Saturday e version 27 dec 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014



Nollywood actor counsels colleagues on access to FG’s grant


top Nollywood Actor, Mr. Emeka Ossai, has urged his colleagues to structure their businesses properly to enable them access the grant meant to boost the entertainment sector. Ossai is a renowned Nollywood actor known for his role as a doctor in the TV drama series - Clinic ! " Ossai, who successfully # $ for the grant, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) yesterday in Lagos, that the % He said that it took him # almost a year to satisfy the requirements. He added that it was go for a crash session at the Lagos Business School in order to understand how to process it. ``But basically what they were looking for is you are a practitioner, a responsible practitioner, both to the industry and to ``You run your business

& ' & that you are doing business and doing it rightly,� he said. Adding, he said there is an assurance that when the money is released, it must be utilised well to do business and create employment and also satisfy other purposes # up the grant. He described himself and others who scaled through as lucky. ``We did not begin to * because there was a grant to collect and we had some # rather, we had been doing our business properly. ``So when it was time for us to key in, it was rather had to go for some lectures to understand some technical questions that were being asked by the panel. ‘’But I would say it’s a anyone who scales through is a true business person,’’ he said. + / * Act Nollywood, a N3 billion grant programme to 0 industry.

FG takes steps to fortify Eko bridge J

ulius Berger Construction Company has replaced all the 48 steel columns of the Eko Bridge damaged by collapse of the bridge, the Federal Controller of Works in Lagos, Mr. Godwin Eke, said. Eke told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the columns were installed on a span

to make the bridge stable pending complete rehabilitation of the bridge. He said that the repairs of the abutment of the Third Mainland Bridge as well as that of the Marine Beach Bridge, which was also damaged “For Eko Bridge, Julius Berger has installed the steel columns to hold the bridge and we are now awaiting the procurement of the

permanent works to do the full rehabilitation of the bridge. “So, the question of the bridge collapsing is out of the question. Fortyeight columns were installed to hold the bridge. “We are currently working on the Third Mainland Bridge abutment by Borini Porini, not Julius Berger. “The Marine Beach Bridge has been closed for quite a while now,

a local contractor, Build Well Plant Construction Limited, is handling rehabilitating the under, he would start work on the surface next year.’’ On the plans to artisans who caused both Eko Bridge and the Marine Beach Bridges, the controller said that was planning to fence the areas. (NAN)

Association tasks Nigerians on use of cooking gas


he National Association

# 1 $ Petroleum Gas Marketers (NALPGAM) yesterday urged Nigerians to embrace the use of 1 $ / (LPG) for its inherent The President of the association, Mr. Basil Ogbuanu, who made with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos, said LPG was cleaner, # 2 5 Ogbuanu said the use of LPG was essential to reduce carbon emissions #

kerosene. He added that cooking gas remained the best because it was cleaner, healthier, safer, more 6 to use for cooking. 7 Nigerians to embrace the use of a cleaner fuel for cooking. ``Through the use of LPG in rural and lowincome households, Nigerians can be assured

# " 6 # cooking times,’’ he said. 7 appealed to the Federal ' sustainable polices that would boost the use of LPG, popularly called cooking gas in homes.

He said that such policies would help to strengthen the use of domestic gas, adding that 1/ 2 friendly. Ogbuanu said the use of gas for domestic purposes, especially in cooking, was expected to generate more # # of the economy. He also said the dearth of cylinders constituted

# * challenges confronting the association in its quest to make gas the energy for the future. According to him, a situation where only 15 million cylinders are 0 # ;< impediment to the use of domestic gas as cooking fuel. = that succour was on the way as a cylinder # located at the Berger area of Lagos had commenced production. Ogbuanu said the its members one year to upgrade their gas dispensing plants as part of the agenda of bringing gas to the doorsteps of the consumers nationwide. ``Before now, cylinders 5 > 5kg and 6kg.

Children entertainers trooping out for a performance in Abuja yesterday.

Christmas was crime-free, says IGP Abba


he Inspector General of Police (IGP), Suleiman Abba, says reports from across the country so far indicate that

the Christmas was celebrated without any reported case of crime. @ on Thursday, at the Jabi Lake Resort, after

he patrolled round the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), for the incident-free celebration.

NIMASA tasks ship owners on abandoned wrecks


he Nigerian M a r i t i m e Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) yesterday expressed # their abandoned wrecks at the nation’s sea ports in spite of numerous marine notices. Its Director-General, Dr Ziakede Akpobolokemi, expressed the concern News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos. He condemned the # 5 owners, who instituted legal cases against such wrecks were to be Apobolokemi said

# of the wrecks, adding that work had started in some areas. He explained that apart from the fact that wrecks were detrimental to ' KK up’’ to carry out nefarious acts. He added that contracts for wrecks to be domains, promising that the wrecks are going to & # * awarded in the SouthSouth and Lagos areas. Apobolokemi also said it is not good, saying “we & mandate under the law

wrecks. ``If I tell you the number

# & that is to tell you that we must change our ways. Somebody whose wreck # money; would go to court 0; The director-general suggested adequate education of ship owners on wrecks, adding that wrecks could create KK stowaway, and criminals hide’’. Akpobolokemi said there was also resistance because some people did not want NIMASA ' because the criminals were hiding there. (NAN)

“But this will not make us relax,� he assured. @ agencies continued reports of planned " ' adding that such plans were promptly nipped in the bud. “But the police as well as other agencies enforcement and beefed up operations to make sure that people * # “This is to make sure that people celebrate with some sense of safety in them. I am happy that quite a number of people % * “We are out to make sure that the places the people are likely the roads they use in " are well secured,� he said.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014



South West

Ondo 2015:Senator donates 13 patrol vans to Police Peter Dada, Akure


he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Senator representing the Ondo South Senatorial district in Ondo State, Senator Boluwaji Kunlere, yesterday donated 13 patrol vans to the state’s Police Command for easy # 6 men to crime scenes in any part of the district. He said, “To all intents and purposes, the initiatives to embark on this security support project in Ondo south Senatorial was not to score cheap political # my promise to give the

5 6 all sphere and to ensure secured environment for the people’s day to day legitimate activities.� At the presentation, he said the vehicles would also be used to curb violence that could occur before, during and after 2015 general elections. On the motive behind the gesture, the lawmaker explained that the State had hitherto been adjudge the most peaceful of the 0 2{ | but recent events showed that the activities of kidnappers and criminals are on the increase in the area, the situation that called for assistance of

the security agencies with logistics. He noted that asides the traumatic experience he had when he indicated interest in the Senate in 2006, almost all the known highly placed people in the district had been victims of kidnappers and

" He explained “As part of our contributions towards reducing the crime rates and ensure secured environment for our people, we have chosen to empower all the 13 Police Divisions in the Ondo South Senatorial.� According to him, # 13 Hilux vans include:

~ ' ~ 27 * 7' 2 Igbo, Ilutitun, Okitipupa, Igbokoda, Igbekebo, Irele, Ajagba, Akotogbo, Odigbo, Ore and Araromi Obu Police divisions. The State Commissioner of Police, Mr Isaac Eke thanked the lawmaker for the gesture, assuring him that the command will maximize its usage in the district. The CP who was represented by his deputy, Alhaji Alhassan Mahmuda urged that the funding of police should not be the sole responsibility of government, calling on well meaning Nigerians to emulate the gesture.

2015:Alao-Akala names Balogun campaign arrowhead


he Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate in Oyo State, former Governor @ @ 2@' has appointed Dr. Kola ‚ { 2 General of his campaign organisation. This was contained in a statement by Abraham 7* @ 2@' aide and made available to newsmen in Ogbomoso yesterday. The statement said ‚ ~ 2 politician, was considered based on his loyalty, credibility and commitment to the # @ 2@' It would be recalled

‚ @ 2 Akala’s Commissioner for Commerce and Industry. According to the statement, the campaign " inaugurated soon. Speaking with newsmen, Balogun said: “We have a good product in the # @ 2@' He is a sellable and preferred candidate whom the people of the state appreciated while in

6 ƒ He assured members of the team and the people of the state of harmonious working relationship to ensure that LP emerged victorious in the upcoming election.

Nigeria’s first food competition kicks off in Lagos Mansur Oladunjoye weeklong food eating competition 0 ' ' 5 today at Ground Zero Digital entertainment € ! " Lagos. Tagged: Chop and Quench, the food contest is said to be absolutely free for everyone.


The spokesperson for the organisers, Ms Busayo Babatunde said, it was part of activities to mark the 4th anniversary of the digital entertainment centre, adding that the event would also give the audience an experience of the best of digital entrainment in Africa without having to travel abroad.

Amosun presents C of O to home owners Bianca lboma


# # home owners charter scheme of the Ogun state government has received its L-R: The Vicar, Cathedral Church of St. James The Great, Segun Ogunmefun; Peoples Warden, Kofo Ogunsola; Bishop of # _ # Ibadanland, Most Rev. Joseph Akinfenwa; Canon Residentiary, Rev. Canon Segun Faleye and Rev. Moses Oladipo at a Christmas o) and other title documents to Church service in Ibadan, Oyo State... recently enable them regularized their legal status at discounted rates. Governor lbikunle Amosun, represented by the Head of he Federal Operations (PRO) of the Unit, disclosed November alone, the unit General of Customs (CGC), Service, Mrs. Module Adekunle Unit, Zone `A` of the this in an interview with intercepted 287 seizures with Alhaji Dikko Abdullahi, presented the documents to the assisted the command in Nigeria Customs newsmen in Lagos where he a DPV of N174. 6million. He said that 13 suspects

2 6 7' 2! @ ' Service (NCS) on Friday said said that the unit recorded recently, expressing satisfaction it recorded revenue of N308 2, 719 seizures with a Duty were arrested in connection drive. “We also got support from at the response and interest million between September Paid Value of N1.8 billion in with the seizures made in 11 months covering January November. 2 shown by the indigenes. 17 and December 15. Adekunle noted that the €* %2 and synergy with the Mr Uche Ejesieme, the and November. Ejesieme said that in #  2 stakeholders, particularly the scheme would ensure that / ] 76 residents have titled documents maritime operators. “The CGC, Alhaji on their properties at record Dikko Abdullahi, and his times with a discounted rate, management, together with the Comptroller, Federal Operations Unit, Turaki Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan on all the stakeholders to tolerance to corruption Adamu, have been able to immediately address the and indiscipline. he Shafaudeen demands of the workers. Speaking on, “Build the prove to the world that the Mansur Oladunjoye NCS has the capacity not only Young Women She also noted with home to build the nation�, takeover from the service he Founder and Association has dissatisfaction the Olagoke noted, “There providers,� he pointed. Coordinator of Ekiti State appealed to the Federal persistent insecurity to is always a correlation Youth Movement, Lanre He said the service had also Government to urgently lives and properties in 6 address the existing the country, “The Chibok home and government. proved that it could improve Ajegbomogun, has called on the problems in the health Girls issue should not be This is because the on the operations of the Members of the State House of @ " sector as a result of the swept under the carpet products of the home are service providers. Ejesieme said since the and rancor that would ongoing strike in the unresolved,� she said, potential future leaders service took over from the ultimately allow for peace in the teaching hospitals. commending Prof. Sabit who are being prepared for Alhaja Aishah Olagoke, the Founder the leadership challenge service providers, the issue land. `unnecessary’ delay He made this call in Lagos Zakariyau, chairperson of and Spiritual Head of through socialisation of in the generation of Risk recently to sensitize the the group made the appeal the movement for his process.� in Ibadan during the 2014 exemplary He advised that if we Assessment Report (RAR), indigenes and non indigenes of leadership Week of Shafaudeen Men 5 " / 2 the State on the need to promote and Women Associations public that Islam was a nation, then government, Arrival Assessment Report a peaceful and meaningful co where she described religion of peace opposed counselling experts and (PAAR), had been solved. existence among all, irrespective He assured that the service of religious, political or any as an embarrassment, to any act of terrorism. parents must be ready " 5 # ' Also speaking, to work on the homes to to its functions of revenue sentimental leanings at all times. on patients where Prof. The prominent religious Olagoke urged produce good products generation and suppression avoidable deaths have government to focus on # and community leader, of smuggling been recorded, calling … > nation. Ajegbomogun urged the state

NCS Ikeja unit generates N308m revenue


‘Address strikes in our teaching hospitals’


who despite the scepticism expressed by many people, embraced it. “You are home owners now because with the c of o, you can now enjoy several facilities from the bank and other in Nigeria,� she pointed. She described the Governor 6 government can plan on infrastructure facilities once they know the actual number of houses. The Special Adviser/Director General, bureau of lands and survey, Adewale Oshinowo said that the scheme was part of Amosun’s plan to improve the living conditions of Ogun people through innovative programs.

Ajegbomogun tasks Ekiti lawmakers on relationship with Fayose


lawmakers to shelve party 5 of the Commissioners sent by Governor Ayo Fayose. Ajegbomogun who is also the President and Veterinary Director of Animal Rescue Center, Ikeja Lagos, frowned at the supposed N3.3 Billion spent on a governor’s lodge by the former governor, Kayode Fayemi as wasteful and uncalled for especially now that Nigeria is in sober meaningful … that such amount would have been used to establish industries to provide employment for all, more importantly, the teeming masses and the youths at large.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


South East PFN tasks Okorocha on compensation for demolished churches Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Imo State chapter, has pleaded with Governor Rochas Okorocha to commence adequate compensation for churches demolished by the state government in respect of projects execution, saying that so far over 25 churches had been reduced to rubbles by the government’s bulldozers. The Vice President of the fellowship, Rt. Rev. (Dr.) Ezenna Egbo, who made newsmen on programmes slated for inauguration and induction of elected

6 # the zonal and ward levels, "

number of members of such

churches demolished had " ' sheep without shepherd. This is even as the church has continued to provide support and assistance to victims of Boko Haram insurgency in various parts of the state. Bishop Egbo, assisted by Rt. Rev. (Dr.) Timothy Aaron, reminded the state government that the church and the government are partners in progress for both the physical and spiritual growth of the people. He advised that government should always secure alternative sites for churches earmarked for demolition, and informed the bishop in charge and the parishioners accordingly before acting in order not to stall the growth of evangelism in the state.

I withdrew to support Jonathan – Guber aspirant Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


former Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant in Imo State, Engr. Marcel Anyanwu has advanced reasons he withdrew from the governorship race, saying ‘’my action was necessitated by the need to give the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan an " ƒ Addressing some of his supporters and loyalists in Owerri recently, Engr. Anyanwu, who is a member of the Elders Advisory Council of Goodluck Jonathan Support Group (GSG),

said his governorship ambition was threatening his commitment to the reelection project of President Jonathan. He noted that his withdrawal was an act of patriotism because, according to him, the interest of the country and the state are far more important to him than his personal interest, adding that the re-election of President Jonathan will be the best thing to happen to the country since 1999. He called on the people of the state to be part

# 5 the President to the seat, explaining that the

uncommon transformations witnessed in the country within the last four years will quadruple if he is reelected. The German-based Chartered Engineer disclosed that he will wholeheartedly support the Â… 2 of PDP in the state, saying that the collective interest of the party should be more paramount than any individual interest, even as he advised other PDP aspirants to rally round the winners in order to give victory to the party. Engr. Anyanwu revealed that the outcome of the consultations he made

before withdrawing encouraged him to walk away. He predicted that the fortunes of the country " # President Jonathan is reelected, stressing that the country is above being governed with military mentality. Cautioning the people of the state to be careful in choosing the next governor of the state, he implored Imo electorate to return the state to the national political grid. His words, ‘’Imolites must endeavourer to return the state to the mainstream of governance by using their votes to re-connect the state to the national political grid.’’

Obiano attracted $1.6bn investment in 8 months – Monarch Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


ommendations have continued to come the way of Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State not only for restoring security in the state, but also # " which the traditional ruler

# 0 0* ' ' 1 Government Area, Igwe Chijioke Nwankwo, put at $1.6 billion. Addressing newsmen in his palace, Igwe Nwankwo ˆ7 # " investments into the state. “The time to appraise any governor to me is two ; is for feasibility studies # ƒ On security, the monarch noted that he was able to restore the lost glory of the state through the war he declared against violent

crimes in the state. Consequently, he said, “This Christmas and New Year celebrations, people who once ran away because of being kidnapped are ƒ “Obiano did not invite them; kidnapping, armed robbery and assassination have been reduced to the barest minimum. So they are returning home because the state is now # # ƒ Asked to compare Obiano with his predecessor, Mr. Peter Obi, Igwe Nwankwo stated that Obi did not place his priority on security, but introduced ANIDS to touch all sectors of the economy. The monarch expressed optimism that traditional rulers in the state would " 5 7 administration.

‘Nigeria can’t remain consuming nation’ Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


he Imo State Coordinator of the Sabbath Keepers Evangelical Fellowship of Nigeria, Rev. Chigozie Samuel Nwaka, has decried Nigeria’s increasing state of dependency on importation of products and services from foreign economies. He stated that while Nigeria should have been championing the socio-economic resurgence of Africa, it is still largely dependent on seemingly smaller nations rather than operating a production economy. Nwaka made these assertions in a press statement to mark the Centenary celebration of the Sabbath Church in Nigeria. “We believe it is no coincidence that the Sabbath Church and Nigeria as a nation, share the same birth-year. We see the uniqueness of the Nigerian nation in the Commonwealth of Nations, especially in Africa. We therefore, challenge our leaders to look inwards for the solutions to our myriad of problems.

Our democracy, economy, technology, education and indeed development should be 2 ƒ He urged Nigerian leaders to study the potential and uniqueness of Nigeria’s situation and from it, derive a development roadmap. “We cannot continue to borrow from America. We are created here with our uniqueness to champion the 5 # ' indeed the entire world. We can export our economy, politics, technology, medicine, science, culture, and natural/human resources, which God has blessed us with. Nigeria cannot continue to be at the receiving end. We are endowed to be at the giving end. Take a look at the recent Ebola breakthrough made by Nigerian health service providers. Also look back at the Option A4 voting system; it was also founded in Nigeria. This remains the best system of election suitable for Nigeria,

The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan being received on arrival in Umuahia by the Abia state Governor, Chief Theodore Orji for a grand civic reception organised in her honour by the Ohuhu clan in Umuahia North LGA.

