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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015


South West

June 12: Activists want MKO immortalised Mansur Oladunjoye


s a section of the country, especially the South-West yesterday celebrated the 22 years anniversary of the annulment of the June 12, 1993 elections, presumably won by Chief MKO Abiola, and truncated by the then military government of Gen. Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida (retired), the Coordinator of the Oodua Peoples’ Congress (OPC), Otunba Gani Adams, has urged the federal and state governments in Nigeria to immortalize the acclaimed ÂŞ}__Z\^ ÂŞ}]`^ Zˆ}™qZ{^ named after him. Speaking on the theme: ‘June 12, 1993, and Nigeria’s political administration’ at the Excellence hotels Ogba, Lagos, Adams suggested renaming of

the National stadium, Surulere, after Abiola. He also commended former President Goodluck Jonathan for naming the University of Lagos (UNILAG) after the deceased. According to him, nothing will be too much ÂŒ[\^]`Z^‰j_^ÂŞ`[^{jq\}™qZˆ^ himself for the democracy being enjoyed today across the country. “While credit must be given to former President Goodluck Jonathan for his decision to name the UNILAG after the hero of our democracy, I believe a lot still need to be done to honour him and stamp his name as a true hero of our democracy. We all know that Abiola was a good lover of sports. He was the proprietor of one of the best-run football clubs in this country, Abiola Babes

Football Club. For his Z&[\]{Â’^ `Z^ ÂŞj{^ `[_[|\Zˆ^ with the title of the Pillar of Sports in Africa, a no mean feat,â€? Gani Adams said. He added: “It is, therefore, on this note that I call on President Muhammadu Buhari to, j{^ j^ ‰j0Z\^ [ÂŒ^ |\ÂĄZ_q~Â’^ renovate and rename the National Stadium in Lagos after Bashorun Abiola. The decision will also go a long way to encourage the young ones that whatever {jq\}™qZ^ ]`Z~^ ‰j‘Z^ ÂŒ[\^ their country is not in vain.â€? He also urged the Federal Government to honour all Nigerians ‘who lost their lives in the struggle to enthrone the democracy that we all enjoy today.’ He however wanted President Buhari to act on the recommendations of

the National Conference especially on the issues of local government autonomy, federalism and resource control, adding, ‘it should be noted that the report of the National Conference is a collective decision of all Nigerians, irrespective of tribe, religion and profession.’ Delivering keynote address, Prof. Godini Darah of the Delta State University, Abraka recalled that the struggle for June 12 has recorded gains and upsets. “The June 12 tornado jŠ{[^ |_}™Zˆ^ j_ˆ^ broadened the platforms and geography of radical politics in Nigeria. By the 1990s, the epidemic of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) had hollowed the solidarity of left-wing movements considerably,� he pointed.

World’s first successful penis transplant fathers child


he Head of Urology at the University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa, Andre vanLMN 0MNOM PQRVNWML yesterday that the recipient QX YZM OQN[L\] VN]Y successful penis transplant has fathered a child. The Urologist said it O_] YZM OQN[L\] VN]Y `MRj] YN_R]`[_RY OjYZ [QRk YMNW success, an indication that the operation worked. Van-der-Merwe said the girlfriend of the 22-yearQ[L 6Q{YZ $XNjP_R W_R whose identity was being `NQYMPYML O_] XQ{N WQRYZ] pregnant, adding that the |Q{Rk W_R\] `MRj] O_]

_W`{Y_YML YZNMM |M_N] _kQ after a botched traditional PjNP{WPj]jQR OZjPZ O_] carried out in a rural setting without doctors. +M ]_jL YZM W_R NMPMj}ML a penile transplant in 'MPMW~MN [_]Y |M_N ~{Y the operation was only announced in March this year. A penile prosthesis was _RQYZMN YNM_YWMRY Q`YjQR XQN WMR OjYZ MNMPYj[M dysfunction, and the devices OMNM MjYZMN W_[[M_~[M ~MRL_~[M QN jR _Y_~[M 0MLjP_[ M€`MNY] ]_jL WQNM YZ_R `MRj[M _W`{Y_YjQR] take place in South Africa each year due to botched PjNP{WPj]jQR]

Ikota Shopping Complex elects new executives Ajibade Alabi


arrister Chinedu Ezeobi has been elected the new chairman, Ikota Shopping complex, Victoria Garden City (VGC), Lagos. The new chairman, in his acceptance speech after the inauguration of the newly elected executive members of the complex, said ‘as part of Z&[\]^][^Z_`j_qZ^]`Z^{Zq|\}]~^ of lives and properties at the market, the executives would introduce CCTV cameras in the complex.� He added that the new executives would take the market to greater height,

by taking ‘responsibility, enhancing accountability, and commitment to partnership that would serve greater society.’ He also assured that the executives would look into the epileptic supply of electricity into the market and provides alternative form of energy. Ezeobi further said that they would move against indiscriminate parking of cars and abandonment of vehicles in the market by empowering the task force and security agents to clampdown on any wrong parking and abandonment of vehicles.

ZAHRA holds first food exhibition in Lagos L-R: Former Lagos State Governor, Admiral Ndubuisi Kanu; National Coordinator, Oodua People’s Congress, Otunba Gani Adams; Guest speaker, Prof. Godini Darah; President, Campaign for Democracy(CD); Dr. Joe Okei-Odumakin and Chairman Campaign Against Corrupt Leaders (CACOL), Debo Adeniran at the commemoration of June 12, 1993 Presidential Election held in Lagos...yesterday. Photo: Bankole Damilare

Foundation donates $10m to Carter Centre to fight river blindness


i g e r i a n Philanthropist, `}ZŒ^ ‰Z‘j^ &[\’^ yesterday donated 10 million dollars to accelerate the Carter Z_]\Z•{^ Z&[\]{^ ][^ ZŠ}‰}_j]Z^ river blindness in Nigeria. The donation followed the signing of an agreement between the former U.S. President, Mr Jimmy Carter’s Z_]\Z^ j_ˆ^ }\^ ‰Z‘j^ &[\^ Foundation (SEOF) for a partnership to eliminate the disease from seven states in Nigeria. ]^ ]`Z^ qZ\Z‰[_~’^ &[\^ presented the cheque for the sum to Carter. Carter

said the money from SEOF would extend the reach of the Centre’s work in the South-East and South-South of Nigeria and help reach the goal of eliminating river blindness from the world’s most endemic country, Nigeria, by 2020. ‘’The 10 million dollars multi-year commitment of Sir &[\^ }{^ ]`Z^ Šj\ÂĄZ{]^ ÂŒ\[‰^ j_^ individual African donor in the Carter Centre history. The new resources will fund twothirds of the Carter Centre’s expanded interventions against river blindness in }ÂĄZ\}j^ ][^ ‰ZZ]^ ]`Z^ ™šZ¢~Zj\^

target to eliminate the disease nationwide,â€? Carter said. _^ `}{^ ÂŁj\]Â’^ &[\^ {j}ˆ^ `Z^ was ‘deeply honoured to work closely with the Carter Centre to help eliminate river blindness.’ ‘’Nigeria has more cases of the disease than any other country in the world.Yet, we know that with adequate resources, hard work and perseverance, we can defeat this terribly neglected disease that can steal a person’s ability to see the beauty of the world in which we live in, enjoy full and active life,â€? he said, He said that it was estimated

that up to 31 million Nigerians needed treatment to prevent unnecessary {|&Z\}_ÂĄ^ qj|{Zˆ^ ÂŚ~^ ]`Z^ disease, adding that the grant would support activities to expedite elimination of river blindness in Nigeria. For nearly two decades, Carter centre has assisted the Ministry of Health in nine {]j]Z{^][^™¥`]^\}šZ\^ŒŠ}_ˆ_Z{{^ through community-based health education and mass drug administration of Zq]}§j_Â’^ j^ ‰}q\[™Šj\}jŠ^ drug donated by the U.S. pharmaceutical company Merck.

Experts advise public against exposure of bodies to cold weather


PQR]{[Y_RY X_Wjly physician, Dr. 2[_kQ‚M 8]W_R yesterday advised that people should avoid undue exposure of their bodies during the rainy season to avoid the risk of cardiovascular diseases and viral infections. He added that undue exposure to weather was risky L{M YQ YZM [QO jWW{RjY| QX the body during the season.

8]W_R OZQ OQN‚] OjYZ the Federal Medical Centre, Ebute-Meta, Lagos, said that N_jR| ]M_]QR PQWM] OjYZ _ [QY QX ZM_[YZ jW`[jP_YjQR] _RL jY is a season whereby people PQRY_PY WQNM QX }jN_[ jRXMPtions. “During rainy season, `MQ`[M Z_}M WQNM QX }jN_[ jRXMPYjQR] ]{PZ _] PQWWQR PQ[L referred to as catarrh, cough and those with adverse ef-

XMPY] [j‚M _]YZW_ 5_jR| ]M_]QR _[]Q PQWM] OjYZ W_R| water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever and so on. This is due to people’s poor adherence to proper hygiene. Many engage in open defecation, and during rainy ]M_]QR YZM QQL k_YZMN] _[[ YZM]M Z{W_R X_MPM] _RL QYZMN V[YZ OZjPZ PQWM jR PQRY_PY OjYZ Z{W_R] ‡ ZM ]_jL “Children should be prop-

MN[| P[QYZML _RL kj}MR O_NW foods; they should not be allowed to stay in the rain, they should be well fed to be able YQ O_NL QE PQ[L '{NjRk YZM season, people should eat WQNM QX }MkMY_~[M] _RL XQQL that contain iron,’’ he advised. $RQYZMN M€`MNY 'N 8EQNY (RMW _ &_NLjQ}_]P{[_N &QRsultant, also spoke on steps to take during the rainy season.

Ayodele Olalere


agos based food and clothes concept, Zarha, will host the ™\{]^ ZšZ\^ Œ[[ˆ^ j_ˆ^ qŠ[]`Z{^ exhibition in Lagos State, between June 18 and June 21, 2015. The exhibition which promises to be a large assemblage of food vendors, traders and clothe producers will take place at Toyibat complex in Gbagada area of Lagos. According to Fatima Zulu Gambari, the project

coordinator, the exhibition is long overdue. “The importance of food cannot be overemphasised. The major nutrients that the body needs come from food, while clothes are part of our daily need for the essential, and for the aesthetic looks. The exhibition will be an opportunity to showcase ]`Z^ ˆ}&Z\Z_]^ }ÂĄZ\}j_^ foods, including the uncommon ones in the city,â€? she said.

Cleric calls for patience with Buhari, others Dayo Emmanuel


he General Evangelist of Motailatu Church Cherubim & Seraphim Worldwide (MCCSW), Elder Prof. Joseph Otubu, has urged Nigerians to be patient with the new administration. He said the expectation of change from the masses was valid and understandable but said the new government will require time to change the nation. Otubu, who spoke with newsmen, said ‘Nigerians are right to demand for change because that is what this new government promised.’ “It is in order to become anxious and apprehensive with government but we must give this new jˆ‰}_}{]\j]}[_^ j^ Š}0ŠZ^ ]}‰Z‹^

No nation is changed or turned over in an instant. It requires a lot of strenuous works and re-engineering to salvage a complex nation like Nigeria,â€? he urged. The patience required, the renowned gynaecologist stated, cannot be as much as the one Nigerians have exercised over the years. He assured that the administration will start ˆZŠ}šZ\}_ÂĄ^[_qZ^}]^{Z0ŠZ{^ˆ[ÂŞ_^ and is assisted by prayers. “Since we have a government more Nigerians wanted, all we can do now is to embrace eternal vigilance and pray for its success. I urge for patience because we are in for a wonderful time where God will restore our pride and make the whole world come looking for us again.â€?


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

South South


Wike inaugurates cabinet, warns against discrimination Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt YZM *Q}MNRWMRY +Q{]M 3QNY


he Rivers State *Q}MNRQN %_NNj]YMN Nyesom Wike, has charged the newly sworn-in commissioners and SecreY_N| YQ YZM 6Y_YM *Q}MNRWMRY 66* YQ MR]{NM jW`MPP_~[M service delivery, and to treat everybody equally irrespective of their party or ethnic _5[j_YjQR Barrister Wike gave the charge on Friday shortly after swearing-in the Secretary YQ YZM 6Y_YM *Q}MNRWMRY four commissioners, Chief QX 6Y_E _RL 6`MPj_[ $L}j]MN on Media and publicity at

Harcourt. 7ZM *Q}MNRQN O_NRML YZM RMO Q5Pj_[] RQY YQ ]MM YZMjN appointment as patronage, but as a call to serve Rivers people in honesty and purpose. Speaking directly to the Commissioner for Justice and $YYQNRM| *MRMN_[ (WW_R{el Aguma, the governor said, “We don’t want you to be an $YYQNRM| *MRMN_[ YZ_Y Oj[[ not give good advice to the governor and deputy governor. We don’t want you to ~M YZM $YYQNRM| *MRMN_[ YZ_Y will ensure that the courts are closed. We don’t want you to

~M YZM $YYQNRM| *MRMN_[ YZ_Y will go outside the state to be looking for court injunctions, ~{Y N_YZMN _R $YYQNRM| *MReral that will bring justice to Rivers State.� He said that he had no doubt that the new Commissioner for Justice was capable of delivering on his mandate, and congratulated him on his appointment. *Q}MNRQN :j‚M PQ{R]M[[ML YZM RMO &ZjMX QX 6Y_E (RkN Emeka Woke, to run an open door policy, where every Rivers citizen and non-indigenes would have access to government, warning that “you _NM RQY QR[| _ &ZjMX QX 6Y_E

to PDP, but you are a Chief QX 6Y_E YQ _R|~QL| YZ_Y Z_] come to the state to carry out one business or another. The Q5PM j] _ }MN| ‚M| Q5PM ‡ The governor reiterated that he would not hesitate to disengage any appointee who failed in his duty or displayed division in his hanL[jRk QX Q5Pj_[ W_YYMN] Congratulating the new Commissioner for Finance, Fred Kpakol, and his counterpart for Agriculture, OnjWjW -_P‚ *Q}MNRQN :j‚M expressed hope that they would bring their expertise to bear on their new positions.

R-L: Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Kenneth Kobani; Chief of Staff, Hon. Emeka Woke; Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General, Barr. Emmanuel Aguma; Commissioner for Finance, Hon. Fred Kpakol; Commissioner for Agriculture, Hon. Onimim Jack; Commissioner for Housing, Hon. Emma Okah and Special Adviser, Media and Publicity, Hon. Opunabo Inko Tariah, while being sworn-in by the Rivers State Governor, Barrister Nyesom, Wike(CON) at the Government House, Port Harcourt...yesterday.

Rivers APC faults Assembly’s approval of N10bn for Wike Paschal Njoku, Abuja


he Rivers State chapter of the All Progressives Congress Z_] _[[MkML YZ_Y YZM ]Y_YM *Q}ernor, Nyesom Wike, has prevailed on the state’s House of Assembly, dominated by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to approve N10 billion for him without any attached project. “Wike has shamelessly PQRVNWML Q{N XM_N] YZ_Y ZM has no agenda for the development of Rivers State, rather than looting the common patrimony of the state with impuRjY| ~| jR {MRPjRk YZM +Q{]M of Assembly to approve the sum of N10 billion without the purpose of the approval being clearly stated,� the party stated. This was contained in a statement released yesterday by Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, Senior Special Assistant, 0MLj_ _RL 3{~[jP $E_jN] YQ

the Rivers State Chairman of APC, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya. The statement quoted one of the principal actors in the House of Assembly, who is unhappy about the development, as disclosing that the money is meant to be used by Chief Wike to bribe members of the tribunal hearing petitions arising from the March 28 and April 11 general elections in Rivers State, the Rivers PDP leadership and Rivers State political leaders to enable the tribunal rule against APC despite the mountain of material evidence presented by the party on how the elections in Rivers State were rigged. “Part of the fund, we are meant to understand, is to be {]ML YQ `_| QE YZM OjXM QX YZM former President, Dame Patience Jonathan, Dr. Peter Odili and others for imposing Chief Wike on Rivers State against the wishes of our people and against the rotational principle

that would have seen the riverine parts of the state producing the governor after 16 years of rule by the upland parts of the state,� the Rivers APC said. Chief Wike, the party said, “perfected this looting spree when immediately after his swearing-in ceremony on 29th May, 2015, he locked out both

the Permanent Secretary and YZM &ZjMX QX 6Y_E *Q}MNRWMRY House, until 31st May, to enable him loot the property in YZM *Q}MNRWMRY +Q{]M _Xter with he turned around to maliciously allege that forWMN *Q}MNRQN 5Y +QR 5QYjmi Amaechi, looted the place ~MXQNM [M_}jRk Q5PM ‡

Alleged age falsification: Cross Rivers gov knows fate July 22 Paschal Njoku, Abuja


he Federal High Court Abuja, presided over by Justice Abdulkadir Abdulkafarati, has slated July 22 to deliver judgment on a ]{jY V[ML _k_jR]Y *Q}MNRQN Benedict Ayade of Cross Rivers State. A chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party in the state, Chief Joe Odey Agi (SAN), had dragged the governor to court wherein he is seeking an order reWQ}jRk $|_LM XNQW Q5PM over allegation of age falsiVP_YjQR During the hearing of the suit yesterday, the evidence before the court indicated that the 3rd defendant (Ayade) had in the nominaYjQR XQNW &QLM 3' * which he used to run for the Cross River State gubernatorial election, stated on oath that he was born on March 2, 1969. But in his age declaration attached to the form, which his brother Frank Ayade sworn to before a Cross River State High Court sitting at Oleh on February 1, 2007, indicated that the defendant was born in 1968.

Host communities threaten to shutdown oil facilities in Delta, Bayelsa Sylvester Idowu, Warri


he host communities of Ijaw extraction in Bayelsa and Delta states have threatened to shut down oil facilities in their domains over allegations of breach of agreements by the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC). If the threats are carried out, the nation’s oil output

Buhari felicitates with Vanguard publisher, Sam Amuka at 80 Clement Nwoji, Abuja


resident Muhammadu Buhari has paid glowing tributes to the Chairman and Publisher of Vanguard Media Limited, Chief Sam AmukaPemu, who clocks 80 years today. In a statement personally signed by the President, he said: “This event provides an opportunity for me and my family and indeed millions of fellow Nigerians, who have in the past three decades been readers of products from media houses with which he has been involved, including the Punch Newspapers, which he started

with the late Chief Olu Aboderin, to felicitate with this talented “gentleman of the press�. “Nigeria has been well served by the presence of the legendary Sam Amuka in the media in the capacity of journalist and columnist with the Daily Times group, of which he served as Editor of the Sunday Times. “It is impossible to forget his contributions to the Nigerian public through his famous column, Sad-Sam, which provided millions of compatriots much satirical, literary and even political communication satisfaction. “The contributions by this veteran journalist to the progress

In addition, Agi produced as evidence a document which disclosed that *Q}MNRQN $|_LM OZj[M _`plying for admission into the University of Ibadan, submitted an age declaration showing that he was born on March 2, 1966. However, Paul Erokoro (SAN), counsel to Ayade had challenged the competence of the suit. Ayade said the court lacks the jurisdiction to hear the suit. In urging the court to dismiss the suit, Ayade said it O_] Zj] _jLM OZQ V[[ML QRM of the forms on his behalf that mistakenly wrote a wrong date of birth for him. On its part, Tobechukwu Anneke, representing the PDP, another defendant in the suit, also pleaded for the dismissal of the suit. He argued that the court lacks the powers to remove *Q}MNRQN $|_LM XNQW QXVPM QR YZM ~_]j] QX Zj] _[[MkML X_[]jVP_YjQR QX _kM Aneke said that under Section 31(5) and (6) of the Electoral Act, as amended, Ayade could only be disž{_[jVML ~MXQNM YZM kQ}MNnorship election was held.

of the Nigerian Press have been manifested not only in the growth and management of the Punch Newspaper and the Vanguard Media Limited, of which he became Chairman and Publisher in 1984, but also the principled positions he has consistently taken on political stability, accountability and the rule of law.� President Buhari noted that these were clearly demonstrated by his promotion of professionalism by the rank and file of the Police, particularly in the conduct of elections and efficient performance of their duties in every part of the Federation.

might be cut down drastically, thereby depleting further the dwindling revenue for the country. It was learnt that the plans, as being variously coordinated by Ijaw youths of the host communities, might result to the loss of more than 33,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Chairman of Ijaw host communities in Bayelsa and Delta states, Chief Favour Izuokumo, told newsmen yesterday that youths in the communities were ready to go ahead with their plans to attack oil facilities, but had so far been restrained by his organisation and other elders of the communities. According to him, the restraint from shutting down the facilities by the angry host communities was as a result of the consideration for the enormous loss to the nation such an action would translate to, adding that “a new government has just got into the saddle so that such actions are not misconstrued.�


