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57 Hearty Cheers to Your Excellency " # $ " $ " " # " !% " ( ( $ $ $ " !% " "$ ( " $% $ ( % ( %" $ "$ ( $ ( # ( % $ % $ # % " $ " %# $ # $ % !" ( $ $( $ & ( % $ ! ' # $ # "& $ %" " % $"( "

Signed. Senator ( Dr .) David A. B. Mark, GCON, fnim, FNIPR President of the Senate & Chairman , National Assembly, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

NEWSWATCH TIMES THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 news NATIONAL urges IG Courts can’t be reformed without adequate funding, says new CJN CLO to probe




he incoming Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Mahmud Mohammed, yesterday happed on almost ”§_vœ›”||_`j z^^Â?_j ”šj qnancial autonomous judiciary in the country, without which he said it would be near impossible to reposition the courts in the country for improved justice delivery. Justice Mohammed made the statement at the launch ”šj]jŒ””ŠjÂĽvz-_{jŒ‰jx}_j”Â?xgoing Chief Justice of Nigeria, Hon. Justice Mariam Aloma Mukthar, stressing that without an independent judiciary, democracy would be in comatose and ‡zxz“_{^ÂŁj vz|}x^j ¼”Â?ˆ`j ÂŒ_j severely breached with impunity. In a statement released by ]`Â?j Â&#x;_“z_¨j _]`j {š”vmation, National Judicial Institute, Justice Mohammed was quoted as saying, “We do not have ready access to funds despite the provision of section 121(3) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Most States in the federation are in breach of this constitutional provision. More understanding is needed from all concerned in order to get the type of Judiciary wee desireâ€?.

He therefore insisted that, “We must remain vigilant against the slightest encroachment on judicial independence. How then do you reposition the lower courts for improved justice delivery without the needed funds?� Justice Mohammed add-

ed that the quest will be difq‡Â?ˆxjz{jx}_j]ÂŒ^_{‡_j”šjq{]{cial independence for the judiciary, especially at the States as most of the lower courts are States courts. However, he noted that the Judges of these courts Â&#x;Â?^xj ÂŒ_j ^z|{zq‡]{xˆ‰j zÂ&#x;proved, adding that “their

working conditions must be looked into holistically. The State Judiciaries must be adequately funded to be able to make these much needed improvements possibleâ€?. The Administrator of the National Judicial Institute, NJI, Hon. Justice Rosaline ”“zÂ&#x;”j ÂĽ}”j v_§z_ÂĽ_`j x}_j

book said, “It is a book review and dedication in honour of the Chief Justice of Nigeria. Before you today is being presented a book titled “A Centenary of Judicial Administration of Nigeria� a compilation of judicial discourses.

L-R: Commissioner of Agriculture, Gombe State, Mr. Babagoro Yahaya; Director, Special Duties, Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Chidu Uwandu and Permanent Secretary, Mr. Sunday Echono, at the West Africa Agriculture Productivity Programme meeting with Commissioners and Permanent Secretaries of State Ministries of Agriculture in Abuja‌yesterday.

Insurgency: Senate seeks amendment of Electoral Act for displaced persons TAIYE ODEWALE, Abuja


bill seeking for the amendment of the Electoral Act to accommodate the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), as a result of the Boko Haram onslaught in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states, has \]^^_`j qv^xj v_]`z{|j z{j x}_j Senate. The bill is seeking to make provisions for the displaced persons by establishing polling units where they would exercise their franchise in the 2015 general elections apart from where they initially registered. xj ^\_‡zq‡]ˆˆ‰j ^__Š^j x}_j amendment of Section 42 of the Principal Act by inserting new Sub-clause 42 (2), which states that, “The commission shall establish polling units for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in their respective camps nationwide.� If passed, the amendment will be cited as the Electoral Act, 2010 (Amendment) Bill, 2014. The amendment bill states, “In accordance with Section 42, the commission ^}]ˆˆj _^x]Œˆz^}j ^�L‡z_{xj number of polling units in each registration area and shall allot voters to such polling units.

“From the above, the issue of establishment of pollz{|jÂ?{zx^j]xj ^ÂŁj‡]Â&#x;\^j}]^j to be addressed before the issue of voting during elections. If polling units are not established as stipulated in Section 42, it will be impracticable for them to vote. “Accordingly, Section 49 states that, ‘A person intending to vote with his voters card, shall present himself

x”j]j\v_^z`z{|j”L‡_vj]xjx}_j polling unit in the constituency in which his name is v_|z^x_v_`j ÂĽzx}j }z^j §Â”x_vÂŁ^j ‡]v`¤£ “Therefore, it is expedient that polling units should be created for, or transferred x”j ^ÂŁj ‡]Â&#x;\^j z{j ”v`_vj x”j disenfranchise them during elections in Nigeria.â€? Sponsor of the bill, Senator Ali Ndume (APC Borno

South), in an interview with journalists yesterday, said most of his constituents would be disenfranchised if no provision was made to accommodate them as they had been dislodged from their ancestral homes. Ndume noted: “If this insurgency, as it continues, does not come to an end, what happens to people like me and so many of my peo-

ple that are internally displaced? So if we cannot go to the polling units, the polling units should be brought to where we are displaced. “That is the main purpose of that amendment, so that if eventually this war is not won till the time of election, we the internally displaced persons should be allowed to vote where we are.

stampede, killing of two infants at Bayelsa rally



he Civil Liberxz_^j v|]{z“]xz”{j (CLO) has called on the Inspector-General of Police, Sulaiman Abbah, to set up an independent probe panel to investigate the alˆ_|_`j ‡]^_j ”šj \”ˆz‡_j qving of tear gas canisters into the crowd of women during a rally organised last weekend to ›]|œ”Bj x}_j `z^xvzÂŒÂ?xz”{j of economic empowerment items and commodities to indigenes of Bayelsa State by First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. In a statement by the state Chairman of the Civil Liberties Organisation, Chief Nengi James, the Inspector-General of Police should order a probe into the incident to avoid future occurrence, noting, “the action by the police is wicked and should be investigated, to avoid another acts of manslaughter and murder in the state, as political campaigns draw nearer.â€? According to CLO, though the crowd control at the event was noticeably poor, with one exit available at the Samson Siasia Stadium, ]-_Â&#x;\x^j Œ‰j \”ˆz‡_Â&#x;_{j deployed to the venue to disperse the crowd ]{`j qvz{|j ”šj x_]vj |]^j canisters into the crowd of women, which led to the killing of two infants between the ages of three and six months is wicked and should be investigated.

Fintiri mismanaged N5bln Adamawa resources - Gov OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola


overnor Bala James Nggilari of Adamawa State has accused the former acting governor of state, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, of mismanaging the state resources entrusted in his care within the 86 days he spent in office. Nggilari said the administration, led by Fintiri, massively emÂŒ_““ˆ_`j x}_j ^x]x_ÂŁ^j funds with impunity, leaving a debt of over N3 billion. He claimed that the Fintiri-led administration surreptitiously borrowed about N5.5 billion, which it lumped

on the loans it inherited šv”Â&#x;j ‰]Š”£^jv_|zÂ&#x;_¤ The governor, in a press release signed by his Director of Press and Public Affairs, P. P. Elisha, said after diligent review of the financial transactions

ran by Fintiri, it was verified that the debt portfolio left behind Œ‰j ‰]Š”£^jv_|zÂ&#x;_jÂĽ]^j about N7 billion, not N12 billion as claimed by Fintiri. “The sum of N5.5 billion was tactically

borrowed by the administration of former acting governor and included in the total debt portfolio of N12,803,763,500.00 ”¼_`j Œ‰j ‰]Š”£^j ]`ministration. “Although we are not

Mysterious fire destroys 173 houses in Bauchi by the Police Public Relaxz”{^j L‡_v¨j ]Â?‡}zj x]x_j o fewer than command, DSP Haruna 173 houses Mohammed and made were de- available to newsmen in stroyed by the state. Mohammed said 164 mysterious qv_j z{j ]v]“”j ]{`j ”v”j houses were destroyed towns in Ganjuwa lo- Œ‰j Â&#x;‰^x_vz”Â?^j qv_j z{j cal government areas of Soro town in Ganjuwa Bauchi State in less than LGA early this month, while nine others were one month. This was contained in also destroyed Monday a press statement signed z{j ]v]“”j ”‡]ˆj ”§_v{-



ment Area of the state yesterday. According to him, between 17 and 18 November, 2014, over nine }”Â?^_^j ÂĽ_v_j v]“_`j z{j ]v]“”j x”¼{j ”šj ]v]“”j LGA alone, adding that, “Also, over 164 houses ÂĽ_v_j v]“_`j Â&#x;‰^x_vz”Â?^ˆ‰j in Soro Town within one month, while the police is Â&#x;]Šz{|j_B”vxjx”j]^‡_vx]z{j x}_j‡]Â?^_j”šjqv_¤°

holding brief for the bank, the claim of over N11 billion bank interest and other charges, with a loss of N7 billion on bank charges alone made by the acting governor is frivolous, unrealistic and cannot be ascertained. This is because he neither stated the total amount borrowed nor for how long the funds were utilised,� the statement noted. The state government noted that the former administration has equally defaulted on its monthly debt service obligations for June, July, August and September 2014 respectively, which amounted to over N1.5 billion.





INEC reducing voting strength in opposition states –Group PATRICK OKOHUE

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PDP constitutes Adamawa, Ebonyi caretaker committees SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja


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Pictorials on the sack of terrorists from Gombi, Pelia and Hong in Adamawa State.

N10bn chartered jet: Court fixes Dec 17 for judgment PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja


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PUBLIC NOTICE LOSS OF FEDERAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATED 5TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2006 AND REGISTERED AS NO. 8 AT PAGE 8 IN VOLUME 102 OF THE FEDERAL LANDS REGISTRY OFFICE. This is to inform the general public that the original !"# ! $ % & ! '!( day of January, 2006 and registered as No. 8 at page ) "& * %+ -/1 !( 3 & 4 5 7"4! $ # granted in favour of Fleet Hotels & Services Limited in respect of all that landed property situated at 10, Bishop Oluwole Street, Victoria Island, (Eti-Osa Local Government Area) Lagos, Lagos State (Plot 1222 & 1223, LSDPC Victoria Island Development Scheme) is missing. This notice is to inform the general public at large and to put the Federal Government of Nigeria on notice for the purpose of an application for a reissuance of a new !"# ! $ % & "& 4 ! !( : ! SIGNED: FOR: FLEET HOTELS & SERVICES LIMITED


Newswatch Times

EDITORIAL Thursday, November 20, 2014

Newswatch Times


-Tradition built on truth

To support Nigeria’s quest for justice through intellectual approach

Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)





To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africa’s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence

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Malaria deserves Ebola treatment


ith the public and private frenzy and hysteria that greeted the all Â&#x;]^^z§_j]-]‡Šjx”j‡”{x]z{jx}_j deadly but imported Ebola virus disease quieting it is time to give x}_j^]Â&#x;_j]-_{xz”{jx”j`_]ˆz{|j with the scourge of domestic malaria caused by mosquitoes, ÂĽ}z‡}jÂĽv_]ŠjÂ&#x;”v_j`_]`ˆ‰j havoc, silently. In the seven months of Ebola’s resurgence about 6,000 persons have been Šzˆˆ_`j¼”vˆ`ÂĽz`_jÂĽ}zˆ_jÂ&#x;]ˆ]vz]j deaths in Nigeria alone in one year is over 350,000 and about one million people in Africa. The truth is that the concerted \Â?Œˆz‡œ\vz§]x_j_B”vx^jx}]xj helped to nail Ebola should be deployed to eradicate malaria, a preventable disease, which has been nearly wiped out in Europe and America through regular destruction of mosquito habitats via routine fumigation, which has been abandoned in z|_vz]¤jj _jŠ{”¼jx}]xj\vz§]x_j ]{`j\Â?Œˆz‡j”L‡z]ˆ^j]{`j]|_{‡z_^j have used the opportunity of the Ebola hoopla to siphon public šÂ?{`^jz{x”j\vz§]x_j\”‡Š_x^Âżj nonetheless government should Â&#x;]Š_j]jÂŒz|j\v”š_‡xj”šjx}_j`_]ˆz{|j with the malaria curse. The inability of the three tiers ”šj|”§_v{Â&#x;_{xjx”j‡}_‡Šjx}_j alarming deaths and disabilities from malaria epidemics in the past 15 years of return to democracy is a tragic signal that politicians have no clear Â?{`_v^x]{`z{|j”šjx}_jÂ&#x;]šÂ”vj problems confronting the people they claim to represent. Clear 14 years after Nigeria hosted x}_j¼”vˆ`jz{j ÂŒÂ?š]jx”j]vxz‡Â?ˆ]x_j a comprehensive blueprint to wrestle down malaria in ]j\]‡Š]|_j`Â?ŒŒ_`j ”ˆˆj ]‡Šj ]ˆ]vz]j¹¹ ²¨jx}_j z|_vz]{j government has failed woefully to implement recommendations x”j‡}_‡Šjx}_j”{^ˆ]Â?|}xj”šjx}_j `_]`ˆ‰j^zˆ_{xjŠzˆˆ_vj`z^_]^_¨j ÂĽ}z‡}jŠzˆˆ^j]Œ”Â?xjĂ„¸œ¨œœœj persons every year in Nigeria and over 650,000 in Africa. }_j j\]‡Š]|_`jz{j \vzˆj ¾œœœjx}_j ”ˆˆj ]‡Šj ]ˆ]vz]j

Âą ²j\v”|v]Â&#x;Â&#x;_jx”jv_xvz_§_j švz‡]jšv”Â&#x;jÂ&#x;]ˆ]vz]j`_]x}^ÂżjÂŒÂ?xj African leaders have, in most ‡]^_^¨jš]zˆ_`jx”jÂ&#x;]Š_jx}_j\v”š_‡xj ¼”vŠ]Œˆ_¤j _]`_v^j”šj¾¡j švz‡]{j countries agreed to a document: ÂŒÂ?š]j`_‡ˆ]v]xz”{j”{j jx”j ensure that by 2005 at least 60 per cent of malaria victims ÂĽ_v_jxv_]x_`j]xj]B”v`]Œˆ_jv]x_j within one day of diagnosis. ”jÂ&#x;]Š_jx}z^j\”^^zŒˆ_¨jx}_j leaders resolved to substantially increase health funds to combat the disease. In addition, participants agreed to reduce ”vjÂĽ]z§_jx]Âł_^j]{`jx]vzB^j”{j mosquito nets, insecticides and anti-malaria drugs. With all these measures in place they anticipated that malaria deaths would be halved within 10 years. Fourteen years after, x}_j\v”|v]Â&#x;Â&#x;_jz^j‰_xjx”j|_xj”Bj the ground. Except for one in a ÂĽ}zˆ_j¼”vŠ^}”\¨j{”x}z{|jÂ&#x;Â?‡}j z^jŠ{”¼{j”{j|”§_v{Â&#x;_{xÂŁ^j x]v|_x^jx”jÂ&#x;]Š_j]B”v`]Œˆ_jx}_j treatment of 60 per cent of the estimated 64 million victims of malaria by 2005 or now. ]`ˆ‰¨jx}_j j}]^jÂŒ_‡”Â&#x;_j]{j ]ÂŒ]{`”{_`j\v”š_‡x¤j At the launch of Emzor product in 2006, the Olusegun ÂŒ]^]{šÂ”j]`Â&#x;z{z^xv]xz”{j recommended a government policy of free malaria treatment. The audience clapped, the `”Â&#x;_^xz‡j\}]vÂ&#x;]‡_Â?xz‡]ˆjqvÂ&#x;^j v_šÂ”z‡_`j]xjx}_jÂ?\‡”Â&#x;z{|jŒ””^xj in business. This is 2014 and the people are waiting for the j]`Â&#x;z{z^xv]xz”{jx”jšÂ?ˆqˆˆjzx^j promise. _|v_-]Œˆ‰¨jx}_jˆ_]`_v^j of the African nations most ravaged by the preventable `z^_]^_j]Ă…z‡xz”{^j‡]v_jˆ_^^j]{`j have to be shoved by foreign organisations to act on behalf of Africa. Mosquitoes which cause the malaria fatalities and disabilities are present in most parts of the world but have been eradicated in developed countries with caring leaders via proactive preventive measures destroying all mosquito habitats. A few days ago, during the

celebration of the World Malaria Day, federal government said cavalierly it was going to review its strategy of relying on the z{_B_‡xz§_jÂ?^_j”šjÂ&#x;”^žÂ?zx”œ treated nets, but suggested no ]ˆx_v{]xz§_Âżj\_v}]\^jÂĽ]zxz{|jx”j ^_xjÂ?\j]j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__jš”vjx}]x¨j]^j usual. Government had many years swallowed the bait of big western multinational drug qvÂ&#x;^jx}]xj\_``ˆ_`jz{^_‡xz‡z`_Âœ treated mosquito nets as panacea to the malaria scourge, thereby abandoning the more _B_‡xz§_j\v_§_{xz§_jjÂ&#x;_]^Â?v_^j of periodically fumigating public drains and bushes where mosquito larva breed. šx_vjx}_jÂŒz|jÂĽ_^x_v{jqvÂ&#x;^j donated free nets, federal and state governments started buying on their own only to now discover x}_zvjz{_B_‡xz§_{_^^¨jÂĽ}z‡}j necessitates a government review. The chemical in the nets expires after three years.

Indeed, the poor distribution logistics of government and endemic corruption have combined to frustrate the nets šv”Â&#x;j|_-z{|jx”jx}_j\_”\ˆ_¨jÂĽzx}j many nets expiring without distribution and with many ending up with greedy traders instead of being distributed free as government pledged. The United Nations and the World Health organizations have in the past cried out that Â?{‡]vz{|j švz‡]{jˆ_]`_v^jÂ&#x;]Š_j ˆz-ˆ_j”vj{”j_B”vxjx”j^]§_jx}_zvjj people from malaria scourge which cost billions of lost man}”Â?v^¨j]ÂŒ^_{xz{|jšv”Â&#x;j¼”vŠj]{`j school, death of children under x}_j]|_j”šjq§_j]{`j\v_|{]{xj mothers. As government shows ˆz-ˆ_jz{x_v_^xjz{j}_]ˆx}j”šjx}_j environment, the people too, commit suicide by failing to destroy disused receptacles and tires in which mosquitoes breed. Everybody appears

too busy to have time for ordinary mosquito. It’s time for individuals and communities x”jx]Š_jx}_jq|}xj]|]z{^xjÂ&#x;]ˆ]vz]j personal and not wait for government by ensuring private and public drains are clean and surrounding bushes cleared to destroy mosquito habitats. Local Governments must introduce or resuscitate their Health Inspectorates through adequate funding and manpower to rid environment of mosquito habitats, sanction dirty habits. State governments should stop pilfering LGA funds so they can perform constitutional functions on environmental sanitation. The current strategy of relying on chemically-treated mosquito nets donated or bought from greedy Western pharmaceutical companies and promoted by |v__`‰j`”Â&#x;_^xz‡j”L‡z]ˆ^j‡]{{”xj halt malaria disasters.


Newswatch Times

View Point Thursday, Novmber 20, 2014

Using uniformed voluntary clubs to train tomorrow’s leaders


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Tayo Ogunbiyi

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The most important obligation of any government to the younger ones is that of preparing them for future leadership role. It is only those who could effectively look after themselves that could be entrusted with the task of looking after others { j_{`j \j] {|jx}_j\]x}j j` ¤j

_{ _¨j}_ \z{|jx j vz{|jx}z^jz{x jx}_j {^ z ^{_^^j jx}_j {|_vj {_^¨j¾ zx_j _]v jz{j z _¨j{ j` x¨j\ vx_{`^j| `j^z|{] ^j vjx}_j x v_j j]{ j^ z_x ¤j {j z|_vz]¨j ] j jz{x_|vzx jv_\v_^_{x^j]j ]¹ vj ] x vjz{j vj {`_v`_§_ \ _{x¤j j { j vj _]`_v^j ¥ `jv_^\_ xjx}_zvj ]x}j j L _j]^j]j^ xj v_§_v_^jx}_j xj ]x}¨jx}_j {xv j¥ `j _j x}_j _-_vj vjzx¤j ´ _j\v_\]v_`°¨jx}_j xj - ¨jz^j]{ x}_vj vzxz ] j _]x v_jx}]xj^x]{`^jzxj x¤j }_j z \ z ]xz {j jx}_j - jz^jx}]xj]j^ xj ^xj \v_\]v_j}z ^_ j j\v_§z ^jx}z{ z{|j xj ]{`j\v] xz z{|j} ¥jx j] xj {j]{ j] z`_{xj vj _ _v|_{ j^ jx}]xj}_jz^j {j{ j] {xjx] _{j j^ v\vz^_¤j j vzxz ] j j]xjx}_j\ zxz ] j}z^x v j j z|_vz]j¥ `jv_§_] jx}]xj]j ]¹ vzx j j vj _]`_v^j{_§_vjv_] j\v_\]v_`j vjx}_j ` {] z ^j j _]`_v^}z\¤j ]x_j { jx}v ^xj _]`_v^}z\j {jx}_ ¤j }z^j ]v|_ j_³\ ]z{^j vj

2015: A vote for change of failed politicians, party (Continued from Wednesday)


{j v`_vjx j}]§_j]j`zB_v_{xjv_^ x¨j x}_v_ v_¨j`zB_v_{xj^ ^x]{ _^j]{`j `zB_v_{xjv_ ]|_{x^j¥ `j}]§_jx j _j_³\_vz _{x_`j¥zx}¤jj {jx}_j^] _j {x_³x¨j z|_vz]j]{`j z|_vz]{^j¥ `j {__`j]j }]{|_j j| ]v`j]xjx}_jx \jx j}]§_j ]j _]^_j j z _j`zB_v_{xj v j¥}]xj x]z{^j ]xj\v_^_{xj j]j{_¥jx_] j¥zx}j]j`zB_v_{xj ]\\v ] }jx jx}_j ]{]|_ _{xj jx}_j_ { ¨j ]{ x}_vj]\\v ] }jx jx}_j^_ vzx j^zx ]xz {j z{jx}_j {xv ¨j]j v_^}j]\\v ] }jx jx}_jz^^ _j j {_ \ _{x¨j]j{_¥j]\\v ] }jx jx}_j v_§zx] z ]xz {j jx}_jz{` ^xvz_^¨j]{`j v_j z \ vx]{x ¨j]j{_¥j]\\v ] }jx j| §_v{]{ _¤ j¥]^jx]\\z{|j {jx}_j _ ]v`j v] xz{|j x}z^j\z_ _j¥}_{jx}_jv_^ xj jx}_j z` x_v j_ _ xz {^jz{jx}_j {zx_`j x]x_^j}_ `j µÆ} v^j_]v z_v¨jq x_v_`jz{¨jz{`z ]xz{|jx}]xj x}_j _\ z ]{^j}]`j^_z _`jx}_j {xv j j x}_j _{]x_j]{`j^xv_{|x}_{_`jx}_zvj} `j {j x}_j ^_¤j vjx}_jqv^xjxz _j^z{ _jµ¶¶Ç¨jx}_j _\ z ]{^j¥ {jx}_j ]¹ vzx jz{jx}_j _{]x_¤j }_j x _j jx}_j_ _ xz {j B_v_`j\]v] _ ^j x jx}_j^z³x}j _]vj j _\ z ]{j _ v|_j ¨j ^}j\v_^z`_{ j¥}_{j _ v]x^j¥ {j ^¥__\z{|j§z x vz_^j] z`j§ x_v^£j`z^ {x_{xj ¥zx}jx}_j| §_v{ _{xj {jx}_j¥]vjz{j v]¾j]{`j |}]{z^x]{¤j j {j xvz|}xjv_] xz {jx jz^^ _^¤ }_j¾ _^xz {jz^¿j ]{j¥_¨j vj¥}_{j¥z j vj ¥{j`_ v] j`_§_ \jx jx}z^j _§_ jz{j z|_vz]Èjj j ]{j\_v _z§_jx}_j`_ _]xz^xj^z{| ^ {|j ]|]z{jx}]xjx}_j _vz ]{j _ v] jz^j §_vj µ¶¶ _]v^j `¨j]^j^ }¨jx}_v_j]v_j{ j ]^z^j vj

Ayo Akinyemi

\]vz^ {j _x¥__{jzxj]{`j vj¹ ^xj_§ §z{|j {]^ _{xj`_ v] ¤j |_¨j j _ z_§_¨j}]^j z- _j vj{ x}z{|jx j` j¥zx}jzx¤j `] ¨j]j| `j { _vj j z|_vz]{j\v _^^z {] ^j]v_j ] z{|j ¥]§_^jz{j _vz ]¨jv z{|j^} `_v^j¥zx}j {x_ \ v]v j _vz ]{j\v _^^z {] ^j]{`j z{j^ _jz{^x]{ _^¨j}_]`j]{`j^} `_vj] §_j x}_ ¤j _v_¨j vj\v _ jz^j ]v|_ j]-zx `z{] j jx}_j ] _ \j j vj\ zxz z]{^j]{`j _]`_v^¤j }_j _¥jx} ^]{`^j \\ vx {_jx j _jz{j {xv j j vj _ xz§_j`_^xz{ j` j^ j¥zx}j z \ {zx ¤j ]¥^j]v_j]\\ z_`j^_ _ xz§_ j]{`j ^ ¹_ xz§_ jx j] }z_§_j`_^zv_`j^_ q^}jz{x_v_^xj ]^jz jx}_j {xv j]{`jzx^j] _^^ vz_^j]v_jx}_zvj \_v^ {] j_^x]x_^¤ }_j\]^^j¥_j]v_j] ¥] ^j|_x^j {_j_ xz {] ¨j

The few thousands opportune to be in control of our collective destiny do so with impunity. Laws are applied selectively and subjectively to achieve desired and its accessories are their personal estates

\_ z{|j {_jx jz ]|z{_j¥}]xjzxj¥ `j}]§_j __{j z _jz jx}_j ¥ ]vx j xv x v_¨j\v_ v^ vj jx}_j}z^x vz j {_j·µ¨j·¼¼Äj v_^z`_{xz] j _ xz {¨jj}]`j{ xj __{j ]\^_`j ¥z{|j x}_j]{{ _{xj jx}_j_ _ xz {j]{`jx}_j{]z z{|j jzx^j L{j j _{_v] j ]{zj ] }]j¥}_{j }_j^] _`jx}_j {x_vz j ]xz {] j §_v{ _{xj ]{`j^ ^_¾ _{x jx}_jx}_{jµ¶ {x}^j `j ^x]x_j| §_v{ _{x^j]{`jx}_j ]xz {] j]{`j x]x_j _|z^ ]x v_^j`_ v]xz ] j_ _ x_`j {jx}_j \ ]x v j jx}_jx¥ j\ zxz ] j\]vxz_^jÉj j]{`j ¤j j¥_ j_{xv_{ }_`j ¥ ]vx j ^x_ ¨j §_vj µ¶ _]v^¨j¥ `j}]§_j }]{|_`jx}_j v^_j j }z^x v j vj z|_vz]{^¤j }_j\_{` j¥ `j }]§_j __{j^¥z{|z{|j _x¥__{j ]vx j j]{`j ]vx j ¤j }_j\_ \ _j¥ `j}]§_j __{j¥_ j \ ^zxz {_`jx j ^_jx}_zvj§ x_^jx j^] j_zx}_vj ]vx j j vj ]vx j j vj§z _ §_v^]j¥}_{_§_vj x}_ j`_^zv_j]j }]{|_¤j }z^jz^j¥} j {_jz^j}]\\ j ¥zx}jx}_j { | z{|jx]{| j _x¥__{jx}_jv z{|j _ \ _^j _ v]xz j ]vx ¨j ¨j]{`jx}_j j v |v_^^z§_^j ]vx ¨j ¨j]{`jx}_j|v]` ] j _ _v|z{|j v z`] _j ¥ j zxz ] j ]vxz_^¨j ^ }jx}]xj¥ `j^zx ]x_j z|_vz]{^jx j _j] _j x jx]^x_j j]j _`j \\ _j]{`j]j v__{j \\ _¨j \]v_j]{`j {xv]^x¨j]{`j^ ^_¾ _{x j \_vz `z ] j } ^_j¥}z }j jx}_jx¥ jx j zx_j]xj ]j|z§_{jxz _¤j ] j¥_j}]§_jx}_j|v] _jx j^x]vxj x}_jx_^x v {j v jµ¶·¸¤jj (Ayo Akinyemi, veteran journalist wrote via akinyemiayo



Newswatch Times

World Report THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2014

Ukraine rules out direct talks with separatists


ussia urged Ukraine’s leaders yesterday to talk directly x”j^_\]v]xz^x^jx”j _{`jx}_j‡”{›z‡xjz{jx}_j_]^x¨j but Kiev rejected the call ]{`j x”ˆ`j ”^‡”¼j x”j ^x”\j ´\ˆ]‰z{|j|]Â&#x;_^°j]zÂ&#x;_`j]xj ˆ_|zxzÂ&#x;z^z{|j´x_vv”vz^x^°¤ Kiev and the West accuse Russia of destabilisz{|j Šv]z{_j Œ‰j \v”§z`z{|j x}_j v_ÂŒ_ˆ^j ÂĽzx}j Â&#x;”{_‰¨j ]vÂ&#x;^j ]{`j v_z{š”v‡_Â&#x;_{x^¤j }_j _^xj }]^j zÂ&#x;\”^_`j sanctions on Moscow over x}_j‡”{›z‡xjz{jÂĽ}z‡}jÂ&#x;”v_j x}]{j ƨœœœj \_”\ˆ_j }]§_j ÂŒ__{j Šzˆˆ_`j ^z{‡_j Â&#x;z`Âœ \vzˆ¤ Â?^^z]jÂŒ]‡Š^jx}_j^_\]v]tists but denies it is directˆ‰jz{§Â”ˆ§_`jz{jx}_j‡”{›z‡xj z{jx}_j ”{ÂŒ]^^jv_|z”{¤ “We are calling for the _^x]Œˆz^}Â&#x;_{xj ”šj ^x]Œˆ_j contacts between Kiev ]{`j ”{ÂŒ]^^j v_\v_^_{x]xz§_^j ÂĽzx}j x}_j ]zÂ&#x;j ”šj v_]‡}z{|jÂ&#x;Â?xÂ?]ˆˆ‰j]‡‡_\x]Œˆ_j]|v__Â&#x;_{x^¨°j Â?^^z]{j Foreign Minister Sergei ]§v”§j^]z`jz{j]j\”ˆz‡‰j]`dress to the lower house of \]vˆz]Â&#x;_{xjz{j ”^‡”¼ Â?xj Šv]z{z]{j vzÂ&#x;_j Minister Arseny Yatseniuk hit back, accusing ”^‡”¼j”šjxv‰z{|jx”j\Â?^}j Ukraine into recognising x}_j \v”œ Â?^^z]{j v_ÂŒ_ˆ^j ÂĽ}”j ]v_j q|}xz{|j |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj xv””\^j x”j ^\ˆzxj \]vx^j of the eastern Donetsk ]{`j Â?}]{^Šjv_|z”{^jšv”Â&#x;j z_§¤ \_]Šz{|j ]xj ]j |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xjÂ&#x;__xz{|¨j}_j`_‡ˆ]v_`j z_§j ¼”Â?ˆ`j {”xj ^\_]Šj `zv_‡xˆ‰j x”j x}_j ^_\]v]xz^x^j ]{`j v_\_]x_`j x}_j \}v]^_j ^ÂˆÂ”ÂĽÂˆÂ‰jz{j Â?^^z]{jš”vj_Â&#x;\}]^z^¨j ^]‰z{|ĂŒj ´ _j ÂĽzˆˆj not hold direct talks with ‰”Â?vjÂ&#x;_v‡_{]vz_^¤° j ‡_]^_qv_j ÂĽ]^j ]|v__`j ”{j _\x_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj¸jz{jx}_j _ˆ]vÂ?^^z]{j‡]\zx]ˆj”šj z{^Šj ]^j\]vxj”šj]jÂĽz`_vj`_]ˆjÂŒ_tween Moscow, Kiev and the rebels under the aus\z‡_^j ”šj x}_j v|]{z^]xz”{j š”vj _‡Â?vzx‰j]{`j ””\_v]xz”{j z{j Â?v”\_j Âą ²j Âœj ÂĽzx}j ]j š”vÂ&#x;_vj \v_^z`_{xj v_\v_^_{xz{|j z_§jx”j]§Â”z`j š”vÂ&#x;]ˆj v_‡”|{zxz”{j ”šj x}_j v_ÂŒ_ˆ^¤ But the truce is under ‡”{^x]{xj \v_^^Â?v_¨j ÂĽzx}j `_]x}^j ”šj |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj xv””\^j ]{`j ‡z§zˆz]{^j v_\”vx_`j `]zˆ‰¤j z_§j ]{`j the West accuse Russia of ^_{`z{|j x]{Š^j ]{`j xv””\^j to back the rebels but Mos‡”¼j`_{z_^jx}_j‡}]v|_^¤j ]§v”§j ]{`j \v_^z`_{xj ˆ]`zÂ&#x;zvj Â?xz{j }_ˆ`j x]ˆŠ^j

