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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
South West
Invitation to Abuja: Jonathan, Mimiko polarise South West Muslim youths Mikail Mumuni, Abuja
resident Goodluck Jonathan and Ondo State governor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko, are at the centre of a major crisis brewing in the ranks of Muslim youths in the South West over a proposed meeting with the President in Abuja. The meeting is believed to be geared towards rallying Muslim votes for Dr. Jonathan and his party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the forthcoming general elections. It was learnt that the President and his
strategists came up with the idea of meeting with Muslim youths in Yorubaland after previous overtures to the leaderships of the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic 1^\Z~_ Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_ ^ Â _ [xY_ Muslim Ummah of South West Nigeria (MUSWEN) ÂĽYZY_ZYÂ&#x201C;v1YÂ { The leader of NSCIA is the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Saâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ad Abubakar, while MUWEN is led by Prof. D.O.S. Noibi. The leaderships of the two Muslim organisations said any meeting between them and the president
~x`vÂ&#x2019; _ Â&#x201C;Y_  \1YZY _ till after the general elections. They argued that they do not want to be accused of endorsing the candidature of President Jonathan, especially through ] ^ X\^Â&#x2019;_\  vXYÂ&#x201A;Y [{ Sources close to the associations told Newswatch Times Â&#x2122; ^[vZ ^zÂ&#x161;_ [x^[_ [xY_ ]Z~[_ Muslim group to be contacted was NSCIA which politely turned  `ÂĽ _ ZY¢vY~[_ qZ`Â&#x201A;_ [xY_ ZY~\ Y [{_ xY_ ^Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2030;_ Muslim organisation in the country reportedly said it would not want to be caught in a web similar
to that of Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) which is currently Â&#x201C;^7Â&#x2019;\ Â&#x20AC;_ ÂĽ\[x_ ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;^[\` ~_ of having collected seven billion naira from The Presidency to ensure support from Christendom. The Presidency turned in the direction of MUSWEN after this, but a meeting slated between the group and President Jonathan in Lagos penultimate v  ^z_ ÂĽ^~_ Â&#x201C;`zX`7Y {_ MUSWEN leaders said their organisation is ^ _ ^AÂ&#x2019;\^[Y_ `q_ Â&#x2C6;_ and they would not act contrary to its decision.
Synagogueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collapsed building foundation strong, witness tells court Francis Iwuchukwu
witness from the Council for the Regulation of Engineers in Nigeria (COREN), Engineer Victor Oyenuga, yesterday informed the Lagos State `Z` YZ~_ `vZ[_ ~\7\ Â&#x20AC;_ \ _ Ikeja, that the foundation of the collapsed guest house belonging to the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), is very thick. Testifying before the court presided over by Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe, the witness also X` ]ZÂ&#x201A;Y _ [x^[_ [xY_ ¢v^Â&#x2019;\[z_ of materials used on the collapsed guest house were good.
The witness, who was Â&#x201C;Y\ Â&#x20AC;_ XZ`~~§YÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x201A;\ Y _ by counsel to SCOAN, Olalekan Ojo, suggested that structural engineers work basically on assumptions. According to Oyenuga, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I never visited the site of the collapsed guest x`v~Y{_ v[_ _ X^ _ X` ]ZÂ&#x201A;_ to the court that the report ~vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x201A;\7Y _Â&#x201C;z_[xY_[Y^Â&#x201A;_[x^[_ investigated the possible cause of the collapse guest house is accurate and not misinforming. He however stated that the report tendered by the team before the Coroner was not signed by any member of the team that partook in the investigation.
I remain Iyaloja of Iponri market, Ajaga insists Tunde Busari
Ogun State Governor, Senator Ibikunle Amosun addressing party supporters at Odeda in Odeda Local Government Area of the state in continuation of his re-election campaign tour...yesterday.
UPNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suit: Court orders INEC to file response, fixes March 17 for hearing Ayodele Olalere
ustice Okon Abang of the Federal High `vZ[Â&#x2C6;_ ^Â&#x20AC;`~Â&#x2C6;_ x^~_ ]Â&#x2030;Y _ March 17, 2015 to hear an ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;\X^[\` _]Â&#x2019;Y _Â&#x201C;Yq`ZY_\[_Â&#x201C;z_ the Presidential candidate of the Unity Party of Nigeria, Barrister Helen Godswill, challenging the decision of the Independent National Electoral Commission Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_[`_YÂ&#x2030;XÂ&#x2019;v Y_xYZ_ ^Â&#x201A;Y_ and that of her other partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidates for various political post for the March 28 and April 11 general elections. Barrister Godswill, along 15 other candidates, had through their counsel, Akinwale Ekunnusi, on
^ZXx_¨Â&#x2C6;_Šª_]Â&#x2019;Y _^_ `[\` _ YÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;^Z[Y_ Â&#x201C;Yq`ZY_ v~[\XY_ ÂŚ` _ Abang, accusing INEC `q_ `Â&#x201A;\7\ Â&#x20AC;_ [xY\Z_ ^Â&#x201A;Y~_ among contestants in spite of qvÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;\ Â&#x20AC;_ ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ [xY_ `Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;\Â&#x20AC;^[\` ~_ ZY¢v\ZY _Â&#x201C;z_ _[`_X` [Y~[_ an election. At the resumed hearing yesterday, counsel to the defendant (INEC), Jacinta Kelechi Uka-Onuh, told the court that the commission, on February 25, 2015 received an Originating Summon ]Â&#x2019;Y _ Â&#x201C;z_ [xY_ ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;\X^ [~Â&#x2C6;_ Â&#x201C;v[_ ^ Â&#x201A;\7Y _ [xY_  YqY  ^ [_ \~_ zY[_ [`_ ]Â&#x2019;Y_ \[~_ ZY~Â&#x2018;` ~Y{_ xY_ therefore, urged the court to grant it the minimum 30  ^z~_[`_]Â&#x2019;Y_\[~_ZY~Â&#x2018;` ~Y{ Justice Abang however, rejected the submission of the
defendantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s counsel on the ground that the Commission ought to have responded to the application, and that the election would have been conducted by the end of the 30 days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;INEC ought to have responded to the applicantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Originating Summon. It is my view that it is safer for the court to take decision on [xY_Â&#x201A;^7YZ_Â&#x201C;Yq`ZY_[xY_YÂ&#x2019;YX[\` _ so that the applicants would know their fate before the election. Time is of essence here, â&#x20AC;&#x153;he said. He therefore, ordered [xY_ `Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\~~\` _ [`_ ]Â&#x2019;Y_ \[~_ response before March 17, ^ Â _^Â ÂŽ`vZ YÂ _[xY_Â&#x201A;^7YZ_[\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ the date for the hearing of the application.
The applicants had XÂ&#x2019;^\Â&#x201A;YÂ _[x^[_[xYz_~vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x201A;\7YÂ _ all necessary documents to INEC, but were surprised their names were not published by INEC as contestants. ÂŻ _ ~vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x201A;\7YÂ _ [xY\Z_ documents to INEC with credentials, but when INEC released names of candidates of all parties for the elections, that of UPN candidates were not released. We urged the court to grant the application ^~_ ^_ Â&#x201A;^7YZ_ `q_ vZÂ&#x20AC;Y Xz_ because the election date is March 28 and the right of the applicants have been trampled on,â&#x20AC;? Ekunnusi said.
FG, agencies offer free medical services to 10,000 in Ondo Peter Dada, Akure
he Iyaloja General of Iponri Market in Surulere, Alhaja Mulikat Ajaga, has insisted that she remains the leader of the market. Ajaga, who disclosed this to newsmen in Lagos yesterday, said that the late IyalojaGeneral, Alhaja Abibatu Mogaji, installed her with a XYZ[\]X^[Y_`q_^v[x`Z\[z{ She described the recent activities of one Mrs. S. B. Badmus and her group as rebellious and capable of X^v~\ Â&#x20AC;_ Â \~^1YX[\` _ ^Â&#x201A;` Â&#x20AC;~[_ traders, thereby throwing the market into further crisis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a true Lagosian from the Oloto clan, I cannot and will not allow some people to mess up the market,â&#x20AC;? she said. On the purported installation of a new Iyaloja of the market, Ajaga dismissed the plot, saying Yoruba tradition does not recognise
alternative Iyaloja during the life time of the incumbent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When one Iyaloja is still alive, you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t put another one there; it is just like a king,â&#x20AC;? she said, adding that â&#x20AC;&#x153;it was the demise of the late Mogaji that led to the installation of her successor Chief Folashade Tinubu Ojo.â&#x20AC;? It would be recalled that the market was shut down in February 2014 over certain  \1YZY XY~_ ^Â&#x201A;` Â&#x20AC;_ [Z^ YZ~{_ The late Iyaloja waded into the crisis and cautioned the members of the market who went to the House of Assembly on protest. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She asked the Market Board, led by the current z^Â&#x2019;`ÂŽ^Â&#x2C6;_[`_[^ÂŚY_`°YZ_[xY_Â&#x201A;^7YZ{_ She took over and constituted ^_ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_ [xY {_ x^[_ ~xY_ told me was that I should step ^~\ Y_^  _^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;`ÂĽ_[xY_X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_ to coordinate things in the market till peace would return to the market,â&#x20AC;? she said.
Group pledges commitment to Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victor y Bianca Iboma
head of the March 28 Presidential Election, a group under the aegis of the Yoruba Youth Initiative (YYI) in the South-West has pledged to work and campaign for President Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory at the polls. President of the group, Adejumo Ishola, disclosed groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plan to hold a mega rally around Seme Border as part of its activities to show their support for the President. Ishola added that four groups of Nigerians in Diaspora would be hosted by the group YÂ&#x2030;[_ ÂĽYYÂŚ_ [`_ Â&#x201A;`Â&#x201C;\Â&#x2019;\~Y_ ^  _ ZY§^AZÂ&#x201A;_ [x^[_ [xYz_ are solidly behind Mr. Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s re-election so that Nigeria can move forward. He urged Nigerians to collect their Permanent Voters Card
(PVC)s and vote for a reformer for sustainable transformation which President Jonathan has begun. Continuing, Ishola told newsmen that these Nigerians in Diaspora were PDP members who travel down the country o register during the INEC registration era, and had already collected their PVCs. Mr. Musa, an YÂ&#x2030;YXv[\°Y_ Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;YZÂ&#x2C6;_ said security would be ^ Y¢v^[YÂ&#x2019;z_ Â&#x2018;Z`°\ Y _ for all participants, encouraging Nigerians to shun violence, stressing that logistics has been taken care of. Also Mr. Peter Umukoro, President of PDP West Africans, made an assertion that q`vZ_  \1YZY [_ Â&#x20AC;Z`vÂ&#x2018;~_ from Africa would be present to contribute [xY\Z_¢v`[^_\ _Â&#x201C;v\Â&#x2019; \ Â&#x20AC;_^_ Â&#x201C;Y7YZ_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^Â&#x2C6;_xY_~[^[Y {
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
South South
$16b EPZ: Jonathan to perform groundbreaking ceremony Monday !"#$"%" &''(& &)$$"*+ ."* /*'&23'4+5& *' '%'6+2"4 7("89 Syvester Idowu, Warri
ope has appeared in the horizon as President Goodluck
` ^[x^ _ ÂĽ\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ ] ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_ Â&#x2019;^z_ [xY_ groundbreaking ceremony of the $16 billion Export Processing Zone (EPZ) otherwise known as Gas City Project, on Monday and put to rest the land tussle between the ÂŽ^ÂĽ_^  _ [~YÂŚ\Z\_`°YZ_[xY_~\7\ Â&#x20AC;_ of the project. Ex-militant leader, Chief Government Ekpomupolo (alias Tompolo) gave the hint yesterday at the end of the annual Amaseikumor festival at his country home at Oporoza, the traditional headquarters of Gbaramatu kingdom. To give credence to this position, he said there was no more problem between the two ethnic groups and that the President would come on Monday for the ceremony.
Chief Ekpomupolo disclosed that said a meeting between the people of Gbaramatu, the Itsekiris and Ogulagha would hold today (yesterday), apparently to perfect arrangement for the coming of the President for the groundbreaking ceremony. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can assure you that the President will come on Monday for the groundbreaking ceremony. There is a meeting tomorrow (today) between the people of Gbaramatu, Itsekiri and Ogulagha. â&#x20AC;&#x153;By the Grace of God, the President will come for the groundbreaking ceremony of the EPZ project. There is no problem between us and the Itsekiris. We are brothers. We want to move the nation forward,â&#x20AC;? he added. The Itsekiris and Ijaws have been bickering over the naming of the project after an Itsekiri community when the land for
[xY_ ~\7\ Â&#x20AC;_ `q_ [xY_ Â&#x201A;vÂ&#x2019;[\§Â&#x201C;\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;\` _ dollar project spilled over to some Ijaw communities. However, in a related development, the ex-militant leader of the defunct Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) has charged Nigerians to re-elect President Jonathan for another term in `AXY{ He insisted that the President remains the best of all leaders that had ruled this country and should therefore be allowed to complete the good work he started. Chief Ekpemupolo spoke with journalists shortly after the festivities. He chronicled most of the achievements of President Jonathan as including the building of road networks across the country, improvement on power generation, creation of employment opportunities
for the youths as well as establishment of tertiary schools across the country. Chief Ekpemupolo noted that the establishment of a marine university in the Niger Delta region is an avenue for the training of manpower for the marine sector which in turn puts the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youths in good stead for employment opportunities in the maritime sector. He also solicited the support of the electorate for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Delta State, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, and his running mate, Mr. Kingsley Otuaro so that they could emerge winners in the forthcoming elections. The ex-militant leader debunked insinuations that he ÂĽ^~_] ^ X\ Â&#x20AC;_[xY_X^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^\Â&#x20AC; _`q_ the governorship candidate, noting that it was the project of all Deltans.
Senator Abe deserves Ogoni votes for role in screening Kobani, says group Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt
he Ogoni Democratic Movement (ODM) has described Senator Magnus Abe as a true Ogoni man whose contributions to the development of the area deserves appreciation through votes in the general elections for the Rivers South East Senatorial election slated for March 28. President-general of ODM, Mr. Godwin Bazari, in a statement on Friday, disclosed this in his reaction to the role Senator Abe played during the screening of Kenneth Kobani by the Senate as a minister. Senator Abe who represents the Rivers South East Senatorial District in the National Assembly is seeking re-election to the Senate on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) while his kinsman, Kenneth Kobani is a member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) screened by the Senate as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Mr. Bazari stated that many who had expected a breath of rejection
were disappointed as the senator rose above politics to pave the way for Kobani whose name was recently forwarded to the Senate by President Goodluck Jonathan to be screened as minister. According to Bazari: â&#x20AC;&#x153;In view of [xY_ Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2019;\[\X^Â&#x2019;_ Â \1YZY XY~_ Â&#x201C;Y[ÂĽYY _ the PDP and the APC, especially in Rivers State, many people expected Senator Abe to oppose the nomination of his fellow Ogoni, even if just to score political points, but, instead he spoke glowingly of Kobani.â&#x20AC;? The president-general of ODM described Abeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action as statesmanly and a show of brotherhood, urging Ogoni people to build on the senatorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s character and maturity in the interest of the ethnic nationality. He noted that Abeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s position promoted joy, unity, peace and spirit of brotherhood in the face of neglect and oppression of the Ogoni people, insisting that though the movement was non-partisan, he was tempted to canvass votes for the senator in the forthcoming election.
Jonathan not President of Ijaw only â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Yekorogha Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
&678986:;< =69:97> ?@C 6EEC;89:6:9@7 8HC97> J79K;8 Q;C:96CR 06:C9EHV6:9@7 (W6X976:9@7 6: :Z; J79[;C<9:R @? $\H]6^ R;<:;C86R
$16bn compensation causes ripple among oil producing communities in Nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Delta Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa
ggrieved Indigenes of oil producing communities from the six states of the Niger Delta region have registered a protest against alleged diversion of $16 billion compensation paid by oil multinational, Exxon Mobil, for the 1998 oil spill incident in the region. The aggrieved communities which cut across states of Bayelsa, Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Edo, Cross Rivers and Ondo, said though the agitations for the payment of the compensation to impacted communities of the region took over 15 years in dialogues and
meetings, the compensation paid was allegedly diverted by representatives of their Â&#x2018;Z\ X\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;_ ^7`Z YzÂ&#x2C6;_ X[`Â&#x2018;v~_ Clan Nigeria Limited. Hundreds of angry indigenes of the impacted communities, armed with placards with inscriptions such as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Chief Jephathah stop using our money to sponsor political partiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Exxon Mobil: All we need is our money since 1998â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Exxon Mobil: Refuse to pay our money and face warâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Barr. D.W. Wakuku: You are not a good lawyer,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; caused a vehicular [Z^AX_ ^~_ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;v[YZ~_ ^ Â _ passengers were stranded along the popular East/West Road.
Comrade Godwin Roberts (MOSEIND), who read a statement issued by the ^1YX[YÂ _ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;v \[\Y~_ ^ Â _ signed by Charles Opukiri (ISMOND), Elfreda Olungue (IYC) and Comrade Eddyo Engman, accused their Â&#x2018;Z\ X\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;_ ^7`Z Yz_ `q_ ~YXZY[Â&#x2019;z_ collecting the compensation and refusing to pay the impacted communities. They also claimed that the ^XXv~YÂ _ Â&#x2018;Z\ X\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;_ ^7`Z Yz_ \~_ suspected to have diverted the compensation for personal use and sponsorship of some politicians within the fold of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the federal and Senatorial level in Bayelsa State.
According to the communities, â&#x20AC;&#x153;due to the disastrous and widespread oil spill at Idoho, Akwa Ibom State, emanating from oil pipelines belonging to Mobile Producing Nigeria Unlimited (now Exxon Mobil), between January 12 and 17,1998; and  vY_[`_[xY_~Â&#x2018;ZY^ _^  _\[~_Y1YX[_ on aquatic life and means of livelihood of the citizens of the Niger Delta states and Lagos, the claimant in Lagos have since been compensated with N100 million per suit or claim while the main victims in the Niger Delta have been left uncompensated, leaving them to languish in pain, penury and 12 years of poverty.
philanthropist and stakeholder in the Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, Mr. Jephthah Robert Yekorogha, has stated that the Ijaw people should not blame President Goodluck Jonathan for not citing projects in the area, saying Jonathan is not a president of only the Ijaw people but that whole nation. He, however, said the President has equally done certain projects, including the citing of the Federal University at Otuoke, adding that the President when voted into Â&#x2018;`ÂĽYZ_ ^Â&#x20AC;^\ _ ÂĽ`vÂ&#x2019;Â _ Â Y] \[YÂ&#x2019;z_ Â `_ more projects for the region. While addressing newsmen yesterday in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital, Yekorogha explained that Jonathan is such a person that thinks of everyone equally ÂĽ\[x`v[_ ^7^Xx\ Â&#x20AC;_ ^ z_ ~Y [\Â&#x201A;Y [~_ to anything. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Once you are a president, you are the president of all the people. If he develops only himself, it means he is a stingy man or self-centred. That does not prove his fatherhood
to the whole country,â&#x20AC;? he stated. Reacting to former President Olusegun Obasanjoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defection from the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Yekorogha stated that the former president does not have any pertinent role to play in the forthcoming elections. His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tearing his PDP card is not a setback for the PDP. His name is popular as a former head of state and president, but he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any role to play in the election. â&#x20AC;&#x153;During his own election, he did not win in his ward and state. It was other people that voted him into power. We respect him as a father, but that should not give him leverage to disgrace his children. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tearing his card in public Â&#x201C;YÂ&#x2019;\7Â&#x2019;Y~_ x\~_ Â&#x2018;YZ~` ^Â&#x2019;\[z{_ xY _ someone gets old, his thinking becomes low; just like a child,â&#x20AC;? he said. He also noted that he would want President Goodluck Jonathan to focus more on education, electricity, employment and agriculture if he wins the presidential poll which is just at the corner.
Re-elect Jonathan, Tompolo Urges Nigerians
owever, in a related development, the ex-militant leader of the defunct Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND), has charged Nigerians to re-elect President Jonathan for another term in `AXY{ He insisted that the President remains the best of all leaders that had ruled this country and should therefore be allowed to complete the good work he started. Chief Ekpemupolo spoke with journalists shortly after the festivities. He chronicled most of the achievements of
President Jonathan as including the building of road networks across the country, improvement on power generation, creation of employment opportunities for the youths as well as establishment of tertiary schools across the country. Chief Ekpemupolo noted that the establishment of a marine university in the Niger Delta region is an avenue for the training of manpower for the marine sector which in turn puts the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youths in good stead for employment opportunities in the maritime sector.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
South East Onitsha stakeholders endorse Jonathan T Alphonsus Eze, Awka
he Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Democratic Party (PDP) presidential candidate for the March 28, 2015 Presidential Election, President Goodluck Jonathan, has continued to widen his support base from various groups and organisations in Anambra State with the Stakeholders of Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency endorsing his candidature for the forthcoming election. The chairman of Stakeholders of Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency, Chief Amechi Ukoro, who announced the endorsement of President Jonathan after their meeting in the Anambra State commercial city, also said they have endorsed the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidate for the Onitsha North and South Federal constituency, Chief Emeka Idu.