Newswatch Times Saturday, June 13, 2015

South East


CONFAB recommendations will unite Nigeria – Ezeemo Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


W`[MWMRY_YjQR QX YZM 1_YjQR_[ &QRXMNMRPM NMPQWWMRL_YjQR] Oj[[ ZM[` jR {RjYjRk 1jkMNj_R] QR[| jX 3NM]jLMRY 0QZ_WW_L{ %{Z_Nj Oj[[ [j]YMR _RL OQN QR jY 7ZM [M_LMN QX YZM 3NQkNM]]j}M 3MQ`[M\] $[[j_RPM 33$ jR $R_W~N_ 6Y_YM 0N *QLOjR (¤MMWQ ]_jL YZj] L{NjRk _ YZ_R ]kj}jRk PZ{NPZ ]MN}jPM XQN 'N 2k~QRR_|_ 2R{ _Y $]{`Y_ &_YZMLN_[ 2OMNNj YQ PM[M~N_YM _R ZQRQN_N| LQPYQN_YM LMkNMM _O_NLML ZjW ~| $~j_ 6Y_YM 8Rj}MN]jY| $%68 +M {NkML `Q[jYjPj_R] YQ PQRYjR{M YQ `[_| _ NQ[M YZ_Y


said. Ezeemo, who is also the &ZjMX ( MP{Yj}M 25PMN QX 2NjMRY *NQ{` QX &QW`_RjM] O_] YZM 33$ k{~MNR_YQNj_[ P_RLjL_YM jR YZM M[MPYjQR jR $R_W~N_ ]Y_YM +M M `NM]]ML YZM RMML XQN M {jY| _RL X_jNRM]] _RL `NQ`Q]ML YZ_Y YZ_Y _[[ M| `Q]jYjQR] ~M ¤QRML YQ YZM ]j kMQ `Q[jYjP_[ ¤QRM] QX YZM XMLMN_YjQR 7Q ZjW YZM jLM_ Oj[[ k{_N_RYMM ~MYYMN LMWQPN_P| ~MP_{]M YZM WQ]Y {_[jVML `MN]QR] ]Oj[[ ~M _``QjRYML XNQW YZM ¤QRM] +M LQM] RQY YZjR YZMNM j] _ RMML XQN YZM ,k~Q] YQ XMM[ W_NkjR_[j¤ML jR YZM `Q[jYjP] QX 1jkMNj_ ]jRPM YZM| Oj[[ ~M ~MYYMN `[_PML jR YZM RMO kQ}MNRWMRY +M PQW-

WMRLML 2k~QRR_|_ 2R{ XQN YZM _O_NL _RL Zj] PQRYNj~{YjQR YQ `Q[jYjP] _RL {NkML ZjW YQ PQRYjR{M YQ `[_| _ NQ[M YZ_Y Oj[[ ~M ~MRMVPj_[ YQ YZM society. %j]ZQ` 2~jRR_ Z_L M_N[jMN jR Zj] ]MNWQR PZ_NkML 1jkMNj_R] QR YZM RMML XQN `M_PM _RL {RjY| ~MP_{]M [_P QX {RjY| Z_] P_{]ML _ [QY QX ]MY~_P YQ YZM PQ{RYN|\] MPQRQW| +M _[]Q ]_jL ]QPj_[ WMLj_ _RL MRYMNY_jRWMRY jRL{]YNjM] ]ZQ{[L ~M PZMP W_YML _] YZMjN _PYj}jYjM] Z_}M P_{]ML ]MNjQ{] LMkMRMN_YjQR QX WQN_[ }_[{M] ,R Zj] NM]`QR]M 2k~QRR_|_ 2R{ ]_jL YZM PQ{RYN| Z_] ]{EMNML _ [QY QX ]MY~_P jR YZM `_]Y L{M YQ ~_L kQ}MNR_RPM

Anambra State Governor, Willie Obiano (middle), and others jogging after the inauguration of the 8-lane Olympic standard tartan tracks, at Rojenny Stadium in Oba, Anambra State…recently.

Police intensify man-hunt for robbers Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha






Private churches and shrines deceitful –Bishop Ikeako Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


j]ZQ` QX $WjPZj $Rk[jP_R 'jQPM]M 1RMOj 6Q{YZ /QP_[ *Q}MNRWMRY $NM_ $R_W~N_ 6Y_YM +j] *N_PM 5jkZY 5M} (`ZN_jW , M_ Q Z_] O_NRML YZQ]M OZQ ]MM XQN ]_[}_YjQR YQ ~M O_N| QX `Nj}_YM[| QORML PZ{NPZM] _RL jLQ[ OQN]Zj`-


3NM_PZjRk _Y _ |M_N[| `N_|MN ]M]]jQR YZMWML §8W{PZ{ 3N_|MN \ ZM {NkML YZM PQRkNMk_YjQR _RL `MQ`[M QX YZM _NM_ YQ NM¦MPY LM}j[j]Z _PYj}jYjM] QX jLQ[ OQN]Zj``MN] _RL X_Wj[| PZ{NPZM] _] YZMjN _jW _RL Q~¦MPY j] YQ M `[QjY _RL M YQNY `MQ`[M Q{Y QX jkRQN_RPM ~MP_{]M YZMjN `NM_PZjRk j] PQ]WMYjP _RL LM-


Buhari visits Imo ... Ideato Nation honours Okorocha Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri




Anambra,Kogi communal clash: 2,500 displaced –Chief Abala Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


Q XMOMN YZ_R `MQ`[M Z_}M _[[MkML[| ~MMR Lj]`[_PML ]jRPM YZM PQWWMRPMWMRY QX PQWW{R_[ P[_]Z ~MYOMMR $R_W~N_ _RL .Qkj ]Y_YM] _~Q{Y WQRYZ] _kQ )jM[LjRk {M]YjQR] XNQW RMO]WMR _ PQWW{RjY| [M_LMN jR $k{[MNj QRM QX YZM O_NNjRk PQWW{RjYjM] jR $R_W~N_ ]Y_YM _RL 3_YNQR QX 2W_~_[_ ,RLjkMRQ{] <Q{YZ )Q{RL_YjQR &ZjMX ,XM_R|jPZ{ O{ $~_[_ NMkNMYYML YZ_Y YZM ]Y_YM] _RL )MLMN_[ *Q}MNRWMRY Z_}M RQY `{Y _ ]YQ` YQ YZM O_N $PPQNLjRk YQ ZjW ¥7ZM]M Lj]`[_PML `MQ`[M QR YZM ]jLM QX $R_W~N_ ]Y_YM RMML WMLjP_YjQR XQQL _RL ]ZM[YMN YQ ZM[` P{NY_j[ YZM ]{EMNjRk YZM| _NM kQjRk YZNQ{kZ +M ]YNM]]ML YZM RMML XQN YZM O_NNjRk PQWW{RjYjM] QX 2LM M _RL (PZMRQ jR ,~_¦j /QP_[ *Q}MNRWMRY $NM_ QX .Qkj 6Y_YM _RL (R{k{ 2Y{ $k{[{MNj (¤j_k{[{ 2Y{ 0 `{R_RLQ _RL $k{[{MNj $R_W~N_ (_]Y /QP_[ *Q}MNR-

WMRY $NM_ QX $R_W~N_ 6Y_YM YQ Z_}M _ PQ}MR_RY _RL ~Q{RL_N| LMW_NP_YjQR YQ MRL YZM O_N ¥7ZM YN_LjYjQR_[ N{[MN QX ,k_[_ +50 $YY_Z $k_~_jL{ 0jPZ_M[ ,L_ OQ $RjMZ 2~QRj +5+ 5M} -- $k~_Y_ YZM 'Qk_ QX (PZMRQ PQWW{RjY| YN_LjYjQR_[ N{[MN QX 2LM M +5+ 'QWjRjP 8N_R_ 'Qk_ QX 2LM M ,kOM &ZNj]YQ`ZMN ,LjkQ QX $k{[MNj _RL (¤M $ _¦jQXQN &Z{ O{MWM _ (¤M_Rj OMNM _WQRk YZM YN_LjYjQR_[ N{[MN] OZQ MRLQN]ML Q{N P_[[ XQN PQ}MR_RY _RL ~Q{RL_N| LMW_NP_YjQR ZM Lj]P[Q]ML )[_R ML ~| YZM PQQNLjR_YQN QX YZM )Q{RL_YjQR &QWN_LM 7QR| (LQPZjM _RL &ZjMX (WW_R{M[ & $ {~{M¤M PZ_jNW_R QX YZM jRjYj_Yj}M kNQ{` YZ_Y PQWWMRPML YZM `M_PM Y_[ QR YZM PNj]j] $~_[_ M `NM]]ML ]{N`Nj]M YZ_Y OZj[M YZM| Z_}M PQWM YQ YZM }MNkM QX Y_ jRk YZM PQ}MR_RY ]QWM Lj]kN{RY[ML M[MWMRY] OZQ YZNj}M QR PNj]j] OMRY _RL _YY_P ML YZM 2NjMRY 2j[ ]jYM _RL j[[ML YZNMM QX jY] OQN MN] XMO L_|] _kQ

Newswatch Times Saturday, Jujne 13, 2015



North East Bauchi gov reduces spending by 50%, pledges to pay salaries Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


auchi State Governor, Mohammed Abdallahi Abubakar Esq, yesterday announced 50% cut in government spending, and promised to pay civil servants’ salaries before the commencement of the Ramadan fast in order to reduce their hardship and that of the people of the state. Abubakar made the promised while in audience with Jahunawa Socio-cultural Association in Bauchi. He said the

payment will reduce the ]{EMNjRk QX OQN‚MN] _RL the people of the state after several months of non payment. He lamented the huge backlog of salaries owed the civil servants by the previous administration and explained that a lot of administrative mess was discovered by the transition committee. Abubakar described as unfortunate governWMRY Q5Pj_[] PQRRj}_RPM with politicians to spend money from the state government’s treasury in the name of religion development by allocat-

ing N100, 000 to Mosques while a sum of N600, 000 was deducted as allowance for the distribution committee. According to him, “This is ungodly and unIslamic.� The governor said that government will reduce cost of governance, and as part of the change, his administrator has cut QE {` YQ QX YZM N{Rning cost of government house. He said unnecessary feeding, hosting of government guests, travelling will be reduced. The Chairman of Jahu-

nawa Socio cultural Organization, Alhaji Salisu Lukman, had explained that Governor Abubakar is a member and part and parcel of the association as well as the Jahun/ Galadima, who hap`MRML YQ ~M YZM VN]Y ]MYtlers of Bauchi. Lukman said they are at the Government House to congratulate the governor, and to identify with him and note areas of collaboration for the development of the state while expressing concern over the empty treasury that the Isa Yuguda administration left behind.

Nigerian unity key to economic development - Tahir Baba Negedu, Kaduna


mmediate past Senior Special Assistant to President Goodluck Jonathan on Islamic Matters, Hon. Tahir Umar Tahir, yesterday advised those in the public and private sectors to always preach unity as a panacea for any economic development in the country. This is as he also charged them to put the XM_N QX *QL VN]Y jR _[[ YZMjN doings because they will account for their activities in the hereafter. Malam Tahir, who was speaking at a reception/

Bauchi PDP hails Saraki, Dogara’s election Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


Participants on a road show to mark 2015 Armed Forces World Blood Donor Day in Port Harcourt, Rivers State‌yesterday.

Ganduje canvasses Indonesia’s economic blueprint Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano


ano State governor, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, yesterday in Kano argued that Nigeria needs to copy the Indonesian economic blueprint, so as to make headway in its bid to move to the next level of development. Ganduje emphasized that Nigeria needs the Indonesian model of development, maintaining that the Asian country’s economic plan has led to its recent macro-economic growth.

“The Indonesian economy has recorded strong growth over the past few decades, _RL jR NMPMRY |M_N] YZM VNW pace of its economic expansion has been accompanied by reduced output volatility _RL NM[_Yj}M[| ]Y_~[M jR _tion.� “Indonesia’s economic performance has been shaped by relative political stability, prudent management of resources, the country’s endowment of natural resources and its youthful and growing labour force,� he said. Ganduje, who made the observation while receiving the

Indonesian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Harry PurwanYQ jR Zj] Q5PM RQYML YZ_Y Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, is one of the emerging market economies of the world. For instance, the governor said, “I have visited some of your cities, and saw how SMEs and individual homes are driving economic development. I saw that many Indonesians are into shoe making business, yet you import leather from Italy. We have leather and tanneries here, so why don’t we connect for NMPj`NQP_[ ~MRMVY"‡ Also, the governor told the

Indonesian diplomat that Kano is being transformed to a megacity, and since his country has several such cities, the state desires to benMVY XNQW YZM ,RLQRM]j_R M€perience to forge ahead. Earlier, the Indonesian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Harry Purwanto, said prior to coming to Nigeria, he had an impression, which was YQY_[[| LjEMNMRY XNQW OZ_Y he saw on arrival. The true picture of the country he met, the envoy said, made his commitment stronger, to facilitate closer relations with his country.

El-Rufai appoints dep to head joint investors committee Baba Negedu, Kaduna


aduna State governor, Malam Nasir El-Rufai, yesterday appointed his deputy, Arch. Barnabas Bala Bantex, to head the joint investors committee with the Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce, to harmonise American investment drive in the state. El-Rufai made this known when he received the del-

egation of Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce and the Counsellor for &{[Y{NM _RL 3{~[jP $E_jN] of United States embassy in Nigeria at Government House, Kaduna. He said his administration will remove all the bottlenecks that hindered investments in Kaduna State, saying that is why he has appointed his deputy to head the committee to ease any bottlenecks. The governor said unem-

ployment was part of the problems that brought about insurgency and other crimes in some parts of the country. “We will create jobs for our young people. We have a big challenge to attack the high rate of unemployment, and we are taking employment of our youths seriously.� El-Rufai, while calling on investors to site their industries in Kaduna, said his administration would

encourage employment opportunities for the teaming youths because many of them were forced into insurgency and other crimes. Speaking earlier, President, Nigerian-American Chamber of Commerce, Kaduna 6Y_YM PZ_`YMN 6ZMNjE %_[Qk{R ]_jL YZM| Z_}M PQRVdence that Governor El-Rufai will transform Kaduna State and take it to the next level considering his antecedents as Federal Capital Territory (FCT) minister.

award presentation organised by Community and Youth Development (CYD) National Network at NTI International Conference Centre in Kaduna, said ‘let me advice those in the public and private sectors to always put the fear of Allah in their minds because it will help them do the right thing at all times. He also harped on the importance of unity among Nigerians, saying that unity is one of the keys toward achieving peace and socio economic development of the country.

auchi State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has applauded the elections of Senator Abubakar Bukola Saraki and Mr. Yakubu Dogara as Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives respectively, describing their emergence as the best in the history of the National Assembly. The party however, described the choice of Saraki and Dogara as huge success and victory for the nation’s democratic experience in the country. Publicity Secretary of the party, Alhaji Bashir Bukar Rimin Zayam, stated this while ~NjMVRk RMO]WMR jR %_{PZj He said the elections of `NM]jLjRk Q5PMN] QX YZM YZ 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| NM MPYML the wishes and yearnings of

the majority of the lawmakers in the country which is in accordance with democratic norms obtained world over, saying that usually in an election, the man with the majority takes the day. Zayam commended President Muhammadu Buhari for being neutral in the process of electing the presidjRk Q5PMN] RQYjRk YZ_Y YZM role played by President Buhari would help a lot in fostering unity and mutual understanding between the lawmakers and the executive arm. He urged them to work hand in hand with the executive arm in the best interest of Nigeria, saying the two pre]jLjRk Q5PMN] Z_] YZM P_`_Pity and ability to lead the two chambers of the National Assembly in the way that would bring the desired change that Nigerians yearned for.

Group decries indiscriminate dumping of refuse in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


non-governmental organisation, Network of Civil Society Organizations in Water and Sanitation (NEWSAN), yesterday decried the indiscriminate dumping of refuse within the Bauchi metropolis, and called on the new administration to empower the Bauchi State Environmental Protection Agency to evacuate the refuse dump sites. The Chairman of the group, Mr. David Ayodele, and its Secretary, Ahmed Kaigama , made the call in Bauchi shortly after leading some Journalists to the refuse dump sites within the state’s capital. Some of the places visited by the team include the Igbo Quarters, Kofar Wunti, Jahun old grave site, Unguwar Shagari, Makka Eye Clinic, Kofar Wase and M&J Railway where the NGO pledged to work in collaboration with residents of the areas to evacu-

ate the refuse dumps. Kaigama urged the state government to take urgent action in evacuating refuse dumps as heavy down pour may soon wreck havoc in the state. He decried the attitude of residents of the state in dumping refuse indiscriminately, adding that such attitude portends danger to the health of the people as rain may wash the refuse into water ways during heavy down pour. Representatives of Women Empowerment Initiative and NEWSAN, Mrs. Deborah Bulus and Linda Yusuf appealed to communities, associations and clubs to assist government to achieve the task of keeping environment clean through the Bauchi State Environmental Protection Agency. They further expressed fears that human and animal excretes dumped alongside refuse could contaminate water sources if the refuse dump sites are not properly evacuated.

Saturday, June 13, 2015



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Saturday, June 13, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Politics Senate Presidency: Saraki, PDP romance that dazed APC Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


he last three paragraphs of the piece: ‘Senate Presidency: Acid test of APC’s democratic sermon’, published in the Newswatch Times of Saturday, June 6, 2015 actually predicted the consequence of over-lording Ahmed Lawan on the senate. As a matter of fact, the piece also hinted on the role the PDP mightplay in the whole game. According to some political pundits, Nigeria politics has grown beyond open and blatant godfatherism, it was in a rough disagreement or rather refusal to admit it that made some All Progressives Congress (APC) leaders to still regard the National Assembly as a chess board on which they can play any pawn towards achieving personal gains; and thus attempted to force their preferred candidates down the throat of the lawmakers, who stoutly resisted the party. Not minding that the former governor of Kwara State, Senator Bukola Saraki was not only qualjVML XQN YZM ÂŚQ~ _Y Z_RL ZM _[]Q `[_|ML ]jkRjVP_RY NQ[M jR LM]Y_bilizing the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at least in his state, North central region and by extension, Nigeria. Of course, he did all this for a reason which then, may not include the senate presidency, however, when he realised that PDP was no longer calling the shot, and as a rugged political ’animal’ who also knew that his party had zoned the coveted seat to his geo-political zone, he couldn’t but contest the position. PDP also adopted Hon. Yaku~{ 'Qk_N_ *~_ÂŚ_~j_Wj[_\] W_jR rival for the speakership, making the contest in the House too close to call. However, intrigues and scheming pitched him against the party and its national leader, Senator Bola Tinubu, who would stop at nothing to ensure the enthronement of Lawan (Senate) and GbaÂŚ_~j_Wj[_ +Q{]M QX 5M`NM]MRY_tives). Having been boxed to a corner that spelt doom for his ambition, Saraki sought the help of the PDP senators whose bloc votes eventually on Tuesday shot him to the number three position in the country. Newswatch Times learnt that Lawan, the preferred candidate of the APC, was not even nominat-

ed. When Sani (clerk of the National Assembly), called for more nominations, the chambers was silent. Shortly afterwards, he declared Saraki the duly elected president of the senate. According to investigation, the leadership tussle in the National Assembly was as a result of the straw poll last Saturday that YZNMO {` /_O_R _RL *~_Œ_~jamila as its choices for the Senate president and Speaker, respectively. But their emergence was swift[| NMŒMPYML ~| 6_N_‚j 'Qk_N_ _RL their supporters, who cried foul over APC’s attempt to foist its preferred candidates for the coveted posts in the National Assem-

changed his plans to forestall embarrassment. He chose the National Chairman, Chief John Oyegun, to represent him at the meeting, which held at the International Conference Centre, AbuÂŚ_ The meeting, though boycotted by most of the lawmakers, was attended by about 60 senators-elect. Oyegun repeated the party’s appeal to APC lawmakers to toe the party’s line by voting for LaO_R _RL *~_ÂŚ_~j_Wj[_ XQN 6MR_YM president and Speaker, respectively, urging the lawmakers to allow the party and national interest override personal interests. The real coup that nailed the PQ5R QX YZM $3& [M_LMN]Zj` jRterest was the absence of several APC members-elect, who through a text message from Dogara advising them to shun the parley allegedly meant to serve as a plan by the party, which had arranged for security agents to arrest and detain them in order to shut them out until after the election. According to the text message by Dogara, “Information reaching us indicates that this purported meeting is a ploy to arrest and detain members until after tomorrow’s election. Members should therefore disregard the invitation.â€? Saraki, who was not prepared to tow party line, allegedly throughout last Monday lobbied PDP Senators-elect for their supports from an undisclosed location. As the politicking continued and horse trading became prominent, Saraki was said to have wooed Senator Ike Ekeremadu with the position of Deputy Senate President. His negotiation yielded fruit when a meeting of the PDP National Working Committee bly. (NWC), senators-elect and former The situation has been made Senate President David Mark, more precarious for APC with was held at his Apo residence last PDP’s emergence as the spoiler Monday ostensibly, to agree on that may determine the outcome a position that the PDP caucus of the contest in both chambers of would take on who to support in the National Assembly. the dire game. Determined to resolve the disAt the end of the meeting, agreement, the party and its gov- which stretched into the wee ernors made attempts to unite its hours of Tuesday, the Nationmembers-elect behind its candial Publicity Secretary of the PDP, dates for both posts as the Vice Chief Olisa Metuh, announced 3NM]jLMRY <MWj 2]jR~_ÂŚQ O_] that the party had adopted Sarabilled to hold a reconciliatory ki and Dogara, and urged PDP meeting with APC members-elect, members-elect to vote in accoronly to shun it at the last minute, dance with the decision of the _``_NMRY[| YQ ]Y_N}M QE jY] ~Q|PQYY party. plan by Saraki, Dogara and their However, four reasons have supporters. Continued on Page 52 &QR]Mž{MRY[| 2]jR~_ÂŚQ


