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Saturday, April 4 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, April 4, 2015

Easter messages PDP charges Nigerians to remain peaceful, united > Saminu Ibrahim,Abuja


he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has charged Nigerians to use this year’s Good Friday and Easter periods to pray for the nation, and strive to sustain the peace and understanding inspired by President Goodluck Jonathan. The party, in an Easter message signed by its National Publicity Secretary, Olisa Metuh, on Friday also urged the people to “use the period

to imbibe the spirit of love, forgiveness and good neighbourliness, especially given the success already achieved by the PDP U W}W\ZVUZW^}] W}] Z`[] z `Z] against terrorism in the {U} “The PDP is happy that the nation is celebrating this Easter in an atmosphere of peace, principally inspired by the forthrightness and humility of President Goodluck Jonathan and the commitment of our great party to national unity and integration. We earnestly pray that this peace and the

victory over insurgency by our government would be sustained. “It indeed gladdens the heart that with this \Yxx[\\]W}]Z`[]z `Z]U UW}\Z] terrorism and the liberating of seized territories, our citizens in the northeast are joining their brothers and sisters in other parts of the country to celebrate Easter with the joy and divine assurance the resurrection of Jesus Christ brought to U} W} ] Z`[] [\\U [] said. The party said apart from achieving peace, its

administration has already repositioned the economy, created multiple avenues for wealth, with strategic infrastructural projects and economic initiatives, adding that Nigerians cannot accommodate any excuse whatsoever for any failure to move the nation to its next level of development and prosperity as envisioned by the PDP. The PDP prayed for Easter blessings on all Nigerians in addition to peaceful governorship and state assembly elections next Saturday.

Nigerians sue for peace, selflessness on Good Friday


cross-section of Nigerians yesterday underscored the W ^VZU}x[] ^_] \[{ [\\}[\\] and the need for peaceful conduct, as Christians celebrate Good Friday. They told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that this year’s x[{[XVUZW^}] jU\] \W }WzxU}Z] X[xUY\[] WZ] was coming at a post-election period. Evangelist Paul Onoja said that the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ was a message of hope to Christians in particular, and Nigerians in general. ``Nigerians should continue to have and to keep faith with their country. ^] U6[V] j`UZ] Z`[] \WZYUZW^}] W\] UZ] the moment, Nigerians will always triumph at the very end. ``Christ’s death on the cross was meant to liberate us from the shackles of sin and hatred. Let us work together for U]X[6[V] W [VWU ]`[]\UW Mr Emeka Ogwu, a businessman, said that Nigerians should see the \Y V[ [] \UxVWzx[] ^_] [\Y\] `VW\Z] ^}] Calvary as an opportunity to eschew violence and ethnic hatred. ``We as Nigerians must be ready to U []\UxVWzx[\]_^V]Z`[]}UZW^}]Z^] ^|[] forward.

``Christ died for all mankind, as such whether we are from the East, West, North or South, we are Nigerians. We should stop hating one U}^Z`[V]^}][Z`}Wx]{W}[\ ]`[]\UW Mrs Funke Ojo, a civil servant, said that this year’s celebration was symbolic as the nation did not witness any form of post-election violence. Ojo urged all Nigerians to be peace {^|W} ]U} ][ Y{UZ[]Z`[]\UxVWzxWU{]{W_[] ^_] [\Y\] `VW\Z ] U\] [ [ {Wz[ ] X ] President Goodluck Jonathan in the aftermath of the Presidential election. ``Nigerian must be ready to make \UxVWzx[\]_^V]Z`[] [Ux[]U} ]\ZUXW{WZ ]^_] Z`[]x^Y}ZV ] YV] V[\W [}Z]\UxVWzx[ ] his personal ambition to ensure that Nigeria remained peaceful and \ZUX{[ ]\`[]\UW Chief Michael Okon, an estate agent, called on Nigerians to use the celebration of Good Friday and the Easter to unite for a common goal. He noted that if Nigerians could humble themselves as Jesus did, the country will progress to an enviable position in the comity of nations. ``We must emulate the humility of Christ so that God Himself will exalt us at the appropriate time, Okon said.

Oyo CAN tasks Nigerians on love, peace


Passengers travelling for Easter holidays at Mazamaza in Lagos…yesterday.

Suswam, Yero ask Christians to emulate Christ’s lifestyle for Nigeria’s peaceful existence and the successful conduct of the remaining general elections overnor Gabriel and advised Nigerians against Suswam of Benue state truncating a smooth handing has charged Christians over programme on May 29 He said even as Jesus Christ in the state to imbibe the U6VWXYZ[\] ^_] [\Y\] `VW\Z] j`^] had the power to challenge Z`^\[]Z`UZ]xVYxWz[ ] []U |W\[ ] resurrected during the Easter. Suswam said in a statement the people not to take laws made available to Newswatch into their hands in the face of Times by his Special Adviser on provocation, especially during Media, Dr Cletus Akwaya, that the April 11 elections period, Jesus Christ resurrected three emphasizing that due process days after paying the supreme and rule of law should be \UxVWzx[] _^V] Z`[] \U{|UZW^}] ^_] followed. Kaduna State Governor, mankind, and urged Nigerians, especially Christians, to see Mukhtar Ramalan Yero also his rising to greatness as an tasked Christians and Muslims opportunity to live exemplary in the country to unite and work for the growth of the lives. He also asked Christians to country. In his Easter message signed use the period of Easter to pray Godwin Akor, Makurdi and Baba Negedu, Kaduna


by his Director-General Media and Publicity, Ahmed Maiyaki, Yero congratulated Christians and indeed the entire people of Kaduna State on the occasion of the 2015 Easter celebrations and called on them to forge greater unity irrespective of V[{W W^Y\]^V][Z`}Wx] W [V[}x[\ The Governor also urged Christians to use the Easter period to give glory to God on the peaceful conduct of the presidential election and to pray for peaceful conduct of the remaining elections saying that “at this holy period when the entire Christian World UV ]Z`[]xVYxWz W^} ] [UZ`]U} ] resurrection of Jesus Christ, it W\] W ^VZU}Z] Z^] V[ [xZ] ^}] Z`[] Y{ZW UZ[] \UxVWzx[] ^}[] _^V] Z`[] sake of salvation of mankind as j[{{]U\]`Y U}]{^|[]U} ] [Ux[


He said that the commission would arrest and impound erring motorists. “There is going to be high vehicular movements on the highways at Easter and because of this, the command has equally mobilised the logistics and the personnel at its disposal to ensure free movements. “We believe that we have the capacity to monitor the road to ensure that there is strict

U `[V[}x[]Z^]ZVU0x]VY{[\] and regulation, as well as curb the excesses of motorists. ``During this period, we shall be looking out for ^ [}x[\] \Yx`] U\] VY} ] driving, speeding; we will look at vehicles’ tyres, ensure that children `` of ages to one year to 11years are not allowed to sit in front seat of the vehicle. “I want to warn that anybody caught within this period undermining V^U ] ZVU0x] V[ Y{UZW^}]

``They should, therefore, play the game according to the rules and allow people to cast their votes without intimidation,’’ he said. Also, the Senior Pastor of the Bodija-Ashi Baptist Church, Ibadan, Rev. Samuel Wojuola, urged Christians to embrace the virtue of humility and love, which Y} [V\x^V[ ]Z`[]\UxVWzx[]^_] `VW\Z ] Z] W\] U] ZW [] _^V] Y\] Z^] V[ [xZ] on what Christ did; where he went and where we are in the programme of God. “We cannot continue to live our lives carelessly, if we cherish what Christ did for us. ``Everything about the story of the cross is hinged on humility,’’ he said. Wojuola asked Christians to show love to everyone, regardless of status and religion

Part of the message reads, “Christians should use this occasion to intensify prayers and devotion for God’s W}Z[V|[}ZW^}] ^}] [ ^VZ\] X ] the people of Nigeria to surmount current challenges in order to evolve a peaceful and progressive nation. We give God the glory for seeing us through the presidential election and we pray for Cleric charges Christians on better society peaceful conduct of the Nankpah Bwakan, for the peaceful Presidential and National Assembly polls, adding Governorship election next Bauchi that the peaceful behaviour week. he Parish Priest, Church showed that the country’s “I, therefore, believe that this [ ^xVUZWx] \ \Z[ ] jU\] [6W} ] of Assumption, Chong’o Easter period provides us an Pyeng-Gyel in Jos, Plateau matured. opportunity to move closer to State, Rev. Fr Philip Jamang, has He also applauded the spirit God by asking Him to forgive urged Christians to emulate the of sportsmanship exhibited by us all our sins, have mercy on Ways of the Cross by emulating President Goodluck Jonathan, and us and grant us divine favour Jesus Christ. Jamang told the described him as the best leader in resolving all our challenges News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Nigeria ever had in the annals of in Jos yesterday that Christians its democratic journey. U\]U]}UZW^} ``Christians all over the country should live in peace to make the


FRSC deploys 1000 personnel to Anambra he Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), Anambra Command, said on Friday that it had deployed 1,000 regular and special marshals to ^}WZ^V] ZVU0x] \WZYUZW^}\] in the state during Easter. The Sector Commander, Mr Sunday Ajayi, who disclosed this to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Awka, advised motorists to comply with directives from the ^0xWU{\

he Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Oyo State Chapter, has urged Christians in the country to imbibe Z`[] \ WVWZ] ^_] \UxVWzx[] U} ] {^|[] U\] demonstrated by Christ. The Chairman of the association, Pastor Johnson Olabisi, gave the advice in a message on Friday in Ibadan. ``We have been praying for a peaceful Easter celebration, now it is here. Christians should imbibe Z`[]UxZ]^_]\UxVWzx[]U} ]_^V W|[}[\\] so that there will be peace among us,’’ he said. Olabisi also appealed to politicians and leaders to promote peace and understanding ahead of the forthcoming Governorship and House of Assembly elections. ``Politicians should see it as a game whereby one wins and another loses.

will be summarily dealt with. ``Vehicles belonging to such motorists will be impounded and not released until after the Easter celebrations. ``I have deployed over 1,000 personnel that include regular and special marshals on the V^U \ ]`[]\UW Ajayi also appealed to motorists to be safety conscious while on the highways and to cooperate with the road marshals.

\^xW[Z ]U]X[6[V] {Ux[ The cleric said Christ was peaceful and loving, adding Z`UZ]`[]\UxVWzx[ ] W\]{W_[]Z^]\U|[] and give humankind a new and [z}[ ]{W_[ ``During this holy week which began yesterday (Thursday), Christians are call to be ambassadors of Christ and as we know, Christ is not violent. ``We are called to be shining examples to others in the world, especially the unbelievers. ``We must emulate Christ; we must pray for peace in Nigeria and we must remain peaceful ourselves. ``The unity of this country remains sacrosanct, we must use this season to pray that our unity as a nation continue to wax stronger,’’ he said. He commended Nigerians

prayed for the peaceful polls; God heard our solemn appeal and the Presidential elections came and gone devoid of hitherto envisaged rancour. YV] [UV] V[\W [}Z]`U\]jVW6[}] his name in gold, as history and posterity will never forget him for ensuring a level playing ground for politics to strive in the country. ``On several occasions the President kept saying his election does not worth the life of a single Nigerian; he kept to his promise when he conceded defeat. ``Indeed, he remains a hero,’’ Jamang added. He, therefore, called on Nigerians to maintain the tempo so that the Governorship and states House of Assembly polls slated for April 11 would be peaceful and free of violence as wel


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


South West

Community arrests adulterous pastor in Ibadan Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


30-year old man pastor with the Christ Apostolic Church in Ibadan, Sunday Moradeyo, has confessed to being a sex maniac and couldn’t desist from it even in spite of his calling to the pulpit. Sunday, who carries an identity card of CAC �[] {UUzU‰] VWZU] [VW}‰] Ibadan, was recently apprehended by Mr. Abiodun Adegoke while U6[ ‚ZW}…] Z^] `U|[] U] carnal knowledge of a 50year old woman under the pretext of delivering her from demonic spirit. Adegoke, the Vice Chairman of Idi Iroko Landlord Association near Amuloko in Ona Ara Local Government area of the state dragged the pastor before the executives

of the association where he confessed his misdemeanour, but was cautioned and discharged. Parents of the SSSCE holder cleric disclosed that when they earlier heard that Sunday raped a girl, they were devastated, adding that since then, Z`[–] W}Z[}\Wz[‹] Z`[WV] prayer to redeem him and the family’s name. The pastor however, told newsmen that he could not remember how many married women he had slept with under the pretext of assisting them with prayers of deliverance from evil forces. The pastor who dropped out from Emmanuel Alayande College of Education Oyo said he carries out adultery in the course of praying for his victims who he hunts for when their husbands

might have gone to their various places of work. Also one of his victims, a 50-year old woman (names withheld) said that when she saw Pastor Sunday praying for a woman in her shop, she jU\] U6VUxZ[‹] Z^] `W ‰] adding that the pastor on agreement, visited her residence where she told him that she had a quarrel with a woman recently. “He told me that the woman has taken my name to a juju man and that he would pray for me for seven days. He said that both of us should hold each other while praying and that he would apply anointing oil ^}] –]Z`W…`]U}‹]XY6^x�Œ] I raised an objection to that aspect. But I gave him N300 and refused his request,� the woman revealed. She disclosed that before

he came back the second day, she had reported the pastor to the vice Chairman of the landlord association who hid himself while the pastor entered her residence and started the marathon prayer with her. “Mr. Adegoke, who was hiding very close Z^] Y\] ÂŞY\Z] ÂŞY ‚[‹] W}] z|[] minutes into our prayer, and he questioned the pastor who pleaded for mercy. The man threatened to strip him naked, but he begged for mercy and escorted him to the executive of the association,â€? the house wife said. She denied that the pastor has had fun jWZ`] `[V‰] XYZ] x^}zV [‹] hearing that he was notorious with the act, adding that her husband works in Lagos and comes home on weekends.

Easter: Cleric greets Christians, calls for peace in Saturday’s elections Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


he Spiritual Head of Shafaudeen in Islam Worldwide and a Justice of peace, Prof. Sabit Olagoke has felicitated with Christians on the Easter celebrations just as he advised Nigerians to sustain the peace and harmony experienced at the Presidential/National Assembly elections. Olagoke in a press statement said, “God answers prayers. Our prayers here and that of our Christian brothers made the elections to be peaceful, fair, free and credible. “I congratulate the

Christians for going through the rigours 40 days fasting. It should, however, not end in merriment, the lessons _V^ ] Z`[] \UxVWzx[]  Y\Z] be in you and transform your lives. Let us continue to live in peace, love and tolerance as emphasised by our two major religions,� he pleaded. Olagoke, who is the author of “Unwarranted Controversies� called on believers “to uphold knowledge, peace and application principle to be able to worship aright your creator and keep good neighbourliness. Use religion to build and not destroy.�

500 Osun indigenes enjoy Aregbesola’s free-train ride to Osogbo at Easter


o fewer than 500 passengers from Lagos yesterday enjoyed the free-train ride provided by Governor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State as packaged by the Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC). Some of the passengers who spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) commended the governor for availing them yet another opportunity to celebrate the Easter with their families and loved ones in Osun. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the present administration has been providing such free rides for indigenes of Osun, during various festivities, since the inception of his administration. Z]`U\]U{jU–\]U ^V‹[‹]Z`[] citizens of Osun residing outside the state the

opportunity to spend such festivities with their loved ones in Osun. NAN also reports that the free-train ride which departed the Ido Terminus of the NRC in Lagos Mainland, at 1.40 p.m., as against its scheduled time of 11:00 a.m., would stop to drop passengers at various train stations on its route. The train stations where it was scheduled to pick up more passengers on the route include: Agege, Ijoko, Itori, Abeokuta, Ibadan, Ede, Ikirun. Osogbo and Inisha respectively, before stopping at its destination in Osogbo, where all the passengers are expected to disembark. The train is expected to return the passengers to Lagos on Easter Monday, for them to return to their various means of livelihood on Tuesday.

Clerics commend Nigerians on successful polls L-R: Ex-President, Oxford and Cambridge Club of Nigeria, Prof. Theo Ogunbiyi; President Oxford and Cambridge Club, Mr. Akinfela Akoni and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi (CFR), at the inaugural Oxbridge Debate 2015 in Lagos.

Lawyer threatens action against defamation of client’s character Mansur Oladunjoye


ounsel to the president of Odun Ade Building Materials Dealers Association, Orile, Lagos State, Chief Modestus Umenzekwe, E.U. Orofa & Co. (Liberty Chambers) has on behalf of its client, threatened legal action against one Chief Cyriacus Dike for libel and character damage. The lawyer, Ernest Orofa was reacting to a recent publication in one of the national Dailies (not Newswatch Times) in which Dike while reacting to a group photograph Modestus had with the Governor Babatunde Fashola and the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode in

which Modestus was rightly described as the president. Subsequently, Dike in a Disclaimer in the said newspaper contested that Umenzekwe had served ^YZ] `W\] Z[}YV[] ^_] ^0x[] ^_] four years (2003-2007) and as such had ceased to be the association’s president or a member of the Executive, urging members of the public to desist from dealing with him. He urged, “Anybody dealing with the said Mr. Modestus Umenzekwe as the president of Odun Ade Building Materials Dealers Association and/or as a member of the executive of the association does so at his own peril.� The counsel, while deducing that the said publication was damaging to his client’s personality, explained that though

Modestus was elected to lead the association in 2003 and was unanimously re-elected in 2005 for a further term of two years to expire in year 2007. “Our client informed us that when he was about to |UxUZ[] ^0x[] U}‹] \ZUVZ] Z`[] process of general elections for new Executives, he was prevailed upon by the members of the Association in a general assembly to stay with his executives for additional one year. “Our client informed us that in year 2008, a notice of interlocutory injunction was served on the Association restraining the Association from conducting election W}Z^] [{[xZW|[] ^0x[] ^_] Z`[] association,� it said, adding that the Court Order was successfully vacated this year by reason of an out of court \[6{[ [}ZŒ

`[] {Uj] zV ] [•‚{UW}[‹] further that “upon the vacating of the court order, the Executives of the Association have set up U}] [{[xZ^VU{] x^  W6[[] Z^] set out guidelines for the elections of new Executives Z^] VY}] Z`[] U UWV\] ^_] Z`[] Association. This process is still on-going and election has not been held, “noting that since no election had been held, Modestus has the moral, social and legal right to parade himself as the president.� Consequently, the company has demanded immediate retraction of the materials as well as apology in the said media failure of which legal action may be instituted, accusing Cyriacus of fomenting undue factions U}‹] ‹W\U [xZW^}] W}] Z`[] market.

