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Daily Newswatch
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Shun political parties with ethnic, religious agenda â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kukah NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
rchbishop of Sokoto Catholic Diocese, Most TUVW X YTZW Hassan Kukah, has enjoined Nigerians to ^Y_`W mqvwxwyXvW mXzxwT^W ZwxYW ethnic and religious agenda in the 2015 elections. He also called on the political class to see public service
Fintiri sets to probe Nyakoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s N82bn loot Owolabi Adenusi, Yola
cting Governor, AdXÂ&#x201D;XZXW xXxTÂ&#x201C;W YÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;_W Umaru Fintiri, yesterday approved the constitution of a seven-man Judiciary Panel of Inquiry to probe the disappearance of over N82 billion Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WxYTW^xXxTWyq?Tz^VW The panel is mandated to undertake a comprehensive assessment on governance in the state from June2007 to June 2014 and xqW^_Â&#x2030;Â&#x201D;wxWwx^WzTmqzxWZwxYw`WÂ&#x2022;q_zW ZTTÂ&#x2014;^WZwxYWUwTZWxqWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TWzTyqÂ&#x201D;mendation to government on all issues investigated. w`xwzwWvX^xWZTTÂ&#x2014;WzXw^TÂ&#x2019;WXvXzÂ&#x201D;W qUTzWÂŹ`X`ywXvWXxzqywxÂ&#x2018;WyqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;wxted by the ousted governor, _zxXvXW Â&#x2018;XÂ&#x2014;qÂ&#x201C;W ZqzxYW ÂÂ&#x17E;W Â&#x2030;wvvwq`W ZYwyYÂ&#x201C;W X`Â&#x2019;W mzqÂ&#x201D;w^TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW xYTW ^xqvT`W Â&#x201D;q`TÂ&#x2018;W Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W be recovered back into the state treasury. In his determination to recoup the said looted funds, a statement signed by the Secretary to the State Government, Professor Liman Tukur, yesterday said the panel of inquiry set by the government is expected xqWw`UT^xwÂ&#x2C6;XxTWÂŹ`X`ywXvWXyyz_Xv^W to the state from June 2007 to June 2014. The statement added that the panel is also to investigate disbursement and application of funds to Ministries, Boards, and Agencies over the period and also to investigate any othTzWw^^_TWxYXxWxYTWmX`TvWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2018;WÂŹ`Â&#x2019;W relevant to its assignment. According to the statement, the terms of reference of the panel is to determine the apmzqmzwXxT`T^^W qzW qxYTzZw^TW qÂ&#x2022;W disbursements and application funds over the period in reference. YTW W ^XwÂ&#x2019;W xYTW mX`TvW ZwvvW identify those involved in apmzqmzwXxw`Â&#x2C6;W ÂŹ`X`ywXvW Â&#x2019;w^xzwÂ&#x2030;_tion and application, adding xYXxW wxW ZwvvW TÂ&#x161;_XvvÂ&#x2018;W w`UT^xwÂ&#x2C6;XxTW recruitment, deployment and administration of human re^q_zyT^W w`yv_Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW ^T w`Â&#x2C6;W _mÂ&#x201C;WÂŹ`X`yw`Â&#x2C6;WX`Â&#x2019;WqmTzXxwq`WqÂ&#x2022;W extra ministerial units. The panel of inquiry is chaired by Justice Bobbo Umar, for acting chief judge of xYTW ^xXxTÂ&#x201C;W ZYwvTW TÂ&#x2019;X`W Â&#x2018;XzwÂ&#x201C;W Director, Ministry of Justice, serves as secretary.
MOSOP wants UNEP Report implemented NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
ovement for the Survival of Ogoni People (MOSOP) has called on President Goodluck Jonathan to implement the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Report released in 2011. MOSOP also urged President Jonathan to direct relevant agencies to commence immediate cleanup of Ogoni land to save lives. _Â&#x2030;vwyW TvXxwq`^W JyTzÂ&#x201C;W MOSOP, Legborsi Esaen, told journalists in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, yesterday that xYTWzTmqzxWZX^WÂ&#x2018;TxWxqWÂ&#x2019;zXZWX`Â&#x2018;W serious response from governÂ&#x201D;T`xW xYzTTW Â&#x2018;TXz^W XÂ&#x2022;xTzW wxW ZX^W released. He said oil pollution in Ogoni environment had contaminated Â&#x2030;qxYW^_zÂ&#x2022;XyTWX`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2C6;zq_`Â&#x2019;WZXxTzW at levels more than 900 times above the World Health Organisation (WHO)-prescribed safety limit. Esaen said â&#x20AC;&#x153;MOSOP is ^YqyÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW xqÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W ZYwyYW marks exactly three years after the UNEP Report on Ogoni vX`Â&#x2019;W ZX^W mzT^T`xTÂ&#x2019;W xqW xYTW Presidency, no arrangement YXÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;TT`WÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;TWxqW^XUTWZYXxWw^W left of the Ogoni environment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The call for the implementation of the UNEP recommenÂ&#x2019;Xxwq`^W w^W XvzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;W ^xXvTW `TZ^W w`W^_yYWxYXxWZTWYXUTWTÂ?mvqwxTÂ&#x2019;W various avenues â&#x20AC;&#x201C; seeking govTz`Â&#x201D;T`xW X T`xwq`W xqW xYTW Tmqzx¢^WwÂ&#x201D;mvTÂ&#x201D;T`xXxwq`VÂ&#x160;WW He noted that â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are concerned that our community Â&#x201D;TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;Tz^WXzTW^xwvvWÂ&#x2019;zw`Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WZXxTzW Â&#x2019;XwvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W ZTvv^W yq`xXÂ&#x201D;w`XxTÂ&#x2019;WZwxYWÂ&#x2030;T`Â&#x2013;T`TWÂłWXWÂ&#x2014;`qZ`W L-R: Charge Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Affairs, U.S. Embassy in Abuja, Ms. Maria Brewer; Coordinator, Craft Porters Ascarcinogen at levels over 900 sociation of Nigeria, South West chapter, Mr. Ayoola Ibukunoluwa and Ambassdorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Self-Help times above WHO safety lim !"# $ %&'(# )* +(/ &!0( 1'2 %3 &'2 #4! 5 !*!'#(#& ' 6 ( 2 ('# "! #&7"(#! 6 8 # wxÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;WXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;WxYXxWÂ?XÂ&#x2030;q_xW Â&#x;WmTzW Mr. Ayoola Ibukunoluwa, at the Ambassadorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Small Grants Programme in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. yT`xW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x2019;TxTyxTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;T`Â&#x2013;T`TW Photo: NAN concentration in Ogoniland corresponded to one in 10, 000 cancer risks and 1, 000 times XÂ&#x2030;qUTW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W Â&#x2019;zw`Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZXSYLVESTER IDOWU, warri Thomas Ereyitomi and the zT^T vTWxYTWÂ&#x2019;w^mvXyTÂ&#x2019;WmTz^q`^Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;WX`Â&#x2019;W^wxWÂ&#x2019;qZ`VW xTzW^xX`Â&#x2019;XzÂ&#x2019;^VÂ&#x160; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let me point out here that He recalled that up to eight qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;X`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W Jy- Chief Priest of the commu- bury the dead and release wxW w^W q`vÂ&#x2018;W ZYT`W xYTW Â&#x2019;w^mvXyTÂ&#x2019;W yT`xwÂ&#x201D;TxzTW qÂ&#x2022;W zTÂŹ`TÂ&#x2019;W qwvW ZX^W er, Nigerian Navy nity, believed to be fuelling those in prison. Â? qZWZYXxWZTWYXUTWÂ&#x2019;TywÂ&#x2019;- persons come back to the ^TT`W Â&#x2DC;qZw`Â&#x2C6;W q`W Â&#x2C6;zq_`Â&#x2019;ZXxTzW Ship (NNS Delta), the crisis, one last opportunity Warri, Navy Cap- xqW zT^qvUTW xYTwzW Â&#x2019;w?TzT`yT^W qzW TÂ&#x2019;Ww^WxYXxWZTWZwvvWÂ&#x2C6;wUTWq`TWvX^xW community that you have the ÂłW ZYwyYW ^TzUT^W xYTW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;_tain Musa Gemu, Â&#x2022;XyTW xYTW ZzXxYW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW ^Ty_zwxÂ&#x2018;W opportunity for you to go and qmmqzx_`wxÂ&#x2018;W xqW ^wxW Â&#x2019;qZ`W X`Â&#x2019;W `wxÂ&#x2018;WZTvv^WÂłWX`Â&#x2019;WxYTwzW^q_zyTWÂ&#x2022;qzW ^wxWÂ&#x2019;qZ`WZwxYWÂ&#x2018;q_zWmTqmvTWX`Â&#x2019;W begin to say that Mr. A. has Â&#x2019;zw`Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZXxTzÂ&#x201C;W ZYwvTW ^_zÂ&#x2022;XyTW YX^WÂ&#x2C6;wUT`WxYTWZXzzw`Â&#x2C6;Wqwv´zwyYW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTV He ordered the trio to go and XÂ&#x2C6;zTTWq`WZYXxWxqWÂ&#x2019;qVW ^mTywXv- q?T`Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x201D;TVW TW YXUTW Â&#x2030;TT`W ZXxTzWxYzq_Â&#x2C6;Yq_xWxYTWyzTTÂ&#x2014;^Ww`W Ugborodo communities in Warri South West Local Gov- engage the youths of their var- ly, Chief Ayiri, Chief Thomas, ordered not to arrest anybody the area also contains high level ernment Area of Delta State a wq_^WYqÂ&#x201D;T^WX`Â&#x2019;WyqÂ&#x201D;TW_mWZwxYW q`VW q`ZTÂ&#x201C;W xYTW vXzX¸XW X`Â&#x2019;W until all the processes in the qÂ&#x2022;W YÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2019;zqyXzÂ&#x2030;q`^W ZYwyYW YXÂ&#x2019;W claimed many Ogoni lives. seven-day ultimatum to end zT^qv_xwq`^Wq`WYqZWxYTÂ&#x2018;Wyq_vÂ&#x2019;W the EPZ Chairman must go XÂ&#x2C6;zTTÂ&#x201D;T`xWXzTWÂ&#x2022;qvvqZTÂ&#x2019;VÂ&#x160;W all hostilities capable of disrupting the Federal Government proposed $16 billion of the U.S. governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s com- X`Â&#x2019;WTÂ?mTzxw^TÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W^YTW^XwÂ&#x2019;V to access educational facilities Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Taiye Agbaje, Abuja mitment to investing in NigeThe US Ambassador Small X`Â&#x2019;WXyÂ&#x161;_wzTW`TZW^Â&#x2014;wvv^VW Yw^Ww`project. ^W mXzxW qÂ&#x2022;W wx^W T?qzx^W XxW riaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s people. Grants Programme, accord- cludes the construction of classGemu, the head of the seimproving the con zTZTzW XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW xYTW w`Â&#x2C6;W xqW zTZTzÂ&#x201C;W zTyTwUTÂ&#x2019;W ^_m- rooms and classroom furniture, y_zwxÂ&#x2018;W yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW yqÂ&#x201D;mzw^w`Â&#x2C6;W ditions of living of of Navy, Air force, Police and Nigerians residing in rural Â&#x2C6;zX`x^WZq_vÂ&#x2019;WyqÂ&#x201D;mvTÂ&#x201D;T`xWxYTW port from Special Self-Help purchase of library books and State Security Service (SSS), areas, the United States (U.S.) ^¢WT?qzxWXxWUXzwq_^WyqÂ&#x201D;- Programme through the De- installation of sporting facilipartment of State and from xwT^VÂ&#x160;W set up by the Federal Govern- YX^W XZXzÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;zX`x^W qÂ&#x2022;W šº¥Â&#x17E;Â&#x201C;W munities. Â? qzW xZqW Â&#x2019;TyXÂ&#x2019;T^Â&#x201C;W xYTW W the US President Emergency xYTzWmzq¸Tyx^Â&#x201C;W zTZTzWXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;ment to resolve the lingering 696 to 46 non-governmental Mission in Nigeria, through Plan for Aids Relief (PEP- ed, included construction of crisis in the community, host organisations (NGOs) in the our small grants programme, FAR). community pharmacy, provito the multi billion dollars Gas country. YX^WmXzx`TzTÂ&#x2019;WZwxYWvqyXvW`q`´ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Through these pro- ^wq`WqÂ&#x2022;WyvTX`WZXxTzÂ&#x201C;WYTXvxYWX`Â&#x2019;W wxÂ&#x2018;Wmzq¸TyxWYX`Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2019;qZ`WxYTW YXzÂ&#x2C6;TW ¢W ?Xwz^WqÂ&#x2022;WxYTW V VW governmental organisations Â&#x2C6;zXÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;T^Â&#x201C;WZTWxzÂ&#x2018;WxqWzT^mq`Â&#x2019;WxqW agriculture facilities. ZXz`w`Â&#x2C6;W XxW XW Â&#x201D;TTxw`Â&#x2C6;W ZwxYW Embassy in Nigeria, Maria throughout the country to requests for small, communityâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The PEPFAR Small grants elders, leaders and youths of Ugborodo communities at the zTZTzÂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x2018;T^xTzÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;WXxWxYTW^wÂ&#x2C6;`- fund small community-based based development projects to focuses on community- iniing of the US Ambassadorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s development projects that in- improve the living conditions xwXxwUTWÂ&#x2022;qzWZTvÂ&#x2022;XzTWqÂ&#x2022;WyYwvÂ&#x2019;zT`W Naval base. Navy Captain Gemu gave Small Grants in Abuja, said yv_Â&#x2019;TW ^wÂ&#x2C6;`wÂŹyX`xW vqyXvW yq`xzw- of the people. These projects vwUw`Â&#x2C6;WZwxYWqzWX?TyxTÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;WxYTW Chief Ayiri Emami, Chief xYTW Â&#x201D;qUTW ZX^W X`W w`Â&#x2019;wyXxwq`W bution in land, labour, capital ZwvvW X^^w^xW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W yYwvÂ&#x2019;zT`W Âť VÂ&#x160; as a call to serve God and humanity and not a call to selfenrichment or to champion ethnic interests. Kukah disclosed this yesterday at a public lecture titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Politics, Christians and Good Governance in Nigeria: The YXvvT`Â&#x2C6;TW xqW Â&#x2030;TW w?TzT`xÂ&#x160;W XxW the second session of the second synod of the Diocese of Evo, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
W Â? qÂ&#x2018;XvxÂ&#x2018;W xqW TxY`wyW XJvwations as a factor for choosing candidates in elections in Nigeria is the foundation of the stunted electoral process and corruption in the polity and all Nigerians, especially Christians, must streamline and balance their loyalties bexZTT`WTxY`wyWw`xTzT^x^WX`Â&#x2019;WxYTW _`wxÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2C6;zqZxYW X`Â&#x2019;W Â&#x2019;TUTvqmÂ&#x201D;T`xWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTWyq_`xzÂ&#x2018;VÂ&#x160; He observed that all the cri^T^Ww`WxYTWyq_`xzÂ&#x2018;WZTzTWxzXyT-
able to allegiance to ethnic and primordial sentiments, Â&#x201D;Xw`xXw`w`Â&#x2C6;WxYXxWZYT`WTxY`wyity becomes a prism through ZYwyYW ywxwÂ&#x2013;T`^W vqqÂ&#x2014;W XxW X`Â&#x2019;W react to national issues, the zT^_vxW Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W XvZXÂ&#x2018;^W Â&#x2030;TW yq`Â&#x2DC;wyxWX`Â&#x2019;Wyqzz_mxwq`WÂ?Â&#x2030;TyX_^TW wxW Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W XvZXÂ&#x2018;^W yzTXxTW zqqÂ&#x201D;W Â&#x2022;qzWT`xYzq`w`Â&#x2C6;WvTXÂ&#x2019;Tz^WZYq^TW interest are not the good of the yq_`xzÂ&#x2018;WX^WXW^w`Â&#x2C6;vTWT`xwxÂ&#x2018;VÂ&#x160; W _Â&#x2014;XYÂ&#x201C;WZYqWZX^W TyzTxXzÂ&#x2018;W of the Truth and Reconcilia-
xwq`W qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTÂ&#x201C;W ^xXxTÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW â&#x20AC;&#x153;The question at the centre of all the problems and crises that the country is going through from time to time is xYTW Â&#x161;_T^xwq`W qÂ&#x2022;W YqZW xqW Â&#x201D;X`age the pluralistic nature of our society and country and once this problem is adÂ&#x2019;zT^^TÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W xYTW yq_`xzÂ&#x2018;W Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W experience peace and develqmÂ&#x201D;T`xVÂ&#x160; He pointed out that this yYXvvT`Â&#x2C6;TW ZX^W xYTW Â&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2019;T`W qÂ&#x2022;W political and church leadership in Nigeria and therefore called on all Nigerians in political leadership positions and those seeking political qJyTW xqW Â&#x2022;X^Ywq`W q_xW ZXÂ&#x2018;^W w`W ZYwyYWxqWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TWxYTWÂ&#x2030;T^xWq_xWqÂ&#x2022;W the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diversity. He maintained that ethnic, religious and political diversities in the country should not be an excuse to kill one anothTzWX^WxYTWyq_`xzÂ&#x2018;WZX^WTÂ?mTzwencing in parts of the North currently. Kukah urged Christians in political governance positions to properly understand the position of God on the role of the church in enthroning a culture of accountability in governance in Nigeria. The cleric said the issue of ZYqWZq_vÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;TWmzT^wÂ&#x2019;T`xWqÂ&#x2022;W wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXWw`WÂ&#x17E;Â&#x; ¥WZX^Ww`WxYTWYX`Â&#x2019;WqÂ&#x2022;W God and could not be manipuvXxTÂ&#x2019;WXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW qÂ&#x2019;¢^WZwvvV WÂ? YTWZXÂ&#x2018;WZTWxXvÂ&#x2014;WXÂ&#x2030;q_xWw^^_T^WX?Tyxw`Â&#x2C6;W wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXWw^WÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WTUTzÂ&#x2018;xYw`Â&#x2C6;WxqWvqqÂ&#x2014;WX^WwÂ&#x2022;WZTW XzTW XxW ZXzW ZwxYW q`TW X`qxYTzVW TW Â&#x201D;_^xW Â&#x201D;w`Â&#x2019;W ZYXxW ZTW ^XÂ&#x2018;W about the president and the country. Other African counxzwT^W XzTW `qxW YXmmÂ&#x2018;W ZwxYW _^¤W other developed countries are `qxWYXmmÂ&#x2018;WZwxYW_^WÂ&#x2030;_xWZTWXzTW `qxWxYTWZqz^xWyq_`xzÂ&#x2018;VÂ&#x160;
Warri EPZ crisis: Navy issues 7-day ultimatum to end hostilities
U.S. gives 46 NGOs $352,000 grants
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Daily Newswatch
Why S’West must join mainstream politics –Presidential aide SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
olitical Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan, Professor Rufai Ahmed Alkali, has said that South-West must return to the centre by 2015, stressing that it Zq_v W ^YX TW q?W xYTW toga of opposition with which the region has been reportedly identi¬T V Alkali bemoaned that courts halted the good plans of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for South-West when some
of the states fell on laps of the opposition by their (the courts) pronouncements. He spoke yesterday while interacting with journalists in Abuja, disclosing that security reports on plans to allegedly cause mayhem during the forthcoming governorship election
in Osun State prompted President Goodluck Jonathan to announce in Osogbo, the state capital, that police would mount guard before and during the poll. The presidential aide also predicted return of the entire South-West to PDP in the 2015 elections, emphasising that
Nigerians should be grateful for Jonathan’s T?qzx^W w`W X w` W xYTW recent governorship election held in Ekiti State peaceful and best conducted as he exmzT^^T W yq`¬ T`yTW xYXxW the forthcoming poll in Osun will also be peaceful. Alkali said he was in
Osogbo for the grand campaign of PDP in support of its governorship candidate, Otunba Iyiola Omisore, saying that with what he saw, the party’s victory is forgone conclusion. “It was glaring as everybody could see that the crowd of PDP supporters who welcomed
he newly installed Olukere of Ikere-Ekiti in Ikere Local Government Council of Ekiti State, Oba Abdul-Ganiyu Ayodele Obasoyin, has appealed to the state government to accord Olukere the position of paramount ruler. X^q w`W ZYq^TW qJyTW has been subordinated to Ogoga, the recognised paramount ruler of the town, said “we are trying our best to ensure that government sees reason with history of the founding of Ikere and does the right thing by givw` W _^W ^xX?W q W zTyq `wxwq`W for this stool.” The monarch promised to ensure even development of the community as he ascended the throne. He spoke while addressing journalists in Ikere-Ekiti on the occasion of Olosunta Day celebration where he expressed belief that the state government would ¸qw`W T?qzx^W ZwxYW TzTW xqW ensure the desired achievement even as he prepares to zTyTwUTWxYTW^xX?Wq WqJyTVW Obasoyin also expressed delight that a local council development area (LCDA) has been created in Ikere, stressing that following his emergence as Olukere, “a market that has been deserted for very long time was reopened for business and we viewed it as part of the signs that my reign would bring development to Ikere.” He thanked God for “emerging the king from among numerous eligible princes about two weeks ago after completion of the traditional rites to the throne and performance of relevant ceremonies.”