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Politics Okowa’ll not disappoint Deltans –Onuesoke Chief Sunny Onuesoke is a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Special Project Director to the immediate past governor of Delta State, Emmanuel Uduaghan. He is also a former governorship aspirant in the state. He spoke with SYLVESTER IDOWU on varied issues, including what Deltans should expect from the government of Senator Ifeanyi Okowa.


he election has come and gone. What do you expect from the governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa? I would not use the word expectation. Uduaghan recently unveiled a lot of mega developmental strides that he promised Deltans. I am appealing to Deltans to work with Senator Okowa, and I am telling you, they have not seen anything when it comes to developmental strides. I want to assure you that as this government has been inaugurated, we will begin to see real development in the state. It will be pronounced like the rainbow. Okowa is one man I give kudos to when it comes to leadership and administration. He is somebody that Z_] ]ZQOR Zj] OQNYZ jR _[[ YZM Q5PM] he has handled. So what I am saying is that Deltans should expect marvellous developmental strides. A lot of people are of the opinion that he has been part and parcel of the same cabal that held the state down, and that he is not

they have been doing. Are you saying us that he will not disappoint Deltans? 2‚QO_ j] kQjRk YQ ~M LjEMNMRY because though we belong to the same party, our personal views on issues _NM LjEMNMRY )jRM ,~QNj NMW_jR] _ political Iroko in the state right now. He actually started PDP in the state, and so we cannot give the history of PDP in this state without mentioning the name of Ibori. Ibori is a leader that steps into any place and there is a change. So I believe Okowa has the same carriage too. The Okowa I know will not disappoint Deltans. I served under Okowa for four years when he was SSG because he was my direct boss. Then I was the Special Project Director, and I report to him directly. So I know his reactions towards issues. He is a very calm and calculative person. What area do you think the new governor should give more attention? 7ZM VN]Y YZjRk , ]MM j] OM_[YZ creation. I am not talking about the civil service because it is over bloated. Nothing seems to happen in these kQ}MNRWMRY Q5PM] , _W RQY ]_|jRk that government should not employ, but are they going to employ people to be idle? The governor should concentrate more on the creation of wealth because when you create wealth, the wealth will in turn employ people. We have to develop the resources we have within. We have to be vigorous in terms of internally generated revenue. We need to look backward to source funds beyond oil. We are going to pursue things that will create jobs for the people apart from the civil service. I am very sure that he already has a master plan for that. If there is creation of wealth, there is going to be peace and security. When a man is well fed, he thinks positively. You cannot create peace OZMR YZM `MQ`[M _NM Z{RkN| )QN |Q{ to have total peace, you have to create industries, primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. When there is peace you do not need security. That is the way I look at it. One thing I keep telling Deltans is that Okowa is not going to exhibit arrogance in

Onuesoke power. All his lieutenants are going to be servant-leaders. Gone are the days when people showcase arrogance while in power. That will not be tolerated any longer because these are things Okowa does not like. Uduaghan left behind a lot of uncompleted projects like the Ughelli/ Asaba road and Osubi/Eku road, what would you expect the incoming governor to do as regards these uncompleted projects? We all know that everywhere in the world, governance is continuous. So it is left for the incoming governor to complete those projects. He is going to have his own scale of preference among all these projects, and he will decide which one to complete and which one not to complete. How do you feel knowing that the Ughelli/Asaba road which you supervised was not completed and commissioned? Like I said before, governance is

continuous. Someone else will come and complete it. There are lots of projects that he did not complete like the Ode/Itsekiri bridge which had a lot of challenges. So it all depends on the challenges faced in those areas. Three governorship aspirants are now in court challenging the victory of Okowa in the just concluded elections, what do you make of this? Like I keep telling people, I do not know these personalities, and I would not like to accuse anybody as a serial loser because I may be quoted wrongly. They are entitled to their views. If I were them, I would not have contested the results considering the landslide victory of the PDP. Great Ogboru ]ZQ{[L NM_[j]M YZ_Y YZj] j] YZM VN]Y time he had the lowest votes in Delta Central. So what is he contesting for? Then, Olorogun O’tega Emehror is a neophyte. He would not have just

Okowa is one man I give kudos to when it comes to leadership and administration. He is somebody that has shown his worth in all the offices he has handled. So what I am saying is that Deltans should expect marvellous developmental strides

come here because he knew that APC has no footing in the state. So what is he contesting? Did Emerhor win his unit? So what is he contesting? Did Emerhor win his ward or his local government? What is he contesting? Is he a politician who P_RRQY OjR Zj] {RjY _RL O_NL" )jN]Y and foremost, he has a home based credibility problem. He has ward and local government credibility problem. I do not want to sound prejudiced, but let us look at it this way; you could not win your unit, ward and local government, why do you think you can win Oshimili, Isoko, Ijaw or Itsekiri? Some Deltans are of the view that those who have gone to the tribunal should withdraw their cases for the development of Delta, what is your reaction to this? That is a very good suggestion by Deltans. It is a welcome development. Nothing is wrong if Emerhor and Ogboru withdrew their case, especially Ogboru because I am not particular _~Q{Y (WMNZQN $3& j] _R jR]jkRjVP_RY factor in the political diagram of Delta State, and the name Emerhor is even strange. He is from my local government, and he is my brother, but his name is strange in Delta politics. Ogboru could be a colossus and a big serial loser, agreed. But he is a man of factor. I will gladly appeal to Ogboru to withdraw his case in the spirit of statesmanship like what Goodluck did for Buhari, and join in the development of the state. Ogboru has a lot of things upstairs which he can use to draw development to the state in conjunction with PDP. You are still in PDP despite the massive defection from the party, what are you still doing in there? )jN]Y _RL XQNMWQ]Y , LQ RQY ‚RQO how to dance two brands of music at a time. I am a man of principle and too civilized to cross from PDP to APC. Let me instruct you a little. Have you ever heard that a Democrat defected to the Republican in the US? It is absolute crap. The defeat of PDP is a sign of maturity because it happens everywhere. Why should I leave the party that I sow seed on? If you are looking at the next generation that is going to lead the party in the future with bigger appointment, where are you going to get them if everybody abandons the party? I have been the most consistent follower of PDP since its creation in Delta State. I am a foremost builder of PDP in Delta State, OZQ Z_] PQRYjR{ML YQ ]Y_RL VNW XQN YZM party. It will be foolish and suicidal for me to leave the party I helped built. So how do you intend to rebuild the PDP structure in preparation for 2019? We have already started doing that from the state level. One thing I have been praying for is to function at the national level. You were one of the major campaigners for the re-election of Jonathan in the last election, how will you describe the man Goodluck Jonathan? He is a perfect gentleman, and somebody I have so much respect for. He has come and gone and he is part of history. What is your advice to President Buhari? He should be focused. He should be progressive. Instead of taking little, little steps he should take giant steps. 7ZM VN]Y YZjRk , M€`MPY ZjW YQ LQ j] to be focused, and stop talking about probe here and there. What advice do you have for Nigerians? Let’s embrace everything that happens to us. There is nothing that happens that does not have God’s hand in it. We should give Buhari the chance to rule the country.

June 13, 2015


Eagles in killer mood for Chad –Keshi Sacking of coaches not sign of bad coaching –Chukwu


Messi enjoys deserved family time >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

Sacking of coaches not sign of bad coaching –Chukwu


ormer national team captain, Christian Chukwu, says the sacking of coaches by clubs does not in any way mean they are incompetent. According to the experienced coach, results are what many clubs look at and not necessarily the input or the amount of work being put in by coaches. He said that the sacking of coaches by clubs was part and parcel of the job of coaching globally. Speaking further, he said that Nigerian should not always feel that once a coach was relieved of his job such a coach is not good. He explained that a coach can be relieved of his

duties if the management of such a club decides to do away with such a coach and there is nothing such a coach could do. Chukwu stated this while responding whether Rangers have appointed a new person to replace their sacked Technical Adviser (TA), Kelechi Emetole who was relieved of his duties recently. ‘Rangers have not appointed any new Technical Adviser to replace Coach Emetole. The management of Rangers have decided to give the coach, Imama Amapakabo the opportunity to handle the team and see how it goes,’ Chukwu said. ‘But the point is that the

sacking of any coach by any club does not in any way make such sacked coach a bad coach. This is because the coach Rangers sacked can become a success in another club. µ {^j^ j0Z\^[ ^ jq] ^ such a coach could end up

CAF Confederation Cup:

Etoroma blames politics forWolves ouster

winning the league and it has happened before and it will continue to happen. ‘Again a coach can be sack even when he is doing very well by winning trophies as it does happen in Europe. ‘Therefore, the sacking of any coach should not be regarded to that such a coach is not good. It all depends on what the management of any club wants. ‘Having said that it is important to note that results are the key determinants as to whether a coach would retain his job or not. If the results are good, there are greater chances of coaches retaining their jobs than when results are poor,’ Chukwu explained.


on. Ejiro Etoroma, a member of Delta State Sports Commission, who represents the Southern Senatorial Zone in the three-man Commission, has blamed the ouster of the state sponsored football Club, Warri Wolves FC from this year’s CAF Confederation Cup competition on lack of the country’s participation on the politics of the game. The experienced sports administrator stated this while reacting to the exit of Wolves from continental competition. ‘I would not blame anybody for Wolves’ ouster from this year’s CAF Confederation Cup competition because both the years and the technical crew did their best,’ Etororma began. ‘As far as I am concerned, I believe wolves lost the game in Congo. They did their best in the return leg in Warri. ‘Had it been that Wolves were able to restrict the scoreline to

Take defeat in good faith, Obaseki tellsWolves


ormer chairman of the Globacom sponsored Nigeria Premier League (NPL), Chief Oyuki Obaseki, has advised Warri Wolves FC who exited this year’s CAF Confederation Cup competition last weekend to accept their crash from the continental competition in good faith. `}Z ^ ¦j{Z }^[&Z\Z ^ the advice in chat with Newswatch League Times during the week. He explained that there is no need to start making excuses for

Pillars, Wolves game postponed


s the Nigeria Professional Football League resume this weekend, Kano Pillars and Warri wolves Week 11 game has been shifted to yet to be decided date due to the Super Eagles’ Africa Cup of Nations match against Chad in Kaduna. This much was q[_ \ Z ^¦~^]`Z^]ª[^ clubs’ media managers, Idris Mailikawa and Moses Etu of Kano Pillars and Warri Pillars respectively. According to the two clubs’ media managers, the postponement of their game was occasion by the fact that some of their players are on national team assignment and therefore the management of the League Management Company led by Shehu Dikko, deemed it necessary to shift their game so that when they play, they will be able to have the

full compliments of their players. According to Mailikawa: ‘Our Week 11 NPFL game against Warri Wolves has been shifted due to the national team assignment that some of our players and that of wolves are involved in,’ Mailikawa said. ‘We are not going to play our league game this weekend because our game has been shifted

by the LMC due to this weekend’s 2017 AFCON ´|j } Z\^j¡j}_{]^ `j ^}_^ Kaduna,’ Moses Etu said. The Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) will resume this weekend after a three week LMC forced break to enable club managers meet with their newly inaugurated governors to brief their of their problems which is [\Z^[ ^ _j_qZ^]`j_^j_~^ other thing.

crashing out rather they should learn from their experience and work hard to ensure that they qualify for next year’s edition. ‘My reaction to the exit of Wolves from this year’s CAF Confederation Cup competition is that they have done their best for themselves and for the country before bowing out of the competition,’ Chief Obaseki began. ‘I don’t believe in the school of thought that has it that Wolves lost out of the politics of the game. ‘If I may ask, what is the politics of the game? Those who are saying that Wolves crashed out because of the politics of the game, are they saying that Wolves should have bought the referees? Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

M P Sunshine 10 Pillars 8 Enyimba 10 Gabros 10 Giwa 10 Wikki 10 El Kanemi 9 Abia 10 Heartland 8 Nasarawa 10 Rangers 10 Taraba 10 Kwara 9 Akwa 10 Bayelsa 10 Wolves 5 Dolphins 9 Lobi 10 Sharks 10 Shooting 8

2-0or even 3-1, they would have scaled through. ‘Of course Wolves scored a beautiful goal in Congo but it was disallowed. Then the Leopards’ third goal was a controversial one. ‘And that’s brings me to my position that Nigeria club sides have been performing poor on the continent due to our lack of interest in the politics of the game. ‘The way Nigerians clubs are treated outside the shores of this country calls for the country’s football authorities to take interest in the politics of the game if not we will continue with Nigerian teams not doing well on the continental club football,’ Etoroma explained.

Enyimba take battle toWikki


s the Nigerian Professional Football League resumes this weekend after a three week break, two time African champions, Enyimba International Football Club of Aba is to take their title ambition to the Bauchi where they will be welcomed by Wikki Tourist FC. This encounter is not going to be easy for both sides as they trade tackles for the maximum points at stake. Enyimba who are occupying the third position with 18 point after week 10 games will be aiming

to ensure that they secure a good result at the end of hostilities as they are determined to have a short once more on the league shield at the end of the season. However, the hosts, Wikki will also be aiming to make good use of home advantage as they will be playing in front of thousands of their supporters. On paper, this match can easily go to Enyimba considering their pedigree in the Nigeria Premier League but like they say, football is not mathematics and therefore, it is not over until it is over.

LEAGUE TABLE W 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 1

D 2 0 3 2 5 2 1 1 0 3 2 5 2 2 4 0 3 6 5 2

L 2 2 2 3 1 3 3 5 4 4 5 3 4 5 4 2 4 3 4 5

F 14 11 11 13 11 13 9 10 12 10 11 11 6 5 6 10 9 6 9 5

A 7 5 8 8 6 10 9 12 10 13 12 12 10 10 10 6 11 10 13 10

D +7 +6 +3 +5 +5 +3 +0 -2 +2 -3 -1 -1 -4 -5 -4 +4 -2 -4 -4 -5

P 20 18 18 17 17 17 16 13 12 12 11 11 11 11 10 9 9 9 8 5


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sports/EURO League failed to add to his tournament tally in the Z\Š}_^{`[ÂŞÂŁ}ZqZ^ÂŚ|]^ the Barca superstar has enjoyed another stellar arcelona star term among Europe’s Lionel Messi is elite. enjoying some `Z^¡œ¢~Zj\¢[Šˆ^ ÂŞZŠŠ¢ÂˆZ{Z\šZˆ^ÂŒj‰}Š~^ proved the most time after helping devastating player in his side secure the j_^j0jq‘}_ÂĄ^{Z_{Z^[_qZ^ Champions League more as he topped trophy in Berlin on the scoring and assist Saturday. charts. The Catalan giants Z{{}^_Z0Zˆ^š¸^ÂĄ[jŠ{^ ÂŞZ\Z^q\[ÂŞ_Zˆ^ |\[ÂŁZj_^ in 13 appearances to champions for the third share the tournament’s time in six years after ÂĄ[ŠˆZ_^ÂŚ[[]^ÂŞ}]`^]Zj‰¢ they defeated Serie A mate Neymar and Real {}ˆZ^ |šZ_]|{^¢š^}_^]`Z^ Madrid rival Cristiano ™_jŠ‹ Ronaldo. Messi may have The Argentina

Messi enjoys deserved family time ...after helping Barcelona complete historic treble with UCL success


}_]Z\_j]}[_jŠ^ÂŞj{^ delighted at the club’s European success this season as he spoke to ]`Z^ÂĄj]`Z\Zˆ^q\[ÂŞÂˆ^ at the Nou Camp on Sunday night. ‘The truth is to be here again is something incredible,’ he said. ‘After a tough season last year that cost us a lot, to rebound and get back here again is something spectacular. ‘We have to enjoy this, but I don’t have any doubts that this ÂĄ\[|ÂŁ^ÂŞ}ŠŠ^q[_]}_|Z^][^ ÂŞ}_^ÂŚZqj|{Z^}]^`j{^]`Z^ desire and motivation to continue doing so.’

Terry receives his last ever England cap ... almost three years after Chelsea captain quit the national team

Sturridge on recovery road Liverpool striker focuses on comeback


_ž|\~¢£ÂŠjÂĄ|Zˆ^ Liverpool striker Daniel Sturridge is continuing his journey back ][^™]_Z{{^j_ˆ^`j{^{`j\Zˆ^j^ video of himself doing some ÂŚjŠj_qZ^ÂŞ[\‘^}_^]`Z^ÂĄ~‰‹^^ `Z^¡º¢~Zj\¢[Šˆ^qj_^ÂŚZ^ seen standing on one leg ÂŞ`}ŠZ^]`\[ÂŞ}_ÂĄ^j_ˆ^qj]q`}_ÂĄ^ j^{‰jŠŠ^ÂŚjŠŠ^ÂŞ}]`^j^ }šZ\ÂŁ[[Š^ q[jq`Â’^j{^`Z^j0Z‰£]{^][^

shake his most recent injury to his hip. Sturridge made just 19 appearances in all competitions last season over the course of a nightmare qj‰£j}ÂĄ_^]`j]^jŠ{[^{jÂŞ^`}‰^ {|&Z\^ÂŒ\[‰^ÂŁ\[ŒŠZ‰{^ÂŞ}]`^ his thigh and calf. With the departure of {]j\^ÂŒ[\ÂŞj\ˆ^ |}{^ |j\Z§^ to Barcelona last summer

and summer signings Mario Balotelli and Rickie Lambert struggling for form, Sturridge’s long absences last ]Z\‰^ÂŞZ\Z^qZ\]j}_Š~^ÂŒZŠ]^ÂŚ~^ The Reds. Brendan Rodgers’ side limped to a sixth placed ™_}{`^}_^]`Z^ŠZjÂĄ|Z^j_ˆ^ ÂŞZ\Z^‘_[q‘Zˆ^[|]^[ÂŒ^ÂŚ[]`^ European and domestic cup competitions.


helsea captain John Terry has received the last of his 78 caps for England, almost three years on from his retirement from international football. Terry’s last game for his country came in a World |ÂŁ^´|jŠ}™Z\^jÂŞj~^}_^ Moldova before injury and then his exit from the }_]Z\_j]}[_jŠ^{qZ_Z^{jÂŞ^]`Z^ cap clock stop at 78. `Z^]ÂŞ}qZ¢qjÂŁ]j}_^ announced his retirement in September 2012, saying the Football Association’s decision to pursue charges against him over accusations that he racially abused Anton Ferdinand made his position ‘untenable’. _ˆ^ÂŞ`}ŠZ^ Z\\~•{^ \ZŠj]}[_{`}ÂŁ^ÂŞ}]`^ _¥Š}{`^ football’s governing body ÂŞj{^ÂŒ\[{]~^ÂŒ\[‰^]`j]^ÂŁ[}_]^ [_ÂŞj\ˆ{Â’^}]^}{^|_qŠZj\^ÂŞ`~^ it has taken so long for him ][^\ZqZ}šZ^]`Z^™_jŠ^ÂŁ}ZqZ^ of memorabilia from his international career. Terry said: ‘My last ever England Cap arrived at the ]\j}_}_ÂĄ^ÂĄ\[|_ˆ^]`}{^ÂŞZZ‘‹^ Moldova vs England. So proud to have represented and captained my country. Never had the chance

Walcott on pram duty at up-market London hotel Arsenal star reports for England’s next challenge in Slovenia


`Z[^ jŠq[0^ Z_ž[~Zˆ^]}‰Z^ÂŞ}]`^ his young family on Wednesday before he is due to report back for duty for England ahead of their Euro 2016

