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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


South West

Agbaje carpets Fashola over unpaid doctors salaries Ayodele Olalere


he Lagos State governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Jimi Agbaje, has bemoaned the on-going strike by medical doctors in the employment of the state government. In a statement by the PDP candidate, Agbaje called for a truce between the striking doctors under the aegis of the Medical Guild and the state government, and urged the state’s governor, Babatunde Fashola, to pay the medical practitioners three months withheld salaries. He reasoned that it

was most uncharitable for government to look the other way while lives were being lost due to series of avoidable strikes by doctors in the last one year. According to him, no J0OMQ kR OM` O`]­KQ position regarding the strike, it ought to consider the interest of Lagosians, on behalf of whom it holds public RDVOQj`Q]MLK] Q “I feel compelled once again to express my dissatisfaction with the latest strike by doctors in the employment of the state government, which has become like a recurring decimal in Lagos in the last one year. No doubt, this is one more sign of the failure of

leadership, which could have averted the strike J`PQ J0O`PJ`]Q KL+OMj`kQ j`®jV]OPQ R`Q ]qOQ JKKOKQ of our people who daily throng hospitals for treatment. The fact that the three days’ warning strike snowballed into this full-blown strike is another clear demonstration of APC’s apathy and impunity,” he said. He told Governor Fashola to remember that he swore to uphold the interests of the people of Lagos State, who are now bearing the brunt of the strike. “That the Governor has carried on as if the issue is not important smacks of his penchant for impunity, a characteristic

that has become a major drawback to his administration,” he said. Agbaje advised Fashola to immediately open lines of direct discussion with the doctors, with a view to paying the pending salary arrears, adding that for a state where the citizenry pay for medical services despite failed promises of free health, the onus was on the government to ensure a sound, functional health system. “APC leaders have over time told us at every opportunity that they are Awoists, but I doubt whether an Awolowo would look the other way while the people die due to unnecessary grandstanding,” he said.

Court admits CME’s report on Synagogue building collapse Francis Iwuchukwu


he Lagos Coroners RLM]Q Kj0j`kQ j`Q Ikeja, presided by Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe, yesterday JP j0OPQ j`Q O jPO`VOUQ JQ forensic report dated March UQ UQ SMR Q ]qOQ RDVOQ RSQ the Chief Medical Examiner (CME). qOQ MOxRM]Q ^JKQ JP j0OPQ in evidence, shortly after the Lagos State CME, Professor John Obafunwa, adopted KJ OQ JKQ qjKQ `J_Q O jPO`VOQ before the court. Led in evidence on the report entitled ‘Report on the collapsed building In Synagogue Church Of All Nations’, by counsel to the state government, Akingbolahan Adeniran, the witness informed the court that ‘on September 30, 2014, we concluded the post mortem examinations. The samples for DNA

Economic stability: Clerics urge Nigerians to choose God-fearing leaders


L-R: National Coordinator, Global Campaign Group, Prince Dele Akinola; his wife, Mrs. Funmilola Akinola; Chief Mrs. Modupe Onadeko and Chief Mrs. Mary Peters, during the Peoples Democratic Party sensitisation programme in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Dame Patience urges women to vote for Jonathan Michael Olanrewaju, Osogbo


irst Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, has urged women to collect their Permanent Voters Card (PVC) and vote for re-election of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and other candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the forthcoming March 28 presidential election.

She urged the women at the women rally held at the Nelson Mandela Freedom Park, Osogbo, Osun State capital. According to her, ‘if we give them chance, they will not let us down.’ Mrs Jonathan who was represented by the wife of the Vice President, Hajia Namadi Sambo, assured that the 50% JDM J]jR`QMO£LOK]OPQSRMQT¤Q the women folk would be met if President Jonathan is re-elected.

“President Jonathan’s administration has done much in the state in the area of reconstruction of IlesaAkure expressway, Ilesa dam, railway rejuvenation and Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), IleIfe, wearing a new look. These are few of what Mr. President is doing not only in Osun State but in the country at large,” she said. She therefore urged the women present at the rally

to vote for continuity, laudable and sustainable transformation embedded in the symbol of PDP. The Coordinator of Women for Change in Osun Hon.((Mrs) Olufunmilayo Olaseinde Mustapha, disclosed that Osun women are excited in seeing the entourage of the First Lady and are therefore determined to ensure re-election of President Jonathan.

Group tasks Lagos Assembly on transparency, accountability Bolu Olu-Esho


civil society organization, Coalition Against Corrupt Leaders (CACOL), yesterday, tasked Lagos State House of Assembly on transparency and accountability in operations of the state government. The group explained to the Assembly the need to exercise its oversight functions in ensuring the implementation of the content of the appropriation bill of the state meets the requirements

of the law. In a petition by the group, the Executive Chairman of the group, Debo Adeniran, ]^HF_`FDjj{ |D]}HG |~H lawmakers to look into the ]|D|H H H | ] ` D F_Dj operations from 2007 to 2011. The group organised a rally that began at Ikeja under-bridge to the state’s House of Assembly, Alausa, Ikeja to present a copy of the petition entitled ‘Call for comprehensive investigation into the allegation of corrupt activities against Lagos

State government’ to the Speaker of the Assembly but having waited for over two hours at the entrance of the House of Assembly without being attended to by any of the lawmakers, the group decided to send three among _|] %F_Dj] | D G ] E _| the letter for onward transfer to the lawmakers. The group expressed its disappointment in the disposition of the lawmakers to them, saying they were elected to represent the people of the state.

Adeniran explained that the call on the lawmakers to investigate the alleged ` D F_Dj _ ^ ^ _H|{ D D_ ]| the state became necessary because of a court injunction which restrained the assembly from probing into activities of the executive arm. The legislative House was advised to approach the appellate court to quash the verdict of the lower court so that accountability and transparency could be possible in governance in the state.

examination were sent to Unistel Laboratory, South Africa about two weeks afterwards. The delay was largely due to TLMOJLVMJV¤QJ`PQkO0j`kQ]qOQ importation license from the government of South Africa.’ “At this time, 74 South Africans (as well as few from ^jªOM_J`PUQ j TJT^OUQ Democratic Republic of R`kRUQO]V«Q^OMOQjPO`]j OPQ J`PQ KLTKO£LO`]_¤Q MO_OJKOPQ to the South African Authority on November 15, 2014. The respective POJ]qQVOM]j VJ]OKQJKQ^O__QJKQ O TJ_ O`]Q VOM]j VJ]OKQ were also handed over to the South African authority. In addition to ]qOKOQ kLMOKUQ ]^O`]¤Q OQ (25) others (comprising 22 Nigerians, 2 Benenois and Q RkR_KOK«Q^OMOQjPO`]j OPQ and released, bringing the total number of deceased individuals to 110,” he said.

i g e r i a n s , irrespective of religious, tribal or political leanings have been JKKLMOPQ RSQ JQ TO0OMUQ KOVLMOPQ and improved economic stability, provided they allow the Holy Spirit to dictate their pace in choosing Godfearing leaders to drive the socio-economic and political vehicle of the nation. The citizens were also charged to a live holy life and be passionate in their service ]RQ RPQ JKQ ^O__Q JKQ J0O`Pj`kQ ]RQ ]qOQ x_jkq]Q RSQ ]qOQ KL+OMj`kQ masses in the society. They were enjoined to be worthy role models, disciplined and transparent in love and concern for others with their time, talents and treasures in order to live happily to the glory of God. The assurance and remarks were made during the

¯LK]°VR`V_LPOPQ O°PJ¤Q international convention of the Christ Healing Evangelical Church (CHEC) Worldwide held at Loburo, Mowe, on the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. Guest speakers at the convention include the wife of the general overseer of the church, Lady Evangelist Beatrice Bamidele; Pastor Ogo Bamidele of The Kings Church, Ireland, United Kingdom; Bishop Edward Peecher of the Embassy Church in Chicago, USA; Prophetess Arthurine Wilkinson of Christ Worship Centre International, USA; Pastor Adegboyega Talabi and his wife, Prophetess Mabel, CHEC Regional Superintendent in Europe and Asia; and Rev. (Mrs.) Bola Ajibola of the Christ Reconciliation Church, United Kingdom.

Vote where you are, Ohanaeze tells Ndigbo Peter Dada, Akure


socio-political organisation, O h a n e z e Nidigbo, Northern Zone, has called on its members to remain wherever they reside in any part of the country to vote during elections. Chief Obinna Nwankwo, the president of the organisation made the call in a statement issued in Abuja on Friday. He noted that the organisation would sensitise the members to the importance of peace in any elections. He also observed that the Federal Government and the relevant security authorities had been sensitive to security J0OMK ``The relevant authorities have put measures in place to ensure that lives and

property are safe during and after the elections,’’ he said. Nwankwo also urged the members of the organisation to obtain their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) before the March 22 deadline to £LJ_jS¤Q]qO QSRMQ R]j`k He said that the organisation appreciated the decision of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to extend the deadline to enable more people to collect their PVCs. He also directed all the state chapters of the organisation to ensure that all their members had their PVCs to participate in the elections. Nwankwo said further that the organisation had resolved to contribute j]KQ £LR]JQ ]RQ xMR R]j`kQ peace during and after the elections


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

News Tension in Bayelsa over bomb attack on home of ex-militant ... Dickson vows to deal with ex-militants Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


here is palpable tension in Bayelsa following the bombing of the home of a former militant-leader in the state, Mr. Paul Eris, alias Ogunboss. Q qjKQJ0JV²QjKQVRÂ?j`kQTJMO_¤Q R`OQ ^OO²Q JS]OMQ ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]Q _OJPOMQxJM]jVjxJ]OPQj`QJQÂŽjR_O`]Q xMR]OK]Qj`Q]qOQK]J]OQVJxj]J_QRÂŽOMQ J`Q QKLMÂŽOj__J`VOQVR`]MJV]Q ^qjVqQ ]qO¤Q JVVLKOPQ RÂŽOM`RMQ OMjJ²OQ jV²KR`QRSQqjÂŻJV²j`kÂ&#x;Q It was gathered that the J0JV²Q ^JKQ Â?JK]OMÂ?j`POPQ T¤Q SRLMQL`jPO`]j•OPQÂ?O`UQ^j]qQJ`Q Â?xMRÂŽjKOPQ Âłx_RKjÂŽOQ OÂŽjVOQ ´ ÂŤQ²`R^`QJKQ ¤`JÂ?j]OÂ&#x; Q qOQJ0JV²UQ^qjVqQxMRÂ?x]OPQ JQ_RLPQOÂłx_RKjR`QJ]Q]qOQ ]Ok^OQ MOKjPO`VOQ RSQ ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]Q °_OJPOMUQ RVVLMMOPQ J]Q JTRL]Q 11pm on Thursday. Q qOQ OÂłx_RKjÂŽOQ POÂŽjVOUQ JVVRMPj`kQ]RQ]qOQJjPOKQRSQ]qOQO³° militant, was thrown into the premises from the right side of the building, while Ogunboss ^JKQ MO_JÂłj`kQ ^j]qQ SO__R^Q O³° militants in front of the house. Q Q ÂŽjKj]Q ]RQ ]qOQ J0JV²OPQ qRÂ?OQ RSQ ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]Q _OJPOMQ showed a damage swimming xRR_QJMOJQ^j]qQKqJ0OMOPQ_JÂ?xKQ

and tiles. The men of the Nigerian Air RMVOUQ MOKjPj`kQ J]Q JQ TLj_Pj`kQ `OÂł]Q ]RQ ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]­KUQ qJÂŽOQ ]qOMOSRMOUQ MOK]MjV]OPQ ÂŽOqjVL_JMQ Â?RÂŽOÂ?O`]Q j`Q ]qOQ JMOJQ JKQ JQ result. It was further gathered that ]qOQ OÂłx_RKjR`UQ ^qjVqQ VJLkq]Q ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]Q _OJPOMQ J`PQ qjKQ followers unaware, made them xLMKLOQ JS]OMQ ]qOQ J0JV²OMKUQ “but the minutes gained by ]qOQ KLMxMjKOQ J0JV²Q J`PQ ]qOQ J0JV²OMK­Q LKOQ RSQ VRÂ?Â?OMVjJ_Q ]MjV¤V_OUQ Â?JPOQ ]qOjMQ JMMOK]Q jÂ?xRKKjT_OÂ&#x;Q L]Q ^OQ kJÂŽOQ ]qOÂ?Q JQqR]QVqJKOÂ&#x;Âľ qOQ ³°Â?j_j]J`]Q _OJPOMUQ O`OMJ_Q kL`TRKKUQ ^qj_OQ VR`•MÂ?j`kQ ]qOQ j`VjPO`]UQ KJjPQ ]qOQ P¤`JÂ?j]OQ J0JV²Q R`Q qjKQ qRÂ?OQ ^JKQ xJM]Q RSQ JQ KLKxOV]OPQ KOMjOKQRSQJ0JV²KQR`QqjÂ?QJ`PQqjKQ followers in the last few days due to his position against the J__OkOPQK]J]OQkRÂŽOM`Â?O`]QqjÂŻJV²Q RSQ]qOQRj_QxjxO_j`OQKLMÂŽOj__J`VOQ ÂŻRTQj`Q]qOQK]J]OÂ&#x; Q VVRMPj`kQ]RQ kL`TRKKUÂľ ^RQ days ago, one of my followers OKVJxOPQ JKKJKKj`J]jR`Â&#x;Q RÂ?OQ K]MJ`kOQSJVOKQ^OMOQj`QqjKQqRÂ?OQ yesterday night. They were Â?JK²OPQJ`PQJMÂ?OPQ^j]qQ Â?ÂśQ

MjÂŽOKÂ&#x;Q qO¤QMRLkqQqJ`P_OPQ]qOQ ^jSOUQTL]Q]qOQqLKTJ`PQOKVJxOPÂ&#x;Q QJK²OPQqjÂ?Q]RQkRQJ`PQMOxRM]QJ]Q ²O`SJQ R_jVOQ ]J]jR`Â&#x;Q qj_OQ ^OQ^OMOQ^Jj]j`kUQ]qjKQOÂłx_RKjR`Q RVVLMMOPÂ&#x;Âľ L]Q ^qO`Q VR`]JV]OPUQ ]qOQ KxR²OKÂ?J`Q ]RQ ]qOQ J¤O_KJQ R_jVOQ RÂ?Â?J`PUQ L]K^J]Q KjÂ?jUQ KJjPQ ]qOQ PjK]MOKKQ VJ__Q ]qOQ R_jVOQ MOVOjÂŽOPQ SMRÂ?Q ]qOQ MOKjPO`VOQ RSQ ]qOQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]° leader at about 10.20pm was ]qJ]QRSQJQ•MOQj`VjPO`]Â&#x;Q¡ OQkR]Q JQPjK]MOKKQVJ__QJ]QJTRL]Q’‘Â&#x;Â?‘xÂ?Q RSQJQ•MOQRL]TMOJ²QJ]Q kL`TRKK­Q MOKjPO`VOQJ`PQ]qOQ RRMQ ²xRRMQ J`PQ]qOQ•MOQKOMÂŽjVOQPOxJM]Â?O`]Q ^OMOQ Â?RTj_jKOPQ ]RQ ]qOQ KVO`OÂ&#x;Q qOQ•MOQ^JKQxL]QR+Â&#x;Âľ Meanwhile, the Bayelsa ]J]OQ kRÂŽOM`RMUQ R`Â&#x;Q OMjJ²OQ jV²KR`UQ¤OK]OMPJ¤Qj`Q O`JkRJQ qJPQJ`Qj`]OMJV]jÂŽOQKOKKjR`Q^j]qQ oil and gas host and transit VRÂ?Â?L`j]jOKUQ ]qMOJ]O`j`kQ ]RQ deal with any person or group of persons under the guise RSQ O³°Â?j_j]J`]KQ RMQ ^qJ]OÂŽOMQ names trying to form a xJMJ__O_Q kRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q L`POMQ qjKQ _OJPOMKqjxUQj`QJVVRMPJ`VOQ^j]qQ the law. xOJ²j`kQ J]Q ]qOQ RVVJKjR`UQ ]qOQ kRÂŽOM`RMQ KJjPQ qjKQ JPÂ?j`jK]MJ]jR`Q ^j__Q `OÂŽOMQ TR^Q to threats and intimidations on


OQ JPPOPQ ]qJ]Q qOQ qJKQ ]qOQ kRRP^j__Q ]RQ kjÂŽOQ ]qOQ O³° Â?j_j]J`]KQ “‘¸Q RSQ ]qOQ VR`]MJV]UQ but insisted that they must O`KLMOQ ]qOQ PO_jÂŽOM¤Q RSQ ]qOjMQ required obligation. VVRMPj`kQ ]RQ qjÂ?UQ RLMQ intention in forming the Izon TOQ OVLMj]¤Q RL]•]Q ^qjVqQ ^j__Q KRR`Q TOQ _JL`VqOPQ jKQ j`Q ]qOQ kRRP^j__QRSQ]qOQO`]jMOQVj]jÂşO`M¤Q RSQ]qOQK]J]OÂ&#x;Q ]KQRÂŽOMJ__QJjÂ?QjKQ]RQ xMRÂŽjPOQ Â?JKKjÂŽOQ OÂ?x_R¤Â?O`]Q for the youth.

OQ K]J]OPQ ]qJ]Q ÂşR`Q TOQ OVLMj]¤Q KqJ__Q TOQ qRÂ?OQ TJKOPQ in areas where there are oil xjxO_j`OKQj`QRMPOMQ]RQVMOJ]OQMRRÂ?Q SRMQ xMRxOMQ jPO`]j•VJ]jR`UQ J`PQ kjÂŽOQ JPOÂŁLJ]OQ JVVRL`]JTj_j]¤Q where there are lapses. In his words, “Last year, ^OQKO]QLxQ ÂşR`Q TOQ OVLMj]¤QJKQ RLMQ R^`Q KOVLMj]¤Q RL]•]Q ]qJ]Q ^j__Q TOQ VRÂ?Â?L`j]¤Q TJKOPUQ J`PQ ]qOQ Pj+OMO`VOQ jKQ ]qJ]Q j]Q jKQ kRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q R^`OPÂ&#x;Q OQ qJÂŽOQ training programmes and also intend for traditional rulers ]RQ Â?J²OQ j`xL]UQ KRQ ]qJ]Q ]qOMOQ ^j__QTOQxMRxOMQjPO`]j•VJ]jR`Qj`Q ²`R^j`kQ ]qRKOQ j`ÂŽR_ÂŽOPQ J`PQ ]qOjMQMOKxOV]jÂŽOQVRÂ?Â?L`j]jOKÂ&#x;

South South Dakuku’s GTCO commends Mrs. Jonathan for applauding Amaechi’s efforts Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


ampaign organisation RSQ MÂ&#x;Q J²L²LQ PR_Q Peterside, the gubernatorial VJ`PjPJ]OQ RSQ ]qOQ __Q MRkMOKKjÂŽOKQ R`kMOKKQ´ ÂŤQj`Q jÂŽOMKQ ]J]OUQqJKQ VRÂ?Â?O`POPQ ]qOQ ^jSOQ RSQ MOKjPO`]Q RRP_LV²Q R`J]qJ`UQ JÂ?OQ J]jO`VOUQ SRMQJV²`R^_OPkj`kQ]qOQxOMSRMÂ?J`VOQ MJ]j`kQ RSQ ]qOQ K]J]OQ kRÂŽOM`RMUQ qjTLj²OQ R]jÂ?jQ Â?JOVqjUQ R`Q xMRÂŻOV]KQj`Q]qOQK]J]OÂ&#x;Q qOQVJÂ?xJjk`QRL]•]UQVRPO°`JÂ?OPQ Âť MOJ]OMQ RkO]qOMQ JÂ?xJjk`Q MkJ`jKJ]jR`Q ´ ÂŤU­Q KJjPQ yesterday that it was soothing to qOJMQ ]qOQ jMK]Q JP¤Q JVVOx]j`kQ ]qJ]Q RÂŽOM`RMQ Â?JOVqjQ^RM²OPQqJMPQj`Q jÂŽOMKQ ]J]OÂ&#x;Q QK]J]OÂ?O`]QKjk`OPQT¤Q]qOQK]J]O­KQ Commissioner for Information, Mrs. Ibim Semenitari, who is also ]qOQ PjMOV]RMQ RSQ VRÂ?Â?L`jVJ]jR`KQ RSQ ]qOQ VJÂ?xJjk`Q RMkJ`jKJ]jR`UQ KJjPQ JÂ?OQ R`J]qJ`UQ ^qj_OQ JPPMOKKj`kQ JQ RL]qQ RL]qQ RÂ?O`Q R`J_Q MJ__¤Q RSQ ]qOQ ORx_OKQ OÂ?RVMJ]jVQ JM]¤Q ´ ÂŤQj`Q RM]Q JMVRLM]QR`Q LOKPJ¤UQ JV²`R^_OPkOPQ ]qJ]Q ]qOQ Â?JOVqjQ JPÂ?j`jK]MJ]jR`Q qJPQ VRÂ?x_O]OPQ ]qOQ jÂŽOMKQ ]J]OQ RÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q JKQ LMTj`OQ J]Q Â?R²LUQ ]qOQ _OÂ?OQ


Akpabio orders probe of exDeputy Speaker’s death Bassey Anthony, Uyo


L-R: Oyo State Head of Service, Mr. Soji Eniade; Inaugural Lecturer, Mr. Adekunle Busari; Rector, The Polytechnic Ibadan, Prof. Olatunde Fawole and Chairman, Inaugural Committee, Mr. Adeniyi Adebayo, at the Polytechnic Ibadan inaugural lecture during the week.

