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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
South West
I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take your support for granted, Ambode assures Lagosians Appoints key staff Patrick Okohue
ewly swornin Governor Akinwunmi Q]TKULTVL HXT}L PHPUL^H}L assured the citizenry that his government would cherish and prize their vote as he set about implementing ^W}L [MTXMHQQU}L VTML HL new Lagos; this was as he also announced the H[[TWJPQUJPLTVLÂ&#x2018;U\LT>NWH`}L TVL^W}LXT|UMJQUJPÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2020; Ambode during the NUMUQTJ\LJTPUKÂ&#x2030;LÂ? JULTVLP^UL WJ}PM_NPW|UL`U}}TJ}LVMTQLP^W}L last political campaign and U`UNPWTJLW}LVTMLH``L[T`WPWNWHJ}L never to take our people VTMLXMHJPUKLHXHWJÂ&#x2020;LL LÂ?T_`KÂ&#x2030;L QTMULP^HJLU|UML]UVTMUŠLPHÂ&#x2018;UL \T_Â&#x2030;L P^UL XTTKL [UT[`UL TVL Lagos, along with me, in P^W}L Â&#x153;T_MJU\L TVL MUJUÂ?UKL hope and prosperity at all times.â&#x20AC;?
Assuring that his government will be an all inclusive one beyond tribe and political divide, saying, Â? UMQWPLQULPTLHNÂ&#x2018;JTÂ?`UKXUL and appreciate especially H``LP^UL|TPUM}LP^HPL|TPUKLVTML me; equally appreciate those that did not and also the people that did not exercise P^UWMLVMHJN^W}ULPTL|TPULHPLH``Â&#x2020;LL We are all winners; I would, QTMULP^HJLU|UML]UVTMUŠLPHÂ&#x2018;UL \T_Â&#x2030;L P^UL XTTKL [UT[`UL TVL Lagos, along with me, in P^W}L Â&#x153;T_MJU\L TVL MUJUÂ?UKL hope and prosperity at all times. Â? }L Â?UL NT``UNPW|U`\L VHNUL the challenge to make Lagos HL ]U,UML [`HNUL PTL `W|UL WJÂ&#x2030;L Â?UL must recognize our strength in diversity. A common national identity where everybody counts. I shall M_JLHJLT[UJLXT|UMJQUJPLTVL inclusion that will not leave HJ\TJUL ]U^WJKÂ&#x2020;L L TL QH,UML
your age, sex, tribe or any other status, as long as you reside in Lagos, we will QHÂ&#x2018;UL HXT}LÂ?TMÂ&#x2018;LVTML\T_Â&#x2030;ÂŤL he said. To the business NTQQ_JWP\L ^UL }HWKÂ&#x2030;L Â? L want to assure the business community and corporate HXT}LP^HPLP^ULUH}ULTVLKTWJXL business in Lagos will be improved upon earnestly. HXT}L W}L T[UJL VTML XMUHPUML business; To this end, a new T>NUL TVL |UM}UH}L 6HWM}L and Investment (LAGOS GLOBAL) shall be created _JKUMLP^UL T|UMJTMÂ&#x2C6;}L >NUÂ&#x2020; Â? UL Â?HJPL \T_L PTL ÂĄ\L WJPTL Lagos, start your business, Â&#x161;JKL \T_ML Â?H\ŠL `W|UÂ&#x2030;L Â?TMÂ&#x2018;L HJKL UJÂ&#x153;T\L WJL HXT}Â&#x2020;L }L [HMPL TVL T_ML MUVTMQ}Â&#x2030;L HL JUÂ?L WJW}PM\LTVL UH`P^L MUHPWTJL and Employment shall be established. L ^W}L Â?T_`KL }[UNWÂ&#x161;NH``\L address the promise I made during the campaign on UQ[`T\QUJPL PM_}PL V_JKÂ&#x2030;L
labour exchange and entrepreneurship. This goal, we shall pursue vigorously. Â? `}TÂ&#x2030;L P^UL >NUL TVL W|WNL Engagement shall be created under the Deputy T|UMJTMÂ&#x2C6;}L >NUL PTL strengthen and enhance our promise on government TVL WJN`_}WTJÂ&#x2020;L L |UM\TJUL must have a voice in my administration,â&#x20AC;? he assured. UHJÂ?^W`UÂ&#x2030;L Q]TKUL has personally signed a statement announcing the VTMQUML NTQQW}}WTJUML VTML UJ|WMTJQUJPÂ&#x2030;L MÂ&#x2020;L _JÂ&#x153;WL Bello as Secretary to the State Government (SSG) HJKL P^UL VTMQUML UMQHJUJPL UNMUPHM\Â&#x2030;L T|UMJTMÂ&#x2C6;}LT>NUÂ&#x2030;L HQ_U`L `_Â&#x2018;_J`UL Â&#x153;TLH}LP^UL ^WUVLTVL PH6Â&#x2020; ^UL }PHPUQUJPL V_MP^UML announced Abiodun Bamgboye as Principal Private Secretary, while Habib Adamson Aruna was H[[TWJPUKL P^UL ^WUVL MU}}L Secretary.
AfDB: Amosun congratulates Adesina Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
o v e r n o r I b i k u n l e A m o s u n yesterday congratulated WXUMWHÂ&#x2C6;}L VTMQUML WJW}PUML TVL XMWN_`P_MUÂ&#x2030;L Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina on his election as the 8th MU}WKUJPL TVL P^UL VMWNHJL Development Bank Â? V Â&#x17D;Â&#x2020; He noted that Adesinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emergence is not a personal success to him alone but to the nation in general. Â [MU}}WJXL NTJVWKUJNUL in new president TVL V Â&#x2030;L Â?^TL W}L HJL WJKWXUJUL TVL X_JL State, Amosun assured that the seasoned
Okorocha to attract more foreign investors Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
L-R: Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Akinwumi Ambode; his wife Bolanle; former Governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola (SAN); Deputy Governor, Dr. Oluranti Adebule and her husband Said Adebule at the swearing-in ceremony of the governor in Lagos...yesterday. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll hand over to APC candidate in 2019 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Amosun Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta
HKQWJW}PMHPWTJL Â?W``L [UMVTMQL ]U\TJKL WP}L Â&#x161;M}PL PUJ_MUL TVL T>NUL]\LNTQ[`UPWJXLTJXTWJXL overnor Ibikunle [MTÂ&#x153;UNP}L HJKL ÂĄHXL T6L JUÂ?L Amosun yesterday ones that would improve the declared that he UNTJTQWNL}PHP_}LTVLP^UL}PHPUÂ&#x2020; would handover to All He emphasised that the Progressives Congress (APC) [UT[`UL TVL P^UL }PHPUL Â?T_`KL ]UL governorship candidate at the encouraged by the enormous U [WMHPWTJLTVL^W}L}UNTJKLPUMQL development that would in 2019. N_PL HNMT}}L H``L }UNPTM}L TVL P^UL He stated this during his economy to keep APC in WJH_X_MHPWTJL VTML P^UL }UNTJKL government. PUMQL WJL T>NUL HPL Â&#x2020; Â&#x2020; Â&#x2020;L The governor, who took Abiola International Stadium, THP^LTVLH``UXWHJNULHJKLTHP^LTVL Abeokuta, Ogun State capital. T>NUL HPL Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;¢£Â&#x2014;HQÂ&#x2030;L [MTQW}UKL Amosun explained that his
P^UL NWPW¤UJM\L ]U,UML HJKL improved people-oriented programmes to consolidate ^W}L Â&#x161;M}PL PUMQÂ&#x2C6;}L Â&#x161;|U NHMKWJH`L programme. He quickly reeled out his HN^WU|UQUJP}LWJLT>NULK_MWJXL P^ULÂ&#x161;M}PLPUMQÂ&#x2030;L`W}PWJXL_[XMHKWJXL the quality and standard TVL UK_NHPWTJÂ&#x2030;L WQ[MT|UKL security, urban and rural road NTJ}PM_NPWTJ}Â&#x2030;LH,MHNPWJXLQTMUL investment and reduction in unemployment rate as }TQULTVLP^UL}[UNWH`L}_NNU}}U}L recorded.
Amosun promised that his administration would earnestly embark on the NTJ}PMWNPWTJL TVL P^UL WJPMHÂ&#x201C; inter city light rail in the state hoping to see to the NTQ[`UPWTJL TVL P^UL [MTÂ&#x153;UNPL ]UVTMUL P^UL UÂ [WMHPWTJL TVL the new administration, promising also, aggressive KU|U`T[QUJPL TVL P^UL M_MH`L areas. Nevertheless, Governor Amosun sought the support TVL P^UL [UT[`UL VTML P^UL }_NNU}}L TVL^W}L}UNTJKLPUMQÂ&#x2020;L
Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brigade spends N3m on youth training Tunde Busari
sun State Girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brigade has spent H]T_PL Â&#x2013;Â&#x2020;ÂŁL QW``WTJL to train youths and adult women HNMT}}LP^ULÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2014;L`TNH`LXT|UMJQUJP}L TVLP^UL}PHPUÂ&#x2020; ^UL TQQHJKHJPL TVL |T`_JPHM\LH}}TNWHPWTJÂ&#x2030;L M}Â&#x2020;L T\WJL Ashaolu who disclosed this recently, also urged parents to see UK_NHPWTJL TVL P^UWML VUQH`UL N^W`-
dren as a worthwhile investment. At a programme held at UP^TKW}PL ^_MN^L HP^UKMH`LWJL Osogbo, the state capital, Ashaolu, said the trainees were exposed PTLKWVVUMUJPLHMUH}LH``LVTN_}WJXLTJL how to be productive and value-adding personalities in the society. Â? `}TLQUQ]UM}LTVLP^UL WM`}L Brigade are involved in preach-
ing and converting perishable souls to heavenly soul. We did P^W}L]UNH_}UÂ&#x2030;LWPLW}LJUNU}}HM\LVTML all Girls Brigade members to be spiritual vibrant, provide their bodies with activeness and mental alertness and multiply their interests in worthwhile things educationally in order to stand P^ULPU}PLTVLP^ULKH\Â&#x2030;ÂŤL}^UL}HWKÂ&#x2020;LL Ashaolu who doubles as the JHPWTJH`L |WNUL [MU}WKUJPL TVL P^UL
group, stressed that no nation could develop without attention to education sector. NNTMKWJXLPTL^UMÂ&#x2030;LÂ?UK_NHPWTJL W}LHL^HMQTJWT_}LPMHWJWJXLTVL[^\}ical, mental and socio capability TVLU|UM\LWJKW|WK_H`Â&#x2020;L ^ULP^MUULKTQHWJ}LWJL^_QHJWP\LÂ?^WN^LHMULHVVUNPW|UÂ&#x2030;L[}\N^TQTPTMLHJKLNTXJWtive must be developed in every girl child to be a able to have a virile and advanced society.â&#x20AC;?
agricultural economist would bring his wealth TVL UÂ [UMWUJNUL PTL ]UHML in his new position by using agriculture as a [W|TPL PTL [MT|WKUL VTTKL security and create Â&#x153;T]}L VTML P^UL HMQ\L TVL unemployed youths on P^ULNTJPWJUJPL VMWNHÂ&#x2020; Â? ^UL H[[TWJPQUJPL W}L well deserved, having served meritoriously in ^W}L [T}WPWTJL H}L WJW}PUML TVL XMWN_`P_MUÂ&#x2020;L UL ^H}L made us proud in Ogun State as we have scored \UPL HJTP^UML VWM}PÂ&#x2030;L ]UWJXL P^UL VWM}PL WXUMWHJL PTL ]UL so appointed. I have no doubt in my mind that he would bring his experience to bear in his new assignment,â&#x20AC;? the governor said.
mo State Governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, has assured Imo citizens that his second tenure will create wealth, make Imo stronger, vibrant HJKL H,MHNPL QTMUL VTMUWXJL investors to the state. The governor amidst pomp and [HXUHJPM\L]\LVHWP^V_`LTVLP^UL All Progressives Congress (APC) celebrating his reelection, said that he had strengthened his local and international connections PTLH,MHNPLVTMUWXJLWJ|UJPTM}L to the state, adding that over 50 Turkish investors will soon arrive the state PTL U}PH]`W}^L VHNPTMWU}L HJKL agricultural institutions. The Governor made this known while interacting
Â?WP^LJUÂ?}QUJLH}L[HMPLTVLP^UL [MTXMHQQU}L }`HPUKL VTML ^W}L second term inauguration WJL T>NUÂ&#x2020;L L L UL MUNH``UKL that all his 2011 campaign [MTQW}U}L Â?UMUL V_`Â&#x161;``UKL U}[UNWH``\LWJLP^ULHMUH}LTVLP^UL [MT|W}WTJLTVLVMUULUK_NHPWTJÂ&#x2030;L guaranteed security, QH}}W|UL WJVMH}PM_NP_MH`L development, decongestion TVL P^UL NWPWU}L H}L Â?U``L H}L bringing government closer to the people through the Community Government Council (CGC). He noted that his second PUMQLWJLT>NUL}^H``L_}^UMLP^UL state into a higher pedestal. Â? UL HMUL ^UMUL PTL PHÂ&#x2018;UL HJL THP^L HJKL H>MQHPWTJL P^HPL our government shall be a responsible and responsive administration HJKL JTPL HL XT|UMJQUJPL TVL propagandaâ&#x20AC;?, he stressed.
Land tussle: Monarch, others dragged to cour t Alphonsus Eze, Awka
he traditional ruler TVL Â?Â&#x2018;HÂ&#x2030;L ]WL W]}TJL Nwosu and twentytwo others have been dragged to Anambra State High Court, Awka, by his kinsmen over P^ULH``UXUKL}H`ULTVLNTQQ_JH`L land. In the suit with MUVUMUJNULJ_Q]UML Â&#x201C;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2030;LL QUQ]UM}L TVL P^UL TJNUMJUKL JKWXUJU}LTVL QHWÂ&#x2018;Â?TL|W``HXULL WJL Â?Â&#x2018;HL HMUL }UUÂ&#x2018;WJXL VTML HJL TMKUMLTVLP^ULNT_MPLPTL|TWKLP^UL [_M[TMPUKL}H`ULTVL[TMPWTJ}LTVL their land in dispute by the traditional ruler and others. JL P^UL }_WPL Â&#x161;`UKL ]\L P^UWML counsel Obiora H. Udeoba, P^UL [`HWJPW6}L HMUL H}Â&#x2018;WJXL the court to give an order TVL [UM[UP_H`L WJÂ&#x153;_JNPWTJL MU}PMHWJWJXL P^UL KUVUJKHJP}Â&#x2030;L their privies, agents, servants, surrogates, workmen among TP^UM}Â&#x2030;L VMTQL Â?V_MP^UML }U``WJXÂ&#x2030;L trespassing and decapitation TVL P^UL NTQQ_JH`L `HJKL L WJL disputeâ&#x20AC;? ^UL [`HWJPW6}L WJL TP^UML MUÂ&#x;_U}P}L WJL P^UL Â&#x161;|UÂ [TWJPL
MU`WUVÂ&#x2030;L }T_X^PL L [MH\UKL P^UL court to declare that the land in dispute is a communal land belonging to the entire Ishiagu Amikwo community TVL Â?Â&#x2018;HL WJL Â?Â&#x2018;HL T_P^L TNH`L T|UMJQUJPL MUHL TVL Anambra State. They asked the court to equally declare that it is only P^UL XUJUMH`L QUUPWJXL TVL P^UL village that can determine whether the land in dispute Â?W``L]ULVTML}H`ULTMLJTPÂ&#x2030;LUWP^UML Â&#x201C;TML P^UL _}HXUL TVL P^UL `HJKL WJL dispute will be put into and P^UL }_QL TVL Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;QL H}L }[UNWH`L HJKL XUJUMH`L KHQHXU}L VTML trespass. The village had on UNUQ]UML Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2030;L Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;ÂŚL Â?MW,UJL PTL P^UL T|UMJQUJPL TVL Anambra State, then under P^UL `UHKUM}^W[L TVL ML UPUML ]WÂ&#x2030;LPTLMU`UH}ULP^UL`HJKLVMTQL the court premises to the }}UQ]`WU}L TVL TKL ^_MN^L along Court Road Awka, which the State Government T]`WXUKL P^UQL TJL H\L Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2030;L Â&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;L P^MT_X^L HL `U,UML ]\L P^UL P^UJL TQQW}}WTJUMLVTML HJKÂ&#x2030;L ^WUVL Â&#x2018;T\UL Â&#x2018;MWÂ&#x2018;HÂ&#x2020;
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
South South
Udom takes over as Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ibom gov, unveils 10-point agenda Bassey Anthony, Uyo
ormer governor of Akwa-Ibom State, Chief Godswill Akpabio, yesterday handed over to his successor, Mr. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel, in a colourful and solemn ceremony that took place at the Ultra-modern State International Stadium. The handing over ceremony was attended by some past governors of the state, captains of industry, traditional rulers, women and youths groups, members of the international community.
In his inaugural speech shortly after been sworn in as governor by the Acting Chief Judge of the State, Hon. Justice Stephen Okon, Udom unveiled his administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 10-point agenda to Akwa Ibom people. According to him, his administration would focus on industrialization, war against corruption, attraction and sustenance of federal presence in the state; ensure the security of lives of property of the people, women and youth empowerment, the sustenance of the uncommon transformation programmes
j^ Â&#x20AC;ZX VW]WFWXXjV Z[ j4FW among others. Udom, who used the occasion to announce the renaming of the Ibom International Stadium to Godswill Akpabio International Stadium, said his D]Â&#x2026;Z[ZXYVDYZj[ Â&#x2020;j_`] EW Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x2026; but fair to all irrespective of WYÂ&#x20AC;[ZF jV j`ZYZFD` D4`ZDYZj[X Â&#x2022; While paying glowing tributes to his predecessor for his outstanding achievements in j4FW YÂ&#x20AC;W [WÂ&#x2020; \jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV XDZ] his government would be founded on justice, peace and equity. He noted that with the smooth democratic transition
from the Akpabio administration to his, Akwa Ibom people have triumphed over the murky waters of ethnicity and politics. The Governor urged his opponents in the last election to accept the wishes of the people by joining hands with him to build the state to actualize his campaign promises. Earlier in his valedictory address, Akpabio thanked the people of the state for the mandate they gave him in 2007, adding that he has lived up to the expectations of the people by leaving Akwa Ibom better than he met it in 2007.
