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Congratulations to the New Executive Governor of Ekiti State


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Daily Newswatch

South West

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Stakeholders differ on creation of ‘Lagoon State’ LEKAN ADEJUWON


rominent indigenes of Lagos State have expressed different views on the propriety of creation of Lagoon State from the state following recommendation for new additional 18 states across the country at the just concluded National Conference. The views were expressed by discussants yesterday at a symposium organised in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Eko Club

tagged – ‘The Role of Lagos, Past, Present and Future’. An elder statesman and legal luminary, Chief Babatunde Benson (SAN), wondered why Lagos State was schemed out of the proposed 18 states suggested by the confab and decried what he termed ‘long term mar-

ginalisation’ of the state by successive governments in the country, stressing that creation of Lagoon State is long overdue considering the avalanche of human and economic potentials abound across the state. “If state creation is done on the basis of population, then I don’t see any justification for

Bayelsa State with population of 1.7 million and total voting population of about 500,000 to merit such privilege ahead of Lagos State with population of closed to 20 million. “It is more laughable that each of the present 36 states has equal representation of three senators regardless of size

and population. How do you justify that?” Also, former Chairman of Lagos British International School, Chief Tunde Fanimokun, emphasised that Lagos remained the only state created by former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (rtd), since 1967 and still intact. “I would prefer that

Ogun students solicit support for Amosun

Poly students plead with minister to change their bus



ational Association of Ogun State Students (NAOSS) has urged its members to support Governor Ibikunle Amosun-led administration in its drive to turn around the state. National President of NAOSS, Abdulgafar Balogun, spoke yesterday in Abeokuta, the state capital, stressing that those developmental projects executed by the administration have started impacting on the masses’ lives. Balogun, who was sworn in Monday alongside other members of the executive in Abeokuta, emphasised that what the governor needs is the people’s support for him to record more success in executing peopleoriented projects, adding that the state has not had it so good as it has been transformed to modern community through the present administration’s urban renewal programme. Meanwhile, the president, who is a student of Accountancy Department, University of Maiduguri, promised to take the association to greater heights and solicited for support of its members across all tertiary institutions in the country. Those sworn in as new executive of the association include Adeosun Azeez (Senate President), Bioku Samuel (General Secretary), Akinyemi Oluwatoyin (Treasurer ) and Ibrahim Lawal (PRO II, North).

Lagos State becomes a country of its own. This is because whoever is running the state as governor is running five or more states in Nigeria.” However, former Lagos State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Chief Supo Sashore, who represented the state at the confab, expressed different view as he said the clamour for state creation is uncalled for. “We objected to Lagoon State and state creation generally because we felt that state creation at this time would multiply the hardship that exists in Nigeria presently.”



tudents of The Polytechnic, Ibadan have appealed to Minister of State for Federal Members of Nigeria Association of the Blind (NAB) during a rally to mark international white cane and safety day tagged – ‘KeepCapital Territory (FCT), Photo: Bankole Damilare ing the Blind Moving’ at Ogba, Ikeja, Lagos State...yesterday. Oloye Jumoke Akinjide, to change the bus she gave to them, stressing that it would not serve its real purpose having broken down not far from the scene it was PETER DADA, Akure cusing the state govern- 1 of the 1999 Constitu- to employ some of them presented. who are not from this The bus is one of the n Akure- ment of discriminating tion (as amended). The legal practitioner state.” four given to students based law- against non-indigenes However, Chairman Tuesday at Lekan Sayer, Femi in the recruitment exer- emphasised that since the non-indigene ap- of the state Teaching lami Sports Complex, E m m a - cise. He claimed that most plicants’ parents pay Service Commission Adamasingba, Ibadan, nuel, has threatened to sue Ondo of the non-indigene ap- taxes into the state gov- (TESCOM), Dr Bakkita Oyo State capital, during State Government for plicants were sidelined ernment’s coffers, they Bello, said there is no First Lady’s, Dame Paalleged failure to in- in the exercise having should also be given iota of truth in the al- tience Jonathan, visit to explaining the state. clude non-indigenes stated their state of ori- equal rights with the in- legation, that the exercise was However, students of in the ongoing recruit- gin as indicated in the digenes. “ N o n - i n d i g e n e s thrown open to all The Polytechnic, Ibadan ment of secondary forms filled by them, school teachers across stressing that the coun- should not be sidelined residents of the state could not be conveyed try’s constitution does in this exercise since irrespective of their back to the campus at the state. Emmanuel spoke not allow discrimina- they are residents of the origin and promised Sango with their own through a protest letter tion against non-in- state. We may end up that qualified and com- bus as it broke down at addressed to Governor digenes as it violates losing the best hands to petent hands would be Premier Hotel junction in Ibadan and the fault Olusegun Mimiko, ac- Section 42, Sub-section another state if we fail employed at the end. throughout Tuesday. Some of the students who went to check the funds as credit facility for conditions, stressing that government for providPETER DADA, Akure bus yesterday disclosed traders in the state is in the state government has ing what she described ndo State tandem with his adminis- removed all the stringent as simple, though funda- it may be unserviceable. According to a student, Government tration’s resolve towards ¢ §,§ ¡ ¢ mental credit facilities to ¡ ¢ £¤ ¥ is set to dis- creating employment disbursement and repay- market women and artihimself as Segun, it is burse N2 bil- and ensuring eradication ment. sans across the state, adda bad omen that newly lion as loans of poverty among the According to the gov- ing that the Mimiko-led given bus broke down to traders, artisans and masses. ernor, the interest rate is administration has been not far from where it was operators of small and Mimiko, who was repre- single digit and scope of giving priority to the medium-scale enterprises sented at the occasion by the target groups has been course of women since its presented. “We, indeed, appreciacross the state towards ¡ ¢ ¡ ¦ ¦ §I¨ § enlarged under the new inception. ate the minister’s gesture, boosting its economy. , © ¡ Ademujimi, disclosed scheme as its size has been Governor Olusegun that the loan would be increased and provision § ¢ ª ¢ ¥ but we would appreciate Mimiko spoke during facilitated through Ondo made for the physically- use the loan and ensure if something could be one-day sensitisation State Micro Credit Agen- challenged across the state prompt repayment as done to assist because the bus may prove to be programme on the loan, cy (OSMA) as it is new to access it. scheduled so as to allow expensive to maintain, if which was held at Akure, and special scheme with Meanwhile, Chairman others have opportuthe state capital, where he much more convenient of OSMA, Mrs Banke Sut- ¥ ¦ £ ¡ it is a faulty one from the beginning.” explained that releasing § §I § £¢ § ton, commended the state scheme.

Lawyer threatens to sue Ondo over teachers’ recruitment


Ondo to disburse N2bn to traders, artisans, others


Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014




Fashola advocates confab on ethical codes to rebuild Nigeria


igerians must reclaim the nation’s lost val ¢¨ her moral codes; §© ££ of good and bad.” Lagos State governor, Babatunde Fashola (SAN), has called for the convocation of a national conference as a platform to discuss and agree on common national values and moral codes towards rebuilding the country. Such platform, he said, would also spell out sanctions for violation of the code of rules and values agreed on during the conference in a manner devoid of ethnic and religious colourations. In a paper titled, “Rebuilding The Nation: Lessons From Other Lands,” which he delivered at the ThisDay Dome, Abuja, venue of the Leadership Annual Conference and 2013 Awards, to celebrate 80th birthday of former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon, Fashola said instead of the recurrent constitutional conferences what the country £ ¢ © , §¢ to reclaim her lost values, re ¡ £ § ¢ § §© § ££ of what is good and what is

bad. The governor said the nation’s leadership at all levels must pursue the development of the country along values and moral codes resulting from such national conference and refuse to accommodate any ethnic, kinship, tribal, re-

ligious or other colourations whenever those moral codes and ethical values are violated. He added that “If we agree on this, it seems to me that many other things will fall into place.” Quoting late Chief Obafemi

Awolowo after the Nigerian Civil War in 1970 on the things that undermine a nation, Fashola asserted that what Nigerians need at this point in time is “moral and spiritual reconstruction which will help to demolish morbid desire for

naked power and domination as well as abuse and misuse of ¤ § : µ· According to him, such moral and spiritual reconstruction would also reduce © ¨ ¢ ¢¡ ¢¢¨ § ance; nepotism, favouritism, jobbery, bribery and other

Some online stories incite populace – DG NOA TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja

D L-R: Chairman, APM Terminals Lifting Global Trade, Chief Ernest Shonekan; Managing Director, Mr. Andrew Dawes and Minister of Transport, Senator Idris Umar, after a meeting with Mr. President and Executive Members of APM Terminals Lifting Global Trade in Abuja…yesterday. Photo: Anayo Opara

Amnesty: Ex-militant leader urges Jonathan to probe officials NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt ctivities of the Niger Delta amnesty programme again came under public scrutiny yesterday following allegations by an ex-militant leader, Orinaemi Hart, that the monthly allowances of members of his


group were routed through the personal account of a ¢ : § § ¡ §£ ¢ ¥ : µ The ex-militant leader, who ¢ ¢ ¡§ ¡ ¡§¢ § suit against the amnesty of ¦ ² © ¦ ¢ £ § for his group, urged President Goodluck Jonathan to investigate the operations and management of the amnesty

: ¨ © § § § ¥ empowerment schemes. Hart appealed to President Jonathan to direct the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and other relevant agencies to investigate his allegations against : § ¢ ¦ ¡ §£ ¢ ¥ : µ He also called on the Federal Government to set up a group to monitor the activi-

¢ ¦ ¡ §£ ¢ ¥ : ensure that the programme serves the purpose it was established. Hart, who founded and led a militant group called Okoloma Ikpangi, also alleged that the operations of the amnesty programme were steeped in massive fraud.

§ ¨ ¡ §: £ ¡§ ¡ Federal Government meant

well by establishing the amnesty programme, told journalists in Port Harcourt yesterday that it has become imperative for Jonathan to ² ³ § ££ , vestigate the activities of the §£ ¢ ¥ : § ¢ ¦ the “pervasive corruption that has become symptomatic with the amnesty programme.”

Dettol unveils ‘Give Life a Hand’ campaign CHIOMA UMEHA


s part of activities to commemorate this year’s Global H a n d - wa s h © §¥ ® ¯¨ , ¨ of the international antiseptic brands, yesterday launched the “Give Life a Hand Campaign,” in Lagos. , ¨ ¥ ¡ ¢ §£¤§ © ¨ aims to strengthen its commitment to improved best hygiene practices and hand-washing habits in Ni-

geria. “Give Life A Hand” is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of hand hygiene in the prevention of needless deaths of children ¡ §© ¦ ² ¦ £ preventable illnesses such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, often caused by poor hygiene. Speaking at a media parley, Mr. Rahul Murgai, General Manager, West ¦ §¨ ³ , ³ ¢ ¨ ¢§ ´ ¢ ³ , ³ ¢ ¨ £§³ ¢ ¦ , ¨ © -

al vision is to have a world where people are healthier § ² , µ § ¡ ²ing this, we will continue to £§³ § I ¥ © ² © people innovative solutions for healthier lives and happier homes.” © ¡ £¨ , has been at the forefront of providing health and hygiene messages via its products and initiatives to Nigerians for the last 50 years. The campaign is in line ¡ ¡ ² ¢ ¦ , ¶¢ MOMentum campaign in

2014 and the pledge to save 10 million lives and help Nigeria reach its Millennium Development Goals in terms of reducing infant mortality rate, he added. ¸¤ § © , ¶¢ volvement in the Global Hand-washing Day Initiative, Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili, Marketing Director, West ¦ §¨ ³ , ³ ¢ ¨ said the campaign has been carefully conceptualised to amplify the key message of this year’s GHD, with the theme “Choose hand washing, choose health”.

2015 Presidency: Kwankwaso condemns consensus arrangement Ted Odogwu, Kano


ano State governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, has rejected a consensus arrangement by political parties in picking candidates for elections. According to Kwank-

forms of corruption, adding that it would erect, in their places, probity, tolerance, altruism and devotion; equality of treatment, justice, equity and fair play to all. “All those things that Chief Obafemi Awolowo referred to in his 1970 speech which undermine a nation, will reduce or disappear because history has shown that they cannot withstand the compelling purpose of a people united around high ethical and moral values.”

waso, his party, All Progressives Congress (APC), was considering the idea, argued that the fact that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had embraced the consensus arrangement did not make it a winning formula.

At the 10th anniversary of the Leadership Newspapers in Abuja, where some former Heads of State, General Muhammadu Buhari and General Yakubu Gowon condemned some politicians who engaged in character assassination.

Kwankwaso, conferred with an award alongside his colleagues, who defected to the APC from the PDP last year, also disclosed on the occasion that he would soon declare his ambition to contest the Presidential election in 2015.

“According to a consumer study, regular hand washing is only limited with four in Nigeria. Regular hand washing is the ¢ ¦ ¦ ¦ £ preventable diseases like Diarrhea, to the latest menace of Ebola Virus Disease. If we want to protect our ¡ ¦ £ © , © ¢ ³¨ ¡ ¢ ¡ © ¢ educate them about washing their hands properly.” The habit of hand washing with soap could save more lives than any single vaccine or medical intervention; a behaviour critical to meeting the Millennium Development Goal (MDGs) of reducing twothird of deaths among children under the age of five by 2015, Silivrili added. Representative of the Global Hygiene Council, Dr. Nneoma Idika, while giving her speech at the unveiling of the Dettol Global Campaign, charged that good hand hygiene practices be imbibed as it is a sure way to live healthy and save lives.

irector General, National Orientation Agency (NOA), Mike Omeri, yesterday expressed concern over some online publications and articles inciting citizens on current security challenges in the country. According to Omeri, some of the online publications are written in embellished tone and sometimes bordered on sensationalism and provocation which may potentially cause unrest. He made this known at a two-day workshop for Nigerian Bloggers and Social Media Workshop with the theme: “Ethics and Conflict Sensitivity in Online Contents,” held at Rockview Hotel (Royale), Abuja. The event, convened by the NOA in collaboration with the Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) with the aim of encouraging ethical and conflict sensitive online contents. Citing example of some recent provoking posts like the use of bitter kola and salt bath solution as prevention against Ebola Virus Disease that raised health concerns in the country. According to the DG, this informed the agency’s drive “to engage bloggers, press/media organisations, social media users, online enthusiasts and relevant stakeholders to discuss way in which, as a nation, we can proactively safeguard our cyberspace from its detrimental effects.” Omeri added that the goal of the workshop is not to infringe on the rights of freedom of speech and expression or an attempt by government to impose a regulatory framework on the populace but rather to highlight the role of bloggers/writers of online articles in promoting peace, unity and national development.

Daily Newswatch


World Report THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

U.S.-led air strikes intensify as Syria conflict destabilises Turkey


merican-led forces have sharply inšœ™¢ÂžÂ&#x;œ—˜ §ÂžÂ?˜ strikes in the past two days against ¢Â–§£ÂžÂ“˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂœÂ?¢Â˜ threatening Kurds on Syria’s Turkish border after the jihadists’ advance began to destabilise Turkey. The coalition had con—•“šœ—˜ ºÂ˜ §,§Â“³¢Â˜ ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ militants near the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani over Monday and Tuesday and appeared to have slowed Islamic State advances there, the United States military said, but cautioned the situašž”™˜Â?Âœ£§ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂźÂ•ÂžÂ—Âľ U.S. President Barack Obama voiced deep concern on Tuesday about the situation in Kobani as well as in Iraq’s Anbar Province, which U.S. troops fought to secure during the Iraq war and is now at risk of being seized by Islamic State militants. “Coalition air strikes will continue in both of these areas,â€? Obama told military leaders from coalition partners including Turkey, Arab states and Western allies during a meeting outside Washington. ÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ ¢lamic State will be among the items on the agenda when Obama holds a video conference on Wednesday with British, French, German and Italian leaders, the White House said.

War on the militants in Syria is threatening to unravel a delicate peace in neighbouring Turkey where Kurds are furious with Ankara over its refusal to help protect their kin in Syria. The plight of the Syrian Kurds in Kobani provoked riots among Turkey’s 15 million Kurds last week in which at least 35 people were killed. Turkish warplanes were reported to have §,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ •Â?—ž¢¥Â˜ Â?œ›œ–˜ targets in southeast Tur-

key after the army said it ¥§Â—˜›œœ™˜§,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ banned PKK Kurdish militant group, risking reigniting a three-decade Â“Â”Â™ÂźÂžÂ“ÂšÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂłÂžÂ–Â–ÂœÂ—Â˜ ½ž¨žžžÂ˜ ¤ÂœÂ”¤Â–œ˜ Â›ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?œ˜ §Â˜ “œ§¢ÂœÂ&#x;Â?œ˜ was declared two years ago. Kurds inside Kobani said the U.S.-led strikes on Islamic State had helped, but that the militants, who have besieged the town for weeks, were ¢ÂšÂžÂ–Â–Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜§,§Â“³¾ “Today there were air strikes throughout the —§¼¨Â˜  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂľÂ˜ ™—˜

sometimes we saw one plane carrying out two strikes, dropping two bombs at a time,â€? said Abdulrahman Gok, a journalist with a local Kurdish paper who is inside the town. “The strikes are still continuing,â€? he said by telephone, as an explosion sounded in the background. “In the afternoon, Is–§£ÂžÂ“˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ ž™šœ™¢ÂžÂ&#x;œ—˜ its shelling of the town,â€? he said. “The fact that they’re not conducting face-to-face, close-dis-

š§Â™Â“œ˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜ ›•š˜ ž™¢ÂšÂœ§Â—˜ shelling the town from afar is evidence that they have been pushed back a bit.â€? Asya Abdullah, co-chair of the dominant Kurdish political party in Syria, PYD, said the latest air strikes had been “extremely helpfulâ€?. “They §Â?œ˜ ¥ž,ž™ŠÂ˜ ¢Â–§£ÂžÂ“˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ targets hard and because of those strikes we were able to push back a –ž,Â–ÂœÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜§Â?œ˜¢ÂšÂžÂ––˜¢¥ÂœÂ––ing the city center.â€? It was the largest number of air strikes on Kob-

ani since the U.S.-led campaign in Syria began last month, the Pentagon said. The White House said the impact was constrained by the absence of forces on the ground but that evidence so far showed its strategy was succeeding. The Turkish Kurds’ anger and resulting unrest is a new source of turmoil in a region consumed by Iraqi and Syrian civil wars and an international campaign against Islamic State Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂœÂ?¢¾

Netherlands okays biker gangs to fight Islamic State

The head of No Surrender, –§§¢Â˜ ,”¨Â˜ÂšÂ”–—˜¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ˜Â›Â?”§Â—caster NOS that three members who travelled to near Mosul in northern Iraq were from Dutch cities Amster—§£¨Â˜ ”,ÂœÂ?—§£Â˜§Â™Â—˜ Â?œ—§¾ A photograph on a Dutch •Â?—ž¢¥Â˜  Âž,ÂœÂ?˜ §Â““”•™š˜ ¢¥Â” ¢Â˜§Â˜Âš§,””œ—˜ •š“¥£§Â™Â˜ called Ron in military garb, holding a Kalashnikov as¢§Â•Â–š˜ Â?ÂžÂźÂœÂ˜  ¥ÂžÂ–œ˜ ¢§ÂšÂ˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ §Â˜ Kurdish comrade. Video footage apparently from a Kurdish broadcaster shows an armed European £§Â™Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ •Â?—ž¢¥Â˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂœÂ?¢Â˜ saying in Dutch: “The Kurds *+/2+34 56 7<+ =>5 ?@33+FQ+3V 2XZ+3 [\F[ \3+ ][<7XF[ \[\XF47 ^4_\/X` ?7\7+ /X_X7\F74 XF F537<+3F ^3\q have been under pressure he Dutch public •Â?—¢Â˜ ›§,–ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Â–§£ÂžÂ“˜ ishable, now it’s no longer he told AFP after reports for a long time.â€? prosecutor said State group in Iraq are not forbidden,â€? public prosecu- emerged that Dutch bikers Many countries including on Tuesday that ™œ“œ¢¢§Â?ÂžÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ “”££ž,ž™ŠÂ˜ §Â™ÂĽÂ˜ tor spokesman Wim de Bru- from the No Surrender gang the Netherlands have been motorbike gang crime. in told AFP.  ÂœÂ?œ˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ˜ ž™¢Â•Â?ŠÂœÂ™Âš¢Â˜ clamping down on their members who “Joining a foreign armed ´ Â”Â•Â˜ÂŞÂ•¢ÂšÂ˜Â“§Â™ÂśÂšÂ˜ÂŞÂ”ž™˜§Â˜Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜ alongside Kurds in northern nationals trying to join IS jihave reportedly joined force was previously pun- against the Netherlands,â€? Iraq. hadists who have taken over swathes of Iraq and Syria. Âœ§¢Â•Â?Âœ¢Â˜ ž™“–•—œ˜ “”™Â&#x;¢cating would-be jihadists’ A Chinese drugmaker has spread from Africa ences (AMMS) last week successful it would be a lots of products in coop- passports before travelling with close military ties to the United States and to help push the drug huge boom for China’s eration with the AMMS,â€? and threatening prosecution is seeking fast-track ap- Europe. “§Â––œ—˜ Ă€žà ˜ š¥Â?”•Š¥Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ developing pharmaceuti- Che said. AMMS is a re- should they return. ´ ÂĄÂœÂ˜Â›ÂžŠÂ˜Â—žIÂœÂ?œ™“œ˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ˜ proval for a drug that it Sihuan Pharmaceutical approval process in Chi- cal sector and the coun- search unit of the People’s says can cure Ebola, as Holdings Group Ltd has na and bring it to market. try’s soft power in Africa, Liberation Army, China’s is that it’s listed as a terrorist group,â€? said De Bruin. China joins the race to signed a tie-up with Chi- The drug, developed by an increasingly important armed forces. “That means that even help treat a deadly out- nese research Academy the academy, is currently partner for the world’s Che pointed out that a break of a disease that of Military Medical Sci- approved for emergency number two economy. Chinese vaccine against preparing to join IS is punmilitary use only. The current outbreak, a SARS outbreak a dec- ishable.â€? Dutch citizens could not “We believe that we can the worst on record of the ade ago, also developed Â&#x;–œ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂ™Âœ¢ÂœÂ˜ ””—˜ disease, has killed more by the military, was ap- however join the Kurdistan and Drug Administration š¥§Â™Â˜ ½¨žžžÂ˜ ¤ÂœÂ”¤Â–Âœ¨Â˜ £”¢ÂšÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ proved by the drug regu- Workers’ Party (PKK), as it (CFDA) before the end of in West Africa. lator rapidly after its ap- is blacklisted as a terrorist the year,â€? Sihuan’s ChairChe said one of Sihuan’s plication, signally that organisation by Ankara and man Che Fengsheng said strengths was its close mil- Ă€žà ˜ “”•–—˜ Â?œ“œž²ÂœÂ˜ ¢ÂžÂŁÂž- much of the international community, De Bruin said. during an investor call žš§Â?ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂžÂœ¢¾Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Â?£¨Â˜ ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ lar treatment. Â•ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ Â“ÂžÂšÂžÂżÂœÂ™¢Â˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ last week. claims to be China’s third “At that time the whole “They are looking at largest prescription drug- approval process, clini- on the Kurdish side would this very seriously... and maker, was originally a cal components and the of course be liable to proswe could get on the ‘green £ž–žš§Â?ÂĽÂ˜ ¢Â“žœ™šžÂ&#x;“˜ •™žš¨Â˜ period after was cut right œ“•šž”™˜ ÂžÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ “”££ž,œ—˜ crimes such as torture or light’ track,â€? he added.  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜  §¢Â˜ ¢¤Â•Â™Â˜ ”I˜ ž™š”˜ down,â€? he said. Sihuan’s drug is only žš¢Â˜Â“•Â?Â?ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?ÂŁÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ºžž¾ :“ž§Â–¢Â˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ž¥•§Â™¨Â˜ rape, De Bruin said. “But this is also happening one contender amongst “We have a myriad which is part-owned by a number of experimen- of connections with the Morgan Stanley, were not a long way away and so it’ll z+\_7< XF4{+`7X5F \FQ q@\3\F7XF+ 3+4+\3`<+34 |53Z tal cures worldwide to military medical science available for further com- ›œ˜ ²ÂœÂ?ÂĽÂ˜ —ž:“•–š˜ š”˜ ¤Â?”²Âœ¨¡Â˜ XF 7<+X3 _\253\753} \7 \F \X3{537 XF ~XF[Q\5 ?<\FQ5F[ treat Ebola, although if units and have developed ment on Tuesday. said De Bruin. 35€XF`+


China military-linked firm eyes quick approval of drug to cure Ebola


Daily Newswatch

African Report THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

Pistorius ‘blood money’ row deepens

South African athlete Oscar Pistorius arrives for the third day of his sentencing hearing in Pretoria yesterday


awyers for Reeva Steenkamp’s family yesterday expressed shock that Oscar Pistorius’s defence team revealed details of secret “blood money�

payments during a heated courtroom arguments over his sentencing. In a statement on behalf of the slain model’s parents, lawyers said they had “honoured� a request from the athlete

not to reveal payments of $540 made each month after Pistorius killed her on Valentine’s Day 2013. “We were therefore quite surprised yesterday when this fact was disclosed in court without

any prior warning to us,� the statement said. During a sentencing hearing Tuesday, a defence witness referred to the payments as evidence that Pistorius was remorseful about shooting

Mozambicans vote with hopes for coming resource boom

o z a m bicans v o t e d yesterday in elections expected to return the ruling Frelimo Party to power in one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, which is looking to escape years Â”ÂŚÂ˜¤Â”²ÂœÂ?ÂšÂĽÂ˜§Â™Â—Â˜Â“Â”Â™ÂźÂžÂ“ÂšÂ˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ tapping into its huge energy resources. Polling stations opened at 7 a.m. local time across the Indian Ocean nation, whose 2,500 km (1,550 mile) coast stretches from Tanzania in the north down to South Africa. ”Â?œ˜ š¥§Â™Â˜ žÂ˜ ÂŁÂžÂ–Â–ÂžÂ”Â™Â˜ voters were registered to take part in the elections for a new president, parliament and provincial assemblies. Foreign donors and investors hope the ballot will help to bury old animosities still lingering from a 19751992 civil war fought between Frelimo and its old foe Renamo. Â?—ž™§Â?ÂĽÂ˜ ”¿§£Â›ÂžÂ“§Â™¢Â˜ say they want whoever wins the vote to use the country’s newly discovered resources of coal and natural gas to end

poverty and inequality and to create more jobs. “The leaders must think of the people, they must know how to invest the resources,â€? said engineering student Helder Âœ¢Ă„•žš§¨Â˜ º½¨Â˜  §Â–³ž™ŠÂ˜ š”˜ a polling station with his wife and infant son. Frelimo is a former §Â?¸Âž¢ÂšÂ˜ –ž›œÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ £”²ÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ Â?•–œ—˜ ”zambique since independence in 1975 and its presidential candidate, former defence minister Filipe Nyusi, campaigned hard to maintain the party’s grip on power. However, he is facing a tough challenge from both the Renamo leader and former rebel chief Afonso Dhlakama and from a rising third force in the former Portuguese colony -- Daviz Simango and ¥ž¢Â˜ ”¿§£Â›ÂžĂ„•œ˜ ÂœÂŁÂ”Â“Â?§ÂšÂžÂ“˜ ”²ÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ÂŽ ÂŻÂľ Nyusi and Dhlakama voted early in the capital §¤Â•ÂšÂ”¨Â˜ §¢Â˜ —ž—˜ ”•šŠÂ”ing Frelimo President Armando Guebuza, who is barred by the constitution from standing for a third term. Guebuza •Â?ŠÂœÂ—˜ §Â––˜ ”¿§£Â›ÂžÂ“§Â™¢Â˜ to vote and to shun vio-

lence. The Frelimo candidate ¼•¢ÂžÂ˜ ¢§ÂžÂ—˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜  §¢Â˜ “”™Â&#x;dent of victory, calling the —§¼Â˜´§Â˜Â“œ–œ›Â?§ÂšÂžÂ”Â™Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ ”zambicansâ€?. ÂĄÂœÂ˜ œ–œ“šž”™¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;ÂŚÂšÂĄÂ˜ presidential vote since a 1992 peace deal ended the civil war, is “the most competitive in the history of the countryâ€?, John Stremlau, vice president of peace programmes at the Atlanta-based Carter Center, told Reuters.

Stremlau is one of more than 1,000 international observers, including from the African Union and the European Union, who will be monitoring Wednesday’s voting. If Frelimo’s Nyusi, 55, fails to secure more than 50 percent of the total ballots, he will face a deciding sec”™—˜ Â?”•™—˜ Â?•™À”I˜ Â ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ his nearest contender in which the anti-Frelimo votes would be united against him.

his 29-year-old girlfriend four times through a bathroom door, believing she was an intruder. The revelation prompted angry suggestions that Pistorius’s team had opportunistically revealed the payments to reduce his likelihood of going to jail. The Paralympian star athlete was found guilty last month of unlawfully killing Steenkamp but acĕž,œ—˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ £”Â?œ˜ ¢ÂœÂ?žous charge of murder.

•—ŠÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂ”ÂłÂ”ÂżÂžÂ–ÂœÂ˜ §¢Âž¤§Â˜ could rule on his punishment as early as Friday, with her options ranging ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜§Â˜Â&#x;™œ˜š”˜à Â˜ÂĽÂœ§Â?¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ prison. Claims about Pistorius’s vulnerability and remorse could be central in deciding which way the scales of justice tip. The defence has suggested Pistorius clean a £•¢ÂœÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ Œ”Â?˜ ÂťĂƒÂ˜ ¥”•Â?¢Â˜ §Â˜ week as punishment for killing Steenkamp, drawing a furious reaction from the state. Prosecutor Gerrie Nel described the suggestion as “shockingly inappropriateâ€?. On Tuesday, a visibly irate Nel told the court that the Olympian also ”IÂœÂ?ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â—Âœ§Â—Â˜ÂŁÂ”Â—ÂœÂ–Ϣ˜ Œ§£ÂžÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ §Â˜ ”™œ˜ ”I˜ ´Â›Â–””—˜ moneyâ€? payment of nearly $35,000, which the family rejected. “Did the legal team of the accused tell you that the deceased family reÂŞÂœÂ“ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â”IÂœÂ?Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Ă…Ă†à ¨žžžÂ˜ (rand)?â€? Nel asked wit™œ¢¢¨Â˜ ¤Â?”›§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ ”:“œÂ?˜ ™™œ,œ˜ ÂœÂ?ŠÂœÂœÂ?ÂľÂ˜ Stenekamp’s parents have said they will repay the roughly $10,000 received from Pistorius “as soon as arrangements can be made in that regardâ€?. “It was always the in-

tention of the parents that the amounts... would be ¢ÂœÂšĂ‡Â”I˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ §Â™ÂĽÂ˜ “ž²ÂžÂ–˜ claim that they were going to institute,â€? the statement said. The parents have now decided not to continue with a civil claim. The sentencing hearing continued yesterday with Vergeer being crossexamined by the prosecution. She had warned that a jail stretch would “breakâ€? Pistorius and claimed it was not in the interest of justice. “Without legs he will be vulnerable and a lot more vulnerable than the normal man,â€? said Vergeer, §Â˜ ¤§Â?”–œ˜ ”:“œÂ?˜  ¥Â”˜  §¢Â˜ paid for her work for the defence. “I’ve recently done a case for rape within the prison, gang rape. How can we say that he won’t be exposed to that?â€? she said, adding that washing his stumps may also be a problem. South Africa’s department of correctional services has said Pistorius could be entitled to separate accommodation “depending on the vulnerability caused by the disabilityâ€?. ÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜ ž¢Â˜ –ž,–œ˜ —”•›š˜ that the prison system in South Africa is in a bad state, with violence, overcrowding and criminal behaviour all endemic. Since the hearing began ”™˜ ”™—§¼¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ š”™œ˜ ž™˜ court has become increasing terse. Prosecutors have poured scorn on the defence’s portrayal of the double amputee known as the “Blade Runnerâ€? as a caring and charitable athlete.

