Tuesday 02 07 13

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Daily Newswatch

PROPERTY tuesday, july 2 2013

2013 Abuja Housing Show:Housing deficit generates outcry The expectations of participants at the 2013 edition of the Abuja Housing Show, which was held last week in Abuja, revolved around evolving strategies toward surmounting past and present challenges in an effort to make housing accessible and affordable to the different strata of Nigerians. In this report, the Editor, Property & Environment, OLANIYI OLA, examines the challenges faced by industry operators while stressing the need to liberalise the operating environment in terms of land ownership, management and administration.


ising from the need to make transactions in TUVWX YU Z[\X simple, easy and achievable within a time frame and in a business-like UVWX _`\jqZ1Z_jxzZX YUVVZ[{X industry pundits and participants at the conference YUWZX |`TWX U ZY}j\X j`X UWdress problems relating to building approvals and the restoration of city master plans. Amid repeated outcries and condemnations, they addressed issues bordering on land acquisition and documentation for mass housing development in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and Nigeria as a whole. While brainstorming over problems confronting the industry, keen watchers of the housing sector, construction sector professionals and real estate practitioners in the specialised sector took a critical look at the problems facing the nation’s housing and construction industry, particularly infrastructure ˆVUV_xV‰XUVWX[ZTUjZWX|` TZnecks. The 2013 Abuja Housing Show & Housing Development Awards brought together professionals from the real estate and allied sectors across the African continent and made bold U ZY}j\X j`X \`TzZX j”ZX V•merous problems that had bedevilled the nation’s housing and construction industry by developing enduring solutions. Also, stakeholders and industry operatives who participated in the plenary sessions were unanimous in their opinion that the homeownership regime needs a change of strategy as Nigerian economy continues to enjoy impressive growth. They all agreed that the housing shortage in Nigeria is one of the most serious developmental challenges confronting the nation today because at last count, Nigeria’s housing backlog stands at around 18,000,000 units. While decrying the risky conditions under which many Nigerians live health-

Ama Pepple

wise, housing industry pundits at the conference say that these conditions are an U1[`VjX j`X ”•YUVX Wx‰Vxj—˜X The experts also said that situation has also become a source of social instability in the country and the African continent at large. Gathered for the 7th Abuja Housing Show to raise awareness on the critical nature of housing needs in the country, housing and


construction experts took advantage of the unique platform created by the organisers to showcase their activities in the sector while looking deeply into the problems confronting housing delivery. In charting the way forward, the conference made UX WU[xV‰X Z1`[jX j`X _[xjx_UTT—X appraise existing policies with a view to remoulding and developing new ones

in order to build enduring structures to enable faster housing delivery. Addressing the challenges facing the real estate industry by formulating growth strategies, the real estate operatives unanimously U‰[ZZWX j”UjX }[x`[xj—X U ZVtion should be given to site and services with a view to creating more infrastructures like access roads, electricity, water, security, and

school among others. Reacting to the issue of homeownership in the country, these operators also listed the factors militating against Y`[j‰U‰ZXˆVUV_ZXxVX x‰Z[xU˜ Also taking a critical look at housing sector reforms in Nigeria in the last 14 years, industry pundits decried the inability of the sector to }[`zxWZX U1`[WU|TZX UVWX WZcent shelter for its teeming citizens. Apart from review-

ing the challenges and prospects of social housing in the country, these operators agreed that the enterprise housing is vital to stimulating the growth of the real estate sector by promoting local expertise and services in the supply and demand chain. Promoting new approaches The Habitat Programme Manager, Nigeria, Mallam Kabir Yari, while speaking on ‘Transforming Nigeria through Development of the Housing Sector: Focus on Housing in the Federal Capital Territory’, said a holistic approach required to tackle the challenges of housing provision from the physical and social point of view. “Alongside provisions for building structures, it is important to consider affordability, social justice and inclusion, culture and most importantly, economic aspects of the city. That is why the UN-HABITAT is promoting new approach which emphasises preventive planning in advance, planning at the scale of the problems, and planning in phases beginning with ensuring adequate physical access and basic urban services, especially water and sanitation,� Yari said addxV‰X j”UjX U1`[WU|xTxj—X x\X UX key and critical component of the Global Housing Strategy.� He went further: “Housing is widely ranked among Continued fon age 18

UPDC delivers Metro Garden Estate RAJI ADEBAYO


rontline real estate development company, UACN Property Development Company (UPDC) Plc, has commissioned a newly completed and tastefully designed housing estate that has the capacity to provide shelter for 55 families. The estate, which is located on a prime land in Lekki phase1, Lagos, was

formerly known as Disney Court under another developer, Messrs Disney Court Limted and it was renamed Metro Gardens when UPDC bought it over and injected fresh funds. Metro Gardens, which seats on land area of about 18,000 square metres, showcases an existing architecj•[UTXYU\jZ[}xZ_ZXj”UjX`1Z[\X convenience, taste, comfort and scenic beauty. At the unveiling event, the Group Managing Di-

rector (GMD) of UAC Plc and Chairman, Me Larry }”[UxYX U”X \UxW{X ÂŤ ”ZVX we acquired this estate from the previous developer in 2011, construction work at Disney Court as it being called then, had stopped for several months. In line with our mission of adding value to lives and businesses, we took the project re-evaluajx`VXUVWXˆVUTT—X_`Y}TZjZWXxjX in May this year, 18 months after construction work recommenced.

He expressed happiness to present the new estate equipped with facilities that have been designed to make life of the estate residents comfortable and stress-free. Adding that, “we are proud to say that the Lagos State Building Control Agen_—XÂŹ ­{X”U\XW•T—X_Z[jxˆZWX this estate habitable as eviWZV_ZWX |—X j”ZX Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VX of Fitness for Habitation, our _`Y}UV—Xx\Xj”ZXˆ[\jX[Z_x}xZVjX `ÂŽX j”ZX _Z[jxˆ_UjZX •VWZ[X VZÂŻX dispensationâ€?.

The Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Lagos State, Dr Kadiri Hamzat, said the drive of any economy is to allow the private sector to play major role and that is what UPDC is doing in delivering the estate. He added that the state would continue to create encouraging framework and environment that would continuously grow the economy, urging other developers to emulate UPDC by investing more in real estate sector.



Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013

FCT to demolish more houses


irector, Development Control Department, Abuja Metropolitan Management Council (AMMC), Dr. Yahaya Yusuf, says the department is planning to demolish more houses built on flood-prone areas in Kubwa and Bwari satellite towns of the FCT. Yusuf made this statement last week in Abuja. He said the houses had been marked for demolition following a flood awareness campaign aimed at sensitising the residents to the need to steer clear of areas prone to flooding. He said that a date would soon be fixed for the demolition. “As it affects our own department, there are structures that have emerged in areas that are liable to flooding; we have already marked those structures, especially in Kubwa and Bwari area, which have had history of such flooding and for which reason we are going to remove those structures. But beyond that, it is important to know that on a regular basis for the development of the city and satellite towns, Yusuf said. “We have measures that are already in place for enhancing the city’s resilience

for such disasters. Infrastructure in the Federal Capital City is derived on the basis of 100 years flood level, despite repeated cases of flooding in various parts of the country, it has not been so devastating in this city.” He said that the Facility and Maintenance Department of AMMC always engage in the cleaning of the drainage channels ahead of rainy seasons, a situation, which he said, helped to reduce flooding in the city. According to him, development control always ensures that every approved building plan is in line with the existing infrastructure height in the city. “Some areas in the satellite town where there is no infrastructure, we accept drawings that have a minimum of 75 years flood level height of the building foundation. There are private professionals to monitor the projects and they will write an undertaking with us that they will monitor the buildings and in case of any disaster we will hold the professional responsible.” The director said that FCT administration is prepared to tackle disasters that can arise as a result of flooding with relevant departments on ground to avert loss of lives and property.



Bala Mohammed, FCT Minister

2013 Abuja Housing Show: Outcry, divergent views over housing deficit Continued from Page 17

the most critical factors that determine the quality of life and welfare of people and societies. It is also critical to meeting social, environmental, cultural and economic VZZW\X`®Xj ZX}Z`}TZXUVWXxV· ZV_Z\X the health, security and well-being of both the present and future generations. And despite the fact that housing is central to the concept of sustainable development, given its complex web of relationships with the four factors of sustainability, namely, environmental, social, cultural and economic, it is sad that in some countries, even here in Abuja, there are thousands of homes without occupants.” According to a town planner and lecturer at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, Tpl. Umar Shuaibu, while delivering a paper on ‘Challenges of Development Regulations to Low Income Housing’, paucity of fund and the inability of government to cope with the huge outlay required to revamp the sector along with decline in the role of the state in the housing sector in addition to a growing reliance on market forces to satisfy housxV XWZYUVWXU[ZXYU¸`[X|` TZVZ_¹\X hampering growth and development in the sector. “A couple of years ago, we made a proposal for subsidy but it was ¸Z x\`VZW X xTZX }U_ZX `®X j ZX xY-

plementation of master plans in Abuja and other major cities in the country slowed, much slower than the cities’ population increase, ex`[|xjUVjXUVWX VU1`[WU|TZX_`\j\X`®X rent for the available houses became inevitable. Administrative |` TZVZ_¹\X`VXj ZX}[`_Z\\X`®XTUVWX acquisition in the face of very high demand also became the order of the day with very high standard on development requirements and regulations,” Shuaibu said. “However, as the cities progressively passes through various developmental stages, so also should the necessary adjustments be made to respond to new challenges, be_U \ZX |Z Z[X ® j [ZX x\X | xTjX ®[`YX past experience. There is the need to adopt minimum but adequate standards of housing to help in reducing the total cost of development as a solution to housing for the low income. To mitigate incidences of road carnages, it is paramount obligation for the authority to fashion out enabling policy that shall make as many as possible to be accommodated within the city. The authority is urged to facilitate a community-based initiative for housing development by the creation of community-based housing development section within its organ,” he reiterated. Comprehensive restructuring The Director, Centre for Human Z TZYZVj\X UVWX [|UVX ZzZT`}ment, Federal University of Tech-

Igando, Ayobo to get link bridge from Lagos

nology, Minna, Professor Mustapha Zubairu, who shed light on the processes for ‘Reinventing Federal UVWX jUjZX V\jxj jx`V\X®`[X 1Z_jxzZX and Sustainable Housing Delivery in Nigeria’, said nothing short of a comprehensive restructuring of the Federal Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (FMLHUD) will stimulate housing delivery in the country. “To |ZX U|TZX j`X Z1Z_jxzZT X }Z[®`[YX j ZX governance, political, legislative and technical support functions/ [`TZ\XU\\x VZWXj`XxjXxVX Z_jx`VXµ ¼ ¼X and to coordinate the activities of Z_jx`VX µ ¼ ½X `®X U}jZ[X xVZX `®X the National Housing Policy, dealing with institutional framework, we must restructure the ministry,” Zubairu said. “The components of the proposed restructuring must involve the creation of appropriate, multidisciplinary departments with [Z¾ x\xjZXUVWX® TT Xj[UxVZWX\jU1Xj`X perform strategic functions with a view to becoming a national planning, research, statistics and capacity developer to all the three tiers of government in the implementation of the National Housing and Urban Development Policies. Apart from helping the new FMLHUD to incorporate environmental and energy issues at all levels of planning and decision-making on housing and urban development and facilitate the restructuring of corresponding ministries at state levels and build requisite capac-

ity at local government levels, the restructuring of the ministry will ensure the institutionalisation of an integrated housing and urban development processes within related ministries, agencies and at inter-ministerial level as two sides of the same coin,” he added. While noting that built environment professionals should be made resource persons to the ministry through adequate incentive and legally mandated participation, Zubairu said adequate power, water supply and sanitation systems should be integrated into major ` \xV X }[`¸Z_j\X j [` X Z1Z_jxzZX inter-ministerial coordination. “The WZzZT`}YZVjX`®XZ1Z_jxzZX xWZTxVZ\X for monitoring and evaluating the activities of related organisations such as Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN), the Building Materials Producers Association of Nigeria (BUMPAN) is vital with a view to providing incentives to encourage investment in local building materials and appropriate technology,” he said. Other observations By and large, the conference speakers made many salient observations. To move the industry forward, the industry operators suggested that planning for the development of an area should be a local activity even if not targeted at the local inhabitants as it will be implemented within and have either positive or adverse impact on the environment. Continued on Page 22

agos State Government has promised to address the challenge of linking Igando and Ayobo areas of the state by providing a proper bridge in place of the wooden makeshift one in use there at present. Responding in a media chat, the Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, said the government was aware of the situation as well as all other such challenges regarding roads and is working to provide solutions. He noted that it is a deliberate policy of the state government to ensure the interconnectivity of communities and has engaged itself with providing such link. “We have undertaken the OkotaItire Link Bridge and we are working on Ajao-Ejigbo Bridge, even the Lekki-Ikoyi Bridge is to address the issue of communal linkage and reduction in travel time across the state.” Hamzat also noted that the Igando-Ayobo situation is not peculiar, adding that no comparison should be drawn in terms of the situation of the bridge. While stating that no government has all the resources to undertake the rehabilitation and provision of all roads and bridges in any jurisdiction instantly, the commissioner said a process of prioritising was put in place to determine where to undertake any project.

ZX Z³}TUxVZWX j UjX j ZX j[UG_X WZmand and population of communijxZ\{X j ZX |ZVZ jX _`\jX UVUT \x\X `®X j ZX roads, bridges or any other project and the expected impact of the projects are all considerations that come to play during project prioritising processes. Hamzat expressed the view of the insinuation of anti-poor position of government is wrong, noting that since the inception of the Fashola administration, Alimosho area has |ZZVXUX|ZVZ _xU[ X`®X`zZ[X´µX}Z[X_ZVjX of the total road project portfolio of the state. He said trying to pin an “Elitist” tag on the administration belies the facts. He added that all projects are strategies for creating jobs, boosting property values and generally improving the aesthetics of communities. With the number of road projects skewed in favour of the non-elite communities, the impacts are felt appropriately. He also commented on both the Isheri-Osun-Jakande Bridge and Ipaja Ayobo Road projects describing them as ones which require patience on the part of the people as the technicalities involved in the IsheriOsun Bridge include sinking about 1,020 piles which would support the bridge. The work involved is enormous and it takes time, especially considering the terrain. “Now that bridge work is nearing completion, the road component has also been awarded to ensure the project is quickly delivered.” He reiterated the administration’s commitment to delivering the Ayobo Ipaja Road by this month.


Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013


Hassle-free ways to revamp real estate business


ne of the best methods of advertising is often word of mouth. Your \Ujx\ ZWX _TxZVj\X U[ZX \`X impressed with your \Z[zx_Z\X j UjX j Z X [Z_`YYZVWX ` X ZU[jxT Xj`X®[xZVW\{X®UYxT {XUVWXU\\`_xUjZ\X¯ ZVZzZ[Xj ZX\ |¸Z_jX`®X[ZUTXZ\jUjZX j[UV\U_jx`VX_`YZ\X } `_xUTX YZWxUX VZj¯`[¹xV X U\X |ZZVX Z xV XUXT`jX`®X®`_ \XTUjZT XU\X®U[XU\XUX YZj `WX®`[XxV_[ZU\xV X ` [X| \xVZ\\X Z³}`\ [Z X U_Z|``¹{X `` TZX T \{X ¯x Z[{XUVWX`j Z[XVZj¯`[¹\XU[ZX [ZUjX ¯U \X`®X Z xV X ` [XVUYZX` jXj Z[ZX UVWX }[`Y`jxV X xVjZ[U_jx`VX |Zj¯ZZVX ` [X| \xVZ\\{X ` [X_TxZVj\{XUVWX ` [X _TxZVj\¿XU\\`_xUjZ\ X `[XxV\jUV_Z{Xj`X}[`Y`jZX \`_xUTX YZWxUX xVjZ[U_jx`V{X YZVjx`VX `VX ` [X ¯Z|\xjZ{X |T` {X `[X \`_xUTX VZj¯`[¹X}U ZXj UjX ` XxVjZVWXj`X xzZX \`YZj xV XU¯U X`V_ZXUX_Z[jUxVXxVjZ[U_jx`VX `UTX U\X|ZZVX[ZU_ ZW X `{X ¯ ZVX T``¹xV X ®`[X ¯U \X j`X xV_[ZU\ZX ` [X | \xVZ\\{X ` X ¯xTTX |ZX Y _ XY`[ZX\ __Z\\® TX\Z_ [xV XUX}`jZVjxUTX_ \j`YZ[X¯ ZVX ZXx\X[Z®Z[[ZWXj`X | XUX®[xZVW{Xj UVXx®X ` X¸ \jXYZjXj ZYX `VZX`®X ` [XYU[¹ZjxV X xYYx_¹\XUVWX ¹V`¯xV X j UjX Y`\jX }Z`}TZX ¯xTTX `VT X [Z®Z[X| \xVZ\\Xj`X\`YZ`VZXj Z X¹V`¯{X xjX x\X xY}`[jUVjX ®`[X ` X _`VjxV ZX j`X | xTWX }`VX}U\jX_TxZVjX[ZTUjx`V\ x}\X\`X j Z X¯xTTX\ZVWX| \xVZ\\X ` [X¯U X W`xV X ``WX ¯`[¹X UVWX \jU xV X j`}X`®XYxVWX¯xj XUTTX`®X ` [X}[Zzx` \X _TxZVj\{X ` X _UVX U_j UTT X W[U¯X U ZVjx`VXj`X ` [\ZT®XUVWX| \xVZ\\ X \X¯ZX jU¹ZXUX_T`\Z[XT``¹XUjXUXTx\jX`®X\`YZXY X ®Uz` [xjZX ¯U \X `®X ZVj[ZV_ xV X ` [\ZT®XxVXj ZXYxVW\X`®Xj ZXxVWxzxW UTXUVWX _`[}`[UjZX _TxZVj\X ` X UzZX \Z[zZWX xVX j ZX}U\j{X X¯UVjX ` Xj`X UzZXxjXUjXj ZX |U_¹X `®X ` [X YxVWX j UjX UX ®Z¯X Y`[ZX [Z®Z[[UT\X _UVX xY}[`zZX ` [X j [V`zZ[X [UjZ\{XY Tjx}T X ` [X_`YYx\\x`V\XUVWX [ZUjT X[ZW _ZX ` [XUWzZ[jx\xV X_`\j\ X ZjX \X®U_ZXxj{X| xV XUX}[`}Z[j XUVWX Y`zxV X x\X \j[Z\\® T X jX xYU xVZX j ZX \ [}[x\ZX `VX ` [X _TxZVj\¿X ®U_ZX ¯ ZVX ` X xzZXj ZYXUX_UTTXUX®Z¯X¯ZZ¹\XU®jZ[X j Z X UzZX} [_ U\ZWX`[X[ZVjZW{X¸ \jXj`X _ Z_¹X`VXj ZYXUVWX\ZZX `¯Xj xV \XU[ZX going with them in their new apartYZVj X `V\xWZ[X j ZX ®`TT`¯xV X ¾ Z\jx`V\ÀX `¯X W`X j Z X Tx¹ZX j ZX ` \ZÁX

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Daily Newswatch


tuesday, july 2, 2013

Nestoil awards N24bn contract to Julius Berger


he Nestoil has awarded the contract for the building of its new •Tj[UY`WZ[VX`G_ZX”ZUWžÂ•U[jZ[\X to Julius Berger Nigeria (JBN) at a whooping cost of N24 billion and a completion of 25 months, and the ofˆ_ZXx\Xj`X|ZXT`_UjZWX`VX šxVX WZ\`TU{X x_j`ria Island Lagos. Construction of this project, a mixed use ”x‰”q[x\ZX `G_ZX UVWX [Z\xWZVjxUTX j`ÂŻZ[X ÂŽ`[X Z\j`xTX U\X ÂŻZTTX U\X VZÂŻX `G_ZX ÂŽ`[X VZÂŻX ZV‰xneering subsidiary, Prime Tech and baby care capacity expansion facility for Procter UVWX UY|TZXxVX ‰|U[U{X ‰•VX jUjZ{XÂŻxTTX|ZX constructed through modern technology in fresh contracts especially in green buildings. ”ZX X _Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VX `VX j”ZX Z\j`xTX

`ÂŻZ[Xx\XZÂł}Z_jZWXj`XxV_[ZU\ZXj”ZXU [U_jxzZness especially for international tenants as j”ZX X _Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VX |[xV‰\X \•\jUxVU|xTxj—X and awareness of the responsibility for the present and future generations to Nigeria. The approximately 75 metres high buildxV‰X`1Z[\X_TxZVjXUX‰[`\\X¡``[XU[ZUX`ÂŽXŸ½Â˜ÂźĂ‚Ă‚Y½X and the tower is based on a combined pile raft foundation bored piles with a maximum depth of 54 metres and a foundation \TU|XÂŻxj”Xj”x_šVZ\\X`ÂŽX´Â˜Ă…XYZj[Z\˜ ”ZX ´Ă†X ¡``[\X }[`zxWZ\X VxVZX \j`[Z—\X `ÂŽX }U[šxV‰{X´¾XU}U[jYZVj\X`VXˆzZXTZzZT\XUVWX ´Ă‡X`G_ZX¡``[\XxV_T•WxV‰X`VZXZÂłZ_•jxzZX`Žˆ_ZX ¡``[{X UTTX j`}}ZWX |—X UX ”ZTx}UWX UVWX UX building crow which turns the high-rise |•xTWxV‰X j`X [ZUTX TUVWYU[šX xVX j”ZX x_j`[xUX

\TUVWX\šÂ—TxVZ˜ Meanwhile, JBN Managing Director, Mr Wolfgang Goetsch, has disclosed that two TU[‰ZX \_UTZX W[UxVU‰ZX }[`¸Z_j\X ”UzZX |ZZVX _`V\j[•_jZWX•jxTx\xV‰X_T`\ZWq}x}ZX¸U_šxV‰X jZ_”V`T`‰—{XUVXZÂŽÂŽx_xZVjXUVWXZVzx[`VYZVtally friendly micro tunnelling method pioneered by JBN. He made the disclosure recently while addressing the shareholders of the firm UjX j”ZX ǟ[WX VV•UTX ZVZ[UTX ZZjxV‰X `ÂŽX

X”ZTWXxVX |•¸U˜ He also disclosed that under the pe[x`WX V`ÂŻX [ZzxZÂŻZW{X j”ZX _`Y}UV—X ”UWX _`Y}TZjZWX ÂŻ`[šX `VX j”ZX WYx[UTj—X TZÂłUVWZ[X xVšX [xW‰ZXxVX U‰`\X•jxTx\xV‰XxY}[Z\\xzZX}—T`VX_U|TZX\jU—ZWX_`V\j[•_jx`VX

¯”x_”X`VT—X}[`zxWZ\XY•_”XVZZWZWX[ZTxZÂŽX to existing traffic routes but also stands U\XUXTUVWYU[šX`ÂŽXY`WZ[VX x‰Z[xU˜ JBN Chairman, Dr Mohammed Nurudeen Iman, noted that the performance xVX ½Ă‚´½X xV_[ZU\ZWX |—X ´ĂˆÂ˜ĂˆX }Z[X _ZVjX ÂŽ[`YX ½Ă‚´´Â˜ __`[WxV‰Xj`X”xY{X¯”xTZX}[`¸Z_j\X}`[jÂŽ`Tx`X xVX ½Ă‚´½X [ZYUxVZWX [`|•\j{X WZTU—ZWX payments particularly by public clients _[ZUjZWX ”•[WTZ\X ¯”x_”X [ZžÂ•x[Z\X Y`Wxˆcations to performance planning and at jxYZ\X`}Z[Ujx`VUTXUW¸Â•\jYZVj\˜X X}[`TxÂŽZ[Ujx`VX`ÂŽXVZÂŻXUWYxVx\j[UjxzZX|`WxZ\X¯”x_”X introduce law and regulations coupled ÂŻxj”X `zZ[TU}}xV‰X `TWX |`WxZ\X ”U\X _[ZUjZWX UX_`Y}Tx_UjZWX|•[ZU•_[Ujx_XZVzx[`VYZVjĂ‰Â˜

Road reforms: FERMA seeks minister’s nod


”ZX `zZ[VxV‰X `U[WX of the Federal Roads UxVjZVUV_ZX ‰ZV_—X ÂŹ ­X”U\XU\šZWXj”ZX xVx\jZ[X `ÂŽX `[š\{X [˜X xšZX V`TZYZYZVXj`X_TU[xŽ—Xxj\X status under the ongoing road sector reforms. X `U[WX ”Ux[YUV{X [˜X TU¸xWZX WZVx—x{X ¯”`X TZWX YZYbers to the minister’s office in |•¸UX TU\jX ÂŻZZš{X •[‰ZWX ”xYX j`X come out clear on the matter. WZVx—xX \UxWX j”ZX U‰ZV_—X ”UWX |ZZVX }•[\•xV‰X U‰‰[Z\\xzZX [`UWX constructions across the six geopolitical zones of the country. He said the minister recently ZY|U[šZWX `VX zU[x`•\X [ZÂŽ`[Y\X aimed at repositioning the road sector, leading to speculations that the agency might be phased `•j˜X WZVx—xX \UxWX \jUšZ”`TWZ[\X ÂŻZ[ZX UÂŽ[UxWX j”UjX X ÂŻ`•TWX ”UzZXV`X[`TZXj`X}TU—X|—Xj”ZXjxYZX the reforms become operational. ÂŤ jUšZ”`TWZ[\XU[ZXU\šxV‰X¯”UjX |Z_`YZ\X`ÂŽX X|—Xj”ZXjxYZX j”ZX Ujx`VUTX \\ZY|T—X }U\\Z\X xVj`X TUÂŻ{X j”ZX `UWX ZÂŽ`[YX _j˜X X ÂŻxTTX UT\`X TxšZX j`X _TU[xŽ—X j”ZX x\sue of tolling and concession, Right of Way (RoW), establishment of state roads maintenance U‰ZV_xZ\{X }U[š\X UVWX x\\•Z\X [Z‰U[WxV‰X •\Z[X _”U[‰Z˜X j”Z[X x\sues include the Federal Road •j”`[xj—XxVX[ZTUjx`VXj`X X functions and mandates, the establishing of state roads mainteVUV_ZX U‰ZV_xZ\X UY`V‰X `j”Z[\{ÉX he said.

Z\}`VWxV‰{X V`TZYZYZVX said the ongoing reforms would V`jX \U_šX j”ZX U‰ZV_—{X |•j{X ÂŻ`[šX j`ÂŻU[W\X xY}[`zxV‰X j”ZX \Z_tor to attain international best practice. He said the two agen_xZ\ĂŠX ZWZ[UTX `UWX •j”`[xj—X UVWX XYU—XV`jX[ZYUxVXxVX the same shape after the Road ZÂŽ`[YX _jXx\X}U\\ZWX|—Xj”ZX Ujx`VUTX \\ZY|T—˜ ÂŤ ”ZX `V‰`xV‰X [ZÂŽ`[Y\X xVX j”ZX road sector is not political, but to attain best practice. Don’t be frightened by the reforms, |ZX[Z\jXU\\•[ZXj”UjX XÂŻxTTX be protected; the road maintenance section will still be there. ”ZX `|¸Z_jxzZX x\X j`X [Zq}`\xjx`VX the road sector to be at pace with international best pracjx_Z˜X jX x\X V`jX U‰UxV\jX {X but to strengthen the sector. Both agencies may not remain in the same shape, but certainly ÂŽ`[X j”ZX ‰``WX `ÂŽX j”ZX \Z_j`[{ÉX ”ZX stated. V`TZYZYZVX\UxWXj”ZX[x‰”jX`ÂŽX way remained under his purzxZÂŻX UVWX j”UjX U\X T`V‰X U\X ¯”UjX XWxWX`VXj”ZX[x‰”jX`ÂŽXÂŻU—X was in conformity with its functions, it was fine. Commenting on tolling on federal roads, the minister said the main focus at the moment ÂŻU\Xj`X[Z_`zZ[XUTTXj”ZXÂŽUxTZWX\Z_jx`V\X`ÂŽXj”ZX[`UW\˜XÂŤ ”ZX ZWZ[UTX `zZ[VYZVjXx\XzZ[—X_TZU[X`VXj”ZX issue of tolling, the focus now x\X ”`ÂŻX j`X [Z_`zZ[X UTTX j”ZX ÂŽUxTZWX sections of the roads and until ÂŻZX UjjUxVX j”Uj{X xjX ÂŻxTTX |ZX zZ[—X •VÂŽUx[Xj`Xj`TT{ÉX”ZX\UxW˜


Delta spends N356bn on roads, drainage projects


zx\`[—X `YYxjjZZX YZZjxV‰X xVX \Uba. ‰ZU”X\UxWXj”UjXj”ZX\jUjZX‰`zZ[VYZVjX ”UWX xV”Z[xjZWX ŸÆ½X [`UWX UVWX W[UxVU‰ZX }[`¸Z_j\X zUT•ZWX UjX ´Ă‚ÆX state. |xTTx`VX ÂŽ[`YX j”ZX }[Zzx`•\X UWYxVThe Commissioner for Informa- istration. He said that out of the jx`V{X [˜X ”xšZX ‰ZU”{X \UxWX j”x\X xV”Z[xjZWX }[`¸Z_j\{X ´Ă…´X ”UWX |ZZVX TU\jX ÂŻZZšX ¯”ZVX ”ZX •VzZxTZWX j”ZX completed. `•j_`YZX`ÂŽXj”ZX jUjZX _`V`Yx_X WThe commissioner said that the Ogeah

”ZX ZTjUX jUjZX `zZ[Vment has said that it has \}ZVjX ŸÆËX |xTTx`VX xVX j”ZX last six years on drainage and road projects in the

\jUjZX ‰`zZ[VYZVjX ”UWX UT\`X xVxjxUjZWX Ÿ¾¾X VZÂŻX }[`¸Z_j\{X ¯”x_”X ÂŻ`•TWX cost N254 billion. He also said that Y`[ZX j”UVX Ă…Ă‚X }Z[X _ZVjX `ÂŽX j”ZX VZÂŻX contracts would be completed before the end of the present administration. ‰ZU”X \UxWX j”ZX \jUjZX ‰`zZ[VYZVjX ”UWX [Zz`šZWX ´ĂˆX _`Vj[U_j\X ÂŽ`[X V`Vq performance, adding that some of the contracts had been re-awarded.


Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013

Building collapse: Is Tribunal of inquiry powerful? The cases of building collapse across the country especially Lagos State has been source of worry to government, professionals in the built environment and individuals. Concerned with this, Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, recently inaugurated Building

tions in this regard, RAJI ADEBAYO writes.


he spate of building collapse and failure in Nigeria especially Lagos State has become an endemic }[`|TZYX j”UjX ”U\X WZˆZWX UTTX Ujtempts in providing solutions in the recent past. These incidences have resulted in the loss of lives and properties which have also infringed permanent disabilities to many. Almost every year, especially during rainy season, incidences of building collapse are recorded and no responsible government would allow this trend to continue unabated, hence since 1999 during the regime of former Governor Bola Tinubu till present administration of Governor Babatunde Fashola, government has been ZV‰U‰xV‰X\jUšZ”`TWZ[\Xj`X}[`1Z[X\`T•jx`V\˜ In order to formulate enduring policies for planning, regulation and building control in Lagos State, the government set up a Z_”Vx_UTX `YYx ZZX`VX TUVVxV‰X Z‰•TUtion and Building Control in 2008 under j”ZX_”Ux[YUV\”x}X`ÂŽX [x‰˜X ZVX •VWZX Zx\{X which comprised experts and professionals in the construction industry. The recommendations covered a wide range of issues to which the Lagos State Government responded by enacting the “Law to provide for the Administration of ”—\x_UTX TUVVxV‰{X [|UVX ZzZT`}YZVj{X [|UVX Z‰ZVZ[Ujx`VXUVWX •xTWxV‰X `Vj[`TX xVX U‰`\X jUjZXUVWXÂŽ`[X `VVZ_jZWX •[}`\Z\ÉX of 2010. This law informed the establishment of Lagos State Building Control Agency ÂŹ ­{X•VWZ[X xVx\j[—X`ÂŽX ”—\x_UTX TUVVxV‰XUVWX [|UVX ZzZT`}YZVjXj`XZVÂŽ`[_ZX building control laws, regulations and national building codes. Z‰•TUjxV‰XUVWX\jU‰ZXxV\}Z_jx`V\X`ÂŽX |•xTWxV‰XÂŻ`[š\XUVWX_Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VX`ÂŽXzU[x`•\X stages of building construction and keeping of such records, removal of illegal and V`Vq_`VÂŽ`[YxV‰X|•xTWxV‰\XUVWXxWZVjxˆ_Ution and removal of distressed building to prevent collapse. Other responsibilities of the agency are x\\•UV_ZX`ÂŽX_Z[jxˆ_UjZX`ÂŽX_`Y}TZjx`VXUVWX ˆjVZ\\XÂŽ`[X”U|xjUjx`V{X}[`zx\x`VX`ÂŽX|•xTWing services such as material evaluation UVWXjZ\jxV‰{Xˆ[ZXUVWX}•|Tx_X”ZUTj”X_`Vj[`TX among others. `jÂŻxj”\jUVWxV‰Xj”ZXZ1`[j\X`ÂŽXj”ZX U‰`\X State Government, many existing buildxV‰\X”UzZX|ZZVXxWZVjxˆZWXj`X|ZXWx\j[Z\\ZW{X while many others are being constructed without the requisite approvals on daily basis, poor quality of materials, engaging •VžÂ•UTxˆZWX}[`ÂŽZ\\x`VUT\{XV`Vq_`Y}TxUV_ZX with construction standards and building regulations are also observed. Z\}xjZXj”ZX\j[xV‰ZVjXYZU\•[Z\XUVWX policies put in place by Lagos State Government to forestall recurrence of this ugly situation, the occurrence still persists though to a minimal proportion. Z_ZVjT—{X\`YZX|•xTWxV‰\XUT\`X_`TTU}\ZWX and as a responsible government, Governor Fashola in accordance with Section 1 of the Tribunals of Inquiry Law, Cap. T6, Laws of Lagos State, 2003 set up a Building Collapse Tribunal of Inquiry to look into the cause UVWXˆVWXTU\jxV‰X\`T•jx`VXj`XxV_xWZV_ZX`ÂŽX_`T-

lapse in the state. The tribunal that has three months to submit its report comprises professionals in built environment who have distinguished themselves in their chosen career. They are Arch Abimbola Ajayi, immediate past chairman of Nigerian Institute of Architects (NIA) as the chairman, Tpl Moses Ogunleye, former Chairman Lagos State ”U}jZ[X`ÂŽX x‰Z[xUVX V\jxj•jZX`ÂŽX `ÂŻVX TUVVZ[\XÂŹ ­XUVWX_•[[ZVjX x_ZX [Z\xWZVjX`ÂŽX \\`_xUjx`VX`ÂŽX `ÂŻVX TUVVZ[\X `V\•TjUVjX `ÂŽX x‰Z[xUXÂŹ ­{X V‰[X WZ|`ÂŻUTZX WZÂŻUTZ{X `ÂŻTZ—X [Ux‰{X V‰[X T•\Z‰•VX WZWZ¸xXU\XYZY|Z[\XUVWX [X Z”xVWZX UzxWX as the secretary. }ZUšxV‰XUjXj”ZXxVU•‰•[UTX\x xV‰X`ÂŽXj”ZX Tribunal at the Council Chambers, Lagos City Hall, chairman of the tribunal, Arc Abimbola Ajayi, said the inauguration of j”x\Xj[x|•VUTXx\XUV`j”Z[X\jZ}XxVXj”ZXZ1`[j\Xj`X stem the unwholesome incidences. She said the terms of reference of the tribunal include inquire into the causes of building collapse and failure in the state especially the recent incidents, look into the quality of building materials and building methods, inspect existing buildings and housing estates within the state. Others are making recommendations on measures to prevent re-occurrence of building collapse, advice on the roles of persons involved in the construction of such collapsed building and into the question whether they had acted professionally and if not, to recommend appropriate legal \UV_jx`V\XUVWXj`X[Z_`YYZVWX`j”Z[XYU Z[\X that may be considered necessary to guide against building collapse in Lagos State.

She noted that these would among other things is expected to assist government to judiciously act on cases that are not in compliance with existing regulations and standards. Ajayi pointed out that a good number of Memoranda had been received from key stakeholders and urged masses to be part of the public hearing that started yesterday and will last till July 12. She explained that people will testify in accordance with their Memorandum in which witnesses are free to have legal representatives and evidences have to be given `VX`Uj”XxVXU__`[WUV_ZXÂŻxj”Xj”ZXTUÂŻX\Z xV‰X up the Tribunal of Inquiry. [Z\ZVjxV‰X}U}Z[XUjXj”ZX\x xV‰{X [`ÂŽX Timothy Gbenga Nubi, a professor of estate YUVU‰ZYZVj{X VxzZ[\xj—X`ÂŽX U‰`\{XWZ_TU[ZWX that the problem of building collapse can |ZXU [x|•jZWXj`XUX\—\jZYXÂŽUxT•[Z{XV`jxV‰Xj”UjX if the focus is on collapse, the problem will continue to occur. “If our focus is on collapse, the problem will not be solved; we should look beyond the collapse. Let us consider procurement \—\jZY{XTZjX•\XT``šXUjX`•[X”`•\xV‰XˆVUV_ZX UVWX`•[X}TUVVxV‰X[Z‰•TUjx`VÉ{X”ZX\UxW˜ Nubi explained that there is need for government at both federal and state TZzZT\Xj`XˆVWXUXÂŻU—XÂŽ`[XT`V‰XjZ[YXŽ•VWxV‰X for housing provision as it is only here in Nigeria that people build by themselves but in other parts of the world, housing is acžÂ•x[ZWXj”[`•‰”XT`V‰XjZ[YXY`[j‰U‰ZXˆVUV_Z˜ He added that there is also need for regeneration of cities as cities grow and decay which always give room for slum, maintaining that as long as slums still exist

there will be collapse, thus, Nubi noted j”UjX Z_[ZZXÅÅX`ŽX [|UVX TUVVxV‰X\”`•TWX|ZX visited and amended.


