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Daily Newswatch
South West
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Oyo signs MoU with NIPC on business development OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
yo State Government has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) on accelerated business development of the state. Deputy Governor Moses Adeyemo led the state’s delegation of Bureau of Investment Promotion, Public and Private Partnership to sign the MOU on behalf of the state government. Adeyemo disclosed that essence of the MoU is for the state government to synergise with NIPC towards moving forward its economic and investment development.
He emphasised that the state government has wooed investors from several countries including China, United States among others towards boosting its economy, stressing that the present administration has created enabling environment for prospective foreign investors to do busi-
ness in the state. Meanwhile, Executive Secretary of NIPC, Mrs Saratu Umar, said the development came at a time when the country is witnessing increment in Foreign Direct Investment ` jkqz{|}k~| |}qz k k reforms by Federal Government including the recent re-
basing of Nigeria’s economy. Umar assured the state government of support to compete favourably for FDI while stimulating more domestic direct investment that would enhance its economic base as well as create more jobs and wealth for the people. The delegation also em-
barked on investment drive to Federal Ministry of Transport to discuss follow-up on the status to re-designate ICD to Erumu Inland Dry Port and also to discuss 1.5km stretch rail siding, which Minister of Transport proposed earlier to integrate with the on-going railway rehabilitation pro-
Alao-Akala intensifies efforts for Oyo guber race OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
PDP youth group pledges to work for party’s success OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
he newly inaugurated executive of Peoples Democratic Party National Youth Frontiers (PDPNYF), Oyo State Chapter has pledged to work for the party’s success in the 2015 elections. Coordinator of the group, Michael Adekunle, spoke in Ibadan, the state capital, shortly after the inauguration, stressing that “we have embarked on no-going back journey. We would mobilise and work assiduously for the party’s the success in all elections. We also use this opportunity to pass k | k |~k |z z k |zk k administration of President Goodluck Jonathan, likewise the party’s leadership at the national and state level.” Adekunle urged the party’s leaders in the state to provide level-playing ground for all aspirants in the primaries, adding that whoever emerges must be supported by others. He also implored leaders of PDP to properly monitor current continuous voters’ registration exercise. Meanwhile, the state Chairman of PDP, Alhaji Yinka Taiwo, enjoined members of the group to always be good ambassadors of the party in their commitment and behaviour. Taiwo, who was represented at the occasion by the party’s secretary, Aderemi Adelabu, implored them to shun hooliganism of any form and work assiduously for the success of PDP. Also, Youth Leader of the party, Akeem Oke, urged the group’s newly inaugurated executive to work assiduously for success of PDP at all levels. Oke also implored them not to allow themselves be used for hooliganism and acts capable of disrupting the current electoral processes.
gramme of Federal Government. They met Minister of Mines and Steel Development on strategic working partnership to develop solid mineral sector of the state‘s economy towards resuscitating Nigerian Marble Mining Company Limited, Igbeti and collaborate for establishment of International Gemstone Buying Centre in Ibadan, the state capital.
L-R: Zonal Manager (South-West), Bank of Agriculture, Paul Olusegun Asiwaju; Director-General, Association of Nigeria Exporters, Joseph Idiong; Publisher/CEO, Business Day Newspapers, Frank Aigbogun; Managing Director/CEO of Notore Seeds, Ivana Osagie and Programme Director of Dalehan Limited, Fidel Anyanna; at the 2014 AgriBusiness and Food Security Summit held at Photo: Padonu Segun Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos State…yesterday.
Court threatens to strike out BPE’s case OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
ational Industrial Court, Ibadan has warned that it may strike out the application k®¯k ¤ ¤k|~k ¤® q k zterprises (BPE), challenging its (the court) jurisdiction to hear the case brought before it by about 500 ‘unregularised’ and casual workers of the
defunct Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN). Justice Kola Olalere made the threat after listening to counsel to the claimant, Ahmed Tafa, who said the defendants’ lawyer has not been appearing in the court for sometime. The workers sued BPE and PHCN over unpaid entitlements, claiming that they are
not yet paid since the company was completely handed over to private investors.
|} k k k zk plication before the court challenging its jurisdiction to entertain the case. Meanwhile, at the resume hearing before Olalere, who has taken over the case following transfer of the former judge, he said the court may
strike it (the case) out if the defendants’ counsel fails to appear before the court. Also, Tafa urged the court earlier to strike out the application, adding that it was already ripe for hearing. The judge subsequently adjourned the case till October 15 for hearing and directed that hearing notice should be served on the defendants.
Female teacher commits suicide in Oyo community over SSCE results OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
he death of female teacher of a private secondary school at Saki in Oyo State, Mrs Victoria Ekoloh, who allegedly killed herself following students’ mass failure in the last Senior || k q k qz tion (SSCE) conducted by West African Examination Council (WAEC), has thrown the school into mourning. A competent source told Daily Newswatch that Ekoloh wept like a baby when she received the results and discovered all the 18 candidates performed woefully in the examination. A teacher in a nearby school, who pleaded anonymity, said their plea to the deceased to calm her down proved abortive, adding that
Ekoloh was moody since then and summoned a meetqz k|zk k k ~ k} q k she went into seclusion. The source revealed that k k | k k |z z k of hers that she didn’t eat for three days after their meeting, } q k }|k Fk |~k k || k found her corpse inside the
room after forcing its door opened when they went to the deceased’s house the following day to inform her about another meeting, which was k~| kz||zkqzk k || Meanwhile, a member of Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of the school, described the deceased as industrious,
adding that the corpse has been deposited at Baptist Medical Centre, Saki. However, Daily Newswatch gathered that she didn’t leave any suicide note, while members of her family are yet to be formally informed, though they reside in the eastern part of the country.
he umbrella group for the campaign committees of Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala for his governorship aspiration, Team Akala, }q k | zk q k | q|z k |3 k on September 27. A statement issued by coordinator of the group, Prince Niran Adeyoju, revealed that k| q|z k|3 kq k | k on Oyo road, Uncle Joe Bus Stop, Mokola, Ibadan, the state capital and its formal opening would be held at 10 am with many members of Team Akala as well as other volunteers and stakeholders in the campaign organisation. Adeyoju disclosed that openqz k |~k k | q|z k |3 k q k to emphasise that Team Akala is ready to work hard towards propagating the message of hope and incoming of government with human face, which Alao-Akala represents. According to the statement: “There is only one candidate who has consistently stood by his principles in PDP and held to his oath while he was Executive Governor of the state, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala, is the right candidate that can restore Oyo State back to its qz k kqzk©ª«¬ “Activities would include the |3 q k | zqz k |~k k | q|z k|3 k k} k k qz k z k qz k |z k Fk z k volunteers. Coordinator of the team would deliver formal speech and then greet volunteers. The Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr Kola Balogun, }|¤ k k® q {¯k k} °
Cleric condoles with Adekunle, Dimgba’s families
he Prelate of Methodist Church Nigeria, His Eminence, Dr Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu Uche (JP), has condoled with Nigerians on the death of one of the country’s prominent war heroes, late Brigadier-General Benjamin Adekunle, who died recently at 78 years. Uche described Adekunle as an enviable and respected compatriot, elder statesman,
seasoned administrator of note and dogged gallant k|~k q q £ k |z qz¤ k entity and stability, especially during the Nigeria-Biafran war between 1967 and 1970. “He was such a very rare breed, who posterity has registered his name in gold and evergreen, especially with his dogged strides and determination towards keeping Nigeria one even at the warfront and
| kz q|z k qz k|~k F tive statesmanship, devoid of tribalism or sentiments, religion, political or creed for such egalitarian society where no man is oppressed.” The cleric charged Nigerians, members of the political ruling class and others in authority on the need to rule with the fear of God, appealing to all concerned towards qz k q~ k ® k zk ¯k
met it because death is a nec ¯k z k k }|¤ k nitely come. Also, the prelate condoles with the entire media and newspapers industry on the tragic death of former ViceChairman of Sun Publishing Company (Publishers of The Sun Newspapers), Dimgba Igwe, who he described as an ¤ k | k z k z k} q k of no mean repute.
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Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Man arrested for crushing police officer to death in Delta SYLVESTER IDOWU Warri
Šk ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; k | Â&#x2014;k truck driver, Peter Bolorunduro Igbekele, }Â&#x2026; k ÂŻÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014; ÂŻkÂ?Â&#x201E;¤ Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k at DSC roundabout, Warri, Delta State The suspect, who resides at Udumorhe street, Ugbomro town in Udu Local |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014; ÂŻk crushed his victim, a Cadet Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) ( names withheld) at about 11 a.m. k Â&#x2026;q ÂŻk Â&#x201A;} }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ered that the victim was atÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x192;q q|zk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k }Â&#x2026; k |zk Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x2018;ÂŻk
2015 Guber: Araraume charges PDP on transparent primaries EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri
governorship aspirant of the Peoples Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;|Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ?k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk (PDP) in Imo k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;zÂŻqk Araraume has called on the leadership of the ParÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;k  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k forthcoming governorship Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk q k Â?|zÂ&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzk Â&#x2026;k transparent manner even as he vowed to mobilize all Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; |¤Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2018;|k  Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻk candidate that emerges through fraudulent process. The PDP chieftain made this assertion while declaring his intention to contest for the governorship race of the state at the Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk  Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x203A;k the capital of Imo State. According to him, what he wants is a transparent process and would ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k}q qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;|k ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂŻk candidate that emerges through this process devoid of fraud. His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;if the primaries are not transparent, k }q k Â&#x153;¤Â&#x2018;k ¤Â&#x153;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k to stop the person as I am z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qzº¤ Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x201A;°Â&#x2DC; Ararume assured that he has all it takes to march the incumbent Governor Rochas Okorocha if he emerge the candidate of PDP while urging the parÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2018;|k work hard to ensure that PDP returns to power in Imo.
Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k k which is an opposition Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻkqzk Â&#x201D;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kq kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;ing from a disadvantage position without a structure on ground to win Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;q|zkÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;ÂŽ|Â&#x2014;ÂŻk qÂÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;z|Â&#x201E;k Okorocha to ensure he is Â&#x153;¤ Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |¤Â&#x2018;k |~k |3Â?Â&#x201A;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k 2015.
at the scene with three other policemen when the incident occurred. kÂś Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k }Â&#x2026; k|zkÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k kÂ&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;bout with three others when the truck driver crushed him Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;|qÂ&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;k  Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;Â?¤-
Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;k zk Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k ¡||Â&#x201D;k |FÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x201E;¤ Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;°Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;k  Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk source disclosed. Â&#x2026;q ÂŻk Â&#x201A;} }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ered that the surviving policemen, with the assistance of other motorists apprehended the truck driver and
}Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k |lice Station where he was being detained. Delta State Police Public Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026; ¤Â&#x203A;k ` jk Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k the incident noting that the culprit was behind a Ford Â&#x201E;¤Â?Âk}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;q Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk k
274 XA at the time of the incident. She said the driver knocked down the Cadet k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k|zkÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;| Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k an indication of the enormiÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; Â&#x17D;k
Ugbe promises to sustain Imokeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agenda, if...
he Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development and Governorship aspirant under the People Democratic Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k ` k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;jÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;rick Ugbe has declared his intention to sustain the uncommon transformation agenda of Governor Imoke if his aspiration to Government House comes to fruition. Speaking in Calabar, the Governorship aspirant promised to leverage on the legacies of successive administrations to usher the State qzÂ&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;k |~k ¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ship and good governance with unlimited opportunities. Ugbe commended efforts of former Governor Donald Duke and incumbent, Senator Imoke in rural and urban transformation and massive infrastructural development in various sectors.
He however stated that his vision to improve on the giant strides of Governor Imoke is dependent on the choice Cross Riverians will make towards picking the appropriate character and |ÂŽÂ Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;|Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?ÂŻkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k afforded the people the opÂ&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤zqÂ&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k~Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k The aspirant said if enÂ&#x2014;|Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201E;¤zkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026; ÂŻk win the race to government Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;|z qÂŽq qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk }q k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k needs of the citizens. Mr. Ugbe expressed unshaken faith in the future of Cross River State and maintained that his mission is to strengthen the values of adequate representation and good governance. According to the aspirant, the State has made significant progress to become an investment destination in Nigeria and assured of his plans to
consolidate on these gains. Giving a peep into his blue print on Youth empowerment, the aspirant registered his resolve to adopt measures to address the obvious economic crises associated with the rise in the number of unÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; |ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŻ|¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2DC;kkk He further stated that there shall be deliberate effort to bring about policies that }q k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k ÂŻ|¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;preneurship and leadership development while encourÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;ÂŻk participation in politics. The Commissioner said his vision and mission are not different from those of the present administration to Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â?ÂŻk|~k¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;k ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;qÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;form upon which this project will thrive and give all Cross qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;z kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k their destinies.
Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k
with the road map for the State and noted that it takes one who knows and appreciate this and has the interest of the people at heart that can take Cross River to the next level of growth. The governorship aspirant noted that the call to serve is a call to sacrifice and assured of his teams readiness to deliver on their mandate if given a chance. He expressed belief in the Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;q | |Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;ÂŻk|~kÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kq k ~qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201D; ÂŻk Â&#x201E;||Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzk ¤ Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k ¹¤qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k ~Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201E;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;qration to the exalted position |~k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;~k Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k is to promote the ideals of deÂ&#x201D;|Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?ÂŻÂ&#x2DC; The Governorship aspirant invited all Cross Riverians to come on Board stressing that his Proposed Programmes have enough room to accomÂ&#x201D;|Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂŽ|Â&#x2014;ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;
on him. Kalu disclosed that the Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k}Â&#x2026; kqzkÂ?¤ Â&#x2018;|Â&#x2014;ÂŻk|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k police and that he claimed to have lost control of the vehicle but assured that investigations had commenced on Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|~kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Investigations into the incident had commenced with a view to determining whether the action of the driver was deliberate or othÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;}q Â&#x201A;°Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;q qzÂ&#x20AC;k motorists against careless Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k z|Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻ|zÂ&#x201A;k caught would be made to face the full wrath of the law.
Anambra to start 24-hour trading activities ALPHONSUS EZE, Awka
he Anambra State Government in a bid to improve economic and commercial activities in the State is planning to commence 24- hour trading in major markets in the State. The State Commissioner for Commerce, Trade and Industries, Mr. Ifeatu Onejeme stated this in Awka, the state capital during a Private, Public Dialogue for Traders, MiÂ?Â&#x201E;|Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;q¤Â&#x201D;k zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;prises workshop. Onejeme said his address to the particpants that the state government would continue to imÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk |~k the state, in order to make the proposed 24hours trading possible. He also said that basic infrastructure that will create conducive environÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;k ´|Fk |~k the 24-hour trading such as solar powered street light would soon be provided in all major markets in the state so as to provide illumination and as q Â&#x2018;kqzkqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk situation in the markets. He explained that under the 24-hour trading, traders should arrange ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x17D;q~Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;ÂŽÂŻk some people would go Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x20AC;|k to the market in the night. The Commissioner also announced that Anambra State Government had L-R: Royal Father of the Day, Professor Dagogo Fubara; Chairman of the occasion, Mr. Oruye Oruye and Rear Adm. in partnership with the Promise Fingeci, at the Summit of Rivers Ijaw Traditional Rulers and Leaders in Port Harcourt, Rivers Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyes- Central Bank of Nigeria terday. (CBN), signed a Memorandom of Understanding (MOU) for a $2million credit which would be BONIFACE OKORO, gunshot wounds followAt the swearing in cere- Â&#x2018;|k~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;q ÂŻk|~k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k disbursed through parUmuahia qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;zkÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â?ÂkÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x20AC;¤zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x201D;|zÂŻkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Dr. Nwosu whose death Â&#x2018;qÂ?qÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; k qz Â&#x2018;qThe new commissioner Council chamber of Gov- |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤zqÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk tution to enable traders new Agric commission- is a kinsman of the late ernment House, Umua- for him, while enjoining improve their businesses. er, Comrade Nwosu. Governor Theo- hia, Governor Orji noted him to discharge his duties According to Onejeme, N w a k o d o dore Orji explained that that the appointment was Â&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; ÂŻÂ&#x2DC; other credit facilities he picked Nwakodo to Responding, Nwakodo Â&#x2026;k ¤zq¹¤Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026;ÂŻk |~k Â&#x17D;|z|¤Â&#x201E;Udochukwu were being put in place Simon, has been sworn ~¤ Â&#x2019; k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;q ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k thanked the Governor for to reduce the impediment in to replace slain Abia Olokora clan in Umua- |Â|Â&#x201E;|k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¤zqÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k giving him the oppor- against Medium, Small Â&#x2018;¤zqÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k qÂ?Â&#x201E;|k zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;q State Commissioner for hia South local govern- loss of their son. The governor charged contribute to the good Â&#x201A; k` jkÂ&#x2026; k}Â&#x201A; kkÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;k Agriculture, Dr. Ken- ment area of replacing late the new commissioner not works of the Governor. neth Nwosu, who died of Nwosu with his kinsman. low interest rate credit.
Orji replaces slain agric commissioner
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
South South
Ebola: 700 teachers undergo training in Cross River KINGSTON OBUNGABIA, Calabar
he Cross River State Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, has organized a training workshop for teachers and stakeholders in the Education sector, on how best to prevent the spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the school system. The stakeholders include; Head Teachers and Princi-
pals of both Public and Private Schools, Proprietors of Private Schools, members of Parents Teachers Association (PTA), as well as School Based Management |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â k` Â jÂ&#x2DC; The training was held in six centres across the State including, Calabar, Akamkpa, Ugep, Ikom, Ogoja and Obudu, as part of activities preceding the resumption of schools. In his address at the various centres, the Commissioner for Education,
Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  |Â&#x201E;k 3|zÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2DC;k ~Â&#x2019;|zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k was aimed at educating key stakeholders on EVD and the need to prevent its spread in the State especially among pupils and students. 3|zÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k before full resumption of school, which is yet to commence in earnest in the State, there must be â&#x20AC;&#x153;sensitization of key stakeholders, training of at least two  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;FkqzkÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;k Â?Â&#x17D;|| k|zkÂ&#x17D;|}k to prevent the spread of the
EVD, provision of steady supply of water to facilitate regular hand washing, as well as provision of infrared temperature measuring equipment in all schools.â&#x20AC;? He emphasised that schools must make provision for hand washing facilities with liquid soap or detergent, adding that the Ministry will monitor the level of compliance by schools. He urged parents and guardians not to send their sick children to school but
to health facilities and also ensure that children maintain good hygiene at home. He directed teachers nominated for the training to step it down at their various schools. In her remarks, the State
Attah played no role in creation of Akwa Ibom, says Akpabio BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo
Scene of a tanker explosion in Calabar where a driver and conductor died in Cross River State...recently.
overnor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State has said that his preÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201A;  |Â&#x201E;kqzk|3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k ÂŽ|zÂ&#x20AC;k qÂ?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;k z|Â&#x2018;k play any role in the creation of the state by the military administration of General Ibrahim Babangida in 1987. Akpabio was reacting to a recent statement made by Attah during a Grand reception by the Ibibio Nation at Asan Ibibio grounds that was instrumental to the creation of the state and that he was personally called upon by Babangida himself to take a state for his people. Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;kq k¹¤|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k at the occasion, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me start by telling you about something that happened in 1987. I was living in Kaduna and about the middle of the year, I received a message from the Military President Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. He sent to ask me if I was no longer interested in a state for my people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This happened because for a long time I had, with
...Rivers now free, says health commissioner NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
ivers State Commissioner of Health, Dr. Samson Parker, has declared that the dreaded Ebola virus disease, EVD, has been effectively contained in the state. He cautioned that there was no need any more for anyone in the state to
celebrate Ebola because in his words â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is no more Ebola in Rivers state. Rivers State is free of Ebolaâ&#x20AC;?. He told journalists during Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x20AC;k qzk |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k Harcourt, yesterday, that only 25 contacts were remaining out of the a total of 526 primary and secondary contacts that were identiÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k  ¤Â&#x201E;veillance during the period that the state and Federal
government, World Health Organisation, WHO, and other multilateral organizations devoted collective Â&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â? qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;q ease, essentially to thwart it from spreading into an epidemic. Dr. Parker enthused: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Yes, we can now start smiling! We are now gradually winding down our emergency operations on Ebola. We now have 25 contacts
under surveillance and some of them will go out today. As I speak with you, there is no case of Ebola in Rivers State. We have erred on the part of caution to expand our coverage of contact persons just to make assurance double sureâ&#x20AC;?. He stressed: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We expect that by weekend, most of the 25 people under surveillance will have gone
Opposition against Wikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidature thicken NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
oves to forestall the widely perceived governorship ambition of the Minister of State for Education, Nyesom Wike, thickened yesterday as the Ijaw National Congress, INC, Eastern Zone, comprising of Rivers and Akwa Ibom states, declared that it will not support a politiÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;|Â&#x201A;Â kz|Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;k a candidate of Ijaw ethnic stock at the 2015 governorship election. The INC spoke through its National Publicity Secretary, Victor Gburobu, at a stakeholders meeting for Traditional rulers, elders, chiefs and opinion leaders
â&#x20AC;ŚAs INC, PDP chieftains canvas for Ijaw candidate to emphasise the need for all parties in the eastern zone to give regards to the principle of zoning and rotation in choosing a candidate that will represent the party at the 2015 gubernatorial election. The INC spokesman declared:â&#x20AC;?There is need for the parties in Rivers State to respect the principle of zoning and rotation in picking candidates that will represent them at the 2015 gubernatorial election. The INC will not work with a political party that will not present an ÂşÂ&#x2026;}kÂ&#x2026; kqÂ&#x2018; k{Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC; The Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic Party, PDP, in Rivers State announced at the end of its state executive meeting, on
Tuesday, September 12, announced that the party will not zone its governorship to any group, insisting that â&#x20AC;&#x153;any candidate that is quali-
Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;k present himself for the priÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk }q k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;k the best candidate at the 2015 gubernatorial electionâ&#x20AC;?.
Commissioner for Health, Professor Angela Oyo-Ita, emphasised that all stakeholders must collectively play their roles in the prevention of spread of Ebola Virus both at home and in schools.
out. In fact, the national incident manager and deputy incident manager of the Ebola Operations Centre, EOC, and our developmental partners from WHO and other international heath organizations are leaving Rivers State this morning to prepare for other assignments.â&#x20AC;? The commissioner for health said the departure |~k|3Â?qÂ&#x2026; Â k~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k ministry of health and other developmental partners from Rivers State necessitated by the success recorded in the containment of the Ebola virus was further manifested by the state government appointing â&#x20AC;&#x153;one of our own, Dr. Nnana Onyekwere to take over as the incident manager of the EOCâ&#x20AC;?.
respect and within the limits of friendship, harassed him to create a state for us. When it did not happen, I gave up. This message therefore came as a bolt from the blues. I was shocked, but ecstatically surprised. I was asked to present yet another request for a state which I did. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometime after that I was qzÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |3Â?Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Coordinator of National Security (CONS) at 12 Awolowo Road Ikoyi, and was asked to draw a map of what I thought should constitute the new state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After that I waited and then on September 23, 1987 came the announcement that Akwa Ibom and Katsina States had been created. My joy knew z|kÂŽ|¤zÂ&#x2014; Â&#x2DC;k ~kÂ?|¤Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k thing I did was to sit down Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;| Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;|k |¤Â&#x201E;k beloved benefactor, President Ibrahim Babangida who has graciously created a state for us.â&#x20AC;? However, in the 27 years anniversary broadcast to the people of the state, Akpabio Â&#x2026;Â?Â?¤ Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;k |~k Â&#x2018;}q Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k the facts of history, explaining that agitations for the creation of Akwa Ibom which dates back to 1953, was actually championed by the forefathers of the state at Afaha Oku. The Governor stated that Babangida, after taking power in 1985, had set up a seventeen-member Political Bureau with Sylvanus J. Cookey as Chairman and Abdullahi Augie as Executive Secretary to map out modalities for states creation. The Bureau, according to the governor, believed that the creation of more States was necessary in the interest of a much more balanced and stable federation. Akpabio explained that the Bureau also believed that the creation of more States would ease political and social tensions, which had bred instability and frustrated the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s march towards national greatness.
Oshiomhole urges journalists to expose criminals
overnor Adams Oshiomhole of Edo State says journalists must never glamorize criminals who intend to undermine the sovereignty and unity of the country, saying such persons must be reported as enemies of the nation. Playing host to the National Executive Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) led by its Chairman, Mallam Mohammed Garba at the Gov-
ernment House on Friday, Oshiomhole also urged journalists to serve as a watchdog and insist that votes must count in the 2015 General elections. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am happy that the NUJ has maintained the tradition of accountability. As the 2015 elections are approaching, it is my belief that it is the responsibility of the NUJ to make it loud and clear that the votes must count. If they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t count then democracy is worse than civilian dictatorship.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The NUJ must ensure that democracy is seen for what it is as it is, not just a means to an end but also an end in itself. It is not enough for us to build roads but the right to appropriate resources to build the roads is also important. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must insist as journalists that the language of politics reported in the media is civil. We must recognize the line of difference between an enemy and an opponent. That the language is not to kill but to defeat
and that the tool is to win and not to capture. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unfortunately in our political environment politicians make promises and once elections are over, you would never return back to recall the promises and to see to what has not been done and to explain why it was not done. So I believe that unions represent the best interest of democracy. You must continue to maintain that leadership roleâ&#x20AC;?, he said.
Daily Newswatch
World Report THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
U.S.-led strikes going in â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;right directionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, says Syrian minister
Syrian government minister said United States-led air strikes against militants are going in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;right directionâ&#x20AC;? because the government had been informed before they started and they were not Â&#x17D;q qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ?qÂ&#x192;q qÂ&#x2026;z k|Â&#x201E;k ÂŻÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk military targets. Syria is still watching all developments with caution, Ali Haidar, minister for national reconciliation, told Reuters yesterday after U.S. warplanes pounded Islamic State positions in a second day |~kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â? Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;As for the raids in Syria, I say that what has happened so far is proceeding in the right direction in terms of informing the Syrian government and by not targeting Syrian military installations and not targeting civilians,â&#x20AC;? he said. Âś |Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Syrian government hapÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;kÂś |zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;mation that they would not target Syrian military installations, and Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk }|¤ Â&#x2014;k not target civilians hap-
Syriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Minister of National Reconciliation Affairs, Ali Haidar speaks to the media at a news conference in Damascus
pened.â&#x20AC;? The United States said on Tuesday that Washingtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s envoy to the United Nations had told her Syrian counterpart air strikes would take place, but it has ruled out coordinating with Assad, whom Washington sees
as part of the problem. The Syrian foreign minister said last month that Damascus was ready to cooperate in any interzÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k  lamic State. Despite welcoming the  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;ing militants would take
more than such military action. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The war on terror does not only come through air strikes, which are not Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |z ÂŻk Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;z k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k terrorism,â&#x20AC;? he said, adding that military action could go on for some time.
The Syrian government has described all insurgent groups in Syria as â&#x20AC;&#x153;terroristsâ&#x20AC;?, from the Western-backed rebel opposition to Islamic Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â k }Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k seized tracts of territory in the country and in neighbouring Iraq.