Chief Ukoro said that the endorsement of President Jonathan for the forthcoming presidential election has become imperative given the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to develop Onitsha and its environs. He said that of all the cities in Nigeria, Onitsha has Â&#x201C;Y Y]7YÂ _ [ZYÂ&#x201A;Y Â `v~Â&#x2019;z_ qZ`Â&#x201A;_ President Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Transformation Agenda in the area of construction of the Second Niger Bridge, which is currently under construction, the completion of the Onitsha River Port, rehabilitation of Onitsha Bridgehead to Zikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s RoundAbout among others. The chairman of the group said that the people of Onitsha Federal Constituency has every reason to support President Jonathan in this election, so that he can complete the Second Niger Bridge and other projects when he comes back for his second term.
It is in the same vein, said Ukoro that they have resolved to support their candidate for the House of Representatives, so that he can go there to work with Mr. President, and remind him to compete all the on-going projects in the Federal Constituency. He said Idu, who is representing Ontisha II State constituency, has shown that xY_ X^ _ Y1YX[\°YÂ&#x2019;z_ ZYÂ&#x2018;ZY~Y [_ x\~_ people, and will continue the quality representation when elected into the green chamber. Chief Ikoro dismissed the allegations by some political opponents of Chief Idu that he ÂĽ^~_v ][_q`Z_[xY_YÂ&#x2019;YX[\` Â&#x2C6;_~^z\\ Â&#x20AC;_ [x^[_ [xY\Z_ X^  \ ^[Y_ ÂĽ^~_ ][_ ^~_ ^_ ]  Â&#x2019;Y_ ^  _ x^~_ Â&#x201C;YY _ ^X[\°YÂ&#x2019;z_ engaged in aggressive and rigorous campaigns for votes in all the nooks and crannies of the Federal constituency. He also debunked the claims of Iduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political opponents that
^_ ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Y \X^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_ v ][_ Â&#x2018;YZ~` _ _ ÂĽ^~_ imposed on them,â&#x20AC;? describing the allegation as not only â&#x20AC;&#x153;false, but uncharitable campaign of calumny coming from failed and unpopular politicians who lack grass-roots support.â&#x20AC;? He expressed happiness with President Goodluck Jonathan, the National Chairman of PDP, Dr. Adamu Muazu and other ^[\` ^Â&#x2019;_ `ZÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_ `Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_ (NWC) members of the party for [xY_X` ] Y XY_[xYz_x^°Y_\ _ x\Yq_ Idu to deliver Onitsha North and South Federal Constituency to the party in the forthcoming election. Ukoro said that the era when Abuja and Lagos based politicians , who hardly come back home to mix with the people as well as new entrants into the party came to push out the people who are on the ground was over for good.
News NCPC trains 50 Anambra pilgrims on skill acquisition in Jerusalem Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
elief came the way of 50 out of 187 pilgrims from Anambra State who went for Easter pilgrimage as they were trained on leadership and skill acquisition through the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC) which according to most of them, they had been praying for. Dr Levi Muonanu, the state Chairman, Christian Pilgrim Welfare Board, made this disclosure yesterday, saying that the scheme was proposed by the state board to NCPC, as a way of enriching the pilgrimage programme to develop the country faster. According to him, the proposal was aimed at empowering the youth in the state and the nation at large in order to make them more resourceful and economically independence in tandem with the transformational agenda of the present administration. He stated that Anambra State, which is agriculture friendly would be
well in tune with the principles of Â&#x201A;YXx^ \žY _q^ZÂ&#x201A;\ Â&#x20AC;_ÂĽ\[x_Â&#x2019;\7Â&#x2019;Y_X`~[_ but rich knowledge. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anambra was chosen as the pilot state as a result of the state governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment in the development of the youthsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; well being as well as placing agriculture sector on high realm,â&#x20AC;? he posited. He said that the scheme was an innovation in the commission with the sole aim of empowering the Christian youth, with a view to boosting their economic status and making them less dependable on people or foreign aid. He explained that the scheme would make the pilgrimage richer, as it would not be only a spiritual rebirth, but an economic outreach, as well as to chart a new course of direction for the pilgrims. Muonanu advised the selected people to make optimal use of the training so that they could also train others, adding that plan had been made to empower them as soon as possible.
Anambraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be best health-wise in four years - Onwujekwe Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, and his wife, Nkechi, addressing their supporters on the streets of Owerri... yesterday.
NSCIA boss cautions Jega on card reader Alphonsus Eze, Awka
s the debate on the use of card reader machines for the forthcoming general elections rages, a Muslim cleric in Anambra State, Alhaji Duada Ajagu, has added his voice, calling on the Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;Â&#x2C6;_ Z`q_ 7^x\Zv_ YÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x2C6;_ [`_ tread cautiously on his insistence that the Commission must use the card reader for the elections. Ajagu, who is the vice-president of the Nigeria Supreme Council for
~Â&#x2019;^Â&#x201A;\X_ 1^\Z~_Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;Â&#x2C6;_ ^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Z^_ State chapter told Newswatch Times in an interview in Onitsha that although the Commission claimed that the mock test of the card reader conducted in 12 states last Saturday recorded 98 percent success, the hard fact is that there were a lot of failures in most of the centres where the mock test took place. He argued that the forthcoming elections, which include the presidential election is critical to the country, and should not be used to test card reader, saying
that INEC had all the time to test the success of card reader in the Ekiti or Osun elections, but did not. Ajagu said that the use of card reader will not be as successful as INEC would make Nigerians understand, especially in the rural areas because of all the technicalities involved plus \ ~vAX\Y [_ Â&#x2018;`ÂĽYZ_ ~vÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;z_ \ _ the country which will make Xx^ZÂ&#x20AC;\ Â&#x20AC;_`q_[xY_Â&#x201A;^Xx\ Y~_Â \AXvÂ&#x2019;[_ when it runs down. He also contended that the process of using the machine for the election, from what was
observed during the last mock test was very slow, that it may not accredit all those who want to vote, and at the end of the day may disenfranchise many registered voters. The NSCIA boss therefore, called on the INEC chairman to provide Nigerian voters with option B or alternative in case the machine fails by allowing those who have both Temporary Voter Card (TVC) and Permanent Voter Card (PVC) to vote.
PDP accuses Okorocha of sponsoring mayhem at guber debate reacting to the ugly incident in which scores of innocent citizens were injured. he Peoples Democratic According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;these illegal Party (PDP), Imo State use of state security agencies for chapte, has pointed intimidation and harassment were ^XXv~\ Â&#x20AC;_ ] Â&#x20AC;YZ~_ ^[_ [xY_ ~[^[Y_ brazenly deployed by Governor government over the sponsorship Rochas Okorocha to make of the mayhem that disrupted the Wednesday, March 11th 2015, public debate organised by the a black Wednesday in Owerri,â&#x20AC;? Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri ^Â Â \ Â&#x20AC;_ [x^[_ ~vXx_ ~YXvZ\[z_ `v[][~_ for governorship candidates in ~vXx_ ^~_ Â&#x201A;`_ YXvZ\[z_ `v[][~_ Â&#x201A;`_ the state last Wednesday. Security Network, Imo Vigilante This was made known by group, Imo Security Guards, Imo the State Chairman of the Party, Watch among others were not set Barr. Nnamdi Anyaehi, at the up in the interest of the people. Partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat in Owerri while The PDP chairman also alleged Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
[x^[_~`Â&#x201A;Y_`AX\^Â&#x2019;~_`q_[xY_ Â&#x201A;`_ [^[Y_ Government were involved in the fracas including the Secretary to the State Government, Prof Anthony Anwuka; Deputy x\Yq_ `q_ [^1Â&#x2C6;_ Xx\Y_ Â&#x201C;^ ^~`Âż_ Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Mr. Chidi Ibe and the Commissioner for Lands, Survey and Urban Development, Hon. Uche Nwosu. Chief Anyaehie also explained that some of the youths who were allegedly sponsored by the All Progressives Congress (APC) were brandishing weapons which caused tension at the venue,
adding that the Information Commissioner, Hon. Chidi Ibe, walked to the podium and slapped the priest (names with held) who was moderating the occasion. He however, highlighted that with the way things are, the Okorocha-led government was preparing the ground for violence in the state, and called on the Federal Government to ensure the ban of illegal security `v[][~Â&#x2C6;_ ^ Â _ ~[`Â&#x2018;_ [xY\Z_ v~^Â&#x20AC;Y_ q`Z_ the forthcoming general elections in the country.
rofessor Obinna Onwujekwe of the College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, Enugu campus, revealed yesterday that Anambra State would be ranked the best state in health within the next four years, going by the health facilities being put in place currently. Speaking during his lecture at a one-day workshop organised by the Health Policy Research Group of the said college in collaboration with the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry of Health, he posited that the Universal Health Coverage (UHC), would also be achieved only if the state government would improve on all its infrastructure include building the capacity of health care delivery. The workshop, with the theme, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Resilient and Responsive Health System Consortium (RESYST), a capacity development and feedback workshop, was held at the King David Hotel, Awka.
According to Prof. Onwujekwe, the objective of the workshop was to improve the capacity of policy makers in health systems research, xY^Â&#x2019;[x_YX` `Â&#x201A;z_^  _xY^Â&#x2019;[x_] ^ X\ Â&#x20AC;_ towards achieving UHC in the state. The workshop, he added, was also aimed at providing an opportunity for Â&#x2018;^Z[\X\Â&#x2018;^ [~_ [`_ ZY½YX[_ ^  _ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Y [_ ` _ [xY_ ]  \ Â&#x20AC;~_ [xYz_ x^ Â&#x2C6;_ ^  _ Â&#x2018;ZY~Y [_ [xY_ ]  \ Â&#x20AC;~_ qZ`Â&#x201A;_ [xY_ ~[v z_ on governance and accountability of the National Primary Healthcare Development Fund. Earlier, the Commissioner for Health, Hon. Joe Akabuike, expressed satisfaction that health has been given priority in the state. He stated that to achieve health in the state, all hands should be on deck as government alone could not achieve it without the support of the people. Among the participants were doctors, nurses and other medical personnel from mostly the state general hospitals
IFC, World Bank target 90m Nigerians for solar energy Boniface Okoro, Umuahia
joint initiative to help about 90 million Nigerians not connected to the national grid [`_x^°Y_^XXY~~_[`_^1`Z ^Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x2C6;_XÂ&#x2019;Y^ _^  _ safer lighting was Thursday unveiled in Aba, the commercial nerve centre of Abia State. The three-year programme, a joint initiative of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank is targeted at rural areas with low income and no access to electricity, especially the national grid. xY_ Â&#x201A;` YZ _ `1§Â&#x20AC;Z\ _ Â&#x2019;\Â&#x20AC;x[\ Â&#x20AC;_ initiative, christened Lighting Africa, promotes the use of solar-powered lamps which derives its energy from the sun, is economical and poses no health and environmental hazards to users. Lighting Africa is a key component of the Global Lighting and Energy Access Partnership (Global LEAP) which also supports the World Bankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Energy Business Plan, and it is privatesector driven. According to statistics, the Nigeria Programme of Lighting Africa targets 19 million households and about 22 million Nigerians who are connected to the national grid but are underserved. Lighting Africa Programme Manager, Itotia Njagi, said during the event that about 25 per cent of the
world population are not connected to electricity, adding that sub-Saharan Africa has the largest population. Ngaji noted that this trend would change when people embrace the programme, adding that Lighting Africa which started in 2007 with the objective of enabling 250 million people to access. 1§Â&#x20AC;Z\ _ Y YZÂ&#x20AC;z_ ~YZ°\XY_ [xZ`vÂ&#x20AC;x_ solar powered products and systems by 2030 has recorded huge successes in many countries, including Ghana, Kenya and Ethiopia. The programme, he said, has been launched in 12 African countries. The Nigeria Programme Manager, Allwel Nwankwo, noted that solar powered lights were economical than generating sets, kerosene lanterns and rechargeable lamps, stressing that it has the advantage of being used in rural areas without negative health implications. Nwankwo said apart from lighting, Y1`Z[~_ÂĽYZY_\ _[`Â&#x2018;_Â&#x20AC;Y^Z_[`_Â&#x201A;^ vq^X[vZY_ systems that could power all household appliances such as refrigerators and television sets among others. He said with 46 per cent of the 174 million Nigerians below 15 years of age, there was a huge market for solar lights, adding that those who identify with the solar lights business would receive adequate support.
Newswatch Times, March 14, 2015
News Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not against rebuilding of burnt Chibok school - KADA Cyril Mbah, Abuja.
ibaku Area Development Association (KADA), an umbrella of Kibaki people in Chibok local government area of Borno state at the weekend dissociated the community from agitations of community leaders who allegedly rejected Federal Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Safe School Initiative. The programme is aimed at rebuilding the burnt Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok razed down by the Boko Haram insurgents when more than 200 students were kidnapped from the school. Chairman of KADA and Chibok Community in Abuja, Â&#x20AC;\ YYZ_ ^7^x_ {_ Â \ZÂ&#x2018;^z^_ ^ Â _[xY_ ^[\` ^Â&#x2019;_ YXZY[^Zz_`q_ KADA, Mr. Isambido Hosea, said, in a statement in Abuja
on Friday,that the group and the entire people of Chibok local government area are behind the Safe School Initiative. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whereas the rescue of our daughters kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists is still top most on our priority list, we equally appreciate the fact that pending their return, those at home needs to be protected, educated and their welfare generally provided q`ZÂ&#x2C6;_[xY_~[^[YÂ&#x201A;Y [_ZY^Â ~{Ă&#x201E;_ The group thanked Borno State Government for sponsoring some of the escaped girls to continue their education, adding [x^[_ [xY_ Y1`Z[~_ `q_ [xY_ Federal Government to reconstruct the GGS, Chibok is a development in the right direction which the people must appreciate. Â \ZÂ&#x2018;^z^_ X^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;YÂ _ ` _ `Z `_
State Government to support the Federal Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Y1`Z[~_ ÂĽ\[x`v[_ Â&#x2019;\ ÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_ politics to the program, adding, â&#x20AC;&#x153;KADA did not only welcome the reconstruction of the burnt school, but will appreciates the provision of link road, hospitals, pipe borne water to this [Z^vÂ&#x201A;^[\žY _X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;v \[zÂ&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_[xY_ statement said. It was gathered that rivalry between the state government and the Federal Government has threatened the reconstruction of the school. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Borno state government is claiming ownership of the school, saying that the Federal Government cannot reconstruct the school it built and is using some people in Chibok to stall [xY_ ZYX` ~[ZvX[\` Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Y _
Manasseh, KADA Director of publicity claimed. He called on the people at home and abroad not to allow political consideration to further compound the humanitarian disaster that befell the community. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The girls that were kidnapped are not with us while those who escaped the kidnappers are not going to school and their parents are crying. We cannot continue like this. ÂŻ Y[_ v~_ ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;`ÂĽ_ [xY_ Y YZ^Â&#x2019;_ Government to rebuild the only school in Chibok local government area and make it safer. The politics of who owns the school should not stop the Safe School Initiative. Development is development whether it comes from local, state or the Federal `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_ ^ ^~~Yx_ stressed.
North East Yuguda to commission Misau General Hospital Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
^vXx\_ [^[Y_ YZÂ&#x201A;^ Y [_ Secretary on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Alhaji Mohammed Mashemd Ibrahim yesterday disclosed that the Misau local government area General Hospital would soon be commission by `°YZ `Z_ ~^_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^{ Speaking with newsmen shortly after inspecting the completed project, xY_ ~^\ _ [xY_ ~_ ÂĽ`vÂ&#x2019; _ `AX\^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_ ÂĽZ\[Y_ [`_ Â&#x20AC;`°YZ `Z_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^_ ^Â&#x201C;`v[_ [xY_ completion of the project and the need to commission it. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am impressed with what I saw on ground because the project is executed according to ~Â&#x2018;YX\]X^[\` Â&#x2C6;_ ^  _ ÂĽxY _ Â&#x2018;v[_ [`_ v~Y_ \[_ will cater for the health needs of not only the people of Misau and Bauchi but neigbouring states such as Kano,
\Â&#x20AC;^ÂĽ^_^  _ `Â&#x201C;Y{Ă&#x201E; While giving an insight into the project, the MDGs boss said the ~[^[Y_ Â&#x20AC;`°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_ Â&#x2018;^\ _ ÂŹÂŞ_ Â&#x2018;YZXY [_ of the contract sum and the federal government through the MDGs, paid [xY_Â&#x201C;^Â&#x2019;^ XY_`q_ÂŹÂŞ_Â&#x2018;YZXY [{ Meanwhile, the Senior Special  °\~YZ_[`_Â&#x20AC;`°YZ `Z_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^_` _ ~_
,Hajiya Maruam Mohammed said the health would go a long way in addressing the problem associated with child maternal mortality death because the hospital will be fully equip and state will hired the services `q_¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _xY^Â&#x2019;[x_Â&#x2018;YZ~` YÂ&#x2019;{ She described the hospital as one `q_ [xY_ Â&#x201C;Y~[_ \ _ [xY_ Y [\ZY_ `Z[x§ ^~[Â&#x2C6;_ saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;My fellow women and Xx\Â&#x2019; ZY _ÂĽ\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_Â&#x201C;Y_[xY_Â&#x201A;^ÂŽ`Z_Â&#x201C;Y Y]X\^Z\Y~_ of the hospital. We the women are °YZz_ ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;ZYX\^[\°Y_ `q_ [xY_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^Ă&#x2020;~_ administration and we hope that next administration will also be sensitive to [xY_ YY ~_`q_ÂĽ`Â&#x201A;Y _^  _Xx\Â&#x2019; ZY {Ă&#x201E; _Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;YZ_`q_[xY_ Z`ÂŽYX[_  °\~`Zz_ `Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_^  _ YZÂ&#x201A;^ Y [_ YXZY[^Zz_ \ \~[Zz_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [Â&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2019;x^ÂŽ\_ Hudu Iunusa described the project as ` Y_ `q_ [xY_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^Ă&#x2020;~_ ^ Â&#x201A;\ \~[Z^[\` _ legacy projects which the Bauchi people will forever remain grateful [`_ vÂ&#x20AC;v ^_Â&#x201C;YX^v~Y_`q_~`Â&#x201A;Y_`q_[xY~Y_ projects. _ Y_ Xx^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Y Â&#x20AC;Y _ [xY_ Â&#x201C;Y Y][\ Â&#x20AC;_ community to jealously guard the project against vandals, and tasked the health personnel to discharge their responsibility with high sense `q_ Â&#x2018;Z`qY~~\` ^Â&#x2019;\~Â&#x201A;_ \ _ ^7Y  \ Â&#x20AC;_ [`_ patients.
