Saturday june 27 2015 online

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Saturday, June 27, 2015



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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


South West

Ambode, APC want tribunal to dismiss Agbaje’s petition Ayodele Olalere


he Governor of Lagos State, Akinwunmi Ambode and the All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday urged the Lagos ^~^[_ q†[\]q\w€Zz_ `[{^Zq]_ Petition Tribunal, Ikeja, to YZw‚Zww_ [`[{^Zq]_ z[^Z^Zq]_ �`[Y_ ƒ�_ \_ Z‚Z_ pƒ~‰[“_ qŠ_ ^€[_ [qz`[_ [‚q{\~^Z{_ ~\^�_ (PDP). While arguing a {q]wq`ZY~^[Y_ z\[`Z‚Z]~\�_ ]q^Z{[_ qŠ_ qƒ‰[{^Zq]_ �`[Y_ before the tribunal led by

 w^Z{[_  Â€~‚‚~Y_ Z\~‰q“_ counsel to Ambode, Chief q`[_ `~]Zz[  ]_ š ›“_ and Counsel to APC, Muiz Banire, argued that the z[^Z^Zq]_ `~{ [Y_ ‚[\Z^_ ~]Y_ Z]{q‚z[^[]^“_ ~]Y_ w€q `Y_ ƒ[_ struck out. Agbaje, who was the PDP gubernatorial candidate in ^€[_`~w^_pq†[\]q\w€Zz_[`[{^Zq]_ which he lost, had dragged ‚ƒqY[“_ “_ ]Y[z[]Y[]^_ National Electoral Comission (INEC) and Resident `[{^q\~`_ 6{[\“_ _ ƒ[Šq\[_ ^€[_ tribunal on the allegation that there were some irregularities during the election which ƒ\[~{€[Y_ ^€[_ z\q†ZwZq]w_ qŠ_ ^€[_ ]Y[z[]Y[]^_ `[{^q\~`_ Commission’s (INEC) ~zz\q†[Y_ p ZY[`Z][w_ Šq\_ ^€[_

zq``w‡ “The grounds and z~\^Z{ `~\w_Z]_^€[_z[^Z^Zq]_~\[_ ~^_qzzqwZ^[w_ÂŽZ^€_^€[_Š~{^w_~]Y_ reliefs being sought within ^€[_z \†Z[ÂŽ_qŠ_ [{^Zq]_ ¥¢Âš Â›_ of the 1999 Constitution. I  \p[_‚Â?_ q\Yw€Zzw_^q_YZw‚Zww_ ^€[_ z[^Z^Zq]“¼_ `~]Zz[  ]_ said. He further argued that there was nowhere in ^€[_ z`[~YZ]pw_ Ž€[\[_ ^€[_ z[^Z^Zq][\w_ ~,~{ [Y_ ^€[_ †Z{^q\Â?_qŠ_^€[_\[wzq]Y[]^w_q\_ questioned the conduct of the election. “I submit that there is ]q_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ƒ[Šq\[_ q \_ q\Yw€Zzw_ ]qÂŽ]_ ^q_ `~Ž‡_ There are no grounds challenging the election of my client under Section §¨¥ÂšÂƒÂ›Âš{›_ qŠ_ ^€[_ `[{^q\~`_ {^_  Š§Š_~w_~‚[]Y[Y“¼_€[_w~ZY‡ In his submission, counsel to APC, Dr Muiz Banire, Y[w{\Zƒ[Y_ ^€[_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ~w_ groundless and should be struck out. “This is a groundless z[^Z^Zq]ÂŞ_ ^€[\[_ Zw_ ]q_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ƒ[Šq\[_ q \_ q\Yw€Zzw‡_ _z\~Â?_ ^€~^_^€[_z \zq\^[Y_Yq{ Â‚[]^_ ƒ[Šq\[_ q \_ q\Yw€Zzw_ ƒ[_ w^\ { _q ^“¼_ ~]Z\[_w~ZY‡ However, counsel to Agbaje, Mr Clement Onwuenwunor, maintained ^€~^_ ^€[_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ÂŽ~w_ {q‚z[^[]^_~]Y_^€[_Zww [w_Šq\_

determination by the tribunal €~Y_ƒ[[]_{~\[Š ``Â?_wz[`^_q ^‡ Â’ ~\~p\~z€_§¨Âš~›_~]Y_šƒ›_qŠ_ q \_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ­ [w^Zq][Y_ ^€[_ election in Lagos State on the p\q ]Yw_ qŠ_ ]q]ÂŽ{q‚z`Z~]{[_ with the Electoral Act and irregularities such as in the  w[_ qŠ_ ^€[_ {~\Y_ \[~Y[\w“¼_ Onwuenwunor said. “We have looked at their z\[`Z‚Z]~\Â?_qƒ‰[{^Zq]w_Z]_^€Zw_ case and have concluded that they are objections made on ‚[\[_^[{€]Z{~`Z^Z[w“¼_€[_w~ZY‡ He, therefore, urged the tribunal to dismiss the notices qŠ_z\[`Z‚Z]~\Â?_qƒ‰[{^Zq]_ÂŽZ^€_ substantial costs against the \[wzq]Y[]^w‡_ €[_ ^\Zƒ ]~`_ ~Y‰q \][Y_^€[_‚~,[\_^q_  `Â?_ 1 for ruling. Z [ÂŽZw[“_ _ ^€[_ [qz`[_ Democratic Party( PDP) {~]YZY~^[_ Z]_ ^€[_ z\Z`_  ¥_ Lagos-West Senatorial election, Mr Segun Adewale (Aeroland) yesterday also gave his testimony before ^€[_ [`[{^Zq]_ z[^Z^Zq]_ ^\Zƒ ]~`_ , Ikeja, Lagos. Adewale is challenging the victory of the All Progressives Congress (APC)’s candidate, Senator Solomon Olamilekan Adeola before the tribunal. In his evidence before the tribunal, Adewale, led in evidence by his counsel, Dr. [‚Z_ [“_ Z]wZw^[Y_ ^€~^_ €[_ won the election and urged

the court to declare him as winner. His testimony was however halted as counsels to Solomon Adeola, APC and INEC objected to his lawyers ~,[‚z^_ ^q_ ^[]Y[\[Y_ €Zw_ additional witness statement before the court. APC’s lawyer, Muiz Banire, told the tribunal that the witness statement is a {`[†[\_ ~,[‚z^_ ƒÂ?_ z[^Z^Zq][\_ ^q_ ~‚[]Y_ ^€[_ z[^Z^Zq]‡_ Banire argued that the additional witness statement is inconsistent with Section 117 of the Evidence Act as it failed to disclose the trade q\_ z\qŠ[wwZq]“_ \[wZY[]{[_ ~]Y_ ]~^Zq]~`Z^Â?_qŠ_^€[_Y[zq][]^‡_ Counsel to Solomon Adeola and INEC aligned themselves with the submissions of Banire. [wzq]YZ]p_ ^q_ ^€[_ objection, Adewale’s lawyer, argued that the sections of the Evidence Act cited in qzzqwZ^Zq]_ ^q_ ~Y‚ZwwZq]_ of his client’s additional w^~^[‚[]^_ Zw_ Z]~zz`Z{~ƒ`[_ ~w_ he did not intend to amend €Zw_z[^Z^Zq]‡_ [_Z]wZw^[Y_^€~^_ the document was made to assist the court with ~YYZ^Zq]~`_Š~{^w_^€~^_ÂŽZ``_€[`z_ it to reach a just conclusion. €[_‚~,[\_ÂŽ~w_~Y‰q \][Y_ ^Z``_  `Â?_ ¹_Šq\_{q]^Z] ~^Zq]_qŠ_ hearing.

L-R: Ojokoro LCDA Treasurer, Mr Muyiwa Omakoya, Council Manager, Mr. Rasheed Pedro, Executive Secretary, Alhaja Fausat Hassan-Olajoku; Chief Imam of Ojokoro, Alhaji A. Ambali and Alhaji A. Abdul Mojeed at a Ramadan lecture in Lagos, recently.

Group seeks to sack of Head of Service, Immigration boss over recruitment scam


p\q z_ qŠ_ concerned citizens have called on President Muhammadu Buhari to sack the Head of Service, Danladi Kifasi ~]Y_ q‚z^\q``[\_ [][\~`_ of Immigration, David Parradang, just as it also called for the cancellation of the ill-fated immigration service recruitment. €[_p\q z“_Z]_~_w^~^[‚[]^“_ w^~^[Y_ ^€~^_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ w[^_  z_ ƒÂ?_ Šq\‚[\_ \[wZY[]^_ qqY` { _ q]~^€~]_^q_~wwZw^_ the Immigration Board in its recruitment exercise ~``[p[Y`Â?_[]Y[Y_ z_w€~\Z]p_ ‚q][Â?_ ~]Y_ [‚z`qÂ?‚[]^_ slots. ^_ w~ZY_ ^€[_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ was headed by Kifasi with Parradang a member.

Its term of reference, according to the statement, was strictly to assist the Immigration, a directive it set aside, and carried out recruitment exercise itself as against the Ministry of Interior and the Board statutorily saddled with w {€_\[wzq]wZƒZ`Z^Â?‡_ “Authoritative source in ^€[_q6{[_qŠ_^€[_{€~Z\z[\wq]_ qŠ_ ^€[_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ w[^_ ^q_ ‘Assist’ the Board to recruit []Y[Y_  z_ Z]_ YqZ]p_ ^€[_ recruitment themselves due to greed to share ¨¢Š_ ‚Z``Zq]_ ~zz\q†[Y_ ^q_ ÂŹ [†[`qz_ [ƒwZ^[‹_ ~]Y_ pq^_ w`q^_ Šq\_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ ‚[‚ƒ[\w_ ~]Y_ Šq\‚[\_ ^qz_ pq†[\]‚[]^_ q6{Z~`w_ qŠ_ ^€[_

q]~^€~]_ ~Y‚Z]Zw^\~^Zq]‡_ €[_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ Ž~w_  ]~ƒ`[_

^q_ w ÂƒÂ‚Z^_ Z^w_ \[zq\^_ ^q_ ^€[_ Secretary to the Government qŠ_^€[_ [Y[\~^Zq]“¼_Z^_w~ZY‡_ €[_ p\q z_ ~`wq_ \[†[~`[Y_ that the ‘successful’ candidates were sent to Immigration Training Schools with text messages without budgetary z\q†ZwZq]_ ^q_ z~Â?_ ^€[_  Â“ŠŠŠ_ \[{\ Z^[Y_q6{[\w‡_ It also held former Minister of Interior, Abba Moro and Parradang \[wzq]wZƒ`[_Šq\_^€[_^\~p[YÂ?‡_ “Here we are with another Abba Moro in the Presidency. If Abba Moro, former Minister of Interior {q``[{^[Y_  Â“ŠŠŠ_ [~{€_ Š\q‚_ zqq\_ ~zz`Z{~]^w_ ~]Y_ ‚~Y[_ ~_ z\qÂ?^_ qŠ_ ¯¢Š_ ‚Z``Zq]_ ^€[_ \[wZY[]^Z~`_ {q‚‚Z,[[_ ‚~Y[_Z^w_qÂŽ]_Y[~`_qŠ_ ¨¢Š_

‚Z``Zq]_ ^~‘z~Â?[\w‹_ ‚q][Â?_ and cheated Nigerians ÂŽZ^€_§Â“ŠŠŠ_w`q^w“_ [_{~``_q]_ President Buhari to take ~zz\qz\Z~^[_ ~{^Zq]_ ~]Y_ z ]Zw€_ ~``_ ^€qw[_ {q]][{^[Y_ ÂŽZ^€_^€[_w{~‚“¼_Z^_w~ZY‡_ €[_p\q z_w~ZY_^€[_Y q_qŠ_ Abba Moro and Paradang should be charged for the injury and death of the ~zz`Z{~]^w_ ƒ[{~ w[_ qŠ_ ^€[Z\_ insistence on the use of stadia for the examination. Â’ ^_ Zw_ w~Y_ ^q_ \[zq\^_ ^€~^_ on that fateful day both Moro and Paradang were ƒ wÂ?_~,[]YZ]p_^€[_ƒZ\^€Y~Â?_ z~\^Â?_ qŠ_ q†[\]q\_ ~]p_ qŠ_ Plateau State. The failure was largely due over w Âƒw{\Zz^Zq]“_ zqq\_ zq`Z{Â?_ Z‚z`[‚[]^~^Zq]_~]Y_`~{ _qŠ_ w z[\†ZwZq]‡

NPA orders rehabilitation of Apapa, Tin-Can Ports’ roads


he Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Alhaji Sanusi Lamido, has ordered the rehabilitation of the road linking Apapa and Tin Can Island Ports. The directive is contained in a statement by Principal 0D]DJH^ 3_E`qF $FDq^w xI NPA, Malam Isa Suwaid in Lagos yesterday. It said Lamido gave the directive while receiving members of Shipping Association of Nigeria (SAN), who paid him a courtesy visit in Lagos. Lamido said the directive should be carried out immediately. ``The managing director assured that the authority would mobilise both human and material resources to ensure that palliative maintenance works start without delay.’’ Earlier, Chairman of the shipping association of Nigeria, Mr Val Usifo, assured of their cooperation for a common objective in the maritime sector.

Meanwhile, the Association of Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA), threatened to shut Apapa and Tin-Can Island ports until the perennial gridlock on ports’ access roads was addressed. The President of ANLCA, Mr Olayiwola Shittu, issued the threat during interview with News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). He said his members were getting ready to down tools, ``as the situation had become unbearable.’’ Shittu told NAN that a crucial meeting of the association had been scheduled for June 30, adding that the strike would be one of the major issues to be discussed at the meeting. President of the National Association of Government Approved Freight Forwarders (NAGAFF), Mr Eugene Nweke, also expressed concern about the gridlock which he attributed to lack of a National Transport Development Plan.

LG boss preaches religious harmony Tunde Busari


he Executive Secretary of Ojokoro LCDA, Alhaja Fausat Hassan-Olajoku, has urged members of the YZ+[\[]^_\[`ZpZq]w_^q_\[wz[{^_ one another’s belief, adding that it is the only way to ensure religious harmony among the Faith. z[~ Z]p_ ~^_ ^€[_ ~]] ~`_ ~‚~Y~]_ z Âƒ`Z{_ `[{^ \[_ organized by The United q{~`_ q†^‡_  w`Z‚_ ^~+_ Association of Nigeria, Ojokoro LCDA branch, during the week, Hassan `~‰q  ]_ [‚z€~wZw[Y_ ^€~^_ \[wz[{^_ Šq\_ q^€[\‹w_ ƒ[`Z[Š_ is the bedrock of religious harmony. `~‰q  _ ~zz[~`[Y_ ^q_ Muslim faithful to use ~‚~Y~]_ z[\ZqY_ ^q_ z\~Â?_ for Nigeria and the leaders, ~YYZ]p_ ^€~^_ z\~Â?[\w_ ÂŽq `Y_ Â?‘_^€[_{q ]^\Â?‡ Â’ q]w^~]^_ z\~Â?[\w“_

[wz[{Z~``Â?_ ~^_ ^€Zw_ z[\ZqY_ qŠ_ Ramadan fast, for leaders by the electorate, at every level of governance has ƒ[[]_ ZY[]^ZÂ?[Y_ ~w_ ^€[_ only solution to curb mispq†[\]~]{[_^€~^_Zw_z\[†~`[]^_ Z]_ Zp[\Z~“¼_w€[_w~ZY‡_ Guest Lecturer, Abdul q‰[[Y“_ wz[~ Z]p_ q]_ [~Y[\w€Zz_ ~]Y_ w`~‚Z{_ Nation Building: Islamic [\wz[{^Z†[“_ ~,\Zƒ ^[Y_ ^€[_ failure of most government q6{Z~`w_ ^q_ ~ƒ w[w_ ~]Y_ { \w[w_ z`~{[Y_ q]_ ^€[‚_ ƒÂ?_ the electorate. He said although there is ~_ ‰ Yp‚[]^_ q]_ ~]Â?_ z Âƒ`Z{_ q6{Z~`_Ž€q_‚ZwÂŽpq†[\]“_Z^_Zw_ incumbent on the electorate ^q_{q]^Z] ~``Â?_z\~Â?_Šq\_^€[‚‡_ The Islamic cleric also warned aides of elected q6{Z~`w_ ^q_ ƒ[_ {~\[Š `_ q]_ how they manage and ^€[Z\_ z\Z]{Zz~`w“_ ~``[pZ]p_ that most of the aides {~ w[_ z\qƒ`[‚w_ Šq\_ ^€[Z\_ z\Z]{Zz~`w‡

BE TOTALLY FREE FROM ALL SEXUAL DISEASES SUCH AS STAPHYLOCOCCUS, WEAK ERECTION AND DIABETES WITH HERBAL MEDICINE Staphylococcus is a disgraceful disease that can endanger your sexual life and it's a transmitted disease that can be contacted through an indiscriminate sex and also caused by untreated Gonorrhea or not properly treated. With this problem, the victim can never satisfy women sexually and such person can never impregnate women also. SYMPTOMS: severe itching in the private part in and out, movement like worm round the body, Pus on the organ, Waist pain, Internal heat, General body weakness, Persistent Headache, Skin sores and Rashes, Acute Pile, frequent Sweating, Stomach noise, Blood urinating, abdominal pain, Virginal discharge, Blocking of Fallopian tube, Stoppage of Menstruation or irregular menstrual period. EFFECTS: Damage of reproductive organ, Low sperm count, Watery sperm, late or quick ejaculation, weak erection, loss of sexual feelings, inability to go more than one round. TREATMENT: Herb and Root are the best treatment to avoid recurrence because it can not be cured with only injection or any antibiotics. Because the bacteria called Staphylococcus have developed resistance to all form of western antibiotics. DIABETES: is a metabolic disorder caused either by deficiency of the digestive hormone called insulin or the inability of body cells to use the available insulin. SYMPTOMS: (1) Constant Urination, because of the high level of sugar present in the area. (2) Excessive hunger is only a reaction of the body to lack of Glucose. (3) Dryness of the mouth because of high quantity of fluid lost through urine. (4) Loss of weight because the cells are starved of Glucose. (5) Weakness and Tiredness because the body feeds on the proteins in the body leading to general weakness and tiredness. (6) Persistent itching all over the body especially in the genital parts. In treating diabetes with herbs: the aims are: (1) to repair the pancreas (2) Strengthen the kidney (3) Eradicate the symptoms (4) Prevent sugar or Glucose from escaping in the urine. All within one month. Contact: Dr. T. A. YUSUFF today at:

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

South South


Bayelsa elders protest sale of oil, gas reser ves Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


ayelsa elders and traditional rulers of Nembe Kingdom in Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State have protested over alleged secret sale of oil and gas reserves from the area by the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) without the involvement of the indigenes, saying such action is provocative and an attempt to disrupt the peace of the Niger Delta region. In a protest letter to

President Muhammadu Buhari, they said though the Nembe kingdom is one of the biggest onshore oil producing communities in the Niger – Delta region with oil mining lease (OML) 29 producing over 150, 000 barrels of crude oil per day and oil block covering an area of 983 square kilometres, the decision of the SPDC to sell oil and gas reserves from the area without equal participation of the Nembe communities in the process is not acceptable.

The Nembe communities, in a petition to President Muhammad Buhari titled: “Shell’s clandestine sale of our oil and gas reserves that demanded for transparency, due process and which was devoid of any consultation: a demand for our community’s participation and our right to equity shares in shell’s sale of its assets�, claimed that the action of the SPDC to exclude the communities is an insult and a provocative stance that could disrupt oil exploration in the area.

The petition, made available to newsmen Thursday in Yenagoa and signed by the Chairman of the Nembe Oil and Gas Committee, Chief (Amb.) Nengi James - Eriworio and Secretary, Chief Austin Aye Martins- Gboro, explains further, “The writing of this petition, therefore, became imperatively necessary in the light of the fact that, we as a community was never consulted or informed of the outright sale of our God-given natural resources as regards our reserves of oil and gas.�

Hard times await Deltans ... As Gov Okowa attempts to pull State out of economic recession Sylvester Idowu, Asaba


ard times await residents of Delta State as Governor Ifeanyi Okowa called for w~{\ZÂ?{[w“_ ]q^_ q]`Â?_ ~‚q]p_ ^€[_ {Z^ZÂł[]w“_ ƒ ^_ ^€[_ `[pZw`~^Z†[_~]Y_[‘[{ ^Z†[_‚[‚ƒ[\w_ ƒ[{~ w[_ ^€[_ w^~^[_ Zw_ ~^_ ^€[_ †[\p[_qŠ_[{q]q‚Z{_\[{[wwZq]‡ He has therefore com‚[]{[Y_ ‚q†[w_ ^q_ z ``_ ^€[_ w^~^[_ q ^_ Š\q‚_ Z^w_ { \\[]^_ ~ƒÂ?w‚~`_ ´¨´_ƒZ``Zq]_Z]Y[ƒ^[Y][ww‡_ q†[\]q\_ qÂŽ~_ € \wY~Â?_Z]_ w~ƒ~_p~†[_^€[_ [`^~_ ^~^[_ q w[_qŠ_ ww[‚ƒ`Â?_ ‚[‚ƒ[\w_ ~_ ƒ\[~ YqÂŽ]_ ~]Y_ p\~z€Z{_ zZ{^ \[_ qŠ_ ^€[_ w^~^[‹w_ Z]Y[ƒ^[Y][ww“_ Z]_ €Zw_ address to the people of Del^~_w^~^[_~]Y_^€[_ÂŽ~Â?_Šq\ÂŽ~\Y‡ He told the lawmakers that he has directed the state’s Ministry of Finance ~]Y_^€[_ {{q ]^~]^ÂŽ_ [][\~`_ ^q_\[w^\ {^ \[_^€[_Z\\[†q{~ƒ`[_ w^~]YZ]p_ z~Â?‚[]^_ q\Y[\_ š ›_q]_{q]^\~{^q\‹w_p ~\antee and overdraft facility

q†[\_~_z[\ZqY_qŠ_¯ _‚q]^€w‡__

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Overhaul MPB, retirees plead with Buhari Sylvester Idowu, Asaba

T Rivers State Governor (2nd right) Mr. Nyesom Wike (right); South African High Commission to Nigeria, Mr. Lulu Louis Mmagani, (left) and Barrister Celestine Omehia at the inaugurating/commissioning of South African Visa Application Centre in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Infant, maternal mortality rates reduced in Rivers - Former Health Commissioner Toyin Adebayo


former Commissioner for Health in Rivers State and member of the National Council of Health, Dr Sampson Parker, said the last administration reduced infant, maternal and malaria mortality rate in the state and was able to contain Ebola Virus Disease. He made this known Thursday in an interview with newsmen in Abuja that the achievement was made possible due to the structures and facilities put in place at the Primary Health Care level which attracted reproductive age women to access health care. He however regrets that Nigerians don’t have maintenance culture and sustainability. “We have put in place all these structures; I spent eight

years of my life doing this; I cry when I see the health care sector being pulled down�. “All the gains of Ebola are dying away; Ebola is a virus and can come back in another form, our structures are not

well funded, we neglect those things and why will names not be written on the structures�, he lamented. He urged Nigerians to make health insurance compulsory like the voters card.

“If we have 20 million Nigerians that voted during the just concluded general elections, as they are casting their votes, they should come along with their health insurance card as well.

Judiciary tasked on prosecution of drug abuse offenders Uchenna Nwafor, Yenagoa


ayelsa State Governor, Henry Seriake Dickson has vowed to strengthen the judiciary system to ensure speedy prosecution of persons who indulge in drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Dickson who described drug abuse and illicit trafficking as a social problem said he would ensure that all nooks and crannies of the state are sanitized of illicit drugs. He stated this in Yenagoa during the celebration of the 2015 United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, organized by State Commander, National

Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA. Represented at the event by the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Ayibatonye Owei, Dickson said drug abuse breeds criminalities, violent crimes, rape and child abuse by offenders, particularly the youths. He noted that over 15.3 million persons globally have drug disorder cases yearly and appealed to community leaders and churches to preach against the abuse of drugs. According to him, Bayelsa state is determined to provide gainful employment to youths to reduce drug abuse in the state. Earlier, State Commander,

NDLEA, Barrister (Mrs). Josephine Ruth Obi said the Command arrested 70 drug suspects within six months across the state and appealed to Bayelsa state government and other public spirited individuals to support the Command in establishing a standard drug rehabilitation facility in the state. She said the establishment would assist the command in rehabilitating serious cases of drug addiction and also appealed to religious and community leaders and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to assist the agency in fighting the war to have a drug free society in their domains.

he National Association of Military Pensioners has implored President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately order a re-organization of the Military Pensions Board to be HFHFšq›H q] DššH]Gq]J šx œH]sions of retirees that served the nation meritoriously. According to a letter sent to the President and signed by the national president of the association, Major Benson Eromafuru (rtd), there was the urgent need to reorganize the board to save the lives of military retirees who have not been paid pensions for several years. The group noted that the board was not responding to the plight of military retirees as expected thereby givingthe impres-

sion that the board was diverting pensions meant for members. It gave as evidence cases of two retirees, 63NA/116205 L/CPL Peter Oderhowho and 63NA/217862 PTE Ogbetuo Joseph, who have been trying to draw their pensions and arrears for over 20 years, but was yet to be paid. The two retirees, the group claimed, fought during the civil war and were discharged properly on medical grounds, but were yet to be paid their pensions which have made them to be living from hand to mouth. It stated that the board made šžHÂĽ šx Â?`` GqFH^H]š š œHw xI forms several times and were given phones numbers to follow up the processing thereby raising the hope of getting their entitlements.

Security man in Mobile Police uniform arrested in Delta Sylvester Idowu, Asaba


ong arms of the law caught up with a dismissed police man in Warri, who allegedly escorts suspected goods in mobile police uniform. Newswatch Times gathered that the suspect idenšqÂ?HG Dw 2FžxFžH 0DššžHÂ&#x; was arrested Thursday along the NPA Expressway E '%6 x2FH q] :D^^q E vigilant police team of the Quick Response Squad. He was arrested while escorting a Ford Transit Van loaded with a fairly-used Mikano SP generator and a Denyo Daw Welding ma-

chine. &x]Â?^ÂĽq]J šžH q]FqGH]š Delta State Police Public 5H`Dšqx]w 22FH^ &H`Hwšq]D Kalu, a Deputy Suprintendent of Police (DSP), said the suspect was arrested at about 1.10 p.m. According to her, “ On 25th June, at about 1310hrs, patrol team attached to Quick Response Squad (QRS) Warri on visibility patrol at opposite DBS Warri, intercepted a Ford Transit van with Reg. No. (Lagos) EPE 790 XH, loaded with fairly-used Mikano SP 20 generator and Denyo Daw-18083.0 KVA welding machineâ€?.