Tanzania to grant citizenship to 200,000 Burundi refugees


anzania said Tuesday it will grant citizenship to some 200,000 refugees from neighbouring Burundi, a move hailed by the United Nations refugee agency. “Those to be granted citizenship are refugees who have stayed in Tanzania since 1972 and have voluntarily opted to stay in the country,â€? Home I§ÂžÂ?¢Â˜ ž™ž¢ÂšÂœÂ?˜ §ÂšÂĄÂž§¢Â˜ Chikawe told AFP. ”Â?œ˜ š¥§Â™Â˜ ÂťĂƒº¨žžžÂ˜ •-

rundian refugees are registered in Tanzania and have had children in the country, taking the number of those to be granted citizenship to up to 200,000, according to government documents. Tanzania hosted one of the largest refugee populations in Africa, sheltering hundreds of thousands of Burundians who ÂźÂœÂ—Â˜ÂœÂšÂĄÂ™ÂžÂ“Â˜²ÂžÂ”Â–ÂœÂ™Â“ÂœÂľ Burundi, a small nation in Africa’s Great Lakes Â?ÂœŠÂžÂ”™¨Â˜ ÂœÂŁÂœÂ?ŠÂœÂ—˜ ž™˜ ºžžĂƒÂ˜ from a brutal 13-year

civil war and its political climate is still fractious ahead of a presidential poll next year. President Jakaya Kik-

wete will preside over a ceremony Tuesday where he will hand out citizenship papers to the Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜Â›§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â?ÂœÂŚÂ•ŠÂœÂœ¢¾

Tanzania’s President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete speaks at the United Nations in New York

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Daily Newswatch


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Daily Newswatch Sports/NEWS Olaitan edges closer to return Emeghara moves to Azerbaijani



ormer Nigeria Under-20 and Olym¤Âž§³Â”¢Â˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?¨Â˜ Michael Olaitan continued to work his way back š”˜ ÂŚÂ•Â–Â–Â˜ Â&#x;š™œ¢¢Â˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ ”²ÂœÂ?˜ seven months out with a suspected case of viral myocarditis that led to his collapse on the pitch during the Athens derby in §Â?Â“ÂĄÂ˜ºž½¾ Olaitan collapsed unchallenged 30 minutes into Olympiakos derby game against Panathinaikos, a tie his team later –”¢ÂšÂ˜Ă…Ă€ž¾ The 21-year-old posted a picture of his workout on social media, on Instagram, which clearly showed he has overcome the health challenge he faced as he inches closer


š”˜§Â˜Â?œš•Â?Â™Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂŚÂ•Â–Â–Â˜£§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜Â&#x;š™œ¢¢¾ Despite being given the medical all clear by a specialist in the United State of America to return to the pitch, his rehabilitation re-

Bosso wants all league games on TV


echnical Adviser of Abia Warriors Football Club of Umuahia, Issa Ladan Bosso has advocated for live telecast of all matches in the on-going Nigerian Professional Football League in order to make the league more competitive §Â™Â—˜§,Â?§Â“šž²ÂœÂľ According to Bosso, if the games are transmitted live on television, more ¢¤Â”™¢Â”Â?¢Â˜  ÂžÂ––˜ ›œ˜ §,Â?§Â“šœ—˜ to invest while more people will develop more interest about the Nigerian League, thereby removing the ugly impression, which some Nigerians have about the –œ§ŠÂ•ÂœÂľ The Abia Warriors Technical Adviser, who was speaking at the Uyo Township Stadium shortly after his lads drew goalless with the home side, Akwa United, said Nigerian referees were good but sometimes feared for their dear lives in taking some decisions because of unfavourable “”™—žšž”™¢¾ He said live telecast of matches, will therefore ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”:“ž§ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ”:“ž§Â–¢Â˜ £”Â?œ˜ “”™Â&#x;—œ™“œ˜ š”˜ ¥§Â™Â—–œ˜ the matches without fear of molestation as is the case in developed leagues across ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â”Â?–—¾ Bosso said Abia Warriors have never been afraid of having their home matches shown live on television but questioned why the club’s away games don’t receive ¢ÂžÂŁÂžÂ–§Â?˜§,Â?§Â“šž”™¾ “Six of Abia Warriors’ home matches have been shown live on television this season, the highest in the campaign but this (AkwaUtd) match is only our ¢ÂœÂ“”™—˜–ž²ÂœÂ˜£§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜§ §¼¾Â˜ ™˜ ”•Â?˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ § §¼Â˜ £§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ was telecast live, we beat Enyimba 1-0 in Aba and today, we have picked a draw here in Uyo, that means that live telecast of matches will make the league more competitive while more players will be discovered for the ™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜šœ§£¢¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ The former Kano Pillars,

Bendel Insurance, Niger Tornadoes and Bayelsa United sweat merchant described the Akwa United match as one of the hardest away games for the club this season and commended his players for their resilience despite the antics of ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂ”ÂŁÂœÂ˜¢ÂžÂ—ÂœÂľ He said even though the club did not give him §Â™ÂĽÂ˜ š§Â?ŠÂœÂšÂ˜  ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂŞÂ”ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ—Â˜ them, his personal target of taking every club he has handled to the continent is still very much intact in ›ž§Â˜ §Â?Â?ž”Â?¢¾ “If I could pick a continental ticket at Bayelsa United why not in Abia Warriors where I have experienced coaches and £§Â™§ŠÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ ÂĽÂ”Â•Â˜ are working with an experienced management half Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŞÂ”Â›Â˜¥§¢Â˜Â›ÂœÂœÂ™Â˜Â—Â”Â™ÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ ÂĽÂ”Â•ÂľÂ˜ ˜ ¢Â”˜ ÂŁÂ•Â“ÂĄÂ˜ ›œ–žœ²ÂœÂ˜ ž™˜ my club’s managementâ€? he š”–—˜™œ ¢£ÂœÂ™Âľ

gime is strictly being adhered to by the medical šœ§£Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ –¼£¤Âž§³Â”¢¾ He was on the verge of a senior national team call up but his unfortunate slump on the pitch a week after impressing against Manchester United in the UEFA Champions league ¢Â“•,Â–ÂœÂ˜ÂžÂšÂľ His Olympiakos record reads eight goals in ÂťĂƒÂ˜Š§£Âœ¢Â˜§ŒÂšÂœÂ?Â˜ÂŞÂ”ÂžÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Greek super power last ¢Â•ÂŁÂŁÂœÂ?Âľ Â?ž”Â?˜ š”˜ ª”ž™ž™ŠÂ˜ –¼£piakos he turned out for modest side Veria in the Greek league for three years leading them from the second division to the top with 14 goals to his name despite been a deep –¼ž™ŠÂ˜Â“œ™šÂ?§Â–Â˜ÂŁÂžÂ—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?Âľ


žŠÂœÂ?ž§œ¢Â˜  ÂžĂŠÂœÂ?land international, Innocent EmeghaÂ?§Â˜ ¥§¢Â˜ §Â—£ž,œ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ was delighted to have completed his transfer to §Â?§Â›§¾ The 25-year-old free agent was snapped up by ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂżÂœÂ?›§Âžª§Â™ÂžÂ˜ Â?ÂœÂŁÂžÂœÂ?˜ League champions on a three-year deal, which will ÂłÂœÂœ¤Â˜ÂĄÂžÂŁÂ˜§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â&#x;Ă„Â˜ §¥ramov Stadium until June Ă…ž¨Â˜ºžĂ†Âľ After the deal was conÂ&#x;Â?ÂŁÂœÂ—¨Â˜ ™™”“œ™š˜ ÂŁÂœŠ¥§Â?§Â˜ š”–—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “–•›Ϣ˜ ”:“ž§Â–˜ website: “I had never  §ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂœÂ—Â˜ ÂżÂœÂ?›§Âžª§Â™Â˜ Â?Âœmier League before and I didn’t know anything §Â›Â”•š˜ š¥ž¢Â˜ “”•™šÂ?ÂĽÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ Qaraba sent me a proposal, I didn’t say no, I searched

§³Â•Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂœÂ?Â™ÂœÂšÂľ “I saw that Baku is a ›œ§Â•ÂšÂžÂŚÂ•Â–˜ Â“ÂžÂšÂĽÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ ˜ ›œcame interested in the team, I learned that Qaraba is a more successful team

Ekpo taunts Keshi over interim coach tag


x-international, Friday Ekpo has taunted Coach Stephen keshi for accepting the interim coach role of the •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢¾ Ekpo, who was reacting to calls for Keshi’s sack, said it beats his imagination for a professional coach, who was already on contract before the World Cup to accept an interim role for the same team for ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â˜Ă„Â•§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ÂŞÂ•¢ÂšÂ˜ a month after the 2014 FIFA World Cup ended in Â?§¿ÂžÂ–˜ž™˜ •–¼¾ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—˜ £§Âœ¢ÂšÂ?”˜ in his playing days with the Super Eagles back in the ‘90s, thinks Keshi acted like a coach, who was lookž™ŠÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜§Â˜ÂŞÂ”›˜§¢Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢¥Â”•–—˜ have re-negotiated his contract with the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) months before it ended  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â?–—˜ •¤¾ He believes that calls for Keshi’s sack is an indication that Nigerians £žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜Â–”¢ÂšÂ˜Â“”™Â&#x;—œ™“œ˜ in him as the national team coach, but urged the NFF not to rush into taking de-

“ž¢ÂžÂ”™¢¾ “Honestly, for Keshi to have accepted an interim coach position having been head coach of the Super Eagles at the World •¤Â˜Âž¢Â˜Â•Â™ÂĄÂœ§Â?Â—Â˜Â”ÂŚÂľÂ˜ “As a professional,

which he claims to be, I expected that he should have re-negotiated his contract with the Super Eagles before the World Cup or immediately after ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â?–—˜ •¤Â˜ ”Â?˜ ›œ,ÂœÂ?˜ still step aside until the

Barnabas slams Keshi selection


aduna United head coach, Saleh Barnabas has faulted Stephen Keshi over his negligence of homebased players as opposed š”˜ ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â”ÂłÂ˜Â”²ÂœÂ?˜ š Â”Â˜ÂĽÂœ§Â?¢Â˜§ŠÂ”Âľ Barnabas said Keshi should have maintained the trend of using homebased players evenly mixed with the foreign pros like he did when he  §¢Â˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜§¤¤Â”ž™šœ—˜“”§Â“ÂĄÂľ “When Keshi took

š¥§Â™Â˜ ˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“ÂšÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ ˜ ŠÂ”š˜ §Â™Â˜ ”IÂœÂ?˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ §Â?§Â›§Â˜  ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;œ—˜ Œ”Â?˜ •Â?”¤§Â˜ Âœ§ŠÂ•ÂœÂ˜ŠÂ?”•¤Â˜¢Âš§ŠÂœ¾¡ Having said that, the former Sunderland and West Ham target is ineliŠÂžÂ›Â–œ˜ š”˜ ›œ˜ Â&#x;œ–—œ—˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ group stage of the Europa League, as the deadline for teams to send their squad –ž¢Âš¢Â˜ÂšÂ”˜ ˜¥§¢Â˜¤§¢¢ÂœÂ—Âľ “Unfortunately I can’t play in group matches, but it is good that my new team is playing in group ¢Âš§ŠÂœÂľÂ˜ §Â?§Â›§ŠÂ˜ §Â?œ˜ Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂžÂšÂ–ÂœÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜–œ§ŠÂ•ÂœÂľÂ˜ š˜ ÂžÂ™ÂźÂ•ÂœÂ™Â“ÂœÂ—Â˜ ÂŁÂĽÂ˜ Â“ÂĄÂ”ÂžÂ“ÂœÂ˜ because I’ll have a chance to get a title,â€? the Qaraba Â™Â•ÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜œžŠ¥ÂšÂ˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—Âľ Innocent Emeghara ¤Â?Âœ²ÂžÂ”•¢Â–ÂĽÂ˜¢¤Â”Â?ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŞÂœÂ?¢Âœ¼¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ šœ§£¢Â˜ ž™˜  ÂžĂŠÂœÂ?–§Â™Â—¨Â˜ Â?§Â™Â“œ˜§Â™Â—˜ š§Â–ÂĽÂľ

”²ÂœÂ?˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ š Â”˜ Š§£Âœ¢¨Â˜ they were friendly, which he prosecuted with foreign ›§¢ÂœÂ—¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ “But I remember so well š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜¢ÂœÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â“Â”£¤ÂœÂšÂžtive games, he went with 70 percent home-based players and the results are there Œ”Â?˜§Â––˜š”˜¢ÂœÂœÂľ ´ ” Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ÂŞÂœ,ž¢Â”™œ—˜ the idea of home-based players, he seems to have lost faith in them and I Â—Â”Â™ÂśÂšÂ˜ÂłÂ™Â” Â˜ ¥¼¾¡ He pointed out the non-

listing of EmemEduok and OsaghonaIghodaro §¢Â˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;œ–—ž™ŠÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Austria-based Sunday Emmanuel in Nigeria’s game against Sudan in KharÂšÂ”Â•ÂŁÂ˜§¢Â˜Âœ²ÂžÂ—ÂœÂ™Â“ÂœÂľ “Top scorers in the league, Ighodaro and Eduok weren’t listed in our game against Sudan in Khartoum, yet they were in camp earlier than the rest,â€? ÂĄÂœÂ˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—Âľ “I also can’t understand why two players who have

ÂŞÂ”ÂžÂ™ÂšÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ ¢Â“”Â?œ—˜ ÂşĂ†Â˜ ŠÂ”§Â–¢Â˜ ž™˜ our league were snubbed for a bench warmer in •¢ÂšÂ?ž§¾ “That is a clear lack of trust in the ability of players based at home; it’s not fair at all as we thought we have departed from that ¤Â?§Â“šž“œ¾¡ The Kaduna United trainer, however, insists that all hands should be on deck to ensure Nigeria qualify for Maroc 2015 AF Âľ

crisis is resolved; but he chose to take an interim position for the AFCON ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜§Â™Â—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜Âž¢Â˜ ¥ÂœÂ?œ˜ it has landed him and the §ŠÂ–Âœ¢¾ “So sacking him now will not be a solution to the Super Eagles problem, rather I’ll advise the NFF to wait until after the AF Â˜Ă„Â•§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢¾ “There are still more matches to play and who says the Eagles can’t ›”•™“œ˜ ›§Â“³¾Â˜ ™˜ Œ””š›§Â––˜ anything can happen,â€? he ¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ Newswatch Sports recalls that Keshi had claimed to have received ”IÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ Â”Â•ÂšÂĄÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?ž“§Â˜ and other African countries, but turned them all down; while South Africa later denied making any §¤¤Â?”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂĄÂžÂŁÂľ

Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

IBF title fight: Afolabi vows to beat Hernandez

Francis Ajuonuma


ritish-born Nigerian ›”¸ÂœÂ?¨Â˜ –§Â˜ Œ”–§Â›ÂžÂ˜ says he is ready to do anything within his power to ensure he beats Cuba’s Yoan Pablo Hernandez for ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ”¸ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ Federation (IBF) cruiserweight title. Hernandez, the IBF title holder has been ordered by ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜  Â”Â?–—˜ ›”¸ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ Â›Â”Â—ÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ defend his title against Ola Afolabi on December 6 in ÂœÂ?£§Â™ÂĽÂľ Afolabi, who on November 2, 2013 won the InšœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ”¸ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ Â?Š§Â™Âžsation (IBO) title against Lukasz Janik of Poland and successfully defended it on July 26, 2014 against America’s Anthony Caputo £žš¥¨Â˜¢ÂœÂœ¢Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜§Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ the IBF champion as an opportunity to prove himself as one of the big guys in the cruiserweight class. The 34 year old said that he has already started trainž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”˜›œ˜Â?Âœ§Â—ÂĽÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜ and will consider throwing in the towel if he fails to beat the Cuban described Â›ÂĽÂ˜£§Â™ÂĽÂ˜Â›Â”¸ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜¤Â•Â™Â—žš¢Â˜§¢Â˜

a very dangerous southpaw puncher. ´ ÂœϢ˜§Â˜ŠÂ””—˜Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂœÂ?¨Â˜Â™Â”˜ doubt. He’s not as tough as Marco Huck, but he’s a better thinker. But we’re ready for him. I started training on Monday (October 6) §Â™Â—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ —§ÂšÂœÂ˜ ›œž™ŠÂ˜ Ÿ”§ÂšÂœÂ—˜ §Â?Â”Â•Â™Â—Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜Âž¢Â˜Âœ§Â?Â–ÂĽÂ˜ December. That gives me around nine weeks and that’s perfect for me. “Like I say, I’m ready for whatever he brings. I ¥§Â—˜ š¥Â?œœ˜ ¥§Â?—˜ Â&#x;Š¥Âš¢Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Marco Huck and if this Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂ˜ ŠÂ”Âœ¢Â˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜  §¼¨Â˜ žš˜  ÂžÂ––˜ be good for me. If he comes out aggressive in the early rounds, that’s okay with me. But at some point in time he will revert back to his natural thinking style. You can’t change the nature of the beast.â€? “This is probably my last title shot, my last hurrah, so I have to make it count. I do have high hopes for this Â&#x;Š¥ÂšÂľÂ˜ ¥§ÂšÂœ²ÂœÂ?˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ĂŒ ÂœÂ?nandez] wants to do in the Â&#x;Š¥Âš¨Â˜ ÂśÂ–Â–Â˜Â›ÂœÂ˜Â?Âœ§Â—ÂĽÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂĄÂž£¾¡ Afolabi, who fought three times with current WBO cruiserweight champion Marco Huck is not disturbed by Hernandez’s reach advantage. “As you know I’ve been working with heavyweights and taller guys my whole career; the Klitschkos (who Ola has sparred many times). Actually, I think Hernandez is about the same height as me, maybe he has an inch or so over me, no big deal. He’s a good counter-puncher and he’s a Cuban after all, a good am§ÂšÂœÂ•Â?˜  ¥Â”˜ ›œ§ÂšÂ˜ ĂŒ —–§Â™ÂžÂœÂ?ĂŽÂ˜ Solis in the amateurs. He’s fought naturally big guys.


Ojiri tasks Eagles on Nations Cup qualification


œ™˜ ªžÂ?ž¨Â˜ §Â˜ œ”¤Â–œ˜ Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant in Imo State, has tasked the national team the Super Eagles to ensure that they qualify the nation Œ”Â?˜ ™œ¸ÂšÂ˜ ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ϣ˜ ÂŚÂ?ž“§Â˜ §tions Cup tagged ‘Morocco 2015’. ªžÂ?ž˜ ¢§ÂžÂ—˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜ £•¢ÂšÂ˜ Â?œ—”•›–œ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ÂœI”Â?š¢Â˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ making sure that they win all their remaining matches in the Nations Cup qualiÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ š”˜ Ϫ§Â›Â–œ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂŁÂ˜ ¤ÂžÂ“ÂłÂ˜ a ticket for the biennial championship. Speaking further the ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?¢¥Âž¤Â˜ ¥”¤ÂœÂŚÂ•Â–˜ Âœ¸plained that Eagles cannot §I”Â?—˜ š”˜ £ž¢¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “”£¤Âœtition considering the fact that they are the continental champions; saying that the players should see the ˜ ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;“§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ §¢Â˜ §Â˜ call to national duty, which should be carried out with vigour, commitment and determination. According to him: “Eagles are the most respected team on the continent

based on their champions status and therefore must not fail to live up to their rating. “The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) should as §Â˜£§,ÂœÂ?Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â•Â?ŠÂœÂ™Â“ÂĽÂ˜ÂœÂ™¢Â•Â?œ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ Âœ¸ÂšÂœÂ™Â—˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžϢ˜ contract to give him that needed boost to enable him remain focused and ensure that he takes the team to greater height. “Of course when you consider the work Keshi has done with the Super Eagles, you will discover that he has performed well considering the state of the team before he took over. Eagles were at their lowest ebb when he took over and was able to midwife the team to become a force to reckon with not only on the continent but the world over. “It is open secret that under Keshi’s leadership, Eagles won the nations Cup after 19 years and at the ¢§£ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂžÂŁÂœÂ˜ ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;œ—˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ World Cup and got tothe second round of the Mundial in Brazil.â€?



Keshi’s brother blasts Nigerians Martin Odiete, Abuja


tephen Keshi’s brother and manager, Emmanuel Ado is unhappy with Nigerians on the treatment of his brother and the team when they returned from Sudan and has boasted that Nigeria will qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations in Morocco. Ado defended his brother and said the current problems with the team have nothing to do with his tactical prowess; while underlining Keshi allegation that he was being sabotaged. The Super Eagles sit at ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›”,Â”ÂŁÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?”•¤Â˜ ˜ of the 2015 AFCON qualiÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂŞÂ•¢ÂšÂ˜Â”™œ˜¤Â”ÂžÂ™ÂšÂ˜Â›ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?œ˜ ÂĽÂœ¢ÂšÂœÂ?—§¼œ¢Â˜ Â?Âœ²ÂœÂ?¢ÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;¸ture against Sudan. Ado who received a LEADERSHIP Sports Person of the year award for 2013 on behalf of his brother, commended the Newspaper for the honour and added that the award will galvanise Eagles for the task ahead. “Recognition is always a welcome development and we thank LEADERSHIP for recognizing Keshi as Sports Person of the year 2013. Coming at a time when the team is not doing well is an indication that the team will rise again. We all know the factors responsible for the team’s present predicament,â€? he said.

According to him, the recent NFF crisis is part of ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Τ“š”Â?¢Â˜§Iœ“šž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¤ÂœÂ?formance of the team. “It is unfortunate that each time we have elections, it never worked out well and robs”I˜™œŠ§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂšÂœ§£¾ ´ ¥§ÂšÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ §Iœ“šž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ team now are man-made factors. We don’t want to dwel too much on this as if  ÂœÂ˜§Â?œ˜ŠÂž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜Âœ¸Â“•¢Âœ¢¨Â˜Â›Â•ÂšÂ˜ ˜ will give an instance. “When he (Keshi) came in, he spent three Chrismas and New Years in the camp. Every match, two or three weeks to the game, the home based players would be incamp and working very hard. The coach would as-

¢Âœ¢¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –œ²ÂœÂ–˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â&#x;š™œ¢¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ every player and work on them before the match. But ™” ¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢ÂšÂ”Â?ÂĽÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ —žIÂœÂ?ÂœÂ™ÂšÂľÂ˜ All we want to say for now is that Nigeria will qualify for the AFCON 2015 in Morocco,â€? he said. He said instead of blaming Keshi for the Super Eagles woeful performance, žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â™¢Â˜ ¢¥Â”•–—˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ Â–Â”Â”ÂłÂ˜ at the crisis in Nigerian foot›§Â––¨Â˜ §,žš•—œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §Â—£ž™ž¢ÂšÂ?§tors and other factors. “Keshi is not the problem of Nigeria football, but the ÂŞÂ”Â›Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §Â˜ “”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜ œ™š§ÂžÂ–¢Â˜ ¥žÂ?œ˜ §Â™Â—˜ Â&#x;Â?ÂœÂľÂ˜ ²ÂœÂ?ÂĽÂ›Â”Â—ÂĽÂ˜ ³™” ¢Â˜ that Keshi doesn’t have a contract and what he is doing is to answer a patriotic

call to come and take charge. “There have been confusions and people have to look at what had happened. Before the World Cup, Nigerians knew that Coach Ke¢¥ÂžϢ˜“”™šÂ?§Â“š˜ Â”•–—œ¸¤ÂžÂ?œ˜§ÂšÂ˜ the end of the World Cup. “Whether they would retain or sack him, they ought to have taken a decision. That was not done. So, people should trace the root of this crisis because we are in a crisis situation and we can’t deny that. As we speak, people are in court and nobody can say he does not know anything about that. Like I said earlier, Keshi will leave Super Eagles with high sense.â€?

Aniedi assures on Eagles Maduabuchi Kalu


irector of Sports in Akwa Ibom State, Dickson Aniedi is “”™Â&#x;—œ™š˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ —œ¢¤ÂžÂšÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ precarious situation the Super Eagles have found themselves in the ongoing 2015 Africa Nations Cup ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜Â“§Â™Â˜¢ÂšÂžÂ–Â–Â˜Ă„Â•§Â–ÂžÂŚÂĽÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;™§Â–¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ ”Â?”““”¾ Â™ÂžÂœÂ—ÂžÂ˜ÂĄÂžÂ™ŠÂœÂ—Â˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â“”™Â&#x;dence on the ability of the Super Eagles to win their remaining matches that will take them to 10 points, while South Africa and Congo Brazzaville drop points. He said that the doubt ›œž™ŠÂ˜ Âœ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂœÂ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â™¢Â˜Âž¢Â˜Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“šœ—˜›œ“§Â•¢ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ position the Eagles are occupying in group A of the ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?Âľ The African champions are languishing last in Â?”•¤Â˜ ˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜§Â˜ÂŞÂ•¢ÂšÂ˜§Â˜¤Â”ž™š˜

to trail behind South Africa (seven points), Congo Braz¿§²ÂžÂ––œ˜ Ž¢Âž¸Â˜ ¤Â”ž™š¢¯Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ •dan (three points). “You see, despite the ¢ÂžÂšÂ•§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂšÂœ§£Â˜Â&#x;™—¢Â˜ itself, I have strong belief that Eagles will qualify for the Africa Nations Cup. “I want to say that I am a proud Nigerian, and I strongly believe in Eagles. There is no doubt that the situation we found ourselves at the moment is not  ¥§ÂšÂ˜  ÂœÂ˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“š˜ ”Â?˜ ›§Â?Š§ÂžÂ™Â˜

for, that notwithstanding I ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ ž£¤Â–ž“žš˜ “”™Â&#x;—œ™“œ˜ ž™˜ the team’s ability to qualify,â€? he said. “South Africa and Congo Brazzaville may be leading the table at the moment but when the cheap is down, you will see Eagles doing what they know how to do best. “We are going to host South Africa in November and we will be going to Congo for our last match. It is true that Congo beat us

here in Calabar I can assure you that Eagles will beat them in their home. “Is it not the same Congo that South Africa defeated at home by 2-0? I have no doubt that we are going to beat them there. It is in Brazzaville that we are going to get our ticket to Morocco 2015 I can assure you of that. “I know that most Nigerians are not happy over the poor performance of the team in recent past but all the same I think what they need now that things are not working out well is encouragement and support from Nigerians. “You see, these things do happen in football. It is not every time that a team does well. If you look at the results coming out of EuÂ?”¤ÂœÂ˜Ă„•§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢¨Â˜ÂĽÂ”•˜ ÂžÂ––˜•™derstand what I am talking about. So, even great teams —”˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ˜ ¥§Â?—˜ ÂšÂžÂŁÂœ¢Â˜ but that does not mean that ˜§£Â˜£§³ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜Âœ¸Â“•¢Âœ¢Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ team for their poor performance in recent times,â€? Aniedi added.

Daily Newswatch Sports/ BARCELONA Fate pitches me against Real Madrid – Suarez Iniesta wins 2014 Golden Foot Award



he controversial former Liverpool striker is serving a ban for biting Italy’s Giorgio Chiellini at the World Cup, but will be available for the grudge El Clasico clash on October 25. The Uruguayan admitted he was surprised to learn he could make his debut in such an important game, but was adamant he will be up to the task. Luis Suarez has played in friendly matches for Barcelona, but is yet to make his competitive debut for Bacelona. “It’s a huge coincidence but I’m looking forward to


ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ¨¡Â˜ •§Â?ÂœÂżÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â–Â—Â˜ Barca Magazine. “You know, I’m the kind

I was ‘very happy’ at Everton –Deulofeu


erard Deulofeu may have failed to make a huge impact in the Premier League last season, ›•š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ?˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ÂŚÂ”Â™Â—Â˜ memories of his time at Everton. The 20-year-old joined ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Iœœ¢Â˜ ”™˜ §Â˜ ¢Âœ§¢Â”™À long loan deal from Barcelona in the summer of 2013 §Â™Â—˜ §¢Â˜Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“šœ—˜š”˜¢¥Â” case his skills in England. Rated as a promising young player, Deulofeu failed to meet those lofty Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“š§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¾Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤§ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂžÂ™-

ternational was not helped by injuries last season, but his overall performance left much to be desired. Deulofeu scored just three goals in 25 Premier League appearances in the 2013-14 campaign, while creating nine chances and having a pass accuracy of 78 per cent. His shot accuracy was 78 per cent as well. However, the youngster has good memories of his time at Everton and is quoted by Football Espana as telling Marca: “There  ÂœÂ?ÂœÂ™ÂśÂšÂ˜ £§Â™ÂĽÂ˜ —ž:“•–š˜ £”ments. It’s true that sometimes you feel a bit down because you go for weeks without seeing the sun, but then what happens at a weekend compensates for that. “The atmosphere of football in England is intense. There’s so much passion. I was very happy at Everton. I’d bring the fans to La Liga. If we in Spain had fans like in England, it would be the best League without doubtâ€?.