ÂĽzx}j _vÂ&#x;]{j ”v_z|{j Minister Frank-Walter x_z{Â&#x;_z_vj z{j ”^‡”¼j on Tuesday but failed to ”§_v‡”Â&#x;_j `__\j vzšx^j ”§_vj Šv]z{_¤ Yatseniuk called on ”^‡”¼j x”j ´^x”\j \ˆ]‰z{|j |]Â&#x;_^j]zÂ&#x;_`j]xjˆ_|zxzÂ&#x;z^ing bandits and terrorz^x^¤° ´ šj ‰”Â?j Âą Â?^^z]²j ÂĽ]{xj \_]‡_j Âœj šÂ?ˆqˆˆj x}_j z{^Šj ]|v__Â&#x;_{x¨°j}_j^]z`¤ Lavrov said in Mos‡”¼j x}]xj x}_j ´\]vx‰j ”šj ÂĽ]v°jÂœj^Â?\\”vx_v^j”šj z_§£^j Â&#x;zˆzx]v‰j ‡]Â&#x;\]z|{j against the rebels - had xvz_`j x”j _ÂłÂ‡ÂˆÂ?`_j x}_j ^_\]v]xz^x^j šv”Â&#x;j \_]‡_j Â&#x;”§_^j ]{`j x”j ´ÂšÂ”v‡_jx}_j West to seek the consent of Russia to act as a side in x}_j‡”{›z‡x¤° ´ }z^j z^j ]j ‡”Â&#x;\ˆ_x_ˆ‰j ‡”Â?{x_vÂœ\v”`Â?‡xz§_j ]{`j \v”§Â”‡]xz§_j ˆz{_j x}]xj }]^j no chance of succeeding,â€? ]§v”§j^]z`¤

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk

Islamic State execution video includes two French jihadis, France confirms


rench President François Holˆ]{`_j ‡”{qvÂ&#x;_`j yesterday that a second French Â&#x;zˆzx]{xj ]\\_]v^j z{j x}_j video showing the be}_]`z{|j ”šj ]{j Â&#x;_vz‡]{j aid worker and 18 Syrian \vz^”{_v^j Œ‰j x}_j ^_ˆšœ`_‡ˆ]v_`j ^ˆ]Â&#x;z‡j x]x_¤ v¤j ”ˆˆ]{`_j‡]ˆˆ_`jš”vj vigilance on “how these ‰”Â?{|j \_”\ˆ_j ‡]{j ÂŒ_j z{`”‡xvz{]x_`°jÂĽ}zˆ_j^\_]Šing in Canberra, Austral-

ia, the Associated Press v_\”vx^¤j {j _^xzÂ&#x;]x_`j 1,000 French jihadis have xv]§_ˆˆ_`jx”jq|}xjz{j ‰vz]j and Iraq, raising fears x}_‰j ‡”Â?ˆ`j v_xÂ?v{j }”Â&#x;_j ]^jxv]z{_`jx_vv”vz^x^¤ ´ }_‰j ‡”Â?ˆ`j ÂŒ_j šv”Â&#x;j ]{‰j ÂŒ]‡Š|v”Â?{`¨j šv”Â&#x;j any ethnic origin – but they easily can be brainÂĽ]^}_`j z{x”j ÂŒ_‡”Â&#x;z{|j converts, and this is a §_v‰j zÂ&#x;\”vx]{xj Â&#x;]-_v¨°j

”ˆˆ]{`_jx”ˆ`jv_\”vx_v^¤ v_{‡}j \v”^_‡Â?x”v^j ]{-

nounced Monday that Abou Abdallah Al-Faransi, a native of NorÂ&#x;]{`‰j Œ”v{j ]^j ]ÂłzÂ&#x;_j Hauchard, was one of the x¼”j ^Â?^\_‡x_`j v_{‡}Â&#x;_{jÂĽ}”j]\\_]v_`jz{jx}_j §z`_”j v_ˆ_]^_`j Â?{`]‰¤j }_j ‡ˆz\j ^}”¼_`j x}_j _Âł_‡Â?xz”{j”šj^_§_v]ˆj\vz^”{_v^¨j ÂĽ}”Â&#x;j x}_j Â&#x;zˆzx]{x^j `_^‡vzÂŒ_`j ]^j ‰vz]{j \zlots, as well as the severed }_]`j ”šj Â&#x;_vz‡]{j ]z`j ¼”vŠ_vj ÂŒ`Â?ˆœ ]}Â&#x;]{j Kassig, known as Peter

Kassig before he convert_`jx”j ^ˆ]Â&#x;¤j “All we can say for now is that there were two v_{‡}j\_”\ˆ_¨°j ”ˆˆ]{`_j ^]z`¤j ´ {_j }]^j ÂŒ__{j ‡]x_|”vz‡]ˆˆ‰j z`_{xzq_`j ]{`j the other one is in the \v”‡_^^j ”šj ÂŒ_z{|j z`_{xzq_`¤° A source close to the case told Agence FrancePresse that the second v_{‡}Â&#x;]{j ÂĽ]^j z`_{xzq_`j]^j]jÂ&#x;]{jšv”Â&#x;j]j ]vz^j suburb who went by the

Sri Lanka president pardons five Indian fishermen on death row


vzj ]{Š]ÂŁ^j \v_^zdent yesterday \]v`”{_`j q§_j {`z]{j q^}_vÂ&#x;_{j who had been sentenced to death for drug xv]L‡Šz{|¨j ]j Â&#x;”§_j ˆzŠ_ˆ‰j to reduce tensions with

{`z]¤ }_j `_]x}j \_{]ˆx‰j xvz||_v_`j ]j `z\ˆ”Â&#x;]xz‡j v”¼j between the island nation and its huge neighbour, as x}_j q^}_vÂ&#x;_{j }]`j `_{z_`j the charges and the case was seen as an outgrowth

President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa

of friction over alleged ille|]ˆj\”]‡}z{|jz{j vzj ]{Š]{j ÂĽ]x_v^¤ A Sri Lankan court senx_{‡_`j x}_j q§_j ^”Â?x}j {`z]{jq^}_vÂ&#x;_{j”{j ‡x”Œ_vj Ă„Ϭj]ˆÂ&#x;”^xjx}v__j‰_]v^j]šx_vj they were detained by the vzj ]{Š]{j{]§Â‰¤ ´ }_^_j q§_j q^}_vÂ&#x;_{j }]§_j ÂŒ__{j \]v`”{_`j Œ‰j x}_j \v_^z`_{xj ]{`j ”v`_v_`j x”j ÂŒ_j xv]{^š_vv_`j x”j _Â&#x;z|v]xz”{j Âąx”j {`z]²¨°j ^]z`j ”}]{j ]Â&#x;]v]{]‰]Š_¨j ^\”Š_^Â&#x;]{j š”vj v_^z`_{xj ]}z{`]j ]š]\]Š^]¤j Sri Lankan-Indian ties have been strained by ÂĽ}]xj _ÂĽj _ˆ}zj`__Â&#x;^jx”j be a heightened Chinese \v_^_{‡_j z{j vzj ]{Š]¨j ‡zxing a recent visit of a Chi{_^_j ÂĽ]v^}z\j ]{`j ^Â?ÂŒÂ&#x;]-

vz{_jx”j ”ˆ”Â&#x;Œ”j\”vx¤j India is also concerned about Sri Lanka’s treatÂ&#x;_{xj ”šj Â&#x;z{”vzx‰j ]Â&#x;zˆ^¨j ÂĽ}”^_j ^_\]v]xz^xj z{^Â?vgency was crushed in 2009 ]Â&#x;z`j ]ˆˆ_|]xz”{^j ”šj ÂĽz`_^\v_]`j ]xv”‡zxz_^j ]|]z{^xj ‡z§zˆz]{^j Œ‰j ”ˆ”Â&#x;ÂŒÂ”ÂŁ^j ]vÂ&#x;_`jš”v‡_^¤j ]Â&#x;zˆ^j^}]v_j {`z]ÂŁ^jÂ&#x;]z{j z{`Â?jš]zx}¤ ”vjzx^j\]vx¨j vzj ]{Š]j}]^j ˆ”{|jšÂ?Â&#x;_`j”§_vj\”]‡}z{|j ]{`j zˆˆ_|]ˆj q^}z{|j Œ‰j {`z]{jq^}_vÂ&#x;_{jx}]xjzxj^]‰^j `_\ˆ_x_j x}_j ‡]x‡}_^j ”šj zx^j ”¼{jq^}_vÂ&#x;_{¤ vv_^x^j ”šj {`z]{j q^}_vÂ&#x;_{j }]§_j ]{|_v_`j {`z]ÂŁ^j nearby southern state of ]Â&#x;zˆj ]`Â?j ]{`j ÂŒ_‡]Â&#x;_j ]j v_|z”{]ˆj z^^Â?_j z{j ‡]Â&#x;\]z|{z{|j š”vj x}_j {`z]{j |_{_v]ˆj_ˆ_‡xz”{jˆ]^xj \vzˆ¤

{]Â&#x;_j ÂŒÂ?j x}Â&#x;]{¤j Â?v”\_]{jšz}]`z^j}]§_jx]Š_{j an increasingly visible v”ˆ_jz{j j\v”\]|]{`]¤ }]xj x}_j v_{‡}j Â&#x;zˆzx]{x^j]\\_]v_`jÂ?{Â&#x;]^Š_`j in the video was an unu^Â?]ˆˆ‰j ÂŒv]“_{j Â&#x;”§_j Œ‰j x}_j |v”Â?\¤j ]^^zÂ&#x;j ]^v¨j ]{j _Âł\_vxj ”{j šz}]`j š”vj France24, said the dis\ˆ]‰j”šjš]‡_jÂĽ]^j´x”j^}”¼j the world that they have Â&#x;]{‰j _x}{z‡zxz_^j ]Â&#x;”{|j x}_zvjq|}x_v^¤j _j^__j\_”\ˆ_jšv”Â&#x;j ^z]¨jÂĽ_j^__j Â?v”\_]{^¨j v]ÂŒ^¨j]{`jx}_zvj ]zÂ&#x;jz^jx”j^}”¼jx}_‰j`”{ÂŁxj believe in ethnicities and nationalities and that x}_zvjÂŒ]{{_vjz^j ^ˆ]Â&#x;¤° ”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj ”L‡z]ˆ^j _^xzÂ&#x;]x_j x}]xj ”šj x}_j ¡¨œœœj French citizens who have fought in Syria and Iraq, Ă„º¸j ]v_j ‡Â?vv_{xˆ‰j x}_v_j ]{`j]xjˆ_]^xjÄÇj}]§_j`z_`¤j Meanwhile, British \”ˆz‡_j ]v_j z{§_^xz|]xz{|j ‡ˆ]zÂ&#x;^j x}]xj ]^^_vj Â?x}]{]¨j ]j Â&#x;_`z‡]ˆj ^xÂ?`_{xj šv”Â&#x;j ]v`zB¨j ÂĽ]^j also featured in the lat_^xj j §z`_”¤j Â?x}]{]j }]^j \v_§z”Â?^ˆ‰j ÂŒ__{j ^__{j z{j x}_j |v”Â?\ÂŁ^j \v”\]|]{`]j qˆÂ&#x;^¨j }_j Â?]v`z]{j v_\”vx^¤j }_j |v”Â?\ÂŁ^j videos also regularly in‡ˆÂ?`_j x}_j Â&#x;]{j Š{”¼{j ]^j Jihadi John, who has only ]\\_]v_`j Â&#x;]^Š_`j ÂŒÂ?xj ^\_]Š^jÂĽzx}j]j ”{`”{j]‡‡_{x¤

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Newswatch Times

Aaron Samuel has proved mettle – Erico



Nigeria, Germany chase Tottenham starlet


Aftermath of fracas in Congo:

Onazi reveals: Mikel hates me


Newswatch TIMES Sports/NEWS Emulate C/River, Anambra, Danagogo charges states ABUAD to host NPUGA




inister of Sports and Chairman, National Sports Commission, Dr. Tammy Danagogo has called on all State Governments and corporate organisations to key into the Transformation Agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan by helping to q^}j”Â?xjÂŒÂ?``z{|j^\”vx^jx]ˆents amongst the youths in the country. Speaking at the closing ceremony of the 7th National School Sports Festival, which ran between the 6th to the 16th of NovemÂŒ_v¨j¾œ¡Ă†jz{j xÂ?Š\”¨j _{Â?_j State, the Minister said: “I commend all States that took part in the Sports festival. I also urge all States to key into the Transformation Agenda of President Good-

ˆ�‡Šj Œ_ˆ_j ”{]x}]{j x”j q^}j out young sporting talents.� Dr. Danagogo described the hosting of the sporting event outside a State Capital as unique, saying “the hosting of the festival outside a State Capital is unique as it was designed to capture

Danagogo tasks contractors at Jaba Sports Centre


n line with the ongoing inspection of the implementation of the 2014 capital expenditure of the National Sports Commission (NSC), the Minister of Sports Dr. Tammy Danagogo has called on the contractors handling the construction of the mini sports centre at Chori in Jaba Local Government of Kaduna State to speed up work on the project so that it can be commissioned in January 2015. Dr. Danagogo made this call while inspecting the project at Jaba in Kaduna State on Tuesday. The Minister who was on the project site to see the progress of work awarded by the NSC, expressed satisfaction with the pace of work. He promised to approve

more funds for the contractor so as to enable him complete it before December 2014. “I am happy that the project is ongoing and satz^q_`j ÂĽzx}j x}_j \v”|v_^^j of work so far, If need be, more funds will be released so that the work is completed on time for commissioning,â€? he told the contractor handling the project. Earlier, the contractor, Mr. Tunde Alabi explained that the mini sports centre, which has an indoor sports hall and two outdoor courts for basketball, volleyball and tennis have a land area of 150 square metres.

_j]ˆ^”jˆ]Â&#x;_{x_`jx}_jqnancial challenges his company has been facing, to which the Minister promised to look into it through the prompt release of fund.

budding sports talents in the grassroots.� The Minister commended Senator David Mark for his support in the hosting of the festival, while explaining that the decision to take the event to the grassroots to hunt for budding talents was one of the cardinal decisions reached at the Presidential Retreat on Sports organised by President Goodluck Jonathan to develop sports in the country. He pledged that the Federal Government would continue to monitor the successful participants and introduce programmes to improve them; adding that all participants were winners and champions for participating and representing their States.


š_j ]ÂŒ]ˆ”ˆ]j {zversity, Ado-Ekiti Âą ²j }]^j ÂŒ__{j |z§_{j x}_j q{]ˆj |”j ]}_]`j to host the 6th edition of z|_vz]{j vz§]x_j {z§_vsity Games Association Âą ²¨j ^‡}_`Â?ˆ_`j x”j hold in December. ÂŁ^j }”^xz{|j vz|}xj ÂĽ]^jv_‡xzq_`j]xjx}_j_{`j”šj]j x}v__j`]‰j j‡”Â?{‡zˆj meeting held at the Talent z^‡”§_v‰j _{xv_¨j j campus in Ado Ekiti where the Association president, Akintunde Akinola and other council members in ]-_{`]{‡_jÂĽ_v_jÂŒvz_š_`jŒ‰j the Vice Chancellor, Professor Michael Ajisafe. Akinola, after being conducted round the sports facilities on ground with other council mem-

bers, expressed satisfaction on the standard of facilities on ground to host the games. Akinola, also the Director of sports at Achiev_v^j {z§_v^zx‰¨j ¼”j ^]z`ĂŒj ´ _ÂŁv_j z{j j x”j }”ˆ`j one of our quarterly meeting as well as to have a look at the sporting facility they have on ground that the school will showcase when 2015 Npuga Games begin in December. “We have gone round and we have seen their readiness. The founder, ]v_j š_j ]ÂŒ]ˆ”ˆ]j}]^j|z§_{j us his word that everything we have seen as lapses will be corrected before the date of the games. j ´ _j }]§_j qv^xj v”š_^sor of Physical and Health

Education in Nigeria, Prof Ajisafe as the acting vice chancellor of the institution, and he has given us his words, I want to believe them because they are reliable and credible people that will not rescind on their promises. “In fact, apart from their promises, what they have on ground presently is even enough to host the games except that for us to have standard performance where our athletes will be able to perform credibly at their peaks, we’re asking for more standard facility and I so much believe that the school is in position to improve on all these facility they have for now before the commencement of the games next year.�

Aftermath of fracas in Congo:

Onazi reveals: Mikel hates me

Kaduna hosts Custom Open Volleyball tourney

Martin Odiete, Abuja


ovember 29th has been picked for the second edition of the Custom Comptrolˆ_vÂœ _{_v]ˆj \_{j ”ˆˆ_‰ball Championship, which holds in Kaduna. The event which is aimed at discovering new talents for the country is being bankrolled by the Comptroller General of Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Abdullahi Dikko in collaboration with the Nigeria Volleyball Federaxz”{jÂą ²¤ According to the organisers, participating teams are expected to arrive Kaduna on or before November 28, 2014, a day ahead

of the opening ceremony with the event taking \ˆ]‡_j]xjx}_j }Â&#x;]`Â?j _ˆˆ”j Sports Complex and Murtala Mohammed Square in Kaduna respectively. Winners in both male and female categories of the one-week long event will cart home N500, 000 each team; while second and third placed teams in both male and female events will take home N300, 000 and N200, 000 respectively for their efforts. The Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) are defending champions of both male and female categories. The NSCDC male team defeated the Nigeria Customs team 3- 2 while their female team trashed the Nigeria Immigration Service 3-2 to claim the two trophies in the maiden edition.

“Â?ÂŒzÂ?Š_j |ÂĽÂ?_Š_j ÂĽ}”j shoved both players aside of each other. Speaking with Newswatch Sports, a close \]ˆj ”šj {]“zj ]{`j x]ˆ‰j Ephraim Nwosu based FIFA licensed agent,

”}{j |Â?j ^]z`j x}_v_j ÂĽ]^j uper Eagles mid- Â&#x;”v_j x”j x}_zvj q|}xj x}]{j q_ˆ`_v¨j |_{‰zj meets the eye. {]“zj }]^j ^_{^]“The feud between tionally revealed zŠ_ˆj ]{`j {]“zj `z`j {”xj that he was not ^x]vxj z{j ”{|”¤j {]“zj |_x^j having a cordial relation- on well with the rest of his ship with Chelsea mid- teammates except Mikel q_ˆ`_v¨j ”}{j ÂŒzj zŠ_ˆjÂŒ_- and I don’t really know ‡]Â?^_jx}_jš_ÂˆÂˆÂ”ÂĽjÂ&#x;z`q_ˆ`_vj why. I don’t know the hates him. cause of it and I don’t know The two Nigeria mid- whether to describe it as a q_ˆ`j xv”š]{^j ÂĽ_v_j ‡ˆ”^_j x”j natural hatred. To the best physical combat during last of my knowledge, all I can weekend’s 2-0 win against say is that Mikel is trying to the Red Devils of Congo in be unnecessarily bossy to Pointe Noire but for timely {]“zj]{`jx}_j‰”Â?{|jÂ&#x;z`intervention of defender, q_ˆ`_vj`”_^{ÂŁxjˆzŠ_jzx¨°j |Â?j


disclosed. }_j ¤ ¤j ]“z”j Â&#x;z`q_ˆ`_vj ÂĽ]^j ‡”{^\z‡Â?”Â?^ˆ‰j missing in the Super Eagles training prior to Wednesday’s Nations Cup qualiq_vj ‡ˆ]^}j ]|]z{^xj ”Â?x}j Africa and was earlier on a big doubt for the game. No explanation was given for his strange absence Œ‰j x_]Â&#x;j ”L‡z]ˆ^j _§_{j ]^j it was speculated that he Â&#x;z|}xj}]§_jÂŒ__{j^]‡vzq‡_`j for Mikel by coach Stephen Keshi in order not to jeop]v`z“_j z|_vz]ÂŁ^j‡}]{‡_^j”šj beating South Africa in the q{]ˆjžÂ?]ˆzq‡]xz”{j|]Â&#x;_¤j {j {]“zÂŁ^j ]ÂŒ^_{‡_¨j Sharks FC of Port Harcourt Â&#x;z`q_ˆ`_v¨j ”^_\}j ]x}aniel was tipped as his re\ˆ]‡_Â&#x;_{x¤j Â?xj |Â?j ÂĽ]^j quick to say that the non-

availability of the 21-yearold was unconnected to his problem with Mikel. ´ xÂŁ^j xvÂ?_j x}]xj {]“zj was missing in camp on Tuesday, but it was due to personal issues he had to ]-_{`jx”jÂŒ_š”v_jx}_j|]Â&#x;_¤j It absolutely has nothing to do with last weekend squabble involving the two players, which has since been resolved by the coach. “I like the way Keshi handled the issue. He showed he was like a father to them,’’ he stated. zŠ_ˆj}]^j}]`jš]‡_œ”Bjz{j the past with several of his Eagles teammates including Joseph Yobo, Vincent Enyeama and Emmanuel Emenike with pundits describing the Chelsea player as egoistic sometimes.


Abebe cricket championship kicks off in Abuja



Aaron Samuel has proved mettle – Erico By Francis Ajuonuma


x-international, Joe Erico says new Super Eagles forward, Aaron Samuel has proved his critics wrong following his star performances in two 2015 AFCON qualzq_v^j vjx}_j ]| _^¨j_^\_ z] jz{j ]^xj ]x v`] £^j|] _j against Red Devils of Congo Brazzaville in Pointe-

Martin Odiete, Abuja


}_j zx j j ¹]j is set to host the maiden edition of x}_j _{v j _ _j _ ] _j vz _xj ]{`j }{j _ _j ] _j vz _xj }] \z {ships. The National president of the Nigeria vz _xj _`_v]xz {j ± ²¨j {|v¤j _ ]j {yeama who revealed this z{j ¹]j ^]z`j x}_j }] pionships, which would |_xj {`_v¥] jx}z^j¥__ end and upper one re^\_ xz§_ j ]v_j _z{|j ]{ v _`j j v¤j j }{j _ _j z{j ] v]xz {j ¥zx}jx}_j z|_vz]j vz _xj Federation (NCF). He said the purpose of the championships z^j x j v_]x_j _{] z{|j _{vironment for Nigerian youths showcase their talents while discovering new ones for the national teams. “Sportscreates employment; so what we z{j vz _xj z^j ` z{|j z^j x j \v §z`_j x}_j _{] z{|j environment that will vz{|j ] xj \v ^\_vzx j for those who play the game. ´ }z^j ¥__ _{`¨j _ ] _j\ ] _v^j¥z j _j {§_v|z{|jz{j ¹]j vjx}_j q{] ^j j _{v j ] _j Cup championship ]{`j {_³xj ¥__ _{`¨j ¥_j will have national male championship, tagged ½ }{j _ _j \£j \ ] B¤j xj¥z jx] _jx}_j^] _j format with the female \ ] B¿j ¥}z }j _]{^j zxj ¥z j _j]j {] j\ ] j B¤ “The winners in each zone will converge in ¹]j vj v {` v z{j games to determine the overall winner. These are all in preparation to get hunt for talented

players that will represent Nigeria in various international competitions coming up soon. “This particular event z^j §_v j {z¾ _j _ ] ^_j in the last 21 years, this z^j x}_j qv^xj xz _j ¥_j ]v_j having private sector coming in to support us. vjx} ^_j¥} j { ¥jx}_j }z^x v j j vz _xj §_v j ¥_ ¨j j { ¥j¥_j}]§_j {_j v¤j }{j _ _¤j

}{j _ _jz^jx}_j^_{z vj v x}_vj j _{v j _ _¤ “Henry was the former chairman of Edo vz _xj ^^ z]xz {¤j _j passed away last year ]{`j x}_j _ `_vj v x}_v¨j

}{j _ _j `_ z`_`j to donate a cup in his {] _¤j }_j \j ¥z j _j competed for annually for four years. At the same time, the male championship is equally ^\ {^ v_`j j x}_j ^] _j ]{¨j v¤j }{j _ _j ]^j his own cup, which he intends to sponsor annually for the next four years,” he stated.

Noire. Noire. Samuel, who stars for Guangzhou R&F of China, was a delight to ¥]x }jz{j z{x_ zv_j]^j}_j ] _j Bjx}_j _{ }jz{jx}_j^_ {`j}] j xx j^ v_jx}_j \_vj ]| _^j^_ {`j| ] jx}]xj{]z _`jx}_j _`j _§z ^£j x j^ v_jx}_j \_vj ]| _^j^_ {`j| ] jx}]xj{]z _`jx}_j _`j _§z ^£j \ ^^z _jq|}xj ] jz{jx}_j|] _¤jj \ \ ^^z _jq|}xj ] jz{jx}_j|] _¤jj Newswatch Times Sports recall that earlier-on,Nigerian ]{^¥_v_j vzxz ] j j ] _ £^j v_ _§]{ _j z{j x}_j \_vj ]| _^j ` _jx jx}_j ] xjx}]xj}_j\ z_^j}z^j x ] jz{j]j ¥ jv]x_`j }z` ` _jx jx}_j ] xjx}]xj}_j\ z_^j}z^j x ] jz{j]j ¥ jv]x_`j }znese n ne se Super League. vz ¨j¥}z _j^\_] z{|j¥zx}j _¥^¥]x }j z _^j \ vx^j vz ¨j¥}z _j^\_] z{|j¥zx}j _¥^¥]x }j z _^j \ vx^ on n the quality of players in the Super Eagles, adx}_j z-_`j x}]xj ]v {j ] _ £^j \_v v ]{ _^j z{j x}_ games g ga mes against Sudan and Congo Brazzaville \ ] _vj }]§_j ^} ¥{j x}]xj ¥}]xj ]-_v^j z{j ]j \ ] _v }] is his quality and not in the league he plays p pl ays in. ´ £ j }]\\ j vj ]v {j ] _ £^j\_vformances in two matches for the Super Ea| _^¿j }_j }]^j __{j fantastic. He was never given a chance and some Nigerians wanted to crucify Coach x_\}_{j _^}zj vjz{§zxz{|j]j }z{_^_ ]^_`j\ ] _vjx jx}_jx_] ¨j xj}_j}]^j\v §_`jx j _j]j¾ ] zx j\ ] _v¿j| `j_{ |}j vjz{x_v{]xz {] j x ] ¤ ´ zx}j }z^j \_v v ]{ _^j ]|]z{^xj `]{j ]{`j {| ¨j £ j ^] j }_£^j \v §_`j}z^j vzxz ^j¥v {|¤j _£^j]j¾ ] zx j\ ] _v¨j}_j}]^jx}_j\} ^z ] j \v_^_{ _jx j _j]j| `j^xvz _vj]{`j¥zx}j v_j ]x }_^jzx£^j { j]j¾ _^xz {j jxz _j _ v_j}_j` \^j }z{]j vjx \j v \_]{j ¨°j vz j^]z`¤ The Jogo Bonito exponent also had some words of praise for Az z _j |¥ _ ¥_¨j¥} j¥]^j]jv_§_ ]xz {jz{j z{x_ zv_j]^j}_j ]v^}] _`j x}_j `_ _{ _j ¥_ j z{j x}_j ] ^_{ _j j x}_j \v_ _vv_`j _{xv_j ] ¨j _{{_x}j _v ¤ ´ j ¥]^j ] ^ j z \v_^^_`j ¥zx}j |¥ _ ¥_¿j }_j `z`j §_v j ¥_ j]{`j j¥]{xjx j _ z_§_jx}]xj}_j ]{j` j _-_v¤j j}_j {__`^j z^j v_j \ ] z{|j \\ vx {zxz_^j x j }_ \j z `j }z^j {q`_{ _j]{`j}_j¥z j _jv_]` ¨°j}_j]``_`¤

Nigeria, Germany chase Tottenham starlet


_]{]{j _{{_-^j z^j not a name that ]{ j z{j x ] j circle are accustomed to, xj x}_j ·¸ _]v `j }]^j ^\]v _`j ]j x ^^ _j _x¥__{j Nigeria, England and Germany. { ¥{j vj }z^j z^x_ving pace and technique, the exciting winger has __{j ]j v_§_ ]xz {j vj x}_j Spurs youth team; leading them to victory at an Under-17 tournament that had Real Madrid, Juventus and Arsenal. The Spurs youngster ¾ ] zq_^j vj ] j x}v__j {]tions through his German mother, Nicole, Nigerian ]x}_v¨j z }]v`j]{`j _z{|j v{jz{j {| ]{`¤ He has already played for the German national

Under-16 team in friendlies {| ]{`j] ^ j __{j {j{ xj including against Holland x j _j x ]{_ §_v_`j j ]{`jx}vz _j¹ z{_`j \jz{jx}_zvj Germany, have responded training camps. j |z§z{|j _{{_-^j |] _^j

with their youth team in their recent Victory Shield matches against Wales and Northern Ireland.

Nigeria were the last to sound out the teenager with manager Stephen _^}zj ] z{|j x}_j £^j dad, Richard to see if his son will represent Nigeria. Although his Dad is in constant touch with Stephen Keshi, he insists Nigeria is a distant reality for { ¥¨j xj}]^{£xjv _`j xj his son representing the Super Eagles in the future. _{{_-^j ]`j z{^z^x^j }z^j^ {¨j¥} j^\_] ^j _{xj German, is closer to playing for England due to the presence of his fellow Spurs teammates in the England set up. Under FIFA rules, until he wins a senior competixz§_j ]\j}_j¥z j _j_ z|z _j to play for any nation he is _ z|z _j v¤


Sports/ ts/


Xavi to manage Barca under Laporta


t is the news that all Barcelona purists would love to hear—that club legend, Xavi Hernandez will one day be the coach of the football club. Marca highlighted Kicker’s claim that Xavi could be installed as the Camp Nou boss if Joan Laporta is made club president once again when he stands for re-election in 2016. In recent times, Xavi has spoken about his desire to coach Barca. Speaking to Jamie Carragher for the Daily Mail, Xavi professed his wish when asked if he would like the job in the future, but he also reiterated his love of playing the game: “I’d love to, yes. I’d like to remain in football forever. It would always have to be with Barcelona. That’s where my heart and feelings are, just like you with Liverpool. But that (management) is for the future. “Right now, I love to play football siempre, siempre (always, always). When you’re a kid playing, you enjoy having the ball, don’t you? All I ever want to do is have the ball at my feet, bossing the game.� Marca also reported that


Messi hints on Camp Nou exit

Laporta currently tops the poll for Barcelona’s next president, and this could see Xavi’s dream appointment become reality. The player has been a }Â?|_jz{›Â?_{‡_jz{jx}_j‡ˆÂ?ÂŒÂŁ^j successes in the last decade, but his time featuring on the team’s shirt is coming to an end. Xavi has seen his role further reduced in the past 12 months and is now used more regularly as a substitute. This year, he has started just four La Liga matches for the team and has come ”Bjx}_jÂŒ_{‡}j]jšÂ?vx}_vjš”Â?vj times—amassing a total of 422 minutes of playing time—per The years are catchz{|j Â?\j ÂĽzx}j x}_j Â&#x;z`q_ˆ`_vj and at 34 years old he is no longer an automatic pick. Â?xj }z^j z{›Â?_{‡_j z^j }Â?|_j at Barca and, much like Ryan Giggs at Manchester United, the club will surely endeavour to keep him in§Â”ˆ§_`j ÂĽzx}j x}_j qv^xj x_]Â&#x;j after he retires. Laporta is a clever politician and using Xavi’s name is a fantastic way to gain x}_j§Â”x_^j]{`j‡”{q`_{‡_j}_j needs to return to his former role. Marca also comment-


arcelona l ffan fans may b be fforced d to accept the h possibility ibili Messi will not remain at the Catalan club that Lionel M remainder of his playing days following some for the rema comments from the Blaugrana forward. revealing co “Today I live in the present. I want to make a great year and win titles with Barcelona. And nothing more. Then Football takes many turns‌ While I always said we’ll see. Footbal that I would aalways stay there, sometimes not everyhappens the way you want. thing happe “Yes, I ssaid it many times. That if I had my way I would sstay forever. But as I just said, it’s not given that you get everything you like. always g More so in football which is constantly changing many things happen. It’s complicated.â€? and so m At 27 years of age, the move may still be a ˆ”{|jÂĽ]‰j”Bjš”vj Â?z^j {vzžÂ?_ÂŁ^j‡_{xv_\z_‡_¨jÂŒÂ?xj the realisation of Messi exiting the Camp Nou is gradually falling into place. Last year, the mercurial talent told ESPN’s Spanish language channel (h/t Sky Sports) that he would return to his native Argentina one day, saying: “I don’t know how long it will take but I will return to Newell’s. I want to play Argentine football because I know what it means to my country. The truth is that I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. I do not know how long I could play but it’s what I want.â€? After spending the last 14 years in Catal”{z]¨jzxÂŁ^j`zL‡Â?ˆxjx”j_{§z^z”{j]j _^^zœˆ_^^j Barcelona, the South American having become so engrained with the club. It’s no coincidence that their rise in recent years has coincided with a period in which Messi became Â?{`”Â?ÂŒx_`ˆ‰jx}_j¼”vˆ`ÂŁ^jq{_^xj\ˆ]‰_v¤j _xv”j`_x]zˆ^jx}_j dynamo’s achievements to date, as well as some of the records he’s likely to break in future: ”vj ]ˆˆj x}_j |ˆzĂ–j ]{`j |ˆ]Â&#x;”Â?vj ”šj }z^j \]{z^}j x_{Â?v_¨j however, there have been sour notes during the maestro’s Camp Nou career. Messi is currently under investigation for defrauding more than ÂŁ3.2 million by the Spanish state, but his father Jorge last month told Spanish radio, per Reuters (h/t Daily Mail), that his son has nothing to do ÂĽzx}j^Â?‡}jÂ&#x;]-_v^¤

It’s ultimate to play for Catalans –Suarez Laporta dismisses Mourinho rumours


oan Laporta has rubbished speculation he will look to take Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho to Barcelona if elected president at Camp Nou. Laporta is set to stand for election in 2016 having become disillusioned with the direction of the Spanish club under the stewardship of Josep Maria Bartomeu. Reports in Spain had suggested that Laporta planned on bringing Mourinho back to the

club as manager if successfully elected, the Portuguese having worked as a coach with the Blaugrana between 1996 and 2000. Mourinho has since gone on to manage Barcelona’s great rivals Real Madrid and it looks unlikely he will make a sensational move back to Camp Nou after Laporta denied having any inter_^xjz{j\Â?-z{|jx}_j }_ˆ^_]j manager in the dugout. “My style of coaching is with the [Johan] vÂ?‰Bj \}zˆ”^”\}‰¨°j Laporta told L’Esportiu. “Mourinho is a great professional and I respect him, but I did not mention him with Jorge Mendes, a person with whom I have a good friendship for many years. “From time to time, we talk about things.â€?


triker Luis Suarez says playing for Barcelona is the ultimate experience and something he dreamed of as a child. The Uruguayan, who was signed from Liverpool before the start of this season for a reported â‚Ź80m, spoke of his teammates at the Camp Nou and his friendship with Lionel Messi and Javier Mascherano. “For me it’s the ultimate to play for Barcelona,â€? said Suarez in an interview with Fox Sports. “When I was young I travelled to Barcelona and was looking in the shops at all the club articles and I still don’t believe it now. It seems unreal. “My teammates are all alike but it’s true I have Â&#x;”v_j ]-]‡}Â&#x;_{xj x”j ^”Â&#x;_j than others, although that is because of cultural things. “I have (traditional South American drink) Mate in the mornings with Messi and Mascherano, but I honestly get along with everyone.â€? Suarez also spoke of his

football idols when he was a youngster in Uruguay. “I always admired Enzo Francescoli. I had his shirt with the No 10 on and his boots. “I liked Gabriel Batistuta too for the way he played the game. He scored goals, helped out and fought for everything. “He was not as raw as I am and was more technical. I don’t know if we have similar characteristics but I really noticed him.�

Barca under pressure – Vitolo


evilla winger, Vitolo claims all the pressure will be on Barcelona when the two clubs meet at the Camp Nou on Satur-

day. The former Las Palmas player does not believe, however, that there is a crisis in the Blaugrana camp. “Barcelona are always obliged to win but we also have to keep ourselves near the top of the table, although we know it’s hard to take something positive from teams like Barca and Real Madrid,â€? he told Sevilla’s ofq‡z]ˆjÂĽ_ÂŒ^zx_¤ “But the pressure is all on them. We’ll have to keep it tight but I think we can cause them problems on the ‡”Â?{x_vÂœ]-]‡Š¤

“Barca will always be Barca and they have highžÂ?]ˆzx‰j \ˆ]‰_v^j ÂĽ}”j ]v_j worth a lot of millions. “We’ll have to play a perfect match, to do something incredible, if we are to win there. “Against Celta Vigo they had a lot of chances and hit the woodwork many times. The ball didn’t go in and Celta had one or two opportunities and they scored. “We need to play a similar match so it’s not their day and we make things `zL‡Â?ˆxjš”vjx}_Â&#x;¨°j}_jÂ&#x;]z{tained.