Bus conductor burnt to death in Ibadan accident OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
Ekiti monarch appeals to govt on recognition as paramount ruler RAPHAEL Ado-Ekiti
the party in Osogbo was awesome. If I have doubts before now like any other person based on propaganda, I am now more rest assured that Osun State is as good as returning to PDP after the governorship election.”
L-R: Former Attorney-General of Oyo State, Aare Abdusalam Abdullah; Chairman of Senate Committee on Capital Market, Ayo Adeseun and former Chairman of Ogo Oluwa Local Government Council of the state, Chief Adekunle ='&0!> (# ( 5 !** / &!7'2 /? @%!*!3' # %!"0( ! 4&* %!6!"#& ' # ! 50!* K!Q " (#&" ( #? K &' X/(%('Z?!*terday.
PDP ’ll record landslide victory in 2015 –Chieftain OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
hairman of Senate Com w TTW q`W Capital Market, Ayoade Adeseun, has said that Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) will record landslide victory in the 2015 elections owing to internal democracy, which he emphasised is currently being embraced by the party. Adeseun, who represents Oyo Central Senatorial District and defected to PDP from All
Progressives Congress (APC) recently, spoke while interacting with journalists yesterday in Ibadan, Oyo state capital where he disclosed that he joined PDP having got assurances from its leaders that there would be level-playing ground for all those seeking elective qJyT^Ww`WxYTWmXzx V “PDP has been reformed, there is internal democracy in the party now. I believe they must have learnt their lessons from what transpired in the past, I am convinced
with what PDP is now doing. Look at Ayodele Fayose’s case in Ekiti Stste, he emerged through party primaries and eventually won the election. “Some people are saying that President Goodluck Jonathan is not performing, but let me tell you, the 2015 elections will be shocker to many people. PDP will win across the land. Look at Ekiti State election, PDP won in the 16 local government councils and even market women and men said the election was
free and fair.” He emphasised that PDP will oust Governor Abiola Ajimobi from of¬yTWw`W ¡V “I have spoken with all key players and leaders in PDP before I made my move and they assured me that what they want for Oyo State and others is good governance. “PDP leaders want the best as its candidate for Oyo State governorship election in 2015, President Goodluck Jonathan would not anoint any candidate.”
Monarch calls for prayer ahead of Osun guber poll OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
wa Obokun of Ijesa land, Oba Adekunle Aromolaran (II), has called for prayer and supplication to God for peaceful and credible election ahead of the forthcoming government poll in Osun State slated for August 9. Aromolaran spoke yesterday in Ibadan, Oyo
State capital, stressing that the forthcoming governorship poll has generated a lot of apprehension in the mind of people of the state. The monarch also urged Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to ensure level-playing ground for all the contestants as well as conducive and suitable atmosphere for the electorate to cast votes for candidates of
their choice. “We expect INEC to live up to its mission, which is to serve as in TmT` T`xW T?TyxwUTW electoral management q W yq w T W xqW xYTW conduct of free, fair and credible election for sustainable democracy in Nigeria.” Aromolaran, who is also the Chancellor of Modibbo Adama Federal University of Technology, Yola, however, urged
the two major players in the forthcoming governorship election to be god-fearing by allowing peace to reign supreme and play the game according to the rules. “No one can occupy any position on earth unless he has been divinely ordained by Almighty God. So, we should allow His will to be done and not mastermind moves that can result in loss of lives and properties.”
commercial bus conductor simply identified as Tayo has been burnt to death in a lone accident, which occurred in Ibadan, Oyo State capital. Three other people including an old woman also sustained various degrees of injuries in the accident. Eyewitnesses revealed that the accident occurred in the early hours of yesterday at Idi-Arere area of Ibadan when driver of the commercial bus UTTzT Wq?WxYTWzqX Ww`WX`W X T mxWxqWXUqw WYw w` WXW girl, who was wandering. The driver reportedly hit an electric pole in the process, which made the _^WxqWyXxyYW¬zTV It was gathered that driver of the commercial bus with registration number Lagos XA 401 LRG made several futile T?qzx^W XxW mzTUT`xw` W xYTW accident. An eyewitness, Wole Adeniji, revealed that xYTW _^W yX_ YxW ¬zTW xZqW minutes after the driver had rescued three of the four passengers inside the bus, adding that they (those rescued) were seriously injured and taken to a private hospital immediately. “The bus conductor w T`xw¬T W X^W X qW ZX^W trapped in the bus and could not be rescued ZYT`W xYTW ¬zTW ^xXzxT VWW The driver was trying to XUqw W Yw w` W XW w W ZYqW unexpectedly crossed the road when he hit the pole, thereafter the bus somersaulted and caught ¬zTVW YTW xYzTTW qxYTz^W w`W the bus included an elderly woman, a child and driver. The bus was loaded with household equipments.” However, the state Police Public Relations JyTzW ¿ À W W w^wW Okuwobi-Ilobanafor, could not be reached for comment as at press time, though carcass of the burnt bus has been taken q?W xYTW zqX W W ^ mXthisers.
Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Oyo PDP chieftain chides govt on schoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demolition for shopping mall OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
ress Secretary to Deputy Whip of the Senate, Malam Adebayo Muritala, has condemned the decision of Governor Abiola Ajimobi for allegedly demolishing Oba Akinbiyi High School, Ore Meji, Ibadan to build a shopping mall. Muritala described the action as disservice to the state and the highest philosophical somersault of the Ajimobi-led administration, who claimed to be a follower of late Chief Obafemi Awolowo. A statement issued by Muritala in Ibadan, the state capital, emphasised that by the decision, the APC-led administration in Oyo State has become mercantile government that was ready to ^XyzwÂŹyTWxYTWÂ&#x2022;_x_zTWqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2018;q_xY^W in the state to avaricious inclination of its supporters. It added that Ajimobi has by his action extinguished xYTW Â&#x2DC;XÂ&#x201D;TW qÂ&#x2022;W TÂ&#x2019;_yXxwq`Â&#x201C;W which Awolowo lit in the First Republic when he introduced free primary education to boost learning and education among indigenes and residents of Western Region. Â? YTW ÂŹz^xW zTÂ&#x201D;wTzW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW defunct Western Region was reputed for placing high priority on education. To the late Awolowo, there was no
compromise on free education as means of producing well-trained manpower that would not only have the know-how to sustain the economy but also boost it to raise standard of living for the people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The APC-led administration in Oyo State has proved that it has all along been paying lip service to education, the party is always
associating itself with the late sage, playing to the gallery with Awolowoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s name to win elections in SouthWest.â&#x20AC;? However, the state government has described as mere campaign of calumny that one of the governmentowned secondary schools in Ibadan has been demolished and converted to a shopping mall.
A statement issued yesterday by Commissioner for Education, Professor Solomon Olaniyonu, in Ibadan, revealed that the school is one of the six earmarked for conversion to model schools. It added that demolition of some structures in the school was to pave way for construction of other facilities that would make it
a truly model school with modern infrastructure that would enhance good and conducive teaching and learning environment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oba Akinbiyi High School, Mokola is one of the six schools that are being converted to model schools. The pulling down of the structure is to pave way for the school to be rebuilt as a modern model school with
Senator mourns Ayangburen of Ikorodu BOLU-OLU Abeokuta
peratives of Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of Oyo State Police Command have apprehended a four-man robbery gang that has been allegedly
!*&%!'# $03/ X'*5& (#& K!(" ' ](' ! =?!#(%!> $4&!6 ^_!"3#&`! =67"! @Q?' X'`!*#Q!'# ]&Q&#!% q(3x( @3%3> 6 Q! )&'&*#! 6 z(#& '(0 0(''&'2 $4&!6 {(*4!!% +/(%(Q *& ('% $4(& Q(' + `! '&'2 $ 3'"&0 6 | 3#4! ' z&2! &( X'*#&#3#! 6 X'' `(#&`! }!"4' 0 2? |zXX} 0?#!"4'&" K ~ 0( =03* 0( $4 &*#x!(0#4> %3 &'2 #4! *&_#4 (''&`! *( ? / 5 !*!'#(#& ' 6 $03/ X'*5& (#& 4!0% (# $Â&#x20AC;] Â 3&0%&'2 Â&#x20AC;&"# &( X*0('% ](2 * |#(#! (# #4! x!! !'% 4 # Â&#x201A; @/& %3' =Q # *4
terrorising Oyo town in the state. It was gathered that the suspects were arrested last week Thursday shortly after they robbed their victim of his Toyota Camry car at Dare Emily quarters on the expressway in Oyo town. It was further gathered
that the robbery victim immediately alerted the police shortly after his car was snatched at gunpoint and operatives of the antirobbery squad swung into action leading to the arrest of the suspects. Meanwhile, unconÂŹzÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x2019;W ^xqzÂ&#x2018;W XvvTÂ&#x2C6;TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW on July17, members of the
same gang were responsible for the shooting of a teenage boy in the town when he (the innocent boy) was pleading with them not to snatch his fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s car. The boy, who was taken immediately to a private hospital in the town, was recently discharged.
Osun 2014: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t arrest leaders of oppositionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
u s l i m Rights Concern (MURIC) has expressed concern over what it termed anti-democratic trend of partisan military and compromised police, stressing that they are necessary ingredients to inject heavy doses of unethical and unprofessional drugs into the anatomy of security agencies. A statement issued by Director of MURIC, Professor Ishaq Akintola, emphasised that the group is disturbed by the allegation of massive arrest of prominent members of the opposition
Police arrest four-man robbery gang in Oyo OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
24 classrooms and all other modern facilities.â&#x20AC;? The commissioner disclosed that on completion, the school would have facilities such as clinics, administrative block, laboratories for science subjects. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Indeed, we want to ensure that the integrated science and workshop for the newly-introduced entrepreneurial subjects are wellfurnished to ensure their usability and enhancement of thorough training for students.â&#x20AC;?
during the recent governorship held in Ekiti State. It lamented the alleged adverse police treatment of Governor Kayode Fayemi and leaders of the opposition including governors of All Progressives Congress (APC)-controlled states.
The group, however, cautioned Federal Government and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) against deployment of military security agents to Osun State for the forthcoming governorship election in the state on August 9. MURIC alleged that
about 900 operatives of the Directorate of State Security (DSS) have already been moved to the state last week alone. It added that President Goodluck Jonathan also reportedly promised to send many policemen to the state during his visit there three days ago.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Up till now, the Toyota Corolla car with registration number Lagos KJA 63BX, which was snatched in front of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Ladigbolu area and Honda car have not been recovered.â&#x20AC;? However, a senior povwyTW qJyTzW w`W Â&#x2018;qÂ&#x201C;W ZYqW preferred anonymity, told Daily Newswatch that the suspects including the driver of a popular man in the town were said to have been interrogated and will be transferred to Ibadan before end of the week. Also, the state Police _Â&#x2030;vwyW TvXxwq`^W JyTzW (PPRO), SP Bisi OkuwobiIlobanafor, said the suspects would be charged to court after discreet investigation.
inority Whip of the Senate, Ganiyu Olanrewaju Solomon, has condoled with the people of Ikorodu and entire Lagos State on the demise of Ayangburen of Ikorodu, Oba Salaudeen Oyefusi. Solomon, who is aspiring to contest the governorship position of the state in 2015, urged the people to take solace in the enduring legacy of the late monarch, who passed on at 83 years. According to the condolence message sent to the royal family, people of Ikorodu and the state by the senator yesterday: â&#x20AC;&#x153;As much as we would have loved to have Oba Oyefusi lived longer, especially at this critical time, we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t but submit to the will of Almighty who alone gives and takes life at His appointed time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our consolation at this moment of the loss of our paramount ruler is that Oba Oyefusi left enduring legacy of unprecedented transformation and development of Ikorodu during his reign. Under his royal guidance, Ikorodu contributed immensely towards socio-economic and political development of not only Lagos State but Nigeria as whole. Today, Ikorodu hosts the largest industrial estate in West Africa.â&#x20AC;? He emphasised that the late monarch would also be remembered for ensuring peaceful co-existence among indigenes and residents of the populous community and its suburbs.
...APC asks stakeholders to converge on Osun
ll Progressives Congress (APC) has mandated all elected members of the party at state and national levels to converge on Osun State from today and remain there until
the forthcoming governorship election is held on August 9 as a way of showing unalloyed support for Governor Rauf Aregbesola. A statement issued yesterday by National Publicity Secretary of APC, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in Osogbo, the state capi-
tal, revealed that the directive also covers all political appointees in states controlled by the party, especially special advisers and commissioners. The statement added that members of the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national executive and national eldersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
caucus are also expected in Osogbo, stressing that APC perceives the forthcoming governorship election as celebration of democracy and harvest time for the party whose candidate has worked so hard to deliver on his mandate and make life
more abundant for people of the state. The party, however, urged its members in Osun State to be vigilant ahead of the poll following the myriad of desperate tactics being employed by Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to reap where it did not sow.
Daily Newswatch
World Report TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Ukrainian soldiers cross border into Russia
Russian border security qJywXvW ^Xw W more than 400 Ukrainian soldiers crossed into Russia, according to a report from the Interfax news agency. It wasn’t immediately clear why the soldiers entered Russia, with both sides givw` Wyq` wyxw` WXyyq_`x^V YTW _^^wX`W qJywXvW said the soldiers deserted the Kiev government and the Russian side opened a safe corridor, while a Ukrainian military of¬ywXvW ^Xw W xYTW ^qv wTz^ W without giving a number, were forced into Russian xTzzwxqz W W zT TvW ¬zTW X ter running out of ammunition. Vasily Malayev, head of the Federal Security Service’s border patrol in the Rostov region, told Interfax that 438 Ukrain-
ian soldiers had reached Russia on Monday. He said the Russian side had allowed the soldiers to safely enter the country. Russia’s Defence Ministry couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. The Ukrainian military yq`¬z T W xYXxW mXzxW q W XW brigade had most likely crossed into Russian territory, although it disputed Russia’s version of events and wouldn’t say how many soldiers went over. A spokesman for the Ukrainian military operation in the east, Oleksiy Dmitrashkovsky, said troops from the army’s 72nd brigade were penned into their position and came under a ^_^xXw`T W XzzX TW q W ¬zTW from separatist forces. T TvW¬ YxTz^W_^T WxX` ^ W mortars, artillery and Grad missile launchers
over four hours, Dmitrashkovsky said, and eventually the brigade was forced to divide up into two sections. “One was meant to break out and join forces with a support unit. The other unit had the task q W mzqUw w` W ¬zTW yqUTz W Dmitrashkovsky said. `W qw` W xYXxW xYT W ¬zT W their weapons until no ammunition remained, after which they abandoned their position and reached a place near a border crossing on Russian territory.” Dmitrashkovsky said it ZX^W xqqW TXzv W xqW yq`¬z W how many soldiers had crossed into Russia. “We do not have such information. The Russians are capable of claiming anything they want,” he said. Earlier Monday, Interfax reported that Rus-
Obama: ‘Russia doesn’t make anything,’ West must be firm with China
sia’s air force began military drills in central and western regions of the country, a move that could spark further fears that Moscow is ready to T Wwx^W wvwxXz W _^yvTWw`W Ukraine. The drills will start Monday and last through Friday, air force chief Igor Klimov was reported as saying, and will involve qzTWxYX`W W¬ YxTzW¸Tx^W and helicopters. Pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine have TT`W X vw` W xYTW wTUW government since April, a yq` wyxWxYXxWYX^WyvXw T WXxW least 1,129 civilian casualties, according to a United Nations estimate. Ukraine and Western countries U.S. President Barack Obama makes a statement while have accused Russia of at the White House in Washington, August 1, 2014. providing the rebels with resident Barack Intermediate Range equipment and expertise, Obama dis- Nuclear Forces treaty a claim that the Russian missed Russia designed to eliminate government has repeatas a nation that ground-launched cruise edly denied. “doesn’t make missiles. anything” and said in an Speaking of Russia’s interview with the Econo- “regional challenges,” mist Magazine that the Obama said in the inter T^xW `TT ^W xqW TW mzT W view: “We have to make T W X X^WYX^W¬zT W qzTW ¬z W ZwxYW Yw`XW X^W Tw- sure that they don’t escathan 3,200 rockets into jing pushes to expand its late where suddenly nuIsrael, many of them in- role in the world econo- clear weapons are back in tercepted by Israel’s Iron my. the discussion of foreign Dome defence system. In Obama has tried to fo- policy.” contrast to Israel’s high- cus U.S. foreign policy Obama described U.S. tech warfare, which in- on Asia, a response to xT`^wq`^W ZwxYW Yw`XW X^W cludes precision-guided Yw`X¢^W Tyq`q wyW X` W “manageable.” missiles and large payload military might. But for Yw`XWw^WT` X T Ww`WxTzordinance, Hamas’s rocket months, that “pivot” has ritorial disputes with its technology remains rela- been overshadowed by neighbours in the oil-rich tively primitive and has XW _zz W q W w`xTz`Xxwq`XvW q_xYW Yw`XW TX WX` W zTnot been as deadly. crises, including Russia’s quently skirmishes with Overnight, Israeli forces support for separatists in the West over intellectual carried out new airstrikes eastern Ukraine. property issues. while Israeli tanks and “One thing I will say Russia is the world’s `XU W _` qXx^W ¬zT W q - third-largest oil produc- X q_xW Yw`X W xYq_ Y W w^W ens of artillery shells, tar- er and second-largest you also havTWxqW TWmzT W geting houses, agricultural natural gas producer. ¬z W ZwxYW xYT W TyX_^TW Palestinian parents carry their son, whom medics said was wounded by an Israeli air strike, at a hospital in Gaza City yesterday plots and open areas, Gaza Europe relies heavily on they will push as hard as police said. They said Isn Israeli air- 10 a.m. (0700 GMT), two fourth week, has killed zXTvwW ¸TxW ¬ YxTz^W T^xzq T W Russian energy exports, they can until they meet strike killed Israeli missiles struck a more than 1,800 Palestin- three mosques, nine hous- complicating the West’s resistance,” Obama told a militant beach house near Gaza ians and more than 60 Is- T^ W¬UTW^TX^w TWyYXvTx^WX` W response to the Ukraine the Economist. crisis. leader in the wx W wvvw` W q`TW mTz^q`W raelis. “They’re not sentimena warehouse for construcObama downplayed Gaza Strip and leaving up to 20 peoHamas spokesman tion material. tal, and they are not inMoscow’s role in the Monday, just hours ahead mvTW w^^w` WxYTW T W zT^- Sami Abu Zuhri said The Gaza police said world, dismissing Presi- terested in abstractions. of a seven-hour truce an- cent and a Gaza health the group was skeptical Israeli navy boats also And so simple appeals to nounced by Israel that qJywXvW ^Xw VW YTW ^zXTvwW about the Israeli truce an- approached the north- dent Vladimir Putin as a international norms are leader causing short-term was meant to open a “hu- military had no immedi- nouncement. “We do not ern coast of the strip and w`^_JywT`x WYTW^Xw V manitarian window” for ate comment on the strike. trust such a claim and call soldiers tried to land in trouble for political gain Obama said he believes that will hurt Russia in aid as Israeli forces draw The Islamic Jihad group on our people to take cau- the area. On the ground, trade tensions will ease the long term. down ground operations — a close ally of Gaza’s tion,” Zuhri said. there were clashes in the “I do think it’s impor- ZYT`W Yw`XW ^Yw x^W zq W in the coastal territory. militant Palestinian HaIsrael launched the mili- southern town of Rafah simply being the lowHowever, the military mas rulers — said its com- tary operation in Gaza and southeast of Gaza tant to keep perspective. cost manufacturer of the ^Xw W xYTW yTX^T´¬zTW Zq_v W mander in the northern on July 8 in response to wx W xYT W ^Xw VW YTW ^- Russia doesn’t make any- world” and its companies not apply to areas where part of the strip, Daniel weeks of heavy rocket raeli military had no im- thing,” Obama said in the begin making higher-valinterview. troops were still oper- Mansour, died when an ¬zTVW xW YX^W ^w`yTW yXzzwT W mediate comment. “Immigrants aren’t ue items that need intelating and where they Israeli strike hit his home out more than 4,600 air `wxT W Xxwq`^W qJ- rushing to Moscow in lectual property protecwould respond to any at- just before dawn. strikes across the crowd- cials say more than threetions. tack. The southern strip Even though Israel has ed seaside area. On July quarters of the dead in the search of opportunity. “There have to be mechtown of Rafah, which saw been drawing down its 17, it sent in ground war have been civilians, The life expectancy of the anisms both to be tough mXzxwy_vXzv W YTXU W ¬ Yx- ground operation since forces in what it said was including the 10 people Russian male is around with them when we think ing on Sunday, was ex- the weekend, it has kept a mission to destroy the killed Sunday at a UN 60 years old. The popu- that they’re breaching cluded from the truce, the _mW YTXU W XTzwXv W q?^YqzTW tunnels used by Hamas school that has been con- lation is shrinking,” he international norms, but military said. and artillery bombard- xqWyXzz Wq_xWX Xy ^Ww`^w TW verted into a shelter in the said. Obama told Putin last also to show them the poShortly after the cease- ments of the strip. The Israel. southern Gaza Strip town week that he believes xT`xwXvW T`T¬x^W qUTzW xYTW ¬zTW ZT`xW w`xqW T?TyxW XxW Gaza war, now in its w`yTWxYTW¬ Yxw` WTz_mx- of Rafah. Russia violated the 1988 long term,” he said.