APGA advises Igbo to leave North-east Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


isturbed by the spate of killings and bombings in the North East region, the Igbo resident in the

zone have been advised to use this Christmas and New year mass return period to leave the zone in their own interest. Giving the advice

Anambra State, led by Chief Vincent Obiorah Anyakorah, reiterated that nobody would be blamed if they lose their lives to the insurgents. According to him, the Christmas holiday makers have seen what APGA has put on ground is it the Aba/Enugu Road, in the state in terms of adding Port Harcourt/Enugu Road achievements, or the Ikot Ekpene Road that the achievements that have become death would speak for it come traps? Is it the presence of 2015 general elections. He however, expressed expressways, appointments the hope that the Federal into key positions, realisation of Government would win the second Niger Bridge? The the war in no distant time, and urged list is many and accountable, and I believe that politics and it to sustain the tempo of " '

elections should not be based avoid frustrating on mere sentiments of where to one comes from, but what the conduct of smooth one has really achieved for elections in the zone. In Anambra, he stated the people he is leading. Give General Buhari a chance to do that APGA was on what he knows how to do best, ground, and called on and Nigeria will change for the residents to see APGA as the party that would take " Governor Okorocha who them to the Promised used the occasion to once more 1 “In Oyi, APGA is the enumerate his achievements # " household name, no other part exists in practice and most states of the Federation have not paid salaries for some I wish the people happy Christmas and New months now with schools celebrations in closed due to dwindling Year resources of the federal advance, and also to cast government which needs their votes for APGA in an economic wizard and a ƒ revealed. pragmatic leader to rectify.

while wishing them a happy celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the All progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), in Oyi 1 @

Okorocha urges Ndigbo to shun PDP in 2015 Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


mo State governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha, has dismissed the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) controlled Federal Government as the worst thing that has happened to the Igbo race since the end of hostilities in January 1970. Consequently, the governor has advised the people of the South East geopolitical zone to reject the party and all that it stands for in the forthcoming general election in order to end their woes and lamentation, insisting that only a General Muhamadu Buhari led presidency that has the capacity to remedy the ongoing marginalization of the people. Decrying the lingering insurgency in the country, its disastrous consequences and the inability of the Federal Government to control the scourge, the governor recalled that General Buhari as the then  # # @ 5 second republic courageously


' by the horns and quelled the notorious Kano Maitaisane riot, expressing that with the former Head of State as president in 2015, the nagging Boko Haram issue would be a thing of the past. The governor who spoke while interacting with newsmen in Owerri said that his foray into the APC presidential primaries was meant to correct the erroneous impression created by the PDP that no Igbo man is interested in the nation’s presidency in 2015. Since Imo came on board, 5 marginalization worse than 5 now in the hands of the PDP led federal government. The Igbo are not enemies of the 0 " have were all got through the leadership of the North such as FUTO and Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri, but today what can we boast of from the federal government,


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

South South

News Police arrest three armed robbery suspects in Edo


The Ogieneni of Uzairue, Alhaji Imonikhe Omogbai (middle), inaugurating classrooms; a constituency project of Majority Leader, Mr. Philip Shaibu (right) at Jattu, Etsako West Local Government Area of Edo State...recently.

Calabar monarch chides politicians over do-or-die politics


he Obong of Calabar, Edidem Ekpo Okon AbasiOtu V, has warned that the do-or-die approach to 2015 polls by politicians constitute serious threat to Nigeria’s democracy. + € ' made the observation in Adiabo in Odukpani Local Government Area while interacting with some journalists. The monarch chided the political class over what he described as a do-or-die approach to the 2015 polls. He said he was yet to be convinced that some politicians had the interest of the country and that of ordinary Nigerians in mind from what he saw at the just

concluded political party primaries. Said he: “Their ambition and interest of many politicians seem to have overridden the interest of the people they are supposed to serve. “The political class has now made politics a door-die business. To them, once you sail through, you automatically become a millionaire. “If we can separate the political powers from the running of the country, 0 " # it. “The governor, for instance, controls the decides what to do with it.

“All over the country, people are complaining over the just concluded party primaries. It was very shabby; it was a disgrace to the power of democracy. “They virtually handpicked their cronies and tactically locked out others. “Our democracy has deteriorated to the level that it is those at the corridors of power who decide who should take over political power, not on the basis of quality of service to the people. “It has become an " acolytes. The people’s voices are no more important. This is very bad for our body polity. “The Independent

National Electoral Commission (INEC) had taken steps to ensure credible elections, but politicians are not willing to play by the rules. “You invite the INEC to witness the sham called party primaries, but the electoral laws do not empower the umpire to take decision on the glaring imposition we are witnessing. “The National Assembly should do something about the manner these primaries are conducted, else we may end up saying good bye to our hard earned democracy,� the monarch stated,� reports News Agency of Nigeria.

do State Police Command yesterday said it arrested three armed robbery suspects along Uwa Street in the Oredo Local Government Area of the state. A statement signed by the state Police Public ] 76 ! ‘ € trio as Samson Obi, Terry Ekokota and Esther James. It said they were arrested by the command at their # 2 5 “A search conducted on them led to the recovery of two locally-made guns, two live cartridges and some charms,� the statement said. The suspected armed robbers were also said to have confessed that they were planning an operation before they were apprehended. Meanwhile, the command has recovered one locallymade single-barrel gun, 13 live cartridges, one Army

Imoke’s wife flags off children carnival


ife of the Cross River State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, … 5 2014 children carnival in Calabar. Speaking at the occasion, Imoke said the carnival began seven years ago to celebrate the children in the state. She said the event sustainability for the state, hence the need to sustain 5 “As the children take the four-kilometre walk today, I pray that God will guide and see them through,’’ she said. In his remarks, the chairman of the Calabar Carnival Commission, Mr. Gabriel Onah, said " the carnival was also a way of celebrating the should be appointed birth of Jesus Christ. where all genuine Onah said the carnival aspirants - not the double was designed to celebrate agents - because some of the children and to show the aspirants are double agents particularly majority of the people in the mainstream coalition – would be involved. They came to destroy the game for us. The genuine and straight forward aspirants Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri are people like me. We agos State Commissioner don’t make noise. We for Justice, Mr. Ade don’t go about shouting Ipaye, yesterday urged either in the electronic the leadership of the judiciary media or in the print. We at all levels to maintain its are very much focused independence from other arms and organised. We keep of government. Ipaye told the News Agency mobilising our people in our various ways. We are # 0 1 5 in the 23 local government areas of this state. at both state and federal levels. According to Mr. “It is bad that many cases Atamuno, if the present are still frustrated by deliberate disarray in the PDP delay tactics, interlocutory continues unabated, the appeals and consequential stay PDP might lose the 2015 of proceedings at trial court. “Congestion in our courts governorship election in the state to another party.

Dissatisfied PDP Rivers guber aspirant slams reconciliation committee Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


;Š governorship aspirant under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Rivers State, Mr. Atamuno Atamuno, yesterday in Port Harcourt rubbished the party’s condemned " nothing meaningful would come out of its " Mr. Atamuno told newsmen that he took the position because the " set up by the party to reconcile aggrieved aspirants of the party was not towing the line of fairness, equity, justice, and objectivity. He pointed out that although he and his followers would not dump the PDP, they would remain in it

to correct the all the anomalies, adding that he " by the PDP to resolve the grievances in the party. The aspirant who is also the leader of the Rivers Mandate Group, accused # " of selective invitation of the aggrieved persons in the party. He said: “I don’t believe " ! group and I were never consulted and I know that some aspirants were consulted and they have representatives. Some aspirants are even members of the " = an aspirant now turns into a negotiator? How come Professor Wate who is the spokesman of the coalition group is now a member of the " ‹ There is an imminent

collapse and it is bound to fail. The selection or the appointment or the process through which they arrived at the composition of " acceptable to us. “One, we are loyal and responsible party members. So we will give them that privilege and time. We will go there and tell them our minds and our position. We do not think that any useful resolution will come out

# " ƒ said. Mr. Atamuno further advised the Rivers State PDP to discard " and reconstitute an allinclusive reconciliation " reconcile all aggrieved members of the party to ensure that they remain in the fold. “An all-inclusive

Â… wraps of weeds, suspected to be Indian hemp. The statement said the items were recovered from # Â… suspects. The suspects, both male, were said to have abandoned the car on sighting some

6 # who were on a routine patrol in the Oluku area of Benin. “The policemen on routine patrol at Oluku were informed about the suspicious movements of two men seated in a Cordoba car with registration number AG 678 AKA,’’ Edoigiawerie said in the statement. The state police command, while appreciating the public for providing useful information to it, however said in the statement that 5 ˆ … ƒ according to the News Agency of Nigeria report.

them love. “The children are the leaders of tomorrow. There is need to celebrate and give them a sense of belonging. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that three roads, including Mary Slessor, IBB round and U.J Esuene stadium, would be used for the four-kilometre carnival walk. A spectator, Mr. Stephen Asu, described the carnival as a unique display of talent, creativity and socialisation. Asu commended the Cross River Government for sustaining the carnival. Another spectator, Mrs. Mariam Philip, said the carnival had promoted unity among the children. Philip, who described the carnival as colourful, said the event was " state.

Ipaye wants judiciary to assert independence


in our justice system, as judges and magistrates have to resort to adjournments because they simply could not cope with the number of cases on their lists. “This is 2014 but we still have issues about the jurisdiction of state and federal courts in certain cases,� he said. Ipaye said arguments over the jurisdiction of a court to in the Nigerian justice system. The lawyer, however, said the challenges confronting the nation’s judiciary and all other arms of government depend on the stance of the leaders of the judicial arm of government. More News on Pages 66-69

Saturday, December 27

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014



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ACF goofed on Buhari

he recent statement credited to the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) that Gen. Mohammed Buhari, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), is the candidate

# # present political dispensation. The ACF should understand that Gen. Mohammed Buhari does not want to be ' believing that his coming to contest the next election is as a result of his desire to rescue Nigeria from the present situation. + @Â # # bent on tinting Gen. Buhari as coming to protect a particular interest. When Buhari sought the support of 0

# believe and overall interest is to be the

# # elected. + ‚ 5 # The unguarded statement would send wrong signals to the opposition, who will see Buhari in the light of # # We believe Gen. Buhari candidature is to be elected as the president of the # + # # indication that the tenets of sustaining # since independence. $ #

governance would be realised with the forthcoming election.

Reviewing APC’s presidential candidate By Mustapha Abdullahi


{ ;¸ ;š ' ¸ # ! ‚ # now presidential candidate of the All Progressives  @ must join millions of Nigerians in wishing General ‚ + for the former dictator because he has just trounced " # / @ ' @ ' 2 # @/ ' @ ' optimist, ended up in third position. ‚ % ' occasion to conduct a modest review of the man Muhammadu Buhari. After all, as he steps forth at ¸ 5 # # 0 # ' # The followership that has grown around Buhari # 0 # ˆ! ' ƒ writer understands it, the incorruptible one. Among 0 ‚ # # 0 For instance, former US President Bill Clinton was ' # 6 # 2 2 # 2 ' circuits. | # ‚ Â… @ 7 ' # 7 > ' # 7 ' # #2 ' wealth and bequeath the same to a new generation 2 =

% wealth for the Nigerian nation and her teeming population? Moreover, on closer examination, the perception of Buhari as being incorruptible raises an important question. If he is incorruptible, does that also mean he has stopped those around him from being corrupt? + $ # ‚ # ~ ;º¸ ‚ Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources under = # | 7 7 * 0 7 ‚ # = 7 ! # ' ‹ | ~ ‚ the coup that kicked Buhari out of power in August ;Âş Š # * # ˆ ƒ | # ‚ General Tunde Idiagbon was the one taking economic decisions, but that then raises the question: who was the ultimate boss? ~ ‚

# | @ 2 Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), it is on record that he engaged the services of the late Ahmad Salihijo, his 2 # 2 # @# 2 / *  2 ~ 2' /+ % # | * @# 2/ * Consortium. 7 * 6 / ;ººº /+ ~ !  " ! # " Âť { = @ _ Ÿ Alhaji Abdu Abdurrahim, Barrister Achana Gaius Yaro, Arc. Edward Eguavoen, Mr. T. Andrew Adegboro and Engr. Baba Goni Machina. The " ‚ €%  # /+ 0 Š @# 2/ * Â

# 0; ; # | the dilemma resurfaces: Agreed that Buhari himself is

not corrupt, but who is to be held responsible for the corruption that took place under his nose? Even the recent APC National Convention, where Buhari beat the wealthier Atiku to ' ‚ # @/ +  5 ‚ ˆ~ ~ ' # # € # ~ ~ ƒ = # Âť ˆ@ +  ½ # ½ž # Âť ˆ/ 2‚ ' # " @ ' Our governor took good care of us. To be fair to Buhari, he knew nothing about the welfare ƒ


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


Empathizing with Down’s syndrome victims By Bilkis Bakare


t is an unimaginable thing if a child’s right to life is decided before his arrival on planet earth. And incidentally, the events leading to the choice of this decision is no fault of the child. Available statistics show that ninety percent of people diagnosed with Down syndrome are never allowed to be born due to prenatal testing and subsequently recommendations from uninformed doctors to get rid of the unborn child. Therefore, a person with the condition will be fortunate to be born at all. This is in deviance of the injunctions as contained in the Holy books of the Christians and Muslims which forbid abortion. The origin of Down syndrome can be traced to John Langdon Down, an € the external appearance of the genetic condition in 1866, that was later to bear his name, “Down�. Prior to the reported study on the incidence of Down syndrome by Adeyokunnu of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, in South West, Nigeria, who reported an incidence of 1 in 865 live births, it was believed that Down syndrome is rare or non - existent among Africans. This is collaborated by the reports of other clinicians that found no case of Down syndrome in their clinical studies. It was discovered that the main factor that would explain the prevalence of this condition in Nigeria is the increasing maternal age at which more women in Nigeria now conceive. This follows the increasing strong desire to complete formal education before conception, and the rising incidence of infertility. In every cell in the human body, there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry the codes responsible for all our inherited traits, and are grouped along rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. Therefore, individuals with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46. This additional genetic material alters the course of development, and causes the characteristics associated with the disorder. Usually, it is always 6 5 Down syndrome if a large number of

them converge in the same venue due to the physical characteristics they share. Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that occurs in one of every 691 live births, and it is not linked to race, nationality, religion and social or economic status. In addition to other traits unique to individuals with this disorder, a few of the common traits are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the centre of the palm. In essence, it causes delays in physical and intellectual development. It is important to note that people with Down syndrome may possess these 5 This condition is usually caused by an error in cell division called non disjunction. It is not known why this occurs. However, it is known that the error occurs at conception, and is not related to anything the mother did during pregnancy. Although for some time now its prevalence has been linked with advancing maternal age, but it has been recently observed that 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to mothers under the age of 35. During the pre-natal period, two types of procedures are available to pregnant women: screening tests and diagnostic tests. The screening tests estimate the risk of the baby having Down syndrome while the Diagnostic tests tell whether or not the baby actually has Down syndrome. The most commonly used screening test is

“The Triple Screen,� a combination of three tests that measure quantities of various substances in the blood. These tests are carried out between 15 and 20 weeks of gestation. In conjunction with other screenings, sonogram, a form of ultrasound is performed to show some physical traits that are helpful in calculating the risk of Down syndrome. Three diagnostic tests are currently available in the detection of this condition during the pre-natal period; the period before the birth of a baby. These are: Amniocentesis, performed between 12 and 20 weeks gestation; Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS), conducted between 8 and 12 weeks and Percutaneous Umbilic. = at birth or shortly thereafter by conducting a Karyotype test, a chromosome study which provides a visual display of the chromosomes grouped by their size, number and shape is used to determine if a child has the disorder or otherwise. This is carried out through the examination of blood or tissue cells. The aforementioned physical characteristics commonly seen in babies with this disorder are also used in the diagnosis after the birth of the baby. Aside children and adults with Down syndrome experiencing developmental delays and mild to moderate impairments, many children with Down syndrome have health complications beyond the usual

childhood illnesses. Approximately 40% of the children have congenital heart defects. Therefore, it is very important that an echocardiogram be performed on all newborns with Down syndrome in order to identify any serious cardiac problems that might be present. While some of the heart conditions require surgery, others only require careful monitoring. Children with Down syndrome have a higher incidence of infection, respiratory, vision and hearing problems as well as thyroid and other medical conditions. Caring for people with Down syndrome can be frustrating and fraught with challenges, as expressed recently by an American mother of a 40 year-old son with Down syndrome. | " child because he practically depends on her for everything. But it should be noted that they also have many talents and gifts, and should be given the opportunity and encouragement to develop them. To achieve the aforementioned, early intervention services should be provided shortly after birth. These services should include physical, speech and developmental ! " neighbourhood schools, some in regular classes and others in special education classes. Some children have $ more specialised programme. Some high school graduates with Down syndrome participate in postsecondary education. Many adults with Down syndrome are capable of working in the community, but some require a more structured environment. To overcome the health challenges being faced by these special people, appropriate medical care should be given, so that they can lead healthy lives. If given adequate care, the average life expectancy of individuals with Down syndrome is 55 years, with many living into their sixties and seventies. In conclusion, all tiers of government, individuals and non- governmental organisations should rally support for parents and people with this disorder. And with the passage of the child right law, their rights should equally be respected and protected like those of normal children. ‚ ' Ministry of Information & Strategy, Alausa, Ikeja.

