Saturday e version 28 feb 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, Febryary 28, 2015


South West

Nigeria’s constitution faulty – Afenifere chieftain C 2=>?@FGK %@N@=Q=@ ,N@R@KU

hief Ayo Adebanjo, a leader of Afenifere has described the nation’s constitution as fraudulent and unjust. Consequently, he urged Nigerians to consider changing the Constitution and not President Goodluck Jonathan. This was as a chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Chief Olasoji Adagunodo-Oluwatukesi warned that it would be tragic for Nigerians to vote the All Progressives Congress (APC) into power.

Area boys confiscate unsold newspapers in Lagos, demand N250,000 for release Mansur Oladunjoye


ocial miscreants popularly called area boys during the week stormed a newspaper ‰V—Š`ÂĽSY Z[_”VY \V”‰_`]Y the recommendations of the work.â€? agent’s store in Lagos, questions from Newswatch Confab could be implemented He commended President ‰V ÂŠ`‰_`]Y Â?“‘ŒY ‘‘‘Y ŠXY Times in Ibadan, Oyo state is by re-electing Jonathan for a Jonathan for his courage XV9”V V`^ÂŒYœŠ_”šWVYYZ[_U[Y[VY capital pointed that the second term. and bravery to visit Baga was to forfeit all newspaper change the country needs is Meanwhile, Adagunodo- on Thursday, adding that and magazines in his care. Newswatch Times not that of personality but a Oluwatukesi has cautioned the service chiefs should change of constitution. the People of South West be praised for boosting the learnt that the hoodlums Š—Sš^Y Â?‘Y He declared that the against making the mistake morale of their military `š Â—VW_`]Y demanded the said amount Nigerian Constitution was of voting for APC which S<UVWXY Z[SY ZVWVY \][^_`]Y before the agent could be fraudulent and unjust, it described as the greatest insurgency in the North East. allowed to commence the pointing out that the only enemy of Nigeria. Adagunodo-Oluwatukesi day’s business, beating and man who would rectify He said, “there is no was optimistic that enough ¥š””_`]Y[_ YŠ`‰Y[_XYX^Š5¢ [VYŠ]V`^YZ[SXVYS<UVY_XY the anomaly is President change that APC will bring peace would be restored in Jonathan. into the country other than most parts of the North East at Cele motor park, Badagry Chief Adebanjo stated confusion and frustration. The before March 28 when the VÂˆÂĄWVXXZŠ˜Y ^[Sš][^Y [_XY that Afenifere clamoured leaders of APC are hypocrisy election would commence WVœšXŠ”Y Š9WŠU^Y X˜ ¥ÂŠ^[˜Y the passersby was for the convocation of the Š`‰Y US`œšX_S`Y ÂĄVWXS`_\V‰¢Y adding, “only enemies of from disappointed as those National Conference and Jonathan meant well for democracy would speak whom he assumed would the president convoked it this country and should be against the postponement of rescue him were merely adding that the only way allowed to complete his good the election.â€? enjoying the scene. Newswatch Times was told that the thugs did not only manhandle the agent

and his workers, they also destroyed many copies of the unsold materials. When it was dawned on him that respite was not coming his way, he subsequently pleaded for  VWU˜Y Š`‰Y S5VWV‰Y ^[VY ŠXXŠ_”Š`^XY §Â‘ÂŒY ‘‘‘Y Z_^[Y Â?‘ŒY ‘‘‘Y ‰SZ`Y ÂĄÂŠÂ˜ V`^XY Z_^[Y ŠY ÂĄWS _XVY ^SY XV9”VY them later. President of the veteran welfare group, Chief Lawrence Akanbi described the action as provocative and insultive on the nation and journalism profession ought not to be in any sane nation. Also, the chairman of Sabitiyu Alare Foundation, Primate Ayoola Omonigbehin said the Š5WS`^YZŠXYŠY‰_WVU^Y‰_XÂĄÂ”ÂŠÂ˜Y hatred for journalism and all that accompanies it, urging the Inspector General of Police, Suleimon Abba to wade into the incident.

Civil servants laud Ajimobi over workers’ welfare Olusakin Babalola, Ibadan


PDP governorship candidate for Lagos State, Mr. Jimi Agbaje, with children of Trinity House Church in Lagos at the weekend.

Murdered Ladipo traders: Court to deliver judgement March 9 in N4b suit Ayodele Olalere


ustice Oyindamola Ogala of a Lagos High Court, Igbosere, has \ˆV‰Y ŠWU[Y‹ŒY�‘’“Y^SY‰V”_•VWY judgement in a N4billion suit alleged violation of human W_][^XY \”V‰Y —˜Y ™Zš”S—_ŠY Youths against the Inspector V`VWŠ”Y SœY S”_UVY Š`‰Y \•VY others. Four young Ladipo traders, Anthony Ezenwafor, Chukwuemika Ezeofor, Aloysius Osigwe and Izuchukwu Ezeama, who

were also members of the Ekwulobia Youths Association, were allegedly murdered by the police from the Aguda Police Station, šWš”VWVÂŒYS`Y š”˜YÂ’ÂŒYÂ?‘‘’¢ The association led by Akaraka Chinweke, Chris Opara, Remigus Ezenwane Š`‰Y ÂœVŠ`˜_Y ™S˜VÂŒY _`Y Â?‘’’ŒY ŠXY Â’X^ÂŒY Â?`‰ŒY §W‰Y Š`‰Y ¨^[Y applicants respectively ‰WŠ]]V‰Y ^[VY ÂŒY 9SW`V˜Y General of the Federation, 9SW`V˜Y V`VWŠ”Y Š]SXY State, Commissioner of

Police Lagos State, Chief Marvellous Akpoyibo, and _•_X_S`Š”Y S”_UVY <UVWÂŒY ]š‰ŠYÂĄS”_UVYX^Š^_S`ÂŒYŠXYÂ’X^ÂŒY Â?`‰ŒY §W‰ŒY ¨^[ÂŒY “^[Y Š`‰Y Š^[Y defendants, before the court for the violation of human rights of the deceased. At the resumed hearing yesterday, counsel to the applicants, Abioye Akerele, who held the brief of Justy XŠXY W[Š—SWÂŒY \”V‰Y œšW^[VWY W_9V`Y ‰‰WVXXY Š`‰Y šW]V‰Y the court to grant justice to the deceased.

The youths are seeking ‘for an order for payment of the sum of N4 billion as damages and compensations to the families of the said four victims for their alleged unlawful killing.’ They are also asking ‘for Š`Y SW‰VWY ‰_WVU^_`]Y ^[VY \WX^Y and fourth defendants or any other persons or body of persons to conduct full and unbiased investigation into the incident and punitive measures taken against those found to have hands in the dastardly act.’

Monarch cautions electorate on PVC sale Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


lectorate have been charged to resist cash for Permanent Voter’s Card embarked upon by some politicians and ensure they exercise the civic duty at the forthcoming general elections. Traditional ruler of Itori in Ewekoro local government, Ogun State, Oba Abdulfatai Akamo gave the advice yesterday when he visited Stella Obasanjo Children’s Home, Ibara, Abeokuta in commemoration of his eleven years on the thrown. He advised electorate to

realise the PVC as their power and the opportunity to effect a change in the country. Justifying his visit to the underprivileged, to whom he donated beverages and Z[[G\]^I\ $_D`[ \]D]ed that the children needed help from the society to survive. He said, “With the situation in the country today, I believe I should do what God asked me to do. Although people see the situation as being tense but I don’t see it so. Yesterday(Thursday) was exactly eleven years God put me on the thrown and we had both Muslim and Christian prayers at the pal-

ace in Itori. But we thought of giving to the underprivileged. We have been to juvenile home at Asero. It’s pity we need to know what’s happening outside, but it’s cloth that covers everybody’s problems. “The problem some people carry is more than what we can see. The only way we can assist ourselves is by giving the little we can give. It’s not that I can’t call musician to come and play for me but what do I gain from that?� Earlier, the Head, AuntyIn-Charge of the Home, Mrs. Bolanle Fadairo explained ]‚D] ]‚ƒ„ƒ D„ƒ …†ƒ FD]ƒ‡[„ˆƒ\ of children in the Home, list-

ing them as: children with disabilities, children from mothers who have medical challenges, children from challenged homes as well as abandoned children. She stated that children whose parents are in court over who should own the custody of the children are always kept in home by the court pending the judgement is handed down Appreciating the monarch for the gesture, Fadairo said that not all the rich could do make such contributions to the home, saying, “You are a role model and not all monarchs can do this.�

he Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria (ASCSN), Oyo State has lauded Governor of the state, Sen. Abiola Ajimobi for his leadership qualities and promotion of workers’ welfare. The State Chairman of the ASCSN, Mr. Emmanuel Ogundiran, gave the commendation when he led members of the association to an interactive session with the governor at the ˆVUš^_•VY [Š Â—VWXY SÂœY ^[VY S•VW`SWÂŁXY <UV¢ He said that leaders of the union decided to meet with the governor to show appreciation for his good gestures and friendly disposition to workers and to also remind him of the need to do more to continue to boost their morale. Ogundiran said, “We are here to appreciate His ˆUV””V`U˜Y ÂœSWY ^[VY ]SS‰Y ]VX^šWVXY[VY[ŠXYVˆ^V`‰V‰Y ^SYšX¢Y SWY^[VY\WX^Y^_ VY_`Y the history of the state, he was at our delegate conference to declare it open. It has never

happened before. “For emphasis, our association is legalized to take charge of the welfare of workers from Grade Level 7 and above, including directors in the ministries. We want to appreciate the governor for the good work he has been doing in the state in general. “We also thank him for the recognition he has accorded to the ASCSN in Oyo State. We are also here to discuss our workers’ welfare with the governor; especially on the need for him to do more to continue to boost our morale.� In his response, the governor commended the state’s civil servants for their understanding, dedication to duty and for being supportive of his administration in the past three and a half years. Assuring the senior civil servants of his resolve to continue to promote the interest of the workforce above any other interest, Ajimobi said the civil service remains the fulcrum that holds the state.

Newswatch correspondent in US buries father next week


he remains of Apostle Joseph Giwa, the founder of Awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ Gospel Church, Akure Z_””Y —VY —šW_V‰Y `Vˆ^Y Saturday. Apostle Giwa died

Š`šŠW˜Y Â?¨ÂŒY Â?‘’“Y Šœ^VWY ŠY brief illness. Christian Wake for the late Giwa who hails from

Ikare, Akoko will take place at his church at No 44, Owoduni Street, Hospital road, Akure on Friday while the burial service will hold on Saturday. The late Giwa is blessed with children and grand children. Among them is Mr. Adewale Giwa, US correspondent of Newswatch Times.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


South South

Abduction: Rivers NMA embarks on ‘March of Sorrow’ for slain doctor Amaka Agbu, Port Harcourt


embers of the Rivers State chapter of the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) have staged what they described as ‘Match of Sorrow’ as they declared seven days of mourning for one of their members, Dr. Samuel Okpara, who died in the hands SœY[_XYŠ—‰šU^SWXY\•VY‰Š˜XYŠœ^VWY he was kidnapped. This is just as the state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr. Dan Bature, announced to the mourning doctors that one of the leaders of the gang that kidnapped the doctor was shot and killed.

VY VÂˆÂĄÂ”ÂŠ_`V‰Y ^[Š^Y ^[VY incident occurred during an VˆU[Š`]VY SÂœY \WVY VŠW”_VWY ^[Š^Y morning with the kidnappers at the Obite Waterside Front at Afam in Oyigbo Local Government Area of the state, adding that one corporal who participated in the operation sustained injury. The commissioner thanked GSM telecommunications service providers for helping

them in tracking down criminals. Chairman of the NMA in the state, Dr. Furo Green, who led the match told journalists that Dr. Okpara was forcefully taken ÂœWS Y[_XYS<UVY—˜Y]š` V`Y”ŠX^Y week only for his remains to be found at a cassava farm in SWS™_W_ÂŒY\•VY‰Š˜XYŠœ^VW¢ According to Dr. Green, ^[VY \WX^Y ^ZSY ‰SU^SWXÂŒY ÂŻ W¢Y Adewale Olugbenga and Dr. Jack Ohvunda Omodu were tortured, beaten with rods and hammers and denied food, water and medication and eventually shot and released. The last of them, Dr. Okpara, who was kidnapped on Wednesday, February 18, 2015, died in the hands of his captors Šœ^VWY\•VY‰Š˜XY_`YUŠ¥^_•_^˜¢³ He said four other medical doctors in the state have also received kidnap threats from unknown persons, adding that all these unfortunate incidents have made it unsafe for doctors to practice safely in the state.

VY US`^_`šV‰´Y ÂŻ XY Y XÂĄVŠ™Y with you, four other doctors have received threats of kidnap.

We have taken our faith in our own hands. We have protested to Government House and met with heads of security agencies in the state and we are assured that operations and strategies against criminality and violence will be stepped up to secure everyone. The security agencies we have met during the course of this match have promised to unravel the mystery behind the kidnappings. ÂŻ SZV•VWÂŒÂłY [VY XŠ_‰ŒY ÂŻ^[VXVY promises are yet to be translated to visible actions. Security operatives on our waterways are primarily interested in the X[ŠW_`]Y SÂœY ÂĄWS\^XY ÂœWS Y X^S”V`Y crude oil than the security of ^[VYU_^_ÂľV`X¢³ A past chairman of the NMA in the state, Dr. Ebitemi Kurubo, said during the match that the association would no longer tolerate the incessant kidnapping targeted at medical ‰SU^SWX¢Y ÂŻ VY ŠWVY `S^Y ^Š™_`]Y this lying down. What has happened is a very serious issue, very serious that a doctor is taken away from his hospital and he dies and is dumped

shamelessly in a cowardly fashion. ÂŻ [Š^Y_XY^Š]]V‰YŠXYŠYÂĄWS^VX^Y this morning is a match in sorrow. We have lost a very senior colleague. At 62 he is still in very active service. So this is a match in sorrow. This is a match in appeal. This is a match in tears. We are calling on the police for help. We are calling for the assistance of the public. We are sad. We are mourning. ÂŻ [VY Y _XY `S^Y ]S_`]Y ^SY take this lightly. You must understand that during our period of mourning, despite how sad we are, we still consider our calling to the people. But we know what we should have done. This is the last time, as an association, we are not going to accept the kidnap or the murder of a doctor. We have had enough. As I said initially, the worst has happened. Let me make it categorically clear that we will not accept the kidnapping or the murder of any doctor again. VY [Š•VY X[SZ`Y VˆUVÂĄ^_S`Š”Y understanding.

NAFDAC arrests Indian national for importing fake drugs into Nigeria Benson Edjewhovbo


ational Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has arrested an Indian national for importing and distributing fake and unregistered regulated products into Nigeria. According to a press release made available to Newswatch Times by Mr. Anslem Okonkwor of the public relations unit of the agency, the arrest was sequel to a special raid and enforcement operation in some markets and locations in Port Harcourt, Rivers State by the Investigation and Enforcement Directorate of the agency from Lagos. Addressing journalists after the VˆVWU_XVÂŒY ^[VY ”VŠ‰VWY SÂœY ^[VY ^VŠ ÂŒY W¢Y Folorunso Idowu, a chief regulatory S<UVWÂŒYXŠ_‰Y^[VY `‰_Š`YZ[SY]Š•VY[_XY name as Mr. Prakarsh Mohinani was arrested along with several cartons of unregistered confectionery worth  _””_S`XYSÂœY`Š_WŠYÂœS””SZ_`]YŠY^_¥¸S5Y_`Y one of the hotels in Port Harcourt. Idowu stressed that the confectionery arrested along with the Indian include products such as ‘Maliange’ mushroom pieces and stems used as spices for delicacies such as fried and jollof rice, among

others. He revealed that the team also sealed two other shops that were selling fake and unregistered confectioneries which include the ‘Maliange’ mushroom pieces and stems at the popular Fruits and Vegetables market along Kaduna street in Port Harcourt. [VYU[_VÂœYWV]š”Š^SW˜YS<UVWYœšW^[VWY disclosed that the Indian was arrested along with a Nigerian, Mr. Chibuike Onuoha, who he alleged distributes for the Indian to other customers in the state. According to him, the Indian claimed he bought the products from a supermarket in Port Harcourt but could not produce any receipt to back up his claim or take them to the shop where he claimed he bought the products when he was so requested. Idowu stated that both the Indian and his Nigerian collaborator would be transferred to the agency’s Lagos S<UVY ÂœSWY œšW^[VWY _`•VX^_]Š^_S`Y X_`UVY they refused to disclose the source of the products in their possession. Meanwhile the chief regulatory S<UVWY [Š‰Y šW]V‰Y  V Â—VWXY SÂœY ^[VY public to report any suspicious character connected with fake and unregistered products to any nearest YS<UVY^SY^[V ¢

N400bn spent on Ibori’s prosecution - Lar Taiye Odewale, Abuja


1@XGQK@= $Z[K\] ^Q_ )QQR '_>Z $R`GKG?X_@XGQK @KR &QKX_Q= Q^q\G@=? ?[@=GKZ ?xQz? GK 2ZN@_> 5[=G[^ 0@_F[X QXx[_{G?[ FKQ{K @? 2ZN@_> 0@GK 0@_F[X 2KGX?x@ ^Q_ z_QR>\GKZ @KR ?[==GKZ ^@F[ @KR \Q>KX[_^[GX z_QR>\X? ][?X[_R@]

Stop blocking drainages, Bayelsa govt warns residents residents who he said have turned the natural drains into ayelsa State dump sites. Y VY VÂˆÂĄWVXXV‰Y ZSWW˜Y ^[Š^Y government has warned resident of the it is only in this part of the state capital to stop dumping world that people pollute their waste and refuse in ^[VY V`•_WS` V`^Y Š`‰Y VÂˆÂĄVU^Y ‰WŠ_`Š]VXÂŒY]š9VWXYŠ`‰YUŠ`Š”XÂŒY government to pay for such saying such an action is ‰VV‰XÂŒYVÂˆÂĄÂ”ÂŠ_`_`]Y^[Š^Y_`YXS VY responsible for the perennial countries, the people pay for ÂŽSS‰_`]YVÂˆÂĄVW_V`UV‰Y_`YXS VY polluting the environment. Y Š_‰Y[V´YÂŻ ^Y_XYS`”˜Y[VWVY_`Y areas of the state. The state’s Commissioner Nigeria that people pollute government pays; for Works and Infrastructure, and Engr. Lawrence Erudjakpo, elsewhere if you pollute who gave the warning during the environment you pay his weekly tour of projects for it and that is one of the in the state, particularly principles of sustainable cautioned Yenezuegene development. I want to advise all Bayelsans to stop dumping Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


refuse in our drainages and ]š9VWXÂŒY V•V`Y SšWY UŠ`Š”XÂŒY because when you do that it  ÂŠÂ™VXY^[VYX^Š^VYÂŽSS‰V‰¢³Y He also condemned the action of some land developers who build and block drainages, saying government would no longer tolerate such acts, as according ^SY [_ ÂŒY ÂŻ_^Y _XY ^[VY Š9_^š‰VY of our people not to take responsibility for anything, but they want government to take responsibility for V•VW˜^[_`]³¢ On the question of ongoing projects in the state, the commissioner said the present administration has completed

•ŠW_SšXYÂĄWSÂĽVU^XYXšU[YŠXY^[VYŽ˜Y over, the Azikoro road and the Youths Development Centre in Kaiama among others

VÂŒY [SZV•VWÂŒY Š9W_—š^V‰Y the delay in commissioning them to the tight schedule of Mr. President who he said is working hard for his re election. Moreover, the US  _XX_S`VWY VÂˆÂĄWVXXV‰Y dissatisfaction with some projects that have not been completed due to unnecessary delays by contractors, adding that everything is being put in place to ensure that all loose ends are tied.

whopping sum of 14 million British pounds which is about N400 billion was spent towards the conviction of the former Governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori, in London three years ago, said the U[Š_W ÂŠ`ÂŒY V`Š^VY S  _9VVY S`Y Drugs, Narcotics, Financial Crimes and Anti-Corruption, Senator Victor Lar (PDP Plateau South). Senator Lar made the disclosure yesterday at the 2015 budget ‰VÂœV`UVY XVXX_S`Y [_XY US  _9VVY [Š‰YZ_^[YS<U_Š”XYSÂœY^[VY US`S _UY and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related 5V`UVXY S  _XX_S`YÂş ¢ UUSW‰_`]Y ^SY ŠWÂŒY ÂŻ^[VY Š Sš`^Y spent on Ibori’s conviction in the United Kingdom by the British prosecutors in April 2012, is more than the 10 years recurrent and capital budgets of all the anticorruption agencies in Nigeria put together, a strong indication that we need to fund our own anticorruption agencies the more by ¥š9_`]Y^[V YS`Y\WX^Y”_`VYU[ŠW]V¢³

VY Š‰‰V‰´Y ÂŻ VY ŠWVY X_]`_`]Y S5Y with the acknowledgement of the need to amend the enabling laws of the ICPC, EFCC and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency ^SY¥š^Y^[V YS`Y\WX^Y”_`VYU[ŠW]VYÂœSWY more adequate funding. ÂŻ ””Y US`•_U^_S`XY —V_`]Y XVUšWV‰Y by these agencies are done with very limited or no funds here in Nigeria and yet people are quick

to celebrate the conviction of Ibori in the U.K. ÂŻ [VY ^Wš^[Y _XY ^[Š^Y ^SY XVUšWVY Ibori’s conviction, a whooping sum of 14 million pounds was VÂˆÂĄV`‰V‰¢Y Y [Š^Y _XY Š” SX^Y ¨Â‘‘Y billion which is more than 10 years recurrent and capital budgets of all the anti-corruption agents put together. ÂŻ `YS^[VWYU”_ VXÂŒYŠYÂĄVWUV`^Š]VYSÂœY funds recovered or the proceeds of crime is retained by the recovering Š]V`U˜YÂœSWYœš`‰_`]Y^[V_WYŠU^_•_^_VX¢³ He however said that in spite of the paucity of funds the agencies are facing in carrying out their statutory functions and the negative perception that they are not working, more convictions have been achieved by them within the four years than in previous years.

VY XŠ_‰´Y ÂŻ [VY VÂˆÂĄVU^Š^_S`Y SÂœY Nigerians is one of impatience Š`‰Y  SWVY SÂœY ÂĄS”_^_UŠ””˜¸VÂˆÂĄSXV‰Y persons should be convicted. But the truth is that we observe the rule of law and once you are accused you are taken to court you have to go through court processes. Once you are arrested and taken to court, it is outside the control of the enforcement agencies. So, it is not entirely the fault of the enforcement agencies that there is corruption in the country. ÂŻ [_XY Š‰ _`_X^WŠ^_S`Y [ŠXY fought corruption more than any other time because we have more petitions; more people are taken to court and we have more convictions now than ever.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015

South East


Elechi accuses Anyim, others for his impeachment woes Kenneth Ofoma, Abakaliki


bonyi State Governor, Chief Martin Elechi, yesterday accused Secretary to the Government of the Federal (SGF), Chief Anyim Pius Anyim, Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Uche Secondus and National Publicity Secretary of PDP, Olisa Metu of masterminding the impeachment plot against him. The allegation is coming on the heels of impeachment motion passed by the Ebonyi State House of Assembly against Governor Elechi for alleged gross misconduct. In an eight count charge signed —˜Y \œ^VV`Y ”ŠZ Š™VWXY Š`‰Y WVŠ‰Y S`Y ^[VY ŽSSWY SœY ^[VY SšXVY —˜Y the Acting Leader, Ogbonnaya Z_œšWšŒY^[VY”ŠZ Š™VWXY‰VU”ŠWV‰Y that the alleged gross misconduct

ZŠXY ŠY U”VŠWY •_S”Š^_S`Y SÂœY ^[VY US`X^_^š^_S`ÂŒY Z[_U[Y ÂĄWS ¥^V‰Y them to endorse the notice of impeachment on the governor. š^YZ[_”VYŠ‰‰WVXX_`]YÂĽSšW`Š”_X^XY at the Executive Council Chambers of Government House, —Š™Š”_™_ÂŒY Š—Sš^Y ^[VY XŠ VY ^_ VY ^[VY _ ¥VŠU[ V`^Y  S^_S`Y ZŠXY being moved at the House of Assembly, Governor Elechi alleged that Anyim, Secondus V^šY Š`‰Y S^[VWXY Z_^[_`Y Š`‰Y Sš^X_‰VY^[VYX^Š^VYS5VWV‰Y\`Š`U_Š”Y _`‰šUV V`^Y^SY^[VY”ŠZ ÂŠÂ™VWXY^SY impeach him. He said that the SGF had during a national caucus meeting SÂœY ^[VY Y Š^Y —š¼ŠY  S•V‰Y ŠY motion for his impeachment on ^[VYŠ””V]Š^_S`Y^[Š^Y[VÂŒY ”VU[_ÂŒYZŠXY ZSW™_`]Y Š]Š_`X^Y ^[VY WV¸V”VU^_S`Y SÂœY WVX_‰V`^Y SS‰”šU™Y S`Š^[Š`ÂŒY and that he had been meeting Z_^[Y ÂœSW VWY WVX_‰V`^Y ”šXV]š`Y —ŠXŠ`ÂĽSY Š`‰Y ÂœSW VWY S•VW`SWY SÂœY ‰Š ÂŠZŠY ^Š^VÂŒY šW^Š”ŠY