Notwithstanding the efforts of the Lagos State Government, many existing buildings have been identi ! while many others are being constructed without the requisite approvals on daily basis, poor quality of materials, engaging als, non-compliance with construction standards and building regulations are also observed



Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013

Experts proffer solutions on home ownership problem


here are various reasons attributed to the shortage of housing in Nigeria, while \`YZX |ZTxZÂŽX j”UjX WZˆ_xZV_—X UVWX xVZ1Z_jxzZX `ÂŽX Y`[jgage institution is the major bane of the housing development, some attributed it to the high cost of building materials while some said policy framework of the government does not favour housing sector. There are unresolved issues in housing delivery in Nigeria and if resolved, it will go a long way in solving housing problem in the country. These issues include constitutional, philosophical and policy summersault, political, resource distribution, colonial inheritance or mentality, land issue, ˆVUV_xUT{X }TUVVxV‰X [Z‰•TUjx`V{X ”`•\ing design and use of materials. Speaking on this, former National President of Nigeria Institute of Town TUVVZ[\XÂŹ ­{X [X T•|•VYxX ¸U—xX said the housing problem can only be solved if government can put in place considerate measures to address con\jxj•jx`VUT{X }`Tx_—{X TZ‰UTX UVWX ˆVUV_xUTX environment issues which are the bane to housing development in the country. He said if some of these unresolved issues which others depend upon are addressed by the Federal Government; the provision of mass housing delivery in Nigeria will be structured and focused to achieve the desired objectives. Ajayi who is also former president of Association of Professional Bodies of Nigeria (APBN), explained that constitutional issues depend on the list which government categorise housing in Nigeria either exclusive of concurrent list. Stressing that failure to disclose the actual list to which housing

Housing problem in Nigeria has been giving stakeholders and government sleepless night, and stakeholders in the sector have various solutions to the menace but at the end of it, the lasting solution vested on ! ! RAJI ADEBAYO writes on |ZT`V‰\XYUšZ\XxjXWxG_•TjXj`XšV`ÂŻXj”ZX tier of government to hold responsible the shortage or problem of housing in this country. He disclosed further that the chameleon nature of housing as shelter, commodity, a process, an investment or as UX\`_xUTX‰``WXYUšZ\XxjXWxG_•TjXj`XšV`ÂŻX where to start. He queried whether Nigerian Government sees it as her social responsibility or not, which also needs to be resolved. While expressing dismay on the rationale of meager allocation to housing in the budget, Ajayi asked the }[x`[xj—X j”ZX }`Txjx_UTX }U[jxZ\X U U_”ZWX j`X ”`•\xV‰X \xV_ZX j”ZX ˆ[\jX [Z}•|Tx_X jxTTX date. He maintained that no political party included housing provision as part of its manifesto except in the second republic between 1979 and 1983 when both Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) and National Party of Nigeria (NPN) had housing as one of their cardinal programme. Ajayi pointed out the provision of Land Use Act coupled with the money market operations also create a serious WxTZYYUX ÂŽ`[X ”`•\xV‰X ˆVUV_ZX xVX j”ZX country as the security legal documentation takes a longer process to access short term borrowing as mortgage facility. All over the world, long term funds U[ZX•\ZWXxVXY`[j‰U‰ZXˆVUV_ZX\•_”XU\X pension and life funds of insurance companies but such necessary laws

that will enforce this is not in place in Nigeria. The former NITP and APBN boss is calling on Federal Government to have a rethink and formulate such policies and laws that will enhance mass housxV‰XWZTxzZ[—XUVWXˆVWXUXÂŻU—Xj`X\`TzZXUTTX these unresolved issues in the housing sector as it is too important to be ignored as a tool to human and economic development of a nation.

The Managing Director of refuge Home Savings and Loans Limited, [˜X `TUX T•|`WZX\UxWXj”ZX|Z\jXÂŻU—Xj`X achieve housing for all is for the Federal and State Governments to revise the laws and regulations on government land title and transfer. He explained that despite the fact that the law on foreclosure on a legal mortgage is very important to mortgage lending, the legal instructions

2013 Abuja Housing Show: Outcry, divergent views over housing backlog Continued from Page18

These housing and construction experts, real estate developers and other stakeholders say it is thus necessary to start thinking of the _xj—X ‰`zZ[VYZVj\X U\X T`_UTX U1Ux[\X managed by the local governments as is obtained in other parts of the world, rather than being centrally controlled by the state. Taking a critical look at housing sector reforms in Nigeria in the last 12 years, they decried the inability `ŽXj”ZX\Z_j`[Xj`X}[`zxWZXU1`[WU|TZX and decent shelter for its teeming citizens. As the FCT progressively passes through various developmental stages, the experts unanimously agreed that necessary adjustments should be made to respond to new _”UTTZV‰Z\{X |Z_U•\ZX |Z Z[X Ž•j•[ZX is built from past experience. For Abuja City to be at par with development in other parts of the world, the experts say the FCTA should facilitate a community-based initiative for housing development by the creation of communitybased housing development section within its organ. The operators were unanimous as they stressed the need for the capacity of the control department should be improved in order to meet up with the increased challenges, in addition to ensuring honest, trained and disciplined \jU1˜X }Z[UjxzZ\X _`V_T•WZWX j”UjX human capacity development in government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other stakeholders responsible for

housing will boost robust knowledge base and technical expertise on housing in the Nigerian socioeconomic landscape. Amid strong demand for housing, these analysts and industry ÂŻUj_”Z[\X \UxWX j”UjX [ZUTX Z\jUjZX ˆnance remains one of the most deˆVxV‰Xx\\•Z\˜X \X}`}•TUjx`V\X‰[`ÂŻX and economies of the six geo-political zones expand, the summit, hereby, call for the relevant legislations to be put in place with a view to creating enabling environment for a sustainable mortgage policy to thrive. With reference to the land allocation process, the experts say there is the need for sanity, so that allocations are made to only `VZX |ZVZˆ_xU[—X U\X U‰UxV\jX W`•|TZX or triple allocations on a plot.

the upper and lower legislative chambers of the National Assembly should work closely together j`X [ZY`zZX j”ZX |` TZVZ_š\X xVX j”ZX various legislations and policies U1Z_jxV‰X j”ZX }[`zx\x`VX UVWX U__Z\sibility to adequate housing in the country. Speakers at the summit want the Federal Government to stop paying lip service to the need to pursue an aggressive private-sector driven real estate and mortgage ˆVUV_ZXYU[šZj{XÂŻxj”X}[xzUjx\Ujx`V{X structural and institutional reforms as ways to enhance depth, ližÂ•xWxj—XUVWXZG_xZV_—X`ÂŽXj”ZX\Z_j`[˜X The experts agreed that all pending housing policy instrument in the form of legislative changes impeding the drive to reduce the nation’s housing backlog should be The way forward implemented. With the recognition that the The transformation of the Fedproblem in Nigeria is instructive eral Mortgage Bank of Nigeria of provision of Section 16(2) of the (FMBN) into a government inter1999 constitution on the Funda- ventionist agency to stabilise the YZVjUTX |¸Z_jxzZ\X UVWX x[Z_jxzZX market and enhance investors’ Principles of the State Policy that _`VˆWZV_ZX j”[`•‰”X j”ZX U}}Tx_U“the state shall direct its policy to- tion of government-backed guarwards ensuring that suitable and antee was also the highpoint of adequate shelter is provided for j”ZX \•YYxj˜X `X xV¡Â•ZV_ZX ”`•\xV‰X the citizenryâ€?, seasoned real es- policy and delivery with a view to tate practitioners at the summit }[`1Z[xV‰X\`T•jx`V\Xj`Xj”ZX”`•\xV‰X seek immediate review of the legal challenges in Nigeria, the followmachinery for the realisation of ing salient recommendations were the rights to shelter of an individ- made: ual within the Nigerian state with 1. Declaration of a State of special emphasis on provision of Emergency in the Housing Sector. housing in the public and private 2. Creation of special stimuenterprises of the economy. lus package or intervention fund For this reason, participants similar to what was done for the at the summit agreed that both Agriculture, Aviation, Education

and Maritime sectors. 3. Recapitalise the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria Ă‡Â˜X [ZUjx`VX `ÂŽX \•G_xZVjX awareness about the housing situation in Nigeria. 5. Collaboration with government on a workable housing policy for the nation. 6. Liaising with research _ZVj[Z\X ÂŽ`[X Z1Z_jxzZX [Z\ZU[_”X `VX housing and make the results of \•_”X [Z\ZU[_”X Z1`[j\X UzUxTU|TZX j`X government and practitioners for implementation. 7. Facilitating the collection and analysis of genuine and reliable data on housing with a view to providing quality information and data for planning purposes. 8. Facilitating the process of housing delivery by private and public agencies. 9. Networking with other faculties and other professional bodies in the built environment in all desirable ways towards enhancing housing delivery process in Nigeria. 10. Provision of land and basic infrastructure to reduce the huge capital outlay on private developers. 11. Comprehensive restructuring and reorganisation of the Federal Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development in orWZ[Xj`XYUšZXxjXY`[ZXZ1Z_jxzZXU\Xj”ZX ministry strives to implement the new Housing and Urban Development Policies.

have not live up to expectation in the _`•Vj[—¿\X”`•\xV‰XWZTxzZ[—XZ1`[j˜ T•|`WZXV`jZWXj”UjXj”Z[ZXÂŻxTTX|ZXV`X growth and development without a guarantee of the right of the lender to foreclose on the mortgage and repossess a mortgage property on which there has been a loan repayment.

ZX UG[YZWX j”UjX UX YU¸`[X _”UTTZV‰ZX facing the nation and mortgage lenders presently is how to improve on the estimated 25 percent home ownership rate among the citizens caused by the negligence of the impact of mortgage product on sustainable housing delivery. T•|`WZXUT\`X_UTTZWX`VX ZWZ[UTX `zernment to provide enabling environYZVjXÂŽ`[XY`[j‰U‰ZXYU[šZjXj`X¡`•[x\”X as mortgage sector and its products can only thrive within a healthy and well managed economy. VX”x\X}U[j{Xj”ZX Z_[ZjU[—X`ÂŽX {X Lagos State Chapter, Mr. Wasiu Akewusola said most of the government policies on construction sector including housing are responsible for the increase in the price of building materials, hence resulting into high cost of development and management of housing estate in Nigeria. According to him, “until the Federal Government deregulate the importation of some building materials especially cement, and providing enabling environment for the production and manufacturing of other building materials, the price will continue to go up at the instance of the end usersâ€?. He disclosed that the Cartel factor cannot be overlook in this regard, as three or more companies can team up to control the price of certain building materials and this should be deregulated for other people to come into the production and marketing of such materials. Akewusola said government at all levels should play a major role in the construction industry as the sector is routinely accused of being wasteŽ•T{XxVZG_xZVj{X•V\UÂŽZ{XÂŽUTTxV‰X\”`[jX`ÂŽX žÂ•UVjxj—XÂŽ`[‰Z xV‰Xj”ZXÂŽU_j`[\XYxTxjUjing against development of the sector. Y`V‰X j”ZX \`T•jx`V\X }[`1Z[ZWX |—X Akewusola to solve these problems include standardization of building materials and other components, dimensional coordination, economics design, Z1Z_jxzZX UVWX ZG_xZVjX }`ÂŻZ[X \•}}T—X through alternative means such as solar system or windmill to generate electricity.


Daily Newswatch

The Environment tuesday, july 2, 2013

Nigeria flags off Green Great Wall initiative KAYODE ABOYEJI


he Federal Government of Nigeria has commenced implementation of the Great Green Wall programme. The programme is a pan-African proposal to “greenâ€? the continent from west to east in orWZ[Xj`X|U TZXWZ\Z[jxˆ_Ujx`V˜XX jXUxY\X at tackling poverty and the degradation of soils in the Sahel-Saharan region, focusing on a strip of land of 15 kilometres (9 mi) wide and 7,100 kilometres (4,400 mi) long from Dakar to Djibouti. VX šZZ}xV‰X j`X j”ZX _`VzZVjx`VX signed in Ndjamena, Chad, in 2010 by Nigeria and 10 other African countries to implement the Great Green Wall initiative to reverse the advancing Sahara Desert, lessen the Z1Z_j\X `ÂŽX WZ\Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VX UVWX ‰[ZZVX the region, the Federal Government `ÂŽX x‰Z[xU{X ”UW{X TU\jX ÂŻZZš{X ¡U‰‰ZWX `1X xj\X `ÂŻVX _`Y}`VZVjX `ÂŽX j”ZX }[`gramme. Nigeria’s Environment Minister, [\˜X UWxĂ„UX UxTUˆU{X”UWXWx\_T`\ZWX some weeks ago at the National Council of Environment meeting, held in Markudi, Benue State, that the Federal Government had released N10 billion towards the implementation of the United Nationsbacked programme. `X ZV\•[ZX UVX Z1Z_jxzZX xY}TZYZVtation of the programme, a National Strategic Action Plan has been developed while a work plan and budget for 2013 have been approved for implementation. Some of the key activities earmarked for implementation in the course of the year include; sensitisation and community mobilisation; capacity building of communities and implementing institutions; procurement of about 10 million assorted seedlings; planting of 10,000 hectares of shelterbelt and orchards/ gardens. Others are promotion of livelihood activities in 86 communities; provision of 860,000 clean and improved energy devices; development of 800 hectares of land for grazing resources, and farmer-managed natural regeneration targeting 500 farmers per state to promote agro-forestry. The programme, which the government is determined to deliver in three years, brings together Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethio-

pia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Sudan to jointly tackle the environmental degradation that is unleashing poverty on people in the region. Programme focus VX x‰Z[xU{Xj”ZX}[`¸Z_jXUxY\Xj`XUWW[Z\\XWZ\Z[jxˆ_Ujx`V{XZV”UV_ZXVUj•[UTX

resource management and promote ecosystem integrity in the dry land in the northern parts of the country. The Nigerian project stretches from Zamfara and Kebbi states in the North West corner along the northern border of Nigeria to the extreme eastern border in Borno State. Eight

states are involved in the project. jX j”ZX ¡U‰q`1X `ÂŽX j”ZX }[`¸Z_jX UjX Bachaka community, Kebbi State, last week, the environment minister described the occasion as a turning point in the collective quest to sustainably conserve and manage the delicate dry land environment and

improve the living conditions of the people. [\˜X UxTUˆUX ZÂł}TUxVZWX j”UjX TUVWX resources underpin the livelihoods of billions of people worldwide, and are central to sustainable national development. “This is especially true in Continued on Page 24

Mixed feelings trail Obama’s climate change programme


ixed reactions have continued to trail pledge by the United States President, Barack Obama, on curbing carbon emissions from U.S. power plants and moves to support the renewable energy. Obama had last week Tuesday laid out a series of new steps to combat carbon pollution, including proposals to create new standards on existing carbon-fuelled power plants and other executive actions that don’t require congressional approval. He also pledged global leadership on climate change and

to redouble U.S. efforts to fight it. Although opponents were quick to attack his sweeping proposals, arguing the new regulations on carbon-fuelled power plants – the source of 40 per cent of the country’s electricity–will cause a surge in costs and burn holes in Americans’ pockets. But the president said the benefits will far outweigh the costs. “Those of us in positions of responsibility will need to be less concerned with the judgment of special interests and well-connected donors, and more concerned with the judgment of our children,� he

said. The Obama plan, drew a cautious welcome from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), chief, Christiana Figueres, on Thursday, who said the plan was a ‘very welcome’ but that countries needed to do more on the issue of climate change. Figueres said countries were on track to agree in 2015 a policy framework to curb greenhouse gas emissions and better enable the poorest nations to adapt to climate change. She said Obama’s announcement was “very welcome� but that countries needed to do

more on the issue of climate change. “Finally the United States is putting out a menu of very concrete measures,â€? she told Reuters at a meeting of cliYUjZX _”UV‰ZX U_jxzx\j\X xVX \tanbul. ÂŤ •jX Xj”xVšXj”ZXÂŽU_jX[ZYUxV\X that compared to what the science demands, no country is doing enough,â€? she said. Obama has directed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to craft new emissions rules for thousands of power plants, the bulk of which burn coal and which account for roughly a third of Continued on Page 58

Barack Obama


Daily Newswatch

The Environment

tuesday, july 2,2013

Environmentalists seek climate action KAYODE ABOYEJI


iting the recent re\ZU[_ X VWxV \X UVWX various environmenjUTX Wx\U\jZ[\X j UjX UzZX |ZZVX U1Z_jxV X _` Vj[xZ\X [Z\ TjxV X xVX T`\\X `®X TxzZ\X UVWX YZUV\X `®X TxzZTx ``W\{X ZVzx[`VYZVjUTx\j\X UzZX _UTTZWX ®`[X [ ZVjX action to save the planet from present challenge. Describing the situation as ‘criti_UT¿X j UjX VZZW\X j`X |ZX U ZVWZWX j`X |Z®`[ZXxjX Zj\X` jX UVW{X Ux[YUV{X U `\X [|UVX [Vxj [ZX UVWX VxYUTX U[ZX¬ ­{X [ X Z\Y`VWX U¸Z¹`W VYx{X_UTTZWX`VXZzZ[ `VZX j`X |ZX }X UVWX W`xV {X \U xV X j ZX ZVzx[`VYZVjUTX_ UTTZV ZXx\XZzZ[ |`W ¿\X[Z\}`V\x|xTxj U¸Z¹`W VYx{X ¯ `X \}`¹ZX UjX j ZX YUxWZVX ®[x_UVX Vzx[`VYZVjUTX _jx`VX YYxj{X }`¯Z[ZWX | X [ZZVX ®[x¾ ZX Zj¯`[¹XxVX_`TTU|`[Ujx`VX ¯xj X x Z[xUVX `V\Z[zUjx`VX ` VWUjx`VX¬ ­XUVWX« X ÉX ` VWUjx`VX xVX U `\X `VX [xWU X\UxWXj ZXZVzx[`VYZVjUTX_[x\x\XUjX UVWX_UVX|ZX_`Vj[`TXx®X¯ZXU[ZX }[Z}U[ZW __`[WxV Xj`X xY{Xj ZX¯U[VxV \X | X j ZX VxjZWX Ujx`V\X _ xZ®{X UVX xX ``V{X j UjX j ZX _TxYUjZX _ UV ZX challenge is not something that \ ` TWX|ZXjU¹ZVX®`[X [UVjZW{XUWWxV Xj UjX®[`YXj ZXzU[x` \XWx\U\jZ[\X j UjX UzZX |ZZVX [Z_`[WZWX UTTX `zZ[X j ZX ¯`[TW{X xjX x\X V`¯X jxYZX j`X |ZX more serious about managing the environment.

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Desmond Majekodunmi

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problems facing sustainable management of the environment. xZ®X ³Z_ jxzZX G_Z[{X [ZZVX Zj¯`[¹{X `\xVX WZ®`}Z{X \UxWX j ZX [` }X ¯xTTX ®`_ \X `VX ZV U xV X people that care about the environYZVjX UVWX _[ZUjZX Y`[ZX U¯U[ZVZ\\X about managing the environment.

Nigeria flags off Green Great Wall initiative Continued on Page 23

W[ XTUVWXU[ZU\X¯ x_ XU[ZXZ³}Z[xZV_ing severe pressure from increasing \`_x`qZ_`V`Yx_X xY}U_j\X `®X TUVWX \ZX UVWX |[`UWZ[X T`|UTX _ UV Z\ X \jZYx_X _`Y}TZ³X x\\ Z\X \ _ X U\X TUVWX WZ [UWUjx`VX UVWX WZ\Z[jx _Ujx`V{X _TxYUjZX _ UV Z{X ®``WX xV\Z_ [xj {X ¯UjZ[X \_U[_xj XUVWX}`zZ[j XxVXj ZXW[ XTUVW\X U[ZX[Z_ZxzxV X [ZUjZ[X\`_xUT{X}`Txjx_UTX UVWX \_xZVjx _X U ZVjx`VX ¯`[TW¯xWZ X Z\ZX UzZX_[ZUjZWXWZYUVWXUVWX`}}`[j VxjxZ\X®`[XVZ¯Xj xV¹xV XUVWX_``}Z[Ujx`VX`VXWZzZT`}YZVjX}Uj ¯U \X in these areas”. ZX ¯ZVjX ® [j Z[X « [` jX UVWX WZ\Z[jx _Ujx`VX U[ZX UjX j ZX _`[ZX `®X \Z[x` \X _ UTTZV Z\X UVWX j [ZUj\X ®U_xV X \ \jUxVU|TZX WZzZT`}YZVjX xVX ®[x_U X jXx\XZ\jxYUjZWXj UjXj¯`Xj x[W\X`®X ®[x_UVXTUVWXx\XUT[ZUW XWZ [UWZWXj`X\`YZX WZ [ZZXUVWXTUVWXWZ [UWUjx`VXU1Z_j\X at least 485 million people or 65 per _ZVjX`®Xj ZXZVjx[ZX ®[x_UVX}`} TUjx`V X Climate change is set to increase the U[ZUX \ \_Z}jx|TZX j`X W[` j{X TUVWX WZ [UWUjx`VX UVWX WZ\Z[jx _Ujx`VX xVX the region. « xV_ZX j ZX U ZTxUVX W[` jX `®X ´µÈ½q´µÅÇXj UjX[Z\ TjZWXxVXj ZXT`\\X`®X VZU[T X ´ÂÂ{ÂÂÂX TxzZ\X U_[`\\X \ZzZ[UTX _` Vj[xZ\{Xj ZXVZZWXj`X_`Y|UjXWZ\Z[jx _Ujx`VX UVWX TUVWX WZ [UWUjx`VX U\X |ZZVX UX YU¸`[X }[x`[xj X xVX j ZX [Z x`V X

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Daily Newswatch


Law TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

Registered body is a recognized person in law, which can sue and be sued

Case Review by Wahab shittu

T. BAMBE & 6 ORS V ALHAJI Y.A. ADERINOLA & 6 ORS (1977) PG. 1 – 6 1,2 & 3 S.C. INTRODUCTION An association called Ijaiye National Society was founded in 1931 and duly registered and incorporated under the Lands (Perpetual Succession) Act on 10th of December, 1948. In the statement of claim, the Plaintiffs alleged that the defendants are a faction of the society and upon disagreements, the defendants made false representations to the 8th defendant as a result of which the 8th defendant issued a fresh certificate to them “purporting to change the name of the society and cancelling the previous registration of the society�. In response to the statement of claim, the defendants filed an application before the lower court on the ground that the plaintiffs are not a proper party before the court. The claimants (plaintiffs) responded that it amounts to demurer which has been abolished by Order 22 rule 1 of the High Court of Lagos (Civil procedure) Rules, 1972 and dismissed the application. The Defendants/Applicants being dissatisfied with the decision of the lower court appealed to the court of appeal. ISSUE 1. Whether the Plaintiffs can sue as incorporated trustee or with the corporate name 2. Whether it is right to raise that objection without filling a defence. HOLDING The court held that: 1. The Plaintiffs in this case are not the proper party to the suit, that it should be in the corporate name and 2. By provision of Order 22 rule 2, 3 and 4 that the objection taken in the instant case could, if upheld, dispose of the whole action, which falls within the ambit of Order 22. 3. The appeal was allowed and the ruling of the lower court thereby set aside. CONCLUSION It is important to credit the wellconsidered and the brilliant judgment of the court of appeal in the instant case. To appraise the judgment, it is important to ask a question which is “Why an individual separate and distinct from a corporate body be suing for the corporate body without suing with the corporate name. A registered body is a recognized person in law which can act (sue and be sued)

by people but responsible for their actions. Registered bodies are also called juristic or artificial person. They are recognized in law and capable of doing what a natural person can do. It is responsible for what is done on its behalf. The instant case is in line with the earlier decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Shittu v Ligali (1941) 16 NLR P. 21 where the plaintiff sued in the name of, and as the “Executive Committee of the Central Mosque (Lagos)�. It was held that the committee was not a legal entity and therefore had no capacity to sue. Also in Agbonmagbe Bank Ltd v General Manager G. B. Ollivant Ltd (1961) All NLR P. 116 where the court held that the 1st defendant was a nonjuristic person and as such could not

be sued, as it was merely a post, the matter was struck-out on that basis. As handed in the above also settled the second issue on whether demurer has been abolished or not. Since the proper party who can benefit if judgment is in its favour is not before the court, the suit is therefore settled according to Order 22 Rule 2, ‌and 4 of Lagos High Court (Civil Procedure Rules, 1972. -------------Cause of action arose when the action was taken ALHAJI CHIEF A.B. BAKARE V THE A.G. FEDERATION & ORS (1990) 9-10 SC 26-60. INTRODUCTION This is an appeal from the Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Nigeria and the issues couched for de-

The Supreme Court stated that the #$%&'( $#)* %' +&,* ,'- %.* /-0% %&)* on 9th April 1980, well after the 1979 constitution has rendered ineffective the petitions of Right Act. It is $#56.% :*-; /-)+; %'' <; %.* Constitution. The petition of Right upon which this action was instituted has no force over it

termination were as follows: 1. Whether the appellant who was the plaintiff at the trial court could validly bring his suit in view of the petition of Rights Act (even in this, the issue is dual fold. For the date of commencement of the action was brought into focus). 2. If he could, whether or not the award made by the trial court was reasonable. FACTS: On the 9th April, 1980, the plaintiff A.B. Bakare, filed a claim against:1. The Attorney-General of the Federation. 2. The Accountant-General of the Federation 3. The permanent secretary, Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. The Claim, as endorsed on the Writ of Summons, is as follows: The Plaintiff’s claim against the defendants, inter alia, in the sum of N138, 890.40k (One Hundred and Thirty Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred and Ninety Naira, forty kobo) being rent in respect of plaintiff’s property known as TENSION HOUSE situate at 9/10 Ring Road Ibadan, let to the defendants at Ibadan for the period of 1978/1979; 1st August, 1979 to 31st July 1980. Alternatively, the plaintiff claims the sum of N138, 890.40 as damages for Breach of the Tenancy Agreement coupled with the Statement of Claims. ARGUMENTS The respondent counsel argued that the important date is that date on which the action was taken whilst the appellant’s argued that the cause of action arose when the rent became due and payable which is between 1978 and August, 1979. This in effect challenges the issue of jurisdiction of the court. DECISION The Supreme Court stated that “the action came to life for the first time on 9th April 1980, well after the 1979 constitution has rendered ineffective the petitions of Right Act. It is caught, very firmly too, by the 1979 Constitution. The petition of Right upon which this action was instituted has no force over it�. For this reason the appeal was allowed and the award made by the learned trial judge, AtinukeIge J., on 30th September, 1982, for N54, 100.00 which the Court of Appeal set aside was reinstated. CONCLUSION The Supreme Court did well in its decision on this case by considering the position of the abolished petition Rights Act and the provisions of constitution in force i.e. 1979 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria. From this decision it seems the Supreme Court aligned with the argument of appellant that cause of action arose when the action was taken. The abolishment of petition of right Law should not prevent the respondent in the absence of any other disability, from commencing an action after 1979, to recover rents due to him.

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Daily Newswatch


Woman of Substance TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

I’d have been an economist –Carol Ibharuneafe SUBAIR MOHAMMED


*+,-. /*+. 01,,. 21. 34516/. about yourself? I am the Treasurer of the Nigerian Bar Association, Ikeja Branch, Lagos State. I have been in practice for 26 years. I am a principal partner in Carol IbharuVZUÂŽZXĂ?X `˜X ”UY|Z[\˜X XU ZVWZWX|`j”X }[xYU[—X UVWX \Z_`VWU[—X ZW•_Ujx`VX xVX U‰`\˜X ”ZV{X XÂŻZVjXj`Xj”ZX ZVWZTX jUjZX University (now Ambrose Alli Univer\xj—­{X š}`YU{X W`X jUjZ{X¯”Z[ZX X‰[UW•UjZWXxVX´¾Ă…ĂˆÂ˜X XTUjZ[XU ZVWZWXj”ZX x‰Z[xUVX UÂŻX _”``TXxVX´¾Ă…Ă…Â˜X XUYXUTY`\jX j”[`•‰”XÂŻxj”XY—X U\jZ[Âż\XWZ‰[ZZ˜ X UYX ÂŽ[`YX UX ÂŽUYxT—X `ÂŽX \ZzZVX UVWX X UYXj”ZX\Z_`VWX_”xTW˜X —XZTWZ[X\x\jZ[Xx\X also a lawyer, practising in the UK. I ”UzZXjÂŻ`X\x\jZ[\X¯”`XU[ZXW`_j`[\XUVWXUX brother who is an architect. I have also U ZVWZWXUXT`jX`ÂŽX_`VÂŽZ[ZV_Z\XUVWX\ZYxVU[\XÂŻxj”xVXUVWX`•j\xWZXj”ZX_`•Vj[—˜X X am a member of the Commonwealth Lawyers’ Forum as well the International Bar Association, amongst others. ”UjXxVÂŽ`[YZWX—`•[X_”`x_ZX`ÂŽX\j•W—à VxjxUTT—{X¯”ZVX XÂŻU\XUjXj”ZX\Z_`VWU[—X \_”``T{X XÂŻU\X‰``WXUjX|`j”Xj”ZXU[jXUVWX sciences subjects. But along the line, a career counsellor came in. My parZVj\X |ZTxZzZWX \`X Y•_”X xVX _`•V\ZTTxV‰{X so they won’t just allow the situation ¯”Z[ZX —`•X ÂŻ`•TWX `}jX ÂŽ`[X UV—X _`•[\ZX without knowing what it entails. So, in choosing a career, my parents actually _`V\xWZ[ZWX Y—X ‰[UWZ\X UVWX UWzx\ZWX j”UjX X UYX U[jqxV_TxVZW˜X jX ÂŻU\X j”UjX |U\x_XUWzx_ZXj”UjXxV¡Â•ZV_ZWXY—X_”`x_ZX`ÂŽX \j•W—˜ X ÂŻ`•TWX \U—X `WX ÂŻUVjZWX YZX j`X |ZX UX TU¯—Z[X|Z_U•\ZX X”UWXÂŻUVjZWXj`X|ZXUVX economist. I was not more of a talker; I was more of an introvert than an exj[`zZ[j˜X `{X X ÂŻUVjZWX j`X _”``\ZX _`nomics. But along the line, when I was ˆTTxV‰X j”ZX VxzZ[\xj—X Uj[x_•TUjx`VX ÂłUYxVUjx`VXÂŹ ­XÂŽ`[Y{X XÂŽ`•VWXY—self choosing law. It was not even my }U[ZVj\ÂżX WZ_x\x`VĂŠX j”x\X ÂŻU\X UX }Z[\`VUTX WZ_x\x`V{X¯”x_”XÂŻU\X\j[x_jT—XWxzxVZ˜ What impact did your last minute decision to study law have on you? Looking back, I will say it was not UVX ZU\—X jU\šÂ˜X —X \ZjX ÂŻU\X j”ZX j”x[WX xVX j”ZX ZVWZTX jUjZX VxzZ[\xj—{X š}`YU˜X It was a new institution. So, many things were not just in place. It was a _”UTTZV‰Z{X |•jX ÂŻxj”X U|\`T•jZX WZjZ[YxVUjx`VX UVWX ÂŽ`_•\{X X ÂŻU\X U|TZX j`X _`}Z˜X Also, we were like spring chickens passing through a lot of issues. What _”xTW[ZVX `ÂŽX j`WU—X U[ZX ZV¸`—xV‰X ZW•_Ujx`VUTT—X ÂŻU\X TU_šxV‰X j”ZV˜X ZX ”UWX j`X \j[xzZX ”U[WX ÂŽ`[X ZzZ[—j”xV‰˜X ”xV‰\X WxWVÂżjX_`YZX`VXUX}TU Z[X`ÂŽX‰`TWĂŠXZzZ[—X \j•WZVjX”UWXj`X\j[•‰‰TZXj`X\•[zxzZ{X•VTxšZXj`WU—X¯”ZVX\j•WZVj\XÂŽ`•VWXxjXWxŽˆ_•TjX j`X ZÂł}[Z\\X j”ZY\ZTzZ\X `[X ‰`X ÂŽ`[X ZÂłUYxVUjx`V\XÂŻxj”`•jXUWZžÂ•UjZX}[Z}U[Ujx`V˜X •jX j”ZV{X —`•X ”UWX j`X W`X ¯”UjX ÂŻU\XVZ_Z\\U[—Xj`X|ZX\`•VW{XxVjZTTZ_j•ally. There was no room for laziness or xWTZVZ\\˜X U[WX ÂŻ`[šX UVWX ÂŽ`_•\X ÂŻZ[ZX j”ZX|` `YXTxVZ˜ Could you share one of such challenges? VZX `ÂŽX \•_”X ÂŻU\X xVX Y—X ˆ[\jX —ZU[˜X X ”UWXUX_”UTTZV‰ZXxVX`VZX`ÂŽXj”ZX_`•[\Z\{X which was Logic. It is very essential to

What children of today are enjoying educationally was lacking then. We had to strive hard for everything. Things didn’t come on a platter of gold; every student had to struggle to survive


TZ_j•[ZXUVWXTZUzZX—`•Xj`X—`•[XÂŽUjZ˜X •jX Xj”UVšX `WXj”UjX|—Xj”ZXjxYZX X\j•WxZWX j”`[`•‰”T—{X `WX‰UzZXYZX\•__Z\\XUVWX X”UWXj”ZX|Z\jX‰[UWZXj”UjX—ZU[XxVX `‰x_˜ *+,-./*+.419*,,190./*+4.:4;0.-</.5=. the courtroom? X \jU[jZWX ÂŻxj”X }[xzUjZX }[U_jx_ZX UÂŽjZ[X ‰[UW•UjxV‰X ÂŽ[`YX j”ZX UÂŻX _”``T˜X •jX UT`V‰X j”ZX TxVZ{X X zZZ[ZWX xVj`X ÂŻ`[šxV‰X ÂŻxj”XUXˆVUV_ZX”`•\ZXU\XUXTZ‰UTX`G_Z[˜X •jXxVxjxUTT—{X X”UWXZV_`•VjZ[XÂŻxj”Xj”ZX _`•[j[``Y˜X —X ˆ[\jX ZV_`•VjZ[X ÂŻU\X žÂ•xjZX xVjZ[Z\jxV‰X xVX j”ZX \ZV\ZX j”UjX j”ZX }[xV_x}UTX X ”UWX j”ZVX ÂŻU\X \`X \j[x_jX UVWX j”`[`•‰”˜X `WU—{X¯”ZVX XT``šXUjX—`•V‰X lawyers, I see them as not being pajxZVj˜X ”Z—X ÂŻUVjX j`X U UxVX [Z_`‰Vxjx`VX UVWX ÂŽUYZX `VX UX ÂŽU\jqX j[U_šÂ˜X jX ÂŻU\X zZ[—X ”U[WXUVWX`•[X\UTU[xZ\XÂŻZ[ZXV`j”xV‰Xj`X write home about. But the passion to |ZXxVXj”ZX}[`ÂŽZ\\x`VX\•\jUxVZWXYZ˜X j”ZX \j•W—X `ÂŽX TUÂŻX U\X xjX WZUT\X ÂŻxj”X _`VLet me recall an experience when I sistency in our reasoning. You know, to was before Justice Phillips in the ear|ZXUX‰``WXTU¯—Z[{X—`•XY•\jX|ZXU|TZXj`X T—X ¾Â¿\ĂŠX ”ZX x\X j”ZX }[Z\ZVjX ”xZÂŽX ¸Â•\jx_ZX ”UVWTZXx\\•Z\XT`‰x_UTT—XUVWXjZ_”Vx_UTx`ÂŽX U‰`\X jUjZ˜X ”ZV{X \”ZX ÂŻU\X UX ¸Â•W‰ZX ties come in legal profession. I thought UjX j”ZX x‰”X `•[j{X šZ¸U˜X ”ZVX X U}_`}xV‰XU\XUXTUÂŻX\j•WZVjXÂŻ`•TWX|ZXWxÂŽ}ZU[ZWX |ZÂŽ`[ZX ”Z[{X \”ZX ÂŻU\X ¸Â•\jX T``šÂˆ_•TjX |Z_U•\ZX j”ZX TZ_j•[Z[X ÂŻ`•TWX ¸Â•\jX

ing at me because I was very tiny in \jUj•[Z˜X `ÂŻZzZ[{X X ÂŻU\X |`TWX ZV`•‰”X j`X\jUVWX|ZÂŽ`[ZX”Z[Xj`XY`zZXUXY`jx`V˜X ”ZX U\šZWX `VZX `[X jÂŻ`X žÂ•Z\jx`V\X UVWX X WxWVÂżjX šV`ÂŻX ”`ÂŻX X ¡x}}ZWX j”[`•‰”{X U\X j”Z[ZX ÂŻU\X V`X ‰•xWUV_ZĂŠX Y—X }[xV_x}UTX¸Â•\jXW•Y}ZWXj”ZX_U\ZXˆTZXÂŽ`[XYZXj`X ”UVWTZXj”ZX|[xZÂŽXUVWX X_UYZX`•jXÂŻZTTXUjX j”ZXZVWX`ÂŽXj”ZXWU—˜ Another one was my encounter unWZ[X UX {X j”ZX TUjZX UTT—q [`ÂŻVX ZjZ[\xWZ{X ¯”ZVX X ÂŻU\X xVX TUjZU•X jUjZ{X

`\˜X X\Z[zZWXj”Z[ZXUVWXÂŻU\X[ZjUxVZWXU\X `VZX`ÂŽX”x\XTU¯—Z[\˜X X”UWXUXÂŻ`VWZ[Ž•TX jxYZX ÂŻxj”X ”xY˜X ZX \UÂŻX \`YZX }`jZVjxUTX xVX YZX UVW{X j”Z[ZÂŽ`[Z{X [ZjUxVZWX YZX in the state. Plateau was peaceful, unTxšZX ¯”UjX xjX ”U\X j•[VZWX j`X V`ÂŻÂ˜X X ÂŽZZTX }UxVZWX|Z_U•\ZXj”ZVX X”UWXUXÂŻ`VWZ[Ž•TX time practising in Jos; but now, eve[—`VZX x\X \_U[ZWX `ÂŽX ‰`xV‰X j”Z[Z˜X ”Z[ZX ÂŻU\X ”U[Y`V—X UVWX j[UVžÂ•xTTxj—X ZzZ[—where that when you came out of the _`•[j[``YXUVWX—`•X”UVWTZWXUX_U\ZXxVjZTTx‰ZVjT—{X j”ZX U•\U\{X V`jX YxVWxV‰X ¯”Z[ZX—`•XU[ZXÂŽ[`Y{XÂŻ`•TWX|ZX”UxTxV‰X Continued on Page 34