´|jŠ}™Z\^jÂĄj}_{]^ Š[šZ_}j^ on Sunday. jŠq[0^ÂŁ|{`Zˆ^[_Z¢ ~Zj\¢[Šˆ^{[_^ }_ŠZ~^}_^ j^ÂŁ\j‰^j{^`Z^ŠZÂŒ]^|£¢ market London hotel `Z^ j_ÂĄ`j‰’^ÂŞ`}q`^

ÂŞ}]`^j^‰ZjÂĄ\Z^][]jŠ^[ÂŒ^ {ZšZ_^ÂĄ[jŠ{Â’^ÂŞ}]`^ÂŒ[|\^[ÂŒ^ ÂŞj{^qZŠZÂŚ\j]}_ÂĄ^}]{^šº¸]`^ them coming in his last ÂŚ}\]`ˆj~Â’^ÂŞ}]`^`}{^ÂŞ}ÂŒZ^ ]ÂŞ[^[ÂŒ^]`Z^qŠ|ÂŚ^{Zj{[_‹ Melanie. ÂŒ]Z\^j^‘_ZZ¢ÂŠ}ÂĄj‰Z_]^ Z]^][^Ă ~^[|]^ÂŒ[\^ injury in January last Ljubljana to take on ~Zj\^{jÂŞ^`}‰^‰}{{^ Slovenia in Euro 2016 football for a year, qualifying later this j{}ˆZ^ÂŒ\[‰^]ÂŞ[^ÂŚ\}ZÂŒ^ ÂŞZZ‘’^ jŠq[0^ÂŞjŠ‘Zˆ^ substitute appearances in ÂŁj{]^{‰}Š}_ÂĄ^{]j&Â’^ÂŒj_{^ [šZ‰ŒZ\^¢^^ÂŒ\|{]\j]}_ÂĄ^ keen for autographs and for a young player a giant cake replica of the supposed to be in his Victorian hotel marking ÂŁ\}‰Z^ÂŚ|]^j^{Z]¢Œjq‘^`Z•{^ its anniversary on Regent put a positive spin on. Street. ‘Fatherhood has been jŠq[0Â’^\ZŠjĂƒZˆ^j‰}ˆ^ a big thing,’ he told ]`Z^j0Z_]}[_^j_ˆ^j]^Zj{Z^ ÂŁ[\]{‰j}Š^]`}{^ÂŞZZ‘‹^ ÂŞ}]`^`}{^ÂŒj]`Z\Š~^ˆ|]}Z{Â’^ ‘The injury came at a folded up the pram great time to be honest himself and packed it into ÂŞ}]`^~[|‹^ `j]•{^j^]Z\\}ŒŠZ^ their red Range Rover ]`}_ÂĄ^][^{j~‹^ |]^ÂŞ`Z_^ j_ˆ^]`Z~^ÂŞZ\Z^[_^]`Z}\^ you go through that ÂŞj~‹^ experience of becoming a The Arsenal speedster father, it’s great.’ `jˆ^j_^}_ž|\~¢\}ˆˆŠZˆ^ [ÂŞ^ jŠq[0^jÂŁÂŁZj\{^ ¡¸šĂ„¢šº^{Zj{[_Â’^jÂŁÂŁZj\}_ÂĄ^ ][^ÂŚZ^™_ˆ}_ÂĄ^`}{^ÂŞj~^ just 24 times for his club ÂŚjq‘^][^`}{^Ă ~}_ÂĄ^™_Z{]‹

ÂŚZÂŒ[\Z^ÂŚ|]^ ^ÂŞ[|Šˆ^Š}‘Z^][^ thank all the fans for your support.’ _^]`Z^_}ÂĄ`]^¢^ ZÂŁ]Z‰ŒZ\^ œ’^¡¸š¡^¢^ Z\\~^Š}‰£Zˆ^ [&^}_^]`Z^Šj]Z^{]jÂĄZ{^[ÂŒ^j^ dominant performance ÂŒ\[‰^ _¥Šj_ˆ^ÂŞ}]`^j^ Frank Lampard brace and goals from Jermain Defoe, James Milner and Leighton Baines securing j_^Z‰£`j]}q^º¢¸^ÂŞ}_‹ `Z^Ÿ¢~Zj\¢[Šˆ^´|}]^]`Z^ national side less than a

month later, having been cleared of racially abusing Ferdinand at Westminster Magistrates’ Court before ]`Z^ ^`j_ˆZˆ^`}‰^j^ÂŒ[|\¢ match ban and a ÂŁ220,000 ™_Z^[šZ\^]`Z^{j‰Z^}_q}ˆZ_]‹ Terry has since resisted calls to return to the _¥Šj_ˆ^{Z]¢|ÂŁÂ’^ÂŞ}]`^ his performances for Chelsea seeing him ranked once again as one of the Barclays Premier League’s best defenders.

Benteke gets his ears flicked by Belgium team-mates ...after coming up short in crossbar challenge


hristian Benteke got an Zj\ÂŒ|Š^Ă€[ÂŒ^Ă }q‘{Ă‚^ ÂŒ[\^™_}{`}_ÂĄ^Šj{]^}_^j^ q\[{{ÂŚj\^q`jŠŠZ_ÂĄZ^ÂŞ}]`^ `}{^ ZŠ¥}|‰^]Zj‰¢Â‰j]Z{^ ahead of their crunch |\[^¡¸šŸ^´|jŠ}™Z\^ÂŞ}]`^ Wales. The Aston Villa {]\}‘Z\^ÂŞj{^ž[}_Zˆ^ by several Premier League stars including Player of the Year Eden

j§j\ˆ’^ `ZŠ{Zj^ [^š^ Thibaut Courtois and [0Z_`j‰^ˆZÂŒZ_ˆZ\^ Jan Vertonghen for the training ground game. The challenge appeared to involve shooting the ball ÂŚZ]ÂŞZZ_^]ÂŞ[^ÂŚj\{^}_^]`Z^

ÂĄ[jŠ‰[|]`^ÂŞ}]`^‰[{]^ [ÂŒ^]`Z^£Šj~Z\{^{`[ÂŞ}_ÂĄ^ ÂŞ`~^]`Z^ Zˆ^ Zš}Š{^ have become such a highly rated team in international football. Except for Benteke ]`j]^}{Â’^ÂŞ`[^ÂŞj{^_[]^ seen to make a shot before paying the forfeit of having each of his ]Zj‰¢Â‰j]Z{^Ă }q‘^`}{^ ears. The World Cup ´|j\]Z\¢Â™_jŠ}{]{^ {]|__Zˆ^ \j_qZ^Ă„¢^j]^ the Stade de France [_^ |_ˆj~^ÂŞ}]`^ Manchester United’s Marouane Fellaini _Z0}_ÂĄ^j^ÂŚ\jqZ^j_ˆ^

j§j\ˆ^{q[\}_ÂĄ^ÂŒ\[‰^ the penalty spot.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sports/News Babs Oyetoro


African Nations Cup qualifier:

Eagles in killer mood for Chad –Keshi .Musa, Balogun, others in top shape for opening Group game

AFCON 2017 :Beware of Chad, Obaseki warns Eagles Victor Enyinnaya


[\‰Z\^™\{]^ }qZ^ President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), High chief Oyuki Obaseki has warned Coach Stephen Keshi and the Super Eagles to prepare for the worst against Chad today as they embark on ]`Z}\^™\{]^‰jž[\^ÂŒ[[]ÂŚjŠŠ^ assignment after the last [\Šˆ^ |ÂŁÂ’^jˆˆ}_ÂĄ^]`j]^ ]`Z^ ÂŒq[_^´|jŠ}™Z\^ÂĄj‰Z^ won’t be as easy as it looks on paper. According to him, the ÂŚj0ŠZ^[ÂŒ^ jˆ|_j^jÂĄj}_{]^ Chadian side could be tricky and slippery which therefore called for total vigilance and coordination amongst the bench and the players. The clarion call here is that Eagles must be beware to avoid possible upset. He further contended that football in Africa has grown because

of the role the game plays as major international relations tool for many governments, which informed why they resort in investing heavily in the sport to hire sound technical hands and encourage their players abroad to play for their country. ‘Chad is not an exception. Therefore vigilance must become the watch word for this crucial AFCON 2017 ´|jŠ}™Z\^ÂĄj‰Z^_[^‰j0Z\^ what opinion anybody may hold on Chadian football growth and ˆZšZŠ[£‰Z_]‹^^ ]^}{^_[]^j^ hidden fact that there are no minnows in football today. Chad has good number of foreign based players who they would rely upon for this game against Nigeria. Keshi and his wards are quite aware of the enormous task ahead, and should concentrate,’ he points

out. Obaseki insists that from the report coming from the Eagles camp, the players and their technical crew are not ready to give chances. They are talking tough and also preparing well for this set up. The ÂŒ[\‰Z\^ Z_ˆZŠ^ _{|\j_qZ^ boss posits that the spirit is also high as the lads j\Z^ÂŁ[}{Zˆ^][^Ă ~^`}ÂĄ`Z\‹^ He expressed delight the injection of some new players home and foreign based in the squad that would face Chad. He stressed that such step showed a dramatic departure from the past and urged these players to seize the life time opportunity and grab a place for themselves in the all star team. ‘Keshi must drum it into the ears of the boys never to take things for granted or try to under rate their day’s opponent as such could prove costly at the end of the day. They should rather imbibe discipline, hardwork and ÂŚZ^ÂŒ[q|{Zˆ‹^ ÂŒ^]`Z~^j\Z^ determined, no doubt they will do the job. Æ ^j‰^[ÂŁ]}‰}{]}q^]`j]^ ÂŞ}]`^§ZjŠ’^]`Z^ÂŚj0ŠZ^[ÂŒ^ Kaduna will go the way of the former African q`j‰£}[_{‹^ ]^ÂŞ[_•]^ÂŚZ^ ÂŞ[_^[_^£Šj0Z\^[ÂŒ^ÂĄ[Šˆ^ though. The boys must brace up decisively relying on team work and spirit to set the tone }_^]`Z}\^šZ\~^™\{]^ ^ 2017 outing,’ he pleads.

s the Super Eagles return to action this Saturday in Kaduna for ]`Z^™\{]^ŠZÂĄ^[ÂŒ^]`Z^ ÂŒ\}qj_^ j]}[_{^ |ÂŁ^´|jŠ}™Z\^ scheduled for Gabon in 2017, the team’s Head Coach, Stephen Keshi has promised Nigerians a brand new team that is raring to go. The team’s media [HqZ\Â’^ [~}_^ ÂŚ}][~ZÂ’^ told Newswatch Times sports that Keshi and other members of the technical crew are working conscientiously to package a solid team that will do Nigeria proud today. He stressed that Keshi has assured that the players that will feature against Chad would play with a new vigour, determination and doggedness Nigerians have not witnessed before. He noted that the players have equally demonstrated unusual commitment and high level of seriousness to training and the match today saying that the general mood in camp is very positive.

Æ ^j‰^]ZŠŠ}_ÂĄ^ }ÂĄZ\}j_{^ that they will see a brand new team today. They will see players with a high level of commitment on the pitch, players ]`j]^j\Z^\Zjˆ~^][^™¥`]Â’^ players that are ready to give 100 percent on the pitch. By the grace God, we shall win the match convincinglyâ€?, Keshi was quoted as saying. |]^ ÂŚ}][~Z^q[_]}_|ZÂˆĂ‡^ “The good news is that the duo of Ahmed Musa and Leon Balogun are back to training and there is no injury worry in the team. They trained for 1hour 40 minutes on Thursday. “The Kaduna fans have been very supportive as they troop out everyday to watch the team’s training cheering the £Šj~Z\{‹^ ^ÂŚZŠ}ZšZ^]`Z^ players will give the fans cause for celebration todayâ€?. He sounded optimistic that the fans will replicate the same thing today by supporting the Eagles from the beginning of the match to the end. ]^ÂŞ[|Šˆ^ÂŚZ^\ZqjŠŠZˆ^ that Nigeria could not qualify for the last Nations Cup held in Equatorial Guinea.

FIFA Women’s World Cup: Falcons in killer mood –Onyedinma Victor Enyinnaya


s the Super Falcons prepare for their last group game against the USA on Tuesday, ĂƒZq|]}šZ^ [‰‰}0ZZ^ member of the NFF, Dilichukwu Onyedinma, has expressed belief, that the team will go far in the [_ÂĄ[}_ÂĄ^ ^ [‰Z_•{^ [\Šˆ^ |ÂŁ^}_^ j_jˆj‹ She was speaking during an exclusive discussion that the team is intact and working harmoniously together with the bench to strategise and ensure it masters inside out the match plan that would

ÂŚZ^Z&Zq]}šZ^jÂĄj}_{]^]`Z}\^ opponents in any given game. The players are ready to continue to complement each other in this task of making sure the country would not just be a participant the global football event. ‘The fact is that after the three all draw against the highly rated Swedish [‰Z_^_j]}[_jŠ^{}ˆZÂ’^ ]`Z^q[_™ˆZ_qZ^[ÂŒ^]`Z^ team grew tremendously. Again, this set of Super Falcons has shown good measure of depth that left nobody in doubt about their desire in this edition of the tournament. As we saw, it was after the

unfortunate own goal that the girls showed lots of §ZjŠ‹^ _{]Zjˆ^[ÂŒ^}]^][^ÂŞZ}ÂĄ`^ them down, it gave it more ™\}_ÂĄ^ÂŁ[ÂŞZ\^][^q[_]Z{]^ against their opponent j_ˆ^ZšZ_^][[‘^]`Z^ÂŚj0ŠZ^ {]\j}ÂĄ`]^][^]`Z}\^`jŠŒ‹^ ]^ÂŞj{^ marvellous to behold and }]^ÂŁj}ˆ^[&^`j_ˆ{[‰ZŠ~^j]^ the end of the day,’ she recalls. Onyedinma, who doubles as the Chairperson [ÂŒ^]`Z^ }ÂĄZ\}j^ [‰Z_^ [[]ÂŚjŠŠ^ ZjÂĄ|Z^Ă€ Ă‚Â’^ believes that if the level of focus radiating amongst them continues, the squad ÂŞ[|Šˆ^ÂŚZ^ÂĄZ0}_ÂĄ^{]\[_ÂĄZ\^ and more coordinated as the championship progresses. She cautions that the key to fortify the bravo showing the opening match is to redouble Z&[\]{^j_ˆ^ÂĄ}šZ^]`Z}\^jŠŠ^ in matches. The question whether they can hold their heads up against any team in the competition is no longer in any doubt. `j]^}{^[_^ÂĄ\[|_ˆ^_[ÂŞ^ calls for concentration in their encounter as seconds slip could rubbish their earlier great game. She maintained that she is not in any way saying that the match will be easy. No way, it is going to be tough, very tough this time when some Falcons players are targeted by opponents bench to be marked out. |]^ ^ÂŚZŠ}ZšZ^]`j]^‘_[ÂŞ}_ÂĄ^ what to expect, the Falcons’ technical crew and players will perfect their plans on how to get the ÂŚZ0Z\^[ÂŒ^]`Z^™]^™¥`]}_ÂĄ^ ^ championship team.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 30

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

Tips to loving relation ship

I met my husband at a Carnival –Yetunde Johnson

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

–Yetunde Johns on

Yetunde Johnso n is the Managin g Director of Slin lo ovvee for ICT bega gshot Technolo n over 20 years gies Limited. Sh ago. While em e is a passionatte graphics pr ba rkin p ogram to aid i g on ttechnologist who a computing supp students to visu se le m en al tary, she develo ize molecules. Th problem and also ped a 3D molecul e project not on helped others to ar ly attracted acco see the molecul moving to Austr lades, but solved es. She was IT le alia as C++ prog her ct ur er at ra Westminster Co m mer and project a member of Ozt llege, London, be coordinator on rak Australia, a fo a re Palm Pilot projec technology star lifestyle, marriag t for rural health t-up company. In e, career and un care workers as this interview w burdened why N ith TUNDE ESO, igerians should sh e sp ok e about her appreciate them selves. Excerpts :


hat are your expectations of the new government? Yes there is a new government that symbolizes change, but as a Nigerian, have we changed? newly brought to Lagos, people were saying it will not work, but with government’s efforts and implementation of policies and practices in that direction, Perhaps, we need to train ourselves to be more disciplined and if we can train ourselves to be more patriotic, that we last forever rather than forcing our How was your growing up? I had a remarkable good growing up stage; saying remarkably good doesn’t mean we were extra ordi ! " # $ " -

How have you been able to joggle home front with your work? " % "" ! & ! ! & & thing about working in a corporate organization is

' & ( ! "

) $ & ! F # ! parents were disciplined, hardworking and were both tially, when I was working for a corporate organiza " " ! ! ( tion, I tried to restrict myself and tried to work from realize what they thought me until I came to NigeJ M" !

" " came into Nigeria, people didn’t know my skills and everybody was surprised that I could perform at any what I am capable of doing, so I had to prove my ! " ability in a particular company I was working and ! ! #" ! $ O Tell me about your educational background? old and for me, what matters to me then was to be a ! " * . ! % went to school there until when I was about 20 years So because working for others, you get stuck in the ! ! & & " " ! Q " & " / : < $ I resigned and then joined another company called

= < &

in Nigeria where I bargained to work for two hours How long have you been married? ! & >@ ! # & " C

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015 After that I decided to resign and start my business. So, I started my business at that time and shortly after, I was recommended to one of the biggest law & V ( ! $ though I saw that as an opportunity since I was still " ! " & X it was incredible. I thought I could learn a lot from the company to run my own business, so I started


! & " & $ F # & [ & ! ( & ! ( \ ]]" ! J ]]" ! ! & ^ ^ # X (

! " & her up after school hours and bring her to stay with


# " " = &^ &^ & How would you describe your marriage? % X me a lot. In a way, the situation was created by two of ! & Do both of you quarrel? %

Do you eat dinner together? ' " & " ! " and did business together and they were always to ! & geria, with all the things running, couples are together ^ ! ( #"


! " ! ! ^ ! found myself in and I enjoy it. How did you meet him? OJ ! ! & ! ' & ( & & Q & ! "

! ! ! ! !& Z ! stay in Agege with my aunty. So on this faithful day, !& Z & and that was where I met my husband. Why did you accept to be his wife? From what I assessed at that time, it seemed to be the & " ! & < " & ! " Q matter to me a lot. And he treats me well.


CYetO M undV y e JE ohnRLov son> e..

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Does it mean you discussed a lot for you to be able to assess all these qualities in him? ' ! F Continued on page 28



PG. ING. .. 33

THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher


He spoke well, he was intelligent and articulate. I saw that he had vision and

DeputyManaging Director


tunde ESO Correspondent

passion for growth in Nigeria

qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, June 13, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

Yetunde Johnson (2nd left) with other participants during the CIO forum, at the NigeriaCom in Lagos.

I am trying to apply technology into small businesses so they can look like big business even though they are small

My husband was tolerant of me what she wants, married, settled down and have grandchildren. continued on telephone, through letter writing and so on while I was back in United Kingdom. So we had a lot of opportunities to discuss a lot of issues. Are you working on any project at the moment? I am a technologist. I do it with passion and I believe technology can change people’s life at any level if applied appropriately. I was driving the other day and I saw a man with a board made of electrical sockets and he was collecting certain amount of money and helped people to charge their mobile phones. And he earns his living from that on daily basis; that is technology for him to think out of the box. That is what technology should do. Technology should be able to make anybody to move forward, whether is to increase your reach, your income or change your life. I am trying to apply technology into small business for women so they can extend their reach, work from home F # ! apply technology into small businesses so they can look like big business even though they are small business. Technology has changed so much, so we can do that. We are embarking on

a particular project called candidate watch. It was a project we launched during the last election. What we did " the candidates through that platform so

" " their potentials. What we intended to do was that if there is anybody who just can’t gather fund, we intend to push people out from that platform and partner with social media environment to raise fund for such persons to execute the project or idea. The more people we push forward, the more people we share with, the more Nigeria will grow. What propelled you to develop a 3-D molecular graphics programmes to aid students to visualize molecules? Solutions, I involve myself in anything that makes life easier so people can live comfortably. I used to say that because I am a lazy person. And the reason I said that is that lazy people want to look for easy ways to solve problems for themselves so that they can have much time to themselves. For instance, if I am to type a sheet, I’ll rather scan it and I am done with it. In this regard they look for quicker ways to get their


solutions. And that was what propelled me to develop that programme. That 3-D molecules programme was developed when I was a chemist. Mentally, we were thought to visualize molecules ! !

