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Saturday, January 24, 2015



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Saturday, January 24, 2015


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015



Jonathan approves N26bn for dry season farming Clement Nwoji, Abuja

resident Goodluck Jonathan yesterday released N26 billion to farmers to boost 2015 dry season farming in order to ensure greater food production nationwide. Further, he promised that to encourage traditional % # # % 4 tourism, the Federal Government would henceforth be giving

% for the Argungu festival. 8 assurances of further promotion through agribusiness in the country while declaring open this year’s Agrifest at the Eagles Square, Abuja. 9 inspected agricultural products and other agricultural related products and inputs on display. 9 the farmers that they “can rely on me as the Farmers’ : ! my support at all times. “To further boost your # food for our nation, I am pleased to announce here today the release of N26 billion towards the

2015 dry season farming programme. “I am here today as : @ support I hope to be here

D and then I will do even more for you. H9 % competition in Argungu # % 4 tourism, I hereby direct the Federal Ministry of Agriculture to provide, henceforth, annual % Argungu festival.� 8 some of the achievements so far realised through his government’s agricultural reforms programme, saying that the national food production has expanded by 21 million metric tons within the past three years. “Our food import bill declined from N1.1 trillion in 2009 to N634 billion in 2013 and continues to decline. This is progress and we must continue to move forward! “We ended the corruption of 40 years in the fertilizer sector. Our farmers now receive their fertilizers through the electronic wallet system, using their mobile phones.

Attack on Jonathan in North portends danger –Group Mikail Mumuni, Editor, FCT


northern sociopolitical group, the Northern Emancipation Network (NEM) has expressed concern over the spates Goodluck Jonathan and his supporters in parts of the North during campaign rallies. In a press statement signed by its coordinator, Abdulazeez Suleiman, and issued in Abuja, the group said it was worried by unfolding events in the countdown to the general the political future of the North. According to NEM coordinator, “we are concerned that the millions of Nigerians in the North who express Jonathan are constantly harassed sometimes with death threats but not once have these so called northern elders come out to speak in defence of our constitutional right of association. Are we not

Jonathan not a Nigerian? Is Gen. Muhammadu Buhari seeking to be a northern or Nigerian president? Are the lives ! supporters more Nigerian or precious than ours?� NEM also took exception to the recent endorsement of the candidate of Gen. Buhari, by former " # Babangida. It said the endorsement raises many moral questions, adding the Gen. ! $ % #

broke up because his wife sought favour from the Babangida administration & $ presidential candidate was detained by Babangida. According to the group, “our worry is hinged on the many moral questions that surround the personality of Gen. Buhari who was imposed " representing the North in the presidential contest. The most worrying is the nature of double standards

that are now shaping Buhari’s characteristics as # # at the presidency. “As concerned northern citizens who have the long term political interest of our region at heart, we are forced to publicly raise concerns about the looming danger in the quest by some of our people in the frenzy of perpetrating Gen. Buhari’s candidacy in the forthcoming presidential election. Our concerns stem from our fear of what may actually be the hidden agenda of some outsiders, notably, Tinubu in projecting Buhari’s candidacy. At 72 years of age and obviously frail looking especially against the backdrop of rumours about his health. “We are concerned that the millions of Nigerians in the North who express Jonathan are constantly harassed sometimes with death threats but not once have these so called Northern elders come out to speak in defence of our constitutional right

of association. Are we not Jonathan nota Nigerian? Is Gen. Buhari seeking to be a northern or Nigeria’s president? Are the lives of ! more Nigerian or more precious than ours? '* + & % / unfortunate that the same Buhari who had to & + 0 % for allegedly seeking and receiving favours from General Ibrahim Babangida while he was in detention, should now out of sheer desperation turn to the same man for political support. “We were therefore amazed when reports said that Buhari had personally gone to seek support from IBB and Obasanjo both of whom he described as political enemies in a recent interview with the Weekly Trust. Based on this and many other moral questions around Buhari, our group is compelled to reiterate its stand that he is not and cannot be the sole northern candidate for the presidency.�

Konica Minolta rolls out latest technology in digital printing stands it out as the latest revolution in the printing word.� onica Minolta, The NIS boss who was a Tokyo based the guest of honour at leading global the occasion, added that service provider in the the machine is no doubt % # taking digital printing to Technology (IT), a higher level that must encompassing document be measured up to, by key processing and digital players in the corporate production printing world through acquisition solutions yesterday rolled of the machine and using out its latest product in it to power their journeys digital printing with the there. ! ; " A commendation reC1100 machine in Abuja, echoed by the registrar Nigeria. The machine described of Nigeria, Mrs. Nima as revolution in digital Salman, who noted that printing by the national the machine by design, # workability and capacity Institute of Nigerian for high productivity + with quality outputs Alhaji Yahaya Aliyu, of at the rate of 1000 < # + " = + papers per 60 seconds, was launched by Skysat is keeping up with the Technologies Ltd, a pace of technological preferred partner and advancement. distributor of Konica In his welcome address, Minolta products in the managing director, Nigeria and some other Skysat Technologies West African countries. Nigeria Limited, Mr. Speaking at the Izzat Debs, disclosed that ceremony, the comptroller the plan to bring Konica general of the Nigerian X ! ; " Immigration Service C1100 series on board 0 + > + to further revolutionize said “the speed at which digital printing in the the digital printer rolls world and in particular, out its production with in Nigeria and other sub excellent clarity of West African countries, contents and accurate started about three years colour disseminations, ago. Taiye Odewale, Abuja


From left: Chairman of the occasion, Sen. Tunde Ogbeha, People Democratic Party (PDP) Flag Bearer, Kogi State House of Assembly, Kabba/ Bunu Constituency, Prince Kolawole Olushola Mathew and the Chief Launcher Vice Admiral Ajayi Joseph during the Fund Raising dinner in Honour of Prince Kolawole Olushola in Abuja on Thursday Night. Photo: Wale Adenuga Godwin Akor, Makurdi


+ Namadi Sambo, has said the construction of standard railway gauges across the country is aimed at resuscitating the rail sector and boosting commercial activities. Sambo who was in Makurdi to commission % 4 coaches of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, said the coaches would enable the people travel country.

Resuscitation of railway’ll boost transportation - Sambo Sambo said the corporation was in comatose for over 27 years D Goodluck Jonathan’s intention to completely revitalise the sector. He explained that the Southern, Western, Eastern, North central and North western parts of the country were being linked with standard

gauges and emphasised that agriculture would receive boost with the more coaches that would be supplied to Benue State. 9 ] said major towns in Nigeria would be linked with standard railway lines, pointing out that transportation would be made cheaper and easier. Earlier, Governor Gabriel

Suswam had said he was seeing action in the railway ^ _` : He commended 8 reviving the rail sector, lamenting that the railway vis-a-viz their children, had been abandoned for years and appreciated the president for remembering them.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


South West

Minister rallies support Five parties adopt Ogun PDP guber candidate for Jonathan’s re-election F M

Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan

inister of State for the Federal Capital Territory, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, has rallied eminent leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) including two former governors, a former minister, seven former governorship aspirantsandtopprofessionals in Oyo State to work for the reelection of the President. Oloye Akinjide, who is also the state Coordinator of the President Goodluck Campaign Organisation has, consequently created six directorates headed by top politicians, with clearly defined goals and deliverables. Renowned Professor of Agriculture and seasoned politician, Professor Soji Adejumo, is in charge of

the Strategy, Planning and Research Directorate while political tactician and former deputy governor of the state, Alhaji Hazeem Gbolarumi, will work round the clock reaching all the nooks and crannies of the state as the Director of Campaign and Logistics. Professor Taoheed Adedoja, an accomplished administrator, a former minister and former governorship candidate heads the Administration and Finance Directorate. To mobilise the youths, women and all categories of people in the state is business icon, Engineer Femi Babalola, serving as the Director for Contact and Mobilisation and highly revered General Raji Alagbe Razaki, a former

Governor of Lagos and Ogun states is the Director of Security. According to a statement issued in Ibadan yesterday by the Director of Communications, Media and Publicity for the organisation, Alhaji Kehinde Olaosebikan, the engagement of the heavyweights of the state in the campaign organisation underscores the seriousness and great importance Oloye Akinjide and the party attach to the elections. Olaosebikan disclosed that the organisation had already commenced an all inclusive campaign that would guarantee good victory for President Goodluck Jonathan, Senator Teslim Folarin and all the candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party in Oyo State. “Ours is issue based and

campaign specific. It is Operation Total Victory for PDP in Oyo State. President Goodluck Jonathan will win overwhelmingly. It will be clean, distinct, targeted and successful,� Olaosebikan declared. Meanwhile, Oloye Jumoke Akinjide, has urged electorates in the state to vote for President Goodluck Jonathan, Senator Teslim Kolawole Folarin and other candidates of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)in the forthcoming general elections to facilitate creation of Ibadan state. She made the declaration during the PDP campaign rally for President Jonathan and Senator Teslim Folarin held at Olorunsogo in Ona Ara Local Government Area of Ibadan.

Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta ive political parties yesterday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, adopted the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Gboyega Nasir Isiaka, for next month’s general elections. The parties are African Democratic Congress (ADC), Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN), African People Alliance (APA), Action Alliance (AA) and People for Democratic Change (PDC). Addressing newsmen at the NUJ Secretariat, Iwe-Iroyin, the state chairman of APA, Alhaji Abdulmojeed Alao, stated that their decision was based on the outcome of their deliberations and research on the most appropriate candidate among the candidates that could deliver the dividend of democracy needed by the people of the state. He said: “It is our conviction that Ogun State is in dire need of resourceful and purposeful leadership that can drive the machinery of government and deliver the much eluded

dividends of democracy to the people of Ogun State which the present administration in the state have not been able to provide adequately.� A statement jointly signed by the chairmen of the parties read inter alia: “We are convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the integrity and quality of character possessed by GNI will guarantee equity, justice and fair play for all our citizens, and will take our dear state to the next level in the area of social and economic development.� The chairmen of the parties are Abiola Lawal (ADC), Dr. Taiwo Adewale (ACPN), Alhaji Abdulmojeed Alao Kilani (APA), Adedotun Alani (AA) and Olumide Adedigba (PDC). They, however, called on the people of the state to join them in “voting into office Alhaji Gboyega Nasir Isiaka, the PDP governorship candidate in the 2015 election whom we believe can deliver our state from the hands of buccaneers and businessmen in power who had taken us on a fruitless journey in the last four years.�

Group seeks support for sacked CRIN staff


he Oyo State chapter of Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR) has called on the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Nigerians generally to rise in support of 95 workers of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Idi-Ayunre, Oyo State, who were sacked last year by the management of the institute, insisting that the affected workers have not found it easy meeting their responsibilities since then. “Leaders of the Nigeria PDP Governorship Candidate for Lagos State, Mr. Jimi Agbaje, his Running Mate, Mrs. Safurat Abdulkarim, and Labour Congress (NLC), the Lagos Chairman of the Party at a Town Hall Meeting in Shomolu, Lagos, on Thursday Trade Union Congress (TUC), NASU, ASURI; SSAUTHRIAI, human rights organisations and pro-labour activists are Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan candidate, made the promise State did with the YES O farms, the asphalt plants urged to actively support the at a campaign rally in Ibadan cadets. and many other companies beleaguered workers of CRIN ormer Oyo State North Local Government He said his administration, he started and which his governor, Senator Area of the state, stressing starting from May 29, 2015, ~ in their plight,� CDWR declared in a statement to commemorate Rashidi Ladoja, that it is not enough for will ensure resuscitation of = : one year of the sack. has promised that his governors to boast of their the companies he started in The former governor also CDWR Coordinator for Oyo administration will create ability to create jobs without % #

assured that he will invest State, Mr. Abiodun Bamigboye, over 50,000 jobs within telling the people how they the state. Such companies, massively in developing who issued the statement in % intend to do so. according to him, include agriculture, noting that with Ibadan, called on the general government if he is elected He remarked that job the tractor assembly plants, a huge investment in the as the state governor in next creation is beyond bloating the pipe making factory, agric sector, many value month’s election. the civil service like the the brick manufacturing added companies will be The former governor, who is present government in Oyo # + & Accord Party’s governorship much needed drive to get the he candidate of the youth in the state gainfully Peoples Democratic employed will be achieved. Peter Dada, Akure stakeholders at the Police Party (PDP) for “Police would not hesitate to Senator Ladoja’s campaign Officers Mess, Akure. deal decisively with any person, train moved from Sabo the Ondo State House of s the general Expressingthereadinessofthe no matter how highly placed, through Oke ayo, Sango, Assembly in Akoko North elections draw Command for the forthcoming trying to disrupt the peace of Agbowo, Bodija market West Constituency 2, Otunba nearer, the Ondo election, Eke said the police the state,� Eke declared. and Yemetu areas of Ibadan Olumide Araoyinbo, has said State Police Commissioner, would exhibit high level of that grass root development He called on parents and North. Mr. Isaac Eke, has warned all professionalism by ensuring guardians to educate their would be his major concern Meanwhile, the Accord the stakeholders, especially adequate security, fairness and wards on how to comport if elected in next month’s Party governorship candidate policemen and politicians that integrity, also assuring that themselves during the elections general elections. has blamed the poor would be participating in the level playing ground would be in line with the electoral Araoyinbo, a security conditions of infrastructures election to play the games provided for all the participating guidelines as entrenched in the expert, said he decided to in markets across the according to the rule. political parties. Electoral Act. state as a result of the All contest the election after Specifically, the “I wish to implore political making wide consultations Also speaking at the meeting, Commissioner warned his parties, politicians, most the state’s Resident Electoral Progressives Congress (APC) with both political and officers and men against especially those vying for Commission, Mr. Segun led government’s failure to traditional leaders in the collecting bribe from politicians elective offices in the state and Agbaje, urged the politicians to conduct local government constituency. during the election, declaring Federal legislatures to imbibe always adhere to the electoral election. “I did not just wake up Senator Ladoja made the that the command would not the spirit of sportsmanship guidelines during the election, one day and decided to run declaration at the Aleshiloye hesitate to prosecute the giver during the campaign and calling on the people that are for election. I made very and collector. elections, and shun acts yet to collect their Permanent market in Ibadan Southwest wide consultations with our Local Government Area The Police boss gave this of violence, thuggery and Voter Card (PVC) to do so in leaders, both political and warning at a meeting he held intimidation on perceived other to enable them participate during the party’s campaign traditional, and they all said I rally. with politicians and other political opponents. should go ahead.� in the election .

Ladoja promises 50,000 jobs in 3 years if elected


public, particularly leaders and elders in CRIN host community; all the necessary government agencies like the Police, DSS, ICPC, EFCC, the supervising and relevant Federal ministries and the media to prevail on the management of the institute to re-absorb the affected workers. The rights group reviewed the circumstances surrounding the sack of the affected workers, declaring that “CDWR strongly holds that it is a vicious attack on workers democratic rights to be refused confirmation of appointment beyond two years on probation period; sacked and denied of four months salaries for participating in a legitimate strike action called by their unions.� Newswatch Times recalls that the sacked workers on Thursday, staged a peaceful protest at the Idi-Ayunre community of the institute to sensitise people of their plight, and called for their reabsorption by management of the institute.

Agenda for my constituency, by Ondo Assembly aspirant

Ondo Police boss reads riot acts to officers, politicians



He said his focus would be to use his wealth of experience as a security expert and businessman in the assembly # constituency. According to him, the people of the constituency neglects by successive administrations, and need a vibrant representation in the Assembly. “The time has come for us to start sending people who will give robust and good representation in the Assembly. Prior to this time, our people have not really got what they deserve. But the time has come for to take our future in our hands.� Promising to ensure the provision of basic needs for the people, Araoyinbo said:


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

South South

News Otti campaign organisation debunks ‘voter card buying’ allegation


Abia State Governor, Theodore Orji, cutting the tape to commission the new Ultra Modern Civil Service Secretariat in Umuahia. With him are Mr. Kingsley Mgbeahuru, State commissioner for Housing, Col. Austine Akobundu, National Vice Chairman South-East PDP (behind) Rt. Hon. Ude Okochukwu, Speaker, Abia State House of Assembly and running mate to the PDP governorship candidate, and Sir Emeka Ananaba, deputy governor.

Edo INEC retrieves 983 stolen PVCs from hoodlums State Resident Electoral ## + X + gave the indication during do State chapter of „ $ # the Independent & ! National Electoral City, the state capital. Commission (INEC) stated Igini had declared that it has retrieved 983 earlier in the month that stolen permanent voters negotiations between him cards (PVC) from suspected and an anonymous caller hoodlums in Orhionmwon on his mobile phone has Local Government Area of " " the state. channel, raising security The PVCs, however, is a concerns. far cry from more than 3,600 …†_ ]  " ]  suspected hoodlums in nine local government in eight other local areas of the state during government areas of the the distribution exercise in state were still unaccounted the state, raising security for, according to him. concerns about the 2015 The returned PVCs general elections. by the commission

ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


were displayed before representatives of registered political parties and their candidates present at the occasion. # PVCs belonging to 1,320 eligible voters who applied to the state headquarters of INEC for inter-state and intra state transfers would soon be ready for collection. ˆ & # that neutrality of INEC + assigned on election duty and apathy on the part of voters remain some of ## $ challenges. Chairman of the Nigerian ‡ 8

+ „

State Council, Comrade Desmond Agbama, and the state coordinator of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), Mrs. # + security concerns for their members who will be assigned on election duty. Peoples Democratic Party candidates, Esan South East and Esan North East Constituency, Mr. Sergius Oguns and !