Calisthenics display at the inauguration of Oyo State Governor, Abiola Ajimobi for the second term, in Ibadan, Oyo Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
Governors charged to display transparency in budgeting policy Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
he Executive Director, Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights, CCIDSOR, Emeka Ononamadu has charged governors in the five South-East states to focus more on open budgetary system so as to halt frequent corruption associated with lack of transparency in budgeting. He made this submission during the second summit on budget and open public resource management programme held yesterday in Owerri, Imo State. According to him, it is globally acknowledged that greater openness benefits not only citizens, but also government as this will prompt better record management, making of decisions and services more effective. This, he said will also serve as a safeguard against
misgovernment and corruption. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The purpose of this summit therefore is to stimulate open budget and open government through fiscal transparency in the South East. Fiscal transparency is important for two reasons. First it protects peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right to know what their government do with public resources, it has a transformative potential in reshaping the type of relationship that exists between governments and their citizens,â&#x20AC;? he stated. He stated that when governments makes more information on their fiscal operations available, citizens can be in a better frame to monitor government actions and hold them accountable for how they raise and spend public resources. He however regretted that this is not happening in the SouthEast because budget information is rarely available to citizens while explaining that when such information are available,
the timing and form are inadequate to empower citizens to hold government accountable. Ononamadu queried why governments across the SouthEast zone find it difficult to let citizens know how much their over publicized budget cost, because the various governments see it an indirect affront when a citizen demands a copy
of governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual budget. His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The South-East can change their economic destruction to prosperity by open budget and open government. I have been imagining what the future holds for South-East now that they have squandered the oil resources allocated to them and world oil price is dropping by the
Road blocks: Prosecute offending officers, group tells Arase ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin
he Edo Progressive Indigene Association, (EPIA), have implored the new Inspector General Police (IGP), Solomon Arase, to follow the issue of ban on road blocks to an end by DVVWXYZ[\ ]W^D_`YZ[\ j4cers. EPIA stated this when it sent out a congratulatory message to Arase for his new appointment. The group promised to support the IGP, and commended the police as it battle crimes in the country, especially in Edo, where over 50 cultists have been arrested. In a statement signed EPIAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President-General, Dr John Edokpolo, the group said it is highly impressed with the performances of the police because crime and corruption has become almost a culture that has eaten not just into the society, but has unfortunately found a hiding place in the police industry. The statement further expressed concern that like past pronouncements by previous police chiefs,
Okowa sworn-in, promises to rule with fear of God Sylvester Idowu, Asaba
enator Ifeanyi Okowa was yesterday sworn-in as the new Governor of Delta State and promised to govern with respect and fear of God. The new governor, who took oath of office along with his deputy, Mr. Kingsley Otuaro as Delta State Governor
Oshiomhole constitutes economic board to enhance Edo IGR ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin
The Edo State Government has inaugurated an Internal Revenue Service Board in a bid to rebuild the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s revenue status. The inauguration was carried out by Adams Oshiomhole at the Edo Government House where he said that there was a need to build strong institutions rather than strong individuals if the country is to make progress in the comity of nations. In his speech, the governor
explained that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the taxes we collect, small as it is has even reduced and yet government is still working on projects in various areas. The Federal Government immediately after the elections abandoned their projects. We will not deceive our people at the eve of election, for us service is the basis why we are in government and we must sustain it.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He further stated that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;some of the modest achievements we have made are the result of meticulous planning, but also a determination to do
Araseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ban on road blocks may only end on the pages of newspapers DX [j j`ZFW j4FWV Â&#x20AC;DX ever been disciplined for mounting road-block on the highways. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We at EPIA are solidly behind you, and will give you all our support. You must let your results be\Z[ Yj VWÂ&#x192;WFY YÂ&#x20AC;W YV_W DYtitude of the Edo people. :W DVW Fj[Â&#x201E;]W[Y YÂ&#x20AC;DY ^jV YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x201E;VXY YZÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2020;W Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W someone who will uplift the name of Edo people. There might be distractions here and there, but we want to advice you never to give up in your convictions of a better, more civilised society. The country is currently looking at you and expects so much. We want to implore that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be distracted by side talks,â&#x20AC;? it stated. On plans to reform the police industry, EPIA urged the IG never give to up on sanitization of the force, adding that j`ZFW j4FWVX XÂ&#x20AC;j_`] EW taught discipline so they wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t betray the force, sell-out to criminals or be involved in conspiracies that will lead to gross corrupt practices.
things differently. The basis for the last election campaign was change. We have changed not just the president, we have changed the way Nigerian is governed, and we have changed the way Edo State is governed. So these reforms are an attempt to make these changes a reality.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is part of our continuing reforms of the institutions of government and our hope is that at the end of the day the Internal Revenue Service, just like the ICT will be an autonomous body,â&#x20AC;? he said.
and Deputy Governor respectively also assured that his administration will ensure equity, justice and fairness to all in the state. The Chief Judge of the State, Justice Marshal Umukoro, administered the oaths of office at the occasion, in the presence immediate past Governor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, his Deputy, Prof. Amos Utuama and their spouses. He assured Deltans of an all inclusive government where there will be no discrimination, but equity, justice and fairness. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will create opportunity for our people to participate in the act of governance, I promise to govern our people with respect and fear of God, greed must give way and sacrifice must take its place,â&#x20AC;? the governor said, adding â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;we will enthrone a legacy of wealth and prosperity for our people based on our five point agenda.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Politics My elevation is divine â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gov Ortom The Governor of Benue State, Dr. Samuel Ortom, was never considered worthy of the fortune that eventually befell him, simply because he was seen as a person that may end up probing his predecessors. Ortom, who was popular among the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) faithful and aspirants, went down in rating as the primaries drew nearer. Initially, the traditional rulers rated him as the best of the four aspirants, but other aspirants condemned his selection process, saying it was not transparent and democratic. The expectation was that one of the four would emerge the governorship candidate of the PDP, but the â&#x20AC;&#x153;power that beâ&#x20AC;? was against Ortom, and TerhemenTarzor emerged the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidate. +-//01-/234 5-16 163 789:3// ;819< =3>1 163 ?+? 9@ +3:3<A38 >98 163 All Progressives Congress (APC), to become its consensus candidate. In this interview with GODWIN AKOR, Ortom says his becoming governor is divine, he reveal his plans for the state. Excerpts: How do you see your coming to the Government House? My coming to Government House is a divine arrangement. First, I will not disappoint God; secondly, I will not disappoint the people. I will execute the mandate of the people. I hope to bring the people to the same page with me so that we will have the same understanding. I will eradicate poverty and disease, and lead with the fear of God. All these translate to love, reconciliation, peace, unity and accountability. These qualities will be entrenched in the society if we all work as a team. By the grace of God, I am experienced in politics and in FÂ&#x20AC;_VFÂ&#x20AC; D<DZVX DX Â&#x2020;W`` DX YÂ&#x20AC;W `jcal government administration. I may not be able to do everything thing in four years, but we will give priority to industries so that our people can improve their lives, minerals will be developed. Micro and macro businesses will be developed, trading and commercial activities will be encouraged, and there will be provision of enabling environment for investments to come so that there can be wealth creation. We will restore peace so that we can develop; tackle the issue of security headlong, take it in such a way that every one fol`jÂ&#x2020;X YÂ&#x20AC;W V_`W j^ `DÂ&#x2020; [j j<W[]er will go unpunished; no one will live above the law, starting with me. We will prevent leakages, and those coming with me should know that we are not on a money making jamboree; we are to serve the people. A situation where people on level 15, 17, and so on are very rich will not be tolerated. Within two years, we will ensure that sal-
aries are stabilized, schools reopened, pensioners paid among others. My concern is to protect the law, and anything illegal will not be tolerated. What would you say was responsible for your success in the election? Hard work: Study to show yourself approved, a workman does not need to be ashamed. I was dedicated in driving. My turning point was waiting behind to run errands after close of work. One fateful day, as I sat by the boys quarters, a paper was blown across to me, I picked it up, and behold, there was advert in the paper. There were photographs of house, family and a man and the advert said the owner of the family could be you if you become educated, so, I applied. In two weeks, I received a catalogue of those who went through the programme, and had become managers, directors and others. Having been convinced, I had to sell my radio set to raise N150 to buy the forms. That was in 1982. By 1984, I got my diploma in salesmanship, ac-
My coming to Government House is a divine arrangement. First, I will not disappoint God; secondly, I will not disappoint the people. I will execute the mandate of the people. I hope to bring the people to the same page with me so that we will have the same understanding
Continued on Page 52
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Expectations as Buhari takes charge Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
s President Muhammadu %_ DVZ Yjj Y W jDY j^ j4FW yesterday, Nigerians at home D[] Z[ Y W 'ZDX jVD FZ Z` XjFZWYZWX D[] Y W Z[YWV[DYZj[D` Fj _[ZY D W FWDXW`WXX` W¡ VWXXW] DVZW] W¡ WFYDYZj[X VD[\Z[\ ^Vj VZFW Fj[YVj` Yj XYDE`W j WV X_ ` XWF_VZY D[] VD]ZFD` X Z^Y ^Vj YjYD` ]W W[]W[FW j[ ZFVj WFj[j Yj D\Vj WFj[j )jV Z[XYD[FW D FZ Z` XjFZWY `Z W Y W 8[ZYW] 6YDYWX j^ $ WVZFD EDXW] +_ D[ 5Z\ Y :DYF +5: Z[ D `WYYWV VW`WDXW] in Abuja on May 27, 2015, urged Buhari Yj YD W Z W]ZDYW D[] Fj[FVWYW XYW X Yj D]]VWXX `DV\W XFD`W Zj`W[FW W[]W ZF FjVV_ YZj[ D `DF j^ DFFj_[YDEZ`ZY ^jV abuses and other pressing human rights VjE`W X 7 W `WYYWV Fj j^ ZF DX \Z W[ 1W X DYF 7Z WX VWD] Z[ DVY ¢%_ DVZ Vj ZXW] Yj D]]VWXX Y W Zj`W[FW FjVV_ YZj[ D[] Z[£_XYZFW Y DY 1Z\WVZD X FZYZ¤W[X ^DFW WDF D[] W WV ]D ¥ $FFjV]Z[\ Yj 0D_XZ 6W\_[ 1Z\WVZD[ VWXWDVF WV DY Y W +_ D[ 5Z\ YX :DYF ¢,^ Y W Wj `W X j WX DVW [jY Yj EW ]DX W] %_ DVZ D[] ZX \j WV[ W[Y X j_`] ¦_ZF ` Y_V[ Y WZV Vj ZXWX Z[Yj Fj[FVWYW DFYZj[ D[] YD W XYW X Yj Z Vj W _ D[ VZ\ YX ¥ +5: VWFD``W] ¢%_ DVZ D VWYZVW] D£jV \W[WVD` DX ^Vj Yj DY Y W WD] j^ D Z`ZYDV \j WV[ W[Y Y DY D] Yj `W] Y W FZ Z`ZD[ D] Z[ZXYVDYZj[ j^ 3VWXZ]W[Y 6 W _ 6 D\DVZ +ZX WVZj] DX WD] j^ XYDYW DX DV W] E DVEZYVDV DVVWXYX VWXYVZFYZj[X j[ ^VWW]j j^ W¡ VWXXZj[ D[] Y W W]ZD D[] VWYVjDFYZ W FVZ Z[D` `D X '_VZ[\ Y W VWFW[Y W`WFYZj[ FD DZ\[ %_ DVZ DF [j `W]\W] Y WXW DXY VjE`W X D[] XDZ] W j_`] F D[\W ¢6Z[FW 1Z\WVZD VWY_V[W] Yj FZ Z`ZD[ V_`W Z[ jVW Y D[ FZ Z`ZD[X D W EWW[ Z``W] Z[ XWFYDVZD[ Fj _[D` jV j`ZYZFD` Zj`W[FW D[] D` jXY Z``Zj[ D W EWW[ ]ZX `DFW] ^Vj Y WZV j WX 9WV ^W j^ Y jXW VWX j[XZE`W ^jV Y W Zj`W[FW WY WV XYDYW jV [j[ XYDYW DFYjVX D W EWW[ DVVWXYW] jV W`] Yj DFFj_[Y ¥ ZY D]]W] 7 W \Vj_ DF [j `W]\W] Y DY Y W j[\jZ[\ Fj[ ZFY ZY Y W Z`ZYD[Y ,X`D ZXY VWEW` \Vj_ FD``W] %j j +DVD Z[ Y W [jVY WDXY Z`` EW j[W j^ %_ DVZ X jXY VWXXZ[\ F D``W[\WX XD Z[\ ¢%_ DVZ [WW]X Yj W[] Y W F F`W j^ Zj`W[FW D[] YD W Ej`] DFYZj[ Yj W[X_VW Y W £_]ZFZDV Z[ WXYZ\DYWX D[] VjXWF_YWX D[ j[W Z `ZFDYW] Z[ XWVZj_X _ D[ VZ\ YX DE_XWX WY WV %j j +DVD \ YWVX jV Y W Z`ZYDV D[] j`ZFW %_ DVZ X j_`] XYDVY D [W F D YWV Z[ Y W [jVY WDXY D[] W[X_VW Y DY 1Z\WVZD[ XWF_VZY ^jVFWX VWX WFY ]j WXYZF `D _ D[ VZ\ YX D[] Z[YWV[DYZj[D` _ D[ZYDVZD[ `D Z[ D`` Y WZV j WVDYZj[X ¥ ,Y j W WV [jYW] Y DY X_FFWXXZ W \j WV[ W[YX D W D`Xj ^DZ`W] Yj D]]VWXX Y W VjjY FD_XWX j^ Z[YWV Fj _[D` Zj`W[FW E ]ZXFVZ Z[DYZ[\ D\DZ[XY W EWVX j^ WY [ZF \Vj_ X Y W F`DXXZ^ DX ¢[j[ Z[]Z\W[WX¥ § Wj `W j FD[[jY YVDFW Y WZV D[FWXYV Yj DY DVW XDZ] Yj EW Y W jVZ\Z[D` Z[ DEZYD[YX j^ D[ DVWD ,[ ZW j^ Y ZX ¢%_ DVZ X j_`] W[] ]Z ZXZ W XYDYW D[] `jFD` \j WV[ W[Y j`ZFZWX Y DY ]ZXFVZ Z[DYW D\DZ[XY [j[ Z[]Z\W[WX 7 W [W D] Z[ZXYVDYZj[ X j_`] X j[XjV `W\ZX`DYZj[ Yj W¡ VWXX` EDV D`` )W]WVD` XYDYW D[] `jFD` \j WV[ W[Y Z[XYZY_YZj[X ^Vj _[`D ^_` ]ZXFVZ Z[DYZj[ D\DZ[XY ¢[j[ Z[]Z\W[WX ¥
'WX ZYW 1Z\WVZD X YVW W[]j_X jZ` WD`Y FjVV_ YZj[ D[] WD \j WV[D[FW D W ]VZ W[ D Z]W \D EWY WW[ Y W V_`Z[\ W`ZYW D[] Y W j _`DYZj[ `WD Z[\ j WVY D`[_YVZYZj[ D[] jVYD`ZY VDYWX D j[\ Y W jVXY Z[ Y W jV`] 7 WXW VjE`W X DVW jXY DF_YW Z[ Y W [jVY § Y W Fj_[YV X jjVWXY VW\Zj[ § E_Y D`Xj Z[ Y W VWXj_VFW VZF 1Z\WV 'W`YD WVW Z]WX VWD] j WVY D[] _[W `j W[Y W¡DFWVEDYW] E W[ ZVj[ W[YD` ]W\VD]DYZj[ D[] FjVV_ YZj[ D W FVWDYW] ]ZXFj[YW[Y D[] ^DFZ`ZYDYW] Y W \Vj Y j^ W¡YVW ZXY \Vj_ X %_ DVZ FD DZ\[W] j[ D[ D[YZ FjVV_ YZj[ `DY^jV XD Z[\ Y DY W j_`] \ Y ZYX XFj_V\W Z[ _E`ZF j4FW D[] W[X_VW Y W VW j D` j^ Y W Fj[XYZY_YZj[D` Z _[ZY F`D_XW Y DY VjYWFYX Y W VWXZ]W[Y D[] \j WV[jVX ^Vj FVZ Z[D` Z[ WXYZ\DYZj[ D[] VjXWF_YZj[ 7 W [W D] Z[ZXYVDYZj[ X j_`] YD W Z W]ZDYW XYW X Yj XYVW[\Y W[ j WVXZ\ Y D[] DYF ]j\ Z[XYZY_YZj[X X_F DX Y W &j]W j^ &j[]_FY %_VWD_ Y W (Fj[j ZF D[] )Z[D[FZD` &VZ WX &j ZXXZj[ ()&& D[] Y W ,[]W W[]W[Y &jVV_ Y 3VDFYZFWX &j ZXXZj[ ,&3& Yj WV ZY Y W Yj ^_[FYZj[ ZY j_Y Z[YWV^WVW[FW jV DVYZD`ZY $ ^jV WV \_EWV[DYjVZD` FD[]Z]DYW j^ Y W ]W^_[FY $`` 1Z\WVZD X 3Wj `W 3DVY $133 Z[ /D\jX 6YDYW & ZW^ /D[VW 5D¤D¦ VWFW[Y` Z[ D[ W¡F`_XZ W Yj`] 1W X DYF 7Z WX Y DY j[W W D[] FVZYZFD` ZXX_W W¡ WFYW] j^ %_ DVZ Yj ¡ ZX XWF_VZY ¢+W _XY D[]`W XWF_VZY Z[ D`` VD Z FDYZj[X EWFD_XW ZY ZX j[` W[ Wj `W D W D XYDE`W XYDYW j^ Z[] Y DY Y W Y Z[ j^ ]W W`j W[Y ¢$^YWV Y DY Y WVW ZX [WW] ^jV ^jj] XWF_VZY D[] Z[ D XZY_DYZj[ WVW Wj `W FD[ Y D<jV] Y VWW X¦_DVW WD`X D
F DVDFYWVZXW] E D WVFZ`WXX FVDF ]j [ j[ ¢Z[]ZXFZ `Z[W¥ D[] FjVV_ Y VDFYZFWX ZF Xj WYZ WX FVjXXW] Y W `Z[W Z[Yj DE_XW j^ j WV +j W WV %_ DVZ DX XDZ] Y Z[\X Z`` EW ]Z<WVW[Y Y ZX YZ W Vj_[] ZY ]WFD]WX j^ Z`ZYDV V_`W DED[]j[W] XZ[FW Z[ ^D j_V j^ _`YZ DVY ]W jFVDF DV`ZD W[Y D[] Y W Fj[XYZY_YZj[ ,[ )WEV_DV Y W WDV j`] FD_YZj[W] j W WV Y DY Y WVW DX D [WW] Yj ¢YW WV Z\ W¡ WFYDYZj[X j[ Y W DVY j^ Y jXW j DVW W¡ WFYZ[\ ZVDF`WX Yj D W[ ¥ %_Y DFVjXX Y W Fj_[YV Y ZX DX Fj_[YWVW] E D[ j j W W FD[ ^j``j Y Vj_\ j[ ZX W`WFYZj[ `W]\W j^ X WW Z[\ F D[\W Yj XYj Y W VjY Z[ $^VZFD X jXY j _`j_X [DYZj[ $[ D WVD\W j_XW Z^W W¡ WFYX %_ DVZ X \j WV[ W[Y Yj ]j j[]WVX D[] VW]_FW Fj j]ZYZWX VZFWX DX W`` DX W<WFY Vj WV VZFW VW\_`DYZj[X j^ j_XW j`] ZYW X D[] \jj]X 6Z Z`DV` Y W W]ZD VW jVYW] D[ _[W `j W] WDV j`] _[Z WVXZY $FFj_[YD[F \VD]_DYW 6j`j j[ $EW\_[]W FVD Z[\ ^jV £jE j jVY_[ZY [j Y DY %_ DVZ DX EWW[ X jV[ Z[ $[jY WV j_XW Z^W +D£DVD 6D[Z j WX ^jV Z[ WXY W[Y Z[ W]_FDYZj[ ZY Z``Zj[ F Z`]VW[ j_Y j^ XF jj` Y W jXY Z[ Y W jV`] D[] `ZYWVDF `W W`X `j DVYZF_`DV` Z[ Y W 0_X`Z [jVY 0_XD 0j D W] D WDV j`] D_Yj WF D[ZF D[YX Z Vj W] j WV X_ ` [j DY D[ D`` YZ W `j j^ £_XY W\D DYYX EW`j `W W`X ]_VZ[\ %_ DVZ X `DXY YZ W Z[ j4FW 2[W $Ej`D£Z 2]_ WXZ D`Xj Z[ /D\jX j WX Yj XWW %_ DVZ YDF `W FjVV_ YZj[ Z[ Y W jZ` XWFYjV ZF DFFj_[YX ^jV WV FW[Y j^ ^jVWZ\[ WDV[Z[\X E_Y ZX ] Z[]`Z[\ ]_W Yj ^D``Z[\ \`jED` FV_]W VZFWX $FFjV]Z[\ Yj Z j[` Y W E_Z`]Z[\ j^ [W D[] VW DEZ`ZYDYZj[ j^ Y W [DYZj[ X jVZE_[] jZ` VW [WVZWX j_`] ]j Y W D\ZF VWX j[XZE`W \j WV[ W[Y j_\ Y Yj EW DE`W (`XW WVW Y WVW DVW FD``X Yj ]Z WVXZ^ Yj WV^jV W j WV W[Y D[] W[X_VW Y W WFj[j Z[FVWDXW YD¡DYZj[ Yj EjjXY Y DY j WVY ZX WVD]ZFDYW] Z[ Y W Fj_[YV \j WV[ W[Y Fj<WVX D[] YDF `W j WVY D[] W[ j_ WVD]ZFDYW j WVY Y W[ j_ Y DY Y W $3& XD X E`Z\ YX Y W `Z WX j^ FD[ YD` j^ WD`Y FDVW ]W`Z WV Z[ j` Z[\ Xj W Z``Zj[ 1Z\WVZD X jVW Y D[ VW W[YZ W D[] F_VDYZ W 0W]ZFDVW Z``Zj[ Wj `W ¢2^ Fj_VXW j_V W]_FDYZj[ ZX WV $` jXY W WV j[W YD` X j^ FjVV_ YZj[ Z jVYD[Y EWFD_XW D[ _[W]_FDYW] [DYZj[ ZF Y W D_XYWVW %_ DVZ EW`ZW WX DX ZX D [ZX W] [DYZj[ W _XY Fj[YZ[_W Yj D]W Y W Fj_[YV D \`jED` `D_\ Z[\ XYjF \WY 1Z\WVZD W]_FDYW] ,Y ZX W[ FZYZ¤W[X ¢, D[Y Z Yj DZ[YDZ[ ¤WVj Yj`WVD[FW DVW W]_FDYW] Y DY Y W Z`` [j Y WZV j[ FjVV_ YZj[ WX WFZD`` Z[ Y W _E`ZF VZ\ YX EWFD_XW W[ Y W [j Y WZV XWV ZFW D[] W[X_VW Y DY jW WV ZX ^j_[] VZ\ YX Y W [j Y W \j WV[ W[Y Yj D[YZ[\ ^DFWX Y W ^_`` VDY j^ Y W `D ¥ X_ jVY XDZ] 0DZ]D D ¢7 W[ Fj WX j_V VjD] Z[^VDXYV_FY_VW ¢2[W j^ Y W VXY Y Z[\X W %_ DVZ Z^ Y W VjD]X DVW \jj] Y WVW Z`` EW DX Yj ]j ZX DXXW E`W D Fj WYW[Y Fj _[ZFDYZj[ ]W W`j W[Y D[] Y W[ XYVDYW\ZF Fj _[ZFDYZj[X YWD Yj W[WV\ Z`` Fj W Z[ 7 W ZXX_W j^ W[WV\ D[D\W W¡ WFYDYZj[X ¥ XDZ] D j`ZYZFD` Z[ 1Z\WVZD DX EWFj W D VWF_VVZ[\ ]WFZ D` Fj W[YDYjV & VZX 1\ j]j ^jV Yjj `j[\ :W FD[ Y D<jV] Yj `WD W $FFjV]Z[\ Yj Z ¢+W DX Yj EW DE`W 1Z\WVZD EW Z[] Z`W jY WV Fj_[YVZWX DVW Yj YW WV Y W `W W` j^ W¡ WFYDYZj[ E_Y j Z[\ D WD] W W[ X D`` [DYZj[X DVW ZY j_Y EWZ[\ D ]D X¦_ZE ,Y DX Yj EW [j Fj[XFZj_X j^ [WW] ^jV ^DXY \Vj Y X Z``^_`` D[D\W] ¥ WX WFZD`` Z[ j WV \W[WVDYZj[ D[] 7j EW X_VW 1Z\WVZD X Z`ZYDV DX Y W ]ZXYVZE_YZj[ D`` Y WXW , D X_VW %_ DVZ _ WV D[] D\DZ[XY %j j +DVD E_Y Z`` YDF `W WD] j[ D[] 1Z\WVZD Z`` EW D Y WVW ZX XYZ`` jV Yj ]j Yj DZ[YDZ[ Y W EWYYWV Fj_[YV Z[ D ^W WDVX ¥ W `ZXYW] WDFW 2[ jXY jY WV ^Vj[YX j W WV Y W ,[ D ]DX DFVjXX 1Z\WVZD 1W X DYF Z[Fj Z[\ \j WV[ W[Y DX D[ _ Z`` YDX 7Z WX \DY WVW] Y DY Fj[ ]W[FW ZX Z\ ¢7j YDF `W Y W ^_W` FVZXZX %_ DVZ j Y DY %_ DVZ j WD]W] D Z`ZYDV j[FW WD]W] D \j WV[ W[Y jZ` D\W[F \j WV[ W[Y Z[ Y W X Z`` ¡ Y W DX Yj Fj[ Z[FW ^_W` Z jVYWVX j`]Z[\ VD D\Z[\ ^_W` XFDVFZY WVVDYZF j WV j_Y ^jV F`DZ W] \j WV[ W[Y X_EXZ] X_ ` D[] jY WV VW`DYW] WXX DVVWDVX E X _YYZ[\ ]W jYX Y DY Y W Z`` ¢,Y X [jY Z[ ]ZX _YW Y DY Y W -j[DY D[ EW DZ] ¥ XDZ] 1\ j]j D]]Z[\ W DX Yj \j WV[ W[Y DX WXXW] _ Y Z[\X ¥ XDZ] YDF `W ¢Y W DEX_V]ZY j^ D[ jZ` Vj]_FZ[\ D WYY YVD]WV 0_`Z DY %W``j Z[ Y W $\W\W [DYZj[ Y DY Z jVYX ^_W` ¥ E_Z`] ]j WXYZF DVWD j^ /D\jX 6YDYW D]]Z[\ ¢:W [j VW [WVZWX D[] W`Z Z[DYW ^_W` X_EXZ]ZWX %_ DVZ FD[ ]j ZY +W DX ]j[W ZY EW^jVW Y DY DVW j W[ Yj FjVV_ YZj[ ¥ ,Y X Y W XD W D Y W 6 W _ 6 D\DVZ 'WEj $]W[ZVD[ j^ Y W &jD`ZYZj[ D] Z[ZXYVDYZj[ ]WXYVj W] Y W WFj[j $\DZ[XY &jVV_ Y /WD]WVX XDZ] ¢,Y X D EW^jVW %_ DVZ X Fj_ j^ 'WFW EWV ¥ ZY Y DY %_ DVZ DX Fj W DY Y W Vj[\ ,Y j_`] EW VWFD``W] Y DY WDVX D\j %_ DVZ X j[Y Z`ZYDV VW\Z W DX Continued on Page 52
May 30, 2015
FIFA U-20 World Cup:
You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t beat Nigeria, Akpoborie tells Brazil Dikko advises clubs against pay cuts >>Pg.18
Ayew heads to Italy >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu
League Watch Dikko advises clubs against pay cuts 08080669826
he League Management Company (LMC) has asked clubs to refrain from acts that runs contrary to the terms of contracts of the league. Chairman of the LMC, Mallam Shehu Dikko in reaction to recurring reports of clubs threatening or issuing ultimatum and threat of sack and deduction of salaries of their players and technical crew, urged the various clubsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; management to seek ]U,UMLNMUHPW|ULÂ?H\}LTVL motivating their players and coaches rather than resorting to strong arm
and punitive tactics that run counter to extant regulations guiding playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; contract and wages. The LMC Chairman stated that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will work with the Clubs to ensure employment contracts are adhered to within the league structure and employeesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; rights are well respected. It is against the spirit of the contract terms recommended and deposited with us by all the clubs to introduce these pay cuts. It certainly is a potential violation of the minimum wage condition. I urge clubs PTLÂ&#x161;JKL]U,UMLNMUHPW|UL
ways to motivate their employees. We should not allow the impression P^HPLKW6UMUJPL`H]T_ML`HÂ?}L apply to football clubs to hold.â&#x20AC;? Citing relevant sections of the Nigeria Professional Football League Rules and Framework, Mallam Dikko cautioned: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whereas these reports HMUL_JNTJÂ&#x161;MQUKÂ&#x2030;LP^U\L are disconcerting. The League Rules- Article B9.45 requires that terms of contracts shall be strictly adhered to. Deducting salaries of players or coaches on account of poor
performance is contrary to the terms of contract and a violation we will certainly not entertain.â&#x20AC;? It is recalled that the management of Abia Warriors slam a pay cut on the players and the technical crew of the Umuahia based side after their Week 8 home game defeat by league champions, Pillars. Abia Warrior are not doing badly in the 10 week old league but to express their disapproval of the defeat which is normal in football, the management slammed a pay cut which LMC has since warn them against.