Mansur Oladunjoye


ecretary of Conference, Methodist Church Nigeria, Bishop Raphael Opoko and the Lay President Archdiocese of Lagos, Sir Bonajo Badejo have commended Nigerians on the success of the just concluded 2015 Presidential Polls. In addition, Nigerians were also extolled on their maturity to maintain peace coupled with the adjudged as credible, transparent elections so far. Their views were also shared by the host Bishop Diocese of Lagos Mainland, Rt. Rev Isaac Ayobami Olawuyi and the Prelate, His Eminence, Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu Uche JP respectively, at the second edition of the Solemn (Prayer) Assembly organized by the Archdiocese of Lagos Methodist Church Nigeria, held at the Hoares Memorial Methodist Church Cathedral, Sabo Yaba, Lagos. They also seized the event to congratulate

the President-Elect, Mohammadu Buhari on `W\]‹^……[‹‰]ZWV[{[\\][ ^VZ\] to win the 2015 Polls after \[|[VU{] U6[ ‚Z\] Z^] …W|[] the Society and the Nation at large, such monumental Change. They saluted the courage of the incumbent President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, for his magnanimity to accept defeat gallantly, especially, with the prompt congratulations of the President elect. They therefore reminded Buhari on his numerous manifestoes to xY\`W^}] Z`[] \Y [VW}…] ^_] the masses especially, in the areas of prompt total eradication of corruption, greed and insensitiveness among others. They therefore urged Nigerians to fervently pray for their leaders, especially the members of the political class, for them to be God fearing as well as to rewrite the nation’s socio-economic destiny, thus making life more meaningful and gainful to all, especially to the hopeless and the poor.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


South South

Akpabio, PDP chieftain congratulate Buhari, commend Jonathan Cyril Mbah, Abuja


chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Edet Isong (Okeosisi), has joined the teaming Nigerians and world leaders to congratulate the President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) for his resounding victory in the just-concluded presidential election. Chief Isong also praised the statesmanlike courage of President Goodluck Jonathan in accepting defeat and for promptly congratulating the winner without waiting for the tension, which built up in the country, to degenerate into a violent situation. The politician said during an interview that the two leaders have conducted themselves maturely and in a manner that would bring honour to Nigeria as a democratic nation. Chief Isong appealed to the President-elect to be magnanimous in victory

and regard his success as a gain for democracy, advising also that Buhari should run an all-inclusive government that would focus on uniting the nation and advancing development. “The President-elect should celebrate with humility and imbibe the spirit of forgiveness and accommodation bearing in mind that as president, he represents all segments of the Nigerian society irrespective of party, religious or ethnic U0{WUZW^} ]`[]\UW Chief Isong, who was part of the group known as the Noble Leadership Initiative that participated in the election as observers, reminded our leaders that Nigeria requires peace now more than at any other period to enable the country push the agenda of development beyond its present level. He commended President

^}UZ`U}] _^V] \UxVWzxW} ] personal ambition in the

interest of peace and national unity, assuring him that posterity would immortalise his name for demonstrating wisdom and sparing the lives of innocent Nigerians by conceding defeat.

He added that ``by this act, Mr President has resurrected morality, good conscience, patriotism and goodwill for our country.’’ The governor said President Jonathan had kept his vow that his ambition was not worth In the same breadth anybody’s blood. Governor Godswill Akpabio On the April 11 governorship of Akwa Ibom State, yesterday, election, Akpabio urged the urged Nigerians to emulate electorate to demonstrate their the statesmanlike nature commitment to unity for a of President Jonathan for greater Akwa Ibom State. conceding defeat for peace to He said ``the true Akwa Ibom reign in Nigeria. Akpabio said spirit of loyalty was tested in this in his statewide broadcast the presidential election and we to mark the 2015 Easter Ux¬YW6[ ]^YV\[{|[\]xV[ WZUX{ celebration in Uyo. ``We were with the President He said that the lesson of VW `Z] ^j}]Z^]Z`[]z}W\`W} ]{W}[] Easter was recently brought and proud that we turned in home to Nigerians by the close to a million votes for the statesmanlike action of the President. President. ``We are proud of the According to him, the President’s performance and President’s decision to proud of our support for him. concede defeat even before ``This nation now knows that Z`[] U}}^Y}x[ [}Z] ^_] Z`[] z}U{] we have no place in this blessed result is in the best interest of land of promise for the Judas Nigeria and Nigerians. Iscariots.’’

Ijaw youths accuse northern leaders of using Boko Haram to derail Jonathan’s govt Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


jaw Youths Council (IYC), an unbrella body of all Ijaws worldwide have accused northern leaders of using the Boko Haram crisis to destabilise President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration and make his government unpopular. In a statement issued in Yenagoa yesterday by the spokesman of the youth body, Comrade Eric Omare, the group lamented that none of the northern socio-cultural groups such as the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) and others supported the administration of President Jonathan. According to him, “northerners created Boko Haram and blamed it on President Jonathan deliberately to incite the northern populace against the President and make him unpopular in the 2015 election so as to take back power in a grand conspiracy with a \[xZW^}]^_]Z`[] ^YZ`] [\Z The group at its national expanded executive council and consultative meeting comprising founders and former leaders of the IYC, national and zonal executive council members and key stakeholders held at the Izon House, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, resolved to call for a national congress of all Ijaw youths

APC candidate, Emerhor, lauds endorsement in Delta Sylvester Idowu, Warri


ollowing the resounding victory in last Saturday’s presidential election by the All Progressives Congress (APC) candidate and now President-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd), the governorship candidate of the party in Delta State, Olorogun O’tega Emerhor (OON), has expressed joy and appreciation over the series of endorsement from the three senatorial districts in the state declaring him as the most preferred candidate for the April 11 election. Emerhor, in a statement by his director of media and political communication, Dr. Fred Oghenesivbe said: “Ï am extremely grateful and thankful to Deltans and indeed Nigerians for the love shown so far to the APC as the leading party in Nigeria today and for the fact that my brothers and sisters in Delta State have resolved that I should be the next democratically-elected Governor of our dear state. Words cannot describe my joy; it is absolutely Akwa Ibom State Governor, Godswill Akpabio, acknowledging cheers from PDP supporters that came to receive him at Ibom International Airport …yesterday.

Amaechi warns against violence, harps on rights of voters Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


ivers State government has warned those who have made the importation of small arms and light weapons into the state a trade to desist from such acts as they are capable of triggering violence. Governor of the state, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, sounded the warning yesterday during a pre-election message to the people of the state, saying that government owes the people a responsibility to protect their lives and property. Governor Amaechi said government would not relinquish that right, adding that in order to ensure the safety of lives and property during the elections, an emergency security council

meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, April 8 to review happenings in the last elections and plan for safe, free, fair and credible elections that would come up on April 11. “We assure our people that their protection is paramount, not just today but also during the elections of April 11. After you have cast your vote, you must remain at the polling station at a reasonable distance where you can see what is going on. Kindly ignore those who say you cannot stay at the polling station. You have every right to do so. “First, the election is about your lives; so why should it take place and be concluded behind you? Secondly, no law forbids you from staying at the polling station. You simply are not allowed to disturb

other voters, interfere with the process or campaign for votes ^}][{[xZW^}] U ]Z`[] ^|[V}^V] said. Governor Amaechi stated that the Electoral Act requires that the result at each polling station must be collated, U}}^Y}x[ ]X ]Z`[]^0xWU{\]U} ] posted at the polling station. He said: “The question to ask those who say you cannot stay at the polling station is this: Who will hear the results, and to whom will they be announced, if voters have {[_Z³ ] He added that the eyes of the world would be on Rivers State in the belief that “we x^Y{ ] x^{{[xZW|[{ ] \[Z] U] X[6[V] example by being law abiding and peaceful. Let us shame the troublemakers and keep a date with destiny for ourselves and

[}[VUZW^}\]Y}X^V} The governor said the vision of his administration was clear when it came into government and that it was to provide the people with all the things that would enable them live in a pleasurable, peaceful and harmonious society. According to him, “understanding the challenges of poverty and want, we worked to ensure a level ground for all our children to have access to free and qualitative education and for all our people to enjoy free health. We worked to improve our infrastructure and made our environment more business friendly. All these were geared to return our state to its pride of place – and we U []\W }WzxU}Z] V^ V[\\ ]

on Sunday, April 5, 2015 in Tuomo Community, Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State. They said that the congress where all Ijaw youths in the Niger Delta region would review the outcome of the presidential election, take a position and determine the next direction of their struggle for self-determination and resource control as enshrined in the historic Kaiama Declaration. The statement reads further: “We call on all Ijaw youths to be alert and ready to heed the call to the service of the Ijaw nation at this crucial time of our history and struggle for survival in the Nigerian state in the face of the grand conspiracy between the North and a section of the South West to continue to suppress and exploit the resource of the Ijaw nation. “We recall that when President Jonathan, an Ijaw and from the South South won an internationally acclaimed free, fair and credible election in 2011, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) and his people never at any time congratulated or supported President Jonathan. Instead they killed hundreds of innocent Nigerians and fought President Jonathan from the day he became the Acting President of Nigeria W}]¯°±°

overwhelming. It is now our collective responsibility to make Delta State work. “I have been receiving phone calls and interacting on regular basis with our people in Delta State and beyond. My friends and party faithful are extremely wonderful. This is the way to go; we must all join hands together - North, Central and South of Delta State to deliberately engineer economic transformation for our people. This is vital; it is doable and we must [}\YV[]WZ]`U [}\ The APC candidate who is currently in Abuja to felicitate with General Buhari and Prof. Yemi Osibanjo, further asserted that the people of Delta State are no longer interested in tribal sentiments, adding that “what our people are saying is that we cannot be in opposition in the present democratic arrangement which is why I am calling on all and sundry to put our past behind and come back to the round-table to join forces together to deliver APC in [{ZU] ZUZ[]^}] VW{]±±

Presidential election: Police release arrested Rivers APC chieftain Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


former member of the Federal House of Representatives and an agent of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Rivers State, Hon. Emma Deeyah, who was arrested along with other chieftains of the party a few days to the Presidential/National Assembly elections in the state, has been released by the state police. Shortly after regaining his freedom from police detention, Hon. Deeyah told journalists that there was no reason given to him by the team of policemen who arrested `W ]U\]`[]\Z[ [ ]^YZ]^_]Z`[]^0x[]^_] the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) . According to Hon. Deeyah, “when they took me to the police station, they said there was a petition against me that I was a cultist and a gun runner. I told them that I didn’t know what they were talking about. That was the centre

^_]Z`[] W\xY\\W^}] ]`U ]jWZ`]Z`[ Continuing, he said: “Abduction was what they did to me because they didn’t show me any warrant of arrest and there was no petition shown to me. As I stepped out of Z`[] ]^0x[]^}]Z`[]_UZ[_Y{] U ] I was accosted by the police and picked up. I think their action was just to pave way for the Peoples [ ^xVUZWx] UVZ ]­ ® According to a statement issued by Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, the director of communications for Greater Together Campaign Organization of Dr. Dakuku Peterside, governorship candidate of the party, shortly after the arrests, INEC had invited all agents of the political parties for a preliminary [{[xZW^}] XVW[z} ] _^V] j`Wx`] ^} ] Deeyah, a two-term member of the House of Representatives and a former Commissioner for Commerce in Rivers State went as a stakeholder and chieftain of the APC.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

South East


Obiano lauds Jonathan, Buhari, urges Buhari can fix Nigeria - APGA chieftain electorate to vote APGA Alphonsus Eze, Awka

Alphonsus Eze, Awka


overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has lauded President Goodluck Jonathan for displaying the qualities of a good sportsman and the \UxVWzxWU{]‹[‚Z`]^_]U]…V[UZ]\ZUZ[\ U}] by his humble acceptance of the results of the presidential elections. In a broadcast to the people of the state, Obiano said it was a watershed in Nigeria’s search for peace, unity and brotherhood. “With this singular act, President Jonathan has earned the respect of many Nigerians and international community irrespective of political ideologies,� he said. He also congratulated the President- Elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, who he said he assured of the support and goodwill of Ndi Anambra on the onerous task of nation-building, saying that he will be paying him a visit very soon to

formally present the expectations of Ndigbo in the new political dispensation. He however, condemned the brazen return of brigandage and lawlessness in the last elections by PDP stalwarts in Anambra State who allegedly hijacked the electoral process at the collation stages, and xU [] Y‚] jWZ`] \‚YVW^Y\] z…YV[\] U\] Z`[]z}U{]V[\Y{Z\]^_]Z`[][{[xZW^}\Œ] “I must also condemn the shocking involvement of some security agents working under the payroll of these elements that ^‚[}{–]UW‹[‹]U}‹]UX[6[‹]Z`[]xVY[{] truncation of the electoral will of Ndi Anambra as expressed in the votes they cast last Saturday. I want to assure you that the dubious victory of the PDP in the Senatorial and House of Representatives Elections of last Saturday shall not stand! We have assembled the necessary documentary and material

evidence that will expose the barefaced lies of the PDP and retrieve the mandate that you graciously gave to APGA candidates from the law courts. We shall do everything humanly possible to ensure that justice is done to our people, and we shall not relent until victory is achieved.� Obiano said that he has it on good authority that the brigandage that characterised the last election will not happen in the April 11 2015 Election, insisting that anybody that tries to thwart the will of Ndi Anambra will be made to face full wrath of the law. The governor urged the people of the state to massively cast their votes for the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and its candidates in the April 11 Governorship and State House of Assembly elections Obiano told the voters in the state that the only way to sustain the

dividends of good governance that they are currently enjoying in state was to vote for all the 30 APGA candidates seeking election into the Anambra State House of Assembly. “That is the only way you can [}\YV[] Z`UZ] Z`[] Z`V[[] ƒ–^|[V\] W}] Awka are completed early next –[UV‰]U}‹]Z`UZ]j[]x^}ZW}Y[]Z^]U6VUxZ] more investments that will boost the over $2 billion investments we `U|[]U6VUxZ[‹]W}]Z`[]‚U\Z]^}[]–[UV‰] and that the agricultural revolution that we began in Anambra State jW{{] x^}ZW}Y[] Z^] \‚W}] ^ ]  U\\W|[] employments for our youths among others. On the other hand, a vote against any of the APGA candidates is a vote for the return of criminality and brigandage in high places in the state and a vote for a turbulent relationship between the three arms of government that may halt the great progress we are making in,� the governor said.


member of Board of Trustees (BOT) of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Chief Rommy Ezeonwuka, has said that the President –Elect, Gen. Muhammed Buhari, has what WZ]ZU�[\]Z^]z•] W…[VWUŒ Chief Ezeonwuka, who is the Ogirisi Igbo said that the so much touted change has eventually come, expressing x^}z‹[}x[] Z`UZ] Z`[] {{] Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, as a disciplined person, will bring to bear in his administration. The proprietor of Rojenny Tourist Village Oba in Idemili South Local Government Area of Anambra State said that he `U‹]x^}‹[ }[‹]Z`[]x[VZWzxUZ[] saga, which PDP made an issue during the campaigns,

since the candidate is a General of the Nigerian Army and a former Military Head of State. [WZ[VUZW}…]`W\]x^}z‹[}x[]W}] Buhari to manage Nigeria, the APGA BOT member however, advised him not to discontinue with projects that will have direct impact on the lives of the people of Nigeria. Assessing the last election in the state, Chief Ezeonwuka decried the alleged massive rigging of the National Assembly election perpetuated by PDP stalwarts in the State, who he said were sent to steal APGA mandate and destroy the destiny of the people of Anambra State. “It was barefaced rigging. It was open rigging everybody and everything saw it. It is unbelievable that they should do this in this age and era,� he said.

Orji, Ikpeazu canvass prayers for national unity Boniface Okoro, Umuahia


President Goodluck Jonathan (right) welcoming (from left) Senior Pastor, Dunamis Church, Pastor Paul Enenche; Chairman, Christian Council of Nigeria, FCT Chapter, Rev. Ini Ukpoho; Bishop David Abioye of Living Faith Church and Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission to the Presidential Villa for the breaking of Lenten fast in Abuja‌yesterday.

APC South East leaders urge Ndigbo to embrace change President. Speaking at the event, the Imo State governor, Owelle Rochas eaders of the Okorocha, expressed happiness All Progressives that the vision for a new change Congress (APC) in has come to reality despite the the South East zone yesterday \ZW ]^‚‚^\WZW^}]U}‹]xU\ZW…UZW^}\] converged in Owerri for a world meted out on APC by the ruling press conference and to celebrate Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). the election victory of General “My greatest happiness today is Muhammadu Buhari as the that the Lord has turned away President-elect of the Federal the captivity of our people� he Republic of Nigeria. The victory, stated. they said was most symbolic, Okorocha spoke vehemently X[W}…]Z`[]zV\Z]ZW []W}]Z`[]`W\Z^V–] against the use of military and of Nigeria for an opposition other armed security by the Party to defeat the incumbent PDP to rig and warned those


who perpetuate such dastardly act to desist forthwith as Imo people will resist intimidation in the forthcoming Governorship and State Assembly elections. “Thank God the right man has come; and never again will Nigerians be molested by the Army and Security Agents during elections,� he stressed. He however, noted that APC is not a party of vengeance, but has a large heart to accommodate every Nigerian and urged Ndigbo to embrace the new change in order to join the mainstream of the nation’s

politics. The National Vice Chairman of APC, Hon. Emma Enukwu; the National Organising Secretary, Senator Osita Izunaso; the National Auditor, Chief George Muoghalu and Senator Chris Ngige all pointed out that the Presidential election result tendered for the South East \ZUZ[\]j[V[]}^Z]U]ZVY[]V[ƒ[xZW^}] of the actual vote for APC as they alleged massive rigging by the PDP, and called for a review of the results to enable APC National Assembly candidates regain their victory.

APC allegation over polls results in Imo unfounded - Ihedioha Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives and governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Imo State, Rt. Hon. Emeka Iheidoha, has described as “groundless and laughable,� allegation by the All Progressives ^}…V[\\] Ž] Z`UZ] ^0xWU{\] ^_] Z`[] Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) conspired with soldiers to rig last months’ Presidential/National Assembly elections in favour of the PDP. It will be recalled that the governor

s Christendom celebrates Easter, Abia State Governor, Chief Theodore Orji, has called on Christians in the country to imbibe the lessons ^_] {^|[‰] `Y W{WZ–‰] \[{ƒ[\\}[\\‰] forgiveness and perseverance shown by Jesus Christ through his death on the cross and resurrection. Orji, in his Easter message, stressed that emulating the virtues of humility and perseverance exhibited by Jesus Christ in the face of daunting odds, especially at this critical period of the nation’s history, would help the country to advance. The governor observed that although Christ underwent Catholic cleric identifies corruption, electoral malpractice, others as bane of democracy Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha

Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri

of Imo State, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, had at a recent function in the state claimed that the APC would have harvested more votes than it got in the last elections, if not for the electoral fraud perpetrated X–]\^{‹W[V\]U}‹]\^ []\ZU ]^_] Œ Disproving the allegation, Hon. Ihedioha while addressing newsmen in Owerri dismissed this as nothing short of the pot calling Z`[]�[6{[]X{Ux�]\U–W}…]]“WZ]W\]}^]\[xV[Z] that some of Okorocha’s aides were arrested with all sorts of dangerous weapons which they had stockpiled for the election. “We won overwhelmingly in the

elections with all the three senatorial \[UZ\]zV {–]W}]^YV]`U}‹\]U}‹][W…`Z] (8) out of ten (10) seats for the Federal House of Representatives also in our hands. How can the governor now turn around to cry wolf about the results of the election when he did everything humanly possible to cheat, but the people rejected him.� The PDP governorship candidate expressed astonishment that the governor had not apologized to the people of the state for the atrocity x^  W6[‹] X–] \^ [] ^_] `W\] ^0xWU{\] during the election, who according to him even planned to

ZYV}]Z`[]\ZUZ[]W}Z^]U]XU6{[]…V^Y}‹Œ Hon. Ihedioha equally accused the governor of harassing and intimidating voters during the election, and also tore INEC result sheets while the people expected security agents to take action. He further accused the governor of manhandling some university professors, and boasted that a PDP government would respond to the worthy yearnings and aspirations of the people, utilize available potentials for massive development, and also put the state on the national grid.

|[V–]ZV–W}…]U}‹]‹W0xY{Z]ZW [\] on the cross in order to bring salvation to mankind, he never gave up, but persevered and triumphed in the end. The governor said the salvation brought to mankind by Christ should not be taken for granted and admonished Nigerians to look up to God for solutions to their personal problems and that of the nation. Orji, who spoke through his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Charles Ajunwa, urged Christians to pray fervently for continued peace and unity of Nigeria, as well as for the successful completion of the April 11, 2015 Governorship and House of Assembly elections which would facilitate a smooth transition of power come May 29, 2015.


he Archbishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha, Most Rev. Valerian Okeke, –[\Z[V‹U–] W‹[}ZWz[‹] x^VVY‚ZW^}‰] electoral malpractice and other factors as canker worms retarding the growth of democracy and democratic tenets. Okeke said this in a Pastoral [6[V] ^_] ¯°¹¡] `[] ‹[{W|[V[‹] UZ] Z`[] Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity, Onitsha, Anambra State. ] `[] ‚U\Z^VU{] {[6[V‰] j`Wx`] jU\] themed: ``Democracy and Christian Values’’, is the archbishop’s Holyweek and Easter message to the nation. The cleric said that the other ills included politics without the sense ^_]  W\\W^}¸] ‚^{WZWxU{] XY6[VƒW[\] (moving from one party to another) and politics of winner takes it all. Others he mentioned are poor priorities in politics (not giving good priorities in governance spending); bribery, politics without honour; politics without lobby (organised pressure groups) and excessive display of power. Okeke said that these negativities were as a result of neglect of Christian values, adding that these

vices rose to dent the democratic experience in the country. ``We have argued that Christian values (Humility, Service, Love, Justice, Peace, Respect, Generosity, Honesty, Sincerity and Faith in God) which are values evident in the life and teaching of Christ are the values that make democracy what it is. They are the foundation on which democratic leadership is built,� he stated. ``It means that if our political leaders want a lasting democracy, Z`[–] Y\Z]‚U–]U6[}ZW^}]Z^]`^j]_UV] their actions are guided by these values. ] }] U�W}…]Z`W\]V[ƒ[xZW^}‰]WZ]W\]}^Z] enough that one looks at the bad situation and decides to join the bandwagon in order to ensure one’s political future,� Okeke continued. The Archbishop said, “What is necessary is to remember that politics is part of the ephemeral world, and that this world and all in it are passing away. It means that the time that is …W|[}]Z^]Y\]j`W{[]W}]^0x[]^V]j`W{[] we are able to exert some political W}ƒY[}x[] \`^Y{‹] X[] [ ‚{^–[‹] Z^] improve the democratic culture of our country.�

Saturday, April 4, 2015




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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday,April 4 , 2015

Politics Why Jonathan lost Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


ast Saturday’s presidential and National Assembly elections in Nigeria may have come and gone, the victors and the vanquished seen JKM OMPKQORPM TUQ QVP WJXQYZ[ that actually played out in the ZP[U\Q[ ]PZP VY]P^PZ ]YZQV_ YW consideration so as to guide against QVP `O[XVOPW \OfP\_ QY JXXY`jJK_ QVP YUQXY`P YW QVP PkPZXO[P 7VP ZP`YQP XJU[P YW QVP 3ZP[OMPKQ elect, retired army General, Muhammadu Buhari’s victory and 3ZP[OMPKQ *YYM\UXf -YKJQVJK{[ \Y[[ O[ QVP XJZPWU\ `PZ|PZ YW QVZPP domineering sectional political parties in the country – the west’s $XQOYK &YK|ZP[[ YW 1O|PZOJ (ACN), the northern Congress WYZ 3ZY|ZP[[O^P &VJK|P &3& JKM QVP PJ[QPZK $\\ 3ZY|ZP[[O^P *ZJKM $\\OJKXP $3*$ QY WYZ` QVP ^OXQYZOYU[ $\\ 3ZY|ZP[[O^P[ &YK|ZP[[ $3& 7VP `PZ|PZ VJ[ JWQPZ J\\ jZY^PK QY TP J WZUOQWU\ PkPZXO[P ]OQV QVP PJZ\_ :PMKP[MJ_ JKKYUKXP`PKQ YW QVP 0JZXV presidential election results by the umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), MPX\JZOK| %UVJZO J[ ]OKKPZ %PWYZP QVP `PZ|PZ QVP MPWUKXQ &3& ]J[ fKY]K QY TP XYKQZY\\OK| QVP 1YZQV ]OQV RZ` WYYQOK| OK JTYUQ R^P [QJQP[ ]VO\P QVP $3& OK QVP :P[Q XYKQZY\\PM R^P YW QVP [Ok states, namely Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, (fOQO JKM 2[UK J[ ]P\\ J[ (MY 6QJQP ,K QVP (J[Q QVP $3*$ ]J[ controlling Anambra and Imo [QJQP[ 7VP[P WJXQ[ VJ^P PkjZP[[PM QVP MP[PZ^PM ^OXQYZ_ YW QVP $3& J[ QVP_ MPjOXQ QVP QYQJ\ [UjjYZQ YW QVP QVZPP MPWUKXQ jY\OQOXJ\ jJZQOP[ JKM QVPOZ [UjjYZQPZ[ 7VU[ OQ ]J[ KYQ MO9XU\Q WYZ QVP „Y]KPZ[† YW QVY[P jY\OQOXJ\ parties to sell the new partnership to the masses and the elite who VJM TPWYZP QVPK TPPK XZJ^OK| WYZ J WYZ`OMJT\P YjjY[OQOYK QY TP able to puncture the poise and MPQPZ`OKJQOYK YW QVP ZU\OK| 3PYj\P[ 'P`YXZJQOX 3JZQ_ 3'3 QY ZU\P QVP XYUKQZ_ WYZ _PJZ[ JjY\Y|_ QY QVP jJZQ_{[ WYZ`PZ KJQOYKJ\ XVJOZ`JK 3ZOKXP (‡P 9OKXPKQ 2|TU\JWYZ Aptly put, the merger was [Y jY]PZWU\ QVJQ OQ P^PKQUJ\\_ MO[j\JXPM QVP OKXU`TPKQ 3ZP[OMPKQ OK JK UKjZPXPMPKQPM `JKKPZ ,Q ]J[ J ˆJ|ZJKQ MO[j\J_ YW VJQZPM JKM XYKMP`KJQOYK QY J ‰[QJfP{ QVJQ J\[Y JFPXQPM [Y`P YQVPZ 3'3 ZPQUZKOK| WPMPZJ\ \J]`JfPZ[ $KYQVPZ YW QVP ZP`YQP XJU[P[ ]J[ QVP MPWPXQOYK YW `Y[Q WYUKMOK| WJQVPZ[ JKM XVOPWQJOK[ YW QVP 3'3 QY QVP ZO^J\ $3& XJU[PM T_ QVP jJZQ_{[

WYZ`PZ XVJOZ`JK $\VJŠO %J`JK|J 7UfUZ QJ\fOK| JTYUQ QVP |ZYUj QVJQ P^PKQUJ\\_ WYZ`PM QVP K3'3 They succeeded in neutralising the jJZQ_ J[ ]P\\ J[ QVP P^PKQUJ\ TPPW Uj YW QVP QVPK \J`P YjjY[OQOYK QVJQ became the national champion last ]PPf 6QO\\ ]YZQV_ YW `PKQOYK J`YK| the remote reasons is the alleged TY_ [XYUQ J|ZPP`PKQ QVJQ 3ZP[OMPKQ -YKJQVJK ]YU\M KYQ ZU\P `YZP QVJK a term as claimed to have been agreed by those that matter in the 3'3 7VYU|V VP JKM VO[ JOMP[ denied the understanding, it did not go down well with the power TZYfPZ[ ]VY [QPZK\_ ZP`OKMPM VO` YW QVP JXXYZM $\\ ]JZKOK|[ JTYUQ QVP P^PKQUJ\ `O[WYZQUKP[ WP\\ YK MPJW PJZ[ -YKJQVJK{[ PJ[_ |YOK| KJQUZP JKM |PKQO\OQ_ JXQUJ\\_ ]YZfPM J|JOK[Q VO[ [PXYKM QPZ` TOM J[ VP was seen as committing his entire \OWP UKQY QVP VJKM YW J ]Y`JK Œ ]OWP ]VY XYU\MK{Q jZYQPXQ ‰Y|J{[{ TOZM[ WZY` QVP jZY]\OK| VJ]f[ J MO[JjjYOKQ`PKQ YKP `O|VQ [J_ 'J`P 3JQOPKXP -YKJQVJK QYY j\J_PM [O|KORXJKQ ZY\P OK QVP jY\OQOXJ\ `O[WYZQUKP YW VPZ VU[TJKM J[ VPZ ˆOjjJKX_ JKM _PQ QY TP ZPXYZMPM [VJ`PWU\ XYKMUXQ JXQUJ\\_ added up to scheme her husband YUQ YW Y9XP

-YKJQVJK{[ Y^PZP[QO`JQPM jZY]P[[ placed him against those that matter in most states, notably Rivers and Ondo where in the XJ[P YW 5O^PZ[ *Y^PZKYZ 5YQO`O $`JPXVO WYU|VQ VO` JKM QVP PKQOZP $[Y 5YXf ^O\\J QPJ` QY J [QJKM[QO\\ ,K 2KMY J 3'3 XYKQZY\\PM [QJQP QVP jY]PZTZYfPZ[ JXQUJ\\_ ]YZfPM J|JOK[Q QVP 3ZP[OMPKQ{[ OKQPZP[Q[ )YZ`PZ 3ZP[OMPKQ 2\U[P|UK 2TJ[JKŠY{[ []YZK `Y^P QY destroy the house he helped to TUO\M ]J[ [O|KORXJKQ QYY ,K [jOQP YW [_[QP`JQOX `Y^P[ QY JjjPJ[P 2TJ[JKŠY -YKJQVJK QVJQ ]J[ YKXP his darling was eventually gunned MY]K T_ QVP [J`P |YMWJQVPZ that allegedly wanted to remain MY`OKPPZOK| 2TJ[JKŠY{[ MPXJ`j`PKQ JKM QPJZOK| YW QVP 3'3 `P`TPZ[VOj XJZM ]J[ YKP YW QVP O``PMOJQP XJU[P[ YW -YKJQVJK{[ MY]KWJ\\ J[ OQ [O|KJ\\PM QYQJ\ MO[QZU[Q JKM RKJ\ [O|KJ\ WYZ VO[ TY_[ OK |Y^PZK`PKQ \OfP QVP TOT\OXJ\ $TKPZ ]VY YK QVP MOZPXQO^P YW .OK| 'J^OM j\JXPM -YKJQVJK \OfP 8‡‡JZ JQ QVP VYQQP[Q [jYQ JKM \PJ^P VO` QY TP fO\\PM """" )YZ PkJ`j\P OQ ZP`JOKPM disturbing that Governor Sule /J`OMY XYU\M \Y[P -O|J]J 6QJQP OQ J\[Y ZP`JOKPM J [UZjZO[P QVJQ 3'3 could lose in Adamawa as well as OK .JMUKJ 6QJQP QVP VY`P YW QVP

9OXP 3ZP[OMPKQ 1J`JMO 6J`TY 2TJ[JKŠY{[ MPXJ`j`PKQ JKM MPXO[OYK QY MPJ\ ]OQV -YKJQVJK `U[Q VJ^P TPPK OKWYZ`PM T_ QVP PkYMU[ YW VO[ \Y_J\ ‰TY_[{ QJ\fOK| YW QVP WYZ`PZ |Y^PZKYZ YW 2[UK State, Olagunsoye Oyinlola and the ZP[Q ,Q ]J[ QVP[P ‰TY_[{ QVJQ \PWQ QY jZPjJZP TPQQPZ JKM [JWPZ \JKMOK| WYZ QVP YjjY[OQOYK 2TJ[JKŠY{[ XYK[QJKQ jZJO[P YW %UVJZO JKM YjPK XJ`jJO|K WYZ him was even enough to have PJZKPM QVP WYUZ QO`P XYKQPKMPZ \J[Q 6JQUZMJ_{[ ^OXQYZ_ Again, the controversial N7 billion given to the Christian Association YW 1O|PZOJ &$1 TUQ QVJQ MOMK{Q |Y round everybody angered many 1O|PZOJK[ QVJQ [J] -YKJQVJK J[ UKRQ WYZ QVP Y9XP J|JOK The nation’s dwindling PXYKY`_ ]J[ J|JOK J `JQQPZ WYZ consideration as the American dollars rose aggressively at the PkjPK[P[ YW QVP 1O|PZOJK 1JOZJ thus placing an average Nigerian at J TJZ|JOKOK| MO9XU\Q_ OK QVP YjPK `JZfPQ 7VP \J[Q [QZJ] QVJQ TZYfP QVP XJ`P\{[ TJXf O[ QVP VPJM YW QVP ,1(& 3ZYW $QQJVOZU -P|J{[ WJXQYZ that saw more northerners having more permanent voter cards 39&[ QVJK QVPOZ XYUKQPZjJZQ[ OK QVP 6YUQV It was only in the northern states that INEC counted votes in millions

the merger was so powerful that it eventually displaced the incumbent President in an unprecedented manner. It was a $%&'%()*+,-/0%1* of hatred and condemnation to a ‘stake’ that %0-2*%345)4+* some other PDP returning federal lawmakers

Continued on Page 52


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

What Nigerians expect from President-elect, Buhari Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


he much-expected 2015 presidential poll has after all been conducted after shifting it for six weeks. At the end, the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Katsina State-born retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari, defeated the incumbent, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan with over about three million votes in a keenly contested election. However, the decision by Nigerians to vote for “change� at the Aso Rock Villa was not unconnected with the perceived hitches in the economic, social and political hemisphere, and as such expect serious and vigorous reforms from the 72-year old incoming President whose perceived essence in the game is mainly to correct the anomalies in the system. Political pundits, analysts and public commentators have listed their expectations from Buhari as including those in the energy and power; road and agricultural sectors. Others include improvement of the naira rating in the money market as well as the adoption of the reports of the last confab. In the power sector, Nigerians expect the revival of their dead and ailing large and small businesses which could only be achieved by the regular power supply. This, though, may be an onerous task for the president-elect, especially when pondering over the powerful cabal said to be behind the unsatisfactory power system. Note of caution to be sounded here is that he may have to thread softly if he to realise much in this area because even the ‘almighty’ former President Olusegun Obasanjo XYU\MK{Q Rk OQ ZJQVPZ VO[ `OKO[QPZ the late Chief Bola Ige was hacked to death in the process and no meaningful attempt was either made to arrest the perpetrators or improve power since then. It is now expected and it behoves on the retired Army-General to WYZXP QVP ˆPM ˆPPOK| `U\QO KJQOYKJ\ companies return from Ghana and other neighbouring countries to Nigeria by improving the sector On roads, it is unfortunate that most Nigerians expect the Federal *Y^PZK`PKQ QY Rk P^PZ_ ZYJM across the country, even those in the purview of local governments, and this is one of the assumptions previous governments at the federal have fallen victim. Imaging some Nigerians querying or condemning 2TJ[JKŠY WYZ KYQ RkOK| QVP ZYJM leading to his Ota farm. Attempts to let such people see that the such J ZYJM YU|VQ QY TP RkPM T_ QVP [QJQP government often fall on deaf ears as they are of the view that any president ought to satisfy his home base before any consideration. The forget that on a good day, a president is expected to be for all and not sectional. This must have been the reason Obasanjo didn’t mind them; rather, he ensured the expansion of the Abeokuta-Sango road as well as the Sango bridge at Joju. Now that another retired Army General is here, people expect

We want Buhari to take us back to the era when we used to buy a cup of rice N10 a derica cup N30 VO|VVJKMPMKP[[ JKM ‰RZP TZO|JMP{ approach to general issues. Buhari O[ PkjPXQPM QY Rk J\\ ZYJM[ OK QVP XYUKQZ_ J QJ[f QVJQ `J_ MPRKOQP\_ KYQ be realised unless the nation wants to recede into the military era when de’facto was the order of the day. This is because all the three tiers of government have constitutional roles to play and within these roles they are PkjPXQPM QY Rk YK\_ ZYJM[ ]OQVOK QVPOZ purview.

On general business, an average Nigerian, especially women expect a downward slope in the prices of commodities. By this, they expect Buhari to wave the magic wand so that commodity prices could come down at the market. According to an housewife, lady Rihanat Olayemi, told Newswatch Times that “we want Buhari to take us back to the era when we used to buy a cup of rice for N10 a Derica cup.� On the declining naira in the money market, a clergy, Mallam Daud Olayemi, while lamenting the rise in the dollar against naira, urged Buhari to as a “do-or-die� matter, rescue the situation so that the Nigerian masses could have more purchasing power especially in electronic goods, citing handsets, electrical gadgets and other imported goods and items like vehicles. It would be recalled that several billions of naira was spent in organising the last national conference that brought representatives of various nationalities and captains of industry to Abuja on ways to improve the nation’s constitution. The attendees spent about four months on the deliberations. On the whole, major APC leaders that include Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu kicked against the confab. By extension, the party didn’t have JK_ ˆJOZ WYZ QVP PkPZXO[P JKM KP^PZ pretended about it. Now, political analysts expect Buhari in the charge of Tinubu to throw the confab report overboard and by so doing, may be wasting the nation’s resources that went into the exercise as well as the human resources committed into it. It would be a total deviation if Buhari Continued on Page 52

does otherwise which may also mean that he would be working against the “interest� of the party. Nigerians who truly voted for change also expect Buhari to immediately commence the arrest and trial of known past swindlers and embezzlers of the nation’s resources so as to, at least, live up to his alleged campaign promises. The scenario likely to play itself out if truly Buhari mean well with the prosecution of corrupt leaders is the fracas likely to break the APC because Tinubu would be among the RZ[Q QVZPP JKM QVP YK\_ ]J_ %UVJZO could achieve this is to strengthen the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Independent Corrupt Practice and other related YFPKXP[ &Y``O[[OYK ,&3& J[ ]P\\ J[ YQVPZ ZP\JQPM [PXUZOQ_ YUQRQ[ As usual, Nigerians expect Buhari to evoke the dead spirit of orderliness instituted by his military government. The popular War Against Indiscipline (WAI) is expected to be reignited in the country. The only snag likely to mar this is the true realisation of the situation on ground – democracy. Nigerians are expecting Buhari QY WJXO\OQJQP YZ OKˆUPKXP QVP [JXf YW Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti 6QJQP ]VY[P Y9XP O[ OK QVP TJ\JKXP J[ it would be decided by the Supreme Court on April 14. However, the INEC, after last Saturday’s presidential election declared Buhari winner with 15,416,221 votes to defeat Jonathan who scored 12,853,162 votes. The breakdown is as follows: Borno State, APC - 473,543 as against PDP’s 256,40; Delta State, PDP led with 1,211,405 as against APC 1,473 votes. In Sokoto State, the APC beat PDP by 671,926 to 152,199; in Taraba State, the PDP led with 310,800 votes as against APC’s 261,326 votes. In Adamawa State, the result released shows that the APC led the PDP with 374,701 votes to 251,664 votes. In Zamfara State, the APC scored 612,202 votes to beat the PDP which scored 144,833 votes. In Kebbi State, the APC won with 567,883 votes as against PDP’s 100,972 votes. The APC also won in Benue State with 373,961 votes as against the PDP’s score of 303,737 votes. In Edo State, the PDP led with 286,869 votes as against APC’s 208,469 votes. In Yobe State, the APC polled 446,265 votes as against PDP’s score of 25,526 votes. In Bauchi, the APC led with 931,598 votes against PDP’s 86,085 votes. In Ebonyi State, the APC scored 657,678 votes; while the PDP had 149, 222 votes. In Niger State, the APC scored 657,678 votes against PDP’s 149,222 votes. Also, in Lagos State, the APC led with 792,460 votes as against the PDP which polled 632,327 votes. In Bayelsa State, the PDP scored 361,209 votes to beat the APC which had 4,194 votes. In Gombe State, the APC won with 361,245 votes against PDP’s 96,873 votes. In Cross River State, the PDP won with 414,863 votes as against APC’s 28,368 votes. In Rivers State, the PDP led with 1,487,075 votes as against APC’s 69,238 votes.