‡ " # + Edo North Senatorial District in Edo State, described the interactive session with INEC as necessary for a hitch-free general elections.

Edo: Base your campaigns on issues, not calumny, LP candidate tells politicians ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


ivers State governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Barrister Nyesom @ + & 9 ^

4% " & # hoodlums and security operatives at the palace of the traditional ruler of Oda Abua, King Kalay Obugeh, in Abua/Odua Local Government Area of Rivers State. @ # #" campaign team, including some supporters had called to pay a courtesy call on the traditional ruler as part of activities to ƒ 4

campaign in Abua/Odua when the hoodlums began shooting sporadically from a nearby bush. The PDP governorship candidate and his supporters were trapped in the palace of the traditional ruler for

about 45 minutes that D % between the armed hoodlums and the security @ : Reinforcement was said " ^ # police stations including military formations in the area. @ campaign rally at Abua ^ #" # of security operatives

successfully repelled the armed hoodlums. The siege, which according # #" @ $ campaign, lasted for 45 minutes, was interspersed & "

% : Condemning the siege, @ to investigate the incident # " & brought to justice. He was politically-motivated


elta State governorship candidate on the platform of the National Conscience Party (NCP), !

8 „ " ‹ " + promised free education to all Delta indigenes up to university level,

particularly the indigent. Also, the gubernatorial candidate promised to create a conducive atmosphere for foreign investors who would provide employment opportunities for the army of the unemployed that abound in the state, as well as to encourage small scale industrialists.

‹ emerged as the authentic Œ ƒ " elections. Our volunteers sun because we believe in the power and supremacy of the voters who will decide the outcome of elections. We were " hear on the state run BCA that our campaign team has been on a mission to $ : @ consider this allegation not only befuddling but malicious and in bad +H ‹ # organization said. The organization also wondered why anyone would be purchasing $ & the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has tightened security and technological measures around its portal � & # " ~ and near impossible.

‘Amaechi, champion of free education’


overnor of Rivers State, Rt. Hon. " ‰ # Amaechi, was declared champion of free and qualitative education by the state chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Port Harcourt, yesterday. Reacting to the movement of pupils into the new ultramodern Š`4 # " „ + near Port Harcourt by the Amaechi administration, the party described the event as yet another

$ cap. X commendation, the Rivers

to deter him from campaigning in Abau/ Odua Local Government Area of the state. His words: “I enjoin the % behind this dastardly : @ & who are involved in this. @ ^ #: ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin They will never run away. The commissioner of overnor Adams # % Oshiomhole has

challenged the ^

:H Federal Government to show the people of Edo Central where its N2.4 billion water project is sited, adding that even when the PDP Federal Government While addressing claims the project has Delta State community been completed and residents in Ajegunle, commissioned, the local Apapa, Badagry and $ " ‘ water. 0 + ‹ " 0 ‡ # them to communicate their during the campaign of the relations in Delta State that All Progressives Congress the Messiah governor has (APC) in Edo Central on emerged, who will ensure Wednesday, Oshiomhole that there is food on their said: “The problem we table at all times.

Delta NCP guber flag bearer promises free education to varsity level Ted Odogwu

he campaign organisation of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) governorship candidate D # $ elections in Abia State, Dr. D ‹ + " # # rounds in the state and its agents and volunteers of the campaign have been involved in the purchase $ # eligible voters ahead of the February polls. The campaign organization regarded the stories as “malicious, puerile and in bad taste� especially since they were emanating from the studios of government-run Broadcasting Corporation of Abia (BCA) State. “In our goal to reach voters and campaign on the ground as widely as possible and permissible, our campaign organization " #" door-to-door initiatives

State chairman of the + > : > Ibiamu, stated: “This is not only an epochal event but yet another testimony to the great love which Governor Amaechi has for Rivers children and his commitment to ensuring a rosy future for them. It has further consolidated

$ the champion of free and qualitative education in modern Nigeria.� The chairman described the commissioning of the % in the country, noting that there were now 15 of such world-class primary the state.

Oshiomhole denounces FG’s claim of N2.4bn water project in Edo


have today is that in the " " = + > they have brought water „ : ‹ = ‡ " + ‹ = ‡ # other Onojies in Esanland, they will tell you that there is no water in Esanland. 9 # # ~ and said they are not going to allow the Vice President to come.� 0 & at the rally, Governor Oshiomhole queried the Peoples Democratic Party * Œ

# $ claim of completing a N2.4 billion Esan Water Project, maintaining that no such project was executed in the area.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


South East Five parties adopt Ogun PDP guber candidate Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


ive political parties yesterday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, adopted the governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Gboyega Nasir Isiaka, for next month’s general elections. The parties are African Democratic Congress (ADC), Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN), African People Alliance (APA), Action Alliance (AA) and People for Democratic Change (PDC). Addressing newsmen at the NUJ Secretariat, Iwe-Iroyin, the state chairman of APA, Alhaji Abdulmojeed Alao, stated that their decision was based on the outcome of their deliberations and research on the most appropriate candidate among the candidates that could deliver the dividend of democracy needed by the people of the state.

He said: “It is our conviction that Ogun State is in dire need of resourceful and purposeful leadership that can drive the machinery of government and deliver the much eluded dividends of democracy to the people of Ogun State which the present administration in the state have not been able to provide adequately.� A statement jointly signed by the chairmen of the parties read inter alia: “We are convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the integrity and quality of character possessed by GNI will guarantee equity, justice and fair play for all our citizens, and will take our dear state to the next level in the area of social and economic development.� The chairmen of the parties are Abiola Lawal (ADC), Dr. Taiwo Adewale (ACPN), Alhaji Abdulmojeed Alao Kilani (APA), Adedotun Alani (AA) and Olumide Adedigba (PDC).

Minister rallies support for Jonathan’s re-election Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


inister of State for the Federal Capital Territory, Oloye Olajumoke Akinjide, has rallied eminent leaders of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) including two former governors, a former minister, seven former governorship aspirants and top professionals in Oyo State to work for the re-election of the President. Oloye Akinjide, who is also the state Coordinator of the President Goodluck Campaign Organisation has, consequently created six directorates headed by top politicians, with %

deliverables. Renowned Professor of Agriculture and seasoned politician, Professor Soji Adejumo, is in charge of the Strategy, Planning and Research Directorate while political tactician and former deputy governor of the state, Alhaji Hazeem Gbolarumi, will work round the clock reaching all the nooks and crannies of the state as the Director of Campaign and Logistics. Professor Taoheed Adedoja, an accomplished administrator, a former minister and former governorship candidate heads the Administration and Finance Directorate. To mobilise the youths,

women and all categories of people in the state is business icon, Engineer Femi Babalola, serving as the Director for Contact and Mobilisation and highly revered General Raji Alagbe Razaki, a former Governor of Lagos and Ogun states is the Director of Security. According to a statement issued in Ibadan yesterday by the Director of Communications, Media and Publicity for the organisation, Alhaji Kehinde Olaosebikan, the engagement of the heavyweights of the state in the campaign organisation underscores the seriousness and great

importance Oloye Akinjide elections. Olaosebikan disclosed that the organisation had already commenced an all inclusive campaign that would guarantee good victory for President Goodluck Jonathan, Senator Teslim Folarin and all the candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party in Oyo State. “Ours is issue based and # % : Operation Total Victory for PDP in Oyo State. President Goodluck Jonathan will win overwhelmingly. It will be clean, distinct, targeted and successful,� Olaosebikan declared.

Group seeks support for sacked CRIN staff


he Oyo State chapter of Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR) has called on the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Nigerians generally to rise in support of 95 workers of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Idi-Ayunre, Oyo State, who were sacked last year by the management of the institute, insisting that the & found it easy meeting their responsibilities since then. “Leaders of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), the Trade Union Congress (TUC), NASU, ASURI; SSAUTHRIAI, human rights organisations and pro-labour activists

are urged to actively support the beleaguered workers of CRIN in their plight,� CDWR declared in a statement to commemorate one year of the sack. CDWR Coordinator for Oyo State, Mr. Abiodun Bamigboye, who issued the statement in Ibadan, called on the general public, particularly leaders and elders in CRIN host community; all the necessary government agencies like the Police, DSS, ICPC, EFCC, the supervising and relevant Federal ministries and the media to prevail on the management of the institute to re-absorb the & :

My agenda for my constituency, by Ondo Assembly aspirant


he candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the Ondo State House of Assembly in Akoko North West Constituency 2, Otunba Olumide Araoyinbo, has said that grass root development would be his major concern if elected in next month’s general elections. Araoyinbo, a security expert, said he decided to contest the ^ # & consultations with both political and traditional leaders in the constituency. “I did not just wake up one day and decided to run for election. I made very wide consultations with our leaders, both political and traditional, and they all said I should go ahead.� He said his focus would be to use his wealth of experience as a security expert and businessman in the assembly #

constituency. According to him, the people of the constituency have " successive administrations, and need a vibrant representation in the Assembly. “The time has come for us to start sending people who will give robust and good representation in the Assembly. Prior to this time, our people have not really got what they deserve. But the time has come for to take our future in our hands.� Promising to ensure the provision of basic needs for the people, Araoyinbo said: “If you look round, you will see that our communities are lacking in the area of infrastructure. I go round, and feel that we deserve " : 9 # # & + and I hope our people will start to get the best of representation starting from May 29.�

L-R: United Progressive Party (UPP), Presidential candidate, Mr. Chekwas Okorie; Traditional Ruler of Owerri, Eze Emmanuel Njemanze; Imo State UPP Governorship candidate, Mr. Osmond Ukanacho; UPP Presidential running mate, Mr. Umaru Bello and running mate of the Governorship candidate, Prof. Proteus Uzoma, during their courtesy visit to the Traditional Ruler in Owerri, Imo State‌recently.

Ladoja promises 50,000 jobs in 3 years if elected Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


ormer Oyo State governor, Senator Rashidi Ladoja, has promised that his administration will create over 50,000 jobs within % government if he is elected as the state governor in next month’s election. The former governor, who is Accord Party’s governorship candidate, made the promise at a campaign rally in Ibadan North Local Government Area of the state, stressing that it is not enough for governors to boast of their ability to create jobs without telling the people how they intend to do so. He remarked that job creation is beyond bloating the civil service like the present government in Oyo State did with the YES O cadets. He said his administration, starting from May 29, 2015, will ensure resuscitation of the companies he started in his % #

the state. Such companies,

according to him, include the tractor assembly plants, the pipe making factory, the brick manufacturing # + farms, the asphalt plants and many other companies he started and which his ~ = : The former governor also assured that he will invest massively in developing

agriculture, noting that with a huge investment in the agric sector, many value added companies will be & the much needed drive to get the youth in the state gainfully employed will be achieved. Senator Ladoja’s campaign train moved from Sabo through Oke ayo, Sango, Agbowo,

!  # < # areas of Ibadan North. Meanwhile, the Accord Party governorship candidate has blamed the poor conditions of infrastructures in markets across the state as a result of the All Progressives Congress (APC) led government’s failure to conduct local government election.

Election:Ondo Police boss reads riot acts to officers,politicians Peter Dada, Akure


s the general elections draw nearer, the Ondo State Police Commissioner, Mr. Isaac Eke, has warned all the stakeholders, especially policemen and politicians that would be participating in the election to play the games according to the rule. 0 % + Commissioner warned ~ # against collecting bribe from politicians during the election, declaring that the command would not hesitate to prosecute the giver and

collector. The Police boss gave this warning at a meeting he held with politicians and other stakeholders at the Police ‹~ X + : Expressing the readiness of the Command for the forthcoming election, Eke said the police would exhibit high level of professionalism by ensuring adequate security, fairness and integrity, also assuring that level playing ground would be provided for all the participating political parties. “I wish to implore political parties, politicians, most especially those vying for ~

Federal legislatures to imbibe the spirit of sportsmanship during the campaign and elections, and shun acts of violence, thuggery and intimidation on perceived political opponents. “Police would not hesitate to deal decisively with any + # & placed, trying to disrupt the peace of the state,� Eke declared. He called on parents and guardians to educate their wards on how to comport themselves during the elections in line with the electoral guidelines as entrenched in the Electoral Act.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


North East ‘Election postponement tantamount to election rigging’ Emmanuel Iriogbe, Abuja


he pronouncement by the National Security Adviser (NSA), Colonel Sambo Dansuki, that there is need to postpone the forthcoming election, has been described as amounting to election rigging. This view was espoused yesterday by Chidia Madueke, Director, Media and Information Management Directorate, Buhari Support Organisation during a world press conference. Likening the present political situation in the country to the days of ! Nigeria in the 3rd Republic, led by Arthur Nzeribe, Madueke said the country must not be allowed to degenerate to that level. “The inglorious days ! Nigeria (ABN) is about to be berthed again in our political history. The ABN platform was used

to dubiously campaign against the fairest and freest presidential election in the history of Nigeria. “We are here today, resolved to say it boldly that we shall never pass through & % : & meaning Nigerians and international community are hereby asked to rise up and pull Nigeria back from walking on this predictable pact that will only lead to self destruction as a nation. Postponement of next # $ any plot or an interim government under any guise is totally rejected� The statement issued after the conference suggested that the ruling PDP was going against the spirit of the peace accord entered into by political stakeholders on the need for peaceful polls come next month, and brokered by such notables like former Secretaries-General of the United Nations ## & + ’ % Anan and Emeka Anyaoku respectfully.

Group debunks fears of disintegration Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


ollowing fears in some quarters that Nigeria may disintegrate with the 2015 general elections, the Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa (DTCA), yesterday, debunked the situation. The acting DirectorGeneral of DTCA, Mr. Shuaibu Suleiman, who gave the assurance yesterday during an interview with newsmen shortly after the opening ceremony of a 2-day monitoring and evaluation capacity building workshop Abuja, said for its leadership position in Africa, the world will not watch Nigeria disintegrate.

“Nigeria has taken a strategic leadership position + the rest of Africa in the areas of peace keeping, capacity building and technical cooperation; and has become so important to the development of Africa that the world will not allow it to be destabilised,� he said. Suleiman described % + that no country in Africa has % : His words: “Even all the countries in Africa know that no country will give them help like Nigeria. Look at the issue of peace keeping. Even with all our challenges, Nigerians are performing on peace keeping missions all over Africa. So, the challenges here are being resolved, and

they will be resolved.� “Whether you like it or not, even in the midst of our challenges, a number of African nations are looking up to Nigeria. That is why if there is any challenge in Nigeria, a number of Heads of States in Africa will tell Nigeria to do whatever it can to resolve it because

$ disintegration or to be crippled by challenges.� Speaking on the workshop, he said the monitoring and evaluation component is strategic to the operations of the Directorate in view of its Africa wide mandate of which a number of projects have been implemented across Africa particularly under the Nigerian Technical Cooperation Fund (NTCF),

+ " capacity in this regard. Earlier, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of * + #" Danjuma Sheni, who noted that one of the reasons for numerous failed and abandoned projects is the lack of adequate skilled manpower to carry out the monitoring and evaluation exercise, commended the DTCA for embarking on the training workshop. Sheni also praised the agency for how well it has performed in the implementation of its programmes across Africa. “I therefore, urge the Directorate to keep up with " in various special skills,� he said.

JAP tasks parents on immunisation of wards Baba Negedu, Kaduna


ournalists against Polio (JAP), Kaduna State chapter, yesterday called on parents in Kaduna to make sure that their children between the ages of 0 - 5 are immunised. A statement by the group in Kaduna said, “With the commencement of January immunisation campaign today, parents have been called upon to ensure their children of between 0-5 years are immunised against polio�. The statement signed by the Secretary of Journalists against Polio, Kaduna State chapter, Lawal Dogara, urged parents to give all the needed support to ensure no child is left out between January 22 and 26,

2015. The statement also said “the Executive Secretary, Kaduna State Primary Health Care Agency 0 ˆ > : 0 % Muawuyya Babale, has assured that all required arrangements have been put in place to ensure eligible children are vaccinated.� According to the statement, “the Agency has already distributed vaccines to all the local government areas for the exercise.� “The Executive Secretary ## of traditional rulers and religious leaders, and urged them to re-double success of the exercise,� the statement said.

L-R: Emir of Dutse, Alhaji Nuru Sanusi; Jigawa State Governor, Sule Lamido and President Goodluck Jonathan, during the latter’s visit to the Emir in Dutse, Jigawa State‌recently.

INEC under pressure to shelf guber poll in Adamawa Owolabi Adenusi,Yola


he Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has been under pressure not to conduct the February gubernatorial poll in Adamawa State to avoid litigation. A chieftain of the ruling

Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Adamawa State, > : ‡# + & Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC, Professor 8 + him not to go ahead to conduct gubernatorial poll in Adamawa State by February

because there is no vacancy in Government House, Yola by May 2015. The former PDP gubernatorial aspirant said that Governor Murtala Nyako and Barrister Bala James Nggilari tenure will come to an end towards August 2015, stressing that it would be error of law if INEC

“I would not pronounce any amount now, but I am assuring civil servants in the state of increment on the N18, 000 minimum wage to a level that they would be comfortable with,� Agabi said. Agabi also outlined five broad areas of priority in his development agenda for the state to include: Security, Education, Agriculture, Infrastructure and Employment. On education, he promised to provide free education that would ameliorate the plight of parents and guardians. He also promised to rapidly develop the Mararaba axis as the # " " $ Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) through Public Private Partnership arrangement.