Onuoha suspended for indiscipline
anagement of Abia Warriors football Club of Umuahia has frowned at reports in a section of the media, especially the social media that one of its goalkeepers, Joseph Onuoha was suspended WJKUÂ&#x161;JWPU`\Â&#x2020; In a statement, management recalled that the goalkeeper has been a serial camp breaker and has been warned severally in the past to desist from such acts all to no avail. According to the statement, Abia Warriors have a code of conduct guiding the players and T>NWH`}LÂ?^WN^LH,MHNP}L sanctions if broken; pointing out that the said Joseph Onuoha has severally, been found guilty of breaching such camp rules. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last season, he was suspended for some months for acts of indiscipline and unseriousness and from all indications he is yet to repent from his sins. His suspension has nothing to do with his performance on the pitch, after all, our other goalkeepers have even conceded more goals without being sanctionedâ&#x20AC;?, the statement said. PLN`HMWÂ&#x161;UKLP^HPL recently, the suspended player broke camp rules HXHWJL]\LÂ&#x161;X^PWJXLP^UL clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Deputy Camp Commandant, which was the last straw that broke the Carmelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back as the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disciplinary NTQQW,UULVT_JKL^WQL guilty as charged and
recommended his suspension. Management, therefore, warned all players to abide by the code of conduct strictly or be ready to face the music, if they contravene it. T`|UÂ&#x2C6;}L UKWHL >NUML mocks Bosso The Media Manager of Warri Wolves FC, Moses Etu, has lambasted the coach of Abia Warriors FC of Umuahia, Ladan Bosso HJKLT6UM}L}_XXU}PWTJ}L to the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF). In an interview Etu said itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to include the Technical Adviser of Abia Warriors, Ladan Bosso, among those to H,UJKLP^UL_[XMHKWJXL course in London as the former Flying Eagles coach has lost touch with trends in modern football. Reacting to a statement credited to Ladan Bosso in one of the sport dailies
calling on LMC to sanction Warri Wolves, the Media Manager of the Seasiders, Moses Etu, said heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really surprised that Bosso was crying wolf just to save his face because he has lost touch with the trends in modern football. Etu insisted that Bosso has never seen such crowd in any stadium in recent times and he was overwhelmed by what he }HÂ?Â&#x2020;L HP^UMLP^HJLÂ&#x161;JKWJXL solution to the dwindling performance of his club he was busy admiring the crowd. Etu further said Bosso was lucky that the team just returned from a tedious journey that took its toll on them, if not, his team would have been easily beaten. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The present squad we have at Warri Wolves FC can ground Abia Warriors FC any day, anytime and anywhere.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t belong to the same category. We have proved many times that we are equal to the task this season and ready to confront any team,â&#x20AC;? said Etu. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I really pity Coach Ladan Bosso because one can understand his frustration in recent times. He has not won anything and his team cannot be regarded as a force in the Country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you count the top four teams in the country, you must mention Warri Wolves, and in the continent we have also proven that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to appeal to the NFF to include him with P^T}ULPTLH,UJKLP^ULJUÂ PL course because he has lost touch with modern trends in football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Moreover, he has not seen such a large crowd in recent times so he was overwhelmed. What I expect him to do now is to look for a way to redeem his image rather than trying to hide under the guise of any other thing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was lucky that the team just returned from a long journey, otherwise they would have been grounded and we have the squad to put them where they belong,â&#x20AC;? said Etu. Meanwhile, Etu has commended the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fans for standing by the team and urged them to keep faith â&#x20AC;&#x201C; especially in the match against AC Leopards from Congo. He claims that the boys have made up their mind to play the game of their lives come next week.
Pillars, Enyimba make league title statement
he top two clubs in the league proved their title prospects with impressive victories last Wednesday while Sunshine, Gabros and Giwa are striving to change the order. The Blue Angels barely managed to pick another point at home to Giwa FC on Wednesday in a season that has gone awry for Coach Gbenga Ogunbote and his players. They can only boast of a win from 10 matches and are now 19th on the log with eight points. Yusuf Yaiyeoba put Sharks in the lead at the Liberation Stadium, Team
MP F 6
Sunshine 10
Enyimba 10
El Kanemi 9
Heartland 8
10 10 4
10 11
Nasarawa 10 13 Rangers 10
3 -3 3
10 Dolphins 9
10 11 9 6 10 5 2 -4 5 6 2
Shooting 8
10 10
8 11 5 10 13 10 11 10 13 5
10 6 10 9 1
Port Harcourt, but the Jos Elephants came back stronger, got the equalizer and almost won the match. Giwa FC on their part are riding high after another point gained on the road. They are still WJLP^ULPT[LÂ&#x161;|ULÂ?WP^LÂ&#x2DC;ÂŚL points from 10 matches.
W A 2 7 6 5 3 8 5 8 4 6 5 10 1 9 4 12 0 10 3 12 2 12 2 12 3 10 3 10 4 10 3 +4 3 11 1 10 1 13 2 10
D D 2 +7 0 +6 2 +3 2 +5 5 +5 2 +3 3 +0 1 -2 4 +2 4
L P 14 20 2 18 11 18 3 17 1 17 3 17 9 16 5 13 12 12 10
5 -1 5 -1 2 -4 2 -5 4
11 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6
0 9 4 -2 6 -4 5 -4 5 -5
2 9 9 3 9 4 8 5 5
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sports/EURO League Raiola: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Balotelli stays at Liverpoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
]HJLWJL UNUQ]UMLVTMLHL NTJPMT|UM}WH`L J}PHXMHQL post. Â? ^ULN`_]LÂ?UMUL ^H[[\LÂ?WP^L^WQLH}LHL [MTVU}}WTJH`Â&#x2020;L ]|WT_}`\L ^ULQH\L^H|ULPTLWQ[MT|UL P^UL[UMVTMQHJNU}L]_PL Â&#x2C6;QL[MU,\LNTJÂ&#x161;KUJPLP^HPL Â?W``L^H[[UJLJU PL\UHMÂ&#x2020;ÂŤ ^WJÂ&#x2018;L\T_LÂ&#x2018;JTÂ?L\T_ML Italian football? Share \T_MLÂ&#x2018;JTÂ?`UKXUÂ&#x2030;LPW[}L HJKLNTQQUJP}LPTLÂ?WJL NH}^L[MW¤U}LWJL Â&#x2C6;}L PW[}PUMLNTQ[UPWPWTJL  LĂ&#x2020;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2030;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;LPTL]ULÂ?TJL QTJP^`\Ă&#x2021;
Ayew heads to Italy Spain to feature five clubs in Champions League
evilla FCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UEFA Europa League triumph over FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk means there will be Â&#x161;|UL [HJW}^LN`_]}LWJL next seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UEFA Champions League, with four starting in the group stage. LN^HJXULWJL MUX_`HPWTJ}LHJJT_JNUKL WJLÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;LKUPUMQWJUKLP^HPL from 2014/15 the UEFA Europa League winners Â?T_`KLÂ&#x;_H`WV\LVTMLP^UL following seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UEFA ^HQ[WTJ}L UHX_UL[`H\Â T6}LHPL`UH}PÂ&#x2020; However, as both of this termâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UEFA Champions League Â&#x161;JH`W}P}LĂ&#x192;L _|UJP_}L HJKL L HMNU`TJHLĂ&#x192;LHMUL H`MUHK\LWJLP^ULÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;ÂŁÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2022;L XMT_[L}PHXUL]\L|WMP_UL TVLP^UWMLKTQU}PWNL
`UHX_ULÂ&#x161;JW}^U}Â&#x2030;L U|W``HÂ&#x2030;L who beat FC Dnipro JW[MT[UPMT|}Â&#x2018;LÂ&#x2013; Â&#x201D;LWJL HM}HÂ?LTJL UKJU}KH\Â&#x2030;L Â?W``LH`}TLJTPLJUUKLPTL Â&#x;_H`WV\Â&#x2020; J}PUHKÂ&#x2030;LP^U\LÂ?W``LXTL KWMUNP`\LWJPTLP^ULXMT_[L stage along with the top P^MUULWJL [HWJ¢L HMNU`TJHÂ&#x2030;L UH`L HKMWKL LHJKL `_]L P`Ă&#x2C6;PWNTLKUL HKMWKÂ&#x2020;L H`UJNWHL Â&#x2030;LÂ?^TLÂ&#x161;JW}^UKL fourth in the Liga, will UJPUMLP^UL[`H\ T6}Â&#x2020; JW[MTLNT_`KL}PW``L]UL WJ|T`|UKLWJLJU PL}UH}TJÂ&#x2C6;}L UEFA Champions UHX_ULĂ&#x192;LVMTQLP^UL P^WMKLÂ&#x;_H`WV\WJXLMT_JKL Ă&#x192;L}^T_`KLP^U\L[W[L L Shakhtar Donetsk to }UNTJKL}[TPLWJLP^UL Ukrainian Premier League when the NHQ[HWXJLNTJN`_KU}LTJL HP_MKH\Â&#x2020;
JKMUL \UÂ?LW}L on the verge of }WXJWJXLHLVT_M \UHMLNTJPMHNPLÂ?WP^L PH`WHJL giants Roma after turning ^W}L]HNÂ&#x2018;LTJL UÂ?NH}P`UÂ&#x2020;L UÂ?NH}P`U¢L \UÂ?L^UHK}L PTL PH`\L ^UL ^HJHL WJPUMJHPWTJH`Â&#x2C6;}LNTJPMHNPL HPL MUJN^LT_PÂ&#x161;PL HM}UW``UL is set to expire at the
}[UN_`HPWTJLTVLHLQT|UÂ&#x2020;L Â? LÂ&#x2018;JTÂ?L \UÂ?L^H}LHJL agreement with Roma Â?^WN^LW}L`WJÂ&#x2018;UKLPTLP^UL PUHQÂ&#x2C6;}LHN^WU|UQUJPLTVL a Champions League [`HNUÂ&#x2030;ÂŤL^UL}HWKLWJLHJL interview with Tele HKWTL PUMUTÂ&#x2020;LÂ? ULW}LHJL UÂ NU``UJPL}TNNUML[`H\UMÂ&#x2030;L
H]`ULPTL}NTMUL}WÂ Â&#x201C;}U|UJL XTH`}L[UML}UH}TJLHJKL [MT|WKU}LHL}WXJWÂ&#x161;NHJPL number of assists. If it is }UH`UKÂ&#x2030;LP^UJL TQHLÂ?W``L ^H|ULKTJULHLXMUHPLKUH`Â&#x2020;ÂŤL Arsenal have also been `WJÂ&#x2018;UKL]_PLWPL`TTÂ&#x2018;}LH}L P^T_X^LP^ULÂ&#x201D;ÂŁÂ \UHMÂ T`KLW}L ^UHKWJXLPTL PH`\Â&#x2020;L
Messi relaxes with girlfriend, son
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
FIFA U-20 World Cup: You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t beat Nigeria, Akpoborie tells Brazil Victor Enyinnaya
Amina Brai Omoike
x-international, Jonathan Akpoborie, says WPLÂ?T_`KL]ULKW>N_`PLVTML Brazil to overwhelm this present Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Under-20 team when both sides luck horns together TJL TJKH\LWJLP^UWMLÂ&#x161;M}PL game of the FIFA Under20 World Cup tie in New UH`HJKÂ&#x2020; According to the former Super Eagles striker, Manu Garba team has a character of a formidable side in every department TVLP^ULXHQUÂ&#x2020; WXUMWHLÂ?^TLÂ&#x;_H`WÂ&#x161;UKL for the twentieth edition to be hosted by New Zealand, as champions of Africa are grouped with Brazil, North Korea and
_JXHM\Â&#x2020; The Country came close in 1989 and 2005 but ^TÂ?LWPL}PHMP}LT6LP^UL]`TNÂ&#x2018;L against Brazil could make TMLQHMLP^UWMLPWP`UL^T[U}Â&#x2020; ^UL MH¤W`LÂ&#x161; P_MUL^H}L been dubbed the biggest tie in Group E and according to Akpoborie, the Manu Garba tutored }WKULHMULHL]U,UMLPUHQL when compared to the class of 1987 that lost 4-0 to Brazil in the opening game WJL ^W`UÂ&#x2020; The 1987 team had great players like goalkeeper, Willy Okpara, Nduka
Ugbade, Ladi Babalola, Adeolu Adekola, Ikpowosa Omoregie,Ladi Babalola, John Etim Esin, Lawrence Ukaegbu, Thompson Oliha, Baba Igrahim Ahmed and Nosa Osadolor with coach Christopher Udemezue in N^HMXULTVLP^ULPUHQÂ&#x2020; The team tried all they
could but couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ,match the superior strength and tactical approach of the HQ]HL]T\}Â&#x2020; â&#x20AC;? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always very interesting but we sort of missed our way because P^U\LÂ?UMULLPHNPWNH``\L]U,UML P^HJL_}Â&#x2020;L UL^HKLMHÂ?LPH`UJPL yes, but we lacked the organisation and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the
small edge they had over _}LJTÂ?Â&#x2020; â&#x20AC;? In 1987 we had arguably the best team but we could not cage the Brazilians because they Â?UMULHL]U,UML}WKULHJKLP^HPL was how they won the Â&#x161;JH`}Â&#x2020; Even if we played for 2 days, it would have been
the same outcome,â&#x20AC;? he said â&#x20AC;? In this game though, Â?UL^H|ULHL]U,UMLPUHQŠLP^UL entire team together not individually, so now we have a very good chance to win the game but everybody has got to put in 200 per cent to beat a PUHQL`WÂ&#x2018;UL MH¤W`Ă?Â&#x2030;ÂŤL^UL}HWKÂ&#x2020;
BBC Players Award: Oshoala dedicates honour to fans, teammates
uper Falcons sensational striker, Asisat Oshoala, has dedicated her recent maiden BBC Players Award to fans, teammates and the team T>NWH`}Â&#x2020; Oshoala said they were the reasons for the prestigious honour which came out of discipline, steadfastness, handwork, VTN_}LHJKLKUPUMQWJHPWTJÂ&#x2020;L She described it as timely and would serve as the needed impetus in her game in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Canada FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup football }_QQWPÂ&#x2020;L â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;To be honest with you, P^ULHPQT}[^UMULW}L]U,UML WQHXWJUKLP^HJLKU}NMW]UKÂ&#x2020;L We are into this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup more as one big united VHQW`\Â&#x2020;L UL^H|ULMU}PHPUKL our commitment to the team and would continue to complement TJULHJTP^UMÂ&#x2020;L ^ULJUÂ?}L of the BBC Award has further strengthened the ]TJKÂ&#x2020;L ^UL}Â&#x;_HKL^H}LP^UL NH[HNWP\Â&#x2020;L
Cable channel secures rights to multiple FIFA World Cup games
The Liverpool Ladies FC of England dare devil striker, informed that the BCC Players award is tonic that would further ginger the team up to XMUHPUML^UWX^P}Â&#x2020;L }L`LKWKL say earlier, it is Super Falcons award, football is team sport; no one NHJLKTLWPLH``LH`TJUÂ&#x2020;L ^UL ]U}PLW}L\UPLPTLNTQUÂ&#x2020;LL ^W}L Falcons team is set to announce decisively her strong footing in the competition which spanned from her long presence in the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TM`KL _[LPT_MJHQUJPÂ&#x2020;L The fact remains; we are rebranded and vibrant VMWNHJLÂ&#x;_UUJ}Â&#x2030; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I must admit that the road would be rough, but the tough would Â&#x2018;UU[LXTWJXÂ&#x2020;L ^UL VMWNHJL champions fell into this NHPUXTM\Â&#x2020;L WXUMWHJ}L should rally round us WJL[MH\UM}LHJKL}_[[TMPÂ&#x2020;LL There are many fantastic players of great means WJLP^UL}Â&#x;_HKÂ&#x2020;L TTP]H``L being a team game, we Â?W``LKTLWPLNT``UNPW|U`\Â&#x2020;L
We are poised to execute WPLVTMLP^ULNT_JPM\Â&#x2020;L ^UL resolution is has long ]UUJLMUHN^UKÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2C6;L}^UL}HWKÂ&#x2020; The former Rivers Angel player stressed that preparations may not have been as far reaching as we expected, however, the team will NTQ[UPUL}PMTJX`\Â&#x2020;L ^UL resilient spirit amongst _}LW}L]T`KLÂ?MW,UJL coupled with the never }H\LKWULH,WP_KULTVL KÂ?WJL Okon led technical crew to expose the side to }_[UMWTMLHJKLU6UNPW|UL NT_JPUMLPUN^JWÂ&#x;_U}LH}L PMHWJWJXLWJPUJ}WÂ&#x161;U}Â&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The truth is that much is expected from Falcons because the calibre of players in our QWÂ Â&#x2020;L TJU}P`\Â&#x2030;LH``L^HJK}L HMULTJLKUNÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2020;L ULHMULJTPL _JKUMLHJ\L[MU}}_MUÂ&#x2020;LL We are rather eager to QT|UL_[LP^UL`HKKUMÂ&#x2020;L ^UL motivation from NFF is a welcome challenge, we Â?W``L}UPLP^ULPTJUÂ&#x2020;L TLT|UML NTJÂ&#x161;KUJNUÂ&#x2030;LT|UMLMHPWJXLTML under rating any team in P^ULÂ&#x161;JH`}Â&#x2030;Â&#x2C6;L}^ULMU|UH`}Â&#x2020;
tarTimes is set to thrill its sport loving subscribers with new sport channels and exclusive live sporting action on its digital TV [`HPVTMQÂ&#x2020;L ^ULNTQ[HJ\L announced that it has secured exclusive rights to screen various pulsating FIFA World Cup football games to excite its Nigerian }_]}NMW]UM}LHJKLT6UMLP^UQL fantastic sports actions and UJPUMPHWJQUJPÂ&#x2020; ^ULÂ&#x161;M}PLXHQULPTL be shown is the FIFA Under-20 World Cup in New Zealand between H\LÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2014;LHJKL _JULÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2020;L ^UL 2015 FIFA Under-20 World Cup will be the 20th edition of the mundial since its inception in 1977 as the FIFA World T_P^L ^HQ[WTJ}^W[Â&#x2020;L The competition will take [`HNULVTMLP^ULÂ&#x161;M}PLPWQULWJL UÂ?L UH`HJKÂ&#x2020;L Â?UJP\LVT_ML teams including Nigeria will participate in a total of 52 matches played across }U|UJL^T}PLNWPWU}Â&#x2020; Others are the 7th edition of the FIFA Women World Cup Canada 2015 between June 6 and July 5 and FIFA U -17 World Cup (which is in it 16th tournament) in Chile 2015 between 17 October and 8 T|UQ]UMÂ&#x2030;LÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;ÂŁÂ&#x2020;L StarTimes will also show _MT[UHJLÂ&#x;_H`WÂ&#x161;UM}L`W|UL between 12 and 14 June; the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup 2015 in Portugal on 9 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 19 July and the preliminary draws of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Russia on
_`\LÂ&#x201D;ÂŁÂ&#x2020;L ^UL JPUMJHPWTJH`L Champions Cup (ICC 2015) cricket games will also be screened live on StarTimes Sport channels between 11 July and 05 August 2015 with 15 clubs and 23 games `W|ULWJLHNPWTJÂ&#x2020; Meanwhile, StarTimes has also concluded plans to launch a new sports channel called Star Sport MUQW_QÂ&#x2020;L ^ULJUÂ?L channel will launch on P^UL PHM WQU}L JWÂ&#x;_UL ]T_Â&#x;_UPLVMTQL _JULÂ&#x2DC;LHJKL further boost the digital TV [MT|WKUMÂ&#x2C6;}L}[TMPLT6UMWJX}Â&#x2020;L Star Times will also unveil three other sports channels }TTJÂ&#x2020; MÂ&#x2020;L }MHU`L T`HÂ&#x153;WÂ&#x2030;L _]`WNL Relations Manager at NTAStar TV Network StarTimes in a press statement said Â? PHM WQU}LW}LÂ&#x2018;WNÂ&#x2018;WJXLT6L its Soccer Season campaign and will thrill its viewers with live world cup football actions exclusively on its Star Sports 2, Star Sports Focus, NTA Sports 24 and other sports channels including its Star Sports Premium which will be launched by June Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2020;L ^W`ULP^UL Â LÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;L TM`KL Cup will be shown live on Star Sports 2, the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup will be shown TJL PHML [TMP}L MUQW_QÂ&#x2020;
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 27
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
I’m married to my friend – Tope Duker
Tips to loving relationship
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tope Duker One might not b e wrong if the m arriage between time Chairman, Tope and her hu Directors Guild sband, Felix Duk of Nig i eria (D.G.N), is quite evident du er, one viewed as one m ring their celebra a d e in heaven. This tion of 17 years love between th was of marriage last e couple was ca w e e k . p T h ti e v ating. A visit to expression of somewhere in L the love birdsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; h agos provides a o m e peep into what by AJIBADE ALA much about her has made the u BI family, how the n io n very unique. S y met and other h e spoke issues.