S`Š^[Š`¢ ”VU[_Y Z[_”VY ‰V`˜_`]Y V•VWY  VV^_`]Y Z_^[Y [_VÂœY —ŠXŠ`ÂĽSÂŒY Z[S Y [VY ‰VXUW_—V‰Y ŠXY Š`Y _`¸ ”ŠZY SÂœY —S`˜_Y ^Š^VY SWY ˜Š™SÂŒY Z[S Y[VYXŠ_‰Y[VYXŠZY”ŠX^Y‰šW_`]Y expanded National Executive Council meeting of PDP before he ZŠXY _ ¥VŠU[V‰ŒY ŠXXVW^V‰Y ^[Š^Y _^Y ZŠXY `˜_ YŠ`‰Y[_XY”_™VXÂŒY^[WSš][Y ^[V_WY‰_•_X_•VYŠU^_•_^_VXÂŒY^[Š^YZVWVY ‰_ _`_X[_`]Y WVX_‰V`^Y S`Š^[Š`ÂŁXY UŠ ¥ÂŠ_]`YV5SW^Y_`Y^[VYX^Š^V¢Y “I mentioned this one of `˜_ £XY  S^_S`Y ºŠ^Y Y UŠšUšXY meeting) because it has come to ^[VY ¥š—”_UY ‰S ÂŠ_`¢Y Y ZŠXY ^SY —VY in that meeting, but the notice came less than 24 hours, and I had billed myself for other things, so Y ‰_‰`ÂŁ^Y Š9V`‰¢Y ÂŁÂ Y WV”˜_`]Y `SZY on the publications of various papers and other things I hear Š—Sš^Y `˜_ ¢Y Y ‰_‰`ÂŁ^Y Vˆ[ŠšX^Y Š””YSÂœY^[V Y”_™VY[_XYV5SW^Y^SYX^SÂĄY ^[VY—S`‰YZ[_U[YZVYŠWVYV _`V`^”˜Y

½ÂšÂŠÂ”_\V‰Y ÂœSWžY [VY ^W_V‰Y ^[Š^Y —š^Y failed. “It is interesting for Nigerians ^SY ™`SZY ^[Š^Y ^[VY ‰VU_X_S`Y ^SY impeach the governor preceded ^[VY \`‰_`]Y SÂœY ¼šX^_\Š—”VY WVŠXS`XY to do so. It is simply the case of giving a dog a bad name in order to hang it. “The legislator must be convinced that an impeachment _XY¼šX^_\Š—”VY—VÂœSWVY[VYSWYX[VYUŠ`Y consent to it. But because there [Š•VY —VV`Y `SY ¼šX^_\Š—”VY WVŠXS`XÂŒY many honourable members of Ebonyi State House of Assembly received threat messages to either Š¥¥V`‰Y ^[V_WY X_]`Š^šWVXY SWY W_X™Y ŠXXŠXX_`Š^_S`Y Š`‰¿SWY ŠY ™_‰`Š¥Y SÂœY their family members. “Others are coerced from the National Headquarters SÂœY ^[VY Y ^SY ]_•VY ^[V_WY —Š`™Y particulars so that (inducement)  S`V˜Y Z_””Y —VY ¥Š_‰Y _`^SY ^[V ¢Y The accused agents in this regard are, respectively, Uche Secondus

Why I want to be senator Umeh Alphonsus Eze, Awka


he Senatorial candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) for Anambra Central V`Š^SW_Š”YÂľS`VÂŒY [_VÂœY _U^SWY  V[ÂŒY has said that his ambition to go to the Senate is not to provide transformers and boreholes for his constituents, —š^Y ^SY \][^Y Š]Š_`X^Y _`¼šX^_UVY Š`‰Y marginalisation of Ndigbo in the _]VW_ŠYÂĄWSÂĽVU^¢ [_VÂœY  V[Y XÂĄS™VY ˜VX^VW‰Š˜Y Š^Y Z™ŠŒY ^[VY `Š Â—WŠY ^Š^VY UŠ¥_^Š”Y Z[V`Y ^[VY X^Š^VY U[Š¥^VWY of the National Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) adopted him as their candidate for ^[VY `Š Â—WŠY V`^WŠ”Y V`Š^SW_Š”YÂľS`VY in the coming general elections. Umeh said the provision of transformers, boreholes and other basic infrastructures and V ¥SZVW V`^Y_XYWSš^_`VYXVW•_UVXY^SY ^[VYÂĄVS¥”VY—˜YV”VU^V‰Y¥š—”_UYS<U_Š”XÂŒY —š^Y XŠ_‰Y ^[Š^Y ^[VY _XXšVY Š^Y X^Š™VY `SZY _XY [SZY ^SY WVX^WšU^šWVY _]VW_ŠŒY Z_^[Sš^Y Z[_U[Y ‰_]—SY Z_””Y WV ÂŠ_`Y _`YÂĄVWÂĄV^šŠ”YXVW•_^š‰VY_`Y^[V_WYSZ`Y

Obiano celebrates with lepers on Leprosy Day Cyprian Ebele Onitsha


L-R: Commissioner for Housing, Chief Law Chinwuba; Commissioner for Works, Sir Callistus Ilozumba; Governor of $K@`N_@ 6X@X[ &xG[^ ƒG==G[ 2NG@KQ („[ 1]@ Q^ Â…`>K]@ ,Z{[ ._G? 2K][F{>=>†[ @KR &Q``G??GQK[_ ^Q_ 6zQ_X? 2ZN>[q 7QK] 1K@\x[XX@ R>_GKZ Xx[ ‡@Z Q^^ Q^ Xx[ \QK?X_>\XGQK {Q_F QK ${F>„> 1X[†[ Â…`>[_G $G_zQ_X 5Q@R z_Q†[\X GK $K@`N_@ State‌recently.

Sustenance of Igbo culture, greatest honour to Ojukwu – Ambassador Alphonsus Eze, Awka


igerian Ambassador ^SY ¥Š_`Y Š`‰Y ^[VY Z_ÂœVY SÂœY ”Š^VY [š™ZšV V™ŠY ‰š V]ZšY ¼š™ZšŒY^[VY ™V Â—ŠY `VZ_ÂŒY Y WX¢Y _Š`UŠY ¼š™ZšŒY has said that the greatest honour ^[VY ]—SY `Š^_S`Y ZSš”‰Y ]_•VY ^SY her husband is to defend and guarantee the sustenance of the unity, culture and tradition of ‰_]—SYZ[_U[Y[VY”_•V‰YŠ`‰Y‰_V‰Y for. WX¢Y ¼š™ZšY  ÂŠÂ‰VY ^[VY UŠ””Y _`Y ŠY ]SS‰Z_””Y  VXXŠ]VY [VY XV`^Y ^SY the traditional Prime Minister SÂœY ‰_]—SÂŒY W¢Y _™VY ¾šŠY ™S˜VÂŒY‰šW_`]Y^[VYUS`ÂœVW V`^YSÂœY chieftaincy title on the General Overseer of Tree of Life Gospel _`_X^W˜ŒY `Š`™ŠŒY Wš Â—ŠY North Local Government Area of `Š Â—WŠY ^Š^VÂŒY SX^Y V•¢Y VWW˜Y Dada Obi.  Â—ŠXXŠ‰SWY ¼š™ZšY XŠ_‰Y

]—SY”VŠ‰VWXYX[Sš”‰Y‰V¸V ¥[ŠX_XY money politics and unite to defend their cultural heritage, if they should continue to remain relevant in the Nigerian Nation. [VY ZŠW`V‰Y ^[Š^Y ^[VY Â?‘’“Y General election is a litmus test ^SY ^[VY US`^_`šV‰Y US¸SÂĄVWŠ^VY existence of Nigeria and Ndigbo should be properly guided to avoid unpleasant consequences. `Y[_XYWV ÂŠW™ŒY `SZšY ]—SYXŠ_‰Y ‰_]—SYZŠXYÂĄWV¥ŠWV‰Y^SYÂĄÂŠÂ˜Y^[VY Xš¥WV VYXŠUW_\UVY^SY‰VÂœV`‰Y^[V_WY traditional culture and value system as a people.

VYX^Š^V‰Y^[Š^YZ[Š^Y Š™VXY^[VY ‰_5VWV`UVY _`Y [š Š`Y Vˆ_X^V`UVY is her language, culture and tradition and commended the [Š`VÂľVY ‰_]—SY ÂœSWY XšX^Š_`_`]Y and holding to the tenets of Igbo cultural values, but appealed to them to be more focused by having mutual understanding

Š`‰Y™`ŠU™YÂœSWYÂĄWSÂĄVWY ]—SYš`_^˜Y and collective commitment to the yearnings and aspiration of the Igbo People. He said the Igbo traditional institution had considered the US`^W_—š^_S`XYŠ`‰YXŠUW_\UVYSÂœY V•¢Y Âş W¢Y VWW˜Y Š‰ŠY —_Y ŠXY [_][”˜Y US  V`‰Š—”VÂŒY [V`UVY [VY ZŠXY recommended for the honour ^SY V`USšWŠ]VY [_ Y ŠXY ŠY ZSW^[˜Y ambassador of Ndigbo. ÂŻ [_XÂŒY_`YSšWYSZ`Y—V”_VœŒYZSš”‰Y spur him to continue in his good ZSW™XYÂœSWY ‰_]—SYŠ`‰Y _]VW_ŠYŠXY ŠYZ[S”VÂŒÂłYXŠ_‰Y `SZšY ]—S¢ `Y [_XY SZ`Y XÂĄVVU[ÂŒY V•¢Y —_ÂŒY in an emotional statement after [VYZŠXYUS`ÂœVWWV‰YZ_^[Y^[VY^_^”VYSÂœY Mbanabalu Agu of Ndigbo, said [VY ‰_‰Y `S^Y \`‰Y [_ XV”œY ZSW^[˜Y of such honour from the entire ]—SY`Š^_S`YŠ`‰Y^[Š`™V‰Y^[V YÂœSWY US`X_‰VW_`]Y [_ Y ZSW^[˜Y SÂœY XšU[Y recognition.

He promised to continue his ”_9”VYUS`^W_—š^_S`Y_`YU[Š ¥_S`_`]Y the course of Ndigbo, and commended the Government of Anambra State for providing an enabling environment in the state.

VYœšW^[VWYŠXXšWV‰Y^[Š^Y[VYZ_””Y use his position to mobilise his Š`™ŠY S  š`_^˜Y Š`‰Y ”VŠ‰VWXY of thought in Orumba North Local Government Area to rally Xš¥¥SW^Y ÂœSWY WVX_‰V`^Y SS‰”šU™Y

S`Š^[Š`Y Š`‰Y Y UŠ`‰_‰Š^VXY in Anambra State to ensure victory during the election. Most Rev. Dada Obi also appealed to Ndigbo in various ¥ŠW^XY SÂœY ^[VY USš`^W˜Y ^SY ^[_`™Y home and embrace the cultural heritage of the Igbo people, saying that culture is hereditary and supersedes any other virtues of life.

USš`^W˜ŒYZ[_U[Y^[V˜Y[Š•VYXŠUW_\UV‰Y a lot to build. He said that successive Military Heads of State, beginning from V`¢Y Š™š—šY SZS`Y ^SY ”šXV]š`Y —ŠXŠ`ÂĽSÂŒY —WŠ[_ Y Š—Š`]_‰ŠŒY ”Š^VY Sanni Abacha and Abdulsalam —š—Š™ŠWYV•V`Y S[Š  V‰Y š[ŠW_Y ÂœS_X^V‰Y ^[VY ÂĄS”_U_VXY ^[Š^Y ™VÂĄ^Y ‰SZ`Y the Igbos.

VY X^WVXXV‰Y ^[Š^Y Š`SY ^Š^V£XY 44 local governments and that of

_]ŠZŠ£XY §Ă€ÂŒY ^ZSY X^Š^VXY ^[Š^Y ZVWVY formerly one state, are almost equal to the local governments in the entire Sš^[Y ŠX^Y]VS¸¥S”_^_UŠ”YÂľS`VYZ[_U[Y [ŠXY‹“Y”SUŠ”Y]S•VW` V`^X¢ Umeh said that the current political development in the country portends a lot of danger to the country and all these issues including the reports of the National S`X^_^š^_S`Š”Y S`ÂœVWV`UVYZSš”‰Y—VY discussed at the National Assembly, XŠ˜_`]Y ^[Š^Y ÂĄVS¥”VY Z[SY [Š•VY ^[VY charisma, integrity and deep love for the Igbo race should be there to represent the interest of the Senatorial ÂľS`VYŠ`‰Y^[VYV`^_WVY ‰_]—S¢

ifteen fresh cases of leprosy ZVWVY”Š^VY”ŠX^Y˜VŠWY‰_XUS•VWV‰Y by the Anambra State Ministry of Health. The Commissioner for

VŠ”^[Y S`¢Y SVY ™Š—š_™VÂŒY  ÂŠÂ‰VY ^[_XY ‰_XU”SXšWVY _`Y [_XY S<UVY Š^Y Z™ŠY ˜VX^VW‰Š˜ŒY Z[_”VY —W_V\`]Y `VZX V`Y ŠXY ^[VY X^Š^VY  ÂŠW™Y SW”‰Y VÂĄWSX˜Y Š˜¢Y VY XŠ_‰Y ^[Š^Y ^[VY ’“Y ¥Š^_V`^XY ZVWVY ‰_XUS•VWV‰Y ‰šW_`]Y ŠY  SÂĄY š¥Y SÂĄVWŠ^_S`ÂŒYŠ‰‰_`]Y^[Š^Y‹“YUŠXVXYSÂœY^[VY disease had earlier been recorded in ^[VYX^Š^VY—W_`]_`]Y^[VY`š Â—VWY^SY’’‘¢Y According to him, “the disease is UŠšXV‰Y—˜Y—ŠU^VW_ŠŒYŠ`‰Y SX^”˜YŠ5VU^XY ^[VYX™_`ÂŒYÂĄVW_ÂĄ[VWŠ”Y`VW•VXYŠ`‰Y ÂšUšXY membrane of the upper respiratory ^WŠU™¢³Y VY XŠ_‰Y ^[Š^Y _^Y [ŠXY Š`Y _`Uš—Š^_S`YÂĄVW_S‰YSÂœY^ZSY˜VŠWXY—VÂœSWVY it starts to manifest on the patient and _XY^WŠ`X _9Š—”V¢Y Š^VWÂŒY S•Y _””_VY —_Š`SYÂœV^V‰Y^[VY ¥Š^_V`^XYŠ^YœŠ^[VWY Š _Š`ÂŁXY V SW_Š”Y VÂĄWSX˜Y Š`‰Y Y UV`^WVÂŒY `VZ_Y _`Y `VZ_Y SW^[Y SUŠ”Y S•VW` V`^Y WVŠ¢Y [VYX^Š5YSÂœY^[VY ^Š^VY _`_X^W˜YSÂœY Health, including a California based Non Governmental Organisation ‰Š`UV‰YZ_^[Y^[V ¢ The governor visited the centre Z_^[Y Š””Y XSW^Y SÂœY US`Xš ÂŠÂ—”VXY ^[Š^Y included disinfectants, toiletries, bags

SÂœY W_UVÂŒY —VŠ`XÂŒY ÂœSS‰ŒY XÂĄ_UVXÂŒY —”Š`™V^XY and clothing. He assured them that leprosy could be cured provided the patients agree ^SY^Š™VY^[V_WY V‰_UŠ^_S`YŠUUSW‰_`]Y^SY prescription, even as he urged them to ^V””YS^[VWXYZ[SYŠWVY”VÂĄWSšXY_`Y•ŠW_SšXY villages and communities to come out ŠXY^[V˜YZ_””Y—VY^WVŠ^V‰YÂœWVVYSÂœYU[ŠW]V¢ ÂŻ [_XY _XY ^[VY S`”˜Y UV`^WVY Z[VWVY ^[VY `V]”VU^V‰Y ^WSÂĄ_UŠ”Y ‰_XVŠXVXY ”_™VY leprosy and TB can be treated and that _XYZ[˜YZVYŠWVYZSW™_`]Y[ŠW‰Y^SYV`XšWVY that this place becomes a reference point for all the tropical diseases and S^[VWYWV”Š^V‰Y_XXšVX¢³ “This government has spent over N448 million in mission hospitals and clinics alone in this state. So, our _`^VW•V`^_S`Y_`Y^[_XYUV`^WVYZ_””YXšWV”˜Y Z_^`VXXY Š]]WVXX_•VY ^WŠ`XÂœSW ÂŠ^_S`ÂŒÂłY he assured. Responding, the Catholic _X[SÂĄYSÂœY `VZ_Y _SUVXVÂŒY SX^Y V•¢Y

_””ŠW˜Y ™V™VÂŒY Z[SY XÂĄS™VY ^[WSš][Y the coordinator of the centre, Rev. W¢Y _ S`Y ‰_]ZVÂŒY^[Š`™V‰Y^[VYX^Š^VY government for the initiative, but WV]WV9V‰Y ^[Š^Y ^[VY ]_]Š`^_UY œŠU_”_^˜Y _`Y ^[VYUS ¥Sš`‰YUS””Š¥XV‰Y‰šVY^SY”ŠU™Y of government support. ÂŻ [_XYš9VWY`V]”VU^YŠUUSš`^XYÂœSWY^[VY poor health condition of the PALs and the health facilities that provide health UŠWVYXVW•_UVXY^SY^[VY XÂŒÂłY[VY`S^V‰

Lawyer petitions CP over threat to life, demolition of house Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha


nambra State Police Commissioner (CP) Mr. Hosea Karma, has reportedly ordered a full scale investigation into the alleged threat to the life of an Onitsha based legal practitioner, ŠWW_X^VWY ”˜X_šXY šS`V™VÂŒY Š`‰Y ^[VY demolition of his house located at ]—ŠV^_^_ÂŒY ™V`]ŠY ]_‰_ÂŒY ‰V _”_Y SW^[Y SUŠ”Y S•VW` V`^Y WVŠ¢Y Y ^Y ZŠXY ]Š^[VWV‰Y^[Š^Y_`Y^[VYZVVY[SšWXYSÂœY^[VY fateful day, some youths numbering Š—Sš^Y ’‘Y ÂœWS Y ™V`]ŠY ]_‰_Y X^SW V‰Y the said building and demolished it ÂœS””SZ_`]Y^[VY”ŠZ˜VWÂŁXYWVœšXŠ”Y^SYWV”VŠXVY ’‘‘ŒY‘‘‘YVˆ^SW^_S`Y S`V˜¢ Consequently, he petitioned the Commissioner of Police, pleading that ^[VYUš”¥W_^XY—VY—WSš][^Y^SY—SS™¢YY `Y^[VY ÂĄV^_^_S`ÂŒY[VYÂĄS_`^V‰YŠUUšX_`]Y\`]VWXYŠ^Y the leadership of the community that _`U”š‰V‰Y WU[_^VU^Y  ÂŠVU[_Y ™š VÂŒY ^[VYÂĄWVX_‰V`^Y]V`VWŠ”ŒYŠ`‰Y^ZSYS^[VWXY X_ ¥Â”˜Y _‰V`^_\V‰Y ŠXY [V™Zš—VY Š`‰Y

Olisa as masterminds to the threat and demolition. The petition read in part thus, “Sir, I most respectfully implore ˜SšY^SYšXVY˜SšWY]SS‰YS<UVYŠ`‰Y—W_`]Y ^[V Y^SY—SS™³¢Y ^YZŠXYWV”_Š—”˜Y]Š^[VWV‰Y that the leadership of the community has denied any involvement in the demolition. VŠU^_`]ÂŒY^[VY _UVY [Š_W ÂŠ`YSÂœY^[VY Landlords Association of the Ogbaetiti ÂŒ ™V`]ŠY ]_‰_ÂŒY W¢Y WŠ¾šWš_™VY `Š˜SY XŠ_‰ŒY ÂŻ SWY S•VWY ^[WVVY ˜VŠWXY `SZÂŒY these people have been tormenting us, they had earlier demolished  SWVY^[Š`Y’“Y[SšXVX¢Y YŠ¥¥VŠ”Y^SY^[VY X^Š^VÂŁXY S  _XX_S`VWY SÂœY S”_UVY Š`‰Y S•VW`SWY _””_VY —_Š`SY ^SY US VY ^SY our rescue. The Governor should call ^[VY”VŠ‰VWX[_ÂĄY^SYSW‰VWYŠ`‰Y ÂŠÂ™VY^[VY Uš”¥W_^XYœŠUVY^[VYZWŠ^[YSÂœY^[VY ŠZ¢³YY According to the vice chairman, there is a court order restraining the community from interfering in our ÂĄWSÂĄVW^˜¢³Y


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


North East

Birth certificate, right of every child, says UNICEF Nankpha Bwakan, Bauchi


he United Nations Children Education Fund (UNICEF) has Š9W_—š^V‰Y ”ŠU™Y SÂœY ŠZŠWV`VXXY to inability of parents to S—^Š_`Y—_W^[YUVW^_\UŠ^VYÂœSWY^[V_WY children. W¢Y —‰š”Š_Y Š_™Š_ÂŒY Y [_VÂœYSÂœY Y _V”‰YS<UVÂŒY ŠšU[_ÂŒY made the disclosure at a one day meeting with faith based organisations and traditional leaders on boosting birth registration for children organized by National Population Commission (NPC) with support from UNICEF held at Zaranda Hotel. Y WY Š_™Š_Y XŠ_‰Y V•VW˜Y U[_”‰Y

[ŠXY ŠY W_][^Y ^SY —_W^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VY and to be register in order to ascertain the population of the country, and stressed that birth UVW^_\UŠ^VY _XY ŠY ‰SUš V`^Y ^[Š^Y contains information on child such as name of a child, where and when he or she was born. “The information contains _`Y ^[VY —_W^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VY Z_””Y assist government in planning how many schools and health centres to provide because as the population grows, government need to provide additional facilities and they can only do that when they have birth information,� he said. According to him, ‘ we need to create more awareness in sensitizing people on

importance and needs of —_W^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VÂŒY ^[Sš][Y ^[VWVY are improvement but there are still challenges because parents need to understand the importance of this document and that is why we brought together traditional and WV”_]_SšXY”VŠ‰VWX¢£ He added that UNICEF is ready to help the communities and encourage parents to go Š`‰Y ŠX™Y ÂœSWY —_W^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VY SÂœY their children from appropriate authority because it is the right of every child. Also, Bauchi State Director of NPC, Sani Aligar , said the WV]_X^WŠ^_S`Y SÂœY —_W^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VY has increased from 30 percent to 40 percent in Nigeria and expressed hope that the

commission collaboration with other donor agencies Š`‰Y X^Š™V[S”‰VWXY Z_””Y [VӴY ^SY achieve higher levels. “Before now, traditional and religious leaders used to be the custodian of record of —_W^[Y Š`‰Y ‰VŠ^[Y UVW^_\UŠ^VY —š^Y today, it is now the mandate of NPC but the populace are not aware of its importance. We want to always reach out to communities so that they can ™`SZY^[Š^YUVW^_\UŠ^VY_XY^[VYW_][^Y SÂœY^[VYU[_”‰Y—VUŠšXVY_^Y_XY[_XY\WX^Y identity after birth because UVW^_\UŠ^VY US`^Š_`XY ŠY ”S^Y SÂœY information about the child which will be use in the future to determine his growth and contribution to the society,â€? he said.

New Ogun CP promises adequate security Ben Okezie, Abuja


he newly deployed Commissioner of Police to Ogun State, Mr. Val S U[š™ZšŒY [ŠXY ^S”‰Y WVX_‰V`^XY SÂœY Ogun State that he was coming to the state to carry out full professional service, and provide security to the people. S U[š™ZšŒY Z[SY ZŠXY ‰V¥”S˜V‰Y from Bayelsa to Ogun, said he would V`ÂœSWUVY Š””Y ^[VY ”ŠZXY ^SY ^[VY ”V9VW¢Y VY Š‰‰V‰Y ^[Š^ÂŒY ŠXY ŠY ÂĄS”_UVY S<UVWÂŒY [_XY primary charge is to maintain law and order adding ‘I am going to do just ^[Š^YŠXYŠYÂĄS”_UVYS<UVW¢£Y According to him, other areas of focus are the reinforcement of community policing and intelligence driven police service in all the local governments of the state. “The people of Ogun will enjoy my stay as I will ensure full professionalism in all my activities,â€? he promised. He called on the people to join hands with him to provide the needed security in every part of the state noting that there would be a synergy

between him and other security agencies in the state. On his mode of operation, the new commissioner promised that he ZSš”‰YŠ””SZYŠYÂœWVVYÂŽSZYSÂœY_`ÂœSW ÂŠ^_S`Y between the police, the people and the government. He urged the people of Ogun State not to lose any sleep, pointing that the ÂĄS”_UVYš`‰VWY[_XYUS`^WS”YZSš”‰YZSW™Y so that the people can sleep with their eyes closed. He promised that the coming elections in the state would be, free, fair, credible and transparent. “The police have a role to play in the election process before, during and after the elections. The police have to strategies and put in place measures that would help the people cast their votes peacefullyâ€? He however warned mischief  ÂŠÂ™VWXY^SY‰VX_X^YÂœWS Y ÂŠÂ™_`]Y^WSš—”VXY in the state, and ‘warned all politicians ^SY™VVÂĄY^SY^[VYWš”VXYŠ`‰YŠ•S_‰YŠU^XY^[Š^Y are not in consonant with credible electioneering processes.â€? He warned ^[Š^Y Ă„`SY  ÂŠ9VWY [SZY [_][”˜Y ¥”ŠUV‰Y they are, they would be dealt with ‰VU_X_•V”˜YŠUUSW‰_`]Y^SY^[VY”ŠZ¢£

Corporal kills OC Mopol in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


Internally displaced persons from the North East at the Natioinal Emergency Management Agency’s distribution of relief materials centre in Jos‌recently.

Suswam cautions against diversion of PVCs Godwin Akor, Makurdi


s the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and the All Progressives Congress (APC), continue to trade blames on the arrest of some persons with Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) in Benue State, Governor Gabriel Suswam has said any person diverting PVCs for the purpose of rigging election would be disappointed because card readers would reject them.