Clark denies insulting Dankwambo Saminu Ibrahim, Abuja


ormer Federal Commissioner for Information, Chief P^j`Q _JM²UQ¤OK]OMPJ¤QMOSL]OPQ allegation that he insulted ]qOQ kRÂŽOM`RMQ RSQ RÂ?TOQ ]J]OUQ TMJqjÂ?Q J`²^JÂ?TRÂ&#x; ]Q ^RL_PQ TOQ MOVJ__OPQ ]qJ]Q _JM²Q ^JKQ J__OkOPQ ]RQ qJÂŽOQ JVVLKOPQ J`²^JÂ?TRQ RSQ `R]Q VJÂ?xJjk`j`kQ SRMQ ]qOQ MO° O_OV]jR`QRSQ MOKjPO`]Q RRP_LV²Q

qj_OQ ]qJ`²j`kQ MKÂ&#x;Q R`J]qJ`Q for standing up for the truth, Mrs. OÂ?O`j]JMjUQ qR^OÂŽOMUQ xRj`]OPQ RL]Q j`VRMMOV]Q JKKOM]jR`KQ J`PQ V_JjÂ?KQ made by the First Lady at the rally. “In this statement, while we partly qJÂŽOQ VRÂ?Â?O`POPQ MKÂ&#x;Q R`J]qJ`Q SRMQ MO°JDMÂ?j`kQ ]qJ]Q RÂŽOM`RMQ Â?JOVqjQqJPQVRÂ?x_O]OPQÂ?JÂŻRMQJ`PQ VMj]jVJ_Q_OÂŽO_KQRSQj`SMJK]MLV]LMOQj`Q]qOQ K]J]OUQ ^OQ ^RL_PQ Â?RK]Q MOKxOV]SL__¤Q VRMMOV]Q ]qOQ Â?jK_OJPj`kQ jÂ?xMOKKjR`KQ KqOQÂ?LK]QqJÂŽOQTLj_]Qj`QqOMQÂŽjO^OMK­Q Â?j`PÂ&#x;Q qOQ Â?R²LQ JKQ LMTj`OUQ JQ xR^OMQ xMRÂŻOV]Q j`j]jJ]OPUQ ^qR__¤° R^`OPQJ`PQVRÂ?x_O]OPQT¤Q]qOQ jÂŽOMKQ ]J]OQ RÂŽOM`Â?O`]UQqJPQ`OÂŽOMQTOO`QJQ QxMRÂŻOV]UÂľQ]qOQVRÂ?Â?jKKjR`OMQKJjPÂ&#x; qOQ K]J]OPÂźQ ¡ R_j]jVKQ J`PQ O_OV]jR`OOMj`kQ VJ``R]Q OMJKOQ _jOKQ when told nor would impersonation TOQ ]R_OMJ]OPQ `RQ Â?J0OMQ qR^Q PR`OQ by whom. It is in this reality that ^OQ Â?J²OQ TR_PQ ]RQ JKKOM]Q ]qJ]Q ]qOQ JK]OM`Q ¤° JKKQ MRJPQ ^qjVqQ MKÂ&#x;Q



R`J]qJ`Â&#x; qjOSQ _JM²Q ^JKQ MOxRM]OPQ ]RQ qJÂŽOQ Â?JPOQ ]qOQ VRÂ?Â?O`]KQ _JK]Q ^OO²Q ^qO`Q qOQ MOVOjÂŽOPQ JQ PO_OkJ]jR`Q RSQ ]qOQ RRP_LV²½ JÂ?TRQ KLxxRM]Q SMRÂ?Q RÂ?TOQ State. Coordinator of the group, TMJqjÂ?Q j²²RUQ qJPQ j`SRMÂ?OPQ qjOSQ _JM²Q ]qJ]Q ]qOQ ORx_OKQ OÂ?RVMJ]jVQ JM]¤Q ´ ÂŤQ `RQ _R`kOMQ MOKxOV]Q ]qOQ ^jKqOKQ RSQ the members and impose

VJ`PjPJ]OKQ J]Q ^j__Q KJ¤j`kQ JKQ JQ MOKL_]QÂ?J`¤Q QÂ?OÂ?TOMKQqJÂŽOQ POVJÂ?xOPQ]RQ]qOQRxxRKj]jR`Q __Q MRkMOKKjÂŽOKQ R`kMOKKQ´ ÂŤÂ&#x; But the group promised to MOÂ?Jj`Q^j]qQ MOKjPO`]Q R`J]qJ`Q J`PQ ]qOQ Q `RQ Â?J0OMQ ]qOQ ill-treatment they are going ]qMRLkqQ OKxOVjJ__¤Q SMRÂ?Q ]qOQ K]J]OQkRÂŽOM`RMÂ&#x; The group promised to PO_jÂŽOMQ ’‘‘Q xOMQ VO`]Q ÂŽR]OQ SRMQ MOKjPO`]Q R`J]qJ`Q j`Q ]qOQ


²^JQ TRÂ?Q ]J]OQ RÂŽOM`RMUQ qjOSQ RPK^j__Q ²xJTjRUQ qJKQ RMPOMOPQ JQ SL__°KVJ_OQ probe into the death of a former OxL]¤Q xOJ²OMQRSQ]qOQK]J]OQ RLKOQ RSQ KKOÂ?T_¤UQ TR`kQ ²R`Q ^JqUQ VqJMkj`kQ KOVLMj]¤Q RxOMJ]jÂŽOKQ ]RQ O`KLMOQ ]qJ]Q ]qRKOQ TOqj`PQ ]qOQ JV]Q JMOQTMRLkq]Q]RQTRR²Â&#x; `Q JQ kRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q K]J]OÂ?O`]Q xMOKO`]OPQ T¤Q ]qOQ K]J]O­KQ Commissioner for Information and RÂ?Â?L`jVJ]jR`KUQ MÂ&#x;Q `jO²J`Q Â?J`JqUQJ]QJ`Qj`]OMJV]jÂŽOQKOKKjR`Q ^j]qQ ÂŻRLM`J_jK]KQ j`Q qjKQ RDVOUQ RÂŽOM`RMQ ²xJTjRQ VR`POÂ?`OPQ in strong terms the unfortunate j`VjPO`]UQMOkMO0j`kQ¡]qJ]Qj`QKxj]OQRS ]qOQ JVVRMPQ Kjk`OPQ R`Q xOJVOSL_Q J`PQ ÂŽjR_O`VO°SMOOQ O_OV]jR`KQ T¤Q xR_j]jVJ_Q xJM]jOKUQ KRÂ?OQ Â?jKVMOJ`]KQ qJÂŽOQ POVjPOPQ ]RQ ]MJÂ?x_OQ R`Q ]qOQ _J^Â&#x;Âľ qOQkRÂŽOM`RMUQ^qRQOÂ?xqJKjKOPQ ]qJ]Q `RTRP¤­KQ xR_j]jVJ_Q JÂ?Tj]jR`Q was worth the blood of any Vj]jÂşO`UQKJjPQÂŽjR_O`VOQJ`PQxR_j]jVJ_Q thuggery would not be tolerated.


reporters, sympathised with ]qOQ SJÂ?j_¤Q RSQ ]qOQ _J]OQ xR_j]jVjJ`UQ J_R`kKjPOQ]qOQxORx_OQRSQ ²J`JSL`Q RVJ_Q RÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q MOJQ R`Q ]qOQ death of their illustrious son.

OQ PjKÂ?jKKOPQ J__OkOPQ V_JjÂ?Q T¤Q ]qOQ __Q MRkMOKKjÂŽOKQ R`kMOKKQ that the death was masterminded by the ruling Peoples OÂ?RVMJ]jVQ JM]¤Q´ ÂŤUQKJ¤j`kQj]Q is baseless, unfounded and a mere xMRxJkJ`PJÂ&#x;Q OQLMkOPQRxxRKj]jR`Q xR_j]jVjJ`KQ `R]Q ]RQ KOO²Q xR_j]jVJ_Q VJxj]J_QSMRÂ?Q]qOQPOJ]qQRSQJQKO`jRMQ Vj]jÂşO`QRSQ]qOQK]J]OÂ&#x;Q ]Q ]qOQ OÂŽO`]UQ ^qjVqQ ^JKQ J_KRQ J0O`POPQ T¤Q ]^RQ xMRÂ?j`O`]Q j`PjkO`OKQ RSQ ²J`JSL`UQ ]qOQ Commissioner for Lands and Town Planning, Obong Eno ²xJ`QJ`PQ]qOQ RL`Vj_Q qJjMÂ?J`UQ xRK]_OQ ¤_ÂŽOK]OMQ PR²J`kUQ MÂ&#x;Q Â?J`JqQ POKVMjTOPQ ]qOQ ML_j`kQ Q JKQ JQ xOJVOSL_Q xJM]¤UQ ^qjVqQ Â?OÂ?TOMKQ ^OMOQ VRÂ?Â?j0OPQ ]RQ ]qOQ xOJVOSL_Q POÂŽO_RxÂ?O`]Q J`PQ xMRkMOKKQRSQ]qOQVRL`]M¤Â&#x; `Q ]qOjMQ xJM]KUQ MÂ&#x;Q `RQ ²xJ`Q J`PQ xRK]_OQ PR²J`kUQ^qj_OQJ_KRQ VR`POÂ?`j`kQ ]qOQ L`SRM]L`J]OQ j`VjPO`]UQ JxxOJ_OPQ ]RQ ÂŻRLM`J_jK]KQ J`PQ Â?OÂ?TOMKQ RSQ ]qOQ xLT_jVQ ]RQ xMRÂŽjPOQ]qOQxR_jVOQ^j]qQ`OVOKKJM¤Q JKKjK]J`VOQ ]qJ]Q VRL_PQ qO_xQ j`Q L`MJÂŽO__j`kQ ]qRKOQ TOqj`PQ ]qOQ j`VjPO`]Â&#x;

Primate warns against lavish burial of church founder Mansur Oladunjoye


senior member of Cherubim and Seraphim qLMVqQ RÂŽOÂ?O`]Q ´ ¤RQ `jRÂŤUQ MjÂ?J]OQ ¤RR_JQ Omonigbehin, has warned against ÂťKxjMj]LJ_QÂ?jK]J²OK­QRÂŽOMQ]qOQTLMjJ_Q RSQ]qOQSRL`POMUQ MÂ&#x;Q Â&#x; Â&#x;Q J²O¤OÂ&#x; Omonigbehin, who is also the VqJjMÂ?J`Q RSQ ]qOQ RM_PQ qMjK]jJ`Q RL`Vj_Q KKRVjJ]jR`Q ´ qJÂ?TOMQ RSQ J__Q VqLMVqOKÂŤUQ JPÂŽjKOPQ J__Q




Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

South East


Ekweremadu makes case for South-East economic zone Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


eputy President of the Senate, Ike Ekweremadu, has declared that the South East geo-political zone deserves a free trade zone that would fast-track economic development of the area. Ekweremadu expressed concern over the non-inclusion of the zone, and assured that the issue would be raised in the Senate before the end of the present administration with a view to addressing the imbalance. Speaking during his campaign tour of Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State, Ekweremadu also promised to collaborate with the incoming kRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Qj`Q]qOQK]J]OQ]RQ•`PQJQ lasting solution to the problem of xOMO``jJ_Q]MJDVQkMjP_RV²Qj`Q j`]qQ

Mile area the state. He recalled his sad experience in the area last December when holiday makers were held up for several hours on account of ]MJDVQkMjP_RV²QVJLKOPQT¤Q_JV²QRSQ alternatives routes. The Deputy Senate President assured that the problem would be eliminated before the end of the year to ensure that travellers passing through the commercial town do so without hitches. He said: “Let me say that the South East is the only zone in this country without an economic zone. Of all the 35 economic zones in the country, there is none for the South East. As we go back this time, we will do everything humanly possible to bring an economic zone to the South East, J`PQ j]Q ^j__Q TOQ Kj]LJ]OPQ J]Q j`]qQ

Mile. “We want to make sure that our people have jobs, and we want to increase the economic potential of the state and increase the opportunities available to our young ones. We want to see an Enugu State where people will come to reside and do business because of the available manpower, resources and skills. That is our vision in the next four years. “We are going to development a master plan for Enugu West that is going to key into the master plan of Enugu State. We hope that T¤Q ]qOQ ]jÂ?OQ ^OQ •`jKqOPUQ j`]qQ Mile will wear a new look.â€? The Deputy Senate President, who earlier inspected the J]jR`J_Q RL]qQ OÂŽO_RxÂ?O`]Q O`]MOQ J]Q k^RQ `RUQ OÂłxMOKKOPQ satisfaction with the progress of

work so far done on the project. He disclosed that he had held discussions with some Italian •MÂ?KQSRMQJQxJM]`OMKqjxQ]qJ]Q^RL_PQ facilitate skill acquisition training for inmates of the centre, and four KjÂ?j_JMQR`OKQTLj_]Qj`Q]qOQ•ŽOQ_RVJ_Q government areas of Enugu West Senatorial zone. According to him, the Catholic Church is already negotiating to ]J²OQ ]qOQ ÂŻjQ jÂŽOMQ RL]qQ O`]MOQ SRMQ O+OV]jÂŽOQ Â?J`JkOÂ?O`]Q L`POMQ its skill acquisition programme SRMQ jkOMjJQ¤RL]qKÂ&#x; He, however, expressed gratitude to the people of Enugu West for their unalloyed support since he began to represent them J]Q ]qOQ J]jR`J_Q KKOÂ?T_¤UQ J`PQ urged them to support President Goodluck Jonathan and other Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidates in the general elections.

3000 youths rally for Jonathan in Onitsha Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha

o fewer than 3000 youths in Onitsha, Anambra State, has marched through major streets, urging the electorate to obtain their permanent voter card and vote the candidacy of President Goodluck Jonathan in the March 28 Presidential Election. At about 11 o’clock in the morning, the youths who had converged at the Chuba Ikpeazu Stadium, Awka RJPUQ Â?JMVqOPQ ]RQ xxOMQ O^Q Market, Old Market Roads and the Onitsha Main Market through various parts of Onitsha chanting praises of President Jonathan and the `OOPQSRMQVR`]j`Lj]¤Qj`QRDVOÂ&#x; At the ever busy Old Market Road axis to Ose-Okwuodu Market, the youths stopped at intervals PjK]MjTL]j`kQ KRÂ?OQ _OJÂŽO]KQ ^qjVqQ contained some of the achievements of the President. Traders and other market women took to various dancing steps to the Jonathan musical jingles, which played from the musical van that accompanied the convoy while

others waved hands in admiration of the rally which was organised by an UQ²`R^`QJKQ¡ RL]qKQRSQ RPJ¤Â&#x;ÂľQ The convoy was accompanied T¤Q Â?O`Q J`PQ RDVOMKQ RSQ ]qOQ jkOMjJQ Security and Civil Defence Corps ´ ÂŤQ J`PQ ]qOjMQ VRL`]OMxJM]KQ from the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC), who had a hectic time controlling human and vehicular movement. Q ]Q R²R]RQ RJPQJ`PQ jkOMQ ]MOO]Q axis of the metropolis, hawkers of various types of textile materials joined in the frenzy while shop owners and artisans waved from adjoining storey buildings in admiration of the youths. Addressing newsmen, the VRRMPj`J]RMKQ RSQ ]qOQ MJ__¤UQ Âť RL]qKQ of Today’ for Jonathan, Comrade Iyke Ozobia, Chukwudi Ojukwu, Fes Ugwa and the sponsor, Hon. Cyril Egwuatu, said that the rally was held in support of President

R`J]qJ`­KQ VR`]j`Lj]¤Q j`Q RDVOQ JKQ qjKQ JP�j`jK]MJ]jR`Q qJKQ TO0OMQ xMRkMJ��OKQ SRMQ jkOMjJ`Q ¤RL]qKUQ and charged the youths to obtain their voter cards now that the elections are around the corner.

Imo AG canvasses support for Okorocha’s re-election Paschal Njoku, Abuja


Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate for Imo, Chief Emeka Ihedioha (middle), presenting a dove as symbol of peace, during a peace accord forum by all Imo governorship candidates in Owerri, Imo State.

Imo guber : Owerri Peoples Assembly endorses Ihedioha Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


ountdown to the forth coming general elections, the Owerri Peoples Assembly (OPA), a non political organisation comprising ]qOQ j`O´Ă€ÂŤQ _RVJ_Q kRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Q areas of Owerri zone and Ohaji/Egbema and Oguta local government areas has adopted Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as its sole candidate for the polls, and

advised other candidates including the incumbent Governor of the state, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, to withdraw from the race. This proclamation was made yesterday by the PresidentGeneral of the Assembly, Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu while addressing newsmen after a one day conference of the Assembly in Owerri, the capital of Imo State. According to him, this measure followed the recommendation RSQ JQ xR_j]jVJ_Q VRÂ?Â?j0OOQ KO]Q LxQ

by the Assembly to critically assess the substance, credibility and acceptability of the various governorship candidates of the political parties from Owerri zone angling to succeed the governor of the state, Owelle Okorocha. Consequently, Chief Iwuanyanwu who is a member of the Board Of Trustees (BOT) of the PDP explained that the Assembly being the umbrella body for the Owerri people in the nine LGAs of Owerri zone, including those in Diaspora demand that the

governorship contest be left to candidates from Owerri zone in the interest of equity, justice and fair play. “Owerri Peoples Assembly however, expressed serious concern over the large number of candidates from Owerri contesting for the governorship position of the state. It is the view of Owerri Peoples Assembly that unless Owerri people unite and support a single credible candidate, the governorship may elude Owerri�.

NNPC blames vandalism for Enugu, Aba depots’ shutdown Dawha, represented by Dr. B.A. Enjugu, the Managing Director, RM]Q JMVRLM]Q O•`j`kQ ]PUQ qOQ jkOMjJQ J]jR`J_Q dropped this hint at the weekend Petroleum Corporation j`Q `LkLUQPLMj`kQ ­KQÂťKxOVjJ_Q ´ ÂŤUQ qJKQ T_JÂ?OPQ _JV²Q day’ at the ongoing 26th Enugu of petroleum products supply International Trade Fair, taking to Enugu and Aba depots in the place at the permanent site of the South East geopolitical zone to trade fair complex, located along frequent vandalism of the supply Enugu/Onitsha Express Way. pipelines. Q qOQ Q TRKKQ K]MOKKOPQ The Corporation also said that the corporation in most that the poor distribution of the instances have abundant supply products across the country was of petroleum products to serve the as a result of the same menace. `J]jR`UQTL]QO+OV]jÂŽOQPjK]MjTL]jR`QRSQ The Group Managing Director the products across the 36 states of of the corporation, Dr. Joseph Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


the Federation is often hampered by non performance of some of ]qOQPOxR]KQ_j²OQ]qOQ QPOxR]Q in Enugu, which has remained `R`°SL`V]jR`J_QSRMQÂ?RMOQ]qJ`Q•ŽOQ years due to frequent vandalism of its pipelines in interior communities from Port Harcourt to Enugu. The implication which entails that the independent marketers, especially travel a lot of distances to bridge and buy petroleum products from the functioning depots at Calabar, Port Hacourt, Lagos, Warri etc., and thereafter

MOÂŽOV]Q]qOQOÂł]MJQVRK]QRSQxLMVqJKOQRSQ the products and other expenses on pump price of the products. He explained that it also poses RMQ MOKL_]KQ ]RQ JM]j•VjJ_Q KVJMVj]¤Q j`Q certain areas when the marketers SJVOQ RMQ qJÂŽOQ PjDVL_]¤Q j`Q purchasing the products from the functioning depots. He expressed optimism that the problems will soon be curtailed as the Federal Government is Â?J²j`kQ SMJ`]jVQ O+RM]KQ ]RQ xL]Q ]qOQ Enugu depot back on stream while repair of the Kaduna O•`OM¤QjKQVLMMO`]_¤QR`kRj`kÂ&#x;

he Imo State Commissioner SRMQ LK]jVOQ J`PQ 0RM`O¤Q General, Hon. Chukwuma JVqL²^LQ Â?OQ´ ÂŤQqJKQMOj]OMJ]OPQ the need for the electorate to vote again for Governor Rochas Okorocha, the All Progressives Congress’ governorship candidate in the April gubernatorial election in the state. Ume canvassed for votes for his principal on the strength that during qjKQ•MK]Q]OMÂ?Qj`QRDVOUQ¡]qOQkRÂŽOM`RMQ brought governance to the door steps and hearts of the generality of Imo people, particularly the down trodden, the youths, the market women and the enlightened. Q qOQ 0RM`O¤Q O`OMJ_Q KxR²OQ yesterday at a symposium, during ]qOQÂ?‘’“Q qj_RKRxq¤Q^OO²QRSQ J]jR`J_Q Association of Philosophy Students held at the Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Ariam Ikwuano, Umuahia Abia state. “At the national level, since 2012, Imo State has nearly the highest school enrolment in primary, secondary

and tertiary institutions. This is as a result of the surprise that a state out of the 36 states of the Federation can R+OMQj]KQxORx_OQSMOOQVRÂ?xL_KRM¤QJ`PQ qualitative education from primary to university levels,â€? the AG said. “Since 2011, this feat has remained a reality. This is where I want all of LKQ ]RQ ]J²OQ KRTOMQ MOÂŽOV]jR`Â&#x;Q qRKOQ who deride these achievements must not judge the world only from their comfort. But life is not all about meâ€? he said. “What about those widows who had been mortgaging their lands in order to see that their children go to schoo?. Sincerely, Rescue Mission free education is a success story before RPÂ&#x;Q ]QjKQJ_MOJP¤QVR`•MÂ?OPQ]qJ]QJKQJ]Q today, no one can get a youth house help from Imo state,â€? Ume added. According to him, the Rescue Mission embarked upon by the Okorocha-led government “has brought free education to the orphans, ]qOQ SRMkR0O`Q J`PQ ]qOQ PR^`]MRPPO`UQ ]qOMOT¤QxL0j`kQ]qOÂ?QR`QKRÂ?OQRSQ]qOQ elevated areas.

NIMC restates commitment to issue national identity card Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri

qOQ J]jR`J_Q PO`]j]¤Q Management Commission ´ ÂŤQ qJKQ KJjPQ ]qJ]Q j]Q qJKQ installed the necessary mechanism to checkmate the excesses of some individuals who might wish to obtain the General Multi Purpose Card (GMPC) otherwise known as ¡ J]jR`J_Q PO`]j]¤Q JMPÂľQSMJLPL_O`]_¤Â&#x; The Imo State Coordinator of the commission, Mr. Ugo Basil Ihejirika, who gave the assurance while speaking on the imperatives of the card to members of the public said that both biometrics and demography OÂŁLjxÂ?O`]Q_j`²OPQ]RQ•`kOMQxMj`]KQqJPQ TOO`Q xL]Q j`Q x_JVOQ ^qj_OQ ÂŽOMj•VJ]jR`Q exercises had commenced, stating that no two individuals have the same J]jR`J_Q PO`]j•VJ]jR`Q LÂ?TOMQ´ ÂŤÂ&#x; Ihejirika, who conducted newsmen round the various sections of the commission in Owerri, said that as a body saddled with the statutory MOKxR`KjTj_j]¤Q ]RQ KLK]Jj`Q ]qOQ J]jR`J_Q Identity Management System, the commission collaborates with all


security agencies as well as the jÂ?Â?jkMJ]jR`Q J`PQ ]qOQ J]jR`J_Q RxL_J]jR`Q RÂ?Â?jKKjR`Q´ ÂŤQj`Q]qOQ discharge of its duties, explaining that the commission only registers legal MOKjPO`]KQJS]OMQ]qO¤QqJPQTOO`QRDVjJ__¤Q jPO`]j•OPQT¤Q]qOQ Â?Â?jkMJ]jR`Q OMÂŽjVOÂ&#x; He said that the exercise would VJx]LMOQ jkOMjJ`KQSMRÂ?QÂ’Ă„Q¤OJMKQRSQJkOQ and above, stressing that the exercise not only authenticates one’s national security, promotes some transactions, but also authenticates the citizens’ identity without any ambiguity and “nobody else can use it because it is well protected , has a linkage to your international passport, driver’s licence, voter card, and equally enhances one’s inclusion in some government’s intervention for people with a particular kind of income. ]qOMQTO`O•]KQRSQ]qOQVJMPQJVVRMPj`kQ to him include payment of pensioners’ monthly stipend and workers’ salary to reduce banking costs.


Newswatch Times, March 21, 2015

News Artists charge Jonathan, Buhari on peaceful election Gyang Bere, Jos


resident Goodluck Jonathan and presidential candidate of theAll Progressive Congress (APC), Mohammadu Buhari, have been urged to educate their supporters across the country on the need to uphold the recent Peace Accord they signed for a violence free 2015 general elections. Chairman, Society of Nigerian Artists, Plateau State, Mr. Ezekiel Udubrae made the call yesterday in Jos during an Art exhibition tagged “Peaceful 2015 Election� in collaboration

with Voices of Peace Nigeria held at the National Museum Jos. He said the programme was geared towards creating awareness among Nigerians on the need to support a free, fair and credible election devoid of violence come March 28 and April 11. Mr. Udubrae added that Nigeria had witness a major setback as a result of violence and terrorism and said that Nigerians must join hands together and sustain the existing peace the country is currently enjoying. According to him, “we want

President Goodluck Jonathan the Presidential candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Gen. Mohammadu Buhari, candidate of All Progressive congress (APC) to talk to their followers on the need to live together and conduct the election peaceful. “The peace accord signify that the leaders want peace and they must both educate their supporters to conduct themselves in an orderly manner to enable the country have a peaceful election because when there is crisis, the economy of the country KL+OMQkMOJ]Q_RK]QJ`PQ^OQ�LK]Q joint our hands collectively to

give peace a chance for the development and progress of our country� However, Coordinator of Voices of Peace Nigeria, Barrister. Ahmadu Ibrahim said peaceful 2015 election is possible if all Nigerians admit the important role of peace in the present political dispensation. He noted that “without peace there will be no stable atmosphere for political activities, religious or traditional lives in the society. We must make sure that every citizen adopts the bond of peace, either as a party faithful or non political actor.�

North East First Lady urges women to vote PDP Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


irst lady Patience Goodluck Jonathan yesterday charged women and youths to vote for Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and conduct themselves during and after the elections. Represented by Vice President’s wife Hajiya Amina Namadi Sambo at PDP women rally in Bauchi, she appealed to women and youths to massively vote for her husband and his vice and other candidates of the party. Shortly after commissioning maternity clinic in Bauchi metropolis, she said the PDP government under President Goodluck Jonathan had PR`OQJQ_R]Qj`QJ__OŽjJ]j`kQ]qOQKL+OMj`kQRSQ women and youths in the country and assured, when voted into power for the second term, President Jonathan would TO0OMQ ]qOQ _R]KQ RSQ jkOMjJQ ^R�O`Q J`PQ youths. She also urged the women and youths to endeavour to collect their Permanent Voters’ Cards (PVCs) and ŽR]OQ SRMQ Q SMR�Q ]qOQ ]RxQ ]RQ TR0R�Q and reminded them that a vote for PDP is a vote for progress and only PDP can guarantee and secure the future of the country.