Fear, the destiny killer By Prince Suanu Benjamin


egend has it that two sons of a king who were born within # 5 mothers contested for their father’s throne. The king, looking for a successor, made his sons face a 6 + ' # sons was to deep their hands into the mouth of the dreaded dog in the kingdom. On the appointed day, one of the sons never showed up while the other did, and discovered that the dog was just a statue with the throne mantle in it. What is fear, and 5 ‹ unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat. It is of two types, namely, positive and negative fears. Positive fear is a normal fear over an impending danger, and also respect towards

man and God. Negative fear, on the other hand, is a fear which cripples ones faith and makes your fate handicapped. This includes fear over a challenge and life problem which solution can just require a grain of bravery. We have already discovered how fear made one of the sons of the king in the challenge to turn his back on destiny without any form of hope. + # # Â… more than a military world power and can cause failure and mediocrity. Many persons are unable to face the challenges of life, and strive towards success as a result of fear; they kill the spirit of hard work and live in laziness which causes mediocrity. Once fear blinds ones vision in life, and automatically rendering his mission useless because the sense of purpose for existence is already

terminated. Champions and warriors in life’s tussle give up sometimes at the threshold of glory or at the start of # # ~ " kings, champions, and make them mean in existence. The greatest killer in the world is fear. ~ " accident scenario. I was at a junction where a certain driver of a vehicle suddenly applied brake to avoid an impending accident. While the driver and others came out of the car unscathed, a lady seated at the back among three other passengers did not; she had fainted because she was # problems which could kill a man. So many potential have been killed because of fear, and it has made discovery of talents impossible.

caused by fear, and has made men with bright future unable to confront the challenges of life. It has made so many people to continue leaving in the theatre of dreams instead of waking to reality. The world in general can be ruined by fear because once fear comes in, it causes confusion which leads to " ] were charged for mutiny; an action # makes bold lions to turn cheap and run from ants. ~ … the life of fellows dancing to its beats. Nothing in life kills more than fear. My advice is kill your fear and rule your life. Â/ | ‚ * from Port Harcourt.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business & Economy


President Goodluck Jonathan

Non-oil revenue and survival of 2015 budget As a result of the dwindling revenue from crude oil sales and free fall of Naira against the dollar, the federal government has seen the need to diversify the economy from monolithic oil revenue to other sectors. Consequently, it has based its 2015 budget on non oil revenue target, giving economic watchers and analysts room to query the rationale behind non-oil revenue propelling the 2015 budget. ABIODUN AWOGBEMI reports.


he President, through the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, last week presented the 2015 budget of N4.4 trillion to the National Assembly, purportedly to be driven by revenue derived from non-oil sectors of the economy. The budget showes that based on the extreme global economic volatility, the 2015 average budget price is pegged at $65 per barrel against $77.50 per barrel in 2014; oil production for 2015 was pegged at 2.278 million barrel per day against 2.388 barrel per day in 2014; while the exchange rate was pegged at N165 to a dollar, against N160 to a dollar in 2014. Breakdown of the expenditure showes that N50.96 billion is for transfer to NDDC; N73 billion is for National Judicial Council (NJC); N72.18 billion for the Universal Basic Education (UBE); N62 billion for Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC); N150 billion

for National Assembly; N2.50 billion for Public Complaint Commission while N1.50 billion is for Human Rights Commission. Out of N943 billion proposed for debt servicing, N894.61 billion is set aside for domestic debt while N48.39 billion is for foreign debt. For the recurrent expenditure (non-debt), Federal Government proposes N1.801 trillion for personnel costs; N216.56 billion for overheads; N228.81 billion for CRF pensions while N376.05 billion is for other service wide votes. /

' ‘ " December 2, 2014, addressed to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, disclosed that the

' % ½¸ ½¸ž ½<Š barrel. ‘ " December 14, 2014, took time to explain that the delay in the presentation of the 2015-2017 Medium Term Expenditure Framework

(MTEF) was due to the “extraordinary global # " $ # ;š ƒ = # * " the earlier “discussion on the MTEF and budget ƒ ' # ½¸ " # 0 Assembly. ˆ| # began to fall precipitously leading to a revision of oil benchmark price in the MTEF to $73 per " 0 Assembly on 18th November 2014. “Following this, the decision of OPEC at their meeting in Vienna on November 27 2014 not to cut production to support the price, led to further precipitous fall in oil price to below $70 per barrel. “This led, one more time to another downward revision of the benchmark price to $65 per barrel and a revised MTEF which we " { ;š ƒ He said the uncertainty surrounding the global price of crude oil and its continuous fall has occasioned delays in both the submission

# !+€ ˆ thus request your kind consideration of both of these together in view of our national budget ƒ ‘ Immediately after the presentation of the 2015 budget, analyst took a swipe at the content and its driving force of non-oil sector. An economic analyst, Sunday Olarewaju, said it is sad to note that despite the austerity being preached by the federal government, a gigantic provision of close to N150 billion, like

it was last year, was devoted for the upkeep of the National Assembly in the next year’s budget. “While we have been told to tighten our belt, the law making institutions, like all government institutions, have nothing to lose, despite the ƒ Olarewaju noted that the life of National @ $ # % year while the whole budget would have been shared into private pockets leaving the next Assembly members to seek another appropriation assome of the lawmakers are not coming back to the House as they have lost the primary election of their parties held recently. The Organised Private Sector (OPS) secretariat had said that the OPS is still studying the document while each sector has been sent to the sectoral group to study it and submit their observations and recommendations as they are the principal players in the Nigeria economy, and know where the shoe pinches. Also, a visit to the secretariat of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria by Newswatch Times showed that the manufacturers are yet to make a joint comment on the development, but individual members are reacting to the 5 While some are supporting the budget, others are of the view that last year’s budget spending was not accounted for just as the life of the present administration will soon end. A member of the Association, Mr. Jude Akonle, said Nigerian needs to know how last year’s budget which was passed almost at the last quarter was spent before talking about where and what to spend next year. Continued on Page 12

NIPOST has become technology driven – Ujong >>Pg.14

UAE economy: Strong, most diversified >>Pg. 61


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business & Economy

Non-oil revenue and survival of 2015 budget Continued from Page 11

While commenting on the economic development in the country, he said with the devaluation of the Naira due to its continued free fall, it would lead to made-in-Nigeria goods losing competitive value with imported ones as production cost would increase, and “soon all # down and resort to buying and selling imported goods, and the country will be the worst for it in terms of the increase in unemployment and crime rate.� He said industry and manufacturers as well 7/| ' 5 which might result in production cuts and price * 5 # ' The Organised Private Sector (OPS) haswarned severally on the dangers of relying solely on oil to run the economy. It has often warned that it is dangerous for Nigeria to stick to the monolithic economy of oil for over 85 per cent of its federal collectable revenue. It was generally agreed that there is every need for the government to move the revenue base of the economy away from oil as the ! # " # time the necessity to refocus the economy from opening it up to other sectors. But analysts disagree on the nature of driving the budget by further subjecting the citizens % 5 the manufacturing business, leading to closure of factories, and those still in operation are producing at very low capacity with high overhead of maintenance and self producing infrastructure such as roads, electricity, water among others. It was agreed that the system and nature of the Federal Government employment is faulty 5 it is anti-private sector driven as most of their activities are to further compound the problems of the private sectors. While speaking with Newswatch Times, Mr. Akin Shotunde, another member of the Association, said the budget proposal appear laudable, but “the assumptions upon which the document is premised are unrealistic.� He said it is unrealistic to assume that much revenue will be realised from taxes, stressing that if it was that easy for government to raise taxes, they would have been doing that over the years, wondering if it is the already killed businesses or the workers whose take-home-pay is not really taking them home or the politicians who % 6 % " the tax? He was of the opinion that if an audit is carried out from the presidency, ministers through to National Assembly and civil service

6 # # taxes is coming from these groups. So it is the already pauperised public that will bear the brunt, using their meager life sustaining fund? The question agitating the minds of many is, supposing government do not realise enough money from the supposed luxury items, where will it look up to?. A council member of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), Chukwuemeka Ezeh, said the government’s step is only a partial solution to the problem. He explained that the action would lead to slight increase in the revenue, but would not be enough to sustain an economy which currency has recently been devalued; an economy with high interest rate, high recurrent expenditure, and high corruption index. Taxation, he said, no doubt, is an instrument of economic sustainability, but Nigeria lacks the requisite tax culture that can raise the revenue which can easily complement our mono-product source of foreign exchange. “My advice is that there is the need to take serious the taxation of high net-worth individuals, and politically exposed persons. For instance, politicians spend billions of naira and dollars without commensurate impact on their tax worth. Some of these politicians pay income tax as low as N100, 000 per annum. The tax authorities concentrate on levying taxes on businesses leaving politicians who run no

Domestic Flight Schedules Arik Air LOS - ABV: (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun) 07.15, 09.15, 10.20, 13.05, 15.20, ;< ;< Š ; šÂŠ ABV- LOS: (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun): 07.15, 09.40, 10.20, 12.15, 15.15, ;< ;Š ;¸; _| Âź ; ;Š ;Š ;Š ;< ;Š LOS-PH: (Mon-Fri) 07.15, (Sun) 07.30, 11.40, 15:50 (Sat) 11.50, 3.50, 17:05 ABV-PH: 07.15, 11.20, 15.30 _! 2 Âź ¸ ;Š ;< _| Âź ;ž ; ;< _| Âź PH-ABV: 08.45, 12.50, 17.00, (Mon-Fri) 08.45, 17.30 (Sat) 14.40, 17.30 (Sun) ABV-BENIN: (Mon-Fri/Sat) 08.00, 12.10 _| Âź Š< ; ;

%78<=> ?@Q<X '* %XY<Z> ?[\]Z

businesses to live in opulence,� he said. The obvious implication, he said, is that tax authorities are being driven hard by government to meet revenue targets, and this is leading to desperation and abuse of Best-of-Judgment principle of taxation. “More taxes or aggressive recovery may … /

reduce voluntary tax compliance. Recurrent expenditure will become a recurring decimal in our budgets. Revenue from taxation will be 6 # the system, and this will lead to reduction in capital expenditure and promotion of spiraling … + ' ' leading to poor return on investments. At the ! + €% ' 6 budget implementation will be academic,� he said. The Director-General, Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Mr. Muda Yusuf, said there is need to diversify the nation’s sources of revenue to shore up the economy in view of current realities, but he however, cautioned that it is not the best of time to impose new taxes on investors and the citizens. He said: “They are already burdened with the cost of providing their own infrastructure, security, logistics and port charges. Other limitations are the high costs of funds, interest rates, depreciation and current devaluation of the currency.� Yusuf advised the Federal Government to look # " # curb corruption and block all leakages, while 6 % Mr. Dayo Adeshina, President, Nigeria 1 $ @ saved from the payment of subsidy on kerosene should be used to develop the gas industry to replace kerosene infrastructure. He said that government should encourage manufacturers by reducing the interest rates for the small and medium scale enterprises, warning that with the continuing fall of oil prices, Nigerians would face tougher challenges in 2105. 0>  {  # €% 76 (CEO), Grand Towers Nigeria Limited, 5 generate revenue aside the sales of crude oil by increasing Value Added Tax (VAT) to be paid on goods and services, as a lazy way of raising money. The Federal Government’s contemplation of such increase in VAT, he said, “will place a lot of burden on businesses without capturing every business person. To increase revenue, Nze Duru advised the Federal Government to “inaugurate a proper tax regime to capture everybody into tax net and generate appropriate data, demographics as well

My advice is that there is the need to take serious the taxation of high net-worth individuals, and politically exposed persons. For instance, politicians spend billions of naira and dollars without commensurate impact on their tax worth. Some of these politicians pay income tax as low as N100, 000 per annum as target how they can provide for those in need, and not a blanket VAT increment. With regards to surcharge on luxury goods, Nze Duru lauded the initiate, but noted that the Ministry of Finance was not in tune with realities on ground. According to him, “there is a disconnect … # 0; Š< the Federal Government is targeting from surcharges on luxury goods, and the fact that Nigeria ranks amongst the highest consumer of Champaign, red wine and spirits valued atww over N400 billion annually so there is no data … # 0; Š< of luxury goods. Government is only basing its projections on a rule of thumb.� 0> { 0; Š< billion from surcharges on luxury goods, it has shown that the government “does not know how much champaign, wine and spirits come into the country.� He implored the Federal Government to emulate the example of the Lagos State most if not all taxable entities and individuals # % %

Aero LOS-ABV: (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun), < Š ;ž ž ;< ž ;Âş šÂŠ ABVLOS: 07.30; 13.00; 19.00 LOS- ABV _| Âź ; ž ;< šÂŠ _ Âź ABV_LOS 10.30, 14.30, 19.30 18.30 Sat) LOS-BENIN: (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun), 07.45, 11.00, 15.30, 12.30 (Sun 15.30 (Sat) BENIN-LOS: (Mon-Fri/Sat/Sun), 09.15, 12.30, 17.00 IRS LOS- AB: (Mon-Thur) 07.30, 8.30 7.45 8.45 09.30 10.30 11.30 12.30 ;ž ž ;š ž ;Š ž ;< ž ;¸ ž LOS-KANO: 08.00 09.15 10.30 11.45 14.3015.40 18.15 19.30 LOS-MAID&YOLA: 09.30, 11.30 FRI-SUN 10.30 12.30 KANO-LAGOS 07.30 0.45 14.00 15.15 17.30 18.45 KANO- ABV 10.45, 11.30 ABV –LAGOS 09.00 10.30 11.00 12.00 13.00 MedView LOS –ABV (Mon -Fri) 07.00, 08.15, 08.50, 12.00, 14.00 ABV –LOS: (Mon –Fri) 09.00, ; ;Š ;Š ;< ;Š ; ž ;Âş š& ABV –YOLA: 13.00, 14.10 LOS –PH 17.00 18.00; PH-LOS 19.00, 21.00 Sats: LOS –ABV 08.00, 08.50, 09.15 ABV-LOS 10.00, 11.15, LOS –ABV 08.50, ABVYOL11.00, 12.10, YOL-ABV 13.00, 14.10, ABV-LOS 15.00. ;<;Š LOS-PH 12.30, 13.40, PHLOS 1420, 1530 SUNS: LOS-ABV 12.00, 13.15, ;< ž ;¸ šÂŠ ABV-YOL 13.55, 15.05, YOL-ABV 15.50, 17.00 ABV-LOS 17.30, 18.45, 1945 LOS-PH 11.30, 12.40, PH –LOS 13.30, 14.40


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business News

Cement price inches up 30% all time high Abiodun Awogbemi


he price of cement has hit N1900 all high aiming at N2000 per bag, few days to the end of the year. According to Newswatch Times investigation, the price is not unconnected with the free fall of naira and the recent devaluation of the currency, coupled with the introduction of austerity measures by the Federal Government. According to a distributor, Alhaja Kehinde Alapo, in an interview with Newswatch Times, the rise in price is not new but a yearly action. “At the end of the year such as this, there is always an increase in the price of cement due to several factors among which are that many builders and house owners defer their building and construction works till this time of the year, away from the rains which always disturb the construction. Also, this is the period when those in the Diaspora return home to continue their building construction, and market forces determine the supply and demand; there is high demand for the products at this time of the year.� While commenting on the reason why the market price has not reverted to the widely publicise N1000 per bag, Alhaja Alapo said this is not new as it is political gimmick which

is employed when new election is to take place. She is pessimistic that cement can be sold at N1000, arguing that it is below the factory price. “How can cement be sold at a retail price of N1, 000 per bag when as a distributor, we have just place an order which price per bag is higher than N1,000, and there is variation in the price according to geographical zones and none is N1,000 per bag or lesser. For instance, the 42.5 Grade R is sold for N1,208 if you are to provide your own means of transportation and delivery to any part of south west, south-south and south-east, otherwise it costs N1,308, while supply of same products to Kwara, Nassarawa, Benue, Niger, Abuja, cost N1358 and distribution to North-West, NorthEast, North-Central cost N1, 408. However, the 32.5N is cheaper at N1,050 ex factory self delivery while the factory delivers at N1,150 to South-West, South-South, and South-East, and N1, 200 to Kwara, Nassarawa, Benue, Niger, Abuja, while distribution to NorthWest, North-East, North-Central cost N1,250. How can a distributor sell to wholesaler and retailer below the factory price? Also, you cannot buy less than 600 bags from the factory,� she said. Another distributor, Alhaji Kasim Solebo, said they were expecting the price

to go higher due to the economic crisis, especially the devaluation of the naira and $ ' 5 importation because 60 percent of the materials used for cement production are imported. He said the announced price reduction is a ploy and gimmicks by the manufacturer to outdo its perceived competitors. “We knew all along that even if the price is brought down to N1,000, it cannot be sustained as consumers will pay almost double after about three months with complaints from the company about the high cost of importing and sourcing for gypsum and limestone, but be rest assured that after $ # % after the election, the price is expected to drop, but not to the expected N1,000, but hovering between N1, 500 and N1, 650 per bag,� he said. Succour may not easily come for the sector due to the free fall of the naira and the dwindling oil revenue which will ultimately cause a cash crunch in the economy. Also, the forthcoming general election will play a major role as politicians are threatening the continued existence of the country with the ruling party and the opposition hell bent in controlling power.

L-R: Minister of Communication Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson; Representative of the Chairman, National Council on Privatisation, Alhaji Haruna Sambo; Director-General, Bureau of Public Enterprises, Mr. Benjamin Dikki and liquidator of Nitel, Otunba Olutola Senbore, during the Q^Z_8_< Q[ \_`_]8`x {8Y| [Q7 `]}X8|8>8Q_ Q[ `||Z>| Q[ ~8>Zx `_Y >Zx X_YZ7 <X8YZY x8}X8Y`>8Q_ 8_ ${X€` 7Z]Z_>xÂ

BPE canvasses for DFI Johnmark Ukoko


he Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) has disclosed that studies carried out by various institutions over the years have 6 # in Nigeria is rather slow when compared with contemporary economies. The Director-General of BPE, Mr. Benjamin Ezra Dikki, who disclosed this, said whereas other sectors like agriculture, real estate and construction have recorded positive growth , the industrial infrastructure sub-sector has not experienced meaningful leap over the years, due to lack of long term funding. He said to address this issue, his agency called for Development Funding Institutions (DFIs) to create long term investment windows for the country’s industrial sector, to enable them compete with other sectors of the economy. Dikki said that wholesale mega development banks are able to create friendlier borrowing environment for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as the target investors are impact driven, The BPE boss stressed that the new DFI is to target impact investors with good corporate " international funding into the development of industrial infrastructure in Nigeria. According to him, the intent therefore, is to introduce some form of public private

partnership into the equity and management of that will make them sustainable. Dikki said the DFI could insulate the industrial # of budget constraints and uncertainties of

intervention funds through sustainable access to funding on the basis of their balance sheets and international ratings. He added that the DFIs could also support the mines and steel, automobiles, aviation, textiles and fabric sectors.

Lagos, Diamond Bank support startup businesses Johnmark Ukoko


he Lagos State government and Diamond Bank Plc have collaborated to support startup and micro businesses in the state. Speaking at the training of promoters of startup businesses and house wives who hope Lagos, the Diamond Bank Plc Head, Corporate Communications, Mrs. Ayona Trimell, said her bank decided to partner Lagos State to tackle unemployment among young school leavers, house wives and other unemployed Nigerians. Trimell disclosed that her bank in the past three years had partnered Lagos State government in its various vocational institutions established to tackle unemployment menace, adding that not all Nigerians will get employed | programmes for youths who are into hairdressing, fashion making, barbing, catering,

plumbing and many other vocational skills, to curb youth restiveness in the state. She added that many house wives who were not doing any meaningful business were also educated in order to setup small businesses that would enable them earn some income as their husbands income may not be able to keep the family going. In her words, “You can see that we have many school leavers who have come here to ' " We also have many women who are married, but are not doing anything to earn income. The situation we found ourselves today has shown that only the men’s income may not be able to cater adequately for the entire family, so the women must engage in some business to support their husbands. + { ' 6 ' " Lagos State Vocational Center at Isheri, Ejigbo, Egeda, Lekki, Ibeju Lekki and other centres.

