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Newswatch Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
APC slams DSS, police over threats of arrest MIKAIL MUMUNI, Abuja
he All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday castigated the Department of State Security (DSS) and Minister of Police GYZ[\] ^_`[] bj[`Yb\] Zb] kqYZw\] were directed at its leaders. The party, in a released issued yesterday in Abuja by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said recent statements by DSS and bj`] ZÂ&#x20AC;Z\b`[]^Â ] ^qZk`] GYZ[\Â&#x201A;] Alhaji Jelili Adesiyan, were clear indications of plans to harass and intimidate the opposition, with a view to decapitating it ahead of the 2015 elections. According to Mohammed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Minister of Police Affairs said publicly that he has already directed the Inspector-General of Police, as well as DSS to arrest anyone who wYÂ&#x160;`\] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYb^[Â&#x152;] \bYb`ments ahead of the 2015 elections and then went ahead to castigate APC, thus exposing the real reason for his directive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The minister had barely issued his orders when DSS, which has unabashedly become a megaphone of the rul-
ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â&#x201A;]Â?[`Â&#x2018;]Zb\]^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2019;Y[Â&#x20AC;ing, directed pointedly at â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;a serving governor calling on men of the armed forces to rise up in protest against constituted authorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; when nothing of such happened. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If the minister and indeed the security agencies were carrying out their duties as
^IkZYqÂ&#x2022;YÂ?`Â&#x20AC;b\] ^Â ] \bYb`] [Ybj`[] than partisans, they would have realised that no one is w^[`]Â?Â&#x2013;ZqbÂ&#x152;]^Â ]wYÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Ywmatory and even treasonable statements than supporters of the president and members of PDP. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yet, not once has the minister and security agen-
cies under his control called these people to order. There Z\] Â&#x20AC;^] Â&#x2DC;`'`[] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZkYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] ^Â ] bj`] mindset of these threats-issuing minister and the security agencies under his control than their glaring doublestandard and vexatious partisanship. This is not how to [Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;]bj`]YGYZ[\]^Â ]\bYb`Â&#x2122;Â&#x161;
Giving instances, Mohammed said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;A die-hard supporter of President Goodluck Jonathan once threatened that there will be blood on the streets if the president is not re-elected, without anyone calling him to order. He recently said the president has already won the yet-to-be
L-R: Chairman/Grand Patron, National Association of Nigerian Students, Engr. Jide Adeniji; Senior Special Assistant to the President on Youth and Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Matters, Comrade Jude Imagwe; NANS President, Comrade Usman Tijani and Ogbodudu of Amanuke, !" "# $%$ &'(# )# *+ 01# 2*34 52 * ' "6# 4789* 3 * 2'2 "*4 47 < "*4 3 0=94 47 < <! * 2> ? #9# "3@
Alleged N47.1b theft: Court throws out charge against Akingbola, others ous error when it failed to abide by the decision of the appellate agos division of the court on the case of Okey NwoCourt of Appeal, su vs. EFCC, even when it was \Z'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â?Â&#x2DC;^\`[`Â&#x201A;] brought to its notice. yesterday threw out The Court of Appeal judge the N47.1 billion observed that the Appellate theft charge, made against Court had in Okey Nwosuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former Managing Director case declared that the Lagos of Intercontinental Bank Plc, High Court, where the chargDr. Erastus Akingbola along- es were initiated against the side his aide, Bayo Dada, by defendants, had no jurisdicthe Economic and Financial tion over capital market-relatCrimes Commission (EFCC). ed issues. The appellants had queried Justice Augie further mainthe ruling of Justice Lateef La- tained that the failure of the wal-Akapo of the High Court ^ ] YÂ?^\] bYb`]\Z'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x160;`¤YÂ&#x201A;] which touches on jurisdiction. The Court of Appeal, in oordinator of the a unanimous judgment, alChristian Conlowed Akingbola and Dadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s science and Nanotices of appeal and declared tional President bjYb]bj`]\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;¤`kb]wY'`[]^ ]bj`] of All Christian Yqq`Â?`Â&#x2018;] ^G`Â&#x20AC;k`\] b^Â&#x2013;kj`\] ^Â&#x20AC;] banking operations and oper- Leaders & Ministers` Foations of capital issues, which rum (ACLMF), Rev. Sam fell under the jurisdiction of Ogedengbe and the National President of Patriotic the Federal High Court. According to the Appellate Christian Leaders Forum Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lead judgment deliv- (PCLF), Mrs. Funmi Akitoyeered by Justice Amina Augie Braimoh, have congratulated (presiding) and adopted by the national leader of All Proother members of the panel: gressives Congress, Asiwaju Justice Samuel Oseji and Jus- Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the tice Abimbola Obaseki-Ade- entire leadership of the party jumo, the Lagos High Court, for their choice of presidenpresided over by Justice tial candidate, Muhammadu Lawal-Akapo, took a narrow Buhari and his running mate, _Z`Â&#x2019;] ^ ] bj`] wY'`[] Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] j`] Pastor Yemi Osinbajo, for the assumed jurisdiction on the next general elections. Ogedengbe, in a statement wY'`[Â&#x2122; Justice Augie also declared that signed by his media aide, Elthe lower court fell into a seri- der Cornelius Olopade, mainFRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
the lower court failed in its duty as an unbiased umpire Lagos High Court to follow when it refused to study thorthe principle of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Stare decisisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; oughly the processes presentis tantamount to judicial ras- ed before it. According to the Appelcality and a call for anarchy, with an addition that it would late Court, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The lower court encourage the lower court to turned a blind-eye to prove take-up arms against the ap- of evidence brought before it before delivering its ruling. It pellate court. The Appeal Court main- is the duty of the court to do bYZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;]bjYb]bj`]\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;¤`kb]wY'`[] substantial justice, a one-sid^ ]bj`]Yqq`Â?`Â&#x2018;]^G`Â&#x20AC;k`\][`qYb`Â&#x2018;] `Â&#x2018;]¤Â&#x2013;\bZk`]Z\]Â&#x20AC;^]¤Â&#x2013;\bZk`]Yb]YqqÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161; It would be recalled that the to banking operations and capital market issues, which former Intercontinental Bank is outside the purview of the MD and Dada had, through their lawyers, Chief Wole Lagos High Court. Justice Augie declared that Olanipekun (SAN) and Professor Taiwo Osipitan (SAN),
instituted two separate applications challenging the jurisdiction of the lower court to entertain the 22-count charge made against them by the anti-graft agency. Justice Lawal-Akapo had, in his ruling delivered May 2, 2014, dismissed their applications and held that the charges preferred against Akingbola and Dada were within its competence and purview to determine.
^Â&#x2019;`_`[Â&#x201A;]Â&#x20AC;^b]\YbZ\Â?`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2DC;^qY] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x2018;Y] Â?q`Â&#x2018;] bÂ&#x2019;^] separate appeals against the ruling and urged the appelMIKAIL MUMUNI, Abuja late court to set it aside.
UPN disowns â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;youth assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Christian leaders extol APC over choice of Buhari, Osinbajo
tained that the choice of the duo as APC candidates was commendable and a sign of good things to happen in the political sphere and the entire life of the country. He expressed appreciation b^] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;]Â ^[]jZ\]\Yk[ZÂ?k`]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] contribution to the development of APC and sustenance of democracy in the country and also congratulated both Buhari and Osinbajo, for their emergence, adding that there is no doubt that prayers of millions of Nigerians is being heard by God, because, according to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the choice of the duo, to the best of my knowledge, is a prayer answered for us in the country, because it is God that puts rulers on the throne and if he is ready to answer people`s prayer, it is no doubt it would be done through inheritance
and enthronement of good q`YÂ&#x2018;`[\Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]j`]\YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122; The ACLMF president, who also doubles as the founder and General Overseer of Overcomers Pentecostal, pledged support of his members and entire Christians in the state to the duo and all candidates of the party in their aspiration to bail Nigerians out of bondage. Akitoye-Braimoh in her ofÂ?k`] Â&#x2019;jZq`] [`Â&#x2039;`kbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^Â&#x20AC;] bj`] emergence of the duo, described their combination as the right one, saying it would Â&#x20AC;^] Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;b] ^G`[] bj`] k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b[Â&#x152;] Y] new lease of life, especially with the duo because according to her â&#x20AC;&#x153;this is ordained by God and I am sure anything ordained by God would always be peaceful and rancorfree. I am sure Nigeria would
conducted February 14 presidential election, suggesting that the election will be a mere formality. No one called him to order. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Another supporter of the president, Chief Edwin Clark, said if the opposition had its way, it would poison President Jonathan just to take power. The Minister of Police GYZ[\]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]bj`]\`kÂ&#x2013;[ZbÂ&#x152;]YÂ?`Â&#x20AC;cies under his control snored the comment away. â&#x20AC;&#x153;PDP National Secretary, Wale Oladipo, called the presidential candidate of APC, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;semi-literate jackbootâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, PDP National Publicity Secretary Olisa Metuh heaped abuses on APC leaders in an ill-tempered statement arising from a disoriented PDP in the aftermath of the hugely-successful APC national convention, while a spokesman for the president called Gen. Buhari names for being a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;poorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; man, yet this minister and his agencies did not see anything inÂ&#x2039;YwwYb^[Â&#x152;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Yqq]bj`\`]\bYb`ments, all because they came from members and supporters of the ruling party. Mohammed said â&#x20AC;&#x153;We know that Nigerians as well as the international community are watching closely and documenting these developments. It is important to do so if they are to make informed comments on the outcome of the forthcoming polls. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On our part, we will continue to document the developments, while maintaining a responsible and purposeful public discourse, highlighted by issues and devoid of the Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^Â ] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYb^[Â&#x152;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] treasonable comments that ] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] [`\ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] ^IkZYq\] jY_`]Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;]\Â`Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]^Â&#x2013;bÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161;
soon be in the Promised Land ^[Â&#x2018;YZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] ^Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]\j`]\YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Akitoye-Braimoh described Osibajo as a deep intellectual and a revered Christian, who without an iota of doubt, would complement the unbroken record of Buhari and jointly return Nigeria to the path of legality and sanity. It is recalled that Wednesday, at the National Headquarters of APC, in Abuja, the former head of state and All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Muhammadu Buhari, picked former Lagos State Commissioner for Justice, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo as his running mate. Osinbajo, a professor of law and a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), was born 55 years ago. He is a pastor at the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).
he Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) has disowned the existence of Unity Party of Nigeria Youth Assembly and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook account bearing the same name. The partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national organizing secretary, Dr. Ola Olateju, in a statement issued yesterday said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is nothing of such in the organisational arrangement of the party for Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; Olateju urged members of the public to disregard it, saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;supporters of the party who want to propagate the ideals of UPN should do so Â&#x2019;ZbjZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]`ÂŹZ\bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]\b[Â&#x2013;kbÂ&#x2013;[`Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; He advised those behind the â&#x20AC;&#x153;currently unknown and unrecognised â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Youth Assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to desist from parading themselves as an organ of UPN and come in through the ^IkZYq]kjYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;`q]^[][Z\Â&#x160;]bj`]Â Â&#x2013;qq] Â&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb]^Â ]bj`]qYÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2122;Â&#x161;
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The world welcomes 2015
eing six clear hours ahead of Â&#x2013;\Â&#x201A;]bj`] YkZÂ?k]Z\lands of Kiribati, Samoa and New `YqYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;`[`] bj`] Â?[\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;habited place in the world to enter 2015. News reports have it that these islands welcomed the New `Y[] Â&#x2019;Zbj] Â?[`Â&#x2019;^[Â&#x160;\] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] prayers for a prosperous year. But it was big counb[Z`\] qZÂ&#x160;`] Â&#x2013;\b[YqZY] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Newzealand that stole the show with much bigger celebrations. ] Â?ZYÂ&#x20AC;b] kq^kÂ&#x160;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;kÂ&#x160;qYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ÂŻ\] Â&#x160;Â&#x152;] ^Â&#x2019;`[]k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b`Â&#x2018;] down the minutes until wZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x20AC;ZÂ?jb] °¹¹²³³] ´Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;]Â?[`Â&#x2019;^[Â&#x160;\]`[Â&#x2013;Âb`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Up to 1.5m people lined the shores of Sydney harÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;[] ° Â&#x2013;\b[YqZY´] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â[`ÂYration for the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s famous Â?[`Â&#x2019;^[Â&#x160;] Â&#x2018;Z\ÂqYÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x2013;\b[Yqians, traditionally, are going to celebrate till January 6, Celebration plans have been muted in Indonesia, j^Â&#x2019;`_`[Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x160;`] ^ ] bj`] Z[ \ZY] qZÂ?jb] œ¡³¹] crash. Z[`Â&#x2019;^[Â&#x160;\]Â&#x2019;`qk^w`]¸³¹¡] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;kÂ&#x160;qYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] `Â&#x2019;] `YqYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018; In Nigeria, the New Year is often ushered in with overnight prayers that are Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] j[Z\b`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;^w] circles as Cross over night starting from the night of December 31 In Brazil, more than one million people joined the crowds on Rio de Janeiroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Copacabana beach, while `Â&#x2019;] ^[Â&#x160;`[\]\YÂ&#x2019;]bj`]kZbÂ&#x152;] q^Â&#x2019;`[]Zb\]b[YÂ&#x2018;`wY[Â&#x160;]k[Â&#x152;\bYq] Â&#x2DC;Yqq]^_`[] Zw`\] ÂşÂ&#x2013;Y[`Â&#x2122; Below is how the New Year is generally ushered ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;b] ÂY[b\] ^ ] bj`] world. New Year in Canada New Year is celebrated on a grand scale all over Canada. Generally, New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve is a social holiday in the country. Midnight parties steal the show, where people can be seen dancing to the beats of  Y\b]wÂ&#x2013;\ZkÂ&#x2122;] j`]wY¤^[]w`bropolitan cities in Canada, qZÂ&#x160;`] ^[^Â&#x20AC;b^]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^Â&#x20AC;b[`YqÂ&#x201A;]
Nigeria joins other countries of the world today to usher in and celebrate a new year-2015. Many spent time at their places of worship and many still preferred to revel as they thank the divine being for sparing their lives. Here is how various parts of the world welcome the New Year.
turns into a hub of celebrations around New Year. Â&#x20AC;qZÂ&#x160;`] ^bj`[]  `\bZ_Yq\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Singapore, New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve is celebrated in Chinese b[YÂ&#x2018;ZbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] q\^] Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] as Chinese New Year or New Year in Japan New Year is a time of Â[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] `\bZ_Yq]° jÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;] Z`´Â&#x201A;] great celebration all over it is considered as a ma YÂYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] j`] YÂYÂ&#x20AC;`\`] jY_`] jor festival for the people. been celebrating this day Based on the traditional on the 1st of January as lunar calendar, the New per the Gregorian calen- `Y[] `\bZ_Yq]ZÂ&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?YÂ^[`] Â&#x2018;Y[]^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x152;]\ZÂ&#x20AC;k`]¹œà Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2122;] ` ^[`] is celebrated over a period that, they used to celebrate ^ ]Â? b``Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;\Â&#x2122; New Year in the month of New Year in Spain spring, as per the Chinese j`]  ``qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bjYb] bj`] qÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Y[]kYq`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Y[Â&#x2122;] j`]Â`^Âq`] of Japan welcome New New Year is approachStudents at Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Shenyang Agriculture University found their own way of marking Year with great zeal and ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] wYÂ&#x160;`\] Â`^Âq`] \``] bj`] the start of 2015 enthusiasm and follow world around them in a several customs and tradi- Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ?jb`[] qZÂ?jbÂ&#x2122;] j`] Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;\] before New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve are tions on this day. the time of celebration and New Year In New ¤^Â&#x152;Â&#x201A;]Y\]Zb]bYÂ&#x160;`\]Â&#x2013;\]b^]bj`]Â&#x2DC;`ginning of the New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zealand  ]Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;]Y[`]q^^Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^[]bj`] cycle. It is a new beginultimate New Year des- ning, leaving the worries bZÂ&#x20AC;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] bj`Â&#x20AC;] ÂYkÂ&#x160;] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;[] and sadness behind and bags and head towards welcoming the New Year this amazing island coun- Â&#x2019;Zbj]^Â`Â&#x20AC;]Y[w\Â&#x2122;] ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;b] try in the south-western cultures have their spe YkZÂ?k] k`YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] `Â&#x2019;] `Y- kZÂ?k] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;\] b^] k`q`Â&#x2DC;[Yb`] bj`] land, with its lush green- arrival of New Year, with ery and beautiful land- the traditions and customs scapes, is really a travelerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x2DC;`Â?ZÂ&#x20AC;] \Â`kZÂ?k]  ^[] `Ykj] [`paradise and it will be all gion, country and its peobj`]w^[`]Â&#x2DC;`'`[]Z ]bj`]bZw`] ple. of your visit coincides with New Year in UK the New Year. January 1 is considered 2015 is the Year of the Sheep in China, as illustrated by this student in eastern ShanNew Year in Russia Y\]bj`]Â?[\b]Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;]^ ]bj`]Â?[\b] dong province j`Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2019;`]bYqÂ&#x160;]YÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;b] ^q- month of a year, as per the have several music shows they adopted the reformed called because 31st Decem- lowing customs and ritu- Gregorian calendar. In the YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â?[`Â&#x2019;^[Â&#x160;] Â&#x2018;Z\ÂqYÂ&#x152;\] ^Â&#x20AC;] kYq`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Y[Â&#x2122;] ^Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;Â&#x201A;]qZÂ&#x160;`]^bj`[] ber is also the feast day of als, no one can beat the Â&#x152;`Y[]¹à ¡¸Â&#x201A;]bjZ\]Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;]Â&#x2019;Y\]^ bj`]^kkY\Z^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;jZkj]Y'[Ykb] parts of the world, they Saint Sylvester, who was a natives and citizens of Â?kZYqqÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2018;`kqY[`Â&#x2018;] Y\] `Â&#x2019;] hundreds of tourists from consider 1st January as the pope of the fourth century. Â&#x2013;\\ZYÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]bjZ\]j^qÂ&#x2018;\]b[Â&#x2013;`] Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day in UK and its beginning of the year. all over the world. during New Year celebra- colonies across the world. New Year in Italy tions as well, which are ob- [^w] bj`Â&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;\Â&#x201A;] Zb] New Year in Germany Ever wondered where served with much pomp serves as a door to send New Year in France ZÂ&#x160;`]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;]^bj`[]ÂY[b]^ ]bj`] \bY[\] qZÂ&#x160;`] Zkj^qY\] YÂ?`Â&#x201A;] and glory in the region. old year out and bring New Year celebrations ZÂ&#x20AC;] [YÂ&#x20AC;k`] Y[`] Â^ÂÂ&#x2013;qY[qÂ&#x152;] world, in Germany also, Vin Diesel, Jon Bon Jovi It is often said that if you New Year in. In UK, New called â&#x20AC;&#x153;R?eveillonâ&#x20AC;?. Ear- New Year is celebrated and Monica Belluci disap- have not celebrated New Year is celebration time, qZ`[Â&#x201A;] [`Â&#x20AC;kj] Â`^Âq`] Â&#x2013;\`Â&#x2018;] with much pomp and glo- pear at the time of New Year in the Russian style, when everybody seems to celebrate New Year be- [Â&#x152;Â&#x2122;] j`]w`[[Â&#x152;½wYÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] `Y[Ă&#x20AC;]ž j`]kYqq]^ ]Â&#x20AC;YbZ_ZbÂ&#x152;ÂŻÂ&#x201A;] you have never really cel- to be in the perfect festive tween the end of March enjoyment starts from the žbj`] [`bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;] b^] ^[ZÂ?ZÂ&#x20AC;YqZbÂ&#x152;ÂŻ] `Â&#x2DC;[Yb`Â&#x2018;] Zb] Yb] YqqÂ&#x2122;] ^[] Â&#x2013;\- w^^Â&#x2018;]Y b`[] j[Z\bwY\Â&#x2122;] j`] and the beginning of very eve of New Year (the - whatever you may call sians, the occasion is all land, water and hills of UK Â[ZqÂ&#x2122;] ^Â&#x2019;`_`[Â&#x201A;] Y b`[] bj`] day before the New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it, but every year, on the about sharing and giving all can be seen drenched in the lights of New Year. introduction of the Gre- YÂ&#x152;´Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] Z\] kYqq`Â&#x2018;] ž Zq- 31st of December, you will love to one another. Â?^[ZYÂ&#x20AC;] kYq`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Y[Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ¹¡œ¸Â&#x201A;] vesterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Germany. It is so Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]bj`\`]\bY[\]Â?^ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;] to their sweet home, Italy. New Year in USA New Year in Singapore Indeed, celebrating the ] jY\] bj`] [`Â?^[ZYÂ&#x20AC;]
^w`] b^] wYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] kÂ&#x2013;qbÂ&#x2013;[`\] New Year in the romantic and customs, Singapore calendar as a base to celebrate New Year on the Âą\b]^ ] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;Â&#x2122;] j`]kÂ&#x2013;\b^w] was brought into pracbZk`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x152;`Y[] ¹à ¡¸Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x201A;] New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve is considered as a time when a lot of social meetings with friends, family members YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x20AC;`ZÂ?jÂ&#x2DC;^[\] bYÂ&#x160;`] ÂqYk`Â&#x2122;] j`\`] Â?Ybj`[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?\] Y[`]  Â&#x2013;qq] of fun and laughter. Many people host parties and as Â&#x2019;`qqÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x2013;qq] ^ ] Yqk^j^q] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] lavish food, these parties are a true projection of the A reveller in Sao Paulo, Brazil, painted his face for the Sao Silvestre 15km (9 miles) run, which has become an celebration spirit and culbÂ&#x2013;[`]^ ] w`[ZkYÂ&#x20AC;\Â&#x2122;] $4 ' .4 'Â&#x2026;+ Â&#x2020;*9"4 * $ 42 ( + 3*" 2Â&#x2021; @ 8 #(4 Â&#x2C6;+ + "6# 9349Â&#x2C6; 6*" *5 *'6" end of the year staple in the city. country of Italy is a treat in itself, providing you with moments that you will treasure and cherish throughout your lives.
The world welcomes 2015
(*+6* ' ( 33 *+ 4 5*+Â&#x2021;3 @ * "6# Â&#x17D;6*3*Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;* #+ 9 Â&#x2021;*" 3 0 *3 42 5 Â&#x2021;4+"#5 (*+6#+ (*33 # 2+#5 + 94 7#""* 34 '+*5# 8 #(4 Â&#x2C6;+ "4 6# 35 "6# <#( Â?#
!@5 #@Â&#x2026;+ $ 42 % *5'# ( + "6# 9# " #Â&#x2021;*#9# 47 "6# 9*"@Â&#x2026;+ <#( Â?# 8 #(4 Â&#x2C6;+
Grandfather Frost - the Russian equivalent of Father Christmas - and his granddaugh"# >4* #5 .@ '@1+" Â&#x2026;+ <#( Â?# Â&#x2021; 5# * %*+6Â&#x2C6;#Â&#x2C6;
!6* "4 Â&#x2021; *#+"+ 94 529" # 5 47 @# " "6# 0#*>* !6 * # * Â&#x2019;4Â&#x2C6;@4
People hung wooden plaques with wishes or prayers for 2015 at the shrine in Japan
Sydney residents pitched up early on Wednesday to try to get the best view of the huge light display
Newswatch Times
World Report THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015
U.S. releases 5 Guantanamo prisoners, sends them to Kazakhstan
ive men who were held for a dozen years without charge at the United States Navy base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been sent to the Central Asian nation of YĂ&#x192;YÂ&#x160;j\bYÂ&#x20AC;] Â ^[] [`\`'q`ment, the U.S. government announced. The two men from Tunisia and three from Yemen had been cleared for release from the prison by a government task force but could not be sent to their homelands. The U.S. has sent hundreds of prisoners from Guantanamo to third countries but this is the Â?[\b]bZw`] YĂ&#x192;YÂ&#x160;j\bYÂ&#x20AC;]jY\]
A Guantanamo prisoner being led by soldiers
Ykk`Âb`Â&#x2018;]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;]Â ^[][`\`'q`ment. Their release brings the prison population at Guantanamo to 127, according to a Pentagon statement on Tuesday. j`] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;] ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;] bj`] Tunisians as 49-year-old Adel Al-Hakeemy, and Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;YqqYj] ZÂ&#x20AC;] qZ] Yq] Â&#x2013;Â ti, who military records show is about 48. The Yemenis are Asim Thabit Abdullah AlKhalaqi, who is about 46; Muhammad Ali Husayn Khanayna, who is about 36; and Sabri Mohammad al Qurashi, about 44. qq] Â?_`] jYÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] kYÂtured in Pakistan and turned over to the U.S. for detention as suspected Is-
lamic militants with ties to al-Qaeda. None of the men were ever charged and a government task force determined it was no longer necessary to hold them. The U.S. does not say why they could not be sent home but the government has been unwilling to send Yemenis to their country because of unrest and militant activity there while in the past some Tunisians have feared persecution. Nearly 30 prison`[\] jY_`] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] [`\`'q`Â&#x2018;] in third countries this year as part of President Barack Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s renewed push to close the detention center over opposition from Congress.
UN rejects Palestinian resolution to end Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s occupation
he Security Council rejected a Palestinian resolution demanding an end to Israeli occupation within three years late Tuesday, a blow to an Arab campaign to get the United Nationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most powerful body to take action to achieve an independent state of Palestine. The United States, Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s closest ally, had made clear its opposition to the draft resolution, insisting on a negotiated peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, not an imposed timetable. It would have used
its veto if necessary but it didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to because the resolution failed to get the minimum nine â&#x20AC;&#x153;yesâ&#x20AC;? votes required for adoption by the 15-member council. The resolution received eight â&#x20AC;&#x153;yesâ&#x20AC;? votes, two â&#x20AC;&#x153;noâ&#x20AC;? votes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; one from the United States and the other from Australia â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and five abstentions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We voted against this resolution not because we are comfortable with the status quo. We voted against it because ... peace must come from hard compromises that occur at the negotiating table,â&#x20AC;? U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power said.
She criticised the decision to bring the draft resolution to a vote as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;staged confrontation that will not bring the parties closer.â&#x20AC;? She added that the resolution was â&#x20AC;&#x153;deeply unbalancedâ&#x20AC;? and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take into account Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s security concerns. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our effort was a serious effort, genuine effort, to open the door for peace,â&#x20AC;? said Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian UN ambassador. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unfortunately, the Security Council is not ready to listen to that message.â&#x20AC;? Until shortly before the vote, council diplomats had expected the resolution to get nine
Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations Riyad Mansour, left
â&#x20AC;&#x153;yesâ&#x20AC;? votes. But Nigeria, which was believed to support the resolution, abstained. Its ambassador, U. Joy Ogwu, echoed the U.S. position saying the ultimate path to peace lies â&#x20AC;&#x153;in a negotiated solution.â&#x20AC;? The Palestinians, nonetheless, could point to support from two European nations, France YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;ÂŹ`wÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;[Â?Â&#x201A;] [`Â&#x2039;`kbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] Â?[^Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] impatience especially in
Europe over the lack of progress in achieving a two-state solution, and the increasing pressure on governments to do something to end the Â&#x2018;`kYÂ&#x2018;`\½^qÂ&#x2018;]k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;ZkbÂ&#x2122; This impatience, and frustration over the Security Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s paralysis in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, was echoed by many on the council, including the United States.
Jordanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UN Ambassador Dina Kawar, the Arab representative on the council, said after the vote: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fact that this draft resolution was not adopted will not at all prevent us from proceeding to push the international community, specifically the United Nations, towards an effective involvement to achieving a resolution to this conflict.â&#x20AC;?
German opposition urges probe into NATO â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hit listâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
erman opposition lawmakers called Tuesday for an investigation into reports that the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s army and foreign intelligence agency contributed to a NATO list of Taliban targets in Afghanistan, some of whom were killed. Citing NATO documents, German newspapers Der Spiegel and Bild have reported that Germany was among the countries that added names of insurgents to the allianceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Joint PrioribZ\`Â&#x2018;] G`kb\] Z\bÂ&#x201A;]^[] Â&#x2122; Germany had the thirdlargest contingent of troops participating in NATOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan, which ended this year. Its participation in the mission was questioned by many in Germany, partly because it was seen as a return to
the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s militaristic past. Jan van Aken, a lawwYÂ&#x160;`[] Â ^[] bj`] `Â b] Y[bÂ&#x152;Â&#x201A;] called for a â&#x20AC;&#x153;comprehensive investigationâ&#x20AC;? into whether information provided by the army or the foreign intelligence agency, BND, was used b^]Â&#x160;Zqq]\Â`kZÂ?k]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Z_ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2013;Yq\] without trial. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There needs to be swift clarity on whether
the German army or the BND participated in targeted killings as part of the ISAF mission,â&#x20AC;? Green Party lawmaker Agnieszka Brugger said. An army spokesman said that while information collected by German forces in Afghanistan was ZÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;surgents nominated by Germany were marked for detention only.
German troops who are part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)
Newswatch Times
African Report FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Coup attempt foiledâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Gambian capital
n apparent attempted coup by a group of Gambian soldiers while Yahya Jammeh, the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longstanding president, was abroad in Chad, has been foiled, military and diplomatic sources have said. The AFP news agency, quoting military sources, on Tuesday said three k^Â&#x2013;Â] Âq^'`[\Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] the alleged ringleader, had been killed in the capital Banjul. A Gambian diplomat said the presidential palace in the heart of the small city on the GamÂ&#x2DC;ZY] [Z_`[] Â&#x2019;Y\] Y'YkÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] at about 03:00 GMT by armed men including members of the presidential guard. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They wanted to overthrow the regime,â&#x20AC;? a military source said. The government denied [`Â^[b\] ^Â ] YÂ&#x20AC;] Y'`wÂb`Â&#x2018;] coup. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Police and the army are now entirely in control of the situation,â&#x20AC;? a wZqZbY[Â&#x152;] ^Ik`[] b^qÂ&#x2018;] ] on condition of anonymity. The pre-dawn assault triggered panic in the tropical city, while nabZ^Â&#x20AC;Yq] [YÂ&#x2018;Z^] Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;b] ^G] YZ[] for several hours and state television was suspended. Jammeh told Chadian ^IkZYq\]j`]Â&#x2019;Y\][`bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]
home, a senior Chadian ^IkZYq] b^qÂ&#x2018;] bj`] `Â&#x2013;b`[\] news agency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is going back j^w`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] \YZÂ&#x2018;] bj`] ^Icial, who declined to be named. Jammeh took power at the age of 29 following a coup in 1994. Former vice president of the country, Bakary Darbo, told Al Jazeera it was too early to say for sure if it had been a k^Â&#x2013;Â]Y'`wÂbÂ&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hold on to the view that there have been bÂ&#x2019;^] ZÂ&#x20AC;kZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b\] ^Â ] Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â?[`Â&#x201A;] whether it amounts to a coup we will have to see,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;President Jammeh wields considerable powers, many of it unconstitutionally. There are supposed to be checks and balances, but in reality all of these have been encroached upon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gambia now is very much a one-man dictatorship.â&#x20AC;? Yahya Jammeh
Suicide bombing outside Libyan parliament in Tobruk wounds 11
s u i c i d e bomber detonated a car laden with explosives in front of a hotel where Libyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elected parliament was in session in the eastern city of Tobruk on Tuesday, wounding three
deputies and eight others, the assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spokesman said. The bombing is the bigÂ?`\b] Y'YkÂ&#x160;] ^Â&#x20AC;] bj`] ÂY[qZYment since it set up in Tobruk, near the Egyptian border. The assembly, which was elected in June, shifted its seat to Tobruk
for security reasons after violence in its planned location, the eastern port city of Benghazi, worsened. The car exploded in a parking lot near the entrance gate to the hotel as lawmakers sat in a nearby hall, parliamen-
tary spokesman Farraj Hashem told Reuters by phone. Three deputies YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]`ZÂ?jb]j^b`q]\bYG]Â&#x2019;`[`] wounded, he said. Until now, Tobruk has been relatively secure compared to the rest of Libya, which has been in violent turmoil since
Â&#x2013;YwwY[] YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;YÂ?] Â&#x2019;Y\] toppled nearly four years ago. A car bomb in November targeted the city, but not parliament itself. ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x152;YÂŻ\] k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Zkb] Z\] ÂZbting former rebel brigades which helped oust YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;YÂ?] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ¸³¹¹] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] Â?Â?jb]  ^[] Â^Â&#x2019;`[] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Y] share of Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest oil reserves. Details of Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bombing were not clear. Another lawmaker at the \k`Â&#x20AC;`]\YZÂ&#x2018;]bj`]Y'YkÂ&#x160;]Â&#x2019;Y\] Reuters late on Tuesday. a car bomb, not a suicide Political stability in Y'YkÂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;] IkZYq\] ^ b`Â&#x20AC;] Djibouti is critical, given contradict themselves in it hosts the United Statesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x152;YÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] jY\] Â&#x20AC;^] `Ionly military base in Af- cient state institutions or rica and is an ally in the police. The House of Repre `\bÂŻ\] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] wZqZsentatives in Tobruk is altant Islam. lied to the internationally recognised government of Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni, who was also forced to relocate after be arrested, he said. Libya Dawn took control Churches that hold ser- of the capital. vices tonight should obThinni is based in the serve measures to prevent city of Bayda, while the the spread of Ebola such as parliament set up in the hand washing, temperature Tobruk hotel. An initial testing and avoiding overcrowding on church bench- plan to relocate to the port city of Benghazi was es, he said. The rate of new cases has kYqq`Â&#x2018;]^G]Y\]Zb]Â&#x2019;Y\]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`Â&#x2018;] slowed in Liberia and health too dangerous. ^IkZYq\] \YÂ&#x152;] bj`] Â&#x20AC;`ÂŹb] ÂjY\`] Libya Dawn has estab^ ] bj`] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] bj`] _Z- lished its own parliament rus will involve deploying in Tripoli, though this has teams of health workers to not been recognised by identify chains of infection. world powers.
Djibouti government reaches deal to bring opposition into parliament
jiboutiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government and the Union of National Salvation (USN) opposition coalition have signed an agreement that will pave the way for opposition lawmakers to wYÂ&#x160;`] bj`Z[] Â?[\b] ÂY[qZYmentary appearance, and for reforms of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electoral body. The USN has boycotted parliament since Djijoutiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s February 2013 parliamentary election which it accused the government of rigging, citing a range of abuses. A legal challenge was dismissed in court. President Ismail Omar Guelleh, in power since 1999, controls 55 of the 65 seats in parliament through the Union for the Presidential Majority
(UMP). The February 2013 vote Â&#x2019;Y\]bj`]Â?[\b]bZw`]bj`]^Âposition won any seats in parliament since multiparty politics was introduced in 1992. Daher Ahmed Fa-
rah, the spokesman for USN, said the agreement was a culmination of 18 months of negotiations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government and the opposition have 30 days from now for reachZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Y] Â&#x2018;`Â?Â&#x20AC;ZbZ_`] YÂ?[``-
ment ... on points that are obstacles such as the status of the opposition and the establishment of a free and independent electoral Commission,â&#x20AC;? Daher Ahmed Farah, the spokesman for USN, told
Liberia suspends Ebola curfew to allow New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve worship
L Liberian President, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson
iberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government has suspended for one night a curfew imposed to curb the spread of Ebola, so that New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve church services can go ahead, Deputy Information Minister Isaac Jackson said. The government introduced the curfew in September at the height of an epidemic that has killed more than 3,400 people in Liberia and at least 4,400 more in
Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to World Health [Â?YÂ&#x20AC;Z\YbZ^Â&#x20AC;]Â?Â?Â&#x2013;[`\Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The President has directed the Minister of Justice to suspend the curfew for today, December 31, to allow religious leaders, churches and other religious groups to allow the watch night services, traditional in Liberian society,â&#x20AC;? he said. The midnight to 6 a.m. curfew will be reimposed the following night, when anyone caught outside will
Newswatch Times
African Report THURSDAY, FRIDAY, JANUARY JANUARY 2, 1, 2015 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Coup attempt foiledâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in Gambian capital
n apparent attempted coup by a group of Gambian soldiers while Yahya Jammeh, the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longstanding president, was abroad in Chad, has been foiled, military and diplomatic sources have said. The AFP news agency, quoting military sources, on Tuesday said three k^Â&#x2013;Â] Âq^'`[\Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] the alleged ringleader, had been killed in the capital Banjul. A Gambian diplomat said the presidential palace in the heart of the small city on the GamÂ&#x2DC;ZY] [Z_`[] Â&#x2019;Y\] Y'YkÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] at about 03:00 GMT by armed men including members of the presidential guard. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They wanted to overthrow the regime,â&#x20AC;? a military source said. The government denied [`Â^[b\] ^Â ] YÂ&#x20AC;] Y'`wÂb`Â&#x2018;] coup. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Police and the army are now entirely in control of the situation,â&#x20AC;? a wZqZbY[Â&#x152;] ^Ik`[] b^qÂ&#x2018;] ] on condition of anonymity. The pre-dawn assault triggered panic in the tropical city, while nabZ^Â&#x20AC;Yq] [YÂ&#x2018;Z^] Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;b] ^G] YZ[] for several hours and state television was suspended. Jammeh told Chadian ^IkZYq\]j`]Â&#x2019;Y\][`bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]
home, a senior Chadian ^IkZYq] b^qÂ&#x2018;] bj`] `Â&#x2013;b`[\] news agency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is going back j^w`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] \YZÂ&#x2018;] bj`] ^Icial, who declined to be named. Jammeh took power at the age of 29 following a coup in 1994. Former vice president of the country, Bakary Darbo, told Al Jazeera it was too early to say for sure if it had been a k^Â&#x2013;Â]Y'`wÂbÂ&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hold on to the view that there have been bÂ&#x2019;^] ZÂ&#x20AC;kZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b\] ^Â ] Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â?[`Â&#x201A;] whether it amounts to a coup we will have to see,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;President Jammeh wields considerable powers, many of it unconstitutionally. There are supposed to be checks and balances, but in reality all of these have been encroached upon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gambia now is very much a one-man dictatorship.â&#x20AC;? Yahya Jammeh
Suicide bombing outside Libyan parliament in Tobruk wounds 11
s u i c i d e bomber detonated a car laden with explosives in front of a hotel where Libyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elected parliament was in session in the eastern city of Tobruk on Tuesday, wounding three
deputies and eight others, the assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spokesman said. The bombing is the bigÂ?`\b] Y'YkÂ&#x160;] ^Â&#x20AC;] bj`] ÂY[qZYment since it set up in Tobruk, near the Egyptian border. The assembly, which was elected in June, shifted its seat to Tobruk
for security reasons after violence in its planned location, the eastern port city of Benghazi, worsened. The car exploded in a parking lot near the entrance gate to the hotel as lawmakers sat in a nearby hall, parliamen-
tary spokesman Farraj Hashem told Reuters by phone. Three deputies YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]`ZÂ?jb]j^b`q]\bYG]Â&#x2019;`[`] wounded, he said. Until now, Tobruk has been relatively secure compared to the rest of Libya, which has been in violent turmoil since
Â&#x2013;YwwY[] YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;YÂ?] Â&#x2019;Y\] toppled nearly four years ago. A car bomb in November targeted the city, but not parliament itself. ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x152;YÂŻ\] k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Zkb] Z\] ÂZbting former rebel brigades which helped oust YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;YÂ?] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ¸³¹¹] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] Â?Â?jb]  ^[] Â^Â&#x2019;`[] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Y] share of Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest oil reserves. Details of Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bombing were not clear. Another lawmaker at the \k`Â&#x20AC;`]\YZÂ&#x2018;]bj`]Y'YkÂ&#x160;]Â&#x2019;Y\] Reuters late on Tuesday. a car bomb, not a suicide Political stability in Y'YkÂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;] IkZYq\] ^ b`Â&#x20AC;] Djibouti is critical, given contradict themselves in it hosts the United Statesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x152;YÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] jY\] Â&#x20AC;^] `Ionly military base in Af- cient state institutions or rica and is an ally in the police. The House of Repre `\bÂŻ\] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] wZqZsentatives in Tobruk is altant Islam. lied to the internationally recognised government of Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni, who was also forced to relocate after be arrested, he said. Libya Dawn took control Churches that hold ser- of the capital. vices tonight should obThinni is based in the serve measures to prevent city of Bayda, while the the spread of Ebola such as parliament set up in the hand washing, temperature Tobruk hotel. An initial testing and avoiding overcrowding on church bench- plan to relocate to the port city of Benghazi was es, he said. The rate of new cases has kYqq`Â&#x2018;]^G]Y\]Zb]Â&#x2019;Y\]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`Â&#x2018;] slowed in Liberia and health too dangerous. ^IkZYq\] \YÂ&#x152;] bj`] Â&#x20AC;`ÂŹb] ÂjY\`] Libya Dawn has estab^ ] bj`] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] bj`] _Z- lished its own parliament rus will involve deploying in Tripoli, though this has teams of health workers to not been recognised by identify chains of infection. world powers.
Djibouti government reaches deal to bring opposition into parliament
jiboutiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government and the Union of National Salvation (USN) opposition coalition have signed an agreement that will pave the way for opposition lawmakers to wYÂ&#x160;`] bj`Z[] Â?[\b] ÂY[qZYmentary appearance, and for reforms of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s electoral body. The USN has boycotted parliament since Djijoutiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s February 2013 parliamentary election which it accused the government of rigging, citing a range of abuses. A legal challenge was dismissed in court. President Ismail Omar Guelleh, in power since 1999, controls 55 of the 65 seats in parliament through the Union for the Presidential Majority
(UMP). The February 2013 vote Â&#x2019;Y\]bj`]Â?[\b]bZw`]bj`]^Âposition won any seats in parliament since multiparty politics was introduced in 1992. Daher Ahmed Fa-
rah, the spokesman for USN, said the agreement was a culmination of 18 months of negotiations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government and the opposition have 30 days from now for reachZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Y] Â&#x2018;`Â?Â&#x20AC;ZbZ_`] YÂ?[``-
ment ... on points that are obstacles such as the status of the opposition and the establishment of a free and independent electoral Commission,â&#x20AC;? Daher Ahmed Farah, the spokesman for USN, told
Liberia suspends Ebola curfew to allow New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve worship
L Liberian President, Ellen Sirleaf Johnson
iberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government has suspended for one night a curfew imposed to curb the spread of Ebola, so that New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Eve church services can go ahead, Deputy Information Minister Isaac Jackson said. The government introduced the curfew in September at the height of an epidemic that has killed more than 3,400 people in Liberia and at least 4,400 more in
Sierra Leone and Guinea, according to World Health [Â?YÂ&#x20AC;Z\YbZ^Â&#x20AC;]Â?Â?Â&#x2013;[`\Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The President has directed the Minister of Justice to suspend the curfew for today, December 31, to allow religious leaders, churches and other religious groups to allow the watch night services, traditional in Liberian society,â&#x20AC;? he said. The midnight to 6 a.m. curfew will be reimposed the following night, when anyone caught outside will
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Newswatch Times
Thursday, january 1, 2015
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
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Newswatch Times
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Newswatch TIMES Sports/NEWS Yusuf Musa to join Spezia NBB of C denies leadership changes
ootball Academy Abuja starlet, Yusuf Musa, is set to depart the shores of Nigeria to Italy in January where he will put pen to paper on a three-year deal with Serie B side Spezia. Discovered by the Academy in Kaduna, he has been with the team for three years participating in all of their tournaments played in and outside the country, notably the Rivers Youth Cup in Croatia. The left full back nicknamed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Evraâ&#x20AC;? has twice emerged best left full back in the Rivers Cup, but a move abroad didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t materialise due to his age as he was a minor in the two previous times he excelled at the tournament. However, Spezia who partly fund the Abuja based football academy, kept an eye on the overlapping teen and as always with players from the Academy, they are ready b^]`ÂŹ`[kZ\`]bj`Z[][ZÂ?jb]^Â ]Â?[\b][`Â Â&#x2013;\Yq]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;]\Â&#x20AC;YÂping the 18-year-old. He trained with the Nigeria Under-17 team prior to the World Cup last year in Dubai, but was dropped by Coach Manu Garba as his MRI was rumored to be on the
borderline. Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2013;Â ]Â&#x2019;Zqq]b`Yw]Â&#x2013;Â]Â&#x2019;Zbj]Â?_`]^bj`[] Zgerians at the club, notably, Nura Abdullahi and Sadiq Umar, who are on the brink ^Â ]bj`]Â?[\b]b`Yw]\`b]Â&#x2013;Â]Yb]bj`] `[Z`] ]\ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2122;
Ugboaja decries inadequate basketball facilities in Nigeria Olympic Games in 2012. To improve the performances of the national basketball teams, Ubuaja urged coaches to pay w^[`] Y'`Â&#x20AC;bZ^Â&#x20AC;] b^] ÂqYÂ&#x152;`[\] Martin Odiete, Abuja playing in the domestic igeria Basket- league; stating that over ball player, Ejike reliance on foreign-based Ugboaja, has de- players, who have disapclared that the country pointed severally in the jY\]bj`]Â^b`Â&#x20AC;bZYq\]b^]Y'YZÂ&#x20AC;] past, is not healthy for degreater height in basket- velopment. Ugbuaja, who has ball if only adequate and standard facilities could a successful academy be provided by the Fed- Â&#x2019;j`[`] j`] ^G`[\] \kj^qY[ship to young Nigeria eral Government. Ejike, who was a basketball players to the member of the Nigeria United States, stressed basketball team to the that the main reason the 2012 Olympic Games in Nigeria team performed London, but was later badly at the London dropped by coach Ayo Olympics and at the 2012 Bakare noted that there Afro basketball male are abundant talents in Championship, was as a Nigeria, who can take on result of inadequate prepany team in the world if aration occasioned by exposed to the right train- poor facilities in Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need the governing facilities. He decried the position ment to procure facilities of Nigeria in the latest because the NBBF might basketball ranking, where be doing their best, but the nation is ranked 40 the facilities we have and maintained that Ni- are very poor and inadgeria has no business equate. All we need is for being in that position if the federal government to aid us with adequate fathings are done right. Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best ranking cilities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have only two was 11th which she attained after the London basketball gyms in Nigeria, owned by the federal government and located in Lagos and Abuja. These gyms are the worst I have ever seen; even the gyms in kindergarten school in w`[ZkY] Y[`] Â&#x2DC;`'`[] bjYÂ&#x20AC;] what we have here. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The gym behind my house in Atlanta is also Â&#x2DC;`'`[]bjYÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2019;jYb]Â&#x2019;`]jY_`] here, not to talk of the National Stadium Atlanta. The gym we played on in Tunisia is a standard basketball gym and I believe we should be able to have something like that in Nigeria and our players will Â&#x2018;^]Â&#x2DC;`'`[Â&#x201A;ÂŻÂŻ] Â?Â&#x2DC;^Y¤Y]\YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122;
uthorities of Nigeria Boxing Board of Control (NBBC), the local boxing regulatory body, denied Monday reports of a change in its leadership. Secretary of the NBBC, Remi Aboderin told reporters in Lagos that the status quo remains ahead of an executive meeting held last Tuesday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The board is intact. We had a meeting on Tuesday, where most of the issues diskÂ&#x2013;\\`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] `]Y[`]q^^Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â ^[Â&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;]b^]Y]Â&#x2DC;`'`[] 2015 in professional boxing; so stakeholders are working round the clock to create Y] Â&#x2DC;`'`[] `Â&#x20AC;_Z[^Â&#x20AC;w`Â&#x20AC;b] Â ^[] bj`] \Â^[bÂ&#x201A;Â&#x161;] bj`] ^IkZYq]\YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Early media reports had implied that bj`[`] Â&#x2019;Y\] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â?jbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] ^[Â?YÂ&#x20AC;ZĂ&#x192;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] which led to a change of leadership of the body. Aboderin said rather than sow a seed of discord among stakeholders, the alq`Â?`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â?jbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] [^kÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] ^[Â?YÂ&#x20AC;ZĂ&#x192;Ytionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leadership has made the NBB of C
b^]Â&#x2019;YÂŹ]\b[^Â&#x20AC;Â?`[]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;`'`[Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are working to have conducive platform, where athletes, prow^b`[\]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]\Â^Â&#x20AC;\^[\]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Y]\YÂ `] haven to work in,â&#x20AC;? he added.
Keshi should quit honourably â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Nwosu
life instead of presenting himself as being desperate for the job.
`Â&#x201A;] j^Â&#x2019;`_`[Â&#x201A;] [`Â?[`'`Â&#x2018;] that Nigeria do not celebrate her own otherwise Maduabuchi Kalu Keshi should have been b[`Yb`Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;bqÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122; ormer Super Eaâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, the mood in the glesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; captain, country is that most NigeHenry Nwosu rians do not want Keshi to has advised continue as Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach Coach Stephen after the failure to qualKeshi to read the hand- ify the country for next writing on the wall and monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup of Naquit the national team in tions competition. the interest of Nigerian â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since Nigerians no football. longer want him as Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Nwosu said since Keshi coach, the normal thing for is no longer wanted at the him to do is to move out. j`qw\] ^Â ] YGYZ[\] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] w^\b] â&#x20AC;&#x153;He has made his Nigerians, he should be marks and should be able able to move on with his to move on with his life in-
stead of triggering of current debate on whether he deserves a new contract or not with majority saying no. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I sincerely believe that the right thing for him to do under this circumstance is to move on with his life because there is life outside being Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach,â&#x20AC;? Nwosu declared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unfortunately, we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t celebrate our own. If we do, what Keshi achieved with the national team are enough for us to celebrate him to no end. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no gain reminding us that he remains the best indigenous coach to have handled the national team based on
concrete achievements. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is on record that Keshi is the second person to have won the Nations Cup as a player and a coach. It is not an easy feat to achieve and he took Eagles to the second round of the World Cup after 16 years. Ă? ^] wY'`[] Â&#x2019;jYb] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;body says about Keshi, the fact on ground is that he remains the best local coach to have handled the national team and that is a very big plus for him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But since the mood in the country is that he should go due to the failure of Eagles to qualify for AFCON, he should be able to walk away with his head held high.â&#x20AC;?
No player sabotaged Keshi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Akpoborie
Ogoke targets All Africa Games gold
Francis Ajuonuma
Maduabuchi Kalu
ormer Super Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; striker, Jonathan Akpoborie, who has been in the vanguard of a campaign for Coach Stephen Keshito be replaced as Super EaÂ?q`\] Â?YG`[Â&#x201A;] jY\] Â YÂ&#x2013;qb`Â&#x2018;] the Coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claim that some players sabotaged him. Nigeria failed to qualify for next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup of Nations, where they would have defended the trophy they won in South Africa in 2013; and Keshi blamed it to sabotage. But Akpoborie said if there was any iota of truth to the Coachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claim, then it meant that he lost the dressing room and if he lost the dressing room, he had no business continuing as Eagles Coach, because obviously the players donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I disagree with Keshi that he failed to qualify us to the nations Cup because players sabotaged him. That for me is a lame excuse because it does not hold water. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a coach, Keshi
should be able to take responsibility for his failure instead of giving excuses here and there. Who would believe that? â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a well-known fact that once a coach loses the dressing room he does not need any soothsayer to tell him that the game is up. â&#x20AC;&#x153;More importantly, if after managing the team for some time and all of a sudden the players rose to disobey his instructions, it means that there
are things he was doing that the players do not like. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hate a situation whereby Keshi is being over pampered. For crying out loud, Keshi should go and let the Nigeria Football Federation [`k[Â&#x2013;Zb] Y] Â&#x2DC;`'`[] wYÂ&#x20AC;YÂ?`[] that will be able to deliver the goods. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The mood in the country is that Nigerians are not happy over Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; inability to qualify for next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa
Cup of Nations because they know what they are going to lose as a result. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The NFF should be able to rise up to the occasion by recruiting a new manager for the national team, after all, Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contract has since expired after the World Cup. As Y] wY'`[] ^Â ] Â YkbÂ&#x201A;] `\jZ] himself should be able to know that more than 80 per cent of Nigerians no longer want to see him as YÂ?q`\ÂŻ] Â?YG`[Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] Â&#x160;Â^Â&#x2DC;^rie said.