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Congratulations on your 17th wedding anniversary Thank you my brother Tell us about yourself and how you met your husband. My name is Bolanle Temitope Duker. I met my husband while we were in school at the Nigeria Institute of Journalism. We started as friends, but here we are today as husband and wife What was the attraction then? There was no special attraction than the fact that I saw in him a very determined young man who was very independent. At the time I met him and as young as he was then, he was already independent and into a business he was passionate about. So to me, I saw in him a man who was ready to face the future; a man who knew what he wanted in life; a man who
was ready to use his initiative without being pushed. These were the things I saw in him that gave me the belief he was meant for me. I thank God that so far, so good. I have never regretted my action since I took that decision to marry him and by the grace of God, there wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be any regret. Any hindrance from your family not to marry him? There was nothing like that because they knew dictating to me on who I should marry was not possible. They knew I loved him and he reciprocated same to me. I want to assume there must be someone somewhere before you met him and vice versa. No, I was not dating anyone; neither was Continued on page 28
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
I saw in him a man who was ready to face the future; a man who knew what he wanted in life; a man who was ready to use his initiative without being pushed.
tunde ESO Correspondent
qismat Yinus Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, May 30, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08061685858
We do quarrel of course. But what I always do is to keep quiet whenever I know he is upset or angry with me.
you call him meant for you alone? I call him Oko Omoge And what does he call you? Tope What advice do you have for couples? I don t usually advice couples because I believe we cannot be the same. What I can accept as an individual, another person may not tolerate it and vice versa. But, all I can say is that couples should be able to tolerhe going out with anyone I end of it we realise our misThere is no marriage that ate each other. Another thing I knew of at that particular time. does not experience its ups takes, we make things up and will tell them is to make sure This is so because we were normal communication contin- they go beyond being husband and downs. We do quarrel of quite young when we met and course. But what I always do is ues. wife; they should be friends to I knew right then that he was to keep quiet whenever I know How many kids do you have? each other. I mean it is betmeant for me. We have three; two girls and a ter for one to marry his or her he is upset or angry with me. So far so good; are you saying This I believe is the normal boy friend. This is so because if that there has never been any thing for a good wife to do. Probably we should be expect- one of them gets the other andark moment in your marYou cannot expect me to stand ing the fourth? gry, he or she looks at it from riage? up to him and start shouting at If God says so. the point of being friends and Of course, canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say that. him when he is angry. If at the Do you have a special name not as a couple.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m married to my friend
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Five minutes with... Tina Mba has been in the stage production and film making business for over two decades. The Delta State born actress is not only passionate about the arts, but also about God’s creation: man, plants and animals. That is why plants live with her in the sitting room, balcony, and has a small garden and four parrots. In this brief chart with AJIBADE ALABI, she talks about how she started off in stage production and how arts can be used to re-brand Nigeria, and other issues.
A woman should run from an abusive relationship - Tina Mba We’ve known you for quite a while, how did you find yourself doing what you do? I got inspired by a couple of people a very long time ago, and somewhere in my mind I just knew it was something I would like to do. Also, my house wasn’t far from the National Theatre at that time; so it was easy to just trek there, see people rehearsing and join them. We had play houses in those days and you belonged to one and get trained if you were not formally trained as it were at the time. It’s been a long journey, but I don’t think I would change it for any other thing. I have also produced a couple of stage productions; I do poetry interpretations and prose for some organizations and those are my major things. But other than that, I like to do a bit of interior decoration. I like to plant because I love plants a lot. In fact, anything that is art oriented, I do. Who were the people that inspired you while growing up? The one person who did inspire me a lot was Iria Akima. He did inspire me both on TV and radio, and of course I do radio. He was my first and major inspiration. How long have you been acting? It’s been over 20 years. I would like you to also share some of your memorable moments. My greatest times have been on stage where I’ll have to rehearse for at least four weeks, or as long as the
producers wanted it. Stage for me is my strength, it is where I belong, it is what I love doing. It broadens my horizon and the craze behind the entire production is fascinating. Rehearsals, screaming at each other sometimes, jesting or fooling around while rehearsing are those moments you can’t buy. You are at work rehearsing for about 10 hours, and you don’t feel it; and when the production is coming to an end you are like gush so this is ending. It’s so much fun. Apart from acting, what other things bring you joy? The first things that bring me joy are my children. Before they came, it was the art. Then, my job and being around my family; we have a lot of fun in my house. Besides all of that, what gives me joy is to see other people happy, so I try in my little way to do that. In all modesty, I’m like a priest who people run to; I hear a lot of things and stomach a lot of things. I’m not quick to judging people, rather, I try to see where you are coming from because everybody, no matter how bad, has a reason, no matter how flimsy the excuse may be. There is always one reason why you would do this. I like to see people happy, I like to see people engaged and I also like to give people a second chance in life because we don’t know it all and we don’t always get it the first time. Those are the things that propel me as a human being. What was your first job ever? My first job ever was producing stage act in 1989.
I want to know the very first job you did as an actress. Ok, there was this thing they called mask parade at the time. There were all kinds of people in it and it was segments of performances. We were supposed to tour, but we did not. That, I remember to be my first job. What would you consider to be the boldest step you’ve taken in your life? Walking away from abusive relationship is the boldest thing I have ever taken in my life (laughs). Seriously, knowing when to walk away from a bad relationship is good. When you are in a relationship or anything in life and initially you were very happy and then suddenly or gradually something begins to go wrong, you’ve tried to search your soul, relationship and heart and everywhere and it’s still not working. Then you try and try, but it isn’t still working. My darling, if it is me Tina Mba, I would sit the person down if it’s possible to discuss it. If it is not going to work beyond where we are, I walk. This is because I do not owe my life to somebody else. It is mine, not yours. It means that what I make of it is what I see. I cannot be miserable for another man’s gratification. No matter how much I love someone or something, once you begin to give me undue pain and depression, I walk, because my happiness is paramount in this world. The thing about joy, happiness and peace, it reflects on your skin. The day you begin to get depressed, you are dead. I took off, I ran. A woman should run from an abusive relationship. It is not only a woman that should run away from an abusive relationship; a man can also run away from a bad relationship
30 Love Tips
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
You don’t really love someone after three months When is the right time to say ‘I love you’? Too early and you look desperate, too late and you miss the magic. Only you can truly answer that one, but these are some things you might like to think about: Make sure you both speak the same language Your ‘I love you,’ might mean, ‘I think this is special, let’s give it a go.’ His interpretation might be, ‘When’s the wedding?’ If you think your partner will overreact, tack something on the end like, ‘don’t panic – I’m not about to propose. I’m just telling you how I feel.’ Wait until you’re absolutely bursting Like, you’ll internally combust if you don’t say it right now. You’re 100 per cent convinced you mean it. You don’t love someone after three dates Telling someone you love them on the second date or second week is ridiculous. It’s daft – and that’s what they’ll think you are if you do it. The fact is, the first time anyone says, ‘I love you,’ they usually don’t. Not really. True love takes years to develop and if you’re lucky, it’s always growing. You look back and think, I really thought I loved them when I said it back then, but it’s nothing compared to how I feel now. That’s not to say you can’t feel ‘in love’ after three months of heavy dating, and it probably is ac ceptable to trot it out then. But for absolute maximum impact, I’d wait six. I know - hard core - but if someone says, ‘I love you,’ after you’ve dated for six months, they’ve thought long and hard about it. Saying, ‘I love you,’ when you’re in the infatuated part of the relationship is easy: you aren’t aware of any faults. Saying it when you’ve got a pretty good idea of what you’re letting yourself in for is far more of a compliment. Sneaky ways to say it The coward’s way of saying it first is to say, ‘I think I’m falling in love with you.’ If they look at you in horror, you can always say, ‘don’t panic, I know it’s just casual with us. I was only kidding . . .’ or, ‘That’s why I’ve decided to break it off – you don’t feel the same way.’ Another less traumatic option is to pop it at the very, very end of a conversation when you can dis appear immediately after saying it. Like just before you walk through the doors to catch a plane or at the end of a phone call. Dropping the ‘I’ off it also makes it less heavy. ‘Love you’ is what you say to your mother. Again, if they look uncomfortable, you can always add, ‘As a friend, of course.’ If you’re unsure of whether it’s reciprocated, try putting something after it. ‘I love it when you do that’; ‘I love it when we spend time together.’ If they look wide-eyed and gaze at you hopefully, it’s safe to say the big three words solo. Don’t ask them Never ever follow up, ‘I love you,’ with, ‘Do you love me?’ If they do, they’ll tell you immediately. If they don’t, they’re forced to say something like. I guess so.’ Dignity demolished. Don’t do it with sex Don’t say it just before (especially before) or after sex – you won’t be able to trust their reply. Some people will say anything to get laid, and if it’s afterward, feel forced to say, ‘I do too,’ because they’ve just had sex with you, for God’s sake. Few of us are courageous enough to ravage someone then say, ‘Actually, it was just the sex I want ed.’ Even if it was, they’ll mumble something appropriate just to be polite. Say I love you to someone until you’re bursting to tell someone you love them
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08061685858
Newswatch Times, Saturday May 30, 2015
tar actress Omotola, has been accused by many for bleaching her skin after pictures from her Knorr commercial endorsement deal hit the internet. The ever glowing and hardworking mother of four has denounced the news of using bleaching cream by telling her fans that the secret of her glowing skin is water, juice and baby lotions. But with all her money and exotic lifestyle, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only natural that her skin should glow. But fans must not talk about everything sha.
Omotola Jalade debunks rumour of skin bleaching
ig congratulations to Tolu Oniru aka Toolz and her boo, Tunde Demuren on their engagement. We just got word that the Radio Personality, Toolz said yes to her boyfriend, and co-owner of EME, Tunde Demuren. The two have been dating for quite some time. Close friends of the couple put a post on Instagram congratulating them. Congrats Tunde and Toolz. Please invite us to the wedding
his long time lover and mother of his kids,
on Jazzy, the head of the Mavins Records label has said he will work with his former friend and colleague, Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;banj if given the perfect opportunity. Both headed the one-time ground-breaking record label in Africa, Moâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hits, with Don Jazzy as CEO and Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;banj the number one musician on the label, but parted ways in 2012 citing irreconcilable differences. Nigerian media since 2012 reported consistently the two had a frosty relationship. Last month, the Van
Don Jazzy hints at possibility of working again with Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;banj
traditional wedding much earlier.
friends and family members. The couple had their
Stella Maris. The ceremony was witnessed by close
for, popularly known as Mr Ibu married
omedian and Nollywood actor, John Oka-
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr Ibuâ&#x20AC;? marries mother of kids after 7 years
his is certainly not the best of times for popular Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson. Her sad moment is connected to her recent championing of the Dumsor MustStop campaign which is aimed at pressuring the government to do something about the shortage in electricity supply to residents in the country. The leggy actress has had her electricity supply disconnected with the claims that she was not paying her bills. It was further claimed that the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) disconnected the entire estate where Yvonne Nelson lives, accusing them of illegal connection. Halima Abubakar visits orphanage home in Kogi Nollywood actress, Halima Abubakar, is definitely not joking about being there for those that really need help in the society. Recently, the actress paid a surprise visit to the Ministry of Mercy Inco.
Yvonne Nelsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electricity cut off after â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dumsorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; protest
N ollywood actress, Evangelist Eucharia Anunobi, is in the jolly mood as she marked her day last Monday. The actress, who ruled the movie industry in Nigeria some years ago and also known for her noticeable make-ups, is loved by many ardent followers of Nollywood. Few years ago, UK Gold, as she is fondly called, was ordained as an Evangelist at a church in Egbeda area of Lagos State. The actress also received an award recently in the United States of America (USA) from the Nigerian Embassy at Washington DC. The award was presented to her by the African Arts and Fashion Week DC. Eucharia became very popular for her role in the flick â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Glamour Girls
ollowing the success recorded at the University of Ibadan, Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original Expression Show competition moved its auditions train to the University of Port Harcourt in Rivers State. The auditions held last Saturday at International Student Center Conference Hall, University of Port Harcourt, had talented students from within the campus and other cities within the South region who came out to showcase their artistic talents in the areas of fashion designing, modelling, photography and make up artistry. Like the previous audition, the jury comprised grounded fashion experts like ace photographer,Kelechi AmadiObi, National Retail Artiste House of Tara Rhema Akabuogu and renowned designers, Mai Atafo and Kunbi Oyelese of April by Kunbi. The winning team was chosen to represent the region and contest with four other teams at the semi-final stage of the competition holding at the Obudu Cattle ranch, Calabar, in June. The train will make its next stop at University of Nigeria, Enugu on today May 30, 2015 before stopping at University of Lagos, on Friday, June 5 and Saturday, June 6, 2015. Sponsored by the natural premium soft drink, Fayrouz, the Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original Expression Show competition aims at rewarding young creative talents. It kicked off in 2014 and has since being credited as one of the most followed urban and lifestyle competitions.
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Fayrouz Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Original auditions move to UNIPORT
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Eucharia Anunobi celebrates birthday
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
ago, prolific disc jockey and billionaire busiOtedola, Cuppy was as a Tourism Ambas-
ineteen documentaries and fiction feature film projects from around Africa have been selected for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Durban FilmMart (DFM) which takes place in Durban, South Africa from July 17 to 20, 2015. The details of the selection were announced at a networking function held at the South Africa Pavilion at the Cannes International Film Festival The Durban FilmMart, now in its it 6th edition has selected these projects from 120 submissions by African filmmakers who wished to participate in the continentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier finance and coproduction market. A Reader Panel, comprising of African and international film professionals had to moderate and score submissions, culminating in a rigorous selection discussion over shortlisted projects in both the documentary and fiction section. I still hope to promote film project in Nigeria Jaiyeola Iperepolu The czar in the distribution of information technological devices, Jaiyeola Iperepolu recently stood on his feet and bluffs that as a graduate of Business Administration in one of the highly adored and respected universities in Nigeria, he shunned the banking job offered him by Zenith bank and consolidated himself in the business of selling recharge cards and cell phone devices. Jaiyeola Iperepolu, who is now the proud owner of Dujax Communication and X-Right Technology, maintained that his company which officially opened a new office in Agege last week has gone through many challenges. Recounting his numerous challenges in the industry, Jaiyeola faults the epileptic status of Naira in international market; he said the poor performance of Naira in international market which is bedevilling business exchange rate is a global thing which is affecting everybody. He also explained how he found himself in the business. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I started as a business centre man, who operates on a phone call. It was very difficult but I thank God for where we are nowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Jaiyeola also hinted that he could still venture into the film industry if time permits.
oot too long fe ffemale daughter of d nessman, Femi n oofficially dressed
Official project selection for the 6th Durban film mart announced in Cannes
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Beyonce stuns in ankara fabric Queen Bey is such a fashionista! The singer looked lovely rocking Ankara fabric in new photos which she shared on her Instagram page.
le b r a te s e c i d r o m E y o S e n a to r J in s ty le 6 0 th b ir th d ay
ars rdi turned 60 ye enator Joy Emo party ay and threw a M f o rd 3 2 e th on nds. h family and frie to celebrate wit included former ty ar p e th at s Titi Dignitarie Nnamani, Mrs en K t en d si re P er vice, Senate rmer Head of S fo , ar ak b u b A u Atik t Dino ye, Senator-elec sa n ro O en h p te S ers. Melaye and oth
Adaora â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s , r o k a i j r bodo ossy O Iyanya, Cers attend Uche Og Ukoh, othparty s a ye ar birthday d o w ho wa e Ogb o Wind tress, Uch c a d o o s t w e e k at w la y y a d Noll th ir a, ic an C hin rate d her b fr b A le , e c w a r e R ld a o igg nds. h Iyanya, N d other frie n a h o k L ounge w it U a akor, Ador C ossy Or ji
Lagos Chief Judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter weds Femi, daughter of Honourable Justice Funmilayo Atilade, Chief Judge of Lagos State married Tosin at a Royal Ascotthemed wedding in Lagos last week. The wedding was attended by dignitaries from all over Nigeria.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Qismat Yinus Everyone has a favourite colour. While most people are all out for complicated colours like cranberry, most people still prefer the very simple colours or even going as far as mixing it up. It is evident in our clothes, make up and accessories. But as a lady, you can never go wrong with colours such as black, red, pink, purple, yellow, orange, and white. Here are some latest fashion trends from celebrity fashion designer. Abbyke Domina. Playing with colours has never been so much fun!
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
- Halimat Abubakar She has acted in over 60 movies and won several international awards including the Best Supporting Actress at Afro Hollywood Award in London. Halimat Abubakar has paid her dues as far as film industry is concerned in Nigeria. The beautiful actress has being in the industry for over 10 years and has not looked back despite several challenges. Proudly, she is today one of the most sought after actresses in Nollywood. She spoke to AJIBADE ALABI on her success story, the influence of Joke Silva, her marital status and many other issues.
