams alive by feeding it with understanding and wisdom. Focus on what’s right in your life, and be grateful for it while you nurture your motive to be back on track. Obey God’s commands strictly; this gives you peace and joy in abundance knowing you please God in all you do and at all times. For the spiritual ones, worshipping God gives a lot of delight and excitement; this indeed creates fun either at home or at a meeting venue. Learn to talk to yourself positively, declaring your expectations for manifestation, and be expectant because what you think mostly comes your way. Create your world by making your environment nice, decent, cosy and conducive, making aesthetics your guide. Try making your house or home an Eden, where everything you need is available. Note the word, need, not want - a place with space,

organisation, beauty, neatness and cleanliness. Imagine after a busy, disappointing day, all you should think of is the joy you get at getting home to have some rest. This sort of joy can’t be talked about without mentioning your relationship with other people. A good relationship with family, friends, children, parents, colleagues, in laws, superiors, subordinates and others would do you such good and can’t be over emphasised, bringing you so much joy and harmony. How you see yourself is very important, because how you perceive yourself is how you are seen. Do see yourself a winner, champion, victor, loser, success, failure, or an outstanding, unique person? Do you tell your life history as a testimony or a tragedy? Have you forgiven yourself of past wrongs of whatever kind? All these help you to know and understand how to dispose yourself to other people around you. You can’t give what don’t have. Happiness is a choice that emerges from the joy planted or created by you. You can’t give what you don’t have, share your joy with others, not your gloominess. Try not to magnify your problems. Make other people happy by giving the right currency of various denominations of uplift. But better still, understand that you can’t always please some people, it can be frustrating. Talking about making people happy, by this I mean, celebrate with others, be compassionate, empathise as the case warrants it. Take note more of the good (don’t always find faults). Be sensitive to people’s needs; material, intellectual, emotional, psychological and so on. Be a complementary factor, a giver, forgiver, a peacemaker, a builder and more. The much of good you sow into other lives, the more good comes your way. Therefore, sowing smiles on faces will translate into joy for you. Take people for who they are, understand their temperament trait and use your knowledge of that as an advantage to know how to deal with them on an individual bases. Some are introverted and others are extroverted; appreciating these attributes will do a great deal of help at dealing with people without your cool being tampered with.Be careful of negative influences, choose your friends, and stay away from dangerous and venomous family members, colleagues, neighbours and others. Choosing your friends helps your joy level. Friends that mock you and make jest of you will certainly affect and demoralise you. Bringing you down is their theme, so you need to start a new positive scheme, discard them and choose another. Keep friends that tell you the truth in an encouraging way.


PAThis i G SAs for E

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015




President, Miners Association of Nigeria, Alh Sani Shehu (left); Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment, Amb. Abdulkadir Musa and Managing Director, Bank of Industry, Rasheed Olaoluwa, during the Bank of Industry Solid Minerals Sensitization Forum in Abuja...recently. Photo: Wale Adenuga L-R: Commander, Nigerian Army Education Corps, Major General Sunday Adebayo and Director, Directorate Nigerian Army Library Services, Colonel Charles Adisa Bossman.

(Sitting) Commander, Nigerian Army Education Corps, Major General Sunday Adebayo (sixth left); Director, Directorate of Command Schools Services, Colonel Jubi Joseph Iferi (fifth right); Director, Directorate Nigerian Army Library Services, Colonel Charles Adisa Bossman (fifth left); 81 Division Education Officer, Colonel Bello Tsoho (third right), General Secretary, Nigerian Library Association, Lagos State Chapter, Mr. Onyinye Alexander Osedo (left); Commandant, Command Day Secondary School, Nigerian Army Cantoment, Ikeja, Lt. Col. Joseph Junior Eduoku (left) and others in a group photographs. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


Managing Director, Bank of Industry, Rasheed Olaoluwa; Director Mines Inspectorate, Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Engr Dauda Awojobi and Head, Mining Division, Industrial Development Corporation South Africa, Mazwi Tunyiswa, during the Forum. Photo: Wale Adenuga


L-R: Deputy Governor, Lagos State, Dr. (Mrs.) Oluranti Adebule; Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode; Secretary to the State Government, Mr. Tunji Bello and Director, Legislative Drafting, Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Tola Akinsanya, during the swearing-in of the19 newly appointed Permanent Secretaries in Lagos.

Dan Galadima of Adamawa Emirate Council, Alhaji Lawan Ribadu [right], presenting trophies to Aisha Usman and Safiya Mahmood, best graduating students in Mathematics and Physics respectively.

The new Permanent Secretaries while taking the oath of office during the ceremony

A cross section of students of Ahmadu Ribaldu College graduation.

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 1, 2015


L-R: Honorary Chair, Global Connections for Women Foundation, USA, Chief Temitope Ajayi (Mama Diaspora); President/Chairman Governing Council, (IIM), Ambassador (Dr.) Oyedokun Oyewole and MD/ CEO Spindler International Chief Toyin Oloniteru.



L-R: Early Year Foundation Expert, United kingdom, Mrs. Olaitan Ogunseye; Deceased Sonin-Law, Mr. Isaac Yinka Folorunsho; his wife/Deceased Daughter, Barrister Olusola Folorunso and Governorship Candidate, Alliance for Democracy, 2015 Election, Dr. Bolaji Ogunseye, during the burial ceremony of Pa Owen Oluwole Sholanke who was buried in style in Lagos… recently. Photo: Bode Agbede

Member, Advisory Board, Institute of Information Management (IIM), Tokunbo Smith; member Governing Council IIM, Akinfolarin Fambegbe; President/Chairman Governing Council, (IIM), Ambassador (Dr.) Oyedokun Oyewole; Registrar, (IIM)-Africa/Secretary, IIM-Africa Governing Council, Mr. Musa Zubairu and Principal Partner, Sutton and Sutton LLP, Mr. Abayomi Sutton. Photos: Abiodun Omotosho


L-R: Deceased Daughters, Mrs. Dupe Omisade; Miss Yewande Sholanke; Barrister Mrs. Olusola Folorunso; Mrs. Lara Wale Bangbelu and Mrs. Fola Feyisetan, during the ceremony. Photo: Bode Agbede


L-R: Engineer Femi Okubanjo; His wife, Mrs. Bisi Okubanjo; Deceased Son, Dr. Leke Owoyomi and his wife Ibukun, during the funeral ceremony of High Chief Johnson Adegboyega Owoyomi (The Akogun of Ile-Ife) at Ile Ife, Osun State…recently. Photo: Bode Agbede

Pupils of Zion Pilgrims Christ’s School.