Tello discusses feud with Messi


ristianTello has spoken about Barcelona, his reported feud with Lionel Messi and the departure of Cesc Fabregas to Chelsea. Tello, currently on loan at Porto from Barca, discussed several topics during an interview with news agency EFE and the quotes have been published by Spanish site Sport. In the last year or so, stories emerged of how Lionel Messi would pick on some of the academy players emerging at the club. Tello was said to be one of these. He spoke about the apparent feud, saying: “It’s not a complicated relationship. Leo is really ambitious and always wants to score as many goals as possible and to be the best player in the world. ´Ž Âœ¢¢ÂžÂŻÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ ™”š˜ ¢ÂœÂ–Â&#x;¢¥¨Â˜ not angry when he is not a starter‌ if he sees things not going well it is a subject

of ambition.� Interesting that he never denied there was a feud or categorically refuted that said incidents ever took place. One former teammate who Tello clearly holds in a high regard is Cesc Fabregas. Speaking of move to Chelsea in the summer, Tello said: “He didn’t leave the club as he deserved. He left through the back door.

of person who believes that things happen for a reason, and of all 19 teams in the league, it’s precisely against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu that I’ll make my comeback. There must be a reason.� There was some surprise when Barcelona spent so much money on Suarez despite the fact that he was serving a lengthy suspension, but the 27-year-old is determined to repay the faith. “All I can say is that I have arrived with the desire to be a success at Barca that I am hungry to win titles,� Suarez said.


ndres Iniesta was named as the best over every year, based on achievements on 28 football players for 2014 when he won §Â™Â—˜”IÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â”ÂšÂ›§Â––˜¤ÂžÂšÂ“ÂĄÂľ the Golden Foot award on Monday evenWayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo ing. and Yaya Toure were just some of the ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ž“”™ž“˜ §Â?“œ–”™§Â˜ ¢Âš§Â?˜ ž¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ ¤Â–§¼ÂœÂ?˜ other names nominated for the award from his club ever to win the lucrative gong, this year, but due to their age will which has previously been won by some of foot- have other chances to win the coveted ball’s biggest names. prize. Iniesta stood on stage in Monaco and planted his feet into a pool of gold to create a mould, which will be placed in the ‘Champions promenade’ along Monaco’s seafront. ÂŚÂšÂœÂ?˜ §,œ™—ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –•“Â?§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ›§Â––˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ girlfriend Anna Ortiz, the 30-year-old tweeted a thank you message for the people who voted for him. The Golden Foot award is voted for via an online poll but can only be won once in a players’ career. Previous winners of the award include Ryan Giggs and Didier Drogba. A panel of journalists select the ten nominees


ionel Messi and Neymar are two of the biggest names in world football today, and the fact that they play together at club level is surreal. One Brazilian, one Argentinian, but both are constant headliners. With these two stars leading the charge, FC Barcelona has a world-class duo that has the potential to go down as they very best in the history of football. But the question must be asked; is Messi and Neymar the most important double-act in football today? A quick look at what the two stars provide for Barcelona clearly shows that they are vital for La Blaugrana. Neymar has already scored seven goals this year, while Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ™œ,œ—˜ ¢Âž¸Â˜ ÂšÂžÂŁÂœ¢Â˜ and given just as many assists, via The dynamic duo has been involved in almost every single goal for Barcelona this season that only goes to show how important they are for their club. Though a few players, such as Cristiano Ronaldo, have scored more individual goals than either Messi or Neymar, there is no other duo that is accomplishing what the Barcelona boys are at this point. The other giants of football have incredible players for sure, but not quite a duo like Messi and Neymar. Real Madrid standout with Ronaldo, but Gareth Bale can’t be considered his partner. Likewise, Diego Costa is leading the charge at Chelsea, but is no part of a duo for the Stamford Bridge ”•šÂ&#x;š¾ Truthfully, Messi and Neymar epitomize what a footballing duo is supposed to be – two worldclass stars working together to achieve greatness at the highest level. Statistics aside, the debate goes much deeper than what they are doing on the pitch at the Camp Nou. Messi and Neymar are two of the most popular players on the planet, and it is rare for two stars like that to share a dressing room. Whether it is commercials, marketing gigs or anything else of the like, Messi and Neymar are at

Messi, Neymar formidable pair the forefront of world football along with a handful of other star players. The world has never quite seen something like the pairing of Messi and Neymar. At their levels and what they bring to the global game, sharing the ¤ÂžÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ ¢¥Â”•–—˜ ›œ˜ Âœ¸ÂšÂ?ÂœÂŁÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜

—ž:“•–š¾ Yet, the Barcelona duo continues to improve every single game and is becoming more dangerous by the minute. Their ability to play together is a testament to their individual talents and mindset of how football should be played.

Is Messi and Neymar the most important doubleact in football today? Yes, they are. They are already two of the most important players in the world, and teaming up at this level, despite their nationalities, makes this union vital to world football.

Alves to quit Barcelona next year – Agent


he agent of Barcelona defender, Dani –²Âœ¢¨Â˜¥§¢Â˜Â“Â?žšž“ž¢ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Âš§Â–§Â™Â˜Â”•šÂ&#x;ÂšÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ their treatment of her client. ÂĄÂœÂ˜²ÂœÂšÂœÂ?§Â™Â˜Â?žŠ¥ÂšĂ€Â›§Â“³œ¢Â˜Â“•Â?Â?œ™š˜“”™šÂ?§Â“š˜œ¸pires at the end of this season and as of January 1, he can discuss terms with interested clubs. Dinorah Santana, who is Alves’s former girlfriend as well as his agent, has revealed that ™”˜“”™šÂ?§Â“š˜”IÂœÂ?˜ž¢Â˜Â“•Â?Â?ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ–ÂĽÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Âš§Â›Â–ÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ Barca for the Brazilian defender. ´ ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “–•›˜  §Â™ÂšÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ Âœ¸ÂšÂœÂ™Â—˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ §ŠÂ?œœment then they should already have done so. I wouldn’t have done things that way,â€? Santana told Cadena Ser. “Clubs that want him will emerge in December or January and then we’ll see what he wants to do, although we haven’t spoken to anybody. Dani just wants to concentrate on playing and not worry about the future.â€? Manchester United are said to be interested in the defender.

Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014


Guardiola attracts players to Bayern —Rummenigge


ayern Munich chief Karl-Heinz RumÂŁÂœÂ™ÂžŠŠÂœÂ˜ ›œ–žœ²Âœ¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ presence of Pep Guardiola will help the Bundesliga “¥§£¤ÂžÂ”™¢Â˜§,Â?§Â“ÂšÂ˜ÂŁÂ”Â?œ˜š”¤Â˜ players. The former Barcelona coach has helped to bring in players such as Robert Lewandowski, Mario Â”ĂŠÂœ¨Â˜ ¥ž§ŠÂ”¨Â˜ §Â›ÂžÂ˜ –”™¢Â”˜ and Mehdi Benatia since ¥ž¢Â˜§Â?Â?ž²§Â–˜§ÂšÂ˜ §¼ÂœÂ?Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ summer of 2013 and Rummenigge has nothing but praise for the Spaniard. ´ Âœ¤Â˜ •§Â?—ž”–§Â˜Âž¢Â˜§Â˜²ÂœÂ?ÂĽÂ˜ good trainer. He works  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ §Â™Â˜ ž™šœ™¢ÂžÂšÂĽÂ˜ ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜

™œ²ÂœÂ?˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ—˜ §Â™Â—˜ œ²ÂœÂ˜ been with this club for a long, long time now, he added,â€? Rummenigge told Goal. ´ ÂœϢ˜ §Â™Â˜ •™›œ–žœ²§Â›Â–œ˜ trainer. We can all be fortunate he’s at Bayern. I notice that when I talk to players - he is a factor in why they want to come to Bayern. Robert Lewandowski and §Â?ž”˜ Â”ĂŠÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”²ÂœÂ—˜š”˜ §¼ern as they wanted to work with him, among other things. That’s a plus for us. “Sometimes he comes on ™”™ÀšÂ?§ÂžÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ —§¼¢¨Â˜ ¢ÂžÂš¢Â˜ Â&#x;²Âœ¨Â˜ ¢Âž¸Â˜ ¥”•Â?¢Â˜ ž™˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ ”:“œ˜ §Â™Â—˜ analyses matches. On Sunday at Oktoberfest he stayed

for two hours and then got on a plane to Italy to watch [Champions League oppo™œ™š¢ĂŽÂ˜ ”£§Â˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ •²ÂœÂ™tus. “There are coaches who would rather drink the occa¢ÂžÂ”™§Â–˜›œœÂ?Â˜ÂŁÂ”Â?ÂœÂ˜Â›Â•ÂšÂ˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂźÂœ Â˜ š”˜ •Â?ž™˜ š”˜  §ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ ”•Â?˜ ™œ¸ÂšÂ˜ opponent. He’s a meticulous worker.â€? Alonso was one of Guardiola’s key signings this summer after the departure of Toni Kroos to Real Madrid and Rummenigge has ›œœ™˜ž£¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ—˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?Ϣ˜ ¤ÂœÂ?Œ”Â?mances so far. Featuring in defence and

£ž—Â&#x;œ–—¨Â˜ –”™¢Â”˜¥§¢Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ–¤ÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ Â&#x;––˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ²Â”ž—˜ Â–ÂœÂŚÂšÂ˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ž™ª•ries to the likes of Bastian Schweinsteiger, Thiago and

§²ÂžÂ˜ §Â?šž™œ¿¨Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ §¼ern leading the Bundesliga Â›ÂĽÂ˜ Œ”•Â?˜ ¤Â”ž™š¢Â˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ ¢Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜ games.



tletico Madrid forward Antoine Griezmann says that the chance to work with Diego Simeone helped him to decide to snub Arsenal this summer. After his form for Real Sociedad earned him a place in France’s squad for World Cup 2014, the ÂşĂ…Ă€ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ă€Â”Â–Â—Â˜ ¥§Â—˜ §,Â?§Â“šœ—˜ §,œ™šž”™˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ¢Âœ²ÂœÂ?§Â–˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Europe’s top clubs. As re²Âœ§Â–œ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ”§Â–¨Â˜ Â?¢ÂœÂ™ÂœÂ˜ ϪŠÂœÂ?Ϣ˜¢ÂžÂ—œ˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜£§Â—œ˜§Â™Â˜ approach for the winger in April. But Griezmann says that staying in Spain and joining the reigning champions of La Liga was too good to turn down. “Why Spain and not elsewhere? This is my championship, my home. I’m happy here and Atletico is a great club. The (champions) were willing to pay â‚Ź30 million (ÂŁ23.8million) for me,â€? he told France Football. “I had the boss on the ¤¥Â”Â™ÂœÂľÂ˜ œ˜ £”šž²§ÂšÂœÂ—˜ ÂŁÂœÂ˜ and said the club really wanted me. I knew that I

Griezmann: Why I snubbed Gunners for Atletico

was coming here to learn. “Was it weird when PSG and Arsenal were also interested? (Atletico are) still the champions of Spain! “I needed a club like that and a coach like Diego Simeone to progress. I always demands intensity in training. That’s my style and I like it.�

Albiol rues Spain defence


Di Maria joined Man U for the money –Ancelotti


§Â?–”˜ ™“œ–”,ž˜ ¥§¢Â˜ Â?Âœ²Âœ§Â–œ—˜ that Angel Di Maria only signed for Manchester United because Real Madrid refused to stump up the £§¢¢Âž²ÂœÂ˜  §ŠÂœ¢Â˜ Â?ÂœĂ„Â•ÂžÂ?œ—˜ to keep him. The Argentinian winger left the Bernabeu for –—˜ Â?§I”Â?—˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Â•ÂŁmer for a British-record ÂŁ59.7million fee, becomž™ŠÂ˜ ”•ž¢Â˜ ²§Â™Â˜ §§Â–Ϣ˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ major signing. ™“œ–”,ž˜ Â?Âœ²Âœ§Â–œ—˜ ”™˜ Spanish radio that he did not want to change the club’s policies to keep hold of one player, despite the fact he impressed at the summer’s World Cup. He said: “Di Maria asked for a lot of money §Â™Â—˜ ¤Â?ÂœÂŚÂœÂ?Â?œ—˜ š”˜ –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ ŠÂ”˜Â&#x;Â™Â—Â˜ÂžÂšÂľ “I was in agreement with the club. There are times when the club needs to say no. You can’t change the policies of the

club for one player. “The club couldn’t ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂŁÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂŁÂ”Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ wanted. They say that I’m the manager of the club; of course, I coach for the club, not for the players.â€?

Di Maria has scored š¥Â?ÂœÂœÂ˜ÂšÂžÂŁÂœ¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜Â&#x;²ÂœÂ˜§¤¤Âœ§Â?ances since making his “”£¤ÂœÂšÂžÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ —œ›•š˜ Œ”Â?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ œ—˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ–¢¨Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ–¤ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ Â&#x;Â?œ˜ them back into contention for a Champions League

place. The new No.7 admitted that wearing that shirt number was a source of inspiration after scoring ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂşĂ€ÂťÂ˜  ÂžÂ™Â˜ ”²ÂœÂ?˜ ²ÂœÂ?ton.

Monaco want Rooney in exchange for Falcao


onaco are reportedly preparing a ›žŠĂ€ÂŁÂ”Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜ ”IÂœÂ?˜ Œ”Â?˜ §Â™Â“ÂĄÂœ¢ÂšÂœÂ?˜ United captain, Wayne Rooney, in Â?œš•Â?Â™Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜£§³ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ §Â—§£ÂœÂ–˜ §Â–“§Â”ϢÂ˜ÂŁÂ”²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ –—˜ Â?§I”Â?—˜¤ÂœÂ?£§Â™ÂœÂ™ÂšÂľ ““”Â?—ž™ŠÂ˜ š”˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?ÂœÂ™Â“ÂĄÂ˜ ¢ÂžÂ—œ˜§Â?œ˜“”™Â&#x;Â—ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â›ÂœÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜§Â›Â–œ˜š”˜“”™²ÂžÂ™Â“œ˜ Â”Â”Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ ™žšœ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ”IÂœÂ?ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂşĂ“Ă€ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ă€Â”Â–Â—Â˜§Â˜Â–”™ŠĂ€ÂšÂœÂ?ÂŁÂ˜Â–Â•Â“Â?§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜Â“”™šÂ?§Â“š¾ Despite being hopeful of landing a playÂœÂ?˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜Â›ÂœÂœÂ™Â˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂœÂ?Âœ¢ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ time, it is claimed that Monaco may make ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤Â?”¢¤ÂœÂ“šž²ÂœÂ˜ šÂ?§Â™¢ŒÂœÂ?˜ £”Â?œ˜ §,Â?§Â“šž²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ Â™ÂžÂšÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜£§³ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ §Â–“§Â”Ϣ˜–”§Â™Â˜ÂŁÂ”²ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Premier League side permanent in return. The report comes just a week after Mo™§Â“”˜ ²ÂžÂ“ÂœĂ€¤Â?Âœ¢ÂžÂ—œ™š¨Â˜ §Â—ÂžÂŁÂ˜ §¢ÂžÂ–ÂĽÂœ²¨Â˜ Â?Âœ²Âœ§Â–œ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ žŠÂ•ÂœÂ˜ÂťÂ˜Â“–•›˜§Â?œ˜™”š˜ŠÂ”ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”˜ ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜Â•¤Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜¤Â•Â?¢Â•ÂžÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â”Â”Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜Ă‡Â˜Â—Âœ¢¤ÂžÂšÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ™ŠÂ–§Â™Â—˜ ž™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ¥§²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ¢ÂžŠÂ™ÂœÂ—˜ §Â˜ Â&#x;²ÂœĂ€§Â™Â—Ă€§Ă€¥§Â–ÂŚĂ€ÂĽÂœ§Â?˜“”™šÂ?§Â“š˜§ÂšÂ˜ ™žšœ—˜œ§Â?lier this year.

ormer Real Madrid defender, Raul Albiol has said he feels the Spanish national side is short on centre backs but the side has enough quality at the moment. ÂĄÂœÂ˜ §¤Â”–ž˜£§Â™Â˜Â&#x;––œ—˜ž™˜ for Real’s Sergio Ramos during the international break as ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”¢Â˜ –§Â™Â“”¢Â˜²ÂžÂ“œ˜“§¤Âš§ÂžÂ™Â˜ Â?œ“”²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ž™ª•Â?ÂĽÂľÂ˜ ¤§Â™Â˜ –”¢ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ –”²§³Âž§Â˜ ž™˜ §Â˜ ¢¥Â”Â“ÂłÂ˜ Euro 2016 qualifying result on Thursday before seeing ”I˜ •¸ÂœÂŁÂ›Â”•Â?ŠÂ˜½Ă€žÂ˜Â”™˜ •™day night. Speaking to the press §Â›Â”•š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â—ÂœÂŚÂœÂ™¢Âž²ÂœÂ˜ ¢ÂžÂšÂ•§tion for Vicente del Bosque’s team, Albiol said it is something that needs addressing in the future, but for now Spain still has the quality needed to succeed. “The issue surrounding central defence goes in stag-

es, yet although we don’t ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ §Â™Â˜ §Â›Â•Â™Â—§Â™Â“œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ “œ™šÂ?ÂœĂ€Â›§Â“³¢Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ ϪӥŠ¥Â˜ good ones to perform well for the national team. “Right now in Spain we §Â?œ˜–ž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ?”•Š¥Â˜§Â™Â˜ÂœÂ?§Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ £§Â™ÂĽÂ˜ÂŁÂžÂ—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?¢Â˜§Â™Â—˜™”š˜¢Â”˜ many central defenders, but it’s not a subject we need to worry about,â€? he stated.

De Jong remains in high demand


˜ ž–§Â™Â˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?¨Â˜ Nigel de Jong, has yet to make a decision on his future, according to Il Corriere dello Sport. The Netherlands international will be out of contract in the summer, but club chiefs are set to open talks ”²ÂœÂ?˜§Â˜Â?œ™œ §Â–Âľ While De Jong would prefer a three-year deal, the Rossoneri are ready to offer him a two-year contract worth â‚Ź3 million per campaign with an option for a further year. •š¨Â˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜ š¥”•Š¥Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ 29-year-old has suggested he is ready to end his career at San Siro, he might be tempted by the proposals from abroad. Namely, both Manchester United and Paris SaintGermain are keen on the

¥žŠ¥Â–ÂĽÂ˜Â?§ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂŁÂžÂ—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?˜§Â™Â—˜ they will try to tempt him  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜Â–•“Â?§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜Â”IÂœÂ?¢¾ žŠÂœÂ–˜ —œ˜ ”™ŠÂ˜ —œ²ÂœÂ–oped into a key player for the Rossoneri shortly after §Â?Â?ž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ §Â™Â“ÂĄÂœ¢ÂšÂœÂ?˜ City and has so far featured in 51 Serie A matches for the club.



DeGale ready to rumble with Marco Periban


ames DeGale is the mandatory challenger for Carl Froch’s IBF super-middleweight title. But while the champion is pondering his next move, DeGale will risk his po¢ § §³ § ©¡ against Marco Antonio Periban on the November 22 show at the Echo Arena in Liverpool. “This is like a second § £ § § ¥ because if I don’t beat him I won’t box for a world title,” DeGale declared.

“He’s not a typical Mexican because he can box as well, he can box on the backfoot.” If DeGale wins and Froch elects to defend against him, that clash would take place on January 31 at the O2 in London. So far Froch ¡§¢ ¸¡ , ¢ ¡ § ©¡ µ “Personally I believe that ©¡ ¶¢ © © ¡§¤¤ ¨· said their promoter Eddie Hearn. “We know that Carl has never been a fan of vacating titles.

Joe Bugner recovers in hospital after heart attack


ormer Australian, British, Commonwealth and European heavyweight champion, Joe Bugner is recovering from § ¡ § §,§ ³µ ¡ ýÀ¥ § À old, now living on Queensland’s Gold Coast in Australia, was diagnosed with diabetes last year which lead to heart disease. But the man who took both Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier the distance in the 1970s is determined to return to health. “I’m not about to hang my gloves up,” Aussie Joe reported from his hospital § : ¡ ² ¢ ¥ on Saturday (October 11). ´ ¶£ ý ¡ ¶¢ ¢ § few years left in me yet. I’ve just got to be careful with what I eat and drink. Any ¡ § §,§ ³ ¢ ¢ ¢ I’m not about to give up on my life.” Bugner was born in

Hungary in 1950 and came to Britain in 1956 as a child ¦ © ¼ © ¡ ² invasion. Three days after turning 21 he won the British, Commonwealth and European heavyweight titles via controversial 15-round decision over national hero Henry Cooper. In 1973 he lost spirited 12-rounders to former world champions Ali and Frazier before challenging “The Greatest” in a title ©¡ »ÕÆÁ ¡§ ¡ ¢ points. After several comebacks, Frank Bruno appeared to have permanently retired Bugner in 1987 after bludgeoning the veteran into eighth round defeat. But Joe came back again in 1995, picked up the Australian crown three years later, ¦ Ä , © ¦ © 1999 with a record of 69-13» ®½»¯µ

Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

Huck won’t give up on Klitschko showdown


o r l d Boxing Organisation (WBO) cruiserweight champion, Marco Huck is fully focused on securing a showdown with heavyweight king Wladimir Klitschko, who in a few weeks will defend his title against mandatory challenger Kubrat Pulev. Huck is going as far as to break his ten year promotional relationship with Sauerland Event, because he believes it will make things easier to make the ¢ ¡³ ©¡ µ ´ ¡ ©¡ §©§ ¢ Klitschko will probably take place in 2016, staging it before that will be tough. I will pursue this ©¡ ¨ ¡ ¢ ¢ £¥ ¤ ¥µ ¢ ¡³ ¢ ¡ ¢ ©¡ er in his weight class, it would no doubt be an interesting confrontation,” Huck said. Huck also denied recently published information that he rejected a ¤ § § I to face then WBC champion Krzysztof already Wlodarczyk . “I never had a single proposal from the Polish side. I’m not lying, they are lying. There was no proposal, not even one. They always came from the Sauerland. I said that ¥ § ©¡ § § µ ¡ ¥ ¤ that they would try to get it down. The group behind Wlodarczyk knows that I am a very popular boxer in Germany, so they

demanded a large sum of money that couldn’t be ¤§ µ ¢ § ¢ ¨ ¡ ©¡ never happened. Wlodarc-

zyk later tried to kill himself. The sheer thought of ¡§² © § ©¡ ¡ £ ¨ made him want to jump

AIBA defends decision to ban headgear


nternational boxing of § ¢ ¢§¥ £ § ²§ ations validate their decision to ban headgear § § ¸ © :cials say that medical evaluations from the recent Asian Games have validated their controversial decision to stop using headgear. The AIBA reported that

no boxers were found to ¡§² ¢ I ¢¢ ¢ during the international competition in South Korea. “This result demonstrates that concussion should not be an issue for the sport of boxing if Elite Men’s Competitions are held without ¡ § © § ¢¨· : § ¢ ¢§ in a statement.

Rubio at right time to fight Golovkin – Kuchle


romoter Oswaldo ¡ ¦ ¢ that his boxer, World Boxing Council (WBC) interim-middleweight champion, Marco Antonio “Veneno” Rubio of Mexico is catching International Boxing Organisation (IBO) and World Boxing Association (WBA) champion Gennady Golovkin of Kazakhstan at

out the window,” Huck stated in reference to Wlodarczyk’s suicide attempt (overdose) in 2011.

the right time. ¡ ©¡ §³ ¢ ¤ § October 18, in Carson, California. Rubio has not been stopped since a ninth round TKO defeat to then middleweight champion Kelly Pavlik in 2009. Since then, Rubio went 16-1, winning most of those bouts by knockout and losing a close twelve

round decision to Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. in 2012. “We, as his representatives, Rubio was asking us ¦ © ©¡ ¢¨ © ¡ £ good economic purses. But above everything, he wants to prove that he is in ¡§ §© ¦ ©¡ ¢µ Among them being Miguel , ¨ ²³ Ward. We were negotiating ¦ § ©¡ §©§ ¢ ²³ and without hesitation we © § ¡ ©¡ ¨· ¢§ Küchle ´ ¶¢ § © ©¡ µ ²³ is in a great moment in his career. However, he has not been tested against elite ©¡ ¢µ ² ¡§ bio is arriving in the prime of his career, with the best coach in the world in Robert Garcia and he is, above everything, full of encouragement and has a lot of motivation after forcefully knocking out [Domineco Spada].”

The governing body reversed its long-standing policy on headgear for men last year, citing medical research that showed extra padding actually increases the potential for concussion. The reasoning goes like ¡ ¢Ö ¤ ©¡ ¢ ¶ ¤ ¡ §¢ ¡§ , with their heads. Also, bulky headgear decreases peripheral vision and makes for a larger target that is easier to hit. Women and youth are still required to wear headgear because they do not hit as hard. Some in the sport have criticized the recent rule change, arguing that bare¡ § ©¡ ¢ § £ ³ ¥ ¢ I ¦§ § ¢µ The AIBA has adopted stricter rules against using the head and elbows, saying the rate of cuts has decreased to less than 3%.


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Daily Newswatch

Health Thursday, October 16, 2014

L-R: Nollywood Actress and Brand Ambassador, Dettol, Patience Ozokwor (Mama Gee); General Manager, West Africa, Reckitt Benckiser, Rahul Murgai; Marketing Director, West Africa, Reckitt Benckiser, Oguzhan Silivrili; Nollywood Actress and producer; with students of Royal Master’s Schools, Ikeja, at the Media Parley unveiling the Dettol ‘Give Life A Hand’ Campaign in commemoration of Global Handwashing Day 2014, Tuesday.

Chioma Umeha, Health Editor


very year, over 150, 000 children do not see their fifth birthday due to diarrhoea caused by unsafe water, bad sanitation and unhygiene practices, a new study by U-Report confirmed. Experts have said that the trend is worrisome as simple handwashing with soap has been found to be one of the cheapest, simplest and most effective means of preventing diarrhoea and pneumonia, the leading causes of Nigerian child’s death. “Every year over 150,000 children die from diarrhoea alone, largely caused by unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene practices. Hand washing with soap is one of the cheapest, simplest and most effective means of preventing diarrhoea and pneumonia, the leading causes of child deaths in Nigeria. As the Ebola response takes its toll on the health services in the affected countries, the practice of hand washing is even more important in warding off these common diseases,” the U-Report said. According to experts, this year’s Global Hand washing Day, being the

Hand washing:Over 150, 000 children don’t see their fifth birthday due to diarrhoea seventh edition further underscores the importance of hand washing with soap in disease prevention and spread, in view of the current global fight against Ebola virus disease (EVD). A report on Tuesday, by UNICEF noted that hand washing with soap has been an important tool, an additional line of defence in the fight against the spread of EVD. “In the fight against the spread of Ebola Virus Disease, hand washing with soap has been an important tool, an additional line of defence,” the report said. This year’s theme “Choose hand washing, Choose Health” is apt given that hand washing with soap not only protects the individual, but also protects his/her family against the infections and prevents the spread of disease outbreaks, the

‘We suffered tragedy to maintain best international practices, save Nigerians’ Pg 44

UNICEF report said. Everyone can choose to wash hands with soap after using toilet and before eating/preparing food and thereby protect themselves and their families, it added. Global Hand washing Day a reminder that the simple practice saves lives In Nigeria, more than 10 million people will be reached with hand washing messages through various activities planned for this year’s commemoration of Global hand washing Day, the UNICEF report said. It added: “There will be nationwide hand washing promotion through high profile hand washing demonstrations in schools and communities, mass rallies, road shows, airing of jingles on radio and television. Also, dissemination

of hand washing messages on U-Report, Facebook and Twitter have been planned for creating massive awareness on hand washing with soap in the country, the report said. UNICEF has been supporting the governments in raising awareness about Ebola in Nigeria as well as in other affected countries, working to counter misconceptions about the disease that put even more people at risk. ‘Nigeria has done well so far to contain the spread of Ebola’, said Jean Gough, UNICEF Representative in Nigeria. “What Nigeria needs now is sustained promotion of hand washing. Let’s pledge to make hand washing with soap a national habit and reduce the number of Nigerian children who die from diarrhoea annually’, she added.

World Mental Health Day: Lagos seeks support for people with schizophrenia Pg 46

Lagos set to unveil First Lady as face of infant HIV

Pg 47


Daily Newswatch


Thursday, October 16, 2014

‘We suffered tragedy to maintain best international practices, save Nigerians’ CHIOMA UMEHA (HEALTH EDITOR)


t last, the First Consultant Medical Centre broke the silence and has explained the numerous challenges it had to deal with while handling Ebola index case of the now late Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer. The hospital’s explanation is also following a recent appeal from World Health Organisation (WHO) for Nigeria to share her success story on Ebola for other “”•™šÂ?žœ¢Â˜Â›§,–ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜²ÂžÂ?•¢Â˜ to learn how to tackle it. Speaking weekend, during ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ²Âž¢ÂžÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ˜ ”:“ž§Â–¢Â˜ ž™˜ ›§Â–œ™—œ¨Â˜ Lagos, the Managing Director, First Consultant Medical Centre, Dr Benjamin Ohiaeri, š”–—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂœ§Â–ÂšÂĄÂ˜ ”:“ž§Â–¢Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ journalists that the hospital faced intense pressures from ž›œÂ?ž§Â˜ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?Â™ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜Â?Âœ¤Â?Âœ¢ÂœÂ™ÂšÂœÂ—˜ by the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Al-Hassan Conteh, š”˜ Â?œ–œ§¢ÂœÂ˜ § ¼ÂœÂ?¨Â˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜  ¥ÂžÂ–œ˜ the Liberian-American was undergoing diagnosis for Ebola ²ÂžÂ?•¢Â˜Â—ž¢Âœ§¢ÂœÂľ Ohiaeri explained that the ž›œÂ?ž§Â™Â˜ Ϫ²Â”ÂĽÂ˜ š¥Â?Âœ§ÂšÂœÂ™ÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ sue the hospital if his desire and that of Sawyer were not met in §Â˜ÂŞÂžIÂĽÂľ Ohiaeri, who was surrounded Â›ÂĽÂ˜¢Âš§IÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂ”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–¨Â˜ÂžÂ™Â“–•—ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›”–§Â˜ ¢Â•Â?²Âž²Â”Â?¢Â˜  ¥Â”˜  Â”Â?ÂłÂ˜ in the hospital, added that the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria threatened to stir up diplomatic row between Nigeria and Liberia if the late Sawyer was not released. The MD explained that the hospital decided to ignore the threat for the “public goodâ€?, as ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜  ÂœÂ?œ˜ “”™²ÂžÂ™Â“ž™ŠÂ˜ ¢ÂžŠÂ™§Â–¢Â˜ that the late Sawyer had Ebola —ž¢Âœ§¢Âœ¨Â˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜ Â›ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?œ˜ ²§Â?ž”•¢Â˜ šœ¢ÂšÂ˜ Â?Âœ¢Â•Â–š¢Â˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ “”™Â&#x;Â?ÂŁÂœÂ—Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ suspicion. `Dr. Ohiaeri, said:â€?The ambassador said if we continued to keep him (Sawyer), it would be tantamount to kidnap and abuse of human right. He said if we did not release him, we would be subjecting our hospital to international diplomatic row and we should not rule out the possibility of law suit.â€? Ohiaeri said amid pressure to discharge Sawyer, the management immediately “”™²ÂœÂĽÂœÂ—˜ §Â˜ “”££ž,œœ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ š¥Â?œœ˜ who concluded that although Sawyer has the right to sign §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ ÂŁÂœÂ—ÂžÂ“§Â–˜ §Â—²ÂžÂ“Âœ¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ would not let him go for public good. “As if that was not bad enough for us, the Liberian Ambassador to Nigeria started to put pressure on us that Mr. Sawyer had his fundamental human right that ÂĄÂœÂ˜  §Â™ÂšÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–˜ and he should be allowed to –œ§²Âœ¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ

L-R: WHO’s Ebola Emergency Operating Centre representative, Dr. Samantha Bolton; Chief Medical Director, First Consultant z54{X7\_ '3 %+F™\/XF 2<X+3X \FQ \ 8. 2\4+Q €X35_5[X47 '3 ?X/5F *\3Q+_ Q@3XF[ \ {3+44 23X+]F[ \7 )X347 &5F4@_7\F7 z54{X7\_ Obalende, weekend. ´ ™˜ Â”ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?˜  Â”Â?—¢¨Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ §Â˜ ¤Â?”²Âž¢ÂžÂ”™˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂžÂ™Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –§ Â˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ allows the person to sign and –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–ÂľÂ˜ Âœ§Â™ ¥ÂžÂ–Âœ¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â˜ ¢Â•¤ÂœÂ?ž”Â?˜ ¤Â?”²Âž¢ÂžÂ”™˜ within that law which is that you can decline the patient for public good.â€?In order to protect ”•Â?¢ÂœÂ–²Âœ¢Â˜ §¢Â˜ §Â™Â˜ ž™¢ÂšÂžÂšÂ•ÂšÂžÂ”™¨Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ called in our lawyer who drafted for us a resolution, stating that we were not going to let Sawyer out because it will not be in the public good to let him out.â€? He also said one of their greatest challenges with Sawyer —•Â?ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›”–§Â˜²ÂžÂ?•¢Â˜¢§Š§Â˜ §¢Â˜ when he insisted he must be discharged and unleashed his Â›ÂžÂ”Ă€ÂšÂœÂ?Â?”Â?Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Âš§IÂľ Within that time Mr. Sawyer insisted that he wanted to Âœ¸ÂœÂ?“ž¢ÂœÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ Â?žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ the hospital and sign against ÂŁÂœÂ—ÂžÂ“§Â–˜§Â—²ÂžÂ“Âœ¨Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ But, the MD said: “The Âœ¸ÂœÂ“•šž²ÂœÂ˜ “”££ž,œœ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ hospital made up of three of •¢¨Â˜ £¼¢ÂœÂ–ά˜ –§ÂšÂœÂ˜ —§Â—Âœ²Â”ÂĄÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ Dr. Abaniwo, Director clinical

