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South West


Newswatch Times Thursday, December 11, 2014

Collapsed building: Coroner dismisses SCOAN, Joshua’s prohibition suit )5$1&,6 ,LM&+M.LM


agos State Coroner, investigating collapse of a building belonging to Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCAON) where 116 devotees died, has said that it would continue the factZ[\][^_ `j``]k[_ jmj[_ q]xz_ {[_ alleged order of high court on prohibition. The coroner, Chief Magistrate Oyetade Komolafe, declared yesterday that there is no restraining order from high court against further proceedings of the inquest ][xk_xzj_‚{Djƒ„ Komolafe was ruling on prohibition application brought before him by counsel to SCOAN and its founder, Prophet Temitope Joshua, on the ground that Justice Lateefa Okunnu of Ikeja High Court has ordered prohibition of further proceedings of xzj_‚{Djƒ_‹Œ_xzj_�kƒk[jƒ„ “This court cannot adjudicate on this motion on notice as doing so would amount to operate outside the scope of a Coroner’s Court.� He described the application as an abuse of court process, stressing that that there is no automatic appeal {^{][`x_ Z[\][^`_ {[\_ �k[�‘’sions of the Coroner’s Court.

The magistrate also held that Okunnu, who is currently adjudicating on the motion ex-parte brought by the applicants, has not issued any restraining order against further proceeding of the inquest. “This application is incompetent and lacking in merit. Same is hereby dismissed accordingly.� Further proceeding on the

‚{Djƒ_z{`_‹jj[_{\•k’ƒ[j\_x]‘‘_ December 12, 2014. It would be recalled that SCOAN and Joshua prayed the Coroner’s Court to issue an order of stay on issues relating to calling of witnesses in respect of the building approval or material tests of the collapsed building. However, counsel to Lagos State Government, Aking-

bolahan Adeniran, emphasised that Section 40 of the Coroner’s System Law empowered the coroner to investigate and determine the cause of death of an individual, who died under suspicious circumstances. Adeniran added that the suit before Okunnu didn’t translate to automatic stay of proceedings of the coroner’s inquest.

“At the time the high court granted the applicants leave to apply for the judicial review, the judge was in position to grant them stay of proceedings, but didn’t. As it stands, there is no order from the high court for stay of proceedings.� He, therefore, asked the court to dismiss the application.

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Impeached Ekiti Speaker urges court to stop Assembly’s legislative functions )5$1&,6 ,LM&+M.LM


mpeached Speaker of Ekiti State House of Assembly, Adewale Omirin, alongside 18 other ‚j‚‹jƒ`_ z{`_ Z‘j\_ j¥¢ parte motion seeking stopping of legislative functions in the Assembly pending determination of the suit he instituted against his removal ÂŁÂƒk‚_k:Â?j„ In the application brought pursuant to Order 3 Rule 6, Order 26 Rule 1, 7 (2), Rule 8 of Federal High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules 2009, Section 41(c) of the Criminal Code Cap 38 LFN 2004, sections 1(1), 1(2), 40, 92(1), (2)(c), 96(1), 98(1), 99, 108(3), 192(2) & 251(2)(4) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) and under the inherent jurisdiction of the court before Justice Saliu Saidu, Omirin wants the judge to issue “an order restraining Dele Odugbemi ¨Zƒ`x_ \jÂŁj[\{[xŠ_ {[\_ ‘{ÂŒ][ka Abeni (seventh defendant) from parading themselves or otherwise acting in the capacity of speaker and deputy speaker of Ekiti State House of Assembly respectively as same is illegal, unconstitutional and ultra vires pending determination of the motion

on notice. “An order of interim injuncx]k[_ ƒj`xƒ{][][^_ xzj_ Zƒ`x_ xk_ seventh defendants, whether by themselves or their agencies/privies, from illegally carrying out legislative functions to wit, making laws or transacting business as legislators of Ekiti State House of Assem-

bly pending the hearing and determination of the motion on notice among others. Hearing on the application will be held on December 15. It would be recalled that Omirin and his deputy, Adetunji Orisalade, were said to have been impeached by seven members of Peoples

Democratic Party (PDP) of the Assembly on November 20. Meanwhile, Saidu granted leave to Omirin alongside 18 other members yesterday to j-jÂ?x_ `jƒm]Â?j_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ kƒ]^][{xing summons and other court ÂŤÂƒkÂ?j``j`_ Z‘j\_ ][_ xzj_ `Â’]x_ seeking to nullify his (Omirin) impeachment on Governor

Ayodele Fayose and 12 other defendants. The judge also granted leave to Omirin and other applicants to serve the defendants outside jurisdiction by substituted means through advertisement in some newspapers circulating within the country.

Groups campaign against death at childbirth %2/M 2/M (6+2 $<C@O=D8


everal civil society groups staged streetwalk yesterday in Abeokuta, Ogun State capital, campaigning against death at childbirth. The programme, which was supported by the Embassy of Netherlands, was organised in commemoration of World Human Rights Day. Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) among others participated in the programme. Head of WARDC, Dr (Mrs) Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi, while addressing the participants quoted some statistics on the incident, disclosing that Nigeria rates second in the world on maternal mortality ratio with 40,000 victims. Akiyode-Afolabi emphasised that maternal health is human rights issue concerning members of the public, adding that improving on it and reducing child mortality by 2015 is among the eight targets of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by countries of the world. She urged pregnant women to always make use of health facilities in their respective areas to avoid any medical complications while delivering babies, stressing that she is not opposed to women patronising traditional health providers and taking of herbs, but insisted that timely and adequate medical care would stem the rate of death during childbirth in the country. The participants, however, said Federal Government has the “legal obligation to end needless maternal deaths.�

Aspirant rejects results of APC Ogun East senatorial primaries %2/M 2/M (6+2 $<C@O=D8


senatorial aspirant of APC in Ogun East, O t u n b a Oluseyi Oduntan, has rejected the results of last Monday’s primaries, which was held at IjebuOde Township Stadium following alleged rigging, manipulations and multiple voting. Oduntan rejected the results through a petition which he sent to both the state and national secretariats of APC, claiming that that the election was characterised by massive rigging, intimidation, coercion and manipulation.

He informed the party k:Â?]{‘‘Œ_kÂŁ_z]`_][xj[x]k[_xk_ contest results of the poll and threatened to leave APC if justice is not done. A close associate of Oduntan, who is a member of House of Representatives, Otunba Tai j‘{­_ Â?k[Zƒ‚j\_ xzj_ \jvelopment as he said Oduntan has already forwarded his petition to the party’s secretariat. “There was nothing free or fair about the primaries. It was such disgraceful primaries in Ogun East Senatorial district. How can we have election under the auspices of APC conductedin such shameful manner? There was nothing progressive

about it. ÂŻ kmjƒ[‚j[x_ k:Â?]{‘`_ including commissioners, chairmen of local

government councils, party chairmen, state party executive, government ‘]{]`k[_ k:�jƒ`_ {‚k[^_

others intimidated, coerced, herded delegates like sheep and personally wrote ballot papers.�

‘I pledge not to let you down’ 2/M6$.,1 %$%$/2/$ ,<8K89


hairman, Com‚]Djj_ kÂŁ_ jxƒkleum Resources (Upstream) at House of Representatives, Saubana Ajibola Muraina, who won the primaries of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ibarapa zone of Oyo State unopposed Tuesday, has pledged not to betray the Â?k[Z\j[Â?j_ ƒjÂŤk`j\_ ][_ z]‚_ by members of the area, particularly the delegates.

The primaries panel was headed by Chief Adegboyega Akinlolu James with Chief Salawudeen Kunle Olaoye as the secretary and it was held in Igboora. James and Olaoye commended all the delegates for their maturity and orderliness. Meanwhile, Muraina commended the party and all \j‘j^{xj`_ ÂŁkƒ_ z{m][^_ Â?k[Zdence in him, stressing that the victory is a challenge to do more for the good people of Ibarapa.

The legislator also lauded members and chieftains of PDP in the area for their loyalty to him as well as the party while the contest lasted and enjoined the electorate in Ibarapa zone and the entire state to vote en masse for PDP in the 2015 elections. He, however, emphasised that Federal Government has impacted on the lives of people in the area, adding xz{x_ ‹jDjƒ_ xz][^`_ {ƒj_ �k‚ing if they vote for President Goodluck Jonathan in 2015.



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Activists call for judicial autonomy to protect human rights


Nwaoboshi clinches PDP Delta North Senatorial ticket... Election inconclusive – panel

controversies. Chairman of the Prihe rescheduled mary Electoral Panel, Mr. peakers at the Peoples Demo- Raphael Kukuh suddenly 2014 World Hucratic Party told his team to discontinman Rights day (PDP) Delta ue the conduct of the priheld in Benin North Senatorial mary election without any City have stated Primary election held on reason unlike on Sunday that Nigerians would Tuesday night in Asaba, when logistics challenge continue to experience Delta State ended incon- was the excuse. open violation of their The panel Chairman clusively with the former fundamental human Chairman of the party, jumped into his black jeep rights as long as the judiBarrister Peter Nwaoboshi with tainted glass escorted ciary remains under the emerging winner amidst by security operatives and zj{m _ ][± j[ j_ k£_ xzj__ {Dj «xj\_xk_\ ]mj_k-_£ k _ Executive and is denied the venue but was preventZ[{[ ]{ _{ xk[k ed by irate delegates. The annual event, comThe crowd of delegates memorated in Benin City and supporters demanded by the Edo Civil Society an explanation why the Organisations, including primary election, that had human rights activists witnessed the voting of like Austin Osakue, Dr delegates from seven of the Philip Ugbodaga, Comnine local government arerade Desmond Agbama, as that make up the district, Barrister L.O. Alao were was discontinued. of the opinion that one But the panel chairman, way forward is for greatafter a while, alighted from er awareness campaigns the vehicle and announced for Nigerians. through the microphone Barrister Osakue stated that he simply received an that although that law order to cancel the election. k: j `_ {[\_ xzj_ \] ]According to him, “I am ary cannot do much to directed to cancel this elecprotect the rights of the tion. This election is therecitizenry if they are not fore declared inconclu` : ]j[x _j «kqj j\ sive”, he said as he quickly Osakue told the audientered his vehicle escaped ence that human rights through the back gate of are God-given rights; the venue. they are bestowed on huImmediately, the Acting man beings by God and State PDP Chairman, Chief the Universal DeclaraEdwin Uzor constituted tion of such rights by the an ad-hoc panel headed United Nations goes to by the Chairman of Isoko show that they are not subject to the whims of Consultant, Society for Family Health, Kennedy Raphael (right), demonstrating the use of female condom to partici- South Council, Sir Malik pants at Igbogene Town Hall, during a Free Health Care Campaign by NACA in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State…yesterday. Ikpokpo to announce the powers that be. results of the already cast votes. From the inconclusive results announced, Barr. JOSEPH KINGSTON, shop on Wednesday, essary for the safety provide safe and con- will not tolerate any Peter Nwaoboshi polled Calabar atmosphere, situation where some- 138 votes, Arc. Paul Osaji the State Security Ad- of all participants par- ducive viser, Mr. Rekpene ticularly visitors com- security threats have one will think that he 87, Hon. Doris Uboh got s Cross Bassey, said .partici- ing into Calabar from become obvious and or she can cause trou- 37, Hon. Pascal Adigwe 27, R i v e r pants were drawn within and outside the it is our duty to en- ble and go scot free. while Dr. Mrs. Marian Ali got 4 votes. state pre- from the Armed forc- country. sure that everyone We envisage challengThe seven local governp a r e s es, Police, Customs, Bassey said the state who comes here as has es and that is why we ment areas that had cast for 2014 Immigration, Civil had, in the past three always been the case are gathered here to their votes were, Aniocha Calabar carnival, the Defence, and other years, taken the secu- in the past feels and know how to tackle North, Aniocha South, State government says paramilitary organisa- rity and safety during secure and protected them,” he submitted. Ika North East, Ika South, it was training not tions The security opera- Ndokwa East, Ndokwa the carnival seriously during the festival. fewer than 7000 secu“In view of the pre- tives were trained on West and Oshimili North. He said security by ensuring that those rity agents to provide agents were also man- who provided secu- sent security atmos- crowd control, inforOshimili South and Uksecurity during the dated to instantly ar- rity during the annual phere, we have in- mation management wuani local government event. rest miscreants during festival were trained structed agencies to and policing during delegates were yet to cast Speaking in a one- the festival, and that to forestall lapses. immediately arrest the Carnival and 32- their votes, when the exerday training work- the training was nec“In our effort to any troublemaker. We day festival. cise was discontinued. Meanwhile, a motion was moved by the ad-hoc panel chairman and adopted by the aspirants and their agents that the counted ballot papers should be EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Speaking with News- taken to the Central Bank The governorship dential ticket. Okorocha’s son-inlaw, Owerri It is also revealed that men in Owerri, the of Nigeria (CBN), Asaba Chief Uche Nwosu as candidate is the state for if Chief Nwosu was State Chairman of the branch for safe keeping. fter much the governorship can- Commissioner Nwaoboshi later told s p e c u l a - didate for the 2015 elec- Lands and Urban De- chosen because he is Party, Dr. Hilary Eke newsmen that he had a velopment. It is be- the only person that stressed that the party choice accusing the wife tions and tion. Chief Nwosu was lieved in many quarters would not disappoint decided to give its ticket of the former National suspense, the Imo {x]Zj\_ {`_ xzj_ «{ x ³`_ that Nwosu’s candida- Okorocha but hand to the candidate, Chief Chairman of the party, Mrs State chapter of the All candidate in a congress ture was meant for him over the governorship Nwosu with the believe Mariam Ali of using her Progressives Congress, that took place at the to hold brief for Okoro- ticket in case he loses that he would eventual- connection with the leaderAPC, yesterday elect- International Confer- cha who is vying to se- the APC presidential ly win the governorship `z]«_k£_xzj_«{ x _xk_` D j_ election, come 2015. cure the party’s presi- primaries. ed Governor Rochas ence Centre, Owerri. the exercise. THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin


On his part, Alao ar^ j\_ xz{x_ j^ jD{ ­_ most Nigerians are ignorant of their rights, though all of sections 33 to 49 in the Nigerian Constitution as amended contain the fundamental human rights of Nigerians. He was of the opinion that these rights are daily being violated by the state, law enforcement

organisations and security agencies and the very people elected to enforce them on behalf of Nigerians. “Many Nigerians do not know that rights are God-given and so are [{x { ­_ ±kq][^_ £ k _ natural laws given by xzj_ j{xk _£k _xzj_ j[jZx_ of all mankind. They are afraid of enforcing these

rights and so willing to mortgage same for peanuts”. They said this is necessary because the very future of the nation’s democracy is dependent on how well Nigerians know their rights and are ready to do all in their power to enforce those rights in their personal and societal interests.



CRSG trains 7000 security agents for Calabar carnival


Okorocha’s son-inlaw emerges Imo APC Governorship candidate




h u m a n rights activist from Anambra State, Chief Eloka Obinani has slammed a N50 million civil suit against the Divisional k ] j_ : j ­_ _ ][_ charge of Kwale Division in Delta State, Superinxj[\j[x_ jz_ \kZ{_ and some of his subordinates for breach of his fundamental human rights as enshrined in Section 34, 35, 36, 41 and 45 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In the suit No. HCK/M/97/2014, Eloka { `k_ Z j\_ {[_ ][xj ] _ ][junction restraining the DPO and other respondents, including Constable Adjekughele, Constable Odeh, Supol Nnacho, DCO, Mr. Sam, DC State CID, Asaba and Commissioner of Police, Delta State, their agents, servants, privies, and or anybody deriving authority under them from arresting, harassing, molesting and or intimidating him, pending the hearing and determination of this Motion on Notice. Granting the injunction on Wednesday, the presiding Judge, Justice Jalogho-Williams, said



Activist slams N50m suit against police the order would subsist for the next two weeks hence, adding that in the interim, respondents are to be put on notice as the {`j_ ]`_ Z¡j\_ £k _ j\[j`day, December 17 for hearing.

_ [_ xzj_ kx]k[_ Z j\_ k[_ his behalf, by his legal counsel, Comrade I. W Agholor for J. K. Agholor and Associates, the applicant is seeking a declaration of the court that the respondents have

no legal and or constitutional right whatsoever to break and enter his house at No. 1 Adaeze Bakery Close, Kwale at about 11 p.m. on November 21, 2014, o arrest him without a search warrant and

warrant of arrest. He further asked the court to declare that he has legal and constitutional right as a citizen of Nigeria and as a member of Human Rights Restoration Movement,


he Council of Elders of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, the apex Igbo socio-cultural organisation yesterday set up a sevenmember electoral committee to organise a general election of the body soonest since the tenure of the present executive led by Chief Garry Enwo Igariwey will KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu


he All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Enugu state chapter yesterday concluded its primaries for the various polit] { _«k`]x]k[`_ x_£{] j\_xk_Zj \_ a gubernatorial candidate for the 2015 general elections. The party however elected three senatorial candidates, four House of Representatives candidates and nine State House of Assembly candidates. In the primary elections k[\ xj\_ _{_Zmj¢ {[_j j toral panel from the national secretariat of the party led by Barr. Obi Okoye, Chief Willie Ezeugwu, Ebim Oguejiofor and Mrs. Ijeoma Chukwu emerged as candidates of the party for Enugu North, Enugu East and Enugu West senatorial elections respectively. Similarly, four candidates emerged for House of Representatives seats, includ-

HRRM, a human rights organization to report ills and illegal violations in the society to persons in authority, including the Inspector-General of Police, IGP and the Police Service Commission, PSC.

Controversy trails Imo PDP guber primary, as Ihedioha, Araraume claim victory EMMA MGBAHURIKE, Owerri


L-R: Okolo of Nkpunano Autonomous Community, Igwe Patrick; his wife, Lolo Grace; representative of NACA/SureP, Dr. Uduak Essien and Igwe Boniface Eze, at the inauguration of HIV Counseling and Test Campaign, at Nsukka, Enugu State…yesterday.

Ohanaeze elders set up electoral panel, gives Igariwey-led exco quit notice KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu


expire on January 7, 2015. The Council directs that the executive to be inaugurated in January 2015 `zk \_ {`_ {_ {Dj _ k£_ « ]ority appoint a recognized Z _ k£_ \]xk `_ xk_ { \]x_ the Accounts of Ohanaeze Ndigbo. The Chairman of the Elecx]k[_ k ]Djj_ ]`_ _ ¶j_ Agbogu (Anambra) while other members include: z]j£_ k_ -k _ ¨ ]{©­_

Chief (Mrs) Ada Achor (Abia), Prince Emeka Onyeso (Anambra), Chief (Mrs) Roseline Njoku (Ebonyi) and Elder Nweke Anyigor (Ebonyi). Others are; Prince Richard Ozobu (Enugu), Chief (Mrs) Maria Okwo (Enugu), Pharm Bright Ulokpu (Imo), Chief Ignatius Okameme (Imo), Chief I. A. Nwankwo (Anioma Delta) and Onuchi Mpi (Rivers).

Reading a communiqué after the meeting of the Council at Pan-Afric Hotels Enugu, elder statesman and Chairman of the Council, Chief Mbazulike Amechi said the action has become necessary following the refusal of the present executive to constitute the electoral panel. According to Mbazuluike, a First Republic Minister of Aviation, he had earlier

summoned a meeting of Elders and prominent Igbo Leaders of thought at the Ohanaeze Headquarters on November 8, 2014, in his capacity as chairman of the Council of Elders, where the meeting unanimously passed a resolution that election be conducted immediately since the tenure of the present executive would expire on 7th January, 2015.

APGA elects delegates in Enugu, as senatorial candidate pledges 50% salary In his reaction the Senatorial candidate of the party for Enugu North district, Chief Willie Ezeugwu pledged to designate 50 percent of salaries to a dedicated account to be managed by representatives of churches in his district if elected senator.

Ufomba emerges Abia APGA guber candidate BONIFACE OKORO, Umuahia


hief Reagan Ufomba has emerged the governorship candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) for the 2015 election in Abia state. Acting National Chairman of the party, Chief Chris Ejike Uche, who announced the result at the party secretariat at 38 Mission Hill Umuahia said he led the national primary committee to conduct the election before an Abia High Court sacked the National Chairman, Chief Victor Umeh. Uche explained that the court order made him the acting national chairman as he was before the court order the National Vice Chairman, South.

ing: Mrs. Chuba Anakwudo (Enugu North-Enugu South), Odo Donatus (Enugu EastIsiuzo), Okwudili Itanyi (IgboEtiti-Uzo Uwani) and Victor Nwobodo (Nkanu EastNkanu West). Among the nine House of Assembly candidates are;

Chief Ben Alukwu (Aninri), and John Ngene (Enugu South Constituency 1).


Enugu North senatorial district: Utazi says his victory will bring integration


mmediate past Commissioner for Transport in Enugu State, Barr. Chukwuka Utazi yesterday described his election as the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for Enugu North senatorial district as a sign of the willingness of the people to integrate his minority area, Uzo-Uwani into the mainstream socio-political

Fielding questions from journalists, the State Chairman of their party, Chief Okechukwu Nkolagu commended the delegates and

development of the zone and state in general. Utazi, who scored 327 to emerge the candidate of the party in the National Assembly primaries of the party last weekend after defeating former national chairman of the party, Dr. Okwesilieze Nwodo, who scored four votes and Martin Oke, who

candidates for their peaceful conduct and that APGA will spring a surprise in the positions her members are contesting. He said that the candidates of the party emerged through confirmation as they were returned unopposed.

here seems to be controversy in the result of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship primary election yesterday as the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, and Senator Ifeanyi Araraume are laying claims to the same victory. The exercise which lasted up to early hours of yesterday, had Ihedioha declared the winner by the chairman of the Imo State PDP Governorship Primaries Com ]Djj­_ k[ _ j[^ _ `j^ {­_ with 346 votes against Araraume and Chief Ikedi Ohakim who scored 336 and 213 votes respectively.

scored three votes, promised to give quality representation to the people. Utazi who briefed journalists in Enugu yesterday stated that all the adds favour him as he is endowed with the capacity, training and public service experience. The former Commissioner for Transport who is a law-

yer and political scientist by training said that the zoning policy in Nsukka favours him too as his area, UzoUwani local government was yet to produce a senator. He said that with his public service experience having held appointive positions as Special Adviser to Governor Sullivan Chime, a position

he resigned in 2011 to contest senate but was asked to step dewn, and having served as Commissioner for Transport; he would assist Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the Peoples Democratic Party’s (PDP) governorship candidate to coordinate Nsukka zone when they get into government.


Newswatch Times

World Report THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014

Palestinian minister dies after altercation with Israeli forces in West Bank


Palestinian minister died yesterday shortly after an altercation with Israeli border police in the West Bank during which one of the policeman grabbed him by the neck. Ziad Abu Ein, 55, a minister without portfolio, was taking part in a protest against Israeli `jD‘j‚j[x`_qzj[_zj_q{`_ involved in clashes with around 30 Israeli troops and border police, a Reuters witness said. Abu Ein was confronted by a border policeman who grabbed him by the [jÂ?¸_ {[\_ ‹ƒ]jÂąÂŒ_ zj‘\_ him with one hand. Minutes later the minister began to look faint and fell to the ground clasping his chest. He died on his way to hospital. It was not clear what caused his death. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas de`Â?ƒ]‹j\_ xzj_ {D{Â?¸_ {`_ ÂŻ{_ barbaric act which we

cannot be silent about or acceptâ€?. Abbas announced three days of national mourning and `{]\_zj_qk’‘\_x{¸j_ÂŻ[jÂ?essary stepsâ€? after an investigation. The Israeli army said it was looking into the incident. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Arabic language spokesman said the circumstances leading to the death of the minister were being investigated. The incident comes at a time of heightened tension between Israel and the Palestinians, following months of violent unrest in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and the Israeli-occupied West Bank. Ten Israelis and a foreign visitor have been killed by Palestinian assailants over the past three months; while more than a dozen Palestinians have also been killed, including most of those who carried out xzj_{D{Â?¸`„ Abu Ein, who was

convicted of killing two young Israelis in a bomb {D{Â?¸_ ][_ šºº_ {[\_ ƒjleased as part of a prisk[jƒ_ `q{ÂŤ_ ][_ šºŸ½­_ q{`_ a vocal opponent of Israj‘³`_ `jD‘j‚j[x_ ‹’]‘\][^_ in the West Bank, which Palestinians want as part of an independent state together with Gaza and East Jerusalem. On Wednesday, he and {ƒkÂ’[\_ šžž_ ÂŁkƒj]^[_ {[\_ Palestinian activists were on their way to plant xƒjj`_[j{ƒ_{_ jq]`z_`jD‘jment as part of a regular protest by a group called xzj_ k‚‚]Djj_ xk_ j`]`x_ jD‘j‚j[x`_{[\_xzj_ {‘‘„ Shortly before his death, Abu Ein spoke to television reporters, sounding hoarse and short of breath. ÂŻ z]`_]`_xzj_xjƒƒkƒ]`‚_kÂŁ_ the occupation, this is a terrorist army, practising its terrorism on the Palestinian people,â€? he xk‘\_xzj_k:Â?]{‘_ {‘j`x][j_ „_ ÂŻ j_ Â?{‚j_ xk_ ‘{[x_ trees on Palestinian land, and they launch into an {D{Â?¸_k[_Â’`_ÂŁÂƒk‚_xzj_Zƒ`x_

moment. Nobody threw a single stone.� Palestinians in Ramallah closed shops in protest at the minister’s death and youths threw stones at Is-

raeli soldiers guarding a

jq]`z_`jD‘j‚j[x_k’x`]\j_ the city, Palestinian security sources said. Palestinian officials indicated that coopera-

UN says record numbers dying to reach Europe


ore than 3,400 people have died in the Mediterranean this year trying to reach Europe, the UN’s refugee agency said yesterday,

urging governments to take more action to save lives. The UNHCR said at least Ă‚ĂƒŸ­žžž_ÂŤjk‘j­_][Â?‘’\][^_{_ growing number of asylum seekers, had taken to the seas worldwide since the beginning of the year.

Antonio Guterres

Gorbachev calls for U.S.-Russia summit to defrost ties


ormer Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev called yesterday for a U.S.-Russia summit to be convened to prevent a deep freeze in Moscow’s relations with the West over the Ukraine crisis.

Gorbachev, whose pol]Â?ÂŒ_ kÂŁ_ ÂŻÂŤjƒj`xƒk]¸{Âż_ ¨Âƒjstructuring) played a role in ending the Cold War, warned of potentially dire consequences if tensions were not reduced. ÂŻ z]`_]`_jÂĄxƒj‚j‘Œ_\{[gerous, with tensions as high as they are now.

We may not live through these days: someone could lose their nerve,â€? he wrote in a commenx{ƒŒ_j[x]x‘j\_ÂŻ k_Â’[ÂŁÂƒjjÂśj_ relationsâ€? for government daily Rossiyskaya Gazeta. ÂŻ _ `Â’^^j`x_ xzj_ ‘j{\jƒ`_ of Russia and the United


yria asked the United Nations Security Council on Monday to impose sanctions on neighbouring Israel, a day after accusing the Jewish state of bombing areas near Damascus International

Mikhail Gorbachev

tion between Palestinian and Israeli security forces in the West Bank could be suspended as a result of Abu Ein’s death.

States think about holding a summit with a broad agenda, without preliminary conditions,â€? zj_ qƒkxj„_ ÂŻ [j_ [jj\[Âłx_ be afraid of ‘losing face’, that someone will gain a propaganda victory: this should all belong to the past. One needs to think

Airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon. Israel has struck Syria several times since the start kÂŁ_ xzj_ xzƒjj¢ÂŒj{ƒ_ Â?k[Âą]Â?x­_ mostly destroying weaponry such as missiles that `ƒ{j‘]_ k:Â?]{‘`_ `{]\_ qjƒj_

about the future.â€? zj_\]‘k‚{x]Â?_`x{[\k-_ over Ukraine is the worst between Moscow and the West since the Cold war ended more than two decades ago. Gorbachev warned of a new Cold War last month at an event marking the fall of the Berlin Wall. The United States, NATO and the European Union accuse Russia of sending troops and weapons to support a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine, and have imposed sanctions on Moscow. Russia denies providing the rebels with military support and fends k-_ j`xjƒ[_ Â?ƒ]x]Â?]`‚_ kÂŁ_ ]x`_ {[[jÂĄ{x]k[_ kÂŁ_ ƒ]‚j{_ in March, saying the Crimean people voted for it in a referendum. Relations between the U.S. and Russian presidents, Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, are strained and Obama pulled out of a summit planned with Putin in St Petersburg in Septem‹jƒ_ à žšĂ‚„_ zjÂŒ_ ‘{`x_ ‚jx­_ ‹ƒ]jÂąÂŒ­_ {x_ {_ à ž_ `’‚‚]x_ in Brisbane last month.

