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Newswatch Times Thursday, December 25, 2014
Jonathan, govs, others preach peace, love at Christmas Continued from Page 1
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let us all be more statesman-like, conduct issuesbased campaigns, and eschew the promotion of falsehood, division and hatred of others as we seek the votes of our countrymen in what should be a peaceful competition among contending points of view for the progress and development of our dear nation. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remain convinced that God Almighty is still with us as a nation even in the midst of our current challenges which we shall surely overcome with greater unity of purpose, dedication, commitment and perseverance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s celebration of the birth of Christ, the Messiah rekindle, strengthen WXYZ[\WK[]Z^_[Z`WjqxZjXZ^_[Z national ability to overcome all challenges, with God on our side.â&#x20AC;? President Jonathan also asked Nigerians to pray for peace, the victims of Boko Haram, the security agencies, among others. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I greet and felicitate with you all once again as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I join all of our Christian compatriots in giving thanks to God Almighty for the divine gift of Jesus Christ the Messiah whose earthly incarnation we commemorate today. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ who the Prophet Isaiah heralded as the Prince of Peace and Wonderful Counselor, I believe it is very appropriate that we all, Christians and non-ChrisqjWXÂ&#x192;ZWÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2020;Z[\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZ]^[\ZY\\Â&#x2030;ly on the virtues and ideals which the Messiah espoused during his earthly mission.â&#x20AC;? Also in his goodwill message, Lagos State governor, BabatundeFashola, SAN enjoined Nigerians to embrace the virtues of peaceful coexistence and refrain from fanning the embers of disunity. The governor, in his goodwill message to residents of the state maintained that as the 2015 general elections approaches, it is only through peaceful co-existence that Nigeria can make the desired progress. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I urge you to continue in this vein, for it is only by living in peaceful and harmonious co-existence, by respecting each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right to live freely and peacefully and by being our brothersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; keepers that we are truly celebrating the essence of Christmas,â&#x20AC;? he reiterated While appealing for vigilance from the people during the 2015 elections, he said the people must be assertive in ensuring that irrespective of the frustrations that they might be going through, they must exercise their civic
A cross section of children and youths from Apapa Local Government Area of Lagos State during the 4th Musical Youth Fiesta Initiative with the theme: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Perfect Loveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, organised by LeaderPhoto: Bode Agbede ship Academy For Girls to celebrate 2014 Christmas.
rights and vote rightly. He said the security challenges which the country is facing now should not be used as an avenue to create division along ethnic and religious lines by some politicians who are blanketly engaging in name-calling of political opponents. Governor Fashola said Nigeria has always been a heterogeneous nation and that the people should resist any W1\]Â&#x2030;qZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZWXÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x201E;\WY\[Zq^ZX^Â&#x2013;Z xjÂ&#x2014;xÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2014;xqZ Â&#x192;_Â&#x2C6;xZ \qxXjÂ&#x2C6;Z Yj$\[\XÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Z q^Z `_[qx\[Z qx\j[Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x192;xZ ends. He also urged the people to be safety and security conscious, especially during the festive period by not indulging in drinking and driving and reporting all suspicious activities around them to security agencies by using the Toll free lines 767 and 112. Oyo State governor, AbiolaAjimobi admonished Christian to imbibe the spirit of togetherness, peaceful coexistence and love towards one another which the birth Jesus Christ represents. The governor said that Nigerians could only thrive and the country achieves the desired greatness in an atmosphere of peace and love. In a statement by his Special Adviser on Media, Dr. Festus Adedayo, Sen. Ajimobi also called on members of the political class to exhibit high sense of maturity and nationalism in their conducts, preparatory to the forthcoming general elections. According to him, aspirants Â?Â&#x2022;jXÂ&#x2014;Z`^[ZÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x201E;jqjÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Z^KÂ&#x2C6;\ZWXYZ who truly believe they are in the race to serve the people should not be involved in violence and bloodshed in their quest at realizing their ambition. He also warned those bent on fomenting trouble in Oyo State under whatever guise to have a re-think, saying that they would be dealt with in
accordance with the law. While congratulating Christians on the occasion, Governor Ajimobi urged them to use the occasion of Christmas to pray for the peace, progress, economic emancipation of the country and success of the forthcoming general elections. Also sending message of unity at Christmas, Kwara State governor, AlhajiAbdulfatah Ahmed advised Christians to use the period of the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ to preach national unity, love and understanding as ways of healing the pains and anguish in the land. Ahmed who stressed that the period should be used to pray for peace, noted that Christians should use the yuletide as a season of showing love, especially to the needy. In a message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, AlhajiAbdulwahab Oba, the governor added that Nigerians must always project the virtues of humility, self denial and brotherliness, which are the hallmarks of the teachings of Christianity and other religion. The Governor commended Christian leaders in the state for promoting religious harmony through their preaching, saying such purposefulness should be maintained as Nigerians look forward to the historic 2015. Ogun State governor, Senator IbikunleAmosun in his message called for prayers for a peaceful 2015 General Elections in the nation. In his message, signed by his Senior Special Assistant on Media, MrsOlufunmilayoWakama, Amosun, said with prayers is that the country can overcome the jXÂ&#x192;_[Â&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Z WXYZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;^^YÂ&#x201E;\1jXÂ&#x2014;Z currently being carried out in some parts of the country. The governor also urged
parents to be vigilant and ensure that their children and wards are not used as tools for violence during campaigns and the forth coming elections. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me appeal to parents to keep watchful eyes on their children and wards, so that they do not become ready tools for some politicians who do not wish them well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As the various political parties begin their campaigns and we move towards the election period, let us always pray for our nation and shun all forms of violence. We are Nigerians and we have nowhere else to go. We should also pray that God touches the hearts of those shedding the blood of innocent citizens,â&#x20AC;? he added. Former governor of Ekiti State, DrKayodeFayemi, has also congratulated Christians in the country for witnessing yet another Christmas, urging them to continue to live peacefully in love and harmony with one another and with adherents of other religions. Fayemi in a message
signed by his Chief Press Secretary, MrYinkaOyebode, said that God used the birth of Jesus Christ to pass the message of peace and love to the world. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Christmas is a season to give and expect little in return, a time to preach peace and love, a time to forgive, be more united and forge ahead in the crucial task of building a very strong and vibrant nation. The former governor, noted that being alive to witness another Christmas is a privilege, judging by the prevailing circumstances in the nation in particular and the world at large. This, he said, calls for celebration. Fayemi, however advised Christians to celebrate in moderation and to devote much time to appreciate God `^[Z jÂ&#x192;Z]\[Â&#x2C6;j\Â&#x192;ZWXYZq^Z[\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZ on the developmental challenges in the country, with a view to seeking Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intervention. Kogi State Deputy Governor YomiAwoniyi called on Christians to use the Christmas celebration to seek Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s intervention for a way out of the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s socio-economic challenges. Awoniyi, appealed that Christians should use the Christmas celebration to reÂ&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZ ^XZ ^YÂŁÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;\[`\Â&#x2C6;qZ Â&#x2014;j`qZ q^Z mankind. In a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Abu Micheal, the Deputy Governor described Christmas as a qj]\Z`^[ZÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201D;\[Z[\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qj^XZWXYZ to appreciate the gift of Jesus Christ to mankind from God, appealed to Nigerians to always strive for issues that unite the country. Awoniyi charged Nigerians to sincerely share genuine love with one another, especially in this season, urged christians to reach out to those of other faiths so as to really exemplify the meaning of Christmas. jXjÂ&#x192;q\[Z ^`Z ^Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2C6;\Z $Wj[Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Alhaji Abdul JeliliAdesiyan, also called on Nigerians, especially Christians to use the period of Christmas, to pray
for peace, unity and progress of the country. In a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Wale Akinola, Adesiyan advised that the period should be used to pray for the unity and oneness of the country as well as pray for the immediate end of the insurgency in the country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to use this medium to felicitate with all Nigerians, especially our Christian brethren on the occasion of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. I want to equally urge our Christian brothers and sisters to use the lesson learnt from the life and Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; teachings of piety, love, justice, fairness, equity and peaceful co-existence, to be their watchword in their daily activities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The essence of Christmas jÂ&#x192;Zq^Z[\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZ^XZqx\ZÂ&#x201E;j`\Z^`Z \Â&#x192;_Â&#x192;Z Christ and to desist from hatred, envy, disobedience and Â?j^Â&#x201E;\XÂ&#x2C6;\ZÂ&#x192;^ZWÂ&#x192;Zq^ZW1WjXZÂ&#x2030;j\qÂ&#x2022;Z before the Creator of the universeâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Speaker, Imo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Uwajumogu, enjoined Christian across the country to always exhibit those core Christian virtues which he said our Lord and saviour represented while on earth. In his message to the people of the state, the Speaker pointed out that as Christians, the celebration of the birth of Christ should be a moment when Christians are expected to follow the foot-steps of the master Jesus Christ, by ensuring that they maintain unity and love in their domains. He stated that the birth of Christ brought to mankind the lesson of simplicity and humility of Jesus, whom he said chose to identify with a humble beginning despite his towering status, adding that such was an un-denying virtue which Christians, desirous of partaking in Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kingdom must endeavor to emulate so as to remain better representatives of Christ in the world.
The round-about in front of state government secretariat, decorated with light in celebration of Christmas at Osogbo in Osun Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
overnor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun has reminded Nigerians the country needs Buhari at this critical time the country has been driv\XZ q^Z WZ Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2030;jÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x2020;Z ¨_Â&#x192;qZ as the former head of state came at the nick of qj]\Z jXZ ÂŹÂÂŽÂŻÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;x\XZ qx\Z conservative National Party of Nigeria had brought the country to x\[ZÂ&#x2026;X\\Â&#x192;Š Aregbesola said Nigerians must recollect that the economy, secu[jqÂ&#x2022;Z WXYZ Â&#x192;^Â&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2013;\Â&#x201E;`W[\Z of the citizens had been completely destroyed after the defunct NPNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rule from 1979 to 1983 Â&#x2013;x\XZqx\Z]jÂ&#x201E;jqW[Â&#x2022;Zq^^Â&#x2026;Z over and gave Buhari the platform to restore qx\Zx^Â&#x2030;\Z^`Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWXÂ&#x192;ŠZ He said the Peoples Democratic Party has Y^X\Z Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x192;qZ YW]WÂ&#x2014;\Z q^Z qx\ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Xq[Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x201D;_qÂ&#x2020;Zx^Â&#x2013;\Â?\[Â&#x2020;Z X^q\YZ qx\Z Â&#x192;jÂ&#x2014;XjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;WXqZ Yj$\[\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z jXZ qx\Z _xW[jZ ^`Z³´¾Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;x^ZjÂ&#x192;ZWZÂ&#x2C6;jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;jWXZ and a democrat and the _xW[jZ^`ZÂŹÂÂŽÂŻÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;x^ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z WZÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201E;Yj\[Š The governor said the Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Â&#x192;q\Â&#x2030;Z q^Â&#x2013;W[YÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;vaging Nigeria from the Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2013;Â&#x192;Z ^`Z Y\WqxZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Z is to vote out the party, demanding for explaXWqj^XÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xÂ&#x2022;Z qx\[\Z jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;^Z
news 7
Buhari came to save Nigeria from total collapse in 1983, Aregbesola reminds Nigerians qxWXZ ]jÂ&#x192;\[Â&#x2022;ŠZ x\Â&#x2022;Z [\Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;\XqZ qx\Z Â&#x201D;\Â&#x192;qZ ^`Z Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;\Yness, misery and misformuch poverty and mis- Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\WÂ&#x2026;jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2013;x\XZ Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x201D;^_[Z sustenance for the state Â&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;XZ ^Â?\[Z qx\Z Y\Â&#x2C6;WY\Â&#x192;Z q_X\ŠZ XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Zqx\Z]jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2014;_jY\YZ ery in the country despite leaders in the state met and increasing internal- `^[Z ]jÂ&#x192;\[Â&#x2022;ŠZ `Z Â&#x2022;^_Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;Wj]Zq^ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x201E;^XÂ&#x2014;Zq^Z the fortunes it had been him to submit a report ly generated revenue of them around you for ZjXZ jÂ&#x2014;\[jWŠZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\YZÂ&#x2013;jqxŠ ^`Z \$^[qÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;\[Â&#x192;Z qx\ZÂ&#x192;qWq\ŠZ Â&#x2013;xWq\Â?\[Z [\WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2022;^_Z The governor, in a re- in the state to develop â&#x20AC;&#x153;The PDP and their Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ [\WÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x192;\Z qxWqZ qx\Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x201E;\WÂ&#x192;\Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Âś_^q\YZ WÂ&#x192;Z fresh means of economic Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;\YZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j\Â&#x192;Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ represent nothing other
Adeleke tasks Osun indigenes on unity
L-R: Managing Director, Access Bank of Nigeria Plc , Mr. Herbert Wigwe, Managing Director, Infrastructure Bank, Mr. Adekunle Oyinloye and Managing Director, Standard Chartered Bank, Mrs. Bola Adesola, at the signing of ()*++/+35 8+59++3 ;3<*(=5*>?5>*+ %(3@ (3Q ( VX3=X*5Z>/ X< [*/= X3 \()X= ;8(Q(3 ]^_*+==9(` _*Xj+?5 Z3 Lagosâ&#x20AC;Śrecently.
Lagos PDP governorship aspirants agree to work as a team ADEWALE AJAYI
he Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirants, including the immediate past Minister of State for Defence, Senator Musiliu Obanikoro, have agreed to bury their Yj$\[\XÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Z WXYZ Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;Z `^[Z ADELEKE ADESANYA
igerian Navy has arrested Â&#x2DC;Â?\ZÂ&#x192;_Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;q\YZ oil thieves and recovered a locally made boat loaded Â&#x2013;jqxZÂ&#x2030;\q[^Â&#x201E;\_]ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z^XZ WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;Wq\[Â&#x192;Š _qÂ&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2014;Z KÂ&#x2C6;\[Z (FOC), Western Naval Command, Rear Admiral Ilesanmi Alade, made qx\Z YjÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x192;_[\Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z WYY[\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;Z ^KÂ&#x2C6;\[Â&#x192;Z WXYZ [Wqings of the command at Z Z Â&#x2030;W[WY\Z Â&#x2014;[^_XYZÂ&#x2022;\Â&#x192;q\[YWÂ&#x2022;Š Alade also said the susÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x201D;\jXÂ&#x2014;Z jXq\[[^Â&#x2014;Wq\YZ WXYZ Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x201D;\Z handed over to the appropriate prosecuting agency j`Z`^_XYZÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Š According to him, the outÂ&#x2C6;^]\Z^`ZjXq\[[^Â&#x2014;Wqj^XZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ [\Â?\WÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2013;x\[\Z WXYZ x^Â&#x2013;Z qx\Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;\[\ZÂ&#x192;q^Â&#x201E;\XŠ He revealed that the Federal Government has approved the establishment ^`Z WZ ^[Â&#x2013;W[YZ Â&#x2030;\[Wqj^XZ
the success of the party and its governorship canYjYWq\Â&#x2020;Z j]jZ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;W¨\Â&#x2020;Z WqZ qx\³´¿ZÂ&#x2014;\X\[WÂ&#x201E;Z\Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qj^XÂ&#x192;Š Addressing party faith`_Â&#x201E;Z WqZ WZ Â&#x201D;[j\Â&#x2DC;XÂ&#x2014;Z W1\XY\YZ by Vice President Namadi Sambo in Lagos yesterday, Obanikoro said despite inWY\Âś_WÂ&#x2C6;j\Â&#x192;Z jXZ qx\Z Â&#x2030;[j]Wries, they have all agreed
qxWqZ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;W¨\ZÂ&#x2013;^XZWXYZjÂ&#x192;Zqx\Z Â&#x2030;W[qÂ&#x2022;ÂŁÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;WXYjYWq\Š
\ZÂ&#x192;WjYZqx^_Â&#x2014;xZjqZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZWZ very challenging time for the various supporters of other aspirants, he urged qx\]Z q^Z ]^Â?\Z Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x192;qZ Â&#x2013;xWqZ xWÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;\X\YZ WXYZ Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;Z WÂ&#x192;Z ^X\Z`W]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no doubt that my passion and love for
WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;XŠZ qZ Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z trigger any level of sacrifice to ensure victory `^[Z ŠZ ^[Z qx\Z Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x192;qZ ÂŹĂ Z Â&#x2022;\W[Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;\Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x192;\\XZ failed and broken promises in Lagos State by the Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqŠZ qZjÂ&#x192;Zqj]\Zq^Z Â&#x201D;[jXÂ&#x2014;ZqxWqZq^ZWXZ\XYÂ&#x2020;ÂźZx\Z Â&#x192;WjYŠ According to him, it is
extremely important to make the sacrifice, bearing in mind that there is X^Z Â&#x2013;jXX\[Z ^[Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x192;\[Z jXZ WZ `W]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Š š ZW]ZÂ&#x2030;[^_YZ^`Z Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;W¨\ŠZ Â?\[Â&#x2022;qxjXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2C6;^]\Â&#x192;Z `[^]Z God and he is a man I [\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qŠZ qZ jÂ&#x192;Z X^Â&#x2013;Z qj]\Z q^Z go and dislodge APC in Â&#x201E;W_Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2020;ÂźZ Â&#x201D;WXjÂ&#x2026;^[^ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ
Navy arrests five suspected oil thieves in Lagos WÂ&#x192;\Z ¡ ¸Â&#x2020;Z WqZ W¨jY_XÂ&#x2020;Z jXZ Ikorodu area of Lagos, sayjXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z Wj]Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z q^Z [\Y_Â&#x2C6;\Z activities of pipeline vandals WXYZ^jÂ&#x201E;Zqx\`qZjXZqx\ZW[\WŠ He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You are all WÂ&#x2013;W[\Z qxWqZ Â&#x2013;\Z [\Â&#x2C6;\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z [WjY\YZ W¨jY_XZ W[\WZ ^`Z Â&#x2026;^[^Y_Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â?WXYWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;Z have practically converted into a safe haven for their Â&#x2C6;[j]jXWÂ&#x201E;ZWÂ&#x2C6;qjÂ?jqj\Â&#x192;Š š Â?\[Z ¯´´Â&#x2020;´´´Z ¨\[[Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2C6;WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z `_Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x201E;^WY\YZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ`_\Â&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2013;\[\Z
[\Â&#x2C6;^Â?\[\YŠZ Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Zqx\Z¨\[[Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;WXÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x201D;_[j\YZ jXZ qx\Z ]_[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;Wq\[Â&#x192;Z ^`Z W¨jY_XZ jÂ?\[Â&#x2020;ÂŁÂŁZ he said, adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;Under my Â&#x2013;WqÂ&#x2C6;xÂ&#x2020;ZÂŹÂşZÂ?\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;\jXÂ&#x2014;Z_Â&#x192;\YZ by criminals to steal petroÂ&#x201E;\_]ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;\[\ZÂ&#x192;\jÂť\YŠZ Some of them are in court, Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z jXÂ?\Â&#x192;qjÂ&#x2014;Wqj^XÂ&#x192;Z ^XZ ^qx\[Â&#x192;ZW[\ZÂ&#x192;qjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z^XÂ&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;ŠŸZ Alade further said his administration had been able to reduce crime in Nige[jWÂŁÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;Wq\[Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;_1jXÂ&#x2014;Z
at least one naval gunboat ^XZÂ&#x2030;Wq[^Â&#x201E;Z\WÂ&#x2C6;xZYWÂ&#x2022;Š
\Z _[Â&#x2014;\YZ XWÂ?WÂ&#x201E;Z ^KÂ&#x2C6;\[Â&#x192;Z and ratings in the com]WXYZ q^Z Â&#x192;qWÂ&#x2022;Z WÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Z `[^]Z partisan politics and focus ^XZ Â&#x2030;[^Â?jYjXÂ&#x2014;Z WY\Âś_Wq\Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x2C6;_[jqÂ&#x2022;Z^XZ jÂ&#x2014;\[jWÂŁÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;Wq\[Â&#x192;Š [Â&#x2014;jXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z X\Â&#x2013;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ÂŞWÂ&#x2030;pointed FOC, Admiral Jonathan Ango, to contrib_q\Z xjÂ&#x192;Z Âś_^qWZ q^Z j]Â&#x2030;[^Â?\YZ security in the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exclusive economic zone,
he charged, â&#x20AC;&#x153;If the Chief of WÂ?WÂ&#x201E;Z qW$ZY^\Â&#x192;ZX^qZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x201E;j\Â?\Z jXZ Â&#x2022;^_Â&#x2020;Z x\Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ X^qZ xWÂ?\Z WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;^jXq\YZÂ&#x2022;^_ZWÂ&#x192;Zqx\Z ŠŸZ Responding, Ango urged commanders, prinÂ&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x201E;Z ^KÂ&#x2C6;\[Â&#x192;Z WXYZ ^qx\[Z personnel of the com]WXYZ q^Z Â&#x2C6;^^Â&#x2030;\[Wq\Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ him, to enable him succeed, adding that the com]WXYZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ`^Â&#x2C6;_Â&#x192;Z^XZ[jYYjXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z Â&#x2013;Wq\[Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z ^`Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z `^[]Â&#x192;Z^`ZÂ&#x2C6;[j]jXWÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;Š
x\Z Â&#x192;jÂ&#x2013;W¨_Z^`Z Y\Â&#x201E;WXYZ WXYZ qx\Z Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Civilian Governor of Osun State, Senator Isiaka Adeleke, has called on the people of Osun State, to continue to live together in peace and harmony, in order to ensure accelerated development of the state, X^Z]W1\[Zqx\Z^YYÂ&#x192;Š xjÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;^XqWjX\YZ jXZ a Christmas message, issued by his media adÂ?jÂ&#x192;\[Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;_]jY\Z WÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Z on the occasion of 2015 x[jÂ&#x192;q]WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x201E;\Â&#x201D;[Wqj^XŠ The senator further said, that the cooperation and unalloyed loyalty of Osun citizenry for Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s government, at this crucial time of \Â&#x2C6;^X^]jÂ&#x2C6;Z Y^Â&#x2013;Xq_[XÂ&#x2020;Z cannot be over-emphasized, stressing that, tough time donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t last, q^_Â&#x2014;xZÂ&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\ZY^ŠZ \XWq^[Z Y\Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z of the opinion that deÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;jq\Z qx\Z Â&#x201E;\WXZ Â&#x2DC;XWXÂ&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Z resources of Osun State, Governor Rauf Aregbesola is determined to Â&#x192;\\ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z^XÂŞÂ&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2030;[^¨\Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z to timely completion for qx\ZÂ&#x201D;\X\Â&#x2DC;qZ^`Zqx\ZÂ&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2020;Z ]_Â&#x2C6;xZWÂ&#x2014;WjXÂ&#x192;qZqx\ZÂ&#x2013;[^XÂ&#x2014;Z insinuation been pedYÂ&#x201E;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Zqx\Z^Â&#x2030;Â&#x2030;^Â&#x192;jqj^XŠZZ He further appealed to Osun citizens, to take their destiny in their xWXYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z X^qZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;jXÂ&#x2014;Z self-centred, short-sight\YZWXYZÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x201E;jqjÂ&#x2C6;jWXÂ&#x192;Z^`ZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;Z [\Â&#x2030;_q\Â&#x2020;Zq^ZjXÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;q[Wq\Zqx\j[Z [WXÂ&#x2026;Z WXYZ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;jXÂ&#x2014;Z such people have nothjXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2014;^^YZ q^Z ^$\[Z qx\Z state, except self aggrandizement and unruly Â&#x2C6;^XY_Â&#x2C6;qŠ
Ogun gets 10 new magistrates to handle 4,212 pending cases Olatokunbo Olopade, Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z WY]jXjÂ&#x192;q\[jXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z oaths, disclosed that across \XZ X\Â&#x2013;Z ]WÂ&#x2014;jÂ&#x192;the 16 magistrate districts q[Wq\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;\[\Z _\Â&#x192;in the state, there are 1,280 YWÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;^[XZ jXZ civil cases and 2,932 crimiby Ogun State XWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x192;\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2030;\XYjXÂ&#x2014;Š Government, Among the three female in addition to existing 22 ]WÂ&#x2014;jÂ&#x192;q[Wq\Â&#x192;Z X\Â&#x2013;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;^[XZ magistrates, in handling in is Temitope Adebutu, the 4, 212 cases pending in daughter of business mothe magistrate courts in the gul, Adebutu Kensington, Â&#x192;qWq\Š Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z^qx\[Â&#x192;ZW[\Z]WÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Š x\Z xj\`Z _YÂ&#x2014;\Â&#x2020;Z [Â&#x192;ŠZ
[Â&#x192;ŠZ Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;WY\Z Â&#x192;qWq\YZ WqZ the Ogun High Court, Abeokuta, that the apÂ&#x2030;^jXq]\XqZ^`Zqx\ZX\Â&#x2013;Z]WÂ&#x2014;istrates became imperative due to ever-increasing Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;Z Â&#x201E;^WYZ WqZ qx\Z ¨_YjÂ&#x2C6;jW[Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x2C6;q^[Š She said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Prior to today, Â&#x2013;\Z xWYZ ³³Z ]WÂ&#x2014;jÂ&#x192;q[Wq\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x192;Z at the end of November, qx\[\ZÂ&#x2013;\[\ZÂŹÂ&#x2020;³Ž´ZÂ&#x2C6;jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x192;\Â&#x192;Z and 2,932 criminal pending
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Newswatch Times Thursday, December 25, 2014
13 killed as rival cults start fresh war in Edo THANKGOD OFOELUE, Benin
he cult war that began about three weeks ago around Benin metropolis, Edo State, has claimed the lives of 13 persons in the city. According to reports, the Aiye versus Black Axe Confraternity clash has claimed a 33-yearold man and a father of three, Onosaze A. Inegbedion, who was said to have been felled around Upper Sokponba area of Benin City, the state capital. The cult war, which has spanned over three weeks, worsened early this week, following the reported killing of seven persons in different parts of the metropolis by unknown gunmen. A source, who confided in our correspondent, disclosed that the renewed war started after a disagreement among some motor park touts around New Benin market “and because most of these people belong to rival cult groups, they tend
to always want to lord over each other. “Above all, I think what we are witnessing now is a supremacy battle between these elements,” he stated. When contacted for
reaction to the development, the state police spokesmen, DSP Joseph Edoghiawerhie confirmed the killings. Edoghiawerhie, who was silent on whether the bloodletting was
cult-motivated, however said the operatives “are on top of the situation. We have sent a strong message to the perpetrators to desist from such inhuman acts, because our men
are fully on ground. “They cannot come and rubbish the peaceful coexistence that the people of the state have been enjoying all through the year,” he charged.
Bayelsa engages private security outfit to secure oil installations UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa
ayelsa State Government has ordered a review of its security policy and announced the establishment of a security company known as Izon-Ibe Security Company, for the protection of oil pipelines and installations. Izon-Ibe Security Company, according to the state government, was set up by the present administration of Governor Seriake Dickson, with the statutory responsibility to provide strategy for the immediate stoppage of oil theft and pipeline vandalism, which has contributed in depleting the state’s resources and carry out surveillance duties on critical assets and infrastructure of multinationals, government and other viable business concerns. Management of the company, in a statement signed by its Managing Director, Chief James Jephthah, announced the company has invited all multinational companies
Okorocha restates commitment to CGCs 3&5667 89: ;9<=><?@F support of royal fathers EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri
L-R: National President of the Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO), Comrade Uche Wisdom Durueke; former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi and Chairman, Intersociety’s Board, Emeka Umeagbalasi, during the presentation of good governance award to the former governor by the Human Rights Commission in Anambra State.
and others doing business in and around the state to register with the company and effectively terminate any existing security contracts. Multinational oil companies are particularly requested to immediately terminate all existing pipeline surveillance contracts with individu-
als, private companies and organisations. According to the statement, “The management warns that the Bayelsa State Government shall not entertain any security complaint from companies, organisations and other business concern that fail to take advantage of this new government
and private initiative and shall be doing business at their own risk. “Nonetheless, the management has also invited all pipeline surveillance contractors and other security contractors that have running contracts with multinational companies and other business concern to report to the
office with photocopies of their existing contracts to be part of this great initiative.” The management of the company has also announced the recruitment of indigent Bayelsans as security officers that will participate in the needed policing of pipelines and oil installations in the region.