! " " ! let me try and provide graphical representation of those molecules so that people will be able to see quickly and solve any problems from now. So that was why I did that. And that was done over two decades ago. Can you share your most memorable moment? Memorable moment for me is when you get married, have your children. Those are things that matters to me. I want to see my daughter succeed; I want to see other people succeed. My parents had instilled the value of giving to others into me. They give and " in the act of giving. It is important to " " your family. The biggest achievement I could ever make is for my daughter to

a drug addict or a terrible person, become a career professional, if that is

What has been your major challenges in life and in business? Wow! There been many challenges. In business, this is the right stage for me to be in business because my daughter is grown, my husband is busy doing his business. But one of the biggest challenges for the employed to be selfemployed is that either you are turning in income or not, either you get money as the head from the business transactions or not, your staff most get paid on monthly basis. Living in Nigeria is challenging as well, and I said that with a lot of humility because we put X rian uplifting another Nigerian which is a little bit sad. Nigerians are the most resilient human beings I have ever met. When I came to Nigeria and I was in the commercial bus every morning, I watched Nigerians assisting themselves, yet we don’t still appreciate ourselves. You take any Nigeria from here to anywhere in the world, you see the person succeeding greatly. And that was why I was keen to come to Nigeria "

enough for me to raise my daughter. We are so easy to put ourselves down. Let us start appreciating ourselves and promote made-in-Nigeria.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015


I hawked foodstuff to survive - Abiola Adebayo I remember the first time I interview years upcoming actress. I am ago; I introduce you That was almost 10 yea sure you are no more upcoming again? as an rs ago now . Of cou ooo, I have arrived, I rse I am no more upc Not many people kno am no more coming again (General Lau oming ghter) w how you started you career. r acting Can you brief us? Actually I started my appeared in some edi career with Wale Adenuga Productions. series. Also, I played tions of Super Story and Papa Ajasco TVI have in any TV soap lately.a role in Family Affairs. But I have not pardrama that brought me to limIt was actually the Yoruba movie titled Eyiticipated That is why people stil elight. It was produced by Ademola Ad n-Oka surname. My name is l refer me to as Biola Eyin-Oka. It is not elakun. Adebayo is my surnamAbiola Adebayo. People don’t even knowmy that title. But it is oka e. I’ve not been able to detach my name that y. After the movie, I hav fro other movies. e played lead roles inm many How did you come abo ut act ing profession I had always wanted to be an actress. But I ? at the right time. In 200 knew it wo 2, my sist er, Liz Idowu, told meuld work out like Genevieve and ask tha ed wh y I had not thought of startin t I looked acting. I told her that g a car she had a friend who I didn’t know how to go about it. Then she eer in knew somebody in Wa said She told me the produc le Ad enu ga Pro duc people and that I did tion outfit was interested in recruiting tions. anybody before I coun’t have to know the chairman or sleep wittalented I went for an auditionld be considered for a role. With this kno h spoke with Bekee Ad at the place. I was lucky and I got a role. wledge, eoye and told me tha one scene, and then pro t I was good. I starte Then I and all that. I can say gressed to two scenes and even acted asd with Ajasco film and a few that I rose through the ranks. After I did an extra noticing me and that scenes in some Yoruba movies, people stathe Papa was how my career sta rted rted. How was your growin Growing up was very g up like? tough for me. I grew you had to fend for you up in an environment where parents were divorced. rself. I grew up with my grandmother. My gra nd mo the r didn’t have anything. My survive, I had to work. five years old. I had to I had been working on the streets since So, to I wa hawk food stuff in the saying this to curry sym street to survive. I’m s not you can get to anywh pathy. I just want to encourage other peo ere ple that in life if you are determ soon as you returned ine d. In tho se day fro m s, as school, there was alw for you to sell. I never ays something earn money. I would liked begging for money. I preferred to wowaiting rat rk her and wa sh your clothes and get money from you. I hav paid tha survive. I thank God e done different things on the streets of n beg for tha Lagos to t I’m oka y now and I can feed was tough. But today, oth er peo She was having her owGod has blessed me. My mum lived in the ple. It parents divorced. My n issues. We were poor and it got worse North. younger ones. I was somum was just trying to manage and caterwhen my make it in life. I strove young then, but I believed that I was goi for my ng to able to be admitted int hard. I had missed about five offers before into school and nobodyo school finally. I didn’t have the money I was to going to go to school was there to train me. I told myself tha get reality. I have learnt a as a comfortable student. Now, God has t I was ma lot of lessons. My mu her a place. m now lives in Lagos. de it a I got When going through all these, did you eve to a man? r think of selling you r body (Prolong laughter) Un cle Mu rph y e fun ny gan o, bawo ni mo seyen? (Uncle Murph se There are things I dony, you are funny, why should I do such a ma What God doesn’t giv ’t believe in. If a man wants to help you, thing?) to beg. It is not a nor e you, a man cannot give you. It is not myhe will. money. It wasn’t a normal thing for every girl to sleep with men style though I didn’t have mal thing for me. So, I didn’t do it. It wa to get don’t have to go into a relationship, but I didn’t do it for moneysn’t as prostitution. I tell peo . can push you to becom ple that no circumstaYou have to choose what e whatever that is bad. I’m a living witnesnce name. I’m not braggi you want to be. I chose to be loyal and kee s. You level of grace that Gong; I’m just thanking God for it. It depend p a good d gives people. But the s n again, I’m not a saion the nt.

30 Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

10 health benefits of love Tunde Eso 08057482794

It’s a more stable form of love to yield clear health benefits. “There is very nice evidence that people who participate in satisfying, long-term relationships fare better on a whole variety of health measures,” Most of the research in this area centers on marriage, but love gurus believes many of the benefits extend to other close relationships -- for example, with a partner, parent, or friend. The key is to “feel connected to other people, feel respected and valued by other people, and feel a sense of belonging. Here are 10 research-backed ways that love and health are linked: 1. Less Depression & Substance Abuse According to the Health and Human Services report, getting married and staying married reduces depression in both men and women. 2. Faster Healing The power of a positive relationship may make flesh wounds heal faster.

3. Lower Blood Pressure A happy marriage is good for your blood pressure. That’s the conclusion of a study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Researchers found happily married people had the best blood pressure, followed by singles. Unhappily married participants fared the worst. Reis says this study illustrates a vital aspect of the way marriage affects health. “It’s marital quality and not the fact of marriage that makes a difference,” This supports the idea that other positive relationships can have similar bene fits. In fact, singles with a strong social network also did well in the blood pressure study, though not as well as happily married people. 4. Less Anxiety When it comes to anxiety, a loving, stable relationship is superior to new romance. 5. Better Stress Management If love helps people cope with pain, what about other types of stress? If you lose your job, for example, it helps emotionally and financially if a partner is there to support you.

Newswatch Times, Saturday June 13, 2015


ith the likely rumours of a split from her younger lover, Toyin Lawani might that she will only do what pleases her. The celebrity stylist who is a delight to the eyes anytime decided to share some racy pictures of her clad in bikini and see-through chiffon gown. She made this known when revealing that she controls whatever she shares on social media, but acknowledges being a role model to her two children. She said, “Na Nigeria you dey wear bikini dem go call am pant and bra free me joo. What is the point of looking sexy and you don’t post? People will talk regardless, whether you are good or bad. “I am going to be me from now on and do things I like that please me. My personality is different from my work/brand. Don’t mix it together, ok.�


Toyin Lawani warns haters


s Muslims throughout the world prepare for the Ramadan Fasting, Chief Sulaimon Ayilara a.k.a Ajobiewe and some other artistes have concluded work on an album in support of the one month fasting billed to kick off soon. In a statement signed by Abdulahi Atolagbe of AMJA Entertainment, he said, Muslims and other music lovers will be seeing Ajobiewe in another dimension compared to what he is known for in the music world as the new album, Owuye hits the market this weekend. “Sulaimon Ayilara is a Yoruba poet with track record of great versatility in the profession. He has many albums to his name and Owuye, his new album will showcase him in a different dimension in the entertainment industry.� said by AMJA Boss. He added that, “Many people out there don’t see Ajobiewe as a Muslim, maybe because of his kind of music. They see him more of a pagan than a Muslim.


Ajobiewe drops Islamic album

t was a parade of Nollywood actors and actresses at the inauguration of Lagos State House of Assembly members at Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos when friends and colleagues of Desmond Elliot stormed the event to add glamour, paparazzi and perhaps give their very good colleague moral support as he begis his political career as a member of Lagos State House of Assembly Some of his colleagues who witnessed ceremony include Ramsey Noah, Monalisa Chinda and several others.


Friends storm Desmond Elliot’s inauguration

exy and busty Enitan Odugbemi is a Yoruba actress gradually making a name for herself in the movie industry. The role interpreter who loves to be called Gallant Enny has featured in films like Alayaki, Ayo Igbehin, among others. When asked about what her opinions were concerning failed celebrity marriages, she had this to say: “I don’t want to talk about it because I am not married yet, I don’t want to criticise anyone.� But Enitan isn’t afraid to flaunt her curves and believes it is what sets her apart from others.


Enitan Odugbemi talks about sex

ecently, famous Gambia movie star, Fatima Jabbe, celebrated the first year anniversary of the foundation floated by her and husband, Julius Maada Bio. A party, anchored by Sierra Leonean comedian, H.E. Massaquoi, took place at the Oasis Banqueting Hall in London attended by some dignitaries from Africa and Europe. The charming actress made her first public appearance with her protruding stomach in admiration of her husband, who is former President of Sierra Leone. The excited Maada Bio thanked guests at the event for honouring the invitation and urged them to assist Sierra Leone in any way. Also speaking at the event, Jabbe talked about how lucky she is to have married Maada Bio, who she said has supported her career.


nita, the Nollywood curvaceous actress has dared Kim K to know who is sexier between them. While uploading her pictures said she knows she be when others take a look at the photos, they could judge. Sharing her new pics on Facebook, she wrote: You have nothing on Nita J, without your waist trainer, oh Kim K, nothing for you! My waist, body is hotter than yours.


Anita Joseph dares Kim K

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gambia actress, Fatima Jabbe, flaunts baby bump

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Lagos leg of the auditions had participants create a ‘Pop of Colour’ look with an African inspiration, the Port Harcourt edition had contestants showcase the Blanc look inspired by the famous Solange Knowles and Alan Ferguson wedding; the Enugu leg however had the contestants portray the monochromatic look which was a bit more adventurous while participants at the Ibadan leg took turns to showcase their versions of the Black Swan look from the award winning psychological thriller. The jury has screened online entries for online auditions on Thursday June 11, 2015 which billed to hold in Obudu cattle ranch in Calabar later this month will be closely followed by the

he second edition of Fayrouz L’Original has concluded the auditioning phase of the competition following the successful outing at the University of Lagos last weekend. The event played host to hundreds of talented participants who came out brewing with a rare kind of determination to impress the jury with their artistic talents hoping to tion. The 2-day event according to one of the judges, Mai Atafo, was a wonderful experience for both the jury and the participants. He described it as both entertaining and educative. ‘I am glad we have come to the end of the auditioning phase, but what gives me more joy is the amount of talents I was exposed to while it lasted. I saw the good, the fair and the not so good, but I’m glad all of these guys could express themselves’, he said. Other judges, top designer Kunbi Oyelese, ace photographer Mai Atafo, and make up expert, Rhema Akabuogu expressed similar opinions stating their delight at the opportunity to be a part of the competition. ‘I feel very privileged to be a part of this noble project. It was all fun while it lasted and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have met and added a thing or two to better these young guys, especially the photographers among them’ Amadi-Obi said. The auditions, which kicked off at the University of Ibadan on Friday, May 15 and Saturday, May 16, 2015 continued at University of Nigeria, Enugu and University of Port Harcourt on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31, 2015 respectively, had the participants take on different creative tasks.


L’Original 2 rounds up audition phase




More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

Davido graduates from Babcock University


mo baba olowo Davido is now a graduate of Babcock University. His family and some celebrities including Don Jazzy and Reekado Banks showed up at the event to support him last week.

hosted i r a h u B a h s i W hen A men A d a m aw a wo

d g of beautiful an t was a gatherin as First L ady, Aisha en intelligent wom women led by a aw am d A ed st Buhari ho y, Hajia Mar yam ad L st ir F e at st Adamawa k. Bindow last wee


s family e r a h s e y n, I-Go-D Comedia on clocks five n, photo as s n comedian, I-Go-Dye’s soe ace

th igeria u n d ay a n d S n o 5 d e re d Roy, turn ssman sha e in s u b d an nd ver y come dian , his w ife a lf e s im h f hotos o y. Haters sp e cial da b eautiful p e th te a r b - Iyanya cele I’m made , e r o cute Roy to m e v e to achie motivate m


Music act, Iyanya took to his Instagram page and shared this inspirational story: ‘From Project Fame to the man I’ve become today.Everyday God shows me so much love. I work hard, I dream and believe in my dreams; my haters motivate me to achieve more. What you see is the half of me. I don’t sit down with jobless people who have free wifi to gossip about others..Me and Ubi came in this game driving that messed up deranged rover, but now we are MADE MEN. Whats your story ?’

Newswatch TImes, Saturday, June 13, 2015


Fashion How to wear that little black dress Qismat Yinus


style essentially introduced by Coco Chanel in the 1920s, the classic little black dress can go a very long way. It can move you seamlessly from the office to a party - all with the addition or removal of the right accessories and complementary clothing. But in a world where many women are relying on their little black dress to beautify their wardrobe and make them look fantastic, it can be hard to stand out among all the other little black dresses. Here are some pictorial suggestions for dressing up your little black dress so that you stand out from the crowd.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

CelebrityChat “A poor man shouldn’t even think of admiring my pictures, not to talk of wooing me. I love money so much, so I ain’t marrying a poor man. I don’t even want a man who is merely comfortable. My interest and affections are for millionaires, if possible billionaires. Money means so much to me, in fact, money makes me wet. At times, when I imagine about so much money in my account, I could just get wet.� The above a true confession from Nollywood actress and ex-Miss Delta State, Lizzy Gold. In this interview, with AJIBADE ALABI, the pretty actress spoke on a wide range of topical issues.

are Lizzy My full names Delta W e from arri, Gold Onuwaj Page at St ta el eD State. I won th 06. 20 elta State in eant as Miss D Most Beautiful the I contested at GN) Pageant (MD ia er ig N Girl in as the second and emerged g an part from bein A . runners-up nce O G N an have actress, I also y ar nd wering seco lly. tred on empo ra ne ge hs ts - yout _N school studen Q[ ]QWMQRM _ ]PZ of , Z_}M QEMNML ty si in any univer ship to study ted ua ad gr igeria. I his choice in N here w ity rs ve ni ate U from Delta St e. rmation Scienc I studied Info o wood about tw I joined Nolly g tin ac to ent in years back. I w en passionate be ve ha I e us beca r long. ie industry fo ov m e th t ou ab over ne do ve t, I ha At the momen I was ht from when my 30 movies. Rig en be s has alway young, acting ith w t ac to I used nd ambition. Then anything arou or rs ai ch , pillow _ _] Q}jM NQ[M O WM 0| VN]Y W d I achieve that? di ow H lead role. tendaduation, I at gr r te af Shortly ol and ho g Acting Sc ed Emeng Ison g movie jobs. ttin then started ge e of the induson is cy an N en Uche rs that have be de ol eh ak st s try’ bs jo ie ov m e with bombarding m s. role especially lead

antic ne lots of rom do ve Yes, I ha roles.


It’s been very challenging, es pecially when it comes to You have to as interpreting characters. sume you are the character in the script; yo u it. If it’s a rom have to put yourself into antic role, you put in the characte r with no string yourself s attached. No. I can’t ha ve sex on loca tion. Deep kiss ing and smoo ching are part of romantic things I’ve do ne on movie se t, not real sex. Does it turn m e on? It doesn’ t turn me on because I’m ju st interpreting a character; maybe becaus e I have a toug h skin.

I can’t act nude and I can’t mak is out of actin e love that g. No matter the money, I won’t. !

Of course I ca n’t. A poor m an shouldn’t even think of admiring my pictures, not to talk of wooin g me. I love m oney so much, so I can’t mar ry a poor man . I do want a man w ho is merely co n’t even mfortable. 0| jRYMNM]Y _RL _ aires, if possib EMPYjQR] _NM XQN Wj[[jQRle billionaires (laughs).



Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015


What doe sm Money m oney mean to yo u? eans so m u wet (laug hs). At tim ch to me; in fact, m es, when o money in I imagine ney makes me m about so alerts are y bank account, I muc co lik much mo e my best friend. uld just get wet. B h I just nee a ney in m ya d to imag nk a credit a ine so lert on m ccount and I’m tu y rn account, immedia Oh my G ed on. When I ge tely. t od, I get tu rned on What if h eh sexual ne as all the money eds to ma and is no ta ke That’s ve ry import you feel like a w ble to meet your oman? ant also, be a man it’s not ju down the st money re! ; he has to What do yo He should u mean by being ‘a m b should kn e physically endo an down there’? wed and ow how to goo how to u use it pro se their e perly, not d in bed. He ndowme all men k nt (laugh now s). Are you re ady for m a Yes I am ready. Of rriage now? course I w ill accept if he prop It seems oses? you like s ex? (Laughs) How ofte nd Because o o you make love in f my tigh t schedule a week? often. s, I don’t really ma What doe ke love s lo Love mea ve mean to you ns sharin g an What part of your b d caring. o Men like my smile dy do you consid er s a lot. I h men adm ave a pota sexiest? ire ble ass als If you we a lot. o which ren I would h ’t acting, what els ave been e would y in o a lot; I ha ve done lo to serious modell u have done? ing ts of mod adverts. elling rela . I like modelling ted jobs e specially

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



e is a wise, prudent, consistent, zealous and committed learner. He is never tired or discouraged about acquiring knowledge. He is of great influence and affluence, a just man with vision, always seeking opportunity to acquire in every situation around him. He is a focused man, a well equipped craftsman, an event going somewhere to happen. Being learned is being characterised by much knowledge and having much erudite. The learned is able to fit into the various seasons of life. The morning season when you learn according to your nature and the nurture. The afternoon season when your scope of learning is dependent on you and your capability. The night season when you learn in deliberately by events, and use up the stored knowledge. Learned people are alert, aware and sensitive to their environment and what can be obtained. Mistakes for them are stepping stones not a crash. They are able to identify when, how and what to sow. They sows their heart, faculties, and senses to reap awareness, information, understanding, and much more. They are optimistic and deliberate, learning from the past, to the present and for the future. This time of sowing is mostly unrecognised but significant and worth the while. Change for them is interesting and fun filled as they maximise the change to creating “change” from it. They are articulate, futuristic, practical, analytical, flexible, objective, inquisitive, attentive, patient, enduring, observant and calculative. Learning is a prominent procedure and process fit for embracing. It is essential for us to understand that becoming learned is a progressive and cumulative experience /procedure. It’s innate, but also acquired and learnt by the individual. You find parents complain about the fact that their children would not want to learn by listening, writing, reading or watching as the case may be. It is less demanding for children to learn if their faculties have been trained early to learn without stress but with fun.