ÂŻ ’ƒkÂŤj­_ ÂŁ{Â?][^_ Â?k[Âą]Â?x`_ xk_ ]x`_ `kÂ’xz_ ¨ ]‹Œ{Š­_ j{`x_ ¨ ¸Âƒ{][jŠ_ {[\_ `kÂ’xzj{`x_ ¨ Œƒ]{_{[\_ ƒ{Ă„Š_]`_`jj][^_xzj_ largest number of sea arrivals,â€? the agency said. x_ ‘j{`x_ à ž­žžž_ ÂŤjk‘j_ have made the risky Mediterranean sea crossing since January, almost three times xzj_ÂŤÂƒjm]kÂ’`_z]^z_kÂŁ_ž­žžž_ during the Libyan civil war ][_ à žšš­_ {Â?Â?kƒ\][^_ xk_ xzj_ UNHCR. ÂŁ_ xzj`j­_ {_ ƒjÂ?kƒ\_ Ă‚­Ăƒšº_ \]j\­_kÂ’x_kÂŁ_{_xkx{‘_kÂŁ_Ăƒ­à à _ reported deaths worldwide on migrant vessels this year. k`x_ `jx_ k-_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ ]‹Œ{_ bound for Italy and Malta, looking for work or, increasingly, asylum, the agency said. zj_Z^’ƒj`_qjƒj_ƒj‘j{`j\_ at the start of a two-day meeting in Geneva hosted by UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres on how to protect people who take to the sea to escape persecution, war, instability and poverty. Ahead of the talks involving governments, UN agencies and NGOs, Guterres said that many states seem increasingly preoccupied with securing their own borders rather than preventing the loss of life. ÂŻ z]`_]`_{_‚]`x{¸j­_{[\_ÂŤÂƒjcisely the wrong reaction for an era in which record num‹jƒ`_ kÂŁ_ ÂŤjk‘j_ {ƒj_ Âąjj][^_ wars,â€? Guterres said. ÂŻ jÂ?’ƒ]xÂŒ_{[\_]‚‚]^ƒ{x]k[_ management are concerns for any country, but policies must be designed in a way that human lives do not end up becoming collateral damage.â€? For many making the •k’ƒ[jÂŒ­_ x{‘Œ_]`_xzj_Zƒ`x_ÂŤkƒx_ of call and the country has ƒj`Â?Â’j\_ ‚kƒj_ xz{[_ š½ž­žžž_ people from rickety boats already this year. Last week, navy and coast^Â’{ƒ\_‹k{x`_ÂŁkÂ’[\_{[_][Âą{x{‹‘j_ \][^zÂŒ_ {\ƒ]ÂŁx_ k-_ xzj_ island of Lampedusa. They ƒj`Â?Â’j\_ ½_ ‚]^ƒ{[x`_ {[\_ ƒjÂ?kmjƒj\_ xzj_ ‹k\]j`_ kÂŁ_ š_ who died from hypothermia and dehydration. But Italy recently ended its search-and-rescue operation after its EU partners refused to help fund it, with critics arguing that saving the migrants was simply encouraging them to try their luck.


Newswatch Times

African Report THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014

Mugabe names two new vice-presidents


imbabwe President Robert Mugabe has named two vice presidents - his justice minister and a former military commander and diplomat - a day after dismissing his deputy. The appointment of Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko , who will also serve as vice-presidents in the governing ZANU-PF, was announced yesterday in the capital Harare. Al Jazeera’s Haru Mutasa, reporting from Harare, said Mnangagwa and Mphoko would be sworn in on Friday. “The people he has chosen are people he trusts. People whom he thinks will not try to remove him and his wife from power,” she said. Mugabe relieved Joice Mujuru, who also held the position of vice secretary of ZANU-PF, of her responsibilities on Tuesday, accusing her of plotting to remove him from


Robert Mugabe

power. Eight other ministers were also removed in what analysts have de` ] j\_{`_][_][Z^zx][^_][_ ZANU-PF.

Last week Mugabe’s wife Grace became the leader of the powerful ZANU-PF women’s league, a move observers said could

pave the way for her to assume power once her husband steps down. Mugabe, 90, has ruled the southern

African nation for 34 years and won a disputed election last year that will see him serving as president for Zmj_ k j_ j{ `

South Africa prosecutors will seek murder conviction against Pistorius


outh African prosecutors yesterday won their bid to appeal the culpable homicide verdict handed down to athlete Oscar Pistorius for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp and will now seek a murder conviction. The decision could leave Pistorius open to a prison sentence of at least 15 years if he is convicted of murder. “I cannot say the prospect of success at the Supreme Court is remote,” Judge Thokozile Masipa said in granting the appeal. The Olympic and Paralympic track star, aged 28, is currently serving prison time after being convicted in October of culpable homicide after a sevenmonth trial.

j_ z{`_ {\ ]Dj\_ ¸] ][^_ Steenkamp on February 14, Á¾¹Â­_ _ Z ][^_ £k _ `zkx`_ into the locked door of a toilet cubicle in what he said was the mistaken belief an intruder was hiding behind it. Masipa said during sen-

Ebola outbreak: Virus still ‘running ahead of us’, says WHO

tencing that the state failed to convince her of Pistorius’ ][xj[x_xk_¸] _qzj[_zj_Z j\ But state prosecutor Gerrie Nel said in his application to appeal that the judgment was “shockingly inappropriate” and argued that even if Pistorius did not know Steenkamp was behind the door when he Z j\­_ zj_ `zkqj\_ ][xj[x_ xk_ kill whoever was there. In granting the application, Masipa said the prosecution’s points were questions of law and should therefore go to the Supreme Court of Appeal for consideration. South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) welcomed the decision. “Our argument was that he should have been convicted of murder. That is, of course, what we would like to happen,” NPA spokesman Nathi Mncube said. The NPA was criticised over the original conviction against Pistorius and faced further disdain this week for bungling the murder case against British na-

tional Shrien Dewani, who was cleared on Monday of conspiring to kill his wife during their honeymoon in Cape Town. zj_ {Dj _ xz{x_ q] _ j_ heard next year will evaluate if Masipa’s ruling based on the legal principle of ‘dolus eventualis’ was correctly applied and if prosecutors succeed, they can \j {[\_{_`x]-j _`j[xj[ j Masipa’s original decision to rule out murder was criticised by several legal experts and the Women’s League of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) as an erroneous interpretation of the law. By the time the appeal is heard before a panel of South Africa’s most senior judges, Pistorius, who did [kx_ {Dj[\_ xzj_ {««j{ _ « kcess, could be out of prison {`_ z]`_ Zmj¢ j{ _ `j[xj[ j_ only requires that he serves 10 months behind bars and the balance under house arrest. Pistorius, whose lower legs were amputated as a baby, became one of the world’s most celebrated

athletes after he became a Paralympic champion then took part in the 2012 Olympics and other international events. The killing of Steenkamp,

Margaret Chan

a 29-year-old model and law graduate, led to one of the most sensational trials in South Africa’s recent history and cost him his reputation and his fortune.

he Ebola virus that has killed thousands in West Africa is still ¯ [[][^_{zj{\¿_k£_j-k x`_ to contain it, the head of the World Health Organisation has said. Director general Margaret Chan said the situation had improved in some «{ x`_k£_xzj_qk `x¢{-j xj\_ countries, but she warned against complacency. The risk to the world “is always there” while the outbreak continues, she said. She said the WHO and the international community failed to act quickly enough. The death toll in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone stands at 6,331. More than 17,800 people have been infected, according to the WHO. “In Liberia we are beginning to see some good progress, especially in Lofa County close to where the k x j{¸_ Z `x_ `x{ xj\_ {[\_ the capital,” said Dr Chan. Cases in Guinea and Sierra Leone were “less severe” than a couple of months ago, but she said “we are still seeing large numbers of cases”. Dr Chan said: “It’s not as bad as it was in September. But going forward we are now hunting the virus, chasing after the virus. Hopefully we can bring the number of cases down to zero.” zj_ k: ]{ _ Z^ j`_ \k_ not show the entire picture of the outbreak. In August, the WHO said the numbers were “vastly underestimated”, due to people not reporting illnesses and deaths from Ebola. Dr Chan said the quality of data had improved since then, but there was still further work to be done. She said a key part of bringing the outbreak under control was ensuring communities understood Ebola. She said teams going into some areas were `x] _ j][^_ {D{ ¸j\_ _ frightened communities. “When they see people in space suits coming into their village to take away their loved ones, they were very fearful. They hide their sick relatives at home, they hide dead bodies.


Newswatch Times

EDITORIAL Thursday, Deember 11, 2014

Newswatch Times


-Tradition built on truth

To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach

Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)





To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

! " # $ # and addressed to the Editor, Newswatch Times, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624

Awaiting FG’s report on $1b to fight oil thieves


ine months after Federal Government woke up to sleepily announce $1billion (N157 billion) Â?k‚‚]x‚j[x_xk_Z^zx_Â?ƒ]‘][^_ oil thefts worth $18 billion yearly by domestic and international rogue rings the monumental theft Â?k[x][Â’j`_Â’[{‹{xj\_q]xz_[k_k:Â?]{‘_ word on what the money was spent on. Newswatch Times had noted eight months ago that government had failed to specify details of plan of action to convince the public that the $1 billion was not another political statement. We had remarked however, then that it was instructive that for xzj_Zƒ`x_x]‚j_ ƒj`]\j[x_ kk\‘’Â?¸_ Jonathan was showing somewhat serious signs of tackling the oil theft cabal bleeding the nation to death and starving the citizens of democracy dividends, especially under the 15 year reign of the ruling Â?j[xƒ{‘_^kmjƒ[‚j[x_kÂŁ_xzj_ jk‘j`_ j‚kÂ?ƒ{x]Â?_ {ƒxŒ„__ ‘][^][^_‚k[jÂŒ_ at an issue of concern does not automatically resolve the issue. The public deserves to know if the money was actually released, for qz{x_ÂŤÂ’ÂƒÂŤk`j­_xzj_‹j[jZÂ?]{ƒ]j`_{[\_ Â?k`x_‹j[jZx_{[{‘Œ`]`_kÂŁ_qz{x_z{`_ been achieved or not. Jonathan said March 23 in the Netherlands that a technical

Â?k‚‚]Djj_z{\_‹jj[_j`x{‹‘]`zj\_ for a comprehensive programme to check crude oil theft, vandalism of oil and gas infrastructure, and apprehension and prosecution of crude oil thieves. His words, “Oil theft is an aspect of global terrorism, which has become a big industry on its own. It has become a major threat to the Nigerian economy and we need to work with all stakeholders to curb it. The thieves must be traced, apprehended and prosecuted.â€? We had expressed grave concern in previous editorials that Federal Government’s apparent impotence in checking worsening and alarming oil thefts was simply amazing and does hurt the credibility and legitimacy of ^kmjƒ[‚j[x„__ :Â?]{‘`_z{mj_ƒjj‘j\_ out tales of woes with no respite in oil theft so much that speculations are rife that oil industry chieftains {[\_ÂŤk‘]x]Â?{‘_k:Â?j_zk‘\jƒ`_qjƒj_ shielding perpetuators of the systematic ruination of the nation. Year in year out federal government agencies lament monumental losses via crude oil xzjÂŁx`­_Â’[ƒj‚]Dj\_ƒjmj[Â’j_ÂŁÂƒk‚_ sold oil and stolen fuel subsidies all amounting to about $1.5 billion per month. Nigeria had under the administration of Jonathan made

Letters to the Editor Provide security during jumaat prayers


zj_ƒjÂ?j[x_{D{Â?¸_\’ƒ][^_‘{`x_ Friday jumaat prayer at Kano Central Mosque calls for preventive security during jumaat prayer across the country. This would assure worshipers of adequate protection of their lives before, during and after the prayers. zj_zj][kÂ’`_{D{Â?¸_]`_‹{ƒ‹{ƒ]Â?­_ inhuman and ungodly condemnable by the entire world. The acts show how some miscreant would use worship centre to carry out this ignoble and stupid killing of innocent worshipers; and not allowing those who don’t want Nigeria to exist to get another opportunity. Also perimeter fences should be provided around most mosques

to stem the ugly situation that happened in Kano. The mosque ‚{[{^j‚j[x_�k‚‚]Djj_`zk’‘\_ provide such facilities. It’s mandatory for all worshipers to be screened before they are allowed into the mosque to ensure no harmful device is taken into the mosque. The Muslim umaah should cooperate with all the security measure been put in place to protect them from ugly incident. All must be extra vigilant in monitoring the personalities we notice around our vicinity to arrest the security challenges facing the country presently. Bala Nayashi No 1 Yashi Area, Lokoja

infantile appeal to international ƒk^Â’j_Zƒ‚`_xk_`xkÂŤ_‹’Œ][^_`xk‘j[_ oil from Nigeria without Nigeria \j‚k[`xƒ{x][^_{[ÂŒ_`jƒ]kÂ’`_j-kƒx_ to combat the big time domestic thieves and their collaborators in the oil industry regulatory agencies who open the door to foreign thieves who sail out with millions of barrels stolen crude every day while the military joint task force chase ÂŤjDÂŒ_xz]jmj`_][_xzj_ÂŤ{`x_š½_ÂŒj{ƒ`„ Reports have indicated that international oil thieves with sophisticated security and radar jamming surveillance equipment penetrate domestic territorial waters with the Navy claiming to be impotent in apprehending them because they lack funding to buy monitoring equipment. More than one year that the ]^jƒ]{[_ {x]k[{‘_ jxƒk‘j’‚_ kÂƒÂŤkƒ{x]k[_¨ Š_ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_Â?z]jÂŁ_ executive Andrew Yakubu and the Coordinating Minister of the Economy and Minister of Finance Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala lamented unchecked oil losses it is still ‘{‚j[x{x]k[`_q]xz_[k_k:Â?]{‘_^]m][^_ insight into what government has

done to stem the brazen thefts. One year ago, Okonjo-Iweala said that Nigeria was losing $1 billion or N155 billion revenues every month to oil theft, adding “We estimate total loss at over 300,000 barrel per day’’. Blaming pipeline vandals that z{mj_\jZj\_xzj_[{x]k[Âł`_Â?k‚‹][j\_ armed forces and the will of the ÂŤk‘]x]Â?{‘_‹’ƒj{Â’Â?ƒ{Â?ÂŒ­_xzj_ Âł`_ GMD Yakubu on March 18 repeated xzj_x]‚]\_k:Â?]{‘_‘{‚j[x{x]k[Ăˆ__ÂŻ [_ 2013, Nigeria – Africa’s largest oil ÂŤÂƒk\Â’Â?jƒ_ĂŠ_`Â’-jƒj\_`jmjƒj_{D{Â?¸`_ on its critical export pipeline system leading to the loss and or deferment of about 300,000 barrels per day. This deferred production is equivalent to the total production of Equatorial Guinea and larger than the entire production of Ghana, Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon and Gabon.â€? In 2012, 2013 and 2014, OkonjoIweala had serially lamented the nation’s budgets implementation Â?k’‘\_‹j_{-jÂ?xj\_‹Œ_k]‘_ƒjmj[Â’j_ losses that remain shamelessly unchecked fuelling suspicion that the rogue ruling political class,

unethical military establishment and facilitating, corrupt oil industry bureaucracy were hand in gloves with domestic and international oil thieves to bleed the nation to death. Electronic surveillance equipment to monitor leakages and apprehend criminals should be in place; proper funding of the security agencies to Z^zx_k]‘_xz]jmj`Ă‹_ƒj‚km{‘_kÂŁ_‚]‘]x{ƒŒ_ and political chieftains behind the about $18 billion yearly losses, bigger than national budget. The military’s complaint that the trial of apprehended big oil thieves was being frustrated by relevant law enforcement agencies and xzj_k:Â?j_kÂŁ_xzj_ Dkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘_ and Minister of Justice should be `ÂŤjj\]‘Œ_ƒjÂ?x]Zj\„ zj_ ƒj`]\j[x_ kk\‘’Â?¸_ k[{xz{[¢ _{\‚][]`xƒ{x]k[_‚’`x_^k_{ÂŁxjƒ_ the big oil thieves by facilitating their apprehension, speedy trial and jailing the guilty ones to deter others {[\_xzj_][`]^[]ZÂ?{[x_ÂŤjDÂŒ_xz]jmj`„_ We must stop the embarrassment of shifting the buck of who to blame. The Jonathan administration must erase quickly the impression it is tolerant of big oil thieves.


Newswatch Times

View Point Thursday, Deember 11, 2014

Soyinka’s outburst on Jonathan


hose of us who were already adults when, in 1986, Professor Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka won his Nobel Prize in Literature, knew very well that he won the laurel, not so much because of his literary prowess but for what he did as a political activist. So extreme was Soyinka’s radicalism that as far back as the 1960s he seized a radio station at gunpoint in ‹{\{[_\’ƒ][^_xzj_ÂŤk‘]x]Â?{‘_Â?ƒ]`]`_][_ j`xjƒ[_ ƒj^]k[„_ k_‹j_zk[j`x­_{‘xzkÂ’^z_ k‘j_ kÂŒ][¸{_ is a scholar by profession, he is more known for his extreme political views. And, sadly, he has always been partisan and biased. z{x_ k‘j_ kÂŒ][¸{_]`_{[x{^k[]`x]Â?_kÂŁ_ President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and his administration is a fact too obvious to hide. Not only has he been contemptuous of the person of Dr. Jonathan, he is also cynical about almost every programme, decision or action undertaken by the administration. Indeed, like some members of the opposition parties, the Nobel Laureate has never found anything good with the Government. z{x_z{`_‹jÂ?k‚j_][Â?ƒj{`][^‘Œ_qkƒƒ]`k‚j_ is that Soyinka’s cynicism is beginning xk_kmjÂƒÂąkq_][xk_`k‚j_¸][\_kÂŁ_z{xƒj\_kƒ_ ‹]Djƒ[j``­_‹j`x_\j`Â?ƒ]‹j\_{`_xzj_ÂŤÂƒk\Â’Â?x_ of a wobbled mind. Otherwise, why would a Professor of sound mind liken President Jonathan to the biblical “King Nebuchadnezzarâ€?? Nebuchadnezzar was one of the worst kings that ever lived according to the scriptures and Soyinka thinks that

k[{xz{[_]`_qkƒ`j_xz{[_xz{x_jm]‘_ÂŤjƒ`k[]Zj\„_ z{x_{ƒj_ kÂŒ][¸{Âł`_ƒj{`k[`_ÂŁkƒ_m]‘]ÂŁÂŒ][^_xzj_ President on this occasion? Soyinka’s statement touched on several ]``Â’j`­_`k‚j_kÂŁ_qz]Â?z_zj_z{\_‹kD‘j\_Â’ÂŤ_ in his mind, including what he claimed to be President Jonathan’s involvements in last year’s crisis of the Nigerian Governor’s Forum, his handling of the Chibok girls, the Nyanya bomb blast, his alleged insensitivity to the recent Kano tragedy, campaign on ethnic sentiments and the sacking of ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_ ][]`xjƒ_kÂŁ_ kƒj]^[_ -{]ƒ`­_xzj_‘{xj_ Ambassador Gbenga Ashiru. However, the main thrust of Soyinka’s

John Udumebraye

{D{Â?¸_k[_ k[{xz{[_q{`_qz{x_zj_\j`Â?ƒ]‹j\_ as the glaring display of impunity, citing instances such as the barring of Governors by Policemen from entering Ekiti State to campaign for former Governor Kayode Fayemi and the more recent incident involving some members of the House of Representatives and the Inspector General of k‘]Â?j­_ ƒ„_ ’‘j]‚{[_ ‹‹{„_ z]‘j_Â?{`x]^{x][^_ the President for the actions of the Police, the Nobel Laureate praised the lawmakers who scaled the gates and walls of the parliament building for their dedication to duty.

In motivation research, psychologists believe that, generally, creative minds have the special gift of disguising the real factors that induce their actions, even those that are known to be natural human tendencies. The instances are many in Soyinka. zj[­_][_šº½Ă‚­_zj_ÂŁkÂ’[\j\_xzj_ Œƒ{xj`_ Confraternity, at Ibadan, he ingeniously Â?ƒj\]xj\_xzj_Â?’‘x_q]xz_xzj_^k{‘`_kÂŁ_Z^zx][^_ for justice and anti-corruption. Soyinka still defends his membership of this cult today, even when the facts are obvious that it is not \]-jƒj[x_][_{[ÂŒ_q{ÂŒ_ÂŁÂƒk‚_kxzjƒ_`jÂ?ƒjx_Â?’‘x`_][_ the country. Soyinka, Amaechi and many others highly placed Nigerians are still tied together by the vows they swore to, as Pyrates. Talk of impunity, arrogance and cognate vices, and Soyinka and his disciples are the epitomes, not President Jonathan. And they would [jmjƒ_Z[\_{[ÂŒxz][^_qƒk[^_q]xz_k[j_{[kxzjƒ„ j_‚’`x_^ƒ{[x_xz{x_]x_]`_[{x’ƒ{‘_ÂŁkƒ_{_‚{[_ to be sentimentally pulled to an organisation xz{x_z{`_\k‚][{[x_][¹’j[Â?j_][_z]`_kƒ_zjƒ_ place of birth. The defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), which became the dominant partner in the APC, had its roots in Yorubaland. There is, therefore, nothing unusual for Soyinka, a Yoruba man, to be `ÂŒÂ‚ÂŤ{xzjx]Â?_xk_xzj_ÂŤ{ƒxÂŒ­_]x`_‘j{\][^_Z^’ƒj`_ and whatever they stand for. Government! To put it bluntly, Soyinka is not a ‘xzkÂ’^z_][xj‘‘jÂ?xÂ’{‘‘Œ_Â?ƒj{x]mj_{[\_ÂŤÂƒk‘]ZÂ?­_ detribalized Nigerian. He should be Soyinka is not, strictly speaking, a scholar honest enough in his criticism of President and has never been one. He knows this fact Jonathan and say: “Yes, we also have many himself, which was why he had to leave Nebuchadnezzars, rogues and corrupt the then University College, Ibadan, for the University of Ife, a regional institution, where politicians amongst us, but they are of my stock or association, and I have an obligation he was made Professor in 1975. He knows to defend them.â€? Only then, would he be the class of degree he obtained from Ibadan k‹•jÂ?x]mj‘Œ_ƒjÂąjÂ?x][^_xzj_]\j{‘`_kÂŁ_xzj_ k‹j‘_ could not have secured him admission to Laureate which he wears around his neck. higher degree there, which was the reason he had to go to Leeds University in the UK. This Otherwise, Soyinka’s numerous biases make nonsense of whatever he may say of President was enough to create a complex in Soyinka. Jonathan and, indeed, any leader in his It might be argued that the issue of higher degree or distinction between scholarship and administration. creative writing should not apply to a man Mr Udumebraye wrote from Port qzk_z{`_qk[_xzj_ k‹j‘_ ƒ]Âśj„__ z{x_qj_‚’`x_ Harcourt via Johnbull.udumebraye@ admit, however, is that no amount of awards can alter an academic truth.

has no respect for the rule of law; Soyinka accuses Jonathan of carrying out ethnic campaigns in the same statement in which his ethnic bias is betrayed when he castigates the Government for the sack of the former kƒj]^[_ -{]ƒ`_ ][]`xjƒ­_xzj_‘{xj_ ‚‹{``{\kƒ_ Ashiru. Think about it: in spite of Soyinka’s socalled objectivity, there are Nigerians he has [jmjƒ_Â’Djƒj\_{_qkƒ\_kÂŁ_Â?ƒ]x]Â?]`‚_{^{][`x­_jmj[_ when they are known all over the country to be of questionable character. It is amusing seeing the like of Bola Tinubu and Soyinka on a round table discussing corruption in

What has become increasingly worrisome is that Soyinka’s cynicism is beginning bitterness, best described as the product of a wobbled mind. Those who have followed Soyinka’s political m]jq`_kmjƒ_xzj_ÂŒj{ƒ_qk’‘\_Z[\_]x_jÂĄxƒj‚j‘Œ_ \]:Â?’‘x_xk_`jÂŤ{ƒ{xj_z]‚_ÂŁÂƒk‚_‚j‚‹jƒ`_kÂŁ_ the All Progressives Congress (APC), except his highfalutin language. I don’t even think the Professor would try to convince anybody that he is not a member of the APC. But there is nothing wrong with being a member of a political party; whether the governing party or the opposition. The only problem with Soyinka is that he is partisan to the core but wears the cloak of scholarship. Almost every statement in Soyinka’s “King Nebuchadnezzar – The Reign of Impunityâ€?, is laden with biases of all sorts, political, religious and ethnic. For instance, he accuses President Jonathan of impunity and {x_xzj_`{‚j_x]‚j_Z[\`_[kxz][^_qƒk[^_q]xz_ Governor Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State who

MTN’s chronic poor service, sleepy regulators


llow me a space to register my displeasure over MTN incessant network failure and poor quality of services it is rendering to Nigerians despite over ten years of its establishment. Last month when two Nigerian planes carrying about 15 million dollars were impounded in South Africa, the Nigerian government demanded the release of the money or expel some South African companies - with MTN included. At that time, I felt it was unnecessary and unfair for Nigeria to expel its pioneer telecommunication company, MTN, just because of a diplomatic row. That was because I believed that South Africa did the right thing, and Nigeria must learn to respect itself before it would be respected by others. Events later made me to learn my mistake, and to understand that MTN should go back home. That was because I was caught by MTN consistent poor network quality, and unnecessary charges to Nigerians. I subscribed for MTN blackberry subscription last week. I was just hoping that the subscription would start immediately and I will continue my pinging as I have thousands of online friends, critics, and family waiting for my presence daily. The subscription did not start immediately. I was ÂŤ{x]j[x_ÂŁkƒ_ÂŁk’ƒ_zk’ƒ`_{`_xzjƒj_q{`_[k_Â?k[Zƒ‚{x]k[_ from MTN, nor was my subscription activated. I waited again for another four hours, but no response. I then decided to call the customer care. x_xkk¸_ZÂŁxjj[_‚][Â’xj`_‹jÂŁkƒj_xzj_{^j[x_kÂŁ_ _ answered. I lodged my complaint, but it was of

Abdulbaqi Jari Katsina

no help to me. I re-called the MTN customer care again. The agent asked me to do hard reset after asking me to carry out a diagnostic test. After \k][^_xz{x­_‚Œ_ÂŤzk[j_qj[x_k-_{[\_ÂŤjƒz{ÂŤ`­_^kx_{_ problem because of that. I had to pay about two thousand naira before it was repaired. That was my own case alone. Not to talk of millions of People that were/are deprived by service providers in Nigeria. It is sad and unfortunate that the Nigerian Communication

Nigerians are also not helping matters. When two or three naira is removed illegally from their accounts, they don’t complain. They don’t protest, and they don’t make efforts to stop it. They will keep mute and start gossiping that so and so network did this to me

Commission, ministry of communications and all other relevant authorities are not living up to expectations. It will be recalled that some service providers in Nigeria were last year bared from compulsory promos they are forcing customers to enter, charging them money daily, weekly, or monthly. That was part of the illicit and unethical practices service providers in Nigeria are engaged in. This cheat can only be found in Nigeria, as it is only here in Nigeria that the established regulators are sleeping and waiting to be served bribes to keep quite. ___ ]^jƒ]{[`_{ƒj_{‘`k_[kx_zj‘][^_‚{Djƒ`„_ zj[_ two or three naira is removed illegally from their accounts, they don’t complain. They don’t protest, {[\_xzjÂŒ_\k[Âłx_‚{¸j_j-kƒx`_xk_`xkÂŤ_]x„__ zjÂŒ_q]‘‘_ keep mute and start gossiping that so and so network did this to me, did that to me, and that is where his complaint will end. Nigerians must be resolute against corruption [k_‚{Djƒ_zkq_`‚{‘‘_]x_]`„_ ÂŁ_qj_Â?{[[kx_Z^zx_{_ small corruption like complaining about irksome Â?z{ƒ^j`­_xzj[_zkq_Â?{[_qj_Z^zx_‹ƒ]‹jƒŒ_{[\_ corruption like looting of public funds in Nigeria? I call on the NCC, and all other relevant ministries, department and agencies in Nigeria to please rise up and live up to expectations and stop all the illicit charges, and deprivation of customers by service providers. Comrade Katsina wrote via @jariabdubaqi

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Newswatch Times

W8=X;< >= Y Z 98;987899 —Erico



(64789 ;88< =>?8@4; B>6BK —Babayaro


Newswatch TIMES Sports/NEWS Utaka sees red in Turkey Onaiwu linked with Charlton




igeria striker, John x{¸{_q{`_`j[x_k-_ while in action for his Turkish Super League team Sivasspor against Kayseri Erciyesspor on Monday. The game ended 1-1 and the former Montpellier of France striker was given a straight red card in the 51st minute. Sivasspor are in relegation zone as they are placed 16th on the league table with 10 points 12 games. His compatriot, Chrisantus Macaulay was not listed. He has scored two goals in nine games for Sivasspor.