Ex-militant leader calls for review of amnesty programme NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
eader of the Niger Delta Peoples Democratic Front (NDPDF), Precious Iyoyo, has called for a review of the amnesty programme. Iyoyo (a.k.a. Commander Playboy) told journalists, in Port Harcourt yesterday that his group rejected amnesty because it was not meant to address the causes of their agitation in the region. According to him, the Federal Government has wasted billions of naira in training some of the repentant Niger Delta warlords abroad, without providing jobs
for them at the end of the training. He lamented: “The government should have invested the money in building manufacturing industries to create job opportunities for the teeming unemployed youths in the region and reduce restiveness. This is a clarion call on the federal and state governments to take a second look at the way and manner the amnesty programme is presently structured. “Reason has been that the programme has not yielded the desired result of creating manpower and employment for the teeming youths of the Niger Delta, by empowering and stem-
]jX Z qx\Z _$\[jX Z WXYZ frustration of the youths of Niger Delta as promised by Federal Government in 2009.” Iyoyo regretted: “It is frustrating that, the exfreedom fighters that have been trained, on their return, have no jobs to fall back to, after training. This, in all sense, it’s abnormal. “The Federal Government should, in the same vein, integrate those freedom fighters, who did not take amnesty in 2009, into productive empowerment schemes, thereby meeting the promises it made to the people and freedom fighters in Niger Delta in 2009; so, that, the boys will not
go back to the creeks, or be used by politicians to ferment trouble as agents of election thuggery and rigging in the 2015 general elections.” CHANGE OF NAME
SOLAPE: I, formerly known as MR IJALE IDOWU SOLAPE now is to be known and addressed as IJALE IDOWU ADEWALE. All former documents remain valid. General public take Note. CHANGE OF NAME
WACHI: I, formerly known as WACHI DAVID now wish to be known and addressed as WACHI ISHAYA. All former documents remain valid. General Public should please take note. CHANGE OF NAME
OGUNSILE: I, formerly known as OGUNSILE TEMITOPE OLUFUNKE RACHEAL now wish to be known and addressed as ORELUSI TEMITOPE OLUFUNKE RACHEAL. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.
overnor Rochas Okorocha of Imo has reiterated that the Imo Rescue Mission administration will continue to promote the Community Government Councils (CGC) in order to sustain rapid social and economic development in the rural areas. Okorocha, who stated this during Christmas banquet with traditional rulers in the state at Government House, Owerri, expressed unreserved appreciation to the royal fathers for their roles in the actualisation of CGC, as well as promotion of peace, security and development in their various domains. Briefing the traditional rulers on achievements of the Rescue Mission government, Okorocha enumerated a number of peopleoriented projects, both completed and on-going, including the construction of the palace of Eze Imo and the Traditional Rulers’ Council Secretariat. He said his administration has recovered most of the state’s investments sold out by previous administrations and assured of the reactivation of all moribund industries in the state. According to him, his second term bid as governor is to ensure consolidation of Imo Free Education programme, Community Government Council and the numerous mass oriented projects initiated by the present administration. On the political situation in the country, Okorocha called on the royal fathers to support the All Progressives Congress (APC) at both the state and federal level, pointing out that “APC government can stop Boko Haram,” describing the presidential flag bearer, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, as a leader who has the courage to face the security challenges confronting the nation.
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Newswatch Times
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Newswatch TIMES Sports/NEWS Warriors break for two weeks Pillars wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t underrate unknown foes
bia Warriors Football Club of Umuahia have begun preparations for the 2014/15 season as the players were given a two-week break by the management of the club so they can all celebrate Christmas and the new year. One of the players who craved anonymity in a chat said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been given a 2-week break to celebrate the Christmas and New Year with our families, and we will resume on the 10th of January 2015, as we look to improve in the new season.â&#x20AC;? It was also gathered that nine players were dropped from the team because of their low per-
`^[]WXÂ&#x2C6;\Z WXYZ W1jq_Y\Z jXZ the just concluded season. Head coach of the team, Ladan Bosso has promised that they will recruit talents for the new season that will help improve the club. Abia Warriors, in their debut season in the NPFL Â&#x2DC;XjÂ&#x192;x\YZjXZqx\ZÂ&#x192;\Â?\XqxZÂ&#x2030;^sition with 58 points. Meanwhile, captain of the team, Chima Ulocha is on the verge of completing a move to Enyimba International Football Club of Aba. The rock solid defender Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^1\YZjXZqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;W]Â&#x2030;Z^`Z the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Elephantâ&#x20AC;? as he is about joining the Aba Landlords. Enyimba, who will be playing in the CAF Cham-
Enugu Rangers job: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve moved on â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Coach Obuh
Maduabuchi Kalu
ormer Flying Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach and immediate past technical adviser of Enugu Rangers International Football Club, John Obuh has distanced xj]Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;`Z `[^]Z WZ Â&#x201E;\1\[Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;\YÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;[j1\XZ q^Z xj]Z and his assistants doing away with their services. Z Â&#x201E;\1\[Z Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z WXÂ&#x2014;\[Â&#x192;ÂŁZ management was written to Obuh and his lieuq\XWXqÂ&#x192;Z WK[]jXÂ&#x2014;Z qxWqZ their one-season contract had ended and that the management would contact them if their services were still required. But in reaction, Obuh told Newswatch Times Â&#x2030;^[qÂ&#x192;ZqxWqZqx\ZÂ&#x201E;\1\[ZxWYZ nothing to do with him as he was not among those addressed in the memo because he had since moved on before the message. He said he signed only one-season contract with the management of the Flying Antelopes
and when the league ended, he moved on with his life. Obuh explained that qx\Z Â&#x201E;\1\[Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x2030;[^Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z meant for his assistants, who were Enugu State indigenes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, if there is any Â&#x201E;\1\[Z Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\Z qxWqÂ&#x2020;Z jqZ xWÂ&#x192;Z nothing to do with me because I have since moved on with my life in accordance with the contract I signed with the club at the beginning ^`Z³´¯Ă&#x2039;ÂŹÂľZÂ&#x201E;\WÂ&#x2014;_\ZÂ&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;^XŠ š ZqxjXÂ&#x2026;Zqx\ZÂ&#x201E;\1\[ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z meant for my assistants who are indigene of the state, but as far as I am concerned, I did not reÂ&#x2C6;\jÂ?\Z WXÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x201E;\1\[Z Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W_Â&#x192;\Z I had since left Rangers. Asked whether he has secured another job having left Rangers in line with the terms of the contract he signed with the Coal City side, Obuh said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have not secured another job yet, but I am talking with a club. There has not been agreement yet. â&#x20AC;&#x153;However, I am positive that something is going to happen in the next few weeks, that is all I can tell you for now,â&#x20AC;? Obuh concluded.
pions League next season, have also made arrangements to sign some of the biggest names in the league. ChimaUlocha will be a big loss to Abia Warriors as he has been the back bone in the heart of the defence for the Umuahia based club after spending four years with them as their captain.
\Z Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z xWÂ?\Z q^Z Â&#x201D;W1Â&#x201E;\Z for his position as a central defender with the likes of Chinedu Udoji, Emmanuel Anyawu, Uche John, Semiu Laidi and Markson Ojobo for a starting spot. XÂ&#x2022;j]Â&#x201D;WZ Â&#x2DC;XjÂ&#x192;x\YZ qx\Z ³´¯Ă&#x2039;ÂŹÂľZ Z \WÂ&#x192;^XZ jXZ the 2nd spot, but they won the Federation Cup.
ano Pillars forward, Ubong Ekpai has insisted they will not underrate their CAF Champions League preliminary round opponents, Malakia FC of South Sudan. Pillars will travel to South Sudan for qx\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;ZjXZqx\ZÂ&#x2013;\\Â&#x2026;\XYZ^`ZÂŹÂŻÂ&#x2020;ZÂŹÂľÂ&#x2020;ZÂŹÂżZ February while the second leg games were scheduled for 27, 28 February and 1st March 2015. The former Akwa United hitman said there are no small teams in football again and that his team will prepare well for the game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;How opponents sound simple and easy because they are not known, that will make them more dangerous to play because there qualities is not known. But `^[Zqx\]Zq^ZxWÂ?\ZÂś_WÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2DC;\YZ`^[ZqxjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;\tition, they deserve respect,â&#x20AC;? he warned. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am sure we will have good games against them and scale through. We will not underrate them, we have to prepare
very well ahead of the game and take them seriously. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will go all out and play for victories in both legs and God will grant us victory.â&#x20AC;?
Angry Keshi walks away on Eagles job Ephraim Nwosu
ndications are rife that Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi may have opted to walk away from his duty post as Super Eagles Coach after a Â&#x2030;[^q[WÂ&#x2C6;q\YZ Â&#x201D;W1Â&#x201E;\Z q^Z Â&#x2014;\qZ qx\Z football authority to renew his contract. The Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Nations Cup winning Coach has been under immense pressure to quit the Eagles plum job after he failed to guide the national team to defend the title in next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition in Equatorial Guinea. But he had remained deÂ&#x2DC;WXqZWXYZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Zq^ZxWXÂ&#x2014;Z^XZ to the job; ably backed by his powerful lobby group, who got the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to rescind his sack orderin October However, one of those power-brokers and Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sclose pal, Friday Kujah exclusively told Newswatch Times Sports that Keshi may have lost interest in the Super Eagles job. According to Kujah, as talk of a new contract continue to drag and with pressure `[^]Z Yj$\[\XqZ Âś_W[q\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;qjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z mounting on the Big Boss to quit, he may have given up on negotiations over a new deal and resolved to look for pastures anew elsewhere. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keshi is still in Benin City, Nigeria preparing to travel out to the United States so as to spend the Christmas holidays with his family,â&#x20AC;? Kujah disclosed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been talking on Â&#x2030;x^X\ŠZ Â&#x192;Z WZ ]W1\[Z ^`Z `WÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x2020;Z we spoke about 20 minutes ago. But despite that, he has kept everybody in the dark including me on his decision as regards his continued stay as Eagles Coach.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I mean no news yet from him so far and nobody knows about his next port of call. Perhaps he has decided to keep his plans close to his chest since the atmosphere is no longer conducive for him to work. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For now, I cannot guarantee you whether he will remain Eagles coach or not,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said about the coach who was reportedly linked with Equatorial Guinea job. Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has also left out qx\Z \]Â&#x201D;W1Â&#x201E;\YZ Â&#x2C6;^WÂ&#x2C6;xZ jXZ qx\Z two friendly games that Super Eagles will play during
the FIFA window against Mali and Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire in Abu Dhabi, UAE. In Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stead, his assistant, Daniel Amokachie was mandated to assemble the team for the two games. In a related development, NFF denied that its board was divided on negotiations over a new deal for Keshi. Speaking with Newswatch Times Sports on phone, NFF Assistant Director of Communication, Ademola Olajire said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am not aware about the faction issue and at the same time, I cannot Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;[]Zq^ZÂ&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2013;x\qx\[Z \-
shi will get a new deal or not because it has nothing to do with me. Even if he is to get a new contract, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left for the NFF board to decide.Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not my business.â&#x20AC;? Highly respected Nigerian coaches including Chief Adegboye Onigbinde, Christian Chukwu, Shaibu Amodu and Kashimawo Laloko have all voiced out their frustrations over the Â&#x192;jqÂŞqjÂ&#x2014;xqZ W1jq_Y\Z ^`Z \Â&#x192;xjZ after failing to qualify the Super Eagles for the 2015 African Cup of Nations and advised him to resign in national interest.
Udoh itching to score for Eagles
op scorer in the history of the Nigeria Professional Football \WÂ&#x2014;_\Â&#x2020;Z `^XZ Y^xZÂ&#x192;WjYZx\Z is eager to open his goals account for the Super Eagles when they play Mali and Ivory Coast in two international friendly matches in January. The home based Eagles will prosecute the games against the Malians and qx\Z Â?^j[jWXÂ&#x192;ZjXZ Â&#x201D;_Z xWÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x2020;Z Xjq\YZ [WÂ&#x201D;Z ]j[Wq\Â&#x192;Z WXYZ Y^Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;x^Z _Â&#x192;_[Â&#x2030;\YZ _Y\Z Anekeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s previous record of 20 goals in a single season jXZqx\Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWXZÂ&#x201E;\WÂ&#x2014;_\Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z having scored 23 goals in qx\Z Â&#x201E;\WÂ&#x2014;_\Z Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;qZ Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x2020;Z x\Z would like to start scoring for the Super Eagles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is my dream to score for the Super Eagles and
WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z x\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030;Z q^Z Â&#x2013;jXZ Â&#x2014;W]\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ Y^xZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ š Â&#x192;ZWZÂ&#x192;q[jÂ&#x2026;\[Â&#x2020;ZjqZjÂ&#x192;ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z my dream to put the ball in the back of the net and playing for the Super Eagles will Â&#x201D;\ZX^ZYj$\[\XqŠŸ The 22-year-old almost got on the score sheet in November when the home based Eagles defeated Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Black Meteors 1-0 in Â&#x2022;^ZWXYZx\ZÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Zx\ZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\Zq^Z[\Â&#x2014;jÂ&#x192;q\[ZxjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x2014;^WÂ&#x201E;Z `^[Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x201D;_qZWY]jqÂ&#x192;ZqxWqZ the most important thing is for the team to win. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will always want to score goals and it will give me great joy to score for my country. But I know the most important thing is for us to win whether I score or not and I hope we win the Â&#x2014;W]\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ Y^xZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Y\YŠ
Put Keshi on 12-month probation â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Esin
Maduabuchi Kalu
Gov. Ahmed mourns ex-Super Eagles player By Bisi Adedayo, Ilorin
wara State goverX^[Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;xW¨jZ Â&#x201D;Y_Â&#x201E;`WqWxZ x]\YÂ&#x2020;Z xWÂ&#x192;Z commiserated with the family of late Nigerian `^^qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZÂ&#x192;qW[Â&#x2020;Z ^Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Z q^Â&#x201E;orin who died on Monday at his Ilorin country home after a protracted illness. A statement signed by the Governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chief [\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z \Â&#x2C6;[\qW[Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;xW¨jZ Â&#x201D;Y_Â&#x201E;Â&#x2013;WxWÂ&#x201D;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x2020;Z Y\Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;[jÂ&#x201D;\YZ q^Â&#x201E;^[jXÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;XZ for his famous long throw-ins for the then [\\XZ WÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZWÂ&#x192;ZšWZÂ&#x192;xjXjXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x192;qW[ÂźZX^qZ^XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Zq^Zqx\Z people of the State but the whole football fraternity in Nigeria. x\Z Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X^[Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z praying for the repose of the soul of the football
Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;\XYÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x192;WjYZ x\Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ not forget in a hurry his quests for talentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; discoveries among budding football players in the qWq\Â&#x2020;Zš\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZW]^XÂ&#x2014;Z qx\ZWÂ&#x2C6;WY\]jÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x192;ŸŠ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We mourn the passing on of Otolorin. We W[\Â&#x2020;Z x^Â&#x2013;\Â?\[Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201E;\YZ with the life he lived laying good examples for the younger footballers to emulate. He was com]j1\YZ WXYZ Â&#x2C6;^Xq[jÂ&#x201D;_q\YZ his quota to football developments in our dear State and Nigeria as a Â&#x2C6;^_Xq[Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZWYY\YŠZ The governor who urged the wife and children of the deceased to take solace in the legacies left behind by q^Â&#x201E;^[jXÂ&#x2020;Z WYÂ?jÂ&#x192;\YZ ^qx\[Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;^Â?jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2013;W[WXÂ&#x192;Z to emulate the life and time of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;patriot and Â&#x2C6;^]]j1\YZ Â&#x2013;W[WXZ Â&#x2013;x^Z brought glories to the qWq\ZWXYZqx\ZXWqj^XŠŸ The deceased was the `^[]\[Z ]jYÂŞÂ&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;Y\[Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ IICC Shooting Stars of Â&#x201D;WYWXZ X^Â&#x2013;Z Â&#x2C6;x[jÂ&#x192;q\X\YÂ&#x2020;Z Shooting Stars Sports Club (3SC). He died at the age of 67. Otolorin retired as a senior sports Â&#x2C6;^WÂ&#x2C6;xZWqZqx\Z Â&#x2013;W[WZ qWq\Z ^Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;q\Â&#x2C6;xXjÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;^[jXZ Â&#x192;^]\Z six years ago.
ormer Super EaÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;ÂŁZ ]jYÂ&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;Y\[Â&#x2020;Z Etim Esin has advocated that the sit-tight Super EaÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z ^WÂ&#x2C6;xÂ&#x2020;Z q\Â&#x2030;x\XZ \Â&#x192;xjÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;x^Â&#x192;\ZÂ&#x2C6;^Xq[WÂ&#x2C6;qZxWÂ&#x192;Z\žÂ&#x2030;j[\YÂ&#x2020;Z be placed on 1-year probation before he can be granted a new pact. Â&#x192;jXZ Â&#x192;WjYZ Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2C6;\Z \Â&#x192;xjZ has proven to be the best indigenous coach to have xWXYÂ&#x201E;\YZ qx\Z XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z q\W]Â&#x2020;Z he should further be given
opportunity to prove his Â&#x2013;^[qxZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z ^$\[jXÂ&#x2014;Z xj]Z WZ year contract. He said the issue of who handles the national team should not be a subject of Â&#x192;\Xqj]\XqÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;_qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZ ^XZ sound judgment of who has the capacity to deliver the results. The Akwa Ibom born former Super Eagles player Â&#x192;WjYZj`Z \Â&#x192;xjZ`WjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;jqxjXZqx\Z probation period to per`^[]Z _Â&#x2030;Z q^Z \žÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qWqj^XÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z WZ knowledgeable coach from Europe should be recruited to reorganise the national team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that our inability to qualify for next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup of Nations was a serious sour point to our
football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That singular sour point diminished every achievement recorded by other Nigerian national q\W]Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\Z _Â&#x2030;\[Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z who won the 9th Africa Women Championship for a record seven times which is a no-mean feat. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But due to Super Eagles failure to qualify for the Equatorial Guinea Nations _Â&#x2030;Â&#x2020;Z X^Â&#x201D;^YÂ&#x2022;Z [\]\]Â&#x201D;\[Â&#x192;Z Falcons historic achievement. š Z`\\Â&#x201E;ZqxWqZ q\Â&#x2030;x\XZ \Â&#x192;xjZ should be given one more year contract to see what he will be able to achieve within the period and after that the NFF should assess him and decide whether his
contract should be extended or another coach hired for the job. š Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2030;[\`\[\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z `^[Z \shi is based on the facts on ground. Among the indigenous coaches who have had the opportunity of handling qx\Z _Â&#x2030;\[Z WÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z \Â&#x192;xjZ [\mains the best based on Â?\[jÂ&#x2DC;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\ZWÂ&#x2C6;xj\Â?\]\XqÂ&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;But if after one more year and the federation discovers that he is not the right ]WXZq^ZÂ&#x2C6;^XqjX_\Z^XZqx\Z¨^Â&#x201D;Â&#x2020;Z he should be replaced with WZÂ&#x192;^_XYZ`^[\jÂ&#x2014;XZÂ&#x2C6;^WÂ&#x2C6;xÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;x^Z will be charged with the responsibility of restructuring and refocusing the team to meet the yearnings and asÂ&#x2030;j[Wqj^XÂ&#x192;Z ^`Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ x\Z explained.
Poor motivation cost Rangers league â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Onoriode Odah Onoriode was Enugu Rangers International striker in the immediate past season. In this chat with Sl10, the forward revealed why the Flying Antelopes struggled virtually all through the season despite star players in their fold. ow will you rate your performance in the 2013/2014 Nigeria Professional Football League season? qZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2014;^^YÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;_qZ Z wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t at my best. So many had expected Enugu Rangers )*+ ,.56*57+ 8.9.5+ :)+ );.+ beginning of last season. What will you say caused the early struggles despite the galaxy of stars in the team? You canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t predict the outcome of a football match. All the same we q[j\YZ ^_[Z Â&#x201D;\Â&#x192;qŠZ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Â&#x2020;Z qx\Z ]^qjÂ?Wqj^XZ WÂ&#x192;Z WqZ qx\Z Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ round wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t too encouraging. When the money Â&#x192;qW[q\YZ Â&#x2021;^Â&#x2013;jXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z ^_[Z ]^rale was high.
How many goals did you score and tell your fans the best game you played last season? Four goals. The match we played against Abia W[[j^[Â&#x192;ZjXZ ]_WxjWZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z my best game. What are your plans for the future? I want to become great jXZ]Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;W[\\[Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x192;^ZqxWqZ ZÂ&#x2C6;WXZ
help more people in the football family. Who is your role model? Netherlands and Bay\[XZ _XjÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x192;qW[Â&#x2020;Z [¨\XZ Robben. ;*+=>@A.>B.C+D*A+)*+ play the game of soccer? Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;XÂŁqZ [\WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z jXÂ&#x2021;_enced by anyone to play football. It was a natu-
ral talent I got from Almighty God. If you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play football, which career would you have opted for? _Â&#x192;jÂ&#x2C6;ŠZ Z Â&#x201E;^Â?\Z Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;jXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s part of me. Who is your best friend? And why did you choose him? God is my best friend and I chose Him because without His Grace I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be were Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m today. You have played for many coaches in your career. Who do you value most? To be sincere all the coaches have been wonderful because I have learnt a lot from them. Has football given you satisfaction in life? \Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;_qZ Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\Z Â&#x201E;jÂ?\[Z Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2020;Z ZÂ&#x2013;WXqZ]^[\Š Where do you hope to be in the next two years? Europe is my target by His Grace. I want to be at a standard club. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not too ambitious (Laughs).
Bojanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dad throws jibe at Catalans Odegaard gets Barca
ojan Krkic senior is not a happy man with FC Barcelona these days. Bojan was mooted to be the next Messi and the youngster was jXZÂ&#x2DC;X\ZÂ&#x192;xWÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2020;Z[\Â&#x2014;_Â&#x201E;W[Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]jXÂ&#x2014;Z^$Zqx\Z bench to get the Catalans out of hot water, so to speak. Â&#x201E;qx^_Â&#x2014;xZx\ZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;\1Â&#x201E;\YZY^Â&#x2013;XZÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z in his new role at Stoke City, Bojan left the Nou Camp after loan spells with Roma and Ajax. Nobody was more please than Bojanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father after his move to Stoke and recalling the time his son was at Barcelona, Bojan senior said that not everyone â&#x20AC;&#x153;welcomedâ&#x20AC;? his son there. Speaking to the Mail on Sunday Bojan Krkic senior recalled: â&#x20AC;&#x153;They were international stars. x\Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2013;ZWZÂ&#x201E;j1Â&#x201E;\ZÂ&#x201D;^Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;qW[qjXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2014;W]\Â&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sometimes, Ronaldinho was on the bench and Bojan starts. You can imagine, eh? Not easy. It became very YjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qŠZ \Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;XÂŁqZ Â&#x2013;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2C6;^]\YZ jXZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z everyone. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Guardiola didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give him continuity. In the Copa del Rey, Bojan was
idfielder Xavi Hernandez has revealed he was ready to move to New York City at the end of last season after falling out of favour. x\Z Â&#x2030;WjXZ ]jYÂ&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;Y\[Z has spent his entire career at Camp Nou, but the club legend came close to a switch to Major League Soccer with Red Bulls after growing increasingly `[_Â&#x192;q[Wq\YZWqZWZÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Z^`ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qÂŞ team football under previous boss Gerardo Martino. Xavi has spoken of how close he came to turning his back on Barca before club president Josep Maria Bartomeu and new coach Luis Enrique convinced him to stay with the Catalan giants. He told Catalan newspaper Sport: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The decision was made. I was going to New York. It was all done. A call from Bartomeu was what changed everything. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He called my agent and told him that he wanted me here. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before I went to the World Cup I told them I thought my time at Barcelona was over. I did not feel useful and thought it was not to be. â&#x20AC;&#x153;After the World Cup I received a call from Bartomeu and then talked to Luis Enrique. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He told me Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to be a very useful player, that if I prove it, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll play, that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m still competitive and they thought of me well, that we would have a good year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He convinced me. It was decisive. I changed. We already had bags packed with my wife to go to New York.â&#x20AC;? WÂ?jZ xWÂ&#x192;Z ]WY\Z ÂŹÂŻZ WÂ&#x2030;pearances for Barca in La Liga this season, starting eight games for Luis Enriqueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second-placed side.
the top goalscorer for Pep. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In La Liga, he could score one or two goals, but then not play again for weeks. It is very curious. š XZ qx\Z qjqÂ&#x201E;\Z [_XÂŞjXZ jXZ ³´´Â&#x2020;Z x\Z Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2030;qZ [Zlatan] Ibrahimovic on the bench. Bojan played, scoring at Sevilla and Tenerife, and they were decisive goals. Then, when the season ended, they signed David Villa.â&#x20AC;? Twenty-four year old Bojan has started to produce the goods for Mark Hughesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stoke City and looks like heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x2014;\1jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Z q^Z xjÂ&#x192;Z ^Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;^[jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z with the Premier League side. Hughes also had good things to say about Bojan ahead of Stokeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Barclays Premier League home clash with Mourinhoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chelsea on Monday, the Welshman said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fabregas has been a top player for a long time, but in the future, who knows how good Bojan can be? ^¨WXZ Â&#x192;\Xj^[Z Â&#x2DC;XWÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x192;\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;jXÂ&#x2014;Ă&#x2018;Z š Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x201D;^Â&#x2022;ZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;_$\[\YZWZÂ&#x201E;^qZjXZ`^^qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ŠZ Too much. But it is a very long time since I have seen Bojan this happy.â&#x20AC;?
contract offer
arcelona are still conducting business as usual despite their two-window transfer ban and after welcoming Norwegian sensation, Martin Odegaard to the Camp Nou on Saturday, the Catalan side xWÂ?\Z^$\[\YZqx\ZÂŹĂ ÂŞÂ&#x2022;\W[ÂŞ^Â&#x201E;YZ a contract to join the club whenever they are legally able. Odegaard has been a target for Barcelona for over a year and after visiting and training with Real Madrid, Manchester United, Bayern, Ajax and â&#x20AC;&#x153;the club of his Y[\W]Â&#x192;ÂźZ jÂ?\[Â&#x2030;^^Â&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Zx\ZÂ&#x2DC;XWÂ&#x201E;ly made his way to the Camp Nou accompanied by his father Hans Erik Odegaard and agent Karl Karlsen. However, this was the
Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Â?jÂ&#x192;jqZ q^Z WZ Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Â&#x201D;Z Â&#x2013;x\[\Z he could be presented Â&#x2013;jqxZWZ`^[]WÂ&#x201E;Z^$\[Â&#x2020;ZWÂ&#x192;Zx\ÂŁYZ just turned the legal age of ÂŹĂ Z ^XZ \YX\Â&#x192;YWÂ&#x2022;Z WXYZ WÂ&#x2C6;cording to Mundo Deportivo, Barcelona did in fact Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;\XqZxj]ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZWXZ^$\[Š x\Z ^$\[Z jÂ&#x192;Z ]_Â&#x2C6;xZ qx\Z same to that of Alen Halilovic, where he would spend one season with the Barcelona B squad before ¨^jXjXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZq\W]Š Barcelona have already communicated their intentions to Odegaardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s current club Stromsgodset IF and hope to bring in the player at the end of their Â&#x201D;WXZ jXZ WX_W[Â&#x2022;Z ³´à Z ^[Z sooner, should TAS rule against FIFA and reduce their ban.