Israeli airstrike kills militant leader in Gaza
Daily Newswatch
African Report TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Ebola-hit Sierra Leoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;very essenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in danger â&#x20AC;&#x201C;President
ierra Leoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leader appealed Monday to the Ebola-hit West African counxzÂ&#x2018;¢^W mTqmvTW xqW ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxW xqÂ&#x2C6;TxYTzWXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xWxYTWÂ&#x2019;TXÂ&#x2019;vÂ&#x2018;W TmwÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x201D;wyÂ&#x201C;W ZXz`w`Â&#x2C6;W xYXxW â&#x20AC;&#x153;the very essenceâ&#x20AC;? of the nation was at stake. President Ernest Bai qzqÂ&#x201D;XW _zÂ&#x2C6;TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;XÂ&#x201D;wvwT^W to ensure that victims were reported to health authorities and asked every Sierra Leonean to take responsibility to raise awareness of the killer tropical virus. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a collective ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxVW YTW UTzÂ&#x2018;W T^^T`yTW of our nation is at stake,â&#x20AC;? he said in a televised adÂ&#x2019;zT^^W Â&#x201D;XzÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W XW Â?^xXÂ&#x2018;W at home dayâ&#x20AC;? aimed at zTyXvwÂ&#x2030;zXxw`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW ^xXxT¢^W response to the outbreak. Sierra Leone has seen 574 cases -- the most of any nation -- and 252 deaths since the virus
^mzTXÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W `TwÂ&#x2C6;YÂ&#x2030;q_zw`Â&#x2C6;W _w`TXWw`W XÂ&#x2018;VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;We set up this day because of our conviction that, as a nation, the Â&#x2022;XÂ&#x201D;wvÂ&#x2018;Ww^WÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2018;WxqWq_zWÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxW XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xWxYTWÂ&#x2019;w^TX^TÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W qroma said. Â? ^W XW Â&#x2C6;qUTz`Â&#x201D;T`xW ZTW have scaled down from other work to scale up xYTW ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxW XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW xYTW Â&#x2019;w^ease. We ask all Sierra Leoneans to scale up his or YTzWT?qzxWXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW Â&#x2030;qvXV Â? `W xYw^W ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxW TUTzÂ&#x2018;W w`dividual counts, for if every individual or family, community or town fails to act, the risk is increased for the whole nation.â&#x20AC;? Koroma declared a ^xXxTW qÂ&#x2022;W TÂ&#x201D;TzÂ&#x2C6;T`yÂ&#x2018;W vX^xW ZTTÂ&#x2014;WXYTXÂ&#x2019;WqÂ&#x2022;WXWzTÂ&#x2C6;wq`XvW ^_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;wxWXxWZYwyYW _w`TXÂ&#x201C;W Liberia and Sierra Leone XÂ&#x2C6;zTTÂ&#x2019;W xqW XW yzq^^´Â&#x2030;qzÂ&#x2019;TzW isolation zone at the epicentre of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worst-ever outbreak.
Streets in the capital Freetown were empty on Monday as people observed â&#x20AC;&#x153;stay at home Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â&#x201C;W yXvvTÂ&#x2019;W xqW Â&#x2C6;wUTW xYTW X_xYqzwxwT^W Â&#x2030;zTXxYw`Â&#x2C6;W ^mXyTW xqW zTqzÂ&#x2C6;X`w^TW xYTW Â&#x2030;X vTW xqW YXvxW X`W TmwÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x201D;ic which has seen more than 800 deaths across West Africa since the start of the year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Freetown is as quiet X^W XW Â&#x2C6;zXUTÂ&#x2018;XzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;W YTXvxYW worker Claudius Williams told AFP. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we move around in our sensitisation drive, you could hear a pin drop as people remain inside their houses with Â&#x2019;qqz^W ÂŹzÂ&#x201D;vÂ&#x2018;W ^Y_xVW TW have to knock endless times before they open them.â&#x20AC;? Bars, restaurants, shops and market places were all shut and the few veYwyvT^WmvÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;WxYTWyXmwxXv¢^W zqXÂ&#x2019;^W Â&#x201D;q^xvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2030;Tvq`Â&#x2C6;TÂ&#x2019;W to the ministry of health
Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma
X`Â&#x2019;W xYTW TÂ&#x201D;TzÂ&#x2C6;T`yÂ&#x2018;W ^Tzvices. Plain-clothed police questioned the few peomvTW ZXvÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW ^xzTTx^W about their movements Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x2022;qzTW ^T`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W xYTÂ&#x201D;W
U.S.-Africa summit â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;abnormalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, says excluded Sudan
YTW X T`Â&#x2019;X`yTW of nearly every African nation at an unprecedented sumÂ&#x201D;wxW w`W X^Yw`Â&#x2C6;xq`W q`W Monday is â&#x20AC;&#x153;abnormalâ&#x20AC;? X^W vq`Â&#x2C6;W X^W _Â&#x2019;X`W w^W TÂ?cluded, Khartoum says. Sudanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President Omar al-Bashir, who is ZX`xTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW XvvTÂ&#x2C6;TÂ&#x2019;W ZXzW crimes, is one of only four leaders not invited by U.S. President Barack Obama for the three-day Â&#x201D;TTxw`Â&#x2C6;W Â&#x2022;qy_^^TÂ&#x2019;W q`W Â&#x2030;_wvÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W Tyq`qÂ&#x201D;wyW xwT^W between the two continents. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was abnormal that Â&#x2022;zwyXW XyyTmx^W xqW Â&#x2C6;qW xqW xYw^W Â&#x201D;TTxw`Â&#x2C6;W ZYwvTW q`TW
of its very important members was not inUwxTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x160;Â&#x201C;W _Â&#x2019;X`¢^W qzTwÂ&#x2C6;`W Minister Ali Karti said in comments published Monday by Sudanese newspapers. Islamist-run Khartoum has been under U.S. economic sanctions since  Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2020;W qUTzW ZYXxW X^Yw`Â&#x2C6;xq`W^XwÂ&#x2019;WZTzTWY_Â&#x201D;X`W zwÂ&#x2C6;Yx^W UwqvXxwq`^W X`Â&#x2019;W other issues. `W Â&#x17E;Â&#x;Â&#x;Ă&#x2021;W X`Â&#x2019;W Â&#x17E;Â&#x; Â&#x;W xYTW International Criminal q_zxW w`W YTW XÂ&#x2C6;_TW w^sued arrest warrants for Bashir for war crimes, yzwÂ&#x201D;T^WXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xWY_Â&#x201D;X`wxÂ&#x2018;W X`Â&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;T`qywÂ&#x2019;TW XvvTÂ&#x2C6;TÂ&#x2019;vÂ&#x2018;W carried out in Sudanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s XzÂ&#x2022;_zWzTÂ&#x2C6;wq`V
Sudanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s President Omar al-Bashir attends the opening of the Arab League summit in the Qatari capital Doha on March 26, 2013
Fifty African heads of state were sent invitations to the summit, the Â&#x2C6;zTXxT^xW TUTzW yq`yT`xzXtion of African leader^YwmWw`W X^Yw`Â&#x2C6;xq`V Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Robert
_Â&#x2C6;XÂ&#x2030;TÂ&#x201C;W zwxzTX¢^W ^saias Afeworki and the Central African Republicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transitional leader Catherine Samba Panza ZTzTW Xv^qW vTÂ&#x2022;xW q?W xYTW Â&#x2C6;_T^xWvw^xV
Fugitive British drug baron captured in South Africa
olice in South Africa have arrested a British Â&#x2022;_Â&#x2C6;wxwUTW Â&#x2019;z_Â&#x2C6;^W dealer and convicted fraudster who has
been on the run for three years, police announced Sunday. Martin Evans, 52, from Swansea in Wales, was captured Saturday in Jo-
File picture shows policemen patrolling an area in Rustenburg, South Africa on April 30, 2014 during a visit by the police minister
YX``T^Â&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2C6;V He will appear in a Pretoria court on Monday for XW mzqyTÂ&#x2019;_zXvW TÂ?xzXÂ&#x2019;wxwq`W YTXzw`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;WmqvwyTW^mqÂ&#x2014;T^Â&#x201D;X`W qvqÂ&#x201D;q`W XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2C6;XvTW ^XwÂ&#x2019;W w`W a statement. South African policeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Crime IntelvwÂ&#x2C6;T`yTW `wxW X`Â&#x2019;W `xTzmqvW qJyTz^W q`W Xx_zÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;W `wÂ&#x2C6;YxWÂ?XzzT^xTÂ&#x2019;Wq`TWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTW `wxTÂ&#x2019;W w`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2019;qÂ&#x201D;¢^W Â&#x201D;q^xW ZX`xTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;_Â&#x2C6;wxwUT^Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;W ^XwÂ&#x2019;W XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2C6;XvTV A once-successful businessman, Evans was servw`Â&#x2C6;W XW Â&#x17E; ´Â&#x2018;TXzW ¸XwvW xTzÂ&#x201D;W Â&#x2022;qzW Â&#x2019;z_Â&#x2C6;^W^Â&#x201D;_Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;vw`Â&#x2C6;WZYT`Ww`W
2011 he failed to return to prison after release on a ÂŹUT´Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;WvTXUTV He was found Saturday `wÂ&#x2C6;YxWXxWXW^Ty_zTÂ&#x201C;Wyq`yzTxT´ ZXvvTÂ&#x2019;W X`Â&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;XxTÂ&#x2019;W ^_Â&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2030;X`W Yq_^w`Â&#x2C6;W T^xXxTW w`W
qYX``T^Â&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2C6;¢^W wÂ&#x2019;zX`Â&#x2019;W suburb.
TW YXÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;TT`W ^xXÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W with a female compatriot believed to be a Cypriot, X`Â&#x2019;W YTW ZX^W _^w`Â&#x2C6;W XW Â&#x2022;XÂ&#x2014;TW Cyprus passport, accordw`Â&#x2C6;WxqW XÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2C6;XvTV Police could not specify when Evans entered South Â&#x2022;zwyXÂ&#x201C;W^XÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;WmqvwyTWZTzTW ^xwvvWw`UT^xwÂ&#x2C6;Xxw`Â&#x2C6;VW
home. qUTz`Â&#x201D;T`xW qJyT^W said they were discourXÂ&#x2C6;w`Â&#x2C6;W Uw^wx^W Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W Â&#x201D;TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;Tz^W qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW m_Â&#x2030;vwyÂ&#x201C;W _zÂ&#x2C6;w`Â&#x2C6;W people to telephone with queries instead of showw`Â&#x2C6;W_mWw`WmTz^q`V TXÂ&#x2DC;Tx^W TÂ?mvXw`w`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW Â&#x2019;X`Â&#x2C6;Tz^W X^^qywXxTÂ&#x2019;W ZwxYW Ebola and how to combat them have been distributed to shoppers while Â&#x2C6;qUTz`Â&#x201D;T`xW UTYwyvT^W have been emblazoned
ZwxYW Â&#x2030;X``Tz^W q?Tzw`Â&#x2C6;W safety advice. TqmvTWZXvÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WXzq_`Â&#x2019;W Freetown in recent days YXUTW Â&#x2030;TT`W w`yzTX^w`Â&#x2C6;vÂ&#x2018;W ZTXzw`Â&#x2C6;W Â&#x2030;zwÂ&#x2C6;YxvÂ&#x2018;´yqvq_zTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;vqUT^W Â&#x2019;w^mvXÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW^vqÂ&#x2C6;X`WÂ? q`¢xWxq_yYÂ&#x160;V W Â&#x2C6;zq_mW qÂ&#x2022;W  ¥Â&#x;W UwvvXÂ&#x2C6;TW chieftains issued a stateÂ&#x201D;T`xW q`W q`Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;W yXvvw`Â&#x2C6;W q`W xzwÂ&#x2030;XvW Â&#x201D;TTxw`Â&#x2C6;^W X`Â&#x2019;W other activities to be put on hold until Ebola had been beaten.
Liberia orders cremation of Ebola victims
YTWÂ&#x2019;TXÂ&#x2019;vÂ&#x2018;W^yq_zÂ&#x2C6;TW of Ebola means people here no vq`Â&#x2C6;TzW ^YXÂ&#x2014;TW YX`Â&#x2019;^WZYT`WÂ&#x2C6;zTTxw`Â&#x2C6;W TXyYW qxYTzVW `W xXÂ?wW yXÂ&#x2030;^W where people used to cram onto the laps of others, drivers now can carry only four people or risk fines. vX^xwyWÂ&#x2030;_yÂ&#x2014;Tx^WXzTW^Tvvw`Â&#x2C6;WXxW a record pace to people who fill them with chlorine to disinfect their hands. And Monday Liberian health authorities ordered that all Ebola victims must be cremated as the virus blamed Â&#x2022;qzWÂ&#x2014;wvvw`Â&#x2C6;WXxWvTX^xWĂ&#x2020;Â&#x17E;Ă&#x2021;WmTqmvTW across West Africa shows `qW ^wÂ&#x2C6;`W qÂ&#x2022;W ^vqZw`Â&#x2C6;W Â&#x2019;qZ`VW At least 17 bodies have been abandoned on Monroviaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s streets in recent days, health officials say. Â? Yw^W ^wx_Xxwq`W YX^W Â&#x2C6;qxxT`W worse. We need our concerted effort, this country `TTÂ&#x2019;^WTUTzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;WzwÂ&#x2C6;YxW`qZÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W Information Minister Lewis Brown announced Monday. T^xW Â&#x2022;zwyXWw^WTÂ?mTzwT`yw`Â&#x2C6;W the worst recorded Ebola outbreak in history, and the vi-
rus now has infiltrated three African capital cities. Never before has the disease with a fatality rate of at least 60 percent become so entrenched in urban population centres. The situation is particularly dire in Liberia, where at least 156 people have succumbed xqW xYTW Â&#x2019;w^TX^TÂ&#x201C;W XyyqzÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W xqW Doctors Without Borders. Â&#x2030;qvXW w^W ^mzTXÂ&#x2019;W xYzq_Â&#x2C6;YW contact with bodily fluids such as blood, sweat, vomit or faeces. Contact with the bodies of victims is particuvXzvÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2019;X`Â&#x2C6;Tzq_^WX^WTUwÂ&#x2019;T`yTÂ&#x2019;W by the fact that many victims contracted the disease when xq_yYw`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;wT^WXxWxzXÂ&#x2019;wxwq`XvW funerals. The mandate to cremate UwyxwÂ&#x201D;^W yqÂ&#x201D;T^W XÂ&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;W zw^w`Â&#x2C6;W community opposition to burials for fear of contamination. Over the weekend, health authorities encountered fierce resistance while xzÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W xqW Â&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x17E;Â&#x17E;W Â&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;wT^W w`W Johnsonville, a township in the northwestern outskirts of Monrovia, the capital. Military police ultimately were called in to help restore order.
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Daily Newswatch
1))23 456363 17589:4;2:: 5<=>5? 377? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Chukwu ./0
N:;8K643 160<569 Q6:: Q6? 07:H â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Elegbeleye ./0
GH<J< K>53><3 G()$ 4794C6?0 :64<?3< 6? M9:=9 0 ./
@<3C623 1 8 7FF<5 =77 :6==:< â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gafar ./0
Biffo fumes at Kogi loss
ead Coach of Kogi United, Â&#x2030;Â&#x2019;_vW w?qW has expressed disappointment on his sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unfortunate 0-3 loss to Mighty Jets in the Week 22 of Nigeria National League just as he called Â&#x2022;qzW Â&#x2030;T TzW mTzÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;X`yTW Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201D;XxyYWqJywXv^V Two goals from substitute Solomon Nasamu and the other from Alkassim Mohammed gave the Jos-based side the victory over Kogi United, who recorded their heaviest loss in the league this ^TX^q`V w?qÂ&#x201C;W ZYqW yqÂ&#x201D;mended his players for their performance, described the loss as unfortunate, adding that qJywXv^WÂ&#x2019;T`wTÂ&#x2019;WYw^W^wÂ&#x2019;TW xYTwzWyYX`yT^V â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unfortu`XxTW ZTW vq^xVW W Â&#x2018;W mvXÂ&#x2018;ers played well, but you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t expect more than this from them under this condition,â&#x20AC;? begins w?qV â&#x20AC;&#x153;They showed maturity and played to instruction, but the antics qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x201D;XxyYW qJywXv^W never allowed them to make two to three passT^VW W W YXUTW `TUTzW yqÂ&#x201D;mvXw`TÂ&#x2019;W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW qJywXxing, but what we have xqÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;Ww^W_`yXvvTÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;qzVW Â? W YqmTW xYTW X_xYqzwties will do something XÂ&#x2030;q_xW Â&#x201D;XxyYW qJywXv^W that are bringing the Â&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;TW xqW Â&#x2019;w^zTm_xTVW W TW will take it up from here, we have a home game next week and we will get ourselves together with the same belief and ambition of ending the season ZTvvÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;WT`xY_^TÂ&#x2019;W w?qV Technical Adviser of Mighty Jets, Donald XvqÂ&#x201D;qW XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW Kogi United gave his side tough time with Â&#x2030;T TzW XÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;wxwq`W Â&#x2030;_xW Yw^W side was lucky to conUTzxWxYTwzWyYX`yT^V
Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Udeze pursues UEFA coaching license in Malta By Ephraim Nwosu
x-Nigeria international, Â&#x2022;TX`Â&#x2018;wW Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2013;TW is set to commence a UEFA Grade A coaching course in Malta with a view to bidding for national team ¸qÂ&#x2030;VW The former PAOK Salonica captain who conÂŹzÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x2019;W xYw^W TÂ?yv_^wUTvÂ&#x2018;W to Newswatch Sports in a telephone chat , said he had to abandon his business to pursue the new yXzTTzV Â? x¢^W _`Â&#x2022;qzx_`XxTW xYXxW W XÂ&#x201D;W Â&#x2C6;qw`Â&#x2C6;W xqW XÂ&#x2030;X`Â&#x2019;q`W my business for three months to begin a coaching course in Malta very ^qq`V Â? W ¸_^xW T`zqvvTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW XW UEFA coaching course in XvxXV x¢^W`qxW^xXzxw`Â&#x2C6;WwÂ&#x201D;mediately but by Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x2C6;zXyTÂ&#x201C;W W ZwvvW Â&#x2030;TW xYTzTW w`W December and hopefully ¸qw`WxYTÂ&#x201D;WTXzvÂ&#x2018;W X`_XzÂ&#x2018;VÂ&#x160; Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2013;TÂ&#x201C;ÂşĂ&#x2030;Â&#x201C;TÂ?mvXw`TÂ&#x2019;W that pressure from his friends and well-wishers to become a coach drove him into the coaching mzqÂ&#x2022;T^^wq`V â&#x20AC;&#x153;My friends have been
urging me to become a coach and because of that WÂ&#x2019;TywÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;WxqWyq`^wÂ&#x2019;TzWwxVW W never thought of becoming a coach but that notZwxY^xX`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;W W YqmTW xqW do brilliantly well,â&#x20AC;?he qmw`TÂ&#x2019;V He said he would be up for a national team job if given the opportunity by xYTW W xqW ^TzUTVÂ&#x160; W xYw`Â&#x2014;W W YXUTW ZYXxW wxW xXÂ&#x2014;T^W xqW transfer my wealth of ex-
perience to the new generation of our footballers wÂ&#x2022;W q?TzTÂ&#x2019;W xYTW yYX`yTW Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W the NFF or any club side that needs my services on yqÂ&#x201D;mvTxwq`WqÂ&#x2022;WxYTWyq_z^TVÂ&#x160; Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2013;TW ZwvvW mzwÂ&#x2019;TW YwÂ&#x201D;self as one of few Nigerianswho have the prestigious UEFA Grade A coaching licenses at the completion of his course w`W XvxXVW Erstwhile Super Eagles
Obi helps United to Milk Cup title
atford scholar, Ogo Obi helped Manchester United Under17s retain the Milk Cup Premier title after a 1-0 victory over French xTXÂ&#x201D;W T`Â&#x2019;TTV The young Nigerian striker, who has been given permission by the Hornets to train with the Red Devils this summer, started the yq`xT^xV `W xYTW qmT`w`Â&#x2C6;W mTriod, Obi went down in the area under a challenge and thought he should have been awarded a penalty before having a shot saved by Vendee goalkeeper, XÂ?wÂ&#x201D;TW TvvwTxV The contest was settled in the second period as Cameron Borthwick-Jackson headed YqÂ&#x201D;TWÂ&#x2022;qzW `wxTÂ&#x2019;V
captain, Sunday Oliseh and current Golden Eaglets coach, Emmanuel Amuneke are among the few Nigerian coaches who can boast of the UEFA Grade A coaching vwyT`^TVW Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2013;TW mvXÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;W º¥W times for Nigeria between Â&#x17E;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;WX`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x17E;Â&#x;Â&#x;ÂĄV TWvX^xWÂ&#x2022;TXtured for the Super Eagles in the ill-fated 2006 World _mWÂ&#x161;_XvwÂŹTzWXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW `Â&#x2C6;qvXWw`W X`qV
NFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crisis: Normalcyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll return soon â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Chukwu Maduabuchi Kalu
ormer national team captain and coach, Christian Chukwu (MFR), has declared that normalcy will soon return to Nigerian football house; but agreed that true position of things is _`yvTXzWXxWxYTWÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x201D;T`xV Chukwu made the declaration while reacting to alleged parallel NFF being headed the impeached former President of the federation, Alhaji Aminu Maigari as against the one led by the Acting President, Chief Mike Â&#x201D;TYV xWw^WzTyXvvTÂ&#x2019;WxYXxWvX^xW weekabout 22 state FA chairmen over-turned
Maigariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impeachment by the executive board of NFF and returned him as the president with a plan to xXÂ&#x2014;TWxYTwzWyX^TWxqW V But Chukwu said: Â? Â&#x2018;W Â&#x2030;zqxYTzÂ&#x201C;W W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW know what is happening about the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) at the moment, whatever information WYXUTWw^WxYTWq`TW WzTXÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WxYTWmXmTz^V â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course, there are
Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xW zTmqzx^W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW xYTW Â&#x2C6;vX^^Yq_^TVW YTW situation is likely to get yvTXzTzWxYw^WZTTÂ&#x2014;V Â? YTzTW XzTW yq`Â&#x2DC;wyxing reports about the YXmmT`w`Â&#x2C6;^WXxWxYTW VW W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW zTXvvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2014;`qZW what the true position w^V Â? ^W W ^mTXÂ&#x2014;W ZwxYW Â&#x2018;q_Â&#x201C;W W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW Â&#x2014;`qZW which of the numerous stories about the NFF xYXxW W ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;TvwTUTVW YXxW w^W ZYÂ&#x2018;W W Â&#x2030;TvwTUTW
that by this week the picture will be clearer for us to know what is happening,â&#x20AC;? Chukwu TÂ?mvXw`TÂ&#x2019;V The former Kenyan national team coach explained that he did not know where to place the earlier arrangements for the conduct of elections into the executive board of the W wÂ&#x2022;W xYTW yq`Â&#x2DC;wyxw`Â&#x2C6;W reports from the media w^WX`Â&#x2018;xYw`Â&#x2C6;WxqWÂ&#x2C6;qWÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;V
TW ^XwÂ&#x2019;Ă&#x2039;W Â? W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW zTally know what is happening because if it is Chief Umeh who is incharge, it then means that the electoral comÂ&#x201D;w TTW XvzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;W ^TxW Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W XwÂ&#x2C6;XzwW ZwvvW Â&#x2030;TW ¸T wsoned but if it is Maigari, the electoral comÂ&#x201D;w TTW YTW yq`^xwx_xTÂ&#x2019;W before his impeachment will have to go ahead and carry out its Â&#x2022;_`yxwq`^V
Â? YXxW w^W ZYÂ&#x2018;W W ^XwÂ&#x2019;W earlier that the picx_zTWZwvvWÂ&#x2C6;TxWÂ&#x2030;T TzWxYw^W week, but at the moÂ&#x201D;T`xW W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW Â&#x2014;`qZW xYTW true position of the sit_Xxwq`Wq`WÂ&#x2C6;zq_`Â&#x2019;V Â? qzTqUTzÂ&#x201C;W W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW think that there is need for those who are loyal xqW XwÂ&#x2C6;XzwWxqWÂ&#x2C6;qWxqW W for sanctions against Nigeria because the impeachment of Maigari was not done by the government but by members of the execuxwUTW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW ZYwyYW XwÂ&#x2C6;XzwWw^WXWÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;TzV Â? `W xYTW ÂŹz^xW mvXyTÂ&#x201C;W what will the parallel Â&#x2C6;zq_mW xTvvW Ă&#x152;W wvvW xYTÂ&#x2018;W xTvvW W xYXxW wxW was not the executive board of the NFF that wÂ&#x201D;mTXyYTÂ&#x2019;W XwÂ&#x2C6;XzwĂ&#x152;W qÂ&#x201C;W X^W Â&#x2022;XzW X^W W XÂ&#x201D;W yq`yTz`TÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W W Â&#x2019;q`¢xW ^TTW xYTW need for such thought, assuming it is true,â&#x20AC;? Y_Â&#x2014;Z_W^XwÂ&#x2019;VWW
Daily Newswatch
31 Sports/NEWS Chukwu craves fare-well game for Yobo Akpom denied penalty in Arsenalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s loss
ormer Super Eagles chief coach, Christian Chukwu believes retired national team captain, Joseph Yobo should be celebrated for becoming the ÂŹz^xW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`WmvXÂ&#x2018;TzWxqW¸qw`W ¢^WTÂ?yv_^wUTWvw^xWqÂ&#x2022;W T`x_zwq`^V In Chukwuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opinion, Yobo should be properly â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;pulled out of the national xTXÂ&#x201D;V¢ His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been waiting to hear the plans being put in place to honour Yobo and I have heard `q`TVW TW ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W vTXz`W xqW Yq`q_zW q_zW TÂ?´w`xTz`Xxwq`Xv^VW Yw^W ZX^W XW Â&#x2030;qÂ&#x2018;W xYXxW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;TW  Â&#x;Â&#x;W yXm^VW xW w^W `qxW TX^Â&#x2018;VW TW YXUTW xqW yTvTÂ&#x2030;zXxTW him so as to encourage others to put in their best for xYTW`Xxwq`XvWxTXÂ&#x201D;VÂ&#x160; He has a suggestion: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I suggest that he should be w`UwxTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW q_zW `TÂ?xW YqÂ&#x201D;TW match, where we will formerly bid him farewell
Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WxYTW`Xxwq`XvWxTXÂ&#x201D;VW YXxW ZwvvWÂ&#x2030;TWxYTWXUT`_TWxqWqJywXvly honour him for making  Â&#x;Â&#x;WyXm^VÂ&#x160; Chukwu acknowledges he has a lot in common with qÂ&#x2030;qV â&#x20AC;&#x153;He played in the central Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2022;T`yTWvwÂ&#x2014;TWÂ&#x201D;TVW `Â&#x2019;WvwÂ&#x2014;TWÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x201C;W he also won the AFCON as a yXmxXw`VW TW ¸qw`TÂ&#x2019;W xYTW vq`Â&#x2C6;W list of central defenders like Dan Anyiam, Achebe, Victor Oduah, Dominic Ezeani, my humble self and Stephen
2016 Olympics: Nigeria will win gold â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Elegbeleye
irector General of the National Sports Commission, Honourable Gbenga Elegbeleye has assured Nigerians that following the impressive performances of Nigerian athletes in the just concluded Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, Team Nigeria will win gold medals in the 2016 Rio vÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201D;mwy^Ww`W zXÂ&#x2013;wvV Speaking from GlasÂ&#x2C6;qZÂ&#x201C;W vTÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2030;TvTÂ&#x2018;TW TÂ?pressed utmost satisfaction with the performance of Nigerian athletes who won medal at the Games, which came to an end on _`Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;V â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the heart-warming performances of our athletes in the just concluded Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, I would say we have athletes who will win gold medals at the 2016 Olympic Games in wqÂ&#x201C;W zXÂ&#x2013;wvVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have mapped out a solid programme that would help the athletes that have performed creditably not only to keep their form but to even Â&#x2019;qW Â&#x2030;T TzW ZYT`W xYTW Â&#x17E;Â&#x;Â Ă?W vÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201D;mwy^WxwÂ&#x201D;TWyqÂ&#x201D;T^V â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Commonwealth Games is mini-Olympic Games because apart from the Americans, evezÂ&#x2018;W XxYvTxTW xYXxW Â&#x201D;X Tz^W w`W the world belongs to the qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;q`ZTXvxYW Xxwq`^V â&#x20AC;&#x153;This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Games attracted lots of world rated athletes like Usain Bolt and the rest; so you can understand how tough the tournament wasâ&#x20AC;?, he mqw`xTÂ&#x2019;Wq_xV The NSC boss howevTzW TÂ?mzT^^TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2019;TTmW zTÂ&#x2C6;zTxW
following the doping incident associated with Nigerian weightlifter, YwÂ&#x2014;XW Â&#x201D;XvXYXV â&#x20AC;&#x153;The biggest regret I would say we had in the competition, which to Â&#x201D;TWZX^WÂ&#x2030;T TzWw`WmTzÂ&#x2022;qzmance and results than the previous one held in India, was the doping case of Chika Amalaha who tested positive to XW Â&#x2030;X``TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2019;z_Â&#x2C6;VW xW ZX^W XW UTzÂ&#x2018;W^XÂ&#x2019;Ww`ywÂ&#x2019;T`xV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Also we lost the chance to win a medal w`W xYTW Â&#x201D;T`¢^W Ă&#x2030;Â?W  Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;W relay as a result of poor TÂ?yYX`Â&#x2C6;TW qÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x2030;Xxq`VW Yw^W area is key and we are going to work very hard to rectify this and ensure it is not repeated in the Â&#x17E;Â&#x; Ă?W vÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201D;mwy^VW T^wÂ&#x2019;TW that, I think we have done very well and we have improved tremendously on our last outw`Â&#x2C6;V â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Glasgow, Blessing Okagbare broke the Commonwealth Games while power lifters even Â&#x2030;zqÂ&#x2014;TW ZqzvÂ&#x2019;W zTyqzÂ&#x2019;^VW qW it was a huge achievement for Team Nigeria in Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games,â&#x20AC;? ElTÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2030;TvTÂ&#x2018;TW^XwÂ&#x2019;WZwxYWmzwÂ&#x2019;TV
Keshi who captained the naxwq`XvWxTXÂ&#x201D;VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was a stand-in captain when I was the national xTXÂ&#x201D;W yqXyYVW TW ZX^W UTzÂ&#x2018;W respectful, obeyed camp rules and enjoyed the re^mTyxWqÂ&#x2022;WYw^WxTXÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x201D;XxT^VW TW is the type of player every coach would want to have X^WXWyXmxXw`VW `WÂ&#x2022;XyxÂ&#x201C;WYTWZX^W Â&#x2030;qz`W XW yXmxXw`VW TW ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W be a role model to the new generation of players,â&#x20AC;? Y_Â&#x2014;Z_WXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;V
nglo-Nigeria striker, Chuba Akpom was denied a clear penalty appeal as Arsenal lost 1-0 to Monaco at the Emirate cup pre-season xq_z`XÂ&#x201D;T`xV Akpom introduced with over 18 minutes left to play was full of running and instantly changed the yqÂ&#x201D;mvTÂ?wq`W qÂ&#x2022;W z^T`Xv¢^W X XyÂ&#x2014;V His strength and tireless z_``w`Â&#x2C6;W _`^T vTÂ&#x2019;W xYTW Monaco backline and with less than 10 minutes to play, YTWZX^WÂŹz^xWxqWXWxYzq_Â&#x2C6;YWÂ&#x2030;XvvW by Gedion Zelalem ahead of Monacoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Goalkeeper, Subasic who stuck out a foot X`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;q_vTÂ&#x2019;WxYTW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`V Referee Martin Atkinson initially pointed to the spot but changed his mind after the assistant referee signaled the contact was q_x^wÂ&#x2019;TWxYTWÂ&#x2030;qÂ?V Replays later showed that the tackle was indeed
w`^wÂ&#x2019;TW xYTW Â&#x2030;qÂ?W X`Â&#x2019;W ZYXxW would have been a clear penalty for Arsenal ended up as a free-kick which Aaron Ramsey lashed into xYTW q`XyqWZXvvV The game was decided by a Radamel Falcao header w`WxYTWÂŹz^xWYXvÂ&#x2022;WZYwyYWÂ&#x201D;TX`^W Valencia were crowned champions of the Emirate cup ahead of Arsenal by one mqw`xV Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left full back,
Elderson Echjiele who missed the World Cup through injury was on for 90 minutes and was solid in dealing with Arsenalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s zTyqzÂ&#x2019;W ^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;W vTÂ?w^W X`yYTÂ&#x2013;W w`W xYTW ÂŹz^xW YXvÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x2022;qzTW YX`Â&#x2019;vw`Â&#x2C6;W Â?vXÂ&#x2019;TW Chamberlain in the second YXvÂ&#x2022;V Elderson Echjiele also mvXÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;W q`Xyq¢^WÂŹz^xWÂ&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;TW Sunday replacing Larvyin _zÂ&#x2013;XZXWw`WxYTW^Tyq`Â&#x2019;WYXvÂ&#x2022;V
Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s N7m offer, too little â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gafar Ephraim Nwosu
6 Lion Football Academy boss, Gafar Liameed has berated the board of the Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) for proposing a mere N7 million monthly salary to coach Stephen Keshi in order to lure him back as the _mTzW XÂ&#x2C6;vT^¢WÂ&#x2C6;X?TzV The Academy boss said Keshi deserves much more than that having achieved so much for Nigerian footÂ&#x2030;XvvWw`W^qW^YqzxWXWxwÂ&#x201D;TV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keshi has brought so much honour and glory to this great nation, both locally and internationally as well as increased the value Nigerian football to qUTzW Â&#x;Â&#x;WmTzWyT`xV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Based on these factors, I think he deserves nothing less than N20 million mTzW Â&#x201D;q`xYVW W YTXzÂ&#x2019;W xYTW WZX`xWxqWq?TzWYwÂ&#x201D;W Ă&#x2020;W Â&#x201D;wvvwq`WmTzWÂ&#x201D;q`xYVW WÂ&#x2019;q`¢xW know how true it is but if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ridiculous to q?TzWYwÂ&#x201D;W^_yYWX`WXÂ&#x201D;q_`xVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a coach who has shown the world that Nigerian football is blessed with talents by winning the Nations Cup with XÂ&#x2030;q_xW ÂŹUTW qzW ^wÂ?W YqÂ&#x201D;TW based players; and went on to qualify us for the World Cup, where he took _^WxqWxYTW^Tyq`Â&#x2019;Wzq_`Â&#x2019;V â&#x20AC;&#x153;Considering the results that Keshi has given our beloved nation, he Â&#x2019;T^TzUTÂ&#x2019;W xqW Â&#x2030;TW zTZXzÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;VW If he can win the Nations
Cup with a monthly salary of N5 million, imagine the result he will give us if he is motivated with N20 Â&#x201D;wvvwq`VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was one of the lowest paid coaches at the just concluded World Cup X`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2018;TxWYTWÂ&#x2019;wÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;T TzWxYX`W some of his counterparts who earned three times YwÂ&#x2C6;YTzW xYX`W YwÂ&#x201D;VW T^YwW w^W not my friend neither is he my enemy, I am speaking as a professional football XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w`w^xzXxqzV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those at the helms of q_zWÂ&#x2022;qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvWX?Xwz^W^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W put themselves in Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ^YqT^VW Â&#x2022;WZTWZX`xWxqWzTxXw`W
him, we should give him Â&#x17E;Â&#x;WÂ&#x201D;wvvwq`VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not too much for a vqyXvW qzW Â&#x2022;qzTwÂ&#x2C6;`W yqXyYVW Â&#x2022;ter all, how much did we give Lagerback when he was in charge of our team? We should not wait for a foreign coach to come here Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x2022;qzTWÂ&#x2030;zTXÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WxYTWÂ&#x2030;X`Â&#x2014;VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;For a nation with about 170 million people, Keshi deserves N20 milvwq`W qzW TUT`W Â&#x201D;qzTVW qzW instance, if he personally wants to go on vacation in Belgium, France or US, Â&#x2019;qW Â&#x2018;q_W TÂ?mTyxW YwÂ&#x201D;W xqW Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;W with an economy class? He ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;WZwxYWXWÂŹz^xWyvX^^W
and N7 million will not be enough for his family for ¸_^xW XW UXyXxwq`VÂ? _zW Â&#x2022;qqxball administrators should stop insulting Keshi with such a shameful amount as ^XvXzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;WYTWmzq?TzTÂ&#x2019;V Commenting on how Â&#x201D;_yYW YTW TÂ?mTyx^W T^Yw¢^W assistants to earn, Liameed proposed a monthly salary qÂ&#x2022;W ÂĄWÂ&#x201D;wvvwq`V â&#x20AC;&#x153;His assistants have also worked hard with YwÂ&#x201D;VW YTÂ&#x2018;W ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;TxW XxW vTX^xW ÂĄW Â&#x201D;wvvwq`W qzW Â&#x201D;qzTVW They have made their marks hence they deserve ^qÂ&#x201D;TxYw`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;T TzÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;WYTW^_Â&#x2030;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;V
Daily Newswatch Sports/ MAN U WATCH Rooney hails quality signings LVG gives Fellaini hope
anchester United ^xzwÂ&#x2014;TzW XÂ&#x2018;`TW Rooney has YXwvTÂ&#x2019;W xYTW Ă&#x2019;Â&#x161;_XvwxÂ&#x2018;¢W ^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;^W xYTW yv_Â&#x2030;W YXUTW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;TW w`W xYw^W ^_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Tz¢^W xzX`^Â&#x2022;TzW window, and also spoken XÂ&#x2030;q_xW ZqzÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZwxYW q_w^W van Gaal. The England internaxwq`XvWÂ&#x2022;qzZXzÂ&#x2019;WYX^WÂ&#x2030;T`TÂŹxTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W XW vq`Â&#x2C6;W mzT´^TX^q`W XÂ&#x2022;xTzW X`W TXzvÂ&#x2018;W qzvÂ&#x2019;W _mW TÂ?wxÂ&#x201C;WX`Â&#x2019;WYX^WwÂ&#x201D;mzT^^TÂ&#x2019;Wq`W xYTWxq_zWqÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x201D;TzwyXWÂ&#x2022;qvvqZw`Â&#x2C6;W X^W mXzxW qÂ&#x2022;W XW ^wÂ&#x2019;TW xYXxW YX^WZq`WÂ&#x2022;q_zWÂ&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;T^Wq`WxYTW spin. TZWmvXÂ&#x2018;Tz^WYXUTWÂ&#x2030;TT`W integrated into the Red TUwv^W ^wÂ&#x2019;TW Â&#x2022;qzW Â&#x201D;XxyYT^W XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW W XvXÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W qÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x201C;W `xTzW wvX`W X`Â&#x2019;W TXvW XÂ&#x2019;zwÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W X`Â&#x2019;W qq`TÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2030;TvwTUT^W the recent additions are already starting to show their value to the side. Â? T¢UTWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;TW^qÂ&#x201D;TWzTXvW quality signings and this YX^W Â&#x2030;TT`W ^YqZ`W w`W Â&#x2030;qxYW
training and in the games,â&#x20AC;? YTWxqvÂ&#x2019;WYw^WZTÂ&#x2030;^wxTÂ&#x201C;W JywXv XÂ&#x2018;`T qq`TÂ&#x2018;VyqÂ&#x201D;V Â? ¢UTWXvzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;WmvXÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;WZwxYW _Â&#x2014;TW YXZWÂ&#x2022;qzW `Â&#x2C6;vX`Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W^qW W XvzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;W Â&#x2014;`qZW ZYXxW XW xqmW player he is, and him along with the other signings have Â&#x2030;TT`WzTXvvÂ&#x2018;WwÂ&#x201D;mzT^^wUTVÂ&#x160; Rooney has also spoken qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW ¸qÂ&#x2018;W qÂ&#x2022;W ZqzÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZwxYW new manager Louis van XXvÂ&#x201C;W ZYq¢^W xXÂ&#x2014;T`W qUTzW xYTW zTw`^WXxW vÂ&#x2019;W zX?qzÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;qvvqZ-
w`Â&#x2C6;WXW^TX^q`WqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2019;w^Xmmqw`xÂ&#x201D;T`xWw`WÂ&#x17E;Â&#x; º Ă&#x2030;V David Moyes was tasked ZwxYW Â&#x2022;qvvqZw`Â&#x2C6;W w`W xYTW Â&#x2022;qqx^xTm^WqÂ&#x2022;W wzW vTÂ?W TzÂ&#x2C6;_^q`Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xWmXwÂ&#x2019;WxYTWmzwyTWÂ&#x2022;qzWmqqzW zT^_vx^W xqZXzÂ&#x2019;^W xYTW T`Â&#x2019;W qÂ&#x2022;W the last campaign. Ryan Giggs replaced the Scot, Â&#x2030;_xW Yw^W vXyÂ&#x2014;W qÂ&#x2022;W TÂ?mTzwT`yTW Â&#x201D;TX`xW xYTW yv_Â&#x2030;W vqqÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W xqW zTmvXyTW YwÂ&#x201D;W ´W ZwxYW xYTW ¸qÂ&#x2030;W Â&#x2022;Xvvw`Â&#x2C6;W xqW xYTW Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;TzW TxYerlands head coach.
