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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Lekki robbery suspect sues police for N1m
robbery suspect, Ebi Tosan, has dragged the Nigeria police before a Lagos High Court, claiming that it was unlawful for the police to continue to keep him in detention by refusing to take him to court for the hearing of his bail application. Tosan is one of the four suspects paraded by the police in connection with the March Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x2DC;, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A; robbery of the Lekki branch of First City Monument Bank. He is seeking damages in the sum of NĹ&#x2014;m. Twenty-year-old Tosan, who was arrested on April Ĺ&#x203A;, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A;, was paraded by the police along with three others Duke Odogbo (38), Lawrence Kingsley (3Ĺ&#x2014;), and Ekelemo Kuete (3Ĺ&#x2013;). He is therefore seeking a court order directing
the police to immediately release him on bail. The suspectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawyer, Chief S.W. Baidi, argued that his clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s continued detention without bail was an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;infringement and curtailment of the applicantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constitutional right to personal liberty, freedom of movement and presumption of innocence.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He is seeking a declaration that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;his arrest, torture and continued detention by the State Anti-Robbery Squad, Ikeja without bail was a violation of his human rights, preserved by Sections 3Ĺ&#x161;(Ĺ&#x2014;)(a), 3Ĺ&#x203A;(Ĺ&#x2014;)(Ĺ&#x161;) and Section Ĺ&#x161;Ĺ&#x2014; of the Ĺ&#x2014;999 constitution. In a Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x153;-paragraph aÄ&#x153;davit Ä&#x2122;led in support of the originating summons, one Tamuno Amos, who addressed himself as the suspectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s uncle, said he believed that his nephewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
continued detention by the police was a deliberate act by the police to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;eÂĄtract a confessional statement from him on the alleged oÄ&#x203A;ence.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Amos, who said he had not been allowed to see his nephew since his arrest, claimed that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the applicant is suÄ&#x203A;ering on daily basis without access to food, bath and other conveniences and he may die in custody unless granted bail.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The suspect had on uly 9 secured an order of ustice Lateefa Okunnu of a Lagos State High Court in Ikeja, directing the police to produce him in court on
uly Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x153;. However, when the maÄ´er came up, the police did not bring the suspect to court and his originating summons slated for hearing could not be heard. Okunnu, while
adjourning hearing of the application till October Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2DC;, however ordered that the Lagos State AÄ´orney General should be joined as a respondent. She added that if there was any urgency, the applicant could appear before October Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2DC; before another judge who will be siÄ´ing during the courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual vacation. The original respondents in the suit are the Lagos State Commissioner of Police and the OÄ&#x153;cer-inCharge of SARS, Ikeja, SP Abba Kyari. In the said robbery on Admiralty Way, Lekki, Lagos, a gang of armed robbers, which Tosan and others allegedly belonged to, reportedly stormed FCMB in the afternoon of March Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x2DC;, wearing military uniform and engaged the police in a gun baÄ´le before carting away about NĹ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A;m from the bank.
South West
Lions Club gov calls for disciplined, secured Nigeria $\RGHOH 2ODOHUH
he new District404B-2 Governor, Lions International, Lion Dr. Christine Olufunke Adebajo, has called on Nigerians to passionately join the Lions International, to rediscover the potentials of the country so as to restore the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s respect, among comity of Nations. In addition, they were enjoined to positively, constructively and passionately enroll with the organisation and the likes, with such great, dogged zeal to turn around her destiny, better than they met her, by complimenting the governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eÍżorts improving the lots of Nigerians. Dr. Christine Adebajo made these remarks while Ă&#x20AC;elding Tuestions from journalists at the
Lagos bizmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s children to be arraigned July 21 for illegal possession of fire arms $\RGHOH 2ODOHUH
Reddington Hospital bags award
$<2'(/( 2/$/(5(
eddington Hospital, one of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foremost p r i v a t e , independent hospitals, has won the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Private Healthcare Provider of the yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; award for the second time in succession at the Nigerian Health EÂĄcellence awards (NHEA). The award presented at a ceremony held at the Eko Hotel in Lagos, follows the hospital receiving further quality accreditation for meeting international healthcare standards earlier this year. The Nigerian Health EÂĄcellence awards, considered to be one
of the most prestigious and highly respected awards in the healthcare industry is an initiative of Global Health Project and Resources in Partnership with Anadach group. The annual awards ceremony is designed to celebrate and recognise the best individuals and organisations that have contributed in a remarkable manner to the improvement of the Nigerian healthcare sector Speaking shortly after receiving the award, Chief EÂĄecutive OÄ&#x153;cer of the Reddington Hospital Group, Dr. Adeyemi Onabowale, stated that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;winning this award for the second time in a
row is a massive vote of conÄ&#x2122;dence that we are realising our ambition to make healthcare available in Nigeria that compares favourably to the very best international standards.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The award is a testimony to not just the huge investment that has been made in our facilities and equipment but also to our ethos of continuously striving for eÂĄcellence in all areas of the services we oÄ&#x203A;er our patient community. Also, Reddington Hospital has created history by becoming the Ä&#x2122;rst healthcare facility in Nigeria to achieve re-accreditation by COHSASA (Council
for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa) at the Ä&#x2122;rst aÄ´empt. The award is testimony to the hospital maintaining rigorous international quality standards in its healthcare practices,â&#x20AC;? he said. The Reddington Hospital is a multi-specialist tertiary hospital established in Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x153; which provides care in a wide range of areas including advanced cardiology, internal medicine, diabetes, endocrinology, neurology, gastroenterology as well as oÄ&#x203A;ering services in general surgery, orthopaedics, ENT, paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology and other clinical specialisation.
devotional service marking the beginning of tenure of the new executives of the Lions International, District 404B-2, held at the Ansarudeen Central 0osTue, Ajao 5oad, Surulere, which was also attended by the Immediate Past District 404B-2 Governor, Lion Chief Abdulganiyu Abiodun Adediji, with the former District 404B Governor, who is now a member of the Board of Trustees, Lions International Multi District 404. In their respective sermons at the event, the Lagos State Branch Chairman, Ansarudeen Society, Alhaji Ligali Gbaiye Agbomeji, along with the Branch Secretary Alhaji I. O <ussuf and other oÎ&#x20AC;ciating Imams reiterated the need for a continued functional synergy among various organisations.
agistrate P.A Adekomaya of a Lagos Magistrate court, has taken over the case of two brothers, Sulaiman Sanusi and Kehinde Sanusi, standing trial over alleged illegal Â&#x2122;ossession of Ä&#x2122;re arms and disrespect of a court order, and has Ä&#x2122;ÂĄed uly Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2014; for their arraignment. The case was slated for the arraignment of the defendants but was stalled due to the absent of the new trial magistrate. The two brothers are the children of late Lagos business mogul, Chief Abdul-Rasak Sanusi, and are being prosecuted by the police. In the charge instituted by Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Suleiman was accused of unlawful possession of Ä&#x2122;rearms.
The police stated that the Sanusi siblings had acted contrary to Section Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x161; (Ĺ&#x2014;) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x2014; and Section 4 of the Nigerian Firearms Act. It was further gathered that the charge was as a result of the suit instituted in Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2DC; by Suleiman and two of his siblings against three of their siblings, who were appointed by their late father as the eÂĄecutors of his estate. The suit marked ID/9Ĺ&#x2013;4M/Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2DC; had as its plaintiÄ&#x203A;s Suleimon, Risikat Olusanya and Ganiyat Sanusi. oined as respondents were the appointed eÂĄecutors of the Sanusiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estate, AbdulMojeed Sanusi, Falilat Sanusi-Lawal and Bilikisu Sanusi. In the said suit, the claimants had accused the respondents of mismanaging their late fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estate.
Professor Rossouw to speak at IoD Business Forum 7XQGH %XVDUL
n internationally recogniÂŁed eÂĄpert in Business Ethics and the Ethics of Corporate Governance, Professor Deon Rossouw will be the guest speaker at the Institute of Directors Nigeria (IoD Nigeria) Quarterly Business Forum scheduled to hold at 9 a.m. on Tuesday Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2014;st uly Ĺ&#x2DC;Ĺ&#x2013;Ĺ&#x2014;Ĺ&#x203A; at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. According to the Director General/CEO of IoD Nigeria, Mr Victor Banjo, the choice of Professor Rossouw was informed by his eÂĄtensive training and consulting eÂĄperience in the area of Business Ethics and Corporate Governance.
Mr Banjo further stated that Professor Rossouw has consistently shown that there is an intimate link between good governance and ethics. Ethics provides the foundation on which sustainable and responsible corporations are built. Professor Rossouw who will speak on â&#x20AC;&#x153;Governing the ethics performance of organisationsâ&#x20AC;? has wriÄ´en several books on business ethics and published in leading international journals. He was the Founding President of the Business Ethics Network of Africa (BEN-Africa) and served as President of the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics (ISBEE).
Newswatch Times Saturday, July 18, 2015
South East
Labour Party accuses Gov Obiano of nepotism From Alphonsus Eze, Awka
overnor Willie Obiano of Anambra Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 15-month- old administration has received knocks from the state chapter of the Labour party, The party in a brieĂ&#x20AC;ng in Awka, the State capital accused Governor Obiano of nepotism tendencies as well as having over-bloated personal aides, which is eating deep into the lean resources of the State The state Chairman of the party, Comrade Luke Ezeanokwasa, who addressed the press on this issue, scored Governor Obiano low in performance,
noting that there was a setback in the tempo of delivering democracy dividend, unlike what was obtained in the administration of Dr. Chris Ngige and Mr. Peter Obi in the State. He said â&#x20AC;&#x153;the tempo and the urgency in infrastructural development in the state has suddenly slowed down and crawling almost to a halt in the present regime of His Excellency, Chief Wille Obiano. We are yet to ascertain the direction and tone of his government, especially as it relates to the welfare of the people of Anambra Stateâ&#x20AC;?. Some of the other issues the party accused the governor was the unusual intervention in
the leadership of market unions and the attendant disquiet and simmering hostilities it has created in the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has made it urgent for us to sincerely engage the government constructively so as to avert the looming crisis that may emerge from insensitive usurpation of democratic structures in the market unions. We are therefore appealing on the government to as a matter urgency to dismantle the various caretaker committees in our markets and allow the traders to democratically elect their tradersâ&#x20AC;?. Continuing they said â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our party also frowns at the increasing level of illegal and multiple taxes orchestrated by
agents masquerading as government revenue collectors to Ă eece our traders and citizens of their hard earned resources in our various markets. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is sadder given that our occupational mainstay is trading and continued abuse by this illegal revenue collector will make our markets unattractive and drive tradersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; customers away in favour of nearby marketsâ&#x20AC;?. The state Labour Party also noted with dismay the very big size of government in place in this present regime and the propensity of the Governor to appoint his kits and kin in various agencies of government to the utter neglect of zoning and state character principles.
L-R: Commissioner of Police, Rivers State Command, Mr. Chris Ezike; Governor Nyesom Wike and Managing Director, 3RUW +DUFRXUW 5HÂżQHU\ &RPSDQ\ 'U %DIUHG (MXJX GXULQJ WKH JRYHUQRUÂśV YLVLW WR WKH FRPSDQ\ LQ 3RUW +DUFRXUW 5LYHUV Stateâ&#x20AC;Śon Wednesday.
Minor asks Federal Government Academy to release her result â&#x20AC;Ś As rights group threatens action Cyprian Ebele Onitsha
10-year old, Miss Chidalu Mary Anthonia Ezekwueme yesterday pleaded to the authorities of the Federal Ministry of Education and Management of Federal Government Academy, Suleja, otherwise known as Gifted Mind Children School, Suleja, Niger State to release her result now. Her plea was sequel to alleged short changing of her name among those that sat for the entrance
examination which took place at the Federal Government College, Enugu Centre on 16 May, 2015. Miss Chidalu Ezekwueme who claimed she sat for the examination with examination number: 503/079 for 2015/2016 section, said on the examination day she presented her accreditation card to the centre for screening before siÄ´ing for the examination. She added that surprisingly when the results were released, the management of the Fed-
eral Government Academy in the contrary stated that she had no result and marked her result â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;absenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. The depressed girl, who has refused to eat despite all entreaties made to pacify her by her parents over the unfortunate incident, decried why such an injustice should be meted out to her when she believed that she had performed her best and was expecting to be admiÄ´ed into the school of her dream, Federal Government Academy, Suleja. Reacting to the alleged injustice on the girl, a hu-
man rights organization, Campaign for Democracy, Anambra State branch through its State Publicity Secretary, Hon Jude Enemochukwu, said that the injustice meted to poor, but brilliant liÄ´le Miss Chidalu must be upturned as the girl has been psychologically and emotionally devastated by the action of the management of Federal Government College, Suleja by recording her absent in her result while the candidate in question was present at the examination venue and actually participated in the Common Entrance Examination.
Chicason Group to diversify into agriculture Alphonsus Eze, Awka
n Nnewi- based manufacturing company, Chicason Group of companies, is set to diversify to palm oil tree plantation to boost agriculture and source for raw materials locally. The company is a notable manufacturer of vege-
...as state govt pledges support table oil, toiletries and other range of products. The Managing Director, Engr Linus Ilozue, told newsmen in Nnewi that the greatest problem facing the company now lies basically with the scarcity of palm kernel, the basic raw materials for the produc-
tion of their life vegetable oil brand. Following this development, Engr Ilozue said the company has decided to produce its own raw material by investing in palm plantation. He said that their diversiĂ&#x20AC;cation was sequel to their planned building of anoth-
er factory that will automatically push up their demand for palm kernel. Consequently, he said they have approached the Anambra State government to allocate land to them, where they would cultivate palm trees that will eventually produce palm kernel for their expanding companies.
News Group moves to strengthen women empowerment Emma Mgbeahurike, Owerri
Non Governmental Organization (NGO) â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quintessential Business Women Associationâ&#x20AC;? (QBWA) has initiated measures to strengthen women empowerment and economic self reliance in the country. The National Vice President of the Association Rev. Mrs Janet Eyo who disclosed this at a one day Imo State Women Empowerment programme organized by the Association said that the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apex bank-the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has so far released the sum of N2.5billion out of which N2.4bilion had been disbursed to achieve the aim. Established in 2012 by the Global President Mrs Shimite Katung with a mission to empower 50 cooperative societies in the 774 local government areas across the country through the issuance of soft revolving loans, Rev Mrs
Eyo assured that the package was borne with all sincerity of purpose to assist the women folk to reduce their dependency on their husbands and relations for survival. According to her, a total of 90 groups are expected to beneĂ&#x20AC;t from the largesse in Imo State while the beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries are required to ensure that the beneĂ&#x20AC;ts of the programme trickle down to women at the grassroots so as to enhance their standards of living. While urging the beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries of the package to ensure proper and judicious use of the funds, and to repay on time to enable others to equally beneĂ&#x20AC;t from it, Rev. Eyo showered encomiums on the management of the fame micro Ă&#x20AC;nance bank Ltd for making available the sum of N1.5m as Ă ag oÍż fund for the beneĂ&#x20AC;ciaries in Imo. She stressed that four states in the North East geopolitical zone of the country had so far beneĂ&#x20AC;ted from the gesture which would also promote literacy among the women folk.