Ighalo thrilled to end 2014 on high
Ephraim Nwosu
igeria international, Odion Ighalo has expressed happiness after his team ended the year on a positive note with a resounding victory
^_`[] Y[Â&#x2018;ZG] ZbÂ&#x152;] ^Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;day. The 25-year-old was on song as Watford whipped Y[Â&#x2018;ZG] ZbÂ&#x152;] Ă&#x17D;½¸] b^] \j^^b] bj`] ^[Â&#x20AC;`b\] b^] bj`] Â? bj] position on the league taÂ&#x2DC;q`]Â&#x2019;Zbj]Ă&#x17D;Âą]Â^ZÂ&#x20AC;b\] [^w]¸Ă&#x17D;] matches. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a sweet victory for us. The goal was like a New Year gift to the fans. What a marvelous way
b^] Â?Â&#x20AC;Z\j] ¸³¹Ă&#x17D;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] b^] ^Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;`] bj`] Â?q^[Â&#x152;Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] Â?jYq^] `ÂŹclusively told Newswatch Sports Times on phone from United Kingdom. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have asked  ^[] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â&#x2DC;`'`[Â&#x2122;] ÂŻw] happy the fans appreciated it. They ainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seen anything yet. They should look forÂ&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;] b^] Y] Â&#x2DC;`'`[] Â`[ ^[mance in 2015 because the best has yet to comeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he
added. The former U-20 captain said he would be looking forward to scoring his Â? bj] ] q`YÂ?Â&#x2013;`] Â?^Yq] Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] Watford tackle HuddersÂ?`qÂ&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Y]Â&#x2019;``Â&#x160;]¸¡]Â?ÂŹbÂ&#x2013;[`]Yb]] John Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stadium on January 10. The ex Udinese and [YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2018;Y] Â?^Yq] Â^Ykj`[] admits that he has now Â?[^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]k^Â&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;k`]jY_`Â&#x20AC;] \`'q`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2019;`qq] Yb] bj`] club. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I came here earlier in the season, it was not `Y\Â&#x152;] ^[]w`]\`'qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] and people were saying all sorts of things but I kept my cool and remained focus, believing that the goals will start coming soon. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so happy to have maintained my goal-scoring form and Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;]bj`]Â?[Yk`]^ ] ^Â&#x2018;] ]j^Â`] it keeps on coming like that ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;\`ÂşÂ&#x2013;`Â&#x20AC;b]Â?Yw`\Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] he prayed. The League Championship is expected to resume on January 10, when Watford will play away at
dith Ogoke says Nigerians should expect a gold medal from her in the women boxing event at the All  [ZkY] Yw`\] ° ´] holding from September Ă&#x17D;Ă?ÂąĂ?Â&#x201A;]¸³¹¡]ZÂ&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;Â?^] [YĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;Y_Zqq`Â&#x2122;] ] Â&#x2DC;[^Â&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;`] w`Â&#x2018;YqZ\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;] the middleweight class at bj`] qY\Â?^Â&#x2019;] ¸³¹Ă&#x17D;] ^ww^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2019;`Yqbj] Yw`\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Scotland, Ogoke believes winning a gold medal Yb] bj`] qq]  [ZkY] Yw`\] Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x2DC;^^\b] j`[] k^Â&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;k`] towards the 2016 OlymÂZk] Yw`\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Z^] Â&#x2018;`] YÂ&#x20AC;`Z[^Â&#x201A;] [YĂ&#x192;ZqÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j`[`] \j`] hopes to achieve her long time dream of winning YÂ&#x20AC;] qÂ&#x152;wÂZk] Yw`\] Â?^qÂ&#x2018;] medal. Despite her growing popularity in women boxing, the hard punching Owerri-born boxer
will not take any opponent for granted if she is eventually included in the Nigerian team for the ^Â&#x20AC;Â?^] [YĂ&#x192;Ă&#x192;Y_Zqq`] Â^[b\] Fiesta. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yes for sure, I hope to Â&#x2DC;`]Yb]bj`] qq]  [ZkY] Yw`\] in Congo and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see anybody stopping me from taking the gold. I want to use the games as a motivation for the 2016 qÂ&#x152;wÂZk\]ZÂ&#x20AC;] [YĂ&#x192;ZqÂ&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;At the 2012 Olympics in London, I was very disappointed for losing out ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]ÂşÂ&#x2013;Y[b`[½Â?Â&#x20AC;Yq\]b^]bj`] Â&#x2013;\\ZYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] YÂ&#x2018;`Ă&#x192;Â&#x2018;Y] ^[lopova. Ever since, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been working hard trying to be in the right condition for the 2016 Olympics ZÂ&#x20AC;] [YĂ&#x192;ZqÂ&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;j`[`]wÂ&#x152;]bY[Â?`b] will be on the gold medal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With all honesty, the qq]  [ZkY] Yw`\] Z\] Y] small arena for me, having fought at the Olympics and Commonwealth Yw`\Â&#x2122;]]] Â&#x2013;b]bjYb]Â&#x2018;^`\]Â&#x20AC;^b] mean I should take any chances. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be fun for me and I will be there to give my best.
Obuh, Baraje jostle for Wikki Tourist job
Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Â?Â&#x2013;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â?`[\] Coach, John Obuh and former Enyimba Coach, Zacary Baraje lead the line of high proÂ?q`] ^Ykj`\] ¤^\bqZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]  ^[] the reins of the dugout at newly promoted Wikki Tourist. Head of communication of the Bauchi based kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;] \wYÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2DC;Y\\] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;guru revealed the club has received applications from a host of leading Premier league managers after the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to throw open the managerial seat at the club with the expiration of the one year contract of former coach, Tunde Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;q½ YjwYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; Speaking from the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s base in the North East, he said that the application received include top domestic coaches while noting that the former coach `ÂşÂ&#x2013;YqqÂ&#x152;] jY\] \Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;wZ'`Â&#x2018;] Y]
fresh application. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We contracted Tunde Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;q½ YjwYÂ&#x20AC;] ^[]Y]Â&#x152;`Y[] and now weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve thrown the job vacancy open and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve received applications from eight possible candidates. â&#x20AC;&#x153;John Obuh, Tunde Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;q½ YjwYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;qlahi Della , Zacary Baraje, Abdullahi Maikaba and Lobi Stars Coach Evans [Ogenyi] gunning for the ¤^Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]bj`] `Â&#x2018;ZY]^Ik`[][`vealed.
Sports/ Martino: I taught Messi nothing
n a refreshingly honest and open critique of his time as Barcelona coach, Gerardo Martino has conceded he â&#x20AC;&#x153;left nothingâ&#x20AC;? at the club. Martino left Barcelona at the end of the 201314 season - less than a year after replacing Tito Vilanova - having failed to win a trophy apart from the Spanish Super Cup. The 52-year-old Argentine has gone on to become his countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s senior coach but, in an interview
with Argentine newspaper Clarin, it is clear his experience in the Catalan capital still rankles. When asked what he had taught Lionel Messi - who he still works alongside with Argentina - Martino said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nothing. Nothing at all. Not to him or to Barca.â&#x20AC;? Martino added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am just being critical with myself about what happened when I was there. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I left nothing at Barca, it was a blip in my career - it turns out that it happened in the most important place I have worked at.â&#x20AC;? Prior to his time with Barcelona, Martino helped his home-town club Newellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Old Boys to bj`Z[]Â?[\b] [Â?`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ&#x20AC;`] [Zwera Division title in nine years, while he has also won Paraguayan Primera Division titles with Libertad and Cerro Porteno.
2014 Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or: Dunga votes Ronaldo over Neymar Brazil boss Dunga has revealed he voted for Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo - not his own player Neymar - to win the 2014 Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or. Ronaldo, who was handed the award in 2014, is the favourite to win the trophy for a third time but faces competition from Barcelonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lionel Messi and Bayern Munich goalkeeper Manuel Neuer. Neymar was nominated
in the 23-man shortist having been one of the stars of this summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup until injury ended his tournament, and Brazil simultaneously careered towards YÂ&#x20AC;] `wÂ&#x2DC;Y[[Y\\ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] \`wZ½Â?Â&#x20AC;Yq] exit to Germany. Despite now coaching Neymar for the national team, having taken the reins from Luiz Felipe Scolari afb`[]bj`] ^[qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;Â]Â?Â&#x20AC;Z\j`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Dunga revealed he has allied with the Barca starâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Real Madrid rival Ronaldo for the Fifa award this year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My vote was for Cristiano Ronaldo,â&#x20AC;? the 51-yearold said at a press conference in Porto Alegre. If Ronaldo is successful in his bid for the Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or, he will be just one victory short of matching Messi, who has won the trophy four times.
Catalans reject CAS ruling on transfer ban
arcelona have hit out at the Court of Arbitration for Sportâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (CAS) decision to enforce a two-window transfer ban on the club, describing their â&#x20AC;&#x153;total disagreementâ&#x20AC;? with the punishment. CAS announced on Tuesday that it had rejected Barcaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appeal against Fifaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s initial sanction for the illegal transfer of a number of youngsters from outside of the Spanish jurisdiction. But the Blaugrana have insisted they will assess their legal options following the CAS decision, remarking that they are far from happy with the way they have been treated. â&#x20AC;&#x153;FC Barcelona wishes to state, with all due respect for the sports authorities, that it totally disagrees
with the verdict of CAS announced on Tuesday to k^Â&#x20AC;Â?[w]bj`]\YÂ&#x20AC;kbZ^Â&#x20AC;]^[ZÂ?Znally imposed by FIFA as a consequence of the alleged breach of regulations on the international transfer of minor footballers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Club has made it clear to the FIFA Disciplinary Commission, the FIFA Appeals Commission and the CAS itself that it understands and supports the policy on the protection of minors and the concern for the protection of their development and education. Ă? jZ\] Z\] k^Â&#x20AC;Â?[w`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] how the club has acted throughout its history, setting an example around the world for the way its young footballers are schooled and educated.â&#x20AC;?
Iniesta: Expect stronger Blaugrana in 2015
ndres Iniesta says he is conÂ?Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b] bjYb] Â&#x2DC;^bj] he and Barcelona can return to form in 2015. Iniesta and Barcelona both failed to live up to expectations in 2014, resulting in a lack of silverware at Camp Nou and a punctured reputation for the Spain midÂ?`qÂ&#x2018;`[Â&#x2122; However, Iniesta is sure he can regain his best form as part of a renewed push for glory by the Catalan giants. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Titles are something nobody can promise because you never know what will jYÂÂ`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] Â&#x20AC;Z`\bY]YÂ&#x2018;wZ'`Â&#x2018;]b^] Sport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But what I can say is that you have to trust this team and things are going well for us to reach the end of the season with a chance b^]Â?Â?jb]bj[^Â&#x2013;Â?j^Â&#x2013;bÂ&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is true that 2014 was not my best year for many Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;b] [`Y\^Â&#x20AC;\Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] ] Yw] well and I want to keep improving, to reach that sweet spot and stay there for a long, long time.â&#x20AC;? And he is certain he can stand the test of time despite
having turned 30 during 2014. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had an injury and was away for a month,â&#x20AC;? the World Cup winner continued. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes circumstances mean youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not quite as good as you were. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is not a question of being 30 now and having only been 25 in 2009. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a mat-
b`[]^Â ]Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;[]Â ``qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?\Â&#x2122;] If I had no desire to be better than before, I would go j^w`Â&#x2122;] ] Yw] k^Â&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b] bjYb] the best version of Iniesta is still to come.â&#x20AC;? Barcelona currently second in the Spanish Liga table, just one point behind leaders Real Madrid but having played one game
more than the capital club. The Blaugrana were hit on Tuesday by the announcement that they will serve a two-window transfer ban in 2015 after the Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected their appeal over Fifaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suspension for signing underage foreign players.
Laporta plots Guardiolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return
resident Joan Laporta seems as likely as ever to challenge the current board and once again run for the presidency of ] Y[k`q^Â&#x20AC;Y]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]jZ\]Â?[\b]^[Â&#x2018;`[]^Â ]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x20AC;`\\] looks to be replacing current sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta with the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most successful coach, Pep Guardiola. According to Spanish sports daily SPORT, Zb]Z\]Â&#x20AC;^b]Y]wY'`[]^Â ]ZÂ ]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b]Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] YÂ^[bY]YÂ&#x20AC;nounced he will challenge current president
^\`Â] Y[ZY] Y[b^w`Â&#x2013;Â&#x201A;]Y\]j`]Z\]Â?`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]b^Â?`bjer a team and organising a campaign before wYÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]jZ\]kYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2018;YkÂ&#x152;]^IkZYqÂ&#x2122; Laporta and his team are working on a campaign that will guarantee him election in 2016 and formulating a plan that will give jZw]YwÂq`]Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2019;jZq`]Yq\^]ÂÂ&#x2013;'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]b^Â?`bjer the pieces from his successful 2003-2010 [`ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;Ă&#x201D;]bj`]Â?[\b]^Â ]Â&#x2019;jZkj]Z\]Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;] `Â] Guardiola to the Camp Nou. Guardiola is beloved as ever following
Barcelonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disappointing 2013-14 campaign and with his contract with Bayern Munich set to expire in 2016, his position alongside and backing Laporta would carry serious weight that cannot be overlooked.
Newswatch TIMES
35 Sports/EURO LEAGUE Podolski: Wenger attacks Mancini Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m fed up of waiting â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ceballos
rsene Wenger has labelled Â&#x20AC;b`[] ZqYÂ&#x20AC;ÂŻ\] ZÂ&#x20AC;b`[`\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x160;Y\] ^Â&#x2018;^q\Â&#x160;Z]Y]Ă?¤^Â&#x160;`Â&#x161;Â&#x2122; ^Â&#x2018;^q\Â&#x160;Z] jY\] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] qZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;Zbj] Y] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;] q^YÂ&#x20AC;] w^_`] b^] bj`] bYqZYÂ&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x2013;bÂ?bÂ&#x2122; Â&#x20AC;b`[] Â&#x2DC;^\\] ^Â&#x2DC;`[b^] YÂ&#x20AC;kZÂ&#x20AC;Z] [`k`Â&#x20AC;bqÂ&#x152;]k^Â&#x20AC;Â?[w`Â&#x2018;]bj`] `[wYÂ&#x20AC;] ^[qÂ&#x2018;] Cup winner is â&#x20AC;&#x153;part of a list of play`[\]bjYb]Â&#x2019;`]Y[`] ^qq^Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] Y\Â&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x20AC;b`[ÂŻ\] ZÂ&#x20AC;b`[`\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x2018;^q\Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x201A;] `Â&#x20AC;Â?`[] Â&#x2019;Y\] \kYbjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2122; Ă? jYb]Z\]Y]¤^Â&#x160;`Â&#x201A;] Â&#x20AC;b`[] ZqYÂ&#x20AC;]Z\]Â&#x20AC;^b] \`[Z^Â&#x2013;\Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]j`]\YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Ă? b]Z\]Â&#x20AC;^bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]\`[Z^Â&#x2013;\Â&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;]bYqÂ&#x160;Â&#x201A;] bj`[`]Z\]^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x152;]bYqÂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; Zbj] qZ_Z`[] Z[^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;] \Â&#x2013;\Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] `qÂ&#x2DC;`kÂ&#x160;] Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;b Â&#x2013;q]  ^[] [\`Â&#x20AC;YqÂŻ\] kqY\j] Â&#x2019;Zbj] ^Â&#x2013;bjYwÂb^Â&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;] jÂ&#x2013;[\Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;]°Ă&#x201A;Âw´Â&#x201A;] `Â&#x20AC;Â?`[]Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b\] b^]Â&#x160;``Â] ^Â&#x2018;^q\Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x2122; Ă? ^Â&#x2018;^q\Â&#x160;Z] Z\] Y] ÂqYÂ&#x152;`[] ^ ] [\`Â&#x20AC;Yq] ^^bÂ&#x2DC;Yqq] qÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b] jZw] b^]
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ristian Ceballos says he is fed up of waiting for an opportunity at ^'`Â&#x20AC;jYwÂ&#x2122; The 22-year-old forward ¤^ZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] ÂÂ&#x2013;[\] [^w] Y[k`q^Â&#x20AC;Y] in 2011 and spent last season on loan at Portuguese [ZwZ`[Y] ZÂ?Y]^Â&#x2013;bÂ?b] [^Â&#x2013;kYÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j`[`]j`]Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb]`ÂŹYkbqÂ&#x152;]ÂÂ&#x2013;qq] Â&#x2013;Â] b[``\] °\k^[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^Â&#x20AC;k`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ÂąĂ&#x2022;] YÂÂ`Y[YÂ&#x20AC;k`\´Â&#x2122;  b`[]  `YbÂ&#x2013;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â[^wZnently in pre-season for YÂ&#x2013;[ZkZ^] ^kj`'ZÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;] `ballos is yet to play a single wZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;b`] ^ ] Â?[\b] b`Yw]  ^^bball this season and says j`] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b\] b^] q`Y_`] bj`] YÂ&#x20AC;`] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x20AC;`ÂŹb]w^Â&#x20AC;bjÂŻ\]b[YÂ&#x20AC;\ `[] Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122; Ă? ÂŻw] Â&#x2019;YZbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]  ^[] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;] Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`] ÂŻw] b[Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] q`Y_`] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;`] b^] Y] qYkÂ&#x160;] ^ ] Â?[\b½ b`Yw] ^^bÂ&#x2DC;YqqÂ&#x201A;Â&#x161;] `Â&#x2DC;Yqq^\]b^qÂ&#x2018;] ÂYÂ&#x20AC;Z\j]Â&#x2018;YZqÂ&#x152;] Y[kYÂ&#x2122; Ă? ] \bY[b`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;`qqÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] bj`[`] Y[`]¸Ă&#x2022;]^ ]Â&#x2013;\]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]\ÂşÂ&#x2013;YÂ&#x2018;]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] there are very few opportuÂ&#x20AC;ZbZ`\][ZÂ?jb]Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122; Ă? j`[`] Y[`] \^w`] Â?[`Yb] players here and a lot of
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Enzo seals Valencia switch
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[YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;] Â&#x2018;`] ^`[ÂŻ\] YÂ?`Â&#x20AC;b] \YÂ&#x152;\] bj`] ¤YÂŹ] wYÂ&#x20AC;YÂ?`[] Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x20AC;^b] q`Y_`] b^] bYÂ&#x160;`] ^_`[]Yb] `Â&#x2019;kY\bq`] Â&#x20AC;Zb`Â&#x2018;]Y\]Y] [`ÂqYk`w`Â&#x20AC;b] ^[]bj`]^Â&#x2013;bÂ?^ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] qYÂ&#x20AC;] Y[Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122; `] ^`[ÂŻ\]Â&#x20AC;Yw`]jY\]k^w`] up as a favourite for the St
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Real insist Bale Boer not interested not for sale at De in Newcastle job â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Agent any price F
`Yq] YÂ&#x2018;[ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] President Florentino Perez jY\] Â&#x2018;`kqY[`Â&#x2018;] that winger Y[`bj] Yq`] Z\] Â&#x20AC;^b]  ^[] \Yq`] Yb] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] Â[Zk`Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2018;`\ÂZb`] Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x2018;`\Â[`YÂ&#x2018;] [`Â^[b\] qZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] jZw] Â&#x2019;Zbj] Y] w^_`] b^] YÂ&#x20AC;kj`\b`[] Â&#x20AC;Zb`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122; j`] Â&#x20AC;Â?qZ\j] kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;] jY_`] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] \b[^Â&#x20AC;Â?qÂ&#x152;] [Â&#x2013;w^Â&#x2013;[`Â&#x2018;] b^] Â&#x2DC;`] Â[`ÂY[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Y] Ă&#x2013;¹¸³w] Â&#x2DC;ZÂ&#x2018;] ^[]bj`] `q\jwYÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b]
Perez insists the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w^\b] `ÂŹÂ`Â&#x20AC;\Z_`] ÂqYÂ&#x152;`[] Z\] Â?^ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;j`[`Â&#x2122; `[`Ă&#x192;] Z\] ÂşÂ&#x2013;^b`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;] Y\] \YÂ&#x152;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?²] Ă? ] kYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;^b] ZwYÂ?ZÂ&#x20AC;`] `Yq] YÂ&#x2018;[ZÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;Zbj^Â&#x2013;b] Yq`Â&#x2122;] `] Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x20AC;`_`[] qZ\b`Â&#x20AC;] b^] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] ^G`[Â&#x201A;] Â&#x20AC;^]wY'`[]bj`]Yw^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122; Ă? jZ\]Z\]Y]Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZÂşÂ&#x2013;`]ÂqYÂ&#x152;er who has already given Â&#x2013;\] Y] q^b] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Zb] Z\] k[Â&#x2013;kZYq]  ^[]bj`] Â&#x2013;bÂ&#x2013;[`]^ ]bj`]kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; Yq`Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j^] ¤^ZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] Y-
Â&#x2018;[ZÂ&#x2018;]  [^w] ÂÂ&#x2013;[\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ¸³¹Ă&#x201A;]  ^[] Y] Â&#x2019;^[qÂ&#x2018;] [`k^[Â&#x2018;]  ``] ^ ] YÂÂ[^ÂŹZwYb`qÂ&#x152;] Ă&#x2013;ÂśĂ&#x2022;wÂ&#x201A;] jY\]Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;][Â&#x2013;w^Â&#x2013;[`Â&#x2018;]b^]Â&#x2DC;`] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;Zb`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;^\\] ^Â&#x2013;Z\] _YÂ&#x20AC;] YYq] Â&#x2019;Zbj] bj`] possibility of Spanish Â&#x160;``Â`[] Y_ZÂ&#x2018;] `] `Y] Ă?] Â&#x2019;j^\`] k^Â&#x20AC;b[Ykb] Yb] qÂ&#x2018;] [YG^[Â&#x2018;] `ÂŹÂZ[`\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] \Â&#x2013;ww`[] ^ ] ¸³¹Ă&#x2022;] Ă?] j`YÂ&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] bj`] `[Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2DC;`Â&#x2013;] Y\] ÂY[b]^ ]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;]Â&#x2018;`YqÂ&#x2122; Â&#x20AC;Zb`Â&#x2018;]jYÂ&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;ZÂ&#x2018;] ^[] Yq`]
ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] \Â&#x2013;ww`[] ^ ] ¸³¹Ă&#x201A;] Ă?] Â&#x2019;Zbj] bj`Z[] ^G`[] Â&#x2DC;`qZ`_`Â&#x2018;] to have been bigger than the fee Madrid paid ÂÂ&#x2013;[\]  ^[] jZ\] \`[_Zk`\] Ă?] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] jY_ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] w^_`Â&#x2018;] qYb`Â&#x201A;] the player had already set his heart on joining the Spanish giants and the Â[^\Â`kb] ^ ] ¤^ZÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] ^Â&#x152;`\] [`_^qÂ&#x2013;bZ^Â&#x20AC;] Yb] qÂ&#x2018;] [YG^[Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;Y\] ZÂ&#x20AC;\Â&#x2013;IkZ`Â&#x20AC;b] b^] wYÂ&#x160;`] jZw] kjYÂ&#x20AC;Â?`] jZ\] wZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;
ormer three division champion and future hall of famer â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sugarâ&#x20AC;? Shane Mosley recently gave his expert opinion on how a Â^b`Â&#x20AC;bZYq]Â?Â?jb]Â&#x2DC;`bÂ&#x2019;``Â&#x20AC;] Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao would play out. ^\q`Â&#x152;]  Yk`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;^bj] Â?Â?jb`[\]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`][ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;]q^\ing 12 round decisions ZÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2DC;^bj]^Â&#x2013;bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?\Â&#x2122; While Mosley leans b^Â&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;\] YÂ&#x152;Â&#x2019;`Ybj`[Â&#x201A;] he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t rule out Pacquiao leaving the ring with his hand raised. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I give the slight edge to Money MayÂ&#x2019;`Ybj`[] Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`] ^ ] jZ\] YÂ&#x2DC;ZqZbÂ&#x152;] b^] w^_`] and get out of the way and make it hard for Manny Pacquiao to Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]jZwÂ&#x2122;] ^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x152;] YÂ&#x152;Â&#x2019;`Ybj`[] jY\] Y] qZ'q`] Â&#x2DC;Zb] of punching power as well. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not like he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hit hard. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x20AC;^b] bj`] jY[Â&#x2018;`\b] jZ'`[] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] j`ÂŻ\] Yq\^] Â&#x20AC;^b] bj`] softest. I think it will Â&#x2DC;`] Y] Â?[`Yb] Â?Â?jbÂ&#x2122;] ] \``] Mayweather winning Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] YkÂşÂ&#x2013;ZY^]Â&#x2018;`Â?Â&#x20AC;Zb`qÂ&#x152;] jY\] Y] kjYÂ&#x20AC;k`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] ^\q`Â&#x152;] said.
Mosley gives Mayweather edge over Pacquiao
Golovkin trains in high altitude for Murray
Eubank, Chudinov showdown for Feb 28
j[Z\] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;] [] Â&#x2019;Zqq] face Russiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dmitry Chudinov as part of the Tyson Fury undercard Yb]bj`] ¸]^Â&#x20AC;] `Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;]¸œÂ&#x2122; Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;] [ÂŻ\] kjYqq`Â&#x20AC;Â?`] against Interim WBA middleweight champion ChuÂ&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;^_] Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x2DC;`] bj`] kjZ` ] support for Furyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defence of his WBO International j`Y_Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb] Â&#x2DC;`qb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] Christian Hammer. j`] [ZÂ?jb^Â&#x20AC;] Â?Â?jb`[] \Â&#x2013;G`[`Â&#x2018;] jZ\] Â?[\b] kY[``[]
loss last time out against Â&#x2DC;Z'`[] [Z_Yq] ZqqÂ&#x152;] ^`] YÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[\]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b]_Zkb^[Â&#x152;]^_`[] jÂ&#x2013;dinov could put him on bj`][^YÂ&#x2018;]b^]Y][`wYbkjÂ&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;Zbj] Saunders set to take on Irishman Andy Lee for the WBO middleweight title early in 2015. jÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;^_] Z\] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;`Yb`Â&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ÂąĂ&#x2022;] Â[^ `\\Z^Â&#x20AC;Yq] Â?Â?jb\Â&#x201A;] bÂ&#x2019;^] ^ ] bj^\`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] and he defended his title for the second time against Frenchman Mehdi Boua-
dia in August. The card will also see ]Â&#x2DC;YÂ&#x20AC;bYwÂ&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb]kjYwÂZ^Â&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x2013;q] Â&#x2013;bq`[]Â&#x2DC;ZÂ&#x2018;]b^]kqYZw] a second title at a lower weight when he challenges ]\Â&#x2013;Â`[½Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb]kjYwpion Zolani Tete. Butler was due to face the South African in OctoÂ&#x2DC;`[]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] `b`]Â&#x2DC;[^Â&#x160;`]jZ\]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] in training and he went on b^]ZÂ&#x20AC;\b`YÂ&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;`Yb] \wY`q] Y[nica on points at the Echo Arena.