Ex-councillors forum supports Kano APC governorship candidate Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano
`ZvÂ&#x201A;_ `q_ Â&#x2030;§ `v X\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;`Z~Â&#x2C6;_ Supervisors and Advisers `q_[xY_Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_ Areas of Kano State, yesterday pledged to support the State vÂ&#x201C;YZ ^[`Z\^Â&#x2019;_ ½^Â&#x20AC;_ Â&#x201C;Y^ZYZÂ&#x2C6;_ Z_ Abdullahi Umar Ganduje on the Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^[q`ZÂ&#x201A;_ `q_ [xY_ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ Z`Â&#x20AC;ZY~~\°Y_ ` Â&#x20AC;ZY~~_Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_\ _[xY_q`Z[xX`Â&#x201A;\ Â&#x20AC;_ elections. Members of the forum, led by their Chairman, Alhaji Aliyu Binniyati made the pledge during their solidarity visit to the X^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^\Â&#x20AC; _ `AXY_ `q_ ^  vÂŽY_ \ _ Kano and also assured him of their 100 per cent loyalty. They appealed to Dr Ganduje [`_ZY `vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2019;Y_x\~_Y1`Z[~_\ _Y ~vZ\ Â&#x20AC;_
All Progressives Congress Taraba State gubernatorial candidate, Sen. Aisha Alhassan (left), with the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vice Presidential candidate, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo during the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign in Jalingo, Taraba Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
Access to clean water remains major challenge - NOIpolls Toyin Adebayo,Abuja
he latest snap poll results released by `Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;~_ \Â&#x201A;\[Y _ have revealed that almost x^Â&#x2019;q_ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ _ x`v~Yx`Â&#x2019; ~_ (48 percent), especially from `Z[x§ ^~[_ ž` Y_ Â&#x2122;¨Ă&#x20AC;_ Â&#x2018;YZXY [Â&#x161;_ reported that access to clean water is a challenge to them. xY_ ]Â&#x20AC;vZY_ ZYÂ&#x2018;ZY~Y [~_ ^_ §Â&#x2018;`\ [_ \ XZY^~Y_ \ _ [xY_ Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x2018;`Z[\` _ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ qZ`Â&#x201A;_ 2013 (47%), showing that in a span of two years (February ŠªĂ&#x201A;§_ ^ZXx_ ŠªÂ&#x161;_ [xYZY_ x^~_ been no tangible improvement in the accessibility of water to \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~{ According to Chief Â&#x2018;YZ^[\ Â&#x20AC;_ AXYZĂ&#x192; \ZYX[`Z_ `q_ Y~Y^ZXxÂ&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2C6;_ Z_ YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ xv^_\ _ a statement made available to YÂĽ~ÂĽ^[Xx_ \Â&#x201A;Y~_ \ _ Â&#x201C;vÂŽ^Â&#x2C6;_ ^_ ~\Â&#x20AC; \]X^ [_ Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x2018;`Z[\` _ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ \ Y [\]Y _ ~^XxY[_ water, popularly known as
Ă&#x2021; vZY_ÂĽ^[YZĂ&#x2020;_Â&#x2122;ŠĂ&#x20AC;_Â&#x2018;YZXY [Â&#x161;_^~_[xY_ major source of drinking water in their homes; representing a Š§Â&#x2018;`\ [_\ XZY^~Y_qZ`Â&#x201A;_ŠªĂ&#x201A;{_ â&#x20AC;&#x153;While this source of drinking water might be ^1`Z ^Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;Y_^  _Y^~\Â&#x2019;z_^XXY~~\Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;Y_ [`_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~Â&#x2C6;_ \[~_ xzÂ&#x20AC;\Y Y_ ^  _ quality has been questioned by [xY_ ^[\` ^Â&#x2019;_ Â&#x20AC;Y Xz_ q`Z_ `` _ and Drug Administration and ` [Z`Â&#x2019;_ Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_ Y~Â&#x2018;YX\^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_ due to the process of packaging. This has led to the closure of several sachet water factories Â&#x201C;z_ Âż_ `Z_ \ ~[^ XYÂ&#x2C6;_ \ _ ŠªĂ&#x201A;Â&#x2C6;_ ÂŹĂ&#x2026;_ ~^XxY[_ ÂĽ^[YZ_ q^X[`Z\Y~_ were closed in Suleja and \ ^_ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ_ ~[^[Y_  vY_ [`_ ¢v^Â&#x2019;\[z_ `q_ Â&#x2018;Z` vX[\` Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_ xY_ stated. [xYZ_ ~`vZXY~_ `q_  Z\ ÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_ water cited by respondents include; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;tap waterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (18 percent) â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;private boreholeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (17 percent), and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;public boreholeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (14 percent), amongst other
~`vZXY~{_ xY~Y_]Â&#x20AC;vZY~_ZYÂ&#x2018;ZY~Y [_ an increase in the proportion `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ ÂĽx`_ x^°Y_ ^XXY~~_ [`_ [^Â&#x2018;_ ÂĽ^[YZ_ Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2C6;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;_ ^  _ Â&#x2018;vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2019;\X_ Â&#x201C;`ZY_ x`Â&#x2019;Y~_ Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2030;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;_ \ _ Šª_qZ`Â&#x201A;_ŠªĂ&#x201A;Âż_[xv~_\  \X^[\ Â&#x20AC;_ a progress in the federal Â&#x20AC;`°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [Ă&#x2020;~_ Y1`Z[~_ [xZ`vÂ&#x20AC;x_ its ministry for water resources in providing portable water [`_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ _ X\[\žY ~_ [xZ`vÂ&#x20AC;x_ reformation programmes and several commissioned projects in various states. Y°YZ[xYÂ&#x2019;Y~~Â&#x2C6;_^XXY~~_[`_XÂ&#x2019;Y^ _ water still remains a major issue [`_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_[`_~`Â&#x201A;Y_YÂ&#x2030;[Y [_^~_ indicated by a high proportion Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2C6;Š_ Â&#x2018;YZXY [Ă&#x160;_ Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2018;YZXY [Ă&#x2039;Š_ percent) of respondents in this category. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When the current results ^ZY_ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^ZY _ ÂĽ\[x_ ]  \ Â&#x20AC;~_ `Â&#x201C;[^\ Y _ \ _ ŠªĂ&#x201A;Â&#x2C6;_ ^_ Š§Â&#x2018;`\ [~_ increase is revealed in the Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x2018;`Z[\` _ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ ÂĽx`_ use pure water as their main
the progress and development of the state, particularly in the areas of education, agriculture, human development, road network and commercial development of the metropolitan city. In a statement, Gandujeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s \ZYX[`Z_`q_ ZY~~Â&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2019;x^ÂŽ\_ ^Â&#x2019;^_ ^Â&#x2019;\xv_ Dawakin Kudu, said the forum also assured to mobilise, not less than 2 million voters from across [xY_Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_ ZY^~_[`_ °`[Y_ q`Z_ ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ _ X^  \ ^[Y~_ qZ`Â&#x201A;_ [xY_ ZY~\ Y [\^Â&#x2019;_[`_[xY_ [^[Y_Â&#x2019;Y°YÂ&#x2019;{ The forum, according to the statement, described Kwankwaso as a father and a leader of the Kwankwasiyya Movement, who had transformed Kano to a mega X\[zÂ&#x2C6;_ ~YX`  _ [`_ ^Â&#x20AC;`~Â&#x2C6;_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^Ă&#x2020;~_ former capital city.
source of drinking water. Also, Two relations die in mysterious ^_ ~\Â&#x20AC; \]X^ [_ Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x2018;`Z[\` _ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ x^°Y_ ~`vÂ&#x20AC;x[_ Â&#x201A;`ZY_ circumstances in Benue economical ways of accessing got stuck and screamed in the Godwin Akor, Makurdi drinking water. process, only to be discovered â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is evident in the xY_ Â&#x2018;Y`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Y_ `q_ \Ă&#x2020; Â&#x20AC;^_ to have died. decline in the proportion of °\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Â&#x20AC;Y_ \ _ Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2019;YÂĽv_ Worried by the \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ÂĽx`_v~Y_Â&#x2018;Z\°^[Y_Â&#x201C;`ZY_ \~[Z\X[_ `q_ x\Â&#x201A;\ \_ development, his cousin, x`Â&#x2019;Y~_ Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2030;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;_ ^  _ Â&#x201C;`7Â&#x2019;Y _ ÂĽ^[YZ_ Â&#x2122;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;_ ^~_ ÂĽYÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ ^~_ ^_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_ ZY^_ `q_ Christopher, was said to have corresponding increase in the Benue State are in grief over entered the well with the aim Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x2018;`Z[\` _ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ ÂĽx`_ the loss of two of their sons in of rescuing him when he also v~Y_ [^Â&#x2018;_ ÂĽ^[YZ_ Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2C6;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;_ ^  _ a mysterious circumstance. got stuck and died. Â&#x2018;vÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2019;\X_Â&#x201C;`ZY_x`Â&#x2019;Y~_Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2030;§Â&#x2018;`\ [~Â&#x161;__\ _ _ xY_  v`_ `q_  Yx_ Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;`_ A member of the family, Mr accessing drinking water for and Edoh Christopher, aged ^7xYÂĽ_ xZ\~[`Â&#x2018;xYZÂ&#x2C6;_ ~^\ _ [xY\Z_x`Â&#x201A;Y~Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_xY_ `[Y {__ He further stated that more Šª_ ^  _ Š_ ZY~Â&#x2018;YX[\°YÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2019;`~[_ the incident, which occurred ]  \ Â&#x20AC;~_ ZY°Y^Â&#x2019;Y _ [x^[_ [`\Â&#x2019;Y[~_ [xY\Z_Â&#x2019;\°Y~_ vZ\ Â&#x20AC;_^ _^7YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;[_ around 8am, came as a shock connected to private septic to clear refuse from a well in to the people. tanks are the most used ÂŽ^Â&#x2019;\_ X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;v \[z_ ÂĽxYZY_ [xYz_ _ Â&#x2019;~`_ X` ]ZÂ&#x201A;\ Â&#x20AC;_ [xY_ sanitation facilities as reported resided. \ X\ Y [Â&#x2C6;_ [xY_ [vÂŚÂ&#x2018;`_ `Â&#x2019;\XY_ Â&#x201C;z_ [xY_ Â&#x201A;^ÂŽ`Z\[z_ `q_ \Â&#x20AC;YZ\^ ~_ Eye witness told Commander, Mr. Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2C6;Ă&#x2026;_Â&#x2018;YZXY [Â&#x161;Â&#x2C6;_ÂĽx\Â&#x2019;Y_^_~\Â&#x20AC; \]X^ [_ YÂĽ~ÂĽ^[Xx_ \Â&#x201A;Y~_[x^[_ Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;`_ Area ^Â&#x201A;vYÂ&#x2019;_ Z^§ `ÂŽ\Â&#x2C6;_ Â&#x2019;^Â&#x201A;Y [Y _ proportion (22 percent) use pit latrine in their homes; was trying to clear refuse the death and sympathized ZYÂ&#x2018;ZY~Y [\ Â&#x20AC;_ ^ _ §Â&#x2018;`\ [~_ from the well that serves the with members of their community with water, but families. increase from 2013.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, 14 , 2015
Politics Marginalisation of South West is real - Akintola Chief Adeniyi Akintola, (SAN), is a leading legal practitioner whose views are respected not only in his chosen profession but across the country, especially when the issue at stake is politics. Chief Akintola will however readily tell you that he is not a politician although he would be quick to add that he will never fold his hands when things are not going the way they should in Nigeria. He recently spoke with OLAIDE OYELUDE, in Ibadan on current political developments in Nigeria, insisting that the facts on ground means more tightening of belt by Nigerians. Excerpts:
resident Goodluck Jonathan recently concluded another round of visits and meetings with Yoruba monarchs and leaders. What does that imply? I think President Goodluck Jonathan right now needs the Obas and the opinion leaders in the South West. This is because this is the zone that will make or mar his political ambition to rule Nigeria again. The South West has been marginalised down the line over the years. If you are in doubt, take the Federal Ministry of Finance as an example. Right from the minister to director of procurement, SURE-P, PENCOM, Central Bank Governor etc, all of them belong to a section of the country. In the same vein, in the power sector, from the minister to the directors in the departments in the ministry, all are from a section of the country. The South West has never been this marginalised even during the era of the late General Sani Abacha. The marginalisation of the South West is very real. It is not a joking matter. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how Mr. President tends to get out of that quagmire. The President seems to have been talking to the wrong people in the South West. We know who the gatekeepers are here. Take Oyo State, for instance. It is not political parties that win election there. It is the elite. When the late Aare Alao Arisekola was alive, he was more than a governor and all the senators put together. And there are several people like that who have pocket of ZRUQWQ\U DRG ZRÂ&#x201C;cQRFQ ZR U`QZW FXYYcRZUZQ\ An elite may not leave the comfort of his living room on the day of the election, yet he may swing thousands of votes. Thank God, the President now realises he needs to talk to U`Q $[DDTR `Q RQQG\ UX UD[l UX U`Q 2[cEDGDR etc. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you think the visits and the
meetings are belated? I would not know. Unfortunately, many of the people the President is even talking to are those who have lost touch with their people. For instance, will you go to the Omi â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Adio and talk to people there? They will still refer the issue to me. If a man lives in Lekki, Lagos and he says he is talking on behalf of his people in Osun when he hardly visits or interacts with his people, you could see the truth beneath the lies. What will be your advice to the people in the South West regarding the forthcoming election? They have to look at the performances of the two major gladiators in the presidential election. I mean, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) of the All Progressive Congress (APC) and President Jonathan. When we were railroaded into voting for President Jonathan in 2011, there was no charter of demands placed before him. That was what the South East people did. They got the Secretary to the Government, Deputy Senate
President and Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives, among others. Look at the constitution amendment and the power play from both sides of the National Assembly. Over the years, the South West has been shouting marginalisation. Too many people DWQ XR U`Q \UWQQU\ ZR U`Q 6XcU` :Q\U U`DU Z\ their cry. Apart from Chief Akin Olujimi, no substantive minister has been appointed from Oyo State, for instance. But the President seemed not to have this at the back of his mind initially. There are people in this digital world still thinking in analog way. If he gathers people such as the Afenifere or a faction of the Afenifere, they still not be able UX ZRÂ&#x201C;cQRFQ DR^EXG^ 7`Q 3WQ\ZGQRU `D\ EQQR UD[lZR_ UX jQXj[Q g`X FDRRXU Q]QR ZRÂ&#x201C;cQRFQ decision on their streets. Again, we talk of the Southern Leadership Forum. What have we gained from it? Despite that, the issue of marginalisation of the South West still goes on. They invite us UX YQQUZR_\ XR[^ UX T[[ cj U`Q RcYEQW\ :Q the Yoruba should, this time around, think
outside the box. We should know who to cast our votes for. An average Yoruba man, if he is not a bastard, should know where to cast his vote. It is being speculated that the elections may be shifted again. What is your take on this? I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think anybody will toy with the idea of shifting the elections again. That will amount to playing with the cobra or U`Q UZ_QWk\ UDZ[ ,R U`Q TW\U j[DFQ gQ YZ\\QG the point by allowing the elections to be postponed. The issue of security is for the military. Have we ever conducted any election without lapses in Nigeria? But somebody went to the Chatham House ZR /XRGXR DRG Â&#x201C;Qg D lZUQ XR U`Q Q[QFUZXR postponement, and we allowed that to go. We wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow that to happen again. For the election to be postponed at the discretion XV U`Q YZ[ZUDW^ Z\ RXU XR[^ DR DEQWWDUZXR ZU Z\ illegal. The Electoral Act and the constitution of Nigeria are so clear as to who is in charge of election in Nigeria. If the military commanders could come out boldly to say that they cannot guarantee security, they should be retired. In fact, in a civilised society, such people \`Xc[G RXU \UD^ ZR X%FQ VXW YXWQ U`DR hours. Nigerians are very complacent. This is cowardice - that we allowed the postponement to happen. Granted, there are lapses. But the question is, have we ever organised any election in Nigeria without lapses - that is 100 per cent full proof? The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is the one saddled with the responsibility of organising elections and not just anybody. Where do you stand on the involvement of the military in the election? As far back as 2005, the Supreme Court had made a pronouncement in Obasanjo versus MD. Yusuf, that the military has no business with the election. The issue of security during the election is that of the police. It has nothing to do with the military. But the opposition has not been able to be proactive. Also in 2007, in Buhari versus Obasanjo, the Court of Appeal made the same judgement. If the political class were not made up of legal illiterates, they would have known that the military has no business in election. There should be no basis for it. By now, they should have fashioned out how to save lives and property during elections. But the belief is that the military is needed to avert violence during the election. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe in this theory that Nigeria is a peculiar country. Elections were conducted there in Ghana without the military. Elections were held in Nigeria in 1979 without the military. The fact is that Nigeria is never this GZ]ZGQG D[XR_ WQ[Z_ZXc\ [ZRQ\ D[XR_ QU`RZF lines. Our leaders have elevated religion to a despicable height. Give Nigerians the credit of some level of intelligence. Were elections not conducted in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan etc? As we speak, I still go to Yola, Gombe, Damaturu. In a month, I go to that part of the country at least three UZYQ\ VXW Y^ X%FZD[ bXE ,V U`Q jX[ZUZFD[ gZ[[ Continued on Page 52
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Road to 2015 polls Politics Buhari canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be better than Jonathan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ex-lawmaker Hon. Esio Oquong Udoh represented the Oron Federal Constituency of Akwa Ibom State in the House of Representatives between 1999 and 2007. While in the lower chamber of the National Assembly, he served as leader of the South-South parliamentary caucus. A medical doctor by profession, Udoh is also a philanthropist. In this interview with BASSEY ANTHONY, the former lawmaker speaks of his experiences and achievements in the legislature. He also delves into core national and international issues. Excerpts:
ould you say you gave your
During my days in the House of Representatives, I was eminently successful. As the chairman of South South parliamentary caucus, I played a crucial role ZR U`Q DEWX_DUZXR XV U`Q XERXÂ ZXc\ X \`XWQ onshore oil dichotomy by the National Assembly (NASS). I facilitated the award of contract for construction of the Oron-Eket dualisation project that cost N26.6 billion to Gitto Construction Ltd as part of the East West road dualisation project in September 2006. I also facilitated the award of the Okopedi Oron James Town Spur Marina road project at a cost of N900 billion in December 2004. I contributed immensely to the improvement of the infrastructure at the Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, by way of a standard jetty at a cost of N184 million among others too numerous to mention. There has been an increase in the revenue accruing to the country since the inception of this democracy. But to the dissatisfaction of everybody, it seems the more the money, the more penury Nigerians become. People are wondering that even the NASS that should be up and doing in ensuring succour for the people, seems to be complacent. ! I think the major problem in the country today is not necessarily that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough money. In the African context, Nigeria is a rich country; thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no doubt about that. But I know in a global context, we may say we are a poor country as a matter of fact. But we cannot claim to be poor if we are the sixth largest oil producing country in the world. I think the drudgery about the nation today is the priorities we give to the budget we are implementing. If any society is to UDlQ jWXjQW \`DjQ U`Q ]QW^ TW\U U`ZR_ U`DU anybody has to pursue is, how do you contend with the issue of food security? We must go back to the basics. Yes, because even in the ancient GD^\ U`Q TW\U U`ZR_ U`DU D YDR UD[lQG about was food. Today the picture has not changed. It is still food that is the primary concern of any man. The entire struggle in life is centred on how to take care of the \UXYDF` TW\U 7`Q YXYQRU U`DU Z\ GXRQ then you can start seeing peace coming into the system. Nigeria today does not have peace because, one, we have totally neglected
You should know that the APC has more propaganda machine than the PDP. Jonathan is not the cause of the insurgency. Buhari %&'()*+,*+, ,-*)/&'* Jonathan. Jonathan did not create the current problems that Nigeria is facing agriculture, which is the bedrock of our sustenance in this country. Agriculture has not been given proper focus. In a situation where we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spend more than two per cent of our resources on agriculture, I think we are making a very sad mistake. That is the bottom line of our problem. In a situation where we spend over $800 million to import rice alone into the country - rice that we know can be grown in Niger State, in the Middle Belt up to Plateau State down to Ebonyi State. If we are massively involved in agriculture, most of our youths would be employed. As they leave school, they would enter into the agric process. Until we are able to go back to the basics, we may not be able to overcome the problem of unemployment, restiveness and poverty that have become, more or less, recurring decimal in this nation. Apart from agriculture, the other issue which have to be addressed is education. Everything must be done to make sure that every Nigerian goes to school. Yes, a child of school age must be made to go to school compulsorily. We need compulsory education. And if we address this issue in addition to that of food security, I think we would have taken a quantum leap in our developmental process
because other things would now take form. The issue of health now becomes the next concern of the people. How do you maintain a healthy structure in the nation? How do you take care of the health of the people? But unfortunately in Nigeria, we seem to have lost this bearing. And that is why there is massive poverty in the country; there are pains everywhere; there is restiveness and this lead to quarrel and communal clashes that we have in the country now. As far as I am concerned, whatever makes Europe or America big today, even Russia of today, if you look at what they have GXRQ ZR D_WZFc[UcWQ ^Xc gZ[[ TRG U`DU U`Q\Q countries are secured food-wise. That is the simple truth. They are secured food-wise. For instance, in a typical home, if you have a child of one or two years, the moment that child wakes up in the morning and the mother does not give him food, believe you me, you the father or mother would never have peace until he feeds. And the moment that child feeds, he would no more care whether the mother is there or not; he would run out and play until he becomes hungry again. Then he starts looking for the mother or father again. Food security is a basic issue we must address. Until that is addressed, we have not yet started. And I believe that it is just the focus that we need to be able to take the bull by the horn. ! " # $ #
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! / - 0 Well, whether you like it or not, most XV XcW [QDGQW\ DWQ \Q[T\` 7`Q^ DWQ XR[^ interested in self-aggrandisement; we cannot pretend about this. If you look at the type of leadership we have had in the last 30 to 40 ^QDW\ ^Xc gZ[[ TRG U`DU U`Q ZRUQWQ\U XV U`Q common man is not their concern. We must be frank with ourselves. I have talked about food security here. Why have we lost focus? In the First Republic, agriculture sustained the country. Palm produce was able to sustain the whole East; cocoa was able to sustain the whole West; groundnut and cotton was able to sustain the whole North. Luckily for us, we later discovered oil. And we suddenly abandoned these commodities that were able to sustain these regions. Whereas, oil should have only come to add to the existing produce we were having from these regions. Today, we would have gone far; but the military came, and they were only interested in enriching themselves. They had a rich source of money. So they abandoned
the main thing that sustained the masses which was agriculture. So, where do you think their focus was? Were they interested in the masses or self-aggrandisement? To me, they were more concerned about enriching themselves to the detriment of the masses. When you talk about the man in the village, his major concern is agriculture. Therefore, everything has to be done in order to support what has been his means of livelihood, which is agriculture. But this was totally forgotten by our leaders and they continued like that up till today. ( - 1 2 % 2 3 -
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% # Well, Obasanjoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action is an embarrassment to the party. By tearing the party card, part of which is our symbol, he has ceased to be a statesman which he ought to be. The leadership of the party should take him to court. The party gave him the glory he did not deserve after coming out VWXY U`Q jWZ\XR 3QXj[Q \c QWQG VXW `ZY ZR return, he chased out the founding fathers of the (PDP) during his regime. People like Solomon Lar, Audu Ogbe, Don Etiebet, and Awoniyi, among others. He also created a lot of pains in the National Assembly with more U`DR T]Q 6QRDUQ jWQ\ZGQRU\ ZR QZ_`U ^QDW\ Today, he is challenging someone who has maintained one Senate president for about T]Q ^QDW\ +Q gD\ EQ`D]ZR_ [ZlQ D \DEXUQcW in the party. His leaving is for good. The general election is just few weeks away and we have two major parties in the race at both the national and sub-national levels. Sir, how do you see the chances of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the PDP? You should know that the APC has more propaganda machine than the PDP. President Jonathan is not the cause of the insurgency. General Buhari canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be better than President Jonathan. The President did not create the current problems that Nigeria is facing. He inherited them. Some of these issues are not peculiar to Nigeria. Corruption is even in America at a very high level. That is why there are more killings there than in any other country. Educationally, we are moving VXWgDWG $[[ XcW TW\U F[D\\ \UcGQRU\ Q]QR XcU\ZGQ U`Q FXcRUW^ \UZ[[ WQYDZR TW\U F[D\\ Do not forget that Nigeria is progressing in many sectors compared with other countries. The National Assembly is becoming more stable than in our days. In fact, I may say U`DU gQ gQWQ \DFWZTFZD[ [DYE\ Q]QR U`Xc_` Obasanjo in our days could not conquer the NASS. 7 # 8 - # % - ,
% <Q\ , DY ZR \UWXR_ \cjjXWU XV TRDRFZD[ autonomy for federal and state lawmakers, the judiciary and even the local government councils. I think local government administration should be piloted by the likes of retired permanent secretaries, directors and seasoned administrators, not surrogates of a particular government. We need responsible people to govern the local government system, not young men who would want to satisfy the powers that be, by doing undemocratic things. This really bring more poverty to the masses as is the case today across the country. ! - % #
9: The G-22 should come back and support the party candidates from the President to the state Assemblies. The party on its part should refund the money we used in purchasing nomination forms. I contested the senatorial seat and that of the G-22. I think that would calm many nerves before DR^ XU`QW U`ZR_ ,U \`Xc[G TRG gD^\ UX FDWW^ every contestant along. In fact, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m in support of all the PDP candidates and I encourage my people to also support them. What would you have done for the Eket Senatorial District were you to be the governor?