Governor Isa Yuguda acknowledged that women constituted the largest portion of the country’s population and urged them to come out in large number on 28th March, 2015 and vote for PDP. According to him, “PDP government has done a lot for the TO0OMÂ?O`]Q RSQ ^RÂ?O`Q J`PQ ^OQ ^J`]Q the women to reciprocate by voting PDP and not another party that has not done anything for the women.â€? Speaking to newsmen shortly before the rally, a member of the PDP xMOKjPO`]jJ_Q VJÂ?xJjk`Q VRÂ?Â?j0OOQ and suspended member of the Bauchi State House of Assembly MKÂ&#x;Q jÆJ]LQ JÂ?KR`Q J``JQKJjPQKqOQ had the assurance of women from Bauchi state to cast their votes for PDP and assured that the women would not disappoint PDP and President Goodluck Jonathan. She said the President Jonathan’s administration had demonstrated to be the most sensitive administration to the plight of women in Nigeria by appointing many women as members of his cabinet and all the women are doing extremely well in discharging their responsibilities as either Ministers or Advisers.

Insurgency: Northern professionals declare North-East safe for elections Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

Director-General of Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), Dr. Sally Mbanefo, presenting a gift to the Cote >?,@QVWX $YZ[\\[>QW ]Q 1V^XWV[ >_WV`^ ]qX x[]]XW?\ zQ_W]X\{ @V\V] ]Q ]qX |QWYXW V` qXW Q|}zX

NEWSAN gives boreholes to 20 communities in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


bout twenty three rural communities selected from three local government areas of Bauchi State are to be provided with hand pump boreholes, courtesy of the Network of Civil Society Organisations (NEWSAN) with the support of WaterAid Nigeria. The pump boreholes are provision, according to NEWSAN Bauchi Programme Manager, Mrs Deborah Kogi, was aimed at improving the living conditions of rural communities dwellers in the state. She made the disclosure during a pre-survey visit by members of Water, Sanitation

and Hygiene (WASH) Media Network to one of ]qOQ TO`O•]j`kQ VRÂ?Â?L`j]jOKUQ Gaukaka Lasauya in Ganjuwa Local Government Area of the state last week, Kogi noted that access to safe drinking water was vital to development in the society. Mrs Kogi said: “It is only when people are able to access safe drinking water that they can be healthy enough to contribute meaningfully to the society.â€? According to her, the decision of NEWSAN and WaterAid to site their water projects in rural communities, considering the fact that most rural dwellers were often prone to waterborne diseases, which in turn J+OV]OPQ]qOjMQxMRPLV]jÂŽj]¤Â&#x;

She said with the support of WaterAid Nigeria, NEWSAN selected eight communities in Ningi LGA; seven communities in Ganjuwa LGA and eight communities in Bogoro LGA ]RQ TO`O•]Q SMR�Q j]KQ MLMJ_Q ^J]OMQ provision project. The Chairperson added that the water projects had already started in the selected communities and that apart from the provision of the hand pump boreholes in the selected communities, the WaterAid Nigeria has embarked on rehabilitation of some rural water scheme projects in the three local government of the state. qOQJxxOJ_OPQ]RQ]qOQTO`O•]j`kQ communities to ensure jealously guard the projects against vandalisation saying

they should do everything possible to properly maintain and sustain the facilities provided for them by the Non Governmental Orgainzations for their own well-being. The chairman of WASH in Gaukaka Lasauya community, J__JÂ?Q J•¤J`LQ PMjKQ expressed appreciation to NEWSAN and WaterAid for providing water, which he described as life, for the people of the community. He lamented lack of government presence in the community and stressed Group wants NBC to caution AIT, that accessing clean drinking water has been a major source NTA over documentary of concern to them in the “You can’t get vote by VRÂ?Â?L`j]¤UQ^qjVqQqJKQJ+OV]OPQ Nankpah Bwakan, blackmailingâ€?; “Stop fake the social, economy, health Bauchi documentary advertâ€?; “To and education of the people of group of youths, blackmail means you are Gaukaka Lasauya community. under the losingâ€?, among others, went aegis of Bauchi to some media houses in Concerned Youths (BCY), Bauchi metropolis, including in yesterday staged a peaceful political parties are demonstration in Bauchi, the Africa Independent Television (AIT), Nigerian Television often used as thugs by Bauchi State capital. politicians who seek Authority (NTA) and the Press The group called on KO_•KqQ xR_j]jVJ_Q kJj`KQ Centre of the Nigeria Union of through the perpetuation the Nigeria Broadcasting Journalists (NUJ). (NBC) to of violence that trailed Commission The leader of the youths, the 2011 general election immediately put a stop is one the country would to “current campaigns of Comrade Bilyaminu Jambil, not forget in a hurry,â€? he calumny being sponsored told newsmen that BCY was a group of youths who as lamented . He appealed to the by some candidates in the patriotic citizens of Nigeria forthcoming general elections youths to contribute wanted to protect the nation’s TO0OMQ ÂŁLR]JQ ]RQ ]qOQ in the media.â€? nascent democracy and The youth, who carried development of the contribute their own quotas country rather than to various placards with to ensuring transformation of get involved in political inscriptions, including: the country.

Group warns youths against violence during elections Peter Dada, Akure


head the forthcoming general election in the country, a group has urged the youths in Ondo State to always MO¯OV]Q J`¤Q J0O�x]Q T¤Q some unscrupulous politicians in the state to use them to cause violence before, during and after the election. The group, under the aegis of Inter-Party Advisory Council

(IPAC), frowned at the rate at which many Nigerians youths, who are supposed to be productive for the country, are being used for violence during the electioneering period, saying this is not good enough for the future of the country . In a statement issued by the Secretary of the group, Mr Oyebamiji Lawrence, at the end of a symposium organised for the youths of Ondo State, in Akure, the

state’s capital, it blamed the youths in the country for not being innovative with respect to the development of the country, and also not ready to work hard to change the persistent old system of governance in the country. “Active and constructive youths participation in Nigeria political process has gradually become non-existent over the years. Apparently, most youths in the political space, particularly those


group of Northern professionals under the aegis of National Concerned Professionals (NCP) yesterday declared that NorthEastern states are safe and ready for the conduct of the forthcoming general election. The group also endorsed the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) candidate in the March 28 presidential election, President Goodluck Jonathan, saying it would work for the success of the president in the election. The NCP’s declaration is coming on the heel of its tour of Bauchi, Gombe, Yobe, Adamawa, Borno and Taraba states, expressing satisfaction with the successes

being recorded by the military in pushing insurgents out of the region. Addressing a press conference in Bauchi, chairman of the group, Alhaji Ahmed Yaro, stated that the military had recorded tremendous victories over insurgents, adding that more than 35 towns and villages had been recaptured from insurgents. Yaro said: “It is worthy to mention that the Nigerian military under the leadership of President Jonathan has recorded tremendous victories over the insurgents. The military has recaptured more than 35 towns and villages previously occupied by the insurgents with both the internally and externally displaced persons returning to their homes.�

violence, he warned.


Saturday, March 21, 2015




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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, 21 , 2015

Politics I can’t be intimidated in Abia - Otti Dr. Alex Otti, an accomplished banker and standard bearer of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), is a front-runner in the Abia governorship !" #"!"$%&' *" +"&/"/ questions from newsmen in his Library Road ! 01 23$ 45+!" 60 7*2 He broached on the dual governorship candidacy of APGA in Abia, allegations by the state government that he denied Abia credit facilities for development projects as chief executive 45+!" 45 82 04$/ 9 $: and as well as running violence-prone campaigns. He also used the forum to speak on his plans for Abia if elected and vowed not to be cowed by government into abandoning his guber chase. 9;<=>?@B ;C;#; E F % %*" 54 70 BI!" 1%FJ


hen you joined the governorship race, you anchored in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). What made you leave it for APGA? As a party, I don’t think there is anything �‚€ƒ �_|~ |~H 3'3 EŒ| D| |_„H] {€Œ `ƒG that some things are wrong with people - not institutions. Unfortunately, it is also the people that make up institutions. This same government you have here today frustrated internal democracy in the PDP. On November 4, 2014, there was supposed to be state congresses in the PDP but the government refused to allow it. So, when it was clear that the party was not going to allow free and fair internal primaries, I felt it was time for me to leave and look elsewhere. I am sure that other aspirants are not happy about the conduct of the primaries and I am sure that many Abians even know more than us about how these things happened. But again, that is now history and I don’t even want to go into it but just because you asked. We have moved on and so I should be addressing APGA. I saw that there was internal democracy in APGA, even in the contest of the primary elections. The candidate that was standing against me had indicated that he was leaving APGA to run under the Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA). But the party insisted that to the extent that he has not submitted his resignation letter, they must conduct primaries that will include him and even though he did not show up, they included him in the primary. That is to show you the quality of individuals in APGA. But it appears that all is not well with APGA in Abia as you and Ochiagha Regan Ufomba have embarked on campaigns as governorship candidates of the party. What is your take on this? I am sure Abia people know the facts of the matter. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has published the list of candidates and if you go to the commission, they will show you the list and under APGA, you will see that the candidate is Dr. Alex Otti (OFR) with the deputy governorship candidate as Mrs. Uche Eme Uche. I think that is most authentic. If you decide to now go and campaign that you are APGA candidate, I shouldn’t waste my time chasing

you because I will be dissipating the energy that I should use to talk to the electorate. It could be a distractive tendency; somebody could have been hired to do that. There is a saying in Igboland that when you go to take a bath, a madman comes to take your cloth and run away, the natural tendency is for you to start pursuing him and when people see you, they will say look at two madmen running. So, the best thing to do is to let the madman run with your cloth and then you arrange for another cloth to wear so that people would not mistake you for a madman. So, that is the way I would respond to that. We are very busy people right now and we are going about canvassing for votes and campaigning because we believe that under this dispensation votes will count. So, we didn’t consider it necessary to begin to get ourselves distracted by somebody who is going about campaigning and calling himself a candidate. There is also a letter from INEC to the individual concerned, informing him and his partners that INEC does not recognise them and that it does not recognise factionalisation in any party. I think that settles that. We would like to know if there are suits challenging your candidacy. Talking about court cases, yes; there can be a million and one court cases. That is why we have lawyers. We have lawyers who are facing court cases. Anybody can go to court and sue me today. I shouldn’t stop that. All I need do is to put a lawyer to the matter and ensure that it is being handled. I don’t see it that there is any serious or genuine court case right now against my candidature or any of the candidates in APGA. But then, I cannot rule out the possibility of somebody going to F€Œ‚| |€ H Hƒ D] �H ]^HD} |€ `jH D FD]H EŒ| we are not afraid of court cases because we also have lawyers who must be engaged at this time. There seem to be growing concerns over constant “clashes� between the ruling party, the PDP and your campaign organisation

and there is this apprehension that you may be frustrated out of the race. The good news is that we are in a democracy. There is an Igbo adage which says that the rat does not eat something that belongs to a man who is awake. We are aware that the PDP is doing everything possible to frustrate people and rig the 2015 elections and it is our responsibility to stop them from rigging. It is our responsibilities to call the authorities - the INEC and security agencies - to ensure that rigging doesn’t happen and we can’t be intimidated into abandoning this cause. We cannot, because, _I {€Œ € ‚€ŒƒG $E_D 6|D|H {€Œ `ƒG |~D| everybody wants change because the PDP has ruined the state; so change must happen and that is why we came out, and that is why we are calling the attention of everybody. If some of these their evil manipulations were not uncovered, it may be easy for them to go out there and rig, but we already have uncovered a lot of them and we want to bring this to the public domain for people to know what they are planning. By the grace of God, I can convince you that they will not succeed. Given the scenario in the state, would you say that the Abia PDP is afraid of Otti and APGA? I don’t know if the Abia PDP is afraid of me but there are ways you behave and people will begin to read meanings into your behaviour. Members of the public are in the best position to assess what is happening in the state. Being a key participant, it is very unlikely that I will be unbiased. But one thing I do know is that we are carrying out sensitisation campaigns and we are all over the place. We have gone through the nooks and crannies of the state, we have met people and we know what their responses are and if these responses are anything to go by, people believe our story and they have also voiced out that they need change in the state and I think this is the right time for the change to happen. So if the PDP has been in governance for the past 16 years and people

need change, then it follows necessarily that the party that has to be changed is the PDP. So, by mere fact of that, somebody needs to be worried. Some of the actions of the party in the state in the recent past also point to desperation. I am sure you have read sponsored articles and advertorials in the papers where people are accusing me of all sorts of things. Some of them, I responded, some of them, I just ignored. But when people begin to behave in such manners, then the only reason that you can adduce for it is that those people are worried and concerned. When you speak of change, is it just changing the political party in power? What kind of change is the opposition advocating? Well, if you live in this state, you don’t need to be told that things have gone so bad in it. There has been inept, bad governance of this state. The infrastructure in the state has completely decayed. From Ukwa East all the way through Ukwa West to Arochukwu, |~H‚H D‚H ƒ€ €€G ‚€DG] <€Œ ^‚€EDEj{ `ƒG one or two, but most of the roads are in G_ H‚Hƒ| ]|D|H] €I G_]‚H^D_‚ 3_^H E€‚ƒH �D|H‚ is history; nobody remembers it any more. The whole place is littered with rubbish. I am sure you are aware of the complaints of the managing director of the Nigerian Railways Corporation about the six-metre long heaps of refuse that has made it impossible for trains to move from Enugu to Port Harcourt and it is in the Aba area. The schools are in terrible shape. Hospitals, particularly General Hospitals, are in G_ H‚Hƒ| ]|D|H] €I G_]‚H^D_‚ 6€ |~H‚H _] D j€| of work that needs to be done in the state and people don’t want that to continue and that is what the change is all about. Now, the only way you will continue to have what you are having is when you like what you have. People don’t like what they have now in Abia State. So, if you live in this state and you want to be honest, you will agree with them. Even the PDP itself agrees that this state needs to change. Now, how are we to approach it? I am not too sure that we are agreed on that; but when you want change, it has to be complete; it has to be radical, particularly when you are in the kind of state that we are. So, when I am talking about change, yes - changing the party is good but that may be cosmetic. You need to look beyond the party. Look at the individuals, the kind of individuals the parties parade, their pedigree, their track record, the kind of training and experience they have; what they have done in the past. So, when you juxtapose that against what you require them to do in government, it becomes very lear that the only direction that that change is going to come from is the group that you have today as APGA candidates that are running for the elections. Remember allegations by the opposition that government was denying them access to public facilities, and tell us how you are coping with your campaigns We are non-violent people and we have done everything possible to ensure that we don’t have violence. So, even in instances where we have made the requisite payments and we have been assured we will have the facilities to use, and they are eventually cancelled, we look for alternatives. We were going to hold a concert in a public facility that all arrangements have been made and 24 hours before the event, it was cancelled. So, one of our members had to get someone who has land somewhere along the road in Umuahia and we cleared the place and in 24 hours we were able to make the place look like where people love to come. We don’t want violence because what we are bringing to the state is peace; we want people to love being citizens of the state. So, we avoided confrontation. It is not that we couldn’t have lodged complaints but we just thought that there was no need; we don’t want to escalate the problem here. So, we have been managing. That is what happens when people, even though we talk about democracy, don’t understand what it means because democracy means that people should be free. But I think we have, in this state, tolerated so much of impunity and people have Continued on Page 52


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

PDP unfair to us – Senator Bent President Goodluck Jonathan and the national leadership of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) last Saturday in Adamawa had a reconciliation meeting with the party’s stakeholders on the need to end the crises rocking the party following its last year primaries in Abuja. The aggrieved were advised to sheath their swords for the victory of the candidates. It appears that the reconciliation ended in a deadlock as one of the stakeholders, Sen. Folashade Bent shortly after, and during an interview with journalists in Yola, said the electorate will vote massively for Jonathan, lamenting that most of the PDP candidates are unsellable. She decried any attempt to campaign for some of them for the fear of being stoned by the electorate. OWOLABI ?8B<6U= +&"F %*" /"% 2&FJ


ow will you describe the reconciliation meeting with Mr. President? I think I made a comment there in the meeting while addressing Mr. President. You know Mr. President has been travelling to some cities in Nigeria where there seems to be problems in the PDP, trying to put their houses in order. Adamawa State happens to be one of such cases where the PDP has done what I call gross injustice that dealt a deadly blow to the teeming members of the party. Since 1999, Adamawa had always been in the PDP and I think Mr. President having that at the back of his mind decided to get himself involved in the matters. I must commend his magnanimity despite his very tight schedule. He was able to come and listen to us. What really thrilled me was his insistence to hear from the aggrieved aspirants which is the major undoing of the PDP here. The PDP has totally dismembered and a lot of its members have abandoned the party. They have gone to other parties for solace due to the crises here. Now, we have very ]|‚€ƒ ` H ^€j_|_FDj ^D‚|_H] €ƒ ‚€ŒƒG ,ƒ other words, there are four oppositions which the PDP has to contest with. I think President Jonathan must have done some independent investigation and found out that all is not well with the Adamawa PDP and has come to put the house in order. I happened to be one of the people that spoke and all manners aspirants. I don’t want to refer to myself as an aggrieved aspirant. What I have to say is that I am more than grieved. I have been so cheated; I am so bruised politically as a very strong member of the PDP and a very popular candidate for that matter, a grass root politician that was being marginalised. I think the PDP has been so unfair to us. Whatever anybody may say, people are entitled to their opinions. The fact of the matter is that there was injustice. Like I told Mr. President, that thing you built on false will never stand. I am precisely talking about the Kangaroo party primary held in Abuja. It is totally unacceptable to us. We voiced out this entire grievance to Mr. President and he felt for us and he admitted that Adamawa case was particularly painful to him because he knew the kind of votes he got in the state in the 2011.

Lagos youths rally for Jonathan Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


ouths numbering about 30,000, during the week, staged a peaceful rally in Lagos State in support of

President Goodluck Jonathan’s second term bid. Led by the national coordinator of Coalition of Concerned Nigerians, Otunba Gani Adams, the rally also featured two Fuji maestros: Obesere and Saheed Osupa on a road show. The youths trekked from old toll-gate through Ojota, Maryland, Onipanu and Ojuelegba to the National Stadium, Surulere, chanting pro-Jonathan songs. Newswatch Times learnt that the youths had


I think the PDP has been so unfair to us. Whatever anybody may say, people are entitled to their opinions. The fact of the )* +-/01/23*2/23+-+/ was injustice. Like I told Mr. President, that thing you built on false will never stand Can you describe the reconciliation as a success; more so that elections are fast approaching? Reconciliation is a process. The meaning €I ‚HF€ƒF_j_D|_€ƒ E{ G_F|_€ƒD‚{ GH`ƒ_|_€ƒ _] to bring two warring faction together. It is a process and not something you achieve at a go. I believe Mr. President will in spite of his tight schedule still invite some prominent stakeholders in the state and still talk to them. I think the reconciliation is a good start because it is coming from the President .The national chairman at the meeting was completely sober compared to what he was doing hitherto. Do you think this reconciliation will have total impact on PDP? I wouldn’t say the reconciliation will not yield the anticipated results but if you wish to quantify the result, that is where we will begin to question ourselves. How far do you think President Jonathan’s intervention in the PDP crisis will assist the candidates? That is the major challenge before us. If one looks at the line-up of the candidates, one will wonder how possible it will be for them to scale through in the election. I can go out

gathered as early as 8:am to declare total and and campaign for Mr President; I know my people will vote for Mr. President because he means well for this country and he has all it takes to move the country forward. But there are certain people one cannot campaign for. You see, politics in Nigeria is revolting. It is not about the party again; it is now about _ƒG_ _GŒDj] 6€ _I |~H ^D‚|{ `HjG] D ^€j_|_FDj liability as candidates it should blame itself. There are certain places I can’t go to campaign for certain candidates because I will be stoned. I don’t waste my time for such people. I always tell people to remember there will be another days. When I was in the Senate I took it upon myself to go the extra mile for service to mankind and God. Can you predict victory for President Jonathan in your immediate constituency? Unfortunately, my party has been dismembered; even at that, President Jonathan will have our bloc-votes because we all love him. His transformation programme has really empowered some of our youths. Do you think the coming election will be violent-free? Well, we are praying for peace. I don’t want to be a pessimist. As a Christian, all I want to say is that God will take control. Of course, you cannot have perfect elections even in a country like America. I remember the election they had during Judge Bush Jr. in which they had major problem in Florida. It was a clear case of rigging and somehow it was managed. So, lots of people have been saying there will be violence. I don’t want to subscribe to that; all I want is peace. God forbids me sitting down here and predicting doom for my country when I know too well that the power to destroy and build is in someone’s mouth. I want Nigerians to know that God will take control. What will you say about the card reader introduced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)? This is a new invention; there is bound to be reactions. We know that it was used in Ghana and South Africa. The advantage we have which may equally be disadvantageous is our population; but change is always resisted because it is constantly new. I will say that INEC needs to do a lot of sensitisation on the card reader. I know we cannot continue with the old way of doing things because life itself is dynamic. However, INEC must take cognisance of our illiterate population especially those in the village. But I think for a start, we should give ,1(& |~H EHƒH`| €I G€ŒE| EHFDŒ]H _| �_jj ƒ€| be totally perfect this time around. I think with time they will build on it. I know there are lots of resistance to it here and there.

ÂŒÂƒÂĽ_ƒF~_ƒ ]ÂŒ^^€‚| I€‚ |~H 3‚H]_GHƒ| However, Saheed Osupa arrived at about 9:30 and was later joined by Obesere at Ojota. They thrilled the youths through their journey to the stadium. Our reporter also gathered that youths in adjoining streets and areas that led to their destination joined the train. Addressing newsmen after the rally, Adams explained that the youths who had total conviction in President Goodluck Jonathan demonstrated their appreciation by identifying with him especially now that the political heat is gathering momentum. According to him, President Jonathan has not only taken the country through trial periods that could ordinarily have cast any strong country asunder. His words: “We thank God and we also thank President Jonathan for rather sidestepping divisionary issues that would have been celebrated by unpatriotic individuals. “Were it to be another president, he would have acted on the several political stones pelted at him by setting security agents after the opposition. Look at him today and you will agree with me that he is the most attacked and abused president in the world.â€? Enjoining Nigerians from all walks of life to support the President in the forthcoming polls, Adams urged them not to be carried away by the propaganda of the All Progressives Congress (APC), saying, “that is what and all they are good at. “You know I am not a politician, but if real governance is anything to be discussed, we ought not to look any further beyond the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP),â€? he added. He however pleaded with the electorate to consider the Lagos State governorship candidate of the PDP, Mr. Jimi Agbaje, describing him as a round peg in a round hole.