FIIRO highlights importance of research, development Johnmark Ukoko


he Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIRO), has stressed that investment in research and development (R&D) has many # for sustainable job creation and economic development of a nation amongst other + { 2 # ~~]7 { Gloria Elemo, who made this remarks while exchanging views with members of Commerce and Industry Correspondents Association of Nigeria (CICAN) in Lagos " great importance to R&D because of its { € huge opportunities and possibilities for wealth and sustainable job creation, if the government at the Federal, state and local partner with the private sector in the uptake and commercialisation of R&D She disclosed that her agency has developed more than 250 technologies # The FIIRO boss added that out of the 250 technologies developed so far by her agency, 50 have been scaled up to pilot plant production and packaged ready for She added that her agency has been able to identify most of agro –commodities available in commercial quantities in the ž< @ * { € ‚ ' # ~ _‚7~Âź #  " @ / _ @/ 0{Âź # ! | ! € In her words, “FIRO has been able to identify most of the agro –commodities available in commercial quantities in the ž< @ * + 5 documented in a book titled investment opportunities in the 774 local government 0 “Fallout of this development is that ‚7~ # book during the visit of the managing director and his management team to FIIRO, the bank subsequently came up  " @

/ _ @/ 0{Âź + fund will be accessed by limited liability companies, enterprises and cooperative societies engaged in the processing of food products or raw materials for # % ƒ She added that the products the fund covered include cassava, oil palm, rice, groundnut, yam , maize, sorghum, aquaculture, livestock, cocoa, Shea nut, plantain, cashew, tomatoes and all their + ~]7 # research to economic development is the transformation from import substitution industrialisation (ISI) to export oriented industrialisation (EOI)


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business Interview

NIPOST has become technology driven – Ujong Mrs. Mmayen Iferi Ujong, a product of the University of Calabar, Cross River State, and the Nnamdi Azikwe University, Anambra State respectively, is the Area Postal Manager, Lagos Island Territory, Marina, Lagos. Her series of management roles with NIPOST has made her a household name in the establishment. In this interview with ABIODUN AWOGBEMI, the administrator, opened up on the re-packaging and reengineering strategies deployed to reclaim the mandate of the Nigerian Postal Service


hat stands NIPOST out at the moment? The public needed to be adequately informed about the innovations and new products and services that had been introduced as a result of the reforms Nigerian Postal Services (NIPOST) had undertaken over the years, to meet the dynamics of the present day market. Indeed, NIPOST is on-going, and will continue to re-engineer the operations of the organisations by investing in technology, innovation, value for our customers, simplifying customer services procedures and making deliberate improvement in service delivery. This is because the desire is not to sustain customer loyalty to NIPOST products and services, but also to make them apostles of NIPOST. Is NIPOST still relevant in the face of present day e-technology? I am proud of what NIPOST is doing today. The importance of post

6 2 Technology has not taken over the # 6 has enhanced it. NIPOST is more relevant now than before, hence the organisation is renovating and re-engineering. It has embrace and re-engineered towards the modern trend with new ideas and innovations. We have updated all our services in line with modern trend, and we are still researching and exploring. We 6 # 6 just been built in Gboko, Benue State to enhance its services in the area, especially the money transfer facility. I was transferred to Marina, Lagos to replicate the type of model I did in Benue State which is now receiving a lot of patronage as I met lots of 5 There are many services undertaken

by NIPOST which if people are # € 5 ' because of the numerous services to the public. Due to the importance and relevance of NIPOST, the Badore community in € 27 1 @ 1 dedicated a piece of land to NIPOST 6 was completed within six months. We are expanding the services to Lekki to further enhance our services in the area. NIPOST has keyed into all the latest electronic technology which made it able to compete favourably with " practices. Unlike before, we don’t have lost parcel any more, late delivery, pilfering among other crimes as the organisation has various means of tracking down parcels with security coverage. / €% ! | _€!|Ÿ in Nigeria that is recognised internationally due to its dynamism. Is there any synergy or rivalry in the services rendered by NIPOST? There is no rivalry of any sort although there is competition which is healthy, and NIPOST is leading while others trail behind due to its spread, facilities and scope. The banks and all other organisations need NIPOST just as NIPOST needs them. Many banks are partnering with us in many areas, especially service delivery in the rural areas. Now we are discussing with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) about rural banking which only NIPOST can undertake due to our geographical spread to all villages, and some banks also want to be part of the arrangement. When it is released and implemented, there will be a turn rural areas in the country. with CBN on the e-services or agency banking which will service the remotest area in the country, then it will bring cashless banking and savings to the people in areas where conventional bank cannot cover. Banking in rural areas will be reformed through NIPOST. The rural NIPOST agency banking will serve the farmers, artisans, low income earners among others who cannot travel to other cities to transact banking activities in conventional banks, but with NIPOST it will be possible to save and deposit even through e-electronic money transfer to any part of the world. Some of the services to be provided will be # / 76   Micro Finance and Insurance Premium among others. The three tiers of government too are to embrace the system as it will help boost the agriculture sector in terms

# areas. The way it looks, it seems NIPOST

Mrs Mmayen Ujong + & # 5 overwhelm with activities because our

6 # on daily basis. NIPOST activity as I said earlier is not just about buying " &

# 6

# 6 0 @ / ‚ 0~/7|+ " What are the challenges facing the sector? There is no sector or organisation that has no challenges. Our major challenge is lack of awareness by the public about the new re-engineered and innovative NIPOST. There is the need for public re-orientation towards our services, for example the placement of stamp on all receipts makes it authentic whereas any receipt of payment that has no 6% be authentic. Tenants need to demand 6% ' legal. There is paucity of funds to undertake most of the laudable projects as well as to carry on with # 0~/7|+ 6 nationwide, so we need the three tiers

NIPOST has keyed into all the latest electronic technology which made it able to compete favourably with and attain international standard best practices. Unlike before, we don’t have lost parcel any more, late delivery, pilfering among other crimes

of government; Federal, state and local @ there are many areas where NIPOST can partner with private sectors; we need them to come forward and be part of the new innovations of NIPOST. + 0 @ " # / ‚ to further give us the opportunity to expand our scope. + 5 remunerated and also placed, like other civil service workers, as this will 5 + is need for training and re-training of 5 2 2 # in the postal union and technology advancement. NIPOST is a peculiar agency that combines physical, bag still available? Yes, we still provide both services. + 6 % expired can revalidate it, and more people and corporate organisations are encouraged to come for it as it is more convenient and secured, especially with our tracking system. What about income generation? meet, and as I said before, contrary to speculations that advancement in technology has made the NIPOST redundant to the extent that it could no longer generate money for government, I need to say that a new phase of technology has made us a money spinning venture, as we generate millions of Naira yearly from courier license renewal fees alone. What is NIPOST regulatory role? @ # it was apparent that the astronomical growth in demand for courier services and increasing number of operators posed imminent dangers. Consequently, the Courier Regulatory Department was set up in 2002 as a government response to private sector demand for industry regulation to implement the provisions of the Courier Regulatory Guidelines as derived from the Nigerian Postal | @ š; # ;ºº Âť " and renewal of operating license, monitoring and enforcement of Continued on Page 59


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Politics Real reason I defected to Labour Party – Akala Former governor of Oyo State, Otunba Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala sure has some weaknesses as a human being. What one may not easily take away from him is his human relations and accessibility that extend to the downtrodden. A grassroots politician with foot soldiers who ceaselessly mill around him, Alao-Akala few days ago dumped his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to pick the 2015 gubernatorial ticket of the Labour Party (LP). During the week, he interacted with some journalists in Ibadan. OLAIDE OYELUDE Has there been any reaction from the presidency concerning the development? I am not in the presidency. I don’t know their minds. But my friends in the presidency have called me to wish me good luck.




ow has it been since your defection to the Labour Party (LP) and what really informed that decision bearing in mind that you are one of the PDP leaders in the country? I have gone to a less stressful party. Man propose, God disposes. At times, you say this is your way and God will say, this is the way you must thread. That is how it goes. I left the PDP when it became impossible for the party to conduct


a free and fair governorship primary. Does that mean your friends like the move? My friends across the country have been calling me. They have been following the development. They are among the people who say eh; “get out of this party� when they saw the way I was being treated.

But some people may see your defection as a reaction from a bad loser? Some of us are not bad losers. What we are saying is that you should provide a level playing ground. But, I could see a conspiracy somewhere, hence my decision to leave. What they did was far from the normal way to pick a popular candidate for an election. Despite our complaints, they turned deaf ears; so I had to leave. The way they nominated candidates in the PDP is not according to the rules of the game. It is simple injustice. Of course, if the primary had been conducted according to laid down rules and I lost, I would have been the winner. Those who are close to me know that I would have demonstrated the spirit of a good sportsman. But they were changing the rules in the middle of the game. Why can’t they make use of an ad " ‹ ~ * It is not only in Oyo State. In Ebonyi State, a whole party structure, including the state governor moved to the LP. You know some of us know our onions. And we cannot be going to @ * 5 made of. I am a grassroots man. I enjoy the support of the people. But you see, there are some members who are always in Abuja. They are Abuja politicians. And Abuja sees some of us who are grassroots politicians as having local ideas. But all that is history now as I am now in a less stressful party, a family party that will always do the wishes of the people. Don’t forget also that I am a leader. I have to listen to my followers. When you are leading and you are not listening to your

followers and you are just going, you won’t get anywhere. So, I have listened to my followers and I have done their bidding. We also learnt that there were

That has become history. We thought then that we could move the party forward. Why does it appear that the PDP crisis is intractable, at least in the state? The whole thing is not from the presidency. It is from a cabal who changed the goal posts in the middle of the game. That is why the party " + PDP is alive or not in the state after my exit, time will tell. What I know is that my current party, the LP, will win this governorship election. The All Progressives Congress (APC) chairman in the state, Chief Akin Oke, said you would regret your decision in defecting to LP‌ (Cuts in) ...What concerns him ‹ ~ interfere in their business. Why should he interfere in my business if my movement to LP has not pained him or his party. You see, in politics, you don’t have permanent enemies. Neither do you have permanent friends. What you have is permanent interest. A politician who knows his onions is always prepared like the boys scout. He does not need to be told to leave before he leaves and that is what we have done with the advice of our followers and supporters. If we get you right, you said politics is all about permanent interest. Does that mean that probably after the election you would return to the PDP? When we get to the river, we shall cross it. The LP does not have a presidential candidate. Does that mean your party will support the incumbent, President Goodluck Jonathan? I am a party man. I will abide by my party’s decision. How would you rate your chances and that of your party in the governorship election? I don’t know the extent of preparations in other parties. All I know is that my party, the LP will win. If we may ask sir, why are you in the governorship race again after all, you Continued on Page 57


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


Road to 2015 Polls

Tapgun, Lar, Dabin unsettled over Pwajok’s victory at PDP primary Gyang Bere, Jos


t is glaring that some gubernatorial aspirants who lost the recent Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship primary in Plateau State " victory of Senator Gyang Nyam Pwajok as the party’s governorship ! ' # … # # # # Newswatch Times # | / * ' … bearer, some of the aspirants are yet to give up lobbying the national secretariat of the party to thwart his + =  ‘ ' an injunction to stop the governorship primary in the state but the suit was ' ~ to pursue the aspiration of the southern > | / * ' / # | + @ /  _@/ Ÿ ' as running mate to its governorship ‚ | 1 = ' * opposition party to challenge the PDP or remain to support Senator Pwajok in ;Š ~

# @ + #

# " contest the victory of Senator Pwajok, but the petition was thrown out at the # Newswatch Times still mapping out strategies to realise # % ‚ ‘ ‘ # # ‘ | / * ' # are from the same senatorial zone but # > % / | It was learnt that the state Deputy ~ 1 * /{/ | / * ' @ / @ _@/ @Ÿ + 1 * # # the governorship position but the … # | / * ' ‚ 1 * PDP primary axcept the announcement /]+  2 | ‚ Television, calling on his supporters # #


It is interesting to note that those who # # 1 * /{/ It is also the same politicians who # { { Pauline Tallen, to contest election in the 1 / ;; ‘ / 1 * ' % * 2 = @ + { = { is a former chairman of the PDP; senator representing Plateau South, € ‘  & @  ‚ / # + / # 1 ' @ Panel, seeking the cancellation of the + # @ * @ 7

' ‘ | / * ' # = #

# # & # '2

# & # process, among others, citing these as his reasons for calling for the # % @ + ˆ # @ / # % # ˆ ' the fact that Plateau State has since ;ººº

# /{/ + # #

Sen. Lar

+ # gubernatorial primary election process # + Âť ˆ ' # # @ + /{/ ˆ + * # /{/ Ă…# ˆ= /{/ # # " # $ # /{/ in the primary; it is unfortunate that # # ' ˆ€ | 1 the polity with comments capable of ' + ƒ + + ˆ # # # # # # * # # ƒ + # + # primary election in the state to follow # # / * '

Tapgun " negative consequences of the lack

# # the primary to the ultimate electoral fortunes of the party in the general ƒ @ + the press release on behalf of others, # ˆ # the election was taken over by thugs Ă… Ă…/ who were brought in to cause mayhem # 6 # + # # ƒ = % #

# # issue concerning the election before commencement of voting but that it # Meanwhile, the Plateau Youth Patriotic Front (PYPF), a pressure @ + ' "

# 5 # ~ = 1 | { ' "

Even the deputy governor and Senator Victor Lar, who scored tangible votes are not disturbing and heating up the polity with comments capable of inciting the people like Tapgun Continued on Page 57

December 27, 2014

Keshi contract renewal:

Temile slams NFF over logjam Chelsea can win quadruple,says Matic >>Pg.19

Events that shaped the season >>Pg.18


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

League Watch

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

Events that shaped the season T

he2013/14 Glo Premier League season has come and gone, but there were some events that made it unique, as compared to previous ones. After a series of postponements, the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL), ' ' 5 on February 23. Several reasons were adduced for the delay, which include 6 ' ' ' 5 the African Nations Championship (CHAN) in South Africa, among other challenges. + ' ' 5 unanimously chosen by the League Management Company (LMC), and Club Owners in a meeting held in Abuja, and interestingly, when the league started, it was trailed with another controversy as two clubs, Nembe City and Giwa FC) were prevented from starting the league due to their alleged inability to meet requirements agreed by the LMC and Club Owners. These included a deposit of N100 million with the league body, and payment of the new minimum salary of N150, 000 to local league players. One of the reasons LMC # % salary for NPFL players’ monthly minimum salary was due to the abolishment of sign-on fees for players by clubs. This problem lingered as the two clubs were not allowed to start the league with others until well meaning individuals and stakeholders intervened before they were allowed to participate in the league.

Other events that shaped the season

Wonder Goal The passing season will go down in history as one that witnessed several innovations, such as when the LMC introduced the Wonder Goal Award. According to the LMC, introducing

the Wonder Goal is “one of the ways we seek to enhance club-community engagement and bring our star players closer to the people. The Wonder Goal Award also projects quality marksmanship that abounds in the Glo Premier League, and recognizes the collective 5 possible.� Winner of the Wonder Goal Award is the player whose goal gets the highest number of votes among the goals selected. The pair of Osaguona Ighodaro and Emeka Eze, both from Rangers International FC, players to win the Wonder Goal Awards, while Bayelsa United’s Oghogho Oduokpe and Rasheed Olabiyi of Enyimba were the other winners, thanks to votes from passionate Glo Premier League fans across the country. The sum of N100,000 is " Goal Award, of which 50 per cent is channelled to a Charity of the player’s choice.

NFF leadership crisis

The leadership crisis which rocked the Nigeria Football Federation immediately after the World Cup in Brazil, took its toll on the league as the LMC in the heat of the crisis had to stop the league following the withdrawal of service by the Nigeria Referees Association (NRA) pending when the crisis was resolved.

Abandoned games

In course of the league, there were cases of abandoned mathes involving some clubs particularly Nembe FC and Giwa Football Clubs which 5 of 2013/14 league season % to accommodate those games. This particular problem ensured that the league did not end when it suppose to end as the LMC had to ensure that all the abandoned matches were

replayed. The league saw several coaches losing their jobs and some leaving on their own to preferred clubs. Some of the coaches that switched clubs include former Bayelsa United coach, Ladan Bosso, who moved to Abia Warriors after few games, thereby throwing former Super Eagles defence ace, Emeka Ezeugo to the labour market as he was at the helm of at the Umuahia based side. The decision to get rid of Ezeugo seemed to have 5 @ turned out to be the revelation of the surprised package of 2013/14 league. It is recalled that Abia Warriors placed 7th on the log after the end of the season even as it happened to be the best team among the club that gained promotion to elite cadre last season. Of the four clubs that were promoted at the end of 2012/13 Nigerian National League season they happened to have the best record having placed 7th on the table. Gombe United also sacked Maurice Cooreman, and replaced him with former national team captain and coach, Austin Equavoen, but that did not save them from being relegated. Enyimba equally sacked their former coach, Salisu Yusuf after some poor run of form by the two time African champions and replaced him with their former coach, Kadiri Ikhana.

Players’ movement

Last season also saw some players ditching their former clubs for new clubs some of them did it with heavy personal 1 ' is Ikechukwu Ibenegbu of Heartland Football Club

# 7 millions of Naira arrears of sign on fees owed him to enable him switch camp to Warri Wolves from Heartland FC of Owerri. Another player

Mfon Udoh

who also switched camp is Gbolahan Salami from 3SC to Wolves.

Complains of poor

{ 5 # the League Management Company (LMC) to ensure 6 # league is seen to be fair to all concerned, there were still cases of clubs alleging that they were robbed of victories in their away matches. It was not just one club or team that severally #

6 and some of the clubs most heat in this alleged 6 include Enugu Rangers in their match against Kano Pillars in Kano where they alleged that the centre referee in that encounter ensured that they were defeated. They alleged that the centre referee in that match had to award a penalty against them to the amazement of his assistant referee even as he was not close to where an infringement was " Heartland also cried foul in their encounter against 0 1 where the centre referee, ensure that the solid miners secured victory. These are just two cases to illustrate that the LMC still has a lot to do in terms of 6

% " the last season.

Competitiveness of

The season will go down as one of the most competitive in terms of its

competitiveness. At the beginning, Akwa United surprised many bookmakers as they led the table for about eight weeks, but they soon >> # ' as other teams caught up



Lawal impressed with LMC’s strides


ormer Super Eagles utility player and General Manager of recently relegated Kaduna United FC, Garba Lawal, has thumbed up the League Management Company (LMC) for the good work they have done in the league so far. According to the former Roda JC of Holland star, the LMC has done a tremendous job to transform the local league with a # " tomorrow. “The LMC has done very well

in the administration of the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL), since taking over the running of the league. ˆ@ " # # ~ impressed with all that they have done so far to ensure that our # " tomorrow. “I hope that they will continue in this direction so that the past glory of our league will be restored. “They have done certain things with a view to ensuring that our

league bounces back to reckoning. “As you are aware, more team are winning away from home which was not the case some years before they took over. “More clubs’ matches are being show on television and that puts the home side on the sport light thereby ensuring that the games are open up. It is a welcome development. They have done well and we want them to continue to ensure that the league is seen to be free of any encumbrances,� Lawal said.