March 14, 2015
Flying Eagles face crafty Ivoiriens ...in .....i ..inin last las las aastst AYC AYYCCgr C group ggro roouppga game gam ame me
Uba motivates Gabros with bus, cars >>Pg.18
Irina ‘felt ugly’ standing next to exboyfriend Ronaldo >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
League Watch
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
Chukwu calls for comprehensive insurance for players, officials F
ormer national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu, has called on the leadership of the League Management Company (LMC) to make Comprehensive Insurance Policy a key condition for clubs in the league. Chukwu made the call while reacting to last Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm robbery ^7^XÂŚ_` _ ^ `_ \Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;^Z~_ in Kogi State on their ÂĽ^z_[`_x` `vZ_[xY\Z_]Z~[_ league game against Heartland FC of Owerri. The former Harambee Stars coach explained that the fact that teams are always on the way
every weekend to honour their league engagements makes it imperative that clubs should have comprehensive insurance policy so that if anything happens like the one that happened to Pillars, both the players and `AX\^Â&#x2019;~_ÂĽ\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_Â&#x201C;Y_^Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;Y_[`_ get something. He explained that [x\~_\~_ `[_[xY_]Z~[_ time players would be ^7^XÂŚYÂ _` _[xY\Z_ÂĽ^z_ to honour league ties, saying it was because of this type of thing that made Rangers sometime ago to have comprehensive insurance policy for their players ^ Â _`AX\^Â&#x2019;~{
He described what happened to Pillars as unfortunate and a wakeup call for the various club in the country to consider seriously the issue of comprehensive policy for their teams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well I think that everybody has heard or seen what happened to Pillars, it is most unfortunate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a wakeup call for the various teams to take comprehensive insurance policy for their players ^  _`AX\^Â&#x2019;~{ ÂŻ ~_^_Â&#x201A;^7YZ_`q_q^X[Â&#x2C6;_[xY_ Pillars incident was not [xY_]Z~[_[\Â&#x201A;Y_[x^[_^ZÂ&#x201A;Y _ Z`Â&#x201C;Â&#x201C;YZ~_x^°Y_^7^XÂŚY _
Anyansi rues missed opportunities against Akwa Utd
nyimba Chairman, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu, has blamed missed chances by his wards for the sharing `q_[xY_~Â&#x2018;`\Â&#x2019;_\ _[xY\Z_]Z~[_ league game against Akwa \[Y _ _^[_[xY_ z\Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;^_ International Stadium in Aba on Sunday. He said for the missed chances the two time African Champions would have been comfortable with the maximum points but assured that the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elephant has since put that behind themselves even as they have focused their ^7Y [\` _` _[x\~_ÂĽYYÂŚY  _ continental game against Egyptian opposition, Smouha Sporting Club \ _[xY_]Z~[_Z`v  _`q_[xY_ continental elite club competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Missed opportunity robbed us victory in the
Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;Y_^Â&#x20AC;^\ ~[_ ÂŚÂĽ^_ \[Y _ on Sunday,â&#x20AC;? the most successful club chairman in the country began. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, the Akwa game has come and gone, our ^7Y [\` _ `ÂĽ_\~_` _`vZ_ CAF Champions League engagement against Smouha Sporting Club of Egypt who we will be hosting on Sunday,â&#x20AC;? Anyansi said. It is recalled that Enyimba, one of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CAF Champions League representatives  \~Â&#x2018;^[XxY _ vĂ&#x17D;Y~_ Y_ Borgou of Benin Republic by 4-0 aggregate in the preliminary stage of the competition. The two time African Champions will welcome the Egyptians tomorrow at the Enyimba International Stadium. It is true that this
Egyptian club is not well known like Al Ahly and Zamaleke; it will be foolhardy for the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elephant to take them for granted. Newswatch League Times wishes the Aba millionaires a successful outing as they ½z_[xY_X`v [ZzĂ&#x2020;~_½^Â&#x20AC;_` _[xY_ continent.
players or teams on their way to honour league games. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In my opinion, I suggest that the League Management Company (LCM) should make comprehensive insurance policy a pre-condition for club to qualify to take part in the league. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am saying this because every weekend teams are always on their way to go and honour one league engagement or the other. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In those days
ZY~\Â Y [_ ``Â Â&#x2019;vXÂŚ_ Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government laudable achievements in various sector of our national life, recently acquired former ^Â&#x201C;Z`~_ X_`q_ Nnewi from it former `ÂĽ YZÂ&#x2C6;_ ^Â&#x201C;Z\YÂ&#x2019;_
Chukwuma. While handing over the vehicles to the management of the club in the presence of the Chairman of the Anambra FA Chairman, Chief Mike Â&#x201A;YxÂ&#x2C6;_ Â&#x201C;^_^~~vZYÂ _ the club that they will never lack the necessary support from him and charged them to be successful \ _[xY_ Â&#x2019;`_ Premier League despite just gaining promotion to
insurance policy is that should anything of this nature happens, the victims will be able to get something to Xv~x\` _[xY_Y1YX[_ of what they have ~v1YZYÂ Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201E;_ xvÂŚÂĽv_ explained.
Akwa should not be carried away by Enyimba draw â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Aniedi
kwa Ibom State Director of Sports, Dickson Aniedi, has advised the players of Akwa \[Y _ _ `[_[`_Â&#x201C;Y_X^ZZ\Y _ away by the goalless draw they recorded last Sunday in Aba. He said that they should not approach their subsequent games with the mindset that since they drew against the best in the country they could triumph against every other opposition. Aniedi, a former Flying Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; player explained that doing so will ^Â&#x201A;`v [_[`_`°YZ_X` ] Y XY_ which will not help them. He equally reminded them that [xY_]Z~[_Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;Y_`q_[xY_Â&#x2019;Y^Â&#x20AC;vY_ season is always like that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thank you very much for congratulating me for Akwa \[Y Ă&#x2020;~_Â&#x20AC;`^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Y~~_ Z^ÂĽ_^[_ Enyimbaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home, but you and I know that Akwa began like this last season and at the end of the day they were struggling to survive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would want to advise them not to be carried away because of this draw in Aba. They should know that there are no two games that are the
Uba motivates Gabros with bus, cars he Managing Director and Chief Executive AXYZ_`q_ \Â&#x2019;_^ Â _ ^~_ giant, Capital Oil and ^~Â&#x2C6;_ Z_ qY^ z\_ Â&#x201C;^Â&#x2C6;_x^~_ demonstrated what it means to motivate a club for success. This he did by doling out a number of new cars and a bus for the `AX\^Â&#x2019;~_^ Â _[xY_Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^zYZ~_ respectively. Z_ Â&#x201C;^Â&#x2C6;_[xY_ Vice Chairman of Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN), a none governmental organisation whose sole objective is to showcase the achievements of
because of this type of thing, Rangers had to take comprehensive insurance policy for their players and `AX\^Â&#x2019;~{_ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The essence of the
the elite league this season. It is recalled that Ifeanyi Â&#x201C;^_ X_Â&#x20AC;^\ Y _Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x201A;`[\` _ [`_[xY_ Â&#x2019;`_ ZYÂ&#x201A;\YZ_qZ`Â&#x201A;_ the Nigeria National League (NNL) even as they won the NNL Super 4 which Kwara State `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_x`~[Y _\ _ Ilorin Township Stadium recently. _[xY\Z_]Z~[_Â&#x201A;^[Xx_ as Premier League campaigners, Ifeanyi Â&#x201C;^_ X_~x`XÂŚY _ CAF Confederation campaigners, Warri Wolves FC as the Nnewi based side handed the YÂ&#x2019;[^_ [^[Y_] ^ XY _~\ Y_ 2-0 defeat in Nnewi, Anambra State.
same. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The mistake they will be making is to assume that because they drew against the best in the country they are going to have it easy with other teams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course we know that it is not easy to play Enyimba and come out without defeat. They should not be complacent. The mistake they will be making is to be `°YZ_X` ] Y [_ÂĽxY _[xYz_ play other teams. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will be foolhardy to think that Akwa has arrived.
Nobody does anything like that in football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You and I know what transpired last season. Akwa started so well and at a point in the season they led the league for several weeks and when it Â&#x201A;^7YZY _Â&#x201A;`~[Â&#x2C6;_[xYz_~[^Z[Y _ gasping for breath. I am not saying it is going to be the same this season rather all I am advising them is not to Â&#x201C;Y_`°YZ_X` ] Y [_Â&#x201C;YX^v~Y_ of the fact that they drew their away match in Aba,â&#x20AC;? Aniedi advised.
Akwa Utd
Busy weekend for continental representatives
t is going to be a busy weekend for the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four representatives on the continent as all of them will be engaged this weekend. Three of them will be on duty on the continent while one of will be on the domestic front to confront their opponents in the league. Two time African Champions, Enyimba International FC will be hosting Egyptian opposition, Smouha Sporting Club at the Enyimba International Stadium, Aba. \7Â&#x2019;Y_`Z_ `[x\ Â&#x20AC;_\~_ÂŚ `ÂĽ _ about this Egyptian club and as a result Enyimba should be wary of them and should utilize all the opportunities that may come their way.
They should not be wasteful ^~_[xYz_ÂĽYZY_\ _[xY\Z_]Z~[_Â&#x2019;Y^Â&#x20AC;vY_ game against neighbours, ÂŚÂĽ^_ \[Y _` _ v  ^z_ because they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what the outcome will be when they visit Egypt for the return leg. On paper, this game should be given to Enyimba but like they say, football is not mathematics and as a result, the result will be known after 90 minutes of hostilities tomorrow. Meanwhile, Kano Pillars, the other team representing the country in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CAF Champions League ÂĽ\Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_Â&#x201C;Y_Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^z\ Â&#x20AC;_\ _[xY_ Â&#x2019;`_ Premier League as they will be X` qZ` [\ Â&#x20AC;_ ^zYÂ&#x2019;~^_ \[Y _^[_ home.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sports/EURO League â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;felt uglyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; standing next Beckham, Becker watch as PSG Irina to ex-boyfriend Ronaldo dump Chelsea C D ristiano Ronaldoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
avid Beckham was at Stamford Bridge for Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Champions League last 16 second leg match against one of his old teams, Paris Saint-Germain. The former England captain was in London with his three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz. The anticipation of the PSG fans inside Stamford Bridge ahead was clear, with a number of fans stood topless in the away stand, despite it being another chilly March
evening. That manner of appearance was not one chosen by Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson, ÂĽx`_ÂĽ^~_~Â&#x2018;`7YÂ _\ _[xY_ stands ready to watch his beloved Chelsea only a day after being suspended from the BBC. Boris Becker was also seen in the stands, appearing blissfully unaware that the Chelsea scarf he was wearing had the emblem of the Chelsea x``Â&#x2019;\Â&#x20AC;^ _]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2C6;_[xY_ xYÂ&#x2019;~Y^_ Headhunters, on.
Messi all smiles on Instagram pose with ex-West Ham
e may be without a club at present but that hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stopped Ravel Morrison linking up with whom many refer to as the best player on the planet. Morrison, who had his contract terminated at West Ham last month, bumped into Barcelona superstar and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;maestroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Lionel Messi while out and about on Monday afternoon. The chance occasion was clearly one the 22-yearold didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to
miss out on as a photo was taken with the fourtime Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or winner before being
uploaded to Instagram. While Messi, who was in London on Sunday night with girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo and former Barcelona teammate Cesc Fabregas and his partner Daniella Semaan, is continuing to break records this season Morrison is just a mere spectator. Pic: Ravel Morrison (left) uploaded an Instagram photo after posing with Lionel Messi (centre) on Monday.
Enrique visits luxury Spa with girlfriend
iverpool defender, Jose Enrique made the most of his day `1_ÂĽ\[x_^ _\  vÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Y [_°\~\[_[`_ the Hale Country Club and Spa in Altrincham. The luxury centre features a gym, three swimming pools, steam room, sauna ^  _ZY~[^vZ^ [_ÂĽx\Â&#x2019;Y_`1YZ\ Â&#x20AC;_ a variety of facial and body treatments. The 29-year-old left-back and his long-term girlfriend Amy Jaine seemed to enjoy the facilities and posted
pictures of their day on Z\¢vYĂ&#x2020;~_`AX\^Â&#x2019;_ ~[^Â&#x20AC;Z^Â&#x201A;_ account. He has since made 96 appearances for The Reds and scored two goals. However, the Spaniard has q`v  _ZYÂ&#x20AC;vÂ&#x2019;^Z_]Z~[§[Y^Â&#x201A;_ football hard to come by in the last two seasons due a mix of injuries and squad rotation. Enrique has three caps for Spainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Under 21s, but is yet to receive a call-up for the senior national side.
Schurrle takes the plunge ...asWolfsburg attacker attempts to bobsleigh
ndre Schurrle showed The ÂŁ24million man he was a man of never quite made the grade many talents after in England but appears be deciding to take the plunge and ½`vZ\~x\ Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x201C;^XÂŚ_\ _ YZÂ&#x201A;^ z_ have a go at bobsleighing at the alongside another former Winterberg track. Chelsea player Kevin de The former Chelsea Bruyne. man completed a move to Wolfsburg in January and appears to be enjoying his time back in his native Germany. The 24-year-old took to Instagram having just completed a run down the intimidating icy track. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Awesome experience here in Winterburg.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Schurrleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new side are currently second and 11 points behind Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga, with Champions Y^Â&#x20AC;vY_¢v^Â&#x2019;\]X^[\` _Â&#x2019;``ÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_ Schurrle more and more likely.
ex-girlfriend, Irina Shayk has taken a swipe at her former partner, claiming she felt â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ugly standing next to the wrong manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. The Real Madrid superstar often gets tongues wagging when it comes to his relationships, and there was much media speculation over the reasons for his split with Shayk in January. Now, in an interview with Spanish magazine Hola, Shayk has spoken out about her â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ideal manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, with some claiming that her words are ^ _^7^XÂŚ_` _[xY_ 30-year-old world player of the year. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;My ideal man is faithful, honest and a gentleman who knows how to treat women. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe in men who make us feel unhappy, because theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re boys not men. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I thought I had once found the ideal man but it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t turn out that way.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; She added: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I think a woman feels ugly when sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got the wrong man at
her side. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve felt ugly and insecure.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The pair were together q`Z_]°Y_zY^Z~Â&#x2C6;_^  _[xY_ Portuguese footballer said of their break-up in January: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;After dating for ]°Y_zY^Z~Â&#x2C6;_Â&#x201A;z_ZYÂ&#x2019;^[\` ~x\Â&#x2018;_ with Irina Shayk has come to an end. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We believed it would be best for both of us to take this step now. I wish Irina the greatest happiness.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Fabregas declares love for girlfriend
Fixtures PREMIER LEAGUE Sat, March 14 C/Palace v QPR Sunderland v A/Villa West Brom v Stoke Leicester v Hull Arsenal v West Ham Burnley v Man City LA LIGA Sat, March 14 Espanyol v At Madrid Eibar v Barcelona Rayo v Granada Celta Vigov Bilbao
SERIE A Sat, March 14 Palermo v Juventus Cagliari v Empoli BUNDESLIGA Sat, March 14 Werder v Bayern Hertha v Schalke
$%&'(&)*+-+ Hamburg Eintracht v Paderborn Augsburg v Mainz Dortmund v Cologne
...with romantic Instagram post on InternationalWomenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day
nternational Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day represents the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women and to be thankful for their positive contributions to daily life. Cesc Fabregas was certainly in the spirit of that message, with a romantic Instagram Post dedicated to his partner Daniella Semaan. xY_ xYÂ&#x2019;~Y^_Â&#x201A;\Â ]YÂ&#x2019;Â YZ_\~_ pictured pecking Semaan on the cheek and captions the snap cutely, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Another year next to
you...I love you so much.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The long-term couple already have one child together and are expecting their second later this year. Fabregas is enjoying a Â&#x2018;Z` vX[\°Y_]Z~[_~Y^~` _Â&#x201C;^XÂŚ_ in the Premier League since returning to England, having joined Chelsea last summer from Barcelona in a ÂŁ35 million move. The Spanish playmaker has scored four goals and made 18 assists in 36 appearances for the Blues so far this term.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sports/News SENEGAL 2015
Flying Eagles face crafty Ivoiriens ...in last AYC group game history of tournament. The Flying Eagles remain the most successful team in the competition with six titles so far, and are Mark Ogagan expected to land the [Z`Â&#x2018;xz_^q[YZ_^_½z\ Â&#x20AC;_ igeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s start in Senegal. chances of Despite parading winning eight players from the ongoing African the team which won Youth Championship the 2013 Fifa U-17 will be put in proper World Cup, the West perspective today when the Flying Eagles Africans are without Manchester City duo, ^7YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;[_^_XÂ&#x2019;Y^ _~ÂĽYYÂ&#x2018;_ Chidiebere Nwakali of points in Group A and Kelechi Iheanacho, with a dicey match up against Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire in as well as Genkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wilfried Ndidi. Mâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;bour, Senegal. Yet coach Manu The Flying Eagles Garba insists he has x^°Y_^Â&#x2019;ZY^ z_¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _ ^_~¢v^ _]ZY _vÂ&#x2018;_q`Z_ q`Z_[xY_~YÂ&#x201A;\_] ^Â&#x2019;~_`q_ glory as they begin the tournament after defeating Congo 4-1 on their campaign against the hosts on Sunday. Wednesday in Dakar, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can only focus on but the Ivoirians will need an outright win to the players here and I am happy with my dislodge Senegal and boys because they are Congo in the contest capable of doing the for second place. business,â&#x20AC;? Garba said. That may not come xY_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;Y_`q_ ` _^_Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^7YZ_`q_Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2019; _ the tournament is though, as the in-form scheduled for Sunday, Flying Eagles have March 22nd. vowed to go all the Meanwhile, Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way without dropping Head Coach, Manu a point. Garba, has expressed Nigeria is seeking hope that his team redemption in Senegal ^q[YZ_[xYz_] \~xY _[x\Z _ ÂĽ`vÂ&#x2019; _^7Y  _[xY_Šª_ Fifa World Youth \ _ŠªĂ&#x201A;Â&#x2C6;_[xY_]q[x_[\Â&#x201A;Y_ Championship billed they had won the third for New Zealand as Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^XY_Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^z§`1_\ _[xY_
...As Izilein tips Nigeria to go all the way By MARK OGAGAN
rstwhile Head Coach of the Golden Eaglets of Nigeria, Godwin Izilein, says heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s optimistic that Flying Eagles will conquer Africa come next Sunday, ^ZXx_ŠŠ_\ _[xY_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;Y_ of the ongoing African Youth Championship in Senegal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think (Head Coach) Manu Garba has been able to build a compact side and with the way the team has showcased itself, I have a strong belief that they will go on and win the tournament in Senegal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though they still have [xY_~YÂ&#x201A;\§] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;Y_[`_Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;^z_ on Wednesday, I think the squad is strong enough to go all the way,â&#x20AC;? Izilein said. Nigeria started the tournament like a x`v~Y_` _]ZYÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201C;Y^[\ Â&#x20AC;_
hosts Senegal 3-1 in the opening game before a 4-1 drubbing of Congo sent the West African giants through to the last four and a place in the FIFA  YZŠª_ `ZÂ&#x2019; _ vÂ&#x2018;_] ^Â&#x2019;~{_ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The team indeed showed character, and having dispatched their opponents with so much ease, I can see them winning the ultimate prize,â&#x20AC;? the former Super Falcons coach added. However, he warned against complacency, while advising Head Coach Manu Garba to solidify his backline for the last two games of the tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think our goalkeeper needs to be less aggressive and learn to organize his defence more, also the right back needs to up his game and play at the same level with his teammates,â&#x20AC;? Izilein advised.
