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Newswatch Times

South West

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Govt urged to train religious leaders on domestic violence MANSUR OLADUNJOYE


ocial workers have urged Lagos State Government to intensify campaign on sensitisation of residents, especially religious leaders on domestic violence and impact of their action on the society. A United Kingdombased domestic violence expert, Felicity Okolo, spoke recently at a community awareness forum on domestic violence organised by Community Life Project (CLP) and Felicity Okolo in Lagos State, lamenting that many Nigerians visit religious leaders for counselling whenever they encounter domestic violence, but they are ill-advised by their leaders because they (religious leaders) are not educated on domestic violence.” “Religious leaders have to be educated more by government. This is because some religious } ~ }} ~ # ent views on domestic violence cases. Rather than ask someone abused to seek the proper solution, they ask him or her

to continue praying. I am not saying prayer is not good but sometimes such advice is not appropriate.” Okolo emphasised that many Nigerians would listen to whatever their religious leaders say on such issues, though they

(religious leaders) are not trained on how to handle such cases. “They need proper education on domestic violence. I have heard cases where religious leaders told victims that they should just keep praying, be good wives and

submit to their husbands, thinking that the problem would be resolved. These women or men have been praying for long, though they weren’t stupid to have approached their religious leaders to seek advice.” “In doing so, some

Nigerians have either committed suicide or murdered by their abusers. For instance, I (Felicity Okolo) could have killed myself thrice to escape domestic violence. So, it is either they get killed or they kill themselves.”

L-R: Wife of former Vice-President of Nigeria, Dr (Mrs) Helen Ekwueme; Managing Director of First City Monument Bank Plc, Peter Obaseki; former Head of Interim National Government, Chief Ernest Shonekan and President of Old Grammarians Society, *+./0 $1/0 2+304+0 567/08 93< =>60?3 +@ > A++1 <09/9=<5 J KQ<T+/74 +@ Q. U08/0<<7/08 X>7<<7 >05 Y<Z<?9/+04 +0 [/8<7/> \ 3<=5 /0 ]>8+4 ^9>9<_.<49<75>. `3+9+ `>5+06 ^<860

Amosun tasks academics on viable researches BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta


overnor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State has tasked academics in higher institutions across the state to engage in viable researches towards making the institutions self-reliant. Amosun spoke yesterday at the meeting of the state Treasury Board on 2015 budget at Obas Complex, Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta, the state capital. Vice-chancellors, rectors and provosts of universities, polytechnics and colleges of education respectively, who were present at the meeting, were enjoined by the governor to come up with programmes that could generate funds for their institutions rather than relying on subventions from the state government. He told the school managers that some of the industries in the state travel outside beyond to procure some of the raw materials necessary for their productions because farmers in the state could not meet their demands. Amosun suggested that

some of the institutions could invest in agricultural researches that would bring forth new varieties or species, which would be embraced and generate revenue for the institutions from patent right. He emphasised that higher institutions should

focus more on researches via electronics and the state government would see how ~. ~ money into them. Those present at the meeting included ViceChancellor of Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago-Iwoye, Professor

Saburi Adesanya; ViceChancellor of Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED), Professor Oluyemisi Obilade among others. The meeting provided opportunity for the governor to brainstorm with ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) on their budg-

Defamation: Court slams N25m damages on Okoroji AYODELE OLALERE


hairman of Board of Directors of Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON), Chief Tony Okoroji, has been ordered to pay N25 million as damages to Mayo Ayilaran of Musical Copyright Society of Nigeria Limited (MCSN), having been found guilty of defamation of the }~. ~ ~ Justice O Femi-Adeniyi of Lagos High Court, sitting in Ikeja, gave the order and also directed Okoroji to pay 10 per cent per annum from the date of judgement apart from giving perpetual injunction, which is restrain-

etary proposals for 2015 to see how feasible they are before presenting it to the state House of Assembly for debate and passage.

Aspirant chides leaders for failing Nigeria RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti


n aspirant for senatorial position in Ekiti State on the platform of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Captain Sunday Adebomi (rtd), has lamented that the older generation failed to meet yearnings of the younger ones in the country. Adebomi spoke yesterday while addressing journalists at the state secretariat of PDP in Ado-Ekiti, the state capital, when he went to submit his intent form for Ekiti South Senatorial # positive change in governance if given the opportunity to serve at the National Assembly. “It is now time for the younger generation to come out to display their potentials for uplifting the country. The older generation have betrayed the collective dream of the country’s greater future, they have failed the younger ones.” He also pledged to give purposeful leadership with the aim of improving on level of youth employment in the senatorial district and entire Ekiti State. “A situation whereby huge population of the youth are unemployed across the country is unacceptable and that is why I promise # } youth unemployment in the senatorial district if elected in 2015. My intention is to empower and re-orientate youths of the area and channel their energy towards nation-building.”

‘I ’ll prioritise bills on affordable education’ OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan


n aspirant for Oyo South Senatorial Dising him from further writ- United Kingdom, which was trict on the ing, publishing or causing to entitled – ‘PRS Activities . } in Nigeria: Serving Interest platform of All Progres~ ~ } . of the Authors/Composers sives Congress (APC), used therein or similar or Mayo Ayilaran?’ whose Dr Folahanmi Akinowords defamatory of Ayila- copies were sent to Interna- sun, has pledged that he ran. tional Federation of Socie- would prioritise bills that Ayilaran sued Okoroji on ties of Authors and Compos- } ~# ~ } April 16, 2002 in a writ of ers and Nigerian Copyright education to Nigerians if elected in 2015. summons and prayed the Commission.” Akinosun spoke durcourt to order him (Okoroji) Meanwhile, Okoroji didn’t to pay him (Ayilaran) N100 © ~ } . ing a political visit to million only in damages for and even said Ayilaran has Ibarapa area of Oyo State, destroying his integrity. been operating and collect- which consists of Ibarapa According to Ayilaran: ing fees of COSON illegally East, Ibarapa Central and Ibarapa North, stressing “Okoroji defamed him by for several years. describing him as a dishonHowever, the judge held that it is unfortunate that ~ } E } that the language used in the present legislators at } ~ ~ ~ £ } . ~ ~ ~ both state and federal levindividual through a let- been carefully measured els are not doing enough ter dated December 4, 2001 and was not spoken in the in the education sector. He disclosed that prepand addressed to Perform- heat of argument or prelude aration has almost coming Rights Society Limited, £

pleted for a proposed college of education for the people of Ibarapa land towards developing the area, which is predominantly farmers with the sole aim of making edu ~ ~# ~ } ~ ~ cessible to the youth and indigent students. The APC chieftain also used the occasion to give scholarship to 100 youths each in Ibarapa East, Ibarapa Central and Ibarapa North as well as copies of holy Quran and Bible. Meanwhile, he urged teeming supporters of APC to remain resolute and accommodate others that are coming to join them, emphasising that many members of other parties will soon discover that APC is the future of Nigeria.

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South South

news 9

Another student felled by bullets in Uniben THANKGOD Benin



arely two weeks after a 300 level student of University of Benin, UNIBEN, was cruelly murdered at the main campus of the university, another student of the University was on Tuesday night shot by yet-to ¯ £ The unfortunate student, whose name was given simply as James, also a 300 level student of Vocational and Technical Education, was said to have been shot dead at Ekosodin, a major satellite community of the Ugbowo campus. The corpse of the deceased student was sighted in a whitepolice Hilux van at the Accident and Emergency Ward of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, UBTH yesterday morning. A white T-Shirt and lemon coloured shorts he was wearing were drenched in his blood ~ ~ ~. and almost double in size, apparently due to the shooting which must have been done at close range. A student who pleaded ~ © © £ the incident, adding that James was on his way

home at about 11 pm after watching a football match at one of the viewing centres in the community when he met his death at the hands of his assailants. “It might not be unconnected with cult activities on the campus. But he was aware of what happens at Ekosodin at nights. I just don’t know why he decided to risk his life like that. What a pity,” the source said.

It will be recalled that Ejiroghene Gbenedio, a 300-level student of the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Physical Sciences, was hacked to ~ ~.} ~° ~ about 7 pm on Friday, 24 October, 2014. When contacted, UNIBEN Public Relations Of£ ~ ~ Osarenren, promised to make an enquiry into the alleged murder. Meanwhile, no fewer

than 10 university students travelling to Bayelsa from Lagos and Ibadan were Tuesday night involved in a multiple motor accident along OreBenin highway, between Okada and Ogbemudia farm. The accident involved an articulated truck and two commercial buses belonging to Onitsha-based Cross Country and Warribased Agofure Motors. The students who were

going for orientation for the batch C of the National Youth Service Corps, in Bayelsa state were travelling in a 15-seater Cross Country bus. It was gathered that the bus, apparently on top speed, rammed into a moving articulated truck in the front, while the bus directly behind it (Agofure Motors) also rammed into the Cross Country bus.



n ex-publicity secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, Edo chapter, Barrister Nosa Adams has been remanded in prison by a Benin Magistrates’ court presided over by Mr. Igho Braimoh on Wednesday. Adams, a lawyer, was ~ ~. murder, along with one other person. The presiding judge, Braimoh who said since the court has no jurisdiction to entertain the case and also has no jurisdiction to grant bail to the accused, adjourned the case to November 19 for mention, and directed the prosecutor and the court registrar to make a copy ~ £} ~ ~ }~ } to Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for advice. Earlier, Nosa Obaizamomwan who is counsel to the politician urged the court to grant the accused bail on self recognition as a legal practitioner, noting that his new found “political profession” would not

AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt. s the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, prepares the stage for the 2015 general elections, it has stepped up the sensitization of major stakeholders ahead of the commencement of the distribution of the Permanent Voters Card, PVC, in 4,442 polling units in Rivers State. To this end, the electoral umpire yesterday took its campaign to the headquarters of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, in Port Harcourt. According to the state Resident Electoral Commissioner, Elder Aniedi Ikoiwak, who led a team of INEC principal E aim was to brief the commission’s management on its activities and seek support for ~ # Ikoiwak, said that INEC needed the co-operation of corporate bodies in the distribution of voter cards in the state.


Delta guber race: Publishers, NANS back Obuh’s candidacy BENSON EDJEWHOVBO

N Governor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State (left) and Mrs. Maria Aliu, widow of Hon. Peter Aliu, of Edo State House of Assembly who passed on after a brief illness, during the Governor’s condolence visit to the widow, in Edo State.

Edo PDP chieftain arraigned for attempted murder THANKGOD Benin

INEC ready for voters’ card distribution in Rivers, sensitize NDDC, others

compel him to jump bail. Obaizamomwan argued that in spite of the fact that the court has no jurisdiction to entertain the case, the law vested power on it to grant bail to the accused since the

crime does not carry capital punishment. The lawyer and politician was charged along with one Best Ukpo ~ # while one Comrade Adams Rotimi, along with

twenty-two others were separately charged with # }~ violent and shooting of the state legislator’s quarters about two weeks ago. Adams, a former chairman of Egor Local Gov-

ernment Council and Executive Director, State Emergency Management Agency was charged for ~}} }© ~. kill three persons during last Saturday’s party congresses in Egor.

Training of military, paramilitary on maritime security ends in Calabar JOSEPH KINGSTON,Calabar


he training of military and paramilitary personnel on how to combat crime in the nation’s water ways, organized © E ~ ~} Security Adviser (NSA) in collaboration with the European Union (EU) has ended in Calabar. The training programme which was tagged ‘Utom Kiet’ meaning `Work To £´ }~ ~ ~ said to be a bi-annual event. In his remarks during the closing ceremony on Wednesday, the NSA, Col Mohammed Sambo Dasuki, (rtd) said the objective of the training was to provide special skills and expertise to military and para-military forces particularly on maritime policing. Represented by Maj. Gen. Babatunde Samuel (rtd), he

said the programme was formally launched in January 2013 by the EU with initial partner countries such as Togo, Benin Republic, Nigeria, Cameroon and others. Dasuki said African countries have moved forward in stepping up the continent’s strategic approach towards a

safe, secure and stable maritime domain, and noted that “the move was achieved by the adoption of Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy and Action Plan by the African Union in Dec. 2012.” “The African region has expressed its high level of engagement and commitment

to undertake collective efforts to address and prevent piracy. This has led to the adoption of a Code of Conduct Concerning the Prevention and Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery against ships and illegal Maritime activities in West and Central Africa,” he said.

iger Delta Publishers Forum has thrown its weight behind the candidacy of Sir Tony Obuh for the forthcoming governorship race in Delta State. President of the forum, who is also the president of the League of Maritime Editors, Mr. Ovie Edomi, disclosed this to journalists after a meeting of the forum in Asaba. The forum said its decision is based on the fact that Obuh is an honest gentleman who is people and media friendly as well as being a detribalised administrator and technocrat whose wealth of experience is unassailable. It expressed £ ~ ~ ~ would move Delta State to another level of development socio-politically and economically. Ovie noted that if Obuh emerges as the next governor of the state he would bring the vast experience he had acquired over the years in the civil service to bear; a development he maintained, would enable the people to reap full dividends of democracy.

RIVERS 2015: My candidature will prevent division, unite the Party, PDP aspirant NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


governorship aspirant of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, in Rivers State, Atamuno Ajubo Atamuno, has expressed optimism that the national headquarters of the PDP, in Abuja, would soon £ ~ } crisis bedeviling the state chapter of the party. The political scientist and

Lagos-based businessman, assured that very soon the national leadership of the PDP }} £ }© } ~ of solution that will provide a lasting panacea to the lingering political crisis that was provoked by the decision of ~ ° . zoning and rotation which has also impinged on the outcome of ward and local government congresses conducted last week across the state. Atamuno who is being

sponsored by the Rivers Mandate Group, RMG, indicated that he aligned with the position of the group of 16 governorship aspirants who boy . ~ ~ ~ £ } ~} . ~ supervised the election and the appeal panel that was set by the national headquarters of the party to look into complaints arising from the conduct of the ward and local government congresses.

The governorship aspirant who spoke to journalists at ~ ~ E Harcourt, yesterday, maintained that his “candidature would unite our people and ~} µ our dear party by those who have risen to prominent positions through the party, only to turn and destroy the same core values and operational principles that assured them of a fair chance to pursue their demands”.

Newswatch Times


World Report THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

Republicans surge to Senate control, wins Obama’s state


iding a powerful wave of voter discontent, resurgent Republicans captured control of the Senate and tightened their grip on the House Tuesday night in elections certain to complicate President Barack ž~—~ Â‚ƒ £‹~}ƒ †Â?‰ƒ Š ~€‚ƒ Š‹ƒ‰E„ ‡ Republican Mitch McConnell led the way to a new Senate majority, dispatching Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky after a $78 million campaign of unrelieved negativity. Voters are “hungry for new leadership. They want a reason to be hopeful,â€? said the man now in line to become majority leader and set the Senate agenda. Two-term incumbent Mark Pryor of Arkansas Â?~‚ƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ —‰„€~†ƒ to fall, defeated by fresh—~‹ƒ –‡ƒ ‰—ƒ ‰.‰‹‡ƒ Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado was next, defeated by Rep. Cory Gardner. Sen. Kay Hagan also lost, in North Carolina, to Thom Tillis, the Speaker of the state House. Republicans also picked up seats in Iowa, West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana, all states where Democrats retired. They had needed a net gain of six seats to end a Democratic majority in place since 2006. In the House, with dozens of races uncalled, Republicans had picked up 11 seats that had been in Democratic hands, and given up only one. A net pickup of 13 would give them more seats in the House than at any time since 1946. Obama was at the White House as voters remade Congress for the £‹~}ĠÂ?‰ƒŠ ~€‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ…Š‚ƒ† ‹ure — not to his liking. With lawmakers set to convene next week for a post election session, he invited leaders to a meeting on Friday. The shift in control of the Senate, coupled with a GOP-led House, probably means a strong GOP ~‚‚~™}†ƒ ‰‹ƒ ž™œ˜ †ƒ Âœ ÂŁcits, additional pressure on Democrats to accept sweeping changes to the health care law that stands as Obama’s signal domestic accomplishment and a bid to reduce federal regulations.

Sen. Mitch McConnell shakes hands with Jim Johnson of Bowling Green at the Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport

Obama’s ability to win „‰‹£€—~†Š‰‹ƒ  ‰€ƒ }Š †Š— ƒ judicial appointments „‰™}œƒ ~}‚‰ƒ ‚™# €•ƒ Š‹„}™œing any Supreme Court vacancies. Speaker John Boehner, in line for a third term as head of the House, said the new Republican-controlled Congress would vote soon in the new year on the “many common-

sense jobs and energy bills that passed the Republican-led House in recent years with bipartisan support but were never even brought to a vote by the outgoing Senate majority.� Legislation to approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada is likely among the disputed issues to be debated.

Said outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, “ The message from voters is clear: They want us to work together.� There were 36 gubernatorial elections on the ballot, and several incumbents struggled against challengers. Tom Wolf captured the Pennsylvania statehouse for

the Democrats, defeating Republican Gov. Tom ‰€ž .‡ƒ —‰„€~†Š„ƒ ‰Œ‡ƒ Pat Quinn lost in Illinois, Obama’s home state. Republican Larry Hogan scored one of the night’s biggest upsets, in Maryland. Republican Charlie Baker was elected gov €‹‰€ƒ ‰ ƒ ~‚‚~„…™‚ .‚‡ƒ Maine’s blunt-speaking

Prince William gives up throne, asks Queen Elizabeth to make Prince Charles king

Prince William


ate Middleton is having a difficult time with the second Royal baby that Prince William has reportedly decided against being the next King. It is said that

Prince William already asked Queen Elizabeth to give the throne to Prince Charles instead. The November 10th edition of Globe Magazine provides all the juicy details on this switch. According to the magazine, “Prince William stunned the Royal Family by revealing that he’s giving up the throne for the love of his beautiful wife, Kate.� The magazine also detailed that even though the Queen had already decided Prince William should be the one to get the crown, Prince William’s noble and loving heart prefers that the Queen just let Prince Charles reign, at least for the meantime. “Ailing Queen Elizabeth had bypassed her eldest son Prince Charles, in favour of her 32-year-old grandson as she prepared

to step down and end her 61-year reign. But William has officially informed Her Majesty the pressures of royal life and raising a family at the same time have become too much for his pregnant wife and he has reluctantly made the decision to step aside - for now,� Globe magazine added. It seems that with this decision, Camilla Parker-Bowles and Prince Charles will finally have what they have wanted all along, Queen Elizabeth’s throne. Meanwhile, as more proof of Prince William’s devotion to wife and the Duchess of Cambridge, Hello Magazine reports that the two are set to make a joint engagement later this week. Confirmation of this engagement is already given by the Kensington Palace, which claimed that the

royal couple, who have spent the last week relaxing at the Queen’s Balmoral estate in Scotland, will travel to Wales together on November 8th. On this anticipated “Wales Away Day,â€? the royal couple will first visit the Valero Pembroke Refinery, which is a large business located in the western part of the country, having 1,200 locals under its employ— ‹†‡ƒ Â… ƒ € £‹ €ŠÂƒ Â?~‚ƒ ‰E„Š~}}ŠÂƒ ‰– ‹ œƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ Queen mother in 1964 and is currently celebrating its 50th Anniversary. It is hoped that the visit from the royal couple would highlight the importance of the company and increase the morale of the employees. William and Kate would make rounds to meet with the workers, apprentices, and even placement students and their mentors.

Republican governor, Paul LePage, won a second term after a threeway race that focused on whether he was a divisive presence in state government. In a footnote to one of the year’s biggest political surprises, college professor Dave Brat was elected to the House from Virginia, several months after he defeated Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a Republican primary. House Republicans defeated 19-term Democratic Rep. Nick Rahall in West Virginia, beat Rep. John Barrow in Georgia and two incumbents in Illinois and picked up a seat vacated by a lawmaker in North Carolina.

Iran general said to mastermind Iraq ground war


hen Islamic State militants retreated from the embattled town of Jurf al-Sakher last week, the Iraqi military was quick to flaunt a rare victory against the extremist group, with state television showing tanks and Humvees parading through the town and soldiers touring government buildings that had been occupied by the militants since August. However, photos soon emerged on independent Iraqi news websites revealing a more discrete presence — the powerful Iranian general Ghasem Soleimani — whose name has become synonymous with the handful of victories attributed to Iraqi ground forces. Local commanders said Lebanon’s powerful Shiite Hezbollah group was also on the front lines. Shiite militias have played a key role in driving the Islamic State group out of the so-called Baghdad Belt of Sunni villages ringing the capital. But the sectarian militias have long been implicated in brutality against the country’s Sunnis, and while they have benefited from United States-led airstrikes, their advance could undermine efforts to knit the troubled country together.


Newswatch Times

African Report THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

UN ready to move on S/Sudan sanctions


South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir (left) in Khartoum on November 4

Suspected poachers escape from Mozambique police post


wo alleged elephant poachers in Mozambique escaped from a police station while awaiting trial, undermining efforts to implement a new anti-poaching law in the southern African country, a conservation group ‚~Šœƒ†…Š‚ƒÂ? ´Â‡ Authorities were investigating how the two suspects, Paolo Nyenje and Antonio Bernardo, were able on October 27 to slip out of the Mecula Police Station in Niassa National Reserve, a vast wildlife area in northern ‰º~—žŠ™ ‡ The suspects, sought for years before their arrest in September, may have crossed the border into Tanzania to seek refuge, said Alastair Nelson, head of the Mozambique programme for the New ‰€´Âƒ Š†Š¯Âž~‚ œƒ Š}Âœ}Š Âƒ ‰‹‚ €Œ~†Š‰‹ƒ ‰„Š †ŠÂ‡Âƒ The group manages the Niassa reserve with the Mozambican govern— ‹†‡ Nyenje and Bernardo Â…~œƒ †…€ ƒ ~‚‚~™}†ƒ €Š¾ ‚ƒ ~‹œƒ †Â?‰ƒ …™‹†Š‹˜ƒ €Š¾ ‚ƒ when they were arrested, ~„„‰€œŠ‹˜ƒ†‰ƒ }‚‰‹‡ The pair escaped shortly before their planned transfer for trial in Lichinga, capital of Niassa Province, Nelson said in an email to The Associat-

œƒ € ‚‚‡ƒ Š†Š‹˜ƒ ‰º~—žŠ„~‹ƒ‰E„Š~}‚•ƒ… ƒ‚~Šœƒ†… ƒ prisoners asked at night to be taken to the toilet, where they escaped †…€‰™˜…ƒ~ƒ‚—~}}ƒÂ?Š‹œ‰Â?‡ Ă Âƒ~€ ƒ‚~œƒ ‰€ƒ†…~†ƒ~‹œƒ hope that the police will

look for the poachers and bring them back to justice,â€? Bartolomeu Soto, a senior conservation of£„Š~}ƒ Š‹ƒ ‰º~—žŠ™ •ƒ Â?€‰† ƒŠ‹ƒ~‹ƒ —~Š}‡ Mozambique recently ‚†Š# ‹ œƒ ~‹†Š¯–‰~„…Š‹˜ƒ

legislation after facing international criticism for lackluster conservation #‰€†‚‡ƒ ‹ŠÂ‰Â‹ ƒ Â?…‰ƒ Š}legally kills an animal of a protected species can be jailed for eight to 12 Š ~€‚‡

fter months of threatening to impose sanctions on South Sudan leaders, the United Nations Security Council is ready to take action to punish those responsible for violence in the country, the council –€ ‚Šœ ‹†ƒ‚~Šœƒ ™ ‚œ~ŠÂ‡ The 15-member council Â…~œƒ™‹†Š}ƒ‹‰Â?ƒ… }œƒ‰#ƒ‰‹ƒ sanctions to allow peace #‰€†‚ƒžŠÂƒ  Â€ÂŠÂ„~‹ƒ€ ˜Š‰‹~}ƒ} ~Âœ €‚ƒ†‰ƒŠÂŠ }œƒ€ ‚™}†‚‡ ™†ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ~ƒ Âľ~€ ÂŻÂ™Â–Âƒ ‰ Âƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Â•Âƒ †… ƒ „‰™‹cil agreed to seriously consider sanctions that would target President Salva Kiir and his rival and former vice president Š ´Âƒ ~„…~€‡ “There is considerable interest among many council members to look very closely at applying targeted sanctions and also, for many, an arms embargo,â€? said Australian Ambassador Gary Quinlan, whose country chairs the council this —‰‹†…‡ “That will be the subject of great interest in the „‰—Š‹˜ƒÂ? ´Â‚Â•ÂźÂƒÂ… ƒ‚~Šœ‡ The council in August threatened to slap sanctions on warring factions for failing to live up to a – ~„ ƒœ ~}ƒ‚Š˜‹ œƒŠ‹ƒ ~ŠÂ‡ Under that deal, Kiir and Machar were to es-

tablish a unity government that never materi~}Š‚ œ‡ “The actions of President Salva Kiir and former vice president Riek Machar in continuing to pursue a military solu†Š‰‹ƒ †‰ƒ †…Š‚ƒ Â„Â‰Â‹ÂľÂŠÂ„Â†Âƒ ~€ ƒ unacceptable,â€? the council said in a statement is‚™ œƒŠ‹ƒ ™˜™‚†‡ UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon last week called on the warring leaders to immediately ‚†‰–ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ  Â‰}}‰Â?Š‹˜ƒ the latest upsurge of vio} ‹„ ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ‰Š}ÂŻÂ€ÂŠÂ„Â…ÂƒÂ‹Â‰Â€Â†Â…Â‡ Â… ƒ Â€ Â‚Â…ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ key northern oil town of Bentiu marked an end to a brief lull in hostilities in the country’s 10-month war and coincides with the end of the rainy season, which made many €‰~œ‚ƒŠ—–~‚‚~ž} ‡ South Sudan descended into chaos and violence in December when a political dispute broke out between Kiir and Machar, but the turmoil has since broadened into an ethnic „‰‹¾Š„†‡ The humanitarian situation in the country re—~Š‹‚ƒ œŠ€ •ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ½Â‡žÂƒ —Š}lion people displaced including 450,000 to ‹ Š˜…ž‰™€Š‹˜ƒ„‰™‹†€Š ‚‡ About four million people -- close to a third of the population -- are facing a food crisis

African Union envoy meets Burkina Faso opposition


nternational envoys tried on Tuesday to resolve Burkina Faso’s political crisis, with the specter of a power vacuum looming after the country’s longtime –€ ‚Šœ Â‹Â†ÂƒÂľ œƒ}~‚†ƒÂ? ´Â‡ Opposition protesters — who said 27 years in power was enough for one man — forced President Blaise Compaore to € ‚Š˜‹ƒ ~‹œƒ Âľ ƒ †‰ƒ Œ‰€ŠÂƒ ‰~‚†‡ƒ ‰‹ Â™Â‚Š‰‹ƒ ‹‚™ œ•ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ œŠ# € ‹†ƒ  ~„tions of the military and the civilian opposition ~}}ƒŒŠÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ„‰‹†€‰}‡ Order has been restored in Ouagadougou, the capital, with business appearing to return to normal and no unusual presence of police ‰€ƒ—Š}Š†~€ŠÂƒÂ‰Â‹ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ‚†€ †‚‡ For now, the military appears to be in charge ~‹œƒ Â…~‚ƒ Âœ ‚Š˜‹~† œƒ †‡ƒ ‰}‡ƒ ‚~~„ƒ ~„‰™ž~ƒ Šœ~ƒ as the transitional lead €‡ƒ Â… ƒ ‰––‰‚Š†Š‰‹ƒ Â…~‚ƒ dropped its demands that the military immediately surrender power

and is instead calling for talks to work out a solu†Š‰‹‡ But the African Union and others in the international community have Â… }œƒ ~ƒ £€— €ƒ }Š‹ ‡ƒ Â… ƒ African Union, which represents 53 countries on the continent, gave †… ƒ ‚†ƒ  Â€ÂŠÂ„~‹ƒ „‰™‹try two weeks to return to constitutional rule or  ~„ ƒ‚~‹„†Š‰‹‚‡ Its envoy, former Togolese Prime Minister Edem Kodjo, met Tuesday with leaders of the ‰––‰‚Š†Š‰‹‡ Following the meeting, ‰––‰‚Š†Š‰‹ƒ} ~Âœ €ƒ –…Šrin Diabre indicated that

there may be wiggle room in the AU’s ultima†™—‡ “It’s clear that this is a situation where political dialogue should be allowed to take into account the exceptional nature of this particu}~€ƒ ‚Š†™~Â†ÂŠÂ‰Â‹Â•ÂźÂƒ Â… ƒ ‚~Šœ‡ƒ Ă Â }}ƒ Â?‰€´Âƒ †‰ƒ € ‚– „†ƒ †… ƒœ ~Âœ}Š‹ ‡ƒ  ÂƒÂ? ƒ„~‹ Â†Â•Âƒ †… Š }}ƒ™‹œ €‚†~Â‹ÂœÂ‡Âź The United Nations secretary-general’s rep€ ‚ ܠ~†ŠŒ ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ‚†ƒ Africa, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, has echoed the AU’s goal, saying he and other envoys are Â?‰€´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒĂ ™Š„´}ŠÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂœÂƒ a solution that is consist-


entâ€? with the national „‰‹‚†Š†™†Š‰‹‡ƒ Â… ƒ –€ ‚Šdents of Nigeria, Senegal and Ghana are expected †‰ƒ ~€€ŠŒ ƒ œ‹ ‚œ~ŠÂƒ †‰ƒ –~€†Š„Š–~† ƒŠ‹ƒ†~}´Â‚‡ †‡ƒ ‰}‡ƒ Šœ~•ƒ — ~‹-

while, met with religious leaders and traditional „…Š  ‚‡ƒ  † €�~€œ•ƒ †… ƒ country’s Catholic cardinal, Philip Ouedraogo, said the military seemed ‰– ‹ƒ†‰ƒœŠ~}‰˜™ ‡

Voting begins to pick WHO’s next Africa chief


oting has begun to elect the next head of †… ƒ ‰€}œƒ Health Organisation’s Africa director at a meeting of the UNhealth agency’s regional „‰——Š†† ƒŠ‹ƒ ‹Š‹‡ Representatives from

 Â‚ƒ ÂżĂ€Âƒ — —ž €ƒ countries in Africa started casting their votes yesterday morning, choosing from among five candidates running for the post of regional œŠ€ „†‰€‡ƒ Â… ƒ ‰™†˜‰Š‹˜ƒ leader, Angolan doctor Luis Sambo, was criticised for initially bun-

˜}Š‹˜ƒ  Â‚ƒ € ‚–‰‹‚ ƒ to the biggest Ebola outž€ ~´ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂƒÂ…Š‚†‰€ŠÂ‡ Among those seeking to replace him are Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele, a Congolese doctor and Â… ~œƒ ‰ Âƒ ƒ ‹ ÂŒ~ Â‚ƒ vaccination programme ~‹œƒ ~}Š Â‚ƒ €‡ƒ ~†‰™mata Nafo Traore, di-

rector of the Roll Back ~}~€Š~ƒ–~€†‹ €‚…Š–‡  Â‚ƒ  Â€ÂŠÂ„~ƒ‰  ÂŠÂ„ ƒŠ‚ƒ widely acknowledged to be the agency’s weakest regional office, among five others which are largely autonomous and do not answer to the Geneva Â… ~ÂœÂťÂ™~۠ €‚‡


Newswatch Times

EDITORIAL Thursday, November 6, 2014

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Swindles persist as telephony operators dare regulators


recent lamentation by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) that major GSM providers were ignoring its directives to stop promotional swindles and poor services signals that the regular has perhaps lost its teeth to protect innocent subscribers. The report of NCC’s second quarter monitoring of key performance indicators published October 8 2014 had noted that giant MTN and GLO, in particular, had – €‚Š‚† ܠ}ŠÂƒÂœ ÂŁ œƒ~}}ƒ„~™†Š‰‹‚ƒ to stop violating directives on ~‹†Š¯„‰—– Â†ÂŠÂ†ÂŠÂ‰Â‹Â•ÂƒÂ€ÂŠÂ–ÂŻÂ‰#Ġ~€Š#‚•ƒ failure to meet service quality prescriptions as well as refusing blatantly to obey the ban on bogus promotions. However, the toothless regulatory NCC said it “may considerâ€? imposing sanctions on some GSM operators for persistently infringing on its regulations. It is tragic that while subscribers are paying about N1 billion daily for miserable services or service not rendered, all the NCC says is to consider sanctions. What has become of the promise of the Minister of Communications, Mrs Omobola Johnson, who announced Federal government’s threat to prosecute from January 1, 2014 recalcitrant and greedy GSM network operators over piteous service and promotional swindles, operators’ impunity, a piteous services?. Omobola Johnson had on December 16 2013 threatened to stop shoddy GSM operators from selling further the Subscriber Identity Module, SIM, cards from last Dec 31. Said the minister, “Nonprovision of good service to subscribers would now be ~.€~„†Š‹˜ƒ‹ „ ‚‚~€ŠÂƒÂ„‰™€†ƒ actions where the management of the companies would be prosecuted by the CPC, where

cases of consumer abuse by the operator is establishedâ€?. Her words, “Subscribers are daily faced with poor network service delivery that make it impossible for consumers to receive calls, induced drop calls, unsustainable calls, unsolicited text messages at odd hours, unsolicited telemarketing calls, deceptive broadband speed advertisements by some service providers and failed service delivery without compensation to consumersâ€?. Mrs Johnson added that mobile phones users were short-changed through à Š‹‚™E„Š ‹†ƒ„™‚†‰— €ƒ„~€ ƒ lines, unrelenting sales promotions despite poor network service delivery, non compensation to consumers for loss of airtime and poor service, network insecurity characterised by uncontrollable interruptions on networks by ™‹Šœ ‹†Š£~ž} ƒ†…Š€œƒ–~€†Š Â‚ÂźÂ‡ÂƒÂƒ Telecommunication stakeholders including association of telecom subscribers have had serious cause to lament that the weakness of the regulatory agency in curbing swindles ~Â‹ÂœÂƒÂ€ÂŠÂ–ÂŻÂ‰#ƒžŠÂƒÂ† } Â„Â‰Â—ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â—Â‚Âƒ who are also complaining of harsh economic environment —~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂœÂŠE„™}†ƒ‹ †Â?‰€´Âƒ expansion to boost quality. However, it is more tragic that the regulatory agency, the NCC, in the past pocketed proceeds of the hundreds of —Š}}ÂŠÂ‰Â‹Â‚ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ ‚ƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ‰Â– €~†‰€‚ƒ poor quality service instead of sharing to the cheated subscribers forced to pay for unsuccessful services. More lamentable is the excuse of NCC that its operating laws do ‹‰†ƒ– €—Š†ƒŠ†ƒ†‰ƒ‚…~€ ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ ‚ƒ collected to subscribers, a task which the National assembly should take up immediately to amend NCC laws to make for compensation for failed services and protect consumers

from greedy telecoms operators who deliberately overload and incapacitate their network capacity with dubious –€‰—‰†Š‰‹‚ƒ~‹œƒ}‰. €Š ‚‡ It is instructive that the operators too are constrained by harsh economic clime of grossly inadequate and unreliable electricity supply, which has necessitated huge expenditures in billions of naira to provide alternative power, which are now being threatened because of poor security and policing countrywide. Government has to address multiple taxations by all the three tiers of government, improve power and strengthen NCC with the wherewithal to check the GSM operators passing the cost of †… Š€ƒŠ‹ E„Š ‹„ŠÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ‚™ž‚„€Šž €‚•ƒ Â?…Š} ƒ ÂƒÂ–Â€Â‰ÂŁÂ†Â‚Âƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†… ƒ lacuna. However, the Communications Minister said

government was addressing challenges facing telephony operators, including vandals damaging their base stations and facilities, high cost of right of way permits and perhaps multiple taxations, by working with the ministry of works and state governments. Nevertheless, the minister remarked, “Using the excuse of the problems in the operating environment to (justify) poor quality of service by the operators will no longer be acceptable�. The National Association of Telecoms Subscribers (NATCOMS) has repeatedly demanded compensation for users of deplorable mobile telephone networks countrywide. The telecoms consumers’ right group had in ~ƒ} . €ƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ ƒœ —~‹œ œƒ N597 billion at N5,000 for each of the 119 million subscribers

for drop and incomplete calls . Nevertheless, we encourage Minister Johnson to match his words with action to stop operators concentrating on œ™žŠ‰™‚ƒ}‰. €Š ‚ƒŠ‹‚† ~œƒ‰ ƒ‰‹ƒ quality service and expanding subscribers beyond network capacity. It is tragic that government tolerated the unwholesome and prolonged malpractices. NCC must henceforth introduce a policy, which forbids operators from assaulting subscribers with unsolicited promos and }‰. €Š ‚‡ƒƒƒƒ Therefore, government and regulator must not allow a few operators to constitute a cartel or a quasi monopoly to the detriment of national interest. There is urgency in licensing more GSM operators to deepen competition and prevent cartelisation of the industry.