April 4, 2015

Canada 2015

Falcons can shake the world– Onyedinma Raymond King hails Akpeyi’s output


Carroll and wife show off baby bump in Abu Dhabi >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

League Watch

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

CAF Champions League: Emordi confident of victory LMC: We don’t recognize Ifeanyi Uba FC ormer Enyimba mind on today game not God, who has the


and Enugu Rangers coach, Okey Emordi, has [•‚V[\\]x^}z‹[}x[] on Pillars’ victory against their Moroccan opponents, Maghreb Tetouane this weekend’s return leg of their CAF Champions League. He said they were XU6{[]V[U‹–]_^V]Z`[] encounter even as he explained that inasmuch as he has x^}z‹[}x[]Z`UZ] W{{UV\] will emerge victorious in the encounter, he has no capacity to know whether the victory will see them through to the next state of the continental premier club competition. Emordi bared his

j`W{[]z[{‹W}Â…]ÂŹY[\ZW^}\] on Metro FM Sports programme, Metro Sports during the week. ‘All I can tell you is that Pillars will be victorious in the return leg of our CAF Champions League,’ Emordi began. ‘It is true that we were defeat 4-0, we are very optimistic that we are going to pay them in their own coin this weekend,’ Emordi assured. ‘We have been working very hard for the encounter and we believe that we are going to win the game. ‘Well, I can’t tell you whether our victory will see us through or not because I am

capacity to see the future. But the truth ^_]Z`[] U6[V]W\]Z`UZ] we believe that we can make Nigerians proud on Saturday. É ]U ]x^}z‹[}Z]^_] victory because the ‚V^X{[ \]j[]W‹[}ZWz[‹] as a result of the match is being sorted out and I believe with that and the hard work we `U|[]X[[}]‚Y6W}…]W}] the preparation for the encounter we will be able to triumph on Saturday,’ Emordi explained. It is recalled that Pillars were humiliated by the Moroccan club a forth night ago as the U}^] ZUZ[]z}U}x[‹] club was beaten 4-0.


he leadership of the League Management Company (LMC), has declared that they newly promoted Ifeanyi Ubah Football Club of Nnewi, is not known to them rather that what they know of is Gabros FC of Nnewi. According to the LMC, as far as they are concerned, what was registered with them is Gabros FC and therefore, urged the club to revert to its old name, Gabros FC of Nnewi. It is recalled that Gabros just gained admission to the elite league after emerging champions of

the Nigerian National League (NNL). The Nnewi-based club emerged champions of NNL Super 4 which was played in Ilorin, Kwara State in February. It is recalled that UXV^\]\`^j[‹]Z`[]\ZY ] they were made when W}]Z`[WV]zV\Z] V[ W[V] League game at home, defeated Warri Wolves Football Club to sent out a warning to other teams in the Glo Premier League that they have not come to make up the numbers but have come to compete on for the diadem like every other club.

League put on hold till Raymond King hails Akpeyi’s April 19 fully in the on-going output


he League Management Company (LMC) has put the UZx`] U–]Æ]z•ZYV[\]^_] the Glo Premier League scheduled for this weekend on hold as it has been postponed it to Sunday, April 19. A statement from Z`[]^0x[]^_]Z`[] `W[_] ‚[VUZW}…] 0x[V]^_]Z`[] League Management Company (LMC), Salihu Abubakar, said the games have been rescheduled sequel to the directive of the Nigeria Football [‹[VUZW^}]z•W}…]U{{] ZUZ[\Ç] ] Y‚]z}U{\] for this weekend of April 4 and 5. Abubakar also said the rescheduling would allow the players and x{YX]^0xWU{\]‚UVZWxW‚UZ[]

national elections and also allow clubs on continental engagements focus on reaching the next stage of their various competitions. “All Match Day 4 z•ZYV[\]jW{{]}^j]`^{‹] on Sunday, April 19 and we will release the date _^V] UZx`] U–]¡]z•ZYV[\] in due time,â€? Abubakar said. ‘The essence is of ‚Y6W}Â…]Z`[]{[UÂ…Y[]^}] hold is to enable the ZUZ[\Ç] ] Y‚]z}U{] take place this weekend and at the same allow Z`[]‚{U–[V\]U}‹]^0xWU{\] participate fully in the on-going national elections and allow clubs on continental engagements focus on reaching the next stage of their various competitions,’ Abubakar explained. Bafana-Eagles stalemate


ollowing his gallant performance for the national team in the international friendly against Bafana Bafana in Nelspruit South Africa, former international keeper, Raymond King, has extolled the quality of goalkeeping of Warri Wolves’ keeper, Daniel Akpeyi. The former keeper, explained that the impact Akpeyi had on the game was worthy of commendation and as a result, charged the technical crew of the team to ensure that they discover more of Akpeyi’s quality who he believes are bound in league. Former Green Eagles’ goalkeeper told Goal. com that he was more than delighted with the performance of Daniel Akpeyi in the international friendly match with South Africa. He added that Nigeria needs not worry about who replaces Vincent Enyeama when he eventually quits the national team. It is recalled that Vincent Enyeama earned his 100th cap for Nigeria against Uganda last

Wolves set for Confed Cup challenge


week in Uyo his home state but he sustained a back injury in a training session before the trip to South Africa for another friendly on Sunday and Akpeyi was a late call up for the trip. It is important to state that Akpeyi was the only reason Eagles were not beaten by South Africa on Sunday as he saved a penalty to ensure that Eagles did not record two straight lost having lost their Wednesday’s home game against Guinea. In his verdict former Shooting Stars and Abiola Babes goalkeeper, told Goal that there was hope for Nigerian football after Enyeama.

arri Wolves departed the shores of the country yesterday for Ethiopia via Lagos ahead of tomorrow’s CAF ^}_[‹[VUZW^}] Y‚]zV\Z] V^Y}‹‰]\[x^}‹]{[…]U UWV] against Dedebit FC. The Seasiders head into the second leg with a twogoal advantage from the zV\Z]{[…][}x^Y}Z[V]‚{U–[‹] in Warri courtesy of strikes from Oghenekaro Etebo and Gbolahan Salami. “ YV]U6[}ZW^}]`U\]X[[}] drawn to some newspaper reports which has elicited phone calls from well wishers and fans of Warri Wolves Football Club that the team may not be able to honour the return leg of the CAF Confederation Cup

in Ethiopia and may end up the way of Dolphins FC of Port Harcourt,� Media 0x[V‰] ^\[\] ZY]\ZUZ[‹]W}] his press release. “I wish to state it clearly that the Government and those in charge of the Club are working seriously to see that the team leaves the shores of this country as planned. “The players, 20 in number have been moved from the Club Camp in Warri since Monday morning to prepare their mind for the journey as the team is expected to leave Warri on Thursday morning and will spend the night in U…^\]X[_^V[]ƒ–W}…]Z^] ‹‹W\] Ababa, Ethiopia on Friday morning,� he concluded.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Oscar enjoys ‘sweet success’ ...ahead Chelsea-Stoke City cracker


hings have been going rather sweetly for Oscar in recent times. The Chelsea forward has a Capital One Cup medal to his name this season while his side are currently commanding a six-point lead at the summit of the Premier League standings. The 23-year-old also scored in Brazil’s recent 3-1 victory against VU}x[]W}] UVW\]_^V] ^^ ]

measure. Ahead of Chelsea’s x{U\`]jWZ`] Z^ []UZ] ZU _^V ] VW []^}] UZYV U ]Z`[] VUÎW{WU}] Z^^ ]Z^]`W\] }\ZU VU ] account to post a picture of him swigging from a X^6{[]^_]\j[[Z\ Oscar could be VW} W} ]U]z}[{ ÐxVU_Z[ ] espresso in Turin next season if recent reports ^}]Z`[] W z[{ [VÇ\] future come to pass.

x^YZ\]_V^ ] Y|[}ZY\] were present at the ZU [] [] VU}x[] last Thursday night \ [xWzxU{{ ]Z^]jUZx`] Oscar in action against Didier Deschamps’ side. `[] [VW[] ] WU}Z\]UV[] reportedly weighing Y ]U}]^ [V]_^V]Z`[] summer. Oscar signed a contract extension up until 2019 with Chelsea last year having joined the club in 2012. Tottenham

Messi surprises lucky fan with a pair of his


arcelona star, Lionel Messi surprised a fan from his hometown of Rosario on social media with a pair of his latest Adidas boots. The Argentina international took to jW6[V]U} ] Ux[X^^ ]U} ] wrote a personal message to Brian Rossi, the lucky fan who grew up in the same city as Messi, to surprise him with the boots. Alongside a picture where Messi is seen holding the boots, he wrote ^}] Ux[X^^ Ë]É ]U ]U] WX[] De Barrio, the boy from the }[W `X^YV`^^ ]U} ]}^j] ] have these boots for Brian Rossi who is also from Rosario. #PibeDeBarr10 #therewillbehaters’. Messi has been in exceptional form in recent weeks, helping Barcelona overcome Manchester City in the Champions League with an impressive solo

performance before seeing his side defeat rivals Real Madrid in the El Clasico. WZ`]Z`[]\ ^Z{W `Z]zV { ] on Messi when he’s on the pitch, the 27-year-old will no doubt earn rave reviews

^ ]WZ]jWZ`]Z`W\]\YV VW\[] W_Z ] Rossi, the lucky fan, will be licking his lips at the prospect of wearing Messi’s boots and will hope he plays like him too.

‘Rapper’ Benzema sings to Tupac’s lyrics in his Bugatti


arim Benzema showed his talents aren’t just limited to the football pitch as the Real Madrid star posted a video showcasing his rapping skills while xVYW\W} ]U{^} ]W}]`W\] Y U6W] Veyron. As Real Madrid prepare for their La Liga clash against Granada at the [V}UX[Y]^}] Y} U ] Benzema shared a video of him singing along to Tupac’s classic track ‘Check Out Time’. Tupac’s track ‘All Eyez on me’ might have been a more suitable choice for the Los Blancos star, however, as Benzema looks to add to his goal tally of 20 goals in all competitions so far this season. Benzema boldly stated earlier this week that he can win the Ballon d’Or award

Ozil relaxes at home with his dog ...after international break with Germany


rsenal playmaker Mesut Ozil seemed to be in a enjoying his home comforts after arriving back in London following the international break, posting a picture Y6W} ]`W\]_[[Z]Y ]jWZ`] his dog. The German star was W}]z}[]_^V ]U\]Z`[] ^V{ ] Cup winners beat Georgia 2-0 in their Euro 2016 ¬YU{Wz[V]^}] Y} U ]U} ] W\]}^j]\[6W} ]`W\]\W `Z\] on the Premier League encounter with Liverpool at the weekend. And Ozil gave an insight into what he does in his downtime after taking a snap of him playing with his pet with Z`[]xU ZW^}Ë]É ^ [] j[[Z] Home’. `[] W z[{ [V ]

who was signed for £42.5million from Real Madrid in 2013, missed Arsenal’s last game against Newcastle through illness, but will be expected to start against Liverpool at

Z`[] WVUZ[\] ZU WY Ozil was said to have X[[}]\ ^6[ ]W}]U] [V{W}] nightclub after missing the Gunners’ 2-1 win at Z] U [\Ç] UV ]Z`^Y `] U}U [V] V\[}[] [} [V]

rubbished those claims. He has been doing the business on the pitch after returning from injury though, wracking up four assists and scoring three ^U{\]\W}x[] U}YUV

during his career. `[] VU}x[]W}Z[V}UZW^}U{] W\]x^}z [}Z]`W\]x{YX]\Yxx[\\] at the Bernabeu can force his way into contention for the prestigious award. However, Benzema’s Real team-mate Cristiano Ronaldo has picked up the last two accolades for the world’s best footballer whereas Barcelona talisman Lionel Messi prevailed between 2009-12. Despite the duo’s dominance, Benzema is adamant he can compete for the title if he continues to perform for Real Madrid and at international level. É _] ] [[ ]jW}}W} ]ZWZ{[\] Z`[}] ]xU}]jW}]Z`W\]UjUV ]W}] future,’ he told Le Parisien. É []`U|[] VW\ZWU}^] Ronaldo and Messi, the two X[\Z] {U [V\ ] [] }^j] ] won’t reach 80 or 100 goals in a season. They can do that.’

Carroll and wife show off baby bump in Abu Dhabi

est Ham striker Andy UVV^{{]U} ]zU}x[[] Billi Mucklow could not contain their excitement as they soaked up the sun just weeks before becoming parents _^V]Z`[]zV\Z]ZW [ _Z[V]ª[6W} ]^ ]Z^] XY] `UXW] as Carroll recovers from knee surgery, the pair posed for a photograph in their snazzy swim wear. The 26-year-old is set to miss the rest of the season after being _^Vx[ ]^ ]Z`V^Y `]W}ªYV ] YVW} ] the Hammers’ goalless draw with ^YZ`U Z^}]W}] [XVYUV ]

Mucklow and Carroll smiled _^V]Z`[]xU [VU]U\]Z`[] ]\ZUV] perched on her future husband’s sun lounger whilst lovingly cradled her bump. UVV^{{]U{\^]V^x [ ] ^VU{]\`^VZ\] and mirrored sunglasses as he wrapped an arm around his expecting partner. Billi captioned the picture \U W} Ë]É [xUY\[] Ç ] U Ç `[]U{\^] ^\Z[ ]U]\[{z[]^_] Z`[] UWV]j`Wx`]jU\]ZWZ{[ Ë]É WV\Z] Night Of Our Babymoon #bbq #beach#chilled #relaxing #meandmyMR @andytcarroll’.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sports/News ...Says next stop is Germany

Falcons can shake the world–Onyedinma Victor Enyinnaya


xecutive ^ W6[[] member of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Chief Mrs Dilichukwu Onyedinma, says the Super Falcons are good enough to surprise pundits at the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada in June. She asserted that the team has a good crop of players at the moment, and with the quality exhibited at the African Women’s Championship, the Falcons have the quality to surprise the world. “The new lease of life that has been

given to the game made the national teams stronger and X[6[V] ^V[]Z`U}]WZ] used to be. Women football is on higher pedestrian in the country now. The atmosphere that has prevailed the arena also is another stabilising factor. My board has been able to achieve peace amongst all segments and we are working in one direction. No doubt, there may be some distractions fact is that they are not pronounced as it were before l mount the saddle,” she stressed. ‘To be honest with you what is happening within the women football in the country is so heart warming. We have been able to bring back the

best values of the game that gave these teeming girls Z`[]x^}z [}x[]U} ] utmost interest to do exploits in their various club sides week in week out. It is simply the best for the game in recent time,’ she said. The chairperson of Nigeria Women Football League added that such trend has made it possible for the local league to turn in quality players for the national teams and the healthy competition amongst the girls keener. The stakeholders or the game are watching the development with amazing U6[}ZW^}] {U}}W} ] other strategies that would sustain it accordingly.

Africa Jnr Tennis Chp

Abdullahi:New govt ’ll give sports a boost

Ndanusa hails players’performance



resident, Nigeria Tennis Federation, (NTF) Sani Ndanusa, has commended Team Nigeria for an outstanding performance at the recent African Junior Tennis Championship, (AJTC) in Tunisia. The players and their coach returned to the country last Monday after winning bronze medal at the two-legged event held in the North African country. Ndanusa, the immediate past President of the Nigeria { Wx] ^ W6[[ ] (NOC), who was in Tunisia with the players, expressed great delight at the vast improvement recorded by the

youngsters. “You could see that we made it to the ¬YUVZ[Vz}U{\]^_]Z`V[[] W [V[}Z][|[}Z\]U} ]Z`[] semis of another event. That result has shown to everybody that we were not just in that country to make up the numbers. “We shall have more developmental projects which will bring out the best in these youngsters as well as new ones who will complement the already established junior teams,” he said. The national junior tennis coach, Mohammed Ubale also commended the players’ performance, noting that the players got high ratings and made

it far in the competition as against previous standings. The Nigerian Boys’ U-14 star player, Michael Osewa, got to the semi z}U{]W}]Z`[] W} {[\Ç][|[}Z] and eventually won XV^}Î[]_^V]`W\][ ^VZ\ There were also appearances in the Girls бÒ] Óz}U{ ] ^ \Ç] бÆ] ^YX{[\Ç] Óz}U{]U\]j[{{] U\] ^ \Ç] бÒ] Óz}U{] which the coach was really excited about, especially when the players did not start preparations early. “I must tell you sincerely that the players did very well. They put up brave performances despite the cold in that region. I was very happy particularly for the performance and improvement of Michael Osewa, who won a bronze medal for us. “The AJTC proper is always very tough because of the quality of players that are present there, but we went there and showed that we are capable of ruling Africa in no distant future,” an excited Ubale said. Our correspondent scooped also, that Osewa’s bronze medal feat at the annual event, the only medal for a West African country at the tournament, may have earned him an ITF scholarship for outstanding players.


ormer Minister of Sports, Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi has revealed that Nigeria President-elect, Muhammadu Buhari ‘s administration would give sports a deserved U6[}ZW^}]W}]Z`[]\x`[ [] of things in the country. Abdullahi hinted that there would be a need to allow the National Sports Commission to run as a Parastatal with a Director General that will oversee the activities of the body for some considerable period of years. He hinted that the incessant changing of sports minister has

not augured well for development of sports in the country promising that their government would use sports to generate employment for the youths. He stressed that their government would take sports to the grassroots thus reviving school sports at various state levels. He assured that they encourage corporate bodies coming into sports sponsorship to complement government [ ^VZ\]W}]\ ^VZ\] development. He also emphasised the need for transparency in funds management saying no corporate body would bring its money into a venture that is

devoid of transparency. “It is a known fact that government alone cannot fund sports in any part of the world. We shall make WZ]U6VUxZW|[]_^V]x^V ^VUZ[] bodies come into sports sponsorship. We will not allow any form of shady deal that will scare corporate bodies because these organisations would not want anything that will mar their image”, he revealed. It would be recalled that Abdullahi once made wave as minister of sports under the out- going government led by Dr. Goodluck Jonathan before he was removed when it was rumored that he was `U|W} ]U0}WZ ]jWZ`]Z`[] opposition party.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday Newswatch -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 22

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

26 Feminine Story

Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

The men are no longer dominating today’s business world as the women folks are speedily carving a niche for themselves. In Nigeria, the title of Chairman, Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) are not the exclusive preserves of men any more. Today, ERIC ELEZUO unveils the pictures of prominent Nigerian female CEOs who are making waves in their chosen fields.

Stella Oduah (CEO, Sea Petroleum)


rincess Stella Adaeze Oduah, former Minister of Aviation, is one of those topping the list of Nigerian female oil merchants. Born in Akili-Ozizor Ogbaru local government area of Anambra State on January 5 1962, Stella’s career in the oil sector officially began when she joined the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) upon her return to Nigeria from the United States, where she obtained Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Accounting and Business Administration respectively. She distinguished herself while at the NNPC before leaving to set up Sea Petroleum and Gas (SPG), an independent marketer of petroleum products in Nigeria. The company rose from its humble beginnings to become a leading company in the competitive oil industry. Her foray into politics saw her play a leading role in President Jonathan’s 2011 campaign.

Amy Jadesimi (MD, LADOL)


Stella Okoli (Emzor)


hairman Mrs. Stella Okoli (MON), the founder and CEO of Emzor Pharmaceutical Industries Limited. She has B.Pharm (Hom.) degree from Bradford University (1969), Biopharmaceutics, University of London - Cheasea College (1971); attended Executive Management programmes of the Harvard Business School, Boston, USA for owner managers 1997 -1999. She also attended the Chief Executive Management program of the I,agos Business School. Has attended numerous strategic management courses both in Nigeria and overseas. Has over 27 years of experience as a practicing/ manufacturing pharmacist.

he roll call of great women in Nigeria would not be complete without her. Dr. Amy Jadesimi is the managing director of Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics (LADOL) base. She is another force to be reckoned with in the Nigerian oil sector by virtue of her position at LADOL, which has become one of the giant service providers in the upstream sector. LADOL, which plans to invest up to $1billion developing port facilities in Lagos, has turned a site reclaimed from a swamp and an industrial wasteland into a $500million port facility to support offshore drilling operations, including ship repair, maintenance, engineering and construction. It is the only deep offshore oil and gas logistics base in Lagos and the largest privately financed logistics base in Nigeria.

Sola David-Borha, CEO, Stanbic IBTC


s the Managing Director/CEO of Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, David-Borha is one of the country’s highly-rated bankers. She is the highest paid director in Nigeria’s banking sector, with an annual remuneration of N177m. When broken down, this becomes N484, 931 daily, including weekends when may have no reason to go to work. David-Borha has patiently risen through the ranks to get to where she is today. She was, at different times, responsible for overseeing the corporate finance and corporate banking, projects and structure finance, as well as asset management and private banking departments. At a time, she bore the burden of supervising treasury and finance services department.

Feminine Story 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

CONTENT Folurunsho Alakija (CEO, Famfa Oil)


orn in 1951 to the family of Chief I. A. Ogbara, Alakija is a Nigerian businesswoman, reputed to be the second richest woman in Africa after Mrs Dos Santos of Angola, with an estimated net worth of $2.5billion. The business tycoon is involved in the fashion, oil and printing industries. In May 1993, Alakija applied for the allocation of an oil-prospecting license (OPL). The license, to explore for oil on a 617, 000-acre block now referred to as OPL 216, was granted to Alakija’s company, Famfa Limited. She is the group-managing director of The Rose of Sharon Group, which consists of The Rose of Sharon Prints and Promotions Limited and Digital Reality Prints Limited. She is also the executive vice-chairman of FAMFA Oil.