Xavi reveals botched Red Bulls switch Abidal unsure over Camp Nou role
ormer defender, Eric Abidal says that taking an upstairs role with the Catalan giants is far from certain. x\Z ¯¿ªÂ&#x2022;\W[ÂŞ^Â&#x201E;YZ WXnounced his retirement from football last week and it was widely expected he would move into an ambassadorial role at the Camp Nou, following recent remarks from club President Josep Maria Bartomeu. However, the Frenchman, who underwent a liver q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WXqZjXZ³´³ZÂ&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ the Blaugrana, said he could ¨_Â&#x192;qZ WÂ&#x192;Z \WÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z `_Â&#x201E;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;Z WZ Â&#x192;j]jÂ&#x201E;W[Z [^Â&#x201E;\Z WqZ [\\Â&#x2026;Z ^_qÂ&#x2DC;qZ Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;]piacos, whom he joined last summer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As you know I always speak the truth and I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t end my career to return to Barca. I ended it because I felt it was the right time,â&#x20AC;? said Abidal in an interview
with RMC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having said that, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got the chance to go to Barca, although I should also say I have an opportunity at Olympiacos and have also been approached by UEFA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In addition, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve created my foundation so I need to devote some time to that. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to try and do things in the best possible way.â&#x20AC;? Abidal revealed he had Â&#x201D;\\XZ^$\[\YZ^qx\[ZÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x192;jqj^XÂ&#x192;Z where he could impart his experience of the game at the highest level. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Above all these would be to try and get across what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been able to learn, particularly to youngsters. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a small part of Â&#x2013;xWqZ W[Â&#x2C6;WZxWÂ?\Z^$\[\YZ]\ŠZ But Olympiacos have also ]WY\Z]\ZWXZ^$\[Zq^ZÂ&#x201D;\ZÂ&#x2030;W[qZ of their organisation in relation to sponsorship and marketing,â&#x20AC;? he added.
Newswatch TIMES
Sports/EURO LEAGUE San Lorenzo’s Mercier labels Real ‘divers’
an Lorenzo mid \ Y\[Z _WXZ \[ j\[Z xW Z W \ \YZ \W Z WY[jY£ Z W \[ Z ¹ j] ¼Z `^[Z W \ \Y Z Yj jX Z ^X qWXq Z jXZ qx\Z Z _ Z ^[ YZ _ Z XW © ^ Z WX ^ Z \ _[\YZ qx\j[Z `^_[qxZ q[^ x Z ^`Z qx\Z \W[Z jqxZ WZ ³ª´Z jXZ ^ \[Z qx\Z ^ WZ j \[qWY^[\ Z jXX\[ ZjXZ ^[^ ^ Z jqxZ \[ j^Z W]^ ZWXYZ W[\qxZ W \ZX\1jX ZjXZWXZ^`q\XZj ª q\] \[\YZ W]\Z qxWqZ [^Y_ \YZ j¾Z \ ^ Z W[Y ©
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Casillas: I’ve no reason to ponder leaving
\[Z W j W Z xW Z ^_[\YZ ^ YZ Wq\[Z ^XZ [_]^_[ Z ^`Z WZ ]^ \Z W W Z `[^]Z \W Z WY[jY© x\Z ^W \\ \[ZxW Zq ^Z \W[ Z \`qZ ^XZ xj Z ^Xq[W qZ jqxZWXZ^ qj^XW Zqxj[YZWqZqx\Z \[XW \_ ZWXYZxW ZY\ W[\YZ x\Z j Z xW Z WqZ qx\Z _ Z x\Z xW Z \\XZWqZ jX \Z qW[qjX ZW Z WZ ^_qxZjXZ¬´© x\Z ¯¯ª \W[ª^ YZ q\] ^-
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Benitez hails Napoli’s Cup success
W`W\ Z \Xjq\»Z xW Z Y\ [j \YZ W ^ j£ Z qW jWXZ _ \[Z _ Z _ \ ZW Zqx\Z¹ [\Wq\ qZ j q^[ ¼Z W`q\[Z ^XYW £ Z \XW q Z x^^q^_qZq[j_] xZ^ \[Z
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Roma boss: No Man U for Strootman
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Martinez on comeback trail
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Pascal hopes to upset Kovalev in Rocky style
ean Pascal is predicting a Hollywood style ending to his March 14 shot at fearsome WBA, WBO and IBF light-heavyweight champion Sergey Kovalev. Pascal, a former WBC boss, will be a huge underdog inside Montrealâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bell Center against the unbeaten Russian. š xjÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;j]Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2020;ÂźZ Pascal reported. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your title is the remix of Rocky IV. This is the North American guy versus the Russian. In the remix version though, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not Apollo Creedâ&#x20AC;ŚIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m ^Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2022;ŠZ xjÂ&#x192;ZjÂ&#x192;Zqx\ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ possible, I respect Sergey Kovalev; he is the king of the division. In front of me I have the toughest challenge of my life. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a q^_Â&#x2014;xZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x201D;_qZ ZÂ&#x201E;^Â?\ZÂ&#x2C6;xWÂ&#x201E;lenges. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a guy who likes to face the best; March 14th thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to Y^ŠŸ Kovalev, who thrashed great veteran Bernard Hopkins in November, insisted he will do his talking in the
ring. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love to show good Â&#x201D;^žjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠZš ^qZ\Â?\ry boxer can show good action. Jean Pascal is best opponent after Bernard Hopkins and it will be a Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2014;^^YZ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W_Â&#x192;\Z Z will be in the ring. I have enough to speak, sorry, ÂŁ]ZX^qZqWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;\[Ă&#x2014;Z ÂŁ]ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xq\[ŠŸ Pascal now works with former 175lb leader, and certain future Hall of Famer, Roy Jones Jnr. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the best two guys in the division and a division I left a big trade]W[Â&#x2026;ZWqÂ&#x2020;ÂźZÂ&#x192;WjYZ ^X\Â&#x192;ŠZš ^_Z got the best two guys in qx\Z YjÂ?jÂ&#x192;j^XZ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqjXÂ&#x2014;Z ^X\Z another and you couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;Z `^[Z Â&#x201D;\1\[ŠZ ^qxZ W[\Z friends but I work with
\WXÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x192;^ZÂ&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2014;^1WZY^ZÂ&#x2013;xWqZ Â&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2014;^1WZY^ŠZ ÂŁ]Z¨_Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;WYZ both these guys want to go out and prove who is Â&#x201D;\Â&#x192;qŠŸ Kovalevâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s promoter Kathy Duva displayed reÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qZ `^[Z WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;_qZ Â&#x201E;j1Â&#x201E;\Z faith.
Mayweather to fight Pacquiao in UAE for $120m
De La Hoya: Khan much faster than Pacquiao
olden Boy Promotions President Oscar De La Hoya credits Amir Khan with having the fastest hands in the division, and says he is much faster than Floyd Mayweather Jr. and even Manny Pacquiao. Top Rank is trying to get Mayweather in the ring with Manny Pacquiao and De La Hoya doing his best to get Mayweather in the ring with Khan. Khan put his speed to test on December 13th, when he dominated Devon Alexander over twelve rounds. Alexander, known WÂ&#x192;ZWZ`WÂ&#x192;q\[ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xq\[ZÂ&#x2013;x^Zq[^_bles his opponents with quick punchers, looked slow against Khan.
Pacquiaoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand speed made him a terror and some see his speed as an advantage against Mayweather. De La Hoya says Khan is much faster than Pacquiao and stylistically would give Mayweather even more problems. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would have to say Amir Khan [is faster than Pacquiao], at this stage of their careers...Amir Khan [is faster], by far probably. Amir Khan is only 28-years^Â&#x201E;YZ ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x201E;j\Â?\ŠZ \ZjÂ&#x192;Z¨_Â&#x192;qZxjqting his peak right now as WZ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xq\[ŠZ \Z ¨_Â&#x192;qZ ]^Â?\YZ up to welterweight and he jÂ&#x192;Z ¨_Â&#x192;qZ Â&#x192;\1Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z Y^Â&#x2013;XÂ&#x2020;ÂźZ \Z La Hoya said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing about Amir, he also has fast `^^qÂ&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;ŠŸ
he investment group from Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates xWÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;[]\YZ itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s upped its already reÂ&#x2C6;^[YÂŞÂ&#x192;\1jXÂ&#x2014;Z ^$\[Z q^Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2022;YZ Mayweather Jr. and Mayweather Promotions to Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ WXXÂ&#x2022;Z WÂ&#x2C6;Âś_jW^ZY_[jXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ xWÂ&#x201E;`Z ^`Z ³´¿Z q^Z WXZ_XÂ&#x2030;[\Â&#x2C6;\Y\Xq\YZĂ&#x2DC;³´Z]jÂ&#x201E;lion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The media has been Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;WqjXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z ^$\[Z xWÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2014;^X\Z _Â&#x2030;Z Ă&#x2DC;´Z ]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XZ q^Z WZ Â&#x2014;_W[WXq\\YZ Ă&#x2DC;³´Z ]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XÂ&#x2020;Z WXYZ qx\Â&#x2022;ÂŁ[\Z [jÂ&#x2014;xqÂ&#x2020;ÂźZ Â&#x192;WjYZ ŠZ Akbar Muhammad [who previously worked with Don King], a long-time boxing executive and one of the principals in the Abu Dhabi-based group, which plans to host the event there Y_[jXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZxWÂ&#x201E;`Z^`Z³´¿ŠZ x\Z `^[]WÂ&#x201E;Z ^$\[Z xWÂ&#x192;Z been presented to Mayweather Promotions, said Muhammad. Both Mayweather and Pacquiao have announced this month their
intensions to meet in the [jXÂ&#x2014;ZY_[jXÂ&#x2014;Z³´¿Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr. Mayweather has Â&#x192;WjYZ x\ÂŁÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ WÂ&#x2C6;Âś_jW^Z jXZ the spring, so the only matter that needs to be resolved jÂ&#x192;Z qx\Z ]^X\Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ Â&#x192;WjYZ _hammad.
š xWqZ Â&#x192;WjYÂ&#x2020;ÂźZ Â&#x192;WjYZ _hammad, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I defy any other ^$\[Z q^Z Â&#x2C6;^]\Z WXÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2013;x\[\Z close to what Mr. Mayweather and the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Money \W]ÂŁZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZX\qZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqjXÂ&#x2014;ZjXZ Abu Dhabi. It simply canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t and wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be done. Such
is the nature of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inq\[XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2DC;XWXÂ&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x201E;WXYscape. â&#x20AC;&#x153;New, rich players are emerging in the world of sports, and boxing is no exception, as evidenced by this group from Abu DhaÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x2020;ÂźZÂ&#x192;WjYZ _xW]]WYŠZ
My daddy, so resilient â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Aliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter
uhammad Aliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter has assured fans of the boxing legend that her dad is well on the road to recovery after he was hospitalised with pneumonia over the weekend. Rasheda Ali-Walsh tells TMZ.com the 72-year-old sports legend is feeling good following his health scare. She explains, â&#x20AC;&#x153;My daddy is a strong man. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so resilient and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re all very grateful WXYZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\YŠŸ
The boxerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter adds, â&#x20AC;&#x153;When I see my dad, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m gonna tell him about all the people who have sent their
love. I know itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gonna make him feel great to know all these people are thinking about him.
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Newswatch Times
Health Thursday, DECEMBER 25, 2014
The body of late Mrs. Folake Oduyoye in the hospital surrounded by hospital workers and others
Late Mrs. Folake Oduyoye before and after the illness
How LUTH allowed my wife to die over N1.3m medical bill â&#x20AC;&#x201C; husband 3 We did our best for her under the circumstance â&#x20AC;&#x201C; LUTH Ag CMD Chioma Umeha, Health Editor
erhaps, if the newly signed National Health Act which provides for free medical care for pregnant women and _XY\[ÂŞÂ&#x2DC;Â?\ZÂ&#x2C6;xjÂ&#x201E;Y[\XZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;^]\Z \X`^[Â&#x2C6;\WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2020;Z [Â&#x192;ŠZ ^Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2026;\Z Y_Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;\Z Â&#x2013;x^Z died at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) from complications due to a caesarean section procured at WZ Â&#x2030;[jÂ?Wq\Z x^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jqWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Z jYWÂ&#x192;Z ^_Â&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x201E;jXjÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2014;_YWÂ&#x2020;Z _[_Â&#x201E;\[\Â&#x2020; WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Â&#x201E;YZxWÂ?\ZÂ&#x201D;\\XZ Â&#x2030;[\Â?\Xq\YŠ Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;^[YjXÂ&#x2014;Z q^Z x\[Z x_Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;WXYÂ&#x2020;Z Y\Â&#x2022;\]jZ Y_Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;\Â&#x2020;Z ¯¿ªZ ^Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2026;\Z Y_Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;\Z Yj\YZ ^XZ \Â&#x2C6;\]Â&#x201D;\[Z ÂŹÂŻÂ&#x2020;Z qxjÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2022;\W[Z WqZ Â&#x2020;Z YjÂŞ [WÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZY_\Zq^ZX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z^`Z Z ^Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x192;j^X\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Zqx\ZjXWÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;Z^`Zqx\Z`W]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z q^ZÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;Z^Â?\[Z Š¯Z]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XZÂ&#x2C6;^Â&#x192;qZ^`Z]\YjÂ&#x2C6;W[\Z incurred from over one month that his Â&#x2013;j`\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z x^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jqWÂ&#x201E;jÂť\YZ WqZ qx\Z Xq\XÂ&#x192;jÂ?\Z
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Alomo Bitters manufactured to highest quality, safety â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Adjei Pg 44 & 45
Y\WqxZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZĂ&#x2022;[\Â&#x2014;[\1WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\ÂŁZjXZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;jq\Z^`ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Zqx\Z \$^[qÂ&#x192;ZWXYZĂ&#x2022;X^qZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W_Â&#x192;\Z^`ZX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;\Š£ Z ^Y\Z Â&#x192;WjYZ qxWqZ Y_Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;\Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ xWÂ?\Z Yj\YZÂ&#x201D;_qZ`^[Zqx\Z\$^[qÂ&#x192;Z^`Zqx\Zx\WÂ&#x201E;qxÂ&#x2C6;W[\Z q\W]Z Â&#x2013;x^Z Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2030;qZ x\[Z WÂ&#x201E;jÂ?\Z jXZ Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jq\Z ^`Z qx\Z ^XÂ&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x192;q[jÂ&#x2026;\ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Zx\WÂ&#x201E;qxZÂ&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;\[Â&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;This lady came into LUTH in critical condition, unconscious and infected `[^]Z Z Â&#x2030;\[`^[]\YZ jXZ WX^qx\[Z x^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jqWÂ&#x201E;ŠZ She underwent a major operation at which plenty of pus was evacuated from x\[ZWÂ&#x201D;Y^]\XŠZ â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;She underwent a tracheostomy, Â&#x2C6;[\WqjXÂ&#x2014;ZWZx^Â&#x201E;\Z^XZx\[ZX\Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Zq^Z\XWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Zx\[Z Â&#x201D;[\WqxZWXYZÂ&#x192;qWÂ&#x2022;ZWÂ&#x201E;jÂ?\ŠZ Ă&#x2022;ÂŁ x\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z WY]j1\YZ jXq^Z qx\Z Xq\XÂ&#x192;jÂ?\Z W[\Z XjqÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ ]_Â&#x201E;qjÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Z ^[Â&#x2014;WXZ `WjÂ&#x201E;_[\Â&#x2020;Z for one month she was on ventilator, a ]WÂ&#x2C6;xjX\ZÂ&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;[\WqxjXÂ&#x2014;Z`^[Zx\[Š â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;She also developed two episodes of cardiac arrest from which she was [\Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;_\YŠZ x\ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^ZY\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;\YZ[\XWÂ&#x201E;Z`WjÂ&#x201E;_[\Z for which she underwent four sessions of xW\]^YjWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ He explained that the multiple
surgeries, specialised tests, interventions, YjWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Y[_Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;Z WXYZ Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;_]WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;^Â&#x192;qZ Š¿Z]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XŠ According to him, the family paid WZ q^qWÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2030;WjYZ WZ q^qWÂ&#x201E;Z ^`Z ¯´´Â&#x2020;Z ´´´Z WXYZ [\Âś_\Â&#x192;q\YZqxWqZWZq^qWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z^`Z Š³Z]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XZ Â&#x201D;\ZÂ&#x2013;WjÂ?\YŠ Ă&#x2022;ÂŁ x\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z YjÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;xW[Â&#x2014;\YZ ^XZ ^Â?\]Â&#x201D;\[Z ÂÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;x\XZ Â&#x192;x\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Y\\]\YZ Â&#x2DC;qZ q^Z Â&#x2014;^Z x^]\Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z x\[Z x_Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;WXYZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;^_[Â&#x2C6;jXÂ&#x2014;Z `^[Z ]^X\Â&#x2022;Zq^ZÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;Zx^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jqWÂ&#x201E;Z`\\Š â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Her relations, who wanted the x^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jqWÂ&#x201E;Z q^Z Â&#x201E;\qZ qx\]Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2026;Z WÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;jqx^_qZ paying for the services she received, WÂ&#x201D;WXY^X\YZx\[Š Ă&#x2022;ÂŁ x\Z x_Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;WXYZ [\Âś_\Â&#x192;q\YZ q^Z Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;Z jXZ jXÂ&#x192;qWÂ&#x201E;]\XqÂ&#x192;Z ^`Z ÂŹÂżÂ&#x2020;Z ´´´Z Â&#x2030;\[Z ]^XqxZ WXYZ qxjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZWÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x2030;q\YÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x201D;_qZx\ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Â&#x201E;YZX^qZÂ&#x201D;[jXÂ&#x2014;Z WXÂ&#x2022;^X\Zq^ZÂ&#x192;qWXYZWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2014;_W[WXq^[Š Ă&#x2022;ÂŁ x\Z Â&#x2C6;^XYjqj^XÂ&#x192;Z ^`Z Y_Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2022;\Z Â&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W]\Z suddenly poor and she died of pulmonic Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2C6;Wqj^XÂ&#x192;Z^XZ \Â&#x2C6;\]Â&#x201D;\[Z¯ŠŸ jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x192;^Â&#x2C6;j\qÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2014;[^_Â&#x2030;Â&#x192;Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2C6;\Z [jÂ&#x192;\XZ Continued on page 47
Fast food linked â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dettol protects from to lower student germs which cause over 100 illnessesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; scores Pg 46 Pg 47
Newswatch TIMES
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Alomo Bitters manufactured to highest quality, safety â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Adjei
Cross-section of Senior Management of Kasapreko, Accra, Ghana, after a facility tour the company organised for Nigerian journalists, recently. (Dr. Kwabena Adjei, Kasapreko Chairman/Founder on suit) Chioma Umeha, Health Editor
ays are gone when people assumed that Alomo Bitters is one of those concoctions prepared behind the backyard. While, others thought that the herbal based drink is just any ordinary alcoholic drink. Yet, some who are still confused today ask: Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;^]^ZÂ&#x201D;j1\[Â&#x192;Z]\YjÂ&#x2C6;jXWÂ&#x201E;Ă&#x161;Z Â&#x201E;^]^Z Â&#x201D;j1\[Â&#x192;Z W[\Z ]WY\Z `[^]Z Â&#x2C6;W[\fully selected tropical plant extracts which forms part of a secret recipe, and it is popular not only for its aphrodisiac but several curative qualities. The product made of extracts from seven herbal plants, by Kasapreko was founded by Dr. Kwabena Adjei, who said that the company was started in his garage 25 years ago with the determination to succeed. Adjei said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This Company called Kasapreko started 25 years ago in my Â&#x2014;W[WÂ&#x2014;\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZÂ&#x2DC;Â?\ZÂ&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;\[Â&#x192;ŠZZ _[ZÂ&#x192;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2014;WXZ from day one has been â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kasapreko - A step beyond success.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The idea of the product came from the observation that Africans were drinking herbs locally mixed with alcohol. But Adjeiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision was to use sci\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z]\qx^YZq^ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;\Zqx\ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qZ with clinical authentication. Â&#x201D;Â?j^_Â&#x192;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z \žÂ&#x2C6;jq\YZ ^Â?\[Z qx\Z [\Â&#x192;_Â&#x201E;qZ ^`Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z WYÂ?WXÂ&#x2C6;\]\XqZ ^`Z x\[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z Â?WÂ&#x201E;_\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z qx\Z xWj[]WXZ [\Â&#x2C6;^_Xq\YĂ&#x2018;Z š _[Z forefathers used roots to mix with herbs and consumed the extract. They do not discard the herbs immediately. They add alcohol on the same herbs for
a second, second, third, fourth or even Â&#x2DC;`qxZ qj]\Z WXYZ Y[WXÂ&#x2026;Z qx\Z \žq[WÂ&#x2C6;qŠZ ^_Z Â&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;Z qxWqZ qx\Z Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;\Xq[Wqj^XZ Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z Â&#x201D;\Z qx\Z Yj$\[\XqZ `[^]Z qx\Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x2C6;^XYZ WXYZ subsequent ones. They only discard the herbs when they feel that extract has become lighter and use new set of herbs. In view of this, I asked myself: What we can I do to improve on what our forefathers were doing. And I further asked myself: How can we use scienqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z]\qx^YZq^Z\XÂ&#x192;_[\ZÂ&#x192;qWXYW[YjÂ&#x192;Wqj^XZ of the herbal drink,â&#x20AC;? the Kasapreko Chairman said. Against this background, Adjei said that he introduced Alomo 10 years after the company was established. According to him, his company was initially producing Kasapregin. But the breakthrough came when he introY_Â&#x2C6;\YZ Â&#x201E;^]^Z j1\[Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W]\ZWZ q[WjÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;WÂť\[ZjXZqx\ZÂ&#x201D;j1\[Â&#x192;ÂŁZÂ&#x2C6;Wq\Â&#x2014;^[Â&#x2022;ŠZ \Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Zq^ZÂ&#x2DC;XYZWZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Z^`ZÂ&#x2030;[^portioning the herbs that were introY_Â&#x2C6;\YZjXq^Zqx\ZÂ&#x201D;j1\[Â&#x192;Š He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I went to see a group of Â&#x192;Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x192;Z WqZ qx\Z \Xq[\Z `^[Z Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z Research into Plant Medicine (CSRPM) Ghana. I shared my vision with them. I told them that I want to improve on what our forefathers were doing with herbs. Zq^Â&#x201E;YZqx\]ZqxWqZ ZÂ&#x2013;WXqZq^Z_Â&#x192;\ZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z method to prepare the drinks. Initially, they declined, but they later agreed a year later, after I had convinced them qxWqZ qx\Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qZ xWÂ&#x192;Z x_Â&#x2014;\Z Â&#x201D;\X\Â&#x2DC;qZ `^[Z every human being.
So we are in control of our herbal concentrate of herbal extracts. That is really our strength â&#x20AC;&#x201C; our biggest strength is our herbal extracts, because we are sure of what we are getting and what we are using. Therefore I dare say that in terms of Alomo Bitters and other products that we manufacture, they are manufactured to the highest quality and safety standard
I also asked for herbs to improve blood circulation, appetite and what they call â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;manpower,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; some people call it â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ogidigidi.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; They said that the herbs are available. Then the scientists said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;you can have all these herbs which address all these conditions and could be W1WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z]WÂ&#x201E;W[jWZWXYZÂ&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2014;^ZY^Â&#x2013;XŠZ Therefore, we advise you to include herbs for anti-malaria drugs in the for]_Â&#x201E;Wqj^XŠ£Z Z Â&#x192;WjYĂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2DC;X\ŠZ ^Z Â&#x2013;\Z WÂ&#x2014;[\\YZ and I funded them. Immediately the fund was released, they started the research. So we went back and forth for almost about one year. ^Â&#x2020;Z x\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z q^Z Â&#x2030;W[qX\[Z Â&#x2C6;j\XqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z Plant Medicine in Mapong, which is ^[Â&#x201E;YZ \WÂ&#x201E;qxZ [Â&#x2014;WXjÂ&#x192;Wqj^XZ WKÂ&#x201E;jWq\Z that did the extraction of the herbs. That helped him to make sure that the herbs and the amount of herbs and the proportion of the herbs are according to what is good for human consumption. Adjei said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That was how the products started. After sometime, news about this product that I christened; Â&#x201E;^]^Z j1\[Â&#x192;ZxjqZqx\ZWj[ŠZ Â&#x201E;^]^Z j1\[Â&#x192;Z in our language means â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;friendship.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; In fact, I wrote so many names, but beSo I told the scientists to conduct re- cause of the uniqueness of the herbs, search and discover herbs that can treat I have to give it a name that connotes Â&#x2030;jÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x192;ŠZ XYZqx\Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;WjYZÂ&#x2013;xWqZX\žqĂ&#x161;Z ZÂ&#x192;WjYÂ&#x2020;Z friendship.â&#x20AC;? I also want herbs that can be used to The company had previously promtreat body pains like panadol, caranol, ised to start production of Alomo Bitparacetamol etc; they said, there are ters and other aligned brands in Niherbs that can address all these. I fur- geria because of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s huge ther requested for herbs which can be market, which is itsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; biggest export, but used to prevent cramps during menContinued on page 50 strual cycle; they said it is available.