Newswatch Times

View Point Thursday, Novmber 6, 2014

The cancer called corruption


ike habit Nigerians weaved the cable of corruption till it becomes addiction that in turn forces itself to dominate and subject us to its hegemonic dictates. Whatever you cannot control will control you. A well respected professor once said: “Corruption is Nigeria’s fastest growing industry. If Nigeria does not kill corruption, corruption will kill Nigeriaâ€?. One will think that it is only inordinate ambition and greed for materialism is the bane of corruption but it is all encompassing as integrity is total so corruption cannot be partial, hence there (is) moral, social, economic and political corruption. We are morally sick and have total disregard for divine law. This result in rape and sexual perversion. Many heads of our leaders are on the lap of Delilah’s, no wonder there is no mental ability to think energetically to be able to solve our national problems. Even many of our religious houses are not left out where the light of the truth suppose to be shining to the dark part of the world, lots of evils and wickedness are being perpetuated. How do we account for a pastor that impregnated a member of his church, ~‹œƒŠ‹ƒ†™€‹ƒ„‰——Š. œƒ~ÂžÂ‰Â€Â†ÂŠÂ‰Â‹ĂƒÂƒ  ÂƒÂœ ŒŠ}ƒ is responsible for the pregnancy, who is to blame for the abortion. We are socially castrated, no respect for value, the use of foul, language, abusive words, cursing one another. There is violence everywhere because where there is social disorder every other thing will be œŠ‚Š‹† ˜€~† œ•ƒ†… ƒ„}~—‰™€ƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ‚‰ƒ„~}} œƒž . €ƒ }Š ÂƒÂŠÂ‚ƒ†… ƒ€ ~‚‰‹ƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂžÂŠ. €ƒ‚†€™˜˜} ‡ƒ …‰‚ ƒ who have been in the civil service fear what and how life will be after retirement will do ÂŒ €ŠÂ†Â…Š‹˜ƒ–‰‚‚Šž} ƒ†‰ƒ€ —~Š‹ƒŠ‹ƒ‰E„ ‡ƒ Â… ƒ unbecoming is becoming becoming. Of recent Edo Sate government sacked three thousand workers for false declaration of age. Our

Ezekiel Oluwole Kolawole

politicians spend Nigeria’s scarce resources to pursue their political ambitions. National cake is being shared by those governing us, it is in Nigeria that recurrent expenditure will be 70%, where is the hope of becoming one of the best economies in the world when we do not invest in our future’s education and Š‹œ™‚†€Š~}Šº~Â†ÂŠÂ‰Â‹ĂƒÂƒ ‰€€™–†Š‰‹•ƒ‚ }£‚…‹ ‚‚•ƒ self-centeredness, sentiment have dulled our sense of patriotism, this makes every

will not be built around personality because †… ƒŠ‹† ˜€Š†ŠÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂœÂŠÂŒÂŠÂœÂ™~}ƒŠ‚ƒ‹‰†ƒ‚™E„Š ‹†ƒ†‰ƒ overhaul and sanitize a corrupt system. The „™€€ ‹†ƒÂ?™œŠ„Š~}ƒ‚ŠÂ‚† —ƒ~}}‰Â?‚ƒ–™ž}Š„ƒ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ to get bailed for stolen money while the poor Â…~ÂŒ ƒž ‹ƒÂ?~Š} œƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ—Š‹‰€ƒ‰# ‹„ ‚‡ƒ †ƒ™‚ƒ forget about development until we are ready for capital punishment for those who violate the law. We have allowed corruption to eat so deep that is threatening the country’s future. We must stop wallowing in corruption so that

The dream of the future is better than history of the past, unless we abort the ugly past, we cannot conceive a better future. To build a better dream and reality for Nigeria, we need to build a better “Youâ€? and “Meâ€? and “All of usâ€? Š˜ €Š~‹ƒ†…Š‹´Â‚ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂ?Â… € ƒ… ƒÂ?~‚ƒž‰€‹ƒ and right kind of Federal cakes to be shared in his geographical zone. On a serious note, the National conference Š‚ƒ~ƒ˜‰‰œƒŠœ ~ƒ†‰ƒœŠ~}‰˜™ ƒ~‹œƒ€ Âœ £‹ ƒ‰™€ƒ reasons for peaceful co-existence to adjust our constitutional frame works. Every participant will receive a total package of twelve million Naira, the contention lies in the fact that the outcome of the conference will go back to the ‹~†Š‰‹~}ƒ~‚‚ —ž}ŠÂƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ€~†Š£„~†Š‰‹•ƒÂ?…Š} ƒ†… ‚ ƒ law makers are being paid monthly. Until we learn how to spend wisely and prudently, many good things will be left undone. Wasteful spending will aggravate corruption to expand poverty ratio. We need to restructure our systems that

we can vomit the one we have swallowed. There is need for good governance to register growth, development, stability and –‰� €•ƒ ‰€ƒ†… ‚ ƒ†‰ƒž ƒ # „† œƒ†… € ƒ—™‚†ƒž ƒ character transformation born out of heart circumcision that will produce right hearted people. Progress is impossible without change and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. The EFCC has been reduced to a toothless dog, does not have audacity to prosecute any „‰€€™–†ƒ‰E„Š~}‚ƒž „~™‚ ƒŠ†ƒŠ‚ƒ™‹œ € ™‹œ œ‡ƒ We need to stop talking intelligently and acting negligently. Vocal authority is incomplete without moral responsibility. Character is more important than conversation. In a country well governed

poverty is something to be ashamed of, in a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of because somebody is stealing somewhere. Many things are fundamentally wrong ~‹œƒŠ†‚ƒ # „†‚ƒ~€ ƒ†€~˜Š„~}}ŠÂƒ~Â? Â™}‡ƒ Â… ƒ ˜‰Œ €‹— ‹†ƒ—™‚†ƒ£°ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ Â€~‚†€™„†™€ ‚•ƒ‚ †ƒ moral and ethical standard with stringent punishment for law breakers, let there be equitable distribution of income and job opportunities to stop hidden tears of many behind public smile of few. Until we stop legalizing illegality, the pronounced abnormalities created by corruption and social disorder cannot be normalized nor the ™˜}ŠÂƒÂ‚Š†™~†Š‰‹‚ƒž ƒ€ „†Š£ œ‡ Â… ƒœ€ ~—ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ Â™Â†Â™Â€ ƒŠ‚ƒž . €ƒ†…~‹ƒ history of the past, unless we abort the ugly –~‚†•ƒÂ? ƒ„~‹‹‰†ƒ„‰‹„ ŠŒ ƒ~ƒž . €ƒ Â™Â†Â™Â€ ‡ƒ There is need to pursue Godliness and righteousness that will exalt Nigeria and employ intercessory prayers that will bring divine intervention. It is then we can as someone rightly declared to move from “the syndrome of the termite to that of the bee. The termite goes to a tree or structure, eats the very roots and everything until the thing collapses. But the bee waits for the trees to ¾‰Â? €•ƒ–Š„´ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ–‰}} ‹•ƒ–€‰œ™„ ‚ƒ†… ƒ…‰‹ ŠÂ•Âƒ but it leaves the tree aliveâ€?. ‰ƒž™Š}œƒ~ƒž . €ƒœ€ ~—ƒ~‹œƒ€ ~}Š†ŠÂƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ Š˜ €Š~•ƒÂ? ƒ‹ œƒ†‰ƒž™Š}œƒ~ƒž . Â€ÂƒĂ Â‰Â™ÂźÂƒ~‹œƒ “Meâ€? and “All of usâ€?. Collectively we can build a new breed without greed but with creed of truth and justice plus good deed of character transformation, people that will put the right thing right; we must act fast before we sink to irredeemable pit of national tragedy. ‰˜ †… €ƒÂ? ƒ~€ ƒž . ہ Kolawole wrote from 74, Custom Road, Ikotun, Lagos. 08030821503

Youths: Softly, softly on social media


ocial media is the ‘new media’ that speed up conversations in a more interactive way that makes communication more effective and worthwhile. It is an online media that takes communication beyond the limitations of the traditional media, which most often delivers content but doesn’t permit readers, or as the case may be, viewers or listeners, to participate in the formation or development of the content. Ron Jones’ definition of social media seems quite apt, that it is, “a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online.� Currently, there is an array of social media networks in the world, ranging from social sharing sites such as YouTube, Twitter to LinkedIn and Facebook among others. Facebook is the most popular social network in the world. It is also one of the two most frequented websites in the entire internet. It routinely trades places with Google as the most visited web service, and by the company’s estimates it now has over 800 million active users. That’s more regular visitors than the entire internet had in 2004. As of June 2012, Facebook has over 955 million active users, more than half of them using it on mobile devices. The social media commonly used in Nigeria include Facebook, 2go, yahoo messenger, BBM, Netlog, Badoo, Eskimo, Twitter, Nimbuzz amongst others. They all offer their users unrestricted access to chat with friends, relations and other acquaintances. Started from Orkut, followed by Twitter and Facebook, social networking websites have become the vogue across the world, especially among the youth. Just a few clicks and you can chat with your friends and family, sitting at a different corner of the globe. Before the deregulation of the Nigerian telecommunication sector in 1999, fewer Nigerians had access to computers while the lack of sufficient technological infrastructure such as the Internet and mobile phones constrained communication within the society. However, with the deregulation of the telecommunication sector, social network spread like wide fire in Nigeria. Today, all classes of Nigerians now have unlimited access to the social media. The youth, however, remains the most prominent users of the social media. This, of course, is not surprising as the digital age is widely believed to belong to the youth. No doubt, the phenomenon of the social media has, in no small measure, impacted positively on the development of the

Ufuoma Ogbe Nigeria youths and, indeed, Nigerians at large. For one, it has made the youths to become better informed and educated by being constantly abreast of global news and information. Also, it has provided a platform for unemployed youths to either be gainfully employed or become aware of job opportunities across the world. Aside this, the social media provides unlimited platform for genuine business transactions as it offers youth with business acumen the opportunity to promote their goods and services for a global market. Through this, many have been delivered from the shackles of abject poverty. Similarly, it has also enhanced career and professional efficiency of the youths. Now, otherwise complex and complicated assignments could be accomplished within very little time framework and with unbelievable accuracy. Additionally, the social media has also offered the youth with a medium through which they could scrutinize the activities of those that are in government. Thus, the advent of the social media has increased the capacity of the youth to participate in governance. In a similar vein, social media assists in bringing to the open various societal ills. For instance, it is through the platform that the October 6, 2013 killing of some students of the University of Port Harcourt, Aluu, was exposed. The current ‘bring our girls back’ campaign is another instance where the youth has

The social media offers unlimited possibilities for the Nigerian youth. However, in view of its obvious shortcomings, it is important for governments, NGOs, youths based organisations to regularly enlighten the youth on the good, the bad and the ugly

sufficiently relied on the platform of the social media to solve societal problems. From the foregoing, it is quite evident that the social media has greatly influenced in the positive development of the Nigerian youth. Nevertheless, like it is in every sphere of life, the social media equally has negative influence on the youth, especially the unsuspecting ones. The obvious lack of security of the social media makes it dangerous to innocent youths. People have to sign up with these sites putting in their personal and sometimes professional information. As long as these details are safe, there is no threat in social networking with friends as well as strangers, you want to be friend with. But once your personal details like address, contact number, etc get hacked by the unwanted strangers, you will be a soft target of these miscreants. There is a great danger in getting close with strange people on social media sites. Many people unconsciously get started with strangers with the intention of having a casual relationship but gradually they find out that they become so close to these people. As time goes on they become so intimate forgetting that the heart of men is desperately wicked (apology to the Holy Scriptures). With time, they so much trust them that they reveal their deepest secrets to them while the so called ‘friends’ turn back to pay them with evil. Through this way, many have been defrauded while others have lost their lives. The case of the late Cynthia Okorogwu is still fresh in our memories. As previously illustrated, the social media offers unlimited possibilities for the Nigerian youth. However, in view of its obvious shortcomings, some of which have been discussed above, it is important for governments, NGOs, youths based organisations and other relevant stakeholders to regularly enlighten the youth on the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of the social media. This is essential if the youth are to properly harness the positive aspects of the social media for personal development. Perhaps, more importantly, the youth should take responsibility on how to use the social media in a positive light. They should shun every negative tendency that the platform could provide in order not to become tools for societal disintegration. Ogbe is of the Ministry of Information & Strategy, Lagos.

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

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Newswatch TIMES Sports/NEWS English clubs queue for Nigerian youngster Obuh backs Keshi’s return




number of English clubs not limited to Birmingham City, Leyton Orient and Charlton Athletic are mulling over a move for AngloNigerian, Tobi Coker. The future of the ½Ă€¯Š ~€¯‰}ÂœÂƒÂ—ÂŠÂœÂŁ }Âœ €ƒ€ mains unresolved following his departure from Millwall this summer. Now a free agent, he has been maintaining his £†‹ ‚‚ƒ žŠÂƒ †€~Š‹Š‹˜ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ †… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ† ~—ƒ‰ Âƒ ‚†…—Š~‹ƒ League side, Dulwich Hamlet F.C, ahead of a potential move. “There are quite a few † ~—‚ƒ †…~†ƒ ƒ „‰™}œƒ ˜‰ƒ †‰•ƒ …‰Â? ÂŒ €ƒ ƒœ‰ƒ‹‰†ƒÂ?~‹†ƒ†‰ƒ leave Millwall and go to a place worse for me, in terms of football,â€? Coker

told Ă Âƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ Â…~œƒ †€Š~}ƒ ‰# €‚ƒ from Birmingham, Leyton, Charlton and my agent has been in contact with Hull City as regards what they are willing to do. Ă Âƒ~—ƒ~Ġ „…‹Š„~}ƒ–}~Š €•ƒ

Barcelona starlet awaits Nigeria signal


arcelona super kid, Bobby Adekanye has declared that he has never been contacted by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to represent any of the national teams. Regarded as one of the top talents in the world, the 15-year-old is also eligible to represent Holland. But he has dropped a strong hint that he would choose Nigeria over the European powerhouse if he’s approached by the NFF. Earlier this year, coach Emmanuel Amuneke challenged the youngster to come to the Golden Eaglets „~—–ƒ †‰ƒ –€‰Œ ƒ …Š‚ƒ — .} •ƒ

without formally inviting him to the screening exer„Š‚ ƒ… }œƒŠ‹ƒ ž™Â?~‡ ĂŒ Âƒ Â?~‚ƒ ž‰€‹ƒ Š‹ƒ Š˜ €Š~ƒ ~‹œƒ ƒ }‰Œ ƒ Š˜ €Š~‡ƒ ŠÂƒ  ~ther always tells me Nigeria is our home. We are all coming home next year by the power of God because we still have family there,’’ Adekanye said. ‘’About the Golden Eaglets coach, Emmanuel Amuneke never made contact with me, my father or my club, FC Barcelona. He only said it in the newspapers.’’ The winger’s father, Ademola Adekanye added: ĂŒ Â‰Â€Âƒ — •ƒ ƒ œ‰‹ Â†Âƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ ~ƒ problem with the country. We all love great Nigeria, but you never know the future if he will have a chance there. He was born in Nigeria and has Dutch citizenship.â€? Bobby, who has been touted as the next Lionel Messi, appeared for the youth teams of VV Alphia ~‹œƒ Â?~°Âƒ —‚† €œ~—ƒ ž fore he was snapped up by Barcelona three years ago. The highly rated starlet †€~Š‹ œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ƒ Š‹œhoven this summer.

Udoh tipped for Juventus leap


uventus U-19 team are currently topping †… ƒ †~}Š~‹ƒ €Š—~ÂŒ €~ƒ league thanks to the goal scoring form of King Udoh. Udoh is a 17-year-old forward of Nigerian parentage, who has so far ‚„‰€ œƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ ˜‰~}‚ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ tournament meant for reserve teams of professional „}™ž‚ƒŠ‹ƒ †~}ŠÂ‡ ‹ƒ †… Š€ƒ }~‚†ƒ ˜~— ƒ against Capri, he was relied upon again to produce the goals as he scored once to help them beat Capri 3-1. Highly regarded within the youth system of the Serie A champions, Udoh has

also been a revelation in the UEFA youth champions league where he presently have a goal to his name. ~†€Š„´Âƒ ž‰Š ˜~ƒ Âœ wole, an expert on Nigeria youth players abroad, in a chat said Udoh is among †… ƒ †‰–ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ €~† œƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Â‹Â˜Â‚† €‚ƒ Š‹ƒ †~}Š Â‚ƒ €Š—~ÂŒ €~ƒ league. “He is highly rated. Š†…‰™†ƒ‚ ‹†Š— ‹†•ƒ ƒ‚~ŠÂƒÂ… ƒ Š‚ƒ ~—‰‹˜ƒ †… ƒ †‰–ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ ´ÂŠÂœÂ‚ƒ in the primavera league.â€? However, he refused to be drawn into the debate if Udoh will represent Ni˜ €Š~ƒ ‰€ƒ –}~ŠÂƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †~}ŠÂƒ }Š´ ƒ his senior Juventus compatriot, Angelo Ogbonna.

Â?Š†…ƒ †… ƒ ~žŠ}Š†ŠÂƒ †‰ƒ ÂŁÂ‹ÂœÂƒ great passes and do spe„Š~}ƒ†…Š‹˜‚‡ƒ ƒ~㠪~}}ŠÂƒÂ˜~Š‹ƒ —‰€ ƒÂ?‰ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹Âƒ~‚‚Š‚†Š‹˜ƒ†…~‹ƒ goal scoring. à ‰Â? ÂŒ €•ƒ ƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ Âœ veloped a knack for scoring recently.â€? Representatives of ™}Â…~—ƒ ~‹œƒ ~€œŠ#ƒ Š†ŠÂƒ are also believed to be in contact with Tobi Coker’s camp, and both Championship clubs could invite him for trials in the near future. Coker, who has cited Cesc Fabregas and David Silva as his role models, previously practiced with Chelsea, Arsenal, Charlton and Brentford, but did not receive positive feedback from the teams after tests.

Maduabuchi Kalu


ormer Flying Eagles’ coach, John Obuh has thrown his weight behind the reinstatement of Coach Stephen Keshi, after he was shown the door by †… ƒ ‹ Â?}ŠÂƒ } „† œƒ —~Â?™ƒ Š‹‹Š„´¯} œƒ ž‰~€œƒ ‰ Âƒ ĂŠ Ă‹Âƒ after Nigeria’s 3-1 victory ‰Œ €ƒ ™œ~‹ƒŠ‹ƒ ž™Â?~•ƒ „†‰ber 15. According to Obuh, who is the technical adviser of Enugu Rangers, the decision to recall Keshi is the best decision so far taken by the NFF in the precarious

circumstance that the team found itself at the moment. He said the earlier decision to bring in Coach Shuaibu Amodu was wrong and he was sure that Amodu himself did not like the idea either, hence his earlier declaration that Keshi should have been left to take the † ~—ƒ†…€‰™˜…ƒ†… ÂƒÂťÂ™~}Š£ €‚‡ƒ Obuh explained that the timing of Keshi’s removal was wrong, but expressed delight that the decision has now been reversed. Ă Âƒ œ‰‹ Â†Âƒ ´Â‹Â‰Â?ƒ Â?…‰ƒ Â?~‚ƒ responsible for the reinstatement of Keshi as Eagles’ „‰~„…•ƒž™†ƒ‰‹ ƒ†…Š‹˜ƒ ƒ„~‹ƒ† }}ƒ you is that it is a wise decision, either by the Federation ‰€ƒ†… ƒ € ‚Šœ ‹„ŠÂƒ~‚ƒž Š‹˜ƒ~}leged in some quarters. Ă Âƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ ~}Â?~ŠÂ‚ƒ ‚~Šœƒ †…~†ƒ

it was wrongly timed; with Â?™‚†ƒ†Â?‰ƒ—~†„… ‚ƒ†‰ƒ˜‰ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ AFCON, it was a miscalculation. Ă Âƒ´Â‹Â‰Â?ƒ†…~†ƒ… ƒÂ?Š}}ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒ much pressure now to qualŠ ŠÂƒ †… ƒ † ~—ƒ ~‹œƒ ƒ ž }Š ÂŒ ƒ that Eagles can still qualify despite the precarious situation they found themselves at the moment. “Of course, even Amodu Â?…‰ƒÂ?~‚ƒ˜ŠŒ ‹ƒ†… ƒÂ?‰žƒ´Â‹ Â?ƒ that the removal of Keshi Â?~‚ƒ ‹‰†ƒ †… ƒ ž ‚†•ƒ ž™†ƒ Â?™‚†ƒ like he explained, he had to take it because of national interest. “He had earlier made his position known before †… ƒ Â?‰žƒ Â?~‚ƒ ‰# € œƒ †‰ƒ …Š—ƒ when he said that Keshi ‚…‰™}œƒž ƒ~}}‰Â? ÂœÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‚Â…Âƒ ™–ƒ†… ƒÂ?‰žƒ… ƒ‚†~۠ ÂœÂ•ÂźÂƒ ž™…ƒ explained.

Igbokwe wants Pinnick sacked


ontroversial former vice chairman of the Nigeria Football Federation Organizing and Disciplinary „‰——Š. •ƒ Š´ ƒ ˜ž‰´Â? ƒ is insisting on the annulment of the September 30 elections, which produced —~Â?™ƒ Š‹‹Š„´Âƒ~‚ƒ†… ƒ € ‚Šdent of the NFF. ˜ž‰´Â? ƒ Š‚ƒ Š‹‚Š‚†Š‹˜ƒ that the said elections were fraught with ‘unprecedented irregularities’ and ‘blatant disregard’ for the NFF electoral guidelines, and as a result, nobody elected from that election should stand as an NFF member, thereby calling again for the cancellation of the process. “The electoral guidelines posit that you must have been in football administration for at least four years before the elections, but the chairman of the Lagos State Football Association, Seyi Akinwunmi, who was elect ÂœÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂŒÂŠÂ„ ƒ € ‚Šœ ‹†ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ •ƒ Â…~‚ƒ ž ‹ƒ Š‹ƒ ‰E„ ƒ } ‚‚ƒ than four years,â€? he said. “The guidelines also bar two members from the same state to be in the same board at the same time, but that is †… ƒ „~‚ ƒ ‰ Âƒ — ´~ƒ ‹Š~—~ƒ and Anyansi Agwu who are both from Abia state. “So it is obvious that September 30 elections was ÂŁ}} œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ™‹–€ „ Âœ ܠ œƒ irregularities and blatant disregard for the electoral ˜™Šœ }Š‹ ‚‡ƒ ƒ ‚•ƒ  Â—ƒ Š‹‚Š‚†ing that the elections must be cancelled and rescheduled as a result.â€? This certainly will put Š‹‹Š„´Âƒ ™‹œ €ƒ —‰€ ƒ –€ ‚sure, as more petitions have ~}‚‰ƒ ž ‹ƒ ‚™ž—Š. œƒ ž  Â‰Â€ ƒ †… ƒ ~–– ~}‚ƒ „‰——Š. ƒ †‰ƒ nullify his election.

GOtv to beam Nigeria/Ghana clash in Uyo


Otv subscribers in Uyo and other parts of Nigeria will have the opportunity to watch the live broadcast of the commissioning ceremony of the ‹ Â?ƒ ´Â?~ƒ ž‰—ƒ‚†~œŠ™—‡ƒ The ceremony will be televised live on channel 29, which will be open to GOtv subscribers on all bouquets from 3pm to 9pm local time, on Friday 7 November. A key highlight of the commissioning event will be a friendly match between Nigeria’s Super Eagles and the Black Stars of Gha-

na. This match will be aired live on SuperSport Select on GOtv and will also be available on channel 29. Subscribers who tune in will also ‹Â?‰ŠÂƒ †… ƒ Â‰Â‹ÂŻÂ–ÂŠÂ†Â„Â…Â•Âƒ –€ ¯—~†„…ƒ – € Â‰Â€mances from Nigeria’s Marvin crew and KCee of ‘Limpopo’ fame, among other ´Â?~ ž‰—ƒ—™‚Š„ƒ‚†~€‚‡ƒ Congratulating the government and – ‰–} ƒ‰ Âƒ ´Â?~ƒ ž‰—ƒ‚†~† ƒ‰‹ƒ†…Š‚ƒ~™‚picious occasion, Elizabeth Amkpa, general manager GOtv, noted that GOtv is ~ƒœŠ˜Š†~}Ġ €€ ‚†€Š~}Ġ } ŒŠ‚Š‰‹ƒ„‰——Š. œƒ to entertaining Nigeria.

Newswatch TIMES

Siasia begin U-23 screening next week

Martin Odiete, !"#$


ormer Super Eagles coach and current U-23 Chief coach, Samson Siasia has revealed that the screening of players for the under-23national team, otherwise known as the Dream team will commence on Monday. – ~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ Š‹ƒ ž™Â?~•ƒ Š~sia said that the screening exercise which holds at the ‰~}ƒ €‰Â? „†ƒ ܠ €•ƒ ž™Â?~ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ †~œŠ™—ƒ Â?Š}}ƒ ž ƒ made up of players from the various football academies in the country as he kick start his programmes for the11th All African Games that is scheduled for September 4-19, 2015 inBrazzaville, Congo. Siasia who promised to

get the best legs for thecompetition to make it a memorable participation for Nigeria since itis going to be the 50th anniversary of the Games, as well as theirreturn to Brazzaville, which …‰‚† œƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ œŠ†Š‰‹ƒ Š‹ƒ 1965, said the screening of theplayers would be in two phases and will last for two weeks. “We are kick starting the screening exercise next week Monday which is10th of November (2014). The 1st phase of the screening will come upbetween and 16 and will be solely for players playing for footballacademies. “At the academy level I will be interested in players who are betweenthe ages of 18 and above and not more than 20 years of age at theoldest for now. “The second phase that is slated for November 17 to 23rd of this monthalso will comprise of players playing in the club level. I don’t careif they are in the Premier League of National League, I need to seethem prove †… Š€ƒ — .} ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ ‚„€ ‹ing exercise and strictly to bewithin the age bracket required for the two competitions (AfricanGames and the 2016 Olympics). November 10, screening begins for Academy players within the age bracket mainly from age 18- 20 only,â€? Siasia said.