Bola Shagaya (MON)

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as born on the 10th of October, 1959. She is married to Alhaji Shagaya, a Kwara State-based transport mogul, and has four children. She had her secondary school education at Queens School, Ilorin, and her tertiary education at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and Armstrong College in California, where she studied economics and accountancy. She started her career with the audit department of the Central Bank of Nigeria before venturing into commercial activities in 1983. Her business experience started with the importation and distribution of photographic materials and she introduced the Konica brand of photographic materials into the Nigerian market and West Africa. Hajia Bola Shagaya is also the Managing Director of Practoil Limited, one of the largest importers and distributors of base oil in Nigeria, serving local lubricant blending plants. Her businesses also includes huge investment in real estate, spanning across major cities in the country with over three hundred employees.

5M inu tes wit h >PGAishat 32 Abim bol a

Uju Ifejika (CEO, Britannia-U Group)


atherine Uju Ifejika is a Nigerian woman of substance whose wealth is traceable to earnings from oil-related businesses. She is the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Britannia-U Group, a group of oil and gas companies. The company is indigenous and an integrated oil and gas company, incorporated on December 4 1995 under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Recently, her business bought a stake in a major oil and gas field, Ajapa. The reserves, according to Britannia, are worth $4.3billion A lawyer by profession, Mrs Ifejika previously worked in the oil and gas industry for 20 years with Texaco, which later merged with Chevron, rising from junior counsel to regional company secretary before retiring early to focus on building an enterprise for herself. She is a graduate of Queen’s College Enugu and the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria

Mrs Nkechi Obi (Executive Vice Chairman, Techno Oil Limited)


s the executive vice chairman of Techno Oil Ltd, Nigeria’s foremost oil and gas company. Mrs Obi is a visionary and astute businesswoman, who presides over the Techno Oil Group, a diversified conglomerate with subsidiaries and interests spanning oil and gas, aviation, power, real estate and banking. The business activities of the company involve manufacturing, storing and marketing of refined petroleum products and providing high quality value-adding services to the retail, commercial and industrial sectors of the Nigerian economy, such as marine, construction, aviation, automotive, energy and other highly specialised sectors. Techno Oil was founded more than a decade ago with a humble beginning, but now has annual revenue in excess of $250million.



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THE TEAM Published by

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patrick ASONYE Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

olayiwola RAZAQ/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April, 2015

My husband is my mentor, role model - Janet Adetu


Newswatch Times, Satruday, April, 2015

Janet Temitope Adetu is a certified corporate etiquette and brand analyst as well as a professional image and international protocol consultant. The founder of JSK Etiquette Consortium, a thriving business etiquette, behavourial change and professional image enhancement firm, talks about her profession and how she juggles this with her marriage in this interview with QISMAT YINUS. Excerpts:


hat exactly do you do at JSK Etiquette Consortium? JSK Etiquette Consortium is a Corporate Etiquette, Professional Image and International Protocol Consultancy. We help corporate organisations leverage their human capital through personal and professional image projection, branding, impression management and leadership. Our objective is for our clients to experience essential behavioural changes and an enhanced image that will set them apart, and give them the competitive advantage, which we call at JSK, the Panache Advantage. :P YFPZ YUZ [PZ^OXP[ QY XYZjYZJQP organisations, diplomats, professionals, entrepreneurs, individuals and youths. Our services will provide excellent operational leadership and innovative solutions that enable organisations and small to medium enterprises achieve their overall medium and long term goals. What were the challenges you faced while setting up this company? Interestingly, JSK Etiquette Consortium originally had its VPJMY9XP OK 1JOZYTO[ .PK_J[ MUZOK| OQ[ RZ[Q QVZPP _PJZ[ TUQ QYMJ_ VJ[ relocated to Lagos. I cannot really say I experienced major challenges during the start as since I deal with intellectual property. The only thing I can say I PkjPZOPKXPM ]J[ QVP MOFPZPKXP OK VY] etiquette and protocol is received in .PK_J J[ YjjY[PM QY 1O|PZOJ ,Q O[ [QO\\ ZP\JQO^P\_ WYZPO|K OK 1O|PZOJ J[ QVPZP JZP MOFPZPKQ [XVYY\[ YW QVYU|VQ J[ QY QVP relevance and importance of etiquette today. My hope and desire is that more professionals begin to appreciate that with the economic challenges the world is facing today, there is a clear need to be exceptional. There is a need to reposition to outclass competition in order to survive the multi-competitive environment. Can you share some of your major achievements as an entrepreneur? Well every day is an experience I am very grateful for. I hold on to one philosophy in life which is to keep learning so I can add value to the life of another. So far, I am happy to be the author of a book “Etiquette Strategies for Everyday living,� and have produced an audio CD “The Dynamics of Etiquette Success.� I am also grateful to be recognised to be keynote speaker at various conferences, seminars and workshops. I am also delighted to be a radio host on “Etiquette with Janet� touching lives every day. I am open to new opportunities as they come my way. What does it take to run an etiquette consortium like yours? I believe that my passion for what I do is my driving force. I enjoy

consideration, instead it was taken very much for granted. Every day, we experience a new 1O|PZOJ XYK[QJKQ\_ XVJK|OK| ˆPkOT\P and running with the same state of the art technology as seen around the world QYMJ_ 7VO[ O[ J RP\M QVJQ `J_ [QO\\ JjjPJZ intangible on the surface, but if you look deeper, it has high investment value. Our youths are also oblivious and keep wondering why they are not progressing in life, and cannot get by a simple interview. It just goes to show that it is not just about your technical skills anymore as I mentioned earlier. Are you working on any major project at the moment? We will be conducting protocol training for young professionals in May titled: “Executive Finesse for Young Professionals� - A Behavioural Change and Image Enhancement Programme. The programme is open to young professionals seeking to climb the ladder further, graduates seeking good jobs, management trainees and entrepreneurs. We will release more registration details soon. A lot more is coming soon regarding skills acquisition, leadership training and decorum. We J\[Y YFPZ TYQV |ZYUj JKM YKP YK YKP private coaching, psychometric testing and emotional intelligence assessments.

disseminating knowledge; as such I do OQ PFYZQ\P[[\_ 1Y MYUTQ OQ PKQJO\[ [Y much hard work, requiring dedication, determination and discipline to succeed, like any other business. You also need a sense of style, grace, elegance, business acumen and patience. Where do you see your company in The future is bright. We take each day as it comes. Our missionis is to be the most desired Etiquette Consultancy in Africa. Where there is a need, we aim to help individuals and corporate organisations transit and transform; with God all things are possible.

Our youths are also oblivious and keep wondering why they are not progressing in life, and cannot get by a simple interview

Your line of profession is relatively new in this part of the world, what is the reception like here in Nigeria? As I mentioned earlier, yes indeed etiquette or protocol is quite foreign in our environment to the extent that our culture does not imbibe certain behaviours though we are changing constantly. Having said that, there are `JK_ 1O|PZOJK[ ÂŻUOQP PkjY[PM JKM to a large degree, widely travelled. Some have had the privilege to acquire decorum and knowledge along the way, and so are quite aligned and tuned into what is necessary and so on. Etiquette has always existed from the days of our grandparents; we just did not take it into Continued on Page 30


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

‘Why I adore my husband’ Continued from Page 29

My educational background started in the United Kingdom where I was born and raised. Today, I am grateful to How do you juggle your busy hold a B.Sc (Hons) in Economics with schedule with marriage? an MBA from Edinburgh Scotland. I am Juggling work with the home front J\[Y J &PZQORPM &VJZQPZPM $XXYUKQJKQ J is not always easy, but it takes a lot fellow with the Association of Chartered of understanding, and the will to be &PZQORPM $XXYUKQJKQ[ $&&$ 8. successful. Today, my kids are grown 0_ 3ZYQYXY\ XPZQORXJQOYK O[ ]OQV R^P fortunately, and I have a bit more time to prestigious etiquette training practices. myself to get organised. However, I still I am an alumnus of the Protocol School need to look after my home, uphold the YW :J[VOK|QYK JTY^P J\\ , J` J &PZQORPM best standards for healthy and hygienic Brand Analysts, a Corporate Image living. I ensure that I am aware of what Consultant, and an NLP Practitioner. goes on in and around my home, among I am one of four children, we grew up `_ MY`P[QOX [QJF J[ ]P\\ J[ OK `_ under the strict discipline of our parents kitchen. Time management helps me in the UK. I have been married for over structure my day and execute my duties 24 years to my wonderful husband PFPXQO^P\_ who is my role model. He is a great Tell us about your educational and mentor and advisor who encourages family background?

me to aim for the best. We have three wonderful children whom I refer to as my inspiration and my best critique. My family knows very well that I enjoy all sorts of salads. I am a passionate collector of orchids which are exotic ˆY]PZ[ , J\[Y PKŠY_ ]ZOQOK| JKM QJfOK| pictures. Above all, I love to advocate for children born with Congenital Heart Disorder (CHD). These are children born with a hole in the heart. , YKXP ZJK J KYK jZYRQ XVJZOQ_ QVJQ ]J[ responsible for raising awareness and the funds for the life- saving open heart surgery of almost 60 children aged 2 – 16 years. My dream is to reactivate this charity beyond the original shores and save more lives. With God all things are possible.

I have been married for over 24 years to my wonderful husband who is my role model. He is a great mentor and advisor who encourages me to aim for the best.

Newswatch Times, Saturday April 4, 2015


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


Juliet Ibrahim reveals most valuable possession

minutes with Aishat Abimbola The tough roles she had played in some movies may portray her as tough, but this Lagos born actress, who has a Higher National Diploma in Hotel Catering and Management from the Lagos State Polytechnic, is very polite. In this encounter with AJIBADE ALABI, she revealed quite a lot.


id you ever envisage being an actress from childhood? I will not really say from my childhood, but from a very young age. Let me just put it this way: from my primary school days, I joined one performing group after another. I had also been an M.C. for several occasions. I think I grew up being an entertainer. I made so much noise in class, cracking one joke after another, so some of my friends were not actually surprise that I am into acting. How will you describe your growing up? Growing up to me was tough, but I thank God I scaled through. I grew up on the Island, and I spent most of my life there. I am a Lagosian. I also spent some years in the north because of school change which made my education very slow, but I thank God. What is your family background like? My parents are both late. I lost my mum in 1984 and my daddy in 2002. I am from a polygamous home, and I have quite a number of older and younger ones. My mom was the youngest wife until her death. I have one younger sister, one younger brother, a twin brother and an elder sister. How did you come about acting? Actually, I had nursed the ambition of being an actress while I was growing up. As luck would have it, there was a day the crew of Wale Adenuga came to Isolo campus of our school to shoot a scene. Then I saw Antar Laniyan who was the director of the film. I told him I wanted to act. He looked at me as if I was not serious, but I told him, I meant what I said. Luckily for me somebody who was supposed to act a role of a philanthropist was not around. I was asked to fill the vacancy, and to his surprise, I performed excellently well. Ever since, there has been no going back. What has fame changed about you? I am a perfectionist when it comes to picking my things; I want to buy my things myself. I like to go to Mile 12 market, get my fresh fruits. I love shopping myself. I still go to Idumota because I am from there. You know I can’t do things the way I want to. I m not the kind of person who hides her feelings, if you have done something wrong and I want to give it to you right there, I’ll tell you this is wrong, but then I’ll just have to look around to see who is watching and when I see people around sometimes, I just fake a smile and say it is okay. That kind of thing If it wasn’t acting, what would it have been? May be I would have been a pastor. I would have also be a good MC, which I am combining with my acting job, or I would have been a cook because I read hotel management and catering. I would have been an hotelier or owned a restaurant.

Omawunmi marriage in April



Mercy Johnson counsels celebs on marriage

Dillish Matthew money on fashion

n a chat with #PriceCheckRadioShow, hosted by comedienne, Chigul Juliet Ibrahim, the curvaceous Ghollywood actress, disclosed that she cannot do without makeup and lip stick is her closest possession, and she feels very empty without lipstick complementation. “I’m a makeup person and I can’t do without my makeup, especially my lipstick� The 29-year-old actress began her acting career in 2005 and has since starred in over 50 movies, and in the process amassing several awards including Best Actress at 2014 Ghana Movie Awards.


ollywood actress, Mercy Johnson, has called on fans and colleagues to always have trust and true love for their husbands if they want their marriage to stand the test of time. Mercy stated that the rate of divorce among Nigerian celebrities is as a result of lack of trust and love from both parties, which eventually leads to calamitous countdown towards the end of the marriage. Using herself as an example, the actress stated that she has always been truthful to her husband, and he has always done same which is why she is still enjoying her marriage till date. She stressed that one of the biggest lies anyone can tell himself/herself is using one or more random experiences to judge and stereotype others as everyone has a different story to tell. “I am an actress who is correcting the rigid stand that actresses cannot have happy homes when they get married. Also, bear in mind that there are several Nigerian actresses like me who are happily married.

I pay my tithes to lessprivileged children - Empress Njamah


ontroversial Abuja based actress, Empress Njamah, sure has a heart of gold. She has joined the league of stars that are extending hands of assistance to less privileged kids. Easter is around the corner, and she already has great plans to party with the kids. According to her, that’s how she pays her tithe. “I will not only provide for their basic and educational needs, but will also organise a programme where I’ll invite music artistes and some of my colleagues in the movie industry to come have fun with the kids. It will be a full day of fun as there will also be lots of food and drinks. It’s not been easy though. The ‘God’factor helps me miraculously weather the storm. It’s part of how I pay my tithe. I have never been funded by a single soul, government or friend; it has been my sweat all the way and the House of Empress has been supportive too.� She also expressed how she feels each time she parties with these children. growing as a child in church, I was taught to always help those in need because my giving could bring about that ray of hope that may have been dashed, thereby bringing God’s blessings. I celebrate them all the time not just on my birthday; the foundation celebrates with the kids every month. I’m always happy to be with them because they feel me with loads of joy and happiness which words can’t explain.

eavily pregnant and vivacious singer, Omawumi Megbele, is on her way to completing the last phase of her marital rites. The talented singer, who is about to have her second child, is gearing up for her traditional wedding ceremony scheduled for April 18, 2015 in Warri, Delta State. Recall that the golden voice beauty began her engagement on September 13, 2014 in Delta State, and proceeded with a lowkey court wedding on January 16, 2015 at the Ikoyi Registry in Lagos.


ust two years ago, Dillish Matthew won the huge sum of $300k Big Brother Africa Largess, a sum that could last a life time if properly managed. But the reverse is the case for the young model-cum actress. Ms Matthew posted a new video on her instagram page where she admitted that the grand price of $300k she took home as winner of the 2013 Big Brother Africa contest is finished. “Read about what I did with the money that I got from Big Brother? It’s finished. A couple of Rolexes, kept going to Milan, London, Hong Kong, and Shanghai‌it’s finished. Kaput!â€? she said proudly.

Dencia shares celebrate


ontroversial singer and entrepreneur, Dencial, who turned 27 years last week decided to celebrate the day by sharing some pictures of hers from a lingerie video shoot. The pix are from a 2014 shoot with Dencia rocking a jewelled bra, and sheer fabric around her waist. Interesting fact; Dencia revealed that she just discovered her actual birth date 12 years ago, “I found out today was my birthday. Don’t try to understand, found out.�

Nadia Buari shares pictures


till basking in the euphoria of being a proud mother of adorable twin girls, Nadia Buari posted this beautiful post-baby picture of hers for her teeming fans. In the piece of photograph, the top Ghanaian actress added some beautiful, hearttouching words to express how she feel having the amazing gifts from God. She wrote on her Instagram page, “Dear diary, this part of my life is called being ful is beyond price and leaves me blessed and in debt. God has certainly got me cheesing from cheek to cheek all day, every day.�


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


plans traditional

9ice changes record label’s name

Baba Oloyin celebrates @ 60



he Ogbomosho born musician-turnedpolitician, 9ice recently changed the name of his record label from Alapomeji Records to Ancestral Records. The talented artiste who has 7 albums to his credit, felt this is the right thing to do. In a promotional artwork announcing the title and release date of his next singles, the new name of his imprint can be seen clearly at the top with 9ice illustrated as an Egyptian Pharaoh. One of the singles ‘Familete’ is produced by his long-time producer, ID Cabasa. The singles will be released on April 10, 2015.

splashes $300k BBA accessories

Ali Baba talks about ladies with mega boobs


sexy pictures to birthday

igeria’s king of comedy, Ali Baba, took out time to explain why ladies with big booties are always jilted in relationships giving example of Amber Rose and her bestie, Blac Chyna. Below is what he shared on Instagram. “I would have just left this picture to do the talking since they say a picture can tell a story, but these days of photo shopping and half processed thoughts, one needs to make it explicitly clear for the import of some messages to sink home. I have said it before; no matter how beautiful a car is on the outside, if the engine don “knock”, it’s just a beautiful car. Not a functional car. Same way you will meet a girl with all the attributes, but her head no dey house. So when those wire touch, you go hear am. She may be a 38DD, but a DinDinrin in R-E-S-P-E-C-T department. A babe with great figure may not be able to figure out how to manage money. She is only a gimme gimme gimme. If a babe has all the curves in the right places, it doesn’t mean you can place her on a relationship curve. It takes a lot to keep a man. For some men, the “5B Basic rule” suffices. Brains, Behaviour, Beauty, Body and Business mind! All other things can follow. If you have the milk shake, curves, and is well endowed, they SURELY will bring all the boys in da yard… In conclusion, I will say, until you walk a few steps in some people’s shoes, don’t blame them for walking too slow or too fast or not taking a step.”

Tonto Dike goes inspirational


ollywood bad girl, Tonto Dike, is fasting turning into an inspirational speaker as she says “Real men don’t talk about their sexual conquests or call a woman out”

post-baby delivery

thought the end has come 20 years ago when I celebrated my 40th birthday, I was let down by people, and I felt life wasn’t worth living.” These were the words of Sesan Adewusi aka Baba Oloyin Original as he marked his 60th birthday recently in Lagos. He said, “I never thought I could live this long. In my first 40 years on earth, I never recorded any achievement to my existence. 10 years later when I became 50, that was when I started feeling the presence of God in my life. Things were so bad for me that I had to relocate back home toIbadan from Lagos. Sesan Adewusi is a versatile Ewi poet with vast experience in entertainment. Having worked for NIPOST for 10 years, Adewusi resigned, and took up radio/television presentation as a full time job. He was also as an entertainment reporter for notable newspapers some years back. He said, “My experience in life ought to be a lesson to people that never lose hope in life. At 40, I thought my end has come, but when I attained 50 years, I became a celebrity, people from all walks of life converged to celebrate me. Meanwhile, when I was 40, I sent out invitation letters to people to come and grace my album launch. I got a hall at ot too long ago, prolific Mayflower Hotel at Mushin, but itfemale disc Could jockeyyou andbelieve daughter was a huge failure. billionaire businessman, that withofmy fame on radio then, only three people appeared myofficially album Femi Otedola, Cuppyatwas launch? Iascried all through the night, dressed a Tourism Ambassador I became tired ofRepublic’ life. I remember for the Federal s ‘Fascinating the popular saying that a fool 40 is a Nigeria’ campaign. In doingather fool for ever, and I saw myself as one, country proud, the 21 year-old DJ atbecause I have just clocked 40 with lots of disappointments. Today, Sesan Adewusi, after his failed attempt on becoming great in life through the great talent he has in Ewi music, he tried his hands on honey, and he has written five bi-lingual books (English & Yoruba) on the efficacy of honey in the treatment of different ailments that could affect human existence. “Now, to mark my 60th birthday, I intend to release two products into the market; an Herbal medicine for the cure of rheumatism and arthritis and a Honey Power for sexual enhancement.” Baba Oloyin said.