Newswatch Times Saturday, June 27, 2015

South East


Court stops Okorocha, others from deposing Imo monarchs Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri


n Owerri High Court, has stopped Governor Rochas Okorocha and nine others from removing some traditional rulers in the state pending the determinašqx] xI D w_qš �`HG E šžH DJgrieved monarchs against the defendants. A section of Imo State traditional rulers led by HRH Eze Emmanuel Njemanze and Eze Desmond Ogugua, had

dragged the governor before the court for allegedly attemptq]J šx ^HÂĽx›H šžHÂĽ I^xÂĽ x2FH for allegedly welcoming the former President Goodluck Jonathan to the state during one of the ex-President visits to the wšDšH Â&#x;žq`H žH Â&#x;Dw wšq`` q] x2FH The Presiding Judge, Justice Ngozi Ukoha, while ruling on a motion ex-parte for substituted service on some of the defendants alleged to be evading service of court summons, stated that ‘the defendants are hereby ordered to respect the penden-

cy of this suit until all pending applications are heard by the court.’ She ordered that all processes in the suit be pasted on the gate of the 3rd defendant, the Imo State Council of Traditional Rulers Secretariat in Owerri. This mode of service, according to the court, will be deemed by the court as covering the Imo State Council of Ndi-eze, Eze Samuel Ohiri, Eze Edwin Orisakwe, Eze (Barr.) Chijioke Okwara, Eze G. Ejiogu and Eze Ben Igwilo, as 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th,

8th and 9th defendants respectively. Counsel to the respondents, lyke Udeozor, informed the Fx_^š šžDš D`` HFx^šw ¼DGH E šžH Fx_^š EDq`qF šx š^DFH šžH whereabouts of Eze Sam Ohiri and other defendants had proved abortive. He argued that unless the court grants the motion for substituted service, Ohiri and other defendants will continue to evade service until they unlawfully met out punitive measures against the revered traditional rulers who

have come to court for reprieve. In the suit, the respondents are contending that the Imo State Council of Ndi-eze as constituted by Governor Okorocha and headed by Ohiri is an illegal and unlawful body, having been constituted in contravention of Section 2 of Law No. 6 of 2006 (The Imo State of Nigeria Traditional Rulers, Autonomous Communities and Allied Matters Law). They are therefore, praying the court to ‘dissolve the Council and sack Eze Ohiri alongside his illegitimate Council members ditto for the unlawful Fact Finding Panel� set up to investigate them for alleged misconduct.’

It would be recalled that an Owerri hHgh Court had on May 26, 2014, in a landmark judgment in suit. HOW/525/2013 dismissed Eze Ohiri’s claim to the chairmanship of Imo State Council of Ndieze. The court in dismissing the suit instituted by the embattled Ohiri described the monarch’s action as ‘detestable, frivolous and an abuse of court process�, since the court of Appeal, Owerri Division had earlier on July 5, 2013 resolved the same case in favour of HRH Eze (Dr) Cletus Ilomuanya, the Obi of Obinugwu, as the authentic chairman of Imo State Council of Ndi-eze.

Group urges Buhari to consider Mogaji from North East for SGF slot


pan Nigeria Organisation, National Mandate Group has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to appoint his Secretary to the Government of the Federation from the Northeast Zone of the country against the backdrop of the outcome of the Senate President’s poll. The group in an open letter signed by Otunba Doyin Adeniyi and Alhaji Ibrahim Modibbo to PresJQX ,Z[ \]^]X 3[_`qX 3{|_`q 5X_^]`[}~ 2 €qX 0 $}‚ Xƒ (}ƒX XZ | `X€}„ }Xƒ~ZX} [} ]QX ^  X~] [ |^|… ^q][ … [†X ^][ &Q`X (ZZ^}{X_ (‡X `} ,Z[ \]^]X

Police arrest baby factory operator, child traffickers in Imo Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri he Imo State Police Command has arrested a notoriq w_ € Â‚~]_ ^\~6{ [\_ Š\q‚_ Abia State. According to the Commissioner of Police (CP), Austin Evbakhavbockun, the arrest was sequel to a report that one 20year old Miss Ibuchi Okafor from Ihioma in the Orlu council area absconded from home for an unknown destination and


returned without her baby, Ž€Z{€_ ~,\~{^[Y_ w wzZ{Zq]_ ^€~^_ w€[_ ‚Zp€^_ €~Y_ wq`Y_ q+_ the baby. Upon interrogation, the CP said that the lady disclosed to the operatives that she was delivered of a baby boy at the home of one Chief Emmnauel Eke of Mbutu, in the Isiala Ngwa South Council area of Abia State who later sold the baby to a yet to be ZY[]^ZÂ?[Y_ƒ Â?[\‡ Evbakhavbockun said that operatives of his com-

mand stormed the home of Chief Emmanuel Eke where other pregnant ladies believed to be producing babies for sale were arrested. The CP who later paraded the suspects gave the names of others as Miss Nkasiobi Uchenna (23) of Nkwuegwu Umuahia, Abia State, Miss Ela David (24) from Isoko, Delta State, Blessing Nwabeke, a deaf and dumb who could not state her age and address, and Miss Oluchi Victor aged (25) of Isi-

ala Ngwa, Abia State who before the arrest, allegedly contracted ladies for Chief Emmnanuel Eke. The Commissioner of Police, who spoke through the Police Public Relations Of�{[\_ š ›_ qŠ_ ^€[_ {q‚mand, Mr. Andrew Enwerem (DSP), added that in the course of investigation, Chief Emmanuel Eke confessed to have sold the baby delivered by Miss Ibuchi Okafor to yet to be disclosed buyer at the cost of N500,000.

NDLEA arrests 122 suspects in Anambra Alphonsus Eze, Awka


he National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in Anambra State has arrested a total of 122 drug suspects between January and June this year.

The State Commander of the Agency, Mr. Sule Momodu, in an address yesterday during the celebration of the United Nations Day Against Il`qFqš '^_J $E_wH D]G 7^D2Fªing, said that 114 of the suspects are men, while the remaining eight are women.

He also said that a total of 110.624kg of illicit drug was seized during the period, with cannabis sativa popularly called marijuana topping with 107.26kg. Other seizures were cocaine, 138.2 grams, heroine, 100.54grams, liquid metham-

phetamine, 2.615kg and solid methamphetamine, 510 grams. The State Commander also said that the agency have arraigned a total of 22 suspects, out which eight convictions have been obtained, while 28 I^Hwž FDwHw Â&#x;H^H Â?`HG G_^q]J the period under review.

Anambra targets children, pregnant women for MNCHN Cyprian Ebele Onitsha


he Anambra State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joe Akabuike, yesterday in Awka, disclosed that no fewer than 211,993 Children between

the ages of 6-59 months, and 264,991 pregnant women would receive preventive and curative health interventions services in the state during the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health

week, which starts next week. Speaking at a press briefing, the health commissioner stated that the Health week was an integrated approach that involved week-long

events organized nationwide to deliver an integrated package of preventive and curative health interventions service said to be €Zp€`�_{qw^_[+[{^Z†[_�[^_\[sult oriented.

ident Buhari asked him to consider the contributions of the zone to his emergence as the winner of the March 28 Poll. The group recommends Alhaji Gambo Mogaji, a former BOT Chairman of defunct ANPP as a reputable person whom the President can work with from the North East being a Retired Federal Permanent Secretary with great understanding of the political class in the country.

Enugu Speaker promises good relationship with media Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu


peaker of the Enugu State House of Assembly, Hon. Edward Ubosi, has assured journalists that he would have a good working relationship with them. Ubosi gave the assurance yesterday in a maiden meeting with journalists covering the state’s House of Assembly The speaker described the media as partners in progress and said he would do everything humanly possible to maintain a good rapport with them. “I must carry you people

along. I feel comfortable with media people. I don’t scare people away. How can I run the place without the press?� he asked rhetorically. Speaking on behalf of the journalists at the event, Mrs. Ifeyinwa Okonkwo, of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) congratulated the speaker on his new position and assured him of the cooperation of the journalists. Okonkwo appealed to the speaker to carry them along especially when they embark on oversight functions, community visits as well as the outcome of proceedings on šžH xx^ xI šžH +x_wH

Anambra CJ charges magistrates on justice delivery Alphonsus Eze, Awka


he Chief Judge of Anambra State, Justice Peter Umeadi, has charged the newly appointed magistrates in the state to brace up in their new responsibilities so as to help in quick dispensation of justice in the state. Justice Umeadi spoke to the 20 new magistrates when he handed the keys of new cars acquired for them to en-

hance their duties, charging them to ‘keep the cars in good condition, keep them in proper repairs and ensure that you come to work from Monday to Friday for the prosperity and good of Anambra State.’ The Chief Judge also asked the magistrates to justify their appointments by working very hard in justice delivery in the state. He stated that the new cars were meant to ful` Dwwqwš šžH ­_GqFqD` x2FH^w q] ÂœH^Ix^ÂĽq]J šžHq^ x2FqD` G_šqHw


Newswatch Times Saturday, Jujne 27, 2015


North East EU reaffirms commitment to war against torture Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


he European Union (EU) has restated its commitment to combat torture and other inhuman treatments, which it said are prohibited under international law. In a statement by the commission’s Vice President, Frederica Mogherini, on the occasion of the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which was made available to newsmen in Abuja on Friday, the EU said it supported the Convention against Torture Initiative

D]G qšw HFx^šw šx DFžqH›H J`xED` ^DšqÂ?FDšqx] “We will do our utmost to contribute to the achievement of this goal. Our commitment to enhance activities to combat šx^š_^H qw D`wx ^HFx]Â?^ÂĽHG in the communication on the EU Action Plan on Human Rights 2015-2019. “The EU will never give up its staunch commitment to the prevention and eradication of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, which is unequivocally prohibited under international law,â€? it said. The commission point-

ed out that eradication of torture required political Â&#x;q`` ­xq]š HFx^š D]G J`xEal teamwork. The statement reads: “In this work, we are using our political tools to the maximum, coupled Â&#x;qšž Â?]D]FqD` w_œœx^š Through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, the EU is one of the major Gx]x^w q] šžqw Â?H`G D]G funds a number of activities to prevent torture, increase accountability, Â?Jžš qÂĽÂœ_]qš D]G ^HžDbilitate victims of torture. “Together with civil society, we are supporting awareness raising cam-

paigns, the development of prevention and monitoring mechanisms as well as rehabilitation centres to help victims and their families to rebuild their lives. “The European Union expresses its appreciation for the work undertaken by the UN Special Rapporteur, the Committee against Torture, the Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture, and the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and other international mechanisms, urging all states to implement their recommendations.�

Drought:Farmers appeal to govt to stockpile food Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


armers in Benue State, yesterday, appealed to the state and Federal governments to assist in stockpiling foodwš_Fw šx D›H^š ID¼q]H Ix`lowing the irregular rainfall in the country. A cross section of the farmers told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Makurdi that the irregular rainfall had caused crops to wilt away in farms. Farmers from villages in Guma, Tarka and Gboko local government councils lamented the loss of crops like maize, groundnut and yams, and blamed it on drought,

following inadequate rains. A maize farmer, Mr. Anwase Akuraga, from Awuna village in the outskirts of Makurdi, complained of losing one hectare of maize farm to drought. “All the maize I planted around May this year had EHH] DG›H^wH` DFHFšHG E this irregular rainfall. “They all turned from their greenish colour to yel`xÂ&#x; šžH] Â&#x;qšžH^HG xF G_H to the complete seizure of the rains. “ If the government does not act swiftly by stockpiling IxxGwš_Fw šx wD›H šžH wqš_Dtion, then our people should be prepared to face famine,â€? he warned.

Muslim cleric charges leaders on trust Isah Idris, Abuja


R-L Shows The Founder and a Member of the Board of Trustees, Liberty Foundation, Alhaji Hakeem Danmola, with the Coordinator, Badagry Zone, Dr. Sakiru Onasanya and his Eredo-Epe Zonal colleague, Mr. Siji Ayantuga at the Liberty Foundation Retreat at Surulere, Lagos at the weekend.

Ramadan: Dogara distributes food items, drums support for Buhari Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi


he speaker of the House of Representatives, Barrister Dogara Yakubu, yesterday, distributed food items to Muslim communities in Bauchi State, and urged faithful to pray for peace and unity of the country during the Ramadan period. Dogara said that only pray can restore peace to the trouble parts of the country, and urged Nigerians to support and pray for the administration of Muhammadu Buhari and the governing All Progressives Congress

to deliver the dividends of democracy to Nigerians in line with the party’s change mantra. The chairman of the distribution committee, Nuhu Abdulrazak Zaki, made the disclosure while briefing newsmen in Bauchi before the commencement of the distribution of the food qšH¼w šx šžH EH]H�FqD^qHw He said the idea of the distribution of the food items was to bring succour to Muslims across the 20 local government areas of the state during the fasting. The items, he said are trucks of rice, two and half truck of

millet and one and half truck of sugar, which the entire Muslims communities are HÂŽÂœHFšHG šx EH]HÂ?š I^xÂĽ According to him, all the Imams of various central Mosques in the state, Muslim clerics, politicians including youths and women groups as well as traditional rulers, APC party leaders in the state, Bauchi South zonal x2FH^w xI šžH ÂœD^š D]G wšDšH Assembly members are to EH]HÂ?š I^xÂĽ šžH IxxG qšHÂĽw Zaki maintain that already the committee had contacted the Speaker of the state’s House of Assembly, who assured them of their support


High Court sitting in Bauchi yesterday sentenced a 40-year-old-man, Ibrahim Idris, to death by hanging for killing a six-year-old girl after a failed attempt to rape her. Idris was dragged to court by the State Director Public Prosecutions, Barrister Dawud Yakubu,

with the charge of culpable Homicide contrary to section 221. Dawud told the court that on 14th September, 2012, the accused invited the deceased, Asiya Mohammed, to his room, with the intention to rape her, but when she refused, he beheaded her and throw her body into a river. The Director of Prosecution said the body of the

Muslims to move closer to Almighty Allah during and after the holy month of Ramadan, and seek forgiveness of their sins from the Creator. Urging compassion for fellow Muslims and nonMuslims alike, he added that “The holy month of Ramadan is the period to give out in charity to those in need because Almighty Allah has commanded us to do so as part of our trust to our brothers and sisters in Islam and to non-Muslims alike. Ramadan is a month to dedicate and rededicate ourselves spiritually towards the good of humanity, and in the sight of the Creator because trust in itself, means the prayers, fasting and other things that we do to curry the favour of the Most High God.�

Yoruba forum canvasses support for Buhari, decries NASS leadership feud

throughout the exercise to ensure that earmarked cenš^D` ÂĽxwÂŻ_Hw EH]HÂ?š I^xÂĽ the gesture of the speaker in the presentation of alloca- Eric Elezuo tion letter. he Executive CounHe said: “To be sincere, what cil Meeting of the Dogara has done, has alYoruba Unity Forum ready prove his detractors wrong, especially those ac- (YUF), held at its Efunyela Hall Ikenne, Ogun State cusing him of discriminating against Muslim commu- Secretariat, has appealed nities during his campaign, to all APC chieftains, memand I am sure this people are bers of the political class now ashamed at the steps and the National Assembly being taken by the Speaker Leadership, to urgently arto carry people along even rest the ongoing feud so beyond Bauchi State. Doga- that it does not blow bera’s victory is a good omen yond proportion, thereby to the country.â€? DFHFšq]J šžH ]Dšqx]°w ÂœHDFH and stability. The meeting also called for _]ÂŹq]Fžq]J w_œœx^š D]G deceased was recovered The Presiding Justice, co-operation for President and taken to the General Yelim Bogoro, said the Muhammadu Buhari and Hospital, Darazo for post confessional statement of Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, esmortem, before it was re- the accused was direct, pecially in their dogged leased to her parents for and held that the pros- strides for an egalitarian society “Where no man is burial. ecution has proved his oppressed.â€? +H FD``HG Â?›H Â&#x;qš]HwwHw case beyond any doubt In a statement signed by and presented the axe and sentenced the ac- the group’s Secretary-Genand knife that the ac- cused person to death by eral, Senator Anthony AdeF_wHG _wHG šx F_š xF šžH hanging, saying “I hereby fuye, the group resolved girl’s head as exhibits and sentence you to death by to host the Vice President, šžH Â&#x;qš]Hww šHwšqÂ?HG šžDš hanging by the neck till Prof. Oluyemi Osinbajo to a grand reception soonest he made a confessional you die.“ at his home town, Ikenne statement.

Court sentences child-killer to death by hanging in Bauchi Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi

Muslim scholar, Mallam Ali Sulayman, has urged Nigerian leaders not to betray the trust reposed on them by the populace. Sulayman, who is the Secretary of NITECO Jumat Mosque, Tunga in Minna Niger State, gave the admonition as a guest lecturer at the 9th Annual Iftar/Lecture of the Abuja chapter of the Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates Association (UNIFEMGA). In his lecture titled: “RaÂĽDGD] $ 5HÂĽq]GH^ 7x )_`Â?` Our Trust,â€? Sulayman said leadershipis a trust from God, and that He would hold leaders accountable on how far they discharged the trust. The cleric also urged


in Ogun State. Yoruba Unity Forum is a non-political socio-cultural group, which is the Umbrella of all the entire groups, societies and othH^ D2`qDšHw q] šžH <x^_ED Race. It will be recalled that the Vice President, Prof. Oluyemi Osinbajo, is the son-inlaw of the late Sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, as well as the monarch, the Yeye Oodua of Yoruba race and Forum Chairman, Chief H.I.D Awolowo. Furthermore, the Executive Council also nominated members into the committee the 100 years birthday celebration of Chief H.I.D. Awolowo, which is expected to hold at Ikenne, Remo, Ogun State, on the November 25, 2015. The forum also congratulated Lt. General Oladipo Diya (Rtd), who is a patron of the Forum, on the full restoration of his ranks as the former Chief of GenH^D` 6šDF E šžH )HGH^D` Government.

Saturday, June 27, 2015




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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Politics Unpaid salaries: One of APC’s many headaches Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


s at April 2014, the Debt 0D]DJH¥H] 22FH '02 DG D^]HG xI H F_^^H] wq _D qx] q] x]H xI q w ^H x^ w H] q GqwF`xwHG D H )HGH^D` *x H^]¥H] DG D] H® H^]D` GHE w xFª xI $6.445 billion and another N7.9 tril`qx] Gx¥Hw qF GHE qF ^xwH x 1 ^q``qx] `Dw 'HFH¥EH^ 7 H GHE w D^H F_^^H] ` EHq]J wH^ qFHG q D ¥HDJH^ 1 Eq``qx] D]]_D`` 7 qw H® H^]D` GHE J_^Hw q x_ DGGq]J Gx¥Hw qF GHE w Dw ^H`HDwHG E H '02 ^H HD`HG D /DJxw 6 D H is the most indebted with $1.17 bil`qx] D]G Gqw D] ` Ix``x HG E .DG_]D q ¥q``qx] q`H &^xww 5q er followed with $142 million. $FFx^Gq]J x H ^H x^ w (Gx qw ]H® q ¥q``qx] Ix``x HG E 2J_] q ¥q``qx] %D_F q ¥q``qx] .D wq]D ¥q```qx] 2w_] ¥q``qx] 2 x ¥q``qx] D]G (]_J_ ¥q``qx] q`H H `HDw q]GHE HG w D Hw D^H 7D^DED 1 Eq``qx] %x^]x 1 Eq``qx] 'H` D 1 Eq``qx] 3`D HD_ 1 Eq``qx] <xEH 1 Eq``qx] %H]_H 1 Eq``qx] $EqD 1 Eq``qx] =D¥ID^D 1 Eq``qx] D]G .xJq 1 Eq``qx] : q`H ¥xw xI H qJ ` q]GHE HG w D Hw DFF_¥_`D HG H w D _w ^x_J qww_D]FH xI Ex]Gw $EqD 6 D H Dw wªH qFD` H]FH q w xwq qx] Dw x]H xI the least indebted states. $FFx^Gq]J x D :x^`G %D]ª &x]w_` D] D]G Ix^¥H^ $EqD 6 D H )q]D]FH &x¥¥qwwqx]H^ '^ 3 q``q 1 x D D ^Hww D^`H ²2^Gq]D^q` H] x_ Fx``HF Ex]G x_ D^H ¥x^ JDJq]J x_^ I_ _^H EHFD_wH x_ D x H^ D `x]J H^qxG xI q¥H E_ x_^ Jx H^nor is one that feels that it is not propH^ x ¥x^ JDJH H I_ _^H xI H w D H $EqD 6 D H qw ^ q]J x Fx¥H x_ I^x¥ H ¥Hww H ¥x]_¥H] D` Gq2F_` qF q Dw _w HG q] x q] H HD^` 2000s, so for the state to be mortgaged again means that the state will be deF`D^HG q]wx` H] ², qw qw ^HDwx] H Jx H^]x^ 7 HxGx^H 2^­q qw ]x H] _wqDw qF DEx_ Jxq]J x H Ex]G ¥D^ªH %_ D wx¥H x H^ w D Hw D^H DF qH q]J q Hq^ Ex]G ¥x]H H qw DF qH q]J q H D¥x_] H JH w I^x¥ H )HGH^D qx] DFFx_] D]G H ,*5 ³ H wDqG +x H H^ H x]Jxq]J ID`` q] F^_GH xq` ^qFH q] H q] H^]D qx]D` ¥D^ªH D]G D H]GD] ^HG_F qx] q] ^H H]_H D H ¥DGH q q¥ xwwqE`H Ix^ wx¥H w D Hw x D x^ªH^w° wD`D^qHw D]G ¥DGH q¥ `H¥H] D qx] xI FD q D` ^x­HF w _]GH^ H E_GJH ² H^ F D``H]Jq]J ³ 1H w D F 7q¥Hw ^HFD``w D H 6xFqx HFx]x¥qF 5qJ w D]G $G xFD-

