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overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State, yesterday, commissioned 300 Comrade Cabs purchased by the State Government for the use of former Okada riders, to cushion the effects of the ban, in June last year, of the operation of commercial motorcycles, popularly known as Okada, in the state capital. He thereafter drove one of the cabs, round Benin City, the state capital, picking passengers and dropping them at their destinations. Speaking at the commissioning, Oshiomhole said his most difficult decision as Governor was banning the use of commercial motorcycles in the state capital. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I found myself taking a tough decision after repeatedly assuring Okada riders that Okada will not be banned in this state and when I said that, I meant it. Indeed, after my second tenure elections, I renewed that assurance and I know you were really shocked that after reassuring you repeatedly, you woke up one day to hear that the same comrade had decided to prohibit Okada and to give you a very short notice that was less than one week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That was a tough moment for me because I believe that as we say, those of us who are Christians say that there are moments of temptation. There are things in government that you are never able to disclose even as you are committed to accountability and transparency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When it became clear we had overwhelming majority of you honest, hardworking genuine Okada workers, labouring everyday to earn a living, we also found out that some criminals from some other states had infiltrated your ranks and in no time became even more in numbers. It was clear that many of the Okada riders didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know anywhere in Benin City, and clearly they were here for different reasons.â&#x20AC;? He declared, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The challenge for the decision maker is to see how you distinguish the genuine operatives from the criminals. That was a process that was physically impossible. I found myself having to say to you eyeball to eyeball, you no longer can drive commercial bikes in the city of Benin. That was the most difficult decision I have ever had to take since I became the governor of the state.
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Daily Newswatch
World Report THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
Violent protest in Turkey over miners’ murder
violent protest erupted yesterday in the Turkish city of Soma, where at least 238 coal miners have died after a mine explosion. Many in the crowd expressed anger at Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government. Rocks were being thrown and some people were shouting that Erdogan was a “Murderer!” and a “Thief!” [\]^_`j\qj\_q]z{|\}]`-] against riot police, who had gas masks and water cannons, in front of the ruling NKP party headquarters. Earlier in the day, women wailed uncontrollably, men knelt sobbing and others just stared in disbelief outside a coal mine in western Turkey as rescue workers removed a steady stream of bodies
after an underground ex^ `q ` ]{ }] _\ The fate of an estimated 120 miners remained unclear in one of Turkey’s worst mining disasters. Erdogan postponed a foreign trip and visited the mine in Soma, about 250 kilometres (155 miles) south of Istanbul. The deaths were caused by carbon monoxide poiq` ]`J| { q]q{ } Erdogan said the tragedy would be investigated to its “smallest detail” and “no negligence will be ignored.” He discussed rescue operations with authorities, walked near the entrance of the mine and also comforted two crying women. Earlier, Erdogan declared three days of national ` _ ]`_}\_ ]¡{ q] to be lowered to halfqj{- Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said 787 people
were inside the coal mine in Soma at the time of Tuesday’s explosion and 363 of them had been rescued. Scores were injured, Yildiz told reporters in Soma, where he was overseeing operations by more than 400 rescuers. The last worker rescued alive emerged from the mine around dawn, a ` \_ \ j] `J| { ] q{ }] on condition of anonymity because she didn’t have prior authorisation to speak publicly to journalists about the issue. As of 3:30 p.m., it had been about 10 hours since anyone had been brought out alive. “Regarding the rescue operation, I can say that our hopes are diminishRecep Tayyip Erdogan ing,” Yildiz said before mine. Erdogan’s visit. “Our hope is that, God Erdogan said there were an estimated 120 willing, they will be workers still inside the brought out,” he said. “That is what we are wait-
Pakistan police arrest teacher for gang rape
akistani police arrested a teacher at a Quranic school and his two friends on charges of gang raping a college student in the country’s northwest, alleging he \}] j[\] {9{| ] { }] may have blackmailed other victims, authorities said yesterday. The case against Qari Naseer, 27, in the city of Mansehra marks a rare rape arrest in Pakistan, where prosecutions are few and victims are often stigmatised. In this case, however, crowds gathered outside of a court
where Naseer and his friends faced a judge for j[\] _qj]j \] \qj\_}{ The crowd pelted them j[] `9 \q] `z] {| ] ] stones and tomatoes, demanding they be hung in public for the crime, Mansehra’s police chief Khurram Rasheed said. Blackening someone is an insult in Pakistani culture. “I am feeling shame for doing this act,” Naseer told an Associated Press journalist before the hearing. Lawyers for Naseer and the other two men could not be immediately reached for comment. [\] {9{| ] j`` ] ^ {|\]
Police arrest suspects of a gang rape
Monday in Mansehra, home to several religious q|[`` q ] ^` |\] `J|\_] {_] {}` ] q{ } ] {don said Naseer, who had taught the Quran for several years, lured the victim and her friend on the pretext of dropping j[\ ] `-] {j] [` \ ] {seer and his friends then raped the 20-year-old woman in the moving |{_ ] {_}` ]q{ } Rasheed said Naseer told investigators he had installed a hidden camera in his car to record [ q] {9{| q ] [\] ^` |\] chief said investigators were looking into his claims, checking Naseer’s
car and claims he blackmailed other victims. Naseer and the two men can be held for another four days as police investigate after Wednesday’s hearing. The case against Naseer is unusual as rape cases are rarely prosecuted in Pakistan, especially when they involve religious leaders or those who teach the Quran in the Muslim nation. In March, a ` { ] q\j] [\_q\ z] ` ] _\] outside of a police station in Pakistan after reporting that men tried to rape her and authorities said there wasn’t enough evidence to make arrests.
ing for.” Tensions were high as hundreds of relatives and miners stood outside the mine. The crowd shouted at of | { q ] | } ] [\ ] Yildiz passed by, and some wailed each time a body was brought up. A heavy police presence was in place around the mine. The explosion tore through the mine as
workers were preparing z`_]{]q[ zj]|[{ \ ]`J| { q] said, which likely raised the casualty toll because there were more miners inside than usual. Mining accidents are common in Turkey, which is plagued by poor safety conditions. Turkey’s worst mining disaster was a 1992 gas explosion that killed 263 workers near the Black Sea port of Zonguldak.
Factories set ablaze in anti-China protest in Vietnam
obs burned and looted scores of foreignowned factories in Vietnam following a large protest by workers against China’s recent placement of an oil rig in disputed ` j[\{qj] q { ] {j\_q ]`J| { q]q{ }] \qj\_-
day. The unrest at industrial parks near Ho Chi Minh City is the most serious outbreak of public disorder in the tightly controlled country in years. It points to the dangers for the government as it tries to manage public anger at China while also itself protesting the Chinese actions in an area of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam. Vietnam has sent ships to confront the rig which are en { \}] ]{]j\ q\]qj{ }`-] j[] [ \q\] \qq\ q]^_`j\|j ] j The rioting Tuesday into Wednesday in Binh Duong province followed protests by up to 20,000 workers at the indusj_ { ]^{_ q ] { \_] _` ^q]`z] \ ]{9{| \}]z{|j`_ \q]j[\ ] \lieved were Chinese-run, but many were Taiwanese or South Korean, the provincial government said in a statement. On Wednesday morning, groups of men on motorbikes remained on the streets and factories in the area were closed, said a park manager who declined to give his name because of the sensitivity of the situation. Riot police were stationed around the area but men were still seen carrying looted goods, said a security guard, who also declined to be identi \} _\ [j\_q] {9 \}]j`]\ j q[]{] _\]{j] { ] [{ ] } qtries, a Taiwanese bicycle factory, where walls were toppled in the riots. Smoke poured out of blackened windows at oth\_]z{|j`_ \q ]{q]^\`^ \] { \}] \j { \q\]¡{ q] [ \]_ } ] motorcycles through the streets.
Daily Newswatch
African Report THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
Tanzanian witch-doctors arrested over albino killing K
Kenyan police ban buses with tinted windows enyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s police chief David Kimaiyo has ordered the seizure of commuter buses with tinted windows. The move was intend\}] j`] ^_\Â?\Â&#x2021;j] {9{|Â&#x2020;q] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] militant Islamists from neighbouring Somalia, he said. Police believe it will be easier to spot militants in vehicles with untinted windows, says the BBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Robert Kiptoo in the capital, Nairobi. Explosions on two bus\q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]|Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}]j[_\\] people and wounded more than 80 earlier this month. The government believes the al-QaedaÂ&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2020;\}] {Â&#x201E;ÂŽ [{Â&#x2018;{Â&#x2018;] Â&#x153;_`Â&#x2022;^] Â?{q]Â&#x2018;\[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}]j[\]{9{|Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x152;] Our correspondent says previous appeals by the authorities that coaches and minibus j{Â Â&#x160;q]ÂŽ]Â&#x2020;Â&#x2021;`Â?Â&#x2021;]{q]Â&#x2026;{j{jÂ&#x2022;q] - should not have tinted windows were ignored.
wo witch-doctors in Tanzania have been arrested after a woman with {Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;qÂ&#x2026;] Â?{q] [{|Â&#x2020;\}] j`] death, police say. One of her legs and q\Â?\_{Â&#x201E;] Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;\_q] Â?\_\] _\Â&#x2026;`Â?\}] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[\] {9{|Â&#x2020;] `Â&#x2021;] Tuesday. Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;`q] [{Â?\] qÂ&#x2022;-\_\}] widespread persecution in Tanzania, where witch-doctors say magic potions made with albino body parts can bring Â&#x153;``}]Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;|Â&#x2020;Â&#x152; Â&#x2022;|[] Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;q] [{Â?\] }\clined in recent years, Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j] j[Â&#x160;q] Â&#x201E;{j\qj] {9{|Â&#x2020;] has prompted a human rights group to call for all witch-doctors to be banned. At a press conference yesterday, the group, Under The Same Sun said the current regulation of witch-doctors Â?{q]|Â&#x201E;\{_Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2021;`j]Â?`_Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x152; The BBCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Leonard Mubali in Dar es Salaam says that currently all witch-doctors have j`] {^^Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] z`_] {] |\_jÂ&#x160;Â&#x192;cate from the ministry of health and welfare to
Albinos are targets for ritual killings in Tanzania
practise. [\] {9{|Â&#x2020;] `||Â&#x2022;__\}] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] the village of Gasuma, in Simiyu province - a remote rural area in the north-west of the country where there have
Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;] Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;q] `z] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;`q] before, our reporter says. The womanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left leg, jÂ?`]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;\_q]z_`Â&#x2026;][\_]Â&#x201E;\zj] hand and a nail from one of her thumbs were removed.
According to Under the Same Sun, which campaigns against the discrimination of people living with albinism, the Â&#x201E;{qj] Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] `z] {Â&#x2021;] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;`] in Tanzania was in Feb-
ruary 2013. In recent years, the government has been trying to address the problem, and an albino MP was appointed several years ago.
Kenya court orders arrest of ICC-wanted Barasa
e n y a â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s high court has ordered the arrest of journalist Walter Barasa. It follows a request by Kenyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s director of
public prosecution for his extradition to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The ICC requested Mr Barasaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; arrest last year. He denies witness interference in
the ICC trial of Deputy President William Ruto. Mr Ruto denies charges of organising ethnic violence after Kenyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s disputed 2007 election. In court papers
made public last October, ICC prosecutors said Mr Barasa had offered bribes amounting to $16,200 (ÂŁ10,000). Correspondents say that he may soon be j{Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j`]|Â&#x2022;qj`}Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;
French journalist Camille Lepage killed in CAR
rench photojournalist Camille Lepage has been Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}] Â?[Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;\] Â?`_Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] If found guilty he the Central African Republic, could face up to five presidential officials in Paris years in jail. say. Some 1,200 peoThe body of Ms Lepage, ple died and 600,000 26, was found when a French were forced from patrol stopped a car driven by their homes follow- [_Â&#x160;qjÂ&#x160;{Â&#x2021;]{Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;ÂŽÂ&#x2018;{Â&#x201E;{Â&#x2020;{]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;{]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] ing the presidential the Bouar region, a statement election on 27 De- said. She had reportedly been cember 2007. Kenyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President travelling near the CAR border with Cameroon when she beUhuru Kenyatta is came caught up in fighting. also due to stand tri {Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\] \^{Â&#x153;\Âąq] Â?`_Â&#x2020;] [{q] al on similar charges been widely published, includ- he too denies the al- ing by the BBC. legations. [\][{}]{Â&#x201E;q`]Â?`_Â&#x2020;\}]z`_]q\Â?Mr Kenyatta and Mr eral non-governmental organiRuto were on oppo- sations including Amnesty Insite sides in the 2007 ternational and Medecins sans election, but formed Frontieres, her website said. q] \^{Â&#x153;\][{}]Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;]Â?`_Â&#x2020;an alliance to win power in elections a ing in CAR for several months, having moved to South Sudan year ago. in July 2012. They told Kenyans
\_] Â&#x201E;{qj] jÂ?\\jÂ&#x2019;] {] Â?\\Â&#x2020;] {Â&#x153;`Â&#x2019;] that they had resolved said she was travelling with j[\Â&#x160;_] }Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;|\qÂ&#x2019;] {Â&#x2021;}] j[\] {Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;ÂŽÂ&#x2018;{Â&#x201E;{Â&#x2020;{] Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;{] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x2026;`accused the ICC was j`_Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x2020;\]j`]{Â&#x2021;]{_\{]³´¾Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;]z_`Â&#x2026;] meddling in the coun- Berberati, where 150 people j_Â&#x2039;Âąq] {-{Â&#x160;_q] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] ^_\qq- [{}]Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] \Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2020;{]_\Â&#x2018;\Â&#x201E;q] ing ahead with their since March. She said another six people trials. Correspondents say [{}]Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}]jÂ?`]}{Â&#x2039;q]\{_that the withdrawal of lier. â&#x20AC;&#x153;All means necessary will be Â?Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2021;\qq\q][{q]{-\|j\}] used to shed light on the cirseveral ICC cases re- cumstances of this murder and lated to the Kenya poll j`]zÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;}][\_]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\_qÂ&#x2019;Âś]j[\] _\Â&#x2021;|[] violence. presidency said in its statement.
Daily Newswatch
EDITORIAL Thursday, May 15, 2014
Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com
-Tradition built on truth
Published by Newswatch Newspapers Ltd. BARRISTER JIMOH IBRAHIM, OFR - PUBLISHER
OUR VISION To support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest for justice through intellectual approach
OUR MISSION To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence
!"# $ % & '" & # editorial@mydailynewswatchng.com and addressed to the Editor, Daily Newswatch, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
Awaiting NASS, FG report on kerosene subsidy
espite subterfuge of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to justify the huge swindle on kerosene subsidy, it is instructive that the Senate and the House of Representatives [{Â?\]|`Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;\}] Âąq]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;] of deliberately refusing to remit oil revenues to the Federation Account as mandated by the Constitution. However, there appears to be subterranean moves to cover up, while scarce kerosene still sells far above `J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;]^_Â&#x160;|\Â&#x152;]] The tragic aspect of this massive oil revenue and subsidy swindle is that the NNPC is trying to downplay the lack of transparency and accountability Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;jq]}\{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2019;]{]}\Â&#x192;|Â&#x160;j]`z]Â?[Â&#x160;|[] requires forensic auditing of its accounts by the seemingly tongue-tied Auditor General of the Federation Mr. Samuel Ukura. The apparent failure of Ukura to perform his constitutional role of yearly auditing and demanding audit reports of federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA) is perhaps why the Senate has illegally
{qqÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2026;\}]j[\] Â&#x2022;}Â&#x160;j`_] \Â&#x2021;\_{Â&#x201E;Âąq] function. The Constitution is very clear that the Auditor General either audits the MDAs or appoints independent auditors. Auditing of accounts of MDAs is the job of the Executive arm of government while the Legislature has powers to carry out oversight functions in verifying that appropriated funds were used for purposes intended. Therefore, the February 17 declaration by the Vice Chairman \Â&#x2021;{j\] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\]`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2021;|\] \Â&#x2021;{j`_] [Â&#x2026;\}] {Â&#x2020;{_Â&#x192;]}Â&#x160;_\|jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy Dr. Ngozi OkonjoIweala to hand over the forensic investigation of NNPC to the Senate is suspicious. OkonjoIweala had February 14 alerted j[{j] {_Â&#x2020;{_Â&#x192;][{}]Â?_Â&#x160;9\Â&#x2021;][\_] j`][{Â&#x2021;}q]`-]j[\]z`_\Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x160;|]{Â&#x2022;}Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2019;] thereby temporarily aborting j[\]\-`_jq]`z]j[\]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2021;|\] ministry to get to the roots of this monumental fraud. The Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2021;|\]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;qj_Â&#x2039;]Â?{q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\] process of contracting reputable independent auditors to audit the books of NNPC and other
Letters to the Editor Lagos FMW pedestrian bridge hassles
he Federal Ministry of `_Â&#x2020;q]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;}]{]Â&#x2026;`_\] convenient way of mounting the pedestrian bridges it is constructing on the Mangoro-Toll Gate expressway on the LagosAbeokuta expressway. Motorists and commuters spent four hours, Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qj\{}]`z]ž¾]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;j\qÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j_{J|] gridlock April 22 from Toll Gate to Ijaiye where the pedestrian bridge Â?{q]Â&#x2018;\Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j\}]{Â&#x2021;}]j_{J|] restricted and blocked. One would have thought that such mounting should have been done between Friday and Monday period of Easter and the weekend instead of Tuesday when full scale business resumed in Lagos. I appreciate the FMW responding to my serial calls in Newswatch Daily for the construction of the pedestrian bridges in the area and give thanks to the Newswatch for
repeatedly publishing repeat of my Â&#x201E;\9\_]j`]j[\]\}Â&#x160;j`_Â&#x152;]] j]q[`Â?q]j[{j] the FMW is responsive to public outcry over the safety of pedestrians |_`qqÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]j[\]\Â ^_\qqÂ?{Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;] [{jÂąq] kudos to Works Minister Mike Onolememe. However, the construction of the pedestrian bridges has taken about 18 months and should have been completed and mounted before the rains commenced. Therefore, there is urgent need for the FMW to speed Â&#x2022;^]Â?`_Â&#x2020;]q`]j[{j]j[\]j_{J|]Â&#x153;_Â&#x160;}Â&#x201E;`|Â&#x2020;] of Tuesday should not be repeated. Contractors could work at night with security agents on standby. Work should be speeded up on other bridges that appear to have been abandoned for some time now. Sonde Abuya, Iyesi Ota, Ogun state.
oil agencies of government in order to resolve the controversy behind the $10.8 billion to $20 Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;\}]Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2021;]_\Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9{Â&#x2021;|\Â&#x152;] The suspended Governor Central Bank of Nigeria Lamido Sanusi had alerted that the NNPC was short changing the Federation Account by withholding illegally monies which NNPC claimed was used to pay doubtful subsidies on kerosene when the Presidency had during the tenure of the late President Umaru {_Âą }Â&#x2022;{]|{Â&#x2021;|\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}]qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x160;}Â&#x160;\q] on kerosene as it never relieved Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j\Â&#x2021;}\}]Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x192;|Â&#x160;{_Â&#x160;\qÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j]qj`Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2021;] by a few marketers and their collaborators in the oil industry. Okonjo-Iweala had a few weeks ago Senate pointedly disputed NNPC claims that $10.8 billion oil revenues meant for the Federation Account for sharing to the three tiers of government: federal, 36 states and 774 local governments were used for cloudy subsidy on kerosene and repair of ^Â&#x160;^\Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2019;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x160;qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]`Â&#x2021;]Â?\_Â&#x160;Â&#x192;{Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;\] documentation, which the NNPC has been unable to present.