Venezuelan president follows Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s footsteps
President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro
enezuelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Nicolas Maduro is following in the footsteps of the late Hugo Chavez in Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x192;q qÂ&#x2018;k to the Big Apple. The South American president met with labour and peace activists at a Venezuelan-sponsored event in the South Bronx on Tuesday billed as an encounter with â&#x20AC;&#x153;the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s president.â&#x20AC;? Spanish-speakers dressed in the red of the Venezuelan revolution, baby boomers wore peacenik T-shirts and Bronx natives cheered as Maduro talked about the need for a new kind of world
3 suspects ordered held in Chile bomb attack
economy. Maduro was the guest of honor, but it was Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face that dominated the banners decorating the Hostos Community College auditorium. As Maduro took the stage, the crowd chanted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chavez, now and forever.â&#x20AC;? Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s even a Chavez travelling in Maduroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entourage. In images beamed across Venezuela on Tuesday, he was greeted at New Yorkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s John F. Kennedy Airport by Maria Gabriela Chavez, the late leaderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favourite daughter and Venezuelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recently named deputy ambassador to the United Nations
Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2005 visit to the working-class neighbourhood was followed ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x2026;zk qz{¤Â&#x201C;k qzk Â&#x201D;q q|z k of dollars in Venezuelan charity and free heating oil. A decade later, the cash-strapped socialist government has a lot less of Venezuelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oil wealth to spread around as it ÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A; k ~||Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  |Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qz{Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k home. Though he lacks Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s charisma, Maduro seems at ease delivering the sort of tonguelashing his mentor was famous for. On Tuesday evening, he delighted the crowd with jokes about how President Barack Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s security detail had caused him long waits in New York. It was a far cry from Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|z~Â&#x201E;|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k{|¤Â&#x201E;ishes of his predecessor, who famously quipped that â&#x20AC;&#x153;it still smells like sulfurâ&#x20AC;? when following former President George W. Bush to the podium at the UN General Assembly in 2006. At the Tuesday event, Joseph P. Kennedy II said people who say Venezue-
la is not a friendly country should consider its long history of selling oil to the U.S. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They are a friend, and when they reach out their hand we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t slap it away,â&#x20AC;? he said to cheers. Earlier Tuesday, Maduro met with Iranian President Hasan Rohani to take stock of a strategic alliance that he helped establish as Chavezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s longtime foreign minister. A year and a half into his term, Maduro arrived in New York with unanimous backing from Latin America and Caribbean nations to represent the region on the UN Security Council starting next year. The U.S. is uneasy with the nomination but says it has no plans to try to derail the bid, as it did in 2006. The New York Times and Washington Post this week editorialised against Venezuelaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s membership on the UNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highest body, citing criticism by human rights groups of Maduroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crackdown on anti-government protests earlier this year. Maduro
called the editorials â&#x20AC;&#x153;racistâ&#x20AC;? and denounced the newspapers for emphasising his working-class roots as a bus driver President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for the release of |zÂ&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;|ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?est opponents, Leopoldo Lopez, who has been in jail since February awaiting trial on charges of inciting violence during the protests.
hree members of an anarchist cell suspected in Chileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worst bomb attack in decades were ordered by a judge Tuesday to remain in jail or under house arrest. The September 8 blast qzk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;|k }Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k of some 200 Chilean bombings over the past decade known to have caused serious injury to bystanders in what is otherwise one of Latin Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s safest capitals. Prosecutors presented evidence at Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hearing that included traces of gunpowder and DNA tests that they said linked the suspects to the lunchtime blast. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽ|Â&#x201D;ÂŽk  Â?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k shrapnel in a crowded underground shopping area connected to a subway station, injuring 14 people. The judge ordered Juan Flores, 22, and his partner, Nataly Casanova, 24, held in jail. Guillermo Duran, 25, was ordered to be kept under zqÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC; The three appeared unfazed and often laughed and spoke to each other during the more than three-hour hearing. The judge gave prosecutors 10 months to gather evidence against the suspects under Chileâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s anti-terrorism law. The law enacted during the 1973-90 dictatorship lets suspects be held in isolation without charges and permits the use of phone taps and secret witnesses in investigations.
!"#$%& "%'* + 3%& *# 57% *5<%7 =%$&# 5 *>% back of the courtroom as he sits handcuffed alongside fellow suspects Guillermo Duran,.
Daily Newswatch
African Report THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
300 sick or dead found during Ebola lockdown in Sierra Leone
ierra Leone said yesterday Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;k ÂŤÂŞÂŞk ÂŽ|Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Šªªk Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;tients had been collected from homes during its three-day lockdown to stem the deadly Ebola epidemic raging in West Africa. Almost six million people across the country }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â?|zÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzÂ&#x2014;||Â&#x201E; k for 72 hours from Friday }Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k ŠĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞk Â&#x192;| ¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k }Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2014;||Â&#x201E;´Â&#x2018;|´Â&#x2014;||Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;-
qzÂ&#x20AC;k|¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kqÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;ztifying new suspected cases and deaths that had been kept from the authorities. Âś Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k à Šk ÂŽ|Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A; k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;q Â?|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z}qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k during the three-day lockdown of the counÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;°k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;|Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k the deputy minister for political affairs, told a news conference in the capital Freetown. He said 77 of the bodies had been collected
in the Western Area, Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x192;q q|zk qzÂ? ¤Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk |~k ÂŤÂ&#x2DC;Šk Â&#x201D;q q|zk and its immediate surroundings. Âś Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Šªªk  ¤ Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k cases were identified... |~k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k  |k ~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k ÂŤĂ&#x201A;ÂŞk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â?|z~qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x153;| qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; The deadliest Ebola epidemic on record has qz~Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k Ă&#x192;Â&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞk people in West Africa and killed nearly half of them, according to the
World Health OrganizaÂ&#x2018;q|zÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201E;¤ k Â?Â&#x2026;¤ Â&#x201A; k Â?Â&#x2026;zk ~Â&#x201A; k qÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x192;qÂ?tims within days, causqzÂ&#x20AC;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;¤ Â? Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x192;|Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;k and -- in many cases -- unstoppable internal and external bleeding. In Sierra Leone, Ebola Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k qz~Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŤÂ&#x203A;Ă&#x20AC;ÂŤĂ&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂq qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂŹĂ Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x17D;k Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k an earlier estimate that the door-to-door teams
had managed to get to Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;k Ă&#x20AC;ÂŞk Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k |~k households in a country where a large proportion |~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;|Â&#x153;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kqzk remote and sometimes qzÂ&#x2026;Â?Â?Â&#x201A;  qÂŽ Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x192;q Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; But he said the exercise Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ?|zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;z k|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k the methods used by security forces in enforcing quarantines, without going into detail.
Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k qzq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Abubakarr Fofanah said not all the bodies collect-
Algerian troops search for kidnapped Frenchman
Herve Gourdel
lgerian police and soldiers combed the imposing Djura Djura mountains on Tuesday searching for a kidnapped Frenchman Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;k  Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; k said had been snatched by a former al-Qaida commander. Residents described roads choked with military trucks and helicopÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â? Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k as security forces fanned out through the rugged region that has long been a hotbed for extremist groups. zkÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;|kÂ&#x153;| Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |zday, the group calling it-
self the Jund al-Khilafah  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k qÂ&#x2018;k }|¤ Â&#x2014;k Âq k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Gourdel in 24 hours unless France ended its participation in airstrikes against the Islamic State group in Iraq. Speaking to reporters at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, French President Francois Hollande said he had â&#x20AC;&#x153;plenty of Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;°k qzk Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk  Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk ~|Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂśÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;rything will be done so Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k }Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |¤Â&#x201E;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;q|Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;° He said France was acting against terrorism in the face of threats. Âś  k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk q Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k }q k Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k qzk
to no blackmail, no pres ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k z|k ¤ Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No terrorist group Â?Â&#x2026;zkqzkÂ&#x2026;zÂŻk}Â&#x2026;ÂŻkqz{¤Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k Franceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s position, will, Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC;° â&#x20AC;&#x153;I repeat it here ... we }q k Â?|zÂ&#x2018;qz¤Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k our support to the Iraqi Â&#x2026;¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;°k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k | lande. That would inÂ? ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;|z k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;| Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Islamic State group and continued air support for Iraqi troops and Kurdish peshmerga forces, he said. French forces on Friday joined the United States in carrying out airstrikes against extremists who Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;¤zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k
of Syria and Iraq. An Algerian security ofÂ&#x2019;Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kzÂ&#x201A;}kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x153;k had split away from alQaidaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s North Africa branch just two weeks ago and declared allegiance to the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq Ă&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026; k|~kÂ&#x2026; ´ Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; The new Algerian Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x153;k q k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x192;´¯Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;´ old Abdelmalek Gouri, also known as Khaled Ž¤k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zk al-Qaida commander from the central region behind a  Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; k|~kÂŽ ||Â&#x2014;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â? k|zk Algerian soldiers, said the |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x153;|ÂÂ&#x201A;k|zkÂ?|zdition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the press.
Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201D;|¤ztaineering guide from Nice, was taken SunÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk zqÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k }Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k through the Djura Djura mountains in Algeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rugged Kabylie region, which remains one of the Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k|~k|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;tion for al-Qaida in Algeria. He was taken with four Algerian companions who were later released. Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;kÂŤĂ&#x2026;k | Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k killed in April close to where Gourdel was kidnapped when they were ambushed by militants in an operation led by Gouri, according to the |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2DC; Residents told The Associated Press that security has been deteriorating in the area for the last few Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;ÂşqÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;k |Â?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x192;q lage of Akbil, said he was constantly being called up to help the army in its operations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are frequent sightings of terrorists in
the mountains and I hear there are some of foreign zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k describing the area as still dangerous. Laifa Bessadi, a resident of Ait Allaoua Village º¤ Â&#x2018;k Ă&#x192;k Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A; k `ÂŤÂŞk Âq |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;tres) from where Gourdel was kidnapped, said Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k military trucks and there are helicopters in the sky. Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻ|zÂ&#x201A;k qzk Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x192;q Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k has been ordered to stay at home. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last night, we heard gunshots in the night and this morning we saw Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ?|Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k }Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|zÂŁÂ&#x2018;k Âz|}k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k said. Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;ing Islamic extremists  qzÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŤĂ Ă ÂŞÂ kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kqzkÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;cent years they had been Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; ÂŻkÂ?|zÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026;k~Â&#x201A;}k mountainous areas, such as the Kabylie region, }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â?|zÂ?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |zk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k soldiers and police while Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ?qÂ&#x192;q qÂ&#x2026;z kÂ&#x2026; |zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;
Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k ÂŽ| Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D; Â&#x2DC; Âś Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;q|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k|¤Â&#x2018;break, people were dying from tuberculosis, malaria, hypertension Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; ¤ Â&#x2018;k |~k | Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; Âś Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k does not intend to massage the figures of death caused by Ebola, it is also mindful of the fact that there are many other causes of death in Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;°
ICC opens new Central African Republic probe
he International Criminal Courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prosecutor says she is opening a zÂ&#x201A;}k qzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;tion into atrocities including murder, rape and persecution during ruthless sectarqÂ&#x2026;zkÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qzÂ?Â&#x201A;kŠªŠkqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Central African Republic. |zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D; k |~k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018; ÂŻk ¤ qÂ&#x201D;k Seleka rebel coalition and the Christian anti Balaka militia Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;~Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;kÂŹÂ&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k dead in one of Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s least Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said yesterday â&#x20AC;&#x153;the list of atrocities is endless. I cannot qÂ&#x20AC;z|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;° It is the courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second inÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;¤Ž qÂ?Â&#x2DC;k zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |zÂ&#x20AC;|kÂ&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Jean-Pierre Bemba, is on trial on charges of commanding Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;  k }Â&#x17D;|k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201D;¤Â&#x201E;der, rape and pillaging in the country. Bemba is awaiting Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2018; k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;zkqzkŠªªÂ&#x2DC;
Interim President of Central African Republic Catherine Samba-Panza, .
Daily Newswatch
EDITORIAL Thursday, September 25, 2014
Daily Newswatch
To support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest for justice through intellectual approach
-Tradition built on truth
Published by Newswatch Newspapers Ltd.
To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence
Â&#x17D;Ä´Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x153;ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ&#x2122;Â&#x17E;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;Â&#x2022;Â?ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2013;Â&#x160;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2022;Â&#x17D;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC; editorial@mydailynewswatchng.com and addressed to the Editor, Daily Newswatch, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
Mukhtar and corruption in judiciary
early two years in the saddle as the first woman Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Mrs Alooma Mukhtar is yet to make the expected bang to curb nationwide epidemics of locust corruption by sanctions of rogue judges. However, she has consistently expressed her desire to cleanse the decay through zero tolerance for corruption and actualizing the much-delayed reforms. She has severally issued threats to deal with rogue judges who shamelessly hawk justice, lazy and indolent judges causing heap stacks of cases via prolonged adjournments, which eventually lead to justice delayed, denied. In addition, Mukhtar has taken the anti-graft crusade to the doorsteps of the bar, which she accused of incorrigibility. Lawyers collect bribes to corrupt judges in plea bargain through which high-profile
public thieves escape jail after paying embarrassing cheap fines. From one seminar to another workshop, the CJN has condemned the current impotent approach to fighting graft, but is yet to provide a comprehensive reform roadmap and to walk the talk of sanctioning judges already accused of corruption. Instructive, however, is Mukhtarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s remark at an anti-corruption seminar by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Lagos July 1. She said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Anti-corruption war in Nigeria is like a gun-war being fought with bows and arrows. A war can turn its fighters into victims and those being fought into heroes that both sides manipulate to gain personal and political points. It is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of controversies, politics, extensive debates and high public exclamations.â&#x20AC;? Much as Mukhtar has condemned the abuse of plea bargain, government
Letters to the Editor Leaders: Fear God
et leaders in all three tiers of governments (FG, State and LG) and others qzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;kÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q|¤ kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201D;k|~kÂ&#x2026;FÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x201E; k rule in the fear of God and to serve the masses, just as they are accountable to God. Going through Nehemiah 5 : 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15, the Governor of Judah said position of authority is for service to strengthen the weak, to be mouth to the dumb and feet to the lame. Â&#x2026;zÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Fk Ă&#x2030;k|~kĂ&#x2030;k|3Â?Â&#x201A;k qÂÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k | Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k instead of using it to divide the red-sea for their people to pass, from fear of insecurity, poverty to Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;| Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k~Â&#x2026;q ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|k~¤ Â&#x2019; Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk¤ Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;FkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k heads, and to oppress them. They only rule instead of serving. Many leaders instead of reducing the pains of their people, they remove the soothing
balm. Leaders should understand z|kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;|}k |zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kq kÂ&#x2026;zk end to everything, posterity will eventually judge. You may escape giving account to man, but, God will ask. If you rule with fear of God, it will earn you credits, good conscience, boldness, keep you from evils. Nigerians should pray ceaselessly and fast for people in government, so as not to mislead them. Beaten by hunger and misgovernance, Nigerians have no option but to turn to God, to gain Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favour and seek divine forgiveness for sins. Both the leaders and followers should repent of sins and ask God to put an end to the fasting of poor Nigerians. Â&#x203A;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â?Čą Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x2019;Â&#x2122;Â&#x17E;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2DC;Čą Â&#x17E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2022;Â&#x160;Â?Â&#x17D;ČŹ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022;
pussyfoots on a guiding policy. The CJN had a year ago promised to sanitise the judiciary and make the National Judicial council (NJC), which she heads, to discipline speedily erring judges. The NJC is yet to wake up. However, she has received â&#x20AC;&#x153;198 fresh petitions were filed, of this number, 150 were found to be frivolous, 15 are awaiting responses from Judges and only 21 were slated for considerationâ&#x20AC;?. She warned, â&#x20AC;&#x153;As the link between the Judges and litigants, legal practitioners must be vigilant and ensure that any judicial officer who breaches the principles of the Code of Conduct for Judicial Officers is reported and accordingly brought to book. Also, the NBA as well as the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Committee must be on high alert to sanction disgruntled
members of the bar who use themselves as conduits to transmit different forms of inducements or themselves induce Judicial Officers.â&#x20AC;? The NBA should fish out and sanction its bad eggs. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has repeatedly accused its hired Senior Advocates of Nigeria of conniving with judges and suspects to sabotage anti-graft cases. In addition, the CJN must provide incentives for judges to perform, commensurate with welfare packages enjoyed by the executive and legislative arms of government of which the judiciary is third. This requires adequate budgetary provisions to take care of first-class salaries, regular promotions, official cars, accommodation, modern working tools, including electronic gadgets to speed up hearing, recruitment of
more judges to reduce backlog of cases, and building more courtrooms. Lagos State has shown good example. We dare condemn the attitude of the National Assembly in indiscriminately slashing budgetary allocations to the judiciary because of their vantage position. That judicial officers have elected by norm or convention not to publicly fight against their being marginalized is no excuse for the National Assembly to treat them as an inferior arm of government. The fight against graft cannot be won when the welfare of judges and their working conditions remain deplorable. Mukhtar must therefore go beyond current talk shop to get the NJC to jail and shame rogue judges, weed out the indolent and recruit untainted ones.
Daily Newswatch
View Point Thursday, September 25, 2014
Absurdity of media clampdown in Enugu â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothingâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Edmund Burke
he 1999 Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, freedom of association and most importantly; freedom of information---which was later backed by Freedom of Information Act (FOI), as was signed into law by President Goodluck Jonathan to intensify the tenets of democracy, by giving Nigerians unrestrained access to information; at the same time enhance their information database. What is happenings in Enugu currently cannot only be described as rape of justice and freedom of impunity but malevolent conspiracy against the media---where the channels of information dissemination in the state are being hijacked by agents of the state government to perpetuate the culture of impunity which transverse the entire breath and width of Coal City state with the sole aim of keeping the people of the state in the dark. kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k government keeps progressing in error by frequent mopping up of daily newspapers with divergent views to prevent the good people of the state from having access to information is nothing to write home about. The state government has succeeded in determining what the people read by conniving with newspaper distributors to truncate information channels in the state. This ugly trend, if not checked, will eventually turn Enugu into a secretive state like North Korea---where government regulates what the citizens read and what they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t read, which has the intending capacity of not |z ÂŻk Â&#x17D;¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;k|¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k|¤Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC; |ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k village, but undermining human capacity development in the state, because for there to be a perfect and developed society; there must be a perfect man with a perfect mindset. This implies that information is not only power but the underpinning of human
Nwobodo Chidiebere and societal emancipation, which is being mortgaged in Enugu state. No society will develop without enriching the knowledge capital and political consciousness of her citizenry. These ill-conceived and despicable acts of the state government have the tendency of retrogressively arm-twisting the wheel of progress in the state by ignominiously pushing
qz{¤Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;kzÂ&#x201A;} kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻÂ q k|zk the happenings in the State. I wish to use this medium to honorably draw Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â? ¤ qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;q|zk|~k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk zq|zk|~k
|¤Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026; q Â&#x2018; k` jÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k ¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018; k Commission to come and salvage Enugu State from denigrating into a state of anarchy and impunity, because one of the constitutional responsibilities of government is to protect
! " " " ## back the state to the dark ages of history. This illogical and obnoxious act of mopping up newspapers has not only dented the already Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k|3Â?qÂ&#x2026;  k as nincompoops and scallywags, but has gone further to portray the state government as archaic, antiquated and out-of-touch with realities of 2ist century---a pathetic situation where some miscreants who are parading themselves as agents of the state government are hoarding newspapers to avert the inhabitants of the state from gaining access to information that is all over the social media is laughable! In other to protract the media crack down Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2026; k qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk qÂÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;k}q Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k agents operating for the State government have started launching unwarranted and ignoble Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â? k|zk |¤Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026; q Â&#x2018; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k|Â&#x153;qzq|zk}Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â?|z qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k|FÂ&#x201A;z qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;|¤zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;k intimidation and arrest of unsuspecting Journalists and Columnists that refused to be compromised by the State government; to
the rights and privileges of the citizenry; not intimidating and harassing innocents people going about their legitimate businesses. The ongoing conspiracy to shutdown Dream FM---the only 21st century radio station oxygenating South-Eastern airwaves, will not only help in elucidating my point of argument, Ž¤Â&#x2018;k}q kÂ&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x2026; ÂŻkkÂ&#x2026;  q Â&#x2018;kŽ¤ Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻkÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x201A;}Â&#x203A;k that Enugu State governor is now behaving like a bull in a Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shop! How on earth a government would decide to seal a radio station, only because the governor is no longer comfortable with the political inclination of the alleged owner of the station. Â&#x17D;¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2014;|}zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k k}|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k with severe consequences: it will heat up already charged political atmosphere in the Coal City state, it will lead to loss of jobs and unemployment, and the entire South-Eastern states would be thrown into information gloom, just because a power-drunk governor Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k¤Â&#x153;kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|k{Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;kÂ&#x201D;¤ Â? Â&#x201A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x17D;q k so-called political rival, at the detriment of the
yearnings and aspirations of the people of the state. If I may ask, which day did the state government become the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC); an organ of the Federal government saddled with the constitutional responsibilities to regulate radio stations? Where is Enugu State government deriving its powers to threaten to shutdown a radio station that was properly licensed before commencement of its operations? Where is the morality behind this wild goose chase? Is this not the same governor that conspired with the EFCC to close down Cosmo FM---the best radio station the people of South-East ever had, with the solitary egotistical aim to spite his predecessor---who single-handedly installed him as governor of the state during 2007 elections? Is this not the same government that in recently sealed 129 MTNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s base stations, by using retroactive law which was only enacted in 2012 to clamp down on base stations which were built over a decade ago? It is high time NBC tamed these dastardly acts of lawlessness and executive recklessness being entrenched in the state by the present administration by usurping its regulatory powers to call the state Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|k|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201A;z ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;k{|}k|~k information and freedom of expression. During the proceedings that led to the illtimed impeachment of Mr. Sunday Onyebuchi as the deputy governor of Enugu state, journalists were barred from covering the  q qzÂ&#x20AC; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;||kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x201A; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k to legitimize the mockery of democracy. It is only in Enugu State that the unconstitutional processes that culminated in the chickenimpeachment of an erstwhile deputy governor was shrouded in secrecy; without media coverage like the illegal activities of secret cult Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x153; Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k state governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hostility against the media as the fourth estate of realm, is worsen on daily basis. Nwobodo Chidiebere writes from Enugu. chidieberenwobodo@yahoo.com
The leadership Abia needs
orward ever backward neverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is a slogan we have heard from birth. A child whose cradle is endless may end up a cripple if help is not sought aggressively. Abia has come of age and should not be likened to toddlers and cripples who lag seriously in age and the expected performance level. Existentially, a leader came and has left a template. We will fail ourselves and generations unborn if we fall short of advancing beyond this age. The wheel of progress and industry has been invented; do we need to go back reinventing this wheel? History is replete with  Â&#x201A; {Â&#x201A;  k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k}Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2014; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k qzkÂ&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ?|zÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k}|Â&#x201E; Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k place. There are examples that could lead us aright if we will. Nelson Mandela, born in 18th, July, 1918, from the African continent serves as a homeboy example. His activities in South Africa and anti-apartheid activism are lessons that have lighted the world. He was an exceptional rebel brand that changed the course of history, making the supposed big men nonstarters. For his belief in changing the plight of the South African blacks, he was imprisoned for life and served for 27 years in jail but rose to be the most honoured man in recent history, having received over 250 international honours including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Glaringly, Madiba as he was popularly called served as president in 1994-1999 when his jailor became his deputy. His Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;q|Â&#x2014;kqzk|3Â?Â&#x201A;kq kÂ&#x153;|Â&#x153;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; ÂŻkÂz|}zkÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;k|Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2DC;k
|}Ă&#x2039;k |¤kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026; ÂÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;kÂŽ Â&#x2026;Â?ÂkÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kqzkÂ&#x2026;k racially integrated election, he completed just one tenure and opted out in a continent noted for sit tight leaders. He historically formed a government of national unity and established the world-acclaimed Truth and Reconciliation Commission that institutionalized forgiveness. He rose to be president of ANC in 1991-1997. Biblically, the story of Moses is a known one. Born into slavery but divinely propelled to be adopted in the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house. He shunned riches and the princely comfort but led his people to freedom amid many miraculous deeds. From the American continent, Martin Luther King Jnr. is another enigma. Born January 1st 1929 and died in April, 4, 1968. He was a clergyman and theologian of no mean feat as his oratorical power placed him best among equals. History upholds him as an activist of rare quality, orator and chieftain
Eddie Onuzuruike of Southern Christian Leadership Conference- SCLC. He is recognized today as an African American Civil rights personality of many years. Lutherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activism shook America to its foundations and culminated in his decoration with the rare Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Till this day, Americans celebrate the Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Holiday. qzÂ&#x20AC;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x17D;|Â&#x2018;kŽ¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;q k Â&#x2026;  qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A; q Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;k and Civil Disobedience ranging from the 1963 March in Washington where he delivered the famous, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I have a dream speechâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; are cases that set out his era as golden. Other of his successful protests which led to desegregation are case studies that so much impacted on the world to the extent that so many years after, many commentators see Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presidency as a direct gain of Lutherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s activism that elevated a Blackman to the Presidency of America. Among these luminaries are vibrant examples Abians can emulate. Let us stir away from the days of locust and become positive, drawing new sketches like architects rather than digging up dirt. As evidenced above, Abia needs a blend of these three Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zÂ&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z Â&#x203A;kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k|zk all. Abia at 23 has passed through good and bad times probably accepted as vicissitudes of life. Many philosophers prognosticate of light at the end of the tunnel. Such are the dreams of Abians and we have caught glimpses of these in the reign of Chief T. A.
We want leaders not Lords. We want servants not masters.