Utaka has played for Portmouth (England), Lens, Rennes and Montpellier (all in France), Arab Contractors and Ismaily

Akpom closer to first team football – Wenger

Francis Ajuonuma


igerian youngster, Chuba Akpom is at the mjƒ^j_ kÂŁ_ Zƒ`x_ xj{‚_ ÂŁkkxball at Arsenal. The 19-year-old forward has been in the best of form this season with the under-21 side, helping them to several victories in the under-21 English Premier League; one of which was a hattrick in the 4-0 thrashing of Brighton on December 1 and occasionally appearing in the Capital One Cup. His present form may have convinced Arsene Wenger, who on the eve of Arsenal depar-

ture to Istanbul, Turkey on Monday for Tuesday’s UEFA Champions’ League tie at Galatasaray {\‚]Dj\_ xz{x_ ¸k‚_ ]`_ now ripe to command a regular shirt with the senior Gunners. No wonder the player was included in the squad that took on Galatasaray on Tuesday. “Some are closer to xzj_Zƒ`x_xj{‚­_‘]¸j_ z’‹{_ Akpom who you know already,â€? he said. The 6ft gangling striker, who has managed just one senior team goal for the Emirates side and Zmj_ ^k{‘`_ ÂŁkƒ_ xzj_ [^land under-20 this year, has the likes of Olivier Giroud, Danny Welbeck, Alexis Sanchez, Yaya Sanago, Lucas Podolski, zjk_ {‘Â?kD_ {[\_ kj‘_ Campbell to contest with for a starting line shirt.

(both of Egypt), Al Saad (Qatar). The 32-year-old striker scored six goals in 43 international caps for Nigeria.

harlton Athletic are the latest club being linked with a move for Anglo - Nigerian goalkeeper, Edward Onaiwu. [\_ xzj_ z{‚]k[`z]ÂŤ_ kÂ’xZx_ {ƒj_ zkÂŤ][^_ to wrap up a deal for the highly rated youngster sometime next week, before he departs London for Nigeria to train with the country’ Under 17 national team. Onaiwu has caught the eyes of The Addicks chiefs in trial matches, and the shotstopper is open to the idea of pitching his tent at the Valley. According to sources in the know, the 14-year-old has cherry-picked Charlton Athletic ahead of other interested suitors because of their philosophy of developing young talents. Indeed, three other Anglo - Nigerians, Tosan Popo, Adebayo Azeez and Semi Ajayi, progressed through their youth ranks before xzjÂŒ_qjƒj_k-jƒj\_ÂŤÂƒkÂŁj``]k[{‘_Â?k[xƒ{Â?x`„ Onaiwu has been scouted this season by {[Â?zj`xjƒ_ []xj\Âł`_ xkÂŤ_ x{‘j[x_ `ÂŤkDjƒ_ k‚_ Critchley, and he previously trained with Reading and Newcastle United.

Also, Manchester City and West Brom had been considering a move for the former Crystal Palace Academy player, according to his agent. The Golden Eaglets invitee became a free agent this summer.

Eagles need foreign coach —Babayaro

Martin Odiete, Abuja


ormer Super Eagles defender, Celestine Babayaro has joined in the call for the engagement of a foreign technical adviser for the Super Eagles. Speaking with Newswatch Times Sports in Abuja, Babayaro noted

that he does not see any other coach within the country, who is capable of taking over from Keshi, maintaining that the standard of the Super Eagles has grown so large that it will take only a world class coach to maintain that standard. “The Super Eagles need a world class coach because of the level they have grown to. We cannot now go and bring anyhow coach to coach the team. And, I have not seen that coach in Nigeria

for now and even in Africa. “And there is no big deal about engaging a foreign coach because top countries like England qzk_ z{`_ ‹jDjƒ_ `xƒ’�x’ƒj_ and football development at a time went for a foreign coach. At a time they had Ericsson and after Capello. So, if England can go for a foreign coach, why can’t Nigeria go for one,� he said. Celestine who was particularly pissed with the failure of the Super-

Eagles to qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations in Equatorial Guinea, said the time has come for Nigerians to move ahead from the failure as the country has what it takes to get back to the top. “Of course, Super Eagles still has what it takes to get back to the top. But we have to do things right which is to start by ^jD][^_ {_ ÂŁkƒj]^[_ Â?k{Â?z„_ _ really believe that the Super Eagles will surely rise again.â€?


Onyeacholam blasts NSC for neglecting Swimming Maduabuchi Kalu


hairman of the tech[]Â?{‘_ k‚‚]Djj_ kÂŁ_ the Nigeria Aquatics Federation and the leader of Nigerian swimming delegation to the just concluded 2014 FINA International Swimming Championships tagged ‘Doha 2014,’ Steve Onyeacholam, has come hard on the National Sports Commission (NSC) for their [k[Â?z{‘{[x_{D]xÂ’\j_xkq{ƒ\_ other sports in the country. Onyeacholam, who returned to the country on Monday with the country’s swimming contingent to the just-concluded FINA International Swimming Championship in Qatar, described as unfortunate the neglect of other sports in the country by the NSC. He said despite the fact that the NSC was informed beforehand about the Qatar championship, they did nothing to ensure that the country participated; adding: “If it was football, they

would have provided more than enough funds and in advance too.� The former national swimmer explained that there is no way the country would make any head way in the comity of sporting nax]k[`_q]xz_ _{D]x’\j„_ Onyeacholam also stated that it would have been one of the biggest embarrassment in recent times had the Nigeria not participated as less endowed African countries like Benin Republic, Uganda, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon took part in the championship. “It is unfortunate that we claim to be giant of Africa ‹’x_ `k‚j_ ‘]D‘j_ xz][^`_ xz{x_ we need to do, we don’t do them. It is most unfortunate,� Onyeacholam added. “I can assure you that if the championship was FIFA organised competition, the NSC would have provided the Nigerian team with more than the required funds and in advance too.�

Africa Champions’ Cup: Col Ahmedu hails Dolphins performance Col Ahmedu, though disappointed that none of the Nigerian teams came back with a medal, said the performance of Dolphins, qzk_ Z[]`zj\_ ZÂŁxz_ ][_ xzj_ Francis Ajuonuma competition deserves commendation considerol. Sam Ahmedu ing the fact that they pros(rtd), President, ecuted the championship FIBA Africa Zone with an entire domestic three has given players of league players. Dolphins Basketball Club “Well, all I can say is of Lagos part on the back that if you go to a chamdespite their failure to go pionship you want to win ‹jÂŒk[\_ xzj_ Ă„Â’{ƒxjƒ¢Z[{‘`_ but if you don’t win at least stage of the 20th edition of try and come out among FIBA Africa Champions the medalists; none of our Cup for Women (ACCW) teams got a medal. which ended on Decem“However, I believe ber 7 in Sfax, Tunisia. they did their best; particuThe other Nigerian larly, I’m more impressed team, which also featured with the Dolphins, who in the championship- First went with an entire homeBank Basketball Club, based team. Their partici {^k`_ Z[]`zj\_ ÂŁk’ƒxz­_ pation is more worthwhile leaving Interclube (Anbecause they went with gola) Primeiro de Agosto home-based players and (Angola) and C.S Sfaxien {Â?z]jmj\_ ZÂŁxz­_ qz]‘j_ ]ƒ`x_ (Tunisia) to take the gold, Bank brought some of our silver and bronze medforeign-based players and als respectively as Nigeria still did not win. So if you once again missed out on check the cost and investthe medal table. ment, you will just ask Reacting to the perforqzjxzjƒ_ xzj_ j[\_ •’`x]Zj\_ mance of the two Nigerian the means; but all the same clubs at the championship, _ q]`z_ ‹kxz_ xj{‚`_ ‹jDjƒ_ luck next time,â€? said. The Dodan Warriors Basketball Club of Lagos proprietor will however insist that with hard work, Nigerian clubs can do better at future competitions. “I think what our clubs need is hard work. They should stop bringing foreign-based players and concentrate on the local players; by so doing we can produce formidable teams that can be very competitive at Africa club championship,â€? he added.




Refund of N510m senseless – Erico Maduabuchi Kalu


ormer national team assistant coach, Joe Erico has said that the recent refund of N510 million to the Federal Government by the Amaju Pinnick led Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), does not make any sense if the federation will later go back to look for money from the government.

j_{ƒ^Â’j\_xz{x_][_xzj_Zƒ`x_ place the federation has no reason going cap in hand to solicit for funds from the Federal government because the game is a money spinning venture when managed well by those at the zj‘‚_kÂŁ_{-{]ƒ`„

j_ {Dƒ]‹’xj\_ ‘{Â?¸_ kÂŁ_ m]sion and sound management skills by those at the zj‘‚_kÂŁ_{-{]ƒ`_{`_ƒj{`k[_xzjÂŒ_ have to resort to the federal ^kmjƒ[‚j[x_ÂŁkƒ_Z[{[Â?]{‘_{`sistance any time they run ][xk_Z[{[Â?]{‘_ÂŤÂƒk‹‘j‚`„ ÂŻ [_xzj_Zƒ`x_‘{Â?j­_ _q{[x_ to state that I don’t see the reason for the return of N510 million because the Nigeria Football Federation have no reason to approach the federal government to ask for {[ÂŒ_‚k[jÂŒ_][_xzj_Zƒ`x_‘{Â?j„ “Are they returning the money so that in the next couple of days they will still rush to the government to solicit for funds? If that is what they intend doing then it does not make sense as far as I am concerned. “They have many things

that they need money for. They need money to go to the grassroots to discover young boys and girls who would be nurtured for the national teams. “Let me tell you, football is money spinning venture. Football generates enormous money if well administered by those who know what it takes to run it profitably. Football is a self sustaining sport that can apart from sustaining itself, can ^j[jƒ{xj_ zÂ’^j_ ÂŤÂƒkZx`_ ÂŁkƒ_ stakeholders,â€? he said. “The NFF have no reason whatsoever to be short of funds because there is no single team of the national

teams that is not a big brand if well managed. “In the western world, which day have you ever heard that a country like England, Spain, Germany, Italy, Germany and France went to their respective countries governments to `k‘]Â?]x_ ÂŁkƒ_ Z[{[Â?]{‘_ zj‘_ xk_ j[{‹‘j_ xzj‚_ ƒ’[_ xzj_ {-{]ƒ`_ of their football? None as far as I know, just go and check your records. “They don’t do it because the game is money spinner. They generate more than enough money to make them self sustaining. “As far as I am concerned, I think the main problem we

have in the running of the {-{]ƒ`_ kÂŁ_ k’ƒ_ ÂŁkkx‹{‘‘_ ]`_ k’ƒ_ ][{‹]‘]xÂŒ_xk_ƒ’[_xzj_{-{]ƒ`_kÂŁ_ the game well. The reason is that those who are running xzj_ {-{]ƒ`_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ ^{‚j_ ][_ the country do not have the technical competence to run football well. “The biggest problems of those who have been run[][^_xzj_{-{]ƒ`_kÂŁ_xzj_^{‚j_ in the country are lack of vision and sound management skills. Believe you me, any time we are able to arƒj`x_xzj`j_xqk_\jZÂ?]j[Â?]j`­_ _ bet you the game is going to experience a quantum leap ÂŁkƒ_xzj_‹jDjƒ­¿_ ƒ]Â?k_{\\j\„

Azeez ready for Real showdown

Ephraim Nwosu


igeria international, Ramon Azeez believes there is no reason for Almeria to feel inferior to Cristiano Ronaldo and his Real Madrid mates when they host them at the Juegos Mediterraneos Stadium on Friday. Azeez told Newswatch Sports on phone from Spain ahead of the tie that he expects a hard game and warned anybody who predicts the outcome of the result based on their poor run in this season campaign to do so at his own peril. “It’s really going to be jÂĄxƒj‚j‘Œ_ \]:Â?’‘x_ ‘{ÂŒ][^_ against a formidable Real Madrid side that is one of the best in the world,’’ the ‚]\Zj‘\jƒ_ [kxj\_ `xƒj``][^_ that Real Madrid will be the favourites.

“We are obviously the underdogs while they are the clear favourites. They are European champions and are currently topping the league table. It won’t be an easy game. They are in a devastating form now and ¸jjÂŤ_ ^jD][^_ ‹jDjƒ_ ][_ jmjƒŒ_ ^{‚jĂ‹_ {[\_ mjƒŒ_ Â?k[Z\j[x„_ All their players have great qualities and have been playing together as a team for many years and doing very well,â€? he added.

Almeria, who lost 5-2 to Eibar in one of last weekj[\Âł`_ {_ ]^{_ ZÂĄx’ƒj`_ z{mj_ won just two games this season, drawing four and losing eight . Despite the Rojiblancos poor run in the league, Azeez, though is hopeful that the Francisco Rodriguez led side can still pull a surprise. “It is a big challenge for us and we will try to handle it in the best way possible, we must leave no space and

do well in defence, which is essential if we hope to get a positive result,â€? the 21-yearold pointed out. “We are not doing well at the moment but we are ready to give them a good Z^zx_Â’[x]‘_xzj_j[\„_ z]`_¸][\_ of test will bring the best out of the team and make us stronger if we are victoƒ]kÂ’`„_ j_{ƒj_Â?k[Z\j[x_{[\_ hopeful as we all know that in football you don’t write k-_ ÂŒk’ƒ_ kÂŤÂŤk[j[x`_ Â’[x]‘_ the last blast of the referee’s whistle; knowing full well that anything can happen irrespective of the teams involved. Beating a Real Madrid side would be one of the best things to happen to my career and I am looking forward to it.â€? The former Under-17 ‚]\Zj‘\jƒ_ z{`_ ‚{\j_ ÂŁkƒxÂŒ_ appearances for the Andalusians’ since joining them in 2012 scoring two goals. They occupy the 17th position on the Primera Division and are tied on the same point with last placed Elche but are sep{ƒ{xj\_‹Œ_^k{‘`_\]-jƒj[Â?j„

Sports/ Messi, Neymar, Suarez will never leave – Faus



arcelona Vice-President Javier Faus has insisted that Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez nor Neymar will ever be sold by the club. The Catalan giants face Paris Saint-Germain in the Champions League on Wednesday, and in light of Les Parisiens’ sudden claim to riches, coupled with reports of the Argentine’s unhappiness at Camp Nou, the executive poured scorn on the French champions’ methods.



“Let them make us an k-jƒ­_ ]xÂł`_ xzj]ƒ_ ÂŤÂƒk‹‘j‚„_ Messi, Suarez and Neymar will never be sold,â€? he told Mundo Deportivo. “You can’t achieve in three years what other clubs do in 40. The rich don’t necessarily win the Champions League. “They can be very comÂŤjx]x]mj_ ][_ Zmj_ ÂŒj{ƒ`­_ ÂŤÂƒkviding they stay organised. They must invest in train][^_ÂŁ{Â?]‘]x]j`_{[\_Z[\_‚kƒj_ revenue streams. “It all needs time, but we won’t be surpassed by PSG. The Champions League will be stronger with them, that’s all.â€? Faus then advised PSG to ‘stay patient’ and take a leaf out of his side’s book, as he praised La Blaugrana’s business acumen. “PSG must be patient. Barca have taken over 10 years to restructure themselves and are now the second richest club in the world,â€? he added.

Vermaelen rues injury woe


entre-back Thomas Vermaelen returned to the club on Mon\{ÂŒ_xk_‹j^][_z]`_ÂŁk’ƒ¢xk¢Zmj_ month recovery following the successful surgery on his semitendinosus muscle in his right hamstring in Finland last week and thanked the club and his teammates for all of their support. In an interview with Barca TV, Vermaelen ad‚]Dj\_xz{x_zj_\]\[Âłx_¸[kq_ the team was going to wear t-shirts in support of him

prior to this past weekend’s 5-1 win over Espanyol and thanks them for all signing one for him. “I knew nothing about it and it was as huge surprise. I am very grateful to my team-mates for the way they showed their support with this shirt. It has given me strength for the next few weeks. “The last few months z{mj_‹jj[_\]:�’‘x_‹j�{’`j_ I’ve not managed to recover and that’s why I made the decision to operate. I am very focused and my objective is to recover as soon as possible.� Vermaelen then took to social media to thank the team for their support. “Great win, congrats guys! I would like to thank the team @fcbarcelona for their amazing support. Much appreciated!�

Espanyol’s Vazquez upset after loss to Barca


spanyol’s Lucas ӜĒjÂś_ {\‚]Dj\_ that his team is upset after losing the Catalan derby to Barcelona, but stated that the side must react quickly to turn the situation around as soon as possible. “There aren’t many positive things you can say after losing 5-1. I’m annoyed about the match, but we should bounce back as soon as possibleâ€?, Lucas said in a press conference after his Zƒ`x_ {x{‘{[_\jƒ‹Œ„ ÂŻ j_ z{\_ {_ ^ƒj{x_ Zƒ`x_ half, we worked hard. But {x_ xzj_ j[\_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ Zƒ`x_ z{‘£­_ Messi appeared and took our chances to get something from the match. The goals in such rapid succession were a tough blow mentally. And when we wanted to react, we had

ran for 60 minutes and you could see that. “The fact that Messi had such a wonderful moment in the beginning of the second half made it an uphill ‹{D‘j_ ÂŁkƒ_ Â’`¿­_ Â’Â?{`_ `{]\­_ whilst assuring that coach Sergio Gonzalez did what he could to try to motivate his team at half time. “The coach spoke to us very well at half timeâ€?, the player stated.

Suarez: I came to Barca to score goals


uis Suarez says he came to Barcelona to score goals rather than simply assist Lionel Messi and Neymar. Suarez has struggled on the goalscoring front since his â‚Ź88 million move from Liverpool this summer and z{`_ k[‘Œ_ [jDj\_ ÂŁkƒ_ Â’]`_ Enrique’s men on one occasion since making his debut against Real Madrid in October. The Uruguayan striker z{`_[kxÂ?zj\_Zmj_{``]`x`_][_`]ÂĄ_ La Liga matches, however, and while he is keen to stress that results are more important than his personal tally, he admits he would prefer to be scoring goals rather than `jD][^_xzj‚_’„ “It’s very easy playing alongside Messi,â€? he told reporters. “I enjoy playing with Messi. “Obviously being a forward I would like to score more goals. But while the team does well there is no problem. It is incredible to play alongside the best player in the world. His `xŒ‘j_ kÂŁ_ ‘{ÂŒ_ ‹j[jZx`_ xzj_ team. “We do not play only for Messi, though. We play for each other. We know that other players can make a \]-jƒj[Â?j­_ `Â’Â?z_ {`_ j``]­_

Neymar and Andres Iniesta. These are footballers that �{[_ ^]mj_ Œk’_ �k[Z\j[�j_ when playing with them. “I’d rather us win 5-0 and I do not score, than us win 2-0 and I score. If you win while scoring goals then you leave happy, but the most important thing is always the team. I do not think just of me.

“I’m used to being the main goalscorer, but I also always like to help. But I also know that I came here to score goals not only give assists. “I came here because I scored many goals in my career and especially at Liverpool. But luckily I am not alone in this; I have players at my side capable

of deciding a game and ‚{¸j_{_\]-jƒj[Â?j„¿ Barca are in action on Wednesday at home to Paris Saint-Germain - a victory will assure them of top spot in Group F of the Champions League, while a draw or defeat will see them head into the last 16 as second seeds behind current group leaders PSG.

Wenger pushes hard to land El-Haddadi in January


rsene Wenger will make fresh {Dj‚x`_ xk_ ‘’ƒj_ {ƒÂ?j‘k[{_ teenage prodigy, Munir ElHaddadi, in the coming weeks, according to reports in Spain. The 19-year old has long been admired by Wenger and could be the latest member of a stream of talents that have crossed from Catalonia to London and with barely three weeks before the January transfer window opens, it is possible that Wenger would swoop for the highly rated youngster. Though still playing with the lower Barca cadre, Barcelona B, in the Segunda division, Munir has made it into Â’]`_ [ƒ]Ă„Â’jÂł`_ Zƒ`x_ xj{‚_ xz]`_ `j{`k[­_ and has racked up 13 appearances in La Liga, Copa del Rey and the Champions League. What’s more, he’s even ^k[j_k[_xk_^{][_xzj_£’‘‘_{Dj[x]k[_kÂŁ_ ]Â?j[xj_ j‘_ k`Ă„Â’j­_q][[][^_z]`_Zƒ`x_Â?{ÂŤ_ with La Roja in September in the Euro à žšĂ’_Ă„Â’{‘]Zjƒ_{^{][`x_ {Â?j\k[]{„

Newswatch TIMES

35 Sports/EURO LEAGUE Wenger reveals Sanchez’s groin injury Bayern Munich, kings of Europe he Arsenal manager 14 goals in 23 appearances zj[_Ēj`x]k[j\_{‹k’x_ some time, and he has has revealed Alexis despite not being the num- his decision to leave the



Sanchez has been playing with a “groin problem for some timeâ€? to explain his decision to rest the Chilean international for the Champions League game against Borussia Dortmund on Tuesday night. Having started in every game over the last two months, the Chilean international has played more minutes (1858) in all competitions than any other player in the Premier League, since his ÂŁ32million summer move from Barcelona. Sanchez has also been arguably the best Arsenal ‘{ÂŒjƒ_\’ƒ][^_xzj_Zƒ`x_ÂŤ{ƒx_ of the campaign, scoring

ber nine. The stellar performance is even more impressive because, according to Wenger, the former Barcelona star has not been 100 ÂŤjƒ_Â?j\[x_Zx„

Chilean international out kÂŁ_xzj_`Ă„Â’{\_ÂŁkƒ_xzj_m]`]x_xk_ Dortmund, the manager said: “Not because of the game on Saturday (against Newcastle) but Sanchez had a groin problem for

played 27 games.â€? “Cazorla has played many games, it is more just the number of repetitive games we have.â€? Arsenal have already ^Â’{ƒ{[xjj\_ xzj_ Ă„Â’{‘]ZÂ?{tion for the knockout stage but need Borussia Dortmund to lose to Anderlecht at home for them to top the group. After a 3-0 drubbing at Stoke on the weekend, Wenger has decided to use a number of fringe players for the European game. “To make it as simple as possible, I have 11 experienced players and six young players on the bench. That means I have nothing to hide,â€? he conZƒ‚j\„


anchester City captain, Vi n c e n t Kompany, believes the Premier League champions will soon be as big as Real Madrid and Barcelona. Manchester City have thrown the doors open to their multi-million pound training complex situated just a stone’s throw away from the Etihad Stadium. The City Football Academy has cost the Premier League champions around ÂŁ200 million, but they consider that to be money well spent and a sound investment in the future. Everyone connected with the club is now housed under one roof, with academy hopefuls rubbing shoulders with household names from xzj_Zƒ`x_xj{‚_ƒ{[¸`„ City believe that will ÂŤÂƒkmj_ ‹j[jZÂ?]{‘_ ][_ xzj_ long run, with the stars of tomorrow able to study and learn from those who have been there and done it. Club captain, Vincent Kompany is among those buying into the long-term vision, with it his opinion that City have given themselves the opportunity to compete with other global superpowers such as Real Madrid and Barcelona. He told the Daily Mirror: “If you want to do things right, you need to create legacy and culture. “You want the young kids that come through the academy to be able to look up to those who are there playing in front of 50,000 every day. You don’t get that if you have the youth


ayern Munich are the clean sheet kings of Europe so far this term, with Juventus and SaintEtienne completing the podium in this week’s Huawei Team Ranking. Pep Guardiola’s men have dominated the Bundesliga in the opening months of this season and their strong defence has been one of their biggest weapons, with Manuel Neuer refusing to concede in 11 out of his 14 league games. Elsewhere, Juventus ^k{‘¸jjÂŤjƒ_ ]{[‘’]^]_ Â’-k[_ has been almost as big an obstacle between the sticks as Neuer, with the Italy international keeping 10 clean sheets for the Serie A leaders. ]^Â’j_ š_ kÂ’xZx_ {][x¢ Etienne, meanwhile, have also proven to be impenetrable at the back on 10 occasions, although they needed 17 matches to achieve this feat.

Barcelona sit fourth in the ranking with nine clean sheets from 14 games, while k‚{_{[\_ j[[j`_`z{ƒj_ZÂŁxz_ place on eight games without conceding a goal. Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain, Fiorentina, Southampton and Montpellier complete the top 10 with seven clean sheets each. x_xzj_‹kDk‚_j[\_kÂŁ_xzj_ ranking, Serie A trio Cesena, Parma and Cagliari are accompanied by La Liga minnows Elche and Bundesliga `]\j_ xÂ’D^{ƒx_ {`_ xzj_ xj{‚`_ that have been struggling the most in defence, with all Zmj_ `]\j`_ ¸jjÂŤ][^_ •’`x_ k[j_ clean sheet all season. Finally, Leicester City are the team with the fewest games without conceding (two) from the Premier League, with Guingamp as Ligue 1’s lowest-ranked representative on a mere two clean sheets, too.

Ancelotti confirms Real interest in Silva


eal Madrid have not ruled out making a bid to sign Cruzeiro ‚]\Zj‘\jƒ­_ Â’Â?{`_ ]‘m{_][_xzj_ winter transfer market, according to club coach Carlo [Â?j‘kD]„ The Brazil U-21 starlet has been strongly linked with a move to the Bernabeu stadium in recent months. ]xz_ ƒk{x]{[_‚]\Zj‘\jƒ_ Luka Modric sidelined until February with a thigh injury and Sami Khedira’s future at the club uncertain - the Germany international has yet to sign a contract extension with his current deal ending next summer - the European champions may reinforce xzj]ƒ_ ‚]\Zj‘\_ ‘][j_ ][_ {[Â’-

Kompany outlines plans to become best {x_ k[j_ `]xj_ {x_ ‘{D_ {[j_ and we are training outside of Manchester at Carrington. “The fact we’re in the heart of Manchester now means that we have a greater bond with the community and the sur-

rounding areas, which are massively Blue. “We might be a step behind Barcelona and Real Madrid in terms of their history of winning but that does not mean you cannot end up a step ahead of eve-

ryone.� How long it takes City to take that ‘step’ remains to be seen, with sustained success having to be enjoyed over a prolonged period of time.

ary. “We have to wait for the Christmas period, when everything will be much clearjƒ­¿_ [Â?j‘kD]_ xk‘\_ qqq„ “Then we’ll make a decision. “We are interested in Lucas Silva, but also in other players. After the Club World Cup we’ll make a decision by evaluating the `]xÂ’{x]k[`_kÂŁ_xzj_‚]\Zj‘\jƒ`_ who are injured at the moment.â€? Silva, who is also a reported target of Manchester United, Arsenal and Inter Milan, broke into Cruzeiro’s Zƒ`x_xj{‚_`Ă„Â’{\_][_à žšà _{[\_ has since made 38 appearances for the Brazilians.



Julaton set for 2015 return


fter having three professional mixed martial arts (MMA) appearances this year, Ana Julaton will be making her much-awaited return to the boxing ring in 2015. Julaton was last seen wearing eight-ounce boxing gloves in November 2013 when she routed Perla Hernandez via majority decision, but she remained {�x]mj_][_xzj_Z^zx_`�j[j_‹Œ_ inking an exclusive contract with ONE Fighting Championship (ONE FC), an international MMA promotion based in Singapore. The 34-year-old Filipina made a successful transition from boxing to MMA in May at ONE FC: Rise of Heroes, where she stopped Aya Saeid Saber via third-

round technical knockout. However, Julaton failed to repeat the magic of her triumphant MMA debut as she lost to Ann Osman by split decision at ONE FC: Reign of Champions in August. Julaton recently went back on the winning track by outpointing Walaa Abbas by way of unanimous decision on the undercard of ONE FC: Warrior’s Way last December 5. Although she has a Âąk’ƒ]`z][^_Â?{ƒjjƒ_][_ ­_ Julaton pointed out that she is not turning her back on the sport that catapulted her to the pinnacle of success. “Boxing remains my top priority. I’m still Ana Julaton, the boxer. My boxing journey is not that near to conclusion despite a successful run in MMA. I still q{[x_ xk_ Z^zx_ ÂŁkƒ_ {_ ‹kÂĄ][^_ world title someday,â€? she told Rappler in an interview after ONE FC: Warrior’s Way. Julaton (13-4-1, 2 knockouts) made a place for herself in boxing history when `zj_ ‹jÂ?{‚j_ xzj_ Zƒ`x_ ][{ÂŒ_ pugilist to capture a world title by winning the vacant International Boxing Association women’s junior featherweight belt against j‘`jÂŒ_ j-ƒ]j`_][_ jÂŤxj‚‹jƒ_ 2009.