The National Assembly should concentrate on resolving the posers. Why is diesel in an `J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]}\_\Â&#x153;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;{j\}]Â&#x2026;{_Â&#x2020;\j] sell for N150-N160 per litre while kerosene in a regulated market allegedly subsidized by Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]q\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]}Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;j] parts for N140-N220? Why has the NNPC been unable to get the z`Â&#x2022;_]}`Â&#x2026;\qjÂ&#x160;|]_\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;\_Â&#x160;\q]j`]Â?`_Â&#x2020;] optimally to produce kerosene, Â?[`]{_\]j[\]Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x192;|Â&#x160;{_Â&#x160;\q]`z]j[\] kerosene fraud, why is the Senate qÂ&#x160;9Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]`Â&#x2021;]j[\] \j_`Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2022;Â&#x2026;] Â&#x2021;}Â&#x2022;qj_Â&#x2039;] Bill that should have foisted a regime of accountability and transparency? Did President Jonathan and National Assembly approve the paid kerosene subsidies? \Â&#x153;_\9{Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;]j[\] \Â&#x2021;{j\Â&#x2019;] unlike the House of Reps, is yet to make public the outcome of its investigations into the petrol subsidy brouhaha which provoked massive nationwide protests in January 2012. In addition, President Goodluck Jonathan should explain why the Presidency has failed to act on
the reports of the many panels it set up on NNPC, and theft of crude oil, revenues and fuel subsidies. This is in addition to the several ignored reports of the Nigerian Extractive Industry Transparency initiative (NEITI); a consideration of which could have helped to check the swindle `z]Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2021;]_\Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9{Â&#x2021;|\Â&#x2019;]{Â&#x2021;}]Â&#x201E;{|Â&#x2020;]`z] transparency and accountability. NNPC mega stations have no kerosene to sell now. Today, NNPC denies collecting N25 bribe on each litre of kerosene it sells to marketers at N40.90 per litre, and rather blames the inability to q\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]{j]`J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;] ½¾]`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2026;{_Â&#x2020;\j\_q] selling kerosene as more expensive aviation fuel, usage of kerosene for road construction, amongst other cheeky excuses. [Â&#x160;q]Â&#x153;_{Â?\]{||`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j{Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]}\Â&#x192;|Â&#x160;j] cannot be swept under the carpet of politics. President Jonathan should order the Economic, Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2021;|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;] _Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;\q] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;qqÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] (EFCC), ICPC and the Police to go after these corporate rogue criminals.
Daily Newswatch
View Point Thursday, May 15., 2014
Confab: On the so-called Yoruba agenda
Â&#x2039;]{9\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;][{q]Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;] drawn to an orchestrated campaign calumny in some national dailies and social network on my Â?Â&#x160;\Â?]`Â&#x2021;]Â?[{j]Â?{q]_\z\__\}]j`]{q] `_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{] Agenda. Â&#x2021;]j[\]q{Â&#x160;}]Â&#x2026;\}Â&#x160;{]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j\_Â?Â&#x160;\Â?] ]qj{j\}] categorically that I am not at the `Â&#x2021;z{Â&#x2018;]z`_] `_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{] Â&#x153;\Â&#x2021;}{]Â&#x2021;\Â&#x160;j[\_] {Â&#x2026;] ]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]qÂ&#x2022;^^`_j]`z]j[\]_\Â?\_qÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]j`] _\Â&#x153;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;]qÂ&#x2039;qj\Â&#x2026;]`z]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2022;j] some misguided elements are at work jÂ?Â&#x160;qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;]Â?Â&#x160;\Â?q]j`]Â&#x2026;\{Â&#x2021;]j[{j] ]{Â&#x2026;]`Â&#x2022;j] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â?\_qÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]`z] `_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j\_\qj]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\] ^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152;] {_]z_`Â&#x2026;]Â&#x160;jĂ Â&#x152;`z]Â?[{j]Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x192;j]Â&#x160;q] an agenda without fall back option(s). How are we sure the same set of people trumping ethnic card are not doing so to feather their nest? In Yoruba word â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ă&#x2013;ro Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;]`]q`]{_{]_\]Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;{]j`]Â&#x2018;{Â&#x2039;{Âś]Ă&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;j\_{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] means that word itself would speak when the time comes). `_]j[\]{Â?`Â&#x160;}{Â&#x2021;|\]`z]}`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;jÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x201E;\j]Â&#x2026;\] reiterate my points and clear any further ambiguity. I am at the National `Â&#x2021;z\_\Â&#x2021;|\]`Â&#x2021;]j[\]^Â&#x201E;{jz`_Â&#x2026;]`z]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2021;ÂŽ Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Â&#x2021;`j]{q]{]_\^_\q\Â&#x2021;j{jÂ&#x160;Â?\]`z]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;] `_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{] ethnic group. Therefore, I should be seen pushing for pan-Nigeria position. Does that make me less a Yoruba man? ]}Â&#x160;-\_\}]`Â&#x2021;]j[\]_\qj_Â&#x2022;|jÂ&#x2022;_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]`z] j[\]^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]{Â&#x2021;}]{Â?\__\}]j[{j]Â&#x160;j]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj]Â&#x153;`] beyond cosmetics and sloganeering. Nigeria has to go the whole hog to enthrone a confederal system: a loose z\}\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]Â?[\_\]j[\]Ă&#x192;`Â&#x2021;\q][{Â?\]q`Â&#x2026;\] Â&#x2026;\{qÂ&#x2022;_\q]`z]{Â&#x2022;j`Â&#x2021;`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;]j`]}_Â&#x160;Â?\]j[\Â&#x160;_] `Â?Â&#x2021;]}\Â?\Â&#x201E;`^Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152;] j]Â&#x160;q]{]qj{j\Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]`z] fact that Nigeria has not been running a z\}\_{Â&#x201E;]qÂ&#x2039;qj\Â&#x2026;]`z]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]qÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;|\]j[\] encroachment of the military into politics in 1966, with the military establishment of a command structure of a unitary
Lanre Ogundipe
qÂ&#x2039;qj\Â&#x2026;]`z]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]Â?[Â&#x160;|[]Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2026;{j\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] took away power from the people. What the country has been since then Â&#x160;q]Â&#x2021;`j]\Â?\Â&#x2021;]z\}\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;]] j]Â&#x160;q]q`Â&#x2026;\]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}] `z]Â&#x2018;{|Â&#x2020;Â?{_}Â&#x2019;]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ÂŽ}\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;\}]z\}\_{Â&#x201E;]qÂ&#x2039;qj\Â&#x2026;] `z]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152;] j]Â&#x160;q]}`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;jzÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;]j[\_\z`_\] to say true federalism is feasible now; I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know whether the circumstances and the make-up of Nigeria are suitable
are largely dependent on the central Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152;] `Â?\Â?\_Â&#x2019;]j[\]^_\q\Â&#x2021;j] qÂ&#x160;Â ]Â&#x153;\`ÂŽ^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;|{Â&#x201E;]Ă&#x192;`Â&#x2021;\q]q\\Â&#x2026;]j`][{Â?\] addressed most of the problems of Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;\q]{q]Â&#x160;j]{-\|jq]j[\]Â?{_Â&#x160;`Â&#x2022;q]\j[Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;|] nationalities. There is an inherent problem with these geo-political zones as some of the groups are dispersed across zonal boundaries, thus making them minorities in the other zone.
Nigeria has not been running a federal system of government since the encroachment of the military into politics in 1966, with the military establishment of a command structure of a unitary system of government which ultimately took away power from the people for federation. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think so. I will go zÂ&#x2022;_j[\_]j[{Â&#x2021;]ÂżÂ&#x2022;qj]_\qj_Â&#x2022;|jÂ&#x2022;_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x152; For example, the present 36 states structure has an in built mechanism for j[\]Â?`_qj]Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}]`z]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;\q]j[{j]{-\|j] j[\]Â?{_Â&#x160;`Â&#x2022;q]Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;\q]j[{j]Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\]Â&#x2022;^] Nigeria. The 1963 constitution, which Â?{q]z\}\_{Â&#x201E;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x2022;_\Â&#x2019;]Â?{q]qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â?\_j\}]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] j[\]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;j{_Â&#x2039;]{Â&#x2021;}]j[\]Â&#x2026;`jÂ&#x160;Â?\]Â&#x2018;\[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}]j[\] qj{j\]qj_Â&#x2022;|jÂ&#x2022;_\]Â?{q]Â&#x201E;{_Â&#x153;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]|`Â&#x2021;|\Â&#x160;Â?\}Â&#x152;] `}{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2026;`qj]`z]j[\]qj{j\q][{Â?\]Â&#x2021;`] economic or industrial potential and
Â&#x160;j[]j[Â&#x160;q] ]Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x153;`]z`_]_\|`Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x153;Â&#x2022;_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] `z]j[Â&#x160;q]|`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j_Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;] [Â&#x2039;]{_\]Â?\]}\|\Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] `Â&#x2022;_q\Â&#x201E;Â?\q]j`]q{Â&#x2039;]j[{j]Â?\]|{Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2018;\]`Â&#x2021;\] inseparable nation? While one is not {}Â?`|{jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]q\|\qqÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2019;]j[\]^\`^Â&#x201E;\]`Â&#x2022;j] j[\_\Â&#x2019;]j[\]Â&#x2026;{Âż`_Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]`z]j[\]^\`^Â&#x201E;\]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] }Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;j]Ă&#x192;`Â&#x2021;\q]Â?`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}]Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2020;\]j`]_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;]j[\Â&#x160;_] {-{Â&#x160;_q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\Â&#x160;_]`Â?Â&#x2021;]Â?{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]j[\Â&#x160;_]\j[`qÂ&#x2019;] by their own practices. They do not `Â&#x2018;Âż\|j]j`][{Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]j[\]q{Â&#x2026;\]Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]ÂżÂ&#x2022;qj] for the sake of belonging to a country but in terms of doing things together. I
know that the people of Nigeria would desire to do things their own way. In other words, they would prefer a loose federation. Truly a loose federation will be most suitable in our situation. We can also increase the number of zones for instance, it is now six. We can increase to accommodate other ethnic Â&#x153;_`Â&#x2022;^q]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j]}\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;j\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]j[Â&#x160;q]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj]Â&#x2021;`j]Â&#x2018;\] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]\ |\qqÂ&#x152;] \][{Â?\]|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;qj\_q]`z]\j[Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;|] nationalities for the zones, which can Â&#x201E;{j\_]{9{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;jq]z_\\}`Â&#x2026;]j`]Â&#x153;`]j[\Â&#x160;_]Â?{Â&#x2039;qÂ&#x152;]]] Free them and wish that we would Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\]j[\]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x153;\Â&#x2021;\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]{9{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\Â&#x160;_] ^`j\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;{Â&#x201E;qÂśÂ&#x2019; It is therefore worthy of note that the Â&#x2018;{qÂ&#x160;|]}Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;|\]Â&#x2018;\jÂ?\\Â&#x2021;]{]|`Â&#x2021;z\}\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] and federation is that with confederation, j[\]|\Â&#x2021;j_{Â&#x201E;]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]Â&#x160;q]Â?\_Â&#x2039;]Â?\{Â&#x2020;] {Â&#x2021;}]j[\]qj{j\q]|`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}]^`qqÂ&#x160;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;][{Â?\]{Â&#x2021;] option to quit the alliance. With regard to the federal structure, the Igbo need autonomy such as was guaranteed under the 1963 constitution. [\]qÂ&#x2022;||\qqÂ&#x160;Â?\]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;j{_Â&#x2039;]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jq] [{Â?\]|`Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;`Â&#x2022;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]{Â&#x2021;}]z_{Â&#x2022;}Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] claimed to operate a federal system of `Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152;] [{j]j[\] Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2019;] `_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{Â&#x2019;]j[\] South-south and Middle- Belt want, is a true federation; the kind that operates in the United States. More so since the Ă&#x201E; \}\_{Â&#x201E;Âś] `Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]|Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;q]Â&#x160;j]Â&#x160;q] z\}\_{Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;]j{Â&#x2020;\]Â&#x160;q]j[{j] `Â&#x2021;z\}\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] which in reality is true federalism as ^_{|jÂ&#x160;|\}]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\] ]Â?`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}]qÂ&#x2022;J|\Â&#x152;] [\_\z`_\Â&#x2019;]Â?\]Â&#x2021;\\}]j`]Â&#x2026;`Â?\}]{Â?{Â&#x2039;] from the term â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;federalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; since the military establishment uses the term â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;federalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to |`Â?\_]Â&#x2022;^]Â&#x160;jq]Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;q|[Â&#x160;\zÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Lanre OGUNDIPE is former NUJ National President And an NUJ Delegate to the National Conference Wrote via ogundipe4@gmail.com
Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Haram: Posers for IGP Abubakar
he Zamfara State-born police chief enlisted into the Nigeria Police Force in 1979 and today heads the Nigerian Police Force at the most critical time since the return to democracy in 1999. Many questioned the rationale behind the decision of President Jonathan to appoint j[Â&#x160;q]`J|\_]j`]j[\][Â&#x160;Â&#x153;[\qj]^`qÂ&#x160;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â?\Â&#x2021;][Â&#x160;q] antecedents as a top cop. The Justice Niki Tobi panel constituted Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] \^j\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_]´¾¾³]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]z`_Â&#x2026;\_] `Â?\_Â&#x2021;`_] Joshua Dariye on the Jos crisis had recommended the retirement of MD Abubakar from the Police force. In a White Paper released in Jos, the panel suggested that Abubakar should be dismissed if he refuses to retire. The panel said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Religious fanatics should not be posted to head state police commands. The commission recommends that for his ignoble role during the September 2001 crisis which resulted in j[\]Â&#x201E;`qq]`z]Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â?\qÂ&#x2019;]j[\]z`_Â&#x2026;\_] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;qqÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;\_] `z] `Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;|\Â&#x2019;] Â&#x201E;{j\{Â&#x2022;] j{j\] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2021;}Â&#x2019;] Â&#x201E;[{ÂżÂ&#x160;] Â&#x152; Â&#x152;] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;{Â&#x2020;{_Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2018;\]{}Â?Â&#x160;q\}]j`]_\jÂ&#x160;_\]z_`Â&#x2026;] j[\] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{] `Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;|\] `_|\]{Â&#x2021;}]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]\Â?\Â&#x2021;j]`z] his refusal to do so, he should be dismissed z_`Â&#x2026;]j[\]q\_Â?Â&#x160;|\Â&#x152;Âś Abubakar from Zamfara State who was indicted twice between 2004 and 2006 Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]{] `q]|_Â&#x160;q\q] {Â&#x2021;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x160;q]{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;\}]j`][{Â?\] sponsored some Islamist Militant Group Â?[\Â&#x2021;][\]Â?{q] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;qqÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;\_]`z] `Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;|\]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]
Jason Adebayo Smith
Bauchi and Plateau States. Â&#x160;Â?\Â&#x2021;]j[\]_\|`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;}{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q]`z]j[\] Justice Niki Tobi panel, one wonders if President Jonathan spent time to study the _\|`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;}{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q]`z]j[Â&#x160;q]ÂżÂ&#x2022;}Â&#x160;|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;]^{Â&#x2021;\Â&#x201E;] before appointing Abubakar as the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top cop. Upon Abubakarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appointment, he assured the nation that he would confront the Boko Haram head on and end the menace. It did appear things were about to turn around until the unfortunate an untimely death of the DIG Operations, DIG John Haruna in a helicopter crash. As usual no one asked questions but was it really an {||Â&#x160;}\Â&#x2021;j]`_]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;_}\_Ă&#x20AC;] {q]Â&#x160;j]{Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x160;}\]Âż`Â&#x2018;Ă&#x20AC;
Abubakar from Zamfara State who was indicted twice between 2004 and 2006 by a Jos crises Panel, is alleged to have sponsored some Islamist Militant Group when he was Commissioner of Police in Bauchi and Plateau States
The IGP has become enormously wealthy since his appointment but no one knows or understands why law enforcement {|jÂ&#x160;Â?Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;][{q]Â&#x2021;`j][\Â&#x201E;^\}]j`]_\Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]`_] curtail Boko Haram. At this time the US is sending a minimal number of personnel and it is expected our local agencies Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â?\]j[\Â&#x2026;]j[\]zÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\qj]|``^\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;] Our IGP has a well-oiled PR machinery charged with managing his public image while campaigning for tenure elongation and this guy uses monetary bounties for information leading to the arrest of Abubakar Shekau as a smokescreen to hide [Â&#x160;q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;|\_Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]Â&#x192;Â&#x153;[j]{Â&#x153;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qj]j\__`_Â&#x152; Here are questions for President Jonathan to consider: 1. Your Excellency, can you take time to read the Justice Tobi report about IGP Mohammed Abubakar? 2. Did you consider asking the SSS and other intelligence agencies to quietly Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;j`_]j[\]{|jÂ&#x160;Â?Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;\q]`z] ] Â&#x152; Â&#x152;] Abubakar both within and outside Nigeria after his appointment? žÂ&#x152;]]]] {Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2022;]`_}\_]{Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}\^\Â&#x2021;}\Â&#x2021;j] enquiry into the helicopter crash that claimed the life of DIG John Haruna? DIG Haruna was a talented cop who was determined to curb Boko Haram but was cut short prematurely. Jason wrote from Ojota, Lagos
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Daily Newswatch
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
Defected PDP lawmakers must vacate seats
Hon Samson Osagie
Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe writes on why defected PDP lawmakers must vacate their seats at the House of Reps: The legal ingredients of justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s verdict
he verdict of the Federal High Court by Justice Adeniyi Ademola is consistent with section 68 (1)(g) of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, and as the supreme document of Law and of the rule of Law in Nigeria, it is the law that, every other law or laws inconsistent with that section of the constitution must necessarily become â&#x20AC;&#x153;null and voidâ&#x20AC;? to the extent of its inconsistency. For legal clarity and to set the records straight, the section requires that an elected member sponsored by a political party â&#x20AC;&#x153;shallâ&#x20AC;? vacate his/her seat upon defection to another political party if defection is made before the expiration of the House tenure, and in the instant case, the House tenure shall expire on May 29, 2015. The section provides that; a member of the Senate or of the House of Representatives â&#x20AC;&#x153;shall vacate his seat in the Houseâ&#x20AC;? of which he is a member if â&#x20AC;&#x153;being a person whose election to the House was sponsored by a political party, he becomes a member of another political party before the expiration of the period for which that House was electedâ&#x20AC;?. The second leg of this provision says; â&#x20AC;&#x153;provided that this membership of the Â&#x201E;{9\_] ^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;|{Â&#x201E;] ^{_jÂ&#x2039;] Â&#x160;q] Â&#x2021;`j] {q] {] _\qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;j] of a division in the political party of which he was previously a member or of a merger of two or more political parties or factions by one of which he was previously sponsoredâ&#x20AC;?. (Emphasis supplied). The legal purport of the above constijÂ&#x2022;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] ^_`Â?Â&#x160;qÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;q] j`] j[\] \-\|j] j[{j] (1) a House member can only defect if there is a major division in the political party that sponsored him/her for the election for which he/she became a member of the House, or (2) that if there existed two factions within the party as at the time the member was elected and one of the factions sponsored the election of the member for which he/ she became a member of the House (if that is possible) or (3) upon the merger of the political party (that sponsored the member for election for which he became a member of the House) with another political party when the tenure of the House is yet to expire.