L-R. Deceased Wife, Mrs. Janet Morenike Owoyomi; Deceased Son, Dr. Leke Owoyomi; Deceased Wives, Mrs. Racheal Kikelomo Owoyomi and Mrs. Banu Owoyomi, during the ceremony. Photo: Bode Agbede

Sayawa cultural trope performing at the event.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Kitchen Qismat Yinus

Talking Nutrition



0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Pros and cons of vegetarian diet


eople may choose vegetarian diets because of many reasons like religious beliefs, dieting or belief that it is a healthier choice, concern for the environment, desire to reduce world hunger, and make better use of scarce resources and an aversion to eating other creatures or concerns about cruelty to animals. Whatever are the reasons, all vegetarians share the same practice of not eating meat and meat products, and they diͿer greatly in dietary practices. Lacto vegetarians include dairy products and eggs but exclude all animal Áesh from their diets; lacto-ovo vegetarians use animal products like eggs, milk and cheese but abstain from eating the Áesh of animals, while some sects emphasize on eating only whole grain products and also avoid alcohol, caͿeine and tobacco use; ovo-vegetarians include only eggs and exclude all animal products and dairy products; vegans do not eat any animal foods or products. Others eat semi-vegetarian diet, avoid red meats but eat small amounts of chicken or Àsh, dietary products and eggs; pesco-vegetarians, include dietary products, eggs and Àsh in their diets but exclude beef, pork and poultry and fruitarians do not include animal foods and all foods except raw fruits, nuts and green foliage. According to George Bernard Shaw, vegetarian famous writer said that, “a man fed on whiskey and dead bodies cannot do the Ànest work of which he is capable.” Vegan diets usually contain less fat, saturated fat and cholesterol, others that emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of dietary Àber, photochemical (substances that are not essential in the diet but have varied health beneÀts), beta-carotene and antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E which protects the body from cell and tissue damage. On the average, vegetarians have lower body cholesterol levels and are less likely to develop heart diseases such as high blood pressure than nonvegans. Their diets are also very low in fat and saturated fat and when these diets are combined with a healthy lifestyle habits can reverse the clogging of arteries that can lead eventually to heart attack or stroke. Another health beneÀt of vegetarians is that they usually weigh less than non-vegetarians and certain cancers such as breast and colon cancers occur less frequently in vegetarians than nonvegetarians. The high dietary Àber in most vegan diets may protect against colon cancer, while the lower estrogen of a vegetarian woman may protect against breast cancers. There are also certain risks certain types of vegetarian diets may pose from obtaining some nutritional beneÀts. Vegan diets tend to be low in iron and zinc (as found in raw meat), calcium and vitamin D (as found in fortiÀed milk), vitamin B6 (as found in chicken) and B12 as found in animal foods).The best sources of these nutrients mentioned above are all animal foods. Plant foods contain a kind of iron called nonheme iron that is not as well absorbed as the heme-iron in animal foods. Since vitamin C aids iron absorption into the body, the higher vitamin C intake of a vegetarian may oͿset the lower iron intakes to some degree.

How to prepare plantain chips


lantain chips are a crunchy snack made with either ripe or unripe plantains or a combination of both. It is also known as sweet banana chips and great for all ages. Here’s how to make it at home Ingredients *Ripe or and unripe plantain *Vegetable oil for frying *Salt to taste Before frying the plantains: *Peel the plantains using a vegetable slicer on a grater; the vegetable slicer is that part that looks like a razor blade. For a sweet plantain chips, choose a yellow plantain that is hard, so that it is easier to slice and also crunchier when fried. Directions for frying plantain chips *Peel and slice the plantains, rinse in saline water and spread out on a sieve or cheese cloth to dry out. t )FBU VQ UIF WFHFUBCMF PJM until very hot and add the sliced plantains, bit by bit and fry until they are hard. t 5SBOTGFS JOUP B TJFWF BOE spread out on paper towels to absorb the excess oil. t -FBWF UP DPPM DPNQMFUFMZ and then store in air-tight containers.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Saturday, August 8, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


War on corruption: Buhari walks the talk, shakes NNPC Continued from Page 15

gas sector globally, in a report entitled: “Inside NNPC Oil Sales: A Case for Reform in Nigeria,â€? alleged that NNPC did not forward any revenue from the sales of Okono crude oil between 2005 and 2014. According to the report, the sales worth over 100 million barrels with an estimated value of $12.3 billion, saying, “In other words, the corporation has provided no public accounting of how it used a decade’s worth of revenues from an entire stream of the country’s oil production.â€? Knocking the handling of oil sales by the corporation, NRGI said “NNPC’s approach to oil sales suÍżers from high corruption risks and fails to maximise returns for the nation. “These shortcomings also characterise NNPC as a whole. Over 38 years, the corporation has neither developed its own commercial or operational capacities, nor facilitated the growth of the sector through external investment. “Instead, it has spun a legacy of ine΀ciency and mismanagement. Its faults have been described by a number of scathing reports, many commissioned by government itself. “Despite NNPC’s debilitating consumption of public revenues and performance failures, successive governments have done little to reform the company,â€? it further added. The report also said it was found that the management of NNPC’s oil sales had worsened in recent years, particularly since 2010. “The largest problems stem from the rising number of ad hoc makeshift practices the corporation has introduced to work around its deeper structural problems. “For instance, NNPC entered into poorly designed oil-for-product swap



deals when it could no longer meet the country’s fuel needs. “Similarly, it began unilaterally spending billions of dollars in crude oil revenues each year, rather than transferring them to the treasury, because NNPC’s actual budget process fails to cover operating expenses. “Some of these makeshift practices began with credible goals. But over time, their operation became overly discretionary and complex, as political and patronage agendas surpassed the importance of maximising returns,� the report noted.