¢ÂœÂ?²ÂžÂ“Âœ¢¨Â˜ —œ–ž›œÂ?§ÂšÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ §ŠÂ?œœ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ›§¢ÂœÂ˜ ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “”™Â&#x;—œ™“œ˜ ž™˜ our legendry physician, Dr. —§Â—Âœ²Â”¥¨Â˜ ÂœÂ˜ ÂžÂ––˜™”š˜ΤÂ–Â–Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂžÂšÂľ He added that the disease ¥§Â—˜ “–§ÂžÂŁÂœÂ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –ž²Âœ¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Œ”•Â?˜ ¢Âš§I˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–˜ ”•š˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜¤ÂœÂ?¢Â”™¢Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜Â—ÂžÂœÂ—Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ disease nationwide. “Because we did not let him go, Mr. Sawyer unleashed his biošœÂ?Â?”Â?Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Âš§IÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂ”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–ÂľÂ˜ He knew he had the disease, he was angry to the extent that he released his blood to contaminate our people as they came in. ´ œ˜ –”¢ÂšÂ˜ Œ”•Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ”•Â?˜ ÂłÂœÂĽÂ˜ ¢Âš§I˜  ¥Â”˜ ž™“–•—œ—¨Â˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ —§Â—Âœ²Â”¥¨Â˜ she worked here for 21 years, Dr. Amos Abaniwo, our Chief Consultant Anesthesiology and žÂ?œ“š”Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ “–ž™ž“§Â–˜ ¢ÂœÂ?²ÂžÂ“Âœ¨Â˜  ¥Â”˜ had been with us for 16 years. Â?ÂľÂ˜ —§Â—Âœ²Â”ÂĄÂ˜ —žœ—˜ –œ§²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ?˜ husband and a son. Dr. Abaniwo —žœ—˜ –œ§²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜  ÂžÂŚÂœÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ š¥Â?œœ˜ children; the third person that died was Nurse Ejeleonu, she just started working with us that day. Unknown to us she

was two months pregnant and she died with the pregnancy. The fourth person that died was •Â?¢ÂœÂ˜ ²ÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ™Â˜ ÂłÂ”Â˜ ¥Â”˜¥§Â—˜›œœ™˜ working with us for the past 31 years. She was a widow, a single parent raising four children; she —žœ—˜–ž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ”¢ÂœÂ˜Â“¥ž–—Â?œ™˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜Â•¢¨Â˜ it was a multiple tragedy because the four children were kicked out of the home because of the stigma. So losing her is a combination of burden on First Consultant. The Chief Medical Director (CMD) appealed to Nigerians against stigmatising the Ebola ¢Â•Â?²Âž²Â”Â?¢¨Â˜ ¢§¼ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂœ§Â–š¥“§Â?œ˜  Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ?¢Â˜ Š§²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ –ž²Âœ¢Â˜ÂšÂ”˜¢§²ÂœÂ˜Â”ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?¢¾ He charged medical practitioners to always comply with international best practices Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜  ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ Τ“œ—˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ¤Â”¢¢ÂžÂ›Â–œ˜ litigation. ´ –š¥”•Š¥¨Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ ¢Â•IÂœÂ?œ—˜ ¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ tragedy, maintaining best ž™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ¤Â?§Â“šž“œ¢Â˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ¢§²ÂœÂ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –ž²Âœ¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ £§Â™ÂĽÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â™¢¨¡Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ said. ˜ ”££•™ž“§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ :“œÂ?¨Â˜

We lost four of our key staff who included, Dr. Adadevoh, she worked here for 21 years, Dr. Amos Abaniwo, our Chief Consultant Anesthesiology and Director of clinical service, who had been with us for 16 years

Ms Samantha Bolton, who commended the hospital for her ÂœI”Â?š˜ž™˜§¢¢Âž¢ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â˜ÂšÂ”˜“•Â?š§ÂžÂ–˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜²ÂžÂ?•¢¨Â˜¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â™Â˜ success would go a long a way in assisting other countries currently ›§,–ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜²ÂžÂ?•¢Â˜ÂšÂ”˜¢Â•Â“Â“ÂœÂœÂ—Âľ ``For the medical team,  ¥ÂœÂ™Âœ²ÂœÂ?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜Â™Â”ÂšÂžÂ“ÂœÂ˜§Â™Â˜Â•Â™Â•¢Â•§Â–˜ case, it is best to call an incident ÂŁÂœÂœÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ §Â?Â?ž²ÂœÂ˜ §ÂšÂ˜ §Â˜ —œ“ž¢ÂžÂ”™˜ on how best to tackle it,â€? Bolton said. She added that with presence of ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜²ÂžÂ?•¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ ÂŚÂ?ž“§Â˜§Â™Â—Â˜Â”ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?˜¤§Â?š¢Â˜ of the world, “no one is really safe.â€? À›§¢ÂœÂ—˜²ÂžÂ?”–”ŠÂž¢Âš¨Â˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ ÂžÂŁÂ”Â™Â˜ Mardel, stated that the Nigerian Ebola experience could repeat itself in any part of the world. Describing the Nigeria Isolation Centre at Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH), Lagos, as “one of the best in the worldâ€?, he called on other countries to learn from the žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â™Â˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ŠÂž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ¤§ÂšÂžÂœÂ™Âš¢Â˜Â›Âœ¢ÂšÂ˜§²§ÂžÂ–§Â›Â–œ˜šÂ?Âœ§ÂšÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂľ Dr. Mardel, a Clinician, said that the Ebola incidence in Nigeria, although a tragedy, ¥§Â—˜ Â?Âœ²Âœ§Â–œ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ž£¤Â”Â?š§Â™Â“œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ £§¢¢Âž²ÂœÂ˜¤Â•Â›Â–ž“˜§ §Â?œ™œ¢¢¾ Mardel said, “Also, from First Consultant Medical Centre’s experience, it is important to ¤Â–§Â“œ˜ ¤Â?ÂœÂŁÂžÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Âš§IϢ˜ working condition. “Preparedness is also important for all. In the treatment of Ebola, the medical team should know simple practical procedures like not §Â—£ž™ž¢ÂšÂœÂ?ž™ŠÂ˜ ž™Ÿ§££§ÂšÂ”Â?ÂĽÂ˜ drugs because it worsens the case.â€?

Daily Newswatch


Thursday, October 16, 2014


Two of three Nigerians are blind

L-R: Registrar, Medical Laboratory Council of Nigeria, Professor Anthony Emeribe; Director-General, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Dr. Paul Orhii; Executive Secretary, National Health Insurance Scheme, Dr. Femi Thomas; Director of Hospital Services, Federal Ministry of Health, Dr. Patience Osinubi and Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, at the Ministry of Health Ministerial Platform in Abuja...Tuesday. TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja


survey of blindness and low vision in Nigeria has found that nearly half a million adults in the country are in immediate need of cataract surgery. Generally, two out of three Nigerians are blind from causes which could be avoided, such as cataract, which is the single commonest cause of blindness. The survey which was initiated by the Federal Ministry of Health, and supported by Sight savers, hinted that the assessment of adults aged 40 and above provides important data about the number of people in Nigeria who are blind and visually impaired. It also, disclosed that, 486,000 adults across the country are in urgent need of cataract surgery, other important causes of blindness were glaucoma (a condition where the optic nerve is damaged, often by high pressure inside the eye), corneal scarring and poor procedures for cataract surgery. River blindness and trachoma together accounted for five percent of blindness. According to the survey, almost half of all procedures for blinding cataract undergone by survey participants had been performed by herbalists (“couching”) and this was more common in the northern part of the country. Couching is when an instrument is used to dislocate the opaque lens away from the pupil, into the back of the eye but this is often associated with complications. As in many developing countries, Nigeria suffers from lack of trained staff and equipment to enable the backlog of cataract operations to

be reduced. In this part of Africa, the number of ophthalmologists is less than one per million people. Extrapolating the data from the survey to the total population, the prevalence of blindness in Nigeria is estimated to be 0.78 per cent. The WHO defines Universal health Coverage (UHC) and therefore Universal Eye Health - as “ensuring that all people have access to needed promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative health services, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that people do not suffer financial hardship when paying for these services” . This means all people should enjoy access to the best quality health care without risk of impoverishment. This aspect is key to the implementation of the Global Action Plan. According to WHO, the main elements a government needs to put in place to achieve universal eye health are: Comprehensive eye

care services: offering a breadth of services covering the range of causes of vision impairment, from promotion, prevention to rehabilitation and care; Eye health integrated into health systems, attending to the six building blocks of a health system according to WHO: governance, health financing, service delivery, human resources, medicines and technologies, and information More so, there should be access for everyone, including the poor, minorities, disabled including vision impaired and people in rural areas. This requires adequate health outreach and promotion including in appropriate technologies and formats, and ensuring mainstream and targeted programmes address barriers; Point of care payment should not prevent access: it should be free for the poorest. Opticians in the Federal Capital territory on this day (World Sight Day) declared a two day free eye

Almost half of all procedures for blinding cataract undergone by survey participants had been performed by herbalists (“couching”) and this was more common in the northern part of the country

test in all government hospitals and urged Nigerians to seize the opportunity come out for the check up. According to Dr. Adesuwa Samson of the National Hospital Abuja different professionals involved in eye care (Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Ophthalmic nurses) and their partners organized diverse programs which include walks, visual screenings, media talk shows, advocacy visits to government functionaries and important people among many others with the aim of creating awareness of these blinding diseases among the populace, promotion of at least annual eye examination by qualified personnel and advocating for better eye care services and accessibility in the country. The Nigerian Optometric Association (NOA) both the national and state chapters have released plans and guidelines towards ensuring that this year’s celebrations makes a great impact in the lives of the people and creates a lasting impression in their minds. The public must know the importance of annual eye examination and the need to seek professional eye care whenever in need of eye care services. According to her,” it pains me when, people go blind for sight defect that are preventable due to ignorance and delay in visiting the hospital”. This year, the ‘Call to Action’ for World Sight Day is: “No more Avoidable Blindness”. International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) members work together to: Raise public awareness of blindness & vision impairment as major international public health issues; Influence Governments/ Ministers of Health to participate in and designate funds for national blindness prevention programmes; Educate target audiences about blindness prevention, about VISION 2020 and to generate support for VISION 2020 programme activities. The goal of eliminating avoidable blindness would best be achieved by integrating an equitable, sustainable, comprehensive eye-care system into every national health. The VISION 2020 initiative is intended to strengthen national health-care systems and facilitate national capacity-building. It would be recalled that on the second Thursday of every year, the world marks World Sight Day. This is a day set aside by World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) to draw attention of the world to the different eye conditions that leads to blindness and visual impairment. The eye conditions as identified by WHO/IAPB - Vision 2020- that can lead to avoidable blindness are cataract, trachoma, refractive error, low vision, diabetic retinopathy, childhood blindness, vitamin A deficiency, onchocerciasis, age related macular degeneration and glaucoma. These eye conditions are very much with us and many Nigerians are either visually impaired or blind from them.


Daily Newswatch


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Lagos seeks support for people with schizophrenia CHIOMA UMEHA


s Lagos joins the rest of the World to commemorate this year’s world mental health day, the State Government has appealed for emotional and practical support for people living with Schizophrenia; a long term disorder of the brain  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ §Iœ“š¢Â˜ ¥” Â˜ §Â˜ ¤ÂœÂ?¢Â”™˜ thinks, feels and act. Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris who disclose this Tuesday, during a press conference to commemorate this year’s world mental health day noted that the State’s Mental Health Policy seeks to increase awareness and sensitization of individuals, communities, vulnerable and special groups to mental health, combat stigma and discrimination against individuals or groups with mental health problems and promote their social inclusion as well as teach early detection and management of sub-normality, autism and other childhood and adolescent mental health issues through mental health promotion. Idris who earlier spoke during an awareness walk and a road show to commemorate the event weekend, stressed that the roles to be played by friends and relations in the care of an individual with Schizophrenia cannot be overemphasized. He said: “Friends and relations of an individual with Schizophrenia should encourage ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Iœ“šœ—˜ ž™—ž²ÂžÂ—•§Â–¢Â˜ š”˜ seek specialist care. Friends and relations should also stay positive and supportive, avoid critical comments, get correct information about schizophrenia, be sensitive to the feelings of relatives and friends living with Schizophrenia and encourage them to take their medication. Idris who was represented by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Health, Dr. ‘Modele Osunkiyesi added that friends and relations while providing emotional and practical support, should also observe closely for early warning signs of relapse and should seek for support if they Â&#x;Â™Â—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜Â?”–œ˜š”˜›œ˜“¥§Â––œ™ŠÂžÂ™Š¾ The Commissioner explained that Schizophrenia is a relatively common illness; and about one out of every hundred human ›œž™Š¢Â˜ £§¼Â˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ“š˜ š”˜ ¢Â•IÂœÂ?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ illness at some time in their lives stressing that the ailment usually requires long term treatment. “Individuals with ¢Â“¥ž¿”¤¥Â?œ™ž§Â˜£§¼Â˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜Â—ž:Â“Â•Â–ÂšÂĽÂ˜ distinguishing what is real from what is imaginary, may be unresponsive and withdrawn §Â™Â—˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ —ž:Â“Â•Â–ÂšÂĽÂ˜ Âœ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ normal emotions in social ¢Âœ,ž™Š¢¡¨Â˜ —Â?ž¢Â˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ Idris posited that the ailment

PIX 1: (From L-R)President, Family Ark Mission, Dr. David Oludare Mark; Director Lagos State Blindness Prevention Programme, Dr. Olufunmilayo Shokunbi; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Dr. ‘Modele Osunkiyesi; Managing Director, Nature Crest Home & Rehabilitation Centre, Dr. Yetunde Onajin; Mrs. Elizabeth Adewale; and Program Coordinator, Mind Trust, Mrs. Thelma Animasahun during the awareness walk in commemoration of year 2014 World Mental Health Day in Lagos, last Thursday is often diagnosed between ages 15 and 35 stressing that many of the obviously mentally ill destitute who wander about on the streets of Nigerian towns are ¢Â•IÂœÂ?ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ –”™ŠĂ€¢Âš§Â™Â—ž™ŠÂ˜ Schizophrenia. He also noted that many of the “–žœ™š¢Â˜ ¥Â”˜§Â?œ˜§Â—£ž,œ—˜š”˜–”™ŠĂ€ stay mental health facilities are ¢Â•IÂœÂ?ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ “¥ž¿”¤¥Â?œ™ž§Â˜ adding that a person with the ailment may be observed talking aloud as he responds to voices he is hearing. “The speech may be incoherent. There may be a variety of false beliefs and unusual experiences because the individual is out of touch with reality, he may not be aware that he is ill and in need of treatment and so may resist §Â™ÂĽÂ˜ ÂœI”Â?š˜ š”˜ ÂĄÂœÂ–¤Â˜ ¥ž£¡¨Â˜ —Â?ž¢Â˜ said. Commissioner noted that there is no single test to diagnose schizophrenia adding

that the condition is usually diagnosed after assessment by a specialist in mental health ¢ÂšÂ?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ §Â–¢Â”˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂœIœ“šž²ÂœÂ˜ treatments are available for treatment of ailment. According to him, “the treatment available for the disease will include a combination of medication, psychological therapies and Â?Âœ¥§Â›ÂžÂ–žš§ÂšÂžÂ”™¡Â˜ ¢ÂšÂ?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ that most people with the condition will make a recovery with appropriate treatment, although some may experience the occasional return of symptoms. Idris posited that early diagnosis and treatment improves the individual’s chances of maintaining their social relationships and career prospects adding that Individuals living with schizophrenia can maintain their mental well-being by learning to recognize the signs

of becoming unwell in time, avoiding drugs and alcohols, taking their medication as prescribed, keep follow-up appointments and maintain a healthy lifestyle by engaging in exercise, healthy diet and avoiding harmful habits ´ œ˜§Â?œ˜›œ,ÂœÂ?˜§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂ?Âœ§ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂžÂšÂ˜§Â™Â—˜ minimizing its consequences now than at any other time in previous human history. However the man-made consequences, the collateral damage caused by widespread stigma, ignorance and general ™œŠ§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ §,žš•—œ˜ §Â™Â—˜ –§Â“ÂłÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ understanding on the part of the public need to be vigorously tackled and overcome and that is the purpose of making ‘Living With Schizophrenia’ the topic of celebration for this year’s ”Â?–—˜ œ™š§Â–˜ Âœ§Â–ÂšÂĄÂ˜ §¼¡¨Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Commissioner said. Idris opined that there is the need for more mental health workers employed and

Schizophrenia is a relatively common illness; and about one out of every hundred human beings may expect to suffer the illness at some time in their lives stressing that the ailment usually requires long term treatment

deployed at the grassroots for the care of the populace adding that the best place for a person with any mental illness to live ultimately is the community and not the hospital. “Even if a person with “¥ž¿”¤¥Â?œ™ž§Â˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â—£ž,œ—˜ Œ”Â?˜ treatment in a specialist facility, it is necessary that a system of Community Care be developed š”˜ ÂĄÂœÂ–¤Â˜ ÂĄÂžÂŁÂ˜ •–šž£§ÂšÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ Â&#x;š˜ back seamlessly into the “”££•™žš¼¡¨Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ The Commissioner noted that Lagos State is developing such §Â˜ ¢¼¢ÂšÂœÂŁÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ ¥§¢Â˜ “”££ž,œ—˜ itself to developing and implementing a Mental Health Policy that emphasizes that need stressing that the Lagos State Mental Health Policy also seeks to increase awareness and sensitization of individuals, communities, vulnerable and special groups, combat stigma and discrimination against individuals and groups with mental health problems and promote their social inclusion as well as advocate and teach early detection and management of mental sub-normality, autism and other childhood and adolescent mental health issues through mental health promotion. “I want to assure you that as we celebrate this year’s Mental Health Day, the Lagos State government will remain focused in its continued quest to develop and implement the State’s Mental Health Policy especially mental health promotion to achieve the desired goal of ensuring qualitative mental health “§Â?ÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜žš¢Â˜Â“ÂžÂšÂžÂżÂœÂ™Â?¼¡Â˜ —Â?ž¢Â˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ

Daily Newswatch


Thursday, October 16, 2014


Fashola’s wife to be unveiled as face of infant HIV prevention

A rally to mark HIV/AIDS Day, recently. CHIOMA UMEHA (HEALTH EDITOR)


agos state government is worried that despite the existing facilities and services, the State still contributes significantly to the unacceptably high national maternal deaths and the national burden of HIV, due to low utilisation of PMTCT and Family Planning (FP) services. The State is one of the 12+1 States which accounts for 70 percent of the Motherto-Child Transmission of HIV burden in Nigeria with its HIV prevalence of 5.1 percent based on the 2010 National HIV Sero Prevalence Sentinel Survey and its vast population of 21,883,048, according to the Lagos State Bureau of Statistics. In view of this, government is set for another round of campaign to accelerate the elimination of mother-tochild transmission (MTCT) of HIV and maternal death reduction in the state. The goal is to catalyse high level support for the elimination of motherto-child transmission of HIV and maternal deaths through the mobilisation of strategic stakeholders, including women of

influence, to improve the demand for quality Prevention of Motherto-Child Transmission (PMTCT) and to encourage healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies. The State is working in collaboration with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), as well as other relevant stakeholders to achieve this goal. According to a statement by the Lagos State Ministry of Health, the campaign will enable infected pregnant mothers to have increased access to services to prevent their babies from being infected, as well as to

encourage more families to embrace family planning practices. Part of the strategy is to unveil Wife of the Governor, Dame (Mrs) Abimbola Fashola, as the face of Prevention of Motherto-Child Transmission (PMTCT)/Maternal Health in the State. The strategy will also provide an update on progress towards elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV in the State in the light of the global plan targets highlighting achievements and gaps. It is also expected to stimulate commitment of critical stakeholders and provide vital information on PMTCT and a directory of functional PMTCT sites in the

State. The statement stated that ¢ ££ , to revolutionizing HIV prevention policies and practices that will ignite policy makers, opinion leaders and community gate keepers to focus on populations and programmes that will make § I © , © zero new infections. One of such programmes is the elimination of vertical transmission of HIV and the reduction of AIDS-related maternal death by half in 2015. This mandate is clearly in line with that of UNAIDS zero AIDS related deaths and UNFPA: delivering a world where every birth is safe and where every woman is treated with dignity/respect.

Part of the strategy is to unveil Wife of the Governor, Dame (Mrs) Abimbola Fashola, as the face of Prevention of Mother-toChild Transmission (PMTCT)/Maternal Health in the State

According to the 2012 ¤ ª ¤ ¤ § © ¢ for Lagos State, there were 1,060,225 pregnant women in that year. At an HIV prevalence of 5.1 percent, about 54,071 pregnant women are infected with the virus and approximately one-third of whom would, in the absence of any interventions to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, pass the virus to their babies. This translates to 16,468 preventable HIV infections among infants in the State during that year alone. The Lagos State maternal mortality ratio of 555/100,000 life-birth is higher than the national figure of 545/100,000 life birth. This statistics clearly negates UNFPA’s mandate of a world where every birth is safe and every child is born free of HIV. It is against this background that UNAIDS, UNFPA and UNICEF are supporting the Lagos State Government to convene this high-level meeting of women decision-makers in the State and other critical stakeholders to identify their roles in the elimination of mother-tochild transmission of HIV and maternal deaths.


Daily Newswatch


Sam Popoola


‘Building institutional capacities as a pathway to good governance:The importance of a legal and regulatory framework’ AKIN OYEBODE

Introduction umankind has been experiencing unprecedented change at a frenetic pace in recent times. Whether we are contemplating societal structure or organization, management, science and technology, the arts or even sports, everything seems to point to the fact that we are living in an era of unprecedented transition where old ideas, assumptions and perspectives are yielding to change which we all have to grapple with if we are not to be left behind or become disoriented § : ¡ ¦§ ¦ ¨ ¦§miliar scenarios. From analogue broadcasting and oldfashioned communications systems, the world has since moved to the age of information communication technology revolution just as mechanical engineer © § § §¦ ¡ ©¥ ¡§ §,§ incredible heights such that traditional modes of transportation suddenly seem so old-fashioned with the development of fast electric planes and supersonic airplanes which have further shrunken distances within an already globalized village. Improved agricultural methods § © § ¥ £ ¢ ©¢ § ¡ ¢ §³ ¡ ©¡¢ ¡ credible promise for the world’s population, whether rich or down-trodden, weak and famished. Although human advancement remains very much a work in progress, as there are quite a number of ailments still ravaging the sick and poor for which medical science is yet to furnish ¢¨ ¡§¢ § £ , ¡§ mendous gains have been recorded as a result of considerable investment by governments and the industry of innovators, researchers and other elements of the contemporary knowledge economy who herald the brave new world that humanity now inhabits. It is against this most interesting leitmotif that we wish to approach the theme of this presentation. Accordingly, it is intended to situate the state ¦ §I§ ¢ ¡ ¥ ¡ ¡ bric of change, be it political, social or economic before zeroing-in on the role of good governance in relation to the much-trumpeted transformation agenda of the present administration. Finally, we shall interrogate the scope of law as a framework for bringing about the much-desired change in our fortunes. The imperative of change in Nigeria § ¢ ¢¤ À I ¦ § § ¡ § ³ world It is axiomatic that change is imminent in nature, man and society. It is, therefore, quite understandable that the ancient Greeks had to conceive of an entire branch of philosophy—dialektika—in a bid to get to grips with the phenomenon of change. Indeed when Frederick de Klerk admonished his white supremacist compatriots in apartheid South Africa to either adapt or die, he was merely echoing the eternal and universal truth concerning the inevitability of change. Any society bereft of the awareness of


President Goodluck Jonathan

the inexorability of change and the ne ¢¢ ¥ ¡§ ¢¢ ¡§ © ¢ is doomed to become a victim of forces it can neither understand nor control. It is largely on account of this that socie ¢ ¢ ¡ IÀ¢¤ ©¢ ¢ ¡ order to arm and equip them with the facts of life and prepare them to survive in an inevitably uncertain future. For, knowledge is truly power, as Francis Bacon once observed so much so that ignorance could be very expensive indeed as knowledge would surely rule over ignorance. ¦ ¦ ¦§ ¡ ¢ ¡§ , § § ¢¢ of the world they would most probably have been less trusting of their enslavers and escaped their fate of becoming casualties of the machinations of their conquerors. This explains why we just § §I ¦§ ¢ ¦À © and smug self-satisfaction like our forefathers did. We need to apprehend the nature of the times we are living in and


make adequate preparations and adjustments for the future. It seems to me that we should proceed from an awareness of Nigeria’s manifest destiny to show the light to our neighbours, the rest of the continent and indeed, the entire black race. It was not for nothing that Providence had endowed us with humongous resources in terms of the bounties of nature as well as human capital. Indeed it would be a great disservice to the Creator if Nigeria fails ¡§ ¢¢ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¡ and for the service of the black race. Accordingly, our people have to jet ¢ § ¢ ¤ ¢ ¨ : § self-defeat and embrace requisite self ¨ § ¥ ¦ ¤ ¤ ¢ § keen focus in order to lift the country up from the morass of incompetence, self § I § £ ¢£§ §© £ into which it had sunken. The need for a re-calibration of our national priorities and emplacement of round pegs in

Not only is law the ultimate means of attaining societal goals, where and when there is scant regard for the rule of law, equality before the law, certainty of sanction for infraction of the law, independence of the judiciary and other appurtenances of due process of the law, society as we know is, simply put, set on the road to perdition and extinction

round holes is self-evident if Nigeria is to occupy its rightful place among the nations of the world and be opportune to discharge its historical duty to Africa and the black world. However, it should be emphasized that the change envisaged here would not occur automatically. The framework that would facilitate this must be envisioned and put in place by an enlightened leadership. This task would, ultimately, be entrusted to the law which has been universally acknowledged as the most viable instrument of social engineering. However, before evaluating the role of law in this endeavour, it is apposite to consider the scope of improved service delivery in relation to democracy dividends as postulated especially, by proponents of transformation under the current dispensation. Good governance as a special delivery vehicle for transformation in Nigeria Nigerians, like people all over the world, yearn for democracy and good governance. For far too long have our people been hoodwinked and shortchanged by all manner of fake democrats masquerading as messiahs of the people’s cause. To aver that the preponderant majority of Nigerians endure manifold privation in terms of basic needs of life such as food, clothing, housing, health and education amounts to a gross understatement. This explains why the people look up to government to deliver them from poverty, ignorance, hunger, squalor and disease and other debilitating indices of their deplorable existence. It needs be understood that the right to democracy and good governance has since become a fundamental right under contemporary international law. This means that the people are perfectly entitled to expect to be well governed ¥ ¤ : À¡ ¢ ¢ § ¨ ¥ and large, through their ballots in a free, fair, credible and transparent process. Nevertheless, what is not frequently stressed is that governance operates via § À §¥ §: µ ¢ §¢ ¡ Continued on page 46

Law 49

Daily Newswatch thursday, october 16, 2014

The importance of a legal and regulatory framework Continued from page 45

ate supposedly put the government in power, of greater importance is the role of the electorate to put the government on its toes by checking the excesses of those in power. The government must be responsible and accountable to the people who must be ready, willing and able to protest arbitrariness and misrule and ultimately kick out oppressive and I ² © ² £ ¢µ A docile people who are amenable to dictatorial tendencies of those in power forfeit their right to democracy and good governance. The admonition of Joseph de Maistre rings true that a people get the government that they deserve. Therefore, if the people allow the government to ride roughshod on them, they are stopped from complaining about the situation. As they make their beds, so shall they lie on them. Augustine Alegeh (SAN), NBA President ¡ ¢¨ § I ² § ¢¦ £§tion implies that the people become recognition. As postulated by the great empowered and are able to challenge American jurist, Roscoe Pound, the juand confront their niggardly circum- ral postulates in the society become the stances. For, any transformation that touchstone for recognizing the paramfails to put food on the tables of the eters of law as an instrument of transpeople or ensure that they are provid- formation in the society. Thus, it needs ¡ £¤ ¥£ ¨ §I § ¡ ¢- be emphasized that jural postulates are ing, adequate health and education for not postulates of law, stricto sensu, but their kids should be seen for what it re- postulates for law or what an aggregaally is-- an empty charade or subterfuge tion of members of the society want the aimed at taking the people for a ride law to do for them. and rendering them impotent and irrelFor Nigeria, an avid follower of evant onlookers in the scheme of things. Pound, Dr T.O. Elias had, way back in Sovereignty belongs to the people and 1972, formulated four critical ends to be transient power-wielders should realize performed by law, viz., that they are not masters but servants 1. To promote economic growth who should be ministering to the bet- and social well-being, terment of the lives of the people. Shorn 2. To elevate man’s moral nature, of this ideal, democracy cannot be con3. To unify the several ethnic comsidered as delivering good governance. munities into a Nigerian society, and Accordingly, it is not enough to trum4. To evolve a common law for pet neo-classical human rights while the country out of the existing bodies of the people go to bed hungry and are be- law. reft of the wherewithal for a meaningful Yet, we must admit that the jury is still existence. It is only when the people are out on a common vision or mission in shielded from the vagaries of life that this country as each seems to be pursu ¡ ¥ § ¢ §¢ § - ing his or her interests while the nation ies of good governance or what is now ¢ ¡ § I ©§ © popularly known as ”democratic divi- its destination. To some, Nigeria’s jural dends” or “stomach infrastructure.” postulates are located in Ch. II of both The extent to which a framework can be the 1979 and 1999 Constitutions, that established which is capable of ensuring political and socio-economic transformation is the next issue that would be examined. Re-thinking Law as an instrument of social engineering American pragmatism, it is wellknown, gave rise to sociological jurisprudence which extols the role of law as an instrument of social engineering and social change in contradistinction to the fossilized conceptualization of law as merely the command of a sovereign addressed to a people who obey such commands because of fear of punishment.