ouis van Gaal has once again hinted that Marouane Fellaini may Â&#x2022;TXx_zTW Â&#x201D;qzTW Â&#x2022;qzW Yw^W X`chester United side than Â&#x201D;X`Â&#x2018;WmTqmvTWXzTWTÂ?mTyxw`Â&#x2C6;W this season. Since the Dutchman has taken over at United he has used to the press to praise xYTW TvÂ&#x2C6;wX`W Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzW X`Â&#x2019;W his apparent admiration Â&#x2022;qzW TvvXw`wW yq`xw`_TÂ&#x2019;W XÂ&#x2022;xTzW xYTW TÂ&#x2019;W TUwv¢^WZw`WXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW Real Madrid last night. The 62-year-old had preUwq_^vÂ&#x2018;W ^mqÂ&#x2014;T`W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW YqZW YTW yq`^wÂ&#x2019;TzTÂ&#x2019;W xYTW Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;TzW UTzxq`W Â&#x201D;X`W xqW Â&#x2030;TW XW Ă&#x2019;Â&#x161;_XvwxÂ&#x2018;¢WmvXÂ&#x2018;TzWX`Â&#x2019;WvX^xW`wÂ&#x2C6;YxÂ&#x201C;WXÂ&#x2022;xTzWYw^W^wÂ&#x2019;T¢^WwÂ&#x201D;mzT^^wUTWº´ W victory over Real Madrid, YTW yq`ÂŹzÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW `wxTÂ&#x2019;¢^W mTzÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;X`yT^W ^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W wÂ&#x201D;mzqUTWTUT`WÂ&#x2022;_xYTzWq`yTWYTWw^W XUXwvXÂ&#x2030;vTWÂ&#x2022;qzW^TvTyxwq`WXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`V Â? TW Â&#x201D;w^^W mvXÂ&#x2018;Tz^W vwÂ&#x2014;TW TvvXw`wÂ&#x201C;W X`_Â&#x2013;X¸Â&#x201C;WUX`W Tz^wTÂ&#x201C;W so you cannot say: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;OK, so ZT¢vvWÂ&#x2030;TXxWTUTzÂ&#x2018;WxTXÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;W X`W
Gaal said. Â? xWw^W`qxWvwÂ&#x2014;TWxYXxVW _xWqÂ&#x2022;W yq_z^TW wx¢^W XW UTzÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2C6;qqÂ&#x2019;W zT^_vxWÂ&#x2022;qzW_^WX`Â&#x2019;WwxWÂ&#x2C6;wUT^Wyq`ÂŹdence to all the players.â&#x20AC;? TvvXw`wW YXÂ&#x2019;W XW xqzzwÂ&#x2019;W ÂŹz^xW yXÂ&#x201D;mXwÂ&#x2C6;`W XxW vÂ&#x2019;W zX?qzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W vqqÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2022;XzW^YqzxWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTWÂ&#x161;_XvwxÂ&#x2018;W zTÂ&#x161;_wzTÂ&#x2019;W xqW Â&#x2030;TW XW YwxW XxW `Â&#x2C6;vX`Â&#x2019;¢^W Â&#x201D;q^xW ^_yyT^^Â&#x2022;_vW yv_Â&#x2030;V ^W XW zT^_vxW wxW ZX^W TÂ?mTyxTÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW YTW yq_vÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;TW ^TxW to move on this season, with Napoli reportedly closing w`Wq`WYw^W^wÂ&#x2C6;`Xx_zTÂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x2030;_xW X`W
XXv¢^WmzXw^TWw^W^_zTWxqWÂ&#x2030;TWXW Â&#x2030;qq^xWÂ&#x2022;qzWYwÂ&#x201D;V United have already Â&#x2030;TT`W wÂ&#x201D;mzqUTÂ&#x2019;W _`Â&#x2019;TzW xYTwzW newly appointed, high-proÂŹvTW Â&#x2030;q^^Â&#x201C;W ZwxYW xYTwzW zT^_vx^W qUTzW mzT´^TX^q`W q?Tzw`Â&#x2C6;W encouragement that they yq_vÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;TWw`Wvw`TWxqWzTx_z`WxqW yYXvvT`Â&#x2C6;TWÂ&#x2022;qzWxYTWxwxvTV YTwzW mTzÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;X`yT^Â&#x201C;W xqqÂ&#x201C;WYXUTWÂ&#x2030;TT`WTÂ&#x2018;T´yXxyYw`Â&#x2C6;W with the squad playing with a purpose and a tempo that was lacking throughout the T`xwzTxÂ&#x2018;WqÂ&#x2022;WvX^xWyXÂ&#x201D;mXwÂ&#x2C6;`V
Fletcher, De Gea reveal Van Gaal impact
ave revealed the impact that new manager Louis van Gaal has already had on the Manchester United squad. United have impressed in pre-season, reaching the ÂŹ`XvW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW `xTz`Xxwq`XvW Champions Cup in the `wxTÂ&#x2019;W xXxT^WXÂ&#x2022;xTzWXWº´ WUwytory over Real Madrid on Saturday. That was the latest sign qÂ&#x2022;W wÂ&#x201D;mzqUTÂ&#x201D;T`xW _`Â&#x2019;TzW X`W XXvÂ&#x201C;WZYqWqJywXvvÂ&#x2018;WzTplaced David Moyes at Old zX?qzÂ&#x2019;W vX^xW Â&#x201D;q`xYW XÂ&#x2022;xTzW leading Netherlands to the ^TÂ&#x201D;w´`Xv^W qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW qzvÂ&#x2019;W Cup in Brazil. The Dutchman has already stamped his authorwxÂ&#x2018;W q`W xYTW ^Â&#x161;_XÂ&#x2019;W XYTXÂ&#x2019;W qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x17E;Â&#x; Ă&#x2030;´ ¥W ^TX^q`Â&#x201C;W ZwxYW United looking to respond to a disappointing seventhmvXyTW ÂŹ`w^YW w`W xYTW zTÂ&#x201D;wTzW League last term that saw them miss out on European Â&#x2022;qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvV `Â&#x2019;W vTxyYTzW Â&#x2030;TvwTUT^W they are already showing ^wÂ&#x2C6;`^WqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2030;Tw`Â&#x2C6;WXÂ&#x2030;vTWxqWyYXvvT`Â&#x2C6;TW ZwxYW xYTW Â&#x2030;T^xW ^wÂ&#x2019;T^W again under Van Gaal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He [Van Gaal] deÂ&#x201D;X`Â&#x2019;^W XW vqxÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW xYTW mvXÂ&#x2018;ers are responding to to it and enjoying playing in the new system and playing under him,â&#x20AC;? said the Scotland international. Â? T¢UTW Â&#x2C6;qxW XW Â&#x2022;X`xX^tic team spirit - we were
xXvÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW wxW vX^xW `wÂ&#x2C6;YxW amongst ourselves. Â? T¢zTWXvvWyvq^TWX`Â&#x2019;WZT¢zTW all pulling in the right direcxwq`WX`Â&#x2019;WZTWXvvWZX`xWxYTWÂ&#x2030;T^xW Â&#x2022;qzW X`yYT^xTzW `wxTÂ&#x2019;VW Â? T¢zTW Â&#x2019;w^Xmmqw`xTÂ&#x2019;W ZwxYW ZYTzTW ZTW ÂŹ`w^YTÂ&#x2019;W w`W the league [last season] and X^W XW XW zT^_vxW qÂ&#x2022;W xYXxW wUTzpool, Man City, Chelsea, xYTÂ&#x2018;WXvvWÂŹ`w^YTÂ&#x2019;WXÂ&#x2030;qUTWqÂ&#x2022;W_^VW Â? T¢zTW Â&#x2019;w^Xmmqw`xTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;_xW`TÂ?xW^TX^q`WZTWZX`xWxqW ^YqZWZYXxWZT¢zTWyXmXÂ&#x2030;vTWqÂ&#x2022;W X`Â&#x2019;W YqmTÂ&#x2022;_vvÂ&#x2018;W ZTW yX`W yX`W do that.â&#x20AC;? That is a sentiment echqTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W TW TXÂ&#x201C;W ZwxYW xYTW Spain goalkeeper revealing xYXxW X`W XXv¢^W XzzwUXvW YX^W XvzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;W YXÂ&#x2019;W XW ^wÂ&#x2C6;`wÂŹyX`xW impact on the mentality within the squad. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He [van Gaal] is hard ZYT`W YTW YX^W xqW Â&#x2030;TVW TXvvÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W he has surprised me,â&#x20AC;? said De Gea. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is a great head coach and he is providing the team with a very good charXyxTzVW q_WyX`W^TTWwxW^qWÂ&#x2022;XzVW W xYw`Â&#x2014;W ZTW XzTW xqxXvvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xWÂ&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WvX^xW^TX^q`V Â? W xYw`Â&#x2014;W XW vqxW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x2030;wÂ&#x2C6;W xTXÂ&#x201D;^WYXUTWÂ&#x2030;TT`WzTw`Â&#x2022;qzyTÂ&#x2019;W very well. Â? TWYXUTWXv^qWYXUTWÂ&#x2030;TT`W zTw`Â&#x2022;qzyTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;WZwxYW^qÂ&#x201D;TWmvXÂ&#x2018;ers like Ander Herrera, and _Â&#x2014;TW YXZWq`WxYTWvTÂ&#x2022;xW^wÂ&#x2019;TVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right now, it could well Â&#x2030;TW xYXxW ZTW YXUTW q`TW qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x2030;T^xW^Â&#x161;_XÂ&#x2019;^VÂ&#x160;
Juventus want Nani, Hernandez in ex-change for Vidal
uventus will reportTÂ&#x2019;vÂ&#x2018;W X^Â&#x2014;W Â&#x2022;qzW X`chester United duo Nani and Javier Hernandez in re W W W W x_z`W Â&#x2022;qzW YwvTX`W ^xXzÂ&#x201C;W Arturo Vidal. wÂ&#x2019;XvW YX^W Â&#x2030;TT`W vw`Â&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W ZwxYWXWĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x2030;Â&#x;Â&#x201D;wvvwq`WÂ&#x201D;qUTWxqW The Red Devils this sumÂ&#x201D;TzÂ&#x201C;W X`Â&#x2019;W ZX^W Â&#x2030;TvwTUTÂ&#x2019;W xqW YXUTW X^Â&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W xYTW xXvwX`W yYXÂ&#x201D;mwq`^W Â&#x2022;qzW XW xzX`^Â&#x2022;TzW xqW `Â&#x2C6;vX`Â&#x2019;W zTyT`xvÂ&#x2018;W ÂłW something that Juve have since denied. _xÂ&#x201C;W XyyqzÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W xqW xXvwX`W m_Â&#x2030;vwyXxwq`Â&#x201C;W qzzwTzTW dello Sport, the Serie A side are now resigned to losing the talented midÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzW xqW `wxTÂ&#x2019;W w`W xYTW coming weeks and will demand Nani and Her`X`Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2013;W ÂłW ZYqW XzTW Â&#x2030;qxYW q_xWqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2022;XUq_zWXxW vÂ&#x2019;W zXÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x2019;W ÂłW w`W zTx_z`W Â&#x2022;qzW xYTwzW
prized asset. Vidal is thought to YXUTW Â&#x2C6;zqZ`W X`Â?wq_^W xqW leave the cash-strapped xXvwX`^W XÂ&#x2022;xTzW ^TTw`Â&#x2C6;W zTports linking him with
XW Â&#x201D;qUTW xqW xYTW zTÂ&#x201D;wTzW TXÂ&#x2C6;_TW Â&#x2022;qvvqZw`Â&#x2C6;W Yw^W wÂ&#x201D;mzT^^wUTWmTzÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;X`yT^WÂ&#x2022;qzW YwvTWXxWxYTW qzvÂ&#x2019;W _mWw`W Brazil this summer. YTW Â&#x17E;Ă&#x2020;´Â&#x2018;TXz´qvÂ&#x2019;W ÂłW ZYqW
^wÂ&#x2C6;`TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW _UT`x_^W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W Bayer Leverkusen in the ^_Â&#x201D;Â&#x201D;TzW qÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x17E;Â&#x;Â Â W ÂłW q`vÂ&#x2018;W signed a new contract with the Bianconerri last year.
Red Devils, my second family â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ronaldo
T^mwxTW ^T w`Â&#x2C6;W XW xYT`´ ZqzvÂ&#x2019;W xzX`^Â&#x2022;TzW Â&#x2022;TTW ZYT`WYTWÂ&#x201D;qUTÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W Manchester United to Real Madrid in a ÂŁ80 million deal, Cristiano Ronaldo has nonexYTvT^^W Â&#x2030;TT`W qyyX^wq`XvvÂ&#x2018;W vw`Â&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W ZwxYW XW Â&#x201D;qUTW Â&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;W xqW vÂ&#x2019;W zX?qzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W w`yv_Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W X^W recently as last summer. Although he recently inked a new deal that will Â&#x2014;TTmW YwÂ&#x201D;W ZwxYW xYTW  Â&#x;´xwÂ&#x201D;TW Champions League winners _`xwvWÂ&#x17E;Â&#x; ÂÂ&#x201C;WX`Â&#x2019;WYX^WT`¸qÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;WXW Â&#x2C6;qqÂ&#x2019;WxT`_zTW^qWÂ&#x2022;XzWw`W mXw`Â&#x201C;W he recently made some interesting statements while in xYTW xXxT^W Â&#x2022;qzW xYw^W Â&#x2018;TXz¢^W `ternational Champions Cup.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everyone knows that TUTzÂ&#x2018;W xwÂ&#x201D;TW ZYT`W W ^mTXÂ&#x2014;W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW TXvW XÂ&#x2019;zwÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W W^Yq_vÂ&#x2019;W ^mTXÂ&#x2014;W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW X`yYT^xTzW `wxTÂ&#x2019;VW W vqUTW wxW xYTzTÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W xYTW
xZq´xwÂ&#x201D;TW Xvvq`W Â&#x2019;¢ zW Zw`ner stated to the Manchester Evening News (as per Sky Sports). Â? WZX^W ÂWÂ&#x2018;TXz^WqvÂ&#x2019;WÂżZYT`W W XzzwUTÂ&#x2019;W X`Â&#x2019;Ă&#x20AC;W W Zq`W TUTzÂ&#x2018;thing there. The people treat Â&#x201D;TWvwÂ&#x2014;TWXWÂ&#x2C6;qÂ&#x2019;WxYTzTÂ&#x201C;W^qW WXmmzTywXxTWwxWX`Â&#x2019;Ww`WxYTWÂ&#x2022;_x_zTÂ&#x201C;W `qÂ&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;WÂ&#x2014;`qZ^VÂ&#x160; He also added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some mvXÂ&#x2018;Tz^W W XÂ&#x201D;W ^xwvvW w`W yq`xXyxW ZwxYW Â&#x2030;TyX_^TW ZYT`W W ZX^W xYTzTÂ&#x201C;W W yzTXxTÂ&#x2019;W XW Â&#x2C6;qqÂ&#x2019;W zTvXxwq`^YwmW ZwxYW TUTzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W `qxW ¸_^xW xYTW mvXÂ&#x2018;Tz^Â&#x201C;W ÂżÂ&#x2030;_xW ZwxYĂ&#x20AC;WXvvWxYTW^xX?VVV xWZX^WvwÂ&#x2014;TW Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W^Tyq`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;XÂ&#x201D;wvÂ&#x2018;WxYTzTWxqqÂ&#x201C;W ^qW ¢vvW`qxWÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x2C6;TxWxYXxWxYTWmTqple treated me well.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
rsene Wenger has ruled out the possibility of Joel Campbell leaving Arsenal as he plans to unleash him in Yw^WÂŹz^x´xTXÂ&#x201D;WxYw^W^TX^q`VW Campbell highlighted his potential with a string of impressive displays for Costa Rica at the World Cup in Brazil this sumÂ&#x201D;TzWX`Â&#x2019;WYTWw^WÂŹ`XvvÂ&#x2018;W^TxWxqW get his chance at the Emirates Stadium after spending the last three years on loan at Lorient, Real Betis X`Â&#x2019;W vÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201D;mwXyq^V Wenger is convinced the forward is ready to showcase his talent for the Gunners after watchw`Â&#x2C6;WYwÂ&#x201D;W^yqzTWYw^WÂŹz^xWÂ&#x2C6;qXvW for the club in Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ¥´ W^_yyT^^WqUTzW T`ÂŹyXV The Frenchmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments in the wake of that Emirates Cup victory will come as a disappointment to Serie A giants AC Milan, who had been considering a move Â&#x2022;qzW XÂ&#x201D;mÂ&#x2030;Tvv¢^W^wÂ&#x2C6;`Xx_zTVW Wenger said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;CampÂ&#x2030;TvvWYX^WÂ&#x2019;q`TWUTzÂ&#x2018;WZTvvVW W vwÂ&#x2014;TWxYTWZXÂ&#x2018;WYTWmvXÂ&#x2018;^VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;He is good on the ball, creative and collectively as well he has a good balance between individual skill and colvTyxwUTWX wx_Â&#x2019;TW´WxYXx¢^W`qxW TX^Â&#x2018;W xqW ÂŹ`Â&#x2019;W X`Â&#x2019;W xYTzTW w^W `qWzTX^q`WxqWvTxWYwÂ&#x201D;WÂ&#x2C6;qVÂ&#x160;W The Costa Rican star wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the only player to catch the eye against the Portuguese as fellow forward Yaya Sanogo opened his Arsenal account in style by grabbing the other four goals! W T`Â&#x2C6;TzW XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;W XÂ&#x2022;terwards that even he was slightly shocked by Sanogoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impressive haul after 13 months without a competitive goal for the
Sports/euro league
I can get even better at Bayern â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lewandowski
Campbell not for sale insists â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Wenger club in 14 outings since arriving from Auxerre on XWÂ&#x2022;zTTWxzX`^Â&#x2022;TzVW TWXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;Ă&#x2039;W â&#x20AC;&#x153;Football always surprises you, not only you but Â&#x201D;TWX^WZTvvV â&#x20AC;&#x153;They need to play of course, but they need to mvXÂ&#x2018;WYTzTVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sanogo came last year on a free and we worked
very hard for six months with him and from January onwards he was ^vqZvÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2C6;T w`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;T TzÂ&#x201C;W`qZW that we have worked very hard with him, we want YwÂ&#x201D;WxqW^xXÂ&#x2018;WYTzTVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sanogo was injured for basically two years Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x2022;qzTW YTW yXÂ&#x201D;TW xqW _^VW Â&#x2022;W
you look at his goalscoring record before he got injured, it is quite frightT`w`Â&#x2C6;VW For a while when he came back last season, YTW yq_vÂ&#x2019;W `qxW ^yqzTVW q_W could see when he scored xYTW ÂŹz^xW Â&#x2C6;qXvW xqÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W ^_Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;T`vÂ&#x2018;WxYTÂ&#x2018;WyX`WzXw`Ww`VÂ&#x160;
obert LewandowsÂ&#x2014;wW w^W yq`ÂŹÂ&#x2019;T`xW Yw^W switch to Bundesliga champions Bayern Munich will help him become X`WTUT`WÂ&#x2030;T TzW^xzwÂ&#x2014;TzV YTW qvTW ZX^W qJywXvvÂ&#x2018;W yq`ÂŹzÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x2019;W X^W XW XÂ&#x2018;Tz`W player in July after signing a pre-contract agreement with the Bavarians in
X`_XzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;WT`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;WYw^WmzqvwÂŹyW Â&#x2022;q_z´Â&#x2018;TXzW^mTvvWZwxYW V YTW Â&#x17E;¥´Â&#x2018;TXz´qvÂ&#x2019;W `T TÂ&#x2019;W 103 goals in his time at Sig`XvW Â&#x2019;_`XW XzÂ&#x2014;WX`Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;WXYTXÂ&#x2019;W of the DFL-Supercup in which he will face his former club Dortmund on his competitive debut, he stressed his belief he can make further strides under TmW _XzÂ&#x2019;wqvXV Â? WÂ&#x2014;`qZW WyX`WÂ&#x2C6;TxWTUT`W Â&#x2030;T TzVW xW Â&#x2019;qT^`¢xW Â&#x201D;X TzW where youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve played and what youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve won, you always have to give it everyxYw`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2018;q_¢UTWÂ&#x2C6;qxÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W TZX`Â&#x2019;qZ^Â&#x2014;wWxqvÂ&#x2019;WzTmqzxTz^V Â? W XÂ&#x201D;W `qxW Â&#x2018;TxW XxW xYTW vwÂ&#x201D;wxVW WYqmTW WyX`WÂ&#x2C6;TxWÂ&#x2030;T TzW TUTzÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;VÂ&#x160; Bayernâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stars from Germanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s successful World Cup campaign will return to the squad for their last friendly clash with an MLS All-Star team at Providence Park in Portland on
Chiellini slams Tavecchio over ´banana eaters´ remarks
Mourinho surprised Fabregas joined Chelsea
ose Mourinho has conceded he was surprised that ex-Arsenal star Cesc Fabregas came back to the Premier League and joined Chel^TXV The Blues clinched a ÂŁ27million deal to bring
Fabregas to Stamford zwÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2C6;TWvX^xWÂ&#x201D;q`xYV Fabregas hit his debut goal in the Bluesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3-1 pre-season friendly vicxqzÂ&#x2018;W XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`^xW _xyYW q_xÂŹxW wxT^^TW z`YTÂ&#x201D;V And Mourinho admits he was surprised he
was able to lure Fabregas away from the Catalan giX`x^V Â? WXvZXÂ&#x2018;^WxYq_Â&#x2C6;YxW T^yW would stay a Barcelona mvXÂ&#x2018;TzÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W q_zw`YqW xqvÂ&#x2019;W YTW wÂ&#x201D;T^V Mourinho also admits Fabregas is the missing
Papadopoulos seals Leverkusen loan switch
ayer Leverkusen have signed Greek defender, Kyriakos Papadopoulos from Bundesliga rivals Schalke on
loan until the end of the ^TX^q`V The 22-year-old, who was once a target of Liverpool, has missed much of the past two seasons due to injury, but he now hopes to kick-start his career at xYTW XÂ&#x2018; zT`XV Â? ¢Â&#x201D;W zTXvvÂ&#x2018;W mvTX^TÂ&#x2019;W xYw^W xzX`^Â&#x2022;Tz¢^W ZqzÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;W q_xÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W said Papadopoulos on his `TZWyv_Â&#x2030;¢^WZTÂ&#x2030;^wxTV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just like Schalke, Leverkusen are a very ambixwq_^W yv_Â&#x2030;VW `Â&#x2022;qzx_`XxTvÂ&#x2018;W W ZX^W w`¸_zTÂ&#x2019;W qÂ&#x2022;xT`W vX^xW ^TX^q`Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW `qZW ¢Â&#x201D;W Â&#x2022;_vvÂ&#x2018;W ÂŹxW XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`W X`Â&#x2019;W YwÂ&#x2C6;YvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x201D;qxwvated to reach my personal aims and those of the club
xYw^W^TX^q`VÂ&#x160; Schalke did not want to stand in the way of a player who will return to them in a yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time with 12 months still to run on a yq`xzXyxWYTW^wÂ&#x2C6;`TÂ&#x2019;Ww`WÂ&#x17E;Â&#x; Â&#x17E;V Â? xW ZX^W Â&#x2018;zwXÂ&#x2014;q^¢W Zw^YW after his long injury absence to be able to gain more match practice and that is why we agreed to xYw^W vqX`Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;W ^XwÂ&#x2019;W yYXvÂ&#x2014;T¢^W director of sport Horst