Earlier, Senator Walid Jibrin, secretary Board of Trustees (BOT) of the PDP, called on all aggrieved members of the party to bury their differences and support the governorship candidate in the February election. He cautioned the people of the state against indulging in politics of religion, saying that religion had never been an issue in Nasarawa State. “We would not allow anyone divide us along religious lines because there is hardly a family in the state where you will not find adherents of both religions,� Jibrin said. Agabi, however, called on the people of the state turn out en masse on February 14 and 28, and vote massively for the PDP at all levels.

Hoodlums torch APC campaign office in Bauchi Agabi plans toll fees to boost Nasarawa IGR Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


ouths suspected to be supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) yesterday set ablaze the campaign office ofAll Progressives Congress (APC) gubernatorial candidate, Barrister Mohammed Abdullahi Abubakar in retaliation of the attack on President Goodluck Jonathan and vandalisation of PDP billboards and posters. Newswatch Times gathered that the angry youths attacked and vandalised the Bauchi South Senatorial District campaign office of Barrister Abubakar, which is located in Kobi Street at about 2pm when people were still on bed. Some residents of the area said: “We woke up and saw the office on fire, and all the relevant things

in the office had already been burnt, and there was nothing we could do at that time to save the situation. We did not envisage that any reasonable person could do such a thing.� Some of them said they saw some group of persons stormed the office in three Hilux trucks, set the place ablaze and immediately drove out while the flame blazed for over two hours because of the documents in the office. Confirming the incident, the Bauchi State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Mohammed Haruna, said that about 2:30am, unknown persons numbering about four, wearing masks set ablaze APC campaign office of one Barrister Mohammed Abubakar, at Unguwan jaki junction, Bauchi.

*?@QXY 2Z?[\X]X^_ /`q`


he governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Nasarawa State, Alhaji Yusuf Agabi, has stated that he would introduce toll fees to boost the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of the state. Agabi, who stated this in Keffi, yesterday, while briefing the newsmen in preparation for the official flag off of his campaign on January 24, promised to increase minimum wage for civil servants in the state if given the mandate. He explained that the welfare of workers in the state is imperative to the overall development of all the sectors of the state.

should go ahead to conduct governorship election in the state next month which will be challenged in a competent court . + & the national chairman of INEC made available to reporters in Yola said, “I respectfully write & error of law in conducting governorship election in Adamawa State alongside other states of the Federation as scheduled on 28th February, 2015. “You may wish to recall that the Nyako/Ngilari gubernatorial ticket in Adamawa State is among the % * whose governorship election & % " „ Tribunal in February 2008, but contested a re-run election and won. You may also recall that their tenure ~ 4 for second term became a # judicial proceedings that was ultimately determined by the Supreme Court of the country on January 12, 2012, and for which Section 180 of the Nigerian Constitution was amended.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015



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Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646) BARRISTER JIMOH IBRAHIM, CFR - FOUNDER/PUBLISHER


MD/CEO DEPUTY MD/CEO EDITOR, DAILY EDITOR, SATURDAY EDITOR, SUNDAY EDITOR, NATION’S CAPITAL EDITOR, NORTHERN OPERATIONS EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR HEAD, GRAPHICS and addressed to the Editor, Saturday, Newswatch Times 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624

Poor handling of Jonathan’s profile


ermit me to air my views in your widely read newspaper. There is no doubt that the presidential election alongside others are right around the corner with less than a month to go before the first among the lot. There has been a lot criticisms, especially from the opposition camp against the style and what it considers as the slow and failing style of the President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration. While everyone has a right to do his own assessment of the President’s performance, I think one needs to know that President Jonathan is the first truly intellectual president Nigeria has had after the late Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. I also think that if with the level of President Jonathan’s education, maturity and age, he can still behave like Area Boys, reacting to issues and situations irrationally or without critical examinations of the causes in order to decipher an intellectual solution to issues, he would not creating a unique personality for himself as a egg head. We are used to leaders who would take actions or decisions before thinking regardless of what the untimate end turns out to be. Such decisions and actions taken in the past have plunged the nation into legal debts and given

us an image many a Nigeria find hard to identify with. And since the President seems to be reversing that trend, most people are unable to understand and keep pace. Worried, they are throwing all sorts of insults at him. But, a thorough study and gleaning of the President’s activities within the constraints he find himself since assuming office, would tell any reasonable, non-politically drunk person that he has indeed tried to make a difference in every aspect nation’s socio-economy life. Unfortunately, the President’s publicity outfit seems not concerned with packaging his achievements and giving them publicity it so well deserved. They are really not doing him not much good in that respect especially as he prepares to re-contest the office in 2015. They need to wake up and begin to chronicle and package all his achievements in the areas of infrastructural development, economy, political stability, religious harmony and peaceful co-existence among others since he came to power. He indeed has a lot to sell if only those who have that responsibility will wake up now. Orotoma Oghogho Agbarho, Delta State

Deplorable state of Yola link road By Abbas Yushau Yusuf


t is no longer news that the roads most Nigerians ply are bad. This is as a result of the leadership crisis the country has been grappling with since independence in 1960. Nigerian roads are not motor-able just as travellers are apprehensive until they arrive their intended destinations every blessed day. This is my second time of plying the Adamawa Road within the Gombe State border with Adamawa, linking Yola, the state capital. The first time I plied the road was in December, 2012 and again in August, 2014. What struck my mind was the degree of deterioration of the road in spite of the huge amount of money budgeted by the Federal Government for the repair and reconstruction of Nigerian roads. The administration of General Olusegun Obasanjo injected N300 billion at the onset of his tenure under the watchful eyes of Chief Tony Anenih as the Minister of Works and Housing. The rest of the story is now history as the obasanjo Administration is over 7 years in the dustbin of History. The Road that links Adamawa from other States of the Federation is terribly bad, caused by careless of the elite and how the country is been terribly governed except in some few cases.

While driving through the road, I was discussing with my colleagues on the hours spent due to the terrible nature of the road with marked potholes at strategic corners which delay motorists for unprecedented number of hours whenever they visit the North eastern state. After a series of grumblings and analysis with colleagues, expressing worries and concerns over the lukewarm attitude of those steering the ship of the state to arrest the situation, we started asking ourselves if this the state that was blessed with prominent politicians and business moguls of international repute who can influence the total reconstruction of the deplorable Road to Yola. This is a state that boasts of a former vice president who was on the seat of power for 8 consecutive years with nothing to show as far as constructing the road was concerned. The African Business Roundtable Chairman and who led the self acclaimed largest political party in Africa, the Peoples Democratic Party is from Adamawa State. The embattled former chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Nuhu Ribadu is from Adamawa State. A onetime Minister of Education, and

Petroleum, Senator Jibril Aminu is from Adamawa State. Former Inspector General of Police, Muhammad Gambo Jimeta is from Adamawa State. Former Military Administrator of Borno and Lagos states, Brigadier-General Muhammad Buba Marwa is also from Adamawa State I later asked my colleagues if I am not dreaming on the kind of personalities Adamawa State is blessed with yet the road linking the state from other parts of the Federation is not motor-able. Yushau Yusuf wrote via


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Why Abians want Alex Otti as governor # @ "4 : 9 + & " real, world-class hospitals, starting with three, to be located in each senatorial ; H:

By Ifeanyi Amanze


Aba ma ndi Aba (Aba knows its own people)�, the cheering crowd D ‹ & ” Ariaria market; a characteristic smile playing on the corner of his lips.

‹ ; • ' " / 4 : : far as we are concerned, any resident of Abia is an indigene, and is therefore entitled to every service my government + " + / " H: 8 " :

' D ‹ ’ # D ‹ one we know)�, a sea of locals chanted ‹ % & Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) candidate made a campaign stop in the ## : It is this collage of fawning and & + X " ˆ + : '

& " / ‹ # in the media called campaign as being ' " & H+ ˆ + & D +

• '‹ # % " H: 0 " # # & $ % # " Œ

‹ + ˆ " # � & $ # & & • '‹ & # has extolled beyond the fairness and balancing of report as is obtainable =

#+ & =

� & that he cannot win election in the state, " and dexterity�. This is where we have to help X " ˆ : 9 & & X " ˆ # # : 9 4 ‹ is garnering from eligible voters in Abia State has nothing to do with a media " ” ‰ ## : „ & ‹ & 0 # + $ vision for the State which he will begin # # # : ‘ % + ‹ " # " # + # ; the State and improving healthcare 0 : 9 messaging has been constant and

: policies that has endeared the APGA

@ :

candidate to Ndi Abia, who can now spot a politician who means what he says " + # the herd of pretenders jostling for votes in Abia.

ˆ ‹ = " " the private sector to work: “We have " + & # ˆ D ‹ + + " chaos that Aba has become: “In my themselves, as well as a more vibrant interaction with fellow APGA members, economy for Abia. The time has come " " " : 9 " ƒ " " : 9 ƒ for the radical transformation of Abia is will be located at Abayi (near Ngwa being completed. In fact, International ˆ 0 + ˆ * * ‹ " ˆ „ #" : 9 already indicated their interest in taking " & ~ + = &

‹ ˆ X > — ˆ „ + This money is not made available # # + " D " " H: : #" : ' –& H: ## + # # # ˆ ‹ # & & % # # + passes for a pigsty: “We will relocate the extended the same facility to me when I # : 9 > # ! + # & " # & = & : ‹ " & H: ˆ & % ˜ $ International Market across the express & ˆ # ‹ $ road. This new Ariaria will be a worldpossess? # + of the present Ariaria that bring valid, ˆ + ‹ " % " & new, air-conditioned shops in the mall�. & • '‹ + & @ & $ 4 4 & and call him their own? Abia State will be at the centre of medical

For so long, the electorate in Abia 0 & ~ & # " # # # & : * + Ndi Abia have had to choose from a cast

Â? " who have been foisted on the people by

4 : + ~ # how these plans will be implemented. 9 " " & ‹ ; + + whose plans for Abia State are still the "= # : '9 electioneering promise of Governor 9 ‹ = % � hence whatever anyone is saying against = '# H+ ˆ writes, barely believing his own words. When people have to be forced to see ' # H + $ " #: " #: In Abia State, prospective voters are coming to terms with the fact that $ " & deal in the past and are ready to pitch & � #" ; with a track record of performance in : D ‹ $ � # : ˆ # # + & / "

� # # & ˜ $ # :

The time for change is now By Ndukwe Onuoha


" at the goings on in Abia State. It will be the height of irresponsibility on the part + & & & / + + # leadership bereft of ideas and original : @ & # & # elites and so-called statesmen in # +

& #" & # & + " ƒ % "

# # ## :

The time for change is now. 9 # slogan by politicians and parties in the &

: — 9 "

+ "

# applied to critical reasoning. It is not # + " : A new wind is blowing across Abia State. It is a wind of change. It is & & &

& Œ $ ‹& 0 # : & & ; % " # # "

spaces. This wind will not spare those & # # ## + & other way as certain people impose # & people. It will not spare the greedy, # " : This wind, however, will not come & " Â? + " : @ # + 4"

" + = hands and indeed minds in fanning this wind into reality, for it is only by & & " " #

& : * # " ‡#

# + & # " &

" % ## Nigerian states. There is not a moment to spare. As we march steadily towards the Š`™š + # #" that whatever decision we take on that * " & for all eternity. We can either allow + &

+ & : 9 & : My prayer is that having been in this 4 # #" + & & " :

& & + # * " Š`™š " harbinger of a fresh start for Abia. ’ — " —

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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January 24, 2015

Let’s save Agbonavbare, ex-internationals cry out as form form rrme merr Ea Eag agl gle les les’ es’ kee ke eepe ep per err con continu tin ti inue e es cancer treatment in Spain

IOC insists on women’s participation at Olympics >>Pg.22

Oduah kicks against Keshi contract renewal



Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

League Watch Pillars target Super 6 Maduabuchi Kalu



igeria Premier League champions, Kano Pillars FC said they have set eyes on the Super Six & & weekend in Abuja to set the tone on what to expect from them as they prepare to campaign in the CAF Champions League in few weeks time. According to the X ‹~ Kano based club, Idris Mailikawa due to the importance and seriousness Pillars 0 Î+ they moved to Kaduna on Monday to prepare for the championship even as he revealed that they will not leave any stone unturned to ensure that they emerge champions at the end of the six tem championship. The competition

before now was known as Super 4 as the best four teams in the country competition to determine who among the teams the best is. The four teams are taken from the best two league teams and the two teams % Federation Cup. This year’s Super Six will be played among the following team, Enyimba, Pillars, Dolphins, Delta Warri Wolves, the national Under-20 team coached by Manu Garba and the Under-23 team coached by former national team coach Samson Siasia. In the word Mailikawa: “We are preparing seriously for the Super six as we want to use the competition to weigh what we are likely going to meet when hostilities start on the

continent in respect of CAF Champions League. “We are not leaving any stone un-turn as we have set our target to win this competition. This competition will help us set the tone for our continental campaign in few weeks time. “As I speak to you due to the importance & 0 Six Competition, we relocated to Kaduna from Kano on Monday in order to concentrate in our preparations and we are going to train for four days before we move to Abuja. “Everybody connected with Pillars is working very hard to ensure that we achieve our target of winning the tournament,� Mailikawa stated.

Lobi still expecting new players – Akombo


s teams are preparing for the commencement of 2014/15 league season, Lobi Stars of Makurdi have joined other teams across the country in kick starting their preparations for the season. At the moment, Lobi are training with their last season’s players as the new players expected to join the team are yet to make themselves available at the Makurdi based side. According to the veteran striker of the club Akombo Ukeyima, Lobi started their preparation for the season last week and are

yet to have any new player join the club. He revealed that the training of the club is holding in Makurdi On whether there has been any change in the technical department of the club, Ukeyima explained that he was not in a position to talk on that as it is the chairman of the club that is most suited to speak on that. “We resumed training last week in Makurdi. We are training in preparations for the commencement of the season in few weeks time. “We have been training with our squad no new


player has joined us. All the players that we expect to join us have not been seen, that is why we are training our old squad. “I can’t speak on whether there has been any change in the technical crew. It is only the Vice Chairman of the club can authoritatively speak on that,� Ukeyima explained.

Kano Pillars players warming up before an encounter

Excited Dolphins players predict tough tourney


here is excitement and high expectations in the camp of Dolphins FC, one of the teams involved in the Glo Premier League 0 Î tournament featuring four top teams of the league and two junior national teams. Dolphins, last season’s Federation Cup losing % Š`™š * Confederation Cup hopeful regrouped on Sunday ahead of the tournament which serves as the opener to what promises to be a busy 2014/15 football season for the club. Captain Sunday Rotimi was one of the early birds to arrive camp as the players trickled into camp after their holidays but the veteran goalkeeper and another early bird, Jonathan Zikiye are already looking forward to an impressive outing in the tournament commences on the 24th of this month in Abuja. For Rotimi, a former Sunshine Stars goalkeeper, the competition will serve as the perfect build-up for all teams involved ahead of their continental tasks since the top three teams in the league for

2015‘ll be better season for FC Taraba –Babangida


he Chairman of FC Taraba, Tijani Babaginda, has predicted a bright 2015 season for the Jalingo based team, assuring that # & % a good account of itself this season. The former international therefore expressed happiness in the ability of the team to % % last season, saying that FC achieved their set goal which was to maintain their status in the Nigeria elite league. He noted that now the team has gained enough experience # % Nigeria Premier League season and now that their focus

& & " " position in their second season in the elite cadre. “I want to say that I am happy that we achieved our goal last season which was to avoid the drop. It was a very good experience that we got and we really hope to build up on that experience. “We really started well last season but along the way we had some issues which really " Œ & overcame the challenges and & % & : ! assure you this season will % " + " we are redressing every area we made mistake last season,� he said. Meanwhile, the former

Super Eagles winger revealed that the club pre-season resumed on Wednesday, explaining that the players were all expected in Jalingo to commence early preparation for the coming season. On the coach that would handle the team following the sacking of the former coach, Ndubuisi Nduka, who was dropped towards the end of last season, Tijani stated that the club management have decided to have acting coaches, Tony Ogharanduku and Christian Obi, the goal keeper trainer have should be tested with some matches in the coming season to prove if they deserved to be retained as the substantive coaches.

“We want to still stick with these coaches for now because of the way they handled the team towards the last period of last season. We have given them some matches to tell us if they need the job on a permanent basis,� Tijani.


the past two seasons and his team, Dolphins can easily be rated as the best in the land at the moment. “It’s been long I participated in a tournament of this magnitude and I think it will help the teams in terms of match practice. It’s going to be a tough tournament because I believe the clubs involved are the best in the country presently,� Rotimi began. On a personal note, the former Super Eagles goalkeeper hopes that his current side, Dolphins will make the most of the expanded format and possibly come out tops at the end of the round-robin tournament.

“It is also laudable that we have six teams in this year’s competition seeing that those national teams have competitions soon too. But we will continue to work hard and ensure that we don’t only go to the tournament to participate but in the end win the trophy,� Rotimi added. In the same vein, his teammate and defender, Zikiye, who joined the team this time last year is also relishing his maiden appearance at the tournament. The former Nembe City star is also of the opinion that the pre-season tournament will be keenly contested for.