Guevara training hard to stop Yaegashi


exico’s Pedro “Jibranâ€? Guevara is ready to face Japan’s Akira Yaegashi for the vacant World Boxing kÂ’[Â?]‘_ ‘]^zx_ ÂąÂŒqj]^zx_ title at the Metropolitan Gym in Tokyo on December 30. Guevara has been training hard at the ultra high Otomi Ceremony Center where Mexican legend Erik “El Terribleâ€? Morales trained for his clashes with “Fighter of the Decadeâ€? Manny Pacquiao. The WBC reported that the 25 year old Guevara “is near the Stairway to Heaven, preparing for a ƒ{ƒjZj\_ kÂŤÂŤkƒxÂ’[]xÂŒ_ xk_ Z^zx_ k[_ jÂ?j‚‹jƒ_ Ă‚ž_ ÂŁkƒ_ xzj_m{Â?{[x_ _‘]^zx_ÂąÂŒweight championship.â€? The WBC website said Guevara will remain his lofty State of Mexico camp until mid-December and “then travels to JaÂŤ{[­_ \jxjƒ‚][j\_ xk_ £’‘Z‘_ his dream of being WBC champion.â€? Guevara won the vacant WBC Silver title with a twelve round split decision over Raukl Garcia on March 30, 2013 and is Â?k‚][^_ k-_ {_ Ă’xz_ ƒkÂ’[\_ TKO of Alejandro Morales last September 20. zj_ k[‘Œ_ ‘k``_ `Â’-jƒj\_

by Guevara (23-1-1, 15 KO’s) was a 12 round split decision to the Philippines International Boxing Federation (IBF) ‘]^zx_ÂąÂŒqj]^zx_Â?z{‚]k[­_ Johnreil Casimero on May 19, 2012. Yaegashi, on the other hand, lost by a 9th round TKO to undefeated Roman Gonzalez in a World Boxing Council (WBC) ÂąÂŒqj]^zx_ x]x‘j_ ‹kÂ’x_ ‘{`x_ September 5 after being dropped in rounds 3 and 9. The 31 year old Japanese who has a record of 20-4 with 10 knockouts qk[_ xzj_ _ ÂąÂŒqj]^zx_ title with a twelve round unanimous decision over fellow Japanese Toshiyuki Igarashi on April 8, 2013.


De La Hoya: Khan can hurt Pacquiao


oxing legend Oscar De La Hoya believes that Amir Khan can become one of xzj_ ^ƒj{xj`x_ Z^zxjƒ`_ kÂŁ_ {‘‘_ time. He is also convinced that Khan has the ability to cause a major shock qzj[_zj_Z[{‘‘Œ_Â?‘]‚‹`_][xk_ the ring with Floyd Mayweather or Manny Pacquiao.

Khan is hoping that victory over Devon Alexander in Las Vegas this weekend will secure a megabucks Z^zx_q]xz_j]xzjƒ_kÂŁ_xzj_xqk_ boxing greats next year. He knows that defeat in the defence of his WBC world silver welterweight belt will drop him back down among the also-rans. But former six-weight world champion De La Hoya, the head of Khan’s

American promoters Golden Boy, is backing him to go all the way. He said: “I really do feel that Amir Khan can be one kÂŁ_ xzj_ xkÂŤ_ Z^zxjƒ`_ kÂŁ_ {‘‘_ time, I really do. “He has the passion for the sport plus the discipline and the work ethic you need for this sport. “He has the feet, the power and the leg movement. I truly feel that he

Tarver hopes to become oldest heavyweight champ


ive-time world champion, Antonio “Magic {[Âż_ {ƒmjƒ_ ¨Ă‚ž¢Ă’­_ 21 KOs) won’t be concerned about rust tonight qzj[_zj_Z^zx`_ÂŁkƒ_xzj_Zƒ`x_ time in more than a year against veteran Johnathan Banks (29-2-1, 19 KOs). Tarver-Banks is a 10-round heavyweight Z^zx­_ÂŤÂƒj`j[xj\_k[_{_ kk`sen Promotions card at the Pechanga Resort & Casino in Temecula, California. {ƒmjƒ_ `Â’-jƒj\_ {_ [kq¢ fully-healed fractured thumb to his left hand, closer to the wrist, postponing the original Sepxj‚‹jƒ_Ă Âşxz_Z^zx_\{xj_mjƒ`Â’`_ {[¸`„_ zj_ šººĂ’_ „ „_ Olympian has had only Zmj_ Z^zx`_ ][_ xzj_ ‘{`x_ `]ÂĄ_ years. “I’m not concerned with rust,â€? the cagey southpaw said. “If I’m rusty, it will only be until I’m hit. I’ve been trying xk_ qj{ƒ_ k-_ ƒ][^_ ƒ’`x_ q]xz_ intelligent sparring but xz{xÂł`_[kx_‘]¸j_^jD][^_ƒjÂŤ`_ kÂŁ_{_Z^zx„ “I have to beat a solid heavyweight with power like Banks to get where I

want to be. I will become the oldest world heavyweight champion in boxing history! He will be surprised by a lot of what I bring into the ring.â€? Tarver has been training at the Brazilian Rocky Fight Club in Miami for the past three months to prepare ÂŁkƒ_ z’ƒ`\{ÂŒÂł`_ Z^zx_ q]xz_ Banks, who trained world heavyweight champion Wladmir Klitschko for his recent knockout win over Kubrat Pulev. “I always stress to my

Z^zxjƒ`_ ][_ xzj_ ^Œ‚_ ÂŁkƒ_ them to work in rhythm and not be sluggish,â€? Tarver’s head trainer Orlando Cuellar explained. “Sluggishness and [kx_ Z^zx][^_ ][_ ƒzÂŒxz‚_ are what shows when there’s ring rust. You always worry about rust. I can honestly say Antonio hasn’t looked rusty but, working in the gym and {Â?xÂ’{‘_Z^zx][^_{ƒj_xqk_\]ÂŁferent things, and we really won’t really know until xz]`_qjj¸³`_Z^zx„¿

z{`_{_‘kx_kÂŁ_Z^zx_‘jÂŁx_][_z]‚„ “He is still learning and `x]‘‘_^ƒkq][^„_ j_]`_^jD][^_ `xƒk[^jƒ_{[\_^jD][^_ÂŁ{`xjƒ_ and he is more motivated than ever.â€? zj_ÂŤÂƒk`ÂŤjÂ?x_kÂŁ_Z^zx][^_ undefeated Mayweather, who holds three world titles, or WBO world welterweight champion Pacquiao is driving Khan on. And De La Hoya believes that the 27-yearold from Bolton will be a match for either of them, saying: “He’s smart and he believes in his own ability. “He believes that he can knock anybody out. He can punch and if he hurts you zj_]`_^k][^_xk_Z[]`z_ÂŒk’„ “Amir’s style can give a lot of trouble to Mayweather and he could do the same to Pacquiao as well.â€? De La Hoya wants to `jj_ z{[_Z^zx_k[j_kÂŁ_xzj‚_ next year and said: “It rubs me up the wrong way that he hasn’t fought either of them. “He has been promised the likes of Mayweather and Pacquiao and it hasn’t happened yet. ÂŻ ÂŁxjƒ_ xz]`_ Z^zx_ {^{][`x_ Devon Alexander, I would really love to put Amir in with the very best and that means either Mayweather or Pacquiao because that’s what he deserves. “The time is now for him. He deserves to be Z^zx][^_ {ÂŒqj{xzjƒ_ kƒ_ Pacquiao. That’s when we see the very best of Amir Khan. “Amir is at the perfect moment in his career. The time is right for him and I will be pushing very hard ÂŁkƒ_xzk`j_Z^zx`„¿

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Newswatch Times

Health Thursday, December 11, 2014

L- R : Mr. Nnamdi Okafor Managing Director/ CEO May & Baker Plc, Dr. Khaliru Alhassan, Minister of Health, Pharm. Okey Akpa Chairman PMG-MAN/Managing Director, SKG Pharma and Mr. Abiola Adebayo Operations Director, Fidson Healthcare Plc during Manufacturers Group of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMGMAN) 2014 Forum at Nicon Luxury hotel, Abuja, recently.

Chioma Umeha, Health Editor


igeria has consistently made steady progress in stepping up efforts at local drug manufacturing, especially as more local pharmaceutical companies have achieved international certifications and standardization in the last few years. As at the last count, out of about 120 manufacturers under umbrella of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Group of Manufacturing Association of Nigeria(PMG-MAN), four; SWIPHA, Evans, May& Baker and Chi have met the international standards and got WHO’s nod as the only ones in West Africa compliant to the GMP recognised by the world health body. Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is that part of quality assurance which ensures that products are consistently produced and controlled based on quality. Apart from reducing the menace of substandard drugs which find their way into the country, international certification means that these certified companies can now produce for both domestic and international markets.

Nigeria’s steady steps to local drug manufacturing According to key stakeholders, the country stands to gain immensely from the development as it would boost local production of drugs. Local manufacture of drugs will improve access to affordable drugs while enhancing self-sufficiency in drug supply as well as earn Nigeria foreign exchange as an alternative revenue source, especially in the face of falling oil prices in the international market. “The recognition of these companies in line with International and best practices will open up markets and improve access to medicines of unified quality,” DirectorGeneral, NAFDAC, Dr. Paul B. Orhii, said at the 2014 conference of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Group of Manufacturing Association of Nigeria(PMG-MAN) held in Abuja, recently. In his paper titled, “Building quality

Malaria deaths halved since 2000, Ebola risks gains – WHO Pg 46

into production of pharmaceutical products in Nigeria”, Orhii, observed that the recent certification of the companies by WHO was a major achievement for NAFDAC which has collaborated with WHO in providing support for pharmaceutical companies to upgrade their production facilities to International standards especially in the areas of GMP. “ NAFDAC through the NAFDACPMGMAN collaborations and functions, has continually encouraged training of NAFDAC Inspectors alongside key personnel in pharmaceutical companies (especially those in charge of production and quality assurance) to enhance adequate understanding of the provisions of Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP),” he said, adding that it has helped to empower key personnel to live up

to their responsibilities in ensuring production of quality medicines which are acceptable, cost effective and efficacious and most importantly, produced under improved GMP conditions. The Nigerian Pharmaceutical industry has the capacity to produce good quality medicines and boasts of the biggest pharmaceutical sectors in the sub-region involved in the manufacture of a wide range of products. Nigeria has a local production capacity of 40 billion tablets, 50 million litres of liquid orals and 50 million litres of external preparations. But it is not yet uhuru for the country’s pharmaceutical industry. Everything depends on raising the bar in terms of quality. ‘Quality’ Continued on page 44

With or without NHIS, Nigerians can gain from HMOs Pg 45 – Ukiri Pg 47

Is it proper to eat eggs daily?


Newswatch Times


Thursday, December 11, 2014

‘60 % of ECOWAS pharmaceutical production domiciled in Nigeria’ Continued from page 43

builds brands and drives profit, argued Orhii. “Good quality is brought about by strict and consistent commitment to certain standards that achieve uniformity of a product or service in order to satisfy customer or user requirements.â€? In spite of the seeming progress, stakeholders believe the industry needs critical interventions to help boost local drug manufacturing as a precursor production of drugs relevant to local needs and job creation. Orhii assured that NAFDAC would continue to work closely with PMG-MAN and Bank of Industry to enable pharmaceutical companies’ access facilities to improve their operations. He disclosed that a revised NAFDAC GMP Regulations and Guidelines for the pharmaceutical industry have been developed, and will soon be made available to pharmaceutical manufacturers to simplify and further enhance their compliance to GMP. According to the Chairman, PMG-MAN, Pharm. Okey Akpa who also spoke at the conference, although Nigeria’s pharmaceutical industry is worth over $3 billion and employs about 600,000 persons in the manufacturing and distribution channels, its capacity utilization is less than 50 per cent. “Industry growth has grown from 15 per cent to 20 per Â?j[x__ÂŤjƒ_{_ÂŒj{ƒ_][_xzj_‘{`x_Zmj_ years, but now declining to circulation from 10 to 15 per cent,â€? he added. Akpa noted that if well harnessed, local drug production would provide opportunities for “investment in medicines relevant to the people and diseases common in our nation such as malaria medicines, anti-retroviral medicines (HIV/AIDS), ][xƒ{mj[kÂ’`_ ¹’]\`_ {[\_ zjƒ‹{‘_ medicines. Others are medicines for Sickle cell diseases and Non Communicable Diseases (NCD). The PMGMAN boss stressed on the need to direct investment on supporting the “Saving One Million Lives initiative of government (Every Woman Every Child) by developing commodities for Mothers, Newborn & Children Health Programmes.â€? Optimistic that Nigerian pharmaceutical industry has capacity to meet both local and international need for drugs, Akpa said that a Nigerian

Cross-section of members of Manufacturers Group of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (PMGMAN), during a conference in Lagos, recently.

Manufacturer is the second company globally processing _ÂŤÂƒj¢Ă„Â’{‘]ZÂ?{x]k[_kÂŁ_ ][Â?_ Sulphate Tablets to manage diarrhoea. He also said that 60 per cent of pharmaceutical production in ECOWAS is domiciled in Nigeria and first registered Chlorhexidine Gel in Africa made in Nigeria. The PMGMAN Chairman lamented the core challenges of Nigerian pharmaceutical industries which includes infrastructure and cost of production. He listed them to include: “Over 50 per cent of cost on imported materials, high cost of doing business, cost of fund, threat of imported counterfeits, underdeveloped distribution systems and low patronage, especially by government establishments. Other challenges centre on

procurement of healthcare commodities. According to him, there is lack of adherence to procurement policies, inadequate tender notices, delays in payment to clients and urgent need for paradigm shift as well as patriotic approach. He also lamented that the country still imports essential medicines contrary to National Drug Policy, despite huge investments and restated that capacity utilization is still below 50 per cent. Noting that the industry has invested over N70 billion towards international Â?jƒx]ZÂ?{x]k[`_ {[\_ ÂŁ{Â?]‘]x]j`_ Â’ÂŤ^ƒ{\j`_ ][_ Zmj_ ÂŒj{ƒ`­_ ¸{_ stressed; “import - dependency risk is too high.â€? On procurement of health commodities - marginalization of local industry, Akpa said:

“The Global Fund for Aids Malaria and Tb has disbursed 800 US dollars in Nigeria from 2007 to 2012 with minimal patronage of local industry. Most TB medicines are still donated; most anti retroviral products procured by donors are imported, he also said, stressing: “AIDS-based strategy is too risky for a country the size of Nigeria.â€? He called for more government support and collaboration of all major stakeholders and relevant agencies to achieve full capacity utilization. The PMGMAN Chairman ]\j[x]Zj\_ {ƒj{`_ kÂŁ_ Â?ƒ]x]Â?{‘_ interventions to include: Sustaining the quality of medicines; protection of pharmaceutical manufacturers; Support for manufacturers through patronage by government, donors and

Local manufacture of drugs will improve access to affordable drugs while enhancing

@ A BC CD AE AFF@D @@ Nigeria foreign exchange as an alternative A A C F C @@D C @@ E oil prices in the international market

international community; access to funds; favourable interest rates and long term in nature. To protect manufacturers, he proposed the following: jƒk_ ÂŤjƒ_ Â?j[x_ \Â’xÂŒ_ x{ƒ]-_ ÂŁkƒ_ pharmaceutical machinery to be retained in ECOWAS CET; Zmj_ ÂŤjƒ_ Â?j[x_ \Â’xÂŒ_ x{ƒ]-_ _ ÂŁkƒ_ pharma raw and packaging materials to be retained in ECOWAS CET. He further called for import prohibition list and expansion to include more products- based on evidence of capacities to be retained in ECOWAS CET. According to him, levies should be applied on imported Z[]`zj\_ z{ƒ‚{¢Âƒk\Â’Â?x`_ xk_ protect local Industry. To boost support of manufacturers, Akpa proposed for; Preferential patronage of local manufacturers by the implementation of Domestic Preference Policy of the Public Procurement Act 2007. He further called for presidential directive on patronage of Nigerian manufacturers to be passed into a law and enforced. He expressed strong optimism on the capacity of Nigerian pharmaceutical industry to accomplish these lofty targets; he insisted that on the critical need for demonstration of a new commitment in designating the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry as priority sector with special status.

Newswatch Times

Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Is it proper to eat eggs daily?


hose who enjoy eating eggs often worry about harming their heart. However, studies have shown that healthy people can eat eggs. But, how many eggs and how often should you eat it? Eggs have a lot of nutritional ‹j[jZx`„_ ]xz_ {‹kÂ’x_ ž_ Â?{‘kƒ]j`_ in one large egg, they are a great source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides structure to the body. Egg protein is also high quality, providing all the essential amino acids. Egg yolks also contain antioxidants that may reduce the risk of agerelated macular degeneration and cataracts, and protect against heart disease, stroke and some cancers. One large egg is also an excellent source of selenium, an {[x]kÂĄ]\{[x_ ‚][jƒ{‘_ xz{x_ Z^zx`_ cell damage caused by free radicals and supports thyroid and immune function and ƒ]‹kÂą{m][­_{_ _m]x{‚][_xz{x_zj‘`_ turn carbohydrates into energy, and vitamin D, important for strong bones and teeth. Is an egg a day proper? The science is not entirely Â?‘j{ƒ„_ _ à žžĂ‚_ `xÂ’\ÂŒ_ ’‹‘]`zj\_ in the British Medical Journal, ÂŁkÂ’[\_xz{x_{‚k[^_šš½­žžž_{\’‘x`_ followed for 14 years, eating one egg daily was not associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. ^^`_ Â?{[_ {‘`k_ Z‘‘_ ÂŒkÂ’_ Â’­_ {[\_ may even help you eat less. [_ {_ `xÂ’\ÂŒ_ ’‹‘]`zj\_ ][_ à žšĂ‚_ in the European Journal of Â’xƒ]x]k[­_ Ă‚ž_ zj{‘xzÂŒ_ ‚j[_ qjƒj_ randomly assigned to eat one of three breakfasts - eggs on toast, Â?kƒ[Âą{¸j`_ q]xz_ ‚]‘¸_ {[\_ xk{`x_ or a croissant and orange juice on three separate occasions, each separated by one week. Subjects felt fuller and less hungry and had less desire to eat after the egg breakfast than the other breakfasts. They also ate lesser at lunch and dinner after having the egg breakfast as opposed to the other breakfasts. In another study published in à žšš_][_xzj_ [xjƒ[{x]k[{‘_ k’ƒ[{‘_ of Food Science Nutrition adults ate three lunches - an omelet, a skinless potato or a chicken sandwich (each had similar calories) - following a standard breakfast. Researchers found that the egg ‘’[Â?z_ q{`_ `]^[]ZÂ?{[x‘Œ_ ‚kƒj_ satisfying than the potato lunch. They concluded that eggs for lunch could increase satiety more than a carbohydrate meal and might even help reduce betweenmeal calorie intake. Since the link between excess weight and heart disease is well j`x{‹‘]`zj\­_j^^`_ÂŤÂƒkmj_j-jÂ?x]mj_ in appetite control. But there are cautions. Eggs are a source of saturated fat and too much saturated fat has been shown to raise total cholesterol and LDL - bad- cholesterol levels, risk factors for cardiovascular disease. z]‘j_ k[j_ ‘{ƒ^j_ j^^_ Â?k[x{][`_ about 1.6 grams saturated fat,

‘Antioxidant capacity of citrus juice, undervalued’



more than half the fat in an egg ¢_ à „_ ^ƒ{‚`_ ¢_ Â?k‚j`_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ zj{ƒx¢ healthy monounsaturated and ÂŤk‘Œ’[`{x’ƒ{xj\_ ÂŁ{DÂŒ_ {Â?]\`_ ¨][Â?‘’\][^_k‚j^{_Ă‚Âł`Š_Â?k‚‹][j\„ Â’]\j‘][j`_`Â’^^j`x_{_Â?{ÂŤ_kÂŁ_Ă‚žž_ milligrams dietary cholesterol daily. For those with heart disease, type 2 diabetes or high LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, the American Heart Association and National Cholesterol Education Programme (NCEP) suggested ‘]‚]x][^_Â?zk‘j`xjƒk‘_][x{¸j_xk_à žž_ milligrams daily. Although one large egg also contains about šŸž_ ‚]‘‘]^ƒ{‚`_ kÂŁ_ Â?zk‘j`xjƒk‘­_

several studies have questioned the connection between dietary cholesterol intake and heart disease and stroke. [_{_`xÂ’\ÂŒ_’‹‘]`zj\_][_à žšà _][_ Atherosclerosis, carotid plaque build-up in the arteries was measured and self-reported habits (including egg yolk intake {[\_ Â?]^{ƒjDj_ `‚k¸][^Š_ qjƒj_ {``j``j\_ ][_ š­à Ă‚š_ k‘\jƒ_ {\’‘x`„_ Researchers found that while plaque build up occurred steadily in participants after about age Ăƒž­_ xzk`j_ qzk_ {xj_ xzj_ ‚k`x_ j^^_ yolks - three or more weekly - had plaque build up similar to

(thought not quite as bad) as that `jj[_][_Â?]^{ƒjDj_`‚k¸jƒ`„_ Although the issue has been awash in the media, several jÂĄÂŤjƒx`_ Ă„Â’j`x]k[j\_ xzj_ Z[\][^`_ and the quality of the study. But a recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that eating two hard-boiled eggs daily increased the formation of trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), a chemical linked to an increased risk of zj{ƒx_{D{Â?¸_{[\_`xƒk¸j„_ ^^_ÂŒk‘¸`_ contain lecithin, an essential fat that contributes to TMAO formation.

Eating greens benefits heart


eafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage contain chemical nitrate, which improves the health of the heart, reduce the risk of a stroke and combat diabetes, said British researchers. zj_ Z[\][^`_ ]‚‘]j\_ xz{x_ ÂŤ{tients with cardiovascular diseases can improve their quality of life simply by eating more greens, an agency report said on Monday. The study, published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, found eating more nitrate-rich vegetables can thin the blood; ensuring oxygen ]`_ \j‘]mjƒj\_ j:Â?]j[x‘Œ_ {ƒkÂ’[\_ xzj_‹k\ÂŒ_{[\_`k_Â?Â’D][^_xzj_ƒ]`¸_ kÂŁ_`xƒk¸j_{[\_zj{ƒx_{D{Â?¸`„ Nitrate does this by reducing erythropoietin. This is a hormone that determines production of red blood cells, which increase oxygen levels and the thickness of blood. They found that a simple chemical called nitrate, which is found in these vegetables, can help thin the blood. This results in oxygen being delivered to all parts of the ‹k\ÂŒ_‚kƒj_j:Â?]j[x‘Œ„ Thinning the blood may also reduce the risk of potentially dangerous blood clots, which re\Â’Â?j`_xzj_ƒ]`¸_kÂŁ_zj{ƒx_{D{Â?¸_{[\_ stroke.

The scientists noted that when a person has heart disease, their blood often becomes thicker because the body wants to get more oxygen into the blood stream, and so it produces more red blood cells. However while in theory thick blood may carry more oxygen, it is less able to move through small blood vessels. As a result, some tissues and organs may not get the amount of oxygen they need to function properly. This new study suggested that people may be able to alter how thick their blood is by making a simple change to their diet - eating more nitrate-rich leafy green vegetables. The scientists noted that the best thing about nitrate is that ‘it is not expensive, treatment is not invasive and not much is needed to observe a sig[]ZÂ?{[x_j-jÂ?x„¿ “Here we show that nitrate from the diet can help regulate the delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues and its use, matching oxygen supply and demand. This ensures cells and tissues in the

body have enough oxygen to function without needing to over produce red blood cells, which can make the blood too thick and compromise health,� the researchers said. The research, from the Universities of Cambridge and Southampton, was part-funded by the British Heart Foundation. Another study, published in the Journal of Physiology, showed that eating more greens can protect vital proteins in heart cells, as well increasing a compound that causes the blood vessels to widen, helping the heart to pump more efZ�]j[x‘Œ„



tudies have shown that the antioxidant activity of citrus juices and other foods is undervalued. A new technique developed by researchers from the University of Granada for measuring this property generates values that are ten times higher than those indicated by current analysis methods, an online report said Monday. The results suggested that tables on the antioxidant capacities of food products that dieticians and health authorities use must be revised. Orange juice and juices from other citrus fruits are considered healthy due to their high content of antioxidants, which help to reduce harmful free radicals in our body, but a new investigation has `zkq[_xz{x_xzj]ƒ_‹j[jZx`_{ƒj_^ƒj{xer than previously thought. In order to study these compounds in the laboratory, techniques that simulate the digestion of food in the digestive tract are used, which analyse only the antioxidant capacities of those substances that can potentially be absorbed in the small intestine - the liquid fraction of what we eat. “The problem is that the antioxidant activity of the solid fraction ¨xzj_Z‹ƒjŠ_]`_[kx_‚j{`’ƒj\­_{`_]x_]`_ {``’‚j\_ xz{x_ ]x_ ]`_ [kx_ ‹j[jZÂ?]{‘„_ However, this insoluble fraction arrives at the large intestine and the intestinal microbiota can also ferment it and extract even more antioxidant substances, which we can assess with our new methodolk^ÂŒ­¿_ k`Ă•_ [^j‘_ Â’ZĂ“[_ j[{ƒj`­_ professor at the University of Granada, explained. His team has developed a technique called ‘global antioxidant response’ (GAR), which includes an in vitro simulation of the gastrointestinal digestion that occurs in our body, whilst taking into account the ‘forgotten’ antioxidant capacity of the solid fraction. The method, the details of which are published in the journal ‘Food Chemistry,’ includes assessments of various physical and chemical parameters, such as Â?k‘kƒ­_ ¹’kƒj`Â?j[Â?j_ {[\_ xzj_ ƒj‘{tionship between the concentrations analysed and compounds indicators such as furfural. Upon applying the technique to commercial and natural orange, mandarin, lemon and grapefruit juices, it has been proved that their values greatly increase. For example, in the case of orange juice, the value ƒ{[^j`_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ à „Â_ ‚‚k‘_ ƒk‘kÂĄĂ– _ (units for the antioxidant capacity) registered with a traditional tech[]Ă„Â’j_ xk_ Ă Ă‚_ ‚‚k‘_ ƒk‘kÂĄĂ– _ q]xz_ the new GAR method. ]xz_ xzj_ zj‘_ kÂŁ_ xz]`_ ‚jxzk\­_ scientists have also created a mathematical model in order to classify juices according to their natural and storage conditions, which ensure that the correct raw materials and sterilization and pasteurization processes are used.


Newswatch Times


Thursday, December 11, 2014

Malaria deaths halved since 2000, Ebola risks gains –WHO Stories by CHIOMA UMEHA


he World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday, that the number of people dying from malaria has almost halved since 2000, although progress in West Africa risks being reversed by the Ebola outbreak. The UN agency also warned of major gaps in access to mosquito nets and anti-malaria treatments, as well as the worrying emergence of resistance to the most commonly used insecticides. Worldwide, malaria deaths were down 47 percent between 2000 and 2013 and decreased 53 percent in children under xzj_{^j_kÂŁ_Zmj­_xzj_ _ said in its annual report on the disease. In sub-Saharan Africa, where 90 percent of all malaria deaths occur, the mortality rate decreased by 54 percent - 58 per Â?j[x_ ][_ Â’[\jƒ_ Zmj`­_ xzj_ equivalent of about 3.9 million children’s deaths averted. The number of infections in the region at any one time fell 26 percent during the same 13-year period. Meanwhile 13 of the 97 malarial countries reported no cases of the disease last year, including two, Azerbaijan and Sri Lanka, which recorded their Zƒ`x_jmjƒ_Âśjƒk_ƒj`’‘x„ “These are truly unprecedented results and phenomenal news in terms of global health,â€? said Pedro Alonso, director of the WHO’s global malaria programme.

j_ {Dƒ]‹’xj\_ xzj_ ÂŤÂƒkgress in large part to inÂ?ƒj{`][^_ Z[{[Â?]{‘_ {[\_ political commitment, in ÂŤ{ƒx]Â?’‘{ƒ_ƒj^]k[{‘_j-kƒx`_ to work together to eliminate malaria. However, despite a threefold increase in investment since 2005, malaria programmes are still underfunded — $2.7 billion (2.2 billion euros) in 2013 against a $5.1 billion international target. And as a result, major gaps remain. While access to insecticide-treated bed nets has improved, 278 million of the 840 million people at risk in sub-Saharan Africa still live in households without one.