Suswam, who was reacting to the allegation that some persons had been arrested Z_^[Y XY _`Y Š™šW‰_ÂŒY ^[VY Benue state capital, explained ^[Š^Y\`]VWYÂĄW_`^XYŠ”S`VYZSš”‰Y  Š™VY ^[VY V5SW^Y SÂœY ^[SXVY diverting voter cards to be a waste. YÂŻ V^Y VY Š™VY_^YU”VŠWY^[Š^Y I will not encourage anybody to be involved in such a thing because such a person will be wasting his time; by the time the card reader rejects your PVC, all the votes for that

polling unit will be cancelled,â€? the governor maintained. He said all the PDP members in Benue State have been advised to steer clear of such practice because instead of helping the party, it would  ÂŠÂ™VY^[VY¥ŠW^˜Y^SY”SXV¢ “I have told the PDP leadership in the state to educate our members on the dangers of this unwholesome act. So, no member or Xš¥¥SW^VWY Z_””Y W_X™Y ^[VY implication,â€? he emphasised. The governor used the

opportunity of the chat with Newswatch Times to assure S<U_Š”XY Š`‰Y  V Â—VWXY SÂœY ^[VY Jonathan/Sambo and the Tarzor/ Ngbede Campaign Organisations that adequate provision has been made for the prosecution of their campaign activities, and announced that town-hall meetings for Jonathan/Sambo Campaign Organisation would be organised in Benue Northwest and Benue South V`Š^SW_Š”Y _X^W_U^XY`Vˆ^YZVV™¢

Wole Soyinka, others listed among world’s famous persons Adeleke Adesanya

Prophet Joshua falls within u a n t i f y i n g the category of spiritual and their immense religious leaders on the same c o n t r i b u t i o n s pedestal of great religious in every facets of human icons such as John the Baptist, endeavour, Nobel laureate, Confucius, Dalai Lama, S”VY S˜_`™ŠY Š`‰Y WSÂĄ[V^Y Desmond Tutu, Saint Francis T.B Joshua have been listed of Assisi, Mother Theresa and Š S`]Y ZSW”‰£XY œŠ SšXY Martin Luther. W_^VWXY ”_™VY ”VˆŠ`‰VWY people of all time. According to the listing, Swift, Lord Byron, Wole S˜_`™ŠY Š`‰Y S[`Y š`˜Š`Y


were honoured in the same category. V`SZ`V‰Y XU_V`^_X^XY ”_™VY Isaac Newton, Hippocrates and Blaise Pascal were also ”_X^V‰¢Y Š•VW_U™Y]š_^ŠW_X^YŠ`‰Y WSU™YX^ŠWY _ _Y V`‰W_ˆYŠXYZV””Y as the iconic Louis Armstrong,  ÂŠÂ‰VY^[VYUš^Y_`Y^[VY ÂšX_U_Š`XÂŁY category. The list released by a notable online also includes former Israeli Prime Minister,

Ariel Sharon (politician) and business tycoon, Peter WšU™VW¢Y WSÂĄ[V^Y ¢ ¢Y SX[šŠY Š`‰Y S”VY S˜_`™ŠY ŠWVY ^[VY only Nigerians in the list. It would be recalled that Prophet T.B. Joshua was last ZVV™Y `Š V‰Y SWš—ŠY Š`Y SÂœY ^[VY VUŠ‰VY —˜Y ¥Š`¸ SWš—ŠY media online media group, Irohin Odua.

Police Corporal (name with held) yesterday shot dead the S  ÂŠ`‰_`]Y <UVWY SÂœY S—_”VY police unit, 10 PMF Bauchi, Superintendent of Police (SP) Chris L. Eza, while on routine visit at the stop and search point along Ahmadu Bello way in the state. Newswatch Times reliably gathered that the Corporal was sighted by the late OC Mopol at a U[VU™YÂĄS_`^YZVŠW_`]Y S—_”VY S”_UVY š`_ÂœSW YŠ`‰YZŠXYŠX™V‰Y^SY]SYŠ`‰Y U[Š`]VY—VÂœSWVY[VYUS VXY—ŠU™Y^SY^[VY U[VU™YÂĄS_`^¢Y Eza, upon returned approached ^[VY S<UVWY Š`‰Y WV½ÂšVX^V‰Y ÂœSWY [_XY W_ÂŽVY—š^Y^[VYS<UVWYZŠXYŠ””V]V‰Y^SY

[Š•VY •SZV‰Y ^SY SÂĄV`Y \WVY Š^Y Y Mopol if he advanced toward him, a warning Eza rejected which  ÂŠÂ‰VY ^[VY S<UVWY ^SY UŠWW˜Y Sš^Y [_XY threat. [VY š—”_UY V”Š^_S`XY <UVWY SÂœY Bauchi State Police Command, DSP Mohammed Haruna, said the victim was rushed to ATBU Teaching Hospital, Bauchi, where [VY ZŠXY UVW^_\V‰Y ‰VŠ‰Y Š`‰Y Y [_XY corpse deposited at the mortuary for post- mortem examination. “The scene was visited by the Commissioner of Police, Mohammed. K. Mohammed and his management team. Meanwhile, the suspect was arrested and detained while the Commissioner of Police has ordered for a full scale _`•VX^_]Š^_S`Y_`^SY^[VY ÂŠ9VW¢³

Kogi transport union boss mobilises for APC senatorial candidate Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


economic well being of the entire

he Zonal Secretary of

district when he was holding sway

National Union of Road




He called on the electorate to

(NURTW) in charge of Olamaboro,

go out and collect their Permanent

 ÂŠÂ”ŠY Š`‰Y `™¥ŠY ŠWVŠY _`Y ™S]_Y

Voter Cards (PVC) to enable them


exercised their civic responsibility

has called on the residents of the

by voting massively for the

area to vote massively for the

senatorial candidate.

All Progressive Congress (APC)

The unionist urged politicians in

candidate for Kogi East Senatorial

the state not to see the election as


do or die adding that to serve the


people is not by force.

X^Š^V‰Y^[_XY_`Y `™¥ŠY_`YŠ`Y_`^VW•_VZY

“I will also appeal to my

with Newswatch Times said the

colleagues in the union to mobilise


our people to support the candidate

who had contributed to the socio-

of APC,� he said.

Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015



Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach


To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence


MD/CEO DEPUTY MD/CEO EDITOR, DAILY EDITOR, SATURDAY EDITOR, SUNDAY EDITOR, NATION’S CAPITAL EDITOR, NORTHERN OPERATIONS EDITORIAL PAGE EDITOR HEAD, GRAPHICS and addressed to the Editor, Saturday, Newswatch Times 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624

2015 election and the general public


igeria as a post- constitutional nation whose socio- political activities have been an epitome of political mysteries for its masses

Therefore, this is a precious moment as all Nigerians must get

responsibilities by voting for the

! ! of times the glorious expectations " #$ % %

% % % # " ! & "

% '()* + . ! / '0

4 )) 5

all tiers of government that is, local, 6

! ! ! 7 "

to other social vices within the political ! Basically, this forth-coming revolution where all avenues must ! ! to create the great change that will be & ! ! 4 8 & % ! " ! $ National Electoral Commission 9$&.;< " ! " = ! 1 2 3 4

Remembering Toyin Obadina (1966 – 2014) Eric Elezuo t was Shakespeare through Julius Caesar who said “Cowards die many times before their deaths, but the valiants never taste of death but once. It seems most strange to me that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end must come when it must come.â€? ÂœY^[VWVY_XYŠ`˜Y‰V—^YV•VW˜ ÂŠ`Y ÂšX^YXV9”VY_`Y^[_XY life, it is the debt owed death. Everyone who has been born is destined to die. It is a mandatory call. ^Y_XYS`VYUS`XU_SšX`VXXYV•VW˜S`VY[ŠXÂŒY`SY ÂŠ9VWY[SZY nonchalant or lackadaisical he tries to be about it. The wee hours of February 1, 2014 through to the dawn of February 2, 2014 marked a turning point in the earthly existence of Toyin Sunday Obadina, erstwhile deputy editor of Newswatch Times newspaper. On those days, the amiable editor embarked on the beginning of the end of his journey on earth V`WSš^VY^[VY]WVŠ^Y—V˜S`‰¢Y VY[Š‰Y”VÂœ^YS<UVYŠYÂœVZY minutes before 11 after production on January 31, 2014 full of life, to his home for a well deserved weekend. And a with a goodbye that did not in Š`˜YZŠ˜YÂĄSW^V`‰Y\`Š”_^˜ŒY[VY‰WS•VYŠZŠ˜YÂœWS Y^[VY garage, away from the Island, through many other places which today formed part of the last places he passed through. Toyin did not make it home that night; he was heartlessly gunned down by gunmen whose  _XX_S`YZŠXYŠ`˜^[_`]Y—š^YÂĄV9˜¢Y [Sš][Y[VY fought to live and made it to the hospital where a ‘successful’ operation was carried out, he however, died by the morning of February 2. He died to the amazement of everyone. As one year had rolled by so soon, it is imperative that the world is made to understand his charm, U[ŠW_X ÂŠÂŒY‰Vˆ^VW_^˜YŠ`‰YS—•_SšXYÂĄSX_^_•VYŠ9_^š‰VY^SY work. Born in 1966, Obadina spent most of his professional life in the media industry, traversing


through The Punch newspaper, Daily Independent, The Westerner to Newswatch Times among other stints, where he was felled in the line of duty. It won’t —VYÂœSW]S9V`Y^[Š^Y[VY[Š‰YX^_`^XY_`YXS VY¥”ŠUVXY`S^Š—”˜Y with the government of Ekiti State. Majority of those who know him had bestowed encomiums on him, describing him as one of the \`VX^YÂĽSšW`Š”_X^XY_`YWVUV`^Y^_ VX¢Y V”SZYŠWVYXS VYSÂœY the things said with regard to his death: ĂˆY —Š‰š`Š£XYUS`^W_—š^_S`Y^SY^[VY V‰_ŠY ÂĄWSÂœVXX_S`YZSš”‰Y`S^Y—VYÂœSW]S9V`Y_`YŠY[šWW˜¢Y [VY unexpected loss of this articulate and brilliant journalist in the prime of his life is indeed painful, but we are consoled by the good life he lived and [_XYUS`^W_—š^_S`Y^SY ÂŠÂ™VYSšWYXSU_V^˜Y—V9VWYÉY Š˜S‰VY Fayemi, Ekiti State governor. ĂˆY YUS  V`‰Y^[VYUSšWŠ]VYŠ`‰YUS  _^ V`^Y to duty of Obadina as he was killed while returning ÂœWS YZSW™¢Y SšY ÂŠÂ˜YXŠ˜Y[VY‰_V‰YS`YŠU^_•VYXVW•_UVYÉY Emmanuel Uduaghan, Delta State governor.


ĂˆY [VY™_””_`]YSÂœY S˜_`Y —Š‰_`ŠY_XY—V9VWY ‰VXUW_—V‰YŠXY ÂŠ`ÂŁXY_`[š ÂŠ`_^˜Y^SY ÂŠ`YÉY _]VW_Š`Y Union of Journalists. ĂˆY [VYÂĄVWÂĄV^WŠ^SWXYSÂœY^[_XY‰ŠX^ŠW‰”˜YŠU^Y must not be allowed to go scot free. It is indeed very sad and unfortunate for an innocent man to be killed on the way after a hectic day’s job. May ^[VYXSš”YSÂœY S˜_`Y —Š‰_`ŠYWVX^Y_`Y VWÂœVU^YÂĄVŠUVYÉY Senator Nurudeen Abatemi, Vice Chairman, Senate S  _9VVYS`Y _]VWY V”^Š¢ ĂˆY [VY`VZXYSÂœY^[VY‰VŠ^[YSÂœY S˜_`ÂŒY V¥š^˜Y Editor of Saturday Newswatch came to us in the secretariat as a rude shock. I wish to use this medium to commiserate with his family, Newswatch Š`‰YÂĽSšW`Š”_X^YÂœSWY^[VY_WWV¥ŠWŠ—”VY”SXXYÉY ŠW—ŠY Mohammed, National President, Nigerian Union of Journalists. ĂˆY ^Y_XYXŠ‰Y^SY”SXVYŠY•_W^šVYSÂœY^WšVY^[Sš][^ÂŒY dynamic and honest man like Obadina. We shall XšWV”˜YWV]WV^Y[_XY‰VŠ^[¢Y Š˜Y S‰YUS ÂœSW^Y^[VYœŠ _”˜Y he left behind. He was certainly a workaholic, and a dedicated journalist who thrived where [_XYUS`^V ¥SWŠW_VXYœŠ”^VWV‰YÉY W_ ÂŠ^VY ˜SS”ŠY Omonigbehin, Co-ordinator, World Christian Council. ĂˆY [VY‰VŠ^[YSÂœY —Š‰_`ŠY_XYX[SU™_`]ÂŒY¥Š_`œš”Y and unfortunate. He was cut down at the prime of his life when his professional dexterity as a journalist was much needed for the development of the country. I commiserate with his family, friends, associates management of Newswatch Newspaper Š`‰Y^[VY _]VW_Š`Y `_S`YSÂœY SšW`Š”_X^XYÉY —_S”ŠY Ajimobi, Oyo State governor. While we will continue to mourn his demise, the media world, his friends and familiy take solace in the fact the he led a good life, and also in Shakespeare’s dictum that “... the evil that men do lives after them...â€? so let it be with Obadina. Continue to rest in peace pen-man!


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Buhari, change agent in dire need of change By Nwobodo Chidiebere


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Buhari W V Y^[_XYUS `^W Y Y Y V WXY ]SÌY VY ½ VW_V Yº _ Y ` Y§ Y V¡^V VW Y »¢Y XV YS`Y Y ¸ _£XY XXVW^_S`X Y V`¢Y [ W_Y_XY`S^YS` YS XS V^VY SWY Y X^YUV`^ W Y ¡WVX_ V`U Y ^Y U XY^[VY_ V XY ` Y®V _ _ _^ Y ^SY V Y _]VW_ Y`SZ YZ[_U[YUS`^W _U^XY^[VY ]SX¡V YS YU[ `]VY^[VY Y_XY¡WS¡ ] ^_`]Y XY Y¡S _^_U Y¡ W^ Y S ` V Y ` Y _ ^YS`Y ¡WS¡ ] ` ¢ SY¡ `U^ WVY^[VY_WWVUS`U_ VY U_VXY V_`]Y W ` _V Y WS ` Y Y^[VY £XY ¡WVX_ V`^_ YU ` _ ^V Y V`¢Y [ W_Y XY US ¡S`V`^XYS Y[_XYX[ SZYU ¡ _]`Y VXX ]V Y _]VW_ `XY WVYX^_ Y\` _`]Y_^Y _<U ^Y ^SY[ W S`_XVY[_XYW_]_ Y _ VX^ VYZ_^[Y^[VY XS`]YS YU[ `]VY[VY_XYX_`]_`]¢Y ¡ W^Y WS Y[_XY _` _ _^ Y^SY¡WVXV`^Y[_XYXU[SS YUVW^_\U ^VY^SY Y XY V ` V Y Y^[VYUS`X^_^ ^_S`YS Y ^[VY V VW Y V¡ _UYS Y _]VW_ Y^SY VYV _]_ VY ^SY _VY SWY^[VYS<UVYS Y^[VY¡WVX_ V`^ Y_^Y_XY _` S]] _`]Y^[ ^Y^[VYX VY `YZ[SY[ XY VV`Y¡ W _`]Y[_ XV Y XYÄ [ `]VY SU ^V£ Y ^SY^[VY ^ SX^YU[ ]W_`YS Y SX^Y _]VW_ `XY[ XY `S^Y V Y ` Y VY^SY[_ XV Yº U V _UY Z_XV»YX_`UVY[VY V ^YS<UVYS VWY^[WVVY VU VXY ]S YZ[_ VY[_XYUS`^V ¡SW W_VXY _ VY V`¢Y Y SZS`YZV`^Y [V Y^SY X^ Y ¡Y^SY SU^SW ^VY V]WVVY V V ¢Y SW VWY WVX_ V`^Y X `¥SYWVUV`^ Y ¡¡ _V Y SWY

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T.A. Orji and the Catholic Church By Bonnie Iwuoha VZY V WXY U YXS VY _X] _ V Y¡VWXS`XY[V Y^[VY `S^_S`Y^[ ^Y S VW`SWY ¢Y ¢Y W¥_YZ XY Y[ ^VWYS Y^[VY ^[S _UY [ WU[¢Y [SXVYZ[SY[V Y^[ ^YVWWS`VS XY S¡_`_S`Y VYV5SW^XY^[ ^YZVWVY_` `^_ VY_`Y` ^ WV Y_`Y^[V_WY ¡¡WS U[Y^SY[SS Z_` Y Y VZYS^[VWXY_`^SY^[V_WY¡VXX_ _X ¢Y [V YZVWVYZWS`] Y^S^ YZWS`]¢Y _ VY ` YV V`^XY[ VY X_`UVY _X¡WS V Y^[V_WYU `_U_X ¢Y _9 VY _ YX U[YU `_UXY `SZY^[ ^Y [_V Y [VS SWVY [ V VY W¥_ Y`S^YS` Y[S XY^[VY ^[S _UY [ WU[Y_`Y[_][Y VX^VV Y[VY S VXYV VW ^[_`]Y S ^Y^[VY ^[S _UY [ WU[¢Y ^[S ][Y`S^Y YU ^[S _UY Y _W^[ Y[VY[ XYWV¡V ^V Y ` Y ¡ _U YX _ Y^[ ^Y[VYSZVXYZ[ ^V VWY[VY_XY^S Y^SY S Y ^[WS ][Y^[VY ^[S _UY [ WU[Y WS Y[_XY ¡ W_`]_`]Y_`Y^[VY ^[S _UYXU[SS XY[VY 9V` V YZ[_U[Y S V Y[_XYU[ W U^VWY W_`]Y[_XY SW ^_ VY V WX¢Y YX^WS`]Y V _V VWY_`Y^[VY X ¡WV U YS Y^[VY _][^ Y WV ^SWYS VWY ` Y S VYV VW Y S^[VWY ^[SW_^ Y S VW`SWY W¥_YX[ WVXY_`Y^[VY¥S Y ` Y¡ _`Y S Y Y V _V VWXY ` YZS Y SY ` ^[_`]Y^SY_ V`^_ YZ_^[Y ^[V ¢Y S V^_ VX YS`VY[ Y[ Y^SYZS` VWYZ[ YXS VY¡VS¡ VY WV _`V Y V\ `^Y_`Y^[V_WY _VZXY VX¡_^VY U^XY^[ ^Y WVYXSY ] W_`]Y SWY Y^SYXVV¢YYYYYY



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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28 , 2015

Politics Obasanjo’s attitude’ll scare investors - Jonathan Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor

President Goodluck Jonathan recently addressed newsmen in Lagos and discussed topical national issues, including the attitude of his estranged godfather, former President Olusegun Obasanjo, his comments and the recent public tearing of his Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) membership card, concluding that Obasanjo’s attitude can only scare away investors. Excerpts:


r. President, in recent months, there have been several scathing statements and remarks from former President Olusegun Obasanjo against your candidature in the forthcoming election and there have been so much criticism on the fact that you agreed that you will only spend one alerted Nigerians to a grand plot whether by people acting on your behalf or you also working in concert with them to foist the Gbagbo option on Nigeria. How do you react to these; what exactly is the problem between you and the former President? First and foremost, former President Obasanjo is a father to me. By divine providence and the grace of God I am the President of Nigeria today. It is not by my strength. But God uses human beings to actualise his own blessings on human beings. And he used so many Nigerians, including the former President to play one role or the other for me. I became the deputy governor of a state, the governor, the Vice-President and President. I have no issues with him and I really don’t want to join issues with him. I think it is not necessary. But I will use this opportunity, because you asked, to just plead with my father that he is a leader, a former President of the country. He has led the country more than anybody; eight years of democratic governance and almost four years of military governance. No other person has that kind of record. The stability of this country is critical in terms of the economy of this country. Rating agencies downgrade countries that are going into elections, because the feeling is that there would be crisis. When you paint the colour of instability for your own nation, you are doing so much injustice to the country, EƒFD^\ƒ ˆ] DIƒF]\ ]‚ƒ ƒF[�[`‘ [Z ]‚ƒ F[^�]„‘ not just in terms of security and social issues D’[�ƒ ,] DIƒF]\ ]‚ƒ ƒF[�[`‘ Gˆ„ƒF]’‘ 6[ , plead with very senior citizens to remember

that Nigeria is dear to us. We don’t have any []‚ƒ„ F[^�]„‘ ]‚D� 1ˆ‡ƒ„ˆD 6[ DF]ˆ[�\ D�G inaction or utterances should be guarded so that we don’t expose our country to the international community as if it is a country in danger and one that is about to collapse. You are frightening investors, especially those who invest their cash as they may begin to pull out their money from the F[^�]„‘ D�G ]‚D] ”[^’G DIƒF] ]‚ƒ \][F_ market and the economy. For one reason or the other, former President Obasanjo may disagree with me as ‚ˆ\ …„\] •[’ˆ]ˆFD’ \[� ‘[^ FD� ƒ†ƒ� Gˆ\D‡„ƒƒ with your own biological children as a human being, let alone disagreeing with your •[’ˆ]ˆFD’ F‚ˆ’G„ƒ� 6[ ‚ƒ FD� D‡„ƒƒ [„ Gˆ\D‡„ƒƒ with me, but utterances have to be managed ˆ� D ”D‘ ]‚D] ]‚ƒ‘ G[ �[] DIƒF] ]‚ƒ ƒF[�[`‘ of this country and its security. Comparing me with Gbagbo is quite unfortunate, because I spearheaded the push E‘ []‚ƒ„ $Z„ˆFD� F[^�]„ˆƒ\ ][ …‡‚] *ED‡E[ 7‚ƒ� , ”D\ F‚Dˆ„`D� +ƒDG\ [Z 6]D]ƒ\ D�G *[†ƒ„�`ƒ�]\ [Z (&2:$6 D�G , _�ƒ” \[`ƒ of my colleagues were a bit worried about the fate of citizens of their countries in Cote

D’Ivoire. But I said no, the right thing must be done. Let me assure you again, because you asked, that we will conduct this election as scheduled by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and a president will be inaugurated. There is no reason for anybody to insinuate that I want to frustrate the elections so that I would stay for how long? Will I stay forever? Am I a military head of state? You and I know that in the Nigerian Constitution, there is no provision for a president to stay beyond Z[^„ ‘ƒD„\ [�Fƒ ‘[^ D„ƒ ƒ’ƒF]ƒG 6[ ˆZ , \]D‘ without conducting election after May 29, what would happen? An illegal president? There is no basis for it. There is not just any basis for it and it’s quite unfortunate. How hurt were you when former President Obasanjo tore his PDP card on national television? , G[�›] Zƒƒ’ D�‘ GˆIƒ„ƒ�Fƒ EƒFD^\ƒ ]‚ƒ bullets have been coming over and over for D †ƒ„‘ ’[�‡ ]ˆ`ƒ 6[ ˆ] ‡ƒ]\ ][ D \ˆ]^D]ˆ[� you become hardened. That is why even in those days when corporal punishment was in vogue, parents were advised not to

œ[‡ ]‚ƒˆ„ F‚ˆ’G„ƒ� [� œˆ`\‘ ƒ�F^\ƒ\ ,Z ‘[^ have children you shout at over the smallest things they do, then your shouting at some points will become meaningless. Even when they have not really done anything wrong, you shout; they would just say daddy or mummy has started again. They will not feel guilty again, because they don’t know ]‚ƒ GˆIƒ„ƒ�Fƒ Eƒ]”ƒƒ� ”‚ƒ� ]‚ƒ‘ ‚D†ƒ done wrong and when they have not done anything wrong. They just feel that daddy or mummy is always shouting. Sir, with all these situations you have painted about the country, what you call the propaganda which has tried to rubbish insurgency in a part of the country, why then do you still want another term? If you listen to one of these Reggae artistes, , ]‚ˆ�_ ˆ] ˆ\ %[E 0D„’ƒ‘ ‚ƒ \DˆG ˆZ ‘[^ …‡‚] D�G „^� D”D‘ ‘[^ ’ˆ†ƒ ][ …‡‚] D�[]‚ƒ„ GD‘ War is politics, even international politics. If you see intimidation and you say because of that you run, then you don’t mean well for your people. I was very reluctant to get involved in politics as deputy governor, but that is a story for another day. When I was approached I said I was not prepared to „^� Z[„ ƒ’ƒF]ˆ†ƒ [EFƒ , ”D\ \]ˆ’’ ”[„_ˆ�‡ D\ assistant director at the OMPADEC then, and I said I was not ready but I was persuaded and the day I decided to go into politics, , \DˆG [_D‘ , D` ‡[ˆ�‡ ˆ� Z^’’‘ 6[ , ‚D†ƒ F[`ƒ ˆ� Z^’’‘ D] ”‚D]ƒ†ƒ„ F[\] 6[ ˆZ , D` convinced that what I am doing is right, I will not just surrender because of intimidation. I believe this government is doing well; I believe probably because we failed to advertise what we are doing, the opposition is cashing in on this and trying to becloud the judgment of the people. I have just commissioned four naval \‚ˆ•\ D�G ]‚ƒ &‚ˆƒZ [Z 1D†D’ 6]DI \DˆG ]‚ˆ\ ˆ\ ]‚ƒ …„\] ]ˆ`ƒ ˆ� ]‚ƒ ‚ˆ\][„‘ [Z ]‚ƒ country that four naval ships would be commissioned in a day. He said that the last time we did something close to that was ”‚ƒ� $’‚Džˆ 6‚ƒ‚^ 6‚D‡D„ˆ ”D\ 3„ƒ\ˆGƒ�] he commissioned three at the same time. And these are not the only ones we have commissioned. I was here sometimes in 2012; we commissioned Andoni, and some other ones we bought through the Americans also. 6[ ]‚ƒ\ƒ D„ƒ �[] ]‚ƒ [�’‘ �D†D’ •’D]Z[„`\ ”ƒ have commissioned. It is historic that this is ]‚ƒ …„\] ]ˆ`ƒ ]‚ƒ 1D†‘ ”[^’G F[``ˆ\\ˆ[� four at the same time. But people are telling Nigerians that we have not done anything. Even in the Army, I am quite happy now. Yes, there are people sneaking into places to detonate explosives, to kill people, but in terms of the war area - Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states - the idea of Boko Haram pursuing our soldiers is no longer there. Aggressively, we are taking back our territories, because we have acquired quite a number of Army platforms D�G ”ƒD•[�\ ]‚D] ”ƒ ”ƒ„ƒ ’[[_ˆ�‡ Z[„ 6[ we have equipped the Army much better than it used to be. We have equipped the Air Force much better than it used to be and we have equipped the Navy much better than it used to be. ! Will I stop the programme that is helping so many Nigerians because somebody is blackmailing us, or because somebody is busy intimidating people? I was surprised last night when the owner of Chisco, the company that runs transport E^\ˆ�ƒ\\ Eƒ]”ƒƒ� /D‡[\ D�G ]‚ƒ 6[^]‚ (D\] told me that 18 of his luxury buses were burnt down Continued on Page 52