Woman of Substance

Continued from Page 33 you. There was no discrimination; you could move around. But today, the serenity is no longer there. ><0. 9<=. @1. <(453+01. <;. 0>1. 9<+;1. *A.0>1.04<=;A*42<05*=.5=.0>1. ,<01<+B X¯xTTXU [x| jZXxjXj`Xj ZX}``[X\Z_ [xj X U}}U[Uj \XUVWXTU_¹X`®X}`} TU[X `zZ[VYZVj X UjX jxYZ{X V`|`W X _U[ZWX U|` jX j ZX j[x|ZX ` X |ZT`V X j` X X UYX ®[`YX W`X jUjZ{X| jX X¯U\X[ZjUxVZWXU®jZ[XY X ` j X\Z[zx_ZXxVXUX\jUjZX}[ZW`YxVUVjT X V`[j Z[VZ[\ X `|`W X ®ZTjX UV X xTTX ®ZZTxV \X j`¯U[W\X UV |`W X UVWX ` X _` TWX Y`zZX U[` VWX UjX UV jxYZX `®X j ZX WU X ¯xj ` jX®ZU[X`®X|ZxV XU U_¹ZW X Z`}TZX U[ZX V`¯X [ZT`_UjxV X j`X `j Z[X \jUjZ\X `®X j ZX®ZWZ[Ujx`V X Z[ZXU[ZX}[`|TZY\X¯xj X `zZ[VUV_ZX xVX TUjZU X ®Xj xV \XU[ZXW`VZX}[`}Z[T {X j Z[ZX¯xTTX|ZXV`XVZZWX®`[X}Z`}TZXj`X|ZX ¹xTTxV X`VZXUV`j Z[ X ZVX X¯U\X}`\jZWX j`X TUjZU {X X `jXj Z[ZXzZ[ XTUjZXUjXVx jX and a stranger accommodated me. ZXWxWV¿jXZzZVX¹V`¯Xj ZX}Z[\`VX®[`YX WUY X UVX ` X _`Y®`[jU|T X UTT`¯X ` [\ZT®X j`X |ZX }x_¹ZWX }X | X UX \j[UV Z[X UVWX \}ZVWX j ZX Vx jX xVX x\X `[X Z[X house now? That is what the country U\Xj [VZWXj` X ZXU[ZXT`\xV XxjXUVWX¯ZX VZZWXj`X ZjXj UjX_`V WZV_ZXUVWX®Uxj XxVX ` [\ZTzZ\X j`X |ZX U|TZX j`X xVjZ[U_jX ®[ZZT X [Z U[WTZ\\X`®X` [Xj[x|UTXWx1Z[ZV_Z\ *+. ;<5-. /*+4. D<41=0;. @51,-1-. <. ,*0.*A.5=6+1=91.*=./*+E.;*F.@><0.@<;. G4*@5=G.+D.,5H1B [`¯xV X }X¯U\X® VXUVWXxVjZ[Z\jxV X ¯xj XY X}U[ZVj\ X X®Uj Z[Xx\XTUjZ{X| jX mother is still alive. They were wonWZ[® TXUVWX|ZTxZzZWX\`XY _ XxVXZW _Ujx`V X Z X xV\jxTTZWX UX T`jX `®X Wx\_x}TxVZX xVX \XUVWXj UjX U\X|[` jXYZXj x\X®U[{X |`j X xVX Y X }[`®Z\\x`VUTX UVWX YU[xjUTX Tx®Z *+. <41. <. ,<@/14. @>5,1. /*+4. >+;3<=-. 5;. <. 21-5<. D4*A1;;5*=<,I. *@. -*./*+.9*D1F.9*=;5-145=G.0>1.;041;;A+,. =<0+41.*A.3*0>.D4*A1;;5*=;B. X ¯` TWX \U X X UzZX UX ¯`VWZ[® TX \|UVW X ZX U\X |ZZVX UX \` [_ZX `®X xV\}x[Ujx`VX j`X YZ X ZX U\X xzZVX YZX j ZX ®[ZZW`YX j`X |ZX ¯ UjZzZ[X X ¯UVjX j`X |Z X ZxV Xj ZXj[ZU\ [Z[X`®Xj ZX x Z[xUVX U[X Association, Alimosho, is not an easy assignment. Immediately I was given j ZXU\\x VYZVj{XxjX¯U\XTx¹ZXUX_TU\ X|Zj¯ZZVXY X}[xzUjZX}[U_jx_ZXUVWXj ZX U[ X Z[ZX U[ZX j [ZZX zxjUTX }`\xjx`V\X xVX j ZX Bar: the Chairman, General Secretary and the TreasurZ[ X xj X j Z\ZX j [ZZX }`\xjx`V\{X ` X _UV¿jX U1`[WX j`X TxZX T`¯ X ZVX X¯U\X_UTTZWX }`VXj`XjU¹ZX }Xj UjX }`\xjx`V{X X¯U\X\_U[ZWXj UjX X UWXj`X\ZZ¹X j ZX`}xVx`VX`®XY X \|UVWXUVWX ZXZV_` [U ZWXYZ X X¯` TWX\U X ZX U\X|ZZVX Y X\j[ZV j {XU\\x\jxV XxVXZzZ[ XU\}Z_j X `[X xV\jUV_Z{X X ¸ \jX `jX |U_¹X ®[`YX j ZX `YY`V¯ZUTj X U¯ Z[\¿X `[ YX xVX ` j X ®[x_U X ZUzxV XY X}[U_jx_ZXUVWX `YZX ¯` TWX V`jX UzZX |ZZVX \`X ZU\ {X | jX®`[X x\X\ }}`[jXUVWX VWZ[\jUVWxV X

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*@.><;.50.311=.;*.A<4B It is very challenging; and as you ¹V`¯{X xjX xVz`TzZ\X ` [X xVjZ [xj {X }[`|xj {XU__` VjU|xTxj XUVWXj[ \j X TTXj Z\ZX U[ZX ¹Z X `WX U\X xzZVX YZX j ZX [U_ZX j`X|ZXUVX`[ UVx\ZWX}Z[\`V X XW`V¿jXWU||TZXxVj`X¯ UjX XUYXV`jX_U}U|TZX`®X UVWTxV X XUYX®`_ \ZWXUVWX X¹V`¯X `¯Xj`X manage my time ` XU[ZX\ _ XUXT _¹ X¯`YUVXj`X UzZX ` [X¹xVWX`®X \|UVW ( Cuts in) Yes, I am. *F.>*@.-5-./*+.2110.>52B ZXYZjXxVXY XZ\jUjZXxVXj ZXZU[T XµÂ¿\ X ZV{X X ¯U\X UjX `YZX U\X UX \}xV\jZ[X xVX this estate. On that day, I came out to ZjX \`YZj xV X ®`[X Y X Y YY X ZV{X j ZXZ\jUjZX¯U\XV`jXU\X| \ XU\XxjXx\XV`¯ X Lo UVWX|Z `TW{X ZX¯U\XUjXj ZXVZ³jXW``[X ¯xj X x\X ®[xZVWX ¯ `X x\X UT\`X UX ®UYxT X ®[xZVW X VWX UjX j UjX }`xVjX xVX jxYZ{X ZX was reversing his car, trying to move ` jX `®X j ZX Z\jUjZ X jX U\X ZX ¯U\X W[xzing, he was glancing at me so much so j UjX ZX UWX j`X xjX UX \Z}jx_X jUV¹ X |\Z¾ ZVjT {X x\X ®[xZVWX _UYZX ¯xj X xYX j`X ` [X ` \ZX `VX j ZX }[ZjZ³jX j UjX j Z X VZZWZWX j`X W`X UX ®`[Zx VX Z³_ UV Z{X U\X X ¯U\X ¯`[¹xV X j ZVX ¯xj X UX VUV_ZX }[U_jx\xV X ¯xj xVX j ZX TxY`\ `X `_UTX ` \Z X Xj`TWXj ZYX¯ZXWxWV¿jXW`X®`[Zx VX `zZ[VYZVj X ZX ®`[ YX YZY|Z[\ x}X Z³_ UV ZX | \xVZ\\{X | jX j Z X xV\x\jZWX x\X TU[ ZT X TU¯ Z[\X ®[`YX j ZX TxY`\ `X `VX _`TTZ_jxV X Y X `G_ZX UWW[Z\\ X `YZX U³x\ X X¯UVjXj`Xj UV¹X `WX®`[X [\ X Z- WU \XU®jZ[{X ZX_UYZXT``¹xV X®`[XYZXUVWX [xVX U}}`{X j ZX _ Ux[}Z[\`VX `®X j ZX ®`- the rest is history. rum, who the Lord gave that vision. 41./*+.A+,:,,1-.<;.<.,<@/14B. Alimosho has so many lawyers that we X ¯xTTX \U X _TZU[T X j UjX X UYX ® T TTZWX need to have our court on the axis. You U\XTU¯ Z[ X XUYXUT\`X® T TTZW{XUTj ` X xjX x\X _ UTTZV xV X ` X WZ VxjZT X VZZWX j`X |ZX ¹V`¯TZW ZU|TZX xVX `j Z[X U[ZU\X UVWX|ZxV XU|TZXj`XW`Xj UjXZVjUxT\XT`jX`®X [ZUWxV X |Z_U \ZX ¹V`¯TZW ZX x\X VZzZ[X exhausted. You must read, read and [ZUWXjxTTX ` XW[`}

<L1./*+.1L14.><-.<=/.9<+;1.0*.41G410.<=/0>5=G.5=.0>1.9*+404**2B Z [Zj\ÁX Z VxjZT {X j Z[ZX U[Z X X would say it was an encounter with a }U[jx_ TU[X[Zjx[ZWX¸ W Z{X| jX X¯xTTXV`jX YZVjx`VX x\X VUYZ X ZX ¯U\X `VZX ¸ W ZX j UjX ¯U\X zZ[ X xY}UjxZVj X ZVX YU¹xV X ` [X}[Z\ZVjUjx`V{X ZX¯xTTX|ZXjUT¹xV X UVWX \U xV X UV`j Z[X j xV X [xV X }[Z\ZVjUjx`V{X ZX _` TWX WZ_xWZX j UjX ZX WxWV¿jX¯UVjXj`XTx\jZVXUV Y`[ZXUVWX\ ZX ¯` TWX[x\ZXU|[ }jT X Z[ZX¯U\XUX_U\ZX ¯ZX UWX |Z®`[ZX xYÊX xjX ¯U\X UX `[[x|TZX Z³}Z[xZV_Z X ZX ®[ \j[UjZWX ` [X ZzZ[ X U ZY}jXj`X_UTTXUX¯xjVZ\\XUVWXj UjX_U\ZX TU\jZWX ®`[X zZX ZU[\ X `{X X ¯` TWX \U X U}}ZU[xV X |Z®`[ZX xYX ¯U\X ®[ \j[UjxV X UVWX[Z [Z U|TZ

‘I’d have been an economist’


xV X Y X U\\x VYZVjX W jx® TT X ZxV X UX j[ZU\ [Z[X`®Xj ZX TxY`\ `{X {X X UzZX UT\`X|ZZVXW`xV XY X|Z\j ><0.5=A*421-.0>1.A*42<05*=.*A. ,52*;>*. <@/14;K. *4+2B TxY`\ `X U¯ Z[\¿X `[ Y{X ¯ Z[ZX X UYX UX YZY|Z[{X ¯U\X Z\jU|Tx\ ZWX j`X UWW[Z\\X j ZX |U\x_X VZZW\X `®X TU¯ Z[\{X

Daily Newswatch Tuesday, july 2, 2013

God has given me the grace to be an organised person. I don’t dabble into what I am not capable of handling. I am focused and I know how to manage my time


Daily Newswatch

Chef of the Week Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My pastor advised me to go into catering –Bimbo Fadamiro xVX½ÂÂÅXUVWXxjX U\X|ZZVX¯ UjX\ ZX¯U\X T``¹xV X®`[¯U[WXj`XU_ xZzZ X jXx\X¹V`¯VX ®`[X ®[x_UV{X \xUVX UVWX `VjxVZVjUTX Wx\ Z\ X jXx\XUT\`X®`[X Vx¾ ZX\YUTTX_ `}\{X ¯ x_ XU[ZXWx1Z[ZVjX®[`YXj ZX`VZ\Xj UjX U[ZX |ZxV X \`TW X ZX UWWZWX j Uj{X « ZX W`XUTTX¹xVW\X`®X®``W\XUVWX Vx¾ ZX\YUTTX _ `}\XUVWXV`jXj ZX[Z TU[X`VZX}Z`}TZX ZUjX Tx¹ZX _ x_¹ZVX UVWX \ U[_UVZ X `jX YUV X }Z`}TZX ¹V`¯X j UjX \ U[_UVZX x\X zZ[ XYZWx_xVUTÊXxjXx\X ``WX®`[XYUTU[xU X XTZU[VjXxjX®[`YXUX `_j`[X®[xZVW É ZX ¯`[¹\X [` VWX j ZX _T`_¹X U\X \ ZX }[`zxWZ\X Wx1Z[ZVjX \Z[zx_Z\X ®`[X Z[X _ \j`YZ[\ X Z[X\Z[zx_Z\XxV_T WZÀX `YZX WZTxzZ[ {X _``¹xV X ®`[X |UV¹\X ¯ xTZX UT\`X YUVU xV X j ZX UV `jZX U[X _UVjZZV{X ¯ Z[ZX \ ZX _UjZ[\X ®`[X `zZ[X ¼ÂÂX \jU1 X }U[jX ®[`YX j Uj{X \ ZX j[UxV\X UX TU[ ZX V Y|Z[X `®X }Z`}TZX ZzZ[ X ZU[{X U\X \ ZX Zj\X j[UxVxV X _`Vj[U_jX ®[`YX `zZ[VYZVj }U[jX ®[`YX UzxV X }U\\x`VX ®`[X _``¹xV {X \ ZX UT\`X U\X UX }U\\x`VX xVX xY}U[jxV X ¹V`¯TZW ZX j`X }Z`}TZX UVWX xj¿\X UVX xWZUX \ ZX U\X |ZZVX V [\xV X UVWX ¯xTTxV Xj`XU_ xZzZ ZX Wx\_T`\ZWX j UjX xVX UTTX j } }U[jxZ\{X }Z`}TZX \jxTTX ¯UVjX j Zx[X \ [ [Z TU[X ®``W{X | jX | j Z X ¯UVjX j`X Y YU¹ZX xjX Wx\jxV_jX | X UzxV X UX | j` _ X`®X xVZ\ZX j [x_ZX ¯xj X \U _Z X [ « X UT¯U \X jZTTX « Y X _ \j`YZ[\X Y j UjX Y X xVZ\ZX j [x_ZX x\X Tx¹ZX j ZX [ `VZX ` X ZUjX xVX ` UV X xVZ\ZX U [Z\jU [UVj X jX [



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Apart from the knowledge I had in school, I would say all the knowledge of cooking I had in the places I worked in helped me a lot in starting my business

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Daily Newswatch

Faces & Places Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Why you need life coach



t was a breezy Saturday morning and a few relations and friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Babajide Lawal (not real name) were trickling into their moderately furnished home in Iju area of Lagos State. In no time, the guests had jUšZVXWx1Z[ZVjX_`YÂŽ`[jU|TZX}`\xjx`V\X in the living room. Then, they all started exchanging banters. There ÂŻZ[ZXZzZVX[Z_`TTZ_jx`V\X`ÂŽX\`YZX}U\jX family events, since some of them ÂŻZ[ZX }[`|U|T—X YZZjxV‰X UÂŽjZ[X UX T`V‰X }Z[x`WX `ÂŽX jxYZ˜X ZzZ[j”ZTZ\\{X j”Z[ZX ÂŻU\X V`X Yx\jUšZVX j”ZX ZÂł}[Z\\x`VX `VX their individual faces: there seemed j`X|ZX\`YZX•V\}`šZVXUVÂłxZj—XxVXj”ZX air. Certainly, none of them was under UV—X xTT•\x`VX U|`•jX j”ZX }•[}`\ZX `ÂŽX their visit, as it was obvious that there was no celebration of sorts jUšxV‰X }TU_Z˜X •jX j”ZX YZZjxV‰X had been called to hear out the }Z[}Zj•UTT—X ÂŻU[[xV‰X ”•\|UVWX UVWX ÂŻxÂŽZX UVWX }[`|U|T—X [Z\`TzZX j”Zx[X seemingly intractable issue(s). In j”Zx[XˆzZq—ZU[q`TWXYU[[xU‰Z{Xj”ZXÂŻxÂŽZ{X Y`TU[U{X UX ½Ă…q—ZU[q`TWX YU[šZjxV‰X _`YY•Vx_Ujx`VX ZÂł}Z[j{X ”UWX TxjZ[UTT—X |ZZVX j•[VZWX xVj`X UX }•V_”xV‰X |U‰X xVX the hand of her husband, Babajide, UX ŸËq—ZU[q`TWX |UVšZ[˜X X VX UX _Z[jUxVX occasion, Omolara had been left with a black eye and thrown out of the home about 1.00 a.m., with just her Vx‰”j‰`ÂŻVX `V˜X ”ZX ÂŻU\X UX }xjxU|TZX sight until their landlord’s daughter heard her shrieking cry and ran out j`X`1Z[X”Z[X\”ZTjZ[˜XX So, worried by this unsavoury WZzZT`}YZVj{X ÂŽ[xZVW\X UVWX ÂŽUYxTxZ\X `ÂŽXj”ZX_`•}TZX”UWXžÂ•x_šT—X_UTTZWXj”ZX

meeting before the worse would be visited on Omolara in the hand of her husband. When Omolara was called to say her own side of the story, she was UTTX jZU[\X UVWX _`•TWX ”U[WT—X Y• Z[X UX word. Having being encouraged

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He is not the same person I married. He treats me like a total stranger. I am afraid for my life‌,� she said amidst sobs

|—X ”Z[X `VT—X \x\jZ[X j`X `}ZVX •}X `VX ”Z[XZÂł}Z[xZV_ZXxVXj”ZX}U\jX—ZU[\{Xj”ZX šx[•V{X \•VX jUjZqX |`[VX YU[šZjxV‰X _`YY•Vx_Ujx`VX ZÂł}Z[jX j”ZVX [ZZTZWX `•jX j”ZX •V|Z_`YxV‰X U xj•WZX `ÂŽX ”Z[X ”•\|UVW{X ¯”x_”X xV_T•WZWX šZZ}xV‰X TUjZX Vx‰”jX UVWX žÂ•x_šX jZY}Z[˜X ”xTZX she talked, there was eerie silence, as they listened to her tale of sorrow ÂŻxj”X }UT}U|TZX \”`_šÂ˜X ÂŤ ZX x\X V`jX j”ZX \UYZX }Z[\`VX X YU[[xZW˜X ZX j[ZUj\X me like a total stranger. I am afraid ÂŽ`[XY—XTxÂŽZĂ“{ÉX\”ZX\UxWXUYxW\jX\`|\˜X

`ÂŻZzZ[{X j”Z—X ÂŻZ[ZX xVjZ[Yx ZVjT—X roused from their state of shock ¯”ZVZzZ[X U|U¸xWZXU ZY}jZWXj`X_•jX ”Z[XxV˜XX [•\j[UjZW{X”ZXÂŻ`•TWX¡U[ZX•}X UVWX j[—X j`X \”•jX ”Z[X •}{X \”UšxV‰X ”x\X head vigorously. Only God knew what he harboured in the inner recess of his heart towards the woman he once declared, before the whole ÂŻ`[TW{Xj`XT`zZXjxTTXWZUj”XW`Xj”ZYX}U[j˜X Shockingly, when it was his turn j`X\U—X\}Z_xˆ_UTT—X¯”—Xj”Z[ZX\ZZYZWX to be no love lost between them, ”x\X U_jx`V{X j`X }•jX xjX YxTWT—{X Ž•[j”Z[X ZÂł}`\ZWX”xYXU\XxV_`[[x‰x|T—XU[[`‰UVj˜X

ZX }[U_jx_UTT—X xV\•TjZWX j”ZYX UVWX }UxWXTx TZX[Z‰U[WXj`Xj”Zx[XxVWxzxW•UTX \jUj•\˜X ÂŤ ”UjX W`X —`•X ZÂł}Z_jX YZX j`X \U—Xj`X—`•à X `X—`•XÂŻUVjXj`XjZU_”XYZX ”`ÂŻXj`X[•VXY—XÂŽUYxT—à X `Z\XUV—`VZX

of you call me to discuss his own ÂŽUYxT—X YU Z[à ÉX ”ZX \UxWX xVX UX ”x‰”q }xj_”ZWXz`x_Z˜X ``X|UW{X”x\X}UjZ[VUTX U•VjX ÂŻU\X V`jX \}U[ZWX ”x\X zxj[x`T˜X x\X }”—\x_UTT—q_”UTTZV‰ZWX Y`j”Z[{X ¯”`X TxzZ\X ÂŻxj”X j”ZY{X _`•TWVÂżjX UT\`X ˆ‰”jX the tears in her eyes. |zx`•\T—X ZÂłU\}Z[UjZW{X ”x\X colleague and friend who facilitated ”x\XZY}T`—YZVjXxVXj”ZX_`Y}UV—{X[`\ZX in anger and declared to the chagrin of all that Babajide’s uncontrolled jZY}Z[X”UWX`V_ZXZU[VZWX”xYXUXžÂ•Z[—X ÂŽ`TT`ÂŻZWX |—X \•\}ZV\x`V˜X U—|ZX ”x\X ÂŻxÂŽZXÂŻU\X”ZU[xV‰XxjXÂŽ`[Xj”ZXˆ[\jXjxYZ{X \”ZXÂŻU\XU‰U}Z˜X jXÂŻU\XUX\Tx}X`ÂŽXj`V‰•Z{X which further incensed Babajide who j”[ZUjZVZWXˆ[ZXUVWX|[xY\j`VZ˜ Sadly, the meeting couldn’t achieve much result. And Omolara was too ÂŽZU[Ž•TX j`X \TZZ}X xVX j”ZX ”`•\ZX j”UjX night. And, indeed, her fears were understandable. But Babajide is not totally evil, irrational or loveless. On some occasions when he was calmer, he had showered genuine love on his wife. What then could be the cause `ÂŽX”x\Xˆ_šTZVZ\\Ă X ”—XW`Z\X”ZX|T`ÂŻX _`TWXUVWX”`jĂ X It is a fact that Babajide is not the `VT—X `VZX \•1Z[xV‰X ÂŽ[`YX j”x\X šxVWX `ÂŽX }[`|TZY˜X jX U}}ZU[\X j”Zx[\X x\X

Daily Newswatch


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Association canvasses support for women soccer

Defence, Eagles’ biggest problem –Kpakor


olandson Odeh, the President, Amalgamation of Nigerian Female Football Coaches Association (ANFCA), has urged corporate organisations to complement the Z1`[j\X `®X j ZX |`W X xVX developing female football in the country. Odeh said that the primary aim of ANFCA was to ensure the development of female football both at the grassroots and the elite levels. ``Our objective is to ensure the development of female football at the grassroots, to feed the elite and national clubs for national and international competitions. ``But our aims cannot be achieved nor ` [X Z1`[j\X _[`¯VZWX with success without the support from corporate bodies. ``We cannot strive to discover and nurture female talents at the grassroots alone without VUV_xUTX\ }}`[jX®[`YX corporate bodies and spirited individuals.

ÕÕ ®X ` [X Z1`[j\X j`X discover and nurture talents at the grassroots fail, how would the national teams get players for national and international competitions?’’ Odeh wondered. According to him, most of the players in the female national teams were discovered from grassroots football competitions. ``We need sponsors for regular and more competitions because female grassroots competitions are very few in the country. ``Without regular competitions, it will be WxG_ TjXj`X ZjXjUTZVjZWX players, so we appeal that our project should not be neglected,’’ he said Odeh said that the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) cannot scout for players all on its own, the reason for the growth of ANFCA. He, however, added that both the NFF and ANFCA cannot also do it alone without corporate bodies and spirited individuals support.

By Ajibade Olusesan


ormer Super E a g l e s midfielder, Moses Kpakor has declared that defence was the major weak link in the Nigerian team at the just concluded FIFA Confederations Cup. His view is a radical departure from the opinion of most analysts ¯ `X|TUYZWXj ZXU U_¹XU\X the problem of the squad. Several pundits have come down hard on the U TZ\¿X U U_¹xV X TxVZX xVX the wake of the team’s elimination from the _`Y}Zjxjx`VX xVX j ZX [\jX round. The strikers were

guilty of missing several scoring chances that would have given the jZUYX Wx1Z[ZVjX [Z\ Tj\X xVX the competition. But Kpakor said that UTj ` X j ZX U U_¹Z[\X were wasteful in front of goals, the defence of the team was suspect and did not quite prove capable of holding their own in big stage such as the World Cup. In an interview with Newswatch Sports, Kpakor insisted that even though Coach Stephen Keshi needs to work on x\X U U_¹{X j ZX WZ®ZV_ZX VZZW\XY`[ZXU ZVjx`V The former BCC Lions of Gboko said the way Spain ripped Eagles defence at will exposed the level of work that needs to be done in that department before it can withstand top sides in the

Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

world. “Yes, everyone is jUT¹xV X U|` jX j ZX U U_¹ X But nobody seems to have taken note of the glaring problems with the defence. I think the defence appears our greatest problem if we will do well at the highest level, the World Cup. This is where men like Danny x X ®`[X Z³UY}TZÊX UzZX to come in because of his experience. We need a defence line such as we had Chidi Nwanu, Uche Okechukwu, the Big Boss, Keshi himself, late Uche Okafor and Taribo West. This was one of the reasons for our success internationally with the 1994 squad. “If you cannot score goals, then you must not concede goals. That’s the mentality and logic. Honestly, the defence

we have today is yet to click. I know Keshi is also aware of that and will look into that. That is the normal thing to do,” he said. The former Abiola U|Z\X YxW ZTWX YUZ\j[`X also slammed the call for the return of the old players in the Super Eagles, insisting that instead of going back to the old guards, Coach Keshi should shop for fresh legs. “It will serve us |Z Z[X j`X ZjX [U¯X strikers at home here to complement the ones we now have from AFCON 2013, than bringing back Shola Amoebi, Anichebe, Osaze, Martins etc. In Y X`}xVx`VXUVWXj ZXTx TZX I know of Keshi, I think these players are done with Eagles,” he said.

Eagles to play grade A friendly match in August By Ajibade Olusesan


he Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) is close to securing a Grade A friendly match for the Super Eagles, the Newswatch Sports has gathered. The Vice President of the federation, Mike Umeh told our correspondent in an interview that the Glass House are currently working on proposals for friendly game for the next FIFA window in August. The chairman of the

Anambra State Football Association declined to name the countries that could likely be the team’s opponents, insisting that the announcement will be made as soon as the negotiations are concluded. “You should know that our board has done everything possible to make sure that the national team play top friendly matches and we would continue to do that. We are still working hard

to make sure that Eagles play a friendly match during the next FIFA window. We have some countries that have come with proposals and we are still negotiating. I am not going to say who they U[ZX V`¯X VjxTX ¯ZX VUTx\ZX agreement, then Nigerians would know,” he said. The administrator however assured that the board would continue to support the team in their quest to qualify for the World Cup. He added that

Nigeria will surely feature at the next World Cup in Brazil. “All hands are on deck to make sure that we go back to Brazil next year for the World Cup. NFF will continue to support the team and that is why we are planning to have a friendly match before ` [X VZ³jX ¾ UTx Z[X ¯xj X Malawi, that will prepare them very well for the ¾ UTx Z[XUVWXj ZX_`U_ X_UVX also use it to test some new players, “he said.

Daily Newswatch



Judokas storm Ibadan for national tourney From Olaide Oyelude, Ibadan

`}X ¸Â•W`šU\X ÂŽ[`YX across the country are expected to vie for honours during the Nigeria Judo Federation ÂŹ ­X `[‰UVxĂ„ZWX ÂŽ`•[q day senior national j`•[VUYZVj{X ¯”x_”X holds in Ibadan from July 3rd to 6th. ”ZX Uj”TZjZ\X U[ZX expected to arrive at the Indoor Sports Hall of Obafemi Awolowo jUWx•Y{X |UWUVX `VX ZWVZ\WU—{X •T—X Âź[WX for medicals and pertournament formalities. X x_ZX [Z\xWZVj{X [˜X •\UX \”`WxX said the opening and closing ceremonies for the programme come up on 4th and 6th respectively. Oshodi noted that the self-sponsored tournament which is ˆ[\jX xVX j”ZX \Z[xZ\X `ÂŽX activities lined-up by VZÂŻX X j`X [ZzxjUTxĂ„ZX j”ZX ‰UYZ{X ÂŻ`•TWX |ZX •\ZWX j`X xVzxjZX ¸Â•W`šU\X to camp ahead of the continental championship slated ÂŽ`[X ZVxVX Z}•|Tx_X later this month and an international championship \_”ZW•TZWX ÂŽ`[X [UĂ„xTX xVX early August. He reiterated the determination of the board to ensure that x‰Z[xUVX¸Â•W`šU\XW`VÂżjX miss international j`•[VUYZVj\X U‰UxV{X while there would now be regular championship for them and refresher courses for Judo umpires and ¸Â•W‰Z\˜ ”ZX X |`U[WX appealed to corporate bodies and well meaning Nigerians to assist the federation towards charting a new course for the sports by supporting its programmes and U_jxzxjxZ\XˆVUV_xUTT—˜


Ogunjobi, teammates mourn Oliha


s p o r t s administrator and some former S u p e r Eagles players have described the death of former Super Eagles YxWˆZTWZ[{X ”`Y}\`VX Tx”U{X U\X \”`_šxV‰X UVWX devastating. Tx”U{X UX YZY|Z[X `ÂŽX the 1994 Africa Cup of Nations winning squad xVX •Vx\xU{X WxZWX xVX j”ZX early hours of Sunday at a private hospital in Ilorin. Dr Abdulrahmeen •\•1{X ”xZÂŽX ZWx_UTX x[Z_j`[X ÂŹ ­X `ÂŽX j”ZX ”`\}xjUT{X ¯”`X _`Vˆ[YZWX j”ZX WZUj”X j`X VZÂŻ\YZV{X said Oliha died after a brief illness. ”xZÂŽX UxÂŻ`X ‰•V¸`|x{X an ex-international and ”Ux[YUV{X \•VX jUjZX ``j|UTTX \\`_xUjx`V{X \UxWX xjX ÂŻU\X \”`_šxV‰X j`X [Z_ZxzZX j”ZX VZÂŻ\{X \U—xV‰X ”x\XWZUj”XÂŻU\XV`jX\UW{X|•jX terribly devastating. ‰•V¸`|xX \UxWX j”UjX the increasing demise of ex-soccer stars was disheartening; noting that Oliha’s death brings to three members of the 1994 African Cup of Nations winning team to pass away in the recent past. ”ZX ˆ[\jX jÂŻ`X ÂŻZ[ZX _”ZX šUÂŽ`[{X ¯”`X WxZWX in the United States of America and Rashidi ZšxVx{X ¯”`X WxZWX Y`[ZX than year ago in Ibadan. ”ZX _”Ux[YUVX j”ZVX prayed that the good Lord intervenes and also grants the deceased’s soul a peaceful and


perfect rest. ¸x|UWZX U|UTUWZ{X j”ZX ZUYX UVU‰Z[{X ”``jxV‰X jU[\X }`[j\X T•|X ÂŹÂź ­X `ÂŽX |UWUV{X WZ\_[x|ZWX j”ZX death as pathetic. Ă•Ă• X\UÂŻX”xYXÂŹ Tx”U­XTU\jX Wednesday when they played against 3SC in |UWUV˜X ”ZVX X\UÂŻX”xY{X ”ZXÂŻU\XV`jXˆVZ{X|•jX XÂŽZTjX he must have been good now. ``He was my colleague in Iwuanyanwu Nationale and African Sports football club. ``He was a great footballer and very much ”•Y|TZ{X ÂŻxj”X UX ‰[ZUjX commitment to duty. It is UX‰[ZUjXT`\\Xj`Xj”ZXVUjx`V{ÉX the ex- international said. WZY`TUX WZ\”xVU{X ”xZÂŽX `U_”{X [xYZX X `ÂŽX \`‰|`{X WZ\_[x|ZWX j”ZX news as very bad.

Ă•Ă• ZX \}`šZX `VX }”`VZX TU\jXÂŻZZšXUVWX X}[`Yx\ZWX to pay him a visit next ÂŻZZš{X V`jX šV`ÂŻxV‰X xjX was going to be our last discussion. ``We played together in Algiers ‘90. Oliha was a zZ[—X‰``WXÂŽ[xZVW{XUX‰[ZUjX YxWˆZTWZ[{X j[•j”Ž•TX UVWX zZ[—X \j[Ux‰”jX ÂŽ`[ÂŻU[W{ÉX he said. WZYUX •T•W•{X ”x\X ÂŽ`[YZ[X jZUYYUjZ{X described Oliha’s death as UVX •VÂŽ`[j•VUjZX xV_xWZVj{X saying that he observed j”UjX Tx”UX T``šZWX ÂŽ[UxT{X the last time he saw him. ``It is so sad that this is ”U}}ZVxV‰XV`ÂŻ{X”ZXÂŻU\XUX friend. He was so full of life. Ă•Ă• ”ZX TU\jX jxYZX X \UÂŻX him was at a novelty match played in honour of Gov. Adams Oshiomhole

`ÂŽX W`{X ¯”ZVX ”ZX ÂŻU\X campaigning for second jZ[Y{X X j`TWX ”xYX ”ZX ÂŻU\X T``šxV‰XÂŽ[UxT˜ ``In his boisterous YUVVZ[{X ”ZX \UxWX ”ZX ÂŻxTTX jUšZX _U[ZX `ÂŽX ”xY\ZTÂŽX UVWX ÂŻZX TU•‰”ZWX xjX `1˜X jX x\X \`X •VÂŽ`[j•VUjZ{¿¿X •T•W•X said. •jx•X WZ}`¸Â•{X UT\`X UX ÂŽ`[YZ[X jZUYYUjZ{X \UxWX his death was painful. ``It is so sad that death has dealt with us again in the football family. It is so sad. Ă•Ă• U—X ”x\X \`•TX [Z\jX xVX peace and may God grant his family the fortitude to |ZU[X j”ZX T`\\{¿¿X WZ}`¸Â•X said. ZÂŽ`[ZX”x\XWZUj”{X Tx”UX was the Head Coach of the Kwara Football _UWZY—XÂŹ ­XxVX T`[xV˜

Legend rates Obafemi’s goal third Newcastle best By Ajibade Olusesan


ive years after žÂ•x xV‰X ZÂŻ_U\jTZ{X j”ZX Z1`[j\X `ÂŽX •}Z[X U‰TZ\ÂżX \j[xšZ[{X |UÂŽZYxX U[jxV\X UjX j”ZX UxVjX

UYZ\ÂżX U[šXx\X\jxTTX|ZxV‰X recognised as the club’s TZ‰ZVW{X ZjZ[X ZU[W\TZ—X has rated his goal third best in the club’s history. U[jxV\X \}ZVjX j”[ZZX \ZU\`V\X xVX V‰TUVW{X representing Newcastle. ”ZX }TU—Z[X ÂŽZUj•[ZWX Ă…Ă…X jxYZ\XÂŽ`[Xj”ZX U‰}xZ\XxVX the league and scored 28 goals.

Poor officiating, bane of league development, says Danladi

According to ZU[W\TZ—{X `VZX `ÂŽX ”x\X goals stood out and _U•‰”jX ”x\X U ZVjx`VX U\X the third best goal he had seen a Newcastle player scored. ”ZX TZ‰ZVWX ¯”`X ÂŻU\X U\šZWX|—XUXÂŻZ|\xjZXj`X[UjZX his top ten Newcastle \j[xšZX \UxWX U[jxV\ÂżX ‰`UTX U‰UxV\jX ` ZV”UYX Hotspur in their 3-2 win at the White Hart Lane in 2007 was a stunner. ÂŤ ”Z[ZXU[ZX\`XYUV—Xj`X choose from for 3rd but I’m going for the Obafami U[jxV\XÂŻxVVZ[XxVX`•[XÂźq½X win at Spurs (we haven’t had many successes in `VW`V­Â˜X ZX \_`[ZWX xjX in front of the away end UVWX ZzZ[—`VZX ¸Â•\jX ÂŻZVjX

mental. I’ve rarely seen UX|UTTX\j[•_šX\`X”U[W{ÉX”ZX said of the goal. U[jxV\{X ¯”`X ¸`xVZWX Newcastle from Inter xTUVXxVX½Ă‚Ă‚Ă‹XžÂ•xjXj”ZX_T•|X ÂŽ`[XUX\`¸`•[VXxVX Z[YUV—X with Wolfsburg where he ÂŽUxTZWX j`X ZV¸`—X U\X Y•_”X

success as he had in England. He moved to Russia but his woes did not abate until a stint in Spain with Levante. He is currently in United jUjZ\X}TU—xV‰XÂŽ`[X ZU TZX `•VWZ[\X xVX j”ZX U¸`[X League Soccer.

\UU_X UVTUWx{X j”ZX ”Ux[YUV{X U\U[UÂŻUX United FC has called on j”ZX ZU‰•ZX UVU‰ZYZVjX `Y}UV—X ÂŹ ­X j`X put stringent measures in place against poor `G_xUjxV‰˜ Danladi said that poor `G_xUjxV‰X ÂŻU\X j”ZX |UVZX of the league and could YU[X xj\X }[`‰[Z\\{X xÂŽX V`jX xYYZWxUjZT—X_”Z_šZW˜ He said that although YUj_”X`G_xUT\XÂŻZ[ZXÂŽUx[T—X [UjZWXUÂŽjZ[Xj”ZXˆ[\jX\jUVĂ„UX `ÂŽX j”ZX T`|U_`YX TZU‰•Z{X ”Z{X ”`ÂŻZzZ[{X _”U[‰ZWX them to be fair in the \Z_`VWX\jUVĂ„U˜ ``Although referees were rated slightly above UzZ[U‰ZX xVX j”ZX ˆ[\jX [`•VWX `ÂŽX j”ZX TZU‰•Z{X X ÂŽZZTX j”Z—X still need to do more xVX j”UjX [Z‰U[W{X U\X j”Zx[X security is not negotiable. ``Without free and fair `G_xUjxV‰{X j”ZX TZU‰•ZX will not grow; the bane of developing the league is }``[X`G_xUjxV‰˜ Ă•Ă• ``[X `G_xUjxV‰X ‰[ZUjT—X U1Z_j\X j”ZX ‰[`ÂŻj”X of our local leagues and xjX [Z¡Z_j\X xVX j”ZX žÂ•UTxj—X of our football when we go for international ZV‰U‰ZYZVj\{¿¿X UVTUWxX said. ”ZX _”Ux[YUVX UT\`X •[‰ZWXj”ZX Xj`XxY}[`zZX on the organisation of j”ZX TZU‰•Z{X xVX `[WZ[X j`X enable it to gain more prominence within Africa and globally. ``We need a more organised league which will encapsulate ZzZ[—j”xV‰ÀX \Z_•[xj—{X quality football and of _`•[\Z{X `ÂŽX `G_xUjxV‰X UVWX \`X Y•_”X Y`[Z{¿¿X j”ZX chairman said. On Nasarawa FC’s }TUV\XxVXj”ZX\Z_`VWX\jUVĂ„UX `ÂŽXj”ZXTZU‰•Z{X UVTUWxX\UxWX that his club had gone |U_šXj`Xxj\XW[UÂŻxV‰X|`U[WX to chart a new course. ``We don’t want to |`U\j{X |•jX `•[X ÂŽUV\X ÂŻxTTX \ZZX •\X U\X UX Wx1Z[ZVj{X |•jX more improved club in the second round. Ă•Ă• VXÂŽU_j{XÂŻZX”UzZXjUšZVX advantage of the transfer window. Our club has been beefed up with four new players that will bring their expertise to the fore on the pitch. ``We have also paid a reasonable part of their sign-on fees and we intend to complete payment |ZÂŽ`[ZX j”ZX TZU‰•ZX ZVW\{¿¿X he said. Nasarawa United are in the eighth position on the league table with 28 points from 19 matches played in j”ZXˆ[\jX\jUVĂ„U˜X

Sports/ ‘Moyes hungry for United success’



e r f o r m a n c e psychologist Michael Finnigan insists David Moyes will be even more hungry to succeed in his new job as Manchester United boss because he has never won a major trophy as a manager. Finnigan has worked closely with Moyes for 15 years, ensuring the Scot retains the mental strength required to keep moving forward in the most high pressured of situations. Moyes will be analysed as never before as he begins the task of replacing Sir TZ³X Z[ \`V X x\X [\jX `G_xUTXWU XxVXj ZXVZ¯X¸`|X is on Monday. There are many reasons to be negative, not least the fact Moyes has none of the silverware his new charges have spent their careers gathering up. He will not be looking at the situation like that, though. A decade and a half working with Finnigan ensures it. “I don’t care what it is, I always turn a situation into a positive,” Finnigan told Press Association Sport. “If it was a question of him never winning a title I would say ‘fantastic’. It just makes him more hungry to succeed. Before I worked with Jimmy White he had never beaten Stephen Hendry. I didn’t see that as a problem. I just felt he was learning how to beat him. And he did. « jX W`Z\V¿jX YU Z[X whether David has won titles or not, he will be judged on his interaction and within a couple of minutes the person will win you over. Any further perceptions are in the person’s own head.” Finnigan’s skill comes in delivering such a clear vision without seeming to. As he correctly points out, his strength comes from speaking like a ‘down-toearth lad from Chorley’. So, he explains why golfers talk themselves into failure at certain holes, or why 36 people ran the mile in under four minutes straight after Roger

Bannister broke the barrier. “Until the age of 32 I worked in banking, which made me the most cynical UVWX U[Wq|x ZVX}Z[\`VX ` X could imagine,” he said.


Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

Moyes to sort out Rooney’s future this week


avid Moyes’s [\jX jU\¹X U\X Manchester U n i t e d manager will be to deal with striker Wayne Rooney’s future, with the pair to meet this week. The long-time Everton |`\\X ¯xTTX `G_xUTT X |Z xVX x\X TWX [U1`[WX jZV [ZX on Monday, and talks between the two will be j ZX [\jX `G_xUTX YZZjxV X between player and manager since they combined in the infancy of Rooney’s career at Goodison Park from 2002-2004. Rooney’s motivation

to carry on at United is questionable - with sources claiming he is all but gone, while others believe he will carry on after Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement. Ferguson endured a |x Z[\¯ZZjX [ZTUjx`V\ x}X with Rooney, most recently shunning him in the preferred striker position for Robin van Persie. And that has caused the 27-year-old to become jaded about his spot at United, and with interest from Chelsea and Arsenal, Rooney _` TWX VUTT XY`zZX` jX`®X Manchester.