Dolphin players

Ali switches on for NPFL pre-season


abiu Ali is bracing up to take part in the 2014/15 Glo Premier League Pre-season Tournament which begins in Abuja on today. Fresh from the Middle East tour with Super Eagles who defeated Yemen and lost to Ivory Coast, Ali says he is now focused on featuring in the pre-season tournament. of fatigue following his international exertions with the Super Eagles in the past two weeks. “I’m looking forward to playing in the tournament

for Kano Pillars. It is a good chance for us to prepare well for the Champions League and the new league season too. “No I’m not tired. As a professional player I’m conditioning myself for the new season. We’ve " # time now and it is good for me that I’m involved in playing games to keep me in shape and the pre-season tournament is also good for me and my team,� Ali, who Kano Pillars fan call ‘Pele’ for his silky skills, told www.

ƒ: :


Newswatch Times, Saturday,January 24, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Valdes an inspiration for Man Utd –Smalling C

hris Smalling says Manchester United are taking plenty of inspiration from the trophyladen career of new recruit Victor Valdes. A free agent after his 12year spell with Barcelona, Valdes joined United on an 18-month deal during this # $ & &: 9 __4 4 $ honour features six La Liga titles and three UEFA Champions League titles, along with FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro Š`™Š &

$ # member of the Spain squads who dominated world football at the turn of the decade. 'ˆ $ addition and is a name that really belongs here at

Manchester United� A serious knee-ligament injury forced Valdes to % # Barcelona on the sidelines, but Smalling sees a player & United and the Barclays # ‘ + " % " + & $ & team-mates have been keen to pick his brains. “He is someone who we all look up to through what $ career but you can see that $ & yet,� Smalling told MUTV. '‹ % $ sharp and you can see that $ : ˆ $ great addition and is a name that really belongs here at Manchester United.

Valdes and Van Gaal

'@ $ & stories from him and quite a few people here have asked him questions. Barcelona is

another great club and you want to get some insight [into] what happens abroad as well.�

Higuain set to join Arsenal Inter Milan eye Milner


ccording to the Daily Express, Napoli “have already begun preparations� for the departure of Argentine star Gonzalo Higuain to Arsenal and have % $ Jackson Martinez as his replacement. The news will come as a blow to 9 #+ with Martinez, but the Express claims that Napoli are resigned to losing the 27-year-old Higuain to the Gunners. Citing Italian newspaper X + the Express says that Napoli will still expect ' " H

from Arsenal before they are prepared to sell the South American striker. Meanwhile, James Milner is becoming ever more popular as his Man City contract runs down. The Daily Mail reports that Valencia is the latest club to enquire about the availability of the City and England # % : 9 says that Inter Milan and Liverpool have already asked about signing the 29-year-old who has yet to pen a new deal with the Sky Blues as fears grow within the club that Milner is after a fresh challenge and more game time.

Sterling: There’s much more for me to learn


aheem Sterling insists he is thriving in the central striker role for Liverpool - and the youngster intends to further over the coming months. Sterling showed tremendous pace and poise as he surged through $ at the Kop end and level the Capital One Cup semi% % %

Tuesday. & Š`4 4 $ seventh goal of the current campaign, his fourth since being pushed into the lone forward role at the # _4Ă‘4_ # % against Manchester ‡ ‹ 9 December. Sterling is relishing the challenge of leading ƒ " & playmakers - and the

No.31 wants to learn all the traits required to ƒ + while improving his composure in front of goal. ' $ # learning and adapting to,� Sterling said. “But if you want to be a good player, # $ + $ positions. I want to learn as much as I can.� 0 $ /

means the Capital One # 4% in the balance ahead of the second leg at Stamford Bridge against Jose X $ # D Tuesday.



Former Doncaster Rovers boss ‘bankrupt’


ormer Doncaster Rovers boss, Kerry Dixon has been declared bankrupt, according to national newspaper reports. Dixon, who was in charge of Rovers from 1996-97, was subjected to insolvency by HM Revenue and Customs in November - which has now been ordered, according to The Sun. The former England

and Chelsea goal-grabber was appointed at Belle Vue in controversial circumstances when he was appointed just hours " 4 of the 1996-97 season, then boss Sammy Chung arriving at the ground to be told he had been sacked by controversial " ˜" $ ’ Richardson. Dixon himself was later dismissed in 1997 after he

revealed that he had no say in picking the team. The football ace, 53, is $ goal scorer in history,

™…_ # Ñ`` games. Last year, Dixon was charged with drugs were found at his home in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, but the case against him later collapsed.

FIXTURES LA LIGA 0 + 8 ŠÑ Córdoba v R/Madrid Elche v Barcelona At Madrid v Rayo Sociedad v Eibar Villarreal v Levante SERIE A 0 + 8 ŠÑ Cagliari v Sassuolo Lazio v Milan


Man United top Premier League rich list


anchester United lead the march of # ‘ "$ " $ but still fall short of Spanish giants, Real Madrid. 9 # ‘ $ huge broadcasting rights deal has propelled all 20 of „ $ " Ñ`

" & š places of the annual Football Money League compiled by the Sports Business Group at > : 9 % the week show revenue for & $ Š`

clubs reached £5.2bn last + ÕÎ΅# ™ÑÖ the previous year. For the tenth year running Real Madrid sit at the top of the Money League with

Õњ…:š#: 9 club saw revenue growth of Պš:Î# ÎÖ # ՙ_:_# †Ö ՙÎ:Î# …Ö in broadcast and commercial revenue respectively.

Essien rejects Premier League


ichael Essien has no intention of returning # League and instead will sign for MLS side, FC Dallas. The former Chelsea ace, who joined Italian giants AC Milan 12 months ago, is available to discuss a move away from the San Siro. ˆ # "

Leicester City and Burnley to come back to England, while new West Brom manager 9 interested in the defensive # % : But Italian newspaper Œ ;; 0 # the 32-year-old will snub the # ‘ X = League Soccer.



Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Let’s save Agbonavbare, ex-internationals cry out former Eagles’ keeper continu es cancer treatme nt in Spain

Mark Ogagan


igeria exinternational goalkeeper, Wilfred Agbonavbare, is clinging on to life in Spain as he continues his treatment for a cancerrelated infection. Agbonavbare, who lost his wife to the same terminal ailment three years ago, relocated to Spain on request after % # in a Tampa, Florida, hospital in the United States. According to information made available to Newswatch Times sports by his former national teammate Paul Okoku, the one-time New Nigeria Bank shotstopper “is so weak to the point that one could scarcely hear him when he speaks.� People who spoke with Agbonavbare

quoted him as saying, “I was relieved of my job after I was diagnosed with cancer. My wife died of breast cancer, and when she was diagnosed with the disease, I spent all the money I made playing professional football on her medical bills to keep her treatment uninterrupted. “Consequently, I had to send my three children to Nigeria because of my poor health condition,â€? he added. Agbonavbare was a member of the Flying Eagles to the Mexico ‘83 Junior World Cup, and won AFCON silver and gold medals with the national team in 1984 ™……Ñ+ the FIFA World Cup in 1994. Some of Agbonavbare’s former teammates have jointly appealed to the federal government to come to the player’s rescue. Dehinde Akinlotan, who played with him

IOC insists on women’s participation at Olympics

A Bach, IOC President

+ % # “decisions of the IOC have political implications�. But the IOC, he added, had to be “politically neutral,� in order to “ensure that the rules of sport can be applied worldwide, and that there are

countries�. The organisation’s responsibility, he said, is that “for the duration of the Games, and for all participants of the Olympic Games, the Olympic Charter applies�. Russian President Vladimir Putin and IOC President, Thomas Bach watched Russia play Korea at ice sledge hockey. Russian President Vladimir Putin and IOC President, Thomas Bach watched Russia play Korea at ice sledge hockey.

Agbonavbare on sick bed

point of death struggling to pay his medical bills, and if your government redeems this scholarship it will help to save his life.� Vice-captain of the 1983 set of Flying Eagles, Paul Okoku, said: “When I read that our former teammate, Wilfred Agbonavbare, is terminally ill, it saddened my heart because the last time I saw him, he was a vibrant young man, full of life. And his look on the sick bed sent a chill

through my spine which resonated on my deep emotion. “Dahiru Sadi and I, on behalf of our teammates, have made our request, through direct action, to the Minister of sports, Hon. Tammy Danagogo and the Director General of National Sports Commission, Hon. Gbenga Elegbeleye respectively. “We have gone through the proper chain of command

properly and purposely and have been assured that a recommendation has been made to the $ ~ : “We have been conditioned to believe that, “the labour of our heroes past shall never be in vain,� which is so rightfully embedded in our national anthem, and that “government is a continuum, a promise made in 1960 is a promise made in 2015,� Okoku said.

Oduah kicks against Keshi contract renewal Victor Enyinnaya


resident of the International Olympic ## ‹ said any country bidding to host the Games must make a commitment to “nondiscrimination�. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Thomas Bach, said countries like Saudi Arabia must allow women to “freely participate� : “If this is not applied, the bid would not be admissible,� he told the BBC. The IOC has faced heavy criticism for turning a blind eye to human rights abuses in host cities. Last year the introduction of controversial Russian laws on homosexuality ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi led to worldwide protests by athletes and human rights campaigners. ‘Not a super-government’ Mr Bach, who after Sochi rolled-out an “antidiscrimination� clause to

in the Flying Eagles, said: “We are using this medium to appeal to Mr. President to look into our plea for the scholarship awards promised to the 1983 Flying Eagles as % national team to qualify for FIFA tournament and registered the country’s name on their map. “This will go a long way to help one of our colleagues, Mr. Wilfred Agbonavbare, who is presently plagued with a serious sickness and at a hospital bed as we speak.� Another ex-teammate of his, Taju Disu, added: “We want President Jonathan to redeem the scholarship pledge to arrest the current trend whereby exinternationals live from hand to mouth and are dying in penury, abject poverty and serious health issues. It’s unfortunate that one of us, Wilfred Agbonavbare, is at the

s the purported move by the leadership of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to renew Stephen Keshi’s contract gathers steam, former member of NFA, Prince Isidore Oduah has kicked against such move, saying it will be counterproductive to Nigerian football. Oduah, who is also the Chairman of Red Carpet Advertising, told Newswatch Times sports in a telephone chat, that what the game needs now in Nigeria is a neutral coach diligent enough to reorganise and chart new a course for the country’s " # football. The Financial Secretary of Association of Sports Veterans in Nigeria, declared his support for a seasoned foreign trainer that would get the fast declining football culture that has been terribly tampered with by power seekers of the former NFF board. He reminded the Amaju Pinnick-led board that this

# " ƒ + rather than engaging in frivolities. “The very idea of retaining Keshi is badly conceived. They must not toy with our football again,� he noted. Oduah opined that hiring a white coach at this time would not take the inglorious part of the past where football administrators have variously and shamelessly connived with them to rip earned foreign currency. He therefore advocated for more transparent method that would see the NFF hire an expatriate hand with proven track record to help put Nigerian football back on track. “‘There is anger in the land on how the sport that unites the people of the country has been destroyed because of % which characterised the entire football polity. There should be depth thought about who heads the Super Eagles this time around, not just anyhow coach again. It is an established fact that Keshi deviated from his primary task as coach and ventured into players agents,’ he

observes. He insists that it was & " # divided that he started posting weak results and started struggling with the team. He recalled how the coach concentrated when he started the rebuilding process that led to his sensational and epic AFCON victory as a coach in South Africa 2013. He stressed that fact remains that ever since he (Keshi) shifted his eyes into the murky waters of selling players, the performance of the Super Eagles drastically nosedived for the worse and


it was what climaxed in our match against South Africa during the last AFCON qualifier in Akwa State last year. He will post worst results in future if he is imposed on Nigerians. The former board member of Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN) further informed that bringing Keshi back will spell more doom. In truth, it will be a costly mistake that we will live to regret, if NFF defers popular opinion against Keshi’s being the head of the team. He is the least our football and the fans want now. I n short, we don’t want him again, he posited.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

Healthy Living Pharmacists urge govt to reduce clinical staff’s budget Chioma Umeha, Health Editor


he Young Pharmacists Group (YPG) has called on the government to urgently reduce what it described as the ‘unproductive’ recurrent expenditure on personnel # # # + noting that this can be diverted to = + development initiatives. # + & & made available to Newswatch Times " + < # Œ + X „; + while decrying the huge sum spent on

+ " †† the health budget is dedicated to only

D + & & †Š:š only personnel expenditure. The statement said: “The Young Pharmacists Group is compelled to call on the Federal Government and indeed government at all levels to see an urgent need to drastically reduce the unproductive recurrent expenditure invested in personnel emolument of # & " to fruitful capital projects as well as Research and Development initiatives. The statement also said that the group ^ # the health care expenditures that the trend shows an an over bloated clinical & is dangerous. “The Young Pharmacists Group (YPG) continues to critically evaluate

healthcare expenditure as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product and the analysis paints a very dangerous +H : The statement further said: “The Young Pharmacists Group has observed †† " are dedicated to only recurrent expenditure. Out of this huge cost a & †Š:š to only personnel expenditure. Of +

# # Ι through salaries of sometime an over " institutions. # + ; " š` health budget dedicated to paying only one cadre of personnel in healthcare is responsible for the decay in sector’s infrastructure and dearth of research and development. • ' # + &

has played out in recent years is that š` " is dedicated to paying only one cadre of

:H “The unfortunate scenario depicted above is one of the reasons why healthcare infrastructure remains in a limbo and endeavours which facilitate Research and Development are completely comatose in an ever dynamic health sector in the global :H

Coffee may protect against skin cancer


may protect against malignant # # + # + & # : Study participants who drank four or # & Š`

cent less likely to develop malignant # # 4 + researchers said. '‹ + # #



+H „ ‘ ^% + < School of Public Health and a fellow at the National Cancer Institute. 'ˆ & + that individuals should alter their +H ‘ ^% ˜‘ Science’. ‘ ^% # from a huge study run jointly by the National Institutes of Health and the American Association of Retired + & Ă‘Ă‘Ă˜+_ÂšĂ˜ ™` + : ‡ # + + & Š+Â…`Ă‘ # # # cancer that has spread beyond the top + ™+Â†Ă˜Ă‘ 4 # # + & # only on the top layer of the skin. 9 consumption as well as other factors # ƒ + D +

body-mass index. 9 # $ ‡] D + the researchers used NASA data on the amount of sunlight in each participant’s hometown. ^ +

" " • 9 & šš:Â… # # ™``+``` among those who drank at least four + Ă˜Ă˜:ĂŽĂ‘ ™``+``` # & $ : 9 % % + : $ " " + " " # # protects against malignant melanoma # " + the researchers said. The study is published in JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

Healthy Living w

The Dentist DR SAM AWOSOLU 08108155239

Scaling and polishing Continued from last week

Scaling and polishing is a procedure carried out in the dental surgery by any of the following cadres, the dentist, the dental hygienist/ therapist, in some dispensations and authorities the dental nurse/dental assistant/ dental technician is able to carry out the procedure. The process involves the use of either hand instrument jacquet scalars to remove food debris deposits from the neck of the teeth. These deposits are hard and would ordinarily not be removed by the normal toothbrushing # ƒ routinely done on a daily basis. The sub-text being we all need a scaling and polishing regime routinely once a year. The removal of the deposits and stains from the tooth surface is the SCALING. The second aspect which is the smothering of the tooth surface is called polishing. The polishing is done a rotary micro-toothbrushes on a rotary instrument like a hand piece. There is the use of a slight abrasive called pumice which can be mixed with a sweet tasting paste (Prophylactic paste) in a rubber cup or microtoothbrush which is % # used to polish the already scaled tooth surfaces. The scaling process can be done manually using hand held instrument, they can be done with the use of electronic instruments called ultrasonic scaler using scaler tips with a water spray to cool the tooth surface. Naturally the ultrasonic callers are quicker to use. Scaling and polishing mostly recommended for young adult, in children the use may be restricted to only those with poor oral hygiene. Should the calculus/plague not be removed, they soon irritate the gums and surrounding tooth ƒ ## : The process is called gingivitis or periodontitis depending on the progress of the process. Once the treatment is done, there are few guidelines that will help obtain # D # # " % 1. It is normal to feel some slight tenderness in the area. There may be a need to use a warm glass of salt water ½ (Half) teaspoon salt in almost a glass of water to rinse the mouth about eight times (every three hours) a day. See you next week.

Stay Healthy

‘Too much sitting makes exercise Dangerous drinks insignificant’ W

WITH CHIOMA UMEHA, HEALTH EDITOR (E-mail:, Tel: 08104210759 )

ith its high calorie and sugar count - and totally vacant vitamin and nutrient content - soda is considered by many to be public health enemy No. 1. But even if you pitch all your soda pop in the trash, other drinks - some of which are marketed as ‘healthy’ - can lead you to consume still more sugar. Using the typical can of soda as a baseline - 40 grams of sugar and 150 calories. Here are % # :


xperts advocate that everyone should be more physically active. Less than 50 per cent of adults get the recommend amount of physical activity - 150 minutes of the moderately intense aerobic kind -each week, an agency report stated. Our entire modern world is down. When we drive, we sit. When & & ~ + & : @ & watch TV, well, you get the picture. And yet, a new study that is running in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that this kind of sedentary behaviour increases our chances of will kill us prematurely, even if we exercise. Researchers from Toronto came to ^ ; Ă‘Ă˜ studies of sedentary behaviour. They adjusted their data to incorporate the amount someone exercises and found that the & & " % & # exercise. Of course, the more you exercise, the lower the impact of sedentary behaviour. The studies showed sedentary

behaviour can lead to death from cardiovascular issues and cancer as well as cause chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes. Physical inactivity has been % 4 factor for death for people all around the world, according to the World Health Organization. + # for eight to 12 hours or more a day, increased your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 90 per cent. So what can you do to reduce the time you spend engaged in an activity that is not good for you? The study authors did make some simple suggestions to help you sit less. One is to just be aware of how # : 9 & can make a goal of reducing that

#" " & : If you are work, you could try a standing desk or make it a goal to stand up or walk around for a minute or three once every half an hour. If you watch TV at night, do not zoom ahead during the commercials with your DVR. Instead walk around or at least stands up during the show break.