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

SDP’s aggressive spread in Ogun Bolu-Olu Esho, Abeokuta


he advent of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) has tremendously changed the political activities in Ogun State and altered all previous calculations in the state. The SDP is the nest of all grassroots politicians who pulled out of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state as a result of the unresolved crisis that erupted in the party before, during and after the parallel party primaries conducted in 2014. Chief Segun Osoba, the former governor of the state is the solid rock on which the party is built. No doubt, within a short time, the party has turned out to be the staunch opposition party in the state, relegating the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to a third position in popularity ranking. What seems to be working for the newly-formed party is the crop of political juggernauts behind it. Governor Ibikunle Amosun lost all the three sitting senators DÂ?G …†ƒ [Z ]‚ƒ \ˆÂ? `ƒ`Eƒ„\ [Z ]‚ƒ +[^\ƒ of Representatives to the SDP and the remaining federal lawmaker, Abiodun Akinlade, is with the PDP. Amosun and APC had tagged the SDP members as rebels kicked out from their fold but it seems the ‘rebels’ are giving them a run for their money as the party is currently enjoying ferocious spread and acceptance. This is not unconnected with the political strategy of Chief Osoba who embarked on house-to-house campaign. Before the party was formed, Osoba had initially visited all the 236 wards in the state in an undercover manner. Sources said the method allowed him to know the real politicians who support his vision in each ward and enabled him to form party leadership at all levels. +ˆ\ ‡„D\\„[[]\ •[’ˆ]ˆFDÂ’ DF^`ƒÂ? DÂ?G that of his lieutenants as well as the old horses in the game of number have shot up the popularity and number of followers astronomically within the short period of the party’s formation. +D†ˆÂ?‡ EƒƒÂ? [Â?ƒ [Z ]‚ƒ \]„[Â?‡ Z[„Fƒ\ behind Governor Amosun and as a former governor of the state, it’s easy for Osoba to ˆGƒÂ?]ˆZ‘ ”‚D] ]‚ƒ •ƒ[•’ƒ ”DÂ?] DÂ?G ]‚ƒ Â’DÂ?ˆ]‘ in the administration of the sitting APC-led ‡[†ƒ„Â?`ƒÂ?] DÂ?G ’ƒ†ƒ„D‡ƒ [Â? ‚ˆ\ Â…Â?GˆÂ?‡\ It is obvious that Governor Amosun left the rural areas untouched in terms of infrastructural development and in some areas of the state it was total abandonment. The SDP appears smarter than the immediate past ruling party, the PDP, in ƒÂ?•’[„ˆÂ?‡ DÂ?G ƒÂ?•’[ˆ]ˆÂ?‡ ]‚ƒ\ƒ ‡D•\ Although this is not farfetched as the PDP is in palpable disarray due to the antics of one of the chieftains of the party, Buruji Kashamu who has been accused by some factions of the party of illegally holding the rein of the party to shield himself from the long arm of the law as he has been accused of running a hard drug cartel in the United States of America. Kashamu had approached the law court to unseat the foot soldiers of the former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo from the State Working Committee of the party and ever since, the party has not known peace. Former Governor Gbenga Daniel, who has been described as the greatest mobiliser the state has ever known, was schemed out by Kashamu for fear of being relegated to play ]‚ƒ \ƒF[Â?G Â…GG’ƒ Without the help of a sorcerer, it is crystal clear that Daniel is cold towards his political protĂŠgĂŠ, Prince Gboyega Nasir Isiaka who is the governorship candidate of PDP in the forthcoming general elections in the state. It was rife among members of the party that Isiaka allegedly signed a diabolical



Having been one of the strong forces behind Governor Amosun and as a former governor of the state, it’s easy for Osoba to identify what the people want and the laxity in the administration of led government and leverage on his Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kashamu in order to get the governorship ticket of the party, but this has been denied by Isiaka. Daniel had aspired to go to the Senate but Kashamu shot down the dream by allotting to himself the ticket to represent the East Senatorial District. The PDP was further sent to the doldrums because tickets to all the elective positions were served a la carte under the supervision of Kashamu through a make-believe primary attended by three out of 11 governorship aspirants. Daniel is currently busy with seeing President Goodluck Jonathan humble the APC presidential candidate, General 0^‚D``DG^ %^‚D„ˆ „]G ˆ� ]‚ƒ •[’’\ �ƒ�]


Buruji month in the state. The SDP is currently ravaging the hitherto strongholds of the APC due to the errors committed by the Governor Amosun-led administration in the sharing of facilities among the towns and villages in the state. In the Eastern Senatorial District, people resident in Ogun Waterside Local Government had described themselves D\ �[� ƒ�ˆ\]ƒ�] ˆ� ]‚ƒ •’D�\ [Z *[†ƒ„�[„ Amosun. They lamented that for over two consecutive years there had been no power supply in all the communities in the area and the governor didn’t consider it as his responsibility to bring a respite. This made the people to ignore and at some points booed the governor during his project monitoring and assessment tour of the area last year. What made it worse was the fact that the essence of the tour was defeated as there were no projects to monitor or assess in the Waterside and many rural areas. But the APC candidate for Eastern Senatorial District, Prince Dapo Abiodun seems to have come to the rescue of the governor as he has placated the people of the Waterside by coughing out N50 million to have power restored in the area. Abiodun’s joining the APC has attracted a lot of members and supporters of the party who had abandoned or remained aloof over some period due to Amosun’s alleged discriminatory approach to party members’ plights. Although the oil magnate had injected over quarter of a billion naira into the APC, there was a caveat in his successful navigation in the Waterside: the people promised to vote for him and him alone during the polls. They are of the belief that Amosun could not reap where he did not sew. Another asset being used by the SDP to burrow into the minds of voters in the same district is the incumbent representative of the district in the Senate, Senator Gbenga Kaka. Kaka was once Osoba’s deputy in the *[†ƒ„�`ƒ�] +[^\ƒ D�G ‚ƒ D••’ˆƒ\ ]‚ƒ [’G political algebra in his campaign, focusing mainly on the number of credible voters he could attract to his party. +ˆ\ •ƒ„Z[„`D�Fƒ ˆ� [EFƒ D\ D \ƒ�D][„ would no doubt give the APC and Governor Amosun sleepless nights as he has etched his face on the people’s mind through the

•ƒ[•’ƒ [„ˆƒÂ?]ƒG •„[žƒF]\ ‚ƒ ƒÂ?ƒF^]ƒG ˆÂ? ]‚ƒ district. $Â’Â’ ]‚ƒ •„[žƒF]\ ‚ƒ ƒÂ?ƒF^]ƒG ˆÂ? \F‚[[Â’\ ”ƒ„ƒ named by the people of the communities ”‚[ ˆGƒÂ?]ˆ…ƒG F[``^Â?ˆ]‘ ’ƒDGƒ„\ ”‚[ ‚DG made indelible impacts irrespective of their Â…Â?DÂ?FˆDÂ’ \]D]^\ DÂ?G Â?D`ƒG ]‚ƒ •„[žƒF]\ DZ]ƒ„ them. Some of the projects were posthumously named after peasant farmers for their contributions to their communities. The traditional rulers’ council in the district ]ƒ\]ˆ…ƒG ][ ]‚ƒ ^Â?ƒŠ^D’’ƒG •ƒ„Z[„`DÂ?Fƒ [Z Kaka. The Western Senatorial District could be better described as the headquarters of the SDP due to the heavy presence of its members and supporters. This district no doubt is the most shortchanged in terms of power sharing since the creation of the state in 1976. The highest position anyone from the district has ever occupied at the state level is the seat of the deputy governor which was made possible by Otunba Gbenga Daniel who chose Alhaja Salmot Badru as his running mate for eight consecutive years. Current representative of the district in the Senate, Senator Odunsi, is the standard bearer of the SDP in the state and he’s enjoying the support of his people. Winning the heart of the people of the district seems not to be a herculean task for the SDP as they are eager to have a fair share of power allotment in the state which has been eluding them since the past 33 years. The SDP is cashing in on the mistakes of the APC-led administration as it weaved its manifesto round the gap. Massive rural development, agriculture, health and education form the centre of its programmes. Amosun has concentrated on infrastructural development at the urban centres but virtually all other sectors of ]‚ƒ \]D]ƒ ƒF[Â?[`‘ ‚D†ƒ \^Iƒ„ƒG Â?ƒ‡’ƒF] The governor has been accused of being vindictive and discriminatory in the selection [Z F[``^Â?ˆ]ˆƒ\ ]‚D] EƒÂ?ƒ…]ƒG Z„[` ‚ˆ\ projects. The Central Senatorial District could not be said to have been outrightly dominated by ]‚ƒ ‡[†ƒ„Â?[„ D\ ]‚ƒ $3& ‚D\ F[Â?…„`ƒG ˆ]\ fear about the threatening spread of the SDP. When Chief Osoba asked a large number of attendees at the rally of the party at the $_ƒ 3DÂ’DFƒ D„FDGƒ ][ ÂœD^Â?] ]‚ƒˆ„ •ƒ„`DÂ?ƒÂ?] voter cards (PVCs), the result sent jitters to the spine of the APC. Senator Bode Mustapha led a number of APC chieftains to the NUJ Secretariat at Iwe Iroyin in Abeokuta to raise the alarm ]‚D] ]‚ƒ‘ F[^Â’G Â?[] …‡^„ƒ [^] ‚[” ]‚ƒ 6'3 would achieve its target of 500,000 votes at the polls having claimed that it could boast of 50,000 members with PVCs at the time of the Ake Palace Arcade rally where the party’s ÂœD‡\ ”ƒ„ƒ •„ƒ\ƒÂ?]ƒG ][ DÂ’Â’ FDÂ?GˆGD]ƒ\ [Z ]‚ƒ party. The house-to-house campaign of the SDP and going to rally with only members of the party in the wards visited have been working for it as it could assess itself on how it’s warming into the heart of the people. This is contrary to the APC’s tour in which Governor Amosun stormed each ward with over 200 vehicles loaded with people who could not be taken for members and supporters of the party. A number of civil servants are on the ƒÂ?][^„D‡ƒ ˆÂ? [EƒGˆƒÂ?Fƒ ][ [EFˆDÂ’ Gˆ„ƒF]ˆ†ƒ But it is clear that Governor Amosun could not tell how popular he is in some of the communities which are usually literarily empty after departing with his intimidating entourage. +[”ƒ†ƒ„ ]‚ƒ ƒ’ƒF][„D]ƒ ”[^Â’G Gƒ]ƒ„`ˆÂ?ƒ who governs the state on April 8, 2015 irrespective of the notion that the APC is losing its grip to SDP.

February 28, 2015

Etuhu soldiers on in Sweden ...Ex-Eagles E E l star t loves l new career path th with ith AIK St Stockholm kh l Ronaldo plays football with son, dog >>Pg.19

Prophet predicts more troubles for Keshi >>Pg.20


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015

League Watch

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

CAF Confederation Cup

Our focus on continental assignment- Dolphins O

ne of the country’s representatives in this year’s Orange CAF Confederation Cup, Dolphins FC of Port Harcourt have exclusively told Newswatch League Times that all their Š9V`^_S`YœSWY`SZY[ŠXY been directed at the continental assignment that they have this weekend. This much was revealed to Newswatch League Times by no other person than the

V‰_ŠY <UVWYSœY^[VY club, China Acherue in a telephone chat during the week. He explained that due to the importance ^[VY _•VWXY ^Š^VY\`Š`UV‰Y X_‰VYŠ9ŠU[V‰Y^SY^[VY continental game this weekend, they do not want any form of distractions rather all that they want to do is to œSUšXY^[V_WYŠ9V`^_S`YS`Y the continental game. He further explained that as at the time he spoke to the Newswatch League Times, the players were on the

\V”‰YXZVŠ^_`]Y_^YSš^Y_`Y training. He said that there was no problem with any of their players even as he explained that the only players who  _XXV‰Y^[VY\WX^Y”V]YSÂœY^[VY

Heartland Camp bubbling with life, confidence- Nkwopara


arring any unforeseen circumstance, the 2014/15 Glo Premier League will kick start on March 7, 2015 even as clubs ŠWVY]V9_`]YWVŠ‰˜YÂœSWY™_U™Y S5Y‰Š^VYŠXYŠ``Sš`UV‰Y—˜Y the League Management Company (LMC) led by outgoing Chairman, Hon. ons Nduka Irabor. they One of the clubs who ne are seriously preparing for the the 2014/15 league season courtis Heartland Football Club gameof Owerri who had since moved into closed camping was at the famous Rojenny y Games Village at Oba, d `Š Â—WŠY ^Š^V¢ f ÂĄVŠ™_`]YS`Y^[VY ir preparations of the club, nd ^[VY V‰_ŠY <UVWYSÂœY is the Nazi Millionaires, Cajetan Nkwopara told n Newswatch League Times as a that the Heartland Oba he d.

Camp has been bubbling and that the players and their coaches are in high spirit waiting for the league to begin. According to Nkwopara: “Heartland has been in camp at the Rojenny Games Village preparing for the commencement of the new season,â€? Nkwopara said. “As I speak with you, they have spent 16 days at Oba and they are bubbling Z_^[Y”_ÂœVYŠ`‰YUS`\‰V`UV¢Y Both the players and the technical crew led by the Technical Adviser, Coach Erasmus Onuh are doing very well. ÂŻ XYŠY ÂŠ9VWYSÂœYœŠU^ÂŒY^[V˜Y are rearing to go and we are happy. All things being equal, if the league is to start as scheduled on March 7, the team is likely going to return to Owerri from the

training camp next week Wednesday. “Like I said earlier, the boys are rearing to go and ZVY[SÂĄVY^[Š^Y^[VYUS`\‰V`UVY that they have shown so far will be brought to bear when the league starts,â€? Nkwopara explained.


report, the visitors were yet to notify Dolphins of their time of arrival but all arrangements have been made to lodge the Equatorial -Guineans at the Beverly Hills Hotel in GRA, Port Harcourt according to information at the disposal of Newswatch League Times. The pre-match meeting took place at the Elkan Terrace Hotel yesterday at 7.30pm while security for today’s game in Port Harcourt will be provided by the NFF and the Rivers ^Š^VY SS^—Š””Y XXSU_Š^_S`¢ The match referees chosen by CAF are from Burkina Faso with the centre man being

which we are going to ÂĄÂ”ÂŠÂ˜YS`Y Š^šW‰Š˜¢Y VY are not talking of any other thing because of the _ ¥SW^Š`UVYZVYŠ9ŠU[Y^SY the game. “Of course we want to get this match out of our way before talking SÂœYSšWY\WX^Y”VŠ]šVY ÂŠ^U[Y that will be played seven days later,â€? Acherue explained. “We don’t have any injury worries like I said earlier, because all the registered players are training as we speak, including the only player who missed out on the \WX^Y]Š VY‰šVY^SYŠ`Y ankle injury.

Bayelsa Utd yet to replace Amele


he management of “I have been moved to Bayelsa United FC of Bayelsa Queens in a major Yenagoa has yet to shakeup carried out by the replace the immediate past management of the club at V‰_ŠY <UVWYSÂœY^[VYU”š—ŒY the end of 2013/14 season. George Amele, who has been “And as I speak with you, moved to the female club of nobody has been appointed the state, Bayelsa Queens in ŠXY V‰_ŠY <UVWYSÂœY Š˜V”XŠY major shake-up earlier in the United and if any I am not year after the assessment of aware yet,â€? Amele said. the performance of the club ÂĄVŠ™_`]YS`Y Š˜V”XŠY last season. Queens’ preparations for Amele happened to be the season, Amele explained S`VYSÂœY^[VYS<U_Š”XYSÂœY^[VY U”š—Y^[Š^YZVWVYŠ5VU^V‰Y_`Y^[VY major shakeup at the club. This much was revealed to Newswatch League Times by no other person than Amele himself. According to him: “I am `SY”S`]VWY^[VY V‰_ŠY <UVWY of Bayelsa United,â€? Amele began. Anyansi

that the club had concluded their recruitments before his takeover as Media <UVWYV•V`YŠXY[VYVÂˆÂĄWVXXV‰Y optimism that they are going to do well this season. It is recalled that Bayelsa United narrowly escaped relegation last season as they survived on the last day of the 2013/14 season in a game against Heartland of Owerri.

Ekoh happy with Akwa Utd preparations


s teams are gearing up for the commencement of the 2014/15 Glo Premier League season ,one of the clubs to watch out for this coming season is Akwa United Football Club of Uyo, who worked very hard last season to

Wolves, Dolphins move CAF games to Saturday igeria’s representatives in the Orange CAF Confederation Cup, Dolphins and Warri Wolves, have moved their second legs of preliminary \ˆ^šWVXY^SY Š^šW‰Š˜Y against their traditional š`‰Š˜¢ Both clubs normally play their home games S`Y š`‰Š˜X¢Y SӴ[_`XY will play against Leones Vegetarianos FC of Equatorial Guinea at ^[VY _—VWŠ^_S`Y ^Š‰_š ÂŒY Port Harcourt while Warri Wolves will host their opponents at Warri SZ`X[_ÂĄY ^Š‰_š YS`Y š`‰Š˜YŠXYZV””¢ At the time of this

two legged encounter due to ankle injury is now training with the rest of the team. “We are not talking about the league for now because we don’t want any distraction,â€? Acherue said. “As we speak, the ÂĄÂ”ÂŠÂ˜VWXYŠWVY_`Y^[VY\V”‰Y sweating it out in training; preparing for this weekend’s Orange CAF Confederation Cup encounter against Leones Vegetarianos FC of Equatorial Guinea. “Our priority for now is the CAF Confederation Cup

Boukari Ouedrago and 1st assistant, Max Phillipe Toe. 2nd assistant referee will be Gnangouiba Oeaba and reserve referee will be SVW_ ÂŠY Š`S]S¢ “Immediately after ^[VY\WX^Y”V]Y_`Y _Sš”ŠXXSÂŒY ŠU_`]Y S—SY YS<U_Š”XY had promised to turn the table in Warri and to see to their dream, a two-man advanced team

arrive Warri on Tuesday to prepare ground for the team’s arrival, Etu Moses the Media Manager of the team told “The match will hold S`Y Š^šW‰Š˜YZ[_U[Y_XY^[VY 28th of February even though our normal day of playing our home matches _XY š`‰Š˜Y—š^Y^[VWVY_XY`SY cause for alarm.

maintain their Premier League status as they were faced with relegation for many weeks before they narrowly escaped it. Due to the fact that they don’t want what happened them last season to repeat _^XV”œŒY^[VY ™ZŠY —S Y ^Š^VY \`Š`UV‰YX_‰VY_XYÂĄWV¥ŠW_`]Y very seriously even as they waiting for the league season to be declared open. In order to reposition the club, the club’s management started by sacking the club’s Technical Adviser, Patrick Udoh at the end of the season and replaced him with the appointment of experienced Zachary Baraje, who has since commenced work at the Uyo based side. The team has been in closed camp at Ikoro Abasi and it seems that the early preparation has already started yielding fruit going by the result of the recent friendly they had with Orange CAF Confederation Cup campaigners, Dolphins of Port Harcourt this week.


In that friendly encounter in Port Harcourt, Akwa proved that they are going to be one of the teams to beat this season as they braved all odds to pip Dolphins by alone goal at the end of 90 minutes hostilities. And based on this surprised result, the V‰_ŠY <UVWYSœY^[VY club, Uwem Ekoh, has said he is satisfaction with the preparation of the club towards the commencement of the league season. According to Ekoh, “Akwa United FC’s preparation for the 2014/15 league season is going on well as expected,� Ekoh said.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sports/EURO League

Ronaldo plays football with son, dog ...posts pictures to Instagram after Real Madrid win over Elche


Ronaido playing with son and dog

e may be the best player in the world, but it seems there are some S`¸¥_^U[Y—Š9”VXY W_X^_Š`SY S`Š”‰SYUŠ`ÂŁ^YZ_`¢ After scoring his 40th goal of the season to keep Real Madrid top of La Liga on Sunday evening, the Portuguese star took on another fearsome opponent, in the shape of [_XYXS`ÂŒY W_X^_Š`SY W¢ According to Ronaldo’s `X^Š]WŠ YÂĄSX^Y^[VYÂœSšW¸ ˜VŠW¸S”‰Y—VŠ^Y[_ Y—˜Y^ZSY goals to one in a game of —ŠU™¸]ŠW‰V`YÂœSS^—Š””¢

[VY VŠ”Y Š‰W_‰Y forward posted a picture to Instagram with Cristiano Jr and his dog and the caption Ă„ ”Š˜_`]YZ_^[Y Â˜Y™_‰¢Y Y

š`_SWYÂ?Y¸Y YÂ’ĂŽĂŽÂŁ [VY Š””S`Y‰£ WYZ_``VWY has been spending more time with his young son after breaking up with girlfriend Irina Shayk last  S`^[¢ Since the split the §Â‘¸Â˜VŠW¸S”‰Y[Š‰YV`‰šWV‰YŠY dip in form, with a red card and three scoreless games, but has returned with goals _`Y[_XY”ŠX^Y^ZSYSš^_`]X¢

Rooney heads to cinema instead of playing in Europe .Man United captain enjoys Peppa Pig with his sons


anchester United captain Wayne Rooney is used to Champions League football in midweek but with Louis van Gaal’s side outside of Europe this season the England star enjoyed some ^_ VYS5YZ_^[Y[_XYXS`X¢ Rooney posted a picture on his Instagram page next to one of his sons with the caption: ‘Good to have  Â˜Y”_9”VY ÂŠ^VXY—ŠU™YÂœWS Y [S”_‰Š˜¢Y W_ÂĄY^SY^[VYU_`V ÂŠY to see Peppa Pig!’ [VYÂ?‹¸Â˜VŠW¸S”‰YZŠXY relaxing away from Manchester United’s disjointed Premier League campaign before they face š`‰VW”Š`‰YS`Y Š^šW‰Š˜¢ Wayne Rooney posted Ă„ SS‰Y^SY[Š•VY Â˜Y”_9”VY  ÂŠ^VXY—ŠU™YÂœWS Y[S”_‰Š˜¢Y W_ÂĄY^SY^[VYU_`V ÂŠY^SYXVVY Peppa Pig!’ Wayne Rooney posted Ă„ SS‰Y^SY[Š•VY Â˜Y”_9”VY  ÂŠ^VXY—ŠU™YÂœWS Y[S”_‰Š˜¢Y W_ÂĄY^SY^[VYU_`V ÂŠY^SYXVVY Peppa Pig!’ Van Gaal’s side are

currently fourth in the Premier League, despite inconsistent form, having Xš5VWV‰YŠY‰Š ÂŠ]_`]YÂ?¸Â’Y defeat at Swansea last ZVV™V`‰¢ Rooney has been deployed in central  _‰\V”‰YWV]š”ŠW”˜Y—˜Y•Š`Y Gaal in recent months but has returned to the United Š9ŠU™¢Y [VY `]”Š`‰YUŠ¥^Š_`Y will hope to add to his nine goal tally this season ÂœSWY^[VY ”‰Y WŠ5SW‰YX_‰VÂŒY having ended a nine game goal drought against WVX^S`Y_`Y^[VY Y š¥Y VŠW”_VWY^[_XY S`^[¢

Adebayor flashes expensive Rolls-Royce at training out-of-favour Spurs striker shares Instagram picture


mmanuel Adebayor might `S^Y—VYŠ9WŠU^_`]Y  ÂšU[YŠ9V`^_S`YS`Y^[VY ÂĄ_^U[Y—š^Y^[VYSš^¸SÂœ¸ œŠ•SšWY S9V`[Š YX^W_™VWY was sure to be turning heads when he turned up ÂœSWY^WŠ_`_`]¢ [VY S]SYÂœSWZŠW‰Y arrived in style when he drove a ÂŁ360,000 S””X¸ S˜UVY^SY^[VYU”š—£XY `\V”‰Y—ŠXVYŠXY^[VY^VŠ Y began preparations for the second leg of their Europa League tie with

_SWV`^_`ŠYS`Y [šWX‰Š˜Y `_][^¢ Adebayor posted a ÂĄ_U^šWVY^SY[_XYS<U_Š”Y Instagram page of him standing next to the Phantom Drophead Coupe model on S`‰Š˜Y—VÂœSWVYXV9_`]Y S5YÂœSWY^WŠ_`_`]¢ Ă„ [_XY SW`_`]ÂŁXYW_‰VY to training, travel in style and ready to work! Have a good week guys,’ Adebayor wrote on `X^Š]WŠ ¢ [VYÂœSW VWY S`ŠUSÂŒY

Alves throws tantrum after being substituted in UEFA win


s Barcelona eased a step closer to the next round of the Champions League, not all their players left the Etihad pitch with a smile on their œŠUV¢ Defender Dani Alves X^WSÂĄÂĄV‰YS5Y^[VYÂĄ_^U[Y while throwing a tantrum after being substituted shortly after he was sent Ž˜_`]Y—˜YÂœSW VWY WXV`Š”Y defender Gael Clichy, who was subsequently handed a second yellow for his ^WSš—”VX¢

Both ended up walking down the tunnel early but it was the Brazilian who took the decision the hardest as he —SS^V‰YŠYZŠ^VWY—S9”VYš¥S`Y leaving the pitch and caught his foot on some metal WŠ_”_`]X¢Y It is not known whether Alves was replaced because he was injured or for tactical reasons but his decision to dedicate his powerful right foot to the metal frame is unlikely to help if it’s the ÂœSW VW¢