...Neymar wants him in Barcelona


arcelona new-boy Neymar has rolled out the welcome mat for Wayne Rooney to join him at the Nou Camp next season. Rooney’s future at Manchester United has been shrouded in doubt since Sir Alex Ferguson claimed the striker asked j`XTZUzZX TWX [U1`[WXTU\jX season. Arsenal and Chelsea

have been mooted with an interest in the 27-yearold, but now Neymar has encouraged the England international to try his hand in Spain. Neymar said: ‘The style of football we [Barcelona] play and the level of the players we have – we are the perfect club for the top players to join. ‘I have met Wayne on a few occasions and he

seems a good guy but importantly, he is one of the players I admire most in the world. ‘Wayne is one of the most gifted and technical players in the world. ‘Of course he would improve Barcelona. He would improve any club in Europe. And on a personal level, it would be a dream to play with him.’

Thiago insists on Barca stay


Evra contemplates future


anchester United stand-in captain Patrice Evra is happy to move back to France if Leighton Baines joins the Red Devils this summer, as reported by the Independent. Evra has been a key player for United over the past few years but is not happy to play a bit-part role should the impressive Baines come to Old [U1`[WXU\XZ³}Z_jZW David Moyes had his initial bid rejected for his former player Baines but is expected to go back in for the England left back in the next few days. Evra is not happy that his new boss feels the Red Devils need to sign a left back and is contemplating a move back to his former club Monaco who have spent big already this summer. The French international has been at Old [U1`[WX ®`[X \ZzZVX ZU[\X UVWX ¯U\X UX zxjUTX _` X xVX Sir Alex Ferguson’s machine but Moyes wants a VZ¯XT``¹X\xWZX®`[X x\X [\jX\ZU\`VXxVX_ U[ Z

arcelona held lastditch talks with Manchester United target Thiago Alcantara last week in a bid to persuade the youngster to resist a move to Old [U1`[WX qX UVWX ¸ W xV X by this latest tweet from j ZX }UxVX YxW ZTWZ[X they might have had the WZ\x[ZWXZ1Z_j Relaxing by the pool ¯xj X x\X |[`j Z[X U V U{X who himself extended his contract at the Nou Camp by two years to 2016 earlier this week, Thiago tweeted: ‘I love Barcelona’. The Barclays Premier League champions were believed to have agreed personal terms of £5.5million-a-year with the 22-year-old and were

hopeful of securing a £17m deal. But Thiago’s latest tweet appears to suggest he is in no hurry to leave the Spanish giants. Interest in the Spanish playmaker peaked after his devastating display at the U21 European Championships, where a Ujqj[x_¹XxVXj ZX VUTX ZT}ZWX his side triumph over Italy 4-2 to claim the trophy. Barcelona are desperate to keep the 22-year-old and have given him assurances that he would be a key player in the future once Xavi and Iniesta show signs of age. Thiago has left his father and representatives to hold talks with Barcelona while on holiday.

Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013


Triple jump coach hails talent discovery


ule Oladimeji, a triple jump coach has said that the sport was on the progressive path because several talented triple jump athletes were being discovered after the 2012 London Olympics Oladimeji said that most of the newly-discovered athletes featured at the recently-concluded 67th All Nigeria Track and Field Championship in Calabar. ``The sport has been on a progressive path since the London 2012 Olympics, in terms of talent discovery. ``Young and promising talents have been discovered since the London Games, in spite of the challenges faced in the sport. ``This is because priority was given in identifying talents from the junior cadre, which has now made

it possible to discover more young talents. ``In fact, we had to go back to the basics in order to achieve that,” he said. He said that although the main focus was to discover young and promising talents in the sport, it does not mean that elite jumpers were ignored. ``We are still managing the experienced and elite jumpers with us because they are still vital to our medals hopes at the forthcoming Commonwealth and the Olympics Games,” he said. Oladimeji expressed optimism that with an enabling training environment and other logistics now in place, the country could boast of good triple jumpers soon.


Eko 2012: Niger rewards medallists with employment


iger State athletes, who won medals at the last National Sports festival (NSF) tagged Eko 2012 have been rewarded with employment in the state civil service. The state Commissioner for Sports Development, Daniel Shashere, said at a reception held on Saturday in Minna in honour of the Uj TZjZ\XUVWX`G_xUT\Xj UjXj ZX government was impressed with their performance at Eko 2012 and will continue to encourage the growth of sports in the state. ``The state government also rewarded the sports men and women, xV_T WxV X `G_xUT\{X ¯xj X over N13 million for their contributions to sports development in the state. ``Gold medallists were rewarded with N350,000 each, silver medallists N250,000 each and N150,000 for each bronze medallists.

``Every coach and other `G_xUT\X `jX |Zj¯ZZVX ´ÂÂ{X 000 and N150,000 each, while athletes who did not win medals at the festival received N10, 000 each,’’ he

said. According to him, the state government will continue to reward Z³_ZTTZV_ZX xVX j ZX ZTWX `®X sports, in order to develop

its potential in grassroots sports. ``I want you to also know that you are not just rendering service to the state through sports excellence; you are equally helping yourselves to grow and develop your potential. ``This is because what you have won will go a long way in enhancing your fortunes. ``Sports have gone beyond mere play and exercise, but also as a means for economic emancipation. ``I urge you to put more Z1`[jX}Z[\`VUTT XUVWXZV\ [ZX that you win more medals at the 19th edition of the festival next year in Calabar,’’ he added. Shashere assured that government would continue to support all the existing sports associations. According to him, it is the only genuine means of Z xV X j ZX ` j X ZV U ZWX and making them more useful to their immediate society.

Ohuruogu fires World Championship warning shot

B Blake denies World Championship withdrawal


orld 100 metres champion Yohan Blake has not been ruled out of defending his title in Moscow in August because of injury; his manager Cubie Seegobin said on Sunday, knocking down media reports that the Jamaican was to undergo surgery. “There is absolutely no discussions or plans for any surgery and I don’t know where that information is coming from,” said an upset Seegobin. “No decision has been made about Yohan missing the world championships,”

he added. “The coach has not yet decided on pulling him from the world championships.” The Jamaica Observer on Sunday, quoting an unnamed senior Jamaica Uj TZjx_\X `G_xUT{X [Z}`[jZWX that the sprinter nicknamed “The Beast” would not run in Moscow. Blake, the Olympic double sprint silver medallist in London last year, sustained the injury at the Utech Classic in Kingston on April 13 and missed the Jamaican trials between June 20 and 23.

ritain’s Christine [ ` X U\X [ZWX a warning shot of what to expect from her at next month’s IAAF World Championship as she dusted all to win the women’s 400 metres race at the Diamond League in Birmingham on Sunday. It took the former Olympic and world champion a late charge to the line to take victory from Amantle Montsho, ¯ `X Vx\ ZWX \Z_`VWX xVX a time of 50.64 seconds. Ohurugu won the race in a time of 50.63 seconds. An excited said the cheering from the fans spurred her to victory “It was great to have the crowd cheering on. You don’t want to be championship-ready just yet,” Ohuruogu said. Also double Olympic champion, Mo Farah came through his toughest test of the season to win the men’s 5,000m impressively in 13 minutes 14.24 seconds to end a successful day for Britain at the Diamond League. The 30-year-old’s VUTX ½ÂÂYX | [\jX } \ ZWX Ethiopian pair Yenew Alamirew and Hagos Gebrhiwet into second and third respectively. There were also victories for Britons Perri Shakes-Drayton, Jessica Judd and Christine Ohuruogu. But Farah stole the show with a tactically astute run to ease doubts

over his form ahead of the World Championships in August. “The young guys wanted to beat me, I’m the guy to beat,” Farah told X }`[jXU®jZ[X Z xV Xj ZX

|Z Z[X`®Xj ZX x T X®UV_xZWX Alamirew and Gebrhiwet, two of the fastest 5,000m runners in the world this year. “The pace was slow and the conditions weren’t

great. It was very windy. “[The other runners] were working as a team, but you’ve got to hold your form and make sure you’ve got something else left.”



Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

Top 10 One-club footballers Legends at their clubs because of their loyalty, one-club players are becoming increasingly rare because of the money now involved in football. Here is a list of the top 10 one-club men - only including those players still at their respective clubs.


Carlos Puyol: Barcelona


es, Puyol x\X `G_xUTT—X j”ZX‰[ZUjZ\jX _•[[ZVjX `VZq_T•|X YUVXxVXj”ZXÂŻ`[TWX `ÂŽX ÂŽ``j|UTT˜X ZX ”U\X TxÂŽjZWX YUV—X jxjTZ\X UVWX T``š\X \ZjX j`X TxÂŽjX YUV—X Y`[ZX |ZÂŽ`[ZX [Zjx[xV‰˜





Xaxi: Barcelona


”ZX YU\jZ[X `ŽX j”ZX }U\\X ”U\X \}ZVjX ”x\X ZVjx[ZX _U[ZZ[X UjX U[_ZT`VUX UVWX x\X UX zxjUTX }U[jX of their style of Ž``j|UTT˜


Francesco Totti: AS Roma


es, he is still }TU—xV‰X qX UVWX —Z\{X ”ZX x\X\jxTTXUjX `YU˜X ZX x\XU[‰•U|T—X `YUÂż\X ‰[ZUjZ\jX ZzZ[X }TU—Z[˜


Andres Iniesta: Barcelona


Daniele De Rossi: AS Roma

”ZX YxWˆZTWZ[X x\X\jxTTXUjX `YUX |•jX”x\XT`—UTj—X YU—X ”UzZX j`X \``VX |ZX žÂ•Z\jx`VZWX xÂŽX |x‰X _T•|\X _`VjxV•ZX to pursue his \x‰VUj•[Z˜

Igor Akinfeev: CSKA Moscow


”ZX •\\xUVX š Z Z } Z [X [ZYUxV\{X j`X j”x\X WU—{X T`—UTX j`X X `\_`ÂŻX qX UVWX ”ZT}ZWX j”ZYX ÂŻxVXj”ZXTZU‰•ZXUVWX ˆVx\”X [•VVZ[\q•}X xVX j”ZX •\\xUVX _•}X TU\jX\ZU\`V˜


Steven Gerrard: Liverpool


”ZX T`—UTX Y x W ÂŽ x Z T W Z [X x\X j”ZX `VT—X V‰Tx\”YUVX `VX j”ZX Tx\j{X ZzZVX j”`•‰”X ”ZX ÂŻU\X TxVšZWX ÂŻxj”X UX Y`zZX UÂŻU—X ÂŽ[`YX VˆZTWX\ZzZ[UTX—ZU[\X U‰`˜


Iker Casillas: Real Madrid

”ZX ‰xÂŽjZWX VxZ\jUX ”U\X [ZYUxVZWX T`—UTX j`X U[_ZT`VUX throughout their ˆVZ\jX —ZU[\X UVWX \_`[ZWXj”ZXÂŻxVVZ[XxVX j”ZX ½Ă‚´Ă‚X `[TWX •}X ˆVUTXÂŽ`[X }UxV˜




Bastian Schweinsteiger: Bayern Munich

”ZX ½Ă…q—ZU[q `TWX ”U\X T`V‰X |ZZVX UX [Z‰•TU[X xVX |`j”X j”ZX U—Z[VX •Vx_”X UVWX Z[YUV—X YxWˆZTW\˜



Victor Valdes: Barcelona

”ZX }UVx\”X šZZ}Z[X x\X UjX V•Y|Z[X ´Ă‚X `VX j”ZX Tx\jX U\{X UTj”`•‰”X ”ZX ”U\X |ZZVX T`—UTX j`X j”ZX UjUTUVX ‰xUVj\{X ”ZX x\X ZÂł}Z_jZWX j`X TZUzZXj”ZX `•X UY}X |—XVZÂłjX\•YYZ[˜

Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

Sports/euro league


Cavani angered by transfer rumours T

he Uruguay star insists he is not worried about where he will play his football next season and is only focused on playing for his country Edinson Cavani says he is angered by persistent rumours surrounding his Ž•j•[ZX U\X ”ZX T``š\X j`X ˆ[ZX Uruguay to victory in their Confederations Cup third}TU_ZX }TU—q`1X U‰UxV\jX jUT—X on Sunday. The Napoli striker has been linked with a

whole host of clubs across Europe, with Real Madrid and Manchester City both reported to hold a strong interest in acquiring his services. But the 26-year-old has grown tired of the persistent rumours and has refused to discuss his future anymore in a bid to focus on his next international test. “Your talking at the beginning didn’t disturb me |•jX V`ÂŻX X ”UzZX j`X _`VÂŽZ\\X these rumours are bothering me,â€? he told reporters.

Iniesta backs Jesus to star for City


anchester City new boy Jesus Navas is being tipped to take the Premier League by storm by his Spanish teamYUjZX VW[Z\X VxZ\jU˜X VxZ\jUX |U_š\X UzU\X j`X star for City The Barcelona ace is convinced City have picked up a real bargain after shelling out ÂŁ14.9m to land the winger from Sevilla as he believes Navas shares many of the qualities also }`\\Z\\ZWX |—X ` ZV”UYÂż\X

Gareth Bale. VxZ\jUX”U\X|ZZVXÂŻ`[šxV‰X alongside the 27-year-old `VX j”ZX j[UxVxV‰X ˆZTWX `VX a daily basis during the Confederations Cup in Brazil, and he certainly likes what he sees. The statistics from last season also indicate that City have signed a player ÂŻxj”X UVX U|xTxj—X j`X xV¡Â•ZV_ZX a game, having created 76 chances for his Sevilla colleagues.

“You’re talking too much about things you shouldn’t be talking about V`ÂŻÂ˜X ÂżYX \jxTTX ZV‰U‰ZWX xVX this competition and just thinking about the next ‰UYZXĂ›zZ[\•\X jUTÂ—ĂœÂ˜ ÂŤ X }TU—X xVX jUT—{X X šV`ÂŻX UTTX`ÂŽXj”ZY˜X XÂŻU\XZÂł}Z_jxV‰X them to play a great j`•[VUYZVj{X \`X X Y•\jX congratulate them. But tomorrow, we want to win. X ÂŻUVjX j`X [Ux\ZX Y—X _`•Vj[—X in the world standings as much as possible.â€? Oscar Tabarez echoed his striker’s words: “We are facing a strong side but at this stage anything can happen. We want to j[—X j`X j”ZX ZVWX UVWX ˆVx\”X this competition in the best possible way.â€? Luis Suarez and Diego Godin then revealed they would be using the clash with the Azzurri as an opportunity to exorcise their demons from losing the World Cup 2010 third }TU_ZX}TU—q`1Xj`X Z[YUV—˜


igerian duo of Ramon Azeez and Osas Okoro ”UzZX‰` ZVXUXVZÂŻX_`U_”X after their Spanish side, Almeria named Francisco Rodriguez as the new manager of the newly-promoted Primera Division club. The 34-year-old, who has been in charge of Almeria’s reserve side for the last two seasons in Segunda Division B, replaces Javi Gracia who it was announced yesterday would be leaving the club after failing to reach an agreement on a new contract. A statement on the _T•|Âż\X `G_xUTX ÂŻZ|\xjZX today read: “Francisco Javier RodrĂ­guez Vilchez, ‘Francisco’, is the new Almeria coach “The Almeria-born for the 2013/14 seasons as the club return to the coach, who recently highest level of Spanish turned 34, becomes the youngest coach in football.

Ramon Azeez, Okoro get new coach at Almeria

the Primera Division and will assume the challenge of trying to achieve safety.�

Crouch coy on Stoke future


toke striker Peter Crouch is excited to work with new manager Mark Hughes |•jX ”U\X UWYx ZWX j”UjX he is unsure about his future. Hughes was appointed as Tony

Pulis’ replacement last month, with the former Manchester City, Blackburn Rovers and QPR manager tasked with helping his new club achieve a top-10 Premier ZU‰•ZXˆVx\”˜ Crouch scored seven

goals in 34 league appearances for Stoke last season and he is keen to work with Hughes. Whether Crouch is as much of a regular under Hughes as he was with Pulis remains to be seen, with Jonathan Walters, Kenwyne Jones and Cameron Jerome set to }[`zxWZX\jx1X_`Y}Zjxjx`V˜ And for that reason, Crouch did not rule out a move elsewhere if he is V`jXxVX •‰”Z\ÂżXˆ[\jqjZUYX plans. ÂŤ ÂżzZX VZzZ[X [ZUTT—X ”UWX a lot of contact with Mark

•‰”Z\{X |•jX ÂżYX [ZUTT—X looking forward to it,â€? Crouch told Absolute Radio. “Mark was an UÂŻZ\`YZX }TU—Z[X UVWX X remember watching him UjX ”ZT\ZU˜X ÂżYX [ZUTT—X looking forward to working with him.â€? When quizzed about a potential departure, [`•_”X UWWZWĂ€X ÂŤ ÂżzZX ‰`jX two years on my contract, but you never know. With my history, you just don’t know.â€?

PSG set to make Cabaye offer


ewcastle United are bracing themselves for a bid for Yohan Cabaye from Paris SaintGermain and must decide whether to sell for around ÂŁ20m or hold the France YxWˆZTWZ[Xj`X”x\X_`Vj[U_j˜ Laurent Blanc, the new PSG coach, holds Cabaye in high regard and sources in France suggest the PSG are }[Z}U[xV‰X UVX `1Z[X ¯”x_”X _`•TWX |ZX \•|Yx ZWX U\X early as Monday. Although Monaco have also been tracking Cabaye, he forged a strong relationship with

TUV_X ¯”ZVX j”ZX TU Z[X ÂŻU\X [UV_ZX _`U_”X UVWX `1Z[ZWX j”ZX ÂŽ`[YZ[X xTTZX YxWˆZTWZ[X an important role in the national side. Cabaye has three years remaining on his deal at St James’ Park and is said to be a favourite of Mike Ashley, Newcastle’s owner, but cashing in on the 27-year-old would help fund manager Alan Pardew’s double ÂŁ26m bid for the St Etienne striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and the central defender Kurt Zouma.


Formula 1: Hamilton calls for tyre change


frustrated Lewis Hamilton has _UTTZWXÂŽ`[X_”UV‰Z\X to the Pirelli compounds UÂŽjZ[X|ZxV‰XWZVxZWXzx_j`[—X of the British GP due to a ”x‰”q\}ZZWXj—[ZX|T`ÂŻq`•jX W•[xV‰X •VWU—¿\X[U_Z˜

UzxV‰X \jU[jZWX `•jX from pole position, Hamilton had opened up an impressive two-second lead over Z|U\jxUVX Z ZTX UVWX appeared to be on course Ž`[X UX _`YŽ`[jU|TZX zx_j`[—X in front of his home \•}}`[jX|ZŽ`[ZX|Z_`YxV‰X j”ZX ˆ[\jX `ŽX Ž`•[X W[xzZ[\X j`X\•1Z[XUXj—[ZXŽUxT•[ZX`VX

WU—X `ÂŽX U_•jZX _`V_Z[VX ÂŽ`[X ´X UVWX j”ZX \}`[jÂż\X \`TZX j—[ZXYUV•ŽU_j•[Z[˜ The puncture saw Hamilton fall from ˆ[\jX j`X TU\jX |ZÂŽ`[ZX UX TUjZX _”U[‰ZX \Z_•[ZWX ÂŽ`•[j”X position - but the latest _”U}jZ[X xVX ´¿\X `V‰`xV‰X j—[ZX }[ZWx_UYZVjX ÂŻU\X •VWZ[\jUVWU|T—X uppermost in the Z[_ZWZ\X W[xzZ[Âż\X j”`•‰”j\XUÂŽjZ[ÂŻU[W\˜ ÂŤ ZU”{X |x‰X jxYZX qX j”Z—X VZZWX j`X W`X \`YZj”xV‰{ÉX j”ZX ½Ă…q—ZU[q`TWX UWYx ZWX j`X šÂ—X }`[j\X ´X ¯”ZVX U\šZWX xÂŽX j”ZX j—[ZX ÂŽUxT•[Z\X qX¯”x_”X\UÂŻX”•‰ZX_”•Vš\X of debris strewn across the circuit - were a _`V_Z[VXj`Xj”ZXW[xzZ[\˜ ÂŤ jX ÂŻU\X [ZUTT—X unfortunate, we were T``šxV‰X TxšZX ÂŻZX ÂŻZ[ZX ‰`xV‰X ÂŽ`[X UX ÂŻxV˜X ”ZX _U[X ÂŽZTjX ‰[ZUjX UVWX X ”UWX V`X problems at all and then xjX|TZÂŻX•}Â˜Ă‰


V‰Tx\”YUVX U ”ZÂŻX U_šTxVX xVX `VVZ_jx_•jX `VX Uj•[WU—X Vx‰”j{X xVX ¯”UjX j”ZX UĂ„UšÂ”\jUVxX WZ\_[x|ZWX U\X ÂŤUVX ZU\—X ˆ‰”jÉXj`XZÂłjZVWX”x\X[Z_`[WX j`X½ĂˆqĂ‚Â˜ It now remains to be


Tennis: Serena vows to fight on

Boxing: Hearn wants Froch, Golovkin showdown

ddie Hearn believes U[TX [`_”X x\X the man to end ZVVUW—X `T`zšxVÂż\X •V|ZUjZVX\j[ZUšXxVXUXˆ‰”jX that could be set up for VZÂłjX—ZU[˜ `T`zšxVX WZ\j[`—ZWX

Daily Newswatch


seen if Golovkin can be jZY}jZWX xVj`X Y`zxV‰X up a division to take on Froch, with Hearn keen j`X‰ZjXj”ZX}Ux[XxVXj”ZX[xV‰˜ “Golovkin is one of Y`\jX ÂŻxWZT—X Uz`xWZWX ˆ‰”jZ[\X `VX j”ZX }TUVZjX UVWX ÂŽUx[X }TU—X j`X U_šTxVX ÂŽ`[X \jZ}}xV‰X •}{X |•jX Golovkin is a freak of VUj•[Z˜X ZÂż\XUX|ZU\j{ÉXj”ZX }[`Y`jZ[Xj`TWX šÂ—X }`[j\˜ ÂŤ __`[WxV‰X j`X X ”ZÂżWX|ZXÂŻxTTxV‰Xj`X\jZ}X•}X j`X \•}Z[qYxWWTZÂŻZx‰”jX UVWX UX ˆ‰”jX ÂŻxj”X U[TX Froch would just be Z}x_˜X [`_”{X ‰[UVxjZX _”xVX Ă›U‰UxV\jĂœX `T`zšxV{X `VZX `ÂŽXj”ZX|x‰‰Z\jX}`•VWqÂŽ`[q pound punchers in the ÂŻ`[TW˜ ÂŤ U[TX [`_”X ÂŻxTTX ˆ‰”jX UV—X YUV˜X ”xT\jX `T`zšxVX x\X TU[‰ZT—X avoided, Froch will quite ÂŻxTTxV‰T—X \jZ}X •}X UVWX xWZUTT—X j”UjX x\X UX ˆ‰”jX that could happen in the YxWWTZX`ÂŽX½Ă‚´Ă‡Â˜Ă‰ [`_”X x\X W•ZX j`X ˆ‰”jX U‰UxVX xVX `zZY|Z[X or December with a WZ_xWxV‰X ˆ‰”jX U‰UxV\jX xššZTX Z\\TZ[X |ZxV‰X _`V\xWZ[ZW˜


i v e - t i m e Wimbledon champion, S e r e n a Williams has z`ÂŻZWX j`X šZZ}X ˆ‰”jxV‰X ÂŽ`[X ZžÂ•UTX [x‰”j\X •VWZ[X j”ZX |[x‰”jX Tx‰”j\X `ÂŽX j”ZX

TTX V‰TUVWX T•|˜ World number one \”ZX YU—X |Z{X |•jX j”ZX Ÿ´q—ZU[q`TWX YZ[x_UVX was slated as the last YUj_”X`VX `•[jX VZX`VX Uj•[WU—˜ With two marathon

YZVÂż\X YUj_”Z\X |ZÂŽ`[ZX her, she saw her third round clash with ǽq—ZU[q`TWX xYxš`X UjZq [•YYX \•WWZVT—X \”xÂŽjZWX j`X ZVj[ZX `•[jX under the roof and the Tx‰”j\˜X Z[X YUj_”X WxWX not start until around 1930GMT much to her UVV`—UV_Z˜X ÂŤ ZTT{X xjÂż\X j”Zx[X }`Tx_—˜X ÂżzZX jUTšZWX about that time and time U‰UxV{X ”`ÂŻX ÂżYX UTÂŻU—\X ˆ‰”jxV‰X ÂŽ`[X j”ZX TUWxZ\{ÉX \UxWX xTTxUY\˜ ÂŤ U—|ZX`VZXWU—XÂŻZÂżTTX ‰ZjXjÂŻ`XYUj_”Z\XUVWXj”ZX YZVXÂŻxTTX‰ZjX`VZXYUj_”{X UVWX YU—|ZX j”Z—¿TTX |ZX able to switch back and ÂŽ`[j”X”`}ZŽ•TT—˜ ÂŤ •jX xjÂż\X WZˆVxjZT—X \`YZj”xV‰X ÂŻZX ”UzZX j`X \jxTTXÂŻ`[šX`VÂ˜Ă‰ Williams was [ZT•_jUVjX j`X ‰ZjX xVj`X UX \TUV‰xV‰X YUj_”X ÂŻxj”X TTX V‰TUVWX T•|X schedulers despite her \jUj•\X U\X UX ˆzZqjxYZX champion and 16-time [UVWX TUYX \xV‰TZ\X j[`}”—X ÂŻxVVZ[˜X ÂŤ X ÂŻU\X UX Tx TZX \•[}[x\ZWX j”UjX X ÂŻU\X }TU—xV‰X j”x[WX `VX UÂŽjZ[X jÂŻ`X YZV˜X •jX X ÂŻU\VÂżjX UVV`—ZW˜X ÂżYX U|TZX j`X WZUTX ÂŻxj”X UV—X _x[_•Y\jUV_Z{ÉX\”ZX\UxW˜ Her 6-2, 6-0 win over UjZq [•YYX ‰UzZX ”Z[X UX `VWU—X YUj_”q•}X with German 23rd seed Sabine Lisicki for a place xVXj”ZXžÂ•U[jZ[qˆVUT\˜ Uj•[WU—¿\X ÂŻxVX ÂŻU\X j”ZX Ă‹Ă‚Ă‚j”X `ÂŽX xTTxUY\ÂżX career as the American _`VjxV•ZWX ”Z[X ‰ZVjTZX cruise towards a sixth xY|TZW`VXjxjTZ˜

Cycling: Cavendish slams Tour de France organisers


U[šX UzZVWx\”X slammed Tour de [UV_ZX `[‰UVx\Z[\X ÂŽ`[X Y`zxV‰X j”ZX ÂŻxVVxV‰X post after a late pile-up robbed him of an historic —ZTT`ÂŻX¸Z[\Z—˜ The Manx Missile, |xWWxV‰X j`X ÂŻZU[X \}`[jÂż\X most iconic fashion \jUjZYZVjXÂŽ`[Xj”ZXˆ[\jXjxYZ{X ÂŻU\X_[•ZTT—X”ZTWX•}X|—Xj”ZX ÂŤ_U[VU‰ZÉXVZU[Xj”ZXZVWX`ÂŽXUX W[UYUjx_X`}ZVxV‰X\jU‰ZX`VX `[\x_U˜ But the 100th edition of _—_TxV‰¿\XY`\jXÂŽUY`•\X[U_ZX ÂŻU\XjUxVjZWX|—XUX[x_”X\ZUYX `ÂŽX \TU}\jx_šX UÂŽjZ[X j”ZX [x_UX -GreenEDGE team support |•\X ‰`jX \j•_šX •VWZ[X j”ZX ˆVx\”X TxVZX `VX U\jxUÂż\X }x_j•[Z\žÂ•ZXÂŻUjZ[ÂŽ[`Vj˜ xj”X j”ZX TZUWZ[\X `VT—X 10km from the end of j”Zx[X ½´ŸšYX ¸`•[VZ—X ÂŽ[`YX `[j`X Z__”x`{X `G_xUT\X ÂŻZ[ZX }T•V‰ZWX xVj`X }UVx_{X ÂŽ[UVjx_UTT—X [ZTU—xV‰X

X Z\\U‰Z\X zxUX jZUYX [UWx`\X Y to the peloton that the ˆVx\”X Yx‰”jX |ZX |[`•‰”jX ÂŽ`[ÂŻU[WX|—XŸšY˜X ”ZVXj”ZX stranded coach was freed ÂŽ[`YX xj\X ÂŻZW‰ZX •VWZ[X j”ZX ˆVx\”q|UVVZ[X U[_”X ÂŻxj”X `VT—X YxV•jZ\X j`X \}U[Z{X [U_ZXX marshals reinstated the `[x‰xVUTXXÂŻxVVxV‰X}`\jXU\Xj”ZX WZ\x‰VUjZWXˆVx\”˜ [x_UÂż\X ”•YxTxUjxV‰X

Yx\”U}X |[`•‰”jX UX ¯”`TZX VZÂŻX YZUVxV‰X j`X j”ZX \}`[jxV‰X UWU‰ZX U|`•jX }U[šxV‰Xj”ZX|•\˜ UzZVWx\”X j”ZVX ‰[`•VWX j`X UX ”UTjX |Z”xVWX the spectacular pile-up ĂžX ¯”x_”X |[`•‰”jX W`ÂŻVX around 25 riders – and missed his chance of _TUxYxV‰Xj”ZXÂŽU|TZWXYUxTT`jX ¸U•VZ˜

Daily Newswatch Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Faces & Places

accident about 18 months into their marriage. It was undoubtedly a harrowing experience, as she had, before then, lost her parents. Faced with this challenge, life couldn’t be any crueler. But for her strong faith in God, she would have concluded that life was unfair to her. But she never did. She needed an escape from the psychological torture. Wigwe, who had previously worked in both New Nigeria Bank, National Bank and Vic Lawrence and Associates, therefore, deployed her energies into a sublime use. She studied Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Matrix Reimprinting in the UK; and she later obtained diplomas in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Energy Psychology and Neuro Psychology Immunology. When she suggested the idea of opening the centre, many expressed doubt about its survival and relevance on the grounds that Nigeria was not yet ripe for it. But Igwe, who is currently enrolled for a Master’s degree in marriage, family and couple counselling (specializing in trauma and crisis management) on line with Waiden University, resolved to pursue it. Armed with this knowledge, she then assembled a strong faculty comprising a clinical psychologist, consultant psychiatrist, NLP life coach, counsellor and physician( family medicine and clinical pharmacology) to help her actualize her beautiful dream. In his address during the launch, one of the faculty members, Dr. Idris Oladipo,aconsultantfamilyphysician and clinical pharmacologist, said, “ Most of these issues are problems which, as a people, we decline sharing our experience about. The consequence has been that we have continued to sustain a culture of just a microcosm of the emerging of psychology and psychotherapy \ 1Z[xV X xVX \xTZV_Z X [X }Z`}TZX worrisome societal ill. In recent to address critical emotional issues. store up emotional trauma till they times, our society, nay the world is Various self-management courses get to a tipping point - often a point inundated with strange happenings have been creatively designed to of no return. As a family medicine involving rape, domestic violence, assist individuals and organizations specialist, it was particularly easy for murder, incest, depression, to access solutions to behaviourial me to share the PPCA vision because kidnapping, drug abuse, armed issues in a non-threatening of experience-induced appreciation [`||Z[ X VUV_xUTXUVWXZVzx[`VYZVjUTX environment, and one that will not of the importance of mind-body stress, among others. All these, in the cause any form of stigmatization.” dialogue. It is no longer a novel idea views of experts, contribute to the Whenever she talks about her new that disturbances of the mind could mental health and compromise the passion, you know very easily that manifest as physical symptoms, U|xTxjxZ\X `®X j ZX U1Z_jZWX xVWxzxW UT\X she does not balderdash. She talks which may be mislabelled by an j`X |ZX Z1Z_jxzZX UVWX }[`W _jxzZX UjX from an informed position. For the unsuspecting clinician. their respective places of work. mother of one, PPCA is, unarguably, “The social nature of human Unfortunately, many who have a child of necessity. It is a project, an beings explains why a dysfunctional |ZZVX TU|ZTTZWX U\X \ 1Z[xV X ®[`YX j x\X idea, and a concept whose time has individual does not usually bear problem do not know where to seek come. How? On Thursday, June the brunt of his dysfunction alone. help. 27, when she formally launched the Thus, many maladies that the Consequently, having watched centre situated on Akin Olugbade society experiences can be traced to this rather heart-rending scene for Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, dysfunctional chain reactions that long, Modupe Migwe, who holds Wx1Z[ZVjX}Z`}TZX®[`YXUTTX¯UT¹\X`®XTx®ZX pervade our family system, which UX [\jX WZ [ZZX xVX [ZUjxzZX [j\X ®[`YX witnessed the grand event. Though starts from mishandled individual the University of Maiduguri, Born it was devoid of the familiar fanfare situations. State, decided to open the Peak and drama, the message on the “I must note that an important Performance Coaching Centre, enthusiastic audience was not lost. philosophy at the core of the PPCA, which is Nigeria’s premier Held inside the cozy training centre, PPCA vision is emphasis on selfcentre for self-management learning Migwe took the gathering on a voyage management. This is particularly excellence and behaviour re- U[` VWX Z[X}Z[\`VUTXTx®Z X ZX|[xZ· X U [U_jxzZX|Z_U \ZXUX}U[UWx YX\ x®jXxVX engineering. PPCA, according to recounted the particular experience the approach of modern medicine to Migwe, formerly a human resource that necessitated her becoming a physical and psychological problems management consultant, was born life coach specialist. According to emphasizes the need for health “ with a view to help Nigerians the 47-year-old, it all started when professionals to encourage selfdevelop mindsets that enable the use she lost her husband in a ghastly management.”


But for her strong faith in God, she would have concluded that life was unfair to her. But she never did. She needed an escape from the psychological torture

[xV X j ZX ¯ZTTqU ZVWZWX ZzZVj{X which was interspersed with questions and answers, Migwe, also the brain behind BrandEdge Consulting, enumerated the goal of PPCA to include using the training aspects of psychotherapeutic U}}[`U_ Z\Xj`XxV· ZV_ZX}[`|TZYUjx_X behaviour in individuals and teams, empowering individuals and teams to become their own therapist through goal-oriented procedures and ensuring individuals and organisations achieve their peak performance and transformation goals through cognitive restructuring. In a chat with Daily Newswatch, x ¯ZX ® [j Z[X \UxW{X « X `1Z[\X courses, ranging from anger management, understanding substance abuse, addictions and cravings, understanding personal mythologies, basic work place counselling, history of disastrous [ZTUjx`V\ x}{X j ZX Z1Z_j\X `®X corporate culture on mental health, communication skill, understanding and mastering personal internal dialogue and self-talk, presentation skill for women and so on.” She also appealed to corporate organisations to invest in their employees, adding that because `®X j ZX zU[xZWX \Z[zx_Z\X `1Z[ZWX | X PPCA, the gains will be transferable across other roles in the lives of the employees, thereby having a }`\xjxzZX Z1Z_jX `VX |`j X j ZX \`_xZj X and the family. “Such an employee is more likely to be productive and innovative due to the new ability he/she now has to manage personal issues. The training also provides other employers with other options for remedial action that goes beyond “dismissal for lack of performance.”


Daily Newswatch

Media Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How I came into broadcasting Tunji Alawaye, who is currently the Head of Channel, Oke-Ogun FM, Oyo State, never dreamt to be a broadcaster. He actually trained as a teacher and had hoped to work either as a teacher or a civil servant. But as fate would have it, he found himself in broadcasting. With the help of his bosses, whom he described as his role models at the outset of his career, he was able to scale the hurdles in the beginning. Today, he is a delight on air and enjoys a kind of cult following in the industry. He spoke with TAYO SALAMI about so many interesting issues.


ow did your journey into broadcasting begin? I came into broadcasting by accident. I didn’t train as a journalist or a broadcaster. I trained as a teacher. But as at the time I was leaving the university, there was a state creation exercise and people were looking for jobs here and there. I tried to join the civil service through the civil service commission, which would have been a re-absorption of sorts for me because I had worked there before going to the university. I was also trying to join any of the ministries, which formed the mainstream civil service. I collected the civil service commission form. But about that time, there was an opening at the Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State, BCOS, in 1991, following the creation of the state. So, I felt it was still in the line of humanity UVWX X ¯U\X _`V WZVjX j UjX X _` TWX \jxTTX ® V_jx`VX ¯ZTTX j Z[Z X `{X X U ZY}jZWX the recruitment exercise. Luckily for me, the requirements at the station were similar to the ones that teachers were expected to possess. The requirements were: a good command of English language, very clear voice and a quick reaction to things around one. As a trained teacher, I do read passages to my students. So, reading news items was not strange to me. The only thing that was absent then was the news writing and reporting skills that I was not trained in. But I thank God that when I came into the system, I met highly seasoned and experienced broadcasters who had all their lives taught and practised news writing and reporting. The likes of my immediate boss then, Alhaji Kola Bolomope; my supervisor who eventually became the general manager of the station, Mr. P.S.O. Taiwo; Mr. Timothy Amao; Alhaji Niyi Yusuf; the late Dapo Aderogba and the late Tade Olumide were on board then. So, it didn’t take too much time to learn the rudiments of news writing. One funny thing about my |[`UW_U\jxV X _U[ZZ[X ¯U\X Y X [\jX Z³}Z[xZV_ZX`VXj ZX ZTW X X¯U\Xj`X_`zZ[X an assignment at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State. It was an inaugural lecture and I was newly engaged. I recall that there was an intern who was here before me; he was doing his one-year industrial training. I was asked to take him along so that he could guide me. I came in as a degree holder, but he had been on the job before me. So, we both

I came into broadcasting by accident. I didn’t train as a journalist or a broadcaster. I trained as a teacher


Because I was aware of my WZ _xZV_xZ\{X X ¹VZ¯X j ZX X _` TWX really help me out. The only thing I probably had over and above was the command of English. So, I didn’t feel bad about it. In fact, it made me more comfortable than I would have felt if I was to go out alone. I would not have grasped the whole idea. From there, I started gathering the knowledge of news writing and I was corrected whenever I made a mistake. Also, the cameramen, who worked with me, had been on the job for quite some time and they knew what senior reporters had always asked them to do. So, they also helped me a great deal. Is there any bearing between what you studied in school and broadcasting? The link is that I have studied areas that are of importance to me in broadcasting. With regard to communication, for you to be a trainer, a coach or an instructor in a gym, you have to be clear and your words must be carefully chosen so went there. He said I should collect that the trainees will know what to the needed material and also told do. So, it was a good step for me. me what I needed to read. Then, he Z[Z®`[Z{X Z xV X xV®`[YUjx`VX UVWX said we should look for the synopsis relaying it to people is the same line and mark out the brief, give it to the of knowledge, which I had to transfer camera man to record for me. That to broadcasting. ¯U\X `¯X X WxWX Y X [\jX U\\x VYZVj X *+,-./*+.34516/.01,,.21.<3*+0./*+4. Initially, I found it challenging. educational background? As soon as I came into broadcasting, But along the line, I found it very xVjZ[Z\jxV X `{Xj UjX [ZWXY XxVjZ[Z\jX I was thrown into the reportorial unit, which was a very challenging unit; it in it more. How did you react when you were is the engine room of the news and assigned to cover the event under _ [[ZVjX U1Ux[\X WZ}U[jYZVj X X \jU[jZWX learning on the job. I felt there was the guidance of an intern? need for me to know some details,

especially when it comes to news writing and reporting and gathering of information. So, I took a postgraduate diploma in journalism from the Nigeria Institute of Journalism, Lagos (they were in Ibadan then). This, coupled with my experience on the job, further made me develop more interest in broadcasting. I have contemporaries here at the BCOS who studied mass communication. I am the type of a person who would not feel comfortable when I can’t match my peers during discussions about national issues. So, I decided to run my Master’s degree in Communication and Language Arts at the University of Ibadan with a bias for broadcasting. Immediately afterwards, I registered for my doctorate degree in broadcasting. But I am majoring in management of broadcasting. So, that was how I really got into the mainstream broadcasting. Are you still pursuing your Ph.D programme? For now, it is on suspension because I have so many other things in my hand. Broadcasting takes a whole of you, particularly if you are on the ZTW Who are your role models in this industry? When I came into broadcasting, Y X [\jX[`TZXY`WZT\X¯Z[ZXj ZX}Z`}TZX I mentioned earlier. For instance, I recalled that when I resumed, Mr. X Ux¯`X_UTTZWXYZXxVj`X x\X`G_ZXxVX the presence of Alhaji Kola Bolomope and said, “Listen, gentleman, the job you are doing is what you must excel in everyday. You are as good as your last production. If your last

Daily Newswatch

Faces & Places

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

me. But I told him I had just started. He said I should begin to look for `G_ZX ÂŻ`[šÂ˜X ”x\X ÂŻU\X ´¾ĂˆĂ…{X ´¾ĂˆÂľÂ˜X ZX said I should go and start working at the secretariat, where my brother was. Then, came the Chief Bola Ige UWYxVx\j[Ujx`VX xVX ´¾ĂˆÂľĂŠX \`{X j”`\ZX who were interested were told to apply for admission into the teachers’ training college because there was shortage of personnel in schools then. The enrolment increased because of free education. I joined the oneyear training programme at the then Local Authority Teachers College, {X —UVUX 1UÂŹX V`ÂŻX x[ÂŽ`[_ZX Comprehensive High School). I did the one-year training programme, Grade II. Then, I thought if teaching is what I’m going to end up with, let YZX‰ZjXUX_Z[jxˆ_UjZXxVXjZU_”xV‰˜X `{XUX year later, I left the job and went to the college of education for physical and health education. Later, I went to j”ZX VxzZ[\xj—X ÂŽ`[X UX _Z[jxˆ_UjZX xVX j”ZX same course. When I was about going back to teaching, I found myself in broadcasting. Why did you study Physical and Health Education instead of English language? Honestly, it was not as if I set out to be a teacher. I wanted to see if I could further my interest in sports. As at the time I was leaving secondary school, I was good at volley ball and handball. And all through my days at the college, I was always playing handball. I felt that if I could take a career in handball and train people, then, I could become a coach. But UT`V‰Xj”ZXTxVZ{X XWx\_`zZ[ZWX X”UWX|Z Z[X understanding of health education and my area of interest then was physiology. I was like maybe I should start teaching physiology, kinesiology `[Xj[U_šXUVWXˆZTW˜X `{XxÂŽX X”UWXxVjZVWZWX coming into broadcasting, I would have applied for English language.