The Learned: To explore potentials Learning is a life time venture; it’s all starts from the foetus stage according to science, then the baby stage, toddler and then childhood. Babies from foetus stage (during pregnancy) can be seen as an empty memory card, that needs to be (format for deliberate storage). They learn through their mum’s activities (role play) ,intakes, verbal expression, and so on. After they are born, they are very conscious of what goes on around them, among which are people’s language, gestures, mode of eating, the food outlook, tastes, disposition to routine and many more. With these awareness, it is advised to always do the right things around the baby as he becomes a toddler. Reading to them from the womb and as newly born is a good start for building a good reading culture all the way. This should continue and can’t be over emphasised for the child. Speak to them regularly from the womb as to what is going on, what you expect of them to establish a relationship from scratch. Speak calmly and swiftly once in a while when needed. Let them watch the television with the age appropriate, moral and spiritually sound content programmes. These days even cartoons have demonic, sexual and immoral content. Help them learn useful attributes, academic, good language, virtues and not vices, productive activities and the right gestures and expressions. Learn to talk to them regularly especially on their line and level of interest, developing their confidence and esteem is essential for them to be able to learn without limitation. Do not schedule talk or discussions to only when they do something wrong. It’s nice to have them discuss things with you before they become an issue. Learning for children is with their five senses, which are the eyes, nose, hand, ears and the tongue. Help them learn adequately by feeding all their senses, not just the feeding of the mouth with food but all their senses with the needed learning experience. Their eyes being for sight, should be given ample chance to see and be fed with lots of colours, variety of shapes, different tools, various sizes, different states of matter, various objects and materials and positive actions. This prepares them for a future of learning by pictures and events involuntarily. The nose is for smelling and breathing. Allow and make them have opportunity for variety of odours, scents, fragrances, aroma and stench. Make them guess what you are cooking, which cream, soap, perfume, air freshener, condiments, fruit and many more that they are given the opportunity to smell. Tell them if they can’t guess right, giving them access to compare and contrast differentiating one object from the other. A well developed sense of smell will give the child alertness and consciousness for what goes on around him. His ability to perceive and his wide range of experiences could even prevent fire accidents. While I grew up as a child, I realised my mum could perceive and

identify various things, cooked items and so many other variables, but the one that thrilled me most was the fact that she could perceive the match stick while being struck on its box. She could perceive the burning flame from another room. Same way you could train your child’s sense organs to be retentive and alert to the world around them. Imagine your child having a perfect use of her senses, perceiving your cooking and stops crying for hunger. The hand as an explorer of feel and manipulation can’t be left out as a learning tool. Make available for them enough toys, variety of clothing materials, to feel, cold, hot and lukewarm materials, wood, plastic, different types of surfaces; rough, smooth, ridge and so on. Give them tools and materials for manipulation, by playing with the things. Exploring things by hitting them on the floor, tasting/biting, pressing, shaking and all. This gets them ready for writing, drawing, moulding and other learning activities. You find some children so lazy to scribble at school, since for the first time they are being given things to do with their hands at school. Since the ears are for hearing, make them hear lots of sound types. Different music; solemn, noisy, and normal ones, various voice pitches, different languages, different emotions and their verbal expressions. Hearing is a vital learning mode, used for interpreting lessons being taught for assimilation. The tongue is for tasting hot or cold food or drink, tasty, spicy, sour, bitter ones, solid or liquid edibles and non edible items. All these are learning experiences for toddler/children to become willing to know the class each and every one of food item or drinks belongs and their effects. All these learning experiences aid the child to effectively learn deliberately when it’s time. Make them always inculcate the culture of learning all the time, all the way by linking, comparing, differentiating, and problem solving and calculating. As children, make them always tell the story of their experiences for the day, asking them what lessons is there to learn from the experiences, both positive and negative ones. Always monitor what they play with, read, watch, what they blab/ rant, their observations mode, what they write, draw, the pictures they like, their subject preference, their friends, nanny at home and school, what takes their attention, what thrills or detests them and why, their fears, what makes them smile, what games they like to play, those places they like to go and more. Take them sightseeing like visiting your home town/village, allowing them explore another environment. Visit parks, beaches, fun arenas, excursions etc. Children’s way of learning should really be fun-filled and not being too serious or tedious at all. Identify their strengths for provision for more experiences to learn from, creating apparatus to satisfy their inquisitive nature and as they become youths, the story changes.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE



Vice President Yemi Osinbajo With The General Overseer Of The Redeemed Christian Church Of God , Pastor Enoch A Adeboye On Arrival At The Apapa Family Annual Conference Of Redeem Christian Church Of God At Balewa Square In Lagos

L-R: Chairman of the Occasion; Bar. Osaro Isokpan; Vice Chancellor, Covenant University, Ota/guest Speaker, Prof. Charles Ayo; Founder/Chairman, The Hayford Alile Foundation, Apostle Hayford Alile and his wife Deaconess Pat.

L - R Vice President Yemi Osinbajo; His Wife, Dolapo Osinbajo And Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode At The Event.


L-R: Chairman of the Occasion; Bar. Osaro Isokpan; Managing Director, Gemia Leather Works Enterprise, Babagida Alhassan; Founder/Chairman, The Hayford Alile Foundation, Apostle Hayford Alile and his wife Deaconess Pat.


L-R:Marketing Director, Colgate Palmolive Nigeria, Hannah Oyebanjo; Oral Consultant, Colgate Palmolive Nigeria, Dr. Oge MacJohnson and General Dental Practitioner, Dr. Oluwagbeminiyi Shyllon at the Colgate Palmolive Nigeria Forum in Lagos. Photo: Bode Agbede

Participants at the Forum.

Photo: Bode Agbede

L-R: Chairman, International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Nigeria Chapter, Mr. Sola Falodun (third right); Guest Speaker/Vice President, Nigeria and Gabon of Shell Exploration and Production Africa Limited, Mr. Markus Droll (second right) in a group Photographs with winners of HSC awards organizers.

Cross section of members of the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Nigeria Chapter, at the event. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

3 39 is Th GE PAis for E L


L-R: Akinwale Goodluck, Corporate Services Executive, MTN, Kehinde Okonu, Head, Technology Infrastructure, Eco Bank, Omatshola Barrow, Sales and Distribution Executive and Acting Chief Enterprise Solutions Officer, MTN and Mrs. Onyinye Ikenna-Emeka, GM, Enterprise Marketing, Enterprise Solutions, MTN, at a classy dinner to celebrate MTN Business customers in Victoria Island, Lagos.

L-R: Banji Adedeji, Facility Manager, Access Bank, Lynda Saint-Nwafor, Chief Technical Officer, MTN, Omatshola Barrow, Sales and Distribution Executive and Acting Chief Enterprise Solutions Officer, MTN and Cyril Iloy, GM, Business Risk Management




L-R: Chairman, Promaco Associates Limited, Dr. Olumide Phillips; Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Ndufu Alike Ikwo, Ebonyi, Prof. Oyewusi Ibidapo-Obe and Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Rahamon Bello.

L-R: Professor of Geochemistry/Dean, College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Univeristy of New Hampshire, USA, Prof. Samuel Mukasa; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Lagos, Prof. Babajide Alo and Emerita Professor, London South Bank University, Prof. Larissa Fradkin. Photo: Segun Padonu


L-R: National President, Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN), Chief Obasi Lawrence; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Mr. Taiye Haruna; Executive Secretary, Major Oil Marketers’ Association of Nigeria (MOMAN), Mr. Obafemi Olawore and representative of the Group Managing Director of NNPC, Dr. David Ige, at a stakeholders meeting to address the current petrol scarcity tagged: petrol queues must go, in the weekend.

L-R: Managing Director, Capital Oil and Gas Industries Limited, Chief Ifeanyi Uba; Executive Secretary, Major Oil Marketers’ Association of Nigeria (MOMAN), Mr. Obafemi Olawore; Executive Secretary, Petroleum Product Pricing and Regulatory Authority (PPPRA), Farouk Ahmed and Managing Director, Pipeline and Products Marketing Company (PPMC), Prince Haruna Momoh, at the meeting.

Chairman, Learn Africa Plc, Chief Emeke Iwerebon (left), and Secretary/representative of DCSL Corporate Services Limited, Ms Anne Agbo. during the 42nd Annual General Meeting of Learn Africa Plc, in Lagos… yesterday.

L-R: Financial Director, Learn Africa Plc, Mrs. Cordelia Isioma Ojeile; Managing Director, Mr. Olusegun Oladipo; Chairman, Chief Emeke Iwerebon and Secretary/representative of DCSL Corporate Services Limited, Ms Anne Agbo. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

How to cook Ofe Owerri

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Recovering after a stroke

Qismat Yinus 08027022738


stroke is a sudden attack or death of the brain cells caused by lack of oxygen supply into the brain. After a stroke, the brain cells LjM jR YZM _EMPYML _NM_] _RL YZM]M NMsult to physical disabilities such as sensory loss, memory loss, language disorders, aphasia and visual problems. There are two main types of strokes: Ischemic strokes (caused by a blood clot or build up of plaques due to cholesterol which blocks the blood vessel within the arteries). This results to loss QX ~[QQL QO jR YZM ~N_jR 7ZM QYZMN type is haemorrhagic strokes (rupture of an artery within the brain). This triggers an intra-cerebral haemorrhage or the rupture of an arteriovenous malformation. Warning signs of strokes are dizziness, loss of balance, sudden severe ZM_L_PZM Lj5P{[Y| jR O_[‚jRk ]{Lden numbness or weakness, sudden confusion and sudden vision problem. There are some risk factors. They are: high cholesterol level, high blood pressure, being overweight/obese, stress, regular use of hormonal birth control methods (contraceptives birth control pills, vaginal ring or implant contain synthetic progesterone and estrogen hormones and has well-documented risks, including an increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart attack and breast cancer), diabetes (when blood sugar levels are high), lack of vitamin D, (research has shown that lack of sun exposure may be an underlying cause of arterial plaque buildup which is a risk factor for stroke) and when an individual does not consume enough fruits and vegetables. Malnutrition and dehydration are key problems for survivors who don’t make the necessary adjustments. Stroke survivors experience swallowing problems (called dysphasia), problems with arm/hand movements (for example, using a knife and fork), memory and thinking difVP{[YjM] XQN M€_W`[M XQNkMYYjRk YQ M_Y or chew food), loss of appetite and depression may set in. Research has shown that these “brain foods� can reduce the risk of having stroke. That means a low-fat, low sugar and low cholesterol diet are essential. A survivor should aim to eat _~Q{Y V}M ]MN}jRk] QX }MkMY_~[M] _RL two to four servings of fruit everyday. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants (this can help reduce damage to blood vessels) e.g. orange, berries, etc; consume plenty of potassium rich foods like bananas, white beans, spinach, plain skimmed yoghurt, avocados, etc (can help control blood pres]{NM PQR]{WM XQQL] NjPZ jR V~MN this can lower cholesterol) and foliate (found in green leafy vegetables). Consume moderate amounts of cooked lean cut meat (65-100g), skin[M]] PZjP‚MR k _RL PQQ‚ML V]Z k ,RP[{LM Qj[| V]Z [j‚M W_P‚erel, herring or trout, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids at least two to three times a week. Consume (1%) low fat dairy foods like skimmed milk, yoghurt, cheese and custard. They contain calcium and potassium which reduce your risk of stroke. Consume plenty of wholegrain breads and cereals because they conY_jR V~MN XQ[j_YM _RL QYZMN }jY_WjR] Examples are wheat bread, brown rice, whole meal pasta, oat meals and other breakfast cereals.


fe Owerri, is a delicious traditional soup from Owerri, Imo State (Eastern Nigeria). It is popular for its rich taste and nutritional value and basically made with assorted fish and mixed green vegetables. When it comes to the type of vegetable to use, it is actually a matter of preference. Two different types of vegetables are commonly used for Ofe Owerri, which can be a mixture of any of these: Ukazi (okazi)&ugu, ora(oha)& ukazi (okazi) OR ugu & oha. In the absence of ugu, oha and okazi, spinach leaves can be used.

Ingredients for Ofe Owerri - 2 large smoked fish (preferably asa fish) - 3 medium pieces stock fish - 300 gram assorted beef - 1 cup smoked prawns(use ground crayfish as substitute) - 4 cocoyam corms or 2 cooking spoonful pounded cocoyam paste - 2 handful okazi leaves( if you use dried okazi, grind in blender before use) - 2 handful ugwu leaves or spinach or

oha/ ora leaves - 2 cookspoonful palm oil - 2 Stock cubes - Salt to taste - Pepper to taste


Before cooking Ofe Owerri * Wash and shred the vegetables and leave to strain in a colander/sieve. Set aside. * Boil the cocoyam corms until soft and pound/blend to form a paste. Set aside. * Rinse the dried prawns and set aside. * Soak the smoked fish in hot water to soften it a bit, then wash thoroughly with hot water and carefully clean out the inside without breaking the fish to pieces. Then Set aside. *Wash the beef and the stock fish and place in a pot

Now to prepare the soup *Season the meat and stock fish with stock cube, salt and any of your favourite meat seasoning. Add a little water and leave to cook until tender. You can add more water if need be. *Add the cleaned dried prawns, pepper, stock cube and palm oil. Mix thoroughly and add the cocoyam paste, bit by bit. Cover and leave to cook until the cocoyam paste dissolve completely. Stir continuously so that the soup doesn’t get burnt at the bottom. * Add the smoked fish and boil for 3 minutes (adding the fish at this stage keeps it from breaking to pieces in the soup). * Then add the Vegetables. If you are using dried okazi leaves, add this first, simmer for 5 minutes before adding the ugu/spinach/oha leaves. *Simmer for 3 minutes and add salt to taste, and your delicious Ofe Owerri is ready.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

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Stay Healthy


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015



Senate Presidency: Saraki, PDP romance that dazed APC Continued from Page 15

been offered by political watchers as the main determinants that eventual[| ]MP{NML YZM Q5PM XQN 6_N_‚j $PPQNLjRk YQ YZM _R_[|]Y] VN]Y[| 6_N_‚j O_] MRLQN]ML ~| YZM 3'3 ]MR_YQN] _RL ~_P‚ML ~| WjRQNjY| ]MR_YQN] QX YZM $3& 6MPQRL[| $3& PQ{[LR\Y `NQduce/present a consensus candiL_YM jR $ZWML /_O_R $[]Q 6_N_‚j O_] ]_jL YQ Z_}M an emotional appeal to both RQNYZMNRMN] _RL ]Q{YZMNRMN] Lastly, he had the support of past governors who are now WMW~MN] QX YZM ]MR_YM '{M YQ YZM ~MYN_|_[ ~| 6_N_‚j and his allies, APC has released a swift response rejecting him and +QR 'Qk_N_ _] 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| [M_LMN] $PPQNLjRk YQ YZM $3& 1_YjQR_[ 3{~[jPjY| 6MPNMY_N| $[Z_ÂŚj /_j 0QZ_WWML ÂĽ6MR_YQN %{‚Q[_ _RL Dogara are not the candidates of YZM $3& _RL _ W_ÂŚQNjY| QX jY] 1_tional Assembly members-elect XQN YZM `Q]jYjQR] QX 6MR_YM 3NM]jLMRY _RL +Q{]M 6`M_‚MN “The party duly met and conducted a straw poll and clear candidates emerged for the posts of 6MR_YM 3NM]jLMRY 'M`{Y| 6MR_YM 3NM]jLMRY _RL 6`M_‚MN QX YZM House of Representatives, sup`QNYML ~| _ W_ÂŚQNjY| QX _[[ 6MR_tors-elect and members-elect of YZM +Q{]M QX 5M`NM]MRY_Yj}M] $[[ 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| WMW~MN] â€?The party is supreme, and its interest is superior to that of jY] jRLj}jL{_[ WMW~MN] &QRsequently, the APC leadership is meeting in a bid to re-establish discipline in the party, and to mete out the necessary sanctions to all those involved in what is nothing but a monumental act of indiscipline and betrayal to subject the party to ridicule and create obstacles for the new adminisYN_YjQR â€?There can be no higher level of treachery, disloyalty and insincerity within any part,â€? he threatMRML 0M_ROZj[M 3'3 Z_] PQRkN_Y{[_YML 6_N_‚j Zj] LM`{Y| (‚OMN-



MW_L{ _] OM[[ _] YZM 6`M_‚MN QX the House of Representatives, Dogara, stating that their elections underscore the fact that no section of the country should be RMk[MPYML QR R_YjQR_[ j]]{M] 0MY{Z jR _ ]Y_YMWMRY LMscribed the development in both PZ_W~MN] QX YZM 1_YjQR_[ $]]MWbly as “victory for democracy and triumph of the time-honored value of the PDP that every zone and segment of the country must at all times be given a sense of belongjRk jR kQ}MNR_RPM ‡ The PDP assured that it would PQRYjR{M YQ `_NYRMN OjYZ [j‚M minds in other political parties



and groups to ensure that the naYjQR\] LMWQPN_P| OZjPZ jY R{Ntured in the last 16 years is sustained in the overall interest of the 1jkMNj_R `MQ`[M “What is paramount to the PDP is the sustenance of our democracy, and the wellbeing of our people, irrespective of creed, class or MYZRjPjY| 7ZM 3'3 j] YZMNMXQNM willing and ready to partner with [j‚M WjRLML jRLj}jL{_[] jR QYZer political parties and groups to sustain our democracy, ensure good governance and promote the unity and stability of our dear R_YjQR 1jkMNj_ _] _ R_YjQR ~M[QRk] YQ _[[ QX {] ,Y] jRYMNM]Y YZMNM-

What is paramount to the PDP is the sustenance of our democracy, and the wellbeing of our people, irrespective of creed, class or ethnicity. The PDP is therefore, willing and ready to partner with like-minded individuals in other political parties and groups to sustain our democracy, ensure good governance and promote the unity and stability of our dear nation. Nigeria as a nation belongs to all of us. Its interest therefore, must be put over and above personal, partisan or group interests at all times

fore, must be put over and above personal, partisan or group interM]Y] _Y _[[ YjWM] ÂĽ,R YZj] NMk_NL YZM 3'3 RQYM] with gratitude, the immense contributions of the immediate past 6MR_YM 3NM]jLMRY §YZM %_~_ QX YZM 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[|\ 6MR_YQN '_}jL 0_N‚ XQN YZM LMPMRP| _RL mature manner with which he en]{NML YZM ]WQQYZ Y_‚M QE QX YZM YZ 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| ‡ YZM `_NY| ]_jL The statement also commended YZM 3'3 $PYjRk 1_YjQR_[ &Z_jNW_R 3NjRPM 8PZM 6MPQRL{] XQN successfully galvanizing PDP members in both chambers of the 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| OZjPZ PQRtributed to the peaceful conduct QX YZM M[MPYjQR] The PDP charged its members jR YZM 1_YjQR_[ $]]MW~[| YQ PQRtinue to uphold the tenets of democracy, and enforce the constiContinued on Page 53

Enugu: Thrills and ills of Ugwuanyi’s first week in office Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


_| M}MN| |M_N W_N‚] 'MWQPN_P| '_| jR 1jgeria since the inception QX YZM P{NNMRY NM`{~[jP jR 0_| YZMNMXQNM W_N‚ YZM Z_RLQver ceremonies between the former kQ}MNRQN] _RL YZMjN ]{PPM]]QN] ,R YZM P_]M QX (R{k{ 6Y_YM jY O_] %_NNj]YMN 6{[[j}_R &ZjWM OZQ Z_RLML Q}MN YQ ,XM_R|j /_ONMRPM 8k-

O{_R|j ,Y O_] OjYZ kNM_Y M€`MPY_YjQR YZ_Y the people of the state thronged the 'N 0jPZ_M[ 2‚`_N_ 6ž{_NM (R{k{ venue of the handover ceremonies, to behold their new administrator, who in his inaugural speech, raised their hopes, but with a hint that sacNjVPM OQ{[L ~M NMž{jNML YQ Y_‚M YZM ]Y_YM YQ YZM RM€Y [M}M[ He announced that his adminj]YN_YjQR OQ{[L MW~_N‚ QR LN_]-

tic reduction of cost of governance ~| PQW`M[[jRk `Q[jYjP_[ Q5PM ZQ[Lers and government functionaries YQ ]ZML ]QWM QX YZMjN _[[QO_RPM] He called on individuals and corporate organisations in the state to ~M NM_L| YQ W_‚M ]_PNjVPM] ]Y_NYjRk OjYZ `_|WMRY QX Y_€M] YQ ZM[` ~QQ]Y government revenue in view of the low Federal allocation to states, and _]]{NML YZ_Y M}MN| ‚Q~Q kMRMN_YML would be judiciously invested and

_PPQ{RYML XQN Ugwuanyi stressed the need for YZM `MQ`[M QX (R{k{ 6Y_YM YQ YjkZYen their belts, and be patient with government, even as he assured that he would not renege in any of the promises he made to the people, among which is a promise to re~{j[L 1]{‚‚_ _] YZM ]MPQRL [_NkM]Y PjY| jR YZM ]Y_YM Ugwuanyi, who is the fourth ciContinued on Page 53


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Politics Enugu: Thrills and ills of Ugwuanyi’s first week in office Continued from Page 52

vilian governor since the creation of Enugu State in 1991, after 'N 2‚OM]j[jM¤M 1OQdo, Dr. Chimaroke Nnamani and Chime, showered encomium on the immediate past governor, and promised seamless continuity and consolidation of his predecessor’s policies and programmes, especially

in the areas of agriculture, education, health services, job creation, rural development and skill acquisition for youths. “Enugu State under us will pay special attention to rural development because the bulk of our people live in the rural areas. We will create more urban areas to boost economic growth. In line with this, we must equip

and modernise Nsuk‚_ Âł _ {Rj}MN]jY| YQOR founded over half a PMRY{N| _kQ Âł YQ PQWpete with other university towns in attracting technology and knowledge based businesses and other industrial support ventures, bearing in mind that Nsukka is the second largest town in Enugu State. “In the same vein, YZM 1jRYZ 0j[M &QNRMN

is a long overlooked economic hub that we need to harness to enÂŚQ| YZM X{[[ ~MRMVY] QX our newly acquired status as a Free Trade Zone. We will give attention to these places to speed up urban development, create fresh economic opportunities, and reduce pressure on the Enugu metropolis. “I will therefore, be calling on Ndi-Enugu

to tighten their belts. %{Y YZM LjEMNMRPM ~Mtween our model of belt-tightening and the one you used to know is that the belt-tightening under this administration will start with government functionaries and business. We will lead by example. We will lead a lean government to free up resources and channel them to the real development issues.