African champions In a post-match chat with the media, the former Golden Eaglets handler praised his team for a job well done despite playing with 10 men for the larger part of
Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game against Congo. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m grateful to Almighty God for qualifying for the Fifa U-20 World Cup. It was a great victory playing most part of the game with 10 men,â&#x20AC;? said
Garba. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To score seven goals in two matches is no easy job. I believe we are a strong side. My boys have done very well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our target is to win all the matches and
that means winning the trophy as well. The ]Z~[_Â&#x2018;^Z[_`q_[xY_ÂŽ`Â&#x201C;_x^~_ Â&#x201C;YY _ÂĽ\[x_¢v^Â&#x2019;\]X^[\` _ for the World Cup. Now, the other target is to go to the World Cup as African champions.
NCF meeting:Board members set for war
oday in Abuja, members of the Nigeria Cricket Federation, (NCF), are expected to slug it out in a deliberations that would make or mar the image of the game in the country with series of allegations already raised against the incumbent president, Emeka Onyeama. Aggrieved board members are expected to ask the NCF president many questions that would determine the progress of cricket in Nigeria. There are feelers that the ICC has withheld Q1 Šª_qv  \ Â&#x20AC;_qZ`Â&#x201A;_[xY_ NCF because an AGM has not been held in over12 months. Since the resumption of this present board, NCF has not constitute X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY~_[`_^ Â&#x201A;\ \~[YZ_ [xY_^1^\Z~_`q_[xY_ federation. The NCF boss has been running oneman show. Less than 24 months of Emeka Onyeamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tenure, the NCF has employed three General Managers without the approval of the board The board members will like to know why NCF President collected Ă&#x2018;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x201A;ÂŞÂŞ_[`_^7Y  _[xY_ _ AGM in Uganda in April 2014 but did not show up at the meeting and neither
was the money refunded. It was also alleged that NCF President collected $8,000 and N600,000 to ^7Y Â _[xY_ _ v^Â&#x2019;_ Conference in Australia in June 2014 but did not ^7Y Â _[xY_Â&#x201A;YY[\ Â&#x20AC;_^ Â _ neither was the money
returned. The members would also like to know if Audited Accounts for ] ^ X\^Â&#x2019;_zY^Z~_ŠªĂ&#x201A;_^  _ 2014 been presented to the Board for approval before tabling them for the NCF AGM scheduled for today.
The board will want to know why NCF President nominated a Tanzanian to contest the ACA Chairmanship position against the incumbent, Kwesi Sagoe, who is a Nigerian
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
Saturday Newswatch -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 19
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
26 Feminine Story
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
hen William and Judy Thompson met comedian Bill Cosby in the late 1980s to discuss their teen daughterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s modelling and acting career, they felt immediately at ease. Cosby and William Thompson both belonged to black fraternities in college. They both had lived in the Washington, D.C.Maryland area. Both were born in July and
+ 8 - 6 Cosby reassured the Thompsons that their then-17-year-old daughter, Jennifer, would be 8 % -
- she launched her career. He promised to help the teen, they said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We thought we were talking to Dr. Huxtable,â&#x20AC;? said William Thompson, referring to the comedianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TV persona in â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Cosby Show.â&#x20AC;? F # 0 - # unwanted sexual advances from Cosby and once performed a sex act on the comedian. He then % K 6 0 L
8 L clouded Jennifer Thompsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next two decades. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It basically shattered my faith so that anything that used to look promising to me, I saw it
% ,N 6 Thompson, now 44, and her parents recently spoke to The Associated Press about the encounters with Cosby. They also revealed that three weeks ago, Judy Thompson sent a letter to Cosbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife, Camille. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mother to mother,â&#x20AC;? said Judy Thompson. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This letter was written from my heart.â&#x20AC;? More than 20 women have stepped forward in recent months to level various accusations against Cosby, ranging from unwanted advances to sexual assault and rape. Additionally, Cosby is being sued by three women for defamation and by another woman who says he molested her when she was 15. Cosby has not been charged with any crime, and neither Cosbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawyer nor his spokesman returned calls seeking comment. Cosbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawyer, Martin Singer, previously has denied some of the allegations and made no comment on others. Judy Thompson said she was inspired to pen the letter after she read Camille Cosbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s statement issued in December suggesting that her husband, not the women, is the party being harmed by the womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s allegations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;None of us will ever want to be in the position of attacking a victim,â&#x20AC;? Camille Cosby said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But the question should be asked - who is the victim?â&#x20AC;? Judy Thompson bristled when she read Cosbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s words. She said she watched her daughter go from a sparkling, ambitious teen to a
woman â&#x20AC;&#x153;with an inner light extinguished.â&#x20AC;? Only recently has Jennifer Thompson emerged from under â&#x20AC;&#x153;the dark cloud,â&#x20AC;? said Judy Thompson, who included a Psalms prayer in the letter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your husband crossed boundaries that never should have been breached,â&#x20AC;? she wrote to Camille Cosby. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He shattered her innocence.â&#x20AC;? Judy Thompson said she prays daily for the Cosbys and ended the letter by writing, â&#x20AC;&#x153;May + $
peace for your souls.â&#x20AC;? It could not be determined whether Camille Cosby received the letter. In this March 6, 2015 photo, Jennifer Thompson wipes away tears during an interview at her family â&#x20AC;Ś
Feminine Story 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Bill Cosby accuserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mum appeals to comedianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife F 0 -
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THE TEAM Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
patrick ASONYE Correspondent
funsho AKINWALE Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artist
olayiwola RAZAQ
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
R a saq Okoya â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wife a n dI , Shad e
Newswatch Times, Satruday, March 14, 2015
Folashade Okoya, wife of Nigerian business mogul, Alhaji Rasaq Okoya, is one stylish lady. The 37-year-old Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Eleganza Fashion Products Limited never fails to impress anytime she steps out at events. The pretty mother of four is a graduate of Sociology from the University of Lagos and was conferred with Doctor of Science, D.Sc (Honorary Causa) in Business Management and Corporate Leadership by the committee of the European American University last year. She fielded questions from Qismat Yinus, talking about her marriage to one of Nigeria’s men of means, career, fashion and much more.
ow would you describe your husband, Alhaji Rasaq Okoya? He is a friend of all seasons; a great father to my children, and a wonderful husband to me. He’s good, generous to a fault, and a hard worker. How would you rate him as a businessman? Chief Rasaq Okoya is a very good businessman. He got little or nothing from his parents, but he got the experience and training from them. His mother gave him D [XDR UX \UDWU X [ZVQ 6`Q _D]Q `ZY D jXcRG [XDR $RG U`Q jXcRG\ [XDR XV those days led to all he has today. He is a man of all seasons to his friends. He is a happy man and I’m happy to be with him. I’ll do this all over again. A lot of people describe you as a fashionable woman, do you agree with them? I don’t know, but my children say I’m fashionable. I just love to look good. What does style mean to you? 6U^[Q YQDR\ FXYVXWU UX YQ What inspires your mode of dressing? My mood and the occasion. I just dress to suit the event. Who are your favourite designers? I wear everything. } $ 8 I work, and I love to cook. Eating, working and cooking all go together. You seem to be a very good businesswoman. What does it take to be a good businesswoman? My husband instilled that in me. I got all the attributes from him. He has always been `DWG gXWlZR_ 6X , FDYQ DWXcRG DRG YQU him doing that. He is my mentor, and I learn a lot from him. Can you share some of the secrets of keeping a good marriage? With my 16 years in marriage, I think I can talk about marriage. My husband is a happy man, so I’m happy. I think the secret is the [X]Q , WQ\jQFU `ZY D [XU UXX 6X , U`ZRl D[[ these put together make a good marriage. As a busy couple, how do you relax and have fun? We travel a lot, so we catch fun doing that. My children also come to the factory once in a while, especially during holidays. I told you I love and enjoy what I do, so I’m always
My husband is a happy man, so I’m happy. I think the secret is the love. I respect him a lot too. So I think all these put together make a good marriage
Continued on Page 30
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Life as Rasaq Okoyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wife - Shade Continued from Page 30
looking forward to getting home at night, and also getting to work in the morning. So itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really about loving what you do. What do you wish your husband at 75? I wish him all the best. He is a happy man; he loves people so what else do you wish such a man? I pray God gives him a good health and long life.
I wish him all the best. He is a happy man; he loves people so what else do you wish such a man? I pray God gives him a good health and long life
Newswatch Times, Saturday March 14, 2015
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Tiwa Savage flaunts baby bump in Uganda
minutes with Doris Simeon
orn into a polygamous family, Doris Simeon knew from the onset what she wanted to become in future - an entertainer, even though she had wanted to be a broadcaster. Though not from a Yoruba speaking state, Doris Simeon didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let that to be a barrier for her goal as she stormed that sector of Nollywood industry with first class performance. Doris is basically from Benin in Edo State, but she speaks fluent Yoruba language. And to confirm her rating in the industry, Doris has appeared in some of the cultural films requiring fluent rendition of indigenous Yoruba language. No doubt, Doris Simeon is a reporterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s delight as she proved to Ajibade Alabi in this interview at the location in Ojodu-Berger, Lagos. Excerpts: Who is Doris? Doris is a young woman, a native of Benin in Edo State, but born and raised in Lagos; from a polygamous family. She attended Maryland Comprehensive Secondary School for post primary education, and later Pefti School. She is the second child of her mother. How did the journey start? I started with Papa Ajasco and company, a Wale Adenuga production. I just went to the auditioning with that mindset that they might or might not choose me. But luckily I was picked. That is simply how I started. Then along the way I met Yomi Ogunmola (now late) who introduced me to the Yoruba sector of movie industry. What was the first movie you appeared in? My first movie did not actually come out, but it was titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Abanikedunâ&#x20AC;?, where I played a lead role. It was later changed to â&#x20AC;&#x153;10 millionâ&#x20AC;?. But the one that really brought me to limelight was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Olojuedeâ&#x20AC;?, which I acted along with Pasuma. It was a film that shot me into limelight. From that moment, everybody knew me, and they started inviting me to do movies. How many films have you produced? I have produced three films of my own. The first one is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Onitemiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and the second is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Omo Iyakanâ&#x20AC;? while the third one, which is the latest, is titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Asiriâ&#x20AC;?. That one just came out like a year plus. I do a film a year. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just produce s anyhow; I am a one-person-peryear film producer.
tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no longer er hey news, as they say, that Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s female singing sensation, Tiwa Savage, is expecting. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s news, however, is thee manner she by flaunts her baby bump. Sighted in an online post in nda, far away Uganda, Tiwa was literally ally showing the whole world her protrudingg tummy while in Uganda for a twoday performance. nce.
Rahama bags six m over sexual harass
he Motion Pictures Practitioners Kannywood actress, Rahama Sad role in a movie for refusing sexua The association said Ms. Sadau was susp tions. Sadau, in a post on her Instagram page his movie, Duniya Makaranta, after she She, however, posted an apology the fol ishâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. In a letter to Sadau, the association accu by threatening to stop recording in the Tripping tried to contact Sadau for her or return calls to her mobile phone.
Nadia Buariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s twin babies unveiled
- & $ - Photograph of the twin babies of Ghanaian actress, Nadia Buari, surfaced online hours after they were 6 & Â&#x152;
# -
photograph went viral, because Â&#x20AC; photo of the twins to be taken. ' , #
8 - tion of the arrival of the twins, a source in the camp of Nollywood actor, Jim Iyk, broke his silence to Ynaija regarding the relationship between Jim Iyk and Nadia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right now Jim Iyk is busy in Toronto shooting for his next season of unscripted reality show. He is too busy to have time to react to it; he is indifferentâ&#x20AC;Ś he is right now excited about the shooting and nothing else.â&#x20AC;?
Mercy Johnson declares support for Jonathan
here does your support lie in the coming election? Some personalities may not be bold enough to make their preferences public, but not Mercy Johnson,
9 % ' \ Nollywood actress. Now a mother of two, Mercy professed her support for President Goodluck Jonathan in a recent interview citing reasons for doing so. According to the actress, Jonathan should be given the opportunity to do - " 6 â&#x20AC;&#x153;He deserves another chance. This is a president who has good intentions for the nation. He is by no means a perfect man but he means well and he has apparently learnt from his weaknesses in the last four years. We must continue to believe in this great nation of ours. Nigeria belongs to us. The president cannot do it alone. He needs our cooperation and we should not let him down at a time like this, when he needs our votes to get the job done,â&#x20AC;? she said.
John Okafor pro Muna Obiekwe
f the dead could smile, the late Nollywood actor, Muna Obiekwe, should be smiling right now as fellow actor, John Okafor has promised not to turn his back at the family of the deceased actor. Okafor, known for his comic roles, is not pulling any joke this time, as he made the declaration shortly after Munaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s burial. Muna passed away on January 19, , after battling with Kidney failure for a few months. Muna is also the first cousin of Yul Edochie, which makes him a member of the Edochie
Why I wore fu Susan Peters
s usual, not only actresses and actors were the ones that attended the just concluded African Magic Viewers Choice Award (AMVCA) night. Everyone else that mattered in the entertainment industry was present at the event. During the event, the dresses of Denrele, Ini Edo and Susan Peters hit the public view; it got a lot of people talking about their daring 8 6 The jibes at Susan Peters superseded others, and of course, tongues really wagged. Perhaps in defence, she claimed that Toyin Lawani was the brain behind her +
Â&#x2039; 6 â&#x20AC;&#x153;I went to see my stylist
and s $
% ent. A outsta bit of
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
months suspension sment claim
s Association of Nigeria has suspended dau, over claims that she was denied a al overtures of the director. pended for violating its rules and regula-
, had accused Zango of firing her from e rejected his advances. llowing day, calling her behaviour â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;child-
used the actress of sabotaging producers middle of a production. response, but the actress did not respond
omises to support â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family
unny dress -
she showed me a picture. I kinda d what I saw, so I told her Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d # 6 & $ A dress that would make me anding, you know I am a very ng woman. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how we came ith this and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m enjoying every f it,â&#x20AC;? she said, excitedly.
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m too decent to seduce Mr. Rihana emerges most Jonathan - Sheyi Shay streamed artiste on spotify
exy singer, Seyi Shay has addressed her much criticised dress in a photo session with President Goodluck Jonathan. The photograph, taken after her performance at the 5000 Youths #MeetThePresident, overwhelmed every other talking point from the event. Expectedly, the social media went ballistic with a majority criticising the singer while others described her dressing as a personal choice. In fact, she was quoted as saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am a very respectable young lady and I was not in any way trying to seduce the President with the outfit I wore. I had two outfits for the event; one was for my performance and the other was worn after I performed. The dress I was pictured in with the President was what I wore during my performance.
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make fun of my tummy, Halimat Abubakar begs fans
ired of constant jibes about what has been tagged as her â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;flabby tummyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Nollywood actress and producer, Halima Abubakar, has voiced out concern. She reacted in a post on twitter thus: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This my tummy, I show you all, so the tummy jokes should stopâ&#x20AC;ŚIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m amazing, and if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see that, well check your eyes and stop judging. I appreciate all my critics muahhh.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; She also added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like to hide my flaws, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;cos dem plentyâ&#x20AC;Ś But regardless of how anyone feels, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m super confident, happy in my thick skin and at peace. My imperfections are what makes me who I am. Have a great day and kisses.â&#x20AC;? Halima also said she would be releasing a new movie under her production company Modehouz: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This are pictures I love from my bio book/look book coming soon, with my movies under my production company Modehouzâ&#x20AC;ŚI wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t address any more negativity again. This is me!â&#x20AC;?
Didi Ekanem and her bum of distraction
launt it if you have it, seems to be what Didi Ekanem is saying. She seems arguably one Nollywoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s actresses with the biggest bums, even though she will tell you no one can contest that with her. Asked recently how she feels having one of the biggest bums in Nollywood, the succulent actress said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good feeling and a wonderful one. But I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lie to you, as much as I love it, I just wish people would focus more on my talent than my bum. All the concentration out there is on my bum, not my talent. I would honestly wish people to see me as a talented actress, not a sexy one. But my bum is not allowing people to see me deep down, to see the person and the talent.
i h IInternational ith i l Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day soaking up a lot of attention, Spotify has compiled a list of the most-streamed female artistes on the music site and multi- award winning singer, Rihanna reigns supreme as the favourite female artiste among all Spotify listeners worldwide. The most-streamed woman (for the third year in a row) had a smash hit with her Eminem collaboration, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Monster,â&#x20AC;? last year. The song has been streamed over ot too longon ago,Spotify. prolific Katy female disc jockey and daughter of billionaire business200 million times man, Femi Otedola, Cuppy Perry, BeyoncĂŠ, Lana Del Rey andwas officially dressed as a Tourism Ambassador for the Federal Republicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fascinating Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; campaign. In doing her country Lady Gaga were next up on the list. proud, the 21 year-old DJ attended the Financial Times Luxury Summit 2014 in Mexico With â&#x20AC;&#x153;Run to joinfeminist some ofanthems the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;like s most influential people in discussing the next 15 emerging the World (Girls)â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Single economies of which Nigeria is one of them. Feelers from the trip disclosed that Cuppy Ladies (Put a Ring onrepresented It),â&#x20AC;? and her country well with her good conduct and what they fully and impressively new tracks â&#x20AC;&#x153;Flawlessâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pretty call â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;fantastic diplomatic relations! Hurts,â&#x20AC;? itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no surprise that Beyonce is the female artist most women in the world listen to on Spotify. Perry, Del Rey and Rihanna all make second appearances, with Ariana Grande rounding out the top five.
K1 & crew land in Dubai for 58 birthday bash
pparently to shame his critics, the Oluaye of Fuji music, King Wasiu Ayinde Olasunkami aka KWAM 1, recently jetted out to the United Arab Emirate with his band boys, to continue the celebration of his 58 birthday. The Fuji lord was accompanied to Dubai by the duo of Sanyeri, Kamilu Kompo and Femi Adebayo.
Tonto Dikeh hugs more controversies with public show of boobs
ctress Tonto Dikeh has teased fans with her well-toned cleavage in a new picture. Her new hot picture, which was shared on Instagram, has sent her male fans into frenzy. She added a disturbing caption saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Life is too short to be miserable.â&#x20AC;? It is not clear if the Nollywood bad gal has put the drama around her supposed mystery boyfriend she addresses as Mr. X. According to reports, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr. X whose real name is Churchill Oladunni is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;happily married with kids.â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; But sources in the camp of the actress 8 $ - %Â&#x201A; ]' X is legally separated from his
wife and is therefore free to date whoever he pleases.â&#x20AC;? The new photo by the Rivers State born actress brings to mind a similar boobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s show, which occurred when she fell on a London stage two years ago.
Saturday Newswatch, March 14, 2015
By Qismat Yinus
Ebube Nwagbo meets Lionel Messi
ionel Messi went shopping at Harrods in London with his friend and former team mate Cesc Fabregas, and later at Phillip Plein shop on Bond street where actresses Ebube Nwagbo and Nkechi Nnaji ran into the footballers and took photos with them.
Shoki crooner Lil Kesh acquires Range Rover
hese are indeed good times for Lil Kesh, as he just acquired a Range Rover, and flaunted for everyone to see. Lil Kesh, currently one of the hottest musical acts in Nigeria, is a prodigy of Olamide and is signed on to his record label.
Diddy remembers Notorious BIG 18 years after
uesday, March 9, 2015 was the 18th anniversary of Notorious BIG’s death, and his friend, Diddy who remembers him every time took to his Instagram page to ask people to post old photos of BIGGY and tell him what they love about him. He also threw a challenge asking people to sing the popular ‘I Miss You’ song he did with Faith Evans.
Denrele Edun attends AMVCA’s in silver braids and see-through dress
edia personality, Denrele Edun, attended the AMVCA’s in this see through dress designed by Toyin Lawani of Tiannah Styling, and got a lot of people staring at him. We still don’t know what to make of his appearance at the prestigious award ceremony.
Mohammed Ali praises daughter on Instagram
egendary heavyweight boxer, Muhammad Ali, posted this photo on Instagram with the caption “So proud of @thereallailaali, my baby girl; first female boxing analyst making her debut tonight on NBC’s Premier Boxing Champions.” The proud father made this announcement on Monday, March 9.
RMD, Julius Agwu, Duncan Mighty, others attend Sammie Okposo’s wife’s birthday party
inger, Sammie Okposo’s wife clocked 40 recently and he threw a birthday bash on her behalf. RMD, Julius Agwu, Duncan Mighty and other celebrities were on hand to grace the occasion.