We want to know something about your family and educational background. I am from Ebiraland, Kogi State. I am the second child in a family of seven. I grew up in Kano, Katsina and Kogi States. I attended Army Day Secondary School Bubabu Barracks, Kano and St. Louis Secondary School, Kano. I graduated from Ado Bayero University Kano where I studied Sociology. I am based in Lagos now and I work as an actress in Nollywood. What was growing up like and what were the fond memories you can remember? I grew up in Kano and my parents are still there till date. My growing up was EWD_YZ^_` D[] Â&#x201E;``W] Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; `jÂ&#x2021;W 0Â Â&#x2026;_Â&#x2026; God bless her, is the best mum. I was extremely stubborn and my parents were like where are we going to shift this girl to? My mum didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what to do with me, but I am grateful that they are appreciating me now and they like what I do. My parents are my biggest fans and FVZYZF , FD[ Fj[Â&#x201E;]W[Y`Â ]j D[Â Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x2021;ZW because I know they are behind me. Initially when I started, they were not aware of it because I was stubborn and rebellious. But now, there is nothing I will do that I will not inform them. My dream ZX Yj Â&#x2026;DÂ&#x;W D ]Z<WVW[FW Z[ D[Â YÂ&#x20AC;Z[\ , ]j and initially I wanted to be a footballer,
but God had His plans for me. The love for acting actually propelled me into it. I used to watch a lot of foreign movies and I said to myself I could as well do more than they were doing and that was how I decided to move forward. Here I am today doing it in my own country and in our own way. How did you get into the Nigeria movie industry? I started acting at a tender age. As a very young girl aspiring to become an actress, I met a colleague, Francis Duru in Kano in 1999, who eventually introduced me into the industry. He actually gave me some contacts to check anytime I went for auditioning in Lagos because I was based in Kano with my parents. My parents didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want me to go for the show then because I was much younger. The following artistes featured at the show: Jide Kosoko, Ngozi Nwosu and the then Plantation Boys. When I came to Lagos, I went round searching for the address and when I got there, it was surprising because I saw so many people at the auditioning. It was really interesting, intriguing and here I am ten years after. It took me over two years to get a role in 2001 and I struggled in the industry to get a lead role in the movie titled Gangster Paradise, produced by Ifeanyi Benyi
0V +j``Â Â&#x2020;jj] 7Â&#x20AC;j_\Â&#x20AC; ZY Â&#x2020;DX[Â&#x2022;Y Â&#x2026;Â Â&#x201E;VXY Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x2021;ZW ZY Â&#x2020;DX Â&#x2026;Â Â&#x201E;VXY Â&#x2026;DÂŁjV Vj`W 0Â DVW[YX DVW Â&#x2026;Â EZ\\WXY ^D[X [jÂ&#x2020; 7Â&#x20AC;WÂ D VWFZDYW Â&#x2026;W D[] ÂŁ_XY `jÂ&#x2021;W Â&#x2026;W D[] _[]WVXYD[] Â&#x2026;Â ÂŁjE What inspired you to go into acting? I think India movies inspired me a lot. One of them is Third Eye, a popular soap opera in the 90s on television. I admired the cast on the programme. Another was Maria the Slave Girl, a Mexican soap opera. In fact, I watched mostly Indian movies because of my background. In Nollywood, Joke Silva actually inspired me into acting. Anytime I watched the movies she featured in, I adored the way she interprets her roles. In fact, I felt encouraged to act because I admired her acting style and the way she carries herself on set. I will say lots of soap operas I watched on television like, Behind the clouds and mostly India movies and the wonderful actors and actresses inspired me. If you were not an actress, what other profession would you have chosen?
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
CelebrityChat I studied Sociology and International Relations; I would have been working in an embassy or any other job that will be in line with what I studied at school. But I started acting before I went back to school. So, I will say if I am not an actress, I Â&#x2020;j_`] EW Z[ D[ j4FW Â&#x2020;jVÂ&#x;Z[\
I will start with stereotyping, and then go to the area of tribalism and the third will be unprofessional actors and actresses. You see them around; every day you see so many people entering the industry even when they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how to act. Nollywood is for talented and serious minded people not for lay about. They are not YD`W[YW] YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ ÂŁ_XY FjÂ&#x2026;W Z[ D[] Â&#x192;D_[Y D`` YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ \jY ]VWXX Z[]WFW[Y`Â D[] \ZÂ&#x2021;W 1j``Â wood a bad name. Some people call me Halima Nollywood because they know that any work I am given to do, I put in my best and because of the love I have for it. I got the name through hard work. If I become a producer tomorrow, a lot of people will hate me because I am really going to be very professional. I will take my time in giving out roles to the talented ones. Movie production is a serious business, o, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need lay aboutâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Nollywood.
It is a normal thing in every industry. When a man sees a lady and tell her â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I love youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see that as harassment. A lot of people talk rubbish. If a man asks you out and you accept, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come out and say youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re sexually harassed. I have been a victim, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to call it victim of sexual harassment. Mine was that I was really frustrated in the past and those people are not even in Nollywood now. That is why if you try to delay another personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s destiny, you will not go far too. I am still in the industry and they are nowhere to be found now. They so much frustrated me then because of the thing they were after. At that time, I always cried and everybody around me then in Nollywood knew that I could cry. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if it still happens now because what I am talking about happened about years ago. ! (Â&#x2021;WVÂ Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x2021;ZW YÂ&#x20AC;DY , Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W ^WDY_VW] Z[ ZX FÂ&#x20AC;D``W[\Z[\ EWFD_XW YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ DVW D`` ]Z<WVW[Y FÂ&#x20AC;DVacters. Sometimes, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m given the time to study the script before I start shooting. So I get into the character properly, but I still try as much as I can because I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to disappoint my fans. The movie that I think is most challenging is Lost maiden. It is not .a Nigerian movie. I have done other good jobs, but this one is still on my mind because it was a village setting. However, having to work late into the night would have to be the hardest part of being on locations. , I was really stressed and my director was a very young guy was drilling me until he got the character he wanted. I also love the movie White hunters because it was a comedy. I have done great movies that are all challenging and I thank God.
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
aturally, an average man is selfish and selfcantered. Man is mostly on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Me, Myself and Iâ&#x20AC;? context and level. A higher learner boarded a bus with kidnappers unknowingly. She was taken with her books in her bag to their den for ritual. Her name was sounded from her books by the ritualists and the head ritual heard the girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name. He asked from the girl, if she was the daughter of a woman who was very generous back then, mentioning the womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name and the area they lived. The girl answered â&#x20AC;&#x153;yes â&#x20AC;&#x153;that the woman in question is her mother and that she is last of her children. The girl was thereby released, blindfolded and taken back to the road to be found. Food for thought, isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it? Generosity is the quality of being kind, freely giving more of something than is expected. It is a noble course that can be measured by its cost on the giving individual. For raw gold to become the shiny gold we all appreciate, it must have gone through the process of refining by fire. The generous discovers raw gold, recognises it and gives it a handful of what it takes to refine it for use. The benefits of being generous is quite complex, but valuable and relevant, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also controversial, but rewarding. Complex because people do have the belief you can only give when you have â&#x20AC;&#x153;enoughâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;plentyâ&#x20AC;? as the case may be. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relevant because God expects us to give from whatever we have, no matter how small, and wants us giving with joy and gladness not with grudge or complaints. As you get used to giving, then you are able to give abundantly and generously for a good course. God searches our motive all the time, especially when we give generously. The value and relevance of generosity is a typical way to know how kind you are. The controversy therefore is the aspect of the generous being taken for granted and being misconstrued for wastefulness or even foolishness. While I grew up, we had a garden with coconut trees planted around our house by my parents to act as a shed.
Be Generous: Givers never lack, slackers never give In the evenings my parents and neighbours would sit to chat under the coconut trees. While they sat, my mum would sight which ones the estate gardener would harvest for her to give to people since she and my dad didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eat them. Usually she paid the gardener for harvesting and removing the husk from the coconut thereof. Generosity builds a selfless heart for the child for his future. It is better and easier to learn from being a child. Children should be impacted with this attribute and the skill of freely giving which grows into generosity with time. They should be taught to give out things like toys, gadgets, tools and materials, share facilities and other large immovable gadgets. For example, some toys are repurchased, now being duplicated. Also games like the PS have versions, one version becoming old while another is out. Give out those old toys and the old game sets to people around you that canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t afford it. Discuss it though with the child/ children as the case may be. Out grown clothes that are still very good, shoes and others should be given out at intervals. As you discuss with your children, let them know there is always a reward for a giver who gives generously especially. Encourage them not to hold back what they have no use for any more or not used nor touched in 4-6 months. Some children will give freely while some will cry when you take things from them to give someone. Teach them the law of â&#x20AC;&#x153;sowing and reaping â&#x20AC;?. This is knowing that whatever a man sows is what he will reap. Teach them also the five magic words, among which is â&#x20AC;&#x153;thank you and pleaseâ&#x20AC;?. These two phrases comes mostly with request and request granting . They should freely lend out to a responsible borrower, while they are mindful of what they lend for retrieve. Giving gift/ presents on birthdays, valentines, anniversaries, christening, dedications and other joyful occasions generally, should be encouraged and done with the children awareness, since they learn by example. Remember food items can be given as gifts too.â&#x20AC;?The liberal soul shall be made fatâ&#x20AC;?. Our generous giving should not necessarily be to those people who can give back but to everyone that needs the help. It is about being reliable and nice to people and meeting needs. Not being self seeking , but always looking out for who to bless, how you can be helpful materially, emotionally, psychologically, even spiritually, that is tangible and intangible. Generosity builds a selfless heart for the child for his future, not picking, stealing, and lying, as easily as he would have.
In the life of a growing child becoming a teenager and then a youth should be well planned and calculated. While I was a teenager, there lived an aunty in our estate; we were name sakes. This woman and I met at the estate salon, so we chatted and became friendly. While she had pedicure done for her, she had a deep cut under her right foot. I was so sorry for her, so after she left, I asked for her block and flat from the salon owner. After some days, I went to see her at her place to check how she was doing with the cut. She was surprised, welcomed me and appreciated my kind gesture. We became good friends till date, rendering help and advice to me from time to time. Generosity in the life of a youth must be well guided. Having to encourage, motivate and reward them for a job well done at academic work, games and conduct evaluation with bountiful gifts shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be over rated. Money gifts should be avoided, since it could sometimes be seen as bribe or tip, except there is a plan to buy something after the accomplishment. Always conduct and dispose your gesture as appreciation, admiration and acknowledgement. Share the Samaritan story of how you should render benevolence to people that needs it accordingly. Being generous at heart and soul by giving advice, suggestions, tokens, contributions and more to execute and effect a progressive and productive course. These can be to an individual or a group. You can share an inspiration to improve on what someone else does. When you are generous you give to people open hands, and as you do every kind of blessing gain access to your life; material, financial, spiritual, enlightenment generally ,because you can be counted on. Doing otherwise would side line you. Particularly for youths, be mindful that generous giving only should be to give things that can be expressed, given and received without the involvement of your body. With these I mean, your body isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t part of what you can give generously. Going into prostitution, fornication or immorality of any sort. Exposure of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body or even being nude isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a generous gesture. These days guys requests for nude pictures from girls. Out of pressure some girls give in believing and thinking itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a sign of generosity. The value of your body canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be quantified or over rated. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got to live your life on earth. Attach value to it, it should not be transacted. If you have been selling yourself cheap, re-evaluate your life and self to be an inestimable jewel. You are unique, so your body should be scarce for exploration. You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be valued more than you value yourself.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
L-R, Minister of Niger Delta Development, Mr. Stephen Oru; FCT Minister, Senator Balla Mohammed: Minister of Aviation Mr. Osita Chidoka; Minister of Special Duty, Alhaji Tanimu Turaki and the Minister of Petroleum Resourses, Mrs. Deziani Allison-Madueke, during the Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara
L-R: Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Nnamdi Okafor; Corporate Affairs Manager, Mr. Eugine Olewuenyi and Chairman, Lt. Gen. T.Y. Danjuma, at the 64th annual general meeting of the company in Lagos.
L-R, Minister of State for Finance, Alhaji Bashir Yuguda; Minister of Agriculture Dr. Akinwumi Adesina; Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Prof. Nicholas Ada and Minister of Foreign Affairs 11 Senator Musiliu Obanikoro during the meeting.
Left: Directors, Engineer Ishaya Dankaro and Dr. Edugie Abebe during the meeting.
Akwa Ibom State Governor-elect and his wife Mr. and Mrs. Udom Moses; Akwa Ibom State former Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio and his wife Mrs. Ekaette Unoma. L-R: Chairman, Promaco Associates Limited, Dr. Olumide Phillips; Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi, Prof. Oyewusi Ibidapo-Obe and Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Rahamon Bello.
Mrs. Akpabio being appreciated by children of Divine Children Center, who are being catered for by the State First Lady.
L-R: Professor of Geochemistry/Dean, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Univeristy of New Hampshire, USA, Prof. Samuel Mukasa; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Babajide Alo and Emerita Professor, London South Bank University, Prof. Larissa Fradkin. Photo: Segun Padonu
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
L-R: Superintendent, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC), Alapere Zone, Pastor Ezekiel Olu Adebayo; Director of Evangelism, Lady Evangelist Elizabeth Sade Adebayo; Grand Patron, Pastor Isaac Jesuwole and Chairman, Anniversary Committee, Evangelist Tunde Sunmola, during the 19th year anniversary celebrations of Christ Apostolic Church, Deliverance District, Alapere Zone in Lagos.
Cross section of the Choir Members of the church in action during the ceremony. Photos: Bode Agbede
L-R: Corps Commander, Corps Safety Engineering Office, Federal Roads Safety Corps, Engineer Osawe Peter; President, ARSO, Dr. Joseph Odumodu; Assistant Commandant General, Zone A Lagos, NSCDC, Mr. Osemwegie and Director, Special Duties, Standard Organisation of Nigeria, Mr. George Okere, during the media launch of ARSO President’s forum in Lagos.
L-R: Director, Special Duties, Standard Organisation of Nigeria, Mr. George Okere; President, ARSO, Dr. Joseph Odumodu and Assistant Commandant General, Zone A Lagos, NSCDC, Mr. Osemwegie, during the media launch of ARSO President’s forum in Lagos recently. Photos: Bode Agbede
L-R: Chief Executive Officer, African Finance Corporation, Mr. Andrew Ali; President /CEO, G E Nigeria, Dr. Lazarus Angbazo and Director, Communications, GE Africa, Patricia Obozuwa, during the GE Global Innovation Barometer Forum in Lagos…recently. L-R: Project Coordinator, Vision 2020, Chioma Nwakwesi; Project Consultant, Vision 2020 Youth Empowerment and Restoration Initiative, Dr. Ibilola Amao; Representative of Chevron, Mrs. Yinka Sokoya and Business Development, Lonadek Oil and Gas Consultants, Dayo Isijola.
L-R: Director, Communications, GE Africa, Patricia Obozuwa; Global Communication Director, GE, Penny Shone and Markets Editor West Africa, CNBC Africa, Mr. Wole Famurewa, during the forum. Photo: Bode Agbede
Cross section of participating students from various schools at the event. Photo: Segun Padonu
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
How to make Nigerian shawarma (Chicken and beef Shawarma recipe provided)
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Nutrients that boost immunity
Qismat Yinus 08027022738
ood nutrition plays a critical role in enhancing our immune system. In terms of diet, keeping our immune system healthy is just as much about what foods act as suppressors to our immune system as it is about what foods enhance its health. Our immune system protects us against bacteria, viruses and other disease-causing organisms like bacteria, yeasts, fungi or parasites which may be present in the food we eat and air we EVWDYÂ&#x20AC;W Z[ ,Y ZX D[ W4FZW[Y FjÂ&#x2026; `WÂĄ defense system that shields us against ]ZXWDXWX WÂĄDÂ&#x2026;Z[Z[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Z[YWV[D` W[Â&#x2021;Zronment and ensuring that any harmful organisms are eliminated and destroyed quickly. Some research results however, have Z]W[YZÂ&#x201E;W] XjÂ&#x2026;W ]ZWYDVÂ ^DFYjVX YÂ&#x20AC;DY D<WFY the human immune response. Undernourished people are at greater risk from infections. Protein-calorie malnutrition such as occurs with prolonged starvation, stringent self-imposed dieting as in D[jVWÂĄZD jV Z[ Vj^j_[] ]ZXWDXW XYDYWX such as cancer and AIDS, robs the body of its defensive capabilities, depleting the white blood cells as well as crucial immune system proteins. In addition, WÂĄFWXXZÂ&#x2021;W W[WV\Â Z[YDÂ&#x;W Â&#x2026;DÂ D`Xj FjÂ&#x2026;promise the immune systemâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to Â&#x201E;\Â&#x20AC;Y Z[^WFYZj[ 2EWXZYÂ ZX `Z[Â&#x;W] Yj D[ increased rate of infectious disease and obese people are more likely to develop coronary heart disease, which has been linked to alterations in the immune function. Studies have shown that there are some areas where it is most likely that pathogens do enter into the body. These areas are: the skin which covers the enYZVW Ej]Â ZX D Â&#x201E;VXY `Z[W j^ ]W^W[XW YÂ&#x20AC;W XYjÂ&#x2026;DFÂ&#x20AC; DFZ] ZX D`Xj D[jYÂ&#x20AC;WV W<WFYZÂ&#x2021;W barrier against many pathogens due to its high level of acidity. Our small intestine has special areas that detect foreign antigens and stop pathogens from entering through its walls and getting into the inner environment of our body. Maintaining healthy cells within the tissues including the gastrointestinal tract is vital for optimal health. Certain vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, phytonutrients and proteins (amino acids) are all key elements to a healthy immune system. The fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K are also important to our overall health. Good sources of vitamin A and E whole grains, leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, brown rice, olives, as DVD\_X WYF (ÂĄFW``W[Y Xj_VFWX j^ Vj Â&#x2021;Ztamin A carotenoids include vegetables such as leafy greens, carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, asparagus, and bok choy. Concentrated sources of vitamin . Z[F`_]W FD_`ZÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x2020;WV DX Â&#x2020;W`` DX Â&#x2026;jXY green vegetables such as spinach, peas, soybeans, broccoli and asparagus. Vitamin C appears to support a decrease in the length of time and severity of symptoms associated with upper respiratory viral infections and a support to healZ[\ DY XZYWX j^ Z[Â&#x192;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;DYZj[ D[] WÂ&#x2021;W[ patients with cancer. Sources are citrus ^V_ZY XYVDÂ&#x2020;EWVVZWX D[] FD[YD`j_ W Â&#x2021;W\etables such as broccoli, turnip greens, collard greens, cabbage, asparagus, etc. Many of the B-vitamins are also very important in supporting a healthy immune XÂ XYWÂ&#x2026; (ÂĄDÂ&#x2026; `WX j^ ^jj]X Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; % Â&#x2021;ZYDmins are: whole grains, vegetables and ^V_ZYX FD[ XWVÂ&#x2021;W DX WÂĄFW``W[Y Xj_VFWX j^ DY least some of these vitamins.
igerian Shawarma is the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Nigerian-styleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; of the famous Shawarma (made with beef or chicken filling). This tasty snack has become a popular meal on the streets of Nigeria. Ingredients for Nigerian Chicken Shawarma This makes about 6+ large Shawarma wraps *2 Chicken breasts(de-boned/boneless) *2 Chicken Thighs(a.k.a Chicken laps) (de-boned/boneless)(You can also use de-boned/boneless beef ) *6+ Shawarma bread (either pita bread/flour tortilla wraps/ *1 small sized Cabbage(cut into thin strips) *3 medium sized Carrots(grated or cut into thin strips) *1 large Cucumber(cut into thin strips and circles) *2 big Tomatoes(cut into thin strips)
*1 medium sized Onions(cut into thin strips) *Ketchup *Mayonnaise *1 Tablespoon Vegetable /olive oil(For stir frying)
add the marinade and mix thoroughly until well incorporated. Then cover and store in the fridge for 2 to 24 hours (depending all how much time you have). * In a pan, Heat up a tablespoonful of oil. Add the marinated chicken/beef and stir fry until juicy and brown. Scoop unto a plate and set aside.