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Transfer scandal: Marseille officials in police net


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Lahm out for three months


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Golovkin’s trainer writes off Murray


bel Sanchez, trainer ”šj ^Â?\_v^x]vj q|}x_vj Gennady Golovkin, feels that while Martin Murray is a worthy chalˆ_{|_vjš”vj vz\ˆ_j ¨j}_jÂĽzˆˆj ^Â?B_vjx}_j^]Â&#x;_jš]x_j]^j_§_v‰j other boxer who has faced }z^jq|}x_vjÂĽ}_{jx}_‰jÂ&#x;__xj on February 21st in Monte Carlo. ´ ]vxz{j z^j ]{j ]‡‡”Â&#x;\ˆz^}_`j q|}x_v¤j j _j }]`j ]j `v]ÂĽjÂĽzx}jÂą _ˆz³²j xÂ?vÂ&#x;jz{j _vÂ&#x;]{‰j ÂĽ}z‡}j j x}z{Šj }_j ¼”{j ]{`j }_j ÂŒ_]xj Âą _v|z”²j ]vxz{_“j z{j v|_{xz{]j ÂŒÂ?xj ÂĽ]^j v”ŒŒ_`¤j j _Âł\_‡xj Â?vray will be in shape and v_]`‰jš”vjx}_j‡}]ˆˆ_{|_jÂŒÂ?xj ”ˆ”§ÂŠz{j z^j ”{j ]j `zB_v_{xj \ˆ]{_xjvz|}xj{”¼¤j ”ˆ”§ÂŠz{j z^j ]j ^\_‡z]ˆj Šz{`j ”šj q|}x_vj x}]xj ‡”Â&#x;_^j ]ˆ”{|j _§_v‰j ¾œj

‰_]v^¤j j _Âł\_‡xj Â?vv]‰j x”j xv‰j x”j q|}xj }zÂ&#x;j ÂŒÂ?xj ”{‡_j ”ˆ”§ÂŠz{j “_v”_^j z{j ”{j }zÂ&#x;j x}_{j zxÂŁ^j {”xj |”z{|j x”j ÂŒ_j ]j ˆ”{|jq|}x¨°j ]{‡}_“j^x]x_`¤ While Golovkin is still ^_]v‡}z{|j š”vj ]j Â&#x;]vžÂ?__j ÂĽz{¨j }_j }]^j Â&#x;]`_j Â?\j š”vj žÂ?]ˆzx‰jÂĽzx}jžÂ?]{xzx‰j]^j}_j }]^jš”Â?|}xj^_§_{jxzÂ&#x;_^j”§_vj the past two years. j Ăž Ăž j ˆz|}xj }_]§Â‰ÂĽ_z|}xj ‡}]Â&#x;\z”{j _v|_‰j ”§]ˆ_§j ]ˆ^”j }]`j `zL‡Â?ˆx‰j ^_‡Â?vz{|j ]j ÂŒz|j q|}xjÂ?{xzˆj}_j`_š_]x_`j _v{]v`j ”\Šz{^j ”{j ”§_Â&#x;ber 8th. ]{‡}_“jš__ˆ^jx}]xj ”§]ˆ_§jz^j]j|v_]xjq|}x_vjÂŒÂ?xjx}]xj }_jz^{ÂŁxj”{jx}_j^]Â&#x;_jˆ_§_ˆj]^j Golovkin and that it is even }]v`_vjš”vj}z^jq|}x_vjx”jˆ]{`j ]jÂ&#x;_|]jq|}x¤j

Masternak confident ahead of Mormeck showdown

he hotly anticipated ‡vÂ?z^_vÂĽ_z|}xj ‡ˆ]^}j between Mateusz Masternak and Jean Marc ”vÂ&#x;_‡Šj }]^j ÂŒ__{j ‡”{qvÂ&#x;_`j š”vj _‡_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj ¸j ]xj x}_j ]ˆ]z^j`_^j \”vx^jz{j ^^‰œ ˆ_^Âœ ”Â?ˆz{_]Â?³¨j ]Â?x^Âœ`_Âœ Seine, France. Masternak, who returns ÂšÂ”ÂˆÂˆÂ”ÂĽz{|j x}_j š”Â?vx}Âœv”Â?{`j ^x”\\]|_j ”šj _{j ^]š”]}¨j z^jv_]`‰jx”j|_xj}z^j¼”vˆ`jxzxˆ_j]Â&#x;ÂŒzxz”{^jÂŒ]‡Šj”{jxv]‡Šj ÂĽ}_{j }_j xv]§_ˆ^j x”j ]Â?x^Âœ `_Âœ _z{_jx”jš]‡_jx}_jˆ_|_{`]v‰j v_{‡}j‡vÂ?z^_vÂĽ_z|}xj”{j }z^j}”Â&#x;_jxÂ?vš¤j ½£ ”vÂ&#x;_‡Šj z^j ]j |v_]xj boxer,’’ said Masternak. ½£ _j Â&#x;]‰j }]§_j ^xvÂ?||ˆ_`j ]xj }_]§Â‰ÂĽ_z|}xj ÂŒÂ?xj ]^j ]j ‡vÂ?z^_vÂĽ_z|}xj}_jz^j^xzˆˆj§_v‰j `]{|_v”Â?^¤j j ÂĽzˆˆj {__`j x”j ÂŒ_j¡œœĂ&#x;j\v_\]v_`¨jÂŒÂ?xj jÂŒ_ˆz_§_jz{jÂ&#x;‰^_ˆšj]{`j jÂŒ_ˆz_§_j j‡]{jÂŒ_]xj}zÂ&#x;¤j

Newswatch TIMES



½£ j}]§_j{”jš_]vj”šjq|}xz{|j z{j v]{‡_¤j j ÂŒÂ”Âłz{|j vz{|j z^j ]j ÂŒÂ”Âłz{|j vz{|j {”j Â&#x;]-_vjÂĽ}_v_jz{jx}_j¼”vˆ`j ‰”Â?j ]v_¤j j }]§_j š”Â?|}xj ]ÂĽ]‰j šv”Â&#x;j }”Â&#x;_j ÂŒ_š”v_j ]{`j j Š{”¼j ÂĽ}]xj x”j _Âłpect. ½£ }z^jz^j]jÂ&#x;]^^z§_jq|}xj š”vjÂ&#x;_¤j šj jÂĽz{j jÂĽzˆˆj\Â?xj Â&#x;‰^_ˆšjÂŒ]‡Šjz{jx}_jÂ&#x;zÂłjš”vj a shot at a world title. But ]xjx}_jÂ&#x;”Â&#x;_{x¨j j‡]{ÂŁxjvz^Šj ˆ””Šz{|j \]^xj x}z^j q|}x¤j }z^jz^jx}_jÂ&#x;”^xjzÂ&#x;\”vx]{xj q|}xj ”šj Â&#x;‰j ‡]v__v¤j xÂŁ^j ]j q|}xj jÂ&#x;Â?^xjÂĽz{¤j }_j ”ˆz^}j½ ]^x_vÂŁj}]^j ]jx”Â?|}jx]^Šj]}_]`j”šj}zÂ&#x;¤j

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Pacquiao to concentrate on Algieri’s midsection


\j ]|]z{^xj ]{other tall and hefty foe, expect Manny ]‡žÂ?z]”j x”j |”j š”vjx}_jÂ&#x;z`Âœ^_‡xz”{jÂĽ}_{j}_j ‡ˆ]^}_^jÂĽzx}j }vz^j ˆ|z_vzjz{j x}_zvj ”vˆ`j ”³z{|j v|]{z“]xz”{j Âą ²j ÂĽ_ˆx_vÂĽ_z|}xj xzxˆ_jÂ&#x;]x‡}j”{j ”§_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj¾Äj ]xj ”x]zj v_{]j z{^z`_j }_j Venetian. ]‡žÂ?z]ӣ^j xv]z{_vj v_`die Roach bared that they ]v_j ˆ””Šz{|j x”j }zxj ˆ|z_vzj z{j x}_j Â&#x;z`^_‡xz”{¨j x}_j ^]Â&#x;_j ^xv]x_|‰j x}_j zˆz\z{”j ‡}]Â&#x;pion used in his win over {x”{z”j ]v|]vzx”j z{j x}_zvj ”vˆ`j ”³z{|j ”{š_`_v]tion (WBC) super welterÂĽ_z|}xjq|}xjz{j¾œ¡œ¤j ´ _ÂŁv_jx]v|_xz{|jx}_jÂ&#x;z`^_‡xz”{¨°j ”]‡}j ^]z`j Â?_^`]‰jÂ&#x;”Â&#x;_{x^jÂŒ_š”v_j ]‡žÂ?z]”j\ˆÂ?{|_`jz{x”jx}_jq{]ˆjˆ_|j of his preparation, where he `z`j^_§_v]ˆjÂ&#x;z{Â?x_^j”šjÂ&#x;z-^j and another round of sparvz{|¤j ´ }_j Â&#x;”^xj zÂ&#x;\”vx]{xj x}z{|jz^jx”j¼”vŠj”{j}z^jŒ”`‰¤j

_j }]^j x}_j }_z|}x¨j ÂŒÂ?xj }_j `”_^{ÂŁxj }]§_j |””`j `_š_{^_¤j

z^j Œ”`‰j z^j ]ÂˆÂĽ]‰^j ÂĽz`_Âœ

”\_{¤j _j}]§_jx”j_Âł\ˆ”zxjzx¤°j }_j ]ˆˆj”šj ]Â&#x;_jxv]z{_vj ]``_`j x}]xj _]Â&#x;j ]‡žÂ?z]”j }]^j v]{j ]j |vÂ?_ˆz{|¨j ^_§_{Âœ ÂĽ__Šjxv]z{z{|j‡]Â&#x;\jz{j _{eral Santos City, where their \vzÂ&#x;]v‰j š”‡Â?^j ÂĽ]^j x”j \v_\]v_j ]‡žÂ?z]”j]|]z{^xjx]ˆˆ_v¨j heftier foes. ´ _j }]`j ]j |””`j ‡]Â&#x;\j ]{`j |””`j ^\]vvz{|j \]vx{_v^¨°j}_j^]z`¤j

“We don’t have any ‡”{‡_v{^j |”z{|j z{x”j x}z^j q|}x¤j _ÂŁv_j §_v‰j \v_\]v_`¤j jÂ&#x;]`_j^Â?v_j ]{{‰j|_x^j]{j z{x_{^_j xv]z{z{|j x”j \v_\]v_j }zÂ&#x;j]|]z{^xj]jÂŒz||_vj”\\”{_{xjˆzŠ_j ˆ|z_vz¤°j Reports have it that PacžÂ?z]”j v]{j ˆzŠ_j ]j ÂĽ_ˆˆœ”zˆ_`j Â&#x;]‡}z{_j`Â?vz{|jx}_j‡]Â&#x;\¤j {jš]‡x¨j}_jv_\”vx_`ˆ‰j^_{xj }z^j^\]vvz{|j\]vx{_v¨j¸ÂœÂšÂ””xÂœ

Cleverly hungry for Huck rematch

]x}]{j ˆ_§_vˆ‰j ^]‰^j }_j ÂĽzˆˆj ÂŒ_]xj ”{‰j _ˆˆ_ÂĽj z{j x}_j ˆ]-_vj v”Â?{`^j ÂĽ}_{j x}_‰j š]‡_j_]‡}j”x}_vj]|]z{j”{j ]xÂ?v`]‰¨j]{`j}_j ÂĽ]{x^j]jxzxˆ_jq|}xjÂĽzx}j‡vÂ?z^_vÂĽ_z|}xj‡}]Â&#x;\z”{j ]v‡”j Â?‡Šj{_Âłx¤ ˆ_§_vˆ‰j]{`j _ˆˆ_ÂĽjÂĽzˆˆjÂ&#x;__xjz{j z§_v\””ˆjz{j ]jv_Â&#x;]x‡}j”šjx}_zvj jˆz|}xÂœ}_]§Â‰ÂĽ_z|}xjxzxˆ_j q|}xjÂœj]jŒ”Â?x¨jx}_j _ˆ^}Â&#x;]{j¼”{j”{j\”z{x^¤j And 27-year-old, who would be happy to xv]§_ˆjx”j _vÂ&#x;]{‰jx”j|”jÂ?\j]|]z{^xj Â?‡Š¨j‡ˆ]zÂ&#x;^j his next opponent should retire when he is x}v”Â?|}jÂĽzx}j}zÂ&#x;¤ ´ jx}z{Šjx}_jq|}xjÂĽzˆˆjÂŒ_j^zÂ&#x;zˆ]vjx”jx}_jqv^x¨jÂŒÂ?xj Â&#x;”v_j_Âł\ˆ”^z§_¤j jÂŒ_ˆz_§_jÂ&#x;‰j^xv”{|_vjqx{_^^jÂĽzˆˆj ÂĽ_]vj}zÂ&#x;j`”¼{¨j]{`j ÂŁÂˆÂˆj|_xjx}_jˆ]x_j^x”\\]|_¨£j Cleverly said. ´ šj j|_xj]jv_\_]xjÂĽz{j]|]z{^xj}zÂ&#x;¨jx}z^jxzÂ&#x;_j ]xj‡vÂ?z^_vÂĽ_z|}x¨j}_j^}”Â?ˆ`jšÂ?^xjv_xzv_j]{`j]`Â&#x;zxj x}]xj }_ÂŁ^j ˆ”^xj x”j x}_j ÂŒ_-_vj Â&#x;]{¤j _ÂŁ^j\Â?xj}zÂ&#x;^_ˆšjÂ?\j”{j ]j \_`_^x]ˆj ÂŒÂ?xj ÂŁÂ&#x;j |”z{|j x”j ÂŒ_]xj}zÂ&#x;j]|]z{¤£ ^j ÂĽ_ˆˆj ]^j v_š_v_{‡z{|j x”j x]Š_j ]‡žÂ?z]ӣ^j j ¼”vˆ`j ÂĽ_ˆx_vÂĽ_z|}xj xzxˆ_j Â?‡Š¨j ˆ_§_vˆ‰j ÂĽ]^j ]ˆ^”j ]^Š_`j]Œ”Â?xj _v|_‰j ”§]ˆ_§¨j ”{j ”§_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj¾Ä¤ who knocked Cleverly out last year.

_j ]``_`ĂŒj ´ j ¼”Â?ˆ`j šÂ?Â&#x;\j ]xj x}_j ‡}]{‡_j x”j q|}xj for a second world title in a ^_‡”{`j `z§z^z”{¨j x}]xÂŁ^j Â&#x;‰j |”]ˆ¤j ÂŁ`j }]§_j {”j \v”Œˆ_Â&#x;j |”z{|j x”j _vÂ&#x;]{‰j x”j q|}xj ]v‡”j Â?‡Š¤ ´ zx}j ”§]ˆ_§¨j £§_j ^]z`j š”vj ]j ˆ”{|j xzÂ&#x;_j x}]xj }_ÂŁ^j ]j `zB_v_{xj ÂŒv__`¤j _ÂŁ^j ]{j _³‡_\xz”{]ˆj q|}x_vj ]{`j ]j |v_]xj ÂŒÂ”Âł_v¤j ÂŁ`j ˆ”§_j the opportunity to have a v_Â&#x;]x‡}j ]|]z{^xj }zÂ&#x;j ]{`j ]§_{|_j x}_j ”{ˆ‰j `_š_]xj £§_j }]`jz{jÂ&#x;‰j‡]v__v¤°j

Algieri not affected by Roach trash talk


nbeatean Chris Al|z_vzj }]^j v_‡_z§_`j his fair share of ‡vzxz‡z^Â&#x;j]}_]`j”šj}z^jxzxˆ_j q|}xj ]|]z{^xj ‡}]Â&#x;\z”{j ]{{‰j ]‡žÂ?z]”¤j ]‡žÂ?z]ӣ^j xv]z{_vj Freddie Roach has been ”{_j ”šj ˆ|z_vzÂŁ^j ‡”{^x]{xj ‡vzxz‡^¨j x}v”¼z{|j §_vÂŒ]ˆj š]ÂŒ^j]xjx}_j‡}]ˆˆ_{|_vj_§_ry now and then. xj ”{_j \”z{x¨j x}_j ]ˆˆj ”šj ]Â&#x;_j xv]z{_vj _§_{j `_^‡vzÂŒ_`j ˆ|z_vzj]^j]j´vÂ?{{_vjÂĽzx}j]j|””`jš]ÂŒ¤°j {j }z^j Â&#x;”^xj v_‡_{xj ^x]x_Â&#x;_{x¨j ”]‡}j ÂĽ_{xj on record to say that Pac-

¡œj x]{j ]vx‰{z”Â?Š¨j x”j x}_j canvas twice and asked for an extra four-round sparvz{|j ÂĽzx}j zŠx”vj ”^x”ˆj ÂŒ_š”v_j ›‰z{|j x”j x}z^j }z{_^_j |]Â&#x;Œˆz{|j‡zx‰jˆ]x_j ”{`]‰¤j And a day after his arrival, he worked out inside his suite to break a sweat before x]Šz{|j }z^j ˆÂ?{‡}j ]{`j |”z{|j for another afternoon workout.

žÂ?z]”j ÂĽzˆˆj ”{ˆ‰j {__`j ”{_j round to dispose of Al|z_vz¤j Â?xj]‡‡”v`z{|jx”j ˆ|z_vz¨j ]ˆˆj x}_j xv]^}j x]ˆŠj šv”Â&#x;j ”]‡}j `”_^j {”xj Â&#x;_]{j ]j x}z{|¤j ´ _ÂŁ^jÂĽ]^xz{|j}z^jxzÂ&#x;_¤j j`”{ÂŁxj_§_{jv_]`jx}”^_jv_\”vx^¨°j ˆ|z_vzjx”ˆ`j ”³z{^‡_{_¤Â‡Â”Â&#x;¤j “Everyday it’s a new x}z{|jÂŒÂ?xjx}_‰j`”{ÂŁxjÂ&#x;]Š_j ]j `zB_v_{‡_j ‡”Â&#x;_j q|}xj {z|}x¤j ]‰Œ_jzxj¼”vŠ_`j”{j ”x}_vj|Â?‰^¨jÂŒÂ?xjzxÂŁ^j{”xj|”z{|jx”j¼”vŠj”{jÂ&#x;_¤°j ˆ|z_vzj z^j ]ˆv_]`‰j z{j ]‡]Â?j ]{`j ÂĽzˆˆj ]-_Â&#x;\xj



MAXWELL ODITTA Head of Politics


Group vows to mobilize youths for Jonathan’s re-election NNAH DOUGLAS, Abuja ollowing his achievement in key sectors of the economy, one of the over ·¶¨¶¶¶j L z] jv_|z^x_v_`j Pro-Jonathan Support Groups, Nigerian Youths Network for Goodluck Continuity (NYNGJC),


has vowed its unalloyed commitment to mobilize Nigerian youths across the country, who are 18 years and above to come out en-masse to vote for President Jonathan in February, 2015. In a statement during a courtesy call to the Director, Contact and

Mobilization of the Goodluck Support Group (GSG), Chief Perry Opara the group’s Director of Planning and Orientaion, Friday Adayi who stated that President Jonathan’s obedience to the call of Nigerians to declare for re-election will not only consolidate his

achievements but will lead the country to the path of progress. According to Adayi, “we are out to make sure that progress recorded by the Goodluck administration is sustained hence, we are congratulating him for yielding to the clarion call to present himself

L-R: Chairman, National Convention/Presidential primaries election committee, Dr. Kayode Fayemi; National Chairman, All Progressive Congress (APC), Chief John Oyegun and committee member, Shuaib Lawal, during the inauguration of the national convention/primaries election committee by APC in Abuja. Photo: Wale Adenuga

as candidate for 2015 Presidential Election. “In order to continue the good works he has already started he should be rest assured of massive votes by the youths of Nigeria, who are indisputable 70% of the country’s population.” On Jonathan‘s critics, Adayi said, “we are also aware that there are some elements who are out to thwart the good works of President Jonathan but unfortunately, we are too wise and too informed to be deceived into joining with these disgruntled people whose watchword is destructive criticism of a performing administration which has been growing in all sectors of the country’s economy, he stated. The group noted that destructive criticism which it described as a dangerous trend in Nigeria’s political space must not be allowed to see the light of day while adding that NYNGJC has been in the forefront of the re-election bid of President Jonathan since 2013.

Ukwa indigenes seek PDP intervention over neglect NNAH DOUGLAS, Abuja


kwa, which sums both the Western and Eastern, and an oil producing and indigenous people of Abia South Senatorial District, under the platform, Ndoki Progressive Union (NPU) seems aggrieved at the moment following what it described as total neglect due to absence of government presence in Ukwa Zone. The group, in a Press Conference in Abuja channelled its grievances to the National Working z-__j ± ²j j x}_j People’s Democratic Party (PDP) through its National Chairman, Reverend Charles Obisike, while it also frowned at alleged injustices perpetrated to it by the government of the state. Some of its complaints according to Charles are amongst the following “there is no electricity; Federal and State roads are not passable while primary and secondary schools have been abandoned. Yet within this time, we had a government in place and people who claimed to be representing us. We hear of constituency projects but none has been cited in Ukwa land According to Obisike, “we called this conference to bring x jx}_j]-_{xz {j jx}_j _ \ _£^j Democratic Party (PDP) and the world at large, the

injustices being perpetuated in Abia South Senatorial District, against our people in Ukwa West and East.” Obisike said that relief came the way of Ukwa people when the PDP Abia State Chapter as well as the Governor Theodore Orji earlier zoned the Governorship position to Abia South Senatorial District, being the only Zone yet to produce the Governor. According to NPU, the said {z{|j]z _`jx j _{_qxj ¥]j people was discovered to be a mirage by suspicious elements

for reasons best known to them. The National Chairman spoke: “developments in the last one week have shown that what was thought as belonging to both Ukwa and Ngwa people for Abia South Senatorial Zone for which a free electoral process was expected was only a smokescreen for the continuous domination of our people,” he said.” The group vehemently frowned at the alleged decision of the NWC of the PDP to return “two Senators per State,

the consequential purchase of Senatorial form by Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe and the purported adoption of Okezie Ikpeazu as the governorship candidate of the state.” Charles noted that with the latest development, particularly the recent activities of a group that called itself Ukwa-Ngwa Professionals who he claimed are responsible for promoting the arrangement. “Now that an opportunity has presented itself for new representatives to be elected,

the same group of people have started manipulating the political system and positioning themselves to continue to dominate our people.” He asserted that Ukwa as a whole is not lacking in terms of human capacity and cannot \ ] j ]j ^_ {`j q`` _j x j x}_vj zones following its numerous contributions overtime to the socio-economic growth of the state while it also called on the PDP to use its power to ensure that justice is done.

Nwachukwu joins Ebonyi governorship race OKANU EMELUMBA


he adoption of former minister of Health Onyebuchi Chukwu as the consensus candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ebony State governorship elections next year may have hit the rock as former Minister of Education,Dr.Igwe Aja Nwachuku has presented his manifesto to Eboyians, as one of the gubernatorial aspirants. Speaking to journalists at Abakaliki on his ambition Nwachuku said “I have called you today to let

the good people of Ebonyi State, PDP members and the whole country know that I am presenting myself to serve this state as governor”. According to him“I am in the race because of the good people of the of the state. There is need to increase agricultural production, increase income, create wealth, generate employment, increased access to qualitative education and health care, provide accessible and ]B v`] _j } ^z{|¨j v_` _j poverty and so on” He said if he is elected as the Governor of Ebonyi State, he would place the

interest of Ebonyi people above his personal, family and sectional interests as well as put in a leadership by example. He said he would ensure that Ebonyi government workers are among the best paid workers and trained public servants adding that there will be opportunities for public servants to ]-_{`j ] ¨j {]xz {] j ]{`j international seminars, workshops and conferences. Nwachuku also said that he would ensure the teeming youths are gainfully employed and create jobs through strategic programmes. Continuing, he

said he would build an ultramodern stadium as well as organize Ebonyi state which would draw participants from the thirteen Local Government Areas and all the development centres in the state. He frowned at the ongoing concept of adopted candidate for gubernatorial position saying “no incumbent should prefer one candidate to another candidate given the Nigerian experience that most political godsons go after the jaws of their political godfathers if only to demonstrate that they are independent”

Governorship aspirant sets development agenda for C/River JAMES EZEMA


governorship aspirant under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Cross River State, Goddy Jedy-Agba, }]^j z`_{xzq_`j ]vzxz _j ]{`j tourism as potential areas of v]z^z{|j x}_j v_§_{ _j \v q _j of the state if he is elected as governor. Speaking through a member of his campaign organisation, Anthony Raymond-Ene, the aspirant said the blueprint for the accelerated economic development of the state had been developed and would be implemented if elected. He further said that his administration would tap in to the recent approval of N20bn by President Goodluck Jonathan for the dredging of the Calabar Port in turning around the state’s economy. He said, “The state. government will work more closely with the Federal Government in its move to dredge the Calabar Port channel to allow it accommodate larger vessels and serve other proximate states in the region that are yet to have their own port. The Jedy-Agba led government will make the best use of Federal Government’s investment after the dredging of Calabar channel.

INEC sets up unit to monitor parties’ campaign expenditure PATRICK OKOHUE s the 2015 elections draws closer by the day, the electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), has taken measures to monitor campaign expenditure of political parties. Giving this hint in a chat with newsmen, Chief Press Secretary to the INEC chairman, Kayode Idowu, said that the commission now has a department to monitor spending of candidates in the 2015 elections. He said the department was already functional and operating in full capacity. “That structure did not exist in 2011 and we could not do much in that regard. Now we have been able to put structure in place to track expenditure and we are going to be doing that. “The situation now is that we cannot know whether a person has over spent until he or she has spent it. You cannot stop people from spending until the person has spent. “What the law anticipates is that we have put ceiling on spending and we will now monitor to know whether we can make a case about it,” Idowu said.




Newswatch Times Thursday November 20, 2014

Kebbi APC woos PDP bigwig ˆ_`j ”x}_vj \]vx‰j Â&#x;_Â&#x;ÂŒ_v^j x”j he leadership of All the reception. At the residence of the Progressive Congress in Kebbi State with PDP bigwig, the APC leaders hundreds of their supporters appealed to him to decamp stormed Kangiwa town, to APC where he will be the capital of Arewa Local welcomed and accorded government to appeal to Dr. v_^\_‡xj ´ ”Â?j ]v_j ]j Â&#x;]{j ”šj Hussaini Suleman Kangiwa, z{x_|vzx‰j ]{`j ^z{‡_vzx‰j z{j the famous political bigwig \”ˆzxz‡^¨jÂĽ_jÂ?v|_j‰”Â?jx”jšÂ”z{j in the area to dump PDP for Â?^j ]{`j ˆ_]§_j ¨j \]vx‰j ”šj APC. The APC politicians injusticeâ€? Alh.Sani Hukuma Zauro who on entering the Kangiwa town went straight also added that his coming to the tomb of Hassan to APC would brighten Suleman, the twin broher }z^j \”ˆzxz‡]ˆj ”\\”vxÂ?{zx‰¨j of Dr.Hussaini Suleman prestige and clear all x”j ”B_vj \v]‰_v^j š”vj x}_j rumours being circulated repose of his soul, thereafter about his romance to the `v”§_j ÂĽzx}j z{j ]j ‡”{§Â”‰j x”j \]vx‰¤ In his response, Dr. the house of Dr.Hussaini

Â?^^]z{zj \ˆ_]`_`j š”vj ˆz-ˆ_j Suleman, their host. ]vvz^x_vj -]}zvÂ?j time to consult his people Maccido ,the APC State and maintained that he still Chairman ,Alh.Sani remain with the PDP. Hukuma Zauro, Chairman j ˆ`_v^j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j¨j ˆ}¤ Suleman Argungu, former `_\Â?x‰j |”§_v{”vj ”šj _ŒŒzj state, who is the chairman ‡”{^_{^Â?^j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j ¨j Musa Dan Maliki,APC state treasurer, Alh.Sani Dodo ¨x}_j \Â?Œˆz‡zx‰j ^_‡v_x]v‰j BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna ”šj x}_j \]vx‰j ¨j v¤ ]}‰]j n All Progressive Abdullahi, Arch.Ahmad Congress (APC) Sama , APC guber aspirants governorship , APC local government and aspirant in ward chairmen in the area Kaduna state, Hon. Isa Mohammed Ashiru has said that the state will be doomed without a change of leadership in 2015. The aspirant who is also the JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna Vice Chairman of House of _\v_^_{x]xz§_^j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j our aggrieved on Appropriation stated that members of the All ”{ˆ‰j ‡}]{|_j z{j ˆ_]`_v^}z\j Progressives Congress will bring the needed (APC) in Suleja local development to the state. government area have taken Addressing newsmen in x}_j \]vx‰j ]{`j ^”Â&#x;_j ”šj zx^j Kaduna ahead of APC’s members to a Federal High governorship primaries, Court in Minna over alleged Ashiru said the present and manipulation of the ward future generations will not congress. }_j \ˆ]z{xzB^¨j ”{¤j forgive people of the state, zšjx}_‰jš]zˆjx”j^]ˆ§]|_jzxjšv”Â&#x;j Usman Ibrahim Dodo, what he said is a ‘worst and Sanusi Ule, Abdullahi inept leadership’ ever in its Ali and Usman Audu are }z^x”v‰¤ claiming that their names Ashiru further said he is were replaced on the list of in the race to rescue the state elected ward delegates after and reposition its status as winning the ward delegate the political headquarters elections and issued with ‡_vxzq‡]x_j”šjv_xÂ?v{jŒ‰j j of the defunct Northern \v]‰z{|jx}_j‡”Â?vxjx”j^x”\jx}_j Nigeria. According to him, his defendants from parading ambitions is not a do or die x}_Â&#x;^_ˆ§_^j]^j\]vx‰j”L‡z]ˆ^¤ }_j Â&#x;”§_j Œ‰j x}_j \]vx‰j ÂŒÂ?xj \Â?v_ˆ‰j ]j ‡”Â&#x;\_xzxz”{j to rebuild a new state to stop the case failed as where there will be cogent the Federal High court development x}v_ÂĽj ”Â?xj x}_j \v_ˆzÂ&#x;z{]v‰j integration, ”Œš_‡xz”{jŒ‰jx}_j\]vx‰j”{jx}_j and peaceful coexistence that ^Â?zx]ÂŒzˆzx‰j ]{`j _ˆz|zÂŒzˆzx‰j ”šj x}_j\ˆ]z{xzB^jx”jz{^xzxÂ?x_jx}_j case and went ahead to take the motion on notice of the OKANU EMELUMBA ^Â?zxj qˆ_`j Œ‰j ‡”Â?{^_ˆj x”j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzB^j ]vvz^x_vj ÂŒv]}zÂ&#x;j xpectations and Bako. fears that the The APC had earlier raised decamping of the objection on the ground former Anambra that the complainants had State governor not exhausted avenues for Peter Obi and some members reconciliation in accordance ”šj x}_j ]xz”{]ˆj ^^_Â&#x;Œˆ‰j with its constitution before from the All Progressives going to court. Grand Alliance (APGA) The presiding Judge, to the Peoples Democratic Justice A. I. Chikere insisted ]vx‰j Âą ²¼zˆˆj ^__j x}_j _{`j x}]xj x}_j \ˆ]z{xzB^j }]`j Â&#x;_xj of APGA in Anambra state all rules and provision seem to be fading as a large of the constitution of the number of All Progressives \]vx‰j ÂĽzx}”Â?xj |_-z{|j x}_j Congress (APC) members v_žÂ?zv_`j ]-_{xz”{j ”šj \]vx‰j z{j {]Â&#x;ÂŒv]j x]x_¨j ˆ_`j Œ‰j authorities at the local, x}_j \]vx‰£^j š”vÂ&#x;_vj x]x_j state and national levels in Chairman, Chief Amechi redressing their grievances. AYO AJOGE, Birnin Kebbi


Bauchi State governor, Isa Yuguda (right), presenting an appointment letter to the newly appointed Bauchi State Commissioner for Justice, Muktar Abubakar in Bauchi.