Welliver promises Williams hell
orld Boxing Association (WBA) interim-middleÂ&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb] kjYwÂZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] `Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x152;] Ă? Â&#x161;] ^q^_Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;] is currently training in the high altitude of Big `Y[Â&#x201A;] YqZ ^[Â&#x20AC;ZY]  ^[] jZ\] `Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;] ¸¹] \j^Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] against Martin Murray of the United Kingdom. j`] Â?Â?jb] bYÂ&#x160;`\] ÂqYk`] in Monte Carlo and will Â&#x2DC;`]b`q`_Z\`Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] Â&#x2122; Andy Lee captured the vacant WBO middleweight title a few weeks ago with a knockout victory over the then unÂ&#x2DC;`Yb`Â&#x20AC;] Y'] ^[^Â&#x2DC;^_Â&#x2122;] [ZÂq`] ]\YZÂ&#x2018;]j`]Â&#x2019;Y\]Zwpressed with Leeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance and hopes that Y] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZÂ?kYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] Â?Â?jb] jYÂpens in the near future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a great perfor-
mance. He had a good knockout and now he is WBO champion. I want Y]Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZÂ?kYbZ^Â&#x20AC;]Â?Â?jbÂ&#x2122;] ]jY_`] wanted one for a long time in the middleweight division so we can see Â&#x2019;j^]Z\]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;wÂ&#x2DC;`[]^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]\YZÂ&#x2018;] ^q^_Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; Zbj] bjYb] Â&#x2DC;`ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] \YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] ^q^_Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;j^]Yq\^]j^qÂ&#x2018;\] the International Boxing Organisation (IBO) and World Boxing CounkZq] ° ´] ZÂ&#x20AC;b`[Zw] bZbq`\Â&#x201A;] states that he is taking bj`] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] Â&#x2013;[ray very seriously and knows a slip up could derail many future lucrabZ_`]Â?Â?jb\Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Murray is a good Â?Â?jb`[Â&#x2122;] `ÂŻ\] _`[Â&#x152;] \b[^Â&#x20AC;Â?] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â&#x2DC;`]Y]b^Â&#x2013;Â?j]Â?Â?jb] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x2019;`] Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x2DC;`] [`YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x152;Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] ^q^_Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;
astly experienced American heavyÂ&#x2019;`ZÂ?jb] Â&#x2DC;^ÂŹ`[Â&#x201A;] Chauncy Welliver has Â[^wZ\`Â&#x2018;]b^]Â&#x2DC;`]ZÂ&#x20AC;]\jYÂ`]Â ^[] his clash with Sonny Bill Williams and is â&#x20AC;&#x153;1000 perk`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x161;]\Â&#x2013;[`]]j`]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â&#x2DC;`Yb]bj`] All Blacks star. Code-swapper Williams makes his long-awaited return to the ring against Welliver in Sydney on
YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;] Ă&#x201A;ÂąÂ&#x201A;] `Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Y] bÂ&#x2019;^½
Â&#x152;`Y[] YÂ&#x2DC;\`Â&#x20AC;k`] \ZÂ&#x20AC;k`] jZ\] k^Â&#x20AC;troversial points win over South African veteran Frans Botha. Welliver is a well-respected journeyman with 70 Â?Â?jb\]b^]jZ\]Â&#x20AC;Yw`Â&#x201A;]ZÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] 55 wins. He shapes as a genuine test for Williams who is Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;`Yb`Â&#x20AC;]YÂ b`[]\ZÂŹ]Â?Â?jb\Â&#x2122; `qqZ_`[Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j^] jY\] \Â`Â&#x20AC;b] k^Â&#x20AC;\ZÂ&#x2018;`[YÂ&#x2DC;q`] bZw`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] `Â&#x2019;] `YqYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Z\] Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] Â&#x2DC;Y\`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Y\jZÂ&#x20AC;Â?b^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] Z\] Â&#x20AC;`_`[] Y]
great look physically and weighed 137kg for his last Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] q`ÂŹYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[] Ustinov in Moscow last month. Welliver lost a unanimous decision over eight rounds to the Belarusian giant. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worth noting that Ustinov ended the career of David Tua last year and Welliver was a late callÂ&#x2013;ÂÂ&#x201A;] Â?Â?jbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ¤Â&#x2013;\b] Y] w^Â&#x20AC;bj] Y b`[]Â&#x2DC;`ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^[k`Â&#x2018;]^Â&#x2013;b]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`] Â? bj] [^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] [Z\ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Australian heavyweight Lucas Browne due to a suspected fractured left eye socket. \Â&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] Z ] j`] k^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;`Yb] ZqqZYw\Â&#x201A;] `qqZ_`[] Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb] j^qÂ&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;Â&#x2122; Ă?¹³³³] Â`[k`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x201A;Â&#x161;] bj`] 31-year-old Welliver told Â?Â?jb] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2019;\Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;`qZ`_ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] j`] had the preparation time to wYÂ&#x160;`]Y]Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;k`]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Y]Â?Â?jb] bjYb] k^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;`] Â&#x2018;`Â?Â&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]  ^[] him.
Promoter Frank War[`Â&#x20AC;] \YZÂ&#x2018;²] Ă? bÂŻ\] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] Y] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;\Â&#x152;] j[Z\bwY\] Â`[Z^Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] ÂŻw] delighted to secure world bZbq`] Â?Â?jb\]  ^[] j[Z\] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Paul early in the New Year which is fantastic news for them. Ă? ^[] j[Z\Â&#x201A;]Zb]Â&#x2019;Y\]Y]kq^\`] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] ZqqÂ&#x152;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] bj`] q^\\] b^] Y] Â&#x2DC;ZÂ?] [Z_Yq] Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] jY_`]Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;]jY[Â&#x2018;]b^]bYÂ&#x160;`Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] he now has a great opporbÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZbÂ&#x152;] b^] Â?^] \b[YZÂ?jb] Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;] into the ring and claim a Â&#x2019;^[qÂ&#x2018;] kjYwÂZ^Â&#x20AC;\jZÂ] Â&#x2DC;`qb] and prove that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s learnt from the loss and show that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the real thing. Ă? ] Â&#x2DC;`qZ`_`] bjYb] YÂ&#x2013;q] Z\] a super-talent and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m especially pleased to deliver him a second and history making world title opportunity against Tete which should have happened ZÂ&#x20AC;] kb^Â&#x2DC;`[Â&#x2122;] `] Â?`b\] bj`] chance now and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure j`ÂŻqq] Â?[YÂ&#x2DC;] bj`] ^ÂÂ^[bÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZbÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2019;Zbj]Â&#x2DC;^bj]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2122;Â&#x161;
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Newswatch Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
epatitis, alcohol consumption, even obesity can produce chronic ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`] liver and set the stage for cancer. Scientists, trying to determine what enables the deadly transformation and block it, have their sights on the protein, TREM-1, which accelerates ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] YÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ?`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] [`Â^[b] said Tuesday. Ă? j[^Â&#x20AC;Zk]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;]Z\]Y]jÂ&#x2013;Â?`] promoter of cancer development and progression,â&#x20AC;? said Dr. Anatolij Horuzsko, immunologist at the Medical College of Georgia and Georgia Regents University Cancer Center. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This kind of ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] Z\] _`[Â&#x152;] \Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;bq`Ă&#x201D;] bj`] body doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even show signs of a high fever, as it would with an acute infection such as the Â&#x2039;Â&#x2013;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Zb] Â[^_ZÂ&#x2018;`\] YÂ&#x2018;_YÂ&#x20AC;bYÂ?`\] for mutated cells to avoid the immune response and become cancer.â&#x20AC;? A $1.6 million National Cancer Institute grant will help Horuzsko and his team learn whether bringing down the curtain on TREM-1 blocks liver cancer development and possibly ^bj`[] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;½Y\\^kZYb`Â&#x2018;] cancers such as colorectal, lung, and cervical cancer. Their early evidence in human cells and animal models suggests that it can block the conversion that can take decades to occur and even stop progression of an existing cancer. TREM-1 is expressed by a handful of immune cell types - neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages - but not normally by healthy liver cells. In the liver, ½¹]kYÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2DC;`] ^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;ÂG`[] cells, a resident macrophage thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basically a cellular garbage disposal, devouring debris, invaders, and even cancer cells. Another protein, HMGB1, which has important functions inside the cell nucleus such as keeping DNA organized, is released by cells, which are damaged and dying from years of `ÂŹÂ^\Â&#x2013;[`]b^]kj[^Â&#x20AC;Zk]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] Horuzsko has found that when released, HMGB1 activates the previously quiescent TREMÂą] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â&#x2013;ÂG`[] k`qq\Â&#x2122;] j`] [`\Â&#x2013;qbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]YwÂqZÂ?`Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] promotes production of more liver cells, in theory. to replace the dead and dying, but the new cells are mutated and cancer-prone. TREM-1 then appears to continue its negative role, supporting ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â[`_`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] dangerous new cells from dying. While a healthy individual could likely eliminate a few wayward cells, in those with a chronically stressed liver, â&#x20AC;&#x153;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s qZÂ&#x160;`]bj[^Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â?Y\^qZÂ&#x20AC;`]^Â&#x20AC;]Y]Â?[`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]
^[Â&#x2013;Ă&#x192;\Â&#x160;^] \YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] Ă? Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYb^[Â&#x152;] cells from other parts of the body migrate to the liver, so it moves to Y] \bYb`] ^Â ] kj[^Â&#x20AC;Zk] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] which increases the cancer risk because it increases liver cell damage.â&#x20AC;? The chronic assaults produce scar-like tissue, which replaces healthy liver tissue, potentially [`\Â&#x2013;qbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Â?Â&#x2DC;[^\Z\]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]kZ[[j^\Z\] - advanced states of liver disease often associated with alcohol, but which can also be caused by other perpetrators of ongoing ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] \Â&#x2013;kj] Y\] ^Â&#x2DC;`\ZbÂ&#x152;] and hepatitis. This damaged state again is highly favorable to liver cancer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a step-by-step process that can take 10 or 20
Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hepatitis, alcohol consumption, others linked with liver cancerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
years,â&#x20AC;? Horuzsko said. The scientist thinks one way TREM-1 supports scar tissue formation is by activating stellate cells, which also tend to stay dormant unless thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a liver injury, such as from a car wreck, that needs repair. Horuzskoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team has shown that exposure to a known carcinogen essentially always causes liver cancer in mice, and those cancer cells contain TREM-1. TREM-1 Â&#x2018;`Â?kZ`Â&#x20AC;b]wZk`Â&#x201A;]^Â&#x20AC;]bj`]^bj`[]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] have a dramatically reduced risk of induced liver cancer after such exposure. The scientists also have found TREM-1 in human liver cancer cells. To further pursue the therapeutic potential, after again exposing normal mice to the carcinogen, Horuzsko is now also giving an existing, short-acting peptide that blocks TREM-1, anticipating that it will reduce the liver cancer risk in the mice to that of the TREMÂą] Â&#x2018;`Â?kZ`Â&#x20AC;b] ^Â&#x20AC;`\Â&#x2122;] ^[Â&#x2013;Ă&#x192;\Â&#x160;^] Â&#x20AC;^b`\] that he is simultaneously working on a more powerful inhibitor since the research peptide heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s using would disappear in patients in just a few hours while therapy could be needed long term to help prevent liver cancer in high-risk patients and, potentially, to help halt progression in those who already have liver cancer. His lab also is listening to the crosstalk between hepatocytes,
which make up about 80 percent of bj`]qZ_`[Â&#x201A;]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;ÂG`[]k`qq\Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] the promotion and progression of liver cancer in both normal and ½¹]Â&#x2018;`Â?kZ`Â&#x20AC;b]wZk`Â&#x2122;] j`]Â?^Yq\] are to learn more about what happens between HMGB1 and TREM-1, what regulates TREM-1 on liver cancer cells, and TREM1â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s role in cancer proliferation and
survival. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to remove TREM-1 from tumor cells and see if that will prompt tumor regression,â&#x20AC;? he said.
`ÂŻ\] Yq\^] Â&#x2DC;q^kÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â?Â&#x2DC;[^\Z\½ producing stellate cells to see if bjYbÂŻ\] YkbÂ&#x2013;YqqÂ&#x152;] Y] w^[`] `IkYkZ^Â&#x2013;\] treatment approach and studying j^Â&#x2019;] bj`Â&#x152;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;ÂG`[] k`qq\] Y[`] [`qYb`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] ^bj`[] bjYÂ&#x20AC;] \Z'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] \ZÂ&#x2018;`½
by-side in between liver cells. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need to understand who activates whom,â&#x20AC;? he said, although, again, j`ÂŻ\]Â&#x2DC;`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]^Â&#x20AC;]bj`] ^[w`[Â&#x2122; Earlier this year, Korean scientists ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;] ½¹]Y\]Y]Â&#x2DC;Z^wY[Â&#x160;`[] for aggressive colorectal cancer, YÂ&#x20AC;^bj`[] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;½[`qYb`Â&#x2018;] cancer.
...Eating red meat trigger risk of cancer N ew study shows that red meat increases the risk of cancer due to a sugar w^q`kÂ&#x2013;q`] bjYb] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?qb[Yb`\] ^Â&#x2013;[] tissues and later causes tissue ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] j`] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2019;] [`\`Y[kj] contradicts previous belief that red meat leads to cancer due to harmful chemicals released when grilling. The study was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by UC San Diego scientists, an online
report said. The Neu5Gc, a carcinogenic sugar molecule found in red meat products such as pork, beef, lamb and bison, is a molecule unnatural for our bodies. When it gets ingested it gets fully incorporated within our tissue, but after some bZw`] bj`] ZwwÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;`] \Â&#x152;\b`w] Y'YkÂ&#x160;\] Zb]kYÂ&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?][`Â`Yb`Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] within the tissue. Repeated ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;YwwYbZ^Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2019;Y\] qZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] previous studies with increased risk of developing cancer.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In this case, the foreign sugar is like a Trojan Horse. It becomes part of your own cells. When you react to a peanut or other allergy-causing substance, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re reacting to something foreign. jZ\]Z\]bj`]Â?[\b]`ÂŹYwÂq`]Â&#x2019;`]Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] of something thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foreign, gets totally incorporated into you despite the fact that your immune system recognizes it,â&#x20AC;? Dr. Ajit Varki, lead author of the study, said. Neu5Gc is also present in
Stress cause headaches â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Experts
tâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important for everyone to manage stress for the sake of their health and happiness, but a new study shows it could be especially important for people who get headaches. Researchers from the University Hospital of University DuisburgEssen in Germany found an association between higher stress levels and an increased number of tension-type headaches and migraine headaches. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The results add weight to the concept that stress can be a factor contributing to the onset of headache disorders, that it accelerates the progression to chronic headache, exacerbates headache episodes, and that the headache experience itself can serve as a stressor,â&#x20AC;? study researcher Dr. Sara H. Schramm, M.D., said in a statement recently, published online. j`] Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?\] Â&#x2019;`[`] Â[`\`Â&#x20AC;b`Â&#x2018;] Yb] the annual meeting of the American
kYÂ&#x2018;`wÂ&#x152;] ^Â ] `Â&#x2013;[^q^Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201D;] Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`] they have yet to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, they should be considered preliminary. For the study, researchers surveyed 5,159 people between ages 21 and 71 about their stress levels and headaches over two years. They were surveyed four times a year, and were asked to provide information on how many headaches they experienced a month. Among the study participants, tension-type headaches were the most common, experienced by 31 percent of the participants. Fourteen percent reported experiencing migraines, 11 percent reported experiencing migraine combined with tension-type headaches, and 17 percent reported experiencing headaches but did not specify what kind. People who experienced tensiontype headaches had average stress
levels of 52 out of 100, while those who experienced migraine headaches had average stress levels of 62 out of 100. People with migraines and tension-type headaches had average stress levels of 59 out of 100. After taking into account other potential factors, such as drinking and headache drug use, researchers found an association between stress and frequency of headaches for all three categories. With tension-type headaches, the number of headache days per month increased 6.3 percent for each additional 10 points on the stress scale. With migraine headaches, the number of headache days per month increased 4.3 percent for each additional 10 stress scale points, and with migraine and tension-type headaches, the number of headache days per month increased 4 percent for each additional 10 stress scale points.
Â&#x2019;j^q`] wZqÂ&#x160;Â&#x201A;] Â?\j] `Â?Â?\] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \^w`] types of cheese. So, scientists recommend we consume those with moderation. Fish, however, doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t contain the carcinogenic molecule, only its eggs do. Other studies have also associated red meat with cancer, especially breast, prostate, ovarian, colorectal and lung cancer. Dr. Varki said that the new found molecule increased the cancer risk, but it wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only cause of cancer. When we eat redmeat, Neu5Gc acts like â&#x20AC;&#x153;gasoline ^Â&#x20AC;]Â?[`Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]Â&#x2019;Zbj]Â?Y\^qZÂ&#x20AC;`][`Â[`\`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] `Â&#x2013;¡ k] w^q`kÂ&#x2013;q`Â&#x201A;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â?[`] representing the risk of developing cancer. Dr. Varki said that he personally doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t consume red meat, but he nevertheless doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t recommend his patients to do the same since red meat has important nutritional value. For instance, it is rich in iron, so people aged 40 or less could jY_`] w^[`] j`Yqbj] Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;`Â?b\]  [^w] eating it, than risks of developing cancer. After the age of 40, red meat tends to be more harmful bjYÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;`Â?kZYqÂ&#x201A;] [Â&#x2122;] Y[Â&#x160;Z] YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] However too much Neu5Gc in our bodies is harmful for every age group, researchers say. Dr. Varki recommends people who do not want to give up red meat to get maximum three servings per week. He also believes that for modern man it is not necessary to eat red meat since w^Â&#x2018;`[Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2018;Z`b\]Y[`]_`[Â&#x152;] ^[bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] [Â&#x2122;] Varki said he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eat red meat at all, but he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give up poultry YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Â?\jÂ&#x2122;
Newswatch Times
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Ninety per cent criminal cases in magistrateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s court not completed â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Ubani )3=BA= &<7?=B78 C?;A=?7 %7= $DD36?79?38 C%$ EFAG7 J=786< %7==?D9A= K38L7/ O8/AF76<? PJ78? D>3FA Q?9< OPR R(SOR@(R 38 T7693=D B?U?979?8; 7;7?8D9 9<A 7LV786ABA89 3T 9<A 789? 63==4>9?38 67B>7?;8 ?8 9<A 63489=/ >3D?9?8; that independent bar and bench may serve as potent anticorruption weapons if they are not thwarted by political ?89A=AD9 WA JAU?AVAD 7 =AV3U49?38 ?D AA=?U/ U4=F?8; 7=348L 78L >U76AD 78/ <3>A 3T C?;A=?7XD =ALAB>9?38 38 ?9
as Nigeria made any 23456758 398 :;58 <7;:8 against corruption? None that I know of! There has not been any se[Z^Â&#x2013;\] Â?Â?jb] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] k^[[Â&#x2013;ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] Ybj`[Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;`] Y[`] `ÂŹÂ`[Z`Â&#x20AC;kZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] `_`[] ZÂ&#x20AC;k[`Y\ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â?[^Â&#x2019;bj]^ ]k^[[Â&#x2013;ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]`_`[Â&#x152;]\b[YbÂ&#x2013;w]^ ]^Â&#x2013;[]Â&#x20AC;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;Yq]qZ `Â&#x2122;] j`[`]Z\]`_`Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x20AC;^] `G`kbZ_`] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZYq] \Â&#x152;\b`w] bjYb] k^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] bYw`]bj`][^bÂ&#x201A;]^[]bj`]Â^qZbZkYq]Â&#x2019;ZqqÂ&#x2122;] j`\`] Y[`] bj`] k[ZbZkYq] Z\\Â&#x2013;`\²] Â&#x2019;`] wÂ&#x2013;\b] jY_`] bj`]Â^qZbZkYq]Â&#x2019;Zqq]b^]Â[^\`kÂ&#x2013;b`]Â&#x2019;j^`_`[] Z\] ZÂ&#x20AC;_^q_`Â&#x2018;] Z[[`\Â`kbZ_`] ^ ] jZ\] \bYbÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x2122;]
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Justice Mahmud Mohammed, CJN
President Goodluck Jonathan
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If you do not have an effective judicial system that is independent in the real sense of that word, then /34 678839 :;<9 63==4>9?38 @<A=A must be an independent bench that will say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;this man has committed this crime irrespective of his status
Â&#x2018;^`\]Â[^_ZÂ&#x2018;`] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^[]ZÂ&#x20AC; [Y\b[Â&#x2013;kbÂ&#x2013;[Yq] Â&#x2018;`_`q^Âw`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;] bj`\`] kZ[kÂ&#x2013;w\bYÂ&#x20AC;k`\Â&#x201A;] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;] kYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;^b] [`Â?Y[Â&#x2018;] bj`] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;] Y\] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] How then do we ensure the independence of the Judiciary? j`[`]wÂ&#x2013;\b]Â&#x2DC;`]Y]k^Â&#x20AC;\^qZÂ&#x2018;Yb`Â&#x2018;]Ykk^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b]  ^[]bj`] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;]Yb]Â&#x2DC;^bj]bj`] `Â&#x2018;`[Yq]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \bYb`]q`_`q\Â&#x2122; Â&#x2013;b] bj`] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;] Z\] \^] Â[^_ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;]  ^[Â&#x201A;] Yb]q`Y\bÂ&#x201A;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`] ^Â&#x20AC;\bZbÂ&#x2013;bZ^Â&#x20AC; \] Zb] \^]  ^[] bj`] \bYb`Ă&#x20AC;] \] ] \Â`YÂ&#x160;] b^] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;]b^Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x152;Â&#x201A;]Yb]q`Y\b]j`[`]ZÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ?^\]Â&#x2019;j`[`] ] Â[YkbZk`Â&#x201A;] Zb] Z\] \bZqq] bj`] `ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`] Y[w] bjYb]Â&#x2018;Z\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;[\`\] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^[]wÂ&#x2013;kj]^ ]bj`] ZÂ&#x20AC; [Y\b[Â&#x2013;kbÂ&#x2013;[Yq]Â&#x2018;`_`q^Âw`Â&#x20AC;b]bjYb]bYÂ&#x160;`\] ÂqYk`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] k^Â&#x2013;[b\Â&#x2122;] j`[`] Z\] Â&#x20AC;^] Â[`\k[ZÂ&#x2DC;`Â&#x2018;] ^[] \`b½Y\ZÂ&#x2018;`] w^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x152;]  ^[] bj`] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;]ZÂ&#x20AC;][`\Â`kb]^ ]ZÂ&#x20AC; [Y\b[Â&#x2013;kbÂ&#x2013;[Yq]Â&#x2018;`_`q^Âw`Â&#x20AC;b\Â&#x2122;] b]Z\]\bZqq]bj`]`ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`]bjYb] bj`]YÂ&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;\]k^Â&#x20AC;b[Ykb\Â&#x2122;] ^]Z ]ZÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ?^\Â&#x201A;]bj`] k`Â&#x20AC;b[`]^ ]`ÂŹk`qq`Â&#x20AC;k`Â&#x201A;]Zb]Z\]bj`]`ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`] bjYb]YÂ&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;\]k^Â&#x20AC;b[Ykb\] ^[]Â&#x2018;`_`q^Âw`Â&#x20AC;b] ^ ] bj`] k^Â&#x2013;[bÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jYb] Â&#x2018;^] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;] bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;] jYÂÂ`Â&#x20AC;\]ZÂ&#x20AC;]^bj`[]ÂqYk`\]ZÂ&#x20AC;] ZÂ?`[ZYĂ&#x20AC; Is the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) carrying on advocacy for a change respecting a truly independent Judiciary? `\Ă&#x161;] ] Yw] Y] w`wÂ&#x2DC;`[] ^ ] bj`] Â&#x2122;] ] Yw]  ^[w`[] kjYZ[wYÂ&#x20AC;] ^ ] Y] ÂY[bZkÂ&#x2013;qY[] Â&#x2DC;[YÂ&#x20AC;kjÂ&#x2122;]] Â&#x2013;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]wÂ&#x152;]b`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;[`Â&#x201A;] ]YÂ&#x2018;_^kYb`Â&#x2018;] bjYb]bj`[`]\j^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;]Â&#x2DC;`]k^wÂq`b`Â&#x201A;] ]w`YÂ&#x20AC;] j^qZ\bZkÂ&#x201A;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;k`]^ ]bj`]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] `_`[Â&#x152;] \`Â&#x20AC;\`Â&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] w^Â&#x20AC;`bY[Â&#x152;] b`[w\Ă&#x201D;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] b`[w\]^ ]YÂÂ^ZÂ&#x20AC;bw`Â&#x20AC;b]^ ]Â`[\^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;`q]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Yqq]bjYbÂ&#x2122; Is the lack of independence of the Judiciary a function of inadequate 4573=46:3@98 @B8 @V8 613:DW58 :@8 BD458 @V8 law? b] Z\] Y] Â[^Â&#x2DC;q`w] ^ ] qYÂ&#x2019;Ă&#x201D;] Zb] Z\] Yq\^] Y] Â[^Â&#x2DC;q`w]^ ]Â&#x2019;ZqqÂ&#x2122;] ^Â&#x2013;]\``]bj`]`ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`] Z\][`YqqÂ&#x152;]_`[Â&#x152;]Y [YZÂ&#x2018;]^ ]YÂ&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b] Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;kjÂ&#x2122;] jZ\]Z\]Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`]bj`]w^w`Â&#x20AC;b]Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;] jY_`]YÂ&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b]Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;kjÂ&#x201A;]bjYb]\^kZ`bÂ&#x152;]Â?`b\]^Â&#x20AC;]bj`]ÂYbj]b^]Â?[^Â&#x2019;bj]qZÂ&#x160;`]Â&#x2019;jYb] Â?^`\]^Â&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2018;`_`q^Â`Â&#x2018;]kqZw`\]Â&#x2019;j`[`]bj`] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;] Z\] b[Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x152;] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] `[`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ZÂ?`[ZY] bj`] Â?^_`[Â&#x20AC;w`Â&#x20AC;b] Z\] jZÂ?jqÂ&#x152;] Y [YZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;] Â&#x2018;^Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb] Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] Â&#x2019;jYb] bj`] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;] Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x2018;`kZÂ&#x2018;`] Yb] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] Â^ZÂ&#x20AC;b] ZÂ&#x20AC;]bZw`]ZÂ&#x20AC;]kY\`]bj`Â&#x152;]Y[`]_`[Â&#x152;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;] kYÂ&#x20AC;] [^kÂ&#x160;] bj`] Â&#x2DC;^YbÂ&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;] kYÂ&#x20AC;] sanitise the system with one stroke of bj`]Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x2013;b]j`[`]bj`Â&#x152;]\bZqq]Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b]b^]jY_`] YÂ&#x20AC;] Y[`Y] ^ ] k^Â&#x20AC;b[^qÂ&#x2122;] j`] `ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`] wYÂ&#x20AC;^`Â&#x2013;_[`\]bj`]YÂÂ^ZÂ&#x20AC;bw`Â&#x20AC;b]^ ]bj`]kjZ` ] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`\] ^ ] bj`] \bYb`] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Yqq] bjYbÂ&#x2122;] j^\`] Â&#x2019;j^]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â&#x2DC;`]_`[Â&#x152;]ÂqZYÂ&#x20AC;bĂ&#x201D;]bj^\`]Â&#x2019;j^]Y[`] Â&#x20AC;^b]b^^]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b]Y[`]bj`]^Â&#x20AC;`\]bj`Â&#x152;] Y[`] ^ b`Â&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;kqZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] b^] YÂÂ^ZÂ&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x152;Â&#x2019;j`[`]bj`Â&#x152;]°`ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`´]Y[`]Â?^ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;]bj`Â&#x152;] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b]b^]wYÂ&#x160;`]\Â&#x2013;[`]bjYb]bj`Â&#x152;]Y[`]j^qÂ&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`w] Y\] Z ] bj`Â&#x152;] Y[`] j^qÂ&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ^Â&#x20AC;b^] bj`Z[]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;YÂ?Â&#x2122;] ^]Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;]\``]bj`]`ÂŹ`kÂ&#x2013;bZ_`] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b\]Y]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;]bjYb]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â&#x20AC;^b][^kÂ&#x160;]bj`] Â&#x2DC;^YbĂ&#x201D;]Y]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZkZY[Â&#x152;]Â&#x2019;Zbj]Â&#x2019;j^w]bj`Â&#x152;]jY_`] wÂ&#x2013;bÂ&#x2013;Yq]Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[\bYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]\^]b^]\Â`YÂ&#x160;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x2013;b] [`Â?Y[Â&#x2018;q`\\Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;`] wÂ&#x2013;\b] YÂ&#x2018;_^kYb`]  ^[] YÂ&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b]Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;kjÂ&#x2122;] b]Â&#x2019;Zqq]\`b]bj`]b^Â&#x20AC;`]  ^[]bj`]kjYZÂ&#x20AC;]^ ]b[YÂ&#x20AC;\ ^[wYbZ^Â&#x20AC;]bjYb]bjZ\] k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b[Â&#x152;] Â&#x2013;[Â?`Â&#x20AC;bqÂ&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;``Â&#x2018;\] Yb] bjZ\] Â`[Z^Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] `]Yq\^]Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x20AC;b]YÂ&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b]Â&#x2DC;Y[Â&#x2122;] `] wÂ&#x2013;\b]Â?Â?jb]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]\^qZkZb] ^[]ZbÂ&#x2122; The concept of an independent bar is somewhat novel. Could you please expatiate? `]Y[`]bYqÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]YÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;b]Y]Â&#x2DC;Y[]bjYb]Â&#x2018;^`\] Continued on page 49