Nollywood diva, Rita Dominic to launch website
2Face Idibia, Julius Agwu, Seyi Shay, others join Sound Sultan to mark son’s birthday
ollywood sweetheart, and AMVCA 2015 Best Actress award winner, Rita Dominic, is getting ready to launch her official website. For the new website Rita, is rocking a high fashion look, and she enlisted the help of celebrity photographer Kelechi Amadi Obi, stylist Bubu Osigi and makeup artist, Maryjane Ohobu to bring about the new look.
How Cuppy, Femi Otedola’s daughter, rocked Charity Ball in Dubai as official DJ
illionaire businessman, Femi Otedola’s pretty and talented daughter, DJ Cuppy, was in Dubai last weekend for the Oil Barons Charity Ball alongside her dad. And the big news is that she was the official DJ.
inger Sound Sultan’s son, Khaliq Abidemi Fasasi, turned a year old on March 3, and his parents threw him a costume birthday party. It was attended by 2Face Idibia and wife Annie, Julius Agwu and wife Ibiere, Seyi Shay and many others.
Obafemi Martins buys mistress new G-Wagon
igerian footballer, Obafemi Martins, recently bought his mistress, Abigail Barwuah, a brand new G-Wagon. The excited lady took to Instagram to thank the loverfootballer.
Saturday Newswatch, March 14, 2015
Fashion x
She is Mercy Johnson, controversial in the public domain, but commendable in fashion sense.The pretty actress, who made her debut into the world of acting in 2004 with a movie called The Maid, has a lot of statement to make when it comes to fashion and style. Check out the following poses, which are a testimony of her personality, poise and demure.
hen I’m buying a swimsuit the thing that is most important to me is how I feel in it, if I feel good,” Tess Holliday said on the set of her shoot for new plus-size swimwear collection Sea by Monif C. “It’s great to buy something that may look cute but I want to buy something that makes me feel sexy and I want to feel confident when I’m going out and I want people to stare so you know I want good support, I want fun prints.” The line, which was started by Monif Clarke, a size 16 herself, does exactly that. Clarke started her line 10 years ago because as a 20-something she couldn’t find clothes, let alone bathing suits, that weren’t shapeless sacks in blacks, grays, or browns. Although armed with a degree in math and computer science, she ditched STEM for sartorial when she realized that if she needed to custom make her clothes just to have something cute in her closet, then there must be others, more specifically customers, out there aching for similar styles. “If I design stuff that I love then maybe others will love it too,” Clarke told Yahoo Style. Today, the plus size fashion industry looks a lot different. Prints, bright colors, cut outs, unique and flattering shapes are all available. But while plus size offerings have certainly changed, the perceptions surrounding it aren’t as quick to catch up. And Clarke, a pioneer in promulgating the idea that women of all sizes are beautiful and providing the items to match, has, admittedly, not made enough strides to feature different body types in her campaigns — until now. “We’ve always featured size 14 plus models,” Clarke said, “But, we thought, ‘How do we make this more compelling for our customer?’ The feedback we were getting was, ‘We love that you show women in size 14 and 18 but what about the 22s and 24s?’” So that’s where Holliday comes in. The first model of her size and height — she’s 5’5”, weighs 260 pounds, and wears a size 22 — Clarke thought she’d be the perfect fit to feature in the swim campaign. Not only does she represent the slightly different size and body type Monif C. was looking to feature, but her #effyourbeautystandards movement also closely ideologically corresponds with what company tries to achieve. “I love that the swimwear is designed by an actual plus size woman. Not only does [Clarke] know what we need but she also gives us the sexy factor that’s totally lacking in swimwear,” ‘Holliday said. “She gets that we don’t need to hide our bodies or feel bad for the way we look yet she makes swimwear that helps us embrace our size and look good.” The 29-year-old, who is notorious for wearing shapewear underneath her bathing suits, has ditched the slimming under-layer and embraced her body. But self-acceptance also comes from external factors making one feel confident, and, as Holliday points out, the Sea by Monif C. line is made specifically for women sizes 14 to 24 and therefore features include boning, tummy tuck lining, underwire, and high-waisted two-pieces. When you look good, you feel good, Clarke notes. She adds: “There’s no reason that plus-size women can’t be just as sexy or as fashionable as our smaller counterparts.”
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
The Counselor
The Counselor bimpechekwas@gmail.com
oy is the feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Happiness is about happenings, while joy emanates from within. Joy’s vehicle is idea of success and satisfaction. Having fun is therefore evaluated in joy. Rejoicing and celebration are the attributes of joy. Are you one of those that think the world’s weight is place over you? Things are not working how and the way you expected them, but gloominess isn’t the answer. Think less of past failure, have hope for a brighter tomorrow. Joy for a child is how much love, care and fun he’s able to get from his environment. It’s about adventure, exploration, attention given, care offered and affection expended - adventure and exploration opportunities given by the environment by use of toys and gadgets - sometimes by observations and watching audio visuals . Attention and affection at playtime with the loved people around; constant care like play during bath, diaper change times; smiles offered genuinely. The more fun a child encounters from birth, the more excited he or she becomes. A lonely child with no experiences mostly grows up a depressed individual. Having fun is a skill that is usually learnt by the nurture given to the baby. For example, a baby with lots of toys and attention from
Joy: The fill-up (1) parents will grow to become balanced and lively. With good nurture and nature, the child whose childhood is full of peace, positive experiences and whose senses are well exercised will be intelligent and sane. Discipline with reasons, quality time and attention give a child a sense of belonging, confidence and a feeling of being wanted and loved. Fun can be created, calculated, planned and executed in various forms and ways. The five senses are the consideration for joy attainment. The eyes, nose, ears, tongue and body for feeling need to be fed with pleasurable and exciting experiences. I once had a discussion with a child, which began thus: “Aunty, I’m always bored when I’m at home” . This was a child from an average home where lots of gadgets to play with were available. That doesn’t mean that the child is automatically filled with joy with material things. Children need order but monotony should be avoided. The joy of a child is feeling loved, being cared for; being given attention, feeling important and special. Children should be taught to love themselves and appreciate their own peculiarities and uniqueness. For a youth, fun can be derived from relationship with peers and opposite sex, sports watching and participation, outings, travelling, shopping, games and so on. Joy encompasses abstract feelings and physical occurrences. Joy is from within. It can be seen as positive oriented fun, pleasure and good happenings. Lack of joy brings about the drift into drugs, crime, perversion, phonographs, sex and others. Having learnt to love and appreciate themselves, youth need acceptance, understanding, motivation, esteem cushioning, encouragement, sincere care, affinity, friendship, appreciation, affirmation and
more. They need to be taught preparedness and expectation. Being prepared to face and handle consequences of actions taken by them and also to expect the best out of life all the time. This keeps them going. I overheard a teenager’s conversation with peer: “....everything I do is fun for me.......” Every activity should be done with fun just like this teenager had understood early. This prevents an ideology that every activity must be particularly exciting before one could have joy performing them. For a couple, the trust, satisfaction, dedication and honesty residing in their relationship does the magic. The relationship must always be fed with the truth, bringing about a lively spontaneous romantic friendship. There are no templates as long as the relationship is coupled in love and truth. Thereby you two are able to determine the happenings and priorities of what you give and expect from the union. A joyful person has enough to share with the partner or even others. Any joy filled couple creates a siren, peaceful and successful home and family. These are tips to help you overcome: *What was your past made of (joy or gloom)? *If gloom or sadness, have you emptied it? *Who makes you happy? *What makes you happy (what you hear, say/ discuss, what you believe, acknowledge, decide, assume, understand/know, see, feel, or sense)? *How do you refill or create your joy? *Where do you refill your joy (place of hope and faith, place of fun, information, enlightenment, chat/discussion arena, outings)? Rejoice, celebrate, be happy and enjoy. So usher in your morning, the dawn is over.
Newswatch Times, Satruday, March 14, 2015
PAThis i G SAs for E LE
President Goodluck Jonathan (left) and the Oni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade during the former’s visit to the latter at the Oni’s Palace in Ile-Ife, Osun State.
L-R: National Security Adviser, Col, Dasuki Sambo; Chief of Staff to the President, Gen, Jones Arogboafa; Head of Service, Mr. Danladi Kifasi; and Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim and Vice President Namadi Sambo, at the Federal Executive Council meeting in Abuja. Photo: Anayo Opara
A cross-section of Osun State Obas praying for President Goodluck Jonathan during the visit.
Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Adu Bulama; Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Boni Haruna; Minister of Police Affairs, Alhaji Abdujelili Adesiyan and Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, at the Federal Executive Council Meeting in Abuja… Yesterday. Photo: Anayo Opara
L-R: Deputy Governor (Operations), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Sulaimon Barau; Deputy Governor, Financial System Stability, Dr. Joseph Nnana, and Deputy Governor, Corporate Services of the bank, Mr. Bayo Adelabu, during the public hearing on Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) Act (reaped and re-enactment) bill 2015 and Insurance Acts bill 2003 (reaped and re-enactment bill 2015) by Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and other Financial Institutions at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga
L-R: Senator Isa Galadu, Chairman, Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and Other Financial Institutions, Senator Bassey Otu, and Senator Nkechi Nwoagu during the public hearing.
L-R: Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr. Godwin Emefiele; Coordinating Minister for the Economy /Minister of Finance, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Minister of State for Finance, Ambassador Bashiru Yuguda, during the meeting of the minister with DMO, PPMC and CBN to disburse N100 billion to major oil marketers and DPPPA to resolve the lingering fuel crisis across the country.
L-R: Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; DG, PPMC, Alhaji Farouk Ahmed; two other major oil markters and Mr. Godwin Emefiele (right) during the meeting.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
is Th GE PAis for E L
President Goodluck Jonathan (right), inspecting some of the products of NYSC members under the Empowerment Scheme during the Presidents NYSC Honour Awards held at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
President Goodluck Jonathan (middle) and Vice President Namadi Sambo, flanked by winners and officials at the NYSC Presidential Award ceremony. Photo: Anayo Opara
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN (2nd left); Commissioner for Energy and Mineral Resources, Engr. Taofeek Tijani (right); Project Reviewer, Mr. Farouk Agoro (middle) and other dignitaries during the commissioning of the newly-commissioned 8.4 Mega Watts Peninsula Integrated Power Project in Lagos.
Governor Babatunde Fashola, SAN (3rd right); General Manager, Lagos State Electricity Board, Mrs. Danmilola Ogunbiyi (2nd right); running mate to the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Lagos State, Dr. (Mrs.) Oluranti Adebule (left); Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Mrs. Regina Iyabo Obasa (right) and other dignitaries during the event.
Members of the Buhari-Ambode Solidarity Group, Amuwo Odofin Local Government chapter, during the march for Buhari in Abuja.
L-R: Senators Jibrilla Bindowo; Olubunmi Adetunbi and Jide Omoworare after the Senate screening session at the National Assembly in Abuja. Photo: Wale Adenuga
Members of Lagos Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s People with Disabilities during the march.
L-R: Senator Musiliu Obanikoro; Senator Joel Danlami Ikenya; Col Augustine Okwudiri Akobundu (rtd) and Senator Patricia Akwashiki after the session.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON
0806.565.1922 (sms only) chizobanwobu@yahoo.com
Eating late at night
ost people have this notion that eating late at night causes weight gain. This is not true! Rather, eating more calories than you burn whether early or late makes you gain weight. The period of time between dinner and bedtime is usually a danger zone for many because this is a relaxation time and so, most people like to go for their favourite snacks to enhance pleasure and relaxation and so, most of the foods they consume at this time of the day are usually high-calorie foods such as potato chips, pastries, chocolates, ice cream etc. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the calorie content of these foods, not the time they were eaten, that causes weight gain. It is important to also note that eating a healthy, balanced snack before bed can improve your sleep capabilities and overall wellness; whereas eating too much of high-calorie foods before going to bed can jX\Q jWXE[QY\ \cF` D\ \[QQjZR_ GZ%Fc[UZQ\ weight gain, indigestion etc. Overeating at night can disrupt sleep and increase your appetite the next day. If you `D]Q D GZ%Fc[U UZYQ VD[[ZR_ D\[QQj XW \UD^ZR_ asleep, pay attention to your eating habits before reaching for the sleeping pills. If your last meal was hours ago, hunger pangs may keep you awake. In this case, a modest-size, T[[ZR_ \RDFl \cF` D\ TEQW WZF` FQWQD[ gZU` milk, before bed, may help you sleep better. On the other hand, going to bed immediately after a big meal can interrupt sleep and this may lead to bloated feeling which may keep you from falling asleep and make you feel really uncomfortable. Spicy and fatty foods like pastries, fried foods etc, for instance, can trigger heartburn which also disrupts oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sleep. Examples of healthy foods include whole-grain like oatmeal, peanut butter and low-fat yogurt with fruits. ,R DGGZUZXR GZDEQUZF\ FDR TRG U`QY\Q[]Q\ on the fence about snacks before bed. Eating the wrong thing too close to bedtime can lead to high blood sugar in the morning, but not eating anything before bed can lead to morning hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). If you feel hungry late at night, but have eaten enough, eat a low-calorie, sugar-free snack such as crackers or baby carrots. These opUZXR\ _Z]Q ^Xc Â&#x201C;D]XcW UX \DUZ\V^ ^XcW FWD]ZR_\ g`Z[Q `D]ZR_ DR ZR\Z_RZTFDRU ZYjDFU on your body. For a more satisfying option, have a protein-rich food like a handful of cashew nuts or vegetables like garden eggs XW D Fcj XV \lZYYQG YZ[l gZU` D TEQW WZF` carbohydrate source like oatmeal. If you eat late at night, and you want to avoid having low blood sugar in the morning, talk to your doctor about adjusting your medication to avoid this situation. If you have indigestion problem, a conGZUZXR YDWlQG E^ VWQ¨cQRU DFZG WQÂ&#x201C;c U`Q American Academy of Otolaryngology recommends avoiding food for three hours before bed to allow digestion to get under gD^ EQVXWQ ^Xc [ZQ GXgR $FZG WQÂ&#x201C;c XFFcW\ when the sphincter at the bottom end of the esophagus doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t constrict properly, allowing stomach acids to rise. You experience this process as heartburn. Sitting up uses gravity to help keep the acid down, but lying GXgR UX \[QQj D[[Xg\ ZU UX Â&#x201C;Xg cRWQ\UWZFUQG making symptoms worse. By allowing the three-hour time span between food and bed, you give your stomach time to get on with its work and settle down. By the time you recline for the night, most of the acid activity should have died down and you should experience fewer symptoms. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated also helps force U`Q DFZG UX T_`U D_DZR\U _WD]ZU^ g`Z[Q ^Xc sleep.
Cook & savour Kalabari native soup B
elow are the ingredients for making the popular native soup in River State. The ingredient would serve up to ten people, but you can increase or decrease the quantity of each ingredient depending on the number of persons to be served. 2kg of goat meat 10 pieces of stock fish ear (nti okporoko) 2 to 3 cups of sliced uziza leaves 2 medium size dry fish 1 cup of (ofor or achi) as the thickener 15cl of palm oil 2 cubes of maggi crayfish 2 cups of periwinkles 1 cup of crayfish 1 Teaspoon of uziza seeds Salt and pepper to taste. STEP 1 I like to start by parboiling the goat meat or any other with all the necessary ingredients, most cooks forget that parboiling the meat and obtaining the juice (water left after parboiling) is an important part of the whole cooking process. I like to parboil the meat with just two cubes of maggi, one bulb of onion, salt and maybe a sachet of onga classic (a very popular Nigerian spice for soup). Goat meat is easy to cook, takes about ten to fifteen minutes before you commence with the rest of the cooking. Step 2 Use this time to prepare the other ingredients; wash and slice the uziza leaves. Soak the stock fish and dry fish with boiled water and wash thoroughly to remove sand and centre bone. Grind the crayfish and fresh pepper also, you can grind together or grind separately. Also grind the uziza seeds and set aside on different plates. Step 3 Add the washed dry fish/stock fish in the boiling meat on fire, after about 15 to twenty minutes of cooking just the meat, add about two cups of water, palm oil and the ground crayfish. This step was visually demonstrated in the video below, so if you like watching better than reading you can scroll down to see the video. Allow the soup to cook for another ten minutes before adding salt, also taste for salt and maggi. Maggi is a naturally made sweetener used in making almost all the {foods eaten in Nigeria} you can refer to our ingredients catalogue for an in-depth understanding of all the ingredients used in making Nigerian foods Step 4 Add the ground ofor or achi, use a cooking spoon to stir randomly while doing this, allow to cook for three minutes before adding the periwinkles and sliced uziza leaves which is likely the last ingredient while making River state native soup. Allow to cook for another five minutes and you just made Nigerianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most popular native soup.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Saturday, March 14, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Politics Marginalisation of SouthWest is real - Akintola Road to 2015 polls
Continued from Page 15
is there, election would hold. Life goes on. But I blame Nigerians for allowing the postponement. One would have expected Nigerians to go on the streets and say No to the postponement. Another controversy has started brewing as regards the Ekiti state governorship election with the All Progressives Congress (APC) claiming to be in possession of a recorded tape that has to do with the election. What will you say on this? I don’t have facts about the issue. And I would not comment on an issue that I have no fact about. I speak on facts. I don’t dabble into speculation. Let us return home, i.e. Oyo State. Currently, all eyes are on the state governorship election. As a major stakeholder in the state, what should we expect regarding the election? All the people contesting the governorship seat except one are well known to me. And all of them have got one thing or the other to do with me. Except that guy called Seyi Makinde, I know all the governorship candidates. Senator Rashidi Ladoja, Senator Teslim Folarin (I even handled his case when he was charged with that spurious murder case); Governor Abiola Ajimobi, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala is even my in-law. All of them are popular. I can tell you authoritatively that Ibadan will not adopt any candidate this time around. Who are you going to throw away? In 2011, we all adopted Governor Ajimobi. But the game has changed now. Any fool can get to the top; but managing it is a challenge. This is of great concern to me. I even expect our sociologists to conduct a research ZRUX g`^ EQRQVDFUXW\ XV jDWUZFc[DW Q XWU\ are becoming ingrates; or why a godson turns against a godfather. Is it due to the overbearing nature of the godfather or is it because of the ungrateful heart of the benefactor? Since the demise of Chief Lamidi Adedibu, many of us have been expecting books from our academicians on him. What made the man thick? Why was he an QRZ_YD" 6cF` DR Q XWU gZ[[ `Q[j c\ D [XU Let me be frank with you, these are people who are very close to me. This time around not one of them will be adopted. Ibadan will not adopt anybody. What does the future portend for Nigeria, politically? For those of us who move around the country, we can say the situation is very precarious. Nigeria has been divided along
Jonathan. The President did not create the current problems that Nigeria is facing. He inherited them. Some of these issues are not peculiar to Nigeria. Corruption is even in America at a very high level. That is why there are more killings there than in any other country. Educationally, we are moving forward. All our 2-3)*%4&33*3)56,')3* even outside the country still remain 2-3)*%4&33
Jonathan several lines. What the governors are just waiting for is for the elections to pass. They will retrench because they are not doing enough in terms of internally generated revenue (IGR). With exception of states like Lagos and Ogun, most governors will
retrench because there is no money. The future is very gloomy; now very cloudy. The political terrain is very precarious. We now have Nigerians divided along religion lines, aside the problem of corruption. Most of the governors are just
deceiving you; they will retrench workers shortly after the elections. I am not a prophet of doom but the facts on ground point at this. And you know that many people live on government. It is a very gloomy picture. There may be riot after the 2015 election; there may be more violence; there may be gnashing of teeth. Class interests may clash i.e., there may be more crimes. One good thing that will come out of it is that we shall be forced to cut our coat according to available cloth. Many of us have been leaving above our means. We should just pray.
UPP’ll spring surprise in Lagos - Nneke As the build up to the March 28 and April 11 2915 general elections gathers momentum, political parties of all creed are in the heat of preparation, using whatever gimmick to either upgrade themselves of down grade the opponent. The United progressive Party (UPP) is not left out in the politicking to win voters to their side. In this interview with ERIC ELEZUO, the Lagos State Vice chairman, who doubles as the Chaiman, Ojo Local Government Area of UPP, Prince Joseph Nneke outlines his party’s game plan to capture both Aso Rock and Alausa, revealing that the antagonism between the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Congress (APC) will provide a leverage for the UPP to grab power. Excerpts:
hat informed your stay in the party when parties like PDP and APC are making waves? What you call wave making is actually noise making. This is because from one corner of the country to another, we are inundated with gibberish and onomatopoeia-like chants which explains absolutely nothing. In the UPP, there is an agenda that devoid of noise making, but progressive, and because progress is what matters, UPP will always retain people like me and other progressive minded individuals who are in the majority. In the last couple of months, a lot of activities have taken place in the party. What are those things? Yes, a lot of changes have occurred
in the guise of reorganisation. The right personalities have been placed to man strategic positions. Though the journey has been tedious, it is worth it, and the UPP family is taking everything in its strides. This major reorganisation is what gave us the impetus, boldness and audacity to veer for U`Q `Z_`Q\U X%FQ ZR U`Q [DRG © U`Q 3WQ\ZGQRF^ Suddenly 2015 is here, and though the elections have been postponed once, does your party have what it takes to wrest power from the incumbent governments? It is common place that the major ambition of every political party to contest and win election, and UPP is not an exception. At the presidential level, the party is presenting a prominent Nigerian of Igbo decent, highly Continued on Page 53
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Road to 2015 polls
Ogun LP heading towards end – Hon. Feyitola Hon. Olusegun Feyitola in this interaction with AJIBADE ALABI explains among others, why he cross-carpeted from the Labour Party (LP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ogun State. He also speaks about the danger in postponing the elections again.
hat does the postponement of this much-awaited election portend for Nigeria and its democracy? Evidently, it does not portend any good thing for us. The international world will not see us as serious people and if at all they consider us, they will see us as people still living in the Stone Age; primitive people. It’s a shameful act! What’s your candid opinion on the fact that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega, might be sacked before the elections? That’s what I’ve been saying. You see all these people talking as if Nigeria belongs to their family, saying Prof. Jega should be removed. They’ve forgotten that Prof. Jega can’t be removed unconstitutionally. It’s the same constitution that’s holding every member of
the Assembly, our President and all those in power that is holding Prof. Jega. They also forget that we are not in the military era. All those notes are just signs of the people trying to manoeuvre the elections and of course, it won’t work because people are very vigilant and alert. Do you support the use of card readers for the elections? Of course, I do. I support the use of car readers because they have been used elsewhere like Sierra Leone. It was the Nigeria INEC that was a consultant there and it w as successful. Let us think of it; what’s the essence of using card readers? It’s just to certify that the presenter of that permanent voter card (PVC) is the owner. It’s just for the car reader to confirm the owner of the PVC based on the biometric date. For the first time, I think the card reader will help Nigeria’s elections to be free and fair.