Rep member tasks new service chiefs on Boko Harams resurgence Kenneth Ofoma, Enugu
House Representatives member representing Ohaozara/Onicha/Ivo Federal Constituency of Ebonyi State, Hon Linus Okorie, has charged the newly appointed Service Chiefs to do everything possible to bring Boko Haram insurgency to an end. He said that only summary stoppage of the human carnage being perpetrated by the insurgents whose activities heightened in recent time could restore the conĂ&#x20AC;dence of Nigerians in government. Okorie, while reacting to the increasing wave of bombings and other security challenges in the country, charged the newly appointed Service Chiefs and the National Security Adviser (NSA) to act swiftly to reposition the sagging counter-insurgency operations by boosting troopsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; morale, beeĂ&#x20AC;ng up intelligence-gathering and generally introducing new ideas to the operations at the front lines. He noted that the new Service Chiefs should also
quickly design and Implement strategies to counter the rising wave of suicide bombings, targeting soft targets by the Boko Haram terrorists. Okorie emphasized the place of synergy and coordination devoid of rivalry between and amongst the diÍżerent security outĂ&#x20AC;ts serving the country. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There should be a coordinated perspective in the Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s security team to avoid incidences of personality clashes and sundry rivalry as are being presently insinuated. â&#x20AC;&#x153;SpeciĂ&#x20AC;cally, there should be no interference with the functions of the ofĂ&#x20AC;ce of the National Security Adviser, which along with that of the Attorney-General of the Federation/Minister of Justice is the major coordinating body of the Terrorism (Prevention) Amendment Act 2013. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stories of alleged power tussle between the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Ismaila Aliyu, and the former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki in this regard are not just unsettling but a wholly avoidable distraction.
Newswatch Times Saturday, July 18, 2015
North East/West
Boko Haram: Islamic organisation urged Buhari to be proactive BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
n Islamic organization, Jama’atu Nasril Islam (JNI) yesterday condemned the bomb blast rocking the North East of the country, saying government must be proactive in putting a stop to the menace. In a statement from the organization made available to newsmen in Kaduna yesterday said, “once more the wicked bomb explo-
sions that rocked the Gombe Central Market on Thursday and that of Damaturu Eid praying ground in the early hours of Friday, are condemnable.” The statement signed by Dr Khalid Abubakar Aliyu also said, “These evil and wicked massacres are coming few days after similar acts had occurred in various parts of the country. These continued savage attacks stand condemned in their entirety. Indeed those car-
rying out such acts are devils and whatever is their mission, may it be in futility and they be put to shame”. The JNI stated that “The following questions agitate discerning minds: Who are the evil masterminds of this serialized wickedness? What are the motives behind their actions? Who are their sponsors? Who are those used as guinea pigs, in carrying out the dastardly acts? How are they conscripted? Why
are Nigerian Muslims kept clueless, as to what is happening and by extension other citizens of the country?” “Muslims, we Ànd solace that there is the Day of requital which all souls shall account for their deeds. If not so, how can we be subdued to unnecessary pains and sorrows in a moment of joy like Eidel-Fitr. Nonetheless, Government must be seen to act proactively, so as to put a stop to this recreant acts’’.
Former Heads of State, General Abdulsalam Abubakar (l) and General Ibrahim Babangida (m), with other dignatries during the Eidel-Fitr prayers yesterday
Bauchi gov commends Buhari for appointing indigene as Chief of Air Staff NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
auchi State governor, Mohammed Abdullahi Abubakar has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for appointing an indigene of the state, Vice Marshal Sadique Abubakar as the Chief
of Air StaͿ,. The Governor in a press statement signed by the Director of Press, Ibrahim Sani Umar stated that the appointment was due to the demonstration of sense of professionalism and leadership qualities by Air Vice Marshal Sadique Abubakar. According to the state-
ment, the appointment demonstrated the commitment of the Federal Government in its effort to end insecurity crisis in the North East and called Air Vice Marshal Abubakar to justify the conÀdence reposed on him by exhibiting professionalism in the discharge of duties.
The governor congratulated the new Chief of Air StaͿ and assured him of the people’s support and prayers to succeed in his new assignment and expressed conÀdence that he would exhibits and bring his wealth of experience in curbing the menace of the Boko Haram insurgency.
Emir of Bauchi preaches peaceful co-existence Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he Emir of Bauchi, Alhaji Rilwanu Sulaimanu Adamu urged Muslims Ummah to always love one another as the best way to emulate the life style of Prophet Muhammad by imbibing peace at all times. Adamu made the call yesterday during the Sallah celebration in the state capital attended by Governor of Bauchi State, Muhammad Ab-
dullahi Abubakar and his Deputy, Engineer Nuhu Gidado as well as the Secretary to the state government, Alhaji Ahmed Sulaiman. He warned Muslims Ummah in the state to always have the fear of God, love one another and live in peace with their neigbours irrespective of their diͿerences. The Emir called on parents to always enrol their wards in schools to be educated in order to be good citizens who
would contribute to the betterment of the society. He advised the citizens to always report any strange person, movements or objects in their environment to the security agencies for necessary action as they need to be security conscious. Adamu urged citizens to continue to praying for the sustenance of peace in the state and the country in general and appealed to worthy citizens in the state to
continue assist the less privilege in the society. Meanwhile, the sallah celebrations was observed peacefully under tight security arrangement with the state Governor, Muhammad Abdullahi Abubakar in attendance. The Bauchi state Police Public Relations Ocer, DSP Mohammed Haruna said “To God be the glory for a peaceful and hitch free Eid-el Fitr Sallah celebration in Bauchi State.”
CAN proffers solution to end Boko Haram Nankpah Bwakan, Bauchi
he Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Bauchi state, Reverend Joshua Ray Maina yesterday disclosed that Boko Haram insurgency activities may persists if their sponsors are not prosecuted. Speaking to newsmen in Bauchi, Rev. Maina regretted that the immediate past administration failed to face the problem squarely and called on the current administration of President Muhammadu Buhari to stem the menace of the insurgents. He said the main reason why the Boko Haram insurgency is yet to be phased out because the group receives funding from its sponsors and operating based on supports it gets and expressed optimism that present government can end the activities of Boko Haram if it is committed to it. According to him, “if you recall, two weeks to the last general election Boko Haram was almost wiped out due to sustained eͿorts by the military which forced them to give up most of the territories they had captured only for them to resurface with series of deadly attacks in some parts of the north.
“I believe that whatever gains that had been recorded and strategy being put up to deal with Boko Haram will be useless without bringing to book the perpetrators and their sponsors. “As long as the people behind Boko Haram are not addressed, they will continue to survive because they have countless boys and girls that can be recruited as suicide bombers. The question remains, who are the big people behind Boko Haram? “The insurgency is not as a result of good background and it is not the poverty problem either, but a political issue. Boko Haram is a game of the enlightened, the elites. “The federal government and all the security agencies are busy pouring detergent to neutralise the oil that is polluting the sea. “We just have to face the reality and address the big shots responsible for it. Some of the sponsors see it as an economic venture, but if the money is no more Áowing and logistic support is no more there, it will cease. “The United States of America (USA) said it had lists of sponsors, let them bring out the list. Who are the people on the sponsor list?
Kano marks Eid-el-Fitr amid tight security Ted Odogwu, Kano Bureau Chief
esidents of the commercial city of Kano marked a crime-free Eid-El-Fitr celebrations yesterday, following adequate security measures put in place by the Kano State Police Command which ensured the successful celebrations. Muslim faithful, who worshipped at the diěerent Eid-El-Fitr grounds spread across the metropolis, complied with security tips by the Command before the commencement of the celebrations. Worshippers in compliance with the measures by the Police Command went to the Eid grounds with their praying mats without carrying unnecessary objects. Also, the worshippers cooperated with law enforcement agents by parking their vehicles, motorcycles and other means of trans-
portation at the designated parking spaces provided at various Eid grounds which was about 200 meters away from the praying ground. Celebrants, who besieged recreational centres to mark the sallah were extraordinarily vigilant by taking cognizance of people and objects around them, with a view to reporting any suspicious and unusual events to security agencies. Motorist strictly obeyed traĜc rules and regulations, as they avoided reckless and dangerous driving, as well as over speeding and racing, which minimised cases of accident throughout the season. As part of security measures, parents and guardians accompanied their children with adults guiding them throughout the celebrations. Also, under aged children and unlicensed persons were barred from operating motor vehicles.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Anti-graft war: How ex-govs ended in Buhari’s dragnet Mansur Oladunjoye, Asst. Politics Editor
n advertising parlance, the unique and probably the rare quality a product has as an edge over other competing products is called Unique Selling Point (USP). In the case of President Muhammadu Buhari during the electioneering campaign, it was “zero tolerance for corruption.” This he sang as a chorister in all the states visited while soliciting votes. Truly, according to political pundits, it was the only quality that earned him the overwhelming and intimidating victory. Newswatch Times also recalled that he promised to tackle corruption, insecurity and economic issues, if elected, describing them as the fundamental challenges facing Nigeria. According to Buhari, All Progressives Congress (APC) would assemble a team of competent Nigerians to work with him to proffer solutions to the numerous problems plaguing the nation. Though yet to form cabinet, the President has already Áagged oͿ the war against the menace called corruption. For a start, Ali Modu SheriͿ, the former governor of Borno State, was said to have been detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for alleged corruption. He was reported to have willingly handed himself to the authority. Newswatch Times reliably learnt that some ocials of the previous administration of Goodluck Jonathan have started returning stolen funds, “in the interest of the country,” the governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir ElRufai recently conÀrmed. Still on its determined war against corruption, Buhari’s administration has been acclaimed to be recovering stolen funds from oil marketers after discovering some unlawful deals allegedly maintained by ex-Petroleum Minister, Diezani Alison-Madueke and some Nigerian oil companies as well as oil marketers. For the Àrst time after years of former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s government, the EFCC has detained some ocials of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) for N8 billion currency scam with six of them imprisoned. Also, Buhari has reopened $182 million Halliburton bribery case and charged those indicted to
court. A report on the Halliburton bribery scandal by the US government had indicted three former Nigerian leaders, a former vice president, a minister, and some intelligence chiefs. Aptly put, Buhari seems to be walking the talk! No wonder Àve former governors seem not be enjoying their retirement from oce as they hitherto toothless bulldog, the EFCC, has been investigating their activities while in oce. These governors having exhausted their immunity from prosecution, have now become regular guests of the EFCC where they are answering questions bordering on their alleged misdeeds in oce. These are Murtala Nyako of Adamawa and Sule Lamido of Jigawa, who couldn’t help but said after being remanded, “You mean I am now a prisoner?” Others are Ikedi Ohakim (Imo State), Chimaraoke Nnamani (Enugu State), Martin Elechi (Ebonyi) and Timipre Sylvia (Bayelsa State). In the case of Nyako (Adamawa State), he and his son, Abdul Aziz Murtala Nyako, were in Feb-
ruary this year dragged by the anti-corruption agency to court for alleged fraud and general corruption that includes money laundering and abuse of oce. After returning from his selfimposed exile, Nyako was quoted to have turned self in for the EFCC for interrogation on allegation of N15 billion money laundering. The 73-year old was however, grilled and later released owning to age and health situation. Sule Lamido The immediate past governor of Jigawa State, Sule Lamido, whose son has also been having a running battle with EFCC on allegation of money laundering was invited by the agency some weeks back. He honoured the invitation and was questioned for hours. Lamido came under EFCC watch for allegedly awarding contracts running into billions to companies linked to his family members. Timipre Sylva The ex-governor of Bayelsa State and a chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Timipre Sylva, is currently facing a six-count criminal charge Àled by the ant-graft commission.
According to EFCC, the charges include alleged illegal diversion of state’s fund, the disappearance of N6.5 billion from the state’s coͿer between October 2009 and February, 2010. Martin Elechi Elechi is not left out in the EFCC watch list. The 74-year Martin was invited on Tuesday, June 16 by the commission to clarify his role in the alleged theft of millions of naira in an asphalt contract for the state’s 13 local government areas said to have been poorly executed having been allegedly awarded to his son, Elechi Nnanna Elechi. Aside this, he is also asked to explain all he knew about misappropriation of funds provided to be used for centenary celebration. Ikedi Ohakim The former governor of Imo State, Ikedi Ohakim, is also facing hard time with EFCC as he was arrested in his Asokoro residence, Abuja, on Thursday, June 18, by the operatives of the commission over properties allegedly acquired. Also, the cases brought against him include alleged misappropriation of N18 billion bond loans obtained on behalf of Imo State government. He was charged with an alleged withdrawal of about N1 billion from the state account a day before leaving oce. The anti-graft war has also been extended to former governors Orji Uzor Kalu (Abia), Lucky Igbinedion (Edo), Chimaroke Nnamani, Saminu Turaki and Joshua Dariye. Others on the list are: Abubakar Audu, Danjuma Goje, Akwe Doma and Jolly Nyame. The Head of Media and Publicity of the Commission, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, who made the disclosure at a media brieÀng in Abuja on Monday, disclosed that the case of corrupt enrichment preferred against the serving Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State has been temporarily put on hold following his election due to the immunity clause in the Constitution. Uwujaren said that apart from seizing the assets of most of the suspects, EFCC has also frozen the accounts of companies linked to the suspects, adding that the commission has so far recovered N65billion from the suspects. Rabiu Kwankwaso Another celebrated case is that of the immediate past governor of Kano State, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, who has struggled to stop any atContinued on Page 49
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Ndigbo not deserving of FG cabinet slot â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s associate Chief Nkwo Nnabuchi was the chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Anambra State and Commissioner for Works and Environment at various times during the administration of Dr. Chinwoke Mbadinuju. In this interview with journalists in his Mgbakwu country home, Awka North Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nnabuchi, touted to be a political associate of President Mohammed Buhari, laments the political naivety of Ndigbo among other issues. Alphonso Eze was there. Sir, shortly after the war, we discovered that Ndigbo are no longer there. Is it Nigeria trying to marginalise them or are they playing out of relevance? Firstly, if a man is unable to know himself, he will not understand the environment, and can hardly Ă&#x20AC;t into the structure of the environment. In 1960, we had a great soul, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, who played politics expressly and became the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. And from that point, the Igbo political calculation changed. To start with, we formed an alliance with Northern Nigeria, and it gave us all we needed. We were in control of the military, media, academics and civil service among others. But our control of these establishments was not for a long time. Two years after independence, we were in alliance with the North,
that the problem began.