As many as 15 million pregnant women do not receive any preventative treatment, while 437,000 African children are still dying from the disease each year. Any gains can be fragile. In Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, the Ebola outbreak has halted malaria programmes in some areas and put huge strain on health services. “The collapse of health `Œ`xj‚`_ z{`_ {-j�xj\_ {‘‘_

core malaria interventions and is threatening to reverse recent gains,â€? said WHO director-general Margaret Chan. Health workers had been increasingly using simple tests to diagnose malaria on the spot, to ‹jDjƒ_ x{ƒ^jx_ xƒj{x‚j[x`„_ But these have been suspended in Ebola areas. Many people with malaria are also staying away from clinics, and ]ÂŁ_ ÂŻxzjÂŒ_ {ƒj_ [kx_ ^jD][^_ treated, you can be sure

that mortality is going to increaseâ€?, said Richard Cibulskis, lead author of the malaria report. The total death toll from malaria across the three countries was expected to be about 20,000 a year before the outbreak. Cibulskis qk’‘\_ [kx_ ÂŤÂƒj\]Â?x_ {_ Z^ure now. More than 6,100 people have died from Ebola in the region in the past year. Aside from the di-

rect consequences, the resurgence of malaria Â?k’‘\_{‘`k_z{ƒ‚_xzj_Z^zx_ against Ebola because the two have similar sympxk‚`­_‚{¸][^_]x_\]:Â?’‘x_xk_ diagnose the deadly virus, the WHO has said. UNICEF last week launched a campaign to provide anti-malarial drugs to 2.4 million people in Sierra Leone, while global aid agency Doctors Without Borders is conducting a smaller `Â?{‘j_j-kƒx_][_ ]‹jƒ]{„

Another issue threatening progress on malaria across the world is the rise of insecticide resistance, which has been reported in 49 countries since 2010 — 39 of which reported resistance to two or more insecticide classes. “Emerging drug- and i n s e c t i c i d e-resistance continues to pose a major threat, and if left unaddressed, could trigger an upsurge in deaths,� Chan said.

Mother and child in mosquit net

...Why Nigeria is supporting AU campaign


ecently, a consortium of business institutions in Nigeria, including the Africa Development Bank donated about 34 million US dol‘{ƒ`_ xk_ zj‘_ Z^zx_ xzj_ ‹ola virus disease in West African countries that are still being ravaged by the dreaded infection. During the occasion, African Development Bank and MTN donated $10 million each to the fund. The fund came follow][^_ ][Â?ƒj{`j\_ Â?{‘‘`_ ÂŁkƒ_ Znancial aid by the African Union (AU) to bring to an end continued pains arising from the disease in the West-African region. This is even as the country formally dispatched 250 volunteers who have been specially trained to k-jƒ_m]x{‘_`jƒm]Â?j`_xk_Â?k[tain the spread of the virus to countries still under the

ravage of the dreaded disease. Meanwhile, President Goodluck Jonathan charged the volunteers on professionalism. He cautioned them not to see themselves as heroes, but persons who would explore their skills to combat the disease. He reiterated Nigeria’s readiness to assist Africa and indeed the world wherever there is need to do so and thus save humanity. His words: “We have defeated Ebola in Nigeria, but the war is still very much on as long as there is a single case anywhere in this world, the world is at risk. And, we must do whatever is within our power to ensure that we become our brothers’ keepers. “Nigeria is already shar-

ing her experiences as evidenced today by these our gallant volunteers who are willing to put their lives on the lines for the sake of their African brothers. This is the professionalism we all wanted to see. This contingent is very equipped, wanting to ensure that they have done their quota to ensure that we help our brothers to achieve Ebola-free status that we have achieved. “My call on the volunteers is don’t be heroes on xzj_ Zj‘\„_ j_ ÂŤÂƒkÂŁj``]k[als in whatever you do out there. We know the dangers inherent in what you are going to do. Being heroes will not solve the problem. But, if you must solve the problem, what you have been taught here, you put it in practice; you protect yourselves and do what you have to

do for the people in need of our services. “The Federal Government of Nigeria is 100 percent behind you. We have reviewed all the weights, and the African Union can be guaranteed of the total commitment of the Federal Government of Nigeria to ensure the success of this programme, not only in Nigeria, but across the globe,â€? he added. Similarly, Chairperson of the AU, Dr Dlamini Zuma, announcing the donation from the private sector in Lagos state during the launch of Africa Against Ebola Fund, said through its Director, DeÂŤ{ƒx‚j[x_ kÂŁ_ kÂ?]{‘_ -{]ƒ­_ Amb. Olawale Maiyegun, during an interview with Newswatch Times that bexqjj[_xqk_{[\_Zmj_‹]‘‘]k[_ dollars would be needed to end the scourge that has

ravaged Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone within few months this year. Zuma said Nigerian j-kƒx_ q{`_ {_ ÂŁÂ’Âƒxzjƒ_ xj`timony to the country’s love for the continent. She called other African states to emulate the gesture. She also pledged the AU’s determination to rid the continent of the virus. Her words: “I realized {`_ _ q{`_ ÂąÂŒ][^_ zjƒj_ xz{x_ indeed this was a very special mission because the AU is known for deploying soldiers to wars and to countries. But this time the AU is not deploying soldiers to Â?k[Âą]Â?x`­_‹’x_]x_]`_\j‘kÂŒing health workers to go and work and help their brothers and sisters, especially in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Newswatch Times


Thursday, December 11, 2014

With or without NHIS, Nigerians can gain from HMOs – Ukiri Stories by CHIOMA UMEHA


s the nation eagerly awaits the passage of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS)Bill into law, Adesimbo Ukiri, Managing Director/ CEO of Avon Healthcare Limited, a leading health management organisation (HMO), has called for key stakeholders to be more customer focused, develop consumer insights and introduce health plans that speak to the different needs of Nigerians’ teeming population. She stated “with or without passage of the NHIS bill, HMOs can save Nigerians from making often unaffordable out of pocket payments to meet Healthcare needs. Subscribing to a health plan is the most cost effective way to have financial access to quality healthcare services and Nigerians need to be made aware of this.” Ukiri, who was speaking during the recent BusinessDay Roundtable on Healthcare Financing, acknowledged that whilst thislegislation remains key toachievingUniversal Health Coverage for the nation, a lot can still be achieved in terms of

improving penetration levels even ahead of the promulgation of the NHIS bill into law. She stressed that there is a lot that the industrycan do to create awareness and sensitise the public to the benefits of subscribing to a health insurance plan with licensed HMOs. She said: “If we want to achieve the goal of Universal Health Coverage, scaling up

enrolment is imperative.However HMOs should not just rely on the passing of the NHIS Bill which will make subscription to a health plan mandatory. We should also task ourselves to win the hearts and minds of Nigerians, convincing them that it is in their best interest to subscribe to a health plan. Let us challenge ourselves to develop

different options and propositions with respect to health plans and products that speak xk_ xzj_ [jj\`_ k£_ \]-j j[x_ market segments and consumer base within the country.” She noted that the creation of alternative channels of subscription and enrolment that are easy, convenient and pervasive will provide additional opportunities to drive up cover-

age on a massive scale. ¯ k_ {Dj _xzj_][ k j_ bracket, social class, geographical location, eve k[j_ q] _ j[jZx_ £ k _ subscribing to a health plan. With the majority of spending of healthcare coming directly from out of pocket, it is important that this trend is reversed. We, as HMOs, must stand up to this challenge and bring Nigeria at par to the rest of the developed world” added Ukiri.

Lagos State Governor, Mr Babatunde Fashola, SAN (2nd right), Special Adviser on Public Health, Dr (Mrs) Yewande Adeshina (right) the author, founder and Co-ordinator of Polio Rescue Association, Mr. Olugbenga Kuye (3rd right) and poliomyelitis victims during the formal launch of the Antipolio animated Comic Movie, “The Polio”, at the 10 Degree Event Centre, Billings Way, Oregun, Ikeja, recently.

New WHO guide for cervical cancer prevention


ust recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a new comprehensive guide to aid countries in their health programs on cervical cancer control and prevention. It was presented during the World Cancer Leaders’ Summit in Melbourne, Australia on December 3. The new guidebook, which is also called ‘Pink Book’, aims to address social inequities and gender discrimination in creating health programmes. For the past 30 years, cervical cancer incidence rates have decreased in

industrialized countries due to constant screening and vaccination campaigns. However, rates in developing countries have increased or remain the same because of inadequate access to health services that cater to women’s health The new guidance focuses on these main points: administering HPV vaccine to young teenage girls, lessening the frequency of HPV tests on women, and promoting the awareness more widely. For the first element, HPV vaccination in nine to 13-year-old girls will be reduced to a twodose schedule in-

stead of the existing three-dose schedule. The change aims to make it easier to conduct the vaccination and to cut on costs, especially in developing countries lacking resources for the immunization. As for HPV screening for cancer prevention, rescreening schedule has been reduced for those who tested negative. The next screening can be done after five years or within 10 years. Again, this would be a significant cost saving measure for various health systems. The third major element intends to widen the audience being reached

for cervical cancer awareness and screening. Instead of focusing on those aged 29 and beyond, there should be communication with teenage girls, parents and other influential units of society on matters regarding cervical cancer prevention. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer affecting women worldwide. According to the WHO’s estimation, one millionplus women across the globe are living with cervical cancer at present. Many have no access to health services for prevention, medi-

cal treatment or palliative care. To address this need, there should be a collaborative effort between health sectors and programmes. The campaign on cervical cancer prevention can also be incorporated into the current health care systems of different countries. For example, it can be included in the family planning and sex education agenda. The 2013 World Health Assembly categorized cervical cancer as one of the priority interventions in the action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2013 to 2020.


New drug zeros down heart attack risk


newly developed drug has shown it can completely destroy bad cholesterol to slash risk of heart attacks in adults. According to an online news agency, the drug Alirocumab, attacks a protein PCSK9 which prevents liver from utilizing bad cholesterol (LDL) and subsequently its reduction in the blood. Given the way the drug works, researchers have nicknamed it Pac Man. Researchers showed that in about 40 percent of the study participants, cholesterol levels drastically reduced to newborn levels. “Alirocumab, when used alongside a statin, will dramatically lower cholesterol. Around 40 per cent of people who took it saw their levels reduce to that of a new-born. It is likely to reduce your risk of heart disease as it will lower LDL cholesterol; however, these are still adult bodies. The risk isn’t going to be abolished. People are not going to be immortal,” said researcher Professor Kausik Ray, according to a news report. The study involved 2,338 patients who either suffered a heart attack, stroke or were at a high cholesterol risk. Researchers gave 788 participants placebo while 1,550 were given a statin and Alirocumab. In the larger group, a third of the participants saw their LDL drop to 0.7 mmol per liter in just a year, much lower than normal adult levels and closer to newborn levels. The drug has been termed powerful as it manages to achieve its results in patients with just one shot every two weeks. Researchers said that it can cut LDL levels by 50 per cent in those who did not take statins which cannot be recommended for everyone, given their side effects.


Newswatch Times


Sam Popoola


N4.7 b fraud: Court rules on Babalakin’s application to quash charge

Wale Babalakin



xcept for any last minute change, Justice Lateef LawalAkapo of an Ikeja High Court would on January 19, 2015, deliver ruling on the application to quash the N4.7 billion fraud charge made by Chairman of Bi-courtney Limited, Wale Babalakin (SAN). It would be recalled, that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission ¨ Š­_z{\_Z‘j\_xzj_Â?z{ƒ^j_{^{][`x_xzj_ Bi-courtney chairman alongside his two companies: Bi-Courtney Limited and Stabilini Vision Limited (3rd and 4th defendants), including one Alex Okoh and Renix Nigeria Limited. They are standing trial on a 27-count charge of allegedly fraudulently transferring N4.7 billion on behalf of the convicted former governor of Delta State, James Ibori. EFCC alleged that the Bi-courtney boss and his co-defendants, fraudulently assisted Ibori to transfer huge sums of money through various parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the purchase of an aircraft. But Babalakin alongside his co-defendants through their various lawyers instituted separate applications, praying Justice Lawal-Akapo to quash the N4.7bn charges, with a position that the EFCC, {`_ {_ ÂŁj\jƒ{‘_{^j[Â?ÂŒ­_ ‘{Â?¸j\_ m{‘]\_ Z{x_ xk_ prosecute them in a state high court. The defendants through their counsel, Dr. Biodun Layonu (SAN), Mr. Tayo Oyetibo (SAN), Mr. Roland Otaru (SAN), Dr. Joseph Nwobike (SAN) and Mr. Oladapo Adeosun had also argued that the state High Court has no jurisdiction to zj{ƒ_ k-j[Â?j`_ ‹ƒkÂ’^zx_ Â’[\jƒ_ xzj_ _ Act. The lawyers posited that all the charges against the defendant were predicated on repealed laws of Lagos State and urged the court to quash same. zjÂŒ_ {‘`k_ `’‹‚]Dj\_ xz{x_ xzj_ \jÂŁj[\ants were not properly informed of the details they were charged for as stated in the Constitution, adding that count 2 to 13 of the charge did not inform the deÂŁj[\{[x_xzj_\jx{]‘`_kÂŁ_xzj_k-j[Â?j­_[j]xzjƒ_ \]\_xzjÂŒ_Â?k[`x]xÂ’xj_{[_k-j[Â?j_Â’[\jƒ_{[ÂŒ_ qƒ]Dj[_‘{q_][_xzj_Â?kÂ’[xƒŒ„ Sometime in 2013, it was gathered that the anti-graft extended what it termed

an invitation to Babalakin (SAN), over alleged N2 billion loot traced to former Governor James Ibori of Delta State, who is currently serving a jail term in the United kingdom (UK), having been found guilty of money laundering charges made against him by the metropolitan Police. EFCC through its lawyer, Rotimi

{Â?k‹`_ ¨ Š­_ Z‘j\_ {_ `Â’]x_ ‹jÂŁkƒj_ {_ {^k`_ ]^z_ k’ƒx_ `]D][^_ ][_ ¸j•{­_ k[_ {_ 27-count charge against Babalakin, one Alex Okoh, Stabilini Visioni Limited, Bi-Courtney Limited and Renix Nigeria Limited. According to the charge before the court, it was alleged that Babalakin alongside four others, were involved in money laundering worth N3.4 billion on behalf of the former governor of Delta State, Ibori. The anti-graft agency in the charge then before Justice Adeniyi Onigbanjo who was transferred out of the criminal division of the Lagos High Court had accused the defendants of conspiracy to commit felony and corruptly conferƒ][^_‹j[jZx_k[_{Â?Â?kÂ’[x_kÂŁ_’‹‘]Â?_{Â?x]k[_ contrary to Section 516 of the Criminal Code Law, CAP C17, Laws of Lagos state, 2003. The commission also accused Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni and Bi-Courtney ]‚]xj\_ kÂŁ_ Â?kÂƒÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_ Â?k[ÂŁjƒƒ][^_ ‹j[jZx_

of the sum of N1.356 billion on former Governor Ibori, between May and December 2006. The defendants, according to the antigraft agency are facing trial for alleged conspiracy to commit felony to wit: corÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_ Â?k[ÂŁjƒƒ][^_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ {Â?Â?kÂ’[x_ kÂŁ_ public action, contrary to section 516 of the Criminal Code Law, CAP. C17, Laws of Lagos State, 2003. The charge reads: “That you, Dr Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and Bi-Courtney Limited between May 2006 and December 2006 within the jurisdiction of this Honoura‹‘j_ k’ƒx_\]\_Â?kÂƒÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_Â?k[ÂŁjƒ_‹j[jZx_k[_ former Governor James Onanefe Ibori to wit: the sum of N1, 356, 600 billion on account of contracts awarded by Delta State Government to Stabilini Visioni Limited by transferring the said sum through various third parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori. ÂŻ kÂƒÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_ Â?k[ÂŁjƒƒ][^_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ {Â?count of public action contrary to Section 98A (1) (a) of the Criminal Code Law, CAP C17, Laws of Lagos State, 2003. “That you, Dr. Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and Bi-Courtney Limited on or about 3rd May, 2006, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did corruptly con-

Babalakin alongside his codefendants through their various lawyers instituted separate applications, praying Justice LawalAkapo to quash the N4.7bn charges, with a position that the EFCC, as a @ E CD @ C @ B prosecute them in a state high court

ÂŁjƒ_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_ kmjƒ[kƒ_ {‚j`_ Onanefe Ibori to wit: the sum of N145, 500, 000. 00 (One Hundred and Forty Five Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira) on account of contracts awarded by Delta State Government to Stabilini Visioni Limited by transferring the said sum through various third parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori. ÂŻ kÂƒÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_ Â?k[ÂŁjƒƒ][^_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ {Â?count of public action contrary to Section 98A (1) (a) of the Criminal Code Law, CAP C17, Laws of Lagos State, 2003. “That you, Dr. Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and Bi-Courtney Limited on or about 10th May, 2006, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did corruptly conÂŁjƒ_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_ kmjƒ[kƒ_ {‚j`_ Onanefe Ibori to wit: the sum of N141m on account of contracts awarded by Delta State Government to Stabilini Visioni Limited by transferring the said sum through various third parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori.â€? The charge further reads: “That you, Dr. Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and Bi-Courtney Limited on or about 10th May, 2006, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable k’ƒx_ \]\_ Â?kÂƒÂƒÂ’ÂŤx‘Œ_ Â?k[ÂŁjƒ_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ former Governor James Onanefe Ibori to wit: the sum of N118m on account of contracts awarded by Delta State Government to Stabilini Visioni Limited by transferring the said sum through various third parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori. “That you, Dr. Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and Bi-Courtney Limited on or about 10th May, 2006, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did corruptly conÂŁjƒ_ ‹j[jZx_ k[_ ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_ kmjƒ[kƒ_ {‚j`_ Onanefe Ibori to wit: the sum of N100, 000. 00 (One Hundred Thousand Naira) on account of contracts awarded by Delta State Government to Stabilini Visioni Limited by transferring the said sum through various third parties to Erin Aviation account in Mauritius for the Continued on page 49

Law 49

Newswatch Times thursday, december 11, 2014

Court rules on Babalakin’s application to quash charge Continued from page 48

purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori. “That you, Dr. Bolanle Olawale Babalakin, Stabilini Visioni Limited and BiCourtney Limited on or about 10th May, 2006, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court did corruptly confer benjZx_k[_ÂŁkƒ‚jƒ_ kmjƒ[kƒ_ {‚j`_ [{[jÂŁj_ Ibori to wit: the sum of N89million on account of contracts awarded by Delta x{xj_ kmjƒ[‚j[x_ xk_ x{‹]‘][]_ ]`]k[]_ Limited by transferring the said sum xzƒkÂ’^z_ m{ƒ]kÂ’`_ xz]ƒ\_ ÂŤ{ƒx]j`_ xk_ ƒ][_ m]{x]k[_ {Â?Â?kÂ’[x_ ][_ {’ƒ]x]Â’`_ ÂŁkƒ_ xzj_ purchase of Challenger Jet Aircraft by the said James Onanefe Ibori.â€? When Babalakin alongside others were xk_‹j_{ƒƒ{]^[j\_ÂŁkƒ_xzj_Zƒ`x_x]‚j­_Â?kÂ’[`j‘_ xk_ xzj_ `j[]kƒ_ ‘{qÂŒjƒ­_ ƒ„_ „ „_ kÂŁÂ’[\j_ (SAN) informed Justice Onigbanjo of an Ikeja High Court, that Babalakin sud\j[‘Œ_ÂŁj‘‘_]‘‘_{[\_q{`_Â?’ƒƒj[x‘Œ_ƒjÂ?j]m][^_ ‚j\]Â?{‘_ {Dj[x]k[_ {x_ xzj_ {^k`_ []mjƒ`]xÂŒ_ j{Â?z][^_ k`ÂŤ]x{‘_¨ ŠÂ„ According to the SAN, “My Lord, I q{[x_ xk_ xj[\jƒ_ Â’[ƒj`jƒmj\_ {ÂŤk‘k^ÂŒ_ ÂŁkƒ_ xzj_{‹`j[Â?j_kÂŁ_xzj_Zƒ`x_\jÂŁj[\{[x„¿ mj[_xzkÂ’^z_xzj_Ă [\_\jÂŁj[\{[x­_ ‘jÂĄ_ Okoh, appeared in court, Justice Onigbanjo could not take his plea because the charges against him and two companies, ]¢ k’ƒx[jÂŒ_ ]‚]xj\_{[\_ j[]ÂĄ_ ]^jƒ]{_ Limited that were charged along with Babalakin (SAN) could not be read. Sofunde (SAN) told the court that he z{\_ {\\ƒj``j\_ {_ ‘jDjƒ_ \{xj\_ kmj‚ber 26, 2012, through the registrar of the court, intimating that his client took ill and that he enclosed a medical report issued by one Dr. Charles Harmound. ÂŻ _z{mj_‹jj[_ÂŁÂ’Âƒxzjƒ_][ÂŁkƒ‚j\_xz{x_‹jcause his condition deteriorated, he was ƒ’`zj\_xk_xzj_ {^k`_ []mjƒ`]xÂŒ_ j{Â?z][^_

k`ÂŤ]x{‘_¨ Š_qzjƒj_zj_]`_ÂŤÂƒj`j[x‘Œ_ on admission. “So, in the circumstance, I am constrained to request for a short adjournment of proceedingsâ€?, he said.

kqjmjƒ­_ {‹{‘{¸][_ {ÂŤÂŤÂƒk{Â?zj\_ Â’`tice Mohammed Idris of a Federal High k’ƒx_`]D][^_][_ ¸kÂŒ]­_ {^k`_{`¸][^_]x_xk_ stop the anti-graft agency from arraigning him before the Lagos High Court, {‚k[^`x_ kxzjƒ_ ÂŤÂƒ{ÂŒjƒ`„_ z]`_ ‚kmj_ ]`_ said to be in pursuit for the protection of the senior lawyer’s fundamental human rights towards ensuring that he gets justice in the case. Interestingly, Justice Idris had on Nomj‚‹jƒ_à º­_à žšà ­_`xkÂŤÂŤj\_xzj_ _ÂŁÂƒk‚_ proceeding with Babalakin’s arraignment on alleged money laundering offences.

Â’`x]Â?j_ \ƒ]`_ ][_ z]`_ ƒ’‘][^_ k[_ {[_ j¥¢ ÂŤ{ƒxj_‚kx]k[­_^ƒ{[xj\_‘j{mj_xk_ {‹{‘{¸][_ to apply for a prohibition and certiorari kƒ\jƒ_ ÂŤÂƒjmj[x][^_ xzj_ _ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ ÂŤjƒfecting plans to arraign him before the Lagos High Court. zj_•’\^j­_zkqjmjƒ­_x’ƒ[j\_\kq[_xqk_ other prayers sought by the business gi{[x­_ `jj¸][^_ `ÂŤjÂ?]ZÂ?_ ÂŤÂƒ{ÂŒjƒ`_ xk_ ƒj`xƒ{][_ the respondents from prosecuting him, j¥‘{][][^_xz{x_xzj_ÂŤÂƒ{ÂŒjƒ`_qjƒj_Â’[[jÂ?essary as they are already embedded in xzj_‘j{mj_^ƒ{[xj\„ zj_Â?k’ƒx_ƒ’‘j\_xz{x_xzj_‘j{mj­_{Â?Â?kƒ\ing to Order 34 Rule 3 (6) of the Fedjƒ{‘_ ]^z_ k’ƒx_ ]m]‘_ ƒkÂ?j\’ƒj_ ’‘j`­_ should operate as a stay of all actions relating to the arraignment. Justice Idris held that, “If the relief sought is an order of prohibition or certiorari and the judge directs, the grant shall operate as a stay of the proceedings to which the application relates until the determination of the application or until the judge otherwise orders.â€? The judge made the order after en-

Ibrahim Lamorde, EFCC boss

James Ibori

tertaining arguments from Babalakin’s lawyer, Wale Akoni (SAN). Akoni had prayed the court to grant the reliefs `kÂ’^zx_xk_ÂŤÂƒjmj[x_xzj_ _{[\_xzj_ xxkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘_kÂŁ_xzj_ j\jƒ{x]k[_¨ Š­_ Mohammed Adoke (SAN) from continuing with what he termed, “Their act of illegalityâ€?. He said Babalakin’s rights had been seriously trampled upon, adding that the _ Â?k[x][Â’j\_ xk_ jÂĄxƒ{Â?x_ `x{xj‚j[x`_ from him after the charge at the Lagos

]^z_ k’ƒx_q{`_Z‘j\„ Akoni further argued that the action kÂŁ_ xzj_ _ {[\_ \k¸j_ ][_ ÂŤÂƒjÂŁjƒƒ][^_ charges against Babalakin before the Lagos High Court was not done in accord{[Â?j_q]xz_xzj_Â?k[`x]xÂ’x]k[­_xzj_ _ Â?x_ and the Criminal Code Laws of Lagos State. He said for the authority to prefer a

charge at the High Court of any state, ]x_ ]`_ xzj_ Dkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘_ kÂŁ_ xz{x_ `x{xj­_ qzk`j_Z{x_‚’`x_‹j_Â?‘j{ƒ‘Œ_jÂĄz]‹]xj\_k[_ the face of the charge, adding that in the ][`x{[x_ Â?{`j­_ [k_ Z{x_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ {^k`_ x{xj_ Dkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘_ q{`_ jÂĄz]‹]xj\_ xk_ xzj_ charge. zj_ÂŁ{]‘’ƒj_‹Œ_ \k¸j_{[\_ _xk_jÂĄz]‹]x_xzj_Z{x_kÂŁ_ {^k`_ Dkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘­_ according to Akoni, makes the charge Z‘j\_{x_xzj_ {^k`_ ]^z_ k’ƒx_Â’[Â?k[`x]tutional. ¸k[]_ÂŁÂ’Âƒxzjƒ_j¥‘{][j\_qzÂŒ_xzj_]``Â’j_ was not raised before the Lagos State High Court, saying doing so would amount to challenging the court’s jurisdiction. He said: “We are not challenging the jurisdiction of the Lagos State High Court; we are only challenging the legality of the actions of the respondents.â€?