Orji. It is tangibly observable that many things infrastructural and policy alike have been put into place. We are equally savouring the peace, enjoying the security; our children are put through skills and imbued with equipment and gadgets to fend for themselves with the aim to live like honest citizens. Now what do we preoccupy our minds with. Do we stay docile and wait for manna on end? It is said that heaven help those who help themselves. Therefore we have to buckle our shoes and put our best foot forward in Abia South. Our collective prayers should be on the in-coming governor. Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x2014;|k}Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Ă&#x2039;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;q k¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z Ă&#x2039;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k should he come from? What are his antecedents? If we could Â&#x2026;z }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;k¹¤Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;q|z Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k|zk|¤Â&#x201E;k}Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;k good replacement for chief T A Orji. The PDP, the party with the biggest umbrella has solved half of the problems by pointing to Abia South Senatorial Zone for the governorship choice. This reduces the unnecessary bickering and tussles which allows that zone to concentrate on selecting the best among Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k ¤Â?Âq ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k ÂŽqÂ&#x2026;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x153; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|~k¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |z kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k daughters in all professions and industries. In all communities and localities, we know who is who, and so can sift the grains ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;FÂ&#x2DC; We do not need to pay Rotary International if we borrow a leaf from their Four Way Test. Is it the truth? Is it fair to all Â?|zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Ă&#x2039;k q kqÂ&#x2018;kŽ¤q Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;}q kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k~Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;Ă&#x2039;k q kqÂ&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; kÂ?|zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Ă&#x2039;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k¤ k ||Âk~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk}Â&#x17D;|kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;k visualize governance through the said Four Way Test. We canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Â&#x2026;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â? qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kŽ¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ?|z | qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k|~k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;~k Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201E;ÂşqÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x2026;zz|Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qzkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k|¤Â&#x201E;k future and allow gold diggers to hoodwink us. Let us take our Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qzqÂ&#x201A; kqzk|¤Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014; kÂŽÂŻkÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k|ÂŽÂşÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A; {Â&#x201A;  Â&#x2DC;k Our dictum should be â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Abia before self.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; We want leaders not Lords. We want servants not masters. Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k¤ kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;kÂŽ Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;k|~k | Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzk ¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qzÂ&#x20AC;k
Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;kqzk ÂŽqÂ&#x2026;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; k |zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk}Â&#x201A;kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k|3Â?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?q Â&#x201A;k}q Â&#x201A;k discretion. A man who is guided by the principle of the greatest good for the greatest number, the greatest happiness for the greater majority as postulated by Jeremy Bentham and his group. Dear Lord, this is our wish and prayer! Eddie Onuzuruike<eonuzuruike@yahoo.com> wrote:
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Daily Newswatch
KQ9;6;@QT >WB9 JT> /;+X9? â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Erico
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Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Peter: I’m ready to KO anyone African Youth Championship Ugbade: We‘re not sleeping
Francis Ajuonuma with Agency Report
x-Olympian, Samuel Peter has warned American boxer, Ron Aubrey that he will be knocked out when they face each in a challenge contest tagged ‘Rumble on the River,’ in Oklahoma City on September 27. Peter, whose boxing career took a tremendous dive after he lost his World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight title to Vitali Klitschko in 2008 at the O2 World Arena, Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany, said that the Rumble on the River has provided him the opportunity to re-launch his boxing career back on track. “I am happy to be back in boxing,” said the 34 year old Peter. “I will dedicate myself to winning the heavyweight championship once again. I’m ready
Babs Oyetoro
F to knock out anyone who stands in my way,” said the Nigerian Nightmare. But Aubrey, a former hockey player is unperturbed by Peter’s boastful threat as he is confident that the former Commonwealth Champion will join the list of his victims. “He’s got more experience,” admitted Aubrey, “but I’ve been in hundreds of brawls in my lifetime.
Iheanacho ripe for Eagles – Erico
Maduabuchi Kalu
ormer national team coach, Joe Erico, has disagreed with the head coach of the Super Eagles, Stephen Keshi over his reluctance to invite Kelechi Iheanacho to the senior national team under the pretext that he has yet to mature. Erico, who has been a strong supporter of Keshi since he assumed the position of the national team coach, faulted Keshi’s position on the Manchester City star. According to the Jogo Bonito exponent Iheanacho is a good player and ripe enough to play in the national team. He added that as far as he is concerned, outstanding players like Iheanacho should be in the national team now irrespective of his age. He recalled that the likes of Keshi, Henry
I’m not intimidated by him. He’s the better boxer, but I’m the better brawler and that’s what kind of fight it’s going to be. I’ve already got 12 knockouts in the ring and Samuel Peter is going to be my lucky number 13.”
lying Eagles assistant coach, Nduka Ugbade has revealed that the team’s technical crew is not relenting since the team was decamped; saying they have been working round the clock to monitor players locally and abroad. Ugbade told Newswatch Sports that their initial plan was not |k | k k k qz -
nitely before the camp }q k ® k | zk |3 q ¯k qzk December or January next year, but the crisis rocking k ~|| ® k |¤ k F k such plans. “The initial plan was |k ¤zk |F´ z ´|zk qz k |~k camping system, at least to keep the players busy before the camp will commence fully later in the year. But the plan did not work out because of the crisis brewing at the glasshouse. “You see, we have a way of monitoring local players and we also keep a close tab on the foreign players as well. “Besides, I am in constant
touch with the chief coach, Garuba Manu and if there is any revelation on the local scene, we have a way of communicating with ourselves. As I speak with you, we have over 60 players on our list that we can always pick from anytime, any day,” he disclosed. The former cadet team captain hinted that Isaac Success could not par q q kqzk k±¤ q k® cause he was busy sorting himself out with his club, Granada but assured that the youngster will be available for the African Youth Championship in Senegal next year.
Martins to extend Sounders stay
Nwosu, Kanu Nwnkwo and many others were drafted to the national from their secondary schools. “Kelechi Iheanacho is ripe for the national team as far as I amconcerned. “I am a proponent of introducing young gifted players to the senior national team and Iheanacho, as far as I am concerned, is one of such youngsters that should be given the opportunity in the national team. Keshi, Henry Nwosu and a couple of others were introduced to the national team at a younger age. “I disagree that he lacked the technical depth to play for national team. “This is a young man who dazzled the world just last year at the FIFA Under-17 World Cup and was voted the best player of the tournament. “Pele played for Brazil at the age of 17. Eng z k ||k |k | k tonthe World Cup under Erickson at the age of 17.”
eattle Sounders forward, Obafemi Martins is reportedly on the verge of a new contract extension at MLS team, that will see the Nigeria international earn big. Martins current contract runs through 2015
with an option for 2016, though details of the said deal isn’t clear at this moment, but Frank Dell’Apa of the Boston Globe dropped the info |zk }q He Tweeted (@frankdellapa ) Obafemi Martins agrees to renewal }q k Ñ |¤z k ¤ k coming up.
@frankdellapa: @MLS League source: Martins contract worth +$6m - for 2 years. According to Dell’Apa, the contract would be worth upwards of $6M for 2 years, which would nearly double his current salary of roughly $1.75M per year. Martins is currently
the ninth highest paid Designated Player in MLS. With an improved contract extension in sight ‘ObaGoal’ will now be on the eighth position of the list. The widely traveled striker’s form this season has put him in the running for the MLS Most Valuable Player.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Milan monitor Oduamadi
C Milan are closely monitoring the performances of Nnamdi Oduamadi at his new club, Crotone, and the Nigeria national team, | qz k |k k er’s agent, Sandro Martone. And he has posited that the striker will be wearing the red and black colours of AC Milan in the nearest future. ‘’Oduamadi has come from two games with Nigeria, valid for ±¤ q q|zk |k kz k African Cup of Nations. Against Bologna he scored a goal. ‘’As one of the attackers for the national team, there’s focus on him for the present and
future. ‘’He has properly acclimatized at Crotone, who play the best football of the cadet championship,’’ said Martone. He added: ‘’Certainly, Milan are closely monitoring him. May explode at any moment.’’ Oduamadi has failed to break into the Ros |z qk k k qz k q k q k qzk ¯k k years ago, and has spent the last three seasons on loan at Torino, Varese, Brescia and Crotone. The 23-year-old was courted by Nantes in the close season, but Milan vetoed the move as they wanted to watch him at close quarters.
Isaac vows to deliver goals for Granada
Ephraim Nwosu
igeria U-20 striker, Isaac Success has declared his determination to bang in goals for his La Liga modest club Granada. The former Golden Ea k | k | k z k q k k | k~| k k ·aries in a 2-2 draw against fellow Spanish side, Albacete in July. The match was one of Granada’s pre-season summer games and the q £ k k z k since joining the Spanish side. The player’s impact earned him the opening goal of the encounter in the 29th minute and speaking with Newswatch Sports, he said, he hoped the goal will prove to be a catalyst for a lot more goals this season. “I thank God for my k | k qzk ¯k ®¤ k
game for Granada. I felt really happy about it especially playing with the k k k k ||qz k forward to scoring more,” the highly promising striker told Newswatch Sports from his Spanish base. Success who has yet to make his La Liga debut q k k} k q k zing the ropes under the tutelage of coach Joaquin Caparros but remains upbeat about becoming part of the k k ±¤ “The coach is rotating his squad, so I was really excited when I played against Albacete and scored; playing with the k k £ k q k zqz k k | k}q k k ´ team players and trying to show what I can do. Hope~¤ ¯k k zk |k® kq~k q en more chances,” he said. Success is on loan from Italian Serie A club, Udinese alongside compatriot, Uche Agbo. While Success has been paraded by Granada, Agbo who featured at the 2013 FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Turkey is yet to be considered for action by Joaquin Caparros.
Enyeama targets 100 caps, defers retirement Ephraim Nwosu
he lure to achieve milestone of 100 caps in the national team is the reason behind Super Eagles goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama’s decision to rescind his earlier decision to quit Eagles.
k k|z ¯k k k |k achieve that. Enyeama had earlier announced his international retirement after the 2014 World Cup, but rescinded the decision when reminded that he could equal Joseph Yobo’s record of 100 caps. Despite making a Uturn, the 32-year-old is however yet to make up his mind as he failed to honour the 2015 African ¤ k |~k q|z k ±¤ q k against Congo Brazaville and South Africa few weeks ago. A family source who does not want his name in qz k k k} kz| k|3 q ly mandated to speak on k k |z k q k during an exclusive chat with Newswatch Sports. ¶ k ¤ k|~k k k is that Vincent is still not clear on his position. Considering the fact that he has just few more games to make the 100 caps in the national team, he was ad-
vised to achieve the milestone before he retires and that I suspect is behind his indecision,” our source disclosed. “Initially he was confused over the issue. He may be back and he may not be back. That I cannot |z k |k ¯|¤k k k |ment. He knows what he wants. All I can say is that his days with the Super Eagles are numbered. Well, let’s see what happens.” Enyeama made his de-
but for Nigeria in an international friendly against the Harambee Stars of Kenya in 2002 after which he was selected for the 2002 FIFA World Cup as a cover for Ike Shorunmu. Since the retirement of Shorunmu, k k® zk k ´ |q k goalkeeper for the national team, helping the Super k |k q k k zishes in the 2004, 2006 and 2010 African Cup of Nations, and captaining the team to victory in the 2013
edition. He also participated in the 2010 and 2014 World Cups. At a total of 95 caps for the Super Eagles, the former Enyimba international safe hands is already on the verge of writing his name in the history book as the second Nigerian player to hit the centenary mark following in the foot step of his retired captain, Joseph Yobo who broke the record during the last World Cup.
Bayelsa mauling excites Anyansi Enyimba’s 4-0 win over Bayelsa United is the first of such huge victory by the Aba side this current season. Maduabuchi Kalu
nyimba International Football Club chairman, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu has expressed delight on Enyimba’s demolition of archrivals, Bayelsa United Football Club of Yenagoa on Sunday. Anyansi described the performance of his wards against Bayelsa United as heart-warming. He said the demolition was the reward of hard work by the team and the technical crew. It is on record that
Enyimba suffered defeat in the hands of their neighbours, Akwa United last Wednesday on resumption of the
second stanza of the league. This loss, to a large extend may have gingered them to lift their game against Bayelsa United. “I am excited not just because of the result but also because of the performance of the team, they played well to the admiration of the fans and supporters and I hope they continue like that. “As a matter of fact, what we witnessed on Sunday is the reward of the hard work being put in by the players and the technical crew led by Coach Kadiri Ikhana. It was exciting match indeed. “I wouldn’t want to be selfish here but the truth is that Enyimba deserved the victory because they played very well.”
Pique eyes Man Utd return
anchester United are lining up a sensational reÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;zk ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; |zÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Spain star Gerard Pique in the upcoming January Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k}qzÂ&#x2014;|}Â&#x2DC; The 27-year-old started his youth career with the Spanish giants be~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k zqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzk ŠªªĂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;k  Â&#x153;| Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk qÂ&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;k Ferguson. Pique went on to make just 12 Premier League Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A; k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;q  k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;zqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; |zÂ&#x2026;kqzkŠªªĂ&#x20AC;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;k bargain ÂŁ5million. Despite turning out ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;k
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Ramirez unfazed by Suarez return
andro Ramirez has insisted that he is not worried by Luis Suarezâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impending return to the Barcelona squad. The Spanish youngster has broken into
Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;´Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k  ¹¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; |zÂ&#x203A;k Â?|Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;}qÂ?Â&#x201A;k in the league in the early  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2DC; ¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;¡k}q kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;zk~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2026;k ~|¤Â&#x201E;´Â&#x201D;|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k }|Â&#x201E; Â&#x2014;}qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x2026;zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k qzk Â?Â&#x2018;|ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;|k q k Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A; k }q k ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;´ team squad. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great player and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have a very good season when Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2026;zk ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k qzÂ?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k~|Â&#x201E;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;| Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now I need to seize the opportunity given to me by the coach.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;|k zÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;celona beat Levante 5-0 at the weekend.
Neville wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t swap Smalling for Vermaelen
hil Neville has issued Manchester Unitedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;´Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x192;|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k |~k Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k and insists he wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t  }Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;q k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; qzÂ&#x20AC;k ~|Â&#x201E;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026; k Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x203A;k Thomas Vermaelen. The Red Devils were criticised over the summer ~|Â&#x201E;k zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x20AC; ÂŻk ÂŽÂ&#x201E;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k ~Â&#x2026;z £k Â?|zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;z k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k proved just as Louis van Gaalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side have shipped Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026;  k  qzÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k season.
|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Manchester United Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?|Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k qz q Â&#x2018; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k no legitimate candidates to
come in to strengthen Van Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026; ÂŁÂ kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â? qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?|FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;||Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;k |~k Â&#x2026;k  }Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;´Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;´ŽÂ&#x2026;Â?ÂÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ¤zzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k  ÂqÂ&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k }Â&#x2026; k eventually sold to Barcelona. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t swap Chris Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; qzÂ&#x20AC;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x203A;ÂŁk Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking about Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŁÂ kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ?Â&#x17D;|qÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;´ ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â?ÂÂ&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k Â?|¤ Â&#x2014;zÂŁÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k qzk a side which were leaking Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026;  kqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽqÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got Englandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best young centre-back â&#x20AC;&#x201C; along with Phil Jones â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and you Â&#x2014;|zÂŁÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x2014;k|~kÂŻ|¤Â&#x201E;k zÂ&#x20AC; q Â&#x17D;k spine. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am certain heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll come
q¹¤Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k ~Â&#x2026;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;k an impression under new boss Luis Enrique. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;~¤ k Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;´ back is struggling to break the new partner Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;k|~k Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z|k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;¤Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k his position in Vicente del Bosqueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Spain squad is under threat due to his Â&#x2026;Â?Âk |~k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Nou Camp. qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;k ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; k |~k Â&#x17D;q k Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x2018;q k Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k |~k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k q¹¤Â&#x201A;k }|¤ Â&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k ~Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;qÂ?k  qÂ&#x20AC;zqzÂ&#x20AC;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻk Â? ¤ŽÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |¤Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k kq kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k |¤q k Van Gaal wants to bring Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k qzk January.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,
Bayern, PSG track Munir
oth Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain are said to be eyeing Barcelonaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s teenage  Â&#x201A;z Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k ¤zqÂ&#x201E;k k Haddadi. The youngsterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s {ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k Liga season has not gone unnoticed around ¤Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kqzk Â&#x201A;ÂŤÂŞ Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;k ÂŽ|  Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;k Guardiola and PSGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Laurent Blanc have placed the striker on their wanted list. Munir only made
Â&#x17D;q k|3Â?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Ž¤Â&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;z k |zk ¤Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2018;k ÂŤĂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q k ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k zÂ&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k
second goal in a 3-0 win |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k }Â&#x2026; k surprisingly included qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~¤ k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qzk  ¹¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ´k }qzk |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Macedonia two weeks Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; kÂŤĂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;qz¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; The French publication believes both Guardiola and Blanc are Â&#x201A;zÂ?|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k that the release clause in Munirâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contract stands at º¤ Â&#x2018;k Ă&#x201D;ŠÂ&#x201D;q q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;k reports in Spain have it this was increased to â&#x201A;Ź35million when he Âş|qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC;
eymar and Messi play together at FC Barce |zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k qzk October they will meet as adversaries when Brazil Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ k Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x2026;kqzk Â&#x201A;qÂşqzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;k â&#x20AC;&#x153;We joke and talked a |Â&#x2018;kqzk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; |zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;ÂŻÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk |boesporte.com. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will be a match beÂ&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;¡q k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qna. It is not because we are big names that the game will only be between us. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kq k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;¡q kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;gentina.â&#x20AC;? Ecuador will be NeyÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŁÂ k~|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018; q~Â&#x201A;k Stadium in New Jersey.
Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Ž¤Â&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k national team at the stadi¤Â&#x201D;k qzk ¤Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2018;k ŠªªÂ&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;¡q k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k zqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k States 2-0. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My home is in Barcelona. I hope to play a good game here. I hope Brazil }qz Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;ÂŻÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;
Enrique plays down record-breaking start
oach Luis Enrique has played down his sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s record-breaking start to the sea |zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k |¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018; Â&#x201A;k race is unlikely to start reÂ&#x2026; ÂŻkÂ&#x17D;| qzÂ&#x20AC;k¤Â&#x153;k¤zÂ&#x2018;q k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x17D;k at the earliest. zÂ&#x201E;q¹¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Gerardo Martino this sumÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â?|¤ Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2018;|k q~Â&#x201A;kqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x17D;|Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k leading the Catalan giants Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k  ¤Â?Â?Â&#x201A;  qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k }qz k qzk the Primera Division and Champions League with|¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;kqzkÂ&#x2026;k qzÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026; Â&#x2DC; That is only the 10th time Barca have taken Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201C;qÂ&#x201D;¤Â&#x201D;k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zqzÂ&#x20AC;k ~|¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k they have managed it without conceding. Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k zÂ&#x201E;q¹¤Â&#x201A;k q k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;~¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k carried away with his sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s achievements - and  Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k q k  Â&#x2018;q k Â&#x201E;||Â&#x201D;k ~|Â&#x201E;k improvement. Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k |~k Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trip to MalÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k zÂ&#x201E;q¹¤Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Âś Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k March weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see who aspires to win the league. The objective is to get to that point with options to win all the competitions.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nobody wins the Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201A;kqzk Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â?Â&#x2018;|ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k January or February. From March weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see who is in a position to do it.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;ÂŁÂ kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;~Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;~Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;}|k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; k Â? Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k |~k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;q Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;q|z k Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;qÂ?|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ~|¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â?Âkqzk~|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Champions League win-
ners Real Madrid down qzk  Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;k ~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;}|k points back. Enrique added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last year we saw a thrilling championship with three contenders. This season Valencia and Sevilla are looking very good and Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;qÂ?|k }q k surely continue being up there.â&#x20AC;? Impressive though BarÂ?Â&#x2026;ÂŁÂ k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;k q Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k zÂ&#x201A;}k ÂŽ|  k
 Â&#x2018;q k ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;  k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC; k can be worked on. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to contin¤Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qzk Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;~Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;°k he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll let in goals sooner or later. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve done things in these matches which havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been decisive because they Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂŁÂ&#x2018;k Â?| Â&#x2018;k ¤ k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k we still need to continue working.â&#x20AC;? Malaga have picked ¤Â&#x153;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k
Emery:Deulofeu must earn place on merit
evilla coach Unai Emery insists onloan Barcelona }qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;¤ |~Â&#x201A;¤k }q k |z ÂŻk ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;ed on merit. Â&#x201A;¤ |~Â&#x201A;¤k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â?|Â&#x201D;plained about the lack |~k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk  qzÂ?Â&#x201A;k joining Sevilla at the start |~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; |zÂ&#x2DC; But Emery explained: Âś Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014; Â&#x201A;  k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k k |z ÂŻk  Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201D;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k Â&#x2DC;k ~k ~|Â&#x201E;k z|}k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;k q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;  Â&#x203A;k qÂ&#x2018;k does not mean that next month he will play more. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The club does not
obligate me to do anyÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k equal.â&#x20AC;? He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;His selection will come with the Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â?Â&#x201A;Â Â k |~k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k
kÂ&#x17D;|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;|Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2026;¤ Â&#x201A;kqÂ&#x2018;k is a challenge we have set. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want him to improve his overall game - his team play and de~Â&#x201A;z qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;q|z Â&#x2DC;°
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Kompany predicts three-way battle for league title Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m happy at
anchester City capÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzk qzÂ?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k |Â&#x201D;pany believes the Premier League title race is destined to â&#x20AC;&#x153;get messyâ&#x20AC;? with Arsenal joining the champions and Chelsea in a Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;´}Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Ten-man City fought back from a goal down to draw 1-1 with Jose Mourinhoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s table-toppers on Sunday, leaving the Londoners three points clear at the summit. Southampton and Aston Villa occupy are second and third in the table but are unlikely challengers in the
long run, meaning the Gunners and City look likeliest to lead the chase. The weekend showdown at the Etihad Stadium was ÂŽq Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽqÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zÂŻk ÂŽÂ&#x201A;lieves Arsenal, who are one Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018;kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|FkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zk qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k ~|¤Â&#x201E;k|FkÂ&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k Â&#x153;|Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|k make it a scrap at the summit. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is not fair to call it at Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;°k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x201D;pany. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First of all we are not even close to Chelsea yet (in the table). Secondly, I have seen good things from Chel-
sea but I have seen maybe ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC; k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026; k so I guess it will all be about consistency and, with the Champions League, it will get messy around December. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is too early to call. Five points is nothing but (Chel Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;jk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x201D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k than us, it is as simple as that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But it will get messy in December and January as it always does - or at least the last six years I have been here it has.â&#x20AC;? |Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zÂŻk }Â&#x2026; k qzk Â?|Â&#x201D;manding form on Sunday,  Â&#x17D;¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2014;|}zk qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;|k | Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;k
in a manner no other defender has yet managed this season.
anchester City are reportedly keen to keep Frank Lampard beyond January, according to the Metro. The Chelsea recordgoalscorer is set to leave to join up with New York City FC in January, but with their season not set to start until March, Manchester City may seek to extend their current loan deal. This could mean another emotional reunion with his previous club at Stamford Bridge on the weekend of the 31st of January. Lampard scored the equaliser in this weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 1-1 draw at the Etihad, but refused to celebrate. After Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k to clap the fans of both sides, also apologising to his Blues fans for his equaliser. City are set to lose Yaya Toure to the African Nations Cup in January, and with Frank currently set to leave, that would leave Manchester City slightly short for a
Man City want Lampard to stay beyond January Â&#x153;|  qÂŽ Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k ¤ztil after February 8 when Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; k q k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k take place. Yaya will be keen to
go one step further in next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s competition, having lost on penalties Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;ÂŽqÂ&#x2026;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2019;nal, but will most likely
Arsenal â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ozil esut Ozil has dismissed critics of his recent displays and says he is very happy at Arsenal and thankful for the support of his teammates. The Germany international had come ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;q|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x17D;q k strike at Aston Villa on Saturday, with numerous fans and pundits critical of his performances and lethargic body language. But the former Real Madrid star believes it is impossible to gauge a playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s character ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k |zk the pitch and is enjoying the supportive and homely environment at Arsenal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget that people donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know you away from football,â&#x20AC;? the World Cup winner Â&#x2018;| Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â? ¤Ž£ k |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; k website. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really see what a person is really like when they are on the pitch. Sometimes a
player will come across as arrogant and another as being a nice guy when in reality it could be the other way round. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At the club you always have to be respectful towards one another. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t matter if one player is a world star and the other is a newcomer. Everyone should be treated in the same way and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so happy at Arsenal, because thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really the case here. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone is treated the same way and has respect for one another. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a big help on the route to reaching your targets - when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re like a family who make each other feel welcome and at home. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s how it is here.â&#x20AC;? The 25-year-old regq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽ|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;  q Â&#x2018;k of the season at Villa Park, opening the scorqzÂ&#x20AC;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k up Danny Welbeck as the Gunners eased to a 3-0 victory.
be an emotional time for the 31 year-old having heard news of his brothers death during the last tournament.
UEFA to investigate CSK Moscow, Roma racist
EFA are to investigate the behaviour of fans |~k ÂŽ|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k k | Â?|}k and Roma following the Champions League clash between the pair. The two sides met in their opening Group E Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k |zk Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k 17 in the Italian capital, when Roma ran out comfortable 5-1 winners. UEFA announced on Tuesday that they are looking into the alleged Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?q Â&#x2018;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;q|¤Â&#x201E;k|~k k supporters, as well as the Roma fans who threw Â&#x201D;q  q Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k |Fk Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;works. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Disciplinary proceedings have been |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;Ă&#x2013;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;k ~|Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k |FĂ&#x2014;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;|}qzÂ&#x20AC;k |~kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;}|Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;q  q Â&#x201A; k (art. 16 (2) (b) and (c) of the UEFA Disciplinary
Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z jkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kqz ¤3cient organisation (art 38 Safety & Security regulation),â&#x20AC;? a brief statement read. Âś k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?q Â&#x2018;k behaviour of supporters
(art. 14 of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations), crowd disturbance (art. 16 (2) (h) of the UEFA Disciplinary RegulaÂ&#x2018;q|z jÂ&#x203A;k  Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k |FĂ&#x2014;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;|}qzÂ&#x20AC;k|~kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;}|Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;q -
siles (art. 16 (2) (b) and (c) of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations). â&#x20AC;&#x153;The case will be dealt by the UEFA Control, Ethics and Disciplinary Body on 3 October.â&#x20AC;?
Ibrahimovic doubtful against Barca
aris Saint-Germain superstar striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic is dealing with a heel injury that will force him to miss the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ligue 1 clash with Caen. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q qÂ&#x2026;z kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k|zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;k |¤ |¤ Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;´Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2019; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;pions League encounter with Barcelona next Tuesday. Assuming the evaluation in a couple days doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show a more serious ailment, it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be a surprise to see the club rest him again over the weekend with Â&#x17D;|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â?Âk|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;|k~Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q qÂ&#x2026;z kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k|zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;k |¤ |¤ Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;´Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2019; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;pions League encounter with Barcelona next Tuesday. Assuming the evaluation in a couple days doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t show a more serious ailment, it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be a surprise to see the club rest him again over the weekend with Â&#x17D;|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â?Âk|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;|k~Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;
Inter sports director signs new deal
nter have announced that sporting director Piero Ausilio has signed a new three-year contract with the Serie A club. Ausilio has had a key role to play in shaping a new-look squad at San Siro, with the likes of Nemanja Vidic, Pablo Daniel Osvaldo and Gary Medel arriving at the club in the close-season. The 39-year-old had been expected to put pen to paper on a new deal with Inter and it was conÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k|zk ¤Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k will remain in Milan until June 2017. Ausilio told the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; k}Â&#x201A;ÂŽÂ qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Ă&#x2013;kÂś kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk happy and proud.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thank president (Erik) Thohir for the faith he has shown in me. Our shared goal is to build an Inter side that can once again compete for trophies and restore the club to its rightful place in Italy and Europe.â&#x20AC;? Thohir welcomed Ausilioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to extend his stay at the club as he strives to make Inter a force once again. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are delighted that our sporting director has extended his contract,â&#x20AC;? said Thohir. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have laid the foundations of a big project and we are working hard with a lot of energy to lay the groundwork for a successful Inter side.â&#x20AC;?