In the instant case, there were no two factions in the Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic Party (PDP) as at the time the defected members were elected to the House of Representatives in 2011, which they can rely upon at the appeal. They have to show that the faction that left the PDP to join the APC was the exact faction that sponsored their election for which they were elected to the House. Secondly, there was no political leadership crisis in the PDP as at the time defection occurred, the party was stable with its executives in place, and the fact that some members of the party Â&#x2026;{}\] \-`_jq] j`] _\Â&#x153;Â&#x160;qj\_] {Â&#x2021;`j[\_] ^`litical party with similar nomenclature (The New PDP), does not satisfy the constitutional requirement for party division but merely the ambition of some selected few within and outside the party who wanted to register a new political party. Their request to register the new party was turned down by INEC for the simple fact that the name in question was similar to that of the ruling PDP. Thirdly, the PDP did not at any material time intend or proposed and/or considered a merger with another political party. This partly informed the basis of an earlier court decision by Justice Evoh Chukwu, which rightly declared that there was no division in the ruling PDP. There is no record anywhere that Justice Evohâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling was challenged in a competent superior court of justice by either party to j[\]Â&#x2026;{9\_Â&#x152;] [`q\]Â?[`]Â?{Â&#x2021;j\}]j`]_\Â&#x153;Â&#x160;q-
Justice Ibrahim Auta, Chief Judge, Federal High Court
ter the New PDP later joined the APC as widely reported in the media. The three legs for which defection could take place are obviously absent and therefore the legal intentions of Section 68 (1)(g) of the constitution is clear and |{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;`j]Â&#x2018;\]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]|`Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x160;|j]Â?Â&#x160;j[]j[\]_Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]`z] Justice Ademola. The words â&#x20AC;&#x153;shall vacateâ&#x20AC;? as stipuÂ&#x201E;{j\}] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[Â&#x160;q] ^_`Â?Â&#x160;qÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;q] j`] j[\] \-\|j] j[{j] j[\] {-\|j\}] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj] |\{q\] to occupy their positions in the House henceforth, Period. The constitution says â&#x20AC;&#x153;shall vacateâ&#x20AC;? and not â&#x20AC;&#x153;may vacateâ&#x20AC;?. It therefore becomes a legal and constitutional truism that no options {_\] {Â?{Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;{Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;\] z`_] j[\] {-\|j\}] `Â&#x2022;q\] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[Â&#x160;q] Â&#x2026;{9\_] `j[\_] j[{Â&#x2021;] j`] return to the PDP immediately or vacate their exalted positions at the National Assembly. Good enough, the party national chairman, Alhaji Ad{Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;] Â&#x2022;Âą{Ă&#x192;Â&#x2022;] [{q] `-\_\}] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;] }\z\|j\}] members another golden opportunity to return before the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s next convention. The word â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shallâ&#x20AC;? is the same as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mustâ&#x20AC;?, and when a legal order is a must, it remains so until that section of the constitution is either amended or a new constitution replaces the present one. Until that happens, the word â&#x20AC;&#x153;shallâ&#x20AC;? must be obeyed or complied Â?Â&#x160;j[] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] j[`q\] {-\|j\}] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] j[\] |`Â&#x2022;_j] judgment. The defection of Hon. Bamidele Opeyemi, in the House of Representatives from the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) to the Labour Party (LP), is perfect and legally consistent with section 68 (1)(g) of the constitution under review. The ACN merger with two other political parties to become APC automatically provided the moral and constitutional grounds for any member of the defunct ACN, CPC and ANPP parties to either remain and become a member of the new APC party or opt out to become a member of
To free the Judge from mental, moral and psychological torture occasioned by the political rascality of the accuser, Hon. Osagie must be made to prove his allegation beyond reasonable doubt because his reckless utterances may have ultimately fractured the professional reputation of the Judge
another political party entirely while retaining his/her seat and recognition in the House. Except the defected PDP members of the House have cause to show by means of judicial precedent or any other valid references laced with superior legal arguments pointing to show that their defection complied with all known and existing constitutional or other legal requirements, the appeal will certainly be a futile legal exercise and a waste of huge personal, group or public funds. This provision in the constitution cannot be misinterpreted by using any political innuendo or through a press conference or power of legal oratory. j]Â&#x160;q]`Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x160;`Â&#x2022;q]j[{j]j[`q\]{-\|j\}]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]j[\] court judgment may fail in their appeal if the strict legal interpretation of this section of the constitution is {^^Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;\}Â&#x2019;] {Â&#x2021;}] ] {Â&#x2026;] ^_\9Â&#x2039;] qÂ&#x2022;_\] j[{j] j[\] superior courts shall do justice to the appeal. This is one section of the constitution that is very plain and direct to the point, not complicated and do not require the services of a Constitutional Law Professor to explain its valid legal ingredients. Therefore, what the court has done is to â&#x20AC;&#x153;call the spade, a spadeâ&#x20AC;? as enshrined in the constitution. In my considered legal opinion, the rulÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â?{q]Â&#x2021;\Â?\_]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x2021;|\}]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]j[\]_Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] PDP as alleged by Hon. Osagie of the APC during his press conference at the National Assembly, widely reported by the Nigerian mass media. The legal opinion put forward by Hon. Osagie (a Lawyer) that the order of the court amounted to an â&#x20AC;&#x153;orbiter dictaâ&#x20AC;? (personal opinion) of the judge is far from the truth. He should be prosecuted for casting damaging aspersions at the Judge. He alleged that Justice Ademola acted the script given to him by the ruling PDP. The Legal Practitioners Disciplinary ComÂ&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] `_] {Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;] `j[\_] Â&#x2018;`}Â&#x2039;] |`Â&#x2021;|\_Â&#x2021;\}] should look into the validity or other of this grave allegation which may have caused Justice Ademola invaluable moral and mental frustrations. His image has been defamed as a result of the unsubstantiated allegation. To free the Judge from mental, moral and psychological torture occasioned by the political rascality of the accuser, Hon. Osagie must be made to prove his allegation beyond reasonable doubt Â&#x2018;\|{Â&#x2022;q\] [Â&#x160;q] _\|Â&#x2020;Â&#x201E;\qq] Â&#x2022;9\_{Â&#x2021;|\q] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2039;] have ultimately fractured the professional reputation of the Judge. The allegation was made outside the hallowed Chambers of the House when not in session and therefore not protected by House immunity. It must Continued on page 46
Daily Newswatch
thursday, MAY 15, 2014
Judicial activism versus good governance in the execution or administration of laws within its legislative competence and in the disbursement or administration of funds appropriated by it. In view of recurring political landmines by parties in government, the legislative competence of this arm of government can be questioned where its _Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;\q]{_\]Âż\9Â&#x160;q`Â&#x2021;\}]z`_]^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;|{Â&#x201E;]_\{q`Â&#x2021;q] wherein the court now becomes seized of jurisdiction to review any breach of constitutional provisions in the performance of any legislative functions so held by the Supreme Court in Inakoju v Adeleke (2007) 1 scm. 1 @ 28. R. 42. But the instant scenario which gave rise to this order is legally disadvantaged if critically analyzed in line with S.88(2) above referred. In AG Abia v AG Federation (2006) 10-11 scm .1 the apex court has placed a tall order wherein it said that courts (including the Abuja High Court which purportedly gave the order) to be cautious in granting injunction to restrain a legislature from performing its conDiezani Alison-Madueke Aminu Tambuwal stitution duties. In the instant case, the Â&#x160;jq]Âż`Â&#x2022;_Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;]`_]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]`J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;]Â&#x153;{Ă&#x192;\9\]`z]j[\] ment charged, or intended to be charged conduct of the Petroleum Resources Minister and the House of Representagovernment of the Federation to direct with the duty of or responsibility for or cause to be directed an investigation ii. disbursing or administering mon- tives probe are in tandem with constituinto: eys appropriated or to be appropriated tional provision as spell out in S.88 (2). A Judge schooled in the language Ă&#x201A;{Ă&#x2039;]]]]]]]] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2026;{9\_]`_]j[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â?Â&#x160;j[]_\- by the National Assembly. spect to which it has power to make S. 88 (2) as a mark of good governance of a court room has a primary duty of laws & caution that such powers are exercisable declaring what the law is, not what it Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Ă&#x2039;] ] ] ] ] ] ] [\] |`Â&#x2021;}Â&#x2022;|j] `z] {-{Â&#x160;_q] `z] {Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;] only for the purpose of enabling it to: ought to be. It is also incumbent on the person, ministry or government depart- \ ^`q\]|`__Â&#x2022;^jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2019;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;\J|Â&#x160;\Â&#x2021;|Â&#x2039;]`_]Â?{qj\] courts to interpret constitutional provisions, not to amend same (DIAPIA ] ] ]´¾¾Ă?]Ă?]q|Â&#x2026;Â&#x2019;]´³Â&#x2019;] `Â?ernment of Kwara State v Ojibara (2006) 12 scm (pt 2) 251). Â&#x160;\Â?\}] z_`Â&#x2026;] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;] ^\_q^\|jÂ&#x160;Â?\qÂ&#x2019;] j[\] current Nigerian State is in dire need of judicial activism from the bar and bench. This is the only panacea to good governance, but to bar any arm of the government or its institution from performing its constitutional duty (ies) is an invitation to anarchy. Per Aderemi in Diapialong & ors v Dariye & Anor su^_{]Ă&#x201E;{]ÂżÂ&#x2022;}Â&#x153;\]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj]{Â&#x201E;Â?{Â&#x2039;q]Â&#x2018;\]|`Â&#x2021;q|Â&#x160;`Â&#x2022;q] of his limitation in the discharge of his judicial dutiesâ&#x20AC;?.
In this piece, Robert Omote, a Benin based legal Practitioner examines judicial activism and good governance: The debacle between the petroleum Minister and the House of Representatives
olitical liberty is to be found only when there is no abuse of power. But constant experience shows everyman invested with powers is liable to abuse it and carry his authority as far as it will goâ&#x20AC;?. Montesquieu. In retrospect, the Guardian newspaper of April 29, 2014 had as its major headline a very interesting caption excised from the judicial arm of government where an Abuja High Court told the House of Representatives of the Nigerian Federation not to probe Petroleum Resources Minister Mrs. Diezani Alisonâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Maduekwe, for allegedly spending over ten Billion Naira (N 10 billion) to maintain a chartered challenger 850 Aircraft at the expense of the public. Other instances abound where the judiciary for certain undisclosed reasons played the role of a meddlesome interloper in Â&#x2026;{9\_q]`z]Â&#x153;``}]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2021;|\Â&#x152; This mind boggling order has to be juxtaposed in determining the constitutionality or otherwise of the injunctive order made by the Abuja High Court. It is instructive to note that S.88 (1999) CFRN (As Amended) provides that each house of the National Assembly shall have power by resolution published in
Viewed from all perspectives, the current Nigerian State is in dire need of judicial activism from the bar and bench. This is the only panacea to good governance, but to bar any arm of the government or its institution from performing its constitutional duty (ies) is an invitation to anarchy
Defected PDP lawmakers must vacate seats Continued from page 45
be stated again and again, that the defection of the thirty-seven former PDP members is inconsistent with the provisions of section 68(1)(g) of the 1999 constitution as amended, and as such j[\] {-\|j\}] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] `z] j[\] `Â&#x2022;q\]] should honourably vacate their seats, except as I earlier mentioned, the APC `_] j[\] {-\|j\}] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] `z] j[\] `Â&#x2022;q\] have other superior judicial precedents that would legally puncture Justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling. The Black Law Dictionary and DicjÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{_Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;|`Â&#x2026;] }\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;\}] j[\] Â?`_}] Ă&#x201E; {cateâ&#x20AC;? as intended by section 68 (1)(g) `z] j[\] |`Â&#x2021;qjÂ&#x160;jÂ&#x2022;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] j`] Â&#x2026;\{Â&#x2021;] Ă&#x201E;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â?\] Â&#x2022;^] possession or occupancy of or to give Â&#x2022;^] `_] _\Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;q[] {Â&#x2021;] `J|\Â&#x2019;] ^`qÂ&#x160;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2019;] \j] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x152;] `]Ă&#x201E; {|{j\Âś]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qj{Â&#x2021;j]|{q\]{Â&#x201E;q`] Â&#x2026;\{Â&#x2021;] Ă&#x201E;j`] Â&#x201E;\{Â?\] {] q\{jÂ&#x2019;] j`] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\] q`Â&#x2026;\thing null and void, to move, leave a place uninhabitable or to leave a job ^`qÂ&#x160;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2019;]\j]{Â&#x201E;Â&#x152;] [\q\]}\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q]{j]Â&#x201E;{Â?] are consistent with Justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s `_}\_]j[{j]j[\]{-\|j\}]Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q]`z]j[\]
former PDP who defected to the APC should honourably resign their positions and quit the national assembly. [Â&#x160;q] Â&#x160;q] Â&#x2021;`j] j[\] Â&#x2022;}Â&#x153;\] Ă&#x201E;`_Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;j\_] }Â&#x160;|j{Âś] as claimed by Hon. Osagie during his press conference. The Judge rightly and correctly used the wordings contained in Section 68 (1)(g) of the constitution, as amended. [\_\z`_\Â&#x2019;]j[\]Â?`_}q]Ă&#x201E;q[{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]Â?{|{j\Âś]{q] used in this section did not give room for any option, as to whether the members should remain in the House or quit. The court order is the direct position of the law in relation to their defection for the fact that the House tenure is yet to expire, no division occurred in PDP and the party did not merged with another political party. These {_\] j[\] Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;{Â&#x201E;] _\{q`Â&#x2021;q] Â?[Â&#x2039;] j[\] {-\|j\}] members must vacate their seats. In conclusion therefore, Justice Ademola was right in law to have ordered j[\] {-\|j\}] j[Â&#x160;_jÂ&#x2039;ÂŽq\Â?\Â&#x2021;] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] j`] honourably resign their positions haven breached that section of the constitution, after all they are honourable people who are expected to conduct
themselves as such. They must therefore quit the stage at the national assembly in compliance with the provision of section 68 (1)(g) of the 1999 constitution, as amended. After all, to remain a member of the House is neither by force nor by inheritance. It is a mandate freely given by their constituents and if that mandate is fractured by j[\]{|jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q]{Â&#x2021;}]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;{|jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q]`z]j[\]Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x192;ciary, it follows that the law must be invoked or applied to do justice or to correct any defect or lacuna created by j[\] `-\Â&#x2021;}\_] `z] j[\] |`Â&#x2021;qjÂ&#x160;jÂ&#x2022;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] ^_`vision. The only option left for them under the prevailing circumstances is to go through another valid party and electioneering processes to re-contest their individual seat in a bye-election to be conducted by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at a later date. Â&#x2021;}] Â&#x160;z] j[\] {-\|j\}] `Â&#x2022;q\] Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q] actually got the mandate of their respective constituents to defect from PDP to APC, it follows that their supporters also defected with them which is to say that winning the bye-election
will be an easy landslide victories for them. But if on the other hand their supporters were not carried along in the defection saga, then of course they should accept the electioneering consequences of their actions and inactions. This is a case that is of paramount importance and interest to students and practitioners of constitutional law and jurisprudence in Nigeria and elsewhere in the world. As for the ap^\{Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;]Â?\]q[{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x2020;\\^]`Â&#x2022;_]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;\_q]|_`qq\}] and watch the legal tussle and its subsequent outcome in the superior courts. In the meantime, the affected thirty-seven members of the House of Representatives should vacate their seats pending the final determination of the matter by the appellate courts. Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe PhD, also holds a Bachelors of Law Degree (LL.B Hons) from the University of Lagos and currently advancing his legal studies. He is the National President of The Green White Green Vanguard, a socio-economic and political advocacy group based in Lagos.