Oge Okoye finds love again


opular Nollywood actress and mother of two, Oge Okoye has found love again. Enquirer Magazine reports that the beautiful woman and estranged wife of Holland big boy, Stanley Duru, is in love again. She is said to have forgotten her past sour love and has moved on. She is in a serious relationship with a successful businessman who is from the Eastern part of Nigeria. The actress’ relationship with this very tall and athletic built man is said to look like it is altar-bound. This is because the new man is said to spoil her silly, and he’s the one that sponsored her trip to the United States and also donated to her cosmetics business. It was also revealed that Oge’s new man is also a single father who is said to be separated from his baby mama and shuttles between Nigeria and Europe. The mother of two and her former husband, Stanley Duru, walked out of their marriage which produced two children on infidelity allegations from both parties. The Nnamdi Azikwe alumnus, who was born in London, allegedly got into a love triangle with her close colleague in the movie industry, Nkiru Sylvanus.

Saturday Newswatch, April 4, 2015


More Tripping...

By Yinus Qismat 51

Tiwa Savage attends Simi Osomo’s baby shower in London

Dr Sid graduates from NewYork Film Academy


r Sid’s wife, Simi Osomo Esiri had her baby shower last weekend in London at the Dorchester Hotel, where Tiwa Savage and her other friends joined her to celebrate and anticipate the arrival of her first child. Simi is expecting a baby girl.


ust like Banky W and many others, Dr Sid had also gone to acquire more knowledge on Directing at the New York Film Academy and he says he is so proud to be the latest Director in town.

Former Chocolate City act, Brymo welcomes baby boy

Newly engaged Ubi Franklin & Lilian Esoro jet out UK


he newly engaged celebrity couple who reportedly met in January 2015 and got engaged in March 2015 have embarked on a trip to the UK to celebrate their engagement.


rymo and girlfriend welcomed a baby boy last week and the excited singer made the announcement on social media. He took to twitter to share the great news.

Khloe Kardashian and French Montana rekindle romance


hloe Kardashian and off/on boyfriend French Montana showed that their romance was back on as they enjoyed a hand-holding stroll in Miami on Saturday. The couple spent the weekend at P. Diddy’s mansion in Miami.

Angelina Jolie’s daughters jubilate as she wins Kids’ Choice Awards


ngelina Jolie’s daughter’s Zahara, 10 and Shiloh 8 jubilated and looked more than thrilled as their mum was announced as the winner of Favourite Villain for her role in Maleficent at this year’s edition of the Kids’ Choice Awards. This was Angelina’s first public appearance since she revealed she had her ovaries removed.

How BBA winner Dillish Mathews spent her prize money on rolexes & luxury travels


n a video she posted on her instagram page last week,Dillish Mathews, who won the grand prize of $300k as winner of the 2013 Big Brother Africa contest, said the money is finished “Read about what I did with my money that I got from Big Brother? It’s finished. A couple of Rolexes, kept going to Milan, London, Hong Kong,’s finished. Kaput!” she said.

Jennifer Hudson & son step out in style @ the Kids’ Choice Awards


ennifer Hudson and her stylish five year old son, David Daniel Otunga, Jr. goofed around on the red carpet at the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards in Los Angeles on Saturday March 28th. They looked really good as they posed for photos.

Saturday Newswatch, April 4, 2015


Fashion Hajia Bola Shagaya may have dipped her hand in the deep well of oil riches; she came out cleaner and brighter as reflected in the candour, poise and elegance with which she carries herself. Apart from counting wads of notes in whatever currency and frolicking with the powers that be, she is a wonderful fashion statement as exemplified in the various fashion poses below as put together by ERIC ELEZUO


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015



f you’ve got someone special in mind, you’ve probably got one thing on your mind: “How do I get him to want me as much as I want him?” Don’t worry. Here are 20 of the best ways to get him to notice youwant you- and then of course, need you. 1. Get dolled up Nothing says, “Hey, look at me world!” quite like a fresh coat of boldly dark red lipstick on a pair of plump womanly lips. There’s just something about this look that seems to drive the men crazy, and it will definitely get the attention from the guy you’re after. He won’t help but notice those enticing lips enter the room. And if you really want to add some spunk to your style, try to define the hot style with a gorgeous hairstyle and a flirty outfit. 2. …Or keep it natural We should tell you, though: some guys are totally not into the red lipstick thing. And while the percentage of guys who don’t find this attractive is significantly low, it’s still possible. If he’s got a past history of dating natural-looking women who don’t wear much makeup, or he’s expressed his likes of the ‘no makeup’ style, you might want to tone it down. Add a subtle amount of makeup to enhance your natural features, and let your hair go straight. You might grab his attention BETTER this way! 3. Play hard to get This doesn’t mean you have to be totally rude and deny him every chance you get. Some women tend to take the ‘play hard to get’ game a little too far and end up coming across as a disinterested, self absorbed rude female. You want to flirt a little, smile a little, and text/call a little- but not too much. Don’t give everything away at once- make him work for it and always keep something hidden away for next time. 4. Don’t be needy Even if he is the man of your dreams, and you know the two of you would be the perfect couple, you can’t let HIM know that! Never appear needy. We can’t express this enough! It’s simply unattractive and nobody wants to be with someone who is desperate in any way, shape, or form. Drop subtle hints that you are interested, but don’t go overboard! 5. That being said…Let him call/text first Back in the day, it was the man’s job to call the woman- not the other way around. And while in this day and age men and women will contact each other willy-nilly, it tends to work best if the man calls the lady first. Not only is it an old-fashioned form of chivalry, but it will also make him want you more. 6. Don’t look like a high-maintenance woman I can’t tell you how many times men have said how a high-maintenance woman is simply a turn off. No man wants to deal with a self absorbed princess who thinks those around her should jump through fiery hoops (while bearing gifts of silver and gold) or please her. You will certainly have him running in the opposite direction with a high-maintenance look and attitude, so try to keep it simple and casual as much as possible. 7. Show him your funny side A woman that can make him laugh, aka the woman of his dreams. Guys just love it when a woman has a good personality, and can make jokes that really have him rolling. If you want to impress him and make him want you, lay down the charm and your best jokes- it’s a sure-fire way to get him craving more. 8. Confidence is key Just like it’s important to have a killer personality, there’s really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence. And if you can show him you can work the room with your head held high and a smile on your face, you will UNDOUBTEDLY grab his attention- almost immediately- and you’ll probably have his eyes on you for the next few weeks until he makes his move.

9. What’s that smell? I think we all know how much men love it when a women smells good. So before you go anywhere near the man of your dreams, make sure you spray on the most divine scent you own. He will be instantly attracted to the smell and want to be near you. 10. Be flirty It might seem like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many women forget to do it. They’ll have a basic conversation or simply be too shy to do any type of flirting. But men LOVE to flirt, and they will certainly be interested if you start making flirty remarks that entice him. 11. Touch his arm Nothing makes a man happier than a smiling, laughing woman touching his arm playfully. Plus it’s a surefire way to let him know that you’re interested. After you do the ole, ‘touch and smile’ charade, you can expect him paying a lot more attention to you than ever before. 12. Be down to earth A woman who can present herself as a classy and confident woman while also being able to play video games and engage in sports is a down to earth lady that every guy wishes he could have. Don’t be afraid to get down and dirty and-gasp- break a nail. He will love how versatile you are, knowing he can take you to a fancy dinner at the most respectable spot in town while also being able to take you to a sports game. 13. Be mysterious The less he knows, the more he

craves- and that’s the rule of thumb you need to keep in mind throughout all of your interactions and conversations with him. 14. Compliment him This might go under the category of ‘flirting’ for some of you, but others look at flirting and complimenting in totally different ways. While a flirt might be presented as a cute tease or enticing joke, a compliment is more natural and real and focuses on something you genuinely like about the man. Just remember, don’t overdo it with the compliments to the point where you look obsessed. One good, genuine compliment is enough for him, 15. Make him jealous Ever heard the saying, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone”? That statement kind of applies here. Yeah, he hasn’t lost you- but he could. And that will drive him nuts. Again, it’s important not to go overboard with trying to make him jealous. A simple flirt with another man lets him know that you are on the hunt for a man, but he’s not the only one you’re interested in and he will have to do a little something to win over your affection. 6. …But also don’t get jealous If he tries to pull the same tricks on you, you CAN’T let it bother you. In fact, pretend it didn’t even happen in the first place- even though it may be eating you up inside. This will drive him NUTS, knowing you are too confident in yourself to let a little flirting get you angry. 17. Kindness goes a long way We all know that every man is seeking the perfect ‘girl next door’. That being said, it’s important to be kind and a bit shy, disclosing that sexy and seductive side until

the two of you are alone of course. He will love your kindness and be drawn to your real, genuine attitude. 18. Plenty of eye contact A person’s eyes can say more than words could ever describe- and that’s why eye contact is so incredibly important when you’re interested in a man. Keeping eye contact with him, especially if you add a bit of seductiveness to your looks, will let him know that you are feeling him and definitely want him. He won’t be able to resist your alluring eyes! 19. Smile often A man loves it when he can make a woman smile and laugh. There is just something about a lady’s beautiful smile that men can’t get enough of. So make sure you’re smiling and giggling as much as possible. He will love every minute of it and really fall for that dazzling smile you have. 20. Tell him that you want him Like we said before, there is really nothing more attractive on a woman than her confidence and her smile. And if you are confident enough to tell him that you WANT him, you will not only surprise him, but compliment him so greatly he won’t know what to do. And don’t be surprised if he doesn’t answer right away. He will probably be shocked at your openness and not know how to react right off the bat. But trust us, when all else fails and he still hasn’t taken the hint (sometimes guys just don’t get it) this is the ONLY way to go- and you won’t be disappointed with what happens next.



Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015



hether a guy is just starting to date a woman or is in a committed relationship with her, there are small things that she may do without thinking that guys secretly love. While there are many, here are eight to start with. 1) Laying your head on his chest. When laying on the couch watching TV or laying in bed after a long day, it’s one of the best feelings when a woman lays her head down on his chest and puts her arm over him. As men, we enjoy feeling as though we are being protective, and this signifies that she feels safe in our arms. 2) When you text him first. There is a lot of pressure on guys to always initiate conversation. Sometimes he may not know if he’s being too pushy or texting too much - he might over think it and not text you at all, which could leave you wondering. Guys like to feel affection too, and if he’s really into you, he will be thinking about you. Sending him a quick text will brighten his day and spark a good conversation. 3) When you tell him you appreciate him. Some people are more affectionate than others, and there’s nothing wrong with however you are. Just remember, if a man puts in a lot of effort into your relationship (as

he should), he will never complain about hearing how much you appreciate him. While he should be able to read your feelings from your actions, some guys need a more direct approach. It will make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 4) Play with his hair while he’s driving. If you’re riding shotgun, reach over and lightly scratch the back of his head for awhile. This is guaranteed to make him smile. (Don’t distract him too much though, he’s driving!) 5) Brag about him on Facebook. Some girls go overboard with this. Way overboard. But, if your guy does something nice for you, it never hurts to talk about it or snap a photo of the impromptu dinner he had arranged when you got home from work. It will show him that you appreciate him and are willing to share your appreciation and love for him with the world. 6) Really listen. Pay adequate attention to him when he speaks and show signs that you are actually assimilating all he is saying. Guys appreciate it when women listens to them raptly, it tells them that they are really in charge.


The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



content person accepts whatever God provides for his life. He is happy with what attributes

are his. He is satisfied with his immediate and extended environment. He accept as adequate despite wanting more or better. It is practical to want more or want better,its also profiting to desire and aspire for greater heights. Contentment isn’t same as unambition. For a child,contentment is an essential virtue to grooming, it’s about maximising what there is financially,materially and otherwise at every point to achieve the expected or the required. Believing the future holds better things, knowing and appreciating what is in the inside(gifts and talents) for use for now and the future. Contentment can and should inculcate into children as early as possible. A content child is always happy and stable. Children should be taught and given the culture of identifying their belongings,who and who owns the different items around them. One of the ways to do that is by allowing them to eat from their individual plates as toddlers. For a growing child ,they need to understand the difference between needs and wants. They need to know on time why some things are done,and done the way they are. Like why we eat; we eat to live and be healthy. They need to be taught to accept,appreciate, and be satisfied with the food,toys,clothing,shoes books and so on that are theirs.

Contentment as great gain When children are properly trained ,they can’t easily be lured with things. For a youth,is about creating and having a mindset of being wealthy /rich in the mist of poverty. Knowing the difference between luxury and necessity. If you are not content, you are greedy . It takes conscious discipline to be content. The trait is easier to learn with awareness and understanding of what is obtainable and accessible at every point in time. For adults contentment leads to satisfaction on the job,fulfilment at accomplishment trail and sustenance at dream pursuit. Contentment makes you know which dream to pursue, plans to execute, business to trade in,product to invest in,approach to apply at different instances . You are able to identify certainty,contegencies, and the uncertain. You are able to identify who to mingle with and who to be friends with. You are not selfish nor self centred. You need to accept your present state before you can progress into the next stage of your life. Contentment can be used as a yard stick to monitor your desires,dreams, wants and needs at every point in time. Lack of contentment makes you insatiable and unfulfilled. You will always buy things you don’t need nor will use in the nearest future; impulsive and spontaneous buying. Like buying clothes,shoes and other items that are isn’t your type nor size. Some people buy believing they will loose weight soon whiles others thinks that they will gain some weight . Lack of contentment would also make you buy material to sew styles you admire on someone, without thinking of your peculiar stature and height. Lack of this virtue,contentment can as well go as far as wishing someone else’s child is yours because he/ she is brilliant or talented in a particular way,thereby making you envious. Every one is gifted, but they need to be sourced out for maximum utility. Lack of contentment may lead to sleepless nights and unhappiness. Remember the days of Forum Investment house, collecting cash from people. Most of which wasn’t returned nor given with the interest promised. A lot of people gathered their money from other banks to hand over without thinking of the possible consequences.

Lack of contentment easily lead to depression, complex and low self esteem. Always wishing you are the other person, for their outlook beauty and so on. You need to be satisfied, happy and fulfilled about the way you look. Remember you were fearfully and wonderfully made by God,you are a unique being. Lack of contentment leads to unrealistic demand or quest to travel abroad. Most often these people are not certain of what to expect or would do when they get there, like are they schooling there or working there,what kind of job and so on. They spend all their life savings, get loans, sell their shares,belongings and more just to travel abroad. Sometimes they go as far as resigning their appointment at their work place,believing they would get a good job and live a better life over there. For a few that their destiny is hinged to being abroad it’s worth the risk,but for more the effort is in futility. For couples,it is a distinguishing ingredient for stability and lasting relationship.You need to accept and appreciate your partner and his/her excesses and strengths to the fullest. This would certainly keep your relationship in shape and satisfaction. Celebrate and utilise their strengths. You then aspire to bring the best out of them by true complementary expressions. For instance,when a nagging wife takes her time to take care of her home and children adequately. She isn’t enterprising but modest,prudent,friendly and accommodating. How is she perceived and treated? Beings content with your partner brings about faithfulness and commitment to the vow made on the wedding day to your spouse. It’s all about being thankful for what you have and being patient for what’s to come. Be at rest,embrace God’s provision for your life and livelihood ,allow your vision and dreams come alive progressively . Insufficient isn’t same as non at all. .Delay doesn’t mean denial. Attainment in contentment is a life skill of great gain.


Newswatch Times, Satruday, April 4, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE



L-R: Managing Director/CEO, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc (GTB), Mr. Segun Agbaje; outgone Chairman of the board, Egbert Imomoh and the Company Secretary, Mrs. Olutola Omotola.

Mother of the President, Mama Eunice Jonathan (2nd left) supported by the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan (left) as she received a gift from the Chairman Federal Civil Service Commission, Deaconess Joan Ayo during a special church service to mark Mothering Sunday at the Aso Villa Chapel, State House, Abuja.

L-R: Imomoh; Mrs. Omotola; non-Executive (Independent) Director, Mr. Andrew Alli and new Chairman of the board, Mrs. Osaretin Demuren. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Cross section of children making a presentation during a special church service to mark Mothering Sunday at the Aso Villa Chapel, State House, Abuja.



Party supporters celebrating.


Bishop of the African Church, Rt. Rev. David Akinyemi (Left) and some members of St. Paul’s African Church, during the Year 2015 Palm Sunday Service procession in Ilupeju, Lagos.

More party supporters celebrating. Rt. Rev. Akinyemi (2rd left),and other members of the church.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


L-R: Chairman of First Bank Holdings Company Plc, Dr. Oba Otudeko; Chairman, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc. Mr. Tony Elumelu; President of the Institute of Directors, Chief Eniola Fadayomi and Group Managing Director/CEO, Mr. Phillips Oduoza, during the annual UBA CEO awards organised to reward star performers across the group in Lagos.

President, Nigerian Football Federation, Mr. Amaju Pinnick; Captain of UBA Lions Fc/Winners of 2014 Nigerian Bankers Games, Mr. Chuka Nwachucku and the Group Managing Director/CEO, United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, Mr. Phillips Oduoza, during the awards.




L-R: President Goodluck Jonathan and former Head of State, now Head of Nigerian Peace Committee on 2015 Elections, General Abdusalami Abubakar, during a courtesy visit to the State House, Abuja.

L-R: Former Chief of General Staff, Commodore Ebitu Ukiwe; Chairman,. Peace Accord for 2015 Presidential Election, General Abdulsalami Abubarka (rtd) and other dignitaries during the visit of the committee to the Presidential Villa, Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara.


South West coordinator, Buhari/Osibajo Presidential Campaign, Governor Rauf Aregbesola (2nd right); his Wife, Alhaja Sherifat Aregbesola (right); former Osun State Governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola and the state’s Deputy Governor, Mrs. L-R: South West zonal women leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief (Mrs.) Kemi Nelson; Tit Laoye-Tomori during the celebration of General Muhammadu Buhari’ (rtd)’s victory at the 2015 presidential election, the party’s aspirant to the Lagos State House of Assembly (Ikeja Constituency), Prince Adedamola held at Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo. Richard Kasunmu; Princess Bola Kazeem; Coordinator, Buhari/Osinbanjo Campaign Organization,

Lagos, Hon. James Abiodun Faleke and other members of the party.