For the marinade: *1 teaspoon thyme *2 teaspoon curry(I used ducros brand) *1 teaspoon onion powder/2 teaspoons minced onions *1 teaspoon garlic powder/2 teaspoons minced garlic *1 large chicken stock cube/bouillon cube(crushed into powder) *Half a teaspoon black pepper *Chilli pepper to taste *Salt to taste(optional because the stock cube already has salt) *1 Tablespoon Vegetable /olive oil
* Mix some mayonnaise and ketchup together(â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;mayo-ketchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; spread). Place a shawarma bread on a clean flat surface and cut into two equal sizes (thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s if you are using a large pita bread). But if using a very flat bread or tortilla wraps, simply, spread the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;mayo-ketchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; on it and then fill it with the sliced vegetables on one end and Sprinkle some chili pepper(optional);
Preparation * Wash and Cut the vegetables into thin strip (if you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t done that yet) and set aside. Also Cut the chicken or beef into thin strips and set aside. * Place the chicken strips into a bowl,
Then fold the bread, tuck in the edge, and roll to form a shawarma wrap. Tip: If you want to warm it up a bit, place on a heated pan for 3 minutes (the closed edge facing the pan). If you have a microwave or sandwich maker, feel free to use those too. And your Homemade Nigerian Chicken Shawarma is ready... Enjoy! Reply, Reply all or Forward | More
Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Saturday, May 30, 2015
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Newswatch Times Saturday, May 30, 2015
South East
Enugu: Ugwuanyi takes over, promises to be prudent in governance in the state to be ready to Â&#x2026;DÂ&#x;W XDFVZÂ&#x201E;FWX XYDVYZ[\ Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; payment of taxes to help boost he new governor of government revenue in view Enugu State, Hon. of the low federal allocation Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi to states and assured that evyesterday announced that his ery kobo generated would be administration will embark judiciously invested and acon drastic reduction of cost counted for. of governance by compelling In his maiden address af j`ZYZFD` j4FW Â&#x20AC;j`]WVX D[] YWV YDÂ&#x;Z[\ Â&#x20AC;ZX jDYÂ&#x20AC; j^ j4FW government functionaries alongside his Deputy, Mrs. Ceto shed some of their allow- cilia Ezeillo at Okpara Square ances. Enugu, he stressed the need He called on individuals for the people of Enugu state and corporate organisations to tighten their belt and be paKenneth Ofoma, Enugu
tient with government even as he assured that he would not renege in any of the promises made to the people. The swearing in was performed by the Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chief Judge, Innocent Umezuruike. The new governor promised to rebuild Nsukka as the second largest city in the state. Ugwuanyi who is the fourth civilian governor since the creation of Enugu state in 1991 after Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo and Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani showered encomi-
um on the outgoing Governor Sullivan Chime, and promised seamless continuity and consolidation of his policies and programmes, including agriculture, education, health services, job creation, rural development and skill acquisition for youths. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Enugu State under us will pay special attention to rural development because the bulk of our people live in the rural areas. We will create more urban areas to boost economic growth. In line
with this, we must equip and modernize Nsukka â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a University town founded over half a century ago, to compete with other University towns in attracting technology and knowledge-based businesses and other industrial support ventures, bearing in mind that Nsukka is the second largest town in Enugu State. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the same vein, the Ninth Mile Corner is an economic hub that we need to harness to enjoy the full benWÂ&#x201E;YX j^ j_V [WÂ&#x2020;`Â DFÂŚ_ZVW] status as a Free Trade Zone. We will give attention to these places to speed up urban development, create fresh economic opportunities and reduce pressure on the Enugu metropolis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will therefore be calling on Ndi Enugu to tighten their EW`YX %_Y YÂ&#x20AC;W ]Z<WVW[FW EWtween our model of belt-tightening and the one you used to know, is that the belt-tightening under this administration will start with government functionaries and business. We will lead by example. We will lead a lean government
to free up resources and channel them to real development issues. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition, every revenue-generating agency of government should be ready to generate and remit revenues to fund government deÂ&#x2021;W`j Â&#x2026;W[Y W<jVYX /ZÂ&#x;WÂ&#x2020;ZXW individuals and corporate entities should henceforth start paying tax as defaulters will not be counted as friends of Enugu State. Earlier in his farewell address, former governor of the state, Sullivan Chime thanked the people for their support in his eight-year tenure. He said that he embarked on the controversial demolition of illegal structures in the state in order to carry the bad name because he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to transfer the burden to Ugwuanyi. Thousands of citizens and dignitaries, including Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo, immediate former Minister of Power, Prof Chinedu Nebo, traditional rulers and the clergy attended the ceremony.
Ikpeazu promises to build new Abia, urges Abians to make sacrifices Boniface Okoro, Umuahia President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe (second left), arriving, during the swearing-in of the new President of Nigeria in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
Ebonyi governor promises transformation Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki
he governor of Ebonyi State, Engr. Dave Umahi, yesterday promised to transform the state into a modern city to be reckoned with in the next four years. He gave the assurance during the swearing-in ceremony performed by the Chief Judge of the state, Aloy Nwankwo to usher in the new governor and his deputy, Barr Kelechi Igwe. He said his administration will take giant strides that will make the state a shining example to all and a bea-
con of collective achievement in the eyes of the world. The governor noted that as he shoulders the burden of leadership, he was very conscious of the fact that his high office was a privilege entrusted on him by the good people of the state. Addressing the mammoth crowd at the state township stadium, Abakaliki, he, pledged that he will stand at the gate of his promise and ensure that all that is good is admitted and all that is evil is banished forever. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will govern for those who voted for us. We will govern
for those who voted against us and we will govern for those who did not vote at all,â&#x20AC;? he assured. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must strive to find the magnanimity of spirit to pay tribute to all who opposed us based on their own personal convictions, those who were driven by ambition and those who were driven by faith. We offer our clean and immaculate hands of friendship; we hold malice towards none,â&#x20AC;? he added. Though he noted that the state is swimming in a large sea of debts and flurry of uncompleted projects, he would maximal-
ly apply her natural resources to the development of human capital and physical infrastructure. He pledged to return Nigeria Cement Company, Nigercem Nkalagu to its owners to hasten the rehabilitation of the firm for production. Earlier, the former governor, Chief Martin Elechi expressed gratitude to the people of the state for the opportunity given him to serve, and noted that his administration embarked on massive provision of infrastructure and developmental projects.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Umehâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s successor must possess strong characterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Alphonsus Eze, Awka
s the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) shops for the next chairman of the party, member, Board of Trustees (BoT) of the party, Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, has said that the person must have strong character to weather the storms and challenges of the office. In an exclusive interview with Newswatch Times in Onitsha, he said the next national chairman of APGA must be someone who cannot be-
tray or sabotage the party when it matters most. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He must be a person who has the interest of Ndigbo at heart; he must not be imposed on members of the party. I remember that APGA helped some people to become governor and even members of National Assembly, but some left. Others even went to sell the party if not for Chief Victor Umeh stood firm against it. That is why these saboteurs did not succeed.â&#x20AC;? Chief Ezeonwuka who is the Ogirisi Igbo spoke against the
backdrop of speculation that the former governorship candidate of the party in Imo State in the last election, Capt. Emmanuel Iheanacho, may have secured the endorsement of APGA stakeholders to replace Chief Umeh after the convention of the party. However, he insisted that said that people with unreliable character should not be entrusted with the leadership of the party, stating that the Igbos fought the civil war and knew quite well how dangerous sabotage or betrayal can be. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sabotage and be-
trayal destroyed us. We cannot make that mistake again in anything we do. APGA is our hope. It is through APGA that we will transform Igbo race. You can see that Anambra is under APGA. We cannot allow a character that will betray us to lead our party. That is my position.â&#x20AC;? He also said that Chief Umehâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s successor should not come from Anambra State, since the party transcends the state, insisting that he or she can come from anywhere, so as to give other states sense of belonging.
he Governor of Abia State, Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, has promised to rebuild the state with resources available in the state. He said he will tap the abundant human and natural resources which abound in the state and make them the cornerstone of building a virile, private sector-driven economy. Addressing a mammoth crowd that attended an hourlong inter-denominational church service held at the Umuahia Towship Stadium as part of activities to mark his swearing in, he also assured that he will govern Abia with the fear of God and called on all to be ready to make the required commitment, sacrifices and contributions to realise a new Abia where life will be better for all. He unfolded a four-point agenda of his government hinged on re-orientation and restructuring of public service to instil in it private sector model and mindset for greater productivity which will dovetail into setting up an Investment Promotion Agency to stimulate increased private sector participation in the Abia economy; putting in place infrastructure that drives economic development and also make the society en-
vironmentally clean and sustainable; recreating Aba to create modern neighbourhood and parks, including crucial development of businesses and leisure along Aba River; security of life and property by providing support to security agencies to sustain and uphold the current peaceful atmosphere and improving access to effective and efficient health care services for all. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our dear state is known as Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Own State and the time has come for us to explore and optimise fully, all the resources and advantages that God has bestowed on Abia. The resourcefulness, the diligence and industry of our people, our unique geographical location and the natural resources that abound in Abia must be developed now and utilised for the benefit of our people and those around us,â&#x20AC;? Ikpeazu said. He maintained that Abia must leverage on the commerce-oriented nature of her citizens to build the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our story as a people is one of entrepreneurship, resourcefulness and diligence. This is our pride. The time is ripe to use the over 110, 000 shoemakers and 50, 000 garment makers as a launching pad to enable Abia to truly become the undisputed small and medium enterprise headquarters of Nigeria.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Politics My elevation is divine â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Gov Ortom Continued from Page 15
quiring communication skills and ability to market products W<WFYZÂ&#x2021;W` At the National School of Salesmanship, we were thought Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020; Yj XWDVFÂ&#x20AC; ^jV ÂŁjE :ZYÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2026; diploma, I became a salesman ]VZÂ&#x2021;WV DY * D]j )jj] j[ 1jÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x2026;EWV , Â&#x2020;jVÂ&#x;W] Xj hard, applying my knowledge at YÂ&#x20AC;W XFÂ&#x20AC;jj` Z[ * D]j )jj] :ZYÂ&#x20AC;Z[ D XÂ&#x20AC;jVY YZÂ&#x2026;W WÂ&#x2021;WV jYÂ&#x20AC;er customer was clamouring for Â&#x2026;W Yj EWFjÂ&#x2026;W YÂ&#x20AC;WZV XD`WXÂ&#x2026;D[ The management therefore, deFZ]W] Yj Â&#x2026;DÂ&#x;W Â&#x2026;W YÂ&#x20AC;W X_ WVÂ&#x2021;ZXjV 7Â&#x20AC;DY Â&#x2020;DX Â&#x201E;VXY VjÂ&#x2026;jYZj[ :ZYÂ&#x20AC;Z[ j[W  WDV , \jY ^j_V VjÂ&#x2026;jYZj[X D[] Â&#x201E;[D`` , EWFDÂ&#x2026;W DFYZ[\ XD`WX Â&#x2026;D[D\WV ,[ I got into politics; my people yearned that I should become YÂ&#x20AC;WZV FÂ&#x20AC;DZVÂ&#x2026;D[ ,[ XDÂ&#x2026;W  WDV , was duly elected and I stayed Z[ j4FW YZ`` Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;W[ $EDFÂ&#x20AC;D YjjÂ&#x; jÂ&#x2021;WV D[] , Â&#x20AC;D] Yj \j EDFÂ&#x; to school to the Ahmadu Bello 8[ZÂ&#x2021;WVXZY Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;WVW , Â&#x20AC;D] ]Z `jÂ&#x2026;D I also had my IJMB 7Â&#x20AC;Z[\X Â&#x2020;WVW VWYY ]Z4F_`Y then, and I had to relocate from =DVZD Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2026; Â&#x2020;Z^W :Â&#x20AC;W[ Â&#x2020;W came back, I enrolled for AdÂ&#x2021;D[FW] 'Z `jÂ&#x2026;D Z[ 3_E`ZF $]ministration, and went further ^jV Â&#x2026; 0DXYWVX ,[ EWYÂ&#x2020;WW[ , was the state publicity secretary j^ 1DYZj[D` &W[YVW 3DVY 1&3 /DYWV , Â&#x2020;DX Â&#x2020;jjW] Yj XWVÂ&#x2021;W DX YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW XWFVWYDV j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 3'3 $^YWVÂ&#x2020;DV]X , XWVÂ&#x2021;W DX ]W _Y FÂ&#x20AC;DZVÂ&#x2026;D[ Z[ , `DYWV EWFDÂ&#x2026;W national Auditor of the party, D[] Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W YÂ&#x20AC;WVW , YjjÂ&#x; D]Â&#x2021;D[tage of a distant learning pro\VDÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W Z[ 0D[FÂ&#x20AC;WXYWV Z[ D[] \jY D 'jFYjVDYW 'W\VWW Z[ &j[Â&#x192;ZFY 0D[D\WÂ&#x2026;W[Y D[] ,&7 (DV`ZWV Z[ , Â&#x2020;DX ]Zrector of Suswam/Lawani cam DZ\[ jV\D[ZXDYZj[ /DYWV , XWVÂ&#x2021;W] DX ]ZVWFYjV *jj]`_FÂ&#x; 6DÂ&#x2026;Ej FDÂ&#x2026; DZ\[ jV\D[ZXDYZj[ , D`Xj XWVÂ&#x2021;W] DX D Â&#x2026;Z[ZXYWV ,[ 3'3 YÂ&#x20AC;W W[YZVW XYDYW X_ ported me, as one with grassVjjYX WÂĄ WVZW[FW , Â&#x2020;DX D XWDXj[W] j`ZYZFZD[ WÂ&#x2021;W[ Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC;Z[ YÂ&#x20AC;W \jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y FZVF`W YÂ&#x20AC;W[ , Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W Fj[YVZE_YW] Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W ]WÂ&#x2021;W`j Â&#x2026;W[Y j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW WÂ&#x2026; `j Z[\ jÂ&#x2021;WV
WVXj[X 6jÂ&#x2026;W ^W`Y Z^ W`WFYW] , could do more, others felt that Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;Z[\ XWW[ ^j_\Â&#x20AC;Y D[] ]W^WDYW] jÂ&#x2021;WVYÂ , Â&#x2026;DÂ _ `Z^Y YÂ&#x20AC;W Wj `WÂ&#x2022;X XYD[]DV] j^ `ZÂ&#x2021;Z[\ 3Wj `W who witnessed my Christian life, concluded that I had the fear j^ *j] D[] F`DÂ&#x2026;j_VW] ^jV Â&#x2026;W $`Â&#x2026;jXY WÂ&#x2021;WVÂ Ej]Â DVj_[] wanted me, but the leadership ]Z][Â&#x2022;Y Â&#x2020;D[Y Â&#x2026;W , Â&#x20AC;D] ]j[W WÂ&#x2021;erything to make the leadership Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W Fj[Â&#x201E;]W[FW Z[ Â&#x2026;W E_Y YÂ&#x20AC;DY Â&#x2020;DX [jY Yj EW )Z[D``Â YÂ&#x20AC;W DVYÂ XDZ] Â&#x2020;W should take an oath, and I said if the process at the primaries Â&#x2020;DX DE_XW] , Â&#x2020;j_`] FjÂ&#x2026; `DZ[ (Â&#x2021;W[Y_D``Â YÂ&#x20AC;W VjFWXX j^ FÂ&#x20AC;jjXing delegates was not transparent, I complained but the leadership at the state and the national secretariat did not take time to DYYW[] Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W XZY_DYZj[ Entry into the APC: 2[ 'WFWÂ&#x2026;EWV YÂ&#x20AC;W VZÂ&#x2026;DVZWX were manipulated, and I was j_Y $X , Â&#x2020;DX VDÂ Z[\ D[] Â&#x2026;W]itating, some people called me, D[] XDZ] YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ Â&#x;[WÂ&#x2020; YÂ&#x20AC;DY 3'3 Â&#x2020;DX \jZ[\ Yj ]ZXD jZ[Y Â&#x2026;W They told me that their gubernatorial primaries were shifted because of court injunction; that
their constitution as amended in 2FY VjÂ&#x2021;Z]WX YÂ&#x20AC;DY j[FW Â j_ D `Â D[] ZX \ZÂ&#x2021;W[ D Â&#x2020;DZÂ&#x2021;WV Â j_ can contest the primaries and that their gubernatorial primary Â&#x2020;DX XÂ&#x20AC;Z^YW] ^VjÂ&#x2026; YÂ&#x20AC; Yj YÂ&#x20AC; 'WFWÂ&#x2026;EWV Xj j[ 'WF , VWXZ\[W] Â&#x2026;Â Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2026;EWVXÂ&#x20AC;Z j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 3'3 D[] EWFDÂ&#x2026;W D Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2026;EWV j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W $3& 'V *WjV\W $Â&#x;_Â&#x2026;W Â&#x2020;W[Y Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W [DYZj[D` XWFVWYDVZDY Yj Â&#x201E;\Â&#x20AC;Y ^jV Â&#x2026;Â Â&#x2020;DZÂ&#x2021;WV D[] ZY Â&#x2020;DX \VD[YW] %WFD_XW j^ 1DYZj[D` 'W`Wgatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Conference, the primaries couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hold, but the constituYZj[ VjÂ&#x2021;Z]WX YÂ&#x20AC;DY Z^ VZÂ&#x2026;DVZWX cannot hold as planned, a consensus candidate could emerge, and my name was sent from the state to the national secretariDY 6jÂ&#x2026;W DX ZVD[YX Â&#x2020;W[Y Yj Fj_VY XjÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC;]VWÂ&#x2020; `WDÂ&#x2021;Z[\ ÂŁ_XY j[W who decided to continue, but we are discussing, and I know that Â&#x2020;W Â&#x2020;Z`` VWXj`Â&#x2021;W YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x2026;DYYWV Do you mind telling Nigerians your life as an alleged garage tout? , D VWFZDYW *j] ,^ , FDXY Â&#x2026;Â mind back to when I dropped j_Y j^ XFÂ&#x20AC;jj` Z[ , D`Xj VWmember the turning point in Â&#x2026;Â `Z^W , ]Z] [jY ]WX ZXW Â&#x2026;Â `ZY-
Almost everybody around wanted me, but the leadership didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want me. I had done everything to make the leadership have '()*+-)'-/0)/ me, but that was not to be tle beginnings; I raised heaps for farmers, carried load for peo `W Yj ^WW] , WÂ&#x2021;W[Y_D``Â ^j_[] Â&#x2026;Â XW`^ DY *EjÂ&#x;j 0jYjV 3DVÂ&#x; $ friend picked me up as conducYjV YD_\Â&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2026;W Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020; Yj ]VZÂ&#x2021;W , EWFDÂ&#x2026;W D ]VZÂ&#x2021;WV $[[ 0Â&#x;WV D XZ[\er, supported me to become a Vj^WXXZj[D` ]VZÂ&#x2021;WV 'WX ZYW YÂ&#x20AC;W roughness of touting as a caVWWV , Â&#x2020;DX DE`W Yj \j Yj FÂ&#x20AC;_VFÂ&#x20AC; , ÂŁjZ[W] 3D D 6DÂ&#x2026; ,Â&#x20AC;_\Â&#x20AC; Z[ DX Â&#x20AC;ZX ]VZÂ&#x2021;WV I trusted him because I learnt Xj Â&#x2026;_FÂ&#x20AC; ^VjÂ&#x2026; Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; 0Â DX ZVDYZj[ DX D &Â&#x20AC;VZXYZD[ Â&#x2020;DX ^_`Â&#x201E;``W] I comported myself so well, and Â&#x2020;W Â&#x2020;D`Â&#x;W] Â&#x2021;WVÂ F`jXW +W Â&#x2020;DX committed to spreading the gos W` j^ -WX_X &Â&#x20AC;VZXY D`` jÂ&#x2021;WV 7ZÂ&#x2021; `D[] , Â&#x20AC;D] Â&#x2021;WÂ&#x20AC;ZF`WX Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; X WDÂ&#x;ers, and went out preaching the \jX W` Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026;
Expectations as Buhari takes charge Continued from Page 16
YZÂ&#x2026;W 7Â&#x20AC;W -j[DYÂ&#x20AC;D[ \jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y Â&#x20AC;DX mismanaged the economy with a lot j^ ED\\D\W Yjj Â&#x20AC;WDÂ&#x2021; ^jV %_Â&#x20AC;DVZ Yj FDVV â&#x20AC;&#x153;I still cannot fathom how the incoming administration is going to get the funds to implement its Vj\VDÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WX ÂĽ Â&#x20AC;W WÂĄ VWXXW] But, with all emotions and sentiments expressed, the question on the lips of other political pundits has EWW[ ¢'Z][Â&#x2022;Y %_Â&#x20AC;DVZ XWW D[] [jYZFW]
the state of the nation before making promises to perform miracles when elected?â&#x20AC;? Of course, as true as this question may puncture the jXZYZj[ j^ 'WEj $]W[ZVD[ and the likes, one still expect a person of Buhari, who was once there and now here again, to correct mistakes once FjÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;ZYYW] D[] D`Xj Yj Â&#x2020;DÂ&#x2021;W YÂ&#x20AC;W magic wand that would place Nigeria in a proper position to FjÂ&#x2026; WYW WÂ&#x2021;W[`Â Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; *Â&#x20AC;D[D Z^ [jY 86$ jV ([\`D[]
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Politics No constitutional sanction for defected exco members â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Ozekhome Cross carpeting or defection has made an inroad in Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democracy as politicians now freely jump from one party to another at any slightest provocation. In this piece, a constitutional lawyer, human rights activist and Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Chief Mike Ozekhome says whereas the law catches up with members of the legislature, in the case of members of the executive, defection is neither illegal nor unconstitutional. PASCHAL NJOKU reports: Chief, what is carpet crossing or defection in politics? Carpet crossing is actually a Nigerian coinage ^jV ¢FVjXXZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjVÂĽ According to Wikipedia, FVjXXZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjV Â&#x20AC;DX two meanings referring to a change of allegiance in a Westminster system DV`ZDÂ&#x2026;W[Y 7Â&#x20AC;W YWVÂ&#x2026; originated from the British House of Commons, which ZX Fj[Â&#x201E;\_VW] Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; YÂ&#x20AC;W scenario of the government and opposition facing each jYÂ&#x20AC;WV j[ VjÂ&#x2020;X j^ EW[FÂ&#x20AC;WX An MP who switched parties would naturally [WW] Yj FVjXX YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjV $ notable example of the latter is former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, who FVjXXW] YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjV ^VjÂ&#x2026; the Conservatives to the Liberals in 1904, before `DYWV FVjXXZ[\ EDFÂ&#x; Z[ In the United Kingdom, Canada, and other Western countries, the term is also used to describe leaving oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s party entirely and joining another party, such as leaving an opposition party to support the government (or vice versa); or even leaving one opposition party to join D[jYÂ&#x20AC;WV ,[ EjYÂ&#x20AC; &D[D]D and the United Kingdom, the term carries only this meaning, and is not used for a simple vote against YÂ&#x20AC;W DVY `Z[W j[ D EZ`` ,[ April 2006, the premier of Manitoba, Canada, Gary Doer (NDP), proposed a ED[ j[ FVjXXZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjV j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 0D[ZYjED `W\ZX`DY_VW According to Mr Doer, this move came in response to â&#x20AC;&#x153;the concern some voters have expressed over the Â&#x20AC;Z\Â&#x20AC; VjÂ&#x201E;`W ]W^WFYZj[X j^ three federal MPs from their parties in just over YÂ&#x2020;j  WDVX ÂĽ $FFjV]Z[\ to Macafee, Michelle, the resulting legislation, which amended the provincial Legislative Assembly Act, mandated that Members of the Legislature who quit their political party to serve out the remainder of their YWVÂ&#x2026; DX Z[]W W[]W[YX $[ extraordinary example occurred in Alberta, Canada, in December, 2014, when Danielle Smith, the leader j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W j4FZD` j jXZYZj[ Wildrose Party, and eight of her MLAs crossed the Â&#x192;jjV Yj\WYÂ&#x20AC;WV Yj ÂŁjZ[ YÂ&#x20AC;W governing Progressive