Chukwu bombs football administrators

Maduabuchi Kalu


ormer national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu hastaken a swipe at current crop of football administrators in the country, labelling them as square pecks in round hole. According to the former coach of Harambee Stars of Kenya, footballadministration in the country will remain stunted as long as those appointed to administer remain politicians that don’t have the interest of the game at heart. Even as he accused governments at all levels of ‚†ŠE‹˜ƒ†… ƒ˜~— ƒžŠÂƒÂ™Â‚Š‹˜ Â‰Â‰Â†Âž~}}ƒ†‰ƒ‚ .} ƒ†…‰‚ ƒÂ?…‰ƒ œŠœƒ ‹‰†ƒ ž ‹ ÂŁÂ†Âƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ †… ƒ ‚…~€Š‹˜ƒ ‰ Â–‰}Š†Š„~}ƒ ‰E„ ‚ƒ after elections,he believes that there are peoplewho still have the interest of the game at heart and such people arebeing sidelined due to the fact that government Â…~ÂŒ ƒ…ŠÂ?~„´ œƒ†… ˜~— ‡ “The problem with Nigerian football stems

fromgovernment takeover of the running of the game in the country. You mayask how I mean. he begins “As far as I am concerned, lack of astute football administrators inthe country is the bane of the game in the country as I speak withyou. “We no longer have football administrators like we had in the ‘70s,when those who were at the helm of ~#~Š€‚ƒ ™‚ ƒ †… Š€ƒ – €‚‰‹~}€ ‚‰™€„ ‚ƒ †‰ƒ ž . €ƒ †… ƒ }‰†‚ƒ of the game because of the passion theyhave for the game. But today, what do we have? We have politician whoare after what they make out of the system. “I blame government for the stunted development of the game becausethey are the ones who appoint political associates to oversee †… ~#~Š€‚ƒ‰ ƒ†… ƒ˜~— ‡Ÿ




Uche doubtful for trumpeted Eagles return U�37>/T [‘+46


illarreal of Spain striker, Ikechukwu Uche is not sure of featuring in the do or die African Cup of Nations cracker between the Super Eagles and Congo Brazaville slated to hold in Pointe Noire next week. The 30-year-old limped out of the pitch with an ice pack strapped to his left knee as the Yellow Submarine were humbled 3-1 at home by Valencia in a La Liga encounter on Sunday, raising „‰‹„ €‹‚ƒ~ÂžÂ‰Â™Â†ÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂŁÂ†Â‹ ‚‚ƒ‰ Âƒ making the squad. He exclusively told Newswatch Sports on phone from his home in Spain. “The truth is that I have been playing with painkiller as a result of some knocks I had here and there, which explains why I was substituted in the game against Valencia on Sunday; but that’s football for you,â€? he stated. “Nevertheless, I pray to ž ƒ ½Ă?Ă?ƒ – €ƒ „ ‹†ƒ ÂŁÂ†Âƒ ‹‰†ƒ ‰‹}ŠÂƒ for our game with Espanyol on Sunday but also for the Congo and South Africa games. They are going to be very important games for us and there is the need to focus on them.â€? Speaking on his prospect

of playing under Stephen Keshi, who had sworn never to invite him so long as he remains in charge as Nigeria ˜~# €•ƒ „… ƒ‚~Šœƒ… ƒ…~œƒ–™†ƒ everything behind him and Š‚ƒ ‹‰Â?ƒ € ~ÂœŠÂƒ †‰ƒ ¾‰„´Âƒ Â?Š†…ƒ Eagles. Uche was arguably Nigeria and Africa’s best striker in Europe last season, but was surprisingly ignored by Keshi for a World Cup place as a punishment for criticizing his coaching tactics in South

Africa. “We have a big task ahead of us and it’s time for us to work as a family. The World Cup is a closed chapter; so we should let by gone be by gone and focus on the games ahead. “I have no problem with anybody. It’s not all about Keshi or Uche but Nigeria. Â…~†ƒ —~. €‚ƒ —‰‚†ƒ †‰ƒ — ƒ now is how we can qualify for the Nations Cup and if I ~Â—ÂƒÂŁÂ†Â•Âƒ ƒ~—ƒ~}Â?~ŠÂ‚ƒ€ ~ÂœŠÂƒÂ†Â‰Âƒ

do my best to help make it happen.� When further asked whether he spoke with Keshi on phone before his call up,the former Getafe star responded: “It’s not your business to know whether I spoke with Keshi or not. Do I need to speak with the coach before playing for my country?It’s a national call and I feel honoured about it. I have told you to let by gone be by gone.�

Avoid fanciful football in Pointe Noire, Ahmedu warns Eagles

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uper Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi and his wards have been told to avoid fanciful football if they must drub Red Devils of Congo Brazzaville in a € ÂŒ €‚ ƒ ƒ ™~}Š£ €ƒ on November 15 in Pointe Noire. The African champions were stunned 3 – 2 by the ‰‹˜‰} ‚ ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ } ˜ƒ played at the dreaded UJ Esuene Stadium, Calabar on September 6 and are now seen as underdogs in the Port Noire rumble, which could decide their  ~† ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ÂƒÂťÂ™~}Š£ €‚‡ Nigeria trail Bafana Bafana of South Africa (eight points) and Red Devils (seven points) in group ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ Â?™‚†ƒ  Â‰Â™Â€Âƒ –‰Š‹†‚ƒ in three games with two games to go. But the Director, Aspire Football Academy in Nigeria, Col. Sam Ahmedu, who spoke with Newswatch Sports ahead of the Pointe Noire clash, believes that the Eagles can overturn the

table in their favour if they are able to approach the game with the right commitment and determination needed to achieve success. While noting that com–}~„ ‹„ŠÂƒ ~‹œƒ ‰Œ €„‰‹£dence were responsible for †… ƒ ~˜} ‚ƒœ  ~†ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ leg clash in Calabar, the Dodan Warriors Basketball Club of Lagos proprietor and FIBA Africa Zone 3 € ‚Šœ ‹†•ƒ € —~Š‹‚ƒ „‰‹£-

dent that the Super Eagles „~‹ƒ ‰Œ €„‰— ƒ †… ƒ œŠE„™}†ƒ pitch in Pointe Noire. “I think we’ve a team to win in Congo. This is not †… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ†ÂŠÂ— ƒ†…~†ƒÂ?  Â€ ƒ˜‰Š‹˜ƒ †‰ƒ ‰‹˜‰Ă?ƒ ‚– „Š£„~}}ŠÂƒ Pointe Noire to play against the Congolese side. So we’re capable of winning if we can get our acts together. If the players can come to camp early and play well as a team they can win.â€?

Why Nigerians gang-up against Keshi –Nwosu %. U�37>/T [‘+46


enry Nwosu, former Nigeria captain has declared that Super Eagles coach, † –… ‹ƒ ‚…ŠƒÂ?~‚ƒ€ Â? „† œƒ by Nigerin fans due to his poor tactics and lousy play since winning the AFCON last year. According to him,Nigerians lost patient with him because of tactical approach and team selections, which has been widely blamed for Nigeria’s poor performance at the ongoing African Cup ‰ Âƒ ~Â†ÂŠÂ‰Â‹Â‚ÂƒÂťÂ™~}Š£ €‚‡ The Super Eagles are third on Group A in the

™~}Š£ €‚ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ ™œ~‹ƒ†€~Š}ing behind. The standing means Nigeria’s chances of qualifying for the Afri„~‹ƒ Â‰Â‰Â†Âž~}}ÂƒÂŁ ‚†~ƒ~€ ƒŒ €ŠÂƒ slim as Congo Republic and South Africa are both expected to progress, but Nwosu was emphatic that the fault was not from the Big Boss. “It’s not his fault. As far as I am concerned, he was doing the right thing. The main problem is that Nigerians are impatient. Once they gang up or make up their mind against you, ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ~€ ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‚Â… œƒ~‹œƒ‰‹}ŠÂƒ~ƒ miracle will save you. Ă Â†ÂƒÂŠÂ‚Âƒ~}Â?~ŠÂ‚ƒœŠE„™}†ƒ†‰ƒ change impression about

a person; that was how Keshi’s problem started,� added the Gateway FC of Abeokuta sweat merchant. “It is not a fair way to celebrate our heroes. “It is very unfortunate that this is happening to a person like Keshi. This is a coach who won the Nations Cup for us both as a player and coach and went on to give us a World Cup ticket. “All of a sudden, we disowned him for no good reasons. It shows that we don’t admire and respect the great achievements of our heroes. It’s a big shame and I am not happy about it.�

Sports/ Japanese mega offer for Xavi



apanese media outlet, Nikkan Sports has suggested that FC Tokyo have made a move to sign –~‹Š‚…ƒ Â—ÂŠÂœÂŁ }Âœ €•ƒ ~ŒŠƒ Hernandez from Barcelona. It is no secret that the

veteran footballer is looking to leave the Catalans in ‚ ~Â€Â„Â…ÂƒÂ‰Â ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ† ~—ƒ ‰‰†ž~}}ƒ and he has already received proposals from Qatar and United States. Nikkan Sports claims that FC Tokyo are desper~† ƒ†‰ƒ}™€ ƒ ~ŒŠƒ†‰ƒ ~–~‹ƒ~‹œƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ‰# € œƒ…Š—ƒ~ƒž™—– €ƒ Âœ ~}ƒ Â?‰€†…ƒ Ă?Ă’Âƒ —Š}}Š‰‹ƒ – €ƒ campaign. Â… ƒ –~‹Š‚…ƒ Â—ÂŠÂœÂŁ }Âœ €ƒ initially planned to leave Camp Nou at the end of the season, but he could be tempted by the latest proposal. ~ŒŠƒ…~‚ƒ‚– ‹†ƒ…Š‚ƒ ‹†Š€ ƒ career up to date at Barcelona, making 481 La Liga ~–– ~€~‹„ ‚ƒ~Â‹ÂœÂƒÂ‚Â„Â‰Â€ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒĂ“Ă’Âƒ goals in the process.

Capello rates Real higher than Blaugrana


ormer Real Madrid boss, Fabio Capello, believes the current squad under Carlo Ance}‰.Šƒ ~€ ƒ ž . €ƒ †…~‹ƒ €ŠŒ~}‚•ƒ Barcelona. Capello was also full of –€~Š‚ ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ‹„ }‰.Š•ƒ Â?…‰—ƒ he feels is perfect for the role of boss at the Santiago Bernabeu. “This Real Madrid can be spectacular and win everything,â€? the Italian told ‹œ~ƒ €‰ Â‚ƒ ĂŒ }ƒ €Š— €ƒ ‰™  ÂƒÂ–€‰˜€~—— ‡ “They possess a squad where they can make qualŠ†ŠÂƒ „…~‹˜ ‚ƒ ~‹œƒ ~€ ƒ ž . €ƒ

than Barcelona, while An„ }‰.Šƒ…~‚ƒ†€ — ‹œ‰™‚ƒ– €sonality and is excellent. “He always chooses the ž ‚†ƒ –}~Š €‚‡ƒ € ŒŠ‰™‚}ŠÂƒ he was a Coach who was ~˜~Š‹‚†ƒ ÂŒ €ŠÂ‰Â‹ ƒ~‹œƒœŠœ‹ Â†Âƒ want the problems to be the fault of the players. “Carlo is part of the team. He is a long-term Coach who is perfect for Real Madrid, for his style, his seriousness...â€? The Russia national team boss also ran the rule over Barcelona and in particular Luis Suarez. “Barca are going through a delicate moment because they have brought in Suarez and everyone thinks he Š‚ƒ˜‰Š‹˜ƒ†‰ƒ‚„‰€ ÂƒÂŁÂŒ ƒ˜‰~}‚•ƒ ~‹œƒ ‰ Âƒ „‰™€‚ ƒ †… Š ÂŒ ƒ Â?™‚†ƒ lost two games.â€? “Suarez must be given time, as must Luis Enrique Â?…‰ƒ ‹ œ‚ƒ †‰ƒ ÂŁÂ‹ÂœÂƒ …Š‚ƒ ž ‚†ƒ system of play. à † Â‚ƒ †… ƒ Âœ  Â‹Â„ ƒ †…~†ƒ Š‚ƒ their problem.â€?

Transfer ban excessive – Bartomeu


arcelona president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, believes the club have been punished excessively for “administrative errorsâ€? for their acquisition of Under-18 players which landed them a FIFA-imposed transfer ban. Â… ƒ Š˜~ƒ Â‰Â™Â†ÂŁÂ†Âƒ Â? € ƒ £‹ œƒĂ?Ă‘Ă’Ă?•Ă?Ă?Ă?ƒ~‹œƒ†‰}œƒ†…~†ƒ they will not be able to sign players for the next two transfer windows after being found guilty of breach-

ing rules relating to the regŠ‚†€~†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ ½Ă?ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Â‹Â˜Â‚† €‚ƒ ž †Â? Â‹ÂƒĂ”Ă?Ă?Ă•Âƒ~Â‹ÂœÂƒĂ”Ă?½Ă‘‡ Bartomeu conceded that Barca were guilty of wrongdoing, but is adamant that †… ƒ–™‹Š‚…— ‹†ƒœ‰ Â‚ÂƒÂ‹Â‰Â†ÂƒÂŁÂ†Âƒ the crime and hopes that the Court of Arbitration (CAS) will reduce their sentence. “We have made some administrative errors since Ă”Ă?Ă?ÂżÂƒ †…~†ƒ Â? € ‹ Â†Âƒ Š‹ƒ }Š‹ ƒ with FIFA rules,â€? the Camp ‰™ƒ „…Š  Âƒ †‰}œƒ Ă‘Â‡Âƒ Ă Âƒ recognise that. “I thought we were doing things right for those nine years, but FIFA showed us we were wrong. Now I hope CAS can help us because the punishment is excessive. “A quick resolution would help us know how to proceed from here. We have already changed our ~„†Š‰‹‚ƒ†‰ƒ€ Âľ „†ƒÂ?Â…~†ƒŠ‚ƒž ing asked of us.â€?



Suarez surprised at Ballon d’Or snub


arcelona striker, Luis Suarez, has ~œ—Š. œƒ …Š‚ƒ surprise at not being included ‰‹ƒ†… ƒ‚…‰€†}Š‚†ƒ‰ ÂƒĂ”Ă‘ÂƒÂ–}~Š €‚ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †…Š‚ƒ Š ~€ Â‚ƒ ~}}‰‹ƒ Âœ Â€Â‡ However, the Uruguay international has vowed he will not make an issue of his snub, which has been described as “politicalâ€? by former Liverpool teammate, Steven Gerrard. €€~€œ Â‚ƒ „‰—— ‹†‚ƒ relate to the disciplinary problems that resulted in Suarez being suspended for four months after bitŠ‹˜ƒ †~}Š Â‚ƒ Š‰€˜Š‰ƒ …Š }lini at the World Cup. – ~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ time about the issue, Suarez hinted he was frustrated, but stopped short of criticising governing body FIFA. “Everyone brings it to ~. ‹†Š‰‹•ƒ~‚ƒ €~€œƒ Š™ ƒ said, and what he told me is that they voted me as the best player in the most dif£„™}†ƒ } ~˜™ ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ Â?‰€}œ•ƒ ‰€ƒ ‰‹ ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ —‰‚†ƒ œŠEcult,â€? Suarez told Spanish radio station RAC1. “I was also the high-

est goalscorer of all of the European leagues. But I prefer to keep quiet before saying things because every time that I speak there could be a problem.â€? While Suarez has still to score for his new club, the ÔÒ¯Š ~€¯‰}œƒ Â…~‚ƒ ‹Â?‰Š œƒ playing beside Lionel Messi, Andres Iniesta and ~ŒŠ‡

“The coach knows where to use the players. I –}~ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹Âƒ~‹ŠÂƒ~.~„´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ–‰‚Štion. I already did it at Liv €–‰‰}ƒ ~‹œƒ Â?~°Â•ÂźÂƒ ™~€ ÂşÂƒ said. “It is a privilege to play alongside Leo, even if people are doubting him. We all know what type of player he is, the Bal}‰‹ƒœ Â€Â‚ƒ†…~†ƒ… ƒ…~‚‡ƒ Â… ƒ

‚~— ƒ �Š†…ƒ ~ŒŠ•ƒ ‹œ€ ‚‡ƒ We have to work with each other more.� Suarez was also asked whether he had ever considered signing for Real Madrid during the summer. “There were conversations but not at any moment did I feel close to the white club,� he added.

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~€„ }‰‹~ ‚ƒ Š‰‹ }ƒ ‚‚Š•ƒ Â?…‰‚ ƒ £†‹ ‚‚ƒ has been the cause of concern for some time, has been undergoing extra physiotherapy work with the Argentina national team doctor, according to reports in Spain. According to reports in

–~Š‹•ƒ ~€„ }‰‹~ Â‚ƒ –}~Šmaking genius is concerned ~ž‰™†ƒ …Š‚ƒ £†‹ ‚‚•ƒ ~‹œƒ Â…~‚ƒ been looking outside the club for assistance. Television station La Sexta claims that Marcelo  Â‹ÂœÂ€ ~•ƒ Â?…‰ƒ ‹Â?‰ŠÂ‚ƒ ~ƒ close relationship with Messi, has been living with

the player for the last two weeks. Messi has apparently been “feeling that something is wrongâ€? and Š‚ƒ Ă Â?‰€€Š œƒ ~ž‰™†ƒ ‚™# €Š‹˜ƒ~‹‰†… €ƒŠ‹Â?™€ŠŸÂ‡Âƒ However, by his own high standards he has been noticeably subdued in recent games, and has failed to score in his last two appearances. His tally for the season sits at seven goals in ten league match ‚•ƒ Â?…Š„…ƒ ~œ—Š. Âœ}ŠÂƒ Š‚‹ Â†Âƒ ž~œƒ žŠÂƒ ~‹ŠÂžÂ‰ÂœŠÂƒ }‚  Â‚ƒ standards. ‚–Š† ÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂ‰Â‹Â˜Â‰ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂŁÂ†ness concerns, Messi has nevertheless played nearly every minute of Barcelo‹~ Â‚ƒ ‚ ~‚‰‹•ƒ ~‹œƒ ÂŒ ‹ƒ €  Â™Â‚ œƒ†‰ƒ„‰— ƒ‰#ƒ~‚ƒ~ƒ‚™žstitute against Eibar earlier in the season.

Enrique not to blame for Blaugrana slide – Cruyff


egendary Johan €™Š#ƒ Â…~‚ƒ †‰}œƒ †… ƒ Blaugrana that Coach Luis Enrique is not to blame for a disappointing past week at the Camp Nou. Barca started the season impressively, but successive defeats to Real Madrid and Celta Vigo have led to †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ € ~}ƒ ™ ‚†Š‰‹Š‹˜ƒ of Enrique, and even to some reported unrest in the dressing room. €™Š#ƒ ܠ € œƒ †… ƒ Âœ bate on Monday when he spoke at the launch of Ă Â }†Š—ƒ –~Â€Â†ÂŠÂ†ÂźÂ•Âƒ ~ƒ œ‰„™mentary released to mark ÂżĂ?ƒŠ ~€‚ƒ‚Š‹„ ƒ…Š‚ƒ~€€ŠŒ~}ƒ~†ƒ the Catalan club, which features interviews with Josep

™~€œŠ‰}~•ƒ ~ŒŠƒ €‹~‹œ ÂşÂƒ and Vicente del Bosque. The Dutchman said at the event institutional issues and the continual turnover of coaches at the club were big˜ €ƒ–€‰ž} —‚ƒ†…~‹ƒ ‹€Š™  Â‚ƒ ability. “Luis Enrique has some†…Š‹˜ƒ Š‹ƒ …Š‚ƒ  ~ÂŒÂ‰Â™Â€Â•ÂźÂƒ €™Š#ƒ ‚~ÂŠÂœÂ‡ÂƒĂ ÂƒÂ‚ÂŠÂ˜Â‹ ÂœÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ—ÂƒĂŠÂŠÂ‹Âƒ½Ă•Ă•Ă€Ă‹Â•Âƒ although they kicked me out and I could not coach him. He loves this sport. It is dif£„™}†ƒ †‰ƒ ˜ŠŒ ƒ ~œŒŠ„ ƒ †‰ƒ ™Š‚ƒ Enrique. I am not inside, I cannot advise him. “Barcelona had two „‰~„… Â‚ÂƒĂŠ €~‹´Âƒ ŠÂ?´~~€œƒ~‹œƒ Guardiola) in nine years, and now three (with Tito Vilanova, Gerardo Martino

and Enrique) in three. There are more things going on that are not seen. There is no point to this social division.â€? Meanwhile, Barca president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, said he and his fellow directors had full faith in the coach they appointed in the summer, and that two poor results would not be remembered once the situation had turned around. “There must be patience with Luis Enrique -- there is †‰†~}ÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂœ ‹„ ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ—Â•ÂźÂƒ ~€†‰— ™ƒ †‰}œƒ Â‚Â–Â‰Â€Â†Ă‘Â‡Âƒ Ă Â… ‚ ƒ two defeats will soon be for˜‰. ‹‡ƒ ƒ—™‚†ƒž ƒ€ }~° œ•ƒ there is a lot of La Liga left, a lot to play for and we have a team with a lot of talent.

“Luis Enrique knows clearly what he wants. I speak with him on the phone a lot. I know he sees ‰™€ƒ Â„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂœ ‹„ ‡ƒ ƒ ´Â‹Â‰Â?ƒ Â… ƒ –™†‚ƒŠ‹ƒ~ƒ}‰†ƒ‰ Âƒ #‰€†•ƒ~‹œƒ ƒ }Š´ ÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ‚Â–ÂŠÂ€ÂŠÂ†Â‡Âź

Newswatch TIMES

35 Sports/EURO LEAGUE Arsenal scouts to watch €15m-rated Kramer Vazquez on Inter Milan radar



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Carrick happy to play centre-back for Man United

Chicharito wants permanent Real deal

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Everton in race for Ayew

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Cabaye to leave PSG on loan


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Skoglund steps up for Johnson test


rik Skoglund meets £ Ì ¯ ~ opponent on Decem¯ ½Ñ } } ´ ~ ~ ~ }} ~ ¯ } ~ }

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Saunders slams baby Eubank


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Newswatch TIMES



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My legacy ignored because I’m black – Hopkins

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Tim must fall or I retire – Sweeney

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Chisora can’t survive Fury –Chambers


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Newswatch Times

Health Thursday, T Thu rsday, November 6, 2014

Govt traded off salient MOUs with us to pacify doctors – Akintayo Akintayo

Olumide Akintayo, is President Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN). At the opening ceremony of the 87th annual national conference of the body held at Uyo, Akwa Ibom State on Tuesday, Akintayo, urged practitioners, GHJK LHMQ RVG QWRXYZ[\GYHQ W[ ][M^\_ with provisions of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) guidelines of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) before formalising contracts with public pharmacy facilities or face sanctions. CHIOMA UMEHA (HEALTH EDITOR) provides the excerpts:


ow do you react to recent public notices from the Registry of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) concerning Privatisation of pharmacy facilities? The attention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria has been drawn to recent public notices from the Regis-

try of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) with regards to a Public Private Partnership (PPP) philosophy. PSN believe very much in the spirit of a private sector-driven economy and logically support the concept of legitimate models of a Public Private Partnership. Our practice is a regulated one with a myriad of regulatory agencies hav-

NNPC/Chevron deworms 80,000 children in Delta

ing substantial degrees of influence. These agencies include PCN, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Federal and State Task force as well as an array of other statutory agencies of government. The Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria is worried at attempts by some state governments to reduce pharmacy practice to a purely commercial venture of buying and selling with absolutely no standards in the guise of a Public Private Partnership (PPP). There are patients who visit public hospitals simply because they assume drugs in such facilities will be genuine in view of the existing fake drug syndrome which continues to ravage the health sector. This is why the PSN continues to caution on the consequences of diverting a guaranteed public sector market in pharmacy facilities to private profiteers. The question remains: Who takes responsibility when anything goes wrong with respect to drugs dispensed in such public facilities concessioned to profiteers - the profiteer or government? Presently, the Lagos State Government which blazed this trail has been able to align its privatisation model to the PPP guidelines prescribed by the PCN. There can be no compromise on this demand in both the public and professional interest.

Some federal health institutions which experimented with privatisation of pharmacy facilities are still in huge mess even after such contracts have been terminated. This is because the profiteers who utilised the goodwill of the federal health institutions to source drugs from the pharmaceutical industry simply sold the drugs and pocketed the accruing revenue. Many of the pharmaceutical companies refuse to do business with public health facilities up till now with serious consequences for consumers of health in such institutions. We urgently enjoin pharmacists, pharmaceutical companies and stakeholders to become familiarised with the tenets of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) guidelines of the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN) before formalising contracts with public pharmacy facilities. Violations of existing provisions of the PPA Cap 535 LFN 1990, Cap P. 17 LFN 2004, gazettes 79 and 81 of August 2005 and the code of ethics for Pharmacists in Nigeria will attract sanctions from the PSN as erring Pharmacists will be placed on the roll of dishonour of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. Finally, we also appeal to affected state governments and other stakeholders to dialogue immediately with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria to facilitate lawful models of Continued on page 46

Lagos seals 40 Iron deficiency, illegal drugs major cause of stores Pg 44 Pg 45 anaemia Pg 47


Newswatch Times


Thursday, November 6, 2014

Winners emerge in NestlĂŠ Milo Back to School Promo CHIOMA UMEHA


ver 110 scholarships worth a N100, 000 each have been given out in the ongoing NestlĂŠ MILO Back to School Promo. A statement at weekend, signed by Dr Samuel Adenekan, Corporate Communications and ™ž}Š„ƒ #~Š€‚ƒ ~‹~˜ €•ƒ NestlĂŠ Nigeria Plc, listed some of the lucky winners to include; Ms. Esther Balogun (Shoprite supermarket, Ibadan), Master Kazeem Salaudeen (Globus supermarket, Festac) and Mrs S a l a wa t A w e d a (Ojuwoye market, Mushin). Explaining the rationale behind the promo, Category Manager, Beverages, NestlĂŠ Nigeria PLC, Doja Ekeruche said, “The back to school period elicits pressure as the financial requirements for most parents are heavy and can pose weighty financial strain. “NestlĂŠ Milo back to school was borne out of our desire to support the parents and also their children to resume school with most of the materials needed to fuel their success.â€? She added,

“This promotion also serves as a way to reward our loyal consumers who keep drinking nourishing NestlĂŠ Milo and making us win the ADVAN Brand of the year award.â€? The promo which has no age limit and is open to shoppers

across Nigeria has been approved by NAFDAC, CPC and APCON. Mrs Ekeruche said, “To participate, shoppers are required to buy two packs of Milo 500g, get a scratch card, scratch, and what you see is what you get. Everyone is

a winner. No try again and no blanks.� The promotion is currently running in supermarkets, neighbourhood stores and open markets across the country. There are also mobile sales teams in residential areas and consumers can also take part online. In

addition to scholarships, other prizes include computers with internet access, all-in-one printer scanner photocopier, bicycles, mobile phones, schoolbags, lunchboxes and water bottles. The Category Manger said, “NestlĂŠ MILO is


he NNPC/ C h e v r o n Joint Venture yesterday, flagged off its mass deworming programme for children in Delta State targeted at over 80,000 under-12 school children in the state. Wife of Delta State Governor, Mrs. Roli Sheila Uduaghan, used the occasion at Cavegina Primary School Warri to commend the company for its strong commitment to the development of the health sector in the state especially through the mass deworming programme for school children. Mrs. Uduaghan, who was represented by her Special Assistant, Mrs. Chris-

ECOWAS charges on more support for regional Ebola response Taiye Agbaje, Abuja


Mrs Funmi Osineye, Category Development Manager, Beverages, NestlĂŠ Nigeria PLC presents Mrs Salawa Aweda with a cheque of N100, 000 during NestlĂŠ Milo Back to School Promo at Ojuwoye market, recently.

NNPC/Chevron deworms 80,000 children in Delta SYLVESTER IDOWU, Warri

an innovative brand. We always listen to our consumers and exceed their expectations.�

tine Emetulu, noted that the programme was in line with the health programmes of the state government which put priority on child/maternal health, preventive health and public enlightenment on prevalent killer diseases. She also thanked the NNPC/Chevron Joint venture for its commitment to other education and health programmes in the State particular the River Boat clinic, which is adding tremendous values to preventive healthcare in the communities. The General Manager, Policy, Government and Public Affairs, (PGPA) Mr. Deji Haastrup had disclosed that the mass de-worming exercise was part of the health intervention

programmes for our community stakeholders aimed at ridding children between the ages six and 12 years of worms. Represented by Mr. Trust Inimgba, Superintendent, PGPA Warri, he noted that worm infestation is a leading cause of ill-health and mortality in schoolage children mostly in developing societies and that statistics indicates that hookworm is a leading cause of anemia and protein malnutrition, afflicting an estimated 740 million people in the developing nations of the tropics. According to Haastrup, the company’s health intervention programmes in Delta State also include the Roll Back Malaria, donation of essential

drugs to some hospitals, donation of an ambulance to the State government to assist in the fight against Ebola virus and the ongoing development of four cottage hospitals in some communities through Regional Development Committees (RDCs), under the company’s Global Memorandum of Understanding (GMoU) with the relevant communities. He also informed that the River boat clinic initiated by the company in 2001, has helped thousands of patients in Delta communities who receive treatment for various illnesses including children less than five years who were immunized against killer diseases. Other State government representatives

that applauded the NNPC/Chevron Joint Venture at the occasion included Dr. Mike Emeshili, representing the Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Prof. Patrick Muobaghare; and the Chief Medical Director, Warri Central Hospital, Dr. Kinsley Agholor, who represented the State’s Commissioner for Health, Dr. Joseph Otumara. In their vote of thanks, the Head teacher, Cavegina primary school, Mrs. Elizabeth Balogun and the Immunization officer, Warri South Local Government Mrs. Mary Fregene appreciated the gesture by NNPC/ Chevron and its partners in helping to rid children of worms and save their lives.

he President of the ECOWAS Commission, KadrĂŠ Desire OuĂŠdraogo, has called for more international support for the regional Ebola response and a coordinated ~––€‰~„…ƒ †‰ƒ ‰‹˜‰Š‹˜ƒ #‰€†‚ƒ to defeat the scourge in the sub-region. According to statistics, Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has claimed some 5,000 lives from the estimated 10,000 cases reported mainly in West Africa from March 2014. OuĂŠdraogo made the call during the accreditation of nine new ambassadors to ECOWAS in Abuja. “At ECOWAS, with the strong political commitment of our leaders, we are trying our best, and we can achieve greater success with more support from partners,â€? he said. The ECOWAS chief informed the envoys that the West African Health Organisation (WAHO), the ECOWAS specialised health agency, has already deployed ‚†~#ƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ~# „† œƒ„‰™‹†€Š ‚ƒ Â?…Š} ƒ #‰€†‚ƒ Â? € ƒ ž Š‹˜ƒ Š‹† ‹‚Š£ œƒ †‰ƒ Âœ –}‰ŠÂƒ —‰€ ƒ health workers on ground. He pointed out that for the # „†ŠŒ ƒ „‰‰€œŠ‹~†Š‰‹ƒ ~‹œƒ consolidation of the regional Ebola response, ECOWAS partners have been invited to the extra-ordinary summit called by the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government, Ghana’s President John Dramani Mahama, in Accra on November 6, to be preceded by a Ministerial Coordinating Group meeting also in the Ghanaian capital. „ ŠŒŠ‹˜ƒ †… ƒ . €‚ƒ of Credence from the ambassadors, OuĂŠdraogo enjoined them to work for the deepening of cooperation between their countries and the region. Those accredited included the Guinean Ambassador, Gaoussou TourĂŠ; German Ambassador, Michael Zenner; Spanish Ambassador, Alfonso Sebastian de Erice; Turkish Ambassador, Mustafa Pulat. Others are Mr. Sean Hoy of Ireland, Madam Pirjo Soumela-Chowodhury of Finland, Dr. Peingeondjabi Shipoh of Namibia and Mr. Parmena Makuet Mangar Š~´Â•Âƒ ‰™†…ƒ ™œ~‹ Â‚ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ ambassador to be accredited to ECOWAS.

Newswatch Times Thursday, November 6, 2014


Lagos closes 40 illegal drugs stores X+,2Q$ —QU+$


E„Š~}‚ƒ‰ ƒ†… ƒ ~gos State Task Force on Counterfeit, Fake Drugs and Unwholesome Processed Foods has sealed no fewer than 39 illegal drugs stores in Alapere, Magodo; and Ikosi-Isheri environs at Kosofe and IkosiIsheri local government and local council development area of the State. Special Adviser to the Governor on Public Health, Dr Yewande Adeshina who disclosed this weekend, explained that government’s resolve to streamline the activities of operators in the drug sector was borne out

NEPWHAN seals NACA hqtrs

We‘re adding 300 health workers to 2Reiterates commitment to combat menace of illegal drug store operators combat Ebola store at 10 Odun Street, – UNICEF of its zeal to stop the inher- ple still chose to stay on together,�Adeshina noted. ent dangers associated with the peddling of fake, substandard and expired drugs by unauthorized and unregistered drug and pharmaceutical outlets. She said: “In furtherance of the state government’s commitment to ridding the state of the menace of illegal drug store operators in the state, we cannot fold our arms and do nothing in respect of the excesses of these illegal drug store operators. That is why we will not relent in our drive to sanitize the drug distribution system in Lagos, hence the mandate of the task force on counterfeit, fake drugs and unwholesome processed foods.� The Special Adviser wondered why the peo-

the wrong side of the law adding that the provisions of the law as stipulated by the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria Act of 1992 and the Registration of Pharmaceutical Premises Regulation Law of 2005 outlines the requirements for the registration and renewal of pharmaceutical premises, culpability and punish— ‹†ƒ ‰€ƒ‰# ‹œ €‚‡ƒ “The provision of the pharmaceutical laws stipulates that pharmaceutical premises cannot be located in motor parks and environment where commercial activities take place like market places, kiosks, road-side stores and containers and the law also frowns at pharmaceutical stores standing and growing very close

She listed the sealed drug stores as including: Viewland Pharmaceutical Ltd at 5,Palace Street, Ogudu; Goodhealth Supermarket at 13, Agboyi road, Ogudu; E. Emodobi Patent Medicine store at 15, Old Olowora Street, Isheri; Max Supermarket and Medicine store at 23, Agboyi road, Ogudu; Sadus Pharmacy at 51, Olowora road, Ogudu; Festina Pharmacy Ltd at 2, Ogun River road, Isheri; Celens Pharmacy at Isheri Market Plaza and Spacon Healthcare at 19, Ogudu road. Others are Tolex Pharmaceutical Ltd at 44, Ikosi road, Ketu; Amexco Pharmacy at 1, Ikosi road, Ketu; Igba Stores at 11, Oluyombo Street, Ikosi; Mr Kelechi

Ikosi; Ademola Ologunagba at 31,Oluwalogbon Street, Ikosi; Benkeson Pharmaceutical at 16, Anibaba street, Ikosi; Danest stores at 17, Jimoh Balogun street Ikosi; Patent Medicine store at 6, Dairo street,Ikosi and two unnamed stores at 73,Oluyombo and 35, Jimoh Balogun streets. Adeshina noted that the ~# „† œƒ ‚…‰–‚ƒ � € ƒ ‚ ~} œƒ ‰#ƒ  ‰€ƒ ‰# ‹„ ‚ƒ €~‹˜Š‹˜ƒ from sales of drugs without license from the regulatory authority; failure to relocate from a market area and adherence to the mandated distance between a patent medicine shop and market place as stipulated by the law; and sales of counterfeit and fake drugs among others.