March 21, 2015

Awoniyi: Flying Eagles unstoppable!

...As Nigeria meets Senegal in AYC final

Wenger offers insight into Arsenal’s summer transfer policy >>Pg.18

Oparaku blasts NFF over delay in naming Eagles coach >>Pg.19


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

League Watch

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

Galadima leads Pillars to Morocco


ormer chairman of the defunct Nigeria Football Association (NFA) and Vice Chairman of 2015 CAF Champions League JÂ?xJjk`Q RÂ?Â?j0OOUQ Alhaji Ibrahim Galadima, led a 36-man delegation to Morocco to honour the Nigerian champions’ CAF Champions League game against Moghreb Athletic Tetouan of Morocco. The former NFA chairman is the Vice Chairman of the Pillars CAF Champions League JÂ?xJjk`Q RÂ?Â?j0OOQ^j]qQ the Deputy Governor of the state, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje as the Chairman R+Q]qOQVRÂ?Â?j0OOÂ&#x;Q It is recalled that Pillars’ Champions League game against Moghreb Athletic Tetouan of Morocco was postponed by a week by CAF following NFF’s plea to the continental football governing body to have the game postponed due to Pillars’ armed robbery J0JV²Qj`Q RkjQ ]J]OQR`Q]qOjMQ ^J¤Q]RQ ^OMMjQSRMQ]qOjMQ•MK]Q _OJkLOQkJÂ?OQ^qjVqQ_OS]Q•ŽOQ players wounded. Pillars departed the shores of the country on Tuesday via Egyptian Air ÂŽjkq]QSMRÂ?Q J`RQ]RQ JjMRUQ where they connected J`R]qOMQÂŽjkq]Q]RQ JKJT_J`VJQ

Akwa ’ll do well - Aniedi



from where they went to Tetouan on Wednesday. The match will be played today (Saturday) and it is expected that the Nigerian representatives will come out with a good result having been in Morocco three days before the game. Meanwhile, CAF has already informed the NFF

that the second leg of ]qOQ•³]LMOQ^j__QK]j__QqR_PQ as scheduled at the Sani Abacha Stadium, Kano on 28 March. Newswatch League Times, however, cannot guarantee that this game will take place despite ­KQVR`•MÂ?J]jR`Q]qJ]Q it is going to hold because

March 28 is the Presidential and National Assembly elections. It is recalled that Pillars started their 2014/15 league season on good note last Saturday as they defeated their visitors, Bayelsa United FC by 2-0 at the Sani Abacha Stadium.

kwa Ibom State Director of Sports, Dickson Aniedi has expressed optimism that despite Sunday’s home defeat to visiting FC Taraba, Akwa United FC will xOMSRM�QTO0OMQ]qjKQ season than they did last season. Aniedi stated this while reacting to home defeat to Akwa by FC Taraba.

OQJ0MjTL]OPQ]qOQ home defeat to FC Taraba to the two Red Cards Akwa received in during the game. He was of the view that if not for the two Red Cards, his boys would have emerged victorious at the end of hostilities at the Uyo Township Stadium. He explained that the team lost two of their key players via the two Red JMPKQ]RQ]qOjMQ•MK]QVqRjVOQ goalkeeper and the central defender. He, however, xMJjKOPQ]qOQO+RM]QRSQ]qOQ ]OJ�QSRMQ]qOjMQO+RM]Qj`Q ensuring that they kept the score-line at barest minimum having played the greater part of the game


with nine men. “As you are aware, ^OQ_RK]QRLMQ•MK]QqR�OQ game even after we held Enyimba to a goalless draw in Aba,� Aniedi began. “Well that is football for you. It is a game of winsome and lose some, there is no problem. It is even good that it happened at the beginning of the league,� Aniedi said.

Ikhana hopeful of Enyimba’s progress Onuh plots Nasarawa’s fall ormer African


coach of the year and Enyimba’s kJ+OMUQ JPjMjQ ²qJ`JUQ has lamented his side’s missed chances after they beat Smouha of Egypt by 1-0 in a CAF Champions OJkLOQ•MK]QMRL`PUQ•MK]Q leg tie in Aba on Sunday. The two time African champions created a lot of chances to put the Egyptians to the sword, but failed to convert begging opportunities and the experienced coach is rueing the missed chances. However, despite the missed chances, a Raphael Boumsong goal was enough to secure a slim victory for the former African champions and their coach, Ikhana believes they should have scored more goals in Aba. “We had a lot of chances that we failed to convert and the scoreline would have been Pj+OMO`]QqJPQ^OQ]J²O`Q most of our chances,â€? he said. “The most important


thing however, is that we won the match and that has given us an advantage going into the second leg.� Enyimba will be visitors to Smouha in a week’s time in Alexandria, and Ikhana believes they can still pull through despite the slim win in Aba. “We can get a result in Alexandria. I don’t think we have lost it, we won here. The target now is to go to Alexandria and get a good result that will see us through to the next round of the competition.�

Fixtures Enyimba Taraba Sharks Gabros Giwa FC Dolphins El-Kanemi Wikki Heartland Shooting

vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs

Bayelsa Lobi Akwa Rangers Sunshine Wolves Abia Kwara Nasarawa Pillars

espite making history as one of the two teams to have won at away in the two week old 2014/15 Glo Premier League, Heartland’s Technical Adviser, Erasmus Onuh _R0JqQqJKQMOSLKOPQ]RQ be carried away by that achievement. Heartland, who did `R]Qx_J¤Q]qOjMQ•MK]QkJÂ?OQ of the season due to the JMÂ?OPQMRTTOM¤QJ0JV²Q on Kano Pillars, who were their opponent in ]qOQ•MK]Q_OJkLOQkJÂ?OUQ went to Ibadan last week and humbled the Oluwole Warriors who just returned to the elite football competition in the country this season by 2-1but the coach has refused to be swollen headed as he plots the fall of their visitors, Nasarawa United FC tomorrow at the Dan Anyiam Stadium, in Owerri. According to the coach, he is not impressed with the performance of his boys as they missed many scoring chances even as he explained that his wards did not play according to instruction.

Meanwhile the coach has been having sleepless night over selection as he has more than enough good players to choose from. However, while reacting to Sunday’s game against qRR]j`kQ ]JMKUQ _R0JqQ said: “I thank God for giving us victory against 3SC but I’m not impressed altogether with some of the things I saw in that match. My boys did well but there were instances I qJPQ]RQKqRL]QR+QÂ?¤QqOJPQ trying to correct them. I’ll ]M¤Q]RQVRMMOV]Q]qRKOQÂŽJ^KQ before our next game against Nasarawa. I want a team that I’ll be very sure of, a team that will follow my instructions to the later,â€? he stated. While acknowledging that 3SC was a good KjPOUQ `LqQ _R0JqQKJjPÂźQ “Heartland could have won by a higher margin if my players had adhered strictly to my instructions. That is why I want to package a stronger squad that would produce good result without having to •MK]QkjÂŽOQÂ?OQqOJM]JVqOQ particularly against Nasarawa on Sunday.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Tottenham fly fans to Newcastle match for only ÂŁ2.51 each T

R0O`qJÂ?QqJÂŽOQ reacted to the rescheduling of the Newcastle match for UQT¤QxL0j`kQR`QJQx_J`OQ and charging supporters R`_¤QĂ’Â?Â&#x;“’QOJVqQ]jQŽ¤QÂťLxQ `RM]q­QJ`PQTJV²Â&#x; The nominal ÂŁ2.51 charge for any travelling KOJKR`Q]jV²O]QqR_POMKQRMQ members was needed so that the company Ž¤j`kQ]qOQSJ`KQVRL_PQ JVVOx]Q]qOQTRR²j`kKQJ`PQ capture details for ATOL protection etc. The game was moved to the Sunday (19 April)

KRQ]qJ]Q ²¤Q QVJ`QKqR^Q j]Q_jÂŽOQ^j]qQJQÂ?xÂ?Q²jV²° R+Â&#x; R0O`qJÂ?QJMOQJ_KRQ laying on free coaches to help ease the journey for SJ`KQ^qRQ^R`­]QkO]QTJV²Q to London until late on the Sunday night. (To deter time wasters, Spurs will charge anyone ^qRQTRR²KQTL]QPROK`­]Q bother turning up: ÂŁ50 if they were going by plane J`PQҒ‘QjSQ]qO¤QTRR²OPQJQ coach) In contrast, Newcastle United are now charging supporters ÂŁ4 to travel

R`Q]qOQÂťSMOO­QVRJVqOKQ]RQ Sunderland on Sunday 5 April. R0O`qJÂ?QÂ?JPOQ ]qOQSR__R^j`kQRDVjJ_Q statement:We JV²`R^_OPkOQ]qJ]Q]qOQ scheduling of this •³]LMOQÂ?J¤QVJLKOQ inconvenience for supporters who travel the length and breadth of the UK and Europe to support the team. We have therefore sought to provide further assistance for the long journey north for our away fans supporting the team in this vital match.

Wenger offers insight into Arsenal’s summer transfer policy


RSENE WENGER insists he will not KOO²Q]RQRĂ?RJPQ too many players in this summer’s transfer window. The Arsenal manager is widely expected to bolster qjKQKÂŁLJPQj`QO+RM]Q]RQ challenge for the Premier League title next season. He has spent in excess of ÂŁ130million on new signings over the past two seasons, while player sales have amounted to around ÂŁ25m during that period. But the boss insists “95 per centâ€? of the players currently at the club will remain for the new season, while he refused to comment on fresh recruits. ¡ RR²Q^OQJMOQ`R]Qj`QJQ transfer period. We have to continue just to focus,â€? he said. ¡ j`O]¤°Â•ÂŽOQxOMQVO`]QRSQ the players will still be here


next season. “And what is important jKQ]qOQJ0j]LPOQRSQ]qjKQÀ“QxOMQ cent of the players and how much we improve, how much we push on now until the end of the season. ¡ OQJMOQj`Q]qOQKOÂ?j°Â•`J_Q of the FA Cup, we are in a

K]MR`kQ•kq]Qj`Q]qOQ MOÂ?jOMQ League.â€? Arsenal are expected to _O]QÂ?jP•O_POMQ j²O_Q M]O]JQ leave when his contract expires at the end of the season, with David Moyes’ Real Sociedad reportedly interested in the Spaniard.


Embattled Pellegrini fights for his job ...After Champions League exit


anuel Pellegrini ^JKQ_OS]Q•kq]j`kQ to save his job as Manchester City crashed out of the Champions League to leave England without a team in the last eight of the competition. Q•MK]°qJ_SQkRJ_QSMRÂ?Q ÂŽJ`Q J²j]jVQkJÂŽOQ JMVO_R`JQ JQÂ’°Â‘Q^j`QJ`PQxL]Q]qOÂ?Q through to the last eight on JQĂ‘°Â’QJkkMOkJ]OUQTL]QR`_¤QJQ series of outstanding saves SMRÂ?Q `k_J`PQkRJ_²OOxOMQ Joe Hart prevented City from humiliation. And City’s frustration was summed up when star K]Mj²OMQ OMkjRQ kLOMRQqJPQJQ late penalty saved. L]Q O__OkMj`jQJPÂ?j0OPQ his side were beaten an “imperiousâ€? Lionel Messi and a “greatâ€? Barecelon team although he refused ]RQJVVOx]Q]qJ]QJQ_JK]°Â’Ă„QOÂłj]Q for the second season was a failure and will cost him his job. He said: “We had to ]J²OQMjK²KQTOVJLKOQ^OQ needed to score two goals

Mourinho ready to offload Chelsea star


HELSEA star Filipe Luis could return to Atletico Madrid at the end of the season, according to reports.The defender has failed to establish qjÂ?KO_SQJKQJQ•MK]°]OJÂ?Q regular after completing a ÂŁ16million move from Diego Simeone’s side last summer. Jose Mourinho prefers to deploy Cesar Âşxj_jVLO]JQJ]Q_OS]°TJV²UQ with Branislav Ivanovic occupying the opposite ÂŽJ`²UQJ`PQ LjKQqJKQTOO`Q restricted to just six Premier League starts. Reports claim that Jose Mourinho will sell Filipe LjKQTJV²Q]RQ ]_O]jVRQ Madrid And the Telegraph claims that Atletico are ready to end Luis’ Stamford Bridge `jkq]Â?JMOQT¤QR+OMj`kQqjÂ?Q JQxJ]qQTJV²Q]RQ]qOQ jVO`]OQ


Calderon. It was reported last month that the Brazil international had been �J²j`kQ`RjKOKQJTRL]QqjKQ _JV²QRSQJV]jR`UQKR�O]qj`kQ

^qjVqQ qO_KOJQ^OMOQ£LjV²Q to deny. Mourinho has already moved on a number of players who failed to adhere to his philosophy

since returning to London, and it is added that the Special One won’t stand in the way if Luis decides to call time on his English stint.

so obviously Barcelona were going to have more chances to score. They are a great team and Messi is an imperious player. “I don’t see it as a failure as disappointment obviously but last couple of years we have improved in Europe and reached the last 16. “Had we met another team than Barca we might have gone through. and the •`J`VjJ_QMOK]MjV]jR`KQx_JVOPQ

on us prevented us from signing some of the players we wanted last summer. “It is not the right time to analyse where we need to improve. We must do that at the end of the season. “But I’m not concerned about my job. We are still second in the Premier OJkLOQJ`PQÂ?LK]QxjV²Q RLMKO_ÂŽOKQLxQSRMQ]qOQ•`J_Q nine games of the season.â€?

Man Utd youngster‘offered student ÂŁ10,000 for threesome


anchester United youngster Andreas OMOjMJQR+OMOPQJQ student ÂŁ10,000 for a threesome ^j]qQqjÂ?QJ`PQ _PQ MJ+RMPQ ]OJÂ?°Â?J]OQ JPP¤Q V JjMUQj]Q was reported. qOQ O_kjJ`°TRM`Q MJÂşj_jJ`UQ who made his Barclays Premier League debut on Sunday JkJj`K]Q R0O`qJÂ?UQJ__OkOP_¤Q R+OMOPQÂ’Ă€°¤OJM°R_PQ O__¤Q McKinney cash to spend the night with him and McNair after she met the United squad at their Christmas party. Pereira is also said to have invited Kelly to his home for sex days before his Premier League debut, mentioning that he was with two other members of the •MK]°]OJÂ?QKÂŁLJPÂ&#x; O__¤Q]R_PQ qOQ L`ÂźQÂť Q `OJM_¤QSO__QR+QÂ?¤QVqJjMQ^qO`Q qOQR+OMOPQÂ?OQҒ‘U‘‘‘QSRMQJQ ]qMOOKRÂ?OÂ&#x;Q qJ]Q²j`PQRSQ_R^° _jSOQPROKQ]qJ]Ă“Q ­Â?Q`R]Q]qJ]Q²j`PQ of person at all and found it very, very insulting. Âť O­KQV_OJM_¤QPOKxOMJ]OQJ`PQ K]MLkk_j`kQ]RQ•`PQJ`¤R`OQ]qJ]Q he doesn’t have to pay for a sex.’ Kelly claims that Pereira ]MJV²OPQqOMQPR^`QR`Q ^j0OMQ after the team’s Christmas party at the Neighbourhood bar in Manchester where she was j`ÂŽj]OPQ]RQ]qOQ QJMOJQ]RQPMj`²Q with the other players. In a series of WhatsApp Â?OKKJkOKUQ]qOQÂ?jP•O_POMQ J__OkOP_¤QJK²OPQjSQKqOQ^J`]OPQ to meet with him and McNair before she responded questioning what he meant. Pereira is said to have replied: Âť qMOOKRÂ?OÂ&#x;Q j__Q]J²OQVJMOQRSQLÂ&#x;Q U want? How much. Tell me. We were ready to pay 5each.’

It remains to be seen whether Louis van Gaal will punish Pereira for his behaviour, with the starlet having embarrassed qjKQÂ?J`JkOMQj`QJQ^OO²Q^qO`Q he has been full of praise for the Â’Ă€°¤OJM°R_P­KQV_JKKQR`Q]qOQ•O_PÂ&#x; Âť qO`Q¤RLQJMOQÂ’Ă€QJ`PQ already in the squad of Manchester United, then you must have a big talent otherwise ¤RLQ^RL_PQ`R]QTOQj`Q]qOMOU­Q J`Q JJ_QKJjPÂ&#x;QÂť QJÂ?QÂŽOM¤QqJxx¤Q]qJ]Q I could give him his Premier League debut.’ Pereira’s agent Leo VqOj`²Â?J`QKJjPÂźQÂť OQjKQ¤RL`kQ and single and can have sex with whoever he wants. What does he have to apologise for?’ Pereira is yet to sign a new VR`]MJV]QJ]Q _PQ MJ+RMPUQ^j]qQ his current deal expiring in the summer and top clubs from around Europe ready to swoop.

LÂŽO`]LKUQ^qRQ]RR²QSRMÂ?OMQ United youngster Paul Pogba on a free transfer from United in 2012, are said to be interested with French champions Paris Jj`]° OMÂ?Jj`QJ_KRQ²OO`Â&#x;Q


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sports/News SENEGAL 2015

Awoniyi: Flying Eagles unstoppable!

Martin Odiete





Ogun FA woos supporters for J`JkOMQRSQ J]O^J¤Q Gateway FC `j]OPUQ Mj`VOQ PO]L`¯jQ

Babs Oyetoro



Henry Nwosu







Oparaku blasts NFF over delay in naming Eagles coach Victor Enyinnaya







Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday Newswatch -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 01, No. 20

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

26 Feminine Story

Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Angela Merkel:


ngela Dorothea Merkel is a German politician and a former research scientist who has been the leader of the Christian Democratic Union since 2000 and the Chancellor of Germany since 2005. Born: July 17, 1954, Hamburg, Germany Height: 1.65 m Office: Chancellor of Germany since 2005 Party: Christian Democratic Union of Germany Spouse: Joachim Sauer (m. 1998), Ulrich Merkel (m. 1977–1982) Parents: Horst Kasner, Herlind Kasner

Sheikh Hasina Wajed

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


llen Johnson Sirleaf is the 24th and current President of Liberia. She served as Minister of Finance under President William Tolbert from 1979 until the 1980 coup d’état, after which she left Liberia Born: October 29, 1938, Monrovia, Liberia. Office: President of Liberia since 2006 Education: Harvard University (1971), more Awards: Nobel Peace Prize, Indira Gandhi Prize, Presidential Medal of Freedom Children: Robert Sirleaf, Charles Sirleaf, Fombah Sirleaf Books: Women, War, Peace: The Independent Experts’ Assessment on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Women and Women’s Role in Peace Building


heikh Hasina is the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh, in office since January 2009. She previously served as Prime Minister from 1996 to 2001, and she has led the Bangladesh Awami League since 1981. Born: September 28, 1947, Tungipara Upazila, Bangladesh Spouse: M. A. Wazed Miah (m. 1967–2009) Parents: Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Children: Sajeeb Wazed, Saima Wazed Hossain Putul Education: University of Dhaka, Eden Mohila College, Boston University Awards: Indira Gandhi Prize

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner


ristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner, known as Cristina Kirchner and often referred to by her initials CFK, is the current President of Argentina and widow of former president Néstor Kirchner. Born: February 19, 1953, La Plata, Argentina Height: 1.63 m Spouse: Néstor Kirchner (m. 1975–2010) Office: President of Argentina since 2007 Presidential term: December 10, 2007 – Children: Máximo Kirchner, Florencia Kirchner

Dalia Grybauskaite

Kamla Persad-Bissessar


amla Persad-Bissessar SC, MP is the seventh Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the sixth person to hold this position. Inaugurated on 26 May 2010, she is the country’s first female Prime Minister. Born: April 22, 1952, Penal, Trinidad and Tobago Office: Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago since 2010 Spouse: Gregory Bissessar Education: University of the West Indies Party: United National Congress Child: Kris Bissessar


alia Grybauskaitė is the President of Lithuania, inaugurated on 12 July 2009 and re-elected in May 2014. She is the country’s first female President and the first to be elected for a second term. BornMarch 1, 1956, Vilnius, Lithuania Nationality: Lithuanian Office: President of Lithuania since 2009 Presidential term: July 12, 2009 – Parents: Vitalija Korsakaitė, Polikarpas Grybauskas Education: Saint Petersburg State University, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service

Feminine Story 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

CONTENT Dilma Rousseff


ilma Vana Rousseff is the 36th and current President of Brazil. She is the first woman to hold the office. She was previously the Chief of Staff of the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from 2005 to 2010. Born: December 14, 1947 (age 67), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil Office: President of Brazil since 2011 Party: Workers’ Party Spouse: Cláudio Galeno Linhares (m. 1967–1981), Carlos Franklin Paixão de Araújo Education: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, State University of Campinas

Atifete Jahjaga

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tifete Jahjaga is the fourth President of Kosovo. She is the first female President of the Republic of Kosovo, the first nonpartisan candidate, the first female head of state in the modern Balkans and the youngest to be elected to the office. Born: April 20, 1975, Gjakova, Serbia Office: President of Kosovo since 2011 Spouse: Astrit Kuçi Party: Independent Presidential term: April 7, 2011 – Education: Universiteti i Prishtinës, University of Leicester

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Helle Thorning-Schmidt


elle Thorning-Schmidt is a Danish politician who has been the Prime Minister of Denmark since 3 October 2011, and the Leader of the Social Democrats since 12 April 2005. She is the first woman to hold either post. Born: December 14, 1966, Rødovre, Denmark Spouse: Stephen Kinnock (m. 1996) Office: Prime Minister of Denmark since 2011 Party: Social Democrats Children: Johanna Kinnock, Camilla Kinnock Education: College of Europe (1992–1993), Ishøj Gymnasium (1985), University of Copenhagen



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THE TEAM Portia Simpson Miller


ortia Lucretia Simpson-Miller, ON, MP, is a Jamaican politician who has been Prime Minister of Jamaica since 5 January 2012. Previously she served as Prime Minister from March 2006 to September 2007. Born: December 12, 1945, Wood Hall, Jamaica Spouse: Errald Miller (m. 1999) Education: Union Institute & University (1997) Previous office: Prime Minister of Jamaica (2006–2007) Party: People’s National Party Office: Prime Minister of Jamaica since 2012

Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher




patrick ASONYE Correspondent

funsho AKINWALE Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

olayiwola RAZAQ/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tunde Adelaja proposed to me – Ex-minister Modupe


Newswatch Times, Satruday, March 21, 2015

Modupe Adenike Adelaja (nee Adesanya) is the eldest daughter of the late Senator Abraham Adesanya. She is today married to a gentleman called Tunde. But before marriage, Modupe had attended Methodist Girls’ High School, Yaba (1968-72); Federal Government College, Odogbolu for A-Levels and the University of Lagos for a first degree in Law. She later went to the University of Birmingham, UK for Master’s degree in Business Administration, after which she was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1980. She was counsel in the Federal Ministry of Justice; Legal Officer, Express Building Society; Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Lagos Liaison Office), 1999; and pioneer Director General, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria. She spoke with TUNDE ESO, revealing why she accepted to marry Tunde as the love of her life; how she joined politics and prescribed a recipe for reducing prostitution and women marginalisation in Nigeria.