² ¨ ¦ § ¤ ¦ £ I ² ly as the mechanism of social change there has to be a consensus on the jural postulates or the ends to which law is employed or envisaged to perform. Without this agreement on the goals or purposes of law, it becomes highly problematic to apprehend the role of law in bringing about social transformation. What is called for here is an assembly of the multiplicity of competing wants, demands or interests in society at any given point in time, with a view to synthesizing these interests and extrapolating from same the most optimal among these, giving rise thereby to a scheme of interests which would form the basis of identifying and accepting any new interests pressing for

Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mariam Mukhtar

is to say, the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy which can be said to be the ideological underpinnings of Nigeria’s basic or fundamental law, more especially as the said provisions of the Constitutions had been rendered non-justiciable which, therefore, make them postulates for law and not postulates of law in conformity with the enunciation by Pound. However, it must be immediately stated that there has been considerable misgiving among some commentators regarding the propriety and necessity of a paper tiger such as Ch. II in the country’s Constitution which encompasses issues that are most germane to the existential conditions of the preponderant majority of the population. This explains the wide demands being made even till today for a re-location of the provisions of Ch. II to Ch. IV which deals with human rights and for which relief could be sought in the courts in case of infraction as provided by the Constitution. This criticism, it should be noted, is without prejudice to the beauty and relevance of the conceptualization of the law as a tool of social engineering as propounded under the Poundian thesis. That said, we can now proceed

A docile people who are amenable to dictatorial tendencies of those in power forfeit their right to democracy and good governance. The admonition of Joseph de Maistre rings true that a people get the government that they deserve. Therefore, if the people allow the government to ride roughshod on them, they are stopped from complaining about the situation. As they make their beds, so shall they lie on them

to explore the possibilities of law to ex ¼ © ©¢À © §¨ ¦ not, in fact, the nation’s destiny. Towards a new Nigeria: What role for Law? If it is agreed that law is very much about how to do things with rules, to borrow the memorable language of William Twining, then it goes without saying that law provides the inescapable framework for any meaningful discourse on the enhancement of institutional capacities towards good governance. Not only is law the ultimate £ § ¢ ¦ §,§ © ¢ § © § ¢¨ ¡ and when there is scant regard for the rule of law, equality before the law, certainty of sanction for infraction of the law, independence of the judiciary and other appurtenances of due process of the law, society as we know is, simply put, set on the road to perdition and extinction. For, law and society are, in fact, two sides of a coin and it is wellnigh impossible to have one without the other. In a situation of threatened state failure, massive corruption, impunity and rising incidence of self-help, enlightened self-interest warrant recognition by all concerned of veritable threats to individual freedom and national survival which need to be met by the adoption of requisite, well-considered measures to salvage the situation. It is hardly an exaggeration to aver that the times call for a re-dedication to the tested approach of “subjecting human conduct to the governance of rules”, to use the language of my old teacher, Lon Lavois Fuller, late Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence at the Harvard Law School. £ , ¥¨ ¡ § ¢ § À§ ¦ ¡ §Ü ¢ ¦ ¡ ¤ ¥ ¸ercises considerable prophylactic and § ² ²§ ¼ ¡ ¡ § ¡§ ¢¢ © § ¤ ¡ ¢ precarious and troubled times. It can be a soothing balm to frayed nerves and act as a catalyst to nation-building by arresting the traumatic challenges confronting the country. The destiny of Nigeria must never be abandoned to the whims and caprices of £ ¢ ¦ ¡ ¤ ¢ ¥ § ¥ to law and due process. We all should recognize the necessity to subject all activities and actions under the superintendence of law, or else, we open the ¼ À©§ ¢ ¡§ ¢ § ¢ © § µ Reliance on law in all things is the panacea to the multifarious problems confronting the polity and the earlier this fact is brought home to all concerned, ¡ , ¦ ¡ ¦ ¦ ¡ ¦§ ¡ land. Conclusion Let me end this presentation by saluting the initiative of the organizers of this Conference in recognizing the need to ventilate the critical role of law in institutional capacity-building towards good governance. It is hoped that the powers-that-be would recognize the import of law in the scheme of things and utilize that knowledge in employing law as an important element of the matrix of transformation of Nigeria from its current situation of under-performance and generally low productivity and regress to a higher pedestal enabling individual and collective optimization and actualization of our dreams and aspirations. Professor Akin Oyebode, former Vice Chancellor of Ekiti State University is presently a professor of International Law and Jurisprudence at the University of Lagos (UNILAG)


Daily Newswatch


thursday, october 16, 2014

Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula


heoretically, the control of a company is divided between two bodies: the board of directors, and the shareholders in general meeting. In practice, the amount of power exercised by the board varies with the type of company. In small private companies, the directors and the shareholders will normally be the same people, and thus there is no real division of power. In large public companies, the board tends to exercise more of a supervisory role, and individual responsibility and management tends to be delegated downward to individual professional ¸ ² ¢ ®¢ ¡ §¢ § § rector or a marketing director) who deal with particular areas of the company’s affairs. Therefore the two primary organs of a company are the general meetings and the Board of Directors. The General Meeting is the means by which the investors can exercise control over the company by §, © § ² © § ¢ £ ©¢ ² though there are legal limitations on the powers of those meetings. Most of the powers of the company are vested in the Board of Directors which exercises them directly or indirectly. It may also delegate ¢¤ ¤ ¢ ¢ £ ¦ ¢ £ £ ¢ ¡ §¥ §¥ §I§ ¢ ¦ ¡ company. The General Meeting only op § ¢ ¡ ¦ ¢ § £§, ¢ ¢ ² to it by the company’s constitution. But, it has power to act in place of the Board if for any reason, the Board cannot function. As a result, the activities of the General Meetings may indirectly extend over the whole sphere of the company’s operations, so that ultimate control reverts to the shareholders. Types of General Meeting The General Meeting may be annual, extra-ordinary or statutory Annual General Meeting S. 213 of CAMA requires every company to hold an annual general meeting, ¢¤ §¢ ¢ ¡ ¡ § © every year, with an interval of not more than 15 months between one annual general meeting of the company and the next. §¢ © §¢ § £¤§ ¥ ¡ ¢ ¢ ¢ § nual general meeting within 18 months of incorporation, it need not holds another in its year of incorporation or in the following year. Thus, a company incorporated »¨ »ÕÕÁ £ ©¡ ¡ ¢ ¢ § nual general meeting in March 1997. The whole idea of annual general meeting is to make it possible for members who wish to do so to meet together and confront the directors at least once a year. The usual business at the annual general meeting are; 1. The declaration of dividends; 2. The consideration of the accounts, balance sheets and the report of the directors and auditors 3. The election of directors in place of those retiring, and ½µ ¡ §¤¤ £ ¦¨ § ¡ ¸ing of the remuneration of the auditors. If default is made in holding the meeting, the Registrar-General may, on the application of any member call or, direct the calling of the meeting and may give such ancillary directions as he may deem necessary. Extraordinary General Meeting General meeting other than the annual general meeting must be convened by the directors on the requisition of the holders of not less than 1/20 of the paid-up capital of the company carrying the right of voting at general meeting or if the company has no share capital, of members representing not less than 1/10 of the total vot-

Corporate meetings

A typical corporate business meeting recently held in Lagos

ing rights. The requisition must state the objects of the meeting and must be signed by the requisitionists. If the directors do not within 21 days of the deposit of the requisition call the meeting, the requisitionists or such of them holding more than half of the total voting rights may themselves convene the meeting and may recover their just expenses from the company which may in turn deduct such sums from the remuneration of the directors in default. Statutory Meeting Statutory meeting is a general meeting of a public company limited by shares or by guarantee which must be held within six months from the date of its incorporation. The directors are enjoined to, at least º» §¥¢ ¦ ¡ § ¸ ¦ ¡ £ ing send a report, called the statutory report to every member of the company. The report shall deal with: 1. The total number of shares allotted; 2. The amount collected on the al , ¢¡§ ¢Ý 3. The names, addresses and descriptions of the directors, if any and of the managers if any, and of the secretary; and

4. The particulars of any contract ¡ ¡ ¢ § ¥ ¡ meeting. The directors must, after sending copies to the members of the company, ¢ £ § ¤¥ ¦ ¡ ¢ § ¥ port to the Registrar for immediate registration. Notice of Meeting, Resolution, Quorum, Voting etc. According to S. 217 CAMA, 21 days notice starting from the date on which the notice was sent out is required for all types of general meetings. But there is a provision in subsection (2) of the section ¡§ § ¢¡ ¢ : ¦ ¢ ¢ agreed by all the members entitled to attend and vote in the case of an annual general meeting or by a majority in number of members holding not less than 95% of the ¢¡§ ¢ © ² © ¡ ©¡ §, § ² or, in the case of company without a share capital, representing not less than 95% of the total voting right at that meeting of all the members. No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless notice of it has been duly given. But a statement in the notice of an annual general meeting that the purpose is to transact the ordinary

No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless notice of it has been duly given. But a statement in the notice of an annual general meeting that the purpose is to transact the ordinary business of an annual general 899:<=> <? ?@EIK<9=: ?L9K<IKO:<Q= QE :R9 U@?<=9?? to be transacted

business of an annual general meeting is ¢ : ¢¤ § ¦ ¡ ¢ ¢¢ be transacted. Every notice calling a meeting of a company with a share capital must contain a statement given reasonable prominence that a member entitled §, § ² £§¥ §¤¤ § ¤ ¸¥ §, § ² ¨ ¢ § ¦ ¡ £ § ¡§ the proxy need not be a member of the company. Under S. 219, CAMA the persons entitled to receive notice of a general meeting are: 1. Every member; 2. Every person upon whom the ownership of a share devolves by reason of his being a legal representative, receiver or a trustee in bankruptcy of a member; 3. Every director; 4. Every auditor for the time being and 5. The secretary. And according to S. 221(1), CAMA, if notice of a meeting is not given to every person entitled to receive it, any resolution passed at the meeting will be of no I ¢¢ ¢ ¡ ¦§ ¢ § § § omission. Such notice of meetings, in the case of every public company shall be advertised in at least 2 daily newspapers at least 21 days before any general meeting. Minutes Under section 241 CAMA, every company shall cause minutes of all proceedings of general meetings, directors’ meetings, and managers meetings to be entered in books kept for the purpose and such minute signed by the chairman of the meeting at which the proceeding were held or of the next succeeding meeting are prima facie evidence of the proceedings. When minutes have been duly made, there is a presumption that all the proceedings were in order, and all appointment of directors, managers or liquidators are deemed to be valid. Dr. Olugbemi Fatula is an Associate Professor of Law at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. GSM:08037213732


Daily Newswatch

City & State THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

Fidelity Bank partners Africa Eye Foundation over blindness eradication

Stakeholders at the event

been resolved usually end in blindness. He said that his actual aim is to focus on the Â?ž²ÂœÂ?ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ–¤Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¤ÂœÂ”¤Â–Âœ¾¡Â˜ s part of its corporate social He told the audience that because of the responsibility, Fidelity Bank constraints of funds, the foundation could PLC, through its ‘Helping not do all these works, and Fidelity Helping Hands Programme’ has Hands Project came in. the Helping Hands struck a partnership deal with Project started about four years back, and Africa Cataract and Eye Foundation in have done a lot across the country. carrying out surgical operations for those Basically, it takes up projects that are living with eye problems in Ofunama meant to assist the poor. Agbokhaode riverine community in Ovia South-West had discussed with the Helping Hands Local Government Area of Edo State. §£Â›§¢¢§Â—”Â?˜ ž™˜ œ™ž™¨Â˜ ¢§¢Â˜ Â?§Â›Â”Â?¨Â˜  ¥Â”˜ According to information made available agreed that it was a nice project. They to Daily Newswatch, the bank decided to also discussed with Chris Nnakwe, the extend its operations to assist some of the national coordinator of Helping Hands. riverine communities where the eye care Nnakwe had agreed that the project was a foundation was carrying out its operations. wonderful one, and had agreed that they Speaking on the essence of the should go on with the project. They had partnership, the Regional Bank Head, started making preparations in order to Fidelity Bank, Midwest Region, Mr Emma fund the project and make it a reality. Esinnah, said: “Having seen that we are “So we did our home work, we got the doing well as an organization, we felt we Managing Director, Nnamdi Okonkwo, should be able to help the needy. That was to approve it and we got some money. We why our ‘Helping Hands Scheme’ was told Dr. Okorodudu, and asked him where Âœ¢Âš§Â›Â–ž¢¥ÂœÂ—˜§Â›Â”•š˜Â&#x;²ÂœÂ˜ÂĽÂœ§Â?¢Â˜§ŠÂ”ÂľÂ˜ Â™Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ–¤ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ we are going. Without thinking, he said, ¥§Â™Â—¢Â˜ ¢Â“ÂĄÂœÂŁÂœ¨Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ §Â—”¤ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ޛ”,”£Àš”¤Â˜ Ăž Œ•™§£§¾œÂ˜ ˜§¢³ÂœÂ—¨Â˜Ăž ÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜ž¢Â˜ Œ•™§£§Ă&#x;ÂśÂ˜ approach where the life of the common he said ‘Ovia South West, inside water.’ £§Â™Â˜Âž¢Â˜§Iœ“šœ—˜¤Â”¢ÂžÂšÂž²ÂœÂ–¼¾¡Â˜ Ăž ¢Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂšÂĄÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂœÂ–¢ÂœÂ˜ Â˜Â™ÂœÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂłÂ™Â” Ă&#x;ÂśÂ˜ ˜ He also revealed that the bank was §¢³ÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ œ˜¢§ÂžÂ—¨Â˜ĂžÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜§Â?œ˜ ª§ ¢œ¾Â˜ ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Ă–Â˜Ăž ˜§£Â˜ working under the ‘Helping Hands scared,’ but no problem. We will give you ™žšž§ÂšÂž²Âœ¨œÂ˜ ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ §¢Â˜Âœ¢Âš§Â›Â–ž¢¥ÂœÂ—˜¢Â”Â–ÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ assist people who may not be able to get help. The regional head explained that they decided to buy into Dr. Okorodudu’s idea —•œ˜š”˜žš¢Â˜Â›ÂœÂ™ÂœÂ&#x;š˜š”˜£§Â™ÂłÂžÂ™Â—ÂľÂ˜ š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂłÂžÂ“ÂłÂ˜ ”I˜ “œÂ?ÂœÂŁÂ”Â™ÂĽÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?œœ˜ eye care, which took place at Ofunama

Âœ§Â–ÂšÂĄÂ˜ œ™šÂ?Âœ¨Â˜ ŠÂ™§ÂšÂžÂ•¢Â˜ ŠÂ›Â”³¥§Â”—œ¨Â˜ who is representing the managing director of the bank in Benin, stated that they decided to buy into Dr Okorodudu’s idea —•œ˜ š”˜ žš¢Â˜ ¤Â?”Â&#x;š§Â›ÂžÂ–ÂžÂšÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ £§Â™ÂłÂžÂ™Â—Ă–Â˜ ´ œ˜ had explained to me that because of the —ž:Â“Â•Â–ÂšÂĽÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ŠÂœ,ž™ŠÂ˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â?ž²ÂœÂ?ž™œ˜§Â?Âœ§¢¨Â˜ you see some people developing minor eye problems that could make them go blind. An eye problem that could have THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin


ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”Â™ÂœÂĽÂľÂ˜ ”•˜ŠÂ”˜š”˜ ª§ Â˜§Â™Â—˜—”˜žš¨Â˜ ÂœÂ˜ won’t come.’ But he said that the people are very good people. They are wonderful people. He said there is nothing to be afraid of. You must come, and your people must come with you. They will welcome you §Â™Â—˜š§³ÂœÂ˜ÂĽÂ”•˜§¢Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜” Â™ÂľÂ˜ Â˜ÂšÂ”Â–Â—Â˜ÂĄÂžÂŁÂ˜ ˜ §Â™ÂšÂ˜ assurances. So he set up a meeting with the ¨Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â–”“§Â–˜ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?Â™ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜Â“¥§ÂžÂ?£§Â™Â˜§Â™Â—˜ •¢¾¡Â˜ œ˜œ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂœÂ—˜—œ–žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ ÂœÂ?œ˜ welcomed in a very friendly manner. Dr. Okorodudu, who is the founder of Africa Cataract and Eye Foundation, explained that the community is one he has worked in before, but felt drawn to it, and that explains why he returned to it. “What we want to do is bring specialist doctors into the creeks. Hopefully someday, if you give us the land, we will ›•ž–—˜§Â˜ÂĄÂ”¢¤ÂžÂš§Â–Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ?ÂœÂľÂ˜ ¥§ÂšÂ˜ ˜§£Â˜ŠÂ”ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”˜ —”˜ž¢Â˜ÂŁÂĽÂ˜Â•¢Â•§Â–˜ Â”Â?ÂłÂ˜Ă€Ă€Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂ?Âœ§ÂšÂ˜ÂĽÂ”•Â?Â˜ÂœÂĽÂœ¢¾¡ “Let me use this opportunity to thank Fidelity Bank. What they have done is ¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂšÂĄÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ §Â– §¼¢Â˜ ›œœ™˜ –””³ž™ŠÂ˜ for, someone to recognize and help with the work. They have agreed to sponsor a number of free surgeries for the Â“Â”ÂŁÂŁÂ•Â™ÂžÂšÂĽÂľÂ˜ ÂŚÂ˜ ˜ Â“Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ š”˜ Œ•™§£§Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ tell you that 100 people are blind, it means nothing, because every person gets blind §Â–”™œ˜ §Â™Â—˜ ¢Â•IÂœÂ?¢Â˜ žš˜ §Â–Â”Â™ÂœÂľÂ˜ ”˜  ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜

Having seen that we are doing well as an organization, we felt we should be able to help the needy

told me they were going to help me with ¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ ¢Â•Â?ŠÂœÂ?žœ¢¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ Â—ÂžÂ—Â™ÂśÂšÂ˜ ³™” Â˜  ¥¼Â˜ ˜  §¢Â˜²ÂœÂ?ÂĽÂ˜¥§¤¤¼¾Â˜ ÂŚÂ˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ–¤Â˜ ÂœÂ˜§Â?œ˜ able to make one, two, three people see §Š§ÂžÂ™¨Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜Âž¢Â˜£§¢¢Âž²Âœ¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—Âľ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤Â?Âœ¢ÂžÂ—œ™š˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ª§ Â˜ §ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ Congress, Benin chapter, Sir Bibowei Braie, said: “We cannot thank Dr. Okorodudu enough because he is already one of us, but for Fidelity Bank to key into this ¤Â?Â”ÂŞÂœÂ“ÂšÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ £§³ÂœÂ˜ Œ•™§£§Â˜ žš¢Â˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ ¤Â”ž™š˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ž™šœÂ?Âœ¢Âš¨Â˜ ˜ ÂšÂĄÂžÂ™ÂłÂ˜  ÂœÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂŁÂ˜ praise. Fidelity Bank discovered that the Â?ž²ÂœÂ?ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ˜Â“Â”ÂŁÂŁÂ•Â™ÂžÂšÂžÂœ¢Â˜§Â?ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”¢ÂšÂ˜Â—ž:“•–š˜ to access, and that is why they chose to Â“Â”ÂŁÂœ¡¾Â˜ ˜§£Â˜¢Â•Â?œ˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜Â™Â” Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜ seen with their own eyes, a lot of other ŠÂ”Â”Â—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂžÂ™Š¢Â˜ ÂžÂ–Â–Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â–Â–Â” ¾¡ Chris Nnakwe, who represented the managing director of the bank, Mr. Nnamdi Okonkwo, also thanked the Ofunama people for a warm welcome, and hoped that their dreams of having a bank š”˜¢ÂœÂ?²ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜Â&#x;™§Â™Â“ž§Â–˜™œœ—¢Â˜Âž¢Â˜ÂŚÂ•Â–Â&#x;Â–Â–ÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ Fidelity Bank.

žŠ¥Â˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ §Â?•¨Â˜ ¤Â?§¼ÂœÂ—˜ ž™˜ ÂżÂ”Â™Â˜ language, asking God to bless and transform the land. He asked for blessings also for Africa Cataract Eye Foundation and Helping Hands Foundation of Fidelity Bank. The high point of the event was a dance ¤ÂœÂ?Œ”Â?£§Â™Â“œ˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ª§ Â˜ ŠÂžÂ?–¢¨Â˜  ¥ÂžÂ–œ˜ ŠÂžÂŚÂš¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â?”§¢ÂšÂœÂ—˜Â&#x;¢¥Â˜ ÂœÂ?œ˜”IÂœÂ?ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ŠÂ•Âœ¢Âš¢Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ the community. Earlier, during a courtesy call on the Edo State Commissioner for Health, she appreciated the duo for understanding that the government cannot do everything and that their choice of serving in communities that are under-served is highly commendable. “Ultimately, you are partnering with Edo State because the project is executed ž™˜ ”•Â?˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂľÂ˜ ˜ §¢¢Â•Â?œ˜ ÂĽÂ”Â•Â˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ —”˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ Government is willing to partner with anybody that wants to bring the desired —œ²ÂœÂ–”¤£ÂœÂ™Âš¨¡Â˜¢¥ÂœÂ˜§Â—Â—ÂœÂ—Âľ


Daily Newswatch


researching into his biography and I can authoritatively tell you that the man has achieved and for me, I strive to patent my life after him as a result of his achievements. Another law student who spoke with Daily Newswatch is Solomon Makinde, a student of Adekunle Ajasin University and for him; Olatoke is a man after his heat. ‘I love success story’, he began, ‘and I love the SAN for his story. His story reeks of determination. And that I take from him. In whatever I do, I always endeavour to get it done regardless of the challenges on my way. This I take from the man called Joshua Olukayode Olatoke. Without determination, he wouldn’t have achieved all the success attached to his name. Without shame, I can say he is a man after my heart and I really hope to be successful like him in my later years. Given all these encomiums, one may wonder and pounder this, who is Joshua O l u k a y o d e Olatoke? According to his profile, Olatoke was born on the 15th day of July, 1966 to Mr. & Mrs. T i m o t h y Olatoke in Igosun, Kwara State where he had his early life. He attended Baptist Grammar School, Igbaja from 1975 to 1983 for his Secondary school education from where he proceeded to the Victory

Joshua Olatoke: Inspiring Nigerian youths AANU ADEGUN


ole models are indeed important for youths psychologically. They help in guiding them through life and also aid them to make important decisions that will positively affect their lives. While growing up, people look to their role models for inspiration and use this as a blueprint for how they should behave when they are older. And for many Nigerian youths, Joshua Olukayode Olatoke, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria is a man they look up to and model their life after. Speaking with Daily Newswatch, Deji Omopariola, a Law student at the University of Lagos claimed he sees Olatoke as his role model based on his achievements as a

Barrister. He said, ‘it is not every day you come across people in the calibre of the SAN. I have had the privilege of hearing him speak in a public lecture and I have also had the privilege of

His leadership and excellent attributes did not go unnoticed there as he got the award of the Best Corper of the Year 1989

College of Commerce, Edidi between 1982 to 1983. He later graduated from the College as the Best Overall Student and also the Best Student in English Language, Economics, Government, CRS, Health Science, Commerce, thus laying a foundation for a successful legal career. He later proceeded to the great University of Ife now ObafemiAwolowo University for his LLB degree between 1985 and 1988 and he was subsequently called to the Nigerian Bar in 1989. After his call to Bar in 1989, he proceeded to Nsukka, Enugu State for his mandatory NYSC programme. His leadership and excellent attributes did not go unnoticed there as he got the award of the Best Corper of the Year 1989 and also the Anambra State NYSC Special Award. Accordingly, after his NYSC, he joined the law firm of Tejumola Adeyemi& Co., Ilorin where he worked between 1990 and 1994 before he proceeded to form his own law firm, Kayode Olatoke& Co, in Ilorin where he has been the Principal Counsel till date. His office boasts of 12 lawyers and 19 non-lawyers. The Law firm has branch office at Suit C19, Second Floor, D Rock Plaza Kado Roundabout, Kado Estate, Abuja. Olatoke bagged his Masters of Law (LLM) degree in the year 1995 from the same Obafemi Awolowo University and his Maters of Philosophy in Laws (M.Phils.) in the year 2004. He also has his Ph.D. in law from the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. He also has a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from the NTI in Kaduna, Kaduna State. As a result of his services to humanity, he was conferred the title of Chief Olugbon of Igosun Land, Kwara State in the year 2007 and the Chief Bamofin of Obbo-Ile, Kwara State (2011). He is also a member of the Onigosun in Council, the Council of Chiefs of Igosun, Kwara State and the Legal Adviser, Igosun Progressive Union from 1989 till date. He was a lecturer at the Department of Legal Studies, Kwara State Polytechnic from 1990 to 1998 before he crossed to the Department of Jurisprudence and International Law, University of Ilorin from 1998 till date. He has also served as an External Examiner of the Centre for Continuous Education, Kwara State Polytechnic, and Ilorin in the year 2000.


Daily Newswatch

Special Report THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

Consumers react to FG’s plan to ban ponmo consumption AANU ADEGUN


he plans by the federal government to curtail the widespread consumption of animal skins like ponmo is generating a lot of controversies among consumers. The plans was revealed by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, during the third joint anniversary of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria and the Nigeria Institute of Animal Science (NIAS), held at the University of Ibadan, Oyo State recently. Dr. Adesina who was represented at the occasion by the Director, Animal Production and Husbandry in the Ministry, Dr. Ademola Raji, said, ”I also commend NIAS for its advocacy and public enlightenment programmes on Radio and Television that promote value addition in Livestock, as against sale and consumption of primary products alone, particularly with the issue of curtailing the widespread consumption of hides and skins as ponmo which ought to be tanned into leather for a very high dollar return to the farmer and Tanneries. I expect that competent regulations acceptable by all stakeholders will be developed so as to give credibility that our set standards for food safety are being implemented which will boost value addition.” Some of the consumers who spoke in an interview with Daily Newswatch appealed to federal government not to ban consumption of ponmo as it is alternative to red meat. According to Kunle Oladipupo, a banker “I do not eat red meat due to £¥ ©¡ § £ ¡§¢ © the vacuum. I prefer ponmo more than any other brand of meat. Federal Government should face serious issues such as insecurity, looting, joblessness, power, executive stealing, decaying infrastructure and health instead of planning to ban ponmo” Speaking also on the issue, Obiozo Clemet said: “How big is the market for hide and skin in Nigeria? Is the technology to convert it to leather readily available? Don’t they know ¡§ § ¦§ £ ¶¢ § £ ¢ £§³ ¤ § ¦ ¡ § ¡ £§ ³ ¢ ¤ § you don’t even have to ban pomo, §, § ¢ §³ § ¦ ¡§ themselves, at least they would be § § £ §, ¡§ £ the need of the industry and that of the consumers”. While Ugbekile Saturday said: “It’s only in Nigeria that one Minister will think of banning a delicacy enjoyed by many people, just for his µ ¢ § £§, ¦ ¦§ ¨ should be banned from being sold for consumption since it can be used for ethanol or fuel. This will ensure unlimited streams of dollars to the economy and pockets of farmers. The only thing is they will have to

Ponmo Photo by Abiodun Omotosho

substitute money for food. Eat dollars instead of corn or ponmo. “Remember they did it with Fuel Subsidy. At the end of the day, the money vanished. That will be the case here too; some select people will have the majority of the money and send down the scraps to the farmers. ‘My questions to the minister are: why can’t you develop our corn, or canola or sesame- so that we can create corn oil and co? Why can’t you develop our milk industries so that majority of Nigerians can drink made in Nigeria milk? Why can’t you develop our , ¢ ¡§ §¢¢ß ‘Another question is that, what is the evidence to show that the wide spread consumption of ponmo has discouraged leather production? If leather production is more lucrative than ponmo, wouldn’t the market, without any sort of regulation, shift to the use of animal hides for leather production? Why don’t they concentrate on creating the demand for hides for leather by supporting SMEs and large scale tanning industries with soft-loans to expand their operations?

With more demand comes an increase in the price of a commodity (especially when supply is low). Then livestock owners will choose which is more ¤ § ¦ ¡ £µ ¶ ¢ § the sort of education some of our leaders have, frankly”. Funmi Aregbeleye retorted. “How backward can government policy makers think sometimes? The price of hide and skin in international market is one dollar per kg and the price of ponmo in Nigeria is about the same thing, even with our consumption rate, Nigeria is still ranked among the major suppliers of hides to Italy and china, so it’s a choice of the livestock farmers if they are willing to sell locally or not. ¢ § ¦ , © ¢ ¡ ¢ § £ ¨ why not support the farmers to produce more. Thailand is one of the most rice consuming nations on earth and one of the most producers”. According to a northern based ¦ § ª § ¢ ¡ ¤ I be addressed as Kasalli: “the reason behind the banning of animal skin or ‘ponmo’ as given by the minister is not plausible because for example, today

Even with our consumption rate, Nigeria is still ranked among the major suppliers of hides to Italy and China

Nigeria is talking of exporting cassava to be used as bio-fuel elsewhere, does that mean that the government will now ban local consumption of our garri, akpu and amala. It is not even true that hides and skins are scarce commodities because the supply here in the North is even more than the demand. The truth is that what happened to other export Agricultural products like groundnut ¤¥ §£ ¢¨ ¨ §¨ , ¢ § palm oil after the oil boom is the same calamity that will come upon the local production of hides and skins. On the other hand, Den Umeh, a self styled scientist claimed, “ponmo is a rich protein source, full of glycine and proline, two key amino acids in gelatin (gelatin is the main protein in ponmo and other skins). Gelatin is extremely good for the joints and is prescribed for sports injuries. “The Minister should be recommending the processing of ponmo and other hides into gelatin powder, which sells at a higher price than leather. Just Google gelatin and ¢ ¡§ ¥ © µ ¡ ¦ © § ¢ ¡§ ¢ ¡ ££¥¨ because it absorbs a lot of water. This way, it reduces appetite and weight gain. “The Minister is doing a good job, but he needs to explore all the science before issuing policies. Banning eating of ponmo will not increase the market for hides. Instead, it will lead to a glut, supply being higher than demand and will thus crash the price of leather”, he said. Refuting the claim, the minister for §© ¨ ¢¤ §³ © ² § ¡ ¢ , account @akin_adesina said, ‘let me be clear: government is not banning Ponmo consumption ! But we must change. No country eating “leather” has ever developed a leather industry”.