–Tunji Alawaye production is good, then, you are good; if it is bad, nobody would ever think about the good one you have ever done. So, you have to be on your toes and then don’t run after money. First, you must think about building a career and other things will come with time.â€? Then, Alhaji Bolomope added that “Whatever we say about you or write about you as your bosses here is just for the records. The people out there, who listen and view our channel, will write your testimonial; so, it is what they feel about you that is more important than what we write about you here.â€? And these have been my guiding words. Outside their professional lives, you can see it in their ways of life, in the ways they relate with people and the kind of respect they command. If these people could earn this respect, why V`jXYZĂ X ”`•‰”XxjXÂŻU\XUXTx TZX[`•‰”X initially, we thank God today. *+,-. /*+. 419<,,. /*+4. :4;0. 0521. *=. air? I assumed duty on a Friday and when I came the following Monday, I went out to report. But before then, there had been auditioning and I was found worthy of presenting what we call press report on radio. I was paired with my boss, Alhaji Kola Bolomope, on press report on Radio O-Y-O. I saw it as a great honour to be paired with him. You can imagine me struggling to be at par with him. I thank God it was a good experience. His presentation, mastery and skill were wonderful and I was greatly challenged. He taught me so many j”xV‰\X `VX j”ZX ¸`|˜X `{X UTTX j”`\ZX Tx TZX things were added to my skills with time and when he eventually pulled out, I paired with some other colleagues. Would you say the experience you had on radio with him prepared you for TV presentation? Yes, it did. Initially, I used to present about three times in a week on radio. So, when my bosses were convinced j”UjX X”UWX‰` ZVXZV`•‰”X\šxTTXxVXjZ[Y\X of voice and presentation, we were now gathered for auditioning for television news casting. I remember U|`•jX ´Ă…X `ÂŽX •\X ÂŻZVjX j”[`•‰”X j”UjX exercise. But I was the only one that was chosen. So, it was a great tonic for me to want to do more. That was how I started television news casting. ><0.@<;./*+4.:4;0.-</.*=.;10.,5H1B Do you know what my bosses did `VXY—Xˆ[\jXWU—X`VX\ZjĂ X ”Z—XWxWXV`jX come around when I was entering the studio. But I never knew they were very close to the production room. So, as soon as the news was about to start, about three or four of them entered the production end, monitoring me from the screen. I didn’t know because I never saw them around. I ÂŻU\XV`jX[ZUTT—X¸x Z[—ÊX XWxWXY—Xj”xV‰X the way I thought I could do it best. And as soon as I ended the newscast, they were shaking me. Though they said it was a good one, they told me that I needed to improve on my eye _`VjU_j{X \x xV‰X }`\j•[ZX UVWX \`X `V˜X When I thought I was almost there, they now started giving me the passion. I remember a day the late Mr. Dapo Aderogba met me when I was just walking out of the studio.


Before then, my colleagues had told me that I did well, but he said, “Tunji, what the hell did you think you were doing? I mean, you were so sluggish; you were just like you were pulling your weight behind you. What’s —`•[X }[`|TZYà ÉX X ÂŻU\X ¡U||Z[‰U\jZW˜X I eventually discovered it was what I needed to make me come up. I want to thank him, though he’s dead now, for being there. Many of them would _UTTX YZX j`X j”Zx[X `G_Z\X UVWX jZTTX YZX ¯”UjX X\”`•TWXW`Xj`XYUšZXYZXUX|Z Z[X person. And between six and nine months, I was already comfortable on air and within that period, I was also introduced to the presentation of “Saturday Special,â€? which was our early morning Saturday magazine programme. I was on that programme for close to eight years on Saturdays, except when I travelled on assignments. What aspect of broadcasting do you like most? The one I enjoy most and that I am more comfortable with is news writing and reporting. I was on the


[Z}`[j`[xUTX WZ\šX ÂŽ`[X ´½X _`VjxV•`•\X years. At a time, most of my colleagues were brought to the desk, but they were returned to wherever they were brought from. I had contemporaries with whom I stayed for that length of period. I think about three or four of us were able to stay in the reportorial unit for that long. In fact, eventually, some of them were moved to the _•[[ZVjXU1Ux[\XWZ}U[jYZVj˜X What about your family background? That I am today a broadcaster is by the will of God. I never stepped out to be one. My parents are not educated. I am the third in a family of eight. My parents are neither rich nor poor. My father was not really too enthusiastic about sending children to schools. He’s a polygamist. But because of my performance in the primary school, he decided to send us all to schools. When I entered the secondary school and people were according him respect, he then resolved to send his children to schools. By the time I left secondary school, my father ÂŻU\X TxšZX xjX \”`•TWX |ZX \•G_xZVjX ÂŽ`[X

The job you are doing is what you must excel in everyday. You are as good as your last production. If your last production is good, then, you are good; if it is bad, nobody would ever think about the good one you have ever done


Daily Newswatch

Kiddies’ Time


Aanu Adegun - 07030663980 aanuadegun@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Hi youngsters,


elcome to another edition of your favourite Youngsters column. Remember this column is all about you. It is designed to celebrate, entertain, inform and educate you. Today, as usual, I have packaged Q]kZpZ}kQ]V }kjpQZ} qjp cjzp _Z{QVlk , lj†Z \k klZ Z]_ jq Qk \{{ cjz XQ{{ l\~Z \ qz] ‡{{Z_ kQ|Z +jXZ~Zp I want you to always remember to keep a date with me here, every week.

Imagination class ...tasking youngsters’ minds Welcome to today’s imagination class. This week, we are going to conclude Toluwani’s cultural day recollections. I honestly hope you will have a nice time reading the concluding part of her recollections. I also want to encourage you to always be a part of imagination zone by contributing your creative works.


Diary of a

Teenage ge Gir Girl

My Cultural Day Recollections

dear sister!� Immediately, she said this, I knew she truly loves me and I too love her. Finally, it started. The much awaited cultural day started at Toluwani Folayan last. The Yorubas, Igbos, Hausas and other tribes were called to ur class teacher entered pray in their native language. the class and she It was spectacular. Each of the looked beautiful. She tribes performed well with their complimented all of us. It was mother tongue in praising God. a day of compliments. Even, The Master of Ceremony (MC) Seyi, my troublesome sister came to the podium and began complimented me. I couldn’t the introduction. After this, stop thinking of that fact. As she started introducing the I was going out of the class, events of the day one before I met her on the way and she the other. We sang the national exclaimed. “Whao! you are anthem and a girl was called to beautiful. I’m proud of you my render the national anthem in


What happens next...the diary still continues. Remember to keep it a date with Tolu here, next week.

Photo Speak

Students of Bejide during their prayer session on Friday

Are you a kid or a teenager?

Be part of our photo speak by sending your school activities pictures to aanuadegun @gmail.com

Yoruba. It was a very powerful and beautiful rendition that everybody stood up for her performance. Next was the cultural dance. The Igbos came out in their full cultural regalia and performed their native dance superbly. The Yorubas, Hausas and Edos too followed and performed excellently. It was a day that the African culture was greatly exhibited. After the cultural dance, the drama troupe from both the junior and senior schools took over the stage and showed us all that they’ve got talents. Everything, from the cultural dance, drama presentation and the general mood, was just grand and spectacular. After this, we performed the most amazing feat by feasting together. We all went back to our respective classes for lunch.

Each of us had brought our native dishes and we shared it together in one love. It was amazing. Though I must confess that I don’t like the ‘abacha’, one of the Ibo foods but on the whole, it was a memorable feast. After the special lunch, we went back to the auditorium and the cultural day activities resumed. This time, we resumed with ‘gele’ (head gear) contest. Five female contestants were called and were asked to tie their ‘gele’ in two minutes. After this, we had a fashion parade where the students came in their native U x[ZX U\X _`•}TZ\˜X ”x\X ÂŻU\X j”ZX last event before Father Kelechi prayed the closing prayers. In all, it was the most amazing and memorable cultural day I have had so far. Curiously, starting from that day, I have come to give more regard to our African cultural heritage.

Young Paul Samuel Bakare, a 5-year-old pupil of Toluwa Montessori School, Egan, Lagos, aspires to be a medical doctor, this he displayed during the future professionals Day Celebration held at the school premises recently.

Little Peter Samuel Bakare, a 3-year-old aspires to be an electrical engineer at the 2013 Professionals Day Celebration of Toluwa Montessori School, Egan, Lagos, held recently at the school premises.

Daily Newswatch


Kiddies’ Time

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tales by

Nature Zone


Today in Nature Zone, we are going to talk about the Cave Lion. I believe most of us have not heard about Cave Lions before. Well, today, I am happy to let you know that cave lions once lived and roamed the earth. The cave lion lived from about 370,000 to 100,000 years ago. Although there are some indications that it may have existed into historic times in southeast Europe and in the Balkans as recent as about 2,000 years ago.

The Baboon and the Tortoise Continue from last week

“What are you listening to?� inquired the baboon. “To the music that’s coming from this hole.� “But it’s so soft, no more than a gentle buzzing.� “Of course it’s soft. That’s a church.� “It’s so soft you can hardly hear it.�

Cave Lion About the Cave Lion


espite of its name, the Cave Lion most likely didn’t live in caves. Instead, the name be taken due to several painthas been g of o the animal which have been ings found in caves. The paintings were drawn by Neanderthals who lived from 250.000 to 300,000 years ago, and the Cro-Magnon man who lived from 40,000 to 100,000 years g (I will bring you the stories ago. t of the Neanderthals and CroMag Magnon man soon).



hanks to fossils and prehistoric cave paintings, we are able to grasp what Cave Lions looked like and how they behaved. These illustrations of the Cave Lion indicate that it was larger than the modern lion, more rounded, had protruding ears and perhaps even faint tiger like stripes. Some had a primitive mane which suggests males. Their fur probably varied from a tinted grey to a darker brown on the upper parts of the body while the rest of the coat was light brown.

Where they are found


uring the late Pleistocene era the Cave Lions were widespread. They could be found in parts of Europe and Asia from Great Britain, Germany and France to the Bering Strait and from Siberia to Turkistan.

Where they live and what they eat


h C he Cave Li Lion li live iin a wide id h habitat bit t b butt probably b bl preferred f d smaller territories like forests and grasslands like the Asiatic lion where they preyed on large herbivorous animals such as horses, deer, boars and bison. When hunting a smaller prey the Cave Lion would most likely pounce on it from behind or run up next to it bringing it down with its paws, this way the preys balance was disrupted. When the prey is down, the Cave Lion would bite at the neck or chest with its sharp teeth killing the prey.

“Well, if you like them to sing more loudly, take this stick, shove it through the door, move it up and down, and bang on the church with Foolishly, the baboon did so. The humming grew suddenly louder, anger came in the sound, and the bees came swarming out of their nest, a

and body. Screaming with pain, he ran down to the river, the swarm followed him. Splash! He dived into the water to escape from his pursuers, but every time his head came out of the water so that he could breathe, the bees were on him again, stinging, stinging, until their anger had died and they went back to their nest. Back on dry land, the baboon -- who now had bumps all over his face and body, started to pull out the stings -- for bees always leaves stings behind, and began scratching himself all over as the pain grew. And baboons, as you may have noticed, have been scratching themselves ever since. By the time he returned to the tortoise, wishing to bite him for what he had done, the toitoise was gazing up at a mango tree. " shouted; but the tortoise said calmly, though he was really trembling, “Just a moment, my friend. I did not tell you to move that stick up and down with such force, nor did I tell you to bang on the church so hard that you almost punched a hole through it. You cannot really blame me for what happened.� And he went on gazing at the mango tree while the baboon’s anger calmed down and he became inquisitive. “What are you gazing at so intently, tortoise?� “I’m looking up at the nice juicy mangoes hanging up there, almost crying to be eaten.� Now the baboon’s eyelids were all swollen from the stinging so he couldn’t see well enough to realize that what the tortoise said were mangoes were actually the nests of wasps hanging from the branches of the tree. His mouth watered and he forgot his pain and climbed the tree, # $ % % even greater than the stinging of the bees, and with cries of pain, he fell & " & " “Please,� said the tortoise, “again you are blaming me for something I haven’t done. I pointed out the mangoes to you, and you went and grabbed the wasps’ nests. No wonder they turned on you. Wouldn’t you have done the same in their position?� Before the baboon could reply, a cricket came hopping and chirping by. Now, as you know, baboons are fond of eating crickets, so the baboon chased the insect which went hopping into the hole in a hollow tree. $ % % ' ( around him and squeezed tight, saying while the baboon screamed for mercy, “Why are you baboons such busy bodies, always disturbing other animals? Let me teach you a lesson that might help you to mend your ways.� And he squeezed again while the poor baboon roared with pain. The tortoise felt that his revenge was now complete. From that day on, bees, wasps, snakes and tortoises have all been friends together. And the bees, who ate of the sweetness of the tortoise’s mangoes, have ever since then been mad about fruits and anything that is sweet. The snake who lived in the hole in the tree never went back there after being disturbed by the baboon, but decided to live instead in the branches of the tree so that he could always observe his enemies approaching. The baboon is much less of a busy body than he used to be. But he never stops scratching himself.

Law 51

Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013

Delay of cases in courts, fault of the bench, the bar –Omotunde @D*'+# E)'%5(D* $#( <* D*0$-&<*D #0 # /-* <-#(D @0 a lawyer who caught his teeth in practice the chambers of one of the foremost legal luminaries in Nigeria, Chief Wole Olanipekun (SAN), the Ilorin based legal practitioner spoke on various topical issues bothering on the judiciary. A product of the University of Lagos where he bagged his LL.B degree, the Barrister-atLaw also attended the University of Ilorin in Kwara State, LL.M and Masters in Public Administration degrees where the bagged an. He speaks on various issues with BISI ADEDAYO.


ow do you assess the nation’s judiciary under this current political dispensation? The Judiciary is doing very well in the last 14 year of this uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria. We are having judiciary that is more reliable, decisive and independent than the past. However, we still have few issues to be addressed in judiciary. Issues like corruption and bias in the appointment into the bench is one of them. There are those j”UjX U[ZX V`jX žÂ•UTxˆZWX ÂŽ`[X j”ZX |ZV_”X |•jX j”Z—X‰`jXj”Z[ZXW•ZXj`Xj”Zx[XxV¡Â•ZV_Z\˜X `{X all these issues need to be addressed. A Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) recently asserted that justice is no longer within the reach of the poor in Nigeria because of the high cost of litigation. What is your view on the cost of litigation in Nigeria? It is very expensive to sue somebody. To secure and prosecute a case is too ex}ZV\xzZ˜X ”Z[ZX U[ZX YUV—X ˆVZ\X |ZxV‰X xVtroduced into courts system today which U[ZX|Z—`VWXj”ZX[ZU_”X`ÂŽX_`YY`VXYUV˜X `{X ‰Z xV‰X¸Â•\jx_ZXx\XV`ÂŻX|Z—`VWXj”ZX[ZU_”X`ÂŽX common man which is not supposed to |Z˜X Z_U•\ZX j”Z[ZX ÂŻ`•TWX |ZX WxG_•Tj—X xVX ‰Z xV‰X ¸Â•\jx_ZX UVWX j”UjX ÂŻ`•TWX V`jX }[`mote equity and peace in the society. Many suspects facing trial for alleged corruption in Nigeria got lesser punishment through plea bargain. How do you react to this? Well, plea bargain is not the best be_U•\ZX Y`\jX `1ZVWZ[\X ÂŻ`•TWX V`jX |ZX UTT`ÂŻZWXj`XÂŽU_ZXj”ZXŽ•TTXÂŻ[Uj”X`ÂŽXTUÂŻÂ˜X `YZX of them even get away with their loots. ‰UxV{XxjXjUšZ\XjxYZXj`Xj[—XUVX`1ZVWZ[XxVX Nigeria. These criminals could challenge prosecutors and Court over jurisdiction to try them. This can go on Appeal Court |ZÂŽ`[ZXj”ZX[ZUTX_U\ZXÂŻxTTX\jU[jX`zZ[˜X `{Xj`X part way with what was stolen should be encouraged just like in the case of Ibru’s.

jXTZU\j{X”UTÂŽXUXT`UÂŽX`ÂŽX|[ZUWXx\X|Z Z[Xj”UVX none. The nation’s judiciary today is being headed by a female Chief Justice of Nigeria. Can you compare the current leadership and the recent past? Judiciary under the current leadership x\XÂŽU[xV‰X|Z Z[Xj”UVXj”ZX}[Zzx`•\XWZ\}xjZX the fact that we are having a woman at the ”ZTYX`ÂŽXj”ZXU1Ux[\˜X `[Xj”ZXˆ[\jXjxYZ{XÂŽZÂŻX judges know that they were not above the laws. That makes this current judiciU[—X |Z Z[˜X ZÂŻX ¸Â•W‰Z\X ÂŻZ[ZX \ZVjX ”`YZX for lapses, incompetence and alleged cor[•}jx`V˜X `YZX¸Â•W‰Z\X_`•TWXV`jXZVjZ[jUxVX application for good three years. Can you xYU‰xVZX j”UjĂ X `YZX ÂŻ`•TWX V`jX _`YZX j`X courts while unnecessary adjournments are entertained. Many of them could not ÂŻ[xjZX ¸Â•W‰YZVj\˜X `{X j”ZX _•[[ZVjX TZUWZ[ship is tackling all these problems and I believe Nigeria would breathe fresh air from judiciary. Today, we have large number of cases +=<(1=-1-.0*.@>5,1.9<;1;.9*+,-.,<;0.01=. years in court. How best can quick dispensation of justice be achieved in the country? Bankroll of cases in courts is the fault of the bench and the bar. Many judges would not come to court on time. Also some lawyers have bad cases and instead to throw in the towel, they would continue to ask for adjournment. That is why many cases spend up till ten years. Again, in the course of prosecution, appellants may be frustrated in term of \Z[xZ\X`ÂŽXˆVZ\XUVWX_”U[‰Z\X|—X_`•[jXUVWX others may not have money to prosecute j”Zx[X _U\ZX Ž•[j”Z[˜X `YZX _TxZVj\XYU—XV`jX have money to pay their lawyer’s transport and professional fees. At the end, they would abandon their cases. We also have lazy judges who would continue to delay lawyers and prosecutors. In some cases, any case that lacks merit should be struck out but many judges would still

Few judges know that they were not above the laws. That makes this current judiciary better. Few judges were sent home for lapses, incompetence and alleged corruption. Some judges could not entertain application for good three years. Can you imagine that? Some would not come to courts while unnecessary adjournments are entertained. Many of them could not write judgments. So, the current leadership is tackling all these problems and I believe Nigeria would breathe fresh air from judiciary


ZVjZ[jUxVXxj˜X `{Xj”ZXT`V‰XW•[Ujx`VX`ÂŽX_U\Z\X spent in court are major faults of bench and bar. Legal education is fast becoming exclusive reserves of the children of well to do in Nigerian society because of the high cost of legal education, thereby preventing children of common man from reading law. As a legal practitioner, how can this imbalance be corrected? Legal education is too exorbitant. It is becoming restricted to rich men in the society. Most people that get admission to read Law today are children of lawyers, politicians and rich men. Can you imagine that foreign law books are cheaper than Nigeria Law books? Our law books U[ZXj``XZÂł}ZV\xzZ˜X jXj”ZX UÂŻX _”``TXj`day, the school fees is about N250, 000:00 apart from other charges. Most of us that read Law got there by mere chance. There is no scholarship for people that have interest if the cost is too expen\xzZ˜X `{X Xj”xVš{X‰`zZ[VYZVjXVZZW\Xj`XW`X something about it. Let there be reduction in the fees and Law materials so that common man’s children who are brilliant could read law and help this nation. There is problem with the appointment of Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN). There is an allegation that the appointment is usually based on whom you know and lobby. How far is this true? ”ZX}[`|TZYX`ÂŽXU}}`xVjxV‰X Xx\XW•ZX to the numbers that apply annually. If ŸÂXTU¯—Z[\XžÂ•UTxˆZWXj”x\X—ZU[{Xj”Z—XYU—X pick only 25 and leave the rest till the following year. But the problem now is that subsequent years, we are going to have new lawyers who would qualify for the same rank. Therefore, we are having |UVš[`TTX `ÂŽX \X xVX ÂŻUxjxV‰˜X VX [xjUxVX and other advanced countries, it is not TxšZXj”Uj˜X V_ZXUXV•Y|Z[Xx\XžÂ•UTxˆZW{Xj”Z—X ÂŻ`•TWX _`Vˆ[YX j”ZY˜X VX x‰Z[xUX j`WU—{X we have about 500,000 lawyers, some are dead or not practice. We should have about 700,000 lawyers in Nigeria because of our population. I think the system has j`X|ZX_”UV‰ZW˜X V—|`W—Xj”UjXžÂ•UTxˆZ\Xj`X |ZX X\”`•TWX|ZX_`VÂŽZ[[ZWXÂŻxj”XxjXxYmediately so that there wouldn’t be any need to lobby and jump the gun. That is j”ZX[ZU\`VXÂŻZXU[ZX\ZZxV‰XYUV—X \Xj`day, when they are advocating in court, one would wonder whether they are reUTT—X ˜X `YZjxYZ\X —`•X ”x\\X UjX j”ZYX

because of their poor performance and presentation in court. These are the people that lobbied through godfathers and politicians to get the rank. If the system x\XÂŽ[ZZX`ÂŽXT`||—XUVWXj”Z—XUWYxjXžÂ•UTxˆZWX X ÂŻxj”X YZ[xj{X X |ZTxZzZX j”x\X VUjx`VX ÂŻ`•TWX|ZX|Z Z[X`1˜ Some Nigerians believed that the current 1999 constitution as amended was @45(1=.3/.0>1.25,50<4/.<=-.;041;;1-.0>1. need to write a new one. Do you subscribe to this? The National Assembly has the power to review Nigeria laws. Most of the laws operating in Nigeria are obsolete. Like criminals code, Acts and others. But these laws are not the major problems but those that are operating them. All of us must be ready to obey it. The laws are made in Nigeria and must be comply with in Nigeria. The laws made by j”ZX ZWZ[UTXUVWX jUjZ\ÂżX‰`zZ[VYZVj\XU[ZX YZUVjXj`X|ZX`|Z—ZW˜X `{XxÂŽXÂŻZXUTTX\•|¸Z_jX ourselves to these laws, there wouldn’t be much problem. What is your view on the single term of six years for President and Governors in Nigeria? Nigeria is a developing country and the cost of election is too high. The syndrome of Nigeria politicians is second term. ”Z—XÂŻ`•TWX•\ZXj”Zx[Xˆ[\jXjZ[YXxVX`G_ZX to perform and second term to steal peo}TZÂż\XY`VZ—˜X jXx\X|Z Z[Xj`X”UzZXUX\xV‰TZX term because whatever President or Governor achieved in a single term, they can’t W`X |Z Z[X xVX \Z_`VWX jZ[Y˜X ÂŽX j”Z—X \}ZVWX only single term, it is either their name ÂŻxTTX|ZXÂŻ[x ZVXxVX‰`TWX`[XxVXY•W˜X ZjX•\X try single term and corruption would be reduced. In Nigeria today, violations of human rights are very rampant. There are series of raping, accidental discharge by police and child abuse. How can all these be reduced? It is true that human rights abuses are too rampant in Nigeria. We have cases of shooting people, rape, accidental discharges and violations of human rights of suspects in Police custody. How would Police explain how a female suspect was impregnated? This is a woman waiting for trial or serving her jail term. There are child abuses also. I think people should start challenging them through the court. `{Xj”UjXj”ZX `•[jX_`•TWXj[xUTXj”ZXzx`TUj`[\X and use them as scapegoat for others.


Daily Newswatch


tuesday, july 2, 2013

NHRC commences public inquiries into evictions

US Supreme Court rules in T favour of gay marriage Stories By STEPHEN UBIMAGO


he US Supreme Court has struck down a law denying federal benefits to gay couples and cleared the way for same-sex marriage in California. The justices said that the Defense of Marriage Act, known as Doma, discriminated against same-sex couples. They also declined to rule on Proposition 8, California’s prohibition of gay marriage, in effect allowing such unions to resume in the state. Opinion polls indicate that most Americans support same-sex marriage. Ysaeterday’s decisions do not affect the bans on gay unions enshrined in the constitutions of more than 30 US states. But the California ruling means that 13 US states and the District of

Columbia now recognise same-sex marriage. The Doma opinion grants legally married gay men and women access to the same federal entitlements available to opposite-sex married couples. These include tax, health and pension benefits and family hospital visits. The landmark 5-4 rulings prompted celebrations from about 1,000 gay rights advocates gathered out\xWZXj”ZX •}[ZYZX `•[jXxVX U\”xV‰ton DC and nationwide. The legal challenge to Doma was |[`•‰”jX|—X ZÂŻX `[šX[Z\xWZVjX Wxj”X xVW\`[{XĂ…ÂźÂ˜ She was handed a tax bill of $363,000 (ÂŁ236,000) when she inherited the estate of her spouse Thea Speyer - a levy she would not have had to pay if she had been married to a man. “It’s an accident of history that put YZX”Z[Z{ÉX \X xVW\`[X\UxWXUÂŽjZ[Xj”ZX

ruling was handed down.

•\jx_ZX Vj”`V—X ZVVZW—X ÂŻ[`jZĂ€X “Doma writes inequality into the entire United States Code. “Under Doma, same-sex married couples have their lives burdened, by reason of government decree, in visible and public ways,â€? the decision added. However Justice Antonin Scalia followed with his own scalding dissent, ridiculing justices in the majority for what he termed “selfaggrandizementâ€? and demonization of anyone who opposed gay marriage as an “enemy of human decency.â€? The other justices mostly stared ahead as he spoke. As the back-to-back rulings were announced, gay rights supporters across the country turned to one another in utter jubilation — tears were shed, kisses were shared, and hearty hugs were passed around.

he National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has commenced a nationwide public inquiry into complaints of forced evictions of persons in the six geopolitical zones. ”ZX ÂłZ_•jxzZX Z_[ZjU[—X `ÂŽX {X Prof. Bem Angwe who disclosed this recently when a delegation from the Amnesty International paid a working visit to the Commission over the right to adequate housing in Nigeria, said the Commission has already called for memoranda from all con_Z[VZWX UVWX U1Z_jZWX }Z[\`V\X xVX `[WZ[X j`XˆVWXUXTU\jxV‰X\`T•jx`VXj`Xj”ZXYU Z[˜ Prof. Angwe told the team led by Mr. Oluwatosin Popoola that the public hearing on the cases of planned and forced evictions ought to have kicked `1X Y•_”X ZU[TxZ[{X |•jX ÂŽ`[X j”ZX \Z_•[xj—X challenges in the country, which has ZV‰U‰ZWXj”ZXU ZVjx`VX`ÂŽXj”ZX `YYx\sion. He used the opportunity to correct the impression that no compensations were paid to victims of demolished \j[•_j•[Z\XxVX |`YZVUX ”U[ÂŽXxVX xzers State, pointing out that available [Z_`[W\X_`Vˆ[YXj”UjXj”ZX\jUjZX‰`zZ[Vment paid compensations to victims even though there were complaints which were also being addressed by the Rivers State Government.

Human Rights Commission establishes office in Ekiti


On the right , Prof Brem Angwe

he National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has established its ˆ[\jX \jUjZX `G_ZX xVX j”ZX `•j”q Z\jX with a renewed commitment to create awareness on human rights issues at the grassroots. Speaking while taking over a fully furVx\”ZWX `G_ZX W`VUjZWX |—X j”ZX šxjxX jUjZX `zZ[VYZVj{X j”ZX ÂłZ_•jxzZX Z_[ZjU[—{X NHRC, Prof. Bem Angwe said the Commission has so far established 15 state ofˆ_Z\X U_[`\\X j”ZX _`•Vj[—X xVX `[WZ[X j`X ZW•cate Nigerians on their rights and give them access to the Commission’s complaint handling mechanism. He further stated that the Commission has planned j`XZ\jU|Tx\”X`G_Z\XxVXUTTX\jUjZ\X`ÂŽXj”ZX ZWeration by the end of 2014. }ZUšxV‰X ZU[TxZ[{X j”ZX `[VZ—X ZVZ[UTX `ÂŽX šxjxX jUjZ{X [˜X TUÂŻUTZX U}`”•VWU{X ¯”`X”UVWZWX`zZ[Xj”ZX`G_ZX`VX|Z”UTÂŽX`ÂŽX j”ZX šxjxX jUjZX `zZ[V`[{X [˜X U—`WZX U—emi, said the state government supported the NHRC to establish presence in the state in view of the simple, non-technical and inexpensive processes the Commission employs to promote the enjoyment `ÂŽX x‰Z[xU{X U‰`\X ÂŽ`[X j”UjX YU Z[X j”UjX of human rights. is known to have tremendous respect [˜X U}`”•VWU{X¯”`Xx\XUT\`XUXYZY|Z[X for culture, make laws to suit the of the Governing Council of the Commiswhims and caprices of some foreign \x`V{X \UxWX šxjxX jUjZX `zZ[VYZVjX }TUV\X cultures?â€? to establish a Justice Sector Centre which It will be recalled that Gov. Baba- will accommodate all state and federal j•VWZX U\”`TUX `ÂŽX U‰`\{X `VX •VZX ´Ă‚{X agencies concerned with the administrasigned the Cremation Bill into law, al- tion of justice. lowing residents to burn their dead if VX”x\X[ZYU[šXj”ZX šxjxX jUjZX ”xZÂŽX •W‰ZX they so wish. Hon. Justice Ayodeji Daramola promised The law also empowered medical to support the Commission to carry out practitioners, with government ap- its mandate in the State. He emphasized proval, to cremate abandoned and un- the need for awareness creation at the claimed corpses after a reasonable pe- grassroots. riod of time had been given as notice. ”ZX Âż\X šxjxX jUjZX `G_Z{X T`_UjZWX U\”`TUX \UxWX j”ZX TUÂŻX ÂŻU\X ZVU_jZWX j`X UjX —xVX `UW{X W`q šxjx{X šxjxX jUjZ{X |—X provide more choices in a growing ÂŽ`[YZ[X jUjZX Z_•[xj—X Z[zx_ZXÂŹ ­X G_Z{X globalised state and to accommodate brings to 22 the total number of the Comj”ZXWx1Z[ZVjX|ZTxZÂŽ\X`ÂŽX[Z\xWZVj\˜ Yx\\x`VÂż\X`G_Z\XU_[`\\Xj”ZX_`•Vj[—˜

HURIWA carpets new Lagos State cremation law


”ZX •YUVX x‰”j\X [xjers Association of Nigeria ÂŹ ­{X UX _xzxTX \`_xZj—X group, on last week in Abuja criticised the cremation law recently introduced by the Lagos State Government. [X YYUV•ZTX V¯•|xš`{X j”ZX Ujx`VUTX ``[WxVUj`[X `ÂŽX {X ZÂłpressed the group’s disapproval in an interview with the NAN. “The the law is going to be a vicious U U_šXU‰UxV\jXj”ZXÂŻZTTXZ\jU|Tx\”ZWX ÂŽrican traditional way of conducting funerals. ÂŤ x‰Z[xUX x\X UX _`•Vj[—X ÂŻxj”X Wx1Z[ZVjX people that adhere strictly to certain traditions and religions. “The cremation of dead bodies is un-

acceptable and boils down to total lack of respect for the dead,’’ he said. According to Onwubiko, ideally Africans pay respect to the dead. He added that the law did not portray a sense of dignity to subject dead bodies to such experience. He further advocated for the abolishment of the law adding that no state in the country should bend its rules to accommodate foreign cultures. “It is a practice that is common in some parts of the world and we must not bend our rules to accommodate other peoples’ cultures. “If you go to places like India or Malaysia, they don’t make their local laws to accommodate Nigerian tradition. “So, why should Nigeria or any part


Daily Newswatch

Tuesday Summit TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

APC not formidable enough to dislodge PDP –Dr Ononuju


s an economist of repute what can you deduce from the present state of Nigerian economy? Nigeria is going through a transition, while we have been able to create a semblance of political transition, we have not been able to create a semblance of an economic transition from the days of dictatorship to what we should have it be today, to be readily available to serve our people but from the aspirations from the intentions of government but there is still a lot to be desired. What do you think could be responsible for these? First, from the decades of dictatorship, our infrastructure went into decay, from the time of inception of independence, we have really not sat down to coven, Nigeria has not been lucky in having leadership that provides for the people an intense of state policy, we have not had till this time the quality of economic progression that we have gathered. Today marks the very [\jXjxYZX¯ ZVX x Z[xUX U\X|ZZVX`VXxj\X longest period of unbroken economic expansion, I mean 14 years since the inception of the current democracy and if we do not have political instability there is no way you can plan, if you do not have sociological cohesion there is no way you can carry the people along. Nigeria is challenged, but I do not see anything bad in our current challenges, I see great chances of birth of a new country. I believe we have made very great advances today, despite the security challenges which I see as purely natural tribal reaction to our democracy, we have come quite a long way from where we were. Today in Nigeria, a minority is the Senate President, a minority also is the President of Nigeria, it took America about 200 years to get here, it took our young democracy 40 years to be where we are and today we have made quite a lot of stride in our Z1`[jXj`X| xTWXUX\`_xZj X¯ Z[ZXxV_T \x`VX will become the watchword. I believe today that quite a lot of people feel better included never mind the reactions of those who believe that they have an entitlement to the polity, I also believe the country belong to all of us, I believe nobody have patent in this country, I believe everybody must be given a sense a belonging, a sense of inclusion, a sense of being a Nigerian, I do not see any problem currently because Nigerians are not divided, there are no fundamental problems between the north and the south and there are also no fundamental problem between the Christians and the Muslims rather, what we have is an ethnic reaction to our democracy from the north west and the north east geo-political zones of the country. There is a news making the rounds that the opposition merger party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) wants to lure Speaker, Aminu Tambuwal to their camp and present him <;.0>1.D<40/K;.D41;5-1=05<,.6<G.31<414I.