Maloney considering return to boxing
ellie Maloney is contemplating a return to boxing promotion and management. Previously known as Frank, the former manager of Lennox Lewis stunned the boxing world last month by revealing she is undergoing gender reassignment. However, Maloney, who guided Lewis as he became undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, told Ringside Special she may not ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zq Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k despite retiring from boxing promotion and management in 2013. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Things have changed a lot for me, obviously, but the one thing I do miss is the boxing world,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I miss the characters, the banter, the deal-making and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m contemplating should I return or not. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boxing was a passion for me and I still think it could be. Of everything from my previous life Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m actually missing the boxing world. Thirty years of my life were spent in the greatest sport there is, the hardest sport there is, one full of characters and you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just wipe that out of your life.â&#x20AC;? Asked how her sex Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k}|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;ÂŽq ity to manage or promote Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; |zÂ&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kq k now far more tolerant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and }|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k than she was in the past. Maloney, who also manÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;¤ k zÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?| k Harrison to world titles and promoted David Haye as he became cruiserweight cham-
pion, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think Kellie would be a lot more tolerant than Frank was and probÂ&#x2026;ÂŽ ÂŻkzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learnt a lot about myself, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learnt a lot about the world and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve learnt a lot about human beings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If I was to go back it would be with a couple of Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k}Â&#x17D;|k kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;k a lot of time with and guide their career. I would use |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k q~k k went back into the promotional business. Âś Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ~|Â&#x201E;k me to manage and guide a ÂŻ|¤zÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŁÂ kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k k}Â&#x2026; k quite good at that. Âś Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;k |¤Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;cause I am considering it, I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ruled it out yet. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking at some options. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First of all I have to go to a British boxing event. Being here [in the Ringside studio] has given me a bit more excitement, looking at the posters, thinking â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I miss all thisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m enjoying my life but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m missing the excitement of a certain thing in my life.â&#x20AC;? Maloney was delighted by the response from the boxing world to her announcement, with Lewis among many big names in the sport to publicly back her decision. And she says  Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kq kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k q Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;q|zk to her detractors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was surprised and I was really honoured and pleased with the response from the boxing world,â&#x20AC;? she said.
Froch: Groves not tough enough to be world champ
here is no resolution to the hostility between British super middleweight rivals Carl Froch and George Groves. After drawing 80,000 fans to their rematch in May, the two boxers are no closer to expressing their support for each other. After losing to Froch, by stoppage, in two competitive contests, Groves returned last Saturday night at Wembley Arena in London and won a twelve round unanimous decision over Christopher Rebrasse to capture the EBU/WBC silver super middleweight titles. Froch was at ringside as part of the Sky Sports
broadcast team and he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t impressed. He says his countryman will fall short when given the opportunity to win a world title. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To sum up George Groves, he is a giver, not a taker,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Froch said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He can dish punishment out and he is good |zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k|FÂ&#x201A;z Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kŽ¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x2026;zÂŁÂ&#x2018;k take punishment. If you want to become a world champion and dominate at world level, you have to be able to take a punch. You have to be like myself, or Mikkel Kessler, or Jermain Taylor, or Jean Pascal, or Arthur Abraham - these Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;|k Šk Â&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014; k with me.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
British boxer out of medically-induced coma
ritish boxer Jerome Wilson is out of the medically-induced coma he was placed in after having an operation on his brain last week. Welterweight Wilson, 29, was knocked out by Serge Ambomo on September 12 Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  ¤FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k qzº¤Â&#x201E;ÂŻk that required surgery. Promoter Dave Coldwell Â&#x2018;| Â&#x2014;k k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;q|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;3Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;Ă&#x2013;k â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s made unbelievable progress these last three or four days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is out of the coma and each day he seems to be Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;|zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;° Coldwell said Wilson Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;zk|FkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;qcal list and was now being described as â&#x20AC;&#x153;high de-
pendencyâ&#x20AC;?. He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about rehab now and he canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite move or speak at the moment but he is aware of what people are saying to him.â&#x20AC;? Ambomo reportedly knelt down over Wilson
and kissed his head after delivering the knockout blow, unaware his opponent was seriously hurt. The Cameroonianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trainer Glyn Rhodes then intervened and put ShefÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;´ŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k q  |zk qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k recovery position.
London Olympian Ambomo, 28, who had previously beaten the Briton in May, later apologised. Â&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k q  |zk had a record of eight wins and two losses since making his professional debut in February 2010.
Gradovich backs Kovalev to end
nternational Boxing Federation (IBF) featherweight champion, Evgeny Gradovich is backing his good friend, World Boxing Organisation (WBO) light heavyweight champion, Sergey Kovalev, to power past World Boxing Association WBA/IBF champion, Bernard Hopkins in their NoÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kĂ&#x20AC;k¤zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k the Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City.
Gradovich and Kovalev, Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;|Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k same manager in Egis Klimas. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I bow to the fact that Sergey will become the undisputed world champion. He has everything needed for this. And for Hopkins it is time to retire. In boxing, anything can be expected, but I have no doubt that Kovalev win.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whether Sergey can knock Hopkins out is a subject of interest to everyone, including me. Maybe Sergey will pause at the beginning to adjust. Hopkins is awkward boxer who always Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;Â kÂ&#x2026;k ||Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;| Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;ÂŻk from one another strike, and has a large supply of dirty tricks. But I think that if the Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x201A;Â k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2014; Â&#x201A;k rounds, then Kovalev adapt to him and do his work,â&#x20AC;?
Pagara, Hirales mandatory clash for Nov 15
ndefeated IBF Intercontinental super bantamweight champion, Prince Albert Pagara faces Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tough Raul Hirales in a mandatory title defence at the Waterfront Hotel and Casino in Cebu on November 15. The Pagara-Hirales Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k }q k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k undercard of World Boxing Organisation (WBO) qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k {ÂŻ}Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Donnie Nietesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; title defense against either Carlos Velarde or Saul Juarez; the Â&#x2018;}|k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â?Â&#x17D;| Â&#x201A;zk ÂŽÂŻk ALA Promotions from a q Â&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽ|Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k }Â&#x17D;| Â&#x201A;k zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ¤ŽÂ&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂŻk Zanfer Promotions Fernando Beltran for Nietes
to choose from for his voluntary title defence. Pagara, the 20 year old rising star from the famed ALA Promotions has a record of 21-0 with 15 knockouts and won the title with a devastating 1st round TKO over cocky Hugo Partida who was dropped three times in the opening
round before international referee Bruce McTavish called a halt at 1:18 of the round. The 30 year old mandatory challenger Hirales who is ranked No. 1 in the IBF Intercontinental super bantamweight ratings has a record of 22-3-1 with 11 knockouts but is coming
|FkÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;k¤zÂ&#x2026;zqÂ&#x201D;|¤ k decision loss to 34 year old Luis Melendez ont August 16 in Colombia in what was described as a stirring win by Melendez in what was regarded a minor upset. Melendez is the same Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026;Â?qzÂ&#x20AC;´ ||ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k over whom Z â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Dreamâ&#x20AC;? Gorres scored a lopsided ten round unanimous decision at the Mandalay Bay House of Blues on NovemÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂŤĂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kŠªªà kqzkÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k earned Gorres a title shot at Fernando â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cochulitoâ&#x20AC;? |zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;ÂŽ ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k stylish southpaw collapsed after the decision was announced and underwent emergency brain surgery in Las Vegas which ended his promising career.
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Daily Newswatch
Health Thursday, September 25, 2014
A cross-section of participants during the EVD Sensitisation Programme for teachers in Lagos, recently
Ebola: Nigeria releases last person on surveillance Chioma Umeha, Health Editor
n Monday, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said that the deadliest Ebola epidemic ever in West Africa has been contained in Nigeria and Senegal, though the disease is still spreading elsewhere and has now killed over 2,811 people in the region. The UN health agency, which also published the results of the latest meeting of its Ebola emergency committee, said a total of 5,762 people had been infected in five West African countries as of September 18. According to the Minister of Health, Professor Chukwu Onyebuchi, the last person on surveillance has been released. In Lagos state where the Ebola virus disease (EVD) struck before
Between Ebola scare and free health programme Pg 44
spreading to Enugu and Port Harcourt through a contact from Lagos, government authorities
In line with its commitment has pledged not to fold its arms and watch fresh infections of ensuring that there is no reemergence of EVD among school emerge. children as they re-open, Lagos government weekend, distributed thermoscans to schools for proper monitoring of health status of children as measures to curb the spread of the disease in the State. Dr Yewande Adeshina, the Special Adviser to the Gov. Babtunde Fashola on Public Health said this at an EVD Sensitisation Programme for 3000 Teachers in the state ahead of Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resumption of schools. Adeshina said that the thermoscans was meant for simple and efficient temperature readings of children and to aid early detection of illnesses and diseases.
The thermoscans that will be distributed to the schools is to equip school Health Centres and not to detect Ebola, as the government had successfully managed EVD in the state
Continued on page 45
Ways to improve your heart health Pg 46
Good fat prevents Alzheimerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, cardiovascular diseases, others
Pg 46
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Community pharmacist involvement in home care of chronic patients is priorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Pg 47
Daily Newswatch
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Between Ebola scare and
A nurse attending to patients at the Asarama Health Centre.
AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt
he fear of Ebola was thick in the air. Yet, the villagers trooped out in their numbers to seek for mediÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k the palpable fear of the dreaded Ebola virus disease.That was the situation atAsarama in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, where Professor Adelayo Ejele, led a team of health workers on a free health mission. He had to re-assure them that Ebola was z|}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k {Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;k |Fk |~k the free medical programme organised by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) in conjunction with Golspin Health Care Foundation at Asarama Health Centre. It was a rare privilege for rural dwellers in and around Andoni to take their sick ones to a health facility for proper medical care at z|kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ?| Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC;k |Â&#x203A;k~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ k they gathered in thousands at Asarama, not minding the threat of Ebola. The medical team that participated in the Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;  |kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;k |Â&#x2018;k|~k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2026; k they had to work with very limited facilities. Prof Ejele, the Chief Medical Consultant and coordinator of the programme, Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x153;qÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k workers. He particularly commended the doctors who volunteered their services at a time most doctors were keeping away from government hospitals. Prof Ejele said the Asarama community and their neighbours should be grateful to the NDDC for bringing free health care to their door-steps, noting that good health surpassed all other needs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The common saying is that health is wealth. But for us qzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x201D;q  q|zÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kq kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zk wealth,â&#x20AC;? he said. According to the Chief Medical Consultant, 1,479 cases were treated, including 21 surgeries, 108 dental cases and 365 laboratory investigations. He also said 156 patients were screened for HIV/AIDS and only 2 persons were found to be positive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fortunately, Ebola is not here yet. But we should
all be on the alert to keep it away,â&#x20AC;? he said. For the Managing Director of NDDC, Sir Bassey Dan-Abia, the free health programme was a free gift from President Goodluck Jonathan to the rural communities in the Niger Delta. He said apart from bringing good health to the people, the interventionist agency was determined to change the face of the communities with development projects. The NDDC boss, who was represented by Chief Ephraim Etete-Owoh, the Rivers State representative on the board of the commission, said that no less than 900,000 Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k qÂ&#x2018; k ~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qcal services since the programme started 14 years ago. He stated that the commission }Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k health sector in collaboration with relevant partners such as Goldspin Healthcare and Global Hand Medicare Foundation. Speaking on behalf of the Asarama community, Chief AppolusEwaye, noted that the health programme came at a time many Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x192;q Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2014;q~Â&#x2019;Â?¤ Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;Â?Â?Â&#x201A;  k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x2026;Â?q qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Âś Â&#x201A;k deeply appreciate this programme,â&#x20AC;? he said. Appreciation for the free health proÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2026;zz|Â&#x2018;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻk ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k one from Mrs. Bessey Micha from Egendem community in Andoni LGA. The middleaged woman, whose child was operated on for hernia, simply said in pidgin English, â&#x20AC;&#x153;make God bless NDDC for us Oh!â&#x20AC;? The popular free health programme, which had been taken to many communities in the Niger Delta, also berthed in some q | Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019; Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k|~k zÂ&#x2014;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Given the enormous logistic challenges in these communities that are surrounded by water, the health mission was like God-sent for the people. Pro-Health International, which coordinated the programme for the NDDC in the state, went to great lengths to reach the people. In one instance, the programme was held in a local church because there was z|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k~Â&#x2026;Â?q qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂŻ}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;-
The middleaged woman, whose child was operated on for hernia, simply said in pidgin English, â&#x20AC;&#x153;make God bless NDDC for us Oh!â&#x20AC;?
41 were treated for dental ailments. Reviewing the success of the programme, the representative of Ondo State on the board of the NDDC, Chief Benson Amuwa, said that several operations were performed in an environment where people could not have access to basic healthcare. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The aim of the NDDC is to ensure that people of the Niger Delta can access basic healthcare Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;kÂ&#x2014;||Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;kÂz|}kÂ&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k Â?Â&#x2026;zz|Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂqzÂ&#x2014;k|~kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k normally they should get.â&#x20AC;? The Olu of Igbobini, Oba Oyedele Raphael, represented by Chief OlasehindeAjele, commended NDDC for remembering his Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Ă&#x2013;kÂś Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂŻ|¤k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;|qzÂ&#x20AC;k~|Â&#x201E;k¤ Ă&#x152;kqÂ&#x2018;kq kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂk you very much.â&#x20AC;? The traditional rule said it }Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻk Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk was carrying out this kind of free medical programme in their area. In Akwa Ibom State, the intervention of the free health programme was truly proviÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻk|~k Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;k IniobongFidelix, who hails from Ikono LoÂ?Â&#x2026; k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x2018;k not for the free health mission in her locality, the pregnant woman would have died with her baby. Iniobongâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pregnancy was at its turbulent peak and she was taken to the hospital in Ikono. Unfortunately, there was no doctor Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;| Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k The nurses could not do much as Iniobong was having complications and needed to ment. be operated upon. The saving grace for this The leader of the medical team, Dr. Le- poor woman and her unborn baby was the vanus Martins, said that about 6,000 people Free Health Care Medical Programme orÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A; kqzk ganized by the NDDC, in conjunction with the state, with many coming from Igbobini, Global Hands Medicare Foundation, at the Igo and neigbouring communities. He said ÂÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;k ÂŽ|k | Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k | Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k qzk  qÂ&#x2018; ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;´k Local Government Area. Odo local government area; Odun-Igo, Ilaje It was a happy and proud Dr. Katherlocal government area, and Ajowa- Akoko, ine Ntekim, the director of the foundation Akoko northwest local government area. running the NDDC-sponsored free mediAccording to him, 376 people did various cal programme that told the story of the laboratory tests, major surgery was con- Ikono woman who was saved at the nick ducted for six persons, 770 out-patients, 678 of time. According to her, Iniobong was passed through pharmaceutical section and lucky to have been rushed to the venue of
Daily Newswatch Thursday, September 25, 2014
free health programme the medical intervention in time to save her live and that of her baby. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She was rushed in for an emergency caesarian section from a general hospital where doctorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; strike had paralyzed healthcare delivery to this place where we saved her and her new-born baby.â&#x20AC;? She gave kudos to the NDDC for making it possible for her organisation to assemble Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; k qzk Â&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k |~k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026; q¡Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014; k|~kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k who may not have had access to such highly ¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zzÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k the medical director, the week-long proÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018; k|~k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qcare. The NDDC Deputy Director for Education, Health and Social Services, Dr. Solomon Ita, said that the goal of the commission was to make medical services accessible to the people of the Niger Delta region, especially those who live in the rural areas. He noted that the commission had always placed a high premium on healthcare delivery, adding that it had extended health facilities and services to many communities across the region. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is our belief that after this programme, the people of EsitEket will say farewell to all the endemic health problems that have long plagued them. It is expedient to mention here that the health partners are expected Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ¤Ž Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026; k¹¤Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; k|~kÂ&#x201A;3Â?Â&#x2026;cious drugs to the hospital management for the treatment of those who had some major operations,â&#x20AC;? he said. Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k |~k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;ment programmes which the NDDC had undertaken in the Niger Delta, the one that
A dentist treating a patient at the Asarama Health Centre.
brought tremendous relief and made immediate impact on the lives of the rural people was the free health care programme. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The free health missions have gone round virtually all corners of the Niger Delta, healing the sick and giving hope to the medically challenged,â&#x20AC;? he said. The NDDC director explained that the free health care programme was a combination of many activities, which included
Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k|¤Â&#x2018;k|~k Ă&#x2014; kÂ&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;  kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;paign, healthcare promotion and malaria roll-back campaign. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The comprehensive health missions provide all forms of medical services, ranging from general consultation, laboratory services, general and gynecological surgeries, as well as eye and Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201D;q  q|z Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k substantial resources to providing physical
infrastructure in the health sector across the Niger Delta,â&#x20AC;? he said. Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k zqÂ&#x201A;3|Âk Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;k relative for treatment, said he was delighted that the free healthcare programme came to Ekpene Obo at a time he was almost giving up hope on how to save his aunty who was Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk qÂ?ÂkŽ¤Â&#x2018;kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;kz|Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;|zÂ&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x20AC;|k~|Â&#x201E;k medical treatment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are glad the NDDC has come to our rescue,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Ebola: Nigeria releases last person on surveillance â&#x20AC;&#x153;The thermoscans that will be distributed to the schools is to equip school Health Centres and not to detect Ebola, as the government had successfully managed EVD in the state. ``The thermoscan is not meant to detect EVD but to detect other forms of illness so that prompt treatment can be given to any child with high temperature, she said. Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k essence of the sensitisation exercise on the Ebola virus for principals and head teachers of public primary and secondary schools, and for proprietors of private schools is to equip them with precautionary measures against new infections. Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;  |k z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k that he fight against Ebola needs collective and concerted efforts by all: government, health workers, parents, care givers, school owners, teachers, organisations and the public. Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2026;k ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k teachers to closely monitor their students and pupils
especially those who had travelled outside the country during the break. She also said that arrangement has been , made to ensure regular supply of liquid soaps and water in schools, where there are no pipe borne and borehole water. She assured that government will provide potable water for schools, while those in the villages may be assisted with water storage tanks. Soap should also be provided for schools. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k further said that government have provided health worker volunteers to assist primary and secondary schools in their localities if there is any emergency. The basic universal precaution of frequently washing hands in the fight against diseases is important for nannies and care givers in order to prevent spread of infections, she observed. Parents and school teachers are to teach the pupils to properly wash their hands as often as
Â&#x153;|  qÂŽ Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;  Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;k be sent to the parents on the precautionary steps to take to ensure the safety of their children. Âś |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k ensured that infected corpses were either cremated or cleansed in hypochlorite before burial as measures to eliminate EVD. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k stressed on the importance of reporting suspected cases of children of with symptoms of EVD stooping, vomiting and fever to government. Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  qzÂ&#x20AC;k Âş|¤Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026; q Â&#x2018; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â?Â?Â&#x2026; q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;k Lara Oladunjoye, the Permanent Secretary., qzq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk |~k Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k said that the exercise reemphasise governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s effort to promote personal hygiene at schools. These include regular washing of hands with soap even as Oladunjoye assured that the exercise will be sustained in schools. On their part, pupils should avoid putting hands in their mouths and avoid shaking or having body contact with sick
pupils, she said. They must wash their hands regularly, since they are prone to putting their hands into their mouths or rubbing their eyes. Schools principals, p r o p r i e t o r s , headmistresses, headmasters and teachers who received the training on how to prevent and manage Ebola Virus Disease were enjoined to train other teachers. Provision of hand sanitisers can come in handy, especially when one doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have access to water. Everyone would have to wash their hands before entering the school, and there would be regular hand washing and use of hand sanitisers because it would be difficult controlling children from touching one another. Schools should also delegate people to take the temperature of everyone entering their premises through non contact thermometers. Those with high fevers should be put aside for medical attention.
Schools should provides sickbays where children who developed fever in school will be isolated and nursed before the parents will arrive for onward transfer to the hospital. Such children will have a questionnaire on risk of Ebola Virus disease administered and exempted from school to allow for full recovery. kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k}q kÂŽÂ&#x201A;k required on resumption from sick leave of such children.  |k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zqÂŻqk Â&#x201A;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k |Â?Â&#x2026; k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Primary School, Ipesu, Epe, who spoke for the teachers said that the move by the government would make the schools safe. Â&#x201A;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k urged the government to put other measures in place to make the schools safer for pupils, student and the teachers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are more to be done to make schools safer, like providing pipe-borne water, adequate number of health personnel among others.
Daily Newswatch
Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Good fat prevents Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular diseases, others Eat fish high in omega 3 including salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel and sardines. Plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids include flaxseed (ground), oils (coconut and flaxseed) and walnuts.
ood’ fats are essential for health and wellbeing, lean body composition and the promotion of hormone regulation as well as preventing certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. What are good fats? Good fats essentially come from fish oils and unrefined animal fats, as well as plant sources such as nuts, olives, seeds and avocados. These types of fats tend to have a high proportion of omega 3 fatty acids. What constitutes bad fats? Bad fats are typically oils that have been refined (they have been processed in some way), thus making them harmful to the body. Which include vegetable oils, refined sunflower, peanut and canola oils, for example. These types of fat have a higher proportion of omega 6 fatty acids. What’s the difference between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids? A typical modern diet has a higher percentage of omega 6, this is harmful to us as omega 6 fatty acids are pro inflammatory and are associated with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, asthma, cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. In comparison omega 3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory, can help prevent these diseases, ideally we want a ratio of 1:1 of omega 3 to omega 6. How can fat help body composition? By slightly decreasing your carbohydrate intake and replacing them with healthy fats can help to boost your metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity and also thyroid function, helping to regulate body fat. How do fats help increase our muscle mass? As fats aid in hormone regulation, this can promote increases in muscle mass as fats in conjunction with restricted carbohydrate intake, increases our levels of human growth hormone and inhibits muscle breakdown, therefore making us stronger and leaner. Does eating fat increase my cholesterol levels? Sometimes when we think of cholesterol we think of heart disease and clogged arteries. What causes plaque build up in our arteries is high levels of triglycerides, which is caused by excess amounts of carbohydrates and sugars.
Dufil make public names of judges for IIDA finalist’s selection
Citrus fruits
A Foods such as eggs and coconut oil contain HDL which is good cholesterol and helps to lower disease risk. Processed foods and trans fats, which can be
found in pastries and cakes, have high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) which is associated with increased risk. Fats to avoid
Avoid vegetable oils, canola, sunflower and corn oils, these have been highly processed and have a higher proportion of omega 6s to omega 3.
Ways to improve your heart health
on’t stop at diet and exercise. Try these surprisingly heart-healthy habits to protect your heart and improve your cardiovascular health. Are you one of the 25 per cent of Americans who has a heart-related health issue? If so, then you’ll need to pay close attention to your diet and exercise habits to make sure you are doing everything you can to protect your health. But do not stop there. Research shows that there are other, unexpected things you can do to improve your heart health. Protect your heart through these habits: 1. Cuddle. Research shows that snuggling with a loved one releases oxytocin, a stress-releasing hormone that helps to reduce blood pressure. 2. Laugh. Laughing dilates blood vessels by 22 per cent, increasing blood flow and reducing blood pressure. 3. Get your chocolate fix. Cocoa beans are full of antioxidants, nutrients that boost the immune system to help the body fight off damage. 4. Pet your pet. People with pets to have lower blood pressure and are
at a decreased risk from heart disease than those who do not have pets. It could be because people with pets also tend to get more physical activity than their non pet-owning peers. 5. Go meatless — at least on Mondays. Studies show that vegetarianism reduces heart disease risk by 32 per cent. 6. Stand up. Sitting for the better part of the day, whether at work or in front of the TV, significantly increases your risk of heart disease. Stand up and walk around the office, chat with a co-worker, or take a walk around the block every few hours to improve your heart health. 7. Sleep — but not too much or too little. Research shows that over-
sleeping can increase your risk for heart disease by 38 per cent while sleeping too little raises it by 48 per cent. Shoot for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. 8. Caffeinate.Good news for coffee lovers! Coffee may help to stabilize heart rhythms in folks who have problems with an abnormal heart rate. Aim for one to three cups a day. 9. Stay off the road. Studies show that your heart attack risk increases by 12 per cent for every 10 decibels of highway traffic you are exposed to. 10. Get married. Married people have healthier hearts. For women, 10 years of marriage works out to a 13 percent reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
head of this year’s Indomie Independence Day Award (IIDA) for Heroes of Nigeria, Dufil Prima Foods, makers of Nigeria’s no 1 instant noodles has picked September 25 k k k ~| k q k ©ª«Åk Judges Seating. This event, is a yearly initiative by the company that assembles esteemed Nigerians, carefully handpicked to assist in the picking of 3 finalists as has always being the norm since inception. The announcement of September 25, as date for the Judges seating and names of judges is coming on the heels of the completion of search by the team of experts assigned the role of gathering deserving stories across the nation. The seven judges who will pick the three final stories in the first, second and third categories for this year’s IIDA seventh edition are as follows: Mr. Graham Stothard – Principal Grange School, Ikeja, Lagos, Mrs. Adesuwa Onyenukwe – Publisher, Today’s Woman Magazine, Mr. Olakunle Soriyan – CEO, Olakunle Soriyan Company and Mr. Chude Jideonwo – MD, Red Media Africa. Other members of the panel include: Mr. Martins Oloja – Editor, Guardian Newspaper, Mrs. V.O. Osuntokun – Heritage Homes Orphanage, and Mrs. Olufunto Igun – Executive Director, Corona School Ikoyi. The panel of reputable and esteemed judges, who were carefully handpicked by the company are expected to begin seating today, and will brainstorm on the final 16 stories shortlisted, out of the over 200 stories after which the final most inspiring three will be picked by them.
Daily Newswatch Thursday, September 25, 2014
As Nigeria joins the World Pharmacists Day celebration today, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) is proposing community pharmacist involvement in home care of chronic patients. Olumide Akintayo, National President, PSN who told journalists in Lagos, that the idea is part of global practice of today’s pharmacists, insisted that ‘access to pharmacists is access to health.’ CHIOMA UMEHA, (Health Editor) was there.
volving roles of pharmacists The pharmacy profession has a long and proud tradition with pharmacists playing many different roles. Pharmacists are valued, trusted, and respected members of their communities. The role and contribution of pharmacists in the overall context of health care delivery is, however, changing dramatically on the global level. To meet global demands, today’s pharmacists are assuming greater responsibilities for the safe, effective and responsible use of medications by patients and populations, with the main goal of optimising therapeutic outcomes. Also, pharmacists are assuming key roles in health promotion, disease prevention and the management of systems and resources associated with health care delivery. Global development in pharmacy practice The new trend in global pharmacy practice are medication therapy management, evidence – based pharmacy, collaborative
‘Community pharmacist involvement in home care of chronic patients is priority’
Olumide Akintayo
practice, independent prescribing and rational and responsible use of medicines require clinical and communication skills, decision-making and critical thinking, leadership, innovation and research abilities. The new development in pharmacy practice is adequately described in International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) documents, such as the Global Competency Framework (2012), Pharmacy Vision for 2020 (2011), Good Pharmacy Practice Standards for Quality of Pharmacy Services (1993, 1997, 2011) and Statement of Professional Standards on Pharmaceutical Care (1998). On a global basis, countries are at many different stages in this transition, and even within countries there may be differences in the degree to which change has been effected. Cultural, historical and political factors also impact the rate of the changes in today’s practice of pharmacists. Global development in
pharmacy training Changes in the education of pharmacists and regulation of pharmacy practice have paralleled these developments. As medication therapy has become more complex, more accessible and used in more diverse patient populations (including a greater proportion of elderly patients), patient safety issues and accountability for outcomes of therapy have assumed greater attention. Today’s pharmacists in view of modern day demands Consumers and governments alike are demanding higher standards and seeking assurances of service quality and patient safety. As nations seek to improve standards for health care delivery, greater attention is being paid to the quantity and quality of health care practitioners, including the systems in place to ensure their quality of education and growing competence of
practitioners. Recognising the many benefits that can accrue to the society through the optimal use of pharmacists in health care delivery, many countries are undergoing (or planning to undergo) major transformation of pharmacy education. They are examining the roles and responsibilities that pharmacists can and should have in the delivery of health care services, and articulating and competencies that are required to effectively perform these roles and responsibilities. They are considering what levels, models and duration of education and training are needed to ensure that pharmacists achieve these competencies before entering practice, and, importantly, maintain and enhance them throughout their professional careers. Home care as a paradigm shift in Nigeria - A Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria initiative
An annual increasing incident of chronic diseases has given direct impact to an increase in medical expense as well as to public health system of the country. In addition, most patients with chronic diseases require continuous treatment and several have faced difficulties of Drug Related Problem (DRPs), drug use risk and patient non-compliance resulting in ineffective treatment. In order to encourage safety in drug usage, enhance effective treatment of patients with chronic diseases, and promote good health in the community; the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria is proposing Community Pharmacist Home Health Care for Chronic Patients Programme. Experiences obtained from participating in Community Pharmacist Home Health Care for Chronic Patients Programme promote development of potentials and capabilities to learn and exchange views with patients. The PSN believes home visit is a good alternative to practical application of academic knowledge learnt by pharmacists. It helps to promote appropriate patient’s healthy behaviour, lifestyle and not only their physical health, but also their mental health. These are elements that lead to a better quality of living and that is the most important goal for any pharmacist – becoming a home care pharmacists. PSN message for this year’s World Pharmacists Day In celebrating the ideals of this year’s World Pharmacists Day, the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria encourages consumers of health to embrace the home care initiative as a benefit package and part of the value chain in pharmacists’ quest for deliverables to all consumers of medicines. We welcome consumers to a world of new possibilities in healthcare.