ell us about your education and growing up stages? I was born in Lagos but my parents hail from Ogun State. However, being a Nigerian is more important to me than all these state of origin things. Even though my parents were from Ijebu Igbo and Ijebu Mushin in Ogun state, I never lived in Ijebu except going there for functions. So basically, I see myself as a Nigerian. I am happily married with three children and two grand children now. My secondary school was Methodist Girls’ High School, Yaba (1968-1972). That was the year the educational system changed from school year that ends in December and the change gave me few months gap before I went for A-Levels at the Federal Government College, Odogbolu. After that, I proceeded to University of Lagos to study Law. Upon graduation, I enrolled into the Nigerian Law School. After qualifying as a lawyer, I worked in the Ministry of Justice as a Prosecuting State Counsel for three years. Then I left the civil service to work for my father for one year, before I travelled to England and enrolled at the University of Birmingham for my master’s degree in Business Administration. While schooling - because of my entrepreneurial spirit - I was already trading while in the university so I could earn extra income for myself. Even when I was in the University of Lagos, I set up a tailoring shop at the Apapa Amusement Park and employed experts |€ Â?€‚} I€‚ „H 7~D| Â?D] „{ `‚]| EÂŒ]_ƒH]] €Œ|`| , ÂŒ]HG |€ |‚D Hj |€ 6Â?_|¨H‚jDƒG |€ EÂŒ{ fabrics and sell to my clients in Nigeria. Apart from the fact that I needed to earn more income for myself, I also set up the tailoring shop to give me the opportunity of employing people and also train. In fact, I derived joy doing that. When I came back from Birmingham, , Â?€‚}HG I€‚ DE€Œ| D {HD‚ _ƒ D `ƒDƒFH institution. But I realised that if I continued to work for others, I will not be able to do other businesses, so I quit white collar job to set up a stationary and printing company

brought back democracy because I believe „{ ID|~H‚ ]Œ H‚HG ŒƒGŒj{ _ƒ |~H ƒD„H €I bringing sanity back to Nigeria. What are the major things you think the government should put in place to ensure national development? Education, infrastructure especially electricity; and I must confess education is very important to ensure any form of development, because educated people will not have time making noise campaigning for one political candidate or the other. Education will enable people make informed decisions for themselves, and they would be able to challenge the wrong deeds of those |~H{ HjHF|HG _ƒ|€ €%FH 7€ „H , G€ƒ…| j_}H |€ F€ƒ|_ƒŒH |€ �€‚} �_|~ Dƒ{ €I „{ ]|D |~D| can contribute to the growth of my company because having employed you, I expect you to always come up with new ideas

Of course, my father was a politician, which gave me and my shop was at Adeniran Ogunsanya in Surulere. Around that period, the military relinquished power and allowed elections to hold in 1998. Of course, my father was a politician, which gave me the opportunity to be exposed to politics. Without any ulterior motive, I went about with him because during that period I saw politics as a game. Of course, you know he was incarcerated and I had a bit of challenges with the military regime. Everything happened under my purview; I saw a lot of injustice and since I was

brought up by parents who believed in ` ~|_ƒ I€‚ |~H ‚_ ~|] €I |~H ^H€^jH DƒG having also gone to the Federal College Â?~H‚H , ]DÂ? ƒ€ G_ H‚HƒFH EH|Â?HHƒ |‚_EH] - everybody was like brothers and sisters - the school upholds unity and peace. But when we left school years after, I saw all those values disintegrate, which I wasn’t |€€ F€„I€‚|DEjH Â?_|~ , ]DÂ? „{ ]HjÂĽH]] father always clamouring for peace, unity and justice. At that period, I was almost 40 years of age and then I decided to support my father in whatever way to ensure that we

the opportunity to be exposed to politics

Continued on Page 30


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

How I met my husband – Ex-minister Modupe Continued from Page 30

that will ensure growth of the company. So when the government gives education to more women, it will translate into national development. What makes a woman virtuous? Humility, commitment to family, particularly to your children and husband; and more importantly, the fear of God. What do you think can be done to reduce prostitution in Nigeria? Education! Education!! Education! You will wonder why I keep saying education, because poverty had propelled a lot of people into the act and men also engage in it. So if they are educated, they will be able to choose from what is acceptable and what is not. What can be done to ensure that more women contribute to national growth? Giving them education and reducing poverty and domestic violence, which women always fall victim of. That’s why I liked the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo when he was the leader of the South west. He ensured that education was free, and because he knew he would not be able to communicate with illiterates, so he gave them education and never waited for any undue praises from the citizens, unlike the € H‚ƒ„Hƒ| €%F_Dj] €I ƒ€�DGD{] �~€ € about parading themselves as saints having donated transformers to communities with our money. With education, our women would be able to contribute more to national development. How did you meet your husband and what attracted you to him? We have been together for 35 years now, and that is a long time. We met during my

secondary school days. In fact, I met him through my cousin and we were friends for seven years before we got married. Can you share some of those moments with us? From the time we were friends till we got married, we had beautiful moments. You know, my husband is a very loving and caring man, so we were almost always together except I travelled or he travelled. Where is the best place in the world you have travelled to with your husband? (Laughs)‌Many countries, of course: America, England...In each of the countries, my husband made sure we went to all the places we needed to, because he planned the travelling. Up until today, I don’t know where to service my car because he goes about sorting all the problems for me. All I ÂŤÂŒ]| G€ _] Hƒ|H‚ „{ FD‚ DƒG G‚_ H € When and where did your husband propose to you? He proposed to me at the beach and later got me the promised ring because he had to H]|DEj_]~ „{ `ƒ H‚ ]_¨H What made you accept your husband as the love of your life? I accepted him because he is caring, loving and not domineering. He allows me to do my own things too, which gave me the opportunity to take up the appointment as Minister of Federal Republic of Nigeria. Is kiss and romance still relevant in your love life? Yes, Very relevant; and that is more of a private-personal issue. For us, we quarrel EÂŒ| Â?H G€ƒ…| Djj€Â? €Œ‚ G_ H‚HƒFH] |€ jD]| |€ the next day, because we have to pray, eat and sleep on the same bed daily. Most times if we quarrel, the next morning

devotion Bible verses might tend towards the direction of the essence our quarrel so you have no option than to settle. Another thing is that we eat together and most times when my husband goes to club to relax, he will hurry home to eat because, he knows I will not eat until he returns home. In fact, it has become a culture for us to eat together except one of us is out of town. Funnily enough, my children urge me to eat my own meal any time he is running late, but I always insist on waiting for him. So we eat together. What were the qualities you saw in your husband that made you accept his proposal? Yes, because he was caring to me. Even when I was in university, he would assist me in getting text books. Most times when my parents couldn’t supply my academics needs on time, he was always there to ensure I got the books on time. My husband is kind, caring, supportive and God-fearing; those are the attributes that made me accept his proposal as the love of my life. With your experience and r track record, intending to serve; what advice would you give? My advice is that anyone given the opportunity to serve should not go there to embezzle money or see it an opportunity to oppress others. Rather, they should uphold sincerity, integrity and display pragmatic leadership. What advice would you give as elections approach? For me, Nigerians should shun violence before and after elections, either a candidate is young or old in age, it’s irrelevant to good leadership because there are a lot of young

people who are full of wisdom and there are also lots of old people are not even capable of leading their own family members not the less leading a country. So for me, let us make informed decisions and for any candidate of our choice not minding the tribe of the person.

We met during my secondary school days. In fact, I met him through my cousin and we were friends for seven years before we got married

Newswatch Times, Saturday March 21, 2015


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


2shotz & wife Precious welcome first baby

Fashola’s aide as minister of the gospel Qismat Yinus


here is no gainsaying that Rev.ww Adefunmilayo Akintoye-Buraimoh has given all she has in championing the course of Christianity both in her state and at the national level. She is a mother, a stateswoman, a crusader and mobilize; a grand-mother and a true patriot in working for the propagation of the gospel. Revd Akintoye-Buraimoh’s passion for God’s work culminated in the founding of the Patriotic Christian Leaders Forum (PCLF) in 2007. PCLF is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with a large capacity of members in the 57 councils of Lagos State. Its members include top Christian leaders drawn from different denominations of Christendom. They impart knowledge on religion, political and social endeavours in developing the state and the country at large. As the National President of PCLF, Princess Akintoye holds series of prayer retreats to ensure that Christians do not stay aloof while others decide the faith of the citizenry, but also to participate in politics with the fear of God. In one of its outings on June 11, 2009, Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola of Lagos State commended the organisation for its foresight and vision to harmonise views and harness the aspirations of their people to participate in the work to grow and develop the country. He added that since its formation, the group has contributed immensely to society’s harmony and provided leadership to its flock. The governor had commended the organisation, saying it was worthy of praise, which is which he identified with their intention and urged them to keep the flag flying. Revd. Adefunmilayo Yewande Akintoye-Buraimoh was born into the royal family of Oba Akintoye of Lagos, and her father was Prince Adelumola Ibikunle Akintoye, the first West African social scientist and member of the London Constitution Conference of 1957, which paved the way for Nigeria’s Independence in 1960. During the time, her father moved and supported the motion for the creation of Lagos colony. He also defended it for three days at the Royal Hebert Hall and returned home with a slogan ‘Gbegede Le’ko wa’ (Lagos is intact). Her grandfather would also be the first Christian Oba of Lagos. Thus, it is not surprising that Reverend Adefunmilayo Yewande Akintoye-Buraimoh embodies the passion of her forebears - practical Christianity and politics. A minister of God at the African Church Mission, she currently serves as a Senior Assistant to Fashola on Christianity religious matters. Reverend Adefunmilayo had her elementary education in Lagos and her secondary education at the prestigious Queens School in Ede. She had her ‘A’ levels education at the Federal School of Science, Onikan, Lagos, and thereafter went abroad for a degree in Dentistry at the South London College. She later proceeded to the Brooklands College, Weybridge Surrey, in England for a post graduate programme in Crown and Bridge Dentistry. She returned and served the Lagos State Government in the dental services for 30 years and retired in September 2005.

Mercy Johnson to feature Don single



Funke 77 unveils ‘I Have A Cellular’

Tonto Dikeh wedding with

apper 2shotz and his wife, Precious, after a wonderful baby shower, have finally welcomed their first child; a baby girl. The baby was born in an Ireland hospital on March 14, 2015. We learn that both mother and child are doing fine.

ctress Mercy JohnsonOkojie has revealed plans to try her hands on music. If it pulls through, she would be following the footsteps of some other Nollywood queens who had similarly made attempts at music. But in Mercy’s case, she plans to feature the Mavin Records boss, Don Jazzy, in her upcoming single. Mercy made the revelation via her Twitter handle, and Don Jazzy gave her a warm reply.


vangelist Funke Olaniyi aka Twin 77, a gospel musician and daughter of the late Taiwo Olaniyi Atoyeje, has completed work on her second album. ! " # her debut, Olorun Oro (God of the Word) released in 2008. The US-based nurse said she returned to Nigeria purposely to record and drop the album alongside its video which she described as long overdue. The album will be released soon to commemorate Easter celebrations. She started her music career as a dancer in her late father’s band as a chorister in the Living Christ Evangelism Ministry (LICEM), Egbe Alayo Parish, Oshogbo, Osun State. She is also the choir mistress at CAC, God of Elijah Parish, Dallas, USA. Funke’s new work was produced by Michael Adedugbage (Say Yes) at $ % & ' # * album contains tracks like Ijinle Ife, ' track, O Tobi Loba and a medley, Praise.


f the gist in town is anything to go by, Nollywood’s queen of controversies, Tonto Dikeh, is planning a secret wedding with her most talked about ‘Mr. X’. The date is not known yet, but a source close to the Rivers State babe said her dad has not given his approval yet to the proposed union. And by the way, who’s this ‘mystery’ Mr X? At last he’s been unveiled as Mr. Churchill Oladunni, a guy said to be enthralled by the prospect of having Tonto for keeps as wife. According to the source, the love birds plan on having the wedding ceremony outside Nigeria. First, it was Annie Idibia who took 2face out so we won’t eat the rice, now Tonto wants to follow the same path.

Rihanna promotes

Jim Iyke breaks silence on affair with Nadia Buari ollywood’s ‘bad boy’,


Jim Iyke, has sensationally broken his silence over his relationship with Ghanaian screen diva, Nadia Buari. Jim Iyke, on the cover of Glam Africa magazine’s Spring 2015 issue, spoke at length about Nadia. Then he took on Segun Arinze and Charles Novia who criticised his deliverance session at a Lagos church. + / 3% gun Arinze and Charles Novia; men I respected a lot, came out to say something completely derogatory of what happened that day. I am not really cool with Novia; we have always been at odds with each other, and nobody asked his opinion on what happened to another actor. If you want to be relevant, direct movies and project your creativity so people will respect you more. Do not involve yourself in people’s private issues. I don’t talk about your wife; I do not say she is overweight, nor do I talk about the fact that you need therapy.


hen she wants to go demure, she does it in style. The 26-year-old looked amazing while promoting her new animated feature The sexy actress, while

also used the opportunity to express gratitude to her fans, who she said have been wonderful to her.

Mo’hits crew Lagos socialite,


efunct Mo’hits crew; Don Jazzy, D’banj and Wande Coal came together recently to perform ‘Pere’, one of their great hits of yesteryears. It was delivered in celebration of Lagos royalty, Prince Aremo Oniru, who recently turned 50 years. Their performance was one of the high points of the celebration as the atmosphere was charged when the crew mounted the stage to perform.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


turns musician, Jazzy in new

Oge Okoye goes on shopping spree in US


ollywood actress, Oge Okoye, has been out of town for a while, but we can confirm that she is on vacation in Texas, USA. To show for her trip, the mother of two went shopping for various labels such as Gucci, LV, Michael Kors and several others. The CEO of Crystal Glam said designer items are her addition. “Holiday escape from the workload to ease the brain a bit; I bumped into my addictions and I couldn’t have enuf...We work hard; We ball hard...”

plans secret Mr. X

Justin Bieber celebrates 21st birthday in style


aby singer, Justin Bieber, is celebrating his 21st birthday. The party started with a Comedy Centraly Roast, which was attended by comedians like Kevin Hart, Jeff Ross, Natasha Leggero, Pete Davidson and other celebs such as Shaquille O’Neal and Snoop Dog.

Omotola celebrates Ibinabo, Dakore, Oboli on Mothers’ Day

wows as she new film

unite again for Aremo Oniru


espite being one of the mothers in Nollywood, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde is celebrating other celebrity mothers in the Nigerian showbiz cycle. “Celebrating amazingly hot and hardworking mothers of our time! They nourish, and do it looking good. In my collage; Waje, Dakore Egbuson-Akande, Omoni Oboli, Ibinabo Fiberesima-Egbuka, and Ojy Okpe,” she wrote.

Rita Dominic unveils new movie, Contact + Interview


ess than two weeks after her movie, ‘The Meeting’ won a couple of awards at the 2015 AMVCA, Rita Dominic was sited last week, precisely in another meeting alongside her manager, Mildred Okwo, at the office of Danium Energy Services Limited, owners of Mercury Green Pointblank Pictures to sign a new multimillion Naira movie deal, for a role in a new movie titled ‘Mary.’

Juliet Ibrahim engages in kidney awareness walk in Ghana


ctress Juliet Ibrahim’s Foundation engaged in a walk to create awareness for kidney disease tagged Kidney Awareness Walk in Accra, Ghana, last week. The programme was aimed at sensitising the public on kidney diseases and how to prevent them. While throwing the walk open to the public, the actress said: “This year’s theme ‘Kidney Health for All’ makes this call to action even more meaningful since it also helps highlight a number key issues ot too long ago,ofprolific female disc jockey and daughter of billionaire businessand challenges inOtedola, tacklingCuppy chronic man, Femi was officially dressed as a Tourism Ambassador the Federal Republic’s ‘Fascinating Nigeria’ campaign. In doing her country kidneyfor diseases in vulnerable proud, the 21 year-old DJ attended the Financial Times Luxury Summit 2014 in Mexico populations: poor water hygiene, to joinofsome of the world’ s most influential people in discussing the next 15 emerging lack hydration and unhealthy economies of which Nigeria is one of them. Feelers from the trip disclosed that Cuppy choice of beverages. ” fully and impressively represented her country well with her good conduct and what they call ‘fantastic diplomatic relations!


Davido ‘crazy’ about new girlfriend


heck out Davido and his new girlfriend! If you’ve been paying attention to his instagram posts recently, he’s been posting up pictures of her with nice little lovey-dovey messages. The latest one, “LOOKU LOOKU DEM PLENTY FOR DEIR EEHHH!!! F..KIN BEAUTIFUL ASS.. ” We don’t know much about her but we do know that she’s a model from Guinea, but based in the United States. Her name is Sira Kante!

Olori Arepo in stylish birthday celebration


he best and most memorable thing is to celebrate one’s birthday with friends. So it was when Olori Eniola Atanda Oyebi, the pretty queen en of Oba nda Oyebi, Solomon Atanda epo land in the Olu of Arepo osted her Ogun State, hosted undays friends two Sundays te her ago, to celebrate birthday. The celebraas held tion, which was nd, at LTV 8 ground, eja, Agindigbi, Ikeja, Lagos, was ateral tended by several liA-list personalities. According to Olori, there is joy in celebrating one’s birthday nds because part with friends o remember the it gives room to good old days. It brings back


Saturday Newswatch, March 21, 2015 51

Six sure ways to prevent breast cancer C

ancer of the breast is one of the most frequent diseases that affect women. A little awareness goes a long way in terms of protection, while early diagnosis of breast cancer can even save your life. If you’re concerned about breast cancer, channel that concern into some preventative steps that you can take to lower your risk of contracting it. Here are six ways to prevent breast cancer. Maintain a healthy weight Studies have also linked obesity to breast cancer and have shown that weight gain, particularly weight gain after menopause, can increase the risk for breast cancer. So be sure to maintain a healthy weight over the course of your life to keep breast cancer at bay. Get plenty of exercise The best way to keep those extra pounds off is to exercise. If you don’t have a regular exercise regimen already, be sure to incorporate some sort of aerobic exercise such as walking or swimming, along with strength training, into your daily routine. Stick to a healthy diet Another way to keep those pounds off is to eat a healthy, balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. Limit your intake of fat so as not to increase your weight, which can increase the risk of breast cancer. Stick to fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of antioxidants, such as blueberries, pomegranates, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Those antioxidants can combat any precancerous cells that may be in your body. Incorporate whole soy foods into your diet Although many women are leery about adding soy into their diets, it can actually be beneficial, especially when it comes to preventing breast cancer. But the key is to take in moderate amounts of soy, and to only eat foods that contain whole soy such as tofu, miso and edamame. Foods that use processed soy are the ones to avoid because the isoflavones they contain can mimic estrogen, which fuels cancer cell production. Breastfeed Although many women choose not to breastfeed their children, it is a good idea to do so and may even benefit baby girls as well. Breastfeeding reduces your exposure to the hormone estrogen, which fuels the production of breast cancer cells. Because your exposure to estrogen is reduced, the risk of developing breast cancer is reduced as well. The longer you breastfeed over your lifetime, the lower the risk and some studies show that it may even lower the risk for women who were breastfed as babies. Stop hormone therapy Many women take synthetic hormones to manage menopause symptoms and other conditions, but hormone therapy can also increase the risk for breast cancer. If you’re taking hormone therapy, you may want to consult with your doctor about using other methods to control your symptoms or about switching to a lower dosage. Women in their 40s should also get a mammogram at least once a year if they are in good health. While these are all great ways to prevent breast cancer, following them does not guarantee that you won’t ever develop breast cancer. However, following them can minimize the risk of developing breast cancer while improving the state of your health as well.

Saturday Newswatch, March 21, 2015


Fashion x When things are done well, the doer is appreciated, and so are the lovers of good things. For the advocate of “due process” better known as ‘Madam Due Process’, adherence to the right things are second nature to her. Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, the erstwhile Minister of Education and Solid Minerals as well as the convener of Bringbackourgirls, is not only a believer in due process in official matters, but also in fashion issues. Check out the following poses of the ‘advocate’ in diverse attires.




hen it comes to skin care, there are plenty of “facts” that prove false (like, say, chocolate causes acne), yet there is one idea that continues to ring true: You can’t be lazy when it comes to taking care of your skin. So in order to look our best, we spend a good portion of our waking hours slathering on sunscreen and applying moisturizing lotion. That got us thinking -- there has to be something that we can do to continue the youth revival while we sleep. After a bit of digging, we found that there are actually quite a few tricks to help boost a youthful appearance in the p.m. hours. See below for five tricks to help you look younger overnight (instead of just dreaming about it). 1. Sleep on a Silk Pillowcase When we asked dermatologist, Dr. Gervaise Gerstner if there was any truth to this claim, she told us, “My grandmother did it to protect her hairdo; my friends say it causes fewer wrinkles.” Then she added, “Ultimately, it’s the knit of silk that’s closer than, say, cotton, so it’s less irritating to the skin and makes fewer creases -- you may notice a small difference.” Worth a shot, right? 2. Use Facial Oil Nighttime is when your skin naturally starts to rest and repair; it’s when your skin-restoration systems ramp up. Coupling that idea with the fact that you’re not touching, prodding or rubbing your face makes evenings a great time to give your skin an assist. Enter facial oil, which won’t feel sticky against your pillowcase. Look for a lightweight formula that helps boost skin surface-cell turnover. 3. Follow the One-to-One Rule Before Bed Sometimes having a glass of wine (or two) before bed feels like a necessity. We’re not judging -- really! But while there’s nothing wrong with a bit of imbibing, you should never plan to get under the covers without balancing your body. Gerstner recommends a glass of water to match each serving of alcohol. This might mean a few extra trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but you’ll thank us when you wake up with rested skin that shows minimal (versus magnified) signs of the previous night’s activities. And to further enhance your hydrating efforts, add a skin care product containing hyaluronic acid. It’s a substance that your skin already contains and helps maintain moisture. 4. Prop Yourself Up on Two Pillows We’re not sure what a chiropractor would have to say about this one, but according to Gerstner, raising your head above your body keeps your face from looking puffy in the morning. “It helps keep fluid from retaining in your face,” she explains. 5. Target Problem Areas You may have heard this mantra before, but it bears repeating: A full night’s sleep will help make your skin look better. To which Gerstner adds, “And you should experience fewer dark circles.” We say try a little target practice to help trouble spots look better even faster. And if you tackle these skin zones while you’re asleep, you allow for the product to really seep in. Our favorite area to hit: the eyes. Look for an eye treatment that targets wrinkles and reduces bags (two of the biggest eye-aging culprits).

Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015



Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015



n France, where women have the magical ability to drink, smoke, and eat whatever they want and still look great, it was announced today that there will most likely be weight guidelines for models who have future plans to strut the runway or appear in advertising campaigns. A newly proposed law would require that catwalkers maintain a Body Mass Index of at least 18, and a weight of about 121 lb. for a height of roughly 5’7.” They would have to keep these measurements before being hired for the job and also throughout. The health debate, which will be up for legislation in front of parliament on March 17, stems partially from the 2007 death of French model Isabelle Caro, who died after a long bout with anorexia. If the law passes, it would mean that France would join Israel, Spain, and Italy in establishing guidelines to protect the young and impressionable girls who take to the runway. They often are thrown into the mix, sans guidance, and with the pressure of their peers and older girls, who may or may not be supportive. (Imagine Mean Girls on steroids.) Just ask Australian model Cassi Van Den Dungen, who, four years after she won the Oz version of Next Top Model, was lambasted on the runway by designer Alex Perry, who said that casting her skinny frame in his show was “a serious lapse in judgment.”