*2˜,[ $'U%$˜2 Abuja


he Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, (NEPWHAN) yesterday expressed great apprehension over the miserable conditions of people living with HIV/ AIDS in Nigeria as well as high number of daily deaths from AIDS-related complications due to lack of access to antiretroviral drugs, and the ongoing withdrawal of funding support for HIV/AIDS to Nigeria by external funding partners. As a show of displeasure, the association shut down head office of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) in Abuja over failure of the Federal Government to release money appropriated for their treatment in the 2014 budget. Director-General of NACA, Prof John Idoko and members of his staff were denied entrance into the building. Speaking on behalf of the association, the Public Relations Officer, Samaila Garba, told journalists that no staffs of the agency were allowed into the building since dawn when the protest began. According to the protesters arrived the premises at about 5am with mats, placards, threatening to remain there for 25 days. Though, the protest was peaceful amid a handful of policemen deployed to the premises, Garba said the group was forced to take the action following increasing deaths of its members, nationwide.

L-R: Medical Practitioner, Dr. Wale Ahmed; Special Adviser to Lagos State Governor on Public Health, Dr. (Mrs.) Yewande Adeshina; Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris and Lagos State Commissioner @+7 ,0@+7T>9/+0 ^97>9<8. >05 ^�<?/>= '69/<4 Q7 $5<7<T/ ,A/7+8A> 567/08 > �7<44 A7/<•08 +0 93< –+7=5 +<>=93 278>0/4>9/+0 ?<79/•?>9/+0 +@ [/8<7/> >4 UA+=> @7<< X+6097. /0 ]>8+4 7<?<09=.

$'U–$]U *,–$ Washington, DC he United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) yesterday said it has concluded arrangement to increase the number of Š†‚ƒ ‚†~#ƒ Š‹ƒ ž‰}~ƒ ÂŻÂƒ ~# „† œƒ countries from 300 to 600 with ~ƒ ŒŠ Â?ƒ †‰ƒ # „†ŠŒ }ŠÂƒ †~„´}Š‹˜ƒ the disease. Addressing journalists at the UN headquarters in New York, Dr. Peter Salama, Global Ebola Emergency Coordinator  Â‰Â€Âƒ ƒ ~.€Šž™† œƒ ž‰}~ƒƒ outbreak to the failure of African } ~Âœ €‚ƒ†‰ƒ—~´ ƒ}ŠŒ ‚ƒž . €ƒ~‹œƒ meaningful to the citizens by creating good environments. Salama said that an estimated Ă“ÂƒÂ—ÂŠ}}Š‰‹ƒ„…Š}œ€ ‹ƒÂ? € ƒ~# „† œƒ while 4,000 children had become orphaned from the current epidemic. He said, “UNICEF has been calling on world leaders to put in place good health infrastructures to avoid unnecessary diseases, like the one we are experiencing now. “Many children can no longer ˜‰ƒ†‰ƒ‚„…‰‰}‚ƒ~‹œƒ~€ ÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂ‹ œƒ†‰ƒ quarantine centers not knowing whether their parents are alive or dead. This is unfortunate in incident.â€? The UNICEF doctor said the agency is reaching out to Ebola survivors who are often willing to work on the frontlines of the disease response at the community level in local care centers with community health workers. Meanwhile, as part of a massive public awareness #‰€†•ƒ ‹ ˜~} Â‚ƒ Š‹Š‚†€ŠÂƒ of Health has sent 4 million text messages to the general public warning of the dangers of Ebola and how to prevent it such asâ€? wash your hands with soap and water regularly; avoid all contact with people who are sick with or have died from Ebola; and do not touch or eat the meat of dead or sick animals like monkey, rat, warthog, porcupine, pork.â€?


Egba Anglican diocese delivers free medical to Ikereku community


o fewer than Five hundred persons living in OtereIkereku, Olodo Community via Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State were recently treated to free medical services by the Egba Anglican Diocese, through her Medical Advisory Board (EDMAB). The free medical services which were part of the church’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the rural poor of the Otere-Ikereku, Olodo Community included tests on Hepatitis, Malaria, Blood pressure, Screening for Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, and Cancer after which those who tested positive were ‰# € œƒ  € ƒ œ€™˜‚ƒ †‰ƒ †€ ~†ƒ

the ailment. The evangelical cum medical outreach was targeted at children, persons of 40 years and above but accommodated married couples of œŠ# € ‹†ƒ~˜ ‚ƒ†‰ƒ ‹~ž} ƒ†… ƒ church make a meaningful impact on the community at large. According to the Ven. J.A.O. Olusakin who said that the church needs to carry out the medical outreach to the rural dwellers and other inhabitant’s communities because of the lack environmental hygiene, portable water and many more, who knows the deadly effect of these diseases that, might cause untimely death to the people of these Communities. Speaking with Dr Oluwagbemileke Oguntoyinbo

said the 3-Day medical mission/outreach programme is targeted at men and women including children who are in the immediate community and is carried out at Otere-Ikereku, Olodo Community to be able to reach people of the Communities around Odeda local government. In the same vein, Dr. Oladapo Awodein pointed out that the church had focused on the ailments because they are killer diseases which if well managed could save the Individual, Community, Odeda local government and the Nation unnecessary loss of lives owing to delay response to the disease where a person is infected. Awodein said the programme is a 3-Day between

the hours of 9am and 5pm, calling on the poor residents of the community to take advantage of the free medical testing and treatment of the ailments, adding that “good health is in our hand, we should avoid self medicationâ€? and report unusual ailment and any discolouration in our environment to the nearest hospital or primary health care centre. ƒž ‹ £„Š~€ŠÂƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ –€‰gramme, 50 years old Segun Oladeji said “this is love of God in actionâ€?, pointing out that “when churches wake up to these kind of community development programme they will make more meaningful impact rather than collecting money from people in various guisesâ€?. He said ordinarily, he

would not go to the hospital to do this kind of medical screening and check up but †… ƒ € ƒ‰# €ƒ…~‚ƒ˜ŠŒ ‹ƒ…Š—ƒ opportunity and information about his health and what to do, what not to do and how to manage it. “I am very impressed with the Egba Anglican Diocese Medical Advisory Board (EDMAB) for this mission work. I have been tested and counseled freeof-charge by the team. I am lucky I did not test positive for HIV/AIDS or Hepatitisâ€?. The doctors have told me what to do to avoid contracting these diseases like the issue of going for vaccination all free-ofcharge, tell me how else should a church prove her Â‹Â‰Â‹ÂŻÂ–Â€Â‰ÂŁÂ†Âƒ ‚†~Â†Â™Â‚ĂƒÂƒ }~Âœ Â?Šƒ asked.


Newswatch Times


Thursday, November 6, 2014

‘Compliance to Pharmacists Council of Nigeria’s models of PPP, compulsory’ Continued from page 43

PPP in their domains in public interest. Status of Nigeria health workers welfare Eight months after we commenced a robust attempt to redress the unfortunate status quo in healthcare in Nigeria, we are still left in the cold. Government as a matter of fact has traded off salient MOUs it signed with us in a bid to placate doctors when they embarked on their unlawful and illegal strike for seven weeks between July and August. We note with serious concern that Government in continuation of its delay tactics has yet again come up with excuses including a need to allow the fresh supervising Minister of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity to get familiarize with the various welfare issues being canvassed by PSN/JOHESU for over eight months now. Our presumption remains that government is a continuum and in the light of such, the relevant bureaucrats in the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity ordinarily do not need a whooping three and half weeks to adequately brief the newly appointed supervising Minister. It is imperative to draw †… ƒ ~. ‹†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ ˜‰Œ €‹— ‹†ƒ again to the increasing entropy which the levity that it has treated the welfare of over 95 per cent of the health workforce has continued to generate. While we continue to solicit the patience of our members who have become extremely restive as demonstrated when one of the unions in the health sector made ~. —–†‚ƒ†‰ƒ —ž~€´ÂƒÂ‰Â‹Âƒ~ƒ‚†€Š´ ƒ recently, the JOHESU will not continue to wait eternally and allow government to trample on the rights as well as privileges of its members. Perhaps we should put on record, that the seemingly government ineptitude to make any meaningful progress on our demands for about one year has now exposed us to ridicule and insult from the rank and ÂŁ} ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂ— —ž €‚‡ In some extreme situation outright blackmail is employed as a tool as in some strange instances the leadership is accused of compromise with the federal government. PSN have chosen to remain both reasonable and responsible in our dialogue with government. In the light of the prevailing circumstance, we strongly proposed holding meeting with the federal


government today. At this meeting we will demand that government come up with circulars in tandem with memorandum of understandings already signed with JOHESU in the following areas: Non promotion of our members from salary CONHESS 14-15 as directors having stayed between four and 15 years on the same salary level without promotion in most Federal Tertiary Hospitals. The next is immediate release of circular on adjustment of salary since January 2014 and immediate payment of at least two months arrears while the remaining is paid after being accomodated in the 2015 budget. Others are: Immediate release of the circular on extension of retirement age to be back dated to February 2014 when the issue was presented

to National Council on establishment; Immediate and full payment of arrears of salaries of CONHESS 10 skipping outstanding since the year 2010 and Immediate amendment of the circular on consultancy status as pronounced by National Industrial Court on July 22, 2013, and agreed to at a meeting of August 12, one month ago, with the Federal Government. The rest are: Payment of arrears of specialist allowance to qualified hospital based professionals with effect from January 1, 2010 in line with National Industrial Court of Nigeria (NICN) ruling; Minimizing the lopsidedness in the membership of Boards of Management of Tertiary Hospitals; Need to define the functions and power of honourary consultants in Teaching Hospitals and the need to

appoint more hospital based consultants instead of Honourary Consultants. Other issues we will demand from the government are: Need for residency programme for all health professionals; Issuance of guidelines on appointment of Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee and the committee’s composition; Need for complete autonomy for the Teaching Hospitals by removing University lecturers as heads in some of the clinical departments and Restoration of working days as annual leave. The PSN will align totally with the decisions of JOHESU to chart a way forward after this current dialogue. PCN and NAFDAC made important reforms for practitioners recently. What is your position? I seize this opportunity to express the gratitude of every member of PSN to the hierarchy at PCN and specifically to the DG NAFDAC, Dr. Paul Orhii, as well as the management of NAFDAC for landmark reforms approved for practitioners in our sector in the last few weeks. The DG NAFDAC has approved of measures to curb incessant clashes between pharmacy practitioners in the private sector and NAFDAC ‹ Â‰Â€Â„ — ‹†ƒ ‰E„ €‚ƒ žŠÂƒ € viewing the implementation mode of the supply chain in the scheme of service/orphan drugs in Nigeria. NAFDAC has also facilitated the re-introduction of Community Pharmacy Action Centre which would improve the tenets of documentation and the overall philosophy of pharmacovigilance. We are happy to state that the PCN has also complemented this gesture by approving permits to players who need to make essential life saving drugs which are not needed in commercial quantities to their

Violations of existing provisions of the PPA Cap 535 LFN 1990, Cap P. 17 LFN 2004, gazettes 79 and 81 of August 2005 and the code of ethics for Pharmacists in Nigeria will attract sanctions from the PSN as erring Pharmacists will be placed on the roll of dishonour of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria

clients. The sales of such products will be restricted to only the premises of prospective applicants through the enabling permits. This move opens the frontiers of service delivery in pharmacy practice and members of the PSN congratulate both the PCN and NAFDAC for this bold initiative. !"#$ !%&$'"*#"!+$" annual national conference of the PSN – ‘Ibom 2014’ This conference came with new packages including the maiden Deans Forum, Directors of Pharmaceutical Services Forum, and Head of Pharma, Federal Health Institutions Forum as part of our agendum to boost human relationship management. As part of arrangements with Pharmacists Council of Nigeria to revolutionalise Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (MCPD) credit point earnings, the continuing education segment of the conference took place at the ultra-modern e-library facility of the Akwa Ibom State Government in Uyo. There were Technical/ Interest Group and other sectorial consultations. The Board of Fellow and Young Pharmacists Group were energized through new processes to optimize their –‰† ‹†Š~}‚‡ƒ ‹ƒ ‰E„Š~}ƒ ‚‰„Š~}ƒ nite will be hosted on today while the VIP forum which debuted in Ilorin last year will be consolidated later tonight. PSN gave special recognition to some eminent Nigerians during the Tuesday event. Who were they? The major highlight of the opening ceremony was the awards of Ambassadors of the Health Sector to four distinguished Nigerians. Those who received awards are: Chief Martin Elechi, Governor of Ebonyi State; Comrade (Dr ) Ayuba Wabba, Chairman of Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU), Dr. Godswill C Okara, Chairman, Assembly of Healthcare Professionals of Nigeria (AHPN) and Prof. Temitope Alonge Chief Medical Director University College hospital (UCH) Ibadan. These distinguished Nigerians were recognized for the ideals of collaborative health practice in Nigeria.

Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha

Newswatch Times Thursday, November 6, 2014


Iron deficiency, major cause of anaemia


xperts have decried global widespread ‰ Âƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ a consequence of micronutrient Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ „…Š}œ€ ‹ƒ ~‹œƒ ~‹~ —Š~•ƒ ÂŒ ‹ƒ ~‚ƒ †… ŠÂƒ established a strong link between appropriate nutrition and the child. Describing the trend as a public health issue, professionals who gather during the Nestle Nutrition —Š‹~€ƒ Š‹ƒ ~˜‰‚•ƒ € „ ܠ}ŠÂ•Âƒ with theme, ‘Preventing Iron £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ Š˜ €Š~• Âƒ ™‹œ €ƒ the auspices of Nestle Nigeria Plc, added that preschool children are at highest risk, with the Nigerian child bearing greatest global burden. Â… ŠÂƒ ‚~ÂŠÂœĂ™Âƒ Ă Â€Â‰Â‹Âƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ is the most common form ‰ Âƒ —Š„€‰‹™†€Š ‹†ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ in children worldwide and ™}†Š—~† }ŠÂƒ ~ƒ Â‚ÂŠÂ˜Â‹ÂŠÂŁÂ„~‹†ƒ „~™‚ ƒ of anaemia. Micronutrient Âœ £„Š ‹„Š ‚ƒ~€ ƒ~ƒ–™ž}Š„ƒ… ~}†…ƒ problem. Preschool children are at highest risk. 76.1 per cent of children in Nigeria aged  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ ‚Š°Âƒ —‰‹†…‚ƒ †‰ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ ‚™# €ƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒŠ€‰‹ƒœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂ‡ÂźÂƒ Bemoaning the situation in Nigeria, Managing Director, Nestle Nigeria, Mr Dharnesh Gordhon, has said 76 per cent Nigerian children aged ž †Â? ‹ƒ ‚Š°Âƒ —‰‹†…‚ƒ ~‹œƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ Š ~€‚ƒ ~€ ƒ ‚™# €Š‹˜ƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂ‡ Gordhon, who was € –€ ‚ ܠ œƒžŠÂƒ €‚‡ƒ ÂťÂ™Â‰Âƒ ´Â‰Â…•ƒ Marketing Services Director ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ „‰—–~‹ŠÂ•Âƒ € ‚†~† œƒ †…~†ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‚ƒ †… ƒ —‰‚†ƒ common form of micronutrient Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ „…Š}œ€ ‹ƒ ~‹œƒ ~ƒ Â‚ÂŠÂ˜Â‹ÂŠÂŁÂ„~‹†ƒ„~™‚ ƒ‰ Âƒ~‹~ —Š~‡ The Managing Director further said micronutrients, such as iron, vitamin A, iodine and zinc are essential for growth and development.

ƒ ‚~Šœ•ƒ Ă Â€Â‰Â‹Âƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ has series of functional consequences such as reduced cognitive development as — ~‚™€ œƒ žŠÂƒ Š‹† }}Š˜ ‹„ ƒ ™‰†Š ‹†•ƒ € œ™„ œƒ ~. ‹†Š‰‹ƒ span and poor learning and impaired scholastic performance. à „€ ~‚ œƒ ° €„Š‚ ƒ ‚†~—Š‹~•ƒ reduced muscular force and strength, as well as impaired ž‰œŠÂƒ † —– €~†™€ ƒ ~€ ƒ ~}‚‰ƒ common to the condition, whether or not it is associated with anaemia. à ‹„ •ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ disorders can take a Âœ ÂŒ~‚†~†Š‹˜ƒ †‰}}ƒ ‰‹ƒ £†‹ ‚‚ƒ of both individuals and the „‰——™‹Š†Š ‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ?…Š„…ƒ†… ŠÂƒ~€ ƒ –~€†ƒ‰ Â‡Âź The Managing Director ~œœ ÂœĂ™Âƒ Ă Â€Â‰Â‹Âƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‚ƒ common to infants in the ‚ „‰‹œƒ‚ — ‚† €ƒ‰ ÂƒÂŠÂ‹ ~‹„ŠÂ‡ Ă Â™Â€ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ ~œ‰} ‚„ ‹„ •ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ requirements are increased. ‹ƒ ž‰ŠÂ‚•ƒ †…Š‚ƒ Š‹„€ ~‚ ƒ € Âľ „†‚ƒ ‹‰†ƒ ‰‹}ŠÂƒ †… ƒ °Â–~‹œŠ‹˜ƒ ž}‰‰œƒ volume, but also a rise in haemoglobin concentration that occurs with sexual

276% of Nigerian children at risk – Experts


maturation. Ă Â‹ÂƒÂ˜ÂŠÂ€}‚ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ—~€˜Š‹~}ƒœŠ †~€ŠÂƒ iron intakes and increased menstrual blood losses, ironÂœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ ~‹~ —Š~ƒ —~ŠÂƒ ž ƒ ~ƒ limiting factor for growth in ~œ‰} ‚„ ‹„ ‡Ÿ Gordhon urged governments, healthcare professionals, parents and other stakeholders to understand the issue of Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ Š˜ €Š~ƒ ~‹œƒ collaborate to solve some public health challenges associated

with it. A professor of Paediatrics, ~„™}†ŠÂƒ ‰ Âƒ }Š‹Š„~}ƒ €ŒŠ„ ‚•ƒ College of Medicine of the ‹ŠŒ €‚Š†ŠÂƒ ‰ Âƒ ~˜‰‚•ƒ €‰ Âƒ Âœ~—Š‚~‹ƒ —ŠŠ •ƒ ‚~Šœƒ exclusive breast-feeding should be encouraged and maintained †‰ƒ –€ ÂŒ ‹†ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ infants. According to him, through breast-feeding, about 50 per cent of iron in breast milk is absorbed.

He said infants and toddlers should get most of their iron € ™Š€ — ‹†‚ƒ†…€‰™˜…ƒ‹~†™€~}}ŠÂƒ iron-rich foods rather than through iron supplementation. —ŠŠ ƒ ‹~— œƒ ‚‰— ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ foods as red meat, egg, sea food, –‰™}†€ŠÂ•Âƒ } ˜™— •ƒ ˜€ ‹ƒ } ~ ŠÂƒ ÂŒ ˜ †~ž} ‚•ƒ Â‰Â€Â†ÂŠÂŁ œƒ„ € ~}‚ƒ~‹œƒ fruits. Also, Dr Yeside Shogbamimu of the Department of ‰——™‹Š†ŠÂƒ

~}†…ƒ ~‹œƒ €Š—~€ŠÂƒ ~}†…•ƒ ~˜‰‚ƒ †~† ƒ

‹ŠŒ €‚Š†ŠÂƒ † ~„…Š‹˜ƒ ‰‚–Š†~}ƒ ĂŠ Ă‹Âƒ ‚~Šœƒ Š˜ €Š~ƒ Â?~‚ƒ among the 20 nations that contributed to over 80 per cent ‰ ÂƒÂ„…Š}œƒ—‰€†~}Š†ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒÂ?‰€}œ‡ According to her, about 53 per cent of the causes of —‰€†~}Š†ŠÂƒ ~€ ƒ ~‚ƒ ~ƒ € ‚™}†ƒ ‰ Âƒ under-nutrition. Shogbamimu said some strategies could be put in place †‰ƒ Š—–€‰Œ ƒ Š€‰‹ƒ Âœ £„Š ‹„ŠÂƒ Š‹ƒ the Nigerian child.

Probiotics from yogurt fights germs – Experts


hen the weather is cold, there is ™‚™~}}ŠÂƒÂžÂŠÂ˜ÂƒÂ„‰‹„ €‹ƒ over how to bolster ŠÂ‰Â™Â€Âƒ Âœ  Â‹Â‚ ‚ƒ †‰ƒ ‹‚™€ ƒ†…~†ƒŠÂ‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂžÂ‰ÂœŠÂƒ~‹œƒŠ——™‹Š†ŠÂƒ €™‹ƒ‚—‰‰†…}ŠÂƒ~‹œƒ´ –ƒ‰‹ƒ†‰–ƒ Â‰Â€Â—ƒ throughout the the season. But there are guidelines to achieve strong Š——™‹ ƒ ‚ŠÂ‚† —‡ƒ }}ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ ‹ œƒ ~€ ƒ ‚‚ ‹†Š~}ƒ Š‹˜€ œŠ ‹†‚ƒ †‰ƒ ‚ €Š‰™‚}ŠÂƒ ž‰‰‚†ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Â€Âƒ Âœ  Â‹Â„ ‚ƒ ~‹œƒ ~œœƒ °Â†Â€~ƒ ÂľÂ™ÂŻÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ–Â™Â‹Â„Â…ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒŠÂ‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂ— ~}ƒ–}~‹ƒ †‰ƒ´ –ƒ„‰}œƒ~†ƒž~ŠĂ™Âƒ Tea „‰‹†~Š‹‚ƒ†… ƒ~—Š‹‰ƒ~„Šœƒ†…~† Â‚ƒ responsible for an immune boost. L-theanine is abundant in both black and green tea. Yogurt contains probiotics, or the Ă }ŠŒ ƒ ~„†ŠŒ ƒ „™}†™€ Â‚ÂźÂ•Âƒ Â?…Š„…ƒ ~€ ƒ Â… ~}†…ŠÂƒ ž~„† €Š~ƒ †…~†ƒ ´ –ƒ †… ƒ ˜™†ƒ and intestinal tract free of diseasecausing germs. Peppersƒ ʀ œ•ƒ Š }}‰Â?•ƒ ‰€~‹˜ •ƒ green) are super-rich in vitamin C, Â?…Š„…ƒ Š‚ƒ ~‹ƒ °Â†Â€ — }ŠÂƒ –‰Â? € Â™}ƒ ~‹†Š‰°ÂŠÂœ~‹†ƒ †…~†ƒ ‹‰†ƒ ‰‹}ŠÂƒ –€‰† „†‚ƒ ™‚ƒ ~˜~Š‹‚†ƒ Â… ~€†ƒ œŠ‚ ~‚ •ƒ „Š€„™}~†‰€ŠÂƒ problems and some cancers but has also been shown to stimulate the production and function of white ž}‰‰œƒ „ }}‚ƒ †…~†ƒ ~.~„´Âƒ ŒŠ€™‚ ‚‡ƒ ~†ƒ them raw in salads or roast them with other vegetables. Wheatgerm is a great source of vitamin E. Studies show that good

2 >?@BBDI? J@K QUWJKXWI ?KI Z[UZ@[JX@I U\ X]]^W@ _UUIJ` levels of vitamin E lower the risk of Š—–~Š€Š‹˜ƒ†‰°ÂŠÂ‹Â‚‡ƒ ~†ƒŠ†ƒ€~Â?ÂƒÂ‰Â€ÂƒÂŁ}}ƒ~ƒ €Š„…ƒŠ‹ƒ‰— ˜~ÂƒĂ‘Âƒ ~.ŠÂƒ~„Šœ‚ƒ„~‹ƒ… }–ƒ†‰ƒ „‰‹†€~„†Š‹˜ƒ ™–– €ƒ € ‚–Š€~†‰€ŠÂƒ †€~„†ƒ  Â?ƒ‚†Š„´Â‚ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ‹™†ƒž™. €ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ~ÂƒÂŁ}}Š‹˜ƒ protect our DNA from damage. Š‹ Â„†Š‰‹‚•ƒ ‚– „Š~}}ŠÂƒ †… ƒ „‰——‰‹ƒ ‚‹~„´Âƒ~‹œƒž ‹ ÂŁÂ†Âƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†… ƒ~œœŠ†Š‰‹ƒ „‰}œ‡ƒ –€Š‹´} ƒÂ?Â… ~†˜ Â€Â—ÂƒÂľ~´ ‚ƒ‰‹†‰ƒ of the protective fats and protein ‚~}~œ‚ƒ ‰€ƒ ž€ ~´ ~‚†•ƒ ~œœƒ †‰ƒ ‚~Œ‰™€ŠÂƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†… ƒž™. €‡ dishes or blend with fruit and Â… }}ÂŁÂ‚Â…Â•ÂƒÂ‚Â™Â„Â…Âƒ~‚ƒ‰ŠÂ‚† €‚•ƒ}‰ž‚† €‚•ƒ ÂŒ ˜ †~ž} ƒÂ?™Š„ ‚ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ~Ġ~‚†ŠÂƒÂ‚—‰‰†…Š ‡ crabs, and clams, are a rich source of Watercress provides high levels iron (good levels of which can help of plant chemicals known as to limit or prevent infections) and glucosinolates which give it its ‰— ˜~ÂƒĂ‘ Â‚ÂƒÂŻÂƒÂžÂ‰ÂœŠÂƒÂ„ }}‚ƒ ™‹Š™ ƒ – –– €ŠÂƒ Âľ~Œ‰™€ƒ ~‹œƒ Š‹ƒ ‚„Š Â‹Â†ÂŠÂŁÂ„ÂƒÂ‚Â†Â™ÂœÂŠ ‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒž ‹ƒ‚…‰Â?‹ƒ†‰ƒ Š‹„€ ~‚ ƒ†… ƒž‰œŠ Â‚ƒ–‰† ‹†Š~}ƒ†‰ƒ€ ‚Š‚†ƒ Red chillies ~.~„´Âƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ œŠ‚ ~‚ ¯„~™‚Š‹˜ƒ ~˜ ‹†‚‡ƒ Include it in soups, smoothies and salads. Red chillies are rich in the compound, capsaicin which ˜ŠŒ ‚ƒ †… —ƒ †… Š€ƒ ĂŒÂ… ~† Âƒ ~‹œƒ Â…~‚ƒ ž ‹ƒ ‚…‰Â?‹ƒ †‰ƒ Â‚ÂŠÂ˜Â‹ÂŠÂŁÂ„~ܠ}ŠÂƒ enhance immune status. Great in curries, Thai dishes, stews and stir fries either fresh, dried or as Tabasco sauce. Celery is not ‰‹}ŠÂƒ °Â†Â€ — }ŠÂƒ Â…ŠÂœÂ€~†Š‹˜ƒ ž™†ƒ Š‚ƒ Yogurt also a great source ‰ ÂƒÂŁÂžÂ€ ƒÂ?…Š„…ƒ… }–‚ƒ †… ƒ E„Š ‹†ƒ ~‹œƒ Â… ~}†…ŠÂƒ œŠ˜ ‚†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ Tea essential nutrients and elimination of immune-


Newswatch Times


Sam Popoola


Fintiri’s removal: Judiciary on defensive over judgment

Umaru Fintiri

Justice Ibrahim Auta FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


he Nigerian judiciary, in a bid to defend itself, on Thursday October 16, 2014 threw out the insinuations proffered by the legal team to former acting Governor of Adamawa State, Umaru Fintiri, that the judgment delivered on Wednesday October 8, 2014 by Justice Adeniyi Ademola was not given to them. Specifically, the Federal High Court ((FHC) in Abuja in a statement maintained that Justice Ademola was entitled to seven days within which to get the judgment ready. In backing up its position, the FHC’s authority made reference to Section 294(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended and 2:7 of the Code of Conduct for Judicial officers, with an addition that there was no basis for Fintiri’s legal team to allege that they were not given copies of the judgment. The statement also pointed out that a lawyer from the chambers of Bayo Ojo (SAN); Theophilus Okwute collected a copy of the judgment, even as the court exhibited the acknowledgment copy where Okwute signed after he collected the judgment. It was the contention of the FHC that Justice Ademola should be commended for determining the suit within two months and should not be persecuted. The court equally declared that judgement was delivered in the matter on October 8 and that on the same date, Fintiri’s legal team wrote to Justice Ademola requesting the certified true copy of the judgment. Prior to this time, the sacked acting Adamawa State governor sent a petition to the National Judicial

Council (NJC), apparently accusing the FHC of plots aimed at frustrating his appeal. The removed acting governor particularly accused Justice Ademola of alleged misconduct. Fintiri in a petition dated October 10, 2014 and a follow-up dated October 14, 2014 signed by Duro Adeyele (SAN) said, “To begin with, though Tuesday October 7 was a public holiday, I got a phone call at about 6:19 pm from someone, who claimed to be the secretary to the presiding judge of Federal High Court No 6, Abuja, intimating me that judgment in the above quoted suit would be delivered the next day, October 8. “I was not in Abuja, so I instructed one of my junior colleagues to go for the judgment. I also emphasised that he should obtain a certified true copy of the judgment as my expectation was that His Lordship would make a copy available to parties knowing the constitutional and political nature of the case. However, no copy of the judgment was available. “On getting back to Abuja on Oc-

tober 8, I instructed a colleague to apply for a certified true copy of the judgment to concretise the notice of appeal, which I had my client’s instruction to file. “Till close of business that day, the judgment was not available. Nevertheless, I went ahead to file a notice of appeal based on what my colleague heard in court. “My Lord, to my surprise, throughout Thursday and Friday, Justice Ademola refused to release the judgment and there is no indication from the court when it will be ready and made available to me. “One would expect that in a matter such as this, his Lordship should have gotten the judgment ready before delivering same. “What has compounded the situation is that even though I was not given a copy of the judgment, an enrolled order of the judgment was served on the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) headquarters at 11:28 am on October 8 and by 2pm of the same day, a copy of the said enrolled order was taken

Prior to this time, the sacked acting Adamawa State governor sent a petition to the National Judicial Council (NJC), apparently accusing the FHC of plots aimed at frustrating his appeal. The removed acting governor particularly accused Justice Ademola of alleged misconduct

to my client’s Chief of Staff at the Government House, Yola, Adamawa State. “On October 13, I sent a colleague to the said court to obtain a certified true copy of the judgment. To my chagrin and consternation, the Court Registrar again informed him that the judgment was not ready for certification as it was still being typed. “That after typing, it would be proof-read by the legal assistant to the trial judge before it would be presented to his lordship to proofread and errors will be corrected by the secretary before his lordship would sign. “He finally informed our colleague that the judgment would not be ready for collection until next week. My lord, this makes it evident that the judgment is being deliberately withheld from our client to frustrate the prosecution of his appeal and render his appeal nugatory”. Justice Ademola had directed the sacked acting governor to vacate office and that the deputy governor of the ousted former governor, Murtala Nyako, be sworn in immediately to complete the tenure of Nyako. The judge held that the deputy, Bala Ngilari, who was said to have resigned, is the rightful governor of the troubled Adamawa State. Justice Ademola also ordered the INEC to stop the governorship bye election that was to take place the Saturday before Fintiri was removed. This decision of the court was consequent upon a suit filed by Ngilari which had prayed the judge to declare him governor on the grounds that his resignation letter which he forwarded to the Speaker of the State House of Assembly on the eve of the impeachment of Governor Nyako, was null and void. Ngilari’s request was based on the constitutional requirement that a Continued on page 46

Law 49

Newswatch Times thursday, november 6, 2014

Judiciary on defensive over judgment

Bala Ngillari

Muritala Nyako

Continued from page 45

deputy governor can only resign by submitting his letter of resignation to the governor. However, shortly after the removal of the acting governor by Justice Ademola, Ngilari was sworn in by the President, Customary Court of Appeal, Justice Audu Lawan Lagre as the substantive governor of Adamawa State. Ngilari who took oath of office in an executive chamber of the Government House said that he would be fair and transparent in all his dealings with the people of the state. He appealed to the people of the state to support his government to enable him to bring democracy dividends to the state. Justice Ademola had also declared that the purported resignation of Ngilari on July 14, 2014 was invalid, null and void as it breached the provisions of sections 306(1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution as amended because the letter was addressed to the Speaker and acted upon by the House of Assembly even when Nyako was still in office and governor and had not been impeached. The judge then ordered Fintiri to vacate the governorship seat immediately, citing Section 306 (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the Constitution in support of the judgment. The same court had earlier thrown out an application by Ngilari to restrain INEC from conducting a byelection to fill the Adamawa governorship seat. Ngilari, whose office was declared vacant on July 15 by the state’s lawmakers after he purportedly resigned, challenged the legality of his resignation. He has as defendants to the suit; Fintiri, the Speaker, state House of Assembly, the acting governor, Nyako and INEC. Ngilari, who denied resigning his position within the contemplation of the provision of Section 306(1), (2) & (5) of the Constitution, argued that the purported resignation letter he sent to the speaker was not meant to be acted on by the House of Assembly. In a supporting affidavit, Ngilari maintained that, “I did not submit any letter of resignation to the 5th defendant (governor ) or any other person other than the 1st defendant (the speaker ). “I only submitted a purported letter of resignation (exhibit A), to the 1st defendant but I never intended to comply with the strict provisions of Sections 306 (1), (2) & (5) of the 1999 Constitution by submitting it

to the 5th defendant (the governor ). “I never intended exhibit A (the letter ) to be any subject of debate or resolution by the 2nd defendant (House of Assembly), but a private correspondence between myself and the 1st defendant, hence it was marked ‘secret.’ “That exhibit ‘A’ was only submitted to the 1st defendant with the intention of discussing the contents with him privately at a more convenient time to alert him of a possible action I may take at a later date because of certain political developments in Adamawa State, hence I did not submit it to the 5th defendant (as governor of Adamawa State) as strictly stipulated by Section 306(1), (2) & (5) of the 1999 Constitution. “That I was therefore shocked to see that my letter was read and acted upon by the entire members of the 2nd defendant when it was never addressed to them.” In fact, Ngilari raised seven issues for determination and then prayed the court to restrain INEC and its agents from conducting a by-election to fill the office of the governor, following the impeachment of the governor and the purported resignation of his deputy. He prayed the court for, “An order removing the 3rd defendant (Umaru) as the Acting Governor of Adamawa State forthwith. “An order directing the Chief Judge of Adamawa State (or Acting Chief Judge, as the case may be) or the President of the Customary Court of Appeal to swear” him (the plaintiff ) in as the state’s substantive governor.” Other prayers granted by the court includes: “A declaration that by the combined provisions of Section 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nige-

ria (as amended) the plaintiff (Bala James Ngilari), as Deputy Governor of Adamawa State, did not resign his office by addressing a letter of resignation dated 15th July, 2014 to the 1st defendant (Speaker, Adamawa State House of Assembly). “A declaration that by the combined provisions of Section 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) the purported resignation of the plaintiff as deputy governor of Adamawa State did not take effect when the purported letter of resignation was received by the 1st defendant (Speaker, Adamawa State House of Assembly) on the 15th of July, 2014. “A declaration that by the combined provisions of Section 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) the declaration of the office of the deputy governor of Adamawa State (then occupied by the plaintiff ) vacant on the July 15th, 2014 vide the votes and proceedings of the 2nd defendant of same day is unconstitutional, illegal, null and void. “A declaration that by the sequence of the legislative business of the 2nd defendant as contained in the transcript of the votes and proceedings of the Adamawa State House of Assembly (2nd defendant) of Tuesday, July 15th, 2014, the 5th defendant (Murtala Nyako) was still the governor of Adamawa State at the time the 1st and 2nd defendants received, accepted and acted upon the purported letter of resignation of the plaintiff (Bala James Ngilari) to declare his seat vacant. “A declaration that by the combined provisions of Section 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution

There is no requirement under Section 306 of the Constitution for Nyako to inform the Speaker in the letter of nomination of a deputy governor that he had received the resignation letter of the plaintiff

of Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) the plaintiff (Bala James Ngilari) did not resign from office as deputy governor of Adamawa State as strictly stipulated by the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended). “A declaration that by virtue of Section 191(1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended), after the impeachment of Murtala Nyako (5th Defendant) as governor of Adamawa State, the plaintiff ought to be sworn in as governor of Adamawa State. “A declaration that by the combined provisions of Section 191(1) and 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended), the swearingin of the 3rd defendant (Rt. Hon. Ahmadu Umaru) as acting governor of Adamawa State on 15th of July, 2014 is illegal and unconstitutional. “A declaration that by the provision of Section 191(1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended), the 6th defendant cannot conduct any election to fill the office of the governor of Adamawa State after the impeachment of Murtala Nyako, as the deputy governor (Bala James Ngilari) did not resign from that office as strictly stipulated by Section 306 (1), (2) and (5) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended).” But Fintiri challenged the judgment of Justice Ademola which removed him from office. The former acting governor in his Notice of Appeal raised eight issues for determination wherein he prayed the Appellate Court to rely on and set aside the judgment of Justice Ademola. The removed former acting governor also want the Appeal Court to take the case back to the Federal High Court Abuja for trial by way of writ of summons and that the case be assigned to another judge. Fintiri also canvassed in his appeal that Justice Ademola was wrong when he refused to convert the suit from originating summons to writ of summons because the conflict was not such that could be resolved by examining documents. According to the appeal, “There was a conflict between the parties as to whether the 5th defendant (Murtala Nyako) wrote Exhibit AU2; the letter of the then governor of Adamawa State to the Speaker nominating Adamu Kamalle as the deputy governor, the plaintiff having resigned his position.” Fintiri also condemned the decision of the judge that the case could only be heard and determined on the basis of the votes of proceedings of the Adamawa State House of Assembly. The sacked former acting governor insisted that Fintiri wrote a letter to the Speaker of the House wherein he informed the Speaker that Ngilari had resigned his appointment. According to the appeal, “There is no requirement under Section 306 of the Constitution for Nyako to inform the Speaker in the letter of nomination of a deputy governor that he had received the resignation letter of the plaintiff.”