Fruit juices Kids love juice. Why? Because kids like sugar. Many juices are " " + " they aren’t as closely scrutinized (perhaps because some associate juice with fruit). A 12-ounce serving of apple juice, a lunch box staple, contains 180 calories, 43.5 grams of carbohydrates and 42 grams of sugar—nearly as much sugar as $ # % * : 12-ounce serving of fruit punch (marketed as containing “100%

ƒ H ™_š + 37.5 grams of carbohydrates and 37.5 grams of sugar.Starting your day with orange juice does deliver a lot of vitamin C, but a 12-ounce serving will set you back 165 calories, 39 grams of carbohydrates and 33 grams of sugar. Lemonade & calories similar to soda. You’re far " & and eating an actual piece of fruit. +,-./467;<.=66> # & calories and healthy. Add in a dash of cream and a spoonful of sugar and it is still not nutritionally terrible. ! # ƒ % chains are downright dreadful. A good rule: if the name sounds like something you should eat for dessert (white chocolate, double chocolatey chip, salted caramel, cinnamon dolce, eggnog, etc.), you shouldn’t drink it.Instead of ƒ + " : Flavoured milk The lactose in plain milk gives it a higher sugar content than you might expect—about 20 grams in a ™Š4 : ! ƒ varieties really rack up the sugar : ! &"

ƒ milk has 255 calories, 43 grams of carbohydrates and 42 grams of sugar. Vanilla milk has similar nutrition facts, as does strawberry. No kidding, there is even Girl Scout ƒ # + people who lack the time to eat milk and cookies separately but are in a rush to get cavities.

Celebrating women of substance

AKS cashed in on my weak point –Wife, Lizzy

My hubby & I grew up together – Makeup artist Omotayo " 0 & % !* )!& ** %'+ 0' !'$ ,)' '$ % '*% +'$' !*+ ' % # ,( ') *' ! +0 .'% & ' )! $ % # ,( & & ) $ % # ,( # $ ' *+ )+ * !) ) ** ) % "') !& !) ) **!& ') !I ) &+ ' *!'&* % ' )'(( !) ) **!& ') % # ,( # $ '+ + + '+ %0 & % ) *+! 3 + )', !) ) **!& ,+ $ + ) . &+ + ' '*% +'$' 0 * ''$ & + & $$ !& $'- .!+ % # ,( &3+ '% !& + +.' ,* % # ,( !* & - & + !& + + & * +'+ $ ++ &+!'&

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AKS cashed in on my weak point – Wife, Lizzy

AKS cashed in on my weak point –Wife, Lizzy Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Shuluwa is a former permanent secretary in the Benue state civil service. She had also served as a commissioner in the state. She spoke to GODWIN AKOR in Makurdi recalling her first contact with Abu King Shuluwa, the man who eventually became her husband; their relationship prior to marriage, and the things that have held them together in the last 36 years. < ;07=4, 0)>- *--6 *-<<-: -@84)16-, *A 5A 0=;*)6, < ?); >-:A .=66A ?); 16 05),= -447 %61>-:;1<A % #)5):= ():1) ?014- ?); ?7:316/ 16 <0- 161;<:A 7. #7+1)4 ->-4785-6< A 8):-6< ,-8):<5-6< ?01+0 ?); :=:)4 ,->-4785-6< =6,-: <0- 161;<:A .7: /:1+=4<=:- ?); =6,-: #7+1)4 ->-4785-6< 6- ,)A ?-6< <7 6, 7=< )*7=< <0- 8)A5-6< 7. 7=: ;+074):;018 ; ?-6< 8);< 5A ,-8):<5-6< ;)? ) /=-;< ;1<<16/ ?1<0 5A 0-), 7. ,-8):<5-6< ?); /716/ <7 <0- ++7=6<; -8):<5-6< ?0-6 0- ;1/0<-, 5- )6, ;<):<-, 5)316/ 169=1:1-; 6+1,-6<)44A 5A 0-), 7. ,-8):<5-6< ?); .:75 <0- ;)5- ):-) +4)6 ?1<0 5A .)<0-: <0-A 36-? 5A 8):-6<; )6, >-:A ?-44 #7 <0-A <74, 015 )*7=< 5- )6, 0- ;<):<-, -@8:-;;16/ 16<-:-;< 16 5- )5 <74, <0)< <0-A ;<):<-, 5)316/ <0- 84)6 <0-:- 5A ;<):<-, <-4416/ 015 ?0)< 0- 36-? )*7=< 5- =< 0), 5A 7?6 41;< 7. 16<-:-;<; +-:<)164A 67< +716+1,16/ ?1<0 01; ?); 16 ;-+76, A-): 16 <0- =61>-:;1<A )6, ?)6<-, <7 +7584-<- 5A ;<=,1-; ,1,6C< 0)>- -A-; .7: ) ;<-),A :-4)<176;018 *-+)=;- 5A -A-; ?-:- 76 5A )+),-51+ ?7:3 $0)< ?); 07? ?- 5-< .<-: <0)< ) .-? ,)A; 4)<-: +)5- <7 <0- 5161;<:A )6, 0- 7I -:-, <7 /1>- 5- ) :1,- <7 *737 *=< :-.=;-, *-+)=;- ,16< 367? 015 ,1,6C< ?)6< <7 0)>- )6A :-4)<176;018 -;8-+1)44A ?1<0 ;75-*7,A 74,-: <0)6 5- $0)< 01,- )6, ;--3 /)5- +76<16=-, .7: ;75- <15- 6- ,)A 5A +)44-, 5- )6, ;)1, B 41 ?0)< 1; A7=: 8:7*4-5 C <0)< 01; .:1-6, ?)6<-, <7 /1>- 5- ) :1,- <7 5A 8):-6<;C 07=;- *=< :-.=;-, - );3-, B07? 5)6A /1:4; ,7 A7= ;-- 0)>16/ :1,-; <7 <0-1: 8):-6<;C 07=;-; #7 ;)1, 73 2=;< 078- <0)< A7= 8-784- ):- 67< 84)6616/ )6A<016/ .=66A )6, 0- ;)1, 67 - ?); 41>16/ ?1<0 # 3=:- ); 01; .:1-6, ;7 3=:-C; ?1.- ?); 76- 7. <07;- ?1;016/ <0)< <0- :-4)<176;018 ?); -;<)*41;0-, #7 6)44A ;)1, 1. <0-:- ?-:- 67 ;<:16/; )<<)+0-, 1< ?); )4:1/0< *A 5- < 76- <15- 0- <773 5- <7 5A 8):-6<;C 07=;- 16 *737 .<-: <0)< ?-6< *)+3 <7 ;+0774 $0)< ?); )44 <0-:- ?); 67 +76<)+< *-<?--6 =; . +7=:;- 8=:87;-4A :-.=;-, <7 0)>- )6A +76<)+< ?1<0 015 A )6, 7<0-:; ?07 ?-:- 01; )/- 5)<-; 3-8< 76 8:-;;=:16/ 5- 6 .)+< <0-A <74, 015 ->-:A<016/ )*7=< 5- ->-6 16 ;+0774 &0-6 +)5- *)+3 075- .7: 6,=;<:1)4 <<)+05-6< ?); 84)+-, 16 *737 =: :-4)<176;018 67< 764A +76<16=-, )< <0)< ;<)/- 1< )4;7 ;<):<-, /:7?16/ 6A<15- +)5- <7 <0- 5161;<:A )6, 0- ?); <0-:- 0- ?7=4, /1>- 5- ) :1,- *)+3 $0)< +76<16=-, .7: ) 476/ <15- 4<07=/0 ?); )4:-),A A-):; 74, ?); 16 67 577, .7: )6A :-4)<176;018 *-+)=;- 5A 57<0-: ); ) ,1;+18416):1)6 0), <74, 5- ->-:A<016/ )*7=< 5-6 #0- <74, 5- 07? 5-6 +7=4, ?77 A7= ;7 ?); .7447?16/ 0-: ),>1+- 4;7 )< $0- !=--6 7. <0- 74A "7;):A *737 <0-:-

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AKS cashed in on my weak point –Wife, Lizzy

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ot too long ago, prolific female disc jockey and daughter of billionaire businessman, Femi Otedola, Cuppy was officially dressed as a Tourism Ambassador for the Federal Republic’s ‘Fascinating Nigeria’ campaign. In doing her country proud, the 21 year-old DJ attended the Financial Times Luxury Summit 2014 in Mexico to join some of the world’s most influential people in discussing the next 15 emerging economies of which Nigeria is one of them. Feelers from the trip disclosed that Cuppy fully and impressively represented her country well with her good conduct and what they call ‘fantastic diplomatic relations! #)15 6#6' )18'40145*+2 %#0&+ &#6' 1( 6*' 4 +/+ )$#,' +5 # 241('55+10#. 6740'& 21.+6+ %+#0 +0%' *' %76 *+5 6''6* +0 21.+6+%5 #0& /#&' *+5 456 #66'/26 #6 )18 '40+0) 6*' '064' 1( :%'..'0%' *' *#5 016 .11-'& $#%- !*+.' *' *#5 '0,1;'& # )11& #/1706 1( 27$.+%+6; 6*' 5#/' %#0016 *19 '8'4 $' 5#+& 1( *+5 +//'&+#6' (#/+.; +66.' +5 -0190 #$176 *+5 52175' #0& %*+.&4'0 ' %'06.; *19'8'4 *' #66'0&'& 6*' 9'&&+0) 1( 140'.+75 &'$#;1 #0& $701.79# &'1.# *+5 6+/' *' 9#5 016 #.10' +5 9+(' +1.# #%%1/2#0+'& *+/ 61 6*' '8'06 5 ':2'%6'& 6*'; 9'4' 6*' %;01574' 1( ';'5 #5 6*' 2#2#4#<<+ 611- #./156 '0&.'55 5*165 1( 6*' %172.'

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Oil Amazon and her

Amazon of the Oil and Gas industry and Nigeria’s Petroleum Minister, Mrs. Diezani-Alison-Madueke, is without doubt a fashion impresario. Despite being the custodian of Nigeria’s Oil fortunes, Mrs Alison-Madueke has an impeccable fashion sense, which she would never allow the murky oil to taint. Whether it is native attire or western, she comes out cute and elegantly.

dress sense

Dressing in harmattan season " " " "



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Some bad beauty hab to dump this season its 1. Sleeping with your makeup on Tip: Simply store face wipes in your nightstand or bed headboard where it’s handy to reach right from the comfort of your bed. 2. Never wearing sunscreen Tip: Despite what you think, black women living in Africa needs sunscreen too. In order to break this bad habit and save time simply ensure all your beauty products are loaded with SPF; for instance foundation, moisturizer or crème to powder. 3. Over plucked pencil-thin eyebrows Tip: Tweezing is great only if you use a light hand. Don’t over pluck your brows to thin pencil lines, but if you’ve already committed this beauty faux paus don’t worry about it. Simply fill and broaden your brows with chocolate brown eye shadow or broad soft pencil for natural looking full brows. 4. Chipped nails and manicure Tip: Contrary to what we all want to believe, nicked nails and chipped manicure are noticeable. Keep a nail file, favourite nail polish and cleaner in your makeup bag always for a quick fix. 5. Never moisturizing at night time Tip: Forget the spa treats and tons of beauty products, Moisturizing regularly at night is the best treatment you can give your skin. Trust us, you will be thankful for this tip if you comply for just 7days.

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Vicar, All Saints’ Anglican Church, Yaba, Venerable ‘Luyi Akinwande; his wife, Adenike; Ven. Engr. Godwin Dotun Otubanjo; his wife, Mary; Chairman of the L-R: Chief Amb. Damian Emeka Obianigwe; Speaker of the House of Representatives, Alhaji Aminu Tambuwal; winner of the Business Man of the Year Award, Chief Executive Officer, Sifax occasion, Omoba Moyewa Sosanya and Elder Gbenga Odunsi Nigeria Limited, Dr. Taiwo Afolabi and his wife, Afolasade.

L-R: Speaker of the House of Representatives, Alhaji Aminu Tambuwal; Sokoto State Governor, Alhaji Aliyu Wamakko; and former Head of State, Chief Ernest Shonekan.

Sir Fola Awobo-Pearce (centre); his wife, Lady Bolaji and matron of the choir, Mrs. Lande Fadipe.




L-R: Expert Lead, GSK Consumer Nigeria Plc, Ms. Chinyere Chima; Marketing Manager Wellness, GSK Consumer Nigeria Plc, Mr. Ogbimi Kesiena; President, Nigeria Paediatric Association, Prof. Adebiyi Olowu and President African Paediatric Association and Society, Dr. Dorothy Esangbedo.

L-R: President, African Paediatric Association and Societiy, Dr. Dorothy Esangbedo; Consultant Neonatologist, National Hospital , Abuja; Dr. Muktar Yola; Paediatrician and former Head of Department, Paediatrics, LASUTH, Prof. Oluyinka Ogundipe and Marketing Director, West Africa, GSK Consumer Health, Ms. Kerry Alexander.

Dr. Adejoro Ige Adewale, a staff of the First Consultant Hospital, Obalende, Lagos and a survivor of the Ebola Virus Disease (Right) receiving a cheque of two million naira from Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris (second left) while the Commissioner for Information, Mr. Lateef Ibirogba (left) and Commissioner for Special Duties, Dr. Wale Ahmed looks on during the cheque presentation ceremony to First Consultant Hospital, survivors and families of victims of the Ebola virus disease in Lagos‌recently.

Dr. Adaora Igonoh, a staff of the First Consultant Hospital, Obalende, Lagos and a survivor of the Ebola Virus Disease (right) receiving a cheque of two million naira from the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris (second left) while the Commissioner for Information, Mr. Lateef Ibirogba (left) and Commissioner for Special Duties, Dr. Wale Ahmed looks on during the cheque presentation ceremony to First Consultant Hospital, survivors and families of victims of the Ebola Virus disease in Lagos‌recently.

'* & '* %()

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L-R: Alhaja Sherifat Olugbode, Olori (Dr.) Muyibat Oyefusi, Hajia Bintu Tinubu, Senator Isa Mohammed and Sheik Adbul Hafeez Abou. L-R: Representative of Chevron Nigeria Limited, Mr. Deji Haastrup; Director-General, Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF), Mr. Adeniyi Karunwi; representative of Lagos State Governor, Engr. Hakeem Ogunbambi; Chairman of the occasion/President of NCF, Chief Izoma Philip Asiodu, CFR; Chairman of Council, NCF, Ambassador Hamzat Ahmadu.


L-R: Alhaji Musiliu Smith, Alhaji Taofeek Gbajabiamila and Engr. Shakiru A. Gafar. #

L-R: Erelu of Lagos, Princess Abiola Dosunmu; Chief Akintola Williams; Alhaji Sani Muhammed and Mrs. Ajoke Murtala Muhammed.

" "

President Goodluck Jonathan (left) and Vice President Namadi Sambo acknowledging cheers from the teaming crowd at the PDP presidential rally in Sokoto State.

President Goodluck Jonathan (left) and the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar 111 during the President’s courtesy visit to the Sultan before the party’s presidential rally in





Celebrant, Alhaja Tayelolu Arigbabu cutting the birthday cake.