The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



he quality of having strong moral principle is quite a big deal. It’s also the test of being suitably wholesome in disposition. It isn’t what you appear to be when all eyes are on you. It is who you are when no one is looking. It is a level of morality below which you never fall, no matter what’s happening around you. It is a high standard of. Honesty, truth fullness, decency and honour that is never breached. It’s doing to others the way you would want them do for you. Say something, mean it, not playing verbal games so much that it’s not known where he stands. A Yes should be Yes and a No should be No. A man of integrity doesn’t try to please or impress anyone, his goal is always to please God and do what is right. He keeps his word even if it cost him something to do so. Integrity is the guide for being upright. Integrity is an integral part of children upbringing. Children should not be allowed to do things as they please, and also not when they want it done. They should desire and want to do things the way it should be done rightly and appropriately. They need discipline space to help them conform to doing the right things within the right period, at the right time and for the right reasons. They should be taught to always tell the truth no matter what it is or its cost. They should be encouraged to delay gratification; not allowing their emotion and pleasure to rule their thoughts and actions. They should own up and take responsibility for damage

Integrity:The fardone or wrong doing. They need to understand what it is to have scale of preferences, make choices and learn the concept of accomplishment. They should be scolded mostly for why they didn’t own up to what was done wrong. Stories of known heroes, martyrs and leaders in the bible and other historic books should be told to give them an insight to the benefits of integrity and help them to aspire to possess the attribute. Cinema visit these days takes the lead when it’s comes to where parents attend with their children, it should thereby be used as a means to inculcate good virtues and character to the children. Pick on the characters (actors) one after the other, talking about what they are, stand for, profess and what the movie depict with each of their roles and acting. Movies should be taught to have lessons. The youth needs to learn pace setting, while satisfaction and fulfilment should be their watch word. Objectivity and morality should rule their judgement of issues, while awareness of moral and ethical values are being made effective in their everyday service and living. An average youth needs to understand these words for adequate application; existing, surviving and living. Existing meaning being just there with no impact, surviving; being there no matter what has and is happening while living is having the basics as a base for livelihood. They need a mindset that their being around should be maximised by being honourable and upright thereby becoming a man of integrity. With integrity it’s easy to leave a worthwhile legacy for your family (family name) in the society. Integrity creates the platform for becoming a leader or picking up leadership roles in the society with ease. You are able to give reasonable and sound ideas for progress, since your intellect only works positively and productively. A man of integrity thinks of performance and impact as his watchword. Integrity wouldn’t give space for most of the vices to be explored. Taking for instance the discussion I had over ten years ago with a younger friend who told me she

had told her mum not to try changing her youth service state, even if it’s far north. When I asked why, she said as a Lawyer with the ambitions to serve in any available capacity in the country in the nearest future, she needs her records kept clean that In fact, the mum was also suggesting paying someone to work(serve) on her behalf in the establishment she’s posted to, while she stays back in Lagos, then going at passing out to collect her certificate. She persuaded me to speak with her mum on the worth for integrity in this case. The situation certainly gave me an opportunity to address her mum on the issue and other aspects of the character traitintegrity. Integrity is from the heart and can only be learnt by choice. Integrity rating should certainly be placed higher than riches.”A good name is worth more than gold and silver”. It is the major ingredient that’s needed to cook and heal our country at this point in time. Our priorities should be reordered for success and excellence. Ideally for a adult whom integrity is illusive to, leadership seat should also be unattainable. An aspiring leader should be assessed based on his antecedents character and beliefs. A home founded on integrity will flourish and succeed greatly. Couples having modeled good behaviour to their children; the home will experience oneness, dedication, excitement and discipline. A household whose lifestyle is not double standard based will attract mutual respect, emulation and dignity in the society. Double standard as in “do as I say, not do as I do”. An integrity groomed individual has a lifestyle of honouring, loving, respecting and serving his/ her household whole heartedly, therefore creating a haven out of their home. They honour and respect one another’s views, feelings, everyone assume their responsibilities without scrutiny. This brings about a serene and peaceful home. A good man walks in his integrity securely and his children are blessed even after him. He is unwavering, not influenced, decisive and sure of his now and his future.


Newswatch Times, Satruday, March 21, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE



L-R: Director, Resource Mobilisation, National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA), Dr. Emmanuel Alhassan; Legal Director/Company Secretary, Airtel Nigeria, Gbenga Rotimi; Managing Director/CEO, Airtel Nigeria, Segun Ogunsanya; Country Director, UNAIDS, Dr. Bilali Camara and Chief of Office, UNICEF, Sarah Beysolow-Nyant, during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNAIDS and Airtel Nigeria to eliminate Mother-to-Child transmission of HIV in Nigeria, at the Corporate Headquarters of the company in Lagos

President Goodluck Jonathan (right), inspecting some of the products of NYSC members under the Empowerment Scheme during the NYSC Honours Awards ceremony held at the Banquet Hall of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

L-R: Managing Director/CEO, Airtel Nigeria, Segun Ogunsanya and Country Director, UNAIDS, Dr. Bilali Camara during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between UNAIDS and Airtel Nigeria to eliminate Mother-toChild transmission of HIV in Nigeria, at the Corporate Headquarters of Airtel Nigeria in Lagos

President Jonathan (center) and Vice President Namadi Sambo, flanked by winners and officials at the NYSC Presidential Award ceremony. Photo: Anayo Opara



L-R: Senators, Jibrilla Bindowo; Olubunmi Adetunbi and Jide Omoworare after the Senate screening session at the National Assembly in Abuja. Photo: Wale Adenuga

Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN) (2nd right); his Deputy, Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire (2nd left); Attorney-General/Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye (left) and the Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Funmilayo Atilade (right) during the commissioning of the new Magistrate Court, renamed Roselyn Omotosho Court House at Ikeja, built by the Lagos State Government in Lagos.

L-R: Senator Musiliu Obanikoro; Senator Joel Danlami Ikenya; Col Augustine Okwudiri Akobundu (rtd) and Senator Patricia Akwashiki after the session.

The new Magistrate Court renamed Roselyn Omotosho Court House at Ikeja, built by the Lagos State government and commissioned by Governor Babatunde Fashola (SAN) in Lagos.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

is Th GE PAis for E L


Nigeria Labour Congress Election Credentials Committee sorting out voting materials.

Delegates of the National Association of Nurses and Midwives casting their votes.



Managing Director of Microsoft Nigeria, Mr. Kabelo Makwane (left) and President/CEO, Jobberman, Mr. Ayodeji Adewunmi. Photo: Padonu Segun

Co-founder of Jobberman, Mr. Opeyemi Awoyemi (right) and Citizenship Manager, Microsoft Nigeria, Mr. Olusola Amusan.


President Goodluck Jonathan (left) trying his hands on one of the new ship while being conducted round by Lt. Commander Ndi Alemongwa at the commissioning of four new Naval ships at the Naval Dockyard in Lagos.

A cross-section of Naval personnel mounts guard while the President commissions the ships.

L-R: Deputy Governor (Operations), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Sulaimon Barau; Deputy Governor, Financial System Stability, Dr. Joseph Nnana and Deputy Governor, Corporate Services, CBN, Mr. Bayo Adelabu during the public hearing on the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation Act (reaped and re-enactment) bill 2015 and Insurance Acts bill 2003 (reaped and re-enactment bill) 2015 by Senate Committee on Banking, Insurance and Other Financial Institutions at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja...yesterday. Photo: Wale Adenuga

L-R: Chairman, Senate Committee on banking, Insurance and Other Financial Institutions, Senator Isa Galadu; Sen. Bassey Otu and Senator Nkechi Nwoagu during the public hearing.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Do you read nutrition labels on drugs, packaged food items?


utrition label is a guidance or summary of the required statements that must appear on drug or food labels under the laws and regulations that guides their production and consumption in any community, society or nation in relation to accepted global standards. In this vein, nutritionists are health experts who know the right food for sound health, just as pharmacists’ advice people about the right drug for any ailment with reference to the composition of the drug and its label. In the same vein, manufacturers/nutritionists’ labels help you to choose a more balanced diet. They also help to make you cut down on fat (especially saturated fat), salt and added sugars. Base your meals on starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, pasta and rice, choosing wholegrain where possible; and eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Aim for D| jHD]| ` H ^€‚|_€ƒ] €I D  D‚_H|{ H H‚{ GD{ such as some protein-rich foods like meat, `]~ ^Œj]H] DƒG „_j} DƒG GD_‚{ I€€G] Though many manufacturers state the contents of the products on the packets by using colour code, it is not everybody that knows what the colours stand for. Some front-of-pack nutrition labels use red, amber and green colour-coding. Red means high; amber means medium and green means low. If you buy a food that has all or mostly green lights, you know straight away that it is a healthier choice. Amber light means neither high nor low, so you can eat foods with all or mostly amber lights most of the time. But a red light means the food is high in fat, saturated fat, salt or sugars and these are the foods we should cut down on. Try to eat these foods less often and in small amount. Most pre-packed food products also have a list of ingredients on the packaging or on an attached label. The ingredients list can also help you work out how healthy the product is. Ingredients are listed in order of weight. So the main ingredients in the packD HG I€€G Dj�D{] F€„H `‚]| 7~D| „HDƒ] |~D| _I |~H `‚]| IH� _ƒ ‚HG_Hƒ|] D‚H ~_ ~ ID| ingredients such as cream, butter or oil, then the food in question is a high-fat food. However, there are some tips that you can rely on for shopping as stated in the following paragraphs: If you are buying ready meals, check to see if there is a nutrition label on the front of the pack, and then see how your choices stack up when it comes to the amount of energy, fat, saturated fat, sugars and salt. If the nutrition labels use colour-coding, {€Œ �_jj €I|Hƒ `ƒG D „_Ž|Œ‚H €I ‚HG D„EH‚ and green. So, when you are choosing between similar products, try to go for more greens and ambers, and fewer reds, if you want to make a healthier choice. But remember that even healthier ready meals may be higher in fat and energy than the homemade equivalent. If you make the meal yourself, you could save money, too. Therefore, it is very important that you always check the label on any drug or consumable food item packaged for sales at any departmental store or eatery, before buying it for consumption. Nonetheless, though most pre-packed foods have a nutrition label on the back or side of the packaging, many people don’t care to read it to know the nutritional composition. Nutrition labels usually include information on energy in kilojoules (kJ) or kilocalories (kcal), usually referred to as calories. They also include information on protein, carbohydrate and fat. They may provide additional information on saturated fat, sugars, sodium and salt. All nutrition information is provided per 100 grams and sometimes per portion of the food.

Learn, prepare and enjoy African salad, Abacha A

frican salad is a delicious Nigerian meal that is native to people of the south east). here is all you need to know about it, and all the ingredients used in preparing it. This meal is very popular in the eastern part of Nigeria; it is one of the most popular recipe from that region. Abacha – as people of the south east prefer to call it – is one of the most popular evening desserts in the eastern villages, it serves best as kola to visitors, as a matter of fact, there are villages in the eastern part of Nigeria that only offer ugba or abacha to visitors and even visitors have come to love and desire the delicious delicacy. The fresh Abacha (African salad is a byproduct of cassava), there are a lot of processes involved with obtaining the fresh abacha that is used in preparing the African salad. Most rural dwellers are very familiar with the whole process involved. The first thing to do (if you live in the village or own a farm) is to obtain cassava tubers, wash thoroughly and boil along with water for twenty to thirty minutes then pill to remove the brown outer layer, and cut to tiny bits. The sliced cassava is then soaked in water for 18 hours or more. The last thing to do would be to wash thoroughly with clean water then sundry and store in an airtight seal. Dried cassava chips can last more than a year if stored in an air tight dry environment. But if you live in developed cities you probably wouldn’t need to go through this cumbersome and tiresome procedure, just buy every one of the ingredients in the market Here are all the ingredients that are needed for preparing Abacha (African salad) whether you are within or outside Nigeria. Some of them are extremely required while few of them are optional. Ingredients for African Salads 6 to 8 cups of Abacha (African Salad) {image below} Ehu 3 seeds (optional) 1 to 2 cups Of Ugba (Ukpaka) half cup of crayfish 1 to 2 cubes of maggi or knorr About 10cl of palm oil Edible powdered potash(1 teaspoon) salt and pepper to taste. 3 to 5 garden eggs (optional) Utazi leaves (optional) Garden egg leaves (optional) (image in the tray below) Meat/dry fish or stock fish. (optional) Most Nigerian foods are served with either fish or meat, Even the African Salad (Abacha) is also served with either fish, meat or even stock fish (okporoko). Some people like using the dried abacha (as you would find in the plate above) instead of the freshly made wet abacha the only reason is because the former give you the advantage of heating at the beginning for few minutes without being overly wet.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

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Saturday, March 21

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Stay Healthy


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


Road to 2015 polls


I can’t be intimidated in Abia - Otti

Continued from Page 15

got used to it and that has not been helped by the docility of the people also. People hardly talk here. When things go wrong, everybody }HH^] ÂŻÂŒ_H| ,| _] |~H `‚]| j_EH‚D|_€ƒ |~D| we will create so that people can express themselves in a democracy. Things like that should not be done but that is a story for another day. The state government recently accused you of frustrating development of the state by using your position as chief executive 4 " 9 : *

<= loans that would have been deployed to = > <= Mega Mall and the Spaar shop in Umuahia. I read that report. I cannot remember any such happening. But it is not even the important thing. The important thing is that the person that made the comment should have also in the spirit of transparency told his listeners how many facilities I approved as managing director of Diamond Bank for Abia State, for completeness. It could have been nice for the person that made that comment to also say how much he owes Diamond Bank at the moment. It is also important for that same person to say clearly how the servicing of the facility is going because it is not for me to start talking about that because I am a professional. There is ]€„H|~_ƒ DE€Œ| F€ƒ`GHƒ|_Dj_|{ DƒG H|~_F] €I my profession. But I can tell you if somebody came to ask for facility when I was sitting D] F~_HI HŽHFŒ|_ H €%FH‚ _I , ]D_G ƒ€ _| �D] within my competence to say it. They are a whole lot of reasons why you can say no. If you have N10 in the bank and you have drawn your N10 and you come tomorrow to say, “oh!, I have a new project� and I had looked at your capacity to repay and I believe that you shouldn’t have N10 as loan and that if I give you N10, you may not be able to repay. As a trained banker, I should tell you that you do not need this money or that you do not have capacity to pay it back because one important thing about borrowing is that there is a day of reckoning, a day you will pay. It is easy to borrow but then when there is a knock on your door and it is time to pay and if you don’t have the capacity to pay, the loan has become bad debt. I think it was sheer propaganda and I think it was coming from quarters it shouldn’t be coming from because as a banker who has been your banker for several years, I could open my mouth and talk but I choose not to respond to that because I saw that it was a very lazy complaint from people who didn’t have anything to say/ If they had anything to say, they would have been saying it but I am not under any compulsion or obligation to lend to every customer. If you brought a project and it was viable, people who know me and my track record will tell you that I will always go for viable projects. But maybe the other thing to do - because there was also a rider that somebody else gave them the money – is that they should also publish how the loan is doing. It is important that they avail the public the opportunity to know. If I said no to the facility, and somebody else gave it, how is it doing? Those are important information. <= =


= @ % blueprint for the state? I have my blueprint for Aba. I will not agree with you that preceding governments have been unable to deal with Aba. Afterall, somebody created Aba in the 1920s and somebody built Aba. “Even in our own very before,� the late Governor Sam

Otti Mbakwe transformed Aba. So, it is about vision. If you are visionless, then you really cannot achieve any success; it is not just Aba. How is Umuahia? As far as I am F€ƒFH‚ƒHG 8„ŒD~_D _] D j€‚_`HG  _jjD H I have a lot of work to do in Umuahia to transform it into a state capital. Some of you come from Umuahia. When you get into the town, you will know that Umuahia has not changed from what it used to be. So, we need to do a lot of work. There is no where that considerable work has been done, not just Aba. But Aba is pathetic and it is so important because it is actually the economic and industrial hub of the South. So, any government that ignores Aba, ignores it at its own peril and also at the peril of its internally generated revenue. Aba is also important because, as a young man growing up there, I remember the kind of employment Aba used to generate and I believe that if we do the right thing, given the creativity and ingenuity of Aba people we can reclaim that town; we can get back the over 50, 000 shoe makers that existed in Aba EDF} |€ Â?€‚} ,I Â?H `ÂŽ |~H ‚€DG] ^_^H E€‚ƒH water, the electricity, the drainage and if we clean up the town and move it out from the refuse dump that it is today into a very clean environment, a lot of people who have |D}Hƒ ÂĽ_ ~| I‚€„ $ED Â?_jj F€„H EDF} , ~D H a lot of friends who will never leave Aba in those days because they saw that it was the best town to live in. But today, they have all |D}Hƒ ÂĽ_ ~| |~H{ G€ƒ…| j_ H _ƒ $ED Dƒ{ „€‚H Big houses are empty. You have a house you want to sell and nobody wants to buy. Property value has gone down drastically. So, there is a whole lot that we can do. Employment is very key. If you can generate a lot of employment in this state, a lot of the fears we have about people who have become kidnappers, armed robbers, wayo people, agberos and all that - most of them just need jobs they will occupy; they can fend for their families. If they can guarantee three square meals for themselves and their families, they don’t have any business in F‚_„H 7~H EH]| D„„Œƒ_|_€ƒ |€ ` ~| F‚_„H _] to give the people jobs, not to release bullets on them. So, it is such an important town. Now, you need to invest before you begin to reap and that is my own strategy. I will invest

massively in Aba and I will do everything possible to get support from international donor agencies, even from Nigerians. There are a lot of people who can bring back their businesses once you have done the right thing and we have seen it happen. During the governorship debate organised by the Catholic Church at Mater Dei Cathedral, Umuahia, you promised to create D „_ƒ_]|‚{ ]^HF_`FDjj{ I€‚ $ED :H �Dƒ| {€Œ to expatiate on that. It is an administrative construct. What that means is that I am going to pay a lot of attention to Aba. It is as important as to have a ministry manned by a commissioner who will sleep, eat, dream and wake up Aba. Everything will be Aba. So Aba will ]Œ%F_Hƒ|j{ Hƒ D H |~D| „_ƒ_]|‚{ ]€ |~D| I€‚ all the things that I have lined up, you will have somebody who will not be distracted by other government jobs and functions he wakes up and is concentrating on Aba. When I said all the roads have to be paved, it means I have somebody I have to hold responsible, just for Aba. When I say I need all homes to have water, that person knows |~D| _| _] ~_] €%FH :~Hƒ , ]D{ |~D| |~H ‚€DG] to Ariaria Market should be done and the place opened up; when I say that I want all the garbage and rubbish in Aba to be cleared; when I want the drainage to work in such a way that if there is a drop of rain, everything empties into the waterside, the person knows what I am talking about. When I say that I want overhead bridges in places like Ogbor Hill, Ngwa High School and Port Harcourt Road, the person knows that I am going to be holding him responsible for delivery of those projects. Many governments have been unable @ <= = houses are built on drainage channels K

So, are you going to pull down these buildings? Before I tell you what I will do with the socalled buildings that are on drainage routes, I want to be sure it is true. I don’t think it is true. First, before you build, you must get an approval. Aba is an urban area. So, the question to ask is which government agency gave approval for those buildings to be cited on drainages. But the reality is that if you know Aba, you will know that those are lame

The important thing is that the person that made the comment should have also in the spirit of transparency told his listeners how many facilities I approved as managing director of Diamond Bank for Abia State, for completeness excuses the people are giving. Aba has much more fundamental problems than those excuses they are giving. How about, at least, Port Harcourt Road? That is one major road that I don’t know anybody who will come and build his house on. So, why weren’t |~D| G€ƒH" <€Œ FDƒ Dj�D{] `ƒG HŽFŒ]H] |€ explain away what you didn’t do right. So, I won’t go into whether I will bring down buildings. If any building has to be brought down for any purpose, adequate compensation will be paid. It has been done everywhere in the world. So, this would not be an exception. If you decide that for overriding public interest a road has to go past this building, there is a way it is done. You come and assess the building, assess everything and pay the owner adequate compensation and give him enough time to relocate and then you can bring it down. It is done and it is not a big deal. Q * " " " <= X


<= Z ,ƒ „{ „Dƒ_IH]|€ {€Œ �_jj `ƒG |~D| |~_] thrash that we are talking about, refuse, is wealth in some cases. Today, there are incinerators; there also power plants; there turbines that are powered by methane which is got from recycling of refuse. It has been done in a whole lot of other places. But you need to know that such a thing exists before you are able to do it. A lot of our leaders don’t even know that such things exist; so how can they do it? I am not worried by the refuse in Aba; we will collect them and use them and turn them into wealth. What is your blueprint in the areas of security, health and agriculture? Security is key and it is part of the 12 items in my manifesto. I will continue to improve €ƒ ]HFŒ‚_|{ D] |~H F~_HI ]HFŒ‚_|{ €%FH‚ €I |~H ]|D|H %Œ| , „D{ G€ |~_ƒ ] D E_| G_ H‚Hƒ|j{ , talked about tackling the problem from its roots. You can deal with symptoms rather than the real cause of the problem.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

Yuguda’ll secure overwhelming votes for Jonathan, PDP candidates - Inuwa Alhaji Danladi Inuwa (aka OC Kwano), an aide to Governor Isa Yuguda of Bauchi State as well as the chairman of a group known as Bauchi Volunteer Forum (BVF), said President Goodluck Jonathan, Yuguda, Hon. Awual Jatau and all other Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) aspirants in the state would triumph over their All Progressives Congress (APC) counterparts. In this interview with NANKPAH BWAKAN, Alhaji Inuwa said Yuguda has laid a strong foundation for the PDP to win the forthcoming elections and that his group is working hard, visiting villages and soliciting support for the party. Excerpts:


his is barely a week to the presidential election. What are the chances of the PDP in Bauchi State? I was on the BBC two months ago and when they asked a similar question, I told the world that we in Bauchi State don’t know any other political party than the PDP. Therefore, I want President Goodluck Jonathan and other PDP candidates to expect about 8090 per cent and not just 25 per cent his supporters were praying for initially. It is on record that the Yuguda’s administration has laid a strong foundation for

all PDP candidates, starting from President Jonathan, to actualise their political ambitions. My group has penetrated all the nooks and crannies of the state to mobilise supports for Jonathan, Yuguda’s senatorial ambition, our gubernatorial candidate, Hon. Awual Jatau, Senator Abdul Ningi and other PDP candidates in the state. I can confidently tell you that the response we got from the electorate is indeed reassuring with a resolve to vote for all PDP candidates because of the giant strides recorded by the Yuguda administration. Though you spoke so confidently about the vic-

Inuwa tory of your party’s presidential candidate and all other candidates of the party in the state, yet the posters of the PDP candidates are not visible in the state. How then will they win? I have said that the victory of President Jonathan and all other PDP candidates in the state is secured and only awaiting the electorate’s affirmation come March 28, 2015. Agreed that in the past Bauchi people at a point followed Yuguda to the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and gave him the mandate he is still holding for the electorate in trust. It was the same people that asked him to return

to the PDP and today in Bauchi, nobody has such goodwill and followership that he or she can take the state to another party and later return to his former party. Therefore, Bauchi State has since 1999 been a stronghold of the PDP. Just watch and you will see that Bauchi people will elect the PDP again in the forthcoming general elections, starting from the presidency, governorship and the senate down to state Assembly. The allegation that Yuguda doesn’t stay in town is a blatant lie and a mere propaganda targeted at smearing his ambition because you know that my boss is al-

ways in town. Whenever he is out of town, I can tell you that he is either on official engagement or on the lesser hajj and even if he travels out of the country, I believe it’s for the interest of the state. The travelling that people are accusing him of have started yielding fruits because we all know that investors have started trooping into the state. Look at the Kidney Centre in the state; the 30 megawatts solar power project that is about to take off in the state are as a result of the discussion with the German investors which will be the first of its kind in West Africa. Yuguda’s administration couldn’t have recorded these giant strides if he doesn’t stay in the state. All the projects executed by his administration are people-oriented and he has received commendations some of which we shall soon publish in the dailies. Look at his intervention in the education, healthcare, agriculture, human empowerment, civil service, tourism and other sectors. These projects have helped to improve the standard of living of the ordinary Bauchi State people. This is why you see youths and elders supporting Yuguda’s senatorial ambition. Let me use this medium to inform you that the elec-

torate of Bauchi South senatorial zone invited Governor Yuguda to contest the Senate and I don’t think that the same people will betray him because I have a meeting with them and we are even going for campaigns with some them. In addition to Yuguda’s assured victory, he will even be made the Senate president to take over from Senator David Mark come May 29, 2015. Yuguda has the experience, knowledge and the capacity to manage the Senate effectively than any of the previous Senate presidents. This experience and capacity were exemplified in Bauchi and they are the secret of Yuguda’s successes in the state as governor for close to eight years. The youths constitute a majority of the Bauchi voting population. What did the Yuguda administration do for them to merit their votes for the PDP? Indeed, the Yuguda administration has done a lot for the youths in the state. The will- power to curb the menace of youth’s restiveness in the state through various programmes that include the purchase and distribution of about 1,000 tricycles to the youths and women at subsidised price is part of the poverty reduction strategies of the administration.