Newswatch Times


thursday, november 6, 2014

Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula


ntil the end of the 19th century, it was generally accepted that the general meeting was the company whereas the directors were merely agents of the company subject to the company’s control at general meeting. In 1906, the English Court of Appeal had made it clear in the decision of Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Co v Cunningham [1906] 2 Ch 34 that the division of powers between the board and the shareholders in general meeting depended upon the construction of the articles of association and that, where the powers of management were vested in the board, the general meeting could not interfere with their lawful exercise. The articles were held to constitute a contract by which the members had agreed that “the directors and the directors alone shall manage.â€? The new approach did not secure immediate approval, but it was endorsed by the House of Lords in Quin & Axtens v Salmon [1909] AC 442 and has since received general acceptance. Unless the directors are acting contrary to the law or the provisions of the Articles, the powers of conducting the management and affairs of the company are vested in them. …Š‚ƒ—‰œ €‹ƒœ‰„†€Š‹ ƒÂ?~‚ƒ€ ~E€— œƒŠ‹ƒ Shaw & Sons (Salford) Ltd v Shaw [1935] 2 KB 113. Thus, it becomes clear that the power relationship between the company’s general meeting and the board is one of construction of the articles in that where powers has been vested in the board the general meeting could not interfere with their exercise since the articles is a contract by which the members has agreed that the directors alone shall manage the powers vested in the board. Some of the company’s powers may, according to its articles, be exercised by the directors, while certain other powers may be reserved for the shareholders in general meeting. If powers of management are vested in the directors as in section 244(1) of CAMA, they and they alone can exercise these posers except in the —~. €‚ƒ ‚– „Š£„~}}ŠÂƒ ~}}‰. œƒ †‰ƒ †… ƒ „‰—pany in general meeting. The only way in which the general meeting can control the exercise of the powers vested by the articles in the directors is by altering the articles or if opportunity arises by refusing to re-elect the non-compliant directors. Thus is seems now that both the general meeting and the board may be the company; the former when acting under an express or general delegation. That is to say organs rather than agents of the company. But if for some reasons the Board cannot or will not exercise the powers vested in it, the exercise by the general meeting of these power has been Â… }œƒ # „†ŠŒ ƒ~‚ƒÂ?Â… € Ă?ƒ (1) There was deadlock in the Board, (2) There were no directors, ĂŠĂ‘Ă‹ÂƒÂƒ ‹ƒ # „†ŠŒ ƒ ÂťÂ™Â‰Â€Â™Â—Âƒ „‰™}œƒ ‹‰†ƒ the obtained; ĂŠÂżĂ‹ÂƒÂƒ Â… ƒ œŠ€ „†‰€‚ƒ Â? € ƒ ÂœÂŠÂ‚ÂťÂ™~}Š£ œƒ from voting or more obviously, where the directors have purportedly borrowed in excess of the amount authorized by the articles. Although the general meeting cannot

Relationship between board of directors and general meeting

FMBN Management in a business meeting with Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority

restrain the director from conducting actions in the name of the company, the general meeting can commence proceedings or ratify unauthorized proceeding already commenced, on behalf of the company if the directors fail to do so. Again, the Board of director may refer ~‹ŠÂƒÂ—~. €ƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ˜ ‹ €~}ƒ— †Š‹˜ƒ Š†… €ƒ to ratify what they have done or to decide themselves on action to be taken. Lastly if the directors have purportedly exercise powers reserved to the company in General Meeting their action can ž ƒ # „†ŠŒ }ŠÂƒÂ€~†Š£ œƒžŠÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ„‰—–~‹ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹Âƒ General Meeting. And for the purpose of

ratifying past actions of the Board, as opposed to conferring altering the articles; ~‹ƒ ‰€œŠ‹~€ŠÂƒ € ‚‰}™†Š‰‹ƒ Â?Š}}ƒ ‚™E„ ‡ƒ ™†ƒ Š Âƒ †… ƒ ‰€Š˜Š‹~}ƒ ~„†Š‰‹ƒ Â?~‚ƒ ‰‹ ƒ € ÂťÂ™ÂŠÂ€ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ to be taken by a special resolution, rati£„~†Š‰‹ƒÂ?‰™}œƒ–€ ‚™—~ž}ŠÂƒÂ‹ œƒ‚™„…ƒ~ƒ resolution. The Relationship between the Board and the Managing Director Powers conferred on the directors by the provisions of CAMA are by necessary implications conferred on them collectively as a Board and are to be exercised at Board meeting of which due notice has been given and at which a

Although the general meeting cannot restrain the director from conducting actions in the name of the company, the general meeting can commence proceedings or ratify unauthorized proceeding already commenced, on behalf of the company if the directors fail to do so. Again, the Board of director may refer any matter to the general meeting either to ratify what they have done or to decide themselves on action to be taken

ÂťÂ™Â‰Â€Â™Â—ÂƒÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂ–Â€ ‚ ‹†‡ƒ ‹ŠÂƒÂťÂ™ ‚†Š‰‹ƒ~€Š‚Š‹˜ƒ at any meeting shall be decided by the —~Â?‰€Š†ŠÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂŒÂ‰Â† ‚ƒ~‹œƒŠ‹ƒ„~‚ ƒ‰ Âƒ ™~}Š†ŠÂƒ of votes, the chairman shall have a second or casting vote. But section 263(5) CAMA permits delegation by the Boards of any of their powers to a Managing œŠ€ „†‰€‚ƒ ‰€ƒ †‰ƒ „‰——Š. ƒ „‰‹‚Š‚†Š‹˜ƒ ‰ Âƒ such member(s) of their body and the ~‹~˜Š‹˜ƒœŠ€ „†‰€ƒ‰€ƒ~‹ŠÂƒÂ„‰——Š. ƒ‚‰ƒ formed, shall in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulation that may be made by the Board of Directors. Where a Board so appoint a managŠ‹˜ƒœŠ€ „†‰€ƒ~‹œƒ„‰——Š. ƒ„‰‹‚Š‚†Š‹˜ƒ‰ Âƒ some of their members and delegate any of its powers, the remaining directors, which are non-executive will merely be expected to put in an appearance at occasional board meetings, and will receive relatively small fees. Executive directors and the Managing director having been „…~€˜ œƒÂ?Š†…ƒ‚– Â„ÂŠÂŁÂ„ÂƒÂœÂ™Â†ÂŠ ‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ—~‹agement of the company will receive higher fees normally by way of salaries and commissions, as may be determined by the Board. Since it is obviously clear that this system may be abused by directors voting themselves excessive salaries and expenses or allowance, the CAMA ~. —–† œƒ †‰ƒ —Š‹Š—Šº ƒ †… ƒ Âœ~‹˜ €ƒ žŠÂƒ providing for disclosure of total emoluments received by directors, prohibiting tax-free payments, invalidating pay— ‹†‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ„‰—– ‹‚~†Š‰‹ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ}‰‚‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ‰E„ ƒ ™‹} ‚‚ƒ „‰‹£€— œƒ Š‹ƒ ˜ ‹ €~}ƒ — †Š‹˜•ƒ and prohibition of loans to directors in certain circumstances. Dr. Olugbemi Fatula is an Associate Professor of Law at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. GSM: 08037213732



City & State THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

Lagos residents protest disconnection from electricity supply SUBAIR MOHAMMED


nstability in power supply over the years has been the bane on socioeconomic lives of Nigerians. The incessant power outage has not ‰‹}ŠÂƒ~œŒ €‚ }ŠÂƒ~# „† œƒž™‚Š‹ ‚‚ ‚•ƒ but it has brought out chaotic existence to many families as series of evil acts and crimes are unleashed on homes in total black-out as experienced by residents of Itire-Ikate and Ijesha community. With the protest against Eko Electricity Distribution Company’s (EKEDC) manhandling of power distribution to †… ƒ„‰——™‹Š†ŠÂƒÂžŠÂƒÂ€ ‚Šœ ‹†‚ƒ‰ Âƒ †Š€ ÂŻ ´~† •ƒ „ ۠~Š‹}ŠÂ•ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ„€Š‚Š‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ€ } ÂŒ~‹„ ƒ€‰„´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ the power sector in the country is far from being over in spite of the massive investments in the sector through public private partnerships. Š´ ƒ~‹ƒ~„†Š‰‹ƒ–~„´ œƒ—‰ŒŠ •ƒ€ ‚Šœ ‹†‚ƒ of Itire-Ikate and Ijesha community on Monday this week stormed the Marina ‰E„ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ´Â‰Âƒ } „†€Š„Š†ŠÂƒ Š‚†€Šž™†Š‰‹ƒ ‰—–~‹ŠÂƒ ĂŠ Ă‹Â•Âƒ Š‹ƒ ~˜‰‚•ƒ „…~‹†Š‹˜ƒ solidarity songs carrying placards with varying degree of inscriptions ranging  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ ĂŒ ~€´Â‹ ‚‚ƒ Š‚ƒ ŒŠ}•ƒ ĂŒ ‰ƒ } „†€Š„Š†ŠÂ•Âƒ ‰ƒ Âœ ÂŒ }‰–— ܠ Â•Âƒ ‰ƒ †‰ƒ ™‹Â?™‚†ƒ žŠ}}Š‹˜•ƒ †~ž} ƒ } „†€Š„Š†ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‚ƒ–‰‚‚Šž} •ƒŠ† Â‚ƒ~ƒ—~. €ƒ ‰ Âƒ „‰——Š†— ܠ Â•Âƒ ĂŒ ‰ƒ †‰ƒ –‰Â? €ƒ 䪠~˜  Âƒ and more. It is indeed a real action by Itire-Ikate and Ijesha residents aimed at registering †… Š€ƒœŠ‚–} ~‚™€ ƒ‰Œ €ƒŠ‹ E„Š ‹†ƒ‚ €ŒŠ„ ƒ Âœ }ŠŒ €ŠÂ•Âƒ †‰†~}ƒ œŠ‚„‰‹‹ „†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ community from electricity source and what they described as unwarranted billings of residents in the community by the electricity distribution company. In drove and in a well coordinated —~‹‹ €•ƒ †… ƒ –€‰† ‚† €‚ƒ ~„…ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… —ƒ with a lit lantern on his head to portray what living in Itire-Ikate and Ijesha community is without electricity since the beginning of the power outage in the community in spite of the existence of electricity Distribution Company. ƒ ‹ƒ ~ƒ –€‰† ‚†ƒ } . €ƒ Âœ~† œƒ „†‰ž €ƒ Ă‘½Â•Âƒ Ă”Ă?½¿Âƒ ‚Š˜‹ œƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ } ~Âœ €ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ –€‰† ‚† €‚ Âƒ ˜€‰™–•ƒ Âş —ƒ Â? ƒ ~‹œƒ ~œœ€ ‚‚ œƒ †‰ƒ €‡ƒ }~Âœ } ƒ —‰œ~•ƒ †… ƒ ~‹~˜Š‹˜ƒ Š€ „†‰€ƒ ‰ Âƒ •ƒ ~€Š‹~•ƒ ~˜‰‚•ƒ € ~œ‚ƒ Š‹ƒ –~€†•ƒ Ă Âƒ Â?Š‚…ƒ †‰ƒ inform the management of EKEDC of our grievances and displeasure over poor supply of electricity and more recently the disconnection of the entire community from electricity supply. ™€ƒ˜€Š ÂŒ~‹„ ‚ƒž‰€œ € œƒ‰‹ƒ™‹Â?™‚†Š£ œƒ žŠ}}Š‹˜‚•ƒ Š—–€‰– €ƒ ‚†Š—~†Š‰‹ƒ ~‹œƒ ‹‰‹ƒ reading of our electricity consumption metres and most importantly the isolation of the entire Itire-Ikate and Ijesha community from electricity supplyâ€?. ~— ‹†Š‹˜ƒ Â… €ƒ ‰€œ ~}•ƒ ‰‹ ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ residents Mrs. Emem Bassey who claimed that the Itire-Ikate and Ijesha community has been neglected for so long in the aspect of stable electricity supply. Â… ƒ ~œœ œƒ †…~†•ƒ à ž  Â‰Â€ ƒ †…Š‚ƒ –€‰† ‚†•ƒ we have been living as if we are in Stone ˜ ‡ƒ ‰™}œƒŠÂ‰Â™ÂƒÂŠÂ—~˜Š‹ ƒ†…~†ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ~}—‰‚†ƒ a year there is no electricity supply in this community and yet the Eko Electricity Distribution Company sends in exorbitant bill every month which they

Protesting consumers...

expect us to pay. They said we should –~ŠÂƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ‚ €ŒŠ„ ‚ƒ†…~†ƒÂ? € ƒ‹‰†ƒ€ ‹œ € œ•ƒ where in the world is that done? That was what prompted this protest because the incessant power outage has adversely ~# „† œƒ ‰™€ƒ ž™‚Š‹ ‚‚ ‚‡ƒ …‰‚ ƒ ‰ Âƒ ™‚ƒ †…~†ƒ~€ ƒŠ‹†‰ƒ Â€Â‰Âş ‹ƒ Â‰Â‰ÂœÂ‚ƒž™‚Š‹ ‚‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒ incurred heavy loss while many of them have been forced out of business. Maybe you need to visit the community to experience the noise pollution emanating from the use of power generating set. ‹ƒ ‚…‰€†•ƒ }ŠŒŠ‹˜ƒ Š‹ƒ †Š€ ÂŻ ´~† ƒ ~‹œƒ Â? ‚…~ƒ community is becoming unbearable hence we are calling on the management of the electricity distribution company to wade in by addressing the issue of exorbitant bills which they issue without € ~œŠ‹˜ƒ ‰™€ƒ — †€ ‚ƒ ~‹œƒ ~ž‰Œ ƒ ~}}•ƒ Â? ƒ want them reconnect the community to the power grid which was disconnected out of our refusal to pay for the services that was not renderedâ€?. ‹‰†… €ƒ –€‰† ‚† €•ƒ ~ž~†™‹œ ƒ Ipadeola described the exorbitant bills as unguided and unreasonable.

„„‰€œŠ‹˜ƒ†‰ƒ –~Âœ ‰}~Â•ÂƒĂ Â†Â… ƒ„‰——™‹Š†ŠÂƒ Â…~‚ƒž ‹ƒŠ‹ƒ†‰†~}ƒž}~„´Â‰Â™Â†Âƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ—‰‹†…‚•ƒ‚‰•ƒ how do they arrive at the amount they „…~€˜ ÂœĂƒÂƒ ™€ƒ „…Š}œ€ ‹ƒ ~€ ƒ †… ƒ Â?‰€‚†ƒ hit. Their health is deteriorating while our businesses are dwindling for lack of } „†€Š„Š†ŠÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ‰Â– €~† ‡ƒ ‚ƒŠÂ‰Â™ÂƒÂ„~‹ƒ‚ •ƒ‰™€ƒ –€‰† ‚†ƒ…~‚ƒž ‹ƒ– ~„ •ƒÂ? ƒ~€ ƒ‹‰†ƒ… € ƒ †‰ƒ„~™‚ ƒ~‹ŠÂƒÂ†Â€Â‰Â™Âž} •ƒž™†ƒ†‰ƒ‚ ´Âƒ~ƒ}~‚†Š‹˜ƒ solution to the electricity challenge that has been causing pain to us in the „‰——™‹Š†ŠÂ‡Âƒ ‹œƒ Â? ƒ …‰– •ƒ Š†ƒ Â?Š}}ƒ ž ƒ resolved amicablyâ€?  Â† €ƒ —™„…ƒ „…~‹†Š‹˜ƒ ~‹œƒ Âœ —‰‹‚†€~†Š‰‹‚ƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ –€‰† ‚† €‚•ƒ †… € ƒ followed a long hour of meeting with the management of the EKEDC on †… ƒ € ™ ‚†ƒ ‰ Âƒ €‡ƒ ‰œÂ?Š‹ƒ Âœ —™œŠ~•ƒ the company’s head of corporate communication. Š´ ƒ~ƒ… €‰ƒŠ‹ƒ~ƒÂ?~€ Â€Â‰Â‹Â†Â•ÂƒÂ€ –€ ‚ ܠ~†ŠŒ ‚ƒ of the group at the meeting emerged to a rousing welcome as a leader of †… ƒ –€‰† ‚† €‚ Âƒ ˜€‰™–Ă?ƒ Âş —ƒ Â? ƒ addressed protesters who had been waiting patiently for the outcome of the

The community has been in total blackout for months, so, how do they arrive at the amount they charged?

meeting. ƒ ƒ Ă Â… ƒ œŠ‚†€Šž™†Š‰‹ƒ „‰—–~‹ŠÂƒ ~€ ƒ —Š}´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ ™‚ƒ  Â‰Â€Â˜ .Š‹˜ƒ †…~†ƒ Â? ƒ ~€ ƒ †… Š€ƒ „™‚†‰— €‚‡ƒ Â… €  Â‰Â€ •ƒ ‰™€ƒ ˜~†… €Š‹˜ƒ here today is to protest against this that is they cannot be exact in their reading of our metres; they would at least give us a prepaid metre. But after a long hour ‰ Âƒ — †Š‹˜•ƒ ƒ ~—ƒ Â…~––ŠÂƒ †‰ƒ Š‹ Â‰Â€Â—ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ that we have not protested in vain as the —~‹~˜ — ‹†ƒ…~‚ƒ–€‰—Š‚ œƒ†‰ƒ~. ‹œƒ†‰ƒ all our demands. The Managing director has ordered the immediate reconnection of the community after which we would meet again for another round of meeting which I believe would address our electricity problems in the areas. But as we await the implementation of †… ƒ –€‰—Š‚ ‚•ƒ ƒ ™€˜ ƒ ÂŒ €ŠÂƒ ‰‹ ƒ ‰ Âƒ ™‚ƒ †‰ƒ remain calm to see what would play out Š‹ƒ †… ƒ „‰™€‚ ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ Â? ´ŸÂƒ ‚~Šœƒ Âş —ƒ Â? ‡ ‹ƒ …Š‚ƒ –~€†•ƒ €‡ƒ ‰œÂ?Š‹ƒ Âœ —™œŠ~•ƒ the company’s head of corporate „‰——™‹Š„~†Š‰‹ƒ ‚~Šœ•ƒ Ă Â Â€Â‰Â—Âƒ †… ƒ  Â‰Â€ ˜‰Š‹˜•ƒ‰‹ ƒ„~‹‹‰†ƒ€ ~}}ŠÂƒÂ?™œ˜ ƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ one point of view. We are hearing about †… Š€ƒ ˜€Š ÂŒ~‹„ ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ †Š— ƒ ~‹œƒ  Â‰Â€Â†Â™Â‹~† }ŠÂƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †… —•ƒ †… ƒ ~‹~˜Š‹˜ƒ Director is around and he has assured them of his intervention. But I must add †…~†ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ †… ƒ ‚Š†™~†Š‰‹ƒ }Š´ ƒ †…Š‚•ƒ Â? ƒ ~€ ƒ able to put the business manager on conference call and he has stated his ‚Šœ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ‚†‰€ŠÂ‡Âƒ ™†ƒÂ?Â…~†ƒŠ‚ƒ‚™€ ƒŠ‚ƒ†…~†•ƒ management is working on their request and we would continue to dialogue until †… ƒ–€‰ž} —ƒŠ‚ƒ€ ‚‰}ÂŒ œ‡ƒ ‰•ƒ—ŠÂƒÂ— ‚‚~˜ ƒ to Itire-Ikate residents is that they should be hopeful as there is nothing to worry ~ÂžÂ‰Â™Â†ÂźÂ•ÂƒÂ… ƒ~œœ œ‡



Role Model THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

Cyprian Ekwensi: Inspiring new generation of writers AANU ADEGUN


yprian Ekwensi MFR was a Nigerian short story writer and author of children’s books. No doubt, he was someone many who have interest in writing would like to be because of the achievement he recorded in the literary world. . According to a cross section of young ones who spoke to Newswatch Times about this great author, Cyprian Ekwensi was indeed an author to reckon with. “I wish to be like him as a writer’. I grew up fascinated with his books’, said Biola Oderinde, a graduate of Biology and an aspiring writer. “He was a man many Nigerians continue to revere even in death. “As a writer of many bestselling books, Cyprian Ekwensi has become a model that many young and aspiring Nigerian writers wish to become.” Speaking further, Oderinde claimed, “his novels are quite real and his writings do not show the pressures of trying to satisfy a literary school of thought. In fact l found his books very engaging and more interesting. ‘When you read his books you almost feel you are part of the plots. He was creative and real like what you see in your everyday life. And for me, in my writing career, that’s exactly the writer I wish to become. Gorge Emeka was also one of the aspiring Nigerian writers who adopted Cyprian Ekwensi as a role model.

To him, Ekwensi was a rare writer adding, “read all his books, you will understand why Cyprian Ekwensi was a rare one. I actually grew up reading his books and through his works, l developed interest in writing. Today, one of my children story has been published and all thanks goes to him”. It should be recalled that Cyprian Ekwensi two books, The Drummer Boy and The Passport of Mallam Ilia, published in the 60s, are good demonstration of his artistic dedication to the entertainment of the African child. The publication of An African Nights Entertainment in 1962, which is a story of vengeance, sealed his name in the annals of African children writers. Apart from the afore-mentioned unique and ever-green artistic creations from this rare Nigerian story teller, he wrote People of the City

½ÕÓ¿ ~ ~ £ ~ novel to be published by a Nigerian ~ ~ £ ~ ´ to gain international recognition, appearing four years before Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart. In the book, Ekwensi gave a vibrant portrait of life in a West African city. However, his most widely read novel, Jagua Nana, appeared in 1961 and it centred on the character of Jagua, a prostitute, chronicling her µ } ~ ~} and modern urban Africa. His book, Burning Grass, was published in 1961. However, between 1961 and 1966, he published at least ~ ´ © © ~ most important of these were the novels, Beautiful Feathers, which was published in 1963, and Iska, 1966; two collections of short stories, Rainmaker in 1965 and Lokotown in 1966. Ekwensi continued to publish

As a writer of many bestselling books, Cyprian Ekwensi has become a model that many young and aspiring Nigerian writers wish to become

beyond the 1960s; so, among his later works includes; Divided We Stand, 1980; Motherless Baby, 1980; The Restless City and Christmas Gold, in 1975; Behind the Convent Wall, 1987 and Gone to Mecca, 1991. Apart from all these, he had earlier published under the name, C. O. D. Ekwensi such books as Ikolo the Wrestler and Other Ibo Tales, 1947; The Leopard’s Claw in 1950; The Great Elephant-Bird appeared, 1965 and Trouble in Form Six, 1966. His later works for children include Coal Camp Boy, 1971; Samankwe in the Strange Forest, 1973; Samankwe and the Highway Robbers, 1975; Masquerade Time, 1992 and King Forever, 1992. Looking at his list of enviable and creative outputs, it becomes necessary to know this giant of a man by understanding the reasons behind his unquestionable literary success. Where was he from? How did he get these unprecedented heights? Born in Minna in Northern Nigeria on September 26, 1921, he was christened Cyprian Odiatu Duaka Ekwensi. He was born to the family of David Anadumaka, a famed story-teller and an elephant hunter of Igbo extraction.

~. }} Ibadan, Oyo State before proceeding to Achimota College in Ghana, and later School of Forestry, Ibadan. He later worked for two years as ~ © E ~ ~} academic dreams, he went to the Yaba Technical Institute, Lagos to study Pharmacy and later won a scholarship to study pharmacy at the London University. According to him, it was while he was on the ship to England that he began to gather materials on People of the City. While working as a Pharmacist Assistant at Old Church Hospital, Romford, Essex, he wrote plays that were televised by the BBC. He also recorded a voiceover for Man of Africa in 1953 and it was featured at the 1954 Venice Film Festival. Ekwensi’s £} } ~ ~ ´ £ Nigeria in 1956. When he came back to Nigeria, he worked for the broadcasting corporation, where he was employed as Head of Features and rose to become director of information in 1961. Due to the 1966 coup and the disturbances in Eastern Nigeria, Ekwensi resigned from his position and relocated his family to Enugu. When the Nigerian civil war broke out in 1966, he became the chair of the Bureau for External Publicity in Biafra and an adviser to the Col. Odumegwu ´ ~ ~ ~ © However, after the war, he resumed his literary and pharmaceutical career and helped form the Association of Nigerian Authors in 1981. In 2001, he was made a member of the Order of the Federal Republic. Four years later, he was inducted into the Nigerian Academy of Arts. It should be noted that in recognition of his skills as a writer, Cyprian Ekwensi was awarded the Dag

~ ~ ´ } ~ ~} Cyprian Ekwensi, died on November 4, 2007. He was married to Chinwe and they had nine children.