Daily Newswatch thursday, MAY 15, 2014
Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula
Further elements economic or business deceit Â&#x2022;^Â&#x152;] ] [\] ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-] j[\Â&#x2021;] qÂ&#x2022;\}] j[\] }Â&#x160;_\|tors for deceit and fraud. On appeal, the House of Lord held that since the directors honestly believe the statement in the prospectus to be true they were not liable for deceit. Reliance on the false statement `_\q\\{Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;\]_\Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;{Â&#x2021;|\]Â&#x160;q]Â&#x2021;`j]qÂ&#x2022;J|Â&#x160;\Â&#x2021;j]z`_] this tort. The fact that there must be an intention that the claimant should rely on the representation was emphasized by Lord Maugham in Bradford Third Equitable BS v. Borders, ((1914) 2 AII ER ´¾½] ] Ă&#x2039;] Â&#x2021;`jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] j[{j] j[\] ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj] prove that the defendant made the statement â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;with the intention that it should be {|j\}]Â&#x2022;^`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]j[\]^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-]`_]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;]{]|Â&#x201E;{qq] of persons which will include the plainjÂ&#x160;-ÂąÂ&#x152;] Â&#x2021;] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;\_|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;] {Â&#x2021;Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] `] j}] Â?] Brown((1972) 126 CLR 337) the defendant appellant bank in a credit report to another bank, misrepresented that a cerj{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]|`9`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x153;_`Â?\_]Â?{q]|_\}Â&#x160;j]Â?`_j[Â&#x2039;]`Â&#x2021;] j[\] Â&#x2018;{qÂ&#x160;q] `z] Â?[Â&#x160;|[] _\^`_jÂ&#x2019;] j[\] ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-] _\q^`Â&#x2021;}\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x2019;] {Â&#x201E;q`] {] |`9`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x153;_`Â?\_] {Â&#x2021;}] {] customer of the bank that received the false credit report, transacted business Â?Â&#x160;j[] j[\] _\|`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;}\}] |`9`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x153;_`Â?\_] and incurred loss making him to sue the defendant appellant bank for deceit. The court held that the defendant bank was Foodstuff in display at a business centre liable because the report was intended ast week we examined the na- Property Corporation,((1884) 8 Ch.D 7), or false. The House of Lords in Derry v. z`_] j[\] |Â&#x201E;{qq] `z] |`9`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x153;_`Â?\_q] `z] Â?[Â&#x160;|[] ture and some elements of the a vendor of a hotel who described the Peek ((1889) 14 AC 337) authoritatively [\]j[\]^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-]Â?{q]{]Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_Â&#x152;]]] The representation must have been reeconomic or business tort or hotel as being let to a most desirable ten- discussed the state of a defendantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mind, lied upon by the claimant: he must have deceit. The focus of this week is ant was held liable for deceit because he necessary for an action in deceit. the examination of the remain- knew very well that the tenant was much In the above case the defendant (appel- Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x2021;|\}] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x160;jÂ&#x152;] j] Â&#x2021;\\}] Â&#x2021;`j] Â&#x2018;\] ing elements of the economic tort. These in arrears when he made the statement. lants) were the directors of a company the sole reason for the subsequent acelements include statement of intention This statement of opinion concerning the which was empowered to run trams by tions as long as it â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;materially contribor opinion, false representation, reliance reputation of the tenant was treated as a animal power, or if the consent of the uted to his so actingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Where a plaintiff on the false statement and damages. statement of fact since it involved the un- Board of Trade was obtained by steam had in no way been influenced by the These elements are examined below: truth representation of fact that nothing power. The directors, believing that the false statement then defendant would had occurred which would make the ten- Board of Trade would give its consent to not be held liable as the misstatement ant undesirable. j[\]|`Â&#x2026;^{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;]{q]{]Â&#x2026;{9\_]`z]|`Â&#x2022;_q\Â&#x2019;]qÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;|\] was not actionable. In Smith v ChadStatement of Intention or Opinion the Board of Trade had raised no objec- wick where a prospectus contained the A statement of an intention as to someFalse Representation tion when the plans were laid before the untrue statement that a certain Mr. JJ thing which the maker intends to do in j]Â&#x160;q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;|Â&#x2022;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;j]`Â&#x2021;]j[\]^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-]j`]^_`Â?\] Board, issued a prospectus inviting the Grieves MP was a director of the comthe future or of opinion will be treated as representations of fact at the time they that the defendant did not honestly be- public for shares, stating that the com- pany, and the plaintiff subsequently are made and if it is proved that the mak- lieve that the statement was true. At the pany had power to run trams by steam bought shares, it was held that the er really had no such intention or opin- Â?\_Â&#x2039;] Â&#x201E;\{qj] j[\_\] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj] Â&#x2018;\] {Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;|\] ^`Â?\_Â&#x152;] [\]^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-]Ă&#x201A;_\q^`Â&#x2021;}\Â&#x2021;jĂ&#x2039;]`Â&#x2021;]j[\] misstatement was not actionable , for ion he would be held liable for deceit be- to the truth on the part of the defendant. basis of the statement in the prospectus the plaintiff admitted in evidence that cause he would be taken to have lied as The false representation has to be made bought shares from the company. The he had never heard of Mr. JJ Grieves regards his true state of mind or opinion. knowingly without belief in its truth or refusal of the Board to give permission MP before and that he had not been in Â&#x2021;] j[\] |{q\] `z] }Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;j`Â&#x2021;] Â?] Â&#x160;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2022;_Â&#x160;|\Â&#x2019;] recklessly, carelessness whether it be true resulted in the company being wound any way influenced by the statement in the prospectus. Ă&#x201A;ÂłĂ?Ă?½Ă&#x2039;] ´Ă?] [Â&#x152; ] Ă&#x2018;½Ă?Â&#x2019;] Ă&#x2018;Ă?Ă&#x2019;] {] ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-] [{}] been induced to lend money to a compa =>?@?=A@ B>CE?C'@ G'AHAJ@ >K>LA@ ny by certain statement in the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Since the tort of deceit is not actionable prospectus issued by the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diper se, the claimant must prove damage _\|j`_q] j`] j[\] \-\|j] j[{j] j[\] Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2039;] Â?{q] as a consequence of acting on the misto be used to expand the company and representation. The defendant will be its business. The directors had in fact inliable whether he intended the harm or j\Â&#x2021;}\}] j`] Â&#x2022;q\] j[\] Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2039;] j`] ^{Â&#x2039;] `-] j[\] not. Although predominantly financial |`Â&#x2026;^{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;Âąq]\ Â&#x160;qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;{Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152;] [\]^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;-] harm will be the damage alleged in this sued the directors for deceit and damage tort, physical harm (including personal and the court held them liable for both. injury, mental distress, and even inconBowen LJ in that case while explaining venience) is covered, as is damage to the law said. property. Where the plaintiff is only The state of a manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mind is as much a fact seeking for an order for rescission of as the state of his digestion. It is true that it the contract then he need not prove >?@ ABCD@ E>FGHJK@ KL@ MCLAB@ NOPK@ KOB@ ?KPKB@ LQ@ P@ damage to succeed. (Foucard v Sinclair RPSU?@R>SEV@PK@P@MPCK>GHJPC@K>RB@>?V@WHK@>Q@>K@ (1918) 1 KB 180at 192). GPS@WB@P?GBCKP>SBEV@>K@>?@P?@RHGO@P@QPGK@P?@PSDThe remedies for deceit include the KO>SY@BJ?BZ@ @R>?CBMCB?BSKPK>LS@P?@KL@KOB@?KPKB@ award of damages and restitution of any of a manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mind, is therefore a misstatement property that may have been transferred of fact. between the parties . In the case of Smith v Land and House
In the case of Smith v Land and House Property Corporation,((1884) 8 Ch.D 7), a vendor of a hotel who described the hotel as being let to a most desirable tenant was held liable for deceit because he knew very well that the tenant was much in arrears when he made the statement
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t a time when many Nigerians think sanity has finally returned to the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s airports following the removal of some suspected black sheep among security operatives attached to the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s airports, the ugly experience of airport users, especially first timers fleeced of their wealth with impunity by some security operatives, seems to be back . Investigations by Daily Newswatch in the International Wing of Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos, has confirmed that the development has set staff of the Directorate of Consumer Protection (DCP) of Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) at loggerheads with some of these corrupt security operatives attached to the airports. Daily Newswatch learnt that the situation, has on many occasions, led to open confrontations between the security operatives and the DCP staff. Consequent upon the nefarious activities of the shameless few, some employees of DCP, our correspondent learnt, have solemnly requested for transfer outside Lagos airport, to avoid further confrontations between them and the security operatives. Daily Newswatch investigation showed that at least three mem-
bers of staff of DCP had been transferred out of Lagos over such misunderstanding. Specifically, Daily Newswatch investigations revealed that the security operatives from Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) of the Nigeria Police, Nigeria Customs Service, Nigeria Immigration Services, Quarantine Services and Aviation Security (AVSEC) were alleged to be more culpable in these act of extortion. The security officials engaging in the acts, sources alleged, always have first-time passengers and traders and some visitors as their targets. While AVSEC men allegedly intimidate passengers with arrest and detention in the Crime and Investigation Unit detection room code named Tango City, located at the basement of the airport building, some corrupt officers from other security agencies likes Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) used delay tactics to extort passengers who are always in hurry to go home because they are jet lagged after long hours of travelling. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On many occasions, many passengers, because of their poor knowledge
about import duties, fall prey to customs officersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; antics of giving them inflated rate and opportunity to bargain for a reduction. But it is doubted if the final amount paid is deposited into government coffers,â&#x20AC;? a source at the airport disclosed to Daily Newswatch. Similarly, men and officers of Nigeria Immigration Services (NIS) are not immune against extortion of passengers in our airports. They are said to allegedly threaten to deny passengers their departure over trivial immigration issue, if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t grease their palms. Sources claimed new passengers, most of who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand immigration process at borders, fall victims of these uniformed frauds. The excesses of officers of Nigeria Agricultural Quarantine Service (NAQS) are similar their cousins in NIS, and uncles in NCS because they are equally alleged to be part of the complicated fleecing spree going on in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest commercial airport. A passenger, who claimed he had had a very unpleasant scenario with some corrupt officials of the regulatory agency, whose main
schedule is to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of exotic pests and diseases of all agricultural products in the international trade, in the country, told Daily Newswatch that NAQS officers demanded a bribe, an amount higher than the cost of the food items she wanted to travel with from her. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had to return the foot items â&#x20AC;&#x201D; garri, ground melon and pepper and some pieces of dried fish home â&#x20AC;&#x201D; when I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t meet their outrageous demand,â&#x20AC;? she recalled. However, another passenger, who understands how placate the officers claimed told our correspondent, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I usually travel with some tubers of yam because I know how to meet NAQSâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; officersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; demands. However, he added with a tinge of lamentation: â&#x20AC;&#x153;These people are worst than the policemen on the road. I can only equate them to licensed robbers. How can somebody demand for $200 on two tubers of yam, some cups of ground melon and pepper and garri that is less than a kilogramme?â&#x20AC;? Another passenger who told a
sordid story begged for anonymity because of fear of possible punishment from the security operatives if he is identified. He told our correspondent he became a victim of the underhand practices of the airport security agents when he was a first-time traveller to the airport. Then he felt like cancelling his trip, the first, through the airport, but now, he has become used to their atrocity, which he described is like their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;way of lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. His story: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It all started with the men at the drop off zone, Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU) policemen who are fierce-looking, but easily melt with the dangling of some notes of Naira notes, demanded for something. As I was coming into the terminal building, another one asked me for what I chop remain. When I proved resistant, they said my younger brother who had come to see me off at the airport would not be allowed to enter the terminal building. They stood their ground until I parted with some notes,â&#x20AC;? the displeased airport user alleged. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One, thing I realised that is happening in this airport was that touts who know how to tip the security operatives could easily find their ways into the airport terminal than a genuine meeter or greeter, who wanted to claim righteousness by not giving or tipping,â&#x20AC;?
iscovery Air has taken delivery of another aircraft, B737300. The additional aircraft landed in Lagos from England last weekend. This brings the numbers of aircraft in the fleet of the airline to two. According to the Managing Director of the airline, Captain Abdusalami Muhammed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the acquisition of this additional aircraft is in line with our vision to commence operations soon in the Nigeria aviation market. We are excited that our dream of providing quality service to our prospective guests is becoming a reality. With the minimum requirement of two aircraft by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority which we have met, we are good to go.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;We hope by the end of the month everything would be completed and we will start operations immediately. We are more than ready. We are on track. As soon as all the necessary requirements are met, the Airline Operators Certificate (AOC) issued, we will begin operations. We would continue to emphasise our mission which is to facilitate our customerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success by providing a Safe, Affordable, Fast and Efficient (SAFE), travel solution through excellent customer service delivery,â&#x20AC;? he added.
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At the inspection of the new aircraft, the team led by the Internal Auditor and Controller of First Deepwater Discovery Limited, Taiwo Osinloye, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is good to start on a good note.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are following due process and it is good for future cost im-
plication in all ramifications. In the nearest future, I see Discovery Air rubbing shoulder with the likes of Arik Air, Aero and the rest. The colour of their livery is attractive and saleable,â&#x20AC;? she said. According to the Sales and Marketing Manager, Davids Odey-
emi, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the market is viable and very competitive. With what we have on ground, we will penetrate the market. Also the employees are in high spirit with their experiences, they are ready for operations. The choice of colours (yellow, orange
and brown) is deliberate because of the uniqueness and simplicity. The colours will make us stand out. The airline will start operations with the popular destinations: Abuja, Lagos, and Port Harcourt, but would expand the routes structure as it brings in more aircraft.