Newswatch TIMES Thursday, December 25, 2014
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fakers scuttling our multi-million dollar expansion in Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Continued from page 49
said it was being frustrated by the faking of the brand that had reduced the Â&#x201D;[WXYZ\Âś_jqÂ&#x2022;Z^`Z Â&#x201E;^]^Z j1\[Â&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;We wanted to make a strong footprint in Nigeria and we have not cancelled the ambition, but once we are able to get rid of those destroying the market and harming the lives of the people through faking of our product, then we can decide to put the factory in place,â&#x20AC;? Adjei, told Newswatch Times jXZ Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;[WÂ&#x2020;Z xWXWÂ&#x2020;Z[\Â&#x2C6;\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Š x\Z Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;WXÂ&#x2022;ÂŁÂ&#x192;Z Z [\Â&#x2014;[\1\YZ qxWqZ the faking of the product because of jqÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;_Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z WXYZ x\WÂ&#x201E;qxZ Â&#x201D;\X\Â&#x2DC;qÂ&#x192;Z xWYZ Â&#x201D;[^_Â&#x2014;xqZqx\Z\Âś_jqÂ&#x2022;Z^`Zqx\ZÂ&#x201D;[WXYZY^Â&#x2013;XŠZ š `ZÂ&#x2013;\ZY^XÂŁqZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZqx\Z`WÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;\ZW[\Zx_[qing the government because fakers Y^XÂŁqZÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;ZqWžŠZ \ZW[\ZxW[]jXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;^Xsumers because fakers donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use good Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qŠZ ^]\Z ^`Z qx\Â&#x192;\Z `WÂ&#x2026;\Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z have been tested in our laboratory and I tell you that the result is shocking and _Xx\WÂ&#x201E;qxÂ&#x2022;Zq^ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;_]\[Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ Adjei, who recognised Nigeria as a big market in Africa, said the brandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dominance of the market had been greatly diluted, not by genuine comÂ&#x2030;\qjqj^XZ Â&#x201D;_qZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z `WÂ&#x2026;\Z ]W[Â&#x2026;\qŠZ \Z x^Â&#x2013;ever said that the company, which is now exporting to European and Western and other African countries, was presently collaborating with Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s regulatory agencies and distributors to qWÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;\Zqx\Z`WÂ&#x2026;\Z]W[Â&#x2026;\qŠ XZ^[Y\[Zq^ZÂ&#x192;qjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z^$\[Zqx\ZÂś_WÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;[^Yuct to Nigerians who have accepted the product and checkmate faking, Adjei and his team are introducing security Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x201E;Z^XZqx\Z Â&#x201E;^]^ZÂ&#x201D;[WXYŠ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Two years ago, we embarked on a journey to protect our brand and conÂ&#x192;_]\[Â&#x192;ŠZ xWqZ ¨^_[X\Â&#x2022;Z q^^Â&#x2026;Z _Â&#x192;Z q^Z \[many where we partnered with a holoÂ&#x2014;[W]ZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;WXÂ&#x2022;ŠŸ According to him, the security will jXÂ?^Â&#x201E;Â?\Z`^_[ZÂ&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZjXZWXZW1\]Â&#x2030;qZq^Z ensure that the consumer gets the right Âś_WÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qŠZš \ZÂ&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;ZqxWqZ`WÂ&#x2026;\[Â&#x192;Z will try to confuse the consumers with fake holographic seal but ours is so sophisticated and consumers will be able to identify the original from the fakeâ&#x20AC;? x\ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ To reach the growing international market, Kasapreko has commissioned qÂ&#x2013;^Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qj^XZ Â&#x201E;jX\Â&#x192;Z Ă&#x203A;Z qx\Z Â&#x2030;\qZ Â&#x201D;^1Â&#x201E;\Z production that rolls out 40,000 conqWjX\[Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;\[Z x^_[Z WXYZ qx\Z Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;^1Â&#x201E;\Z Â&#x201E;jX\Z qxWqZ Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Z ¯´Â&#x2020;´´´Z Â&#x201D;^1Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;\[Z x^_[Š Today, Kasapreko continues to receive enquiries from various countries Â&#x192;_Â&#x2C6;xZWÂ&#x192;Z _Â&#x192;q[WÂ&#x201E;jWÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;ZWXYZqx\Z Â&#x2020;Z`^[Z the supply of Alomo and other brands Â&#x2013;jqxjXZjqÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2030;^[q`^Â&#x201E;j^ŠZ XZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2020;ZjqZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂŹÂżZÂ?W[jWXqÂ&#x192;Z jXZ Â&#x2014;jXÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;jX\Z Â&#x2C6;Wq\Â&#x2014;^[j\Â&#x192;ŠZ Adjei who has won several awards Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2C6;\Z ÂŹÂÂÂÂ&#x2020;Z jXq\XYÂ&#x192;Z q^Z Â&#x2C6;^XqjX_\Z xjÂ&#x192;Z market research to satisfy the growing ]W[Â&#x2026;\qŠ Lamenting on the activities of fake manufacturers, the Managing Director, Kasapreko Nigeria, Kodjo Nunoo, said that it is important for their activities to Â&#x201D;\ZÂ&#x2C6;^Xq[^Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YŠ Nunoo said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The activities of these `WÂ&#x2026;\[Â&#x192;Z X\\YZ q^Z Â&#x201D;\Z Â&#x2C6;^Xq[^Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YŠZ x\Â&#x2022;Z Y^Z not use the proper processes of production, their sources of raw materials xWÂ?\Z X^qZ Â&#x201D;\\XZ Â&#x2C6;\[qjÂ&#x2DC;\YÂ&#x2020;Z qx\Z ^_qÂ&#x2030;_qZ ^`Z qx\j[ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ZW[\ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^ZX^qZÂ&#x2C6;\[qjÂ&#x2DC;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z the relevant food authorities to ensure qxWqZjqZjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;x^Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;^]\Z^[Z^qx\[Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x192;\ŠZ ^Â&#x2020;ZjqZ jÂ&#x192;Z YjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qZ q^Z q\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z Â&#x2013;x\qx\[Z qx\Â&#x192;\Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ZW[\ZÂ&#x2013;^[qxZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;_]jXÂ&#x2014;ŠŸ
Top executives guiding journalists on a tour of the factory at the head quarters of Kasapreko in Accra, Ghana, recently.
\Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z Â&#x2013;W[X\YZ WÂ&#x2014;WjXÂ&#x192;qZ qx\Z YWXÂ&#x2014;\[Â&#x192;Z of consuming fake Kasapreko prod_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;When consumers consume these fake products, in less than no time it W$\Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z qx\j[Z jXq\[XWÂ&#x201E;Z ^[Â&#x2014;WXÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ jXÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Y\Z qx\j[Z Â&#x201E;jÂ?\[ŠZ xWqZ jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;\Z WÂ&#x192;Z WZ company take it as a serious responsibility to make sure that these fakers do not put the health of our people at [jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZWYY\YŠ XZ Âś_WÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;Z WXYZ xÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2014;j\X\Â&#x2020;Z [ŠZ WÂ?jYZ Kamau, Director, Quality Assurance, Research and Development (R&D) at Kasapreko assured that the company will remain committed to research to ensure quality and satisfy consumersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; X\\YŠ Kamau said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;And we are continuously doing research and development to come up with new and imÂ&#x2030;[^Â?\YZ Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ŠZ \Z W[\Z Â&#x2C6;^Xq[^Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z the whole value chain, once you are able control all your inputs process, you can now ensure that your prod_Â&#x2C6;qZjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x192;q\XqŠ According to him, the quality of alcohol which is the number one input of Alomo Bitters is appropriately monitored to ensure production of
Â&#x192;W`\ZÂ&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;We control the quality of our alcohol from the time of procurement to the time it arrives at the ports and then to the time it gets to the factory that is key to making safe alcoholic Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZqx\Z j[\Â&#x2C6;q^[ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ
\Z `_[qx\[Z Â&#x192;WjYZ qxWqZ qx\Z x\[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z \žtract which is one and most important ingredient, and the one that makes Kasapreko distinct is carefully and directly sourced from a sister comÂ&#x2030;WXÂ&#x2022;ZÂŞZZZ \[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z W[]Â&#x192;ZWXYZ \Â&#x192;\W[Â&#x2C6;xŠZ This is even as Kamau stressed that Kasapreko ensures quality control of jqÂ&#x192;Zx\[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z\žq[WÂ&#x2C6;qŠ
\Z Â&#x192;WjYĂ&#x2018;Z š [^]Z qx\Z qj]\Z ^`Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qing the plant materials to the time of \žq[WÂ&#x2C6;qj^XÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;\Z W[\Z WÂ&#x2014;WjXZ jXZ Â&#x2C6;^Xq[^Â&#x201E;ŠZ Though, our sister company is our supplier, we have an agreement on the Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Wqj^XZ ^`Z Â&#x2013;xWqZ qx\Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;_Â&#x2030;Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z q^Z _Â&#x192;ŠZZ ^ZÂ&#x2013;x\XZqx\Â&#x2022;ZY\Â&#x201E;jÂ?\[Â&#x2020;Zqx\Â&#x2022;ZY\Â&#x201E;jÂ?\[Z Â&#x2013;jqxZÂ&#x2C6;\[qjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Wq\Z^`ZWXWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x192;ŠZ \ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^ZjXspect, sample and test again to make sure that what they stated on their cerqjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Wq\Z ^`Z WXWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;^jXÂ&#x2C6;jY\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ ^_[Z [\Â&#x192;_Â&#x201E;qZ`[^]Z^_[ZÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x201D;^[Wq^[Â&#x2022;ŠZ
\ZWYY\YĂ&#x2018;Zš \ZxWÂ?\ZWZÂ&#x192;qWq\Z^`Zqx\ZW[qZ laboratory that is capable of analysing
We wanted to make a strong footprint in Nigeria and we have not cancelled the ambition, but once we are able to get rid of those destroying the market and harming the lives of the people through faking of our product, then we can decide to put the factory in place
the same parameters that they are able q^ZWXWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;\ŠZ ^ZÂ&#x2013;\ZW[\ZjXZÂ&#x2C6;^Xq[^Â&#x201E;Z^`Z^_[Z x\[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;\Xq[Wq\Z ^`Z x\[Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z \žq[WÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ŠZ That is really our strength â&#x20AC;&#x201C; our biggest strength is our herbal extracts, because we are sure of what we are Â&#x2014;\qqjXÂ&#x2014;ZWXYZÂ&#x2013;xWqZÂ&#x2013;\ZW[\Z_Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;ŠŸZ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Then the dosage is also important, if you are able maintain the concentration from the extraction and ensure that this blends with the alcohol and every other thing else like water, then you are sure that your product will always be consistent and give the Â&#x192;W]\Z`_XÂ&#x2C6;qj^XWÂ&#x201E;jqj\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ W]W_ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ On the fourth element of the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quality assurance, which is the minor ingredients, he said; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We partner with very reputable European companies from Germany and other European companies where they do natural flavours to \XÂ&#x192;_[\Z Â&#x192;W`\qÂ&#x2022;ŠZ Z ]WÂ&#x2026;\Z Â&#x192;_[\Z qx\Z jXgredients used at Kasapreko are in the European list of approved food jXÂ&#x2014;[\Yj\XqÂ&#x192;ŠŸ
\Z Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Y\YĂ&#x2018;Z š x\[\`^[\Z Z YW[\Z say that in terms of Alomo Bitters and other products that we manufacture, they are manufactured to the high\Â&#x192;qZÂś_WÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;ZWXYZÂ&#x192;W`\qÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;qWXYW[YŠŸ ^[[^Â&#x201D;^[WqjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z [ŠZ q\Â?\XZ Â&#x192;W`^ÂŞ Mensah, Research and Development Manager, said that Kasapreko is unY\[Zqx\ZÂ&#x192;_Â&#x2030;\[Â?jÂ&#x192;j^XZ^`Z xWXWZ qWXYW[YÂ&#x192;Z _qx^[jqÂ&#x2022;Z¡ ¸ZWXYZ ^^YZWXYZ [_Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;Z Y]jXjÂ&#x192;q[Wqj^XZ ¡ ¸Z qx\Z \Âś_jÂ?WÂ&#x201E;\XqZ ^`Z Z jXZ jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZ which sample their products and ensure compliance to all the requirements for food and beverage jXY_Â&#x192;q[Â&#x2022;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apart from in house testing, we W[\Z ]^Xjq^[\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z qx\Z xWXWZ qWXYW[YÂ&#x192;Z _qx^[jqÂ&#x2022;Z¡ ¸ZWXYZ ^^YZWXYZ [_Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;Z Y]jXjÂ&#x192;q[Wqj^XZ ¡ ¸Ă&#x2014;Z qx\Â&#x2022;Z sample our products and make sure that we complying to all the require]\XqÂ&#x192;Z`^[Z`^^YZWXYZÂ&#x201D;\Â?\[WÂ&#x2014;\ZjXY_Â&#x192;q[Â&#x2022;ŠZ ^Z Â&#x2013;\Z W[\Z Â&#x201D;\jXÂ&#x2014;Z ]^Xjq^[\YZ ^XZ \Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2030;[^Y_Â&#x2C6;qZ^`Z^_[Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;ZjXq^Zqx\Z]W[Â&#x2026;\qŠZ They can sample at any time and give _Â&#x192;Z`\\YÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ Â&#x192;W`^ÂŞ \XÂ&#x192;WxŠ
Newswatch TIMES
Food & Nature with Chioma Umeha
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Fast food linked to lower student scores of their neighbourhood and school. Purtell points out that other studies have shown that fast food lacks certain nutrients that help cognitive development and that diets high in fat and sugar have been shown to hurt immediate memory and learning processes.
Weight training prevents belly fat linked to aging – Study
Citrus fruits
Fast food
he amount of fast food children eat may be linked to how well they do in school, a new nationwide study said. Researchers found that the more frequently children reported eating fast food in fifth grade, the lower their growth in reading, math, and science test scores by the time they reached eighth grade. Fast food burgers, fries and other greasy food may affect how students perform in school, according to a new study led by an Ohio State University professor. Data came from a national study of about 11,740 students who attended kindergarten in the 1998 and 1999 school year. They were tested in reading/literacy, math and science in both fifth and eighth grades, and also completed a food consumption questionnaire in fifth grade. 20 per cent of respondents reported eating fast food either every day or four to six times during the week before the survey. About 29 per cent of the children said they did not have any fast food the week before. The study results showed that children who said they ate fast food very frequently showed significantly lower gains in all three achievement areas over the years compared with children who did not eat any fast food the week before the survey taken in fifth grade. Children who ate fast food just one to three times a week had lower academic growth in only one subject, math. “We’re not saying that parents should never feed their children fast food, but these results suggest fast-
food consumption should be limited as much as possible,” said Kelly Purtell, lead author of the study and assistant professor of human sciences at OSU. While she says the study
does not prove that fastfood consumption caused the lower academic growth, the results remained even after the researchers took into account a wide variety of other factors that may have
explained the link, including how much the students exercised, how much television they watched, what other food they ate, their family’s socioeconomic status and characteristics
Vitamins, critical in immune system boost
n the face of prevailing unpredictable and unfavourable weather xj xZxW Z ^qZWY \[ \Z\$\ q Z^XZ human health, certain vitamins and nutrients have been discovered to be very essential for maintain good health. Health experts advise that you keep your levels of these vitamins and nutrients high this season q^Z qW \Z^$Zj X\ ZWXYZ \\ Z ^_[Z\Xergy at its peak. Iron [^XZ Y\ j\X Z ^[Z WXW\]jW Z ^`q\XZ results in a weakened immune system, which leads to increased frequency of infection, reports the Naqj^XW Z \W qxZ \[ j \©Z [^XZY\ j\X Z is also known to cause fatigue (due to lack of red blood cells), dizziness, and headaches. The lethargy reported among anaemic individuals tends to result in decreased physical activity, further compounding their risk of illness. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that individuals maintain a balanced diet consisting of iron-rich foods such as beef, lentils, spinach, white beans, and even dark chocolate. Vitamin D Vitamin D is critical to keeping your immune system in good shape through cold season. A study by the University of Colorado School of Medicine found that 77 per cent of American adults are lacking in vitamin D, and that these Americans are 24 per cent to 36 per cent likelier to catch colds than those who have higher concentrations of the vitamin. The study author, Adit Ginde, said, jX _K j\XqZ jqW]jXZ Z \ \ Z j ZY\ [\W \Z qx\Z ^ \[W Z \K j\X Z ^`Z ^_[Z immune cells. Humans naturally absorb vitamin
D through sunlight, which means that it’s all the more important we XYZ W q\[XWq\Z ]\WX Z ^`Z W ^[ qj^XZ during the winter months. Vitamin ª ^XqWjXjX Z`^^Y ZjX _Y\Z`W1 Z xZ and egg yolks. Additionally, many foods like cereals, milk, and yogurts W[\Z`^[qj \YZ jqxZqx\Z jqW]jX© Complex carbohydrates As the days shorten in wintertime, individuals get less exposure to the sun. This not only decreases vitamin D levels but also has a direct effect on the level of serotonin in our brains. The result? Decreased levels of serotonin, which have been directly linked to depression and related health problems. The consumption of complex carbohydrates promotes serotonin production in the brain. Do not reach for just any carbohydrates. Simple carbs, such as those ^_Z j Z XYZ jXZ Y^_ xX_q Z WXYZ white bread, will trigger a spike in insulin, causing fatigue, headaches, and irritability. Instead, opt for complex carbohydrates. “Whole grains and high-quality carbs such as sweet
potatoes, yams, pumpkins, and squash help boost serotonin levels,” Gloria Tsang said. Zinc The human body requires zinc in trace amounts in order to sustain proper immune function. The substance is vital to cell growth and carbohydrate breakdown, among other processes. The National Institutes of Health note that the steady con _] qj^XZ^`Z»jX Z^ \[ZWZ \ª]^XqxZ period will reduce your risk of coming down with a cold. Additionally, if you start to take zinc supplements within 24 hours after cold symptoms begin, you will likely reduce the length, duration, and intensity of the illness. Zinc is generally found in highprotein foods, such as beef, pork, and lamb, as well as nuts, whole grains, and legumes. Most multivitamins contain the nutrient. It can also be bought separately, often in the form of cold treatments - lozenges, nasal sprays, and more - according to the National Institutes of Health.
Corned beef Milk
eight training is vital in preventing belly fat, a new study reported. According to the researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, this form of exercise, when added to aerobic workouts, can slow down one’s development of age-related belly fat. For this study, the team examined data on 10,500 healthy male participants between 1996 and 2008. The participants were aged 40 or older with varying body mass indexes (BMI). BMI measures obesity by calculating one’s weight in relation to height. The researchers analyzed the \$\ q Z ^`Z Yj$\[\XqZ \¾\[ j \Z regimens on the men’s waistlines. “Because aging is associated with sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle mass, relying on body weight alone is insuf j\XqZ`^[Zqx\Z q_Y Z^`Zx\W qx Z aging,” study author Rania Mekary, a researcher at Harvard’s department of nutrition, said in the news release. “Measuring waist circumfer\X \Z j Z WZ \1\[Z jXYj Wq^[Z ^`Z healthy body composition among older adults.” The researchers found that men who did weight training for 20 minutes a day experienced smaller increases in their belly fat when compared to men who spent the same time doing other aerobic exercises, such as stair climbing. Men who remained sedentary throughout the 12-year study period gained the largest amount of belly fat. “Engaging in resistance training or, ideally, combining it with aerobic exercise could help older adults lessen abdominal fat while increasing or preserving muscle mass,” Mekary noted. “This study underscores the importance of weight training in reducing abdominal obesity, especially among the elderly,” study senior author Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology, added. “To maintain a healthy weight and waistline, it is critical to incorporate weight training with aerobic exercise.” The study was published in the journal, Obesity.
Newswatch TIMES Thursday, December 25, 2014
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Dettol protects from germs which cause over 100 illnessesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Stories by CHIOMA UMEHA (HEALTH EDITOR)
o create a world where people are healthier and live Â&#x201D;\1\[ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;[^$\[ing innovative solutions, one of leading x\WÂ&#x201E;qxZWXYZxÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2014;j\X\ZÂ&#x201D;[WXYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z \1^Â&#x201E;Z `[^]Z qx\Z Â&#x192;qWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z ^`Z \Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;j1Z \XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x192;\[Z xWÂ&#x192;Z [\Â&#x192;qWq\YZ jqÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;Wj]Â&#x192;Z q^Z Â&#x2030;[^q\Â&#x2C6;qZ up to 100 illnesses caused Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2014;\[]Â&#x192;Š The Marketing Director, \Â&#x192;qZ `[jÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2020;Z \Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;j1Z \XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x192;\[Â&#x2020;Z [ŠZ Â&#x2014;_ÂťxWXZ jÂ&#x201E;jÂ?[jÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x192;WjYZ qx\Z Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;Wj]Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZ on recent studies which showed that there were WÂ&#x201D;^_qZ ´Z ]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XZ Â&#x2014;\[]Â&#x192;Z ^XZ each personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hands and qxWqZ qx\Â&#x192;\Z ]jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XZ Â&#x2014;\[]Â&#x192;Z `WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z jXq^Z WÂ&#x201D;^_qZ ´´Z qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x192;Z ^`Z Â&#x2C6;^]]^XZ Â&#x2014;\[]Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x2C6;W_Â&#x192;\ZjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;ŠZ
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How LUTH allowed my wife to die over N1.3m medical bill
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Ebola:Lagos residents urged to be on red alert
â&#x20AC;&#x201C; husband
Newswatch Times
Law FRSC warns against traffic violation during yuletide
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
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uring the ceremony, the Zonal Commanding Of \[ Z W ^ Z WXYZ _XZ qWq\ Z qZ ^[ Z W[ xW Z Godwin Ogaga Oghene warned that it would be “a do-or-die af`Wj[¼Z^XZqx\Zj _\Z^`Z W`\q Z \q \\XZ[^WYZ W`\q Z^K jW ZWXYZ[^WYZ_ \[ Z x^ZY\ j xqZjXZ [\W jX Zq[WK Z[_ \ ©
\Z ^ \Z W qZ \\ Z WqZ `^[]\[Z ^ Z Gate, Ota, Ogun State during the 2014 \] \[Z ]^Xqx Z W] Wj XZ \[\]^X Z W \YZ¹ ^WYZ W`\q Z Z xW[\YZ \ ^X j j jq ÑZ qZ \ \XY Z XZ ^_Z XYZ \¼© \ [\ \Xq\YZ Z ^]Y[Z _ \ _XZ Ogungbemide, the Zonal Commander WjYZ qx\Z [^WYZ j _\Z j Z WZ ¨^jXqZ [\ ^X j j jq Z ^`Z W Z WXYZ _XY[ Z q[\ jX Z qxWqZ ]jX^[ZW \Xq Z_ _W Z^ _[Z jqxjXZqx\Z ]\q[^ ^ j Z xj \Z ]W¨^[Z ^X\ Z ^ _[Z WqZ qx\Z ^[[jY^[ZqxWqZj Z^XZ\¾ [\ Z[^WY © ¹ x\Z ^X \[XZ^`Zqx\Z»^X\Zj ZqxWqZ^`Z ^[[jY^[©ZZ xj Zj Z \ W_ \ZjXZqx\ZWXW j Z^`Z [W x\ Z \Z[\ ^[Y\Y Z ^_ZYj ^ \[ZqxWqZ WX ZW jY\XqZqxWqZxW \X Z jqxjXZ ^_[Z W[ Z jqxjXZ W ^ Zj ZW W ZWZ]jX^[ZW jY\Xq©ZZ xj Z]WXZxjqZ]\ Zqx\Z^qx\[Z]WXZ xjqZ ]\ Z _qZ x\XZ ^_Z ^]\Z q^Z qx\Z \¾ [\ Z[^WY Z ^_Z \\Zqx\Z]^qx\[Z^`ZW jY\Xq Z ^_Z \\ZWZ]WXZq_[X\YZjXq^Z j\ \ Z ^_Z \\ZWZ xj YZ [^_XYZW Z ^ \[\Y Z ^_Z \\Z WZ \xj \Z qxWqZ j Z YW]W \YZ \ ^XYZ [\ Wj[©ZZ xWqZj Z xWqZq^_ x\ Z_ ZWXYZqxWqZ j Z x Z \ZW[\Z W jX Zqxj Z \W[ Zqxj Z W[qj _ W[Z \ \] \[ ZjqZj Z ^jX Zq^Z \ZWZY^ª ^[ªYj\ZW$Wj[Z x\XZjqZ ^]\ Zq^Zqx\Zj _\Z ^`Z W`\q © ¹ xWqZj Z x Z \ZW[\Z W jX Zjq£ ZX^qZ¨_ qZ W ^_qZ _ Z jqZ jX ^ \ Z \ \[ ^Y ©Z Z q£ Z WZ xW[\YZ[\ ^X j j jq ¼Zx\Z WjY© _X \]jY\Z ^XqjX_\YÑZ ¹ Z qWXYZ _ ^XZqx\Z ^[Y Z^`Zqx\Z ^XW Z ^]]WXYjX Z K \[Zq^Zq\ Z ^_Zqxj Z]^[XjX ZqxWqZ W Z [\ W[Y Z qx\Z \X`^[ \]\XqZ ^XZ qx\Z ^[[jY^[ Z \Z xW \Z _qZ ^_[Z \Xqj[\Z x^_ \Z q^ \qx\[ZWXYZ ZW]Z W jX Zqx\Z]\ W \Z q^Z ^_ Zjq£ ZX^qZ ^jX Zq^Zqx\Z _ jX\ ZW Z _ _W ©ZZ¹ x\XZ ^_Z X^ ZqxWqZ ^_[Z \xj \Zj ZX^qZ qZq^Z \Z^XZ W ^ Ë WYWXZ\¾ [\ Z [^WY Z x\XZ ^_Z X^ Z qxWqZ ^_[Z \xj \Zj ZX^qZ qZq^Z \Z^XZ WYW [ Z[^WY×Z x\XZ ^_Z X^ ZqxWqZ ^_Z \xj \Zj ZX^qZ qZq^Z \Z^XZ \^ _qWË 1WZ[^WY ZjqZj Z \qq\[Z ^_Z \\ Z qxWqZ \xj \Z WXYZ ^_[ \ `Z ^$Zqx\Z[^WY©ZZ xj Zj Z \ W_ \ZWX Z \xj \Z qxWqZj ZW[[\ q\YZWXYZj] ^_XY\YZ jqxjXZ qxj Z \[j^YZ j ZX^qZ \Z[\ \W \YZ_Xqj ZW`q\[Zqx\Z \ Z \W[©ZZ ¹ \Z \\Zqxj ZW ZWXZjXYj Wqj^XZqxWqZ ^_Z W[\Z ^jX Z q^Z Yj q_[ Z ^qx\[Z \^ \Z qxWqZ WXqZq^Z \qZq^Zqx\j[ZY\ qjXWqj^X¼ Zx\Z WjY©ZZ [ jX ZW Z[^WYZ_ \[ Zq^ZW ¶_jXqZqx\] \ \ Z jqxZqx\Zq[WK Z[_ \ ZqxWqZ _jY\ZW Z [^WYZ_ \[ Z x\X\Z WjYÑZ¹ ZW ^Z WXqZq^Z q\ Z ^_Zq^Z ^ZWXYZ q_Y ZW Zq[WK Z[_ \ Z \[ Z \ ©ZZ x\[\Zj ZX^Zq[WK Z[_ \Z \ZW[\Z
R-L Comdr Sunday Omafu, Comdr Olusegun Ogungbemide, Hon. Rotimi Abrahman (a.k.a. Arogbo), Sector Comdr Adetunji Ade)X@+ 3*Z3?Z_( 2<[?+* ;2 255( 2=>3@X`( 5 . ' 6 3 0X3Q(` ;8ZX@ 5$V] 8X== %(@(*+
^jX Zq^Z^ \[ ^^ Z x\XZ ^_Z ^]]jqZWXZ ^$\X \©ZZ `Z ^_ZY\ j xqZjXZ W[[ jX Z^ \[ ^WYjX Z Z j ZX^qZW Z ^_ZX^qZq^Z W[[ Z _qZ Z WXZW _[\Z ^_ ZqxWqZ ^_ZW[\Z ^jX Z q^Z]\\qZ^_[Z]\XZqx\[\©ZZ ¹ Z qx\Z `W j jqj\ Z qxWqZ W[\Z [\¶_j[\YZ q^Z j \Z \X`^[ \]\XqZ xWqZ jqZ qW \ Z \Z xW \Zqx\]©ZZ `Z ^_Z[\`_ \Zq^Z ^ª^ \[Wq\Z \Z W[\Z ^jX Z q^Z q^ Z ^_[Z \xj \©Z Z \Z W[\Z ^jX Zq^ZYj xW[ \Z ^_[Z W \X \[ Z
WXYZ j \Zqx\]ZWX^qx\[Z \xj \Zq^Zq[W \ Z jqx Z [j xqZ qx\[\Z ^XZ qx\Z xj xZ W ©Z Z ^Z Z WXqZ ^_Zq^Z [\ W[\Z ^_[Z]jXY©ZZ ^[Z qx^ \ZqxWqZW[\ZX^qZx\[\ Z \W \Z W Zqx\Z ]\ W \Zq^Z ^_[Z ^][WY\ ZqxWqZ\X`^[ \]\XqZj _\Zj ZX^qZ ^jX Zq^Z \Zqx\Z W]\Z W Z_ _W ©ZZ \ZW[\Z ^ W ^[WqjX Z jqxZW Z ^qx\[ZW \X j\ ©ZZ ¹ x\XZ ^_Z \\Z Z ^_Z \\Z ^ j \]\X ZW Z \ ZW Z^qx\[ZW \X j\ Z ^[ -
When you know that your vehicle is +-/ 0/ /- 12 -+ 345-6 71484+ 29:;266 ;-48 <=2+ >-? @+-C /=4/ >-?; D2=EFG2 E6 +-/ 0/ /- 12 -+ %4845;> ;-48 C=2+ >-? @+-C /=4/ >-? D2=EFG2 E6 +-/ 0/ /- 12 -+ $12-@?/4 H//4 ;-48 E/ E6 12//2; >-? @22: /=4/ D2=EFG2 4+8 >-?;62GJ -JJ /=2 ;-48 K=E6 E6 12F4?62 4+> D2=EFG2 /=4/ E6 4;;26/28 4+8 EL:-?+828 CE/=E+ /=E6 :2;E-8 CEGG +-/ 12 ;2G24628 ?+/EG 4J/2; /=2 New Year