Fx H^HG D]G H q`` Gx x_^ EHw ³ H x`G H Jx H^]x^w H® ^Hwwq]J w_^ ^qwH D H Jx H^]x^w DG x`H^D HG H D ^xFq qHw D``HJHG` Fx¥¥q HG q H (®FHww &^_GH $FFx_] wq]FH 2011. 7 H 3^HwqGH] GHF`D^HG D H D ¥H] xI ]D qx]D` ^H H]_H q] x D] DFFx_] x H^ D] H )HGH^D qx] $FFx_] Dw D] DE_wH xI H Fx]w q _tion, adding that what he had heard Dw Jxq]J x] q] ¥D] DJH]FqHw D]G Fx^ x^D qx]w D^ qF_`D^` H 113& Dw F`HD^` q``HJD` 2] H ^HI_]G xI ¥x]qHw w H] x] IHGH^D` ^x­HF w E w D H Jx H^]¥H] w 3^HwqGH] %_ D^q Dww_^HG H Jx H^Oyegun Buhari ]x^w D H )HGH^D` *x H^]¥H] q`` D E_ q]wqw HG D G_H ^xFHww ¥_w EH Ix``x HG 7 H 3^HwqGH] ^x¥qwHG w HFqD` Dwwqw D]FH Ix^ H ^HH 1x^ (Dw H^] w D Hw EDG` DFHF HG E H %xªx +D^D¥ q]w_^JH]F +H D`wx wDqG D D Fx¥ ^H H]wq H w D H¥H] x] H HFx]x¥qF D]G ]D]FqD` wq _D qx] q] H^q HG E qw DG¥q]istration will be made to the nation q q] H ]H® Ix_^ HHªw ²:H q`` ^ D]G _ H w w H¥ EDFª q] x H ^qJ xwq qx] : D D H]HG q] H ]G 5H _E`qF Dw D D^H] ` D H]HG DJDq] D]G H H] Aregbesola Wabba x^wH E_ H q`` ^Hw x^H wD]q x H w w H¥ ³ H Dww_^HG 7 H EqG x F 3^x­HF 6(5$3 DG G^DJJHG w D H GH] D q]F`_GHw xEHGqH]FH xI H® D] F_ H®FHww w H]Gq]J Dw ]x x]` Jx H^]¥H] w D]G H )HGH^D` *x H^]- 6_ ^H¥H &x_^ ^_`q]J D D`` ¥x]qHw ]_^wHG D]G H¥E^DFHG E H H®HF_Jx q] x H &x]wx`qGD HG )HGH^D qx] ¥H] x H ,] H^]D qx]D` /DEx_^ 2^ q H Dw H H] H 1D qx]D` $wwH¥E` $FFx_] D] x^GH^ I^x¥ H 3^HwqGH] xx Dw ­xq]HG w_q JD]qwD qx] ,/2 x H^ _] DqG x^ªH^w° wD`D^qHw D]G H]wqx]w D D`` ^H H]_H JH]H^D q]J DJH]FqHw 7 H 6H]D H 3^HwqGH] %_ªx`D 6D^D$FFx^Gq]J x 6(5$3°w (®HF_ q H ¥_w D q] x H &x]wx`qGD HG )HGªq D`wx x] 7_HwGD GqwF`xwHG D H 'q^HF x^ $GH xª_]Ex 0_¥_]q¥ qw H^D qx] $FFx_] D]G ^H qH xI H Fxw xI Jx H^]D]FH q] H Fx_] ^ Dw Dw Fx] Dq]HG q] D Fx¥ `Dq] GD HG ^H H]_H D``xFD qx] Ix^¥_`D µ_]w_w Dq]DE`H ° D]G D`wx GHF^ q]J H -_]H D]G DGG^HwwHG x H 7 Hq^ qw D`wx q]F`_GH ^HI_]G xI Fxw xI Gxq]J E_wq]Hww q] 1qJH^qD :H`Fx¥q]J wH]D x^w I^x¥ H x ,/2 'q^HF x^ *H]H^D` *_ 5 GH^ H ¥x]qHw H® H]GHG E w D Hw x] 7 H wq _D qx] H] G^DJJHG D]G )HGH^D` ^x­HF w D w HFqD` Fx]wqGH^ HHª ^HFHww DI H^ H q]D_J_^D qx] xI ]D`` ¥D]qIHw HG q] ¥xw xI H DFHF - ation for the three states of the North H HqJ 1D qx]D` $wwH¥E` x] -_]H HG w D Hw _]DE`H x D w DF wD`D^qHw Dw (Dw _]GH^ %xªx +D^D¥ ^HD I_`` H _^JHG H `D ¥DªH^w x J Ix^ wx¥H x H Dw ¥_F Ix_^ x wq® ¥x] w GH Dq`w xI H D¥x_] w D DFF^_HG H `qJ xI H x^Gq]D^ 1qJH^qD]w F D^Jq]J qw Fx``HDJ_Hw x EH D`q H x &x]wH¯_H] ` H wq _D qx] EHFD¥H q] x H (®FHww &^_GH $FFx_] wq]FH _]EHD^DE`H q x``q]J HFHF xI Gqw Hq^ `HJqw`D q H G_ qHw wD q]J ²1q D]G H® `D]D qx] x] x ¥x]H ¥q^DF_`x_w` w ^D]ª q x_ x2FqD` D xq] ¥H] q] H ]H ` w x^] q] JH^qD]w x HG Ix^ F D]JH 7 H GHsharing. Jx H^]¥H] xI H $`` 3^xJ^Hwwq Hw ¥D]G D H GH`q H^ x H¥ D]Jq: q`H ^x¥qwq]J x Dwwqw H Jx &x]J^Hww $3& `HG E 3^HwqGH] 0_E`H F D]JH ²7 H H® HF D H q¥ ^x H H H^]x^w D]G`H wx¥H xI H ]D]FqD` D¥¥DG_ %_ D^q x `Dw 7_HwGD ¯_D`q xI Jx H^]D]FH 2]H w_^H Dwª wH _ D Fx¥¥q HH F Dq^HG E qw qFH F D``H]JHw xI Hq^ w D Hw %_ D^q D <H¥q 2wq]ED­x x H®D¥q]H H xwwq H JD H^q]J D^]HG D GD w xI q¥- H ¥_w GHD` q qw x H]w_^H x ¥q]Eq`q xI w D^q]J ¥x]H I^x¥ H (®q¥qwH H F_^^H] F^qwqw q`` EH x ]G _]q `DFª xI DFFx_] DEq`q D]G wFD` ^HFª`Hww]Hww q] H ¥D]DJH¥H] xI D w D]G ¥HD]w x w x^H _ H ^H FHww &^_GH $FFx_] EH HH] H )HG]D qx]D` ^Hwx_^FHw H^H x H^ x q]J H]_Hw 7x DF qH H qw D`` FD^Gw q`` H^D` D]G w D H Jx H^]¥H] w x H]w_^H EH x] H DE`H 0xw q¥ x^ D] ` H D I_]Gw w x`H] E Jx H^]¥H] xI D ¥H] xI wD`D^qHw ¥_w ^HG_FH x H ED^Hw ¥q]q¥_¥ FqD`w x DE_wHG Hq^ x2FHw q] H , Dw D D ¥HH q]J q w D H Jx H^]x^w D H 3^HwqGH] qD` 9q``D q] $E_- ^HFH] Dw q`` EH ^HFx H^HG D]G w w^H H]_H `HDªDJH xq] w w ^H]J H] ­D D H ^HwqGH] JD H H x H Dw H¥qF `HDªDJHw w x HG H x H^wqJ xI H H] q^H ^H H]_H Fx` D^ xI ¥HDw_^Hw x H` w D Hw x $FFx^Gq]J x q¥ ²7 H^H D^H `HF qx] D]G ¥xEq`qwD qx] D^F q HF _^H xI H )HGH^D qx] ³ H w D HG GHwF^qEq]J D^^HD^w xI wD`D^qHw +H D`wx Gq^HF ]D]FqD` D]G DG¥q]qw ^D q H q]w ^_FHG 2wq]ED­x°w Fx¥¥q HH x `xxª D H qx]w q] H H^ Jx H^]¥H] D^Dw D D` q]J ¥HGqD ^H x^ w xI IHGH^D` `D ¥Dª(®FHww &^_GH $FFx_] D]G wHH D D]G DJH]F %_ D`` HwH H^H ^x ] H^w° D^G^xEH D``x D]FHw Dw ²ID`wH x H GxJw q] H Dw +x]Hw ` x_^ Fx_`G EH w D^HG q¥¥HGqD H` ^HFª`Hww D]G ¥qwF qHI³ FD¥ DqJ] ^xE`H¥w D^H J^HD E_ H q`` Gx x_^ 1H w D F 7q¥Hw ^H`qDE` `HD^] $FFx^Gq]J x q¥ H ID``q]J ^qFH xI F^_GH xq` q] H q] H^]D qx]D` ¥D^ D H Jx H^]x^w `HG E Hq^ & Dq^- EHw x w_^¥x_] H¥ ²7 H ]H® ^HH ¥x] w ¥D EH ¥D] $EG_`D´q´ <D^q xI =D¥ID^D 6 D H Continued on Page 49 DG ^HwH] HG D qw `qw x H 3^Hwq D^G E_ Eq``qx]w xI Gx``D^w FD] EH ^H-


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


APC, Accord sustain political fire in Oyo Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan


ntil Wednesday, June 10, 2015 when the Oyo State eighth House of Assembly was inaugurated by Governor Abiola Ajimobi, little or nothing was happening on the state’s political terrain, at least not in the open. What was in the air were rumours on the possibility of some chieftains of other political parties, especially the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Labour Party (LP), defecting to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). In the same vein, the inauguration of the election tribunals to handle petitions arising from the Federal and state elections of March 28 and April 11 elections which could have enliven the political terrain, failed to do so. This is due to the fact that the only petition that will generate comments and elicit various reactions from people i.e. the governorship petition Â?`HG E 6H]Dšx^ 5DwžqGq /DGx­D xI Accord Party (AP) against the election of Governor Ajimobi, is just being entertained by the tribunal. But for AP, the two tribunals would have had little or no work to do in the state. Indeed, the party currently has no fewer than twenty petitions in the tribunals. The breakdown of which shows that it has one governorship petition, two senatorial petitions, six Ix^ +x_wH xI 5HÂœ^HwH]šDšq›Hw D]G eleven petitions for the state House of Assembly. In essence, only AP and the APC are currently keeping the tribunals busy. Nonetheless, the political terrain in the state has however, begun to witness some activities after the inauguration of the eighth Assembly, and after the Assembly has elected qšw x2FqD`w 7žH $wwHÂĽE` Dw ÂœD^š xI HFx^šw šx ÂŞHHÂœ šžH Âœx`qšqFD` šH^^Dq] q] the state alive, also from Monday, June 15 to Wednesday, June 17, organised a retreat for members. At the retreat,

Ajimobi the lawmakers, who are likely to commence full legislative work by month end sharpened their skills on legislative matters while the new speaker, Barrister Michael Adeyemo, implored them to take full advantage of the exercise. Lectures delivered during the retreat included “Functions of the legislature, Motion, How a Bill becomes Law, Committee System in the Legislature’’, among others. Already, the eighth Assembly žDw H`HFšHG qšw Âœ^q]FqÂœD` x2FqD`w in preparation of its full legislative duties. Barrister Michael Adeyemo from Ibarapa East constituency is the Speaker for the Assembly. His election was held the very day the Assembly was inaugurated by Governor Ajimobi. Other elected x2FH^w D^H %D^^qwšH^ 0_wD $EG_`Â&#x;Dwq_ from Saki West State Constituency as the Deputy Speaker, Kehinde Subair from Ibadan South West 1 as the Majority Leader and Oyatokun 2 H`HÂŞH $GH HÂĽx I^xÂĽ $Â?­qx 6šDšH Constituency as the Deputy Majority Leader. 2šžH^ x2FqD`w D^H -xwž_D 2`DJ_]­_

Ladoja Ojo from Oriire Constituency as the 0q]x^qš /HDGH^ Â&#x;žq`H :Dwq_ 2`DÂ?x H from Lagelu State Constituency and Olusegun Ajanaku from Ibadan South West 11 constituency are now the Chief Whip and Chairman Parliamentary Council respectively. In his acceptance speech, the new Speaker (Barrister Adejumo) assured Governor Ajimobi that the eighth Assembly shall cooperate with the executive in the task of giving the state a well co-ordinated direction in governance and politics. Barrister Adeyemo also assured the party faithful and residents of the state that the Assembly will not be a rubber stamp, adding that it will rather be mindful of its constitutional responsibilities, and shall be up and doing in its oversight functions. The Governor, in his remark, congratulated all the lawmakers on their success in the election, reminding them that the act of governance is a collective responsibility. He added that the vision of making Oyo State J^HDš GHÂĽD]Gw _]^H`H]šq]J HFx^šw xI both the legislators and the executive,

stressing further that there is the need for the executive and the legislature to collaborate without any limitations, to take Oyo State to greater heights. The eighth Assembly is made up of 18 APC, eight Accord and six LP members. All these activities coupled with the recent suspension of strike by workers in the state, are expected to galvanise political activities in the state. It would be recalled that at the last March 28 and April 11 general H`HFšqx]w $3& $3 D]G /3 FDÂĽH Â?^wš second and third respectively, going by the results of the state governorship and state House of Assembly elections. In the governorship elections, for instance, Governor Ajimobi polled 327,310 votes to defeat his closest rival, 6H]Dšx^ 5DwžqGq /DGx­D xI $FFx^G Â&#x;žx polled 254,520.Otunba Christopher Adebayo Alao-Akala of LP came third with 184,111 votes. Other governorship candidates and their results were: Otegbeye, Taiwo of AA (1,397 votes), Adesipe Adebola of ACPN (3,021 votes), Fatai Akani of APA (2,453 votes), Olaleke Samson of APGA (941), Yunusa Kazeem of DPP (1,654) and Akeem Olaide Olayiwola of KOWA (1,041 votes). 7žH ^Hwš D^H 0_wšDœžD 5_ÂŻD Dš Sade of MMPP (4,258 votes), Senator Teslim Folarin of PDP (79,019 votes) and Engineer Oluseyi Makinde of SDP (54,740 votes). In the same vein, 265 candidates were presented by 14 political parties to contest for the 32 seats in the state House of Assembly. Findings have however, shown that since the last general elections, political parties in the state with the exception of APC and Accord seem to have gone to sleep. Indeed, other political parties including the once vibrant PDP appeared to be comatose. Indeed, _]Fx]Â?^ÂĽHG ^HÂœx^šw žD›H qš šžDš Continued on Page 49

APC implosion imminent as factions emerge Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor


hen veteran journalist, Kayode Julius, visited Newswatch Times last Friday, and was engaged in friendly political discussions, he and the discussants expressed fear that the biggest of the political allies that transformed into the All Progressives Congress (APC) – the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) may soon pull out of the alliance that gave birth to the ruling party. As a matter of fact, most of the people believed it was a marriage of convenience. This school of thought was of the view that the ACN henchman, Senator Bola Tinubu’s overbearing relationship with President Mohammadu Buhari may soon be intolerable for the retired General who is known for his unshaken Â&#x;D^ DJDq]wš Fx^^_œšqx] D]G ÂŹDq^ Ix^ due-process. Beyond the newsroom discussion, political watchers too have listed certain reasons why Nigerians should expect crisis in the ruling party, pointing at Tinubu’s failed bid to install Ahmed Lawan as Senate President while at the same time surprised that rather than sympathise with him (Tinubu), President Buhari who is for nobody and for everybody, decided to look the other

Saraki side by embracing and recognising both Bukola Saraki and Yakubu Dogara as Senate President and Speaker of House xI 5HÂœ^HwH]šDšq›Hw ^HwÂœHFšq›H` According to them, not even Tinubu’s Â?^ÂĽ J^qÂœ x] šžH ÂœD^š D]G žqw Gq^HFšq›H could earn him the desired control demanded. According to them, Buhari ensured fairness and allowed the legislators choose who leads them as stipulated by the constitution. Aside the loss of legislative control by Tinubu, there is a huge tendency that both Buhari and Tinubu will clash as some of the ministerial nominees preferred by Tinubu might be rejected which could spark a row between the two.

Tinubu Newswatch Times learnt that the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, might be sidelined in the running of the Federal Government. This fear as expressed by political pundits may not be unconnected with the man’s little knowledge of politics at that level. They argued that no serious issues that have to do with security will be secured since he (Osinbajo) must mandatorily brief his mentor (Tinubu) of every step taken in the presidency. Aptly put, Tinubu is the Vice President de’facto. According to political watchers, though Buhari has dumped the title of “General,� and has ensured fairness so far, but his military background would no doubt cut-to-size every over bearing

tendency of any individual, including Tinubu. It is just a matter of time for this reality to play out. The last straw likely to cause discomfort in the unholy alliance would be the individuality of Tinubu – the oracle whose view must always be sought and treated in Lagos. His views are sacred in the arena of power/politics in the state. No wonder he decides who becomes what politically in Lagos – governor, senators, representatives, state lawmakers, commissioners, council chairmen and heads of parastatals. His views and directives have now graduated beyond the centre of excellence; now to the Federal level Dw žH ]xÂ&#x; xÂ&#x;]w šžH x2FH xI šžH 9qFH President. However, it has become evident that Tinubu is becoming dictatorial in his mode of politicking as his way of foisting his choices on the majority even against public opinion has become worrisome, for instance, his refusal to accept and recognise Saraki portrayed him as a politician who doesn’t want his authority challenged. According to political commentators, the loss of the control of the National Assembly by the APC faction of Tinubu has revealed the naivety and misguided priority of the current ruling political class of the Yoruba nation which may žD›H wH^qx_w Fx]wHÂŻ_H]FHw Ix^ šžH Continued on Page 50

June 27, 2015


...Yusuf urges truce in NFF-Enyeama face off LMC threatens Dolphins over indebtedness


Sagna soaks up the Portugal sun with wife Ludivine



Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826

League Watch

put Akure defeat We have no reason to fail –Kujah Pillars‘ve behind – Media Officer T F

he National Coordinator of Ifeanyiuba FC and NFF licensed players’ agent, Friday Nwankwo Kujah, has declared that the club has no reason not to do well week after week. Kujah stated this while reacting to the emphatic 4-1 away victory the new entrants recorded against old times, El-Kanemi Warriors FC of Maiduguri in Katsina on Sunday. The players’ agent explained that the management of the club is ready to weld the big stick if the team errs to churn out good results. He said the reason he expect the team to continue to well was that the proprietor of the club has made everything the team needed to do well available as the Ifeanyiuba FC remains the only club in the country that is not owing both players and technical crew a dime. Kujah, therefore, said whom much is given much is naturally expected. He

said his boy could have scored more goals in the game against El-Kanemi but Šq\_zqq\_q6{Z~^Z]p_Ž€Z{€_ culminated in Red carding of Ifeanyiuba FC Coach, Mitko Kostadinov. Kujah bared his mind on the emphatic victory of his club on Sunday in chat with League Newswatch Times during the week. He expressed optimism that the Nnewi based club will continue its quest for glory as the league progresses. ‘Well, we are happy for the victory over El-Kanemi FC of Maiduguri on Sunday,’ Kujah began. ‘We would have scored more goal had the referee allowed us. The poor performance of the referee culminated to the Red carding of our white coach, Mitko Kostadinov. ‘To tell you the truth, I was not happy that the team was churning the type of result that we expect from them in some of our games and I was determined to weld the big stick and I ment it.

ollowing the emphatic defeat of defending champions on Sunday in Akure in the Week §¨_Â?‘^ \[_qŠ_ Zp[\Z~_ Professional Football League (NPFL) by Sunshine Stars, the [YZ~_ 6{[\_qŠ_^€[_ league champions, Idris Mailikawa has declared that the Kano based club has put the defeat behind them. According to him there is nothing strange in the defeat because the beautiful game is all about three things that include victory, draw and defeat. He said once anyone understand the fact that the

NNL, quite open –Lawal


ormer national team ‚ZY�[`Y[\“_ ~\ƒ~_ Lawal, who serves as chairman of the technical {q‚‚Z,[[_qŠ_ ~Y ]~_ United FC, has declared that the Nigeria National League (NNL) is open for any team to grab. According to him, despite the fact that Kaduna United lost its last they have seven points while those who occupy the top spot on the log have ten points. ‘There is no problem with our league,’ Lawal began. ‘The Nigeria National League (NNL) for now is

‰ ' , X^}…` Š|^Q

Rangers’ away victory excites stakeholders


xcitement is the word in the camp of Enugu Rangers on Sunday after ^€[_Â?]~`_\[Š[\[[‹w_Ž€Zw^`[_ signalling the end of the Week 13 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) in Warri against Wolves. The Flying Antelope stunned their host, the Seasiders by alone goal. According to the [YZ~_ 6{[\_qŠ_ ] p _ Rangers, Foster Chime, the most exciting thing about the victory the

‰ , X^}…` Š„ƒ{^}…` *[‹ (}{„{ \]^]X

Coal City club recorded in Warri is that Rangers were reduced to 10-men Z]_^€[_�\w^_€~`Š_qŠ_^€[_ game but held on to their one goal lead till the end of the game. ‘It is exciting that we won in Warri despite all odds,’ Chime said. ‘Everybody in camp is excited over the victory over Wolves because we have been expecting the team to be recording this type of result. ‘The most exciting aspect of this victory is

that we were reduced to §ŠŽÂ‚[]_Z]_^€[_Â?\w^_€~`Š_ but we held on to our one goal lead. ‘We hope that this victory has opened the doors for more victories,’ Chime enthused. €Zw_Zw_^€[_Â?\w^_^Z‚[_Z]_ the week 13 old NPFL that the pride of the East would be recording away victory. Before the encounter Rangers were languishing in 16th position but they are now placed 11th on the log.


charged Dolphins FC with breach of contract with not only the complainant player, but with all its players following the club’s own admission vide a `[,[\_Y~^[Y_  ][_§ Â“_ Š§¢Â“_ that no player of the club has received his salaries during the period which has exceeded the 60 days cap. €[_ _Z]_~_`[,[\_Y~^[Y_

 ][_§¹Â“_ Š§¢_]q^ZÂ?[Y_^€[_ Management of Dolphins

that they are in breach of \^Z{`[_ ¹‡¯¢_Ž€Z{€_^€[Â?_ must remedy within 60 days or be liable to the deduction of six points in line with the provisions of the NPFL Rules and Framework for 2014/15 season. They will lose a further three points for every 30 days the breach was not remedied after the expiration of the 60 Days notice of default period. ]_^€[_]q^ZÂ?{~^Zq]_`[,[\_

‰ (ZX‡^ $]{_[Z^ '[_†Q`}~

quite open for any of the teams to take advantage of. ‘It is true that the league is still young but the league is open. Despite losing our last game, I believe that the league is still open because as I speak we have seven points while those who are occupying the top spot have ten points and it is likely going to change after this weekend,’ Lawal said. Speaking further the former member of the ^[{€]Z{~`_{q‚‚Z,[[_qŠ_^€[_ Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) said there is no cause for alarm as far as Kaduna United is concerned.

Week 14 NPFL Fixtures Giwa vs El-Kanemi Ifeanyiuba vs Wikki Sharks vs Heartland Fc Taraba vs Shooting Enyimba vs Nasarawa Bayelsa vs Kwara Lobi vs Abia Akwa vs Wolves Rangers vs Sunshine Pillars vs Dolphins

LMC threatens Dolphins over indebtedness he League Management Company has threatened to sanction Dolphins FC over the backlog of players’ salaries and allowances. This threat by the League body followed the conclusion of investigation into the Â?\w^_Šq\‚~`_{q‚z`~Z]^_ƒÂ?_~_ player of the club on breach of contractual agreement by his club. The LMC has moved to sanction Dolphins by invoking extant provisions of the Nigeria Profession Football League Rules and Frameworks 2014/2015 season. Emeka Atuloma, a player of the Port Harcourt based club, Dolphins FC Â?`[Y_^€[_{q‚z`~Z]^_Y~^[Y_ May 25, 2015, against his employers citing nonpayment of his salary since the commencement of the 2014/15 season which Z{ [Y_q+_q]_ ~\{€_¥‡_ The LMC has therefore

game is all about winning, losing and drawing, there will not be anything like shock defeat because in every game one of the three things mentioned above must happen. Mailikawa explained that Pillars have since put the defeat behind them and are preparing for the next game against Dolphins at home this weekend. ‘We are preparing for our next game after the defeat ÂŽ[_w +[\[Y_Z]_^€[_€~]Yw_qŠ_ Sunshine Stars of Akure on Sunday,’ Mailikawa began. ‘We have since put that defeat behind us and we are forging ahead by preparing for this weekend game against Dolphins.

to Dolphins and signed by the LMC Chief Operating 6{[\“_ ~`Z€ _ ƒ Âƒ~ ~\“_ ^€[_{` ÂƒÂ‹w_~,[]^Zq]_ÂŽ~w_ Y\~ÂŽ]_^q_ \^Z{`[_ ¹‡_

LEAGUE TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Team MP Sunshine 13 Wikki 13 Ifeanyi 13 Enyimba 13 Heartland 13 Giwa 13 Pillars 13 El Kanemi 12 Abia 13 Nasarawa 13 Rangers 13 Warri 10 Kwara 12 Akwa 13 Shooting 12 Lobi 13 Dolphins 13 Taraba 13 Bayelsa 13 Sharks 13

W 8 7 7 6 7 5 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1

D 2 3 2 5 0 6 0 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 7 6 5 5 7

L 3 3 4 2 6 2 6 4 6 5 6 4 5 7 5 4 5 6 6 5

F 21 18 18 13 19 15 15 12 14 13 14 14 11 7 9 9 11 13 7 10

A 11 11 11 8 15 11 12 14 15 15 15 9 14 13 10 15 14 18 15 17

D +10 +7 +7 +5 +4 +4 +3 -2 -1 -2 -1 +5 -3 -6 -1 -6 -3 -5 -8 -7

P 26 24 23 23 21 21 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sports/EURO League Fabregas and pregnant girlfriend take a stroll on the beach in Spain


esc Fabregas \[`~‘[Y_q]_ €q`ZY~Â?_~w_€[_ ÂŽ~` [Y_€~]YÂŽZ]Ž€~]Y_ ÂŽZ^€_€Zw_z\[p]~]^_ pZ\`Š\Z[]Y_ ~]Z[``~_ [‚~~]_Z]_ q\‚[]^[\~‡ The Chelsea star also ^qq _~_ƒq~^_^\Zz_ÂŽZ^€_€Zw_ `q]pÂŽ^[\‚_z~\^][\“_ÂŽZ^€_ Ž€q‚_€[_€~w_~_^ÂŽqÂŽ Â?[~\ÂŽq`Y_Y~ p€^[\“_~w_ €[_^qq _wq‚[_^Z‚[_~ÂŽ~Â?_ from the pitch after a ƒ wÂ?_ƒ ^_w {{[wwŠ `_ w[~wq]‡ €[_z~Z\_{q]^Z] [Y_

^€[Z\_€q`ZY~Â?_Z]_^€[_ ‚ZYÂ?[`Y[\‹w_€q‚[_ {q ]^\Â?_~Š^[\_z\[†Zq w`Â?_ soaking up the Spanish w ]_~]Y_‚~ Z]p_~_wz`~w€_ q]_^€[_ÂŽ~^[\_q]_~_‰[^w Z‡ [‚~~]_ÂŽZ``_pZ†[_ƒZ\^€_ ^q_^€[Z\_w[{q]Y_{€Z`Y_ `~^[\_^€Zw_Â?[~\“_~]Y_^€[Â?_ are making the most of ^€[Z\_^Z‚[_~ÂŽ~Â?_ƒ[Šq\[_ ^€[_ƒ~ƒÂ?‹w_~\\Z†~`_~w_^€[Â?_ {q]^Z] [Y_^€[Z\_ƒ\[~ ‡ ~ƒ\[p~w_ÂŽ~w_Z]_Â?][_ form for Chelsea in €Zw_Y[ƒ ^_w[~wq]_~Š^[\_ ‰qZ]Z]p_Š\q‚_ ~\{[`q]~“_

~]Y_€[_Â?]Zw€[Y_^€[_ w[~wq]_Z]_w^Â?`[_Šq\_{` Âƒ_ ~]Y_{q ]^\Â?_ƒÂ?_`ZŠ^Z]p_ ^€[_ \[‚Z[\_ [~p [_ ^\qz€Â?_~]Y_][,Z]p_Šq\_ z~Z]_Z]_~_ Ž§_Š\Z[]Y`Â?_ ÂŽZ]_q†[\_ qw^~_ Z{~‡ €[_ ¥ŽÂ?[~\ÂŽq`Y_ÂŽ~w_ Z]_~]_~Y†[]^ \q w_ ‚qqY_q]_  [wY~Â?_~w_ €[_‚~Y[_~_wz`~w€_Z]_^€[_ ÂŽ~^[\_q]_~_‰[^w Z_Ž€Z`[_ [‚~~]_ÂŽ~^{€[Y_q]_ Š\q‚_~_Â?~{€^“_~]Y_€[_ `~^[\_w[[‚[Y_Z]_~_‚q\[_ \[Ç[{^Z†[_‚qqY_z[\{€Z]p_ q]_~_ƒq~^_€Z‚w[`Š‡

Benteke enjoys short break with girlfriend Villa striker shelves transfer talk for now

Lukaku stays in shape on holiday Everton star admits hard work pays off


^_‚~Â?_ƒ[_Šqq^ƒ~``‹w_ q+ÂŽw[~wq]_ƒ ^_^€~^_ €~w]‹^_w^qzz[Y_ Everton striker Romelu  ~  _Š\q‚_w^~Â?Z]p_Z]_ w€~z[_Ž€Z`[_q]_€q`ZY~Â?_Z]_ qw_ ]p[`[w‡ The Belgium Z]^[\]~^Zq]~`“_Ž€q_€~w_ ƒ[[]_[]‰qÂ?Z]p_~_ƒ\[~ _Z]_ ^€[_ _ÂŽZ^€_{q‚z~^\Zq^_ [‚z€Zw_ [z~Â?_~]Y_ Z]ÂŽY[‚~]Y_  Â†[]^ w_