Dr. Katchy Ononuju, an economist, in this interview with NNAH DOUGLAS speaks on Nigeria’s socio-political and economic situations including the chances of the opposition merger party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2015 and other related issues. Excerpts:


Will that in any way threaten the dominance of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) ? Well, it goes a long way to show you that the extent of weakness of an oppo-

sition party, they have to build and in building should produce content that can actually be used for arguments. The APC going by what you said is trying to set up a half way healing hospital

We have made quite a lot of stride in our effort to build a society where inclusion will become the watchword. I believe today that quite a lot of people feel better included never mind the reactions of those who believe that they have an entitlement to the polity

for disgruntled members of the ruling party. Where is the originality in the preachments of fresh leadership? If all the new opposition parties are depending on are disgruntled PDP members they might come over to run, wherein lies a content with which they will use to change Nigeria, so what they are suggesting to serve us with is more of old, it should rather be a lot of fresh new ideas. Tambuwal belongs to the past, he is a PDP man and whatever it is that is wrong with the PDP, him being a leader is part and parcel of that chemistry that we complain about. But is there any future hope for the survival and sustenance of APC? APC in principle is a good idea, it does make sense for the country to have an alternative political platform, the problem of our democracy not growing is actually not the PDP, it can be traced to the inability of the political class not to Continued on page 54


Tuesday Summit

Daily Newswatch Tuesday, JULY 2, 2013

‘Without opposition the ruling Continued from page 53

build an alternative political platform that could actually serve as a virile opposition party. The presence of a strong opposition that awakens the ruling party to their responsibilities to the aspirations of people who voted them into power but if there is no opposition the ruling party may feel very complacent. I believe the opposition has to form an alternative party, the APC as presently construed are a combination of Nigerians who are weak and who want to build an alternative political platform based on religious calculations. It is not the very best, where are the minorities, where are the Igbos? But Rochas Okorocha is a well known Igbo big name who is also part of the APC… I tell you with every sense of the word that Rochas is not a member of APC, he is only negotiating for his second term ticket, if you check Okorocha’s politi_UTX x\j`[ X ` X¯xTTX VWX` jXj UjX ZX U\X changed parties eight times since the inception of political activities in the country, he cannot be seen as an honest politician capable of being trusted of keeping a political association for more than 12 months, remember at the inception of democracy Okorocha was a PDP member, when he lost the PDP gubernatorial ticket to Udenwa he left for APP, he left APP and came back to the PDP he again left, while in Benue State doing a post graduate diploma course, he started Action Alliance, he left the Action Alliance and returned back to {X¯ ZVX ZXWxWXV`jX VWXxjX}`TxjZX¯xj X PDP shenanigans he left to APGA with which he won the ticket to govern Imo State. Now he is leaving the APGA for APC. So you must leave him for who he is, you look at his antecedents and you ask yourself if he is a reliable politician. He wants to acquire political relevance in the new political spectrum, I wish him well but I do not see him as a factor, historically, I don’t see the Igbo joining the APC, the APC from what I can deduce is a reaction of the current government and in the present government the Igbo have enjoyed the quality of inclusion that they have never mortgaged since 48 years from now. Nobody has given the Igbo man what the present administration of President Goodluck has given them, name them, the Minister of Finance, Chief of Army as well as xZ®X`®X UzUTX jU1{Xj ZX Z_[ZjU[ Xj`Xj ZX Government of the Federation, all these are Igbo, if they cannot network their strength to bring about political positives in Igboland then there is no need. This is what inclusion is and I believe these are part of the reasons that some other persons see and in reaction to the sudden recognition of those who were never allowed to come into the fame, they moved to form an ethnically articulated reactive political platform all for the sake of seeking the presidency. What you would need as an alternative political platform is a mega party that carry all crosses and shades of NigeriUV\X V`X YU Z[X ¯ Z[ZX j Z X _`YZX ®[`Y XX You cannot seek a national opposition political party without forming a ve x_TZXxVX¯ x_ X ` X¯xTTX VWXUTTX\ UWZ\X of tribes, opinions, people and states, which is what we wish. You need to form an alternative political party not a tribally articulated religious platform. It was also reported that the Labour Party was also pressured into joining


the mega opposition ideology but in response, the party declined the move, how would you describe the decision of the Labour Party over its refusal to join the yet to be registered APC? Your sentence depicts the truth of what I said. For the APC to be successful, you need to bring together all \ UWZ\X `®X x Z[xUV\X ®[`YX Wx1Z[ZVjX Zographies across the country. So far they have not been able to achieve that, I pray they are able to achieve it. You can see that it is not very easy to form a political party; it takes time and en-

Nobody has given the Igbo man what the present administration of President Goodluck has given them, name them, the Minister of Finance, Chief of Army as well as Chief of Naval Staff, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, all these are Igbo

when you have a nationalistic output, ` jT``¹X UVWX \}[ZUWX U\X Z³ZY}Tx ZWX xVX your cross sectioning of membership will people believe that your words as opposition in public are not driven by tribal reactions. You need to be a national political party to be believed to speak on behalf of national issues; this is the problem we have right now with the opposition. The biggest opposition we still have come from within the PDP. That is why its current implosion seems to be providing the opposition but if you check the history of Presidential politics you will say that no YU Z[X `¯X j Z X UzZX j Zx[X Wx\U [ZZment once the election season draws closer, they always come back together because the symbol of governance in democracy is your ability to win the presidential election, when you win it that means you have won the presidency that governs the federation and the \ZT \ X VZZWX j`X `TWX `Vj`X UX ¯xVX YU¹Z\X political parties come together, for instance, in the United States, because j Z X VWX ` jX j UjX ZzZ[ X jxYZX ¯ZX _ UTlenges an incumbent, you weaken the base of the party, when those who are not happy about outcome when incumbent wins pull out, when they voted against Jimmy Carter, they call themselves ‘the Reagan Democrats’ when they voted Clinton they call themselves ‘Clinton Republicans’, the political parties in America learnt that and nobody provided any challenge despite how president Clinton was damaged by the ergy to form a political party with a legislature, he still went on to win the national spread containing people from second term, despite the disagreement UTTX j[x|Z\ X ®X ` X V`¯X `X `VX j`X ·U X `1X in American polity about President the party in formation as it is, it’s not Bush going to war, he was not chalgoing to work, we already have people lenged because they needed the party who had threatened that only death can to win and that was driven by a colleckeep them away from contesting the jxzZX \ZT \ X _UT_ TUjx`VX `®X j ZX }`Txjx_UTX presidency, that means if they do not party. In Nigeria today you may have agree on the collective decision of the squabbles that are based on tribal and stakeholders, those who gave the threat ethnic calculations of disagreements will go away… | jX`V_ZX ` X\jU[jX Z xV Xj`¯U[W\XZTZ_People like who? tion the ruling party comes together Well, I have heard from about two or because the need to win is greater than three camps thereabout but I think that the need to show anger, the same thing if people are coming together simply was also done by the Democrat recently because they want to rule I think that with President Obama, there was quite in itself is wrong, people to contend for a lot of discontent within the Amerithe purpose of creating an alternative can socio-community for the coming }`Txjx_UTX }TUj®`[YX jX ®`[X xjX j`X |ZX _UTTZWX of a black president, if it had been chala Nigerian national political party. Eth- lenged in the primaries you would have nic parties will not work in Nigeria, we seen those you call ‘Blue Dog Democan see right now we are having secu- crats’ probably go on to vote against rity challenges being articulated from the Democratic party and I believe that a tribal platform, that is why most of same reason will also help the ruling us believe Nigeria is not challenged, party as they have started right now to we have always have our crises, our ³X j Zx[X ` \ZX xVX `[WZ[{X X ¯` TWX UzZX }[`|TZY\XUVWXV`¯X¯ZX UzZX ` ZVXxVj`X been very disturbed about the strength democracy with no national negotia- and capacity of the opposition parties if tion, no conferencing, minorities are in they have a national spread. In politics power and suddenly the champions of therefore, it’s one thing to be a party yesterday react in a very violent forms. but another thing to become what I will Nigerians should be as broadminded as call a vote gathering machine, during allow the politics of inclusion to govern elections, the PDP always turned itself all that we do. into a vote gathering machine, as the Opposition parties the world over Democratic party does in America. You help in nation building through con- may be liked emotionally by those who structive criticisms. How would you listen to your preachments but if you describe the role of the Nigerian op- do not have the spread, you may not be position in this respect? able to get the votes that MKO Abiola Opposition parties are what make de- got, Abiola was able to pay for agents mocracy thick, our democracy is still in in Kaura Namoda, in Bungudu, in Danthe formative stage, it is still in its tran- gobe, in Dansadau, places in the deep sition process, yes! We have had parties enclave and recesses of northern Nilike the APC formed along tribal lines, geria, where Chief Awolowo wouldn’t including the ACN and the CPC. For UzZX YU Z[ZWX j`X `X j`{X ` X VZZWX j`X them to be taken seriously, they must have the spread that is comparable to endeavour to grow their organisations the ubiquitousness of the National to become national behemoth, only Union of Road Transport Workers, if

Daily Newswatch

Tuesday Summit

Tuesday, JULY 2, 2013


party may feel very complacent’ you don’t have that ubiquity you may not have people everywhere to secure and harvest and bring home the votes. It’s one thing to make noise; it’s another thing to have the spread. I will become worried about the new mega party formation when I see them establish the kind of spread and ubiquity that I see ÂŻxj”Xj”ZX¡U‰\”x}X`ÂŽXj”ZX ˜ Are you indirectly saying that the ruling party, PDP might as well win the 2015 presidential polls? X”U\Xj”ZXUWzUVjU‰Z{X Xx\XUX xgerian political party, I know what they do best is win, how they win I don’t know, most of their victories are sometimes challenged but at the end they come out of it with smiles, are you telling me that the PDP’s winning tradition will just go away, no, it won’t just go away like that. Structures are built with human beings not rhetorics, it’s one j”xV‰Xj`X|ZX`VXj”ZX\j[ZZjXUVWX¡U[ZX•}Xj”ZX emotions of the poor, the weak and the vulnerable, but don’t forget political outcomes are usually instrumented by the connivance of the elites, it has not _”UV‰ZWX UVWX xjX ÂŻxTTX V`jX _”UV‰Z˜X X ”`X are the stakeholders with the resources to organise to put soldiers on the street during elections, I think that trick and strength still remains exclusively with the PDP, if you don’t have the kind of power that PDP has, I don’t think you can wrestle power from the ruling parj—˜X ”ZX Xx\XUX‰``WXxWZUX|•jXÂŻZXVZZWX to be honest, a team with only six playZ[\XÂŻxTTXˆVWXxjXzZ[—XWxG_•TjXWx\}TU_xV‰X UXjZUYXÂŻxj”XZTZzZVX}TU—Z[\X`VXj”ZXˆZTW˜ In a related development how do you see the crisis rocking the Rivers State chapter of the PDP and the latest grounding of Governor Amaechi’s aircraft by the NCAA? I think the issue about Governor YUZ_”xXx\XUX\UWX`VZ˜X ”x\Xx\XUXYUVX¯”`X became a governor by virtue of court verdict, the people were with him, he has the resources to develop the state, but then one of the diseases of the cur[ZVjXWZY`_[U_—XU1Z_jZWX”xY˜X `•X_UVnot control your state and seek through any concoction to control the Federal `zZ[VYZVj˜X `zZ[V`[X YUZ_”xÂż\X j[Uvail underscores the imperfect calculajx`V\Xj”UjXU[ZXU U_”ZWXj`Xj”ZX\j[ZV‰j”X`ÂŽX j”ZX `zZ[V`[Âż\X ÂŽ`[•Y˜X ”ZX `zZ[V`[\ÂżX Forum strength came about due to the availability of vacuum during the time `ÂŽX `•[X xYYZWxUjZX }U\jX TZUWZ[{X YU[•XX U[ÂżX W•UX ¯”`X ÂŻU\X xTTX UVWX |Z_U•\ZX naturally, nature abhors vacuum, the Governor’s Forum as led by Governor Bukola Saraki came in to exert a lot of xV¡Â•ZV_ZXÂŻxj”xVXj”ZX}`Txj—{XxjXWZ_xWZWXUX lot of what happens because there was no president, these were the governors from the ruling party, also the mem|Z[\X`ÂŽXj”ZX Ujx`VUTX \\ZY|T—X}U[jx_•larly the Lower House as led by Dimeji Bankole and our Senate led by David Mark assumed powers that we have never seen before, culminating in the legislature fashioning a new law unknown to us called ‘the doctrine of necessity’, today, the country has a serving President and ably available, the PDP as a party does have leadership in the president, but I think the Governors Forum and their members continued as if we are still with yesterday and because politics is a concentric circle of never ending conspiracies, the PDP ÂŽZTjXj”[ZUjZVZWXj”UjX `zZ[V`[X YUZ_”xX was being urged on by those that may not have the best interest of the PDP


as a political party at heart, they may have had other intentions driven or instrumented by some of the calculajx`V\X|•jXV`jXj”ZXxVVUjZX\ZTˆ\”XxVjZ[Z\jX of the PDP as a political party and the PDP feared because of the behaviours `ÂŽX YUZ_”xXxV_T•WxV‰Xj”ZX\_U[—X}TU—X`ÂŽX ‰`xV‰X j`X _`•[j˜X jX x\X UVX •VÂŻ[x ZVX TUÂŻX that no member of a political party take xj\X}U[j—Xj`X_`•[j˜X VXj”x\X_U\Z{X YUZ_”xXUTlowed himself to be used by other members of the Governors Forum to sue his }U[j—{X ”`ÂŻX _`•TWX YUZ_”xX ¸Â•\jxŽ—X |ZxV‰X at the head of a body that brought a court case against a government at the centre, xV\jxj•jZWX|—X”x\X}U[j—{Xj”UjXx\X”Z[Z\—˜X ”ZX X x\X ˆ‰”jxV‰X |U_šX j`X \ZxĂ„ZX |U_šX j”ZX high ground and keep back control, it does not have to do that in any way morally acceptable to onlookers, it only has to go about its duties of securing higher ground by ways legally allowed by law. So far, nothing that the PDP has done is against the laws of the land, it may look crude but that is the natural way of polijx_\{X W`VÂżjX ÂŽ`[‰ZjX |—X WZˆVxjx`V{X }`Txjx_\X x\X war organised along peaceful lines, what —`•X\ZZX\`XÂŽU[Xx\XV`jXzZ[—XWx1Z[ZVjXÂŽ[`YXj”ZX U\\•Y}jx`V˜X ”ZX X x\X |ZxV‰X \•__Z\\Ž•TX UVWX •\xV‰X YUZ_”xX U\X UVX ZÂłUY}TZX of how much it can bark should it’s ‘axe be gored’ I may not subscribe to some of the tactics that I have seen recently, but WZˆVxjZT—X XUYXZV¸`—xV‰Xj”ZX\j[UjZ‰—X|ZxV‰XZY}T`—ZWX|—Xj”ZX}U[j—˜X ZXU[ZXTxzxV‰{X we are watching and we hope that other recalcitrant and intransigent members of the PDP will learn from the travail of `zZ[V`[X YUZ_”x˜ If you were to meet Amaechi today, what would you tell him?

I will tell him to retrace his steps and ask himself a very good question, ‘to whose advantage will it be if those who urge him on succeeds in undermining the Federal Government which is presently constituted by his party, does he V`jX[ZUTxĂ„ZXj”UjX}`Txjx_\Xx\XTxšZXUX_•Tj{X—`•X do nothing in undermining the interest of members of your group’ his inability V`jX j`X \ZZX ”x\X }U[j—X ˆ[\jX |ZÂŽ`[ZX ¯”UjZzZ[X association he has formed is the reasons for his problem. I believe the PDP’s intention to discipline him is timely and to the best interest of the party because they do ”UzZX jxYZX j`X YUšZX •}˜X ”Z[ZX x\X V`j”xV‰X wrong in politics, you quarrel to make up, UÂŽjZ[Xj”ZX_[x\x\XÂŻxj”X `zZ[V`[X YUZ_”xXj”ZX XÂŻxTTX\jxTTXˆVWXxj\ZTÂŽX|[xV‰xV‰Xxj\ZTÂŽX|U_šX to order, I believe what is going on right V`ÂŻX ÂŻxj”X YUZ_”xX x\X \`_x`T`‰x_UTX _`[[Z_tion, there is nothing wrong with what is going on. If you do not bring such people to order, other members might believe that it is in order to challenge the authority of the party which is the vehicle that brought them to power, don’t forget that under our democratic calculations, it is the party that goes to election and not the individual, suffice it to say that it is the winning of the PDP that YUWZX YUZ_”xX `zZ[V`[{X”ZX\”`•TWXV`jX have allowed himself to suddenly turn xVj`XUX[`‰•ZqXU‰ZVj˜X `[YUTT—{X_UV_Z[Xx\X a sustained behavior of a cell in the body despite repeated medication and treatYZVj˜X VWXxVX}[`}Z[Xj[ZUjYZVj{X¯”UjX—`•X do is cast away those infected cells so that they do not infect other good cells within the body, so the body doesn’t get damU‰ZW˜X ”ZX Xx\X\•[‰x_UTT—Xj[—xV‰Xj`XUjjZVWXj`X YUZ_”xÂż\XxTTVZ\\{X”ZX‰`jXÂŻZUš{X”ZX UTT`ÂŻZWX”xY\ZTÂŽXj`X|ZX\ZxĂ„ZW{X”ZXUTT`ÂŻZWX

If you do not bring such people to order, other members might believe that it is in order to challenge the authority of the party which is the vehicle that brought them to power

himself to be corrupted, and he allowed himself to be now used as a party against his own party, that is why the party in an Z1`[jXj`X\jU—XUTxzZXU[ZXYUšxV‰X\•[ZXj”Z—X |[xV‰X”xYXj`X\xĂ„ZX\`Xj”UjXj”ZX_U}U_xj—X`ÂŽX one of the whole doesn’t become more than the sum total. Because of the security and other challenges facing the country, some people especially from the opposition have said that Mr. President is weak, do you ascribe to that notion? XÂŻxTTX\U—XWx1Z[ZVjX_[x\x\X[ZžÂ•x[ZXWx1Z[ent kind of solution because the president has not behaved in the way of former President Olusegun Obasanjo does V`jXYUšZX”xYXUXÂŻZUšTxV‰˜X ZX\”`•TWX|ZX ‰[UjZŽ•TXj”UjX [Z\xWZVjX `VUj”UVXU\X `YYUVWZ[XĂžxVqX ”xZÂŽX`ÂŽXj”ZX [YZWXÂŽ`[_Z\X”U\X been able to hold the army, that despite repeated provocation security services have not replied as we knew President Obasanjo j`X”UzZX[Z}TxZW˜X ZXU[ZXUÂŻU[ZX`ÂŽXj”ZX[Z_ZVjX disturbance in Bagga during which soldiers who were sent for surveillance were caught by the insurgents and one of them |Z”ZUWZWXUVWXxVX[ZU_jx`VXÂŻZX”UWXj”ZXˆ‰”jing between the multi-national forces and j”ZXxV\•[‰ZVj\˜X ”ZX_xzxTX}`}•TUjx`VXÂŻxTTX‰ZjX the kind of society that they deserve, the reasons why in Lagos, it was easy to catch those people who got there with bombs was because of the vigilance of the local }`}•TUjx`V˜X ”Z—X\UÂŻXUY`V‰Xj”ZYX}Z[sons, who were not normal to their geography, and they promptly alerted the authorities about the presence of persons previously unknown to them and unknown to that geography, in comparison, Lagos where this discovery was made is far more thickly pop•TUjZWXj”UVXV`[j”Z[VX x‰Z[xUX¯”Z[ZX}Z`}TZX }[U—XˆzZXjxYZ\XUXWU—XxVXZzZ[—X_`YY•Vxj—˜X ”`ZzZ[Xj”UjX_`YZ\Xj`X—`•[XzxTTU‰Z{XxÂŽX—`•X W`VÂżjX \ZZX ”xYX W•[xV‰X j”`\ZX ˆzZX jxYZ\X `ÂŽX praying you will notice that those were the people in that house that didn’t come to pray, if you keep quiet about those who suddenly come to pray with you without asking them ‘who are you’, what do you seek within our vicinity? Don’t forget the security man is the second respondent to —`•[X\Z_•[xj—X¯”xTZX—`•XU[ZXj”ZXˆ[\j{X”ZXx\X the second because he is the person statutorily empowered to look after your secu[xj—X|•jX—`•XU\XUX}Z[\`VX_`YZ\Xˆ[\jXxVXTxVZX in protecting yourself. If any person sees fellows unknown to the law within their community, when I say unknown to law, when young men who are not security agents known to the law come to your community carrying gun or masquerading in ways which you are not very comfortable with, the right thing to do is to bring such information to government, if you refuse and condone their presence because you think the security persons j`X |ZX U U_šZWX U[ZX \Z[zxV‰X ‰`zZ[VYZVjX with which you are not grateful with or happy about, when the implosions occur xVX—`•[Xj`ÂŻVXxjXÂŻxTTXU1Z_jX—`•˜X jXx\XzZ[—X easy to catch those who gather and form xV\•[‰ZV_—XxVXV`[j”Z[VX x‰Z[xU{XxÂŽXj”ZXT`cal population were up in being available to the demands of security for themselves U\X x‰Z[xUV\XUVWXUT\`XÂŽ`[Xj”ZX}Uj[x`jx_XWZYUVW\X •}`VX j”ZYX U\X _xjxĂ„ZV\X j`X [Z}`[jX such persons who do have intentions of _U•\xV‰X”U[YXj`X`j”Z[X x‰Z[xUV\XUVWXUT\`X bring instability to the polity, I blame the communities that keep quiet, that condone the presence of these insurgents, I blame them for bringing about the destruction upon their own society and to themselves. â >5;. 5=014L51@. @<;. :4;0. D+3,5;>1-. on May 7.


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Daily Newswatch

The Environment

tuesday, july 2,2013


What to expect at the UN climate change talk j[xZ\X VWX¬ ­XUVWXj ZX }Z_xUTX TxYUjZX UV ZX VWX¬ ­XqX[Z_ZVjT X \UxWX j Z X UzZX [Z_ZxzZWX UX _`Y|xVZWX ä´µÅXYxTTx`VXxVXVZ¯X}TZW Z\{X|[xV xV X j`jUTX xVjZ[VUjx`VUTX _`YYxjYZVj\X j`X Y`[ZXj UVXä´X|xTTx`V



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The Environment

Daily Newswatch tuesday, july 2, 2013

Climate change endangers Africa’s marine economy –Scientists


cientists have said that the rate of acceleration of climate change is increasing the difficulty of maritime activities at the same time it heightens the risk of natural hazards, according to a joint statement issued by a scientific organisation representing 65,000 members worldwide. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) calls on policymakers, private institutions and organisations to “forge cooperation and make bold investments” in ocean research. Building scientific understanding of the oceans and climate change will help protect economic interests by broadening knowledge of shifting marine conditions and their potential consequences. The statement was issued at the AGU’s science policy conference in Washington, at the weekend, a day after President Obama outlined new actions his administration will take to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The timing of the two announcements is coincidental, according to AGU presidentelect Margaret Leinen. The

dual conclusions that action is necessary are dictated by the science, Leinen said at a press briefing. Both the White House and the scientific community have reviewed the research and come to similar conclusions:

The planet and the oceans are getting hotter. The environmental conditions of the 21st century will not be those we remember from the 20th century. “Protection of life, property and critical infrastructure re-

quires objective scientific analysis,” says the AGU statement, “but it also necessitates an engagement between decision makers, the public and scientists to address our vulnerabilities to rising sea level, extreme storms, floods, droughts and

Mixed feelings trial Obama’s climate change programme Continued on Page 23

the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. The plan was criticised by the coal industry, which would be hit hard by carbon limits, and Republicans who accused the president of advancing policies that harm the economy. Environmentalists largely cheered the proposals and Figueres recommended the appointment of an official to oversee the changes in the United States, recently overtaken by China as the world’s biggest carbon polluter. “I do think that an energy czar in the White House would be extraordinarily helpful,” she said. “There has to be someone at a high level in the White House that can actually coordinate all of this and ensure that it gets done.” It was also very important for the White House to develop the capacity to measure the effects of the reforms, she said. “There has to be one central place where this is going to be quantified in order for the United States and the world to know what effort the United States is putting in,” she added.

The United Nations is attempting to resolve disputes between rich and poor countries on sharing out the burden of curbing greenhouse gas emissions as part of a new U.N. deal, a successor to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. It hopes an agreement will be signed in 2015 and come into force five years later. “That is why it is very important over the next 18 months that there is enough political space opened in every country so that federal governments can actually take the decisions that they need to take,” Figueres said. Head, International Institute on Environment and Development (IIED) climate change group, Dr. Simon Anderson, said the emphasis on strengthening local governance for adaptation planning, development new risk management tools and climate adaptation technology is helpful. “Framing this section in terms of ‘security’ is misguided and is likely to bias the way that resources are deployed for this objective. “The main instrument for addressing this objective is and will be U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – an agency that no-

toriously acts in isolation and seldom consults adequately with country governments before implementing such initiatives. Examples include the USAID-funded projects, Hariyo Ban in Nepal, and REGALIR in Kenya. “The resources mobilised so far by the U.S. and other industrialised countries are dwarfed by the imposed costs of increased climate variability on the economies and societies in the developing world. Optimistic assumptions of the scale of private sector contributions to resilience investments have proved so far to be ‘pie in the sky’ and there is no evidence that this will change any time soon – at least until medium term profits can be guaranteed to investors. The cases of failed weather-indexed crop insurance show how reluctant the private sector is to outset the costs of adaptation to the climate vulnerable”, he added. Anderson said the U.S. cannot claim to have led anything in the negotiations so far, apart from some obfuscation. If Obama’s emphasis on ‘ambition, inclusiveness and flexibility’ leads to support for common but differentiated responsibility for emissions

reductions and contributions to finance for adaptation then this is to be welcomed. In his own view, senior fellow in IIED climate change group, Dr. Saleemul Huq, added, “This is the first time that the Federal Government has announced significant adaptation actions at home, reflecting the fact that – importantly – Obama recognises that the United States faces adverse impacts from climate change that it must adapt to. On the international level however the promises for action, while welcome, are too little too late! While it is good to see a leader of the world’s richest country and biggest cumulative polluter finally promise to take actions, after over a decade of refusal to do so, the problem has become much bigger while the U.S. was ignoring it. Hence the world is now headed towards 4-degree temperature rise by 2100 unless much more drastic actions are undertaken on mitigation by all countries including the United States. President Obama says he wants the U.S. to lead this effort globally. His promise is welcome, but his actions still fall short of what is required”, he explained.

tsunamis.” Scientists have been trying to explain the significance of climate change and the potential magnitude of its environmental havoc using scientific models, charts and graphs for more than 30 years now. The AGU’s new position statement, linking climate change consequences to the economy, Leinen said, “highlights how much risk there is in not understanding” how warmer temperatures will change the oceans and all the resources humanity draws from them. The AGU issues the new position during a period when scientists worldwide are “feeling the pinch” of government budget cuts in research, Leinen said. At the same time, scientific findings are revealing ever more information about how great the magnitude of climate change will likely become. “Science provides the new knowledge we need,” according to the statement, “to respond to rising ocean temperatures, the decline of fisheries, expansion of low oxygen zones, and changes in the chemistry of the ocean caused by increased carbon dioxide.” AGU issues the new position statement at a time in the United States when severe weather events boost public awareness about climate change theories, even though scientists can’t definitively say these changes cause any single weather event. The supersized Tropical Storm Sandy that swamped coastlines and property in the north eastern United States in October 2012 gave millions of Americans a harsh education in how powerful an ocean storm can be. The storm caused an estimate $50 billion in property damage, while taking more than 100 lives. It was “not an accident” that the U.S. Congress authorised increased funding for greater understanding of ocean surge and flooding, Leinen said, after forecast models underestimated how Sandy’s storm waters would overrun densely populated seaside neighbourhoods. The AGU president-elect says the organisation intends to work more closely with the U.S. Congress to heighten awareness of global warming threats and the risks to the many economic sectors that are at stake if action is not taken to protect them. Many people might think the work scientists do is obscure, Leinen said, so the AGU is working to demonstrate how science directly affects our world.


Daily Newswatch

Insurance Tuesday, july 2, 2013

Insurance industry and challenges of IFRS EBERE NWOJI


ne of the major challenges that confronted insurance industry operators in the 2012 business year aside j ZX WxG_ TjX `}Z[UjxV X environment waded through by business operators in the face of the oil subsidy removal, which hit the country at the beginning of the year, was the migration in practical terms to the International Finance Reporting standards (IFRS) from the hitherto Statement of Accounting standards (SAS) used by the operators. The industry operators for the [\jX jxYZX }[Z}U[ZWX j Zx[X VUV_xUTX statements for the 2012 business year based on IFRS standard. The operators, though were given one year to get prepared for the new VUV_ZX [Z}`[jxV X \ \jZY{X j Z X ¯Z[ZX pushed to the walls when they were confronted with the technicalities involved in the new but globally U__Z}jZWX VUV_xUTX[Z}`[jxV X\ \jZY X Indeed, the exercise was not an interesting experience for the industry despite the huge amount spent by Y`\jX [Y\Xj`Xj[UxVXj Zx[XU__` VjXUVWX audit personnel for the exercise, their [Y\X U[ZX \jxTTX ®U[X ®[`YX _[`\\xV X j ZX hurdle of approval by the industry regulatory body, the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM). \X UjX j ZX jxYZX `®X TxV X j x\X [Z}`[j{X most operators are still sweating ¯xj X j Zx[X U__` VjxV X `G_Z[\X j`X ZjX it right and be listed among the next |Uj_ X `®X ®Z¯X [Y\X j UjX ¯` TWX _TZU[X the hurdle before the June 30 deadline for submission. Unfortunately many could not make the list because June 30 has come and gone and the approval master could not include their names. The situation is so tough that we are not only talking about approval UY`V Xj ZX [Y\{X| jXU|xTxj Xj`X Vx\ X U\\ZY|TxV X¯ UjZzZ[Xj Z XU[ZX} xV X j` Z Z[XXU\X X_`Y}TxUVjXX VUV_xUTX statement before approaching the judgement throne of NAICOM. }}U[ZVjT {X YUV X xV\ [UV_ZX [Y\X have been caught in the web of fear `®X}[Z\ZVjxV Xj Zx[X VUV_xUTX\jUjZYZVjX to NAICOM as a result of experience of their counterparts who have \ |Yx ZWX UVWX _` TWX V`jX _`YZX ` jX successfully. In fact there are indications that YUV XU__` VjxV X`G_Z[\X`®XxV\ [UV_ZX [Y\XZ\}Z_xUTT Xj `\ZX¯ `X UzZX|ZZVX sent on training on the IFRS standard are going to lose their jobs as their employers are disappointed that they could not at this time deliver despite the money spent on their training. Recent information from NAICOM said that only 10 out of 62 insurance UVWX[ZxV\ [UV_ZX [Y\XxVXj ZX_` Vj[ X UzZX }[Z\ZVjZWX j Zx[X VUV_xUTX statement to the commission based on the IFRS standards and out of this, `VT X zZX [Y\X UzZX_TZU[ZWXj ZX VUTX approval hurdle while the remaining zZX UzZX Zxj Z[X `jX ¾ Z[ X ®[`YX j ZX commission or have their report kept under preview by the commission. \X ®`[X j ZX [ZYUxVxV X ƽX [Y\{X nobody knows their fate as they have not approached the submission stage, let alone securing approval or contrary comment by the commission. But as tough as the situation is to the insurers, NAICOM knows what xjX¯UVj\XUVWX U\XxV\x\jZWX`VX Z xV XxjX right. The commission in the midst `®X |T VWZ[\X _`YYx ZWX | X j ZX accounting department of insurance

Fola Daniel, Commissioner for Insurance [Y\XxVX}[Z}U[xV Xj ZX X_`Y}TxUVjX VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVjX U\X _`VjxV ZWX j`X reel out its demands and the structure `®X VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVjX j UjX ¯xTTX YZZjX its approval. Part of its demands reads: “Admissible Assets and Liabilities For the purpose of calculating the solvency status of insurance and reinsurance companies the following shall continue to apply: Non Admissible Assets 1q\ `[ZX xVzZ\jYZVj\X \ UTTX V`jX ¾ UTx® XU\XUWYx\\x|TZX®`[Xj ZX} [}`\ZX of determining the solvency margin. Admissible Assets shall include `G_ZX Z¾ x}YZVj{X ® [Vxj [ZX UVWX xV \{X Y`j`[X zZ x_TZ\{X TUVWX UVWX building. According to the commission, in the X _`Y}TxUVjX VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVj{X land and building are not recognised as investment properties except as WZ VZWX | X j ZX x Z[xUX __` VjxV X Standard Board (NASB) SAS 13, paragraph 28. It also said concerning improvement to leasehold properties, in all cases, satisfactory evidence of ownership must be provided. Concerning investments, the commission said this will include statutory deposits, real estate (i.e. Investment Properties), mortgage loans, federal and state government securities, ¾ `jZWX \j`_¹\X UjX YU[¹ZjX zUT ZX U\X UjX |UTUV_ZX \ ZZjX WUjZ{X V¾ `jZWX \j`_¹\X UVWX \ U[Z\X UjX _`\jX |`VW\{X _ Z¾ Z\X and cash in hand, cash on deposit, commercial loans including loans to subsidiary subject to section5(1) of the IFRS guidelines and other investments subject to acceptance by the commission. The commission said With respect to Re-insurers, all outstanding premiums due from insurance companies and relating to the reporting year shall be recognised as admissible assets. This, it said, is in due recognition of the special nature of reinsurance business. It also said investments in real property over and above the statutory limit i.e. more than 35 per cent of total assets in the case of life business and 25 per cent in the case of Non-life business and all encumbered assets shall not be recognised for purposes

Jim Obazi, CEO, Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN)

He also reminded that the operators were only given one year to migrate to the system which according to him is not long enough though the situation demands such decisions.

of solvency determination adding that VZjX}[ZYx YXxV_`YZX\ UTTX|ZXWZ VZWX as “gross premium income less reinsurance during the year under review. NAICOM further said in the X VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVj{X YU[ xVX `®X \`TzZV_ X \ UTTX |ZX WZ VZWX U\X «j`jUTX admissible asset less total liabilities”. “This shall not be less than either 15 per cent of net Premium or the minimum paid up share capital whichever is higher. It also said in computing the solvency margin of reinsurance companies, the minimum capital base applicable to general business shall be N6 billion. When Daily Newswatch approached managing directors `®X \`YZX VWZ[¯[xjxV X [Y\X `VX j Zx[X U[ZU\X `®X WxG_ Tj X xVX j ZX VZ¯X U__` VjxV X\ \jZY{Xj Z XUWYx ZWXj UjX j Z X UWXV`jX}[Z\ZVjZWXj Zx[X VUV_xUTX statements to the commission let alone securing approval. They however gave reasons for j ZX WZTU X UVWX WxG_ Tj X xVX \Z_ [xV X U}}[`zUTX `®X j Zx[X VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVjX from the commission, According to the Managing Director of Linkage Assurance, Gus Wiggle, the reason for this is because 2012 was like an experimental year for full adoption of the IFRS standards by the industry. He described the current problems associated with the migration as teething problems expressing hope that the industry will get over it in due time.

He said in adopting the system, the insurance industry operators are still at learning stage adding that the few companies that have cleared the hurdle did not start experimenting on it under one year. He also reminded that the operators were only given one year to migrate to the system which according to him is not long enough though the situation demands such decisions. He said every operator had been working very hard to meet the deadline. As the June 30 deadline by the NAICOM has come and gone, Daily Newswatch approached the authority of the Nigeria Insurers Association(NIA), which is the umbrella body of insurers on the possibility of intervening on behalf of its members in the hands of NAICOM, but NIA Director General, Mr Sunday Thomas, said that the group had argued at length with the regulatory body over sparing some of its members who may not be able to meet the deadline but that they could not reach conclusion or agreement. Mr Thomas, speaking on why his association’s members found it WxG_ TjXj`X\ __Z\\® TT XUW`}jXj ZX X \jUVWU[WX xVX j Zx[X VUV_xUTX \jUjZYZVjX for the year under review, said it was because everything was still new to them. According to him, they will get \ZX j`X xjX UVWX |ZX xVX |Z Z[X }`\xjx`VX j`X }[Z\ZVjX |Z Z[X VUV_xUTX [Z}`[jX |U\ZWX on IFRS for 2013 business year. He said for the penalty awaiting those who could not meet the deadline, NAICOM would use its discretion to decide what to do. Describing NAICOM as a reasonable regulator, he maintained that the commission knows how best to deal with those who could not meet the deadline. Meanwhile, NAICOM has expressed sadness and Wx\U}}`xVjYZVjX¯xj Xj ZXUxTxV X [Y\X arguing that despite its support Z1`[j\Xj`XZVU|TZX}TU Z[\X_`Y}T X¯xj X the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), a good number of _`Y}UVxZ\X UzZX|ZZVXWZ UVj The Commission disclosed that only10 out of the 62 insurance and reinsurance companies under its \ }Z[zx\x`VX UWX \ |Yx ZWX j Zx[X

VUV_xUTX [Z}`[j\X ®`[X ½Â´½X j`X xj X x\X is considered as appalling given that the industry had set June 30, as the deadline for the submission and approval of the reports by insurance companies in the country. The Commissioner for Insurance, Mr Fola Daniel, who expressed this concern said he traced the T`¯X j [V` jX j`X j ZX WxG_ TjxZ\X associated with the conversion to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) but added that even at that, the commission had put in place necessary machinery to help the operators cope with the challenges in this direction. “In the last four weeks, we have _`YZX }X ¯xj X U|` jX zZX }U Z\X `®X UX write-up to say these are common problems because it is a year of transition to the IFRS and there would |ZXj[UV\xjx`VUTXWxG_ TjxZ\ X `X¯ZX UzZX _`YZX }X ¯xj X U|` jX zZX }U Z\X `®X explanatory note and also created a help desk in NAICOM where you meet about 13 people and you are ZV_` [U ZWX j`X U\¹X ¾ Z\jx`V\X j`X _TZU[X areas where you have doubts before \ |Yx xV X ` [XU__` Vj\X¯xj XUXzxZ¯X to shortening the approval time,” he said. He also stated that the commission had set up a standard for approving ¾ UTx ZWX VUV_xUTX [Z}`[j\X \ |Yx ZWX to it within four days. Otherwise, it would be reverted in four working days. “If the accounts are good, we must approve in four days and this U}}[`zUTX_UVX|ZXZ1Z_jZWX`VTxVZ{X| jXx®X they are not approvable then we must \ZVWX UX ¾ Z[ X |U_¹X j`X j ZX [Z\}Z_jxzZX companies in four days. So far, we UzZX _TZU[ZWX `VT X zZX _`Y}UVxZ\{ÉX Daniel said. The commissioner added, ‘NAICOM has also organised series of workshops and seminars previously with the view to educating industry operators on the proper reporting standard format. The workshops and seminars were also used to let j ZXU__` VjxV X`G_Z[\XxVXj ZXzU[x` \X companies know what was expected of them in their reporting format.’ This, he said, did not only assist the companies in making their returns early this year, but also improved the standard of their reporting format leading to fewer companies being ¾ Z[xZWXj x\X ZU[ A statement by NAICOM gave the names of the companies that have crossed the approval hurdle as at Monday June 25 as Mansard Insurance PLc, Adic Insurance, WAPIC Insurance plc, FBN life Insurance Ltd, Allco insurance, , Oasis Insurance Plc, Consolidated Hallmark Insurance , Continental Reinsurance Company Plc, Law Union & Rock Insurance Company Plc and NEM Insurance Plc . NAICOM in the statement listed the status of each company’s report under its review saying only j [ZZX _`Y}UVxZ\X UzZX \Ujx\ ZWX j ZX _`YYx\\x`V¿\X [Z¾ x[ZYZVjX U\X their accounts statement have fully complied with IFRS standards. The three successful companies according to NAICOM are Mansard Insurance, Adic Insurance and Wapic Insurance. According to NAICOM, the [ZYUxVxV X \ZzZVX [Y\X UVWX j Zx[X [Z}`[j\X U[ZX \jxTTX `VX Wx1Z[ZVjX \jU Z\X unapproved. According to the commission, FBN Life’s report is at state of ¾ Z[ X UVWX U¯UxjxV X [Z\}`V\Z\ X ZX same is the case of Aiico and Oasis Insurance. While Consolidated Hall Mark Assurance is at the state of response under review. Continental Reinsurance’s report is still under review, the same is the case of Law Union and Rock. Also NEM Insurance report is still under review too.


Daily Newswatch


tuesday, july 2, 2013

Insurers to lose N10bn on FG’s group life business Stories by EBERE NWOJI


he insurance industry will lose over N10 billion on the Federal Government’s group life, for this year which would likely be paid soon, Investigations revealed that the government’s insurance business stands over N21 billion, but it was underrated by underwriters to N11 billion. A broker, who spoke on the issue, said the premium was undervalued by inexperienced underwriters, who quoted what the Head of Service (HOS) adopted as benchmark for this year’s premium. An underwriter, who also expressed misgivings on the undervaluation of government insurance business, said his company was ruled out of last year’s group life business, because he spoke on the loss to the industry due to improper rating of government’s business. Media reports said the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Goni Aji, said the government was ready to pay the outstanding N7billion premium for 2011 and 2012. He said the government prioritised the welfare of its employees and that the insurance cover would serve as an encouragement for families of deceased workers, adding that the government had to manage available resources in the light of competing demands. Aji said what caused the sixmonth delay in the payment of workers’ insurance policy }[ZYx•YXÂŽ`[Xj”ZX_•[[ZVjXˆVUV_xUTX —ZU[X ÂŻU\X |Z_U•\ZX ”x\X `G_ZX could not secure on time the _Z[jxˆ_Ujx`VXÂŽ[`YXj”ZX •ZX [`_Z\\X G_Z{X¯”x_”XÂŻU\X[ZžÂ•x[ZWXÂŽ`[Xj”ZX payment. The HOS also explained that the process of payment of the group life insurance for the federal workers had changed as it was V`ÂŻX |ZxV‰X ”UVWTZWX |—X j”ZX `G_ZX of the Accountant-General of the Federation. He explained that the Federal Executive Council had approved that the payment of insurance premium should be carried out |—Xj”ZX`G_ZX`ÂŽXj”ZX ˜ ¸xX \UxWX j”ZX G_ZX `ÂŽX j”ZX ZUWX of Service of the Federation ÂŹ ­X”UWXÂŽ`[ÂŻU[WZWXUXTZ Z[Xj`X j”UjX Z1Z_jX j`X [Z\xWZVjX ``WT•_šX Jonathan for approval and was asked to revert back to the earlier U}}[`zUTX `ÂŽX X ÂŽ`[X j”ZX `G_ZX `ÂŽX the AGF to pay. He said: “There will be cover for the workers this year. What we have in the appropriation bill for 2013 insurance cover is N11billion. The total outstanding premium for 2011 and 2012 is about N7billion; that is, N4billion for 2012 and N3billion for N2011. “The way it is done now is that the Ministry of Finance gives the xV\j[•_jx`VXj`X x[Z_j`[q ZVZ[UTX`ÂŽX j”ZX •W‰ZjX G_Z{X ¯”`X `G_xUTT—X sends it to the Accountant ZVZ[UTÂż\X `G_ZĂŠX j”ZX __`•VjUVjq General releases the funds to the HOS and the HOS now pays into the respective insurers’ bank accounts and all that.