Arsenal and Manchester City frontman later posted another picture after training had \`_X[V‰YSÂœY[_ YXŠ^Y_`Y the back of the car as he showed his friend ŠWSš`‰Y S`‰S`¢ Adebayor has only started once for Spurs ¸Y_`Y^[VY Š¥_^Š”Y `VY š¥YXV _¸\`Š”Y\WX^Y”V]Y Š]Š_`X^Y [V<V”‰Y `_^V‰Y ¸YX_`UVY S•V Â—VWYŠ`‰Y has not even been named as a substitute since the U”š—YœŠ_”V‰Y^SYSĂ“SŠ‰Y[_ Y in the January transfer Z_`‰SZ¢Y


FIXTURES PREMIER LEAGUE Sat, Feb 28 West Ham v C/Palace Man United v Sunderland Stoke v Hull Burnley v Swansea WBA v Southampton Newcastle v A/Villa LA LIGA Sat, Feb 28 Granada v Barcelona Rayo v Levante AlmerĂ­a v Deportivo MĂĄlaga v Getafe SERIE A Sat, Feb 28 Chievo v Milan BUNDESLIGA Sat, Feb 28

7 Dortmund v Schalke Leverkusen v Freiburg Hertha v Augsburg

/ 8 Eintracht v Hamburg

Suarez spotted carrying book about himself


arcelona frontman Luis Suarez made a triumphant return to `]”Š`‰YS`Y šVX‰Š˜Y`_][^YŠ`‰Y appeared keen to look back S`Y[_XYUŠWVVWY‰šW_`]Y[_XYÂŽ_][^Y [S VY^SY ¥Š_`¢ [VYÂœSW VWY _•VWÂĄSS”YX^ŠWY XUSWV‰Y^Z_UVY_`Y ŠWUV”S`Š£XYÂ?¸Â’Y Champions League victory over Manchester City and was later pictured at Manchester airport with a copy of ‘Luis šŠWVÂľY¸Y ŠY šVW¾ŠY‰VYš`Y sueno’, which translates into Ă„ š_XY šŠWVÂľY¸Y [VYX^WV`]^[YSÂœYŠY ‰WVŠ £ÂŒY_`Y[_XY[Š`‰¢ [VY—SS™ŒYZW_9V`Y—˜Y `^S`_SY šV`^VXÂŒYÂœVŠ^šWVXYŠ`VU‰S^VXYS`Y Suarez’s rise from playing in the streets of Salto, Uruguay, with his brother Paolo, to becoming S`VYSÂœY^[VY—VX^YŠ9ŠU™VWXY_`Y^[VY ZSW”‰¢ [VY Wš]šŠ˜Y_`^VW`Š^_S`Š”Y `SZY[ŠXY`_`VY]SŠ”XYŠ`‰YÂ’Â?Y assists to his name during his \WX^YXVŠXS`YŠ^Y^[VY SšY Š ¥¢


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Etuhu soldiers on in Sweden ...Ex-Eagles star loves new career path with AIK Stockholm



ormer Fulham star Dickson Etuhu says he’s currently enjoying life in Sweden after making a successful switch from England to top Swedish side, AIK Stockholm. Etuhu, now in the twilight of an illustrious career that saw him play for a number of top teams in England, spoke with Newswatch Times sports on his new U WVVWY¡ ^[ Y ` Y <W XY that indeed, he made the right move. “This couldn’t have come at the right time. I think joining AIK was a very good move for me but even more X_]`_\U `^ Y Y Y happy to be playing football again. “So far so good for me, and after a couple of games here and ^[VWV Y_^£XY]V9_`]Y V9VWY ` Y V9VW Y ` Y YU `Y S` Y]V^Y V9VW ³YX _ Y the 32-year-old. The hard-tackling _ \V VW YZ[SYX^ WWV Y for Nigeria at the 2010 editions of the Africa Cup of Nations and World Cup, had been


without a team after having his contract with Blackburn Rovers in England terminated by mutual consent last season. His time with the English First Division side was plagued with injuries and the 32-year-old only managed 23 games for the club in his two-year spell. “No player prays to

Prophet predicts more troubles for Keshi BY BABS OYETORO


rophet Ngozi Akuworgu has predicted more ^WS VXY SWY^[VYV 9 V Y ¡VWY ] VXY] 5VW Y Stephen Keshi, who recently lost out in his bid to get the Burkina Faso’s job. Akuworgu, who worked with Togolese FA as a spiritual consultant when ^[VY^V Y½ _\V Y SWY^[VY World Cup in Germany, said there is likely to be more troubles for Keshi in the months ahead since the coach has refused to move. It would be recalled that Akuworgu has warned Keshi to move saying the odds did not favour him again as long as he remains with the Super Eagles. Just in the recent time, Keshi had been linked with several countries but he eventually lost out in his bid to get another job but Akuworgu disclosed that the earlier Keshi take a bow and seek for a ]WVV`VWY¡ X^ WVY^[VY V9VWY for him. “I have said it repeatedly

^[ ^Y VX[_Y[ XY\`_X[V Y his assignment with Nigeria and God wants him to forge ahead. As he continues to delay there is likely to be more troubles SWY[_ Y_`Y XY [V ³ Y[VY predicted. Meanwhile, the Big Boss has accused the NFF President, Pinnick Amaju of telling a lie that [VY[ YXV9 V Y Y^[V_WY outstanding salaries. Keshi revealed that the football house is still owing them contrary to what the president had said in the media. The Big Boss was further quoted in the media that in SW VWYUS `^W_VXY^[VYS<UVY of the technical director in under the national team coach. Since Keshi had failed to qualify the team for the Nations Cup, the NFF technical director, Shaibu Amodu has called him to resign saying he has failed. It would be recalled that from the on-set the current leadership of the NFF has not hidden its preference for a foreign manager to lead the Super Eagles.

have a career hindered Y_`¥ W_VX ³Y ^ [ Y recalls. “But it’s a good thing to overcome it at the right time and get on with your career

again. I thank God for the turnaround and hope to make the very best of the opportunity. “Several times as a player you are faced

with various degrees of injuries, but it’s part of the game, and what you can only keep praying for is quick recovery so you can pick up from where S Y V ^YS5 ³Y[VY V ¢ Etuhu won a total of 20 international caps for Nigeria, and after starring at the 2010 SW Y ¡Y\` X Y[VY turned down a callup in August 2011 as a replacement player, and stated he would not play for Nigeria under coach Samson Siasia. This decision would temporarily put an end to his international career, although he was later recalled in November 2011 for a pair of friendly matches under new coach Stephen Keshi. After a slow start in England, Etuhu signed for Preston North End from Manchester City in 2002 for £300,000.

He had started just 11 league games for City. He was very much a bit-part player during Preston’s successful season of 2004–2005, when the Whites WV U[V Y^[VY¡ ¸S5Y \` ¢Y Despite his side losing to West Ham `_^V Y[VY 9W U^V Y ^[VY 9V`^_S`YS Y Premiership clubs Everton and West Brom, but it was Norwich City that signed him during the January transfer window for £450,000 after a loan deal initially brought him to the club. His form began to improve towards the end of the season and in the early stages of the 2006–07 campaign. In 2010 he played SWY [ Y_`Y^[VY\` Y of the UEFA Europa League when they lost to Atletico Madrid in Hamburg.

Yusuf worried by Eagles’gradual decline By VICTOR ENYINNAYA


ormer Secretary General of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Dr. Tijani Yusuf, has enjoined all football stakeholders and professionals to close ranks in order to salvage the fast declining game at national level, describing the present state of the game as very worrisome. Yusuf made the appeal during an exclusive telephone interview from [_XY `SY XVY^[ ^YX_9_`]Y on the fence watching the sport sink at that topmost level would remain great disservice to the nation for all it has built and achieved in the past through the Eagles. ‘The fact is that all is not well with our football shortly after the last World Cup. The former board led by Aminu Maigari started their \][^Y^SY\`_X[Y^SY VX^WS Y themselves but it turned U YY ` YW V YS5Y badly on the entire fabric of football in the country. The former leadership disagreed and the tussle for the soul of the football body became dreadful

yusuf ` Y^[VYWVX ^ `^YV5VU^Y_XY what the Amaju Pinnick led body is trying to wield together and the end seemed not insight,’ he observes. The University Don pointed out that most of the stakeholders that either participated or were prevented from the election are yet to VY[S`VX^ Y¡ U_\V Y^SY enjoin hands to move the game forward. There are so much grumbling in the air. As l have always advocated, the earlier there is genuine and realistic reconciliation ^[VY V9VWY SWYS WY SS^ Y which has been standing on a divided house. ‘The inability of the

YV VU ^_ VYUS _9VVY to appoint the head coach of the Super Eagles remains a pointer that all is not at ease in the football house. The solution l believes is not farfetched. It just needed leadership qualities that would be down to earth, look inwards and get to the depth of the issues at stake and nip them on the bud. We have wasted a lot of time discussing this. The Nations Cup has come and gone yet, things have remained the same. [V`Y^[VY½ _\VWXY SWY the Nations Cup 2017 start and the World Cup 2018, we will start on a shaky note again. How long would it take us to learn

our lesson,’ he queries. The former Director of National Institute for Sports (NIS) therefore urged Amaju to come out decisively from his shell and show clout and leadership. The issue must be trashed out once and for all. He added that for the issue to linger this long meant that the YV VU ^_ VYUS _9VVY has learnt nothing and also forgot nothing. He maintains that it is sad commentary that a country blessed with abundant natural and human resources found herself in ^[_XY½ ] _WVY VYXV Y\X[Y 9_^ VYS Y^[SXVYX V Y with the responsibility to run football fortunately are hell bent to midwife the game to total collapse, he posited. ‘Enough is enough. Pinnick should set the tone for the since he came on board. He should come out boldly and tell Nigerians the true position of Super Eagles head coach X^ 5¢Y [VYU_^_µV`W Y WVY tired with the speculations and rumours that have take the front burner of late. We need coach for the team now or never,’ he declares.

NTU plans big for Sharm El Sheik African Triathlon Championship


he Nigerian triathlon Union º »Y[ XY\` _XV Y plans to send athletes to the Sharm El Sheik African Triathlon Championship in Egypt from May 9 to 10. President of the NTU, Dr Lanre Glover who disclosed this yesterday

^VWY^[VY S £XY\WX^Y meeting of the year, stated that the move is to ensure that Nigerian athletes 9V` Y_`^VW` ^_S` Y competition where they would get the necessary exposure to become topclass athletes. He said that the coaches

would be contacted to pick two athletes that would represent the country at the championship. “The coaches have done a great job in the past by identifying good athletes to represent the country and I am sure they will do the same this time. We

have athletes who have the wherewithal to do well at international events, what we have to do is to make X WVY^[V Y WVY_`Y^S¡Y SW ¢³ Glover also noted that the NTU would also look at ways of sponsoring to other competitions on the continent.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

t o n d i d s t l d u s n n a i b y s u M h y


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How Esta Morenikeji helps overweight women regain shape # ! # "

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My husband endured my insults to win my love

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My husband endured my insults to win my love

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Angela Philips is one of the top Nollywood actresses. She was essentially influenced by Efe, a character in the now rested soap opera – Behind The Clouds. Years later, Angela had the opportunity of staring in the blockbuster movie – Osofiason – which heralded an era of comedy in the Nigerian film industry. Though in her teens then, Angela acted in other movies that made her face a regular feature on the screen until she decided to step aside due to the lull in the industry. Beautiful and blunt, Angela was sired by a Lagosian father and an Imolite mother. Now she has returned with a bang and has since shot some movies and produced some soap operas. Below is a peep into her love life and career: Excerpts: Childhood memories am from Lagos State while my mother is from Imo State. I speak Yoruba and I have done a couple of Yoruba movies like Igbako and Baby Sugar produced by Hassan Goriola, Adun, and Irapada produced by Kunle Afolayan, among others. I grew up in Lagos. Of course, I have wonderful childhood memories. I could be very naughty in the sense that I made noises a lot, and played with kids. Going into acting, it was Efe, a character in Behind The Clouds that influenced me. At a young age, each time I watched her, I wished I could act like her. And as providence would have it, I found myself in the industry. I was supposed to be working with one Mr. Clement and we went to Enugu with Emma Oguguo and others for a job. When we got there, they asked me if I could speak Owerri dialect, I said ‘yes’. Then I acted as the younger sister of a lady. That was the first time. The late Sam Loco and Mr. Ibu encouraged me. My first movie was Osofiason, an Igbo film produced by Nkem Owoh. My returns to the industry When I came back, I felt like doing it again but the industry was very ‘hot’. It was not a place that I can really fit in. I left and came back again. Then I shot Acceptance, Presidential Pardon, and Pure Love among others. Why I left movies was not because I was sexually harassed. I am a blunt person. I am not the type that anybody can just come and say he wants to sleep with me. No! I am not desperate for movie roles. Acting is something I want to do. It is not a do-or-dies affair for me. Back then I was naĂŻve. I felt since I was not out-going, not too social and was shy; I should stay off for a while. Still working, it is not possible to abandon acting. I did some jobs last year and early this year. I have done about six films, soap operas and some home videos. They would soon be out. Before then, I went back to school and there was a point in time when the industry was going through a phase. It affected everybody so I occupied myself with other things like buying and selling, going to school and working more for God. I studied Public Administration in Lagos State University and not Theatre Arts. But acting is my passion. It is something I love doing. If it comes, I act, if it doesn’t, I do some other things. Looking for fame Then I was quite young; I was not thinking of many things. I was looking for fame. I wanted my face to be registered, so I took every job that came my way just for me to be known. The more work you do, the more you are recognized. I am also working on my own movies. I have a script. I did a conference recently on my script. But something happened and I have to hold on. It’s a Yoruba movie, even though I belong to Actors Guild of Nigeria (A.G.N) Still searching I am still single and seriously searching. Anybody that is single is definitely searching, so am still single and searching. The searching is not about being selective or looking for the right man. But the thing is meeting the right person. But if you talk about right person, people will tell you there is no way one can meet a right person, but the thing is that you want to meet a man who will accept you for who you are. But many Nigerian men will tell you they can’t marry an actress given the excuses that we actresses are too exposed. But I am sorry to say this; some men are not just men enough. Some of them are not bold enough; they will say “haa, I can t marry her o; she is too beautiful and exposed. Other men will also be interested in her if I marry herâ€?, so meeting somebody who will know real

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ihanna turned 27 on February 20. And while her day started with shooting a music video, her Roc Nation label made sure she ended it with a bang by throwing a surprise birthday in her honour.r. The bash was attended by A-listers such as Beyonce, Jay Z, Naomi Campbell, Russell Simmons, Queen Latifah, Tyrese, Lee Daniels, Paris Hilton and Nicki Hilton.


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nazi who also plays for Italian football club, Forza Lazio, just bought himself a brand new 2015 BMW X4 and shared it on instagram.


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M ary Okoye, the sister of Peter and Paul Okoye, better known as P-Square, is now a mother. Mary and her husband, Emma Mordi welcomed their first child, a baby boy last Saturday, February 21, 2015. b Mary and her actor hubby got married on August 6 last year, in M Asaba, Delta State. A

Burna Boy signed a 2-year deal with Aristocrat Records in 2012, which was set to run out last year, and he parted ways with the label in mid-2014 when his contract with the label supposedly expired but in controversial circumstances.

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ontroversial Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh, has finally unveiled her boyfriend whose identity she hid for a while. She famously calls him Mr. X on her instagram page and used to only show a part of his body. But she finally revealed his identity earlier in the week.


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Entertainment and he confirmed while tweeting from his verified Twitter account with over 178,000 followers saying: ‘My Official Record Label twitter and Instagram account is up Spaceship Ent, please follow and share.’

igerian afro pop star, Burna Boy, has finally set up his own record label eight months after parting ways with his former record label, Aristocrat Records in June 2014. Burna Boy’s new record label is called Spaceship


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The Miss World pageant is the oldest surviving major international beauty pageant. It was created in the United Kingdom by Eric Morley in 1951. Since his death in 2000, Morley’s wife, Julia Morley, co-chairs the pageant. Alongside its rivals, Miss Universe and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most publicised beauty contests in the world. The current Miss World is Rolene Strauss of South Africa who was crowned on December 14, 2014 in London, United Kingdom. Traditionally, Miss World lives in London during her reign. Miss World is part of the Big Four international beauty pageants. However, this year’s will be devoid of the swimsuit segment. Miss World started as the Festival Bikini Contest, in honour of the recently introduced swimwear of the time, but was called “Miss Worldâ€? by the media. It was originally planned as a one-off event. Upon learning about the upcoming Miss Universe pageant, Morley decided to make the pageant an annual event. Opposition to the wearing of bikinis led to their replacement with more modest swimwear after the first contest. The first Miss World Pageant event in 1951 was the first and the last event which crowned the winner in a bikini. In Miss World 2013, all participants used one piece of swimsuit plus traditional sarong from the belly and below as a compromise with local culture. In 1959, the BBC started broadcasting the competition. The pageant’s popularity grew with the advent of television. During the 1960s and 1970s, Miss World was among the most watched programmes of the year on British television. However, in 1970, the Miss World contest in London was disrupted by women’s liberation protesters armed with flour bombs, stink bombs and water pistols. In the 1980s, the pageant repositioned itself with the slogan Beauty With a Purpose, with added tests of intelligence and personality. However, in the 1980s, the competition became seen as old-fashioned and politically incorrect in its native Britain, and despite its global appeal, stopped showing on British television until Channel 5 aired it from 1998-2000, then it shifted between lesser-known satellite channels, and is now webcast only and little-known in Britain. 21st century Eric Morley died as the pageant entered the new century. His wife, Julia, succeeded as chairperson of the Miss World Organisation. The century saw its first black African winner, Agbani Darego of Nigeria, in 2001. As part of its marketing strategy, Miss World came up with a “Vote For Meâ€? television special during that edition, featuring the delegates behind the scenes and on the beach, and allowing viewers to either phone in or vote online for their favourites. It also sells its Talent, Beach Beauty and Sports events as television specials to broadcasters. In 2002, the pageant was slated for Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria, to host its final. This choice was controversial, as a northern Nigerian woman, Amina Lawal, was awaiting death by stoning for adultery under Sharia law there, but Miss World chose to use the publicity surrounding its presence to bring greater global awareness and action to Amina’s cause. In 2014, the organisation eliminated the swimsuit competition from the pageant. Miss World Organisation The Miss World Organisation owns and manages the annual Miss World Finals; a competition that has grown into one of the world’s biggest. Since its launch in 1951, the Miss World Organisation has raised more than ÂŁ250 million for children’s charities. Miss World is franchised in more than 100 countries. Miss World Limited is a privately held firm, and thus figures for its earnings, expenses and charitable contributions are not publicly available. Miss World becomes popular among the viewing public, which warrants the continuity of the pageant not only as a pageant itself, but more importantly, an institution for humanitarian causes. Aside raising millions of pounds for charities around the globe under the banner of its “Beauty with a Purposeâ€? programme, Miss World is also credited with directly influencing a dramatic increase in tourism in Sanya, China, host city of the Miss World finals in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, and 2010. The pageant In the year preceding the global finals, each delegate must win her national title or a specially designated Miss World national preliminary. Miss World’s national preliminaries are conducted by their licence-holders, who hold the franchise to use the “Miss Worldâ€? name in their country. The annual final is typically a month-long event, with several preliminary galas, dinners, balls and activities, culminating in a globally telecast final show in which the field is narrowed to between 15–20 delegates.


fter a time of courting, dating or getting to know one another, couples who have decided there is no living without the other usually decide to marry. The first big event on the road to the ceremony is the engagement. Here are some tips for the bride and groom-to-be on the etiquette of being and getting engaged. •Making the announcement. As a sign of respect, your parents should be the first to know about your impending nuptials; this is true regardless of your age. If they have already been introduced this is easier. However, if your parents have not met your fiance, it would be best to visit their home where you can introduce them face to face. If you are concerned about one set of parents learning the news before the other, a nice compromise might be to arrange for the six of you to meet at a nice restaurant where you can make the announcement to both sets at once. You may be tempted to tell your siblings first, but remember your parents are responsible for bringing you into this world, so they ought to be respected with the right of first knowledge. Traditionally the order is: parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, close friends then cousins. For the parent, if you have recently met your son or daughter’s intended, it would be polite of you to send him or her a nice acknowledgement note welcoming him/her to the family. •What about my children? Your children should definitely be among the first to know. If you have been married before or already have children, recognize early on that this could be a scary and potentially anxious time for them. Respect your child’s rights and feelings by letting arranging a private time for the two (or more) of you to discuss your engagement and marriage plans. Your fiance should probably not be involved in your initial conversation with your children. This will give you the opportunity to answer any question he/she or they might have and to alleviate any anxiety they might have about the changes that are about to occur in their lives and to their relationship with you. •Do I have to tell my former spouse? You should definitely tell your former spouse about your engagement. If you are still on friendly terms, this conversation should be take place in person if at all possible. In addition to showing your former spouse respect, if children are involved it will give him or her the opportunity to ask questions about potential changes with regard to any custody and visitation arrangements. For instance, you should address specific situations such as your custody of any minor children and the spouse’s visitation rights, in particular be sure to address any changes you anticipate after you are re-married. •How long should my engagement last? There are many factors that may determine the length of your engagement. Traditionally, this time period lasted around six-months. However, depending upon the style and degree of formality that you are planning your wedding may take longer to coordinate. There are other circumstances that may delay your wedding day as well. These include such variables as the availability of your reception hall and caterer, or the prescribed pre-nuptial counseling required by your church or the person who will officiate your ceremony. Some more popular ceremony or reception locations may be reserved for up to two years or more. Planning to have a wedding in the less popular Fall or Winter months may offer more availability and fewer obstacles. There is also the issue of paying for your big day and the honeymoon.

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L-R: Director, Resource Mobilisation, National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA), Dr. Emmanuel Alhassan; Legal Director/Company Secretary, Airtel Nigeria, Gbenga Rotimi; Managing Director/CEO, Airtel Nigeria, Segun Ogunsanya; Country Director, UNAIDS, Dr. Bilali Camara and Chief of Office, UNICEF, Sarah Beysolow-Nyanti, during the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understanding between UNAIDS and Airtel Nigeria to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Nigeria at the corporate headquarters of the company on February 18, 2015 in Lagos.


L-R: Lagos State Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Ayo Gbeleyi; Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN, and his deputy, Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire, during the 2014 fourth quarter budget performance review session at the Banquet Hall, Lagos House, Ikeja, Lagos‌yesterday.

Governor Babatunde Fashola, SAN (2nd left), fielding questions from journalists shortly after the session on Wednesday, February 18, 2015. With him is Lagos State Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget, Mr. Ben Akabueze (2nd right). L-R: Mr. Segun Ogunsanya and Dr. Bilali Camara during the event.


L-R: Dr. Ade Farri (husband); celebrant, Dr. (Mrs.) Titi Farri; Senator Gbenga Ashafa and wife, Shade, during the 70th birthday celebration of Mrs. Farri in Lagos.

L-R: Lady Deola Williams; Dr. Adetoun Agbe-Davies and her husband, Engr. Sunmade, at the event. #


Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN (2nd right); his Deputy, Mrs. Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire (2nd left); Attorney-General/Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ade Ipaye (left) and the Chief Judge of the state, Justice Funmilayo Atilade (right) during the commissioning of a new Magistrate Court, renamed Roselyn Omotosho Court House in Ikeja, built by the state government.

The new Magistrate Court, Roselyn Omotosho Court House commissioned by Governor Fashola, SAN, in Lagos.

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L-R : Secretary–General , Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) , Professor Adebayo Olateju; Chief Idowu Shofolahan and the President of Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE), General Adeyinka Adebayo (rtd) during the visit of the council to President Goodluck Jonathan at the State House, Marina, Lagos.

President Goodluck Jonathan (middle) with members of the Yoruba Council of Elders (YCE) during the visit of the council to the President at the State House in Lagos.

Osun State Governor, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (right) presenting the state emblem to the Osun State Comptroller of Immigration, Mr. Onunwor Chris, during his courtesy visit to the governor in Osogbo recently.

L-R: Mr. Chris; Governor Aregbesola; Passport Control Officer of Immigration, Mr. Isah Salihu and Comptroller of Immigration, Mr. Aminu Suliman, during the visit.

L-R Executive Secretary, Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Mr. Femi Ajayi; Executive Secretary, Tertiary Education Fund, Prof. Suleiman Bogoro and Chief of Staff to the President, General Jones Arogbofa (rtd), during a meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan on Education in Abuja.

Left: Executive Secretary, National University Commission (NUC), Prof. Julius Okojie, and Executive Secretary, PTDF, Mr. Femi Ajayi, during the meeting.

L-R: Mrs. Lauretta Ekerue; Mr. Victor Enebele; Mr. Sunny Yamah and Chief Oscar Olorugun Ibru, during the one year remembrance/reception in honour of the late Elsie Nelly Ibru in Lagos.

L-R: Mr. Denzil Kentebe; Mrs. Clare Omatseye and Mrs. Olorogun Wanda Ibru at the occasion.

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• tomatoes(about one blender full) • 2 bulbs of onions • 2 cubes of maggi or knorr (seasoning) • spices(curry, thyme, nutmeg, chicken flavor) • meat(chicken, beef, goat meat, turkey) • pepper (to taste) • about 10 to 15cl groundnut/vegetable oil • salt to taste. I like to make tomato stew with nutmeg and just few other spices, I just like the aroma of a deliciously made tomatoes stew . Wash the meat and cook with the spices(about half table spoon full of each) and one bulb of onion. Blend the tomatoes to get a blender full of it or a little bit more. There is this magic I perform with ground fresh tomatoes, most people that walk into my kitchen always wonder how I manage to pour the tomatoes into the sieve without losing the main thing. I do that to reduce the water and make easy for frying. my method is simple as you can find above, don’t worry about the tomatoes

leaking out. that wouldn’t happen if you pour in gently. Set your cooking pot on fire and allow to dry, add groundnut oil(about 10 to 15cl) you may use lots of oil while frying and pour out when you are done(with frying tomatoes) to quickly eliminate the accompanying sour taste. Add Onions to the hot oil, stir and pour in the ground tomatoes, allow to boil until the tomato stew is boiling on oil with no trace of

water, taste for sour taste, OK? Pour in the cooked meat, add 1 or 2 cubes of maggi, (add spices - nutmeg, curry, delice etc, if you didn’t add enough while parboiling the meat) add pepper and salt to taste, cook for about five minutes before adding the vegetable {fluted Pumpkin (Optional)} You can serve with rice, beans or even yam.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

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Newswatc Times, Saturday, February28, 2015

Beyond the bar I didn’t know what to say first day I appeared in court - Barr. Idowu when I was in the university, the issue of having stage fright and addressing a gathering was not there. I was a union leader then even up to NANS level. The only challenge I had was what to tell the court but with time, I overcame it.