Daily Newswatch

Special Report


Tension in Ogun community as two land agents clash EMEKA IBEMERE


nless serious security is mobilised to Egan-Arepo community of ObafemiOwode Local Government Area of Ogun State, the community may be turned into a theatre of war. As at the time of going to Press, all is —œÂ&#x;Â™ÂžÂšÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ ™”š˜  ÂœÂ––˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂŁÂ”ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂžÂ™Â˜ the community following reported clashes of two contending land developers on a portion of property in the area. Residents of the area are living in fear over the danger the unfolding events there portends to their daily living. There are fears that some residents of ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â“Â”ÂŁÂŁÂ•Â™ÂžÂšÂĽÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ ¢Âš§Â?šœ—˜ ÂźÂœÂœÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ÂĄÂ”ÂŁÂœ¢Â˜ÂšÂ”˜§²ÂœÂ?š˜›œž™ŠÂ˜Â“§Â•Š¥ÂšÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“Â?”¢¢Â&#x;Â?ÂœÂľÂ˜ Residents say if urgent steps are not taken, the developing scenario at EganArepo community of Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State could degenerate into absolute lawlessness, unless relevant security agencies nip the crisis in the bud. The crisis stems from a dispute over a portion of land in the community between š Â”˜–§Â™Â—˜—œ²ÂœÂ–”¤ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ÂžÂ—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—˜§¢Â˜ ž£§ªÂ˜ ”¤Â˜ Realties Limited trading under the name of Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¢Â˜§Â™Â—˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ Assets Limited. Our correspondent gathered that since the crisis started, several workers of one of the developers had been harassed and beaten to stupor by suspected agents of the other while property worth millions of naira had been destroyed while many others are still lying waste in parts of the disputed portions of the land without the owners able to access the sites. Investigations revealed that trouble started in the area sometime in January 2014, when one of the developers allegedly encroached into the portion belonging to the other claiming the area to be part of his own portion. When the clashes on the said portion of land started gathering storm, security agents were brought in to douse the rising tension, but in spite of the mediation of security agents on the dispute urging the feuding parties to sheathe their swords pending when an amicable resolution ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ £§,ÂœÂ?˜  §¢Â˜ ¢Â”•Š¥Âš¨Â˜ §Â˜ ¢Â•¢¤ÂœÂ“šœ—˜ notorious thug supposedly working for Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¢¨Â˜ÂžÂ—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—˜¢Âž£¤Â–ÂĽÂ˜§¢Â˜ §Â–Âœ¨Â˜ and his cohorts allegedly continued their atrocities against workers of the other party to the dispute. It was gathered that the disputed portion of land emanated from the encroachment ”™˜ žš¢Â˜ –§Â™Â—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ Â?Âœ¤Â?Âœ¢ÂœÂ™Âš§ÂšÂž²Âœ¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ Estates, who it was gathered purchased 30 acres of land but extended its reach with four more acres of land thereby encroaching Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â–§Â™Â—˜›œ–”™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ Assets Limited. ™²Âœ¢ÂšÂžŠ§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢Â˜ Â?Âœ²Âœ§Â–œ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ ÂžÂŁÂžÂšÂœÂ—Â˜¤Â•Â?“¥§¢ÂœÂ—˜žš¢Â˜ own portion of land from Dehin Ashipe and Aderinoye families of the community with the two families having executed separate Â?Â?Âœ²Â”“§Â›Â–œ˜ ” ÂœÂ?¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ,”Â?Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜Œ§²Â”•Â?Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ ÂžÂŁÂžÂšÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ traditional ruler of the community, Oba Atanda Solomon Oyebi, and some leaders in the community were also reportedly represented during the transactions. •š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢§ÂžÂ—˜ §Â–œ˜ §¤¤§Â?ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ §Â“šž™ŠÂ˜ Œ”Â?˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¢Â˜ Œ”Â?Â“ÂœÂŚÂ•Â–Â–ÂĽÂ˜ Š§ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ—˜ œ™šÂ?ÂĽÂ˜ into the land while work was going on

Representatives of the community and Crystal Global Assets Limited at the signing of the MOU at the palace of the traditional ruler of the community.

§Â™Â—˜ ¤Â•Â––œ—˜ ”•š˜ §Â––˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ Limited’s poles/beacons already erected and started erecting another wire fence on the disputed land. On the said day, some construction  Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ?¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ Limited on site were allegedly beaten §Â™Â—˜ ž™ª•Â?œ—˜  ¥ÂžÂ–œ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜  Â”Â?³ž™ŠÂ˜ š””–¢Â˜ were reportedly seized. Since then, it was gathered that agents of the said Wale have “”™šž™•œ—˜ š”˜ ¥§Â?§¢¢Â˜  Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ?¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ ÂžÂŁÂžÂšÂœÂ—¨Â˜  ¥ÂžÂ–œ˜ allegedly threatening the life of their ¤Â?ž™“ž¤§Â–¨Â˜Â”™œ˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ §Â?œ˜ Â—ÂœÂŞÂ•ÂŁÂ”Âľ ™˜ §Â˜ ¤ÂœÂšÂžÂšÂžÂ”™˜ ¢ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”:“œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Deputy Inspector General of Police, Â?ž£ž™§Â–˜ ™²Âœ¢ÂšÂžŠ§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢Â˜ Âœ¤§Â?ÂšÂŁÂœÂ™Âš¨Â˜ ”Â?“œ˜ Âœ§Â—ĕ§Â?šœÂ?¢¨Â˜ ›•ª§¨Â˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ¥ž™§Â˜ Â—ÂœÂ—ÂœÂŞÂžÂ˜â˜ Â”ÂľÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜Â›Âœ¥§Â–ÂŚÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ¢¢Â?¢Â˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ Global Assets Limited and dated April 29, ºž½¨Â˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ ” Â™ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¢¨Â˜ a copy of which was made available to Daily Newswatch, the former allegedly threatened the life of its managing director and some of its workers, while also claiming malicious damage, harassment and intimidation by the agent supposedly  Â”Â?³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â–§,ÂœÂ?Âľ The petition read in part: “Our client

 §¢Â˜¢Â•Â?¤Â?ž¢ÂœÂ—˜š”˜¢ÂœÂœÂ˜Â”™œ˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ ž£›”¨Â˜ ĂŁ ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ —œ²ÂžÂ–ž¢¥Â˜ agent, Wale, second name unknown but popularly known as Aremo, a notorious land grabber who forcibly entered into the land with his thugs who armed themselves with dangerous weapons like guns, “•š–§¢¢Âœ¢¨Â˜ÂŞÂ•ÂŞÂ•Â˜ÂŽÂ“¥§Â?£¢¯Â˜§Â™Â—Â˜Â”ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?˜ Âœ§¤Â”™¢¨Â˜ pulled out all our poles and beacons already erected and started erecting his own wire fence on the land we have paid for with the assistance of his hoodlums.â€? ´ ¥ž¢Â˜  §¢Â˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›§Â˜ ž™˜ ”•™“ž–˜ ¥§Â—˜ directed that all work on the site should ¢ÂšÂ”¤Â˜ÂšÂ”˜ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ §¼Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜§£ÂžÂ“§Â›Â–œ˜¢Âœ,Â–ÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ the dispute.â€? ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂšÂžÂŁÂœ¨Â˜ÂžÂšÂ˜ §¢Â˜Š§ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?œ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜£§,ÂœÂ?˜  §¢Â˜ §¢¢ÂžŠÂ™ÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â?“œ˜ ¨Â˜ –§ŠÂ›Â”™¨Â˜ ³”¼ž¨Â˜ §ŠÂ”¢¨Â˜ ¥ÂœÂ?œ˜ Âœ¤Â•ÂšÂĽÂ˜ ”££ž¢¢ÂžÂ”™œÂ?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ”–ž“œ¨Â˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ —œ¼§Â™ÂŞÂ•¨Â˜ÂšÂ”Â”ÂłÂ˜Â“¥§Â?ŠÂœÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ £§,ÂœÂ?Âľ ¤Âœ§³ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ Â—ÂœÂŞÂ•ÂŁÂ”Â˜ ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ £§,ÂœÂ?¨Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“–§ÂžÂŁÂœÂ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜ Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ?¢Â˜ on site were badly beaten and that on one occasion, he escaped being lynched by thugs on the site by the whiskers. Â?ÂľÂ˜ Â—ÂœÂŞÂ•ÂŁÂ”Â˜Â›ÂœŠÂžÂ™¢Â˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜¢ÂšÂ”Â?ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ•¢Ă–˜´ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ £§,ÂœÂ?˜ §¢Â˜ÂšÂĄÂ”Â?”•Š¥Â–ÂĽÂ˜ÂžÂ™²Âœ¢ÂšÂžŠ§ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ police and it was discovered that there was

This was after the Oba in Council had directed that all work on the site should stop to give way for amicable settlement of the dispute

¢Â•Â›¢Âš§Â™Â“ÂœÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¤ÂœÂšÂžÂšÂžÂ”Â™Â˜ÂŽÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â” Â™Â˜¤ÂœÂšÂžÂšÂžÂ”Â™ÂŻÂľÂ˜ ––˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤§Â?šžœ¢Â˜ Ă‡Â˜ ž£›”¨Â˜ ÂœÂĄÂžÂ™Â˜ ¢¥Âž¤ÂœÂ˜ family, Aderinoye family, the Olu of Arepo, ›§Â˜ Â”Â–Â”ÂŁÂ”Â™Â˜ š§Â™Â—§Â˜ ÂĽÂœÂ›Âž¨Â˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ §ÂšÂœÂœÂŚÂ˜ ¢¥§Â”–•˜ ÂŽ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â?Âœ¤Â”¯¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ Global Assets’ team, and all the witnesses came. Statements were obtained from all the parties. ´ ÂĄÂœÂ˜¤Â”–ž“œ˜§ÂšÂ˜ –§ŠÂ›Â”™˜¢ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜§Â˜Τ“šÀÂ&#x;™—ž™ŠÂ˜ team to Arepo to obtain facts from all the ¤§Â?šžœ¢¾Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?Âœ¤Â”˜ Â”ÂŁÂŁÂ•Â™ÂžÂšÂĽÂ˜ §¢Â˜Â–ÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ §ÂšÂœÂœÂŚÂ˜ ¢¥§Â”–•¨Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â?Âœ¤Â”ÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜ —ž¢Â“”²ÂœÂ?œ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ž£›”Ϣ˜ land sold to him by Aribido family does not fall within the portion claimed by him and he also found out that the land granted š”˜ Â?¼¢Âš§Â–˜ –”›§Â–˜ ¢¢ÂœÂš¢Â˜ ÂžÂŁÂžÂšÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ÂœÂĄÂžÂ™Â˜ Ashipe and Aderinoye families to develop §Â“š•§Â–Â–ÂĽÂ˜Â›ÂœÂ–Â”Â™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Âš Â”˜Œ§£ÂžÂ–žœ¢Â˜ÂŽ ÂœÂĄÂžÂ™Â˜ ¢¥Âž¤ÂœÂ˜§Â™Â—˜ —œÂ?ÂžÂ™Â”ÂĽÂœÂ˜Œ§£ÂžÂ–žœ¢¯Â˜§Â™Â—˜¤§Â?šžœ¢Â˜ were informed accordingly. “His Royal Highness reported the Â”Â•ÂšÂ“Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;™—ž™Š¢Â˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”–ž“œ˜ §ÂšÂ˜ –§ŠÂ›Â”Â™ÂľÂ˜ ÂžÂŁÂ›Â”Â˜§Â–¢Â”˜§Â““œ¤ÂšÂœÂ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â–§Â™Â—˜ does not belong to his company as it does not fall within the Aribido family land that was sold to him. “Surprisingly, in the evening of the site visitation by the Police team from Alagbon  ¥ÂœÂ?œ˜ ÂžÂŁÂ›Â”Â˜ ¥§Â—˜ §Â““œ¤ÂšÂœÂ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –§Â™Â—˜ does not belong to him and had accepted š”˜ Â?ÂœÂŁÂ”²ÂœÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜  ÂžÂ?œ˜ ÂŚÂœÂ™Â“Âœ¨Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ “§Â––œ—˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ Akogun and started inducing him with ÂŁÂ”Â™ÂœÂĽÂ˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜¢¥Â”•–—˜ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Dehin Ashipe family land and Aderinoye family land to him that he would reward ÂĄÂžÂŁÂ˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ¥•ŠÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;™§Â™Â“ž§Â–˜ “”£¤ÂœÂ™¢§ÂšÂžÂ”Â™ÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜ Â?ÂœÂŚÂ•¢ÂœÂ—˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ ÂŁÂ”Â™ÂœÂš§Â?ÂĽÂ˜ inducement and promptly reported the £§,ÂœÂ?˜š”˜ ›§ŒÂ”˜§Â™Â—˜ –§ŠÂ›Â”™˜ ”–ž“œ˜¢Âš§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¾Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ ³”ŠÂ•Â™Â˜ Â?ÂœÂŚÂ•¢ÂœÂ—˜ ž£›”Ϣ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?š•Â?Âœ¢¨Â˜ ÂžÂŁÂ›Â”Â˜¢Âš§Â?ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂ?Âœ§ÂšÂœÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ Akogun that nobody should go to the land as failure to heed his threats will be met  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜¢ÂšÂžI˜Â?Âœ¢Âž¢Âš§Â™Â“ÂœÂ˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜ÂĄÂ””—–•£¢¨¡Â˜ Â?˜ Â—ÂœÂŞÂ•ÂŁÂ”Â˜¢§ÂžÂ—ÂľÂ˜ He also claimed that the threat to his life and those of his workers are still continuing. ™œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜  Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ?¢¨Â˜ ž—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—˜ ¢Âž£¤Â–ÂĽÂ˜ as Raimi, who spoke with our reporter “–§ÂžÂŁÂœÂ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜  §¢Â˜ ¢ÂœÂ?ž”•¢Â–ÂĽÂ˜ ž™ª•Â?œ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ the said Wale and his agents. In the words of Raimi, “I escaped death by sheer grace. I could have been dead by now but for the grace of God. I went to the site that day but I did not know that there was any dispute on ”•Â?˜¢ÂžÂšÂœÂ˜Â•Â™ÂšÂžÂ–Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ™ÂľÂ˜ ž— §¼Â˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂ”˜”•Â?˜ Â”Â?³¨Â˜ about 20 thugs stormed the site and at that time I was resting under a tree when they §,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ÂŁÂœ¾¡Â˜ §ÂžÂŁÂžÂ˜Â“–§ÂžÂŁÂœÂ—Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜Âž¢Â˜Â?œ“œž²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ treatment in an undisclosed clinic in Lagos. Kunle, another worker claimed he was tortured by the thugs on the said day. According to Kunle, “I was on an errand for our boss on the site when the people met me on the way. They asked me whom I was working for and I told them. That was when two of them started beating me until I fainted before they left me.â€? ›ž£›”–§Â˜ §Â›§ÂšÂ•Â™Â—Âœ¨Â˜ §Â™§ŠÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ žÂ?œ“š”Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ²ÂžÂ––§¥Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¢¨Â˜  ¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ “”™š§Â“šœ—˜ ”™˜ telephone on the allegations against his §ŠÂœÂ™Âš¢¨Â˜ —ž—˜ ™”š˜ Â”Â™Â–ÂĽÂ˜ –§Â•Š¥Â˜ ”I˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “–§Âž£¢¨Â˜ but described them as “frivolous and unfounded.â€? Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â”Â?—¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â?ÂľÂ˜ ›ž£›”–§¨Â˜´ ÂĄÂœÂ˜£§Â™Â˜ ÂŽ Â?ÂľÂ˜ Â—ÂœÂŞÂ•ÂŁÂ”ÂŻÂ˜Âž¢Â˜ÂŞÂ•¢ÂšÂ˜Â–¼ž™Š¾Â˜ œ˜ž¢Â˜§Â˜ÂłÂ™Â” Â™Â˜ liar. We are too responsible to be sending thugs after him as he claimed. Let him go and prove his case in court and stop peddling rumours against me.â€?

Daily Newswatch


Crime Thursday, October 16, 2014

N1.9b Subsidy Scam: ‘Wagbatsama, others have case to answer’–Court Rules

The accused in court OWOLOLA ADEBOLA


alter Wagbatsama, Adaoha Ugo-Ngadi and their company, Ontario Oil and Gas Nigeria Limited have lost in their bid to stop their trial for obtaining N1.9billion in unearned fuel subsidy. Justice Lateefa Okunnu of a Lagos High Court, Ikeja, on Friday, October 10th, 2014, dismissed their applications challenging the jurisdiction and competence of the court and seeking the quashing of the charges preferred against them by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. The defendants had, through their counsel, made a no-case submission before the court. However, Justice Okunnu upheld the argument of the prosecuting counsel, Rotimi Jacobs, SAN, who argued that “the High Court ¥§¢Â˜Â“”™“•Â?Â?ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ÂŞÂ•Â?ž¢Â—ž“šž”™˜š”˜šÂ?ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜£§,ÂœÂ?˜§¢Â˜ provided for by the appropriate legislationsâ€?. According to Okunnu, “it is the nature of the ”IϪ¢ÂœÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ —œšœÂ?ÂŁÂžÂ™Âœ¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ª•Â?ž¢Â—ž“šž”™˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “”•Â?š˜§Â™Â—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“¥§Â?ŠÂœ¢Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜§Â?œ˜£§,ÂœÂ?¢Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜Â“§Â™Â˜ be tried in the High Court. When it comes to trial of criminal cases, the line between federal and state is necessarily blurred. Section 251 (3) has not robbed the High Court of jurisdiction ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜£§,ÂœÂ?¨Â˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â“§¢ÂœÂ˜Âž¢Â˜Â™Â”š˜§Â™Â˜§Â—£žÂ?§Â–ÂšÂĽÂ˜Â“§¢ÂœÂ˜ ›•š˜ §Â˜ ¤Â•Â?œ˜ “Â?ž£ž™§Â–˜ £§,ÂœÂ?ÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ?ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?Âœ¨Â˜ žš˜ ž¢Â˜ ™”š˜ the pieces of peripheral evidence before the court that determines jurisdiction, but the nature of the law that has been infringed.â€? The application for a no-case submission was consequently thrown out on the grounds that enough has been said and put before the court by the prosecution, to warrant at least an explanation and answers by the defendants. According to Okunnu, “it is only when there is nothing –ž™³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜§Â““•¢ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“Â?ÂžÂŁÂœÂ˜Â“Â”ÂŁÂŁÂž,œ—˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ it becomes unfair to put the accused through the trial. The question now is, has enough been said to warrant at least an explanation by each defendant? Enough has been said to warrant explanations and answers by the defendantsâ€? Also dismissed by Okunnu were applications Â&#x;–œ—˜”™˜›œ¥§Â–ÂŚÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â˜ §³Â•§Â—œ˜ §Â›§ŒÂœÂŁÂžÂ˜ Â›ÂœÂ™ÂœÂżÂœÂ?¨Â˜ §Â˜ ¢Âš§I˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ œšÂ?Â”Â–ÂœÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ Â?”—•“š˜ Â?ž“ž™ŠÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ ÂœŠÂ•Â–§ÂšÂ”Â?ÂĽÂ˜ ŠÂœÂ™Â“ÂĽÂ˜ ¨Â˜ ¨Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ ÂżÂœÂłÂžÂœÂ–Â˜ Olaleye Ejidele of Akintola Williams Delloite, standing trial alongside Wagbatsama, UgoNgadi and Ontario Oil Limited, for their alleged involvement in the scam. While Fakuade’s application was dismissed for what the court called negligence on his part in the discharge of his legitimate duty, Ejidele was discharged on the grounds that his role does not include determining if the documents presented ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â”:“œ˜ ÂœÂ?ÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?ŠÂœÂ—¨Â˜§Â–šœÂ?œ—˜”Â?˜ŠÂœÂ™Â•ÂžÂ™ÂœÂľ Walter Wagbatsama; Adaoha Ugo -Ngadi; §³Â•§Â—œ˜ §Â›§ŒÂœÂŁÂžÂ˜ Â›ÂœÂ™ÂœÂżÂœÂ?˜ §Â™Â—˜ ™š§Â?ž”˜ ž–˜

& Gas Nigeria Limited are alleged to have fraudulently obtaining the sum of N1, 959, 377, à ½º¨Â˜ ÂľĂƒĂ…Â˜ ÂŽ ™œ˜ ž––ž”™¨Â˜ ž™œ˜ •™—Â?œ—˜ §Â™Â—˜ ÂžÂŚÂšÂĽÂ˜ Nine Million, Three Hundred and Seventy Seven Thousand, Five Hundred and Forty Two Naira, ž¸ÂšÂĽÂ˜ ÂĄÂ?œœ˜ Â”Â›Â”ÂŻÂ˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ œšÂ?Â”Â–ÂœÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ •¤¤Â”Â?š˜ Fund for a purported importation of 39.2million –žšÂ?Âœ¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â?ÂœÂŁÂžÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ ”š”Â?˜ ¤ÂžÂ?žš¾ Justice Okunnu then adjourned the case to November 26th, and 28th, 2014 as well as January 12, 13, 14, 20 and 21, 2015, for continuation of trial.

Hacking forensics:Windows command-line tools for the modern era NICK LEWIS


t’s a fact of life: Windows systems get hacked. In this tip, expert Nick Lewis discusses multiple Windows command-line tools to help enterprises discover if their system has been compromised. This Article Covers Hacker Tools and Techniques: Underground Sites and Hacking Groups Incident response is one of the most important parts of an enterprise’s information security program. Windows, which is, of course, one of the most popular ”¤ÂœÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ¢¼¢ÂšÂœ£¢Â˜ ž™˜ œ™šœÂ?¤Â?ž¢ÂœÂ˜ ¢Âœ,ž™Š¢¨Â˜ is often at the root of security incidents. Discovering whether an enterprise Windows system has been compromised is a critical component of incident response. While the fundamentals of Windows incident response have largely stayed much the same over the past few years, there are a number of new tools and techniques available that can be incorporated into an enterprise’s incident response plan. Many of the newer Windows commandline tools are from third parties or not installed by default on Windows clients. As a disclaimer, however, there are a fair number Â”ÂŚÂ˜ £§Â–ž“ž”•¢Â˜ Â&#x;–œ¢Â˜ £§¢Ă„•œÂ?§Â—ž™ŠÂ˜ §¢Â˜ š¥žÂ?—À party computer security or forensics tools. While there are plenty of valuable tools out there worth exploring, it may be easiest -and most secure -- to use a standard incident Â?Âœ¢¤Â”™¢ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â”Â–ÂłÂžÂšÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜§Â˜ ˜”Â?˜ ˜—Â?ž²ÂœÂľ In this tip, I will cover the new commandline functions included in Windows and the tools that enable IT and security administrators to determine whether a machine has been compromised. I will also ”IÂœÂ?Â˜ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•Âœ¢Â˜§Â™Â—˜“–•œ¢Â˜§Â›Â”Â•ÂšÂ˜ÂĄÂ” Â˜ÂšÂ”˜—œ§Â–˜

 ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂĽÂ”•Â?˜Â&#x;™—ž™Š¢¾ Determine whether a machine has been compromised While the fundamentals of Windows incident response have largely stayed much the same over the past few years, there are a number of new tools and techniques available that can be incorporated into an enterprise’s incident response plan. Â™ÂœÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜¢ÂšÂœ¤¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â“ž—œ™š˜Â?Âœ¢¤Â”™¢ÂœÂ˜ is determining if a machine has been “”£¤Â?”£ž¢ÂœÂ—ÂľÂ˜ Â–Â–Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“Â”££§Â™Â—¢Â˜Â”IÂœÂ?œ—˜ in a previous SearchSecurity tip by Ed Skoudis are still valid today for determining this. Skoudis also has an updated version where he covers more details in a Windows command-line cheat sheet that can be included in an incident response toolkit. ”šœ™šž§Â–Â–ÂĽÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›žŠŠÂœ¢ÂšÂ˜ §Â—²§Â™Â“ÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ ž™˜ command-line tools for Windows has been ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ —œ²ÂœÂ–”¤£ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ” ÂœÂ? ÂĄÂœÂ–Â–¨Â˜ §Â˜ š§¢³Â˜ §Â•ÂšÂ”£§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜§Â™Â—˜“”™Â&#x;ŠÂ•Â?§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜£§Â™§ŠÂœÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ framework from Microsoft that has ¢ÂžŠÂ™ÂžÂ&#x;“§Â™ÂšÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ £”Â?œ˜ “§¤§Â›ÂžÂ–žšžœ¢Â˜ š¥§Â™Â˜ ”–—œÂ?¨Â˜ built-in command-line utilities. In his blog post, Microsoft’s Online Services Security & Compliance team member Russ McRee goes ”²ÂœÂ?Â˜ÂĄÂ” Â˜ÂšÂ”˜•¢ÂœÂ˜ ” ÂœÂ? ÂĄÂœÂ–Â–Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂžÂ™²Âœ¢ÂšÂžŠ§ÂšÂœÂ˜§Â˜ potential security incident. ” ÂœÂ? ÂĄÂœÂ–Â–Â˜ “§Â™Â˜ Â?Âœ¤Â–§Â“œ˜ £”¢ÂšÂ˜ Â“Â”ÂŁÂŁÂ”Â™Â˜ command-line utilities -- such as pslist for listing out processes or pskill to kill a process -- with its advanced scripting capabilities. Enterprises can also write ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ” Â™Â˜ ¢Âš§Â™Â—§Â?—˜ ” ÂœÂ? ÂĄÂœÂ–Â–Â˜ ¢Â“Â?ž¤Âš¢Â˜ š”˜ gather the evidence they determine to be most important in their environment; this would help ensure consistency in incident response. Data gathered can be compared to a noncompromised system or a base image to identify further clues to investigate in more detail. Any irregularities like

suspicious network connections, processes ”Â?˜ Â&#x;–œ¢Â˜ ¢¥Â”•–—˜ ›œ˜ “”£¤§Â?œ—˜ š”˜ —§Âš§Â˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ an intrusion-detection system or system management tool with a list of installed §¤¤Â–ž“§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢Â˜Â”Â?˜–ž¢ÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â&#x;–œ¢Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢¼¢ÂšÂœÂŁÂľ Alternately, users can get a list of potentially suspicious network connections using a ” ÂœÂ? ÂĄÂœÂ–Â–Â˜ ¢Â“Â?ž¤ÂšÂ˜ “§Â––œ—˜ –”ŠÂ˜ “”™™œ“šž”™¢¾Â˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ ÂŁÂœÂšÂĄÂ”Â—Â˜ “§Â™Â˜ ›œ˜ Âœ§¢ÂžÂœÂ?˜ Œ”Â?˜ Â&#x;™—ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ network connections to investigate further. To investigate other aspects of the host, —žIÂœÂ?œ™š˜ “”££§Â™Â—˜ –ž™œ¢Â˜ “§Â™Â˜ ›œ˜ •¢ÂœÂ—˜ š”˜ gather data about the running system. To ŠÂœÂšÂ˜ §Â˜ –ž¢ÂšÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ˜ “”™Â&#x;ŠÂ•Â?§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¨Â˜ §Â—£ž™¢Â˜ can use: The netsh command can be used to list out ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Âš§ÂšÂ•¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Â?Âœ §Â––˜ ÂžÂšÂĄĂ– ™œš¢¥Â˜§Â—²Â&#x;Â?Âœ §Â––˜œ¸¤Â”Â?š˜´Â&#x;Â?Âœ §Â––¾š¸Âš¡ The Driverquery command can be used to list out any drivers in use that could be used to identify potentially malicious drivers: All of these commands can be directed to a Â&#x;–œ˜•¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜´ä¡Â˜Â”¤ÂœÂ?§ÂšÂ”Â?¨Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜œ¸§£¤Â–ÂœĂ– žÂ?œ“šž™ŠÂ˜ š¥ž¢Â˜ ž™Œ”Â?£§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ š”˜ §Â˜ Â&#x;–œ˜  ÂžÂ––˜ allow admins to record the state of the ¢¼¢ÂšÂœÂŁÂ˜¢Â”˜žš˜“§Â™Â˜Â›ÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ•Â?ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?˜§Â™§Â–ÂĽÂżÂœÂ—Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜§Â˜ known-secure system and correlated with other tools. Techniques for dealing with a compromised machine ™“œ˜ §Â˜ “”£¤Â•ÂšÂœÂ?˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ›œœ™˜ ž—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—˜ §¢Â˜ compromised, the next step is to further investigate the system or to remediate the issue. Further investigation can be done with commercial or open source forensics tools ¢Â•Â“ÂĄÂ˜§¢Â˜²Â”–§ÂšÂžÂ–ÂžÂšÂĽÂ˜Â”Â?˜¤¼Ÿ§ŠÂ˜Â”Â?Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜§Â™§Â–¼¿ž™ŠÂ˜ £§Â– §Â?œ˜ ž—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ £§Â–ž“ž”•¢Â˜ processes or network connections. This can be helpful, as it may lead to discovering other compromised systems, identifying ¢¤ÂœÂ“žÂ&#x;“˜ §Â““”•™š˜ “”£¤Â?”£ž¢Âœ¢Â˜ ”Â?˜ –œ§Â?™ž™ŠÂ˜  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜Â—§Âš§Â˜ §¢Â˜Â“§¤ÂšÂ•Â?ÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜§,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ?Âľ


Daily Newswatch Thursday, October 16, 2014


Fraud summit: how ATM attacks evolve TRACY KITTEN

ATMs continue to be a primary fraud š§Â?ŠÂœÂšÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜¥§Â“ÂłÂœÂ?¢¨Â˜§Â™Â—˜™œ Â˜£§Â– §Â?œ˜§,§Â“³¢Â˜ waged against Windows-based ATMs in the United Kingdom illustrate how quickly ATM-related fraud is evolving, says Graham ”,¨Â˜ —žÂ?œ“š”Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Âľ ¾œ¢Â˜ ˜ ™œš Â”Â?³¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ˜ Â“ÂĄÂœÂŁÂœÂľÂ˜ ÂœÂśÂ–Â–Â˜ ›œ˜ §Â˜ ÂŚÂœ§ÂšÂ•Â?œ—˜ presenter at Information Security Media Â?”•¤œ¢Â˜ Â?§Â•Â—˜ Â•ÂŁÂŁÂžÂšÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ ”™—”™˜”™˜ Âœ¤ÂšÂľÂ˜ ÂşĂ…ÂľÂ˜ In an interview with Information Security œ—ž§Â˜ Â?”•¤¨Â˜ ”,˜œ¸¤Â–§ÂžÂ™¢Â˜ ¥¼Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â?§¤ÂžÂ—˜ evolution of ATM-related fraud is making information sharing among banking peers more critical, and why cross-border cyberintelligence is increasingly essential for “”£›§,ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœ¢ÂœÂ˜ÂœÂŁÂœÂ?ŠÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜§,§Â“³¢¾Â˜ “The malware they are using is very ÂœIœ“šž²ÂœÂ˜§ÂšÂ˜Â”²ÂœÂ?“”£ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ˜¤Â?”šœ“šž”™¢Â˜ ž™˜¤Â–§Â“Âœ¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§¼¢¾Â˜´ œ˜–ž²ÂœÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜§Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ §ŠÂœÂľÂ˜ Â?ÂžÂŁÂœ¢Â˜ “Â?”¢¢Â˜ ›”Â?—œÂ?¢¾Â˜ Â?ž£ž™§Â–¢Â˜ §Â?œ˜ §Â– §¼¢Â˜ –””³ž™ŠÂ˜ Œ”Â?˜ ™œ Â˜ ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•Âœ¢¾Â˜ ”¨Â˜ žšϢ˜ ™”š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “Â?ž£ž™§Â–˜  ¥Â”˜ ž¢Â˜ £žŠÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ™ŠĂ?˜ žšϢ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•ÂœÂ˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜Âž¢Â˜ÂŁÂžŠÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ™Š¾¡Â˜ Because the LINK Scheme connects all Ăƒà ¨žžžÂ˜ ¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Âľ ¾¨Â˜ÂžÂšÂ˜¥§¢Â˜§Â˜Â›Â?”§Â—˜²ÂžÂœ Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Âš¼¤Âœ¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜§,§Â“³¢Â˜§Â™Â—Â˜ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•Âœ¢Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜§Â?œ˜ “”£¤Â?”£ž¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ šœÂ?£ž™§Â–¢¾Â˜ ´ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Â—²§Â™Âš§ŠÂœÂ˜ is that we are seeing all transactions which ”““•Â?˜§£Â”™ŠÂ˜Â&#x;™§Â™Â“ž§Â–˜ž™¢ÂšÂžÂšÂ•ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§¼¢¾Â˜ “So it gives us a very good opportunity to