Only change will bring development to Kaduna – Ashiru

Crisis rocks APC ward congress



had eluded the state. His words, “I am in this race and other aspirants to do one thing; it is rescuing our state from inept and compromised leadership and nothing more. “Our state will be doomed zšj ÂĽ_j `”{ÂŁxj ‡}]{|_j ^x‰ˆ_j ”šj governance and I can tell ‰”Â?j x}]xj \v_^_{xj ]{`j šÂ?xÂ?v_j

generations will not forgive us.â€? On the forth coming APC governorship primaries, Ashiru who said it is not a `”j”vj`z_j]B]zvj_Âł\ˆ]z{_`j´ xj z^j z{x_v{]ˆj š]Â&#x;zˆ‰j ]B]zvj ”šj ÂŒv”x}_v^j ÂĽ}”j }]§_j ”B_v_`j themselves to salvage our state. It is a competition

and not a war but match to greatness and rejuvenation to a new dawn. “We are brothers and Â&#x;_Â&#x;ÂŒ_v^j ”šj ”{_j \]vx‰j ÂĽzx}j clear focus of chasing bad leadership and replace it with people oriented based government. I am `z^‡z\ˆz{_`j \]vx‰j Â&#x;]{¨j ÂĽ_ˆˆj

‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-_`j x”j x}_j \vz{‡z\ˆ_^j of APC with peoples oriented background. “We are in this race for rescue mission and for standing up so as to be on x}_j |””`j ^z`_j ”šj ”Â?vj }z^x”v‰j ]{`j š”vj \”^x_vzx‰j ^]Š_j because, silence is a crime in a retrogressive state.â€?

Zangon Kataf elders, stakeholders endorse Katung for Reps BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna


he Council of elders and stakeholders from Jaba/Zangon Kataf Federal ‡”{^xzxÂ?_{‡‰j }]§_j recommended former Kaduna State Commissioner for Finance and Water Resources, Barrister Â?{`]‰j ]v^}]ˆj ]xÂ?{|j š”vj election into the Federal House of Representatives. The decision was reached at a meeting of major stakeholders and elders of Zangon Kataf local government area of Kaduna State. }_‰j ]|v__`j x}]xj x}_j incumbent member representing the area, Hon ”`šv_‰j ˆzj ]z‰]j šv”Â&#x;j ]ÂŒ]j

local government has served his maximum two terms, }_{‡_jx}_j{__`jx”j|z§_jÂĽ]‰jx”j ^”Â&#x;_Œ”`‰j šv”Â&#x;j ]{|”{j ]x]šj local government based on the rotation agreement between the two local governments. The meeting which was ^Â?Â&#x;Â&#x;”{_`j j Œ‰j x}_j j Chairman of Zangon Kataf ˆ”‡]ˆj |”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¨j ”{¤j ]z‰]j Â?{Â?^]¨j ÂĽ]^j ]-_{`_`j Œ‰j x}_j ^_‡v_x]v‰j”šjx}_j\]vx‰¨jj v¤j ]Â&#x;j Basa, member of the Kaduna x]x_j ”Â?^_j”šj ^^_Â&#x;Œˆ‰¨j ”{¤j ^x}_vj ŒŒ]¨j ˆ`_vj ¤ j ‰”Š¨j Elder Samaila Dambo, Elder ”Â&#x;z{z‡j ]Â&#x;Œ”j ]}]‰]¨j v¤j Baba Usman, Kaduna State Commissioner for Information, Mr. Ben Bako, Special Adviser to Kaduna State Governor

”{j `Â?‡]xz”{¨j ”{¤j ]-}_ÂĽj Gwaza, former Kaduna State Commissioner for Local ”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¨j ”{¤j ”}]{{]j Allahmagani among others. The meeting also had in ]-_{`]{‡_j ]ˆˆj š”vÂ&#x;_vj ˆ”‡]ˆj government chairmen of the council and all serving and former state lawmakers from the area. The elders at the meeting had before taking their stance on the candidature of Barrister Katung asked all the four aspirants jostling for the Jaba/Zangon Kataf federal ‡”{^xzxÂ?_{‡‰j x”j \v_^_{xj x}_zvj blueprints for the people. After listening to all presentations, the elders agreed that out of the four people

jostling for the same position within the local government, ”{ˆ‰j ]vvz^x_vj ]xÂ?{|ÂŁ^j blueprint looks more realizable and acceptable considering the ‰_]v{z{|j]{`j]^\zv]xz”{j”šjx}_j people. A former chairman of Zangon Kataf local government, Elder Samaila Dambo who spoke at the event, stressed the need to \v_^_{xj ”{ˆ‰j ”{_j ‡]{`z`]x_j ]xj x}_j\vzÂ&#x;]v‰j_ˆ_‡xz”{jx”j‡”{x_^xj with the incumbent who is also seeking a third term. He argued that delegates from Zangon Kataf local government should vote for the recommended candidate whose track record in both public and private sector cannot be questioned.

APC Chairman, party members join APGA in Anambra


Obidike, defected to APGA in Awka, at the weekend. Receiving the crowd of APC, the State Governor Willie Obiano assured them of room for all. According to }zÂ&#x;¨j´x}_j jz^j]j\]vx‰jš”vj all in Nigeria, but above all, zxj z^j x}_j \]vx‰j š”vj `z|Œ”j ]{`j ^}”Â?ˆ`j ÂŒ_j _Â&#x;ÂŒv]‡_`j Œ‰j ]ˆˆj `z|Œ”j ÂĽ}_v_§_vj x}_‰j ]v_j z{j x}_j‡”Â?{xv‰¤° “APGA is open to all Nigerian citizens and has its bedrock and foundation in Igboland. Therefore it’s our z`_{xzx‰°¨j ÂŒz]{”j]``_`¤ The governor also urged the Igbo nation to vote j _§_v‰¼}_v_j x}_‰j ]v_¤j

He pointed out that APGA adopted President Goodluck Jonathan as its presidential candidate long before his own Peoples Democratic ]vx‰j Âą ²j šÂ”z{_`j z{j }z^j adoption. He said APGA shall q_ˆ`j ÂŒvzˆˆz]{xj ‡]{`z`]x_^j š”vj all elective positions in the forthcoming general elections, apart from the presidential slot. Also receiving the new entrants, the National Chairman of APGA, Chief Victor Umeh, said he was }]\\‰j x”j ÂĽzx{_^^j x}_j _§_{x¤j He said he welcome them with open hands, believing x}_‰j¼”Â?ˆ`j}_ˆ\jx”jÂŒÂ?zˆ`j]{`j

^xv_{|x}_{jx}_j\]vx‰¤ He assured them of equal rights and privileges with old members, thanking God that it’s evident the blockade preventing core Ndigbo from šÂ”z{z{|jx}_j\]vx‰jz^j{”¼j”B¤ Umeh said APGA is waxing stronger and looks good to making in-roads to other states in the South East ]{`j”x}_vj\]vx^j”šjx}_j‡”Â?{xv‰j during the coming general elections. Obidike, who is a former state chairman of the Action Congress of Nigeria, and former state chairman of the APC led the new members ]{`j ^]z`j x}_‰j ¼”Â?ˆ`j }]§_j

moved long before now, but had hoped in vain for restructuring and provision of ˆ_§_ˆj\ˆ]‰z{|jq_ˆ`jš”vj]ˆˆ¤ He led the former woman ˆ_]`_v¨j ‰”Â?x}j ˆ_]`_v¨j ”v|]{z“z{|j ^_‡v_x]v‰¨j ˆ]v|_vj number of the state’s 21 council chairmen, their excos and others said to be numbering about four thousand to APGA. }_‰j ÂĽ_v_j z{^x]{xˆ‰j provided with APGA uniforms and membership cards. It will be recalled that x¼”j Â&#x;”{x}^j ]|”¨j ^”Â&#x;_j Š_‰j APC leaders in Aguata, led Œ‰j }z_šj _{j v]{Â?^z¨j šÂ”z{_`j APGA.

Newswatch Times Thursday November 20, 2014



Greed caused crisis in Rivers PDP – Alasia Chief Fred Alasia was the Chief of Staff in former Governor Peter Odili’s government. Alasia was also the secretary to Dr. Odili’s Restoration team, his campaign organisation as well as the secretary of Chief Zebulon Abule’s campaign organisation during the late Gen. Sani Abacha’s transition programme in 1998. He spoke to NATH OMAME, Jr. on the current crisis within the Rivers State chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) on what area of the state will produce the next governor; the debate on the need to zone the governorship to areas that are yet to produce a governor for the state and the political quarrel between immediate past Minister of State for Education, Nyesom Wike and Governor Rotimi Amaechi.


here is currently some tension in Rivers State over what area should produce the governor in 2015. What is your position? My position is simple. Section 169 (b) of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, says that a governor can only be nominated or become a governor on the basis of a spread and what is spread? It means zoning. Let me give you an example. Take the whole Kalabari 3 LGA’s, Ikwerre 3½ LGs and Ogoni 4 LGs. If they all agreed and voted on zoning to favour a person, that candidate will lose because they do not have the spread to secure electoral victory. \v_]`j ]|]z{j Â&#x;_]{^j zšj ‰”Â?j ^\v_]`j ÂŒÂ?-_vj ”{j ÂŒv_]`¨j zxj |”_^j ]ˆˆj ]v”Â?{`¤j xj z^j ÂĽvz-_{j there in the constitution as amended in 1999, so there is no National Common Entrance about it. It is simple and straightforward. Those who are arguing against zoning want to deceive themselves. You know in the country today, the states have segmented into three senatorial districts: Rivers West produced Governor Odili. Rivers East has the incumbent governor Chibuike Amaechi and Omehia who was also in the saddle for six months also is from Rivers East and if you consider Chief Rufus Ada-George from the same senatorial district, what is your take on the clamour for Rivers South-East Senatorial District to produce the next governor? It is their turn, because the West has produced, the East has also produced a governor. So, it is now the turn of the South-East. Now I want to point out one thing that is in relation to the Ogonis. The Ogoni group should leave it, because a Caretaker Chairman is a Chairman. Was Ken SaroWiwa not appointed sole administrator of Bonny territory which _Âłx_{`_`jx”j _xÂ?|ÂŒ_{_Ăˆj ”j}_jÂĽ]^jx}_jqv^xj governor, on the principle that a caretaker ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{jz^j]j‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{¤j Ukpabi Asikanwas sole administrator of Enugu territory, will he say he was not a governor? Let us not deceive ourselves it will come back to them again, so there should be equity. I have looked at the situation at this state during Odili’s campaign. Odili came from Rivers West and APP brought Ebenezer Isokariari from the same Rivers West. Odili chose his deputy from Opobo, while Ebenezer chose his deputy from Gokana. Rivers people endorsed Odili and he won the election. What is causing the friction is

greed. Some argue that it has to come from their side and so on and so forth if not they will be too old by the time the rotation comes back to their zone. So what you’re saying is that Ikwerre is out of the contest? Ikwerre is totally out. How can Obio/ Akpor Local Government Area produce a governor after Ikwerre LGA? Ikwerre ethnic nationality has 3½LGAs. They have to discuss with others, you understand. }]xj j ^__j z{j x}_j q|}xj ]Â&#x;”{|j x}_j Š¼_vv_ÂŁ^jz^jx}_jq|}xj”§_vj ^}zj ÂŒ]Â&#x;j]{`j Azu Mbam politics. If you take pains to study the politics of the Ikwerre people, you will realise that it is the only politics going on between them. There is the northern part of Ikwerre that has produced the governor. In the House of Assembly, ”{_j ^}zÂ&#x;j ÂŒ]Â&#x;jÂ&#x;]{j}]^j›”||_`j]{j “Â?j Mbam man. In the Judiciary, they say Azu Mbam woman, “You, take over!,â€?and the Ishi Mbam man said no. Wike says Ishi Mbam man has become governor and he too wants to become governor. Did we escort Ikwerre to this world? Let’s see the demarcation between Azu Mbam and Ishi Mbam. The people close to Port Harcourt are Azu Mbam while the people farther from Port Harcourt are Ishi Mbam. Have you }_]v`j”šj]{j }”]`]jÂ&#x;]{jq|}xz{|Ăˆj z`j‰”Â?j

Alasia }_]vj”šj]{j \Â”ÂŒÂ”Ăž Š”v”jÂ&#x;]{jq|}xz{|Ăˆj ”¤ I know that some parts of Obio/Akpor like Ogbogoro and others are regarded as Azu Mbam. What I am telling you is that the whole political crisis in Rivers State is power struggle among the Ikwerres. What is happening now is similar to what transpired during the cult wars among `zB_v_{xj|]{|^jz{j z§_v^j x]x_j^”Â&#x;_j‰_]v^j ago. Everybody took sides with some group. Was that not the crisis? The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, reportedly handed Wike to Dr. Odili, leader of PDP in Rivers State to assist him to actaulise his governorship ambition. Having worked with Odili, what is your take? After Abule, I worked for Odili. Odili is free to make his decisions, but looking at history, I am surprised at Dr. Odili’s

What I am telling you is that the whole political crisis in Rivers State is power struggle among the Ikwerres. What is happening now is similar to what transpired during the cult wars among different gangs in Rivers State some years ago. Everybody took sides with some group. Was that not the crisis?

current stance on zoning. Why should the First Lady handover Wike to Odili? It does not make sense. The First lady has no business in Rivers politics. What is your advice to the aspirants currently jostling to earn their party’s ticket for the 2015 gubernatorial election? My piece of advice is as follows: if you have never worked in the private or public sector for a minimum of 15 years, you ]v_j {”xj žÂ?]ˆzq_`j x”j Â&#x;]{]|_j x}_j ]B]zv^j ”šj Rivers State. If you are running an NGO or a private business, and you’re the CEO, it is expected that you would have ‡”ˆˆ_‡xz§_ˆ‰j \Â?xj z{j ]j Â&#x;z{zÂ&#x;Â?Â&#x;j ”šj qšx__{j years, believing that you are leading some people or a group of people. ***You said some time ago that the governorship position should go to Rivers South-East. Do you have anyone in mind? Going by my analysis, the only people I said should step out of the governorship contest in 2015 are the Ogonis because Saro Wiwa was sole administrator and former commissioner for education in the Old Rivers State. He empowered the Ogoni’s through a scholarship scheme to study abroad and they are still reaping the ÂŒ_{_qx^¤j ”Â?j‡]{{”xj`_{‰jzx¤ Look, if certain things did not happen, we won’t know the truth. The Andoni/Opobo/ Nkoro axis should produce the n e x t governor for fairness and equity. A clear understanding is that the Kalabaris will emerge after the Andoni/Opobo/Nkoro must have produced and the deputy will come from Ogoni and this will correct the zoning arrangement. Some people have said that Rivers State should not be run along ethnic lines. They argue that the tenets of democracy should evolve naturally. What are your views? There is no country in this world that is Â&#x;]`_j Â?\j ”šj `zB_v_{xj _x}{z‡j {]xz”{]ˆzxz_^j that does not have this type of zoning arrangement. It is clear and straight. Continued on page 41


Newswatch Times Thursday November 20, 2014

Presidency in dilemma over NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi


risis of supremacy is brewing between the incumbent Governor of Bauchi state and his predecessor and national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PPD), Alhaji Adamu Ahmed Mu’azu over who should install the next governor of the state. Indeed, the political atmosphere of the state is already tense as PDP stakeholders from the North and Central senatorial districts extractions have vowed to dump PDP for another party if PDP gubernatorial candidate emerge from Southern senatorial district again. The stakeholders threat is based on the fact that, since the return of the country to `_ v]xz j ^_-z{|¨j x}_j x}_v{j `z^xvz xj have been holding sway, producing the governors of the state with Mu’azu being x}_j qv^xj x j | §_v{j x}_j ^x]x_j vj _z|}xj ±»²j years then Yuguda took over from him and has governed for seven and half years now and both of them are from the southern zone of the state. Already the duo (Mu’azu and Yuguda) ]v_jz{j^_vz ^j ]- _j j^ \v_ ] j`_^\zx_j their public reconciliation at the Banquet Hall of the Government House during a civic reception organized in honour of Alhaji Ma’azu shortly after his emergence as PDP national chairman. At the reception, the duo convinced everybody at the occasion that their relationship is still very cordial and those spreading rumours that they are at loggerheads are enemies of the state and would stop at nothing in causing enmity between them. Yuguda and Mu’azu have a long relationship that dates back to their ^ } j`] ^j]^j x}j]-_{`_`j z^^z {]v j schools in Plateau, Gindiri Saint Mulumba missionary Secondary Schools and later met in the same Ahmadu Bello University, Zaira. Based on that childhood relationship that made Mu’azu recommend Yuguda to the then President Obasanjo for appointment which Obasanjo without any hesitation nominated Yuguda for ministerial appointment and upon him (Yuguda) sailing through at the screening Yuguda was assigned the portfolio of Minister of Transport and later Aviation. Although, the duo parted ways in 2007, when Yuguda declared his intention to run for gubernatorial seat of the state under the platform of PDP, Muazu had expressed support for his former SSG, Umar Nadada whom he gave the PDP’s ticket to contest governorship election in order to shift power to central senatorial district, the development forced Yuguda out of PDP to the defunct All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) alongside his supporters. Yuguda eventually defeated Nadada and sponsored his then Personal Assistant; Senator Mohammed Bala under ANPP to defeated Mu’azu who allocated to himself the PDP ticket of Bauchi Southern senatorial district. Governor Yuguda, on assumption j L _j z{j µ¶¶º¨j {^xzx x_`j ]j `z z] j z^^z {j j {¹ v j }_]`_`j j ^xz _j Bitrus Sanga to probe the eight-year administration of his predecessor, Alhaji Mu’azu which the commission after weeks of receiving memorandum from interested members of the public to aid it in arriving at acceptable recommendations indicted Mu’azu and banned him from } `z{|j\ zxz ] j L _^¤ z^^]xz^q_`j¥zx}jx}_jv_ _{`]xz {^j of the commission, Mu’azu dragged




x}_j z^^z {¨j - v{_ j _{_v] j ]{`j z^^z {_vj vj ^xz _j ]{`j x}_j ^x]x_j government to a competent court of law, challenging his indictment which the court ruled in his (Mu’azu’s) favour. Seemingly the body language of the duo ]{`j x}]xj v_^z`_{xj ` j {]x}]{£^j ]v_j z{j { z xj ¥zx}j {_j ]{ x}_vj ]^j Mu’azu still want power to shift to either Northern and Central districts whereas x}_j {]x}]{£^j ] z j ¥]{xj x}_j z{z^x_vj of Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Senator Bala who also hailed from the southern senatorial district to clinch the governorship of the state as a way of compensating Senator Bala for moving the motion of the “doctrine of necessity” ¥}z }j \]§_`j ¥] j vj {]x}]{£^j emergence as president in 2010. He is close to the presidency as a minister and is perceived as a member of the president’s kitchen cabinet and of all the persons jostling for the governorship seat in the state, he is the richest but the confusion is that he has not yet resigned his appointment and purchase the governorship expression of interest form as some of his colleagues have done. A chieftain of the party has declared that the minister is still very much in the race saying Senator Bala had wanted to ¾ zx_j xj v_^z`_{xj {]x}]{j \v_§]z _`j on him to hold on to enable the President to sort out some issues concerning the Bauchi State governorship race. Barde, who is a one-time deputy chairman, Alkaleri Local Government Area of the state, said even though, the FCT Minister was not among the seven ministers that indicated their intentions x j¾ zx_jx}_j v_^z`_{xj ` j {]x}]{j

administration last week did not mean he was no longer interested in replacing incumbent Governor Isa Yuguda at the Government House, Bauchi, as the next governor of the state. According to him, “I can tell you authoritatively that there was no time Senator Bala Muhammed withdrew from vying for the Bauchi State PDP ticket to contest for next year’s governorship election on the ticket of the party. What happened was that he was prevailed upon by the President, Dr Goodluck

{]x}]{jx j} `j {j]j z- _jx j_{] _j}z j resolves some issues bordering on the Bauchi State governorship contest.” However, PDP supporters under the aegis of Bauchi Youth Volunteer Forum has vowed to reject imposition of candidates, especially from Southern district threatening to dump the party and appeal to Governor Isa Yuguda and PDP National Chairman Alhaji Muazu to close ranks and chose an acceptable candidate for the state to avoid PDP losing the state to opposition. Chairman of the Forum Alhaji Inuwa Danladi OC Kwano told newsmen that, “We will not support the person and in fact we can even dump the PDP for another party in search of a suitable and acceptable candidate from other zone that have never governed the state.” According to him, the fairest thing to do, is for the political gladiators and power brokers of the state to heed the principles of zoning in forthcoming general elections by allowing either central or northern districts to take the next shot. He further explained that, “The former governor of the state, Alhaji Mu’azu who

governed the state for good eight years is from Bauchi South and Yuguda who is in his seven and half years is also from Bauchi South while the Bauchi North (Katigum) had tasted power before.” Kwano noted that, “it would only be fair for the power to shift to Bauchi Central that have never had the chance of ruling the state even for one hour, so that they too can have the taste of power and x}_{j^__j¥}]xjx}_ j ]{j B_v¤j j ]{j]^^ v_j you that if you present a candidate from Bauchi Central everybody regardless of his or her zone would surely support such a candidate but anything contrary to that will spell doom for PDP in Bauchi.” Mu’azu is alleged to have assured Dr. Ali Mohammed Pate and former SGF Alhaji Yayala Mohammed of the party’s ticket and he is doing everything humanly possible to ensure the emergence of one of them as the party’s candidate for the governorship election. Pate was the head of the country’s Primary Health Development Agency and contributed to the global war against polio and other child killer diseases before he was appointed Minister of State vj _] x}j j v_^z`_{xj {]x}]{¤j _j later resigned his appointment to take up a World Health Organisation (WHO) appointment. However, a group known as Bauchi State Good Governance Initiative Coalition (BSGGIC) endorsed Dr. Pate, former Minister of Health for the governorship of Bauchi state saying their decision was borne out of his integrity, honesty, accountability and passion for good governance, and the need to ensure that credible people are voted into \ zxz ] j L _^¨j_^\_ z] jx}_j\ ^zxz {j j a governor. Leader of the Coalition, Barrister Ahmed Sani said Dr. Pate has global recoginzation who had worked in many countries saying the need somebody with z{x_v{]xz {] j {{_ xz {^j x j ]-v] xj ]j xj of foreign aid to the state and to place the state on the path of progress and development. According to him, “The home background, political antecedents and of course the global connection of Dr. Aliyu Pate has convinced us that he is the kind of leader that seek to provide his people with projects that are of universal approach for achieving credible Leadership.” Indeed, the race for Bauchi state governorship is very complicated as the three senators from the state; Abdul Ahmed Ningi, Babayo Garba Gamawa and Ibrahim Adamu Gumba representing Bauchi Central, Bauchi North and Bauchi

PDP supporters under the aegis of Bauchi Youth Volunteer Forum has vowed to reject imposition of candidates, especially from Southern district threatening to dump the party and appeal to Governor Isa Yuguda and PDP National Chairman Alhaji Muazu to close ranks and chose an acceptable candidate for the state to avoid PDP losing the state to opposition


Newswatch Times Thursday November 20, 2014

Mu’azu, Yuguda’s candidate South senatorial districts are seeking election to govern the state. z{|zjÂĽ]^jx}_jqv^xjx”jÂ&#x;]Š_j}z^jz{x_{xz”{j known and have toured the three senatorial districts and held discussions ÂĽzx}j x}_j ^x]Š_}”ˆ`_v^j šv”Â&#x;j _]‡}j ”šj x}_j districts soliciting their support and ‡”v\”v]xz”{j ÂŒÂ?xj }z^j ”{ˆ‰j \v”Œˆ_Â&#x;j ÂĽ]^j x}]xj ^”Â&#x;_j ”šj x}_j ^x]Š_}”ˆ`_v^j ^]z`j }_j z^j arrogant. }”Â?|}¨j z{|zj ]xj ”{_j ”šj }z^j Â&#x;__xz{|^j with the stakeholders wondered if q|}xz{|jš”vjx}_jvz|}x^j”šj}z^j‡”{^xzxÂ?_{x^j ]{`j z|_vz]{^j z{j ]j `_Â&#x;”‡v]xz‡j ^_-z{|j }]^j ÂŒ__{j ^Â?``_{ˆ‰j Â&#x;z^Â?{`_v^x””`j x”j Â&#x;_]{j]vv”|]{‡_j^]‰z{|j]ˆˆj}_jÂĽ]^j`”z{|j and intends to do, is being given the Â&#x;]{`]x_j x”j |”§_v{j x}_j ^x]x_¤j {`j ÂĽzˆˆj stop at nothing in changing the fortunes ”šjx}_j^x]x_¤jj ]Â&#x;]ÂĽ]jv_\v_^_{x^j ]Â?‡}zj North Senatorial District, was a onexzÂ&#x;_j \_]Š_vj ”šj x}_j ^x]x_j ”Â?^_j ”šj ^^_Â&#x;Œˆ‰j ]{`j š”vÂ&#x;_vj `_\Â?x‰j |”§_v{”vj z{j Â?|Â?`]ÂŁ^j qv^xj x_vÂ&#x;¤j ˆx}”Â?|}j }_jj people are working hard to ensure his _Â&#x;_v|_{‡_jÂŒ_‡]Â?^_jjx}_j`z^xvz‡xjš_ˆxjjzxjz^j xzÂ&#x;_jx}_‰j|”§_v{jx}_j^x]x_j]{`j}_j^}”Â?ˆ`j be considered for the job because he is a stainless person. ”vj Â?Â&#x;ÂŒ]j Â&#x;]{‰j ^]ÂĽj }z^j `_‡z^z”{j x”j šÂ”z{j x}_j |”§_v{”v^}z\j ]^j Â&#x;_v_j š_]vj ”šj Â?|Â?`]j ÂĽ}”j z^j §Â‰z{|j š”vj ]Â?‡}zj ^”Â?x}j senatorial district and so the best thing š”vj }zÂ&#x;j x”j `”j ÂĽ]^j }”{”Â?v]Œˆ‰j ]§Â”z`z{|j going into contest with Yuguda and v]x}_vj `_‡z`_`j x”j xv‰j ^”Â&#x;_x}z{|j Â&#x;”v_j adventurous. The resignation of Yuguda’s Secretary x”j x}_j ^x]x_j |”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¨j ˆ}]šzj }Â&#x;_`j ”}]Â&#x;Â&#x;_`¨j]ˆ”{|^z`_j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{_vjš”vj ]x_vj _^”Â?v‡_^j ˆ}]šzj ]\\]j “]v_j x”j vie for the governorship of the state under x}_j \ˆ]xš”vÂ&#x;j ”šj j šÂ?vx}_vj }zxj Â?\j j x}_j ^x]x_j ]^j Â&#x;]{‰j §z_ÂĽj x}_j `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{xj ]^j ]jjxzx]{z‡jÂŒ]-ˆ_jÂŒ_xÂĽ__{j Â?|Â?`]¨j Â?ÂŁ]“Â?j ]{`jx}_j jÂ&#x;z{z^x_vjÂĽ}”jz^jx}_jz{x_v_^xj ”šj v_^z`_{‡‰¤ Interestingly, the political calculations in the state is that the next governor of x}_j^x]x_jÂ&#x;Â?^xj_Â&#x;_v|_jšv”Â&#x;j_zx}_vj ]Â?‡}zj North or Central therefore, Yuguda has ]{”z{x_`j }z^j ]Â&#x;Â&#x;]‰”j šv”Â&#x;j ]Â?‡}zj

}]^j _Âł\v_^^_`j ^Â?\\”vxj š”vj ]Â&#x;Â&#x;]‰”j ÂĽ}zˆ_j Â?ÂŁ]“Â?j}]^j_Âł\v_^^_`j^Â?\\”vxjš”vj x}_jš”vÂ&#x;_vj^_‡v_x]v‰jx”jx}_j ”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj”šj x}_j _`_v]xz”{¨j ]}Â&#x;Â?`j ]‰]ˆ_j }Â&#x;_`j but the confusion is that even if Yuguda ]{`j Â?]“Â?j]|v__j”{j]j\”\Â?ˆ]vj‡]{`z`]x_¨j zxj ÂĽzˆˆj {”xj ÂŒ_j _]^‰j š”vj x}_Â&#x;j ]^j x}_v_j ]v_j other strong indications that Jonathan Â&#x;]‰jˆzŠ_ˆ‰jx}v”¼j}z^jÂĽ_z|}xjÂŒ_}z{`j j Â&#x;z{z^x_vj]^j }z_šj ˆÂ?^_|Â?{j ÂŒ]^]{šÂ”j`z`j x”j Â?|Â?`]j z{j ¾œœº¤j j _v^”{]ˆj ^^z^x]{xj x”j Â?ÂŁ]“Â?¨j j ]ÂŒzvÂ?j ˆ_ˆ]}¨j ^]z`j x}_j j {]xz”{]ˆj ‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{j ÂŒ_ˆz_§_^j z{j z{x_v{]ˆj `_Â&#x;”‡v]‡‰j ]{`j x}]xj }_j }]^j {”j ]{”z{x_`j candidate. ‡‡”v`z{|j x”j }zÂ&#x;¨j ´ _j }]^j z{^xvÂ?‡x_`j that whoever wants to contest any \”^zxz”{j Â&#x;Â?^xj ‡”Â&#x;_j x}v”Â?|}j `_Â&#x;”‡v]xz‡j Â&#x;_]{^j ]{`j Â&#x;Â?^xj |_xj ^Â?\\”vxj šv”Â&#x;j }z^j ward up to state and national level, but he has no anointed candidate.â€? ˆÂ&#x;”^xjx}_j j|Â?ÂŒ_v{]x”vz]ˆj]^\zv]{x^j purchased their expression of interest š”vÂ&#x;^j j š”vÂ&#x;^j ]xj x}_j ˆ]^xj }”Â?vj ÂŒ_š”v_j x}_j `]x_ˆz{_jš”vjx}_j\Â?v‡}]^_j”šjx}_jš”vÂ&#x; ¨jx}z^j ÂĽ]^jÂŒ_‡]Â?^_jx}_j^x]Š_}”ˆ`_v^jÂ&#x;__xz{|jz{j Mohammed ÂŒÂ?š]jÂĽzx}jj]j§z_ÂĽj”šj]`”\xz{|j]j‡”{^_{^Â?^j candidate ended up in deadlock as non of aspirants was willing to step down, hence ]ˆˆj”šjx}_Â&#x;j\z‡Šjx}_jš”vÂ&#x;¤j