Justice Idris held that, “If the relief sought is an order of prohibition or certiorari and the judge directs, the grant shall operate as a stay of the proceedings to which the application relates until the determination of the application or until the judge otherwise orders

But contrary to information that the Â?k’ƒx_z{\_`xkÂŤÂŤj\_xzj_ _ÂŁÂƒk‚_ÂŤÂƒk`ecuting Babalakin (SAN), the anti-graft agency insisted that Justice Idris did not ][_ {[ÂŒ_ q{ÂŒ_ `xkÂŤ_ xzj_ _ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ ÂŤÂƒk`jcuting Babalakin. _z{\_][_{_`x{xj‚j[x_`]^[j\_‹Œ_]x`_ Â?x][^_ j{\­_ j\]{_Ă˜_ ’‹‘]Â?]xÂŒ­_ ]‘`k[_ q’•{ƒj[­_j¥‘{][j\_xz{x­_ÂŻ k[xƒ{ƒŒ_xk_ reports by a section of the media, the Â?k[k‚]Â?_ {[\_ ][{[Â?]{‘_ ƒ]‚j`_ k‚‚]``]k[_ ¨ Š_ z{`_ [kx_ ‹jj[_ `xkÂŤÂŤj\_ from arraigning Dr. Wale Babalakin by any court order. “The ruling by Justice Mohammed Idris of a Federal High Court, Lagos which ‚{[ÂŒ_ z{mj_ Â?k[`xƒ’j\_ {`_ {_ ƒj`xƒ{][][^_ kƒ\jƒ­_‚jƒj‘Œ_^ƒ{[xj\_‘j{mj_xk_xzj_{‘]cant to apply for an order of prohibition, ÂŤÂƒjmj[x][^_ xzj_ _ {[\_ xzj_ Dkƒ[jÂŒ_ j[jƒ{‘_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ j\jƒ{x]k[_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ ^k][^_ ahead with his arraignment. “This was one of three prayers sought ‹Œ_ {‹{‘{¸][_xzƒkÂ’^z_{[_j¥¢{ƒxj_{‘]cation. But Justice Idris turned down the two other prayers, which included an order to restrain the respondents from prosecuting the applicant. ÂŻ {‹{‘{¸][_q{`_xk_z{mj_‹jj[_{ƒƒ{]^[j\_ k[_ z’ƒ`\{ÂŒ_ kmj‚‹jƒ_ Ă‚ž_ ‹jÂŁkƒj_ Â’`tice Adeniyi Onigbanjo of a Lagos State High Court, Ikeja on money laundering charges but failed to show up, claiming sudden illness that necessitated his zk`ÂŤ]x{‘]`{x]k[_ {x_ xzj_ {^k`_ []mjƒ`]xÂŒ_ Teaching Hospital.â€? Aside this, lead counsel initially representing Babalakin (SAN) before Justice []^‹{[•k­_ z]jÂŁ_ ‹’[_ zkÂŁÂ’[\j_¨ Š­_ on December 12, 2012 announced his withdrawal from the case before the open court. kÂŁÂ’[\j_¨ Š_xkk¸_jmjƒŒ‹k\ÂŒ_‹Œ_`’ƒprise when he announced his withdrawal from the defence team. His decision to withdraw according to the senior lawyer was contained in an application dated December 4, 2012, where he informed the court that his reason was personal.

kqjmjƒ­_`zkƒx‘Œ_{ÂŁxjƒ_ kÂŁÂ’[\j_¨ Š_ made his intention known to the court, Chief Bolaji Ayorinde (SAN), who took kmjƒ_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ kÂŁÂ’[\j_ ][ÂŁkƒ‚j\_ xzj_ •’\^j_ of two applications pending before the court dated December 11, 2012, prayed xzj_ Â?k’ƒx_ xk_ {\‚]x_ xzj_ \jÂŁj[\{[x_ ¨Zƒ`x_ defendant) to bail. ÂŒkƒ][\j­_ qzk_ \ƒjq_ xzj_ {Dj[x]k[_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ Â?k’ƒx_ xk_ xzj_ Âł`_ ‹k‚‹{ƒ\‚j[x_ {x_ _ ][_ qz{x_ zj_ `{]\_ q{`_ {^{][`x_ xzj_ \]ƒjÂ?x]mj_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ Â?k’ƒx_ {`¸][^_ _ xk_ mjƒ]ÂŁÂŒ_ {‹{‘{¸][Âł`_ zj{‘xz_ `x{xÂ’`­_ `{]\_ the application is premised on the health Â?k[\]x]k[_kÂŁ_xzj_Zƒ`x_\jÂŁj[\{[x„ The prosecution led by Jacobs (SAN) zkqjmjƒ_ `{]\_ xzj_ {‘‘j^j\_ `]j^j_ q{`_ ‚j{[x_xk_ÂŤÂ’x_xzj_{^j[Â?ÂŒ_k[_{‘jƒx_xk_{mk]\_ James Ibori’s situation. Jacobs (SAN) had alleged that the _^kx_`jÂ?’ƒ]xÂŒ_ƒjÂŤkƒx`_xz{x_ {‹{‘{¸in was planning to elope outside the country, just as he added that the alleged siege was meant to put the agency k[_{‘jƒx_xk_{mk]\_{_`]‚]‘{ƒ_][Â?]\j[x_][_xzj_ past.

j_ j¥‘{][j\_ xz{x_ k[j_ kÂŁ_ {‹{‘{¸][Âł`_ lawyers, Abiodun Layolu, told him (Jacobs) that he had to get permission ÂŁÂƒk‚_ {‹{‘{¸][_ xk_ `jj_ z]‚„_ zj_ _ lawyer added that Babalakin, asked {ÂŒk‘’­_ xk_ ^]mj_ z]‚_ ^Â’{ƒ{[xjj_ xz{x_ zj_ was not going to be in detention; he also {`¸j\_xz{x_]ÂŁ_zj_^kj`_xk_{_ÂŤÂƒ]m{xj_zk`ÂŤ]tal, if he would be arrested and Layolu said he would be arrested if he goes to {_ ÂŤÂƒ]m{xj_ zk`ÂŤ]x{‘„_ j_ xzj[_ {`¸j\_ xzj_ ­_xk_{``]^[_{_ÂŤk‘]Â?j_k:Â?jƒ_xk_z]‚„

{Â?k‹`_ ¨ Š­_ `{]\_ ÂŻ j_ ]`_ ^]m][^_ Â’`_ Â?k[\]x]k[`­_ _Â?{[_jmj[_`zkq_xzj_Â?k’ƒx_z]`_ xjÂĄx_‚j``{^j`_k[_‚Œ_ÂŤzk[j„¿


Newswatch Times


thursday, december 11, 2014

Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula


mperatives in the Merger and Acquisition Process First, prospects must be honest and truthful to themselves and throw in the towel when the end is in sight. In other words companies must recognize and admit that they no longer can go it alone. Operators must throw away personal pride and face business realities as they unfold. Secondly, companies must be convinced that it will serve longer term and larger interests if they join forces with like-minded bigger banks and genuinely pursue the merger process or submit to acquisition. Thirdly, companies must obtain details of the history, business interests and genjƒ{‘_ÂŤÂƒkZ‘j_kÂŁ_xzj_ÂŤÂƒkÂŤk`j\_ÂŤ{ƒx[jƒ­_Â?‘j{ƒ‘Œ_ identify the proposed partner’s business mission, goals, objectives as well as strategic direction and also identify and analyse the business portfolio of the proposed partner. Fourthly, they must clearly articulate the business opportunities in the relationship and how this can be carefully harnessed for the business objectives of the merger, study in detail, the competitive strengths and weaknesses of the prospect as well as its organizational structure, produce a forecast of the future of the prospect; its plans, business opportunities, types of customers, customjƒ`Âł_ Â?k[Z\j[Â?j­_ x’ƒ[kmjƒ_ {[\_ ÂŤÂƒkZx{‹]‘]xÂŒ_ ÂŤ{Djƒ[„ Fifthly, they must identify the company’s Z[{[Â?]{‘_`xƒj[^xz`­_ƒjq{ƒ\_`ÂŒ`xj‚`­_Â?’‘x’ƒj­_ human resource, management style, business philosophy and strategies as well as the nature and strengths of its operation. This rigorous process is imperative to dexjƒ‚][j_ zkq_ xzj_ ÂŤkxj[x]{‘_ ‹j[jZx`­_ Â?k`x`­_ risks and sensitivities of the merger will assist in achieving expected corporate goals {[\_k‹•jÂ?x]mj`„_ [_xzj_Z[{‘_{[{‘Œ`]`_qz{x_]`_ paramount in any merger deal is the ultimate success of the merger itself, right from the conceptualization to the execution and Z[{‘‘Œ_xk_xzj_£’‘‘_][xj^ƒ{x]k[_`x{^j`„_ Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions In a study conducted in 2000 by Lehman Brothers, it was found that, on average, large M&A deals cause the domestic currency of the target corporation to appreciate by 1% relative to the acquirer’s. For every $1-billion deal, the currency of the target corporation ][Â?ƒj{`j\_][_m{‘’j_‹Œ_žÂ„½ĂšÂ„_ kƒj_`ÂŤjÂ?]ZÂ?{‘ly, the report found that in the period immediately after the deal is announced, there is generally a strong upward movement in the target corporation’s domestic currency (relative to the acquirer’s currency). Fifty days after the announcement, the target currency is then, on average, 1% stronger. The rise of globalization has exponentially increased the market for cross border M&A. In 1996 alone there were over 2000 cross border transactions worth a total of approximately $256 billion. This rapid increase has x{¸j[_‚{[ÂŒ_ Ă˜ _Zƒ‚`_‹Œ_`Â’ÂƒÂŤÂƒ]`j_‹jÂ?{Â’`j_ the majority of them never had to consider acquiring the capabilities or skills required xk_j-jÂ?x]mj‘Œ_z{[\‘j_xz]`_¸][\_kÂŁ_xƒ{[`{Â?x]k[„_ [_xzj_ÂŤ{`x­_xzj_‚{ƒ¸jxÂł`_‘{Â?¸_kÂŁ_`]^[]ZÂ?{[Â?j_ and a more strictly national mindset prevented the vast majority of small and midsized companies from considering cross border intermediation as an option which ‘jÂŁx_ Ă˜ _ Zƒ‚`_ ][jÂĄÂŤjƒ]j[Â?j\_ ][_ xz]`_ Zj‘\„_ This same reason also prevented the development of any extensive academic works on the subject. Due to the complicated nature of cross border M&A, the vast majority of cross border actions have unsuccessful results. Cross border intermediation has many more levels of complexity to it then regular intermediation seeing as corporate governance, the power of the average employee, company regulations, political factors customer expectations, and countries’ culture are all crucial factors that could spoil the transaction. However, with the weak dollar in the U.S. and soft economies in a number of countries around the world, we are seeing more cross-

Corporate reconstructions, mergers, acquisitions

A cross section of candidates writing qualifying tests for immigration recruitment at the National Stadium where 23 died during a stampede fectly competitive, then those prices will be Competition Theory, Law and Policy border bargain hunting as top companies Mergers and acquisitions should `Â’Â?z_ {`_ xk_ `Â’`x{][_ {‘‘kÂ?{x]mj_ j:Â?]j[Â?ÂŒĂ‹_ ]„j„_ seek to expand their global footprint and become more agile at creating high-perform- be carried out in a bid to enhance the com- consumers (if they are well informed and ing businesses and cultures across national ÂŤjx]x]mj[j``_ kÂŁ_ {_ Â?k‚{[ÂŒ_ {[\_ [kx_ xk_ `x]Âąj_ rational) will be guided by them to choose competition. The consumer should be the combinations of goods which optimally boundaries. Even mergers of companies with head- ‚{][_‹j[jZÂ?]{ƒŒ„_ ÂŁ_{_‚{ƒ¸jx_]`_Â?k‚jx]x]mj_ meet their preferences. As with all types of quarters in the same country are very much in the sense that it contains a large number restructuring, steps must be taken to soften of this type (cross-border Mergers). After all, kÂŁ_ Zƒ‚`­_ xz{x_ j{Â?z_ Zƒ‚_ x{¸j`_ xzj_ ÂŤÂƒ]Â?j_ {`_ the social impact of mergers and acquisiwhen Boeing acquires McDonnell Douglas, given and entry and exit are cheap, then it tions. Competition policy is therefore necthe two American companies must integrate can be shown that the resulting market equi- essary, provided it is based on the right asoperations in dozens of countries around the librium will be characterized by productive sumptions, a global view, clear objectives world. This is just as true for other suppos- j:Â?]j[Â?Œ„_ k‚jx]x]k[_{‚k[^_Zƒ‚`_q]‘‘_j[- and relevant criteria. The aim of competiedly “single countryâ€? mergers, such as the `’ƒj_xz{x_k[‘Œ_xzj_‚k`x_j:Â?]j[x_q]‘‘_`’ƒm]mj_ tion policy is to protect consumers from the negative welfare consequences of excessive $27 billion dollar merger of Swiss drug mak- {[\_ÂŤÂƒ]Â?j`_q]‘‘_ƒjÂąjÂ?x_‚{ƒ^][{‘_Â?k`x`„ Moreover, if all markets are per- ÂŤÂƒk\Â’Â?x_‚{ƒ¸jx_‚k[kÂŤk‘Œ_ÂŤkqjƒ„_ x_{-jÂ?x`_ ers Sandoz and Ciba-Geigy (now Novartis). three general areas: market structure, business conducts and company performance. Competition policy relating to structure aims principally to thwart the development of unacceptably monopolized markets, for example through mergers. Legislation on Â?k[\Â’Â?x_]`_Â?k[Â?jƒ[j\_xk_ÂŤÂƒjmj[x_Zƒ‚`_ÂŁÂƒk‚_ acting to exploit market imperfections and performance can be controlled directly, for example through price controls. _ k‚jx]x]k[_ ‘{q_ \]-jƒ_ ÂŁÂƒk‚_ k[j_ economy to the other. A more fundamental conceptual distinction is between systems of competition law which focus upon dominance and those which focus upon market power. Market power depends upon the ƒj‘{x]mj_ `]Âśj`_ kƒ_ ‚{ƒ¸jx_ `z{ƒj_ kÂŁ_ Zƒ‚`­_ {`_ well as upon other considerations such as entry barriers, the availability of substitutes, etc. Dominance on the other hand depends upon the absolute size of the supplier and its ability to determine outcomes for its trading partners The absence of competitive regime in Nigeria may explain why most of the earlier privatized companies are not doing well. It is sad to note that market competition is not regarded as priority by government in the scheme of market reform.

The rise of globalization has exponentially increased the market for cross border M&A. In 1996 alone there were over 2000 cross border transactions worth a total of approximately $256 billion. This rapid increase has taken many M&A B _D A F

_ C A ` D C

C{A E C F _ @ @@ {A C @D @

of transaction. In the past, the market’s lack of

E BC C C @D @ F ` D @@ sized companies from considering cross border intermediation as an option which left M&A B |F C

B @ }

also prevented the development of any extensive C C A_` C

Fatula is an Associate Professor and former Vice Dean at the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. GSM: 08037213732



City & State THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014

Group laments bad governance, impunity in Abia State ESTHER BAKARE


group known as Concerned Citizens of Abia (COCA), comprising of individuals that are either from, living or having business in Abia State have expressed their displeasure over what they described as bad governance of the state. According to the leader of the group, Mr. Osita Azodo, who spoke to journalists in Lagos, the idea behind forming COCA is not political, but to ensure that the welfare of people living in Abia State is properly protected and also to be a voice for the voiceless. Azodo said the group is not designed to witch-hunt or backbite anybody but to project ideals that would make the state a peaceful harbour for inhabitants. “We are not interested in castigating the immediate government or the penultimate government, hence we vehemently believe that every government has a direction and target irrespective of what people’s expectation might be. Perhaps, the performance of a particular government may fall below or above expectation in a sense but the truth is whoever may have served has tried in the capacity best known to such person and the honourable thing to do is to make way for another to come and try just as the predecessor may have done,â€? he said. The group leader decried a situation where a group of people or an individual would want to impose a candidate on the people of the state -- saying the situation is seriously frowned at and will not enjoy the support of Abia indigenes. The president of the association stated further that it would not be out of place to emphasise that people who are used to perpetrating such acts are not in any way helping the state and such persons would have posterity to contend with stressing that the state is where it is today because kÂŁ_xzj_xz][^`_‘jÂŁx_Â’[{Dj[\j\_xk_][_ previous years. “It saddens the heart and brings tears to our faces to note that our one time beloved state is now a nest for miscreants. People sleep with their eyes opened, simply because a certain young man who z{`_ [k_ \jZ[j\_ ÂŤk`]x]k[_ ][_ xzj_ government’s hierarchical order has arrogated so much power and relevance to himself just because he has a father who is a governor and prides himself as “the windâ€?

L – R President of the group, Osita Azodo, National Secretary, Kingsley Ibeawuchi and Victor Ogbonna at the event

meaning if one can adhere to his lousy postulations then he/she may have denied himself/herself of the free gift of nature by God, which is the wind,� he said. Azodo said worst still is the plot and plan of these individuals to frustrate the ambition of credible contestants in the state adding that the situation has got so bad xz{x_ ]x_ ]`_ \]:�’‘x_ xk_ {��j``_ {[Œ_ government facility if one is not in their camp. He stressed further that there is selective accessibility to infrastructures in the state whereby structures built with government’s money and meant for all to use is now unreachable with preferential allotments. “Media houses in Abia State have been made incommunicado for certain announcements that will make any person’s ambition known especially the ones not in xzj]ƒ_{��k’[x„_ x_]`_{‘`k_\]:�’‘x_xk_

Z[\_{_‘{Â?j_xk_‚{¸j_\jÂ?‘{ƒ{x]k[_kÂŁ_ one’s political ambition without unnecessary hitches under \]-jƒj[x_ÂŤÂƒjxjÂĄx`_qz]Â?z_{ƒj_^ƒj{x‘Œ_ Â?k[`]\jƒj\_Âą]‚`ÂŒ­¿_zj_`{]\„ The group also complained about the security situation in the state saying the situation is so bad that anyone who is not in the camp of this group of individuals ruling the state is only at the mercy of God. “The essence of this press conference is to use the impeccable means of disseminating information and reach out to well meaning Nigerians and the Presidency to come to our rescue ‹jÂ?{Â’`j_ ]x_ ]`_ ^jD][^_ qkƒ`j_ ‹Œ_ xzj_ day,â€? he added. The group leader said citizens are not demanding for any preferential treatment or favouritism, but to create an enabling environment for everyone to express their ambitions to the best of their ability

We refuse to model our state in the light that will project us as objects for public ridicule

without any form of impediment orchestrated by any person or group of persons. Also lending his voice to the ‚{Djƒ­_ ƒ„_ ][^`‘jÂŒ_ ‹j{qÂ’Â?z]­_ National Secretary of the group said what people of the state are clamouring for is a level play ground for all aspirants as well as equal use of government facilities. He also called on Nigerians to focus on what is happening in the state because considering the challenges being experienced in the North by insurgents, such might repeat itself in the South if care is not taken. Ibeawuchi said only negligence can give rise to such situation especially when certain individuals feel they can do anything and get away with it because of the immunity they enjoy. The group lauded the ruling party in the state which is the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) ÂŁkƒ_ ]x`_ j-kƒx`_ {x_ j[`’ƒ][^_ xz{x_ citizens enjoy good governance but asked why the party is now allowing its internal democratic mechanism to be manipulated in such a way that has aggrieved a large number of its faithful. “We refuse to model our state in the light that will project us as objects for public ridicule. Abia State is ours and we can’t fold our hands and watch it go down the drain. This exercise is the price qj_z{mj_xk_ÂŤ{ÂŒ_{[\_qj_\jZ[]xj‘Œ_ know that good governance is the value that we will get,â€? he added.



Role Model THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014



ulius Agwu, is one of the most successful entertainers in Nigeria today that many young ones would want to be like. His talents have afforded him the opportunity to stand before the kings and princes of this world. He hails from Choba in Obio /Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State. Julius was born on April 7th, 1973 to Chief Augustine Amadi Agwu and Mrs. Mary Agwu. He is the fifth in the family of six children. Julius had his primary education at Elementary State School in Choba and later went to Government Secondary School in Borokini, Port-Harcourt where he was the social prefect and president of the Dramatic, Debating and Cultural Society. He studied Theater Arts at the Diploma level from the University of Port-Harcourt with specialization in acting and followed suit with a degree programme (BA) in Directing still at the University of Port-Harcourt. He was the best graduating student in 1997. His combined success in the movie industry, music and comedy in Nigeria has not been surpassed by any other person till date. He founded a genre of music in Nigeria known as “musicomedy” being the first comedian to release a comedy album in the country and it earned him different awards. He has also taken comedy shows to different parts of the world like Atlanta, Maryland, London, among others. Recalling his growing up, he said, “I grew up in Choba, a typical village then that is now a town. It is where UNIPORT is located. Thank God the school is in my village if not I would not have gone to school. “I was a village boy to the core; I would wake up in the morning, go to the farm and then go for catechism classes as well. I used to jump the fence into the campus to play with the lecturer’s children, that’s where I acquired socialisation skills.” Speaking of his political life, Julius Agwu sees himself as not a politician but a man who wants to better the lots of his eople, he said, “I cannot really call myself a politician, but I am someone who prays and wish for things to get better than it is in this country. I believe I can help to achieve what my brother started in Rivers State. It is a known truth that Port Harcourt was the Garden City of this great country, but we lost that glory because of poverty and neglect, coupled with incessant militancy and kidnapping. Governor Amaechi has done well for the State, but we still need good hands after he leaves to continue the good work

Julius Agwu

Julius Agwu: Comedian of great repute J li Julius Agwu, who A h d dropped d outt from the Rivers State gubernatorial race recently spoke of this, he claimed, “yes, I have to shelve my governorship ambition after I met with my Ikwerre, Rivers kinsmen who advised me to allow the riverine people of the state to take their turn. The current governor (Mr. Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi) and I are from the same area of Rivers State. Interestingly, my wife is also from the riverine. So, I had to consider my in-laws. I’m a good in-law.

Continuing he said: My mom, C ti i h id “ M whom I love so much was not happy with the idea. She has this impression that politics is not for decent people. She believes it is a ‘dirty game’ only meant for ‘evil men.’ But that’s not really what politics is all about. Even if it is the case, good people like us have to change this perception. My wife is also not comfortable with my joining politics. It was all of these and the voices of my kinsmen that made me change my mind. Reacting to insinuations that

My wife is also not comfortable with my joining politics. It was all of these and the voices of my kinsmen that made me change my mind

r he was forced out as a result of pressure, he said, “I was not forced out! Whether they like it or not, politics is all about negotiation. I, however, don’t owe them any apologies. I know what I want. I know what my people want”. Speaking on his next political move, he claimed, “I don’t know yet. Some of my supporters and leaders are suggesting I go for the state House of Assembly. I’m still contemplating on that. I just think I should concentrate on my career, at least for now. “The clamour for a new leadership in the country is getting louder. That’s why we entertainers are coming on board. Its’a peculiar situation. Whether we like it or not, we need a change. It is not what you leave for a particular profession. That’s why you have medical doctors, lawyers, engineers, journalists, accountants and all professionals in politics. So, entertainers should also be taken serious. And we must keep hope alive. That was why I declared interest in Rivers governorship election. My move is a motivation to everybody. The media has also created the awareness that we are in a participatory democracy where we all can come on board”, he said.



Special Report THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014

Military collaboration with civilians will help Nigeria conquer insurgency CYRIL MBAH


omething encouraging no doubt has started happening in the north- east zone where the war on insurgency has been raging for about six years. Concerned Nigerians in the zone are forming vigilante groups to confront the Boko Haram terrorists after suddenly waking up to the reality of their situation. Before now, communities whose population were counted in millions had fallen into deep slumber, indecision and buck passing over the Boko Haram challenge, but they are now confronting the diehard terrorists fearlessly with sticks, stones, local daneguns, machetes and other lethal poison, objects used as war tools in medieval times. The public reaction may have been spurred by years of frustration over the countless excuses from the military about why it has not conquered Boko Haram. At the same x] j­_xzj_ ] ]x{ _q{`_` -j ][^_[ j k `_ defeats and were being driven out of many war fronts by the insurgents .Although, the nation’s military was ranked among the best Armed Forces, its performance in the north -east was very disappointing and led xk_ kq_ k { j_k[_xzj_«{ x_k£_Zj \_`k \]j `­_ x_qz] j_xzj_] {^j_k£_xzj_ ] ]x{ _` -j j\­_ local hunters, vigilante groups and the civilian JTF members helped to demystify Boko Haram insurgents by defeating the terrorists in several places despite the arsenal of modern weapons in the possession of the rebellious group. Nigerians heaved a sigh of relief when the patriotism and courage of the civilians, ­_qzk_ k][j\_`k \]j `_{x_xzj_ {D j_^ k [\`­_ conquered lethargy and produced beautiful results in Mubi, Michika and Gombi, three major towns in Adamawa State and surrounding villages that were instantly recaptured from the rampaging terrorists within days. It was however disturbing that when people, out of excitement, started praising the hunters and local vigilante groups for their valour and patriotism, without mentioning the army, the military whose pride was wounded by the fact that people thought that “common civilians” have succeeded where soldiers failed, reacted swiftly by challenging claims that hunters alone were responsible for the j j[x_` j``j`_{x_xzj_ {D j_Zj \ _ In a strongly worded statement issued by the Defence Headquarters spokesman, Major General Chris Olukolade titled; “misrepresenting the involvement of hunters in the counter-terrorism k«j {x]k[`­¿_xzj_ ] ]x{ _`{]\ȯ{ _xzj_±] ` _ and exaggerated claims of hunters’ exploits in the ongoing operations are simply intended to foster a mischievous campaign aimed at disparaging and depreciating the « k£j``]k[{ _j-k x`_k£_xzj_ ]^j ]{[_ ] ]x{ _ at containing the terrorists especially in Adamawa state.” Continuing, he remarked that, “It is obvious the intention of the claims is to ridicule and discourage the military but we are not moved. “While appreciating the j-k x`_k£_xzj_z [xj `_{[\_ ]x]¶j[`_qzk_z{mj_ been supporting our troops in the onslaught, the military still remains in the vanguard of the mission to rid the nation of terrorists and their activities. We will remain focused and utilize only well-meaning support and advice in the ongoing campaign to wipe out terrorists.”Olukolade expressed disappointment with “politicians who are promoting the campaign of praising

from ancient times used such strategies j-j x]mj _ xk_ q{^j_ q{ _ k _ \j£j[\_ xzj] _ xj ]xk ]j`_ £ k _ j[j ]j` _ zj_ Z `x_ {[\_ second world wars were fought and won on the foundations of collaboration and cooperation between nations and armies. As a war strategy, collaboration gives the army the privileged opportunity of using the volunteering force against the enemy. Only the worst Doubting Thomas will argue that the nation has not reached the point today where the competence and ability of the military to contain the rising insurgency have been doubted by citizens and threatened. zj_ [{x]k[_ \kj`_ [kx_ [jj\_ xk_ Z^zx_ {_ prolonged war on insurgency, the way `k j_k: ]{ `_k£xj[_ j { ¸_qz] j_{ \][^_ to reminding journalists about foreign countries where terrorism has festered for several years. The nation reached the brink of the current war in November when many towns in the three north east zone fell to Boko Haram and caused the death and displacement of thousands of civilians. The Armed Forces {[_ `x] _ jmj `j_ xzj_ `]x {x]k[_ qzj[_ Zj \_ commanders see reason and accept to use the services of thousands of hunters and local vigilante groups in the north east who have volunteered to assist the army in the counter insurgency operation. It must be stated here that drafting the hunters along side professional soldiers cannot in anyway \] ][]`z_ xzj_ j^k_ k _ z]^z_ « kZ j_ ] {^j_ of the military personnel or the Armed Gen. Kenneth Minimah, Chief of Army Staff Forces. Besides, among the hunters are hunters while deriding the military for the National Assembly for permission to retired soldiers, policemen and warriors whatever reasons. We will not be distracted borrow a further N1billionto increase the who once had military type training and _xzj] _{[x] ` ___ zj_ j` x_k£_« j`j[x_j-k x`_ q{ _j-k x_k _Z^zx_][` ^j[ _{[\_] « kmj_ can equally support or assist with their local will soon manifest for the whole world to security in the country. Perhaps, the military ][xj ]^j[ j_j-k x`_{[\_`zkkx][^_`¸] `_`][ j_ see. Nigerians and their military will not be high command should be reminded they understand the war terrain more than diminished, as intended by those engaging that alliances, treaties and collaboration the combatants. The problem of logistics, in the campaign of calumny against the are wonderful tools of government and control and coordination may arise, but the Nigerian military .He concluded the terse statesmanship. Zj \_ k {[\j `_ `zk \_ j_ { j_ xk_ x{¸j_ statement by saying, “We however caution These tools are as old as time and they charge of the situation by making it known Nigerians not to allow themselves to be have also been used by the strongest armies to the patriotic volunteers that anyone who hoodwinked into danger by accepting false or individual generals of generations to win did not fall in line would be treated as a reports on so-called liberation of certain wars. saboteur. areas or towns by ‘hunters’ as we can j j x][^_ k _ \j ]\][^_ xzj_ k-j _ k£_ zj «_ _ ][^_ {_ j j[x_ `j ]x _ ]jZ[^­_ qzj[_ only vouch for areas where the military from hunters, vigilante groups or other the issue of military collaboration with z{`_ k[Z j\_ ]x_ j{ j\_ k£_ xj k ]`x` ¿ zj_ volunteers amounts to unnecessary pride hunters was raised by correspondents [{x]k[³`_ ] ]x{ _ ]`_ j[x _ j {D j\_ and the folly of a drowning man who with the Coordinator of National Security and under so much duress to prove its refused to catch the rope that was thrown Information Centre and Director General of \j¡xj ]x _{[\_ {«{ ] ]x _{`_{_Z^zx][^_£k j_ to him because he still believes he can swim the National Orientation Agency, Mr. Mike on which billions of naira are spent every out of the water without assistance. Omeri, said that the military and the Federal year .Recall that out of a total budget of Alliances and collaboration were Government were initially reluctant to enlist N4.962 trillion in the 2014 budget, the described by several renowned generals hunters, vigilante groups and members defence sector took about N968.127 billion as tools of convenience and exigencies that of the civilian JTF in the ongoing armed or 20 per cent of the total budget because come handy to wriggle out of seemingly campaign because of fear that politicians of the increasing insecurity in the north \]: x_k _j¡ j«x]k[{ _`]x {x]k[` { _\j ] j {xj _ `j_xzj _xk_`jD j_«k ]x] { _ east. The president only recently asked For this reason, governments and armies scores . Omeri however denied that the civilian participants in the military campaign were being armed with sophisticated military training and weapons which may be \]: x_xk_ jx ]jmj_ {xj ­_j¡« {][][^_£ xzj _ that although the military will not surrender its responsibilities of defending the nation to villagers, the bulk of the hunters and vigilante groups who volunteered use only dane-guns, bows or arrows as well as local intelligence against the insurgents. He said that the National Orientation Agency has commenced intensive grassroots mobilization and community enlightenment to boost public support for the military especially in the rural areas of the north east and adjourning states hoping that more public support will be generated soon.