“In addition, every revenue-generating agency of government should be ready to generate, and remit revenues to fund government’s development MEQNY] /j‚MOj]M jRLjviduals and corporate entities should henceforth start paying tax as defaulters will not be counted as friends of Enugu State. Continued on page 54

Lagos Scout Council tasks Ambode on patronage Mansur Oladunjoye


he Commissioner, Lagos State Scout Council, 0N -QR_YZ_R 2[_L_`Q Tawose, has applauded the state government for its patronage, urging the RMO kQ}MNRQN 0N $‚jRwunmi Ambode, to emulate his predecessor, Babatunde Fashola, and his kindness towards the voluntary organisation. Tawose, in an exclusive interview with Newswatch Times, in-

formed that the mandatory subvention is no longer released to the council, stressing that “The state government under the former administration no doubt assisted the scout even beyond expectations. It our hope now that our amiable Governor Akinwunmi Ambode will follow suit, knowing the importance the group play in reshaping the youths.� He admitted to Newswatch Times that

the growing problem QX jRYMkNjY| _EMPYjRk _[[ facets of life has also affected the scout organisation, but hopes that the steady training and camping in all the local governments and council development areas are stemming the menace. Recalling his journey to the saddle of leadership, Tawose hinted, “I took over on June 15, 2013, through election for a three-year tenure. It has not been easy

managing people with LjEMNMRY PZ_N_PYMN] ~Mcause the needed virtue and integrity is almost not there in some of our members, even at that, we were confronted with how to manage them without casting them overboard. “To do this, I immediately appointed subordinate commissioners and assistant commissioners; all with portfolios. I also appointed many for special duties and others without portfolios.


“However, we discovered that among the assisting commissioners, many of them don’t always show up even for meetings and activi-

ties just because the organisation is a voluntary group. This in no small measure is a big minus for the progress of the organisation,� he lamented, but added, “We thank God that so far, it has been well with Lagos Scout Council.� He disclosed that the council has already inaugurated a committee to commence planning for the organisation’s centenary celebration, which will be held globally.

Senate Presidency: Saraki, PDP romance that dazed APC Continued from Page 52

tutionally vested parliamentary role of check and balances to ensure the much desired accountability and probity in the polity. Finally, it urged the APC to stop whining and accept the will of the people, respect the independence of the legislature, as the PDP is not responsible for their naivety and crass inexperience. Facts now abound that the Representatives that rejected Gbajabiamila did so because of his alleged questionable personality and character, knowing that there was an existing law suit in the Federal High Court, $~{ÂŚ_ 'j}j]jQR V[ML ~| _ NjkZY] kNQ{` Âł 5Mkistered Trustees of Social Justice and Civj[ 5jkZY] $O_NMRM]] ,RjYj_Yj}M Âł ]MM‚jRk YQ NMstrain Femi Gbajabiamila from emerging as House Speaker. ,R _ ]{jY V[ML QR YZMjN ~MZ_[X ~| 0j‚M 2¤Mkhome (SAN), the group had approached the court through an ex-parte application praying for an order to stop Gbajabiamila from parading himself as a member of the House of RepNM]MRY_Yj}M] _RL _[]Q _R _]`jN_RY XQN YZM Q5PM of the Speaker. In its application, the group prayed the PQ{NY YQ LMP[_NM YZ_Y *~_ÂŚ_~j_Wj[_ {RVY YQ ~M elected as the Speaker of the House of Repre]MRY_Yj}M] 7ZM `[_jRYjE _[]Q _[[MkML YZ_Y *~_jabiamila holds a United States passport even though he is of Nigerian descent, and this contravenes the constitution as regards membership of the House of Representatives. The group predicated its suit on grounds that Gbajabiamila was convicted in the State



of Georgia for unethical practices, and had to be stripped of his bar license for 36 months, submitting that the mood of the nation today will not warrant position of Speaker in the hands of any individual that has a tainted or questionable character. When the matter came up on Tuesday, the trial judge, Justice Abdul Kafarati who heard YZM W_YYMN jR &Z_W~MN QNLMNML YZM `[_jRYjE to put the defendants on Notice to come and ]ZQO NM_]QR OZ| YZM NM[jMX] QX YZM `[_jRYjE should not be granted. He consequently adjourned till June 18, 2015. According to political analysts, the ongoing legal court case facing Gbajabiamila deprived

him of the number XQ{N PjYj¤MR _] YZM lawmakers would not risk anything for the chambers’ integrity. 0QNM ]Q Newswatch Times gathered that aside the PDPAPC coup that outmanoeuvred Gbajabiamila, the lawmakers were said to be in serious mood to walk OjYZ 3NM]jLMRY 0{hammadu Buhari,

whose intolerance for corruption and indiscipline is resounding enough to dish any stained personality of any public post. Thus, the House of Representatives couldn’t, but help toy with any attempt that could eventually make it a laughing stock. As it is now, the arrangements on ground and the way committee positions are likely to be shared would unquestionably free, maximally the House from the apron of the executives since most of its (NASS) activities are now going to be more independent as well as robust unlike before when the executive used to have kNM_YMN jR {MRPM RQY only in its leadership choice but also prune and edit its activities, thus rendering it to a semi-rubber stamp.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015


Enugu: Thrills and ills of Ugwuanyi’s first week in office Continued from Page 53

Having thus pronounced, the people of the state expected the government to hit the ground running immediately. However, one week after the handover, the new governor has been unable to make any major policy decision or even appoint his principal ofVPMN] 7Z{] YZM ž{jP‚ ³V€ WMRY_[jY| QX YZM citizens started turning PQ[L 7ZMNM j] RQ LQ{~Y that the people of the state are eager for radical change in the way things are done in the state. But the new governor hasn’t been idle though. One of his acYj}jYjM] L{NjRk YZM VN]Y OMM‚ jR Q5PM O_] YQ hold PDP stakeholders meeting, which many analysts saw as buyjRk YjWM 7Zj] j] ~Mcause some of the issues discussed at the meeting are things he was elected to do in YZM VN]Y `[_PM 7ZMNMfore, seeking approval of stakeholders before doing them appeared as if the governor had no clear vision of what he intends to do. For instance during the meeting which held at Old Governor’s Lodge, Enugu, last Saturday, the stakeholders NM_5NWML YZMjN PQRVLMRPM jR *Q}MNRQN Ugwuanyi, and gave him overwhelming approval to constitute his cabinet from amongst politicians and professionals he would personally choose after assessing their credentials. He assuaged the anxiety of the people who have been in suspense over appointments when he announced that as soon as the House of Assembly is inaugurated, he would send a rež{M]Y XQN _``NQ}_[ QX his would-be advisers to the legislators after which the list of commissioners would also be forwarded to the House. 7ZM kQ}MNRQN OZQ is said to have been a victim of intense lobbies for political ap-

pointments from sevMN_[ ž{_NYMN] _[]Q {]ML the opportunity of the well-attended meeting to read the riot act against public servants and political appointees, who would be given to laxity in performing government business. After a prolonged discussion during which various stakeholders made their contributions as to what should be done in the area of key appointments, direction of government policy and other issues, the governor received the `MQ`[M\] _5NW_YjQR] through voice votes, especially as majority of the people wanted him to use his own discretion to appoint those who would work in his administration. Ugwuanyi, who led the political leaders and other stakeholders at the old Governor’s Lodge in conducting the discussions in a democratic manner also informed them that in view of the drastic reduction in the revenue accruing from the Federation account, he will soon set up an economic comWjYYMM YZ_Y OQ{[L QEMN advice, and propagate government drive to harness other sources of income that could be available to the state. He told them that the WQ}M O_] ž{jYM RMPessary in view of the fact that Enugu State is top from the bottom among states in the PQ{RYN| jR YZM ž{_Rtum of revenue received from the Federation account. 7Q VkZY PQNN{`YjQR and plug leakages in the system, Ugwuanyi announced that he will soon reconstitute the ]Y_YM 7MRLMN]\ %Q_NL which would take charge of all government contracts, asserting that the governor’s Q5PM OQ{[L RQY Y_‚M charge of award of contracts in the state. And to shore up peace and stability among the component units of the state, Ugwuanyi also informed the gathering that he would


soon reconstitute the Enugu State Elders’ Council, which would play an advisory role for his administration as it would like to tap from the wealth of experience of such elders of the state. 7ZM ]Y_‚MZQ[LMN] jRcluded senators-elect, House of Representatives-elects, incoming state assembly members, former ambassadors, chieftains of the Peoples Democratic Party, opinion leaders from communities, traditional rulers, among others. Aside the PDP stakeholders’ meeting, Governor Ugwuanyi and his deputy, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, Z_L Q5Pj_[[| _]]{WML duty at the new Lion Building, Government +Q{]M (R{k{ QR 7{M]L_| -{RM 7ZM governor, on arrival to YZM Q5PM O_] NMPMj}ML by the Permanent Secretary/Chief AdminisYN_Yj}M 25PMN *Q}MNRment House, Enugu, Mr. G.O.C. Ajah and the enthusiastic GovMNRWMRY +Q{]M ]Y_E jR front of the Lion Building. 7ZM *Q}MNRQN\] VN]Y L_| jR Q5PM O_] ]Y_NYed with an open airinter-denominational prayer session conducted by the Government House Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Sylvester Nwodo, assisted by Rev. Emma Okoli of the Anglican Communion. 7ZM kQ}MNRQN OjYZjR YZM VN]Y OMM‚ {Rdertook inspection visits to some parts of Abakpa Nike, Ogbete Main Market, (687 7M_PZjRk +Q]`j-

tal, Park Lane Enugu and National Grammar School, Nike, Enuk{ $Y YZM (687 7M_PZing Hospital, Governor Ugwuanyi said that government would pay the hospital bills of nineteen nursing mothers at the maternity ward, and that of Amanda Kalu and Dennis Amanda in the surgery and gynaecology wards amounting to millions of naira. 7ZM ]Y_YM\] &ZjMX (€ecutive, who was conducted round the hospital wards by the Chief Medical Director of the hospital, Dr. Gabriel Njeze said that his administration would ensure that Enugu State is a preferred destination in the healthcare delivery services in Nigeria. At Abakpa Nike and Ogbete main markets, Governor Ugwuanyi was received by a mammoth crowd of enthusiastic residents and traders from $~_‚`_ 7jWMN 6ZML and Ogbete Main Market. Addressing the traders, he said that the purpose of the visit was to meet with them, thank them for their support and also inspect the roads in the markets. He also visited National Grammar School, Nike. Addressing the students, the governor described education as one of the biggest industry in the state, adding that his administration will continue to give priority attention to the development of that sector of the economy. 6Yj[[ OjYZjR YZM VN]Y OMM‚ jR Q5PM *Q}-

ernor Ugwuanyi sent warning signals to kQ}MNRWMRY Q5Pj_[] local government council chairmen and YZMjN ]Y_E QR YZM RMML to be punctual at duty posts, and discharge their duties creditably. He also paid an unscheduled inspection visit to Awgu and Aninri local government areas of the state. 7ZM kQ}MNRQN OZQ was accompanied by the deputy, Hon. Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, the State Chairman of PDP, Chief Ikeje Asogwa, Victor Atuonwu, also visited Saint Vincent Secondary School Agbogwugwu. At Awgu Local Government Council, the governor and his entourage arrived the ZM_Lž{_NYMN] _Y _~Q{Y nine O’clock in the morning only to discover that principal ofVPMN] QX YZM PQ{RPj[ jRcluding the chairman, Mr. Mathanus Nnanna Nze, were not in YZM Q5PM YQ NMPMj}M ZjW 7ZM ]YQN| O_] YZM same at Aninri Local Government Council ZM_Lž{_NYMN] 1Lj_~Q where he and his team arrived at about 9.50a.m. He was also at Udi town, the country home of his predecessor, Sullivan Chime, where he assured the people of the state that his administration will complete all developmental projects initiated by his predecessor to make life better for the citizenry. His visit coincided with the visit of leaders of thought, traditional rulers, top kQ}MNRWMRY Q5Pj_[] and PDP stakeholders as well as sons and daughters of Enugu East Senatorial District, who came on a thank you visit to Mr. Chime. He described Enugu State as one big family and restated the seamless continuity in the execution of the fourpoint agenda of his predecessor to ensure Mž{jY_~[M Lj]YNj~{YjQR of amenities to give every section of the state a sense of belonging. Ugwuanyi described Chime as the

leader of the state OZMYZMN jR Q5PM QN RQY _RL ]`MPjVP_[[| thanked him for laying a very good and solid foundation for him to build-upon. He similarly led traditional rulers, leaders of thoughts, PDP stakeholders, top govMNRWMRY Q5Pj_[] ]QR] and daughters of Enugu North Senatorial District on another thank you visit to Chime at Udi town, his country home. 7Z_Y O_] _ ]MPQRL }j]it within one week. Again, he said that he was impressed with the level of transformation that his predecessor brought to the state in all sectors of the economy, addjRk YZ_Y Zj] MEQNY] Z_L helped to turn Enugu State into a choice destination for both public and private investors, estate developers and tourists. He also commended the former governor for his unwavering support for Mž{jY| _RL [Q}M XQN the people of Enugu North Senatorial District, which made it possible for them to produce his successor. In his speech, the former governor, Mr. Sullivan Chime, thanked the people for the honour bestowed on him, and also for coming out en mass to appreciate the successful completion of his tenure. He expressed delight over the level of acceptance given to his successor including the oppositions, and described such as a mark of integrity and dedication. Earlier, the governor had paid a visit to Our Saviour Medical Centre, Ngwo, and cleared the bills of some patients including a nursing mother who was abandoned by the husband after four months of delivery. With the inauguration of the 6th Assembly in the state, the citizens are now awaiting real action, especially in appointment of personal aides and constitution of the State Executive Council.

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Saturday, June 13

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015


North Central

Constituents kick against swearing in of Benue Rep Paschal Njoku, Abuja


group of protesters from Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal Constituency of Benue State have condemned in the strongest terms, the swearing-in of Hassan Saleh as a member of the National Assembly. The group stated this yesterday at the Eagle Square, Abuja, shortly after being advised by the FCT Commissioner of Police, Mr. Wilson Inalegwu, not to stage their

planned protest due to tension within the National Assembly. Having heeded the advice, leader of the constituents, Mr. Peter Okpe, alleged that Mr. Saleh was sworn-in without _ PMNYjVP_YM QX NMY{NR XNQW YZM Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). He expressed surprise that the Clerk of the NASS would go ahead to swear Saleh into Q5PM OZMR YZMNM j] _ WQYjQR for stay of execution arising from the judgment of the Federal High Court Abuja, which ordered the removal of

Mr. Christian Abah, who was jRjYj_[[| kj}MR _ PMNYjVP_YM QX return. The group viewed the ]OM_NjRk jR QX 6_[MZ _] _grant disobedience of the stay of execution notice served on all parties in the suit. “We want NASS to explain to Nigerians why Saleh was sworn in as member representing Ado/Okpokwu/Ogbadibo Federal Constituency QX %MR{M OjYZQ{Y _ PMNYjVP_YM of return,” the group said. ¥$~_Z\] PMNYjVP_YM QX NMturn is intact, and INEC has not invalidated it. Let the

Clerk show Nigerians the cerYjVP_YM QX NMY{NR YZM| {]ML jR swearing in Saleh as a member of NASS,” they stated. Consequently, they aggrieved constituents appealed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Yakubu Dogara, and the Clerk of the House as well as other parties in the matter to obey the stay of execution notice of the judgment served on them in order not to rob the people of the constituency who voted en masse for Mr. Abah of their right to qualitative representation at the House.

Former minister donates lab equipment to hospital in Plateau Gyang Bere, Jos


ormer Minister of Water Resources, Mrs. Sarah Reng Ochekpe, has donated laboratory equipment worth $400,000 to Vom Christian Hospital in Plateau State, to improve health service delivery to less privilege citizens in the rural communities. She noted that the equipment will enable the ZQ]`jY_[ NMRLMN MEMPYj}M services to the people, particularly victims of persistent attacks in Barkin-Ladi and Riyom local government areas of the state who are always on admission. Mrs. Ochekpe, while donating the materials yesterday, lamented the in ability of people in the

rural areas in Nigeria to access standard medical facilities, thereby leading to untimely death in most communities. She applauded the management of Vom Christian Hospital for effective service delivery at _EQNL_~[M N_YM YQ YZM [M]] privilege, and encouraged them to make good use of the equipment to serve humanity. The former minister added that the donation is out of the passion her family has for the health sector in the country, and called on government at all levels, spirited individuals, philanthropist and non-governmental organisations to contribute immensely to get the country out of the current health challenges.

Ortom visits Tor Tiv, orders reinstatement of traditional ruler Godwin Akor, Makurdi


L-R: Chairman, Sport Writers Association of Nigeria, Oyo State Chapter, Mr. Seun Ajayi-Obe; Folake, widow of Tolu Fatoyinbo and Guest Speaker, Mr. Sina Abimbola, at a tribute in honour of the late broadcaster in Ibadan, Oyo State...yesterday.

Vehicle procurement: Kwara Express disagrees with Harmony holdings Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


he Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service, Technical and Recreational Services Employers (AUPCTRE), Kwara Express chapter, has faulted claims made by Harmony Holdings Limited that it procured 42 vehicles for the corporation YZNQ{kZ [Q_R XNQW _ VR_RPj_[ institution.

Chairman of the Union, Comrade Ajao Jaji, who denied the claims in a chat with Newswatch Times on Saturday, explained that workers of the Kwara State Transport Corporation (KSTC), popularly known as Kwara Express, generated enough Internal Generated Revenue (IGR) between 2013 and 2015 that could be used to purchase new vehicles for the corporation.

The chairman of the Union, who showed documents to buttress his claim, which inP[{LM] Vk{NM] _RL jRPQWM generated by his members, called on Harmony Holding Limited to disclose to the state government how it spent about N150 million ~QNNQOML XNQW VR_RPj_[ jRstitutions to purchase vehicles for the corporation. He noted that from February 1988 till 2013, the liabili-

ties of the corporation stood at N36, 953,921.27, and during the Harmony Holdings administration from September 2012 to February 2014, it was N48, 349,315.06. Jaji also disclosed that from January 2014 to December of the same year, the corporation generated N271, 267,185 as revenue, and between January 2015 and May of the same year, it has recorded about N853, 088.70.

Lalong sacks Jang’s political appointees Gyang Bere, Jos


lateau State Governor, Rt. Hon. Simon Lalong, has dissolved all political appointment made by the previous administration of Senator Jonah David Jang, j_ ^|\¡Z ^]`Z^j&Zq]Z ^£Z\{[_{^ to hand over to the most senior

[HqZ\{^ª}]`^} Z }j]Z^Z&Zq] This is contained in a press statement issued by the Secretary to the State Government, Hon. Rufus Bature, and in signed by the Director of \Z{{^j_ ^ |¦ }q^ &j}\{^][^]`Z^ Governor, Samuel Emmanuel Nanle, in Jos. Parts of the statement reads:

“The Executive Governor of Plateau State, Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong, has approved the immediate dissolution of all Political appointments of the immediate past administration. “All Chief Executives, Chairmen and Members of Commissions, Boards and Parastatals ª`[{Z^ j££[}_] Z_]{^ j\Z^ £[-

litical in nature, except tenured Statutory Boards are also affected.” The statement further di\Zq]{^j ^j&Zq]Z ^j££[}_]ZZ{^][^ `j_ ^ [ Z\^ j ^ j&j}\{^ [ ^ ]`Z}\^ agencies including government properties in their possession immediately to the most {Z_}[\^[HqZ\

he gap between the Governor of Benue State, Mr. Samuel Ortom, and the Tor Tiv, Orchivirigh Alfred Akawe Torkula, as a result of the deposition of the chairman, Gwe-West Local Government Traditional Council, Chief Daniel Abomtse, may have been closed with the governor’s recent visit to the paramount ruler. The immediate past adWjRj]YN_YjQR Z_L jR {MRPML the Tor Tiv to depose Chief Abomtse over the allegation YZ_Y ZM `NQWQYML PQR jPY] between Tiv and Fulani. Chief Abomtse, on his own

part said he was deposed because the former Governor, Gabriel Suswam, claimed he voted for the All Progressives Congress (APC), instead of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Governor Samuel Ortom had ordered the Tor Tiv to reinstate Chief Abomtse before paying him homage in Gboko. While interacting with the Tor Tiv, Ortom said his visit was to inform him of his vicYQN| _RL _]]{W`YjQR QX Q5PM as governor of Benue State. He thanked the Tor Tiv for the peace that existed in his domain during the elections, and urged him to support his administration.

Cleric charges political office holders on responsiveness Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


Q[jYjP_[ Q5PM ZQ[Lers in the country have been urged to be more sensitive to the yearnings and aspirations of the down-trodden to further make the nation’s hard won democracy more meaningful to them. The Chief Imam of Ilorin, Alhaji MohaMmed Bashir Fulani, gave the advice yesterday in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, while receiving in audience the new Speaker of the state’s House of Assembly, Dr. Ali Ahmad, during the Speaker’s courtesy visits to some prominent religious and traditional leaders in Ilorin emirate.