Special Report THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

Effective parenting, panacea to social vices – Dr. Nkem Okoro OUR CORRESPONDENT


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Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development, Hajia Zainab Maina

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If children are adequately guided; the chances that they go astray in their adult years are slim

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Special Report


How Buhari’s declaration is tearing Northern Elders apart





risis is quietly brewing among members of the Northern Elders Council (NEC), and the unfolding scenario is laced with verbal

bullets. The war mongers are former Aide de Camp (ADC) to ex-military head of state, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, retired Major Mustapha Jokolo, the ex-Emir of Gwandu -- on one hand, and Alhaji Tanko Yakasai, an elder statesman and chairman of the Northern Elders Council and Alhaji Abubakar Tsav, a former Commissioner of Police in Lagos State, on the other hand. And the bone of contention is the declaration of Gen. Buhari and the call for President Goodluck Jonathan to replace Nnamani Sambo, the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as his running mate in 2015. It would be recalled that Jokolo had at a press conference described Sambo as a political liability to the North and advised President Goodluck Jonathan to drop him. However, in a reaction, Yakasai advised Jokolo to channel his advice to his former boss for throwing his hat into the ring to contest for the presidency in 2015. Since this altercation was brought into the public domain, the elders have taken pages of newspapers to dress down each other. But Tsav, also a Northerner, from the North Central zone, rose in defence of Jokolo and opined that Yakasai‘s describing of Jokolo as a failed soldier ~ ~ ~ ~ ~# Tsav, a former police commissioner, said Jokolo was not retired from the military on grounds of incompetence but on account of military politics. In an interview with Newswatch Times on phone, Tsav said he was disappointed with Yakasai and said he has derailed in his criticism of Jokolo. “Jokolo was a brilliant and loyal } ~ © E ~ ~ military politics and a corrupt society,

as he was retired due to exigencies of service just like many other military E ¼ ~ To put the records straight, Tsav stated that what happened to Jokolo was pure military politics and not because he was incompetent during his military career. The Lagos State expolice boss went down memory lane to . ~ ~} © } ~ © } that disengaged Jokolo. He recalled ~} ~ E were forced into premature retirement owing to factors connected to military politics. “When Gen. Yakubu Gowon was toppled as military head of state, his younger brother, Capt. Moses Gowon, then of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF), was retired from military service. When Shehu Shagari was toppled, his son was retired from the Army, and when Gen. Buhari and Gen. Idiagbon were toppled, Idiagbon’s son was withdrawn from the Defence ~ © ¼ ~ } “Are these failed soldiers? Not, of course. They were victims of military politics like Major Jokolo. What of the mass premature retirement of } ~ © E ° ~


they held political appointments. Yes, Mustapha Jokolo was dethroned as the emir of Gwandu not on grounds of incompetence as alleged by Alhaji Yakasai but because he disagreed with the government just the same way as Sultan Ibrahim Dasuki was dethroned. Was Sultan Dasuki also dethroned because he was incompetent? Tsav asked. The ex-policeman and anti-corruption crusader said the 19th Emir of Gwandu was dethroned because of his disagreement with the government in circumstances similar to those that led to the dethronement of Sultan Ibrahim Dasuki. According to Tsav, Jokolo is neither ~ ~ } } ~ © E ~ © as alleged by Alhaji Tanko Yakasai but a brilliant, loyal and courageous } ~ © E }} military politics and the corruption in the society. He scolded Yakasai for mocking Jokolo for losing his throne, urging him to fear God and refrain from such mockery as an elder statesman and leader of the Northern Elders Forum. Speaking further, Tsav tasked the NEF to use his wealth of experience

He scolded Yakasai for mocking Jokolo for losing his throne, urging him to fear God and refrain from such mockery as an elder statesman

} ~. ~ ~} the Northern parts of the country and stop aligning himself unproductively in governance. Tsav added that the elder statesman Yakasai, is being mischievously economical with the truth. “Why would a man like him who is old enough to father the likes of Jokolo mock him for losing his throne? Does he not believe in what the Holy Quran says about such situations? He asked. According to the ex-police boss, who also was retired because of the politics and disagreement with the government, the North had remained stagnant because of people like Yakasai. “No wonder the North is stagnant with elders like Tanko Yakasai. Finally, if General Buhari failed each time he contested presidential election, does that mean that the man is incompetent. It simply means that most Nigerians are shamelessly and unrepentantly corrupt and prefer to remain with ¼ ~ “Corruption is responsible for our backwardness, injustice and insecurity in the country and for a person, who claims to be an elder to support a government with such traits, leaves ¼ ~ He counselled that the elder statesman has a right to belong to any association and to support whoever he wishes to support but in doing so, that he should consider the pains of what the ordinary Nigerian is going through in Nigeria of today. “The high level of corruption, worsened state of insecurity, lawlessness, dilapidated infrastructure and so on, Alhaji Yakasai is an experienced politician no doubt and we expect him to use his experience to the advantage of the masses but not for the development of stomach infrastructure. I’m disappointed in him and I believe that other patriotic ~ ~ ¼ ~ ~

Newswatch Times


Crime Thursday, November 6, 2014

About 600 Shias killed in desert during Mosul capture –Human rights watch


rbil – Gunmen from the Sunni extremist group Islamic State systematically executed some 600 male inmates from a prison outside the northern Iraqi city of Mosul on June 10, 2014, according to survivors’ accounts. The vast majority of those killed were Shia after seizing Badoush Prison near Mosul, the gunmen from Islamic State, also known as ISIS, separated the Sunni from the Shia inmates, then forced the Shia men to kneel along the edge of a nearby ravine and shot them with ~‚‚~™}Â†ÂƒÂ€ÂŠÂľ ‚ƒ~‹œƒ~™†‰—~†Š„ƒÂ? ~–‰‹‚•ƒ½Ă“ƒ …Š~ƒ prisoners who survived the massacre told Human Rights Watch. The gunmen also killed a number of Kurdish and Yezidi inmates of Badoush Prison, the survivors said. “The gruesome details of ISIS’ mass murder of prison inmates make it impossible to deny the Âœ –€~ŒŠ†ŠÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â…Š‚ƒ °Â†Â€ Â—ÂŠÂ‚Â†ÂƒÂ˜Â€Â‰Â™Â–Â•ÂźÂƒÂ‚~Šœƒ .~ƒ Tayler, senior terrorism and counterterrorism researcher. “People of every ethnicity and „€ œƒ ‚…‰™}œƒ „‰‹œ —‹ƒ †… ‚ ƒ Â…Â‰Â€Â€ÂŠÂŁÂ„Âƒ †~„†Š„‚•ƒ and press Iraqi and international authorities to bring those responsible to justice.â€? The mass summary executions amount to war crimes and most likely crimes against humanity, Human Rights Watch said. ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒž€‰´ ƒŠ‹†‰ƒ ~œ‰™‚…ƒ†… ƒœ~ŠÂƒÂ†Â… ŠÂƒ captured Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, which is 10 kilometers southeast of the prison. Â… ƒ˜™‹— ‹ƒ… €œ œƒ™–ƒ†‰ƒ½Â•Ă“Ă?Ă?ƒŠ‹—~† ‚ƒ‰‹†‰ƒ trucks and drove them to an isolated stretch of desert about 2 kilometers from the prison, survivors said. The prisoners had been serving sentences for a range of crimes, from murder ~‹œƒ~‚‚~™}†‚ƒ†‰ƒ‹‰‹ŒŠ‰} ‹†ƒ‰# ‹‚ ‚‡ Â… ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ‚ –~€~† œƒ‰™†ƒ‚ ÂŒ €~}ƒ…™‹œ€ œƒ Sunni and a small number of Christian men and drove them away in trucks, the witnesses said. They then robbed and insulted the Shia and other remaining prisoners, marched them to a ravine, and forced them to form one long line along its edge. There, they made the inmates count their number in the line before ‰– ‹Š‹˜ƒ £€ ‡ƒ ƒ ‚™€ŒŠŒ‰€•ƒ ‡ ‡•ƒ Âœ ‚„€Šž œƒ †… ƒ death count: They started by saying, “Each person raise his hand and say his number.â€? I was number ÂżĂ‘Â‡Âƒ ƒ… ~€œƒ†… —ƒ‚~ŠÂƒĂ Ă€½Ă“Â•ÂźÂƒ~‹œƒ†… ‹ƒ‰‹ ƒ ƒ guy said, “We’re going to eat well tonight.â€? ƒ —~‹ƒ ž …Š‹œƒ ™‚ƒ ~‚´ œ•ƒ à € ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ € ~ÂœŠĂƒÂźÂƒ ‹‰†… €ƒ – €‚‰‹ƒ ~‹‚Â? € œƒ Ă Â‚Â•ÂźÂƒ ~‹œƒ ž ˜~‹ƒ shooting at us with a machine-gun. Then they all started to shoot us from behind, going down the row. Human Rights Watch is withholding the prisoners’ full names to protect them from possible retaliation. Nine survivors Human Rights Watch interviewed said that they heard their fellow inmates at the end of the line call out numbers  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†… ƒ}‰Â?ÂƒĂ“Ă?Ă?Â‚ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒĂ’Ă“Ă?‡ƒ ŠŒ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… —ƒ… ~€œƒ

A wounded victim being examined

‹™—ž €‚ƒ ž †Â? ‹ƒ Ă€½Ă“ƒ ~‹œƒ Ă€žĂ?•ƒ Â?…Š} ƒ ‰†… €ƒ survivors said the count went into the “hundreds.â€? Most people were shot in the head, the back and the side, said survivor H.K. ƒž™}} †ƒ…Š†ƒ—ŠÂƒÂ… ~œƒ~‹œƒ ƒ }}ƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ˜€‰™‹œ•ƒ and that’s when I felt another bullet hit my arm. ƒ Â?~‚ƒ ™‹„‰‹‚„Š‰™‚ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ~ž‰™†ƒ Ă“Âƒ —Š‹™† ‚‡ƒ ‹ ƒ person was shot in the head, in the forehead, it [the bullet] went out the other side, and he fell on top of me. Before they started shooting, I managed to kiss the men on each side of me, because we ´Â‹ Â?ƒ Â? ƒ Â? € ƒ ˜‰Š‹˜ƒ †‰ƒ œŠ ‡ƒ  Â† €ƒ Â? ƒ ‚~Šœƒ goodbye to each other, I took my daughter’s picture and kissed it, and I prayed to God to save me for her, because I have no one else [to take care of her]. The gunmen returned for a second round of shooting when they saw one prisoner stand up, and only stopped when they ran out of ammunition, the survivors said. “They were shouting, ‘This is how we serve justice!’ and, ‘This one’s alive, shoot him ~˜~ÂŠÂ‹Ă…ÂźÂƒ Â?Š†‹ ‚‚ƒ ‡ ‡ƒ ‚~Šœ‡ƒ Ă Âƒ ˜‰†ƒ ‚…‰†‡ƒ Â… ‹ƒ ƒ heard someone say, ‘Let’s leave, we’re out of bullets.’â€? Most of those shot fell into the ravine, the ‚™€ŒŠŒ‰€‚ƒ ‚~Šœ‡ƒ Â… ƒ ˜™‹— ‹ƒ †… ‹ƒ ‚ †ƒ £€ ƒ †‰ƒ ž€™‚…ƒ Š‹ƒ ~‹œƒ ~€‰™‹œƒ †… ƒ €~ŒŠ‹ •ƒ ~‹œƒ Âľ~— ‚ƒ spread to the corpses. The witnesses estimated that 30 to 40 prisoners survived, most by rolling into the ravine and pretending to be dead, or because they were shielded by the bodies of other prisoners who fell on top of them. Survivors said several men wounded by the shooting later died while trying to crawl or stagger

Human Rights Watch conducted separate, individual interviews with 11 of the Shia survivors, the Sunni inmate who ISIS released, and three Badoush inmates – one Yezidi and two Sunni – who escaped capture the morning of June 10

away. ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒœ€‰Œ ƒ†… ƒ–€Š‚‰‹ €‚ƒ„}~Š—Š‹˜ƒ†‰ƒ be Sunnis and Christians for about four hours to another desert location, one Sunni man who was among that group told Human Rights Watch. He was unable to identify the location but said some in the group believed it was in €~ Â‚ƒ ‹ž~€ƒ –€‰ŒŠ‹„ ƒ Â?…Š} ƒ ‰†… €‚ƒ †…‰™˜…†ƒ it might have been in Syria. The witness said †…~†ƒ‰‹ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ ÂŒ ‹Š‹˜ƒ ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ€ —‰Œ œƒ ž †Â? Â‹ÂƒĂ“Ă?ƒ~‹œƒ½Ă?Ă?ƒ— ‹ƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†…Š‚ƒ˜€‰™–ƒ‰‹ƒ grounds that they were Shia posing as Sunni. He said they did not return. Three days later ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ œ€‰Œ ƒ †… ƒ ‰†… €‚ƒ ž~„´Âƒ †‰ƒ ‰‚™}ƒ and set them free, he said.

™—~‹ƒ Š˜…†‚ƒ ~†„…ƒ Š‹† €ŒŠ Â? œƒ †… ƒ ½Ă“ƒ Shia survivors and four other former Badoush Prison inmates in semi-autonomous Iraqi Kurdistan, where they had surrendered or ž ‹ƒ–Š„´ œƒ™–ƒžŠÂƒ}‰„~}ƒ~™†…‰€Š†Š ‚ƒ~ Â† Â€ÂƒÂľ Š‹˜ƒ ISIS-controlled areas. The interviews took place in two prisons where the Iraqi Kurdish authorities were holding the men. Nearly all the Shia prisoners showed scars from bullet wounds or burns that they said they had sustained during the massacre. The injured survivors had received medical „~€ ‡ƒ }}ƒ €~žƒ ‚™€ŒŠŒ‰€‚ƒ ‚~Šœƒ †… ŠÂƒ Â?~ܠ œƒ †‰ƒ be moved to prisons outside of Iraqi Kurdistan because their relatives could not visit them Š‹ƒ Â™Â€ÂœÂŠÂ‚Â…ÂŻÂ„Â‰Â‹Â†Â€Â‰}} œƒ ~€ ~‚‡ƒ ‹ƒ „†‰ž €ƒ Ă”Ă‘Â•Âƒ the Kurdish Regional Government said the inmates had been transferred to other prisons that are run by the central Iraqi government still located in Iraqi Kurdistan. Twelve of the inmates told Human Rights ~†„…ƒ †…~†ƒ ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ ~‹œƒ ˜™~€œ‚ƒ ~†ƒ ~œ‰™‚…ƒ Prison had abandoned their posts the night before ISIS broke into the prison. Neither Human Rights Watch nor Iraqi ˜‰Œ €‹— ‹†ƒ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒž ‹ƒ~ž} ƒ†‰ƒ~„„ ‚‚ƒ Badoush Prison or the alleged killing site because the area remains under ISIS control. ISIS has systematically killed, abducted, and expelled Shia Muslims and religious and ethnic minorities during its military sweep through Iraq, and has forcibly married Yezidi women and girls to ISIS gunmen. The day after the June 10 massacre, ISIS gunmen carried out a similar mass killing of …Š~ƒ‚‰}œŠ €‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ„Š†ŠÂƒÂ‰ Âƒ Š´Â€ÂŠÂ†Â•ÂƒĂ”Ă”Ă“Âƒ´ÂŠ}‰— † €‚ƒ south of Badoush. The group claimed to have ° 㪠 œƒ½Â•Ă’Ă?Ă?ƒ …Š~ƒ†€‰‰–‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†…~†ƒ´ÂŠ}}Š‹˜ƒ~‹œƒ posted videos on the internet showing their gunmen shooting at hundreds of captive men.

ƒ ™—~‹ƒ Š˜…†‚ƒ ~†„…ƒ Š‹Œ ‚†Š˜~†Š‰‹ƒ †…~†ƒ included analysis of satellite imagery found ‚†€‰‹˜ƒ ŒŠœ ‹„ ƒ †…~†ƒ ž †Â? ‹ƒ Ă“Ă€Ă?ƒ †‰ƒ Ă’Ă’Ă?ƒ captives, all or most of them apparently Iraqi soldiers, died in that massacre, and did not rule out that many more had been killed. Human Rights Watch also documented the ~––~€ ‹†ƒ ™‹}~Â? Â™}ƒ ° „™†Š‰‹‚ƒ ‰ Âƒ ~†ƒ } ~‚†ƒ Ă”Ă“Ă“Âƒ Sunni prisoners in six Iraqi cities and villages in June by Iraqi government forces, most of whom are Shia, and by Shia pro-government militia. The United Nations Human Rights Council in September ordered a UN investigation into „€Š— ‚ƒ „‰——Š. œƒ žŠÂƒ ‡ƒ Â…~†ƒ Š‹Œ ‚†Š˜~†Š‰‹ƒ should include the massacre near Badoush Prison to identify those responsible and ensure they are held to account, Human Rights Watch said. The UN investigation also should document major crimes by Iraqi government forces and Shia pro-government militias including indiscriminate airstrikes, mass executions of Sunni prisoners, and summary executions of Sunnis throughout the country. The UN investigation also should examine whether the Iraqi authorities could have done more to protect the Badoush prisoners and Mosul residents from ISIS, Human Rights Watch said. “While no amount of government negligence excuses the atrocities of ISIS, the authorities need to do all they reasonably can to protect Shia and others from being massacred,â€? Tayler said. “In addition, the Iraqi authorities should as soon as possible transfer the survivors of this slaughter to prisons in areas of Iraq where they can have regular family visits.â€? Š†‹ ‚‚ƒ „„‰™‹†‚ Human Rights Watch conducted separate, individual interviews with 11 of the Shia survivors, the Sunni inmate who ISIS released, and three Badoush inmates – one Yezidi and two Sunni – who escaped capture the morning ‰ Âƒ ™‹ ƒ½Ă?‡ƒ }}ƒ–€‰ŒŠœ œƒœ †~Š} œƒ~‹œƒ„‰‹‚Š‚† ‹†ƒ accounts. Human Rights Watch interviewed four other Shia survivors together who also said ISIS segregated Sunni and Shia prisoners and killed the Shia. The Shia and Sunni survivors said most of their family members could not visit them in Iraqi Kurdistan because of the risk of passing Â†Â…Â€Â‰Â™Â˜Â…ÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹ÂľÂŠÂ„Â†ÂƒÂşÂ‰Â‹ ‚ƒ†‰ƒ€ ~„…ƒ†… —•ƒ~‹œƒ†… ƒ Kurdistan Regional Government’s restrictions Continued on page 56


Newswatch Times Thursday, November 6, 2014


About 600 Shias killed in desert during Mosul capture –Human rights watch Continued from page 55

on the entry of Arabs into Iraqi Kurdistan since ISIS seized large swaths of Iraq. The witnesses’ descriptions of the mass ‚…‰‰†Š‹˜ƒÂ? € ƒ„‰‹‚Š‚† ‹†ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂœÂŠÂ‹Â˜Â‚ÂƒÂ‰ Âƒ the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, which concluded that ISIS had killed up to 670 Shia inmates of Badoush near the prison on June 10. Guards Flee, ISIS Enters Â… ƒœ~ŠÂƒÂž  Â‰Â€ ƒ†… ƒ~.~„´Â•ÂƒÂ˜Â™~€œ‚ƒ~†ƒ ~œ‰™‚…ƒ €Š‚‰‹ƒ˜~ÂŒ ƒŠ‹—~† ‚ƒ~}—‰‚†ƒ‹‰ƒ Â‰Â‰ÂœÂ•ÂƒÂ†Â… Â‹ÂƒÂľ œƒ in the middle of the night, said the survivors and the three other men who had been imprisoned in Badoush at that time. †ƒ †… ƒ †Š— ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ~.~„´Â•Âƒ †… ƒ –€Š‚‰‹ƒ Â?~‚ƒ holding more than 3,000 prisoners in two large cell blocks, one for major crimes and the other for lesser crimes, according to the witnesses, as well as prison and intelligence authorities in Iraqi Kurdistan who spoke with Human Rights Watch. The prison had a separate section for Yezidis, Christians, and other religious and ethnic minorities. On June 9, most prisoners received only ‰‹ ƒ –Š „ ƒ ‰ Âƒ ž€ ~œƒ ~‹œƒ ‹‰ƒ ž‰.} œƒ Â?~† €•ƒ †… ƒ inmates said. One prisoner, H.O., said a guard told him the prison ran out of food because ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ Â…~œƒ ž}‰„´ œƒ †… ƒ ~€€ŠŒ~}ƒ ‰ Âƒ ‚™––}ŠÂƒ †€™„´Â‚ƒ  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ ‰‚™}‡ƒ ‚ƒ †… ƒ ‚‰™‹œƒ ‰ Âƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ grew louder that night, some witnesses said, the guards triple-locked the prisoners’ cell doors. H.O. described the inmates’ panic: We couldn’t even go to the toilet. Those of us who needed medicine, we started shouting ~‹œƒ ‚„€ ~—Š‹˜ƒ ž „~™‚ ƒ Â? ƒ Â? € ƒ ‹‰†ƒ ˜ .Š‹˜ƒ our pills. There were about 50 of us in our cell, screaming. We were also shouting for water. We had only dirty tap water to drink. No one responded. “We stopped seeing the guards after midnight – they ran,â€? said another prisoner, A.J. He slid one hand against the other in a ˜ ‚†™€ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂľÂŠÂ˜Â…†‡ Before dawn, guards came to the Yezidis’ cell, containing 90 inmates, and said they were leaving, said the Yezidi prisoner, R.K. The guards had changed into civilian clothes. They told us, “Mosul has fallen to ISIS. Escape if you can.â€? But the cell door was locked. It was chaos inside. We thought if ISIS enters they would behead us all, because in that section we were Christians, Kurds, Yezidis. The former prisoners said they heard intense shelling overnight. Between about 6 and 8 ~‡—‡•ƒ †… ŠÂƒ ‚~Šœ•ƒ ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ ž€‰´ ƒ Š‹†‰ƒ †… ƒ prison and, assisted by ISIS members who were inmates, broke open the cell doors. Many –€Š‚‰‹ €‚ƒ Â?…‰ƒ Âľ œƒ Š—— œŠ~† }ŠÂ•Âƒ Š‹„}™œŠ‹˜ƒ R.K., managed to escape. But those who left around 10 a.m. found the prison surrounded by scores of ISIS gunmen, both on foot and in dozens of Iraqi police cars, Humvees and other military vehicles, which they assumed the ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ…~œƒ„~–†™€ œƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ €~ÂťÂŠÂƒÂ˜Â‰ÂŒ €‹— ‹†ƒ soldiers and police. Human Rights Watch interviewed dozens of ‰‚™}ƒ€ ‚Šœ ‹†‚ƒ~‹œƒ}~Â?ƒ ‹ Â‰Â€Â„ — ‹†ƒ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ between June and September who said that €~ Â‚ƒ ‚ „™€Š†ŠÂƒ  Â‰Â€Â„ ‚ƒ Â…~œƒ Âľ œƒ ‰‚™}ƒ ž  Â‰Â€ ƒ ISIS entered the city. ISIS Rounds up Inmates ISIS gunmen immediately began rounding up prison inmates who tried to leave and cordoned them inside the prison courtyard, 14 witnesses told Human Rights Watch. The gunmen also retrieved prisoners who were †€ŠÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂľ ƒ‰‹ƒ 䪠 ƒ½Â•ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ—~Š‹ƒ€‰~œƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ the prison, the witnesses said. “Anyone who tried to stop a car, ISIS would shoot at their feet,â€? witness S.S. said. “If anyone Â…~œƒ~}€ ~ÂœŠÂƒÂ˜Â‰. ‹ƒŠ‹†‰ƒ~ƒ„~€•ƒ†… ŠÂƒÂ‚†‰–– œƒ†… ƒ driver and made the prisoner get out.â€? The ISIS forces were wearing clothes that ranged from track suits and dishdashas to all ž}~„´Âƒ ‰€ƒ „~—‰™¾~˜ ƒ ™‹Š Â‰Â€Â—‚•ƒ †… ƒ ‚™€ŒŠŒ‰€‚ƒ said. Most of the gunmen were Arabs from Iraq, but some spoke Arabic with foreign accents, they said. Â… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ ˜~†… € œƒ ~‚ƒ —~‹ŠÂƒ ~‚ƒ ½Â•Ă“Ă?Ă?ƒ

A victim

inmates in the prison courtyard, the witnesses estimated. Two survivors said they saw the ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ ‚™——~€Š}ŠÂƒ ‚…‰‰†ƒ ~‹œƒ ´ÂŠ}}ƒ †…€ ƒ ‰€ƒ  Â‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂ–€Š‚‰‹ €‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ„‰™€†Š~€œƒÂ?…‰ƒŠœ ‹†Š£ œƒ themselves as Shia. Â… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ ~}‚‰ƒ ‚ ~€„… œƒ ™‹‚™„„ ‚‚ Â™}}ŠÂƒ for three prisoners, whose names they called out on a loudspeaker, three witnesses said. The gunmen then commandeered several trucks passing by on Route 1, witnesses said, including 18-wheel container trucks. ‰— ƒ Â?Š†‹ ‚‚ ‚ƒ ‚~Šœƒ †… ŠÂƒ ‚~Â?ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ ‰€ƒ ‚Š°Âƒ trucks; others said they saw as many as nine. In late morning, they said – three prisoners interviewed separately estimated the time ~‚ƒ ~€‰™‹œƒ ½½Âƒ ~‡—‡ƒ Ă&#x;ƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ }‰~Âœ œƒ †… ƒ prisoners onto the backs of the trucks. “They said, ‘We will take you home.’ Then they forced us onto the trucks,â€? witness F.S. told Human Rights Watch. Â… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ œ€‰Œ ƒ †… ƒ –€Š‚‰‹ €‚ƒ ~}‰‹˜ƒ Route 1 to the Sham Gate, about 4 kilometers southeast of Badoush Prison, the survivors said. “They were showing us to the people passing by, pretending they had freed us from the Iraqi government,â€? said survivor N.H. “The people were praising them for saving us.â€? But then the trucks turned back toward the prison, the survivors said, and after about a kilometer turned left into the desert on a road that was just tracks through the sand. Two other inmates who had managed to ‚„~– ƒÂ?Â… ‹ƒ ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ†Â‰Â‰´ÂƒÂ„‰‹†€‰}ƒ‰ Âƒ ~œ‰™‚…ƒ Prison told Human Rights Watch that ISIS gunmen had rounded them up with others on the roadside or in nearby Badoush village, and }‰~Âœ œƒ †… —ƒ Š‹†‰ƒ †€™„´Â‚ƒ †…~†ƒ ~}‚‰ƒ †™€‹ œƒ ‰#ƒ Route 1 and into the desert. After a short drive of what some survivors estimated as 800 meters to a kilometer from Route 1, the trucks stopped and gunmen ordered all the prisoners to gather by the side of the dirt track. Â… ƒ –€Š‚‰‹ €‚ƒ Â? € ƒ ‹‰†ƒ „ ۠~Š‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ °~„†ƒ route and distances to the killing site, and some ˜~ÂŒ ƒ ‚}Š˜…†}ŠÂƒ œŠ# € ‹†ƒ ~„„‰™‹†‚ƒ ‰ Âƒ …‰Â?ƒ †… ŠÂƒ got there. All said they were not from the area and were in shock during the drive. One Iraqi human rights investigator said other Badoush inmates who escaped on June 10 told him that ISIS also killed Shia prisoners in two other nearby locations that day. Sunnis Separated from Shia Once in the desert, a group of 20 to 40 gunmen then separated the Sunni Arabs from the prisoners of other sects or ethnicities, according to 12 Shia survivors and one Sunni witness. A bearded man in a dishdasha appeared to ž ƒŠ‹ƒ„‰——~‹œ•ƒ‚ ÂŒ €~}ƒÂ?Š†‹ ‚‚ ‚ƒ‚~Šœ‡ƒ Š°ÂƒÂ‚~Šœƒ they believed the man was Afghan because of his accent and the cut of his robe. They said the gunmen called the man Hajji, a title of respect. Witness M.R. described the “Afghan man’sâ€?


ƒÂ?~‚ƒ‚Š.Š‹˜ƒŠ‹ƒ~ƒ–‰}Š„ ƒ„~€ƒ~‹œƒ„~}}Š‹˜ƒ‰™†ƒ to us on a loudspeaker. He said, “the Sunnis must stand on one side. The Shia, Kurds and ÂşÂŠÂœÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂ—Â™Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ‚Â†~‹œƒ‰‹ƒ†… ƒ‰†… €‡ƒ  Âƒ ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂœÂƒÂ‰Â™Â†Âƒ that a Shia is among the Sunnis, I’m going to „™†ƒ‰#ƒ…Š‚ƒ… ~œƒÂ?Š†…ƒ~ƒ‚… †ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ— †~}Â‡ÂźÂƒ During quick interrogations by the gunmen about their beliefs, names, hometowns and ‰†… €ƒœ †~Š}‚•ƒ~ž‰™†ƒ…~} ÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ— ‹ƒŠœ ‹†Š£ œƒ themselves as Sunni. The gunmen loaded these — ‹ƒ‰‹†‰ƒ Â‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂ‰Â€ÂƒÂŁÂŒ ƒ†€™„´Â‚ƒ~‹œƒœ€‰Œ ƒ†… —ƒ away, the witnesses said. Three witnesses said those driven away included up to 100 Shia prisoners posing as Sunnis.

‡ ‡ƒ ‚~Šœƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ –}~„ œƒ ~ž‰™†ƒ ½Ă“ƒ †‰ƒ 20 Kurds and Yezidis with the group of Shia men, including two Yezidi boys who had been held in the juvenile section of Badoush Prison. Another prisoner said a Christian man was also among those segregated from the Sunnis. ž‰™†ƒ…~} ÂƒÂ†Â… ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ‚†~Š œƒ~‹œƒ˜™~€œ œƒ the several hundred prisoners who remained, the survivors said. “Brothers, don’t worry. You’ll have a reunion with your family,â€? witness S.S. remembered one of the captors saying. The gunmen told the prisoners that they were in discussions with the Iraqi ~™†…‰€Š†Š ‚ƒ~ž‰™†ƒ °Â„Â…~‹˜Š‹˜ƒ†… —ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ ™‹‹Šƒ prisoners held by government forces, three survivors told Human Rights Watch. Insulted and Robbed ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒŠ‹‚™}† œƒ†… ƒ€ —~Š‹Š‹˜ƒ–€Š‚‰‹ €‚•ƒ using religious slurs and accusing the Shia of subservience to then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri ~}ÂŻ ~}Š´ÂŠÂ•ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ‚™€ŒŠŒ‰€‚ƒ‚~Šœ‡ƒ Â… ‹ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ robbed them. “They took everything from us – money, watches, rings, identity cards,â€? A.J. said. “The moment they made us give up all of our possessions, I knew they were going to kill us.â€? By this time, the prisoners said, they felt faint, having received no food or water for ~}—‰‚†ƒ Ă”ÂżÂƒ …‰™€‚‡ƒ Â… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ Â…~œƒ †‰}œƒ †… ƒ prisoners they were taking them to get food and water when they turned into the desert, witness S.S. said, but on arrival told them: “You’ll have water in paradise.â€? At about noon, the survivors said, the gunmen ordered the Shia and other remaining captives to walk in pairs for several meters from the side of the desert track to a half-moonshaped ravine about 2 to 4 meters deep. The gunmen made the prisoners kneel in a single line along the ravine’s curved rim. ƒ‚…‰†ƒœ ~œƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂŠÂ‹Â—~† ƒ~ Â† €ƒ… ƒ }}•ƒ ‚~Šœƒ ‡ ‡•ƒÂ?…‰ƒ…~œƒž ‹ƒ‹ °Â†ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ—~‹Ù He was so tired and weak from hunger and thirst that he started to slide down into the ravine. They ordered him to come back but he waved with his hands, refusing. One of the ISIS men said, “Kill him.â€? So the other ISIS members shot him in the side and then in the neck. The gunmen, at least two of whom wore masks, made each prisoner in turn call out his number in the line, from one end to the other. Five survivors said they heard the prisoners or the gunmen call out numbers between 615 and 680. Three others said they heard the count go up to the low 500s, and one man said he heard the number 750.

Many of the gunmen were young and “some were nervous,â€? said survivor N.H., who said he was number 106. Others seemed pleased, he said, including one who joked at the end of the count, “It’s a nice-size herd.â€? Several survivors said they saw a man ÂŁ}—Š‹˜ƒ †… ƒ ÂŒ ‹†‚ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ~ƒ ŒŠœ ‰ƒ „~— €~‡ƒ ‰ƒ video of this massacre has been posted online. “Let’s Kill Them All Togetherâ€? Three witnesses told Human Rights Watch that the gunmen appeared to be receiving orders on two-way radios and were at times uncertain about how to proceed. “First, they said they would kill us two by two,â€? survivor N.H. said. “Then they said, ten by ten, and then they said, ‘kill them all together.’â€? Survivor S.S. said he heard the gunmen discussing whether to behead the prisoners: One put his knife to an inmate’s neck, planning to cut his throat, but the other guy said, “There are too many and we’re not enough, so let’s kill them with bullets.â€? So he Â? ‹†ƒ†‰ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ‰Â‹ ƒ~‹œƒ… ÂƒÂŁÂ€ œƒ‚ ÂŒ €~}ƒ‚…‰†‚ƒ Š‹†‰ƒ…Š‚ƒž~„´Â‡Âƒ Â… ‹ƒ†… ŠÂƒÂ‰Â– ‹ ÂœÂƒÂŁÂ€ ƒ‰‹ƒ~}}ƒ‰ Âƒ us. N.H. said that when the gunmen started shooting, “I thought, ‘Am I already dead?’ —~˜ ‚ƒ ‰ Âƒ —ŠÂƒ  ~—Š}ŠÂƒ ÂľÂ‰Â‰Âœ œƒ —ŠÂƒ —Š‹œ‡ƒ ƒ started reciting the shahada [the Islamic creed that begins, ‘There is no God but God‌’].â€? Meanwhile, the survivors said, some of the gunmen were also chanting the shahada, and shouting, God is great! “It was as if we were all the same,â€? N.H. said, alluding to the simultaneous prayers of both captives and captors. “But they were killing us.â€? A group of about 17 prisoners who were „}‰‚ ƒ †‰ƒ †… ƒ ‹œƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ }Š‹ ƒ —~‹~˜ œƒ †‰ƒ Âľ ƒ when the shooting began, one of them, A.J., told Human Rights Watch: They started shooting at us. Some of my friends were killed or shot. A bullet grazed my head. ISIS was surrounding us, but some were in front of us and they were afraid their bullets would shoot their own people, so they had to drop behind us. When we saw that we kept running. I fell many times. ‡ ‡ƒ ‚~Šœƒ Â… ƒ }~ŠÂƒ Âľ~†ƒ ‰‹ƒ †… ƒ ˜€‰™‹œƒ ~‚ƒ ƒ members in cars scoured the desert for survivors. “I heard two gunshots. After ISIS left I saw two of my friends’ dead bodies. I kept running until I reached a street. I saw a car and Âľ~˜˜ ÂœÂƒÂŠÂ†Â‡Âź As the gunmen sprayed the line of kneeling men with bullets, the dead and wounded tumbled into the ravine, the witnesses said. Most of the witnesses said they survived by rolling into the ravine along with the dead. But after shooting at everyone in the line, the gunmen descended into the ravine as well, survivors said. Survivor A.O. said the men shot him ~‹œƒ~ƒ Â€ÂŠ ‹œƒ Â€Â‰Â—ƒ–€Š‚‰‹ƒÂ?…‰ƒ}~ŠÂƒÂ‹ °Â†ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ…Š—Ù My face was down in the sand. I heard the footsteps of the ISIS guy, he was standing over — ƒ~‹œƒ… ƒ‚…‰†ƒ†… ƒ—~‹ƒ}ŠÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂ‹ °Â†ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ— ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ head. He shot me too but the bullet hit my right forearm. I heard death gasps. I felt something coming under me. It was warm. It was the blood of my friend Haider. I took some of that blood and put it on my face and head so that if they came back they would think I am dead.