Daily Newswatch
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Agbakoba: Challenging legality of soldiers’ death sentence FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
esolved never to relent in his ® k qz k ¤ zk q k ®¤ k }q k | z z k z q k | | k | zq q|z k | k qz q q ¤ k qz z k zq| k | k|~k q q k` jk z k q k q q k q k ® |® k k } k q k | k qzk k zz k ®¯k } q k k ¯k z z k«©k | k |k k®¯k qz k ±¤ k ® |® k } |k } | k k q ~k |~k ¯k Fk} z k k k ¯k®| k |¤ k z| k |z k k k z z k ® ¤ k | qz k |k q kq kq k¶¤z |z q ¤ q|z k z kq k kq k q kz| k |z~| k |k k |¤z ¯£ k |z q ¤ q|z° k~| k q z k|~k k q q zk k | q q|zk` j kqzk k q q|zk k |k k q ~k|~k ¯k F k q ¤ z z k z k zz k qzq k q ¤ ¯k |z z k k |z q ¤ q|zk |~k k |¤ k k } q k |z z k k | q k ¯qz k q k } k qz k k ¤ k|~kz ¤ kº¤ q | q k |~k k q q|zk q Ök Þ z |z q ¤ q|z k q q|zk|~k k |¤ k q k qzk q|zk |k k ¤ qz¯k |~k | q k qz k z k 3 k | z qz k ` jkßk q q q|zk|~k k q q zk ¯k } k z k |k | z ¯´ z k |~k k q|zk ` j k | k |k | k ` j k q ~k |~k ~ z k F k q k q ~k k k k qzq k |~k ~ z k z k q¯¤k ¤ ¤k z k qzq k |~k k ~| k ~ z k z | k ¤ q q¤k ® zq| | k qzk Ök ¶ k } q k |k }k z q|zk |k k¤z |z q ¤ q|z k q q|zk|~k k |¤ k q k qzk } q k «©k | q k } k z z k |k k ¶ q k q k }q |¤ k º¤ q k |k k |~~ z k k |k k ® zk | q k k ~¤ ¯k ¤z z k k q q ¯k q q qz kq k® k|zk ® q z k |k ¤ q| k k z k k ¤ qz¯kq k k q|¤ k |F z k ¯ k k q q zk |z q ¤ q|zk ¤ z k k q k |k~ q k qz k |k ¯k q q z ¶ k zz k | ¤ k z k | k ®¯k } q k k |z z k | q k } k z z k |k k k |z ¯k |k k q q zk |z q ¤ q|z k k |zk q k ® ¤ k k ¯k } k qz q | k | ¤ | k z kº¤ k k | kqz |k|z k ¶ q kq k |z ¯k |k k ¤ k|~kz ¤ kº¤ q k k |z k k q|zkÂÃk|~k k q q zk |z q ¤ q|z k k |z q ¤ q|zk z k | | q q|zk|~k k |¤ k q k k ~¤z z ¯k { } k k ¯k q| k k ~¤z z k q k |~k k |z q k | q k |k ~ q k qz k z k q k k z qz kqzk k |z q ¤ q|z ¶ k | z k q q ´ z k k q| ¤ k } |k k ¤ k k |¤ k q k q k k ¯k qz k k |qz k k Ák ® k |~k k |¤ k q k z ¯ k k q z k q q k z k k |z}| k }|k } q qz k ® k kº¤ k | k z k }|k | ¤ qz k |3 k z k k qz q | k ¶ k ¤ k | k } |k q k |k q k k |¤ k q k|zk k |qz kq k ~ kº¤zq| k |k k q z k|~k k |¤ k q k ¯k q q ¯k q q|zk|~k|® q z k |k ¤ q| k| kq kq k q3 ¤ k~| k k ¤ k | k |k q k ¤z} z k q k |k k q z k |~k k |¤ k q k} |kq k k~ k ¤ q| k|3 ¶ k ¤ k |¤ k |~k q q k k q k qzk zqk } qz qk k k k } z k k | ¤ k |} k -
Olisa Agbakoba
q ¤ k|~k kqz q | k | ¤ | k z kº¤ k |k® k |qz k| k |z | k ®¯k|z k ¤ | q ¯ kq kq kq | q® k~| k k ¤ k |k|® qzk~ q k q ¶ k q k ¯k | qzq|zk k k qz q k q k |}zk®¯k k ¤ k |¤ k|~k q q kqzk zq£ k k k~¤ ¯k q ® k |k k q q|zk|~k k |¤ k q k zk q k ® q k k ±¤ k k ¯|¤k |k z| k |z k k q q|zk|~k k |¤ k q k ® ¤ k q k q k ¤z |z q ¤ q|z k k k~ }| k¤ |zk} q k k |¤ k q k } k |z q ¤ k q k |z ¯k |k k q q zk |z q ¤ q|z ¶ |¤k | k k q|z k ® ¯k |k z k k k | k k |k ® qz kq kqzk |z~| q ¯k}q k k |z q ¤ q|zk |k k |¤ k q k | qz k}q k® k |z q ¤ q|z ¶ k ¤ k k k}q k® k |z k z} q k } k }q k z k k |z q ¤ q|z q ¯k |~k k k | k k qzk q|zk |k |¤ k q kqzk |¤ ° k |z z k | q k } k |¤ ´ k|zk k q ´ |¤z k k|~k k qz | z k qzk ¤ qz¯k |zk ¯k «Å k©ª«Åk} zk ¯k| z k k k k k |z ¯qz k k | z qz k 3 k ßk q q q|zk qzk q ¤ ¤ q k | z¤k k º| k z k ¤k | q k «Åk |~k k ¤ k } k ~|¤z k ¤q ¯k ¤z k qF z k |¤z k ~|¤ k |~k k} k q k z k ±¤q k|~k k ¯kqz ¤ ÖkÁà ×kÅ©×é¬k k k q | | kÁà ×kÅÂ×k«ª©ßß k k q k ¤ kª¬ ×k¬ß×kÂŬ«k k q ¯k z¤z ªÁ ×k ÃÅ×k ÅÁª¬k k ¤ ¤~k ¤ q®¤ kªÁ ×ké×k«ÃÅÀk k | ¤k z¤ k ªÁ ×k ÃÅ×k Å©«Åk k z }k ® k«ª ×kì×kÀÂÅÅk k ¤ ¤ zk k «ª ×k ì×k ߪÀÅk k ~ z¯qk
General Keneth Minimah
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The manner, procedure and process by which these condemned soldiers were sentenced to death are contrary to the Nigerian Constitution. The reason is because the Army was investigator, prosecutor and judge all rolled into one
q k | ¤ k k |z z k | q k k | qz k k ¯k} k ®¤ k} q k |zk k q k | q|zk qzk ® k | k | z z k k z k q®| k } k | k ©ªªk q k } k ® ¤ k ~ | k k | z z k |z ¯k || k q®|¤ k |z z k | q k k ±¤ ¯k k k ~ k k | q|z k ¤ qz k } q k | k q q ¯k ±¤q z k } k | k ~ | k k qz ¤ z k k | q k } |k q k k | q|zk | q|zk k zq k } k k |k ¤ zk |k q ¤ ¤ qk q k k qz k |k ® k |} k |k ¤ zk k z k | zqz k k kzq k q k}|¤ k® k ||k q ¯ ¯k~¤ k ¤ k k ¯k k |k q k |k q ¤ ¤ qk k zq k z k ~} ¯k |¤ k q k º|¤ z ¯ k ¯k } k q k |k k zkqz |k k ||k k ®¤ k z k }q k | k zk zk |~k k q k} q k | k| k} kqzº¤ k | q £k qz q z k }q |¤ k k | |z qz k z k|~k qz k kqz~¤ q k k | qz k k ® q|zk qz k q k ¤ q| k |3 k k k z k ¤ k k qz k~| qz k z ¤ k z k |~k k k ®¯k k q q ¯k ¤ | q q z k ®¯k q k | z k k q q ¯k q k | z k qzq q k k k|~k k |z q k | q k z kqz q ¤ k k q q ¯k®| k|~kqz±¤q ¯kqz |k k q ¤ z k ¤ |¤z qz k q k |z ¤ k q q zk ¯k |¤ k qz z k | k q z k ®¯k k | z k ¯k ±¤ k q |z k | q ¤k z |z z k q q k z k k q| ¤ k q k k |z q ¤ q|zk |~k k z k |¤ k q k } q k } k q k k ® k|~k k z k |¤ k q k qz ¤ k k ¤ k | k | |z k k k ¤ zÌk | |z k k k |}| ¯ Ìk | |z k k Ìk | |z k k ®| Ìk ¤ z z k | |z k k z ® q~ Ìk º| k k ¤ ¤~ k º| k k ¤®¤k z k º| k k qz k } q k the lead | ¤ | kq k q ¤ z z k | |z k k k ¤ ¤ k z k | ¤ | k «k q k q ¤ z z k | |z k k q q k z k |z}|k k k k |z z k | q kqzk qz k}q k ¤ kìk z kÃßk|~k ¤ k z k | ¤ k Continued on page 46
Law 49
Daily Newswatch thursday, september 25, 2014
Challenging legality of soldiersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; death sentence
Soldiers on trial Continued from page 45
of the Nigerian Armed Forces Law 1972 were slammed with a six-count charge that touches on mutiny, criminal con Â&#x153;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?ÂŻk Â&#x2018;|k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x201D;¤Â&#x2018;qzÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k murder, disobedience to particular orders, insubordinate behaviour contrary to and punishable under the law, and false accusation. Particularly, the General Court Martial President held that Corporal Jasper Braidolor and ten others inspired other Â&#x201D;q qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zzÂ&#x201A; k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ÂŤÂŞÂŤk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026; q|zk of 7 Division, to commit mutiny with |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂq kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k | Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you between May 13 and 14, 2014, at Maimalari cantonment in MaiÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201E;qk Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; ÂŻk }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qztent to incite other personnel of 101 ÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026; q|zkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|~kĂ&#x;k qvision,â&#x20AC;? he ruled, just as he stated that Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x153;¤zq Â&#x17D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k|FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A; k¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k the Armed Forces Act include: death, imprisonment, dismissal with ignoÂ&#x201D;qzÂŻk~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x201A;k|~k a sum not exceeding the equivalent of three monthsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pay among others. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k|~k|FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k|¤Â&#x2018;kÂŽÂŻk Â|zÂ}|kqzÂ? ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Ă&#x2013;kÂś Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2026; kÂ?|z Â&#x153;qÂ&#x201E;acy to commit mutiny triable by court martial by virtue of Section 114 of AFA and punishable under Section 97(1) of the penal code CAP P89, laws of the Federation of Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In that you on or about 14 May14 at Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri conspired to incite other personnel of ÂŤÂŞÂŤk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026; q|zkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x201D;¤Â&#x2018;qzÂŻ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mutiny punishable under Section 52(1) (b) of AFA CAP A20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. Particulars |~k FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;Ă&#x2013;k zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂŻ|¤kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂŤĂ&#x201A;k and 14, 2014 at Maimalari Cantonment qzk Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201E;qk Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; ÂŻk }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k intent to incite other personnel of 101 Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026; q|zkÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk|~kĂ&#x;k qvision. Âś Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;k |FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A; k `Â&#x201D;¤Â&#x201E;der) contrary to Section 95 and punishable under Section 106 of AFA CAP A20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. In that you on or about May 14, 2014 at 7 DMSH Maimalari CantonÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kqzk Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201E;qk}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;|¤Â&#x2018;kº¤ Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂq k Â&#x2026;Âş|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k k |hammed (N/7915), the GOC 7 division `kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zk}Â&#x2026; jkÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x17D;|Â&#x2018; k|zkÂ&#x17D;q k |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x17D;qÂ? Â&#x201A;k` |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;jk}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k hit the right rear door where he sat. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Disobedient to particular orders punishable under Section 56 (1) of AFA CAP A20, Laws of the Federation of
Nigeria, 2004. In that you on or about May 14, 2014 May at Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri wilfully disobeyed an order by Lieutenant Colonel E Azenda (N/10517), 2i/c 101 Bn to allow Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x153; Â&#x201A; k |~k ÂŤÂŞÂŤk zk Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zzÂ&#x201A; k Âq Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k in action on May 13, 2014 to be moved to UMTH mortuary by preventing the movement, insisting on the arrival of the GOC before such movement could Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Insubordinate behaviour contrary to and punishable under Section 54 (1) (b) of AFA CAP A20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In that you on or about May 14, 2014 at Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri ¤ Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Ž¤ qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k Ă&#x17E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k are cowardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with threat to shoot the ofÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kq~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;kz|Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;False accusation contrary to and punishable under Section 94 (a) of AFA CAP A20, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In that you on or about May 14, 2014 at Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri accused Leutenant Colonel E Azenda ` Ă&#x2014;ÂŤÂŞÂŹÂŤĂ&#x;jÂ&#x203A;k ŠqĂ&#x2014;Â?k |~k ÂŤÂŞÂŤk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026; q|zk |~k Â?|z Â&#x153;qÂ&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂq kÂŤÂŞÂŤk zk soldiers.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k Â|zÂ}|k ~|¤zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k ÂŤÂŤk soldiers guilty of counts 1-3, while disÂ?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â?¹¤q qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k|~kÂ?|¤zÂ&#x2018; k Ă&#x2026;´Ă&#x192;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;k z|Â&#x2018;k  Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Â|zÂ}|k also declared that the second batch of seven soldiers were not guilty of the charges made against them, except Corporal Stephen Clement who was found guilty of Counts 5-6, and Corporal Jer-
Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x17D;k Â?Â&#x17D;|Â|k }Â&#x2026; k ~|¤zÂ&#x2014;k Â?¤ Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k |~k counts 4-5. But before the judgment was delivered, one of the leading defence lawyers to the accused soldiers, Francis Paul had urged the military court to Â&#x201A;  Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k  Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k the court to tamper justice with mercy listing some of the challenges being faced by their clients and in that their loss through death sentence or lengthy incarceration could cause untold hardship to their relatives and a huge loss to the nation. The lawyer said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;My prayer is that their sentences be lessened. My Lord, I pray this court to tamper justice with mercy. Private Friday Onuh who joined the military in 2005 is the only surviving male of his family with aged parÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D; k| Â&#x2014;kÂ?Â&#x17D;q Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Also Corporal Jasper joined the Army since 1996 and a dedicated veteran of three wars who has served this country with zeal and passionâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My Lord these convicted persons having served their country well with Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k|FÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k should be viewed with mercy.â&#x20AC;? The decision of the General Court Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x17D;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?tions from legal minds whose argument maintained that the procedure followed at arriving at the maximum sentence was unconstitutional. |Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x203A;k ÂÂ&#x201A;ÂşÂ&#x2026;k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x17D;k |~k the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Monday Ubani argued that the trial of Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;}k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201D;q qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk
Their wives have also joined their husbands to appeal to the government not to send their husbands to their untimely death. The trial is scandalous the President should disband the panel and grant them pardon
tribunal remains a questionable procedure as often times the rule of evidence are not complied with. Ubani said the convicted soldiers  Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk }|¤ Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k qÂÂ&#x201A; ÂŻk get fair judgment. He however said that in the event that the Court of Appeal upholds the military tribunal verdict, adding: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If in the event that the Court of Appeal upholds this judgment, government must consider the circumstances that led to the alleged mutiny that these soldiers committed. As we all understand, these soldiers were merely protesting |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â?Âk|~kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201A;¹¤qÂ&#x153;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|k~qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Any authority approving the death of these soldiers must consider this. More|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k ||Â&#x2014; ¤Â?Âk
|zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zk q k Â&#x2026; ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k ~|Â&#x201E;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ÂŤk ÂŽq q|zk from the National Assembly to equip the military shows that the soldiers }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kz|Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x201A;¹¤qÂ&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Âing genuine complaints,â&#x20AC;? he added. Ubani also noted that if the soldiers are executed as ordered by the tribunal, Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k |~k º¤zq|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201D;q qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k }Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kqz ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k}|¤ Â&#x2014;k be wounded. Yemi Omodele is another lawyer who suggested that a mild punishment should have been given to the soldiers especially as they were fighting a genuine course for which government is now responding to. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;While I am not supporting lawlessness among soldiers, I believe those soldiers were pursuing a right cause. Moreover, if they were found guilty of the mutiny allegations against them, I believe a lesser punishment such as demotion, salary deduction or at most months in prison would have been more appropriate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a critical time in our nation and people who are genuinely minded Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;k z|Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x153;¤zq Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k in such manner.â&#x20AC;? Lagos human rights lawyer, Supo Osewa said â&#x20AC;&#x153;If due process was followed in arriving at their verdict in view of the Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k|FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k q k z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â?Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2014;|Â&#x203A;k though they have the right of appeal as Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ?Â&#x2026;zkÂ&#x2019; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k|~k Â&#x153;peal. Âś k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â?Â&#x2026;zk ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2026;z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k chance or the death sentence can be commuted to terms of imprisonment Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; ÂŻk ||ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k country today.â&#x20AC;? For Ebun Olu-Adegboruwa, â&#x20AC;&#x153;My concern is the way the trial was conducted and the process followed. Was it in accordance with the law and statute? Because Germany, Britain, France have corroborated the complaints of the miliÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x2014;|zÂŁÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kqz ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k â&#x20AC;&#x153;Their wives have also joined their husbands to appeal to the government not to send their husbands to their untimely death. The trial is scandalous the President should disband the panel and grant them pardon.
|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;kqzkÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x201A;}Â&#x203A;k the Editor of Gani fawehinmi Law publication, Oluwole Kehinde said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;So far, due process was followed in reaching the decision and there should not be sentiment about it. Any military per |zzÂ&#x201A; k}Â&#x17D;|kq kz|Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k|Â&#x201E;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;able with the treatment in the military can disengage, mutiny and lawlessness should not be encouraged because a situation where lawful orders are refused portends danger signal.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch
thursday, september 25, 2014
Business Law by Dr.Olugbemi Fatula
t is necessary to know when property in good passes in order to determine who is liable (whether the seller or the buyer) in case of loss, damage, destruction or seizure of the goods. The Sale of Goods Act and the Sale of Goods Law have some provisions  Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2014;|}zkÂ&#x201E;¤ Â&#x201A; k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x20AC;¤qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ties as well as the court, in determining at what stage property in goods passes. This depends largely on whether the Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2019;Â?k|Â&#x201E;k¤zÂ&#x2026; Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; =>?@B?C FFIJK zkÂ&#x2026;kÂ?|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k|~k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2019;Â?k|Â&#x201E;k ascertained goods, property in the goods passes from the vendor to the purchaser at the time agreed, expressly or impliedly between the parties. However, if the parties fail or neglect to specify the time at which property is to pass, the court would resort to the following rules: 1. In an unconditional contract for Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k |~k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2019;Â?k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k qzk a deliverable state, ownership is transferred to the buyer when the contract is concluded notwithstanding that the parties have expressly postponed the time of payment or delivery or both. (S. 17 S. G. A and Section 18 S. G. L.) A contract is unconditional when it is not subject to any condition precedent, although it may be subject to a condition subsequent. A good is said to be in deliverable state when it is in such a state that the buyer is bound under the contract to take delivery of it. 2. In a contract for the sale of speÂ?qÂ&#x2019;Â?kÂ&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; kÂ&#x2018;|k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2014;|k  |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x153;| Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x153;¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;k them in a deliverable state, ownership does not pass to the buyer until such thing is done, and the buyer is accordingly informed. 3. In a contract for the sale of speÂ?qÂ&#x2019;Â?k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k qzk Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k state, but which the seller has to weigh, measure , test, or do some other act or thing for the purpose of determining the price, ownership does not pass to the buyer until such thing or act, is done and Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kŽ¤¯Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kq kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC; ÂŻkz|Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k the act or thing is to be done not by the seller but a 3rd party, the rule will not apply. Ă&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k the buyer on approval or on sale or return, or other similar terms, ownership is transferred to the buyer. qÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¤zqÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;proval or acceptance to the seller, or does anything which amounts to an adoption of the transaction e.g. by reselling or pledging them. (London Jewellers Ltd v Atenborough (1934).) qqÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|Â&#x201A; k z|Â&#x2018;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¤zqcate his approval or acceptance to the seller, if he retains the goods without giving notice of rejection, beyond the time for rejection (if any), and if no time q kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;ÂŻ|zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;ÂşÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;q|zk`q~k Â&#x2026;zÂŻjÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kq~kz|kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kq kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;ÂŻ|zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;sonable time. Reasonable time depends on the entire circumstances and the nature of the transaction, as well as the subÂşÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;´kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC; LMJ?>OQM@L>IC FFIJ JCRFOC LMJ?>OQM@L>IC FFIJCQU>COVX>JC MO>CQUMQKCC ÂŤÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zk ¤zÂ&#x2026; Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k sold, ownership is not transferred to the buyer until the goods are ascertained. If there is something which has to be done
The r ules guiding transfer of ownership or property in goods
Prominent Nigerian and South African business personalities busy providing an ideal, enabling environment promoting bilateral trade and investment between Nigeria and South Africa in Nigeria
by or on behalf of both parties before the goods are delivered, property in the goods is not transferred until such thing has been done. 2. In a contract for the sale of unascertained or future goods sold by description, ownership passes to the buyer when goods of that description and in a deliverable state are unconditionally allocated to the contract by either party, and with the consent of the other. Once a contract of sale of goods is completed, all the rights and liabilities in respect of the goods are transferred to the buyer as the new owner. Risk of loss or damage is transferred along with the goods to the buyer. As soon as ownership is transferred to the buyer, he starts to bear the risk even if delivÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkq kÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ¤Ž Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;k U>C O@L?@=X>C FRC YL>ZFC IMQC [VFIC LFLCUM\>Q]CC The general principle in relation to transfer of title is â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nemo dat Quod Non Habetâ&#x20AC;? i.e. only the owner of goods or
somebody acting with the authority or consent of the owner can give a good title to the buyer. Therefore, a seller who has no title or who is not the true owner of the goods, transfers them subject to the defects in his own title. In other words, a seller of goods canz|Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k a buyer in respect of what does not belong to him. There are however some exceptions to this rule. C MO^>QC _>OQ Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  | Â&#x2014;k qzk Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k overt, the purchaser acquires a good title in respect thereof notwithstanding that the seller neither owns nor has authority to sell them, provided the buyer buys in good faith, and without notice of any defect in the sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title. To acquire a good and valid title under a market overt, the sold goods must be the kind or type, normally sold in the market and must be openly exhibited and sold during the usual business hours. Market overt means an open
The Sale of Goods Act and the Sale of Goods Law have some provisions setting down rules which guide the parties as well as the court, in determining at what stage property in goods passes. This depends largely " # # unascertained
and legally constituted market. Sale under a Voidable Title Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018; Â&#x201A;k q k Â&#x192;|qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k and such title has not been avoided as at the time of sale, the buyer acquires a good title to the goods provided he buys them in good faith and without notice of the defect in the title of the seller. However, where the title of the seller is void, the purchaser acquires no title at all regardless of how bonÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;k JQF==>XJ If the true owner of a good, either by words, or conduct misleads the buyers into thinking that the seller is the |}zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂŽ|zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;¤Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k acquires a good tile thereto. (Cundy v Lindsay (1873).) MX>C\`CMCJ>XX>OC@LC FJJ>JJ@FL A person, who buys from a seller in possession of the goods, or document of title to the same, obtains valid title to such good provided he acts in good faith and without notice of the previous sale. Sale by a Mercantile Agent Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;q Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;q Â&#x153;| Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x201A;qther by sale or otherwise in the course of his business, either of goods or documents of title to good entrusted into his custody to a 3rd party who acts in good faith and for value, such a disposition is valid notwithstanding that he has not received the principals approval or authority. MX>C\`CMC V`>OC@LC FJJ>JJ@FL Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zk }Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k ÂŽ|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k |Â&#x201E;k agreed to buy goods obtains possession of such goods or document to title of them with the consent of the seller, which he subsequently transfers or delivers to some other person who receives them in good faith, and without notice of the original sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title to the goods, the subsequent purchaser acquires good title. Execution has been levied. Dr. Olugbemi Fatula is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife. (08037213732)
Daily Newswatch
City & State THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
How ready are women for 2015? NGOZI OKPALAKUNNE
igerian women according to 2006 census constitute 49 percent of the total population, yet less than 10 percent occupy elective and appointive positions in democracy and governance. This is in spite of wide spread advocacy Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;z qÂ&#x2018;q¡Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkÂ&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; kÂ&#x201D;|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k by Developments Partners and CSOs post Beijing to encourage enhanced womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation in politics and governance. Studies conducted in the 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011 general elections in Nigeria have shown that male preference or patriarchy arising from sociocultural norms and practices are deeply entrenched and over the years have marginalized womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s participation in politics and governance. As the 2015 general elections draw closer, the question is where are Nigerian female politicians and how ready are they to take the bull by the horn, so that issues concerning women will be well represented at the governance. Speaking on this issue, principal partner Sterling Partnership, Mrs. Boma Ozobia noted that Nigerian women are certainly ready and able to contribute their quota in the service of the nation, be it in elective positions or other equally crucial positions of national responsibility. According to Mrs. Ozobia who is an international lawyer and immediate past president of Common Wealth Lawyers Association, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have been dealing with the Ebola virus in our dear country and you might well ask what that has to do with your question, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll tell you. I see the two doctors as a metaphor for Nigeria and indeed the genders when called upon to serve and Â&#x153;¤Â&#x2018;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;kk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻ|k Stella Adedevoh, a thorough professional and a Nigerian woman! stepped up to the plate and put the interest of her country Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2014;|Â?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk man clearly did not. I do not wish to speculate as to his motives in line with the convention of not speaking ill of the dead, but  ¤3Â?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k  Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk woman will certainly do well and act in the best interest of the country if elected to serve. Naturally, we have Nigerian men who will do the same, hence my reluctance to judge performance on the basis of genderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Looking at 35 percent 3Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k that the percentage is not enough considering the population of Nigerian women. In her words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The reasoning ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kĂ&#x201A;ÂŹkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k 3Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Action is well known and was clearly well considered culminating in the Beijing convention. I commend it to all jurisdictions and certainly to Nigeria. In the National
Zainab Maina, Minister for Women Affairs
Assembly it is clear that we are far from 35 percent which is a pity as women make up almost 50 percent of the population if not more. If we take a look at the NASS since this democratic Â&#x2014;q Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;z Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k }q k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k the number of women elected has shrunk each time we go to the polls. We have to interrogate this and analyze the situation and the cause of this anomaly. Women Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|zÂ&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qzk Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k positions at both federal and state levels for the most part. Again }Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; Âk}Â&#x17D;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;k|¤Â&#x2018;k how to replicate this with the elective positionsâ&#x20AC;?. On whether the current administration has been fair to women when it comes to politics, she said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The current administration, presumably meaning the federal government certainly counts gender friendly appointments and policies as one of its achievements. I have to agree that they have indeed done well in comparisons to past administrations, but on this subject I have an Oliver Twist
mentality and will keep asking for more until we achieve gender parity, that is, 50/50. To her Nigerian women are indeed interested in politics, adding that the constraint they have is cultural and perhaps family commitments as the primary care givers in the society. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Serious political meetings tend to take place late at night. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when the decisions are made. ¤Â&#x201E;kÂ?¤ Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A; kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;q3Â?¤ Â&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;k women to participate in these late night meetings or to be outside their homes at certain times as this may lower their moral standing in the eyes of some observers. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re one to ignore this, there is also the need of the family to be taken care of, by the women in the main, this double whammy Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A; kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x2014;q3Â?¤ Â&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;k}|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zk to get involved in politics and participate in the same way as their male counterparts. Women are interested in politics. They simply do not have a level playing groundâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Enumerating other major
Women need also to understand the imperatives of their presence at all decision making forum
Boma Ozobia
challenges that are hindering women from participating in politics, she said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The rules of the game favour men over women. I have talked about the issue of time, the other key point is funding. Politics requires funding and one needs some seed funding to enable the candidate raise more funding for supporters. Women often do not have this. That is an added challengeâ&#x20AC;?. Advising women, she stressed the need for them to start somewhere. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A Nigerian politician is reported to have said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Power is not biscuitâ&#x20AC;?, which I interpret to mean that it is not childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play and no one is going to hand it to you like you do a biscuit to a crying child to console and comfort. Women interested in politics have to wade in and pursue their ambitions regardless! On her part Executive director, Women Law and Development Center, Nigeria (WLDCN), Dr. Keziah Awosika described the forthcoming 2015 general elections as another important opportunity to rekindle the advocacy for gender equality and increased womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s political leadership in Nigeria. Mrs. Awosika, however, qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â Â k|~kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk by women as one of the factors militating against them in the area of politics. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Women organizations, donor partners, women politicians and aspirants always fail to organize early for women entry in to the electoral space. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women visibility in the race was rarely obvious until very few months to the elections. In this regard men always tend to have a headstart.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
To her, the existing political structures appear so unfriendly to women, adding: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;From the ward level up , very few women manage to pick up delegate ticket Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻkÂ?|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;q|z Â&#x2DC;ÂŁÂŁ However, she stressed the need for political parties to emulate the policy of ACN during the last general elections where they made it mandatory for women delegates to emerge from each ward thereby ensuring that women voices are heard at the conventions. Considering the way forward, Awosika said it is important that women organizations realign their strategies , start to work from the wards in order to have a strong voice at the party conventions. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;They should also learn from past experiences. Whatever the men are using to obtain delegates votes should be seriously studied. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women in Nigeria should organize themselves independent of the state and they must not be under any illusion that the Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â?Â&#x2026;zk ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |zk Â&#x2026;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |~k Â&#x20AC;| Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2018;k cannot be negotiated for either from their weak position, they must form a bold critical mass. Also, women should brace up and obtain it by force, build strategic alliances with progressive male counterparts and across political parties. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women need also to understand the imperatives of their presence at all decision making forum. It is a powerful tool for challenging patriarchy and creating role models. Women must, therefore, come together to organize as a strong constituency.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she added .