jX Z q^ \qx\[Z jXZ ]W jX Z _[\Z qxWqZ ^_Z Y^X£qZ \qZ ^_[ \ \ Z j \Y©Z Z qZ qW \ Z ^X\Z ]WXZ q^Z qxjX Z W ^_qZ [W x Z _qZ qx\Z [W xZ W$\ q Z ]WX Z ^qx\[Z \^ \ Z ^qx\[Z [^WYZ_ \[ ZWXYZ ^_[Z`W]j Z]\] \[ ©ZZ qZ j ZWXZ^$\X \Z`^[Z ^_Zq^Z ^]]jqZ _j jY\Z \ \XZj`Z ^_ZxW \Z]WY\Z_ Z ^_[Z]jXYZq^Z ^]]jqZ _j jY\ Z Y^X£qZ ^]]jqZ _j jY\Z ^XZqxWqZ^_[Zxj x W ZWXYZ Z WXqZ ^_Zq^Z qxjX Z^XZqxWq©ZZ ¹ ^[Z xWqZ j Z W \YZ Yj q[W qj^X Z ]WX Z qxjX ZW[\ZxW \XjX Z^XZqx\Zxj x W ZW Z Yj q[W qj^X ©Z Z Xj]W Z ]^ jX Z W ^_qZ ^XZ qx\Z[^WY Zj ZWZYj q[W qj^X×Z \^ \ZxW jX Z ^XZ qx\Z xj x W Z W[\Z WZ Yj q[W qj^X©ZZ ^_Z WXX^qZ ^Xq[^ Z qx\] Z _qZ ^_Z WXZ ^Xq[^ Z ^_[Z^ XZY[j jX ©ZZ xWqZj Z xWqZ \Z W \YZ Y\`\X j \Z Y[j jX ©Z Z ^_Z WXZ ^Xq[^ Z ^_[ \ `ZW ZWZ j \Z[jY\[ ZWXYZW ZWZ W \X \[Z ^_ZxW \ZWZ[^ \Zq^Z W ©ZZ xj \Z W_qj^XjX Z W \X \[ Zq^Z \ZjXq\[\ q\YZjXZqx\Z W ZY[j \[ ZY[j \Z x\XZ qx\ Z W[\Z jX jY\Z WZ \xj \ Z \ \ jW Z ^]]\[ jW Z ^X\ Z x\Z WjYZ W Z W \X \[ Z _[[\XY\[Z qx\Z \ Z q^Z qx\j[Z j \ Z q^Z WZ jX \ZY[j \[ZW Z ^^XZW Zqx\ Z ^W[YZWZ \xj \©Z \Z WjYZqxWqZj Zqx\Z[\W ^XZ x Z qx\ Z x^_ YZX^qZ`\\ Z_X ^X \[X\YZ x\XZ WZY[j \[ZY\ jY\ Zq^Zq^ Z jqxZqx\j[Z j \ Z q[\ jX ZqxWqZ W`\q Z^`Z j`\Z ^X \[X ZW ©ZZ x\Z [^WYZ W`\q Z ^ Z WY]^Xj x\ ÑZ ¹ xWqZj Z ^_[Z[\ ^X j j jq ZjXZqxWqZ \xj \Z ^_ZW[\ZjX©ZZ [\Z ^_Zqx\Z^X\Zq\ jX Z qx\Z Y[j \[Z x\Z j Z X^qZ \\YjX Z \X^_ x×Z qxWqZx\Z x^_ YZjX [\W \Zxj Z \\YÚZZ Z W Z q[W \ jX Z ^XZ W ^ Ë WYWXZ ^X\Z Xj xq×Z ^_[Z Y[j \[Z W Z WZ q\[[j \Z ^X\©Z Z \[ Z ^ j \Z ]WXZ ^XZ qx\Z [^WY Z qxj Z ]WXZ W Z [\WY Zq^Z X^ Zxj]Z^$©ZZ j Z \\YZ W Z Continued on page 49
Law 49
Newswatch Times thursday, december 25, 2014
not to over-speed, decide not to drink and drive or get drunk while drive. But can we avoid the portholes on our major roads? This is why we need to call our governments, at the Federal, state, and local level to. This is because if the roads are not good, accidents are being cause not by bad drivers, but by the bad nature of our roads. Take for instance Continued from page 48 where we are. This is a federal road. If so dangerous reckless and he was also you move from Toll Gate and going to on phone as he drove, calling on to his Abeokuta, I can tell you, if you put it to girlfriend to wait for him at a particular test to count the number of potholes, not ¨^jXqŠZZ Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z\$^[qZ`^[Z]\Zq^ZÂ&#x192;q^Â&#x2030;ZqxjÂ&#x192;Z]WXZ even potholes, this time around, but carÂ&#x2030;[^Â?\YZWÂ&#x201D;^[qjÂ?\ZWÂ&#x192;Zx\Z[\Â&#x201D;_$\YZ]\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ XWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2DC;XYZ^XZqx\Z[^WYZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z]^[\Z insults, asking if it was that very day than 50; these are major carnal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Apart he started driving. Do you know the from that there are some roads between painful thing? Some passengers cauhere and Abeokuta that are totally damtioned me, instead of the driver, saying aged. All these are another area we â&#x20AC;&#x153;I should leave the man alone so that he Â&#x192;x^_Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z ^_[Z Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqÂŁÂ&#x192;Z W1\Xqj^XZ could take us to our destination safelyâ&#x20AC;?. to. When we have a good road network, That is what we received. But things WXÂ&#x2022;ZWÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;jY\XqZqxWqZ^Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;_[Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZY\Â&#x2DC;Xjq\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ xWÂ?\Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ Yj$\[\XqZ j`Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z ^qx\[Z be the fault of road users. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m using this passengers had joined me in warning responsibility is for you and me. Whatthe driver and said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eh you man! We \Â?\[ZÂ&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\ZW1WÂ&#x2C6;xZÂ&#x2013;\jÂ&#x2014;xqZq^ZjqŠZZ are going to Ibadan; we are not going to We should not hesitate to let our govhell or where you want to kill us, please ernment know that they responsibility drive safelyâ&#x20AC;?, he would have cautioned to do what they ought to do, even at the and behave himself. Please pass the right timeâ&#x20AC;?, he said. message to messengers too because they x\Z [jXÂ&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x201E;Z KÂ&#x2C6;\[Â&#x2020;Z \xjÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\Z XÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;too have a role to play. If all of us can qj^XZ KÂ&#x2C6;\[Z ¡ ¸Â&#x2020;Z 1WÂ&#x2020;Z ^]Y[Z Â&#x192;jjoin hands together as all stakeholders koya, urged road users to be patient jXZ]WjXqWjXjXÂ&#x2014;Z[^WYZÂ&#x192;W`\qÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2020;ZY\Â&#x2DC;Xjq\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z Z while at the wheel, adding that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the god can assure you all of us will celebrate in of iron (Ogun) does not have bathroom Comdr Temitope Ogundimu, assisting one of the commercial motocyle riders 2015 in Jesus Nameâ&#x20AC;?, he. to wash with peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s blood, if they (Okada) present at the ceremony to wear crash helement given them freely as part Earlier in his welcome address, the donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t provide it with oneâ&#x20AC;?. XjqZ ^]]WXY\[Â&#x2020;Z 1WÂ&#x2020;Z ^]Y[Z _XYWÂ&#x2022;Z of the Corpsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; concern for their safety â&#x20AC;&#x153;We should all be patient while we Omafu gave reason for establishment of ignorantly. If you buy expired Tokunbo to the organisers of the road safety cam- drive and realise we jointly owned the the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) tyres, ordinarily, the speed is 100km per paign said it became imperative for all road and should give preference to evewhich he put as a result of social prob- hours and with expired used tyres you road users to excises necessary caution ry other road users. If there is accident, lem that was as devastating as a plague. speed 140km per hour, you are just toy- while driving, adding that they should people that involved in it if they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t š xjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;^Â&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;ZYjÂ&#x192;^[Y\[ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z ^WYZ [WKÂ&#x2C6;Z ing with your lifeâ&#x20AC;?, he said while urging Y^Zš\Â?\[Â&#x2022;qxjXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2013;jqxjXZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;ZÂ&#x201E;j]jqZqxWqZ die, may spend a lot of days, weeks, [WÂ&#x192;x\Â&#x192;Z ¡ ¸Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ jqÂ&#x192;Z W1\XYWXqZ ]jÂ&#x192;- Â&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Zq^Zq[WÂ?\Â&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZqx\ZWj]Z^`ZÂ&#x2014;\1jXÂ&#x2014;Z will augur well for our safetyâ&#x20AC;?. months, even years in the hospital and ery it brings to people. Many have been home to enable his/her household welš WXÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Z W1WÂ&#x2C6;xZ _X`^[q_XWq\Z jX- in pains. This is why we should be carekilled, many maimed while several oth- come him back. cidents to the Month of December, be- ful and drive safelyâ&#x20AC;?, he said. \[Â&#x192;ZxWÂ?\ZÂ&#x201D;\\XZÂ&#x2030;\[]WX\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;X\YZq^Z The Sector Commander backed up his cause more accidents have been recordOsikoya however urged the road the wheelchair and rendered unproduc- plea with an aphorism used during his ed in the months of December. They safety leadership to establish a school tive. childhood: â&#x20AC;&#x153;A General and a Sergeant believe the month of December has the Â&#x2013;x\[\ZY[jÂ?\[Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZW1\XYZ^[j\XqWqj^XZ It is in view of the above that no ef- Â&#x2013;\XqZq^ZÂ&#x2013;W[ZÂ&#x201D;W1Â&#x201E;\ŠZZ x\Z \X\[WÂ&#x201E;Z`^_Â&#x2014;xqZ stigma of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;accident monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. But we are on driving regularly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Absence of this forts made towards surmounting this WXYZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2026;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YZjXZqx\ZÂ&#x2013;W[ŠZZ \ZX\Â?\[ZÂ&#x2014;^qZ Â&#x2014;\1jXÂ&#x2014;ZjqZÂ&#x2013;[^XÂ&#x2014;ŠZZ x\Z[\WÂ&#x192;^XZjÂ&#x192;ZX^qZ`W[Z training would cost us a lot, whereas we ugly trend can be said to be a waste, so back home, while the Sergeant fought, from too many vehicles on our road. would gain a lot from it if we have itâ&#x20AC;?, your coming here today is not a waste was not killed and got back home; who Road users increase during December he advised. of time. Â&#x2C6;WXZ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ Â&#x201D;\1\[Z Y\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jq\Z qx\Z [WXÂ&#x2026;Ă&#x161;Z Z qZ jÂ&#x192;Z month as indigenes from East would Representing Area Commander, Sanâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Researches have shown that the sin- Y\Â&#x2DC;Xjq\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Zqx\Z \[Â&#x2014;\WXqŠZZ ^ZjqZjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\ZqxWqZ want to travel from Lagos to East, those Â&#x2014;^Ă&#x2039; 1WZ ^Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2C6;\Z ^]]WXYÂ&#x2020;Z Z ^XYWÂ&#x2022;Z gle most potent factor responsible for with drivers. It is only the driver who in the North want to travel to West, and Ibiok said theme of the campaign means qx\Â&#x192;\Z WÂ?^jYWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z Â&#x2C6;[WÂ&#x192;x\Â&#x192;Z jÂ&#x192;Z W1jq_YjXWÂ&#x201E;Z is able to go and come back alive that is so on. People are always in a hurry road safety is a shared responsibility change. Therefore if we must cause at- the best driver. when travelling, especially doing the which according to him â&#x20AC;&#x153;depends on titude change, we need to preach eloâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Road safety is the share responsi- last minutes shopping. This is why ac- you and meâ&#x20AC;?. quently the gospel of safety conscious- bility; it depends on you and me. We cident increases during the month of â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a true saying; when you are ness to ourselves. should not drive as one under a spell, December. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the reason why we driving safety depends on you and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Crashes do not happen, they are but drive as if members of our families have to warn one another against this me. This is because most of our drivcaused and it occurs as a result of multi- are there in the same vehicle with us. danger. ers, when they get to the steering, they plicity of factorsâ&#x20AC;?, he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Another reason is drinking alcohol have got to the hell. Passengers are not Nobody wants his family to be victims The Unit Commander enjoins all road of accident. Let us drive to save lives, beyond oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capacity. While under the x\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2030;jXÂ&#x2014;Z]W1\[Â&#x192;Z\jqx\[ŠZZ x\XZqx\ZY[jÂ?\[Z users, saying they have a great role to those lives may be my relations or other jXÂ&#x2021;_\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z^`ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2C6;^x^Â&#x201E;Â&#x2020;ZY[jÂ?\[Â&#x192;ZW[\ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z is driving roughly, instead of them to play in ensuring safety on the road traf- peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s relations. In Jesus Name it shall unable to control their speed and over caution the driver, they will be hailing Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Z\XÂ?j[^X]\XqŠZZ \ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^ZWYÂ?jÂ&#x192;\YZY[jÂ?- be well with you allâ&#x20AC;?, he concluded. speed cause accident. them. This is because when some pasers to consider their vehicles as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weapâ&#x20AC;&#x153;We are failing to recognize that part sengers know very well they have apThe Chairman, Ado Odo Ota Local on of mass destructionâ&#x20AC;?, hence they ^Â?\[X]\XqÂ&#x2020;Z ^XŠZ ^qj]jZ Â&#x201D;[Wx]WXZ of government is very germane when it pointment by 12 noon, instead for them should use it carefully and courteously (a.k.a. Arogbo) while also giving kudos comes to road safety. We may decide to leave their homes by 10 or 11 am, they on the road, pedestrians too should dewill leave 10 minutes to the time, enter sist from any act that is capable of envehicle and urge the driver to moves dangering their lives, the motorcyclists faster in other to catch up on time. should not compete right of way with â&#x20AC;&#x153;A responsible driver should know drivers. It is my fervent believe that the that when he is at the wheel he is drivmoment we develop the habit of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;self jXÂ&#x2014;Z `^[Z qx[\\Z Â&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\ŠZ j]Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;`Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2C6;^]jXÂ&#x2014;Z respect1 on the road, our roads will bevehicles and the ones behind him, as come safer for ell categories of road uswell as pedestrians crossing the road. ersâ&#x20AC;? he said. This is why one has to be very careful Speaking in the same vein, the FRSC, while drivingâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Sector Commander, Ogun State, AdeQuotes: tunji Adegoke asked whether it is comWhen you know that your vehicle is pulsory that road crash must happen X^qZ Â&#x2DC;qZ q^Z Â&#x201D;\Z ^XZ WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Ă&#x2039; Â&#x201D;WYWXZ \žÂ&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z and if it is, why must lives be lost. road, When you know that your vehicle â&#x20AC;&#x153;Any time we tune in our radio or teljÂ&#x192;Z X^qZ Â&#x2DC;qZ q^Z Â&#x201D;\Z ^XZ WYWÂ&#x2014;[Â&#x2022;Z [^WYĂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2013;x\XZ evisions set and see accidents, have we Â&#x2022;^_ZÂ&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;ZqxWqZ Â&#x2022;^_Z Â?\xjÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\Z jÂ&#x192;Z X^qZ Â&#x2DC;qZ q^Z ever paused to ask ourselves, it is a neÂ&#x201D;\Z ^XZ Â&#x201D;\^Â&#x2026;_qWĂ&#x2039; 1WZ [^WYÂ&#x2020;Z jqZ jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;\1\[Z cessity that accident must occur? Canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Â&#x2022;^_Z Â&#x2026;\\Â&#x2030;Z qxWqZ Â?\xjÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\Z WXYZ Â&#x2022;^_[Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;`Z ^$Z we avoid it? What usually causes accithe road. This is because any vehicle dent is what we do or what we fail to do. that is arrested and impounded within If you are drunk before you start drivthis period will not be released until afing, using phone while driving, you are ter the New Year surely negotiating your life with death,
FRSC warns against traffic violation during yuletide
Researches have shown that the single most potent factor responsible for these avoidable crashes is attitudinal change. Therefore if we must cause attitude change, we need to preach eloquently the gospel of safety consciousness to ourselves. Crashes do not happen, they are caused and it occurs as a result of multiplicity of factors
Newswatch Times
thursday, december 25, 2014
EFCC docks telecoms workers over theft FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has arraigned two persons, claimed to be employees of MTN Nigeria Limited, over allegation of theft to the tune of N1.3 before Justice Lateef Lawal-Akapo of a Lagos High Court sitting in Ikeja. The defendants, Victor Akintunde and Gani Mustapha were docked on a 17 counts bordering on alleged theft said to be owned by members of the MTN Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative Society, MEMCOS. The anti-graft agency through its lawyer told the court that the duo who were the associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s president and secretary reÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qjÂ?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;\YÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]]j1\YZqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;[j]\Z between April and September, 2009 in Lagos. Docked alongside the defendants is a property developer, Mutairu Babatunde and two companies â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Primavera Engineering and Construction Limited and Mabo Dredging Limited. The EFCC while arguing before the court maintained that Akintunde and Mustapha fraudulently obtained the said sum stolen as sundry payments to facilitate the purchase of 13 hectares of land at Okun Ajah community in Lagos on behalf of MEMCOS members. According to the anti-graft agency, the defendants allegedly forged the signature of one Chief Atiku Adigun on a deed of assignment to facilitate the fraud, with an addition that they also issued a dud First Bank cheque in the sum of N427m in favour of MEMCOS on April 25, 2009. Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;^[YjXÂ&#x2014;Zq^Zqx\Z Â&#x2020;Zš x\Z^$\XÂ&#x2C6;\ZjÂ&#x192;Z contrary to sections 390(9), 467 and 516 of the Criminal Code Laws of Lagos State of Nigeria 2003 and Section 1(1) (a) of the
Alleged N3.5m fraud: Spiritualist arraigned FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
jÂ&#x192;x^X^_[\YZ x\Âś_\Â&#x192;Z ¡ $\XÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;¸Z Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x2020;Z Cap D11, Law of Federation of Nigeria, 2004. The anti-graft agency however informed Justice Lawal-Akapo that Akintunde and Mustapha had been granted bail in the sum of N50m each before Justice Kudirat Jose of the same court, adding that the absence of Babatunde had prevented their
arraignment. EFCC consequently asked the judge to allow the defendants to take their pleas. On arraignment, the defendants pleaded not guilty. The judge ordered the remand of Babatunde in Kirikiri Maximum Prison, pending the hearing of his bail application slated for December 16.
37-year old self acclaimed spiritualist, Yinka Daudu have been arraigned by the Nigeria police before a Shomolu Magistratesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Court in Lagos over allegation of fraud to the tune of N3.5 million belonging to one Monday Jatau. The defendant who is facing a three-count of stealing the said sum under the pretext that he would solve Jatau spiritual problem. According to the prosecutor, Inspector Thomas Muhammed, the defendant allegedly conspired with others now at large to steal the money, without offering solution to the complainantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s problem. Muhammed insisted that the defendant committed the offences on Auguust 24, 2014 at No. 6, Adenekan Street, Bariga Lagos. The prosecutor posited that the offence contravened Sections 409, 312 (a) (2) and 285 of the Criminal Law of Lagos, 2011. But Daudu pleaded not guilty to the charge, leading to Magistrate (Mrs) B.O. Osunsanmi, granting the defendants bail in the sum of N300,000 with two sureties in like sum. The matter has been adjourned till February 4, 2015 for mention.
Alleged vandalism: Suspects arraigned FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
wo suspected vandals, Iyabo Dunyinle and Patience Pemi, has been docked before Justice Okon Abang of a Federal High ^_[qZ Â&#x192;j1jXÂ&#x2014;Z jXZ Â&#x2026;^Â&#x2022;jÂ&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z over their alleged involvement in vandalism and theft of petroleum products. They are standing trial on a two-count
charge that touches on the alleged offence of which they pleaded not guilty. But consequent upon their oral application for bail by their lawyer, Yemi ¨W^Â&#x2020;Zqx\Zq[jWÂ&#x201E;Z¨_YÂ&#x2014;\ZWY]j1\YZqx\ZY_^Zq^Z bail in the sum of N1 million each, with one surety each in like sum. Earlier in his address before the court, the prosecutor, Daniel Apochi had ar-
Â&#x2014;_\YZ qxWqZ qx\Z WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;_Â&#x192;\YZ Â&#x2C6;^]]j1\YZ qx\Z ^$\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z^XZ ^Â?\]Â&#x201D;\[ZÂÂ&#x2020;Z³´¾ZWqZWÂ&#x201D;^_qZÂżZ a.m. Apochi further posited that the accused were arrested by the police on a qjÂ&#x2030;Z^$Â&#x2020;ZWXYZWÂ&#x201D;^_qZÂŹÂŹÂ&#x2020;Z´´´ZÂ&#x201E;jq[\Â&#x192;Z^`ZÂ&#x2030;\q[^Â&#x201E;Z was recovered from the accused, which they allegedly extracted from a vandalised pipeline in the locality, for illegal
sale. The prosecutor maintained that the product is valued at N1.1 million. The WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;\YZ^$\XÂ&#x2C6;\ZWÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;^[YjXÂ&#x2014;Zq^Z Â&#x2030;^Â&#x2C6;xjZÂ&#x2C6;^Xtravenes the provisions of sections 390 and 516 of Criminal Code Act, Cap C38, laws of the Federation, 2004. x\Z ]W1\[Z xWÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ WY¨^_[X\YZ qjÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z March 11, 2015 for trial.
Justice from foreign lands
Jailed Russian tycoon leaves house arrest
Russian tycoon placed under house arrest in September in a ]^Â?\ZqxWqZ[W1Â&#x201E;\YZ]W[Â&#x2026;\qÂ&#x192;ZxWÂ&#x192;Z been released from house arrest on Tuesday, just hours before President Vladimir Putinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual televised press conference. A lawyer for Vladimir Yevtushenkov was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying his client had been freed. The lastminute release echoes a similar move last year, when Putin announced after his annual press conference that another tycoon, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, would be set free. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vladimir Petrovich (Yevtushenkov) is now a free man who can work productively,â&#x20AC;? lawyer Vladimir Kozin said. Shares in Sistema, a company that Yevtushenkov controls and manages, surged by more than 30 percent in the early hours of trading on Moscowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s MICEX stock exchange. One of Sistemaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most lucrative assets â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the oil company Bashneft â&#x20AC;&#x201D;
was transferred to the government this month. Yevtushenkov in September was charged with money-laundering in relation to Bashneft. A spokesman for Sistema reached by phone said that the company would not comment on Yevtushenkovâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s release, but
said Kozinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s statement to news agencies was accurate. Vladimir Markin, a spokes]WXZ `^[Z _Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jWÂŁÂ&#x192;Z XÂ?\Â&#x192;qjÂ&#x2014;WqjÂ?\Z ^]]j1\\Â&#x2020;Z was quoted by Russian news agencies early x_[Â&#x192;YWÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;[]jXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\Z[\Â&#x201E;\WÂ&#x192;\Š The ruble rallied slightly after the news, before depreciating again by 1.5 percent to
reach 61 rubles to the dollar. Russian marÂ&#x2026;\qÂ&#x192;Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ [W1Â&#x201E;\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z \Â&#x192;q\[XZ Â&#x192;WXÂ&#x2C6;tions and the rapid fall in the price of oil, and Russiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currency has almost halved since January, plummeting a catastrophic ³¾ZÂ&#x2030;\[Â&#x2C6;\XqZjXZ^X\ZYWÂ&#x2022;ZWXYZxj1jXÂ&#x2014;ZŽ´Z[_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z to the dollar on Tuesday.
1st Florida gay divorce granted by judge x\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ`^[]WÂ&#x201E;ZYjÂ?^[Â&#x2C6;\Z`^[ZWZÂ&#x2014;WÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\ZjXZ Florida history was granted Wednesday by a Broward County judge who used the case to join other judges in declaring the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. Circuit Judge Dale Cohen on Wednesday dissolved the marriage of Heather Brassner and Megan Lade in a brief hearing. They were united in a 2002 civil union in Vermont but Brassner was unable to obtain a divorce in Florida for Â&#x2DC;Â?\ZÂ&#x2022;\W[Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;jXÂ&#x2C6;\Zqx\j[Z[\Â&#x201E;Wqj^XÂ&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Z\XY\YŠ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like an emotional weight being lifted ^$Â&#x2020;ÂźZÂ&#x192;WjYZ [WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X\[Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;x^ZjÂ&#x192;Z`[^]Z WÂ&#x2026;\Z ^[qxŠZš Z ¨_Â&#x192;qZ`\\Â&#x201E;Z`[\\ZWXYZ ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Â&#x201E;YXÂŁqZxWÂ?\ZÂ&#x2014;^1\XZWZÂ&#x201D;\1\[Z holiday gift.â&#x20AC;?
Cohen ruled in August that Floridaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gay marriage ban is unconstitutional because it violates the Fourth Amendmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guarantees of equal protection and due process. Because the [_Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2C6;W]\ZjXZWZYjÂ?^[Â&#x2C6;\ZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x192;\Â&#x2020;ZjqZxWÂ&#x192;Zqx\Z\$\Â&#x2C6;qZ of also declaring that out-of-state gay marriages should be recognized in Florida. It does not mean same-sex marriage licenses can be issued in Broward County. š xjÂ&#x192;ZjÂ&#x192;ZWZxjÂ&#x192;q^[jÂ&#x2C6;ZYWÂ&#x2022;ŠZ xjÂ&#x192;ZjÂ&#x192;Zqx\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZYjÂ?^[Â&#x2C6;\Z for a same-sex couple. It will not be the last diÂ?^[Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x2020;ÂźZÂ&#x192;WjYZ [WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X\[ZW1^[X\Â&#x2022;Z WXÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Z [^YÂťÂ&#x2026;jŠ Lade did not take part in the divorce and Brassner said she had not seen her former partner for several years. A private investigator was
_XWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Zq^ZÂ&#x2DC;XYZWXÂ&#x2022;Zq[WÂ&#x2C6;\Z^`Zx\[Â&#x2020;Z [^YÂťÂ&#x2026;jZÂ&#x192;WjYZjXZ court. [^YÂťÂ&#x2026;jZ Â&#x192;WjYZ Â&#x192;x\Z \žÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z 1^[X\Â&#x2022;Z \X\[WÂ&#x201E;Z Pam Bondi to appeal the decision, just as she has several other rulings against the gay marriage ban by state and federal judges. š \Z\žÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;qZqx\ZÂ&#x192;qWq\Zq^ZÂ&#x2C6;^XqjX_\Zq^ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqZ_XqjÂ&#x201E;Z there is no longer any possibility of them wagjXÂ&#x2014;ZWZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;xqÂ&#x2020;ÂźZ [^YÂťÂ&#x2026;jZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^Â&#x2026;\Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;^]WXZ `^[Z ^XYjÂŁÂ&#x192;Z ^KÂ&#x2C6;\Z Â&#x192;WjYZ qx\Z Y\Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x192;j^XZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZÂ&#x201D;\Z[\Â?j\Â&#x2013;\YŠZ x\ZW1^[X\Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2014;\X\[WÂ&#x201E;Z xWÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ Â&#x201D;W1Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z ^XZ Â&#x192;\Â?\[WÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;WÂ&#x201E;Z `[^XqÂ&#x192;Z in support of the same-sex marriage ban enshrined in the state constitution by voters in 2008.