Ayodele Olalere


s a former chairman of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Ikeja branch, Barrister Niyi Idowu, has seen it all in the legal profession in Nigeria. His over-24 years at the Bar have been full of success stories. He is revered among his colleagues in the profession as a result of his vast experience. Barrister Idowu served as the chairman of the Ikeja branch of the association in 2006 and his two years’ tenure is one still being talked about by his colleagues as a result of the many initiatives and vibrancy he introduced in the branch. Some of the initiatives include the formation of the Elders Forum as well as the Youths Forum, which successive chairmen of the NBA have maintained to date. It was during his administration that the foundation for the construction of the almostcompleted gigantic Bar Centre was laid, and he is still remembered for those achievements. Barrister Idowu graduated from the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), and was an active unionist while in school and went ahead to become one of the top executives member of the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS). While speaking with Newswatch _ VXYŠ^Y[_XYVÂˆÂĄÂŠ`X_•VYS<UVY_`Y Omole Estate, Ikeja, Barrister Idowu reminisced on his achievements in the legal profession, narrating his experiences in the last 24 years. “Since I was called to the Bar in 1991, Y[Š•VY`S^Y—VV`Y\`‰_`]Y_^Y^SSYVŠX˜YŠ`‰Y ^SSY‰_<Uš”^¢Y [Sš][ÂŒY Y _][^Y`S^Y[Š•VY made several millions of naira, I am contented with what God has given me,â€? he told Newswatch Times. He mentioned some of the challenges he has faced in the course of practising his profession. One of them happened when he was just learning the ‘trade’ as a young lawyer then. According to him, though he was not afraid to Š¥¥VŠWY—VÂœSWVYŠY¼š‰]VYÂœSWY^[VY\WX^Y time, because of his activism while in the university yet the challenges of expressing himself on the point of law had always disturbed him. He continued: “In any profession or venture, you are bound to have ‰_5VWV`^YU[Š””V`]VX¢Y [VYU[Š””V`]VXY so many young lawyers always go through is the issue of how to address the court but I was able to overcome it because I was in the student union when I was in the university. So, the issue having stage fright and addressing a gathering was not there. I was a union leader then even up to the NANS level. The only challenge I had was what to tell the court but with time, I overcame it. “At the university, I was at various

Barrister Niyi Idowu ^_ VXYS<UVWYSÂœY^[VY ŠZY SU_V^˜ŒY Student Union and NANS. I have had reasons to champion causes of fellow students. So, I found it easy to appear —VÂœSWVYŠY¼š‰]VY^[VY\WX^Y^_ VY YŠ¥¥VŠWV‰¢Y [VWVYZŠXY`SY_XXšVYSÂœY—V_`]YÂĽ_9VW˜¢Y I learnt something from my boss, Barrister Ishiaku Ibrahim, who is now a SAN and whose chamber I served. “He taught us that as a lawyer, the \WX^Y^[_`]Y˜SšY‰SYZ[V`Y˜SšY]V^Y^SY any court is to know the judge. If I have not appeared in a jurisdiction —VÂœSWVÂŒY^[VY\WX^Y^[_`]Y Y‰SY_XY^SY VV^Y lawyers who have appeared there to know the temperament of the judge whether he is accommodating or not, SWY[VY_XY^[VY^Â˜ÂĄVY^[Š^YŠUUVÂĄ^XY‰_5VWV`^Y ideas. Accommodating does not mean bending backward to accept what is illegal. Some judges would not like a counsel to meet the registrar in the course of proceedings. With that, you ZS`ÂŁ^Y[Š•VYŠ`˜YWVŠXS`Y^SY—VYÂĽ_9VW˜YŠXYŠY \WX^Y^_ VW¢³Y His interest in the profession was fuelled when he was in Form 2 in the secondary school. As a young boy then, an event in which he was ‘involved’ made him appear before a court for the \WX^Y^_ V¢Y “I could remember when I was in Form 2 in the secondary school in our native town in Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State (then Ondo State). A thief came to our house in the night and when people in the house raised alarm that somebody has entered the house to steal, the thief ran under my bed in my room while I was sleeping. I began hearing a strange noise under my bed so I woke up. I didn’t know somebody was there, I thought it was a rat. But when I heard the voices of the people in the house saying a stranger entered the house, it was then it dawned on me that the noise under my bed could be the person.

“We brought the thief out, took him to the police station and charged him to court. I happened to be a witness _`Y^[VY ÂŠ9VWYZ[_U[YZŠXY—VÂœSWVY^[VY Magistrate Court in Ado-Ekiti. I was to give evidence and the Magistrate then told me to speak English. So, I had to force myself to give evidence in English language. I was a boy then. ÂŻ [V`Y^[VY ÂŠ9VWY\`_X[V‰ŒY^[VY magistrate asked me and pointed to the lawyers in the court if I liked the way the lawyers were dressed. I said ‘yes,’ Š`‰Y^[Š^Y\WV‰Y^[VY_`XÂĄ_WŠ^_S`Y_`Y VÂŒÂłY he said. He added: “Another thing is that my father had always encouraged me. In ^[SXVY‰Š˜XÂŒY”ŠZ˜VWXYZVWVYUŠ””V‰Y”V9VWY writers; it was a pride for a parent ^SY[Š•VY[_XYXS`YŠXYŠY”V9VWYZW_^VW¢Y ˜Y father also believed one of his children X[Sš”‰YŠ”XSY—VYŠY”V9VWYZW_^VW¢Y SÂŒY indirectly, he was encouraging me. Incidentally, we had a counselling session in school, handled by late Barrister Oguntuase who used to come to our school once in a year and talked to us about career guidance. So, it was like he was encouraging all of us then to study law. Fortunately, most of the students who passed out of that school ŠWSš`‰Y^[Š^Y^_ VYV•V`^šŠ””˜YWVŠ‰Y ŠZ¢Y By the time I was leaving secondary school, a High Court had been created in my town and anytime we were passing by, we used to see lawyers dressed neatly. So we fell in love with the costume.â€? Having handled so many cases, Idowu has come across life-threatening situations in the course of his job. He hates clients who give false information to their lawyers. Š_‰Y[V´YÂŻ SS™_`]Y—ŠU™YŠ^YXS VYSÂœY^[VY cases he has handled, he said: “I don’t want to zero in on any particular case. Y[Š•VY—VV`Y_`•S”•V‰Y_`Y”Š`‰Y ÂŠ9VWXÂŒY U[_VÂœ^Š_`U˜Y ÂŠ9VWXÂŒYUW_ _`Š”YŠ`‰YS^[VWY

 ÂŠ9VWX¢Y [Š^Y Y‰SY_XY^SY]_•VYŠ`˜YUŠXVY Y am handling seriousness. One thing I will not do is to encourage any client to ÂĄWVXV`^YœŠ”X_\V‰Y‰SUš V`^X¢Y ^Y‰SVX`ÂŁ^Y bring out the lawyer in you as a lawyer. Facts must be presented as they are; so lawyers hold it a duty for their clients to say the truth.â€? His life has also been threatened. ÂŻ [WVŠ^YUS VXY_`Y‰_5VWV`^YZŠ˜X¢Y Sometimes you come out of court and the opposing side, without the consent of their counsel may want to abuse you. I once had that experience in Ado-Ekiti. In fact, I had to rush back to the court room to meet the judge. Sometimes, you meet physical threats _`YV”VU^_S`Y ÂŠ9VWX¢Y YZŠXYŠ^Y ”SW_`Y_`Y 2007 for senatorial election petition. Elections are always violent things and supporters sing war songs. In fact, I had to tell my driver to move from the driver’s seat for me to take over the steering because the place was charged. We had to manoeuvre our way out of the place,â€? he explained. He has won some cases and also lost some others. For the ones he lost he said they made him stronger, and for those he won, he learnt valuable lessons. Though his wife is not a lawyer, some of his children are already picking interest in the profession. His words: “I believe the children are picking interest in the profession. One of my children always wants to follow me to the meeting of lawyers. [V`V•VWYX[VYUS VXY_`^SY Â˜YS<UVÂŒY she loves seating in the library to read and ask questions on law-related  ÂŠ9VWX¢Y [VWVYŠWVYZŠ˜XYS`VYUŠ`Y encourage them. One thing I don’t like is people forcing professions on their children.â€?

Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


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Opportunities of Valentine’s Day for couples Continued from last week

Intriguing facts affecting sex life


urthermore, it is also an opportunity to practice how to stay in love, which the strong necessities of daily economic survival race have made an exception for most couples. Schedule an appointment that neither of you is allowed to cancel: Lie in bed and just chat, or touch each other from head to toes, savouring your bodies together under the X[VV^X¢Y [_XY[VӴXY˜SšWYUS``VU^_•_^˜Y”V•V”¢Y At Valentine’s Day celebration, couples Š9V ¥^Y^SYX^Š˜Y_`Y”S•VY—˜YÂŠÂĄÂĄÂ”Â˜_`]YXS VYSÂœY^[VY necessary tips which include Make lovemaking something you both look forward to. S`ÂŁ^Y `V]”VU^Y ˜SšWY XÂĄSšXVY ¸Y SY `V]”VU^Y XS V^[_`]Y _XY ^SY œŠ_”Y ^SY ÂĄÂŠÂ˜Y Š9V`^_S`Y ^SY ^[Š^Y ^[_`]¢Y `‰YZ[Š^V•VWYZVYWVœšXVY^SYÂĄÂŠÂ˜YŠ9V`^_S`Y ^SÂŒYZVY”SXV¢Y [V`YŠYUSš¥”VYœŠ_”XY^SYÂĄÂŠÂ˜YŠ9V`^_S`Y to each other, with time they lose their feelings for one another. S`ÂŁ^Y^Š™VY˜SšWYXÂĄSšXVYÂœSWY]WŠ`^V‰Y¸Y SY^Š™VY your spouse for granted is to be so used to him/ her that you do not recognize his/her true value anymore and, as a result, do not show that you are grateful for him/her any longer. Cultivate friendship with your spouse Love between a couple is promoted when they cultivate friendship with one another. Do things that friends do: Friends respect one another’s opinion; friends gist together; friends spend time with one another; friends laugh with one another, friends share things with one another, friends relax in one another’s presence, VŠ•VY `SY US`ÂŽ_U^Y š`WVXS”•V‰¸Y S`ÂŽ_U^Y resolution between couples is one thing that cannot be overlooked. Couples that will stay _`Y”S•VY ÂšX^Y”VŠW`Y^SYWVXS”•VYV•VW˜YUS`ÂŽ_U^Y^[Š^Y arises in their home and resolve it the right way. Y Š”£XY‰Š˜YŠ”XSYS5VWXYUSš¥”VXY^[VYSÂĄÂĄSW^š`_^˜Y to spoil themselves using their love keys of words of appreciation, acts of kindness, gifts SÂœYŠ¥¥WVU_Š^_S`ÂŒY `‰_•_‰V‰Y 9V`^_S`ÂŒY [˜X_UŠ”Y Contact. Š”V`^_`VY‰Š˜YS5VWXYUSš¥”VXY^[VYSÂĄÂĄSW^š`_^˜Y ^SYWV‰_XUS•VWY”S•V´Y^[Š^Y\WX^Y”S•VYZ[_U[Y—WSš][^Y ^[V Y^S]V^[VWY_`Y^[VY\WX^Y_`X^Š`UV¢Y _™VYZVYŠ””Y know, the beginning of every love relationship is always sweet. In marriage, the challenges of building the home could be so overwhelming for most couples that they lose the heat of ^[Š^Y\WX^Y”S•V¢Y š^YŠY‰Š˜Y”_™VY^[Š^YSÂœY Š”V`^_`VY presents couples with the opportunity to rediscover love by applying the love keys. I desire that couples will take advantage of the opportunities of Valentine’s Day to strengthen their marriages. In response to my readers’ request, I have packaged some of my previous articles _`^SYŠY—SS™YZ_^[Y^[VY^_^”V´Y Y Y SEXLIFE. You can call me on 08112658560 for the book. Concluded To be continued next week

[Š‰ŒY[SZYŠ9WŠU^_•VY^[V˜Y—V”_V•V‰YS^[VWY V`Y found her, and how often they had sex with her. It turns out, the women with more guy friends and co-workers had more sex with By Amina Brai Omoike their partners. Apparently, that threat of a ”_9”VY US ¥V^_^_S`Y  ÂŠÂ™VXY šXY  SWVY ‰VX_WŠ—”VY to our man. ood sex is one of the things that Birth control methods could strengthen a marriage. Y SšY™`SZY^[VYÂĄ_””YŠ5VU^XYŠY”S^Y SWVY^[Š`Y However, many marriages are whether you get pregnant or not-but did lacking in this area - some times, by no you know it can be your libido’s version of fault of theirs and at other times, by sheer beer goggles? Hormonal birth control can ignorance. ŠU^šŠ””˜Y ‰V^VW _`VY Z[SY ˜Sš£WVY Š9WŠU^V‰Y Science has uncovered a number of nonto, according to a U.K. study. Scientists sexual reasons behind whether you’re not only found that women who went having more intense, satisfying sex or S`Y SWY S5Y [SW S`Š”Y —_W^[Y US`^WS”Y Z[_”VY _`Y USš”‰`ÂŁ^Y—VY”VXXY_`^VWVX^V‰Y_`Y]V9_`]Y`Š™V‰¢Y a relationship experienced a decrease in And surprisingly, only one takes place in sexual satisfaction, but also that women the bedroom. who met their future husbands while on ‰šUŠ^VY˜SšWXV”œY`SZY^SY]šŠWŠ`^VVYŠY—V9VWY [SW S`Š”Y—_W^[YUS`^WS”ŒY—š^YZV`^YS5Y_^YŠœ^VWY time in the bedroom. ]V9_`]Y  ÂŠWW_V‰Y —VUŠ VY ”VXXY XŠ^_X\V‰Y Z_^[Y What you’re watching on date night their marriages (especially if their husbands As much as you may love cueing up the wasn’t conventionally “hotâ€?). latest romantic movie to get in the mood, The type of guy you’re dating ˜SšWY U[_U™Y ÂŽ_U™Y ÂĄ_U™XY USš”‰Y —VY ™_””_`]Y [_XY Everyone has a type that turns them on: sex drive. Scientists found that men were tall, skinny, surfer, whatever. But science least likely to want sex after being subjected to romantic conditions (in this case, a scene showing Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate _`X”V^ÂŁXY\WX^Y™_XXY_`Y _^Š`_UÂŒY¥”šXYŠYWS ÂŠ`^_UY clip from Indecent Proposal), according to a study published in the journal, Archives SÂœY VˆšŠ”Y V[Š•_SšW¢Y [VY WVXVŠWU[VWXY concluded that while women get more ^šW`V‰YS`Y—˜YWS ÂŠ`^_UYXUV`VXÂŒY V`YŠWVY\`VY with more explicit stimuli, like porn. How many guy friends you have It’s always about competition with men, right? In fact, even perceived competition UŠ`Y ÂŠÂ™VY˜SšWYXVˆY”_ÂœVY[S9VWÂŒYXŠ˜XYŠYX^š‰˜Y published in the Journal of Comparative Psychology. Researchers polled 393 [V^VWSXVˆšŠ”Y  V`Y _`Y ”S`]¸^VW ÂŒY US  _9V‰Y relationships, and had them rate their partner’s appearance, how many male friends and co-workers they thought she



ĂˆY Make love ĂˆY Write poetry for each other. ĂˆY Kiss/smell her hair. ĂˆY Hugs are the universal medicine. ĂˆY Say I love you, only when you mean it and make sure they know you mean it. ĂˆY Give random gifts of ÂŽSZVWXÂżUŠ`‰˜¿¥SV^W˜Y etc.

has proven there are a few characteristics in a man that can actually make your orgasms stronger. A recent study published in the journal, Evolutionary Psychology, the frequency and intensity of your orgasms is related to your partner’s family income (it X[Sš”‰Y —VY [_][ÂťÂŒY [_XY XV”œ¸US`\‰V`UVY Âş^[_XY X[Sš”‰Y Š”XSY —VY [_][ÂťÂŒY [SZY œš``˜Y ˜SšY \`‰Y [_ Y Âş^[VY —V9VWY ^[VY XV`XVY SÂœY [š SšWÂťÂŒY Š`‰Y [SZY Š9WŠU^_•VY [VY _XY º—WSŠ‰Y X[Sš”‰VWXY ŠWVY key here). And if your friends think your partner is really hot, that also means you are ÂĄWS—Š—”˜Y SWVYXŠ^_X\V‰Y_`Y—V‰¢Y U_V`UVYXŠ˜XY so! Whether your brain is wired for it ÂœY˜SšY\`‰Y˜SšWXV”œYUWŠ•_`]YÂœSWYXVˆYŠ””Y^[VY time (or never), it could have less to do with your libido than your brain. Some people, according to research published in UCLA’s SU_Š”Y S]`_^_•VYŠ`‰Y 5VU^_•VY VšWSXU_V`UVY journal, are just wired for it. Researchers showed 225 psychology students a variety of photos that included couples kissing, having sex or doing something totally G-rated; the people whose brain activity reacted to more of the pictures were the same ones who had had more sexual partners. Basically, those people’s brains are more sensitive to sexual cues than others, making it easier for them to get aroused (which leads them to seek out more sexual partners). What you do post-sex Some people crave a spoon sesh after sex; others loathe lolling around. Guess who’s  SWVY XVˆšŠ””˜Y XŠ^_X\VÂ‰ĂŒY [VY Uš‰‰”VWXÂŒY says a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour. Scientists observed the behaviour of 335 participants after they got it in, and found that those who spent more ^_ VYX[SZ_`]YŠ5VU^_S`YWVÂĄSW^V‰Y[_][YXVˆšŠ”Y XŠ^_XœŠU^_S`¢YÂş [VYŠ•VWŠ]VY^_ VÂŒY_`YUŠXVY˜SšY were wondering, was 15 minutes.) In fact, ^[VY ‰šWŠ^_S`Y SÂœY ÂĄSX^¸XVˆY Š5VU^_S`Y WŠ`™V‰Y higher than the length of foreplay and the actual sex. Snuggle away!


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Bridal Tips: Finding the perfect reception venue plus. If there’s no view per se, look to a place’s decor or architectural details: artwork on the Z X Y \`VY VWX_ `Y W ]XY S`Y ^[VY ®SSWX Y ¡VW_S Y ighting: Light can make or break furniture in the corners, or an amazing crystal the mood and the space. If you’re chandelier as the room’s centrepiece all give marrying during the day, make sure your reception site that something extra. your hall has plenty of windows. Who wants The Right Colour: If you’re considering a to spend six hours in a dark room when the UVW^ _`Y^[V VY ` YUS S WY¡ V9VY SWY S WY¡ W^ Y X `Y_XYX[_`_`]ÌY Y_^£XY `YV V`_`]Y 5 _W Y VY -- say, a modern lounge-style cocktail party sure the room’s not too dim -- or that the reception done in black and red -- those gold lighting can be controlled for the big entrance, cord swag curtains are really going to wreck dinner, and dancing. If you’re marrying ^[VYV5VU^¢Y [VYX_^VY SVX`£^Y[ VY^SY VY S`VY_`Y outdoors, say, at dusk, will you be able to set the exact colours as your planned decorations, up candles if necessary? Visit the site at the but the walls, carpets, chairs, and curtains same time of day that you’ve chosen for your X[S `£^Y U X[Y SWY US`®_U^Y Z_^[Y S WY ¡ W^ £XY wedding. Even if the space looks romantic mood or theme. If you want a spring wedding by candlelight, you may be surprised by the brunch, look for a space that’s done in light sight of that 20-year-old carpet during the day. º¡VW[ ¡XY ¡ X^V »Y US S WXY SWY ®SW ¢Y SWY U XX_UY You’ll also miss a chance to see how sunlight elegance, consider a room done in neutrals or X^WV _`]Y ^[WS ][Y ®SSW¸^S¸UV_ _`]Y Z_` SZXY black and white. completely transforms the room, if you only Ample Outlets: Be sure to take a thorough cruise around the room to see if it has lots of check it out in the evening. A Great View: What will your guests see places to plug things in -- especially if you’re when they walk into the room? Whether partying in a place that’s not a regular spot for it’s your city skyline, a stunning vista of hosting weddings. Your main user of outlets rolling mountains beyond the windows, will be the entertainment crew. Take note of or the crashing sea on the sand behind you, where the outlets are; if their location will force exceptional locations with a view are always a your DJ to spin records in the bathroom, make

Continued from last week


sure she or he has plenty of extension cords. Good Acoustics: If the place is too echoey, it could give some weird reverb to the band, not ^SY V`^_S`Y VY_^Y _<U ^Y SWY] VX^XY^SY[V WY S`VY `S^[VWY^ _`]¢Y Y^_ VYSWYZSS Y®SSW Y SWY example, will amplify sounds, while a thick U W¡V^YZ_ Y^V` Y^SY ÓVY^[V ¢Y [VU YS ^Y^[VY

room’s sound quality during an event. And tailor your music to the acoustic conditions. A ¥ µµYUS SYZ_ YXS ` Y V9VWY ^Y `Y_`^_ ^VY W^Y gallery than a 14-piece orchestra would (not ^SY V`^_S`Y^[VY U^Y^[ ^Y_^Y^ VXY ¡Y VXXY®SSWY space). Concluded

Is birth control sin in marriage? The question above has generated a lot of argument in religious circles. Is it right to use any form of birth control in a marriage? Doesn’t it go against God’s command to man of ‘populating the earth’? Should married couples literally have as many children as they can produce? AMINA BRAI OMOIKE found out.

Sometimes, he feels he is denying her of nourishment that is due her in this regard - Ukandi I’ve actually seen my dad with one. Didn’t ask why because I knew it’ll surely be for birth control - Blessing In the Catholic Church, it is a sin to use condom and withdrawal method. They taught us that in marriage course. `UVY S £WVYWV Y^SY WW Y ` Y 9V` Y marriage course, you shall be taught natural way of family planning which is Billings method - Ify I’ve been so doubtful if using condom he question above has generated trouble the woman? Condom remains during sex in marriage is cool or not a lot of argument in religious the best contraceptive. Other methods or is a sin against the Bible. Wearing circles. Is it right to use any form will put the woman at a disadvantage. a condom when you want to have sex of birth control in a marriage? Doesn’t Meet a doctor who can open up. But prevents you both from bringing tons it go against God’s command to man of when prescribing contraceptives tablets, of kids to this world when you aren’t ‘populating the earth’? Should married coil etc, they just want to satisfy the need ready to raise them. So it is not a sin to couples literally have as many children of the couples, especially the man while me because it is for birth control and as they can produce? AMINA BRAI ^[VYZS `YX 5VWXY^[VYX_ VYV5VU^¢Y [_XY_XY family planning - Daniel OMOIKE found out. almost tearing my friend’s home. They I would rather use femdom for Only when you feel someone isn’t have a two-year-old child but cannot comfort. Condoms are for people who loyal! If not, then why would you? go for another now, yet his wife wants There is birth control, and more like sex without condom, and he is not Z[_U[Y S`VY _XY V5VU^_ VY V`S ][Y `S^Y ^SY cool with the idea because of mistakes.


sleep around and are not safe from all STDs - Amaka If it is a sin for married people to use it, which people are then meant to use it, unmarried ones? It’s not bad but you have to agree with your partner on when to use it - Zuki Using condom is not a bad idea. But the only problem I see here is that it gives the husband leverage on seeing another girl outside. Because whenever the wife sees him with a condom, he can easily defend himself. So family planning is the key - Wale To be honest with you, the issue of birth control - use of contraceptives, condom and withdrawal is a major concern in Christendom. The Roman ^[S _UY WVY ^Y ^[VY ¡_ S^Y S Y ^[VY 9VW Y but the debate still rages on with the V`^VUSX^ Y ` Y V `]V _U Y XVU^XY Z_^[Y divergent views. Sex is for procreation and intimacy (soul tie).

Stepping into the future...

Former Miss Goodness Okorie shares loving moment with her husband shortly after their wedding.