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Newswatch Times Thursday, November 6, 2014


News Perspective


The many questions bugging FG/Boko Haram peace deal CYRIL MBAH, Abuja


he recent Boko Haram video has thrown up several questions about the veracity and reliability of the alleged agreement between the terrorists’ group and Federal Government. Some Nigerians believe the video has served to expose the game plans of rogue elements and certain gullible members of the federal establishment that were hoodwinked and tricked to fall for treasure hunters who were hoping to gross in billions žŠÂƒ ‰# €Š‹˜ƒ ‰€ƒ –€ † ‹œŠ‹˜ƒ †‰ƒ intercede between the government and the Boko Haram insurgents. The video also doused tension, uncertainty and doubts among members of the public about the state of the secret affair. It has cleared whatever misgivings that many concerned Nigerians have nursed about the possibility that the Federal Government may have been talking to wrong people. Despite the impact of the video, there are still calls by several people who argue that it is necessary to give the gov €‹— ‹†ƒ†… ƒž ‹ ÂŁÂ†ÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂœÂ‰Â™ÂžÂ†ÂƒÂ†Â‰Âƒ justify all righteousness. These set of Nigerians are asking for thorough investigation into the —~. €ƒ†‰ƒ~‚„ ۠~Š‹ƒÂ?Â… †… €ƒ~‹ƒ agreement for truce was really reached with any [repeat any] Boko Haram members. Many interested parties want to know which group of insurgents has been negotiating with the government. Questions are also being asked about whether the government was able to Â„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂ€Â—ÂƒÂ†Â…~†ƒŠ†‚ƒ€ –€ ‚ ܠ~†ŠŒ ‚ƒ are not being misled by the wrong people. It was also argued that connecting the Chadian President, General Idriss Gaby into the deal does not necessarily make it authentic or reliable, so long as the right people are not part of the negotiations. We would like to know who made the ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹Â†~„†‡ƒ …‰ƒŠ‹Š†Š~† œƒ†… ƒ talks, where did the discussion take place and under what conditions? Nigerians are also inquisitive about the personality called Danladi Adamu, the alleged representative of the insurgents. Until now, the name has never cropped up anywhere. So, we would want the man’s proper identity unraveled since he was also denied in the video released by the man that identiÂŁ œƒ…Š—‚ } Âƒ~‚ƒ Â… Š´Â…ƒ ž™ž~kar Shekau, leader of the insurgents. It is also disturbing that the military is not involved or represented in the negotiations but despite their omission, the Armed Forces were nonetheless compelled to observe the one-sided bogus deal, while the aggressors continued to wreak havoc on north east communities. The anticipated investigation would certainly cast proper

light on whether the omission was deliberate or not, since it was obviously a slight on the military not to involve it in whatever negotiations since it is charged with prosecuting a war which has depleted its ranks, morale and resources. Some of the other questions agitating the minds of Nigerian citizens include why the military high command has insisted that soldiers at the war front must observe the alleged cease £€ ƒ~‹œƒœŠ‚€ ˜~€œƒ†… ƒ€™} ‚ƒ‰ Âƒ engagement, even in the face of sustained impunities by Boko Haram insurgents since the ~˜€ — ‹†ƒ †‰‰´Âƒ # „†ƒ ‰‹ƒ „tober 17, 2014. It does not make sense that soldiers should wait until the enemy shoots at them ž  Â‰Â€ ƒ€ Â†Â™Â€Â‹ÂŠÂ‹Â˜ÂƒÂŁÂ€ ƒŠ‹ƒ‚ } ÂƒÂœ fence. Why must soldiers be di€ „† œƒ†‰ƒÂ? .Š‚‰‹ƒ‰†… €ƒ„‰™‹† €¯ aggression measures because ‰ Âƒ~ƒž‰˜™‚ƒ„ ~‚ ÂƒÂŁÂ€ ƒœ ~}Ăƒ Granted that if the negotiation had worked out, it would have led to the release of more than 200 Chibok schoolgirls and other people kidnapped by the insurgents who are languishing in captivity but it is sad that the hope was dashed by the recent Shekau video, which was very blunt in its content. It is equally disturbing that ‰´Â‰Âƒ ~€~Â—ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒ‚™„ceeded in deceiving our leaders and the military establishment. Policy makers were caught napping, while the insurgents adopted new techniques that helped them engage in what }‰‰´ œƒ}Š´ ƒ„‰‰€œŠ‹~† œƒ~.~„´Â‚ƒ on twelve local governments in Adamawa, Bauchi, Gombe, Borno and Yobe states since the alleged agreement was brokered three weeks ago. As a result of recent activities, more than 155,000 people were displaced in the past 22 days alone, while about 200 villagers have been killed. Several new abductions have also reported}ŠÂƒÂ†~´ ‹ƒ–}~„ •ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ ~„…ƒ~.~„´Âƒ violating the agreement, according to records from NEMA Â… ~œƒ‰E„ ‡ While the nation celebrated †… ƒ „ ~‚ ƒ £€ ƒ œ™——ŠÂ•Âƒ ‰´Â‰Âƒ Haram terrorists launched series of successful deadly attacks on Adamawa towns and villages, pushing both soldiers and civilian populations out of Mubi and its surrounding communities, including Vimtim, home town of the Chief of De Â‹Â„ ƒ †~#•ƒ Š€ƒ …Š  Âƒ ~€‚…~}ƒ Alex Badeh and also detonated bombs at motor garages in Gombe and Bauchi states. Within a short space of time, Mubi, a strategic town near the border and surrounding villages, including army and police barracks, were sacked and occupied. Boko Haram’s black Âľ~˜‚ƒœ ‚Š˜‹ œƒÂ?Š†…ƒ €~žŠ„ƒŠ‹scriptions denouncing western œ™„~†Š‰‹ƒ~€ ƒ‹‰Â?ÂƒÂľÂ™. €Š‹˜ƒ~†ƒ government establishments in the areas, as well as the palace of the emir. When the nation’s Chief of  Â‹Â„ ƒ †~#ÂƒĂ— Ă˜Â•Âƒ …Š  Âƒ Š€ƒ

Boko haram members

Chief Marshal Alex Badeh an‹‰™‹„ œƒ †… ƒ „ ~‚ £€ ƒ ~˜€ ment in the night of Thursday, „†‰ž €ƒ ½Ă’•ƒ Ă”Ă?½¿Âƒ  Â‰}}‰Â? œƒ žŠÂƒ „‰‹£€—~†Š‰‹‚ƒ žŠÂƒ ‚ ‹Š‰€ƒ ˜‰Œ €‹— ‹†ƒ ‰E„Š~}‚•ƒ †… ƒ ‹~†Š‰‹ƒ was told the primary aim of †… ƒ ‹ ˜‰†Š~†Š‰‹ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ~ƒ „ ~‚ £€ ƒ agreement was to secure the release of the abducted Chibok schoolgirls and to end insurgency. The announcement of the ~}} ˜ œƒ „ ~‚ £€ ƒ „~— ƒ ‚…‰€†}ŠÂƒ ~ Â† €ƒ Â‚ÂŠÂ˜Â‹ÂŠÂŁÂ„~‹†ƒ € ÂŒ €‚ ‚ƒ Â…~œƒ been achieved at the war fronts against the insurgents. The military had succeeded in gradually pushing the vicious group back and recovering some towns occupied by them during previous campaigns. Nigerians rejoiced and celebrated the news, especially as it was alleged that Boko Haram has agreed to respect the deal but the jubilations were short lived as the insurgents soon regrouped and launched ~ƒ Â?~ÂŒ ƒ ‰ Âƒ ‚™„„ ‚‚ Â™}ƒ ~.~„´Â‚‡ƒ While people were still agonizing and worrying over the ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ ŒŠ‰}~†Š‰‹‚ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ~}} ˜ œƒ agreement, Boko Haram militants again brought a reign of anarchy to Abadam, in Borno State, where scores of people were killed, while 50 persons, including married women and young girls, were abducted and homes ransacked for money, food items, after which they Â? € ƒ ž™€‹†‡ƒ ÂŒ €~}ƒ „~.} ƒ ~‹œƒ loads of food items were carted away by the terrorists. Another assault on Dzur on following Saturday morning left at least 18 people dead and spread sorrow everywhere. …€ ƒ ‰†… €ƒ ~.~„´Â‚ƒ ‰„„™€€ œƒ in Michika Local Government Area of Adamawa State, where dozens were killed and a number of villagers were equally kidnapped. Borno State Governor, Alhaji ~‚…Š—ƒ Â… .Š—~ÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂ€Â— œƒ‰‹ƒ Tuesday that the government has lost control of eight local governments or thousands of square kilometers of land ter€Š†‰€ŠÂƒÂ†Â‰Âƒ ‰´Â‰Âƒ ~€~Â—ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â† €‚•ƒ

who have overrun the areas. He said the insurgents are now advancing on the remaining parts of the 27 local government areas of the state. In Adamawa State, the insurgents are already controlling seven local government areas and six in Yobe State. National Assembly members who can no longer travel to their constituencies have raised alarm, Â?~€‹Š‹˜ƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ ˜€‰™–ƒ # „tively governs 22 local governments in the three states under the state of emergency. In these areas, the strict versions of Sharia laws are used to govern the people who chose to remain. Â… .Š—~ƒ†‰}œƒ— —ž €‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ Federal Government Sub-com—Š. ƒ‰‹ƒ†… ƒ Š„†Š—‚ƒ ™––‰€†‚ƒ Fund who visited Maiduguri recently that the endless attacks by Boko Haram on communities have disrupted social and economic activities in the state and created unimaginable hardship for the people. Â… .Š—~ Â‚ƒ Â?Â‰Â€ÂœÂ‚Ă™Âƒ Ă Â… ƒ Š‹surgents have already taken over eight local government areas in the state. The areas they have taken are Gamboru-Ngala, Kala-Balge, Marte, Dikwa, Gwoza, Bama, Askira-Uba and part of Konduga local govern— ‹†ƒ ~€ ~‚‡ƒ Ă Â… ƒ Š‹‚™€˜ ‹†‚ƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ~}‚‰ƒ„~€€Š œƒ‰™†ƒ~.~„´Â‚ƒŠ‹ƒ other areas such as Abadam, Kukawa and these areas are under threat of also falling,â€? he said while calling for urgent € ‚„™ ƒ #‰€†ƒ†‰ƒ€ ÂŒ €‚ ƒ†… ƒ‚Š†™ation. Government spokesman, Š´ ƒ — €Š•ƒÂ?…‰ƒŠ‚ƒ†… ƒ Š€ „†‰€ƒ ‹ €~}ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ €Š ܠ~†Š‰‹ƒ ˜ ‹„ŠÂƒĂ— Ă˜Â•ÂƒÂ?Â… ‹ƒ interviewed by a foreign news agency, doubted like other ad—Š‹Š‚†€~†Š‰‹ƒ ‰E„Š~}‚•ƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ people carrying out the recent ~.~„´Â‚ƒ Â? € ƒ –~€†ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ‰´Â‰Âƒ Haram group. It is instructive that govern— ‹†ƒ ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ Â…~ÂŒ ƒ Š‹œŠ€ „†}ŠÂƒ accepted the fact that Boko Haram insurgents are now factionalised. It must be stated, however, that the path of peace

cannot be helped by such com— ‹†‚ƒ}Š´ ƒ†… ƒ‰‹ ƒ~.€Šž™† œƒ†‰ƒ ‚‰— ƒ ‰E„Š~}‚ƒ Â?…‰ƒ € —~€´ œƒ †…~Â†ÂƒĂ Â†Â… ƒ~.~„´Â‚ƒ—~ŠÂƒÂ…~ÂŒ ƒž ‹ƒ carried out by one of several criminal groups operating in the northeast who are exploiting the chaos of insurgency in the area.â€? Many commentators on the insurgency problem, especially civil society groups, have called on the Federal Government to identify and negotiate with the mainstream Boko Haram group. Any form of negotiation should be with the group which Â…~‚ƒ†… ƒ„}‰™†ƒ~Â‹ÂœÂƒÂŠÂ‹ÂľÂ™ ‹„ ƒ‰€ƒ~ƒ central command structure to pressure or persuade the other groups into obedience. Careful appraisal of the new video, like the Defence Headquarters has promised to do, will certainly assist in unraveling many intriguing issues surrounding the alleged cease £€ ƒ~˜€ — ‹†‡ It will be helpful, for a start, to ‚†™œŠÂƒÂ„}~Š—‚ƒžŠÂƒÂ†Â… ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â™Â€ ƒÂ?…‰ƒ Šœ ‹†Š£ œƒ …Š—‚ } Âƒ ~‚ƒ Â… Š´Â…ƒ Abubakar Shekau in the new video released Friday night, because the speaker denied in a mixture of Hausa and Shuwa }~‹˜™~˜ ‚ƒ†…~†ƒ~ƒ„ ~‚ £€ ƒœ ~}ƒ has been initiated. Precisely, he said, no discussion has been entered or will ever be initiated with the government. He even questioned why the group should negotiate with the government when members of ‰´Â‰Âƒ ~€~—ƒ ~€ ƒ Ă ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ Allah.â€? The boastful speaker equally denied any links to Danladi Adamu, the man named by the government as Boko Haram representative at the talks, calling Adamu an impostor or charlatan. While dashing the hope for the release of the Chibok girls, †… ÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â™Â€ ƒ‚~Šœƒ†… ƒ˜Š€}‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒ~}}ƒ ž Â‹ÂƒĂ Â—~€€Š œƒ‰#ÂźÂƒ~‹œƒÂ?Š}}ƒ‹‰†ƒ return to their families again. Addressing the government Âœ „}~€~†Š‰‹ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ„ ~‚ £€ ƒœŠ€ „†}ŠÂ•Âƒ †… ƒ ÂŁÂ˜Â™Â€ ƒ ‚~ÂŠÂœĂ™Âƒ Ă Â‰Â™Âƒ ‚…~— lessly declared in your radio

and newspapers that you were ÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ †…‰‚ ƒ Âœ † €—Š‹ œƒ †‰ƒ establish an Islamic state. Because of that constitution that barred us from preaching in Maiduguri, we moved out and migrated, as Allah ordained. Ă ~ÂŒ ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ  Â‰Â€Â˜Â‰. ‹ƒ †…~Â†ĂƒÂƒ And it is you today that is claiming we made truce with you? In what way did we make truce? Which kind of negotiation? With whom? That your ~‹}~œŠ•ƒ †… ƒ ÂŠÂ‹ÂŁÂœ }ƒ }Š´ ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Â•Âƒ who we will not spare and will decapitate if he falls into our hands today? Ă Â… € ƒ œ‰ƒ Â? ƒ ´Â‹Â‰Â?ƒ …Š—•ƒ not to talk of him representing us? Who is Danladi on this earth? Allah knows everything. Allah is witness (quoting from the Koran again). Therefore, I tell you, we have not made „ ~‚ £€ ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ~‹ŠÂ‰Â‹ ‡ƒ ‹}ŠÂƒ ž~.} •ƒ…Š.Š‹˜•ƒ‚†€Š´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ~‹œƒ´ÂŠ}}ing with gun, which we long for like tasty meal. This is what Â? ƒž }Š ÂŒ ƒŠ‹ƒ~Â‹ÂœÂƒÂŁÂ˜Â…Â†Âƒ Â‰Â€Â‡Âƒ ™€ƒ goal is to see only Koran being followed on earth. This is our focus.â€? Ă Â†ÂƒÂŠÂ‚ÂƒÂ‚~Šœƒ†…~†ƒ Â…~œŠ~‹ƒ € ‚Šdent, Nigerian ambassador, the people of Cameroon and us met and agreed on a truce. How? Don’t you know we are still holding your German hostage, who is always crying? If we wish, we will hack him or slaughter him, or shoot him. We fear no one but Allah. This is our job. Ă Â… ‹ƒ œŠœƒ Â? ƒ € } ~‚ ƒ …Šbok schoolgirls that we seized? Those that Shekau, who is now talking, seized and brought them and kept them in the place he chose for more than six months now.â€? Director of Defence Informa†Š‰‹•ƒ ~Â?‰€ƒ ‹ €~}ƒ …€Š‚ƒ }™kolade, in responding to the new video, said the military would make its position on the —~. €ƒ–™ž}Š„ƒ~ Â† €ƒ~ƒ†…‰€‰™˜…ƒ review. Ă Â… ƒ „‰‹† ‹†ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ŒŠœ ‰ƒ purportedly released by the terrorists on Friday is being studied. Further information on subsequent position on the issues involved will be released as appropriate in due course. ‹ƒ †… ƒ „ ~‚ £€ ƒ ~˜€ — ‹†•ƒ Â… ƒ‚~ÂŠÂœÂ•ÂƒĂ Â… ƒ—Š}Š†~€ŠÂƒÂ?Š}}ƒ„‰‹tinue to accord due recognition to any ongoing mediatory efforts towards bringing our girls home and terminating the insecurity in parts of the country.â€? Meanwhile, several Nigerians, including the All Progressives Congress [APC], civil rights groups and Dr. Peregrino Brimah, a public commentator, among several others, have called on the Federal Government to institute an inquiry to ascertain the status or standing in Boko Haram circles of those negotiating with government. The commentators would also want to know the position of the negotiation, if there is any going on, to relieve the nation and the people from the painful suspense that insurgency has forced us to endure for a long time now.



2015: Ethnic nationalities in the north urged to participate in politics * $[* %UYU 2+4


Newswatch Times

North Central

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gunmen kill two FRSC officials in Kogi $'UQ ,'$. 2 ]+1+ >


he Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) yesterday £ ´ }}ing of two of its of£ ~} © ´ in Koton Karfe, Kogi State.

The State Sector Commander of the FRSC, Mr ´ } ´ ~ ~ E ~} }~ } ~ ~© ~ ~ ©~ ~ © ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ´ ´~

and set 144 inmates free late ~© Ô ´ ~ ~ }~ marshals were among the six } © ~ E ~ } ~©

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~ Á } - ~} ~ ~ ~}} ~} ~ - ~ ´ } }~ ~´ © E ~ } ~} } ~ ~} }© days that the Kogi State ~ ment chairman, and not the the Protection of the Rights ~ ~ ~ ~}}~ }} ~} © ~ - ¼ ~ ~ ~ } ~} - ~ ~ º tional. Ô½ } ~} ~ Á ~} ~}} } © ~© ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ }© © } ~} ~ }} ~ ~} © ~ ´ }} - ´ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ ~ - chairmen which has allegedly } ´ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ } ~} - } ´ } ~ » }© ~}- } ~} ~ - } ~ ~ ~ ~ } © ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ © } ~ } ´ ´ ~ ~ ~ ~ }~ } ~} said the Organisation shall ~ } © ~ ~} ~}} ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ © ~ ~ ~}} They also decried the high } } © ~ © ´

~ ~ ~ ~ ´ ~} ~´ ~ ~ ~ } ~ ´ }} } ~ » ~ Á ~ }}~ © ~} } } ~ ~ © ~ ~ ~´ ~ } ~ © ~- L-R: Wife of Kwara State Governor, Mrs. Omolewa Ahmed; Kwara State Governor, Abdulfatah Ahmed; Former Governor, Kwara ~} } } State, Senator Bukola Saraki and Former Vice President and All Progressives Congress Presidential Aspirant, Alhaji Atiku Á ~ } } } $A6A>1>7 567/08 *+ <70+7 $3T<5\4 5<?=>7>9/+0 @+7 05 9<7T /0 +@ ?< >9 93< Q<97+ +=/9>0 ^ 6>7< ,=+7/0 .<49<75>. © ~ ~ } } ~ ~ © ~ º } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *2' ,[ 222^+,Q,*U ]> > PDP Secretariat yesterday in Á }} ~ ~ ~ ~}´ right of all citizens, and that ~£~ ~ } ~ } ~ } ~ ~ }~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - } ~ } } ~ ~ ~ } © ~ ~ © ~ ~ claim that they are not aware ~ ~ ~ º ~ ~´ ~ ~} }© } }~ - } ~ }} ¼ ~ º © ~ } } } ~ © ~ ~ ~´ ~ } ~ ´- sons. E } ~ ~ ~ Ò © ~ ~ } © ~ ~}} ~ ~} } ~} Á ~´ º~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~¯ } ¯ ´ ~ challenges confronting the º ~ ~ } *2' ,[ $.2Y Q>1675/ ~ and disclosed that the conminority ethnic nationalities ~ ~ - ~´ ~ ° }~ ~ ~ ~ } º ~ state. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ´ ~ } ~ ´ ´ © } }~ ~ ~ ~ ´ ~ ~ ethnic nationalities of north- } }© ~ ~ }© ises. ~ ~´ ~ } }~ He said within the same ° }~. has said the Ga ~} ~ - ~ } ~ }© ~ ~ } ~ ~} ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ ´ ~ } ~ ~ ~ }~ Ò¯Õ ~ } ~ ~ ~ © ~ ~ ~ £}} - ~ ~ ~ } } Á ~´ ~ ~ }~ ´ } ~´ ness. and maintained that some of

~ ~ } destiny into their hands, and the PVCs. ´ ~ ~}} } ~ ~ } ~ ~} ~ ~ }~ ~ ~ ~ ~ }~© ~ ¯ ´ ~ ~ } . ~- ~ ~ }~ © © tion form for the senate at the ~ } ´ - ~ } ~ ~ © ° ´ ~ ~ ¯ ~ ~ ~ ¯ ~ ~} © ¼

Activist faults Kogi governor over frozen LG accounts


away. ´ ~ ~ was informed of the incident almost immediately said that ~ ~ ~ © E ~} } ~ } ~} }~ ~ ~ © ~ }© ~©

~ ~ # © } } } ~© when a woman in the town £ ~ ~ ~ µ ~}} }~ ~ ~ ~ ´ ~ ~ ~ ~ © ´ ~ He said that the woman ~ raised an alarm which at ~ }}~ ~© ~ E ~} } ~ © later followed the woman ~ ~ claim. The Sector commander said ~ }© ~}} ~ ~© ~ © shot in the head at a close range. Ì © © } ©~ ~ shoe laces to tie their hands ~ } ~ ~ ~}} means that they were dragged ~ ~ ´ }} ° }~ men went away with the } ~ © ~ E ~} ~ ~} } ~ ~ tims.

~ ~ ~© ~ ©~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ´ ~} ´ ~

INEC should device other means of distributing PVCs in Nasarawa –Adokwe


~ ~ ~ ~ } }} ~ ~ ~ © } ©

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ id transformation in his zone.

Suswam will not abandon road projects –Commissioner

~ ~ ° ~ } © ~} Ñ À }} © ~ ´ ¯ male road.

~ ~ ~} ~ } ~ ~ the award of contract for the } ¯ ~ ~ ´ ¯ ´ ~

Newswatch Times Thursday, November 6, 2014



Kano receives 92 dejected refugees from Mubi TED ODOGWU, Kano


ano state Government, yesterday in Kano con£€— œƒ € „ ŠŒing not less than Ă•Ă”Âƒ €  Â™Â˜ ‚•ƒ Â?…‰ƒ Âľ œƒ ™žŠƒ town in Adamawa state, fol}‰Â?Š‹˜ƒ~.~„´ÂƒÂ‰Â‹ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ†‰Â?‹ƒžŠÂƒ insurgents. Director General of the †~† ƒ Š‚ž~…ƒ ‰~€œ•ƒ €ƒ žž~ƒ

Â™ÂŁÂƒ †‰}œƒ ‹ Â?‚— ‹ƒ Š‹ƒ ~‹‰ƒ that the internally displaced persons comprise men, women and children, who were conveyed to Kano on Tuesday Š‹ƒ †€~Š} €‚ƒ ž }‰‹˜Š‹˜ƒ †‰ƒ †… ƒ –€‰—Š‹ ‹†ƒ ž™‚Š‹ ‚‚ƒ †ŠÂ„‰‰‹•ƒ }Â…~Â?Šƒ }Š´Â‰Âƒ ~‹˜‰† ‡ ‘‘All the refugees are from ™žŠƒ Š‹ƒ Âœ~—~Â?~ƒ ‚†~† ƒ ~‹œƒ we have since screened them, alongside other security

agents in the state. ĂŒĂŒ Â?~‹´Â?~‚‰ƒ Â…~‚ƒ ~}‚‰ƒ œŠ€ „† œƒ •ƒ Š‚ž~…ƒ ‰~€œƒ ~‹œƒ †… ƒ Š‹Š‚†€ŠÂƒ ‰ Âƒ ‰— ‹ƒ #~Š€‚ƒ†‰ƒ}Š~Š‚ ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ †… ƒ‰E„ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ –™†ŠÂƒ ‰Œ €‹‰€•ƒ ‚‰ƒ ~‚ƒ †‰ƒ ‚ .} ƒ †… ƒ ~ fected persons’’, he said. Also, the Director General disclosed that the affected persons Â…~œƒ ž ‹ƒ –€‰ŒŠœ œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ  Â‰Â‰ÂœÂ•Âƒ Â?…Š} ƒ†… ƒ‚Š„´Âƒ~—‰‹˜ƒ†… —ƒ…~œƒ

ž ‹ƒ –€‰ŒŠœ œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ †… ƒ ‹ „ ‚sary drugs and medicament. He hinted that the state government had constituted ~ƒ„‰——Š. ƒ™‹œ €ƒ†… ƒ„…~Š€manship of the Commissioner ‰ ƒ ‰— ‹ƒ #~Š€‚ƒ †‰ƒ ‹‚™€ ƒ their welfare. „„‰€œŠ‹˜ƒ†‰ƒ Â™ÂŁÂ•ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ‚†~† ƒ government had already awarded a contract for the € ‹‰Œ~†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ ƒ ~ƒ € Â…~žŠ}Š†~†Š‰‹ƒ

„ ‹†€ ƒ Š‹ƒ ~Â?~´ÂŠÂ‹Âƒ ™œ™ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †… Š€ƒŠ—— œŠ~† ƒ€ ‚ .} — ‹†‡ ‘‘The contractor has promŠ‚ œƒ †‰ƒ „‰—–} † ƒ †… ƒ Â?‰€´Âƒ Â?Š†…Š‹ƒ‰‹ ƒÂ? ´  Â•ÂƒÂ… ƒ‚~Šœ‡ One of the refugees, iden†Š£ œƒ ~‚ƒ ™}~Š—~‹ƒ †‰}œƒ ‰™€ƒ correspondent that he made good his escape, alongside his family to Yola, through †… ƒž™‚…ƒž  Â‰Â€ ƒž‰~€œŠ‹˜ƒ†… ƒ Dangote trailers.

Presidential Committee on IDP commences data collection in Yola žœ™}´~œŠ€ƒ‚~Šœ‡ Good Jonathan set up the forms of violence across the manent peace in the country. He added that the insecu- „‰——Š. ‡ country

ƒ ‚~Šœƒ ƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ ‚™ž¯„‰—he Presidential Com- rity and state of IDPs, was an He further explained that He maintained that the —Š. ƒ…~œƒŒŠ‚Š† œƒ ‰€‹‰ƒ †~† ƒ —Š. ƒ ‰‹ƒ ŒŠ„†Š—‚ƒ Š‚‚™ ƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ ~# „† œƒ ‚†~† ‚ƒ the aim of the assessment visit „‰——Š. ƒ Â?~‚ƒ ~}‚‰ƒ —~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ and was now in Yola where it Support Fund has can’t shoulder alone and that Â?~‚ƒ†‰ƒž€Š‹˜ƒ‚™„„‰€ƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ~ - #‰€†ƒ†‰ƒƒž€Š‹˜ƒ~‹ƒ ‹œƒ†‰ƒ†… ƒ ŒŠ‚Š† œƒƒ ƒ„~—–ƒ•ƒ†… ƒ}~€˜disclosed that it has was the reason President fected victims as well as other insurgency and to ensure per- ‚†ƒ„~—–ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ‰Œ €ƒžÂ•Ă?Ă?Ă?ƒ ‚ƒ‡ commenced collecting data of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) nation-wide. €‡ƒ ƒ }´~‚‚Š—ƒ žœ™}´~œŠ€•ƒ the Head of Information and ™ž}Š„ƒ #~Š€‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ‰——Š†tee stated this while answering questions from newsmen in Yola the capital of Adamawa State žœ™}´~œŠ€ƒ ‚~Šœƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ „…~Š€—~‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ ‚™žƒ „‰——Š. ƒƒ ‰‹ƒœ~†~ƒ„‰}}~†Š‰‹ƒ€†œ•ƒ Š€ƒ ~€shal Jonah Wuyep was in Yola †‰ƒ„‰}} „†ƒ~ÂƒÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†ÂƒÂ…~‹œƒŠ‹ Â‰Â€Â—~tion and assess the situation of the IDPs. Ă Â… ƒ „…~Š€—~‹•ƒ ™žƒ ‰——Š. ƒ‰‹ƒœ~†~ƒ„‰}}~†Š‰‹ƒƒ™‹œ €ƒ †… ƒ € ‚Šœ ‹†Š~}ƒ ‰——Š. ƒ Š„†Š—‚ƒ ™‹œƒ •ƒ †œ•ƒ Š€ƒ ~€shal , Jonah Wiyep was in Yola to collect accurate data and assess the condition of victims of L-R: Kaduna State Commissioners for Special Duties and Inter-Governmental Affairs, Alhaji Hassan Abdul; Commissioners for insurgency who were camped Local Government, Shehu Ahmed Gaint; Commissioners for Culture and Tourism, Alhaji Abdulrasheed Kakangi; Justice, Garba in various locations in Yola.â€? Uba Shehu and Finance, Samaila Aliyu, at Kaduna State Executive Council meeting in Kaduna State‌yesterday. OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola


Hisbah Board commences preparation to wed 2,000 widows, divorcees TED ODOGWU, Kano

‰ Âƒ ԕĂ?Ă?Ă?ƒ œŠŒ‰€„ ‚ƒ ~‹œƒ Â?Šœ~‹‰ƒ †~† ƒ Š‚ž~…ƒ ‰Â?‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ÂƒÂŁÂ Â†Â…ÂƒÂ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ‚ €Š ‚ƒ‰ Âƒ ‰~€œ•ƒŠ ‚† €œ~ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹Âƒ mass weeding programme. ‘’We have already forwardKano commenced preparations for ed the proposal to the state the mass wedding government and as soon as it ‰ Âƒ~‹‰†… €ƒž~†„…ƒ‰ ÂƒĂ”•Ă?Ă?Ă?ƒÂ?Šœ- is endorsed, the programme will commence. ows and divorcees in the state. According to him, the wedDirector General of the ‰~€œ•ƒ }Â…~Â?Šƒ žž~ƒ Â™ÂŁÂ•Âƒ œŠ‚- œŠ‹˜•ƒ Â?…Š„…ƒ Â?‰™}œƒ ž ƒ „‰‹closed in Kano yesterday the ducted very soon, was part ž‰~€œƒ Â…~‚ƒ ‚†~۠ œƒ –€ –~€~- ‰ Âƒ #‰€†‚ƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ Š‹„™—ž ‹†ƒ tions for the mass wedding ~œ—Š‹Š‚†€~†Š‰‹ƒ†‰ƒ„™€žƒ–€‰‚†Š-


tution and other social vices in the society. He therefore urged interested couples to come forward ~‹œƒ € ˜Š‚† €ƒ Â?Š†…ƒ †… ƒ ž‰~€œ•ƒ so as to undergo the proper screening exercise. ‹ƒ †… ƒ € †™€‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ ž ˜˜~€‚ƒ Š‹ƒ ‚‰— ƒ–~€†‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ„Š†ŠÂ•Âƒ Â™ÂŁÂƒÂœÂŠÂ‚Â„}‰‚ œƒ †…~†ƒ †… ƒ ž‰~€œƒ Â…~œƒ ~€€ ‚† ÂœÂƒĂ‘Ă?ƒž ˜˜~€‚ƒ}~‚†ƒ ™ ‚œ~ŠÂƒ  Â‰Â€ÂƒÂŒÂŠÂ‰}~†Š‹˜ƒ†… ƒ‚†~† ƒ‚†€ †ƒž ˜˜Š‹˜ƒ–€‰…ŠžŠ†Š‰‹ƒ}~Â?‡ Â™ÂŁÂƒÂ…ÂŠÂ‹Â† œƒ†…~†ƒ†… ƒ~# „† œƒ

PDP commends Kebbi State chapter, wants others to emulate them AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


Â… ƒ žžŠƒ †~† ƒ chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has ž ‹ƒ „‰—— ‹œ œƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ ~œƒ ™~۠ €‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ–~۠ŠÂƒÂŠÂ‹Âƒ ž™Â?~ƒ Â‰Â€Âƒ the peaceful conduct of the }~‚†ƒÂ? ´ ‹œƒÂ?‰€œ‚ƒœ } ˜~† ƒ „‰‹˜€ ‚‚ƒÂ?Š†…‰™†ƒž} —Š‚…‡ ~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ †…Š‚ƒ „‰—— ‹œ~tion yesterday at the party ‚ „€ †~€Š~}ƒ Š‹ƒ Š€‹Š‹¯ žžŠ•ƒ the chairman of the three man Appeal Panel com—Š. ƒ ‚ ‹†ƒ †‰ƒ †… ƒ ‚†~† ƒ †‰ƒ receive various complains

emanating from the wards congress, Prof. Jerry Agada told newsmen that the wards congress went successfully contrary to what his panel envisage. Prof. Agada, a former Š‹Š‚† €ƒ ‰ Âƒ œ™„~†Š‰‹•ƒ ‹‰Â?ƒ a special Assistant to the ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ Â…~Š€—~‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ party, disclosed to newsmen that their expectation was to ž ƒ˜€ † œƒÂ?ÂŠÂ†Â…ÂƒÂťÂ™~‹†™—ƒ‰ Âƒ „‰—–}~Š‹‚ƒ ~‹œƒ –€‰† ‚†•ƒ ž™†ƒ alas, there was none, except for one local government †…~†ƒ‚ ‹†ƒŠ‹ƒ~ƒ„‰—–}~Š‹ƒž~€ ly few hours to the depar†™€ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ„‰——Š. ‡

ƒ‚~Šœƒ†… ƒ„‰——Š. ƒ…~‚ƒ to send for the complainant to appear in person so that the issue raised in his com–}~Š‹†ƒ„~‹ƒž ƒŠ€‰‹ œƒ‰™†ƒ~‹œƒ resolved immediately without fear or favour. … ƒ ~–– ~}ƒ „‰——Š. ƒ chairman assured that his panel will not compromise with any petition as any of ‚™„…ƒ– †Š†Š‰‹ƒ�Š}}ƒž ƒ†€ ~† œƒ ž~‚ œƒ ‰‹ƒ Š†‚ƒ — €Š†•ƒ ~œœŠ‹˜ƒ that the fact that the PDP ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ ~œƒ ™~€† €‚ƒ ‚ †ƒ up the panels to go round the country shows the party Š‚ƒ „‰——Š. œƒ †‰ƒ ‹†…€‰�‹ment of internal democracy.