The report added that “these poor practices come with high costs. Average prices for the country’s light sweet crude topped $110 per barrel during the boom of 2011 to 2014. Yet, during that same period, as shown, treasury receipts from oil sales fell signiĂ€cantly. While volumes lost to oil theft explain some of the decline, NNPC’s massive revenue withholdings and an increase in suboptimal sales arrangements are also to blame. “Mismanagement of NNPC oil sales also raises commercial, reputational and legal risk for actors world-

wide: the sales involve some of the world’s largest commodity trading houses, are Ă€nanced by top banks, and result in the delivery of crude to countries across the globe,â€? it added. In its recommendations to the government on how to correct the ills in the corporation, NRGI said the government should pursue two tracks of reform. “The Ă€rst involves urgent reforms to NNPC’s management of oil sales (to ‘stop the bleeding’). At the same time, however, the government should also pursue a course of deeper structural reforms to NNPC (to ‘cure the patient’). If it does not, a new round of costly, ad hoc coping mechanisms will emerge.â€? It would also be recalled that the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) once conĂ€rmed that NNPC contravened relevant laws in the operation of the subsidy. Julius Nwankwo, Deputy Comptroller-general, told the House Committee that NNPC does not make any documentation to the NCS in regards to the reĂ€ned products imported into the country. He disclosed that several meetings were held where Customs was directed not to ask for documents. Indeed, the Ministry of Finance wrote to the Customs, warning them not to ask for documents because this “will cause crisis.â€? According to Nwankwo, “Vessels imported into Nigeria are regarded as mother vessels. These mother vessels never get to the ports in Nigeria; they are normally anchored oÍżshore. If you see the manifest covering these imports, what you will see is ‘oÍżshore Cotonou, oÍżshore Lome’. They never get to the ports; rather you have smaller vessels that pick these products from the mother vessels and they come to the port to report to Customs in line with the enabling Act of CusContinued on Page 50

Kogi Guber: My chances are high – Ugbane Continued from Page 16

the only state university will be adequately catered for. I will make sure lecturers are well motivated, students are encouraged by having adequate facilities to enable them concentrate on their studies. We will provide facilities that will make them compete with students from other tertiary institutions. Secondly, in education generally, it is not only the university that I will focus on. We have primary education and other institutions. We will make sure teachers are given their dues. We will make sure their salaries are paid as and when due. We’ll make sure that teachers are encouraged to give their best to students. So, that will form very key area of our priority. You said from education to agriculture, you are taking me through marathon race of the ministries I have worked. Yes, I worked in the ministry of youth and sports; in fact, it was during my time that the youth and sports

ministry was established and when I was there, there were no desks and chairs; it was a businessman from the Central part of the state that brought a chair for me. That didn’t deter me from performing. I was there and we conceptualized the stadium project because all work without play makes jack a dull boy. So the stadium project has seen light the day. From there again, I was moved to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. I had to follow the then governor to UK to discuss about Obajana Cement Company and that was done. Now you can see that Obajana Cement Company is one of the biggest in sub-Sahara Africa. From there, I came to the Ministry of Agriculture and made sure that farmers got inputs promptly and on time. For instance, there is no point getting fertilizers in August when most of the crops must have been done, so time is very important. Apart from that, we removed the middlemen coming in to hike prices of

inputs and in the end make it very expensive to end users, the farmers. When I become governor, I will look into all these areas and improve on them. I am coming to bring added value to existing things and that is that. One of the aspirants said he is the only serious contender on the APC platform and that the rest are just pretenders and jokers, what is your comment to that? That is a technical and tricky question. I don’t want to join issues with my other aspirants. Who is a joker or who is not a joker will be determined by the electorate. The delegates will speak and when they speak, we will know. Still on your ambition, there are over 20 aspirants jostling for $3& à DJ ZKDW DUH \RXU FKDQFHV amongst this overwhelming number? By the grace of God, going by consultations which I have carried out, going by my meeting with the

people and delegates, going by their reactions and assurances, my chances are very high. That is what my campaign organization has accessed and analysed. They have informed me that we are Àrmly in the race. And consequent upon that, I collected my nomination forms last Friday 31st of July. I collected it quietly because it was just the collection of the form. It is when I’m going to submit the form that you will see tumultuous crowd escorting me to go and submit it. So by the grace of God, my chances are very bright. There has been burning agitations for power shift from both the West and Central parts of the state, what is your reaction to such agitations? Well, the issue of power shift is an issue on ground in Kogi. Now, APC as a party has to put its acts together and make sure power is wrestled from the PDP. It is when power is wrestled from PDP that Continued on Page 50

50 Continued from Page 49

we can now decide where power should shift to. Now, I said this because I believe I’m in the position to wrestle power from PDP for the APC. When that is done, where the power goes to will be determined by the party caucus. Power shifting is not done by an individual. Now, I think everybody should rally round me and make sure this power is wrestled from PDP and given to Senator Nicholas Ugbane for stability before the party caucus will decide where next the power will shift to. Federal allocations to the state have dwindled, how do you intend to manage the state if you are eventually win? How I will manage the situation you will see when I become the governor. It is not only Kogi that is experiencing dwindling revenues from the federal government. So, when we get to the river, we will cross it and I know that as a former banker that prudent Ànancial management is key and we will make sure Ànancial resources accruing to the state are properly managed for the beneÀt of Kogites. While you were at the Senate, you had some issues with the EFCC, could you tell us the extent of the case? You see, when you are in a political setting allegations are bound to Áy up and down. Yes, you have done this, you have done that. It is left for you to clarify your position. It is

Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


Kogi Guber: My chances are high - Ugbane a basic principle in law that he who alleges must prove his case beyond reasonable doubt and until that is proved, you are assumed to be innocent. Now, the case they brought was that some of us legislators inÁuenced the erection of solar projects in the whole country, that we brought the contractor that did the work and so on. There were lots of fanfare and mudslinging in the process. Now, the case went to court and on 26th of June, 2013, Justice Oniyangi gave a very great judgment; he said he couldn’t see the link between the allegation and the lawmakers, that the lawmakers were not part of Tenders Board that awarded the contract. And that he did not see any company owned by any of the lawmakers; he didn’t see their involvement and so he struck out the case. I have a copy of the judgment and if you are interested, I will give it


to you at the appropriate time. Do you think happenings at the National Assembly in recent time speak well of your party, the APC and Nigeria as a country? Well, I don’t know those things you have noticed that are happening at the National Assembly. I hope you are referring the fracas that took place in the House of Representatives and so on. Well, somebody


referred to that fracas as body politics. In other words, some people that are so impatient who cannot wait to express their feelings sometimes allow temperament to take over the proceedings and that is not fair. Having said that, what happened in the National Assembly was not new to politics. In Taiwan and other places, in North Korea, exchange of blows happen from time