Saturday, February 28

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Newswatch Times, Saturday,February 28, 2015


Road to 2015 polls


Obasanjo’s attitude’ll scare investors - Jonathan Continued from Page 15

in Lagos by youths of a rival political party because my billboard was close to his facility. Is this proper? Are these the kind of people that want to take over the running of this country? Is this country going to be managed by people with that kind of background? And will I be intimidated when I mean well for Nigeria? Are you saying I should chicken out because some people are telling lies about the government? I have given freedom to Nigerians because before now, Nigerians don’t talk about voter cards. It is from 2011 that we brought that awareness - that a voter cards owned by Nigerians must be the potent tools to be used and Nigerians must decide who governs them at all levels. And we tried to stop the old ways of manipulating and rigging elections at all levels, so that Nigerians become relevant in the voting process. But the way some people are saying it, it is as if they created it. Before 2011, who cared about voter cards? You go to a community, one big man has carried away the voter cards and other people would go about their businesses. So many senior citizens told me that they never rested until 2011. So we have reformed the electoral process and freed Nigerians. We have now given Nigerians the power to decide who governs them and you want to say I should chicken out so that we go back to the old ways? You said none of the presidential candidates can do better than you in running this country. Does that include General Muhamadu Buhari (rtd)? I said that none of the candidates from their history, from what we know, can do better than me in terms of governing this country. General Buhari has governed this country before for 18 months. It would not be fair for me to comment on one individual, especially the number one contender. So, I will not want to rate him. But what I will like to say is that out of the 14 presidential candidates, none of them can do better than me in terms of running this country and I have listened to statements, speeches, interviews and I have �[] \ƒƒ� D�‘ [Z ]‚ƒ` [Iƒ„ˆ�‡ D�‘]‚ˆ�‡ �ƒ” I have not seen any of them saying that in agriculture, this is what the present government is doing, I want to do it this way. I want to do things this way and it is a better option. I have not heard any of them saying anything about the railways. The railway was dead in this country for over 30 years; I remember in those days when Buhari was Head of State, I was doing my Master’s degree programme and there was this screaming headline in one of the national dailies, ‘Weeds Overtake Rail Lines!’ That was what we got. But now we have rehabilitated 90 per cent of this old narrow gauge and we are adding the standard ones. Even in the power sector, we have not reached where we want to go


Obasanjo but you can see the progress we are making. Be it in education or aviation, name it, I have not seen any new idea from my opponents. A lot of people have been presidents in this country before I came. I came on board and some states have degree-awarding institutions while 12 states had no degreeawarding institutions. I did not create those states but I felt it was not good. I opened 12 universities in the 12 states that had no federal universities, in addition to the one specialising in maritime studies, that’s the Maritime University, because we have the longest coastline. Apart from the maritime institution in Oron in Akwa Ibom State, we don’t really have an institution that can train the highest level of manpower in the maritime sector. So, we said we must have a university to take care of that. Look at primary and secondary education. By our laws, it is not the responsibility of the Federal Government. But I looked at the North, the rate of school dropouts is so high that some states had as high as 70 per cent. Some states had 40 to 50 per cent, some 30-something per cent while the rate in the South was about two per cent. The average in the North was about 35 per cent; that is from •„ˆ`D„‘ ][ ]‚ƒ …„\] ]‚„ƒƒ ‘ƒD„\ [Z \ƒF[�GD„‘ school education. So, I said the Federal Government must assist. And there is no \]D]ƒ ”ƒ ‚D†ƒ �[] E^ˆ’] D] ’ƒD\] …†ƒ \F‚[[’\ to assist. I also built the Almajiri schools, primary schools to assist the downtrodden,

children that are underprivileged - whose parents cannot cater for them. Nobody has done that before. You said that none of the other presidential candidates has better ideas on governance than you. But General Buhari has been campaigning on two major Q R corruption better than you. How would you react to those two points he has been using to campaign? I laugh when I hear these things. To us Nigerians, the word corruption is very painful. When you tell Nigerians you want ][ …‡‚] F[„„^•]ˆ[� •ƒ[•’ƒ ”ˆ’’ Eƒ ‚D••‘ ,] is like a dummy that you can use to deceive people. I don’t know how old you were when General Buhari was Head of State. +ƒ ^\ƒG ]‚ƒ \D`ƒ F[„„^•]ˆ[� …‡‚]ˆ�‡ •’[‘ to chase the politicians away. He said this country was too corrupt; he was going to deal with them and he took over. Some people were given 300 years imprisonment, 200 years imprisonment. But did that stop corruption? Even the report of Transparency International that has been analysing corruption from that time till date has not exonerated that government. And for 18 months, the country was going down; people were queuing up to buy essential commodities. Some nights, I couldn’t even read, because I had to go and queue up to buy one tin of milk and one packet of sugar. If you didn’t queue up overnight, the items won’t get to you when they open the warehouse in the morning. By the time they open the store by 8 a.m., the items would ‚D†ƒ …�ˆ\‚ƒG EƒZ[„ƒ ˆ] ‡ƒ]\ ][ ‘[^„ ]^„� 6[ ˆZ he had defeated that corruption then, it won’t be with us today. So, if Buhari wants to reduce corruption, he will have to tell Nigerians how he plans to do that. He was Head of State in a military government and when they set up tribunals, the tribunals did all it wanted to do, just like the one that ruled on the death of Ken Saro Wiwa. But we are in a democratic setting, where you must obey the law. Yes, you can disobey the law by locking up people for a very long time, but people will go to court and the courts will tell you what you are doing is wrong. Even on the question of arresting and prosecuting people, we have done a lot. We have arrested and prosecuted more people than the previous governments. Maybe, you need to interview the chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). I used to tell him to talk to the press because the tendency is Z[„ 1ˆ‡ƒ„ˆD�\ ][ ]‚ˆ�_ ”ƒ D„ƒ �[] …‡‚]ˆ�‡ corruption. But sir, apart from the local challenges you have especially with your critics here, there is this impression that quite a number of the Western powers are not happy with your government. The impression being given is why ‘will you vote for someone who is not even in good terms with the major powers’ and they are quick to cite

Obasanjo may disagree with me 2 3 4 disagree with your 5 6 5 3 7 agree or disagree with me but 4 to be managed in a way that they 8 3 the instance of when the United States refused to do anything concerning the Ebola Virus Disease, the procurement of arms and when they said they were Z ! R % Haram and train personnel, they were not forthcoming. Now, when you connect that impression with what is being written by some international magazines such as The Economist and the New York Times the impression given to Nigerians is that you are not in good terms with quite a number of these Western powers and that a vote for R Z a sort of pariah country. What is your reaction to this? No, no, no! Nigeria cannot be a pariah country and there is no problem between Nigeria as a state and other nations. Of course, we are in the United Nations and before the last UN’s major voting, I think I was called by the vice-president of the United States and the Secretary of State, who call me regularly. The Vice-President visited us not too long ago and there were some areas we raised issues that you need to do this and that. So, if somebody gives the impression that Nigeria and the US have major problems that is not true. Even ˆ� ]‚ƒ [�‡[ˆ�‡ …‡‚] D‡Dˆ�\] ]ƒ„„[„ˆ\` ˆ� ]‚ƒ North, they are still supplying us with a lot of intelligence.

Tax remittance: Fashola lies again – Agbaje Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


n his latest round of what is fast becoming a pastime of launching personal attacks and casting aspersions on the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate in Lagos State, Mr. Jimi Agbaje, Governor Babatunde Fashola at the weekend allegedly cast more stones at ]‚ƒ 3'3 œD‡ EƒD„ƒ„ It would be recalled that Fashola alleged that Agbaje had paid N500, 000 of the N1.6 million he allegedly owed from the backlog of three years’ Land Use Charge tax. A press statement by the director of media and publicity to Agbaje, Mr. Felix Oboagwina, stated his boss’ reaction thus: “There is no truth in this latest piece of misinformation that the governor is spreading around. He lied again, giving the

impression that my company paid money DZ]ƒ„ ‚ˆ\ ˆ�ˆ]ˆD’ [^]E^„\] D�G ‚ˆ\ …„\] ’ˆƒ “JAYKAY PHARMACEUTICALS has not paid a kobo since the day Fashola launched his initial allegation. To say that I have now paid N500, 000 is a lie. My company sticks to the facts contained in its initial publication, which encapsulated its reaction to the governor’s initial falsehood. “However, through his recent outburst this weekend, we got a clear picture of what his problem is. “The fact remains that Mr. Agbaje has never stopped to acknowledge Mr. Fashola’s ƒI[„]\ D] ˆ`•„[†ˆ�‡ /D‡[\ %^] ]‚ƒ „ƒ\^’] [Z D’’ ‚ˆ\ ƒI[„]\ \]ˆ’’ „ƒ`Dˆ�\ ]‚D] /D‡[\ ˆ� the Economic intelligence Unit (EIU) is still ranked 137th out of 140 cities listed in the liveability index. This means that if you take 140 cities worldwide where people consider good to live in, Lagos is the fourth worst place. “Apart from this, a World Bank survey

shows that of the 36 states in Nigeria, Lagos is still the worst state in terms of the ease of securing building permits. “It is still on record too that the party Fashola represents has delivered less than 5,000 units till date; it is still on record that more students in Lagos fail the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) examinations than those who pass. “Even when we consider corruption, we are aware that Governor Fashola is yet to challenge anyone for corruption at the state level. Or is he saying Lagos is 100 per cent corruption-free? Yet he goes about castigating the Federal Government. He should walk his talk and lead by example – expose and •„[\ƒF^]ƒ ‚ˆ‡‚ „D�_ˆ�‡ F[„„^•] [EFˆD’\ ˆ� his government and the state civil service. The corruption involved in the Lekki Toll Plaza will be made public in due cause. “Clearly, Fashola has set out to exploit the commanding heights he occupies in the seat of government to bully us. And we shall

stand up to his bullies,� he stressed. According to the statement, it is quite illuminating that Governor Fashola is taking the issue of politics this personal and playing it dirty. “What Lagosians should ask is what is driving Fashola’s violent outbursts? What has Fashola got to hide?� It added: “Other than laying the facts bare to enable the public form an informed opinion, Agbaje refuses to be baited into Fashola’s self-declared verbal warfare. “Agbaje has always maintained that his politics and campaign will be issues-based, and no roforofo bad-mouthing from anyone, no matter how highly placed, will steer Agbaje away from development-based politicking. “Mr. Agbaje comes squeaky clean, and no amount of lies, misinformation, disinformation and falsehood can impinge on the integrity of a man who made ˆ�†D’^DE’ƒ \DF„ˆ…Fƒ\ ˆ� ]‚ƒ \]„^‡‡’ƒ Z[„ ]‚ˆ\ democracy.�


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

Oyo guber race:Will Ajimobi break ‘No second term’ jinx? Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


he April governorship election in Oyo State may go down in the history of the state as the most keenly contested going by unfolding developments in political circle just few weeks away from the election. Already no fewer than seven candidates from seven political parties are known to be contesting in the election which promises to be unique and which will even settle the current argument which borders on whether the electorate in the state would vote for personalities or political parties. The candidates and their parties include the sitting governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Otunba Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala of the Labour Party (LP), Senator Rashidi Ladoja of the Accord Party (AP), Senator Teslim Folarin of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Engr. Seyi Makinde of the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The rest are Mr. Taiwo Otegbeye of the Action Alliance (AA) and Mr. Laide Oladimeji of Kowa Party (KP). With due respect to other candidates, the first five candidates stand over and above the rest. It will not even be a surprise if the next occupant of the ‘AGODI HOUSE’ emerges from the first five, based on their popularity and that of their political parties. Being the sitting governor, all eyes will definitely be on Ajimobi of the APC during the election because if he wins, he will create history as the first sitting civilian governor to have won a second term in office since the creation of the state. Ajimobi equally knows the importance of the election and has not left any one in doubt as regards his strong determination to win. Unfolding developments in political circles in the state are however pointing at a very keen governorship election which may defy all predictions, particularly when virtually all the governorship candidates are popular and are not taking anything for granted concerning the election. For instance, Senator Ladoja and Otunba AlaoAkala were former gov-

Akala, LP

Ajimobi, APC

Ladoja, AA

Makinde, SDP

ernors of the state while Senator Folarin was a onetime Senate leader. In the same vein, Engr. Makinde is known in the state for his philanthropic gesture while Otegbeye was also a onetime Information Commissioner in the state. For Oladimeji of the KP, it is believed he equally has considerable followership which is urging him on in the race. If performance were to be the only yardstick to conclude who will be the next state governor, perhaps, one would have given it to Governor Ajimobi. For, if anything, he has increased the bar of performance especially in infrastructural development. But, other governorship candidates, especially Senator Ladoja and Otunba Alao-Akala have declared on several occasions that they performed better while in office, hence people’s clamour for their return to office. Aside this, it is even believed in the state that when it comes to grassroots politics, Governor Ajimobi is still a rookie especially when one recollects that he is contesting against such candidates as Sen. Ladoja and Otunba Alao-Akala. Also, circumstances surrounding his emergence as the APC flag bearer in the April election, are believed to have led to the exit of politicians of note who could have assisted the party to win the election. One readily recollects how the two former APC senators, namely Ayoade Adeseun and Olufemi Lanlehin eventually left the party for the PDP and AP respectively on account of Ajimobi’s ambition to rule the state again. Indeed, the APC’s strength and popularity

in the state were believed to have begun to dwindle shortly after Senator Ajimobi settled down as the state governor and a larger number of party members believed then that they had been sidelined in the sharing of political offices. Former governor and the party’s leader in the state, the late Alhaji Lamidi Adesina, was said to have been able to control the situation from degenerating because of his experience. The death of Alhaji Adesina complicated the situation, as shortly after his death, several APC political office holders began to make public declaration, affirming Ajimobi as the new party leader and his endorsement for second term. Notable party leaders, of course had to leave the APC for other political parties when they could not cope with the situation in the party following the death of Alhaji Adesina. Unless one is shying away from the truth, the development still constitutes a major hurdle in Governor Ajimobi’s ambition to rule the state again. Similarly, the Oyo State brand of politics has gone beyond using influence of office and power of incumbency. The politics is full of intrigues which at times, swallow the smartest of politicians. To go down memory lane, Dr. Victor Omololu Olunloyo of the defunct National Party of Nigeria (NPN), against all odds, in 1983, defeated the then incumbent governor, the late Chief Bola Ige of the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN). Similarly, in 2003, Senator Ladoja of the PDP defeated Alhaji

Adeshina of the Alliance for Democracy (AD), the sitting governor. In the same vein, Ajimobi of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) defeated the then incumbent governor, Otunba Christopher Alao-Akala of the PDP then. That means, no matter how hard the current governorship candidates work, there are other factors that are very crucial to their victory at the polls. To successfully partake in Oyo State politics, one must not only be a good strategist, he must also have the support of kingmakers in the state who are not only found in politics but who are spread across business and religious circles as well as among traditional rulers. It is an open secret that these sets of people have played significant roles in whoever had emerged the state governor especially since 1999 when Nigeria embraced the current democracy. Another crucial factor is the fact that since 1999 when Nigeria transited to the current democracy, only the immediate past governor, Otunba Alao-Akala is from Ogbomoso North, a local government that is outside the 11 local government areas that make up Ibadanland. Others have been from Ibadanland. The trend may continue provided the kingmakers there with one voice on who should be the state governor. However, as at press time, the kingmakers have not publicly declared their support for any of the governorship candidates. Indeed, one of such kingmakers who pleaded anonymity told Newswatch Times that they would not endorse any candidate in view of the fact that majority of them (the governorship candidates) are tested hands and are very popular among people of the state. With a population of 5,591,589 (2006 census), Oyo State has 33 local government areas, 11 of which make up Ibadanland. The 11 councils are Akinyele, Egbeda, Ibadan North, Ibadan North East, Ibadan North West, Ibadan South East and Ibadan South West. The rest include Ido, Lagelu, Oluyole and Ona Ara. An interesting develop-

ment is that either by design or accident, these councils are found in two out of the three senatorial zones that the state is divided into. Presently, virtually all the governorship candidates with the exception of Otunba Alao-Akala are from the councils that make up Ibadanland, implying that the larger percentage of votes being expected from the area will definitely be shared among the candidates from the area, a development which may equally affect Governor Ajimobi’s ambition. This is coupled with last year’s death of respected

business mogul and Islamic leader, Aare Abdul Azeez Arisekola Alao, who many believed was a strong supporter of the governor. What may however work in his favour is the current popularity of the APC presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) in the state. To say the truth, the retired general enjoys high rating in the state; his victory in next month’s election may even be the needed magic by Governor Ajimobi to return to office because of the ‘bandwagon effect’ such may have on voters in the state.

Kwara’s political violence: Who blinks first, APC or PDP? Continued from Page 53

law and order and all offenders shall be duly prosecuted as there will be no sacred cow. It has equally been decided that appropriate action be meted out to any one, no matter how highly placed, that is penciled down as being involved in sponsoring any act of thuggery and political hooliganism through any direct or indirect action traceable to him or her.” The police commissioner also disclosed that those behind the incessant violence in the state were either locally based or imported to unleash terror on innocent people, assuring that the F[``D G D\ ^] I F] mechanism in place to deal with the situation. Apparently showing its seriousness against political violence in the state, the State Security Council at the end of its meeting penultimate week, called on the police to prosecute all pending cases of thuggery to halt increasing incidence of political violence. The council headed by Governor

Ahmed, expressed concern over the increase in political violence as the general elections approach, lamenting that it has created serious security challenges in the state. Addressing journalists shortly after the council meeting, the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Isiaka Gold, said the council also resolved that other targeted measures to check politically-motivated violence should be imple` ] G E \ F^ ] [^] ]\ and the state government. His words: “In view of the importance of commu FD] [ ][ F ` ] and security, council also called for increased levels of advocacy and information dissemination to campaign against thuggery, other forms of political violence and their promoters. The council also recommended that all candidates for elective posts should sign a covenant with security agencies to maintain peace before, during and after the elections.

One of the victims of the attack

A damaged vehicle during the crisis


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


Road to 2015 polls

Kwara’s political violence: Who blinks first, APC or PDP? Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin


n a bid to ensure violent-free 2015 elections in the country, a peace accord was recently signed by all political parties’ stakeholders in Abuja. This was also emulated by other concerned institutions in Kwara State, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), National Orientation Agency (NAO) and the police command. But hardly had the peace pacts been signed by all stakeholders in the “State of Harmony,� than members and supporters of the two dominant parties, the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) derailed from the agreement as incessant spate of violence became the order of the day. By the last count, no fewer than four politically-motivated violent clashes have Eƒƒ� „ƒF[„GƒG ˆ� GˆIƒ„ƒ�] parts of the state, mostly during campaigns. These clashes left sad memories in the state as several lives and property were destroyed while many also sustained various degrees of injury during the mayhem. For instance, the convoy of Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed was allegedly attacked in Kaiama, Share, the governor’s home town; as well as in Isapa, the home town of the gubernatorial candidate of the PDP, Sen. Simeon Ajibola, by suspected members of the PDP. Ahmed, who described the attacks as unfortunate, expressed concern at the fate of the victims who were taken to hospital, saying, “we have been carrying on our campaigns throughout the nooks and crannies of the state where we have met peaceful and enthusiastic people who have demonstrated their willingness to support good governance. “However, it is very unfortunate that as we are here today, our team was met by thugs with sticks, guns and broken bottles to the extent that some of our supporters have been shot and we are not sure whether they will survive or not.


IGP Abba They have been taken to the hospital. It should be on record that we have been peace ambassadors and under no guise will the peaceful train be truncated by unguided thugs.� He advised all stakeholders not to truncate the peaceful co-existence in the state as they carry out their election campaigns. Governor Ahmed further expressed concerns over the recent wave of violence unleashed by suspected political thugs on innocent people in the state. “The orgy of violence from Kaiama to Isapa and of recent Share, my home town, are just few of the numerous works of PDP miscreants. “On Sunday, on our way back from a campaign tour in parts of Kwara North through Share, some PDP thugs again attacked innocent citizens and destroyed about 20 cars parked by the road side. We view this unprovoked action of the brigands too unhealthy for a fragile economy like ours. Besides, we are gradually loosing the toga of harmonious living placed on our dear state due to the activities of those seeking power by any means - legal and illegal. “While we appeal for calm and urge the peaceloving people of our state to remain calm and go about their businesses without fear, we wish to continue to encourage them to be

Gov Ahmed

Sule peaceful and obedient to the authorities of the land. We have no other state to call ours but Kwara. We must desist from matching violence with violence,� Ahmed counselled. The governor also urged traditional rulers, religious leaders, opinion leaders and community associations to quickly intervene to prevent reprisal. He, however, „ƒ�ƒ”ƒG F[�…Gƒ�Fƒ ˆ� ]‚ƒ ability of the various security agencies in the state to stem the tide of current political violence in the state, pledging necessary assistance and support for them. Corroborating the governor’s view, APC’s state chairman, Ishola Balogun)^’D�ˆ D] D •„ƒ\\ E„ˆƒ…�‡ ˆ� Ilorin, accused the PDP of sponsoring the attacks, adding that the APC has strictly abided by INEC’s regulations on campaigns since the commencement of its rallies. He said: “Till today, neither the PDP governorship candidate nor his party has deemed it necessary to condemn the unprovoked attack on our members. This singular act of irresponsibility displayed by the party clearly shows that it does not only sponsored violence but also a proud promoter of it. “As we speak, a gang of thugs led by one Dawuda Ijamode has either destroyed or defaced APC’s billboards erected in the Adeta area, Garin-Alimi „[^�GDE[^] 2ID ‡D„D‡ƒ

Balogun area and many other areas in Ilorin metropolis. These agents of destruction, we gathered, are working for Senator Simeon Ajibola, Mr. <ˆ�_D $’^_[ D�G [�ƒ 6‚ƒ„ˆI Shagaya,� he alleged. The APC which expressed worry over the inability of the Kwara State police command to arrest suspected PDP thugs on the rampage, said the command should show and assure the people of the state that it is fully in charge of their security. In what appears to be counter accusations against the APC, the state PDP also alleged that the former was the mastermind of the orgy of political violence in the state. State publicity secretary of the party, Chief Rex Olawoye, accused the ruling party in the state of series of attacks against his members. He stressed: “It has become imperative for us to talk to the world about the impending doom being planned and gradually being executed by the APC. No sooner had we started our gubernatorial campaign than APC hoodlums started unleashing terror on our party members and supporters. “First is the machetting of our party member, Mr. Aiyesoro of Share, in an open day drama at Maraba Motor Park for allegedly reZ^\ˆ�‡ ][ ‚[ˆ\] ]‚ƒ $3& œD‡ in his commercial vehicle. For the intervention of good Samaritans who quickly rushed him to a nearby private hospital in Sabo Oke, he would have lost his life. “Second is the wanton destruction of PDP bill boards and posters right from the Ilorin Airport to the Metropolitan Square and beyond. Our surveillance at the area made it clear that two vehicles were used for this destructive

and provocative operation. One of the vehicles has registration number KWARA WSN 702 AA, a Mercedes Benz (red colour); the other’s number was lost on trail.� “Thirdly, these enemies of peace and progress went to our gubernatorial candidate’s campaign organisa]ˆ[�›\ [EFƒ D�G ^�’ƒD\‚ƒG terror on all the people there, shooting and using broken bottles freely on human beings. All these incidences have been properly and promptly reported to the police and other security agencies. Our party is waiting patiently to see what the Nigerian police will do on these issues. “As if all these are not enough, as soon as they see that their unpopular party is losing grounds all around areas where our campaign trail has gone, they started attacking our campaign convoy with dangerous weapons and destroying vehicles while also maiming people. Attacks on our party few days ago at Oloru and the one that happened at Oke-Oyi are typical examples of this shameless act.“Ours is politics without bitterness, campaign on issues and objective criticism. We abhor violence in D’’ „D`ˆ…FD]ˆ[�\ D�G ”ƒ plead with all our members and supporters to shun violence and embrace peace at all times. They should be calm and calculative; shine their eyes and report lovers of crisis and violence to the security agents,� Olawoye added. The police and other security agencies in the state were also called upon by the PDP to step into the matter with a view to arresting and prosecuting the “enemies of peace promptly according to the laws of our land.� In a bid to ensure violence-free 2015 polls in the state, the governorship candidates of all the 16 political parties in the state were made to sign peace pact by the INEC and the state police command in conjunction with the Inter-Agency Consultative Committee on Election Security (ICCES), comprising representatives of all security agencies with a view to maintaining peace

before, during and after the polls. $] GˆIƒ„ƒ�] Z[„D ]‚ƒ two institutions urged politicians in the state to play the game according to the rules. The two rival parties in the state, the APC and the PDP still traded words over each other. At the forum, the representative of PDP, Hon. Yinusa Yahyah, said his party would continue to be peaceful in its activities, assuring that it would not engage any rival party in violence as a way to leave a good legacy for the young generation. He noted that his party would not be happy if its billboards and vehicles are damaged by political thugs. The former House of Representative member who is now the party’s senatorial candidate for Kwara North Senatorial district said the ideal legacies that should be left behind for the young generation are peaceful and harmonious elections, adding that previous elections were held in the state devoid of violence. The state’s Commissioner of Police, Mr. Saliu Garba, while addressing the political class, lamented the recent judiciary workers’ strike, saying most of those accused of participating in the attacks were arrested but were released on bail “because the law did not permit the security agencies to keep suspects beyond 24 hours.� Garba maintained that the arrested suspects were sighted in APC and PDP campaign rallies “which portrayed them as political thugs being used by the dominant parties in the state. He added that his command has recovered about 108,806 lethal weapons from suspected thugs arrested in Kosubusu. The police boss also accused both the APC and the PDP of being the brains behind destruction of billboards and other properties belonging to each of them, describing them as “parties at war.� He said: “As a law enforcement institution, we have resolved to use all legally permitted means to prevent any breakdown of Continued on Page 54

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sports Update Sharks coach hospitalised after brutal beating T

he coach of Sharks Football Club of Port Harcourt, Gbenga Ogunbote, has been hospitalized following what witnesses described as a “brutal beating� by a faction of the teams’ supporters. The incident which occurred on Wednesday, caught everyone by surprise as there had not been any rumblings in the days leading to it. Supporters of the team are known to become restless just —VœSWVY™_U™S5YV•VW˜Y˜VŠWŒY Z_^[Y‰_5VWV`^YœŠU^_S`XY demanding the coach sign certain players, often leading to situations like this. However, there has been no such rumblings before the captain of the team, and the coach were manhandled on Wednesday. “ The team had just \`_X[V‰Y^[V_WY`SW Š”Y work out, and the

ogunbote captain, Odinga Odinga was about to enter his car Z[V`Y]š`¸^S9_`]YœŠ`XY accosted him, sources in Port Harcourt told futaa. com ÂŻY VYZŠXY^S”‰Y^SY”_VYŽŠ^Y and he was beaten, then the group made him take them to where the coach was.