Afenifere leaders lack election value -- Ex-APC chair Past acting chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Osun State, Elder Adelowo Adebiyi, is an unassuming politician. But when the topic is politics and good governance, he comes out of his shell and dissects the nitty-gritty of the subject. During a recent interview session with TUNDE BUSARI, he shows much of this with a verdict that Nigeria is ready for the change symbolised by the party. Excerpts: Aren’t you disturbed by the recent endorsement of President Goodluck Jonathan by the Afenifere? Disturbed over what? This development is nothing to be disturbed about going by the political reality on ground. We are talking of

the 2015 elections. We are not in 1999. Can you ask yourself the election value of those people who claim to have endorsed President Jonathan? Though, they are our leaders, the truth, which is clear to them, is that they are spent forces. They are

Adebiyi politically irrelevant. They have nothing to add again, even though they want to be seen as relevant. That is why they want to hang on President Jonathan. That is why they want to exploit his weakness. That is why they are deceiving him as true

leaders of the Yoruba. I hope the President realises that he _] EH_ ¥HHFHG , G ~ ^H ~H realises this before it is too late. But whether he realises it nor or not, the reality is that he has lost his goodwill and he will know this on March 28 when he will

be voted out by the same people who helped him to win the 2011 elections. Mark my word; so it will be. So, those elders are not and cannot be a challenge to our chances and hold on the South West as your question requires. Another Yoruba group supporting President Jonathan is the Oodua Peoples’ Congress (OPC). In fact, the two factions of the groups seem to have found a common friend in the President. Is this not also a cause for concern to your party? his is also no serious issue. Their leadership might have a working relationship with the President. But as I am talking to you, there are many members of the group in our party. And they are loyal members. Their leadership is only cutting their own cake from the


President. They also know that Yoruba have been shortchanged since President Jonathan was voted in 2011. From number one to 15 positions, there is no Yoruba person. Is this fair to us? And do you think a reasonable Yoruba would be happy with this arrangement that _] |~H ` ]| _ ~_]| { I |~H country? As I am talking to you, not less than 70 per cent of OPC members are members of the APC. Don’t forget that we, Yoruba are the most enlightened ethnic group in this country, with due respect to other ethnic groups. Those collecting money from President Jonathan, I can assure you, will not vote for him. They are collecting the money realising that it is not the President’s but theirs. That is what you will witness, come March 28 and other elections. Continued on Page 54


Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

‘Lagos, my pride and treasure’ Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


he 58-year-old Jimi Kolawole Agbaje (JK) has for the third time appealed to Lagosians for their votes with a promise to improve the lot of the downtrodden. He charged them to hold him against every promise he makes during his campaigns. Born in Lagos State on March 2, 1957 to the Onilegbale chieftaincy family of Isale Eko and Lasunwon family of Ikorodu, JK who was the second in a family €I ` H �D] E€‚ƒ |€ |~H jD|H Chief Julius Kosebinu and Mrs. Margaret Olabisi Agbaje. His father, Chief J.K. Agbaje, rose through the ranks |€ EHF€„H |~H `‚]| 1_ H‚_an executive director of )_‚]| %Dƒ} 1_ H‚_D 3jF +_] mother, Mrs. M.O. Agbaje, a trained teacher, spent her entire working career spanning about 30 years imparting sound moral and academic education |€ |~€Œ]DƒG] €I 1_ H‚_Dƒ] who are spread all over the world. Jimi attended St. Mary’s 3‚_ D|H 6F~€€j /D €] DƒG Corona School, Apapa, for his primary school education, leaving as head boy; St. Gregory’s College, Obalende, for his secondary education before proceeding to the University of Ife, IleIfe (now Obafemi Awolowo University). While at St. Gregory’s

Agbaje College, JK was a keen cricketer, representing his school and even the state; and at Ile Ife, he joined the _ƒ]|_|ÂŒ|_€ƒ…] 3‚H„_H‚ 6|ÂŒdents Social Club, The Elite Club, and subsequently became its president. He graduated with a Bachelor of 3~D‚„DF{ % 3~D‚„ +€ƒ] in 1978. After few years as managing pharmacist for a private pharmacy, he established his own JAYKAY 3~D‚„DF{ /_„_|HG _ƒ DƒG €^HƒHG ~_] `‚]| F€„munity outlet same year. -D{}D{ 3~D‚„DF{ /|G ~D] since expanded into a pharmaceutical company involved in the manufacture and distribution of high quality pharmaceuticals across the country. As a consummate professional, he has been a „H„EH‚ €I |~H 3~D‚„DF_]|] &€ŒƒF_j €I 1_ H‚_D Âą 2006). He was national sec‚H|D‚{ 1_ H‚_Dƒ $]]€F_D|_€ƒ €I *HƒH‚Dj 3‚DF|_FH 3~D‚„DF_]|] 1$*33 I‚€„ 1990; national chairman, 1$*33 Âą DƒG

F~D_‚„Dƒ 3~D‚„DFHÂŒ|_FDj 6€F_H|{ €I 1_ H‚_D /D €] 6|D|H Âą JK has served on many committees and boards, representing his pharmacy constituency. He was a member, Lagos State Task Force on Fake and AdulterD|HG '‚Œ ] Âą „H„EH 1D|_€ƒDj '‚Œ )€‚mulary and Essential Drugs /_]| Âą D] Â?Hjj D] a member of Lagos State Hospitals Management %€D‚G Âą A passionate pharmacist, he has delivered many papers over the years at different fora. Some of them include “the Counterfeit 3‚€EjH„ DƒG _|] ,„^DF| €ƒ 3ÂŒEj_F +HDj|~ D 1_ H‚_Dƒ 3H‚]^HF|_ H ² GHj_ H‚HG D| |~H ) , 3 )HGH‚D|_€ƒ ,ƒ|H‚ƒD|_€ƒDjH GH 3~D‚„DF_H D| |~H +D ÂŒH 1H|~H‚jDƒG] Âł( HF|_ H 1D|_€ƒDj +HDj|~ ,ƒ]Œ‚DƒFH 3€j_F{ _ƒ 1_ H‚_D ² Âł|~H 3~D‚„DF_]|] Role in Community Devel€^„Hƒ| ² Âł&~Dƒ H 0DƒD H„Hƒ| I€‚ 3~D‚„DF_]|] ² DƒG Âł3‚€„€|_ƒ 6€F_H|{Â…] Health Through Health

(F€ƒ€„_F] Âą 7~H 5€jH €I 7~H 3~D‚„DF_]| ² For his service to the pharmacy profession, he has been honoured with the )Hjj€Â?]~_^ €I |~H 3~D‚„DFHÂŒ|_FDj 6€F_H|{ €I 1_ H‚_D )361 )Hjj€Â?]~_^ €I |~H :H]| $I‚_FDƒ 3€]| *‚DGÂŒD|H &€jjH H €I 3~D‚„DF{ )3&3~D‚„ EHF€„_ƒ |~H {€Œƒ H]| 1_ H‚_Dƒ |€ EH ]€ honoured at that time; and )Hjj€Â?]~_^ €I |~H 1_ H‚_D $FDGH„{ €I 3~D‚„DF{ )1$3~D‚„ +_] GH Â€|_€ƒ to his chosen profession has given him recognition as mentor to many pharmacists and he is ever willing to share his wealth of experience with them. Mr. Agbaje is equally recognised for his commitment to the principles of good governance, having been actively involved with the ´&€ƒFH‚ƒHG 3‚€IH]]_€ƒDj]Â… group in the dark days of the late General Sani Abacha. He was treasurer as well as secretary of the political committee of the socio-political movement, Afenifere. His political leaning ]€j_G_`HG Â?~Hƒ ~H ‚Dƒ I€‚ |~H €%FH €I *€ H‚ƒ€‚ €I /Dgos State in the 2007 elections on the platform of the 'H„€F‚D|_F 3H€^jH]Â… $jj_DƒFH '3$ As a respected, successful professional running I€‚ ^€j_|_FDj €%FH ~H GH`nitely raised the bar in the quality of candidates running a well-organised, ethical and focused campaign. A fall out of his participation is the increase in the number of otherwise passive citizens who have since shown more interest in the electoral process. Jimi, as he is fondly called, was the Lagos coordinator of the

Afenifere Renewal Group (ARG); he is a foundation „H„EH‚ €I |~H 6D H 1_ H‚_D *‚€Œ^ 61* He is also a regular, respected participant on cur‚Hƒ| D D_‚] ^‚€ ‚D„„H] _ƒ the print and electronic media, having also won the na|_€ƒDj ~€ƒ€Œ‚ €I |~H 2%FH‚ €I |~H 2‚GH‚ €I |~H 1_ H‚ 221 I€‚ ~_] F€ƒ|‚_EŒ|_€ƒ to the pharmacy profession and politics in 2011. His recognised leadership qualities and willingness to serve have enabled him to put his talents to use I€‚ G_ H‚Hƒ| F€„^Dƒ_H] +H serves on the boards of a number of successful organizations among which are Vigeo Holdings Ltd., Oak�€€G 3D‚} /|G DƒG 3‚H„_H‚ Music. He is Faculty member of the African Centre for Leadership, Strategy and Development (Centre LSD); member Board of Trustees, Yoruba Academy; trustee, 1_ H‚_Dƒ ,ƒIHF|_€ƒ &€ƒ|‚€j $]]€F_D|_€ƒ 1,&$ DƒG ^Dtron, Catholic Youth Organ_]D|_€ƒ €I 1_ H‚_D &<21 Archdiocese of Lagos. He has been vice-chairman, Atlantic Hall School, Epe. He is the founder of Jimi Agbaje Outreach, a project dedicated to helping the jH]] I€‚|ŒƒD|H €ƒ |~H `‚]| rung of the ladder of development. Happily married to Abiola Oluyemisi (nee Bankole), a lawyer, for 33 years, the two have three adult children. Agbaje’s intimidating qualities, courage and posture as well as his genuine interest in redeeming Lagos from the deep pockets of a fearless and consuming lion must have stunned the downtrodden who had all

along resigned to fate and watch helplessly as their common wealth is mercilessly and heartlessly raped by the roaring lion. Aside the masses who often rush in or cling to their transistor radio whenever Agbaje’s campaign slogans are aired and singing along the accompanying musicals, human rights activists too are not left behind in declaring him as the best of the governorship candidates in Lagos State. This is not to mention popular musicians who will never cease singing his praises as the best option in the contest. The most recent of this was the peaceful rally organized by the Coalition €I &€ƒFH‚ƒHG 1_ H‚_Dƒ] &&1 jHG E{ 2|ŒƒED *Dƒ_ Adams on Monday. The rally, though meant I€‚ 3‚H]_GHƒ| *€€GjÂŒF} -€ƒathan solidarity, the event that showcased popular Fuji musicians (Obesere and Osupa Saheed) was also used to sing the praises of Agbaje who was described at a press conference by the national coordinator of 2€GÂŒD 3H€^jHÂ…] &€ƒ ‚H]] 23& D] Â?~D| /D €]_Dƒ] “really need at this crucial |_„H ² The way and manner commuters often discuss Agbaje with passion is also an indication that unless the negative and unexpected or the usual rigging is again perpetrated in the state, Agbaje may after all be the angel sent to redeem Lagosians from the jaw of a lion that may not wittingly EH ‚HDG{ |€ jH| € 6ÂŒ%FH |€ say Lagosians too have a lot to do to prevent rigging and other anti-populace moves at the polls. The point is: shine your eyes!

Afenifere leaders lack election value -- Ex-APC chair Continued from Page 53

:H D‚H F€ƒ`GHƒ| |~D| |~H $3& �~_F~ ~D] EHF€„H D powerful movement in the country, will carry the day DƒG ]HƒG |~H 3'3 |€ |~H oblivion. 7~H ,ƒGH^HƒGHƒ| 1D|_€ƒDj Electoral Commission ,1(& …] ]~_I| €I |~H HjHF|_€ƒ to this month generated a lot of reactions. Do you think the postponement was, in |~H `‚]| ^jDFH ƒHFH]]D‚{" Whatever one would have loved to say has

been overtaken by events now. The postponement is almost reaching its terminal end. But I must say for record purposes that the postponement was not the ,1(& _GHD <€Œ �€ŒjG ‚HFDjj |~D| 3‚€I $||D~_‚Œ -H D _ƒ the previous week to the postponement, assured the Council of State that all was set. He told those senior citizens that his commission was ready to go ahead with the elections. We were all looking forward to the day until he came up the

following day with that announcement. The truth behind the whole thing is that the man was pressured to shift the elections. This is |~H `‚]| |_„H _ƒ |~H ~_]|€‚{ of this country a ruling party would be afraid to go to the polls. I stand to be corrected, but this is my observation. 3€]|^€ƒ_ƒ |~H HjHF|_€ƒ came from above and we could see in the composure of Jega while announcing it. How can security agents say they could not guarantee

]HFŒ‚_|{ GŒ‚_ƒ |~H HjHF|_€ƒ]" It is laughable and further HŽ^€]HG 1_ H‚_D D] D F€Œƒ|‚{ where anything goes. General Muhammadu Buhari appears to be the IDFH €I |~H $3& $‚Hƒ…| {€Œ bothered that he might only be enjoying exaggerated D^^‚D_]Dj" The record is there. His antecedent in public administration as governor, minister and head of state is there to verify. He is known even by his enemies as man of integrity. There is

no exaggeration here. It is nothing but the plain truth. 7~H ^D‚|{ _] F€ƒ`GHƒ| |~D| he would represent us well and show the world what we really mean by change. It is not about having power with no idea of what to do with it to transform the life of the citizenry. We are using Buhari because we believe he has what it takes to move this country forward. After I€‚„H‚ 3‚H]_GHƒ| 2jÂŒ]H Œƒ 2ED]DÂƒÂŤÂ€ jHI| €%FH _ƒ no serious development is witnessed in the country.

His successors could not and cannot continue at the ^DFH ~H jHI| |~H €%FH ,] this the security situation _ƒ 2ED]DÂƒÂŤÂ€Â…] |_„H" 7~H beauty of it is that Obasanjo himself said that in Buhari is his trust. You know when he speaks; he does from his experience, which no €|~H‚ 1_ H‚_Dƒ jHDGH‚ ~D] He knows those he handed power to. He knows how they performed. And he knows there is a need for change. Who will bring DE€Œ| |~H F~Dƒ H"

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015


Special Report Benue, leading light of peace in Northern Nigeria -Qq`\Q` 8ˆ[q


enue State and the rest of Nigeria appear to have traded places in the area of security. Before 2007, Benue State ^JKQJQ]qOJ]MOQRSQVR`ÂŽjV]KQĂ—Q_J`PUQ boundary, chieftaincy and political Ă—Q]qJ]QxMRPLVOPQKOVLMj]¤QVqJ__O`kOKQ of such proportions and dimensions that never existed in other parts of the country. But while the security situations have escalated in the rest of the country in the last eight years, Benue State has returned to relative tranquility. Thanks to the leadership of Governor Gabriel Suswam. O`LOQ ]J]OQqJKQTOVRÂ?OQĂ—Q_j]OMJ__¤Q°Q an oasis of peace in the country. RK]QÂŽjR_O`]QVR`ÂŽjV]KQ^qjVqQ^OMOQ expressions of resistance to colonial, political, communal and other forms of domination predate the creation of Benue State in 1976. However, the return to democratic rule following decades of military rule added new xR_j]jVJ_QPjÂ?O`KjR`KQ]RQ]qOQVR`ÂŽjV]KQ in Nigeria in general and Benue State in particular. The new lease of democratic freedom, imposition of candidates, election rigging and other related malpractices designed to achieve victory at all cost, ultimately resulted in many of ]qOQÂ?JÂŻRMQVR`ÂŽjV]KQ^qjVqQqJÂŽOQTOO`Q witnessed since 1999. The Kwande crisis of 2003 which K`R^TJ__OPQj`]RQ]qOQ J²j° jJÂ?Q military invasion, was the typical and more serious case that added a new dimension to the more dominant land and chieftaincy VR`ÂŽjV]KQj`Q O`LOQ ]J]OÂ&#x;Q MRSOKKRMQ Oga Ajene of the Benue State University (BSU), has documented Â?Â’QPj+OMO`]Q_J`PUQVqjOS]Jj`V¤QJ`PQ xR_j]jVJ__¤°j`PLVOPQVR`ÂŽjV]KUQVL0j`kQ across all local government areas in the state between 1996 and 2006. The list, he said, is not exhaustive RSQVR`ÂŽjV]KQj`Q O`LOQ ]J]OQTL]Q a representation of the most Kjk`j•VJ`]QRL]TMOJ²KQPLMj`kQ]qOQ period. In contrast, at the national level, by 2007, the only major national security challenge was the Niger Delta insurgency which the then `O^Q MOKjPO`]UQ_J]OQ Â?JMLQ LKJQ Yar’Adua, had pledged to tackle. But, whereas the national trend since then has been towards increase j`QVR`ÂŽjV]KQJ`PQj`KOVLMj]¤Q´ R²RQ Haram in the North, Ombatse ²j__j`kKQj`Q JKKJMJ^JQ ]J]OUQ _J]OJLQ killings, kidnappings in the South), currently making the ‘security question’ to become the most important national concern, the situation in Benue State has moved in the opposite direction, to the OÂł]O`]Q]qJ]UQJVVRMPj`kQ]RQ MRSOKKRMQ Ajene, “the state has become an island of peace within the troubled national environment.â€? Apart from the periodic and persistent invasion of farming communities in Guma, Agatu, Makurdi, Gwer West and Logo local government areas by Fulani pastoralists, most of the PRVLÂ?O`]OPQVR`ÂŽjV]KUQJVVRMPj`kQ ]RQ MRSOKKRMQ ÂŻO`OUQ¡qJÂŽOQOj]qOMQ remained dormant or transformed since 2007.â€?

Common crimes such as armed robbery, burglary, car theft, etc. which almost crippled social life in the state before Governor Suswam JKKLÂ?OPQRDVOQj`QÂ?‘‘œUQqJÂŽOQTOO`Q reduced to the barest minimum. Social life in Benue State is now in full bloom round the clock. Today, JVVRMPj`kQ]RQ MRSOKKRMQ ²JKOQ RM²JJUQSRMÂ?OMQ jVO° qJ`VO__RMUQ O`LOQ ]J]OQ `jÂŽOMKj]¤UQ]qOQO+RM]KQ of the government in providing security for the people have PO•`j]O_¤Q¤jO_POPQPjÂŽjPO`PKQJKQKOO`Q in the increase in the hospitality industry and tourism. Benue State, he said, is now increasingly becoming the destination for most national conferences as a result of the assured security through the O+RM]KQRSQ]qOQK]J]OQkRÂŽOM`Â?O`]Â&#x;Q “I believe that it is the area of the security of life and property that the Suswam administration has had its kMOJ]OK]QJVqjOÂŽOÂ?O`]KUÂľQQ MRSQ RM²JJQ said. This fact, according to the professor of political science, “can best be appreciated when we cast our minds back to what obtained TOSRMOQ]qOQVRÂ?j`kQj`]RQRDVOQRSQ]qOQ present administration, as well as what is happening in other parts of Nigeria.â€? Suswam’s achievements in the area of security have been so outstanding that some members of the state academic community used the subject to eulogise the governor when he marked his 49th birthday anniversary in Makurdi in November 2013. All the speakers at that forum agreed that Governor Suswam’s achievements in the area of security in Benue State were not by accident. According to them, the achievements are hinged on the foundation of good governance and visionary leadership which the governor has been providing in the state. By the time he was inaugurated on May 29, 2007, Suswam already had a clear vision and mission of his leadership in the state, captured in his developmental blueprint: “Our Benue, Our Future,â€? which aimed at positively changing the KRVjR°OVR`RÂ?jVQ_jÂŽOKQRSQ]qOQxORx_OQ of Benue State. He realised that social infrastructure such as roads, water, hospitals, power supply etc. which had long been major stumbling blocks to development in the state, were necessary to raise the quality of life of the people. It, therefore, pursued the provision of infrastructure with an unparalleled passion. “When you look at the roads constructed and the ongoing projects in that KOV]RMUÂľQKJjPQ MRSÂ&#x;Q RM²JJUQ¡R`OQ MOJ_jKOKQ]qJ]Q]qOMOQjKQPO•`j]O_¤QJQ new direction in governance that is emphasising equity and justice in the authoritative allocation of resources.â€? According to him, bad governance is central to understanding the insecurity that faces any nation. Conversely, good governance is what brings about security to the generality of the people in any society. VVRMPj`kQ]RQ MRSÂ&#x;Q ÂŻO`OUQ]qOQ

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Benue experience suggests that purposeful leadership is a very important factor in the management RSQVR`ÂŽjV]KÂ&#x;Q qOQ_OJPOMKqjxQ framework for peace in Benue State since 2007, he said, has rested on three key elements of clear vision; a good mix of policy and strategy; and personal responsibility and engagement. “Great leaders have a vision of the world that they wish to create‌ However, an important ingredient in the realisation of goals is the passion and drive of leaders in pursuing their vision. It must be to the credit of Governor Gabriel Suswam that he has a healthy passion, energy and drive to see that goals that he sets are achieved.â€? Apart from the vigorous pursuit of his vision and good governance, Governor Suswam adopted various strategies to achieve the feats he has recorded in the security of the state. He set up a joint military/police ]JK²QSRMVOQVRPO°`JÂ?OPUQ¡ xOMJ]jR`Q Zendaâ€? which he deployed to all the 23 local governments to maintain security. He equipped the task force and other security agencies with vehicles and other communication gadgets; and imposed restrictions on the operation of commercial motorcycles in the night to check criminal activities. On the political front, the governor operated a policy of accommodation, by assimilating into his government those who had contested against him from within his party, opening his doors to members of the opposition to (re)join his party as well as tolerating provocations and other excesses of the opposition. He also built infrastructure and bridges of friendship across social, religious and ethnic divides in the state. MRSÂ&#x;Q ÂŻO`OQJ_KRQjPO`]j•OPQ¡JQ good mix of policy and strategy that appeared to have worked in stemming the menace of land LKOQJ`PQVqjOS]Jj`V¤QVR`ÂŽjV]KQj`Q Benue State.â€? First, the governor

empowered and enhanced the xMR•_OQRSQ]MJPj]jR`J_QML_OMKQj`Q]qOQ state by purchasing decent cars for second class chiefs and raising the remuneration of chiefs across board. “The purchase of cars coupled with TO0OMQMOÂ?L`OMJ]jR`QxMRÂŽjPOPQJ`Q incentive to pursue order while at the same time the threat that they could be suspended or deposed from their positions if they failed in their primary responsibility of maintaining order in their domain hung over them. This provided the proverbial stick along with the carrot that has contributed in large measure in reducing the incidents of _J`PQLKOQJ`PQVqjOS]Jj`V¤QVR`ÂŽjV]KQj`Q the state.â€? Secondly, the governor appointed professionals as special adviser on security “who go round, frequently, to potential trouble spots in order to feel for early warning signs and assist to obviate any outbreaks of VR`ÂŽjV]Â&#x;ÂľQ qOQkRÂŽOM`RM­KQPjMOV]jÂŽOQ]RQ local government councils to hold regular security meetings has also O`KLMOPQ]qJ]QxR]O`]jJ_QVR`ÂŽjV]KQJMOQ dealt with before they break out. Most often, the governor personally visits scenes of border VR`ÂŽjV]KUQqR_Pj`kQÂ?OO]j`kKQ^j]qQqjKQ

counterparts in the neighbouring states of Nassarawa, Taraba, Ebonyi J`PQ `LkLQJ`PQKO0j`kQLxQj`]OM° K]J]OQVRÂ?Â?j0OOKQ]RQMOKR_ÂŽOQPjKxL]OKÂ&#x; All these security measures consume so much resources from the state’s relatively lean purse such ]qJ]UQJVVRMPj`kQ]RQ MRSÂ&#x;Q RM²JJUQ “the state government seems to be spending more money on security than the Federal Government.â€? The success of the Suswam administration generally, and in the maintenance of security in xJM]jVL_JMUQqJKQTOO`QJ0MjTL]OPQ]RQ the level of the governor’s personal engagement, considered as one of his greatest strengths. “He is a qJ`PK°R`Q_OJPOMQ^qRQ^J`]KQ]RQKOOQ MOKL_]KUÂľQ MRSQ ÂŻO`OQKJjPÂ&#x;Q He added: “He is not content with the free will and lackadaisical J0j]LPOQRSQ_OJPOMKQ^qRQKxO`PQ more time enjoying the position rather than serving the people and working hard at it. It is these qualities of personal engagement and personal responsibility that he has provided that we enjoy in Benue State today.â€? Ujah wrote this piece from Makurdi, Benue State

Saturday, March 21

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

North Central


Poll: Ex-minister predicts Jonathan’s victory Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


ormer Minister of State for Health, Arc. Gabriel Aduku, who is also one of the community leaders in Dekina Local Government Area of Kogi State has said the people of the area have expressed their resolve to support and vote President Goodluck Jonathan in the March 28 Presidential Election, stressing that there is no alternative to his victory. The former minister and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chieftain in the state made the declaration while speaking with news men yesterday in Anyigba, Dekina Local Government after a three-day sensitisation programme.