As a former banker that prudent financial management is key and we will make sure financial resources accruing to the state are properly managed for the benefit of Kogites

to time. Even in Britain, there was a time there was hot argument, the Labour Party members and other parliamentarians had hot exchange of words, but it is not something that should be encouraged, it shouldn’t happen. What is required is legislative tolerance, having understanding of each other. I think we are growing; our democracy is moving and I hope with time we will get things sorted out properly. President Muhammadu Buhari has assumed power for over two months now, do you think what he is GRLQJ VDWLVÀHV WKH \HDUQLQJ of Nigerians? You are asking me to assess my boss. Now, as a great admirer and supporter of our president, Muhammadu Buhari, so far so good; he has done very well. You see, what is worrying Nigerians is that to them, change is like switching on the light of electricity in your house. Change does not come overnight and before you can eͿect change, you must understand the situation properly. You must understand it deeply and not just scratching it on the surface. I think our president has started in the right direction. He is doing well. He wants to unearth the underlying problems before proͿering solutions and I think Nigerians should not interpret change to mean a kind of switch on and oͿ situation.

War on corruption: Buhari walks the talk, shakes NNPC Continued from Page 49

toms. The mother vessels do not report to Customs and Customs do not board the mother vessels. We can only board vessels anchored within our territorial waters.” When the former Central bank Governor, Malam Lamido Sanusi alleged that $20 billion was unaccounted for at the NNPC, the country was not only shocked for the fraud, but because the amount involved was staggering. Sanusi’s position was aptly described as the nation’s tolerance for crime and a culture of protecting criminals and incompetent people in government. Now that a bold step had been taken to restore glory and hope back to NNPC, political pundits wonder how Kachikwu with a brilliant CV

would perform without compromise that may arise from blackmail, threat and connivance as Group Managing Director of the NNPC. The new man for the job has a First Class degree in Law from the University of Nigeria Nsukka and the Nigerian Law School, a Master and doctorate degrees from Harvard Law School, corporate boardroom experience in Texaco and ExxonMobil. President Buhari and Kachikwu reportedly exchanged ideas on the new direction Buhari wants to drive the corporation, after decades of bastardisation, when Buhari last had contact with it as head of state in 1985. It is certainly not the same NNPC that maintained just two bank accounts then, not the same corporation that faithfully imple-

mented swap crude contracts for reÀned products, or one that remitted proceeds to the federation account, without making questionable deductions. An indication of the task ahead of Kachikwu was expressed by some public commentators including ElderJulius Kayode, that the President wants to break the company into two, but already has many subsidiaries. He stated, “May be what will be done by the new man will be to reintegrate all the various components into a whole and then split back into two. “Well, we shall leave the details to the new corporate minder, who has been appointed from the outside of the corrupt corporation and whose appointment is attracting favorable commentaries

from the oil world,” he said. Kachikwu has however taken the bull by the horn in an attempt to restore his boss’ (Buhari’s) conÀdence in him by sacking eight Group Executive Directors (GED) in the NNPC and had since been replaced with new GEDs. The GEDs who were relieved of their duties are: Mr. Ian Udoh, Group Executive Director, ReÀning Petrochemicals, Mr. Adebayo Ibirogba, Group Executive Director, Engineering and Technical; Dr David Ige, Group Executive Director, Gas Power and Dr. Attahir Yusuf, Group Executive Director, Business Development. Others are: Dr. Dan Efebo, Group Executive Director, Corporate Services; Mr. Bernard Otti, Group, Executive Director, Finance Accounts.

Similarly, it began unilaterally spending billions of dollars in crude oil revenues each year, rather than transferring them to the treasury, because NNPC’s actual budget process fails to cover operating expenses

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


X-raying wage bill controversy in Benue Continued from Page 50

tenure of the immediate past administration, there were controversies surrounding how much revenue the State Revenue Board was generating monthly and yearly. When Mr Andrew Ayabam was Chairman of the Board, every detail concerning the Board’s revenue status was laid bare, but since an acting chairman was appointed, the atmosphere has been dull probably because of the tussle between the Board and the Ministry of Finance. In the past, it was speculated that the governor tampered with internally generated revenue, but sources close to the Board told Newswatch Times that there was watertight policy on the withdrawal of money from revenue accounts. People were wondering whether Ayabam’s removal was due to that watertight policy or it was over the intrigues that were generated by his people from Ushongo local government who thought his proÀle was rising as a result of his position at the Revenue Board. Herein lies the big question of who would be in the position to give monthly details of the State’s income and expenditure to the inquisitive Benue people? Would it be the Commissioner for Information, Ode Agi, or Tahav Agerzua? In the past, brieÀng of journalists after the State Executive Council meeting became a problem because money released for such exercise was allegedly diverted by those responsible for the discharge of such duties. It came to be that as the past administration kept secret its dealings in Ànances, suspicions grew more and more. This is why Governor Samuel Ortom needs to go to the drawing board to fashion out a media policy that would put the public in a relaxed mood over his determination to run a corrupt free


administration. The administration appears to be thinking in this line by constituting a team that is presently working under the Secretary to the State Government, Mr Tergema Takema, but one’s worry is that the selection of members of the team was highly politicized as some of them were chosen based on their closeness to the powers that be or the state council of the NUJ. What is being said here is that the selection of members of the media think-tank for the Ortom administration was not based on merit, so, it was not corrupt-free. Apart from what the think-tank is doing, Governor Ortom needs to immediately appoint media practitioners that would be able to constantly relate with journalists on each sector’s activities. This is because government’s policy of not allowing correspondents and other journalists access to the Secretary to the State


Government, the Head of Service, commissioners and heads of extra ministerial departments except Radio Benue and other state owned media houses’ staͿ would certainly constitute hiccup to his eͿort in running an open, honest, fair and accountable administration. It is important for one to talk of government information o΀cers in the various government organizations in this part of the write up. Over the years, Benue state government relied on this class of o΀cers for dissemination of information, but civil service rules have impeded the performance of their duties. Secondly, their performance has been below expectation because of lack of tools and proper training as some of them are being posted without relevant qualiÀcation. This made the Ministries of Finance, Water Resources, Agriculture, Works and Transport, Health,

As Governor Ortom enters the third month of his administration, the burden of ensuring that his policies and programmes tally with his corrupt free stance becomes more challenging.