Daily Newswatch
Role Model THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Ameyo Adadevoh: Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heroine AANU ADEGUN
hat makes a hero? One may wonder.
|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;kz|kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k how confounding the question Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k |zÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019;zqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201E;qŽ¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k of heroism which most scholars share in common is that heroes Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A; {Â&#x201A;  Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x20AC;|k |¤Â&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k way, even to the detriment of their own safety, to make the world a ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; And this is the case of the woman known as Dr. Ameyo Adadevoh, who with a singular act of ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  q|zÂ&#x2026; q Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Nigerians from an unimaginable endemic of the dreaded Ebola virus, subsequently, losing her life as a result of this act of uncommon ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;k |Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q Â&#x203A;k became, role model and heroine to many Nigerians. Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;q ÂŻk Â&#x201A;} }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k Filani Seun said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I know so many Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â?Â&#x201E;qÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;  q|zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?|z ¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  q|zÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; ÂŻkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026;ÂŻk she treated the callous man who brought this scourge to Nigeria. She made sure he was well taken care of, and she was instrumental in Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qÂ&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k |z ¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2018;|k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x201D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k |}k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k¤ Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x201A;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k humanity and kindness, leaving so many behind to mourn her. She is a true hero and role model.â&#x20AC;? ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;| Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k Â? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;seems we (Nigerians) donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t realise what this doctor did for us all. She stood her ground and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t release Patrick Sawyer from the Â&#x17D;| Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k mounted on her to do so. God bless your beautiful soul ma. By your  qzÂ&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k ÂŽ| Â&#x2026;k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â?|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂk ÂŻ|¤k Â&#x2014;|Â?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k k Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k ÂŻ|¤Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻk~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;q ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026; k Nigerians. You are our hero and role model. Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k |zÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2014;k qÂ&#x201D;k said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;thank you so much ma for ÂŻ|¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻkÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;q ÂŻk Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk |Â&#x2014;k qzk Â&#x17D;q k qzÂ&#x2019;zqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?ÂŻk Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;k ÂŻ|¤k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;  |k give your loved ones the fortitude to bear this loss. You will forever be |¤Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201D;|Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; k|~k Â&#x201A; {Â&#x201A;  zÂ&#x201A;  Â&#x2DC;° Immy Fawks said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Words cannot Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  k|¤Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;|k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂŻ|¤à k |¤kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k sure my late dad was well taken care of until his death in 2006, still Â?|z ¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻk~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;q ÂŻk¤Â&#x153;k¤zÂ&#x2018;q kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k death, and did so for many others. Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;|Â&#x17D;kq kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;|Ă k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk  Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk ÂŻ|¤k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A;k q k ~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k than when you were born. You will always be rememberedâ&#x20AC;?. ¤z Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;|ÂŽ|}Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k â&#x20AC;&#x153;youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve saved thousands, your oath was not in vain, you did no
Dr. Adadevoh harm. May the Lord, the rewarder of all things reward you for what ÂŻ|¤kÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;k~|Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;z Â&#x2DC;k Â?Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;kÂŻ|¤k into his kingdom and take care of your husband and child till you Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A;¤k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Ă k |¤k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k fallen soldier, a great teacher, a brave and true Amazon and will always be rememberedâ&#x20AC;?. Funmi Durodola said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;you are a Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;|kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x201A; {Â&#x201A;  k
Nigerian. Never met you, but you Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k|¤Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k grant you eternal rest and comfort all your family membersâ&#x20AC;?. Sehindemi Saanumi while  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;q ÂŻk Â&#x201A;} }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k claimed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;She was a hero, a woman of virtue and a true doctor. She refused the Liberian man Patrick Sawyer from leaving the First Consultant, if not; we would have
She was a hero, a woman of virtue and a true doctor. She refused the Liberian man Patrick Sawyer from leaving the First Consultant, if not; we would have had more cases on our hands
had more cases on our hands. May God rest her soul, may she rest in Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026; k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x201A;k¤Â&#x153;|zkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC; And for her family who must be grieving at this moment due to the qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k |  Â&#x203A;k k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂŻ|¤k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ?|z | Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k is with Jesusâ&#x20AC;?. Â&#x201E;¤ ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k }Â&#x201E;q Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A; ~k into the hearts of Nigerians as a Â&#x201D;|Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂŽq|Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k she was born on Saturday, October 27th 1956 in Lagos, Nigeria to Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  |Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026;¤k Adadevoh of the blessed memory. She began her academic career Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk School in Yaba, Lagos in 1961. zk ÂŤĂ Ă&#x192;ŠÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q ÂŻk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; |Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|k | Â&#x2018;|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;  Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;¤ Â&#x201A;  k in the United States of America }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;}|k ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; k qzk school. After the familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return to Nigeria in 1964, she continued her education at Corona School Yaba in Lagos, Nigeria until 1968 and then began secondary school at Queens School Ibadan, Nigeria where she Â&#x2019;zq Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kqzkÂŤĂ Ă&#x;Ă&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; After secondary school, Ameyo Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k|zÂ&#x201A;kÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k|~k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Programme studies at the University of Lagos. In 1980, at the age of 24, Ameyo ¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2014;|Â?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k with a Bachelor of Medicine/ Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree from the University of Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;| k | Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x153;|zk Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zq Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;k|zÂ&#x201A;kÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x17D;|Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;z Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;| k zqÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k | Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  ¤Ž Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻk Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x153; k Â&#x2026;  qÂ&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k qzk ÂŤĂ Ă&#x20AC;Šk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;q´  Â&#x2026;k Health Centre in Lagos, Nigeria.
Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;zk with a residency at Lagos University Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k | Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k ÂŤĂ Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k 1988 after which she earned the West African College of Physicians and Surgeons credential. Ameyo married Afolabi Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;z¤Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;| |k |zk k k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;q k ŠĂ&#x192;Â&#x203A;kk 1986 and their union was blessed with son Bankole Cardoso on 17th August 1988. After her residency, Ameyo worked as a consultant at Lagos zqÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k | Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k¤zÂ&#x2018;q k ÂŤĂ Ă ÂŤk}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x20AC;q|¤ k Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;q Â&#x17D;k |¤zÂ?q k Â?Â&#x17D;| Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;k Â&#x2018;|k continue her education abroad. Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k ÂŤĂ Ă ÂŤk Â&#x2018;|k ÂŤĂ Ă Ă&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻ|k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A; |} Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;k qzk Endocrinology at Hammersmith
| Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; k | Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;kqzk |zÂ&#x2014;|zÂ&#x203A;k zqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2014;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; She joined First Consultants Medical Centre in Obalende, Lagos, Nigeria where she worked ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;¯´|zÂ&#x201A;k ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k the Lead Consultant Physician and Endocrinologist.
Daily Newswatch
Special Report THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Greedy football coach arrested over drug-trafficking EMEKA IBEMERE
reed is the mother of all crimes; if not what would have made a football coach in a foreign country to try to Â&#x2014;|kq qÂ?qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;´Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;k But that was what 38-year-old Darlugar Ufondu Steven, did that led to his arrest in Nigeria after {ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x17D;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|k Â&#x201D;¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;q k ÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;kqzk |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;}k z~|Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk` jk Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k they prevented the suspect from smuggling drugs to the Nelson Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;ÂŁÂ kÂ?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k  Â&#x201A;q¡¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;||Âk place at the Murtala Muhammed zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k ` jÂ&#x203A;k ÂÂ&#x201A;ÂşÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;| Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x2018;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k  Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zqzÂ&#x20AC;k|~k Â&#x201E;qÂk qÂ&#x201E;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;  Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2018;|k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;ÂÂ&#x2DC;k The drug was concealed in a false compartment of the suspectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k airport, Hamza Umar, said that: â&#x20AC;&#x153;A 38-year-old man, Dalugar Ufondu Steven, was apprehended |zkÂ&#x17D;q k}Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026; k ~|¤zÂ&#x2014;k qzk Â&#x153;|  Â&#x201A;  q|zk |~k ÂŤÂ&#x2DC;ÂŹĂ&#x201A;ÂŹÂÂ&#x20AC;k |~k substances that tested positive for Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;° Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŁÂ k investigation, the suspect was an assistant coach in an amateur ~||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; kÂ? ¤Žkqzk |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026; k alleged to have confessed that he Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;k|¤Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x201A;Â?|z|Â&#x201D;qÂ?k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am married and have a child and I have lived in South Africa for Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k}|Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026;qzkÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; k~Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;|Â&#x201D;kŽ¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qzk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;q k q k Â&#x201D;ÂŻk Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k|~k Â&#x201D;¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC; qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; Â&#x2DC;k k}Â&#x2026; k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ?|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;k k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;k qzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;k}Â&#x2026;ÂŻk|~kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k ¹¤qÂ?ÂkÂ&#x201D;|zÂ&#x201A;ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kĂĄĂ&#x192;Â&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞkÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;kÂ?|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; kÂ&#x2018;|k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k ~Â&#x201E;qÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; Meanwhile, the Chairman/Chief Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;¤k Giade, has called on members of the public to support drug control Â&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;k He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have made Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x2026;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k qzk |¤Â&#x201E;k Â?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;´zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?|Â&#x2018;qÂ?kÂ&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk is prepared to detect hidden drugs Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;| Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;|z Â&#x2DC;k Members of the public should Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;|qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k  ¤ Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;°k The suspect would soon be charged Â&#x2018;|kÂ?|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k q k qzÂ?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; qzÂ&#x20AC;k
Minister of Justice, Adoke
Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2018;q|zkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;kq kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k its toll on Nigerian youths and the | Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026; qÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; k~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k abuse of illicit drugs supplied by Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; kº¤ Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2DC;k ¤Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A; k the consumer higher than expected and could lead to death and mental Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; Experts have reported that narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkqÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Âş|Â&#x201E;kÂ?Â&#x2026;¤ Â&#x201A;k |~k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;|ÂÂ&#x201A;zk Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k  |Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k armed robberies, civil upheavals Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D; k|~kÂ?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;¡Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;}k z~|Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk` jk Commander at the Murtala ¤Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k` jÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;| Â&#x203A;k harped on this in his presentation
Giade, NDLEA boss
to the participants of Course 36 at the National Institute of Policy and Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;qÂ?k Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201A; k` jÂ&#x203A;k ¤Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x203A;k | Â&#x2DC; Hamza said that narcotic drugs zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;kqzÂ&#x2014;¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k and millennium development Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026;  Â&#x2DC;k Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k Commander in a paper entitled: Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k | Â&#x201A;k |~k k qzk zÂ&#x2014;¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k National Development, drugs have Â&#x201D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;ÂŽq qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018; k|zkÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂqzÂ&#x2014;k than most dreaded epidemics, such Â&#x2026; k ÂŽ| Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Ă&#x2014; Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apart from the genocide of the Second World War, no other phenomenon has had more debilitating consequences on Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂqzÂ&#x2014;k qÂÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;qÂ?k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k
Apart from the genocide of the Second World War, no other phenomenon has had more debilitating consequences on mankind like the pandemic drug scourge
 Â?|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; k qzÂ&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x201A;k  |Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x192;qÂ?Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k civil upheavals and other forms of Â?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;°k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;¡Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x153;| qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;
Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂŻk}|Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k are thrown into the unemployment Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;|ÂÂ&#x201A;z´¤Â&#x153;k |zk Â&#x2026;Â?Â?|¤zÂ&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k ¤ Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k He explained that this occurs either when spouses are incarcerated |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |FÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A; k |Â&#x201E;k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zk they are grappling with drug Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014; ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k Â?Â&#x17D;q Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2026;Â?Âk proper parental upbringing thus Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;| qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qz¹¤Â&#x201A;zÂ?qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Hamza argued that if drug cartels could capitalize on the high population, bustling commerce, vibrant air transportation and geographical location of Nigeria, in Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Ă&#x17E; ÂŁk Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; k qÂÂ&#x201A;k Â?|Â?Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;|qzk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k other psychotropic substances; government should harness same factors in its counter-narcotics Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2DC;k A state of insecurity resulting from the activities of drug cartels could ~|Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;k  Âq Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k }|Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;|zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Âş|ÂŽÂ k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;k  Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k |¤Â&#x2018;k |~k  Â?Â&#x17D;|| Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;  |k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x201A; k ethical values and human capital Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k
Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;z¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E; k Â&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k by the activities of drug cartels Â&#x2026; k qzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k qz{Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x153;| qÂ&#x2018;qÂ? Â&#x203A;k agriculture, tourism as well as Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x153;Â&#x2DC;
Daily Newswatch
Special Report
Need for family farming to alleviate hunger OKEY OBIOZO
ears ago, it used to be a natural sight to see families engage in one form of farming or the other. Those were the good old days when house compounds were not interlocked or paved with stones but spaces were used for farming, no k |}k qzq k k} k |k k q| k when mothers prided themselves with the responsibility of conscientiously taking care of their families. This they did by ensuring that there was enough food in the house, whether there was enough money or not did not really k ® ¤ k ¯k k | k ~| k |~k gardens that boast of crops that ranged from | | k k zk k qF z k green vegetables, scent leaves, corn, cassava and cocoyam within their domain. By these it was easy to provide food without necessarily spending huge amounts |~k |z ¯ k ¤ kz|} ¯ k}q k k z z k ostentatious life that is rife in the society, £ k ¤ k q k |k z ¤ k ~| k |~k feeding. Corruption and westernisation has eroded such culture and there’s a sharp drop in family gardening. Now it sounds absurd and ridiculous to hear people engage in discussions that narrow down towards agricultural q k z k q k q k qzk k |z k women about the latest fashion trends in |}z k z| | ¯ k qF z k | k~|| k and what have you. Among men, it is about how to make money through whatever means, without any care about what to do to make food provision for the family cheaper. What this situation has simply produced is the exorbitant rate of feeding and there’s hunger everywhere. Besides, some hold the z| q|zk k z|k k |}k z q k k rate of feeding could be, their knack is to make money from every means possible to sustain their appetite. But this notion in true sense does not promote the common wealth of the people therefore hunger has become common place as a result. q k q k } ¯k k ~ k k |k eradicate hunger from Nigeria nay Africa k ¯q k qz q zq z k ¤ k z k estimates show that 1.2 billion people in the world currently live in extreme poverty, and at least 870 million go to bed hungry every zq k ¤ k |k q k z q|zk ® qz k q k |k agriculture. | k kq k k | q ¯kÁÃk k cent of all the agricultural holdings in Africa measure less than ten hectares. Agricultural census data also shows that around 80 per cent of agricultural holdings in sub-Saharan Africa and 88 per cent of those in developing countries in Asia measure less than 2 hectares. zk ¤ qz k | k |~k q qz k hunger especially among African people, family farming was re-introduced because it was perceived to play a crucial role in | qz k }| k ¤z k k q k k k an estimated 800 million people living below the global poverty line work in the agricultural sector. Yet, small holder agriculture has great potential to reduce overall national poverty levels. According to a landmark World Bank report, an increase of one per cent in agricultural GDP reduces poverty by four times as much as the same percentage increase in non-agricultural GDP. This is why development agencies, international research institutions, non | k | zq· q|z k z k k ~¤z qz k z k donor communities now see family farmers, nevertheless subsistence farming as key to alleviating global poverty and hunger. k kz k |} k q q qz k F q k ways to provide family farmers with the tools they need to really nourish the feeding
Adesina, Minister of Agriculture
needs of their families so that by and kq k}q k F k k k | q ¯ k k k ® | k qz q ® k ~| k qz z q k F| k |k be channelled towards the project in order to achieve hunger eradication in the country as a sure solution to food security. To this end, it is very important to z |¤ k k q q· z ¯k |} kqz qz kqzk q ¤ ¤ k k k k zk k k k | q ¯k |~k ~|| k ¤3 q z ¯k |¤ k q ¤ ¤ k at all levels had been the policy of several successive governments in the country, till k z k ® q k ® z q £ k q k made a complete departure from that long standing policy. From then on, the focus of the people was shifted to cash orientation. k ¤ kq k k z z k ¤z kqz{ q|zk and decadence in moral ethics which largely { k |¤ k q k | ¤ q|zk k followed and has become widespread in the nation. As a means of retracing our steps to those good old days again, the present administration has embarked on massive investments and policies that are meant to encourage people into farming. The policy is aggressively transforming Nigerian subsistence farmers into commercial growers by harnessing the largely untapped power of smallholders, increasing their yields, rebuilding supply chains and opening access to economies of scale. This why it is unbelievable that while
President Jonathan
government at the centre is aggressively pursuing agricultural growth in the entire nation, a laughable event occurred recently in Enugu, a state that belongs to the same ¯k k k z k} k k q qz k ¤ ¯k governor was impeached on account of engaging in family farming, an act that cast aspersion on the policy of the federal government on agriculture. On the other hand, it will be quite revealing to the younger generation to know that Nigeria was once the food basket of West Africa until when such fortune changed by k ~ k k |¯ k ¤ k k q | k k|q k kqzk«Á¬À k z k k q ¤ ¤ k sector began to wane from neglect. Now, the reality is that nearly half |~k q q zk q zk ¤z k k k undernourished, even as broken supply chains mean that up to a third of crops produced is wasted due to lack of adequate storage facilities. zk k k | k k | k zk estimates reveal that some 22 per cent of Nigeria’s population are unemployed; half |~k«¬k |k©Å´¯ ´| kqzk¤ ® zk k z£ k z k work. Some are turning to terrorist groups such as kidnapping and Boko Haram, which of course seem lucrative to the perpetrators. These factually are a population of the country’s youth population that could be turned into meaningful ends through agriculture but are involved in crime.
As a means of retracing our steps to those good old days again, the present administration has embarked on massive investments and policies that are meant to encourage people into farming
zk k®q k |k z k ¤z k z k q|zkqzk the country, the government of President Goodluck Jonathan has started treating agriculture as a problem to be solved. This is being achieved by the reformation agenda championed by the minister of agriculture under whose prerogative is that aspect of the transformation agenda of the government. The Agricultural Transformation Agenda programme is projected towards helping to develop a deregulation and investment | k k k |k k ¬k q q|zk agricultural jobs and add 20 million metric tons of produce to the domestic food supply ®¯k©ª«¬ The programme, according to the minister is already more than halfway to those goals, never minding that the procedure received k q k q q q k z k k } zk q k started but government was never deterred. The government has begun delivering subsidy vouchers electronically to more than 10 million farmers, a measure that has qz k k |¤z k|~k~ q q· k q ® k directly to smallholder farmers from 11 per z k |kÁÅk k z The agricultural sector over a period of time now has been witnessing activities ranging from private companies that are springing up throughout the food chain, ~ | q k k | ¤ k~ q q· k |kqz | k working directly with farmers to boost production. q k |z ¯k Ūk k z k |~k q k ® k z k currently used by farmers, a more-thanample water supply, and an exploding youth population that promises a vast supply of labour, there are potentials in Nigeria that is unequalled almost anywhere else in the world. There is a whole lot of reawakening in the country again and it is commendable that the vast focus of that re-engineering is channelled towards agriculture and the fact that there exist more natural resources beyond oil that could be tapped and more | | ¤zq q k |k® k k | k|~k k The objective of feeding Nigeria therefore q kqzk z qz k} ¯ k |k z ~| k ¤® q z k farmers into entrepreneurs. As Nigeria struggles to crack the problem of feeding herself, boosting production is only half of the solution, the hope for the future lies not in mass production, but in production by the masses.
Daily Newswatch
Crime Thursday, September 25, 2014
Nigeria police force trade words with Amnesty International over report
IGP orders tightening of security around orphanage centres
ollowing recent disturbing trends involving the selling of babies within and outside the country especially in some Motherless Babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homes across the country, the Inspector-General of Police, IGP ¤ Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk ÂŽÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k Assistant Inspectors-General of Police qzk Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k |~k |zÂ&#x2026; k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q  q|zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k |~k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k to put measures in place so as to put an immediate end to the illegal sale of babies in the country. While reiterating that all the |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x201A;  k Â&#x2026;ÂŽqÂ&#x201A; k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; k in their respective domains should be properly monitored so as to nip in the Ž¤Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;3Â?ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k|~kÂŽÂ&#x2026;ÂŽqÂ&#x201A; k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzkÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k outside the country, the IGP directed that all Police personnel should be thoroughly lectured on this subject. The IGP therefore called on the members of the public to furnish the Police with the necessary information that will help in addressing this heinous crime.