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While the new security measure put up at airports across the country while the last World Economic Forum (WEF), which the nation hosted lasted, produced a semblance peace and control of the security officersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; appetite for filthy lucre, maybe because of the involvement of senior officers in security monitoring at the airport, fleecing engineered by security agents is gradually pervading the atmosphere of the airport now. Our correspondent, who went round the airport terminal during the week, reported that rowdy situations, which normally boost extortion had become the feature of the airport terminal. Reactions of security chiefs of the airport to this issue was like a rainbow. When contacted to speak on the no lost love situation between some NCAA staff and the security officials, the Deputy General Manager, Public Affairs at NCAA, Sam Adurogboye, claimed ignorance of the development. However, further investigations into the allegations of assaults against staff of NCAA in the airport, revealed that the management of NCAA is looking into the matter and would soon come out with a modality on how to ensure that perpetrators of such act of violence against the NCAA staff be brought to book. In AVSEC, while it was equally denied that the operatives in airports engage in extortion, there are however serious complaints of internal bickering among the staff of the aviation security unit. Our correspondent learnt that while some officials who have
never gone on training are brought into the system as senior officers, those officers who have the same qualifications, more training and experience on the job are not promoted to the next rank. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The problem in AVSEC is very peculiar and I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think it is the practice in other aviation security outfits around the world. Some staff that have never undergone any training as aviation security, were brought in a placed above many who have the same qualification with which they were recruited, and who have more years of training and experience on the job. Also some of them who are brought in as lower rank officers and without training are the ones we all see misbehaving in the airport. If you caution them, they would report you to senior colleagues. They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have training in aviation security, yet they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to learn from those they met on the job. This is the crux of they problem. They are the ones who go about engaging in all manner of uncharitable behaviour. They believe that they are the untouchables,â&#x20AC;? a reliable source within the industry told our correspondent. Reacting to the allegation of extortion levelled against NCS officers at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, the NCS Public Relations Officer of the Airport Command, Thelma Williams, claimed nobody had come forward to raise such complaint with the NCS authority at the airport. She however advised members of the public to always look out for the names of any officer that asked them for any form of gratification. She vowed that such officer would
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not go unpunished. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not aware of that. Nobody has come forward to raise issue of extortion against our officers at the international airport. But we cannot rule out the existence of bad eggs among the many. What I would advise passengers to always do whenever they suspect any of our officers attempting to extort them, is to look out for the name of that officer. Every official on duty has two tags on, the On Duty Card (ODC) and the official name tag from NCS ; they should please look at the name tags on such offic-
er and get the name. They should not hesitate to send it to the Public Relations Department for further action,â&#x20AC;? she said. On its own, while it would not push forward a posture of holierthan-thou attitude in addressing the allegation, the NIS Service Public Relations Officer, Chukwuemeka Obuah, said there are always some corrupt officials in every organisation who are out to use the trainings and knowledge acquired to rubbish the good names of their organisations. He said while the
service noted the existence of such situation, it has perfected ways to checkmate their activities.. He said one of the measures used to checkmate corrupt officers from impacting their negative conduct on the service is through supervision. That ensures that no officer stays too long at a particular office to the extent that he becomes so powerful for the system to deal with. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I cannot give you a 100 per cent assurance on that. You know how these things work. We would keep on sanitising where we believed the few Judases we have in our midst have made it the habit to get themselves there at all cost, using all forms of connections to put pressure on immigration authority to remain there. And there are a lot of checks and balances and very serious supervision of staff that are still. Some of these officers are bound to have contact with the public and where they have the opportunity to display some of these very negative and damaging conducts. Some of these officers behave like angels before the authorities, but in their real life they are devils. Nigerians, who are having the misfortune of meeting them have very sad story to tell. We are not going to posture a holier- thanthou attitude, it would not be at the interest of the service, it is not our styles in this administration. The resolve of the Comptroller General in addressing the zero tolerance to corruption is real. Yes, we have bad eggs. We are part of the system â&#x20AC;Ś we have the means of checkmating them to minimise the activities of these very corrupt elements that are in our midst,â&#x20AC;? Obuah said.
he Total Radar Coverage of Nigeria Airspace (TRACON) is one project that has been so vilified by many individuals. But it has become one major project which the aviation sector could lay claim to have placed over 250 Nigerian engineers and air traffic controllers on the global aero space recognition within the shortest period of time, in the last 10 years, The project was awarded to Messrs Thales SA of France on April 7, 2003. The scope of work included the provision of modern Air Traffic Management Systems. The initial project duration was 36 months and the coverage areas were nine sites. Out of which four sites in Lagos, Kano, Abuja and Port Harcourt would provide Approach and Area Radar Services while the remaining five sites in Maiduguri, Ilorin, Numan, TalataMafara and Obubra are en-route MSSR stations. The TRACON project was multitasking in view of its several deliverables including but not limited to the provision of co-located Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) and Monopoles Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR), EUROCAT C Air Traffic Management System, Voice Communication and Control Switch (VCCS), Emergency VHF, Voice Recording System, Fiber Optics, VSAT network and other ancillaries like UPS, Power systems, AMF etc. Thales as the lead contractor was responsible for the system design and project coordination, with the support of a consortium of global and market leaders in Air Traffic Management (ATM) technology. The Radar and Euro cat Air Traffic Management Systems came from Thales Air Systems of France, Voice Switches from Thales and Frequentis AG of Austria, VHF Radios from Park Air Systems of UK, Fiber Optics from SAGEM of France, VSAT equipment from ND SatCom of Germany, Power systems, back-ups and other ancillaries from Chloride and 2H Energy of France. Other components and deliverables of the project as applicable came from the local content. Whenever critical decisions need to be made on aerospace safety, defence and security, Thales has a role to play because of their understanding of the Critical Decision Chain that helps customers to decide and act in a timely fashion to obtain the best outcomes. Thalesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rich history goes back well over a century â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1893 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and with long standing partner Alcatel-Lucent, it is a world player with exceptional technological capabilities and leader in mission-critical information systems serving three markets: defence, aerospace and security. As part of the firmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolution to promote transparency with business concerns globally, Thales established a formal corporate responsibility policy with a strong
focus on prevention of corruption. The policy enjoys the support of the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most senior management and is continuously adjusted and updated to remain relevant in an evolving and increasingly complex environment. However, contrary to the alleged fraud, a combined team of the anti-graft agencies and the security agencies has conducted due diligence and cleared the Management of Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) of any under-hand dealings as all that were expected to be supplied as components for the continued maintenance of the equipment supplied and installed were duly supplied to the letter, according to what were contained in the contract agreement signed by all parties involved. One key aspect that Nigeria has benefitted, which cannot be quantified is the area of world-
class training, NAMA has trained over 250 engineers and Air Traffic Controllers in the course of the project as part of the Support Services Agreement and there are provisions for training additional 66 engineers before the end of the agreement. The members of Aviation Round Table (ART) led by Mr. Sam Akerele, the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretary general, who visited the Lagos site of TRACON, described the new radar as a state-of-the-art equipment that could compete favourably with those in developed countries of Europe and America, adding that the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) should be commended for the efficient and optimal performance of its radar and communication system. The greatest success of the project was recorded with Nnamdi Udohâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to work under six Ministers of Aviation who were
not part of the dream across a seven-years period and weathered the turbulence of both chambers of the National Assembly and cultivated them to buy into the project, is a rare feat yet to be equalled. Indeed the project should be commended and adapted as role model for other government projects in the Transformation Agenda Despite not making payments as specified, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Services rendered in the contract were executed according to the contract terms. All payments made were made against a certificate of satisfactory completion of the job issued by the Federal Ministry of Aviation.â&#x20AC;? To ensure that Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) meets the operational needs of the new technology infrastructure, Thales supported with additional trainings for Nigerian engineers and given the unfortunately increasing threat levels and security
considerations facing the world, provision of additional redundancy and disaster recovery capabilities to further secure the system in Nigeria was made. Since the Technical Support Service Agreement (TSSA) was executed, NAMA has not paid any additional fee and the technical agreement is beyond warranties as substantial discounts were secured for the support services agreement. The TSSA provision for the training of engineers has been followed to the letter while spare parts have been supplied to maintain the project. The Chloride UPS and Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs) provided are suitable for the application contrary to speculations. In fact, only one of the UPSs has been replaced by NAMA and that was before the SSA was in place. All UPSs and AVRs supplied under the contract are covered under the TSSA. It should be noted that the often cited figure of 700,000 Euros covers the support of all of the ancillary systems provided by Thales, including the UPSs, over the full five years period of the TSSA. A technical review of the project component reveals that the simulator software, the operational software, works at optimum level and the SIM hardware and software are fully covered by the TSSA. The booster radar and secondary radar stations at Talata Mafara, Maiduguri, Numan, Ilorin and Obubra are operational and the suppliers have further offered full support to assist in containing the power failures with solutions as a result of learnings from the project and the environment. The strip printers and Billing Management System (BMS) in the centres are working and functioning as required in Lagos under Phase 1 of the main contract. It is instructive that all services required under the TSSA have been provided in full. The payments received by Thales are entirely in accordance with the contract and have been made against a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Certificate of Satisfactory Completion of the Job.â&#x20AC;? Ernie Onwumere writes from Lagos
any passengers have lost their lives to what is referred to as human error in accidents. In fact evidence abound that a reasonable percentage of road accidents experienced in the country are traceable to human errors. Some of these human errors are poor driving attitude, dangerous over-taking, distraction on the part of drivers while driving, making or receiving calls or texting messages while driving, using worn-out tyres, overloading among others. These are avoidable offences, but they are commonly exhibited by both commercial and private drivers on our roads. These dangerous behaviour could be corrected by passengers if they know how to go about it to ensure safety on our roads. Hence the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) as part of the activities to mark this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s West African Safety Organisation (WASO) Day came up with the theme: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stop the driver before he kills you.â&#x20AC;? The WASO Day came into existence in 2013 after a meeting of road safety organisations in the region was held in Cotonuo, Benin Republic. The meeting resolved that May 8 of every year should be set aside as West African Safety Organisation (WASO) Day. Explaining the theme of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s WASO Day celebration, passengers and drivers at Mowe office of FRSC on Ibadan-Lagos Expressway, the Unit Commander of RS2.23 Mowe Unit Command, Oludare Ogunjobi (Assistant Corps Commander), said passengers could help avert accidents on roads if they know what to do and how to do it without causing further problem in the process. He noted that if passengers do the right thing at the right time, many accidents would be averted. First, he told the passengers that
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before boarding any vehicle, they should inspect some of the vital parts of the vehicle. He identified some of this vital parts to include the tyres, windscreen, wipers and lights of the vehicles. He insisted that when any of them are noted not to be in good condition, the passenger should refuse to board such vehicle. Besides inspecting the simple but vital parts of the vehicles, Mowe Unit Commander of FRSC added that passengers have the
role of driving along with their drivers. Ogunjobi who took his time to explain to both the passengers and drivers of their roles at ensuring safety, said to reduce the loss of lives to accidents caused by dangerous attitude of drivers on our roads in Nigeria and the West African sub region, a meeting of road safety organisations in the region was held in Cotonuo, Benin Republic in 2013, and the meeting resolved that May 8 of every year should be set aside as West African
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Safety Organisation (WASO ) Day. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometime last year, there was a meeting held in Cotonu, Benin Republic, that every 8th day of May should be set aside as West Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s safety day. And consequently there was a directive from our headquarters that the day must be observed The theme for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event is: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Passengers donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get yourself killed by the driver. So our focus on safety on the road is on both the drivers and passengers.â&#x20AC;? We are particularly sensitising the passengers on the roles to play or what they should look out for whenever they are boarding a vehicle be it private or commercial. Passengers should check the tyres before boarding a vehicle and should also look out for speed on the part of the driver. They also have the role to check out for wrongful overtaking, driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s use of phone while driving, and also distraction on the part of the driver. Whenever they discover any of these, they should try as much as possible to ensure that the driver is cautioned without further causing any distraction. If the need arises, details of such driver and his vehicles could be taken and sent to FRSC officials via a toll free telephone service. Similarly, there could be some situation where passengers distract the driver with noise or encourage the driver to violate any of the rules, probably because the passengers are in hurry or late for assignment; the driver or other passengers in the vehicle, have the
right to caution such passengers or report them to nearest FRSC officials on patrol or send a Short Messages (SMS) to the FRSC office which would direct its officials on the next line of action to take. The passengers however asked the Mowe Unit Commander of FRSC some questions which he provided answers to. They asked him how to identify bad tyres and the life span of a tyre. The passengers argued that new tyres could burst even the very day it was fixed. They also asked him on what to do when after cautioning a driver who refuses to yield to their cautions In responses to their questions, the Unit Commander said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is what we called Date of Treading (DOT) this is written on every tyre and it is usually in four figures, that is, the week and the year of manufacturing. These are always there on the tyres. For instance if a tyre is manufactured in the 10th week of 2012, the DOT would read 1012. On the life span of a tyre, Ogunjobi explained to the passengers, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The tyres that are used on private vehicles cannot be compared to that of commercial vehicles. So one cannot say specifically how long a tyre would last. It depends on the usage to which such tyres are put. But the average lifespan of a tyre is three years.â&#x20AC;? On what to do when a driver refuses to heed to their cautions, he asked them to call 122, a toll-free number, to report any misconduct in a vehicle either on the part of the driver or passengers.
agos State Governor , Mr Babatunde Fashola, while flagging off the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Water Transport Safety Awareness Programme with distribution of 2000 life jackets to operators in the water transportation sector in the Ebute Ojo, appealled to operators and patrons of water transportation to always insist on the proper usage of the life jackets when on board. Fashola, who spoke at Ebute Ojo in Ojo Local Government Area, added that all passengers who intend to board a canoe, ferry or outboard motorboat must insist that the operator provide them with a life jacket before boarding. Similarly, he said an operator should disembark any passenger who refuses to use the life jacket which serves the purpose a seat belt in a vehicle by providing protection and safety for the occupants. While explaining the need for safety consciousness at all times, the governor warned against overloading the ferries or boats simply because life jackets have been provided, informing that the recent ferry mishap that was recorded in South Korea resulted from overloading. He also appealed to all those who overspeed on the waterways and pilot the boats and ferries under the influence of drugs to have a rethink as such acts only endanger the lives of their innocent passengers. He advised all the operators who are beneficiaries of the life jackets not to keep them at home, but always keep them inside their boats or ferries, so that it can be useful to the passengers. According to the Governor Fashola, â&#x20AC;&#x153;though in some other areas, it is the operators that would be expected to buy the jackets themselves, because most of the operators are peasant and subsistent businessmen who are operating on small scale basis, the state government has decided to assist them utilising part of the taxes paid by responsible residents, adding that the tax payers in the state should be commended. He gave a commitment that the present administration would also provide life jackets to all operators across all the water transportation points across the state just as it has started with Ojo area which is a riverine area. Noting that boats and ferries being mechanical devices, accidents cannot be ruled out, the governor said when such an accident happens and the passengers put on life jackets, those involved could be rescued adding that the reflective colours of the jacket is also designed to attract attention for help. He said as at today, the water transportation capacity of Lagos is improving as it now accounts for moving between 1.5 to 1.6 million passengers monthly compared to 200,000 passengers that use the mode of transportation some seven years ago. He informed that very soon, the state government would complete work on the concessioning of the
other ferry terminals in the state and as this is done, passenger patronage of the waterways would increase. He added that the state had com-
pleted the dredging of the Ojo waterways down to Lagos Island and has installed lifebuoys and navigational signs for boat operators in
the state, noting however that he had been informed that one of the lifebuoys had been stolen by unknown persons.
He said if the government had provided such facilities for water transportation and it got stolen, it meant the community where such acts took place also owed it a duty to expose those who did it. Fashola, who also spoke about the activities of traders on the Lagos Badagry Expressway, said as construction work by the state is progressing on the road, it would not permit the continued activities of street traders on the road. He said he had observed that the road had been taken over by those selling planks and furniture, therefore he appealed to them to move away from the highways or else the government might be forced to devise a means of taking them off the highways. Speaking earlier, the State Commissioner for Transportation, Mr Kayode Opeifa, said the provision of the life jackets underscores the determination of the state government to make the waterways safer for both the operators and the passengers. In his vote of assurance, the Vice- Chairman of the State Water Operators, Hon Lawal Babatunde Saheed thanked the governor for the support given to the water operators in ensuring that there is safety on all waterways in Lagos. He appealed to the Governor Fashola to assist the operators in cautioning dredgers to try as much as possible to ensure that they put caution signs on the waterways in order to prevent cases of accidents. He gave a commitment that the operators would make very good use of the life jackets and ensure that all the passengers take the issue of the usage very seriously so that there would be safety on the waterways. The governor, who later presented and adorned some of the operators with the life jackets, was also decorated with one of the jackets by the General Manager of the Lagos State Waterways Authority, Mr Yinka Marinho.
espite heightened insecurity in the Kenya in the past five years, her domestic aviation sector has grown its market portfolio by seven per cent This was disclosed by Director General , Kenya Civil Aviation Authority, Hilary Kioko, who said they had achieved resilience in aviation business through putting in place measures and infrastructure for repulsing the Alshabaab insurgents. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government has put together security agencies in airports in order to ensure terrorism doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen there. Airport operators and all airlines must have a security programme that is in line with the set standards,â&#x20AC;? he said. Similarly, the African Airlines Association (AFRAA) Secretary General, Elijah Chingosho, affirmed that despite constant terrorism by insurgents, Kenya Airways and Ethiopian Airlines had
added new aircraft to their fleets and opened up new destinations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It has been a difficult period for the African aviation sector due to demands of world class security standards by the international community. Even so, Africa aviation industry has grown above the world average since some entry points such as Kenyan airports have attained world class standards,â&#x20AC;? he said during the AFRAA convention for aviation suppliers and stakeholders, held in Nairobi yesterday. Apart from terrorism, Chingosho said visa requirement for interAfrica travel has been an impediment to Africa-bound passenger traffic, adding that there is need to liberalise air transport in Africa. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We would want African states to allow people to get visas upon arrival to their desired destination. Unless states take steps to liberalise the sector, our market share will keep on dwindling,â&#x20AC;? he said. Chingosho said African airlines have been suffering from high cost
of doing business in Africa because of improper regulatory framework which subject them to competitive disadvantage as the existing policies favour foreign airlines. â&#x20AC;&#x153;African airlines constitute less
than 20 per cent of intercontinental traffic that enters and leaves Africa,â&#x20AC;? he said. He added that safety in Africa airlines has improved significantly and it recorded over 50 per cent in 2013.
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Crime Thursday, May 15, 2014
Drug informants: motives, methods, and management
M.D Abubakar
aw enforcement agencies today face the tremendous challenge of combating drugs on the street. To meet this challenge, they must conduct investigations into the activities of organized drug dealers. With few exceptions, j[\q\] \qj {j ` q] ` \] j[\] q\] `z] |` dential informants (CIs). Agencies continue to use CIs because they help to solve crimes that may remain unsolved without their assistance. Indeed, relationships between drug investigators and their informants frequently determine the success or failure of an agency’s drug enforcement program. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has learned through experience that managing drug informants is, at best, challenging. But, if left unchecked, the results may be disastrous. CIs can be both the best friends and worst enemies of the investigators who must deal with them on a regular basis. Informants in drug enforcement are unique among criminal informants, and perhaps, the `qj]} J| j]j`] { { \ ] ` \ \_ ] \qj {tors who know what motivates individuals to become informants can manage them more \-\|j \ ] [ q]{_j | \]\ ^ { q]j[\q\] `j {tional factors and outlines the steps law enforcement agencies can take to ensure the successful management of drug informants. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS Like most people, informants need motivation to produce. In fact, the more motivated they are, the more likely they are to apply themselves to the task at hand and remain |` 9\}] j`] {|[ \ ] q ||\qq ] [\_\z`_\ ] by identifying an informant’s true motives, an investigator greatly enhances the successful management of an investigation. z`_ { jq] |` ` ] ` |\] {] q^\| |] `j \] z`_] ^_` } ] {qq qj{ |\ ] ` \ \_ ] {q] {] case proceeds and a relationship with an investigator develops, other reasons may surface. Some of the more common motivational factors encountered by drug enforcement investigators are fear, revenge, money, repentance, and altruism. First, the most frequently encountered motivational factor may be the CI’s fear of punishment for criminal acts. Severe criminal penalties tend to increase the number of persons wishing to cooperate with drug enforcement authorities.