Information, Justice, Commerce and Industry, Education, Lands and Survey and so on to have their activities underpublicized in the past. This takes us to the issue of the Ministry for Lands and Survey whose revenue generation proÀle was not regularly made public. This was because only the governor had access to the revenue proÀle of the ministry. This may have made commissioners in that ministry to remain largely unavailable during the eight years of the immediate past administration. As Governor Ortom enters the third month of his administration, the burden of ensuring that his policies and programmes tally with his corrupt free stance becomes more challenging. This is why he has to ensure that his securitymen do not create unnecessary barrier between him and journalists. He should ensure that journalists cover his activities as sometimes the press statements issued on his events become stale because of bottle necks and the issue of timeliness of news items. Mr Godwin Ayihe of the PDP appears to have put the Samuel Ortom administration on its toes in terms of accountability. It is taken that the immediate past administration was not able to keep to those tenets, but one of those that was in charge of the party that led the state has requested that making money issue to be public issue should be a priority of the present administration. The good thing is that Mr Agerzua did not pick holes in Ayihe’s request; he simply provided explanation on the issues raised by him. The more Ayihe, Agerzua and other media practitioners that would be put in charge of the various strategic sectors in Benue state air their views and provide explanations, the better for the tax payers.

Newspaper celebrates excellence, honours prominent personalities Mansur Oladunjoye


he board and management of Ifako-Ijaye Post newspaper in conjunction with Bel’tainment Print and Irede Entertainment will next week appreciate prominent individuals and captains of industries who have distinguished themselves in their various Àelds of endeavour. The publisher, Mr. Tunde Bello explained that the event tagged: Ifako-Ijaye Hall of Fame Award and Award of Excellence for eminent personalities and corporate bodies was organised to appreciate the awardees’ contribution to the development of both Ifako-Ijaye and Ojokoro Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs). According to him, the evnet holding next week at Sonmori Hall, Iju Station in Ifako-Ijaye local government area, Lagos will honour among others, the CEO Dynamic Petroleum Nigeria Limited, Prince Babs Ogunleye who is also chairman of the occasion; former Chairman of Lagos State Civil Service Commission, Chief Michael Oguntona; chairman of Spectra Nigeria Limited, Mr. Duro Kuteyi and Pastor Olu Alonge. Others are Comrade Peter Arowojobe, Lagos State Executive member of NURTW; Mr. Remi Awode, Chairman of Chemstar Nigeria Limited, Makers of Fine Coats; proprietor of Barchel Group of Schools, Mallam Moye Jaji; Executive Secretary of Ojodu LCDA, who is recognised for his service to humanity; former chairman of both Ifako-Ijaye and Ojokoro LCDA, Hon. Ahmed Omisor; former Lagos State House of Assembly member, Hon. Dayo Saka- Fafunmi; Alhaji Akibu Adeniji; Hon. Elijah Adewale, member House of Representatives of IfakoIjaye Federal Constituency; Alhaji Akindele Lasisi, former CDC Chairman Ojokoro; Chief Omowowo; Hon. Morufu Adefolabi, former member of House of Representatives; Mr. Martins Olanigan; Hon. Olaniyi David; Hon. Fausat HassanOlajokun; Chief Mrs Felicia Awoniyi and Prince Ademola Adunola, Proprietor of Dansaky Hotels. Other awardees are Bobo Food and Beverages, Solpia Nigeria Limited, makers of X-pression; Alhaji Yinus Lasisi, former chairman of Ifako-Ijaye Muslim Community; Rev. Oladele, former chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria; Comrade Rotimi Adeleye, Executive Secretary Ifako-Ijaye LG; Mr. Babatunde Pedro; Alhaji Niyi Otunuyi; High Chief Cletus Onye; Benjamin Olabinjo and Chief S Lawal. Bello said, “There will also be post-humous Award for Late Chief BB Majekodunmi, Late Barrister Kunle Fadipe, Alhaji Olaitan Mustafa, Alhaji Alabi Hassan -Olajoku and Miss Seun.” Special guests at the occasion are Senators. Solomon Adeola and Jide Omoworare and Mrs. Ambode, Mrs. Iyabo Obasa, Hon. Makinde, Hon. Muyiwa Olabintan, Mr. Segun Adegbesan, Prince Ayo Ayelade and Flight Captain Ayo Makinde among others.

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

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Stay Healthy

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015


North Central

Suspected thieves caught with livestock Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


Commissioner nominees for Adamawa at their screening in Yola, Adamawa State…yesterday.

Election Tribunal to inspect electoral materials, forensic expert report Gyang Bere, Jos


he Governorship Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Jos, the Plateau State capital on Wednesday ordered for the inspection and analysis of all electoral materials used during the April 11th governorship elections in the state. Governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Gyang Pwajok, had petitioned the election tribunal seeking the nulliÀcation of the election of Bar. Simon Bako Lalong who was elected under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC), claiming that the polls was full of irregularities. The proceedings of the case was given a boost on Wednesday as the tribunal chairman, Justice Johnson Candide, said ten PDP witnesses have testiÀed before the court and that the prehearing trial session report was relevant in the application brought before it

through the counsels to GNS Pwajok, Yilji Gomwalk and the PDP in the application so presented. Candide noted that in the pre-trial, the counsels had in their petition told the court that they will be presenting between thirty (30) to forty (40) witnesses and one other application while the counsels to the APC had said they would present 20 to 24 witnesses. In his ruling, Justice Candide said the court had ordered that the petitioner be allowed additional ten days from the initial seven days to inspect and submit materials and thus wouldn’t come back to refuse accepting the materials so sought to enhance the chances of the petition. He also said that the petitioner, GNS, Yilji and PDP had in the past Àled a motion in line with 2010 Electoral Act as amended to provide direction of the tribunal to obtain, analysed and present the forensic report of the materials to substantiate that there was