”¼_§_v¨j x}_j ”\\”^zxz”{j \]vx‰j z{j x}_j state are happy with the crisis rocking x}_j j z{j x}_j ^x]x_j ]{`j ^]ÂĽj x}_j Â?|ˆ‰j `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{xj]^j]{j”\\”vxÂ?{zx‰jš”vjx}_Â&#x;j x”j`_š_]xj j]^jx}_j`_šÂ?{‡xj j]{`j Â?|Â?`]j `z`j z{j ¾œœºj ÂĽ}_{j j ÂĽ]^j defeated. j |Â?ÂŒ_v{]x”vz]ˆj ]^\zv]{xj Â?{`_vj x}_j \ˆ]xš”vÂ&#x;j ”šj ˆˆj v”|v_^^z§_j ”{|v_^^j ]vvz^x_vj ÂŒv]}zÂ&#x;j ]zˆ{]j^]z`jz{j¾œœºjx}_j _ˆ_‡x”v]x_j §Â”x_`j ”Â?xj j ]{`j §Â”x__`j z{j j^]‰z{|jx}_j_ˆ_‡x”v]x_j]v_j]Œ”Â?xjx”j v_\_]xjx}_j^]Â&#x;_jz{j¾œ¡¸¤j ]zˆ{]j {”x_`j x}]x¨j ´ j ÂĽ]{xj x”j ]^^Â?v_j ‰”Â?j x}]xj j |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj ÂĽzˆˆj ‡”Â&#x;_j ”{j ^xv_]Â&#x;j ”{j x}_j ¾Ÿx}j ]‰¨j ¾œ¡¸¤j _j }]§_j ^__{j x}_j \_vš”vÂ&#x;]{‡_j ”šj j ]{`j ÂĽ_j }]§_j ÂĽzx{_^^_`j x}_j _‡”{”Â&#x;z‡j ^zxÂ?]xz”{j of the state and the country as a whole. Gumba Ningi ÂŁÂ&#x;j ]\\_]ˆz{|j x”j ”Â?vj \_”\ˆ_j x”j ÂłÂœv]‰j ]ˆˆj x}_j\_”\ˆ_jx}]xj]v_j\v_^_{xz{|jx}_Â&#x;^_ˆ§_^j ”vx}j]{`j ]\\]jšv”Â&#x;j ]Â?‡}zj _{xv]ˆj^”j }]§_j]j^]‰j”§_vjÂĽ}”j^}”Â?ˆ`j_Â&#x;_v|_¤ }_v_]^j Â?ÂŁ]“Â?jz^j^]z`jx”j}]§_ š”vjx}_j_ˆ_‡xz”{^jz{x”j§]vz”Â?^j”L‡_^¤j }_j x}]xj zšj x}_j ^x]Š_}”ˆ`_v^j q{]ˆˆ‰j ^_-ˆ_j š”vj j ”ˆzxz‡]ˆj ]{]ˆ‰^x^j ÂŒ_ˆz_§_j x}]xj Â?|Â?`]j people should look out for the best.â€? any of the senatorial districts he would

‘Crisis of greed in Rivers PDP’ Continued from page 39 ]ˆ]ÂŒ]vz¨j^}”Â?ˆ`jš”v|_xjzx¤j Š¼_vv_j^}”Â?ˆ`j š”v|_xj zx¤j |”{zj ^}”Â?ˆ`j š”v|_xj zx¤j j ˆ”xj of Ikwerres believe it is not their turn, ”x}_vÂĽz^_j^”jÂ&#x;]{‰j Š¼_vv_j\_”\ˆ_j¼”Â?ˆ`j }]§_j §z_`j š”vj x}_j \vzÂ&#x;]vz_^¨j ÂŒÂ?xj x}_‰j Š{”¼jzxjz^j{”xjvz|}x¤j }]xj j]Â&#x;j^]‰z{|jz^j ˆzŠ_j ”ˆˆ‰j ]vx”{ÂŁ^j ^”{|¨j ´ ”]xj ”šj ]{‰j ”ˆ”Â?v^°¤j §_v‰j \z_‡_j z^j ^Â&#x;]ˆˆ¨j ÂŒÂ?xj ‰”Â?j can sow it together to get a beautiful cloth. ‰_^”Â&#x;j zŠ_j ^}”Â?ˆ`j š”v|_xj }z^j ]Â&#x;ÂŒzxz”{j x”j ^Â?‡‡__`j ”§_v{”vj }zÂŒÂ?zŠ_j ”xzÂ&#x;zj Â&#x;]_‡}z¨j ]j š_ÂˆÂˆÂ”ÂĽj Š¼_vv_j Â&#x;]{j šv”Â&#x;j ÂŒzÂ&#x;]jz{j Š¼_vv_j ”‡]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj v_]j z{j z§_v^j ]^xj _{]x”vz]ˆj z^xvz‡x¤j Wike started his politics at the local |”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¤j }_j {]Â&#x;_j ”šj }z^j ˆ”‡]ˆj |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj z^j ÂŒz”Þ Š\”v¤j xj x}_j _{`j ”šj}z^j^_‡”{`jx_vÂ&#x;j]^j‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{¨j}_j|]§_j x}_j ‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{^}z\j \”^zxz”{j x”j }z^j ÂŒv”x}_vj instead. Is that what he wants to replicate in Rivers State? Rivers State is very complex. Don’t you think leadership should go to those who understand and appreciate the dynamics of power rather than insisting on enthroning a governor through the principle of zoning and rotation? j x”ˆ`j ‰”Â?j x}]xj _‡xz”{j ¡Ă‡Âźj ÂąÂŒ²j ”šj x}_j Nigerian Constitution talks about spread. ””Š¨j ÂŁÂ&#x;j šv”Â&#x;j }”]`]Âœ _^x¨j ]j vz§_vz{_j



]v_]j”šj }”]`]Âœ _^xj ¤j _j^]‰jÂĽ_j]v_j riverine, they say no, we are not salt water, so on that basis, let the truth be told. This Â&#x;]{j x}]xj z^j ‡”Â&#x;z{|¨j x}z^j Â&#x;]{j x}]xj ÂĽ]{x^j to be governor, has he worked anywhere ÂŒ_š”v_j ]\]vxj šv”Â&#x;j \ˆ]‰z{|j \”ˆzxz‡^Ăˆj ‰j

position is that there should be equity and fair play. Why is the emphasis on who becomes the next governor of Rivers State centred on where the candidate comes from rather than the ability and capability of the person to inspire in growth and

development in Rivers State, but where the person comes from? Â&#x;\}]^z^j z^j ]Œ”Â?xj x}_j `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{xj ”šj Rivers State. If you have not worked for Â?\j x”j ¡¸j ‰_]v^¨j x}_{¨j |_xj ”Â?xj ”šj x}_j v]‡_¤j

”¼j‡]{j^”Â&#x;_Œ”`‰j`”jÂ&#x;”{”v]zÂˆĂˆj šj‰”Â?j want to take it straight, you will destroy x}_j›‰”§_v¤j šj‰”Â?jx]Š_jzxjx”j Š¼_vv_jv”]`j you will discuss with railway and discuss ÂĽzx}jx}_j _`_v]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¤j šj‰”Â?jx]Š_j it along Ikwerre road, you will destroy }”Â?^_^j ]{`j `z^‡Â?^^j ÂĽzx}j x}_j ”ˆz‡_j ]Â?x}”vzx‰¨jÂĽ}z‡}jz^j _`_v]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¤j }_v_j`z`j‰”Â?j\ˆ]{jš”vjzxjx”j|Â”Ăˆj xj^”Â&#x;_j \”z{xj ‰”Â?j ÂĽzˆˆj `_q{zx_ˆ‰j `z^‡Â?^^j ÂĽzx}j x}_j _`_v]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¤j }‰j x]Š_j ]j unilateral action and think everyone will fall in line? What is your advice to the would-be governor in 2015? I don’t have any advice for any of the |”§_v{”v^}z\j ]^\zv]{x^¤j {‰j j j ”{_j ÂĽ}”j wants to be a governor and has not ¼”vŠ_`jš”vj]xjˆ_]^xj¡¸j‰_]v^jz{jx}_j\vz§]x_j ”vj \Â?Œˆz‡j ^_‡x”vj z^j {”xj žÂ?]ˆzq_`j x”j §z_j š”vj _Âł]ˆx_`j \”^zxz”{¤j ””Šj ]xj }_Š]v]Â?¨j ]j x_]‡}_vÂżj `]Âœ _”v|_j ¼”vŠ_`j z{j }_ˆˆ¨j ÂŒÂ?xj ÂĽ}_{j ‰”Â?vj qv^xj ]\\”z{xÂ&#x;_{xj z^j x}_j governorship, it will not help us. If it is your father’s business, will you give it to ^”Â&#x;_”{_jÂĽ}”jz^jz{_Âł\_vz_{‡_`Ăˆj



Newswatch Times Thursday November 20, 2014

Why I dumped PDP – Bade Alhaji Saleh Bade, a chieftain of Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) and three times senatorial candidate on the platform of defunct National Republican Convention (NRC), All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) and an aspirant on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in 2011, recently decamped to All Progressives Congress (APC) from the ruling party PDP. In this interview with BABA NEGEDU, Alhaji Bade responded to some National issues, and gave reasons why he dumped PDP alleging that the party condone lawless. He gave reasons why he is supporting Kano state Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso presidential ambition.


e will like to know what prompted your decision to dump the ruling, PDP and join forces with the opposition party APC ? My reasons for dumping the PDP are many, but let me say that the PDP as a party does not respect rule of law, bad leadership has become the order of the day in the party, insincerity, dishonest and above all lack of cohesion. For instance, this government under PDP breaks International Laws, is it the case of $15 Million dollars money laundering in South Africa. The Party PDP does not respect the Nigerian Constitution. The recent withdrawal of Hon. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal’s Security, 50% reduction of Governor Kwankwaso’s security details in last few months during the appointment of the Emir of Kano and so many others issues have shown that the PDP led federal government do not respect constituted authorities. These are serious breaches and it is not good enough for the country and as a people. As a party member, you know there are challenges in all the political parties in the country, even though we agreed that these are reasons to be taken into consideration but don’t you think that these problems can be corrected if you raise the issue before the leadership of the party and the government? Let me be frank with you, the problem PDP is facing is insurmountable as far as I am concern. For instance, the level of corruption in government keeps increasing, most Nigerians are not convinced that the $20 Billion dollars alleged to be missing in the oil sector has not been siphoned or diverted to other uses that has nothing to do with the country. Another form of corruption is the issue of N10 Billion aircraft chartered by Minister of Petroleum Diezani Alison- Maduake, who refused to be probed by the National Assembly, because of what some people alleged was directives from above. Even the international community the acknowledged that the present administration is highly corrupt. Mrs. Bill Clinton of United States ]{`j _{]x”vj ”}{¨j ‡ ]z{j‡”{qvÂ&#x;_`jx}_^_j in their remarks made few months ago. So it is nothing new but the government has refused to address the issue of corruption. The security challenges ravaging the country is more prevalent in the North, do you think the PDP government under Jonathan is really addressing the problem? That is the area this government has performed worst . We have over 150,000 armies, but few insurgents took away substantial part of Borno, Yobe and `]Â&#x;]ÂĽ]¨j x}_j ]v_]^j Â&#x;]z{ˆ‰j ]B_‡x_`j ]v_jj Bama, Gwoza, Dikwa, Minchika, Mubi, Buni Yadi, Nafada and among other areas. Those areas are now under control of the insurgents in a democratic government like ours.PDP has failed Nigerians, we need a change and a serious one too. Another area is Lack of infrastructural development especially in the Northerner Part of the country, high level of unemployment, gross indiscipline, dividing Nigerians along v_ˆz|z”Â?^¨j _x}{z‡j ]{`j ^_‡xz”{]ˆj `zB_v_{‡_^Âżj we really need a change before it is too late for the country. You have declared support for Rabiu Kwankwanso’s presidential aspiration. ! " ! #!$!% &"' %& to lead the country, do you support his aspiration because you believe he can

Bade solve all these problems you are talking about? First and foremost, Kwankwaso is very honest and a hardworking person. He is fearless, open minded fellow. His performance in Kano is commendable. For instance he has transformed Kano State to a modern State, with so many infrastructural developments all over the State. In his _B”vxj x”j `_§_ˆ”\j x}_j j _`Â?‡]xz”{j j ^_‡x”v¨j he sponsored over 3,000 less privileged children, children of the Talakawas abroad to study. As I said, he has the courage and the zeal

to bring about positive changes in Nigeria. He is not a religious bigot, not nepotism, not a jingoist and above all he enjoys cordial relationship with other state governors irrespective of the party they belong to PDP,APC or APGA. Also he has good relationship with past Governors and Senators, House of Representative members and politicians. }z^jÂĽ]^j‡”{qvÂ&#x;_`j`Â?vz{|j}z^j`_‡ˆ]v]xz”{j where 27 Senators, 70 House Reps Members, 8 Governors and above all, his ^Â?\\”vx_v^j ]ˆˆj ”§_vj x}_j ‡”Â?{xv‰j ]-_{`_`j and declared their support for him.

Let me tell you if Atiku, Buhari or Nda > @ H J H K @ O > Q U @ OO > Q K ready to serve under any committee in the presidential campaign team, I was in strategy and planning committee for Buhari campaign in 2007

_q{zx_ˆ‰¨j ÂĽ]{Š¼]^”¨j ÂĽzˆˆj }]§_j j ]j courageous running mate as well to form the “Winning Teamâ€? for APC 2015. Another advantage Governor Kwankwaso has is that he has the support of so many traditional rulers, retired generals all over the country. I can tell you that even some PDP Governors will not hesitate to support him if he gets the ticket of the APC, and other support will come from the previous leaders and other prominent Nigerians all over the country. But if your candidate, Governor Kwankwaso fails to get the APC ticket, will you support any other Candidate that gets the party ticket? Absolutely! Absolutely!! Let me tell you if Atiku, Buhari or Nda - Isaiah emerges the ›]|jÂŒ_]v_vj”šjÂ&#x;‰j\]vx‰¨j jÂĽzˆˆjjv_{`_vjÂ&#x;‰j support. I will be ready to serve under any ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j j z{j j x}_j \v_^z`_{xz]ˆj ‡]Â&#x;\]z|{jj team, I was in strategy and planning ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__jjš”vj Â?}]vzj‡]Â&#x;\]z|{jjz{j¾œœº¤j Our main goal and objective is to have a change so that Nigerians can have a sigh of relief. Change by God’s grace is inevitable as the case in other countries where leaders failed the people call for change and that is what we want in Nigeria. You also recently declared your support for Governor Ibrahim Gaidam to continue as Governor of Yobe State in 2015. Can you tell us why you give him your support, considering what is happening in the state? His Excellency, Governor Ibrahim Gaidan has performed wonderfully well in terms of infrastructural development despite the security challenges. For instance, there is a road which the PDP awarded the contract between Gashua and Yusfari after paying mobilization fees the project was abandoned for 12 years. His Excellency Ibrahim Gaidan came and reaward the road and was completed within a short period of time. Similarly township roads in Nguru, Gashua, Potiskum, Gaidam, Damaturu among others were solidly constructed and anybody in Yobe will tell you the good work the Governor is doing. Even if you take a trip to the state you can see things for yourself. Also look at the housing projects all over that were completed under his administration. Many hospitals were upgraded despite the security challenges. He really deserved ]{”x}_vjx_{Â?v_jz{j”L‡_jjjx”j_{]Œˆ_j}zÂ&#x;jjx”j do more by transforming Yobe State from a poor and rural state to a modern and developed state that can compete with others all over the country. What advise do you give Nigerians especially based on the fear expressed by some people on forthcoming general elections in 2015? Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to advise my fellow brothers and sisters, parents and grandparents, children, let’s all be law abiding citizens x}]xjz^jx}_j`zB_v_{‡_jÂŒ_xÂĽ__{jÂ?^j]{`j^”Â&#x;_j of the developed nations. We need to obey the laws of the land. We should respect the laws of our land, our constitution. To be God fearing in all our dealings, as one day we shall all account for our deeds. Both Muslims and Christians should imbibe the culture of brotherhood. God decided to place all of us in one country called Nigeria, thus let us team-up together to develop our country. We should not allow people to fool us into chaos for their own ^_ˆq^}jv_]^”{^¤


Newswatch Times

Health Thursday, November 20, 2014

Radiology centres should be manned by practitioners – Abe Abe

Penultimate Saturday, Nigerians joined other countries to mark the World Radiology Day. Dr Abe Jonathan Segun is the Chairman, Association of Private Practice Radiologist Nigeria (APPRN) and a consultant radiologist. The graduate of Radiology who is also one of the foremost pioneers in private practice for more than two decades and Medical Director/CEO, Nobel Medicals Ltd, African X-Ray House in Lagos, addresses misconceptions about the practice of radiology, among other issues in a chat with CHIOMA UMEHA (HEALTH EDITOR). Excerpts:


iscuss the theme of this year’s World Radiology Day The theme of this year’s International Day of Radiology (IDoR) is ‘Brain imaging.’ In line with the theme of this year’s IDoR event which is ‘Brain Imaging,’ the European Society of Radiology (ESR) worked in close collaboration with experts in the field of neuroimaging. The result is Brainwatch: Detecting

and diagnosing brain diseases with imaging, a book providing comprehensive information about how and why radiologists image the brain. The booklet describes imaging’s role in the five major brain diseases: brain tumour, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. Experts selected by ACR and the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology also contributed chapters on research in brain

imaging and radiotherapy in brain malignancies. ESR teamed up with the International Society for the History of Radiology for the second booklet, which is the third volume of the Story of Radiology series. This booklet includes chapters on the origins of medical physics, Marie Curie and the Radium Institute, the history of MRI, photography and radiology. This book charts the development of medical imaging, and covers the work of Marie Curie and how radiology was used during the First World War. This is in line with the theme of this year’s World Radiology Day – ‘Brain imaging.’ The annual IDoR was a highly anticipated event for scientists and medical professionals. This year, over 125 societies participated in the event, representing groups from radiology, medical physics and neurology and patient rights groups. More than 60 European radiological societies took part, including 20 North American, 12 Latin American, and 11 Asian societies. The numbers was boosted even further by the firsttime participation of five African societies that represent 26 countries. In 2013, 110 radiology and medicinerelated societies were involved in International Day of Radiology (IDoR), an initiative created by ESR, RSNA, and the American College of Radiology (ACR).

The event was also a platform to connect with the general public, and to inform them about the advancements and innovations that have been made in the field of radiology over the years. Nigeria joined other countries to observe the IDoR events, which included; press conferences, public lectures, media outreach, and open days at hospitals, in the hope of expanding awareness of the value of medical imaging for detecting, diagnosing, and managing brain disease. Also, this year’s IDoR also saw the involvement of several patient organizations, including the Stroke Alliance for Europe and a carryover from last year’s event, the European Patients’ Forum. Establish the link between x-ray and radiology By coincidence Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen on November 8, 1895 discovered some mystery rays and he called them x-rays. These x-rays are sub-atomic particles that propel energy and they move at a very high speed of 100,000 miles per second and they could come in form of neutrons, electrons and alpha particles and they could penetrate humans to cause cancer. Also, if you expose a pregnant woman at early stage to the rays, it could cause genetic defects. That is why some pregnant women Continued on page 46

Anambra: 50 receive free medicare as FRSC eyes ember Pg 45 months

Pneumonia kills Cannabis extract may 180,000 children have effect on brain annually cancer – Research – NPHCDA Pg 44 Pg 47


Newswatch Times


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pneumonia kills 180,000 children annually – NPHCDA TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja


neumonia has killed not less than 180,000 children under x}_j ]|_j ”šj q§_j in Nigeria. According to statistic, the disease is second highest killer of infants ]šx_vjÂ&#x;]ˆ]vz]j]{`j]B_‡x^j about 6.4million children in the country. }_j Âł_‡Â?xz§_j zv_‡tor, National Primary

_]ˆx} ]v_j _§_ˆ”\ment Agency (NPH ²j vj `”j ”}]Â&#x;med, noted that it would need about $340m to fund routine immunization in 2020. \_]Šz{|j ”{j ”{`]‰¨j at this year’s World {_Â?Â&#x;”{z]j ]‰¨jx]||_`ĂŒj ´ {z§_v^]ˆj ‡‡_^^j š”vj {_Â?Â&#x;”{z]j \v_§_{xz”{j ]{`j ‡]v_¨°j ”}]Â&#x;Â&#x;_`¨j assured the gathering x}]xj |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj ÂĽzˆˆj roll out the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Âą ²j {_Âłxj Â&#x;”{x}j ÂĽzx}j the aim of addressing inequality in the society. He stressed that the §]‡‡z{_j z^j z{j \vz§]x_j }”^\zx]ˆ^j ]xj ]j }z|}j ‡”^xj which is beyond the or`z{]v‰j \_”\ˆ_j z{j x}_j ^”ciety, hence the need to address the inequality. According to him the š_`_v]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj

will be making the PCV ]§]zˆ]Œˆ_j z{j \Â?Œˆz‡j }”^\zx]ˆ^jŒ‰j _‡_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj¡¸¤ He further stated that x}_j§]‡‡z{_jÂĽzˆˆjÂŒ_jÂ&#x;]`_j ]§]zˆ]Œˆ_j x”j xÂĽ_ˆ§_j states, two states in each ”šj x}_j ^zÂłj |_”œ\”ˆzxz‡]ˆj zones. ”Â?vj ”x}_vj §]‡‡z{_^j

]v_j ]ˆ^”j _Âł\_‡x_`j x”j ÂŒ_j introduced to further accelerate reduction in child mortality and im\v”§_j x}_j }_]ˆx}j ^x]xÂ?^j of Nigerians, he stated. }_j š”Â?vj {_ÂĽj §]‡‡z{_^j Âąj ”x]¨j ¨j _{j j ]{`j ²j §]‡‡z{_^j ‡]{j \”x_{xz]ˆˆ‰j ^]§_j

]Œ”Â?xj ¸ºœ¨œœœj ˆz§_^j Œ‰j ¾œ¾œ¨j ÂĽ}_{j ‡”Â&#x;\]v_`j ÂĽzx}jx}_j‡Â?vv_{xj§]‡‡z{_j schedule. \_]Šz{|j ]ˆ^”j ]xj x}_j _§_{x¨j x}_j }]zvÂ&#x;]{¨j _{]x_j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j ”{j Health, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa assured the gathering that the Sen-

]x_jÂĽzˆˆj|z§_j]-_{xz”{jx”j the issue of funding for x}_j§]‡‡z{_j]^jx}_v_jÂĽ]^j x}_j {__`j x”j _Âł\]{`j ]{`j ^Â?^x]z{j ]‡‡_^^j x”j \{_Â?Â&#x;”{z]j§]‡‡z{_¤ He also challenged x}_j š_`_v]ˆj |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj x”j |z§_j \{_Â?Â&#x;”{z]j x}_j ^]Â&#x;_jŠz{`j”šj]-_{xz”{jzxj


Maternal health: Champions for Change announces inaugural convening of advocates,others


Champions for Change team during an inaugural RMNCH leadership and advocacy workshop in Lagos, weekend.

Experts canvass for 100% voluntary blood donation Âł\_vx^j}]§_jÂ?v|_`j all stakeholders in the health sector to intensify _B”vxj ]{`j _{^Â?v_j x}]xj ¡œœj \_vj ‡_{xj ”šj ]ˆˆj blood for transfusion is šv”Â&#x;j §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{”v^j]^j\]vxj”šj^xv]x_|z_^j z{jv_^\”{`z{|jx”jx}_j ”vˆ`j Health Organisation Âą ²j \”^zxz”{j x}]xj žÂ?zx_j a number of deaths are related to loss of blood. ]Šz{|j x}z^j ‡]ˆˆj `Â?vz{|j this year’s annual free \Â?Œˆz‡j }_]ˆx}j ^‡v__{z{|j ]{`j]ÂĽ]v_{_^^j\v”|v]Â&#x;Â&#x;_j ”v|]{z“_`j Œ‰j x}_j Â?^ˆzÂ&#x;j ”{|v_^^j ”šj Â?^}z{j ”‡]ˆj ”§_v{Â&#x;_{x¨jx}_j }]zvÂ&#x;]{¨j ]|”^j x]x_j ˆ””`j v]{^šÂ?^z”{j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j Âą ²j v¤j `_x”Â?{j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^¨j ^]z`j x}]xj x}_j WHO’s recommendation that by 2020, all blood for transfusion should ÂŒ_j šv”Â&#x;j §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j donors will go a long way in addressing issues of touting for blood donation as well as the demand š”vj v_\ˆ]‡_Â&#x;_{xj ”šj Œˆ””`j through family donation for mothers at ante natal booking. j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j ÂĽ}”j ÂĽ]^j

|]§_j x”j \”ˆz”¨j z{‡ˆÂ?`z{|j increased sensitization and awareness of the \_”\ˆ_¤

v_\v_^_{x_`j ]xj x}_j _§_{xj Œ‰j ]j Â&#x;_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj ”šj x}_j ]|”^j x]x_j ˆ””`j v]{^šÂ?^z”{j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__¨j v^¤j _vzš]xj ]ÂĽ]ˆj Â?v|_`j _§_v‰”{_j x”j zÂ&#x;ÂŒzÂŒ_j x}_j ^\zvzxj ”šj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{]xz”{j ]{`j ]ˆ^”j ÂŒ_‡”Â&#x;_j v_\_]xj donors, stressing that Â&#x;]Šz{|j^]š_jŒˆ””`j]§]zˆ]Œˆ_j z^j]j‡”ˆˆ_‡xz§_jv_^\”{^zÂŒzˆzx‰j ”šj_§_v‰”{_¤jjj j }_j }]zvÂ&#x;]{j \”^zx_`j that creating awareness on x}_j §zx]ˆj v”ˆ_j ”šj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j blood donation toward ]‡}z_§z{|jx}_j|”]ˆj”šj^]§z{|j ˆz§_^j ]{`j v_`Â?‡z{|j `_]x}^j z^j §_v‰j zÂ&#x;\”vx]{xj ÂŒ_‡]Â?^_j v_‡”v`^j }]§_j ^}”¼{j x}]xj quite a number of deaths are related to loss of blood. “We therefore cannot ”§_vj _Â&#x;\}]^z“_j x}_j {__`j x”j _{^Â?v_j ]§]zˆ]ÂŒzˆzx‰j ”šj blood in our blood banks ÂĽ}_v_j\]xz_{x^jÂĽ}”jv_žÂ?zv_j blood transfusion can be v_]`zˆ‰j ^Â?\\ˆz_`¤j }]xj z^j why we are intensifying ”Â?vj ]ÂĽ]v_{_^^j ‡]Â&#x;\]z|{j to encourage more §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{”v^j x”j šÂ”z{j ”x}_v^j ÂĽ}”j |z§_j their blood willingly and freely without knowing the v_‡z\z_{x^°¨j }_j]``_`¤ j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j {”x_`j

that one of the strategies x}]xj ÂĽ_v_j \Â?xj z{j \ˆ]‡_j x”j ]‡xÂ?]ˆz“_j x}_j §z^z”{j ”šj j x”j _{^Â?v_j x}]xj only safe blood will be xv]{^šÂ?^_`jz{j ]|”^j x]x_jz^j x”j\v”Â&#x;”x_jx}_jv_‡vÂ?zxÂ&#x;_{xj ”šj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{”v^j x”j _{^Â?v_j ]`_žÂ?]x_j ^Â?\\ˆ‰j of safe blood. The Chairman added x}]xj x}_j x]x_j |”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj is working towards ]-]z{z{|j x}_j j |”]ˆj that mandated all countries to source blood only from §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰jŒˆ””`j`”{”v^j¡œœj \_vj‡_{xjŒ‰j¾œ¾œ¤ j j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j ÂĽ}”j \v]z^_`jx}_j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;zxÂ&#x;_{xj”šj ]|”^z]{^jz{jx}_j`zv_‡xz”{j”šj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{]xz”{j said that the number of §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰jŒˆ””`j`”{”v^j}]^j been increasing regularly ^z{‡_jx}_jz{‡_\xz”{j”šj ]|”^j x]x_j ˆ””`j v]{^šÂ?^z”{j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__¤ }_j ”Â?xˆz{_`j x}_j _B”vx^j made by the blood xv]{^šÂ?^z”{j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-__j x”j ]-v]‡xj]{`jv_x]z{j§Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j blood donors to include; \v”Â&#x;”xz{|j ]-zxÂ?`z{]ˆj change in the health \_v^”{{_ˆj ÂĽ}”j ]-_{`j x”j the donors; creation of a ‡”{`Â?‡z§_j _{§zv”{Â&#x;_{xj

for blood donation and establishment of blood donor centres outside of }”^\zx]ˆj\v_Â&#x;z^_^¤ j x}_v^j ]v_Âżj \ˆ]{^j x”j acquire blood mobile §_}z‡ˆ_j š”vj ÂĽ]ˆŠœz{j Œˆ””`j `”{]xz”{j ]{`j _Âł_Â&#x;\xz”{j of screening fees for §Â”ˆÂ?{x__v^j ^}”Â?ˆ`j x}_‰j x}_Â&#x;^_ˆ§_^j v_žÂ?zv_j Œˆ””`j transfusion. j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j _Âł\ˆ]z{_`j x}]xj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{”v^j]v_j\v”‡_^^_`jÂŒ]^_`j on eligibility criteria before donation stressing that donors must be between 18 ]{`j Ǹj ‰_]v^j ]{`j Â&#x;Â?^xj ÂŒ_j \}‰^z‡]ˆˆ‰jqx¤ j }_j]``_`jx}]xj§Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j blood donors may be referred for treatment zšj v_žÂ?zv_`j ]{`j |z§_{j }_]Â&#x;]xz{z‡^j ]{`j §zx]Â&#x;z{^¨j adding that refreshment ]{`j ^”Â?§_{zv^j ]v_j |z§_{j routinely while they are also remembered on their ÂŒzvx}`]‰^¨j š_^xz§_j \_vz”`j and reminded when due š”vj{_Âłxj`”{]xz”{j§z]j ¤ j´ ˆˆjx}_^_j}]§_jzÂ&#x;\]‡x_`j \”^zxz§_ˆ‰j ”{j x}_j `”{”v^j resulting in an increase in v_\_]xj§Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j`”{]xz”{^¤j v”Â&#x;j ƺÆj Â?{zx^j ”šj Œˆ””`j

šv”Â&#x;j §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j `”{”v^j z{j ¾œœĂ†¨jÂĽ_j}]`jƨºº¸jÂ?{zx^jz{j 2013 and from January to June 14, 2014 we had 1,888 Â?{zx^°¨j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j^x]x_`¤ j }_j _Âł\ˆ]z{_`j x}]xj x}_j ‡]Â&#x;\]z|{j š”vj §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j blood donation will increase awareness on x}_j zÂ&#x;\”vx]{‡_j ”šj ^]š_j Œˆ””`j ]{`j Œˆ””`j \v”`Â?‡x^j š”vj \]xz_{x^¨j _^\_‡z]ˆˆ‰j \v_|{]{xj Â&#x;”x}_v^j `Â?vz{|j \v_|{]{‡‰j]{`j‡}zˆ`jÂŒzvx}¤ j |ÂŒ_Âœ ]§z_^j ^xv_^^_`j x}]xj zxj z^j ]{j zÂ&#x;\”vx]{xj ^xv]x_|‰j z{j x}_j \v_§_{xz”{j of maternal deaths and Â&#x;]šÂ”vj ‡”Â&#x;\”{_{xj ”šj x}_j ‡”Â&#x;\v_}_{^z§_j ]|”^j x]x_j ]x_v{]ˆj ]{`j }zˆ`j ”vx]ˆzx‰j _`Â?‡xz”{j Programme. Earlier, the Chairman ”šj }_j Â?^ˆzÂ&#x;j ”{|v_^^j Âą ²¨j `_ÂŒ]‰”j Â?ÂŒvzˆj ÂŒ`Â?ÂˆÂĽ]}]ÂŒ¨j _Âł\ˆ]z{_`j x}]xj x}_j šv__j \Â?Œˆz‡j }_]ˆx}j \v”|v]Â&#x;Â&#x;_jÂĽ}z‡}jz{‡ˆÂ?`_^j free diabetes test, blood \v_^^Â?v_j ‡}_‡Š¨j §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j Œˆ””`j `”{]xz”{j `vz§_¨j HIV screening, medical consultation, free eye test, dental care and free drugs z^j ]j |_^xÂ?v_j ”šj x}_j j ]xj Š__\z{|jx}_j\”\Â?ˆ]‡_j]ˆz§_j and healthy.