The West that we entered into alliance with went back to tell the North, behold, this people are not trustworthy, let us ally with you and teach them a bitter lesson. And that was the eÍżect of 1964 General Election. In the 1964 election, we lost it because we were out of the alliance. And our boys in the military thought that it was necessary to use the army to create the system, the coup became sectional, and it was bloody. After that, the pogrom, the civil war and since then, we have not found our feet because we have not maintained a credible alliance. For us to maintain an alliance, we must go to the past structure, and for you to be part of the past structure, you must be an insider in the decision making process. When you are in the periphery, whatever is the outcome of the decision, you are now asked to implement rightly or wrongly. And what you are implementing, you may not even know.
we balkanised the Western Region and carved out Midwest. Thereafter, Awolowo from the West was sent to jail and consequently, by that act, the US was our enemy because when you destroy such a group, you
are bound to have problem with them. However, due to political immaturity and recklessness, the same people went into alliance with the West, and it was then
So, since then, the Igbo pulled out of the political structure of the country and they have not made serious eÍżort to be reintegrated. After the election, the Continued on Page 49
A month too short to judge Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s govt â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Prof Eghosa Osaghae Professor of Comparative Politics, Eghosa Osaghae, is the Vice Chancellor of Igbinedion University Okada, Edo State and a leader of the Ford Foundation-funded Programme RQ (WKQLF DQG )HGHUDO 6WXGLHV 'LUHFWRU RI WKH &HQWUH IRU 3HDFH DQG &RQĂ LFW 6WXGLHV at the University of Ibadan as well as the schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chairman, Senate Curriculum Committee. He recently hosted intellectuals from the academia to a symposium in Benin City, titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2015 Elections: Coming to Terms with a Miracleâ&#x20AC;?, where he discussed unfolding events that led to the emergence of the new government. THANKGOD OFOELUE cornered the erudite scholar for an interview where he discussed some of the problems with Nigeria and possible solutions. Excerpts:
o you know that there are symposia like this concerning Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s politics, but hardly had anyone been used to chart Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political route? We have a framework problem that is almost cultural, to do with our mindset. The attitudes, mindset and values of those
things constitute our cognitive map. You need to have a cognitive map. In that map, you have the assumptions, attitudes and so on. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diÍżerentiate two societies when you are in the United States or South Africa, and something needs to be done, they bring together people who should know. They use expertise, knowledge
and insights from those who should know. There is no monopoly about who should know, but we have diÍżerent areas of specialisation. People have spent 30 years, 40 years proving their mettle everywhere in the world. It is those people who drive policy, and we have constituencies of knowledge. The problem
with our country is that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use knowledge. There is a disconnect between government, the governing process and knowledge. The international Ă&#x20AC;nancial institutions, especially the World Bank have made it almost mandatory that when you are dealing with the policy process, there are basic things you use as template- that it is participatory, democratic, transparent, accountable. The kind of statement you made earlier that we have had symposiums like this comes out from this kind of mindset. Because when the guys insist that these are the kind of steps you take in the execution of these projects, they gather people together for two or three days, they speak the grammar and they go. You have a checklist and you mark it as done. This is a diÍżerent setting itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not Continued on Page 50
July 18, 2015
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t toy with your chances ...Akanni tells Oliseh not to rely solely on ready-made players for Super Eagles
LMC hammers Wolves over inadequate security
Ogbonna signs for West Ham for ÂŁ8.5m >>Pg.19
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Maduabuchi Kalu 08080669826
League Watch
LMC hammers Wolves over inadequate security
he League Management Company (LMC), the organiser of the Nigeria Football Professional League (NPFL) has hammered the Delta State Football Association (DSFA) for not ensuring adequate and proper security at the Warri Township Stadium during the Match Day 17 Glo Premier League match between Warri Wolves and Enyimba International. Warri Wolves Team Manager and player were also subjected to disciplinary measures for various breaches of the Rules and Framework during their rescheduled Match Day 7 ęxture in Ibadan against Shooting Stars Sports Club (3SC). These decisions were conveyed to the various parties through leĴers signed by the Chief Operating OĜcer of the LMC, Salihu Abubakar. He said the LMC has a duty to call every
individual and club to order to serve as deterrent to others who may ęnd themselves in similar situations. In these latest disciplinary measures carried out in exercise of Summary Jurisdiction, a ęne of N250, 000 has been imposed on Warri Wolves for the encroachment on to the ęeld of play by its oĜcials and substitute players. The Club’s Team Manager, Gordon Ogbe was also ęned N50, 000 and suspended from one match for exhibiting several acts of misconduct and “failing to set positive example for others and showing disrespect to the Match OĜcials by leading a confrontation that delayed the Match OĜcials from gaining access to the changing room” Midęelder, Ikechukwu Ibenegbu was also handed an additional one match ban to the automatic ban arising from his expulsion in
the match against 3SC and ęned N50, 000 for “several acts of misconduct including showing disregard for the authority and decision of the
Bolus rues defeat at 3SC
Referee by refusing to leave the ęeld after being issued a red car and violently pushing his ęngers into the eye of the Referee”.
iwa FC head coach, Tony Bolus, has described as a bad day his side heavy defeat at Shooting Stars Sports Clubs (3SC). The Tin City side were handed a 0-3 defeat by the Oluyole Warriors in Sunday’s Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) match day 17 clash at the Lekan Salami Stadium in Ibadan. First half brace by petite striker, Ajani Ibrahim and Najeem Olokokun dimmed the Jos outęt to their heaviest away defeat of the ongoing season. Bolus said his side could have changed the fortune of the game but were unlucky not to convert any of the chances that came on their way in the later part of the game. “Well, it’s one of those
Rangers, Enyimba’s match, no big deal – Chime
edia OĜcer of Enugu Rangers International FC, Foster Chime, has played down the proposed Week-19 ęxture of the 2014/15 Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) league tie between Enugu Rangers and their perennial rivals, Enyimba International FC of Aba. According to Chime, there’s nothing special about the game against Enyimba and as a result, the Flying Antelope as the Coal City based side are
known, are not disturbed about the game because as far as they are concerned, it is a normal league game just like others. “Well, as far as we are concerned, there is no cause for alarm in tomorrow’s game against Enyimba,” Chime began. “There is nothing special about playing a league game against. We see the match on Sunday as a normal league game which we have been playing. “Therefore, there are no extra preparations that we are going to have in
Week 18 Fixtures
respect of the game against Enyimba. We will only prepare the way we used to prepare for our league games after all this is not the ęrst time the two teams are meeting for a league game. “We are not disturbed at all. We will only play our normal game on Sunday and I believe that Enyimba will also play their game. So, there is nothing to worry about as far as Rangers are concerned in respect of tomorrow’s game against Enyimba,” Chime said.
Sunshine to compound Taraba woes
eague leaders, Sunshine Stars of Akure, have concluded plans to ensure that visiting FC Taraba, will be dealt with tomorrow as they prepare to maintain their strong hold on the league table. The Governor Olusegun Mimiko boys who suěered 1-3 defeat in the hands of two time African champions, Enyimba International FC of Aba would like to use this game to pacify their teaming fans who had thought that with the way they have been going the worst result they would have come back with from Aba was a draw but the Aba elephant disappointed them. On paper and from current form, there is no way FC Taraba would not suěer defeat in the hands of Sunshine Stars tomorrow.
Sunshine are currently toping the league with 33 points after week 18 games same with Enyimba and Wikki but have superior goals advantage and having suěered defeat in Aba on Wednesday, they are surely going to unleash their fury on FC Taraba. Having said that it does not mean that FC Taraba will not give Sunshine
Stars a ęght game. Who says they cannot surprise bookmakers by either drawing or defeating Sunshine Stars at home. Like the say, football is not mathematics and as a result it will be wrong totally wrong to write oě FC Taraba due to the position they are occupying on the log. But the gap between the two sides is so wide that it
games as well as bad days in football, I think the players allowed what they perceived as poor oĜciating from the referees to get the beĴer part of them. “I’m not trying to make excuses for the heavy defeat but I believe it was a bad day for us. “We came back strongly in the second half and could have earned few goals but we were unable to convert any of the chances. “We have taken some positives from the defeat and will certainly work on the lapses to get beĴer results in future. “I’m quite conędent we will bounce back to reckoning very shortly,” said Bolus to supersport. com. The massive loss to 3SC leaves Giwa FC on points haul on 28 from possible 51 in the 17week old top Ěight.
seems mission impossible for FC Taraba to beat Sunshine but in football everything is possible.
Ifeanyi Uba
Rangers v
Shooting v
El Kanemi
Sunshine v
Ta r a b a
Wo l v e s
League Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Team P Sunshine 18 Enyimba 18 Wikki 18 Giwa 18 Heartland 18 Ifeanyi Uba 18 Rangers 18 Pillars 18 Abia 18 El Kanemi17 Wolves 14 Nasarawa 18 Akwa 18 Lobi 18 Shooting 16 Kwara 17 Sharks 18 Bayelsa 18 Dolphins 18 Taraba 16
W 10 9 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 4 5 5 3 4 3 2
D 3 6 6 7 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 5 3 8 4 4 9 6 8 6
L 5 3 3 3 7 7 7 8 8 7 5 7 9 6 7 8 6 8 7 8
GS 28 24 24 23 26 21 20 20 22 16 18 17 12 14 13 15 14 12 16 14
GA 17 15 15 18 20 16 19 18 23 21 13 20 18 20 12 21 19 20 21 23
+/+11 +9 +9 +5 +6 +5 +1 +2 -1 -5 +5 -3 -6 -6 +1 -6 -5 -8 -5 -9
Pts 33 33 33 31 29 27 27 26 26 24 23 23 21 20 19 19 18 18 17 12
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Sports/EURO League
Kane ready to get back to business after Bahamas trip
oĴenham Hotspur striker, Harry Kane, admits he is ready to get back to business after returning to home turf following his summer break. England international Kane, who scored 31 goals in all competitions last season, has recently been relaxing with his girlfriend Kate Gooders in the Bahamas. Kane was given an extended summer break following his involvement in the England Under 21s’ unsuccessful European Championship campaign in the Czech Republic. And it certainly looks like the 21-year-old has enjoyed himself having been spoĴed
swimming with pigs in the Exuma Cays, an archipelago just east of the main Bahamian islands, just days ago. But it now seems the Chingford-born aĴacker is ready for action, he said on his Instagram: ‘Amazing time away with @ kategoodersxx. Back in the UK now ready for businessǷ ǛBahamas.’ ToĴenham fans will be hoping all interest from Manchester United will be ignored during the remainder of the summer as they look to keep hold of their star man. Earlier this summer it was reported that Kane, who has previously had loan spells at Millwall, Leicester City and Norwich, was being lined
up as a potential addition to Louis van Gaal’s Manchester United side. Van Gaal has already splashed the cash on Memphis Depay, Morgan Schneiderlin, Bastian Schweinsteiger and MaĴeo Darmian this summer, but a striker is still on the Dutchman’s list. United are short of numbers in aĴack having seen Radamel Falcao and Robin van Persie vacate Old Traěord this summer and there are also doubts over Javier Hernandez’ long-term future. Kane is among a number of targets including Edison Cavani and could cost the Manchester club upwards of ǡ45million should Daniel Levy cave in and sell the club’s prize asset.
Ogbonna signs forWest Ham for £8.5m
est Ham United have completed the signing of Juventus centre back, Angelo Ogbonna, for an ǡ8.5million fee after he passed a medical and agreed terms on a fouryear deal. The Italian international, 27, was the subject of late interest from Southampton, Everton and Napoli but the Hammers secured his signature to make their latest signing of an alreadybusy summer. ‘I am delighted to have joined the club, Ogbonna said. ‘I wanted to play in the Premier League and am happy to be in London. ‘My heart told me that the right decision was to play for West Ham United. I cannot wait to start working under Mr Bilic and with my new teammates. I feel ready for this new adventure.’ Juventus turned down Southampton’s oěer for Ogbonna, understood to be ǡ10m, because they had already given their commitment to Slaven Bilic’s side. Everton and Napoli also made their interest known but the player chose a move to east London. Ogbonna only arrived at Juve in 2013 from city rivals Torino but he was
unable to displace ęrstchoice centre backs Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci. The 6 foot 3 star is adept at playing at left back as well as in the centre and he has made 10 appearances for the Italian national side. In a strange twist of events, West Ham cochairman David Gold accidentally tweeted a picture of Ogbonna when welcoming new signing Pedro Obiang to the club last month before later deleting it. Announcing the signing on Friday, Gold thankfully
got the right player as he wished the ǡ8.5m man all the best at Upton Park. Ogbonna gets up ahead of former Manchester United centre back Nemanja Vidic to win a header for Juve West Ham co-chairman accidentally tweeted a picture of Ogbonna when welcoming Pedro Obiang last month The Hammers reached the second qualifying round of the Europa League on Thursday night with a 1-0 win at Lusitans completing a 4-0 aggregate victory.
You must defend better, Benitez tells players
eal Madrid manager, Rafa Benitez, has warned his new side they will need to work on their defensive aĴributes this season if they are to end their season-long trophy drought. Benitez took over the reigns at the Spanish club earlier this summer as Madrid’s poor season culminated in the departure of Carlo AnceloĴi and the appointment of Benitez. Many players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, had the backing of Italian AnceloĴi at the end of last season, despite the fact the club didn’t live up to their usual billing. And a large percentage of Madrid fans were, and still are, angered by the thought of Benitez and his ‘negative’ football gracing the Bernabeu pitch this season. Their fears are unlikely to have diminished following the former Liverpool
manager’s comments about becoming more defensive this season in their quest to win matches. Benitez told the club’s oĜcial website: ‘I want us to be a team that go out to win every game. ‘A team that take the initiative, are assertive, that aĴack as well as in recent years and that defend a liĴle bit beĴer, to achieve that balance that will enable us to win more games and have a greater chance of
winning trophies.’ Benitez and his side are currently in Australia preparing for the new upcoming La Liga season with a series of friendlies against the likes of Roma and Manchester City. Ronaldo was all smiles with Karim Benzema in the Australian sun on Thursday, but the allaĴacking forward, who was a fan of AnceloĴi, is unlikely to be impressed with the defensive
Mayweather bad for boxing, taunts Khan
mir Khan accepted an honorary university degree and then called on Floyd Mayweather to face one ęnal examination before hanging up his gloves. The unbeaten welterweight champion has yet to conęrm his next opponent on September 12, which has been billed his ęnal ęght. Khan believes Andre Berto, aged 31, has been lined up for the bout amid speculation that it could set up a more lucrative ęght next May. The pound-for-pound king would equal Rocky Marciano’s record of 49 career wins by beating Berto. Khan told Sky Sports: ‘I think he is ǽbecoming bad for boxingǾ. I’ve always asked, why ęnish your career on a low note? People want to see him ęnish his career on
a high, ęghting the guys people want to see him ęght. ‘The fans all want to see him ęght against Amir Khan. Does he really want to end his career by ęghting someone he knows he’s going to beat and beat convincingly? Khan and his cousin,
cricketer Sajid Mahmood, were recognised for their contribution to sport and charity work by the University of Bolton at a ceremony on Wednesday.. Khan, 28, who was born and grew up in Bolton, is a former two-time world champion who has fought at three diěerent weights.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Gbolahan Dada
Don’t toy with your chances ...Akanni tells Oliseh not to rely solely on ready-made players for Super Eagles
x-international, Waidi Akanni, has warned Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh, not to rely solely on the players who are featuring prominently for top clubs in Europe, saying that talents also abound in the country. Akanni urged Oliseh to pick Super Eagles players on merit in respective of where the players may be plying their trade across the globe. “What Oliseh needs are good and quality players and such talents could come from our local league here in Nigeria. We may also get good players outside the European leagues. It depends on his choice. He should not just narrow it to those from top clubs in Europe,” Akanni said. The former Eagles midęelder rubbished Oliseh’s statement that his technical crew will only give exception to those players from any of the age-grade national teams. Akanni argued that if most of the players in the top leagues are not measuring up to the national team standards, Oliseh would be forced to bend the rules and look elsewhere for potential Super Eagles materials. “Oliseh should ask
for wisdom and how to manage the only chance to impress as Eagles coach. What Nigerians want is result. You can’t please them with anything than good result and I know Oliseh is equal to the task. He will not mess up the opportunity,” he said. Oliseh had vowed to justify the conędence reposed in him with the Eagles job after he was unveiled by the Nigeria Football Federation, (NFF), on Wesnesday. “One thing I will say, dear compatriots, is that I am not a Messiah. I have come to do my very best, give 150%, to take Nigeria football to the next level, with the support of my assistants, the NFF and relevant stakeholders. I am optimistic that we will lift the Nigeria game to a new height.” Oliseh, who played professionally in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany, and won Olympic football gold, Africa Cup of Nations gold, silver and bronze and played in two FIFA World Cup ęnal competitions, signed a three-year contract with an option for an additional another year. The NFF leadership later presented Oliseh and his assistants to the Director General of the National Sports Commission, Mallam Alhassan Saleh Yakmut.