As a war strategy, collaboration gives the army the privileged opportunity of using the volunteering force against the enemy



Special Report


Experts x-ray dangers of naira devaluation

&%1 *@–CE9@E *@K—:9 (˜CGCFC OLADELE DADA


midst daunting multidimensional national challenges, the devaluation of the country’s currency by the Central Bank of Nigeria has been generating a whole lot of reactions as experts perceived the development as a great threat to the country’s economy. Recently, the Nigeria’s apex bank at its 98th meeting of the Monetary k‘]Â?ÂŒ_ k‚‚]Djj_ ÂŤÂƒj`]\j\_ kmjƒ_ by the Governor of Central Bank; k\q][_ ‚jZj‘j_ ‚{\j_ xzj_ ‚kmj_ xk_ devalue the naira. The measure, according to Godwin is “unavoidably necessary to enhance jÂ?k[k‚Œ_ ^ƒkqxz_ qz]‘j_ j-kƒx`_ q]‘‘_ also be put in place to cushion the j-jÂ?x_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ \jm{‘’{x]k[_ k[_ xzj_ country’s economyâ€?. However, Newswatch Times `kÂ’^zx_xzj_m]jq`_kÂŁ_Z[{[Â?]{‘_jÂĄÂŤjƒx`_ and selected members of the public on the impact of the devaluation on Nigerians and the economy. For Herbert Wigwe, Chief Executive :Â?jƒ­_ Â?Â?j``_ {[¸_ ‘Â?­_ xzjƒj_ ]`_ [k_ \k’‹x_ xz{x_ xzj_ Z`Â?{‘_ {[\_ ‚k[jx{ƒŒ_ policy measures announced by the Ministry of Finance and the CBN will have remarkable impact on the citizenry as Federal Government’s expenditure accounts for about 90 per cent of total expenditure in the economy. “In my estimation, the devaluation kÂŁ_xzj_[{]ƒ{_q]‘‘_[kx_z{mj_`]^[]ZÂ?{[x_ impact on businesses as most of dollar facilities have been loaned to clients generating foreign currencies. zjƒjÂŁkƒj­_]x_z{`_‘]D‘j_kƒ_[k_]‚‘]Â?{x]k[_ k[_‚Œ_Z[{[Â?j`_‹jÂ?{Â’`j_kÂŁ_qzjƒj_‚Œ_ lending is,â€? Wigwe said. _ _`x{-_kÂŁ_ ‘k‹{‘_ ``jx`_ j`k’ƒÂ?j`_ in Ikorodu, Lagos State, Odion Charles opined that, “Nigeria is a mono cultural economy. And its accounts for about 80 to 90 per cent of its foreign exchange earnings and has no other means to earn or boost

Finance Minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

its income. Therefore, for the next few months, Nigeria’s economy may `Â’-jƒ_`jx_‹{Â?¸_][_xzj_k]‘_‚{ƒ¸jx_`][Â?j_ the price of oil has fallen. This will \jZ[]xj‘Œ_ xzƒkq_ xzj_ jÂ?k[k‚Œ_ k-_ balance since there is reduction in the exchange rate from N168 to $1, forcing down the Naira by N13 to N155/$1 as the country struggles to ƒj`z{ÂŤj_]x`_Z`Â?{‘_ÂŤk‘]Â?]j`_][_ƒj`ÂŤk[`j_ to dwindling oil price which has taken its toll on the foreign reserves and raised the benchmark interest rateâ€?. Dr. Oke Rotimi , a Market Analyst and Stock Broker x-rays xzj_ Â?Â’`z]k[][^_ j-jÂ?x`_ _ ÂŤÂƒkÂŤk`j\_ by the country’s Finance Minister {`_ zj_ k‹`jƒmj\_ xz{x­_ ÂŻxzj_ Z`Â?{‘_ policy measures might achieve the desired results by way of reducing government expenditure within the public service. But what happens to the general public who feel the direct impact of the policy more? Imagine a commodity that is being sold for a $100 but suddenly rises to $ 200.What becomes the fate of that dealer or retailer and consumers?

It will be highly competitive. Apart ÂŁÂƒk‚_xz]`­_]x_q]‘‘_{-jÂ?x_xzj_jÂĄÂ?z{[^j_ rate, since it will be so high. So, tell ‚j_zkq_xz]`_q]‘‘_[kx_{\mjƒ`j‘Œ_{-jÂ?x_ the masses? I think the best the Federal government could do, is to start focusing on other sectors of the economy as doing this would boost the country’s economyâ€?. While citing China as an example, Dr. Oke said “China’s economy is divergent. In china, they have virtually invested in all sectors, therefore if there is fall back on one aspect of the its economy; it won’t {\mjƒ`j‘Œ_ {-jÂ?x_ kxzjƒ_ `xƒj{‚`_ kÂŁ_ the economy. It is high time Nigeria started thinking towards that direction. This is an opportunity for xzj_ Â?kÂ’[xƒŒ_ xk_ ƒj¢Â?z{[[j‘_ ]x`_ j-kƒx`_ towards non-oil sectors and prepare for the future with less oil revenueâ€?. Also speaking on the impact of the devaluation of naira on a common man, Managing Director of NEG Limited, Lagos, Mr David Adeniran said, “Devaluation of the Naira will ‘j{\_xk_][Âą{x]k[_‹jÂ?{Â’`j_xzj_jÂ?k[k‚Œ_ is import dependent. Subsequently,

Devaluation of naira would have made sense if it is aimed at boosting local industries

there will be agitation for salary increase by workers as the worth of their income becomes less.â€? While on his part Alade Oladele, perishable commodities dealer in Mile 12 market disclosed that the, “devaluation of naira is not a good thing to a common man on the street. It makes products and food items like rice, imported clothing materials, cars among others more expensive. It drains the pockets of the common manâ€?. {[ƒj_ {•’ƒ{[_]`_{_`x{-_kÂŁ_ ]ƒ`x_ {[¸_ Plc in Lagos. He said “Nigeria being an import dependent country, naira devaluation would have obvious negative impact on the common man as prices of goods and services will rise. The cost of living will be higher and this will further impoverish the poorâ€?. Also, Lanre Ajayi, a Federal civil servant declared that a country largely dependent on imports will be hit hard by the measures. He pointed out that devaluation would have made sense if it is aimed at boosting local industries “But this is not the case in Nigeria because we depend on imports. We import virtually everything we need in this country, from toothpicks to cars,â€? he said. According to the National Coordinator of a Non-Governmental Organisation , De Future for Nigeria, Esan Olutoye, the devaluation of the [{]ƒ{_z{`_{_‚]ÂĄ_j-jÂ?x_k[_xzj_Â?k‚‚k[_ people. “For those who have relatives abroad that send dollars for their upkeep, it means more money when exchanged to the naira. Austerity ‚j{`’ƒj_ ]`_ ‹kÂ’[\_ xk_ {-jÂ?x_ xzj_ import-driven sector of the economy, while jobs and income created by it will feel the consequence. The common people working in that sector, though earning lower wages, {ƒj_ ‘]¸j‘Œ_ xk_ ‹j_ {-jÂ?xj\_ xzƒkÂ’^z_ •k‹_ cuts and lower wages. But largely, everything depends on how best the economic managers can best handle the situation.â€?

Newswatch Times


Crime Thursday, December 11, 2014

Fake soldier bags 7 years imprisonment one Igue Endurance of the sum of N1, 545,000.00 (One Million Five Hundred ustice P.I. Ajoku of the Federal And Forty- Five Thousand Naira) in the High Court, Benin, Edo State pretext that the said amount be used to toady convicted and sentenced one facilitate her recruitment into the Nigerian Emmanuel Sunday (alias Umoh Army. Sunday Iyang, Iyang Samuel One of the charges read, “That you Chukwudi) to seven and half years Emmanuel Sunday ( also known ] « ]`k[ j[x_ q]xzk x_ {[_ k«x]k[_ k£_ Z[j_ as Umoh Sunday, Inyang Samuel for obtaining money under false pretence. Chukwudi) on or about May, 2013, at The convict was arraigned by Benin within the Jurisdiction of this the Economic and Financial crimes honourable court, with intent to defraud Commission, EFCC, on March 19, 2014 on did represent yourself to be a captain an 8-count charge bordering on obtaining with the Nigerian Army and obtained money by false pretence. He pleaded not the sum of Three Hundred Thousand guilty to the count charge. Naira only(300,000.00) from one Igue After diligent prosecution, Justice Ajoku Endurance, which said money you used found him guilty on the 5-count amended part of it and paid the sum of Eighty charge and sentenced him to thirty Thousand Naira into your Diamond months imprisonment each of the counts. bank plc, account 0001857059, under The court also ordered that the convict the pretence that the said sum would be forfeit his two (2) phones to the Federal used to get Igue Endurance recruited Government. into Nigerian Army, a pretext which you The journey to prison for Emmanuel ¸[jq_xk_ j_£{ `j_{[\_xzj j _ k ]Dj\_ started when he was arrested in Benin on {[_ k-j[ j_ k[x { _ xk_ `j x]k[_ ¹¨¹©_ ¨{©_ k£_ August 13, 2013 by the Nigerian Army, 4 the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Related Brigade/sector 1, Operation Pulo Shield, -j[ j`_ x_Á¾¾Ò_{[\_« []`z{ j_ [\j _ for posing as an Army Captain to defraud section 1(3) of the same Act”. OWOLOLA ADEBOLA


Emmanuel Sunday

Ruling on extradition of Wife stabs husband to death Ex-Mint boss Fixed

Aderanti, Lagos CP ROBERT AKPAN


omicide detectives of the Lagos Police’s state Crime Investigation Department, Panti Yaba, have arrested, a 22 year old house wife Aminat Aiyemobola over the killing of her husband Babatunde Aiyemobola with a kitchen knife over N10 naira tomtom sweet. The ugly incident that looked mysterious happened at Magbon Alade Street in Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos, after which a complainant who is the Elder Brother to the late husband reported to police that a woman has killed her husband with a kitchen knife over an argument in their apartment. Findings by our crime correspondent revealed that the deceased, Babatunde Aiyemobola, who until his death was a business man and his wife were living together peacefully until devil employed the wife’s hand to take his life on the fateful day. A source who close to the couple and pleaded anonymity, while speaking on the tragic incident explained that the unfortunate


ustice E.S Chukwu of the Federal Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN; the High Court, Maitama Abuja, Nigeria Security Minting and Printing has adjourned ruling in the Company, NSMPC and Securency extradition proceedings brought International Pty of Australia, between event greeted the family against former managing director Á¾¾Ò_{[\_Á¾¾¼ on the fateful day when It would be recalled that Okoyomon a feud erupted between of Nigeria Security Minting and Printing NSPMC. Ehidiamhem was granted bail on October 7 in the sum the couple over meeting Company, of Five hundred million naira (N500, their young daughter’s Okoyomon, to December 17, 2014. The court had on October 7 when 000,000.00), two sureties who must demand. “The quarrel came up ¸k k k[_ q{`_ ^ {[xj\_ {] ­_ Z¡j\_ be of the rank of Executive Director in when the wife requested December 1, 2014, for ruling on the a government agency, with a landed that her husband should extradition request brought against property within Abuja Municipal Area buy her daughter a xzj_\j£j[\{[x_ _xzj_k: j_k£_ Dk [j _ Council. The court further ruled that the surety tomtom sweet, but the General of the Federation, following a `x_ `qj{ _ xk_ {:\{m]x_ k£_ j{[`_ q]xz_ husband turn down the request by the UK government. However, when the case was evidence of tax payment for the last request giving excuse of being stranded. The mentioned today, Justice Chukwu told three years, and deposit two recent husband also told the the court that the ruling was not ready passports photographs with the court q]£j_ xk_ xz][¸_ k£_ jDj _ due to the numerous cases he had to registrar. The two sureties and the accused are way to nurture the girl {Dj[\_xk­_{[\_{\ k [j\_« k jj\][^`_xk_ to deposit their international passports instead of menial things December 17, 2014. The former Mint boss is wanted with the EFCC while the accused like candy which will obliterate her health. in UK over his alleged role in the is to report every Monday to the Soon, the argument ] j _ ` {[\{ _ ][mk m][^_ k: ]{ `_ k£_ Commission. became unbearable for the wife when she headed straight to the kitchen, and stabbed her husband three times in the chest, with the kitchen knife”, she narrated. The suspect, Aminat Aiyemobola, who had 2 kids for the late husband confessed to the police, stressing that she ventured into the action out of annoyance. zj_ { `k_ j^ jD{ _ `z{ j\_ zj _ j¡« {][j\_ there was no quarrel between her and her late husband before the day, adding that her husband was always a caring husband to her and their children. ‘’ Oga I don’t know what came upon me on that day. My husband was a goodman to us ][_xzj_£{ ] _ `_{_ {Dj _k£_£{ x­_xzj_][ ]\j[x_ looks like a spell to me”, she cried and asked for God’s forgiveness. A police source who briefed on the incident explained that careful inspection of the corpse of Babatunde who until his demise , a casual worker with one of the Indian company in Lagos showed some serious stabs which may possibly lead to his death. Meanwhile, Police authority has maintained that the case would soon be charged to EFCC Arraingned Former Minting Boss, Okuyomo (2nd left) court after the conclusion of the ongoing

over N10 candy


Newswatch Times Thursday, December 11, 2014


Widower tasks police on wife’s misterious death ADELEKE ADESANYA


ne Chief Law¬rence Ugochukwu Ifewulu, whose heartthrob was gruesomely murdered by unknown men recently at Ejigbo area of Lagos, has appealed to the authority of Nigeria police in Lagos state on the need to help fish out the killers of his wife. The father of four, while addressing our crime correspondent at his place in Ejigbo, Lagos, regrettably shared that his wife’s death is an unfortunate occurrence that would greet the family this year, especially, at the time that everyone is looking toward celebrating the Christmas season in joy. Lawrence, a native of Aniocha Lo¬cal Government Area in Anambra state, while narrativing the unfortunate event which he said appeared like a nightmare to him, said the lifeless body of a her wife, Martha Ifeoma Ifewulu was discovered in a pool of blood at his house in Oke Afa area of Lagos when his children returned from school last week. “It was so unfortunate that this happened to our family at this time. Up till this very moment, I can’t just imagine that this actually happened. But, actually, it happened. On this fateful day, we had our morning devotion, rejoicing we had made it to December as a family. “That morning, I was feverish, and I thought of going for a medical check-up. I even jokingly asked her to go to the laboratory with me, but she declined because she wanted to go to Trade Fair to buy some things for the family. So, I left the house around 10:30am. Even as I am talking to you now, I have not even gone for the result of the test because I left the laboratory around noon. When I wanted to leave the laboratory, I tried to call her to tell her I was leaving for the office but she did not pick the call. I kept calling her line up till 3pm but there was no response. I even got very annoyed wondering where she must have kept her phone. Get¬ting to my office, after the usual traffic jam along the road, I got a call from one of our tenants, a woman. The woman was just crying and telling me to leave whatever I was doing and rush home. I asked her what happened, but she only said I should start coming immediately. I had to call one of my staff to drive me home because, due to my condition, I couldn’t even drive. Getting home, I could not imagine what I saw. I was told that when the children came back from school around 3:30pm and opened the door of the staircase, they just saw blood flowing down from the staircase. One of my girls tried to go upstairs and that was when she discovered my wife’s corpse and then raised the alarm. Neighbours came to the scene. It was when I got in around 5pm that I asked what happened. The chairman of our estate was the one that called the DPO of Ejigbo Police Division and informed him about the incident. “The police came down within 30 minutes of getting the news. They went round, took pictures, and took away all that was at the scene as exhibits. Her wristwatch, wedding ring (which must have fallen from her hand when strug¬gling with the killers), phones and everything else,

Ifeoma Ifewulu, the deceased

Abba, IGP

were intact. Even her phone kept ringing. When asked if he could recall having a quarrel with anybody in business or within the neighbour¬hood, he said: “I run my business all alone, and I

can’t recall having any issue with anybody either in business or on the street. What will bring about such? If it is a matter of losing money that can cause a quarrel between me and anyone and I would just forget about the money. The arrangement we had

that morning was that she would stop over at her shop and get some money to buy goods at the Trade Fair complex.” Asked if his late wife had ever reported any case of harassment or disagreement between her and any one, the bereaved husband simply retorted: “Hmm! I will like to hold on for now till a later time, because…let me just hold on for now.” As would be expected, all the neighbours are still in shock and wondering how a monstrous crime like the murder of the wom¬an could have been committed in their neighbourhood in day time. A female friend of the family and a tenant in Ifewulu’s premises (name withheld) who was one of the first set of people to discov¬er the corpse narrated how the death of Ifeoma was discovered. Her words: “It was about to rain that day and I tried to call the maid of our landlord (Chief Ifewulu) who was just about to open the door leading to the stairs. She asked me to hold on so she could come back for the family’s clothes spread outside after taking the kids upstairs. Immediately she opened the door leading to the stairs, she saw blood flowing from the stairs just like that and she alerted me immediately. When we got up, we saw our landlady lying down dead in a pool of her own blood. That was when we raised the alarm to alert other neighbours. Later on, I called the landlord and told him to start coming home. Meanwhile, Investigation by Newswatch Times revealed that nobody within the premises recalled seeing any strange person coming into the compound at any time. Ijeoma Uba, a friend of the deceased, described the manner of her death as too shocking, noting that the murdered Ifeoma did not deserve the fate that befell her, given her kind and gentle nature. “She was a member of my gym. We met at the gym and most times, I would pair with her because that is how we do at the gym. I still saw her last Saturday because I always sit with her,” Uba said, wiping tears from her eyes. Police authority, when earlier contacted over the case maintained that investigation is ongoing over the case to unravel the mystery behind the mother of four’s death.

Tight security as Aguiyi Ironsi market chairman dedicate child ROBERT AKPAN


ecurity operatives from the area “D” Command Mushin, took over the venue of the child dedication and thanksgiving ceremony of the chairman of Aguiyi Ironsi International Auto Spare Part Market, Palomo Prince C.Y Ikechukwu which took place last Sunday in Lagos. The double celebration was part of the program marking the successful swearing in ceremony o f C.Y Ikechukwu, as the new chairman of the Auto market after series of crisis, that left so many innocent traders, lose their millions of naira as a result of the

serious crisis that led to the closing down of the market 3 years ago. The event actually attracted Government functionaries, from the Lagos State Government Alausa Ikeja, Lagos House of Assembly; Traditional rulers, from the South East Region, including members, of the National Assembly. To add colour to the occasion, various cultural display were on hand to thrill the audience. Traditional and continental dishes were served alongside foreign and local drinks of different kinds. Security operatives were not left out in the happy mood as there was enough to eat and take home. The President of LACER was also

in attendance along side with other market leaders. Speakeing to Newswatch Times’ Crime Correspondent, the celebrant and chairman of Aguiyi Ronsi International Auto Spare Parts Market, Prince C.Y Ikechukwu said that, the double celebration, was part of his program, ushering him into office as the new chairman of the market, after so many years of total neglect, closure of the market by the Lagos State Government, which over millions of naira was lost as a result of the prolonged crisis. He explained that since assumption of office, peace and calm have returned to the market.

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Newswatch Times Thursday, December 11, 2014


News Perspective

Journalists get new code for politics coverage OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan


new code to guide reporting and coverage of current political activities and the forthcoming general election by journalists will be made public next week, according to Lanre Arogundade, Director of International Press Centre, Lagos. Arogundade made the disclosure recently in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, at a seminar on ‘Coj¡]`xj[ j­_ k[±] x_ {[\_ Electoral Violence in Nigeria - The Challenges and Opportunities’, organised by Centre for Human Rights and Empowerment (CHRE), in collaboration with the Department for International Development (DFID). The two-day maiden `j ][{ _q{`_{Dj[\j\_ _ media practitioners, security operatives, labour unions, transport workers’ unions, socio-cultural groups, youth groups and other stakeholders from south west states. Arogundade said the code is aimed at ensuring that journalists perform jDj _ ][_ xzj] _ kmj {^j_ of current political activities and in next year’s general elections, while it will also ensure that politicians use polished language during political debate and during rallies and campaigns. The former chairman of Lagos Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), declared in his paper, titled: ‘Con±] x_ {[`£k {x]k[_ jsponsibilities and Journalists’, that in as much as journalists want to perform their constitutional rights and ensure

Prof. Attahiru Jega INEC Chairman

adequate coverage of political rallies and other electoral exercises, they are faced with numerous challenges, which include ownership interest, poor welfare package, hostile public and intimidation, among others. He, however, counseled journalists to continue to ensure fairness and objectivity in their report and analyses of news and events. Arugundade, who buttressed his argument with content analysis of newspapers headlines and pictures, expressed the belief that journalists could do more than their current practice, urging

It is in cognisance and realisation of this reality that civil society groups like CHRE must brace up to play certain strategic roles to nip the perceived, yet-toignite violence in the bud before, during and even after the polls

them to place peoples’ interests above other considerations. “All we are after is that qj_ «j £k _ jDj _ xz]`_ time around to ensure free, fair and credible election, much more better than we did in the last election,” he declared. Also speaking at the workshop, Head, Department of Peace and k[±] x_ x \]j`­_ []versity of Ibadan, Dr. Nathaniel Danjibo, said Nigeria’s problem of democracy is obvious in the disconnect between the leaders and the masses Danjibo, who spoke on ‘Electoral violence and the challenges of consolidating democratic process in Nigeria’, noted that many of the representatives of the people in the country do not actually emerge from among the people, which accounts for why they run away from the masses as soon as they q][_j j xk { _k: j` His words: “Democracy goes beyond voting. Election is about people willingly carrying the voter card and not gun or machete to choose their representative. Elections are conducted to put in government to do certain things the people want them to do and remove same when they fall below expectations. Elections are bedrock of democracy only when they are conducted without violence or only

Lanre Arogundade

when we have free, fair and credible elections. That is the beginning of democracy. “However, it is not to say because you have conducted elections, you are guaranteed democracy. You can even have a free, fair and credible elections but it does not translate to mean that you will have democracy but the beauty of elections is that when the j j xj\_k: ]{ `_£{] _xk_\k_ the biddings of the electorate, the electorate has the absolute right to remove such a government because absolutely, the kDk _ ][j_ ]`_ xz{x_ q]xz_ elections, you can choose and remove leaders if

you are making it a foundation for a democratic process.” He also observed that election violence can happen either before, during and after election but that none can be in the interest of enthroning democracy. DFID South-West Coordinator, Shina Fagbenro, in his address, noted that the intention of the organisation’s interest in the workshop is to enlighten and encourage people in the south west region of the country to continue the peaceful, mutual co-existence ahead of the 2015 general elections Fagbenro declared:

“The focus of British DFID is on poverty alleviation, because we believe as it is of global understanding too, that poverty is the root cause k£_ ^ k { _ ]`]` _ k[±] x_ and violence will always lead to poverty and this is not in anybody’s interest to continue or invest in. “The intention of DFID in partnering on this workshop is to ensure that the current security and safety green zones in the country will not turn red, rather it should continue to be green and help reclaim the red zones. We want to canvass for regional security in south west, to support the security of other regions. We need regional security for regional development and development is a necessity to eradicating poverty,” he declared. CHRE Executive Director, Olusola Akinbode, in his welcome address, explained that the level of insecurity and the consequences it might have on the 2015 general elections informed the decision of the centre to organise the various socio cultural groups in the region to educate them on the importance of living in peace and the consequences of violence on all. Akinbode said, “We have brought together the leaders of the two factions of Oodua Peoples Congress (OPC), the Yoruba socio-cultural group and other labour and trade groups in the states of the region, to educate and enlighten them on peaceful coexistence and not to be ready tools in the hands of desperate politicians. “We are aware that when election is approaching like this, politicians go to the various socio-cultural groups to seek their support and use them to cause election violence and this may not be in our collective interest ahead of the coming election. “It is in cognisance and realisation of this reality that civil society groups like CHRE must brace up to play certain strategic roles to nip the perceived, yet-to-ignite violence in the bud before, during and even after the polls. The objectives, among others, of this workshop, are to conscientise doable measures that will help us as a people to mitigate violence in the polity come 2015 and beyond.”





Zugeru power plant: Contractors seek monarch’s support against host community’s restiveness JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna

x [j\_xk_`]xj_Zmj_ k[xz`_ after abandoning the site he contractors due to disruption by some handling the aggrieved hosting com»¾¾_ j^{q{D`_ munities over payment of Zugeru hydro- compensation by the Fedelectric power eral government. plant have appealed to the The managing director Emir of Minna, Dr. Umar k£_ xzj_ z][j`j_ Z _ z{[Faruk Bahago to persuade dling the project, Mr Liu the aggrieved host com- Xiuping while visiting the munities to allow them Emir of Minna yesterday continue work on site at his palace stated the without disruption. readiness of the contracThe contractors have re-


tors to return to site while but expressed the fear of disruption pleading with the Royal Father to use his ^kk\_ k: j`_ xk_ «j ` {\j_ the aggrieved communities to allow them continue work on site while government sorts out the com«j[`{x]k[_ {Dj _ According to him, any further delay may jeopardize the schedule for the completion of the project

{[\_z{mj_{\mj `j_j-j x_k[_ xzj_ Z[{[ ]{ _ { {[^j j[x_ for the project. ”As the King in charge of this place, we appeal to you to help us. We know k _][± j[ j_ {[_« jm{] _ on the aggrieved persons. We have to cash on the dry session to meet our target. Any further delay before xzj_ {][ _`j``]k[_q] _{-j x_ us. That is why we have come to solicit for your

support and understanding.” He then disclosed that no fewer than 1,200 locals are currently engaged for the project with potential k£_x ]« ][^_xzj_Z^ j_{`_xzj_ project progresses. The Emir, Dr. Bahago Farouk assured the contractors and the Federal government of his readiness to assist and ensure completion of the project

within the projected time. “I want to assure you of our continued support and that of our people so that the purpose for which the project is embarked upon is achieved. It is our responsibility as a people to reciprocate the Federal government gesture by citing the project on our land. We shall ensure its completion as scheduled,” the Emir assured.

Suswam to wrestle senatorial position with Gemade GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi


enator Barnabas Gemade has won primaries of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Benue North-East Senatorial District, having withdrawn from Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which led to Governor Gabriel Suswam of being the party’s (PDP) sole candidate in the area. Gemade scored 1,206 votes to defeat his closest rival in the primaries, Thomas Ateze, who polled 258, while former Chairman of the state’s Revenue Board, Andrew Ayabam had 81. Meanwhile, in Benue North-West Senatorial

Plateau youths urge PDP chairman to shun Tapgun, others’ petition


group under the aegis of Plateau Youth Patriotic Front has called on the National Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Alh. Admu Mua’azu not to entertain any petition from the aggrieved governorship aspirants from Plateau. The group in a Press Statement signed by Hon. Leo Sage Demsak and made available to Newswatch Times, said Amb. Fidelis Tapgun Dr. Haruna Dabin and others are cryinng foul after failing the election. Parts of the statement reads “One wonders why at a time when all well meaning and good spirited members of the PDP are at the National Convention in Abuja, some members of the party stayed back to play out their wicked and devilish script aimed at creating disenchantment in Plateau State. “It is public information that the aggrieved aspirants have done everything possible to stop the primaries from holding; in

order to reduce the credibility of the process at this time is nothing more than the shouts of a drowning group. ¯ zj_{Dj «x_xk_`xk«_xzj_ accreditation from starting at the stipulated time was as a result of the many roadblocks by the same group crying foul. At the venue for the primary election, it was glaring that all agents were not only accredited but given all the access to information in-

cluding conferring with the j j xk { _ k ]Djj_ {x_ \]£ferent times.” He noted that “some agents signed the result sheets after collation, counting and announcement of the results” adding that the Primaries actually shows that the aggrieved aspirants are not accepted by the people of Plateau State. The statement further stressed “Contrary to what transpired in all the other

Kwara PDP elders reject holding guber primaries in Abuja BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin.


he Kwara State chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Elders Forum yesterday rejected any plan to shift the aborted governorship primary to Abuja. The Forum made its position known at a news conference in Ilorin, the State capital, stressing the need to use the authenticated delegate lists endorsed by the local government chairmen of the party for the primaries.