Other dignitaries during the celebration. APC supporters drumming to celebrate the party’s victory diuring the event.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Nutrition for the elderly


utrition is an important factor in the health and wellbeing of persons over the age of 65. However, careful nutritional assessment is necessary for both the successful diagnosis and development of comprehensive treatment plans for malnutrition in the elderly. Poor nutrition in the elderly may be as a result YW RKJKXOJ\ TUZMPK MPKQJ\ MO[JTO\OQ_ [OMP PFPXQ[ of medication, decreased sensitivity, physical difRXU\Q_ WYZ|PQWU\KP[[ JKM MPjZP[[OYK JKM QVP[P have been shown to increase the risk of ailments such as infections, bed sores, chest infections, poor wound healing, arthritis, heart disease or diabetes, high blood pressure and other chronic illnesses in the elderly. 7VP KUQZOQOYKJ\ KPPM[ YW Y\MPZ JMU\Q[ JZP MO9cult to classify into absolute age groups because their dietary needs may depend on current health [QJQU[ JKM ]VO\P `JK_ Y\MPZ jPYj\P JZP RQ JKM active, some others who are younger may be frail and require additional care. One vital aspect of their diet is cutting down on calories by replacing saturated fats with hearthealthy fats in their meals. They are thought to play a role in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Heart-healthy fats may also have a role in other diseases, including obesity and cancer. (kJ`j\P[ JZP Y\O^P YO\ [JÂąY]PZ YO\ jPJKUQ YO\ and corn oil. Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring. Plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids OKX\UMP ˆJk[PPM |ZYUKM YO\[ XJKY\J ˆJk[PPM [Y_TPJK JKM KUQ[ JKM YQVPZ [PPM[ ]J\KUQ[ TUQQPZKUQ[ JKM [UKˆY]PZ 3V_QYXVP`OXJ\[ WZY` MOFPZPKQ WZUOQ[ JKM ^P|etables can be used as surrogate marker for adequate variety in their diets. They should try to PJQ R^P QY [P^PK [PZ^OK|[ YW WZUOQ[ JKM ^P|PQJT\P[ from each colour group. It is also essential for the elderly to consume UKZPRKPM XPZPJ\ WYYM[ JKM jU\[P[ J[ QVP_ JZP `Y[Q\_ ZOXV OK RTZP \Y] OK XJ\YZOP[ JKM jJXfPM with nutrients that lower the risk of constipation and bowel problems mainly due to a reduced gut motility and inactivity. Examples are: brown rice, barley etc. To help the gut work properly, it’s also imporQJKQ WYZ QVP P\MPZ\_ QY MZOKf j\PKQ_ YW ˆUOM ]VPKever thirsty. Dehydration can make older people feel drowsy or confused. It’s important to drink, even if this means extra trips to the toilet. Fluid inQJfP MYP[ KYQ ŠU[Q `PJK ]JQPZ OQ XJK J\[Y OKX\UMP such drinks as tea, fruit juice and squash. Older people should limit foods and drinks that are rich in sugar, as they can impair dental health and contribute to weight gain when energy intake is too high. But for people who have a poor appetite, or lost weight, sugar-rich foods can be a useful source of calories. They should avoid excessive alcohol intake as it could be detrimental to health. It is vital to consume more foods rich in B vita`OK[ ^OQJ`OK % JKM WY\OJQP[ 7VP ZOXVP[Q [YUZXP[ OKX\UMP R[V `PJQ jYU\QZ_ P||[ `O\f JKM `O\f products. Talk to your doctor about whether you [VYU\M QJfP J % [Ujj\P`PKQ They should also consume foods rich in viQJ`OK & [UXV J[ J |\J[[ YW WZP[V ŠUOXP WZP[V WZUOQ YZ ^P|PQJT\P[ $\[Y WYYM[ ZOXV OK XJ\XOU` \OfP skimmed milk, unsweetened yoghurt are very good sources. Foods can often taste bland to older people, so they can try using herbs and spices such as garlic, YKOYK[ |OK|PZ PQX 7Y`JQYP[ JKM YQVPZ ˆJ^YUZOK| [UXV J[ \P`YK ŠUOXP `J_ TP U[PM QY ˆJ^YUZ WYYM[ but must avoid using too much salt. Salt and saltpreserved foods are linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer, high blood pressure etc. The lifestyle pattern of the elderly should be well taken care of. They are advised to eat within the company of people, especially if they are depressed. It is vital to present food in an attractive way and choose a variety of foods where possible to keep the experience interesting. Vitamin ' [UK[VOKP ^OQJ`OK O[ ^PZ_ O`jYZQJKQ WYZ QVY[P who are housebound. Exercise and physical activity are among the healthiest things older ones can do. Scientists have found that staying physically active and exercising regularly can help prevent or delay many diseases and disabilities and can make muscles grow stronger as well as help maintain bone strength.

Prepare, enjoy Oha (ora) soup


ash the cocoa yam with just water and start cooking, cook until it is soft (you can check with your fingers), then peel off the outer back and pound with a mortar and pestle, the normal traditional way. Grind crayfish and fresh pepper . Pluck off the Uha leaves from the stem and slice with a kitchen knife. Some people prefer to shred the leaves with their fingers. This method will ensure that the leaves are not shredded into tiny bits. In case you want to slice with a kitchen knife just to ease up the process, be sure not to slice into very tiny bits. Parboil meat with the necessary ingredients, allow to cook for 10 to 15 minutes before adding the hot-water-washed dry fish and stock fish just to make sure the accompanying sand is washed off. Add the stock fish and cook until it is tender. Add more water then add red oil (palm oil), ground crayfish, maggi, salt and pepper to taste. Stir and allow to boil. At this point, it should give a good soupy taste (even though it would be watery). Then add the pounded cocoa yam or ground egusi if you choose to make oha soup with egusi, which is also a very tasty recipe. Either egusi, achi or cocoa yam can serve as the thickener for this popular Igbo soup. Also add the ogiri at this point. Stir, allow to dissolve before adding the sliced uziza leaves then uha leave should follow after a minute. Stir and cook for another 3 to 5 minutes and you just made a very delicious oha soup (ofe ora). Serve with eba, fufu or pounded yam. Ingredients for Oha soup Oha leaves (as required) Cocao yam (see the video below)(about 15 to 20 medium sizes) Meat of choice (chicken, assorted, beef, goat meat, turkey) Dry fish/mangala (as desired) Maggi (seasoning) 2 to 4 cubes Crayfish ( 2 cups) A handful of Uziza leaves (optional) 1 big Stock fish head Palm oil 15 to 20cl 0.2 cup of ofor or achi (as alternative thickener) Ogiri (local ingredients) salt and pepper to taste

Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015


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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Saturday, April 4, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

Why Jonathan lost

Continued from Page 15

while down in the South, it was in thousands with the exception of Lagos, Rivers and Delta states. 6U9XP QY [J_ QVJQ YUQ YW [QJQP[ OK the South, only three recorded over one million voters each whereas most of those in the North were in millions. Technically, Jonathan had lost the contest before its commencement. Military factor too is another issue for discussion. It is generally believed that Obasanjo decided to queue behind his colleague for obvious reason – espirit de corp. He did not only queue behind Buhari, Obasanjo also ceaselessly canvassed for votes for the slim President-elect. Spontaneously, President Jonathan has in the spirit of comradeship and sportsmanship congratulated both Buhari and Tinubu, saying, “I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my words. I have also Jonathan expanded the space for Nigerians to participate in the democratic process. That is one legacy I will like to see endure. “Although some people have expressed mixed feelings about the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), I urge those who may feel aggrieved to follow due process based on our constitution and our electoral laws in seeking redress. „$[ , VJ^P J\]J_[ J9Z`PM nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear Jega country are more important than anything else. “I congratulate all Nigerians for successfully going through the process of the March 28th general elections with the commendable enthusiasm and commitment that was demonstrated nationwide. “I also commend the security services for their role in ensuring that the elections were mostly peaceful and violence-free. “To my colleagues in the PDP, I thank you for your support. Today, the PDP should be celebrating rather than mourning. We have established a legacy of democratic Mu’azu Continued from Page 16

In Plateau State, the PDP had 509,615 votes as against APC’s 429,140 votes. In Imo State, the PDP won the presidential election with 559,185 votes as against APC’s 133,253. In Akwa Ibom State, the PDP won with a landslide of 953,304 votes as against APC’s 58,411 votes. ,K .JKY 6QJQP QVP $3& ˆYYZPM QVP PDP by winning the presidential election at a record 1,903,999 votes as against PDP’s 215,779 votes. In Jigawa State, the APC won with 885,988 as against PDP’s 142,904 votes.

In Katsina State, the home state of Buhari, the APC scored 1,345,441 votes as against PDP’s 98,937 votes. In Kwara State, the APC led with 302,146 votes as against PDP’s 132,602 votes. In Kaduna State, the APC led with 1,127,760 votes as against PDP’s 484,085 votes. In Anambra State, the PDP won with 660,762 votes as against APC’s 17,926 votes. In Abia State, the APC scored 13,394 while the PDP scored 368,303 votes to claim victory. Ogun State’s total registered voters was given as 1,709,409 while the



number of accredited voters was 594,975. The total result showed that APC scored 308,290 while tge PDP scored 207,950. Areas of Ogun where elections did not hold include Imeko Afon, and Abeokuta North. In Ekiti State, the PDP scored 176,466 to defeat the APC which scored 120,331; while in Enugu State, the PDP scored a landslide with 553,003 votes as against APC’s 14,157. In Kogi State, the APC scored 264,851 while the PDP scored 149,987 votes. In Osun State, the APC scored 383,603; while the PDP scored 249,929 votes; whereas in Ondo State, the APC

Politics Military factor too is another issue for discussion. It is generally believed that Obasanjo decided to queue behind his colleague for obvious reason – espirit de corp. He did not only queue behind Buhari, Obasanjo also ceaselessly canvassed for votes for the slim President-elect freedom, transparency, economic growth and free and fair elections. “For the past 16 years, we have steered the country away from ethnic and regional politics. We created a pan-Nigerian political party and brought home to our people the realities of economic development and social transformation. “Through patriotism and diligence, we have built the biggest and most patriotic party in Nigerian history. We must stand together as a party and look to the future with renewed optimism. “I thank all Nigerians once again for the great opportunity I was given to lead this country and assure you that I will continue to do my best at the helm of national JFJOZ[ UKQO\ QVP PKM YW `_ QPKUZP “I have conveyed my personal best wishes to General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd). May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria. “I thank you all,� he wrote as Nigerians await the May 29 handover. won with 299,889 votes as against PDP’s 251,368 votes. Registered voters in the state were 1,501,549 while accredited voters were 618,040 according to Prof. Olusola 2_P]Y\P QVP 5PQUZKOK| 29XPZ YW QVP state. At the Federal Capital Territory, with 344,056 accredited voters, the APC got 146,399; while the PDP scored 157,195, meaning that the APC won the presidential election in Nigeria’s capital and in Oyo State, the Returning 29XPZ 3ZYW $_YTJ`O 6J\J`O announced that the APC won with 528,620 votes as against PDP’s 303,376 votes.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

PDP remains party to beat in Delta – SSG Comrade Ovuozourie Macauley is the Secretary to the Delta State Government (SSG). In this interview he speaks on the performance of Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan in key areas such that would keep the government in the memory of the people even after he must have quit -/012 345 42 67289:5 -;<217 7- 742 =62 of the card reader machine recently >978-?=12? ;5 742 @9?2A29?297 National Electoral Commission @B(& 742 621827 ;24>9? 742 intimidating socio-economic development of the state in the last eight years, and why the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) remains 742 AJ875 7- ;2J7 >9 742 67J72 J95 ?J5 among other vital issues. BENSON EDJEWHOVBO presents the excerpts:


n about two months from now, the life of this government would come to an end. How would you describe your experience thus far? As for me, it is has been a very rewarding experience. I have gained so much indeed in terms of administration; I have also gained politically. My understanding of governance has been deepened and I have been

able to meet with quite a lot of people that matter in society during this last four years as Secretary to the Delta State Government. Undoubtedly, it has been very rewarding and fruitful. Some critics believe that the performance of this government is far from being splendid when compared with the revenue it got in eight years. How would you react to this?


Ovuozourie Well, in doing that, one has to bring out the statistics. When you say the performance is far from being splendid, I don’t know what that means. This is one government that has really touched the lives of jPYj\P OK MOFPZPKQ ]J_[ OK the areas of infrastructural development, human capital development and others. At least, there are things to show for it. The Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan-led government has really touched the lives of the people. We don’t look at the invisible things but the substantive ones; those are the ones that matter. In this election period, there are lots of speculations

around the state on how the governor has hijacked the civil service in the state, resulting in government Y9XOJ\[ XY`j\JOKOK| %POK| the Secretary to the State Government (SSG) since the past four years, how do you react to the speculations? When you talk of lack of money in circulation, are you talking about the national economy or Delta State? Everybody is aware that the economy of the whole nation has been dwindling since the past two years. It started gradually at about May 2013 and since then, it has never gone up. The allocation that comes to the state has been on the decline and it is still

declining. It is right to followup some of these national trends to know that the economy of this country is going down. This is still a country that depends on one source of revenue. So, if the national economy is going down, it means what goes to every state is also going down; whether it is an oil producing or non-oil producing state because the derivation too, is equally going down. So, it has nothing to do with Delta State. But I am proud to tell you that Delta State is one state that has kept its promise of making sure that workers get their salaries every month. Till date, Delta State

is not owing workers. I am sure there are some states in the country that started owing workers since last year. The only time we were unable to pay before the 30th of the month was last month when we paid in the following week. As at today, we are not owing February salary. So, I don’t know anybody who wants to complain about that; instead, we should be commended. What about the issue of unemployment? When somebody says the government hijacked employment, for God’s sake, he is the governor of the state. If he decides to Continued on Page 54

Agbaje commends Buhari, Jonathan, Lagosians Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


agos State governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Jimi Agbaje, has commended President Goodluck Jonathan and General Muhammadu Buhari for displaying true sportsmanship in last Saturday’s presidential election. Agbaje also commended Lagosians for voting massively for the PDP in the presidential and National Assembly elections. In a statement by Felix Oboagwina, Director of Media and Publicity

to Agbaje, the PDP candidate commended Jonathan for placing the nation ahead of personal and party interests by conceding defeat to Buhari. “Many in Nigeria and the international community had feared that 2015 would witness post-election violence and explosion in the nation,� he said, adding that, “but the pre-election and post-election disposition of these competing candidates has defused the tension and frustrated all evil prognoses.� According to him, the two had shown themselves as true nationalists. Agbaje described Jonathan as a man of history, being not only QVP RZ[Q OKXU`TPKQ \PJMPZ to concede defeat to the


opposition, but one of the few African leaders who did not have the sit-tight or do-or-die attitude to politics. Congratulating Buhari and the All Progressives Congress (APC) for their victory, Agbaje prayed

that their reign would usher in peace and prosperity in every part of Nigeria. He said by the result of the polls in Lagos, Lagosians had demonstrated that they were also ready for

change in the state, noting that PDP’s commendable performance at the three elections came about as a synergy between indigenes and nonindigenes. “The results were a victory for democracy in Lagos; it marked the end of the era of a one-party state in Lagos. Now that other parties have broken the monopoly of the ruling party, Lagosians can look forward to MPZO^OK| QVP WU\\ TPKPRQ[ of democracy. No longer will anyone or any party take Lagosians for a ride,� he said. Agbaje also congratulated Federal legislators emerging from the elections, urging them to remember that they owe their victory to the people and thus should be ready to serve the

electorate. He urged Lagosians QY VY\M RZ`\_ QY QVPOZ resolve to produce change at the April 11 governorship and state House of Assembly poll. However, Agbaje urged the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to solve the several headaches that bedevilled the polls, including, lateness of jY\\OK| [QJF JQ QVPOZ MUQ_ posts, malfunctioning of card readers and the unholy alliance between Y9XOJ\[ JKM QVP $\\ Progressives Congress (APC). “INEC owes Nigerians the duty to deliver free, fair and credible elections; so, the commission must do everything humanly and technically possible to check and avoid failure,� he said.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, Apile 4, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

PDP still the party to beat in Delta – SSG Continued from Page 53

throw employment open, he throws it opens. And, by the way, how many graduates do the governor has in his family that he would hijack employment for? So, I really don’t know where this is coming from. I thought after the primary we should have stopped all these dirty politics that is just trying to throw mud on people. We have passed that level; we are thinking of how to go foreword; we are thinking of how to deliver the PDP candidate. If one should run down the PDP state, then, you are running down the candidate of the party. The approval to employ people rests with the governor and once he gives it, the appropriate authority, in this case, the civil service commission, takes over from there. Who will be a governor in this country or even elsewhere and employment is going on and he has people in his family that would not employ one or two people from there? If I have a graduate who is ¯UJ\ORPM OK `_ WJ`O\_ JKM a position is advertised, I will give out his name but he has to pass through the procedures for the competition and if he is one YW QVY[P QVJQ |YQ QVP XUQ YF mark, he would be taken. But the speculation is that this is not the right time for the governor to employ people since a new governor is taking over by May 29 this year. Should we now ground the government because a new government is coming in? Government is a continuity; there is no stop to governance. When this government came in, in fact, three days to its swearing-in, major decisions were taken and when Dr. Uduaghan came in as governor, he didn’t throw them away. He went ahead and tackled them, believing that they were in the interest of the people. Let us not tie governance to individuals; let us not personalise this thing. If there is need for employment, it involves all; no exception. There is graduate unemployment; there is serious unemployment in the country. And if the government considers it necessary to employ a number of persons so as to reduce unemployment, I don’t see that as something that should cause any uproar. In other words, what you are saying is that we should stop all acts of governance, including paying of salaries until the next three months when the next government comes into being. What areas of performance

can you say would keep this government in the memories of the people? It depends on who you are and what touches you most. If, for instance, a woman who before Governor Uduaghan’s administration was not able to pay her hospital bills from the date of pregnancy up to the date of birth is now able to do so, including Caesarian operation, as far as that woman is concerned, Uduaghan is her hero. Equally, to those whose children normally will not go to hospital from date of birth to old age, but are today able to go to hospitals at no cost, Uduaghan has become their hero! For a young man who `JMP RZ[Q X\J[[ MP|ZPP earlier on and couldn’t go for master because his parents didn’t have money to pay his school fees, and today, Udughan has said that once _YU `JMP RZ[Q X\J[[ MP|ZPP anywhere you want to read in the world, take this N5 million every year and proceed. To him, no doubts, Uduaghan is a hero. It all depends on where you are looking at it from. Like we are just talking of employment, to anybody who is given employment by this administration, this government becomes his hero. So, when one asks what this government will be remembered for, you should know that it will depend on who you are and which part of this administration’s policy touches you. Today, your party is ! the state from both the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Labour Party (LP). Do you see your party surviving the activities of the opposition? In Delta State, I don’t see JK_ [QOF YjjY[OQOYK $[ WJZ as Delta State politics is concerned, the PDP is the only party to beat. Even the opposition parties know that they do not have a structure to win election in this state. And I tell them to prove it. I have challenged them before; PDP candidates have gone from one local government to the other. The highest the oppositions have done is to embark on senatorial rallies. Today the PDP candidate is going from community to community, holding town hall meetings; discussing with people. I haven’t seen any of the opposition you refer to doing such. The opposition can take control of any other place but not Delta State. There have been complaints from the Urhobos in Delta Central and the Isoko as well as the Itsekiri people of Delta South, who believe

Mu’azu that they were cheated in ! " # not serious enough to cost your party victory? That is not correct. The Isokos didn’t complain that Dr. Uduaghan’s administration didn’t |O^P QVP` Y9XP[ /PQ `P put the records right. The Isokos have issues with the primaries. We believe from the beginning that the next deputy governor should come from the Isoko nation. Since the Anioma people are producing the governor, the South automatically has to produce the deputy governor. And in the South, you have the Isokos, Itsekiris and the Ijaws. And the Ijaws have produced a senator who is still serving and is coming again from there. The Itsekiris have equally produced the governor who is serving now and is about \PJ^OK| Y9XP $KM ]P WP\Q QVJQ QVP KPkQ O`jYZQJKQ Y9XP coming to the South should now go to the Isokos. That is the problem we had and the position now went to Ijaw.