Law 49
Newswatch Times thursday, january 1, 2015
Ninety per cent criminal cases in magistrateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s court not completed Continued from page 48
not in any way compromise; that sees the wrong thing and denounces it; that sees the right thing and speaks for it. You know the moment government gets interested in what goes on in the bar, the politics of the bar; when the government is interested in who becomes the chairman of the NBA that compromises the bar. So what you need is a fearless bar that will always be there for the masses; that will always speak up for the down-trodden in society. So you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow government to get involved in who gets appointed as a bar executive. So the integrity of the bar is so criti>648:@8:;58<7;:867639=:8>@BBDL:3@9M Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I am saying, that members of the bar shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow the interference of the executive arm of government, or any other agency or arm of government in the election of members of its executive since the bar has a big role to play in any society. Where you have a virile bar, an independent bar, a fearless bar, the society will also alÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;\][`Â&#x2039;`kb]bjYbÂ&#x2122;] ^Â&#x2013;]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]^Â&#x2013;b]bjYb] they always will be there to speak on behalf of the people. But where you have a compromised bar, then the country is in trouble. Who will speak for them in terms of the activities of the government; in terms of the obnoxious policies that the government rolls out, policies that are contrary to the interest of the people? Therefore, if there is no fearless bar, then the people will be in trouble. In sum, we advocate for an independent bar much as we do advocate for the independence of the bench. ;58 >B3239648 \D=:3>58 =]=:528 398 375B3683=8=4D773=;^8 B323964_89@:8>3`34_8 >6=5=8:;6:8@D7;:8:@8j585zL5W3:3@D=4]8 W3=L@=5W8@VV8WB678@98V@B8]56B=^8 ;3=8 @j`3@D=4]8 3=8 W5:5=:6j45^8 ;6:8 3=8 ]@DB8:6{5M There are many factors that are responsible for this ugly trend. The problem we are having in the judicial system, especially in the criminal justice sector is that 90 per cent of cases at the magistrate courts are hardly concluded. We have more awaiting trials inmates than those who are convicted in the prisons. They take you to court, whereas investigations have not been thoroughly done. Even  ^[] wY'`[\] bjYb] ^Â&#x2013;Â?jb] Â&#x20AC;^b] b^] Â?^] k^Â&#x2013;[b] ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]Â?[\b]ÂqYk`Â&#x201A;]bj`]Â^qZk`]Â&#x2019;Zqq]Y[[`\b] and still take the person to court and congest it, as well as congest the prisons, because the accused persons are not granted bail at times. And even when they are granted, the conditions Y[`]\^]^Â&#x20AC;`[^Â&#x2013;\]bjYb]Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;]Â?Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Zb]Â&#x2018;ZIkÂ&#x2013;qb] b^] Â&#x2013;qÂ?q]bj`]Â&#x2DC;YZq]k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;] Ykb]Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;] in Lagos, what is going on is that you cannot today be charged in any criminal court and be released that same day. It is almost impossible, because of the onerous conditions that these magistrates impose upon the sureties that will bail these accused persons. They will tell you to bring 10 or 15 years bYÂŹ]kq`Y[YÂ&#x20AC;k`Â&#x201A;]k`[bZÂ?kYb`]^ ]^kkÂ&#x2013;ÂYÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;Â&#x201A;] and then you must bring original Cof-O, and even the prosecutor will go and verify the addresses of the surety. You see all manner of impositions that tend to make it practically impossible for the accused person to get out even within one month. If you go to Kirikiri or even Ikoyi Prisons you will see
Barrister Monday Ubani
many people who are waiting for the perfection of their conditions of bail; who have been there for almost three, Â ^Â&#x2013;[Â&#x201A;]Â?_`]w^Â&#x20AC;bj\]Â&#x2DC;`Â ^[`]bj`]Â`[Â `kbZ^Â&#x20AC;] of their bail conditions. So the system Z\][^'`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] j`]\Â&#x152;\b`w]Z\]_`[Â&#x152;]Â YÂ&#x2013;qbÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122;] `] must correct all that. And even those who have managed to come out of custody having been granted bail, often have their cases lingering on for a long time. There is also the issue of procedure. The procedural law has given so much leeway to the accused person. He applies for bail on rather liberal terms, `\Â`kZYqqÂ&#x152;] Yw^Â&#x20AC;Â?] jZÂ?j] ÂÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;qZk] ^Ik`] holders, they get their bail and before you know it, their lawyers will come up with all manner of frivolous applications, all in a bid to frustrate the process of justice. They can come up with issues of the man not being connected b^] bj`] ^G`Â&#x20AC;k`Â&#x2122;] Â ] bj`] k^Â&#x2013;[b] \YÂ&#x152;\] j`] Z\] k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;`kb`Â&#x2018;]b^]bj`]^G`Â&#x20AC;\`Â&#x201A;]bj`Â&#x152;]Â?^]^Â&#x20AC;]YÂpeal. Before you know it they will take bj`]wY'`[]b^]bj`] Â&#x2013;Â[`w`] ^Â&#x2013;[bÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]
when the Supreme Court say there is a nexus between the man and the crime j`] Z\] Yqq`Â?`Â&#x2018;] b^] jY_`] k^wwZ'`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] bj`Â&#x152;] will now bring it back to the trial court; they will now come up with another application and say that the court has Â&#x20AC;^] ¤Â&#x2013;[Z\Â&#x2018;ZkbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;]  Ykb] bj`Â&#x152;ÂŻqq] Â?q`] Yqq] manner of application. Before you know it they will go on appeal on that one yet again! Before you know it, 14 years has elapsed. Meanwhile he has Â&#x20AC;^b]`Â&#x20AC;b`[`Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;b^]bj`]\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;\bYÂ&#x20AC;bZ_`]wY'`[Â&#x2122; Somebody in a newspaper article accused EFCC lawyers of being part of the problem, saying they collect fat fees, but scarcely go all out to make \Â&#x2013;[`] jZÂ?j½Â[^Â?q`] YkkÂ&#x2013;\`Â&#x2018;] Â`[\^Â&#x20AC;\] Y[`] nailed. I have not been an EFCC lawyer. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know how true it is. But you know there is nothing that is impossible in this country, because some lawyers can also compromise the EFCC. j`Â&#x152;] kYÂ&#x20AC;] Â?^] Â&#x2DC;`jZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \`'q`] Â&#x152;^Â&#x2013;] know what I mean. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be surprised
A situation where the Judiciary still looks up to the executive for their funding, and also look up to the executive for appointments, does not speak of real independence of the Judiciary. In most instances, it is the state executive that does provide funding for infrastructural development. In these circumstances, you cannot regard the judiciary as independent
that some of the accused persons send their aides after those lawyers. And promises can be made and they say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;no problem we will see what we will do about it.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; I mean, there is nothing impossible in this country. Nigeria has gone abysmally low that it requires a revolution to awaken this country. ;6:8W@8]@D825698j]868B5`@4D:3@9M I mean something that will hit Nigeria. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what it is. Something has to hit the country as a whole. And every sector will wake up, both the private and the public. For now Nigeria is in deep slumber. There is nothing you can say is an ideal thing in this country. B58]@D839=39D6:3978682343:6B]8:6{5@`5BM No, no, no. The military created the Â[^Â&#x2DC;q`w] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â?[\b] ÂqYk`Â&#x2122;] ^w`bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] has to happen. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know, but something just has to happen. May be the people will make up one day and say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;enough of all these nonsense.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; D:8>698:;58B5`@4D:3@98]@D86B58:64{39786j@D:8;6LL598|3:;39868>@9=:3:D:3@9648@BW5BM Whether within or outside the constitutional order, all I know is that something has to happen in order to awaken this country. Or else the way we are going, Nigeria is heading towards destruction. There is nothing that is functional. You go even to the private sector, for example, the bank to have your money paid. They keep on deducting money from your account even without recourse to you. There is no place in this country where you can go to and receive good service. I travel. I make sure that every year I travel. I see where Oyinbo man messes up the job you have given to him, he returns back all your money and say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;go with it.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; He will apologise to you. They want that for any service they are giving to you, they give you more value for the amount you are paying. But not so here. You ask for service they abuse you and ask you who gave you the temerity. Nobody gives you service anywhere in this country. It is even so in the private sector; I am not talking about the public sector. That of the public is taken for granted. The private sector doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give you service. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t value for what you pay for. But for Nigeria to really survive and move towards development, something has to happen, and if that thing does not happen, then I have my fears for the future of this country. But for there to be a revolution, it must be outside the constitutional order. Revolution can be of the mind, where everyone will begin to think aright for once just like they did when they gathered at Ojota in early 2012, and people said enough of all these nonsense before the military came and dispersed them. There must be that thinking towards changing this country, all of us waking up from our slumber. What has happened is that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been sleeping. Like the Bible says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. One day there shall be this revelation of the truth revealed to 90 per cent of Nigerians. And then they will say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what has been happening, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been in the bush.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; That is the type of revelation I am talking about. Here everyone will now say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;There must be a country where everything must work. The point is that something has to hit Nigeria and everyone suddenly realises that O! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been fooling ourselves that we are a nation. But we are not a nation. Something has to happen. That is what I mean by revolution.
Newswatch Times
thursday, january 1, 2015
Police say child-wife confessed to killing husband
packed Nigerian court heard testimony that a ÂąĂ&#x17D;½Â&#x152;`Y[½^qÂ&#x2018;] Â?Z[q] YÂ&#x2018;wZ'`Â&#x2018;] to killing her 35-year-old husband with rat poison, and signed a police confession with a thumbprint because she cannot write. Wasila Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u, from a poor and deeply conservative Muslim family, has been charged with murdering her husband Umar Sani days after their marriage in northern Kano state. Because she did not understand English, homicide investigator Abdullahi Adamu translated her statement from the Hausa language dominant in the region and gave her the document to sign. She could not write her name, so â&#x20AC;&#x153;she had to use a thumbprint,â&#x20AC;? he told the court during his testimony on the last day of the prosecutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s case. The stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawyers, who are seeking the death penalty, also called to the stand Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;uâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;co-wifeâ&#x20AC;?, a term re `[[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] bj`] Â&#x2019;^wYÂ&#x20AC;] ½½] ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;] Y\] Ramatu -- whom the deceased farmer had married previously in a region where polygamy is widespread. Ramatu said she got along well with Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u and that the two had prepared the food together on April 5, the day Sani died. j`] b`\bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;] bjYb] Â&#x2DC;`kYÂ&#x2013;\`] Zb] Â&#x2019;Y\] Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;uâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s turn to share a bed with Sani, Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u was also entitled to serve him his meal. Ă?  b`[] ÂÂ&#x2013;'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] bj`]  ^^Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] Â&#x2018;Z\j] ] didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see anybody put anything in it,â&#x20AC;? Ramatu said. She told the court she saw her husband sometime later being helped back to the house by a neighbour, unable to walk and foaming at the mouth. \]\j`]\Â^Â&#x160;`]bj`]k^Â&#x2013;[b]Â&#x2019;Y\]^_`[Â&#x2039;^Â&#x2019;ing, with people peering in through the open windows and a crowd so large it spilled out of the gallery door. The case has sparked outrage among human rights activists who say Nige-
EFCC docks telecoms workers over N1.3bn theft FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has arraigned two persons, claimed to be employees of MTN Nigeria Limited, over allegation of theft to the tune of N1.3 before Justice Lateef Lawal-Akapo ^ ]Y] YÂ?^\] ZÂ?j] ^Â&#x2013;[b]\Z'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x160;`¤YÂ&#x2122; The defendants, Victor Akintunde and Gani Mustapha were docked on a 17 counts bordering on alleged theft said to be owned by members of the MTN Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative Society, MEMCOS. The anti-graft agency through its lawyer told the court that the duo who were the associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s president and secretary respectively, alq`Â?`Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x152;] k^wwZ'`Â&#x2018;] bj`] k[Zw`] ] Â&#x2DC;`bÂ&#x2019;``Â&#x20AC;] Â[Zq] and September, 2009 in Lagos. Docked alongside the defendants is a property developer, Mutairu Babatunde and two companies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Primavera Engineering and Construction Limited and Mabo Dredging Limited. The EFCC while arguing before the court maintained that Akintunde and Mustapha fraudulently obtained the said sum stolen as sundry payments to facilitate the purchase of ÂąĂ&#x201A;]j`kbY[`\]^ ]qYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Yb] Â&#x160;Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;] ¤Yj]k^wwÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZbÂ&#x152;]ZÂ&#x20AC;] Lagos on behalf of MEMCOS members. According to the anti-graft agency, the defendants allegedly forged the signature of one Chief Atiku Adigun on a deed of assignment to facilitate the fraud, with an addition that they also issued a dud First Bank cheque in the sum of N427m in favour of MEMCOS on April 25, 2009. kk^[Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] bj`] Â&#x201A;] Ă? j`] ^G`Â&#x20AC;k`] Z\] contrary to sections 390(9), 467 and 516 of the Criminal Code Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003 and Section 1(1) (a) of the Dishonoured j`ÂşÂ&#x2013;`\]° G`Â&#x20AC;k`\´] kbÂ&#x201A;] YÂ] ¹¹Â&#x201A;] YÂ&#x2019;]^ ] `Â&#x2018;eration of Nigeria, 2004. The anti-graft agency however informed Justice Lawal-Akapo that Akintunde and Mustapha had been granted bail in the sum of N50m each before Justice Kudirat Jose of the same court, adding that the absence of Babatunde had prevented their arraignment. ]k^Â&#x20AC;\`ÂşÂ&#x2013;`Â&#x20AC;bqÂ&#x152;]Y\Â&#x160;`Â&#x2018;]bj`]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`]b^]Yqq^Â&#x2019;] the defendants to take their pleas. On arraignment, the defendants pleaded not guilty. j`]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`]^[Â&#x2018;`[`Â&#x2018;]bj`][`wYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]^ ] YÂ&#x2DC;YbÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`] in Kirikiri Maximum Prison, pending the hearing of his bail application slated for December 16.
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ria should be treating Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u as a victim, noting the possibility that she was raped by the man she married. But others in the region, including relatives of the defendant and the dek`Y\`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] jY_`] [`¤`kb`Â&#x2018;] bj`] Â&#x20AC;^bZ^Â&#x20AC;] bjYb] Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u was forced into marriage. They have said that 14 is a common age to marry in the deeply impoverished region and that Tasiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u chose Sani from among many suitors. A motion by defence lawyers to have bj`]kY\`]w^_`Â&#x2018;]b^]¤Â&#x2013;_`Â&#x20AC;Zq`]k^Â&#x2013;[b]Â&#x2019;Y\][`¤`kb`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2018;`\ÂZb`] kqYZw\] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] jÂ&#x2013;wYÂ&#x20AC;] [ZÂ?jb\] lawyers that she is too young to stand trial for murder in a high court. Further complicating the case is the
[^q`]^ ]\jY[ZY]° \qYwZk]qYÂ&#x2019;´]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x20AC;^[bj`[Â&#x20AC;] Nigeria, which allows children to marry according to some interpretations. While sharia is technically in force in YÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x201A;] qYÂ&#x2019;] `Â&#x20AC; ^[k`w`Â&#x20AC;b] ^IkZYq\] jY_`] no guidelines concerning how it should be balanced with the secular criminal codes, creating a complex legal hybrid system. According to Human Rights Watch, Nigeria is not known to have executed Y]¤Â&#x2013;_`Â&#x20AC;Zq`]^G`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[]\ZÂ&#x20AC;k`]ÂąĂ?Ă?Ă Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;]bj`] country was ruled by military dictator Sani Abacha. j`] b[ZYq] jY\] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x2018;¤^Â&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;bZq] February 16.
Justice from foreign lands Ruling opens door for cruise malpractice lawsuits
asquale Vaglio, a retired New York City policeman and Korean War veteran, was on the cruise of a lifetime with 18 family members in the summer of 2001 aboard Royal Caribbeanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Explorer of the Seas.â&#x20AC;? Then, the accident happened. Vaglio, 82, fell and hit his head shortly after disembarking for a sightseeing trip in Bermuda. He was immediately taken to the shipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s medical unit, where a nurse did a cursory examination and said Vaglio should rest in his cabin. What she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and a doctor wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t discover until hours later â&#x20AC;&#x201D; was that YÂ?qZ^]jYÂ&#x2018;]\Â&#x2013;G`[`Â&#x2018;]Y]Â&#x2DC;[YZÂ&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;¤Â&#x2013;[Â&#x152;]bjYb]Â&#x2019;^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] kill him within days. For more than 100 years, people such as Vaglioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s survivors couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win medical malpractice lawsuits against cruise lines because of exemptions created through a series of court decisions. The most recent is a 1988 ruling known Y\] Ă? Y[Â&#x2DC;`'YÂ&#x161;] bjYb] k[Â&#x2013;Z\`] k^wÂYÂ&#x20AC;Z`\] \Â&#x2013;kj] Y\] Royal Caribbean and Carnival regularly relied upon to get malpractice lawsuits thrown out before trial. Courts said passengers should not expect the same level of medical care on a ship as on land, and shipsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; doctors and nurses were private contractors beyond the cruise linesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; direct control. Now, a federal appeals court considering the Vaglio case has ruled the exemption should no q^Â&#x20AC;Â?`[] YÂÂqÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122;] ] bj[``½¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`] ÂYÂ&#x20AC;`q] ^ ] bj`] ¹¹bj] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;] Z[kÂ&#x2013;Zb] ^Â&#x2013;[b]^ ] ÂÂ`Yq\]Ă&#x153;]Â&#x2019;jZkj]jY\]¤Â&#x2013;-
[Z\Â&#x2018;ZkbZ^Â&#x20AC;] ^_`[] bj`] wY¤^[] q^[ZÂ&#x2018;Y½Â&#x2DC;Y\`Â&#x2018;] k[Â&#x2013;Z\`] qZÂ&#x20AC;`\]Ă&#x153;][`k`Â&#x20AC;bqÂ&#x152;]Â&#x2018;`kZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;] Y[Â&#x2DC;`'Y]Z\]^Â&#x2013;bÂ&#x2018;Yb`Â&#x2018;] law. j`] ¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`\] Â&#x20AC;^b`Â&#x2018;] bjYb] bj`] ^Â&#x152;Yq] Y[ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;`YÂ&#x20AC;] doctor and nurse wore cruise line uniforms, were presented as ship employees and that the onboard medical center was described glowingly in promotional materials. Some modern cruise ships, they noted, have sophisticated intensive care units, laboratories and the ability to do live video conference links with medical experts on shore. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We can discern no sound reason in law to carve out a special exemption for all acts of onboard medical negligence,â&#x20AC;? Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote in the decision. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Much has kjYÂ&#x20AC;Â?`Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]ÂşÂ&#x2013;Y[b`[½k`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x152;]\ZÂ&#x20AC;k`] Y[Â&#x2DC;`'YÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161; j`] YwZqÂ&#x152;ÂŻ\]ZÂ&#x20AC;ZbZYq]_Zkb^[Â&#x152;]k^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;]YG`kb]wYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;] of the 21 million people who take cruises annually. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realize until this happened was that they have zero liability,â&#x20AC;? said Pasqualeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son, Joseph Vaglio, a pharmacist who lives in Massapequa, New York. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;] bj`Â&#x152;] \j^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x2DC;`] Â?`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] YÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2019;Zbj] bjZ\Â&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;]Y[`]wYÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]w^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x152;]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]^_`[]Â?\bÂ&#x2122;] Y[b]^ ] their cost of doing business should be to have a k^wÂ`b`Â&#x20AC;b]w`Â&#x2018;ZkYq]\bYGÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161; Royal Caribbean spokeswoman Cynthia Y[bZÂ&#x20AC;`Ă&#x192;]\YZÂ&#x2018;]bj`]k[Â&#x2013;Z\`]qZÂ&#x20AC;`][`¤`kb\]bj`] YÂ?qZ^\ÂŻ] allegations of medical negligence. The company wants the full 11th Circuit to reconsider bj`]bj[``½¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`]ÂYÂ&#x20AC;`qÂŻ\][Â&#x2013;qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;]k^Â&#x20AC;b`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]bj`[`]
is no good reason to abandon a century of law. â&#x20AC;&#x153;While cruise ships may have improved their medical facilities in the last 100 years, they should not be punished for it,â&#x20AC;? Royal Caribbean lawyers wrote in a Dec. 1 rehearing motion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Royal Caribbean is not in the business ^ ]Â[^_ZÂ&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]j`Yqbj]kY[`Â&#x2122;] b]Z\]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x20AC;`\\]^ ] providing vacations.â&#x20AC;? According to the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lawsuit, after fallZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]jZ'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]jZ\]j`YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Y\ÂşÂ&#x2013;Yq`] YÂ?qZ^]Â&#x2019;Y\] \``Â&#x20AC;] Yb] bj`] \jZÂÂŻ\] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?[wY[Â&#x152;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] Y] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2013;[\`Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j^] noted a bump and scrape on his head. She neither conducted nor recommended a diagnostic scan, telling Vaglioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife to keep an eye on him because he might have a concussion. Vaglio got steadily worse. After his daughter contacted ship personnel, it took 20 minutes to get a wheelchair to take him from their cabin Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;]b^]bj`]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?[wY[Â&#x152;Â&#x2122;] j`Â&#x20AC;]bj`[`]Â&#x2019;Y\]YÂ&#x20AC;^bj`[] delay while credit card information was obtained. Finally, four hours after the accident YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \Â&#x2013;G`[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]  [^w] ZÂ&#x20AC;b`[Â&#x20AC;Yq] Â&#x2DC;q``Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] ZÂ&#x20AC;] jZ\] skull, Vaglio was examined by the shipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s doctor and sent to a hospital in Bermuda. â&#x20AC;&#x153;By that time, Vaglioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life was beyond savZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;]bj`]YÂÂ`Yq\]¤Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;Â?`\]Â&#x2019;[^b`Â&#x2122;] `]Â&#x2019;Y\]YZ[qZ b`Â&#x2018;] to a hospital in Mineola, New York, where he died a week later. bÂŻ\]Â&#x20AC;^b]kq`Y[]Â&#x2019;j`bj`[]bj`]¹¹bj] Z[kÂ&#x2013;Zb]Â&#x2019;Zqq][`k^Â&#x20AC;\ZÂ&#x2018;`[] Zb\] [Â&#x2013;qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] k^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Zkb\] Â&#x2019;Zbj] ^bj`[] circuitsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; decisions and could ultimately wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court. ^Â&#x2DC;`[b] `qĂ?Â&#x201A;] Y] _`b`[YÂ&#x20AC;] ZYwZ] wY[ZbZw`]
lawyer, said if the decision stands, the key for medical malpractice lawsuits to succeed will be proving the cruise lines control their medical \bYG\Â&#x201A;]bjYb]bj`Â&#x152;]Y[`Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b]k^Â&#x20AC;b[Ykb^[\Â&#x2122; Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ample evidence of that control in the w^Â&#x2018;`[Â&#x20AC;] k[Â&#x2013;Z\`] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;\b[Â&#x152;Â&#x2122;] j`] [Â&#x2013;Z\`] ZÂ&#x20AC;`\] Â&#x20AC;ternational Association, for example, requires w`wÂ&#x2DC;`[\]b^]jY_`]w`Â&#x2018;ZkYq]\bYG]YÂ&#x2DC;^Y[Â&#x2018;]Yqq]\jZÂ\] around the clock. The organization has developed guidelines and policies for cruise lines to maintain high-standard medical care, said spokeswoman Elinore Boeke. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cruise ships go to great lengths to keep passengers healthy and well,â&#x20AC;? she said. Still, Royal Caribbean said it is unfair, for purposes of a lawsuit, to compare cruise ships to an onshore medical center with numerous specialists and access to lab work and test equipment. Ă? [Â&#x2013;Z\`]\jZÂ\]Y[`]\bZqq]Â&#x20AC;^b]Â&#x2039;^YbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]j^\ÂZbYq\Â&#x201A;Â&#x161;] their lawyers wrote. For now, the 11th Circuitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling would merely give Pasquale Vaglioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relatives a chance to prove their claims that the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Explorer of the `Y\Â&#x161;]w`Â&#x2018;ZkYq]\bYG]Â&#x2019;Y\]Â&#x20AC;`Â?qZÂ?`Â&#x20AC;b]ZÂ&#x20AC;]jZ\] Â&#x2013;Â?Â&#x2013;\b] ¸³¹¹]Â&#x2018;`YbjÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;q`\\] ^Â&#x152;Yq] Y[ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;`YÂ&#x20AC;]^G`[\]Y]\`btlement, the Vaglios will have to convince a MiYwZ]¤Â&#x2013;[Â&#x152;]bj`Â&#x152;]Â&#x2018;`\`[_`]Â&#x2018;YwYÂ?`\]Ă&#x153;]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] ^\`Âj] Vaglio said money isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only motivation. Ă? j`Â&#x152;]Â&#x2019;`[`]Â?`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]YÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;]Â&#x2019;Zbj]bjZ\] ^[]Y]q^Â&#x20AC;Â?] time and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for it to stop,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My dad was the nicest guy in the world. When he q` b]`Y[qÂ&#x152;]Zb]Â&#x2019;Y\]Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]^ ]Â&#x2019;`Z[Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] b]b^^Â&#x160;]Y]q^b]^ ] years away from me.â&#x20AC;?
City & State ThurSDAY, JANUARY 1,2015
We’ll develop young talents, says NDDC boss AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt
n time past, youths in the Niger Delta region were known for their restive nature, kidnapping, employment inequalities and unending crisis, in spite of the region being the haven for multinational oil and gas companies. Statistically, Niger Delta region accounts for less than 20 per cent of employment of government parastatals and oil and gas multinational companies. Observers jY_`] Y'[Z b` ] `wq^ w` b] as the major cause of the crisis bedevilling the region as many Niger Delta graduates roam the streets for lack of what to do as it is said that in Nigeria, unemployment accounts for up to 70 per cent of k[Zw`]k^wwZ'` Similarly, stakeholders have also Z ` bZ ` ]bj`]kjYqq` `\]k^ [^ bing the Niger Delta region as ageold neglect of the region by successive governments at all levels, the absence of basic necessities of life like electricity, potable water, housing, health and leisure facilities in the oil communities in \jY[] k^ b[Y\b] b^] qZ `] Z ] bj`] ^ ] stations and platforms of oil companies where all the good things of life abound with the oil companies and some community leaders while identifying key causes of youth restiveness in the region to the unwholesome activities of the oil and gas companies who have employed a range of options, particularly divide-and-conquer, to deny the communities their dues and development. However, the era of vices and other criminalities are over in the region, as rays of hope are beaming on the way of youths of the Niger Delta as the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), has announced plans to nurture innate talents to realize their ambitions. The commission’s package for the young ones was highlighted at the Niger Delta Family and Children’s party held at the Polo Club in Port Harcourt as part of the activities to usher in the mood for Christmas. The Managing Director of NDDC, Sir (Barr.) Bassey DanAbia, who was represented by his Special Assistant on Youth, Sports, qb [`]Y ] ^w` ] GYZ[\ ] Y[[ ] George Turnah, said that the commission had in the last one year rolled out programmes that have helped to reduce unemployment
Barr. Bassey Dan-Abia, MD, NDDC Kingsley Kuku, Special Adviser, NDDC
in the Niger Delta. He stated that the commission has launched a special support fund for the development of talents in selected sectors. One such sector, he said, was the entertainment industry where the NDDC had provided grants ranging from N2 million to N10 million to gifted
youths. “The NDDC has approved support grant to assist talented Niger Delta movie and music makers as skill enhancement package to enable them excel in their chosen careers,” he said. According to him, “the commission also keyed into the amnesty programme of the Federal Gov-
The NDDC has approved support grant to assist talented Niger Delta movie and music makers as skill enhancement package to enable them excel in their chosen careers
ernment by sponsoring 45 leading ex-agitators under the Presidential Amnesty Phase 1 to a leadership training programme in South Africa. This has made it possible for us to have a peaceful environment for the execution of development projects in the hitherto volatile region. Welcoming parents and children to the party, the NDDC Director of Youth, Sports, Culture and ^w` ] GYZ[\ ] [Z k`] ] qYzigha, said that it was necessary b^]^[ Y ZÃ`]bj`] ½ qq` ]`_` b]Y\] a way of fostering peace, love and unity among family members who hardly share quality time together because of the pressure of work. He observed that the event provided an opportunity for parents, children and their friends to come b^ `bj`[] ^[]Y] ` 'Z ]` ½^ ½ `Y[] party. A lot of prizes and Christmas gifts were given to children and guests who were entertained by a top class musician, Timaya, and Gordons, the comedian. In addition to the prizes, a 13-year-old girl, Miss Rita Godfrey-Jack, bagged a secondary and university scholarship from the George Turnah Foundation.