The Forum chairman, Senator Haliru Idris disclosed that at the end of its meeting after the botched primaries, resolved that for the party to win election, delegates should be free to elect their Governorship candidate. Idris, who was represented by his Deputy, Alhaji Ayinla Folorunsho lamented that the Forum was not carry along on the election processes. They also resolved that there should not be separate venues for the

Court clears aspirant to contest APC governorship primaries GODWIN AKOR, Makurdi


Makurdi High Court, which was presided over by Justice Theresa Igoche, has said that it is illegal for All Progressives Congress (APC) to exclude States, the electoral panel the national body and as its governorship aspirant, chairman agreed that the Plateau Youth who are Professor Steve Torkuma labels on the ballot boxes ready to defend our her- Ugbah, from primaries. Meanwhile, another be removed; only 3 ballot itage, which these same boxes were used as against self acclaimed elders have Makurdi High Court the initial arrangement of raped, we would do what- presided over by Justice 17 for each local govern- ever is within our powers Adam Onum restrained APC from holding its govment; the delegates list and the ambit of the law to ernorship primaries folgot from the accreditation insist that the right thing is lowing a motion ex parte of delegates was used for done. brought before it by Ugba, voting, and the venue had “No individual or group but the judge withdrew enough lighting to host any of individuals will intimi- from the case a day later event. date us into allowing them for personal reasons. “This press conference ` D j_ qz{x_ q{`_ {_ mj _ However, Chief Judge of ]`_ {_ \j ] j {xj_ {Dj «x_ _ credible and transparent the state, Justice Iorhemen these aspirants to mislead exercise. Hwande, reassigned the case to Justice Igoche whose court has declared ^ {_{`_ j][^_Ä { ]Zj\_xk_ contest for governorship accreditation of delegates was aborted “because of on the platform of APC. and voting, stressing that the PDP popularity in “It is trite in law that both should be done in the State and this is the where there is no counterone venue. beauty of democracy in {:\{m]x_ xk_ {[ _ k ]^][{xThe Forum, which rec- the party”. ing summons or any opommended that only acOgundeji noted that posing motion from the credited delegates mem- the State was experienc- respondent’s counsel, the bers should be allowed ing freedom to elect its claims therein are deemed to enter the voting venue, political leaders for the {\ ]Dj\_ {[\_ k[ j\j\_ emphasised that the pri- Z `x_ x] j_ {£xj _ þ_ j{ `_ on behalf of the respondmary should hold in Ilorin of slavery, stressing that ents.” “many leaders and memand not Abuja. Consequently, Igoche Also speaking, the im- bers ran away from op- entered judgement in famediate past State Deputy position party because of vour of the applicant. ¯ j_ ]`_ Ä { ]Zj\_ xk_ k[Governor and member of fear of imposition of canforum, Chief Joel Ogun- didates as imposition of test for the governorship deji, explained that the candidates would not be primaries on the platform of APC.” governorship primary allowed in our party”.

L-R: Governorship aspirants of Plateau State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) – Dr Haruna Dabin, Professor Sonni Tyoden and Ambassador Fidelis Tapgun while addressing journalists on alleged irregularities in the governorship primaries in Jos…yesterday


District, Minority Leader of the Senate’s, George Akume, nomination q{`_ {: j\_ _ xzj_ \j egates, who resolved that he was unopposed, but it was gathered that the primaries was inconclusive in Benue South Senatorial District.

Newswatch Times

Pensioner emerge AP guber candidate to challenge Dankwambo NANKPAH BWAKAN, Gombe


pensioner, Alhaji Abubakar Ibrahim Hashidu has emerged as the governorship candidate of Accord Party for Gombe state in the 2015 general elections. He emerged through consensus at the party’s primaries, conducted in the state. The North East Zonal Vice Chairman of the party, Ahmed Dalhatu, who presided over the Primaries said after a careful study of the candidate’s potentials and leadership qualities, the membership adopted him as its governorship candidate. Dalhatu noted that issues such as godfatherism, ethnicity and religion are divisive tendencies, responsible for the setback Nigeria is witnessing in all aspects of human development. He therefore, urged the electorate to vote AP for change and development saying credibility of the candidate would bring the desire dividends of democracy to the state. According to him, “godfatherism is responsible for the problems we are facing in the society. They don’t allow the people to vote for the candidates of their choice. Rather, they impose their loyalists as candidates, whom they later use as conduit pipe to siphon public funds. People should not allow this to continue. Also, tribe and religion should not be our yardstick for voting a particular candidate. ” Other candidates who also emerged through consensus were Alhaji Sabo Waziri for Gombe North Senatorial seat and Mohammed Gidado for Dukku/Nafada federal constituency. Two candidates were also picked for the Gombe state House of Assembly; Sani Musa for Dukku North constituency and Malami Hashidu for Dukku South constituency. In his acceptance speech, the gubernatorial candidate, Abubakar Ibrahim, thanked the members of Accord party in the state for choosing him as their gubernatorial candidate. He made case for his fellow pensioners in the state saying,“Pensioners have been ` -j ][^_{_ kx­_{£xj _`«j[\][^_ their useful years serving the state. They deserve the best treatment from government. Therefore, I will make the plight of the pensioners my priority if elected because, I am one of them. Also, I will empower our youths, to make them more useful to the society instead of allowing politicians to use them as thugs.”



Thursday, December 11, 2014


NPC vows to arrest population hazard MOHAMMED SULEIMAN, Dutse


s current statistics has revealed that only 61 per cent of the country’s population have access to suitable port-

able water and sanitation, the National Population Commission (NPC) has vowed to update its data demography. Also indicate willingness in assisting to help sensitize policy makers on challenges

ahead in the bid to improve living standard and healthy well being of the country. Launching the programme of “Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS) Programme, the Jigawa Commissioner,

National Population Commission, Alh.Mohammed Aliyu said the Commission has jj[_ [ j j[x][^_][_]x`_j-k x`_ to provide reliable, accurate and up-to-date data for the country.

Seven guber aspirants reject primary election outcome in Kebbi AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


coalition of seven gubernatorial aspirants in Kebbi State have petitioned the National Headquarters of the PDP, disassociating themselves from the last Monday primary election held in Birnin-Kebbi, the Kebbi State capital. In a two page communique

signed by the State Deputy Governor, Ibrahim K Aliyu and six others, issued and made available to Newsmen yesterday they condemned the process of the conduct and called for a re conduct immediately. They argued that there was no screening and accreditation before the commencement of the primary election as required in the PDP guide-

lines, contrary to early agreement with electoral committee. Delegates register provided by National Headquarters in Abuja is not in tandem with the delegate register used for the conduct of the election. Voters were intimidated and coerced into voting for a particular candidate anointed by the government, while a parallel congress was con-

ducted at the race course with k[ _ k[j_ {`«] {[x_ ][_ {Dj[\ance. The aspirants also noted with dismay that the primary j j x]k[_ qz] z_ q{`_ {Dj[\j\_ by the State Governor, Minister of Special duties, the Elecxk { _ k ]Djj_ z{] {[­_ Celestine Omehia was marred with substantial irregularities leading to the cancellation of the election.

Newly appointed supervisory councillors being sworn in at Faskari Local Government of Katsina State.

Being the fourth launched in the country is aimed at collecting, collating, and analyzing demographic data. Represented the Commission National Chairman, Chief Eze Duruiheoma, Aliyu highlighted on the program. The Demographic and Health Survey as he pointed out was a programmed design to collect, analyze and disseminated accurate and representative data through more than 300 surveys in over 90 countries, Nigeria inclusive. The NPC conducted the NDHS in 1999, 2003, and 2008. According to the NPC boss, { _ xzj_ j`k j`_ {[\_ j-k x`_ invested into the exercise will not be worthwhile until policy makers utilize the data for planning, implementation and monitoring of intervention programs. He called on stakeholders in the Health and social sectors to avail themselves of the rare ][`]^zx`_k-j j\_ _xzj_ _ in the bid to improve the living conditions of Nigerians. Earlier the Jigawa state Commissioner of Information, Hon. Babandi Ibrahim assured Government continued support on NPC laudable programs for its success. Speaking through his representative, who is also the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Hajia Furaira Tukur further commended NPC in coming up with this noble cause. She assured that government will support NPC in coming up with reliable and factual data required un-behalf of the people of Jigawa state.

Shekarau’s god -son,Takai, emerges Kano PDP guber flag bearer amid protests TED ODOGWU, Kano


lhaji Salihu Sagir Takai, godson to Minister of Education, Malam Ibrahim Shekarau at the early hours of Tuesday emerged the Kano People’s Democratic Party’s Á¾¹½_ kmj [k `z]«__±{^_ j{ er, as he garnered 1,226 votes xk_±kk _z]`_ k`j`x_ ]m{ ­_ {_ Risqua Murtala Mohammed, the only surviving son of the late Head of State, General Murtala Ramat Mohammed, who polled a scanty 144 votes to clinch the second position. Prominent among big wigs, who contested the governorship primaries on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), include, the Secretary of the recently concluded National conference, Dr Akilu Sani Indabawa, son of General Sani Abacha, also a former Head of State, Mohammed Sani Abacha, Alhaji Abba Risqua Murtala Mohammed, Engineer Bello Sani Gwarzo and last but not the least, Engineer Mohammed. The keenly contested pri-

maries, which lasted throughout Monday night was concluded at the early hours of Tuesday, which involved horse trading, realignment, as well as striking compromise and accord, all aimed at out-

q]D][^_k[j_{[kxzj However, at the close of the day, Takai, emerged victorious, with a moon slide victory, as he ^{ [j j\_¹­ÁÁÒ_mkxj`_xk_±kk _z]`_ closest rival, Abba Risqua Murtala, who trailed behind, with a

disappointing 144 votes, while Engineer Mohammed Sagir and Engineer Gwarzo scored 106 and 26 votes respectively. However, it should be noted that Takai, who is a staunch protégé of the Education Min-

ister, was widely predicted to have an edge over his rivals in m]jq__k£_xzj_kmj j{ ][^_][± ence of the former Kano State governor, Malam Ibrahim Shekarau and within the fold of die hard ANPP supporters.

Motorists lament deplorable condition of Kano-Gworzo-Dayi road TED ODOGWU, Kano


otorists plying Kano-Gworzo-Dayi road have lamented the deplorable condition of the road. Some of the motorists, who regularly ply the route told newsmen in Kano yesterday that the dilapidated condition of the road had escalated the number of accidents, recorded daily on the road. ‘’The road is like a death trap, as hardly a day passes without people being killed, as a result of accident,’’ one of the motorists, Ibrahim Slow lamented. According to them, many commercial drivers had abandoned the road, due to its dilapidated condition, as well as the numerous pot-

holes on the road. Þ³ zj_ «kxzk j`_ \kD][^_ xzj_ road, particularly from Gude village to Gworzo town in Kano state have increased the hardship of motorists plying the road.

They therefore urged the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FRMA) to take urgent measures, so as to limit the rate of accidents on the road. Also, the motorists called

on the Federal Government to fully rehabilitate the KanoGworzo- Dayi road in Katsina state, so as to enhance socio-economic activities of the people residing along the road.

NYLF calls for free and fair primaries in Taraba OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola


he Northern Youth Leaders Forum (NYLF) has called on the national leadership of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to conduct free and fair primaries in Taraba State to avoid situation that will generate into violence. The National Chairman of the association Comrade El ]kx_ Z k_ {\j_ xzj_ { _ j`terday at a press conference held in Yola.

Elliot accused some of the stakeholders of the PDP both in Taraba and Abuja of aim][^_xk_`jx_xzj_`x{xj_k[_Z j_ _ denying Alh. Garba Umar chance to participate in the party primaries because of his j ]^]k `_{: ]{x]k[ He explained that the leaders of PDP in Taraba have divided along religious line {`j\_k[_xzj] _`j Z`z_][xj j`x According to him, Taraba State from inception has been a volatile area witnessing trib-

al and religious crisis ranging from Jukun-Kutep. JukunTiv, Jukun-Fulani, Fulani-Karimjo which wounds are yet to be completely healed. He said that his group strongly frowned at the actions and inaction of the Acting Governor of the state and the PDP stakeholders in the state who went to visit the PDP National Chairman demanding for zoning the Governorship to the southern zone of the state.



Ideye begs West Brom boss for start


est Brom boss, Alan Irvine says record signing Brown Ideye is edging closer to a third Premier j{^Â’j_ `x{ƒx_ {ÂŁxjƒ_ z]D][^_ form lately. The Nigerian international, signed for ÂŁ10million from Dynamo Kiev, scored twice in a behindclosed doors friendly on Tuesday to push his claims for a starting berth in the clash against Aston Villa on Saturday. Ideye has started just twice so far in the league {[\_]`_ÂŒjx_xk_Z[\_xzj_[jx­_ but Irvine is sensing that now could be the time to put some faith in the 26-year-old front man. “He’s actually trained

the best he has trained in the last couple of weeks,â€? Irvine told the Express and Star. “That’s not in terms of his application, which has always been good, but in xjƒ‚`_kÂŁ_z]`_j-jÂ?x]mj[j``„_ “So he’s certainly looking more like what we would hope he would look. He has scored goals in training. “There was a time when he was struggling to do that. And I think he ]`_ÂŁjj‘][^_{_‘kx_‹jDjƒ_{‹kÂ’x_ himself.â€? Irvine also hinted that Brown was a contender to start against Hull City at the KC Stadium last weekend before Victor []Â?zj‹j_q{`_ÂŤ{``j\_Zx„_

Newswatch Times THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014

Emenike donates N8.5m rice to widows


mmanuel Emenike has again displayed his generosity by giving away $50,000 (about 8.5million Naira) worth of rice to widows and orphans in local governments across Imo and Anambra States for Christmas. The former Spartak Moscow striker, who spent close to $60,000 last year while giving out to widows, orphans and the less privileged in the eastern zone of Nigeria, has mandated his family to distribute over 900 bags of rice to some local government areas in Imo and Anambra States as part of his annual charity work. Apart from the donation, a football match

will be played in Anambra State to honour the Super Eagles star. According to a source close to Emenike’s older brother Ebuka, 550 bags of rice have been taken to

Imo State, while Otuocha (in Anambra State) will have 300 bags with other undisclosed items. “This is what Emenike has been doing since he moved to Europe, people

enjoy this period with him; he gives back to the society. He organizes football match for the grassroots players with big prizes involved,� the source disclosed conZƒ‚j\„ “Right now, he’s in Turkey but preparations to distribute the items are ongoing, and on his return he will visit the motherless home and other charity organisations in Lagos and Abuja.� The Fenerbahce of Turkey striker has been consistent in giving out to the less privileged and widows in Eastern Nigeria, distributing bags of rice, exercise books and textile materials as well as cash.

Man City seek work permit for Iheanacho

Adebayor to miss Tottenham’s Besiktas clash


mmanuel Adebayor will miss Thursday’s Europa League tie against Besiktas after Tottenham allowed him to return home to Togo. In a brief statement on their website the club said: ÂŻ j_ Â?{[_ Â?k[Zƒ‚_ xz{x_ ‚manuel Adebayor has been given permission to return home for personal reasons. z]`_]`_{_ÂŤÂƒ]m{xj_‚{Djƒ_{[\_ so we will not be providing any further comment.â€? The Londoners are certain to qualify from Group C along with their Turkish opponents, and avoiding defeat would ensure they Z[]`z_xk„ Adebayor has not

‘{ÂŒj\_ÂŁkƒ_ kDj[z{‚_`][Â?j_ a 2-1 home defeat by Stoke on November 9, having suffered since with back and hamstring complaints as well as a virus. The striker has struggled for form since Mauricio PoÂ?zjD][kÂł`_ {ƒƒ]m{‘_ {x_ z]xj_ Hart Lane, scoring just twice in 12 appearances. While the 30-year-old Togo international misses the trip to Turkey, there could be a return to action for Kyle Walker. The right-back has not featured for Spurs since xzj_ Zƒ`x_ ‘j^_ kÂŁ_ xzj_ ’ƒkÂŤ{_ League last-16 clash with j[ZÂ?{_ k[_ {ƒÂ?z_ šĂ‚_ q]xz_ an abdominal issue.


nglish Premier LeagueChampions, Manchester City have applied for a work permit for Nigeria youngster, Kelechi Iheanacho. Iheanacho has yet to be capped at full international level by Nigeria, but he has been capped by his country at U-17 and U-20 levels and City are most likely to use the special talent argument to get the

k‚j_k:�j_xk_^ƒ{[x_ zj{-

nacho the right to ply his trade in the UK. It was the same argument that helped Chelsea to give Mikel Obi a contract in 2006 even when by then he was not an established Nigeria international. “City have applied for a work permit for Kelechi this week,� one of the player’s representatives informed “We believe he will be granted the chance to

play in England.â€? Iheanacho was the MVP of last year’s FIFA U17 World Cup, which ]^jƒ]{_ qk[_ ][_ Z[j_ `xŒ‘j_ q]xz_ xzj_ ÂŁkƒq{ƒ\_ Z[]`zing also as the second leading scorer of the tournament. Last week, he was called up by Nigeria U-23 team with coach Samson ]{`]{_ {\‚]D][^_ zj_ ]`_ {_ big fan. He equally shone during City’s pre-season

training tour of the United States of America, scoring a couple of goals with class and composure. Iheanacho turned 18 recently and has been training with Major League Soccer (MLS) side Colombus Crew. Earlier this year, City said they may loan out the starlet when he is 18 and can sign a pro deal, but recent reports suggest they may keep him at the D]z{\_ x{\]’‚„

Newswatch Times

Sports/NEWS 63 Friendly matches lined up for F/Eagles Lawal tips Siasia to do well



fter training for about a week, the Flying Eagles who are currently training in Kaduna will have a feel of real match situation as a series of practice games have been lined up for the team. Kaduna based Jamba Academy and Standard _ k£_ { ]{_ { j_ xzj_ Z `x_ two oppositions lined up to face the national U/20 team as from Thursday. The Flying Eagles will face Jamba Academy by 7am on Thursday in Kaduna while the friendly against Standard FC of

Zaria has been scheduled for Saturday morning in Kaduna. The Manu Garba-led side will get more test games next week. It has been agreed by the technical crew of the

team that each half of the friendlies will last for an hour and each half will be « { j\_ _ \]-j j[x_ `jx_ k£_ players as the Flying Eagles continue to scout for fresh talent to boost the squad for next year’s African Youth Championship in Senegal. Training has been rigorous with hundreds of hopefuls trooping into the Ahmadu Bello Stadium on a daily basis. In the meantime, the Flying Eagles will go on Christmas break from December 20 and resume in Kaduna a week later.


ormer Dream Team star, Garba Lawal has backed current Dream Team coach, Samson Siasia as he continues with his screening exercise ahead of February’s 2015 All Africa Games Ä { ]Zj `_{^{][`x_ { k[ The Dream Team 6, as the current crop will be known, have been screening for players in Abuja over the last two weeks in a bid to build a team that will qualify and represent Nigeria at the All Africa Games in 2015 and the Olympic Games in 2016.

And Garba, a member of the victorious Dream Team 1, also believes Siasia must be given a chance to get his team. “He’s the coach and he knows what he wants

but I believe that we must give him a chance to build a team because we don’t know what he will get in the near future. “If he has chosen to do open screening, then he must know what he wants and I’m sure all Nigerians want is to see us have a good team and for that to happen we must give him a chance to do that,” he said. Meanwhile, Siasia has struggled to get a hold of most of the 47 invited overseas based players, as majority of the players in camp are home based.

Germany U-20 starlet rejects Nigeria

FIFA verdict: No victor, no vanquished – Amaju H

k-j[zj] _ \j£j[\er, Kevin Akpoguma, will reject an invitation to play for Nigeria’s youth teams as he is an integral member of Germany’s U-20 squad. Akpoguma, whose mother is German, has been given a chance to display his wares to coach Samson Siasia at the U-23 national team screening exercise. The Nigeria Football Federation are doing the groundwork to convince the defender to turn out for Nigeria instead of Germany, and Germany - based Darlington Omodiagbe, a member of the Technical Study Group, has been pressurizing the player. The retired Nigeria U-23 international, now a youth team coach at SV Wacker Burghausen, did not bring good news in that regard when he contacted on Tuesday afternoon. ‘’I have talked to Kevin Akpoguma, we still have work to do to convince him to play for Nigeria,’’ Omodiagbe said. ‘’It is not going to be


igeria Football Federation (NFF) president, Amaju Pinnick has declared that football was the only winner after FIFA ruled he and z]`_j¡j x]mj_ k ]Djj_ k[x][ j_

][_k: j World football governing body FIFA on Tuesday backed the majority decision of the _Á¾¹Ã_ j xk { _ ««j{ `_ k ]Djj­_qz] z_ upheld in its entirety, the NFF 2014 Elective Congress of 30th September, 2014, at which Pinnick and others were elected into the NFF j¡j x]mj_ k ]Djj_£k _{_£k Ê j{ _xj “There is no victor, no vanquished in this {Dj _ `_]`_k[j_ ]^­_ { mj k `_£{ ] _{[\_ here, football is the winner,” declared Pinnick. Pinnick therefore urged persons who feel aggrieved in any way concerning the recent crises in Nigeria football to bury the hatchet and k][_z{[\`_q]xz_xzj_ _j¡j x]mj_ k ]Djj_ {[\_ {[{^j j[x_][_ j\jZ[][^_£kkx { _ x j_ in Nigeria. “There is so much to do, and only few persons cannot do it. The support, prayers and contribution of everyone in the huge football sector is needed for this administration to be { j_ xk_ £ Z _ ]x`_ ]``]k[_ {[\_ m]`]k[­¿_ zj_ j[joined. “I am pleading that people should forgive xzj_ _ ¡j x]mj_ k ]Djj_ £k _ {[ _ k£_ k _ actions or inactions since coming on board, and let us jointly take Nigeria football to much higher heights.” The NFF boss also expressed appreciation to President GoodluckEbele Jonathan and other xk«_^kmj [ j[x_k: ]{ `_£k _xzj_z ^j_` ««k x_ that the new NFF administration has received `][ j_ k ][^_][xk_k: j_»Á_\{ `_{^k

Slovakia-based duo to honour Siasia call


S Trencin duo, Moses Simon and Kingsley Madu, are honoured to be invited for screening with the Olympic National Team by coach Samson Siasia, and will join the squad any moment from now. Between them, the teenagers have racked up 23 appearances in the Slovakian Super Liga so far this season. But it is ex-Ajax Amsterdam trialist, Moses Simon, dubbed the Nigerian Ronaldo, that has caught the eyes of many, with several clubs in England and Holland believed to be monitoring

his progress. The good news for Siasia is that the Slovakian League is on break for the next two months, meaning he will have a chance

to run the rule over both players in the coming days. ‘’I am not sure when they will be joining; both of them are in Nigeria.

They just returned to the country because of the winter break,’’ a source close to the Nigeria youth internationals said. ‘’They are happy to be recognized by Siasia, and will be joining the camp very soon.’’ Primarily a winger, Moses Simon made the squad list for the 2013 FIFA Under 20 World Cup, but he did not make a single appearance for the Flying Eagles before they exited the tournament. On the other hand, Kinglsey Madu was included in the starting lineup four times.

easy, he plays for Germany’s Under 20 team. I’ll ` ^^j`x_xz{x_qj_k-j _z] _ something bigger. ‘’Everything is possible but it won’t be easy. His father is from Delta State but grew up in Benin City.’’ Though Omodiagbe refused to go straight to the point, it is believed that Akpoguma will only consider an invitation to play for Nigeria’s main squad, the Super Eagles. The ex-Karlsruher SC and FC Bavaria Wörth youth-teamer has clocked up over 40 appearances for Germany’s youth teams since his debut in 2011.

Ajagun extends Panathinaikos contract


]^j ]{_ ]\Zj \j ­_ Abduljaleel Ajagun has extended his contract at Greek club Panathinaikos by a year. Ajagun’s initial contract

was to run out next year, but with this extension he has a deal till the summer of 2016. The former Nigeria U-20 skipper joined Pana in August 2013 after shinning at the FIFA U20 World Cup in Turkey same year. The 21-year-old central ]\Zj \j _z{`_`][ j_j`x{ lished himself at the top Greek side, helping them to feature in the group stage of the UEFA Europa League this season. He is back playing {^{][_ {£xj _ zj_ ` -j j\_ thigh injury that sidelined him recently.

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 1, No. 31

December 11, 2014



2015: Of sycophants and Buhari’s ineligibility


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Deborah Nelson {[]_ ` ] `­_j`«j ]{ _ ` { ] _£ [\{ j[x{ ]`x`_ qzk_ j ]jmj_xz{x_ k _{ j_xzj_Þ ] ³_qzk_q] _` j _ ] « j j[x_ z{ ]{_ {q`_ ][_ ]^j ]{ _ k _ xzj_ `{ j_ j{`k[`_ ] ­_ [k[¢ { `{_ {[]Ö {[ ]_ ]^j ]{[`_ £j{ _ {[\_ \jxj`x_ k _ q]xz_ {_ «{``]k[­_ j`«j ]{ _ [k xzj [_ ][k ]x]j`_qzk_{ j_ j][^_ x zj j\_\{] _ _ {[]_zj \` j[_{[\_ k¸k_ { { _xj k ]`x` k _ qk[_ {_ xkx{ _ k£_ ¹Á­Á¹Ã­¼½Â_ mkxj`_ \ ][^_ xzj_ « j`]\j[x]{ _j j x]k[_][_Á¾¹¹ _ x_k£_xzj`j­_ k _^kx_ ¹¾­¾»¼­Â½Ò_ mkxj`_ à¼Á ½Ú_ k£_ xzj_ mkxj`ᣠk _ { `{_ {[]_ {[\_ {[ ]_ \k ][{xj\_ `x{xj`_ ][_ k xz_ j`x_ jk«k ]x] { _ k[j_ à á_ {[\_ k xz_ {`x_ jk«k ]x] { _ k[j_à á _ k _ k _^jk«k ]x] { _ ¶k[j_ { k[j­_ ­_ k _ `j j\_ ½ÂÚ_ à_ ҭý­Ã»_ mkxj`á_k£_xzj_xkx{ _mkxj`­_à¹Á­Á¹Ã­¼½Â_mkxj`á _

kqjmj ­_ k _ \]\_ [kx_ `j j_ xzj_ {[\{xk _


A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible. – Polybius qz{xjmj _xzj] _ j{\j `_xj _xzj _q]xzk x_ j{`k[][^ _ zj _ k[`]\j _ xzj_ `j_ k£_ m]k j[ j_ xk_ `jD j_ {[ _ \]`« xj_{`_{_[k _{[\_xzj _ { j _x {mj _k x_k£_xzj] _ ] j\]{xj_j[m] k[ j[x` _ zj _ j ]jmj_xz{x_] « j j[x{x]k[_k£_ z{ ]{_ {q`_ q] _ x {[`£k _ ]^j ]{_ ][xk_ {_ «{ {\]`j_ {[\_ xzj _ `x k[^ _ j ]jmj_xz{x_ k _{ j_xzj_k[ _x `xqk xz _ «k ]x] ]{[_ qzk_ q] _ ^ { {[xjj_ z{ ]{_ {q`_ ][_ ]^j ]{ _ zj _ j ]jmj_ xz{x_ { `{_ {[]_ ` ] `_ k[`x]x xj_¼¾Ú_k£_ ]^j ]{[_«k« {x]k[_{[\_ j { `j_ k£_xz]`_ ][\`jx­_xzj _ k[ \j_xz{x_ k _ `x_q][_][_ {[ _j j x]k[_jmj[_]£_[k k\ _mkxj`_£k _ k _][_kxzj _ «{ x`_k£_xzj_ k [x _ [£k x [{xj _ ] ­_ k _{ `k_ j ]jmj_xz{x_ k _{ j_ `k_ «k« { _ xz{x_ [k_ ]^j ]{[_ «k ]x] ]{[_ {[_ \j£j{x_ k _][_{_£ jj_{[\_£{] _j j x]k[­_zj[ j­_ k _«j[ z{[x_ xk_ k[\j [_{[ _j j x]k[_{`_ j][^_ ]^^j\_qzj[jmj _ k _\k_[kx_q][ __ ] ­_xzj_x xz_]`­_ k`x_[k[¢ { `{_ {[]Ö {[ ]__ ]^j ]{[`_\k_[kx_q{[x_ k _{`_xzj] _ j{\j _£k _qz{xjmj _ j{`k[ _

\^][^_£ k _ k _{[xj j\j[x_ ] ­_j j x]k[_]`_k[ _ £ jj­_£{] _{[\_ j\] j_qzj[_ k _q][ _ k _j j ^j\_ {`_{_« j`]\j[x]{ _ {[\]\{xj_][_Á¾¾Â­_Á¾¾»_{[\_Á¾¹¹_ xz k ^z_ k[`j[` `_{ {[^j j[x _ k _q{[x_ ³`_ « j`]\j[x]{ _ {[\]\{xj­_ « j£j { _ k ­_ xk_ j j ^j_ xz k ^z_ k[`j[` ` _ kq­_ { `{_ {[]_ « j`` j_ ^ k «`_ ` z_ {`_ _ {[\_ _ z{mj_ `« [^_ ][xk_ { x]k[_xk_ { `j_ { q{ ­_ x]¸ _{[\_ q{[¸q{`k_ xk_`xj«_\kq[_£k _ k _ `_£k _ { _ \{¢ `{]{z­_`][ j_zj_]`_[kx_{_ { `{_

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