}_j {__`j x”j }]§_j ‡v_`zŒˆ_¨j \]^^z”{]x_j ]{`j ‡”Â&#x;\_x_{xj ‡z§zˆj ^”‡z_x‰j ˆ_]`_v^j ]`§Â”‡]xz{|j š”vj zÂ&#x;\v”§_`j _\v”`Â?‡xz§_j ]x_v{]ˆj _ÂĽÂŒÂ”v{j ]{`j }zˆ`j _]ˆx}j Âą ²j }]§_jÂŒ__{jz`_{xzq_`j]^j]jŠ_‰j ^x_\jz{j]``v_^^z{|jÂ&#x;]x_v{]ˆj and child health challenges in the country. }_j v”š_‡xj _\Â?x‰j zv_‡x”v¨j }]Â&#x;\z”{^j š”vj }]{|_j Âą Æ ²¨j Â&#x;zˆ‰j Teitsworth disclosed, during a graduation dinner z{j ]|”^j ”{j ÂĽ__Š_{`¨j that there was a linkage ÂŒ_xÂĽ__{j j ˆ_]`_v^}z\j ]{`j _B_‡xz§_j j ]`§Â”‡]‡‰¤j }_j ”‡‡]^z”{j witnessed the graduation ”šj ¾Äj ]`§Â”‡]x_^j šv”Â&#x;j ¡¾j CSOs, following a weekˆ”{|jxv]z{z{|j”{jˆ_]`_v^}z\¨j j \”ˆz‡z_^j ]{`j ]`§Â”‡]‡‰j^xv]x_|z_^¤ The Country _\v_^_{x]xz§_¨j }]Â&#x;\z”{^j š”vj }]{|_¨j ^¤j }_v_^]j ]Š]j B]j ^]z`ĂŒj ´ Æ j z^j z{§_^xz{|j z{j z|_vz]{j ]`§Â”‡]x_^j ÂĽ}”j ]v_j ˆ_]`z{|j x}_j q|}xj š”vj }_]ˆx}‰j mothers, children and š]Â&#x;zˆz_^°¤j ´ Æ j \v”§z`_^j Nigerian leaders with z{x_{^z§_j ˆ_]`_v^}z\j `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{xj]{`j_Âł_‡Â?xz§_j coaching, strengthens \]vx{_vj ”v|]{z^]xz”{^j x}v”Â?|}j ]`§Â”‡]‡‰j šÂ?{`z{|j and technical assistance, ]{`j ^Â?\\”vx^j z|_vz]{j {_x¼”vŠ^j x”j ‡”ˆˆ]Œ”v]xz§_ˆ‰j ]`§]{‡_j x}_j j agenda,â€? she added. According to her, one ”Â?xj ”šj _§_v‰j ¡Ă„j ¼”Â&#x;_{j `z_j z{j \v_|{]{‡‰j ”vj ‡}zˆ`ÂŒzvx}¨j ]{`j¡¾j\_vj‡_{xjj”šj‡}zˆ`v_{j die before reaching the ]|_j ”šj q§_j z{j z|_vz]¤j The country recorded about 40,000 maternal deaths in 2013, making it the second largest contributor to the world maternal mortality. A figure which is second to India only. \_]Šz{|j ]Œ”Â?xj x}_j ]\\v”]‡}j ”šj Æ ¨j x}_j \v”š_‡xj Â&#x;]{]|_v¨j Â?š]v”j Kangai, said that C4C ]zÂ&#x;^j x”j ]``v_^^j \]vxj ”šj the question being asked z{j\Â?Œˆz‡j}_]ˆx}j]Œ”Â?xjÂĽ}‰j švz‡]j z^j \””v¤j ‡‡”v`z{|j x”j }_v¨j v_^_]v‡}_^j }]§_j \v”§_`j x}]xj švz‡]j z^j \””vj due to mismanagement of v_^”Â?v‡_^¨j ‡”vvÂ?\xz”{j ]{`j \””vj|”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj\v]‡xz‡_^¤j

Newswatch Times Thursday, November 20, 2014


Anambra: 50 receive free medicare as FRSC eyes ember months &†35,$1 (%(/( Onitsha

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– Commissioner




Suspects arrested and arraigned by National Agency for Food, Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) for alleged forgery and production of counterfeit drugs, last weekend at its Investigation and enforcement Directorate 2|}~ $€ € / ‚„…

Chamber of Commerce honours NAFDAC DG


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Kano govt burns N4b fake drugs within three years

‰”Â?vj\]vŠ^j^}”Â?ˆ`jÂŒ_j`z^‡”Â?v]|_`¨j `”{ÂŁxj `vz§_j x”j `z_¤j Â?x¨j ÂĽ}_{j ‰”Â?j x]Š_j ]ˆ‡”}”ˆj]{`j`z^”Œ_‰jv”]`j TED ODOGWU, Bureau Chief, ˆ]ÂĽ^j ‰”Â?j ]v_j `vz§z{|j x”j Kano `z_¨°j}_jšÂ?vx}_vjÂĽ]v{_`¤ {j zx^j `_x_vÂ&#x;z{] ”{xvzÂŒÂ?xz{|¨j x}_j {zxj xz”{jx”j‡”Â&#x;ÂŒ]xj`vÂ?|j

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JOHESU Strike: Makurdi doctors on 24 hour duty n order to cushion the _B_‡xj”šjx}_j^xvzŠ_j_Â&#x;ÂŒ]vŠ_`j Â?\”{j Œ‰j x}_j Joint Health Sector Union, JOHESU, authorities ”šj x}_j _`_v]ˆj _`z‡]ˆj _{x_v¨j ]ŠÂ?v`z¨j }]§_j `_\ˆ”‰_`jÂ&#x;_`z‡]ˆj`”‡x”v^j x”j`_\]vxÂ&#x;_{x^jÂĽzx}j‡vzxzcal cases. \_]Šz{|jx”j _ÂĽ^ÂĽ]x‡}j zÂ&#x;_^j”{jx}_j_B_‡xj”šjx}_j ^xvzŠ_j”{jx}_jÂ&#x;_`z‡]ˆj‡_{x_v¨j x}_j }z_šj {š”vÂ&#x;]xz”{j L‡_v¨j vj ˆ_Âłj }_Â&#x;Â?¨j ^]z`j ‡”{xv]v‰j x”j ^\_‡Â?ˆ]xz”{^j x}]xj ]‡xz§zxz_^j ]xj x}_j }”^\zx]ˆj}]`j‡”ˆˆ]\_`¨jx}_j `”‡x”v^j }]§_j ÂŒ__{j ”B_vz{|j^_v§z‡_^¤ ´ šj ‰”Â?j |”j x”j x}_j j {”¼¨j ‰”Â?j ÂĽzˆˆj ^__j ^”Â&#x;_j `”‡x”v^j ÂĽ}”j ]v_j ”{j `Â?x‰j š”vj ]ˆÂ&#x;”^xj ¾Æj }”Â?v^¨j x}_‰j ]^^Â?Â&#x;_j x}_‰j ]v_j ”{j ‡]ˆˆj ÂŒ_‡]Â?^_j x}_‰j `”{ÂŁxj ÂĽ]{xj \]xz_{x^j z{j ‡vzxz‡]ˆj ‡”{`zxz”{^j x”j ^Â?B_v°¨j }_Â&#x;Â?j _Âł\ˆ]z{_`¤

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Newswatch Times


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Radiology centres should be manned by practitioners – Abe Continued from page 43

who are exposed to rays end up with children who may develop hole-in-theheart, big head that we call hydrocephalous; in fact, some of the children may develop without hand or limb. Occasionally, rays causes death, if one is exposed to them in large doses. But, the caveat is this: Is it only x-rays that produce this radiation? No! There are some natural sources of radiation. In fact, every human being is struck by about 15,000 particles in form of radiation because of other natural sources of radiation, every second. Instances of natural sources of radiation are: soil and plaster. Soil emits radiation; so also, plaster that is POP in buildings emits radiation, but they are mainly in small quantities. Similarly, people that live near dunghills are exposed to higher sources of radiation. Surprisingly, you see some people build their shanties there and that is where they live and consistently they are exposed to radiation. You can reduce your exposure to radiation by building your houses with wood. By so doing, you can only reduce your exposure by 10 per cent. You can also line your room with lead which is very expensive and reduce radiation by 20 per cent. Can you stay in your room throughout the day? No! You will still go out. When x-ray was discovered, it was thought to be used for industrial use; but when people talk about radiation, they only think about medical rays which are insignificant. Radiation used in oil and gas to detect lead pipes; radiation is also used to produce atomic bombs; those who work in quarries also use radiation to blast stones; geologists also use radiation to trace their pipes as they are going underground. Those are even heavy doses of radiation. World Radiology Day is celebrated every November 8, to address these confusing issues among other things. Many often get confused about the role of radiologists in medical practice. List their major roles. Radiology is a speciality in medicine that deals with ionising radiations that is the use of x-rays and other image modalities. The role of radiologists is essentially to do special investigations with radiations and also

Abe interpret the results of x-ray and other image modalities. Improper diagnostics leads to many health complications and in some cases lead to fatalities. What sets your centre apart? When it comes to proper diagnostics, there are ingredients, just like it is in cooking a good soup; there are things you need to make proper diagnostics. The problem of diagnostics is two-fold including; personnel and equipments. The bane of misdiagnosis in Nigeria is mainly lack of adequate equipment, not using the right equipments for the right tests and not getting up-to-date equipments. Then even when the equipments are available, the right personnel are not. It is unfortunate that the

slogan of ‘use what you have to achieve what you want’ that use to pervade the society during the time of MAMSER has ironically crept into the health sector where non-professionals are being used as surrogate professionals. Diagnostic centres are supposed to be manned by radiologists and pathologists, but you see technicians manning all these places; of course, no one can report more than his knowledge. Also, you cannot give out what you do not have. So, inadequate diagnosis stems from number one; inappropriate equipment, then number two, lack of relevant personnel. Those are two bane of misdiagnosis in Nigeria. There is growing number of quacks in your area

of practice. What is your association doing to weed off these quacks? Unfortunately, there are some policies that have been established from the First and Second Republic and because they are never visited, those policies are not in use. What we are doing now is to sensitise the society concerning visiting good diagnostic centres. We are using advocacy to influence government to increase the subvention for training of radiologists that is increase the manpower. This is because we have also looked at the number of radiologists in the country. To be frank, we have less than 400 radiologists in Nigeria, which is grossly inadequate comparing it to the population of 150 million. However, we have two times that number outside the country that travelled out in pursuit of greener pastures. When I finished my post-graduate, we were eight and out of the eight of us, few of us are in Nigeria now. Another problem is inadequate equipment; we are liaising with the government to legislate the type of equipment to be used for Nigerians which will be the best. Unfortunately, because of the buying power of an average Nigerian doctor, they have turned themselves to those who buy secondhand clothes, they are used to second-hand machines which most of the time, people have discontinued from its use. Next, there is no maintenance agreement. Often when the machine gets spoilt, it is like back to ‘square one,’ because you cannot get the spare parts. It is like a form of headache for the physician. Based on the advocacy we are doing now it is ideally expected that all diagnostic centres should have a

Diagnostic centres are supposed to be manned by radiologists and pathologists, but you see technicians manning all these places; of course, no one can report more than his knowledge.

supervising radiologists, this has not been done. The essence of having supervising radiologists is to enable anyone with challenges have someone to refer to, the patient will be able to benefit and the health indices will improve. How do you hope to achieve this? We have made some moves, written to the Health Minister and had audience with him. We have tabled our request stating: This is the way radiology practice will help an average Nigerian vis a viz the personnel. We specified the requirement of people that will handle x-rays; the requirement of people that will handle scans, even the basic facilities. You will be surprised if you go along the road, you will see uncountable diagnostics centre having the picture of pregnant women in different forms attached to shops and so on. Such places do not have provision for convenience – toilets and baths. So we are trying to liaise with HEFAMA (Health Facility Monitoring Agency, it is the agency in Lagos state that regulate health practice) and federal government to establish basic standards. HEFAMA started in Lagos state less than seven years ago and is yielding fruits. As a professional, what is your advice to users of diagnostic services? My advice to consumers are: You should first see a facility and ensure it has some basic needs before you use it; all x-ray rooms must be safe that is it will normally have what you call lead lining. Ensure that there is an inscription on the door to an x-ray facility and a red light when the x-ray is on before you use it. Also, you have the right to ask: Who is the radiologist here? Unfortunately, most people do not know the difference between a radiologist and radiographer. A radiologist is a doctor who is trained to interpret x-rays and other image modalities. A radiographer is a technician who is trained to acquire these images under the supervision of a radiologist. But, because you see everybody wearing white in the health facility, anybody that is not careful will call a ward maid a doctor.

Newswatch Times

Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cannabis extract may have effect on brain cancer – Research T

he new research by specialists at St George’s, University of London, studied the treatment of brain cancer tumours in the laboratory and discovered x}]xj x}_j ^xj _B_ xz§_j treatment was to combine active chemical components of the cannabis plant which are called cannabinoids. Two of these called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) were tested as part of the research into brain cancer which is \]vxz ]v j `zL xj x j xv_]xj and claims the lives of about 5,200 each year, an agency report said Monday. It also has a particularly poor prognosis as the rate of ^ v§z§] j ] x_vj q§_j _]v^j j patients’ diagnosis is around 10 per cent. Cannabinoids are the active chemicals in cannabis and are ] ^ j { ¥{j v_j ^\_ zq ] j as phytocannabinoids. There are 85 known cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. }_j{_¥jv_^_]v }jz^jx}_jqv^xj x j ^} ¥j ]j `v]^xz j _B_ xj ¥}_{j combining THC and CBD with irradiation. Tumours growing in the brains of mice were drastically slowed down when THC/CBD was used with irradiation.


Diabetes: Group task Nigerians on more fruits, vegetable intake PETER DADA, Akure

A Cannabis

Dr Wai Liu, Senior Research Fellow and lead researcher on the project, said: “The results are extremely exciting. The tumours were treated in a variety of ways, either with no treatment, the cannabinoids alone, and irradiation alone or with both the cannabinoids and irradiation at the same time. “Those treated with both irradiation and the cannabinoids saw the most beneficial results and a drastic reduction in size. In some cases, the tumours effectively disappeared in the animals. This augurs well for further research in humans in the future. At the

moment this is a mostly fatal disease. “The benefits of the cannabis plant elements were known before but the drastic reduction of brain cancers if used with irradiation is something new and may well prove promising for patients who are in gravely serious situations with such cancers in the future.” The research team are discussing the possibility of combining cannabinoids with irradiation in a human clinical trial. The research has been published in the Molecular Cancer Therapeutics journal.

‘Herbs,spices enhance heart health’ pices and herbs are rich in antioxidants, which may help improve triglyceride concentrations and other blood lipids, according to nutritionists. Triglyceride levels rise after eating a high-fat meal - which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, according to studies. If a high-antioxidant spice blend is incorporated into the meal, triglyceride levels may be reduced by as much as 30 per cent when compared to eating an identical meal without the spice blend. The spiced meal included garlic powder, rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, paprika, turmeric, ginger and black pepper. Sheila G. West, professor of biobehavioral health and nutritional sciences, and Ann C. Skulas-Ray, research associate in nutritional sciences, reviewed a variety of research papers that focused on the effects that spices and herbs have on


cardiovascular disease risk. They published their findings in a supplement to the current issue of the journal Nutrition Today, based on papers presented at the McCormick Science Institute Summit held in May this year. “The metabolic effects of spices and herbs and their efficacy and safety relative to traditional drug therapy represent an exciting area for future research given the public health significance of cardiovascular disease,” the researchers wrote. West and Skulas-Ray looked at three categories of studies - spice blends, cinnamon and garlic. “We live in a world where people consume too many calories every day,” said West. “Adding highantioxidant spices might be a way to reduce calories without sacrificing taste.” West and Skulas-Ray reviewed several cinnamon studies that looked at the effect of the spice on both diabetics and nondiabetics. Cinnamon was

shown to help diabetics by significantly reducing cholesterol and other blood lipids in the study participants. However, cinnamon did not appear to have any effect on nondiabetics. The garlic studies reviewed were inconclusive, but this is likely because the trials had a wide range of garlic doses, from nine milligrams of garlic oil to 10 grams of raw garlic. The reviewers noted that across the studies there was an eight per cent decrease in total cholesterol with garlic consumption, which was associated with a 38 per cent decrease in risk of heart problems in 50-yearold adults. In the study West, Skulas-Ray and colleagues conducted, they prepared meals on two separate days for six men between the ages of 30 and 65 who were overweight, but otherwise healthy. The meals were identical consisting of chicken, bread and a dessert biscuit - except

that the researchers added two tablespoons of a highantioxidant culinary spice blend to the test meal. The researchers followed the participants for three hours after each meal, drawing blood every 30 minutes. Antioxidant activity in the blood increased by 13 per cent after the men ate the test meal when compared to the control meal, which may help prevent cardiovascular disease and other chronic diseases. West and colleagues are currently working on a study to monitor study participants for eight hours after eating a meal with a high-antioxidant spice blend. They want to know what happens to the fat in such a meal. “If (the fat) is not being absorbed when spices are included in the meal, it might be excreted instead,” West said. “We will examine whether spices affect how rapidly the meal is processed through the stomach and intestines.”

s the world marked Diabetes Day last weekend, the dieticians in the country have urged Nigerians to imbibe the culture of balanced diets in their meals, saying eating more of fruits and vegetable would go a long way in preventing deadly diseases, especially diabetes. The Dieticians under the aegis of auspices of Institute of Dietetics of Nigeria (IDN), also stated that diabetes is a deadly disease, but could be completely prevented or reduced if the people could stick to eating more balanced diets. While addressing journalists in Akure, the Ondo State capital, the association’s National Secretary, Mr. Tajudeen Ahmed said, dieticians’ body, through her branches in all the states in the country has organise awareness lectures on the onset and management of Diabetes mellitus, especially dietary management. He pointed out that dieticians are part of the health team providers that manages the deadly diabetes in the hospitals, explaining that diet is key in diabetes management and dieticians are the most important member of the diabetes health management team. Ahmed also said that the November 14 of every year which is set aside for the commemoration of diabetes mellitus globally, was birthday of Dr. Frederick Banting who was credited with the discovery of the miracle drug known as insulin that is used in Diabetes control. Therefore, to avoid the deadly disease, the statement urged the people to consume less of sugary foods (simple sugars) and instead eat more of complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits.

Diabetes food

Newswatch Times



Sam Popoola


New number plate: Judiciary punctures FRSC’s powers to fine motorists FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU


he Federal Road Safety ComÂ&#x;z^^z”{j Âą ²j }]^j ^Â?B_v_`j another judicial puncture with regards to its power to \Â?{z^}j Œ‰j zÂ&#x;\”^z{|j q{_j ”{j motorists who refuse to embrace its policy of using new plate number. The Federal High Court in Ikoyi, Lagos recently came up with a position that the FRSC lacks legal competence to zÂ&#x;\”^_jq{_^j”{j_vvz{|jÂ&#x;”x”vz^x^¤ The court, presided over by Justice

]Â&#x;_^j ^”}”j{Â?ˆˆzq_`jx}_j\”¼_v^j”šjx}_j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{j x”j zÂ&#x;\”^_j ]{‰j q{_j ”{j _vving motorists on account of his alleged refusal to obtain the new plate number. In his judgment in an action instituted by a legal luminary, Tope Alabi, the judge held that FRSC cannot turn itself into a court of law by punishing those ÂĽ}”j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;zxjxv]L‡j”B_{‡_^¤ Justice Tsoho also awarded N1million `]Â&#x;]|_^j x”j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzBj ÂŒ_‡]Â?^_j j ‡”{q^‡]x_`j }z^j §_}z‡ˆ_j ]{`j `vz§_vÂŁ^j ˆzcense. According to Justice Tsoho, “It is my ‡”{§z‡xz”{jx}]xjx}_j\ˆ]z{xzBjz^j_{xzxˆ_`jx”j remedy on this account. The judge further explained that while FRSC is statutorily empowered to ]vv_^xj]{`jq{_jxv]L‡j”B_{`_v^¨j]j‡ˆ”^_vj ˆ””Šj]xjx}_j`_q{zxz”{j”šjx}_j¼”v`j´q{_°j means ‘a pecuniary criminal punishment or civil penalty payable to the \Â?Œˆz‡jxv_]^Â?v‰¤£ Justice Tsoho insisted that, “In the instant case, however, the involvement of the element of arrest takes the imposixz”{j ”šj q{_j Œ‰j x}_j ^_‡”{`j `_š_{`]{xj (FRSC) to the realm of criminal punishment. ´ xj z^j {”x_¼”vx}‰j x}]xj ]j q{_¨j ÂĽ}_{j viewed from that perspective, is a com\”{_{xj ”šj ^_{x_{‡_¤j v”Â&#x;j x}_^_j `_q{ztions, it is obvious that the act of sentencing is a judicial action or exercise. ´ Â&#x;\”^zxz”{j ”šj q{_j ‡”{{”x_^j ‡”{§z‡xz”{jš”vj]{j]ˆˆ_|_`j”B_{‡_¤j }z^j\v_^Â?\poses a trial and conviction of the per^”{j q{_`¨j _^\_‡z]ˆˆ‰j }]§z{|j v_|]v`j x”j x}_j`_q{zxz”{j”šj^_{x_{‡z{|¤ “It is, thus, very clear that the FRSC, not being a court of law, cannot impose q{_¨j_^\_‡z]ˆˆ‰jx}]xjzxj}]^j{”j\”¼_v^jx”j conduct trial. “Hence, the exercise of the statutory powers given to the second defendant under the Act as pertain to imposition ”šj q{_j z^j ‡ˆ_]vˆ‰j ]j Â?^Â?v\]xz”{j ”šj šÂ?`zcial powers exclusively vested in the ‡”Â?vx^¤°

Â?^xz‡_j ^”}”jšÂ?vx}_vj}_ˆ`jx}]xj ÂŁ^j zÂ&#x;\”^zxz”{j ”šj q{_j ”{j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzBj ÂŒ_cause of his cracked windscreen is illegal. According to the judge, “In the cir‡Â?Â&#x;^x]{‡_^¨j j _{`”v^_j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzBÂŁ^j submission that by virtue of section 1(3) of the Constitution, the power to im\”^_jq{_j‡”{š_vv_`j”{j jŒ‰jx}_j_{]bling Act is null and void to the extent of its inconsistency with section 6 of the ”{^xzxÂ?xz”{¤° The judge said though the National Assembly is empowered to make laws, it cannot go outside the limits set by the 1999 Constitution. He added that, “Basically, an unconstitutional legislation is null and void.

David Mark

}]xj z^¨j x}_v_š”v_¨j x}_j _B_‡xj ”šj _‡xz”{j 28 (2) of the FRSC Act 2007 which has purportedly conferred power on the ^_‡”{`j`_š_{`]{xjx”jzÂ&#x;\”^_jq{_¨jÂĽ}z‡}j is a judicial function. Such power is unconstitutional and unenforceable. “The FRSC is not constitutionally vested with judicial powers and cannot and should not under any guise purport to function as a court, with competence x”jzÂ&#x;\”^_jq{_j”{j]ˆˆ_|_`j”B_{`_v^¤ “Much as FRSC seems to have pas^z”{]x_j“_]ˆjš”vjxv]L‡jˆ]ÂĽj_{š”v‡_Â&#x;_{x¨j it cannot be allowed to do so in breach of constitutional provisions. “It is necessary to add that even in re^\_‡xj ”šj ^xvz‡xj ˆz]ÂŒzˆzx‰j ”B_{‡_^¨j ]j ‡”Â?vxj of law should appropriately declare the |Â?zˆxj”šj]{j]ˆˆ_|_`j”B_{`_vj]{`jx}_{jzÂ&#x;\”^_jq{_¤j ´ ÂŁ^j šÂ?{‡xz”{j ^}”Â?ˆ`j {”xj |”j ÂŒ_yond issuance of mere notices of ofš_{‡_¤° Justice Tsoho declared that FRSC re^”vx_`jx”j´Âˆ_|z^ˆ]xz§_j]ÂŒ^Â?v`zx‰°jÂĽ}_{jzxj zÂ&#x;\”^_`j]jq{_j”šjĂ„¨œœœj”{j ˆ]ÂŒzjv]x}_vj than the N2, 000 statutorily prescribed. “The point must be made that it is a

Goodluck Jonathan

cardinal principle of natural justice that no person be condemned without being heard. It is in observance of this that a \_v^”{j]ˆˆ_|_`jx”j}]§_j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-_`j]{j”šfence has to respond to such allegation ÂŒ_š”v_j ]j ‡”Â?vxj ”šj ˆ]ÂĽj `Â?vz{|j xvz]ˆ¨°j }_j held. According to the judge, Alabi was is^Â?_`j]j ”xz‡_j”šj B_{‡_j }__xj”{j \vzˆj 4 last year, but FRSC did not take him to ‡”Â?vxjš”vjq§_jÂ&#x;”{x}^jÂŒ_š”v_jx}_j\ˆ]z{xzBj qˆ_`j}z^j^Â?zxj”{j _\x_Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj٬jˆ]^xj‰_]v¤ The judge held that, “The vital question to ask is how long would the second defendant reasonably take to comÂ&#x;_{‡_j \v”^_‡Â?xz”{j ”šj ]j xv]L‡j ”B_{‡_Ăˆj }_j \ˆ]z{xzBj ÂĽ]^j {”xj Â?{`_vj ”Œˆz|]xz”{j x”j ÂĽ]zxj z{`_q{zx_ˆ‰j š”vj v_`v_^^j `Â?_j x”j ÂŁ^jz{]‡xz”{j”vjˆ]Âłzx‰¤ ´ j }”ˆ`j x}_j §z_ÂĽj x}]xj ‡”{q^‡]xz”{j ”šj x}_j§_}z‡ˆ_jÂĽ]^jÂ?{{_‡_^^]v‰jz{jx}_jqv^xj place, though the second defendant (FRSC) spiritedly sought to justify it. ´ }_j^__Â&#x;z{|ˆ‰jz{`_q{zx_jv_x_{xz”{j”šj x}_j \ˆ]z{xzBÂŁ^j §_}z‡ˆ_j \]\_v^j ]{`j `vz§_vÂŁ^jˆz‡_{‡_jŒ‰j”L‡_v^j”šjx}_j^_‡”{`j`_fendant is totally unreasonable, insensitive and unacceptable.

Basically, an unconstitutional legislation is null and void. That is, therefore, the effect of Section 28 (2) of the FRSC Act 2007 which has purportedly conferred power on the second defendant to impose Q ` U Such power is unconstitutional and unenforceable

´ }_j ‡”{q^‡]xz”{j {”j `”Â?ÂŒxj `_\vz§_`j x}_j\ˆ]z{xzBj”šjx}_jÂ?^_j”šjx}_j§_}z‡ˆ_jš”vj as long as it lasted and also custody of }z^j§_}z‡ˆ_j\]\_v^j]{`j`vz§_vÂŁ^jˆz‡_{‡_¤° Justice Tsoho granted 11 of the plainxzBÂŁ^j¡Ă†jv_ˆz_š^¨j]{`j^]z`j}_jÂĽ]^j]ÂĽ]v`_`j N1million rather than the N10million Alabi prayed for because “FRSC acted under the belief that it was statutorily _Â&#x;\”¼_v_`j x”j ^”j ]‡x¨°j ]``z{|j x}]xj x}_j ‡”v\^ÂŁj z{{”‡_{xj Â&#x;z^x]Š_j ´Â‡Â”{^xzxÂ?x_j ]j mitigating factor as to the quantum of damages, he added. Defendants in the suit includes: The National Assembly, FRSC and the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mohammed Bello Adoke (SAN) in the suit designated FHC/L/CS/1234/13. vz”vj x”j Â?^xz‡_j ^”}ӣ^j `_‡z^z”{¨j ]gos division of the Court of Appeal had partly allowed an appeal initiated by the FRSC which had queried the judgement of Justice Tsoho on the new number plate. The appellate court presided over by Justice Shagbaor Ikegh, resolved three of the issues raised by the FRSC, in favour of the respondent. But the court upheld the validity of x}_j ]xz”{]ˆj ”]`j v]L‡j _|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j (NRTR) 2012, even as it added that by the provisions of section 5 of the FRSC Act 2007, the National Assembly had delegated the authority to the Commission to so act. According to the judge, “In respect of the issue of fear of impounding the vehicle of the respondent by the appellant, section 35(1) of the constitution makes personal liberty of a person, an issue of fundamental human right. “The application of the respondent was brought to protect his personal right to liberty and protection of his movable property, therefore, the appellant has no legal framework to enforce regulation 2012 as it relates to impoundz{|j x}_j v_^\”{`_{xÂŁ^j §_}z‡ˆ_¤j ´ }_j v_spondent would have the standing to ^Â?_jx”j_{š”v‡_j}z^jvz|}x^¤° In considering the issues of ‘locus ^x]{`z£¨j x}_j ”Â?vxj ”šj \\_]ˆj `_‡ˆ]v_`j x}]xj x}_j v_^\”{`_{xj `z^‡ˆ”^_`j ]j ^Â?LContinued on page 46

Law 49

Newswatch Times thursday, november 20, 2014

Judiciary punctures FRSC’s powers to fine motorists Continued from page 45

cient personal interest on the face of the application.