Newswatch Times
Role Model Thursday, JANUARY 1, 2015
Frank Edoho: Model of journalism AANU ADEGUN
rank Edoho is one young man that every Nigerian child craves to be like. To them, he is the model of journalism. As On-AirPersonality, Frank has won over many young Nigerians and as such, he is regarded as a model they patent their lives after. Speaking to Newswatch Times, Raymond Obiora, a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Lagos claimed Frank as his role model, hence, his reasons for engaging in self training. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frank Edoho is a man I really admiredâ&#x20AC;?, he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a man I really try to model my life after. Since after graduation, I have been studying his speaking mannerism and now, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m about perfecting myself when it comes b^]\Â`YÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2039;YÂ&#x2019;q`\\qÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122; However, considering Frankâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s journey to stardom, youngsters patenting their lives after him can be said to be in order. Sharing story, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I cut my teeth in Radio Nigeria, Metro FM. They sent me on training in year 2000. I came back to become a radio announcer. I studied every aspect of broadcasting news, news reading, commentary, documentary and voice over presentation. So, before I started â&#x20AC;&#x153;Who Wants to Be a Millionaireâ&#x20AC;?, I was into radio broadcasting. I was an announcer on Metro FM. 97.6 and it was a fabulous pedestal that prepared me for upcoming Â[^¤`kb\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2DC;[^YÂ&#x2018;kY\bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2122;] Z'q`] did I know that just around the corner, WWTBAM will come calling? So, I was not a well known radio announcer, and I enjoyed that anonymity until WWTBAM came on board, and everything changed. Recalling some of his memorable moments as the producer of WWTBAM, Frank said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have two memorable w^w`Â&#x20AC;b\] bj`] Â?[\b] Â&#x2019;Y\] Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] Aruoma Ufodike clinched the ultimate prize of ten million naira. WWTBAM is designed to safeguard fraud. I see the ÂşÂ&#x2013;`\bZ^Â&#x20AC;\] ^[]bj`]Â?[\b]bZw`]Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] everyone is seeing it. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have fore knowledge of the questions, for security reasons. Also, my demeanour will show that I am seeing the ÂşÂ&#x2013;`\bZ^Â&#x20AC;]  ^[] bj`] Â?[\b] bZw`Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] when the questions pop up, the answer is not there. So when I see the question and
Frank Edoho
the options, sometimes I am mulling in my head, what the answer is. So the day the ten million naira was won, I knew the answer to the question, but
I had to keep my composure because I knew we were on the brink of history. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had a dead pan expression on my face, a poker face that
I was not a well known radio announcer, and I enjoyed that anonymity until WWTBAM came on board, and everything changed
I had developed for the past ten years. The guy phoned a friend, the friend said he was one hundred percent sure, that was the answer. Aruoma said he trusts his friend, so I locked it in and said you know if you are wrong, you stand to lose N4.75m. The guy said ok. So I locked it in and he won N10m! The episode where I had the other memorable moment was not aired. The contestant was acting like he had mental issues. I will ask him a question he will stare right into my eyes and ask me the same question, instead of responding with an answer. Initially, I thought he was trying to be funny, but after a while, I knew something was amiss. Those were the two momentsâ&#x20AC;? he added. Frank who also spoke on the poor reading culture of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youths believed that â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is the solution to the problem that has now become the problem. Let me put it this way: those days we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a lot of technology, we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have social media and we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have many distractions, so one of the ways you could entertain yourself, is b^]kY[[Â&#x152;]Y]Â&#x20AC;^_`q]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] `G`[Â&#x152;] [kj`[] and read. The ladies will pick Mills and ^^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] ]Â&#x2013;\`Â&#x2018;]b^][`YÂ&#x2018;] Yk`] `'`[\Â&#x201A;] when we had writers like Helen Ovbiageli who wrote for Vanguard Newspaper. Since we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have electricity to indulge in a lot of things, all you had to do was pick up a book and read and we borrowed novels, swapped and read. Then technology came and took over and we now have many distractions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must have missed it somewhere along the line, because even in the developed societies, they still read and their culture enables it. Someone in the UK is going to w ork in the train, what does he use to pass time? He opens a book and reads. Now, in Nigeria you are in a hold up, you are driving yourself because you kYÂ&#x20AC;ÂŻb] YG^[Â&#x2018;] Y] Â&#x2018;[Z_`[Â&#x2122;] ^Â&#x2019;] Y[`] you going to read? You get to work at 8 .am and you work till 7.pm, especially in Lagos. On weekends, you just sleep or maybe you go to the cinema and see a movie and then before you know it, it is Monday again. Our lifestyle doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t allow us to read, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a deterrentâ&#x20AC;?, he claimed.
Newswatch Times
Special Report Thursday, JANUARY 1, 2015
Complaints mar nationwide consultative
PHCN building, Abuja. CYRILMBAH, Abuja
recent nationwide consultative meeting on metering, organized to enlighten the public on the novel Credit Advance Payment for Metering Implementation (CAPMI) Scheme, was marred in several centres by an avalanche of complaints from members of the public against service providers. Participants in the meetings at several centres agreed that the series of complaints and condemnations have ` Zb`q ]k^ [w` ]bj`] Z `q ]Ykk`b` ] belief that the country will be worse ^G] Z ] `q`kb[ZkZb ] \ q ] Z ] bj`] jY \] ^ ] private sector service providers except drastic measures are taken to curtail their j `][^ b]w` bYqZb ]Y ]^bj`[]`¬k`\\`\] directed against electricity consumers. `[Z`\] ^ ] `bZbZ^ \] `[`] \ wZ'` ] by members of the public in Abuja, Ibadan, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Edo and Enugu to the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission [NERC] against the activities of private distribution companies [DISCOs], who took over power generation and distribution from the Power Holding Company of Nigeria Þ ß ] Zbj^ b]\ IkZ` b]kYYkZb ]Y ] preparation on how to improve power supply. The Credit Advance Payment for Metering Implementation [CAPMI], a metering intervention programme was introduced in June last year by the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission [NERC] through Order 05/001/13 of 2014, and planned to bridge several gaps especially the elimination of estimated or random billing system, enhance revenue ` `[YbZ^ ] Y\] `qq] Y\] [` k`] [^ b] loss in the power sector, the success of its implementation leaves much to be desired. Complaints over poor metering across the country have continued to cast doubts on the wisdom surrounding the privatization of the power sector and wY ] Z `[ZY \] Y[`] ^ ] [` [`'Z ] bjYb] they supported the government when the plan was being sold to the people. It was gathered that existing regulations provided that consumers should not pay
for meters as it was to be supplied free of charge by electricity distributors and paid for on monthly basis, the paucity of funds, which militated against adequate procurement of the facilities by DISCOs, forced the CAPMI to come in and intervene in the metering problem. Subscribers in the FCT complained about random billing system or the estimated crazy billing rates; accusing the private electricity distributors of constantly extorting thousands of naira from consumers for poor service delivery and electricity that was not used. The consumers are equally complaining that even when customers make investments in procurement of meters, transformers and other electricity YkZqZbZ`\ ] `'Z ] bj`] \] b^] Z \bYqq] or energize the facilities or refund the expenses becomes a huge problem. Documented evidence produced in many centres of deceitful acts and dealings by distribution companies formed the bulk of complaints at the nationwide consumer consultation meetings organized by the NERC to investigate how DISCOs are faring in the implementation of the CAPMI application guidelines. It was discovered during the meetings, that due to numerous complaints of widespread anomalies, consumers are
Y\b]q^\Z ]k^ ` k`]Z ]bj`][Z_YbZÃYbZ^ ] exercise. Electricity consumers of various categories and classes were loud in the condemnation of the appalling performance of the distribution networks. A catalogue of complaints generated at the meetings which greeted and dominated discussions at every townhall forum included protests about ^ b[Y `^ \q ] Z Yb` ] Zqq\ ] w`b`[\] bjYb] were not delivered after purchase, poor customer services as well as the ^ kjYqY b]Y'Zb `]^ ] ]`[\^ `q Comrade Arogbofa Agbetuyi, a customer at the Ibadan forum, said: “Contractors at the Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC) are more or less rogues. We paid for the installation of ten mm cables; the contractor did not even give the cable or border about the installation of the items we paid for. And as if that was not enough, the contractors used by IBEDC, the service provider, `qZ `[Yb`q ] ` Y ` ] Z k^w`b` b] \bYG] against the rules on safety standards and this practice ultimately endangered the lives and properties of residents in our area.” The Lagos zone of the town-hall forum was reportedly rancorous and almost ` ` `[Yb` ] Z b^] jb\] Y ] kjY^\ ] qYkY[ \] ^ ] ZG`[` b] Z \k[ZbZ^ \] `[`]
Subscribers in the FCT complained about random billing system or the estimated crazy billing rates; accusing the private electricity distributors of constantly extorting thousands of naira from consumers for poor service delivery and electricity that was not used
Z\qY ` ] jZq`] ` Y b] \j^ b\] kY` ] by unprintable name-calling rent the air against the DISCO operators at the venues where the meetings took place to demonstrate public dissatisfaction with the services of the operators. Justifying the performance of IBEDC in reaction to allegations by members of the public, the Marketing and Customer Y[`] Ik`[] ^ ] Y Y ] q`kb[ZkZb ] Distribution Company (IBEDC), Mr. Noel Valeza, acknowledged that consumers are becoming increasingly hostile to marketers over the estimated billing system, but he reasoned that the practice was inherited by the DISCOs from the PHCN which equally received the formula from NEPA and was not a newly introduced practice. The comment only aggravated the already charged situation raising tension and apprehension from customers present, but the Marketing/Customer Care Ik`[] ^ \` ]bj`]j^\bZqZb ] ] Z\kq^\Z ] that IBEDC has successfully provided meters for about 62% of residents or about 711,986 customers while the remaining 38% residents or an estimated 431,743 customers, who are yet to get meters, will soon smile since their bills will be [Y\bZkYqq ][` k` ]b^]YG^[ Y q`]qZwZb\
`] j^ `_`[] k^wqYZ ` ] Z'`[q ] Y ^ b] electricity consumers’ reluctance to pay Zqq\]Y ]^Z b` ]^ b]bjYb]bj`]Y'Zb `]^ ] unmetered customers led to huge arrears and unbearable shortfalls and loss of revenue accruing to DISCOs. “IBEDC further strengthened the CAPMI scheme since May 2014 across its franchise area in adherence to NERC Z[`kbZ_`] Y ] jY\] \Z k`] `G`kbZ_`q ] continued to implement the initiative.” he said. In a separate interview, the Ibadan Arbitration Forum Chairman, Dr. Babajide Taiwo acknowledged that a lot has been achieved by the Ibadan DISCO ^kkY\Z^ ` ] ]bj`]k^ k`[b` ]`G^[b\]^ ]bj`] ^[ w]^Ik`]b^]wY `]bj`] ] `qZ_`[] on their promise although he berated the ¯\]Z `G`kbZ_` `\\]Z ]\^w`]Y[`Y\ Pressed further for objective assessment of the activities of the DISCO under Continued on Page 54
Special Report
Newswatch Times Thursday, JANUARY 1, 2015
meeting on metering project Continued from Page 53 his watch, Dr. Taiwo said: “In fairness, since assumption of ^Ik`] ^_`[] Y] `Y[] Y ^ ] `] jY_`] [`k^[ ` ] \`[Z`\] ^ ] YkjZ`_`w` b\] ^[ Z ] Zbj] bj`] ] Z ] b`[w\]^ ] ^^ ]k \b^w`[][`qYbZ^ \ ] bj^ j][`YkbZ^ \]b^]`bZbZ^ \]\bZqq] Yqq\] `q^ ] \bY Y[ ] b] bj`[`] Y[`] [^^w\] ^[] Zw[^_`w` b] Z ] ^ q ] bj`] k^ \ w`[\] bj`w\`q_`\] Zqq] k^w`] ^[ Y[ ] b^] \] Zbj] bj`Z[]k^wqYZ b\ Z `[ZY] q`kb[ZkZb ] ` qYb^[ ] ^wwZ\\Z^ ]Þ ß] jYZ[wY ] [ ] Yw] wY Z ] j^] Y\] [`[`\` b` ] Yb] bj`] ^[ w] ] Z ``[]Þ [\ ß] Y[ ] ^q^ ] noted that the nationwide Ykb½ Z ] wZ\\Z^ ] `kYw`] `k`\\Y[ ] `kY \`] w`[^ \] k \b^w`[]k^wqYZ b\]Z ZkYb` ]Y] jZ j]q`_`q]^ ] Z\\YbZ\ YkbZ^ ] Zbj] Zqq\] Y ] \`[_Zk`\] [^_Z ` ] ] bj`] \ wY Z] [`wY[ ` ] bjYb] Í \b^w`[\] \ \k[Z Z ] b^] bj`] [` Zb] _Y k`] Y w` b] ^[] `b`[Z ] wq`w` bYbZ^ ] Þ ß] \kj`w`] Y[`] b^] `] [^_Z ` ] Zbj] w`b`[\] ZbjZ ] Y] \bZ qYb` ] bZw`] [Yw`] °Y] wY¬Zw w] ^ ] η] Y \] [^w] bj`] Yb`] ^ ] Y w` b´ ] j`] Y _Y k`] Y w` b] k \b^w`[\] Y[`] [`YZ ] ]bj`] \]^_`[]bZw`]bj[^ j] [` kbZ^ ] Z ] bj`] Yw^ b] Zqq` ] ^[]bj`] ¬` ]kjY[ ` ] Í ^[] Z \bY k` ] Y] k \b^w`[] Zqq] Y ] ³³] `[] w^ bj] Y\] ¬` ] kjY[ `] Z \b`Y ] ^ ] bj`] ·³³] [^_Z ` ]Z ]bj`] qbZ] `Y[] Y[ZG] [ `[]° ´] bZq]bj`]Y _Y k`] Z\] qq ][`YZ ] j`]k \b^w`[] Zqq] Yq\^] `]` bZbq` ]b^]Y][`b [ ]^ ]bj`] Yw^ b]Y _Y k` `\^ Z ] b^] bj`] Z\\ `\] [YZ\` ] Z `[ZY] q`kb[ZkZb ] ` qYb^[ ] ^wwZ\\Z^ ] Þ ß] ^wwZ\\Z^ `[ ] [ ] Y] [YjZw ] Z\kq^\` ] bjYb] w^[`] bjY ] ·³] `[k` b] ^ ] `q`kb[ZkZb ] k^ \ w`[\] jY_`] ^b] `` ] w`b`[` ] Y ] Y[`] bj`[` ^[`] \ ¤`kb` ] b^] `\bZwYb` ] Ík[Yà ] ZqqZ \] [^wZ\Z ] bjYb] [` Zb] _Y k`] Y w` b] ^[] `b`[Z ] wq`w` bYbZ^ ] Þ ß] Zqq] wZ ZwZÃ`] `\bZwYbZ^ ] Y ] ` jY k`][`_` `]k^qq`kbZ^
`] j^ `_`[] `wjY\ZÃ` ] bjYb] bj`] \kj`w`] Z\] ^bZ^ YqÔ] ^bZ ] that the cost of meters and Y\\^kZYb` ] Z \bYqqYbZ^ ] k^\b\] ^ q ] `]Y\]Y[^_` ] ] ] Y ]bjYb] ^][^ b] ^ q ]Ykk[ `] b^]bj`] \ [`kZYbZ ] jYb] j`] `\k[Z ` ] Y\] bj`] w^\b] `Yk` q] disposition with which the Y Y ] k \b^w`[\] k^ kb` ] bj`w\`q_`\] [Z ] bj`] `_` b ] [ ] Y ] j^] \YZ ] bjYb] bj`] wY Yb`] ^ ] bj`] ^wwZ\\Z^ ] Z\] b^] \b[Z `] Y] YqY k`] `b `` ] k^ \ w`[\] Y ] bj`] `q`kb[ZkZb ] [^_Z `[\ ] [ ` ] k^ \ w`[\] b^] bY `] Y _Y bY `] ^ ] Y_YZqY q`] kjY `q\] b^] q^ `] k^wqYZ b\] Y ] b^] Yb[^ ZÃ`] Y[^_` ] _` ^[\]Y ]kY[[ ] \]Yq^ ] j` ] Ykº Z[Z ] `º Zw` b] ^[] [^`[]Yw^[bZÃYbZ^ ]`_` ]Y\]j`] ^b` ]bjYb]bjZ\] Zqq]j`q] ^[`\bYqq]
[`^[b` ] kY\`\] ^ ] Z Yb` ] `¬` \`\] ]k \b^w`[\ ] j`]k^wqYZ b\] `[`]bj`]\Yw`] Yb]\ZwZqY[] ^[ w\]j`q ]Z ] ¤Y ] ^[b] Y[k^ [b ] ] `¤Y ]Y ] ^] Z\b[Z bZ^ ] `b ^[ \ ] b] bj`] ¤Y]k^ \ qbYbZ^ ]`_` b ]bj`] ¬`k bZ_`] Z[`kb^[ ] ` qYb^[ ] Y ] bY `j^q `[\¯] GYZ[\ ] Þ ß ] Z ``[] Zw ^qY] Z Z] j^] [`[`\` b` ] bj`] Y Y Z ] Z[`kb^[] ^ ] bj`] k^wY ] b[Z` ] [Y bZkYqq ] b^] ` ` ] bj`] ¤Y] q`kb[ZkZb ] Z\b[Z bZ^ ] ^wY
`] Z\kq^\` ] bjYb] bj`] ] jY\] Y] b^bYq] k \b^w`[] ^ qYbZ^ ] ^ ]ÁÂÁ ·Â·Ô]^ b]^ ] jZkj]γΠ]Ðг] Y\] \^] Y[] w`b`[` ] Y ] Y] b^bYq] ^ ] ¸ ] ·Î·] Y[`] Z ] bj`] YZbZ ] Z Z] qYw` ] bj`] k^wY ¯\] YZq [`\] Z ] bj`] Zwq`w` bYbZ^ ] ^ ] ] \kj`w`] ^ ] w`bj^ \] Y ^b` ]Z ][^_Z Z ]w`b`[\] ^[] consumers. j`] k^wY ] Y[ ` ] bjYb] bj`] w^ YqZbZ`\] ^[] Zwq`w` bZ ] bj`] ] wY `] Zb] ZIk qb] b^] [`k^[ ] ^^ ] [^ [`\\] Z ] bj`] \kj`w`] jZq`] Y[ Z ] Yq\^] bjYb] η] Y \] \`kZ kYbZ^ ] Y\] bZ` ] Y ] `` ` b] ^ ] bj`] ` [``] ^ ] [^wb `\\] ^ ] Y[^_` ] Z \bYqq`[\]Y ] ^b]bj`] Z\b[Z bZ^ ] companies. ] bj`] kY\`] ^ ] `¤Y ] Z ``[] Z Z] qYw` ] bj`] ^^[] \`[_Zk`] `qZ_`[ ] Z ] bj`] Y[`Y] ^ ] _Y YqZ\w]^ ]Z [Y\b[ kb [` ] j`] qYw`] Yw`] [` ] k[ZbZkZ\w\] [^w] ¯\] ^wwZ\\Z^ `[] ^[] Z ``[Z ] Y ] Y `b ] Z ``[] Y[ ] ^q^ ] j^] [`^[b` q ] bj[`Yb` ` ] \Y kbZ^ \] Y YZ \b] bj`] ] jZq`] expressed dissatisfaction on the `[ ^[wY k`]^ ]bj`] `¤Y] ] ^ ]bj`] [` Zb] _Y k`] Y w` b] ^[] `b`[Z ] wq`w` bYbZ^ ] Þ ß² Z ``[] Y[ ] ^q^ ] Y[ ` ] bjYb ] Í ] Z\] ^b] jY ] Zbj] `¤Y] ] ^[] ^b] `w [YkZ ] ] j`] w `[] ^ ]w`b`[\]\^] Y[]Z \bYqq` ] ]bj`] `¤Y] \`[_Zk`] [^_Z `[] Z\] _`[ ] ` qZ Z q` b] ] `] b^] q^ Z\bZk] kjYqq` `\] jZkj] k[^` ] ] ^_`[]bj`]kj^Zk`]^ ]_` `] ^[]bj`] k^ \ qbYbZ^ ] bj`] ] Ã^ Yq] ^[ w]qY ` ]b^]k^_`[]bj`] _`]
Prof. Chinedu Nebo, Minister of Power \^ bj]`Y\b`[ ]\bYb`\]^ ] Yw [Y ] ] w^ ] ^ Z] Y ] ZY] YZq` ] Z ] Yqq] ` ] `[ ^[wY k`] indicators. j`] k^ \ qbYbZ^ ] Y\] j`q ] Yb] bj`] Z `] Y `] ^b`q ] Y[] Y Y ] [^w] bj`] kZb ] k` b[`] Y ] ^ q ] ` ] k^ \ w`[\] Y'` ` ] jZq`] bj`]wY¤^[Zb ] j^]jY ][`Yq]Z\\ `\] b^] [Z ] Zbj] bj`] ] k^ q ] ^b] Y'` ] bj`] w``bZ ] b] bj`] Z\b[Z bZ^ ] k^wY ] Z ] bj`] Y[`Y] qYw` ] Zb\] Z `IkZ` k ] ^ ] ] Zwq`w` bYbZ^ ] ^ ] ^^[][`_` `]k^qq`kbZ^ ] ^IkZYq\] [`_`Yq` ] bjYb] bj`] ^wwZ\\Z^ ] Y\] jY ] Zbj]bj`]kj^Zk`]^ ]bj`]_` `] ^[] bj`]w``bZ ]\Y Z ]bj`]Y[`Y] \` ] ` Z` ] k^ \ w`[\] Z ] bj`] Ã^ `] bj`] k^ww^ ] ^^[b Zb ] b^] `¬^\`] ] ¯\] \`[_Zk`] \j^[bk^wZ \] ^[] [bj`[] YkbZ^ ] ]bj`]k^wwZ\\Z^ j`[`] Y\]j^ `_`[]bj`] ` `[Yq] ``qZ ] Yw^ ] k^ \ w`[\] Z ] ] Y\] `q\` j`[`] bjYb] bj`] ] Z_`\] bj`] \] bj`] qYbZb `] b^] ¤ \bZ ] bj`Z[] `¬q^ZbYbZ^ ] ^ ] k^ \ w`[\] Zbj] Y ] Zw\ ] `¬k \`] Y ] bjZ\] jY\] qY[ `q ] `qq` ] bj`]
[^ Z ] Z\k^ b` b]^ ]`q`kb[ZkZb ] k^ \ w`[\] Zbj]bj`]YkbZ_ZbZ`\]^ ] Z\b[Z bZ^ ]k^wY Z`\ ] [`k` b] [Y Z^] [^ [Yww`] from documented at the [` ^] k^ww Zb ] Z ] ] \bYb` ] \j^ ` ] j^ ] Z k[`Y\Z q ] ^[[Z\^w`] bj`] ` `[Yq] ``qZ ] ^ ] Z\k^ b` b]jY\] `k^w`]Y\]bj`] k^ww Zb ] Z ] ^b] ^ q ] \ G`[] k[YÃ ] ZqqZ ]^ ]w^ bjq ] ±³ ³³³] `[] w`b`[ ] b] Y\] `qZ `[Yb`q ] bj[^ ]Z b^] Y[ `\\] ^[]\`_`[Yq] `` \] `\Zb`] bj`] `¬^[ ZbY b] kjY[ `\] [^w]bj`] ^ \ w`[\] `qZ`_`] bjYb] ] \j^ q ] jY_`] \` ] bj`] [` ^] `¬`[Z` k`] b^] b`Ykj] bj`] \`[_Zk`] [^_Z `[\] \^w`] q`\\^ \] bj[^ j]\Y kbZ^ \]b^]kj`k ]\ kj] j^q`\Yq`] kj`YbZ ] b] YY[b] [^w] bj[`Yb` Z ] bjYb] bj`[`] Z\] Y] qZwZb] b^] k^ \ w`[] b^q`[Y k`] ^ ] `¬q^ZbYbZ^ ] ] Z ] ^bjZ ] b^]` YqZ\`]bj`] ZbZ] \bYb`] k^ \ w`[\] Yq\^] [`^[b` ] Z\\ `\] qZ `] b^bYq] qYk ^ b] jZkj] qY\b` ] \`_`[Yq] w^ bj\] `_` ] j` ] Zqq\] `[`] Z\b[Z b` ] Y ] Y w` b\] `wY ` ] ^[] `q`kb[ZkZb ] that was not consumed. The
There was however the general feeling among consumers in Enugu as elsewhere that the NERC gives the DISCOs the latitude to justify their exploitation of consumers
qYk ^ b\] `_` ] k^w`qq` ] bj`] ZbZ] \bYb`] ^_`[ ^[] b^] _Z\Zb] bj`] ] j`Y º Y[b`[\] Z ] ¤Y] b^] k^wqYZ ] ` ^[`] bj`] [^ q`w] Y\] bZ qq ] Y [`\\` ] ] bj`] ` Z ] ] [ ] Yw] wY Z ] jYZ[wY ] ^ k`] ^b` ] bjYb] Y] q^b] ^ ] k^ \ w`[\] jY_`] k^wqYZ ` ] Y ^ b] ^b] `Z ] w`b`[` ] \^w`] more than four months after Y Z ] ^[] bj`] w`b`[\ ] ] thereafter threatened to sanction ^ `[] Z\b[Z bZ^ ] k^wY Z`\] jZkj] YZq` ] b^] [^_Z `] w`b`[\] for customers who had paid for bj`w] `[]bj`] ]\kj`w`
`]\YZ ]Í j`] \]jY_`] `` ] Z_` ] Y] b ^½ `` ] qbZwYb w] b^] [^_Z `]bj`]w`b`[\] ^[]k \b^w`[\] who had paid for them under bj`] ] \kj`w`Ô] Y ] ^ ] bj`] \] jZkj] YZq` ] b^] w`b`[] bj`] `qZ Z q`] k^ \ w`[\] ZbjZ ] bj`] bZw` [Yw`] Zqq] Yk`] \`_`[`] \Y kbZ^ \ `b`[Z ] Z\] Zw^[bY b] b^] bj`] \ kk`\\]]]^ ]][Z_YbZÃYbZ^ ]^ ]bj`] `q`kb[ZkZb ] Z \b[ ] Y[bZk qY[q ] Y\] Zb] ^ q ] [`Ybq ] Y [`\\] bj`] [^ q`w\]^ ]k[Yà ] ZqqZ ]Y\] `qq] as protect the interests of the Z\b[Z bZ^ ] k^wY Z`\] Y YZ \b] [`_` `] q^\\ ] b] Z\] j^ `_`[] Zw`[YbZ_`] ^[] bj`] \] b^] Z k[`Y\`] qZk] Y Y[` `\\] ^ ] ] bj[^ j] Y [`\\Z_`] kYwYZ \] \^] bjYb] w^[`] ZqqZ ] k \b^w`[\] kY ] `] `_`q^` ] ^[] increased acceptance of meters ] w`b`[` ]k^ \ w`[\ Z ` Z\` ] kq^\`] k^qqY ^[YbZ^ ] Zbj] w`b`[] _` ^[\] \j^ q ] `] Z k[`Y\` ] b^] k b] ^ ] ^ ] the time of procurement and Z \bYqqYbZ^ ] [^k`\\`\] b^] w``b] ¯\] η] Y \] `Y qZ `] ^[] Y w` b]Y ]Z \bYqqYbZ^ \ ] j`[`] Z\]Yq\^] `` ] ^[]kq^\`]Y\\`\\w` b] ^ ] bj`] _` ^[\] ^[] º YqZb ] Y ] `G`kbZ_` `\\] ^ ] bj`] \kj`w` ] Z kq Z ] Zw[^_`w` b] ^ ] `q^ w` b] ^ ] wY\\] w`b`[Z ] [^qq]^ b][^ [Yww`]^ ]w^ bjq ] Y\Z\
Newswatch Times
Crime Thursday, January 1, 2015
100 Nigerians languish in Indian prisons for drugs
Calm returns to Lagos Community after mayhem ADELEKE ADESANYA
EFCC boss, Ibrahim Larmode
Sulaiman Abba, IGP
o fewer than 100 Nigerian youngsters are presently languishing in detention facilities in India, just as a new deadly drug is speculated to have crept into the country.