...Sues for peace President Jonathan Stories: OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
he police high command has roundly refuted Amnesty International report alleging torture and other illtreatment in Nigeria, just as Amnesty International Research and Advocacy Director for Africa, upholds its stannce.The Director, Netsanet Belay, said the right group was disappointed with the statement. The group said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are disappointed that the Nigeria Police Force has responded to our report with allegations of indecency and lack of Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;}|kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x153;Â&#x2018;q|z kÂŽÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153; qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k to their treatment of detainees. According to it.the police decision to deny Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC; k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;~¤ k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k report or examining the accusations made in it Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ?Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201D;qzÂ&#x2026; kqzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k - apportioning blame before ascertaining the facts. Their pledge to investigate abuses rings hollow so long as they continue to refute our evidence of systemic torture, gathered from more than 500 cases, including testimonies ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ?¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x153;| qÂ?Â&#x201A;k|3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;° The Amnesty International said torture had become such an integral part of policing in Nigeria that many police stations have an qz~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; k Âś 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qzk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k |~k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;°k |Â&#x201E;k Ă&#x2014; k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk ¤ Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk |~k techniques, including nail or tooth extractions, choking, electric shocks and sexual violence. However, in a release signed by the Forceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Suleiman Abba, IGP
spokesman, Emmanuel Ojukwu, a copy of which was made available to Daily Newswatch, the police described the report as unfounded and a tissue of lies. The Amnesty, in an online publication entitled â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Welcome to HellFireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;: torture and other ill-treatment in Nigeria had carpeted Nigeria police with recourse to violation of human rights and sundry. According to Ojukwu, â&#x20AC;&#x153; while we do not question the freedom of Amnesty International to earn its relevance and bread, the Nigeria Police takes serious exceptions to some blatant falsehoods and innuendoes contained in that report. For one, it smacks of indecency and intemperate language to liken our dear nation qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â?Â&#x2026;zz|Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k believe that Nigeria is a growing nation, green and largely peaceful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;While the Nigeria Police and other operators in the criminal justice sector are undergoing systematic reforms, and aligning themselves with the demands of democracy, there is no gain saying the fact that the Nigeria Police Force has  qzÂ?Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qÂ&#x2018; k |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;3Â?qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;  Â&#x2DC;k qzÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;}zk|~kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;|Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â?ÂŻkqzk ÂŤĂ Ă Ă Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k qÂ&#x20AC;zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻk improved on its human rights records, owing largely to training and re-training, community Â&#x153;| qÂ?qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x2026; k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;¤Â?Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;z ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2DC;° In its report under reference, Amnesty International did admit in its methodology that it visited some Police Formations and
We crave the indulgence of Amnesty , _ # " # # of its allegations to enable us reach the ends of justice for the alleged victims, and to improve our service delivery
he Inspector-General of Police, k ¤ Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk ÂŽÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k unequivocally that the order ÂŽÂ&#x2026;zzqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A; qzÂ&#x20AC;k ¤Â&#x153;k |~k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;´ blocks nationwide is still strictly in force. He said that his administration would do everything humanly possible Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kqÂ&#x2018; kÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;  Â&#x2DC;k zkÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k q  ¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2026; k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k of the Force, the IGP warned that all semblances of Police road-blocks and permanent check-points reportedly reemerging in some parts of the country, Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;´ Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;´ |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;´ Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;|´Â&#x153;| qÂ&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k zones of Nigeria should immediately be dismantled. The IGP who described the trend as a serious violation of subsisting order on road-blocks, warned that severe  Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x2018;q|z kÂ&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂŻk | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014; Â&#x203A;k Formations and personnel who violate the order. Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q  q|zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k|~k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014; k|~k Formations to ensure total compliance with this order, the IGP further orders Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;z qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x192;q qÂŽq qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;| k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k surveillance on our roads.
interviewed some family members of suspects. Ojukwu said that at no time in its report, did Amnesty speak or interface with the Police authorities â&#x20AC;&#x153;which obviously shows their disdain and apparent lack of character where the democratic tenets of fair hearing are concerned. The report covered a seven year period of 2007-2014. I dare say that some of the issues raised have since been dispensed with and  Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;k Of a truth, torture or ill-treatment is not, Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k k Â&#x2026;zk |3Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x153;| qÂ?ÂŻk |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;° º¤Â}¤kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qz k~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Ă&#x152;kÂśÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k|~k |zÂ&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;k |~k 3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; k }Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026; k |¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x17D;qÂŽqÂ&#x2018;k torture and incivility to members of the public. We are versed with international best practices, Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk |z Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014; k Â&#x17D;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;k |k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|k z|Â&#x2018;k routinely torture suspects. It is not systemic or endemic. Whenever instances of human rights abuses are brought to the notice of superintending |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |FÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; |zzÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018; ÂŻk sanctioned in line with the laws and regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, Nigeria Police Force has a zero tolerance for corruption and abuse of power. There is no Immunity for impunity in qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;° Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k ~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Ă&#x152;œŽÂ&#x201A; qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Nigeria Police is women-friendly. We do not target sex workers, nor routinely adopt rape as Â&#x2026;k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;|zÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;°k The police image maker however promised that the authorities shall meticulously scan through the document, and investigate any current human rights abuses linked to any |3Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |Â&#x201E;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;zÂŻk qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂŽ q Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026; ~Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k or misconduct shall be treated in line with the laws and regulations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We crave the indulgence of Amnesty zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;|Â&#x203A;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k ~¤Â&#x201E;zq Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k | qÂ?Â&#x201A;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2019;Â?k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;q  k |~k qÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k to enable us reach the ends of justice for the alleged victims, and to improve our service Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;¯°Â&#x2DC; He said the Nigeria Police Force remains responsive to the yearnings of Nigerians for improved safety and security. Ojukwu
Daily Newswatch Crime Thursday, September 25, How robbery suspects robbed police officer investigating their case
he arrest of some notorious armed robbers along Lagos/ Badagry road have revealed how they (the armed robbers) |®® k k | q k |3 k `z k withheld) investigating their case at Ojo area of Lagos. The arrested among the seven-man gang of robbers who robbed ill-fated passangers that boarded their operational vehicle are; Amodu Victoria and isiaka. An investigative police source who hinted on their case said the robbery gang following their series of atrocities at Badagry axis of Lagos had earlier been reported by the victims at Ojo police division. According to him, it was unfortunate that the Investigating Police 3 k` jk|~k k k} k |®® k®¯k k reported gang days after their case was reported at the division. Explaining the z k |~k k ¤ £k |F z k qz k the IPO, the police source added that the suspects after disposing the woman police Investigating their case of her belongings, they naked her and dropped her at a desert area along the axis. Speaking with our correspondent over the case, a 27-year-old member of the gang who was also a commercial sex worker, Victoria Amodu, explained that she played ‘vital roles’ in the gang during their operations. Amodu, an acclaimed member of the gang hailsfrom Benin, Edo State, was arrested by the Lagos State Police Command last week in a hotel in Seme, near Badagry where she was plying her ‘trade’ . Shesaid she was bait used by the suspects in their operations. Our correspondent gathered that Amodu allegedly belonged to the gang of robbers who were notorious for picking ¤z ¤ qz k z k qzk { ¯k k and robbing them in dark corners at gunpoints. q ¯k } } k z qz k k kk Amodu was arrested by the Special AntiRobbery Squad after a member of the gang, Ahmed Isiaka, who had earlier been apprehended in, August, named her as an accomplice. k | ¤ k } q k qz k ±¤ q|z k ~ | k our correspondent explained that her role during robbery operations was to disguise as a passenger, and pose beside the driver so that their victims would feel secured after seeing a woman in the vehicle. She said, “During any robbery operation, I would dress casually and sit in the front beside the driver. Isiaka was the driver. Our vehicle usually ply Seme to Lagos areas. The passengers we picked on sighting me in the vehicle would come in without suspicion. “Then after going for a while, the driver would receive a signal from other vehicles at our back where other gang members were, and we would stop at a lonely bushy area, and rob our victims. “After the robbery, the vehicles would ·|| k|Fk |k z| k k z q ¯k |k q k k fresh round of passengers. That was how we operated. From each of the operations, they gave me N15,000 and sometimes N10,000. “I met the gang in May this year. It was one gang member named Okanlawon who came to the hotel, and took me out for the night. He then introduced their work to me, and said I would be needful for their operations. I was not the only lady the gang used.” Amodu, who said she earlier had a quarrel with her husband in Benin, added that she took to commercial sex work as a result of poverty. Meanwhile, Isiaka, the other member of the gang arrested by the police said their
Isiaka and Victoria
common spot where they pick passengers and robe them are in Lagos were Iyana Oba, Agbara and Oko Afo and others.
k k k k k k® zk k by the Ojo Police Division before he was brought to SARS. “I have been working with the gang since last year November. I was the driver who worked with Victoria. We did not come out until around 8.30pm. With Victoria in the front seat, it was easy to
pick many passengers without arousing their suspicion. I was arrested by the Ojo Police Division last month after a long trace on us. “On the day of my arrest, one of the victims we robbed, a woman who was smart to pen down the vehicle’s registration number, reported to the police station, and they got on our trail. When the police found the vehicle at daytime, they then stopped me and
arrested me.” According to the police, the syndicate is a seven-man gang, who operated between Seme and Lagos. It was further learnt that the gang, which used Mazda, Mitsubishi and Golf vehicles for their operations, were armed with guns. The police said one of the operational vehicles of the gang had been recovered while further investigation is in progress to get the other suspects.
Crime rate in Niger State has reduced –Compol state adding that out of these suspects, 39 were screened out while 143 suspects were he Niger state Police Command charged to court with 124 convicted while has disclosed that the crime rate the others are awaiting trail. He said, “crime wave in Niger state in the state has drastically reduced due to the commitment of its men between August and September has z k |3 k |k q k ¤ ¯k º¤ k k drastically reduced and this is due to regular the Command said that 182 suspects were patrols and constant raids of criminal arrested across the state in the last two hideouts and blackspots. “In the period under review, a total months. The new Commissioner of Police in number of 65 raids were carried out across the state, Mr. Olusola Emmanuel Amore the state and a total number of 182 suspects disclosed this to newsmen in Minna during were arrested. 39 suspects were screened out and 143 suspects were charged to court with parade of some suspects. He said that the suspects were arrested in k qz~| q|zk | k ` jk ~| k qF z k 65 raids carried out by the Police across the |F z “A total of 124 suspects were convicted JUSTINA ASISHANA, Minna
while 19 others awaiting trial and 103 exhibits were recovered in connection with the cases.” The Commissioner of Police disclosed that the state Police Command has restrategized to reduce the crime rate in the state. He added that he will focus mainly on community policing to reduce the gap between the police and the community } q k k q k q k | q z k |k k crime and protect lives and properties. “My slogan is ‘Together we can’. We will k q Ìk | k q k z k | q Ìk k value to governance. We will bring police service closer to the people; we will serve the people and not harass or intimidate them.”
‘Govt businesses, not run on facebook’
Gov. Fashola
he Lagos State Government has called on Residents of the State to be wary of a facebook scam whereby some unscrupulous persons are using the photographs of Governor Babatunde Fashola, SAN, and ascribing q q|¤ k z k |k q k |zk ~ k Facebook accounts aimed at defrauding innocent citizens. The call became necessary in view of the activities of scammers who have been issuing out series of Facebook comments and information in the name of the Governor with the intention of duping unsuspecting members of the public. A statement by the Governor’s Special Adviser on Media, Mr. Hakeem Bello, said the conmen have, through Facebook, been urging citizens to apply for some existing government ~ q q q k | k ¤ q q q k z k |k ® z k the public but to which some agencies of government have been given the responsibility to manage. The Government warned that such information must be emanating from
people out to defraud members of the public adding that government businesses such as Home ownership by mortgage and pilgrimage are purely conducted on the authentic websites and other social media outlets managed by agencies of the State Government with assigned responsibilities in qF z k k One of such information titled, “Disbursement of Subsidy Dividend (SURE-P)” purported to have been issued by the Governor is informing “Citizens that Subsidy proceed is available for Agro and commercial business”, and asking them to “Apply for soft loan with no collateral, zero z kqz k k z k{ q® k ° While advising citizens to always clarify with the appropriate agencies of Government before embarking on any dealings with people purportedly working for the State Government, the Government warned those involved in the nefarious act to desist or be ready to face the wrath of the law when it catches up with them.
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Daily Newswatch Thursday, September 25, 2014
North East
FG distributes fertilizer to 600,000 farmers
Commission inspects FG projects in North East
o fewer that 600,000 farmers in Adamawa  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;k from fertilizer subsidy embarked upon by the Federal Government Growth Enhancement Scheme (GES) The state Director Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Walia Hamman, made the Â&#x2014;q Â? | ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kkkÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k{Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;´ |Fk |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;Â?|zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k |~k GES fertilizer distribution at Kofare Ward of Yola. Hamman said that the development followed a request sent to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Dr. Akinwumi Adesina by the acting Governor of Adamawa State Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri in order to boost agriculture in the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wish to inform you that on the request of the Acting Governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, the Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Akinwumi Adesina graciously approved the scale up of GES in Adamawa state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Under this scale up, over Ă&#x192;ÂŞÂŞÂ&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞk ~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k }q k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;k as against 193,000 farmers Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k GES..â&#x20AC;?, Hamman said. Hamman who explained that under the programme each farmer would be given two bags of subsidized fertilizer expressed hope that the gesture would led to bumper harvest.
Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k farmer will have 50 percent subsidy as the Federal Government has subsidized 25 percent while the state government subsidized 25 percent of the cost making the ÂŽÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201A;zÂş|ÂŻk ÂŹÂŞk Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;cent subsidy The state Commissioner for Agriculture, Chief John Elias, in his address said government had received supply of 1.2 million bags of fertilizer for this cropping season. Elias said Government was also making preparations for dry season farming where farmers who | Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153; k Â&#x2018;|k {||Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k would take advantage of dry season farming to recoup their losses. The commissioner warned Agro Dealers who would handle the sales of subsidized fertilizer to farmers across the state against diversion saying government would monitor the exercise and sanction anyone found wanting. In his remarks, the state chairman of Agro Dealers Association, Alhaji Usman Bapullo, said the association has 45 centres across the state for the sale of the subsidized fertilizer to farmers.
he Fiscal Responsibility Commission (FRC) yesterday embarked on monitoring and evaluation of Federal Government
projects in the North East subregion. The team leader of the commission to North East, Mr Ibrahim Dauda, told newsmen in Yola that the exercise in the zone which commenced with projects in Moddibbo
Adama University of Technology (MAITECH) was in compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Bill which requires the commission to ensure prudent management. â&#x20AC;&#x153; This exercise is nationwide; this is the team for
North East and we are starting with projects in Adamawa. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are inspecting projects which were budgeted for and fund provided. We want to look at the extent of their completion among othersâ&#x20AC;?, Dauda said.
Dauda said from Adamawa state the team would proceed to Taraba where it would inspect projects at Federal Medical Centre Jalingo. â&#x20AC;&#x153; We will also visit FMC Azare in Bauchi state and the Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital in Maiduguri Borno stateâ&#x20AC;?, Dauda said.
Adamawa bye Election: Lawmaker charges electorate to vote credible candidate OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola
member representing Jada-Mbulo constituency at Adamawa State House of Assembly Hon. HamÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;z ¤Â¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A; q ¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x203A;k k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;vised the state electorate to vote for a credible candidate in the forthcoming 11 October byeTeam Leader, Fiscal Responsibility Commission, Monitoring Team to North East, Mr. Ibrahim Dauda (right) and others members, election who will ameliorated Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ¤FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;  Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; monitoring Federal Government projects, at Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. The law maker also charged people to desist from money politics, a tool he said used by NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi son, Mrs Binta Massi Garba of proven integrity, a man insurgents, who had even politicians to woo and enslaved electorate future instead they said what the country needs that is versatile even in the Â&#x17D;|q Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k{Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC; s former Vice at the moment is a person politics of our country.â&#x20AC;? Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  ¤ŽÂ&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k should go for credible candidates P r e s i d e n t , who can salvage the country According to her, much as on this, people of the zone, that have their interest at heart. The lawmaker declared that Alhaji Atiku from its current problems. Nigeria needed Atiku as its particularly the youth, were Abubakar yesShe said that Atiku was not next president from 2015, saying no to bad govern- the only sure way developterday declared only a detribalised Nigerian the North-East geopoliti- ance and clamouring for mental projects can trive in the his intention to vie for the but also a man of proven in- cal zone needed him more, Atiku Abubakar to bring the state is for the electorates to 2015 presidential election, tegrity who was versatile in apart from being its own, to much-desired change to the rally round the acting goverchieftains of the party in the Nigerian political terrain, salvage the people of Nige- North-East in particular and nor of the state Hon Ahmadu Umar Fintiri, in the 11 October North East have described adding that the people need- ria and more especially the Nigeria in general. the politician as the best ed him now than ever before. people from the zone who â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a clarion call by bye election. Â&#x201A; q ¤Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A; Â?Â&#x201E;qÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~|Â&#x201E;man to chart a new direction According to her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;For- were currently under the all and sundry that Atiku for Nigeria in the face of in- mer Vice-President Atiku siege of insurgents. Abubakar, Turaki Ad- mer Speaker of the state Assemsurgents holding the coun- Abubakar has been tested The Chairperson said that amawa, should come out to bly as a messiah that contribtry to ransom. and has proven his demo- the zone was the only one salvage the people of Nige- uted much for overall interest Speaking to newsmen cratic competence. He is the in the country that had been ria, more especially the ones and development of the state shortly after the North East man who can chart a new undermined, neglected and from the North-Eastern part by leading other law makers to All Progressives Congress direction for the people of stampeded, saying that lo- of this country from the in- impeach tyranny government (APC) stakeholders endorsed this great country. He is a cal governments in the zone surgency that has ravaged led by ousted Governor Murtala Nyako. Atiku for presidency, the Ad- detribalised Nigerian; a man had been taken over by the people. He explained that removamawa state APC chairpering former Governor Murtala Nyako, over gross misconduct was not an easy task as the live Continued from Page 2 civil society organisations and her university education and global interest on them. of the Speaker and other lawBorno State Chairman of makers were being threatened The Borno State Govern- other trauma managers con- thanked parents of the 36 girls ment is spending a minimum ducted trauma management that released their children the Christians Association of by his loyalists. of N1.4 annual fees on each sessions for the schoolgirls for continued education, not- Nigeria, Reverend Titus Pona
|zÂ&#x2DC; Â&#x201A; q ¤Â&#x201E;qk Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;q of the schoolgirls in their at the Government House in ing that his government was who is an elder in Chibok closure at Peoples Democratic new schools, besides other Maiduguri some months back Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153; ÂŻkÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201A;z ¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k community, was full of prais- Party(PDP) campaign rally in costs for welfare, Governor Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x201E;  k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k ~|Â&#x201E;k their children were provided Â&#x201A; k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;k ~|Â&#x201E;k ~¤ Â&#x2019; qzÂ&#x20AC;k Jada Local Government Area of access to the best education his pledge of relocating the the state yesterday, ahead of the Â&#x2026; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k Â&#x2014;q - continued education. freed schoolgirls to interna- Governorship by bye-election The governor said while it Â&#x201D;|zÂ&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ?Â&#x2026;zk|FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kqzk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC;k closed this, pleaded not to disHe said his administration tional schools. close the names of the schools was a hard decision to send the in the state. Pona who was part of the in order to shield them from 36 girls back to school when has a bias for female education, He commended the party public distraction and to safe- their colleagues were still in which was why he introduced trauma management sessions stakeholders for throwing their guard the security of the girls captivity, government, he said, a female medical education in- organised for the schoolgirls political weight behind Rt. Hon. has not given up on the girls tervention programme under in June, 2014, said it was grati- Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri who is and the new schools. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;kÂŽÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;~k~Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;- still held, noting that no sane which 50 female citizens drawn fying to him that daughters also the flagbearer of the party. well held for the girls at the parent would rule out a child from the 27 local government of his kinsmen were given a According to him, every law areas of the state currently un- great opportunity to achieve makers received no less than Government House in Maid- that is held in captivity. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;k Â?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k dergo full scholarship to study great heights in life and called 500 caIls each day during the uguri yesterday, he opted to  Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x201E;  k qzk Â&#x2014;qFÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k schoolgirls to be of good be- medicine abroad, while more on the girls to remember bib- impeachment proceedings schools so as not to make suit- haviours, obey the rules of will be sent in a continuous ex- lical sermons he quoted to and we were warned that we them during their trauma ses- would be killed if continue able, unnecessary visits that their new schools, put their ercise. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;- sions and other things they with the impeachment process. would continue to make them ÂŽq Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k subject of public focus given and focus on their studies so bers of the media not to bring learnt. The revelation of the lawSpeaker after speaker at the maker followed by an earlier as to achieve their dreams in to the public, the new schools Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC; |ÂŽÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;q|zk|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; the girls would be relocated, farewell also called on the statement by Hon. Musa KaAccording to him, the deci- life. The Governor announced Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zkq~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;k schoolgirls to be focused on male a loyalist of Gen. Buba sion to relocate the schoolgirls was reached after psychoso- that any of the schoolgirls that out through investigations, their education to make them- Marwa who drew a comparicial experts, psychologists, |ÂŽÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;qz k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;qzqÂ&#x201D;¤Â&#x201D;k |~k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k noting that exposing their selves, parents and Borno son between the reign of the medical doctors, interfaith re- credits will be awarded auto- schools could expose them State very proud at the end of former governor Nyako to that ligious experts, women from matic scholarship throughout and the schools due to the the day. of the king pharoah of Egypt.
2015: Atiku is the right person for Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C;North East APC
B/Haram in disarray, DHQ confirms Shekauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death
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Daily Newswatch Thursday, September 25, 2014
North West
Cholera claims 12, many hospitalised in Dutse DAHIRU SULEIMAN, Dutse
o fewer than twelve kids between the ages |~k Â&#x2019;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŤÂŤk years were conÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k others were hospitalized at both Dutse General Hospital and Rasheed Specialist Hospital following an outbreak of Gastro-entriasis (Cholera). Â&#x2026;q ÂŻk Â&#x201A;} }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k has revealed that the worst af~Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;k}Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;¤Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zk |¤Â&#x2018; ÂqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k|~k ¤Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153;| q Â&#x2DC; It added that the outbreak was as a result of bad saniÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â?|zÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x2018;q|zk |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k coupled with lack of treated water due to constant electricity outrage. |zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q  q|zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |~k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;k Ž¤ŽÂ&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153; |ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;¤zqÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; k|~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were aware of the un~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â?qÂ&#x201E;Â?¤Â&#x201D; Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k}Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k|zkÂ&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  qÂ&#x2018;¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z°Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;k
 Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kĂ&#x201A;Ă&#x192;Â&#x203A;ÂŞÂŞÂŞkÂ?Â&#x2026; - Â?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzk ¤Â&#x2018; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;~Â&#x2018;ÂŻk ~|¤Â&#x201E;k Â?Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k |¤Â&#x2018;k |~k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k He assured that all hands es of Cholera outbreak since Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x153;| q k Â&#x2026; |zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;qzq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201E;- were on deck in containing
¤zÂ&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;k~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201D;qzq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;ÂŻk qÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2DC; the situation.
Primary Health Care Coordinator, Faskari Local Government Area, Katsina State Hajia Muheebat Abdullahi (left), administering polio vaccine on a child in Tafoki Village, during the September round Immunization Campaign against Polio and other child killer diseases in the Stateâ&#x20AC;Śon Wednesday.
Why govts enact strict laws on consumption, sales of drugs- Maikudu TED ODOGWU, Kano
rugs are not only strategic to the Â? qzqÂ?Â&#x2026; k |¤Â&#x2018;Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k of the patient in need but also a Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x2026; k q  ¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k qÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2014;q Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qŽ¤Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k  Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â?|z ¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;z|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;zk   |Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk|~k zÂ&#x2014;¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â?q Â&#x2018; k ` jÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;q¤Â&#x2014;¤kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; In his opening speech at the  qÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k zz¤Â&#x2026; k ÂŻÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;| q¤Â&#x201D;k |~k the association held in Kano ÂŻÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;q¤Â&#x2014;¤k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018; k qÂ&#x20AC;zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k }Â&#x17D;ÂŻkÂ&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; kÂ&#x2026; k|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k world enacted strict rules and regulations on this aspect of the health practice.  |Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;qÂ?k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;¤Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x2026;  Â&#x203A;kqz~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; |zk~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;ÂŽÂ | ¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ?Â&#x2026;¤Â&#x2018;q|zk~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x17D;k|~kÂ&#x2026;kzÂ&#x201A;}kÂ&#x201D;|qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â? qzqÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;  Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x2014;q Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qŽ¤Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻkqÂ&#x2018; k Â?|z ¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2DC; Ă&#x17E;ÂŁ Â&#x17D;q k ~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qz k }Â&#x17D;ÂŻk the issue of the handling of Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; k Â&#x201D;¤ Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k|~kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  q|zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â?q Â&#x2018; kÂ&#x20AC; |ÂŽÂ&#x2026; ÂŻÂ&#x2DC;ÂŁÂŁ
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TETFund, agency for revitalization, says BUK VC
 Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;ÂŽ Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; k Â&#x17D;q k ¤z~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k  Â?Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q|Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |ÂŽÂ Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qz k the reason why despite the z¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;|¤ k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ?qÂ&#x201A; k |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k against fake and substandard Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;qz k¤zÂ&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;  |Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;q¤Â&#x2014;qk k Â&#x2014;q Â? | Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k z¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;|¤ k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; |¤Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x153;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2014;q Â&#x153;| Â&#x2026; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k z|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x17D;| Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?qÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026; k}Â&#x201A; k as the private sector entreprezÂ&#x201A;¤Â&#x201E; kÂ&#x2018;|k ||ÂkqzÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â?|z|Â&#x201D;ÂŻkÂŽÂŻk encouraging and investing in |Â?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;¤Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;z¤facturing. zk Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Âk |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â?Â?Â&#x2026; q|zÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;z|kk Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q  q|zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ~|Â&#x201E;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k zÂ&#x2014;¤ Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k qzÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201E;k k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;|¤Âk Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k ¤ŽÂ&#x201E;qzk Â&#x2014;q Â? | Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026; Âk |Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A;k |zk q licit drugs not only destroyed Â?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;~Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; Â&#x203A;k Â&#x192;Â&#x2026; ¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Ă&#x2026;k ÂŽq q|zk Ž¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;  |k  Â&#x201A;q¡Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k q -
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qÂ?qÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC; Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ancient city of Kano has been Â&#x2014;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;~Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;kkz|Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;zqÂ&#x2018;ÂŻkqzÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;¤Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;qties in the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;?We will continue to take the issue of fake drugs head |zÂ&#x203A;k}Â&#x201A;k ¤Â?Â?Â&#x201A;  ~¤ ÂŻk Â&#x17D;¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2014;|}zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kz|Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;q|¤ kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Ž¤ŽÂ&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x201D;qk Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x2018;q kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;q Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k qzk Â&#x2026;k  Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026; k ~Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k}q kz|Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2026;Â&#x201C;k¤zÂ&#x2018;q k}Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2014;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x201A;°k qk Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;¤k stated.
Kebbi NYSC office razed by fire AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |3Â?Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kk National Youth Service Corps [NYSC] Kebbi state has been Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;¡Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kzqÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x2018;k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Âk }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kk  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkĂ kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂŤÂŞÂ&#x153;Â&#x201D;k ¤Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkÂ&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; k of the state coordinator of-
Â&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |ÂŽq q¡Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk|~Â&#x2019;Â?Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŁÂ k|3Â?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; k}Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC; |zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qzÂ?qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â?||Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k ÂŽÂ&#x2014;¤ Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;qk ¤ ¤~k Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x2026;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k |¤Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k which occurred as a result of Â&#x153;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;kÂ&#x201A; Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂ?k }qÂ&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|Â?¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;
He stated that appropriate authorities have been qz~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k service were able to stop the Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ?|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k|¤Â&#x2018;k|~k hands. The State Coordinator thanked the people in the zÂ&#x201A;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;ÂŽ|Â&#x201E;Â&#x17D;||Â&#x2014;k k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k service personnels for their support and cooperation.