Be vigilant, Oduah cautions Oliseh F
Victor Enyinnaya
ormer member of the Nigeria Football Association (NFA), Prince Isidore Oduah, has hailed the leadership of the federation on its bold decision to sack the former coach of the Super Eagles, Stephen Keshi, of his position and seĴled for Sunday Oliseh, cautioning both parties to avoid the pitfalls that led to strained working relationship with the former helmsman. ‘’The style in NFF is hosanna today, crucify him tomorrow. Once his ideas are diěerent from theirs, he will start having problems with them. It’s the norm the past coaches went through with the executive commiĴee board. Though , Keshi derailed when he was not supposed to, however, the forces against him was much, hence they were able to pin him down on the alleged Cote d’ Ivoire top job,’’ he said. According to him, in his assessment, Oliseh looks more articulated than his former coach. He has the charisma though; the main crux of the maĴer is how to get things working again in the Super Eagles. We must not sweep under the carpet that the sudden exit of Keshi
will aěect many things in the set up. No doubt he had lots of inĚuence amongst the players. The AFN executive commiĴee member added that the new coach haven seen a lot on how the modern game goes, will be try to be at his best, as he gets his acts together to ensure he would straighten obvious areas that are lacking in the national side. In short, the ęrst step he would take is
to bring every member of the team together. Its only there and then, he will set the tone. ‘’It is my belief that Oliseh would not fall to the same temptation that the former coach fell deep into. He has to draw line between what he wants and the things that would not be in best interest of the game in the country. If he re-enact his passion when he played
for the team into his new assignment, there is no doubt he will go far. Keshi set standard and achieved which the coach must tremendously improve upon. There is a lot that will be put on ground in order to get the national team together in again. We must not lose sight that all is not well in the team and a lot has to be done to ensure Eagles would be solid again,’’ he added.
Bosso: Ndifreke an asset to Nigeria
bia Warriors Football Club of Umuahia Technical Adviser, Isa Ladan Bosso, has described his new found striker, Ndifreke EĜong, as an indispensable player which every wellgroomed coach would pray to have on his side because of his versatility. Speaking to Newsmen at the Enyimba International Stadium, Aba after the Warriors’ 3-1 victory over visiting FC Taraba from Jalingo, Bosso commended Ndifreke for neĴing a brace in the game and for his overall performance in recent matches which has since him score ęve
goals in his last four. “Ndifreke to be sincere to ourselves is an asset to this team (Abia Warriors), an asset to Abia State and an asset
to this country because he is a player that every determined and serious coach will like to have in his team. He is a player that can play from the defence, from the
midęeld and from the aĴack, and even from the goalpost because in one training session, I used him as a goalkeeper and he did very well”, Bosso said.
The Akwa Ibom State born utility player, scored twice in the second half last Sunday after scores stood at 1-1 as the players went into the tunnel.
FIFA ethics panel pushes for transparency
FIFA independent ethics commiĴee has recommended greater transparency for football’s governing body as FIFA takes steps to demonstrate reforms ahead of Monday’s Executive CommiĴee meeting. The push for greater transparency comes after Swiss oĜcials announced that one of the seven FIFA oĜcials arrested in urich
as part of a U.S. corruption probe had been extradited to the United States. Cornel Borbely, the chairman of the FIFA ethics commiĴee’s investigatory chamber said he will appeal to FIFA’s Executive CommiĴee for the ability to conęrm and make ongoing proceedings public in both the commiĴee’s investigatory and adjudicatory chambers.
“As it stands, the FIFA Code of Ethics prevents the names of accused parties within an investigation from being disclosed upon request. This is inconsistent with state criminal proceedings in Swiĵerland and Europe, which would provide signięcantly greater transparency,” Borbely said in a statement released by FIFA on Wednesday.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
Saturday, July 18 2015
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Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 01, No. 38
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Celebrating women of substance
Patience, tolerance ingredients for successful marriage â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oluyemisi Alatise
26 My Love
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
– Oluyem
isi Alatise ǡ Ƥ ƥ Ǧ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ ǡ Ǧ Ǧ ǡ Qismat Yinus. ǡ
ell us about yourself I am Mrs Oluyemisi Alatise, just recently elected Vice-President of International Inner Wheel. I am currently a director of our family business, Tuntishe Investments Limited, and I’m also the company secretary. Like I said earlier, I was just elected as the International Vice- President of Inner Wheel. What exactly is Inner Wheel about?
Inner Wheel used to consist of wives of Rotarians until three years ago when our membership became open to other ladies. It is a service organization, a charity organization. What Rotary does is the same as what we do at Inner Wheel, but in a more personal basis. The Inner Wheel was set up to promote true friendship, encourage the ideals of personal service and to foster international understanding. We give a lot of personal services. We empower widows and give scholarships
to orphans. There is also a project we call “School In Bag” which we have been doing for four years. Each year we distribute at least about 2,000 bags that contain stationeries, school uniforms and rubber school sandals. We go to rural villages where they cannot afford to buy school uniforms for their children; we call this “Happier Future”. We also do empowerment and training programmes. We have a big vocational centre
My Love 27
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
where we train young women and girls. We are involved in micro-credit with very low interest to indigent women just to empower WKHP )RU WKH SDVW ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV ZHÂśYH EHHQ JLYLQJ IUHH FRPSXWHU WUDLQLQJV WR \RXQJ VFKRRO leavers. We train at least a hundred students each year. We have programmes that take care RI ORVW FKLOGUHQ DQG DOVR FKLOGUHQ WKDW DUH UHPDQGHG IURP PRUDO GDQJHU E\ WKH FRXUW $OVR young children whose mothers are serving MDLO WHUPV :H KDYH D KRPH IRU WKHVH FKLOGUHQ :H ZHUH WKH ÂżUVW FKDULW\ RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW WRRN FDUH RI WKH 0DURNR HYDFXHHV LQ ,NRWD E\ EXLOGLQJ D SULPDU\ KHDOWK FHQWUH ZKHUH WKH\ GR LPPXQL]DWLRQ RXW SDWLHQW DQWHQDWDO DQG RWKHU VHUYLFHV :H EXLOG OLEUDULHV IRU VFKRROV we have renovated schools too. Our projects DUH VR PDQ\ :H DOVR GR D ORW RI DZDUHQHVV IRU genotype to prevent sickle cell anaemia. Once D \HDU ZH GR KHDOWK IDLU LQ FROODERUDWLRQ VRPHtimes with medical women association where ZH GR IUHH WHVWV IUHH GUXJV DQG UHIHUUDOV IRU higher investigations. We go to villages without electricity and provide them with inverters. How accessible are all these services to Nige-
rians? 7KHVH VHUYLFHV DUH IRU WKH SXEOLF 1RQH RI WKH VHUYLFHV , KDYH PHQWLRQHG DUH IRU ,QQHU :KHHO PHPEHUV 3HRSOH ZKR DFWXDOO\ QHHG WKHVH services come to us anytime we have these programmes. Our doors are always open. We do IUHH KHDOWK FDUH VHUYLFHV DW RSHQ PDUNHWV Can you tell us about the membership procedures of Inner Wheel? First you have to be a wife, sister, or a daughter of a Rotarian to be a member of Inner Wheel. A member can also invite you. Are you Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representative at the International Inner Wheel? , KDYH JRQH EH\RQG UHSUHVHQWLQJ 1LJHULD :H have a national representative that represents 1LJHULD , DP QRZ DW WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ERDUG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO ,QQHU :KHHO LV LQ FRXQWULHV $PRQJ WKHVH FRXQWULHV VL[WHHQ PHPEHUV DUH SLFNHG IURP WKHP WR EH ERDUG GLUHFWRUV DQG DIWHU \RX KDYH EHHQ D ERDUG GLUHFWRU \RX FDQ QRZ GHFLGH WR EH D SDUW RI WKH H[HFXWLYH We have a national representative which we FKDQJH HYHU\ \HDU , DP RQ WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDO ERDUG
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Continued on page 28
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We want to create a lot of awareness for mothers that they should allow their daughters to be vaccinated before they become sexually active
Published by
Newswatch Times Ltd. Publisher
tunde ESO
qismat Yinus Head Graphics
olukayode OGUNJOBI Graphic Artists
henry ENEGEDE/ chinwe DURUEKE
Newswatch Times, Satruday, July 18, 2015 Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
The first object is promoting true friendship, so when I am with Inner Wheel friends, I am relaxed because I am amongst friends and people of like minds
and also raise money to buy the vaccine. We want government to get into this and introduce the immunization against cervical cancer. This is my own primary aim. This is what I want the government to do. +RZ GR \RX ÂżQG WLPH WR UHOD[ DV a busy woman? reer woman, because I was a full these with your marriage? So what exactly do you do as the Well, when Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing Inner time house wife for eight years of Well, I started my marriage very Vice-President? Wheel work I enjoy it. I travel a my marriage raising my children. early. I married at the age of 20. All national representatives are ORW 7KH ÂżUVW REMHFW LV SURPRWLQJ I decided to go into trading and go I had my last child at the age of meant to send a report to the board back to school. I managed my time true friendship, so when I am with directors about issues that need the 31. So by the time I was busy, all Inner Wheel friends, I am relaxed well to suit the moment. of my children were grown. For attention of the United Nations. because I am amongst friends and instance I went to University when We have reps in the United Napeople of like minds. We do the What are the keys to a successful my last child was in secondary tions, in Vietnam, and in Geneva. I same thing, not coming together to school. So when there was nobody marriage? am in charge of collating all these gossip. We are putting our heads Patience, tolerance, and cooperain the house, I had plenty of time reports from our UN representatogether to help the less privileged. tion because you need to cooperate tives. We have a lot of Inner Wheel in my hands, so I decided to go to It is so easy to relax. It is such a with each other. University. clubs that are not districted, so as beautiful place to be. the Vice-President, I am in charge Do you need any support from the Tell us about your educational How supportive was your husof these clubs too. background? new government in power? band? My primary education was in He introduced me to Inner Wheel, We need a lot of help. Cervical How do you combine all these Aroloya Lagos, secondary educacancer is killing a lot of middle because he was a Rotarian. He was with your business? tion was at the National College My son is very capable. The busi- a past President of Rotary Club of aged women, and it is a problem of Commerce, Bariga. I had a of the poor countries, because in Lagos. In 1978, we went for a Roness used to belong to my husDiploma in Law from Lagos State the western world, young girls band. My husband passed away in tary Club function together which University. After my Diploma are immunized before the age of was the Ladies Night. I was introDecember 2014. When you have a LQ /DZ , VHUYHG EULHĂ&#x20AC;\ ZLWK WKH puberty against cervical cancer. duced to Inner Wheel and since passion for something , you will Lagos State Judiciary. But before We want to create a lot of awarethen I have not looked back. have time to do it. I have passion then, while I was a house wife, I ness for mothers that they should for Inner Wheel and I have passion was into trading and farming and allow their daughters to be vacAs a career woman, what advice for my husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business, so I I supported my husband to set up cinated before they become sexudo you have for ladies on balanchave time for both. his business. Here I am today runally active. So we want to raise ing their marriage and careers? ning the business in his absence awareness about cervical cancer, Well, I will not call myself a caHow were you able to joggle all
When you have a passion for something, you will have time to do it
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Five minutes with...
My dream is to be a musician from childhood –Felicia, Hip hop Artiste F e li c ia is a n im m e n s e ly ta le n m u s ic ia n w te d ho has car v e d a n ic h h e r s e lf . I n e for th is in te r a c ti o n w it h H ENEGEDE, E N RY she speaks a b o u f o r m u s ic , t h e r p a s s io a s p ir a ti o n s n a n d th e d e s ir b r e a k in to e too th e b ig le a gue of mus in N ig e r ia . ic ia n s E x c e r p ts :
an we know you please? My name is Felicia Tellaattoni, from Bonny Island, Rivers State. I am the fourth child from a family of eight. I grew up in Bonny where I had my nursery, primary, and secondary education. I then relocated to Port Harcourt, but studied Purchasing and Supply in Oko Polytechnic, Nekede. How long have you been in the music industry? Hmmm, professionally about two years. When did the desire to be a musician start? I think the desire started since childhood. As a child, I had always wanted to sing especially during thanksgiving on Sundays in my church. I also sang to myself even while in the bathroom or in any part of the house. Eventually, as I grew up, I became a backup singer to some gospel artistes in Bonny and Port Harcourt. I also attended some auditions both in Port Harcourt and Enugu. What inspires you to keep doing what you are doing? Like I said earlier, I did a lot of backups until I met Rexona Zipamor, aka Dr Rex. He gave me song which he had written, but was searching for a female backup. Fortunately, when I was chosen as the 5th runner up in a talent hunt in Port Harcourt, I knew and believed right then I could sing. From there, I tried to improve on myself to be able to make a name. Do you have any albums at the moment? No not yet, but I have a single that is making waves here in Port Harcourt. Hopefully, before the year runs out, my album should be out. How often do you perform in live shows? Yeah, I do a lot of shows in Bonny and Port Harcourt. Have u been signed up to any record label? Not yet, right now it is just my manager and I, but if any record label comes around, that will be good. And if not, I will still be here in Port Harcourt doing what I know how to do best.
What are those challenges you have had since you started as a musician? You should know those things now. Anyway, getting sponsorship and how to break into Lagos market and make waves has been challenging. If I am able to overcome them, then the sky will not even be my limit.
Lastly, what message do you have for Nigerian youths? They should stay focused and work hard because nobody will do it for you. Put *RG ÀUVW DQG HYHU\ RWKHU WKLQJ ZLOO IROORZ Don’t allow anyone to talk you down and say you are not good enough. It takes time, EXW \RX ZLOO ÀQDOO\ JHW WKHUH 7KDQN \RX very much for having me here.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Love Tips
Tunde Eso e-mail:tundeeso@yahoo.co.uk 08057482794
Ten things women should never say to their men
en don’t want to hear from things certain you while in a relationship. To keep your happy, healthy relationship healthy and happy, stay away from the following phrases. Here are ten things women should never say to their men: 1. “Man up.” This emasculating phrase is never, ever appropriate. He is a man. If he’s not meeting your expectations, learn to communicate this clearly and without insult. 2. “We need to talk.” Yes, you should talk to your man. No, you should not warn him that you need to talk about something yet-to-be-described that will likely be uncomfortable. This phrase is the most likely to shift him into defensive mode. Try a more loving approach and you will surely get beĴer results. 3. “Size doesn’t maĴer.” If size doesn’t maĴer, don’t talk about size. 4. “Is she preĴier than me?” Related: “Do I look fat in this?” If the question you’re asking him has only one acceptable answer — and if a too-long pause in responding will only feed your insecurities — just trust that his answer would have been the right one and don’t bother to ask it. 5. “You’re just like my ex.” Worse: “I’ve had better.” You don’t want to be compared to his exes, so don’t compare him to yours. Even if he comes out on top, it’s still an awkward comparison. 6. “Are you really that stupid?” Be careful not to use language that emasculates and beliĴles your guy. Treat him with respect, even when you’re angry or disappointed. 7. “Never mind. I’ll do it myself.” Don’t dismiss the oěers of help from your man. A common love language is acts of service. Don’t deny him the opportunity to serve you. Sometimes it’s nice to feel needed. 8. “I can’t live without you.” Use desperate language with caution, and stay clear of phrases that sound clingy in early stages of the relationship. Let him take the lead when it comes to commitment and promises of a future together 9. “I’m not your mother.” Worse: “I’m just like my mother.” Keep your mom(s) out of it, unless you’re actually talking about paĴerns learned from your respective families of origin. 10. “Nothing’s wrong.” Yes, it is. He can’t read your mind. If something’s wrong, tell him what’s wrong.
Newswatch Times, Saturday July 18, 2015
op Nollywood and Award-winning screen diva Rita Dominic on July 12 celebrated her 40th birthday . Born 12th July 1975, she has featured in hundreds of movies since she hit Nollywood in a big way. She is from Mbaise local government area of Imo State. She attended the University of Port Harcourt, where she studied Theatre Arts. 7KH ÂżUVW PRYLH VKH DSSHDUHG LQ ZDV 0\ *X\ (1998). Some of her other movies are The Intruder, All My Life, and The Meeting. In 2012, she won the AMAA award for Best Actress in a Leading Role, for The Meeting. Join us in wishing her a happy birthday. As she turns 40, her friends and close associates have taken to their various social media accounts to celebrate a diva who isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t looking any inch a 40-year-old!