L-R: Daughter of the celebrant, Olabisi Kenku, Elder Gbenga Olowo and Alhaja Taye Arigbabu. #


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magine if you could flatten your belly in just 14 days. Impossible? Not only is it possible, it’s science: The new science of how certain foods (burgers, smoothies, even steak!) can reverse our fat storage genes to flatten our bellies fast—and keep us lean for life! You may think having the “fat genes� means a lean, flat belly is nearly impossible. But the more we learn about fat genes, the more we’re learning the nutritional secrets that can turn them to “off.� This summer, I used this new research to create my Zero Belly Diet and put together a test panel of 500 people to show how it could work. The results: Immediate, shocking transformations—some lost as much as 16 pounds in 14 days—and an average of two dress sizes gone in six weeks! Zero Belly works in three ways: by reducing bloat, healing your gut and turbocharging your metabolism. These three mechanisms work in tandem to turn off your fat genes— resetting your body to “slender.� The key is to rebalance your diet with the Zero Belly foods. These 9 foods are like delicious little IT geniuses, hacking into your body’s computer system and resetting your genetic code to “slim.� Start with adding these simple selections to your daily routine, and check out Zero Belly Diet now to

start t t llosing i weight i ht while hil eating ti the th foods you love! Z: ZERO BELLY Drinks. These are smoothies that are supercharged with belly-flattening nutrients. The key: each drink is packed with protein, healthy fats and fibre. Here’s a quick recipe I call the Mango MuscleUp: Mix 1 scoop vegetarian protein powder, â…” cup frozen mango chunks, ½ tbsp almond butter, and ½ cup unsweetened almond, coconut or hemp milk. You’ll get 29 grams of protein for just 224 calories! (For more ways to lose weight, read this special report: 10 Daily Habits That Blast Belly Fat.) E: Eggs. Eggs are the number one source of choline, a fat-burning nutrient. They fire up your metabolism and they help turn off the genes for belly fat storage. R: Red Fruits. Why red? They pack the most phytonutrients—high-powered compounds that make your belly fat see red. O: Olive Oil and Other Healthy Fats. Healthy fats force your body to burn calories more efficiently. Don’t worry: eating fat won’t make you fat any more than eating money will make you rich. Speaking of healthy meals, get your flat-belly fix with the essential 8 Foods That Beat the Bloat. B: Beans and Other Healthy Fibre.

have You h ave 80 trillion microbes in your belly, and most of them are angry. Healthy fibre is what we call “prebiotic,� meaning it feeds the healthy bacteria and helps them fight inflammation and fat gain. E: Extra Plant Protein. I add protein to the ZERO BELLY Drinks to help boost metabolism. But most protein is made from whey, which can lead to bloating. That’s why I use plant protein. This plan reduces bloating dramatically—up to 3 inches off your waistline in the first week. The drinks make a terrific snack, along with this definitive round-up of The 50 Best WeightLoss Snacks. L: Lean Meat and Fish. Protein is kryptonite to belly fat. I want you to eat steak, shrimp–even burgers! (My Ultimate Burger recipe, in Zero Belly, is 100% beef and only 387 calories.) L: Leafy Greens and Brightly Coloured Vegetables. Leafy greens give you folate, which blocks the genes that trigger fat-cell formation. Y: Your Favourite Spices and Flavours. That means cinnamon, ginger and even dark chocolate. Why chocolate? Your healthy gut bacteria love it! For added bellyblasting benefits, brew yourself a pot of green tea, one of The 5 Best Teas for Weight Loss.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

Way of Life

Dance: More than just pleasure The metamorphosis of dance has seen it move from various ages and times to where it is today. In Nigeria, apart from the distinct ethnic dances, there are dances that appeal to all and sundry irrespective By Eric Elezuo ~ : 9 Nigerian dance steps have move from o the layman, dance is just the galala to konto to makossa to suo to synchronised movement of the alanta to yahoozee to azonto among many body in consonance to a rhythm others. or sound of music. It is a delight used to When one thinks about the rise of D : ^ " contemporary and hip hop dance in said that it is only the happy ones that can Nigeria in the recent past, the likes of dance since dancing connotes happiness. 4 / # # Dance as a type of art is performed in ’ 0 + & ˜’ $: 0 many cultures as a form of emotional & $ # expression, social interaction, or exercise, dancer and choreographer for music # + : % + is sometimes used to express ideas or runs her own dance school. tell a story. Dance may also be regarded Dance has gone beyond mere past time as a form of nonverbal communication to money making machine for as many between humans or other animals, as in that know how to relatively move their " "

bodies more than others. Multinationa mating dances. companies have also seen the gold mine > % & in the profession and made a priority. depend on social and cultural norms and Among such companies are Nigeria aesthetic, artistic and moral sensibilities. Breweries, makers of Maltina, MTN > % # # Š``ĂŽ+ Â’ & movement (such as folk dance) to virtuoso the Guinness World Record with her techniques such as ballet. Martial arts kata team, Imagneto at the Nokia Silverbird ^ # + Danceathon, and has since become a point # + % of reference in the Nigerian entertainment synchronised swimming are generally industry whenever dance is concerned. thought to incorporate dance. The experience, according to her, was There are many styles and genres of ‘amazing, exciting, tiring and a great test dance. African dance is interpretative. of mind, body and soul.â€? Ballet, ballroom and tango are classical Among other reality dance shows dance styles. Square dance and electric that have and continued to provide slide are forms of step dance, and employment for the youth as well as break-dancing is a type of street dance. entertainment for as many as possible Dance can be participatory, social, or include Maltina Dance All, Peak Talent performed for an audience. It can also be Show, Sprite Triple Slam, Dance 234 ceremonial, competitive or erotic. Dance among others. # # # " & % These media of dance competitions do in themselves, as in ballet or European not only provide pleasure, but enough folk dance, or have a gestural vocabulary cash for participants, and most especially or symbolic meaning as in some Asian for winners who go home with eye dances. bulging cash and mouth watering prices. Choreography is the art of creating In schools and many homes today, dance dances. The person who creates (i.e., has form one of the favourite past times choreographs) a dance is known as the # choreographer. wriggle their bodies to whatever sound However, of late, dance has transcended in the air. This craze for dance can be from what it was originally made to be; " # just the rhythmic movement of the body to programmes on TV as well stations music. A lot of people are not just taking dedicated strictly to music and dance. it as a past time nowadays, but a full Such stations include Soundcity, Hiptv professional endeavour. and many others. The emergence local hip


hop artiste with unregulated sounds and dance movements can also said to have a " ƒ : % D + > ‹# + explained that dancing has gone beyond being an instrument for expressing excitement to becoming a veritable tool for exercise, social enlightenment and above a profession that spins money. He added that dance is also a curriculum in the higher institutions of learning as it is interwoven in the curriculum of the Theatre Arts Department. “We longer discuss dance in the neighbourhood of joy expression; it is now more than that. Dance is used in product promotion, exercising of the body and a

money making profession studied in the higher institution,� he said. Mrs. Chioma Onyekwere is a health practitioner with a private clinic. She said that dance is another health therapy that " % " + it is also a medium of strengthening the cardiovascular and other strategic organs of the body. “Dancing is form of health therapy that puts the organs of the body in the right perspective, strengthening the cardiovascular and enhancing other parts of the body,� she said Dance is good, dance is healthy, dance is a profession, and above all dance is another way of life.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Amina Brai Omoike, Nigeria Media Merit Award winner 2013 Tel: 0708-737-6877

Brides&Grooms Relationship BOSE OLA-SAMUEL with

Putting magic back in your marriage


Handling opposite sex friendship in marriage


ince married couples are social beings, they will have to relate with members of the opposite sex as friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Such relationships require wisdom and great caution for a married person. This is because of its consequences on the marriage if not properly handled. As a married person, you need to take great care, and apply wisdom in establishing friendship with a person of the opposite sex. For instance, a married man having another married or single woman as an intimate friend requires caution and wisdom. The reason is that such friendship marital affairs posing a great danger to the marriage-. The golden rule for me here is this, intimate friendship should never be cultivated with a person of the opposite sex by a married person. An opposite sex friend must never become your is exclusively reserved for your spouse. The reason is that such intimate or often leads to extra-marital affairs. It may also lead to vain imagination that both of you would have been better as married couple. The truth however is that should both of you have been married to each other you would most likely not have been the best imagined couple. The reason being that there are games we play outside marriage, which we will never allow in a marriage setting. If you as a married person must cultivate friendship with persons of the opposite sex, the following facts must be put into consideration to avoid friction in the marriage work at making the opposite sex friend a friend to your spouse. This is a major pre-caution against adultery in marriage and to the unnecessary tension it may generate in your marriage. * Don’t establish a friendship with an opposite sex person at the disapproval of your spouse. If your spouse does not like or want the friendship, ing to you from it. When your spouse is against it, it means he/she feels threatened by it. There is no reasonably tenable reason to continue with such a friendship to the displeasure and disadvantageToofbeyour spouse. continued next week

By Amina Brai Omoike


o you remember how you felt when you first fell in love with your spouse? Do you remember feeling like child in a toy shop when you got engaged? Or, asking her out and discovering she wanted to see you again? ‘Magic’ is the best word to describe it. You made time for each other. You listened to her/ him, and showed your understanding and support. You longed to be with this person. Years later, the magic has cleared away. Busyness and obligations crept in and stole some of your joy. At some point or the other, every relationship needs some magic. The book titled ‘ Marriage Magic! Find It, Keep It, and Make It Last’ which was written by Dale Klein (and co-authored with psychologist Karen Sherman) speaks directly to couples who stay together but lack a certain something in their relationship. One of the major challenges in marriage, is to realize that ‘Prince Charming’ and ‘Cinderella’ are fairy tales - they don’t really exist! No one is perfect, and if you’ve been in a relationship for longer than a few months you quickly realize this. Everyone has his/ her shortcomings. Married couples often let other obligations and responsibilities get in the way of keeping their marriages alive and fresh. While we wish, and sometimes believe, that our marriages will take care of themselves, this is not true. They require constant attention to keep them alive. The good thing is that various marriage experts including the Holy Bible have tested and proven principles that can help keep our marriages

flourishing. Every marriage involves ‘leaving and cleaving’. Married people must learn to cling to their spouses. By so doing, they keep the importance of marriage before them. Many couples have forgotten the importance of clinging to one another. As married men and women, we are commanded to love our mate. Everyone has their own definition of love but the best version is that which the Apostle Paul wrote in the 13th chapther of his letter to the Corinthians. “Love is patient, love is kind, and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.� In other words, love seeks to meet the needs of our mate. Relationship expert and blogger, Dr. David B. Hawkins, we can choose to be loving toward our mate. “There are problems in your marriage which need attention; in the midst of these problems, you can still choose to be

ROMANCE TIPS B; Write poetry for each other. B; Kiss/smell her hair. B; Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it. B; Give random gifts of J.L64>M<,O7PMQ.6R4P;6R<U; B; Tell her that she’s the only girl you ever want. Don’t lie.

loving. You can encourage him to create time and space to renew your passion for one another. You can remember the joys you had when you first dated one another. You can re-create that environment so your love for one another flourishes again�, he says. One marriage red flag is ignoring problems. Note your marital problems. Love doesn’t mean ignoring problems. Sometimes, you need to sit down and fully address these issues. It is important to know that our love for one another is built upon God’s love for us. Our ability to love is rooted in our acceptance of God’s love and compassion for us. Filled with God’s love, tackle your marital problems with your spouse; restoring the magic you once had for one another. Dr. Kelly Flanagan who has been a blogger for three years says that the ‘magic’ in any marriage happens when the right words are said. “The important words in marriage are not ‘I love you’ but ‘I am sorry’. Writing this blog for the last three years has taught me something essential about writing, and I think it’s true of marriage, as well: revision is where the magic happens. As I revise, sections I thought were perfect get turned upside down. Paragraphs I’m impressed with get cut. Second thoughts become the main theme, and new words emerge that I didn’t even know I had in me. It’s a messy and complicated and sometimes frustrating process, but finding my way to the beauty matters more than defending my perfection. Revision is where the magic happens. In writing. And in marriage. “When we say we’re sorry, our egos dissolve and we put something else before ourselves: we put the Muse in front of us, and the Muse is our marriage and our love and this one person we’ve committed to above and beyond perfection or efficiency or ease or ego�, he says.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Bridal Tips: Achieving a beautiful smile D eeply pigmented beverages such + + wine can stain the teeth. Foods can : ' & & + it’ll probably stain your teeth,� says ’

Â’ # + ! + & < : ! & & & + : All wines whether colourless or red - can

# # smile more susceptible to stains. Dental issues are never cheap. An in ~ & teeth two to three shades lighter but might cost you hundreds of thousands of naira. A gel is carefully brushed onto teeth and subjected to a bleachactivating light. Supplement this with 4 # " & & + % D : '* D + 4 4 counter teeth whitening strips that ' " teeth longer than toothpastes or rinses,� says Kerman. By the end of the month, you’ll be able to see a three-to-four :

Most people don’t have perfect symmetry to their faces or smiles, so # ƒ : ! " + # pictures of yourself, or practice tilting #

: 9 $ & & # : ‘ + ƒ # � smooth, use a soft toothbrush to gently " & : 9 # & " # &

+H ! 9 + * 9 & 4" # : # & : 0 clear of colour orange, salmon, peach, brown and coral. They give teeth a & # colours with cool or blue undertones. The blue counteracts the tinge of stains # # brighter. 9 # # + some shine or shimmer to it, or sweep on they also tend to absorb more light and : & ƒ # : # # " : + & # 8 " + &

sip of water around in your mouth, or sweep your tongue across your teeth. When they’re hit with the light from the ƒ + $ :

Would you support pregnancy before marriage? It has become a trend for some men and their family

! AMINA BRAI OMOIKE $ & " + " ˜ D " #

$ — $ & & #

+ = � " — # + $ if you don’t give him a child - Chidi

& : 9 # " about marriage so as to prepare you ahead I always say one thing: ‘cunny man die, #

: D " #

Œ $ cunny man bury am’. For a man to say + 4 0 # + # D & @ & # " " # ˜ " " # & + " " # $ & — #

: „ + my values and integrity can go to hell. Women # & / need to start seeing themselves as human and they did me a favour because we then beings and people of worth that are more than discovered through the process that he was production of babies - Kuyile virtually azoospermia, and a totally spineless : ˆ # " & A lot of times, we fail to understand that life man up, but water done pass under bridge by # : X " then. On the other side, I have a cousin who them. Don’t blame anyone afterwards. Some also decided that she will only marry after she months after the wedding - Abiodun women desire pregnancy before marriage got pregnant as she did not want to go in and # # ## : have people put unnecessary pressure on her @ " # / common occurrence - CJ % #

& & #

" & "" & + heads that most people see it as a tradition By sleeping with the lady before marriage, and she being pregnant means she might also ‘

is he not contributing to this so-called be forgiven for some resistance to boundary ‘waywardness’? Nigerian men are hypocrites crossing that families tend to do. I have heard of virgins that got married and - Eyo To be continued next week could not conceive for several years. Pregnancy " #

# # : The woman might even lose the pregnancy or the baby after the marriage so what will the man do then - Imelda

This issue has always raised certain concerns # / $ " " + " the waywardness and loss of values in our present day young ladies leaves much to be desired as it has eroded the ‘trust’ factor that D # most men absorb this concept of ‘pregnancy " #

$: X married to their ‘fellow-men’ and hence, their Every successful marriage is a product of decision - Lola / : # D : Please if a man truly loves a woman, then he so much time in school studying about rats & : # + & and lizards, but when it comes to marriage, gets pregnant and loses the pregnancy few = % &

Stepping into the future...

Jamesbrown and Adaku during their traditional marriages recently.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


With Amina Brai Omoike Tel: 0708-737-6877

Dating Calls

I discovered he has a family

Emmanuel, 42, PhD student needs a % & # # Šš šš : Call: 07058763157


# & # & # #

# : @ & &: ‹ # #

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: Call: 07089161116 9 & #" + & # # : Call: 09035251547. > + _`+ " Â’ Â? Šš њ & % : 9 # " " Â’ : Call: 08064785929. 08056340691. + _Ă˜+ # ! 0 + / + & # 4 # – + # + + + + " & Šš ц

: Call: 08144966989, 08081920722, 08139413227.

Njideka, You losing love for him is understandable. Deceit is very unacceptable in any relationship. The reason is that deceit breeds dishonestly which causes disharmony in relationships. You say the man loves you and his family loves you; they love you so much that they did not disclose this vital information to you. The Bible says that out of the mind, the mouth speaks. Your man said the reason he told you was because your friend was his neighbour. This means that if you hadn’t run into her, you would probably still be in the dark. My sister, thank your stars that you just found out kind of man you plan to spend your life with. A man who lies to you will never change. Believe me. It is "

with a man who already has children; not to talk of one who already has a wife. All I would say is that love does not lie. It is honest so ask yourself if you would really want to be a second wife because that is what you would be. Good luck!

I’ve met a girl but I’m scared of relationships # & " & # : $ : #

: ! # & & : ! # + ‘ Bidemi, Do you think she is wife material because of the way she looks or because you really like her? You don’t sound $ % $ Then what is this talk about her being still in school? It is good to plan for the future, but there are loads of girls who

% and still succeeded. However, marrying a student comes with its own responsibilities. For instance, you would probably have to take control of her education, the cost. To be on the safe side, don’t get involved until you are sure of what you can handle.

8 # & : Call: 08135491961. & " #+ š_+ 4 # + ‘ – X # 4# & # " & ÂŠĂ˜ " #

: 0 # ‘ ‹ 0 : Call: 08181918677. ! & + Šš " 4 ˆ + " & ŠŠ Š_ : Call: 07017433608. Â’ + _`+ # > 0 њ ĂŽ` #

: Call: 08160025755.

I attract only married men I

# _ĂŽ : & # #

# : " #

# # & " " : ˆ : &+ & #

# : " & #: @ ‹ + !

Osasogie, You have already made your decision so why do you need any advice? No doubt, you are just with this man for your own selfish interest. You are 36 and your biological clock is ticking but is having a child outside wedlock the best solution? The best that man would do for you is to rent you an

apartment, set up a business for you and take care of the child as long as you so desire. The fact remains that he is someone else’s husband; not yours. I really don’t know if you are ready to subject yourself to such a life of misery. Thirty-six might not be young but we have heard cases of older women settling down in marriage with men who have actually never been married for some reason; and end up having their own legitimate children within that marriage. Children can be very inquisitive. Do you want to have to start explaining to your 16-year-son or daughter why he /she can never live with ‘daddy’ or why he/she has to bear your maiden name? I don’t think so. Be wise and don’t make any hasty decisions.

Do you have a relationship or emotional issue to share or seek advice on? Contact the number above (SMS only).