The former Sunshine Stars coach was so badly beaten that blood WVÂĄSW^V‰”˜YÂŽSZV‰YÂœWS Y his nose and mouth. Both the team captain and the coach were Š‰ _9V‰Y^SY[SXÂĄ_^Š”ŒYŠ`‰Y the case of the coach was so severe, that doctors

orld champions Nigeria will V`]Š]VY š_`VŠY_`YŠY—Š9”VY for supremacy when they clash in a third-place match at the 11th CAF Under-17 Championship in Niger Republic on Sunday. S^[Y^VŠ XY—Š9”V‰Y^SYŠY 1-1 draw in their second group match with goals from Sam Diallo through a penalty kick after 17 minutes, while Kelechi

Nwakali drew Nigeria level from penalty spot in the 85th minute. Both teams have met thrice in this competition in 1995, when Nigeria won 2-1 in a group game, drew 2-2 in a group game in 2001 and drew 1-1 in the on-going edition. The team’s coach, Emmanuel Amuneke, slammed the team’s performance against Guinea in the group stage as the worst game


Further checks showed [VY[ŠXY—VV`YS5VWV‰Y a two-year contract V5VU^_•VYÂœWS Y ŠWU[YÂ’ÂŒY 2015 with him to meet several targets or else the ‰VŠ”Y_XYS5¢ He should reach the XV _\`Š”YSÂœY^[VYÂ?‘’ŠY CHAN and also the last four of the next AFCON or the contract Z_””Y—VYUŠ””V‰YS5YŠ^YÂŻ^[VY absolute discretionâ€? of his employers. He will also have to abide by a code of conduct. Keshi himself revealed ^[Š^Y[VYZ_””Y—VY¥Š_‰Y\•VY million Naira (less than $25,000), which was what he also received during his initial three-year

nglish Premier League club, S9V`[Š Y Hotspur, have requested that their youth team star, Musa Yahaya should return to London immediately to start his rehabilitation. The Mutunchi Academy product had to pull out of the Flying Eagles African Youth Championship squad after tearing his knee ligament in a friendly against Ghana on February 18. And an examination by national team medics after the team returned to Nigeria revealed that he faces six weeks on the sidelines. Musa Yahaya is still in camp receiving treatment from Flying Eagles doctors, but it is understood that S9V`[Š Y S^X¥šWY have been in touch with

his minders, informing them that they want the  _‰\V”‰VWY—ŠU™Y_` London as soon as possible. The White Hart Lane Sš^\^Y[Š•VYSÂĄ_`V‰Y ^[Š^Y^[VYŠ9ŠU™_`]Y  _‰\V”‰VWYZ_””Y]V^Y^[VY best treatment when he returns to the United Kingdom. Because of the relatively short time between the African Youth Championship and the Fifa Under 20 World Cup, the earlier plan was for Yahaya to remain with the Flying Eagles until July when he resumes pre season training. The 17 - year - old signed a preliminary US`^WŠU^YZ_^[Y S9V`[Š Y Hotspur in March 2014, which will become activated next January, all things being equal.


the Eaglets have played under his reign. However, former Nigeria star Mohammed Lawal has backed Amuneke to beat Guinea to the bronze medal, saying the team will not wish to return to Nigeria without a medal from Niger. “I see the Golden Eaglets winning the bronze medal at the expense of Guinea, the result of the group

]Š VXY‰SVX`£^Y Š9VWY at this stage because a medal is involved,� he said.

Keshi: I am offered ‘a slave contract’ oach Stephen Keshi has described as “a slave contractâ€? what [ŠXY—VV`YS5VWV‰Y[_ Y^SY continue as Nigeria coach by the Nigeria Football Federation,(NFF). Keshi said he has received his new contract from the NFF, but has been far from impressed Z[Š^Y[ŠXY—VV`YS5VWV‰Y him. “From the clauses I have seen so far, I don’t know what words to use but the contract can be described as a ‘slave contract’â€?, he remarked probably in reference to clauses which make him answerable to several ÂĄVWXS`XYŠ`‰YUS  _9VVX¢


did not allow him speak to visitors. The GM of the team and the Commissioner for Sports in Rivers state have paid Ogunbote a visit, but both the team and the state are yet to make any comment on the incident.

Eaglets seek redemption in Guinea rematch


Spurs wantYahaya back in London

contract, which ran out after last year’s world Cup in Brazil. Fifty-two-year-old ‘Big Boss’, who has handled Togo and Mali, lost out to the Franco-German Gernot Rohr on the top coaching post of Burkina Faso this week. VX[_Y[Š‰Y\WV‰YŠ^Y Y boss Amaju Pinnick, insisting the federation believe they were doing him a favour by appointing him to lead Nigeria again but he is ready to walk away. There is no love lost between Keshi and NFF boss Pinnick and this was further underlined by the latest statements by the coach.

“The NFF thinks without Nigerian football there is no other place to coach. This is a very ZWS`]YŠXXš ¥^_S`ÂŒÂłY\WV‰Y Keshi. “I love to coach Nigeria, but they think they are doing us a favour because that is the message - that they are doing us a favour to appoint a Nigeria coach. But that is not true, if they don’t want us, we would go somewhere else and coach.â€? This week, Pinnick disclosed Keshi could resume as Nigeria coach should he agree on a new deal, which will pay him far less than what [VYWVUV_•V‰YZ[V`Y[VY\WX^Y headed the Super Eagles.

Ondo inaugurates new football academy By Peter Dada, Akure


n a bid to develop football in the state, the Ondo state government had inaugurated a new football academy with the aim of engaging many youths who are talented in the game. The State Governor, Dr Olusegun Mimiko, who performed the inauguration at the state Ministry of Sports and Youth Development, said football development, as a way of enhancing human capacity could curb youths involvement in crime and social vices across the country. Represented by ^[VY [_VÂœYSÂœYX^Š5ÂŒY W¢Y Kola Ademujimi, the Governor stated that the keen interest of the present administration in sports, especially football development was borne out of the idea at developing young talents abound in the state to become future brilliant stars in the football industry. While he noted that the keen interest of the present administration in sports, especially football development was borne out of ideas at developing young talents abound in the state to become future

brilliant stars in the football industry and at same time shun vices and violent of an idle minds. Earlier , in his remarks , the state chairman of the Ondo State football Agency ( ODSFA) Akin Akinbobola explained that the main idea behind the football academy was to develop young talented kids spread all over the state to a full blown footballers that can make it to the professional level across the globe. Akinbobola posited that the football academy has been established in the three senatorial districts of the state in other to bring the academy closer to the grassroots. While reiterating that a lasting master plan has been put together for the sustenance of the academy, Akinbobola disclosed that there will be serious academic curriculum to update ^[VY^VŠ XYV5VU^_•V”˜Y alongside their football career. At the inauguration, kits and other needed training materials were distributed to the teams at no cost along with three luxury bus given to each senatorial district.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sports Update

Birmingham City create ‘Obafemi Martins Day’ E

nglish Championship side, Birmingham City have immortalized Nigerian striker, Obafemi Martins, by naming a day in the history of the club after him. Martins scored the goal that won the League Cup for the side in the 2011 \`Š”YŠ]Š_`X^Y S`‰S`YX_‰VŒY Arsenal. The Birmingham Mail in an article celebrating g the

Super Eagles starker, wrote on Friday: ÂŻY ÂŠÂĄÂĄÂ˜Y —ŠœV _Y ŠW^_`XY Day! February 27, 2011, Birmingham City 2 Arsenal 1. “ The greatest afternoon in Blues’ history, the occasion when all the keeping right S`Y\`Š””˜Y”V‰Y^SY^[VYV`‰YSÂœY the road. Glorious. “ Of course, being Birmingham City, there must always be a but and in this

Kogi FA elects new exco By ADEMU IDAKWO, LOKOJA


igeria Nationwide League Club, Lokoja FC, elected a new board chairman of Kogi Football Association in a keenly contested congress election. At the 2015 Elective S`]WVXXY[V”‰YŠ^Y^[VY _””Y SÂĄY ŠWŠ‰_XVY S^V”ŒY S™SÂĽÂŠÂŒY Umar Isah polled 11 votes to ‰VÂœVŠ^Y[_XYUS¸US`^VX^Š`^ÂŒY ŠXXŠ`Y šXšœYZ[SYÂĄ_U™V‰Y\•VY out of the 16 total votes cast. The Son of Kogi state ]S•VW`SWÂŒY ”[Š¼_Y ŠXXXŠ`Y Š‰ŠYU”_`U[V‰Y^[VY•_UVYU[Š_Wmanship position with 14 votes out of the 15 total votes cast as one of the delegates abstained from voting. Shina Akande who would have contested the

Vice chairmanship position Z_^[Y Š‰ŠYZŠXY[SZV•VWY ‰_X½ÂšÂŠÂ”_\V‰Y—˜Y^[VYV”VU^SWŠ”Y body for coming from same VX^Y V`Š^SW_Š”Y _X^W_U^YŠXY the chairman elect in compliance with the electoral guidelines of the FA. Other members elected to complete the nine-man executive board of the state FA include Prince George Dahomey, Ahmed Shogodo and Stephen Bello representing the central senatorial district. Others are: Chief Peter Ogwuche, proprietor of _]VW_ŠY S V`Y WSÂœVXX_S`Š”Y League club – Oguche Babes YŠ`‰Y SŠU[Y V`W˜Y  V[Y representing Kogi East while Abiodun Olawale and Alhaji Dan Usman were elected to WVÂĄWVXV`^Y S]_Y VX^¢

instance relegation from the Premier League a few months later was a kick in ^[VY—š9YÂœWS YZ[_U[Y^[VYU”š—Y is arguably yet to recover. “ That’s not what Obafemi Martins Day is about, though. It’s about living for the now, it’s about revelling in the moment while it lasts, draining it of every last ‰WS¥”V^YÉY`S^YÂœWV9_`]YZ[Š^ÂŁXY further down the line.

London derby treat live on DStv’s SuperSport


[VY\WX^YÂĄ_VUVY of silverware in the English league season is up for grabs when Chelsea meet S9V`[Š Y S^X¥šWY_`YŠY London derby to savour in the Capital One Cup \`Š”YŠ^Y V —”V˜YS`Y š`day, 1 March. The match will be broadcast live on SuperSport 4 from 5.45pm CAT. Chelsea will have revenge on their minds after losing to the same opposition in the 2008 decider, when former Spurs defender Jonathan SS‰]Š^VYXUSWV‰YŠ`Y extra-time winner for a WŠWVYÂĄ_VUVYSÂœY S9V`[Š Y

Manu:We have picked best players for Nigeria With names like Kelechi Iheanacho, Wilfried Ndidi and Musa Yahaya `ˆ\\ˆ�‡ Z„[` ]‚ƒ …�D’ ’ˆ\] [Z •’D‘ƒ„\ ][ ]‚ƒ $Z„ˆFD <[^]‚ &‚D`•ˆ[�\‚ˆ• Flying Eagles coach, Manu Garba \D‘\ ‚ƒ ‚D\ F‚[\ƒ� [�’‘ ]‚ƒ Eƒ\] •’D‘ƒ„\ D] ‚ˆ\ Gˆ\•[\D’ 7‚ƒ …�D’ `D� ’ˆ\] Z[„ ]‚ƒ ][^„�Dment was announced on Thursday, the some of the team’s stellar names ƒ�•ƒF]ƒG’‘ `ˆ\\ˆ�‡ D�G 0D�^ ‚D\ ƒ�•’Dˆ�ƒG ]‚D] ]‚ƒ •’D‘ƒ„\ \ƒ’ƒF]ƒG are the best he could have chosen Z„[` ”‚D] ‚ƒ ‚DG D†Dˆ’DE’ƒ “We have always said that only the Eƒ\] •’D‘ƒ„\ ”[^’G Eƒ \ƒ’ƒF]ƒG D�G that is what we have done,� he said“It is quite unfortunate that we do not have the likes of Iheanacho and WilZ„ˆƒG 1GˆGˆ E^] ”ƒ ‚D†ƒ F[�…Gƒ�Fƒ [� ]‚ƒ DEˆ’ˆ]ˆƒ\ [Z ]‚ƒ •’D‘ƒ„\ ”ƒ ‚D†ƒ D] ]‚ƒ `[`ƒ�] “And when you have very good

“ It is the essence of being a football fan, long-term realism subjugated by short-term triumphalism, after all if we can’t celebrate when our team wins a cup Š^Y V —”V˜ŒY^[V`YZ[V`YUŠ`Y we? Martins moved to Spain following the relegation of the side, and now plays in ^[VY YZ_^[Y VŠ9”VY Sš`‰ers

•’D‘ƒ„\ ‘[^ FDÂ? [Â?’‘ F‚[[\ƒ ]‚ƒ Eƒ\] out of them and that is what we have G[Â?ƒ Z[„ ]‚ƒ $Z„ˆFD <[^]‚ &‚D`•ˆ[Â?\‚ˆ• ­ The Flying Eagles coach however admitted that they will miss some of ]‚ƒ •’D‘ƒ„\ ]‚D] ‚D†ƒ ZDˆ’ƒG ][ `D_ƒ the team, but maintained that the \ƒ’ƒF]ƒG •’D‘ƒ„\ FDÂ? DÂ’\[ ‡ƒ] ]‚ƒ ž[E G[Â?ƒ “We surely will miss them, like Musa Yahaya, Kelechi Iheanacho and Wilfried Ndidi but we must focus on ”‚D] ”ƒ ‚D†ƒ ÂŽ+[•ƒZ^’’‘ ˆZ ”ƒ Š^D’ˆZ‘ Z[„ ]‚ƒ :[„’G &^• ]‚ƒÂ? ]‚ƒ‘ ”ˆ’’ ž[ˆÂ? ^\ ­ 0DÂ?^ \DˆG Kelechi Iheanacho and Musa Yahaya have both failed to make the team G^ƒ ][ ˆÂ?ž^„ˆƒ\ ”‚ˆ’ƒ ]‚ƒ 1)) ‚D†ƒ failed to secure the release of Ndidi Z„[` %ƒ’‡ˆDÂ? FÂ’^E *ƒÂ?_

success under then coach Juande Ramos. Didier Drogba had given Chelsea the lead that day and he may well play another inŽšV`^_Š”YWS”VY^[_XY^_ VY ]_•V`Y[_XY”S•VYŠ5Š_WYZ_^[Y V Â—”V˜Y\`Š”X¢ The Ivory Coast great has remarkably scored eight times in eight previous appearances on England’s hallowed turf, with no other striker in history managing as  ÂŠ`˜Y V Â—”V˜YUš¥Y^_VY goals. [_”VY [V”XVŠY[Š•VY enjoyed notable success at the home of English football since that 2008 showdown, it is the last time Spurs lifted a trophy of any sort, a long wait for fans of the North London club. And for Argentine coach Mauricio Pochettino the victory would be sweet in a maiden season with the club that [ŠXYÂĄWS•V‰Y‰_<Uš”^YŠ^Y times. It would be especially pleasing to get a win over Jose Mourinho, who twice won this competition during his \WX^YXÂĄV””YZ_^[Y^[VYU”š—Y in 2005 and 2007.


ootball fans in the country will soon be treated to a new type of football known as cerebral Patsy football set to be launched soon in the country. The game which is a seven- aside game is played by both disabled and able bodied members of the public including people with cerebral patsy problem has already been endorsed by the Nigerian ŠWÂŠÂ”Â˜Â ÂĄ_UXY S  _9VVY Disclosing this to our correspondent, Chairman of Cerebral Football association, Jude Uwazie noted that the team which is in the annual calendar of the International Olympics S  _9VVYŠ`‰YYY Y was registered in the country in 2012 and has been invited to Ghana for an international friendly match on March 6 to commemorate that country’s independence anniversary.

VY`S^V‰Y^[Š^Y^[VYŠXXSciation has already set up a national team known as “Power Eagles of Nigeria�, under Coach Gbenga Dosumu with an appeal œSWY\`Š`U_Š”YŠXX_X^Š`UVY from corporate Nigeria to enable the team honour the

Ghana invitation. According to him, the game has players in such states as Lagos, Edo, Delta, Ogun, Oyo, Imo, Bauchi even as he announced that plans are on the pipe line to introduce the game in other states of the Federation. Meanwhile the association has announced that there will be a workshop on the game from April 23- 27 where two international instructors; Jurrus Rene and Raul Reina from

S””Š`‰YŠ`‰Y ¥Š_`YWVXÂĄVUtively will teach Nigerians the basic principles of the game. In a statement signed by the Secretary General of the team, Amaka Okeiadi and Team Manager, Adegboyega Adenuga , it stated that apart from the workshop, Nigerian team made up of 10 players and ¨YS<U_Š”XY[ŠXY—VV`Y_`•_^V‰Y to participate in a competition tagged “Barcelona Trophyâ€? to be held in Spain from June 3-7 with an appeal to Government and corporate organizations to come to their aid in order to put up a good performance in the competition.

Nwobodo to secure dream move to Ajax



Cerebral Palsy football debuts in Lagos

nugu Rangers mercuW_Š”Y _‰\V”‰VWY —_``ŠY Nwobodo, might secure a dream move to Dutch giant Ajax Amsterdam if he impresses at the African football youth tournament. A close associate of the player revealed that the 18 year old was recommended to the Dutch giants, who kept him under watch towards the end of last season, but his super showing at the recently concluded Super 4 invitational tournaments held in Abuja, convinced them he is

worth a close view. ÂŻY VYÂĄWSÂĄSXV‰Y[_ Y^SY Ajax towards the end of last season, as expected they kept him under watch but, they contacted us after the Super four after watching him and now they will be in Senegal to scout him and three other ÂĄÂ”ÂŠÂ˜VWXÂłÂŒYY VY^S”‰Y ’‘¢`]YS`Y the condition of anonymity. Nwobodo who is gifted with good dribbling skills and visionary passes, is expected to play a pivotal role for Nigeria, alongside the duo of Ifeanyi Ifeanyi

and Akinjide Idowu, in the  _‰\V”‰YÂœSWY _]VW_ŠYŠ^Y^[VY Africa Youth Championship, which also serves as a qualifying series for the Under-20 SW”‰YUÂšÂĄÂŒY^[Š^YZ_””Y^Š™VY place in New Zealand later in the year. Ajax boasts of a rich connection with Nigerian players, with the duo of Finidi George and Kanu Nwankwo, the most successful among Nigeria players to have turned out for the Eredivisie side.


-Tradition built on Truth

Newswatch Times

Vol. 01, No. 18

February 28, 2015



am one of those who had repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with the perfor`D F [Z [^ \ F^ ] Z[ F \ ] ] D D \] ] %[_[ +D D` \^ ]\ , DG E E G G E [ D D D ] ^ ] D G [ [[ ] D G D G ©^ G D ]D D ` F[^ G ]D_ D ]\ [Z 1 D \ ] ][ ] D D ] D\ +[ F[^ G D ` ]D \]DE \ ` ] ] D] D\ [G^F G `D D \ DF] D G DF] ^\] F[ D \ ] Z [ ] [Z D Z G \ ^ ] G ` \F D ]\" 7 D] D\ [ , Z ] until I realized that my assumptions were mis]D_ 2 ] ` ] E FD` F D ] D] ] \ [] ^\] D Z G \ ^ ] G ` \F D ]\ ] D] ] \ ¯ DE DF] F ^ ] D G G[F] D] D G DG FD ¯ ]D_ \ Z [` 1 D D G E[^ F[^ ] \ , \[[ G \F[ G ] D] ] DG DFF \\ ][ D \][F_ D G D ] [Z D `\ D G E Z[ F G D G \^ G ^ D E[] Z [` 1 D D G Z [` DE [DG , \[[ D ¯ G ] D] [] ^\] G D ] [FD \^ ]\ D\ D\ ] FD\ ] 1 ' ]D ` ]D F E^] G D ] D ] D] [ D ] [ \] [ D ¯D] [ ] _\ ][ $ 4D GD D G [] ] D] [ D ] [ D \ , ] E FD` \\ \] G ] ` F ] F \` D\ , E D ][ ` D] ¯ ] [^ ` ]D ) [` ] `D _ `DG E 3 \ G ] -[ D] D D Z GD \ D [ , D` E ][ ] _ ] D] , D\ [] ] [ [ [ DG ] \ ` \]D_ D\\^` ] [ \ 7 3 \ G ] \D G ] D] ] ` ] D ^ G \] `D] G ] F D 7 \ \ ] ` ^ G \]D G [Z ] F D DF] [Z ' *[[G ^F_ -[ D] D + \ [Z] Z D _ \ D_\ ] FD G[^ D G [Z] DG` ]\ ` \]D_ \ [ ` ]D] [ \ $ F[^ [Z [ D G ] \ D\ D_ \\ D G \[` [Z \ D G \ D G D ] ` ] _ \ [^ G [] \\ \^F FD G[^ 7 F[ F \ [Z F[^ \ ] D] ] [ [\ ] [ [^ G cash on such admissions as they are wont to G[ %^] ][ ` ] D] \ ] D `D _ [Z \ D ] DG \ E [ \] ] ] [ ,] ] Z[ Z[ [ \ ] D] Z ] &[``D G & Z ^ G \] `D] G ] %[_[ +D D` F D ] 0 ]D F F[``D G\ `^\] D ©^D G[ ] \D` 3 D \ ] \ F[^ G D ] [` \ E ] & Z [Z ' Z F 6]DI ] D] ] [^ G [^] ] \^ ]\ E ] G [Z $ D\] D 7 `D D Z ] ] F[^ G `D D ] ] D `\ ] D `[^ \ , G G ] ] D [] F ] F[[ D] [ [Z 1 D \ E[^ \ & DG 1 D G &D` [^ ] `D D Z ] ] D] ] F[^ G D G ] D E ] `\ \ %^] ] ]^D FD` ][ ] `\ ] ] D ] [Z ] \] ] [Z ] Z[ D G ]\ ] D] [ D G ` \ [ \ 7 D] ` `D D D G ] I[ ]\ ][ [F^ D``^ ] [ G \ D] Z [` D `D _ ] ] [ E DF_ 7 D ] D] $` FD F \ G D G G D\ 1 D \ Z G Z^\ G ][ \ some ammunition and equipment to us in the [^ [Z G `D D [ \ G ] G \ D] [ 0D [Z ^\ [] [I ] 1 D ` ]D 7 \^ \] [ \ ] F [\ ] ] D] `D E \ [^ G [ D G ] ` F D \ ][ ] Z[ ^\ $ G ] Z[ D\ D D] [] F 1 D , D` \[ D\ G ] D] ] 0 ]D D\ E ^ ][ D ]\ \] : ] ] F ] \^FF \\ \ F[ 1 D ] ][ \ ] DI F] G \]D] \ ] 1[ ] D\] ] \ G ] ] D] ] ` ]D D\ E ^ ][ [ ` ]\ Z EDF_ ][ ] D ]\ [Z `D 1 D \ ,] \ D] Z ] D] ] D E DE ][ \ F^ ©^ ` ] D]Z[ `\ D G D``^ ] [ D G ` [ ]D ] D\ E DE ][ E D_ ] ] D [Z [^ E[^ \ F ] ] \^ [ ] ) ] ] [ \`


When will the world know that peace and propagation are the two most delightful things in it - Horace Walpole, 4th Eari of Oxford (1717-1797)

Entrepreneurial Paradigm Sam



Nigerian military, security & politics D `^\] [ ] D] [ D F[ DE[ D] [ \ D\ D\ E G[ $Z D \]D 3D_ \]D , D© 6 D / E D D G 6[`D D $F ] \ ]^ D [^ G F[^ G [] D E D\ D G `^\] D ] ^ ] \] G ] &[``D G & Z D G \ F[``D G \ , ] Z[ [^ G _ ][ [ \[` \ F] [ \ [Z ] 1D] [ D $\\ `E D G [] ` D 1 D \ ][ F[ D]^ D] ] & & D G ] ` ]D Z[ ] \ D\D ] ]^ [Z ]\ 7 [\ 1 D \ [ D \] \ D] [ ] Z F [] \^ ] ] \ [^ G D D^G \ [^ G D] D\] E ©^ ] 1[ [ \ [^ G G[ [] \ [ \D \[` ] ] D] `D GD` ] D D_ \ ] [Z ] ` ]D 7 \ ^ \ D [ ] [^ ] ` G[^\ \\^ \ D G F D \ D G ] D E ] D^`D] ¯ G \ / ] D ] [\ ] D] ] _ ] D] ] ` ]D \ D D ` [Z ] ^ D ] \ \^F ] [^ ]\ 7 ` ]D is one of the oldest institutions in our nation that D\ D \][[G ] ] \] [Z ] ` It is true that the military at some point Z[ D G ][ [ ] F\ ] [^ F[^ \ D G F[^ ] F[^ \ D G ] [F \\ [] EDG ` \\ G ^ D G G G ^ ` \\ ^ 1 D %^] \ F * D $EG^ \D D` $E^ED_D D G G [ [ ][ ] F D D^] [ ] ] ` ]D ]^ G ][ ] ED DF_\ ][ D ] [^ G\ D G E^ G ] [Z \\ [ ) [` D] D\ D G ] \ F D ] D] [ `D [ I[ ] DG E `DG E ] [^\ DG \ ][ ©^ ] ` ]D ^ ] [ 7 ^\ ] %[_[ +D D` F D \ DI[ G ] ` ]D D [ [ ]^ ] ][ ] D _ ] D G ©^ ) [` ] F ] F[`` \\ [ [Z Z[^ 1D D \ \ D G $ )[ F ] D \ D G D]]DF_ helicopters and the recently acquired armoured FD \ Z[ ] $ ` ] \ G F ] D] \[` \ [^\ \]` ]\ D E `DG \[

Nigerian soldiers on duty

] D] ] ` ]D FD ] D ]\ F[ \] ]^] [ D [ [Z G Z G ] D] [ Z [` ] D D \\ [ D G ] D \^ F] [ So despite the current pressures and the F G ZD \ [Z ] ` ]D ] F ] F `^\] G[ [^ ^]`[\] [] ][ G D ] ` ]D EDF_ ][ [ ] F\ [ [ ] F ¯ ] F[ \] ]^] [ D G^] \ 5 F ] F[`` ]\ E \[` [ ] F D \ F \ ` G ][ E ]D _ DE[^] F[^ \ D G ` ]D ] ] [ `^\] E

From the recent commissioning of four Naval ships and new $ 9 : 9; <=> 9 ?@B C and attack helicopters and the recently acquired armoured carriers for the Army, there is evidence that some serious investments are being made so that the military can rightly play its constitutional role of defending the nation from external aggression and internal insurrection

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Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH TIMES LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. PATRICK ASONYE

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