Â?^xz‡_j Š_|}j ^Â?||_^x_`j x}]x¨j ´ j q{`j no substance in the argument that the respondent lacked the locus to have brought the action at the lower court; he has the locus standi to bring the action as rightly held by the said court.â€? On the issue of reliance on newspaper publications, the appellate court held that although the trial court was in error to have relied on same without the reaction of the appellant, there was how_§_v¨j_§z`_{‡_jz{jx}_jš”vÂ&#x;j”šj]L`]§zxjz{j support. The appellate court therefore discountenanced the newspaper report, adding that the decision of the lower court that x}_j \ˆ]z{xzBj \v”§_`j }z^j ‡]^_¨j ‡]{j ^xzˆˆj stand, as it would have been the same ÂŒ]^_`j”{jx}_j]L`]§zx¤ The upper court also upheld the injunction granted the respondent by the lower court, with an advice that zxj ^}”Â?ˆ`j ‡”{q{_`j zx^_ˆšj x”j x}_j v_ˆz_š^j sought. On the question of the validity of the regulations 2012, the Court of Appeal ^]z`¨j ´ }_j _B_‡xj ”šj v_|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j ¾Äœj ¹¾²j of the regulation 2012, preserves the NRTR 2004. ´ x^j _B_‡xj z^j x}]xj ]ˆˆj ]‡x^j `”{_j Â?{`_vj the 2004 regulation would remain valid until the time frame expires. “The respondent having a valid plate number before the commencement of the litigation, and with the coming into force of the regulations 2012 delayed by x}_j ]\\_ˆˆ]{xj šv”Â&#x;j Â?|Â?^xj ¡Ă„¨j ¾œ¡¾j x”j ‡x”Œ_vj ¡¨j ¾œ¡Ă„¨j x}_j ^]z`j {Â?Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj \ˆ]x_j was valid up to its expiry date on March 17, 2014. “Consequently, the repeal of the 2004 v_|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j`z`j{”xj]B_‡xjx}_j§]ˆz`zx‰j”šj the number plate of the respondent ve}z‡ˆ_j§z`_jv_|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j¾Äœj¹¾²j”šjv_|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j¾œ¡¾¨jv_]`jÂĽzx}j^_‡xz”{jƹ¾²j]{`jÇj of the interpretation Act. “The lower court was therefore right, in issuing an injunction to protect the respondent’s right to enjoyment of the {Â?Â&#x;ÂŒ_vj\ˆ]x_jz^^Â?_`j”{j ]v‡}j¡¨j¾œ¡Ă„¨j to expire on March 17, 2014. “I would allow this appeal in part; for the avoidance of doubt, this appeal ”{ˆ‰j ^Â?‡‡__`^j z{j \]vxj x”j x}_j _B_‡xj x}]xj regulations 2012 has legal force, and is _{š”v‡_]Œˆ_j šv”Â&#x;j ‡x”Œ_vj ¡¨j ¾œ¡Ă„¨j x}_j administrative date set by FRSC. “The part of the decision of the lower court declaring the regulation 2012 unconstitutional is hereby set aside.â€? xj ¼”Â?ˆ`j ÂŒ_j v_‡]ˆˆ_`j x}]xj ]j \ˆ]z{xzB¨j Â&#x;Â&#x;]{Â?_ˆj š”_|ÂŒÂ?¨j }]`j qˆ_`j ]j ^Â?zxj against the FRSC, before Justice Tsoho, ‡}]ˆˆ_{|z{|j x}_j ‡x”Œ_vj ¡¨j ¾œ¡Ă„j `_]`line set for motorists to convert to the new number plate, including the threat to impound vehicles of defaulters. \_‡zq‡]ˆˆ‰¨j Â?^xz‡_j ^”}”j ”{j ]v‡}j ¾Ç¨j ¾œ¡Ă†j `_^‡vzÂŒ_`j ]^j Â?{‡”{^xzxÂ?xz”{]ˆ¨j the threats by FRSC, to impound vehicles of defaulters, including the applicant, over the redesigned plates. The trial court also declared that although the Commission had statutory powers and responsibilities, it was overreaching itself by its proposed action, since there was no penal law under which same could be executed. The lower court further held that the FRSC could not force upon Nigerians, a hastily conceived policy, without an

Mohammed Adoke

Justice Ibrahim Auta, Federal High Court Chief Judge

enabling legal framework, adding that nothing had invalidated the old number plates. The judge also described plans by FRSC as dictatorial and an arbitrary use of power contrary to the constitution. Justice Tsoho equally ruled that the new number plate introduced by the FRSC as unconstitutional, and illegal. According to the judge, “The issue of redesigning new number plates by the respondent is not covered under the provisions of any law in Nigeria. ´ }_jv_^\”{`_{xjÂą ²j‡]{{”xjš”v‡_j Nigerians to acquire new plate numbers by impounding cars, without the backz{|j”šj]{‰jˆ_|z^ˆ]xz”{jx”jx}]xj_B_‡x¤ “I hold that the act of the respondent amounts to an arbitrary use of power, and is therefore illegal and unconstitutional. “Judgment is therefore entered in fa§Â”Â?vj ”šj x}_j \ˆ]z{xzB¨j ]{`j ]ˆˆj x}_j v_ˆz_š^j sought is hereby granted, I so hold.â€? }_j \ˆ]z{xzBj }]`j qˆ_`j x}_j ^Â?zx¨j \v]‰ing the court for a declaration that the threat by the respondents to impound vehicles of motorists, who failed to acquire the new number plates, was invalid and unconstitutional. In his statement of claim, the plainxzBj}]`jz{š”vÂ&#x;_`jx}_j‡”Â?vxjx}]xjx}_j”ˆ`j plate numbers were issued under the \v”§z^z”{^j”šjx}_j ]xz”{]ˆj ”]`j v]L‡j

_|Â?ˆ]xz”{^jÂą ²j¾œœĂ†¤j }_j \ˆ]z{xzBj ]ˆ^”j x”ˆ`j Â?^xz‡_j ^”}”j that the NRTR 2004, is a subsidiary legislation made under the FRSC Act, Laws of the Federation as revised in 2004. ‡‡”v`z{|j x”j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzB¨j x}_j j ¾œ¡¾¨j z{j _|Â?ˆ]xz”{^j ¾Äœj ¹¾²¨j \v”§z`_^j that, “The revocation of the 2004 Reguˆ]xz”{^¨j ^}]ˆˆj {”xj ]B_‡xj ]{‰x}z{|j `”{_¨j or purported to be done pursuant to that Regulationâ€? Ofoegbu also insisted that there is no law made in accordance with the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of z|_vz]j Âą]^j ]Â&#x;_{`_`²¨j ÂĽ}z‡}j \v”}zÂŒzx^j the use of the old plate numbers, or de‡ˆ]v_^jzx^jÂ?^_j]^j]{j”B_{‡_¤ He also maintained that the threat by the respondent to impound vehicles and arrest motorists who failed to comply with the October 1 deadline, was a gross violation of the provisions of secxz”{j ÄÇj ¹¡¾²j ”šj x}_j ‡”{^xzxÂ?xz”{j ÂĽ}z‡}j guarantees the rights of individuals. He had therefore urged the court to declare as unlawful, the threat by the respondent, to arrest motorists using the old plate numbers, because according x”j x}_j \ˆ]z{xzB¨j x}_v_j z^j {”j ˆ]ÂĽj §]ˆz`ˆ‰j made in accordance with the constitution, prohibiting its user. }_j \ˆ]z{xzBj }]`j ]ˆ^”j \v]‰_`j š”vj ]{j order of injunction restraining the defendants from impounding vehicles or

The respondent having a valid plate number before the commencement of the litigation, and with the coming into force of the regulations 2012 delayed by the appellant from August 13, 2012 to October 1, 2013, the said number plate was valid up to its expiry date on March 17, 2014

otherwise arresting or harassing motorists who failed to acquire the new plate number. Aside Ofoegbu’s suit, a Lagos based human rights lawyer, Jiti Ogunye had ^”Â&#x;_xzÂ&#x;_j z{j ]‰j ¾œ¡¡j qˆ_`j ]{j ]‡xz”{j against the FRSC where he challenged the constitutionality and the legality of the plan of the Commission to embark on the issuance of new vehicle plate numbers and drivers’ license in all the state of the federation. Ogunye in his Originating Motion qˆ_`j]xjx}_j Š_š]j z§z^z”{j”šjx}_j _`_v]ˆj High Court against the FRSC, the Naxz”{]ˆj ^^_Â&#x;Œˆ‰¨j -”v{_‰œ _{_v]ˆj ”šj x}_j _`_v]xz”{¨j ¨j -”v{_‰œ _{_v]ˆj of Lagos State, and the National Identity Management Commission, claimed x}]xjx}_j jÂą ^x]Œˆz^}Â&#x;_{x²j ‡x¨j¾œœº¨j \Â?Œˆz^}_`j]^j ‡xj ”j¾¾jz{j ”§_v{Â&#x;_{xj Notice No 58 in the Federal Republic of z|_vz]j L‡z]ˆj ]“_-_j ”j Ÿ¨j ”ˆ¤ŸĂ†j z^^Â?_`jz{j ]|”^j”{j Â?ˆ‰j¡Ă„¨j¾œœºjÂĽ}z‡}j makes the FRSC the sole designer and producer of driver’s license and vehicle number plates, is, in whole or parts, not a validly passed and enacted Act of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with an addition that, “Consequent upon the breach of the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, ¡ŸŸŸj Âąj ]^j ]Â&#x;_{`_`²j ]{`j x}_j v_^\_‡xz§_j Rules of the House of Representatives and Senate whilst the Bill for the enactment of the Act was being considered and passed in the National Assembly; and that even if the Federal Road Safety ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{jÂą ^x]Œˆz^}Â&#x;_{x²j ‡x¨j ”j¾¾j of 2007, published as aforesaid is held to }]§_jÂŒ__{j§]ˆz`ˆ‰j_{]‡x_`¨j _‡xz”{j¸jÂą|²j ]{`j _‡xz”{j¡œ¹Ă„²¹`jĂŚjš²jx}_v_”šj]v_j{Â?ˆˆj and void for having been passed, made and enacted in excess of the legislative powers of the National Assembly under x}_j\v”§z^z”{^j”šj^_‡xz”{jƨj]{`j x_Â&#x;^jÇÄj ]{`jǝj”šj ]vxj¡j”šjx}_j _‡”{`j ‡}_`Â?ˆ_j to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999.â€? Ogunye also claimed that, “The actual ”vj _{§z^]|_`j zÂ&#x;\ˆ_Â&#x;_{x]xz”{j Âą_Âł_‡Â?xz”{j]{`j_{š”v‡_Â&#x;_{x²j”šjx}_j\v”§z^z”{^j of the said sections of the Act, generally by the defendants, by virtue of its commencement, and in particular the intended or actual exercise of the powers in the said sections by the FRSC, including the plan to generate biometrics identity data for purpose of issuance of driver’s license and vehicle license, and the plan to centrally re-design, reproduce and re-issue vehicle licenses and vehicle number plates in Nigeria, which proposal was purportedly approved by the National Economic Council of the _`_v]xz”{j z{j _‡_Â&#x;ÂŒ_v¨j ¾œ¡œ¨j ]v_j Â?{constitutional, illegal, null and void.â€? The human rights lawyer in his suit v]z^_`j q§_j žÂ?_^xz”{^j š”vj x}_j ‡”Â?vxj x”j determine, which also included ten reliefs or orders. The questions includes: ´ }_x}_vj x}_j j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{j Âą ^x]Œˆz^}Â&#x;_{x²j ‡x¨j ”j ¾¾j ”šj ¾œœºj z^¨j z{j whole or parts, a validly passed and enacted Act of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, having regard to the breach of the provisions of the Constitution of the _`_v]ˆj _\Â?Œˆz‡j ”šj z|_vz]¨j ¡ŸŸŸj Âąj ]^j ]Â&#x;_{`_`²j ]{`j x}_j v_^\_‡xz§_j Â?ˆ_^j ”šj the House of Representatives and Senate whilst the Bill for the enactment of the Act was being considered in and passed by the National Assembly?


Newswatch Times


thursday, november 20, 2014

Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula Reconstruction and Arrangement econstruction and arrangement are sometimes used interchangeably. Under the law, ‘arrangement’ means, among other things, the: “reorganization of the share capital of a company by the consolidaxz”{j”šj^}]v_^j”šj`zB_v_{xj‡ˆ]^^j”vjŒ‰jx}_j`z§z^z”{j”šj^}]v_^jz{x”j^}]v_^j”šj`zB_v_{xj‡ˆ]^^j”vj by both of these methods.â€? The rationale for ^Â?‡}jv_Âœj”v|]{z“]xz”{jjz^jx}]xj]ˆÂ&#x;”^xjz{_§zx]bly liquidation destroyed the shareholders’ z{§_^xÂ&#x;_{x¨j‰z_ˆ`_`jˆz-ˆ_jŒ‰jÂĽ]‰j”šjv_‡”§_v‰j to the creditors, and exacerbated the social _§zˆj”šj`_§]^x]xz{|jˆ_§_ˆ^j”šjÂ?{_Â&#x;\ˆ”‰Â&#x;_{x¤j xjz^jx”j]§Â”z`jx}z^jx}]xj]jv_|zÂ&#x;_j”šjv_‡”{^xvÂ?‡tion or arrangement is created whereby the principals of the company and the creditors ‡”Â?ˆ`jÂŒ_jÂŒv”Â?|}xjx”|_x}_vjÂ?{`_vjx}_j^Â?\_v§z^z”{j”šjx}_j‡”Â?vxjx”j]-_Â&#x;\xj]jv_”v|]{z“]xz”{j or compromise or arrangement under which the company could continue in business. Âąj __j ]Â?ˆj ]§z_^j ¹¾œœ²j ”¼_vÂŁ^j ”`_v{j ”Â&#x;\]{‰j ]¼¨jÂťx}j `¤¨j ÂĽ__xj]{`j ]³¼_ˆˆj ²¤j }_j ”Â&#x;\]{z_^ÂŁj v_`zx”v^j vv]{|_Â&#x;_{xj ‡xj¹´ °²j”šjx}_j ]vˆz]Â&#x;_{xj”šj ]{]`]jj ]ÂˆÂˆÂ”ÂĽ^j z{^”ˆ§_{xj ‡”v\”v]xz”{^j ”¼z{|j x}_zvj creditors in excess of $5 million to restructure x}_zvjÂŒÂ?^z{_^^j]{`jq{]{‡z]ˆj]B]zv^¤jj Reconstruction on the other hand in law refers typically to the transfer of a company’s ¹”vj ^_§_v]ˆj ‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^£²j ÂŒÂ?^z{_^^j x”j ]j {_ÂĽj company. The old company will get put into liquidation, and shareholders will agree to x]Š_j ^}]v_^j ”šj _žÂ?z§]ˆ_{xj §]ˆÂ?_j z{j x}_j {_ÂĽj company. Under the UK company law, the |”§_v{z{|j \v”§z^z”{^j ]v_j z{j x}_j {^”ˆ§_{‡‰j ‡xj¡ŸĂ‡¨j^^¤j¡¡œĂ‰¡¡¡¤j }_j^]{‡xz”{j”šj]j‡”Â?vxj is not required (unlike under a so-called “scheme of arrangementâ€?. If a shareholder objects, he may require cash payment rather x}]{j ^}]v_^¤j v_`zx”v^j ÂĽ}”j ”Œš_‡xj x”j }]§_j their debts transferred to a new company can demand satisfactions during the old company’s liquidation. Â&#x;]ˆˆj \vz§]x_j ‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^¨j š]Â&#x;zˆ‰j ‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^j]{`jz{§_^xÂ&#x;_{xjxvÂ?^x^j”šx_{jÂ?^_jx}_j\v”‡_`Â?v_¤j }_j\Â?v\”^_^j‡]{j§]v‰¨jšv”Â&#x;j‡}]{|z{|jx}_j”Œš_‡x^j”šjx}_jÂŒÂ?^z{_^^¨j§]v‰z{|j^}]v_j class rights, or reorganize before a demerger takes place. Mergers In business or economics a merger is a combination of two companies into one larger company. Such actions are commonly §Â”ˆÂ?{x]v‰j ]{`j z{§Â”ˆ§_j ^x”‡Šj ^ÂĽ]\j ”vj ‡]^}j payment to the target. Stock swap is often used as it allows the shareholders of the two ‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^jx”j^}]v_jx}_jvz^Šjz{§Â”ˆ§_`jz{jx}_j `_]ˆ¤j jÂ&#x;_v|_vj‡]{jv_^_Â&#x;Œˆ_j]jx]Š_”§_vjÂŒÂ?xj result in a new company name (often comÂŒz{z{|jx}_j{]Â&#x;_^j”šjx}_j”vz|z{]ˆj‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^²j and in new branding; in some cases, terming the combination a “mergerâ€? rather than an acquisition is done purely for political or marketing reasons. The special alchemy of merger or an acquisition is the one plus one makes three or more equation. The key principle behind buying a ‡”Â&#x;\]{‰jz^jx”j‡v_]x_j^}]v_}”ˆ`_vj§]ˆÂ?_j”§_vj ]{`j]Œ”§_jx}]xj”šjx}_j^Â?Â&#x;j”šjx}_jx¼”j‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^¤j }_jv_]^”{z{|jÂŒ_}z{`j _v|_v^j]{`j ‡quisitions is that two companies together are Â&#x;”v_j§]ˆÂ?]Œˆ_jx}]{jx¼”j^_\]v]x_j‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^¤jj This rationale is particularly alluring to companies when times are tough. Strong companies will act to buy other companies x”j ‡v_]x_j ]j Â&#x;”v_j ‡”Â&#x;\_xzxz§_¨j ‡”^xÂœ_L‡z_{xj company. The companies will come together hoping to gain a greater market share or to ]‡}z_§_j |v_]x_vj _L‡z_{‡‰¤j _‡]Â?^_j ”šj x}_^_j \”x_{xz]ˆjÂŒ_{_qx^¨jx]v|_xj‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^jÂĽzˆˆj”š-


Corporate reconstructions, mergers, acquisitions

President Goodluck Jonathan and his Kenya counterpart, President Uhuru Kenyatta on business trip recently

ten agree to be purchased when they know x}_‰j‡]{{”xj^Â?v§z§_j]ˆ”{_¤j }_v_j]v_jx¼”jÂŒv”]`j]ˆx_v{]xz§_^jš”vjqvÂ&#x;^j combining with each other. These are merg_v^j]{`j]‡žÂ?z^zxz”{^j]^jÂĽ_ˆˆj]^jšÂ”z{xj§_{xÂ?v_^j ]{`j^xv]x_|z‡j]ˆˆz]{‡_¤j šjx}_jx¼”j]ˆx_v{]xz§_^¨j the most common method of consolidation often employed are mergers and acquisixz”{^¤j ˆx}”Â?|}jx}_‰j]v_j”šx_{jÂ?-_v_`jz{jx}_j same breath and used as though they were synonymous, the terms merger and acquisixz”{jÂ&#x;_]{j^ˆz|}xˆ‰j`zB_v_{xjx}z{|^¤ }_{j ”{_j ‡”Â&#x;\]{‰j x]Š_^j ”§_vj ]{”x}_vj and clearly established itself as the new owner, the purchase is called an acquisition. v”Â&#x;j]jˆ_|]ˆj\”z{xj”šj§z_¼¨jx}_jx]v|_xj‡”Â&#x;pany ceases to exist, the buyer “swallowsâ€?

the business and the buyer’s stock continues to be traded. In the pure sense of the term, a merger }]\\_{^jÂĽ}_{jx¼”jqvÂ&#x;^¨j”šx_{j”šj]Œ”Â?xjx}_j same size, agree to go forward as a single new company rather than remain separately owned and operated. This kind of action is more precisely referred to as a “merger of _žÂ?]ˆ^°¤j ”x}j‡”Â&#x;\]{z_^ÂŁj^x”‡Š^j]v_j^Â?vv_{dered and new company stock is issued in zx^j \ˆ]‡_¤j ”vj _Âł]Â&#x;\ˆ_¨j Œ”x}j ]zÂ&#x;ˆ_vÂœ _{“j and Chrysler ceased to exist when the two qvÂ&#x;^jÂ&#x;_v|_`¨j]{`j]j{_ÂĽj‡”Â&#x;\]{‰¨j ]zÂ&#x;lerChrysler, was created. {j \v]‡xz‡_¨j }”¼_§_v¨j ]‡xÂ?]ˆj Â&#x;_v|_v^j ”šj _žÂ?]ˆ^j`”{ÂŁxj}]\\_{j§_v‰j”šx_{¤j ^Â?]ˆˆ‰¨j”{_j company will buy another and, as part of

In business or economics a merger is a combination of two companies into one larger company. Such actions are commonly voluntary and involve stock swap or cash payment to the target. Stock swap is often used as it allows the shareholders of the two companies to share the risk involved in the deal. A merger can resemble a takeover but result in a new company name (often combining the names of the original companies) and in new branding; in some cases, terming the combination a “merger� rather than an acquisition is done purely for political or marketing reasons

the deal’s terms, simply allow the acquired qvÂ&#x;jx”j\v”‡ˆ]zÂ&#x;jx}]xjx}_j]‡xz”{jz^j]jÂ&#x;_v|_vj”šj _žÂ?]ˆ^¨j_§_{jzšjzxjz^jx_‡}{z‡]ˆˆ‰j]{j]‡žÂ?z^zxz”{¤j _z{|jŒ”Â?|}xj”Â?xj”šx_{j‡]vvz_^j{_|]xz§_j‡”{notations, therefore, by describing the deal euphemistically as a merger, deal makers ]{`jx”\jÂ&#x;]{]|_v^jxv‰jx”jÂ&#x;]Š_jx}_jx]Š_”§_vj more palatable. j\Â?v‡}]^_j`_]ˆjÂĽzˆˆj]ˆ^”jÂŒ_j‡]ˆˆ_`j]jÂ&#x;_v|_vj ÂĽ}_{jŒ”x}j ^j]|v__jx}]xjšÂ”z{z{|jx”|_x}_vj is in the best interest of both of their compa{z_^¤j Â?xjÂĽ}_{jx}_j`_]ˆjz^jÂ?{švz_{`ˆ‰jÂœjx}]xj is, when the target company does not want to be purchased - it is always regarded as an ]‡žÂ?z^zxz”{¤j }z^jz^j‡}]ˆˆ_{|_]Œˆ_¤j {j]‡žÂ?z^ztion can be either friendly or hostile. Whether a purchase is considered a merger or an acquisition really depends on whether the purchase is friendly or hostile and how it is announced. In other words, the real difference lies in how the purchase is commu{z‡]x_`j x”j ]{`j v_‡_z§_`j Œ‰j x}_j x]v|_xj ‡”Â&#x;pany’s board of directors, employees and shareholders. It is quite normal though for ĂŚ j`_]ˆj‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;Â?{z‡]xz”{^jx”jx]Š_j\ˆ]‡_jz{j ]j^”j‡]ˆˆ_`j½Â‡Â”{q`_{xz]ˆzx‰jÂŒÂ?ŒŒˆ_ÂŁjÂĽ}_v_Œ‰j z{š”vÂ&#x;]xz”{j›”¼^j]v_jv_^xvz‡x_`j`Â?_jx”j‡”{q`_{xz]ˆzx‰j]|v__Â&#x;_{x^jÂą ]v¼””`¨j¾œœ¸²¤ Thus, while it is quite common to use the word mergers to include acquisitions or x]Š_”§_v^¨j ]j Â&#x;_v|_vj ^xvz‡xˆ‰j ‡]ˆˆ_`j ‡]{j ÂŒ_j described as a marriage between two companies usually of roughly equal size. On x}_j ”x}_vj }]{`¨j ]{j ]‡žÂ?z^zxz”{j z^j ‡ˆ]^^zq_`j ]^j]jxv]{^]‡xz”{jÂĽ}_v_j”{_jqvÂ&#x;j\Â?v‡}]^_^j]j ‡”{xv”ˆˆz{|j^x]Š_jÂą]{`Ăžj”vjÂĽ}”ˆ_²j”šj]{”x}_vj qvÂ&#x;¤j {j_^^_{‡_¨jŒ”x}jv_š_vjx”jxv]{^]‡xz”{^jz{§Â”ˆ§z{|jx}_j‡”Â&#x;ÂŒz{]xz”{j”šjx¼”jz{`_\_{`_{xj qvÂ&#x;^jx”jš”vÂ&#x;j”{_j_{xzx‰¤ Fatula is an Associate Professor and former Vice Dean at the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. GSM: 08037213732

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Newswatch Times


Crime Thursday, November 20, 2014

Robbery suspect vows to assist police if let -off the hook ADELEKE ADESANYA


kingpin of a notorious arm robbery gang that has been terrorizing Ishasha, Badagry areas in Lagos, before the long arm of the law q{]ˆˆ‰j ‡]Â?|}xj Â?\j ÂĽzx}j }zÂ&#x;¨j ]v_j Adetunji, has vowed to enlist into the Nigeria Police Force if he regains his freedom once ]|]z{j šv”Â&#x;j \”ˆz‡_j {_x¤j ]v_j ÂĽ}”j z^j ^]z`j x”j ÂŒ_j the leader of the notorious robbery gang was arrested among others late last month after robbing a house at 18 Salvation, Oke Odan, ^}]^}zj¨j jv”]`¨j ]|”^¤j A police source who hinted on the robbery ]-]‡Šj _{|z{__v_`j Œ‰j x}_j |]{|j ÂŒ_š”v_j x}_zvj eventful arrest, explained that the suspects were arrested by the Ishashi community members after which they (the robbers) had successfully v”ŒŒ_`jx}_zvj§z‡xzÂ&#x;^jz{jx}_zvjz{jx}_jÂ&#x;z`{z|}x¤ According to him, investigation revealed that the suspects were able to carry out their operation x}v”Â?|}j x}_zvj Â&#x;]^x_vÂ&#x;z{`j z`_{xzq_`j ]^j v]z`j }Â?Š¼Â?_Â&#x;_Š]jÂĽ}”jqv^xj^\z_`jx}_j‡”Â&#x;\ˆ]z{]{xj Âą v^j Œ”|_²£^j}”Â?^_jz{jx}_j`]‰ˆz|}xjÂŒ_š”v_jx}_j gang which include, Dare Adetunji, Abraham Isong and Braid Chukwuemeka, invaded the }”Â?^_j]xjÂ&#x;z`{z|}x¤j´ }zˆ_jv”ŒŒz{|jx}_j}”Â?^_j]xj midnight, they injured the four victims before carting away their belongings which include laptop computer, one I pad, money, clothes, ]{`j\}”{_^¤j jÇÄj‰_]vÂœj”ˆ`j¼”Â&#x;]{¨j v^¤j Œ”|_j Mercy, was said to have sustained a deep cut Â&#x;]‡}_x_j¼”Â?{`j”{j}_vj}_]`j`Â?vz{|jx}_j]-]‡Š¤j Also his son, Franklin was shot on two legs by x}_j|Â?{j‡]vv‰z{|jv”ŒŒ_v^¤ _]{ÂĽ}zˆ_¨j {{j Œ”|_¨jx}_j¼”Â&#x;]{ÂŁ^j`]Â?|}x_vj who was severely wounded has been hospitalized ^z{‡_jx}_jv”ŒŒ_v‰j]xx]‡Š¤j {”x}_vjŒ”‰jÂĽ}”^_j{]Â&#x;_j was not immediately known was also stabbed on {_‡Šj`Â?vz{|jx}_jv”ŒŒ_v‰j]xx]‡Š¤j On the arms recovered from the robbers, the police source detailed that a pestle, two knives, and a locally made pistol were recovered from x}_jv”ŒŒ_v^¤ Giving account of his role in the robbery operation that led to his arrest, Bright Chukwuemeka who claimed to be an artist and

The suspects

hails from Akwukwu Igbo, Osimele, North Local Government, Delta state explained that,â€? I am ]{jz{{”‡_{xj”šjx}z^j]ˆˆ_|]xz”{j]|]z{^xjÂ&#x;_¤j j`”{ÂŁxj _§_{jŠ{”¼jx}_^_jv”ŒŒ_v^jx}]xj‡ˆ]zÂ&#x;jx”jŠ{”¼jÂ&#x;_¤j On that morning that I was arrested, around ¸ ¤ ¨j j]{`jÂ&#x;‰jÂŒv”x}_vjx}]xj j^x]‰_`jÂĽzx}jÂĽ_v_j }_]vz{|j^xv]{|_j{”z^_j]xjx}_jšv”{xj”Â?vj}”Â?^_¤j {j |_-z{|j”Â?x¨jÂĽ_j^]ÂĽjÂ&#x;Â?ˆxzxÂ?`_j]{`j‡}]zvÂ&#x;]{j”šj x}_j‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;Â?{zx‰j”v`_vz{|jÂ?^jx”j‡”Â&#x;_j`”¼{j^x]zv^¤j {j|_-z{|j`”¼{¨jx}_‰j‡]ˆˆ_`jx}z^jŒ”‰jÂą ]v_²j”Â?xj asking him who is Chika; because he told them it was Chicka that led them to the house where x}_‰jv”ŒŒ_`¤j }zˆ_j}_jÂĽ]^j]^Š_`jx}_jžÂ?_^xz”{¨j]xj qv^x¨j}_j\”z{x_`j]xj]j‰”Â?{|jŒ”‰j{]Â&#x;_`j ^v]_ˆjÂĽ}”j was descended on by the crowd , but when the boy shouted that if investigation proved him not to be involved in the robbery, he was going to kill ]v_¨jx}_{¨j}_j‡}]{|_`j|_]vjŒ‰j\”z{xz{|j]xjjÂ&#x;_¤j }_{j x}_‰j ]^Š_`j Â&#x;_j ”šj Â&#x;‰j {]Â&#x;_¨j j x”ˆ`j x}_Â&#x;j

my name is Bright not Chicka; but they insisted since my name is Chukwuemeka, then I am the }zŠ]jx}_‰jÂĽ_v_jˆ””Šz{|jš”v¤j }]xjÂĽ]^j}”¼j jÂĽ]^j ]vv_^x_`jÂŒ_‡]Â?^_jÂ&#x;‰j{]Â&#x;_j^”Â?{`_`jˆzŠ_j }z‡Š]°¤j Meanwhile,â€? Dare, before he alleged me to be the gang member, had earlier said he was going to another house before the chairman stopped him }_v_°¤ The suspected leader of the robbery gang, ]v_j `_xÂ?{šz¨j ÂĽ}zˆ_j q_ˆ`z{|j žÂ?_^xz”{^j from our crime correspondent over the case confessed his involvement in the robbery ”\_v]xz”{j]Â&#x;”{|j”x}_v^¤j ´ j ˆz§_j ]xj ˆ”|Œ”j ”]`¨j ¾Æºj }_ÂŒ]^j Â?^j ^x”\¤j j ]Â&#x;j šv”Â&#x;j ˆ]Âœ v]{|Â?{¨j ^Â?{j ^x]x_¤j j ÂĽ]^j ]j cobbler before venturing into robbery as a §Â”‡]xz”{¤j }_{j j `z^‡”§_v_`j x}]xj v”ŒŒ_v‰j šÂ”ÂŒj fetches money more than what I was doing, I `_‡z`_`jx”j}]§_j]j|”j]xjzx¨°j}_j^]z`¤j

Ibori deserves freedom now –Tilije OWOLOLA ADEBOLA & SUNDAY ONYEWONSA


foremost governorship hopeful, Chief Okenmor Tilije, has called on authorities to free the former governor of Delta State, Chief James Ibori, noting that the politician has ^Â?B_v_`j_{”Â?|}j\Â?{z^}Â&#x;_{xjš”vj}z^j‡vzÂ&#x;_^¤ Tilije, a gubernatorial aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) made this call in Asaba, the Delta State Capital, over the weekend stating that the former governor may have infringed upon the law while he ruled the ”zˆœvz‡}j _ˆx]j x]x_jÂŒÂ?xj}_j\_vš”vÂ&#x;_`jÂ&#x;Â?‡}jÂŒ_-_vj x}]{j x}_j z{‡Â?Â&#x;ÂŒ_{xj |”§_v{”v¨j v¤j Â&#x;Â&#x;]{Â?_ˆj Uduaghan, in service delivery and moral probity and therefore should be freed by the British ]Â?x}”vzxz_^¤ According to him, Ibori’s travail was being ”v‡}_^xv]x_`jŒ‰jx}_jÂŒ_{_q‡z]vz_^j”šjx}_j^x]xÂ?^jžÂ?”j in the State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) who do not want the convicted exgovernor back home because of party structure and the politics of who controls it adding that Œ‰j{”¼j}_jÂą Œ”vz²jÂ&#x;Â?^xj}]§_jÂŒ__{jv_|v_-z{|j}z^j ]‡xz”{^jÂĽ}zˆ_jz{j”L‡_¤ }_j Š¼]{zœŒ”v{j q{]{‡z]ˆj _Âł\_vxj xÂ?v{_`j politician who was thrice a running mate to Chief Ovedje Ogboru, on the platform of the Democratic

Peoples Party (DPP) until the duo parted ways further averred that Ibori’s administration \_vš”vÂ&#x;_`j Â&#x;Â?‡}j ÂŒ_-_vj x}]{j x}_j ‡Â?vv_{xj administration which he accused plundering the wealth of the state as such was doing nothing to ÂŒ_-_vjx}_jˆz§_^j”šjx}_j\_”\ˆ_jz{jx}_j^x]x_j]``z{|j that the infrastructures in the state were those left ÂŒ_}z{`jŒ‰jx}_jš”vÂ&#x;_vj|”§_v{”v¤ If elected by the people, Tilije said, he would _{^Â?v_j _žÂ?zx]Œˆ_j `z^xvzÂŒÂ?xz”{j ”šj x}_j ^x]x_ÂŁ^j resources in massive human and material development without modicum of tribal sentiment which he alleges blurs Uduaghan’s ^_{^_j”šjšÂ?`|Â&#x;_{x^¤ “If you ask me, I would say without fear or xv_\z`]xz”{^jx}]xj Œ”vzj`z`jÂŒ_-_vjz{jx}_j”L‡_j]^j |”§_v{”vj”šjx}z^j^x]x_jx}]{jÂĽ}]xj}z^jqv^xj‡”Â?^z{j ]{`j_v^xÂĽ}zˆ_j‡”{q`]{x¨j `Â?]|}]{jÂĽ}”jz^jx}_v_j `”z{|j{”x}z{|¤j _j}]^j^}”¼{j|v”^^jz{_\xzxÂ?`_jz{j }z^jvÂ?ˆ_v^}z\j]{`jx}_jžÂ?_^xz”{^jx}_j|””`j\_”\ˆ_j”šj Delta State are asking is that he should show us what he did with all the monies accruable to the ^x]x_jz{jx}_j\]^xj^_§_{j]{`j}]ˆšj‰_]v^¤ ´ _j z^j }z_šj ]Â&#x;”{|j x}”^_j ÂĽ}”j ÂĽ]{xj Œ”vzj z{‡]v‡_v]x_`j z{`_q{zx_ˆ‰j x”j _{]Œˆ_j }zÂ&#x;j `z^ˆ”`|_j Ibori’s political family wherein he belonged and not in the interest of the people but in grandstanding to establish an Uduaghan political `‰{]^x‰¤j }_jzv”{‰j”šjzxj]ˆˆjz^jx}]xjx}z^jz^jx}_j^]Â&#x;_j Uduaghan whose imposition on the people of

_ˆx]j x]x_j]-v]‡x_`jx}_j|_{_v]ˆj}]x_jx}]xjˆ]{`_`j Œ”vzjz{j\vz^”{^¤ “Uduaghan served under Ibori’s government ]^j qv^x¨j ]j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{_vj ]{`j ]^j _‡v_x]v‰j x”j x}_j State Government (SSG), what crime could Œ”vzj }]§_j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;z-_`j ÂĽzx}”Â?xj x}_j ‡”Â&#x;\ˆz‡zx‰j ”šjx}_jx}_{j Ăˆj _j}]^j^Â?‡‡_^^šÂ?ˆˆ‰jÂĽ]^x_`jx}_j commonwealth of the people of this state in his ‡”vvÂ?\xz”{jz{š_^x_`j]`Â&#x;z{z^xv]xz”{¤ “I call on the authorities concerned to free Ibori z{j x}_j ^\zvzxj ”šj š”v|z§_{_^^¤j šj x}_j ÂĽ}”ˆ_j z`_]j ”šj ^_{`z{|j ^”Â&#x;_”{_j x”j š]zˆj z^j qv^xj ]{`j š”v_Â&#x;”^xj x”j ‡”Â&#x;\_ˆjv_Â&#x;”v^_jšv”Â&#x;jx}_j”B_{`_vjz{j]j‡”vv_‡xz”{]ˆj manner capable of bringing out the best from such person another day, it therefore, follows that Ibori Â&#x;Â?^xjÂŒ_jšv__`¤ “If mandated by the good people of Delta State at the polls in 2015, my administration shall ensure massive human and material `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{xj z{j ”Â?vj \ˆÂ?v]ˆj ^x]x_¤j j ¼”Â?ˆ`j {”xj build two bridges in eight years like the failed Uduaghan’s administration is doing and not _§_{j ‡”Â&#x;\ˆ_x_`¤j ˆˆj v”]`^j z{j x}_j ^x]x_j Â?{`_vj Â&#x;‰j ]`Â&#x;z{z^xv]xz”{j ÂĽzˆˆj ÂŒ_j Â&#x;”x”v]Œˆ_¤j _j ]v_j witnesses to his failures in the construction of only two bridges in 8 years whereas APC |”§_v{Â&#x;_{x^j z{j `”¨j |Â?{¨j ^Â?{¨j ]|”^j made the people know that infrastructure development is not impossible in their `_§_ˆ”\Â&#x;_{x]ˆj`vz§_¤°j zˆzš_j^x]x_`¤