0 # + Ă‘`+ & & 0 : ˆ & " " & _† šš+ & &+ + & : Call: 07087420135. ‹ & # + _Ă˜+ # ‹ 0


& # # Ñ` šš ## #

: Call: 08078749853. Â’ # #" 0 + _ĂŽ4 4 " # " Â’

& : 0 # " + # " + Š† 4 _š+ : 0 " & & D # : Call: 08028758499, 07025203151. * # + ъ+ & # #

: Call: 09097895722. * # + љ+ 4 #

# + = & 4 & # : Call: 08038341039. ‹ ‹ + " # " ‘ + < " " " + # + = + # " # " & # : 0 " " & _` Î` : Call: 08139310771.

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Surveillance He claims to be son of a pastor. He also commends his father’s & in moulding him in the right path. But Olatubosun Adeyemi decides to live a deviant life, a life which almost terminated his two decades on earth recently. TUNDE BUSARI reports

Police rescue pastor’s son from jungle justice

Tunde Busari




hree days to the last Christmas, Olatubosun Adeyemi cheated death. He was about to be torched and turned to ashes when a team of policemen came to his rescue. He was alleged to have stolen a motorcycle, after which the owner went after him and alerted the public. The charged mob then decided to administer jungle justice on him. They had wet his body with enough fuel only searching for a stick of matches to set him ablaze. This search, however, turned his saving grace. “He could have been burnt to ashes had our men not run into them. Even to get him out of the mob took them some " & so angry. We had to employ persuasion backed with a subtle force to rescue him, a source disclosed. Newswatch Times gathered that Adeyemi is one of a three-man armed robbery gang operating between Lagos and Ibadan. The gang’s modus operandi is to go after motorcycles, which are sold at a give-away price to unsuspecting buyers in Lagos. Adeyemi met his waterloo just after the gang had successfully

Kwara Police command parades suspects

IG Suleman Abba

robbed a commercial motorcycle operator his means of livelihood somewhere along Oyo-Ibadan expressway in Oyo town. How was he arrested and his colleagues escaped? He said after the gang had taken the okada from the owner, whom, he recalled, was forced to run into a nearby bush alongside his female passenger, it was decided that he returned to Lagos with the motorcycle. “I told them I could not ride okada from Ibadan to Lagos. They said that was my assignment, which I must carry out. As soon as they said this, ; # ‘ car we brought to the scene,� he said. Unlike others in his shoe, the owner of the motorcycle refused to give up, he ran out of the bush and sought from a # in pursuing Adeyemi.

In what looked as an impossible mission, the young man kept his calm until he sighted Adeyemi on his motorcycle apparently struggling to also escape with it in Moniya, an Ibadan suburb. The car cleverly overtook him, after which the man alighted and cried to the people around for help. At that point, he said he could not understand how the owner was able to identify him all the way from Oyo. “I knew it was God that caught me for him and it was God alone that could save me from the bad situation. I wanted to run but the people were too many on me. I

& ’ ; # and Wale when they asked me to follow them to Ibadan. “I did not suspect anything until when we got to Ibadan and they headed towards Oyo. I asked them a question but

they said I should just watch them,� he said. @ locate the Kazeem and Wale, Adeyemi said he met them in Lagos last December after he had left his Ijebu-Ode base to seek a greener pasture. The 21-year-old said he decided to relocate to make some money to buy cloth and other items for his wife and only child for Christmas festival. Meeting the duo, he said, brought him hope as he was immediately employed a conductor to a Molue. Having earlier been an apprentice to a truck driver, he had no problem adapting to his new job. His friends were particularly impressive by his gut, which made him a natural partner in their underworld : ˆ + accompanying them to Ibadan, a trip that eventually became Adeyemi’s albatross. ' # # recalling that a spirit within me was telling me not to follow them. In fact, when they bought cutlass in Ibadan, the spirit told me to drop from the car and % # & " : But I don’t know why I did not listen,� he also lamented. Police Public Relations ‹~ ‹ 0 ## + Adekunle Ajisebutu, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, said the command was already working on some useful clues to get other members of Adeyemi’s gang. “We are on it and sooner than later we are going to succeed : ‹ + & going to prosecute them after the investigation,� the PPRO said.

wara State Police Command has paraded suspected criminals arrested at different parts of the state. The event, held at the command headquarters, Ilorin, was conducted by the State Commissioner of Police, Salihu Garba. The CP commended his officers and men for the breakthrough, assuring them of his support in making life unbearable for criminal elements in the state. Top on the list of the suspects is a boy born by a serving police officer in one of the Divisional Headquarters in the command. The suspect is said to be a member of a five-man gang whose hideout within the ancient town was busted by the police. While the suspects owned up to their nefarious activities, some dangerous items were also recovered from them to further confirm their notoriety. “The suspects had confessed to being the owners of exhibits found on them, which included one cut-to-size locally-made barrel gun, one automatic cigarette lighter pistol, two live cartridges, four wraps of weeds suspected to be Indian hemp, two cutlasses, a black schoolbag, one fire light and criminal charms,� the CP said.. Aside this gang, one Akinola Obafemi, a suspected burglar, was also paraded. The CP said Obafemi allegedly broke into a textile shop at Oke Oyi area, Ilorin and escaped with bundles of different textile materials. But the 45-year-old denied the allegation. He said he only used his car to assist a lady friend whom he did not suspect was into crime. The lady has since remained elusive. Items included two locallymade single barrel guns, six cutto-size single barrel guns, four short locally-made double barrel guns, two single barrel guns, one automatic cigarette lighter pistol,14 live cartridges, one locally-made pistol, one Brownie pistol No CAL1661, and weeds suspected to be Indian hemp were also on parade. “All the suspects will definitely face prosecution. The command is seeking more cooperation of the media to jointly fight crime in the state,� he said.

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Saturday Newswatch Times, January 24, 2015

Monarchy Government has forgotten us – Nkerefi monarch His Royal Highness, Ezedinachi 1, is the traditional ruler of Ishienu $0234 567879 :2;< =< 56><4 (<4?4 @:>:7 $ 070A78 23 (<4?4 @:>:7 B8>C=:=2<>D F4D=<? &24<G=D ,?;7 $<= =J ;288=7C >A24: :K7 ?82JJ 4<C78C7L7D2M07<: 3>G7C AN K=J G2004<=:N +7 :7DDJ THANKGOD OFOELUE the fate of his community in the hands of successive ?2L78<07<:J (OG78M:J 4,<6;R\6;.4z[zO;.x;R\6; ]646^;Q6.Q+6_ % # # " : 9 # + & : 9 Š™ # %+ # ## : 9 ## # + „ + ‹ # + # + & : \,R;,46;R\6;.<</Q,Rz.O>; ]646^;Q6.Q+6;,46; ]O.LO;x.4_ % # : Œ " + : & & # „ + # +

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

African News How DR Congo protests over census turned deadly


~ Democratic ‰ " say at least a dozen people " over a proposed law that the opposition fears will prolong President Joseph ’ " $ # & : ‘ #" X +

# # + 9 12 people had died in three days of unrest and pillaging that began on Monday. But a coalition of human

ъ & " %

protesters. An uneasy calm returned to the capital Kinshasa 9 + " more people died during demonstrations in the $ : ‘ &# $ lower house have passed # / census before presidential elections next year. & : 9 0 =

9 " & vote. Kabila, in power since 2001, is barred from running again.

Ruling party candidate leads in Zambia election count


#" $

party candidate in presidential with more than half of the votes counted, as polling continue in some parts of the country. With 90 out of 150 constituences counted on 9 + „ ‘ of the Patriotic Front party was ahead with 50.75 percent of votes, the „ ## #" „ : He was closely followed by opposition leader ˆ ˆ # United Party for National > # & њ:™Ñ percent of the vote. 9 & 9 President Michael Sata, who died in October after a long, undisclosed illness. 9 &

& 0 $ # next year. 9

& _Ă‘ disrupted voting across # country. Observers said the election was conducted in a fair manner. 9 % &

to be announced on Friday but could be delayed. Voting was continuing at about 12 polling stations across the country after heavy rain disrupted 9 $ + extension. „ Mambilima said the $ & helping deliver election material from polling stations that could not be reached after the heavy rains damaged some roads. ' #" Force will meet their target we are hopeful that we can % #

&+H 9 : ‘ + # & + has used his campaign to tap into the grassroots support of his predecessor Sata, promising voters cheaper food and fuel. Hichilema, one of #" $ & businessmen, has said if he wins he will draw on his experience in the private investment and diversify the economy, in a country where copper accounts for 70 percent of export earnings.

South Africa’s Soweto tense after ‘xenophobic’ attacks P

olice have arrested at least 121 people in connection with violence and looting of foreign-owned stores in Soweto township in Johannesburg that resulted in the death of at least two teenagers , prompting fears of renewed xenophobia in the country. Police in South Africa said on Friday that r esidents of the & foreign nationals after a teenager was allegedly shot dead by a Somali shop owner earler in the & : 9 ™Ñ4 4 was allegedly part of a group that had tried to rob the shop. On Wednesday, as the

riots and looting spread to other parts of Soweto, another teenager was # : “It is alleged that the members of the community staged a revenge and started looting foreign national : 9 & % several shots towards the community to defend themselves,� the South African police said in a statement . ‘

targeted Somali, „ 4 & in the area, forcing foreign shop owners to leave the area out of fear, local media reported yesterday. 9

has prompted fears of a resurgence in D " + " authorities have steered clear from framing the # targeting foreigners. 0 ; 4 Malobane, the community safety minister of Gauteng province , told reporters 9 “the actions are pure criminality ... For now & & $ D " H: 9 4 & 4 4 Dineo, who hid in her home while the violent neighbourhood in Protea North, told Al Jazeera that it was an incident waiting to happen. '9 "

tension for a long time

&4 # $ trust the foreign business owners and the same for them towards us. '9 = being malicious; they are frustrated and hopeless. 9 % in government,� she said. ~ Somalia embassy in Pretoria told Al Jazeera there were many rumours surrounding the events of the past & : '9 &

% 0 # only, others were also + & $ ## with certainty on what D +H ~ :

Protesters burning tyres in Soweto

UN says international court needed for CAR war crimes


ÑÑ`+``` remain displaced after two years of & Republic. An international tribunal should be set up to investigate & # ‰ " ‰ + ‡ rights investigators have said. 9

## on Wednesday by the

9 " ## / ‰ " & / released earlier this month which concluded that war crimes and crimes against # " ## over the past two years in the region. “We therefore recommend very strongly that a special criminal court be set up, a fully

internationalised tribunal,� commission member Philip Alston said. In addition, the investigators stressed the need for

= + that without them the need to render decisions on serious crimes would lead to the ' tribunal which will give the appearance of providing = " & " " actually produce prosecutions that are essential�. “If that goes ahead, we are extremely concerned to # # = = are from the international community,� Alston said. UN investigators warned & ‰ spiral into a genocide.

Deadly blast hits hotel in Somali capital


suicide car bomb has exploded at the gate of a Mogadishu & 9 were meeting, a day ahead of a visit by their President ‰ 9 „ Somali capital, police have said. & ~ & 9 $ 0<‘ + & " # " 0 # $ armed group al-Shabab. '9 9 are safe inside the hotel,� the Reuters news agency reported, citing police captain * : '9 & busy.� A witness told the Reuters that they had seen two police ~

of the destroyed hotel gate, and what appeared to be the mangled body of the suicide bomber. “I saw [a car] speeding along the main road and the driver turned into the ˆ 0<‘ : 9 & D + # shrapnel. Several people were down on the ground,� said " X : 9 & / % & + & : Quoting police sources, the AFP news agency reported a + % " : It said three security guards were among the dead. Sources at the hotel, situated

4 % presidential palace, said there were around 70 members of a 9 at the time. „ & & + ~ Reuters. 9 $ # X Ahmet Davutoglu said an investigation was under way to see if the delegation was deliberately targeted. Al-Shabaab, which has

east Africa, including a 2013 raid on a shopping centre in the Kenyan capital " ĂŽĂ˜+ claimed responsibility for the assault but did not mention 9

„ : '@ ĂŁ ä 0 # ~ & & # +H 0 " "$ # # + 0 " " X "+ told Reuters. „ " # % non-African leader to visit war-torn Somalia in nearly 20 years when he travelled there in 2011, as prime minister. 9 Somali government. It was # = " # the height of the 2011 famine 9

# continues to build hospitals and dispatch aid across Somalia.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

World News Succession question in Saudi Arabia


" $ Â’ " " " ; ; 40 & ^ ™` $ + Ă˜Â…4 4 " / " & 4 #: Â’ " ~ # $

Š``š+ " " 0 " # 4™……` : 0 $ & $ D + &

& + # Â’ " $ " " & : * 40

# + ’ " $ / " ^ : 0 ™…š_ " ; ; " 0 + 0 " $ #

4 + & " " D " 4 so long as he was able and & :

A mother’s desperate plea for son


# D # + ^ + " 4 & # = : # • '9 # ^ : & 8

# Â’ = $ :H Â’ = ÂŒ & 8 # & # " 0 ‘+ 8 üŠ`` # #: 9

# 9 believes that the deadline D Š•š` #+ 8 # + š•š` # ŒX9: + 4 & =

$ / 9 $ *

$ "+ % # " $ 0 : 0 $ & & + % time that she had given " = & & " Œ $ X „ : &

" " " : " : ! & #

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+ "

& ˜" $: ! # # & : @ # # 0 ; " # Â™Â…Ă˜Ă˜+ + ' # X " " D # :H

Deadly shelling strikes bus in Ukraine’s Donetsk A

t least 13 people have been killed ^ " &

‡ $ > + ~ + ^ % # ! : '9& & " & & & " +H ~ & # + " 4 ‰ " & % ‡ $ # : ; & & + ~ : & & & " : ˆ & + 4‰ # " # ‡ : 0 ^ +

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/ 0 #" X + ! : Fighting between ‡

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/ ^ & > #" : 9 ƒ # Ă‘+†`` :

Thousands flee Boko Haram threats


# ƒ " & & " % # ! ˆ #: 9

# # # # # : 0 $ + & ; & + ^ & # Š`` : 9 4 & 4 4 ‘ # X # =

# +

+ ‰ ! "

# : 0 ƒ # 9 + # $ " & + & " ™š : 0 # ‰ ! " " $ # " ! ˆ # % : She added that she & & # # #" : 0 # pain while she was able to : @ + + thanks to God and hope to # # : 9 # ‰ ! " + " " " + " # " & :

&X†X‡X`Y[ Q\? ˆ_@ ^\_X… \?]_[ ‰?‡‡?QXYŠ `Y `^^`‹„_@ Œ� ,[‡`]X[^ ]X‡X^`Y^[ XY %`]` ^`„_ …_‰ŽŠ_ `^ ` [‹\??‡ XY 0`X@ŽŠŽ…X 1XŠ_…X`

Thailand’s ex-PM decries ‘death of democracy’


$ # # # ' # H ^ # 4 "

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sports Update AFCON 2015:Ghana beats Algeria to claim first three points A

samoah Gyan struck in the second minute of stoppage time to give Œ 4 ™4` victory over Algeria in an Africa Cup of Nations Group C game in Mongomo, Equatorial Guinea on Friday. After 90 minutes of

uneventful football, Gyan left it until the referee’s optional time to % that would hand the Black Stars three points. It was a game in which chances were few and far between, with neither side able to conjure up the magic that could

have produced a goal. Both sides defended stoutly in a game that ƒ on a few occasions as players squared up to each other under some rough challenges, but it was kept under control. It looked like the game would peter out with the deadlock unbroken until Gyan produced a moment of quality right at the

death. The experienced striker ran onto a longball from Mubarak Wakaso, outpaced Algerian defender Carl X = % " #4

: The result means Ghana draw level with Algeria on three points at the top of Group C, with South Africa taking on Senegal in the late 4 :

Let’s invest in the youth –Amelia Edet

Fashanu scores President Jonathan high in sports Martins Odiete,


ormer board member of the Nigeria Football Federation, Ambassador John Fashanu has hailed President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan for his achievement in sports. Addressing news men in Abuja, Fashanu noted that the achievement of president Jonathan on sport speak so much volume that it will take a blind person not to notice them. He stressed that he is convinced that he has achieved more than any president before him. The former Wimbledon FC of England striker stated

that if there is any place that his name Goodluck has so much manifested, he stated that it is the area of sports which he maintained explains the high achievement he recorded. “I have been so impressed with Mr President’s achievement in sports in Nigeria. “If we have to count it, where do we begin from? It is on record that the Super Eagles won the Nations cup in South Africa under his administration. The Super Eagles equalled the best record Nigeria ever had at the World cup in Brazil. '9 $ ‡4Â™Ă˜ # won the World Cup in UAE. The female U-20 team won silver in their own world cup. Nigeria had the best performance at the Commonwealth

Games and the World athletes Championship. I cannot mention the whole achievements because they are many. “All these happened because he was really a lucky president and most importantly because he created an atmosphere where Nigeria sports men and women strive to do well because of the way he appreciates them when they return,� he said. Ambassador John Fashanu who is a member of the Goodluck Jonathan campaign team stressed that a president who has the interest of the youths at heart and who has promoted sports to such a high level should be encouraged to return to continue on the good work he had began. “I

Glo-CAF Awards Gala on AIT, NTA this weekend


o ensure that more Nigerians savour the thrills and frills Š`™Ñ ÂŒ 4 * & 9 + † 8 + Š`™š+ ÂŒ " # ## & national television networks, NTA and AIT to air the edited version of the event this weekend. While Nigeria Television Authority will broadcast the 0 + ŠÑ 8 + Š`™š " ™` #+ Independent Television will air it on Sunday, 25th January, Š`™š " ™` #: 9 & " & : Globacom said in a statement that this is an opportunity for television viewers who missed the live telecast earlier in the month to relive some of the greatest moments of the biggest night in African football. It will be recalled that Ivorian International and Manchester „ $ # % + < 9 # African Football Footballer of the Year during the event, making it the fourth time. Asisat Oshoala won the African Woman Footballer of the Year. Globacom has been sponsoring the event since 2005. Enyeama congratulate Yaya

West Brom close to signing Ameobi


est Brom are on the verge of finalising a deal for Nigeria international, Shola Ameobi. An agreement has been reached between the EPL club and Ameobi, who is currently a free agent, according to expressandstar. com ‘The Baggies’ have agreed a contract in

principle with the former Newcastle United legend, with both sides now considering whether to activate the deal. Tony Pulis is in need of an experienced striker to lead his attack, and he knows Ameobi’s quality been the first coach to take him out of Newcastle united as he played on loan for him at Stoke city in 2008.