Osagona Lawal


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sports/EURO League Neymar: I have a lot more to give Chelsea can win quadruple,says Matic B


emanja Matic believes that he and his Chelsea team-mates could sweep the board by winning the quadruple this season. Chelsea enjoyed Christmas Day as Premier League leaders, and they are also through to the League  2 knockout phase of the Champions League and have an FA Cup campaign beginning in January. Under manager Jose Mourinho’s leadership,

the squad and holding ! role in toughening up the Chelsea spine has been key, can see the club making a serious tilt for every trophy. “I think it’s possible. We have a chance,� he said of the prospect of winning all four competitions. “I don’t want to say that we’re going to but we’re going to try. We have quality. We will see if we can do it. But I ~ in my team, my teammates, so everything is possible.�

The 26-year-old embarked on a second spell at Stamford Bridge in January, three years # ‚

when opportunities at Chelsea were limited. The next test comes against West Ham on Boxing Day.

arcelona winger, Neymar, recently spoke about his life at the Catalan club and insists that he has a lot more to give, on the heels of his agent’s ‚ wishes to renew his contract until 2020. Following the presentation of his Instituto ‘Projeto Neymar Jr‘ in Sao Paulo, which is dedicated to social causes and helping the disadvantaged in

Brazil, Neymar spoke about his new private 2 * aims. “I’ve lived on both sides of the street and know how my childhood was. There weren’t opportunities. For that reason I wanted to open a big door for the disadvantaged to have their opportunity. I’m very happy. I hope my father, my family and everyone can always be happy.�


Juninho defends David Luiz


ormer Lyon star, Juninho Pernambucano, has defended David

Luiz’s performances in his maiden season at Paris Saint-Germain. The Brazil

David Luiz

international moved to the French champions from Chelsea in 52 # a record-breaking ÂŁ50million fee. The 27-year-old has made 20 appearances in all competitions thus far, but has come in for some criticism after some shaky performances. Juninho, who won seven consecutive Ligue 1 titles with Lyon during the last decade, has come to

Is Torres heading to Corinthians?


t looks like as if no one wants to sign Fernando Torres these days. It was previously reported that AC Milan wants to send the Chelsea striker on loan to Atletico Madrid in exchange for Alessio Cerci.

However, anotherreport from Sport Mediaset claims that Brazilin side Corinthians are interested in the player. The report has cited stories in the Brazilian media saying that

Boateng faces huge fine ...after sparking familiar airline controversy



ontroversial Ghanaian 2 Prince Boateng is facing # German club Schalke 04 after clashing with the 5 # recent Champions League journey. Controversial Ghanaian 2/ Boateng is facing a huge # Schalke after clashing with 5 #

recent Champions League journey. The 26-year-old clashed Â… board the airline on their journey from Dusseldorf to Lisbon on their way for the match against the Portuguese giants. Boateng is reported in the German newspapers to have been livid about the Â… which resulted in him the lashing out at the crew 2 5

Corinthians had asked Milan on a possible loan move for Torres in the upcoming January transfer window. The striker has scored only once in 10 appearances and has not played for the Rossoneri since the Milan derby on 23 November. Chelsea too aren’t willing to take back Torres with manager Jose Mourinho saying, “We have no space for players in our list, either in the Champions League or the Premier League.â€? Corinthians are also 5 Ç; # Torres’ services till the end of the season. Torres’ ÂŁ150,000-a-week wage could be a stumbling block and any deal that would be done has to be sanctioned by Chelsea.


the defence of his compatriot. “David Luiz has not started his season as he should,� the 39-year-old told RMC. “Today, he still has not the form expected of him. I would not say it is bad. “I watch PSG play. He commits mistakes from time to time but all the goals are not because of him. Maybe he should play Marquinhos. But this team does not live together. “They are not able to play all matches at the same level. I do not know what happens.�

Neymar-I have a lot more to give

Bordeaux target Bayern duo


ordeaux manager, Willy Sagnol is reportedly keen on securing loan deals for two of Bayern Munich’s fringe players during the January transfer market. Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg, 19, and 24-year-old Sebastian Rode are believed to be on the coach’s wishlist as the Ligue 1 side look to prepare for the loss of key players to the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial

Guinea. Ludovic Sane (Senegal), Abdou Traore (Mali) and Andre Poko (Gabon) will all be taking part in Africa’s showpiece tournament next year, leaving Sagnol There has also been talk that Bordeaux could lose Cheick Diabate, with the # " " from Asia, leaving Sagnol facing a busy January transfer period.

Sassuolo stars linked with move to Juve


uventus could freshen up their squad during the January transfer window with a move for Sassuolo pair, Simone

Zaza and Sime Vrsaljko. With forward Sebastian Giovinco expected to move on next month and right back Stephan Lichtsteiner’s future

Hoffenheim confirm S/Africa friendly games ‚ = 5 * South Africa next month to play two friendly matches against PSL opposition, >  # University of Pretoria. The German club have a history with Chiefs ‘the Amakhosi,’ having done business with them in

the past, and are always looking to organise a friendly with them since their plans to camp in South Africa materialised. Now it has been  # and Tuks will take on = 5 ‘ for a mid-season camp, though the dates are yet to be announced.


remaining unresolved, the Bianconeri are weighing up their options. According to + " Juventus sporting director Giuseppe ! " discussions with Sassuolo over the possibility of Azzurri striker Zaza and Croatian full back Vrasaljko making the switch to the Italian champions. Zaza was co-owned by the Bianconeri with Sassuolo before the Neroverdi bought the 23-year-old outright for Ǹ Š ‘



Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


Keshi contract renewal:

Temile slams NFF over logjam Mark Ogagan


igeria exinternational, Clement Temile, 6 of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) for their inability to reach a consensus over a new deal for out-ofcontract Super Eagles Head Coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi. There has been a

within the NFF over a fresh contract for Keshi, who has been in limbo since failing to qualify Nigeria to next year’s Africa Cup of Nations €$ Guinea. Temile, who has always been outspoken about the Super Eagles, had previously questioned the rationale behind the retention of the former Nigeria captain, believes the NFF not only lacks vision in its quest to hire a substantive coach for the national team, but have

raised serious questions over their capability to take Nigerian football to the next level. “I simply cannot understand the group, they were against giving Keshi a new contract and had actually ‘sacked’ him, then suddenly we were told the president stepped in and ordered that he should be reinstated. “Now that he has as it were, what now stops the NFF pulling 5 #

‘Why Ekpo was sacked as Onikan Stadium Manager’ Victor Enyinnaya


ore facts have emerged on why exinternational, Friday Ekpo, was recently relieved of his duties as Manager of Onikan Stadium, in Lagos Island. A top source at the Newswatch Times sports, alleged that it got to a point when Ekpo became a lord unto himself, doing his own thing and disobeying his superiors’ instructions to carry out assignments. The source further revealed that the former started well, and was loved by everyone in terms of his conduct and relationship with fellow workers, but " ' changed, and he allegedly heard and listened only to himself, which led to his sudden fall. “We can tell you authoritatively that the


man was an architect of the fate that befell him. He disregarded everyone, and even when he was advised against employing " primary users of the stadium, it fell on deaf ears. “It reached a head when his action started to embarrass the state government, and the 6 no alternative than to wash 5 ƒ source. The last straw that broke the camel’s back, according to the source, was the day Ekpo locked out the Lagos State National Sports Festival team, and prevented them from using the facility for training, + 6 were said to have pleaded with Ekpo to come from wherever he was and open the gate, but he refused to show up, and this compelled

6 # # entry into the arena. According to other sources at the Stadium, “It must be noted that nobody begrudged his foresight to always lock the place, but

the problem was the kind of " he was contacted to come and ' # members to make use of. “It will further interest the public to know that anytime he locks up the facility, he walks away from the vicinity, thereby making it impossible for users to gain entry. There were several pleas for him to always be within reach to open the gates when the need arises, but no deal,� they alleged.

" ‹ Oh, yes, I know, the president is going to overturn that decision again. “So, now that they are aware of what they face, why can’t they just agree collectively and give the guy a new deal as the president so wishes, why ƒ Temile questioned. During the week, there was a dispute amongst

6 # 0 regarding whether Keshi deserves a new contract, with a majority still seriously opposed to it. It was also reported that a section of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) leadership want Keshi to be given a new contract despite failing to qualify Nigeria to the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations so as to, at least, keep their plum jobs. A top source informed that the group that favours a new contract for the failed coach believes Keshi’s “very powerful friends� will # they give him a new deal. However, this group is opposed by a majority on the NFF executive

" ' to the “unanimous decision� in October to sack Keshi. It will be recalled that 0 only to later be forced to rescind this decision on the orders of President Goodluck Jonathan. There is certainly no love lost between Keshi and his employers even before this sensational U-turn and the frosty

relationship has been worsened by the Sports Minister’s decision to directly pay the coach 14 million Naira as salaries for his work in October and November. Most recently, several top coaches including Shaibu Amodu, Christian Chukwu, and Adegboye Onigbinde have asked Keshi to walk away from the job because he has failed.


PGA to screen 93 Pro Golf applicants


he Professional Golfers’ Association of Nigeria has completed plans to test 93 applicants that have applied for professional golf’s license from January 12 to 18, 2015 at the Kaduna Golf Club. Festus Makelemi, head of the Nigeria professional golfers says he and his team of the current executives of the body have a responsibility to admit $ According to him; “the professionals still remain the core of the game and the Qualifying School is our biggest platform determine the future of the game. It is so important that all the paraphernalia of the PGA is always focused of the event for the period it is holding.� At the weeklong qualifying series in Kaduna, Makelemi says the will be subjected to 4 rounds of golf, test on rules and ethics of the game, pro-shop management, golf club

repairs among others. The 2015 PGA Qualifying School is being sponsored by HRH Ameer of Birnin Gwari, Maigwari II, Alhaji Zubair Jibril. PGA Tournament Director, Martin Odoh also added that the event would be rounded up with a one day Pro-Am on Sunday January 18,

between newly licensed pros and host club members. “We have prepared to stage a smooth process and we hope it will throw up the best players that will steer the standard of the game and the PGA in thye right direction.� Odoh maintained that the Nigeria PGA

is one of the biggest on the continent and houses a lot of other African players and, as such, process like the Qualifying School is always a very key. “What we are doing in Kaduna has a bigger implication for professional golf in Africa and by extension across the globe� he said.


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


Amina Brai Omoike, Nigeria Media Merit Award winner 2013 Tel: 0708-737-6877

Brides&Grooms Relationship BOSE OLA-SAMUEL with


Boosting male sexual performance

Thrills and frills of body weight in romance

continued from last week .Eggs: High in other B vitamins, eggs help balance hormone levels, which can decrease stress that often inhibits an erection. Reduce stress | ' # | increases your heart rate (in the bad way) and increases blood pressure, which are both damaging to a person’s sexual desire # | imminent. Exercise is a great way to reduce stress and improve your health. Talking to your partner about your stress can also calm you down and strengthening your relationship. Try to make yourself free # 0 " | can also trigger bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol consumption, which can have 5 % # by making your penis to be too relaxed. | " improve blood circulation, but too much 5 % performance. The condition of your bedroom Intercourse should always be done in an airy, neat, clean, fully ventilated room, free from any encroachment and disturbance. If both partners agree, let there be zero " … passions and impart added enjoyment to your sex fervor. Personal hygiene Apart from the state of your bedroom, your personal hygiene must also be given priority. Use deodorants and scents to ward

5 # ‚ # % have a bath or at least, sponge your whole body, particularly your ears, nose, arm pits, % | pleasing scent on whole body to enjoy an added erotic feeling. Respect for her wish; going at her pace Men, especially need to know that in the process of lovemaking, any act done in a hurry will take away charm of lovemaking. If, for any reason whatsoever, your wife is not ready for sex, respect that. You can lie down together and discuss some subject of common interest or do some other things together. The chances are that during the course of interaction, she may get ready and herself invite you for sex act. But never force your way with her. If you do, you will send the signal that it is about you and that you are only using her for your satisfaction, and I bet you, you will not enjoy your time with her. Also in the process of lovemaking, if your wife resists and forbids you to touch any one or more of her sex organs, abide by her wishes and never force your way to compel her to mental withdrawal and physical inertia. Adequate foreplay Before the act, a man should take time to excite his wife gently, carefully, slowly and tenderly. Never plunge yourself at once into intercourse. Foreplay is a reliable method of preparing you and your spouse for the coming event. The time spent in foreplay must never be seen as being wasted. Quality time spent in foreplay is what culminates into great sex. Fondle, caress, cuddle, kiss, and pamper each and every erogenous zone- but very slowly. During the course of foreplay, the man should allow his wife to guide him as to which sex organs she wishes, rather prefers, to be touched. This ' # To be continued next week To be continued next week

By Amina Brai Omoike

Continuedfrom last week

Haneefah Momoh corroborates this point sharing her own experience. “I am naturally very slim and added * " pregnancy. After I had the child, I immediately returned to my former weight. A senior colleague once called me aside and ‘lovingly’ told me that I shouldn’t give my husband a bad name because I wasn’t gaining | ' ~ 5 marriage. Imagine!� It has been six years and three more children since that experience, and Haneefah confesses that she still weighs the same but has fully embraced her slim frame. | … woman is easier to love; that is, she is easier to get intimate with. “Men … to hold in bed not a ‘lepa’. Besides when other guys see your woman is plump, they know you have a real woman�, says Thomas Nwanze. However, yet a good number of men are beginning to prefer slimmer ladies with the opinion that they are sexier. “The truth is that men don’t like fat women because most women # # " @ know that it is easier to gain weight than to lose it. Fat women are mostly unhealthy and tend to look older than their age�, adds Bobby Oluwasegun. ˆ~ " # 0 wants a fat slob around the house. You bet I will be snooping around to see if she is bingeing on junk foods,� says David Nnaji. The problem comes when one’s 5 marriage negatively. It is surprising to note that many marriages hit the

rocks because of this issue these days. ˆ@# women just let themselves go. They become annoying, fat and also lazy. I really do not want to cheat on my wife so it would be to her advantage % | me a reason to want to come home every evening and hit that for the next 50 years,� Nnaji added. “Going on and on about a woman’s 5 she sees your eyes going to the slim young things, then she won’t need | * # Then again, no double standard; if you want your woman to be slim " ' % pack abs too. It has to go both ways�, Lolade Verissimo said. | €' # want your wife to stay sexy after * 5 “It wouldn’t be only her that will stay trim. Don’t be carrying around a beer belly and expect your wife to still be looking like Halle Berry. Go the gym together,� she said. A lot of emotion and esteem issues are rolled into how we perceive our own weight, and it causes each of us to feel we must tread carefully when bringing up the topic out of concern for the health of a loved one. However, the reality is that in many " ' or she is becoming overweight can save their lives or at the very least,

ROMANCE TIPS ” Stay faithful ” Make them feel loved and wanted ” Respect your partner ” • – — ” Have time for each other

improve their quality of life. Many serious diseases ranging from cancer and heart disease to diabetes and stroke are linked directly to obesity, while being overweight can curtail the enjoyment of many activities as well as being a source of health risks. Although everyone’s weight may … spouse has put on so much weight that weight loss may involve medical intervention. If your spouse has put on 5 to 7 kilogrammes and doesn’t seem to be trying to lose the weight, now is the time to intervene. The very best moment to begin it is when your spouse complains about it for any reason, whether that’s trouble " # doesn’t like how they look standing in front of the mirror or losing breath coming up the stairs or any other inconvenience caused by him-her having gained weight. That’s when you’re both on the same page about it. Know that whatever the reason # " to be considerate of your spouse’s # " | by asking your spouse how he or she is feeling. Never just blurt out to your spouse “you are fat�. Your spouse relies on you to care about them and if # " ' on his or her appearance from the one person he or she can truly trust, it will be devastating. Instead, approach the issue as one of a concern for health, energy levels and vitality of life and make it about exploring the issue 5 Be conscious that your spouse might not view the weight gain in the same light as you. Your spouse is likely to be aware that his or her clothes don’t the issue as seriously as you do. It could be a wake-up call for your spouse that you do see this as a major health issue. Concluded


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


Bridal Tips: Appropriate fashion for Christmas wedding


n the spirit of the season, some fun-loving couples choose to get married during the Christmas season. Since it is all about colours " ' +


‚ 2 2


‹ ~

… ‹ + ' gorgeous prints, and something for # to your most formal of nuptials. ‚ #


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Â… # Â… " feminine fabric and let the season '

How long should courtship last? That period between when two people agree to get married and the day they actually get married is referred to as courtship; but how long it lasts varies from couple to couple. Some marriage counsellors and religious leaders advocate shorter courtship (like three to six months) while some ! " # $% & understanding they have of each other at marriage. AMINA BRAI OMOIKE sampled opinions.

never ever promise a babe marriage if his * on, it is totally deceitful, unacceptable and unforgivable - Blessing


~ '

' - Uduak

oo long courtship might be boring at for 100 years, you can’t be sure you ' There are some things about your partner ' # ~ don’t really see any sense in long courtship. ‚ # ~ ' is not that bad - Sade

I don’t believe there should be a time frame for this. It depends on both parties - Ego  # relationship is already on. That is after she has said ‘yes’ to your marriage proposal. ~ & # you’re ready to start ‘breeding’ before you get married! The moment you’re ready to combine your life together, do it - Seun ' # ~ * you need to do it. Long courtships don’t guarantee a long and happy marriage, so ‹ 2 Angela ~ %

‚ # #

# ' schooling, etc - Derrick

Since it is courtship, meaning she has 2 % ‹ preparations and other intimate marital ' Ù ! # % % # Ù ~ understood that other pertinent factors could vary from individual to individual Sunday ~# the babe agrees to marry the guy, after ' ~ ' # 0 # relationship on the other hand is the period

# '

' the period of time is variable as there are so many factors involved. The problem # they meet the babe, they start proposing & me is crap. It is never advisable to promise # ' = date depends on the parties involved. I ' a babe to marry him, he has already made up his mind and decided that this is his life partner as such there is no need for further delay, just get married as soon as possible. A guy should

@ ' # ' - Latoya ~ # to marry your partner then you can court # ~ that - Smart ~ rubbish. Once you have discovered your partner, and you’ve agreed to marry each

‹ time and enjoy your marital life - Seki

~ # ' * % ‹ = - Chris ‹ {

' 2 Anthony ! Âť '

_ ' '  Ÿ ~# ' ' ' ' ' # ' to marry, so that you don’t have problems if he/she is the right person for you in one later in the marriage - Teshoma

Stepping into the future...