ž ˜˜~€‚•ƒÂ?…‰ƒÂ? € ƒ~€€ ‚† œƒ~†ƒ Hajj Camp and Church road Š‹ƒ ~ž‰‹ƒ ~€Š•ƒ ƒ € ‚– „†ŠŒ }ŠÂƒ Â?‰™}œƒ ‚‰‰‹ƒ ž ƒ „…~€˜ œƒ †‰ƒ court for proper prosecution.

†ƒÂ?‰™}œƒž ƒ€ „~}} œƒ†…~†ƒ†… ƒ ‚†€ †ƒž ˜˜Š‹˜ƒ–€‰…ŠžŠ†Š‰‹ƒ Š}}ƒ Â…~‚ƒ ž ‹ƒ –~‚‚ œƒ Š‹†‰ƒ }~Â?ƒ žŠÂƒ the state government since „ —ž Â€ÂƒĂ”Ă?½Ă‘‡


Buhari’s endorsement of El-Rufai undemocratic, a recipe for crisis - Lukman BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna


n All Progressives Congress (APC) governorship aspirant in Kaduna State Alhaji Salihu ‰…~—— œƒ ™´Â—~‹ƒ Š ‚† €œ~ŠÂƒ Âœ „€Š œƒ †… ƒ ~.Š†™œ ƒ ‰ Âƒ the former Head of State and Presidential aspirant of the –~۠ŠÂ•Âƒ ‹ €~}ƒ ™…~——~œ™ƒ ™…~€Šƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ‹œ‰€‚Š‹˜ƒ †… ƒ ~‚–Š€~†Š‰‹ƒ ‰ Âƒ  Â‰Â€Â— €ƒ Š‹Š‚† €ƒ ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ƒ ~}}~—ƒ ~‚Š€ƒ }ÂŻ Rufai. Â… ƒ ˜™ž €‹~†‰€Š~}ƒ …‰–  Â™}ƒ who stated that he was not Š‹†Š—Šœ~† œƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ ‹œ‰€‚ — ‹†•ƒ…‰Â? ÂŒ €ƒœ ‚„€Šž œƒŠ†ƒ~‚ƒ undemocratic and a recipe for ž€ œŠ‹˜ƒ„€Š‚Š‚ƒŠ‹ƒ†… ƒ–~۠ŠÂ‡ According to him, the Presidential hopeful should emulate the national leadership of the party that has so far given equal treatment to all the Presidential aspirants under its platform. ™´Â—~‹ƒÂ?…‰ƒŠ‚ƒ†… ƒœŠ€ „tor general of the All Progressives Governors forum stated this in Kaduna yesterday, when he appeared ‰‹ƒ Šž ۠ŠÂƒ ~œŠ‰•ƒ Š‹‚Š‚†Š‹˜ƒ †…~†ƒ~‹ƒ }Âœ €ƒ‚†~† ‚—~‹ƒ}Š´ ƒ the general, should accord recognition to all the aspirants in the state rather than singling out an aspirant and endorsing him when only the electorates have the powers to do so through their votes. The governorship hopeful also said he is not desperate to ž „‰— ƒ ‰Œ €‹‰€ƒ ž™†ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ €~„ ƒ†‰ƒ # „†ƒ–‰‚Š†ŠŒ ƒ„…~‹˜ ƒ in the state and give the state a face lift from the present situation.

FRSC, motor dealers trade words over stolen vehicles BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna


he Federal Road Safety Corps ĂŠ Ă‹Âƒ ~‹œƒ —ž €‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ ‰†‰€ƒ …Š„} ƒ ~}ers Association yesterday traded words over the allega†Š‰‹ƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ ƒ †…~†ƒ —‰†‰€ƒ Âœ ~} €‚ƒÂ? € ƒ~ŠœŠ‹˜ƒ~‹œƒ~ž †ting car snatching in the country, and Kaduna metropolis in particular. Delivering his goodwill message at the occasion of the ‘Guidelines for Licensing Dealers and Importers ~‹œƒ ~} ƒ‰ Âƒ ‰†‰€ƒ …Š„} ‚ƒ†‰ƒ †… ƒ ™ž}Š„ƒŠ‹ƒ Š˜ €Š~ Â•ÂƒÂ‰Â€Â˜~‹Š‚ œƒ žŠÂƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ ™†‰—‰†ŠŒ ƒ ‰™‹„Š}ƒ ĂŠ Ă‹Â•Âƒ †… ƒ ~œ™‹~ƒ FRSC Sector Commander, Francis Udoma alleged that vehicle theft thrived in the „‰™‹†€ŠÂƒ ž „~™‚ ƒ „~€ƒ Âœ ~} €‚ƒ received such stolen items. Udoma who was represent œƒ‰‹ƒ†… ƒ‰„„~‚Š‰‹ƒžŠÂƒ E„ €ƒ —€~‹~ƒ ž€~…Š—ƒ ~œœ œƒ †…~†ƒ there was need for the dealers

to register all vehicles meant for sale to reduce the situation. He said, “We have found out in the course of our duty Â?Â… € ƒ‚†‰} ‹ƒ„~€‚ƒ~€ ƒ‚‰}œƒžŠÂƒ dealers, and this is why we called for the registration of cars meant for sale. “This measure will go a }‰‹˜ƒ Â?~ŠÂƒ †‰ƒ „… „´Âƒ Š‹„Šœ ‹†‚ƒ of car theft, particularly in Kaduna city. “If you have more than ÂŁÂŒ ƒ „~€‚ƒ Š‹ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Â€Âƒ Âľ †•ƒ ŠÂ‰Â™Âƒ must register them to identify you as the owner in order to standardize your mode of operation. Also, you must not sell cars with worn out tyres, you have to put on ‹ Â?ƒ †ŠÂ€ ‚ƒ ž  Â‰Â€ ƒ ‚ }}Š‹˜ƒ †… ƒ vehiclesâ€?. ™†ƒ Š€´ œƒ žŠÂƒ †… ƒ ~}} ˜~†Š‰‹•ƒ †… ƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ € ‚Šœ ‹†ƒ of vehicle dealers association, }Âœ €ƒ ‹ƒ ˜…™—™ƒÂ?…‰ƒ…~œƒ earlier made his speech suddenly stood up and said the allegation was incorrect and unfounded.

Oghumu further added that, “It is true that there are cases of stolen vehicles in Kaœ™‹~•ƒž™†ƒ‹‰‹ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ‚ ƒŒ …Šcles were recovered from motor dealers association. ƒ Ă Â‰Âƒ Â? ƒ œ‰‹ Â†Âƒ Â?~‹†ƒ †‰ƒ ž ƒ —ž~€€~‚‚ œƒ žŠÂƒ Â?Â…~†ƒ Â? ƒ œ‰‹ Â†Âƒ ´Â‹Â‰Â?ƒ ‰ Â•Âƒ …‰Â? ÂŒ €•ƒ Â? ƒ will cooperate with the FRSC on all other guidelines for our } ˜Š†Š—~† ƒž™‚Š‹ ‚‚ ‚‡ – ~´ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ ~€}Š €•ƒ Š‹ƒ …Š‚ƒ ‰– ‹Š‹˜ƒ € —~€´Â•Âƒ †… ƒ Š€ „†‰€ƒ ‹ €~}ƒ ‰ Âƒ •ƒ ‹˜Šneer Aminu Jalal decried the importation of used vehicles ‰†… €Â?Š‚ ƒ´Â‹Â‰Â?‹ƒ~‚ƒ†‰´Â™Â‹ÂžÂ‰Â•Âƒ ‹‰†Š‹˜ƒ†…~†ƒ†… ƒ–€~„†Š„ ƒŠ‚ƒ´ÂŠ}}ing the nation’s economy. Engineer Jalal disclosed that out of every four cars imported into the country, three are used vehicles, pointing out that, “the council will meet continually with the leadership of the motor vehicle deal €‚ƒ †‰ƒ †~„´} ƒ „…~}} ‹˜ ‚ƒ †…~†ƒ they may face in the course of implementing the auto policyâ€?.



Babatunde in fitness race for AFCON qualifiers


olyn of Ukraine winger Babatunde Š„…~ }ƒ Š‚ƒ ž~.}Š‹˜ƒ †‰ƒž ÂƒÂŁÂ†Âƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ ™– €ƒ ~gles’ remaining two AF ÂƒĂ”Ă?½Ă“ÂƒÂťÂ™~}Š£ €‚‡ƒ The 21-year-old has only played 70 minutes of club football this season no thanks to the wrist injury he picked at the World Cup and an ankle problem. Š‹„ ƒ }Š—–Š‹˜ƒ ‰#ƒ Š‹jured 23 minutes into a cup game against Dnipro in September, the Super Eagles World Cup revelation is yet to return to training with the team. However, he declared …Š—‚ } ÂƒÂŁÂ†ÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ–}~ŠÂƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ†Â… ƒ Super Eagles during the last round of International matches but the medical team stopped him from both games against Sudan.

Despite training unscathed with the Super Eagles before their last home match against Sudan, Michael is yet to resume training with Volyn. Reports from Ukraine monitored by „}~Š— œƒ… ƒ‚™# € œƒ~ƒ‚ †back in his recovery by training with the Super ~˜} ‚ƒÂ?…Š} ƒ‹‰†ƒ Â™}}ŠÂƒÂŁÂ†Â‡Âƒ ƒ ‚}Š˜…†ƒ „‰‹£€—~†Š‰‹ƒ to the story is his absence  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ ‰}ŠÂ‹ Â‚ƒ }~‚†ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ games, failing to make the match day squad. While his injury woes continue to hamper his club career this season, his National team spot is not žŠÂƒ~‹ŠÂƒÂ?~ŠÂƒ~# „† œ‡ƒ Head coach of the Super Eagles, Stephen Keshi, has listed him among 23 players to prosecute Š˜ €Š~ Â‚ƒ £‹~}ƒ ƒ Ă”Ă?½Ă“ÂƒÂťÂ™~}Š£ €‚‡

Newswatch Times THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2014

Uche targets goal on Eagles return


illarreal striker, Ikechukwu Uche is keen to make a goal scoring return to the Nigeria squad after he was recalled for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) qualiÂŁ €‚ƒ ~˜~Š‹‚†ƒ ‰‹˜‰ƒ ~‹œƒ South Africa. The 30-year-old last played for the Super Eagles at the 2013 Afcon in South Africa but he was handed a recall for the crucial qualifying matches in November by head coach, Stephen Keshi. „… ƒ Â?…‰ƒ Â…~‚ƒ ‹ . œƒ 18 times in senior internationals with Nigeria is eager to hit the ground running. “I had a conversation with Ikechukwu Uche

on Tuesday evening and he told me he can’t wait to join the team. He’s very excited by the prospect of playing for the Super Eagles again,� spokesman of the national team, Ben

Alaiya said on Wednesday. The media chief added that Uche is looking forward to adding to his 18 international goals by scoring in the upcoming

game against Congo and South Africa. “Uche says nothing beats scoring for Nigeria and that he will want to do it again in the matches we will be playing this month. “He wants to make the fans, his teammates and indeed all Nigerians happy with a great display in the games. He knows Nigerians expect a lot from him,â€? he said. Uche made his Nigeria debut in 2007 and has gone on to amass 44 senior caps since then. Â… ƒ~.~„´ €ƒ…~‚ƒž ‹ƒ in decent form for his Spanish club, Villarreal †…Š‚ƒ† €—ƒ~‹œƒ…~‚ƒ‹ . œƒ three goals in all competition for the Yellow Submarine.

WBA manager seeks Ideye talks


est Bromwich Albion manager, Alan Irvine has said that he would be happy to sit down and talk to record-signing Brown Ideye after dropping him for the game at Leicester City. The striker has scored just one goal since his ÂŁ10m move from Dynamo Kiev and wasn’t included in the match day squad for the win at Leicester with both Victor Anichebe and Georgios Samaras preferred. “The way that we do it is I say to a player ‘if you want to come in on Monday, come in on Monday’. “But when the team is named and the subs are named they have to accept that, respect the rest of the players and then come back in later if they want to have a chat. “I might have a chat with him if he feels he needs to have a chat, but if he doesn’t then I won’t be calling him in. West Bromplay Newcastle in the Premier League on Sunday.

Oshaniwa coy on Eagles AFCON qualification


uwon Oshaniwa has predicted Nigeria will qualify for next year’s Africa Cup of Nations on their way to successfully defending the title they won last year in South Africa. Nigeria are third on the Group A table with four points from as many matches and need to win their remaining two qualŠ£ €‚ƒ ~˜~Š‹‚†ƒ ‰‹˜‰ƒ ~‹œƒ South Africa to advance automatically to the tournament proper. The FC Ashdod of Isra }ƒ Âœ  ‹œ €ƒ ~œ—Š. œƒ ~gles walk a tight rope, but he said he believes they will do the job and qualify for AFCON 2015. “It is obvious we are

not in good position where we want to be, that is football but I am very sure we will qualify so as to defend our title,� Oshaniwa said. “I am a positive person and I see us winning the remaining two games and qualify.� Oshaniwa started against Sudan in last month’s 3-1 win in Abuja and has been called up for the matches against Congo and South Africa. The African champions are away in Congo on November 15 and four days later host South Africa at the brand-new AkwaIbom International Stadium in Uyo.

Udoh hopes for impact against Black Meteors


op scorer in the history of the Nigerian league Mfon Udoh hopes to make an impact with the Super Eagles in their friendly game against the Black Meteors of Ghana on Friday at the new Uyo International Stadium. The home based Eagles are to open the newly build stadium when they take on Ghana’s U23’s in an international friendly at the multi-billion naira ÂœÂŠÂŁÂ„ ƒ Š‹ƒ †… ƒ ´Â?~ƒ ž‰—ƒ State capital and Udoh,

who hails from Akwa Ibom state, says he hopes to make a big impact not just before his home fans, but to cement a regular spot in the Eagles. “I’m really excited with this opportunity and I really want to make an impact,� he began. “It’s a big one for me because I’ll be playing in my home state but that is not †… ƒ žŠ˜˜ ‚†ƒ ~.€~„†Š‰‹ƒ  ‰€ƒ — ‡ƒ … ƒžŠ˜˜ ‚†ƒ~.€~„†Š‰‹ƒ is to play well enough and prove myself so I can get more invitations,� he said.

The Enyimba striker has scored 21 goals in the Nigeria Professional Football League this season, breaking Jude Aneke’s previous record of 20 goals but he admits he still has to make an impact with the Eagles. “I’m happy with my scoring form for my club but I still have to make an impact. It’s the same football we are going to play, ž™†ƒŠ† ‚ƒ~ƒœŠ# € ‹†ƒ ‹ŒŠ€‰‹ment and I hope to make the best use of it,� he said humbly.

Newswatch Times

Sports/NEWS 63 Agbim confident ahead of Ghana clash De Jong hails Nigeria football talent



ome based Super Eagles captain, Chigozie Agbim has praised the quality of players at the team’s disposal, as they gear up for the International friendly against Ghana’s Black Meteors on Friday at the Uyo International Stadium. All 24 invited players have been training in the AkwaIbom State capital ahead of the friendly which is organized to open the newly build Uyo Stadium, and Agbim is already excited with the quality of players in the team and is hopeful they can get a good result against the Ghana-

ians. “It’s a very good team that we have here and everybody is training hard for the game against Ghana because

even though it is a friendly match, we want to win. “But I must say that I’ve been impressed with the quality I’ve seen in the players and they have shown a lot of promise in the training sessions that we’ve had and I’m very excited about it,� he told The team only opened camp on Monday, and they are playing Ghana’s U23’s that have been in camp for several weeks but Agbim believes it’s not a problem and posits that they could …~Œ ƒ ~ƒ ž . €ƒ † ~—ƒ †…~‹ƒ they had at the last CHAN championship in South Africa.


“I have seen so many member of the Netherlands 1974 talented players who can World Cup team, become hit in the next few Theo De Jong now a scout for European teams, says Nigeria is number one in Africa when it comes to producing young talented footballers. De Jong a part of the Dutch team that lost Š‹ƒ †… ƒ £‹~}ƒ ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ½Ă•Ă’ÂżÂƒ World Cup 2-1 to Germany made this known to in Kaduna after a talent hunt tournament. “Nigeria is still very much Africa number one in terms of young players that is why we choose to come here,’’ he said.

years with proper conditioning and training.â€? Seven players were picked by the team of scouts and according to Paul Daniel the MD of Nadia Sports Network, they are schedule to undergo trials in Holland, Finland and Czech Republic. “I can tell you as soon as the window of transfer opens in Europe about seven of them will undergo trials.â€? he added. Sadiq Maiyaki, Israel Adebayo, Chinedu Akuvuo, Paul Aboki and Mo‚ ‚ƒ ‰…‹ƒ ~€ ƒ ÂŁÂŒ ƒ ~—‰‹˜ƒ the seven players expected to go on trials next month.

Lille douse Enyeama’s Shuaibu brace stun Sharks I Liverpool link brahim Shuaibu scored twice to increase his tally to 13 goals as Giwa FC defeated Sharks FC 2-1 at the FIFA Goal Project Technical Centre on Wednesday morning. The former Wikki Tourists man put Giwa ahead Â?Š†…ƒ ~ƒ ‚†€‰‹˜ƒ €™‹ƒ ~‹œƒ £‹ish. Before the break Fortune —‰‹ŠÂ?~€Šƒ £€ œƒ †… ƒ }™ ƒ Angels level. Shuaibu then collected his 13th Premier League goal of the season to secure victory for the Jos Elephants in Abuja. Giwa improved their points haul to 56 with two games left and only an unlikely mathematical scenario can deny them a topthree place. The NPL debutants could end up above Nasarawa United and Warri Wolves, if they beat the Solid Miners on Thursday and follow it up with three points at Nembe City. Shuaibu’s intervention sums up the impact he has —~Âœ ƒ Š‹ƒ …Š‚ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ ‚ ~‚‰‹ƒ ~†ƒ the club as he exploited on the Sharks defence. The visitors were


ille coach, Rene Girard, has shut down reports linking goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama, with a move to English premiership sides Liverpool and Sunderland. Reports in the media in France has it that Super Eagles safe hands and captain is a target for both Liverpool and Sunderland as they bid to beef up their goalkeeping department in the winter transfer window. “Vincent has a contract that doesn’t terminate until 2017 and we have no Š‹† ‹†Š‰‹ƒ‰ Âƒ} .Š‹˜ƒ˜‰ƒ‰‹ ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ‰Â™Â€ÂƒÂž ‚†ƒ players,â€? he told Le Foot. “The only bid we have receive for his services is the one I read from the papers, as Lille as a club we are yet to receive any bid from either Sunderland or Liverpool.â€? On the prospect of accepting if a žŠœƒ £‹~}}ŠÂƒ „‰— ‚ƒ Š‹ƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ †… ƒ Ă‘½¯Š ~€¯ old shot stopper Girard shut down the talks completely by insisting it will out rightly be turned down by the team. “Every player is available for a certain fee but Enyeama is not for sale, even if a bid comes in we will smartly turn it down.â€? Enyeama extended his Lille contract to the summer of 2017 on the 08 of December 2013 but reports has it that Lille will entertain bids for his services within the region of 8-10 million pounds.

Akindele confident of international future

Pinnick pledges faith in NFF staff


resident of Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Mr. Amaju Pin‹Š„´ÂƒÂ…~‚ƒ€ –‰‚ ÂœÂƒÂ„Â‰Â‹ÂŁÂœ ‹„ ƒ Š‹ƒ†… ƒ ~‹~˜ — ‹†ƒ~‹œƒ †~#ƒ of Federation, after a late morning meeting with the personnel on Wednesday. ‹ƒ …Š‚ƒ ÂŁÂ€Â‚Â†Âƒ ‰E„Š~}ƒ — †ing with the entire personnel of the Glass House, the new Pinnick espoused his vision of taking Nigeria football to new heights, and freely expressed his belief that the core of Management and †~#•ƒ—‰‚†ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ?…‰—ƒ… ƒ…~œƒ known for several years, are capable of driving the vision with its abiding and abundant energy, experience and creativity. “I am a young man with a vision, and that vision I

will pursuedoggedly. I have known so many of you for several years, some forclose to 15 years, and I appreciate your commitment and drive. “I want to assure you that there will be no witch-hunting. The new NFF Executive ‰——Š. ƒ †…~†ƒ ƒ … ~œƒ …~‚ƒ

thrashed 3-0 by Abia Warriors on Sunday, but there was no sign of scars from that humbling as a youthful and well-organised line™–ƒ ~.~„´ œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ –~„ ƒ ~‹œƒ power. Shuaibu opened the scoring when he met Usman Nura’s pass and plant œƒ ~‹ƒ °Â„ }} ‹†ƒ ÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‚Â…Âƒ –~‚†ƒ James Aiyeyemi at the near post. It was the his 12th goal of an impressive Premier League season. Sharks worked hard to restore parity but Giwa Â… }œƒ ÂŁÂ€Â—Âƒ ~‹œƒ †… Š€ƒ –€‰‚pects pegged back when the away team equalised one minute before the break. The physical Omoniwari drew Gbenga Ogunbote’s ‚Šœ ƒ} ÂŒ }ƒÂ?Š†…ƒ~ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ ÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‚Â…Âƒ †…~†ƒ Âľ Â?ƒ ž ŠÂ‰Â‹ÂœÂƒ }‰€™‹leke Ojo in goal for Giwa. After recess, the momentum swung back to Giwa and they dominated the start of the second half. ƒ ž€Š}}Š~‹†ƒ ‚‰}‰ƒ #‰€†ƒ by Nura was squared to Shuaibu, who was too mo†ŠŒ~† œƒ ~‹œƒ £‹Š‚… œƒ Â?Š†…ƒ ease. It was a typical centre  Â‰Â€Â?~Â€ÂœÂƒÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‚Â…Â‡

brought a new way of doing things, and we know that change does not come easy. But all those who have the will to go along will be there for the whole hog.� Charging the Manage— ‹†ƒ ~‹œƒ †~#ƒ ‹‰†ƒ †‰ƒ ž ƒ afraid of making mistakes, but to acknowledge and learn from their mistakes, Pinnick harped on sustainable football culture, hardwork, creativity and excellent service delivery. “I want you to see me as your brother, not as your boss. I am determined to improve your welfare and ensure training and re-training ‰ ƒ †~#‡ƒ ƒ …~Œ ƒ ž ‹ƒ ~ž} ƒ to secure sponsorship for capacity –building and enhancement for our elite refer-

ees and coaches. Why won’t we want to do the same for ~‹~˜ — ‹†ƒ~‹œƒ †~#Ăƒ “All we ask of you is to push yourself harder and do even more than you have been doing to ensure diligence in your various areas of operation. Our approach Â?Š}}ƒž ƒ‚„Š Â‹Â†ÂŠÂŁÂ„Âƒ~‹œƒ˜™~€~‹teed to bring results.â€? Responding on behalf of ~‹~˜ — ‹†ƒ ~‹œƒ †~#•ƒ †… ƒ General Secretary, Barrister Musa Amadu praised the ‹ Â?ƒ ƒ € ‚Šœ ‹†ƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂŁÂ‹Âœing time to meet with the personnel, and assured the ‹ Â?ƒ ° „™†ŠŒ ƒ ‰——Š. ƒ‰ Âƒ †… ƒ ~‹~˜ — ‹†ƒ~‹œƒ †~# Â‚ƒ absolute loyalty, and dedication to the project of doing †…Š‹˜‚ƒ œŠ# € ܠ}ŠÂƒ  Â‰Â€Âƒ ž . €ƒ results.


op favourite for the award of Major League Soccer (MLS) Rookie of the Year, Tesho Akindele, is yet to make up his mind on his International future. Born to a Nigerian father and a Canadian mother, the FC Dallas striker is due to take up United States citizenship exam next month and if he passes it as expected he will be eligible for their National team. That means he will be eligible for Nigeria, Canada and the USA but he has already turned down an invitation to be part of a Canadian national team camp this month. However, the 22-yearold remains open mind-

ed on all international options available to him and sounded coy when asked about his preference. “You want to play for someone who wants you and where you have a chance to play,â€? he said. “As for who that is, I don’t know that will probably take care of itself.â€? The Six-foot-one striker has taken the MLS by storm in his debut season with FC Dallas starting 15 of their 18 games with seven goals and two assists. He is comfortable playing anywhere upfront as he has played  Â€Â‰Â—ƒ†… ƒÂ?ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Â‚Â•ÂƒÂ—ÂŠÂœÂŁ }œƒ and top striker position for Dallas.

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 1, No. 6

November 6, 2014




Effective leadership is not about making speeches +7 A</08 =/1<5 =<>5<743/� /4 5<•0<5 by results not attributes. – Peter Drucker

this critical piece of legislation. The huge investment required to address the S/D infrastructure rehabilitation issue has led to calls for immediate privatization of these national facilities. However, it is the view of the writer that in the near- term government would be ill-advised to privatize this infrastructure because together the S/D infrastructure behaves like a natural monopoly. Several Chijioke Nwaozuzu actions need to be taken before these can and rehabilitated. The Warri – Benin privatized because of national security product line has been recovered, and the issues involved. Therefore, in the interim, Benin depot has been re-commissioned. these facilities should be repaired under The Aba product depot has now been rea ‘Downstream Petroleum Infrastructure commissioned after nearly seven years Rehabilitation Plan’. In the medium- term, of dormancy. The Aba – Enugu product a government agency (through an Act pipeline is expected to be re-established by of National Assembly) could be set up year ending 2013. A major product depot, under a truly independent regulator (with the Atlas Cove has been revamped, and the requisite character and integrity) to petrol tanks 11 & 12 have been reconstructed. rehabilitate and operate this infrastructure on a truly commercial basis (i.e. cost plus). Such an agency would be invested with the € ‚–‰‹‚ŠžŠ}Š†ŠÂƒÂ†Â‰ÂƒÂ‚ †ƒ†~€Š#‚ƒ Â‰Â€ÂƒÂ™Â‚ €‚ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ†Â… ‚ ƒ facilities. Only to the extent that it should be a longterm measure, I concur with a professional colleague’s recommendation (Dr John Erinne) that PPMC’s S/D infrastructure should be privatized into 4 companies along the following lines: West (Mosimi Area); Central (Warri Area); East (Port Harcourt Area); and North (Kaduna & Gombe areas). He further recommends that in the national interest, NNPC should € †~Š‹ƒ~†ƒ} ~Â‚Â†ÂƒÂżĂ?䕃ž™†ƒ‹‰ƒ—‰€ ƒ†…~Â‹ÂƒÂżĂ•äƒ equity in the privatized companies. He advocates further that in the national interest the privatization exercise should be broad enough to include a variety of stakeholders, such as major marketers, independent marketers, depot owners, € ÂŁÂ‹ÂŠÂ‹Â˜Âƒ „‰—–~‹Š ‚•ƒ Š‹œ – ‹œ ‹†ƒ ‰Š}ƒ producers, major oil producers, oil service companies, State & Local Government, and the general public at later stages (via the stock exchange). This is sound logic, because given the special nature of petroleum products and its unique economics care should be taken to ensure that monopoly situations does not exist in order to protect strategic national interests. Safeguards must be put in place! However, prior to privatizing these Diezani Alison-Madueke, Petroleum minister petroleum transport and storage facilities, Project Aquila (i.e. electronic monitoring of the National Assembly are thought to hold the requisite regulatory agencies, i.e. petroleum products distribution) which the key to further transformation work Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) was recently introduced by the current in the oil and gas industry. Their passage and Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE) Petroleum Minister has encouraged would enthrone a transparent regulatory should work together to nail down some increased investments in the downstream  Â€~— Â?‰€´Âƒ ~‹œƒ „‰—– †Š†ŠŒ ƒ £‚„~}ƒ € ˜Š— ƒ guidelines. The guidelines / safeguards sector resulting in the construction of new necessary to transform the petroleum put in place for the privatization of S/D depots (from 44 depots in 2010 to 71 depots industry in Nigeria. Consequently, the infrastructure should also apply to the presently), representing a 62% increase in Ministry of Petroleum Resources has –€ŠŒ~†Šº~†Š‰‹ƒ‰ ÂƒÂ‹~†Š‰‹~}ƒ€ £‹ €Š ‚‡ƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒƒ been building consensus around the main the number of depots nation-wide. Dr Chijioke Nwaozuzu, a petroleum This development has lead to new features of the PIB in order to encourage expert wrote via : cnwaozuzu@gmail. investments of N53 billion resulting from the National Assembly to speedily pass com. Tel: 070 6874 3617 (SMS only)

Fixing PPMC fuel supply network he Government’s Transformation Agenda, instituted by the President, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to cover the period 2011 – 2015 is anchored on Nigeria’s long-term economic development blueprint as encapsulated in Vision 20: 2020. The transformation agenda isolates a set of key priority policies and programmes which when executed are expected to yield outcomes that are consistent with present and future needs of the Nigerian people. It is already a known fact that Nigeria operates largely a mono-product economy presently, and it is expected that further developments in, and transformation of, the ‰Š}ƒâƒ˜~‚ƒ‚ „†‰€ƒÂ?Š}}ƒ} ~œƒ†‰ƒ~ƒœŠŒ €‚Š£„~†Š‰‹ƒ of the Nigerian economy into agriculture, information and telecommunications technology, aggressive manufacturing activities, etc. In this light, it is important that foundational issues relating to the oil and gas sector are dealt with. One of these is the supply and distribution network, made up of pipelines, depots and tank farms, Â? .Š ‚•ƒ † €—Š‹~}‚•ƒ †„‡ƒ ~´ ‹ƒ †‰˜ †… €•ƒ this infrastructure behaves like a natural monopoly because it links up all current and projected productive entities within the oil industry. This infrastructure is the  Â‰Â™Â‹Âœ~†Š‰‹ƒ™–‰‹ƒÂ?…Š„…ƒ °ÂŠÂ‚†Š‹˜ƒ€ £‹ €Š ‚ƒ and product supply and distribution nation-wide hinges on. It is also the foundation on which new € £‹ €Š ‚•ƒ‹ Â?ƒ‚†‰€~˜ ƒ ~„Š}Š†Š ‚•ƒ †„ƒ„‰™}œƒ be brought on stream, so repair and rehabilitation work on supply/distribution infrastructure should be pursued as stridently as the need to construct new € £‹ €Š ‚‡ƒƒ ~†Š‰‹~}ƒ€ £‹ €Š ‚ƒ~‹œƒŠ‹œ œƒ nation-wide distribution of petroleum –€‰œ™„†‚ƒ „~‹‹‰†ƒ ‰– €~† ƒ # „†ŠŒ }ŠÂƒ ~‹œƒ E„Š ܠ}ŠÂƒ Â?Â… € ƒ †… ƒ ‚™––}ŠÂƒ ~‹œƒ distribution (S/D) infrastructure is compromised. Consequently, the current Petroleum Minister, Mrs Diezani Alison-Madueke has taken some urgent and laudable steps to address the most critical of these facilities. Interventions to maintain national € £‹ €Š ‚ƒ…~ÂŒ ƒž ‹ƒ~„„‰—–~‹Š œƒÂ?Š†…ƒ ÂƒĂ–Âƒ D infrastructure upgrade nation-wide. The Port Harcourt – Aba product line, which hitherto was inoperable due to pipeline vandalism has now been re-established


the construction of the new depots, 1000 new petrol retail outlets, and 800 new fuel delivery trucks. The above actions taken by the Minister indicate that the Petroleum Ministry is serious about tackling this fundamental issue. The Minister would agree that the measures taken so far are only incremental, and so a far more transformational set of actions need to be initiated post-PIB. The reason is that according to PPMC’s ÂŁÂ˜Â™Â€ ‚ƒ ~€‰™‹œƒ ãԇžÂƒ žŠ}}Š‰‹ƒ Š‹ƒ € ™Š€ œƒ for minor repairs of S / D infrastructure, whereas a study carried out by AON Energy Risk Engineering estimated that ãžÂ‡Ă•Âƒ žŠ}}Š‰‹ƒ Â?‰™}œƒ ž ƒ € ™Š€ œƒ †‰ƒ ~„…Š ÂŒ ƒ a full rehabilitation of PPMC supply / distribution network. It may be pertinent to note at this juncture that the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) and the Gas Master Plan Bill by

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