Details of the newly discovered drug of death remain sketchy but authorities say it has almost devastating potentials as cocaine and heroin when consumed. The drug, according to an Interpol source is known as Khat leaf and that it is now competing with other known drugs at
Interpol source informed our reporter that recently, Hyderrabad police nabbed 60 in connection with the transport of drugs. Of them, 40 are Indian nationals and the rest foreigners
black markets in some Asian countries. b] k^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;] Â&#x20AC;^b] Â&#x2DC;`] Zww`Â&#x2018;ZYb`qÂ&#x152;] k^Â&#x20AC;Â?[w`Â&#x2018;] if operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency are aware of the Khat plant but an independent source at bj`] YÂ?^\]^Ik`]^Â ]bj`] Â?`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;]jZÂ&#x20AC;b`Â&#x2018;]bjYb] the operatives actually put their ears to the ground while watching with Eagle eyes Meanwhile, the detained Nigerians were said to have entered into India through student visa. The detainees were said to be involved in transport and supply of Khat leaves, narcotic substances and allied illegal drugs. Information at our disposal has it that places like Jubilee Hills, Banjara Hills Filmnagar, Medipatnam and Yousufguda in West Zone limits were lately discovered to be the hubs for cocaine sale. Investigation by Newswatch Times revealed that the alleged involvement of the detained Nigerians peaked with the police received reports on illegal drug sales. The police in the country reportedly [YZ\`Â&#x2018;] \Â`kZYq] b`Yw\] bjYb] Â?Â&#x20AC;YqqÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;\b`Â&#x2018;] some gangs involved in supplying opium and cocaine. At the end of the raid, and coalition of cases, Indian police were said to have registered 5,900 cases of opium in the city of Hyderbad alone. It was also gathered that 166 cases of cocaine sale or use were registered in 2014 as compared to 174 cases of cocaine and no case of opium in 2013in the city. Indian government said many foreigners; especially Nigerians were involved in smuggling Khat leaves to the city from various countries and that 200 cases were registered in this regard in 2014. Interpol source informed our reporter that recently, Hyderrabad police nabbed 60 in connection with the transport of drugs. Of them, 40 are Indian nationals and the rest foreigners. Our source said that opium is easily available at every nook and cranny in the city and many people from the districts were involved in the transportation of the substance to the city. It was further revealed that many hookah centre management provide ^ÂZÂ&#x2013;w] b^] kÂ&#x2013;\b^w`[\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;b] Â&#x2039;Y_^Â&#x2013;[\] b^] Y'[Ykb] kÂ&#x2013;\b^w`[\] \YZÂ&#x2018;] Y] Â^qZk`] Â [^w] the Anti- Narcotic Cell. Police raiders, according to our source soon discovered the involvement of many Paan shops who ^G`[]^ÂZÂ&#x2013;w]Yb]q^Â&#x2019;`[]Â[Zk`\Â&#x2122;
Â&#x20AC;] bj`] `G^[b\] ^ ] YÂ?\] ^qZk`] ^Â`[YbZ_`\] b^] rid Lagos of crime and criminality, calm has been restored back to Badia in ApapaIganmu Local Council Development Area of Lagos where residents have been living in fear of terror unleashed by hoodlums. While speaking with Newswatch Times, a police source who pleaded anonymity, wYZÂ&#x20AC;bYZÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] bjYb] `G^[b\] ^ ] YÂ?^\] ^qZk`] operatives have been yielding results as peace is now restored back to the community where [`\ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b\] jY_`] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;[Z`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;]  `Y[] ^ ] Y'YkÂ&#x160;] from hooligans suspected to be political thugs. He added that Lagos Police commissioner, Aderanti Kayode, upon the media reports of the havoc wrecked on the residents, ordered YÂ&#x20AC;bZ] k[Zw`] Â^qZk`] ^Ik`[\] b^] Â[`_YZq] Â&#x2013;Â^Â&#x20AC;] bj`] \ZbÂ&#x2013;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2019;jZq`] ^[Â&#x2018;`[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] jZ\] ^Ik`[\] b^] prosecute those caught in the crime web. Findings by Newswatch Times showed that residents have since resumed their usual YkbZ_ZbZ`\]Y\]w^\b]^ ]bj`w]Â&#x2019;j^]ZÂ&#x20AC;ZbZYqqÂ&#x152;]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2018;] their abode are now back. A resident in Sule Lane, Oluwafemi, who spoke with our correspondent said,â&#x20AC;? peace has now returned to our community after which we almost vacated our houses based on the terror unleashed on us by this political thugs. We implore the commissioner of Police to station his men in this area for a while in order to calm then totally because if police leave now, they may resurface again. Meanwhile, it could be recalled that several were injured and no fewer than two reportedly killed in the mayhem unleashed by hoodlums on the residents of the community. Among the residents who lost their lives in the mayhem were Wasiu and Taiye who were macheted to death by the suspected hoodlums at their resident on 92A Gaskiya College road, behind Sule lane. Others who were reportedly macheted by the ramping hoodlums include Shina Sherif, Â&#x2013;\bYÂjY] Â&#x160;YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Z]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^Â?Y] ^[Â&#x2013; Â&#x2122; While Mustapha is receiving treatment at Barat hospital following machete cut injury on his j`YÂ&#x2018;]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]\j^Â&#x2013;qÂ&#x2018;`[Â&#x201A;]bj`]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;^]^ ] ^Â?Y]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] jZÂ&#x20AC;Y] were to have been rushed to Military hospital Yaba, following the severity of their injury. It was reliably gathered that the bandits numbering 10, invaded the area at about 2.00am on last Saturday, pounced on the residents YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Y'YkÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2018;]bj`w]Â&#x2019;Zbj]Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x20AC;Â?`[^Â&#x2013;\]Â&#x2019;`YÂ^Â&#x20AC;\Â&#x201A;] resulting in the death of the deceased. They were said to have also vandalised several vehicles, burgled some houses and looted some shops. j`] \b[``b\] YG`kb`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2018;`] Â&#x2013;q`] YÂ&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;] Obale Street and end of Obale bridge axis. On Sule Lane, a Nissan Fischer car, marked AX 63 EPE, a Mercedez Benx with registration number AG 73 LND and a Nissan Primeria, owned by Chief James Abifarin, Dr. Barat and Mr. Saka Yusuf were vandalised. Still on the same street at No 4, a shop Â&#x2DC;`q^Â&#x20AC;Â?ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]]b^]Y]bYZq^[]Â&#x2019;j^]ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ?`Â&#x2018;]jZw\`q ] simply as Cangour disclosed that the shop was looted by the bandits who carted away two sewing machines, a generator and his customers clothing materials. At the Obale bridge axis four Faragon commercial vehicles,, painted in Lagos clour were also vandalised by the suspected hoodlums. Our correspondent who visited the scene at about noon earlier, reports that the streets were desolate, as shops remained closed while residents remained indoors as a result of palpable fear Â&#x20AC;bZ][^Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;`[Â&#x152;]Â^qZk`w`Â&#x20AC;]Y'Ykj`Â&#x2018;]b^] YÂ&#x2018;ZY] Police Station were also on ground full armed to return normalcy.
Panic in Bayelsa as armed cultists kill Policeman, raid helpless residents UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa
Newswatch Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
ollowing the death of a ^qZk`wYÂ&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x20AC;] YbbYkÂ&#x160;\] launched on residents of Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;YwYÂ&#x201A;] ÂYÂ&#x20AC;\ZY] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^bj`[\] by a yet to identified cult group ZÂ&#x20AC;] YqÂ&#x152;`\Y] \bYb`] ^Â&#x20AC;] j[Z\bwY\] day, residents of the community have now been reported living in \`[Z^Â&#x2013;\]ÂYÂ&#x20AC;ZkÂ&#x2122; b]Â&#x2019;Y\]Â?Ybj`[`Â&#x2018;]bjYb]bj`]wÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x2018;`[`Â&#x2018;] Policeman was shot dead by the rampaging cultists at about 12am ^Â&#x20AC;] j[Z\bwY\] YÂ&#x152;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2013;[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]Y][^Â&#x2013;bZÂ&#x20AC;`] ÂYb[^q]^ ]bj`] [`YÂ&#x2122; He was reported shot dead on the spot, while two other policemen sustained deadly injuries along YÂ&#x20AC;] Y[`Y] Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] Y\] jZb`] ^Â&#x2013;\`Â&#x201A;] YÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x2018;¤Yk`Â&#x20AC;b] b^] bj`] ^Â&#x2013;bj½ ^Â&#x2013;bj] kYwÂÂ&#x2013;\]^ ]bj`] ZÂ?`[ZYÂ&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x2019;] kj^^q] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;YwY½ ÂZ`]Y[`Y]^ ]bj`] bYb`Â&#x2122; The Paramount ruler of the Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;YwY½ ÂZ`Â&#x201A;] jZ` ] Z\Â&#x2018;^Â&#x20AC;] [YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;qZÂ&#x20AC;] k^Â&#x20AC; Z[w`Â&#x2018;] bj`] Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;] duel between Policemen and unidentified gunmen but declined  Â&#x2013;[bj`[]k^ww`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122; j`] \Â^Â&#x160;`\wYÂ&#x20AC;] ^ ] bj`] YÂ&#x152;`q\Y] ^qZk`] ^wwYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] \ZÂ&#x20AC;Zw] Â&#x2013;b\Â&#x2019;Yb] told news men that the armed YbbYkÂ&#x160;]^Â&#x20AC;]bj`] ^qZk`] Yb[^q] `Yw]Â&#x2019;Y\] carried out by yet-to-be identified gunmen, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the gunmen opened fire on our patrol team and injured ^Â&#x2013;[]w`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] jZq`]Â&#x20AC;^]Â^qZk`wYÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x2019;Y\] Â&#x160;Zqq`Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] bj[``] ^  Zk`[\] Yw^Â&#x20AC;Â?] bj`] b`Yw] Â&#x2019;`[`] ZÂ&#x20AC;¤Â&#x2013;[`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;`] ^ ] bj`w] has been discharged, while two Y[`][`k`Z_ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]b[`Ybw`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161; A security source who pleaded anonymity said the bloody conflict occurred in the afternoon along Yq_YbZ^Â&#x20AC;] ^YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2018;ZYwYÂ&#x2122;] `] said guns boomed in the area during the violent confrontation which caused panic and confusion ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]Y[`YÂ&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;There were gunshots during bj`] ZÂ?jbÂ&#x2122;] b]bj`]`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]bÂ&#x2019;^]w`wÂ&#x2DC;`[\] of the rival cult groups, the
ZÂ?jqYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[\] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] bj`] k`qYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[\] Â&#x2019;`[`] ^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2018;`YÂ&#x2018;]Yb]bj`]\Â^bÂ&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;] Â&#x2019;`[`] \j^b] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] Â&#x160;Zqq`Â&#x2018;Â&#x161;Â&#x201A;] j`] \YZÂ&#x2018;] w`YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2019;jZq`Â&#x201A;] [`\ZÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;b\] ^ ] ÂYÂ&#x20AC;\ZYÂ&#x201A;] Obele and Agudama areas of the YÂ&#x152;`q\Y] bYb`] kYÂZbYq] jY_`] k[Z`Â&#x2018;] out over what they described as bj`] Â&#x2018;YÂ&#x20AC;Â?`[^Â&#x2013;\] Y[w`Â&#x2018;] YbbYkÂ&#x160;\] ^Â&#x20AC;] homes by suspected cultists in the \bYb`Â&#x2122; Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2018;Zb^[ZYq]\bY  ]^ ]bj`] ZÂ?`[ZYÂ&#x20AC;] `q`_Z\Z^Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;bj^[ZbÂ&#x152;] ° ´Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j^] pleaded anonymity, said the people of the affected areas now sleep with one eye closed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the cult boys, armed with dangerous weapons, enter any chosen street and disposes any victim of phones YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^bj`[] _YqÂ&#x2013;YÂ&#x2DC;q`\Â&#x2122;] j`Â&#x152;] `_`Â&#x20AC;] enter your flats or home and dispossess you of cash and other _YqÂ&#x2013;YÂ&#x2DC;q`\Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; j`] ]\bY  ]Â&#x20AC;^b`Â&#x2018;]bjYb]bj^Â&#x2013;Â?j] bj`] bYb`] ^qZk`] ^wwYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] jY\] been notified, â&#x20AC;&#x153;they seem to have q` b] bj`] Â`^Âq`] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Y] j`qÂq`\\] \bYb`Â&#x2122;] `kÂ&#x2013;[ZbÂ&#x152;] jY\] Â&#x2DC;`k^w`] Â^^[] ZÂ&#x20AC;] bj`] \bYb`Â&#x2122;Â&#x161;
Executives looking at serious jail time if they pay bribes overseas, police say Evan Dyer
he RCMP says it is more aggressively pursuing Canadian companies that pay bribes to win lucrative contracts overseas and, in future, more cases will lead to real jail time for individuals rather than just Â?Â&#x20AC;`\] ^[]k^wÂYÂ&#x20AC;Z`\Â&#x2122; 'YÂ&#x2019;Y] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x20AC;`\\wYÂ&#x20AC;] YĂ&#x192;Z[] Y[ZÂ?Y[] was sentenced to three years in prison last May for arranging bribes to public ^IkZYq\] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZYÂ&#x201A;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] Y] Â&#x2DC;ZÂ&#x2018;] b^] Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;] Y] $100-million security contract from Air Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZYÂ&#x2122; ĂŁ ] ä] Z[] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZY] Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;`] Âq^'`[] YĂ&#x192;Z[] Y[ZÂ?Y[]Â?`b\]Ă&#x201A;]Â&#x152;`Y[]\`Â&#x20AC;b`Â&#x20AC;k`Â&#x2122;
`] Â&#x2019;Y\] bj`] Â?[\b] YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2018;ZYÂ&#x20AC;] b^] Â?^] b^] prison for bribery overseas but the next one could be going away for a lot q^Â&#x20AC;Â?`[Â&#x201A;]\YÂ&#x152;\] Â?bÂ&#x2122;] Yb[ZkÂ&#x160;] ^Zb`_ZÂ&#x20AC;]^ ]bj`] RCMPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sensitive and international ZÂ&#x20AC;_`\bZÂ?YbZ^Â&#x20AC;\]Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;ZbÂ&#x2122; Y[ZÂ?Y[] Â&#x2019;Y\] kjY[Â?`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[] YÂ&#x20AC;] ^qÂ&#x2018;`[] version of Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Corruption of ^[`ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;qZk] IkZYq\] kbÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] Â[`\k[ZÂ&#x2DC;`Â&#x2018;] Y] wYÂŹZwÂ&#x2013;w] Â`Â&#x20AC;YqbÂ&#x152;] ^ ] Â?_`] Â&#x152;`Y[\]ZÂ&#x20AC;]Â[Z\^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We are investigating not just the companies, but the individuals that ÂYZÂ&#x2018;] bj`] Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;`Â&#x2122;¯½] Â?bÂ&#x2122;] Yb[ZkÂ&#x160;] ^Zb`_ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] RCMP â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the amendments that were enacted last year, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up to 14 years, which is the second-highest level of sentencing in the Criminal Code,â&#x20AC;? said ^Zb`_ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] He adds itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s now also possible to charge individuals for merely agreeing to a bribe, even if no actual money kjYÂ&#x20AC;Â?`\]jYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2122; The staggering cost of corruption j`] Â&#x20AC;Zb`Â&#x2018;] YbZ^Â&#x20AC;\] `\bZwYb`\] bjYb] more than $1 trillion is paid in bribes `Ykj]Â&#x152;`Y[Â&#x2122;] j`]k^\b]^ ]bjYb]k^[[Â&#x2013;ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;]b^] bj`] Â&#x2019;^[qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻ\] `k^Â&#x20AC;^wÂ&#x152;] Z\] Y] wY\\Z_`] ü¸Â&#x2122;Ă&#x2022;] trillion, most of it lost to poor countries bjYb]kYÂ&#x20AC;]q`Y\b]YG^[Â&#x2018;]ZbÂ&#x2122; Corruption allows shoddy and overpriced infrastructure projects to Â&#x2018;[Z_`] ^Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x2019;`qq½Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;ZqbÂ&#x201A;] k^\b½`G`kbZ_`] ^Â&#x20AC;`\Â&#x2122;] b] Yq\^] Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;`[wZÂ&#x20AC;`\] bj`] [Â&#x2013;q`] ^ ] law and peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith in democratic Â?^_`[Â&#x20AC;w`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] j`]b[Â&#x2013;`]k^\b]^ ]k^[[Â&#x2013;ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;] in the developing world can be measured in schools and hospitals that are never built, jobs that are never created, and resources that are pilfered and spirited YÂ&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;]b^] ^[`ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2DC;YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;]Ykk^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b\Â&#x2122; Many experts say the global toll of corruption, in both lives and money, `ÂŹk``Â&#x2018;\] bjYb] ^ ] b`[[^[Z\wÂ&#x2122;] _`Â&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b[Z`\] \Â&#x2013;kj] Y\] ZÂ?`[ZYÂ&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;j`[`] Y] Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x2013;bYq] ¤ZjYÂ&#x2018;Z\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;\Â&#x2013;[Â?`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] jY\] Â&#x160;Zqq`Â&#x2018;] thousands in the past year, corruption consistently leads security in public surveys as the most serious problem facing the country Canada lags behind While the Canadian government jY\] \YZÂ&#x2018;] Zb] Z\] [`Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;qZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Zb\] `G^[b\] b^] k[YkÂ&#x160;] Â&#x2018;^Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;]  ^[`ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;] k^[[Â&#x2013;ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] bribery, Canada has historically done a poor job of preventing its companies from using bribes as a tool to drum up business around the world â&#x20AC;&#x201D; even though Canadian companies are big players in some of the industries where Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;`[Â&#x152;]Z\]w^\b]k^ww^Â&#x20AC;]\Â&#x2013;kj]Y\]wZÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x2122; Canada has successfully prosecuted only three major overseas corruption kY\`\Â&#x2122; j`] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;] k^Â&#x20AC;b[Y\bÂ&#x201A;] jY\] k^Â&#x20AC;_Zkb`Â&#x2018;] more than 50 individuals since 2009 for paying bribes overseas under its ^[`ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;] ^[[Â&#x2013;Âb] [YkbZk`\] kbÂ&#x2122;] ^[`]
Some executives in a pensive mood
bjYÂ&#x20AC;]¡³] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;]k^wÂYÂ&#x20AC;Z`\]jY_`]Yq\^]Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] ÂÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Z\j`Â&#x2018;]ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`]ÂY\b]Â?_`]Â&#x152;`Y[\Â&#x201A;]ÂYÂ&#x152;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â?Â&#x20AC;`\]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^[ `ZbÂ&#x2013;[`\]^ ]YÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2013;b]ĂĽĂ&#x201A;]Â&#x2DC;ZqqZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; j`] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;] Â&#x2013;\bZk`] `ÂY[bw`Â&#x20AC;b] Yq\^] [Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;\] Y] q`Âb^k[YkÂ&#x152;] \\`b] `k^_`[Â&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;ZbZYbZ_`] ° ´Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2019;jZkj] jY\] [`bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] multi-million dollar sums to the k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b[Z`\] Â&#x2019;j`[`] bj`] Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;`\] Â&#x2019;`[`] ÂYZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;] kj[^Â&#x20AC;ZkYqqÂ&#x152;] k^[[Â&#x2013;Âb] k^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;b[Z`\] Â&#x2019;j`[`] any money returned might simply be \b^q`Â&#x20AC;] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] bj`] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;] jY\] k^½^Â`[Yb`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2019;Zbj] \Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;] ^Â&#x20AC;`] kY\`Â&#x201A;] Zb] [`bÂ&#x2013;[Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2018;] ü¹¹¡] wZqqZ^Â&#x20AC;] ^ ] Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;`[Â&#x152;½bYZÂ&#x20AC;b`Â&#x2018;] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;] k^[Â^[Yb`] Â[^Â?b\] b^] YĂ&#x192;YÂ&#x160;j\bYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x20AC;^b]b^]bj`] YĂ&#x192;YÂ&#x160;j]Â?^_`[Â&#x20AC;w`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;\b`YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;] the money was used by an independent kjY[ZbÂ&#x152;]b^]j`qÂ] YĂ&#x192;YÂ&#x160;j]kjZqÂ&#x2018;[`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; This year, the anti-corruption charity [YÂ&#x20AC;\ÂY[`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;b`[Â&#x20AC;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;Yq] Â&#x2013;ÂÂ?[YÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2018;Y] [^w]Zb\]q^Â&#x2019;`\b][YbZÂ&#x20AC;Â?Â&#x201A;]Ă?qZ'q`]^[] Â&#x20AC;^]`Â&#x20AC; ^[k`w`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x201A;Â&#x161;]b^]Ă?w`Â&#x2018;ZÂ&#x2013;wÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161; Ă? bÂŻ\]Y][`k^Â?Â&#x20AC;ZbZ^Â&#x20AC;]^ ]bj`]Â[^\`kÂ&#x2013;bZ^Â&#x20AC;\] that have been accomplished,â&#x20AC;? says ] YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2018;YÂŻ\] `b`[] `Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x201A;] Y] ^[^Â&#x20AC;b^] Ykk^Â&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;bYÂ&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;] Ă? Â&#x2013;b] Zb] Â&#x2018;^`\Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb] [Z\`] Â&#x152;`b] b^] the level of active enforcement you see ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`] Â&#x2122; Â&#x2122;Â&#x161; YÂ&#x160;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Z_ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2013;Yq\]ÂYÂ&#x152; bÂ&#x2013;Â&#x20AC;Â?]Â&#x2DC;Â&#x152;]k[ZbZkZ\w] [^w]^[Â?YÂ&#x20AC;ZĂ&#x192;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;\] \Â&#x2013;kj]Y\] [YÂ&#x20AC;\ÂY[`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;b`[Â&#x20AC;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;YqÂ&#x201A;]bj`] ] Z\] b[Â&#x152;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] wYÂ&#x160;`] Â&#x2013;Â]  ^[] ÂY\b] ZÂ&#x20AC;YkbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122;] j[``] Â&#x152;`Y[\] YÂ?^Â&#x201A;] Zb] \k^[`Â&#x2018;] Zb\] Â?[\b]wY¤^[]\Â&#x2013;kk`\\]Â&#x2019;j`Â&#x20AC;] YqÂ?Y[Â&#x152;½Â&#x2DC;Y\`Â&#x2018;] ZÂ&#x160;^] `\^Â&#x2013;[k`\]Âq`YÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2018;]Â?Â&#x2013;ZqbÂ&#x152;]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]ÂYZÂ&#x2018;]
Y]ĂĽĂ?Â&#x2122;¡½wZqqZ^Â&#x20AC;]Â?Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2122; ZÂ&#x160;^] `\^Â&#x2013;[k`\] jYÂ&#x2018;] kYÂ&#x2013;\`Â&#x2018;] YÂ&#x20AC;] explosion while drilling for gas in a YÂ&#x20AC;Â?qYÂ&#x2018;`\jZ]_ZqqYÂ?`Â&#x2122;] j`]Â&#x2DC;qY\b]Â&#x2018;`\b[^Â&#x152;`Â&#x2018;] bj`] q^kYq] \kj^^q] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] kYÂ&#x2013;\`Â&#x2018;] \ZÂ?Â&#x20AC;ZÂ?kYÂ&#x20AC;b] damage to the village, according to an YÂ?[``Â&#x2018;]\bYb`w`Â&#x20AC;b]^ ] Ykb\Â&#x2122; The company pleaded guilty to Â[`\`Â&#x20AC;bZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Y] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x2019;] ] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] ^bj`[] Â&#x2DC;`Â&#x20AC;`Â?b\] b^] bj`] YÂ&#x20AC;Â?qYÂ&#x2018;`\jZ] wZÂ&#x20AC;Z\b`[] ZÂ&#x20AC;] charge of investigating the explosion YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;]Â&#x2018;`b`[wZÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]k^wÂ`Â&#x20AC;\YbZ^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; Y\b] Â&#x152;`Y[Â&#x201A;] [ZIbj] `\^Â&#x2013;[k`\] ÂYZÂ&#x2018;] Y] ü¹³Â&#x2122;Ă&#x201A;¡½wZqqZ^Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2018;^qqY[]Â?Â&#x20AC;`] ^[]Â&#x2DC;[ZÂ&#x2DC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]bj`] Â&#x2019;Z `]^ ]Y]Â?^_`[Â&#x20AC;w`Â&#x20AC;b]^IkZYq]b^]\`kÂ&#x2013;[`]Y] wZÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]k^Â&#x20AC;k`\\Z^Â&#x20AC;]ZÂ&#x20AC;] jYÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Â&#x2013;b] Â&#x20AC;^] ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Z_ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2013;Yq] ÂYZÂ&#x2018;]  ^[] bj^\`] k[Zw`\Â&#x2122;] Â&#x20AC;]  Ykb] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Y[Â&#x2018;] YwÂ\^Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;] bj`] ] ^ ] ZÂ&#x160;^] `\^Â&#x2013;[k`\Â&#x201A;] wYÂ&#x2018;`] ĂĽĂ&#x17D;Â&#x2122;Âś] wZqqZ^Â&#x20AC;] ZÂ&#x20AC;] ÂYÂ&#x152;] YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \b^kÂ&#x160;] ^ÂbZ^Â&#x20AC;\] bj`] Â&#x152;`Y[]jZ\]k^wÂYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;]Â&#x2019;Y\]k^Â&#x20AC;_Zkb`Â&#x2018;Â&#x2122; Â?bÂ&#x2122;] ^Zb`_ZÂ&#x20AC;] Yb] bj`] ÂŻ\] YÂ&#x20AC;bZ½ corruption unit said that is now changing and the results can be seen in three pending cases involving bribes ÂYZÂ&#x2018;]b^]Â&#x2019;ZÂ&#x20AC;]bj`] Z[] Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;ZY]k^Â&#x20AC;b[Ykb]Ă&#x153;]Yqq] kjY[Â?`\]YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b]ZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;Z_ZÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2013;Yq\Â&#x2122; There are also charges expected from bj`]ZÂ&#x20AC;_`\bZÂ?YbZ^Â&#x20AC;\]ZÂ&#x20AC;b^] ½ Y_YqZÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2122; [YÂ&#x20AC;\ÂY[`Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x152;] Â&#x20AC;b`[Â&#x20AC;YbZ^Â&#x20AC;YqÂŻ\] `b`[] `Â&#x20AC;b] Â&#x2019;`qk^w`\] bj`] Â[^\`kÂ&#x2013;bZ^Â&#x20AC;\Â&#x201A;] Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2013;b] j^Â`\] b^] \``] w^[`Â&#x2122;] Ă? ^]  Y[] bj`[`] ¤Â&#x2013;\b] jY_`Â&#x20AC;ÂŻb] Â&#x2DC;``Â&#x20AC;] `Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2013;Â?j] kY\`\] b^] wYÂ&#x160;`] YÂ&#x20AC;] `G`kbZ_`]Â&#x2018;`b`[[`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x2122;Â&#x161;
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Newswatch Times Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year messages
I’ll remain focused, says Jonathan JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna
steps will be taken by his administration to shield the poor and low-medium income earners from the full brunt of measures included in the 2015 budget to ensure the stability of the national economy in the face of the current downturn in the prices of crude oil. “By the Special Grace of God, the Federal Government, under my leadership, has continued, in the past four
resident Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has assured Nigerians that political campaigns and the 2015 general elections will not distract his administrabZ^ ] [^w] Zb\] ^ ^Z ] `G^[b] b^]\Z Z kY bq ]Zw[^_`]bj`Z[] living conditions. In his new year broadcast to the nation, President Jonathan vowed that his involvement in the campaigns and election as the presidential candidate of the Peoples JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna Democratic Party (PDP) orthern States notwithstanding, he will Governors Foremain fully focused on prorum (NSGF) viding good governance and have called `qZ_`[Z ] `'`[] qZk] \`[on Nigerians vices to Nigerians. In the broadcast which to remain more focused was relayed on national tel- on building the culture of evision and radio networks peace in 2015 saying the as the new year began, the nation will survive the elecPresident also pledged that tion year and become more
years to lead our country forward, even under the most trying circumstances. The progress we have made in priority areas bears us testimony. “Our national economy maintained a steady growth rate of close to seven per cent in the past four years and millions of fresh employment opportunities were created for our people as a direct consequence. “Being very conscious of the
inherent perils of our overreliance on income from crude oil exports for national development, we have focused on Ykk`q`[YbZ ]bj`] Z_`[\Z kYbZ^ ] of our economy. “The non-oil Sector which has grown by an average of 8% in the last few years, is now a major driver of growth in our economy. “The 2015 national budget, which is now before the National Assembly, is targeted
Yb] ``` Z ]^ []`G^[b\]Yb] `coming a non-oil economy. “The budget also includes measures to ensure that the downturn in the price of oil ^`\] ^b] YG`kb] ^ [] `_`q^ment plans and our national economy too adversely. We are Y ¤ \bZ ]^ [] Y kZYq][^k`\\es to safeguard our economy. We are also taking steps to ensure that the poor and the low and medium income earners do not bear the brunt”, he said.