no substantial compliance by INEC in the conduct, collation and the announcement of the election result which produced the defendants, Simon Lalong and the APC. In looking at the Àve prayers of the petitioner, the tribunal judge said it is in place to allow the GNS/ Yilji and PDP counsels submit their reports which will be presented by Ademola Oyewale, the witness earlier listed as A. O. Justice Candide further posited in his ruling that since the petitioners informed the tribunal at the pre hearing that they would present the report and a motion at the trial proper and the tribunal had granted that order, it is only fair to allow them submit the report for which an order was granted. He further stressed that the counsel to the second respondent, APC merely relied on paragraph of the petitioner’s application and cited a wrong quotation and cases and posit that a court

does not make an order in vein considering section 151 of the 2010 Electoral Act as amended. He stressed that court had told the petitioner at the prehearing trial that they are at liberty to bring in a motion for the acceptance of forensic expert’s report and witness, thus prayers two and Àve were upheld since prayer one had been ordered. The tribunal further ruled that the close scrutiny and paragraph 14 and 18 of the petitioner’s application will be contended with at the tribunal in addition to the forensic experts report from the seven local government areas applied for in paragraph 52 to 53 and the list of documents 29 to 38 which include; international observers report, the Nigeria Police force report, witness reports, photograph report, report of election results forensic expert report, report of telecommunication network, newspaper report and the card readers report.

Kwara Speaker hails Tambuwal membership of body of benchers Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


he Speaker of the Kwara State House of Assemby, Dr. Ali Ahmad, hashailed the appointment of the former Speaker, House of Representatives and Sokoto State governor, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal as a life member of the Body of Benchers. Ahmad gave the commendation yesterday while reacting to the re-

cent appointment describing it as a recognition of his selfless service towards strengthening the legislative institution in particular and democracy in Nigeria. The Speaker who was the chairman of the House of Representatives on Judiciary in the seventh legislature also described Tambuwal’s appointment as apt, “considering his significant contributions towards making democra-

cy more meaningful to an average Nigerian”. The former State Attorney General added that Tambuwal’s pedigree in Law and in parliament eminently qualified him to be life member of Body of Benchers in Nigeria. The appointment, he stressed, came at a time when the nation was celebrating his sterling qualities, urging him to use his vast experience in the parliament to advance the

course of legal profession which he will now be serving as a life bencher. Ahmad further described him as a committed democrat, consummate lawyer and a parliamentarian par excellence who stood on the sizes of the masses even in the face of intimidation, harassment, urging him to see his new task as a challenge to rededicate himself towards rendering selfless service to the nation.

o fewer than six suspected cattle rustlers and two thieves who allegedly specialized in stealing domestic animals were arrested by the Kwara State Police command. Parading the suspects accused of stealing 64 domestic animals in various parts of the State yesterday at the command headquarters, Ilorin, Police Public Relations O΀cer, Ajayi Okasanmi ASP, told newsmen that the cattle rustlers were intercepted at Oke-Ode area in Ifelodun local government council area of the State on July 24th, 2015 allegedly carrying 11 cattle in a Mitsubishi Canter truck marked: Lagos LSD 795. “On interrogation, the suspects could not give any satisfactory account of themselves. This triggered the suspicion of the detectives and on interrogation, they confessed to have stolen the cows. They also confessed that they were syndicate comprising of both Fulani and Yoruba extraction. They sell their stolen cows in Igbeti and Ibadan in Oyo state”, he explained.

The PPRO further stated that investigation had established the owner of the truck and the receivers. Meanwhile, the Command also arrested two domestic animal thieves at Ganmo in Ifelodun local government area of the State on August 2nd, 2015 at 5:40 am in a taxi cab marked: Kwara X5 498 LRN while conveying two goats. His words: “On interrogation, it was revealed that they have been involved for a long time in stealing of domestic animals, while the owners were asleep. Investigations took the detectives to the receiver of the stolen goats at Elerinjare and IdoÀan, who took to his heels on sighting the detectives while abandoning 10 rams, 61 goats and one vehicle”. Okasanmi said that policemen in Osi, Ekiti local government area of the State, who acting on a tip oͿ, intercepted one Garba Umar, male, a butcher, resident of Oke Oja in Ekiti State alongside the driver of a vehicle allegedly used in conveying a stolen cow from a Fulani camp near ObboAyegunle of Ekiti local government council area of the State.

Kogi guber:We did not support any candidate - ESF Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja

A group, Ebira Solidarity Front, ESF, has distanced the central senatorial district of All Progressive Congress, APC from the purported endorsement of Alh. Yahaya Bello as its sole candidate for the gubernatorial primary of the party. The group in a statement yesterday in Lokoja signed by its president, Mr. Abdul Maliki Abdul and made available to journalists stated that the district has array of contestants with pedigrees and intimidating credentials adding that it will be a great disservice to Ebira nation for a campaign organisation of Alhaji Yahaya Bello(A.K.A Fair-Plus) to go about saying the APC delegates from the area have endorsed him as the sole candidate. The group further stated that the purported endorsement is totally false and un-true adding that Central senatorial district has a line up of its’ political Àrst eleven’ like Senator Muhammed Ohiare,

Mr. Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba and Senator Nurudeen Abattemi who are equally in the race for the governorship ticket. “ Our doors are widely open for consultation with our brothers in the other districts of the state to fashion out how best to produce a credible and acceptable candidate for the APC in the forth coming governorship election in the state.” The statement added. The group also appealed to the delegates of All Progressive Congress, APC, to shun aspirants who are campaigning based on tribal sentiment and forgo any candidate that will be acceptable to the electorate in the November Poll in irrespective of its tribe, religion and background. It would be recalled that the campaign organisation of Alhaji Yahaya Bello (Fair Plus) has toured round the Central Senatorial district of the state recently to canvass for delegates vote for the APC ticket in the November governorship poll in the state.