TvÂ&#x2019;xVW Â? TW YqmTW xYXxW Yw^W Zw^YWw^WÂ&#x2022;_vÂŹvvTÂ&#x2019;VÂ&#x160; According to Leverkusenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s director of sport Rudi Voller, his team are getting a â&#x20AC;&#x153;quick, strong and ^_yyT^^´Y_`Â&#x2C6;zÂ&#x2018;Â&#x160;WmvXÂ&#x2018;TzV
piece in the Chelsea jigsaw and has an excellent Ă&#x2019;Â&#x2022;qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvWÂ&#x2030;zXw`¢V He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want xqW Â&#x201D;qUTW w`W XW Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xW Â&#x2019;wzTyxwq`VW x¢^W ^qÂ&#x201D;TxYw`Â&#x2C6;W q_zWÂ&#x2022;qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvW`TTÂ&#x2019;^V Â? W ^TTW YwÂ&#x201D;W Ă&#x2013; XÂ&#x2030;zTÂ&#x2C6;X^Ă&#x2014;W everywhere, because he yX`WmvXÂ&#x2018;WTUTzÂ&#x2018;ZYTzTVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;His best quality is the speed at which he analyses the game and TÂ?Ty_xT^VW T¢^WUTzÂ&#x2018;Ww`xTvvwÂ&#x2C6;T`xVW `Â&#x2019;W YTW Â&#x2C6;wUT^W Â&#x2018;q_W Â&#x2C6;qXv^VÂ&#x160;
Wednesday, just a week before their clash with DortÂ&#x201D;_`Â&#x2019;Wq`W _Â&#x2C6;_^xW ºV The DFL-Supercup is xqW Â&#x2030;TW YTvÂ&#x2019;W XxW wÂ&#x2C6;`XvW Â&#x2019;_`XW Park and, while Lewandowski is relishing the occasion, the forward expects Yw^WÂŹz^xWyqÂ&#x201D;mTxwxwUTWÂ&#x201D;XxyYW as a Bayern player to be a yYXvvT`Â&#x2C6;w`Â&#x2C6;Wq`TV Â? x¢^W qÂ&#x2030;Uwq_^vÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2C6;qw`Â&#x2C6;W xqW Â&#x2030;TW ^mTywXvW Â&#x2022;qzW Â&#x201D;TÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W YTW XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;VW Â? W YXÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;q_zW Â&#x2022;X`xX^tic years at Dortmund, but wx¢vvW Â&#x2022;TTvW UTzÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xW X^W a member of the visiting xTXÂ&#x201D;V Â? xW ZwvvW Â&#x2030;TW XW Â&#x2019;wJy_vxW evening, simply because weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll only have trained all xqÂ&#x2C6;TxYTzW Â&#x2022;qzW XW ZTTÂ&#x2014;VW _xW weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a good team and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll qÂ&#x2030;Uwq_^vÂ&#x2018;WmvXÂ&#x2018;WxqWZw`VÂ&#x160;
iorgio Chiellini has urged the xXvwX`W qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvW TÂ&#x2019;TzXxwq`W Âż Ă&#x20AC;W `qxW to embarrass themselves by electing Carlo TavecyYwqWX^WmzT^wÂ&#x2019;T`xV Tavecchio caused uproar last Saturday when he referred to African footballers as â&#x20AC;&#x153;banana TXxTz^Â&#x160;W w`W XW ^mTTyYW yXvving for work permits to Â&#x2030;TW w`xzqÂ&#x2019;_yTÂ&#x2019;W w`xqW xXlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s professional football Â&#x2019;wUw^wq`^V The 71-year-old has since apologised for the remarks but the fallout has continued, with WX^Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WxYTW WxqW investigate Tavecchioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ZqzÂ&#x2019;^V An election to replace Giancarlo Abete, who left his post following xXvÂ&#x2018;¢^W Â&#x2C6;zq_m´^xXÂ&#x2C6;TW TÂ?wxW at the World Cup, is to
Â&#x2030;TWYTvÂ&#x2019;Wq`W _Â&#x2C6;_^xW  V Tavecchio previously had the backing of all Serie A clubs bar Juventus and Roma prior to the incident, but has since reportedly seen support Â&#x2022;qzWYw^WTvTyxwq`WÂ&#x2019;TyzTX^TV And Chiellini feels that Tavecchioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opponent Demetrio Albertini w^WxYTWq`vÂ&#x2018;Wqmxwq`WÂ&#x2022;qzW xXvian footballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s governing body in the wake of the yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;T`x^V Â? W zTXÂ&#x2019;W Yw^W Ă&#x2013; XUTyyYwq¢^Ă&#x2014;W ZqzÂ&#x2019;^W xYTW Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;W after and they left me Â&#x2019;w^yq`yTzxTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;Â&#x160;W YwTvvw`wW said at a Juventus news yq`Â&#x2022;TzT`yTWq`W _`Â&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;V Â? WX^Â&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;WVVVWYqZW xXvwX`W football could be heading towards this election and wÂ&#x2022;WxYTzTWZX^WX`Â&#x2018;W^qv_xwq`VW W YXUTW `qxYw`Â&#x2C6;W mTz^q`XvW against Tavecchio but at the moment, the only adequate person for the zqvTWw^W vÂ&#x2030;Tzxw`wV Â? TWÂ&#x201D;_^x`¢xWvTxW xXvwX`W football embarrass itself XÂ&#x2C6;Xw`VW YTW`Xxwq`XvWxTXÂ&#x201D;W is bigger than Tavecchio but we must avoid havw`Â&#x2C6;W XW yTzxXw`W xÂ&#x2018;mTW qÂ&#x2022;W ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;_zTWÂ&#x2022;qzWxYT^TWzqvT^V â&#x20AC;&#x153;We need a person with a certain decorum and personality to perÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;WyTzxXw`WzqvT^VÂ&#x160;
Daily Newswatch TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Commonwealth Games... Commonwealth Games... Commonwealth Games...
Yego defies injury to win historic javelin gold
CWG Fall-out: Daley sets sights on Rio 2016
ulius Yego became xYTW ¬z^xW T` X`W xqW Zw`W ¸XUTvw`W qv W XxW xYT W q q`ZTXvxYW X T^ W T^mwxTW YXUw` W w`¸_zT W Yw ^Tv W _zw` WZXz ´_mV wxYW Yw^W `Xxwq`W T TzW `qZ`W qzW ^_yyT^^W w`W w^xX`yTW z_``w` W TUT`x^ W xYTW ¡´ TXz´qv W mzqUT W T` X`W UwyxqzwT^W XzTW `qxW zT^xzwyxT W xqW ¸_^xW xYTW xzXy W qzW zqX W X^W YTW xYzTZW XW T^xW q W ºVÆ W q`W Xx_z X W `w YxW xqW TXxW v mwyW yYX mwq`W T^Yqz`W Xvyq W q W zw`w X W ØW q X qW X` W Tyq TWxYTW¬z^xW zq W T` XW xqW Zw`W XxYvTxwy^W qv W w`W XW `q`´z_``w` W TUT`xW XxW xYTW q q`ZTXvxYW X T^V T q W ZYqW w^W XW ^Tv ´ xX_ YxW ¸XUTvw`W xYzqZTzW YXUw` W vTXz`xW Yw^W xzX TW W ZXxyYw` W Uw Tq^W q`W q_ _ T W X w T W YTW YX W Xv q^xW zqmmT W q_xW q W xYTW yq mTxwxwq`W X xTzW w`¸_zw` W Yw^W zqw`W XxW xYTW ZXz ´_mW
xzXy W _xW ^Xw W yq mTxw` W w`W xYTW ¬`XvW ZX^W xqqW w mqzxX`xW xqW w^^V
w^WZw``w` WxYzqZWyX TW w`W xYTW xYwz W zq_` W X xTzW ZYwyYW YTW Tyw T W xqW mX^^W Yw^W zT Xw`w` W X T mx^W X` W YqmTW xYXxW Xz W Zq_v W TW T`q_ YWxqW TxWxYTW qv V xW ZX^W T qxwq`Xv W YTW ^Xw Wq`WyvXw w` WUwyxqz W X^W W mwy T W _mW XW zqw`W w`¸_z W _zw` WxYTWZXz ´_mV W ^vwmmT W q`W xYTW ZXz ´
Radcliffe pours praises on Pavey
T T` Xz W XzX´ xYq`W z_``Tz W X_vXW X yvw?TW YX^W mXw W xzw _xTW xqW qW XUT W X xTzW ^YTW xqq W zq` TW w`W xYTW Zq T`¢^W¡ V XUT Ww`^w^xT WxYXxW^YTW YX W `qW zTxwzT T`xW mvX`^W X xTzW ^YTW yvXw T W xYTW T Xv WX` WZqzv ´zTyqz W Yqv TzW X yvw?TW mzXw^T W xYTW w^xX`yT´z_``TzW qzW YTzWmTz qz X`yTV
X yvw?TW xqv W W mqzxËW YXxW w^W W q´ T`xWq WxYTW X T^ÙW q`´ zXx_vXxwq`^W qW XUT Ù Ö YTW ^YqZT ×W _x^ W TxTz w`Xxwq`W ÖX` ×W w`´ xTvvw T`xW zXyw` W X` W ^YTW yX`W yTzxXw`v W ^X W `qW zT´ zTx^Ù T` X`W _qW Tzy W YTzq`qW X` W X`TxW w^X W ZYqW Zq`W xYTW qv W X` W ^wvUTzWzT^mTyxwUTv V
Final medal table Country ` vX` W _^xzXvwXW X`X XW yqxvX` W ` wXW TZW TXvX` W q_xYW zwyXW Nigeria T` XW
X XwyXW w` XmqzTW XvT^W XvX ^wXW mz_^W qzxYTz`W zTvX` W Xm_XW TZW _w`TXW X Tzqq`W X` XW zT`X XW qx^ZX`XW wzw XxwW zw`w X WØW q X qW X w^xX`W XYX X^W X qXW X w wXW q X w _TW X_zwxw_^W X` vX T^YW ^vTWq W X`W X_z_W zwW X` XW YX`XW Zambia Xz X q^W w¸wW Xw`xW _ywXW
G ¡W ÉÇW º W ÇW ¡W ÉW ºW 11 W W W ¡W ¡W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W 0 W W W
S ¡ÇW É W ÍW ¡W º W ÉW W 11 W ÉW ÉW W ÆW ÉW ºW W ºW W W W W ºW ºW W W W W W W W W W W 0 W W W
Total ÆÉ ºÆ ¡º ÍÉ É¡ É 36 ¡ Í ºÍ Æ ¡ É º º º 2
_mW xzXy VW W xYq_ YxW X q_xW m_vvw` W q_x W _xW W ^mq TW xqW W yqXyYW X` W W Tyw T W W yq_v `¢xW m_vvW q_xW q W xYw^W yYX mwq`^YwmV qxW q`v W w W T qW T W w`¸_z W _xW Xv^qW YqzzT` q_^W yq` wxwq`^W X^W xYTWyq mTxwxwq`WZX^WYTv Ww`W xYTWmq_zw` WzXw`V YTW yq` wxwq`^W ZTzTW `qxW XUq_zX vT W _xW xYTzTW ZX^W `qW YTX W Zw` W ^qW xYXxW ZX^W WYTW^Xw V
q W XvT WX w T WYTW YX^W YX` T W Yw ^Tv W XW zXzTW X Wq?Wq`W _` X W X^WXWzTZXz W qzW^_yyT^^ _vv W zTxXw`w` W Yw^W xT`W TxzT^W mvXx qz W q q`ZTXvxYW X T^W xwxvTW XxW vX^ qZW ÉV XvT W mwy T W _mW W ^ `yYzqW ^wvUTzW q`W zw X W `w YxWXvq` ^w TW`TZW wUw` W mXzx`TzW X T^W T`` W _xW wxW ZX^W w`W Xx_z X ¢^W w` wUw _XvW yq mTxwxwq`W ZYTzTW xYTW ´ TXz´qv W zq W v q_xYW ZX^W xz_v W T mTyxT WxqW q w`XxTV qz`w` W mzTvw w`XzwT^W YX W TT`WXWvw vTWxzq_ vT W qzW XvT WZwxYWYw^WÒ T q`¢W wUTW ³W xYTW Xy W xZq´X` ´X´YXv W ^q Tz^X_vxW ZwxYW xZq´X` ´ X´YXv W xZw^x^W ³^yqzw` W Yw W q`v WºÆV Wmqw`x^ WXvxYq_ YW YTW ^xwvvW mzq zT^^T W X^W xYTW Yw YT^x´zX` T Wyq mTxwxqzV wTZT W X^W Yw^W Xw`W
yYXvvT` Tz W W v mwyW yYX mwq`W X YTZW wxyYX W ZX^W ^Tyq` W _x W ZYwvTW XvT W ^xTmmT W wxW _mW _zw` W xYTW TUT`w` ¢^W ¬`Xv W xYTW _^xzXvwX`W ^xz_ vT W xqW YwxW xqmW qz W ¬`w^Yw` W q_zxYW xqW vTXUTW xYTW TUq`W wUTzWXWyvTX`Wz_`WXxW qv V XvT W xqq W _vvW X UX`xX T W ^yqzw` W X`W qUTzXvvWxqxXvWq W¡ ÍV¡¡Wmqw`x^W xqW zTxXw`W Yw^W xwxvTW zq W q_zW TXz^W X qW w`W TvYwW XxW XW yX`xTzV YTW`TXzT^xW wUTzWxqWYw W ZX^W XvX ^wX¢^W qwW TW wX` WXW _zxYTzW V¡Wmqw`x^W TYw` W XvxYq_ YW XvT W w`^w^x^W YTW w W `qxW Zqzz W Yw ^Tv W ZwxYW ZYXxW qxYTzW mTqmvTW ZTzTW qw` W w`W xYTW q XvW q q`ZTXvxYW qqvW w`W w` _z YV Wxz W`qxWxqWxYw` WX q_xW X` q W Tv^TVW xW w^W XW UTz W w` wUw _XvW ^mqzxVW q_W yX`W
q`v W xYw` W q`yTW q_W YXUTW ¬`w^YT WYTW^Xw V xWZX^WXWvqxW T TzWxYX`W xYTW qz`w` W^T^^wq`VW YTzTW XzTW vqx^W q W mq^wxwUT^W W yX`W xX TWq_xWq WxYTW¬`XvW^qW WX W zTXvv WYXmm V xWYX^W TT`WXWUTz WUTz W vq` W ^TX^q`VW W X W qw` W xqW YXUTWXWzT^xVW WYXUTW`qxWYX W XW X Wq?Ww`W q_zWZTT ^W^qW W yX``qxWZXwxW qzWXWvwT´w`V
Bolt to focus on 200m
_vxwmvTWZqzv W X` W v mwyW y Y X m w q ` W ^Xw`W qvxW ^X ^W YTW ZwvvW make the 200m his focus X xTzW xYTW q q`ZTXvxYW X T^V YTW Æ´ TXz´qv W W X` W W Zqzv W zTyqz W Yqv TzWq`v Wyq mTxT Ww`WxYTW É W zTvX W XxW vX^ qZW É W YTvmw` W X XwyXW xqW qv WXxW X m T`W Xz V WxYw` W ¢UTW q`TWT`q_ YW w`WxYTW WYTWxqv W W X´ wqW¡WvwUTV W `qZW mTqmvTW ZX`xW xqW ^TTW TW z_`W X^xW w`W xYTW W _xW WvqUTW W WX` W WZX`xW xqW qW ^q TxYw` W ^mTywXvW qzW ^Tv VW qW qzW T W W Xw`W Xw Ww^WxYTW V qvx W ZYqW ZwvvW x_z`W W q`W W _ _^x W ^TxW xYTW W Zqzv W zTyqz W q W ÇV ÇW ^Ty´ q` ^Ww`W Tzvw`W¬UTW TXz^WX qV YTW X XwyX`WXv^qWmq^xT W XW WZqzv W T^xWq WÇV¡WXxW xYTW^X TW qzv W YX mwq`´ ^Ywm^V YTW Zqzv W zTyqz W yX`W TTmW qw` W qZ`VW q_W `TUTzW `qZW ZYq¢^W qw` W xqW^YqZW_mW`T xWX` W q w´ `XxT WYTWX T V ¢UTW ^Xw W W ZX`xW xqW z_`W ^_ W ÇVW YXx¢^W q`TW q W W w T^xW qXv^W X` W W w ´ T^xW zTX ^ W ^qW ¢ W T¬´ `wxTv W qw` W xqW TW xzXw`w` W YXz WX` W^TTw` WZYXxW WyX`W qV qvx W ZYqW ZwvvW w^^W xYTW yvq^w` W yTzT q` W vXxTzW q`W _` X W ^Xw W xYTW qv TzW YTW Tx^WxYTWYXz TzWwxWw^WxqW^xX W XxW _vvW¬x`T^^V YTW Tw Yx´xw TW Zqzv W yYX mwq`¢^W `T xW zXyTW w^W XW W q`W qmXyX X`XW TXyYWw`W wqW TW X`TwzqWq`W ÉW _ _^xV q_W yX`W TTvW XW w?Tz´ T`yTW ^q Txw T^W T^mTywXvv W X xTzW XW Zqz q_xVW W YXUTW xqW xX TW qzTW wyTW XxY^W `qZW ZYwyYWw^W`qxW^qW _yYW _`V W YXUTW xqW Zqz W XW vw vTW wxWYXz TzWX` W`qxW qWq_xWX^W _yYWX^W W_^T WxqV
Welsh cyclist relishes gold medal feat
XvT^W y yvw^x W TzXw`xW Yq X^W YX^W zTUTXvT W xYXxW Yw^W qv ´ T XvW ^_yyT^^Ww`WxYTW T`¢^WzqX WzXyTWXxWxYTW q q`ZTXvxYW X T^Ww^W _` TvwTUX vT V YTW ´ TXz´qv WZq`WxYTWzXyTWw`Wyq qzxX vTW X^Ywq`WX^WYTW¬`w^YT WZTvvWXYTX Wq WxYTWyYX^w` W mXy W w`W XW xw TW q W ÉË ºË ¡W xqW ^Ty_zTW Yw^W ^Tyq` W T XvWq WxYTW X T^V Yq X^W xqv W W mqzxËW w``w` W w^W _` TvwTUX vTVW W `TUTzW T mTyxT W wxVW q w` W q?W xYTWxq_zW WZX^WxwzT WXxWT` Wq WxYXxVW WxYq_ YxWwxW Zq_v W TW XW X^^wUTW yYXvvT` TW xqW TxW XW zT^_vxW YTzTW _xWxYTW qxwUXxwq`WZX^WxYTzTV WZX^W _ w` WxqWyq mTxTW qzW TX W XvT^VW W¸_^xW qxW^x_y Ww`WX` WwxWyq_v `¢xWYXUTW qxWX` W T TzV TZW TXvX` ¢^W Xy W X_TzWyvXw T WxYTW^wvUTzW T XvWZYwvTW ` vX` ¢^W yq W YZXwxT^Wxqq WxYTW zq` TV
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Daily Newswatch
City & State Why NDLEA failed in its Cannabis control measure –Experts tuesday, august, 5, 2014
xperts reviewing this year’s United Nations JyTW q`W z_ ^W X` W zw TW ¿ ÀW W ÉW qzv W z_ WzTmqzxWX` W `xTz`Xxwq`XvW XzyqxwyW q`xzqvW qXz W ¿ ÀW ºW zTmqzxW ^Xw W xYTW X T`y W zT^mq`^w vTW qzW W _ W yq`xzqvW W w`W W W w TzwXW YX^W XwvT W TyX_^TWq W qUTz` T`x¢^W`T vTyxW xqW xYTW X T`y W X` W vT^^W yq`yTz`W xqW xYTW X` Tz^W w`YTzT`xW w`W z_ W xzXJy w` WX` WX _^TVWW qw` W WxYTWzTyT`xv WzTvTX^T W q W YTW qzv W z_ W TmqzxW É W ZYwyYW ^yqzT W w TzwXW Yw YTzW xYX`W qxYTzW zwyX`W yq_`xzwT^W w`W yX``X w^W ^Tw _zT W yq`yTz`T W experts are worried that the trend Zq_v W zT^_vxW w`W w TzwX`^W TT`W xYTW q^xWyX``X w^W z_ WX _^TzWw W xYTW T TzXvW qUTz` T`xW XwvT WxqW w`xTzUT`TWX` W TyvXzTWWT Tz T`y W w`W xYTW Xxwq`XvW z_ W XZW ` qzyT T`xW T`y W¿ À W TZW X ^W X qW w`W _¸X WW _zw` W xYTW w^^T w`Xxwq`W TTxw` W ZYTzTW xYTW W yq_`xz W zTmzT^T`xXxwUT W ^VW XzwX W w^^q q W ZX^W XxW mzT^T`x W YXwz X`» YwT W Ty_xwUTW q W W Y X _W wX TW X` W wzTyxqzW T`TzXvW q W Xxwq`XvW T`y W qzW qq W z_ W Administration and Control ¿ À W zVW X_vW zYww WZTzTW `qxWyq qzxX vTWZYT`WxYTWyXxWZX^W vT Wq_xWq WxYTW X V
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Cannabis is the common drug of abuse in Nigeria and as the election year 2015 draws 789:8: ;8 9:8 <78 =>7?7@ A>: strategies to cut off supply and ensure a crime-free election
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Daily Newswatch
Woman of Substance I birth new designs with African fabrics â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Olanre-Alade TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Olanre-Alade was born and raised in an XyXÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x201D;wyWT`Uwzq`Â&#x201D;T`xÂ&#x201C;W^mTywÂŹyXvvÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;XÂ&#x2022;Tmi Awolowo University, Ile -Ife. She had her primary education in the 70s at OAU ^xX?W ^yYqqvW X`Â&#x2019;W vXxTzW mzqyTTÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;W xqW _zW Ladyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Girls High School, Ile Ife. She got XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;W w`xqW xYTW `qxXÂ&#x2030;vTW Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x201D;wW qvlege of Education, Ondo where she had a wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW TzxwÂŹyXxTW w`W Â&#x2019;_yXxwq`Â&#x201C;W Âż V V Ă&#x20AC;VW She later gained admission into the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife where she bagged a degree in English lanÂ&#x2C6;_XÂ&#x2C6;TVW YTW Xv^qW TXz`TÂ&#x2019;W qxYTzW yTzxwÂŹyXxwq`W in management and professional business courses at Pan African University, Victoria Island, Lagos. YTWYXÂ&#x2019;WmX^^wq`WÂ&#x2022;qzWÂ&#x2019;T^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;W^Â&#x2014;TxyYw`Â&#x2C6;Â&#x201C;W painting and moulding at a very tender age. mTXÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZwxYW XwvÂ&#x2018;W TZ^ZXxyYÂ&#x201C;W ^YTW ^xXxTÂ&#x2019;WxYXxWYTzWÂ&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;Â&#x2C6;zq_`Â&#x2019;WzTXvvÂ&#x2018;WmzTmXzTÂ&#x2019;W her for the profession she is into today. Her late mother saw the traits in her and gave her all the required support to achieve her dreams by enrolling her in a fashion institute whenever there is an opportunity. She reminisced, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whenever school is on vacaxwq`W qzW xYTW yXÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x201D;wyW xX?W `wq`W qÂ&#x2022;W `wUTz^wxwT^Â&#x201C;WÂż Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;Ww^Wq`W^xzwÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;WÂ&#x201D;qxYTzW would enroll me in one of the best fashion and textile design schools in Ile Ife. As an undergraduate, I was also being groomed in Â&#x2019;zT^^Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;VW YTWw^WvXxTW now but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m grateful to God for the privilege of having such a virtuous woman as my mum, who prepared and groomed me for life.â&#x20AC;? She stressed that she ZqzÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;Ww`WxYTWÂ&#x2030;X`Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W industry before going after her passion. While explaining the reason for the switch in profession, Olanre-Alade said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The way Â&#x2030;X`Â&#x2014;Tz^WÂ&#x2019;zT^^WX zXyxTÂ&#x2019;W me to the profession and this was why l failed because l went in to the industry for a wrong reason. I would have been a teacher because I love teaching , Â&#x2030;_xW WÂ&#x2019;wÂ&#x2019;`¢xWvwÂ&#x2014;TWxYTWZXÂ&#x2018;W teachers dress in those days, she added.â&#x20AC;? When she left the Â&#x2030;X`Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W w`Â&#x2019;_^xzÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W ^YTW zTxzXyTÂ&#x2019;WYTzW^xTm^WÂ&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;W to her zeal. Therefore, she enrolled in a fashion school to update YTzW Â&#x2014;`qZvTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2C6;TW Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x2022;qzTW ning Afropolitan fashion brand, born out of going fully into fashion designing. the need to give the Afro cultural heritage
qZTUTzW ^YTW ZX^W Â&#x2022;XyTÂ&#x2019;W ZwxYW ÂŹ`X`ywXvW an audacious voice in the fashion world. yYXvvT`Â&#x2C6;T^WZYT`W^YTWZX^WXÂ&#x2030;q_xW^T w`Â&#x2C6;W_mW Describing what her organization is into, her business. She noted that her relations she said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ibile Vogue is not just a clothing who would have come to her aid thought line; we design accessories, bags, footwear, she was just doing a childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play. She was ethnic jewelries among others. We also run not discouraged by their acts; instead, she a standard Academy where we groom top- set up the business against all odds. Acnotched fashion entrepreneurs. Recently cording to her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since I am creative, my dewe ventured into fashion/media consult- signs were highly accepted by friends and ing. Which Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very excited about.â&#x20AC;? acquaintances, but the major challenge I YTW Â&#x2022;X^Ywq`W q_xÂŹxÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;TzvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2014;`qZ`W X^WW YXÂ&#x2019;WZX^WÂŹ`X`yTVW q^xWqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;Wyvq^TWzTvXxwq`^W â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Culture Vogueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; was changed to Ibile who should have invested in me thought I Vogue because of the love Olanre-Alade has wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t serious about the career because for African fabrics and to enable people ac- xYTÂ&#x2018;W XvvW Â&#x2014;`TZW Â&#x2019;T^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;W w^W Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W YqÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;VW W cept and understand the values of African was not discouraged instead I encouraged culture and tradition. myself and in due course, I overcame all
Whenever school is on vacation or the Academic Staff Union of Universities, (ASUU), is on strike, my mother would enroll me in one of the best fashion and textile design schools in Ile Ife.