‚ZYÂ?[`Y[\_ ~ `_ qpƒ~“_ w€~\[Y_~_zqw^ÂŽ[‘[\{Zw[_ w[`Â?[_q]_ ]w^~p\~‚_ ~{{q‚z~]Z[Y_ƒÂ?_^€[_ {~z^Zq]Ăˆ_ÂŹ \[~^_\ ]_Z]_ _ ^€Zw_‚q\]Z]p‹‡  ~  _wZp][Y_Šq\_^€[_ q+[[w_Z]_~_Ă… ¥Â‚Z``Zq]_ Â?†[ÂŽÂ?[~\_Y[~`_Š\q‚_ Chelsea last summer ~]Y_w{q\[Y_ Š_pq~`w_Z]_~``_ competitions last season ~^_ qqYZwq]_ ~\ _ƒ ^_ÂŽ~w_

Lukaku has been enjoying a break with (L-R) Memphis Depay, Salomon Kalou and Paul Pogba.

w^Z``_{\Z^Z{Zw[Y_Šq\_w +[\Z]p_ Š\q‚_~_w`qÂŽ_w^~\^‡ z[~ Z]p_^q_ †[\^q]‹w_ q6{Z~`_ÂŽ[ƒwZ^[“_€[_w~ZYĂˆ_ ÂŹ €[]_ _ÂŽ~w_€[\[_q]_`q~]_ `~w^_Â?[~\_ _ w[Y_^q_w{q\[_ pq~`w_~]Y_[†[\Â?ƒqYÂ?_ ÂŽq `Y_zqZ]^_^€[_Â?]p[\w_~^_ €[`w[~_~]Y_w~Â?_Ž€Â?_YZY_ Â?q _`[^_€Z‚_`[~†[ɋ ÂŹ €[]_Ž€[]_ _{q‚[_€[\[_ ~]Y_ _Yq]‹^_w{q\[_pq~`w_~]Y_ Z^‹w_Ž€Â?_YZY_Â?q _{q‚[ɋ_ÂŹ ‘I think a lot of people Yq Âƒ^[Y_~ƒq ^_^€[_ ­ ~`Z^Z[w_^€~^_ _€~Y“_ thinking about the transfer ~]Y_^€[_z\Z{[_^~p_~]Y_w^ +‡_  ^_ _][†[\_wzq [_~_`q^‡_ _ ‰ w^_ [z^_q]_ÂŽq\ Z]p_~]Y_ [z^_Šq{ w[Y_q]_Ž€~^_ _€~Y_^q_Yq_^q_€[`z_‚Â?_ ^[~‚‚~^[w‡‹ €[_  ŽÂ?[~\ÂŽq`Y_{\[YZ^w_ manager Roberto Martinez for helping him through ~_w^\ pp`Z]p_w^~\^_^q_Â?]Zw€_ ^€[_w[~wq]_w^\q]p`Â?_ÂŽZ^€_§¨_ goals from the turn of the Â?[~\‡¼

Ashley Young finally marries sweetheart at second time of asking .Four years after Man United winger called off wedding two days before the ceremony


w€`[Â?_ q ]p_ €~w_{[`[ƒ\~^[Y_ €Zw_w^~]Yq ^_ season for Manchester ]Z^[Y_ƒÂ?_Â?]~``Â?_^Â?Z]p_

^€[_ ]q^_ÂŽZ^€_{€Z`Y€qqY_ wÂŽ[[^€[~\^_ Z{ Â?_ Z [_ÂŽ_ Šq \_Â?[~\w_~Š^[\_^€[_{q z`[_ €~Y_q\ZpZ]~``Â?_z`~]][Y_^q_ ‚~\\Â?‡

Newly-weds Ashley Young (left) and Nicky Pike (second left) pose with Stiliyan Petrov (right)

€[_ ]p`~]Y_ÂŽZ]p[\_ `[Š^_Š\Z[]Yw_~]Y_Š~‚Z`Â?_ w€q{ [Y_Ž€[]_€[_{~``[Y_ q+_^€[_Ă… ŠŠÂ“ŠŠŠ_{[\[‚q]Â?_ q ^_qŠ_^€[_ƒ` [_‰ w^_ÂŻÂĄ_ €q \w_ƒ[Šq\[_^€[_ƒZp_Y~Â?_ Z]_ Š§§Â‡  ^_~^_^€[_w[{q]Y_^Z‚[_ of asking the couple, Ž€q_ƒ[p~]_Y~^Z]p_Ž€[]_ ^€[Â?_ÂŽ[\[_w^Z``_~^_w{€qq`“_ pq^_€Z^{€[Y_Z]_~_w[{\[^_ ÂŽ[YYZ]p_~^_^€[_z` w€_ Stoke Place Hotel in Buckinghamshire on ~^ \Y~Â?‡ €[_{q z`[“_Ž€q_€~†[_ ^ÂŽq_{€Z`Y\[]_^qp[^€[\“_ ]Z][ÂŽÂ?[~\ÂŽq`Y_wq]_ Â?`[\_ ~]Y_Â?q ]p[\_Y~ p€^[\_ ``[~\]~“_\[{q]{Z`[Y_Šq \_ ‚q]^€w_~Š^[\_ q ]p_pq^_ {q`Y_Š[[^_Â?\w^_^Z‚[_~\q ]Y_ ~Š^[\_{~``Z]p_q+_^€[_Yq_ ^€~^_ÂŽ~w_ƒqq [Y_~^_Â?†[ÂŽ w^~\_€q^[`_ €[_ \q†[_Z]_



ston Villa striker, Christian Benteke took a break from the ongoing transfer speculation €[_Â?]Yw_€Z‚w[`Š_ [‚ƒ\qZ`[Y_Z]_^q_[]‰qÂ?_ wq‚[_YqÂŽ]^Z‚[_ÂŽZ^€_ €Zw_pZ\`Š\Z[]Y_~^_~_ ~^Z]_ American restaurant on €q`ZY~Â?‡_ €[_ ¯ŽÂ?[~\ÂŽq`Y_ Belgium international, Ž€q_w{q\[Y_§¢_pq~`w_ last season in all competitions to help Z``~_~†qZY_\[`[p~^Zq]_ from the Premier [~p [_~]Y_\[~{€_^€[_ _  z_Â?]~`“_€~w_ƒ[[]_ `Z] [Y_ÂŽZ^€_~_‚q†[_ ~ÂŽ~Â?_Š\q‚_^€[_{` ÂƒÂ‡_ Z``~“_€qÂŽ[†[\“_~\[_ reluctant to sell their star ‚~]_~]Y_~\[_Z]wZw^Z]p_ ^€~^_ []^[ [_ÂŽZ``_]q^_ Y[z~\^_Šq\_~]Â?_`[ww_^€~]_ ^€[_Ă…¨ Â‡¢Â‚Z``Zq]_\[`[~w[_ {`~ w[_ÂŽ\Z,[]_Z]^q_€Zw_

{q]^\~{^‡_ Benteke himself has ‚~Y[_Z^_{`[~\_^€~^_€[_ Zw_ ]ÂŽZ``Z]p_^q_wZp]_~]_ [‘^[]wZq]_ÂŽZ^€_ Z``~“_ ƒ ^_z`[]^Â?_qŠ_w Z^q\w_~\[_ balking at the size of ^€[_z\Z{[_^~p_~,~{€[Y_^q_ €Z‚‡_ In forcing Benteke

^q_\ ]_YqÂŽ]_€Zw_Y[~`_ though, Villa are risking €~†Z]p_~]_ ]€~zzÂ?_ ‚[‚ƒ[\_qŠ_^€[Z\_w­ ~Y_ ][‘^_^[\‚‡_ []^[ [_‰qZ][Y_ Z``~_Z]_  Š§ _Šq\_ÅƂ_Š\q‚_ [] _ ~]Y_€~w_wZ]{[_w{q\[Y_ 49 goals in 99 games in ]p`Zw€_Šqq^ƒ~``‡_

Sagna soaks up the Portugal sun with wife Ludivine .Man City defender shows off new hairstyle


anchester Z^Â?_ Y[Š[]Y[\“_ ~{~\Â?_ ~p]~_€~Y_ `Z,`[_^q_w‚Z`[_~ƒq ^_ ~Š^[\_‚~ Z]p_‰ w^_ ]Z][_ \[‚Z[\_ [~p [_

appearances for the club `~w^_w[~wq]‡_ But the former Arsenal right back has put his ]Zp€^‚~\[_Y[ƒ ^_w[~wq]_ ~^_ Z^�_ƒ[€Z]Y_€Z‚_ƒ�_ ‰[,Z]p_q+_^q_ q\^ p~`_

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sports/News Victor Enyinnaya


ormer SecretaryGeneral of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Dr. Tijani Yusuf, has called on Super Eagles Captain, Vincent Enyeama and the leadership of the NFF to call a truce in ^ [_`Z]p[\Z]p_ ~{[®q+_ following the recent query to Enyeama. He made it clear that in as much as he is not supporting any form of indiscipline whatsoever ]q_ ~,[\_ q_Zw_ involved, as unfortunate as this incident may be, the situation must be handled with maturity because it is a delicate one. “My take here is that both parties should lay down their arms for the over all interest of the sport. It is obvious that what the players did was wrong and pure act of indiscipline judging from his status in the team and his experience in the game, he would have allowed reason and common sense to z\[ ~Z`_]q_ ~,[\_^ [_ circumstances. Yes, he must face the music but what I am advocating is that it should be played down to avoid complications at the end of the day,” he pleads. Yusuf insists that ^ [\[_~\[_YZ+[\[]^_ ~ w_ to handle this kind of incident without it generating or causing the kind of uproar it is doing now and to avoid division in

the team. According to him now that the tempers are high, this is when administrative competence and leadership qualities would take the front burner so as to stem the tide. It is one case that our football will not ~+q\Y_^q_ Z^][ww_]q _ after protracted one that hit the entire fabric of the game shortly after the last World Cup, before this fragile peace that is tilting towards some level of understanding amongst major key players in the system’ “To be honest with you, Enyeama went too far to disobey constituted authority. It is condemnable in all Z^w_\~ Z {~^Zq]w _ [_ truth is that we cannot ~+q\Y_~] _ Z]Y_q _{\ZwZw_ in our football for now. Foresight and the overall interest of the country must come into play as the lasting solution for this. The parties should realize that being at daggers dawn won’t the solution to the teething problem. We should collectively defuse this time bomb for the good of the game. “Enyeama displayed an act of indiscipline which is not a good example for the younger ones to emulate. We should know that the mistake has been made. The popular opinion is that we must use this sad moment to set example as way to instil discipline in the Super Eagles,” he said.

ENOUGH! ...Yusuf urges truce in NFF-Enyeama face off

Kanu, Okocha hit Ghana for Appiah’s testimonial match Babs Oyetoro


wo prominent Nigerian exinternationals, Austin Jay Jay Okocha and Nwankwo Kanu would be among top players across the globe that will honour Stephen Appiah in his farewell game slated

for Saturday in Accra. The two former Super Eagles players, who had captained Nigerian senior national team at different times promised to hit Ghana today for this memorial event. It would be recalled that both Okocha and Kanu had played their testimonial games at

different occasions in Nigeria, which attracted star players all over the globe. Cameroon international Samuel Eto has assured that he would grace the epoch making event even as he will hit Ghana today in his private jet for the game on Saturday. Also, the South

African legend Aaron Makoena has promised to be part of the party as well. Appiah captained Ghana to the World Cup in 2006 and played a role as the

team finished at the quarter final stage four years later in South Africa. The 34 year old was also part of the back room staff of the team for their World Cup

campaign in Brazil. The general impression in Ghana at the moment is that the presence of these African stars would add glamour to the farewell game.

16 teams for Golden Penny Nations Cup


olden Penny Food Nations Cup will Z{ _q+_ ~^ \Y~ _~^_ Government College playground, Osborne, Ikoyi, Lagos. A total of 16 teams are expected to take part in the competition sponsored by Golden Penny Food. ]_^ [_ ^ \[w_ released by the organisers, Group A consists of Ghana, Gabon, Zimbabwe and Uganda. In Group B are Zambia, Kenya, Egypt and Nigeria, while Group C is made up of Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Senegal and South Africa.

Group D comprises Angola, Morocco, Tunisia and Guinea. The opening match will be played between Ghana and Gabon, while Zambia face Kenya, Ivory Coast take on Cameroon before Angola clash with Morocco in the last match of the day. Chairman, Organising q Z,[[ _ qw qw_ Ubani said the tournament was put together to keep clubs within ObalendeIkoyi Local Council Development Area, LCDA busy. “Apart from keeping our clubs busy, we also want to select good players that we will like to recommend

to professional clubs in Nigeria and possibly send them for trials abroad. The competition will be keenly contested because all the participating teams have prepared very well ahead of this competition,” he said. A representative of Golden Penny Zp[\Z~_ `{ _ wZ [,~_ Seidu Muhammed said the company is associating with the organisers because of it Zw_{q Z,[Y_^q_wzq\^w_ development in Lagos State. He charged the participating teams to abide by the rules and regulations of the tournament.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Newswatch Times -Tradition T diti bbuilt ilt on T Truth th

Vol. 01, No. 35

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Celebrating women of substance

I had a romantic proposal –Joke Silva

26 My Love

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

–Joke Silva

Joke Silva was a stud ent at Holy Child Co llege, Lagos, before Milton Mount Bourne she proceeded to mouth fo t Wentworth f r her A levels. She was also at Weber D Dramatic Arts, Lond ouglas Academy of on. Further educatio n took her to the Uni Foundation where sh versity of Lagos and e studied English an Fate d acquired some en The ace Nollywood tr ep re neurial skills respecti actress is happily m vely. arried to Olu Jacobs TUNDE ESO, she spea . In this exclusive inte ks on her career, mar rv iew with riage and sundry issu es. Excerpts:


t your age, you still look very young and attractive,what is the secret? The only secret I have in my entire life is God and for anything I achieve, He is the one that is helping me, so if there is any secret, God is my secret. sight. Our story runs like a novel. I had gone to a production meeting for Jero’s Metamorphosis at National Theatre, Iganmu. He was playing Brother Jero and, at the same time, co-directing the play. Then I opened the door and he looked at me and said, ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the woman I am going to marry’. I looked at him up and down and left. And we got married four years later.

How was your relationship like in the guy. He was just such incredible fun! We got along very well. I didn’t even know his age; I thought maybe he was in his late twenties, early thirties. I screamed when I found out his age. He was 39 and I was 20! Well, eventually it was my mother who gave me the go ahead because she saw how serious I was with him and hadn’t seen me that serious with anyone. My father was worried about the age difference, but my mum was able to make him see reasons. She also had the background of her mother being much younger than her dad and didn’t really see a prob-

lem with it. She felt it was something I could handle. When and where did he propose to you? Olu and I dated for a couple of years before we got married. I remember he proposed when we went for dinner and a Greek meal was served. I think he got the people in the restaurant involved in the whole arrangement; oh‌it was just so romantic! He was living in England at the time though, so that was their custom and he was used to it. How have you been about to keep your We are each other’s very close friend. It’s not as if we don’t have close friends out-

My Love 27

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

side our marriage, but I think we are both each other’s number one close friend. The other thing is mutual respect, the fact that we both share the same passion about the area of entertainment that we are in. Of course, the various challenges that we’ve faced over the years, we’ve learnt how to surmount them together. At different times when it is necessary, we have both learnt to forgive each other. I guess the sum total of what I’m saying is that God’s grace has been present in our marriage. You have been married for a long time now, any plan to change to your husband’s name some day? The bottom line is that my husband and I are happily married and the extended family is also a wonderful one. The decision to retain my name is with the consent of my husband. We have our reasons for that and we understand the reason very well. The issue of name is nothing to us at all. Apart from that, I have witnessed many

marriages in the industry break up and the name changed. Well, to answer your question, this is today, when tomorrow comes we shall deal with it accordingly. What kind of man is Olu Jacobs? He is my other half. He is my backbone. He is very understanding and matured too, but importantly, he is my friend, father and brother. He is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. What are the things you don’t like about him? We get mad at each other ten times a day. Earlier in our marriage, when we used to snap at each other, it led to sulking on both sides for hours. But now, there is nothing like that anymore. We can get mad at each other and the next two minutes we are laughing and talking to each other. If we quarrel and it lasts for a couple of hours, it’s because we want to drive a point home. There is a beautiful way an actress



>PPGG . 2.52-5 28-30

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THE TEAM Published by

Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher


He is my friend, father and brother. My husband is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me

DeputyManaging Director


tunde ESO Correspondent

qismat Yinus Head Graphics

olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists

henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE


Newswatch Times, Satruday, June 27, 2015 Tunde Eso 08057482794

I do not live a life on what people would say, rather, I do what I am pleased with

Olu Jacobs and Wife, Joke Silver with their son.

National Theatre and of course, the radio. By the time I came back from my studies, the people who were familiar with me informed me of a series going on and asked if I would like to be part of it. So I agreed and I was invited to play the role that I played in the soap, Roli. Second Chance came on TV and it made an impact so greatly that people were always running home to see it. I hope you now know that special attribute. just like to be myself and it has prefer to feature in English How would you assess your " movies? journey as an actress so far? not have a negative impresHonestly, I can sometimes be The journey has been gracious. sion about me when you come upset about the Yoruba pay. It has been interesting because across me. This is a profession and it of the kind of beginning I had. It is common with Nigerian ac- ought to be treated like that. I was so lucky with my start off tresses to unnecessarily expose This is what many of us do for because I started with the core their body on set, why is it like a living for Christ sake, so one professionals; the best hands that? has to be able to make a living in the movie industry. I am # out of it; otherwise I would not talking about the likes of Jide say is that, to a large extent, take part in it. Secondly, I reOgungbade, John Chukwu, Sewhat you wear on set may be ally do not consider myself as gun Bankole, Bode Osanyin to due to the role you want to play being part of the Yoruba movie mention a few. I went through in the movie. I am not trying industry and people see me like professional training with these to make a case for anybody, that too. So I think this goes a people. So you discover that but I am just saying the truth. long way tovoap? with all these professionals For instance, I will not put on Well, I may not be able to as my trainers, I could have a particular cloth when I am pinpoint that special attribute nothing but the best. I was not performing, but when your because people assessed me, I very lucky. They helped me dressing does not have any re- did not assess myself, but all to achieve professionalism. I lationship with the role you are I can say is that I travelled to remember that I started out at given, then that is a problem England to study drama and the University of Lagos Culturwhich needs serious attention. that gave me the opportunity al Group with Bode Osanyin, You are Yoruba, how come you to work on stage , television , Stella Monye and others.

I had a romantic proposal put it. She said, and I quote, “Within the marriage, there are lots of weddings and divorces, but what is important is that the weddings should be more than the divorces and then you have a successful marriage. What differentiates you from the fake lives many other female actresses live? Simplicity is an inborn thing for me. I do not live a life on what people would say, rather, I do what I am pleased with. I have a conscience which allows me to have a smooth relationship with people. As Joke Silva, if I feel like taking a walk to the market or anywhere else for that matter. Or if my car breaks down and I need to keep an appointment, I would jump on the next available public bus, it is nothing to me. I


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Five minutes with... She could be described as the next bomb in Nollywood. Ololade Agbabiake, aka Amanda, is smashingly beautiful and complemented with a sexy shape. After much perseverance, AJIBADE ALABI in her hotel room where she said everything you are eager to know about her. Excerpts:

cially those who ot many people know you espe ie. mov ba Yoru with nt ersa conv are am not totally “Yes, you could be right, but I industry for in the been have I stry. indu the in new that, I left the industry ten years. The only thing was g some contacts. for some time which led to losin etary with KIA Motors When I left, I worked as a secrback. My sojourn in the in Abuja. But now, I am fully Best of Best producer, industry started when I joined though I was later but I was frustrated by my auntn I told her of my encouraged by my mother whe I started in Lagos ss. inertest in becoming an actre ns under Wasiu Ojo. I with New Heritage Productio cated to Ibadan in 2011. left there in 2007 before I relo people like Ross Odika When I came to Ibadan, I met e and bring me back who was very nice to me to reviv er when I was eight to the industry. I lost my fath ago, but to me, I don’t years, that was about 24 years home. want to live in a polygamous not marry a man who Does that mean Amanda will of her even if he is is comfortable and can take care married? will marry for my I will not marry for money, I t one needs in happiness. Money is not all whaalso very important. is marriage. Happiness and joy might think she is still With the way she spoke, one ask her, she has said: searching. And before I could g. No, I am not. Don t ask me if am still searchin le? I asked her again. Does that mean you are not sing g. I am still single, but not searchin g on, one of her friends While the interview was goin ve that should be a brought in a script for her. I belieed her. lead role in a film for you. I teas What? She asked innocently. brought to you. I told I mean the script that was just her. role, it is just another Oh, that one? It is not a lead role sha� she explained. lips on my next And as if she was reading my question, she said, ies like, Alepa, Oyenusi, I have appeared in many mov lobirin, which was were Se and Ajija para, Aroba produced by me in 2008. will might think she has With the way she spoke, one regards to her acting with y ciall espe sail oth smo had a betrayal from her the t abou e spok she l unti er care boss. duped me. He I was betrayed by my boss who self all the credit. produced my film and gave him of her friends was While the interview was on, one rday News Watch. flipping through a copy of Satuan issue on sexual When she got to a page where d Amanda her opinion harassment was written, I askestry. on sex harassment in the indu with producers or I don t believe you have to sleep peak of your career. directors before reaching the claim there is sexual I believe those actresses who the desperate ones. For harassment in the industry areto the top of my acting me, I am not desperate to get me a sex role, but I did career. Producers once offered not do it. stry is enmeshed with She did not concur that the indu s that has become order k-up brea e riag mar of issue the of the day. issue of marriage I don’t want to believe that the in entertainment us break-ups is peculiar only to riages that are breaking industry. There are many maralways on us. The reason up every day, but the focus is always look on us as is not far-fetched; everybody h others might go whic do we hing anyt so ; prophets ed. It is not as if we are look over be not will -free scot promiscuous, no. she said: When asked about her first kiss,long time. “I can’t remember, it was a verysexual experience, she But when asked about her first screamed! but----. Hmmmm, it was very painful,


I won’t marry for money –Amanda

30 Love Tips

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

15 signs you are with the woman you should marry Tunde Eso 08057482794

1. She cares how your friends are doing. She knows all your friends by name and is genuinely invested in whether or not your roommate Kate gets together with that guy she likes because they would be so cute together and she wants her to be happy. 2. You can go on trips together and not fight constantly. If you can survive being in a nightmare spa resort full of screaming children, no clean towels, and weak drinks with old pineapple on the rim without fighting constantly, you have something pretty amazing. 3. You still catch her checking you out. For no reason, really. She just thinks you are the hottest human always and is happy to let you know. 4. You share the same values. You both want the same type of relationship, you know where you both stand on having children, and your goals for the future are the same. If you want to work until you’re 90, so does she. If you want to retire early and eat only pudding for the rest of your life, she’s cool with that. 5. She loves bragging about you. To her friends, coworkers, everyone. Because she’s proud of you and thinks you are the coolest person she’s ever met. Her friends and roommates and coworkers know every little thing about you before you even meet them. You’re basically like a boy band she’s obsessed with that she also gets to date. 6. You hear your friends complain about their significant others and you can’t really relate. Just keep it to yourself that you and your girlfriend have fun staring at blank walls and she’s incredibly supportive and thoughtful and compassionate. Not the time to share that info. 7. She’s your biggest supporter. She believes you can do things even you’re not sure you can do because she has the utmost faith and confidence in you even at your lowest moments because she believes you are magic. 8. You feel comfortable planning things way, way in the future. You can buy concert tickets or book a vacation in advance without worrying if she’s going to break up with you or you’re going to break up with her before then because you trust her completely and she’s become such a part of you that your future together seems as certain as anything. 9. She makes sacrifices for you and you do the same for her. And she thinks nothing of it because she genuinely enjoys making sure you’re happy and you feel the same way about her.

10. She doesn’t try to change you. She knows every messed up, weirdo thing you do when you sleep and when you’re awake and when you’re tired and when you’re cranky, and she’s OK with all of it in a way that you weren’t sure anyone ever would be. Because you have a lot of weirdo stuff. 11. Your friends are really, genuinely happy for you. After suffering through countless drink dates and morning-after breakfasts with your horrible exes, your friends are so relieved you’re actually with someone who is as cool as you are because

you’re truly right for each other, which is something they’d wanted for you for a long time now. It’s like seeing your really tall friend find workable pants, but instead of pants, it’s a person. 12. You can be completely honest with her about anything. No matter how anxious or worried or nervous or scared you’re feeling, you know you can tell her anything at all and she won’t judge you. S*xual fantasies, awkward illnesses, a fight you had with your parents; anything. 13. She’s the first person you want to talk to when something cool/funny/weird happens.You used to text your best friend all of this stuff but your best friend isn’t even mad about that because she’s so happy you’ve found someone you’re so close and connected with. 14. She indulges your guilty pleasures. She knows you love sitting in track pants and eating an entire Funfetti cake, and not only totally accepts that, but sometimes she brings one home and lets you tear that shit up. 15. You want to protect her. Even though she totally doesn’t need protecting. It’s just an impulse because you love her so goddamn much.

Newswatch Times, Saturday June 27, 2015


ords on the street has that Nollywood star actress, Stephanie Linus (Okereke), is pregnant via popular blogger SDK, and according to her Stephanie is looking very pregnant and is glowing. In her words “even her bakassi don increase in size.� Stephanie and her husband, Idahosa Linus, got married back in April 2012.


Stephanie Linus and husband expecting a baby


hat started like a joke at the Big Brother Africa house has transformed into reality, everlasting union and togetherness? The BBA lovers, Pokello and Elikem appeared to have found new love. On Facebook last weekend, a post was written as: “What is written is written ‌Congrats Mr & Mrs Kâ€? The two last their Instagram handles with the caption, ‘tying the knot’ and also uploaded a photo of the two dressed in white and captioned

@" Q X[ who proposed marriage to Pokello publicly last year live on the stage at the 2014 Ghana Music Awards had brought their declaration to reality.


%%$  {‡\ˆZ]‚Q ( Z‰\… and Pokello wed

oremost Fuji musician, Alhaji Abass Akande popularly known as Obesere, known for his lewd music has expanded his chain of businesses as he recently opened another hospitality business which he named Obesere Catering & Events Management. Akande, who is also the chairman of ATC Integrated Services Limited (An indigenous oil & gas servicing company) we learnt has been running the business for long be managed by Princess Yetunde Sogade Ajulo, a Nigerian who is based in England and has been in the profession for over ten years. She is the boss of Adunni Foods located at Canning Town, East London. According to Obesere, “I am not a novice in the business, it is what I have been doing for a very long time, but lately, chairman.