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sports Update

FIFA U-17 World Cup: Amuneke

expects difficult game against Chile, others


Ex-internationals commend MTN football scholar initiative


o e Nigerian ormer Ni e ia internationals and football icons have commended the MTN Football Scholars initiativeas a veritable platform for talent discovery and development. The MTN Football Scholars is a youth oriented football talent hunt initiative aimed at discovering budding talents in Nigerian football, focusing on boys between the ages of 14 and 17 years old. This year’s edition, the ęfth in the series, saw the beneęciaries of the scheme taking on select universities across the country in a series of novelty matches. Ex-Nigerian international and Sports administrator, Segun Odegbami who was in aĴendance as the Scholars engaged the University of Lagos team in the ęnal match of the tour, described the program

as an avenue that will brighten the future of Nigerian football. He said: “When we lookat this model of discovering footballing talents, I can say that the future is very bright in Nigerian football. The best part of this initiative is that corporate Nigeria will look at what MTN is doing and try to emulate them. They have been to the US and back, and you can see the tremendous improvement they have made. I see my boys for example; four of them in this team. They look so big and matured and yet these are still 17 years old players.” In the same vein, exGreen Eagles captain and an ambassador of the project, Henry Nwosu, expressed delight at the development of the players who have returned from a football cum education training in the United States of America on the platform of the initiative, while also commending MTN. He said, “The progress of the players is amazing and they are doing very well. If we were encouraged like this during my time, the sky would have done beĴer. MTN has really done well with this program and I urge other corporate organizations to emulate them” Legendary football icon and one-time Nigeria’s safe hands, Joe Erico who is the coach

of the scholars program since it started in 2011, spoke brilliantly about his involvement with the initiative and noted its impact on Nigerian football.

olden ld Eaglets E l t Head Coach, Emmanuel Amuneke is upbeat about his team’s chances to defend their FIFA Under-17 World Cup, despite being drawn against host Chile, Croatia and USA in the group phase. The oĜcial draw was conducted by FIFA Event Manager, Jaime Yarza on Thursday night (early Friday in Nigeria) amidst pomp and ceremony at the iconic Centro de las Artes (Art Centre) 660 in Santiago, and Amuneke reckoned that his team’s route is cut out. “ The draw is a welcome development because we had been waiting anxiously for long to know about the teams we are going to meet and it is interesting that we are in the same group with the host team, Chile,” admitted the former African Footballer of the Year. “I think our group like the rest is not an easy one and we were not expecting anything less. As

such, we must be ready to play any team after all, we are the defending champions.” Incidentally, fourtime record champions, Golden Eaglets would have the honour of playing the opening match of the tournament against Team USA on October 17 at the 47,000 capacity Estadio Nacional Martinez Pradanos in Santiago.”We know there won’t be any easy game for us and we have to redouble our eěorts and continue to prepare well since we know now our group phase opponents. “ All this while, we had been working generally but we would now be working specięcally with our opponents in mind,” noted Amuneke who was an assistant when Nigeria won the U-17 trophy in 2013. The Eaglets play Chile in the second group game 3 days after the tournament kicks oě and while they will surely enjoy the greater support Amuneke says he expects to play some

of the toughest games should Nigeria hope to achieve success. ” They (Chile) are very good but every team’s objective is to do well and even win the tournament. Chile are the host, they’ll have all the support of the home crowd behind them, but the most important for us now is to concentrate for the US game, in every World Cup the ęrst game is very important. ” The Golden Eaglets Coach told that in the main his concerns bother on not just winning but also the ability of the team to react positively to changes on the pitch , represent his tactics aright and work hard. ” You have to ensure you don’t lose because a win gives you conędence. But while am not overly concerned about the win I want to see my players display real discipline on the ęeld. ” We’ve made it to the world cup and now we must work hard to make sure we achieve our set goals.”

Falcons retur n to camp on Monday


nterim Coach Chris Danjuma has invited to camp a total of 35 players in preparation for the Women’s Football Tournament of next month’s 11th All-Africa Games in Brazzaville, Congo. Onome Ebi, Francisca Ordega, Halimat Ayinde, Esther Sunday and Josephine Chukwunonye – who all missed Sunday’s defeat in Equatorial Guinea which meant ouster from the 2016 Olympics race – have been called again, but injured star forward Asisat Oshoala is left out. Osinachi Ohale, Ngozi Ebere, Desire Oparanozie, Ngozi Okobi and Evelyn Nwabuoku, who were at the FIFA World Cup in Canada in June, are joined by junior internationals Yetunde Adeboyejo, Chinaza Uchendu and Chinwendu Ihezuo. All the players are to report at the Serob Legacy Hotel, Abuja on Monday, August 10 with their international

passports and training kits. The Super Falcons will play host CongoBrazzaville, Tanzania and Cote d’Ivoire in Group A of the Women’s Football Tournament of the All-Africa Games. Cameroon, South Africa, Ghana and Egypt are in Group B. THE FULL LIST Namchi Jeriam (Arkansas FC, USA); Onome Ebi (FK Minsk, Belarus); Osinachi Ohale (Rivers Angels); Francisca Ordega (Washington Spirit, USA); Kemi Fatuyesi (ConĚuence ueens); Tochukwu Oluehi (Bayelsa ueens); Kemi Adetunji (Delta ueens); Sandra Chiichii (Bayelsa ueens); Charity John (Rivers Angels); Joy Jegede (Delta ueens); Mariam Ibrahim (Nasarawa Amazons); Halimat Ayinde (Western New York Flash, USA); Ngozi Ebere (Rivers Angels); Onyinyechukwu Okere (Inneh ueens); Esther Sunday (FK Minsk, Belarus); Alaba Adenusi (Adamawa ueens); Charity Uchebe

(Capital ueens); Desire Oparanozie (En Avant De Guingamp, France); Josephine Chukwunonye (Washington Spirit, USA); Anam Imo (Ibom Angels); Ngozi Okobi (Washington Spirit, USA); Evelyn Nwabuoku (BIIK Kazygurt, Kazakhstan); Gladys Akpa (Sunshine ueens); Alheri Jummai Ayuba (Adamawa ueens); Lilian Tule (Bayelsa ueens);