Rita Dominic turns 40
ollywood has lost one of its veterans in WKH LQGXVWU\ DV 6LU 2]RU $NXEXH]H KDV EHHQ FRQÂżUPHG GHDG 7KH GHFHDVHG who has been battling with an ailment for a long time was reported dead in Enugu on Friday last week. According to sources, the well-respected actor and Nollywood icon was battling with pancreas disease and underwent surgery operation sometimes last year.
Nollywood loses Sir Ozor Akubueze
opular MTV Base presenter and actress, Stephanie Coker, debuts her must-see web series â&#x20AC;&#x153;Steph Rocks TVâ&#x20AC;? ZLWK VSRQVRUVKLS IURP 1LJHULDÂśV OHDGLQJ ÂżQDQFLDO LQVWLtution, First Bank Plc. Shortly after the premiere of the SLORW ZKLFK UHFHLYHG RYHU YLHZV LQ LWV ÂżUVW ZHHN Coker decided to pitch her online series to a group of investors who could help her bring the show to life. Steph Rocks TV is an interactive online show developed by November 28 Productions that caters to current and prospective returnees who want to experience life on the African continent. The UK-bred presenter relocated to her home country in 2011 and was introduced to a new world of entertainment and adventure in the budding metropolitan city of Lagos. Season 1 of the online series covers everything from entertainment news to social media trends, music, fashion and lifestyle tips delivered to audiences in Cokerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quirky, XQÂżOWHUHG GHPXUH LQIXVLQJ VDVV LQWR UHDOLW\ WHOHYLVLRQ â&#x20AC;&#x153;In an era of countless blogs, vlogs and reality TV shows, young people have all kinds of viewing choices but 8 out of 10 times, the content they consume is mindless entertainment. I wanted to create a web series that will entertain and educate Teens, Tweeds, and College Students & Young Professionals who want to know more about Africaâ&#x20AC;? says Coker. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wanted to create content for a target demographic (Gen Y & Millenials) that watches more and reads less. I recruited the help of Wunmi Bakare, a seasoned PR consultant and writer to create Steph Rocks TV - a show for returnees just like us!â&#x20AC;? On this episode, we highlight the never-ending argument on accents, showcase two of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s budding fashion houses, run through the top 5 chart topping hits and take you down the iconic Ikoyi-Lekki bridge in â&#x20AC;&#x153;#D.D.S (Double Dare Steph)â&#x20AC;?, a segment where viewers suggest outrageous dares across multiple social media platforms.
Steph Rocks TV is back with a twist - puts new spin on reality television!
eautiful Ghanaian actress who has been plying her trade in Ghana and Nigeria whose charming face and has endeared her to numerous fans across Africa, Juliet Ibrahim, is under fire from her fans that are mad at her for a recent action she undertook. Her numerous fans have been on her for taking up an endorsement deal which they believe is going to work against her. They believed that her endorsement of such a brand means she is in support of what is not good. The 29-year-old light-skinned mother of one was spotted on the billboard advert of one of the popular bleaching creams in Ghana, Carotone. One of Juliet Ibrahimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s teeming fans that got angry by the billboard advert, Chris Vincent of Ghana Celebrities said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pathetic to come across a bleaching celebrity, but for one to boldly become a poster girl for a bleaching cream; that is diabolical, insensitive and grossly callous, considering the fact that we have a large population of uneducated Ghanaians who would just buy these products for the mere fact Juliet Ibrahim is on there.â&#x20AC;? In his rage, the visibly angry Vincent expressed his utmost disappointment of how Juliet could stoop so low to deceive the people that ought to be looking up to her for good morals as she is a role model to many. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how much they paid Juliet Ibrahim and I do not care to know else, I would have asked her. However, I am offensively disappointed to see a mother of one, a well-established name with several young followers having seemingly relegated her conscience into the gutters, for the sake of money.â&#x20AC;? The beautiful actress won the best actress award in a leading role at the 2010 Ghana Movie Awards for her role in 4 Play.
or years, talented actress, Queen Nwokoye, who is doing well in Nollywood, has been snubbed by the Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), one of the major awards organisers in Nigeria. However, her efforts have now been recognised by the organisation. She was recently announced a nominee for the Best Actress Awards in Leading Role Category. The actress, who is based in the Eastern part of Nigeria, exSUHVVHG KHU JUDWLWXGH DQG H[FLWHPHQW WR EH ÂżQDOO\ UHFRJQL]HG IRU her hard work. According to her, the nomination came as a pleasant surprise and she thanked fans who made it possible. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am still not over the pleasant surprise of being nominated in the 2015 AMAA Awards Best actress in a Lead role category. Thank you so much everyone. I really appreciate you.
Queen Nwokoye thanks fans for AMAA nomination
on the story. The actor has accused the National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) of killing the growth of movies produced from Nollywood. 6KH VDLG ³1LJHULD ¿OP FHQVRU ERDUG VKRXOG SOHDVH NQRZ H[DFWO\ ZKDW WKHLU MRE LV 5DWH WKH ¿OP EDVHG RQ WKH VWRU\ QRW DVNLQJ XV WR UHPRYH VFHQHV .LOOLQJ ¿OPV VLF ´
ce Nigerian actress, Shan George, who has VWDUWHG SODQV RI VKRRWLQJ KHU ODWHVW Ă&#x20AC;LFN Âľ2QH *RRG 0DQÂś DIWHU WKH VXFFHVV RI KHU ODVW Âľ)LQGing Goodluckâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, advised the board to only rate movies submitted to them for approval, based
Shan George hit hard on national film censors, says they are killing Nollywood
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Angry fans blast Juliet Ibrahim over endorsement deal
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
bright day amid so many dark ones, Bobby Brown and wife Alicia Etheredge welcomed a baby girl into the world on Saturday, July 11. This is the second child for the couple who are also parents to 5-year-old Cassius. According to information, Etheredge was admitted to CedarsSinai Hospital in Los Angeles on Friday, July 10, and was induced next day. In May, the couple, who wedded in 2012, shared adorable photos from Etheredgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s baby shower. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Lady and Baby,â&#x20AC;? the R&B singer one particularly precious shot of his wife surrounded by baby shower gifts. Brown, 46, also has four other children from previous relationships, including 22-year-old Bobbi Kristna, who remains in a medically-induced coma after she was found unconscious and face down in a bathtub at her Atlanta-area condo in January this year.
Bobby Brown, wife Alicia Etheredge welcome baby girl amid Bobbi Kristina tragedy
ort Harcourt-based singer, Duncan 0LJKW\ ZLOO ÂżQDOO\ ELG EDFKHORUKRRG goodbye later in July 2015. He will on that day join the league of entertainers who got married in 2015, just like IK Ogbonna, Gbenro Ajibade and others, who got hooked this year. 7KH VLQJHU UHYHDOHG WKDW KH ZLOO ÂżQDOO\ EH VHWWOLQJ down with his long-time lover, Vivien, who he has been dating for a long time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Join me thank God Almighty as I exchange marriage vow with the bone of my bone come this day 25th, July 2015,â&#x20AC;? he announced. On November 16, 2014, the singer proposed marriage to Vivien in the presence of her friends, who were then around to celebrate her birthday.
Duncan finally announce July 25 as his wedding date
e-mail: murphyaa_2007@yahoo.com
Ajibade Alabi 08023934887
More Tripping...
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Qismat Yinus 51
Basketmouth celebrates wife as she turns a year older Comedian Basketmouth’s wife was a year older on Monday, July 13, 2015 and he took to Instagram to send her a loving birthday shout out. These two have been together for over 10 years. He wrote: “For the wonderful times we’ve shared together, for the adventure, the love, the laughter, the friendship and all, I’m thankful for your life and I look forward to making many more memories with you. Birthdays come around every year, but you @elsieokpocha come once in a lifetime. Words can’t express how much I love you, so I have decided to use numbers.... 123456789.” Happy birthday, Elsie!!!
Tinsel actress Tomi Odunsi gets engaged
ctress/singer Tomi Odunsi is engaged to her long time boyfriend, Seun Fadina. The fitness trainer, who is also a personal trainer to Davido and the HKN Gang, dropped to one knee and popped the question last Sunday, and Tomi said yes.
Serena Williams stuns at Wimbledon Champions dinner
ms, stunned legend, Serena Willia he 33 years old sports the Wimbledon floor-length gown at in a peach-coloured guruza on er beating Garbine Mu Winners dinner. Aft ledon champion, e the oldest ever Wimb in Saturday, Serena becam r major tournaments les for the world’s fou and now holds the tit one year.
Newswatch TImes, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Abaya designs, a trending fashion Qismat Yinus In this modern world, abaya designs are the symbol of grace, elegance and fashion.
women would love to wear abaya designs in different patterns and styles in order to get outstanding and beautiful looks. Because of increasing popularity, many fashion designers include abayas in their collections. Basically, abaya designs are the combination of unique ideas, dark colors, latest cuts and traditional themes. These days, women would love to wear them in a wide range of bright colors which gives a graceful and elegant impression to every womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s personality.
you may not be and y ideas a ith w an om w a s ing, Omu Obilor is gree in Engineer ite having a de sp de at th ut ed ief Exec ive surpris esses. As the Ch sin bu r he ot o to nt º ¶ÁÈÄ she is also in ºÃÉÈ ¥Á¶ÃÃºÇ È½ Ë Î ÊÇ ÊÍ Ç ¡ ¾ÁÄ ¤· ¤»IJ¸ºÇ Ä» ¤ÂÊ ¶É¾Äà ¶Ã £ ¤ ¾É½ ¶Ã¸ºÇ ÄÊù Ì Ã¼ ˾ ¡¾ à Ǻ Á¹ ¾Á¹ ½¾ d the need ¶ö¼ºÈ hood cancer an ild ch of s es en ar n that creates aw for her foundatio e has done a lot Sh n. io ct te de for early much more. rself, and wants to do spoke about he ADE ALABII,, she IB AJ ith g w t ar In a ch ents planning ventured into ev e sh hy w d an n io her professio Äü ÄɽºÇÈ »ÄÇ É½º £ ¤ ¶Â º »Ä ˺ ÄË Ç Á ¶Ã¹ ½º
an we know you ma? Omu is the woman next door who loves life and living, hence my decision to be a luxury event planner. I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Engineering, worked brieÁy and veered into business. i am a member of Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC) and a Sandals and Beaches specialist. I also maintain good relations with various destination facility providers, with emphasis on luxury. I speak at various international industry events and have succeeded in building a good network that enables me work anywhere in the world. I am a blogger and I love reading. Why did you rebrand to luxury events planning? I had built a strong network with a lot of world leaders in the industry and they all kept saying the same thing. Anytime we had discussions in both formal and informal fora , they always felt I would thrive better in that niche. I knew that as well, but wasn’t too sure how acceptable it would be in my own environment. But the turning point was when I attended Luxury Event Planners Summit in 2013. :DV WKHUH DQ\RQH ZKR LQÁXHQFHG \RXU FKRLFH" Quite a number of people did. However, Lynnette and Sasha did encourage me. For every time I felt I was throwing resources down the drain attending these conferences, they assured me I will reap results in future. 0D\ ZH NQRZ ZK\ \RX JRW VR PXFK LQWHUHVWHG LQ GHVWLQDWLRQ weddings? It was a coincidence. Sandals and Beaches is one of the members of Association Of Bridal Consultants (ABC) and there is a free training at the annual conference. So that was my initial exposure to it. After going on the farm trip I got stuck. Thereafter, I started exploring other viable destinations. +RZ FRPH \RX GRQ·W KDYH D FKDSWHU RI WKLV DVVRFLDWLRQ LQ Nigeria? There is really no special reason. They are actually open to opening a chapter in Nigeria, but there has to be at least 13 members. How do you unwind? I am a gym rat! I am also on the board of an NGO I work with. It is called Children Living with Cancer Foundation where we create awareness of childhood cancer and the importance of early detection. What inspired your NGO? I was brought up to look out for the less privileged. Asides from that, I feel awful when I go to places like LUTH and you see children who need just N10, 000.00 to stay alive. You start to ask yourself questions.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
7KHUH DUH VR PDQ\ 1*2V ZKDW PDNHV \RXUV GLÍżHUHQW" CLWCF is the Ă&#x20AC;rst charity catering for children with cancer and their families 2WKHUV KDYH FRPH DQG IROGHG XS DOPRVW LPPHGLDWHO\ ZK\" Having health professionals and parents on the board means we are at the heart of the problem. We create awareness as well as support via free drugs, counselling, creating an oncology ward for children, equipping the ward, we are still are equipping the ward and training for the health care givers. :KDW DUH WKRVH TXDOLWLHV ZH VKRXOG H[SHFW IURP D JRRG HYHQW SODQQHU" Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an important step so make sure you choose someone with these qualities: 1. ORGANIZATION: This cannot be stressed enough the key to planning any event is to be properly organized and well prepared. Chaos and disorganization should not be part of an event plannersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; vocabulary. 2. ABILITY TO LISTEN: This is hugely important because you need to listen very carefully to what your clients want to be able to plan the event they are paying you for. A happy client is a returning client. 3. ADAPTABILITY: You need to be prepared for any mishap that may occur and you often have to readjust your event and adapt it to the changes. There will always be changes, often at the last minute and you need to be able to adapt to these changes without Ă inching. 4. ATTENTION TO DETAIL: This is also key for a successful event. Often times, it is the little details that make a huge diÍżerence. A sharp eye is often the diÍżerence between a good event and a great one. 5. CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS: You can be as sharp and organized as can be, but if you neglect your customer service skills, you will likely lose clients and aÍżect your reputation. This quality is fundamental because your client has an undeniable power that is essential to an event planner: Word of mouth. Your client has clients and those clients have clients and so on, and if you oÍżer exceptional customer service, the word will spread quickly to a number of people and those people can all become clients of yours.