City & State ThurSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014
NGO charged local govt officials on developmental project
Cross section of participants at the workshop. Ngozi Okpalakunne
ver two hundred Local gov\[X]\XqZ ^K jW Z \[\Z [\ \Xq Z q[WjX\YZjXZ W ^ ZZZ^XZx^ Zq^Z\] W[ Z^XZ [^¨\ q ZqxWqZ j Z [jX Z Y\ \ ^ ]\XqZjXZqx\j[ZW[\W © x\Z ^X\Z YW Z q[WjXjX Z xj xZ W Z ^[ WXj»\YZ Z _]WXZ \ \ ^ ]\XqZ XjqjWqj \Z · ¸ Z WZ ^XZ ª ^ \[X]\XqW Z [ WXj Wqj^XZ · ¸ Z W ^Z \X ^_[W \YZ qx\Z W[qj j WXq Z q^Z W ^jYZ ]W jX Z XWqj^XW Z ^ \[X]\XqZqx\j[Z^X Z \W ^XZ^`Zx^ \ZZZ x\XZjqZ ^]\ Zq^ZY\ \ ^ ]\Xq© \W jX Z WqZ qx\Z \ \Xq Z ¾\ _qj \Z Yj[\ q^[ Z Z [^`©Z ^ W¨jZ W ^X \Z Z Z X^q\YZZ qxWqZj`Z\W xZ ^ W Z ^ \[X]\XqZ x^_ YZ\] W[ Z^XZY\ \ ^ ]\XqZ [^¨\ q ZWZXWqj^XW Z Y\ \ ^ ]\XqZ j Z \Z W xj\ \YZ ¶_j Z qx[^_ xZqx\ZjXq\ [Wqj^XZ^`Zqx\Z W[j^_ ZY\ \ ^ ]\XqZ [^¨\ q Z WqZ ^ W Z ^ \[X]\XqZ \ \ ZW [^ ZYj$\[\XqZ qWq\ Z^`Zqx\Z`\Y\[Wqj^X© ^[YjX Z q^Z xj] Z j`Z j \[jWX Z x^_ YZ \\ Z ^^ jX ZWx\WYZ`^[ZY\ \ ^ ]\XqZ`[^]Z qx\Z \Y\[W Z ^ \[X]\XqZ W Z qx\Z qj]\ Z qx\Z Y\ \ ^ ]\XqZ j Z \Z \[ Z ^ ZWXYZ WjX`_ ©
^ \ \[ Zx\Zj] ^[\YZqx\Z ^ W Z ^ \[X]\Xq£ Z^K jW Z [\ \XqZq^Z\X _[\Zqx\ Z_ \Z ]^X\ Z _Y \q\YZ`^[Z [^¨\ q ZW [^ [jWq\ Zx^ \ \[Z ]W Zqx\Z]^X\ Z]W Z \ ZWYYjX Z qxWqZ qx\j[Z `Wjqx`_ Z _qj j»Wqj^XZ ^`Z _ xZ j1 \Z]^X\ Z j Z W \Z W Z`^[Z]^[\ZWXYZ \1\[Z`_XYjX © XZ qx\Z ^qx\[Z xWXY Z [^`©Z W WX^ \ ZZ q[\ \YZqx\ZX\\YZ`^[Z j \[jWX ZZZq^ZW W Z jX¶_j[\Z x^ Z ]^X\ Z _Y \q\YZ `^[Z qx\j[Z ^ W Z ^ \[X]\XqZj Z \jX Z_qj j»\Y© ¹Z XZ^[Y\[Z`^[Z_ Zq^ZxW \Zqx\Z \1\[Z ^ j\q ZqxWqZ \Z WXq Z \ZX\\YZq^Z_XY\[ qWXYZ x^ Z \ZW[\Z \jX Z ^ \[X\YZ]^[\Z ZW jX Z¶_\ qj^X Z]^[\Zj] ^[qWXq Z \ZX\\YZ q^Z _XY\[ qWXYZ x^ Z ^_[Z ]^X\ Z j Z \jX Z \Xq Zq^ZY^Zqxj Z \Z]_ qZ`^ _ Z]^[\Z^XZ ^ \[X]\XqZ WqZ qx\Z [W Z [^^qZ \ \ ££ Z x\Z WYY\Y© \W jX Z ^XZ Õ _Y \qjX Z q[W jX Z WXYZ [\ ^[qjX ÑZ ^ \Z ^`Z qx\Z ]\YjW£ Z [\ jY\Xq Z j \[jWXZ _j YZ^`Z Yjq^[ ZZZ \]jZ Y\ jXW Z WjYZqxWqZqx\ZZ]\YjWZj Z\¾ \ q\YZq^ZjX`^[] Z
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If each local government should embark on development projects, a national development will be achieved quickly through the integration of the various development projects at local government level across different states of the federation
]jXjX Zqx\Zx\W qxZ^`Zqx\Z\ ^X^] ©Z Z qZW ^Z^ \[ \YZqxWqZZZjXZ\ \[ Z^[ WXj \YZ ^ j\q Z _ j Z[\ ^_[ \ ZW[\Z]WXW \YZ Z qx\Z\ \ q\YZ`\ Z jqxZqx\Z _ ^[qZ^`Zq\ xX^ [Wq Zq^ W[Y Zj] [^ jX Zqx\Z ^ j\q ©Z ¹ qZ qx\[\`^[\Z \ ^]\ Z j] \[Wqj \Z qxWqZ qx\Z \^ \Z `[^]Z qj]\Z q^Z qj]\Z W Z q^Z W ^_XqZx^ Zqx\j[Z ^^ \YZ[\ ^_[ \ZW[\Z]WXW \YZq^Zj] [^ \Zqx\j[Z qWXYW[YZ^`Z j jX ©Z ¹ j \ZjXZ\ \[ Z _ jX\ Z[\ Wqj^X xj ZjX ^ jX Z WZ [jX j W Z WXYZ WXZ W \Xq Z qx\[\Z W[\ZW W Zj _\ ZqxWqZX\\YZq^Z \Z[\ ^ \YZ jX _YjX ×Zqx\ZY\ j[\ Z^[Z ^W Z^`Zqx\Z [jX j W ZªjXZqxj Z W \Zqx\Z j \[jWXZ]W \ ZWXYZ x\[ZW \XqZªZqx\Z ^ \[X]\XqZWXYZjq Z Z W[\ZjXZ ^X j q ZWXYZqx\Z [jX j W Zj Z_XW \Z q^Z \[j` ZZZ xWqZqx\ZW \XqZj ZW q_W ZY^jX ×Z WXYZ Z qx\Z [^ \] Z qxWqZ W[j \Z x\XZ qx\Z [jX j W Z WXYZ W \XqZ xW \Z Yj$\[\XqZ W1jq_Y\ Zq^ W[Y Z[j Z _ xZW Z[j jX Z\ ^X^]j ZxW[Y xj ×Z ^ \[q Z_X\] ^ ]\Xq Z jY\ZjX ^]\Z W ZZW]^X Z^qx\[ © \ W_ \Z^`ZYj$\[\XqZ[j Zq^ \[WX \ Zqx\Z W \XqZª ^ \[X]\XqZ]W Z\W xZ \ZjX jX\YZ q^ZqW \ZW qj^X ZZZYj$\[\XqZ`[^]Zqx\Z\¾ \ qWqj^XZ ^`Z qx\Z [jX j W ©Z ^Z _W[YZ W WjX qZ _XY\ j[\YZ W qj^X Z WXYZ \$\ q Z W Z W[\Z qx\[\`^[\Z _qZjXZ W \Zq^Z\X _[\ZqxWqZqxWqZ qx\ZW \XqZªZ ^ \[X]\XqZY^\ Z xWqZj ZY\]WXY\YZ ^`Z jqZ Z qx\Z \^ \¼Z qx\Z W \[Z qWq\Y©ZZ ¾ \[q ZZZ j\ \YZZZ _Y \qZW ZZZ^X\Z^`Zqx\Z ]^ qZ j] ^[qWXqZ W[\W Z ^`Z ^ j ]W jX Z WYYjX Z qxWqZ qx[^_ xZ _Y \q Z ^ \[X]\Xq ZjXYj Wq\Zx^ Z]_ xZjqZj Z j jX Zq^Z \XYZ^XZ _ j Z _[ ^ \ Z \qZ _ qWXqj \Z ^ j Z [j^[jqj\ Z jqxjXZ ^ \[W Z \XYjX Z \ \ Z Y\q\[]jX\Z qx\Z W]^_XqZ qxWqZ ]_ qZ \Z ^[[^ \YZjXZ^[Y\[Zq^Z XWX \ZW [^ \YZ \XYjX Z \ \ Z WXYZ qx_ Z jX _\X \Z qx\Z \ ^X^] ©Z Z Z ^ \ \[ Z x\XZ qx\Z _ j Z jXq\[\ qZ j Z \[^Y\YZ Z \ `Z WjX Z^`Zqx\ZW \Xq ZWXYZqx\Z W j jq Z q^Z \[j` Z Z qx\Z _ j Z j Z j]jq\Y Z qx\Z]^ qZ j \ Z^_q ^]\Z j Z \Z xW^qj © Z x\ZW j jq Z^`Zqx\Z _ j Zq^Z \[j` Z ^ \[X]\XqZ W ZW qj^XZj ZY\ \XY\XqZ^XZqx\j[Z W j jq Zq^Z_XY\[ qWXYZqx\Z \ W Z [^ j j^X Z _jYjX Z _Y \qjX Zqx\j[ZW j jq Zq^ZW \ Z jX`^[]Wqj^XZ^XZ ^ \[X]\XqZ XWX \ Zqx\Z \ W Z[j xqZq^Z X^ ZWXYZWZ jqW Z X^ \Y \Z ^`Z qx\Z ^[ jX Z ^`Z qx\Z _Y \qZ [^ \ Z jXZ qx\j[Z\ ^X^] ©Z
Daily Newswatch
Role Model THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014
Bishop Ayo: Resilient servant in Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vineyard YEMI ADUROTOYE
ishop Ayo is a man of God whom many Nigerians look up to for inspiration. And he is no doubt a spiritual leader that many would want to patent their lives after. However, there is one experience he would not like to reminisce and that was when and how he was sent away from the minor seminary after he was wrongly alleged of masterminding studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; protest. Then it was as if his ultimate desire to become a Catholic priest has come to an abrupt end. He was home for several months, but praying fervently to God. He had divine intervention though x\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z X^qZ [\WY]j1\YZ jXq^Z qx\Z Â&#x192;\]jXW[Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z x\Z Â&#x2014;^qZ WY]j1\YZ jXq^Z the Dominican Order which he Â&#x201E;Wq\[ZÂ&#x2C6;W]\Zq^ZWÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x2C6;jWq\ZÂ&#x201D;\1\[ŠZ Born on December 3, 1944 into the family of Pa Methodius Atoyebi Adeoye and Madam Theresa Aboyepe Atoyebi of Agbo-Ile Oba (Kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Compound), Okerimi Oro, a renowned Catholic community in Ilorin Diocese, he was ordained a priest in the Dominican Order on December 27, 1978, and consecrated into qx\ZÂ&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;q\[Z^KÂ&#x2C6;\ZjXZÂŹÂ³ŠZ jXÂ&#x2C6;\Z x\Z WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;_]\YZ ^KÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x2020;Z x\Z X\Â?\[Z Â&#x201E;^^Â&#x2026;Z back. In his priestly ministry, one Â&#x2C6;WXZ Â&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;Y\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2022;Ă&#x2018;Z š \Z Â&#x2C6;W]\Â&#x2020;Z he saw, he conquered and still conquering for Christ, the Lord.â&#x20AC;? Bishop Ayo- Maria Atoyebi is the Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ jÂ&#x2014;\[jWXZ ^]jXjÂ&#x2C6;WXZ jÂ&#x192;x^Â&#x2030;Â&#x2020;Z qx\ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ ^[_Â&#x201D;WZ ^]jXjÂ&#x2C6;WXZÂ&#x2030;[j\Â&#x192;qZ and the 10th Nigerian Dominican priest; he described himself as the most unworthy and most unsuitable person in the world for a venerable post of bishop and in the event of his consecration as Â&#x201D;jÂ&#x192;x^Â&#x2030;Z x\Z Y\Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;W[\YĂ&#x2018;Z š Z W]Z ^XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z WZ servant, bowing to the will of the people and the desire of God.â&#x20AC;? He `_[qx\[Z Y\Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;W[\YÂ&#x2020;Z š Z W]Z `^[Z Â&#x2022;^_Z and for God and I have sworn to serve not as your Lord, but as a servant.â&#x20AC;? Just as Jesus declared in _Â&#x2026;\ZÂľĂ&#x2018;ÂŹÂŽÂŞÂŹÂĂ&#x2018;Z š x\Z Â&#x2030;j[jqZ ^`Z qx\Z ^[YZ jÂ&#x192;Z _Â&#x2030;^XZ me, because he has chosen me to bring good news to the poor,â&#x20AC;? it YjYZX^qZqWÂ&#x2026;\Zxj]Zqj]\Zq^Z[\WK[]Z his belief that building the church of God depends on the Holy Â&#x2030;j[jqŠZ jÂ&#x192;Z]WjXZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;\[XZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;ZjÂ&#x192;Z how the faith could be deepened and unity among the priests Under his Episcopacy there were tremendous developments. Today, twenty two years in the saddle, a lot of progress has been recorded in the spiritual and physical development of
Bishop Atoyebi
the diocese. The church had numerous elementary schools and post primary schools. Parishes rose from 13 he met on ground to 26 including three
quasi parishes as at today. The number of indigenous priests rose steadily. Many Church building projects in the diocese were started and completed,
He wants challenge to be seen as a motivator to success which should be handled with careful planning, fervent prayer, action with determination and unalloyed dependence on Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace
some renovated, and others expanded, making them bigger WXYZ ]^[\Z Â&#x201D;\W_qj`_Â&#x201E;ŠZ ^]\Z ^qx\[Z spiritual activities he introduced in the diocese include the ^Â&#x2030;\XjXÂ&#x2014;Z ^`Z qŠZ \q\[Z qx\Z Â&#x2030;^Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;j[jq_WÂ&#x201E;Z \W[Z \]jXW[Â&#x2022;ZWqZ [_Â&#x2026;_Â&#x2020;Z Oke-Maria Pilgrimage Centre; Adoration Convent Monastery; Benedictine Monastery; Two
\W[qÂ&#x192;Z^`Z ^Â?\Z ^XÂ?\XqZWXYZ Z jÂ&#x192;q\[Â&#x192;Z ^XÂ?\XqŠ His spiritual forays in and out of the diocese and even outside the country by way of powerful sermons, retreats, revivals, and involvement in such Apostolates as the Charismatic Renewal, Precious Blood of Jesus, Divine Mercy etc stands him out clearly among his peers. As he joins the septuagenarian club today, he wants Nigerians to cooperate in building a virile, egalitarian XWqj^XÂ&#x2020;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2014;\1jXÂ&#x2014;Z[jYZ^`ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z\]Â&#x2030;qÂ&#x2022;Z rivalries and destructive political bickering where they exist. Challenges abound for the Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\[Â&#x2014;j\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;_qZ q^Z xj]Â&#x2020;Z X^Z ]W1\[Z how great, they should not be tackled with fears and q[\Â&#x2030;jYWqj^XŠZ _Â&#x2C6;xZ WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;[^WÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z make the path to progress to be slow and ultimately impair success. He wants challenge to be seen as a motivator to success which should be handled with careful planning, fervent prayer, action with determination and unalloyed dependence on the Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace. He sees himself as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;unworthy servantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; but many still hold it for him that he is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;dedicated servantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in the Lordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vineyard. Belief, it is often argued, is more powerful than truth because man is ruled by what he believes. He believes life is about service to God and humanity. He believes the true meaning of achievement is service and that šÂ&#x2014;^YÂ&#x201E;jX\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ Â&#x2C6;^Xq\Xq]\XqZ jÂ&#x192;Z a great gain, for man brought nothing into this world and certainly he will not carry anything when leaving.â&#x20AC;? (I j]^qxÂ&#x2022;ZĂ Ă&#x2018;ZĂ ZĂ&#x203A;Zº¸ From priesthood to Episcopal ^KÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x2020;Z x\Z xWÂ&#x192;Z Y\]^XÂ&#x192;q[Wq\YZ exemplary character; a role model for many today. While he clocks 70 years, he is 36 years in the priestly ministry and 22 Â&#x2022;\W[Â&#x192;Z WÂ&#x192;Z qx\Z xj\`Z x\Â&#x2030;x\[YZ ^`Z the Catholic Diocese of Ilorin. His contributions in terms of spiritual and physical development in the diocese are noteworthy. These among others motivated the Catholic faithful in the diocese to collectively celebrate his birthday elaborately.
Daily Newswatch
Special Report Lagos lit up for Christmas THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014
Beautifully lit street of Lagos. OKEY OBIOZO
eing on the streets of Lagos State recently evokes beautiful memories of Christmas. In an attempt to move around at night, one marvels at how the entire city is decorated with different types of neon light popularly called Christmas lights. On a second look around, what readily comes to mind is a typical ensemble of a city that never sleeps. And one can without mincing words equate Lagos with other developed cities of the world going by how luminous the city’s night scene has become ever since Christmas season arrived. Everywhere around the town during the day are copious display of Christmas trees of different sizes, synthetic shrubs, replicas of Santa Claus, mood setting songs of Christmas blaring from all directions, wishing people merry Christmas. To add to the frenzy, there has been obvious increase in human traffic in the city in a manner that has been unparalleled during the year as many throng the ever busy traffic of Lagos in search of mouth watering goodies that could be befitting of Christmas to buy. At night, Lagos is a wonder to behold. From Ojota to Maryland, Ikeja to Alagbado, Oshodi to Isolo, Surulere to CMS, Yaba to Obalende, Adeola Odeku to Ajah, the story is the same. The entire city is different and in high spirit, all bearing witness to the season of joy. As the city’s scenery changed in outlook, welcoming people
Giant Xmas tree at the National Theatre.
to great holiday and the remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ who of course is the reason for the season as it is commonly put, in all it has been great effort from corporate bodies and well meaning citizens of the state in making Lagos the great spectacle that it has become in the recent times. A night scene on the Lagos Island; Marina, Broad Street, Ajose Adeogun and different other parts bear witness that in reality, corporate social responsibility is really living up to expectation, going by the participation of both government and private establishments in beautifying the city. The entire stretch of Inner Marina, Broad Street and the entire surrounding environs have been lit up by corporate bodies that have their headquarters
there, making the streets to look welcoming and exciting. With the situation of things in Lagos, there seem to be some sort of competition among different offices as they try to out shine one another in terms of their elaborate decorations that make many of them stand out in uniqueness. Considering the attractive state of the city, there is no doubt that huge amount of money must have been budgeted and expended by different organisation in an effort to celebrate the season in their individual unique way which of course has in the long run contributed in making the city what it has become today. Confirming the assertion of many of the city dwellers in terms of how much must have been expended by both private organisations, government agencies and private individuals
A night scene on the Lagos Island; Marina, Broad Street, Ajose Adeogun and different other parts bear witness that in reality, corporate social responsibility is really living up to expectation, going by the participation of both government and private establishments in beautifying the city
in getting the city to its current state, Mr Philip Ojo, a banker said that annually there are huge amount of money earmarked by different organisation for both the end of the year decoration, celebrations such as end of the year parties, staff welfare and other sundry expenditures. “Of course there is no doubt that many companies budget heavily for the end of the year. Part of their expenditure is the beauty that the city of Lagos has become without apologies.” Speaking further he said that it shows that with great cooperative effort out nation can become a better place to live if we all contribute our little quota. “Look at Lagos and you will not doubt my position” He said. In the same vein, Kayode Adebayo, a civil servant stated that the look of the monumental structures that are used by different organisation to decorate their offices shows that heavy amount of money is usually spent to beautify their structures. He said that the way the city is looking is very inspirational and motivational because the beautification so far has made a lot of positive impact on the psych of the people. “The city is exciting and inspirational and considering the allure that is rampant and very obviously one will wish that the attractive sights will continue all through the year.” In conclusion, as people all over the country prepares for the eventual celebration of Christmas today , the prayer on people’s mind is that the celebration of goodwill and happiness will continue even after the season.
Special Report
Newswatch Times Thursday, DECEMBER 25, 2014
Why transporters hike fares during Christmas
Christmas travellers EMEKA IBEMERE
igerians travelling to various places across the country for Christmas Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x201E;\Â&#x201D;[Wqj^XZ W[\Z X^qZ Â&#x2DC;XYjXÂ&#x2014;Z it easy as the cost of transportation has hit the roof. A snap survey by our ^[[\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XY\XqZ [\Â?\WÂ&#x201E;\YZ qxWqZ some buses which ply the WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;ÂŞ WÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2020;Z ^_qxÂŞ ^_qxZ WXYZ from the Northern part of the country to the Southern [^_q\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x192;x^Â&#x2013;\YZ qxWqZ Â&#x192;^]\Z q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[q\[Â&#x192;Z Z xWÂ?\Z Z jXÂ&#x2C6;[\WÂ&#x192;\YZ their fares. ^_XÂ&#x2014;Z xWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z [^Â&#x2013;Z Â&#x192;qW$Z at Cele bus â&#x20AC;&#x201C;stop in Lagos q^Â&#x201E;YZ ^_[Z Â&#x2C6;^[[\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XY\XqZ qxWqZ the company was going to increase its fares the more from N6,000, as it is now to N8,000 for a one way ticket to east. A trip which was N3, 500 WÂ&#x192;Z WqZ qx\Z Z \XYZ ^`Z ^Â?\]Â&#x201D;\[ZZ jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2C6;xW[Â&#x2014;\YZ WqZ Ă Â&#x2020;Z ´´´Â&#x2020;Z ÂşÂ&#x2020;Z ´´´Z WXYZ ÂŽÂ&#x2020;´´´Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;Z respectively. A ticket salesperson at one ^`Z qx\Z Â&#x201D;_Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;WXÂ&#x2022;Z ^KÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Z jXZ Â&#x2026;^q_XZ Â&#x192;WjYZ qx\Z X\Â&#x2013;Z `W[\Â&#x192;Z came as a result of the mass ]^Â?\]\XqZ ^`Z Â&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Z Y^Â&#x2013;XÂŞ \WÂ&#x192;qZWXYZÂ&#x192;^_qxÂŞÂ&#x192;^_qxZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2C6;W_Â&#x192;\Z ^`Zqx\Z`\Â&#x192;qjÂ?WÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2030;\[j^YŠ š x\Z`W[\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZjXÂ&#x2C6;[\WÂ&#x192;\YZZqx\Z more, but I am not yet aware what the charges will be like,â&#x20AC;? Â&#x192;x\Z Âś_jÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;\YŠZ š \^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Z W[\Z \Â?\XZÂ&#x201D;^^Â&#x2026;jXÂ&#x2014;ZjXZWYÂ?WXÂ&#x2C6;\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ anticipation that the fares are Â&#x2014;^jXÂ&#x2014;Zq^ZÂ&#x201D;\ZjXÂ&#x2C6;[\WÂ&#x192;\YŠŸZZZ A trip from Lagos to Onitsha now costs as high as N7, 000 WXYZ `[^]Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z q^Z [^Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z River State is put at N8, 000. [YjXW[jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z jqZ Â&#x2C6;^Â&#x192;qZ WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;Z WÂ&#x192;Z N3, 500.
PHOTO: Abiodun Omotosho
Investigation by our Â&#x2C6;^[[\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XY\XqZ Â&#x192;x^Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Z qxWqZ many families are also taking qx\j[Z Â&#x2013;W[YÂ&#x192;Z x^]\Z `^[Z `\W[Z of the next election, which comes in February. [Z Â&#x2026;W`^[Z YjXY_Â&#x2020;ZWZZ WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZq[jÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\Z^Â&#x2030;\[Wq^[ZZZq^Â&#x201E;YZ qxjÂ&#x192;Z [\Â&#x2030;^[q\[Z qxWqZ X^Z ]W1\[Z the cost of transport fare, he must surely take his family Y^Â&#x2013;XZ q^Z [Â&#x201E;_Â&#x2020;Z jXZ ]^Z qWq\Â&#x2020;Z because of the election. Mrs. Akpan Mary, a factory worker at Aswani area of WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z Â&#x192;qWq\Z Â&#x201E;W]\Xq\YZ qx\Z hike in transportation from Lagos to Akwa-Ibom , WYYjXÂ&#x2014;ZqxWqZqx\ZY\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;]\XqZZ xWÂ&#x192;Z ]WY\Z jqZ j]Â&#x2030;^Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z `^[Z her to travel with the entire family. XZ x\[Z Â&#x2013;^[YÂ&#x192;Ă&#x2018;Z šÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x201D;\Z travelling alone because of the increase in the cost of q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qWqj^XŠZ XYZj`ZÂ&#x201E;ZW]Zq^Z go with all of them, a paltry Â&#x201D;_YÂ&#x2014;\qZ^`Z ¿´Â&#x2020;Z´´´ZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZÂ&#x201D;\Z \žÂ&#x2030;\XY\YZ^XZq[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZWÂ&#x201E;^X\Z unlike when the fare was
N3, 500 personâ&#x20AC;? . Â&#x2026;\Â&#x2C6;x_Â&#x2026;Â&#x2013;_Z _[_Â&#x2020;ZWZÂ&#x192;q_Y\XqZ Â&#x192;WjYZx\ZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;WXÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YZxjÂ&#x192;Zq[jÂ&#x2030;Z till January 7, 2015, when q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZ`W[\Zq^Z WÂ&#x192;qZZZZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZ xWÂ?\ZÂ&#x2C6;^]\ZY^Â&#x2013;XŠZZZ â&#x20AC;&#x153;As at that time coming Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Zq^Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z qWq\ZÂ&#x2013;^_Â&#x201E;YZÂ&#x201D;\Z Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2026;\ZWZÂ&#x2030;\WÂ&#x2026;ZÂ&#x2030;\[j^YZÂ&#x2013;xjÂ&#x201E;\Z`W[\Â&#x192;ZZ for going to East will come Y^Â&#x2013;XZWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;ZWÂ&#x192;ZWXÂ&#x2022;qxjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\Z WYY\YŠZ XÂ?\Â&#x192;qjÂ&#x2014;Wqj^XZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z [\Â?\WÂ&#x201E;\YZ that fares to Lagos from the East or South-South , is now cheap because much people are not making trips to Lagos State or to the North. The jXÂ&#x2021;_žZjÂ&#x192;ZY^Â&#x2013;XÂ&#x2013;W[YÂ&#x192;ZWXYZqxWqZ is why the charges are high. However, the Chairman ^`Z xjÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;^Z [WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZ qYŠÂ&#x2020;Z xj\`Z xjYjZ XÂ&#x2022;WX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;_Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z [\Â&#x2030;^[q\YZ q^Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x2C6;[j\YZ q^Z qx\Z \Y\[WÂ&#x201E;Z ^Â?\[X]\XqZ concerning the multiple qWžWqj^XZ Â&#x201E;\Â?j\YZ ^XZ q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZ operators in Nigeria.
\Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z [\Â&#x2030;^[q\YZ q^Z xWÂ?\Z
q^Â&#x201E;YZ qx\Z \Y\[WÂ&#x201E;Z ^Â?\[X]\XqZ q^Z[\Y_Â&#x2C6;\Zqx\ZY^_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\ZqWžWqj^XZ j]Â&#x2030;^Â&#x192;\YZ ^XZ q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZ operators in the country. XÂ&#x2022;WX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;_Z Z Â&#x2013;x^Z ]WY\Z qx\Z Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z jXZ WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z [\Â&#x2C6;\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x192;WjYZ that the multiple-taxation Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Zxj1jXÂ&#x2014;Zq[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[q\[Â&#x192;ZxW[YZ WXYZ Â&#x2026;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[qZ sector. qZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z [\Â&#x2030;^[q\YZ qxWqZ Commercial transport ^Â&#x2030;\[Wq^[Â&#x192;Z W[\Z Â&#x2DC;XYjXÂ&#x2014;Z jqZ YjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qZq^ZÂ&#x201D;[\WÂ&#x2026;Z\Â?\XZWÂ&#x192;Zqx\Â&#x2022;Z have to pay interest on loans Â&#x201D;^[[^Â&#x2013;\YZ `[^]Z Â&#x201D;WXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;Z q^Z purchase the buses. qZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2014;Wqx\[\YZqxWqZqx\Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;Z ^Â?\[Z ³¯Z Yj$\[\XqZ qWž\Â&#x192;Z WXYZ jqZ jÂ&#x192;Z W$\Â&#x2C6;qjXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\j[Z Â&#x201D;_Â&#x192;jX\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;ŠZ This is responsible for the frequent hike in transport fares. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The transport business is a business that touches qx\Z ]WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Z WXYZ ]^Â&#x192;qZ ^`Z qx\Z Â&#x201D;\X\Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;jW[j\Â&#x192;Z W[\Z qx\Z Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;ÂŞ Â&#x2030;[jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;\YZ WXYZ Â&#x2C6;jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x192;\[Â?WXqÂ&#x192;Z who earn meagre incomes,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
It was gathered that they pay over 23 different taxes and it is affecting their businesses. This is responsible for the frequent hike in transport fares
XÂ&#x2022;WX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;_ZÂ&#x192;WjYŠ Anyanegbu further \žÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WjX\YZqxWqZqx\ZÂ?WÂ&#x201E;_\ZWXYZ impact of the transport sector ^XZqx\ZXWqj^XÂŁÂ&#x192;Z\Â&#x2C6;^X^]Â&#x2022;ZWXYZ qx\Z]WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^_Â&#x201E;YZX^qZÂ&#x201D;\Z^Â?\[ÂŞ \]Â&#x2030;xWÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x192;\YŠ qZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z Â&#x2014;Wqx\[\YZ qxWqZ j]Â&#x2030;^[qZ Y_qj\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;xW[Â&#x2014;\YZ ^XZ Â&#x201D;_Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Z _Â&#x192;\YZ `^[Z ]WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Z transportation are enormous WXYZ Â&#x2013;x\XZ q[WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^[q\[Â&#x192;Z pay these charges, it is the passengers that bear the Â&#x201D;_[Y\XZqx[^_Â&#x2014;xZ`W[\ZxjÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x192;Š Therefore, it behoves on the government to look into these Â&#x2C6;xWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\XÂ&#x2014;\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZWÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;X^Â&#x2013;Â&#x201E;\YÂ&#x2014;jXÂ&#x2014;Z that transporters are solving one of the problems facing the masses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government must also realise that transport ^Â&#x2030;\[Wq^[Â&#x192;Z W[\Z WYYjXÂ&#x2014;Z Â?WÂ&#x201E;_\Z q^Zqx\Z\Â&#x2C6;^X^]Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2030;[^Â?jYjXÂ&#x2014;Z employment opportunities to many Nigeriansâ&#x20AC;?, XÂ&#x2022;WX\Â&#x2014;Â&#x201D;_ZWYY\YŠ š x\Z Â&#x2030;[^Â&#x2DC;qZ WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;[_jXÂ&#x2014;Z q^Z operators of this business is Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;ZÂ&#x2013;x\XZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;W[\YZq^Z Â&#x2013;xWqZ qx\Z ^jÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;WXj\Â&#x192;Z WXYZ multi-national organisations are makingâ&#x20AC;?. Z \ZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z_[Â&#x2014;\YZqx\Z Wqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z Assembly to set up a trust `_XYZ qxWqZ Â&#x2C6;^_Â&#x201E;YZ Â&#x2014;[WXqZ Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;ÂŞ interest loans to transporters in the country. Z Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z x\Z _[Â&#x2014;\YZ qx\Z `\Y\[WÂ&#x201E;Z WXYZ Â&#x192;qWq\Z Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqÂ&#x192;Z q^Z [\xWÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x201E;jqWq\Z qx\j[Z [^WYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ x\Z Â&#x192;WjYÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z jXZ Y\Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;^[WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\ZÂ&#x2C6;^XYjqj^XÂ&#x192;Š š \Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\XYZ Â&#x192;^Z ]_Â&#x2C6;xZ money on maintenance of our vehicles owing to the Y\Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;^[WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z Â&#x192;qWq\Z ^`Z ]^Â&#x192;qZ [^WYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂŁÂŁZx\ZÂ&#x201E;W]\Xq\YŠZZ
Newswatch Times
Crime Thursday, December 25, 2014
Disaster management; the challenges and the way forward On the apparent concern over high rate of disaster occurance in the society in recent past, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the Honorable members of the House ! "# $$" Emergency and Disaster Preparedness gathered in Lagos recently look at the way forward to control disaster and others. UNICEF Monitoring % #!&'! " *+ &' -" / "0" delivered lecture on the issue, while our correspondent, ADELEKE ADESANYA was there to report.
XZ ^Â&#x2030;\XjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;_Â&#x192;^¨jZ jX`^[]\YZ qx\Z W1\XqjÂ?\Z audience that Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment (DRR/CA) of Nigeria was conducted at the request of qx\Z ^Â?\[X]\XqZ ^`Z qx\Z \Y\[WÂ&#x201E;Z \Â&#x2030;_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2C6;Z of Nigeria through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). The DRR capacity assessment, he stated, took place from 18th to 28th April, 2012 and was conducted through an inter-agency approach with the Â&#x2030;W[qjÂ&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2030;Wqj^XZ ^`Z Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2020;ZWXYZ Š According to him, the exercise was carried out under the guidance and leadership of the UNDP _[\W_Z `^[Z [jÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Z [\Â?\Xqj^XZ WXYZ \Â&#x2C6;^Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z (BCPR) and CADRI with support from Swedish jÂ?jÂ&#x201E;Z ^XqjXÂ&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;j\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Z¡ ¸ŠZ Z \ZÂ&#x192;qWq\YZ`_[qx\[ZqxWqZqx\Z]\qx^Y^Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2022;ZWXYZ tools used to conduct the assessment were Y\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Z WXYZ xWÂ?\Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ q\Â&#x192;q\YZ in many countries in Africa including Ghana, W]Â&#x201D;jWÂ&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x201E;jZWXYZ WYWÂ&#x2014;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;W[ŠZ ZjÂ&#x192;ZWZ¨^jXqZ Â&#x2020;Z ZWXYZ ZjXjqjWqjÂ?\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ WZ]jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;j^XZq^ZjXÂ&#x2C6;[\WÂ&#x192;\ZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqÂ&#x2022;ZY\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;]\XqZ`^[Z YjÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x192;q\[Z [jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;Z [\Y_Â&#x2C6;qj^XZ WqZ Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Z [\Â&#x2014;j^XWÂ&#x201E;Z WXYZ Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZjXZÂ&#x201E;jX\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZqx\Z Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;^Z [W]\Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;Z`^[Z Action (2005-2015). CADRI supports countries to ]WÂ&#x2026;\Z ZWZXWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;ZWXYZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2030;[j^[jqÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z\XWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z qx\Z ZWXYZ[\Â&#x2014;j^XWÂ&#x201E;Z^[Â&#x2014;WXjÂťWqj^XÂ&#x192;Zq^ZY\Â&#x201E;jÂ?\[Z^XZ Â&#x2020;ZWXYZÂ&#x2030;[^Â?jY\Â&#x192;ZWYÂ?jÂ&#x192;^[Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;\[Â?jÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Zq^ZÂ&#x201E;\W[XjXÂ&#x2014;Z and training organizations and practitioners. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The main purpose of the Nigeria Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment was to identify gaps and challenges the country is currently `WÂ&#x2C6;jXÂ&#x2014;Z WXYZ q^Z `_Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z \XÂ&#x2014;WÂ&#x2014;\Z jXZ Â&#x2030;[\Â?\XqjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z mitigating and reducing natural disaster risks. The assessment was also an opportunity to Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\W[Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z jY\Xqj`Â&#x2022;Z \žjÂ&#x192;qjXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqj\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;^qxZ WqZ XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;ZWXYZÂ&#x192;qWq\ZÂ&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Zq^Z_XY\[Â&#x192;qWXYZY\Â&#x192;j[\YZ capacities, and to propose recommendations ^XZ x^Â&#x2013;Z qx\Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2C6;WXZ Â&#x201D;\Z `_[qx\[Z Y\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;\YZ WXYZ strengthened. The DRR exercise focused essentially on [j^[jqj\Â&#x192;Z ÂŹZ q^Z ÂľZ ^`Z qx\Z Â&#x2022;^Â&#x2014;^Z [W]\Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;Z `^[Z Â&#x2C6;qj^XZ ¡ Ă&#x2014;Z ³´´¿ª³´¿¸Z WXYZ Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\]\XqÂ&#x192;Z WZ Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]\XqZ Â&#x2C6;^XY_Â&#x2C6;q\YZ jXZ W[Â&#x2C6;xZ ³´³Z ^XZ \]\[Â&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x2030;W[\YX\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z WXYZ [\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XÂ&#x192;\Z ¡ Z [j^[jqÂ&#x2022;Z¿¸Z_XY\[Zqx\ZÂ&#x201E;\WY\[Â&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Z^`Z ŠZ x\Z[\Â&#x192;_Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Z^`Zqx\ZqÂ&#x2013;^ZWÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]\XqÂ&#x192;ZW[\ZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x201D;jX\YZ jXZ^X\Z¨^jXqZ[\Â&#x2030;^[qZÂ&#x192;_Â&#x201D;]j1\YZq^Zqx\Z ZWXYZq^Z qx\Z ^Â?\[X]\XqZ`^[Z\XY^[Â&#x192;\]\XqŠ â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was conducted with a clear focus on national and state capacities for DRR using the indicators set for the implementation of the
ŠZ x\Z Ă&#x2039; Z Â&#x201E;^^Â&#x2026;\YZ jXq^Z Â&#x2DC;Â?\Z q\Â&#x2C6;xXjÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Z W[\WÂ&#x192;Z^`ZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqÂ&#x2022;ZY\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;]\XqĂ&#x2018;Z¡j¸Z^Â&#x2013;X\[Â&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2020;Z¡jj¸Z institutional arrangements, (iii) competencies, ¡jÂ?¸Z Z Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;jXÂ&#x2014;Z q^^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Z WXYZ [\Â&#x192;^_[Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z WXYZ ¡Â?¸Z relationships/coordination. ^[Z qx\Z Z [j^[jqÂ&#x2022;Z ÂŹÂ&#x2020;Z qx\Z WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]\XqZ ¡ ¸Z `^Â&#x2C6;_Â&#x192;\YZ ^XZ qx\Z Â&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E;Z ^`Z Wqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z WXYZ qWq\Z ^Â&#x2013;X\[Â&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Z WÂ&#x192;Z WZ Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Z `^[Z
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President Jonathan
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Mohammed Sani-Sidi Nema boss
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National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), under the leadership of BCPR and CADRI/MSB. ³ŠZ WqWZ ^Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qj^XZ ^Â&#x2C6;_]\XqZ [\Â?j\Â&#x2013;Ă&#x2018;Z qx\Z Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment ¡ Ă&#x2039; ¸Z ]\qx^Y^Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2022;Z jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZ ^XZ WZ [\Â?j\Â&#x2013;Z ^`Z Â&#x2030;[j]W[Â&#x2022;Z YWqWZ WXYZ [\Â&#x201E;\Â?WXqZ Y^Â&#x2C6;_]\XqWqj^XZ [\Â&#x201E;Wq\YZ q^Z Â&#x2020;Z \XÂ?j[^X]\XqWÂ&#x201E;Z ]WXWÂ&#x2014;\]\XqZ and climate change adaptation in Nigeria. x\Z \Â?WÂ&#x201E;_Wqj^XZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZ ^XZ WZ ]\qx^Y^Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x2022;Z Y\Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Zqx\Z Z WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqÂ&#x2022;Z \Â?\Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2030;]\XqZ Group (CDG) and later adapted for the DRR Â&#x192;\Â&#x2C6;q^[ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Ă&#x2039;Z ZWXYZ ŠZ This methodology outlines the capacity assessment questions and includes data collection methodologies, data sources, and key respondents. The data collected were Â&#x2030;[j]W[jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂś_WÂ&#x201E;jqWqjÂ?\Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x192;jÂ&#x192;qjXÂ&#x2014;Z^`ZÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2014;[^_XYZ Y^Â&#x2C6;_]\XqWqj^XÂ&#x2020;ZY^Â&#x2C6;_]\XqZ[\Â?j\Â&#x2013;ZWXYZWXWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z reports, and assessments. Semi-structured jXq\[Â?j\Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Ă&#x2018;Z qx\Z Â&#x192;\Â&#x2C6;^XYZ Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;^X\XqZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z `WÂ&#x2C6;\ÂŞ q^ÂŞ`WÂ&#x2C6;\Z jXq\[Â?j\Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ `\Y\[WÂ&#x201E;Z WXYZ Â&#x192;qWq\Z Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqZ WÂ&#x2C6;q^[Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Z WÂ&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;j\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqZW_qx^[jqj\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZWXYZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ^qx\[ZÂ&#x2030;W[qX\[Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;^[Â&#x2026;jXÂ&#x2014;Z^XZYjÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x192;q\[Z[\Y_Â&#x2C6;qj^XZWXYZ[\Â&#x2C6;^Â?\[Â&#x2022;ŠZ XÂŞÂ&#x192;jq\Z Â&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;YZ ]jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;j^XÂ&#x192;Ă&#x2018;Z x\Z Z Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqÂ&#x2022;Z WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]\XqÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x2C6;W[[j\YZ ^_qZ jXZ `^_[Z qWq\Â&#x192;Ă&#x2018;Z Â&#x201D;_¨WZ ¡ ¸Ă&#x2014;Z WY_XWZ jXZ qx\Z X^[qxĂ&#x2014;Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Z WXYZ Â&#x2022;^Z ¡ Â&#x201D;WYWX¸Z jXZ qx\Z Â&#x192;^_qxŠZ XZ Â&#x2C6;^XY_Â&#x2C6;qjXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z \ž\[Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x192;\Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2030;W[qjÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;W[Z W1\Xqj^XZ Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x2014;jÂ?\XZ q^Z jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;_\Â&#x192;Z [\Â&#x201E;Wq\YZ q^Z Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqj\Â&#x192;Z `^[Z Â&#x2030;[\Â?\XqjXÂ&#x2014;Z WXYZ mitigating natural disaster risks in Nigeria at qx\ZXWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x192;qWq\Â&#x2020;ZWXYZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2014;^Â?\[X]\XqZÂ&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;ŠZZ
The main purpose of the Nigeria Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment was to identify gaps and challenges the country is currently facing and to fully engage in preventing, mitigating and reducing natural disaster risks
Newswatch Times Thursday, December 25, 2014
Disaster management; the challenges and the way forward
NEMA operative at work Continued from page 55
four (4) states could represent the entire country. This concern was addressed by requesting ÂŁÂ&#x192;Z ^XWÂ&#x201E;Z KÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;Wq\YZjXZYj$\[\XqZÂ&#x2014;\^ÂŞ political zones to make their inputs on DRR issues in their respective zones for inclusion into the report. Discussions with federal institutions also provided an opportunity to capture issues that cut across the entire country. x\[\`^[\Â&#x2020;Z qx\Z Â&#x2DC;XYjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;[\Â&#x192;\Xq\YZ jXZ qxjÂ&#x192;Z [\Â&#x2030;^[qZÂ&#x201E;W[Â&#x2014;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z[\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;_[[\XqZÂ&#x192;jq_Wqj^XZjXZqx\Z country. ^[Z Â&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;YZ ]jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;j^XZ jXq\[Â?j\Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z qx\Z ]WjXZ YjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x2022;Z\XÂ&#x2C6;^_Xq\[\YZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Zqx\ZX^XÂŞWÂ?WjÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;Z of some appropriate stakeholders for interview, especially in Lagos State where the team had YjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qj\Â&#x192;ZjXZ]\\qjXÂ&#x2014;ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x2022;Z^KÂ&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZWXYZWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z jXZ Â&#x201D;_¨WÂ&#x2020;ZY_\Zq^ZjXÂ&#x192;_KÂ&#x2C6;j\XqZÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WXXjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z WqZqx\ZÂ&#x201D;\Â&#x2014;jXXjXÂ&#x2014;Z^`Zqx\Z\ž\[Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x192;\ŠZ x\Â&#x192;\ZYjKÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;qj\Â&#x192;Z were as a result of the absence of contact persons in some key ministries during the assessment period combined with the short time frame for the interviews. Nevertheless, both teams managed to have substantive discussions with stakeholder in Oyo WXYZ WY_XWZ qWq\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;x\[\Z qx\Z Â?jÂ&#x192;jqZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;\1\[Z ^[Â&#x2014;WXjÂ&#x192;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z ZWXYZ ZÂ&#x192;qW$Z^XZÂ&#x2014;[^_XY ŠZ jÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x192;q\[Z [^Â&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;\Z^`Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jW Nigeria is located between latitude 4° N to 14° N; and longitude 3° E to 15° E. It has a land area ^`Z WÂ&#x201D;^_qZ ³¯Â&#x2020;ºà ÂZ Â&#x2026;]ÂłĂ&#x2014;Z WZ X^[qxÂŞÂ&#x192;^_qxZ Â&#x201E;\XÂ&#x2014;qxZ ^`Z WÂ&#x201D;^_qZÂŹÂ&#x2020;¾¿´ªÂ&#x2026;]ZWXYZWZÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x192;qÂŞ\WÂ&#x192;qZÂ&#x201D;[\WYqxZ^`ZWÂ&#x201D;^_qZ 800 km. It has diverse geophysical characteristics and ethnic nationalities. The country has 36 states and the FCT with 774 Local Government Areas. Nigeria is the most populous country in `[jÂ&#x2C6;WŠZ Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;^[YjXÂ&#x2014;Zq^Z³´´à ZÂ&#x2C6;\XÂ&#x192;_Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2014;_[\Â&#x2020;Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZ has a population of about 140 million people. Rapid population growth, urbanization, and sociopolitical issues, compounded by ethnic Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;_[WÂ&#x201E;jqÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Z xWÂ&#x192;Z ^`q\XZ Â&#x201E;\YZ q^Z Â&#x2DC;\[Â&#x2C6;\Z Â&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;\qjqj^XZ for scarce resources, leading to deteriorating livelihoods, social marginalization, crime and general insecurity. Extreme weather and climate events have constituted serious threat to economic growth over the past few years. In Nigeria, severe Â&#x2021;^^YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;jXYÂ&#x192;q^[]Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ZY[^_Â&#x2014;xqZWXYZY\Â&#x192;\[qjÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Wqj^XÂ&#x2020;Z and several other extreme weather and climate \Â?\XqÂ&#x192;Z xWÂ?\Z j]Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;q\YZ X\Â&#x2014;WqjÂ?\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z ^XZ jqÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;^Â&#x2C6;j^ÂŞ \Â&#x2C6;^X^]Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ ]WXÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2030;\^Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\Z Â&#x201D;\jXÂ&#x2014;Z W$\Â&#x2C6;q\YZ throughout the country. Â&#x201E;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;Ă&#x2018;Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2030;[^X\Zq^ZÂ&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z]WjXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z along the Niger River through the River Benue WXYZ ^Â&#x2026;^q^Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;jXÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ WYÂ?\[Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z W$\Â&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z agricultural land. Most of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s large [jÂ?\[Â&#x192;Z xWÂ?\Z Â&#x2021;^^YZ Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WjXÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ W[\Z Â&#x192;_Â&#x201D;¨\Â&#x2C6;qZ q^Z Â&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;ZY_[jXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\Z[WjXÂ&#x2022;ZÂ&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;^XŠZ x\Â&#x192;\ZjXÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Y\Z qx\Z jÂ?\[Â&#x192;Z jÂ&#x2014;\[Â&#x2020;Z \X_\Â&#x2020;Z [^Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Z jÂ?\[Â&#x2020;Z WqÂ&#x192;jXWÂŞ Ala, Imo, etc. [Â&#x201D;WXZ Â&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;Z ^Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;_[Â&#x192;Z jXZ q^Â&#x2013;XÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2C6;Wq\YZ ^XZ
Â&#x2021;WqZ^[ZÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x2013;ZÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;jXÂ&#x2014;Zq\[[WjXZ¡Â&#x2C6;^WÂ&#x192;qWÂ&#x201E;ZW[\WÂ&#x192;¸Z\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;x\[\ZÂ&#x201E;j1Â&#x201E;\Z^[ZX^ZÂ&#x2030;[^Â?jÂ&#x192;j^XZxWÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x201D;\\XZ]WY\Z`^[Z surface drainage, or where existing drainage has been blocked with municipal waste, refuse and eroded soil sediments. Nigerian towns are generally characterized by poor drainage system WXYZW[\Zqx\[\`^[\ZÂ&#x192;_Â&#x201D;¨\Â&#x2C6;qZq^ZÂ&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;ŠZ W[qjÂ&#x2C6;_Â&#x201E;W[Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z W$\Â&#x2C6;q\YZ W[\Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;WYWXÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x201D;W[Â&#x2020;Z Maiduguri, Port Harcourt, among others. An estimated 25 million people or 28% of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population live in the coastal zone and are at risk `[^]ZÂ&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;ŠZ x\ZW[\WÂ&#x192;Z]^Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x192;\Â?\[\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZW$\Â&#x2C6;q\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Zqx\Zj]Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;Z^`ZÂ&#x2021;^^YjXÂ&#x2014;ZW[\Zqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;^WÂ&#x192;qWÂ&#x201E;ZW[\WÂ&#x192;Z^`Z Lagos, Ondo, Delta, Bayelsa, Rivers, AkwaIbom and Cross River states.EPR & DRR National Capacity Assessment Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C; p. 9 EROSION: Nigeria is prone to all types of erosion, from the coastal states to the hinterlands. _Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z [^Â&#x192;j^XĂ&#x2014;Z ^Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x192;^_qxZĂ&#x203A;ZÂ&#x192;^_qxZÂ&#x192;qWq\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;_$\[Z varying magnitudes of gully erosion Coastal Erosion: In Nigeria, coastal erosion is experienced in almost all the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coastal communities. The social and economic consequence of coastal erosion is substantial in many cases. It may cause displacement of a whole community, including the loss of lives as the case with Ogulaha community in Forcados South Point, Delta State, Nigeria. Drought: The major areas that are impacted by drought are areas within the Sudan/Sahel belt. These include areas north of latitude 110° N comprising of Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, Taraba, Sokoto, Bauchi, Katsina, Kano, Gombe, Kebbi and Zamfara states. qx\[Z jÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x192;q\[Â&#x192;Ă&#x2018;Z Â&#x2030;jY\]jÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z qxX^ÂŞ[\Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2014;j^_Â&#x192;Ă&#x2039; communal crisis, Collapsed Buildings, and Terrorism.The country has experienced many cases of collapsed buildings in some major cities (Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt) and currently facing internal security challenges [\Â&#x201E;Wq\YZq^Z\qxX^ÂŞ[\Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2014;j^_Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2021;jÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x192;ZjXZÂ&#x192;qWq\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x192;_Â&#x2C6;xZ as Kaduna, Kano, Plateau, Bauchi, Adamawa, Yobe, Gombe, Benue and Borno States as well as militant activities in the Niger Delta area of the
country relating to oil and gas explorations and its impact on the environment and livelihood. Many of the disasters are caused by rapid population growth, ethnic plurality, _[Â&#x201D;WXjÂťWqj^XZ WXYZ Â&#x192;^Â&#x2C6;j^ÂŞÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x201E;jqjÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Z `WÂ&#x2C6;q^[Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x2C6;[\Wq\ZÂ&#x2DC;\[Â&#x2C6;\ZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;\qjqj^XZ`^[ZXWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z[\Â&#x192;^_[Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;ŠZ Consequently, Nigeria have become increasingly at risk to a wide range of hazards.EPR & DRR National Capacity Assessment Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C; p. 10 IV. Results of the Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Assessment A. HFA Priority 1: Making disaster risk reduction a policy priority, institutional Strengthening. Existing Capacity at Federal and State Levels1. Y\XqjÂ&#x2DC;\YZÂ&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;jqj\Â&#x192;ZWqZqx\Z`\Y\[WÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201E;\Â?\Â&#x201E; The Federal Republic of Nigeria is a signatory to the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2015) and reports progress made towards the j]Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\]\XqWqj^XZ ^`Z qx\Z Â&#x2DC;Â?\Z Â&#x2030;[j^[jqj\Â&#x192;Z \Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z two years (national progress report which is Â&#x192;_Â&#x201D;]j1\YZ `^[Z qx\Z Â&#x201E;^Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Z Â&#x192;Â&#x192;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]\XqZ \Â?\[Â&#x2022;Z qÂ&#x2013;^Z Â&#x2022;\W[Â&#x192;¸Š x\Z Â&#x2C6;^_Xq[Â&#x2022;Z W1\XY\YZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z [\Â&#x2014;j^XWÂ&#x201E;Z and global platforms and other international meetings and conferences with high level representation. The country has made a substantial achievement by joining the World Bank /Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Board, and NEMA was invited to W1\XYZqx\Z Â&#x2030;[jÂ&#x201E;Z³´³Z Board meeting held in Washington. Institutional framework: One of the key successes made by the Federal Government of Nigeria on addressing disaster management issues in the country is the creation of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) under the KÂ&#x2C6;\Z ^`Z qx\Z jÂ&#x2C6;\Z [\Â&#x192;jY\XqŠZ Z Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z established by Act 12 as amended by Act 50 of 1999. The Federal Government through the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has the mandate to formulate policy on all activities relating to disaster management in Nigeria, coordinate the activities of other stakeholders in Disaster
Nigerian towns are generally characterized by poor drainage system and are therefore subject to 1 /" 23 ! "+'&! &0 !4 + / ! !2 5 6!/! 5 6!5 !&!6! 5 !"/'2' "5 ! + ' 5 !$ 2 others
Management, coordinates plans and Â&#x2030;[^Â&#x2014;[W]]\Â&#x192;Z`^[Z\KÂ&#x2C6;j\XqZWXYZ\$\Â&#x2C6;qjÂ?\Z[\Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XÂ&#x192;\Z to disasters in the country, and promotes research activities relating to disaster management in the country. In 2009 a DRR Unit was created in the Planning \Â&#x2030;W[q]\XqZWXYZx\WY\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;ZWZ]WXWÂ&#x2014;\]\XqZÂ&#x192;qW$Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ Â&#x192;qW$Z Â&#x192;q[\XÂ&#x2014;qxZ ^`Z ŠZ x\Z Â&#x2014;\XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2022;Z jÂ&#x192;Z ]WY\Z up of six Departments and about 700 hundred employees. DRR Policy development: The Country through the active participatory discussion and contributions of stakeholders in Disaster Management across the six geopolitical zones developed, in 2006, a National Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan. It is a very detailed document and largely matches DRR activities mentioned in the HFA. The implementation of the Plan is under the leadership of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), and rests on a set of disaster risk reduction guiding principles. NEMA needs further support to review the Action Plan and for full implementation. The objectives of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Plan of Action for Z ¡³´´à ª³´¿¸Â&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x192;\qZ ^_qZ jXZ qx\Z ³´´ºZ Z _Â&#x2030;YWq\Z [\Â&#x2030;^[qÂ&#x2020;Z W[\Z q^Ă&#x2018;Z jY\Xqj`Â&#x2022;Z XWq_[WÂ&#x201E;Ă&#x2039;x_]WXÂŞ induced hazards and assess their associated risks and costs in Nigeria; improve the capabilities of Â&#x2C6;^]]_Xjqj\Â&#x192;Z q^Z Â&#x2030;[\YjÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x2020;Z WXYZ ^$\[Z \W[Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;Z warnings on natural hazards and disaster risks; enhance public awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation through training, education and public enlightenment; promote understanding of the DRR paradigm; and promote appropriate intervening institutions to enhance the capabilities of SEMAs, LGAs and communities. The National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF) is a review of the National Disaster Response Plan. It was drafted under a broad base national consultative process with public hearings. The document complements the existing NEMA Act, not only as a result of lengthy participatory EPR & DRR National Capacity Assessment Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C; p. 11processes, but also [\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qjXÂ&#x2014;Zqx\Zqj]\ZX\\Y\YZq^Z^Â&#x201D;qWjXZÂ&#x201D;_Â&#x2022;ÂŞjXZWXYZ commitment for DRR. The Policy development started in 2006 and the NDMF acts as a guide to all stakeholders and all jurisdictions. Budget allocation for DRR: In terms of budget, the country allocates one percent (1%) of its national budget (GDP) to the Ecological Fund and twenty (20%) of this is allocated to NEMA. The remaining 80% of the Ecological Fund are utilized by the federal ministries such as Environment, Health and others that contribute to disaster risk reduction and mitigation, as well as states and local governments. NEMA also counts on other funding sources. In case of a disaster, if more funds are needed based on an assessment Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x2020;Z qx\Z KÂ&#x2C6;\Z ^`Z qx\Z jÂ&#x2C6;\Z [\Â&#x192;jY\XqZ (Chairman of NEMA Board of Governing Council) could approve further expenditure from the Ecological Fund. In case there is need of assistance from international community, the National Planning Commission facilitates the resource mobilization with international partners. Similarly at the state level, when there is an emergency, SEMAs send assessment report to the Board of the Ministry of Economic Planning which will decide on funding. DRR Coordination mechanism: The country established a National DRR Platform in 2009 under the coordination of NEMA. Other members of the platform, include several federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies, such as the police, national and international NGOs, the media, universities, etc. NEMA has relations with a number of DRR stakeholders, both within the country and internationally. As a coordinating agency for disaster management and as the focal point for the HFA implementation in Nigeria, NEMA drives the process based on consultation and perceived gaps in the sector of DRR. To be continued on Monday
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Newswatch Times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014
Insurgency: NEMA takes campaigns to motor-parks TAIYE AGBAJE, Abuja
ollowing the incesÂ&#x192;WXqZ q\[[^[Z W1WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Z at motor parks by members of Boko Haram sect, the National Emergency Management
Agency (NEMA) has begun a sensitisation on adopting safety measures at major vehicle terminus in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), especially as residents visit loved ones across the country for
Christmas celebration. The Coordinator, Abuja Operations OfÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;\Z ^`Z Â&#x2020;Z [ŠZ Â&#x192;xaya Chonoko, who gave qx\Z Â&#x2C6;xW[Â&#x2014;\Z WqZ qx\Z Â&#x2021;WÂ&#x2014;ÂŞ ^$Z Â&#x2C6;\[\]^XÂ&#x2022;Z ^`Z Â&#x2030;\[Wtions Eagle Eye 2014 and
Sensitisation Creation on Basic Emergency ReÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;^XÂ&#x192;\Z jÂ&#x2030;Â&#x192;Z `^[Z KÂ&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;Z of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) Central Motor Park, Jabi, in Abuja, also alerted residents to be
6+?*+5(*` 5X %(>?Â&#x2122;Z 65(5+ *XÂ&#x161;+*3/+35 $Â&#x201C;Â&#x2122;(jZ 0(Â&#x2122;/>Q 0(Zj(/(Â&#x203A;( 5Â&#x2122;Z*Q Â&#x201C;+<5 =5(5+ ?Â&#x2122;(Z*/(3 '>+ 3*X?+== 2<[?+ Mr. Aliyu Jibrin (third right), Director-General, Bureau of Public Procument (BPP), Mr. Emeka Ezeh (second right) (3Q *XÂ&#x161;+*3X* ;=( Â&#x153;>)>Q( Q>*Z3) 5Â&#x2122;+ Z3(>)>*(5ZX3 X< '>+ 3*X?+== X<[?+ 8>ZÂ&#x201C;QZ3) Z3 5Â&#x2122;+ =5(5+
APC member petitions INEC against inclusion of Kwankwasoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name as Kano Central senatorial candidate Ted Odogwu, Kano
legal action has been instituted by a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Hon. Muhuyi Riman Gado, against the inclusion of the name of Kano State Governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, as Kano Central Senatorial candidate of the party. XZ qx\Z Â&#x2030;\qjqj^XÂ&#x2020;Z Â&#x2013;[j1\XZ on behalf of Riman Gado Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z ^Â&#x2030;\Z 1^[X\Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;WÂ&#x201E;Z practitioners, Corporate and Property Consultants, to the Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), he stated that on December 8, 2014, APC held its congress, meant to select a candidate for the Kano Central Senatorial District in preparation for the 3015 general election. It however, observed that during the primary election, one Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf emerged as the winner, having scored the majority of the votes cast during the election, while he was closely followed by one Alhjai Suleiman Halilu. According to the petition, Kwankwaso did not participate in the primary election but it has been observed that the APC is planning to submit the name of the governor as
the candidate for the Kano Central Senatorial District, in the forth coming 2015 general elections, which he said is contrary to the principle of internal democracy as enshrined in Section 228 of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Ni-
geria 1999 as amended, as well as Section 87 (4) (c) (i) (ii) of the Electoral Act as amended. His solicitors therefore argued that in the case of nomination to the position of Senatorial candidate, the political party
shall where they intend to sponsor a candidate hold special congresses in the Senatorial District, with delegates voting for each of the aspirants in desigXWq\YZÂ&#x2C6;\Xq[\Â&#x192;Z^XZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;jÂ&#x2DC;\YZ dates.