Olanre-Alade TAYO SALAMI
he owns one of the fastest growing Â&#x2022;X^Ywq`WÂ&#x2019;T^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;Wq_xÂŹx^Ww`WxYTW^qywTxÂ&#x2018;WxqÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;VW YTWq_xÂŹxÂ&#x201C;WWIbile Vogue was established 13 years ago by a vibrant and resourceful woman with the aim of using local fabrics to de^wÂ&#x2C6;`WÂ&#x2019;w?TzT`xWyvX^^Â&#x2018;W^xÂ&#x2018;vT^VW qWZq`Â&#x2019;TzWYTzW yvwT`x^Wyq_vÂ&#x2019;W`qxWYXUTWZw^YTÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;qzWXWÂ&#x2030;T TzW designer. For her, designing with the local fabrics is a campaign to depict and give the African culture and traditions a face-lift so that it would be widely accepted globally. Temitope Olanre-Alade, the Creative Director of Ibile Vogue Limited and the founder of Ibile Vogue Academy is an award win-
the obstacles. I started the business in my residence with a borrowed machine and today, the rest is history.â&#x20AC;? Given the fact that the fashion industry is growing every day, Olanre-Alade does not lag behind in updating herself so that she would still be relevant in the industry. mXzxWÂ&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;WxYXxÂ&#x201C;W^YTWwÂ&#x201D;mXzx^WÂ&#x2014;`qZvTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2C6;TWxqW mTqmvTWZYqWXzTWw`xTzT^xTÂ&#x2019;Ww`WÂ&#x2014;`qZw`Â&#x2C6;WxYTW `w Â&#x2018;´Â&#x2C6;zw Â&#x2018;WqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2019;T^wÂ&#x2C6;`w`Â&#x2C6;VW â&#x20AC;&#x153;I love teaching and I groom fashion designers . Also, I do runways and exhibitions zTÂ&#x2C6;_vXzvÂ&#x2018;VW qWÂ&#x2030;TWXÂ&#x2030;vTWxqWwÂ&#x201D;mXzxWÂ&#x2014;`qZvTÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2C6;TW xqWmTqmvTWZYqWZX`xWxqWÂ&#x2014;`qZWxYTW`w Â&#x2018;´Â&#x2C6;zwxty of this job, one needs to do a lot of re^TXzyYVW ¢Â&#x201D;WXWÂ&#x2030;qqÂ&#x2014;ZqzÂ&#x201D;WX`Â&#x2019;W WÂ&#x2019;qWXWvqxWqÂ&#x2022;W research. One thing I discover in this industry is that if you arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t updating yourself zTÂ&#x2C6;_vXzvÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;WÂ&#x2018;q_WZwvvWZXÂ&#x2014;TW_mWq`TWÂ&#x201D;qz`w`Â&#x2C6;W X`Â&#x2019;WÂŹ`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2018;q_z^TvÂ&#x2022;WwzzTvTUX`xWw`WxYTWw`Â&#x2019;_^xzÂ&#x2018;VW WxXÂ&#x2014;TWÂ&#x2019;w?TzT`xWÂ&#x2022;X^Ywq`Wyq_z^T^WTUTzÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2018;TXzW so as to learn new trends in the fashion inÂ&#x2019;_^xzÂ&#x2018;VW zT^T`xvÂ&#x2018;W ¢Â&#x201D;WxXÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WXWÂ&#x2022;X^Ywq`WÂ&#x201D;X`XÂ&#x2C6;TÂ&#x201D;T`xWyq_z^TW^qWxYXxW WZq_vÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2014;`qZWxYTW new fashion trends globally.â&#x20AC;? She declared. Going down memory lane, she stressed that the journey for the past 13 years have been rough, but rewarding. Adding that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fashion designing is not a lazy manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job; q`TWYX^WxqWZqzÂ&#x2014;WYXzÂ&#x2019;W^qWX^WxqWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TWXWÂ&#x2019;wÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2022;TzT`yTVW qÂ&#x2019;WYXÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;vT^^TÂ&#x2019;WxYTWZqzÂ&#x2014;^WqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W hands and enlarged my coast incredibly. I juggle multiple roles and Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace has Â&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;TÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x201D;TW_mVÂ&#x160; Despite running tedious schedules so as to meet up unrealistic deadlines, OlanreAlade said the relationship she has with her colleagues in the industry is cordial. She noted that they do not visit themselves regularly, but they meet at events where they have the opportunity to wine and dine. Since her job requires a lot of creativity and her concept is to use rich African fabrics to produce well meaning designs for the general public, she didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dispute the fact that sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inspired by the African prints and weaves. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Africa is rich in culture and I am greatly inspired by the vibrant colours and the energy of Ankara, the pride of Adire and kampala, the audacity of Aso Oke, kijipa and the originality of Alari. Whenever I set Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;WTÂ&#x2018;T^Wq`WxYT^TWÂ&#x2022;XÂ&#x2030;zwy^Â&#x201C;W W^Â&#x2014;TxyYÂ&#x201C;Wwvv_^xzXxTÂ&#x201C;W and birth fresh designs. Another major source of inspiration for me is nature, music, especially Sax and Jazz, and the beautiful curves of the African women. African women are beautiful, especially in Nigeria, we love fashion and we do fashion in our own way.â&#x20AC;? She explained. Rating Nigerian designers with their yq_`xTzmXzx^W XÂ&#x2030;zqXÂ&#x2019;W w^W XW Â&#x2019;wJy_vxW xX^Â&#x2014;W Â&#x2022;qzW xYTW Â&#x201D;qxYTzW qÂ&#x2022;W xZqW Â&#x2030;TyX_^TW xYTW ZqzÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W yq`Â&#x2019;wxwq`W w^W XÂ&#x2030;^qv_xTvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xVW Â? TzTW in Nigeria, we are too hard on ourselves, given the environment we are operating. W Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;wUTW Â&#x2014;_Â&#x2019;q^W xqW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W Â&#x2019;T^wÂ&#x2C6;`Tz^Â&#x201C;WxYq_Â&#x2C6;YW WÂ&#x2030;TvwTUTWZTWyX`WÂ&#x2019;qWXWvqxWÂ&#x2030;T TzW through education and exposure.â&#x20AC;? She however, appealed to the government to come to their aid so that the Nigeria fashion industry would achieve its full potential. Apart from designing, Olanre-Alade is also a seasoned vocational and entrepreneurial facilitator, Presenter of Obirin Asiko on â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Orisun TV¢Â&#x201C;W XW yXÂ&#x2030;vTW `TxZqzÂ&#x2014;W q`W Ă&#x2019; xXzW wÂ&#x201D;T^¢Â&#x201C;WW zw`ywmXvWqÂ&#x2022;WĂ&#x2019; YTW qÂ&#x2019;Tvw`Â&#x2C6;W yXÂ&#x2019;emyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and presently she is the National Secretary General of Fashion Designerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ^^qywXxwq`W qÂ&#x2022;W wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXÂ&#x201C;W Âż Ă&#x20AC;VW qzTW so, as a licensed educationist, she presently consults for several organizations of repute, amongst which is the SOS village, TxTzW Â&#x2014;w`qvXW q_`Â&#x2019;Xxwq`Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;TqÂ&#x2014;_xXW X`Â&#x2019;W The Psalmist Foundation. She urged upcoming designers to get groomed for the trade, and give it their best shot.
Daily Newswatch
Media Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2014
Steve Rhodes: Media, cultural ambassador per excellence OKEY OBIOZO
e was a veteran broadcaster of great repute, as well as an unrepentant artiste whose love for the arts during his lifetime made him a legendary composer, theatre practitioner, and classical music maestro. Steven Omodele Rhodes was born on April 8, 1926 to pre-independence Nigerian judge, Stephen Bankole Rhodes and Mabel Jones de Rhodes at Igbosere, Lagos. His love for music was visible quite early in his life. Young Rhodes began piano lessons at the age of six with Lady Abayomi, and sang as a choir boy in Christ Church Cathedral Lagos under the tutelage of renowned Nigerian organist and composer T.K.E Phillips. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Under T.K.E.,â&#x20AC;? he recollected, â&#x20AC;&#x153;all the boys had to do Trinity College [London] examsâ&#x20AC;?. W TW^xXzxTÂ&#x2019;W^yYqqvw`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;WX T`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W W Grammar School, Lagos, having earlier schooled at Queens School, Lagos as the ÂŹz^xWX`Â&#x2019;Wq`vÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x201D;XvTW^x_Â&#x2019;T`xWxqWTUTzWX T`Â&#x2019;W xYXxWÂ&#x2022;TÂ&#x201D;XvTWyqvvTÂ&#x2C6;TVW TWYXÂ&#x2019;WxqWX T`Â&#x2019;WqxYTzW schools in the Easter part of the country ; the Enitonna High School in Port Harcourt ZYTzTW YTW ZX^W x_xqzTÂ&#x2019;W YqZW xqW mvXÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2DC;_W gel horn and Euphonium by ex-military band leaders, the Hope Waddel Training `^xwx_xTWw`W XvXÂ&#x2030;XzWX`Â&#x2019;WÂŹ`XvvÂ&#x2018;WxYTWÂ&#x2022;XÂ&#x201D;q_^W Dennis Memorial Grammar School, (DMGS) Onitsha. After completing his secondary school education, Rhodes was sent to England by his parents to enrol at the University of Oxford. Although he wanted to study music, he knew what odds stood against such choice especially from his father. He recalled: â&#x20AC;&#x153;At that time you did not talk such nonsense to your parentsâ&#x20AC;?. So he enrolled for politics and economics in preparation for a law degree, but in deference to his fatherâ&#x20AC;?. While a student at Oxford, Steve Rhodes met a visiting music professor from TzÂ&#x201D;X`Â&#x2018;W ZYqW q?TzTÂ&#x2019;W YwÂ&#x201D;W Â&#x2022;zTTW x_xqzw`Â&#x2C6;W in music if he could make his way to Germany. Being his fantasy, Rhodes took _mWxYTWq?TzWX`Â&#x2019;WZT`xWxqW TzÂ&#x201D;X`Â&#x2018;Ww`^xTXÂ&#x2019;W and studied theory, history, conducting and orchestration. As a jazz musician in Germany, he played with some itinerant bands and followed xYTÂ&#x201D;W q`W yq`yTzxW xq_z^W qÂ&#x2022;W ZwĂ&#x203A;TzvX`Â&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W Italy and Germany. For upkeep, he played cello in string quartets, took jazz gigs and did some work with the British Forces Broadcasting Service in Hamburg. He was said to be fully prepared for professional life as a broadcaster with his itinerary, grabbing with him the cultures qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xW mXzx^W qÂ&#x2022;W wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW X`Â&#x2019;W xYTW outside world as he sojourned. Rhodes started his broadcasting career with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (NBS), the Western Nigerian Broadcasting Service, Ibadan. While in England, he met with fellow Nigerians and Africans with whom he shared the passion to return home to see how they could contribute their own quota to nation building in the postindependence era. The death of his father buoyed the strong nostalgia for homecoming and it forced
his voyage back home. On his return, he joined the Federal Ministry of Information X`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;TyXÂ&#x201D;TWxYTWÂŹz^xW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W q`xzqvvTzW of Programmes of then Western Nigerian Television. Trained as a musicologist in Germany, Rhodes also worked in the defunct Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), that later became the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN). He was w`^xz_Â&#x201D;T`xXvWxqWxYTW^T w`Â&#x2C6;W_mWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTW T^xW African Dance Orchestra at the national radio station. Alongside his civil service career,
Rhodes founded the famous Steve Rhodes Voices (SRV), a group comprising young choristers, which won laurels in various music festivals at home and abroad, especially in the 1970s. In its twenty years of existence, the SRV trained and mentored well over 250 young Nigerians even as it set up programme for already practicing musicians though which it helped to hone their skills in its academy-styled structure and operation. Among SRVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s memorable productions was Ijapa, which had a successful run at MUSON Centre, Glover memorial Hall
/8@9J?8K LA: M8 ?K 9 O?L<J>P= =Q?7@ =A K9R 7A; %>= , T7A; =Q9= =Q8 ;A:T , Q9V8 OA78 ;?PP P?V8 ?7 =Q8 X8AXP8 =Q9= , Q9V8 ;A:T8O ;?=Q 9PP MR P?L8
among other venues. The group later metamorphosed to the Steve Rhodes Orchestra, SRO, which has remained his long-lasting contributions to the Nigeria and Africa musical legacy, especially the orchestra tradition. Among the groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s remarkable showpieces was Metamorphosis, acclaimed as one of the best productions to grace the Nigeria theatrical stage. He bestrode the arts community for over six decades, producing, managing and creating arts and culture. Trained as a musicologist in Germany, Rhodes also worked in the defunct Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), which later became the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN).
TWZX^Ww`^xz_Â&#x201D;T`xXvWxqWxYTW^T w`Â&#x2C6;W_mWqÂ&#x2022;W the West African Dance Orchestra at the radio station. Rhodes founded the famous Steve Rhodes Voices (SRV), a group of young choristers, who won laurels in various music festivals at home and abroad, especially in the 1970s. The group later metamorphosed into the Steve Rhodes Orchestra (SRO). He formed his own company, the internationally famed Rhode Sound Vision in the late sixties. This was an entertainment and public relations company which was located on Broad Street, Lagos. He later founded The Steve Rhodes Voices which undertook a performance tour to the Tampere Music Festival in Finland and X`qxYTzWmTzÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;X`yTWxq_zWxqW ZwĂ&#x203A;TzvX`Â&#x2019;W in 1979. An essential and inimitable dimension to the development of music was his work as a promoter, professional manager and production packager of many leading wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W Â&#x201D;_^wywX`^VW TW ZX^W xYTW ÂŹz^xW professional manager of Fela Anikulapo-Kuti (then Fela Ransome -- Kuti). He also managed the late Sonny Okosuns, Sir Victor Uwaifo, Pat Finn and the Hykers and the Rolling Dance Troupe of Ghana. Steve Rhodes other contributions to Nigerian cultural life include the early television drama â&#x20AC;&#x153;More Excellent Way,â&#x20AC;? which he directed while at WNTV. During the 1990s, Steve Rhodes became founding president of the Independent Television Producers Association of Nigeria (ITPAN), a position which allowed YwÂ&#x201D;WxqW^xzXxTÂ&#x2C6;wyXvvÂ&#x2018;Ww`Â&#x2DC;_T`yTWxYTWÂ&#x2030;wzxYWqÂ&#x2022;W private broadcasting in Nigeria. In 2001, he established the Centre for Cultural Preservation with the aim of documenting and rejuvenating Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s musical heritage. People and those who worked with him will not forget in a haste how he brought his professional competence in directing the opening and closing ceremonies of the COJA Games in 2003. As he rightly posited, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Legacies for me w^WXWÂ&#x2019;wJy_vxWxYw`Â&#x2C6;WxqW^XÂ&#x2018;W`qZVW _xW WÂ&#x2014;`qZW that, the work I have done will live in the people that I have worked with all my life. I believe they are people that are going to use the ideas and the kind of discipline that I tried to bring into music in Nigeria. That is up to them. But if I am gone and anybody wants to talk about music, it can be remembered that there was one man who tried to chart a direction for Nigerian musicâ&#x20AC;?. He passed away on May 29, 2008.