The Counselor Bimpe Onwuchekwa bimpechekwas@gmail.com
eing careful, persistent and conscientious at oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work and duties is like it, really. You are certainly full of vision, mission and strategy for execution; this is so for the diligent. He is thorough, full of skill and expertise. He is judicious with time all the resources at his disposal. His living is governed by rules and regulations. He is full of research and findings for greater discoveries for exploits. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s acquainted with all the necessary information needed at every point to be resourceful. He is objective, decisive and addresses mistakes with scrutiny. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a reproach of the slot and a detest of the failure. What a child will become in the immediate future is guided by the culture and character built for him. A purposeful child should be trained to place a good deal of value on the way and manner activities are handled and performed in details. Also paying attention to the smallest details as tasks are given to them. For example, while we were children, when we were sent on an errand, the instructions of what to buy were repeated by the adult, we would repeat after the adult, then recite the instructions all the way to the place of purchase for perfect delivery of the task. This helps the child in remembering and recapitulating in details the instructions given by the adult. Homework given to the children at school should be done by them with concentration and supervision. Projects should be done and attended to with little assistance from the adult. Accomplishment at every tasks should be encouraged. Even when children are aware that some subject are more applicable or at preference over the other,not withstanding, every subject deserves their best efforts. Chores should be made with diligence. When a child washes dishes and pots, there is need for speed, being
Diligence is being judicious with time & resource -
careful and thorough, making sure all the dishes are well washed, rinsed and ensuring no breakage. Clothes should be washed and checked for leftover stains before spreading. Every splash or drop of water on the floor should be moped and cleaned to prevent accidents or stench on rugs or carpets as the case may be. Children need to be taught the art of planning today about what to do tomorrow. When, why how, which first, the needed tools and so on. This would put their faculty to work other than for academics only and allow for their independence emergence. An independent child is diligent in all. Children should be conversant with these words;dexterity, perfection, conscientious, careful, improve, initiative, persistent, prompt, accomplishment, maintain, manage, improvise, innovation and many more. My mum used to say â&#x20AC;&#x153;what is worth doing at all,is worth doing wellâ&#x20AC;?. After they execute a task,children need acknowledgement, appreciation, reward once in a while and motivation sometimes when they are reluctant. Motivation comes with tease, reminder of precious rewards, previous approach of appreciation and so on. Always follow up on task given, to alert them and keep them on their toes. For instance, a visit to their room would mostly create reasons to instruct on what to do. Give instructions and directions on how things should be done. Go back to check later how far and how well the instructions have been adhered to. Contributions should be allowed from them on how best to execute a task. With their contribution, a sense of commitment and diligence is actualised. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t shut them down,let them voice their thoughts. Listening to children is important, to bring about confidence and esteem in them. These days, children are usually over pampered. Parents do not know the difference between pampering and the stage of rendering their children redundant and idle. Remember â&#x20AC;&#x153; an idle mind is Satanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s workshop â&#x20AC;&#x153;. When the mental faculty is used up, while the other aspects of their being is under utilised. They grow up becoming unfulfilled about life. They would always have unilateral expectations and line of excitements. Like birthdays, anniversaries, graduation from one class to another and so on. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no short term based excitement and accomplishment. Even games are mostly IT based this days,unlike outdoor games which are performed on playground and fields. This allows the children interact,exercise,learn and mix freely with other children,thereby
aiding and improving their agility. Infact some schools never utilise their playground, believing all the children need is academic excellence. Excitement gotten from repair of gadgets, maintainance of various things, construction of things ,pilling of things,packaging items,stacking toys and other items, transferring materials, mending, various measurements techniques and many more. These should be encouraged so that when they are older than they will be interested in their use of hands ( manipulative skills). After a child has been sourced out for strengths, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s then taught to be diligent at it. Frequent assessment of what children do bring about innovation, improvisation and short cuts to task tackling there by making them diligent at performance of whatever they find themselves doing. A diligent child will be quick to becoming a skilled,reliable coordinated youth. Honesty,punctuality and loyalty is the watch word for a diligent youth. A diligent youth is submissive to authorities, other peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideas and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s given to initiative. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s on the look out for information and criticism to be better of at handling tasks. A youth that has been brought up to be diligent will be spontaneous and original in disposition. He will know how to choose his friends, mentors, role models and partners. Partners for business especially. He wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make random choices but with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, to know if they would be complementary to achieving greater heights. Kings, leaders, achievers and pioneers are their choice for identity. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s able to sense crises swiftly and promptly, he looks before he leaps and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s able to ascertain peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mistakes to his advantage . A diligent youth is out to break records, stand out and be his best at every stage of accomplishments. Every one receives revelation, a diligent man executes it. He studies and understands terms sharply. A diligent man upholds the law and order of his country ,appreciates the use and technicality of hierarchical administration. A couple that has imbibed the necessary virtue of being diligent will certainly breed a successful and excellent home, since itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s with diligence that wisdom and understanding are found and attained. A man whom with his wife is complementary with diligence will surmount issues in their marriage with ease. Whatever comes up will be handled with the necessary dedication, commitment and scrutiny. They are careful sensitive about each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feelings, impression and fears. The diligent couple will never give up until there is a solution. They are usually optimistic and enduring.
PAThis i G SAs for E
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (middle), his Deputy, Dr. (Mrs.) Oluranti Adebule (4th left) and other Muslim Faithful during the Ramadan Tafsir at Lagos House, Ikeja, Lagos.
Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode (4th right) with some Muslim Clerics during the Ramadan Tafsir at Lagos House, Ikeja, Lagos.
(L–R) Ahmet Bozer, President, Coca-Cola International, John Purchase, Supply Chain Director, Ben Langat, Managing Director, Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Limited, Zoran Bogdanovic, Group Regional Director, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company and David Omowaye, Line Manager, NBC Limited, during a plant tour to NBC Ikeja Plant that held recently.
(L–R) Ben Langat, Managing Director, Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) Limited, Ahmet Bozer, President, Coca-Cola International, Amb. Olusegun Apata, Chairman, NBC Limited and Zoran Bogdanovic, Group Regional Director, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company during a visit to NBC Limited, Ikeja Plant that held recently.
Managing Director/CEO, Bank of Industry Limited, Mr. Rasheed Olaoluwa (Middle); Director, Banking Supervision, Central Bank of Nigeria, Mrs A Managing Director/CEO, Central Securities Clearing System, Mr. Kyari Abba Bukar gnes Tokunbo-Martins (L) and Managing Director/CEO, Central Securities Clearing System, Mr. Kyari Abba Bukar during the risk managers association of Nigeria Annual national conference in Lagos.
L-R: Managing Director/CEO, Bank of Industry Limited, Mr. Rasheed Olaoluwa; Director, Banking Supervision, Central Bank of Nigeria, Mrs Agnes Tokunbo-Martins; Managing Director/CEO, Central Securities Clearing System, Mr. Kyari Abba Bukar and another participant at the conference.
L-R: Divisional Head, Transaction Banking, Rob Giles; Chief Executive Officer, Uzoma Dozie and Head -Cards Services, Joachim Iloemezue, all of Diamond Bank at the 2015 Card Expo Exhibition ceremony in Lagos recently.
L-R: Director, Banking and Payment System, Central bank of Nigeria, Dipo Fatokun; Managing Director, Intermarc Consulting, Adeyinka Adeyemi and Head, Cards Services, Diamond Bank Plc, Joachim Iloemezue, at the 2015 Card Expo Exhibition ceremony in Lagos recently.
3 39
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
L-R: Director, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Engr. Mike Afadi; Director, Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA), Mrs. Celine Oni and Chairman, Ruff ‘n’ Tumble, Mr. Adegbola Ogunlesi
L-R: Financial Secretary, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Deliverance District, Elder Gbenga Abioye; Pastor Ayorinde Samuel; Guest Speaker, Pastor Mrs. Motunrayo Lydia, both of Christ Salvation Church, Oke-Oko Isawo Agric, Ikorodu Lagos; Supretedent, Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Alapere Zone, Ketu Lagos, Pastor Ezekiel Olu Adebayo; Director of Evangelism, CAC, Alapere Zone, Evangelist Elizabeth Sade Adebayo; Invited Guest/Freelance Evangelist, Prophet Opeyemi Alabi; Deliverance District Good Women Leader/Chairman, Anniversary Committee, Deaconess ‘Deroju Abioye and District Sunday School Coordinator, Evangelist Olatunde Sunmola, both of CAC Deliverance District, Ketu, during the CAC Deliverance District Good Women Anniversary in Lagos…last Sunday. Photo: Bode Agbede
Chief Responsibility Officer, Ruff ‘n’ Tumble, Mrs. Adenike Ogunlesi (fifth right); Director General, Industrial Training Fund (ITF), Mrs. Chukkas Onaeko (fourth right) and Director, ITF-NECA Technical Skill Development Project (TSD), Mrs. Helen Jemerigbe (third right) and Director, ITF, Mr. John Enyi. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho
Left: Deliverance District Good Women Leader/Chairman, Anniversary Committee, CAC Deliverance District, Ketu Lagos, Deaconess ‘Deroju Abioye and members of the District Good Women Choir during the CAC Deliverance District Good Women Anniversary in Lagos…last Sunday. Photo: Bode Agbede
Parish Priest of Christ the King Church Toto, Lafia Diocese, Very Revd Fr. Christopher Edebianga (left) blessing members of Catholic Knights of Saint Mulumba Gwagwalada Sub-Council.
Grand Knight of the Catholic Knights of Saint Mulumba Gwagwalada Sub-Council, Mr. Patrick Ozegbe (right) congratulating Prof. Alphonsus Ikeotuonye, Mr. Vincent Azogini (second left) and Secretary of the Sub-Council, Mr. Shuaibu Ojeya.
Ogun State Acting Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga (2nd left); Master Onwuha Nnemeka; 2nd Right (1st Position); Master Onmoya Prince Dan; 1st left (2nd Position) and Master Anuigbo Stephen 1st Right (3rd Position) during the presentation of prizes to the 3 best students of the 6th edition of Prof. Wole Soyinka International Cultural Exchange Essay Competition in commemoration of his 81st Birthday Anniversary held at Governor’s Offices Complex, Abeokuta, Ogun State… on Tuesday.
Ogun State Acting Governor, Chief Mrs. Yetunde Onanuga; The State S.S.G Barrister Taiwo Adeoluwa; Ogun State Head of Service, Mrs. Modupe Adekunle, (at the center) enveloped by the 81 students that participated at the event.
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Start your day with lime water
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
How to cook Gbegiri soup/ Miyan wake
Qismat Yinus 08027022738
he lime with botanical name citrus aurantifolia is one of the most populous citrus juices found in the Nigerian market. It is a tropical fruit that is native to Asia. It is a diet-friendly and heart friendly ingredient that is low in calories, fat-free with bags of other nutritional importance. For better health, one of the most important changes you can make is to start your day with a glass of warm water, adding a tablespoon or half cut freshly squeezed lime juice to it without any sweetener, this may be taken an hour before breakfast. Limes are very rich in vitamin C, which is an antioxidant nutrient. Vitamin C supports the immune system function and helps protect the cells from damage caused by free radicals. According to the National Cancer Institute, free radicals are charged atoms which can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed, they can react with important components within the cells such as DNA and cell membranes thus, impairing their function. Vitamin C also aids in the formation of collagen, a protein that plays a vital role in the production of blood vessels, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Vitamin C is important in healing wounds and fractures of bones; facilitates absorption of iron; and increases resistance to diseases and infections such as scurvy and common cold which may develop into cough, allergies, etc. They have high mineral contents such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potasssium. Calcium prevents rickets and aids bone formation; magnesium is a cofactor in enzymatic release of energy and also helps to regulate and normalize the heart health; phosphorus aids formation of bones and teeth, helps form membranes and genetic materials, maintenance of bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proper acid/base balance and also aids nerve/muscle function. Potassium helps to regulate Ă uid balance, muscle contraction and aids in the function of the heart and kidneys. Lime is regarded a very good treatment aid of digestive disorders such as chest burns, vomiting, indigestion, burning in the chest due to high acidity and constipation especially when it is taken Ă&#x20AC;rst thing at mornings. It helps to prevent peptic ulcers and also assists in the assimilation of fats, alcohol and establishing excessive bile produced by the liver. Lime water has an alkalizing as it helps enables the body maintain a higher pH. The higher or more alkaline the pH, the greater chance that the inner terrain will be resistant to minor and major diseases. There are disease-Ă&#x20AC;ghting compounds found in limes known as limonoids. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, the body can readily absorb and use a speciĂ&#x20AC;c long-acting limonoid called limonin to induce cancer cell death and may be particularly beneĂ&#x20AC;cial for protecting against cancers of the skin, breast, mouth, lung, colon and stomach. Studies have also shown that lime helps dilute uric acid, which if it accumulates it creates arthritic pain and joint pains. It is a remedy for swollen gums, piles, insect stings, eye disorders such as old age cateract, weight reduction, etc. They have antibiotic properties shown to protect against the contraction of cholera, a research published in an article: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tropical Medicine and International Health,â&#x20AC;? shows that drinking lime juice with the main meal protected participants against cholera disease.
Gbegiri or Miyan Wake is a Nigerian soup that is indigenous to the Yoruba and Hausa tribe. Gbegiri / Miyan Wake is made with cooked de-hulled beans (beans with no coat/hull), that has been mashed and enriched with palm oil, fish(crayfish or smoked fish) and spices. The Yorubas call it gbegiri, while it is known as Miyan Wake in Hausa. Gbegiri/MiyanWake is a nutritious soup and tastes real good. Ingredients t H CMBDL FZFE PS CSPXO CFBOT t TNBMM TNPLFE .BDLFSFM 5JUVT t UBCMFTQPPO HSPVOE DSBZÄ&#x2022;TI t CJH TUPDL DVCF t DPPLJOH TQPPO QBMN PJM t 1FQQFS BOE TBMU UP UBTUF
Before you cook gbegiri soup &OTVSF ZPV IBWF TPNF CFFG chicken stew because the beef for the gbegiri soup comes from this stew. 3FNPWF UIF CFBOT DPBU BOE soak the beans for about 3 hours. This
soaking makes the beans soft so that it cooks in less time. This way there will be no need to use potash to cook the beans. If you are using peeled and dried beans, you XJMM OFFE UP TPBL JU PWFSOJHIU 1SFQBSF PUIFS JOHSFEJFOUT pound/blitz the pepper and grind the crayfish. Cooking Directions 1VU UIF QFFMFE BOE TPBLFE CFBOT JOUP B TJ[FBCMF QPU 1PVS XBUFS UP DPWFS UIF CFBOT BOE TUBSU DPPLJOH BU medium heat. 2. While the beans is cooking, prepare the ewedu soup which is used to eat the Gbegiri Soup. 3. Cook the beans till they become so soft that it practically melts when you mash it with your fingers. This takes BCPVU IPVS :PV XJMM OFFE UP UPQ VQ UIF water from time to time but make sure UIF XBUFS JT BMXBZT BU UIF TBNF MFWFM BT
the beans. This ensures Th UIBU ZPV IBWF jjust the right amount of water in the soup when the beans is done. 4. Mash UIF WFSZ soft beans with a potato masher. You can also blend it with ZPVS LJUDIFO CMFOEFS GPS B WFSZ TNPPUI consistency. I do not like pouring the hot beans into my blender then pouring it back into the pot after blending. And it is not practical to wait for the beans to cool down, blend it and then continue cooking! 8IFO ZPV BSF IBQQZ XJUI UIF smoothness of the beans, add the smoked fish, salt, pepper, crayfish, stock cube and palm oil. $PWFS UIF QPU BOE DPPL BU NFEJVN IFBU GPS BCPVU NJOVUFT PS UJMM UIF oil blends with the rest of the ingredients. This is when the oil changes from red to yellow. 7. Stir from time to time so it does not burn. 8. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it! The gbegiri soup is done.
Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Saturday, July 18, 2015
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Anti-graft war: How ex-govs ended in Buhari’s dragnet Continued from Page 15
tempt by the EFCC to eͿect his arrest over alleged fraudulent use of pension fund. According to media reports, Kwankwaso approached a Gezawa High Court for an injunction restraining the agency from arresting him. Newswatch Times gathered that the EFCC pursuit on Kwankwaso may not be unconnected with a petition by Kano pensioners to the commission, in which the former governor was alleged to have applied under hand tactics in the management of pension fund. In the petition Àled by Bashir Nasir Co and signed by A. B. Bulama Esq, it was alleged that Kwankwaso deposited N2 billion in the Kano branch of defunct Euro Bank Plc, but soon after the deposit was made, the bank went into liquidation. The petition further reads that Kwankwaso refused to follow up for a claim of the said deposit from the NDIC. According to the petitioner, Kwankwaso’s action was a Áagrant violation of the provisions of the Kano State Pension and Gratuity Law. The EFCC chase on Kwankwaso came just a week after ocials of key ministries that included the incumbent Accountant General of the state, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance and his counterpart at the Ministry of Works were interrogated by EFCC in connection with the petition. Kwankwaso who has been in Abuja since he handed over power to Abdullahi Umar Gandu-
Former Governor Orji Uzor Kalu of Abia State being led by men of the anti-graft commission.
je was believed to have left behind over N300 billion debt that included N199 million unpaid advert bill. The Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission may have also begun to probe the alleged fraud of N108.1 billion of Akwa Ibom funds by former Governor Godswill Akpabio.