Obesere embraces catering & events management


atilda Quaye from Ghana is a student, model and video vixen who claims to have the biggest butt in the continent. Popularly known as ‘hipsy,’ it is said she has the largest hips in Ghana. She is claimed she find it difficult to walk the streets of Accra, Ghana freely as she is often embarrassed by different kinds of greetings from men even women.

Meet Matilda, girl with biggest butt in Africa

n an interesting twist of event, Team HAI and Team Meddlelane emerged finalists of the Fayrouz L’Original Expression Show season 2. The two teams stood out in their presentations and style of the six teams that made it to the semi-final after the regional auditions in Ibadan, Enugu, Port Harcourt and Lagos. Held at the Tinapa Conference Centre, Calabar, the six semi-finalists teams- HAI, MeddleLane, SCOG, FIB and Ombre were tasked to make pieces from elements of Fayrouz products. It witnessed presentations from all six teams who gave fantastic interpretations to the challenge of creating a collection that incorporates the physical elements of the drink including its label, tray, crown top and crate and with reference to eco-fashion and the unconventional designer, Maison Martin Margiela. The Eco-fashion task saw the teams thinking outside the box to impress the judges. However, it was Team HAI from Ibadan and Team Meddlelane from Lagos that impressed the judges more with their style, makeup, model and photography. While Team Meddlelane went for a feisty, edgy and sophisticated look, Team Hai explored the goddess look of Sin, the goddess of the Sinai Island where Fayrouz gem stones can be found. They implemented the design with Fayrouz cans, crowns and bottles.



Ajibade Alabi 08023934887


AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST YOUNG/ PROMISING ACTOR 1. Demola Adedoyin - October 1 2. Vinjeru Kamanga - BELLA 3. Kemi Lala Akindoju – Dazzling Mirage 4. Hassan Spike Insingoma -Boda Boda Thieves 5. Chiedza Mhende – Love the one You Love

MICHAEL ANYIAM OSIGWE AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST FILM BY AN AFRICAN LIVING ABROAD: 1.Gone Too Far – Nigeria/UK 2.Thorns of Roses (O Esphinho Da Rosa) – Guinea Bissau/Portugal 3. Fevers – France/Morocco 4. Affairs of the Heart – Nigeria/USA


It will be recalled that the AMAA 2015 College of Screeners received over 800 entries from over 50 countries of the world within " $ $ and documentaries. AMAA’s main event which is the award night will hold in South " < awards will take place outside Nigeria in its 11 years having held 10 previous editions in Nigeria.

op Nollywood and Hollywood stars last week attended the nominees’ party of the 2015 Africa Movie Academy Awards, AMAA, in Los Angeles, USA.The event, which was held at the L.A. Live Downtown in Los Angeles, had in attendance Nollywood queen, Omotola Jalade Ekeinde, Patience Ozokwor, Kunle Afolayan, Faithia Balogun-Williams, Chioma Akpotha, OC Ukeje, Jimmy Jean Louis, Thomas Gumede, Lydia Forson, Doris Simeon, Emem Isong. Some of the Nollywood practitioners who also attended the event and other African counterparts include Kingsley Ogoro, Paul Okoli, Emem Isong, Doris Simon, Eniola Badmus, Aki and Paw-Paw and Ghana-born Lydia Forson, who is also AMAA brand ambassador Nigeria’s soulful singer, Asa and her band entertained the guests in a bid to showcase the best of African music and fashion to the rest of the world. ! "#""$ % ! $ leadership of the award body decided to take the nominations event to Hollywood this year to begin the concrete step of taking African cinema to the home of global cinema for a mutually and economically viable cooperation. ‘A unique aspect of the nomination event this year is that AMAA’s parent organization, the Africa Film Academy (whose advisory % ' * / * globe. The stories to be pitched within this slate will have a global appeal, but will speak to the aspirations and stories of the global black community. Accordingly, the attendees for this event have been selected with a view to ensuring the highest level of returns :: Meanwhile, the Jury of African Movie Academy award has released the nominees for the 28 categories of the continental awards for motion picture practitioners in Africa and the Diaspora. At a nominations gala night in global entertainment headquarters, Los Angeles, United States, the 2015 AMAA Jury chaired by the Zimbabwean, Mr. Keith Shiri announced nominations that have Nigeria, South Africa, Ethiopia, Angola and Mauritius leading the ; < " Diaspora.


AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST FILM 1. Run – Cote d’Voire 2. Timbuktu – Mauritania 3. INumber Number – South Africa 4. Triangle Going to America – Ethiopia 5. October 1- Nigeria

AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST DIRECTOR 1. Theodros Teshome Kebede- Triangle Going to America Ethiopia 2. Theo Nel- INumber Number 3. Abderrahmane Sissako Timbuktu 4. Phillipe Lacote - Run 5. Kunle Afolayan - October 1

AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST ACTRESS IN A LEADING ROLE 1. Lesliana Pereira - NJINGA: Queen of Angola 2. Queen Nwokoye – Cheetenah 3. Aida Wang - Juliet and Romeo 4. Jocelyn Dumas –Silver Rain 5. Ini Edo – While You Slept

AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST ACTOR IN A LEADING ROLE 1. Tony Kroroge – Cold Harbour 2. Sdumo Matshali- INumber Number 3. Abdoul Kareem Konate - RUN 4. Sadiq Daba – October 1 5. Gerard Essomba- Le President

AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST ACTRESS IN A SUPPORTING ROLE 1. Hilda Dokubo - Stigma 2. Toulou Kiki -Timbuktu 3. Reina Salicoulibaly- RUN 4. Prossy Rukundo - Boda Boda Thieves 5. Ama Amphofo – Devil in a Detail

AMAA 2015 AWARD FOR BEST ACTOR IN A SUPPORTING ROLE 1. Israel Makoe - INumber Number 2. Paul Obazele – Iyore 3. Chumani Pan- Silver Rain 4. OC Ukeje – Love or Something Like That 5. (AMAA Admin to provide name of the supporting actor

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Faithia Balogun, Chioma Akpotha, Patience Ozokwor, Kunle Afolayan, Omotola, OC Ukeje, dazzle at AMAA 2015 nominees party

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Teams HAI, Meddlelane emerge finalists of Fayrouz L’Original 2

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


More Tripping...

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Qismat Yinus 51

“The Wife” to host specialized training

The Wife” which is an organization of wives whose sole aim is to build excellent homes to transform the society is set to host another specialized training on Tuesday,14th of July 2015 at V.Ginis Hall, Yaba Lagos. The theme of the event according to Dr Nkem Okoro, the coordinator of the organization, is Mothers and Counselling III.

s flau o k a R o h g I n e Kar b a by b u m p

nts s having a m r i f n o c ashian Kim Kard n t Sunday o boy evealed las tar r aby he reality s pecting a b x e is e h s t y tha ’s day father’s da via a father is th d le a e ter. v est on twit boy. She re W e y n a K e sent out to en we were h w is message sh th e k live for,” moments li are what I u “Precious o y h it w est n tour ith Kanye W d w travelling o m a r g ta s o on In e such a go ’r u o Kim wrote Y “ t. s daddy to North We be the best l reading to il w u o y orth & daddy to N n too!” our new so


Blessing Egbe defends Toke Makinwa



aren Igho-Rakos, winner of 2011 Big Brother Africa, go t married in 2014 and has been off th e radar since. She however show ed off her baby bu mp on Instagram earlier in the week with a lovely caption: You are pregnant and you are power ful. You are bold and you are beautiful. Go forward in your boldness, in your beauty an d in your contentedness. Tru st your body to bi rth and know that the coll ective power of w omen worldwide will be with you.

x-model turned Nollywood producer, Blessing Egbe, has weighed in on Toke Makinwa’s marital issue. She said, “I don’t know her personally and I don’t really know their story, so I cannot talk much; I can’t even comment on it because I don’t know who the man was until I saw pictures of him. Obviously I read about it, but all I can say is she is being strong about it which is good because some women would just break down and jump into third mainland bridge. I don’t really know them, but I have heard so many people say that she was too busy for the man; that she is all over the place trying to make it, but for me, is that enough for a man to cheat on his wife, not only that, to get another girl pregnant?


Newswatch TImes, Saturday, June 27, 2015


Ladies wrist watches Qismat Yinus


adies wrist watches come in all shapes and sizes. Some women want high performance sport watches with lots of features and high durability for swimming or hiking. Some want the latest cutting-edge designs from their favourite fashion designers. Others want elegant, sophisticated accessories with gold, silver, mother of pearl and Swarovski crystals. And, some women just want something simple and thin that they can throw on with any outfit and keep track of the time. Here are so some eye-popping wristwatches to make stat fashion statements with.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


– Aiyeniromo Alhaji Yinusa Aiyeniromo is the president of Association of Yoruba Media Presenters of Nigeria aka Egbe Apede Yoruba. He is a veteran radio presenter having started out as a radio presenter for about 40 years. He was also known as late Gbenga Adeboye’s folly as both were are said to be so close during the life time of Jengbetiele. Recently his association hosted several personalities and also gave awards to important personalities such Oba Mudashiru Odejobi (Alagodo ), Oba Olamilekan Ifayemi (Oba Saala Ogboni), Alhaji Oloye Tajudeen Agbede (Chairman NURTW, Lagos), Yemi Oke (Precious Paints), Chief Idowu Dada (Elemosho of Igbajo), Prince Yomi Obembe (Glitter), and Alhaja Alimotu Opeloyeru (CEO of Ola Inukan Food Canteen). AJIBADE ALABI captured the thoughts of the president in this interview. Excerpts.

You are the president of Association of Yoruba Media Presenters, also known as Egbe Apede. What does it entail to be the president? It is a privilege to be the president and not a right because I was chosen by the association based on the fact that they trust me that I can lead them to the promise land, which by God s grace I will be able to do. I must confess that it is not an easy task to lead a group especially if you put into consideration that every member of the group are all matured and grown up. But I thank God I have been able to pull through, and so far, we have not encountered any crisis. I am using this medium to say a big thank you to all members for their support and understanding; they have been so supportive. Without them, I don t think I can do anything. What are your plans as the president of the association? The association is not all about me, but everybody that is a member of the group. But on that aspect, I will tell you the association under my leadership will like to have our own bus and building. The building will serve as means of income for many people as we plan to have a kiosk where people q`` wH`` GqFH^H] q H¥w How do you feel celebrating Egbe Apede today?

I observed during the event that there was no government representative except the chairman of Alimosho Local Government in the person of Hon. Jelili Sulaiman. Does that mean you don’t require their presence or you don’t need their help?

I feel very happy because this is what we have wanted to do all these years. For us x D H ]D`` DF qH HG q qw HD^ qw H^ great and we give glory to almighty God for the successful of the event

Actually we need government help; there is no organisation or association that does not need government help. But the problem was when we were planning for this party, we invited most of them, but the excuse they gave then was that they were preparing for the last general election. When we went back, they told us they were not settled yet and so we had to move ahead with our activities though we still need their help.



Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

CelebrityChat There are lots of radio producers in the industry now. Sir, I have said this many times. We have many half-baked presenters in the industry. In those days, we had presenters who could talk for 120 minutes without any contribution from the listeners. But what do we have today? We have presenters who will only talk for 10 minutes and then tell the listeners to contribute to the programme. During the days of Gbenga Adeboye of blessed memory, I know how presenters did their programmes, but these days, we have presenters who are not properly groomed, but will also claim to be a presenter. ! 7žH GqFH^H]FH EHšÂ&#x;HH] šžH šÂ&#x;x qw šžDš (JEH $ÂœHGH FD] DFFxÂĽÂĽxGDšH wšDFw Â&#x;žx D`wx Â&#x;x^ÂŞ q] D ÂĽHGqD žx_wH D]G we are purely for Yoruba speaking programmes, while ),%$1 Dw D] q]GHÂœH]GH]š _]qš FD]]xš DFFHœš D] wšDF who is working in an organisation. Also, FIBAN welFxÂĽHw D`` ÂŞq]Gw xI š^qEHw `qÂŞH <x^_ED (]J`qwž +D_wD x^ whatever language you want to present. I can say one of the challenges we are going through is that we are not given time to express our talents the way we really wanted to. Is not all about money, most of our people do not have that kind of money to buy air time, and these are people who are talented that can add value to the Yoruba culture through their programmes. We also need government assistance.

The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa



here are also social rules like; Sharing, doing chores, look after people and things, do not fight, speak nicely to others, maintain good manners, be respectful and have value for life and property. When these rules are given, it acts as a guide for the children upbringing and success in life. Children that are not disciplined often grow up rebellious, having no respect for elders, authority and so find it difficult following God’s precepts. As parents you really need to be careful not to over react while disciplining the child/children when they err, so you wont end up injuring the child during the scold, smacking or punishing. You need to choose the time, mood and the mode of reprimand, so as not to cause pain or harm or even permanent damage to the child. You should not vent your anger or frustration on them all in name of discipline. After physical punishment, the child should be followed up immediately with words of encouragement by comforting the child with reassuring words that he/she is loved. Time out, grounding and depriving the child from having a favourite tool, are other ways of disciplining a child. Employ the best method that best produce the needed behavioural change in the life of the child. An introverted lazy child shouldn’t be punished mostly with time outs in his room, it might end up being a delight or fun for him. Having gotten the children used to being disciplined, as they become youths, they grow into being self-disciplined.


Discipline - The Foundation (2) Discipline is the principle behind the progress and smooth working of an individual and nation. With good nurture, for youths discipline becomes inborn and self-imposed rather than externally imposed. Selfdiscipline is one of the most important and useful skills everyone should possess. It means self-control, which is a sign of inner strength and control of yourself, your actions and your reactions. This is one of the important requirement for achieving goals. Helps you to persevere with your decision execution and plans until they are accomplished. Also helps to overcome addictions, procrastination, laziness and to follow through in all you do. You are able to reject instant gratification and pleasure for greater gain which requires spending time and effort. As an ingredient for success, Self-discipline expresses itself in these ways; Perseverance, Self-control, Persistence, endurance despite failure and setbacks, Resisting distractions or temptations. Acknowledging the importance of Self-discipline you can thereby strengthen it by the skill of training and exercise. At the same time, helps you avoid rash behaviour and acting on impulse. You are able to fulfil promises and become punctual due to early rising. You are able to overcome bad habits and build new good ones. Most especially, you are able to read more and at a good time, long before examination, overcoming the last minute thing. You ruminate and meditate more often over your achievements, aspirations and goal, plans, strategies and executions thoroughly. You are able to stand up to your spiritual demands for growth and stability. Discipline isn’t pleasant at the time given but later produces harvest of righteousness and peace. Youths needs to discipline their thoughts, speech, behaviour/attitude and their body. It is the loving and corrective training that leads to maturity and responsibility on the part of those that experience it. When you meet a disciplined person, you will know almost immediately, and they are a better catch for marriage relationship. Therefore, a disciplined couple would and should not

have issues of infidelity in their marriage, their tongue will be well bridled, and they would always listen to corrections from each other and others. They are patient and enduring, they are goal oriented, they are prudent spenders, and they have control over doing things excessively; like their eating habits are curtailed to moderate consumptions. They exercise their bodies regularly, so they will not become obesity. Your home being the most important place in your life, couples as parents really need to study their children, understanding them individually, knowing their strength and weaknesses, which is their personalities and their likes and dislikes. Comparing one child to another during reprimanding will only bring about the dangers of favouritism. Be careful not to tamper with the child’s confidence and esteem during the scold especially if the child is an introvert. An introvert is mostly peaceful, quiet and sensitive while the extrovert is fun filled, out spoken and controlling. Certainly the punishment for an introvert should be different from the one given to an extrovert. For an extrovert, depriving them from having their kind of fun will be appropriate, not allowing then control you with their loud cry or lament. So for them, time out or grounding is ideal. For an introverted child, verbal scold and sometimes frowns and dissatisfaction might just be enough to put them back on track. It is always productive for couples as parents to have one voice when they discipline their children . It isn’t a good thing for the children to think when they are scolded by one parent, they can go to the other for solace or that they can report the fact that they were punished to their father, and for the father to reprimand whoever spare headed the punishment or scold. When children are trained with one voice, they certainly will become disciplined. To become responsible, respectful and resourceful members of the society, discipline is the key. It is demanding but worth the while, don’t dodge it nor detest it, be positive, be sure Discipline keeps you at the top.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

PAThis i G SAs for E LE



L-R, Katsina State Governor, Alhaji Aminu Masari; Ogun State Governor, Ibikunle Amosun and the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, during the meeting of the state governors with the President over debts owned by the States to its workers at the presidential villa, Abuja

L-R: Mrs. Ronke Akano; Mrs. Doris Chika-Opara; Prof. Lanre Ogunlana and Representative of the Executive Secretary/CEO, Nigerian Shippers Council, Mr. Ignatius Nweke.

L-R: Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwumi Ambode; Kwara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed and the Governor of Gombe State, Alhaji Ibrahim Dankwabo, during the meeting. Photo: Anayo Opara


L-R: (Standing) Creative Director, African Children Festival (ACF), Mensah Paul; Project Manager of ACF, Olu Laguda; outgoing queen/king of ACF Omenuko Deborah & Okeiyi Joshua, and Executive Marketer of ACF, Kate Ojatabu; while sitting is the new queen/king from Vine Star College. Photo: Segun Padonu


L-R: Dr. Yinka Akindayomi; Chairman, Local Organising Committee International Conference on Disability, Ani Charles Bassey-Eyo; Nasarawa State Governor, Umaru Tanko Al-Makura and former Ekiti State Governor, Kayode Fayemi.

L-R: Directors of MTN Foundation, Dennis Okoro and Prince Julius Adelusi-Adeluyi ; Nasarawa State Governor, Umaru Tanko Al-Makura; Director, Anglo-Nigerian Welfare Association for the Blind, Danlami Basharu and Pastor Ituah Ighodalo. Photo: Segun Padonu

L-R, Corps Marshal, Federal Road Safety Commission, Mr. Boboye Oyeyemi; Director of Sports, Mr. Bisi Kazeem and representative of Lagos State Governor, Mr. Oluseyi Coker.

L-R: Cross section of the Federal Road Safety Corps officers at the summit. Photo: Wale Adenuga

3 39

Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


Executive Director/Head of Lagos Operations, News Agency of Nigeria, Otunba Jide Adebayo (left), with the Ologidi of Ogidi, Oba Rabiu Sule.



L-R: Friend of the celebrant, Mr. Ojuola Ayodele; Head, Accounts, Best Western Hotels Lagos/ celebrant, Mr. Adewale Adeyinka; Friend of the celebrant, Mr. Shola Joshua and younger brother of the celebrant, Mr. Gafar Adeyinka, during the 50th birthday anniversary of Mr. Adewale Adeyinka in Lagos…recently.

L-R: Sen. Dino Melaye; Deputy Governor of Kogi State, Mr. Yomi Awoniyi and President, Female Artists Association of Nigeria, Mrs. Ngozi Akande, at the opening of an art exhibition at the event.

ETISALAT-SPONSORED WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL DAY ESSAY COMPETITION L-R: Sister In-law, Mrs. Bolanle Gafar Adeyinka; Head, Accounts, Best Western Hotels Lagos/ Celebrant, Mr. Adewale Adeyinka; celebrant’s wife, Mrs. Jessica Adeyinka and the celebrant’s younger brother, Mr. Gafar Adeyinka, at the event.


L-R: Specialist, Corporate/Social Responsibility, Etisalat Nigeria, Chiweta Uraih; winner of the World Environmental Day Essay Competition in the Junior Secondary School Category, Ofem Marvelous and Vice Principal, Akande Dahaunsi Junior Secondary School Ikoyi, Mr. Fajobi John Akinlolu, during the presentation of prizes to the winners of the Etisalat-Sponsored World Environmental Day Essay Competition held at Akande Dahaunsi Memorial High School, Ikoyi Lagos…recently. L-R: Director General, National Centre for Women Development, Lady Onyeka Onwenu; Founder, Society for Civic Responsibility in Nigeria, Kate Nwankwo and UN Women Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Dr. Grace Ongile.

L-R: 1st runner-up of the World Environmental Day Essay Competition in the Senior Secondary School Category, Joseph Prudencia; 2nd runner-up of the World Environmental Day Essay Competition in the Senior Secondary School Category, Adelaja Timileyin and Principal, Akande Dahaunsi Memorial High School, Ikoyi, Ahmed Olabode Ajiboye, during the presentation.

L-R: Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, Dr. Jemila Shu’ara; Federal Commissioner, National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons, Hajia Hadiza Kangiwa and Representative of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Nigeria, Angele Dikongue-Atangan.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

My Kitchen Talking Nutrition with CHIZOBA BENSON

How to make Nigerian egg fried rice

0806.565.1922 (sms only)

Diet in Osteoporosis

Qismat Yinus 08027022738


steoporosis means gradual breaking down of bones. It is a condition where the amount of bone tissue in the body is below what is normal for a person, taking into account their sex and age. Oftentimes, osteoporosis is called ‘the silent disease’ as it can remain undetected until someone has a broken bone as a result of a fall or an accident. Osteoporosis on its own does not cause pain nor is it a type of arthritis. Research has shown that osteoporosis can strike at any age, but occurs mostly in people over 50. One in two women and one in four men older than age 50 will experience an osteoporosis-related bone fracture during their lifetime. Another study has also shown that there is good evidence that the adequacy of a child’s diet at least partially determines their osteoporosis risk in adulthood. The best test to diagnose osteoporosis is to getting an osteoporosis screening/ scan by your doctor to determine the density of the bones. Usually the same reference point in the skeleton is chosen. Hip and wrist fractures usually result from falls, whereas fractures of the spine tend to occur spontaneously when a weakened vertebra eventually crumples under the stress of supporting the body’s weight. There are various factors known to increase the rate at which bone loss occurs. They are: genetic causes (a family history of osteoporosis means a greater risk), illness or inactivity, poor diet (low in calci_ÂĽ Fx]Gqšqx]w šžDš DFHFš DEwx^œšqx] xI foods, such as coeliac disease, being very underweight, smoking and increased alcohol intake. Medically related causes are: Steroid drug treatment (particularly if prolonged more than a few weeks), early menopause or the removal of the ovaries at a young age (under 45 years), hormone abnormalities such as over-activity of the thyroid gland or the glands that produce the body’s natural steroids, or under-production of testosterone in men, chronic liver or kidney disease and vitamin D GHÂ?FqH]F There are many ways to help our bodies build strong and healthy bones, especially during childhood and adolescence. $IšH^ DEx_š šžH DJH xI qš°w Gq2F_`š šx increase bone mass, but protecting the bones can begin at any age. Taking steps to build bone health while one is young can save people from this disease. However, at every age, a bonebuilding diet and regular physical activity are important. They help ensure bone tissue continues to be built since bones are constantly under construction. Certain cells break down bone tissue and other cells use the calcium and nutrients in the foods we eat to build new bone. Many foods contain calcium, but the richest and most easily absorbed source is found in dairy products like low-fat and non-fat milk, yogurt and FžHHwH Â?wž HDšH] Â&#x;qšž Ex]Hw FD]]HG sardines and salmon and fatty varieties such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines; fruits and vegetables such as turnip greens, kale, okra, cabbage, okra, tomato products, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mustard green, broccoli, papaya, oranges, orange juice, bananas and dark leafy vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, turnip greens and brussel sprouts. All these also have important nutrients like vitamins A, C, D and K, potassium and magnesium, Also, legumes, cereals, nuts and seeds are also important foods for osteoporosis.


igerian fried rice is one of the most versatile Nigerian rice recipe. There are several variations of which the egg fried rice is one. The egg fried rice isn’t so different from the classic Nigerian fried rice, but the addition of eggs takes this delicious meal to different tasty level. Ingredients: t H MPOH HSBJO XIJUF 3JDF t FHHT t NM DIJDLFO PS UVSLFZ TUPDL broth t H DPPLFE EJDFE DPX MJWFS (use beef as a substitute) t MBSHF DBSSPUT t IBOEGVM HSFFO QFBT PS SVOOFS beans t MBSHF HSFFO CFMM QFQQFS t 0OJPO CVMC t UBCMFTQPPOGVM DVSSZ QPXEFS t UFBTQPPOGVM HBSMJD QPXEFS t› UBCMFTQPPOGVM CMBDL PS XIJUF pepper (optional) t DPPLJOH TQPPOGVM WFHFUBCMF PJM t TUPDL DVCF PS CPVJMMPO DVCF GPS seasoning t4BMU UP UBTUF

Cooking Directions ćF ĕSTU TUFQ JT UP QSFQBSF UIF Vegetables; a. Wash all the vegetables.