Feyintola What’s your take on the debate on the use of military for the coming elections? Ordinarily, what do we need the military for in a civilian setting? We have been having the problem of Boko Haram in the North since the past six years. The military should have concentrated there and make sure they pursue the enemies of the nation; but what we are getting is the military coming to tell us when to conduct the election and how to conduct it. As far as I’m concerned, the military has already taken over the government of this country. Either directly or indirectly, the
military is in power, and we only have democracy in the background. That the military should come and be supervising elections does not really portray a nation like Nigeria in a good light. What’s your overview of the preparation for the elections? The preparation for the 2015 elections has been over-flogged. If there’s anybody that’s saying that INEC is not prepared, he is deceiving himself. Everybody has to be careful , especially the ruling class and politicians, and even the technocrats. Everybody has to speak out and come out. We should refuse to be cajoled or bribed.
The truth of the matter is that Prof. Jega is trying his best. I want to commend the INEC under the leadership of Prof. Jega. All these people are talking as if Nigeria will seize to exist or INEC will not conduct another election again or there won’t be Prof. Jega again after the elections. I think the INEC has really prepared for the election and the postponement could be a blessing in disguise. Perhaps, they didn’t meant well, but it’s giving people the opportunity to prepare more and re-strategise. The Ogun State LP seems to have mellowed down in activities after Otunba Gbega Daniel quit the party for the PDP. As one of the grassroots leaders of the party, don’t you think this will affect the party in these elections? If you narrow it down to personality, of course, a few members of the party will achieve something. The quitting of Otunba Daniel really rattled the party; even some people don’t really want to hear that; but that’s the truth. As it is now, coupled with the internal struggle in the LP generally, in the nation and particularly in Ogun State, the party temporarily may be heading toward comatose. Why I said this is that even though I’m
a card-carrying member of the LP, what has happened in the past in the political terrain of Ogun State, has made me and our team to realise that, to some people, there’s more to this politics that you can imagine. So, we have to be on the side of the people and the masses. It’s our decision today that will determine our nation tomorrow. With that, we know that staying in the LP with the prevailing situation and all the wrangling towards the elections may make us to be consciously and unconsciously disenfranchised in casting the rightful votes. Because of the coming and going out of Otunba Daniel, a lot of splinter groups have come up, and I as one of leaders, have to listen to my people because they are actually the pulse of the political system. So feeling their pulse and listening to them makes us to know that for now the LP has to prepare for 2019 In Ogun State. But our people will still partake in these elections and obviously we know the people that are lying in the state. We know the questionable characters in the state and we know the characters that are manageable, and we know the characters that are above board. Evidently, we are going to follow the characters that are above board.
said party. Much as we have limited fund because there is no grant from anywhere, our ideas and manifestoes speak volumes, and that’s why we are UPP and we are contesting as UPP. What should Nigerians expect should UPP wins? Because both the APC and the PDP have failed Nigerians in the past 16 years, we have developed avenues to make Nigerians smile. In Lagos State, no agency will be scrapped rather be made to function for the purpose created. The lawlessness of LASTMA and KAI among others will be curbed. We will establish industrial clusters in all the three senatorial zones to enable creation of job opportunities; taking away miscreants from the streets and boost the economy of the state. Some people say that Fashola had done well in Lagos. What do you think? If I give you money to
build a stadium and you built a bungalow, did you pass or failed. That is the consideration. In terms of Federal allocation received, Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) and others, he has failed, woefully for that matter. So there must be a change in Lagos, and that change is UPP. How would you sway the loyalty of most APC members to your side? APC is a party of deceit and Lagosians are no longer easily deceived. The loyalists DWQ bc\U U`Q EQRQTFZDWZQ\ XV the lawlessness and they are few in number. The ordinary men are weeping and have come to know the UWcU` DRG U`Q GZ QWQRFQ © these are people who have been harassed by KAI and LASTMA. People who have been given helment, but their bikes taken away; people who were charged N250, 000 for school fees for no just cause. Lagosians are better aware now!
UPP’ll spring surprise in Lagos - Nneke Continued from Page 52
Nneke WQ\jQFUQG DRG GZ_RZTQG ZR the person of Chief Chekwas Okorie and Barr. Bello Umar as his running mate. Both men have tested and approved in administration and business. At the state level, Lagos State to be précised, which is my immediate constituency, we are presenting Elder Festus Igbinoba for the
governorship. He is a retired soldier from Edo State, who had lived in Lagos for 25 years. There are also a host of other candidates such as Hon. Kareem Rauf Olayinka and Engr. Sylvester Orji for Ojo Constituencies 1 and 2 respectively. We are seriously strategising and reaching out to the grassroots to sell our candidates, not just shouting
or slinging mud on TV or radio. Who are your targets for this election? Everyone who has his PVC! It must be pointed out here that the manner the PVCs are being distributed. We have been briefed that ZU `D\ EQFXYQ GZ%Fc[U VXW non-indigenes in Lagos State to receive their cards. Most of us have been variously turned back each with one ZY\^ Q Fc\Q XW DRXU`QW What strategies are your party employing to unseat the APC and the PDP? We are banking Q UWDRQXc\[^ XR U`Q `DUQ campaign been peddled by the two parties. As both are on each other’s throat, we make inroads. More so, there are many unanswered questions against some of these parties. For instance, a group with Chief Edwin Clark, Femi Okorumi and Dr. Ikedife, made allegations against the Independent National
Electoral Commission (INEC) chairman which is yet to be defended. There is also a documentary against General Buhari and Senator Tinunbu; these are yet to be countered. So these issues are lucky breaks for the UPP. Moreover, we have been holding meetings with groups, consulting power brokers and not to forget the personality of Chief Okorie, a man reputed to have formed two political parties \UZ[[ ZR Q Z\UQRFQ UXGD^ :Q are on one on one campaign. There will a surprise! When most ‘small’ parties are busy adopting either Jonathan or Buhari as their presidential candidates, why did UPP choose to - UPP has stood its ground because it is sure of what it is doing. It is only a party that does not know its onions that adopts other parties’ candidates as their own candidates. They could have just morph into the
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Road to 2015 polls
ecently, Dame Patience Jonathan visited Benue State to brighten her husband’s chances of winning the March 28 presidential election. Before her arrival, the people of the state had expected that President Goodluck Jonathan was going to embark on campaign in the state for the second time. When it was realised that Mrs Jonathan was going to address the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) women at a rally, some people thought the gathering would be of lesser magnitude but the opposite became the case. At the Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB) Square, venue of the rally, women XV GZ QWQRU \`DGQ\ XV XjZRion recorded their presence. As early as 9 am, they were seated with colourful dresses adorned with photographs of the President and his vice, Namadi Sambo. At the Makurdi Airport junction, women that accompanied Senator David Mark’s wife, Helen, lined up along the road, dancing to Idoma music and waving handkerchiefs that had photographs of Jonathan and his wife, Patience. The younger ones were at the Makurdi Airport to receive the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria whose plane landed at about 1.25 pm. Mrs. Jonathan was received by Governor Gabriel Suswam, his wife, Yemisi; the deputy governor, Chief Steven Lawani, and his wife, Margaret; the Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, the
L-R: Senate President’s wife, Helen Mark, Dame Patience Jonathan (middle) and Mrs. Suswam
state Coordinator of Goodluck/Sambo Campaign, Dr. Sam Ode, and other top government functionaries at the state and federal levels. After the dignitaries had been introduced to Mrs Jonathan, she drove to the exquisite Presidential Lodge where she had rest for a few minutes and proceeded to the IBB Square where she walked through the mammoth crowd to exchange pleasantries. This exercise took about 30 minutes because the women who came from the 23 local government areas wanted to catch a glimpse of the First Lady. Many of the people that spoke at the rally which took less than two hours, showered praises on Jonathan for listening to his wife who insisted that the jQW FQRU gXYQR D%WYDtion must be implemented. Mrs. Yemisi Dooshoma Suswam who delivered a welcome address did not hide her feelings when she said her husband, Gabriel Suswam, was one of the gov-
ernors that followed the President’s footstep. Mrs Suswam also said the SEVAV Foundation which she established was due to the encouragement she got from Mrs. Jonathan’s ‘Women for Change Initiative.’ According to her, Benue women have been convinced beyond every doubt, that they would enbX^ YXWQ EQRQTU\ XV GQYXFracy if President Jonathan returns to the Presidential Villa in May this year. Governor Suswam who is the North- Central Coordinator of Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organisation said Benue has been given a fair share of the national cake by the President and gave an endless list of U`X\Q U`DU `D]Q EQRQTUQG from his administration. He said the people of the state who voted overwhelmingly for the President in 2011, would again blaze the trail on March 28, 2015 and told Mrs Jonathan not to worry herself over the issue of her husband’s re-election. “Let me tell you what I
told your husband when he came here: Go and sleep because PDP is in control in Benue State; our people are yet to know what the All Progressives Congress (APC) is because they don’t place the broom in any other place apart from the kitchen,” Suswam emphasised. Suswam and his wife’s speeches at the event were captivating but that of the President’s wife was more captivating. Dame Patient Jonathan’s speech moved the women when she assured them that her husband had already decided that the 35 per cent women D%WYDUZXR g`ZF` `D\ [ZVUed many of them up would be increased to 45 if re-elected on March 28. She said no opportunity would be lost by the women because they would be given strategic roles to play in the next administration of President Jonathan. According to her, some of the appointments that were erroneously regarded as exclusive preserve of men would
be extended to the women, especially recruitment into the military and para-military organisations. She promised to contincQ UX T_`U D[[ VXWY\ XV GZ\crimination against women and appreciated the menfolk for understanding the predicament their wives faced in the past. The rally revealed that Mrs. Jonathan could convert her statements into songs as she sang and danced with the women rolling out the good things the PDP administration has done for Nigerian women. Indeed, the rally was like a celebration as the women responded to every statement of the First Lady with a loud ovation of “Yes Oh!” The thing that impressed yours sincerely about the First Lady’s visit to Benue State was the tenacity with which she addressed the women and moved about on the podium. At the time guests thought she was becoming tired, she spoke as if the occasion was just starting. When she concluded her address, it was discovered that the President did not make mistake in sending her to Benue where she discharged her duties so well. At the end of the rally, Mrs Jonathan drove straight to the Airport to the surprise of many who thought she would proceed to Government House for a meal. 7`Q \Z_RZTFDRFQ XV U`Q visit is that Dame Patience Jonathan has proved to be a dependable wife. She proved at the rally that she could represent her husband even at the international level. One aspect of her visit which many would
not forget was the leadership qualities she demonstrated during her stay in Benue State. At the time many people expected the governor and his wife to extend many gifts to the First Lady, she left no gap for anyone to contemplate such gesture. She left no one in doubt that she came to Benue to sensitise the women, nothing else. One hopes that the visit of the First Lady would `D]Q D XWGQG %QRcQ gXYen the opportunity to learn D VQg U`ZR_\ 7`Q TW\U Z\ U`DU women who occupy privileged positions should see themselves as pace setters in the discharge of their responsibilities. In the past seven to eight years, Mrs. Jonathan who pulled women out in their numbers to listen to her, has impacted positively on many governors’ wives. In Benue State, many women can testify to the fact that they have participated in politics and the various programmes initiated by the governor’s wife. Widows, orphans, those living with HIV/AIDS, unemployed youths and the disabled have good stories to tell. It is on record that Dame Patience Jonathan visited Benue several times to grace the occasion of the passing out of trainees from the vocational centres established by Mrs. Suswam. One’s prayer is that within and outside government, women in the state should be able to emulate the example of both the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dame Patience Jonathan, and the state governor’s wife, Mrs. Suswam.
A’ Ibom Guber: 150 groups endorse Helen Esuene Bassey Anthony, Uyo
head of the April 11 governorship election, no fewer than 150 grassroots groups have thrown their weight behind the governorship aspiration of the Akwa Ibom State Labour Party (LP) candidate, Senator Helen Esuene. The groups, comprising market women, Igbo and Yoruba communities, socio-political organisations,
beneficiaries of the Esuene Foundation, Akwa Ibom Widows Association, students and professional bodies, gave their support in Eket recently. On hand to receive the groups made up of no fewer than 5,000 persons was the management of Villa Marina Hotel, Eket. In his opening address, Mr. Joshua Okungbowa, general manager of the Villa Marina, shocked by the massive turn-out, said the man-
agement of the hospitality outfit did not anticipate such a crowd, adding that the show of solidarity for Senator Esuene was an indication of her acceptability as governor of the state. Okungbowa thanked the distinguished Senator who is now the gubernatorial flag bearer of the LP in the April 11 polls for giving job opportunities to over a thousand persons in the state under her employ, stressing that the state will witness indus-
trial growth, human development and economic boom if she becomes the governor of the state. Madam Iquo Okon, speaking on behalf of the market women thanked Senator Esuene for taking the bold step of accepting to vie as governor of the state. “We have come here to let you know that market women in Akwa Ibom State will vote for you. We cannot abandon our own for somebody we hardly know. We
know what you can do for women in the state because you have been doing it. God will surely be with you,” she said. Comrade Idongesit Udo of the Mass Mobilisation Network on his part assured Esuene of victory in the polls, citing her antecedents such as human empowerment as reasons the people of the state prefer her to other contestants. “Your magnanimity has spoken for you, Akwa Ibom
people now know better; we cannot allow one person to dictate to the entire state; we cannot allow a third term agenda,” Udo said. It was an unprecedented show of support as speaker after speaker endorsed his loyalty with words of assurance but with a call on the independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) not to “shift the goal post” as the people will vote and want their vote to be counted.
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Saturday, March 14
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
North Central
Supreme Court affirms election of Kogi gov Paschal Njoku, Abuja
n appeal seeking the removal of Kogi State governor, Captain Idris Wada, was thrown out yesterday by the Supreme Court for Â&#x2019;^XÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_\ _Â&#x201A;YZ\[_^  _`q_ `_Y1YX[_ whatsoever. James Ocholi (SAN), a governorship candidate of the  Yqv X[_ ` Â&#x20AC;ZY~~_q` Z_ Z`Â&#x20AC;ZY~~\°Y_ x^ Â&#x20AC;Y_ Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_ \ _ `Â&#x20AC;\_ [^[Y_ x^ _ ]Â&#x2019;Y _ [xY_ ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Y^Â&#x2019;_ ÂĽxYZY\ _ xY_ challenged the decision of Abuja Division of the Court of Appeal which had on September 24, ŠªŠÂ&#x2C6;_ ^AZÂ&#x201A;Y _ [xY_ ÂŽv Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Y [_ `q_ the Federal High Court Lokoja, which ruled in favour of Wada. Justice Kekere-Ekun in her lead
judgment was of the view that Ocholiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pleadings in his appeal were in substance and in nature, issues that could be determined by the election petition tribunal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The aim of the appellantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ~v\[_ ÂĽ^~_ [xY_ vÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;\]X^[\` _ `q_ [xY_ victory of Wada at the election held on December 3, 2011, and a declaration that he (Ocholi) is the lawful winner of the election and the person validly entitled to be sworn in as the governor of Kogi State. The appellant has not advanced any cogent reasons to warrant interference by this court. It had Â&#x201C;YX`Â&#x201A;Y_^_Â&#x2018;`~[_YÂ&#x2019;YX[\` _Â&#x201A;^7YZ_[x^[_ could only be determined by an election tribunal,â&#x20AC;? Justice KekereEkun stated.
The Supreme Court concurred with the submission of Wadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s counsel that having regard to the facts and circumstances of the case, the appellant had every `Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;`Z[v \[z_ [`_ ]Â&#x2019;Y_ x\~_ ^X[\` _ before the conduct of the election. The court added that the appellant waited for more than three months after the conduct of the election wherein the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) returned Wada as duly elected governor before raising the issue of ¢v^Â&#x2019;\]X^[\` _ `q_ [xY_ X^  \ ^[Y~_ who contested the election. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not only did he fail to challenge any of the steps taken by the Independent National Electoral Commission such as the publication of a new timetable
for the conduct of primaries, the new election date and the list `q_ ¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _ X^  \ ^[Y~_ q`Z_ [xY_ December 3, 2011 election, the appellant fully participated in the new primaries and contested the electionâ&#x20AC;? the court held. _ Xx`Â&#x2019;\_x^ _]Â&#x2019;Y _[xY_~v\[_~YYÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_ ~Â&#x2018;YX\]X^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2C6;_[xY_ZYÂ&#x201A;`°^Â&#x2019;_`q_ ^ ^_ on the basis that he (Wada) was `[_ ¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _ ^  _ XÂ&#x2019;Y^ZY _ [`_ contest in the December 3, 2011 governorship election since he (Wada) was not a candidate for the election earlier slated for April 26, 2011. It was Ocholiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contention that the botched election April 26, 2011 was not invalidated but only rescheduled to December 3, 2011, following an order of a court.
Maku pledges to provide 10,000 boreholes if elected Godwin Ojoshimite, /6K6
he gubernatorial candidate `q_[xY_ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ Z`Â&#x20AC;ZY~~\°Y_ Z^  _ Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;\^ XY_ Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;Â&#x2C6;_ ^Â&#x201C;^Z^ _ Maku, has assured the people of Nasarawa State that he would provide 10,000 boreholes for the state if elected. Maku, who made the promise zY~[YZ ^z_ ^[_ x\~_ X^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^\Â&#x20AC; _ ½^Â&#x20AC;_ `1_ in Toto local government area of the state, said he would utilize the N100million security vote given to the state government every month to provide minimum of 200 boreholes to rural communities on monthly bases. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I promise that if I am elected governor, I would use the N100million security votes to change the fortune of our people particularly at the rural areas. I would never
use this money to buy properties in foreign countries thereby denying my people the opportunity of good life and security the way others are doing,â&#x20AC;? he said. He also promised to provide electricity, renovate and build structures in primary and secondary schools in rural areas, adding that the situation where government would build and renovate schools in only towns and roadside for people to see would soon be over. Maku also vowed to set up various factories such as yam processing plants, rice processing plants, fruit factory, among others to reduce wastage and create employment for the people of the state. He, therefore, called on all party supporters to be law abiding and °`[Y_Â&#x201A;^~~\°YÂ&#x2019;z_q`Z_ _^[_[xY_Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;~_ in the state.
Kogi CJ tasks judges on fair trials Ademu Idakwo â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lokoja
ogi State Chief Judge, Justice Nasir Ajanah , yesterday urged judges in the state to be fair in their judgements when handling judicial cases, adding that the primary aim of establishing courts is to dispense justice without fear or favour. Ajanah made the declaration during the inauguration of newly constructed xv`Â `_ ZY^_ `vZ[_ _`AXY_X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x2030;_ in Okehi local government of Kogi State. He said that there is a misconception about the essence of the court adding that while some people see courts as a place for divorce and land cases and where justice could be bought, it was pertinent to note that courts are out to remain unblemished and dispense justice to everybody. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;This court here is meant to bring justice to the doorsteps of the people and dispense justice without fear or
favour,â&#x20AC;? he said. He expressed delight that the people were aware of their responsibility of ensuring security of the court and promised that people of the community would be given Â&#x2018;Z\`Z\[z_\ _~[^A Â&#x20AC;_[xY_X`vZ[{ The Chief Judge also announced the upgrading of the court to Upper Area Court one to expand its jurisdiction and curtail unnecessary transfer of cases on the ground of jurisdiction. He said that the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s judiciary had maintained a cordial relationship with the executive, adding that X` ~[ZvX[\` _`q_[xY_`AXY_X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x2030;_^ Â _ many others soon to be inaugurated was made possible through government cooperation. The Resident Judge of Obangede High Court, Justice Etsu Umar, thanked the Chief Judge for his commitment to bringing justice to the doorsteps of the people by ensuring that new courts were established and old ones rehabilitated.