`ÂŽX[ZzZV•ZX‰ZVZ[Ujx`VXUVWXxV¡`ÂŻX to the Federal Government. In 2008, the Federal Government started the group life insurance scheme for its entire workforce ÂŻxj”X j”ZX ˆ[\jX }[ZYx•YX `ÂŽX N4billion. The regulation backing the

Insurance PHB promotes staff

scheme is contained in Section ¾Ÿ­X `ÂŽX j”ZX ZV\x`VX ZÂŽ`[YX he Board and Management of Act, 2004, which states that the V\•[UV_ZX X xYxjZWX ”UzZX employer shall maintain life approved the promotion of insurance policy in favour of the employee for a minimum of three \`YZX šZ—X YUVU‰ZYZVjX \jU1X `ÂŽX j”ZX company. times the annual total emolument The company also promoted other of the employee. _UjZ‰`[—X `ÂŽX \jU1{X ¯”x_”X ÂŽUTT\X •VWZ[X j”ZX¸Â•Vx`[X\jU1X_UW[Z˜X The promotions which took Z1Z_jX \xV_ZX Z|[•U[—X ´{X ½Ă‚´´X \UÂŻX UX seasoned marketer and the Eastern Z‰x`VUTX ZUW{X ”xZÂŽX ”U[TZ\X Agu, moved from the controller position to an assistant general YUVU‰Z[XÂŹ ­XUVWXj”ZX xzx\x`VUTX Head, Technical Mrs. Ukachi Orji, promoted to the position of Assistant General Manager (AGM). The prudent gate-keeper was a controller before her elevation. X YUVU‰ZYZVjX `G_Z[{X ¯”`X |ZVZˆjZWX ÂŽ[`YX j”ZX |`U[WÂż\X approved list for promotion, is the Head of Corporate Communications UVWX [`j`_`T{X [˜X `•x\X |Z˜X ”ZX information management strategist UVWXxYU‰ZXYUšZ[X`ÂŽX V\•[UV_ZX X Limited until his recent promotion to a controller was a senior manager in the company.

ZUWX `ÂŽX `[j”Z[VX Z‰x`V{X [˜X Olusola Omoni, was promoted to the position of a controller. Other key `G_Z[\X¯”`XUT\`X|Z_UYZX_`Vj[`TTZ[\X include the Company Secretary/ Head of Legal Adviser, Mrs. `[WZTxUX ZVZVĂŠX ZUWX `ÂŽX [`šZ[\X Unit, Mr. Kayode Adebanjo; Head of Internal Control, Mr. Timothy Adediji, a chartered accountant, as well as Vivian Elueme, a former \ZVx`[X YUVU‰Z[X xVX V\•[UV_ZX X [Z‰x`VUTX`G_ZXxVX `[jq U[_`•[j˜X ”ZX L-R: Commissioner for Insurance, Mr. Fola Daniel, new CIIN President, Mr. F.K. Lawal and his wife ZUWX`ÂŽX Z\jZ[VX Z‰x`V{X V\•[UV_ZX X xYxjZW{X [˜X T•ŽZYxX receiving congratulatory handshake from the commissioner at his recent investitiure in Lagos. Oyesola, has also been promoted to the position of a senior manager while Mr. Ayokunle Orimolade, ”ZUWX `ÂŽX V\•[UV_ZX X xYxjZWÂż\X Bancessurance, was also elevated ational Insurance ¯”x_”X”U\XYUWZXxjXWxG_•TjXj`X\Z TZX business of IGI to enable clients to to the position of senior manager continue being served. Commission (NIC) and pay claims as they fall due. and head Oil and Gas Unit, of the IGI, a Nigerian-controlled company, Mr. Michael Osazua, also But IGI Manager Corporate Ghana, has secured Mr Steve xV\•[UV_ZX ˆ[YX ÂŻxj”X }U[jx_•TU[X became a full manager. a court order to take Communications, over the Industrial Ilo, said the IGI corporate head focus on special risks such as oil Announcing the promotions, and General Insurance (IGI) `G_ZX ÂŻ`•TWX \``VX [ZTZU\ZX `G_xUTX and energy, engineering, aviation, UVU‰xV‰X x[Z_j`[X `ÂŽX V\•[UV_ZX statement on what has transpired and industrial risk management {X [X V\ZTZYX ‰|`{X \UxWX j”ZX subsidiary in the country. IGI’s exit in Ghana has brought in the management of its Ghana entered the Ghanaian market exercise is a strategy to inspire to two the number of prominent subsidiary but noted that Nigerian in 2008 when it acquired the \jU1X j`X xV_[ZU\ZX }Z[ÂŽ`[YUV_ZX UVWX business conglomerate that went companies that ventured into operations of Network Assurance commitment in their job. j`X ”UVUX xVX j”ZX }U\jX ÂŽ`•[X j`X ˆzZX Ghana in recent years has not been U\X }U[jX `ÂŽX xj\X UVq ÂŽ[x_UVX He said these came after the expansion drive. years but were frustrated out given the best treatment. _`V_T•\x`VX `ÂŽX j”ZX \jU1X ZzUT•Ujx`VX ZUV¯”xTZX Ă? X [Z}`[jX \U—\X The company on entering the exercise for the period July 2009 due to unfavourable condition. It will be recalled that Glo j”ZX _`Y}UV—¿\X ˆVUV_xUTX \xj•Ujx`VX market bought several shares of to June 2010 and in accordance Mobile network went there and ”U\X }•jX j”ZX ˆ[YÂż\X }`Tx_—”`TWZ[\X the publicly-traded SIC Insurance with our culture of rewarding Company. turned back due to unfavourable xVXUXÂˆÂłÂ˜ commendable performance. However, IGI’s underwriting It was gathered that the conditions of business given to it. V\•[UV_ZX X xYxjZW{X ¯”x_”X court on the }[`ˆjX ”U\X |ZZVX U¯Ž•TX UVWX [Z_ZVjT—X WZ_TU[ZWX UX }[`ˆjX `ÂŽX ÂźĂˆĂ†X A source from the company commercial said IGI has long indicated its recommendation of the NIC has recorded several losses – drawing YxTTx`VXxVXj”ZX—ZU[XZVWZWX Z_ZY|Z[X resolve to divest from Ghana and U}}`xVjZWX [Z\xWZVjX`ÂŽXj”ZX ”UVUX concern about the company’s 2009, has acquired the best insurance allow NIC Ghana to take over the Insurance Brokers Association, entry strategy and focus. Adding Information Technology software in Mr. Asante Marfo-Ahenkorah, to the company’s woes has been the Asian Market named Agillis and company. He said the decision to divest UVWX j”ZX UVU‰xV‰X x[Z_j`[X `ÂŽX xVˆ‰”jxV‰X UY`V‰X j”ZX Wx[Z_j`[\{X took the initiative aimed at increasing is as a result of irreconcilable TUxYX xYxjZW{X UVxZTX ÂŽ[Uxz{X which stalled recapitalisation its market share predicated upon Wx1Z[ZV_Z\X |ZjÂŻZZVX j”ZX _`Y}UV—X as administrators of the life and plans. j”ZX [Z_ZVjT—X _`Vˆ[YZWX _`Y}•T\`[—X NIC, whose mandate under insurances by the National and the majority shareholders and general insurance business of the its local Ghanaian directors. troubled company in line with the Insurance Act 2006 (Act Insurance Commission. “But the point must be made that procedures to liquidate the assets Ăˆ½Ă‡­X x\X j`X ZV\•[ZX Z1Z_jxzZX “The acquisition of the new administration, supervision, Software, Agillis, is tailored around the company is not on liquidation `ÂŽX XUÂŽjZ[X Z_ZY|Z[Xj”x\X—ZU[˜ at this moment. The court has The administrators have been regulation, monitoring and enhanced turn-around time, erroronly approved administrators for given six-month duration to control of the business of free documentation, increase in the companies for a period of six complete their work, and the cost insurance to protect the insurance the technical competence of the months, as agreed with NIC in that will be incurred through the industry and policyholders, said entire workforce, real time-online Ghana, while the shareholders are administrators’ activities will its enforcement action against insurance underwriting as well resolving their issues,â€? he said. be borne by the NIC and later IGI has been necessitated by the U\X q ”x[WX U[j—X `j`[X V\•[UV_ZX Z_ZVjX [Z}`[jX |—X Ă? {X \UxWX reimbursed by IGI as instructed company’s violations of various Underwriting from any part of the provisions in the Insurance Act. the move by the NIC of Ghana by the court. `•Vj[—ÉX ‰|`X\•|Yx ZW˜ to take over IGI’s subsidiary, has Ă? X ZVžÂ•x[xZ\X ”UzZX [ZzZUTZWX The Administrators appointed The promotions, which came paved the way for the eventual that all the general insurance by the insurance regulator ÂŻxj”X UTTX j”Zx[X VZ_Z\\U[—X |ZVZˆj\X [ZžÂ•x[ZWX j`X }[`1Z[X according to information, are a liquidation and closure of the policies held by the company’s U[ZX company’s operations in the clients have expired, except life recommendation to NIC and way of demonstrating the Board’s country. insurance policyholders who will lead court action against IGI goodwill in the appreciation of the Information available indicates |ZX U1Z_jZWX |—X j”ZX TxžÂ•xWUjx`VX Ghana Limited in a bid to protect ”U[WX ÂŻ`[šxV‰X YZY|Z[\X `ÂŽX \jU1X that the move by the industry process. However, plans are being the interests of policyholders, who are strategically persuaded to regulator to close down IGI’s fashioned by the NIC, to transfer customers and the public; and remain focused, with ownership `}Z[Ujx`V\X ÂŽ`TT`ÂŻ\X _U\”X ¡`ÂŻX j”ZYXj`X`j”Z[XxV\•[UV_ZXˆ[Y\Xj”UjX preserve and prevent IGI from ideal and increased high sense of insolvency issues and operational are robust enough and interested transferring, disposing of or commitment and aggressiveness in WxG_•TjxZ\XÂŽU_ZWX|—Xj”ZX_`Y}UV—{X to accept the life insurance dealing with any of its properties. marketing. “So, it is just a question of electronically instructing the `G_ZX `ÂŽX j”ZX __`•VjUVjq ZVZ[UTX to pay so that it can now reduce the time deployed to process it.â€? Aji added that whether the full premium for this year would be paid or not depended on the level

IGI Ghana faces liquidation



Daily Newswatch


TueSDAY, july 2, 2013

NIA boss faults insurance growth measurement Stories by EBERE NWOJI

j”ZXxVW•\j[—XUVWXj”Zx[X[Zj•[V\X W`X V`jX _`•VjX xVX j”ZX X UVV•UTX insurance premium for the xVW•\j[—˜ For instance, while recent [Z}`[jX [ZTZU\ZWX |—X j”ZX •Y|[ZTTUX |`W—X `ŽX xV\•[Z[\{X j”ZX X \U—\X j”UjX xVW•\j[—X

premium for the 2012 business —ZU[X \j``WX UjX ½Ă‡Ă‚X |xTTx`V{XX [Z}`[j\X \UxWX j”UjX }ZV\x`VX Ž•VWXxVXj”ZX_`•Vj[—X”U\X”xjX ÆX j[xTTx`VX ¯”xTZX UVV•xj—X Ž•VWX has hit N3 trillion. ”ZX X WZ}•j—X _”Ux[YUVX x\X \U—xV‰X j”UjX xÂŽX j”Z\ZX Ž•VW\X


eputy Chairman of Nigeria I n s u r e r s Association (NIA) Mr `WÂŻxVX x‰‰TZX ”U\X ÂŽU•TjZWX the measurement parameter for insurance performance xVX x‰Z[xUX \U—xV‰X xjX x\X |U\ZWX `VX `VT—X TxÂŽZX UVWX ‰ZVZ[UTX |•\xVZ\\XUVWXj”UjXxjXx\XV`jXjxZWX to infrastructural activities in the economy. ”x\X U__`[WxV‰X j`X ”xYX x\X xVX _`Vj[U\jX j`X }U[UYZjZ[X •\ZWX xVX_`•Vj[xZ\X¯”Z[ZXÂŻZX[Z‰U[WX j”Zx[X xV\•[UV_ZX xVW•\j[—X U\X [Z_`[WxV‰X ÂŽU\jX ‰[`ÂŻj”X UVWX |Z Z[X}Z[ÂŽ`[YUV_Z˜ __`[WxV‰X j`X ”xY{X xVX Nigeria, the performance of j”ZX xVW•\j[—X x\X YZU\•[ZWX `VX j”ZX }[ZYx•YX j”UjX U__[•ZWX ÂŽ[`YX TxÂŽZX UVWX ‰ZVZ[UTX business alone whereas in other countries, their YZU\•[ZYZVjXx\X|U\ZWX`VXTxÂŽZ{X ‰ZVZ[UTX|•\xVZ\\{X}ZV\x`VXUVWX annuity. ”x\X ”ZX \UxWX ZÂł}TUxV\X ¯”—X their annual turnover is [Z_`[WZWXxVX|xTTx`V\X`ÂŽXW`TTU[\X quite unlike that of Nigerian xV\•[UV_ZXxVW•\j[—˜ UxT—X ZÂŻ\ÂŻUj_”X`|\Z[zZWX that here in Nigeria, a lot of compulsory premium—xZTWxV‰X xV\•[UV_ZX }[`W•_j\X have been taken away from Remi Olowude, NIA Chairman

x\`TUjZWXÂŽ[`YXxV\•[UV_ZX”UzZX |ZZVX UWWZWX j`X xV\•[UV_ZX premium where they |ZT`V‰{X j”ZX xVW•\j[—X ÂŻ`•TWX _`VzZVxZVjT—X [Ux\ZX xj\X ”ZUWX UY`V‰X j”ZX |xTTx`VqW`TTU[q premium-income global ˆ[Y\˜

ZX [Z‰[Z ZWX j”UjX j”ZX [ZzZ[\ZX x\X j”ZX _U\Z{X |•jX \UxWX j”ZX xVW•\j[—X ”U\X Ž•j•[ZX potentials. ÂŤ ”xV‰\X U[ZX ‰Z xV‰X |Z Z[X UVWX j”ZX xVW•\j[—X x\X ‰[`ÂŻxV‰˜X We cannot assess insurance growth in isolation we measure the growth in the xVW•\j[—X |—X j”ZX V•Y|Z[X infrastructural activities in the country because any how you look at it, government is the major buyer of insurance in the country but right now, you can see they are not |•—xV‰XUVWXj”UjX”U\X[ZW•_ZWX our income. You know we U[ZXxY}`[jX_`•Vj[—XÂŻZXÂŻ`•TWX have been enjoying activities in the maritime sector but it is V`jX_`YxV‰É{X”ZX\jUjZW˜ •‰‰Z\jxV‰X j”ZX ÂŻU—X ÂŽ`[ÂŻU[WX ÂŽ`[X j”ZX xVW•\j[—X j”ZX X WZ}•j—X _”Ux[YUVX \UxWX awareness creation on the relevance of insurance to everyone in the country is the answer.

ZX V`jZWX j”UjX YUV—X }Z`}TZX\jxTTXW`XV`jXU}}[Z_xUjZX insurance in Nigeria whereas U__`[WxV‰X j`X ”xYX ÂŻZX U[ZX ¸`xVxV‰X j”ZX _[ZWxjX Z_`V`Y—X _`•Vj[xZ\XUVWXVZZWXxV\•[UV_ZX more.

ZXZ³}[Z\\ZWX|ZTxZŽXj”UjXj”ZX _U\”TZ\\XZ_`V`Y—XxVj[`W•_ZWX xVX j”ZX _`•Vj[—X ¯`•TWX ”ZT}X insurance growth.

Emerging risks, wake-up call for insurers - SA Life boss


a n a g i n g x[Z_j`[X UVWX Chief executive `G_Z[X `ÂŽX X life Assurance, Mr Austin Enajemo-Isire, has WZ\_[x|ZWX j”ZX WZzZT`}YZVjX of some emerging risks in the _`•Vj[—X \•_”X U\X šxWVU}}xV‰X UVWX |`š`X U[[UYX šxTTxV‰\X as a wake-up call for insurers to really sharpen their •VWZ[ÂŻ[xjxV‰X ZÂł}Z[jx\ZX j`X }[`zxWZX_`zZ[XÂŽ`[Xj”ZXzx_jxY\˜ Isire, who spoke in an interview with Daily Newswatch in an insurance ÂŽ`[•YX xVX U‰`\{X ”`ÂŻZzZ[X \UxWX insurers cannot be caught unawares.

ZX \UxWX ZYZ[‰xV‰X [x\š\X YUVxÂŽZ\jZWX xj\ZTÂŽX j`X x‰Z[xUVX xV\•[Z[\X ÂŽ`[X j”ZX ˆ[\jX jxYZX TU\jX —ZU[X ÂŻxj”X j”ZX |`š`X U[UYX killing. __`[WxV‰X j`X ”xY{X xVxjxUTT—{X Nigerian insurers were hearing about it among the western ÂŻ`[TWX UVWX j”`•‰”jX j”UjX xjX ÂŻxTTX

V`jX_`YZXj`Xj”ZY˜X ZX\UxWXj”ZX insurers saw the reality last year when like other Nigerians they ÂŻUj_”ZWXUVWX\UÂŻXÂŽZTT`ÂŻX”•YUVX |ZxV‰\X |ZxV‰X \TU•‰”jZ[ZWX TxšZX ‰`Uj\X`VXWUxT—X|U\x\˜


ZX UT\`X \UxWX j”ZX [UzU‰xV‰X ¡``WX j”UjX WZ\j[`—ZWX TxzZ\X UVWX property in the country last year was part of the new experience j`X j”ZX xV\•[Z[\X UWWxV‰X j”UjX UTTX jZVWX j`ÂŻU[W\X ‰xV‰Z[xV‰X j”ZX xV\•[Z[\X j`X ‰ZjX |Z Z[X }[Z}U[ZWX for the future. ”U[xV‰X ”x\X •VWZ[ÂŻ[xjxV‰X experience in recent times as UX [x\šX |ZU[Z[{X j”ZX X TxÂŽZX |`\\X \jUjZW{X ÂŤ \\•Z\X U[ZX —ZU[VxV‰X ÂŽ`[X _”UV‰ZWX jZ[[UxVX x\X \`X ”x‰”{X people are hungry, a lot of •VZY}T`—ZWX —`•V‰X ‰[UW•UjZ\X without jobs, we are praying for those in government that j”ZX \}x[xjX `ÂŽX `WX ÂŻxTTX ‰`X xVj`X j”ZYX\`Xj”UjXj”Z—XTZUWX•\XÂŻZTT{ÉX ”ZX\jUjZW˜ He also spoke on the position of insurers on government business especially the group life insurance in the face of ‘No Premium, No Cover’ government policy saying “No [ZYx•Y{X `X `zZ[X x\X ‰``WX ˆ[\jX žÂ•U[jZ[X |•\xVZ\\X ÂŻU\X V`jX ‰``WX |Z_U•\ZX xVX j”ZX ÂŽU_ZX `ÂŽX

No Premium No Cover, those }Z`}TZX ¯”`X }[`zxWZX _`zZ[X ÂŻxj”X WZ|xjX V`jZ\X _`•TWX V`jX W`X j”UjX U‰UxV{X \`X }Z`}TZX U[ZX taking time to have cash before approaching their service }[`zxWZ[X \`X j”Z[ZX x\X UX Tx TZX |xjX `ÂŽXWZTU—XÂŽ[`YX_`V\•YZ[\X`ÂŽX`•[X }[`W•_j˜ X }ZUšxV‰X `VX j”ZX }[`zx\x`VX of insurance services to government agencies that WZ}ZVWX `VX j”ZX }U\\U‰ZX `ÂŽX j”ZX UVV•UTX|•W‰ZjX|ZÂŽ`[ZX\}ZVWxV‰X especially in the face of No [ZYx•Y{X `X `zZ[{X \x[ZX\UxW{X ÂŤ `zjX |•\xVZ\\X x\X |U\ZWX `VX |•W‰ZjX \xV_ZX j”ZX |•W‰ZjX x\X V`jX —ZjX }U\\ZWX UV—X xV\•[UV_ZX _`Vj[U_jX j”UjX x\X V`jX }UxWX ÂŽ`[X _UVV`jX|ZX[Z‰U[WZWX˜ jXx\XU\X|UWX as having no cover. ”ZX [•TZX \U—\X V`X }[ZYx•Y{X no cover so what concession are you talking about. Because that is the law, if you brake the law, there is nothing like gentle man’s agreement they can’t get xjX‰UxV{X”ZX\jUjZW˜


Things your insurance broker won’t tell you


f you’re starting or currently own UX \YUTTX |•\xVZ\\{X —`•X YU—X ˆVWX —`•[\ZTÂŽX ”UzxV‰X j`X }[`zxWZX ÂŽ`[X —`•[X `ÂŻVX xV\•[UV_ZX VZZW\X xV\jZUWX `ÂŽX [ZT—xV‰X `VX ZY}T`—Z[q|U\ZWX coverage. You may seek the services of an insurance broker, a professional representing a variety of insurance _`Y}UVxZ\X¯”`X_UVX`1Z[XUXV•Y|Z[X`ÂŽX coverage options. However, there are some things a broker might not tell —`•Xj”UjX—`•XVZZWXj`X|ZXUÂŻU[ZX`Ž˜ 41-50.2<(14; `•X YU—X V`jX |ZX UÂŻU[ZX —`•[X _[ZWxjX score will play a role in the amount you pay for auto insurance. Auto insurers cite a correlation between T`ÂŻX_[ZWxjXUVWX”x‰”Z[XU__xWZVjX[UjZ\{X \`XxÂŽX—`•¿zZX”UWXUXÂŽZÂŻXTUjZX}U—YZVj\X or have a bankruptcy in your recent past, expect to pay higher rates. *@.;1(,121=0.<2*+=0 Insurance companies become }[`ˆjU|TZX xVX }U[jX |—X šZZ}xV‰X _TUxYX payouts as low as possible, so you can |ZX\•[ZXj”ZXˆ[\jX`1Z[X—`•X[Z_ZxzZXÂŻxTTX be the lowest the company believes it x\XTZ‰UTT—X`|Tx‰UjZWXj`X}U—˜ *225;;5*=‚3<;1-.9*2D1=;<05*= While insurance brokers have U__Z\\X j`X }[`W•_j\X ÂŽ[`YX UX zU[xZj—X `ÂŽX insurance companies, the fact that the bulk of their income comes from _`YYx\\x`V\X _`•TWX YZUVX j”UjX j”Z—X \jZZ[X—`•Xj`ÂŻU[WXUX}[`W•_jX[Z\•TjxV‰X in the highest commission, even if xjX x\VÂżjX j”ZX U|\`T•jZX |Z\jX }[`W•_jX ÂŽ`[X you. 4125+2.9<,9+,<05*=.D4*91;; If you ask your broker to explain ”`ÂŻX —`•[X }[ZYx•YX x\X _UT_•TUjZW{X he likely won’t be able to tell you. __`[WxV‰X j`X ”ZX •j` V\•[UV_ZX website, insurance companies make the premium calculation }[`_Z\\X WxG_•TjX UVWX _`VŽ•\xV‰X xVX }U[jX j`X Wx\_`•[U‰ZX _`V\•YZ[\X ÂŽ[`YX U ZY}jxV‰X j`X _`Y}U[ZX [UjZ\X ÂŻxj”X other companies. ><=G5=G.9*=-505*=; Insurance companies may choose to raise your rates in certain situations even if you’ve been a longterm customer with no claims. For xV\jUV_Z{XxÂŽX—`•¿zZXˆTZWXjÂŻ`X[ZTUjxzZT—X YxV`[X _TUxY\X ÂŻxj”xVX UX \”`[jX }Z[x`WX of time, the company may stipulate j”UjXj”Zx[X[x\šX”U\XxV_[ZU\ZW{X\`X—`•[X premium must follow suit. ><=G5=G.G+5-1,5=1; Insurance companies may choose j`X _”UV‰ZX j”ZX ‰•xWZTxVZ\X j”Z—X •\ZX j`X cancel a policy, without notifying brokers that sell the company’s }`Tx_xZ\˜X ”•\{X —`•[X |[`šZ[X YU—X V`jX ”UzZX j”ZX U|xTxj—X j`X UWzx\ZX —`•X whether reporting a recent small claim will result in the cancellation of your policy. *2D<=51;.D,</.A<L*+4501; V\•[UV_ZX _`Y}UVxZ\X jZVWX j`X ÂŽUz`•[X|[`šZ[\X¯”`X}TU_ZXUX‰[ZUjXWZUTX of business with them. A broker may steer you away from a policy with UX }U[jx_•TU[X _`Y}UV—X UVWX j`ÂŻU[WX one where he has a more favourable status. *,59/.1„9,+;5*=; Your broker may go to great lengths to tell you what a policy covers while neglecting to tell you what is not _`zZ[ZW˜X V\•[UV_ZX }`Tx_xZ\X ÂŽZUj•[ZX UX Tx\jX `ÂŽX ZÂł_T•WZWX ZzZVj\X ¯”Z[ZX coverage will not apply. *. D</*+0. 9<=. ;05,,. @*4H. <G<5=;0. /*+ zZVXxÂŽX—`•XˆTZXUX_TUxYXj”UjXZVW\X•}X |ZxV‰X•VWZ[Xj”ZXWZW•_jx|TZ{XYZUVxV‰X you pay the full amount out of your own pocket, the insurer may still count this as an occurrence that may ÂŻ`[šX U‰UxV\jX —`•X xÂŽX —`•X ˆTZX Ž•j•[ZX claims. <=91,,<05*=.A11; Your broker may neglect to tell you that if you cancel your policy xVX j”ZX YxWWTZX `ÂŽX j”ZX jZ[Y{X —`•X probably won’t receive the full UY`•VjX `ÂŽX UV—X •V}UxWX }[ZYx•Y˜X Insurance companies assess a “short rate,â€? which is a fee for premature cancellation.


Daily Newswatch


Tuesday, july 2, 2013

Insurers unappreciative of licensed agents’ worth - Obuvie National President of Association of Registered Insurance Agents (ARIAN) in Nigeria, Mr Kingsley Obuvie, re$*(%+; 0]'^* &( #( &(%*-:&*_ _&%. `{`|` }~E &( .&0 #6'0 ',/$* +#)*(%&(6 %.* 5(D*:*+']*D 0%#%50 ', &(05-#($* #6*($; 0;0%*) &( }&6*-&# #(D %.* *,,*$%0 '( %.* D&0%-&<5%&'( ', &(05-#($* ]-'D5$%0 &( D&,,*-*(% ]#-%0 ', %.* country. Excerpts:


hat is the state of insurance agency in Nigeria? Averagely, insurance agents in Nigeria are doing well, but we are lacking in the area of manpower, although the industry itself has realised it but they are taking cognisance of it, but for now, we are still on average performance. What are the challenges militating against the achievement of ARIAN set goals? Nigerians don’t see agency business as a career business and many people don’t want to come into it, it is strictly commission-based. Though some companies have actually seen agency as a way to grow their business, they have embraced it and given it some level of support. But the fact is still, insurance companies in the country are yet to see the core value of licensed insurance agents. Agents are only living on commission earned from the ZTWX UVWX j ZX \`YZX `®X j ZX }[`W _j\X UzUxTU|TZX are not customer friendly enough. Looking at the Nigeria economy, an average Nigerians does not see insurance has a priority, if not that motor insurance is made compulsory, there wouldn’t have been anyone buying insurance in the country. In the same vein, the industry itself has not been given agency recognition. Brokers are everywhere because the industry has really given them the support which makes it easier for them to gain more ground. If the industry should say let us do business with agency, let us embrace it and see how we can grow the agency business, then, some of the problems we are facing will be a thing of the past and j ZXxV\ [UV_ZXxVW \j[ X¯xTTX|ZXUXT`jX|Z Z[Xj UVX what we have had before. You can imagine having 49 insurance companies and all of them decide to deal with agency as they are dealing with brokers, I am sure things will be UX T`jX |Z Z[X V`¯ X T\`{X xV\ [UV_ZX U¯U[ZVZ\\X x\Xj``XT`¯XxVX x Z[xU{XxjX¯xTTX|ZXUXT`jX|Z Z[Xx®X j ZXxVW \j[ X_UVXT``¹X®`[XUX|Z Z[X}TUj®`[YXj`X inform Nigerians at least, compared to what the banks are doing; creating awareness. Before now, how many of us really know about it, they have to move like a crusade and the awareness has made it to be where it is now. The insurance industry in Nigeria needs to wake up and leave the comfort zone of conservative rather creates awareness. It is not a thing of one person; it must be a massive movement. Talking about the industry support, CIIN recently gave you training and NAICOM gave you a temporary operating licence. What other support do you need from the industry? We are craving for support in the area of welfare of the agents. Nobody in Nigeria will want to put his money in a place where he is not sure of. The recognition of agency is not there yet; we are still trying to manage the recognition part in a way that it will build up the lost trust. Another problem is that we don’t have corporate agency in Nigeria, the practice is still on individual practices and until they set up corporate agency in Nigeria, we may still remain where we are. For example, if I go to an organisation in my name and try to market insurance and somebody else comes in the name of XYZ company, such organisation will prefer to do business with XYZ because it is a company. Meanwhile, the industry itself has not allowed corporate agency to move. If really we want to grow, the industry will have to support corporate agency, expand it to grow the industry. Though there are few of the operators that are supporting agency and that is why you can see the marginal growth in the industry. What does it take to set up a corporate agency? It is an issue of the law itself; it is not something anybody can just dabble into. There is need for that aspect of the law to be changed.

Kingsly Obuvie, President ARIAN

Right now, the law recognises “person” ¯xj ` jXWZ Vxjx`VX`®X¯ `Xj ZX}Z[\`VXx\XZxj Z[X individual or group (company). It is something the regulators need to work on either come up ¯xj X UX xWZTxVZX j`X [ZUTT X Wx1Z[ZVjxUjZX ¯ UjX the “person” actually means. Of a truth, many people want to come into agency, but there is need for the regulator to work on that aspect of the law so as to encourage both individuals and organisations to come. Have you then made any move to let the regulator know? The regulator is aware. I know there is a law, an amendment that has been passed to the National Assembly over two years now, but has not been put into law. Did you make any suggestion for the amendment in that direction? Yes but nothing can be done until the law is amended and guidelines is issued. Insuring public complain about agents running away with their money. Don’t you 0>5=H.<(50+-1.*A./*+4.212314;.-1=/./*+.*A. public trust? Yes, but it is fast becoming a thing of the }U\j X ZX U[ZX } xV X xVX }TU_ZX _`WZX `®X Zj x_\X that will put adequate check on our members. Any member that is caught in any wrongful act will be adequately dealt with. In order to stop fraud, there are insurance companies who don’t collect cash directly again, you either pay to the bank or buy a scratch card but not directly from an agent. Though it is a wide campaign which everybody is expected to be involved in, the insuring public need to be well informed and we should encourage the cashless system practice here in Lagos which will soon go to all states in the federation. Brokers in Nigeria tend not to believe agency exists and if they exist, they should come through them. How do you see this?

Anyway, brokers are not the law and they cannot dictate what should be in practice. All over the world, as far as insurance business is concerned, the two known intermediaries are agents and brokers and they cannot say Nigeria \ ` TWX\jU[jX\`YZj xV XWx1Z[ZVj X jXx\XUX T`|UTX market practice, it is wrong for anybody to say agents should go under brokers rather they should encourage agency growth because we all have a role to play in the industry’s growth. I know brokers deal directly with corporate institutions while agents deal with individual, \`X x®X ` X _ jX `1X j ZX [ZjUxTX YU[¹ZjxV X ¯ x_ X we represent, then how do we sell insurance to those at the lower class. Then, how many brokers do we have which will sell insurance to over 150million people in Nigeria. Will you prefer to work with them or not? Why will I have to work with them when the law has outlined my duties as an agent? My duty is to collect business from the public and hand it over to the insuring company and there are occasions for me to work with them ¯ X V`jX | jX X Y \jX [\jX }Z[®`[YX Y X [`TZX j`X contribute to the growth of the industry. Are you comfortable with the level of acceptance of insurance even with compulsory insurance and retail marketing? What will you want both government and the regulator to do to enhance public trust? The regulators have been playing a major role to ensure that there is wide acceptability of insurance in Nigeria. There are disciplinary measures that have been put in place where erring underwriters, brokers or agents are made to face the sanction of the law. Although j ZX[Z TUj`[Xx\Xj[ xV {Xj Z X_UVX\jxTTXW`X|Z Z[X and the recent rule; “No Premium, No Cover”, if they can enforce it properly, the industry ¯xTTX· X x Z[ In this window of opportunity with the

introduction of MDRI in 2009 and lunching *A. :L1. 9*2D+,;*4/. 5=;+4<=91F. >*@. ><L1. you organised your members to tap into the opportunity of compulsory insurance? The MDRI is a good development, but there is Wx1Z[ZV_ZX|Zj¯ZZVX\U xV XUVWXxY}TZYZVjxV X The law is there but who is implementing it/enforcing it? That is the challenge we are having; for example, if you work into a building and you discovered the building is not insured, who will enforce it to make sure the building is insured? All the necessary bodies that are supposed to enforce that law have not been put in place. Even if agents are asked to go to houses that are not insured and serve them a notice, who would they report to and who will come and implement it? In the same vein, there is need for us to create more awareness on this compulsory insurance; NAICOM is doing its, own but all the sectors should be involved to create a |Z Z[XU¯U[ZVZ\\ X ®Xj Z[ZXx\XZV` XU¯U[ZVZ\\X and the law takes it full course; if two or three people are caught and shown to the public, then people will take the compulsory insurance seriously. It is a widespread notion that Nigerians don’t like insurance, who is to be blamed for the low level of acceptance? I will blame everybody; both the operators and the regulators. Though insurance is not in our culture, it is a borrowed culture from another country but since we have it now, the regulators and the operators have not been able to come out with detailed information on what insurance can do to the public. Mainly, I will put the blame on the operators because we have not come out with convincing detail to make Nigerians buy insurance and if that is not done, we will still continue to experience low level of acceptance in the country. How many registered members do you have now in ARIAN? Currently, we have over 5,000 licensed insurance agents who are our members. Though there are close to 34,000 insurance agents but only 5,000 agents are licensed. Why did the Association allow the nonregistered agents to operate? Well, who is to be blamed? We are not to `XUVWX|ZX jxV Xj ZX`}Z[Uj`[\{XV` X X is not unionist organisation rather, it is a professional organisation. I expect that on a yearly basis, the regulator should ask for the list of agents operating and functioning in various organisations. Are you equally blaming the low level of the acceptance of insurance in the country on the non-licensed operating agents? Yes. The enormous problem facing insurance in Nigeria is mainly because of the unregistered agents that dominate the market. We have many agents who are not trained but operating, in the market selling insurance. If the public can ask a broker’s licence then the public should always ask for an agent’s licence before they do any business with them. We have even approached NAICOM on this and it will be in the best interest of the industry if NAICOM can include it in the rule that before any individual or company deal with any person, not minding which company is involved should ask for it license before UV X jUT¹ X ZX j[ j X `®X j ZX YU Z[X x\X j UjX j ZX challenges we are having in the industry today is because of these unregistered agents. One of the major problems of Nigeria insurance industry is that there is mass concentration on the urban city. Do you agree that before the entire country can be covered; there is need for your members to move in the rural communities? Yes. In fact, it is one of our targets but the problem we are having is that most of the insurance companies are in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. The cost of doing the business YU¹Z\XxjXWxG_ TjX®`[X \Xj`X `XxVXj Z[ZÊXU ZVj\X are on commission not salary. For example, if I have to go to Ikorodu and bring a business to Lagos Island, the cost of transportation will be put into consideration.


Daily Newswatch

PENSION Tuesday, july 2, 2013,

Workers worried as NASS reviews Pension Act 2004 KAYODE ADELOWOKAN


orkers are worried over the on-going process by legislators to amend the Pension Act 2004. They are afraid that their hardearned contributory pension may get into wrong hands should the Act be amended. Also, a plan to channel the pension funds into infrastructure development is giving the workers nightmare. The funds reached about N2.94 trillion in September last year. A Director in the Federal Ministry of Works, who craves anonymity, said the Pension Reform Act 2004 is the best thing that has happened to workers. The reform took place under the administration of former President Olusegun Obasanjo. He lamented that civil service rules are being set aside due to Federal Government’s desperation to tamper with the pension funds, ostensibly to prosecute the 2015 electioneering process under the guise of channeling it into infrastructure development. The director recalled that the mismanaged pension funds got into wrong hands because they were not covered by the Pension Act 2004. He blamed the inability of government to deal decisively with alleged looters of pension funds and suspect government of complicity in the fraud. According to him, the former chairman of the Pension Reform Task Team, Abdulrasheed Maina, facing allegations of collusion with `j”Z[X j`}X ‰`zZ[VYZVjX `G_xUT\X to mismanage the pensions of public sector workers may be set free. Speaking on the ongoing amendment, a member of the House of Representatives `YYx ZZX `VX ZV\x`V\{X `V˜X Mustapha Bala Dawaki, said: “It is unfortunate that this government is mutilating and bastardising such an allimportant law just because of one individual. Why should they personify government institutions?� His comments refer to a provision of the Bill that seeks to change the provision in the original Act providing that the PenCom director-general’s `G_ZX Y•\jX |ZX `__•}xZWX by someone with working experience of between 15 and 20 years. General Secretary of the National Union of Chemical Footwear, Rubber, Leather UVWX `Vq Z UTx_X [`W•_j\X Employees (NUCFRLANMPE), Comrade Douglas Adiele, said the pension fund is for security of those who have worked and retired, and cautioned the

ZWZ[UTX `zZ[VYZVjXj`X\jU—X`1X it. “If this pension fund was not on ground, won’t the Federal Government think of ways of ˆVUV_xV‰X j”ZX WZzZT`}YZVjX `ŽX infrastructure in the country?� he asked rhetorically. He warned that if the Federal Government was allowed to tamper with the fund as it is planning to do, the pensioners may not see their money when it is time for them to use it. He urged the lawmakers to support the cause of the workers by rejecting the amendment, adding that anything to the contrary will amount to collaborating with the executive to ruin the future of the workers. Adiele said the Pension Act 2004 has brought in transparency into pension funds management and administration, arguing that since the funds were already being lawfully invested, the government should not expose the funds to the dangers of mismanagement and embezzlement by government `G_xUT\˜ Chairman, Pension Funds Operators Association of Nigeria (PenOp), PenOp Chairman, Dave Uduanu, in his part alleys the fear and said hopes are high that the review of the Pension Reform Act 2004 that is currently going on in the National Assembly will strengthen the Act to bring the informal sectors of the economy into the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS). He said though the nation’s pension system is still largely geared towards ensuring peaceful retirement for people in the formal sector of the economy, the regulators have realised that the informal sector was by far larger than the formal sector, hence the need to bring the retirement savings account to the sector. According to him, “The CPS system was built on accountability and transparency, quite unlike j”ZX `TWX WZˆVZWX |ZVZˆjX scheme, where we hear of disappearance of pension funds, long queues of elderly people waiting for pension payment.� Under the CPS, Uduanu maintained that contributors have access to their Retirement Savings Accounts (RSA) and they could also monitor the contributions and growth of their pensions over the period of their active years of service. The PenOp boss maintained that the potential of the nation’s pension industry is huge, given that only 5.3 million people out of the nation’s working population have embraced the scheme, with a large number, particularly in the informal sector, not being able to access the scheme. Uduanu further pointed out that the operators are sensitive about the management of the fund, since it is a young and growing industry and because its safety is critical in meeting the key objectives of the scheme, which is to ensure that

Sen. David Mark

workers have access to their funds at retirement. He said this was why operators were wary of where to invest the money, despite pressures from all quarters that pension funds should be used to develop projects such as infrastructure. “We have quite a lot of investment windows approved for us by our regulator, but still, we are buyers of securities, we are buyers of investment instruments and not a charity organisation that would repair roads and electricity,� he said. Also, a member of the Federal House of Representatives

Ag Pencom DG, Chinelo Amazu-Anohu

representing Oju/Obi federal constituency of Benue State, Samson Okwu, said the new Bill would empower the Pension Commission to have regulatory authority over other pension departments such as Head of Service Pension department, Police Pension department and Military Pension Board among others. “One area in the new Bill that tries to give 15 percent for the PFAs to keep, has been increased to 20 percent, thereby leaving more money for investment for the players in the industry. These are the

beauty of the whole thing. “There was an incident when we were having an investigation. The PenCom has data base of all the retirees. They invited the Head of Service to come and provide certain information. But they refused because they didn’t have regulatory role on the pension department. But when you have a centralised data base, it would be easier to keep record of those alive or dead and there would be no need to be spending money `VXzZ[xˆ_Ujx`VXZzZ[—X—ZU[É{X”ZX said.