Miss Eloho Ireye and Mr.Rowland Udoh during their traditional marriage held in Sapele, Delta State recently


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Saturday Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 6, 2014


How interest mismanagement gave rise to PDP-LP dichotomy in Ebonyi Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki


here is no doubt that Ebonyi before now used to be a Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) state. Since the inception of the current democratic dispensation in 1999, the party had held sway in the state in all the general elections. It was only in the 2011 elections that the opposition made marginal incursion when the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) which has now become part of the All Progressives Congress (APC) won two state Assembly seats and one House of Representatives’ seat. However, all that is about to change. The dominance of the PDP in Ebonyi State will be punctured in the 2015 general elections. And this is going to happen not mainly due to the growing strength of the opposition parties, but due to self … * division of the party into two equal parts, with one part moving in droves to occupy a hitherto not-existent Labour Party (LP) in the state. But the interesting part is that the faction that moved into the LP has obvious advantage of incumbency factor because that is where you have all the serving members of the state Executive Council, chairmen of the 13 local government caretaker "

# <¸ development centres, chairmen of boards, government parastatals and * # traditional rulers. The only people in government remaining in the PDP are the state governor, Chief Martin Elechi, and his deputy, Engr. Dave Umahi, who are now strange bed fellows. Elechi had recently announced that he would not leave the PDP but that he would not stop his supporters from pursuing their political interests in other parties. According to him, “you can’t beat a child and stop him from crying.â€? Recall that the crisis in the Ebonyi PDP started with the November 1, 2014 ward congresses and subsequent primaries of the party to elect its candidates for the state Assembly, National Assembly and governorship positions. Governor Elechi had made it clear that he wanted former Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, to succeed him. But his deputy, Umahi is also interested in the position. Following political alignment and re-alignments, Umahi found himself receiving support from the Secretary to the Federal Government (SGF), Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, and the former governor of the state, Dr. Sam Egwu, who himself is running for the senatorial seat of Ebonyi North district of the state. Governor Elechi had earlier announced publicly that the incumbent senator, Chris Nwankwo would return to the Senate - meaning that Egwu has to wait for another eight years. But he said no! Other political actors not favoured by Governor Elechi’s power sharing * # Umahi and they wrestled the structure of the party as well as party delegates and candidates from Governor Elechi. In all the party primaries, the Umahi camp had 100 per cent advantage over Elechi, of course,

Elechi with the cooperation of the party’s 0 '  " (NWC), and perhaps the presidency. The last straw that broke the camel’s back was the governorship primary of the party in December, 2014, when Chief Umahi emerged the winner for the party towards the 2015 governorship election in the state. Umahi defeated six others that stood for the election after polling a total of 541 votes, with his closest rival, Senator Paulinus Igwe Nwagu polling 15 votes. Meanwhile, Governor Elechi and his supporters, including former minister of Health, Prof. Chukwu who is also a governorship aspirant " The Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Dr. Onyekachi Eni, in a PDP under the leadership of Elechi had not participated in all the primaries in the state since November 24, when the NWC of the party announced the postponement of the exercise in Ebonyi, Adamawa Ondo and Taraba states. He stated that the main stream PDP in the state had stayed away from the splinter group primaries in the state. According to him, Elechi was not participating and has not participated in the primaries. Two days after the PDP primaries, the main splinter group, consisting Elechi’s supporters collapsed into the LP as over 300,000 aggrieved members defected to the party. The decampees formerly moved to the LP during its primary election at the Abakaliki Township Stadium in protest for being neglected by the national leadership of the PDP. Some members of the Elechi’s cabinet also defected. They are Celestine Nwali, Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy ! " & ‚ ~  # ‘ @" # & @ 0 '  for Economic Empowerment and / ] ~ " were also about even members of the Ebonyi State House of Assembly who * LP. | # 6 as well as other PDP stalwarts were # * 1/ + include former chairmen of Abakaliki and Ikwo local government areas, = ! " = Celestine Igberi Nweme respectively and former House leader, Ikechukwu Nwobo. Business mogul and chairman

Anyim of Edon Group, Arch. Edward Nkwegu from Ebonyi North senatorial district (old Abakaliki bloc) emerged as the party’s gubernatorial candidate. Nkwaegu who was the only candidate for the position, in his acceptance speech promised to industrialise the state and create employment, adding that he would run an all-inclusive government. He said: “Ebonyi people should expect industrialisation. We shall build on the legacy of the PDP. Democracy supersedes other sentiments. It is all about service to the people. We are going to provide & industry and ensure an all-inclusive government.� But even as the structure of the ruling PDP in the state appear to have been taken away from him, Governor Elechi recently declared that he * Elechi, who made the declaration during a town hall meeting at the Women Development Centre (WDC), Abakaliki, told the people not to worry about him concerning the rumoured impeachment plan against him by his estranged deputy and PDP gubernatorial candidate, Chief Umahi, the Speaker of the state Assembly, Chukwuma Nwazunku and their collaborators. He said he was ready to face anti # # misdeeds that might be levelled against him, even as he maintained his support for the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan for another term. The governor, who traced the genesis of the political crisis rocking the state, noted that both internal and external collaborators were colluding to take over the state by force for their the foremost cement plant in Nigeria, the Nigeria Cement Company (Nigercem), Nkalagu in Ishielu Local Government Area of the state was part of the problem he was having with his tormentors. “In the interim, I have said I cannot stop an aggrieved person from crying, you can beat a child but you cannot stop the child from crying. And therefore, much as I’m losing my supporters to the LP and other parties, I see them as crying children who feel aggrieved. Ultimately, what & # & # & you are, vote for President Jonathan.

Onyebuchi “Consistent with our campaign, unless and until Nigercem is sequestered and managed by the people of Ebonyi State and their government, Ebonyi State is not yet created. Where else in Nigeria could what is happening there now happen? But the people of the state are being denied the right to own what God gave them in their own state. “I have always said, even if the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) is unwilling, invite them to come and inspect our books, look at everything we have done. I’m ready to answer any question, anytime, unless by impeachment it means outright hanging without questioning, then you can do that and get away with it, otherwise, do not be worried. “I’m encouraged also by your assurances that yes after the founding fathers had run a good race, we should hand over the baton to the succeeding generation and you will not disappoint us. Ebonyi State is # & # to bribe people but our prayers are heard in high heavens and so we shall God is above any machinery of war,� he said. Just as the PDP and LP are # " traditional opposition party in the state, the All Progressives Congress (APC) concluded its primaries with two-term senator (2003-2011), Senator

We shall build on the legacy of the PDP. Democracy supersedes other sentiments. It is all about service to the people. We are going to provide employment; we are going to provide industry and ensure an all-inclusive government

Julius Ali Ucha emerging the party’s Â… 2 # 2 drawn primary election that lasted two days. Ucha, the pioneer Speaker of the state Assembly (1999-2003) and grassroots politician decamped from the PDP to the ANPP in 2011 to contest the governorship of the state which he lost to the incumbent, Elechi. But it is to his credit that the ANPP won the two state Assembly and one House of Representatives seats in the state in 2011. He is of Ezza extraction in Ishielu Local Government Area in Ebonyi Central senatorial district (also old Abakaliki bloc). The APC primaries which took place at the party’s state secretariat in Abakaliki was contested by three governorship aspirants including, Ucha, Austine Edeze and Dr. Steve Egbo. Ucha garnered 891 votes out of the 1923 votes cast, while Edeze came š € ;ž< votes while 48 votes were declared invalid.  # "  # 5 the results commended the delegates for their patience and comportment throughout the exercise. Other members of the electoral panel @ * @ ' @ ' (secretary) and Mohmmed Jibrin (member). In a remark, Senator Ucha thanked # behind him. He urged them to 5 the party captures the government house in 2015 from the PDP. According to him, his priority would centre on improving the living standard of the people of the state. From the foregoing, the " squarely going to be among the PDP candidate, Umahi from Ohaozara Local Government Area in the Ebonyi | _ @ ' Âź& 1/ € 0' from Izzi Local Government Area in Ebonyi North senatorial district (old Abakaliki bloc), and the APC candidate, Senator Ucha from Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi Central senatorial zone (old Abakaliki bloc). From the look of things the " # parties. Perhaps, due to the growing tempo and popularity of the LP guber candidate, the PDP elements have been thrown into panic, as all the candidates of the party recently * that Governor Elechi is trying to cause the defeat of the PDP in the state. Nkwegu is also from the Izzi sub-ethnic group, the most populous in the state. In fact, his senatorial zone, Ebonyi North, is said to have 48 per cent of registered voters in the state, while Umahi’s Ebonyi South > ¸ Ucha’s Central has 23 per cent. But the fear lies in the fact that Ebonyi North and Ebonyi Central districts belong to the old Abakaliki bloc and same ancestral origin, and can any day strike a deal against their southern brothers who are in the minority, and who have been clamouring for power shift to their zone. And that old sentiment has been on a steady rise since the humiliation PDP meted to Elechi.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014



Road to 2015 Polls

Real reason I defected to Labour Party – Akala Continued from Page 15

have done it before? I have answered this question endlessly. Many people want me back because when I was in government, I put smiles on the faces of many people. Many have even told me that when I was in government, there was a lot of money in circulation. And when people show you love and urge you to come back, you must listen to them. That is why I am in the ~ " the faces of people. I hate seeing 5 @ ~ > opportunity I have to ensure that people are happy. In the forthcoming governorship race are such contenders as former governor Rashidi Ladoja, the incumbent governor, Abiola Ajimobi and you, among others. What does this portend? We have begun to separate the boys from the men. There is nothing bad in being ambitious. But you should know your limits. With due respect to other contestants, the next state governor is among the three of us. You cannot just bring any novice to rule. You need an experienced man to govern Oyo State. But some people readily associate your regime with thuggery and violence, especially among the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) members in the state? Haba! O.k. The violence that erupted a fortnight ago at Born Photo, Iyana Asuni and Foko areas in Ibadan, am I the one in government? This incident happened in the most indigenous areas of Ibadan. The violence you refer to, the NURTW crisis was even an isolated case and it involved members of the union. If you are not a member, they will not touch you. They have a way of changing their government. And what happened did not constitute security threat to the state. I am a security man and I know how to take care of the


security situation in the state. I have done it before and I can still do it again. I can assure you that if elected, we shall make sure that the state is safe. – while you were in the saddle as the state governor, what were those things you believe you should have As a human being, nobody is perfect. We learn every day. Things that I left undone will be done. The ones that I did would be improved upon. I am ever ready to correct what is believed to be the mistakes of the past. In the same vein, I will improve on my past achievements. Nothing is as good as experience. Besides, my party, the LP puts the welfare of people at the centre of its programmes. So, we shall implement people-oriented programmes. I am only appealing to the good people of Oyo State to vote for me and my party. They know me and they trust me that I will always do their bidding and I will not disappoint them. That is why I have also made someone who is an experienced politician as my deputy. If you could recollect, when ~ ~ # least 90 per cent of my campaign


promises. I also encouraged people to participate in ‘Epade Gomina’ (an audience participatory phonein radio/television programme where members of the public ask questions directly from the state governor). Whenever we featured in the programme, I insisted that the presenters must not censor $ " thorny it was. I learnt a lot via the programme in knowing where shoes pinch the people. By the grace of God, when we resume power after the election, we shall resuscitate the programme to equally bring us closer to the people who voted us in. I assure you that if elected, I will not do less than what I have done before. I will rather do more. I have been tested and I believe the electorate trust me.

Sharafa Alli as your deputy? | 5 @ politician. For him to have become the chairman of a local government in the state at a tender age, means he must have garnered enough political cum administrative experience. Besides, he was once the Secretary to the State Government  # # | 5 I need somebody, a seasoned

I have gone to a less stressful party. One proposes God disposes. At times, you say, this is your way and God will say, this is the way you must thread. That is how it goes. I left PDP when it became impossible for the party to conduct free and fair governorship primaries administrator, a seasoned politician. Besides, we worked together when I was a deputy governor. With due respect, all LP governorship $ to be governorship candidates. But someone must lead. With the rate at which political leaders defect to other parties in this country, don’t you think the development may confuse the electorate in voting for candidates of their choice? The electorate are aware of the defection already and are even ready to inquire from party agents at the polling booths about their preferred candidates. Beside, the LP has a very simple logo - father, mother and child - signifying a whole happy family. Or, who will not want to be a member of a happy family?

Tapgun,Lar,Dabin unsettled over Pwajok’s victory at PDP primary Continued from Page 16

but ready to take the state to the next level. In a related development, a groupCoalition of Young Redemption Advocates (CYRA) called on those who lost the PDP governorship primary in the state to join hands with the winner, Senator Pwajok to deliver the party during the general elections. The group assured President Goodluck Jonathan and the national leadership of the PDP that the party would win in Plateau State overwhelmingly in the presidential, governorship, national and state assembly elections. ! ] 76 # Abubakar Kanam, and its convener, ‚ ] > ‘

* ‘ the aggrieved aspirants to embrace peace and accept defeat and work # petitions. Kanam noted that all the delegates cast their votes under a glaring halogen light in the presence of all the aspirants and in accordance with the electoral procedure, and therefore wondered why they should resort to writing petitions. He said: “Based on the foregoing, we wish to urge the gubernatorial primaries appeal panel to discountenance the said petition " to grip at straws. Senator Pwajok won the contest, resoundingly and undisputedly; this fact should be

respected and embraced by all true lovers of Plateau State, peace and democracy. “We urged the respected petitioners to sheath their swords and add momentums to the march towards the continuation and improvement of the developmental strides of the redemption agenda on the Plateau, as we are only greater when we are united and stand together in our progressive unity of purpose.� Kanam who is the former Deputy Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, said Senator Pwajok moved round the 17 local government area of the state to canvass for votes from the delegates, adding that, that was what the petitioners failed to do before the primary.

He lamented that “if you call what the Jang government has done for Plateau State the building of a dynasty, then we embrace our membership of a dynasty that entrenches good governance, equity and sensitivity to the plight of the needy, and say we shall continue to support it. “We reject and collectively condemn " cheap political points by insulting our ‘ " " # “We urge the youths of Plateau State not to succumb to any form of negative instigation. The children of those calling for violence will never take the lead or even participate when the proverbial chips are down,� he stated.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014



Road to 2015 Polls

2015: Jonathan-Sambo vs Buhari-Osibajo titanic duel Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


t needs not be said that the nation’s " reduced the electorate’s choices * Û % 2 # Ù @

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Why he stopped the Lagos Metroline Project; why he asked citizens to wait in straight lines like soldiers at bus stops and; why he ordered that people who threw litters on the streets 9: < ==:> 9 ? @ Against Indiscipline (WAI) brigades? # 1 | | ‚ + ~ # ‘ 2| ˆ ' " % ƒ 5 /{/ 5 '

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Bauchi 2015:Yuguda once betrayed me – Guber candidate Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business & Economy

NIPOST has become technology driven – Ujong Continued from Page 14

standards, creating an enabling and sustainable environment for Courier Service Business in Nigeria by liaising with various stakeholders in the industry and capacity building. Our Courier Regulatory Department (CRD) has on its current list, 293 registered courier companies in the country that are grouped under three categories, based on the nature and sizes of their courier businesses. The categories include multinational operators, who are three in number; indigenous international operators, 32 in number; and the indigenous national operators, who are 258 in number, bringing the total of 293 registered courier companies in the country. The new phase of technology development in the country in the area of e-commerce, where most Nigerians do shopping online and the items delivered to them either in their homes

6 " for our courier regulatory body, as more Nigerian entrepreneurs are now shifting their businesses online to catch-up with the new technology development which has led to the increase in the number of licensed courier companies in the country, since online shopping comes with delivery of items bought, and CRD regulates the delivery aspect of the booming business. Is there any prohibition in postal services? Yes, we have some prohibited items, especially in courier service delivery such international travelling passports, currency notes, bank instruments, coins, traveler’s cheque and other negotiable securities (bonds and stocks), radioactive materials, gold, silver, precious stones, jewelleries etc. Other items that cannot be accepted by courier services are narcotics (cocaine, heroin, marijuana etc), live % … or other dangerous substances that may spoil/soil (if not properly wrapped, sealed and packaged) or

Mrs Mmayen Ujong

The new phase of technology development in the country in the area of e-commerce, where most Nigerians do shopping online and the items delivered to them either in K : @ Q: @ RVX: is attracting more revenue for our courier regulatory body, as more Nigerian entrepreneurs are now shifting their businesses online

% 6 organisation positively and embrace to danger. its services in the area. I was able to seek the support of the state governor, During your career years, did | … ' # you undertake any laudable and post by sponsoring the production challenging project? of special set of postal stamp to Yes, during my various assignments, commemorate some monuments I undertook series of programmes and which may not have been noticed, but projects which ultimately transformed brought to the purview of the world any locations I found myself. I was and the project goes a long way. Some the Coordinator of HIV/AIDS in the of the monuments portrayed are the English speaking West Africa territory state emblem as the food basket of of Postal Union in collaboration with the nation, postal icon of some North United Nation Organisation (UNO) central among others are embedded on and other agency to educate postal stamps, and it is still in use till date. 5 =~ À@~{| Postal stamp goes a long way even The mobilization, campaign and slogan more than the currency; there is no were massive so that we will not lose 6 5 # not see the sample of postage stamp HIV/AIDS. " I was re-assigned as Area Postal a postal stamp which is bringing a Manager, Benue State to portray message to the people. NIPOST in the best of its forms to make sure the public appraise the What has been NIPOST’s

contribution to educational development? The Universal Postal Union (UPU)

" 2 writing competition for young people annually and Nigeria is a participant. The competition was created by the ;Âş<Âş + ' Â 6 launched in 1971. Since then, millions of young people all over the world, up to age 15, have participated in the competition at national and international levels. The competition is an excellent way of making young people aware of the important roles postal services play in our societies, develops their skills in composition and the ability to express their thoughts clearly, fosters their * # " strengthen the bonds of international friendship.

African initiative to strengthen food systems combating Ebola T housands of smallholder farmers 1 # an innovative seed distribution initiative that seeks to combine food security and Ebola containment strategies in Liberia. The initiative, led by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) in partnership with the government and other stakeholders, seeks to strengthen the fragile food system by providing quality seed paired with Ebola prevention messages to farmers many of whom cannot access critical inputs, particularly seeds. “The 50MT of high yielding yellow maize seed donated today will go a long way in ensuring that smallholder farmers and their families remain food 6 of the Ebola epidemic,� says AGRA President, Dr. Agnes Kalibata. “We do not want the Ebola epidemic to spiral into a food crisis.� “Ebola has the potential to disrupt our food systems, since it 5 # our economies much like the HIV pandemic did in the past. AGRA

has built a platform that can help deliver not only agricultural inputs but health messages and awareness� said Strive Masiyiwa, Board Chair of @ ]@  # €% 76 of Econet Wireless. “I am excited to see AGRA shoring up support for small-holder agriculture in Liberia in partnership with the government and private sector, while combating Ebola,� he added that the AGRA platform # 5 mechanisms in Africa, led by Africans. Though Liberia as a country is largely dependent on agriculture, the 5 ' many of its smallholder farmers unable to produce at an optimal level. This situation has been worsened by the negative impact of the Ebola epidemic, # # for fear of Ebola. The new initiative by AGRA is targeting smallholder farmers in four counties, starting in Liberia. The high yielding maize seed has the potential to increase harvests by a factor of two to three, mitigating food supply pressure, while Ebola awareness messages and simple tools

like buckets and soaps will provide # # # the disease. AGRA worked with the governments of Liberia and Ivory Coast, the African Development Bank and the private ! 5 ˆ@ ]@ grateful to the African Development Bank President, Dr. Donald Kaberuka and the Ivory Coast government for assisting us to get the seeds across the border in good time,� said Dr Kalibata. “With this support from the Econet Development Foundation, and in response to the looming food crisis in the country, our Program for African Seed Systems (PASS) will intensify its work by increasing access to high quality seed to improve agricultural practice and food availability for Liberian smallholder farmers, � says PASS Director, Joe DeVries. “We will work in partnership with the Ministries of Agriculture and Health, private seed companies, national farmer organizations and other local partners to ensure that the support provided gets to the targeted farmers.� While this round of seeds is

# pressures faced by farmers, this initiative is part of the comprehensive approach that AGRA takes to ensure " #

companies and training agro-dealers to create the proper market incentives to ensure long-term economic sustainability. Through previous support from the = ‚ 5 " /@|| has worked to build a sustainable seed system based on farmer demand for quality seed. The organization is currently supporting three local seed companies to produce, multiply, and make quality seeds available to farmers. PASS has also provided funding to the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) to research on staples such as rice, cassava, and maize in order to improve agriculture productivity and has trained eight Liberian seed specialists at the Kwame Nkrumah University for Science and Technology, Ghana, all in the bid to ensure smallholder farmers in the country break away from using lowyielding seeds to high-yielding ones.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Business & Economy

Cooperative societies:Panacea to rejuvenated economy The co-operative society is a veritable instrument used by workers to improve their economic situations. Most well run cooperative societies have helped their members to actualise their economic goals, through credit facilities and welfare packages. The importance of the union led the United Unions (UN) to declare 2012 as the international year of cooperatives. Recently, one of the foremost cooperative federations, the Lagos State Cooperative Federation (LASCOFED), celebrated distinguished past leaders in its 62 years of existence. JOHNMARK UKOKO reports.