Amaka Enzor (Taraba ueens); Osarenoma Igbinovia (Bayelsa ueens); Blessing Edoho (Pelican Stars); Yetunde Adeboyejo (Bayelsa ueens); Chinaza Uchendu (Nasarawa Amazons); Gloria Ogbonna (Ibom Angels); Amarachi Okoronkwo (Nasarawa Amazons); Sarah Nnodim (Nasarawa Amazons); Mercy Amanze (Rivers Angels); Chinwendu Ihezuo (Delta ueens)


Newswatch Times, Saturday, August 8, 2015

Do-or-die for Esperance in Bamako


spérance de Tunis visit Stade Malien in Bamako on Sunday, in matchday four of the Confederation Cup in Group A. Still pointless halfway through the competition, following consecutive losses to Al Ahly, Etoile du Sahel and Stade Malien, who enjoyed a 2-1 victory in Radès in the reverse ęxtures despite being down to ten men for the entire second half, the ‘Blood and Gold’ will have no choice but to secure all three points in the Malian capital to keep their hopes of a semięnal spot alive. “We made huge defensive mistakes and were outpaced. It took them just three or four passes to be in front of our goal,” Espérance

boss José Anigo admitted following their home defeat to the Malians. “This team lacks some quality players. “Regarding our chances going forward, it will be up to our ability to react and to improve.” Meanwhile, Stade Malien remain well on course for a place in the last four, lying third on four points, only three adrift of group leaders Al Ahly. And coach Kamel Djabour has welcomed the victory in Tunisia as a huge conędence boost in their continental journey. “This win gave us a big boost for the remainder of the tournament. We are ready to face big sides,” Djabour said. The match will kick oě at Stade Modibo Keita at 18h30 CAT on Sunday 9 August 2015.

Sporting Lisbon dare Musa’s CSKA for Champions League


hmed Musa and his Russian club CSKA Moscow will have to go past Sporting Lisbon of Portugal to reach the group stage of the UEFA Champions League after Friday’s draw. Ahmed Musa scored a brace to ensure CSKA beat Sparta Prague of Czech Republic and advance to this stage of the competition. This will be a rematch of the 2005 UEFA Cup ęnal. Several other Nigeria stars are involved in the Champions League playoěs.

Efe Ambrose’s Celtic face Malmo of Sweden, Ogenyi Onazi will hope his Italian club Lazio eliminate Bayer Leverkusen and Elderson Echiejile will team up with Monaco to stop Valencia. Nosa Igiebor’s Israeli club Maccabi Tel Aviv face FC Basel of Swiĵerland. The overall winners of these matches will qualify for the Champions League group stage, while the losers drop to the UEFA Europa League. First leg matches are ęxed for August 18 and 19, while the return matches will be played on August 25 and 26.

Sports Update Oliseh calls 23 home-boys for Tanzania


uper Eagles’ Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh has invited 23 home –based professionals who will kick –start preparations for next month’s 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualięer away to Tanzania. At the head of the pack is Warri Wolves’ forward Gbolahan Salami, who scored one of the goals when the Eagles opened the race with a 2-0 win over Chad in Kaduna in June. There are also regular faces like Solomon Kwambe and Nelson Ogbonnaya. A handful of play-

ers of the U-23 squad that survived a stern test in Pointe Noire on Sunday to qualify for the African U-23 Championship ęnals, will be joined by former junior international goalkeepers Olufemi Thomas and Ikechukwu Ezenwa, as well as a number of new faces, led by top scorer in the Glo NPFL race, Tunde Adeniji of Sunshine Stars. The players are expected to report to the Bolton White Apartments, Abuja on Monday, 17 August. Nigeria play Tanzania in Dar es

Salaam on September 5 in one of the Matchday 2 games of the qualięcation series for Gabon 2017. GOALKEEPERS: Olufemi Thomas (Enyimba FC); David Obiazor (Heartland FC); Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Sunshine Stars) DEFENDERS: Orji Kalu (Enugu Rangers); Solomon Kwambe (Warri Wolves); Idris Aloma (Enyimba FC); Chima Akas (Sharks FC); Nelson Ogbonnaya (Heartland FC); Samson Gbadebo (Lobi Stars); Jamiu Alimi (Shooting Stars); Stephen

Eze (Sunshine Stars) MIDFIELDERS: Ifeanyi Mathew (ElKanemi Warriors); Usman Mohammed (FC Taraba); Azubuike Okechukwu (Bayelsa United); Lordson Ichull (Warri Wolves); Kingsley Sokari (Enyimba FC); Etebo Oghenekaro (Warri Wolves) FORWARDS: Ezekiel Bassey (Enyimba FC); Gbolahan Salami (Warri Wolves); Bright Ejike (Heartland FC); Tunde Adeniji (Sunshine Stars); Bright Onyedikachi (FC IfeanyiUbah); Prince Aggrey (Sunshine Stars)

Adeniji thanks Oliseh, aims to break NPFL goal record


igeria Professional Football League, NPFL, leading marksman, Tunde Adeniji, has thanked new Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh for giving him the opportunity to prove himself in the senior national team. Oliseh on Friday named the former Rising Stars of Akure striker among a strong 23 home –based professionals for next month’s 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Tuali¿er away

From left: Director, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited, Clem Ugorji; Coca-Cola Volunteer at The Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles, Emmanuel Ekomabasi; Managing Director, Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited, Adeola Adetunji and another Coca-Cola Volunteer George Osadalor, during the Welcome Reception for the 2015 Special Olympics Nigeria Team at Vigeo Holdings, Ikoyi, Lagos recently.

to Tanzania. Adeniji, who is just 19, was discovered by scouts of the Ondo State Football Agency, ODSFA, while playing for Methodist High School in Okitipupa, Ondo state and he insists his target is not just to become the league’s highest goal scorer this season but also to break the NPFL all time goal record of 23 goal set last season by Enyimba’s Mfon Udoh. “My target is to break the

record created by Mfon Udoh last season. He scored 23 goals and with the help of my team mates, I know I can go pass that record this season”. The erstwhile Rising Stars of Akure forward, has scored 12 goals so far, one ahead of Heartland’s Bright Ejike who is on 11 goals. His goals have helped Sunshine Stars reclaim NPFL top position from Enyimba of Aba.

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