Graham Mott

¢ÂœÂœÂ˜ ¥ÂœÂ?œ˜§,§Â“³¢Â˜§Â?œ˜¥§¤¤ÂœÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜§Â™Â—˜š”˜¢ÂœÂœÂ˜  ¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•Âœ¢Â˜§Â?Âœ¾¡Â˜ And because all card-issuing institutions are members of the ATM network, LINK also is well positioned to disseminate information to its membership as soon as a

™œ Â˜ §,§Â“ÂłÂ˜ ”Â?˜ ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•ÂœÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ ž—œ™šžÂ&#x;œ—¨Â˜ ”,˜ §Â——¢¾Â˜ ´ šϢ˜ Â?Âœ§Â–Â–ÂĽÂ˜ §Â›Â”•š˜ šÂ?¼ž™ŠÂ˜ š”˜ ¢Âš§¼Â˜ §¥Âœ§Â—˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ™œ Â˜ ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ™ÂžĂ„Â•Âœ¢¨¡Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ Âœ¸¤Â–§ÂžÂ™¢¾Â˜ ´ ÂŚÂ˜ ÂĽÂ”Â•Â˜ ª•¢ÂšÂ˜ Â–Â”Â”ÂłÂ˜ §ÂšÂ˜  ¥§ÂšϢ˜ ¥§¤¤ÂœÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ™” ¨Â˜ ÂĽÂ”Â•Â˜ “§Â™ÂśÂšÂ˜ Â?Âœ¢¤Â”™—˜ Ă„Â•ÂžÂ“ÂłÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ ϪӥŠ¥¾Â˜ ”˜ š¥ž¢Â˜ ž¢Â˜

really about trying to get organizations to look at fraud in the way they look at their “”£¤ÂœÂšÂžÂšÂ”Â?¢Â˜Ă€Â˜ÂšÂ”˜§Â™ÂšÂžÂ“ž¤§ÂšÂœÂ˜§Â™Â—˜“”•™šœÂ?¾¡Â˜ During his presentation at the London Â?§Â•Â—˜ •££žš¨Â˜ ”,˜  ÂžÂ––˜ Â?Âœ²ÂžÂœ Â˜ ¥” Â˜ information sharing among LINK members is helping banking institutions predict ATM ÂŚÂ?§Â•Â—˜šÂ?œ™—¢Â˜§Â™Â—Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ–¤Â˜Â“•Â?›˜–”¢¢Âœ¢¾Â˜ “The main message is how the techniques Âœ²Â”–²ÂœÂ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?˜ ÂšÂžÂŁÂœ¨¡Â˜ ”,˜ ¢§¼¢¾Â˜ ´ šϢ˜ Â–ÂžÂłÂœÂ˜ §Â™Â˜ §Â?£¢Â˜ Â?§Â“ÂœÂľÂ˜ ”•œ²ÂœÂ˜ ŠÂ”š˜ “”£¤§Â™ÂžÂœ¢Â˜ šÂ?¼ž™ŠÂ˜ š”˜ compete against each other,â€? but they get £”Â?œ˜›œ™œÂ&#x;ÂšÂ˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ Â”Â?³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”ŠÂœÂšÂĄÂœÂ?¾¡Â˜ ”Â?˜ £”Â?œ˜ ž™Œ”Â?£§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ §Â›Â”•š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Â•ÂŁÂŁÂžÂš¨Â˜ and for registration details, visit the ISMG Â?§Â•Â—˜ Â•ÂŁÂŁÂžÂšÂ˜ ”™—”™˜ ÂœÂ›¤§ŠÂœÂľÂ˜ •Â?ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂœÂ?²ÂžÂœ ¨Â˜ ”,˜§Â–¢Â”˜—ž¢Â“•¢¢Âœ¢Ă–˜ ĂĽÂ˜ ” Ă€ÂšÂœÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ ˜ §,§Â“³¢Â˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ seen a resurgence; ĂĽÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ™œŠ§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ž£¤§Â“š˜ ˜ compromises have on brand image; and ĂĽÂ˜ ÂĄÂĽÂ˜ ˜ §,§Â“³¢Â˜  §ŠÂœÂ—˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Âľ ÂľÂ˜¢ÂœÂšÂ˜§Â˜Â›§Â?Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ŠÂ–”›§Â–˜“Â?ÂžÂŁÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ?œ™—¢¾ ”,Â˜ÂŞÂ”ÂžÂ™ÂœÂ—Â˜ ˜§¢Â˜ÂĄÂœ§Â—Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Â—Âœ²ÂœÂ–”¤£ÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ Âœ¸ÂšÂœÂ?™§Â–˜ Â?œ–§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢Â˜ ž™˜ ºžžĂƒÂľÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ Â?”–œ˜ also includes technical development, fraud management, physical ATM crime monitoring and serving as a liaison with Ϣ˜ Ă…Ă†Â˜ ÂŁÂœÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜ ”Â?Š§Â™Âž¿§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¾Â˜ ”,˜  Â”Â?³¢Â˜ “–”¢ÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Âœ¸ÂšÂœÂ?™§Â–˜ ”Â?Š§Â™Âž¿§ÂšÂžÂ”™¢¨Â˜ such as the government, Bank of England, Treasury, police, service suppliers and regulators

PEN International’s assembly of delegates calls for release of three imprisoned writers


˜ ™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–Ϣ˜ ¢¢ÂœÂŁÂ›Â–ÂĽÂ˜ of Delegates, meeting at ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â?Š§Â™Âž¢§ÂšÂžÂ”™Ϣ˜ ˜ Ă“žÂšÂĄÂ˜ ž™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ”™ŠÂ?Âœ¢¢Â˜Â˜ in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan between 29 September and 2 October 2014 have today called for the immediate and unconditional release Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ?œœ˜ Â?žšœÂ?¢Â˜Âž£¤Â?ž¢Â”™œ—˜ž™˜ œ™šÂ?§Â–˜ ¢Âž§Ă–˜˜ ÂżÂžÂŁÂŞÂ”Â™Â˜ ¢³§Â?”²Â˜Ž§Â–¢Â”Â˜ÂłÂ™Â” Â™Â˜§¢Â˜ Azimjan Askarov) from Kyrgyzstan, –¥§£Â˜ Â”ÂĄÂšÂžÂ˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ¥ž™§Â˜§Â™Â—˜ –§Â—ž£žÂ?˜ ”¿–”²Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ §¿§³¥¢Âš§Â™Âľ The three writers featured as ´ £¤ÂšÂĽÂ˜ ¥§ÂžÂ?¢¡Â˜ —•Â?ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ š¥Â?œœ˜ —§¼¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”™ŠÂ?Âœ¢¢¾Â˜Â˜ §Â“ÂĄÂ˜ÂĽÂœ§Â?¨Â˜ ˜ PEN International selects individual imprisoned writers whose cases are emblematic of the challenges faced Â›ÂĽÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜“”––œ§ŠÂ•Âœ¢Â˜§Â?Â”Â•Â™Â—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â”Â?Â–Â—ÂľÂ˜ These writers are represented by an ĂžÂœ£¤ÂšÂĽÂ˜Â“¥§ÂžÂ?ÂśÂ˜ ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜§Â“š¢Â˜§¢Â˜§Â˜Â?ÂœÂŁÂžÂ™Â—ÂœÂ?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?žšœÂ?¢œÂ˜§Â›¢ÂœÂ™Â“œ˜§Â™Â—˜¢Âœ¤§Â?§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜“”––œ§ŠÂ•Âœ¢¾ “The fact that we have been able to ÂĄÂ”Â–Â—Â˜Â”Â•Â?Â˜Ă“žÂšÂĄÂ˜ ”™ŠÂ?Âœ¢¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ ž¢¥³Âœ³¨Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜  ÂœÂ˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜Â›ÂœÂœÂ™Â˜§Â›Â–ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂŚÂ?ÂœÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜Âœ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢Â˜§Â˜ diversity of views and opinions whilst here, is a very encouraging sign in a “”•™šÂ?ÂĽÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ Âœ¸¤ÂœÂ?žœ™“œ—˜ ¢Âœ²ÂœÂ?œ˜ political and social challenges in recent years,â€? said John Ralston Saul, ˜ ™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–Ϣ˜¤Â?Âœ¢ÂžÂ—œ™š ´ ” Âœ²ÂœÂ?¨Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ £•¢ÂšÂ˜ §Â–¢Â”˜ ¥žŠ¥Â–žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ that there are writers and human rights defenders languishing in jails both in Kyrgyzstan and in other countries in the region, who have been incarcerated solely for practising ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜Â?žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂŚÂ?œœ˜œ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ”™˜§Â™Â—˜ ¥Â”˜ should be released immediately and •™“”™—žšž”™§Â––¼¡¾ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ?œœ˜ £¤ÂšÂĽÂ˜ ¥§ÂžÂ?¢Ă– Azimjon Askarov is a journalist §Â™Â—˜ ÂŁÂœÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂĽÂ?Š¼¿¢Âš§Â™Ϣ˜ ÂżÂ›ÂœÂłÂ˜ minority who has spent his career Âœ¸¤Â”¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ “”Â?Â?•¤ÂšÂžÂ”Â™ÂľÂ˜ Â?Â?Âœ¢ÂšÂœÂ—˜

The victims

during inter-ethnic conflict in June 2010, tortured or otherwise illtreated in detention and convicted on 15 September 2010 of organising mass disorder and complicity in the murder of a police officer, he was handed a life sentence after an unfair šÂ?ž§Â–ÂľÂ˜Â˜ ÂĽÂ?Š¼¿¢Âš§Â™Ϣ˜” Â™Â˜ÂĄÂ•£§Â™Â˜Â?žŠ¥Âš¢Â˜ ”£›•—¢£§Â™Ϣ˜ Â”ÂŚÂŚÂžÂ“ÂœÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ—˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ in a parallel investigation the office conducted, no evidence was found –ž™³ž™ŠÂ˜ ¢³§Â?”²Â˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “Â?ÂžÂŁÂœÂľÂ˜ ˜ ˜ International believes the charges against him are politically motivated and that he has been imprisoned to stop his human rights and corruption Â?Âœ¤Â”Â?šž™Š¾Â˜ ˜ ¢Â˜ ¢Â•Â“¥¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”Â?Š§Â™Âž¢§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ considers him to be held solely for ¤Âœ§Â“ÂœÂŚÂ•Â–Â–ÂĽÂ˜ Âœ¸ÂœÂ?“ž¢ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ Â?žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ÂŚÂ?ÂœÂœÂ—Â”ÂŁÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜Âœ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ”™¾ Ilham Tohti is a writer, economist §Â™Â—˜ž™šœ––œ“š•§Â–Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ¥ž™§œ¢Â˜ ¼Š¥Â•Â?˜ £ž™”Â?žš¼Ă?˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ ”™œ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜  Â”Â?–—Ϣ˜ Œ”Â?ÂœÂŁÂ”¢ÂšÂ˜ ¢Â“¥”–§Â?¢Â˜ ”™˜ ¼Š¥Â•Â?˜ ž¢¢Â•Âœ¢¾Â˜

Arrested in January 2014 and charged  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Ăž¢Âœ¤§Â?§ÂšÂž¢£œÂ˜ ž™˜ Â•Â–ÂĽÂ˜ ºž½¨Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ was sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscation of all his property on 23 September after a two-day šÂ?ž§Â–˜  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ ›œŠ§Â™Â˜ ”™˜ ÂťĂ†Â˜ Âœ¤ÂšÂœÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜ ºž½¾Â˜ Â”ÂĄÂšÂžÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ™œ²ÂœÂ?˜ ¤Â?Â”ÂŁÂ”ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ violence or separatism, but has been “Â?žšž“§Â–˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂ™Âœ¢ÂœÂ˜ §Â•ÂšÂĄÂ”Â?žšžœ¢Â˜ Œ”Â?˜ their heavy handed treatment of the ¼Š¥Â•Â?˜ £ž™”Â?ÂžÂšÂĽÂľÂ˜ Â”ÂĄÂšÂžÂ˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â˜ ÂŁÂœÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜ of Uyghur PEN and received the PEN/ §Â?›§Â?§Â˜ ”–—¢£ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Â?ÂœÂœÂ—Â”ÂŁÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ Â?žšœ˜  §Â?—˜ž™˜ºž½¾ –§Â—ž£žÂ?˜ ”¿–”²Â˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â˜ ª”•Â?™§Â–ž¢Âš¨Â˜ human rights defender and a founder Â”ÂŚÂ˜ –Š§Ì¨Â˜ §Â˜ ¤Â”–žšž“§Â–˜ ”¤¤Â”¢ÂžÂšÂžÂ”™˜ ¤§Â?ÂšÂĽÂľÂ˜Â˜ In addition to his work in print ÂŁÂœÂ—Âž§¨Â˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜  Â”Â?ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ §¢Â˜ §Â˜ ˜ œ—žš”Â?˜ §Â™Â—˜ Â“Â”Ă€ÂŚÂ”Â•Â™Â—ÂœÂ—Â˜ ”™œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §¿§³¥¢Âš§Â™Ϣ˜ ŒžÂ?¢ÂšÂ˜ ¤Â?ž²§ÂšÂœÂ˜ šœ–œ²Âž¢ÂžÂ”™˜ “¥§Â™Â™ÂœÂ–¢¾Â˜ ™˜ October 2012, he was convicted of ޞ™“žšž™ŠÂ˜¢Â”“ž§Â–˜¥§ÂšÂ?ÂœÂ—ÂśÂ˜§Â™Â—˜§ÂšÂšÂœ£¤ÂšÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ to overthrow the constitutional order

of the state; he was sentenced to ¢Âœ²ÂœÂ™Ă€§Â™Â—Ă€§Ă€¥§Â–ÂŚÂ˜ ÂĽÂœ§Â?¢¾Â˜ ž¢Â˜ §Â?Â?Âœ¢ÂšÂ˜ and trial followed briefings he gave to the European Parliament on the ºžÂ˜ ¤Â”–ž“œ˜ ³ž––ž™ŠÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §¤¤Â?”¸Âž£§ÂšÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ 15 striking oil workers in Zhanaozen; he called for an international ž™²Âœ¢ÂšÂžŠ§ÂšÂžÂ”Â™ÂľÂ˜ ™—œ¤ÂœÂ™Â—œ™š˜ ”›¢ÂœÂ?²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ said that Kozlov did not receive a fair šÂ?ž§Â–Âľ PEN believes that these three writers and human rights defenders were targeted solely for practising ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ Â?žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ÂŚÂ?ÂœÂœÂ—Â”ÂŁÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ¸¤Â?Âœ¢¢ÂžÂ”™˜ which is guaranteed under the ™šœÂ?™§ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ”²ÂœÂ™§Â™ÂšÂ˜ ”™˜ ž²ÂžÂ–˜ and Political Rights, to which Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan are ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ˜ ¤§Â?šžœ¢¾Â˜ –š¥”•Š¥Â˜ ™”š˜ §Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂ˜ ¤§Â?ÂšÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¨Â˜ §¢Â˜ §Â˜ ¢ÂžŠÂ™§ÂšÂ”Â?ÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¨Â˜ ¥ž™§Â˜ ž¢Â˜ ™œ²ÂœÂ?ÂšÂĄÂœÂ–Âœ¢¢Â˜ obliged to “refrain from acts that would defeat or undermine the šÂ?Âœ§Âš¼œ¢Â˜Â”Â›ÂŞÂœÂ“ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜§Â™Â—˜¤Â•Â?¤Â”¢Âœ¡¾


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Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014



Group appeals for release of ex-NBA president NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


ociety for the promotion of ›œ,ÂœÂ?˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â˜ has joined other groups, stakeholders and Nigerians who are calling for the release of the past President of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Chief Okey Wali, who was kidnapped by unknown gun men on Saturday night, October 11, at Rumuoalogu, his home town, Obio/Akpor Local Government, Rivers State. He

...Wali’s abduction unfortunate and odious act was abducted along the Choba-Uniport Road on his way to visit his elder brother. The group, in a statement signed by its Executive Director, Livingstone Wechie, said it is “further disturbed that about 72 hours after his abduction, there is yet to be any communication from the abductors. This raises more worries as we hope that he remains safe even as we take more seriously this rising evil omen in

the state.â€? “It is our charge to the security agencies to commission a high powered rescue mission to secure the release of the learned Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, who through his tenure as NBA Presi—œ™š˜ “”££ž,œ—˜ ¥ž£¢ÂœÂ–ÂŚÂ˜ to the promotion and defence of civil and peoples right.â€? Describing the abduction of Wali as a “most unfortunate and odious actâ€?, the group called

on the “Federal and Rivers state governments to give all the support to the police and other sister agencies to ensure that our people do not live in any fears or threats occasioned by this new era of kidnaps within this region which is capable of painting the state in a bad light and thus ground the its economy�, the statement stated.� “We urge residents in the state particularly now that 2015 is around

the corner to employ security responsibility and extreme vigilance, we call on the police to not only renew their alliance with the communities for security agencies to garÂ?ž¢Â”™˜ Ÿ§¢¥Â˜ ¤Â”ž™š¢Â˜ §¢Â˜ ”•Â?˜ investigations indicate that the Rumualogu area where he was abducted is a hub as it is so exposed to such vulnerability and notorietyâ€?, the statement concluded.

Eket Federal Constituency adopts Udom as sole candidate BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


he people of Eket Federal Constituency comprising Eket, Onna, Esit Eket and Ibeno local government areas deÂ&#x;œ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?§ÂžÂ™¢Â˜ •œ¢Â—§¼Â˜ §Œternoon and thronged the Eket Township stadium to honour Udom Emmanuel in a grand reception held to receive him. The chairman on the occasion, Chief Nduese Essien in his opening remarks thanked the PDP leadership in the state led by Obong Paul Ekpo and Governor Akpabio for respecting the zoning policy of the party and zoned the governorship ticket to Eket senatorial district. Essien, a former House of Representatives member said he has remained neutral as the Chairman of Eket senatorial district Elders Assembly, a body, he disclosed was formed to confront the insult on Eket senatorial district by some self- serving politicians in Uyo that the district lacked competent people to take over from Akpabio. The former federal minister noted that since the political consultation doors opened, he has been con¢Â•Â–šœ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?˜ š ÂœÂ™ÂšÂĽÂ˜ Â&#x;²ÂœÂ˜ aspirants from the senatorial district who are qualiÂ&#x;œ—˜ §Â™Â—˜ “”£¤ÂœÂšÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ¢ÂœÂœÂłÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”:“œ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?ÂľÂ˜ He said of those who have consulted him however, Emmanuel showed exceptional brilliance, intellect and competence that cannot be ignored. Essien , a member of the recently concluded national conference said having remained neutral for these number of months, it was time to make a decision on  ¥Â”˜  §¢Â˜ £”Â?œ˜ ĕ§Â–žÂ&#x;œ—˜ š”˜ succeed Akpabio, and after all due considerations from 18 aspirants who had consulted him , the federal constituency came to the unanimous decision to adopt Udom Emmanuel as the sole candidate in the primaries.

Representative of Holy Child Motherless Babies Home, Ogui Enugu State, Victoria Ani (left) and Rev. Sister Cajetan Nsofor, during the donation of a vehicle to the Home in Enugu State...yesterday.

Family rendered homeless as Police set suspected MASSOB building ablaze CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha


he Anambra State Police Command has set ablaze a building suspected to be Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, hideout at Okpoko, near Onitsha. According to Daily Newswatch investigation

‌ It Is not our hideout – Movement the police squad, led by the Onitsha Police Area Command, Mr. Benjamin Wordu, in company of two ž²Âž¢ÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ”–ž“œ˜ :“œÂ?¢¨Â˜ DPO’s, of Okpoko and Fegge, Mr. Emeka Ugwu and Rabiu Garba, stormed the building at about yesterday and set it ablaze. According to the police, a gun and bags of sub-

stances believed to be Indian hemp were recovered from the house before setting it ablaze. The house, police said has been MASSOB zone 9 operational base where innocent people were tortured. The occupants of the building, Mr. Ikechukwu Agude and his family, in

a swift reaction denied police allegation adding that the house was not a MASSOB hideout. His words, “we don’t have any business with MASSOB members because they use another building behind ours as ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ”:“œ¨Â˜ ˜  §¢Â˜ ¢Â•Â?prised to hear that our house was set ablaze by the police when I went to workâ€?.


2015: Ijaw give condition for Uduaghan’s senate ambition AYODELE OLALERE


pressure group, Ijaw for Governor Outreach Movement (IGOM) has warned Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State not to think of contesting the Delta South Senatorial position except he would assist Ijaws to produce the next governor in 2015. The group said they are ready to back Uduaghan’s senate ambition if credible candidate of their dream from Ijaw ethnic nationality emerges as PDP governorship candidate in the state. The group has in recent times been in the forefront of the campaign for the emergence of a governor of the Ijaw origin in 2015. According to the leader of the group, Comrade Bussa Fullpower, who made the declaration yesterday in Warri, Delta State while addressing supporters of Senator Manager, any plan to allow governor Uduaghan to occupy the senate position in the state without any arrangement for an Ijaw man to succeed him as the next governor of Delta State, will be thwarted by the Ijaws. He noted that the only way to maintain the existing cordial relationship being enjoyed by the Itsekiri and their Ijaw brothers is to adhere to the above request. “We are appealing to Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan to seek for other political positions in 2015 and forget his ambition of contesting for Senate position. We also believe that governor Uduaghan’s personal ambition would not return the Itsekiri and Ijaws to their ugly past. The Ijaws in Delta state will not swallow the injustice that is about to befall them by losing the governor and at the same time the senate position,� he said.

NULGE dares Rivers LG chairmen, asks workers to down tools this month end. The warning strike would ¢ÂœÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Âš§ŠÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜§Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â—ÂœÂ&#x;™žšœ˜ ctivities in the strike billed to start from 23 local govern- Monday, October 27. The president of NULGE ment councils in Rivers State in Rivers State, Mr. Franklin would from Ajinwon, told newsmen at a next Monday be disrupted ¤Â?Âœ¢¢Â˜ ›Â?žœÂ&#x;™ŠÂ˜ ž™˜ ”Â?š˜ §Â?following a 3-day warning court, that the union would strike called by the Nigeria not stand by and watch the Union of Local Government local government system Employees (NULGE) to ex- return to the ignoble era of press their disapproval of debts and non-payment of plans to deduct salaries of salaries. He said that the health workers at source by state executive council of the Primary Health Work- the union had resolved to ÂœÂ?¢œÂ˜ ”§Â?—¨Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ÂœIœ“š˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ resist by all lawful means,

AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt


§,Âœ£¤Âš¢Â˜ š”˜ —œ¢ÂšÂ?Â”ÂĽÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”cal Government System in the state by a few individuals using the trade unions as a platform. The union resolved “to call out all local government workers in the state on a three-day warning strike from Monday, 20th to Wednesday, 22nd October, 2014. At the expiration of the ultimatum, the union  ÂžÂ–Â–Â˜ÂœÂŁÂ›§Â?ÂłÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜§Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â—ÂœÂ&#x;™žšœ˜ strike from Monday, 27th October, 2014 until the decision is reversed.â€? The threat of strike came

on the heels of the decision to deduct the health workers’ salaries at source, which was taken at a meeting in Port Harcourt involving the 23 Local Government Coun“ž–¢œÂ˜ §Â?ÂœĂ€Âš§³ÂœÂ?˜ ”££ž,œœ˜ Chairmen, Local Government Service Commission, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC), health Workers’ Board and other stakeholders in local government administration in the state. The meeting which was attended by the state governor, Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amae-

chi, was, however, shunned by NULGE, the umbrella body of local government workers in the country. ÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜§Â›¢ÂœÂ™Â“œ˜ §¢Â˜§,Â?ž›•šœ—˜ to non-communication of information on the meeting by the Local Government Service Commission. The decision taken at the meeting was announced by ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Â?ÂœĂ€Âš§³ÂœÂ?˜ ”££ž,œœ˜ Chairman of Eleme Local Government, Prince Awalanta Ejire, during a tour of the councils by the State ”Â?³ž™ŠÂ˜ ”££ž,œœ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ NULGE, led by its President.

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Daily Newswatch Thursday, October 16, 2014




FEC holds farewell session for seven ministers Continued from Page 2

“We appreciate these service rendered by these our brothers who have rendered distinguished service to this cabinet and to our country. They have a strong call, a notching to serve our nation in other capacities as core hard politicians. “One will say that they came, they saw, they acquired knowledge and then want to go out and serve their own people in their states. “They have served very well, they gave us their best, they stood by you and by us as cabinet members, they identi ¡ ¢ § ¡ our great leader’s Transformation Agenda. And now that they have decided to become ‘your excellencies,’ ambassadors in their various areas, we wish them well; we wish them the best of God’s guidance and protection. “Your Excellency, it is a tough decision to leave your cabinet, this is a convivial cabinet, a council in which we have interacted with each other as brothers and sisters, a council in which we have held each other’s in honour, a council in which we have been true to each other, we have a sense of comradeship, we have played as team members. “But Your Excellency, there come a time in which the drum beat becomes louder in other areas and some of our brothers are listening to the drum beats that are inviting them, to dance to the call of duty in their respective states. “We will surely miss them but we pray that all the ministers, God will

if you are angry with us or happy with us. But we know how many times people took all sorts of stories concerning all your ministers, but because of your own vision § ¦ ¡ : ¢ you have appointed and the need to give them opportunity to learn through mistakes and improve, you have left some of us in this cabinet for this long period of time. “Your cabinet, apart from the First Republic and Gen. Gowon’s, no ministers have had this stability of tenure in this country for a very long time. And today, this stability is impacting positively in the life of our country. ´ ¡ ¢ ¥ § ¢ or so, you were maligned but today the result continues to come in from I ¢ ¢¨ § ¢ of stability of leadership, your focus, your vision; the nation is beginning to § ¥ I ¥µ “We have learnt a lot today, some of those qualities include the capacity to stay focused in spite of distractions, in spite of torments, in spite of all the things that are said about you, you have remained focused and that indeed is a sign of strength. “The other is to keep your eye on the ball, of your policy which today as I have said is already giving a lot of results. “The last in my opinion, which is very important, is that you have a cosmopolitan approach to leadership in Nigeria. You have been able to bring together diverse people L-R: Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo of Gombe State, Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Sule Bage; Chief of from all walks of life, you Staff, Government House, Alhaji Ahmed Yayari and former Head of Service, Mallam Aliyu Kamara; at the swearing-in have resisted temptations ceremony of the new head of service...yesterday. of religious sentiments, resisted ethnic or sectional sentiments; you have £§ § §¢ every leader in a diverse tion could have halted ment, an online report ing taken by airlines and ¢ ¦ ¢ © §, country should be. the spread of Ebola. yesterday, said that air- rising tensions for em- on cabin cleaning, the “And so, we are going But that action was not lines are adjusting to a ployees. The risks were online report said. The out with some of these forthcoming because reality of the Ebola era ¤ § ¥ ¡ ¢ Centres for Disease Con- lessons which we have many assumed it would as crews hold planes Ebola case diagnosed in trol and Prevention re- learnt quietly from you in not become a real threat. on the tarmac to ensure the U.S., a Liberian man minded airline custodial the last four years.” Ebola is easy to spread ¡§ § §² ¶¢ À¼ ©¡ ¡ § ² §¦ ¼¥ © crews this month of the Maku also pleaded that, - even nurses who were illness isn’t due to the through Brussels, Wash- need for thoroughness, “Let me say that in any especially in disinfecting way we have felt short of ington and Dallas. using protective gear deadly virus. “These are going to be surfaces near any sick your vision of us, expecwhile dealing with Ebola ² ¼ ©¡ ¢ § ¢¨ patients have contracted Europe’s second-busiest false alarms for the most traveller. tations in the execution London’s Heathrow of our public duties, we the disease. hub, were temporarily part, and I have more conNow cases have been ¢ § ¡ ³ ¼ cern that people will get airport began check- seek you forgive us sin £ § ¢¢ ¡ maladies. U.S. quaran- annoyed by this and the © ¢ £ § ² © ¼ ¢ cerely. world, and many believe tine specialists assessed I ¢ § ³ ¨· ¢§ yesterday from Africa’s “I want to assure you ¶¢ ¥ § £§, ¦ £ twice as many sick pas- George Hamlin, president §À§Ü § ¢¨ that that would not have before it hits Britain. sengers in the past two of Fairfax, Virginia-based implementing Europe’s come intentionally for The WHO also believes weeks as a year earlier, Hamlin Transportation strictest precautions. All those of us who truly bethere will be 10,000 new and four more airports Consulting. “Over time, Heathrow terminals will lieve in you. But we know cases worldwide per will add Ebola screening ¶¢ ³ ¥ ¡ I ¢ © - have screening by week’s we are human beings, we week in two months - so this week to follow New ing to need to pick up. It’s end, and London’s Gat- £ ¢ ¡§² I ¥ ¨ ¦§ , ¢§¦ ¡§ wick airport and the St. we seek your forgiveby the end of the year. For York’s Kennedy. Pancras terminal for Eu- ness, your understanding the last four weeks, there While none of the eval- sorry.” The prospect of Ebola rostar train service from wherever we have failed have been about 1,000 uations turned up an new cases per week. Ebola infection, they re- ¦ ¡ Paris and Brussels will you in the discharge of In related develop- ¼ ¡ ¸ § § - space of a jetliner also join by next week. these duties.”

be with them, bless them, keep them, prosper them and grant them grace to achieve their goals and aspirations. “We will be so happy if by next year, many of these our brothers, if not all of them are swornin as governors in their states and we can see and know that we have people we can relate to at all times with the best of minds and will. “We wish them well and we will continue to work together for the transformation of our country under your leadership, who has given us this transformation agenda that is doing so much to give the best of service of governance to our people.” In his response on behalf of his colleagues, Maku paid glowing trib-

utes to President Jonathan for his good leadership style from which they have tapped enormous experiences. “This is truly a very dif § § £ § moment for me and my colleagues who are about to take a leap of fate in our lives as individuals § §¢ : ¢ ¦ ¢ § µ “Your Excellency, a time comes in the life of people when they make decisions when they are convinced that those decisions will further the vision, development and future of their country under a leadership that they believe in. “All of us here who have been named by you, who may not be here by next Wednesday, who owe God Almighty eternal gratitude for connecting us with you which

has led to our elevation to serve at this highest level of executive authority in our country. “For me and Chukwu and a few others, we have been here with you for the last four and half years in this hollow chambers, going through all the experiences we have gone through as the leader of this country so far. “Let me say on behalf ourselves and families, we thank you, we thank you eternally for the con ¥ ¤ ¢ us. And for choosing us among millions of Nigerians to support you in the capacities you have been in the last four and half years, some shorter than that. “Let me say Sir, that I mentioned something here last week when we were discussing Ebola

virus disease conquest by your leadership, that you may not be appreciate now Sir but don’t worry, a time is going to come when this country will celebrate you because from what we have seen, the experiences we have gone through and the talent you have shown as a leader, it is very clear that God brought you purposely to stabilise this country and to give us a new direction out of a crisis of several decades. “For me, nobody anywhere will say that we sent him or her to come and beg you or give anything for us to be reappointed. And because of the way you brought us into the cabinet that gave £ ¡ ¡§ this is a leader you want to die for. “We hardly ever know

UN gives 60 days deadline to halt global Ebola disaster Continued from Page 2

He said the epidemic needs to be stopped now, “or we face an entirely unprecedented situation for which we do not have a plan.” The WHO said they could be as many as 10,000 new cases of Ebola a week in just two months time if things continue as they are. It comes as photos emerged of Ebola victims being burned on a huge funeral pyre in Liberia. The government has allowed cremation to take place as the bodies are highly contagious. It is believed there was a window of about three months when serious ac-



Ebola scare: Essien threatens Nigerian newspaper


¥§Â™§Â˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?˜ Michael Essien and his lawyers §Â?œ˜ “”™¢ÂžÂ—ÂœÂ?ž™ŠÂ˜ Â&#x;–ž™ŠÂ˜ §Â˜ lawsuit against the Nigerian media that reported he had contracted Ebola. Online Nigerian newspaper, News žÂ?Âœ ¨Â˜ ÂœÂ?ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ to publish the story after seemingly duped by š ÂœÂœÂš¢Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜  Âž,ÂœÂ?˜•¢ÂœÂ?˜ ĂŠ •Â?ÂĽ –³§Âœ²Â˜ Ă‡Â˜  ¥Â”˜ claims to be a sports journalist. He claimed that AC ž–§Â™Â˜ ¥§Â—˜ “”™Â&#x;Â?ÂŁÂœÂ—Â˜ that Essien had caught the deadly virus. Essien took to micro-

›–”ŠŠÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜  ÂœÂ›¢ÂžÂšÂœÂ˜  Âž,ÂœÂ?˜ to deny the news and the former Chelsea star is not taking the issue lightly at all. “I was relaxing on •™—§¼Â˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ™ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ÂĄÂ”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ when [Milan doctor Rodolfo] Tavana called me with this news, but I told him that it was absolutely not true,â€? Essien said. ´ š˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ ˜ ¢£ÂžÂ–œ—¨Â˜ ›•š˜ then not so much because this is not something to be šÂ?ÂžÂźÂœÂ—Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂľÂ˜ ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ ¢¤Â”ÂłÂœÂ™Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂŁÂĽÂ˜Â–§ ¼ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ÂšÂ”˜Â&#x;Šure out what can be done. “You cannot invent news. I do not have Ebola.â€?