This followed a petition by an Abuja-based lawyer, Leo Ekpenyong, who urged Buhari and the EFCC to look into the alleged looting of Akwa Ibom State treasury. According to information from the National Bureau of Statistics and the oce of the Accountant General of the Federation, Akwa Ibom received staggering N1.6 trillion from FAAC between June 2007 and May 2014. He went on to list homes and assets bought by the governor through several surrogates. Those he named include multi-billion naira mansionette at Plot 28 Colorado Close, Maitama, Abuja and another multi-billion naira mansion at 22 Probyn Road, Ikoyi Lagos. Others include a multi-billion naira mansionette at Plot 23 Olusegun Aina Street, Parkview, Lagos and a multi-billion naira 25 storey building at Akin Adesola Street, Victoria Island, Lagos. The EFCC are now scheduled to arrange Akpabio for questioning over the alleged crimes. Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Information during the administration of Mr. Akpabio, Aniekan Umana, has described the petition as scribbles of a person who fails to understand the workings of government. “Every sum withdrawn from a government account is tied to a sub-head, and there must be a budgetary provision. To attribute fraud to withdrawals which had the full sanction of government and was accommodated in the budget is strange, mischieContinued on Page 53
Ndigbo not deserving of FG cabinet slot – Buhari’s associate And in crisis, everybody will say “to your tent O’ Israel”. That was what Igbo introduced military coup, furthered Boko Haram and created military government, which means the waste we witnessed. the Igbo destroyed the regional At the tail end of the journey, structure and devolution of powers. Jonathan knew the journey was And after that, we are faced with this incomplete. The IG was from his challenge, the Presidential System of place, army commander was from government. his place and the director of SSS was Dr. Alex Ekwueme became the from his place. These are the three Vice-President to Alhaji Shehu key elements that could contain Shagari in the second republic, yet strife, and crisis. we did not support Shagari. In the economy side, the governor $QG LW ZDV GLFXOW IRU XV WR EXLOG D of Central Bank was from his area, power base if we did not give Shagari so he held the economy and security the necessary votes for the sake of apparatus for his people and for that our son, Ekwueme. After Shagari, purpose, so that if there is any cause we came to PDP and ironically, the for “your tent O’ Israel”, no force PDP was a party whose goals were will say no, everybody will go. to re-balkanise Nigeria. What do you expect for Igbo If you look at the administrative under Buhari’s regime, especially style of Obasanjo and Jonathan, now that the Western region is in WKH\ ZHUH QRW GLͿHUHQW (YHU\WKLQJ serious alliance with the North? was going smoothly. Corruption It is a misconception to say was at its height; the idea was to that the Western region has an create a lacuna or better say - a alignment with the North. The loose government. Strike, lack of scenario playing out now in contentment became the order of APC is not APC scenario; it is the the day, and this created the crisis. Continued from Page 16
scenario of the political caucus of the country. They are not in alliance with the North now. When Tinubu brought Bakare as Vice-President to Buhari did the West vote for them during the election? In the last election, the West even played double game, one leg for Jonathan, another for the North. So, you cannot say there is an alliance between the North and the West. What is your take on the call for the implementation of the report of National Constitutional Conference? Where is the report of the conference? It was deceit. It was a political gimmick to allow people to talk and air their views. It was not meant to take a step further. How can the people of the South East get themselves reintegrated into the country’s political hall of fame? We are not at war with the North, but with our southern
brothers. Why do the Yoruba gun for the Speaker of the House of Representatives when they have the vice president? The reason is simple: they laboured to vote Buhari, according to them, and therefore, whatever comes to the South must go to them. If you want to play politics, you have to play it the way it ought to be. There is a person in Anambra State, a senator who is angling for the appointment as Secretary to the Federal Government, but he didn’t support Buhari in the party’s primary election; he didn’t support him in the election proper. If he did not, what are the credentials to have this opportunity of SGF? You must work to eat. I am not saying that the Igbo must be thrown overboard because of their naivety. No. All our rights as stipulated under the constitutional provisions must be given to us. The ministers to Continued on Page 50
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Politics A month too short to judge Buhari’s govt – Prof Eghosa Osaghae Continued from Page 16
a government setting. It is a volunteer service - just in case nobody is paying attention; we need to have sober reÁections on the last elections in the country. What do these elections mean for us? What went in to the elections, and what do we expect from the elections? This is the kind of things serious-minded stakeholders should be doing. We have charlatans who disguise as people who should know, and these are the dominant group that people see. So when you talk about having symposiums like this, that’s what you have in mind. What I listened to during the symposium is information which would be wasted if not utilised by the current government. Don’t you think so? Well, we have conference reports and communiqup, which will be widely disseminated. As you heard the lady who
chaired the sitting, ¶those who have ears let them hear’. We cannot force people to use them, in as much we know they are priceless. Barely one month after APC took power, they are already having issues. Do you think the coalition that ousted the PDP will stand? Coalitions by their very nature tend to be very fragile, and when you have a fragile situation, it has to be handled with all care. It’s not surprising that this is happening to the APC, but when you have these kinds of challenges at the beginning rather than at the middle or the end, it’s good for the coalition, because it means that they can quickly begin to address situations that are dicult to address. If they papered those cracks and pretend that all is well, it may collapse in the long run. One month is a very short time for a new party, new government
intent on making changes. One needs to talk about patience, not giving to accusing them of slow motion. We must listen to what they are saying from within. A lot of people are saying that things got very bad in the last 16 years, but if indeed it got that bad, you don’t expect the problems to be solved less than a month. Those who
say the party ought to have done its home work since March has a point, but it is better to plan, and plan well so you don’t make mistakes instead of plunging headlong into failure. I will say it’s a new experience and coalition for the APC. People say they are strange bedfellows, but even
the strangest bedfellows were held together by certain common threads and common interests. So I don’t think APC is diͿerent. I think it’s better that these kinds of issues come up front and give the party room to settle and resolve them. There are lot of theories about what is wrong with Nigeria, that it’s just one or two simple things that need to be done to save Nigeria. What major things do you think will be handled to save Nigeria? You don’t deal with complex issues in such simplistic manner. It’s overly simplistic to say that Nigeria’s problem can be reduced to one, two, three; no matter how basic the problems seem to appear. Somebody might tell you that the greatest problem Nigeria has is that ¶Nigeria has not deÀned itself’. That is even more fundamental. If you Continued on Page 53
Ndigbo not deserving of FG cabinet slot – Buhari’s associate Continued from Page 49
people of the zone do not deserve patronage under be appointed must reÁect the administration? the Federal character. We They don’t deserve are hearing that Buhari patronage. They don’t wants to streamline the deserve it because they ministries into 19, which did not work for it. But I will create three ministers am not saying that they from each zone. should be abandoned; Those people struggling if you did not work, for political positions did you don’t have to tell not labour for what they those who returned now want. I am an Igbo from the farm that you man and wouldn’t like us want to eat. It is only to have our share in the if they are benevolent sharing equation, but they enough, that they will must behave by playing give you. Otherwise you politics the way it should. can only get something For example, Buhari based on constitutional brought late Dr. Chuba requirements; you are not Okadigbo, the Igbo didn’t supposed to be shouting vote for him. He later that you must be given brought Umuezoke, the this or that. Igbo didn’t vote for him. How much do you Buhari took Bakare, the know Buhari and how did west gave him Bakare’s your relationship with teeth. Now, he is having him start? Osibanjo, maybe that was First, I was an adult what gave him 60-40 or and working when 55-45. You must behave he was the Head of and act as a politician in state. Then, there was a sharing and beneÀt from change in the country. I what has been cooked. followed meticulously Are you saying that the administration because the people of of Obasanjo and the South East did not support technique he used to Buhari in the election, the destroy his opponents. I
started being interested in Buhari in 2003. I am not saying that he is the best in politics, but I am convinced that he has strong character and integrity. What we need is somebody that will turn Nigeria around. As at today, I will tell you that as far as Buhari is concerned, APC is as bad as PDP. There is no diͿerence between APC and PDP. We must accept it, if we want to tell ourselves the whole truth.
In APC stock, it is still the same old people, thieves from PDP stock, the same old people. What you are saying therefore, is that thieves made Buhari to emerge as the president? Thieves did not make Buhari president; rather, it was those people in agony with tears that made him president. You have to make a choice between the will of the people and the political marauders,
whether they wear APC gown or PDP gown. Those people who ran away from PDP like Obasanjo, to support Buhari were people who have foresight. They knew that if they had done otherwise, that would have been the end of the story for them. So, they didn’t support Buhari because they wanted the society to change, they supported Buhari for their selÀsh interests.
They don’t deserve patronage. They don’t deserve it because they did not work for it. But I am not saying that they should be abandoned; if you did not work, you don’t have to ask those who returned from farm that you want to eat. It is only if they are benevolent enough, that they will give you. Otherwise you can only get something based on constitutional requirements; you are not supposed to be shouting that you must be given this or that
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Anti-graft war: How ex-govs ended in Buhari’s dragnet Continued from Page 49
vous and untenable. More so, when one understands that there are checks and balances which guide all aspects of government Ànancial administration,” he said. He claimed: “There was no such provision in the budget of this year, and such an amount could not have been paid as an extra-budgetary expenditure and yet salaries and other commitments were met. We challenge the petitioners to provide proof to support this wild allegation. Who was it paid to? How was it paid? Where was it paid? And when was it paid? “Senator Akpabio does not own a 25-storey building in Victoria Island or in any part of the world, as alleged by the petitioner. It is also a patent falsehood that the house at 22 Probyn Road, Ikoyi belongs to Senator Akpabio. It is a rented building which ownership can be veriÀed from Lagos State Lands Registry. “Akpabio does not own the properties mentioned in the petition to belong to him. You can verify the ownership of the proper-
ties (5 Okokosi Close, Maitama and Plot 28 Colorado Close, Maitama) from the land registry in Abuja,” he said. He also denied the state received over N2 trillion as oil allocation, saying, “Please do note that the idea that the Akwa Ibom State Government received over N2.5 trillion in the eight years of the Akpabio administration is an outrageous lie. What this suggests is that Sylva the state government received an average of N26 billion monthly for the eration Accounts, Akwa period. What a lie! From published accounts of dis- Ibom State never received up to N26 billion in any bursement from the Fed-
month throughout the period. Note that in some months like the April and
May, 2015, Akwa Ibom State received about N8 billion only,” he pointed.
A month too short to judge Buhari’s govt – Prof Eghosa Osaghae Continued from Page 50
have not deÀned yourself, deÀned your community of interest, created the proper public that will be a body of citizens of a country who will have a stake of not only survival, but development of that entity, you are not ready to go, for take-oͿ. Some might say that’s more fundamental. So all these things we are doing, papering over the cracks and pretending they don’t exist, who says if you have good roads, water, security, that Nigerians can go to sleep? Of course, Nigerians will not go to sleep because all of these things cannot be done in isolation. When you have good roads, you still will think of employment, water, health care, income levels, security and human welfare. So there are no easy ways out of such complex situations. These things are not peculiar to Nigeria. It’s just that in many other societies,
they have managed to get it right by taking it diͿerently. It’s a truly participatory approach, that people will have what is called civic engagement. It’s not waiting to engage people at election times, it’s engaging them at all times- use friendly, needs driven and evidence-based engagements. Just don’t jump into things and decide for the people-that’s arrogance. It’s dicult to say this is the greatest problem Nigeria is facing now. Even you yourself, you can’t say one problem for yourself. But this includes the local level, state level and then federal level. Even if you decide to Àx one road in the country, another one is bad. That’s the situation. They are not isolatable, we cannot deceive ourselves. The ability to take on an agenda that recognises that we have diͿerent interests, and see that all of those interests as they crystallize and balance, that every person, every
group is treated well, with equity, justice is what we are looking for in our governors. You said earlier that the youths have now taken to violence. Don’t you think the society demands it? How can society demand that? In social contract
One month is a very short time for a new party, new government intent on making changes. One needs to talk about patience, not giving to accusing them of slow motion
theory, it is said that there was a pre-contract era also known as state of nature. State of nature is said to be a situation that is nasty, brutish and short. It’s a place where every man is his own government, enforces his own right, and claims his territory, insists that everything has to be done in his or her own way. That’s where our country is today. That’s the point. Every person’s rights ends where the other person’s rights begin. That’s the truth. Right comes with responsibility. Political theory is very clear- if all we do is to demand for rights without support for the system, it will collapse. You not only insist on your rights, you must also do your corresponding duty. This is one of the by products of prolonged military rule in our system. The fact that people now believe that if you want anything, the only way to get it is to be violent with government,
that’s an aberration. We need to address the sources of these outbursts that make us lose our restraint. Self-restraint is part of civilisation. Every person cannot be an enforcer of his or rights, that’s why we have governments. Because the social contract means that we come together to say, ‘I realise now the limitations of myself, and hand over to you as government, the rights I have is to be regulated by you, just ensure that I am justly treated.’ That’s a social contract. We are back to the state of nature, and that’s why life has no meaning here; we have little value for human life. You see our roads littered with dead bodies, and nobody cares. It’s survival of the Àttest, and that’s very violent. It’s like we have lost faith in government. That’s why we talk about citizenship and citizen engagement within the context of a new social contract.
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Saturday, July 18
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Lalong vows to uncover fertiliser thieves in Plateau
Gyang Bere, Jos
lateau State Governor, Simon Lalong has vowed to arrest and prosecute criminals who buy government fertilisers at subsidized rate and sale to peasant farmers at an exorbitant cost. He said a mechanism has been put in place to checkmate this dubious act with a commitment to encourage farmers to key into agricultural programme of his government to reduce over dependent on oil. Governor Lalong disclosed this in Jos during the
Áag oͿ of Fertiliser sales and distribution to farmers for 2015 farming season, held at ECWA Transferred Primary School, Jebu Bassa, Bassa Local Government Area of the State. He maintained “Let me warn here that government will deal decisively with middlemen who buy subsidized fertilizers at cheap rates only to take them to their store for re-sale to farmers at very high costs. “To check-mate the activities of these middlemen, a strong monitoring team is already in place to Àsh out those who will perpetrate this act. Government has constituted Ward Fertilizers Dis-
tribution Committees. These committees are expected to coordinate the purchase and distribution of two trucks of fertilizers allocated to their ward, which government is giving at a subsidy of 36% on the actual cost” Governor Lalong explained that “we shall pursue an aggressive agriculture and rural development policy to address the challenges of food security, poverty alleviation, job creation and ruralurban migration. “It is base on this that immediately this government was inaugurated; we commenced the process of procuring 650 trucks of assorted fertilizers despite the precari-
ous Ànancial position of the state’s treasury we inherited. “The State Government is also aware that our major source of revenue in the country is facing serious challenges due to falling oil prices, that is why it will concentrate on our great potentials that abound in the Agricultural sector of the state. “I make bold to say that Plateau State can be refer to as a state within the country that has the highest agricultural potentials. The state is blessed with weather that is favourable to the growth of many crops, including some temperature crops that would hardly grow anywhere in the country.
North Central
University don commends former Interior Minister Godwin Akor, Makurdi
university don, Professor Simon Akpakwu, has commended the former Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, for responding to the yearnings and aspirations of many youths while in oce. Akpakwu, who spoke on the occasion of a reception held in honour of the former minister at Ugbokolo in Okpokwu local government area of Benue state, said he facilitated the employment of many youths across the country. The senior lecturer with Benue State University, said in spite of the tragedy that took place during a recruitment exercise conducted by Immigration Service, Moro was a worthy ambassador.
He recalled that when Moro was chairman of Okpokwu local government, the area witnessed unprecedented development and added that the reception was organized to show the people’s appreciation for what their leader has done for them. Akpakwu urged Moro not to look back as Nigeria enters the crucial state of transformation in many sectors and called on the young ones to emulate his exemplary character. Responding to the gesture demonstrated towards him by his people, Moro said wherever they go, he would go. He said as a politician, service to fatherland would continue to be his watchwords and thanked God for enabling him to serve as minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for three years and eleven months.