2015: Kano PDP pledges to ensure justice, fair play TED ODOGWU, Kano
ano Chapter |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;|Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;|Â?Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qÂ?k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk ` jÂ&#x203A;k ÂŻÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk pledged to ensure justice and fair play to all contestants seeking elecÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;| qÂ&#x2018;q|z k|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;k |~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻkqzkŠªÂ&#x2DC; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Âşqk Â&#x2026;ÂŽq£¤k Â&#x2026;z Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Âşqk q ¹¤Â&#x2026;k ÂŽÂŽÂ&#x2026;k ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k |zk|~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k|~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;k ¤Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k who is a contestant for the Kano Governorship race on
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Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k and entire country. Ă&#x17E;ÂŁ ÂŻk Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2018;¤Â&#x201A;k |~k ÂŻ|¤Â&#x201E;k ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â?ÂÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;|¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k ÂŻ|¤k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;  |k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;pected to conduct your Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x20AC;zk Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â?|Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;k  Â&#x201A;z Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;|z qÂŽq qÂ&#x2018;ÂŻÂŁÂŁÂ&#x203A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2026;z Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;¤Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|k |Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;zk|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2014;||Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x153;| qÂ?ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;ÂŻk Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k including stakeholders to Â&#x2026;Â?Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k zÂ&#x201A;}k |3Â?qÂ&#x2026;  k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k necessary support and co|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x203A;k |kÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x201D;|Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k party forward. Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kqzkÂ&#x17D;q kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x203A;k |Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026; k qzk
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ice Chancellor of Bayero University Kano ` jÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x201E;|~Â&#x201A;  |Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;¤k Ž¤ŽÂ&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k ÂŻÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻkqzk Â&#x2026;z|kÂ?|zÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201C;~¤zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;qz k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;| Â&#x2018;k qÂ&#x201D;portant single intervention agency in the revitalisation of higher education in Nigeria. In an interview with the Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; ÂŻk Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ŠªĂ&#x2026;k
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Agali wants Uche back in Eagles
ormer Super EaÂ&#x20AC; Â&#x201A; k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k qÂ?Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;k ÂÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x17D;¤Â}¤k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; qk has joined the calls for q Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k k |~k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;qzk  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k ÂÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x17D;¤Â}¤k Uche to be recalled to Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; He joins the list of former players that have called for a resolution of the issues between Uche and Coach Stephen Keshi. The former Shalke ÂŞĂ&#x2026;k |~k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂŻk  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;qÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;k qÂ&#x201D;q Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k qzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;  |k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k and admonished both player and coach not to look at themselves, but the country. Âś Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026; k}Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201D;ÂŻkÂ&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ÂŻ|¤k
Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k ~Â&#x2026; qzÂ&#x20AC;k |¤Â&#x2018;k with coaches. Âś ¤Â&#x2018;k qÂ&#x2018;ÂŁÂ k z|Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k qÂ&#x2018;ÂŁÂ k z|Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x2018;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂŁÂ k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k when it comes to football. Âś k º¤ Â&#x2018;k }Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x153; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k with those involved, Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x203A;k qÂ&#x2018;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k |¤Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k qÂ&#x2018;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;k |~k |¤Â&#x201E;k Â?|¤zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x203A;°k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k said. The animosity between Keshi and Uche is widely reported, with Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D;k by Keshi that Uche wantÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k~|Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x203A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k the 30-year old striker re~¤Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k  ¤Â?Â&#x17D;k Â? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D; Â&#x203A;k  Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŁÂ kÂ&#x2026; }Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;ÂŻkÂ&#x2018;|k play for his country.
Daily Newswatch THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Minister clears Abuja Stadium
he Minister of Sports and Chairman, National Sports Commission, Dr. Tammy DazÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x20AC;|k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k satisfaction with the state of facilities at the National Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;q¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k Ž¤ºÂ&#x2026;k  Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k that the stadium could Â&#x17D;| Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂŻk Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k short notice. Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qz Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k ~Â&#x2026;Â?q qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;tional Stadium, Abuja, the Minister said: Âś Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qzk |} k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;q¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201E;||Â&#x201D; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;  k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k  Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;qz Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k }|Â&#x201E;ÂqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;~Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018; ÂŻk|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;k kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k happy to say that the stadium can host any sport-
Â&#x2026;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;k}|¤ Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;k reserved for the national team, the other for visitqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k ~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026; k¤ Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?tively. The Director (Stadium Â&#x2026;Â?q qÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201A; jk zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x17D;¤k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201D;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qzspection by the Minister was to assess the readiness of the stadium to Â&#x17D;| Â&#x2018;k  Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k inspect how the Commis q|zÂŁÂ kÂ?Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026; kŽ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x2026; k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2DC; He reiterated the MinqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;kz|Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;° of the stadium, stated that q Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;  ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ?Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x20AC;|k}Â&#x17D;|kÂ&#x2026;  |k Â&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; k }Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k facilities within the staÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;qzÂ&#x201A;  k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;|}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;´Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;  qzÂ&#x20AC;k dium were in perfect the constant power supply |~k Â&#x2018;}|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2018;q|zÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;k condition and in readiÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â?Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k pitches. zÂ&#x201A;  kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x17D;| Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2026;zÂŻk Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201E;||Â&#x201D; k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;q k }q k ÂŽÂ&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;- event successfully within  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂŽ|Â&#x201C;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;qzkÂŽ|} k dium to a standard where a short notice.
Keshi hints on Eagles return to Abuja
oach Stephen Keshi has hinted that may likely return to Abuja for a decisive AFCON qualiÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;k ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;zk zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;k
Coaches appeal to NFF Congress
he Chairman, NiÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k ||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k Coaches Association (NFCA), Federal Capital Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;|Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k |Â&#x2014;}qzk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;ÂŽ|ÂŻÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k ||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k Federation to unanimously vote for the representation of the As |Â?qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zk |zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k of the Federation come September 30th election. He made this appeal Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x192;q qÂ&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Chairman of the Federal Capital Territory Football Association, Saeed Musa Talle. He told the Football Association Chairman Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k ||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k Coaches stand solidly behind its President, qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201E;¤ Â&#x201A;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;|k he described as a man who has contributed immensely to football deÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kqzk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x20AC;ÂŽ|ÂŻÂ&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k unequivocally that Â&#x2026;zÂŻk Â&#x192;|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;}Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;k translates to love for the football coaches, who undoubtedly are the heartbeat of football.
He commended the football stakeholders for their maturity in checkqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x201E;q Â&#x201A; k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k ||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;eration, which he earlier described as a virus that should be contained }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;kqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;FÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC; He admonished members not to rest on their |Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; Â&#x203A;k ¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;ÂŻk down a new foundation ~|Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;|}Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k|~k~||Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x2026; k qzk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2DC; He advised the conÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153; ÂŻk Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k Â?Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k¤z~| Â&#x2014;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x201E;¤qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kqzÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;k of the Federation and warned that if members are not meticulous in their choice, it will tantamount to another crisis either soon after or later. zk Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; Â&#x153;|z Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Chairman of the Federal Capital Territory Football Association, Saeed Musa Talle promised to personally talk to his col Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201A; kqzkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kĂ&#x201A;Ă&#x192;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; k|~k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x2018;|k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; k Â?|Â&#x201D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; k Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;z¤qzÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k  Â&#x17D;|¤ Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k ÂŽÂŻkÂ&#x2026; k |Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;
month. African champions lost, for the Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k qzk Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;ÂŽÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E; qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;q k Â&#x201D;|zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k}Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk~Â&#x201A; kĂ&#x201A;´ŠkÂ&#x2018;|k |zÂ&#x20AC;|k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k |~k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC; Â&#x201A; k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;||Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Calabar pitch. Âś Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;q¤Â&#x201D;k q k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x203A;°k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201A; Â&#x17D;qk Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qz Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Abuja National stadium pitch on Tuesday. Âś Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;qÂ&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;kq kÂ&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC;k ~kqÂ&#x2018;k}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;|  qÂŽ Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k }q k Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;ÂŻk |¤Â&#x201E;k zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;k ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;zkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC; Âś kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kqÂ&#x2018;ÂŁÂ kÂ&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;k~|Â&#x201E;kÂŽ|Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;qzqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2DC;k ¤Â&#x2018;k}Â&#x201A;k}q k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x17D;|}kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x20AC;|Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;° The Abuja National Stadium pitch has been refurbished and ofÂ&#x2019;Â?qÂ&#x2026;  kz|}k Â&#x2026;ÂŻkqÂ&#x2018;kÂ?Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2018;|Â&#x153;´Â? Â&#x2026;  k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x2DC; ¤Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x17D;| Â&#x2018;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k |zk Â?Â&#x2018;|ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k 10 in Omdurman with the return Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;kqzk qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k~|¤Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC; |zÂ&#x20AC;|k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x153;k k }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k  qÂ&#x201C;k points, South Africa are second on ~|¤Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x153;|qzÂ&#x2018; Â&#x203A;k}Â&#x17D;q Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;corded only a point in two matches. Sudan are yet to win a point.
Emenike apologizes to fans
enerbahce striker, Emmanuel Emenike Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x153;| |Â&#x20AC;q¡Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k|~kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;zŽ¤ k |¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2018;k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â&#x17D;q k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;q|¤Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2014;¤Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k qÂ&#x20AC;kÂ? Â&#x2026; Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;qz Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;¡qÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x153; Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;k last weekend. Â&#x201A;~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k}Â&#x2026;ÂŻk~|Â&#x201E;k Pierre Webo on the hour Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂÂ&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2026;k international and captain Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A; â¡|Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k  ¤Â&#x153;Â&#x153;|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; k |~k the Yellow Canaries. The African Cup of Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|z k Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026;  Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k
Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k q k worried by his recent Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;|¤Â&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2018;ted just once in his last ÂŤĂ&#x192;k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; k ~|Â&#x201E;k Â? ¤Žk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k country. Ă&#x17E;ÂŁ zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026; Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k k}Â&#x2026; k not supposed to react, k Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x201D;q Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k k }Â&#x2026; k  Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2026;¤ Â&#x201A;k kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;kz|Â&#x2018;k  Â?|Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026;k Â&#x20AC;|Â&#x2026; Â&#x2DC;k k }Â&#x2026; k z|Â&#x2018;k supposed to do it. And k Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;| |Â&#x20AC;q¡Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qdent, coach, captain Emre Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k ~Â&#x2026;z Â&#x203A;k Ă&#x17E;ÂŁk Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zqÂÂ&#x201A;k }Â&#x2026; k ¹¤|Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k  Â&#x2026;ÂŻqzÂ&#x20AC;k ÂŽÂŻk the Turkish Press.
Â&#x201A;k Â?|zÂ&#x2018;qz¤Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Ă&#x2013;k Ă&#x17E;ÂŁ zk
Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Âk | Â?|}Â&#x203A;k k played in the startqzÂ&#x20AC;k qzÂ&#x201A;¤Â&#x153;k Ž¤Â&#x2018;k  Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;k k }Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;|k Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2DC;k k }Â&#x2026; k not allowed to do this. k ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?|Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;k |~k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Âk~|Â&#x201E;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ Â&#x2DC;ÂŁÂŁ Ă&#x17E;ÂŁ k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;ÂşÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2026; k |Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k |FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;k k Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;ÂŻÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x20AC;k to play for Fenerbache. Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;|k z|Â&#x2018;k ~|Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;ÂŁÂŁ Emenike was a for |Â&#x201E;zk Â&#x2019;Â&#x20AC;¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k ¤zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂŁÂ kÂ? Â&#x2026; Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;|}Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k his frustration by kickqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;  qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x201E;||Â&#x201D;k doors.
Daily Newswatch
Sports/NEWS Oshoala sees national honours as tonic
IFA U-20 Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup best player and highest goal scorer, Asisat Oshoala has declared that she will win more laurels for Nigeria. Oshoala, a member of the silver-winning Falconets said, she has set her sight on winning the forthcoming African Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Championship in Namibia, holding in October 11-25. The Rivers Angels of |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k was listed among 305 persons to be presented with national awards by President Goodluck Jonathan on September 29 in Abuja. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;-
pressed shock at being listed for the national honour and promised to give her best to the country following her recognition.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really surprised. I feel honoured to be recognised by my nation. But, I still thank God for all and I feel appreciated. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good
thing for me that my nation appreciates me,â&#x20AC;? Oshoala said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think with this I am motivated to do more for my nation because, I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ignored on what I did earlier. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My dream is to bring the trophy back to Nigeria after losing it to Equatorial Guinea,â&#x20AC;? she concluded.  Â&#x17D;|Â&#x2026; Â&#x2026;kq kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|kÂŽÂ&#x201A;k conferred with the Member of the Order of the Niger (MON) award. She scored seven goals as Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s U-20 Women Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; kqzk Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2026;k where they narrowly lost to Germany 1-0.
Giwa: Maigari receives court order
oard member of the Chris Giwa-led Nigeria Football Federation, Sani Fema Â? Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201D; k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk served the Aminu MaigÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;q´ Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k}qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k the court order restraining them (Maigari and co.) from â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;further parading themselves as the President and members of the Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â?¤Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;k |Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;k |~k the NFF pending the hearing and determination of Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201D;|Â&#x2018;q|zk|zkz|Â&#x2018;qÂ?Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; The Giwa camp had alleged that the Maigari camp refused to be served the notice, and went on to hold their Annual General Assembly in Warri, despite the court order stopping the Congress. But the Maigari camp denied being served any court documents, and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see any reason not to hold the General Assembly. However, Fema has Â&#x2026;3Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â?|¤Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k qzº¤zÂ?Â&#x2018;q|zk Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk reached the Glass House, Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;ÂŻkÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x20AC;ari camp to comply. Âś Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k them the court order and }Â&#x201A;k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;|k Â?|Â&#x201D;ply. They have refused to be served the court order since last week, but we Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; ÂŻk Â&#x20AC;| Â&#x201A;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k papers across to them. They brought police men
Results Glo Premier League Abia 0-0 Rangers Heartland 2-0 Nembe Akwa 2-0 Giwa Bayelsa 2-0 Pillars Lobi Sharks Wolves
1-0 Enyimba 3-0 Kaduna 3-1 Dolphins
Onwuachi quits Europe for Asia
ormer Juventus academy player, Benjamin Onwuachi has ended his 14-year association with European clubs by signing a contract with Lebanese Premier League side, Salam Zgharta. The 30-year-old has penned a one - year deal that will keep him at the Salam Zgharta Club Stadium until June 30, 2015. |Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x203A;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2026;Â?ÂÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â k q~Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k lid on circumstances surrounding his departure from Otelul Galati, despite signing a two-year deal with the Romanian Â&#x2018;|Â&#x153;{qÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k close season. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;I left Galati because they had problems with Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â k ~Â&#x201E;|Â&#x201D;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;k years ago, and the Federation had to ban them from signing foreign
players. So we all had to leave though I played Â&#x2018;}|k|3Â?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A; Â&#x203A;ÂŁÂŁk z}¤Â&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qkÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;I am already with Salam Zgharta and I have been training with them for the past one week. Also to add, due Â&#x2018;|kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|ÂŽ Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D; k in Europe, I decide to move to Asia and start a new adventure. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The club is playing in the Asian Cup, so you see itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interesting.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; For the upcoming season, which begins on Friday, Onwuachi will sport the number 25 jersey. A product of Ify Babes FC at Coker-Orile, he previously turned out for Salernitana, Standard Liege, Panetolikos, Skoda Xanthi and Kavala amongst others.
NTA, SIAO for Nigeria Pitch Awards ! "# $%
T to stop the order from beqzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kŽ¤Â&#x2018;kqÂ&#x2018;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2019;nally been delivered,â&#x20AC;? he claimed. However the police men were seen at the Glass House on Monday,
searching any unrecognized persons. They refused to disclose the reason for the search, or what they were searching for, but there were claims that they were under instruc-
tions not to allow the court documents to be delivered. Meanwhile, General Secretary of the NFF, Musa Amadu refused to comment on the situation.
No contract talks yet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Keshi
ut-of-contract Super Eagles Coach, Stephen Keshihas revealed that there are currently no discussions over his future, following the leadership tussle that has rocked Nigerian football over the last two months Keshi says the lack of any leadership at the Glass House means nobody is discussing contract terms with him at the moment, as he continues to handle the team on an interim capacity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are no contract
talks yet because there is no President (of the NFF), there is none at the moment and discussions are supposed to be between him and me so that we take it from there. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatever Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m doing now is just for us to move ahead and ease things for Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2018;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;°kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contract with the NFF ended with Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last game at the World Cup in Brazil and contract renegotiation talks began almost soon afterwards, with Keshi asking for a monthly
salary of N15m, with the NFF making an opening |FÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k|~k ÂŹÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2DC; Though Keshi was believed to have lowered his Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014; kÂ&#x2018;|k Ă&#x192;Â&#x201D;k monthly, the leadership crises in Nigerian football stalled talks and ensured that further discussions were never held. He was eventually asked by Sports Minister Tammy Danagogo to temporarily hold forth for the games against Congo and South Africa in the opening phase of the kŠªk¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2DC;
he second edition of the Nigeria Pitch Awards is gaining good momentum with Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) and leadqzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2026;¤Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k k partnering with organisers, Matchmakers Consult International Limited. In its second edition, the Nigeria Pitch Awards was inaugurated last year in Calabar, with Governor Liyel Imoke of Cross River State and Super Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; skipper, Vincent Enyeama among the Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2DC;k Award winners included Governor Imoke, NFF President Alhaji Aminu Maigari, Enyeama, Mikel Obi and Guinness Nigeria PLC. Already, Matchmakers Consult International qÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k world press conference heralding this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s event for Wednesday, 8th October in Lagos, while the glamour show nick-
named Night of Stars will take place on the night of Wednesday, November 19 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; hours after the Super Eagles would have hosted South Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bafana Â&#x2026;~Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2026;k|zkÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026; kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2026;ÂŻk|~k qualifying series for 2015 Africa Cup of Nations. Speaking in Abuja on Wednesday, MD/CEO of Matchmakers, Mr. Shina Philips assured that the partnerships have buoyed the preparations for the second edition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The agreements we have been able to strike with the very important Nigeria Television Authority and leading auÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D;Â&#x203A;k k Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x2026; k tonic to foray deeper into Corporate Nigeria and solicit for greater support for this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition of the Pitch Awards. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Nigeria Football Federation is fully aware of every step we are taking and we will leave no stone unturned to put up a much bigger show than we did last year.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com
-Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 2, No. 414
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Implications of shale gas revolution on Nigeria, OPEC
Chijioke Nwaozuzu he existence of shale gas reserves (known as one of the unconventional gas resources) has been known for several Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2026;ÂŁÂ k ¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; k Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;k q k }|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k Â&#x2026;ÂŽ|¤Â&#x2018;k decades, but its production had been $2.5bn, and the per-well drilling cost could fall by hampered by lack of technology and 100% (from 100 million Yuan to 50 million Yuan). low oil prices. For over a decade, the price of crude This projected lower drilling cost is still higher oil has been hovering around the $100 per barrel than the US shale operations. However, mainland mark and this possibly triggered the invention shale gas prices may double the US shale gas of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;frackingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; technology for the exploitation price in the spot market if the subsidy from the of shale gas reserves. The other plausible reason Chinese government is factored in. Reducing costs for the advent of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;frackingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; technology may will be a key challenge for shale development be related to President Obamaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy policies, in China, which industry experts expect will be }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;kq kqzk~Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;|Â&#x201E;k|~kÂ&#x2026;Â?Â&#x17D;qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x20AC;k k Â&#x201A; ~´k ¤3Â?qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk ultimately successful given the industryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scale and manufacturing capability. Considering that in supply of energy resources. What are shale gas resources & where are they China has the highest shale gas reserves in the world, it may be useful to examine the Chinese abundantly found? Shale gas refers to natural gas that is trapped Government policies and Chinese oil companiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;qzk Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x201A;´Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;qzÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;ÂŻk Â&#x201E;|Â? Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; k plans regarding its production. which is more environment-friendly is unleashed Chinese Government & Shale Gas Resources using the combination of horizontal drilling and Development China is currently the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fastest-growing hydraulic fracturing. Shale gas adheres tightly to rock formations. It is similar to natural gas major economy with annual GDP growth rates produced by conventional methods. However, its averaging 10% for the past 30 years. As a result, commercial production was made possible by the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;frackingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; technology developed in the US about six years ago, whereby chemicals and water are injected at very high pressure to release the gas. According to Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Land & Resources Ministry, China has 25.08 trillion cubic meters of exploitable onshore shale gas reserves, whereas the US has 13.65 trillion cubic meters of technically recoverable gas from shale formations. However, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), as at 2013 China has the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest technically recoverable shale gas reserves estimated at 31.2 trillion cubic meters, tcm (equivalent to 1, 115 trillion cubic feet) followed by the US which has about 18.6 trillion cubic meters (equivalent to 665 trillion cubic feet) of recoverable shale gas reserves. Although Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shale gas reserves are almost double that of the US, its current production targets Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;k  qÂ&#x20AC;zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻk |}Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k k Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;|Â&#x2014;¤Â?Â&#x2018;q|zk which has reached about 290 billion cubic feet `ÂŽÂ?Â&#x201D;jkqzkŠªŠÂ&#x2DC;k  |Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;ÂŻkÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;kqÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k a number of factors that might slow down Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shale gas development relative to the US. Some of these factors are geology, low natural gas prices, Diezani Alison Madueke, Petroleum minister underdeveloped gas pipelines, water shortages, and a dearth of advanced technology. Shale layers Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;ÂŻkÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kqzk Â&#x17D;qzÂ&#x2026;kÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kqzÂ?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k qÂ&#x20AC;zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻk in the US are simple and uniform, but Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s over the past few decades in line with the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shale layers (like those of Europe) are heavily accelerated industrialization. According to BP faulted as reported by Daiwa Securities. The report, China is projected to overtake the US as the implication is that Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rock formations are worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest oil consumer by 2027 and Russia as deformed due to underground movements. As a the second-largest gas consumer by 2025. China is a huge consumer of natural gas, and in result, only short horizontal sections can be drilled 2013 alone consumed about 170 bcm, with about thereby incurring higher drilling costs. Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mainland shale gas is also trapped one-third coming from imports. The advent of deeper underground, which further increases shale gas production technology will act as a extraction costs. Conversely, large-scale boost to Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s domestic gas production and operations may reduce Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s well construction usage. As a result, the Chinese Government has costs. For example, it has been estimated that set robust shale gas production targets at 6.5 bcm
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lose. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bill Gates
for 2015 and 60-100 bcm target for 2020. It is likely that the 2020 target was derived from the growth trajectory of shale production in the US between 2006 & 2012. The main challenge facing the two Chinese Oil giants (Petrochina & Sinopec) is how to cut by half the drilling cost per well for shale gas production. The current drilling cost per well is $16m, and the target is to reduce this to $8m per well. Sinopec & Petrochinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s collective output should reach or surpass the 6.5bn shale gas output target set by the government for 2015. However, meeting the governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 60-100 bcm targets for 2020 will be very challenging. An interesting part of the Chinese Governmentdriven reforms is to open shale development to private sector investment. Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ministry |~k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k äk Â&#x201A; |¤Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x201A; k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ¹¤Â&#x2026; qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;k companies for shale gas development will invest 12.8b Yuan (i.e. 2bn Dollars, or 1.3b Pounds) to  Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â?Â&#x17D;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Â&#x201A; |Â&#x153;kÂŤĂ k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026; | Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;|k them. The companies comprise of 14 state-owned Â&#x2019;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201D; kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2018;}|kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zqÂ&#x201A; Â&#x203A;kÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;kÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k|~k a larger group of 57 companies that were given rights to explore shale gas blocks in October, 2013. Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qzq Â&#x2018;Â&#x201E;ÂŻkÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2026; | Â&#x201A;Â&#x2014;kŠĂ&#x192;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; kÂŽ |Â? k~|Â&#x201E;k exploration so far. With Chinese Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s policy to open shale resources development to markets, it is expected that shale gas development in China will thrive. Therefore, China seems the most promising country for shale growth outside the US, and currently accounts for 13% of world shale gas growth according to BP report. Together, the US and China is projected to account for 81% of shale gas production by 2035. Petrochina
Petrochina, Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest energy producer, recently tripled its shale gas development spending based on Sinopecâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s announcement of Â&#x2026;k Â?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2014;k |~k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; Â&#x2DC;k |z Â&#x201A;¹¤Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2018; ÂŻÂ&#x203A;k Petrochina has revised upward its output target of shale gas from 1.5 bcm to 2.6 bcm. However, this merely represents about 2.3% of Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s total natural gas output of around 113 bcm in 2013. Since 2010, Petrochina has spent about $480m on pilot shale drilling, which marks a slight departure from its primary focus on growing conventional oil & gas portfolio. As a result, Petrochina has over the past four years enhanced its knowledge
of shale resources and made some technological breakthroughs, according to Mao Zefeng (the company secretary of Petrochina). Petrochina is aiming for 2.6 bcm of annual shale gas production, and spent more than 10bn Yuan ($12.55bn) in 2012 compared to 3bn Yuan spent between 2010 and 2011. Petrochinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chairman was quoted as saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The actual spending will depend |zk Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; ¤ Â&#x2018; Â&#x2DC;k ~k Â&#x201A;3Â?qÂ&#x201A;zÂ?ÂŻk q k Â&#x20AC;||Â&#x2014;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k }q k qzÂ?Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x2026;zÂ?qÂ&#x2026; k |¤Â&#x2018; Â&#x2026;ÂŻÂ Â&#x2DC;k Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;}q Â&#x201A;Â&#x203A;k }Â&#x201A;k }q k  Â&#x2018;qÂ?Âk }qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;k trial explorationâ&#x20AC;?. According to reports by Xinhua News Agency, Petrochina is poised to achieve an output of 2.6 bcm of natural gas by 2015 using 28 new platforms, and 11 bcm of shale gas by 2020. Petrochinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Changning & Weiyuan blocks are expected to produce altogether 2 bcm, the Zhaotong block will yield 500 mcm, while projects with foreign ventures will deliver another 100 mcm by the year 2015. China Petroleum & Chemical Company (Sinopec) qz|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?k q k  qÂ&#x2026;ÂŁÂ k Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2018;k Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019;zÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201E;k Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2014;k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; k  Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;k gas development as one of its key projects for 2014, after doubling its output forecast from a ÂÂ&#x201A;ÂŻk Â&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014;k qzk Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k qzÂ?Â&#x17D;¤Â&#x2026;zk Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;k }Â&#x17D;qÂ?Â&#x17D;k q k Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018;k |~k the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s South-West region named Fuling. The Fuling project is expected to yield 10 bcm in 2017, and has about 2.1 tcm of shale gas reserves over 4,000 square kilometers. However, the Fuling shale gas potential is considered to be just a small proportion of the shale potential in the Sichuan basin, with shale gas resources spread over 40,000 to 50,000 square kilometers. The Fuling shale has been adjudged as the best shale discovery in China to date, and arguably one of the best outside of the US. Sinopec has set up a timetable for the Fuling production capacity construction at 5 bcm annually and by 10 bcm from 2017. This new Â&#x2018;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2018;kq k qÂ&#x20AC;zqÂ&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2026;zÂ&#x2018;kÂ?|z qÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;k ¤ qzÂ&#x20AC;kq kÂ&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;k zÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zÂŁÂ kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201E; Â&#x2018;kÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â?qÂ&#x2026; k Â&#x17D;Â&#x2026; Â&#x201A;kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x153;Â&#x201E;|ÂşÂ&#x201A;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2DC;k qz|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â?k has drilled nearly 30 pilot shale gas wells in the Fuling area of China. Earlier, Sinopec discovered a major shale gas block with a maximum daily output of 105,000 cubic meters in the South-West province of Guizhou. China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) CNPC, Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest oil producer, has also completed its preliminary development plan for shale gas exploration in the North-western province of Sichuan. CNPC currently has nine shale gas wells with a combined production capacity in excess of 80 mcm. The company plans to put more than 110 wells in operation by midŠªÂ&#x2DC;k Â&#x201C;Â&#x153; |Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;q|zkÂ&#x201A;F|Â&#x201E;Â&#x2018; kÂŽÂŻkÂ?|Â&#x201D;Â&#x153;Â&#x2026;zqÂ&#x201A; k|Â&#x153;Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2018;qzÂ&#x20AC;k in the resource-rich Sichuan province would make it possible for China to meet or even surpass production targets for 2015. Honghua Group The Honghua Group, a Chinese drillingequipment maker which hitherto generated bulk of its business from overseas is now seeking domestic expansion by tapping into the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shale gas revolution. Since 2005, this group has  | Â&#x2014;kÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;q qzÂ&#x20AC;kÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x20AC; k~|Â&#x201E;k¤ Â&#x201A;kqzk kÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2026; kÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201A; Â&#x2014; Â&#x2DC;k Dr Chijioke Nwaozuzu, a petroleum policy expert wrote from Emerald Energy Institute, University of Port Harcourt. Email: cnwaozuzu@gmail.com. Tel: 070 6874 3617 (SMS Only).
(To be continued on Friday)
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