Fashanu have been in sports for a very long period to know the importance of what a president who does like sports can do to the youth and the one who love it : Jonathan’s goodluck in sports has really taken Nigeria Sports to a higher level. We have seen in Nigeria history under one of the presidents when Nigeria qualify for almost every competition, yet could not win any trophy,� Ambassador Fashanu concluded.

ormer Athletics Federation of Nigeria (AFN) head coach, Amelia Edet, has reiterated the need to invest in the youth, sports-wise. “There is no substitute for talent hunt. There is a limit to the recycling of athletes. It is about age and performance and sooner or later, if you don’t invest in the youth, failure catches up with you,â€? she said in Lagos, while reacting to an invitation to be part of a & & % tune the over 500 students that will be involved in the % ™Ñ AKS/NNPC/MPN Schools Athletics Championships to be held in Uyo on Feb 6 and 7. Part of the same exercise in Calabar last year, the seasoned coach and holder of the IAAF Veteran Pin

for “ long and meritorious service to the cause of athletics worldwideâ€? said what happened in Calabar last year was an eye opener and proof that talent abound in this country. “Courtesy NNPC and MPN we took about ™Î` " last year and after about two weeks of intensive coaching, there was no doubt that world beaters abound in this country. “ “I had pleaded with the Consultant of the programme Mr Paul Bassey to ensure that we have more of such. I have been told that this year will not be as intensive as last year, but it gladdens me that as many as 500 athletes will be given an opportunity to be exposed to the best of conditions in % H :

Ugbade upbeat on Super Six tourney


lying Eagles assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade, has D % the team will give a good account of themselves at the Super 6 tournament, & Abuja National Stadium. The Flying Eagles and the Nigeria U23 team have been handed special invitations to feature in the pre-season competition, which has drawn league champions Kano Pillars, Enyimba, Warri Wolves and Dolphins. “We have worked hard in Kaduna and we believe the team will show this at such a high-performance competition like this,� Ugbade said. “This is a very good test for us ahead of the African Youth Championship in March in Senegal as it will give us the chance to see how far we have gone in our preparations and make

any necessary corrections before the AYC.� The Nigeria U20, who arrived Abuja on Thursday from their training base in Kaduna, will play their % # 0 against league runners-up Enyimba. On Monday, they will take on Nigerian champions Pillars, before " @


Wednesday and Dolphins on Friday. 9 % # round-robin competition & " 0 + * " ™+ against Dream Team. The Flying Eagles have been boosted with the arrivals of Musa Yahaya # 9 # Hotspur youth team and Chidera Eze, who is with the FC Porto youth setup.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, January 24, 2015


Sports Update

Liverpool Ladies sign Oshoala A

frican Women’s Footballer of the Year, Asisat Oshoala, has signed up for reigning FA WSL 1 champions, Liverpool Ladies. The explosive 20-year-old & = X ! $ side from Nigerian Women’s Championship title winners, Rivers Angels. Oshoala was one of the stars of last year’s U20

World Cup in Canada, %

ment’s top goal-scorer as %

4 to Germany. = ‘ the back of winning the double with former side Angels in her native Nigeria. Speaking of her move to Liverpool, Asisat said: “Since I began my football career I have always dreamt

of being a professional footballer so to be able to join the reigning Women’s Super League champions is absolutely fantastic. “Liverpool Ladies are a massive club who have some fantastic players who I believe can help to develop my game to the next level. It was also a big incentive to be able to play in the UEFA Women’s Champions

League which is a huge competition and one I’m % & & in.� X ! • ' $# absolutely thrilled to have signed Asisat as she is one of the world’s top young footballers. Asisat proved in the U20 World Cup what a top class talent she is and this signing is a big coup for us.

Mikel: My loyalty lies with Chelsea



uper Eagles star, John Obi Mikel, has reiterated that his loyalty lies with Chelsea, amid reports linking him with a move to Juventus this coming summer. According to informa # ! + the Chelsea midfielder is being mooted as a possible makeweight in the deal to bring Juventus’s France international Paul Pogba to 0 # ! D transfer window. Taking a look at current events, a representative of Mikel admitted that Juventus were known to be long -

term admirers of the Nigeria national teamer. However, the player is not looking to jump ship until he’s shown the exit door by manager Jose Mourinho. ‘’Juventus have always maintained an interest in Mikel, the recent reports are ‘paper talk’,’’ Mikel’s representative told ‘’I have said this before. He still has a contract with Chelsea, and he is not interested in leaving the club now. ‘’At the end of this season, he will weigh up his options. He is happy being a Chelsea player.’’

Ibom Stadium nominated for top award


kwa Ibom Int’l Stadium, nick named ‘Nest of Champions’ has been nominated along with some other stadiums for 2014 stadium of the year. 7ZH [\DG]^_ `Z]FZ ZD[ jH_D]qHG Dq HG]vFH _x[\z{ appreciated by the inhabitant of Akwa Ibom State and Nigerians at large has been listed in the Stadium Of the year category in the organized awards. StadiumDB is a website that keeps database of stadiums across the world and the newly commissioned Akwa Ibom Stadium roughly estimated at N16 billion (â‚Ź74m / $86m) has been listed amongst the 32 stadia opened in 2014. The Nest of Champions was opened on November 7, 2014 by Nigeria’s number one citizen, President Goodluck Jonathan and home boy Emem Eduok scored the vj[\ ‘xDz ]q \ZD\ [\DG]^_ FDÂ’DF]\{ [\DG]^_ According to the founder of, Grzegorz Kaliciak in a statement, it’s great to see a new stadium in Nigeria that stands out globally. “It’s great to see a new stadium for Nigeria to be

proud of. Its white outer cladding and illumination also make it stand out globally and become a true landmark for Uyo,� Grzegorz Kaliciak stated. According to the organizers an internet user can vote once by selecting favourite stadia.

Ribery slams Ballon d’Or vote


ayern Munich winger, Frank Ribery has slammed the Fifa ! $‹ + " the award to be destined for Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi. Ribery, who came third in the vote in 2013, revealed his dismay after Ronaldo won his third title, leaving him just one shy of Messi’s four, with the duo have shared the last seven trophies between them. “So long as Ronaldo and Messi are around, the third player who gets nomi-

nated should realise that he does not stand a chance,� Ribery told AZ. “It’s the same story all over again each and every year. I don’t know what one should achieve to win this award. Even winning the World Cup is apparently no longer enough.� The 31-year-old feels that club teammate Manuel Neuer was deserving of $ ; + at urging fellow players to " " & in future. “[Manuel] Neuer has

been the best goalkeeper in the world for two or three years now,� said the Frenchman. “He won trophies with !

+ & @ Cup and was the best ! ; : parently, that’s not enough, though. I simply don’t understand it. '@ !

player gets nominated, we should have a discussion whether it’s even worth going. What’s the point? To get your picture taken? It’s just politics for me.�


Heartland set to name Onu as coach


eartland are poised ~ # the former Sunshine Stars tactician, Erasmus Onu as technical adviser for the 2014/15 Glo Premier League season. 9 # !0 & % by the departure of coach Kelechi Emeteole to oriental neighbours, Enugu Rangers. A source said that except a last minute change of mind happens, ; X # coach Onu is certain to

# & # days. “Heartland have appointed a technical adviser in the person of former Sunshine Stars coach, Erasmus Onu. “The coaches and players are anxiously awaiting his arrival, unveiling as well as resumption of duty which will be concluded in the next few days. “Though the management has maintained absolute quietness over the widely

known appointment everybody is aware he is the one to replace Kelechi Emeteole. “It’s a known fact that coach Onu is the new technical adviser. The management is just waiting for an auspicious time to make the ~ # the unveiling. “The management is convinced the experience of coach Onu will greatly help the side reclaim the lost glory in the domestic league,� said the unnamed source to


Emerum lands in Serbia for transfer talks


eports say that Emeka Emerum and his agent have landed in Serbia to begin transfer talks with SuperLiga campaigners FK Jagodina. 9 # !

X youth - teamer is currently a


free agent, having terminated his contract with Tunisia’s CA ! ; > #" : That means FK Jagodina & " / + & " ; + if they can agree personal terms with the player and his representative. Emeka Emerum was highly recommended to the 2013 Serbian Cup winners, and the club’s higher ups have decided not to run the

# " him a contract, according to his minders. Emeka Emerum previously starred for Esperance, ‹ # / ! = ] = Academy.


-Tradition built on Truth

Newswatch Times

Vol. 01, No. 13

January 24, 2015



he 2015 electioneering campaigns are in full bloom. There is excitement in the air, but there is also palpable apprehension. The campaign machines are rolling to and fro across the nation, leaving behind plenty of dust, a lot of shouts, plenty of sense and a lot of nonsense. The Nigerian Â’Z{[]FDz [Â’DFH ][ vzzHG `]\Z EDqqHj[ DqG posters and the air waves are reverberating with plenty of music, dance and drama. In all of this, a lot of people are doing brisk business and money is changing hands with great velocity. I must say that I am really enjoying the general festive atmosphere, as serious work has been suspended till after February 28. Taking a critical look at how the campaigns are going, some matters have arisen and some things do not add up. Indeed some are of grave concern, because no matter what party or what candidate we support, Nigeria belongs to all of us, and every Nigerian is an equal stakeholder. It is therefore important that nothing is done or said that will imperil the nation. It is also critical that every speech or action of the candidates and party leaders must be scrutinized by the electorate. Nigerians must avoid getting too emotional or too fanatical to abandon decency or basic ethos of what is good and what ][ EDG :H _^[\ qx\ [DFj]vFH ED[]F \j^\Z[ xq the altar of political expediency. Some of the developments and activities that do not add up and which cannot stand objective and righteous scrutiny include the following: Â&#x; Gov Fayose’s distasteful advert To be sincere, in all my life, I have never seen a more distasteful advert than the one Governor Ayo Fayose put on The Sun Newspaper some days ago. I am yet to come to terms with why he put such demeaning advert on the front page of a national newspaper. How can he reduce the campaign to the issue of state burials and suggesting who will die before another? How can that be a valid campaign issue? Many 30-year old people have died while many 80-year-old people are alive and healthy. I do not know how many votes that morbid advert will win. I am also wondering how that advert


It is as hard and severe a thing to be a true politician as to be truly moral. – Francis Bacon, English philosopher (1561 – 1626)

Entrepreneurial Paradigm Sam



Political Campaigns: Matters arising passed the scrutiny of The Sun management. In fact, it greatly lowered the esteem of the newspaper. Is there no advert policy? Is there no limit we can go for the sake of money? It is good that the President Goodluck’s campaign team dissociated the campaign organization and the President from the advert, but I was disappointed `]\Z \ZH &D_Â’D]‘q 0HG]D 2HFHj `Zx [D]G Governor Fayose had his right to say what he liked or advertise whatever seemed right to him. What is worse, Ayo Fayose himself [D]G ZH ZDG qx DÂ’xzx‘{ \x xIHj 3HjZDÂ’[ , FDq xIHj Dq DÂ’xzx‘{ xq EHZDzI xI Dzz GHFHq\ Nigerians to General Muhammad Buhari. While I agree that there is freedom of speech or belief, that must not stop us from saying that what is bad is bad. That advert is bad and we must insist that nobody in the name of free speech should assault our sense of decency as Nigerians and Africans who respect and revere old age. Â&#x; Buhari’s West African School &789:;<=97 >8?@E=E= I am terribly troubled by the ongoing debate concerning General Buhari’s educa\]xqDz ÂĽ^Dz]vFD\]xq +H [D]G ZH Â’D[[HG \ZH :H[\ $Ij]FDq 6FZxxz &Hj\]vFD\H (ÂŚD_]qD\]xq DqG `D[ jHÂĽ^]jHG \x Â’jxG^FH Z][ FHj\]vFD\H He did not produce one, but rather referred INEC to the Army. INEC, as it had done in the last three election cycles (2003, 2007 & 2011), apparently did not go to the Army

The Police should not just bark but must ensure that they bite. They need to send the right signals that they will not allow the type of post-election violence that consumed many innocent Nigerians and their property in 2011. � 3?‡X^X‹`‡ …`‡‡�

\x ‘H\ D FxÂ’{ xI \ZH FHj\]vFD\H 7ZH{ ¨^[\ believed him, perhaps out of respect for him as a former Military Head of State. I wish that INEC had complied with the constitution in 2003, and that would have prevented this current national embarrassment. Why did they not insist that the General should ‘x DqG ‘H\ Z][ FHj\]vFD\H z]ŠH \ZH x\ZHj candidates? Why did they not go to WAEC, which is the examinations body? Will they not have the record of all who passed their exams? When the PDP campaign team insisted and kept pushing, they forced the Army to come out and say that they do not ZDÂŞH \ZH *HqHjDzÂŤ[ :$6&( FHj\]vFD\H qx xj]‘]qDz qx Â’Zx\xFxÂ’{ qx FHj\]vHG \j^H copy). What they have is only a claim by *HqHjDz %^ZDj] ]q \ZH Ixj_ ZH vzzHG DqG D recommendation from the Principal of the Secondary School that he would pass the exam. Something does not add up here! Many questions now arise. Did he really take the exams? Did he actuDzz{ Â’D[[ \ZH HÂŚD_[" :D[ \ZH FHj\]vFD\H [\xlen? Has a hidden lie come to the fore? Too _Dq{ ÂĽ^H[\]xq[ (ÂŞHq \ZH zD\H HIxj\ xI \ZH Secondary School to provide evidence is being challenged. And all this really challenges the foundation of the ‘Integrity’ platform on which General Muhammad Buhari’s campaign is anchored. How I wish this situation did not arise, because it takes me back to 1999 when we faced similar embarrass-

ing educational scandals involving another Buhari, who was made Speaker of the House of Representatives and others who claimed they were graduates of University of Toronto and University of Chicago! What will happen to the revolutionary anti-corruption campaign being promised? Let us get the West African Examinations Council (WASC) come to the rescue and tell us the truth, hoping that INEC will not allow us pass through this again. They must investigate all educational claims; that is an integral part of their work. Â&#x; Condemnable violent activities We have read of reports of some misguided violent and barbaric activities of some political thugs, apparently motivated by desperate politicians. We heard of the bombing of APC secretariat somewhere in Rivers State and the ambush of some supporters who were going to the APC rally. This is condemnable. This kind of attitude cannot improve the chances of anybody winning elections. Instead it may even attract sympathy for the victim party or candidate. We have also read of the burning of PDP vehicles in Plateau State and the recent stoning of the President’s campaign convoy in Katsina and in Bauchi states. These are despicable actions which must not be allowed to repeat. They are foreboding signs of what lies ahead. I strongly insist that our security forces must search out and punish the perpetrators of these and other misdemeanors. The Police should not just bark but must ensure that they bite. They need to send the right signals that they will not allow the type of post-election violence that consumed many innocent Nigerians and their property in 2011. When these miscreants and their sponsors get away with the above reported crimes, they will be emboldened to do worse. That was how Boko Haram grew wings, literally. A stitch in time saves nine. Nigerians can no longer accept stories; they expect the State to protect them. Â&#x; Dumb campaign messages Many people are wondering how many people will vote, based on what the candidates are saying and promising at the campaign rallies or even on their posters and bill boards. We are largely being regaled `]\Z \ZH G]IHjHq\ Fxzx^jHG Â’]F\^jH[ xI \ZH candidates and then with plenty of music, dancing and drama and huge doses of ‘yabis’. The rest is empty slogans: PDP.....Power! ; APC....Change! sai Buhari, sai Nigeria! What power? Electric power or Ikam power? Power to do what? Change for what? Change for worse or change for better? Half a dozen is the same as six! Let us have real debates where we can interrogate all the bogus claims. Candidates should be made to show us evidence of their ability to deliver their promises. Otherwise, we may just be feeding on hype and getting Hq\Hj\D]qHG E^\ \ZH [\xj{ `]zz EH G]IHjHq\ afterwards and we begin to complain and sigh. But from all indications, that does not seem an attractive proposal to many of the candidates. But that is the only way we can test their seriousness, even if not their sincerity. We must insist on this, now that the power is in our hands.

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH TIMES LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. PATRICK ASONYE

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