Dice UIF POJPO set aside; b. Peel the carrots DVU JOUP TNBMM DVCFT D 3FNPWF UIF TFFET PG UIF HSFFO CFMM QFQQFST DVU QFQQFS JOUP small cubes. Tip: Although fresh veggies are the best for Nigerian egg fried rice, frozen vegetables can also be used (after thawing). E 1MBDF UIF HSFFO QFBT DBSSPUT JO CPJMJOH XBUFS GPS NJOVUFT TUSBJO out and place in a bowl of cold water, leave to cool in the water, then pour into a sieve and set aside. Tip: this method is called blanching. It helps to par-boil the vegetables without cooking it through, thereby cutting down the stir-frying process. It also helps to preserve the vibrant colour of the vegetables. You can skip this step, If you want crunchy vegetables. 4a. Pour the chicken stock into a large pot and bring to a boil. As the stock begins to boil, add the parboiled rice, seasoning cubes (stock cubes), curry powder, garlic powder, onions and salt to taste. Leave to cook on medium heat until it’s done. The stock should be at almost the same level as the rice, so that it dries

up completely when the rice is done. You can add some water if the stock XPO U CF FOPVHI UP DPPL UIF 3JDF TIP: The cooked rice should not be soggy or too tender and the grains shouldn’t stick together either. #SFBL UIF FHHT BEE TBMU UP UBTUF whisk and fry in a pan (like an omelette), cool and dice the fried eggs. 6. Heat up the vegetable oil; add the carrots, peas, green bell pepper and EJDFE MJWFS NFBU TUJS GSZ GPS NJO BOE UIFO BEE XIJUF CMBDL QFQQFS B QJODI PG DVSSZ B MJUUMF TFBTPOJOH DVCF UP taste...mix together and add the diced eggs. Mix thoroughly and pour into a bowl. ćF 3JDF JT HPJOH UP CF GSJFE JO small batches, so you’ll have to divide the stir-fried vegetables into portions, to go with the quantity of rice you cooked. 7. Pour a portion of the stir-fried mix into the frying pan; add the cooked rice BOE TUJS GSZ GPS BCPVU NJOVUFT Tip: Do not overcrowd the pan; make sure there is a little space in the pan so that you can move the rice around the pan for even distribution of heat. 3FQFBU UIJT QSPDFTT GPS UIF SFNBJOing rice and vegetable mix. "OE ZPVS /JHFSJBO FHH 'SJFE 3JDF JT 3FBEZ UP CF TFSWFE XJUI TBMBET NPJ NPJ GSJFE QMBOUBJOT HSJMMFE ĕTI CFFG Chicken or any meat of your choice. &/+0:

Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Saturday, June 27, 2015

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015



Unpaid salaries: One of APC’s many headaches Continued from Page 15

ket and attendant reduction in revenue have made it impossible for some states to pay workers’ salaries and made implementation of capital projects under the 2015 budget “very challenging.â€? Recall that the Socio- Economic Rights and Advocacy Project (SERAP) had dragged state governments and the Federal Government to the International Labour Organisation (ILO) over unpaid workers’ salaries and pensions. Saraki posited that three issues currently agitate the minds of Nigerians in the new administration, listing them to include: falling government ^H›H]_Hw F_^^H]š Â?wFD` F^qwqw q] ÂĽD] states and unsustainable cost of governance in the country as well as the rising cost of doing business in Nigeria. While calling for a reduction of revenue leakages, he announced the composition of an 18-man Senate Adhoc Committee, comprising three senators from each geo-political zone to immediately draw up a legislative agenda for the eighth Senate. He however, did not announce names of members of the committee. The Senate had earlier gone into a closed-door session, which lasted about one hour, to discuss the report of the chairman, Senate Ad-hoc ComÂĽqššHH x] :H`ID^H 6žDDED /DÂ?DJq x] D``xFDšqx] xI wHDšw D]G x2FHw Also, senators have already been D``xFDšHG x2FHw Dš šžH 1HÂ&#x; 6H]DšH Building. Ike Ekweremadu, deputy Senate President, had stood down a motion on unpaid salaries because of the meeting of President Muhammadu Buhari with the 36 governors. To rescue the situation before it beFxÂĽHw x›H^E`xÂ&#x;] E ²Â?Išž Fx`_ÂĽnists,â€? the survival of the APC government in this regard may rests exclusively on the Osinbajo committee. As a matter of fact, the hanG`q]J D]G šžH HÂŽHF_šqx] xI qšw Â?]Gq]Jw


would go a long way in assuring Nigerians of the seriousness of the government to take them out of the menace. However, some political pundits see the agitation for salaries in some states and the inability of the states, mostly those controlled by the APC, as a calculated attempt to divert the public from focussing on the seriousness of the Federal Government to deliver the promised “change.� Their reason was that there had been salary arrears before this government, “could it mean that these governments now crying for money were not conscious of their inability to pay? They simply lied and solicited votes only to tell the truth now,� they offered. They also added that their quest for money now was to arm-twist Buhari’s government to submission, and bring out money for sharing. On this, they won because the President had assured them that something from the proceeds in the crude reserve would be shared for immediate amelioration. No wonder Justice Oloyede Folahanmi of Osun State High Court urged the state Assembly to investigate the


alleged mismanagement of the state’s Â?]D]FqD` ^Hwx_^FHw E *x›H^]x^ 5D_I Aregbesola and his deputy in accordance with sections 128 and 129 of the 1999 constitution, saying there is no ÂĽx^D` ­_wšqÂ?FDšqx] Ix^ šžHq^ Fx]šq]_HG wšD q] x2FH Folahanmi, in a 30-page petition urged the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), United 1Dšqx]w 22FH xI '^_Jw D]G &^qÂĽH Amnesty International, Transparency International among others, to investigate any other person found to be responsible for ‘’deliberate mismanagement of the economy of Osun State.’’ The petitioner further accused $^HJEHwx`D xI DFšq]J q] GHÂ?D]FH xI some sections of the constitution which bordered on the welfare of Osun indigenes. The petition reads in part: ‘’I am propelled by the desire to see the pains of my fellow human beings ameliorated and to possibly, help take away the reproach of our state as “A bankruptâ€? and “A failed stateâ€? and the desire to join hands with other like minds to help salvage the sinking ship of Osun State. ‘’I declare that in addition to the

Their action in this respect is as illegal as it is immoral and unconscionable. It is an evidence of their inability to discharge the functions of their office. There is therefore no legal or moral basis for their continued stay in office

ÂĽHGqD ž ÂœH xI 2w_]°w ÂœD^`x_w Â?]D]FqD` Fx]Gqšqx] , žD›H Â?^wšžD]G HÂŽÂœH^qence which constitutes evidence of the unfortunate situation in which Osun F_^^H]š` Â?]Gw žH^wH`I ‘’Even Mr. Governor has admitted Âœ_E`qF` ÂšÂžH IDFš šžDš 2w_] qw q] Â?]D]cial quagmire and that he is clueless on how to pull her out of the doldrums. Mr. Governor’s argument that salaries can only be paid from statutory allocations is also faulty, we demand that he substantiate his claim by giving the section of the law that so provides. In any event, all funds, Continued on Page 53

APC, Accord sustain political fire in Oyo Continued from Page 16

many of the chieftains of the party are D`^HDG q^šq]J Â&#x;qšž šžH ^_`q]J $3& government in the state. The situation at the party’s state secretariat does not D`wx wžxÂ&#x; D] `qIH Â&#x;žq`H D Â?^wš šqÂĽH ›qwqšx^ šx šžH wHF^HšD^qDš ÂĽD Â?]G qš Gq2F_`š šx EH`qH›H šžDš šžH wDÂĽH ÂœD^š 3'3 Â&#x;Dw šžH qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH ÂœDwš )HGH^D` party and also contested in the last general elections. $ 3'3 FžqHIšDq] q] šžH wšDšH 3^xI Olusoji Adejumo, equally told Newswatch Times that the party needs to get its act together if it is serious about future general elections in the country, believing however, that the party could still bounce back if its leadership can do the rightful. +H wDqG ²3'3 wžx_`G ]xš šžq]ÂŞ of returning to power in 2019. If they think and dream of it, I Olusoji

Adejumo would not share in that dream. What the party should do is to think of 2023 after it might have put its house in order and undergone necessary restructuring.â€? Adejumo said former President Goodluck Jonathan’s mistakes in the GHIHDš šžH ÂœD^š 3'3 w_FH^HG Â&#x;Dw that he (The former President) allowed the party’s national leadership to be in charge of situation when he (The former President) ought to have been in charge, a development which he alleged, was exploited by some party `HDGH^w x]` šx šžHq^ EH]HÂ?š 7žH 3'3 FžqHIšDq] Â&#x;D^]HG šžDš _]`Hww the party’s leadership undergoes the restructuring he has suggested, he doubts whether he could continue to remain in the party. Professor Adejumo wDqG 3'3 žDw D `xš šx `HD^] I^xÂĽ $`` Progressives Congress (APC) in terms xI ÂĽDÂŞq]J wDF^qÂ?FH Ix^ šžH Âœ^xJ^Hww of the party, citing the case of former

Lagos State governor, Ahmed Bola Tinubu, who, he said, could have been a senator or enjoyed any other higher Âœx`qšqFD` Âœxwš E_š žDG šx wDF^qÂ?FH šžH ambition for the growth of the party. 7žH 3'3 FžqHIšDq] žxÂ&#x;H›H^ wDqG just like APC rose to eventually win the general elections after it had rewš^DšHJqwHG 3'3 ÂĽD D`wx ^qwH DJDq] šx win the elections. For now, observers of political developments are still watching how other political parties will tackle the ruling APC in the state, more so when the party has won a second term to rule the state. The second term victory has no doubt, given the APC, the opportunity šx žD›H D Â?^ÂĽH^ J^qÂœ x] šžH wšDšH°w political terrain. Political pundits and observers of developments in the state nonetheless believe that the performance of its (APC) current government in the state, will determine

the extent that the people of the state will continue to follow the party. Already, Accord party has shown its readiness to provide a viable opposition party in the state, where other political parties have been found wanting. This, the party (Accord) has demonstrated by its current petitions at the state election tribunals, and the position of its chieftains on some decisions taken by the ruling APC government in the state. Accord is also expected to keep the APC government on its toes, especially through the contributions of its eight representatives at the state House of Assembly when the Assembly fully commences activities. Unfolding developments in the state Â&#x;q`` GHÂ?]qšH` wžxÂ&#x; šx Â&#x;žDš HŽšH]š ÂœHxÂœ`H xI šžH wšDšH žD›H EH]HÂ?ššHG from the current political game in the state.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Politics APC implosion imminent as factions emerge because his political traducers, GHš^DFšx^w D]G ÂœxwwqE` H]HÂĽqHw ]xÂ&#x; Fx]š^x` šžH `H›H^w fortunes of the race in the of Federal political power in foreseeable future, arguing that Nigeria,â€? he said. šžH Fx]wFqx_w HFx^šw xI 7q]_E_ Meanwhile, political watchers to cultivate the friendship of have also pointed to the the Fulani ruling class for the D`DF^qš Â&#x;qšž Â&#x;žqFž 3^HwqGH]š purposes of wining political Buhari accepted and praised power within the Nigerian šžH H`HFšqx] xI 6D^DÂŞq Dw wH]DšH Fx]šHŽš ²Â&#x;x_`G GHÂ?]qšH` president. end in disaster, and this is just (ÂĽH^JH]FH xI 6D^DÂŞq D šžH EHJq]]q]J Âł (`GH^ .D xGH )_`D]q <x^_ED wžxÂ&#x;HG šžDš Julius posited. %_žD^q Â&#x;Dw q] x] šžH Fx]wÂœq^DF He stated that it is not like šžqw Â&#x;Dw ]xš H]›qwDJHG E wxÂĽH šx ^HG_FH šžH q]ÂŹ_H]FH xI žqw EH]HIDFšx^ 7q]_E_ D] ÂœH^FHœšq›H ÂĽq]Gw ]x^ Â&#x;Dw x^Gq]D^ <x^_ED ÂĽD] %_žD^q 7q]_E_ D]G žqw F^xÂ&#x;G ]H›H^ warned, “But as our forefathers Âœ^xÂĽÂœÂš` Âœ^xÂĽqwHG šx Â&#x;x^ÂŞ Â&#x;qšž šžH 6D^DÂŞq FxD`qšqx] ,š in Yoruba land aphorised, ‘Aja wžx_`G ]xš HwFDÂœH xEwH^›H^w° šq  qx w°x]_ ÂŞqq JEx IH^H x`xGH ° DššH]šqx] šžDš šžH Â?^wš Âœx^š xI <Hw šžH GxJ šžDš qw GHšH^ÂĽq]HG to get lost would never hear the FD`` Ix^ 6H]Dšx^ 6D^DÂŞq DIšH^ žqw H`HFšqx] Â&#x;Dw šx ÂœD ÂžxÂĽDJH šx ž_]šH^°w E_J`H Âł $šqÂŞ_ Â&#x;žx žDw D`Â&#x;D w žDšHG $FFx^Gq]J šx žqÂĽ ²7žH )_`D]q D^H D wÂœHFqD` E^HHG 7žH ÂšÂžH J_šw xI 7q]_E_ wq]FH šžH GD w xI 6xFqD` 'HÂĽxF^DšqF 3D^š _]GH^wšD]G x]` x]H šžq]J Âś 6'3 D]G *H]H^D` 6žHž_ 0_wD power at all costs. It does not <D^°$G_D°w Ix^D q]šx Âœx`qšqFw ÂĽDššH^ žxÂ&#x; F`xwH  x_ D^H šx ,š žDw EHH] xEwH^›HG q] wxÂĽH šžHÂĽ ,š GxHw ]xš ÂĽDššH^ žxÂ&#x; I^qH]G`  x_ D^H šx šžHÂĽ ,š GxHw quarters that Atiku has never `qÂŞHG 7q]_E_ EHFD_wH žH°w ]xš ÂĽDššH^ žxÂ&#x; žH`ÂœI_`  x_ D`Â&#x;D w IH`š 7q]_E_ žDw EHH] D^H šx šžHÂĽ :žH] qš FxÂĽHw šx unwilling to be subservient to ÂœxÂ&#x;H^ D]G Fx]š^x` šžH ^D`` ÂžqÂĽ D]G DFFHœš žqw $šqÂŞ_°w ^x_]G šžHÂĽwH`›Hw šx ]H_š^D`qwH `HDGH^wžqÂœ 7žHq^ ^q›D`^ ÂžDw  x_ D]G ÂĽDq]šDq]  x_^ EHH] ›H^ q]šH]wH wq]FH `DšH subservience. *H]H^D` 0_wD <D^°$G_D E_q`š ²,š qw DÂĽD´q]J šžDš šžH žqJž the solid coalition that defeated percentage of literate political &žqHI /DšHHI -DÂŞD]GH q] šžH 63' leaders in Yoruba land who ÂŹD_]š šžHq^ GHJ^HHw D]G Ex_]FH Âœ^qÂĽD^qHw q] /DJxw However, later in life, the D^x_]G Â&#x;qšž Âœ^qGH q] :HwšH^] IDq`_^H xI $šqÂŞ_ šx w_FFHwwI_`` education is uneducated _wH šžH Âœ`DšIx^ÂĽ xI 7q]_E_°w in and about politics and $Fšqx] &x]J^Hww $& šx ^HD`qwH žqwšx^ 7žH `DFÂŞ Â&#x;žDš qw žqw Âœ^HwqGH]šqD` DÂĽEqšqx] called native intelligence. It is after he was pushed out of HÂĽED^^Dwwq]J žxÂ&#x; šžH DJH `x]J Â&#x;qwGxÂĽ xI x_^ Ix^HIDšžH^w 3'3 HD^`qH^ E 2EDwD]­x Â&#x;Dw Fx]wqGH^HG šžH ID_`š xI 7q]_E_ q] <x^_ED`D]G žD›H D`Â&#x;D w Atiku was said to be of the EHH] GqwFx_]šH]D]FHG E ÂšÂžqw view that his failure to clinch generation of politicians. the presidential ticket of the “Our forefathers often $3& Â&#x;Dw Dw D ^Hw_`š xI šžH Fx]šH]G Âľ7q xÂĽxGH ED w_E_ ÂĽDFžq]Dšqx]w xI 7q]_E_ D]G D Â&#x;x qÂ&#x;D­_ 7q DJED`DJED E_ žH Â&#x;Dw Â&#x;q``q]J šx Gx D] ÂšÂžq]J w_E_ D Â&#x;x H q]° qI D Fžq`G šx ]xš x]` D›H]JH žqw `xww ID``w žH `xxÂŞw DžHDG šx ÂĽx^H E_š šx wžxÂ&#x; šžDš žH žDw ÂĽx^H opportunities to be able to F`x_š šžD] 7q]_E_ +H]FH žqw rise. But when an elder falls, w_E›H^wqx] xI šžH ÂœD^š °w Â&#x;q`` žH `xxÂŞw EDFÂŞ šx ^HÂŹHFš x] šžH and role in the election and cause of the fall and ensure the HÂĽH^JH]FH xI 6D^DÂŞq Dw šžH wDÂĽH ÂĽqwšDÂŞH qw ]xš ^HÂœHDšHG Âł 6H]DšH 3^HwqGH]š +H wDqG šžDš šžH JDÂĽH wDqG Meanwhile, there is ongoing šx EH Âœ`D HG Â&#x;qšž 7q]_E_ E Fx`G Â&#x;D^ q] šžH žqH^D^Fž xI šžH %_žD^q Ix^ÂĽH^ ›qFH Âœ^HwqGH]š ^_`q]J ÂœD^š D]G šžH 1Dšqx]D` Abubakar Atiku, Governor $wwHÂĽE` ]xšDE` EHšÂ&#x;HH] $ÂĽq]_ 7DÂĽE_Â&#x;D` 6xÂŞxšx $šqÂŞ_ D]G 7q]_E_ IDFšqx]w Â&#x;žx 6šDšH D]G 6žHž_ *D^ED D`` wanted their candidates to )_`D]q qw ]xš `qÂĽqšHG šx šžqw HÂĽH^JH Âœ^q]FqÂœD` x2FH^w xI šžH crowd. 1Dšqx]D` $wwHÂĽE` Dw qš Â&#x;x_`G $FFx^Gq]J šx žqÂĽ ²,š qw D] D_šxÂĽDšqFD`` ¯_D`qI ÂšÂžHq^ H`DEx^DšH Âœ`D] EDFÂŞHG E D] FD]GqGDšHw šx EHFxÂĽH ÂĽHÂĽEH^w H]šq^H x`qJD^Fž ÂšÂžDš xÂœH^DšHw xI šžH $3&°w 1Dšqx]D` :x^ÂŞq]J wq`H]š` EHžq]G šžH wFH]Hw &xÂĽÂĽqššHH 1:& Â&#x;žqFž qw šžH 7žqw Âœ`D] Â&#x;žqFž qw wšq`` q] qšw q]ID]F ÂžDw EHH] žDšFžHG EHIx^H žqJžHwš GHFqwqx] ÂĽDÂŞq]J D^ÂĽ xI šžH ÂœD^š ]xÂ&#x; %_ÂŞx`D 6D^DÂŞq D )_`D]q 7žH $šqÂŞ_ J^x_Âœ qw D`wx wDqG <x^_ED qw ­_wš D Â&#x;q``q]J šxx` q] to be taking the battle to the šžqw H`DEx^DšH Âœ`D] 7žH )_`D]q ÂĽq]qwšH^qD` ]xÂĽq]HHw `qwš Dw šžH x`qJD^Fž qw ]xš Jxq]J šx šDÂŞH have perfected plans to frustrate another chance to allow power ]xÂĽq]HHw I^xÂĽ 7q]_E_°w FDÂĽÂœ EH Fx]š^x``HG E D] x]H x^ $FFx^Gq]J šx 3D_` ,EH $šqÂŞ_°w J^x_Âœ xšžH^ šžD] šžHÂĽ x^ x]H xI wÂœxÂŞHwÂĽD] ²$šqÂŞ_ GqG ]xš their own.â€? x^FžHwš^DšH šžH HÂĽH^JH]FH xI šžH 7žH ›HšH^D] Â&#x;Dw žxÂ&#x;H›H^ new leadership in the National xœšqÂĽqwšqF šžDš 7q]_E_ ÂĽD $wwHÂĽE` D]G q]wq]_Dšq]J šžDš bounce back to either pull DÂĽx_]šw šx ]xšžq]J E_š Âœx`qšqFD` x_š xI šžH FxD`qšqx] wD q]J ÂĽqwFžqHI Dw žH žDG ^HI_wHG ²7q]_E_ qw D Â?JžšH^ D Â&#x;D^^qx^ šx `HD›H šžH ÂœD^š x^ Â&#x;x^ÂŞ Ix^ D]G D Fx]w_ÂĽÂĽDšH wš^DšHJqwš šžH 3'3 H›H] Â&#x;žH] šžH šžH] +H ÂĽD wšq`` žD›H wxÂĽH wHF^Hš 3^HwqGH]š *xxG`_FÂŞ -x]DšžD] jokers up his sleeve. was desperate for his support. “He is not about to fold up. ²7žH ›qwqšw xI Âœx`qšqFqD]w His reaction and response to the D]G $3& `HDGH^w q]F`_Gq]J unfolding treacheries around žqÂĽ Â&#x;x_`G EH q]šH^Hwšq]J šx wHH šžDš xI šžH 6H]DšH 3^HwqGH]š D^H FxÂĽÂĽx] Âœx`qšqFD` ^qš_D`w ,š Â&#x;x_`G EH ÂĽx^H q]šH^Hwšq]J

Continued from Page 16

Atiku q] $šqÂŞ_°w $wxÂŞx^x ^HwqGH]FH )x^ šžH Âœ_^ÂœxwHw xI HÂĽÂœÂžDwqw šžH 3^HwqGH]š žDw Fx]Â?GH]FH q] žqÂĽ D]G šžDš HÂŽÂœ`Dq]w Â&#x;ž ÂžH žDG G^DIšHG žqÂĽ Dw D] H]›x xI wx^šw q] šžH ^DFH `HDGq]J šx šžH HÂĽH^JH]FH xI D 1qJH^qD] 3^HwqGH]š xI $I^qFD] 'H›H`xÂœÂĽH]š %D]ÂŞ “It is baseless and unfounded to suggest that Atiku conspired Â&#x;qšž šžH 3'3 x^ 6D^DÂŞq šx ÂľwDExšDJH° šžH $3& +H Â&#x;x_`G have congratulated Lawan x^ D] xšžH^ `HDGH^ qI žH žDG Â&#x;x] ,š qw wqÂĽÂœ`qwšqF šx Dšš^qE_šH conspiratorial agenda to an q]]xF_x_w Fx]J^Dš_`Dšx^ Â›qwqš ²$šqÂŞ_°w `x D`š Âšx žqw ÂœD^š qw q]GqwÂœ_šDE`H +H ^HÂĽDq]w D `x D` ÂœD^š ¼HÂĽEH^ +H q] fact, threw his political assets behind the Buhari presidential FDÂĽÂœDqJ] $] w_JJHwšqx] šžDš žH Fx]wÂœq^HG Â&#x;qšž 6D^DÂŞq x^ D] ExG qw šžH Â?JÂĽH]š xI wxÂĽHx]H°w qÂĽDJq]Dšqx] Âł žH explained. 7žH xœšqÂĽqwÂĽ HÂŽÂœ^HwwHG E -_`q_w EHFDÂĽH ÂĽD]qIHwš x] 0x]GD Â&#x;žH] q] ID^ DÂ&#x;D 6x_šž $I^qFD %_žD^q DGÂĽqššHG to age not being on his side Â&#x;žqFž ÂĽD ]xš H]Fx_^DJH ^HD` DFšqx] q] šžH Ix^ÂĽ xI GHwH^›HG GH›H`xÂœÂĽH]šD` Âœx`qFqHw D]G DFšqx]w q] šžH Fx_]š^ Buhari, who will turn 73 in 'HFHÂĽEH^ DGÂĽqššHG šžDš DJH Â&#x;x_`G `qÂĽqš žqw ÂœH^Ix^ÂĽD]FH Dw 1qJH^qD°w Âœ^HwqGH]š %_žD^q `DÂĽH]šHG ]xš EHFxÂĽq]J šžH Fx_]š^ °w `HDGH^ Â&#x;žH] žH Â&#x;Dw  x_]JH^ wD q]J ², Â&#x;qwž , EHFDÂĽH žHDG xI wšDšH when I was a governor, just a IHÂ&#x;  HD^w Dw D  x_]J ÂĽD] 1xÂ&#x; Dš šžH^H qw D `qÂĽqš šx Â&#x;žDš , can do.â€? However, he assured people that despite age, his DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] Â&#x;x_`G E^q]J positive change. +D^G` ÂžDG žH wDqG šžqw šžD] D J^x_Âœ šžH 3HxÂœ`Hw 'HÂĽxF^DšqF 3D^š 0HGqD :DšFžGxJ 3'30: FD``HG Ix^ žqw resignation. 7žH J^x_Âœ wDqG šžH $3& D]G 3^HwqGH]š %_žD^q D^H JD]Jw xI ž ÂœxF^qšHw D]G `qD^w ,] D wšDšHÂĽH]š ^H`HDwHG E ÂšÂžH J^x_Âœ°w žHDG 7_]GH /DÂ&#x;D` šžH J^x_Âœ GHF^qHG %_žD^q°w wšDšHÂĽH]š wD q]J ²$`` šžH ÂžD›H Gx]H wq]FH 0D qw šžDš 3D %_žD^q D]G šžH $3& žD›H hit the ground sitting instead of ^_]]q]J Dw šžH Âœ^xÂĽqwHG ²,š°w ED^H` ÂšÂž^HH Â&#x;HHÂŞw q]šx šžH DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] xI 3^HwqGH]š 0_žDÂĽÂĽDG_ %_žD^q D]G žqw DJH qw D`^HDG ÂšH``q]J x] žqÂĽ so, what will happen to Nigeria q] šžH ^HÂĽDq]q]J GD w