Ahmed Giade
Mohammed Adoke
Informants may also fear their criminal associates. Individuals wrongly accused by drug dealers of being informants may then become informants for self-preservation, money, or both. Next, informants frequently cooperate with the Government to seek revenge against their enemies. Jealousy may also prompt these acts of vengeance. In addition, some individuals provide information or services for money. These moneymotivated informants, known as mercenaries, are usually the most willing to follow the directions of their handlers. Mercenaries frequently possess other motives as well. Furthermore, repentance can be a motivating factor. Informants often claim they cooperate ] `_}\_] j`] _\^\ j] z`_] ^{qj] |_ \q ] ` \ \_ ] this is seldom their only motive for cooperating. Finally, some indi-viduals are motivated d by a sense of altruism.. People with profes-sional obligations orr feelings of responsibil-ity frequently providee information to thee police. Examples off altruistic informantss include airline tickett agents and privatee mail service carriers. PROBLEM IN-FORMANTS Some informantss have personalities thatt { \] j[\ ] } J| j ] ] if not impossible, too manage. These indi-viduals may also havee questionable motivess z`_] `-\_ ] j[\ _] q\_-vices to a law enforce-ment agency. Investi-gators who misjudgee the true motives off informants experiencee tremendous controll problems. This can n create safety problemss and place departmentt resources and person--
nel in jeopardy. Therefore, each time inform{ jq] `-\_] z`_ {j ` ] \qj {j`_q] q[` }] question their motives. Furthermore, investigators should avoid recruiting certain types of individuals, if possible. Egotistical Informants These commonly encountered informants may not have received positive reinforcement from their parents or schoolmates when growing up. Consequently, they seek positive feedback from their handlers as their primary reward. Investigators who provide this positive reinforcement motivate egotistical informants to continue supplying quality information. Unfortunately, these informants are often the hardest to handle because their egos prevent them from relinquishing control of the investigation entirely to their handlers. Informants with the James Bond Syndrome Some persons see their roles as informants aas a way to have their llives imitate art. While working as informw aants, they imagine tthemselves in a police oor spy drama. Somettimes, they even atttempt to orchestrate eevents to parallel a sscene from a movie oor novel. Frequently hard to handle, these h iinformants often exaaggerate their knowleedge of criminal acttivity to enhance the llikelihood of their beccoming informants. Wannabe Informaants Wannabe informaants are people who, ffor whatever reason, ffailed to qualify for a llaw enforcement posittion and now seek to bbecome involved in llaw enforcement as iinformants. Because tthey lack criminal asssociates, these individuals usually cannot v ^_` }\] q^\| |] z`_^
Informants with the James Bond Syndrome Some persons see their roles as informants as a way to have their lives imitate art. While working as informants, they imagine themselves in a police or spy drama. Sometimes, they even attempt to orchestrate events to parallel a scene from a movie or novel
mation about drug dealing. Therefore, they do not make good informants. Perversely Motivated Informants The most dangerous and disruptive informants in drug law enforcement are perversely `j {j\}] q ] [\ ] `-\_] j[\ _] q\_ |\q] ] order to identify undercover agents, learn the department’s methods, targets, and intelligence, or eliminate their own competition in drug sales. Sometimes, criminal organizations qj_ |j] j[\q\] } } { q] j`] j_{j\] }\^{_jments and learn whatever they can to assist the j_{J| \_q ] [\q\] } } { q] { ] \ \ ] ^_` }\] \ \] z`_ {j ` ]{ ` j]q^\| |]\ \ jq] as a decoy to divert resources from more sig |{ j]j_{J| ]{|j j ] Therefore, investigators must question all walk-in and call-in informants (i.e., individuals who volunteer their services without prompting), because they may be, or have the potential to be, perversely motivated. After completing a thorough background investigation of CIs, investigators must constantly guard against providing more information to informants than the informants furnish in return. Furthermore, investigators should not discuss with inform{ jq]q^\| |]}\j{ q]{ ` j] \j[`}q]{ }]j\|[niques used during drug investigations. RESTRICTED-USE INFORMANTS In addition to problem informants, certain other informants,(1) by virtue of their criminal background or other status, pose special management challenges to both investigators and supervisors. Department managers should carefully scrutinize these individuals prior to using them as CIs. Examples include juveniles, individuals on probation or parole, individuals currently or formerly addicted to drugs, felons with multiple convictions, and individuals known to be unreliable. Investigators should not use these individuals as informants until a supervisor approves them. In fact, because these informants require special scrutiny, only senior investigators should handle them. Furthermore, investigators must constantly reevaluate the motives of these individuals. DEPARTMENT POLICY Agencies should not leave the management of drug informants exclusively to investigators. For {j ]{] _ 9\ ]^` | ]\ q _\q]|` q qj\ | ] ] the use and management of CIs and serves as a guide for inexperienced investigators.
Daily Newswatch Thursday, May 15, 2014
Crime 73
Lagos Private Schools beef up security over abduction cases ADELEKE ADESANYA
ollowing the recent speculations in Lagos State about some ten students that were said to have been abducted at Premier College, Mushin, by suspected Boko Haram members, schools owners in the State have been apprehensive, and in the process , strategizing with the view to strengthen their security tentacles to forestall security breach/ threat. Meanwhile, Lagos Police public Relation Officer, Deputy Superintendent (DSP) Ngozi Braide, having confirmed through his gallant officers who went through immediate investigation on the said speculations announced over the weekend that the grapevines information was miles away from the truth. To corroborate this, Premier Schools management through one of its Executive Directors, Mr. Martins Abraham, also debunked the rumour making round the mills. He announced to the public that the orchestrated rumour was nothing but a ruse and masterminded tactics aimed at bringing down the glory of the school. In -spite the measures and assurances by the management of various schools, parents have been showing concerns about their children’ safety of their children in their various citadel of learning. Some of the parents, according to our finding, were said to be skeptical with recourse to leaving their children in schools, and consequently ordered their driver/ gardeners alike to await them in school till closing time. Meanwhile, the school authorities in Lagos, having apparently weighed the consequence of the ugly development partly on their businesses and the effect of conduct on reputation have decidedly decided to step up security in their schools. They do this by taking pragmatic steps to convince the parents on the safety of their children. A visit to Premier Schools Mushin, Lagos, where the speculation began as a street –talk, showed that the schools’ management strictly monitoring the goings-on in and around the school. The school’s gate was beefed up with uniformed security personnel ostensibly drawn from both the police and a private outfit. Speaking over the issue, was the Vice Principal of the school, Mr. Femi Erinle, said truly there were rumours around the town that ten students of the school were kidnapped, but the rumour was a falsified one. And since the issue happened, the school’s management has doubled its security efforts to ensure that the rumours do not become an established prophecy. An executive director of the school, Mr.Abraham Martins, in his words with Daily Newswatch explained that having heard the rumour, the school management immediately did a roll call of the students in both the primary and secondary section to know if anyone was missing. And that God, no one was missing. “Immediately we noticed that parents kept coming over the issue with panic, we had to conduct a roll call to ensure that none of the students was missing. And when we did it, we found out that no student was missing. In fact the security in this school is so much beefed up to the extent that even parents cannot just take away their children without
Gov. Fashola
the consent of the management. Our school is also in good relationship with Lagos police command. They come here from time to time to ensure we are safety”, he explained. A week- long surveillance at Queensway College, Mushin area of Lagos also revealed that the college g g
on its part is living no stone unturned to ensure its students are kept safe. The proprietress of the school, Mrs Fashakin while speaking with Daily Newswatch said her school, though, since the rumours, had double its security consciousness; has from time immemorial taken security y of the stu-
A week- long surveillance at Queensway College, Mushin area of Lagos also revealed that the college on its part is living no stone unturned to ensure its students are kept safe
dents as priority. She explained further that her schools as parts of its security consciousness does not accept students to be taken away by relatives and associates except the parents. “We need to be security conscious more so now that our country is going through security challenge. The case of the girls that were abducted in Borno was not expected as at the time it occurred. So, we need to always be security conscious in this country, She said. A visit to Halifield Schools in Maryland, Lagos also gave a sign of security consciousness of the school as no one could be permitted to enter into the premises without a previous appointment. Speaking with Daily Newswatch, one of the management members, Mrs. Okafor said the school’s management is always intact in its security efforts to have the students in the school safe. Okafor who refused to state the school’s security strategy for security purpose said Halifield schools’ efforts on security is unquantifiable. Daily Newswatch’s checks indicated that the school’s premises are under the close watch of stand by CCTVs. At Sunnyside School, Palmgrove Estate, it was gathered that the management has also taken its security consciousness to the level of not accepting students to be taken out of the school compound by any unfamiliar face. Meanwhile, the president of National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools, Mushin Chapter, Pastor Onyeka Ogoma, while fielding questions from our reporter on telephone over the security status of the private schools in Lagos said the association was taking drastic efforts to ensuring the maximum safety of the students within their custody. He said Lagos NAPPS, especially Mushin chapter “is always in good relationship with the security men like police and others across the country for security guarantee. Speaking on the rumour as recorded at the Premier College last week, Ogoma said, the news was a falsified one, adding that schools in Lagos, especially the private ones are under good security watch. Meanwhile, Lagos police Public Relation Officer, Deputy Superintendent Ngozi Braide, has read a riot act to the public over what she called jungle justice – a process that involves lynching of suspected kidnappers. She said her command recently received a call from Shaha Police Divisional Police Officer (DPO) over a man that was about to be lynched by the mob. She added that it was the cry of the victim who was taking a little girl to school, that attracted the police to the scene.” “The man was about to be lynched by the mob only to discover that the girl’s parent begged him to help drop her in school.” Ngozi said any where that such news of lynching a suspect is heard, police would not take it lightly with them”, she said. She advised that any suspect noticed in the society is expected to be reported at the nearest police station. Speaking on security in Lagos, the police image -maker said the State police are on daily basis stepping up its security efforts by positioning its specially trained men at strategic places such as schools, hotels, churches, mosques, banks among others.
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Daily Newswatch
North West
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Strike: Northern students call for Wike, Woguâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sack BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
he National Association of Northern Nigerian Student (NANNS) yesterday call for the immediate sack of the Ministers of Education, Nyesom Wike and his Labour counterpart Emeka Wogu for their lack of focus in tackling education and laÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2022;_]Â&#x2026;{9\_q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]|`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j_Â&#x2039;Â&#x152; The Association stated this in a communiquĂŠ after their emergency meeting at the Federal University of TechÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x201E;`Â&#x153;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x2019;] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_] j{j\Â&#x152; The communiquĂŠ jointly signed by Comrade Isah Abubakar and Haruna Ahmad Tinau, National President and Secretary respectively and made available to newsmen in Kaduna yesterday, disclosed that the two ministers have failed to han}Â&#x201E;\] j[\] |{}\Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;|] j{-] Â&#x2021;ion of Polytechnics (ASUP), and Colleges of EducajÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] |{}\Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;|] j{-] Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] (COEASU) strike action that has almost paralyzed educajÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{Â&#x152; The association also tasks
the Federal Government to {q] {] Â&#x2026;{9\_] `z] Â&#x2022;_Â&#x153;\Â&#x2021;|Â&#x2039;] |_\ate state police in order to tackle the current security |[{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;\q]z{|Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]j[\]Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; Part of the communique noted that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The state police will improve security
across the nation because it will allow people who know the terrain to be involved in the activities as natives of each state will be enrolled into the state ^`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;|\Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We condemn in totality
the adoption of the Chibok girls and call for their immediate unconditional reÂ&#x201E;\{q\ÂśÂ&#x152; As a measure to tackle unemployment in the country, the association calls on the Federal and
state governments to revisit the agriculture sector as it is the only way the economy can be revived and create jobs for the teaming youth thereby reducing insecurity in the |`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j_Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;
Company allocates 4,000 tonnes of fertilizer, seedlings, to Taraba farmers TED ODOGWU, Kano
nternational Fertiliser Distribution Company (IFDC) said yesterday that it allocated 4,000 tonnes of fertilizer and seedlings to farmers in Zing Local Government _\{]`z] {_{Â&#x2018;{Â&#x152; Mrs Caroline Machoko, j[\] ] \{}] j{-] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Zing, stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x152; Machoko said the company had so far distributed 1,000 maize seedlings and UREA and NPK brands of fertiliser to the farmers to boost food production in j[\]{_\{Â&#x152; She stated that the commodities were distributed in Yakoko, Monking and Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;\]|\Â&#x2021;j_\qÂ&#x152; She said that the massive turnout of farmers for the commodities was informed by the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1[\ $]]^]_`j_ ,j]q[x_{| *[j[|`} {~ 3{}^x[ ^j & `|Â&#x20AC;[ {~ Â {j[ 0| %`}` +`]]`j Â&#x201A;|^[Â&#x192;jÂ&#x20AC; .[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;^ 6_`_[ *{Â&#x201E;[|j{| \-\|jÂ&#x160;Â?\] Â&#x2026;\j[`}] `z] }Â&#x160;qj_Â&#x160;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; 6`^Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020; '`Â&#x2021;^jÂ&#x20AC;`|^ Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;|^jÂ&#x20AC; ^] ~`Â&#x2C6;^}^`|^Â&#x2030;`_^{j Â&#x201E;^]^_ _{ %^|j^j .[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;^ Also speaking with NAN, Mr Emmanuel Orume, a representative of with one another despite dif- juries are to be transferred to issue and Government will The Governor directed that the state Ministry of Agriz\_\Â&#x2021;|\q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j_Â&#x160;Â&#x2018;\q]`_]_\Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; {}Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;{]z`_]j_\{jÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152; wade in to ensure that all sec- the fence be built by Govern- culture, urged farmers in \_`] {Â&#x201E;q`] Â?Â&#x160;qÂ&#x160;j\}] {-\|j\}] At IDP camps, the Governor tions are justly treated in this ment, while an access road is the area to turn out in large areas including camps of In- pleaded with both Muslims Â&#x2026;{9\_Â&#x152;Âś to immediately be construct- numbers and register for ternally Displaced Persons {Â&#x2021;}] [_Â&#x160;qjÂ&#x160;{Â&#x2021;q]{-\|j\}]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\] To forestall future reoccur- ed to link the area behind the j[\]|`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;`}Â&#x160;jÂ&#x160;\qÂ&#x152; He commended the (IDPs) and hospital where crisis to forgive each other rence, Governor Yero has di- \Â&#x160;}]Â&#x153;_`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;}Â&#x152; some of the victims are receiv- and continue to live in peace rected the ministries of Works, The Governor also visited IFDC for its method of diÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]j_\{jÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152; saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kachia is known for Lands and education to resolve the palace of the Agom Adara rect distribution of farm At the hospital, Governor peace and is the least of areas dispute which occurred over where he called on the peo- inputs in the area, saying Yero directed that the State expected to witness such cri- the fencing of the eid prayer ple to cooperate with security that the method had tackbears all medical bills while qÂ&#x160;qÂ&#x152;] j]Â&#x160;q]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;z`_jÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2021;{j\]j[{j]j[Â&#x160;q] ground and access road to a agencies in returning normal- led the problem of middleÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; those that sustain serious in- crisis was over a very trivial |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x2018;\[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}]Â&#x160;jÂ&#x152; |Â&#x2039;]j`]j[\]{_\{Â&#x152;
Yero visits Kachia, vows to punish those behind crisis BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
aduna State Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero has vowed not to only Â&#x192;q[] `Â&#x2022;j] j[`q\] Â&#x2018;\hind the crisis that engulfed Kachia Local Government area over the weekend, but to also ensure that they are punÂ&#x160;q[\}]{||`_}Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x152; Speaking when he visited victims of the crisis yesterday, the Governor said investigation into the incident has since commenced and government will ensure that persons found to have perpetrated the violence are prosecuted Â&#x2021;`] Â&#x2026;{9\_] j[\Â&#x160;_] qj{jÂ&#x2022;q] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[\] q`|Â&#x160;\jÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152; His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;investigation is already on and whoever is found to have a hand in this crisis will face full wrath of j[\] Â&#x201E;{Â?Â&#x152;] ] Â?{Â&#x2021;j] j`] {qqÂ&#x2022;_\] j[\] people and I will call on people not to try thwarting the course of justice by protecting qÂ&#x2022;q^\|jq]}Â&#x2022;_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]{__\qjÂ&#x152;Âś The Governor also called on the people in the area to prevent their children from engaging in violent acts saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;if you allow your children to engage in such acts during crisis, they will one day turn against you when there is no |_Â&#x160;qÂ&#x160;qÂ&#x152;Âś He also admonished women in the area to desist from protesting half naked and called on them to always present their grievances with dignity and respect to womanhood, pleading with them to continue to live in peace
Kaduna Assembly suspends ex-Speaker over missing mace BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
he Kaduna State House of Assembly has suspended the former Speaker of the House Alhaji Usman Gangara over what it described as his involvement in the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the mace, the symbol of authority in the
`Â&#x2022;q\Â&#x152; The decision to suspend Gangara who was impeached last year for three months followed the report qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\}] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] j[\] `Â&#x2022;q\] |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] `Â&#x2021;] }Â&#x2022;|{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x2019;] Ethics and Privileges that investigated the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the original mace of j[\] qq\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x152; It would be recalled that the mace was removed from j[\] ÂĄ``_] `z] j[\] {qq\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] controversial circumstances during the leadership crisis that engulfed the House in ´¾³žÂ&#x152; The crisis had led to the