Conservative Association j^ $`EWVYD &VjXXZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x192;jjV jV FDV WY FVjXXZ[\ E politicians in Nigeria did not ÂŁ_XY XYDVY  WXYWV]D ,Y Â&#x20AC;DX been a part and parcel of the Nigerian politics even before YÂ&#x20AC;W Fj_[YV Â&#x2022;X Z[]W W[]W[FW 7Â&#x20AC;W j[` ]Z<WVW[FW ZX YÂ&#x20AC;DY ZY was recently re-enacted with such swagger, panache and Â&#x192;DÂ&#x2026;Ej D[FW DX Z^ ZY Â&#x2020;DX D Â&#x2021;ZVY_W Yj EW FW`WEVDYW] Could you trace the history of carpet crossing in Nigeria, particularly in the third republic? In Nigeria, nine years before independence, that ZX Z[ `W] E YÂ&#x20AC;W 'V Nnamdi Azikiwe, several members of the now defunct National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC) played a political gimmick by decamping overnight to the old Action Group (AG) for the purpose of denying NCNC the majority in the Western Region House of Assembly as a result of which the AG was able to form the ruling *jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y 7Â&#x20AC;ZX j`ZYZFD` \ Â&#x2026;[DXYZFX `W] 'V $¤ZÂ&#x;ZÂ&#x2020;W to tactically relocate to the Eastern Region to form YÂ&#x20AC;W V_`Z[\ *jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y According to Ademola Adewale, this singular political event was to lead to permanent mistrust not only between the two great and illustrious nationalists, Awolowo and Azikiwe, but even between their kinsmen, the Igbo and Yoruba, which mutual feeling still persists till date; the suspicion of Â&#x20AC;ZXYjVZFD` D[YZÂŚ_ZY ,Y ZX Yj be observed that although there were carpet crossings ]_VZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x201E;VXY D[] XWFj[] republics, the rate of such has dramatically increased and reached a frightening crescendo since Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return to democracy in 6jÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W EWW[ Â&#x2026;jVW than a handful, although with less dramatic results in comparison with the XWFj[] VW _E`ZF )jV example, Senator Wahab Dosummu from Alliance for Democracy (AD) moved to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Musuliu Obanikoro moved from AD to PDP; Dr Kingsley Ogunlewe from $' Yj 3'3 /DYW )_[XÂ&#x20AC;j Williams also defected ^VjÂ&#x2026; $' Yj 3'3 )jVÂ&#x2026;WV *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jVX %j`D 7Z[_E_
Lam Adesina, Bisi Akande cross-carpeted from AD to Action Congress (AC) and 7Z[_E_ `DYWV VWY_V[W] Yj All Progressives Congress $3& Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;W Fj ^j_[]W] )jVÂ&#x2026;WV 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y Alhaji Atiku Abubakar defected from PDP to AC, and then back to PDP and [jÂ&#x2020; Yj $3& *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV Segun Mimiko decamped from PDP to Labour party (LP) and back to PDP again, whilst Governor Rochas Okorocha defected from PDP to All Nigeria Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Party (ANPP) to All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) then Yj $3& 3VWXZ]W[Y (`WFY General Muhammadu Buhari crossed from ANPP to Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) and then to APC; former President Olusengun Obansanjo tore his PDP card and became a defacto member of APC, DÂ&#x2026;j[\XY jYÂ&#x20AC;WVX :Â&#x20AC;Z`W XjÂ&#x2026;W of these carpet-crossings or defections were roundly condemned, those involving smaller parties like AD or AC to PDP, defection from the PDP to smaller parties or of so called progressives from either the PDP to the smaller parties, or from one party to the other, were greeted with much D VjÂ&#x2021;D` D[] FW`WEVDYZj[X It is usual amongst the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progressives and their supporters to denounce carpet-crossers in the strongest terms possible as political prostitutes and opportunists who do not have the interest of the electorate at heart, WÂĄFW Y YÂ&#x20AC;WZV jÂ&#x2020;[ XW`Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x20AC; Z[YWVWXYX %_Y YÂ&#x20AC;W Xj FD``W] progressives themselves having been caught up in the recent wave of defections from their original parties to others, it no longer lies in their mouth to freely sermonize D[] j[YZÂ&#x201E;FDYW j[ YÂ&#x20AC;W Z``X j^ FDV WY FVjXXZ[\ ,[ YÂ&#x20AC;W E_Z`] up to the 2007 elections, there was wholesale defection of self-styled progressive from the otherwise progressive AD to form a new party called AC with no ideological basis for the shift except positioning to capture power, which ZX Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV `W\ZYZÂ&#x2026;DYW +jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV YÂ&#x20AC;W ¢ Vj\VWXXZÂ&#x2021;WXÂĽ having carried on for long as if all defections were evil,
it did the reputation of the progressives constituency, no good that they could engage in large scale defections on a scale even their opponents would have been embarrassed to Fj[YWÂ&#x2026; `DYW How does the judiciary view defection from one party to another? 7Â&#x20AC;W `WÂ&#x2021;W` Yj Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; FDV WY crossing has been elevated in Nigeria, coupled with the fervency and frequency of such carpet-crossing activities, has attracted the interpretative magnifying glasses of the Nigerian ÂŁ_]ZFZDV ,[ VWFW[Y FDXWX the Courts have reiterated that a legislator, once elected on the platform of a party, ¢$ÂĽ FD[[jY ÂŁ_Â&#x2026; XÂ&#x20AC;Z D[] FDV WY FVjXX Yj DVY ¢%ÂĽ D[] XYZ`` VWYDZ[ Â&#x20AC;ZX Â&#x20AC;WV XWDY However, as the Courts have also serially stated, once the conditions stipulated by the Constitution for carpet FVjXXZ[\ DVW Â&#x2026;WY Z W DX stated under the proviso to Section 109(9), such a legislator can defect without FjÂ&#x2026; _[FYZj[ 7Â&#x20AC;_X Z[ YÂ&#x20AC;W case of Delta State House of $XXWÂ&#x2026;E` $[jV Â&#x2021; '33 ors (2014) lpelr-22808(CA), the Court of Appeal, held, WV 2\_[Â&#x2020;_Â&#x2026;ZÂŁ_ - & $ DX ^j``jÂ&#x2020;X ¢ 0 Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x2026;E`W view is that for the person defecting to another party to be able to take advantage j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W VjÂ&#x2021;ZXj Z[ 6 (g), he must prove that the party he is leaving has been ]ZÂ&#x2021;Z]W] Z[Yj YÂ&#x2020;j jV Â&#x2026;jVW 7Â&#x20AC;DY ZX Yj XD YÂ&#x20AC;W DVY must be so polarized as to have two chairmen, two jV YÂ&#x20AC;VWW ]Z<WVW[Y %jDV]X j^ 7V_XYWWX WDFÂ&#x20AC; F`DZÂ&#x2026;Z[\ Yj EW the authentic one and each still bearing the same party [DÂ&#x2026;W 7Â&#x20AC;DY ZX YÂ&#x20AC;W Y W jV extreme division envisaged E YÂ&#x20AC;W &j[XYZY_YZj[ 7Â&#x20AC;W defector would also be covered by the proviso where the party has split into two whereby one of the factions is bearing another name and he chose to join the faction of the party
Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; YÂ&#x20AC;W [WÂ&#x2020; [DÂ&#x2026;W ÂĽ In the celebrated case of $* )W]WVDYZj[ 9 $YZÂ&#x;_ $E_EDÂ&#x;DV 6& 37 11) 62, which case, amongst other things, determined the legality of the defection of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, YÂ&#x20AC;W ^jVÂ&#x2026;WV 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y from the PDP under which he was elected, to the AC, in the thick of his battle for political survival against his rampaging former boss, erstwhile President Olusegun Obasanjo, and his party PDP, who were bent on teaching him a very hard lesson for standing against the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to support the former 3VWXZ]W[YX ^jV D YÂ&#x20AC;ZV] YWVÂ&#x2026; 7Â&#x20AC;W 3VWXZ]W[FÂ Â&#x20AC;D] Z[ ^DFY conjured up allegations of corruption (the truth of which we may never know, but which were never proven), to be used Yj VWÂ&#x2026;jÂ&#x2021;W Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; ^VjÂ&#x2026; j4FW Alhaji Abubakarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to defect from the PDP to the then newly formed AC only provided more ammunition with which to nail the embattled former 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y +jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV the attempt to use the Constitution to declare the j4FW j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y vacant upon the carpet crossing of Abubakar, failed miserably and woefully, as the Supreme Court held that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the legislators have made it manifest that if any of these elective members after winning an election on the platform of a political party, later on being a member of the senate or of the House of Representatives (and by extension the House of Assembly) defects to another political party, he is deemed in law to have automatically vacated his seat in the House of which Â&#x20AC;W ZX D Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2026;EWVÂĽ +jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV the apex court continued, â&#x20AC;&#x153;no similar provision was Â&#x2026;D]W jV YÂ&#x20AC;W 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y WÂ&#x2021;W[ ^jV YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VWXZ]W[Y ,^ the legislature had intended YÂ&#x20AC;W 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y jV WÂ&#x2021;W[ YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VWXZ]W[Y Yj X_<WV YÂ&#x20AC;W
same fate, they would have inserted that provision in F`WDV YWVÂ&#x2026;XÂĽ DY 7Â&#x20AC;W absence of clear provisions for vacating seat upon decampment also applies Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W j4FWX j^ *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV D[] 'W _YÂ *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV 7Â&#x20AC;_X _[`ZÂ&#x;W `W\ZX`DYjVX [WZYÂ&#x20AC;WV YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VWXZ]W[Y 9ZFW President, Governor, or Deputy Governor, will have his seat declared vacant in the event that he crosses over to another political DVYÂ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`XY XYZ`` Z[ j4FW 7Â&#x20AC;W D WÂĄ &j_VY j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W `D[] was very mindful of the lacuna in the Constitution regarding defections from one party to another, by members of the Executive, YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VWXZ]W[Y 9ZFW President, Governor and Deputy Governor, and the WÂ&#x2021;Z`X DXXjFZDYW] Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; XDÂ&#x2026;W 7Â&#x20AC;ZX Â&#x2020;DX Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020; ZY _Y ZY DY page 211 of the judgment in the Atiku case: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although defection or cross-carpeting to another party or dumping the original party that sponsored one for election to D DVYZF_`DV j4FW Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; ZX created by the Constitution, or in the same vein, condemning or criticizing that party or its members who, by virtue of the same W`WFYZj[ Â&#x20AC;j`] XjÂ&#x2026;W j4FWX created by the constitution, is painful, unconscionable and immoral, it is however [jY Z``W\D` ÂĽ So, what is the present legal position of carpet crossing in the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democracy? Going by the apex Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision in AG )('(5$7,21 9 $/+$-, $7,.8 $%8%$.$5 which is the locus classicus on cross-carpeting and defection from one party to the other, in Nigeria, the following clear position of the law can be extrapolated: Cross carpeting by any member of the Legislature DY EjYÂ&#x20AC; )W]WVD` D[] 6YDYW `WÂ&#x2021;W`X Z W 6W[DYW +j_XW Representatives and State House of Assembly, automatically makes the seat of such a member vacant, except where such persons come squarely within the exceptions provided in sections 68 (1) (g) and 109 (1) \ j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W Fj[XYZY_YZj[ 7Â&#x20AC;WVW is no sanction or restriction placed on members of the (ÂĄWF_YZÂ&#x2021;W Z W 3VWXZ]W[Y 9ZFW 3VWXZ]W[Y *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV Deputy Governor for carpetFVjXXZ[\ 6_FÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2026;EWVX j^ the Executive can defect or carpet-cross at will, without any legal or Constitutional repercussions, even if such _[jVYÂ&#x20AC;j]jÂĄ DFY X_<WVX moral turpitude or ethical ]W VDÂ&#x2021;ZYÂ ,[ YÂ&#x20AC;W FDXW of such members of the Executive, therefore, even where their carpet-crossing, decampment or defection is painful, odious, treacherous, WVÂ&#x201E;]Zj_X _[Fj[XFZj[DE`W and immoral, it is neither Z``W\D` [jV _[Fj[XYZY_YZj[D`
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Saturday, May 30
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
North Central
Aliyu bows out amidst boos and pelting Justina Asishana, Minna
mmediate past governor of Niger State, Dr. Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Babangida Aliyu, yesterday bowed out from government amidst booing and stone pelting. Aliyu who was supposed to speak before the administering of oath of allegiance D[] j4FW W[]W] _ [jY DE`W to deliver his speech because of the hostility from the crowd towards him. The governor who arrived at the Bako Kotangora Sta-
dium, Minna, at about 10.15 am was booed by the crowd as he climbed down from his vehicle and climbed the podium to take the military guard salute. As the governor was takZ[\ Â&#x20AC;ZX jDYÂ&#x20AC; j^ j4FW D[] D`legiance, he was pelted with food pack, sachet water, slippers and stones as the security had to shield him from the pelting. The former governor was earlier warned by security agents not to attend the inauguration due to the hos-
tility of the people of the state toward him but in his usual manner, he ignored the warnings as he insisted on attending. Two trucks of military men from the 31 Brigade in Minna had to be dispatched to the stadium to put the crowd in order but the crowd remained uncontrollable which resorted to the use of tear-gas to dispatch the people in the stadium. The new governor, Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello, and his Deputy, Alhaji Mohammed
Ketso were administered the jDYÂ&#x20AC; j^ j4FW D[] D``W\ZD[FW by the Chief Judge of Niger State, Justice Lami Abubakar. Immediately after the national anthem, gunshots and tear-gas were shot into the air sporadically leading to stampede where some people were injured. The former governor was smuggled out of the stadium amidst tight security led by the state Commissioner of Police through the back gate as he was almost mobbed by the crowd.
Plateau gov pledges to tackle insecurity, revamp economy Gyang Bere, Jos
he new governor of Plateau State, Rt Hon. Simon Lalong, yesterday pledged to combat the prevailing security threats that has bedevilled Plateau North and Plateau South Senatorial District as the starting point of laying solid foundation for the overall development of the state. Administering the oath of j4FW Â WXYWV]DÂ DY YÂ&#x20AC;W 5Â&#x2020;D[\ Pam Township Stadium, Jos, by the Plateau State Chief Judge, Justic Pius Damulak, Barrister Lalong said his administration will not discriminate against any community or ethnic nationality in the state irrespective of religion D[] j`ZYZFD` D4`ZDYZj[ D]]ing that he will embark on reconciliation to gain support D[] Fj[Â&#x201E;]W[FW j^ WÂ&#x2021;WVÂ Ej]Â
for a meaningful development. In his speech, Lalong appealed to labour union leadWVX Z[ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW Yj FD`` j< YÂ&#x20AC;W ongoing strike action by Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), and promise that payment of salaries will be the priority of his administration to enhance productivity in the state. Lalong , who was a former Speaker of Plateau State House of Assembly between 2000 and 2006 stressed that his administration will focus on agricultural sector to create job opportunity, educaYZj[ W<WFYZÂ&#x2021;W Â&#x20AC;WD`YÂ&#x20AC;FDVW XWVvice delivery, strengthen the Plateau Investment and Property Development Company (PIPC) and other agencies involved in industrial and commercial promotions to attract private investors.
Let there be peace, Al-makura urges Nasarawa residents *x{|}~ 2 xÂ&#x20AC;Â }Â&#x201A;}Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; /Â&#x2020;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2020;
L-R: Chairman, Bauchi Local Government, Alhaji Umar Aliyu; Bauchi State Chief of Staff, Alhaji Tanko Dutse; District Head of Yuguda, Alhaji Abdullahi Dabo; Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State and Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Mahmud Maijamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a, during the inauguration of Cottage Hospital, at Yuguda Village in Bauchi State.
Suswam jets out as successor takes oath of office Godwin Akor, Makurdi
mmediate past governor of Benue State, Mr. Gabriel Suswam, and his deputy, Chief Steven Lawani, were conspicuously absent at the swearing-in ceremony of the new governor, Dr. Samuel Ortom, and his Deputy, Engr Benson Abounu, yesterday. Newswatch Times checks revealed that Gabriel Suswam jetted out of the country in the early hours of yes-
terday while Chief Steven Lawani left Makurdi for his village, Otukpa, in the afternoon. It was gathered that both Suswam and Lawani decided to abandon public handover because workers may ridicule them at the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida Square, venue of the occasion. All Progressives Congress (APC) chieftains, Mr Clement Uhondo, described the action of Suswam and Lawani as a disgrace to the entire people of the state.
The one time member of the House of Assembly said Suswam and Lawani were supposed to appreciate Benue people for giving them the mandate to rule them for eight years, pointing out that they left the people in abeyance. A member of the inner caucus of the APC and close associate of Dr Ortom who preferred anonymity told Newswatch Times that Suswam had said he was not going to attend the swearing in ceremony, hence he handed
jÂ&#x2021;WV YÂ&#x20AC;W D<DZVX j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW to Dr Ortom on Thursday, May 28, at the Government House, Makurdi. Political analysts were of the view that the over four months salaries arrears being owed workers including teachers and the monthly pension of over seven months being owed pensioners coupled with the debt of over N9 billion being owed banks may have made Suswam and Lawani to stay away from the occasion.
Gov Ahmed, deputy sworn-in in Kwara Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin
n Kwara State, the Governor-elect and the incumbent Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, and his deputy, Elder Peter Kisra, were yesterday sworn-in for the secj[] YWVÂ&#x2026; Z[ j4FW DVj_[]
11:15am by the State Chief Judge, Justice Sulyman Kawu. The venue of the event, Metropolitan Square, Ilorin, the State capital was full to capacity. Speaking shortly after YDÂ&#x;Z[\ jDYÂ&#x20AC; j^ j4FW $Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;W] said he will not rest on his
oars until the prosperity of the state is restored, adding that his administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s priority remains the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s welfare. His administration, he assured, will upscale development and boost entrepreneurship to get a greater number of youths working,
saying â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;from today, we will begin the work of transforming our state to the north centralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economic hub.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The governor, who lamented that the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s economy is in comatose, expressed optimism that the nation shall surmount the current challenges.
asarawa State governor, Umaru Tanko Al-makura, has called on the people of the state to put behind them the crises that ravaged the state in the past and embrace peace for the betterment of the state. The governor, who made the call yesterday at his inauguration ceremony said since the elections are now over, all stakeholders in the state, should join hands with his government to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people of the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We pledge our co-oper-
ation with all arms of government, as well as all other political parties and forces. Never should we return to an era of pointless and endless warfare, deadlock or drift in the name of politics. To renew Nasarawa State, we must be true not only to ourselves, but also to the best ideals of public service,â&#x20AC;? he urged. He vowed to deal with those who would not give peace a chance, describing them as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;our old enemies of WDFW ² YÂ&#x20AC;W ^jVFWX j^ XW`Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x20AC;[WXX ]ZÂ&#x2021;ZXZj[ VjÂ&#x201E;YWWVZ[\ reaction, hatred and violence, we will seek to crush you if you spurn our entreaties for peace.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll consolidate on Suswamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s achievements â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ortom Godwin Akor, Makurdi
ew governor of Benue State, Dr Samuel Ortom, has said all the wrongs committed by the immediate past administration would be corrected while the good things done would be preserved. Ortom who spoke on the occasion of his swearing-in yesterday, said the challenges before his administration would not distract him from encouraging micro, macro and small scale industries development. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We shall place our administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s thrust on revenue generation, agriculture, science and
technology, engineering, free and compulsory education up to secondary school level and the promotion of general equality, empowerment of women and youths and persons with disabilities,â&#x20AC;? Ortom maintained. According to him, his administration would protect lives and provide ranches for herdsmen. He assured that as soon as he settles in ofÂ&#x201E;FW Â&#x20AC;W Â&#x2020;j_`] `jjÂ&#x; ^jV ways and means of bringing back smiles on the faces of workers and pensioners, emphasizing that any member of his cabinet who amasses wealth would be shown the way out.