žqw DJH Â&#x;Dw GH`qEH^DšH` Âž ÂœHG E 7q]_E_°w žDšFžHš ÂĽH] q] šžH ÂĽHGqD D]G šžH FD`` Ix^ šžH Âœ^HwqGH]š°w ^HwqJ]Dšqx] Â&#x;Dw DqÂĽHG Dš JD_Jq]J šžH ^HDFšqx] xI Nigerians. “Also, we are aware that 7q]_E_°w FDÂĽÂœ qw Â&#x;x^ÂŞq]J x] šžH ÂœxwwqEq`qš xI 3^HwqGH]š %_žD^q ]xš FxÂĽÂœ`Hšq]J žqw šH^ÂĽ either due to failing health or death. ²+xÂ&#x;H›H^ Â&#x;H šžH  x_šžw in the north are aware of his 7q]_E_ Âœ`xš DJDq]wš šžH ]x^šž D]G Â&#x;H Â&#x;qwž šx šH`` žqÂĽ šžDš we are watching,â€? the group wDqG HÂŽÂœ^Hwwq]J xœšqÂĽqwÂĽ šžDš Oyegun %_žD^q Â&#x;q`` ]xš x]` FxÂĽÂœ`HšH his tenure, but also go for wHFx]G šH^ÂĽ xI šžqw Jx›H^]ÂĽH]š ,š°w EHššH^ 0HD]Â&#x;žq`H šžH Âœ^HwqGH]F Âšx Â?]G D E`DFÂŞ JxDš q] šžH GD ÂžDG wDqG šžDš %_žD^q°w šqÂĽH ^DšžH^ šžD] `xxÂŞq]J Ix^ qš q] šžH ]qJžš D]G šžqw qw Â&#x;ž Â&#x;H wšDšHÂĽH]š q] -xžD]]HwE_^J Â&#x;Dw ÂĽqw^HDG DGGq]J šžDš šžx_Jž D^H DwÂŞq]J 3^HwqGH]š %_žD^q šx šžH 3^HwqGH]š Fx_`G ]xš EH resign now because Nigerians FD``HG D  x_šž E_š žH žDw q] will not entertain further HÂŽF_wHw xI Â&#x;ž ÂšÂžH $3& FD]]xš ÂŻ_D]š_ÂĽ šžH Â&#x;qwGxÂĽ ÂœDšqH]FH šHÂĽÂœH^D]FH D]G Ix^EHD^D]FH GH`q›H^ x] šžHq^ FDÂĽÂœDqJ] that age brings. Âœ^xÂĽqwHw Âł šžH J^x_Âœ wDqG $FFx^Gq]J šx 3^HwqGH]šqD` 7žH `HDGH^wžqÂœ xI šžH 3'3 žDw žxÂ&#x;H›H^ GqwwxFqDšHG qšwH`I I^xÂĽ wÂœxÂŞHwÂĽD] )HÂĽq $GHwq]D šžH 3^HwqGH]š°w wšDšHÂĽH]š q] the group and their position. -xžD]]HwE_^J Â&#x;Dw ÂĽqw^HDG $FFx^Gq]J šx šžH ÂœD^š °w ²$w šžH wD q]J JxHw ²x`G qÂĽDJH ÂĽDÂŞH^ 2`qwDž 0Hš_ž Â&#x;q]Hw D^H šDwš ³ D]G šžH “the attention of the leadership 3^HwqGH]š %_žD^q Â&#x;H žD›H šxGD xI šžH 3HxÂœ`Hw 'HÂĽxF^DšqF qw D ÂĽD] `qÂŞH x`G Â&#x;q]H šžDš 3D^š 3'3 žDw EHH] G^DÂ&#x;] žDw Jxš šDwšqH^ $š  Hw žH šx D Âœ^Hww wšDšHÂĽH]š E D FD]°Âš EH FD``HG D  x_šž E_š žH J^x_Âœ ÂœD^DGq]J Dw 3'3 0HGqD žDw q] ÂŻ_D]š_ÂĽ šžH Â&#x;qwGxÂĽ :DšFžGxJ D]G Âœ_^Âœx^šq]J šx šžH ÂœDšqH]FH šHÂĽÂœH^D]FH D]G be working within and in the forbearance that age brings. q]šH^Hwš xI x_^ J^HDš ÂœD^š And all these virtues he has ²7žqw J^x_Âœ qw DEwx`_šH` E^x_Jžš šx šžH 3^HwqGH]F _]ÂŞ]xÂ&#x;] šx šžH 3'3 D]G žDw šx ÂĽDÂŞH D GqFH^H]FH q] x_^ no connection whatsoever with national life,â€? he said x_^ ÂœD^š Dš D] `H›H` ]HqšžH^ :žq`H žH DGÂĽqššHG šžDš šžH qw šžH Fx]šH]š xI šžHq^ wšDšHÂĽH]š Âœ^HwqGH]š ÂĽDGH šžH FxÂĽÂĽH]š D ^HÂŹHFšqx] xI šžH Âœxwqšqx] x^ Adesina said it was not an wšD]FH xI šžH ÂœD^š DGÂĽqwwqx] šžDš %_žD^q Â&#x;Dw šxx “For the avoidance of x`G šx FxÂœH Â&#x;qšž šžH GHÂĽD]Gw xI Gx_Eš x_^ J^HDš ÂœD^š ÂžDw ]xš his position. authorised this group to use :qšž šžH $3& ÂœxÂ&#x;H^ Âœ`D qšw ]DÂĽH DF^x] ¼ x^ `xJx šx qww_H wšDšHÂĽH]šw x^ ÂĽDÂŞH Âœ_E`qF FH]š^HG D^x_]G $šqÂŞ_ 7q]_E_ Âœ^x]x_]FHÂĽH]šw x] D] ¼DššH^ and of course Buhari, the Atiku E`xF FD] x]` E_š Âœ^D ÂšÂžDš šžH and we caution those behind ÂĽqwIx^š_]H šžDš EHIH`` Ix^ÂĽH^ šžHÂĽ šx žH]FHIx^šž GHwqwš I^xÂĽ 3^HwqGH]š 8ÂĽD^ <D°DG_D Â&#x;žx w_Fž qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH` ²7žH 3'3 šžH^HIx^H GqwšD]FHw GqHG q] x2FH šx ÂœD›H Â&#x;D Ix^ Ix^ÂĽH^ 3^HwqGH]š -x]DšžD] qšwH`I I^xÂĽ šžH HÂĽED^^Dwwq]J does not befall Buhari, whose wšDšHÂĽH]š E ÂšÂžqw J^x_Âœ D``HJHG Dq`q]J žHD`šž žDw EHFxÂĽH Â&#x;žH^Hq] qš FD``HG x] 3^HwqGH]š Â&#x;x^^qwxÂĽH šx 1qJH^qD]w 0_žDÂĽÂĽDG_ %_žD^q šx ^HwqJ] 6žx_`G šžH _]HÂŽÂœHFšHG D]G Â&#x;H]š DžHDG šx _wH xFH]wq›H happens, the leadership, like it and denigrating language on GqG šx -x]DšžD] D_šxÂĽDšqFD`` ÂšÂžH ÂœH^wx] D]G x2FH xI šžH ID``w x] 7q]_E_°w 2wq]ED­x 3^HwqGH]š xI x_^ J^HDš Fx_]š^ ³ Â&#x;žx ÂĽD HqšžH^ DwÂŞ D`` žqw Rather than see the whole Exww° ÂľH]HÂĽqHw° šx `HD›H wFH]D^qx I^xÂĽ šžH wDÂĽH D]J`H Nigeria or beg for pardon and Â&#x;qšž šžH 3'3 wxÂĽH  x_šžw Âľ^HžDEq`qšDšqx] ° under the aegis of Northern 8]`Hww $3& JxHw EDFÂŞ šx šžH <x_šžw 0x›HÂĽH]š 1<0 drawing board, retrace its steps ÂĽH^H` DFF_wHG 7q]_E_ xI ÂĽDwšH^ÂĽq]Gq]J D]G wÂœx]wx^q]J and reintegrate all aggrieved šžH FD`` Ix^ %_žD^q°w ^HwqJ]Dšqx] ÂĽHÂĽEH^w qš qw FH^šDq] šžDš šžH ÂœD^š IDFHw HÂĽq]H]š D]G $FFx^Gq]J šx D wšDšHÂĽH]š E _]D›xqGDE`H qÂĽÂœ`xwqx] D^qwq]J qšw Âœ^xšHÂĽ &žDq^ÂĽD] 0D``DÂĽ I^xÂĽ `HDGH^wžqÂœ F^qwqw ,wžD D -Dšx 1<0 D``HJHG šžDš 1qJH^qD]w ÂĽD DJDq] wHH šžH Âœ^Hww wšDšHÂĽH]š I^xÂĽ šžH D]xšžH^ ]$3& `qÂŞH šžH wDÂ&#x; 3'3 0HGqD :DšFžGxJ DFš_D`` HÂĽD]DšHG I^xÂĽ 7q]_E_°w ÂĽHGqD ]3'3 šžDš H›H]š_D`` ¼H^JHG Â&#x;qšž xšžH^ ÂœD^šqHw šx Ix^ÂĽ šžH x2FH q] /DJxw ^_`q]J $3& 7žH D``HJHG šžDš qš Â&#x;Dw ÂœD^š 7žDš $&1 žDw ]xš Âœ_``HG x_š xI 7q]_E_°w DJH]GD šx F_š wžx^š xI šžH $3& qw ­_wš D ÂĽDššH^ xI the tenure of Buhari, adding šqÂĽH _]`Hww wH^qx_w ^HwÂœHFšDE`H that it was one of the reasons D]G DFFHœšDE`H ÂĽDFžq]H^qHw he was desperate to install D^H wHš q] ÂĽxšqx] šx DGG^Hww žqw D``qHw Dw 6H]DšH 3^HwqGH]š šžH J^HHG D]G wH`Â?wž]Hww ]xÂ&#x; 'HÂœ_š 6H]DšH 3^HwqGH]š 6ÂœHDÂŞH^ D]G 'HÂœ_š 6ÂœHDÂŞH^ xI ÂœH^›DGq]J šžH ÂœD^š IDq`_^H xI Â&#x;žqFž ÂĽD Ix^FH $&1 x_š xI šžH the House of Representatives. 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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Politics Managing Benue with empty treasury, Ortom’s story Godwin Akor, Makurdi


ince Samuel Ortom asw_ÂĽHG x2FH x] 0D 29, nothing seem to have worked for him. He has no ÂĽx]H Âšx EHJq] DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšq›H Â&#x;x^ÂŞ ]x ÂĽx]H Âšx ÂœD wD`D^qHw of workers; all the vehicles at his GqwÂœxwD` D^H Â&#x;^HFÂŞHG D]G ^qFÂŞHš Â&#x;žq`H qš qw x] ^HFx^G šžDš šžH qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH ÂœDwš DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] Ex_Jžš HÂŽÂœH]wq›H ›HžqF`Hw x] D Â&#x;HHÂŞ` EDwqw 7žH x]` I_]Fšqx]D` D_šxÂĽxEq`H Dš žqw GqwÂœxwD` Dš šžH ÂĽxÂĽH]š D^H šžH HqJžš ­HHÂœw that were given to him and his GHÂœ_š Â&#x;žqFž šžH D`ÂĽxwš ^H­HFšHG EHFD_wH šžH Â&#x;H^H Jq›en under controversial circumstances. 7žH wšx^ xI Âœxwš H`HFšqx] H›H]šw q] %H]_H 6šDšH FD] x]` EH GHwF^qEHG Dw šžH wšx^ xI šžH FDšDwš^xœžH šžDš EHIH`` šžH wšDšH EHFD_wH xI *DE^qH` 6_wÂ&#x;D¼°w Dštitude towards governance. For H›H^ ªxEx šžDš 2^šxÂĽ žDw šx wÂœH]G x] šžH ^_]]q]J xI Jx›H^]ÂĽH]š žH žDw šx Ex^^xÂ&#x; 7žH wšDšH°w q]šH^]D`` JH]H^DšHG ^H›H]_H Â&#x;žqFž žH qw w_œœxwHG šx use is more of a mirage. %HšÂ&#x;HH] šžH ^H›H]_H ExD^G D]G šžH 0q]qwš^ xI )q]D]FH šžH^H žDw EHH] š_ww`H Ix^ w_Âœ^HÂĽDF ,š Â&#x;Dw q] šžH Â?Jžš šžDš 6_wÂ&#x;DÂĽ ÂĽDGH šžH ExD^G q]HIfective, claiming that it was not ÂœH^Ix^ÂĽq]J 7žH wDÂĽH ^HDwx] xI Âœxx^ ÂœH^formance was used when the former chairman of the revenue ExD^G 0^ $]G^HÂ&#x; $ DEDÂĽ was removed and the generation of revenue reduced drastiFD`` 7žH ÂŻ_D^^H` xI šžH šžH] )qnance Commissioner and other šxÂœ Jx›H^]ÂĽH]š I_]Fšqx]D^qHw Â&#x;Dw šžDš $ DEÂŻÂĽ Â&#x;Dw Fx``HFšq]J D FxÂĽÂĽqwwqx] šžDš ÂĽDGH žqÂĽ EHFxÂĽH šx_Jž Â&#x;qšž šžH HwšDE`qwž¼H]š xI E_wq]HwwHw 6_wÂ&#x;D¼°w F^x]qHw šx`G žqÂĽ šžDš ÂœD Dw  x_ HD^] šDÂŽ Â&#x;Dw ]xš w_œœxwHG šx EH ÂœD^š xI q]šH^]D`` JH]H^DšHG ^H›H]_H E_š Dw wxx] Dw $ DEDÂĽ `HIš šžH^H Â&#x;Dw Fx]I_wqx]

and looting started again, with 6_wÂ&#x;DÂĽ F^ q]J Ix^ D ^H›qHÂ&#x; xI the revenue law which is said šx EH D `DÂ&#x; šžDš x^Gq]D^ ÂœHxÂœ`H Â&#x;x_`G ]xš EH DE`H šx EH ÂœD^š xI $IšH^ 6_wÂ&#x;DÂĽ `HIš šžH wFH]H wxÂĽH xI žqw Dœœxq]šHHw EHJD] šx EHJ šx ^Hš_^] 8]Ix^š_]DšH` wxÂĽH ­x_^]D`qwšw Â&#x;žx Â&#x;H^H wžx^š FžD]JHG E ÂšÂžH Âœ^H›qx_w administration, are asking the media adviser to Ortom not to ^HšDq] D] xI šžHÂĽ 2] ]HÂ&#x; Dœœxq]š¼H]šw 2^šxÂĽ žDw wšD^šHG Â&#x;H`` E_š ÂœHxÂœ`H D^H FxÂĽÂœ`Dq]q]J xI 6H]Dšx^ *Hx^JH $ÂŞ_ÂĽH°w _]GH^ q]ÂŹ_H]FH )x^ q]wšD]FH qš qw EH`qH›HG šžDš $ÂŞ_ÂĽH qw D`^HDG E^q]Jq]J EDFÂŞ šžxwH šžDš Â&#x;x^ÂŞHG Â&#x;qšž žqÂĽ H›H] Dw ÂĽD] xI šžHÂĽ D^H EH`qH›HG šx EH ›H^ x`G D]G wqFÂŞ ,š qw wÂœHF_`DšHG šžDš 2^šxÂĽ ÂĽD ]xš EH D``xÂ&#x;HG šx Dœœxq]š ÂœH^wx]D` DqGHw xI žqw FžxqFH Dw $ÂŞ_ÂĽH DœœHD^w šx EH q]wqwšq]J x] šžH Dœœxq]š¼H]š xI šžxwH from his own area. One thing Ortom has to do to realise his dream of making D EHššH^ %H]_H qw šx EH q]GHÂœH]GH]š :qšž šžH G ]DÂĽqFw xI GH›H`xÂœÂĽH]š šžDš D^H _]Ix`Gq]J H›H^  HD^ D]G šžH G ]DÂĽqFw xI change, Ortom has to think of JHxJ^DœžqFD` wÂœ^HDG (›H] Dw qš qw HwšDE`qwžHG šžDš $ÂŞ_ÂĽH q]ÂŹ_H]FHG žqw H`HFšqx] D]G Â&#x;Dw ]xš ID›x_^HG q] šžH 1Dšqx]D` $wwHÂĽE` H`HFšqx]w šžH^H wžx_`G EH `qÂĽqš šx žqw q]ÂŹ_H]FH x] šžH 6DÂĽ_H` 2^šx¼°w DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] ,] šžH Dœœxq]š¼H]š xI FxÂĽÂĽqwwqx]H^w šžDš qw  Hš šx FxÂĽH *x›H^]x^ 2^šxÂĽ ÂĽD ÂžD›H šx Fx]wqGH^ šžH qww_H xI Âœ^xIHwwqx]D`qwÂĽ D]G HÂŽÂœH^qH]FH 7žqw qw EHFD_wH žH ]HHGw šžH w_œœx^š xI w_Fž ÂœH^wx]w šx ÂĽDÂŞH D JxxG FDEq]Hš 6žx_`G 6H]Dšx^ $ÂŞ_ÂĽH žD›H D žD]G q] 2^šx¼°w Dœœxq]š¼H]šw šžH Dœœxq]šHHw Â&#x;x_`G x]` EH `x D` šx $ÂŞ_ÂĽH and not Ortom, and when the administration fails, the gover]x^ Â&#x;x_`G EH E`DÂĽHG 2]H šžq]ÂŞw šžDš $ÂŞ_ÂĽH should give Ortom a free hand

Ortom šx xÂœH^DšH )x^š_]DšH` Ix^ žqÂĽ žH ÂŞ]xÂ&#x;w šžxwH šžDš žD›H HÂŽcelled in the media, he knows šžxwH šžDš žD›H HÂŽFH``HG q] šžH ÂĽD]DJHÂĽH]š xI Â?]D]FHw HwÂœHFqD`` FžD^šH^HG DFFx_]šD]šw +H D`wx ÂŞ]xÂ&#x;w šžxwH šžDš žD›H HÂŽcelled in their various endeavx_^w 7x Dœœxq]š ÂœHxÂœ`H Â&#x;žx have not worked in relevant arHDw ÂĽD ]xš EH ›H^ JxxG q] šžH discharge of their duties. 7žH Jx›H^]x^ wžx_`G ÂŞ]xÂ&#x; šžDš ÂœDwš DJ^qF_`š_^H FxÂĽÂĽqwwqx]H^w žDG ]x EDFÂŞJ^x_]G q] DJ^qF_`š_^D` Âœ^DFšqFH ]x^ x2FH ÂĽD]DJHÂĽH]š D]G GH›H`xÂœÂĽH]š 7žH GqG ]xš ÂŞ]xÂ&#x; šžH qÂĽÂœx^tance of fertilizer, so, fertilizH^w Â&#x;x^šž Eq``qx]w xI ]Dq^D Â&#x;H^H Ex_Jžš G_^q]J šžH HqJžš  HD^ ÂœH^qxG xI šžH qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH ÂœDwš Jx›H^]x^ E_š ]xExG wDÂ&#x; šžH IH^šq`q´H^ šžH Â&#x;H^H `D_]FžHG D]G Fx]wqwšH]š` Gqwš^qE_šHG q] D ÂœD^šqF_`D^ ÂœD^š xI šžH wšDšH $ÂœD^š I^xÂĽ šžH qÂĽÂœH]Gq]J Âœ^xE`HÂĽ xI Gqwš^qE_šqx] xI Dœœxq]š¼H]šw 2^šxÂĽ žDw šx šDÂŞH žqw šqÂĽH šx Fx^^HFš šžH qÂĽED`D]FH x^FžHwš^DšHG E 6_wÂ&#x;D¼°w DGministration in the location of H`HFš^qFqš Âœ^x­HFšw D]G ^xDG Fx]struction. %H]_H žDw ]x ÂĽx]H ]xÂ&#x; E_š Â&#x;žH] šžq]Jw EHJq] šx qÂĽÂœ^x›H x]H DG›qwHw 2^šxÂĽ ]xš

to attend thanksgiving servicHw Ix^ šžH Âœ_^ÂœxwH xI HÂĽÂœxÂ&#x;H^ing those from his own area like qš Â&#x;Dw q] šžH ÂœDwš 7žH x]` q]G_wš^ `xFDšHG q] šžH ,GxÂĽD wÂœHDÂŞq]J D^HD xI %H]_H 6šDšH qw šžH ÂĽx^qE_]G %_^]š %^qFÂŞw ,]G_wš^ q] 2š_ÂŞÂœx 7žH qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH ÂœDwš DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] GqG ]xš Gx D] ÂšÂžq]J DEx_š šžH q]G_wš^ ²,] *xG Â&#x;H š^_wš³ šžDš qw 6DÂĽ_H` 2^šx¼°w ÂĽxššx D]G FDÂĽÂœDqJ] w`xJD] ,š qw EH`qH›HG šžDš žH Dw D ÂĽD] xI *xG Â&#x;x_`G ]xš D``xÂ&#x; žqÂĽwH`I šx EH wÂ&#x;D HG EHFD_wH xI wH]šqÂĽH]šw 7žH Âœx`qšqFw xI šžH 1Dšqx]D` $wwHÂĽE` wžx_`G ]xš EH D``xÂ&#x;HG šx Gq›qGH %H]_H 6šDšH 3x`qšqFw qw DEx_š q]šH^Hwš E_š Âœ_E`qF q]šH^Hwš wžx_`G EH wHÂœD^DšHG I^xÂĽ q]Gq›qG_D` q]terest $] _ÂœFxÂĽq]J ­x_^]D`qwš Â&#x;žx admitted to have toured with *x›H^]x^ 2^šxÂĽ H^^x]Hx_w` DwwHwwHG šžH DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] šž_w ²7žH ,GxÂĽD GqG ]xš ›xšH Ix^ $3& wx šžH wžx_`G ]xš HÂŽÂœHFš wH]wqšq›H Dœœxq]š¼H]šw Âł Since the journalist has never Â&#x;x^ÂŞHG Fx]wqwšH]š` Ix^ D] ¼HGqD žx_wH  x_^w wq]FH^H` GqwÂĽqwwHG žqw FxÂĽÂĽH]šw E_š 2^šxÂĽ ÂĽ_wš EH Â&#x;D^ xI ÂœHxÂœ`H `qÂŞH žqÂĽ 6_Fž ÂœHxÂœ`H ÂŹxFÂŞ D^x_]G žqÂĽ Ix^ Â&#x;žDš šžH Â&#x;q`` EH]H-

Â?š D]G Âœ`D]š wHHGw xI GqwFx^G DÂĽx]J ÂœHxÂœ`H 7žDš ÂœD^šqF_`D^ ­x_^]D`qwš žDG EHH] ED]]HG from the government, however. 7žH ÂŻ_Hwšqx] qw ²+xÂ&#x; Â&#x;x_`G Ortom manage Benue in the face of dwindling resources? 7žH D]wÂ&#x;H^ qw ]xš ID^IHšFžHG EHcause it is a matter of careful]Hww žH wžx_`G ]xš Dœœxq]š ÂĽD] FxÂĽÂĽqwwqx]H^w D]G wÂœHcial advisers. 7žH qÂĽÂĽHGqDšH ÂœDwš DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx] žDG wÂœHFqD` DG›qwH^w D]G wÂœHFqD` DwwqwšD]šw Â&#x;žx GqG nothing to enhance the growth xI šžH wšDšH 3H^žDÂœw šžH Â&#x;H^H Dœœxq]šHG EHFD_wH xI šžH ^x`H šžH Â&#x;H^H HÂŽÂœHFšHG šx Âœ`D q] šžH H`HFšqx]w E_š šžH D`` GHFHq›HG 6_wÂ&#x;DÂĽ H›H] _Âœ šx his senatorial district, where he Fx]šHwšHG Ix^ D Âœ`DFH q] šžH 6H]DšH E_š `xwš šx *HÂĽDGH 2^šxÂĽ ÂĽD Gx Â&#x;H`` šx ^Hš_^] 0^ $]G^HÂ&#x; $ DEDÂĽ Â&#x;žx H]žD]FHG šžH ^H›H]_H Âœ^xÂ?`H xI šžH wšDšH E_š Â&#x;Dw wDFÂŞHG EHFD_wH xI H]› D]G žDš^HG 2]` *xG ÂŞ]xÂ&#x;w Â&#x;žH] šžH Ortom administration would reFx›H^ I^xÂĽ šžH ÂĽHww `HIš EHžq]G E Âœ^H›qx_w DGÂĽq]qwš^Dšqx]w +H ÂĽ_wš EH FD^HI_` Â&#x;qšž šžH journalists that deceived SusÂ&#x;DÂĽ Â&#x;qšž šžH Âœ_E`qFDšqx] xI ­_]ÂŞ ÂĽDJD´q]Hw D]G ]HÂ&#x;wÂœDÂœH^w šžDš Â&#x;H^H _wHG šx q]w_`š a distinguished senator of the )HGH^D` 5HÂœ_E`qF xI 1qJH^qD 7žH Jx›H^]x^ ÂĽ_wš EH FD^Hful with those who deceived 6qwÂ&#x;DÂĽ D]G E^x_Jžš ­x_^]D`qwšw from outside for interviews that Â&#x;H^H ]H›H^ Âœ_E`qwžHG 7žH Âœ^HwH]š wÂœHFqD` DG›qwH^ x] ÂĽHGqD wžx_`G ]xš EHžD›H `qÂŞH šžH ÂĽHdia adviser to Suswam. 7žH Ix^ÂĽH^ wÂœHFqD` DG›qwH^ `xwš D] H`HFšqx] q] žqw D^HD EHcause of he was known for cutting corners. He came a distant šžq^G q] šžH H`HFšqx] EHFD_wH DFFx^Gq]J šx šžH ÂœHxÂœ`H žH Gq›H^šHG H›H^ ÂšÂžq]J šžDš Â&#x;Dw ÂĽHD]š Ix^ šžHÂĽ D]G šžH JD›H žqÂĽ šžH ]qFÂŞ]DÂĽH ²$FÂŻ_q^HÂł

Unpaid salaries: One of APC’s many headaches Continued from Page 49

D`` D``xFDšqx]w D]G D`` HÂŽÂœH]Gqš_^Hw D^H HÂŽÂœHFšHG šx EH EDFÂŞHG E `HJqw`Dšqx] D]G D^H wšDš_šx^ xšžH^Â&#x;qwH šžH D^H illegal. ¾°&x]wHÂŻ_H]š` ÂšÂžH DGÂĽqššHG q]DEq`qš xI 0^ *x›H^]x^ D]G žqw GHÂœ_š Âšx ÂœD ÂœH]sions, salaries and allowancHw Ix^ ÂœH^qxGw ^D]Jq]J I^xÂĽ eight to 11 months now, as a Fx]wHÂŻ_H]FH xI šžHq^ xÂ&#x;] GHFqwqx] šx DFF_ÂĽ_`DšH GHEšw EH x]G šžH FDÂœDFqš xI šžH wšDšH°w q]šH^]D`` JH]H^DšHG ^H›H]_H Â&#x;žq`wš šžH ›H^ ¾DF-

šx^w° 0^ *x›H^]x^ D]G žqw GHÂœ_š Fx]šq]_H šx H]­x ÂšÂžHq^ wHF_^qš D``xÂ&#x;D]FHw q] ž_]dreds of millions, is a violašqx] xI šžHq^ xDšžw xI x2FH ¾°7žHq^ DFšqx] q] šžqw ^HwÂœHFš qw Dw q``HJD` Dw qš qw qÂĽÂĽx^D` D]G _]Fx]wFqx]DE`H ,š qw D] H›qGH]FH xI šžHq^ q]DEq`qš Âšx GqwFžD^JH šžH I_]Fšqx]w xI šžHq^ x2FH 7žH^H qw šžH^HIx^H ]x `HJD` x^ ÂĽx^D` EDwqw Ix^ šžHq^ Fx]šq]_HG wšD q] xIÂ?FH ¾°1HJ`HFšq]J šžH Â&#x;H`ID^H xI ÂĽHÂĽEH^w xI šžH FxÂĽÂĽ_]qš under the guise of wanting to

Âœ^x›qGH q]I^Dwš^_Fš_^H ^_]w Fx]š^D^ Âšx šžH šHDFžq]Jw xI &ž^qwš šžH wx] xI *xG -Hw_w xI 1D´D^Hšž 7žH Âœ^x›qwqx] xI q]I^Dwš^_Fš_^Hw Dš šžH HÂŽÂœH]wH of human lives and the digniš xI ÂĽD] qw šžH^HIx^H ^HÂœ_J]D]š šx ]Dš_^D` ­_wšqFH HÂŻ_qš D]G JxxG Fx]wFqH]FH D]G ÂĽ_wš EH GH]x_]FHG Dw DExÂĽq]DE`H ,š Fx]š^DGqFšw 3^q]FqÂœ`H xI šžH 6šxFªžx`ÂĽ &x]ference. ¾°,]wšHDG xI Âœ_^w_q]J šžH ]xE`H qGHD`w H]wž^q]HG q] x_^ constitution, the ideals of social order, and “ensure a just

Â&#x;x^`G HFx]xÂĽqF x^GH^Âł D]G ²_]q›H^wD` E^xšžH^žxxGÂł 0^ *x›H^]x^ D]G žqw GHÂœ_š D^H DwwqG_x_w` Â&#x;x^ÂŞq]J DJDq]wš qš Dw HÂŽHÂĽÂœ`qÂ?HG E ÂšÂžH F^_H` D]G žD^wž GHEDwHÂĽH]š xI ÂœH]wqx]H^w D]G Fq›q` wH^›D]šw E GH`qEH^DšH` D]G ÂĽD`qFqx_w` withholding their salaries for ÂĽx]šžw q] D] DššHÂĽÂœÂš šx E^xÂ&#x; EHDš w_E­_JDšH šx šDÂŞH DÂ&#x;D ÂšÂžHq^ *xG Jq›H] I^HH Â&#x;q`` D]G reduce them to mindless roExšw Â&#x;qšž žH^G ÂĽH]šD`qš GH›xqG xI šžH DEq`qš Âšx šDÂŞH D] decision for themselves and _]DE`H šx DwwH^š x^ DFš_D`q´H themselves!