removal of the then Speaker, Alhaji Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Gangara and `j[\_] ^_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;|Â&#x160;^{Â&#x201E;] `J|\_q] j[\] lawmakers then described as inability to carry them {Â&#x201E;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x152; Since then, the Assembly had to make do with the mace used by the previous legislature to conduct its business, a development q`Â&#x2026;\]Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;\_q]q{Â&#x2039;]Â&#x160;q]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x152; Consequently, on the 12th of March this year the lawmakers mandated its ComÂ&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] j`] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â?\qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x153;{j\] j[\] where about of the original mace which disappeared since 24th September 2013 around the same time the
z`_Â&#x2026;\_] ^\{Â&#x2020;\_]Â?{q]q{|Â&#x2020;\}Â&#x152; The decision followed a motion moved by Alhaji Aliyu Jigo, member representing Kakangi constituency in Birnin-Gwari Local Government area, who said the reason behind the motion was to protect the integrity of the [`Â&#x2022;q\Â&#x152; However while presenting the report yesterday at plenary the Chairman of the `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] [Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;}{Â&#x2021;] Mana said in the course of their investigations it was discovered that former Speaker Muazu Gangara was responsible for the disappearance of the mace and
that it was presently in his |Â&#x2022;qj`}Â&#x2039;Â&#x152; Gidan-Mana therefore q{Â&#x160;}] j[\] |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] [{q] Â&#x2021;`] option but to recommend that Gangara immediately return the mace to the Clerk of the house and also proceed on suspension for three `Â&#x2021;j[qÂ&#x152; Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also recommend that the former Speaker should not be seen within the precincts of the Assembly or using any other facilities that belong to the Assembly until the expiration of the suspenqÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; While contribution to the |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] _\^`_jÂ&#x2019;] Â&#x201E;[{ÂżÂ&#x160;]
Aliyu Gigo commended the `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] z`_] }Â&#x160;q|[{_Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] their duties without fair or favour and pleaded that the suspension should be re}Â&#x2022;|\}Â&#x152; On his part, Bityong Nkon member representing Kaura Constituency move a counter motion seeking the House to tender a warning instead of suspension to Gangara On his part Mr Yohana Jatau member representing Jaba also supported Bityong and pleaded with his colleagues to temper justice with mercy and only give a Â?{_Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x201E;\9\_Â&#x152;
Bomb blast kills three in Jigawa
t least three people lost their lives two days ago when a bomb exploded at Gani forest in Basirika village in Wadam Local Government _\{]`z] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;{Â?{] j{j\Â&#x152;
The tragedy, occurred on Monday night when operatives of the Joint Task Force (JTF) were searching the forest for gunmen, who alleg\}Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]{9{|Â&#x2020;\}]{] `Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;|\] j{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] and killed seven Policemen in Â?{_`Â&#x2026;] `|{Â&#x201E;] `Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x152; Jigawa State Commissioner
of Police, Kayode Theophilous, who responded through his spokesman, Abdu Jinjiri, conÂ&#x192;_Â&#x2026;\}]j[\]j_{Â&#x153;\}Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;]q{Â&#x160;}]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â?\qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x153;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q][{Â?\]|`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;|\}Â&#x152; It would be recalled that for quite some time now, Jigawa State has been enjoying relative peace, largely due the co-
operation of the indigenes, as well as the vigilance of secu_Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;]`^\_{jÂ&#x160;Â?\qÂ&#x152; The Commissioner of Police pledged to mobilize a crack team to track down the perpetrators of the heinous act, adding that his men have already q^_{Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j`]{|jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;
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Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
news perspectives
A future of thirst: Water crisis lies on the horizon
ext time your throat is as dry as a bone and the sun is beating down, take a glass of clean, cool water, savour it, sip by sip. Vital and appreciated as that water, it will be even more precious to those who will follow you. By the end of this century, billions are likely to be gripped by water qj_\qq]{Â&#x2021;}]j[\]qjÂ&#x2022;-]`z]Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;z\] could be an unseen driv\_] `z] |`Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x160;|jÂ&#x2019;] q`] q{Â&#x2039;] [Â&#x2039;drologists, who forecast that on present trends, freshwater faces a double crunch -- from a population explosion, which will drive up demand for food and energy and the impact of climate change. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Approximately 80 per cent of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s popÂ&#x2022;Â&#x201E;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] {Â&#x201E;_\{}Â&#x2039;] qÂ&#x2022;-\_q] serious threats to its water security, as measured by indicators, including water availability, water demand and pollution,â&#x20AC;? the Nobel-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned in a landmark report in March. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Climate change can alter the availability of water and therefore threaten water security.â&#x20AC;? Already today, around 768 million people do not have access to a safe, reliable source of water and 2.5 billion do not have decent sanitation. Around a Â&#x192;zj[] `z] j[\] Â?`_Â&#x201E;}Âąq] {Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;fers are depleted. Jump forward in your imagination to mid-century, when the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population of about 7.2 billion is expected to swell to around 9.6 billion. By then, global demand for water is likely to increase by a whopping 55 per cent, according to the United Nationsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; newly published World Water Development Report. More than 40 per cent of the planetâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population will be living in areas of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;severeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; water stress, many of them in the broad swathe of land that runs along North Africa, the Middle East and western South Asia. Yet, these scenarios do not take into account changes in rainfall or snowfall or glacier shrinkage caused by global warming. \9\_]`_]}_Â&#x160;\_]ÂŽ] As a very general rule, wet countries will get Â?\9\_] {Â&#x2021;}] }_Â&#x2039;] |`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j_Â&#x160;\q] will get drier, accentu{jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] _Â&#x160;qÂ&#x2020;] `z] ÂĄ``}] `_] drought, climate scientists warn. But whether people will heed their alarm call is a
Â&#x153;``}]Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;\qjÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;When seismologists talk about an area at _Â&#x160;qÂ&#x2020;] z_`Â&#x2026;] {Â&#x2021;] \{_j[Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;{Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2019;] people generally accept what they say and refrain from building their home there,â&#x20AC;? said French climatologist Herve Le Treut, adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;But when it comes to drought or ÂĄ``}Â&#x2019;]^\`^Â&#x201E;\]j\Â&#x2021;}]j`]^{Â&#x2039;] Â&#x201E;\qq] {9\Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;] Â?[\Â&#x2021;] j[\] warning comes from meteorologists.â&#x20AC;? {j\_] qÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2022;{Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;\q] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[\] hot, arid sub-tropics have a long history. In recent years, the Tigris, Euphrates and Nile have all been the grounds for verbal sparring over who has the right to build dams, withhold or extract â&#x20AC;&#x153;blue goldâ&#x20AC;? to the possible detriment of people downstream. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There will clearly be less water available in sub-tropical countries, both as surface water and {Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;z\_] Â?{j\_] {Â&#x2021;}] j[Â&#x160;q] will sharpen competition for water resources,â&#x20AC;? said Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros, who headed the chapter on water for the big IPCC report.
Citing a 2012 assessment by US intelligence agencies, the US State Department said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Water is not just a human health issue, not just an economic development or environmental issue but a peace and security issue.â&#x20AC;?
Rows over water between nations tend to be resolved without bloodshed, often using international fora, said Richard Connor, who headed the UN water report. However, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You can talk about |`Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x160;|j] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Â?[Â&#x160;|[] Â?{j\_] is the root cause, albeit
usually hidden,â&#x20AC;? he told AFP. Ă&#x201E; j] |{Â&#x2021;] Â&#x201E;\{}] j`] ÂĄÂ&#x2022;|jÂ&#x2022;{tions in energy and food prices, which can in turn lead to civil unrest. In qÂ&#x2022;|[] |{q\qÂ&#x2019;] j[\] Ă&#x201C;|`Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x160;|jÂą] may be over energy or food prices but these are themselves related to wa-
ter availability and allocation.â&#x20AC;? Failing a slowdown in population growth or a swift solution to global warming, the main answers for addressing the Â?{j\_] |_Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;|[] Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;\] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] \Jciency. In some countries of the Middle East, between 15 and 60 per cent of water disappears through leaks or evaporation, even before the consumer turns the tap. Building desalination plants on coasts in dry regions may sound tempting â&#x20AC;&#x153;but their water can cost up to 30 times more than ordinary water,â&#x20AC;? noted Jimenez-Cisneros. J|Â&#x160;\Â&#x2021;|Â&#x2039;] `^jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;clude smarter irrigation, crops that are less thirsty or drought-resilient, power stations that do not extract vast amounts of water for cooling and consumer participation, qÂ&#x2022;|[] {q] ÂĄÂ&#x2022;q[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] j`Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;\jq] with â&#x20AC;&#x153;greyâ&#x20AC;? water, meaning used bath or shower water. Above all, the message will be: donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t waste even a single drop.
Torture spreading as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;glorifiedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by television â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Amnesty
orture is rampant across the world and has become almost normalised by the â&#x20AC;&#x153;war on terrorâ&#x20AC;? and the glamorous portrayal it shows, such as â&#x20AC;&#x153;24â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Homelandâ&#x20AC;?, Amnesty International said Tuesday. The London-based human rights group is launching a new campaign aimed at ending torture, which it said remains widespread, even 30 years after a blanket prohibition was agreed by the United Nations. Â&#x2021;] j[\] ^{qj] Â&#x192;Â?\] Â&#x2039;\{_qÂ&#x2019;] Amnesty said it has recorded incidents in 141 countries, including 79 of the 155 signatories to the 1984 UN Convention against Torture. The global survey of 21,000 people in 21 countries also revealed a widespread dread of the practice, with 44 per cent saying they feared being abused if they were taken into custody. Yet, over a third per cent of the respondents said they believed torture was sometimes necessary and acceptable to gain information that may protect the public. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s almost become normalised, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s become routine,â&#x20AC;? Amnesty secretary general Salil Shetty told reporters at the launch of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stop Tor-
tureâ&#x20AC;? campaign in London. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since the so-called war against terrorism, the use of torture, particularly in the United States {Â&#x2021;}]j[\Â&#x160;_]q^[\_\]`z]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;ÂĄÂ&#x2022;ence... has got so much more normalised as part of national security expectations.â&#x20AC;? Support for torture ranged widely across nations, from 74 percent in China and India, to just 12 percent in Greece and 15 percent in Argentina, the GlobeScan survey found. In Britain, which had the lowest fear of torture among all the countries, 29 percent backed its use -- a fact Amnesty country director Kate Allen attributed to the popularity
of violent, spy-based TV shows. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Programmes like â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Homelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; have Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;`_Â&#x160;Â&#x192;\}]j`_jÂ&#x2022;_\]j`]{]Â&#x153;\Â&#x2021;eration but thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a masqÂ&#x160;Â?\] }Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;|\] Â&#x2018;\jÂ?\\Â&#x2021;] a dramatic depiction by screenwriters and its real-life use by government agents in torture chambers,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;They get away with itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Amnesty won the Nobel Peace prize in 1977, largely because of its Â?`_Â&#x2020;] Â&#x192;Â&#x153;[jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] {Â&#x153;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qj] torture and the new twoyear campaign is an attempt to revisit one of its core issues. The group noted how the UN Convention made torturers â&#x20AC;&#x153;international outlawsâ&#x20AC;? and prompted governments worldwide
to denounce the practice. But it warned that in reality, many are endorsing or at least failing to tackle the issue head-on. It described police brutality in Asia, where torture is a â&#x20AC;&#x153;fact of lifeâ&#x20AC;? and pointed out that more than 30 countries in Africa have yet to make such abuse punishable by law. [\9Â&#x2039;] q^`Â&#x2020;\] `z] Ă&#x201E;j[\] cruelty of inmates in the United States being held Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] q`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;j{_Â&#x2039;] |`Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j] with no light,â&#x20AC;? of stoning {Â&#x2021;}]ÂĄ`Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\] Â&#x160;}dle East and of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;stubborn failureâ&#x20AC;? of European nations to investigate allegations of complicity in torture. The new campaign fo|Â&#x2022;q\q] `Â&#x2021;] Â&#x192;Â?\] |`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;j_Â&#x160;\q] where torture is a partic-
ular problem and where the NGO believes it can have the most impact: Mexico, the Philippines, Morocco and Western Sahara, Nigeria and Uzbekistan. `_\9{] Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x152;] `q{Â&#x201E;\qÂ&#x2019;] who was tortured under the Marcos regime in the Philippines in 1976 and now leads that countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s human rights commission, said there were several reasons why torture continued. It was seen as a shortcut to get confessions from detainees, a tool of corruption or an instrument of repression and came from a prioritisation of â&#x20AC;&#x153;the need for state security over human security,â&#x20AC;? she told reporters. [\9Â&#x2039;] q{Â&#x160;}] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;] instances it was simple: â&#x20AC;&#x153;People get away with it.â&#x20AC;? Amnesty is calling on governments to prevent torture by providing medical and legal access z`_] ^_Â&#x160;q`Â&#x2021;\_q] {Â&#x2021;}] Â&#x2018;\9\_] inspection of detention centres. However, it also wants an end to the impunity that exists in many places, urging independent investigations of allegations of torture. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Governments have broken their promises and because of these broken promises millions of ^\`^Â&#x201E;\][{Â?\]qÂ&#x2022;-\_\}]j\__Â&#x160;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2019;Âś] [\9Â&#x2039;]q{Â&#x160;}Â&#x152;
UEFA C/League final: Lisbonbound fans commend Heineken
t was celebration for lucky consumers of Heineken who won {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ÂŽ] \Â ^\Â&#x2021;q\qÂŽ^{Â&#x160;}] j_Â&#x160;^] j`] Â?{j|[] j[\] Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] Â&#x2026;{j|[] of the UEFA Champions League this month at the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, Portugal. At the media interaction held at the Heineken House Lagos during the q\|`Â&#x2021;}] Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;] q\Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;ÂŽÂ&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] match of the competition, all the winners in separate interviews disclosed that they were yet to come to terms with the reality that they will be among the privileged thousands of football faithful that will Â?{j|[] j[\] \^Â&#x160;|] Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] `z] clubsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; most prestigious football tournament live at the stadium. Usurhyel Auta who won the Abuja draw said he was destined to win going by the way events played out on the fateful night he got lucky. He said he was `Â&#x2021;]`J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;]}Â&#x2022;jÂ&#x2039;]z_`Â&#x2026;] {Â&#x153;`q] and decided to watch the UEFA Champions
League matches at a bar in company of friends. Fortunately, he became the hero of the night after the match. j]Â?{q]{]}Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;j]qj`_Â&#x2039;]z`_] Sopuluchukwu Benjamin Ezugorie who has been a perennial participant! According to him: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been a participant in previous seasons without success, but I am always encouraged because the Heineken brand has been my favorite brand. I believe that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;for you to be a winner, Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2022;] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj] Â&#x192;_qj] `z] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;] Â&#x2018;\] {] participantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and this was just the driving force in me.
{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2021;\] \Â&#x201E;q`Â&#x2021;] Ă&#x192;\Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2019;] the only lady who won in Lagos said she has always had admiration for Cristiano Ronaldo especially for his \Â ^Â&#x201E;`Â&#x160;jq] {j] {Â&#x2021;|[\qj\_] Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;j\}Â&#x152;] {j\][{q]`-\_\}][\_] the opportunity to meet the current â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;World Footballer of the Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; when Ronaldoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;] \{Â&#x201E;] {}_Â&#x160;}Â&#x2019;]j{Â&#x2020;\q]`Â&#x2021;] |Â&#x160;jÂ&#x2039;] _Â&#x160;Â?{Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2019;] jÂ&#x201E;\jÂ&#x160;|`] {}_Â&#x160;}] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]j[\]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;]Â&#x2026;{j|[]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] Â&#x160;qÂ&#x2018;`Â&#x2021;] on the 24th of this month.
AYC qualifier: Manu orders Success to Kaduna
ranada CF striker, Isaac Success Â&#x160;q] \Â ^\|j\}] j`] fortify the Flying Eagles strike force when he Âż`Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;q]Â&#x2022;^]Â&#x2021;\Â j]Â?\\Â&#x2020;Â&#x152; Team secretary Auwal Aliyu Ibrahim said a formal contact will again be made to Successâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Spanish La Liga club in this respect. Ă&#x201E; `{|[] {Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;] [{q] asked that Success join the rest of the squad in Kaduna as soon as [\] {__Â&#x160;Â?\q] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{] `Â&#x2021;] holidays, Aliyu Ibrahim said. Granada did not respond to earlier contacts for the player to be released in time for the Flying Eagles African Youth Championship q\|`Â&#x2021;}] _`Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;}Â&#x2019;] Â&#x192;_qj] Â&#x201E;\Â&#x153;] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x192;\_]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] {Â&#x2021;Ă&#x192;{Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;{Â&#x152; It is believed that this was because the big striker was very much part of their plans to
Daily Newswatch
beat relegation from La Liga. He was an unused substitute for two of the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s league games. Granada are still in danger of relegation as they are just two points clear of the drop zone and they face second z_`Â&#x2026;]Â&#x2018;`9`Â&#x2026;] \{Â&#x201E;] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{}`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;}]{Â?{Â&#x2039;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;]{]Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;]Â&#x153;{Â&#x2026;\] on Sunday. ] Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] z`_] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{}`Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;}] could well see Granada sucked into the drop zone. FC Porto forward Chidera Eze, who has recovered from a hamstring injury, as well as Bernard Bulbwa, Abubakar Lawal and Ifeanyi Â?\Â&#x2020;\] {_\] j[\] `j[\_] players to join the 18Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2021;]qÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2022;{}]z_`Â&#x2026;]j[\]Â&#x192;_qj] leg in Tanzania. The return leg match Â&#x160;q]Â&#x192; \}]z`_] {Â&#x2039;]´Ă&#x2018;]{j]j[\] Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna.