Northern governors sue for peace peaceful. According to the governors, 2015 is a crucial year for Nigeria adding that Nigeria is on the verge of attaining greatness beginning. In a statement by the Chairman of the forum and Niger state Governor, Dr Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, he enjoined Nigerians to enter the year 2015 with renewed hopes while urging the people to support genuZ `]`G^[b\]YZw` ]Yb]` \ [Z ] that the forthcoming general elections is successful and devoid of needless bickering whatever aspirations any capable of threatening the individual has can be real- nation’s corporate existence. ized. But without these two “Undoubtedly, Nigeria bjZ \ ] Zb] `k^w`\] ZIk qb] Z\] ^ ] bj`] _`[ `] ^ ] Y'YZ Z ] to make progress as indi- greatness beginning from viduals and as a nation”, he this very year. Those who said. think the nation won’t sur-
Seek peace, unity of Nigeria – Delta deputy gov SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba
eputy Governor of Delta State, Prof. Amos Agbe Utuama (SAN), yesterday urged Nigerians to always seek for the good, peace and unity of the country in the New Year 2015 and beyond, saying that was about the only way through which individual and national aspirations can be realized quickly. Prof Utuama in a statement issued by his Press Secretary, Augustine Avwode, said 2015 is crucial for the country because it is a year in which elections would be held throughout the country into various of k`\]Z ]bj`]k^ b[ He, therefore, urged Ni `[ZY \]b^] [\b]Y ] ^[`w^\b] ensure a peaceful atmosphere for the conduct of free and fair elections and do everything at their disposal to ensure the continued unity of Nigeria as an indivisible entity that caters for all. “We are grateful to God for making it possible for all of us to witness this New Year, 2015. It is an important one for this country because it is an election year. We are going to elect people into vari^ \]^Ik`\]b^]q`Y ]Y ] Z[`kb] bj`]YGYZ[\]^ ]bjZ\]k^ b[ ] ^[] the next four years. “As a result of this, I want to advise all Nigerians to please seek and ensure that there is peace wherever they are and whatever we do. It is only when there is peace that we can hold successful elections in line with democratic ethos. “Besides, I wish to also advise Nigerians to maintain the bond of unity in the country. Once there is peace and unity in the country,
vive the general elections should be ready to bury their heads in shame. Nigeria will not only survive the election year, but will become more peaceful and generally safe”. Aliyu stressed that Nige[ZY \] kY ^b] YG^[ ] b^] wZ\\] out in numerous opportunities that the New Year has to ^G`[ The forum, while calling ^ ] ^qZbZkZY \] Yk[^\\] ZG`[ent party platforms to play politics according to the rules of the game added that stakeholders must shun acts capable of plunging the entire country into avoidable crisis stressing that the unity and developmental aspirations of Nigeria are sacrosanct. “We must all make sure
Fayemi: Year of decision, change
ormer Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, has congratulated Nigerians for witnessing the New Year, urging them to go Yqq] ^ b] Y ] `G`kb] bj`] w kj] desired positive change in the polity this year. Fayemi in a new year message described 2015 as a year of decision for Nigeria and urged the citizens to join hands with the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the quest to sweep out bad leadership from the country. “Nigerians have worked and prayed for a Nigerian nation that would meet the vision and aspirations of its founding fathers, this is the time to take a bold step furbj`[] Y ] `G`kb] bj`] kjY `]
with our votes”, declared Fayemi in the message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Yinka Oyebode. Fayemi noted that the future prosperity of the country is tied to the change the people make through the opportunity provided by the February 14, 2015 presidential election and other outlined elections in the year. The former Governor urged Nigerians to use their votes as the only power they have to make the right change and bail themselves and the country out of the current inept PDP-led government which has proved to be helpless as the country continue to writhe in the
pains of general insecurity, corruption, economic hardship and poor leadership. Fayemi who was chairman of the hugely successful national convention of the APC that produced General Muhammadu Buhari as the party’s presidential Y ] `Y[`[ ]\YZ ]bj`] ][`mains the most veritable vehicle for that change which Nigerians have long desired. According to Fayemi, Nigeria is evidently on a critical trajectory and is ripe for alternation of power. He described APC as an idea whose time has come, adding that the party clearly meets and excels in all the requirements of that desired change.
Jang urges Nigerians to imbibe spirit of forgiveness GYANG BERE, Jos
lateau State Governor, Jonah David Jang, has called on Nigerians to imbibe the spirit of forgiveness, love, reconciliation and rededication to the service of God and humanity in the year 2015. This is contained in his New Year message to Plateau citizens and Nigerians as year 2015 begins. Jang, in a statement signed by James Mannok noted that if all Nigerians carry the spirit of accepting each other as one, the
electoral process in the year 2015 will be peaceful and transparent. Governor Jang also urged the political class to pursue issue-based campaign during the electioneering period instead of campaign of calumny, hatred and must –win- at allcost syndrome. The governor also said Nigerians must take a mow` b] b^] [` `kb] Y ] k^ b] their blessings over the past year and give God all the Glory for the privileged of witnessing another year. He thanked the citizens
of the state for their support and standing behind the government over the past seven and half years and commended them for the patriotic partnership even in the face of challenges that the Government and the state went through. Governor Jang while wishing all a memorable and prosporous year ahead, promised to continue to strive to meet the expectations of more Plateau people and Nigerians in the remaining days of the administration.
that the forthcoming election is devoid of violence. All hands must be on deck. The electoral body and other critical establishments connected to the forthcoming elections must be ready to go extra miles i n the execution of their respective assignments. We also expect security agencies to subject their personnel to necessary pre-election monitoring trainings and programs. “It is indeed instructive for politicians to desist from overheating the polity with inciting comments, hate speech as well as blackmail. bility to ensure that things go on well.”
2015 will be a year of peaceful election –Agbaje ADEWALE AJAYI
eoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate for Lagos State, Jimi Agbaje, has asked Nigerians to regard 2015 as the year of peaceful and credible elections. Agbaje also canvassed support for the PDP in 2015, sayZ ] jZ\] Y[b ] ^G`[\] bj`] w^\b] credible candidates and the most realistic programmes capable of driving human and infrastructural development in the country. He commended the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for putting in place structures geared towards the progressive improvement of the electoral process. Agbaje, in a New Year message issued by his Director of Media and Publicity, Felix Oboagwina, asked Nigerians to demonstrate a commitment to violence-free and fraudproof polls. “We wish Nigerians a Happy New Year. And everyone must realise that the 2015 elections will come and go, so politicians and citizens must work towards holding elections that will not end in bloodshed or lead to the dislocation of the life of ordinary Nigerians,” he said.
Obi calls for introspection
he former Governor of Anambra State and the Deputy Director, South of the PDP National Campaign Council, Mr. Peter Obi, has called on Nigerians to use the opportunity of the New Year to think about the country and resolve to collectively build a progressive society in the year 2015. Obi who said that the global problems, ranging from reces\Z^ ]b^]b`[[^[Z\w ] jZkj]YG`kbed the countries of the world, Z kq Z ] Z `[ZY ] ^G`[] Z `-
rians food for thought and an opportunity to thank God for His mercies upon the country. Describing year 2014 as “a year of challenges”, he called on Nigerians to be grateful to President Goodluck Jonathan whose policies ensured that Nigeria withstood the year without much bruises. He called Nigerians to reciprocate the \Yk[Z k`\] ^ ] [`\Z ` b] ^^ luck Jonathan by supporting him in his resolve to make Ni `[ZY]Y] `'`[]qYk`] ^[] Z `[Zans.
2015 is year of change, says Oshiomhole THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin
overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State says the New Year 2015 will be an important one for Nigerians to vote for change and get the country back to the path of greatness, rather than the present system at the federal level where nothing works. According to him, “next year presents Nigerians with a unique opportunity to vote out the party which produced Y ] q`Y `[\] j^] G`b` ] \] Zbj] ZG`[` b]`¬k \`\]Y ] ` ] us with empty rhetoric on why Nigeria is yet to achieve her greatness, after being in the saddle for 16 years. “In 2015, Nigerians must rise in unison to elect credible leaders who will rise above the lethargy of the PDP government to confront the challenges facing the nation. “It is ironic and saddening that while they preach to the
downtrodden masses to tighten their belts and prepare for austere times, they continue b^] Z\qY ] Y \`YbZ ] Z ZG`[ence to the plight of the people by coming up with a war chest running into several billions of naira to prosecute a project to further impoverish the people. “However, as progressives, we remain optimistic in the Nigerian project and we urge the people to join us and avail themselves of the opportunity, next year, to punish these bad leaders with our votes and ensure that the desired Change is YkjZ`_` ] ^[]bj`] ` ` b]^ ]Yqq “We must resist their plots to use ethnicity, religion and other clannish tendencies to divide us. We must never forget that poverty and bad governance are not defined by religion or ethnicity but by inefficient leadership. This is why the time for change is now, more than ever before.
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Salami close to Red Star Belgrade transfer
igeria international forward, Gbolahan Salami has revealed he is close to sealing a move to Red Star Belgrade when the January transfer window opens. The CHAN 2014 bronze medalist said he is excited with the prospect of joining the former European champions. “I am excited already and appreciate God for what he has been doing in my career. I am so happy that big team like Red Star Belgrade are interested in my services,” Salami said. “My representatives
Yomi Itsekure and Segun Ogunbayo (Murphy) have been working with a Serbian agent Goran Milovanovic about my move to Serbia and I have been informed that the deal is almost done. “I will be in Serbia soon for a medical after which I will sign the deal.” Salami, who got married two weeks ago, scored 17 goals last season in the Nigeria Premier League for Warri Wolves. The ex-3SC and Sunshine Stars striker has 11 caps for Nigeria with two goals.
Alampasu in Belgium for Genk deal
ccording to sources at the Nigeria Under-20 camp, [\b] kj^Zk`] ^Yq ```[ ] Dele Alampasu is already in Belgium to seal a move to Racing Genk after turning 18 on Christmas eve. It was hinted when an ^IkZYq] Y\] º `[Z` ] j ] he was not in camp in preparation for next year’s African Youth Championship schedule to take place in Senegal. “He took permission to be away as he will travel to Belgium to seal his move to Genk,” the source said. “We expect him back in camp before January 14, which is the deadline day for all invited players to arrive camp and
Newswatch Times THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015
Eagles camp in full swing
nly Emem Eduok, who is reportedly in Tunisia and Igudia Godwin, who replaced Erhun Obanor and currently with the U-23 national team are yet to arrive camp as all invited players made it to the Bolton White Apartment Hotel of the team on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. All the players had lunch with the technical crew comprising Dan “the Bull’ Amokachi, Houandinou Valere and Ike Shorunmi. Amokachi who addressed the players after lunch asked them to brace up for the challenge of training only seven days for the two grade A international friendlies against Cote ‘D Ivoire and Sudan in Abu Dhabi. He added that only 19 players from the 25 invited to camp will make the trip and that current form and not sentiments or past appearance in the team’s camp will be the yardstick for picking the players.
The national team As\Z\bY b] YG`[] j^] wY[ ` ] his birthday on Tuesday December 30 in a subdued form, said as he grows older, he has become wiser and it will show in the forthcoming friendly games against Cote D’ Ivoire and Sudan, even as he acknowledged the huge in ` k` ] b`j` ] `\jZ]jY\] had on his coaching career. Meanwhile, Super
Eagles Assistant Coach, Houandinou Valere, has denied stories making the rounds that he intends to drag the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to the Court of Arbitration ^[] ^[b\] Z ] ZÝ`[qY Ô] noting that even if he has outstanding salaries to collect, he will never do such a thing. People should stop causing unnecessary fric-
tion between me and my employers through insinuations and false reports. I don’t have such intention and will never do that because we are loyal employees of the NFF,” he said in Abuja on Wednesday. The Super Eagles had bj`Z[] [\b] ^[ ½^ b]Yb]bj`] main bowl of the Abuja National Stadium On Wednesday evening.
Keshi must work with NFF terms – Pinnick
we expect him to beat the date.” Alampasu was voted best goalkeeper at the last Under-17 World Cup in Dubai and an ownership tussle over his transfer bZ jb]\k 'q`]Y ]ZwwZ ` b] move after the tournament. A ruling dividing his right between the parties involved in the dispute over his transfer fee was reached by the Nigeria Football Federation, clearing the way for him to be transferred. He reportedly signed a pre-contract with Genk on the 2 August 2014 after a short trail which was cut short by a knee injury j`]\ G`[` ]Z ]b[YZ Z
igeria Football Federation (NFF) president, Amaju Pinnick has maintained bjYb] ^Ykj] b`j` ] `shi must be ready to work with the terms of the football federation were he to keep his job. j`] b [`] ^ ] `\jZ] Z\] still in the dark as the Ea-
gles regrouped in Abuja for two international friendlies against Cote d’Ivoire and Sudan in Dubai with assistant coach Daniel Amokachi taking charge. “We have given him conditions and some of those conditions are for him to be ready to work
with a technical performance team,” disclosed Pinnick. “It’s not just easy to say you discard him and bring someone else even though people say a coach is as good as his last game, but Z ]bjZ\]kY\` ] `\jZ]jY\]`[formed creditably well.” Amaju upon assump-
bZ^ ] ^ ] ^Ik`] Z ] kb^ `[] ¸³±Î] \Yk ` ] `\jZ] `_` ] when he had no contract with the NFF. The latest change of b `] b^ Y[ \] `\jZ] ] Pinnick is believed to be a move to woo top governw` b] ^IkZYq\] j^] jY_`] `b] `\jZ]Z ]kjY[ `]^ ]bj`] Super Eagles.
Newswatch Times
Sports/NEWS 63 Odemwingie targets return in 2015 Eaglets axe 64 players
igeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Golden Eaglets have axed 64 of the 100 players they recently drafted, ^IkZYq\] Â&#x2018;Z\kq^\`Â&#x2018;] ^Â&#x20AC;] Wednesday. Twenty players with various documented irregularities have been cut ^G]  [^w] bj`] Â^^q] ^ ] ¹³³] and a further 44 screened for lacking the technical and tactical abilities. IkZYq\] \YZÂ&#x2018;] bj`] [`\b] of the players are being subjected to intensive training in order to ascertain their consistency over a time frame and would further be pruned to a manageable number in the coming days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are gradually
Â?`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] b^] bj`] w^w`Â&#x20AC;b] ^Â ] truth,â&#x20AC;? noted Prince UdoÂ?YÂ&#x201A;] ^qÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x20AC;] YÂ?q`b\ÂŻ] k^^[dinator. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The coaching crew has done a very good job and there is no way the screening can go on for-
ever; of course, many would want to be given another chance but the time before the start of our competition is short.â&#x20AC;? Niger 2015, the 11the African U-17 Championship will be held in Niamey between February 15 and March 1. The Golden Eaglets are drawn in Group A along with hosts Niger, Guinea and Zambia. Nigeria and their northern neighbours, Niger will play the championshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s openZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â?ÂŹbÂ&#x2013;[`] ^Â ] `Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x2013;Y[Â&#x152;] 15 at the StadeGĂŠnĂŠralSeyniKountchĂŠ (SGSK) multi-purpose stadium in Niamey.
toke City forward, Peter Odemwingie, is targeting a return to action before the current season ends. Ozaze has been out of action since August after \Â&#x2013;G`[ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] k[Â&#x2013;kZYb`] Â&#x160;Â&#x20AC;``] damage but the Super Eagles forward says he is edging close to a return. Ă? ]Yw]Â?`'ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]kq^\`[]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] closer to returning and that is all Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thinking about now,â&#x20AC;? Odemwingie told bj`]kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;ÂŻ\]^IkZYq]Â&#x2019;`Â&#x2DC;\Zb`Â&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been inside doing a lot of rehab, watching the lads training through the windows, and that has helped because before that I was spending more time away and so wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t part of the group. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just being there with
them has given me even more drive to keep working hard and make sure I come back from this injury stronger. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes I just stop what I am doing and look
at what they are doing and think that will be me againsoon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mentally it does help. Â&#x20AC;] bj`] Â?[\b] Â `Â&#x2019;] Â&#x2019;``Â&#x160;\] YÂ b`[] the operation, I felt a world away from being out there with them, kicking the ball and running around the pitch, but now it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem too far away. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course there are Âq`Â&#x20AC;bÂ&#x152;] ^Â ] Â&#x2018;ZIkÂ&#x2013;qb] Â&#x2019;``Â&#x160;\] ahead, but I am in a good frame of mind and ready to come through these coming weeks and months. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am often speaking to players who have had the same injury and have returned to play at the highest level. That encourages me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am hoping I can come back in 2015 and catch the end of the season.â&#x20AC;?
pros to beat Mikel nominated Foreign Jan 15 deadline for EPL award T ^'`Â&#x20AC;jYw] ^b\ÂÂ&#x2013;[] youngster, Musa Yahaya and Chidera Eze from Portuguese club FC Porto have promised to join up with the Flying Eagles squad by the January 15 deadline handed them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have been following up on the release of the foreign pros called up for the African Youth Championship and so far and the signals have been very encouraging,â&#x20AC;? said team secretary Auwal Aliyu Ibrahim. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For instance, Musa YajYÂ&#x152;Y] Z\] ^G] b^] YqYÂ&#x152;\ZY] Â ^[] an invitational tournament with the Spurs youth team and he has called to say he will join us as soon as he returns. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chidera Eze has also assured he will come in before the January 15 dead-
ikel Obi Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â&#x2DC;Y'q`] S wa n s e a striker, Wilfried Bony, Sadio Mane of Southampton as well as Alex Song from West
Yw]  ^[] bj`] Â&#x2DC;`\b]  [ZkYÂ&#x20AC;] performer in the EPL for the month of December. Giving details, New African Soccerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Awards Director and CEO, Tunde Adelakun stated that the kj^Zk`]Â&#x2019;Y\]Y]Â&#x2018;ZIkÂ&#x2013;qb]^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;] given the busy schedule of games in the EPL in December. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had varying and diverse opinions from our followers, and this is understandable,â&#x20AC;? he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;given the many matches that were played in December and the involvement of a high number of Africansâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wilfried Bony has featured in the shortlist on two occasions in the past, as he continued to lead the line for Swansea ZbÂ&#x152;Â&#x2122;] Z\] ÂjÂ&#x152;\ZkYq] Â[`\ence, tenacity and knack for goals have brought the Y'`Â&#x20AC;bZ^Â&#x20AC;]^ ]wYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x152;]kqÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;\]b^] him, and Swansea might have a job keeping him with the January transfer window looming. Swansea has dropped marginally in the EPL log, but Bonyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presence and impact is noticeableâ&#x20AC;?, Adelakun said. Southamptonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Sadio Mane, 22, has been in Â?^^Â&#x2018;]  ^[w] Y\] j`] \`'q`Â&#x2018;] down gradually into his role at the southern coast club, and Adelakun was ÂşÂ&#x2013;ZkÂ&#x160;]b^]Â[^_ZÂ&#x2018;`]¤Â&#x2013;\bZÂ?kYtion for his inclusion in the shortlist. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mane is young and very skillful; he brings
line set by the coach for all overseas-based players to report to the training camp in Kaduna.â&#x20AC;? Sweden-based Taiwo Awoniyi and Musa Muhammed are so far the only pros now training with the AYC-bound squad. The other foreign pros called up include Moses Simon, Kingsley Madu, Isaac Success, Kelechi Iheanacho and Chidiebere Nwakali. Meanwhile, the Flying Eagles will open 2015 with an endurance drill in the morning of New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will begin 2015 with hard work,â&#x20AC;? said Flying Eagles assistant coach Nduka Ugbade. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is still a lot of work to be done before our Â?[\b]wYbkj]Yb]bj`] ]YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] \^]Â&#x2019;`]kYÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;^b]YG^[Â&#x2018;]b^][`qYÂŹ] even for a day.â&#x20AC;?
No Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire fears â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Egwuekwe
\^w`bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Â&#x2018;ZG`[`Â&#x20AC;b] ZÂ&#x20AC;b^] the Southampton team.
`] jY\] bYÂ&#x160;`Â&#x20AC;] bZw`] b^] \`btle, but from the games he played in December, one can see what a real asset he is turning into. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Goals against Crystal Palace and Chelsea in succession are just crowns at the top of encouraging performances in the month, and I think Southampton will miss him when he goes for the Af-
rican Cupâ&#x20AC;?. One late entrant into the fray is Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mikel Obi. j`] ZÂ?`[ZY] wZÂ&#x2018;Â?`qÂ&#x2018;er did not have an active start to the season as many might have expected, partly due to the excellent partnership in the middle of Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s park of Fabregas and Matic. But it was all the more reason why Adelakun felt that he deserved a shout
in December. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mikel is playing in the midst of gifted individuals at Chelsea and I was one of those who felt his playing time was over at the club at the start, but j`] Â&#x2DC;Y'q`Â&#x2018;] jZ\] Â&#x2019;YÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2DC;YkÂ&#x160;] to the starting eleven, and has been solid and formidable sinceâ&#x20AC;?, Adelakun said. The winner of the December award will be announced at the weekend.
head of the January international friendlies against Ivory Coast and Sudan, Super Eagles defender, Azubuike Egwuekwe has boasted that they are ready to face their African adversaries in just a couple of weeks, despite just having opened camp. Players started arriving the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s camp on Wednesday and have had ^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x152;]bj`Z[]Â?[\b]b[YZÂ&#x20AC;ZÂ&#x20AC;Â?]\`\sion ahead of the games, but Egwuekwe believes they will be ready for the challenges ahead. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will be ready for the games, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think that should be a problem. The players are in high spirits YÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2018;] `_`[Â&#x152;bjZÂ&#x20AC;Â?] Z\] Â?Â&#x20AC;`] \^] ] donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think there should be any problems,â&#x20AC;? he said. A predominantly home based Super Eagles team Â&#x2019;Zqq] Â?q`] ^Â&#x2013;b] YÂ?YZÂ&#x20AC;\b] bj`] qephants of Cote Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ivoire and Sudan in January and will be led by Super Eagles assistant coach, Daniel Amokachi. And Egwuekwe, who
has been a mainstay in the regular Super Eagles team over the last three years, says there is nothing to be worried about playing against Sudan and Ivory Coast. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are good teams but there is nothing to be worried about. We beat Ivory Coast at the last Cup of Nations and we played Sudan during the last AF ] ÂşÂ&#x2013;YqZÂ?`[\Â&#x201A;] \^] Â&#x2019;`] kYÂ&#x20AC;] face them,â&#x20AC;? he added.
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