Ex-CIBN President charges politicians on fiscal responsibility Tunde Busari
President Muhammadu Buhari receives the Vice President, Isiamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Mohammed Sharitmadari on his congratulatory message from the President of Iran, at the Presidential Villa Abuja...Thursday. Photo: Anayo Opara
Plateau CP credits peaceful sallah to IG visit
Gyang Bere, Jos
he Commissioner of Police of Plateau State Command, Mr. Nasiru Oki has aĴributed the peaceful celebration of Eid-el-Fitri in the state to the maiden visit of the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase. The Police Inspector General was in Plateau State on the
eve of the Sallah celebration to familiarise with the state police command since his assumption in oĜce. It was gathered that Arase had addressed stakeholders and religious leaders in the state on the need to live peacefully with one another and encourage them to work tirelessly to ensure a peaceful Sallah celebration. The CP said the celebration in Plateau is generally peace-
ful as security was beefed up around the worship centres to avoid any unforeseen circumstance. He noted that the citizens were advised to go back to their homes immediately after the prayer to avoid any act that could breach peace in the state. Newswatch Times observed that, security was beefed up in worship centres within Jos and its environs as worshippers were duly
searched before accessing the worship ground. He called on Plateau people to exhibit sense of maturity through out the holiday and beyond to consolidate on the peace currently enjoyed in the state. The CP also encouraged the public to report any suspicious move to the security agents, and remain vigilant by watching strange elements around their communities.
Niger gov’s wife links social vices to drug abuse
Justina Asishana, Minna
he Wife of the Niger State Governor, Dr. Amina Abubakar Bello has expressed shock over the high rate of drug abuse and addiction among youth, saying it is a major cause of many social vices in-
cluding insurgency. According to her, recent studies have shown that most criminals were in the habit of taking hard drugs each time they were about to engage in their operations. Bello who stated this after breaking fast with inmates at the Niger State Social Rehabilitation Centre in Minna said that the ęght against crimes
and insurgency need to start with discouraging the youths from being addicted to drugs. She urged Nigerians to show love to people who have been rehabilitated after the abuse of drugs to discourage them from returning to drugs and addiction. “I appeal to all of you to show some love to addicts who have been rehabilitated
when they return to the society to give them a sense of belonging and accept them without stigmatization to enable them feel free and not return to drugs,” she said. Explaining her decision to break her fast with the inmates, the governor’s wife said the people need to know that they are loved and understood by their leaders.
former P re s i d e n t and Chairman of Council, Chartered Institute of Bankers in Nigeria, Dr. Segun Aina has charged political oce holders in Nigeria to be more prudent in the application of public funds in order to reduce poverty in the country. Aina spoke in Ibadan at a two-day workshop organized by a non-governmental organisation, The Segun Aina Foundation (SAF) for the members of its Board of Trustees, Advisory Council and select beneÀciaries of the foundation At the retreat held at the StaͿ Development Centre, Iyaganku, he said since one of the cogent roles of government is the institution of social justice for all, it is desirable for government at all tiers to spend public money in the interest of the growth and development of the society and the common people. According to Aina, who was a member of the 2014 National Conference, “Political oce holders should do less things that would waste the resources of Nigeria because this money belongs to all of us”.
He appealed to the “Federal, States, Local Governments, Corporate bodies and even individuals to try and see how we can improve our society and make Nigeria better.” Aina is also of the view that if those in political ofÀces use the state resources to develop the people and infrastructure “Government will spend less on security as the ranks of unemployed youths, hooligans, armed robbers, and others who engaged in anti-social activities will deplete “. On the activities of the Segun Aina Foundation, the founder expressed happiness that many youths who had been privileged to beneÀt from the organisation’s project are today successful and are contributing to the development of the society. The Segun Aina Foundation Strategic Planning Workshop is held every Àve years to chart a way forward and enhance the plans by the organisation to expand its philanthropic activities. In the past 21 years, the Foundation has made its impact felt in the area of scholarship awards, empowerment of the Nigerian youth, mentoring and enlightenment of the people against pessimism and complacency.
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Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Sports Update
Lagos set for regional invitational tournament
he 2nd edition of the Regional Invitational Tournament will hold between July the 27th and 31st, 2015 in Lagos. The tournament,will be organised by Supreme Sports/360 Sports Entertainment in partnership with Pentagon Sports Management. The organisers are p g to create a data hoping
base whereby, the players discovered in the tournament would be monitored as they develop further. It will also try and expose the abundance of talent at the youth level to the technical aspect of football and help enhance their skill oě and on the ball.. Organizers anticipate a heavy turn out just as in the maiden tournament including team scouts and NPFL coaches
Sunshine ponder reprieve for Odunlami
igerian defender, Kunle Odunlami, look set to have the hefty N2.5 million (around Ǟ10,500) ęne slammed on him by Glo Premier League club reduced. The club revealed that the decision to review the ęne on the centre-back following his misconduct of “absconding from the team” comes after he oĜcially ęled an apology leĴer. The ęne slammed on Odunlami is now set to be reviewed downward as the club say they will continue to monitor the player’s behaviour. “The Technical CommiĴee of the Ondo State Football Agency has met and recommended to the management of Sunshine Stars Football Club of Akure that the N2.5 millionęne placed on its defender, Mr Kunle Odunlami for absconding from the team be reviewed downward while the player is being monitored. “The Technical CommiĴee made the recommendations after series of meetings held to look into the leĴers
of apology wriĴen by Mr Odunlami to the management of Sunshine Stars, his teammates as well as the technical crew for the embarassment, pain and loss caused the team when he abandoned and absconded from the team to undergo pre contract medical test in Morocco ahead of potential move to Raja Casablanca,” the statement from the parent body of Sunshine Stars revealed late on Thursday. Odunlami had played himself into trouble with his employers when he travelled to Casablanca in Morocco to open talks with Raja Club Athletic. The former First Bank FC man underwent a medical at Raja but returned to Nigeria days after the event to assess his physical ętness. Sunshine Stars placed him on an indeęnite suspension, ęned N2.5 million and later lifted the suspension. Odunlami has been a key squad member for Sunshine Stars, who are currently top of the Nigerian top Ěight, before he sneaked oě to Morocco in a bid to join Raja Casablanc
Tottenham make £8m bid for Moses
oĴenham have made an ǡ8m (Ǟ12.5m) bid for Chelsea winger Victor Moses, according to the Daily Mirror. The winger spent the last two seasons on loan at Liverpool and Stoke City respectively after falling out of favour with Jose Mourinho. ToĴenham are now looking to oěer him an opportunity of concerted ęrst team football, but will have to convince the Blues to sell to a direct rival twice in one transfer window. The Blues have
already allowed Petr Cech to leave the club in favour of Arsenal and may be unwilling to strengthen any other team in London at this point. Moses would be a direct replacement for Andros Townsend, who according to the report is set to leave the club this summer. Newcastle, Sunderland and Aston Villa are all interested in signing Townsend, but are refusing to meet Spurs’ inĚated valuation of the player. Chelsea’s desire to leave Moses would depend on their ability to land Pedro, who is currently deliberating on
his future at Barcelona. However, Stoke manager Mark Hughes has claimed that Jose Mourinho wants Moses back at Chelsea next season, scuppering their move to take the player on loan in a swap deal for goalkeeper Asmir Begovic, who signed for the Blues earlier this window. “I think Chelsea have a view on Victor,” Hughes was quoted as saying by the Stoke Sentinel. “What they are thinking, we believe, is that they would possibly like to keep him. If they go into the market again that could change that
idea. “Victor obviously came to us last year and did exceptionally well for us. There were a couple of injuries that hampered him unfortunately but he showed enough in his time with us that if made Chelsea very aware of the talent they have and what Victor could oěer.” The Blues are currently in Montreal, Canada for their pre-season training and will face the New York Red Bulls, Paris Saint-Germain and Barcelona before returning to England to face Arsenal in the Community Shield on 2 August at Wembley.
I’m honoured to serve Nigeria –Agu
ew Super Eagles goalkeeper’s trainer, Alloy Agu, has revealed that it is a big honour to always serve Nigeria and has promised to never take the opportunity for granted. Speaking only days after the quartet of Sunday Oliseh, Jean Francois Loscuito, Salisu Yusuf and Alloy Agu were unveiled in Abuja as new Super Eagles technical crew, Agu says he hopes to always prove himself. “God has been very faithful and I appreciate him for it; I also appreciate the NFF and Nigerians that saw the potential and quality in us
and has given us the opportunity once more to serve Nigeria” he said. The task in front of the quartet and any other back-room staě that may team up later is huge as Nigeria takes on Tanzania in Dar es Salaam in September with a bid to make two wins out of two after the team had earlier beat Chad 2-0 in Kaduna last Month. Agu, 48, further urged Nigerians to be patient with his coaching crew as they would need time to adjust before they can start working wonders. “To be a coach in Nigeria alone, there is pressure on everyone because Nigeria is a
Alloy Agu
football loving nation and therefore, a lot is expected of you and you cannot aěord to fail” “We believe that by the special grace of
God, we will not fail and with the support of every Nigerian, we will get the job done” the former Kayserispor goalie concluded.
Newswatch Times, Saturday, July 18, 2015
Sports Update Simon clinches historic Belgium Super Cup
igeria international, Moses Simon, has wriÄ´en his name in gold after he won a Ä&#x2122;rst Belgium Super Cup for Gent. The 20-year-old forward thus opened the 2015/2016 season with a trophy as he won the Belgium Super Cup with Gent with a 1-0 win over Club Brugge. Gent have twice failed to win the Super Cup in 1983/1984 and 2009/2010 seasons. The youngster, who represented Nigeria at
2015 FIFA U20 World Cup in New Zealand, was the architect of his teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory as he assisted Laurent Depoitre for the winner in the 87th minute. The Kaduna-born star was a 78th minute substitute for Ghana defender Nana Kwesi Asare. Moses Simon scored seven goals in 17 games for Gent last season after he joined in the winter transfer window from Slovak club Trencin. He won the Belgium league with Gent last season, which was the Ä&#x2122;rst in the club history.
Oliseh to hold talks with Enyeama Moses Simon
Mourning Falcons battle nemesis Eq.Guinea
igeria womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team, Super Falcons, will confront their biggest threat in Africa Equatorial Guinea Saturday in Abuja in continuation of the qualifying tournament for 2016 Olympics just days after they lost a team oÄ&#x153;cial. Falcons media oÄ&#x153;cer Gracious Akujobi lost her life in Abuja Thursday morning after a brief illness. A convincing Falcons home win will thus be a Ä&#x2122;Ä´ing tribute to the hard working team oÄ&#x153;cial. Equatorial Guinea are the only team to have won African Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Championship apart from Nigeria, winning it twice in 2008 and 2012. They defeated Nigeria
in 2008 in the semi-Ä&#x2122;nal 1-0 on their way to lifting their Ä&#x2122;rst trophy. The team will come parading several Nigerianborn players and full of conÄ&#x2122;dence against reigning African champions Nigeria, who will now be tinkered by Christopher Danjuma, who has replaced Edwin Okon on an interim basis. The Falcons, who last month failed to go past the group stage of the 2015 World Cup in Canada, will be without star player Asisat Oshoala, who has now been released by her English club Liverpool, and Belarus-based defender Onome Ebi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With or without me, we will win by Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace, the team have been preparing hard since after the World Cup for the game,â&#x20AC;? Ebi told AfricanFootball.
igeria head coach, Sunday Oliseh, will hold talks with goalkeeper and captain, Vincent Enyeama following the furore generated after the Super Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2-0 win over Chad in a 2017 Africa Cup of Nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (AFCON) qualiÄ&#x2122;er in June. Enyeama found himself in hot water after criticizing the choice of Kaduna as venue for the game against Chadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Les Sao. The Super Eagles captain
was subsequently issued a query by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) before being subsequently summoned to appear before the federationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; appeals/disciplinary commiÄ´ee. Enyeama did not aÄ´end the hearing and it is now been speculated that the Lille OSC man may have played his last game for the three-time African champions following his decision to snub the NFF chiefs. Oliseh says he rates Enyeama and had revealed
that he will be speaking to the experienced shotstopper who he described as one of the best on the continent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a touchy issue and one has to be careful how he treads on this. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Ä&#x2122;rst thing to do is to hear both sides (of the story). I have already spoken to (chiefs) of the federation (NFF) and they provided some very tangible reasons for the steps they took. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, when Enyeama made that statement, he was and is still the
captain of the Super Eagles of Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You cannot forbid the captain from speaking out; it becomes autocratic if you do that and I would not want to do that as a coach. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But at the same time, we can also caution (Enyeama) and say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want such kinds of uÄ´erances because it may bring about a negative eÄ&#x203A;ect or whateverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I however think that he may have spoken out because of what he had already discussed with his teammates.
African giants kept apart for World Cup draw
he top 20 ranked African national football teams will avoid each other in WKH ÂżUVW DQG VHFRQG qualifying rounds for the 2018 :RUOG &XS ),)$ FRQÂżUPHG A spokesman in Zurich for the world football governing body said the draws would be made on July 25 in Russian city Saint Petersburg, subject to approval at an eve-of-ceremony PHHWLQJ Only Zimbabwe of the 54 African football nations will not be included as they were GLVTXDOLÂżHG IRU IDLOLQJ WR SD\ former national coach, BrazilLDQ -RVH &ODXGLQHL *HRUJLQL South Sudan are the lone debutants and must be hoping for more success than when WKH\ ÂżUVW SOD\HG LQ WKH $IULFD Cup of Nations two years ago and suffered a 5-0 hiding from 0R]DPELTXH 7KH ÂżUVW WZR URXQGV FRQVLVW RI home-and-away ties decided by goal aggregate, and the October and November matches ZLOO WULP WKH ÂżHOG IURP KRSHIXOV WR Among those expected to UHDFK WKH WKLUG DQG ÂżQDO TXDOLI\LQJ VWDJH ZLOO EH 1R 1 ranked African national team Algeria and 2015 Africa Cup of Nations winners Ivory
&RDVW 2I WKH FRXQWULHV WKDW have represented Africa at the World Cup, Algeria, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Tunisia, Senegal, Cameroon, Egypt, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and South Africa are ZLWKLQ WKH WRS But Togo, Morocco and Angola are not, meaning they will be unseeded in the second-round draw, raising the possibility of a showdown DJDLQVW D JLDQW FIFA used the July rankings to determine the seedings and the WHDP ÂżUVW URXQG FRQVLVWV RI
WHDPV SODFHG DQG ORZHU West Africans Niger were particularly unlucky, losing out WR /LE\D E\ RI D UDQNLQJ point for a bye to the second URXQG Among the sides the Nigeriens could face are east Africans 6RPDOLD RU (ULWUHD War-torn Somalia must stage their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; match abroad while Eritrea are making a rare LQWHUQDWLRQDO DSSHDUDQFH When Eritrean teams travel outside the country, many players seek political asylum to escape a regime branded â&#x20AC;&#x153;repressiveâ&#x20AC;? by various inter-
QDWLRQDO ERGLHV First-round matches are scheduled to be staged between 2FWREHU DQG DQG DQRWKHU nine-day period -- November 9-17 -- has been set aside for WKH VHFRQG URXQG Teams reaching the third URXQG ZLOO EH VSOLW LQWR ÂżYH groups of four at a separate draw and the winners after six-matchday series go to RusVLD IRU WKH :RUOG &XS The best showings by Africa at the World Cup were Cameroon (1990), Senegal (2002) and Ghana (2010) reaching WKH TXDUWHU ÂżQDOV
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