Plateau council boss blames STF over recent killings in Barkin-Ladi Gyang Bere, Jos 5;Â&#x17D;C;<;7:6:9[; @? 3V6:;6H *@[;C7@C 3C@? &@X?@C: 39=H76 C9>Z: Â&#x17D;C;<;7:97> 6 7;: :@ 6 \;7;KE96CR 6: :Z; 976H>HC6:9@7 @? long lasting insecticidal net replacement campaign in Jos...yesterday.
Kogi debunks allegation against Wada, says itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s campaign of calumny Ademu IdakwoLokoja
sack any erring council chairman, wondering why the governor ogi State government would spend peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s money to has refuted the allegation sack the chairmen. According to them, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the issue published in one of the national dailies (not Newswatch of procurement of judgement times) that the state government is completely unfounded. The procured judgement to sack the governor does not have any local government chairmen in the problem with the chairmen; how can he order for their sack? state. _ [_ ^_ ÂŽ`\ [_ ZY~~_ ` qYZY XY_ The same man being accused of on Wednesday, the Special procuring the judgement is the Adviser to the governor on one who have appealed against Media and Strategy, Mr. Jacob the judgement, now where is the Edi and the Commissioner truth in this allegation? The Commissioner and the for Local Government and x\Yq[^\ Xz_ 1^\Z~Â&#x2C6;_ Z{_ ^ \¢_ media spokesman added that Abubakar Ainoko, said the claim the judgement was accelerated ÂĽ^~_ ^_ ]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Y [_ `q_ ~`Â&#x201A;Y` YĂ&#x2020;~_ as the court asked the chairmen imagination, adding that the state to vacate their seats within 24 governor, Captain Idris Wada, hours, stressing that the governor have the vested veto power to Â&#x201C;Y\ Â&#x20AC;_[xY_Xx\Yq_~YXvZ\[z_`AXYZ_`q_ the state have to wade in and take
over some of the responsibilities of the local government, especially in the area of payment of salaries. They however, appealed to people peddling false information to verify their claims before going to press so as not to mislead the general public. On the alleged poor payment of council salaries by the state government, they lamented a drastic drop of N416 million from the monthly allocation to councils in the state, saying the global fall in oil price occasioned the drop [x^[_ x^~_ ^1YX[YÂ _ [xY_ Â&#x2018;^zÂ&#x201A;Y [_ [`_ workers in the state. While noting that government is deeply concerned about the drop in the salary payment to council workers, he restated governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sincerity towards Y ~vZ\ Â&#x20AC;_ [x^[_ ~[^1YZ~_ `q_ X`v X\Â&#x2019;_
areas are given what is due to them. While citing example with Adavi Local Government Area, Hon Ainoko said that the council got N58m in September, 2014 under the former council chairmen, but paid 40% to workers, pointing out that the same council got N48m in January, 2015 and paid 50% salaries to workers. The Commissioner stressed that since his Ministryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intervention in the payment of salaries, it has moved payment from the 30%40% paid by the former council chairmen to 50%-80%. Ainoko disclosed that the ZYÂ&#x2018;`Z[_`q_[xY_°YZ\]X^[\` _YÂ&#x2030;YZX\~Y_ conducted by his ministry will soon be made public.
hairman of Barkin Ladi local Â&#x20AC;`°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_ ^ZY^_ `q_ Â&#x2019;^[Y^v_ State, Hon. Emmanuel Loman, has blamed the Special Task Force (STF) in charge of internal security in Jos and environs for the recent killing by unknown gunmen in the council area. He said the STF have failed in their responsibility of protecting lives and properties in the state, adding that the recent killing could have been averted if the security were proactive. The Chairman stated this through his deputy, Hon. Zakka Gyang, while ZYXY\°\ Â&#x20AC;_[xY_Â&#x20AC;vÂ&#x201C;YZ ^[`Z\^Â&#x2019;_½^Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x201C;Y^ZYZ_ `q_[xY_ Y`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Y_ YÂ&#x201A;`XZ^[\X_ ^Z[z_Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;_\ _ [xY_~[^[YÂ&#x2C6;_ Y ^[`Z_ z^ Â&#x20AC;_ z^Â&#x201A;_ ÂĽ^ÂŽ`ÂŚÂ&#x2C6;_
who was represented by his running mate, Arch. Yilji Gomwalk, when he visited the council to sympathise with families of people killed during the ^7^XÂŚ~{ He lamented the activities of men of the STF in the council area, saying there are strong allegations that some members of the STF are strongly involved in the organised ^7^XÂŚ~Â&#x2C6;_^ Â _X^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;YÂ _` _[xY_qYÂ YZ^Â&#x2019;_^ Â _ state government to investigate and ascertain the allegations so that those involved in the devilish act will be made to face the wrath. `Â&#x201A;^ _ ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;ZYX\^[YÂ _ Y {_ ÂĽ^ÂŽ`ÂŚ_ for the visit and show of love at their trying moments, saying some people are desperate to return the state to its dark old days.
FG gives N75m to 2014 immigration recruitment victimsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; families Clement Nwoji, Abuja
ederal Government yesterday doled out a total of N75 million to 15 families of those who lost their lives in last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ill fated immigration recruitment exercise nationwide. Apart from each family receiving a N5 million cheque from the total sum, each family also had at least three of its q^Â&#x201A;\Â&#x2019;z_ Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;YZ~_ Â&#x20AC;\°Y _ Â&#x2019;Y7YZ~_ `q_ automatic employment. \[x_[xY~YÂ&#x2C6;_ ZY~\ Y [_ `` Â&#x2019;vXÂŚ_
` ^[x^ _x^Â _qvÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;YÂ _x\~_Â&#x2018;Z`Â&#x201A;\~Y_
made to the families of the victims of March 15, 2014 immigration recruitment exercise, during which 15 applicants died and many others sustained various degrees of injury. A total of 35 out of 45 persons ¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _ q`Z_ [xY_ ^v[`Â&#x201A;^[\X_ employment having successfully scaled through the immigration employment criteria. They were employed as Assistant Inspectors, Assistant Superintendents and AXYZ~_X^ ZY{_ xY_ZYÂ&#x201A;^\ \ Â&#x20AC;_ÂŤÂŞ_ failed the immigration text and the families were expected to present other persons.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sports Update NFF says no more coaching job for Okpala N
iigeria i F Football tb ll
Federation,(NFF), has ] ^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_XÂ&#x2019;`~YÂ _\[~_Â ``Z~_ against former Super Eagles Assistant coach, Sylvanus Okpala, saying that it will never have anything to do with the former player. General Secretary of the federation, Musa Â&#x201A;^Â vÂ&#x2C6;__X` ]ZÂ&#x201A;YÂ __ that they will not allow Okpala to return in any coaching capacity to the team. Okpala was unceremoniously sacked as the Super Eagles assistant coach in 2013, but there were suggestions he was set for a return to the team after he appeared at the Glass House on Thursday. But Amadu has stated in no unclear terms that they are â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;unwillingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to
Zimbabwe expelled from Russia 2018 preliminaries
he Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) has been expelled from the preliminary competition of the 2018 Fifa World Cup in Russia. The expulsion comes as a result of the non-payment of an outstanding debt, with ZIFA having failed to pay former coach JosĂŠ Claudinei Georgini despite a grace period. ZIFA had been ordered to pay Georgini by a single judge of Fifaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Status `Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_Â&#x201C;^XÂŚ_\ _ August 2012. However, [xY_] ^ X\^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_~[Z\XÂŚY _ national body did not ~Y7Â&#x2019;Y_[xY_ YÂ&#x201C;[{ ZIFA communications manager Xolisani Gwesela told BBC Sport that the body would appeal against the ruling. Zimbabwe have never ¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _q`Z_^_ `ZÂ&#x2019; _ Cup. The draw for the qZ\X^ _¢v^Â&#x2019;\]YZ~_q`Z_ Russia 2018 take place in July, with matches set to start in October.
FIFA clears German FA chief of unethical pay
IFA has cleared Germany football federation president Wolfgang Niersbach of alleged ethics violations regarding his pay and pension. The complaint was ]Â&#x2019;Y _Â&#x201C;z_ YZÂ&#x201A;^ zĂ&#x2020;~_ delegate on the FIFA YÂ&#x2030;YXv[\°Y_X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YYÂ&#x2C6;_ Theo Zwanziger, against the man who will replace him in May. FIFA says the investigation chamber `q_\[~_Y[x\X~_X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_ found â&#x20AC;&#x153;neither Wolfgang Niersbach nor any other person has violated the
code of ethics.â&#x20AC;? The case involved the â&#x20AC;&#x153;examination of (Niersbachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) pension income and remuneration arrangements â&#x20AC;Ś as requested by the German FIFA executive X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;YZ_ xY`_ Zwanziger.â&#x20AC;? Niersbach has led the German federation since Zwanziger was ousted in 2012. Zwanzigerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s four-year term on the FIFA ruling X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_Y Â ~_\ _ ^z{ Niersbach is unopposed for election to the seat by UEFA member federations on March 24 in Vienna.
Okpala have the 53-year old return to the Super Eagles fold. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing I want you to understand and this is the law is that you cannot force an unwilling servant on an unwilling master,â&#x20AC;? Amadu said of the
possibility of having Okpala return. ÂŻ [_\~_~Y7Â&#x2019;YÂ _Â&#x201C;z_Â&#x2019;^ÂĽ_ anywhere in the world. They cannot tell you that you must employ this person. There is no such law but having said that it was not part of the CAS ruling.
European clubs chase Flying Eagles stars
everal Flying Eagles stars led by striker Taiwo Awoniyi are being chased by top European clubs on the back of their superb showing at the AYC in Senegal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Flying Eagles players are now hot cake among the many scouts and clubs in Senegal,â&#x20AC;? a top source informed AfricanFootball.com Taiwo Awoniyi is the most wanted Flying Eagles star and it is understandable as he is the leading scorer in the tournament with three goals and has scooped two CAF Man of the Match awards thus far. He has a growing number of suitors from top clubs in Portugal and France. However, the snag is that he has signed a precontract with modest Swedish side Kalmar. His representatives are expected in Senegal in the new week with the hope `q_]ZÂ&#x201A;\ Â&#x20AC;_vÂ&#x2018;_^_X` [Z^X[_ for the 17-year-old player from Imperial Academy in Nigeria. qY^ z\_ ^7xYÂĽ_\~_
another Nigeria U20 star who has caught the eye of top European clubs. The El Kanemi Warriors ^7^XÂŚ\ Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x201A;\ ]YÂ&#x2019; YZ_ has scored twice and provided three assists as the Flying Eagles romped \ [`_[xY_~YÂ&#x201A;\] ^Â&#x2019;~_`q_[xY_ AYC in style. Clubs in France, Italy, Norway and Belgium have also cast their dragnet on Akinjide Idowu, skipper Musa Muhammed and left-back Mustapha Abdullahi. It will be a grudge contest when the Flying Eagles tackle `[Y_ Ă&#x2020; °`\ZY_\ _^_] ^Â&#x2019;_ AYC Group A clash on Saturday as the bulk of both teams have clashed at the U17 level with the Ivorians coming out tops twice. At the 2013 CAF U17 Championship in Morocco, Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire XÂ&#x2019;\ XxY _[xY\Z_]Z~[§Y°YZ_ title at this level when they upstaged favourites Nigeria on penalties after ] ^Â&#x2019;_~X`ZY~_~[`` _^[_§{ The Ivorians also beat the Golden Eaglets 1-0 in a group game of the same competition.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;He did not even ask for this in CAS and I am sure that his lawyers must have advised him accordingly. So the Â&#x201A;^7YZ_ÂĽ\[x_ ÂŚÂ&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;^_x^~_ Â&#x201C;YY _~Y7Â&#x2019;YÂ _^Â&#x201A;\X^Â&#x201C;Â&#x2019;z_ and obviously we will move in the same direction,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Kwankwaso directs Kano sports institute to start academic programmes
Gov. Rabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u Musa Kwankwaso of Kano state inspecting the newly established Kano Sports Institute, of the 26 Institutes established by the Kwankwaso-led administration yesterday.
From Ted Odogwu Bureau Chief, Kano
ano state governor, Rabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u Musa Kwankwaso has directed the state University of Science and Technology, Wudil to commence admission of students at the Kano Sports Institute. The governor, who gave the directive during an inspection tour of the newly completed institute ^[_ ^Z]_\ _ vZ^_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ Government Area, said [xY_Â&#x201A;`°YÂ&#x2C6;_ÂĽ`vÂ&#x2019; _^1`Z __ the teeming indigenes of Kano State and beyond wider prospect and opportunity to become
competitive sports men and women. Also, Kwankwaso visited Saâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;adatu Rimi College of Education, Kumbotso, where he directed the Ministry of Works, Housing and Transport to extend the anterior fence of the college to cover more ground. He explained that the measure would provide more space within the college compound, which could be used for physical development, educational and recreational purposes. In his response, the Provost of the College, Dr. Sule Musa, said the execution of
several projects by the government is a testimony that Governor Kwankwaso, not only has foresight but educationfriendly. Also, the governor \ ~Â&#x2018;YX[Y _[xY_]°Y_ kilometre road project in vZ^_ `X^Â&#x2019;_ `°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [Â&#x2C6;_ where he noted that the project is steadily approaching completion. The governor was accompanied during the visit by the state Commissioner for Works, Abba Kabir Yusuf, the Vice Chancellor of Kano State University of Science and Technology, Prof Shehu, among other [`Â&#x2018;_Â&#x20AC;`°YZ Â&#x201A;Y [_`AX\^Â&#x2019;~{
Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sports Update
Ugbade: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing but AYC trophy BY BABS OYETORO
till savouring the hard earned victories over the host country, Senegal and Congo at the group stage of the ongoing African Youth Championship, the Flying Eagles assistant coach Nduka Ugbade has vowed that the Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U-20 team would be crowned as the next African Champions. Ugade, who was the assistant coach to Garba Manu when the U17 team won the
FIFA U17 World Cup told Newswatch Times Sports on phone that the Flying Eagles are at the verge of repeating history in the ongoing championship. The former Golden Eaglets captain, who led the team that went on a spying mission on the opponents has allayed the fears of Nigerians that the Flying Eagles would not disappoint the teaming Nigerian fans by winning the African Youth Championship.
Enyeama delights over NFF plans for his century cap
incent Enyeama has expressed his ecstasy at plans by the Nigeria Football Federation to honour him on the occasion of his hundredth senior cap for Nigeria. The Super Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; goalkeeper and skipper, presently at 99 caps, will notch his century when Nigeria takes on Bolivia in an international friendly at the Akwa Ibom Stadium on Thursday, March 26. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nothing matches being recognized by your own country. I am very excited at the prospect of reaching 100 caps, and more so at the decision by the NFF to honour me on the day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The NFF media department has also been speak-
ing with me and I have followed the publicity they have generated about it. It is a delight. I am also excited by the fact that it will happen in Uyo, my hometown. What a great honour!â&#x20AC;? Of his 99 caps so far, the three â&#x20AC;&#x201C;time FIFA World Cup star picks the Nigeria/ Argentina FIFA World Cup match at the Ellis Park Stadium, Johannesburg on June 12, 2010, as his best so far. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yeah, I can tell you that is one match I will always remember. I was highly inspired, and although we lost, I was selected the Man of the Match. We lost 0-1 but Lionel Messi did not score. That was some sort of joy for me.â&#x20AC;?
Meanwhile, Ugbade x^Â _Y^ZÂ&#x2019;\YZ_X` ]Â YÂ _\ _[x\~_ reporter before the commencement of the tournament that they were not scared with the presence of Black Stars technical adviser, Avram Grant drafted by Ghana Football Federation to give technical assistance to Black Satellites in the competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is not uhuru yet until ÂĽY_] \~xYÂ _[xY_^~~\Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Y [_ on our hands we cannot ^1`ZÂ _[`_ZY~[_` _`vZ_`^Z~{_
erena Williams lifted the lid on her 2001 Indian YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;~_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x2C6;_X^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;\ Â&#x20AC;_\[_` Y_ of the darkest days in her professional tennis career. ÂŻ _ZYÂ&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;YZ_~\7\ Â&#x20AC;_ down and praying,â&#x20AC;? Williams said Thursday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think I was losing in the ]Z~[_~Y[_^ Â _ _[`Â&#x2019;Â _Â&#x201A;z~YÂ&#x2019;q_ I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to win this match. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I just wanted to get through this moment. Not win the match, get [xZ`vÂ&#x20AC;x_^ Â _Â&#x20AC;Y[_`1_[xY_ X`vZ[_Â&#x2018;ZY7z_Â&#x201A;vXx{Ă&#x201E; The world number one said she is trying to forget the events of 2001, when the 19-year-old Serena was booed during [xY_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x201C;z_[Y \~_q^ ~_
he Yobe State Football Association has come up with a new roadmap towards conducting elections into its executive board. Elections into the Yobe State Football Association executive board was scheduled for Saturday, February 21 in Potiskum but fracas ensued over disagreements on how to proceed and NFF representatives Sunday Longbap and Dikko Abdallah left the venue. However, secretary
of the States Elections Monitoring Committee, Tunde Aderibigbe UX[G U`QR FXY U`DU U`Q elections would now take place at a scheduled date after a fresh roadmap was submitted to the NFF. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have submitted a new roadmap and we believe that they will stick by it and eventually conduct the elections as scheduled, in line with the FIFA â&#x20AC;&#x201C; approved NFF Statutes and the relevant codes and guidelines.â&#x20AC;?
Serena defends her integrity, ends Indian
Lagos ITTF World Tour: Finals go live on Supersport
Yobe submits new roadmap for elections
First, we need to commend the players for their commitment to the assignment on our hands. Now, that we x^°Y_¢v^Â&#x2019;\]Y _q`Z_[xY_ §Šª_ World Cup, the immediate assignment is to win the African Youth Championship. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to go to the World Youth Championship in New Zealand as the African Champions. And this is the more reason we are going to take the remaining matches seriouslyâ&#x20AC;?, he promised.
xY_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â ^z_`q_[xY_ International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) World Tour, Lagos Open will be on live on Supersport. According to the Main ZÂ&#x20AC;^ \~\ Â&#x20AC;_ `Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;\7YY_ Â&#x2122; Â&#x161;Â&#x2C6;_[xY_~YÂ&#x201A;\] ^Â&#x2019;_^ Â _ ] ^Â&#x2019;_Â&#x201A;^[XxY~_\ _[xY_ singles and doubles holding on Saturday March 14 will be shown on Supersport Channel 207 for viewers across the globe. From 10:30am, matches will be on the channel for lovers of table tennis to watch their favourite stars within and outside Nigeria as well as across the globe. Some of Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best including the World Table Tennis Player of the Year, Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Aruna Quadri and Egyptâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s superstar, Omar Assar as well as players from Europe are taking part in the $46,000 prize money tournament holding at Molade Okoya-Thomas Hall of Teslim Balogun Stadium in Lagos. Apart from this, the matches will be on youtube and ITTF channel on [xY_] ^Â&#x2019;_Â ^z_`q_[xY_ competition.
who accused her and her sister Venus of rigging a match. Williams said Thursday at the Tennis Garden stadium that she had to let go of the past before she could allow herself to end her 14-year boyX`7_`q_[xY_ Â \^ _ YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;~_
tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before, I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t at a point where I was ready to come back to Indian Wells,â&#x20AC;? Williams said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think I would come back to be honest. I felt like I did what I YYÂ YÂ _[`_Â `{_ _x^Â _] ished my career in terms
of being here.â&#x20AC;? Serena defended the sistersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sense of fair play, saying she has always tried to stick to the rules and is too good an athlete to need to take shortcuts to victory. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was a teenager,â&#x20AC;? Serena said of 2001. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have had a tremendous amount of integrity from the day I stepped out on the court as a professional until today. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Even in doubles if Venus or I touch the ball we say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not our pointâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We clearly are incredible athletes and our whole career we have focussed on that.â&#x20AC;?
Ikpeazu joins Alexandra Y
oung Watford striker of Nigerian descendant ,Uche Ikpeazu, has returned to Crewe Alexandra for a third loan spell until the end of the season, after reportedly terminating his loan deal with Doncaster Rovers. He joined Doncaster Rovers on loan but returned to Watford on Wednesday,after making seven appearances for the team with
no goals to show for his Y1`Z[~Â&#x2C6;_~\ XY_ÂŽ`\ \ Â&#x20AC;_[xY_ team in January. Although Doncaster ^ZY_zY[_[`_`AX\^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;z_^ nounce his departure, the player took to social media network Instagram to announce the move. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just want to wish Doncaster all the best for the rest of the season in their promotion race. The decision was solely mine for obvious reasons. In life decisions have to be made
and oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got to do whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best for them.â&#x20AC;? He posted on his account. This will be the second time he will be joining Crewe this season and his ]Z~[_Â&#x2019;`^ _~Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;_ÂĽ\[x_[xY_ team yielded two goals from eight games, in the three months he spent with the team. Overall he has made more appearances for Crewe Alexandra in three  \1YZY [_Â&#x2019;`^ _~Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;~_[x^ _ any other team he has played for, including for his parent owners Watford, for whom he is yet to make a league debut.
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