Aduku had earlier held separate meetings with stakeholders including party leaders as well as ward chairmen, youth and women groups, leaderships of National Union of Road Transport Workers (NUTRW), NARTO, Women for Change, Commercial motorcyclists (Okada) among others. He said that electorate in the 12 political wards of the local government had resolved to stand by the President and the PDP come rain or shine to clinch victory in the March 28 and April 11 General Elections. Grievances arising from the party primaries, he added, were resolved and aggrieved members

reconciled “and all of them have resolved to unite and work as a team to ensure a landslide victory for the President and party during the elections.� He further said that the people had also resolved to embark on House-to-House campaign to ensure that Mr. President and all PDP candidates in the elections sweep the entire votes during the polls. According to him, the people have unanimously agreed that they have no alternative to President Goodluck Jonathan and all the PDP candidates in the election. While commending the people for the resolve, Aduku assured them that after the polls, the

Maku gets IDPs’ endorsement in Nasarawa, promises to rebuild communities has befallen us, where we have to run away from our homes because of crisis, we would not vote for any nternally Displaced Persons person who would not take security (IDPs) in Basa, Basa Yelwa and serious.â€? Uke communities of Kokona According to him, “our Local Government Area (LGA) of VRÂ?Â?L`j]jOKQ ^OMOQ J0JV²OPQ T¤Q Nasarawa State has endorsed the All people we are not clashing over Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) anything with, and we lost many candidate Labaran Maku as their of our loved ones, houses, farm candidate for 2015 election. produce, and animals among others. The IDPs made the endorsement He therefore, promised to yesterday when the campaign train mobilize their people and to vote of Maku visited the areas. leaders that would rebuild their Speaking during the visit, the communities and ensure peace leader of the IDPs in Basa, Audu among all the groups in the state. Abashi, said the endorsement Responding, Maku sympathized was necessitated by Maku’s ^j]qQ ]qOQ xORx_OQ RSQ ]qOQ J+OV]OPQ determination to restore peace back communities, and promised to chase to the state if elected. out all mercenaries killing people out Q OQ KJjPUQ ¡ qOQ J+OV]OPQ of the state if elected as governor on communities need peace now more April 11. than before, hence our decision to He said that the state under him vote for a candidate that would not would only accept and allocate land play politics with the security of the to visitors who want to engage in state.â€? lawful activities that would help in Abashi added that “given what developing the state.

Godwin Ojoshimite, /[}[


state governor, Capt. Idris Wada and President Jonathan would appreciate and recompense their O+RM]KÂ&#x; Aduku urged those yet to collect their Permanent Voter Cards (PVC) to avail themselves of the extension, adding their resolve to deliver depended on their possession of the cards. He urged them to ensure that peace was maintained before, during and after the elections. Chairman of the party in the local government, Alhaji Hassan Ado, who also spoke with newsmen, commended Chief Aduku for his reconciliatory O+RM]KQ KJ¤j`kQ ]qJ]Q ]qMRLkqQ ]qOQ O+RM]Q RSQ ]qOQ SRMÂ?OMQ Â?j`jK]OMUQ J__Q Gyang Bere, Jos grievances had been put behind. lateau State Governor, Jonah David Jang, has urged the chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission ´ ÂŤUQ MRSÂ&#x;Q 0JqjMLQ OkJUQ `R]Q ]RQ compromise the credibility of the 2015 general elections and that he should ensure that all eligible voters in the country participate in deciding those who governs them after May 29. He said until all eligible voters who participated during the continued voters registration exercise in Plateau State are given their permanent voter cards (PVCs), the court case instituted against INEC over non-supply of the cards to the state would not be withdrawn. Governor Jang stated this yesterday in Jos after collecting his long-awaited

Don’t compromise credibility of 2015 election, Jang advises Jega


PVC at Ladura II polling unit in Du, Jos South Local Government Area of the state. Jang who had dragged INEC to court for skewing the distribution of the PVCs in Plateau State said: “it jKQPjDVL_]Q]RQqJŽOQVR`•PO`]Q]qJ]Q]qOQ elections will be transparent because a situation has already been created and everybody is suspicious. Like I have maintained, Prof. Jega has a name to maintain. He is someone that we all respect in this country and he should not allow the election to tarnish his good name. “I know him very well, and I have faith that he will not want to allow anything to damage his good name. We hope that he will ensure a very free, fair and credible election to give him a good name even at the international community�

Benue begins disbursement of N2bn enterprises dev fund Godwin Akor, Makurdi

Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) National Commissioner, Election and Party Monitoring Committee, Prof. Lai Olorode; Inspector-General of Police, Suleiman Abba and INEC Chairman, Prof. Attahiru Jega, during the national ZWVX}`^ Q| [zzWX>V]X> QZ\XW@XW\ |QW ]qX *X`XW[x (xXz]VQ`\ V` $Z_ˆ[

FG sets up committee on Agatu/Fulani crisis Godwin Ojoshimite, /[}[


he Federal Government has decided to set up a VRÂ?Â?j0OOQ ]RQ j`ÂŽOK]jkJ]OQ the immediate and remote causes of the recent crisis between Agatu people and the Fulani. Disclosing this while addressing Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members at the town hall meeting organised by the Jonathan/ Sambo Campaign Organisation in Otukpo, the Senate President, David Mark, said the outcome of the investigation would serve as a reference point for all ethnic clashes in Nigeria in future. Mark, who ordered a one

minute silence for those who lost their lives in the recent crisis between Agatu and Fulani people, condemned the wanton destruction of lives and property in Agatu. He used the opportunity of the town hall meeting to assure PDP members that everything needed for the campaign in respect of Jonathan/Sambo to succeed in Benue State, and announced that President Goodluck Jonathan would be in Otukpo on Wednesday to perform the groundbreaking ceremony of the College of Health Sciences of the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi.

Mark went further to say that all the PDP candidates standing election in Benue State should be returned. He advised the people not to embark on selective voting because the entire Idoma nation has decided that PDP would continue to be the ruling party in the state. He said it was unfortunate that some Federal board members were trying to campaign for the opposition party, and advised such people to resign membership of such Federal boards. He gave the example of the construction of Oweto Bridge across River Benue which would qJÂŽOQ Â?L_]jx_jOMQ O+OV]Q R`Q ]qOQ

lives of the Idoma nation, and explained that the young ones of Idoma are making impacts in the Milo Football Championship where Jesus College emerged champions, as well as the Golf Championship for Young Ones held in Scotland. He urged Idoma people to be together and decisive because jSQ ]qOQ •MK]Q O_OV]jR`Q jKQ `R]Q ^R`UQ ]qOQ TJ`P^JkR`Q O+OV]Q ^RL_PQ TOQ disastrous. He announced that the implementation of the Confab Report would make the creation of Apa State a reality, and asked Idoma people to support the Jonathan/Sambo ticket.


enue State government has commenced the second phase of the disbursement of the N2 billion Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund (MSMEDF), released by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Q O`O•VjJMjOKQ RSQ ]qOQ O`]OMxMjKOKQ development fund who applied for the facility as individuals, cooperative bodies and corporate organisations, on Thursday received between N50, 000 and N10 million through authorized Â?jVMR°Â•`J`VOQTJ`²KQj`Q]qOQK]J]OÂ&#x; Speaking during the ceremony, a former member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Terngu Tsegba,

who is a member of the Benue State jVMR° MOPj]Q R`j]RMj`kQ RÂ?Â?j0OOUQ said since the facility was accessed from the CBN in February this year, about 65 percent of the fund has been disbursed. Tsegba said the amount disbursed so far was based on the prescribed formula of 60 percent to women and 40 to men, inclusive of the two percent reserved for the physically challenged. Q VVRMPj`kQ]RQqjÂ?UQ]qOQSJVj_j]¤QJ0MJV]KQ a maximum interest of nine percent and minimal collateral requirements. He said the loans were being VqJ``O__OPQ ]qMRLkqQ Â?jVMR•`J`VOQ banks, and that the terms were deliberately made soft in order to make ]qOÂ?QJVVOKKjT_OQJ`PQJ+RMPJT_OQ]RQ]qOQ ordinary Nigerian, including business starters.

Niger:We’re ready for elections, police assures Command. “Our men are ready for the election. They have been well iger State Police groomed to meet up with the Command has stated the security situation in the state MOJPj`OKK QRSQj]KQÂ?O`QSRMQ during the election periods. the forthcoming general elections, “We are telling all miscreants, warning political warlords and political warlords and thugs thugs to steer clear of trouble who think they can disrupt the before, during and after the elections that we are ready for elections. them. We have a special brand The state’s Commissioner of of Police to take care of the Police, Olusola Amore, made elections.â€? this assertion yesterday at the He said that the men were xJKKj`kQ RL]Q VOMOÂ?R`¤Q RSQ •MK]Q ]MJj`OPQ KxOVj•VJ__¤Q SRMQ ]qOQ batch of combat training for 182 purpose of the elections to enable RDVOMKQJ`PQÂ?O`QPMJ^`QSMRÂ?QJ__Q them take charge before, during divisions of the Niger State Police and after.

Justina Asishana, Minna



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sports Update AYC: Senegal to work on Flying Eagles weaknesses A



Koto warns Nigeria ahead of AYC final showdown




NFF boss arrives Dakar to cheer Flying Eagles


QxMOKjPO`]Q J¯LQ j``jV²Q will arrive J²JMUQ O`OkJ_UQ L`PJ¤Q ]RQVqOOMQ]qOQ _¤j`kQ Eagles to a seventh AYC title. j``jV²Q^j__Q®¤Qj`]RQ J²JMQR`Q L`PJ¤Q^j]qQ ^RMPKQRSQO`VRLMJkO O`]Q SRMQ]qOQTR¤KQSMR Q jkOMjJ`Q MOKjPO`]Q RRP_LV²Q R`J]qJ`UQ JVVRMPj`kQ]RQ]qOQ Q RDVjJ_Q^OTKj]OQ]qO`+ VR _KRUQ]qOQ QqJ OQ PjKxJ]VqOPQJ`QRDVjJ_Q]RQ J²JMQ^j]qQRL]K]J`Pj`kQ



SQ^OQVJ`QxL]Q]qRKOQ ]RkO]qOMQR`Q L`PJ¤UQ jkOMjJQ^RL_PQkRQqR OQ ^j]qQKj_ OMUµQqOQKJjP Q R`OQV_Jj KQ]qJ]Q his team will alter the xMOPjV]jR`KQR`VOQJkJj`Q SRMQ]qOQ `J_QJKQ]qO¤QPjPQ ^j]qQ]qOjMQ jV]RM¤QR OMQ Mali. · J`¤QxORx_OQ^OMOQ xMOPjV]jR`QJ`PQMRR]j`kQ

Ex-U-20 stars predict victory for Flying Eagles








ali will not progress to ]qOQ `J_QRSQ]qOQ Q SMjVJ`Q `POM° Q qJ xjR`KqjxQJS]OMQ]qO¤Q ^OMOQ²`RV²OPQRL]QT¤Q host nation Senegal in the KO j° `J_QR`Q qLMKPJ¤Qj`Q Dakar.



Mali coach going home disappointed


xJV²JkOQRSQ]qOQ ]RLM`J O`] Q qO¤Q^R`Q J__Q]qMOOQkMRLxQ J]VqOKUQ V_Jj j`kQ]qOQqjkqOK]Q xRj`]UQ`j`OUQSMR Q]qOQ kMRLxQK]JkO Q qO¤Q^j__Q OO]Q qJ`JQ j`Q]qOQ]qjMPQx_JVOQ J]VqQ R`Q J]LMPJ¤Qj`Q J²JM Q R]qQ]OJ KQSJVOP°R+Qj`Q MRLxQ Q `J_Q J]VqQPJ¤UQ with the Eagles winning ° Q

Don’t boo my players, Siasia begs Abuja fans OJM_¤QO`RLkq QQ





Newswatch Times, Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sports Update

Uganda names strong squad against Nigeria M

ilutin ‘Micho’ Sredojevic, Head Coach Uganda Cranes has named a strong squad that will face Nigeria next week in an International friendly match at the Akwa Ibom International Stadium. The South African based PLRQRSQ OR+MO¤Q JKKJQJ`PQ in-form Mamelodi Sundowns goalkeeper Dennis Onyango have been included on the squad. “I have named players who have been active for respective teams in the last one p

month This game will help month. us study so many aspects as we plan for the 2017 Afcon and 2018 World Cup quali•OMKUÂľQ MOPRÂŻOÂŽjV Uganda was lucky to get the invite after Bolivia pulled out of the earlier planned match against Nigeria. The Bolivia FA said they were not comfortable because of the tense political situation in the country. Edgar Watson, the Uganda FA Chief Executive DVOMQ]R_PQ SMjVJ` RR]TJ__Â&#x; com that they have been

assured of good security by the hosts. “There is no need to get worried. Our hosts ^j__Q]J²OQkRRPQVJMOQRSQLKUÂľQ said Watson. Mike Azira who fea]LMOKQSRMQ QKjPOQ OJ0_OQ Sounders in the US has been recalled to the team after his last appearance over a year go in the 2014 World Cup ÂŁLJ_j•OMKÂ&#x;Q qOQ]MjRQRSQ _OÂłQ Kakuba, Patrick Edema and William Kizito Luwagga who ply their trade in Portugal have also been called to the team.

The Super Eagles of Nigeria who failed to qualify for the 2015 Afcon will play their second International friendly away to South Africa on March 29. They will be handled by care taker Coach Daniel Amokachi. Squad Goalkeepers: Dennis Onyango (Mamelodi Sundowns, South Africa), Robert Odonkara (St George, Ethiopia), Salim Jamal (El Merriekh, Sudan), Isma Watenga (Sc Vipers, Uganda)

Super Eagles players celebrating after scoring a goal

Gabros chase Eagles star Balogun thrilled with Eagles recall


romoted Gabros have made a move to sign Nigeria international, Sani Kaita, as they aim to make an impact j`Q]qOQ jkOMjJ`Q]Rx°Žjkq]Q league this season. Sani Kaita, who has ended his deal with Saxan in Moldova, told Gabros are one of several clubs he is talking to, but nothing has been agreed yet. “Gabros are one of the teams who want me and ^OQJMOQPjKVLKKj`kUÂľQ]qOQ Â?jP•O_POMQj`SRMÂ?OPÂ&#x; “I have not agreed deal with Gabros or any other teams who have shown interest in me, a decision will be made soon on where Q^j__Qx_J¤Â&#x;Âľ Former Kano Pillars star Kaita featured for Eny-

Sarr rivals Awoniyi for AYC MVP


enegal’s Sidy Sarr is now Taiwo Awoniyi’s main rival for the Most Valuable Player of the 2015 African Youth Championship after he scooped his second MVP award. Sarr was picked by CAF as the best player in Thursday’s ]H„_`ƒDj D D_ƒ]| 0Dj_ to become only the second player to be so recognised after Flying Eagles striker Awoniyi was adjudged the best performer in Nigeria’s `‚]| |Â?€ ‚€Œ^ D„H] against Senegal and Congo. Interestingly, both Awoniyi and Sarr are also neck-and-neck in the race for the AYC goal king award as they have both scored three goals each. The Mbour Petite &€|H „_G`HjGH‚ ~D] been on superb form and will be remembered for scoring the last-gasp winner against Congo which ÂŻÂŒDj_`HG |~H ~€]| F€Œƒ|‚{ |€ |~H ]H„_`nals of the competition.

imba last season before he returned to Europ Meanwhile, NNL champions Gabros have signed ex-Golden Eaglets left back Usman Amodu on a six-month loan deal, the x_J¤OMKQV_RKOQVR`•PJ`]Q]R_PQ


Omeruo writes off Zambia ahead of AAG qualifier


ream Team VI forward, Lucky Omeruo, has boasted that from what he has seen of the team since he joined them, the Zambian Under-23 will stand no chance when both countries meet in an All SMjVJQ JÂ?OKQÂŁLJ_j•OMÂ&#x; The Nigerians host their Zambian counterparts in JQKOVR`PQMRL`PUQ•MK]Q_OkQ __Q SMjVJQ JÂ?OKQÂŁLJ_j•OMQ in Abuja, and Omeruo says the feel in the team’s camp is positive, which kjÂŽOKQqjÂ?QVR`•PO`VOQ]qO¤Q will beat the Zambians. “It has been good since I came in. What I have seen training with the team is good and I would say that I am impressed with what I have seen. “I couldn’t come the other time for some reasons but I like the shape of the team from what I have seen and I am con•PO`]Q]qJ]Q^OQ^j__QKVJ_OQ through. “I don’t think Zambia will hold us back, I don’t think so. I didn’t see the games against Gabon but I understand we didn’t play well here in Nigeria. “But maybe that was the home pressure since j]Q^JKQRLMQ•MK]QVRÂ?xO]jtive game at home but I can tell you that Zambia would be no threats to us and I can tell you that we ^j__QTOJ]Q]qOÂ?UÂľQqOQKJjPQ VR`•PO`]_¤Â&#x;


VD Darmstadt d 98 defender Leon Balogun says it’s a honor to be recalled into the Nigeria squad for the two international friendlies against Uganda and Bolivia next week. Balogun, who has only one cap for the Super Eagles was injured on his debut as Nigeria drew 0-0 with Mexico in an international friendly at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta in March last year. Since then, the right back who can also play as in central defence has been out of the set up and didn’t recover in time for the World Cup but has been in impressive form for 2.Bundesliga side Darmstadt this season. “I’m very proud of getting a call up back to the team over a year after my

•MK]Qj`ÂŽj]J]jR`QJkJj`K]Q OÂłjVRUÂľ J_RkL`Q]R_PQ “After the injury against Mexico, I was not invited again but I never gave up hope and I’m grateful to the club that I got an opportunity to be back in the national team. “Without the team that would have been jÂ?xRKKjT_OÂ&#x;ÂľqOQJPPOPÂ&#x; SV Darmstadt 98 head coach Dirk Schuster also expressed his joy about Balogun’s invitation to the Super Eagles. The defender despite injury worries this season, has played 13 matches and scored three goals from his defensive position “I’m really happy about Leon’s nomination. This shows that we are doing well in the

_OJkLOUÂľ VqLK]OMQ revealed “If a team works simultaneously, it will TO`O•]QOÂŽeryone. We wish Leon all the best. Nige ria will take on the Cranes of Uganda on Wednesday and ]qO`QŽ¤QRL]Q]RQ South Africa for another international friendly with the Bafana Bafana of South Africa on March 29.

Odemwingie set for return ‘Falcons won’t disappoint’


eter Odemwingie is certain he will make his return from injury before the end of the season. Odemwingie has not played competitively since August 2014 when he damaged knee ligaments in a 1-0 win over Manchester City at the Etihad stadium. The 33-year-old is now back running and hopes to return to training with the rest of the Stoke City squad by the end of April. Odemwingie says he cannot wait for his return ]RQ•MK]°]OJÂ?QSRR]TJ__QJ`PQjKQ looking to mark his return with a goal. “I am positive I can get some games in before the

O`PQRSQ]qOQKOJKR`UÂľQqOQ]R_PQ the Stoke Sentinel. The former WBA man added that he has been given the all clear to return before the end of the current season by the club’s Â?OPjVJ_QK]J+Â&#x;Q ¡ qOQÂ?OPjVJ_QK]J+QqJÂŽOQ said that if I get a game or two it will be a bonus but the way I am feeling right now I don’t feel like it will be just a bonus; it’s the target. “I am approaching the six-month mark which is normally the minimum recovery time but I don’t feel under pressure to rush back because the team is doing really well.


uper Falcons captain J`PQÂ?jP•O_POMUQ Evelyn Nwabuoku ,has said her side will not disappoint against their Malian opponents. Falcons will be the guests of the West Africans foes in the All Africa JÂ?OKQ´ ÂŤQ•`J_QMRL`PQ •MK]Q_OkQV_JKqQR`Q J]LMPJ¤Q at the Stade Modibbo Keita in Bamako. Nwabuoku said her side’s target is to win convincingly in Bamako to Â?J²OQ]qOQPOVjKjÂŽOQ•³]LMOQj`Q Nigeria a mere formality. “We’re going to Bamako to win and win convincingly so as to make the reverse •³]LMOQPR^`QqOMOQj`Q TLÂŻJUQ Nigeria, a mere formality. “However, we just want ]RQSRVLKQR`Q]qOQ•MK]Q_OkQ match before we start talking of the return leg. “We’re still smarting SMRÂ?Q]qOQKjPO­KQ`R`°£LJ_j•cation of the championship in the immediate past edi-

tion so we’re determined to do whatever it takes to qualify for the AAG in Congo Brazzaville. “We don’t know much about the Malians but we strongly believe we’ve ^qJ]Qj]Q]J²OKQ]RQ•kq]Q]qOÂ?Q ]RQJQK]J`PK]j__QR`Q]qOQ•O_PQ of play. “The players are in perfect shape, team spirit is quite high and we’re all raring to go. “We just want the prayers and support of Nigerians to have a good day on match day. “There is no cause for alarm as we’re poised not to disappoint Nigerians on J]LMPJ¤UÂľQKJjPQ]qOQ jkOMjJQ Women Premier League (NWPL) side Rivers Angels captain to The winners of both legs will qualify for the football event of the 2015 All Africa Games in Congo Brazzaville.

Women’s W/Cup: Nigeria, Australia match sold out


he 7th FIFA Women’s World Cup match between Nigeria and Australia at the Winnipeg Stadium in the city of Winnipeg on

June 12 has been sold out, RMkJ`jºOMKQVR`•M�OPQR`Q Friday. The 29,000 –seater venue is located in the capital city of the State of Manitoba, which is located in the

centre of Canada. Super Falcons will take on The Matildas starting from 4pm Canada time, with USA to take on Sweden at the same venue three hours later.

Nigeria, champions of Africa, would have played Sweden at the same venue four days earlier, and will also play USA in Vancouver on June 16 in their last match of Group D.


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