As for the Itsekiris, they have just had the governorship position. $ " to look for again? So, that question, as far as I am concerned, is a malicious question. Such complaints don’t exist anywhere? In political setting, there is no way a political party can win an election without a structure in a state. Investigation in Delta State reveals that the PDP has the structure to win the next election. But when it comes to the gubernatorial election, what are the things you think can happen during the exercise? You have answered the question that the PDP has the structure to win election in Delta State any day. That is a foregone matter. Undoubtedly, the PDP is the only party that has a structure from the ward levels through the local governments to the state level. We have a structure on ground that can be activated any day, anytime. Presently, even in my local

government, people are moving from unit to unit which is the closest, ward to ward. Leaders like me would lead people to units in my ward. But the fact that you have a structure to win doesn’t means you can go and sleep. If you go to sleep, the opposition can do something silly and you will have to depend going to court to retrieve it. So, we are still talking to people; in fact, we are in touch with the people. Now, we have refrained from going from units to unit; we are now committed to leading the people to units in our various wards. We are in touch and we are going to continue like this until the MJ_ QVP ,1(& RKJ\\_ [J_[ KY campaign again. Then, we would go to the poll with the people happy behind us. We are not taking anybody for granted and we are not taking our advantaged position for granted. Why do you think the electorate would patronise the PDP in the governorship poll? In the last four years, which |Y^PZKYZ VJ[ QVP XYKRMPKXP to build overhead bridges the types you have here in Warri and Asaba? I don’t think many governors have that type of courage. Even the Federal Government borrowed this idea of paying N5 million to graduates to go and do their master degrees from this state. The Federal Government has seen it as a good investment. Even if it is only your mother that is from here – Delta State, you XJK P¯UJ\\_ TPKPRQ WZY` QVP programme. There are lots of things that the state has put in place. Go and look at the health care programme; the standard of schools we have in Delta State. So, we have everything it takes to win the governorship election. How do you see the controversial INEC card reader that has just been used in the presidential election? My problem with the card reader is this: no matter how [XOPKQORX YZ ZP\OJT\P OQ O[ OQ is like a surgical instrument that has never been tested in QVP QVPJQZP JKM WYZ QVP RZ[Q time, you want to use it to operate a human heart. It’s not done anywhere in the world. With all due respects, Attahiru Jega is a professor and he knows what research is all about. This card reader has never been used before; it’s the RZ[Q QO`P QVP_ JZP TZOK|OK| it in and everyone can see how it has failed us in this presidential election. In the past, we have had a lot of bye-elections, senatorial, and other elections. I won’t

even allow you to use it as a governor to conduct my bye-election not to talk of a national election. It is an experiment. You don’t use a whole nation to make an experiment. That is my argument. I don’t want to know how [XOPKQORX OQ O[ 7VP WJXQ QVJQ OQ has not been proved in the world before, makes it wrong for use here. As civilised as America is, J[ [XOPKQORX J[ ,[ZJP\ O[ QVP_ have not used this method. Nigeria is still a third world country, whether we like it or not. And you cannot bring QY U[ J [XOPKQORX YTŠPXQ YZ apparatus to test in a third world country. No amount of grammar Jega and his people speak would convince me that the intention of the card reader is genuine. This is because they don’t have a pedigree for it; they don’t have instances where the card reader has been very successful. As far as I’m concerned, it should be put aside; do the elections in the way we do it. And after the major elections, if you have bye-elections, you can use it to test it so that you don’t cause a national panic. Is there any secret behind all these socioeconomic improvements in DeltaState? It’s all about strategic thinking. If you want to be president or governor, at least, you must have time to think over what you want to do. The problem we have in 'P\QJ 6QJQP OK QVP RZ[Q QPKUZP of Governor Uduaghan was the series of distraction arising from litigations. But having settled down in this second term, the governor QYYf YF JKM QZOPM QY XJQXV Uj ]OQV ]VJQ VP \Y[Q OK VO[ RZ[Q tenure. And one can see that even as he is leaving projects are still ongoing. Chief James Ibori laid a good foundation. There are some states where a governor would go to commission a bore hole of N1 million and it would be on Channel TV. But the Delta is a state where you will even carry out projects running into one hundred million and, of course, one believes that it’s the right of the people to have all these things after all, but we don’t spend precious time and money commissioning them. If we are to go on commissioning, the governor could have spent his last one year just commissioning projects. I say this with all sense of responsibility - go to the local government areas JKM RKM YUQ ]VPQVPZ QVP projects we are taking about exist or not. That is why I’m quite convinced that no party can beat the PDP in Delta State.



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Saturday, April 4

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Saturday, April 4

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Saturday, April 4,

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015


North Central

NASS: Kogi senator calls for cancellation of election result Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


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10 LG ex-chairmen defect to APC in Niger Justina Asishana, Minna


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Jang advises Christians to imbibe spirit of sacrifice at Easter Gyang Bere, Jos


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Omotade charges Buhari on power, security Nnah Douglas, Abuja


Katsina State Governor, Ibrahim Shema (fourth left), Emirs and others, at the funeral prayer of former Inspector General of Police, M. D. Yusuf in Katsina State.

Pwajok urges Plateau people to remain resolute ahead guber polls Gyang Bere, Jos


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sports Update Nike set to strike new deal with Nigeria T

h Ni he Nigeria i Football Federation and sports kits manufacturing giant Nike, are set to reach an agreement with the Super Eagles and all Nigerian National Teams. Both sides agreed to go into a partnership that will see Nike supply the kits and training equipment for the Super Eagles, Super Falcons, the U23 Dream Team, the Flying Eagles, the Super Falcons, Falconets, the Golden Eaglets and the Flamingos according to an unnamed NFF source. Nike as we know, was the apparel supplier for Nigeria during the 2002 Japan Korea World Cup during which

Omeruo available for Boro after injury scare Nigeria International defender Kenneth Omeruo, j`^]j[}Z]^ ]W}ÂŞYV[‹]W}] Nigeria friendly game against South Africa, is in line to play for his team Middlesborough when they host Wigan Athletic in the English Championship this weekend. Omeruo was substituted U_Z[V]ÂŞY\Z]¹à ] W}YZ[\]^_] WÂ…[VWUÇ\]ÂąĂ?Âą]‹VUj]jWZ`] South Africa in Nelspruit, with what was initially _[UV[‹]Z^]X[]U]Â…V^W}]W}ÂŞYV–‰] which might have ruled him out of the rest of the campaign but that is not the case. `[]^}Ă?{^U}] `[{\[U] defender, according to the team website, was replaced by Nigeria as a precautionary measure in the friendly game, and he is now back in training ahead of the visit of Wigan Athletic. His chances of making a zV\Z]U‚‚[UVU}x[]W}]^|[V]U] month is also brightened by Z`[]W}ÂŞYV–Ă?[}_^Vx[‹]UX\[}x[] of Dani Ayala, but he still `U\]Z^]_[}‹]^ ]x^ Â‚[ZWZW^}] from new signing Fernando  ^V[XW[6U]U}‹] –U}] Fredericks, who is also back in contention after an W}ÂŞYV–Ă?[}_^Vx[‹]UX\[}x[ÂŒ `[]ÂŻÂą]–[UV]^{‹] WÂ…[VWU] international has so far failed to hit same height he ‹W‹]W}]`W\]zV\Z]{^U}]\‚[{{] with the team last season, and has been restricted to ÂŞY\Z]¹Þ]{[UÂ…Y[]Â…U [\]Z`W\] season from a possible 39, the last of which came on Z`[]ÂŻĂžZ`]^_] [XVYUV–‰]j`[}] ^V^]{^\Z]°Ă?ÂŻ]Z^] `[0[{‹] Wednesday.

they introduced the ƒ^V[\x[}Z]}[^}]{W [] Green kit that was received with mixed reviews by Nigerian fans. Nike is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development,

manufacturing and worldwide marketing and sales of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. The company is headquartered near Beaverton, Oregon, in the Portland metropolitan area. It is one of the

Enyeama:Nigeria must groom another keeper


ot many players are able to let go while still on form, but Nigerian goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama feels that his country must start looking for his replacement. This comes as a good news to Daniel Akpeyi who is also another Super Eagles goalkeeper who has already been Â…[6W}Â…]Â…U []ZW []^_]{UZ[ÂŒ Enyeama, who _[UZYV[‹]W}]`W\]¹°°Z`] game for Nigeria in a friendly against Uganda recently, said he would love to keep on playing

for as long as possible, but admits he’ll have to give way at some point. “I tell you the truth, will love to stay as long as possible but at some time you need to let it go. You need to let others take over,� he Z^{‹]Z`[} Œx^ Œ “I really wish I can go on forever but I can’t so Nigeria should start grooming someone to take over from me, and that is what I wish. “But for now I don’t know how long I can go so there has to be someone to take over.�

world’s largest suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel and currently kits many  UÂŞ^V]Z[U \]W}x{Y‹W}Â…] Brazil Arsenal and Zambia in Africa. Nigeria was previously dressed by Adidas.

CAF Cup ties

Sanusi to support Pillars, Enyimba


n a demonstration of the keen desire of Nigeria Football Federation to see the x^Y}ZV–Ç\]ƒUÂ…X[UV[V\] in continental club competitions continue to make progress in this year’s competitions, NFF General Secretary, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi, will be in Kano and Cairo to support Kano Pillars and Enyimba FC, the two CAF Champions League representatives, this weekend. The NFF scribe is already in Kano, venue ^_] UZYV‹U–Ç\]zV\Z]V^Y}‹‰] \[x^}‹]{[Â…]XU6{[]X[Zj[[}] the Nigerian champions and Moghreb Athletic Tetouan of Morocco. The  UZx`]Â?WxÂ?\]^ ]UZ]¯‚ ]UZ] the Sani Abacha Stadium. During the week, the NFF dispatched Dr. ^XW}\^}] Â?^\Y}]^_]Z`[] Technical Department, who has at various times worked as Super Eagles’ psychologist, to Kano

to provide necessary psychological service to Pillars, who have a mountain to surmount U_Z[V]{^\W}Â…]Z`[]zV\Z] {[Â…]ÆĂ?°]W}] ^V^xx^]U}‹] with some of their best {[Â…\]\ZW{{]W}ÂŞYV[‹]_V^ ]U] ‹U–{WÂ…`Z]V^XX[V–]U6UxÂ?] X[_^V[]Z`UZ]zV\Z]{[Â…] match. Dr. Sanusi will leave the city of Kano immediately after the match to travel to Egypt, and give hefty moral support to Enyimba FC of Aba who confront  ^Y`U] ]W}]U]zV\Z] round, second leg match in Alexandria on Sunday. Enyimba take a slim ÂąĂ?°]{[U‹]Z^]Z`UZ]x{U\`]UZ] the Alexandria Stadium, j`Wx`]X[Â…W}\]UZ]¡Â‚ ] Egypt time. The experienced administrator will then move to Cairo, venue of the 37th CAF Ordinary General Congress taking place at the CAF headquarters on Tuesday.

Mikel out of Stoke City cracker, Mourinho confirms


helsea manager Jose Mourinho has disclosed Nigeria  W‹z[{‹[V] WÂ?[{] XW]W\]zZ] again but tired and will not be picked for this weekend’s match against Stoke City. Mikel has recovered from knee surgery and has been training but the Portuguese manager said he is tired to play a game now due to the W}ÂŞYV–Œ Mourinho explained: “In this moment we have }^]W}ÂŞYVW[\‰]XYZ] WÂ?[{]W\]}^Z] \[{[xZ[‹Œ] [Ç\]z}[]U}‹]`U\] worked all week with the group. “He’s very tired so is }^Z]\[{[xZ[‹‰]}^Z]W}ÂŞYV[‹Œ] Mikel is tired because he jU\]W}ÂŞYV[‹]_^V]U] ^}Z`‰] had surgery and was not working with the group. “After four sessions with the group he needs time to adapt and be in condition.â€?

African Beach Soccer Championship:

Supersand Eagles know opponents April 5


igeria’s Supersand Eagles, presently camping at the Beach Soccer camp in Badagry, Lagos will on Y}‹U–]Â?}^j]Z`[WV]zV\Z] round opponents at the ¯°¹¡] _VWxU}] [Ux`] ^xx[V] Championship taking place in Seychelles. Champions in 2007 and 2009, and World Cup ÂŹYUVZ[V]z}U{W\Z\]W}]¯°¹¹Â‰] the Supersand Eagles V[x[}Z{–]z}W\`[‹]Z`WV‹]UZ] an invitational tournament sponsored by Power Horse in Durban, South Africa. A team of 20 players has been in camp since last week, and will be reduced Z^]¹¯]X[_^V[]Z`[]Z[U ]ZVU|[{\]

for the competition that will ZUÂ?[]‚{Ux[] ‚VW{]¹ÆĂ?¹åÂŒ WÂ…[VWU‰]j`^]ÂŹYU{Wz[‹] without kicking a ball following the withdrawal of WX–U‰]ÂŞ^W}]`^\Z] [–x`[{{[\‰] Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Morocco and Senegal in the Draw that will be conducted at the

CAF headquarters in Cairo on Sunday evening. Also taking place at CAF headquarters on Sunday is the Draw Ceremony for Z`[]ÆZ`] _VWxU}] UZW^}\] Championship, scheduled Z^]ZU�[]‚{Ux[]W}] jU}‹U]W}]

U}YUV–]¯°¹Ă’ÂŒ] `[]ÂŹYU{W_–W}Â…] series will start in June.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sports Update

I ‘ll return to football as coach – Kanu


ormer Nigeria International, Kanu Nwankwo, has revealed he’s eyeing a return to football but as a Coach in the future. The 38-year-old former African footballer of the year enjoyed an illustrious club career and also represented Nigeria at various level. Some of his biggest moments include his winning goal against Brazil at the 1996 Summer Olympics in the \[ W�z}U{] UZx`]U…UW}\Z] Brazil which ensured Nigeria advanced to Z`[]z}U{]^_]Z`[] [}Ç\] football event. In an exclusive chat with www.footballlive. ng, Kanu expressed x^}z‹[}x[]W}]`W\]UXW{WZW[\]Z^] U}U…[]U]_^^ZXU{{]

team though he was mute on whether it will be a National team. U‚W{{^]]W‹[}ZWz[‹]]Z`[] strong point of his abilities to be matchreading analysis a fact that has seen him share the sidelines with some Super Eagles Coaches in the past â€? People ask me this question a lot. And I know that I am going to be a good Coach, V[U‹W}Â…]Â…U [\]­] UZx`Ă? Reading) is one area I have really excelled. â€? I don’t want to be a Coach right now though, perhaps in the future because I know this is an aspect of the game am certain to succeed at,â€? the Former Eagles Captain revealed.

Vejle’ll not release Onuachu for Zambia clash


ream Team VI coach, Samson Siasia, will have to do without FC Midtjylland loanee Paul Onuachu in the make or mar All Africa Games qualiRPZ J|JOK[Q =J`TOJ OK Lusaka next weekend. 7VP 6jYZQOK| Director of Vejle BK, Steen Thychosen, has disclosed that the TPJKjY\P WYZ]JZM O[ TJQQ\OK| QY Y^PZXY`P a toe injury, and will KYQ QZJ^P\ QY $TUŠJ QY join his international XY\\PJ|UP[ ‘’Paul has had some

jZYT\P`[ ]OQV VO[ QYP for some time, so we MYK{ Q QVOKf OQ{[ J |YYM idea that he joins the national team this time, ‘’ Steen Thychosen told J \YXJ\ ]PT[OQP ‘’He is not ready to participate in the match J|JOK[Q =J`TOJ ‰3JU\ VO`[P\W VJ[ J|ZPPM YK the decision, that he has to stay in Denmark.’’ Paul Onuachu would VJ^P `O[[PM Q]Y |J`P[ in the Danish First Division if Vejle BK had sanctioned his trip to Africa for the internaQOYKJ\ |J`P ]VOXV WJ\\[ outside the Fifa calender WYZ KJQOYKJ\ QPJ`[ |PQ

QY|PQVPZ[ 9PŠ\P %.{[ [jYZQOK| director added : ‘’If he VJM QY |Y VP ]J[ QY leave already today, and therefore he would miss two matches in the DanO[V )OZ[Q 'O^O[OYK J|JOK[Q FC Roskilde and FC Fredericia. ‘’He is an important player for our squad, and we’ re happy that he stays with us for the KPkQ `JQXVP[ OW VP{[ JT\P to play.’’ 7VP )& (TPMPO jZYMUXQ XJ`P YF QVP TPKXV for the last 15 minutes of QVP \PJ|UP |J`P J|JOK[Q Skive on Thursday afternoon.

Enaholo looking to strike a deal abroad


lying Eagles goalkeeper, Joshua Enaholo, has told that he hopes to seal a deal abroad after the FIFA U20 World Cup. `[] ]^_] UÂ…^\] goalie, who displaced the more famous Dele Alampasu to become WÂ…[VWUÇ\]zV\Z]x`^Wx[] goalkeeper at the 2015 Africa Youth Championship, says the target for him is to do well in New Zealand and U6VUxZ]W}Z[V[\Z\]_V^ ] foreign clubs. “The target is to do well and get a club abroad, in Europe precisely. That’s my dream and I believe the same applies to my other teammates here,â€? he told “The Africa Youth Championship was a great experience for me and it has made me a X[6[V]Â…^U{Â?[[‚[V]XYZ] with a good outing at the World Cup, I hope Ç{{]Â…[Z]^ [V\]UXV^U‹ŒŠ

Crucial AAG qualifier Nigeria looks up to Ajagun for inspiration


oach Samson Siasia is now considering Panathiniakos midz[{‹[V] X‹Y{ªU{[[{] ªUgun to inspire his disª^W}Z[‹] W‹z[{‹]U\]`W\] Nigeria U23 team face a crunch tie against Zambia on April 12 for a place in the 2015 All Africa Games football event. Both teams played out a goalless draw in Abuja last month. .Siasia’s team have struggled in defence

U}‹] W‹z[{‹]U}‹] ªUgun could well now be the answer to the team’s problems in the middle of the park, team sources told AfricanFootball. com [}ZVU{] W‹z[{‹[V] Ajagun was the star for the Flying Eagles as they reached the knockout rounds of the 2013 FIFA U20 World Cup in Turkey. His goals, creativity and overall play at this tournament will earn him a contract at top

NFF suspend Anambra Fed Cup final



Yobo welcomes baby number 2


ormer Super (J|\P[ XJjQJOK and defender, Jo[PjV <YTY VJ[ ]P\XY`PM J TYUKXOK| TJT_ -J_MPK with wife, Adaeze. His wife took to Insta|ZJ` QY ZP^PJ\ QVP |YYM KP][ T_ jY[QOK| J jVYQY YW QVP Pk 1O|PZOJK OKQPZnational in a maternity |Y]K

„,Q{[ J TY_ † -Y[PjV <YTY OK[XZOTPM YK QVP `JQPZKOQ_ MZP[[ J\YK| ]OQV QVP time of delivery, the name YW QVP TJT_ JKM ]VJQ VP ]PO|VPM JQ QVP QO`P YW deliverly. $XXYZMOK| QY 3U\[P RKMOK|[ $MJP‡P <YTY MP\O^ered today, Friday, April 3 at exactly 7.57 am. 7VO[ ]YU\M TP -Y[PjV

<YTY{[ [PXYKM XVO\M VO[ RZ[Q -YP_ <YTY ]J[ TYZK in April 2010. -Y[PjV <YTY JKM WYZ`PZ Most Beautiful Girl in 1O|PZOJ $MJP‡P ,|]P |YQ `JZZOPM OK OK J `OMKO|VQ XPZP`YK_ VP\M in Jos. Last year, Adaeze was ^YQPM KU`TPZ WYUZ YK the list of ‘Most Beautiful


he Nigeria Football Federation has suspended Z`[]z}U{]^_]Z`[] }U bra State Federation Cup, pending the resolution of the leadership crisis in that state. The NFF had issued a directive to the Football Associations of all 36 States and the FCT to hold their Fed[VUZW^}] Y‚]z}U{[]Z`W\] weekend, in order not to disrupt the well-laidout calendar for this year’s programme. But the body has now decided to make Anambra an exemption following the crisis. According to NFF’s release, the competition will remain suspended until the  U6[V]W\]V[\^{|[‹Œ]

“Chairman of the NFF States’ Elections ^}WZ^VW}…] ^  WZtee and the Chairman of FA Chairmen, Alhaji Ibrahim Gusau, will travel to Anambra State to meet with the two contending parties and resolve the logjam,� NFF General Secretary, VŒ] ^`U  [‹] U}Y\W‰] said on Friday. The leadership tussle in Anambra State Football Association has festered over the weeks, following the declaration by former NFF vice president W�[]  [`]Z`UZ]`[]`U‹] been re-elected, while a faction led by his vice chairman, Barrister Jude Obikwelu continues to insist that Umeh has been voted out of ^0x[Œ

Greek club Panathinaikos. This season, Ajagun has scored six goals for Panathinaikos - four in the league, one in the Europa League and one in the cup. And Panathinaikos are leading the table with 61 points from 27 games. Former Nigeria U20 coach John Obuh has already backed the invitation of Ajagun to the U23 team.

Simon listed for Ebony Award in Belgium


igeria forward, ^\[\] W ^}] W\]^}[]^_]z|[] players nominated for the prestigious Ebony Award for the best African player in Belgium this season. ‘Daddy’ Simon, 19, has made an immediate impact in the [{…WU}]Z^‚]ƒW…`Z]U_Z[V] he scored six goals in seven matches for Gent on arrival in the winter from AS Trencin of Slovakia. It is a form which earned the dashing forward his full international debut for Nigeria last month against Uganda as well as a recall to the Nigeria U20 team, who are bound for next month’s FIFA U20 World Cup in New Zealand.

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