Newswatch Times Saturday, May 30, 2015
North West/East Youths attack emir at El Rufaiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inauguration as gov, deputy slash salaries Baba Negedu, Kaduna
jÂ&#x2026;W  j_YÂ&#x20AC;X DY YÂ&#x20AC;W Z[D_\_VDYZj[ j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W [WÂ&#x2020; .D]_[D 6YDYW *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV 0D`DÂ&#x2026; 1DXZV (` 5_^DZ  WXYWV]D DYYDFÂ&#x;W] ]Z\[ZYDVZWX DY YÂ&#x20AC;W 9,3 XYD[] j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 0_VYD`D 0_Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W] 6ÂŚ_DVW Â&#x2021;W[_W j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x2021;W[Y 7Â&#x20AC;W  j_YÂ&#x20AC;X Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;j Fj[FW[YVDYW] YÂ&#x20AC;W DYYDFÂ&#x; j[ YÂ&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x2026;ZV j^ =D¤¤D_ 'V 6Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x20AC;_ ,]VZX D``W\W] YÂ&#x20AC;DY YÂ&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x2026;ZV j W[` X_ jVYW] YÂ&#x20AC;W \jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 3Wj `WX 'WÂ&#x2026;jFVDYZF 3DVY 3'3 ]_VZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W W`WFYZj[X D\DZ[XY YÂ&#x20AC;W $`` 3Vj\VWXXZÂ&#x2021;WX &j[\VWXX $3& 6WF_VZY j WVDYZÂ&#x2021;WX Â&#x20AC;D] D Â&#x20AC;WFYZF YZÂ&#x2026;W Fj[YVj``Z[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W _[V_` FVjÂ&#x2020;] Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;j Â&#x2020;WVW j W[` FD``Z[\ ^jV YÂ&#x20AC;W VWÂ&#x2026;jÂ&#x2021;D` j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x2026;ZV 7Â&#x20AC;WÂ
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¢:W EW`ZWÂ&#x2021;W YÂ&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x2026;ZV Â&#x2020;Z`` `WDV[ Â&#x20AC;ZX `WXXj[ ^VjÂ&#x2026; Yj]D Yj EW ^DYÂ&#x20AC;WV Yj D`` ZVVWX WFYZÂ&#x2021;W j^ DVY D^Â&#x201E;`ZDYZj[ :W YÂ&#x20AC;D[Â&#x; $``DÂ&#x20AC; [jEj] Â&#x20AC;DVÂ&#x2026; Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; E_Y YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x2026;jj] j^  j_YÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x2020;Z`` YW`` Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; Â&#x20AC;W ZX [jY Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;ZX X_EÂŁWFYX ÂĽ 7Vj_E`W XYDVYW] Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;W[ YÂ&#x20AC;W FVjÂ&#x2020;] Â&#x2026;jXY`  j_YÂ&#x20AC;X ]WÂ&#x201E;W] YÂ&#x20AC;W YÂ&#x20AC;W j`ZFW D[] X_V\W] YjÂ&#x2020;DV]X YÂ&#x20AC;W 9,3 XYD[] D[] j]Z_Â&#x2026; W<jVYX Yj XYj YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x2026; VjÂ&#x2021;W] DEjVYZÂ&#x2021;W D[] `W] Yj ^VDFDX D[] YÂ&#x20AC;W XYj[Z[\ 7Â&#x20AC;W XYDYW *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV 0D`DÂ&#x2026; 1DXZV (` 5_^DZ D[] Â&#x20AC;ZX ]W _Y %DV[DEDX <_X_^ %D`D Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2021;W D[[j_[FW] YÂ&#x20AC;WZV XD`DV F_Y DY Z[ Fj[XZ]WVDYZj[ j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW `WD[ YVWDX_V 6 WDÂ&#x;Z[\ XÂ&#x20AC;jVY` D^ter swearing in by the XYDYW &Â&#x20AC;ZW^ -_]\W -_XYZFW 7D[ZÂ&#x2026;_ =DZ`D[Z (` 5_^DZ
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Kano gov takes oath of office, reappoints former SSG, others
oments after being administered with the jDYÂ&#x20AC; j^ j4FW DX YÂ&#x20AC;W (ÂĄWF_YZÂ&#x2021;W *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV j^ .D[j 6YDYW 'V $E]_``DÂ&#x20AC;Z 8Â&#x2026;DV *D[]_ÂŁW DÂ&#x2026;j[\ Â&#x20AC;ZX Â&#x2026;DÂŁjV key appointments retained 'V 5DEZ_ 6_`WZÂ&#x2026;D[ %ZFÂ&#x20AC;Z DX YÂ&#x20AC;W 6WFVWYDVÂ Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W 6YDYW *jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y 66* 2YÂ&#x20AC;WV Â&#x;WÂ Â&#x2026;DÂŁjV D jZ[YÂ&#x2026;W[YX Z[F`_]W YÂ&#x20AC;DY j^ $`Â&#x20AC;DÂŁZ 8XÂ&#x2026;D[ %D`D 0_Â&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W] DX YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VZ[FZ D` 3VZÂ&#x2021;DYW 6WFVWYDVÂ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W 0jÂ&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W] $_Â&#x2020;D`_ 1DÂ&#x2022;ZÂ D ZX [jÂ&#x2020; YÂ&#x20AC;W +WD] j^ 6WVÂ&#x2021;ZFW .Â&#x2020;D[Â&#x;Â&#x2020;DXjÂ&#x2022;X ^jVÂ&#x2026;WV 'ZVWFYjV j^ 3VWXX D[] 3_E`ZF 5W`DYZj[X +D`Z`_ ,EVDÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; 'D[YZÂ W Â&#x20AC;DX [jÂ&#x2020; EWW[ W`WÂ&#x2021;DYW] Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W 'ZVWFYjV *W[WVD` 0W]ZD &jÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;_[ZFDYZj[X Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W $Â&#x2026;WW[ <DXXDV Â&#x20AC;ZX ^jVÂ&#x2026;WV 'W _YÂ Â&#x20AC;DX stepped into the shoes of YÂ&#x20AC;W 3VWXX 6WFVWYDVÂ $`Xj D jZ[YW] ZX %D`D 6D`ZÂ&#x20AC;_ 'DÂ&#x2020;DÂ&#x;Z[ ._]_ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;j Â&#x2020;DX _[YZ` Â&#x20AC;ZX [WÂ&#x2020; D jZ[YÂ&#x2026;W[Y DX YÂ&#x20AC;W 6 WFZD` $XXZXYD[Y 3VZ[Y 0W]ZD Â&#x2020;DX YÂ&#x20AC;W 'ZVWFYjV j^ 3VWXX Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W ^jVÂ&#x2026;WV 'W _YÂ *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;j ZX [jÂ&#x2020; YÂ&#x20AC;W X_EXYD[YZÂ&#x2021;W (ÂĄWF_YZÂ&#x2021;W *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 6YDYW (DV`ZWV ]_VZ[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W ^jVÂ&#x2026;D` Â&#x20AC;D[]Z[\ jÂ&#x2021;WV j^ jÂ&#x2020;WV Yj Â&#x20AC;ZX X_FFWXXjV 'V *D[]_ÂŁW DY YÂ&#x20AC;W &jVj[DYZj[ +D`` j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W *jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y +j_XW ^jVÂ&#x2026;WV *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV 5DEZ_
0_XD Â&#x20AC;W WÂĄ VWXXW] XDYZX^DFYZj[ YÂ&#x20AC;DY YÂ&#x20AC;W ]VWDÂ&#x2026;X D[] aspirations of his adminisYVDYZj[ DX `D[[W] Â&#x20AC;DX EWW[ Â&#x201E;[D``Â YVD[X^jVÂ&#x2026;W] Z[Yj VWD`ZYÂ *D[]_ÂŁW Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV WÂĄpressed happiness that the $`` 3Vj\VWXXZÂ&#x2021;W &j[\VWXX $3& Â&#x2020;j[ D`` YÂ&#x20AC;W W`WFYZj[X ^VjÂ&#x2026; Yj Yj YÂ&#x20AC;W EjYYjÂ&#x2026; F`Z[FÂ&#x20AC;Z[\ YÂ&#x20AC;W /jFD` *jÂ&#x2021;WV[Â&#x2026;W[Y &Â&#x20AC;DZVÂ&#x2026;W[ XWDYX D[] j_Y j^ DX Â&#x2020;W`` DX j_Y j^ &j_[FZ``jVX ÂŁ_XY DX YÂ&#x20AC;W DVYÂ D`Xj XÂ&#x2020;W Y D`` YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDÂ&#x;WX DY YÂ&#x20AC;W 6W[DYjVZD` W`WFYZj[X ED\\Z[\ YÂ&#x20AC;VWW j_Y j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W YÂ&#x20AC;VWW DÂ&#x2021;DZ`DE`W XWDYX $ DVY ^VjÂ&#x2026; YÂ&#x20AC;DY ZY D`Xj Â&#x2020;j[ j_Y j^ j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W +j_XW j^ 5W VWXW[YDYZÂ&#x2021;WX XWDYX DX Â&#x2020;W`` DX j_Y j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W 6YDYW $XXWÂ&#x2026;E`Â XWDYX VWX WFYZÂ&#x2021;W`Â Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;7Â&#x20AC;WVW ZX [j EWYYWV W[Â&#x2021;ZVj[Â&#x2026;W[Y YÂ&#x20AC;DY Â&#x2020;W XÂ&#x20AC;j_`] WÂĄhibit of happiness than this Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x2026;W[Y , Â&#x20AC;jÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2021;WV DXX_VW YÂ&#x20AC;W \jj] Wj `W j^ .D[j 6YDYW j[ EWÂ&#x20AC;D`^ j^ Â&#x2026;Â XW`^ D[] ]W _YÂ DX Fj[YZ[_ZYÂ ZX D Â&#x2026;_XY D[] D YDXÂ&#x; YÂ&#x20AC;DY Â&#x2026;_XY EW ]j[W Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022; *D[]_ÂŁW VWÂ&#x2026;Z[]W] Â&#x20AC;ZX VW]WFWXXjV YÂ&#x20AC;DY Â&#x20AC;W Â&#x2020;j_`] WÂ&#x2026;_`DYW YÂ&#x20AC;W \jj] Â&#x2020;jVÂ&#x; Â&#x20AC;W ]Z] ÂŁ_XY DX Â&#x20AC;W VjÂ&#x2026;ZXW] YÂ&#x20AC;DY Â&#x20AC;W Â&#x2020;j_`] FjÂ&#x2026; `WYW D`` YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x2026;DÂŁjV VjÂŁWFYX DX Â&#x20AC;W WVFWZÂ&#x2021;W] YÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x2026; DX Â&#x2020;W`` DX Yj W[X_VW WÂŚ_D` D[] YjYD` ]WÂ&#x2021;W`j Â&#x2026;W[Y j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW
Lamido hands over, leaves N105.4b liabilities in Jigawa Mohammed Suleiman, Dutse
Former Governor of Kano State, Alhaji Rabiu Kwakwanzo congratulating the new governor, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, during the inauguration of the new administration in Kano... yesterday.
Yuguda left empty treasury, says Bauchi gov Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he immediate past Governor of Bauchi State, Malam Isa Yuguda, and his Deputy, Animu Saleh Sagri, shunned handover ceremony as the incumbent governor, Barrister Mohammed Abdullahi Abubakar accused Yuguda of leaving an empty treasury. Newswatch Times gathered that former Governor Yuguda had handed over to successor
at the Government House in the early hours of yesterday before he disappeared to an unknown destination. Barrister Abubakar in his Inaugural speech said during the sixteen years of th Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) rule in the state, there was no development, but promised to develop the state with the available resources at his disposal. He vowed to give facts and figures of the state treasure to the people that they may
know the state of the finance of the state, and how their resources is being used. Abubakar said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The people will have to give us time to correct all wrongs perpetrated by the PDP administration. The people have to understand and be patience with us because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not going to be an easy task. I want to assure the people of Bauchi State that we are equal to the task of bringing out the state out of the woods.â&#x20AC;? He further commended
the electorate for their sacrifice and endurance in voting the All Progressives Party (APC), and their resolve to protect their votes. He also commended the traditional and religious leaders for their prayers which culminated into the successful conduct of the last general elections. Dignitaries who graced the occasion include members of the National and State Houses of Assemblies, traditional rulers, religious leaders among others.
Senate Presidency: Group organises prayer for Saraki Tunde Busari
enator Bukola Sarakiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bid to emerge as the Senate President of the eight Senate received a spiritual boost during the week when a group, Ilorin Emirate Forum For Number One, organised a special prayer to that effect. The prayer held at New Bussa, Niger State, was led by the Chief Missioner, Alhaji Babatunde Gegele supported by Alhaji Tajudeen Isiak Oloje. It was well attended by Saraki
loyalists under the leadership of Alhaji AbdulRasak Ishola Olorunbasiri. According to Olorunbasiri, no candidate is more qualified for the post given the political antecedent of Saraki as key player in the alliance, which produced President Muhammadu Buhari in the March 28, 2015 general elections. Dr. Saraki, he maintained, remains the most suitable for his experience as two-term governor of Kwara State after he had served in President Olusegun
Obasanjoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration as economic adviser to the president. Olohunbasiri also added that Dr Saraki was the chairman of the Governors Forum for four years, also noting that he provided the needed strength for APC to successfully confront the PDP and eventually delivered his constituency (Kwara) 100% to the party in the last elections. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a detribalised Nigeria. And lastly, considering the principle of fear sharing, this man
should be considered. APC is a political party that is made up of four major groups, while the other three groups have been settled the fourth group too should have is fair share. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For instance, CPC (Congress for Progressive Change) is represented by President Buhari; ANPP (All Nigerian Peoples Party), party chairman Oyegun; ACN (Action Congress of Nigeria), Vice president Oshibanjo. So, nothing should block the way of Saraki too as representative of PDP, â&#x20AC;? he said.
he immediate past *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV j^ -Z\DÂ&#x2020;D 6YDYW 6_`W /DÂ&#x2026;Z]j Â&#x20AC;DX Â&#x20AC;D[]W] jÂ&#x2021;WV YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x2026;D[Y`W j^ `WD]WVXÂ&#x20AC;Z j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W XYDYW Yj *jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV 0jÂ&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W] %D]DV_ $E_EDÂ&#x;DV Â&#x2020;ZYÂ&#x20AC; 1 E `ZDEZ`ZYZWX YÂ&#x20AC;W $FYZ[\ \jÂ&#x2021;WV[jV $`Â&#x20AC;DÂŁZ /DÂ&#x2020;D` $E]_ Â&#x20AC;DX ]ZXF`jXW] 7Â&#x20AC;ZX FjÂ&#x2026; VZXW] 1 EZ``Zj[ ^jV '_YXW ,[YWV[DYZj[D` $ZV jVY VjÂŁWFY D[] 1 EZ``Zj[ Fj[YVDFY_D` `ZDEZ`ZYZWX 6 WDÂ&#x;Z[\ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W Â&#x20AC;D[]Z[\ jÂ&#x2021;WV YÂ&#x20AC;W Â&#x2026;D[Y`W j^ `WD]WVXÂ&#x20AC;Z Yj $`Â&#x20AC;DÂŁZ 0jÂ&#x20AC;DÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W] %D]DV_ $E_EDÂ&#x;DV j^ YÂ&#x20AC;W $3& Â&#x20AC;W XYDYW] YÂ&#x20AC;DY YÂ&#x20AC;W YjYD` FD ZYD` VjÂŁ-
WFYX DÂ&#x2020;DV]W] Â&#x2020;DX 1 EZ``Zj[ j_Y j^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; 1 EZ``Zj[ Â&#x2020;DX DZ] `WDÂ&#x2021;Z[\ D ED`D[FW j^ 1 EZ``Zj[ $FFjV]Z[\ Yj Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x2026; YÂ&#x20AC;W j[\jZ[\ VjÂŁWFYX Â&#x2020;WVW F`DXXZÂ&#x201E;W] Z[Yj ^j_V FDYW\jVZWX EDXW] j[ YÂ&#x20AC;WZV `WÂ&#x2021;W` j^ FjÂ&#x2026; `WYZj[ D[] YÂ&#x20AC;WXW DVW VjÂŁWFYX Â WY Yj FjÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W[FW Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; XYjj] DY 1 EZ``Zj[ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W VjÂŁWFYX EWYÂ&#x2020;WW[ j[W WV FW[Y D[] YÂ&#x20AC;ZVYÂ WV FW[Y XYD\WX j^ FjÂ&#x2026; `WYZj[ Â&#x2020;WVW Â&#x2021;D`_W] DY 1 EZ``Zj[ 2YÂ&#x20AC;WVX Z[F`_]W VjÂŁWFYX EWYÂ&#x2020;WW[ WV FW[Y XYD\WX j^ FjÂ&#x2026; `WYZj[ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;ZFÂ&#x20AC; XYjj] DY 1 EZ``Zj[ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Z`W VjÂŁWFYX YÂ&#x20AC;DY VWDFÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x201E;^YÂ XYD\WX j^ FjÂ&#x2026; `WYZj[ Â&#x2020;WVW Â&#x2021;D`_W] DY 1 EZ``Zj[
Kebbi ex-gov absent at swearing in ceremony, whereabouts unknown Ayo Ajoge
he immediate past Governor of Kebbi State, Saidu Usman Dakingari was conspicuously absent at the swearing in ceremony of his successor, Senator Atiku Abubakar Bagudu. The immediate past Deputy Governor of the State, Alhaji Ibrhim K. Aliyu, however, did the handover of documents to the new governor. In his speech, Bagudu thanked the people of the state for the confidence reposed in him and his deputy, Col Samaila Dabai Yombe through their votes, assuring them of his determina-
tion to effect the needed change in the state. He also told the people that his immediate priority is to tackle the poverty which the past administration allegedly infected on the people, adding that no fewer than 72 per cent of the people of the state are living in abject poverty. He pointed out that courageous and purposeful leadership is the panacea to combat poverty, and this is what his administration would do as the whole world is changing. Senator Bagudu stated that within his 150 days in office a roadmap to ensure even distribution of wealth in the state would have been drawn.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sports Update South Africa denies bribing FIFA
Fabiyi seeks AFCON place with Benin
Kanu backs Arsenal to win FA Cup
Newswatch Times, Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sports Update
Ugbade: Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re in New Zealand to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;compete highlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; F
l i E lying Eagles l assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade, says they are not in New Zealand just to participate at the FIFA Under-20 World Cup, but to â&#x20AC;&#x153;compete highlyâ&#x20AC;?. The former Nigeria international, alongside head coach, Manu Garba will lead the Nigeria Under-20 menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s football team to the championship in Oceania, and even though they are already one of the bookmakersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; favourites to go all the way, Ugbade has thought it wise to inform the world they will be seriously competing for the trophy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not in New Zealand just to participate,â&#x20AC;? he told SL10.ng, â&#x20AC;&#x153;For participation, that will be that we are just
here to be here. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But we shall be competing highly at this tournament. We have played some friendly matches during the course of our preparations and they have opened our boys to another level of exposure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Added to the information we have fed them and them now understanding the science that governs the game, I can tell you we are now HL]U,UMLPUHQÂ&#x2020; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have some of our key guys in Senegal (Africa Youth Championship), but they are here with us now and playing in Europe has also broadened their horizon and understanding of the science of the game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Trust me, Â?ULHMUL]U,UMLJTÂ?Â&#x2030;ÂŤL^UL added.
Flying Eagles tipped to progress ahead of Brazil
he New Zealand Herald has tipped Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s `\WJXL HX`U}LHJKLÂ&#x161;|UÂ time winners Brazil to go past Group E of the FIFA U20 World Cup in New Zealand. Hungary and North Korea are the other teams in this group. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nigeria and Brazil should take the top two places (in that order) and the clash between North Korea and Hungary will likely decide third spot,â&#x20AC;? predicted the newspaper. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The yellow shirts will be keenly watched, as they bring their brand of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Samba soccerâ&#x20AC;? to New Zealandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shores. The team adopted more of a defensive approach during their qualifying games, but still have [`UJP\LTVLÂĄHWMÂ&#x2020;L ^U\L should comfortably get out of a tricky group.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nigeria arrive in New Zealand as African champions, and will be expected to progress well into the later stages of the tournament.â&#x20AC;? The Herald also marked out Brazilian playmaker Andreas Pereira as the one to watch in that group. He has been based at Manchester United since the age of 15, he was named their under-21 player of the year last season and scored several vital goals for the youth team before making his Premier League debut in March. Awoniyi: I would love to play with Success ^UHKLTVLP^UWMLÂ&#x161;M}PL game at the FIFA U20 World Cup against Brazil, Flying Eagles striker, Taiwo Awoniyi, says heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relishing the prospect of partnering Isaac _NNU}}LWJLH,HNÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2020;
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Flying Eagles capable of breaking jinxâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
ormer Super Eagles striker, Patrick Pascal, is optimistic that the Flying Eagles can break the jinx and win the FIFA Under-20 World Cup VTMLP^ULÂ&#x161;M}PLPWQULÂ?^UJL hostilities begin in New Zealand on May 29. Pascal, who is the coordinator of the Super Eagles told supersport. com that the present class of 2015 have all it takes to go all the way and win the PMT[^\LVTMLP^ULÂ&#x161;M}PLPWQULHPL U20 level. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a team capable of winning the trophy because they are focused and have been together for a very long time which is quite impressive,â&#x20AC;?the former Wikki Tourist man said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be easy as the other teams will come into the tournament hoping to win it too, so the boys have to be at their very best. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think if they concentrate very well and do what they have to do, they are capable of going all the Â?H\LPTLP^ULÂ&#x161;JH`Â&#x2020;ÂŤ^ULHKKUK Pascal also warned the team to be at their optimal best in every game because they are not an unknown quantity like they were at Under-17 level when they beat all comers to win the trophy in 2013 in the UAE. He opined that teams will come well prepared
for the Flying Eagles this time out and the surprise factor wont be there again. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Flying Eagles have their work cut out for them this time around. It is going to be very hard, ]_PL L^H|ULNTJÂ&#x161;KUJNULP^HPL they will do the nation proud,â&#x20AC;?he enthused â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have to give a 100 percent in every game because all the countries now know they were world champions at Under-17 level two years ago and they have almost the same team as of then. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They also need the support need support and prayers from Nigerians as they begin their quest.â&#x20AC;?Pascal added.
Ogu nears new Beâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;er Sheva deal
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