Gov Fashola

The LASCOFED boss opined that cooperative unions across the globe have helped to setup businesses to employ many workers, established farms to produce foods and crops to feed many people, and helped in the development of rural areas. In his words, “Cooperative societies have helped in creating jobs for millions of workers. It has helped in reducing migration of people from the rural areas to urban areas in search of he International Cooperative Alliance greener pastures. has advocated that by the year 2020, the “They have helped in developing rural cooperative enterprise should be the " # preferred business model. However, due to and farms, which have provided employment the neglect of cooperative societies, unions and opportunities for many job seekers, thereby federations in the country, in sharp contrast reducing rural-urban migration.â€? to what obtains in other climes, the president The LASCOFED boss said that despite the of the oldest cooperatives federation in the great potential of cooperative societies all over country, Mr. Oriyomi Ayeola, lamented the the world, they are still confronted with many obvious prospects cooperative societies have challenges. shown to possess, which the government at He said that while the government of other various levels have not done enough to help countries have supported their cooperative them harness. He disclosed that cooperative societies in the | # @ _ |@Âź 5 the reverse is the case in Nigeria. @ # # two million jobs to Americans. major challenge operators contend with as Ayeola said that cooperative societies in the government hardly grant the federations Newzealand contribute over six per cent < revenue to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) when the then premier of Western Nigeria, of that country, adding that cooperative Chief Obafemi Awolowo gave Western Nigeria movements in Ivory Coast export over 25 Cooperative Federation a grant of one million million United States Dollars worth of cocoa to pounds. He added that the singular gesture the outside world, thereby helping to boost the made Western Nigeria the best region with economy of the country. cooperative unions in the entire country. He stressed that cooperative societies in In his words, “It is sad that our governments Kenya is not left out in contributing to that do not render adequate assistance to country’s economic development.


cooperative federations. This is contrary to < the then premier of Western Nigeria, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, released one million pounds to the unions in the region. That singular donation enabled the cooperative unions in the Western Nigeria to be the best.� = ' # environment in the country as one of the reasons local federations cannot compete favourably with their foreign counterparts, adding that the local unions operate in a harsh environment. He further stressed that for the local federations to compete with their foreign counterparts, the government must provide a conducive environment for them to thrive, adding that government is also expected to make good rules to regulate cooperatives’ funds. He disclosed that some government and tamper with cooperatives funds, stressing that 6 #

refused to part with the funds have been either sacked or victimized. The LASCOFED boss opined that some organisations’ cooperative societies do not remit the contributions workers have made to the unions, thereby halting the growth of such cooperative societies. He said that despite the many challenges Nigerian operators and unions have had to contend with, being a member of cooperative society is the only avenue workers can become comfortable or rich. He said many workers who ordinarily would have remained poor, due to the low salaries and entitlements they earn from their organisations have become comfortable or even rich due to their membership of cooperative societies. According to him, “Many workers who were once poor are today comfortable or rich, owing to their membership of cooperative societies. When I was a student of a post primary school in 1981 at Epe, Lagos State, my principal was the only teacher, who owns a car. He was driving Peugeot 404. When I later began as a teacher at Ojota Secondary School, my principal, then was driving Nigeria Union of Teachers’ car. He did not own a personal car. “Visit any school today in Lagos State, you will be amazed at the number of cars you will see in the school compound. You will think that the school compound is a car shop. Many teachers now even drive jeeps. It is not as a result of improved salaries, but due to the gains of being members of cooperative societies. Teachers now own houses, lands and other good things of life because of their membership of cooperatives societies.� Many cooperators at the various events to ' < # 1@| 7 €{ ' 0 +

They have helped in developing rural areas through setting up of 9Z [: ZKVK [> farms, which have provided employment opportunities for many job seekers, thereby reducing ruralurban migration # # " they belong to cooperative societies. They say multinationals companies such as Mobil, Chevron, Seven Up Plc and a host of other companies that own strong cooperatives # their members, while some other societies have ' #

' cooperators enjoy good dividends every year, " They say that workers who do not belong to cooperative societies cannot compete with the ones that are members of one due to the many privileges they enjoy from time to time. Respondents appealed to government to tackle the challenges cooperative cooperatives go through to ensure members compete with their counterparts elsewhere. Despite the many challenges, the Lagos State Commissioner for Agriculture and Cooperatives, Gbolahan Lawal, disclosed that the current government of Lagos State has done much to boost the activities of cooperatives societies in the state. He said his ministry has encouraged farmers #

societies to enable them enjoy the support of his ministry. He disclosed that the state government has established a Cooperative college in the state to compete with the ones in Enugu and Ibadan

6 over the years. He further stressed that the Governor Babatunde Fashola-led administration in the past seven and half years provided lots of opportunities for cooperative societies in Lagos | Â…

Horlicks launches new nutrition website for mothers Aanu Adegun


igerian women have a new

nutrition in their families. Horlicks, the premium nutritional beverage drink from the stables of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria Plc (GSK) in collaboration with the Federation of Africa Nutrition Societies (FANUS) has launched a new website designed to provide nutritional information essential to Nigerians and Africans at large. The website, is uniquely designed, loaded with needed information on nutrition, and it is user friendly.

Speaking on the new web site, Mrs. Jaya Mathai, GSK’s Global Expert Nutrition Manager, said the Africa family nutrition website is a complete nutritional care guide for all African families. “This new website provides comprehensive articles on various aspects of family’s lifestyle including amongst others. We understand the importance of proper nutrition and " authoritative information on subjects related to nutrition, hence the need for a website to answer to this need. The website provides all Africans with detailed information on nutrition

alongside other issues of family life. The new site is simply designed as @# # information on nutrition� Mathai said. An additional feature on the website is the utility calculator which provides an insight into an individual’s state of health. Explaining Horlicks support for the project, Mrs. Bimpe Osanyintuyi, Senior Brand Manager, Horlicks, said the project is completely in line with the " # = ' “Horlicks is a health food drink that contains 23 vital nutrients which helps to give strong bones, sharp mind and healthy body as well as provides nourishing well-being for the whole

family. GSK Consumer’s mission is to improve the quality of human lives by # " and live longer - all of which this new nutritional website depicts. The website therefore contains comprehensive articles on nutritional health issues which we believe will improve the lives and health of our consumers� Osanyintuyi said. Horlicks is a delicious, tasty and nourishing health food drink. It provides important nutrients which are important for the growth and development of children and the # improve strong bones, sharp mind and a healthy body.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

International Business

UAE economy: Strong, most diversified Eric Elezuo with Agency report


he United Arab Emirates, sometimes simply called the Emirates or the UAE, is a country located in the southeast end of the Arabian Peninsula on the Persian Gulf, bordering Oman to the east and Saudi Arabia to the south, as well as sharing sea borders with Qatar and Iran. In 2013, the UAE’s total population was 9.2 million, of which 1.4 million were Emirati citizens and 7.8 million were expatriates from around the world. Established on December 2, 1971, the country is a federation of seven emirates (equivalent to principalities). Each emirate is governed by a hereditary ruler who jointly forms the Federal Supreme Council, the highest legislative and executive body in the country. One of the rulers is selected as the President of the United Arab Emirates. The constituent emirates are Abu Dhabi (which serves as the capital), Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah, and Umm 2 ~ 6 # @€ @ 6 The UAE’s oil reserves are the seventhlargest in the world, while its natural gas reserves are the world’s seventeenth-largest. The late Sheikh Zayed, ruler of Abu Dhabi / # @€ the development of the Emirates and steered oil revenues into healthcare, education and infrastructure. The UAE’s economy is the # Â

Council, with its most populous city, Dubai in particular developing into a global hub # 0 the country remains extremely reliant on petroleum and natural gas; more than 85% of the economy was based on the oil exports in 2009, while oil exports accounted for 77% of the state budget in 2011. The UAE’s rapid economic growth and analysts to identify it as a middle power. UAE has the second largest economy in the GCC (after Saudi Arabia), with a gross domestic product (GDP) of $377 billion (AED1.38 trillion) in 2012. Since independence in 1971, UAE’s economy has grown by nearly 231 times to AED1.45 trillion in 2013.The non-oil trade has grown to AED1.2 trillion, a growth by around 28 times from 1981 to 2012. In 2011, UAE is ranked as the 14th best nation in the world for doing business based on its economy and regulatory environment, ranked by the Doing Business 2011 Report published by the World Bank Group @ @€ economy in the GCC, the UAE’s economy remains extremely reliant on oil. With the exception of Dubai, most of the UAE is dependent on oil revenues. Petroleum and natural gas continue to play a central role in the economy, especially in Abu Dhabi. More than 85% of the UAE’s economy was based on the oil exports in 2009. While Abu Dhabi and other UAE emirates have remained relatively conservative in their approach to { #

policy. In 2011, oil exports accounted for 77% of the UAE’s state budget. { 5 # crisis in 2007-2010 and was bailed out by Abu Dhabi’s oil wealth. Dubai’s current " @ { petrodollars. Dubai is currently in extreme debt. The GDP growth rate for 2010 was ž Ăœ  % Â…

April 2008 — April 2009 year was 1.9%. The national debt as of June 2009 was $142 billion. In 2009, its GDP, as measured by purchasing power parity, stood at US$ 400.4 billion. With a population of just under 900,000 Abu Dhabi was labeled “The richest city in the worldâ€? by  00 UAE law does not allow trade unions to exist. The right to collective bargaining and the right to strike are not recognised, and the Ministry of Labour has the power to force workers to go back to work. Migrant workers who participate in a strike can have their work permits cancelled, and be deported. The UAE’s economy, particularly that of { # 2007–2010. In 2009, the country’s economy shrank by 4.00% and the property sector and construction went into decline. As the epicentre of the crisis, Dubai was bailed out @ { " 5 # { remains in extreme debt. However, tourism, trade and the retail sector have remained buoyant and the UAE’s overseas investments are expected to support its full economic recovery. Concern remains about the property sector. Property prices in Dubai fell dramatically when Dubai World, the government construction company, sought to delay a debt payment. The UAE has been spending billions of dollars on infrastructure. These developments are particularly evident in the larger emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The northern emirates are rapidly following suit, providing major incentives for developers of residential and commercial property. Dubai International Airport was the busiest airport in the world by international 6 # ‘ ! ;ž overtaking London Heathrow. As roads in the western and southern regions are still relatively undeveloped, residents prevalently use airplanes as the main or alternative mode of transportation. A 1,200 km (750 mi) country-wide national railway is under construction which will connect all the major + { ! urban train network in the Arabian Peninsula. The major ports of the United Arab Emirates are Khalifa Port, Zayed Port, Port Jebel Ali, Port Rashid, Port Khalid, Port Saeed, and Port Khor Fakkan. The UAE is served by two telecommunications operators, Etisalat and Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (“duâ€?). Etisalat operated a monopoly until du launched mobile services in February 2007. Internet subscribers are expected to increase from 0.904 million in 2007 to 2.66 million in 2012. The authorities # sexual content. Tourism acts as a growth sector for the entire UAE economy. It is ranked as one of the world’s most sustainable sectors, according to the World Economic Forum’s annual Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report. UAE is ranked as the 28th among 139 ! € World Economic Forum’s “Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013â€?. Whereas, Dubai here plays a leading role, holding up to 66 per cent share of the UAE’s tourism economy, with Abu Dhabi having 16 per cent and Sharjah 10 per cent. Dubai welcomed 10 million visitors in 2013. Tourist arrivals in the UAE are estimated to grow up to a compound annual growth rate of 5.3 per cent between 2012 and 2022, with hotel supply also expected to increase from the current 96,992 hotel rooms in Dubai and

Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, to a total of 125,383 hotel rooms in 2016. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the economy is thriving, moderate Islam is celebrated, over 200 nationalities live and work peacefully together, women hold key cabinet posts, and US engagement is welcome. ! ~ @ 0 Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), once observed that trade between both countries is not formal, in spite of the cordial relations between them. “The trade volume is big because a lot of 0 { # but about 99 per cent of this trade is informal,’’ he said. He said that the mission was currently negotiating investment promotion and protection agreement in that regard. Auwalu also expressed the hope that the agreement, when signed, would correct the trade imbalance and encourage foreign direct 0 He added that several UAE companies have communicated their readiness to invest in renewable energy, agriculture, mining and 0 Under United Arab Emirates (UAE) law, # applicable to foreign entities interested in establishing a formal presence in the UAE. A company can create a permanent 6 an entity in a UAE free zone, create a civil company (currently limited to Sharjah and

Under United Arab Emirates (UAE) law, there @: V\: K ]: R 9Z [: : K 9 Q:[K ]] X 9 : K R @: =[ :[K K : [K:@: K:> [ : K 9 [= R @Q ]@: :[X: [ K : ^$_ $ X Q] [ X [ X@: K: ]:@Q [:[K : K 9 Q:[K : K 9 9@ [X RVX: X@: K: [ :[K K [ ^$_ R@:: ` [: X@: K: X \ X Q] [ XZ@@:[K Q K:> K q @ [> {Z9

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Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Dubai), or enter into a commercial agency agreement. The UAE Commercial Companies Law requires that each company established in the UAE have one or more UAE national partner(s) who hold at least 51% of the company’s capital. Companies that undertake certain activities are exempt from the 51% requirement, including oil companies with concession agreements, companies involved in the oil and gas industry, companies that produce electricity and gas, companies involved in treatment of water and transmission and distribution. Foreign banks are exempt from having to appoint a sponsor. Companies established in free zones are exempt from the 51% requirement, if the relevant free zone has special provisions regulating the company. While doing business in UAE, always 5 5 # It’s like the old saying “When in Rome� – it is just common courtesy to respect your hosts as visitors are expected respect laws and traditions of the country. To ensure that your stay is memorable, for all the right reasons, keep in mind that you are no longer in your own country. Respect the laws and values of the country and your stay should be an extremely enjoyable one! Dubai is tolerant and cosmopolitan and all visitors are welcome. However, Islam is a way of life in the city, and therefore tourists should adopt a certain level of cultural and religious sensitivity for the duration of their stay. It is against the law to drink alcohol whilst walking in the street or to be drunk in a public place. For those living in the UAE, a special licence must be obtained before purchasing alcohol from the exclusive, specialised, licensed stores. This licence is only a permit for buying alcohol. It does not give any immunity for alcohol related criminal

5 ~ 5 your car if you do not hold the special alcohol ~# " # police you may be arrested, even though you may have purchased the alcohol legally. Alcohol can only be consumed by over 21s. Alcohol is not available in Sharjah.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Judiciary US-based Nigerian accuses SAN of forgery over late father’s property Ayodele Olalere


51-year-old American-based Nigerian, Alhaja Nasimat Ajoke, has cried out to the Inspector General of Police as well as the new Chief Justice of Nigeria, Mahmud Mohammed, to wade into an alleged conversion of her late father’s estate by a Senior Advocate of Nigeria(SAN), Barrister Mukaila Adisa Bashua, for his personal use. Ajoke had on April 27, ;ž " Commissioner, Special Fraud Unit (SFU), Ikoyi, alleging that Bashua, who was a lawyer to her late father, Alhaji Lateef Adio, allegedly converted her father’s estate located at 20, Oloje Street, Papa Ajao, Mushin. Titled ‘Fraud and mismanagement of the estate of late Alhaji Lateef Adio by lawyer Mukaila Adisa Bashua (SAN) and lawyer Bisoye Bashua of 218, Bamgbose Street,’ the petitioner, the second child out of the nine, stated that “between 1995 and 1996, her father was hit by stroke and other ailments which 5 ƒ ˆ~ " for my beloved father’s health and hygiene when I visited the country " resistance from lawyer M.A. Bashua (SAN) and some other people that were claiming to be taking care of him and abandoned him to leave alone in his house at No. 49 Freeman Street, Lagos Island. “They claimed that my beloved father died on the 11th February, 2012 and after his death, his lawyer presented a Will that had 13 properties listed on it, claiming that the forged Will was prepared by my father before his death and the forged Will was read on March 23, 2012. After reading the Will, the properties were subsequently ' ƒ stated. She added: “On June 12, 2012, a " of lawyer M.A. Bashua (SAN) to tenants of 20, Oloje Street Papa Ajao, Mushin as executors of the estate of late Alhaji Adio, instructing the tenants to pay all their rents to the said executors and no other person. The property in Oloje Street was fraudulently excluded from the forged Will of my late beloved father by his lawyer as same is not ƒ | # " to another property belonging to her late father, she discovered that it

Alhaja Nasimat Ajoke

had been sold. “When I got to the property at 2B, Odusina Street, Papa Ajao, Mushin, it was discovered that the property had been sold to an unknown person and I know for a fact that

I was prompted to carry out a forensic test at the Central Criminal Registry, Latent Finger Print ~RVX: K $ =9 [ and the result showed K K K : V[=:@ ]@ [K in the alleged Will of Q 9: \:> R K :@ [> that on documents he had earlier executed during his lifetime were different and does not match with my late

my beloved father neither sold nor mortgaged any of his properties. As a result of my investigation, I discovered that my beloved father had shares with UTC which were not also included in his Will and records showed that dividends have # ƒ stated. According to her, “on July 27, 2012, lawyer Bashua wrote to all the tenants that all rents should be made to Alfa Mohammed Jamiu and Alfa Ramon Ayinde Mogaji after the reading of the forged Will that was ƒ The petitioner further alleged that she also discovered that 15 acres of land at Lambe village in Ota Local Government Area of Ogun State was not included in the Will, adding that " department at the SFU, requesting test of the signature on the alleged forged Will. “Based on the discrepancies and manipulations discovered on the estate of my late father by lawyer M.A. Bashua, I was prompted to carry out a forensic test at the Central Criminal Registry, Latent / 76 @ and the result showed that the of my beloved father and that on documents he had earlier executed # 5 and did not match with my late # ƒ %