Fulani, who decried the current level of poverty in the country, said that security and other challenges bedevilling the nation could be overcome “when there is political will by the leadership to genuinely exterminate poverty among the Nigerian populace. The cleric expressed optimism that the National Assembly and state House of Assembly under the leadership of Dr. Bukola Saraki and Dr. Ali Ahmad respectively, would consolidate on the performance of the 7th legislature by providing the platform for good governance to enhance the actualisation of the much anticipated change by Nigerians.



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sports Update Kaduna to host more international matches โ NFF


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Ogu urges Eagles to demolish Chad "# $ %&'() *


uper Eagles ย }ย ย Zย ย Z\^ [`_^ ยก|^ยชj_]{^]`Z^ ]Zjย ^][^{]j\]^]`Z^ยทยธยนยถ^ ย \}qj^ j]}[_{^qjย ยฃj}ยก_^ [_^j^ยก[[ย ^_[]Z^j_ย ^ ย j}_]j}_^]`Z^ย [ย Z_]|ย ^ }_^{|ยฆ{Zยด|Z_]^ย j]q`Z{^{[^ j{^][^jย [}ย ^]`Z^ยฃ}]ย jย ย {^[ย ^ ]`Z^ย j{]^ยด|jย }ย ~}_ยก^{Z\}Z{^ ยช`}q`^q|ย ย }_j]Zย ^][^ }ยกZ\}j^ย }{{}_ยก^[|]^[_^ ยด|j][\}jย ^ |}_Zj^ยทยธยนยบย }ยกZ\}j^ย [{]^`Z\^ [ยฃZ_}_ยก^ยกjย Z^[ย ^]`Z^ยทยธยนยบ^ ย q[_^ยด|jย }ย Z\{^ยปยขยท^][^ [_ยก[^j]^]`Z^ ^ {|Z_Z^ ]jย }|ย ^}_^ jย jยฆj\ย ^j^ ยชZ^j\Z^jย \Zjย ~^}_^ }ยกZ\}j^ \Z{|ย ]^ยช`}q`^]`Z^ |ยฃZ\^ j_ย ^ยช}]`[|]^[|\^ยพZ\{Z~{ย ^ ย ย ^ยชZ^`jย Z^}{^]\[|{Z\{ย ^ยชZ^ jยกย Z{^ย j}ย Zย ^][^\Zq[ย Z\^ ย \[ย ^j{^]`Z^]Zjย ^q\j{`Zย ^ ย [_ย ]^`jย Z^ย [_Z~^][^ยฆ|~^ j_[]`Z\ย ร `Z^ `jย }j_{^j\Z^_[ยช^ `[ยฃ}_ยก^][^]jย Z^ย Zย }ย Z\~^[ย ^ ]`Z}\^ย j]q`^ย j~^ย }]^j_ย ^ Zยด|}ยฃย Z_]^ย j]Z\^[_^ \}ย j~^ ยฆj\\}_ยก^j_~^`}]q`ย [\ย Z\^ }ยกZ\}j_^ } } `jย ^j_ย ^ }ยกZ\}j^j\Z^ }_]Z\_j]}[_jย ย ^ ย \jยช_^}_^ \[|ยฃ^ ^[ย ^ j\_jยฆj{^ ]`Z^ ย q[_^ยด|jย }ย qj]}[_^ ย Z_ยกZ\ย ^`j{^q`j\ยกZย ^ jย [_ยก{}ย Z^ ยก~ยฃ]^j_ย ^ ]`Z^ |ยฃZ\^ jยกย Z{^][^ j_ยงj_}jย

Chad in kit dilemma for Nigeria clash


`Z `jย }j_ ย Z_ย { `Z^ `jย }j_^ย Z_ย {^ _j]}[_jย ^]Zjย ย ^ Z{^ j[ย ^ย j_ย Zย ^}_^]`Z^ }ยกZ\}j_^qjยฃ}]jย ย ^ ยฆ|ยพj^ [_^ \}ย j~^ย [\^ j]|\ย j~ย {^ ย q[_^ยด|jย }ย Z\^ยช}]`^]`Z^ |ยฃZ\^ jยกย Z{^ยฆ|]^ยช}]`[|]^ ]`Z}\^ย }]{^j_ย ^Zยด|}ยฃย Z_]ย `jย ^`Zjย ^q[jq`ย ^ ย ย j_|Zย ^ \Zยก[j]ย ^_[ยช^ ย Zj\^]`j]^]`Z^}_q}ย Z_]^ q[|ย ย ^`jย ยฃZ\^]`Z}\^ ]\j}_}_ยก^ยฃ\[ยก\jย ย Z^ j`Zjย ^[ย ^]`Z^ยทยธยนยถ^ ย \}qj^ |ยฃ^[ย ^ j]}[_{^ยด|jย }ย ~}_ยก^ ย j]q`^jยกj}_{]^ }ยกZ\}j^ ยฆ}ย ย Zย ^ย [\^]`Z^ `ย jย |^ Zย ย [^ ]jย }|ย ^}_^ jย |_jย Z{^ j[^ยฆ\ZZยงZย ^}_][^ }ยกZ\}j^ย \[ย ^ \j_qZ^ยฆ|]^ ]`Z^j}\ย }_Z^ยช}]`^ยช`}q`^ ]`Z~^ร Zยช^}_][^]`Z^ Z{]^ ย \}qj_^_j]}[_^ย j}ย Zย ^][^ q`Zqย ^}_^]`Z}\^]\j}_}_ยก^ j_ย ^ย j]q`^ย j~^ย }]^j_ย ^ Zยด|}ยฃย Z_]ย \Zยก[j]^{j}ย ^]`Z^ยฃย j~Z\{^ j\Z^ย }{]\jq]Zย ^ยฆ~^]`Z^ }_q}ย Z_]^[ย ^]`Z}\^ย }]ย ^ย }{]\j|ยก`]^ \Zยก[j]^ ][ย ย ^ \}ย j^ ^[_^j\\}ย jย ร ^ ร ย ย ^]`Z^ยฃย j~Z\{^j\Z^]}\Zย ย ^ ]`Z\Z^j\Z^_[^qย []`Z{ย ^ [[]ยฆjย ย ^}{^_[]^ย Z\~^ }ย ยฃ[\]j_]^ย [\^|{^_[ยชย ^ {[ย Z^ยฃย j~Z\{^j\Z^jย \j}ย ^

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Imenger tasks Eagles on Chad game


Z_{|\Z^ j]|\ย j~ย {^ ย q[_^ยทยธยนยถ^ยด|jย }ย Z\^ jยกj}_{]^ `jย ^ยฆZยก}_{^[_^ j^ยก[[ย ^_[]Zย `Z^ jยกย Z{^ยฆZยก}_^]`Z}\^ ยด|Z{]^][^\Z]|\_^][^]`Z^ ย \}qj^ |ยฃ^[ย ^ j]}[_{^ ยช}]`^j^`[ย Z^ย j]q`^ jยกj}_{]^ `jย ย ^j]^]`Z^ `ย jย |^ Zย ย [^ ]jย }|ย ย ^ jย |_jย ร ^Zร ยฃZq]^]`Z^ jยกย Z{^ ][^jย [}ย ^ย }{]jย Z{^[ย ^ ]`Z^ยฃj{]^]`j]^ย Zย ^][^[|\^ ย j}ย |\Z^][^ยด|jย }ย ~^ย [\^]`Z^ ย j{]^ ย q[_^j_ย ^{]j\]^ยชZย ย ^ }_^ jย |_jย ร `Z\Z^j\Z^_[^

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 13, 2015

Sports Update Ebimobowe doubtful for Al-Ahly league game


Š¢ `Š~•{^ Nigerian striker Peter Ebimobowe is a major doubt for next week’s game against Maqassa }_^]`Z^ ÂĄ~ÂŁ]}j_^ \Z‰}Z\^ League after he suffered muscle problems he suffered during ]\j}_}_ÂĄ^[_^ \}ˆj~Â’^]`Z^ club announced on

their official website. The Cairo giants are preparing for the game against Maqassa on 17

|_Z^}_^]`Z^ ÂĄ~ÂŁ]}j_^ Premier League. During recent games ]`Z~^`jšZ^{]\|¥¥ŠZˆ^ ÂŞ}]`^]`Z^jÂŚ{Z_qZ^[ÂŒ^‘Z~^ £Šj~Z\{^ˆ|Z^][^}_ž|\}Z{^ and suspensions. “Nigerian striker Peter Ebimobowe left \}ˆj~•{^]\j}_}_ÂĄ{^ÂŞ}]`^ ‰|{qŠZ^ÂŒj]}ÂĄ|ZÂ’Ă‹^\Zjˆ^j^ statement on the club’s official website. `Z^¡¡¢~Zj\¢[Šˆ^\}ÂĄ`]¢ footed forward, who is 185cm tall and weighs ϼ‘¥’^ž[}_Zˆ^ `Š~^ˆ|\ing the last winter’s transfer window in a step from the Red Devils to beef up their frontline this season.

Obiozor now eligible for Enyimba


he camp of six-time Glo Premier League q`j‰£}[_{Â’^ _~imba, was in jubilant mood [_^ \}ˆj~^jÂŒ]Z\^}]^Z‰Z\ÂĄZˆ^ that Christian Obiozor will ÂŚZ^jŠŠ[ÂŞZˆ^][^£Šj~^ÂŒ[\^]`Z‰^ ]`}{^]Z\‰^}_^]`Z^][ÂŁ^Ă }ÂĄ`]‹ _^}_Ă |Z_]}jŠ^[Hq}jŠ^[ÂŒ^ the club disclosed to supersÂŁ[\]‹q[‰^[_^ \}ˆj~^]`j]^]`Z^ transfer saga involving the striker has been resolved j_ˆ^ ÂŚ}[§[\^qj_^_[ÂŞ^£Šj~^ ÂŒ[\^ _~}‰Œj‹ Æ ^qj_^]ZŠŠ^~[|^]`j]^ÂŞZ^j\Z^

šZ\~^`jÂŁÂŁ~^ÂŞ}]`^]`Z^Šj]Z{]^ development as we just got words that Christian ÂŚ}[§[\^qj_^£Šj~^ÂŒ[\^|{^ this season after the whole dispute over his future. “For now I don’t have the full details as I have just been told that he has been ÂĄ}šZ_^]`Z^ÂĄ\ZZ_Š}ÂĄ`]^ÂŚ~^]`Z^ ŠZjÂĄ|Z^ÂŚ[ˆ~^][^£Šj~^ÂŒ[\^|{‹^ That is all the information I `jšZ^|_]}Š^ ^ÂĄZ]^][^]`Z^[HqZ^ Ă€[ÂŒ^ _~}‰ŒjĂ‚Â’Ă‹^{j}ˆ^]`Z^ _~}‰Œj^[Hq}jŠ^][^{|ÂŁZ\{ÂŁ[\]‹ q[‰^[_^ \}ˆj~‹ In mid-March, Obiozor pulled the plug on a supÂŁ[{ZˆŠ~^ZĂƒ}{]}_ÂĄ^q[_]\jq]^ with Nigerian champions, Kano Pillars. His decision happened on the eve of Kano Pillars’ trip to Morocco to face Moghreb Tetouan in the Caf Champions League which the Nigerian club lost 0-4 on the road.

[ÂŞZšZ\Â’^]`Z^ _~}‰Œj^ [Hq}jŠ^}{^`jÂŁÂŁ~^ÂŞ}]`^]`Z^ˆZšZŠ[£‰Z_]^{j~}_ÂĄ^Æ ÂŚ}[§[\^ ÂŞ}ŠŠ^q[‰Z^}_^`j_ˆ~^j]^]`}{^ time when we have had to struggle at times with goal{q[\}_ÂĄ^]`}{^{Zj{[_‹Ë

LMC approves Ubah’s takeover of Gabros FC


usinessman and Chairman/CEO of Capital Oil }‰}]Zˆ’^ \‹^ ÂŒZj_~}^ ÂŚj`^ has completed the takeover of Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) side, Gabros International FC following an approval ÂĄ\j_]Zˆ^ÂŚ~^]`Z^ ZjÂĄ|Z^ j_jÂĄZ‰Z_]^ [‰£j_~^ Ă€ Ă‚^j_ˆ^q[_šZ~Zˆ^}_^j^ ŠZ0Z\^{}ÂĄ_Zˆ^ÂŚ~^]`Z^ ^ Chairman and NFF Vice President, Mallam Shehu }‘‘[‹^ ~^]`Z^jÂŁÂŁ\[šjŠ^]`Z^ qŠ|ÂŚ^ÂŒ[\‰Z\Š~^‘_[ÂŞ_^j{^ Gabros International FC will now be known and adˆ\Z{{Zˆ^j{^ ^ ÂŒZj_~} ÂŚj`‹ _^]`Z^ŠZ0Z\Â’^]`Z^ ^ Chairman remarked that the approval has been granted consequent on the šZ\}™qj]}[_^[ÂŒ^ ÂŒZj_~}^ ÂŚj`^

F/Eagles were tactically deficient –Chukwu F

ormer Super Eagles coach, Christian Chukwu, has ŒŠj‰Zˆ^]jq]}qjŠ^ˆZ™q}Z_q~^ ÂŒ[\^]`Z^ZĂƒ}]^[ÂŒ^ Š~}_ÂĄ^ j¥ŠZ{^ at the ongoing FIFA U-20 World Cup in New Zealand. Chukwu, however, rec[‰‰Z_ˆZˆ^]`j]^]`Z^£Šj~Z\{^ should be retained to form the future Super Eagles of Nigeria. `|Ի|^ÂŁ\Z{Z_]Š~^]`Z^ Technical Adviser of Enugu Rangers International FC explained, “Nigeria’s errors started with the goalkeeper. But, the major problem I }ˆZ_]}™Zˆ^}{^]jq]}qjŠ^ˆZ™q}Z_q~‹ Æ `Z~^ÂŞZ\Z^_[]^‰j\‘}_ÂĄ^ šZ\~^ÂŞZŠŠ^ZšZ_^ÂŞ`Z_^]`Z~^ `jšZ^[ÂŁÂŁ[\]|_}]}Z{^]`Z~^ could not convert them. `Z~^ÂŞZ_]^ˆZZÂŁ^}_][^]`Z^ half of the Germans, but ÂŞ}]`[|]^Z&Zq]‹Ë Chukwu added, “I will {]}ŠŠ^q[‰‰Z_ˆ^]`Z^ÂŚ[~{^ÂŒ[\^ their performance. Germa-

_~^q[|Šˆ^`jšZ^ÂŚZj]}_ÂĄ^ }ÂĄZria 2-0, but the goalkeeper ‰jˆZ^{[‰Z^ÂĄ[[ˆ^{jšZ{‹Ë Against this backdrop he said, “The team is a formidable one, I think the coaches should start prepar}_ÂĄ^]`Z^£Šj~Z\{^ÂŒ[\^ÂŒ|]|\Z^ |ÂŁZ\^ j¥ŠZ{‹^ `Z~^{`[|Šˆ^ not be allowed to waste, ]`Z~^j\Z^ÂŚ|_q`^[ÂŒ^]jŠZ_]{‹Ë

[ÂŁZ{^[ÂŒ^ Š~}_ÂĄ^ j¥ŠZ{^ winning the FIFA U-20 World Cup were dashed on `|\{ˆj~^ÂŚ~^ Z\‰j_~^jÂŒ]Z\^ securing a hard earned 1-0 š}q][\~‹ Levin Ă–ztunal’s 19th minute strike was all the European champions needed to silence the Nigerians, ˆZ{ÂŁ}]Z^ÂŁ|0}_ÂĄ^|ÂŁ^j^ÂŚ\jšZ^ showing in the second half [ÂŒ^]`Z^Z_q[|_]Z\‹^ }_ÂĄ{ŠZ~^ Sokari, who was under pressure lost the ball to Stendera, who passed to Oztunali at the edge of the ÂŚ[Ăƒ^][^™\Z^j^ÂŁ[ÂŞZ\ÂŒ|Š^ŠZÂŒ]¢ ÂŒ[[]Z\^ÂŒ[\^]`Z^[_Š~^ÂĄ[jŠ^[ÂŒ^ the match.

`\ZZ^‰}_|]Z{^Šj]Z\Â’^ j_~^ Mukhtar failed to double `}{^{}ˆZ•{^ŠZjˆ^j{^`}{^Z&[\]^ ÂŞj{^{jšZˆ^ÂŚ~^ _j`[Š[^ÂŞ`[^ ÂŞj{^ÂŒ[\qZˆ^][^‰j‘Z^ÂŒ[|\^™_Z^ {jšZ{^}_^]`Z^™\{]^`jŠŒ‹ Š~}_ÂĄ^ j¥ŠZ{Â’^jÂŒ]Z\^}]^Š[{]^ its opening group match 4-2 to Brazil, roared back to life with 4-0 demolition of North Korea and a 2-0 ˆZÂŒZj]^[ÂŒ^ |_ÂĄj\~^][^£ŠjqZ^ second in the group with six ÂŁ[}_]{^j_ˆ^´|jŠ}ÂŒ~^ÂŒ[\^]`Z^ Round of 16. _ÂŒ[\]|_j]ZŠ~Â’^ }ÂĄZ\}j^ ˆ\ZÂŞ^ Z\‰j_~^]`j]^}{^ j\ÂĄ|jŒŠ~^]`Z^ÂŚZ{]^{}ˆZ^}_^]`Z^ tournament in the Round of šŸÂ‹^ Z\‰j_~^`jˆ^ÂŞ[_^jŠŠ^}]{^ three group games scoring 16 times and conceding just one. At the post match conference, Nigeria coach, Manu Garba, blamed the loss to £Šj~Z\{•^Š[{{^[ÂŒ^q[_qZ_]\jtion, even as he added that a lot of lessons were learned from the tournament. Æ |\^£Šj~Z\{^Š[{]^q[_-

centration at the crucial moment and this gave the Germans a chance to {q[\ZÂ’Ă‹^`Z^{j}ˆ^j]^]`Z^ÂŁ[{]¢ match news conference. Æ ^ÂŚZŠ}ZšZ^]`j]^[|\^£Šj~ers learnt a lot from this game and a big lesson in general from the tournament. “The level at the under20s is far higher than at the |_ˆZ\¢šœ{Â’^j_ˆ^ Z\‰j_~^ }{^j^šZ\~^][|ÂĄ`^j_ˆ^`}ÂĄ`Š~^ ]jq]}qjŠ^]Zj‰‹Ë The coach nonetheless praised goalkeeper Joshua _j`[Š[Â’^{j~}_ÂĄ^`Z^£Šj~Zˆ^ a great game. Æ Z^‰j~^`jšZ^{jšZˆ^]`j]^ ball (which resulted in the game’s lone goal) if he had a clear view, but there is _[]`}_ÂĄ^ÂŞZ^qj_^ˆ[^_[ÂŞÂ’Ă‹^ he said. Garba was however not singling out the goalkeeper ÂŒ[\^ÂŁ\j}{ZÂ’^{j~}_ÂĄ^ÆjŠŠ^‰~^ £Šj~Z\{^`jšZ^ÂŚZZ_^}_^ÂĄ\Zj]^ form and I am proud of ]`Z‰^jŠŠ‹Ë

Man United complete Depay signing


Limited’s compliance with requirements for takeover of clubs and change of name. The change of name ]j‘Z{^Z&Zq]^ÂŒ\[‰^ j]q`^ j~^šš^j_ˆ^jŠŠ^ÂŁ[}_]{^jqq|‰|Šj]Zˆ^ÂŚ~^ jÂŚ\[{^ _]Z\_jtional FC has been transÂŒZ\\Zˆ^][^ ^ ÂŒZj_~} ÂŚj`^ which now appears on the ^Â™Ăƒ]|\Z^j_ˆ^Š[¥‹

anchester United have completed the signing of PSV Eindhoven forward Memphis Depay on a four-year contract, the Premier League club said on Friday. United announced last month they had reached a deal to sign the 21-year-old Netherlands international for a fee reported to be around 30 million euros ($33.67 million). Depay, who has spent his entire career with PSV, making 124 senior appearances, :

( top scorer last season with 22 goals in 30 games as Phillip

< ( "" " “This is a dream come true for me; to play for the biggest club in the world and also to have the chance to work with someone who I believe is the best manager in the world, Louis van Gaal,� Depay told

( “I have great belief in my ability and I work hard to strive to achieve my dreams.� Depay, who can play on the left of a front three or as a central striker, scored two ( < "

third under the guidance of United manager Louis van Gaal. “I know Memphis well from our time working together in the Netherlands national team,� Van Gaal said. “He is a young versatile player who has the ability to play in a number of different positions. “It will take time for Memphis to get used to the rhythm of the Premier League but I have no doubt that he has the potential to become a great footballer for this club and he is at the right club to continue the good work he has done so far.�

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