¾°7x šžqw H]G D]G Ix^ šžqw ^HDwx] , DÂĽ w_^H xšžH^ Â&#x;H`` -meaning and concerned ÂĽHÂĽEH^w xI šžH 2w_] FxÂĽÂĽ_]qš D^H žH^HE FD``q]J x] žx]x_^DE`H ÂĽHÂĽEH^w xI šžH wšDšH +x_wH xI $wwHÂĽE` Âšx ÂœqFÂŞ _Âœ šžH JD_]š`Hš D]G ^HGHHÂĽ šžHÂĽwH`›Hw E Jq›q]J HFHFš šx šžH Âœ^x›qwqx]w xI 6HFtions 128 and 129 of the Conwšqš_šqx] HÂĽÂœxÂ&#x;H^q]J šžHÂĽ šx q]›HwšqJDšH D]G E^q]J šx justice, all those who have Fx^^_œš` H]^qFžHG šžHÂĽwH`›Hw Dš šžH HÂŽÂœH]wH xI 2w_] D]G žH^ ÂœHxÂœ`H °°

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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015


North Central

Salary crisis: NLC urges Kogi gov to ban councils from loans, employments Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja


he Nigeria Labour Congress, Kogi State chapter, has called on the state government to place embargo on employment, loans and over draft by local governments in the state. The State Chairman of NLC, Comrade Onu Edoka, made the call when the new

leadership of the union paid the governor a courtesy call at the Government House. +H wDqG šžDš x›H^ wšD2]J loans and over draft collected by local governments in past led to mis- management of funds, which made it imposwqE`H Ix^ šžHÂĽ šx ÂœD wšDF wD`Dries. He therefore, urged the governor to set up a high powered

committee to address the salary issue which has put local governments in a mess. The labour leader told the governor that teachers are lacking at the secondary school levels, and urged him to personally look into the proposed plan to employ more teachers. He drew the attention of the governor to allege high handedness of the Vice Chancellor

of the Kogi state University, Anyigba, Professor Hassan Isah, whom he said took some steps that are against labour law. He stressed that the VC terminated the appointment of the school’s Chairman of Non $FDGH¼qF 6šDF xI 8]q›H^wqšqHw and his wife without following due process, saying that labour cannot be intimidated.

Media houses free to cover Benue Assembly activities - Speaker


peaker, Benue State House of Assembly, Mr. Terkimbi Ikyange, has said all media organisations have free access to the Assembly complex. Ikyange, who stated this through his Press Secretary, Mr. Bem Abunde, HŽœ`Dq]HG šžDš šžH F`D^q�cation becomes necessary because of reports making the rounds that he has barred Channels Television from the activities of the Assembly. While stressing the sig]q�FD]š ^x`H œ`D HG E Channels Television in enthroning the “CHANGE AGENDA� currently being enjoyed by Nigerians and Benue people in particular, the Speaker said Benue State House of Assembly cannot exclude the media houses from covering its

activities for whatever reason. According to the Ushongo representative, the Benue State House of Assembly under his leadership would be delighted to have a reputable television station like Channels Television to publicise its activities even on a daily basis, and wondered why anybody would insinuate that he barred Channels Television from its constitutional role of informing Nigerians about happenings in the Assembly. Ikyange said as lawmakers elected to represent their people, the members owed the public a responsibility to be accountable and transparent in all its dealings, hence the need to al`xÂ&#x; F^HGqE`H ÂĽHGqD x_šÂ?šw like Channels Television to assist in this regard.

World Drug Day: Kwara reiterates commitment to zero tolerance Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin.


L-R: Company Secretary, Julius Berger Nig. Plc, Mrs Cecilia Madueke; Chairman, Julius Berger Nig. Plc, AVM (Dr.) Mohammed Nurudeen Imam and Vice Chairman, Julius Berger Nig. Plc, Engr. Heinz Stockhausen, at the presentation of 2014 Annual Report and Financial Statements of the company in Abuja

Police parade 75 year old rapist, 29 suspects in Plateau ready to get rid of criminal activities in the state. lateau State Police He maintained that some Command has pa- qŠ_ ^€[_ w wz[{^w_ ~Y‚Z,[Y_ raded a 75 year old guilt to the crime, and that man, Umaru Choji, for rap- they will be charged to court ing two of his granddaugh- after a thorough investigaters aged between 11 and 14 tion. in Bukuru, Jos South Local According to the CP: Government Area of Pla- “On June 15, 2015, a case teau State. qŠ_Y[Â?`[‚[]^_Z]†q`†Z]p_ \‡_ The Commissioner of Umoru Choji, 75, of Bukuru, Police, Mr. Nasiru Oki, Jos South Local Government who paraded the 75 year Area, was recorded in ‘B’ Diold man at the State Po- vision. The suspect was allice Command alongside leged to have severally had 29 other suspects for vari- carnal knowledge with the q w_ q+[]{[w_ \~]pZ]p_ Š\q‚_ granddaughters-Joy Gyang,  ]`~ŽŠ `_ zqww[wwZq]_ qŠ_ Â?\[_ 11, and Martha Dachung arms, criminal conspiracy who is 14 years old.â€? and armed robbery to cult Similarly, “On 18 June, membership among others, 2015, Police detective on inw~ZY_ ^€[_ {q‚‚~]Y_ Zw_ ƒ~,`[_ formation that cultists were Gyang Bere, Jos


operating at Rusau village moved swiftly to the area and apprehended one Audu Micheal, a law student of the University of Jos, who allegedly shot himself by accident with a gun during their operation. He confessed that one Samaila Emmanuel-a 400 level Psychology student of the University of Jos, ran away with the pistol. The cases will all be charged to court after investigations,� he stated. However, the Police boss also revealed that “On 4th June, 2015, one Christopher Vincent was stabbed to death by Monday Pam, who dumped his corpse by the road side along Zawan road. The Police, through diligent

investigation, arrested the deceased girlfriend, Magdaline Fidelis, on information, for conspiracy, and on interrogation, confessed to the police that the deceased was killed by Monday Pam over misunderstanding between them in her house on who is her lover. Monday Pam was apprehended, and he owned up to the crime on interrogation.� Among other suspects paraded was Surlere Rapha[`“_Ž€q_{ ^_q+_^€[_�]p[\_qŠ_ his nine year old daughter, Tutu Raphael, on the allegation that the young girl stole his N1, 500, and a man who killed his father for failing to buy him a bicycle as earlier promised.

Air Force refutes Benue Police claim over arrest of Godwin Akor, Makurdi


he Nigeria Air Force Base in Makurdi has refuted Benue State Police Command’s claim šžDš qšw x2FH^w D]G ¼H] D^rested one Joseph Emeka, who was arrested at the Nigerian Air Force checkpoint along Makurdi-Gboko road on June

21, 2015. Addressing journalists while giving letters of commendation to the 12 Air Force personnel that arrested the suspected robber, the Commander of the Base, Air Commodore Olusesan Alani Idowu, said Mr. Emeka Joseph, who claimed to be an ex-Nigerian Army personnel with ser-

vice number 12NA/6/6758, was caught with a stolen Toyota Sienna bus with registration number LSD 524 AE, which he snatched from one Mrs. Susan Audu, who was returning from church service along Modern Market Road, Makurdi. He said that a locally made revolver with eight rounds of

9mm ammunition, a Nokia cell phone, a bunch of keys, money and two copies of forged medical papers were equally recovered from the suspect. Idowu wondered why the Police command would claim credit for what it did not do, and expressed regret over the behaviour.

wara State Governor, Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed, has reiterated his administration’s commitment to the pursuit of zero tolerance for drug abuse D]G q``qFqš š^D2Fªq]J $ž¼HG said this in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Alhaji Wahab Oba, issued to mark this year’s International Day against drug abuse and q``qFqš š^D2Fªq]J He noted that his administration’s resolve to rid the state of drug sales and abuse remain unshaken as strategies have been developed to ensure that access and abuse of

illicit substances are checked. According to him, “My administration’s cooperation and assistance to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and other security agencies on the task of curbing drug abuse and il`qFqš š^D2FÂŞq]J Â&#x;x_`G EH w_wtained.â€? The governor, who described the Kwara youth as the future of the state, emphasized that hoodlums arrested recently in Ilorin, the state capital would go through due process of the law while unemployed youths in the state would be availed entrepreneurship development opportunities.

NDLEA decries increase in drug abuse and trafficking in Nasarawa *[‚ƒ`} 2•[~Q`Z`]X /^€^


he National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Nasarawa State command, has decried the increase in Y\ p_~ƒ w[_~]Y_Z``Z{Z^_^\~6{ ing in the state. The State Commander, Sumaila Ethan, raised the alarm ~^_~_z\[ww_{q]Š[\[]{[_Z]_ ~Â?~“_ yesterday, as part of activities marking the United Nations Day Against Drug Abuse ~]Y_ ``Z{Z^_ \~6{ Z]p_ ^~pp[Y“_ “A message of hope; drug use disorder is preventable and treatableâ€?. Ethan explained that “our statistics shows an increase in the number of arrest/seizure above that of last year. It shows that more and more z[qz`[_~\[_p[,Z]p_Z]†q`†[Y_Z]_ ^€[_{q]w Â‚z^Zq]_~]Y_^\~6{ -

ing of these substances in Nasarawa State.â€? He said that between January and June 2015, 35 drug barons were arrested, and about 1,350kg (1.4 tons) of narcotic was seized. He added that there was the arrest of two drug barons in [6_ÂŽZ^€_¯¢ p_~]Y_ ¹¢ p_qŠ_ narcotic drugs and seizure of a Toyota Sienna car. Ethan further said that another baron was arrested in Akwanga with 131kg of cannabis in a Mercedes Benz car. He stressed that apart from counselling drug addicts as a way of reducing the demand for narcotic drug, other reduction strategies such as public education through seminars workshops, television talk shows as well as partnering with the state government has been adopted.


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Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sports Update Oliseh jumps to Enyeama’s defence


ormer Nigeria captain Sunday Oliseh has frowned at the manner in which his country’s football governing body is handling the issue involving goalkeeper Vincent Enyeama. The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) this week summoned the Super Eagles captain and goalkeeper before a YZw{Zz`Z]~\ _{q Z,[[_ for what it described as “unguarded comments” to the media over its choice of the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna for their 2017 Africa Cup of Nations ­ ~`Z [\_~p~Z]w^_ ~Y_ earlier this month. Enyeama did not turn z_ [ q\[_^ [_{q Z,[[_

on the claims that he did ]q^_\[{[Z [_~] _q6{Z~`_ ]q^Z {~^Zq]_q _w { _~]Y_ did not respond to an earlier query given by the NFF. Reports in Nigeria now suggest that the LOSC Lille Metropole goalkeeper could be sanctioned. But Oliseh is of the view that Enyeama should be treated as a professional footballer and not a civil servant under the full employ of the football federation. The former Juventus and Borussia Dortmund ZY [`Y[\_ [`Z[ [w_ that Enyeama’s view as captain of the Nigerian men’s national team “should be respected.” “He is not a civil servant. Why are you querying him?” Oliseh asked in an interview with Brila FM on Friday. “He is a professional football player, the captain of the team and simply aired his opinion and I think that should be respected. Oliseh, 40, further said it was wrong to crucify Enyeama, who he regards as “one of the best goalkeepers in the world.”

Opabunmi: My kids’ll never play for Nigeria


ormer Golden Eaglets and Super Eagles forward, Femi Opabunmi has vowed to stop any of his children who takes to football as a career, from representing Nigeria. News went viral some days ago that Opabunmi, who was the Bronze Ball winner as the third Most Most Valuable Player of the 2001 FIFA U17 World Cup in Trinidad and Tobago, had almost gone blind and is broke. On a live radio programme on Top Radio FM, Lagos on Friday, Opabunmi insisted that the Nigeria Football Federation abandoned him in his time of need. Consequently, the former Shooting Stars of Ibadan star says he will stop any of his children who might

want to play international football for Nigeria. “Its a bad story. Sometimes I don’t want to watch Nigerian football because any day I want to do so, I cry,” Opabunmi, who featured for Nigeria at the 2002 FIFA World Cup as a teenager, said. “I don’t know if the NFF will help me now. I needed their assistance. I will like my children to play professional football in future, but I will not allow them to play for this country. “My experience brings me bad memories. I will rather encourage them to take up nationalities of other countries and play international football elsewhere. “I believe in God. If He says they (NFF) will do something for me, they will, and if they can’t, there’s nothing we can do.” Opabunmi further revealed another interesting side of his life when he was asked about his love relationship with a young girl whom he promised to marry. It was rumoured that the said girl had laid a curse on the former Nigerian international who jilted her.

Taiwo Awiniyi in action against Brazil

Invited F/Eagles players beat Siasia’s deadline T

he four invited home based Flying Eagles players invited by Coach Samson Siasia to the national U-23 men’s football team, the Dream Team, have arrived camp, beating the Friday deadline given by the coach. First to hit camp was winger Godwin Saviour

who arrived the Serob Legacy Hotel at about 8pm on Thursday as his teammates were about taking their YZ]][\ _z ,Z]p_ Zw_ team mates hugging and back slapping him, some hailing him on his performance at the U-20 world cup. Then on Friday, it was striker Taiwo Awoniyi

who arrived camp at about 10.15am looking ^\Z _~]Y_p[,Z]p_w[^_^q_pq _ not long after the U-20 captain defender Musa Mohammed stormed the camp in his all jean dressing, then as the ^[~ _ ~w_p[,Z]p_w[^_ to take their lunch, in came goalkeeper Dele Alampasu. With the arrival of

the players, the h four f l h camp is now in full swing as preparation for the 1st leg U-23 Africa ~ zZq]w Zz_­ ~`Z [\_ game against hots up. Coach Siasia has meanwhile released players to play for their clubs in this weekend’s Glo Premier League, expecting them to return to camp on Monday.

NFF insist Enyeama was invited for DC hearing


he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), has described as untrue, claims by Super Eagles captain, Vincent Enyeama that he was not invited to appear before the NFF disciplinary {q Z,[[ Enyeama was widely reported to have shunned the NFF judicial {q Z,[[ _ Z{ _w~^_q]_ Tuesday in Abuja. Enyeama, responding to the claims, told the BBC that he was never given an invitation to appear before ~_{q Z,[[ _ ^_^ ~^_^ [_ NFF only sent him a query g g him to desist from urging

making such statements. However, NFF spokesperson, Ademola Olajire told, “I can assure you on good authority that Enyeama was sent an invitation by the NFF. “The invitation to appear before the {q Z,[[_ ~w_w[]^_^q_ Z _ through the channel that we normally send him invitations to Super Eagles matches. “The disciplinary {q Z,[[_Zw_~_ YZ{Z~`_ body, so whether Eneyama appears or not they would make their decision.”

Akindele delighted with new Dallas deal


igerian born igerian-born Canada international, Tesho Akindele has said he is delighted to sign a new contract with the MLS side FC Dallas. The MLS Rookie of the Year 2014 signed a new contract till 2018 with

his club Thursday. “I couldn’t be happier right now,” he said. “This team obviously took a chance on me when maybe some other teams wouldn’t have in the draft. I’m glad Z^_ q\ [Y_q ^_ _ \w^_ year and I’m excited to

be here.” Akindele said. The 23 year old player has scored 10 goals in 40 games. He has chosen Canada ahead of Nigeria and USA as he will play for them in this summer’s CONCACAF Gold Cup.


Newswatch Times, Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sports Update Anderson Esiti claims Monaco interest


Zp[\Z~_‚ZYÂ?[`Y[\_ Anderson Esiti says there is Z]^[\[w^_Š\q‚_ q]~{q_Šq\_ him. And the Estoril of Portugal star said he would be honoured to play for a ^qz_{` Âƒ_`Z [_ q]~{q‡ “Yes, there is interest Š\q‚_ q]~{q_Šq\_‚[“_ ƒ ^_Z^‹w_]q^_Â?[^_q6{Z~`“¼_ the 21-year-old player revealed. “I will be honoured to z`~Â?_Šq\_w {€_~_ƒZp_{` ÂƒÂ“_ who feature in the Champions League season after w[~wq]‡¼ €[_`Z,`[_ ]qÂŽ]_ wZ^Z_ made his Eagles debut in

~]_ _ Š§Ă†_­ ~`ZÂ?[\_~^_€q‚[_~p~Z]w^_ €~Y_ earlier this month. The Warri-born player joined Estoril last year from another Portuguese {` Âƒ_ [Z‘q[w_ ‡

Pillars captain pleads for fans’ patience


~]q_ Z``~\w_{~ztain, Rabiu Ali, has appealed to fans of the team to show understanding over their \[{[]^_zqq\_Šq\‚“_^€[_ [ÂŽw_ p[]{Â?_qŠ_ Zp[\Z~_ reports. The Premier League Y[Š[]YZ]p_{€~‚zZq]w_`qw^_ ¨ŽŠ_^q_  ]w€Z][_ ^~\w_Z]_ Akure on Sunday, and Ali expressed his disappointment with defeat.

Ali told NAN in Kano on Thursday that the team ÂŽq `Y_p[^_ƒ[,[\“_ \pZ]p_ the fans to believe in the side. He, however, promised the fans that the team would strive to win their next league game against q`z€Z]w_qŠ_ q\^_ ~\{q \^_ in Kano on Sunday. Ali said, “We are ready and we will ensure we go all the way as a team to win our subsequent ‚~^{€[w‡ “We look forward to playing to win; a win will ƒ[_~_‚q\~`[Žƒqqw^[\‡¼ €[_{~z^~Z]_~YY[Y“_ “That is football. At times you play and you don’t get ^€[_Y[wZ\[Y_\[w `^w‡¼ Meanwhile, Enugu ~]p[\w_{~\[^~ [\_{q~{€___ Imama Amapakabo says €Zw_^[~‚_~\[_]q^_w{~\[Y_qŠ___ league leaders Sunshine Stars. The Flying Antelopes ÂŽZ``_€qw^_^€[_  \[_q ^Â?^_ in Enugu on Sunday, and Amapakabo said his side ÂŽq `Y_ƒ[_q ^_Šq\_†Z{^q\Â?‡

Mfon Udoh returns to training


nyimba sports YZ\[{^q\_  Y[_ Ayandufu has ~]]q ]{[Y_^€~^_Z``_ striker, Mfon Udoh will return to full training on Monday. “Mfon Udoh will return to full training q]_ q]Y~Â?“¼_YZw{`qw[Y_ Anyadufu to further {`[~\_^€[_[\\q][q w_w^q\Â?_ on the Nigeria league ~``ÂŽ^Z‚[_^qz_w{q\[\‡ A media report had earlier this week said the striker was down with

~_w^\q [“_~_{`~Z‚_ƒq^€_ Enyimba and the player dismissed. Udoh himself told Š\Z{~] qq^ƒ~``‡{qÂ‚Ăˆ_ Â’ _ÂŽ~w_w~Y_^q_\[~Y_w {€_ story about me. Stroke is not my portion in Jesus name. “I don’t have stroke I q]`Â?_w +[\[Y_ Â?z€qZY_ fever and I am good now Z]_Š~{^_ _€~†[_w^~\^[Y_ jogging and doing ball work. “It saddened my heart and annoying that someone will put our w {€_Y~‚~pZ]p_w^q\Â?_ ÂŽZ^€q ^_{q]Â?\‚Z]p_Š\q‚_ me, I don’t know what the writer want to gain Z]_ÂŽ\Z^Z]p_w {€_ ]^\ [_ story about me or what the person the writer {`~Z‚[Y_^q`Y_€Z‚_w {€_`Z[_ ÂŽ~]^_^q_p~Z]_Š\q‚_w {€“_ as you speak to me now I am on my way going out.


ormer Super Eagles defender, Taye Taiwo, has alleged that some Nigerian play[\w_q+[\_{q~{€[w_pZŠ^w_Šq\_ ^€[‚_^q_ƒ[_w[`[{^[Y_Šq\_^€[_ national team. “Unlike others, I didn’t q+[\_pZŠ^w_^q_^€[_ Zp[\Z~_ {q~{€_^q_ƒ[_w[`[{^[Y“¼_€[_ ^q`Y_ qq^ƒ~``_ Š\Z{~_¨´¢Â‡_ “Unfortunately, it’s still €~zz[]Z]p‡¼ qÂŽ_¨Š_Â?[~\w_qŠ_~p[“_^€[_ former Queens Park Rangers and AC Milan man, said that he would not give anyone gifts to feature for the Super Eagles. “I’m not going to be like wq‚[_Ž€q_qÂŽ[_^€[Z\_w[`[{^Zq]_qŠ_pZŠ^w_^q_^€[_{q~{€“¼_ he insisted. €[_`[Š^Žƒ~{ _€~w_^[\‚Z]~^[Y_€Zw_{q]^\~{^_ÂŽZ^€_  \ Zw€_{` ÂƒÂ“_  \w~wzq\“_ ƒ[{~ w[_qŠ_ ]z~ZY_ÂŽ~p[w_ ~]Y_Zw_Z]_ \~]{[_`qq Z]p_ Šq\_~_][ÂŽ_{` ÂƒÂ‡ ~ZÂŽq_w~ZYĂˆ_Â’ €[_ \[]{€_ league is my favourite; it’s ‚Â?_~Yqz^[Y_{q ]^\Â?_~]Y_ ‚Â?_{Z^Â?“_ ~\w[Z``[‡_ _ÂŽq `Y_ love to return, I spent my best moments, my family, my friends are there. I remain a strong supporter of OM. If Jean-Claude Dassier had been able to ‚~]~p[_~_Šqq^ƒ~``_{` ÂƒÂ“_ I would still be in Marw[Z``[‡¼

Players bribe coaches to get Eagles invitation, Taiwo blasts

Rosenborg table E500m for Musa Mohammed


lying Eagles skipper, Musa Mohammed, appears to be the most wanted Flying Eagles star after Norwegian club Rosenborg joined the hot chase for the fullback with an offer in excess of 500,000 Euros. A top source told “Musa is most certainly headed to Europe this summer after the numerous interests he has generated lately. “Rosenborg are the latest club who want to sign him and they have offered in excess of 500,000 $

% football as well as the chance to feature in next season’s UEFA Champions

League.� Musa’s all-action style has also sparked off interest in Turkey, where incidentally he was bound to join Besiktas before they reneged on their side of the deal. The right fullback, who has been recalled to the country’s Olympic team, led Nigeria to win the FIFA U17 World Cup in 2013 and this year he spearheaded the Flying Eagles to clinch a seventh African Youth Championship in Senegal. He was an ever-present as Nigeria reached the knockout rounds of the FIFA U20 World Cup in New Zealand earlier this month.

Ikhana: My boys are ready for Nasarawa


nyimba FC head coach, Kadiri Ikhana players are eager to go as they welcome Nasarawa United FC to the Enyimba International Stadium, Aba in a Glo Premier League Week 14 tie. The People’s Elephant have been in good form and are unbeaten in the last six matches with three wins and three draws including the away win in Port Harcourt against

Sharks. Ikhana told SportingLife that he is happy that his players are responding very well to training and that besides Mfon Udoh and Raphael Boumsong who are out

due to injury. Others are intact and are ready for the Solid Miners. Ikhana rubbished reports in the media which depicted that his player, Mfon Udoh has been struck with paralysis adding that the

player has only been out to cold and that very soon he and Boumsong would be back on their feet to assist the club chase for honours. Enyimba are fourth on the log with 23 points from 13 matches.

Itodo keen to make 3SC debut


letus Itodo says he can’t wait to step on the pitch for his new side, Shooting Stars Sports Club of Ibadan. The former Sunshine Stars player’s move to the Oluyole Warlords has been put on hold as the club failed to register him on time and he will now have to wait until the second half of the season before he can get to play his

the club. Itodo told local media that he is desperate to help the club

do well in the league, while also expressing disappointment about his inability to represent them at the moment. “I can’t wait to play my

&'( ) declared. “It’s been tough watching my colleagues play but I’m happy that I will be able to join them soon. “My objective is to help the club do well and I will do my best when I’m eligible to play.�

3SC face Taraba United in a week 14 game on Sunday at the Aper Aku Stadium, Makurdi. Meanwhile, Injured 3SC goalkeeper Dosu, has told he will return to training in three weeks according to the club’s doctor, who has been working round the clock to ensure the player is back to " The former Akwa United goalkeeper has been sidelined by a knee injury for over three months.


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