Speaking on their last assignment that landed x}_Â&#x;j z{j \”ˆz‡_j {_x¨j ]v_j _Âł\ˆ]z{_`Âżj ´ _j ÂĽ_v_j four that went for the operation, I, Joshua (who ˆ]x_vj_^‡]\_`²¨j ÂŒv]}]Â&#x;¨j]{`j }Â?‡Š^¤ “I knew Chucks at Jet, a place where we Â&#x;_xj ]{`j `vz{Šj ]v”Â?{`j ^}]^}z¤j }_{j j Â&#x;_xj him, I asked him to buy me a drink which he `z`¤j ”Â&#x;_j `]‰^j ˆ]x_v¨j ÂĽ_j ]ˆ^”j Â&#x;_xj ]xj Š”Š”¤j At Okoko where I met him, I approached and asked him where he lives, telling him that I ¼”Â?ˆ`j ˆzŠ_j x”j Š{”¼j }zÂ&#x;j ÂŒ_-_v¤j {j x}z^j ^]Â&#x;_j day, he told me he would take me to his area over an issue, and I told him he should let me Š{”¼jÂĽ}_{jzxjz^jxzÂ&#x;_°¤ On how we arrange for the robbery at Mrs Œ”|_ÂŁ^j }”Â?^_¨°j ÂĽ_j q{]ˆz“_`j x}_j \ˆ]{j ”{j zxj when we met again at the place where we drink ]{`j^Â&#x;”Š_°¤j “Of course, before the operation, I specialized in robbing people’s house by tearing open their `””vj ”vj ÂĽz{`”¼£^j {_x¤j }_{j ÂĽ_j Â&#x;_xj ]xj x}_j same place where we usually meet, I told my friends that Chuks was having a job for us in his area; and I told them the plans that would be _Â&#x;\ˆ”‰_`jz{j‡]vv‰z{|j”Â?xjx}_jšÂ”ÂŒ¤j “On the day of the operation, we were at his place at night around 8pm;then we rang him and he took us to his place and from there, he took us to the house and pointed the house on the agreement that we should not mention his {]Â&#x;_j z{j ‡]^_j ]{‰x}z{|j šÂ?{{‰j }]\\_{_`¤j ^j ]j \v”\_vj z`_{xzq‡]xz”{¨j }Â?Š^j x””Šj Â?^j x”j x}_j house and bought us some drinks in their shop, though he never knew we were going to invade x}_j}”Â?^_j”{jx}_j^]Â&#x;_j{z|}x¤°j Speaking on the tactics employed in robbing x}_j}”Â?^_¨j ]v_j_Âł\ˆ]z{_`jx}]xj´ }_{jÂĽ_j|”xj x”j x}_j }”Â?^_j ]v”Â?{`j Âľ ¤j ¤¨j ÂĽ_j x”v_j x}_j {_xj of the window with a razor blade and gained ]‡‡_^^jz{x”jx}_j}”Â?^_¤j šx_vjx}z^¨j ”^}Â?]j_{x_v_`j x}_j }”Â?^_j x”j ”\_{j x}_j Â&#x;]z{j `””vj š”vj Â?^¤j {`j while entering, we saw a pestle and two knives in their kitchen which we used to carry out the v”ŒŒ_v‰j”\_v]xz”{¤j }zˆ_j ÂĽ_j ÂĽ_v_j xv‰z{|j x”j ‡]vv‰j ”Â?xj x}_j operation, we woke the woman and asked her of the money in the house, but she objected x”j ”Â?vj v_žÂ?_^x¨j ]{`j zÂ&#x;Â&#x;_`z]x_ˆ‰¨j ”Â?vj |]{|j members decided to ransack the house and recovered several booties like phones, money, laptop computer, clothes and others things of §]ˆÂ?]Œˆ_¤ Âł\ˆ]z{z{|j”{j}”¼jx}_j§z‡xzÂ&#x;^jÂĽ_v_jz{šÂ?v_`j during their operation, Dare said that the old woman was hit with knife and pestle on head ÂĽ}zˆ_jxv‰z{|jx”jv]z^_j]ˆ]vÂ&#x;j”{jx}_Â&#x;¿° }_{jÂĽ_j robbed them, they were shouting and trying to hold us, then Joshua hit the woman with pestle ”{j}_]`¨j]{`j^}”xj”x}_v^¤j´ On how he ventured into robbery, Dare said he joined robbery gang out of desperation my x”jÂ&#x;]Š_jš”vxÂ?{_jz{jˆzš_¤j´ jšÂ”z{_`jx}_j|]{|jÂĽ}_{j by former work could not make ends meet for Â&#x;_j]^j jˆzŠ_¤j }_v_]^¨j]j v”\}_xjz{jÂ&#x;‰jš”vÂ&#x;_vj church said cobbling is the work that my star ‡}”^_jšv”Â&#x;j}_]§_{°¤j ]v_jÂĽ}”jj^__Â&#x;jx”j}]§_jv_|v_-_`j}z^j]‡xz”{j ]ˆ^”j §Â”ÂĽ_`j x”j šÂ”z{j \”ˆz‡_j š”v‡_j zšj q{]ˆˆ‰j šv__`j with the view to help end/ reduce robbers x_vv”vz“z{|j ]|”^j ]{`j ^Â?ÂŒÂ?vÂŒ^¤°j šj j ˆ_]§_j x}z^j place, I will join police to help track and crucify armed robbers in Lagos state and others because jŠ{”¼jÂ&#x;Â?‡}j]Œ”Â?xjx}_Â&#x;°¤ The third suspect, Abraham Isong, while ^\_]Šz{|j‡”{qvÂ&#x;_`jx}_jz{‡z`_{x¤j ‡‡”v`z{|jx”j him, “we truly robbed the woman on that day but it was our fourth person who has escaped,

”^}Â?]j x}]xj z{šÂ?v_`j x}”^_j \_”\ˆ_¤j {j Â&#x;‰j \]vxj in the operation, I just entered after which Dare broke the net of the window and opened door for us, and search the house to take their ÂŒ_ˆ”{|z{|^¤j j\v”Â&#x;z^_jx”j`_^z^xjšv”Â&#x;jv”ŒŒ_v‰jzšj j }]§_j”\\”vxÂ?{zx‰jx”jÂŒ_j”Â?xj”šjx}z^j‡]^_¤


Newswatch Times Thursday, November 20, 2014


Traditional ruler languishes in Ikoyi Prison over alleged murder

Gov. Fashola

CP Aderanti

Â&#x;]{j ÂĽ}”j qv_`j ]xj }z^j x_]Â&#x;j Â&#x;]x_j z{j ]{j apparent retaliation.â€? traditional ruler, Lateef An independent source had earlier Olarinde, who was hinted us that when the royal father arrested by the men of arrived, he assembled his people to his the Special Anti- Robbery palace only for him to notice the presence Squad,Adeniji Adele Lagos of a large number of armed policemen has cried out to whoever that has time once again, in the community. “It was to listen that he had no hands in the very painful that when the policemen crime for which he was arrested. In a came back, they started arresting people chance encounter with him at Ikoyi indiscriminately and this was what our Prisons where he is presently cooling traditional ruler was trying to address ”Bj }z^j }__ˆ^¨j ˆ]vz{`_j ^]z`j }_j }]`j {”j ÂĽ}_{j }_j ^]ÂĽj x}v__j \”ˆz‡_j ”L‡_v^¨j xz\Âœ hands in the death of one Olajuwon Olawepo, who was killed on 15th July, 2014 during village mayhem }_j _Â&#x;ÂŒz-_v_`j v”‰]ˆj š]x}_vj ÂĽ}”j }]^j since been put through the wringer OWOLOLA ADEBOLA by the authority and consequently detained for murder told our reporter 70-year-old man, Adebola that on the day of the incident, he was Oyewole Asiwaju, has been in his house at Badagry from where he arrested by the Economic received a telephone call from one of and Financial Crimes }z^j ‡}zˆ`v_{j z`_{xzq_`j ]^j ]{{zj j x”j x}_j Commission, EFCC, for _B_‡xj x}]xj ”{_j Â?{`_j ˆ]ÂŒzj ˆ]vz{`_¨j ]ˆˆ_|_`ˆ‰j ]-_Â&#x;\xz{|j x”j šv]Â?`Â?ˆ_{xˆ‰j a family member of his who had been sell the shares of one Olalere Sunday restrained by Justice O. O. Obadina Oladosu. of Lagos High Court from harassing, To perfect the scam, the suspect molesting and arresting people with allegedly forged documents and opened his thugs. According to him, “Tunde a bank account in a new generation had invaded the community to re-enact bank, with the assumed name of his trademark of lawlessness. The royal “Olalere Sunday Oladosuâ€?. Then, he father said that before he arrived the proceeded to instruct Marina Securities, ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;Â?{zx‰j x}]xj š]x_šÂ?ˆj `]‰¨j }_j qv^xj ”šj a brokerage, to dispose of 1.7million all put a call through to the Divisional ”ˆz‡_j L‡_vjx”jv_ˆ]‰jÂĽ}]xj}_j}]`jÂŒ__{j told by one of his sons; only for him to be x”ˆ`jx}]xjÂ&#x;_{j]{`j”L‡_v^j”šjx}_j ]|”^j x]x_j ]{xzœ‡vzÂ&#x;_j `_x_‡xz§_^j ]-]‡}_`j x”j Agboju Division in Satellite Town were already on the ground, containing the situation. In his words; “I was told that when the police detectives arrived, they started shooting sporadically into the air with the view to dispersing the invading thugs; but unfortunately, and sad enough, one of the thugs reportedly shot at with his locally made gun at a Â&#x;]{j ‡]ˆˆ_`j }z`z¨j ˆ]x_vj z`_{xzq_`j ]^j ]j \”ˆz‡_j ”L‡_vÂżj ÂĽ}_{j x}_j ”L‡_v^j ^]ÂĽj what was happening to one of their ”¼{¨j ]{”x}_vj ”L‡_vj ‡]ˆˆ_`j _v|_]{xj Andrew Ngwodo, shot dead the Adebola Oyewole Asiwaju

toeing to the back of his palace, ostensibly to plant a gun there; but they were caught and stopped in the process.� Independent investigations revealed that in the ensuing confusion, the “police swooped on the Oba, and had him arrested, before picking his children one after the other. What followed was t charge them with conspiracy and murder of the same person that the \”ˆz‡_j Šzˆˆ_`j z{j v_x]ˆz]xz”{j ”šj ]{j ]-]‡Šj on one of their team mates. It may be recalled that the imprisoned royal



father had on the 9th June, 2014 wrote ]jˆ_-_vj”šj\_xzxz”{jx”jx}_j ”Â&#x;Â&#x;z^^z”{_vj of Police over threat to his life and property. Spokes person of the Lagos police Command, when contacted said he should be given time to make administrative enquiries about the Â&#x;]-_v¨j ÂŒ_š”v_j }_j ‡”Â?ˆ`j Â&#x;]Š_j ]j comment. However, he did not respond x”j šÂ?vx}_vj _{xv_]xz_^j ]Œ”Â?xj x}_j Â&#x;]-_v¨j when Newswatch Times called weeks after.

Septuagenarian arrested for N42m stock fraud


units of Zenith Bank shares valued at N42million and remit the proceeds to the account he opened with the new generation bank. The lid on the scam was lifted when ]j v”Â?xz{_j ‡}_‡Šj Œ‰j ^x]Bj ”šj ]vz{]j Securities revealed some discrepancies in the documents presented by the suspect and the ones the genuine owner ”šjx}_j^}]v_^j}]`jqˆ_`jÂĽzx}jx}_j`_šÂ?{‡xj Intercontinental Securities Limited. Consequently, the suspect was arrested by the Nigeria Police, and later handed over to the EFCC for further

investigation and prosecution. The suspect is alleged to be neck deep in stealing shares of unsuspecting investors and selling them for a commission. He is believed to work for a syndicate and receives 10 percent of the proceeds of any “business� that sails through. His accomplices are still at large. Other names that Asiwaju has used in fraudulent shares sale include, Babajide Odunso and Chief Bolaji Carew. The suspect will be arraigned in court as soon as investigation in concluded.

13,000 Nigerians are refugees in Cameroun ADELEKE ADESANYA


ccording to a report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 13,000 z|_vz]{^j›_`jšv”Â&#x;j z|_vz]j x”j ]Â&#x;_v””{jz{j ‡x”Œ_vj]šx_vjx}_j]-]‡Šj and capture of Mubi town in Adamawa state by Boko Haram members. It was reported that about 13,000 Nigerian refugees mostly women and ‡}zˆ`v_{¨j ›_`j Â?ÂŒzj x”¼{j z{j ”§_vj Ă„œœj §_}z‡ˆ_^j]{`j^_-ˆ_`jz{jx”¼{^j”šj Â?z`_vj ]{`j ]^}z|]j z{j x}_j ”vx}j v_|z”{j ”šj Cameroun and to Bourha, Mogode and Boukoula in the Far North of Cameroon. Although some Cameroonian

nationals say most of the Nigerians that arrived their villages have returned to z|_vz]j]{`j}]§_j^_-ˆ_`j]xjx}_jv_šÂ?|__j camps set up in Yola, the Adamawa state capital, the UNHCR say it is investigating claims that those who returned to Nigeria were forcefully sent back “We are also examining claims that some of these refugees may have been forced to return to Nigeria. We are seeking assurances from both Nigeria and Cameroun that the return of these people was done on a voluntary basis. Cameroun is hosting thousands of refugees from Nigeria and Central African Republic and we encourage Cameroon to continue with its policy of welcoming refugees,â€? UNHCR said.

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Oboabona disappointed to miss Bafana clash


uper Eagles defender, Godfrey Oboabona has rued missing the very important 2015 Africa Cup of Nations ¾ ] zq_vj ]|]z{^xj x}j Africa in Uyo after receiving a yellow card in the 2-0 defeat of Congo in Pointe Noire. The central defender’s suspension left the Eagles struggling for defensive covers with Kenneth Omeruo also struggling x j _jqx¤ But the Caykur Riz-

espor of Turkey defender ^]z`j }_j v_|v_-_`j x}_j ^ ^pension and wished he was a part of the game yesterday. “I wish I was part of the game because it was a very important game for us and I would have loved to play, but unfortunately I did not,” he reacted. “I always want to be out there helping my team win games and this was a disappointment for me but God knows best and he knows why it was this way,” he added. But despite ruing the missed opportunity to be a part of the game, Oboabo{]j ¥]^j j j {q`_{ _j and beliefs his teammates were going to get the result in his absence. “I strongly believe in the team and the players that we have and I believed they could get a win in the game. It wasnot _]^ j xj ¥_j ¥_v_j {q`_{xj j|_-z{|j]j¥z{¨°j}_j concluded.

Asaba agog as Ndanusa, Gumel tussle for NOC leadership dedicate hi full energy to the service of the NOC in the next four years. Gumel, a former President of the NOC, obviously has more than enough Mark Ogagan on his plate as a privileged particularly he Nigeria Olympic Nigerian, z-__j ± ²j when one goes through today holds its gen- the list of positions he’s eral elections in Asaba, presently heading, \_ zq ] ¨j ]xj x}_j {]Delta State as Engineer HabuGumel contests with tional, continental and inlong-time rival and in- ternational levels, Gumel cumbent President, Engi- is a household name. He neer Sani Ndanusa for the has not only been an IOC member for life since NOC leadership. Both men have come a 2009, he’s also a member, long way in the Nigerian IOC coordination for the Olympic family, and the games of the XXXII Olymterrain looks very familiar piad, Tokyo 2014, member as both seasoned adminis- sports and environment trators go head to head in commission 2010 to date. If you think that’s a a grand tussle for the posilong list, consider this: At tion of President. However, Gumel’s crit- the last count, he’s also a ics are of the opinion that member IOC TV Rights a man that heads so many and New media commisnational and international sion 2014 to date, membodies is in no position to ber ANOC Executive council, member ANOC Finance commission, Executive Vice-president FIVB, member FIVB FiGroup A Nigeria 2-2 South Africa {]{ _j z^^z {j ±·¼¼»j x j `]x_²¨ z _ \v_^z`_{xj Sudan 0-1 Congo CAVB 1997 to date, TreasGroup B urer CAVB 1997 to date, Ethiopia 0-0 Malawi and president Nigeria Mali 2-0 Algeria _ ] j _`_v]xz {j·¼»»j Group C to date. B/Faso 1-1 Angola That’s not all. Gumel, Gabon 4-2 Lesotho at the moment, is the inGroup D DR Congo 3-1 Sierra Leone cumbent Executive Secrex]v j jx}_j ]xz {] j -_v j Ivory Coast 0-0 Cameroon Trust Fund. Group E Isn’t it amazing that Ghana 3-1 Togo someone holding tight to Guinea 2-0 Uganda these positions is re-conGroup F testing for the presidency Niger 1-1 Mozambique of the NOC? Zambia 1-0 Cape Verde



Garba to cap Anglo-Nigerian players


nder 20 national team coach, Manu Garba, has revealed that the door is open for players with dual nationality to represent the Flying Eagles. Several Anglo-Nigerian players have opted to defend the colours of Nigeria instead of England in recent times. But the FIFA Under 17 World Cup - winning manager has stressed that the Flying Eagles hopefuls must be able to bring competition to the team, pointing out that he has an idea of how the squad he is taking to Senegal will look like. ‘’All the good England - based players within the age bracket should contact us and let us know they are interested in playing for the Flying Eagles. Because we already have a team, they have to foot their traveling expenses,’’ Garba said.

‘’They have to prove to us that they can displace the players on ground before they are selected.’’ Subject to the approval of the Technical Committee of the Nigeria Football Federation, Garba will run the rule over the England - based invitees when the camp is opened in the coming weeks. ½£ _j }]§_j ^ z-_`j the programme to the

_ }{z ] j z-__j j the NFF. Probably before the end of this month, we shall get the approval as it is still being awaited, and we will start preparations,’’ he concluded. It is understood that highly rated Birmingham zx j z`q_ `_v¨j z§j mon-Otabor is one of the players that is being considered for the training camp.

Dolphins hit Ijebu-Ode for Fed Cup


igeria Federation \j q{] z^x^¨j Dolphins hit Ijebu-Ode on Wednesday in preparation for Sun`] £^j q{] j ]|]z{^xj { imba. The former Nigeria champions said the idea behind the Ijebu-Ode training camp is for concentration just before the big game against Enyimba on Sunday, something they may not get in Port

Harcourt with friends and fans of the club around them. The team departed from Port Harcourt on Wednesday to Ijebu-Ode and then will head to Lagos on Friday. “We will have a light work out on Wednesday morning and then leave for Ijebu-Ode,” coach Stanley Eguma said. “Although the time

is short, we believe the two days away from Port Harcourt before that crucial game will do the boys a world of good.” Dolphins have played x}_j _`_v]xz {j \j q{] j four times - 2001, 2004, 2006 and 2007 - winning all of them against El Kanemi in 2001, against Enugu Rangers in 2004 and 2007 and against Bendel Insurance in 2006.

Super Eagles out of 2015 AFCON


AFCON Qualifiers


2-2 draw between Nigeria and South Africa in a Group A, African Cup j ]xz {^j ¾ ] zq_vj ]xj x}_j Akwa Ibom International Stadium on Wednesday means the Super Eagles }]§_j { xj ¾ ] zq_`j vj x}_j tournament proper next year. The result combined with Congo’s 1-0 win over Sudan means South Africa q{z^}_`j x \j j v \j j with 12 points, followed by Congo on ten points and Nigeria, the 2013 Afcon champions, on eight points. South Africa started strongly and had a chance to take the lead as early as the fourth minute when a mistake in the Nigerian defence allowed Tokelo Rantie

x}v |}j {j| ] ¨j xj}_jqv_`j over from 12-yards out. After that the Super Eagles really took control of the possession stakes and began pestering the South African goal, but continuously found goalkeeper Darren Keet in their way. In the eight minute Ahmed Musa dribbled his way past one defender on his way into the box, but saw his 14-yard shot strike the crossbar. Six minutes later Musa broke through on goal and was left with just the keeper to beat, but Keet produced a good one-on-one stop. A minute later Musa was ]|]z{j ]B v`_`j ]j | ] j ^ ving chance when he burst behind the Bafana defence, but again he was denied by Keet in a one-on-one situa-

tion. In the 24th minute Keet was called into action again, this time making a good save to deny Ikechukwu Uche from long range. Nigeria, despite their dominance could not open the scoring and South Africa made the best of their one decent chance in the 41st minute. Rantie showed great strength and determination to drive into the box, beating {_j `_ _{`_vj _ v_j qvz{|j the ball past Vincent Enyeama from eight-yards out to give Bafana the lead at the break, 1-0. It was a perfect start to the second half for South Africa after Rantie doubled his side’s lead four minutes after the restart when he broke into the box again, rounded

the keeper and scored, 2-0. Nigeria began to mount their comeback and pulled a | ] j ] jz{jx}_jÇ»x}j z{ x_j when Sone Aluko tucked home an Uche shot that re {`_`j Bjx}_j\ ^x¨jµ ·¤ South Africa were reduced to ten men in the 72nd minute when Renei lwe Letsholonyane was sent for an early shower after receiving his second yellow card. Nigeria piled on the pressure in the dying minutes of the game and did manage x jq{`j]{j_¾ ] z^_vjx}v |}j Aluko’s second goal in the 94th minute, 2-2, but it was not enough to save the Super Eagles. In other game in Group A, Sudan lost 1-0 to CongoBrazzaville to see Congo qualify ahead of Nigeria.

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

Vol. 1, No. 16

November 20, 2014



N100 centenary: Time to redeem Ebolaic Naira notes


even months ago I wondered aloud if the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) should not cover its ugly face in shame for openly ]`Â&#x;z-z{|j ‡zv‡Â?zx”Â?^ˆ‰j x}]xj zxj z^j \v”qxz{|j from the misery and confusion arising from continued use of mutilated and deceased ‡Â?vv_{‡z_^¤j j zx}j Â&#x;_q_ˆ_j z{j x}_j ^]``ˆ_j ]^j j ”§_v{”vj š”vj q§_j Â&#x;”{x}^j Â&#x;Â?Â&#x;j z^j x}_j ¼”v`j ”{j supplying citizens with healthy currencies, yet the CBN is reported to print regularly new notes as part of deliberate devaluation strategy and I wonder where the Mint currencies are used, except the ones hawked openly at a discount in marketplaces and ”{_^jxv]`_`jÂŒ]‡Š`””vjŒ‰jÂŒ]{Šj”L‡z]ˆ^¤jj ”¼jx}]xj Nigeria’s 100 years is being marked with a special N100 note, it is desirable that all the diseased currencies be removed from circulation in order to prevent reintroduction of Ebola virus via smelly notes. The severe scarcity of lower denominations, especially N50, N100, and N200 is still generating open confrontation between commuters and transport operators, between buyers and sellers, Â&#x;]Šz{|j ^Â&#x;””x}j xv]{^]‡xz”{^j §_v‰j `zL‡Â?ˆxj ]{`j cantankerous. Street brawls are common in the ^xv__x^j ”šj ]|”^j z{j \]vxz‡Â?ˆ]vj ”§_vj `zL‡Â?ˆx‰j z{j transacting business over the issue of collecting “changeâ€?. These anomalies have been on for many years, but have become severe. Rather than own up to its irresponsibility of not replacing mutilated and dirty currencies as the CBN of the 70s to the 90s did easily, the CBN is demanding money from deposit banks for sorting and replacing the deceased notes. The failure of the CBN to perform its functions of making sure legal tender currencies are in circulation is the source of scarcity of fresh notes which has encouraged the }]¼Šz{|j”šj ]zv]j{”x_^j]xj¾œj\_v‡_{xj\v”qxj]{`j^]ˆ_j of Mint notes by deposit banks through the back door. Isaac Okoroafor, CBN spokesman, spoke in ]^}z{|x”{j \vzˆj ¡Ă†¨j ]`Â&#x;z-z{|j Š{Â”ÂĽÂˆ_`|_j ”šj Naira hawking, but rather shifted blame on law enforcement agencies to apprehend hawkers ”šj z{xj {”x_^¤j _j ]`Â&#x;z-_`j x}]xj j ‡xj ¾œœºj empowers it to issue legal tender currencies to serve as acceptable medium of exchange, promote _L‡z_{xj \]‰Â&#x;_{xj ^‰^x_Â&#x;j ]{`j x”j \v”Â&#x;”x_j ^”Â?{`j Âą{”xj^z‡Šˆ‰²jq{]{‡z]ˆj^‰^x_Â&#x;¤j zx}jx}_j}_]x_`jšÂ?v”v_j generated during transactions in the marketplace ]{`j z{j ^_-ˆ_Â&#x;_{xj ”šj š]v_^j z{j ‡”Â&#x;Â&#x;Â?x_vj §_}z‡ˆ_^¨j it is clear that the CBN has failed woefully in the functions spelled out by Okoroafor. Okoroafor’s doublespeak is tragic and playing on the intelligence of Nigerians who daily contend with rejection of the Naira as legal tender and instrument of promoting healthy and no rancorous transactions. In the Sun report of April 15, the CBN spokesman said it does not impose any charge on deposit commercial banks for sorting `zvx‰j‡Â?vv_{‡z_^jš”vj\_‡Â?{z]v‰jÂŒ_{_qx^¨jÂŒÂ?xjx}]xjx}_j CBN charges commercial banks N12,000 per box of

unsorted notes. His words, “Banks have failed to make the needed investments in currency sorting and therefore v_^”vxz{|jx”jv_‡zv‡Â?ˆ]xz”{j”šjÂ?{qxj{”x_^°jj _j‡ˆ]zÂ&#x;_`j that there is no scarcity of lower denomination notes, tried to shift buck to commercial banks and threatened to bypass them and deal directly with shop owners for supply of Mint notes. Is that so Okoroafor? This statement contradicts the position of a former CBN Deputy Governor Tunde Lemo whose promise to remedy the scarcity of lower `_{”Â&#x;z{]xz”{^j v_Â&#x;]z{_`j Â?{šÂ?ˆqˆˆ_`j `_^\zx_j postponement thrice. More than 19 months ago, I wrote about the


My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. – Thomas Jefferson

ROADMAP Soni Ehi Asuelimen 08023459055(sms)

CBN Director, Currency Operation department Mr. Muhammad Nda had expressed cheeky ‡”{‡_v{j ”§_vj ‡”{xz{Â?”Â?^j ‡zv‡Â?ˆ]xz”{j ”šj qˆx}‰j currencies in April 2010, more than four years ago. Nda however blamed public’s poor handling of currencies, including but not limited to “folding, tearing of edges, writing, squeezing, stapling, unorthodox storage, non-use of wallets and spraying at social gatherings, all of which make ‡Â?vv_{‡‰j^”vxz{|j`zL‡Â?ˆx¨j‡”^xˆ‰j]{`jz{_L‡z_{x¤°jj `]j}]`jz{j¾œ¡œj]`Â&#x;z-_`jx}]xjx}_jv_^\”{^zÂŒzˆzx‰j for currency processing was shouldered mainly by the CBN and that the participation of deposit money banks was limited to servicing of their automated teller machines. Even the counting machines in banking halls are breaking down because of the deluge of warped and soiled notes they were not

(‡ } ˆ CBN Governor epidemics of Sanusi’s deceased currencies. I refreshed July 2013 the anger in the public domain over smelly notes. Notwithstanding CBN’s ^Â?ÂŒ^_žÂ?_{xj \v”Â&#x;z^_¨j Â?{šÂ?ˆqˆˆ_`¨j x”j v_\ˆ]‡_j x}_j x]-_v_`¨j]{`j^Â&#x;_ˆˆ‰j\”ˆ‰Â&#x;_vj‡Â?vv_{‡z_^jÂĽzx}j\]\_vj notes in June, it is glaring the situation is gone worse. Before exiting, Lemo had assured in November 2012 that scarcity of lower denomination currencies would ease in June 2013 when freshly minted paper note was expected to replace polymer notes. Exactly two years later, CBN remained mum. _|v_-]Œˆ‰¨j x}_j ]xz”{]ˆj ^^_Â&#x;Œˆ‰j x}]xj ^}”Â?ˆ`j x]Š_j Â?\j x}_j j ^}”¼^j ˆz-ˆ_j ”vj z{]‡xz§_j ‡”{‡_v{¨j ÂŒÂ?xjÂŒ_‡”Â&#x;_jÂ&#x;zˆzx]{x^jz{j^Â?Â&#x;Â&#x;”{z{|j j”L‡z]ˆ^j for suspicious extortion over issues that have inconsequential impact on the public.

programmed to handle, leading to additional cost of replacements. Nda claimed commercial banks, which are now rejecting to count mutilated notes, however, feed their ATMs with mint banknotes as against the use ”šj Âœqxj ÂŒ]{Š{”x_^¤j j }_j `zv_‡x”vj v_§_]ˆ_`j x}]xj as at December 31, 2009, the number of naira notes in circulation was over 4.4 billion pieces, while the volume of currency-in-circulation, which peaked at 8.30 billion pieces in 2000, declined steadily due to currency restructuring involving the introduction of higher denomination of N100, N200, N500 and N1,000 between 1999 and 2005. Apart from the public and commercial banks, Director Nda had another scapegoat in the failure of the 1997 CBN policy initiative of shared responsibility in the cost of currency processing

to address dirty notes. He said the failed policy provided for commercial banks to sort their cash z{x”j‡ˆ_]{j]{`j`zvx‰j”vj\]‰jq{_^jš”vj j`”z{|jzx¤jj His words: While the clean notes are to be reissued to the public by the (commercial) banks, the dirty ones are expected to be deposited with CBN for authentication and destruction. To encourage compliance, a surcharge of N3,000 increased to N6,000 on October 13, 2008 and now N12,000 was imposed on an unsorted deposit of a box of currency notes of 10,000 pieces. A private initiative, Pioneer Sorting Company Limited, ›”]x_`j Œ‰j ]j ‡”{^”vxzÂ?Â&#x;j ”šj ¡¡j v_x]zˆj ÂŒ]{Š^j x”j ^”vxj banknotes for themselves and other banks in 1998, failed due to poor location, under-capitalisation, and use of obsolete currency processing machines, among others. }_j^]`jq{`z{|jŒ‰jx}_j jz^jx}]xjÂŒ]{Š^j]§Â”z`j the payment of the surcharge by circulating dirty notes.â€? Since 2008, precisely six years ago that this policy failed, CBN folded its arms and its Governor prefers to play Father Christmas by doling out funds to selected pet projects than perform CBN duties by spending good money for Nigerians to get decease-free currencies. ÂŁ^j Âœ`”{ÂŁxœ‡]v_j]-zxÂ?`_jz^jˆz{Š_`jx”j ]xz”{]ˆj Assembly’s rightful rejection of CBN’s proposal to prodigally lavish N40 billion on a doubtful “currency redenominationâ€? and revaluating the ]zv]j §]ˆÂ?_j Â?\ÂĽ]v`j x”j ‡”\_j ÂĽzx}j z{›]xz”{j Œ‰j printing N5,000 single notes, a move that is likely to ¼”v^_{j^\zv]ˆˆz{|jz{›]xz”{]v‰jxv_{`¤jj }_j\ˆ”xjš”Â?vj years ago was to redesign currency and coin lower denomination. CBN was to replace the existing N5, N10 and N20 notes with coins and redesign the existing N50, N100, N200, N500 and N1,000. The N5,000 political notes was to carry the pictures of Margaret Ekpo, Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti and Gambo Sawaba to honour them for their struggle for Nigeria’s independence. Going by the editorial opinion of a quality newspaper recently, the CBN had actually printed the N5,000 notes nearly two years ago but were not circulated, with the CBN and National Assembly keeping mute. Former CBN Governor Lamido Sanusi had hinted that President Goodluck Jonathan had bought the deal to print N5,000 notes to discourage politicians and lawmakers in Abuja, in particular, from using dollars for domestic transaction. Implications of the dollarization of the economy manifest in the huge millions of money-laundering dollars being funnelled abroad, further depressing Naira value and debilitating the economy. Sanusi had wanted to browbeat the National Assembly in railroading this doubtful policy while ignoring the real issues of Naira scarcity and deceased notes. How long will Nigerians who transact daily businesses, not in dollars like politicians and lawmakers, continue to wait for legal tender neat notes and in right quantities? Has the NASS slept on its oversight functions as usual? Or do we expect Mint notes to circulate for _ˆ_‡xz”{__vz{|j ^x”Â&#x;]‡}j z{šv]^xvÂ?‡xÂ?v_j ^_-ˆ_Â&#x;_{xĂˆjj Â&#x;_q_ˆ_ÂŁ^jÂ&#x;Â?x_{_^^jz^j_Â&#x;ÂŒ]vv]^^z{|¤

Printed and Published by NEWSWATCH TIMES LTD., 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. 0709-850-4488 (Newsroom) NICON HOUSE, 1st & 3rd Floors, Central Business District, Abuja. 0709-882-1624. DELE FASHOMI

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