Transfer window may be opened by 2014 - PenOp


he Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria (PenOp) anticipates that the transfer of Retirement Savings Account (RSA) from one Pension Fund Administrator (PFA) to another PFA will likely start in 2014 in view of the huge capital required, data processing time, and the need to ensure an ZG_xZVjX \—\jZYX U\X \``VX U\X j”ZX transfer window is opened. Section 11(2) of the Pension Reform Act 2004 provides that employee may, not more than once in a year; transfer his RSA from one PFA to another PFA without adducing any reason for such transfer. While the National Pension Commission (PenCom) had during the last quarter of 2012 promised that employees ¯”`X U[ZX Wx\\Ujx\ˆZWX ÂŻxj”X j”ZX services being rendered to them by their PFAs will have the opportunity to transfer their RSAs beginning from December 2012, the transfer window is yet to be opened. However, the fund managers stated that while it appears that the transfer window is taking too long to commence, it was in the interest of everyone including the operators and

the contributors, assuring that ¯”UjXx\XxY}`[jUVjXx\Xj”UjXZ1`[j\X are made to ensure that all loopholes are blocked so that no one will be shortchanged. Mrs. Ronke Adedeji, Managing Director, Leadway Pensure PFA Limited, backed |—X `j”Z[X Z³Z_•jxzZX _`YYx ZZX of PenOp after the association’s Annual General Meeting in Lagos recently, noted that what the transfer window needs is

Chairman PenOp, David Uduanu

biometric, to be able to have an Z1Z_jxzZX\—\jZY˜ “Biometrics is the crux of j”ZXYU Z[XUVWXÂŻZXU[ZXÂŻ`[šxV‰X towards it. There is one leg from PenOp and another leg from PenCom. But what we have done eventually is to put our resources together and also in partnership with other agencies to get this thing done,â€? she stated. “If you recall what it has taking Nigeria to have a reliable national identity of the citizens and the disappointments that has followed it despite all the fund put in so far, you will realise that it is huge task. But we are making sure we get it right once and for all, and before the end of the year we will be more certain when it will commence,â€? Adedeji assured. In the same vein, PenOp’s Chairman, Dave Uduanu, who ”UWX _`Vˆ[YZWX j”ZX WZ_x\x`VX to go for biometric capturing said the transfer window will not commence in a rush, as there is need to ensure that there is proper documentation of people’s details, and this is what the pension operators think biometric capturing will address.


Daily Newswatch


Tuesday, july 2, 2013

Qualification for

PenCom DG raises dust

Trust fund provides easy access for contributors


n a bid to provide easy access to customers, the management of Trust fund Pension Plc says it is operating Stories by KAYODE ADELOWOKAN a branded Retirement Savings Account (RSA) for each customer in which statutory contributions and U [x| jU|TZX xVzZ\jYZVjX member of income are lodged. the Federal While the RSA will be House of accessible via the internet and mobile phones, the Representatives Pension Fund Administrator representing (PFA) added that holders Oju/Obi Federal of this product are Constituency of Benue entitled to online real time State, Samson Okwu, has zZ[x _Ujx`VX`®XU__` VjX\jUj \X ¬_`V [YUjx`VX `®X _ [[ZVjX described the bill recently contribution balances and \ |Yx ZWX j`X j ZX Ujx`VUTX investment income 24 hours Assembly seeking to lower a day/seven days a week). the years of experience The contributors will also required for a PenCom receive quarterly statements of account forwarded to their Director-General from 20 to 15 as an intention to favour L-R: Executive Secretary, International Facility Management Association, Nigeria Chapter, Mrs. Sade preferred mailing address, the current acting director Airiohuodion; immediate past President, Mr. Tony Ezeaku; President, Ms. Iyabo Aboaba and former President, as well as get instant SMS via their mobile phones. general of the commission, Mr. Stephen Jagun, at a press conference organised by the association in Lagos, yesterday. In ensuring total Mrs. Chinelo Anohusatisfaction to all Trustfund Amazu. So, if they are all members of submit that appointment for eight years as company contributors, The new pension bill, the directorate, I don’t think should not be based on secretary on the level of stated that it has moved a step further in service \ |Yx ZWX j`X j ZX Ujx`VUTX the law is meant to favour U ZX ¾ UTx _Ujx`V{X UVWX xVX director. delivery by presenting to the course of the work I Assembly by President anybody.” Industry operators had the customers the PFA’s Jonathan two months ago, Reacting to the insinuation, have done in PenCom it is faulted the bid to lower personalized mobile shows that the years of the Acting Director clear to me that age is not the PenCom Director- services. The pension fund experience required for a ZVZ[UT{X Ujx`VUTX ZV\x`VX synonymous with capacity. General bar as contained in « X T`jX `®X j ZX \jU1X ¯ZX the pension bill, saying it administrator maintained person to occupy the post of Commission (PenCom), Mrs. that it has a passion for PenCom Director-General Chinelo Anohu-Amazu, said UzZX U[ZX ®[`YX X UVWX portends grave implications service, stressing that seems to be reduced from a T`¯Z[xV X j ZX ¾ UTx _Ujx`VX none of them have any for a fast growing industry exciting the customer is the requirement. My j UjX _`Vj[`T\X VZU[T X ¼X company’s business and that minimum of 20 to 15 years. requirement for the post of age the PFA understands that The proposal was the commission’s director humble submission to the trillion in just eight years. interpreted by industry general was not intended to _`YYx ZZX x\X }TZU\ZX ®`TT`¯X When the pension bill came ¯xj ` jX\Ujx\ ZWX_ \j`YZ[\{X it cannot remain in business.


operators and Federal lawmakers to mean lowering the bar for the commission’s acting DG Anohu-Amazu, to |ZX_`V [YZWXU\X\ |\jUVjxzZX chief executive, given that she started her working career 15 years ago. Okwu who was speaking recently in Abuja said rued that there is nowhere in the world that the law is meant for one person rather, law is meant to address the needs of generalities of citizenry. According to him, “I am sure no one could make a law because of one person. The law is meant ®`[X x Z[xUV\X xVX ZVZ[UT X jX cannot be for one person. When you make law, people U[ZX YZUVjX j`X |ZVZ jX ®[`YX the law in one way or the other. Though the former Act did not make provisions for Commissioners, but the new proposal has made provisions for j ZX ¾ UTx _Ujx`VX `®X j ZX Commissioners. “The former Act only makes provision for the Director General. It does not include other Commissioners, who like the Director-Genaral, also represent their zones.

favour her. A n o h u - A m a z u commented at a public hearing on the bill, organized | X j ZX ¸`xVjX Ujx`VUTX \\ZY|T X _`YYx ZZ\X `VX Pension, Establishment and Public Service. She said «U ZX ¾ UTx _Ujx`VX x\X V`jX synonymous with capacity.” She explained that; “For the commissioners they are not required to have any experience and they act for the Director-General if he is absent. So how can you have commissioners who act as Director-General in the absence of the DirectorGeneral but they are not required to have any age ¾ UTx _Ujx`VÁ “So what we have is a situation where we have someone with zero years experience appointed as a commissioner. Bringing W`¯VXj ZXU ZX¾ UTx _Ujx`VX`®X the Director-General from 20 to 15 years and bringing up that of the commissioners to 15 years while retaining the chairman (of the board) for 20 years was the amendment we are seeking. “Having worked in this commission I want to

industry best practice and global best practice, no age requirement. The president in his wisdom singularly appointed the DirectorGeneral and commissioners of PenCom and the Senate in its collective wisdom _TZU[\X UVWX _`V [Y\X j ZX appointments. I think that is okay, between the two of them let them decide.” The PenCom boss also called on the lawmakers stagger the tenure of commissioners “because we have a situation whereby the pioneer board had left including the DirectorGeneral which they have the same startup date, and what we see now is that the board leaves all at once and there is no decision can be taken and the commission is expected to run. We want their tenure be staggered.” The present acting Director-General of PenCom, Mrs AnohuAmazu, was appointed in controversial circumstances in December, as the then outgoing director general Mohammed Ahmed, said in a memo to her that she was due to retire, having served

up for second reading in the House of Representatives last week, two lawmakers protested that it was meant to favour the acting DirectorGeneral. This forced the House to postpone debate on the bill, and no new date has been set for that. Following the debate in

the Senate yesterday, the bill went through the second reading stage and was [Z®Z[[ZWX j`X j ZX _`YYx ZZX on establishment and public service which is expected to hold public hearings and submit a report in four weeks.

Investment One acquires Royal Trust Pension


nvestment One Financial Services Limited (formerly GTB Asset Management Limited) has acquired 99.9 per cent share holdings in Royal Trust Pension Fund Administrators Limited (RT PFA). With the acquisition, the company now becomes a subsidiary of Investment One. Speaking at a press parley in Lagos, Managing Director of RT PFA, Mr. Charles Sanni, said with the acquisition, the company’s capacity to `1Z[X ¯`[TWX _TU\\X }[`W _j\X and services to its clients will be enhanced by Investment One’s core values of market insight, innovation and service excellence. With the acquisition,

Investment One business horizon has been broadened to provide a comprehensive investment and fund management solution to her rapidly growing private and institutional clients seeking insightful and innovative business solutions. Investment One Financial Services Limited is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to provide fund management, trusteeship and investment advisory services. In addition to its acquisition of the PFA, it has a wholly owned subsidiary (Investment One Stockbrokers International Limited) licensed | X j ZX X UVWX j ZX x Z[xUVX Stock Exchange to provide securities brokerage services.


Daily Newswatch

industry IFAD trains FG, NACCIMA to 9 on fish support D-8 countries production in Jigawa Tuesday, July 2, 2013




n a bid to actualize her 2008-2018 roadmap in priority areas such as trade, industry, agriculture, transportation and energy, the Federal Government has said Nigeria will give all necessary support to the eight developing countries otherwise called D-8 countries. The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Mr. Dauda Kigbu, said this in his opening remarks to the WZTZ UjZ\X`®X qÅX\ZVx`[X`G_xUT\X meeting, which held recently at Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja. Kigbu said Nigeria is aware that the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) is a milestone achievement in the 16 years history of the D-8 countries for economic cooperation as it could boost trade and investment among member countries and consequently reduce poverty while enriching member-countries people. He stated that the PTA is dear to Nigeria because it is in consonance with the Transformation Agenda of Mr. Presidential which is aimed at revamping Nigeria’s economy in particular, through non-oil exports. He therefore enjoined the member-countries at the meeting to work assiduously and deliberate on some listed issues to realize the set goals of the 1st D-8 Trade Ministers Council meeting. In his remarks, the D-8 Secretary General, Dr. Seyed Ali Mohammed Mousavi, thanked the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria especially the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade

Olusegun Aganga, Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment

and Investment, for the warm reception accorded delegates at the meeting and the comfortable venue in the capital city of Abuja. The main objective of the Trade Ministers Council meeting is to deliberate and agree on the commencement date for the D-8 PTA implementation which was signed in Bali, Indonesia in 2006. The D-8 PTA is an arrangement designed to boost trade and investment among member states namely; Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey. Meanwhile, the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), said it will take optimal advantage of the trade and investment opportunities in D-8 member-countries. The National President of


NACCIMA, Alhaji Muhammad Badaru Abubakar, said this W [xV X j ZX [\jX qÅX [UWZX Ministers’ Council Meeting in Abuja, which was convened to discuss the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA). Abubakar said this will boost business activities and joint venture partnerships among the countries, especially their business communities. According to the NACCIMA boss, the business communities are ready and willing to participate fully in the economic activities of the D-8 member countries for the Y j UTX |ZVZ j\X `®X UTT{X ¯xj X UX view to deriving maximum reward from the D-8 PTA Instrument. He reiterated the need to strengthen the capacities of the D-8 Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (D-8 FCCI) and the various national chambers of commerce, which ¯xTTX WZ VxjZT X }[`Y`jZX \j[`V X

mechanism for enhancing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programmes. While commending the Honourable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Olusegun Aganga for the improved trade volumes between Nigeria and other D-8 countries, the NACCIMA president noted that to sustain the tempo and also tremendously improve trade volume/investment relations amongst D-8 countries, all D-8 Government should demonstrate the political will in implementing all Agreements reached at meetings. To support the on-going Z1`[j\X `®X j ZX `zZ[VYZVjX xVX ensuring that Nigeria assume a leading role and key player within the D-8, the NACCIMA embarked on trade missions with high level business delegates to most of the D-8 countries.

WTO reviews trade aid next week


he World Trade Organisation (WTO) has said preparations are in top gear for the 4th Global Review of Aid for trade. The Director-General, WTO, Pascal Lamy, said this recently at a Joint WTO-Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) workshop tagged: Aid for Trade Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise. The review will hold from 8-10th of July 2013. The WTO chief noted that 36 ministers and heads of agency are expected to participate in the review, which will have 24 plenary sessions and 31 side events. “Over 800 pages of analysis have been prepared for the review,” he said. He added: “I am happy to report to members that arrangements are 95 per cent in place. To use a marathon analogy, we have gone j [` X j ZX ¯UTTX UVWX j ZX Vx\ X x\X

in sight. The Aid for Trade team in the Secretariat and at the OECD have worked commendably on the preparation and I know that you the members have responded in kind. This review will be my last one as Director-General of the WTO. Aid for Trade has truly become a global partnership and part of the trade and development vernacular since it was launched in 2005.” The Director-General said that over 800 pages of analysis based on submissions from members, agencies and the private sector have been prepared for the global review that will be available online at the event. Concerning key messages of the document, Lamy said: “Firstly, the starting point for developing country policy-makers’ outlook on value chains is how to add value and how to move up the value chain. “Secondly, another strong survey message from the private sector is that a series of constraints stop

them joining and moving up value chains. Issues related to access to VUV_Z{X _ \j`Y\X }[`_ZW [Z\{X TU_¹X of regulatory certainty, labour skills and standards compliance were all cited strongly. These are all areas where Aid for Trade can help and where tangible results can already be shown. “Thirdly, partner countries see private investment, both foreign and domestic, as the main source `®X VUV_xV X j`X _`VVZ_jX j Zx[X [Y\X to value chains. The private sector itself is also engaged in an increasing range of value chain development activities. We also know that foreign investment now towers `zZ[X j[UWxjx`VUTX UxWX ·`¯\X UVWX j UjX trade-related capacity building from South-South partners is increasing annually. « jX j Z\ZX xVzZ\jYZVjX ·`¯\X also tend to be narrowly focused, particularly in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and South-South assistance remained under-reported

in some cases. Aid for Trade can ZT}XTZzZ[U ZXj Z\ZX·`¯\ XX x\X U\X always been one of the cornerstones of the Aid for Trade agenda: not just growing the development assistance envelope but using it as a leverage to exponentially increase the support ·`¯xV X j`X WZzZT`}xV X _` Vj[xZ\X from multiple sources. “Private sector supply chain activities can also be further encouraged and it is clear from the responses to the monitoring exercise that the private sector is doing just this. This supports moving towards an Aid and Investment for Trade approach, an approach that sees Aid for Trade in the context of other development VUV_ZX·`¯\ É The Director-General said that his wish was to ensure is that Aid for Trade emerges stronger from j ZX ZzxZ¯{X X jX ®`[X j ZX _ UTTZV ZX of connecting developing country [Y\X j`X zUT ZX _ UxV\X X UVWX ZT}xV X them to add value.

he International Funds for Agricultural Development (IFAD) has sponsored nine people to Sabuwa Fish Farm in Katsina State to study how to }[`W _ZX \ X®ZZW\XxVX x U¯U The State Coordinator of the organisation, Alhaji Umar Abubakar, announced this in Dutse. Abubakar said the gesture by IFAD ¯U\X}U[jX`®XZ1`[j\Xj`XZV_` [U ZX \ X farming and improve agricultural production in the state.

ZX\UxWXj UjXj ZX`G_xUT\{X¯ `X UWX Vx\ ZWX j ZX }[` [UYYZ{X ¯Z[ZX V`¯X stationed in Garki Local Government Area of Jigawa, teaching other ®U[YZ[\X ¯ `X U[ZX xVjZ[Z\jZWX xVX \ X farming. The coordinator said that the \ X ®ZZW\X ¯Z[ZX YUWZX ®[`YX YUxÄZ{X ground nut cake, soya beans starch and palm oil. Abubakar enlightened that, a farmer needs a minimum of N5, 000 to produce the feeds that would \ \jUxVXj ZX \ XxVX x\X®U[YX®`[XU|` jX three months. He disclosed that, “This is far cheaper, compared to the time our farmers used to go to Kano or Kaduna to buy feed for about N40, 000; but now they need only N5, 000 to produce the feed.”

DHL boss predicts growth for freight forwarding


HL Global Forwarding has predicted a bright future for freight forwarding in the country, especially for genuine operators. Vice-President, DHL Global Forwarding, Mr. Dominique von Orelli, said the boom in the telecoms industry and the expected transformation in the power sector gave an indication that the nation’s freight forwarding business and indeed the economy would witness UX·x} Orelli argued that the boom in the nation’s telecoms industry and the various steps being taken by the government to restore the power sector will drive the economy and make it very buoyant. He is also of the view that Nigeria’s TU[ ZX }`} TUjx`VX `1Z[ZWX UX [ZUjX U [U_jx`VX ®`[X xVzZ\j`[\X j`X Z³}UVWX and transform their businesses. Orelli observed that many Z\jU|Tx\ ZWX [Y\X U[ZX xV_[ZU\xV T X focusing on their core business, leaving the logistics to those specially set up to handle it. “There is plenty of growth in Africa, especially Nigeria. For us, Nigeria is on the top of our business chart. We are looking at the size of the country with its huge population. This is a place we love to be as a company and we are building our infrastructure here,” he said. As a way of demonstrating _`Y}UV ¿\X_`V WZV_ZXxVXj ZXX ®[x_UVX market, he said that DHL Global Forwarding was established in 22 countries on the continent, while its sister company, DHL Express, had already spread its business tentacles across 52 nations.



Daily Newswatch Tuesday, July 2, 2013

LCCI identifies budget success determinants DELE ALAO

_U}U_xj X | xTWxV X xVX j ZX } |Tx_X \Z_j`[X ®`[X | W ZjX }TUVVZ[\X j`X xY}[`zZX `VX | W ZjX }TUVVxV X UVWX xY}TZYZVjUjx`V « ZX VZZWX j`X |ZX YZjx_ T` \X UjX j `\ZX j [ZZX _[xjx_UTX | W ZjX YU¹xV X

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ZXV`jZWXj UjX_`[[ }jx`VX x\X UT\`X U1Z_jxV X \ __Z\\® TX xY}TZYZVjUjx`VX `®X } |Tx_X \Z_j`[X| W Zj\

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he Lagos BATNF to set Chamber of Commerce and up vocational Industry (LCCI), centre, donate U\X U [x| jZWX the success of budget N3.110m by any government to _`V_Z}jx`V{X }[Z}U[Ujx`VX ZX [xjx\ X YZ[x_UVX UVWXxY}TZYZVjUjx`V `|U__`X x Z[xUX ` VWUjx`VX ¬ ­X x\X x[Z_j`[q ZVZ[UT{X {X \ZjX j`X Z\jU|Tx\ X UX z`_Ujx`VUTX Mr Muda Yusuf, who made \¹xTT\X U_¾ x\xjx`VX _ZVj[ZX xVX j ZX `|\Z[zUjx`VX UWzx\ZWX `[WZ[X j`X Z¾ x}X ` j X ¯xj X j ZX ZWZ[UTX `zZ[VYZVjX j ZX VZ_Z\\U[ X \¹xTT\X ®`[X \ZT®q j`XjU¹ZXj ZXj [ZZXjx}\XY`[ZX ZY}T` YZVj \Z[x` \T ZX _ZVj[ZX ¯xTTX |ZX \xjZWX xVX ZX X `G_xUTX \UxWX T `TZX `_UTX `zZ[VYZVjX `zZ[VYZVjX \ ` TWX |ZX [ZUX `®X `X jUjZ X ZX Y`[ZX_[xjx_UTXUjXj Z\ZXj [ZZX Ux[YUVX `®X j ZX _` V_xT{X [xV_ZX `WZ¸xX TZ\ xVT` Z{X major stages of budget \UxWX j x\X ¯ xTZX [Z_ZxzxV X UX }TUVVxV _ Z¾ ZX `®X ¼ ´´ÂX YxTTx`VX

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Flood, insecurity hinder AshakaCem in 2012


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Dufil reaffirms commitment to poverty alleviation


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NECA group to empower women

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Daily Newswatch

Crime TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2013

Police arrest robbers posing as taxi driver, passenger Kola Olawoyin


taxi driver and his accomplice are now guests of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) FCT Police Command Abuja. The duo was held by the cops for attacking and robbing a female passenger with broken bottles. The victim, Bidemi Adebayo, according to Police source, was said to have boarded a Toyota Corolla taxi with registration number BH443 BEN in Zuba, a suburb of Abuja, the nations Federal Capital, en route Kaduna road, Suleja, when the incident occurred. When Bidemi boarded the taxi, one of the two suspected criminals, Philip Christian and Bashir Ibrahim who pretended to be a genuine taxi driver and a passenger suddenly brought out broken bottles and held them in a menacing manner, closed to Bidemi’s neck. They threatened to slit her throat with the bottle, if she did not surrender her purse and other valuables. After dispossessing her of her valuables, including money, the suspects were alleged to have pushed the hapless lady out of the car somewhere around Zuma Rock and zoomed off. The lady was said to have immediately reported the case at a police pin-down point. The pin down point was near Zuma rock and the police responded swiftly. The policemen gave the criminals a hot chase until they were arrested along Kaduna road near Suleja. Police spokesman, D.S.P Altine Daniel, said that the two criminals had confessed to the crime, adding that the duo were members of a notorious ‘One-Chance Robbery Gang’ that had been operating for along Zuba/Suleja road. Meanwhile, two shop attendants Jerry Abraham, 28 and Sam Kuha, 34, who always allegedly burgled their master’s office, had been arrested by the police. Mr. John Oyaghire of Wuse Zone 5, reported to the police that after he returned from an assignment outside his main office, he discovered that his office had been looted and that he suspected the two shop attendants. According to him, he discovered that items such as video camera, long camera lens, video camcorder, projector and two laptop computers were missing. Acting on the complainant’s suspicion, detectives had arrested the two men and started investigation. The two finally carved in after an intense interrogation. They both admitted to have stolen the missing items. According to them, they duplicated the key to their master’s office and always used to steal from the office whenever he travels for assignments. The Police also arrested one Akan Mario, the buyer of the stolen items who confessed that he knew Jerry when they were in secondary school.

Abraham and Kuha

Two police officers charged for robbery


second superseding indictment was unsealed against former Philadelphia Police G_Z[\X `VUj”UVX U[_xU{X 23, and Sydemy Joanis, 27, both of Philadelphia, charging them with conspiracy to commit Hobbs Act robbery,

`||\X _jX[`||Z[—{XU ZY}jZWX `||\X _jX [`||Z[—{X UVWX _U[[—xV‰X ˆ[ZU[Y\X W•[xV‰X and in relation to crimes of violence. Garcia is also charged with distribution of heroin. The charges against Joanis were added to a superseding indictment against Garcia. Joanis was arrested this morning. Garcia was arrested on June 20, 2012, and remains in federal custody. The charges were announced today by United jUjZ\X `[VZ—X UVZX UzxWX ZYZ‰Z[{X FBI Special Agent in Charge Edward Hanko, and Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey. According to the second superseding indictment, between December 2009 and June 19, 2012, while working as Philadel}”xUX `Tx_ZX G_Z[\XU\\x‰VZWXj`Xj”ZX´Ăˆj”X Police District, Garcia and Joanis conspired to rob suspected drug dealers of the cash proceeds of their narcotics trafˆ_šxV‰˜X jXx\XUTTZ‰ZWXj”UjXj”Z—XZV‰U‰ZWXxVX this scheme while on active duty, using their Philadelphia Police patrol car, uniform, loaded service pistol, and hand-

_•1\Xj`X_`YYxjXj”ZX[`||Z[xZ\˜ The indictment alleges that Garcia and

`UVx\X•jxTxĂ„ZWXUX_`VˆWZVjxUTX\`•[_ZXÂŹÂŤ Z[son #1â€?) to participate in the robbery of suspected drug dealers by purchasing narcotics from the suspected drug dealers. Garcia and Joanis allegedly provided Person #1 with money; instructed Person #1 to meet with suspected drug dealers inside their cars; and further instructed Person #1 to leave inside the cars a small amount of the drugs, usually cocaine |U\ZX ÂŹÂŤ_[U_šX _`_UxVZÉ­{X j”UjX Z[\`VX ç´X purchased. After Person #1 exited the suspected drug dealers’ cars, it is alleged that defendants Garcia and Joanis initiated |`‰•\Xj[UG_X\j`}\X`VXj”ZXxVWxzxW•UTXUVW{X •}`VXˆVWxV‰Xj”ZXW[•‰\X}•[}`\ZŽ•TT—XTZÂŽjX behind by Person #1, conducted searches of the individuals and their cars, arrested the individuals, and stole some or all of the money that they recovered. Garcia and Joanis allegedly compensated Person #1 with money or narcotics. ÂŤ ”ZX WZÂŽZVWUVj\ÂżX UTTZ‰ZWX _`VW•_jX xVX this case strikes at the very heart of the public trust that our citizens should have ÂŽ`[X`•[X}`Tx_ZX`G_Z[\{ÉX\UxWX ˜ ˜X `[VZ—X ZYZ‰Z[˜XÂŤ jXx\XUX}[x`[xj—X`ÂŽXY—X`G_ZXj`X xVzZ\jx‰UjZX UVWX }[`\Z_•jZX _`[[•}jX `G_ers who taint their badges by using their power and authority to victimize others

rather than to serve and protect the community.â€? ÂŤ ZXÂŻxTTX_`VjxV•ZXj`XU‰‰[Z\\xzZT—X}•[\•ZXUV—X`G_Z[Xj”UjX_`YYxj\X_[xYxVUTXU_j\X to rid the Department of individuals who don’t belong,â€? said Commissioner Ram\Z—˜X ÂŤ •[X VjZ[VUTX 1Ux[\X VzZ\jx‰Uj`[\X have been working independently and cohesively with our federal partners to accomplish this task. Corrupt cops don’t represent the honor or integrity that our Department or Law Enforcement stands for, and therefore they will be held accountable at the highest level.â€? ÂŤ TTZ‰UTX _`VW•_jX |—X }`Tx_ZX `G_Z[\X •Vdermines the public trust, harming law enforcement at every level,â€? said Special ‰ZVjXxVX ”U[‰ZX UVš`˜XÂŤ ”Z\ZX_”U[‰Z\X underscore the FBI’s commitment to investigating allegations of criminal activxj—{XV`XYU Z[X¯”`Xx\XxVz`TzZWÂ˜Ă‰ If convicted of all charges, each defendant faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years in prison with a maximum sentence of life. The case was investigated by the FBI and the Philadelphia Police Department and is being prosecuted by Assistant VxjZWX jUjZ\X `[VZ—X ZzxVX ˜X [ZVVZ[˜ An indictment or information is an accusation. A defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Daily Newswatch




IGP urged to probe demand of N300,000 for bail Juliana Francis


he Network on Police Reforms in Nigeria(NOPRIN), has urged the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Mohammed |•|UšU[Xj`XU\XUXYU Z[X`ÂŽX•[gency, investigate allegations levelled against some policemen of demanding N300,000 for bail from a suspect. The suspect, Mr. Francis Obi, was said to have been arrested in Lagos State by some policemen from State Criminal Investigations Department(SCID), Sokoto and N300,000 bail money demanded after. Wife of the suspect, Mrs. Obi alleged gross misconduct and abuse of her husband’s human rights by the police ofˆ_Z[\˜X __`[WxV‰X j`X ”Z[{X j”ZX }`Tx_ZYZVX took her husband away without resort to law and proper police procedures regulating arrest. ”ZX _TUxYZWX j”UjX j”ZX `G_Z[\X UYbushed her husband, Mr. Francis Obi and ‘arrested’ him in a manner typically reminiscent of abduction and hostagetaking. She further claimed that the police `G_Z[\XXU}}ZU[ZWXj`X |ZX WUV_xV‰Xj`Xj”ZX tune of the complainant, one Mr. Okoye, a business associate of over seven years to her husband. NOPRIN spokesman, Okechukwu ÂŻUV‰•YUX\UxWXj”UjXj”ZX}`Tx_ZX`G_Z[\X who claimed to be acting on the orders of the IGP, subjected Mr. Obi to unnecessary humiliation and dehumanisation |—X }• xV‰X ”xYX xVX ”UVW_•1X UVWX jUšZVXX away without informing him of his offence and where he was being taken to. Nwanguma added: “Eventually Mr. Obi was driven very far from the jurisWx_jx`VX`ÂŽXj”ZXYU Z[XUVWX”UWX|ZZVXšZ}jX in detention beyond the legally permissible duration of at most, 48 hours. ”ZX X U[[Z\jxV‰X }`Tx_ZX `G_Z[\X TZzZTTZWX an unsubstantiated allegation of ‘fraud’ against him and are demanding the sum of N300,000, among other conditions, to grant him bail. “We doubt that the IGP ordered or would condone such unbecoming acts which amount to corrupt practice and ¡U‰[UVjXU|•\ZX`ÂŽX [˜X |xÂż\XŽ•VWUYZVjUTX human rights to liberty, dignity of the human person and due process under the rule of law.â€? It was gathered that the crux of Mr. Obi’s arrest was a business deal between him and his business associate, Mr. Okoye, which did not turned out ÂŻZTTXU\Xj”ZXTU Z[XZÂł}Z_jZW˜X Mr. Obi was said to have been arrested when he met with Mr. Okoye to resolve the impasse in the business deal. Immediately Mr. Obi was arrested, j”ZX}`Tx_ZYZVXW[`zZX`1˜X [˜X |xXU\šZWX where they were taking him to and they replied, that it was Zone 2 headquarters, Lagos. However, along the way, they diverted and headed towards Ibadan and ended up at Ibadan Toll Gate Police Station. ”`[jT—{Xj”[ZZX`j”Z[X}`Tx_ZX`G_Z[\X¯”`X said they came from State CID Sokoto also arrived in a hired private car to take Mr. Obi away. ”ZX xzx\x`VUTX `Tx_ZX G_Z[ÂŹ ­X`ÂŽX Ibadan Toll Gate Police Station, insisted that Mr. Obi’s statement must be obtained before he would be taken away. Mr. Obi, encouraged by the DPO’s professional and honest disposition, requested him to get the identities of the policemen and he did. After making statement, and at the instance of the DPO, Mr. Obi was allowed

become worried that they had not heard from him and could not reach him on any of his mobile phones. Mrs. Obi had to report at Okoko Police jUjx`VXVZU[Z\jXj`Xj”Zx[X[Z\xWZV_Z˜X G_ers at Okoko Police Station directed her to go to Festac Police Station which is nearest to the meeting point. jXÂŻU\X`VT—XU[`•VWX´´X}YX`VXj”UjXWU—X that Chukwuma, the man who accompanied Mr. Obi to meet Mr. Okoye and was arrested along with him, but later released at Ibadan Toll Gate Police Station, called Mrs. Obi and narrated the foregoing to her. The next day Mr. Obi called his wife and informed her that he was being detained at the State CID Sokoto and accused of fraud. He informed his wife that the police at the CID Sokoto were demanding N300, 000 as condition to grant him bail. He \UxWXj”ZX}`Tx_ZX`G_Z[\X”UzZXU\šZWX”xYX to deposit the money into Mr. Okoye’s bank account. One Ikechukwu Anumudu, who was an apprentice under Mr. Obi in Lagos but now doing business in Sokoto went to see Mr. Obi in the police cell and reported being asked by the police at the State CID Sokoto to sign a bail bond of the sum of 35 million naira for Mr. Obi’s release. But he could not do this. “We request the IGP to order the release of Mr. Obi as well as embark on a prompt, impartial and full investigation Abubakar xVj`Xj”ZX_`VW•_jX`ÂŽXUTTXj”ZX}`Tx_ZX`G_Z[\X involved. All those found responsible or ˆzZX YxV•jZ\X j`X YUšZX _`VjU_j˜X ZX j”ZVX bouts and ordeal. involved should be brought to account called his friend, one Mr. Dan ThompMeanwhile, Mrs. Obi and her hus- to deter such further improper conduct, son, who later called Mr. Obi’s wife and |UVWÂż\X \jU1X YZY|Z[\X ¯”`X ÂŻZ[ZX UÂŻU[ZX abuse and corruption,â€? said Nwanguinformed her of her husband’s wherea- of his mission to meet Mr. Okoye had ma.

Couple pleads guilty to computer hacking


Mt. Washington couple pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of recklessly damaging a computer UVWX }U\\ÂŻ`[WX j[UG_šxV‰{X VxjZWX jUjZ\X `[VZ—X UzxWX ˜X x_šj`VX announced.

`VUj”UVX •VVxV‰”UY{X ½¾{X UVWX T—\`VX Cunningham, 25, both of 232 Augusta j[ZZj{X x \|•[‰”{X ZVV\—TzUVxU{X ´Ă†½´´{X }TZUWZWX ‰•xTj—X j`X jÂŻ`X _`•Vj\X `ÂŽX j”ZX ˆzZq count superseding indictment before UnitZWX jUjZ\X x\j[x_jX •W‰ZX UzxWX ˜X Z[_`VZ˜ In connection with the guilty plea, the court was advised that on November 28, ½Ă‚´´{X T—\`VX •VVxV‰”UYX”UWX|ZZVXˆ[ZWX ÂŽ[`YXUXTUÂŻXˆ[YXT`_UjZWXxVX x \|•[‰”{X[Zferred to as “VG.â€? VX [ZjUTxUjx`VX ÂŽ`[X j”ZX ˆ[xV‰{X U ”ZÂŻX Z\j{XU_jxV‰XUjX T—\`VXUVWX `VUj”UVX •Vningham’s encouragement, logged into VG servers using an internal company password provided to him by Alyson Cunningham over Facebook. West utilized a VPN proxy server located in Germany to use the password to access VG servers so as to shield his identity. Once West accessed the server, he installed software on the server that could be used to capture }U\\ÂŻ`[W\X `ÂŽX UV—`VZX `VX j”ZX ˆ[YÂż\X VZj-

work. VX `zZY|Z[X½¾{X½Ă‚´´{X Z\jX\ZVjXUX}U[jVZ[XUjX XTUÂŻXˆ[YXUVXZqYUxTXÂŽ[`YXj”ZXU__`•VjXUV`V—Y`•\˜}x \|•[‰”˜}U‰Zè‰YUxT˜ _`YX j”UjX \jUjZWX j”UjX j”ZX ˆ[YÂż\X ÂŻZ|X \Z[zers had been compromised and that their |U_šÂ•}XˆTZ\X”UWX|ZZVX_`}xZWXUVWXWZTZjZW˜X This e-mail, which was used to notify the victim company of the hack caused by the •\U‰ZX`ÂŽXj”ZXxTTZ‰UTT—Xj[UG_šZWX}U\\ÂŻ`[W{X electronically traveled from West’s computer in Pennsylvania to Google’s servers in California before arriving back at VG’s server in Pennsylvania. The e-mail further stated that “we are not interested in ruining your business, but routinely checking that business is fair and just. Our motive x\X j`X \`TZT—X _U}j•[ZX UVWX [Z_`[WX ´Ă‚Ă‚ĂŠX `ÂŽX x \|•[‰”X |•\xVZ\\X [Z_`[W\X UVWX `}Z[Utions and protect it or use it against you as we could if Anonymous had a reason and needed to.â€? Anonymous is a loosely connected network of computer hacker/ activists who are known to intrude upon computer networks for political purposes. According to the victim company, neij”Z[X T—\`VX •VVxV‰”UY{X `VUj”UVX •VVxV‰”UY{XV`[X U ”ZÂŻX Z\jX”UWXU•j”`[ity to access their computer server, nor did they have authority to place malware onto

VG’s servers. VjZ[VZjX _”Uj\X xVWx_UjZX j”UjX `VUj”UVX Cunningham was actively communicating with West during the hack into VG’s servers, providing instruction and suggestions, including suggesting the use of spe_xˆ_X X\Z[zZ[\˜X ”ZVX X_”U xV‰XÂŻxj”X Z\jX `VX j”ZX Vx‰”jX `ÂŽX j”ZX ”U_š{X `VUj”UVX Cunningham and Alyson Cunningham alternated in their use of Alyson’s Skype account when communicating with West about the hack.

•W‰ZX Z[_`VZX\_”ZW•TZWX\ZVjZV_xV‰XÂŽ`[X _j`|Z[X ´Ă†{X ½Ă‚´Ÿ{X ½Ă‚´ŸX UjX ´Ă‚ÀÂÂX UVWX ´Ă‚ÀŸÂX a.m. The law provides for a total sentence `ÂŽXjÂŻ`X—ZU[\XxVX}[x\`V{XUXˆVZX`ÂŽXä½Ă‚Ă‚{Ă‚Ă‚Ă‚{X or both. Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the actual sentence imposed is |U\ZWX•}`VXj”ZX\Z[x`•\VZ\\X`ÂŽXj”ZX`1ZV\Z\X and the criminal history, if any, of the defendant. Pending sentencing, the court continued the Cunningham’s on bond. \\x\jUVjX VxjZWX jUjZ\X `[VZ—X UYZ\X T. Kitchen is prosecuting this case on behalf of the government. The Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted the investigation that led to the }[`\Z_•jx`VX`ÂŽX `VUj”UVXUVWX T—\`VX •Vningham.

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