safety conscious against Â&#x2030;^Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z jXÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;q[Wqj^XZ ^`Z the internally displaced Â&#x2030;\[Â&#x192;^XÂ&#x192;ÂŁZ Â&#x192;\1Â&#x201E;\]\XqÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z the terrorists. Currently, thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States encamped at New Kushingoro, Waru Village and around Area 1 in the FCT. The occasion, which Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2014;[WÂ&#x2C6;\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z^KÂ&#x2C6;\[Â&#x192;Z^`Z the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), police, civil defence, National Orientation Agency (NOA), Safety Care Foundation, FCT Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), among others, was also W1\XY\YZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Z\žecutives and commercial drives. Chonoko, while raising the alarm, called on the security agencies to [\Y^_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z qx\j[Z \$^[qZ q^wards blocking such access by the terror group.
\Z Â&#x192;WjYZ qx\Z jXÂ&#x2021;_žZ ^`Z IDPs from the troubled north-eastern states into Abuja could pose a danger if proactive step is not taken. According to the agencyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coordinator in Abuja, the recent spate ^`Z q\[[^[Z W1WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;Z jXZ WX^Z cannot be unconnected q^Z qx\Z _XÂ&#x2C6;x\Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;\YZ jXÂ&#x2021;_žZ of IDPs into the ancient city. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The IDPs are entering Kano unchecked and one cannot deviate from the fact that the insurgents
Former ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chairman in Kaduna state Alhaji Makama Yaro Rigachikun, who dumped the party in December last year for the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday denied reports that he has left the APC. An associate of the APC chieftain, Alhaji Ibrahim Danina, has described the speculation as false, saying his political philosophy is for democracy, justice and development of Nigeria and not politics of deceit. The APC chieftain also appealed to his supporters to be calm and disregard the reports which he described as mischievous, saying he is comfortable in the APC as it remained the only
means of changing Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dwindling fortunes. Addressing journalists in Kaduna, yesterday Alhaji Ibrahim Danina said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is a lie and it has no substance that Alhaji Audi Yaro Makama Rigachikun has left our party, the All Progressives Congress and I must also say that none
of our leader is willing to leave APC for PDP. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Its all deceit and plan to cause confusion in the APC, we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know those planting the stories, but they will not succeed, because it is not true. We are all in APC to build the party and to move the country forward,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Jang proposes N215 billion as 2015 budget GYANG BERE, Jos
lateau State Governor Jonah David Jang has presented over N215 billion as budget proposal for 2015 to the State House of Assembly. He said the budget shows a 4.26 percent drop from the 2014 as a result of the dwindling economic fortunes, particularly in the oil sector. Governor Jang who presented the budget yesterday before the Pla-
teau State House of Assembly, tag it â&#x20AC;&#x153;Budget of Transition and Inclusive Growth (V) and seek the corporation of the legislator for the overall development of the entire state. According to him â&#x20AC;&#x153;The size of the 2015 budget is 215, 465, 835, 418.00, showing a 4.26 percent drop from last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estimate. This drop is as a result of dwindling economic fortunes, particularly in the oil sector. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The budget is made up
Aliyu presents N80.8bn budget for Niger Justina Asishana, Minna
iger state governor, Dr. Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu Babangida Aliyu, yesterday presented the ³´¿ZÂ&#x2DC;XWXÂ&#x2C6;jWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201D;_YÂ&#x2014;\qZ\Â&#x192;qjmated N80,815,405,545 to the Niger state House of Assembly. The proposed budget has a total estimated \žÂ&#x2030;\XYjq_[\Z ^`Z Ž´Â&#x2020;Z 815,402,545.00 made up of Â&#x201E;xW¨jZ WXjXWZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z \ž- recurrent estimate of N42, plained that Rigachikun 162,221,001.00 and capijÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;\q\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]]j1\YZ tal estimate of N38, 651, to the success of APC at 181,544. Presenting the budget WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z \Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qj^XÂ&#x192;Z X\žqZ Â&#x2022;\W[Z and will not bow down WqZ qx\Z Â&#x2021;^^[Z ^`Z qx\Z jÂ&#x2014;\[Z to mischief, saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;He state House of Assembly, has made up his mind Aliyu said the 2015 budget since last year after re- jÂ&#x192;Z\žÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;q\YZq^ZÂ&#x201D;\ZÂ&#x2DC;XWXÂ&#x2C6;\YZ through Statutory Allocaviewing the politics and tion estimated at N51.93 situation of the country Â&#x201D;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;j^XÂ&#x2020;Z WÂ&#x201E;_\Z YY\YZ WžZ and Kaduna state. (VAT) estimated at N10.8 billion, Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) estimated at N9 billion and Capital Receipts estimated of N92.5 billion as recur- at N9 billion. rent estimate represent x\Z [\Â&#x2C6;_[[\XqZ \žÂ&#x2030;\XYjing 42.93 percent while ture is estimated at N42.8 N122.9 billion is for capi- billion and is made up of tal estimate, representing Personnel Cost estimated 57.07 percentâ&#x20AC;? at N27.1 billion, Overhead Jang added that â&#x20AC;&#x153;this Cost N9.4 billion, Consoliyears budget will focus dated Fund Charges estion the completion of on- mated at N5.5 billion. going projects. You are The budget which is aware that this adminis- tagged, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Budget of Shared tration has embarked on Vision and Unlimited Opnumerous projects and Â&#x2030;^[q_Xjqj\Â&#x192;ÂźZjÂ&#x192;Z\žÂ&#x2030;\Â&#x2C6;q\YZq^Z programmes, which some [\Â&#x2021;\Â&#x2C6;qZqx\ZWY]jXjÂ&#x192;q[Wqj^XÂŁÂ&#x192;Z have been completed and collective desire to make many others are ongoingâ&#x20AC;? jÂ&#x2014;\[Z qWq\ZWZÂ&#x201D;\1\[ZÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2C6;\Š
Ex-PDP chair denies dumping APC BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
might have used that advantage of the mass movement of the IDPs from the north east to Kano to probably gained ground to perpetrate their terror act. Now, the FCT is growing from qxWqZ \žÂ&#x2030;\[j\XÂ&#x2C6;\Z WXYZ qxWqZ is what informs us coming here to educate the drivers. Particularly like I said, these people (IDPs) Y^ZX^qZ_Â&#x192;\ZÂ&#x2021;jÂ&#x2014;xqZq^Zq[WÂ?\Â&#x201E;Z to areas they go. They use commercial vehicles. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So, we try to be proactive in trying to sensitise them of the fact that there could be possibility of qx\ZjXÂ&#x192;_[Â&#x2014;\XqÂ&#x192;ZjXÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x201E;q[WqjXÂ&#x2014;Z among the real IDPs. And you know by the time they gain ground again; if you allow that to happen unchecked, a lot of what is happening in Kano can happen here as well,â&#x20AC;? he warned. Chonoko, who commended security agencies in the FCT, called on them to intensify their \$^[qZ jXZ Â&#x192;q^Â&#x2030;ÂŞWXYÂŞÂ&#x192;\W[Â&#x2C6;xZ operations.
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Newswatch Times THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2014
Iheanacho resumes training
Cooreman, Okpala in race for Rangers job
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Nations Cup 2015: Song out of Cameroon squad
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F/Eagles still scouting Europe for players
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Newswatch Times
Sports/NEWS 63 Ukoh set for Super Eagles debut Glo-CAF Awards: Super Sportsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Marawa, Ghanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dumas to compere
he Sporting Director of FC Biel-Bienne, Stefan Freiburghaus, has revealed that \žª Â&#x2013;jĂ&#x201A;\[Â&#x201E;WXYZ Â&#x2022;^_qxZ jXq\[XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2020;Z q\Â?\XZ Â&#x2026;^xZÂ&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2022;ZxjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZÂ&#x2014;W]\Z`^[Zqx\Z _Â&#x2030;\[Z WÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;ZX\žqZ]^XqxŠ Â&#x2026;^xZ xWÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;\\XZ Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YZ _Â&#x2030;Z Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z qx\Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZ Football Federation to take part in two exhiÂ&#x201D;jqj^XZ Â&#x2014;W]\Â&#x192;Z WÂ&#x2014;WjXÂ&#x192;qZ Â?^[Â&#x2022;Z ^WÂ&#x192;qZ WXYZ WÂ&#x201E;jZ jXZ Â&#x201D;_Z xWÂ&#x201D;jZX\žqZ]^XqxÂ&#x2020;ZW`q\[ZÂ&#x2C6;xWXÂ&#x2014;jXÂ&#x2014;ZxjÂ&#x192;Z jXq\[XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;Z WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2014;jWXÂ&#x2C6;\Z `[^]Z Â&#x2013;jĂ&#x201A;\[Â&#x201E;WXYZ q^Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWŠ \Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jq\Z Â&#x201D;^qxZ ]WqÂ&#x2C6;x\Â&#x192;Z `WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z ^_qÂ&#x192;jY\Z ÂŁÂ&#x192;ZjXq\[XWqj^XWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x2013;jXY^Â&#x2013;Â&#x2020;Zqx\ZÂ&#x2C6;\Xq[WÂ&#x201E;Z]jYÂ&#x2DC;\Â&#x201E;Y\[ZxWÂ&#x192;Z[\Â&#x2C6;\jÂ?\YZqx\ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;Z^`Z Z j\Â&#x201E;ÂŞ j\XX\Zq^Z\]Â&#x201D;W[Â&#x2026;Z^XZqx\Z¨^_[X\Â&#x2022;Zq^Zqx\Z Xjq\YZ [WÂ&#x201D;Z ]j[Wq\Â&#x192;Š š \Z Â&#x2014;WÂ?\Z qx\Z WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;[^Â?WÂ&#x201E;Z q^Z qx\Z jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZ ^^qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Z \Y\[Wqj^XZ Â&#x192;^]\Z YWÂ&#x2022;Â&#x192;Z WÂ&#x2014;^Â&#x2020;ÂźZ q\`WXZ [\jÂ&#x201D;_[Â&#x2014;xW_Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2DC;[]\YŠ Okoh racked up over 40 international apÂ&#x2030;\W[WXÂ&#x2C6;\Â&#x192;Z`^[Zqx\ZÂ&#x2022;^_qxZq\W]Â&#x192;Z^`Z Â&#x2013;jĂ&#x201A;\[Â&#x201E;WXYZ
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Taribo challenges NFF on tournaments
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Glo League resumes March 7 x\Z \WÂ&#x2014;_\Z WXWÂ&#x2014;\]\XqZ ^]Â&#x2030;WXÂ&#x2022;Z xWÂ&#x192;Z announced that the jÂ&#x2014;\[jWZ [^`\Â&#x192;Â&#x192;j^XWÂ&#x201E;Z ^^qball League will restart its ³´¾Ă&#x2039;³´¿ZÂ&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;^XZ^XZ W[Â&#x2C6;xZ ÂşÂ&#x2020;³´¿Š xWj[]WXZ ^`Z qx\Z Â&#x2020;Z Y_Â&#x2026;WZ [WÂ&#x201D;^[ZÂ&#x192;WjYZqx\ZÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x192;Â&#x192;jÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\Z Â&#x201E;Wq\Z [\Â&#x192;_]Â&#x2030;qj^XZ Â&#x2013;\[\Z in view of ensuring unreÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201E;Â?\YZjÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;_\Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZWÂ&#x201E;]^Â&#x192;qZ ]W[[\YZ qx\Z Â&#x192;qW[qZ ^`Z qx\Z [\Â&#x2C6;\XqÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;ÂŞÂ&#x2C6;^XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Y\YZ Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;^XZ W[\ZÂ&#x192;\1Â&#x201E;\YŠZ [WÂ&#x201D;^[Z`_[qx\[Z\žÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WjX\YZ qxWqZ qx\Z ^[Â&#x2014;WXjÂ&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x201D;^YÂ&#x2022;Z Â&#x2013;\[\Z Â&#x2013;jÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;jXÂ&#x2014;Z q^Z WÂ?WjÂ&#x201E;Z qj]\Z `^[Zqx\ZWY^Â&#x2030;qj^XZ^`ZjqÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2C6;^]]_XjqÂ&#x2022;Z ^Â&#x2013;X\[Â&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Z jXjqjWtive and as well avoid clash Â&#x2013;jqxZ qx\Z _Â&#x2030;Â&#x2C6;^]jXÂ&#x2014;Z ³´¿Z general elections in the Â&#x2C6;^_Xq[Â&#x2022;Š â&#x20AC;&#x153;The new season will Â&#x192;qW[qZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z W[Â&#x2C6;xZºŠZ x\[\ZW[\Z ]WXÂ&#x2022;Z[\WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x192;Z`^[ZqxWqZÂŞZÂ&#x2013;\Z need to replenish the league Â&#x201D;^YÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2020;Zqx\Z`^^qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\[Â&#x192;ZX\\YÂ&#x192;Z q^Z [\Â&#x192;qZ WXYZ WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^Z ]\\qZ Â&#x2013;jqxZ qx\j[Z`[j\XYÂ&#x192;ŠZ š qZ jÂ&#x192;Z q^Z Â&#x2014;jÂ?\Z _Â&#x192;Z \X^_Â&#x2014;xZ
Nations Cup 2015: Ghana drop Boateng, Muntari from squad hanaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new coach, Â?[W]Z [WXqZ xWÂ&#x192;Z XW]\YZxjÂ&#x192;ZÂ&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Z Starsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; squad with an initial Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x192;qZ ^`Z ÂŻÂŹZ Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2022;\[Â&#x192;Z `^[Z WX_W[Â&#x2022;ÂŁÂ&#x192;Z `[jÂ&#x2C6;WZ _Â&#x2030;Z ^`Z Wqj^XÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2DC;XWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;Š
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^Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;XZ _]WÂ&#x192;Z ^XZ qx\Z other hand, was born in Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;[WZ ^XZ ÂŻÂŹZ _Â&#x2014;_Â&#x192;qZ ÂŹÂŽ´ŠZ `q\[ZW1\XYjXÂ&#x2014;Z [Â&#x2C6;xÂ&#x201D;jÂ&#x192;x^Â&#x2030;Z ^[q\[Z j[Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;Z \Xj^[Z jÂ&#x2014;xZ School she travelled for further studies and graduated
qj]\Z q^Z Â&#x201E;^^Â&#x2026;Z jXq^Z qx\Z Â&#x192;^]\Z Â&#x2030;[^Â&#x201D;Â&#x201E;\]Â&#x192;Z ^Â&#x201D;Â&#x192;\[Â?\YZ Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;qZ season -which is one of the ]^Â&#x192;qZ \]Â&#x201D;W[[WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;jXÂ&#x2014;Z jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;_\Â&#x192;Z ÂŞÂŞZqx\ZÂ&#x2013;\Â&#x201E;`W[\Z^`Zqx\ZÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2022;\[Â&#x192;Z qx\]Â&#x192;\Â&#x201E;Â?\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;ÂźZ [WÂ&#x201D;^[Â&#x192;WjYŠ š ^_Z [\]\]Â&#x201D;\[Z x^Â&#x2013;Z Â&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x192;q[_Â&#x2014;Â&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\YZq^Z]WÂ&#x2026;\ZÂ&#x192;_[\Z qx\[\Z jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x2030;[^Â?jÂ&#x192;j^XZ q^Z ]WÂ&#x2026;\Z [\Â&#x2014;_Â&#x201E;W[Z Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x2022;]\XqZ ^`Z [\Â&#x2C6;\XqZ Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;W[j\Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;Z qxjÂ&#x192;Z qj]\Z Â&#x2013;\Z Â&#x2013;WXqZ that to be adopted within qx\Z qj]\ŠZ ^[\Z qxWXZ WXÂ&#x2022;thing else, we are giving Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;_Â&#x201D;Â&#x192;Z ]^[\Z qj]\Z q^Z Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;\W[Z qx\j[ZÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2014;Â&#x192;ŠZ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to realise the \XÂ?j[^X]\XqZ jXZ Â&#x2013;xjÂ&#x2C6;xZ Â&#x2013;\Z operate, we are not in Europe and we have general elections and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second Â&#x2013;\\Â&#x2026;Z^`Z \Â&#x201D;[_W[Â&#x2022;Â&#x2020;ÂźZx\ZÂ&#x2C6;^XqjX_\YŠ š `q\XZ qj]\Â&#x2020;Z \Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qj^X\\[jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2C6;W]Â&#x2030;WjÂ&#x2014;XZ jÂ&#x192;Z qWÂ&#x2026;jXÂ&#x2014;Z Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2C6;\ZjXZ^_[Z`^^qÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ZW[\XWŠZ We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to struggle `^[ZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x2C6;\ZWXYZqj]\ZÂ&#x2013;jqxZÂ&#x2030;^Â&#x201E;jqjÂ&#x2C6;jWXÂ&#x192;ŠZ \ZxWÂ?\Zq^ZÂ&#x2013;WjqZ`^[Z Â&#x2030;^Â&#x201E;jqjÂ&#x2C6;jWXÂ&#x192;Z q^Z Â&#x192;\1Â&#x201E;\Z Y^Â&#x2013;XZ on the seat of governance `^[Zqx\]Zq^ZÂ&#x2014;jÂ?\Z]^X\Â&#x2022;ŠŸ
Abubakar to play in Israel
Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;jXÂ&#x2014;Z WÂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;\Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;\Xq[WÂ&#x201E;Z Y\`\XY\[Â&#x2020;Z Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x2022;_Z Â&#x201D;_Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x2026;W[ZxWÂ&#x192;Z¨^jX\YZ Â&#x192;[W\Â&#x201E;jZ Â&#x192;jY\Â&#x2020;Z Z Â&#x192;xY^YZ ^XZ WXZ _XYjÂ&#x192;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201E;^Â&#x192;\YZ X_]Â&#x201D;\[Z^`ZÂ&#x2022;\W[Â&#x192;Š The U-17 World cup ³´¯ZÂ&#x2013;jXX\[ZÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z^]j1\YZ `[^]Z ^WÂ&#x2C6;xZ WX_Z W[Â&#x201D;WZ Â&#x201E;jÂ&#x192;qZ ^`Z ¯´Z Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2022;\[Â&#x192;Z Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;\YZ _Â&#x2030;Z `^[Z Â&#x2C6;W]Â&#x2030;Z Wx\WYZ ^`Z X\žqZ Â&#x2022;\W[ÂŁÂ&#x192;Z `[jÂ&#x2C6;WZ ^_qxZ xW]Â&#x2030;j^XÂ&#x192;xjÂ&#x2030;Z jXZ \X\Â&#x2014;WÂ&#x201E;Š
jÂ&#x192;Z ^]jÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;j^XZ jÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;WÂ&#x192;\YZ on the fact that he has Â&#x201D;\\XZ WÂ&#x2013;WÂ&#x2022;Z `^[Z qx\Z q\W]Z Y_[jXÂ&#x2014;Z Âś_WÂ&#x201E;jÂ&#x2DC;\[Â&#x192;Z Y^jXÂ&#x2014;Z trials in Europe and even Y_[jXÂ&#x2014;Z qx\Z Â&#x2DC;[Â&#x192;qZ Â&#x2030;xWÂ&#x192;\Z ^`Z Â&#x2C6;W]Â&#x2030;jXÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2020;Z x\Z WÂ&#x201D;WXY^X\YZ qx\Z q\W]Z q^Z _XY\[Â&#x2014;^Z Â&#x2022;\qZ WX^qx\[Zq[jWÂ&#x201E;Š x\Z _q_XÂ&#x2C6;xjZ Â&#x2C6;WY\]Â&#x2022;Zq\\XWÂ&#x2014;\[ZxWYZq[jWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;ZjXZ Â&#x2013;\Y\XZ Â&#x2013;jqxZ WÂ&#x201E;]W[Â&#x2020;Z jXZ
\Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;j_]Z Â&#x2013;jqxZ XY\[Â&#x201E;\Â&#x2C6;qZ and reports also said he q[WjX\YZÂ&#x2013;jqxZ \[]WXZÂ&#x192;jY\Z WÂ&#x2022;\[XZ \Â?\[Â&#x2026;_Â&#x192;\XŠ
jÂ&#x192;Z]^Â?\Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2013;\ZÂ&#x2014;Wqx\[\YZ Â&#x2013;WÂ&#x192;Z Â&#x201D;[^Â&#x2026;\[\YZ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Z Â&#x192;[W\Â&#x201E;Z base agent, Dudu Dahan who also helped out in the q[WXÂ&#x192;`\[Z^`Z `\Z ]Â&#x201D;[^Â&#x192;\Zq^Z Â&#x192;W]\Zq\W]Š
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