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
Green: NFF firmly behind Eaglets Barrister Chris Green, the chairman technical comÂ&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\]`z] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{ ootball Federation Ă&#x201A; Ă&#x2039;Â&#x2019;] [{q] \Â&#x2026;^[{jÂ&#x160;cally pledged that the z\}\_{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]Â&#x160;q]Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2018;\[Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}] the technical crew of the Golden Eaglets in the bid to build a virile team capable of defending the FIFA Under-17 World Cup. Speaking with the j\{Â&#x2026;Âąq] `J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;q] }Â&#x2022;_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] {] brief meeting at the Glass House in Abuja on Tuesday, Green said he was impressed with the progress made so far in grooming a new team even as he called for equity and fair play in selection of players. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frankly, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t envy your jobs because you |{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;`j]{-`_}]j`]z{Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;Âś]q{Â&#x160;}] Green. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The truth is that Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{Â&#x2021;q]\Â ^\|j]q`]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;|[] from you because we are the defending champions at this level; you must ensure that only the best ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x2039;\_q]{_\]^Â&#x160;|Â&#x2020;\}Â&#x152;Âś
_\\Â&#x2021;]q{Â&#x160;}]j[\] ]}\liberately left behind some `J|Â&#x160;{Â&#x201E;q] z_`Â&#x2026;] j[\] ´¾³ž] World Cup-winning team for the sake of continuity as such; they must be guided Â?Â&#x160;j[] j[\] Â&#x2018;\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x192;j] `z] [Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}sight when selecting the players. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some of you were part of the last team and we Â?{Â&#x2021;j]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2022;]j`]Â&#x2022;q\]qÂ&#x2022;|[]\ ^\rience in building the new j\{Â&#x2026;]j[{j] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{Â&#x2021;q]Â?`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}] Â&#x2018;\]^_`Â&#x2022;}]`zÂ&#x2019;Âś]{}}\}] _\\Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;
Similar message was impressed upon the technical crew in another separate meeting with Dr. EmmaÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2022;\Â&#x201E;] Â&#x2020;^\Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2019;] Âąq] Â&#x160;_\|j`_] \|[Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;|{Â&#x201E;] {Â&#x2021;}] _Â&#x152;] Â&#x160;ÂżÂ&#x160;] Lagunju, the Chief Techni|{Â&#x201E;] J|\_]`z]j[\] Â&#x152;] Ikpeme said the present crew can follow the prototype that delivered a record fourth FIFA Under-17 World Cup in 2013, adding j[{j]j[\] ]Â?`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}]}`]\Â?\rything to ensure a success-
ful campaign. On both occasions, Golden Eagletsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; head coach, Emmanuel Amuneke reiterated his commitment to the job even as he solicited for Â&#x2026;{Â Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2026;]qÂ&#x2022;^^`_jÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;What we owe the federation is honesty and hard work and we are doing this job without fear or z{Â?`Â&#x2022;_Â&#x2019;Âś] q{Â&#x160;}] j[\] z`_Â&#x2026;\_] African Footballer of the Year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We know the huge \Â ^\|j{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q] `z] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{Â&#x2021;q] {Â&#x2021;}] j[\] ] {Â&#x2021;}] ] Â?{Â&#x2021;j] to assure you that we are going to give this job our Â&#x2018;\qjÂ&#x152;Âś Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2019;] Â?[`] Â&#x160;q] \Â pected to draw a list of ^Â&#x201E;{Â&#x2039;\_q] z`_] j[\] Â&#x2021;\Â j] qj{Â&#x153;\] of the selection process, said only the best players would be picked as the team continue its build up for its second round qualiÂ&#x192;\_]{Â&#x153;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qj]j[\]Â?Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2021;\_]`z]{] tie between Burundi and Congo in July.
Balogun, future star â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Keshi
uper Eagles head Coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, says he is thrilled by the responses of some of the players that were not picked for the World Cup, especially Germany based, Leon Balogun, John Ogu, Brown Ideye and others. Keshi who spoke from his Abuja base said picking the 30-man list for the World Cup was {] }Â&#x160;J|Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;j] j{qÂ&#x2020;] {Â&#x2021;}] [\]
was ready to please all, but he is constrained by the stipulated FIFA requirement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wanted the best for the initial camping list but sadly we cannot take everybody along, we have to drop some of `Â&#x2022;_] Â&#x2018;\qj] {Â&#x2021;}] |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\}] players. I am happy that the players understand j[{j]z{|jÂ&#x152;Âś I heard what Leon Balogun said and I must say I am thrilled that he understands the very
}Â&#x160;J|Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;j] j{qÂ&#x2020;] Â?\] [{Â?\] Â&#x2018;\\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â?\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{Â&#x2021;qĂ&#x201D;] I trust that sooner than later Leon will be back in the team. We are targeting to bring him back during j[\] Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;{Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x192;\_q] z`_] j[\] {jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q] Â&#x2022;^] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] `_`||`] and I trust we will still be in charge. Balogun is one of our stars for the future `z] j[\] Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] j\{Â&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Âś] Keshi said. The Eagles boss while declaring his unalloyed Â&#x201E;`Â&#x2039;{Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2039;]j`]j[\] Â&#x2019;]|{Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\}] on the media to support
[Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;] {Â&#x2021;}] j[\] ] Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] j[\] j{qÂ&#x2020;] `z] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{] great at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They create imaginary disputes between me and my employers, but I dare say there is no disagreement between us. All I want is support from all, including the players who did not make the initial 30-man list to Brazil, so that we |{Â&#x2021;] \Â |\Â&#x201E;] {j] j[\] `_Â&#x201E;}] Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2019;Âś][\]}\|Â&#x201E;{_\}Â&#x152;
Daily Newswatch
Sports/NEWS 79 Brazil 2014: Kogi Utd manager tips Eagles to soar AWC qualifier: Perpetua, 7 other pros get Friday deadline
THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014
By Ademu Idakwo, Lokoja
he sole administrator of Kogi United { }] ` ¡ \ |\] \\ q ] { { ] } ] }{ {] [{q] \ ^_\qq\}] |` }\ |\]j[{j]j[\] ^\_] { \q] ` }] }`] \ ] ] j[\] z`_j[|` ] } { ] in Brazil. ^\{ ] j[] \ q \ ] ] ` `¿{ ] { { ] }{ {] q{ }] j[{j] {q\}] ` ]j[\]|` ^`q j ` ]`z]j[\] ^ { \_q] j\}] ] `{|[] j\^[\ ] \q[ ] \_ {] [{ \] { ] j] j{ \q] j`] `] z{_] ]j[\]j` _ { \ j He noted that all those j[{j] {}\]j[\]^_` q ` { ]
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Brazil 2014: Eagles must stop Messi – Omeruo
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Abiodun calls for Kwambe support ...Backs Falcons to flyover Rwanda
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Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com
-Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 2, No. 319
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Rescuing PIB from NASS mortuary
ndications that the National Assembly might be shielding its incompetence or roguery or both in handling the Petroleum Industry Bill emerged last week with the Minister of Petroleum Diezani Allison-Madueke counseling the lawmakers to pass the bill in phases since handling all the provisions in one take, after 14 years of deliberations, appears audaciously awesome. While the oil ministry is worried by the delay, a House of Representative lawmaker last week shifted the blame, accusing the Presidency and the NNPC of being responsible for gagging j[\] Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Âąq] ^{qq{Â&#x153;\Â&#x152;] [{Â&#x160;_Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2021;] `Â&#x2022;q\] `Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] on Commerce Sylvester Ogbaga made the allegation on monday at oil and gas meeting. Yet President Goodluck Jonathan had assuretwo months ago that the bill would be passed â&#x20AC;&#x153;soonâ&#x20AC;? the same word used by lawmakers, which means Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;}\Â&#x192;Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;j\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2039;]`_]z`_\Â?\_Â&#x152;]] ][{}]{Â&#x2018;`Â&#x2022;j]q\Â?\Â&#x2021;]Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;j[q] ago said the PIB was dead on arrival in NASS morgue; but now we need prayer warriors to deliver it from NASS mortuary of vital bills to transform the economy and create jobs. I had then said that from National Assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s subterfuges, delay tactics and deceit, it seems the much-awaited Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) Â&#x160;q] |`Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;\}] j`] Â&#x2018;\] }\{}] `Â&#x2021;] {__Â&#x160;Â?{Â&#x201E;] {Â&#x153;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;] {zj\_] 14 years of failed deliberations of indolent and unpatriotic federal lawmakers. I had expressed doubts that the current crop of idlers at the National Assembly lack the patriotic fervour to consider national interest, not that of rogue International Oil corporations (IOCs), to pass the proposed law to revitalize oil industry to yield more revenue for Nigeria. Indeed, the National Assembly had then resumed from a long vacation, with the Senate Âż`Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j] |`Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;9\\] ^_`Â&#x2026;Â&#x160;qÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] j`] [{_Â&#x2026;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x160;Ă&#x192;\] j[\] position of both Houses of Assembly. Really, these ding-dong, forward-backward movements are to stall proceedings and ensure that the oil cabals milking the nation dry continue business as usual. The current NASS dominated by clueless PDP can never produce a revised Constitution for the country or a reformed Petroleum Industry Â&#x201E;{Â?] j`] qj`^] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] `Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;] Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q] z_`Â&#x2026;] _{^Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] the nation to death through the assistance of unpatriotic Nigerians in high places. The Oduahgate and National conference smokescreen beclouded discussions on more serious issues including the long-awaited amendment to the Constitution (which if done timely should have made Confab debate unnecessary), PIB, and repeal of the 1955 Nigeria Railway Corporation monopoly law, which are all strangulation job-creation investments. Now it
could be safely assumed that PIB is dead awaiting burial or resurrection, especially with the Chibok girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; brouhaha, another smokescreen for indolent lawmakers to hide. With barely eight months to the presidential election in February next year, Nigerians need to join federal lawmakers to their prayer request as they have constituted themselves into PIB-economic boko haram. A former Chief Justice of Nigeria Justice Alfa Belgore reportedly said in January 2013 that Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;j\_z\_\Â&#x2021;|\] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2039;] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] `Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;] Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q] [{Â&#x201E;j\}] the passage of PIB. The retired justice who is the Chairman, Governing Council of the International Institute for Petroleum, Energy Law and Policy said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I must point out that they have not come [\_\] j`] Â&#x201E;`q\] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j] j`] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\] ^_`Â&#x192;jÂ&#x152;] ] \] q[`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}] \Â&#x2021;|`Â&#x2022;_{Â&#x153;\] j[\Â&#x2026;] j`] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\] ^_`Â&#x192;jÂ&#x2019;] Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j] Â&#x2021;`j] j`] j[\] disadvantage of the country. The country itself Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;qj]Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2020;\]^_`Â&#x192;j]z_`Â&#x2026;]Â&#x160;jq]_\q`Â&#x2022;_|\qÂ&#x2019;]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;}Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;]`Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;] and gasâ&#x20AC;?.
David Mark, Senate President The Senate had in July organized a hush-hush hearing to get input of relevant stakeholders, but prematurely shut down and shut out Labour from making presentation. PENGASAN AND NUPENG oil unions had last year noted j[{j] j[\] {Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ÂŽÂ&#x160;Â&#x2026;^`_j{Â&#x2021;j] Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;] [{}] qÂ&#x2022;-\_\}] Â&#x2026;{Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;] qjÂ&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;_j[q] Â&#x2018;\|{Â&#x2022;q\] `z] j[\] Ă&#x201E;q\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;q[] Â&#x153;`{Â&#x201E;q] {Â&#x2021;}] objectives for perpetual exploitation of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hydrocarbon resource endowment and continued impoverishment of ordinary Nigeriansâ&#x20AC;?. Because the nation is saddled with a clueless and empty Senate the IOC gangs are boldly
You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ken Kesey
ROADMAP Soni Ehi Asuelimen
itiswell0513@gmail.com 08023459055(sms)
confronting a sissy and spineless federal government that they would pull out their oil investment from Nigeria if they were made to pay more tax and leakages plugged through an \J|Â&#x160;\Â&#x2021;j] `Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;] _\Â&#x153;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;{j`_Â&#x152;] ] `Â&#x2022;_] Â&#x2039;\{_q] {Â&#x153;`Â&#x2019;] j[\] ] could not be passed by the third NASS because of a smokescreen that two versions of the PIB were in circulation and the President did not know which j`] qÂ&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;] ] Â&#x160;-\_\Â&#x2021;j] ] Â?\_qÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;q] ] Â?\_\] |Â&#x160;_|Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;{j\}] deliberately by oil cabal to kill the bill. Now the fourth NASS is going, going and a fresh smokescreen has emerged that would truncate the bill and make the cabal happy. For 14 years, j[\] ][{q]qÂ&#x2022;-\_\}]}Â&#x160;q{qj_`Â&#x2022;q]Â&#x192;jq]{Â&#x2021;}]qj{_jqÂ&#x2019;]Â?Â&#x160;j[] multinational oil corporations allegedly throwing money around to ensure the bill, which they |Â&#x201E;{Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;\}] Â?`Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;}] q[_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2020;] j[\Â&#x160;_] `Â&#x2022;jÂ&#x201E;{Â&#x2021;}Â&#x160;q[] ^_`Â&#x192;jq] {Â&#x2021;}] ÂĄ\\|Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] `z] j[\] Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;Â&#x152;] ] j] j[\] ÂłĂ?j[] Â&#x160;Â&#x153;\_Â&#x160;{] Economic Summit in Abuja last year, federal Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j]{Â&#x2021;}]`Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q]\ ^_\qq\}]j[\Â&#x160;_]Â?Â&#x160;\Â?qÂ&#x152;] [\]`Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q]Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x160;qj\}Â&#x2019;]Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022;j] ]}Â&#x160;q{Â&#x153;_\\}Â&#x2019;]j[{j]j[\] Â&#x192;q|{Â&#x201E;]_\Â&#x153;Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;\]`Â&#x2021;]j{ Â&#x2019;]_`Â&#x2039;{Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2019;]^_`}Â&#x2022;|jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;]q[{_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] contracts, oil block management, etc., may lead to their divestments. A foreign expert who worked on the bill
had alerted over one year ago of a grand plot to water down PIB provisions to guarantee transparency, accountability and probity, the lack of which has made Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oil industry a Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;}] z`_] _`Â&#x153;Â&#x2022;\] Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;{jÂ&#x160;`Â&#x2021;{Â&#x201E;] Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q] {Â&#x2021;}] their unpatriotic local bureaucracy collaborators. The recommendation, which is in tandem with Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) global ethical standards of good practices is for `Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;]Â&#x192;_Â&#x2026;q]j`]^Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x160;q[]Â?[{j]j[\Â&#x2039;]^{Â&#x2039;]j`]Â&#x153;`Â?\_Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2021;j] and for government to publish what they receive on oil transactions.
However, the Oil Producers Trade Section representing the interests of IOC presented their case before the Senate in July. Chairman of OPTS and Managing Director, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, Mr. Mark Ward, said that if the PIB is passed as it is currently, oil and gas production will decline from 63 percent to about 25 percent. IOCs have made moves to recruit state governors to back their cause against national interest. With politicisation, some northern lawmakers threatened war if the bill is passed. Who loses if q]|`Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;\]j[\]_Â&#x160;^]`-]{Â&#x2021;}]z_`Â&#x2026;]Â?[\_\]}`]j[\] northern states get their funding? Oil, of course. Well, it is not the duty of IOCs to protect the interests of Nigerians when Nigerian governments at all levels do not demonstrate interest in the welfare of their people. Ward is ^\_z\|jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2039;] _Â&#x160;Â&#x153;[j] j`] |`Â&#x2021;jÂ&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;\] ^{Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;] ^Â&#x160;9{Â&#x2021;|\] j{Â Â&#x152;]] My mother used to say that if the owner of a pot calls it useless another person would use it as waste bin. Good enough Senate President David Mark smelled the IOC blackmail. However, what can Mark do having been part of the Senate in the past 14 years that the PIB was stalled to coma. Anyway, hear Mark in July 2013, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The International Oil Companies too should not take undue advantage of Nigeria. What I do not want is when people begin to threaten that if you do not do this, we will pack out of Nigeria. That is not the correct thing. We are conscious of the fact that there is frustration in the oil industry. It must be a fair deal for everybody. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had shown understanding in the past. When the crisis in the Niger Delta crisis was at its peak, the IOCs used that as an excuse. The security situation is not permanent it is temporary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We like as much as possible to fasttrack this bill because it is beginning to hold up so many things. Some investors, when you talk to them, they tell you that they are waiting for the PIB to be passed; so, we are anxious to get it out of the way. It should not be a parochial issue or one section of the country versus another, everyone should be objective.â&#x20AC;? If the PIB is eventually killed in David Markâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s House, the NASS must give account of the N6.2 billion vote by the Ministry of Petroleum Resources to oil the passage of the controversial PIB and create awareness campaign for a bill that had by then undergone second readings at both Houses. Therefore, the National Assembly must rise {Â&#x2018;`Â?\] j[\] ^\9Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;\qq] `z] Â&#x192;Â&#x201E;j[Â&#x2039;] Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;|_\] z_`Â&#x2026;] {Â&#x2021;Â&#x2039;] source and do a patriotic job of protecting the interest of the country. What is at stake also is for domestication of the control of the oil industry, removal of monopoly practices, unbundling of the NNPC behemoth, imposing hefty sanctions j`]}Â&#x160;q|`Â&#x2022;_{Â&#x153;\]_\|Â&#x2020;Â&#x201E;\qq]{Â&#x2021;}]Â&#x2022;Â&#x2021;[\{Â&#x201E;j[Â&#x2039;]Â&#x153;{q]ÂĄ{_Â&#x160;Â&#x2021;Â&#x153;Â&#x2019;] empowering oil communities in order to end militancy and environmental pollution with impunity.
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