Emenike linked to Chelsea

uper Eagles striker Emmanuel Emenike is being linked with a possible move to Chelsea in the winter transfer window. ÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?žšž¢¥Â˜ §ÂžÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ š§Â?˜ claims Chelsea have the Œ”Â?ÂŁÂœÂ?˜ ¤§Â?š§³Â˜ ”¢Â“” Â˜ player in their sights. Â?¢ÂœÂ™§Â–˜ §Â™Â—˜ ”,Ϫham Hotspurs are also reported to be interested in him. And Turkish press reports claim the strong §,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ?˜ ž¢Â˜ ”™˜ Â?¢ÂœÂ™ÂœÂ˜ Wenger’s shortlist ahead Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §Â˜ ¤Â”¢¢ÂžÂ›Â–œ˜ êà £Â˜ —œ§Â–˜ in the January transfer window. Emenike has been in

good form since signing Œ”Â?˜ œ™œÂ?›§¥Â“œ˜ ž™˜ ºžĂ…˜ Œ”Â?˜ꝝ¾º£ÂžÂ––ž”™¾

œ˜¢ÂšÂ?Â•Â“ÂłÂ˜ºÂ˜ŠÂ”§Â–¢Â˜§Â™Â—˜ assisted nine goals in just ÂşĂ“Â˜ §¤¤Âœ§Â?§Â™Â“Âœ¢Â˜ –§¢ÂšÂ˜ ¢Âœ§son while he has struck once this campaign. Chelsea have previously been linked with the 27-year-old and it was speculated in June that the Blues had bid ĂŞÂťĂƒÂŁÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂžÂłÂœÂľ Emenike is currently on international duty with Nigeria, who Â–Â”Â“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ÂĄÂ”Â?™¢Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ •—§Â™Â˜ in a win or burst African Cup of Nations qualiÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?˜§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›•ª§Â˜ §ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ š§Â—ÂžÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ÂĽÂœ¢ÂšÂœÂ?—§¼¾

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Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2014

Super Eagles claim first AFCON win

uper Eagles of Nigeria kept AFCON qualifying hopes alive after ÂšÂĄÂœÂĽÂ˜ Â—ÂœÂŚÂœ§ÂšÂœÂ—˜ •—§Â™Â˜ Ă…Ă€ÂťÂ˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ›•ª§Â˜ §ÂšÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ š§Â—ÂžÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ ”™˜ Wednesday night. Eagles certainly showed ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ž™šœ™š˜ š”˜ §,§Â“ÂłÂ˜ Â?žŠ¥ÂšÂ˜ from the onset with a few ¢¤ÂœÂ“•–§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ÂœI”Â?š¢Â˜ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜Â—Âž¢tance. §Â?”™˜ §£Â•ÂœÂ–˜ ¥§Â—˜ §Â˜ “¥§Â™Â“œ˜ š”˜ ŠÂ?§Â›Â˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜ ŠÂ”§Â–˜ ›•š˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;Â?œ—˜  ÂœÂ––˜ wide of the target from in¢ÂžÂ—œ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Â?Âœ§Â˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ žÂ˜ minute mark. The hosts hand another chance to break the deadlock ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Ă…Ă“ÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂŁÂžÂ™Â•ÂšÂœ¨Â˜§¢Â˜§Â˜Â–”™ŠÂ˜ range shot from Hope Akpan sailed just over the bar. John Obi Mikel almost Š§²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ lead just before the halftime break, but well taken shot was saved by goalkeeper, Akram El Hadi. While, Bakri almost gave •—§Â™Â˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –§¢ÂšÂ˜ ÂłÂžÂ“ÂłÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ the half, but his shot sailed just wide. Once again the home side came out guns blazing and they took the lead three minutes after the restart, thanks š”˜§Â˜Â™Âœ§ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â•Â“ÂĄÂ˜§Â™Â—˜Â&#x;™ž¢¥Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ Ahmed Musa, after he was played in by Mikel.

However the visitors –œ²ÂœÂ–œ—˜ £§,ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Ă ĂƒÂšÂĄÂ˜ ÂŁÂžÂ™Â•ÂšÂœ¨Â˜ §¢Â˜ §Â–§¥Â˜ –˜ ÂžÂżÂ”Â–ÂžÂ˜ tapped home from six-yards out after some slack defending by the Eagles. Keshi’s men then restored their lead in the 66th minute, §¢Â˜ §£Â•ÂœÂ–˜ ¤Â”•™“œ—˜ ”™˜ §Â˜ defensive mix-up between Akram El Hadi and his deÂŚÂœÂ™Â—ÂœÂ?˜š”˜–§¢¥Â˜ÂĄÂ”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜ goal for the national side.

ÂĄÂœÂ˜ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜  ÂœÂ?œ˜ by far the superior side in the second and eventually ¢Âœ§Â–œ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜  ÂžÂ™Â˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Ă“Ă•ÂšÂĄÂ˜ minute, as Musa picked up the ball on the edge of box before beating one defender §Â™Â—˜¢Â–”,ž™ŠÂ˜ÂžÂ™ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ΤÂ?˜“”Â?ner. Keshi’s men have now moved up to third in Group A with four points. Here is how they lined-up:

Nigeria XI: Vincent Enyeama (c), Ogenyi Onazi, Juwon Oshaniwa, Godfrey Oboabona, Kenneth Omeruo, John Obi Mikel, Raheem Lawal, Hope Akpan, Ahmed •¢§¨Â˜ §Â?”™˜ §£Â•ÂœÂ–¨Â˜ ÂŁmanuel Emenike Sudan XI: Akram El Hadi; ElHadj, Ali, Gaafar, §Â?ž¢Â˜ ›—•––§¥Ă?˜ §£§Â–¨Â˜ ¥žgail; Amare, El-Tahir; Bakri, Al-Jizoli

Uche set for new Villarreal contract

uper Eagles striker, Ikechukwu Uche is expected to sign a new deal with Villarreal. ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤§Â™Âž¢¥Â˜ Â?ÂœÂŁÂžÂœÂ?˜ Âœ§ŠÂ•ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂœ§£Â˜Âž¢Â˜ Â”Â?³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”˜Â?œ™œ Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â“”™šÂ?§Â“ÂšÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Ă…žĂ€ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ă€Â”Â–Â—Â˜ žŠÂœrian forward. Uche, who hasn’t featured for his country for the past twenty months due to the reported rift he ¥§Â—˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜Â•Â™Â—ÂœÂ?Ă€Â&#x;Â?œ˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜Â“”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜ šœ¤¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ Âœ¢¥Âž¨Â˜ now looks set to sign a new deal for the Yellow •›£§Â?ž™œ¢¾ ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢³ÂžÂ–ÂŚÂ•Â–Â˜§,§Â“ÂłÂœÂ?˜¥§¢Â˜ÂœÂ™¥§Â™Â“ÂœÂ—Â˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â?Âœ¤Â•Âš§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ as a talisman for his club in the last three years. Â“ÂĄÂœÂ˜ §¢Â˜Â™Â”š˜¤ÂžÂ“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜Â›ÂĽÂ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ºž½Â˜ ˜ ”Â?–—¨Â˜Â—Âœ¢¤ÂžÂšÂœÂ˜¢Â“”Â?ž™ŠÂ˜½Â˜ŠÂ”§Â–¢Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¤§Â™Âž¢¥Â˜ÂšÂ”¤Â˜ ŸžŠ¥ÂšÂ˜Â–§¢ÂšÂ˜¢Âœ§¢Â”™¾ He is widely regarded as one of Nigeria’s most reliable strikers at international level and is one Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜Â™§ÂšÂžÂ”™Ϣ˜§Â–Â–Ă€ÂšÂžÂŁÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”¤Â˜¢Â“”Â?ÂœÂ?¢¨Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ÂťĂ“˜ŠÂ”§Â–¢Â˜ ž™˜½à ˜§¤¤Âœ§Â?§Â™Â“Âœ¢¨Â˜Â›ÂœÂĄÂžÂ™Â—˜ §¢¥ÂžÂ—ž˜ ÂœÂłÂžÂ™Âž¨Â˜ ÂœŠÂ•Â™Â˜ Odegbami and Yakubu Aiyegbeni.

Henri Michel wants Super Eagles job Emeka Ezeugwu, with agency report


ormer Cameroun and Cote d’Ivoire coach, Henri Michel has indicated interest š”˜ Â?Âœ¤Â–§Â“œ˜ •™—œÂ?Ă€Â&#x;Â?œ˜ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜Â“”§Â“¥¨Â˜ šœ¤¥ÂœÂ™Â˜ Keshi if Nigeria beckon on him. The 67-year former French international who is highly experienced in African football having coached several African countries and clubs, told –ž¾Â™ŠÂ˜ š¥§ÂšÂ˜ ÂĄÂœÂ˜  §¢Â˜ ¤Â?Âœpared to take over Eagles job if invited. It was not clear if Michel had sent in any applicašž”™˜š”˜š¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂœIœ“š˜¢ÂžÂ™Â“ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has not made its stance on Keshi clear. “I’m ready to be Nigeria National team coach and I truly want to work in Nigeria,â€? Michel conÂ&#x;Â?ÂŁÂœÂ—Âľ The report quoted the French national as being prepared to start work with Eagles immediately he is given a green light by Nigerian authorities. Newswatch Sports

learnt that NFF deliberately shelved their decision on Keshi to allow the 52-year old Nigerian to ¢ÂœÂœÂ˜Â”IÂ˜ÂĽÂœ¢ÂšÂœÂ?—§¼œ¢Â˜Â?Âœ²ÂœÂ?¢ÂœÂ˜ Â˜Ă„Â•§Â–žŒ¼ž™ŠÂ˜Â&#x;¸ÂšÂ•Â?œ˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ •—§Â™Â˜  ¥ÂžÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â˜ Â”Â™Â˜Ă…Ă€¾ Michel managed Cam-

ÂœÂ?Â”Â”Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂťĂ•Ă•½¨Â˜ ”Â?”““”˜Žž™˜ ¥ž¢Â˜Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜¢ÂšÂžÂ™ÂšÂŻÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂťĂ•Ă•Ă Ă€ºžžž¨Â˜ •™ž¢Âž§Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ºžžÂ˜Ă‡Â˜ºžžº¨ èšœ˜ —œ ²Â”žÂ?œ˜ ž™˜ ºžžĂƒÂ˜ Â›ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?œ˜ returning to Morocco in ºžžĂ†Âľ He is also handled Eq•žš”Â?ž§Â–˜ •ž™œ§Â˜ ž™˜ ºžž¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ Ϫ¼§Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ºžºÂ˜Â›ÂœÂŚÂ”Â?œ˜

shifting his coaching career to clubs. In his club career, he “”§Â“ÂĄÂœÂ—Â˜ §£ÂœÂ–”—ž˜ •™—” Â™¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Â”Â•ÂšÂĄÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?ž“§¨Â˜ Zamalek of Egypt before winning the CAF Confederation Cup with Raja Casablanca of Morocco.

Daily Newswatch

Sports/NEWS 62 Injured Nnam to miss Oriental derby Danjuma hails superlative Falcons




•¤ÂœÂ?˜ §Â–“”™¢Â˜ ¢¢Âž¢tant Coach, Christopher Danjuma has ¥§ÂžÂ–œ—˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢Â•¤ÂœÂ?–§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜ performance of the girls §ŒÂšÂœÂ?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ĂƒĂ€žÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ•£¤ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Zambia at the Sam Nujoma Stadium on Tuesday Âœ²ÂœÂ™ÂžÂ™Š¾ The most successful women’s team in Africa made it two wins in a row with a brace from Desire Oparanozie, one each from Osinachi Ohale, Asi¢§ÂšÂ˜ ¢¥Â”§Â–§¨Â˜ ÂœÂ?¤ÂœÂšÂ•§Â˜ ³ Â”“¥§Â˜§Â™Â—˜ ŠÂ”ÂżÂžÂ˜ ³”›ž¾ “It was a game that  §¢Â˜ —œ“ž—œ—˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;Â?¢ÂšÂ˜

eartland star, John Nnam will miss today’s ‘Oriental Derby’ against his former club, Enugu Rangers after the inª•Â?ÂĽÂ˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Â•IÂœÂ?œ—˜ž™˜§Â˜ÂťĂ€žÂ˜ ÂžÂ™Â˜Â”²ÂœÂ?˜ §Â™Â”˜ ž––§Â?¢¾ “I won’t be playing because I still feel some pains when I try to kick the ball,â€? said the forÂŁÂœÂ?˜ §Â™ŠÂœÂ?¢Â˜¢³Âž¤¤ÂœÂ?Âľ Âœ§Â™ ¥ÂžÂ–Âœ¨Â˜ §,§Â“³ž™ŠÂ˜ ¢ÂœÂ™¢§ÂšÂžÂ”™¨Â˜ Â?œ—˜ ³ §Â?§Â˜¥§¢Â˜¢§ÂžÂ—Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜Âž¢Â˜Â&#x;Â?œ—˜•¤Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â?Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂœÂ™Â“Â”Â•Â™ÂšÂœÂ?˜§¢Â˜ he will feature for Heartland against his former Â“Â–Â•Â›Â˜ÂšÂ”Â”Âľ ´ ˜  ÂžÂ––˜ ª•¢ÂšÂ˜ ¤Â–§¼Â˜ ÂŁÂĽÂ˜ ™”Â?£§Â–˜ Š§£ÂœÂ˜ ÂžÂŚÂ˜ Â&#x;œ–—œ—˜ by the coach and hopefully, it will lead to a posžšž²ÂœÂ˜Â?Âœ¢Â•Â–ÂšÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜ Âœ§Â?š–§Â™Â—¨¡Â˜ÂĄÂœÂ˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ “It will be an interesting match and we hope š”˜ ÂžÂ™¾¡ ÂĄÂœÂ™Â˜ Â›Â”ÂšÂĄÂ˜ ¢ÂžÂ—Âœ¢Â˜ ÂŁÂœÂšÂ˜ ž™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Â?Âœ²ÂœÂ?¢ÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;¸ÂšÂ•Â?Âœ¨Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Ăž §¿ÂœÂ˜ ž––ž”™§ÂžÂ?Âœ¢œÂ˜¢£ÂžÂ–œ—˜§ §¼Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜§Â˜ÂťĂ€žÂ˜  ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂžÂ™¢ÂžÂ—ÂœÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ §Â™Â˜ ™¼ž§£Â˜ š§Â—ÂžÂ•ÂŁÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜  ÂœÂ?Â?ÂžÂľÂ˜

Friends lobby to save Keshi’s job


o m e powerful friendsâ€? of coach Stephen Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”²ÂœÂ—˜š”˜¢ÂšÂ”¤Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â˜ ””š›§Â––˜ œ—œÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ”™˜ ÂŽ ÂŻÂ˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ¢§Â“³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂĄÂžÂŁÂľ ÂĄÂœÂ˜Â™Âœ Â–ÂĽÂ˜ÂœÂ–ÂœÂ“ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ ˜ Âœ¸ÂœÂ“•šž²ÂœÂ˜ “”££ž,œœ˜ –œ—˜ Â›ÂĽÂ˜ £§ªÂ•Â˜ ÂžÂ™Â™ÂžÂ“ÂłÂ˜  §¢Â˜ Â?Âœ§Â—ÂĽÂ˜ š”˜ Â&#x;Â?œ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ the team sunk into a more dangerous situation of not ĕ§Â–žŒ¼ž™ŠÂ˜ Œ”Â?˜ ™œ¸ÂšÂ˜ ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ϣ˜ Â˜ÂŚÂ”Â–Â–Â” ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜§Â˜¢¥Â”Â“ÂłÂ˜ ÀžÂ˜ –”¢¢Â˜ ž™˜ •—§Â™Â˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜  ÂœÂœÂłÂœÂ™Â—Âľ ÂžÂ™Â™ÂžÂ“ÂłÂ˜ ¥§¢Â˜ ¢ÂžÂ™Â“œ˜ “”™¢Â•Â–šœ—˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ÂšÂ”¤Â˜ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?Â™ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ ”:“ž§Â–¢Â˜ ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ plan to dismiss the Eagles “”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜§Â™Â—˜¥§¢Â˜Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜¢Â”•™—ed out some likely replaceÂŁÂœÂ™Âš¢¾ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ˜ ›”¢¢Âœ¢Â˜ ¥§Â—˜ an emergency meeting Wednesday night, just hours after the Eagles re²ÂœÂ?¢ÂœÂ˜ Â&#x;¸ÂšÂ•Â?œ˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ •—§Â™Â˜ÂžÂ™Â˜ ›•ª§¨Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžϢ˜ Œ•š•Â?œ˜š”¤Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜§ŠÂœÂ™Â—§¾

” Âœ²ÂœÂ?¨Â˜ §Â˜ š”¤Â˜ ¢Â”•Â?“œ˜ has now informed Afri“§Â™ ””š›§Â–Â–ÂľÂ“Â”ÂŁÂ˜ žš˜ ž¢Â˜ ™”š˜ Â–ÂžÂłÂœÂ–ÂĽÂ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜  ÂžÂ––˜ ›œ˜ §¢³ÂœÂ—˜ to go because “some of his ¤Â” ÂœÂ?ÂŚÂ•Â–Â˜ ÂŚÂ?žœ™—¢¡Â˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ stepped in to help him ¢§²ÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜ÂŞÂ”›¾ “The general thinking ž¢Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜ ÂžÂ––˜›œ˜¢§Â“ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ ¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ š”¤Â˜ ”:“ž§Â–¢Â˜Â“”™¢Â•Â–ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜Â”Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂž¢Â˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ™Â˜ŠÂž²ÂœÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜§¤¤Â?”²§Â–¨Â˜ but there are some of the “powerful friendsâ€? of the “”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜  ¥Â”˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜  §Â?™œ—˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ §Â™ÂĽÂ˜ ¢Â•Â“ÂĄÂ˜ £”²Âœ¨¡Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢Â”•Â?Â“ÂœÂ˜ÂžÂ™ÂŚÂ”Â?ÂŁÂœÂ—Âľ “So, as it stands it is ™” Â˜ §Â˜ £§,ÂœÂ?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜  ¥Â”˜ ¥§¢Â˜ the more powerful friends between the coach and his Âœ£¤Â–Â”ÂĽÂœÂ?¢¾¡ The source further hinted: “You could see how §¤Â”–”ŠÂœÂšÂžÂ“˜ §Â™Â—˜ ™œÂ?²Â”•¢Â˜

ten minutes, because we were more consistent and  ÂœÂ˜ ¤Â–§¼ÂœÂ—˜  ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Â&#x;Â?Âœ¨¡Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ Nasarawa Amazons trainÂœÂ?˜—œ“–§Â?ÂœÂ—Âľ ´ ˜ Â–ÂžÂłÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜  §¼Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ Âœ¸ecuted our playing system,  ÂœÂ˜  Â”™˜ —œ¢ÂœÂ?²ÂœÂ—Â–ÂĽÂ˜ §Â™Â—˜ ™” Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂžÂ™ÂłÂ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ §£ÂžÂ›Âž§¾ “We generated chances and were ruthless, that’s ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ¢¤ÂžÂ?ÂžÂšÂľÂ˜ ” Â˜  ÂœÂ˜ ™œœ—˜ ÂšÂ”Â˜Â›ÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”Â?œ˜“”™²ÂžÂ™Â“œ—˜š¥§Â™Â˜ Âœ²ÂœÂ?˜§Â™Â—˜¥§²ÂœÂ˜Â›ÂœÂ–ÂžÂœÂŚÂ˜ÂžÂ™Â˜Â”Â•Â?¢ÂœÂ–²Âœ¢¾¡ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §Â–“”™¢¨Â˜  ¥Â”˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ Â›Â”Â”ÂłÂœÂ—Â˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ¤Â–§Â“œ˜ ÂžÂ™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¢ÂœÂŁÂžÂ&#x;™§Â–¢Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Ă•ÂšÂĄÂ˜

African Women Cham¤ÂžÂ”™¢¥Âž¤Â˜  ÂžÂ––˜ ™œ¸ÂšÂ˜ ¤Â–§¼Â˜ hosts, Namibia in their last ŠÂ?”•¤Â˜ ˜£§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜Â”Â™Â˜ Â?ž—§¼Â˜ ÂťĂ†ÂšÂĄÂ˜ “š”›œÂ?Âľ

Sharks hit road after protest


¥§Â?³¢Â˜ ˜ ”™˜ ”™—§¼Â˜ snubbed training to press home a demand to get their salaries owed to them, with Dolphins and ž²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ™ŠÂœÂ–¢Â˜ §Â–¢Â”˜ ª”ž™ž™ŠÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¤Â?”šœ¢ÂšÂ˜Â”™˜ •œ¢Â—§¼¾ Âœ§£¢Â˜ ž™˜ ž²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ ¢Âš§ÂšÂœ¨Â˜ ¥§Â?³¢¨Â˜ ”–¤¥ÂžÂ™¢Â˜ §Â™Â—˜ ž²ers Angels took to the street to protest as they all head š”˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ŠÂ”²ÂœÂ?Â™ÂŁÂœÂ™ÂšÂ˜ ¥”•¢ÂœÂ˜ on Tuesday morning to §Â–ÂœÂ?š˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ž²ers State about their current ¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂľ According to some of the players, who were part of the protest but pleaded anonymity, players from the three football clubs in ž²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ “§£ÂœÂ˜ š”ŠÂœÂšÂĄÂœÂ?˜ through the protest to press home a demand to let the ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?Â˜ÂłÂ™Â” Â˜§Â›Â”•š˜“•Â?Â?œ™š˜¢Âš§ÂšÂœÂľ “We had to come out to

protest because our welΤÂ?œ˜ ž¢Â™ÂśÂšÂ˜ š§³ÂœÂ™Â˜ ¢ÂœÂ?ž”•¢Â–ÂĽÂľÂ˜ We are human beings, we signed contract with our Â?Âœ¢¤ÂœÂ“šž²ÂœÂ˜ “–•›¢Â˜ ›•š˜ žšϢ˜ unfortunate that our clubs ÂĄÂœÂ?œ˜ ž™˜ ž²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ š§ÂšÂœÂ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ not followed their promise to the later in the contract,â€? ¢Â”ÂŁÂœÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜¤Â–§¼ÂœÂ?¢Â˜¢§ÂžÂ—Âľ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ —œ¤Â•ÂšÂĽÂ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ ž²ÂœÂ?¢Â˜ š§ÂšÂœ¨Â˜ ™ŠÂ?ÂľÂ˜ œ–œ˜ Ikuru addressed the players and promised them that ÂĄÂœÂśÂ–Â–Â˜ ž™Œ”Â?ÂŁÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ”²ÂœÂ?™”Â?¨Â˜ ÂšÂľÂ˜ Â”Â™ÂľÂ˜ ÂĄÂžÂ›Â•ÂžÂłÂœÂ˜ Â”ÂšÂžÂŁÂžÂ˜ Amaechi about the complains from the players and further assured that the the ž¢¢Â•ÂœÂ˜  ÂžÂ––˜ ›œ˜ Â?Âœ¢Â”–²ÂœÂ—˜ ž™˜ š Â”˜ ÂœÂœ³¢œÂ˜ÂšÂžÂŁÂœÂľ Âœ§Â™ ¥ÂžÂ–Âœ¨Â˜ ¥§Â?³¢Â˜ ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ÂĄÂžÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â?”§Â—Â˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂĄÂ”Â™Â”Â?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂžÂ?˜ ÂœÂœÂłÂ˜Ă…Ă…Â˜ žŠÂœÂ?ž§Â˜ Â?Â”ÂŚÂœ¢¢ÂžÂ”™§Â–˜ ””š›§Â––˜ Âœ§ŠÂ•ÂœÂ˜ £§ÂšÂ“ÂĄÂ˜ §Š§ÂžÂ™¢ÂšÂ˜ ž §Â˜ ˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜


Mikel may head to Schalke 04

Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜  §¢Â˜ §ŒÂšÂœÂ?˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ –”¢¢Â˜ against Sudan and how boastful and daring he has ŠÂ?” Â™Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ?Âœ§ŒÂšÂœÂ?Âľ “This is a direct result of the assurances he has re“œž²ÂœÂ—˜ ÂŚÂ?Â”ÂŁÂ˜ ¥ž¢Â˜ ¤Â” ÂœÂ?ÂŚÂ•Â–Â˜ ÂŚÂ?žœ™—¢Â˜Âš¥§ÂšÂ˜ÂĄÂž¢Â˜ÂŞÂ”›˜ž¢Â˜¢§ŒÂœ¾¡ “The powerful friendsâ€? were among those who Τ“ž–žš§ÂšÂœÂ—Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â?œš•Â?Â™Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Âœ-

shi from the United States of America for the openž™ŠÂ˜ Â˜Ă„Â•§Â–žÂ&#x;ÂœÂ?¢Â˜Â–§¢ÂšÂ˜ month and were the ones who put so much pressure ”™˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ˜ ¢ÂœÂ“Â?œš§Â?ž§ÂšÂ˜ š”˜ ŠÂž²ÂœÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ “”§Â“ÂĄÂ˜ §Â˜ “”™šÂ?§Â“š˜ during the recent leadership crisis that engulfed ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ÂŚÂœÂ—ÂœÂ?§ÂšÂžÂ”™¾ ˜ š”¤Â˜ ˜ Âœ¸ÂœÂ“•šž²ÂœÂ˜

“”££ž,œœ˜ ÂŁÂœÂŁÂ›ÂœÂ?˜ §Â–¢Â”˜ ¢§ÂžÂ—Ă–Â˜ ´ œ˜ ¥§²ÂœÂ˜ š”˜ Â–Â”Â”ÂłÂ˜ §ÂšÂ˜ ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ ›žŠŠÂœÂ?˜ ¤ÂžÂ“š•Â?ÂœÂľÂ˜ ž––˜ §Â˜ new coach really change things immediately or do  ÂœÂ˜ –œ§²ÂœÂ˜ Âœ¢¥ÂžÂ˜ š”˜ “”£plete what he has started? “This is what we will meet as a group to decide Â”Â™ÂľÂ˜ šϢ˜ ™”š˜ ª•¢ÂšÂ˜ ”™œ˜ ¤ÂœÂ?¢Â”™Ϣ˜—œ“ž¢ÂžÂ”™˜š”˜š§³Âœ¾¡

˜ “¥§Â–ÂłÂœÂ˜ ž½Â˜ §Â?œ˜ weighing up making a bid for Chel¢Âœ§Â˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?¨Â˜ Â”ÂĄÂ™Â˜ ›ž˜ Mikel, which in theory could be a possibility in the January transfer win—” ¾ The Nigeria international has fallen down Jose Mourinho’s pecking ”Â?—œÂ?Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂŁÂžÂ—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?¢¨Â˜ ÂžÂšÂĄÂ˜ Â”Â™Â–ÂĽÂ˜ Ă“½Â˜ ÂŁÂžÂ™Â•ÂšÂœ¢Â˜ Â”ÂŚÂ˜ Š§£ÂœÂ˜ time under his belt in the ºž½Ă€ºžà ˜“§£¤§ÂžŠÂ™Âľ Mikel is not comfortable with that situation, and could depart Stamford Bridge, where he has played nonstop for the past eight years, when the transfer market reopens Œ”Â?˜›•¢ÂžÂ™Âœ¢¢¾ Âœ Â˜ “¥§Â–ÂłÂœÂ˜ ž½Â˜ £§Â™§ŠÂœÂ?¨Â˜ ”›œÂ?š”˜ ž˜ §,œ”˜ ž¢Â˜Â–””³ž™ŠÂ˜ÂŚÂ”Â?˜§Â˜Â—ÂœÂŚÂœÂ™¢Âž²ÂœÂ˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—œÂ?˜š”˜¢¥Â”Â?œ˜•¤Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ £ž—Â&#x;œ–—¨Â˜§Â™Â—˜¥§¢Â˜Â›Âœ§£ÂœÂ—˜ his searchlight on one of his former pupils, John ›ž˜ ÂžÂłÂœÂ–Âľ It is understood that there has been contact

between Roberto Di Matteo and the England based Â?Âœ¤Â?Âœ¢ÂœÂ™Âš§ÂšÂž²ÂœÂ˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ §ŠÂ–Âœ¢Â˜ ¢Âš§Â?¨Â˜ Â”ÂĄÂ™Â˜ ¥ž,•˜ and he is currently assessž™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜Â–ÂžÂłÂœÂ–ÂžÂĄÂ”Â”Â—Â˜Â”ÂŚÂ˜ÂŁÂ”²ÂžÂ™ŠÂ˜ÂšÂ”Â˜ÂšÂĄÂœÂ˜ œ–šž™¢Ă€ Â?Ϫ§¾ •Â?³ž¢¥Â˜ •¤ÂœÂ?˜ žŠÂ˜ ¢ÂžÂ—œ˜ Galatasaray are long-term admirers of Mikel, and reigniting their interest in the ™œ¸ÂšÂ˜ÂšÂĄÂ?ÂœÂœÂ˜ÂŁÂ”Â™Âš¥¢Â˜Â?Âœ£§ÂžÂ™¢Â˜ §Â˜¤Â”¢¢ÂžÂ›ÂžÂ–žš¼¾ ÂĄÂœÂ˜ ÂşĂ†Ă€ÂĽÂœ§Â?Ă€Â”Â–Â—Â˜ ÂžÂłÂœÂ–Â˜ becomes eligible for a British passport at the end of “š”›œÂ?˜ºž½¾

œ˜¢ÂšÂžÂ––˜¥§¢Â˜§Â˜²§Â–ž—˜“”™tract with Chelsea till June Ă…ž¨Â˜ºžĂ†Âľ

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