She urged the police to investigate " ƒ # persons involved in these fraudulent

' ƒ In a report to the petition made available to Newswatch Times dated June 11, 2013 and signed by a forensic expert and the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Michael Nwokolo who is in charge of the Latent Fingerprint Unit at | Ă…] # analysis,’ it was stated that the result of the test indicated that the ˆ identical and not thumbprinted by the same person on the other documents signed by the late Alao ƒ The SFU subsequently forwarded " Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Lagos State, requesting for a legal advice. Dated August 1, 2013, the ‘Request for Legal Advice’ signed by the Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) at the SFU, Victor Okon, 5 # forgery and stealing against Barrister Mukaila Bashua (SAN) and Bisoye Bashua respectively. The petitioner also forwarded a copy of the petition to the immediate past president of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Mr Okey Wali. While speaking with Newswatch Times @ * 0 5 " been unsuccesful. “I wrote a petition to the Ministry of Justice more than a year now but up till now, they are still holding on + " go to court. We (the parties) had a {// 6 (Bashua) promised to return our father’s property but to my surprise, they have refused to do so. They want to force me to take the forged ƒ She therefore urged the new CJN " ' * ˆ~ * ƒ she pleaded. €5 Newswatch Times to speak with Barrister Bashua for his reaction proved abortive as his mobile number 08083181... was 5 @ % the same number was not replied. The message read: “Good afternoon SAN, I am Ayo, I write for Newswatch Times newspaper. We are working on a story concerning " @ * Nasimat Ajoke in respect of her late father’s estate which she alleged you converted to your personal use. We would like to get your reaction so ƒ


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Leisure Exploring the sporting angle in hospitality business

$ ! ^ _` " j ! ` j ! `q z # % ` { ! ` | $ ! _`" ` z !|j ` #j j` " zq " _ _`" } `% `! % ` j#" q TUNDE BUSARI $ q


hat “necessity is the mother of invention� is an aphorism playing out in some hotels in Lagos State. They are now upgrading their sporting facilities, including gymnasium as a creative device to face the prevalent economic challenge in the hospitality industry. Aero Hotel located at Okota, Lagos, is taking a leading position in this revolution of sort. Since October, the state of its sporting facilities has not been the same again with the importation of latest equipment that can compete with what is stocked in major stadia in the country. Contrary to the conventional way, the swimming pool in the hotel is …

where fresh, cool breeze adds to the fun. The gymnasium parades upto-date equipment such as electric bike used to shape tummy and add strength to thighs. Cardio Parker, Cardio style, Sit up bench, Yoga ball, Donbell, Yoga mat, Weight bench, Trade mill – all ' # 5 ' of exercise. Aside the gym, there are also aerobic rooms as well as a massage room. Massage chair is the latest in technology used by those determined to get rid of early fatigue. ~ and straightens joint parts. The tennis court and table tennis also provide light recreation without experiencing body pains. Table tennis has a way of drawing people around it. So has it been since this game was

brought into Aero Hotel. This, however, does not translate into its invasion by the hoodlums. The security guards at the entrance are uncompromising and a shield against strange fellows. The instructor in charge of the facilities, Kelvin Okonkwo, is a man of adequate wealth of experience in the art. His athletic frame is an " 2 = really knows his onion going by the manner he conducted our reporter round the equipment. Okonkwo said his experience had shown that Nigerians tend to give % " # the promotion of good health. He argued that if physical exercise is seen and handled as business, the health situation of many would be improved. According to him, health is wealth $ when it is lost. He, therefore, urged Nigerian to turn a new leaf and join those who have turned physical exercise into a routine.

�It sounds funny when somebody told me that physical exercise is meant only for athletes like footballers and other players of games. It is not so. That is the error we are trying to correct with these our equipment here. “People have been coming to register and use the facilities. They are giving us a feedback which ~ ' ~ 6 ~ is normal. But by the time the body is used to it, you enjoy doing it because # 5 ƒ he said. Corroborating Okonkwo’s position is a patron, who did not want his name in print. The middle-aged man said since he had registered at Aero Hotel gymnasium, his health and physical frame had improved considerably. The Okota resident also recalled the pains he experienced when he started as a gym green horn. + " 5 inspiration to his friends. “It was the tennis I saw when I " some months back. I like the court and enquired how I could use it. It was then a security guard told me of other indoor equipment in the hotel. I am happy it is a worthwhile experience,� the well built man said. Despite this beautiful remark, Okonkwo said the patronage is just ' ‚ of an improvement in the new year, going by the quality of the regular

users on his register. “Like any other business, it has to take a gradual pace. And that is why I am sure that soon other people would join us here. The facilities are open for people who are really interested in how they look and their general well-being. We are not discriminatory but there is a measure in place not to allow negative people here,� he said. The Installation of the equipment was not done overnight. It was a serious business that took the # % 6 # Babatunde Emmanuel, outside the country in order to get it right from

0 # watching the facilities in use. Emmanuel explained that his investment in sports facilities is in compliance with his vision of making Aero Hotel more competitive, in terms of quality service delivery to its clients that are drawn from the corporate world and government organisations. He acknowledged the current trend in which everyone is now conscious

# making the use of gymnasium a necessity. “The world itself is dynamic. So is the business environment, especially in a developing economy like ours. Anybody person in my position should follow this reality and follow the trend to remain relevant at all time. I think that is what really informed my decision to look this direction of providing services that will improve the well-being of the people,� he said.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Saturday, December 27,



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014


North west

I will remain in PDP - Dan-Illela Ayo Ajoge, Kebbi


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Kano APC names don as Ganduje’s running mate Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano


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5,000 widows,disabled,others set for 2015 sensitisation rally in Kaduna Baba Negedu, Kaduna


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The choir of Church of Christ of the Nations, singing during Christmas service at Yelwan in Bauchi State... recently.

Senate chief whip assures on PDP’s victory in Kano Ted Odogwu, Bureau Chief, Kano


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sports Update Emenike:I’m not ready to quit Fenerbache N

igeria international striker, Emmanuel Emenike, has declared he has no plans to quit

Turkish champions Fenerbahce. “I do not even think of that for a moment because they do not want

Black Stars name AFCON preliminary squad


afana Bafana’s Afcon group opponents Ghana have named their provisional 31-man squad for the upcoming African showpiece next month. The Black Stars, coached by former Chelsea manager Avram Grant, have announced an impressive side, which will be likely lead from the front by Al Ain forward Asamoah Gyan, a candidate for the 2014 African Player of the Year award. There was however no place for bad boys Kevin Prince Boateng and Sulley Muntari who both misbehaved and were booted out of the Ghanaian camp at this year’s World Cup, despite Grant insisting they were still available for selection. Of the 31 players called up, three ply their trade in the Absa Premiership: defensive duo Kwabena Adusei and Gyimah Edwin from Mpumalanga Black Aces, and fellow defender Awal Mohammed from ! Þ Ghana are currently ' # 2 team in Africa and 37th in the world, 15 spots higher than Bafana Bafana’s ranking of 52. + # 2 5 @#  match-up on 27 January 2015. Ghana’s provisional squad for Afcon 2015: Goalkeepers: Razak Braimah (Mirandes, Spain), Adams Stephen

(Aduana Stars), Fatau Dauda (AshGold), Ernest Sowah (Don Bosco, DR Congo) Defenders: Harrison @5 _€ Tunisia), John Boye (Erciyesspor, Turkey), Jonathan Mensah (Evian, Ÿ ‘ 5 | (Leicester City, England), Awal Mohammed _! Þ | Africa), Kwabena Adusei (Mpumalanga Black Aces, South Africa), Baba Rahman (Augsburg, Germany), Gyimah Edwin (Mpumalanga Black Aces, South Africa), Samuel Inkoom (Houston Dynamo, USA), Daniel Amartey, (FC Copenhagen, Denmark) !  ] Mohammed (Krasnodar, Russia), Emmanuel Agyemang-Badu (Udinese, Italy), Afriyie Acquah (Parma, Italy), Solomon Asante (T.P. Mazembe, DR Congo), Christian Atsu (Everton, England), Mubarak Wakaso (Celtic, Scotland), Andre Ayew (Olympique Marseille, France), Alfred Duncan (Sampdoria, Italy), Albert Adomah (Middlesbrough, England), Frank Acheampong (Anderlecht, Belgium), @ _! Sweden), Ibrahim Moro (AIK Stockholm, Sweden) Strikers: Jordan Ayew (Lorient, France), Abdul-Majeed Waris (Trabzonspor, Turkey), Asamoah Gyan (Al Ain, UAE), Kwesi Appiah (Cambridge United, England) David Accam (Chicago Fire, USA)

me here,� Emenike told Hurriyet newspaper. Emenike’s agent, Erdem Konyar, has also revealed that there are no

5 # ' The Turkish agent played down the talk about impending move for the former Spartak Moscow forward in the winter. He said: “Emenike has had no

6 5 “Even if he does 6 has no intention to leave Fenerbahce, he is happy at the club and wants

to win the league again with them. “Emenike has two goals right now, he wants to score as many goals as he could for Fenerbahce and help the club win a record breaking fourth star. “If a club want to hold talks with him they can if they meet his minimum fee release clause of â‚Ź20 million (ÂŁ15.7m) but as I said he is not interested in leaving right now.â€? He has scored two goals in 13 games this season.

EPL: Chelsea maintain momentum


helsea moved three points clear at the top of the Premier League after easing to a 2-0 Boxing Day victory over West Ham at Stamford Bridge. John Terry opened the scoring for the dominant hosts in the 31st minute when he turned home from close range after Diego Costa headed a corner goalwards. Chelsea spurned a number of chances to extend their advantage, but Costa eventually made sure of the points on the hour mark when Adrian. The Hammers, who started the day fourth in the table, failed to muster a shot on target and were perhaps fortunate to only lose 2-0 after being second best from start While the Hammers may well recover from this defeat to challenge for the top four this season, there is no doubt on this evidence that they 5 of Chelsea, who were in

irresistible form all afternoon. Jose Mourinho preferred Oscar over Jon Obi Mikel while the Hammers made three changes from their win over Leicester City, with James Collins, Mark Noble and Enner Valencia all starting. It was Oscar who had the best early opening as Carl Jenkinson let Willian’s ball into the box bounce through for the Brazilian. Fortunately for Jenkinson his mistake was not punished 7 from 10 yards out with just the keeper to beat. Chelsea went close again in the 10th minute as Terry clipped a ball into the box for his fellow centre-back Gary Cahill, who rose well above Jenkinson but could only head over the bar. The Blues were bossing possession and Cahill went close for a second time when # inside the box blocked by Adrian. Willian then tested the Hammers keeper with an

LEAGUE RESULTS Chelsea 2 – 0 West Ham United Burnley 0 – 1 Liverpool Crystal Palace 1 – 3 Southampton Everton 0 – 1 Stoke City 1  ; Û + " = Manchester United 3 – 1 Newcastle United Sunderland 1 – 3 Hull City Swansea City 1 – 0 Aston Villa West Bromwich Albion 1 – 3 Manchester City

Akure Gunners boot out foreign player for dissent




kin Akinbobola, chairman of Ondo State Football Agency, the administrative department of Sunshine Stars of Akure, has informed that Olaniyi Fabiyi was released by club for dissent. The Club administrator explained that the Benin Republic Goalie was shown the exit due to his indiscipline and

none of the players is complaining of not being paid salary. � He’s no longer with " which our Coaches have found over bearing.� � He’s also been going about accusing the club of owing him, there several other players in this club to and none has raised such tantrum,� Akinbobola told www.

5 # Š # Hazard almost got in after some sumptuous one-touch passing. Chelsea’s dominance eventually told on the halfhour mark when Costa headed a corner towards goal and Terry turned it in from a few yards out. It was almost 2-0 minutes

@ 5 Nemanja Matic’s shot around the post. Costa then went close on a couple of occasions – seeing a … 5 shooting over from Branislav Ivanovic’s cross - as Chelsea continued to completely control the game.

Diego Costa

Igboun eyes better days with FC Midtjylland


ilwan Hassan of FC Midtjylland and team mate, Sylvester Igboun, celebrate their victory after the Danish Superliga match between against AaB Aalborg at MCH Arena. Former Super Eagles and FC Midtjylland of { ' Femi Ajilore has revealed his desire for his side to continue their hold at the top of the table come the second half of the league campaign.  ! * third last season and in an obvious turn of fortune so far are 8 points ahead of second place København. Shockingly though, the 29-year old Nigerian is yet to see action in 17 League matches under 42-year old Glen Riddersholm. The team features 6

other Nigerians including the Club’s in-form,joint top League goalscorer this term, Sylvester Igboun. � It’s going to be an exciting season, because a lot of good teams are competing for the title. So 6 especially as these teams will play to win as many games as we’re hoping to do.�



Newswatch Times, Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sports Update

Rangers fail to extend Obuh’s contract E

nugu Rangers are in the market for a new head coach after their failure to extend the one-year contract of John Obuh who was with the Flying Antelopes till the end of last season. The Director of Media and Publicity of the Enugu side, Foster Chime told Goal the decision of the management of the club not to allow Obuh the opportunity to continue with the brilliant job he did, especially during the second stanza, was due to his lack of grip of the team when the players went on strike during

> other reasons. He explained that the stanza over wage demands altered the club’s chances of qualifying for a place on the continent and that Rangers would be going for a coach that would be more than a coach to the players when the chips are down. Chime however acknowledged the sterling contributions of the departed Obuh adding that his presence in the team ensured that the Flying Antelopes secured two away wins in a season for

Iorfa flourishing atWolves


ominic Iorfa’s rise Wolverhampton Wanderers clearly underscores the success of the club’s academy structure, which is a category one status facility. After debuting against Bournemouth, the England youth international has played consecutive | 6 Wednesday as well as Brighton & Hove Albion, to justify his claim to the right back position and is set for Friday’s match at Watford, which is live on SS 5HD from 6:25pm. Watching him play 2 #

# Wolves is no longer strange to his mother (Susan), brother (Collins) and sister (Jennifer), but his father (Dominic Snr) # time. Iorfa’s football education started at Southend, one of the clubs his father played for during his football career.


Scouted as a 15-year old at Southend by Wolves, he made the switch to the Molineux and continued his football development at the prestigious Wolves academy. After excelling at the academy, the youngster was promoted to the under-21s and his consistent performance " " # Wolves manager, Kenny ‘ ' " Iorfa’s dedication to duty earned him the captain’s band in some matches for the Under-21 side in the Barclays Under-21 Premier League. Iorfa has not looked back since making his debut 2… ‚ nemouth in front of the home fans. And credit must go to ‘ ' " 5 # defender. ~ ‘ ' " few eyebrows by blooding the Wolves Academy graduate at right-back for the 2-1 home defeat against Bournemouth. Lessons learnt from his loan spell at Shrewsbury Town, in League One, last term boosted his Town manager, Mike Jackson, applauded the defender for his contribution during the loan spell at Greenhous Meadow,

but said that the club’s # stanza of last season was horrible with the Enugu side hovering around the relegation zone. ] season on a high note after racking home important home and away wins during the second stanza to end the campaign in eighth position, with 58 points from 38 matches but it was a far # # placement at the end of the 2012/2013 season. “We activated the non renewal clause. Our former coach is free to move to another club of his choice. We appreciate the good works he did on the team while with us but we must move forward in order to actualize the desires and dreams of our ownerships next season,� Chime told Goal.


players. “The club is satis # of the trio of Badarou, { 6 + # 6 and and Abdouramane Konate will not return,� 6 Badarou was an instant hit after scoring on his debut at Kaduna United, but lost steam, while Doumbia seized the left-back position from Nigerian international, Benjamin Francis,

John Obuh the game to end 3-3 with two goals scored by the visitors in the last 15 minutes.� He revealed to Goal that the identity of the

new head coach would be made known before the players resume for the start of preparations of the next league season in January.

Club owners, LMC okay new league structure ....As Shehu Dikko emerges new LMC boss


new League Board has been okayed by the Club Owners and the League Management Company (LMC), with 5 This follows the endorsement and adoption of the new League Governance Structure for the Premier League in Nigeria by the NFF €%  " and its subsequent rati Assembly, as well as approval by the CAC, In line with the new provision as adopted, the Club Owners have sent in their 6 member representatives into the Board who are to work with an Independent Chairman, and three Independent Members, as well as an appointed CEO for the League. A joint meeting of the leadership of the Club Owners led by the Ag. Chairman, Barrister Isaac Danladi and Ag. Secretary Alloy Chukwueme-

Heartland retain foreign trio remier League side, Heartland, will retain three members of their foreign contingent when the new football season resumes in 2015. The trio include 2014 Wafu GOtv top scorer and Togolese international Saibou Badarou, Malian left-back Zoumane Doumbia and Ivo ] 6 Last term, the Owerri side had the largest for

“Rangers were not up to the scratch at the end

# > # lost most of the matches we would have won or at least drawn if not for the lack of passion from our players because of issues relating to money. We appealed to them that the money would still be paid and that they should continue to endure and put the club ahead of personal glory. They didn’t listen and the result was our dangerous league position at the end of the > “Our head coach ought " pacify the players and not allow them to go on strike but that was not 5 chances of playing in the Caf clubs competitions. There was even a time we had to draw a match we at 3-1 at home only for

who later left for Israel. Doumbia scored in the 4-3 away win at Bayelsa United. Interestingly, the duo of Badarou and Doumbia were nominated in the Best Foreign Player category at the 2014 League Bloggers Awards (LBA). The Owerri side has # foreign players from the 1990s when they were known as Iwuanyanwu Nationale.

ka and top shots of the LMC held in Abuja on Tuesday, superintended the acceptance ceremony by the new members. Under the new management, Mallam Shehu Dikko becomes the new Chairman of the LMC Board, and automatically the 2nd Vice President of the NFF in line with provision of the statutes. Other members (Directors) include Dr. Ayo Ayodele, Mr Dominic Iorfa, Hon. Nduka Irabor, Hon. Akin Akinbobola, Mallam Salihu Abubakar, and Prince Okey Ibeh. The 7 man Board will at later date appoint the Deputy Chairman and the CEO for the League Management Company in line with the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. Others who were appointed as Alternate members (Directors) from the Club Owners include Chief Okey Kpalukwu, Alhaji Mahmud Umar and Alhaji Suleiman Chindo. The Club Owners and Members of the LMC expressed satisfaction with the new development as a roadmap toward a robust league administration in Nigeria, which will enhance the sustenance of the ongoing positive reforms of the League as well as inconformity with the provisions of the NFF Statutes (Article 18 and 78) and FIFA Statutes (Article 17 and 18) as well as the  @5  mission (CAC) Rules and Regulations for corporate bodies in Nigeria.

Malla Shehu

Arokoyo rues club’s form slump


alatasaray’s Burak Yilmaz help Gaziantepspor’s Gbenga Arokoyo during the Turkish Sport Toto Super League soccer match. Following his 64th minute 5 Turkish Cup 2-2 draw against Tuzlaspor, Nigeria and Gaziantepspor of Turkey defender, Gbenga Arokoyo has " been competitive this year, revealing that his side started the campaign quite well, but lost focus along the line but believes they will still have a good season. The 22-year old defender was sent down the tunnel for early showers, only the fourth time in his professional club career and has rued such occurrences as the reason

for the team’s slump in form recently. � The League has been very competitive this year, we started very well with a lot of 4 but we lost focus and are paying for that lapse.� � But our mid table position … # the quality of the team,� the Defender said.


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