Daily Newswatch
Faces & Places TUESDAY AUGUST 5, 2014
Winners emerge in StarTimes draw
L-R: Kevin Chinonso, a relative to the car prize winner; Emeka Collins, the car winner; Mr. Ogbemudia Godday, zonal dealer sales, Alliagbor Abass, primary technical engineer at the car presentation to its second draw star prize winner in the ongoing ExtraTime promo in Abuja.
our customers and all Nigerians because both the new subscribers and existing r. Oladele Ajibola, a ^_Â&#x2030;^yzwÂ&#x2030;Tz^W X_xqÂ&#x201D;XxwyXvvÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x161;_XvwÂŹTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW resident of Ibadan in Oyo the draw. For the existing subscribers, State, recently emerged all they need to do is just for them to the winner of the recharge for any of the bouquets and they StarTimes Toyota Yaris Â&#x2C6;TxWÂ&#x161;_XvwÂŹTÂ&#x2019;WX_xqÂ&#x201D;XxwyXvvÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2022;qzWX`Â&#x2018;WqÂ&#x2022;WxYTW draw and they also have the chance of 2014 model car. The draw, which was conducted at winning the instant prizes from the one the NTA-Star TV Network Limited in they have at the back of their cards. And Abuja, was done under the supervision for the new subscribers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Immediately after this programme, qÂ&#x2022;W XW Â&#x2019;TvTÂ&#x2C6;Xxwq`W qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwX`W q TzÂ&#x2018;W Regulatory Commission (NLRC) led by we are going to send a scroll message its Manager, Regulation and Monitoring and we are going to send sms to all our winners on how to come and redeem Department, Eucharia Umeh. Mr Ajibolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s smart card was randomly their prizes. We will invite all the media picked by the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s randomiser houses as well for them to see and enhance the believability of this promo. software to emerge the luckiest winner. The winner of the star prize, who The presentation will take place in expressed gratitude to God and the Lagos, but the last draw will take place organiser as soon as a telephone call was in Abuja,â&#x20AC;? he added put across to him, disclosed that prior to his emergence as the winner, he had no car of his own. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a car. I am so happy today. I thank God for counting me worthy to be the winner of the car. Also, I thank StarTimes for organising the draw for its subscribers. It is such a good thing,â&#x20AC;? Ajibola said. Besides the emergence of the winner for the July 2014 grand prize, 50 other lucky subscribers also won 32 inches LED Digital Televisions. Speaking to Daily Newswatch shortly after the draw, the Brand and Marketing Manager, NTA-Star TV Network Limited, Somoye Tunde Habeeb, said q_xWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTWÂ ÂÂÂ&#x201C;WĂ&#x2021;Â Ă?WÂ&#x161;_XvwÂŹTÂ&#x2019;W^_Â&#x2030;^yzwÂ&#x2030;Tz^W Â&#x2022;qzWxYTWÂ&#x2019;zXZÂ&#x201C;WÂĄÂ WqÂ&#x2022;WxYTÂ&#x201D;WZq`WxYTWzXĂ?TV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Basically the draw is just to reward
Habeeb, who hinted that the promo still continues, said three grand prize winners have so far emerged while 150 people won the LED TV since the promo started. His words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;For the grand prize, this is the 3rd winner that will emerge. We have Â&#x2C6;wUT`Wq_xWxZqWyXz^¤WxYTWÂŹz^xWq`TWZX^WZq`W by Mr David Abayomi from Lokoja. He ZX^WxYTWÂŹz^xWÂ&#x2C6;zX`Â&#x2019;WmzwÂ&#x2013;TWZw``TzVW TWZq`W our Toyota Yaris 2014 model while the second grand prize winner is Mr Collins Emeka from Abuja. He is a student here in Abuja. The 3rd one now is going out to Mr Ajibola in Ibadan. For the LED TV, in total, we are giving out 400. But for the winners so far, we have been able to give 150 out and for the scratch and win, we are also giving out LED TV in that category as well.â&#x20AC;? Habeeb, however, assured that the
When you talk about credibility, we can give it 100 per cent. The software we are using is called randomiser software where it picks the customers or the winners at random, meaning that it is not subject to any bias
credibility of the draw is 100 per cent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you talk about credibility, we can give it 100 per cent. The software we are using is called randomiser software where it picks the customers or the winners at random, meaning that it is not subject to any bias. And as you can see that immediately we are picking the draw, we are also recording the winnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; data or information,â&#x20AC;? he stated. `WYTzWmXzxÂ&#x201C;WxYTW WqJyTzÂ&#x201C;W _yYXzwXW Umeh, who described the draw as transparent and devoid of mischief, said the commission would monitor the whole process to ensure that the winners get their prizes. She said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;As you can see, it is very transparent, it is so open. There is really nothing mischievous you can see here, everything is clear; the winners emerged, their numbers called. It is very transparent and I like that. As the names and numbers of the winners are being giving out, we copied them. So we are going to do our own work; we will follow up independently as a commission, we will call them, visit them, we will even see the prizes and be sure that the new TVs are being given to them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And for the grand prize, we will visit the winner and we will like to be present when the presentations are being done. So we will look at it to be sure that it is 2014 Toyota Yaris which the StarTimes made us to believe that is presented,â&#x20AC;? she remarked. Ms Umeh, who called on Nigerians to TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;zXyTWvq TzÂ&#x2018;WX`Â&#x2019;WmzqÂ&#x201D;qÂ&#x201C;W^XwÂ&#x2019;WwxWZX^W high time the people believed in the zTXvwxÂ&#x2018;WqÂ&#x2022;Wvq TzÂ&#x2018;V
Daily Newswatch Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2014
Faces & Places
Oputu becomes FUNAAB Ambassador for their exemplary service to the University. t was a day of honour for the Speaking at the occasion, the immediate past Managing Vice-Chancellor, Professor Olusola Director of the Bank of Industry Oyewole restated his vision that (BoI), Dr. (Ms.) Evelyn Oputu FUNAAB would soon become a as she was appointed the world-class University, a dream he Ambassador for Entrepreneurship noted, was fast becoming a reality. and Industrial Linkages at the The Vice-Chancellor stated that Federal University of Agriculture, `qWvTXÂ&#x2019;TzWyX`WÂ&#x2022;_vÂŹvvWwx^WUw^wq`WXvq`TW Abeokuta (FUNAAB). without the support of others, Communicating the appointment as he solicited the cooperation to her during a visit to the of all in realising the lofty goals University, the Vice-Chancellor, and aspirations for the University Prof. Olusola Oyewole described while lauding members of the her as an exemplary woman with TzTÂ&#x201D;q`wXv^W qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTWX`Â&#x2019;W^xX?WqÂ&#x2022;W great values, integrity and focus, the Directorate of Public Relations ZYqW ZX^W yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;W xqW Â&#x2030;_wvÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W for contributing positively to the future leaders, declaring that by development of the institution. virtue of the appointment, Ms. Commending them for a job well Oputu would have the opportunity done during the just-concluded 21st to further enhance lives of the and 22nd Convocation Ceremonies people. and other events in the University, Professor Oyewole gave a brief he said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We appreciate and thank history of FUNAAB and availed her you for the great work you are of the expectations of her role as an doingâ&#x20AC;?. Ambassador, which would require He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the Vicethat she projects the mission, Chancellor canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do the work of vision and objectives of the various the Vice-Chancellor aloneâ&#x20AC;? bearing Colleges, Centres and Institutes in mind that the strength of the through internationalisation, University lies in the quality of community engagement and wx^W ^xX?W TUT`W xYq_Â&#x2C6;YW Â?ZTW Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2C6;YxW entrepreneurial activities in the not recognise all of you, but God Â&#x2019;zwUTW xqZXzÂ&#x2019;^W X Xw`w`Â&#x2C6;W XW ZqzvÂ&#x2019;´ recognises you. Continue to do class status. The Vice-Chancellor your bestâ&#x20AC;?, he added. The Viceadded that other expectations Chancellor used the medium include projecting the image of xqW XmmzTywXxTW qxYTzW qJyT^W Â&#x2022;qzW xYTW `wUTz^wxÂ&#x2018;WX^WZTvvWX^WX zXyxw`Â&#x2C6;W contributing their own quota to the goodwill and support in the area of success recorded by the University, collaboration. as he disclosed that the DPR would yyTmxw`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW q?TzÂ&#x201C;W ^VW m_x_W soon be relocating to the FUNAAB appreciated the University Ceremonial Building and would Management for the honour done oversee the maintenance of the her by being part of FUNAABâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2C6;`wÂŹyT`xWÂ&#x2030;_wvÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;V success story as an Ambassador for The immediate past Managing Entrepreneurship and Industrial Director of the Bank of Industry Linkages, as she commended the (BoI), Dr. (Ms.) Evelyn Oputu, Vice-Chancellor for providing good who was just appointed as the leadership in the University, adding University Ambassador, lauded the that â&#x20AC;&#x153;this is the way to go because wyT´ YX`yTvvqz¢^WT?qzx^WXxWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W if you add entrepreneurship to FUNAAB a world-class institution, innovation, it is not just going to saying that the Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s serene spur growth, it is going to change environment was remarkable things, It is going to make us proud and that â&#x20AC;&#x153;the cleanliness gives an as Nigerians.â&#x20AC;? impression of the kind of people She noted that with the right Oputu working hereâ&#x20AC;?. She noted that connection and motivation, the there are always two categories of Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entrepreneurial arm people, stating that there are those Meanwhile as a morale booster, who believe that the world owes such as the farm and research Science and Livestock Production Âż Ă&#x20AC;W X vTW zqÂ&#x2019;_yxwq`W the University also organised institutes would become veritable them something and are, therefore, Appreciation Luncheon out to cash-out whereas, there are income spinning ventures. The Venture Farm and the Institute an Ambassador, who is also a farmer, of Food Security, Environment for members of the FUNAAB also some people that believe in and Agricultural TzTÂ&#x201D;q`wXv^W qÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTWX`Â&#x2019;W^xX?WqÂ&#x2022;W giving back to the system. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We was conducted on a tour round the Resources the Directorate of Public Relations have good and bad people in the Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s production factories Research (IFSERAR) Farm. and farms and assured the Vicecountry, but the good people need chancellor of her commitment, to to take ownership of the countryâ&#x20AC;?, use her wealth of experience and promising that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;as I am announced links to increase the demand for as an Ambassador of the University, FUNAAB products. According to I will give my allâ&#x20AC;?. her, the University should be ready Responding, the Chairman of to increase its scale of production CERECOM, Professor Babatunde to meet the high demand that Idowu, appreciated God for making would soon be witnessed. She the last Convocation Ceremonies a also promised to get production huge success. He equally thanked companies to be aware of the the Vice-Chancellor for his availability of pineapples in the immeasurable support in making University and to introduce its xYTW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW xqW Â&#x2019;w^yYXzÂ&#x2C6;TW wx^W cashew nuts to prospective buyers. Â&#x2019;_xwT^W T?TyxwUTvÂ&#x2018;VW zqÂ&#x2022;T^^qzW Â&#x2019;qZ_W Other places visited include also commended the members of the Cassava Production Unit, the CERECOM and DPR, headed by Bakery, Palmwine Unit, Palm Oil Mrs. Emiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Alawode, for their unity Unit, Cashew Nut Unit, Pineapple of purpose and doing the University Plantation, College of Animal proud. ESTHER BAKARE
With the right connection and motivation, the Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entrepreneurial arm such as the farm and research institutes would become veritable income spinning ventures
Daily Newswatch
Teens & Kiddies
Aanu Adegun - 07030663980
Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2014
4th Labour: The Stag of Artemis His 4th labour was to capture the stag of Artemis. There were many stags in the mountains. But this one was special. The stag of Artemis was known for its incredible beauty, its golden antlers, and its remarkable speed. It was not dangerous. It was just fast. Hercules tried to catch the stag for a very long time without success. He had hoped to catch it without injuring it. But the stag was too fast for him. Finally, Hercules shot the stag with an arrow, being very careful to hit the stag in its leg, so the wound heal. He tied the stag gently to a tree, and left the stag there, while he looked around for a witness who would agree to swear to King Eury that the stag had been captured. Hercules intended to let the beautiful animal go free once he could prove he had captured it. xWxqq WXWZYwvTWxqW¬` WX` q`TWZYqWZX^WZwvvw` WxqW^mTX W _mWxqW w` W _z WqzWxqWX` W w` W qzWxYXxW X TzVW WxYTWxw TW Hercules returned, dragging his witness with him, he found the goddess Artemis standing next to the empty tree where Hercules had tied the stag. Artemis was furious when she heard that King Eury had sent Hercules after her favorite ^xX VW _xW^YTWZX^W`qxW _zwq_^WZwxYW Tzy_vT^VW YTWq?TzT WxqW be his witness. As she told Hercules, she was going to be speaking soon with King Eury anyway. 5th Labour: The Stymphalian Birds His 5th labour was to kill the Stymphalian birds. The Stymphalian birds were just plain nasty. The people in the area spent their days and nights hiding from these scary birds. The Stymphalian birds had pointed beaks and
ripping claws and their feathers were made of razor sharp zq` TVW YT WZTzTWxYTW^x_?Wq W`w Yx XzT^ÙW What the Stymphalian birds loved to do more than X` xYw` WZX^WxqW WYw YWw`WxYTW^ Wvqq w` W qzWX` q`TWqzW X` xYw` WxYT Wyq_v WX Xy VW YT WT^mTywXvv WvqUT WxqW zqmW their sharp feathers on children and animals. You can see why everyone kept their children inside, and sheltered their animals as best they could. Hercules made a large shield of sturdy bronze, to protect his body from the feathers. He used poisoned arrows to ^YqqxWXvvWxYTW x mYXvwX`W wz ^WX^WxYT W TZW WqUTzYTX VW When the last bird fell, the people hiding inside their huts and homes rushed outside. Hercules made many new friends that day. 6th Labour: The Augean Stables His 6th labor was to clean the Augean Stables in one day. _ TX` WxYTW w` Wq W vw^ WYX W X` W^YTTmWX` WyX vTVW vvW Yw^W^YTTmWX` WyX vTW^vTmxWw`WxYTWzq XvW^xX vT^VW Yw^W w YxW sound nice, but the stables had not been cleaned for several TXz^VW xWZX^W`qxW`wyTWXxWXvvÙW YTW q^xWYqzzw vTW^ TvvW zTTxT W Hercules when he stuck his nose in the stable door. Obviously, it would take a great deal of water to wash XZX WXvvWxYTW¬vxYVW Tzy_vT^W_^T WYw^W w Yx W^xzT` xYWxqW push the riverbeds of a couple of nearby rivers so that the zwUTz^WZq_v Wz_^YWxYzq_ YWxYTW^xX vT^ WX` WyvTX`WxYT Wq_xÙW The job was done in just a few hours. Hercules put most of the river beds back where they were. But he left one babbling brook for the comfort of the animals. When all of the animals who lived in the stable came Yq TWxYXxW`w YxW zq WxYTW¬Tv ^ WxYT W q_` WyvTX`W T ^Wq W
hay, warm buckets of oats, and fresh running water. They could not have been more happy. 7th Labour: The Cretan Bull His 7th labour was to capture the Cretan bull. The Cretan bull had walked out of the sea. The bull found himself on the island of Crete. It was a beautiful island and beautiful bull. The island sparkled with sunshine and happy people. And the bull was huge, with silvery horns, X` W^`qZWZYwxTW^ w`VW YT W^TT T WxqW¬xVWWW There was a tribe of people on the lovely island of Crete. These people, the Minoans, had a favorite sport enjoyed by both boys and girls - bull jumping. Shortly after it arrived, the Cretan bull had been captured to use in the games. But the bull was not happy to be captured. The bull tossed and gored and trampled anyone who tried to leap over it. One day, it escaped. To the Minoans, bulls were sacred. It was against their religion to kill a bull. They tried to recapture it, without harming it, but they did not succeed. The bull hid during the day. At night, it ripped destruction from one end of the island to the other. YT`W Tzy_vT^W¬`Xvv W q_` WxYTW _vv WZYqWZX^WYw w` Ww`W the forest at the far end of the island, the bull threw its head down and pawed the earth. While the bull has its head down, and was not looking, Hercules quickly grabbed the bull by its horns and threw it to the ground. It made the bull dizzy for a minute. Before the bull could recover, Hercules had him tied tightly up with rope. Hercules carried the bull back to King Eury, much to the relief of the Minoan people of ancient Crete.
, po rten wa rga olu de ol nu in ho a A e K Sc ny op ry sa H se in of ur Ak uate ity N r rad cha ag
bir th tur day ne to d 6 Mo Ha on yin ppy the olu 2n wa do A f A lab ug i w us ho t
ello kids, how is your holiday? Well, I trust you are enjoying it. Today, we will continue the story of the tasks of Hercules. For those who don’t know him, he was a Greek mythological hero who was so powerful that he can fight whoever comes his way. Till next week, have a wonderful week.
Pupils of Hope Kindergarten charity Nursery School during the graduation ceremony held recently
Teens & Kiddies
Daily Newswatch Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2014
Nature Zone Mandrills
My Life as the Father of Spirits Continued from last week
Habitat andrills d are found in the dense rain forests, coastal forests and sometim es the M savannah areas of West Central Africa. They are social animals and
they live in groups that can consist of as many as 200 members. If a group is this large it will contain both males and smaller groups of about 15 - 20 members will be lead by one females, however, large male and the rest will be females. _zw`Â&#x2C6;WxYTWÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;W X`Â&#x2019;zwvv^WZwvvW^mT`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x201D;q^xWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTwzWxwÂ&#x201D;TWq`WxYTWÂ&#x2022; qzT^xWÂ&#x2DC;qqzÂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x2030;_xW at night they will sleep up in the trees for safety. The troops tend to have a territory of around 50 Kms (20 miles) and they will mark their territory with scent and defend it against rivals.
the y foraging on by n their food worms, grasses, obtain y nl ai m ls, ils ey th naai nivores and nsists of spiders, antts, sn andrills are om diet mainly cooots, roots, and fruit. r ei Th . nd grou b rs, sh k,, tube , nuts, baarrk herbs, leaves
one s give birth to ths, Maandrill ffur which it keeps on m 7 d an black W between 6 pink skin and xzq`Â&#x2C6;WT`q_Â&#x2C6;Y n period off b fter a gestatio ung Mandrill is born withWxYTwzWTÂ&#x2018;T^WqmT`WX`Â&#x2019;WXzTW^ wxY yo e Z infant. Th n TÂ&#x2018;WXzTWÂ&#x2030;qz`W immediately. qWÂ&#x201D;q`xY^VW Y y born betwee Â&#x2022;qzWwx^WÂŹz^xWWxZ ng to their motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s belly ung are mainlz^WqÂ&#x2022;WXÂ&#x2C6;TWX`Â&#x2019;WxYTW yo er ev w ho cli , to be able to ate throughout the year Xx_zwxÂ&#x2018;WXxWXÂ&#x2030;q_xWWÂŹUTWÂ&#x2018;TX Mandrills m mzwvVW YTÂ&#x2018;WzTXyYW^TÂ?_XvWÂ&#x201D;- 14 months.
X`_XzÂ&#x2018;WX`Â&#x2019;W rval is approximately 13 inter birth inte
My marriage with Ainiwa was a happy one. The marriage brought a lot of activities into the town. The town was filled with merry making people who rejoiced with the queen and us. It was the happiest moment of my life and I revel in my happiness. Beer and palm wine flowed like river; food and fruits were surplus to excess. In fact, everything was just grand and great. The queen gave us a big house and two servant as marriage gifts, while other people gave us different things ranging from gold to Jewelleries, cloths etc. It was this period that I knew what love truly was. We had everything at our disposal and lacked nothing. Ainiwa gave herself completely to me and I enjoyed myself thoroughly that I forgot that I once suffered before. Whenever Ainiwa and I go out, we were always holding hands, kissing and whispering sweet words into each other ears. Our life and world was centred on love. We were so much in love with each other that we do nothing , but love each other throughout the day and throughout the night. In short, our name could have been changed to love. After a year that we married, Ainiwa gave birth to a baby girl whom I named Ewamide. Ewamide grew up and blossomed into a beautiful young girl. At the tender age of seven, her beauty was so obvious and captivating that when she walked on the street, everybody stopped whatever they were doing to stare at her and bless the water goddess for her beauty. To mark the fifth anniversary of our marriage, the queen granted me the privilege of visiting their sacred museum. It was a place of beauty and wonders and I enjoyed myself thoroughly until I got to the place called the valley of backwardness. The valley of backwardness can be described as a place of beauty, yet, a place of human shame. It is an enclosure decorated with different iron cages and inside the cages were human beings of different colours. I was greatly surprised to see my fellow human beings inside cages under the waters that I turned to my escort and asked the reasons for this. He laughed and told me that the people I saw were not really human beings, but head spirits that control all human races and they were prisoners in the valley of backwardness. I asked him the reasons for this and he laughed again before telling me to follow him. When I got nearer to the cage, I discovered that they were not only human beings, but also a better version of human beings. Some of the cages were empty or nearly empty while some were full to the brim. Inside the full cages were full grown and fat adults human beings with many smaller ones while in the nearly empty cages were in some cases no adult, but some smaller ones and in some other cases no smaller ones but some adult ones. I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand this and I turned to my escort for enlightenment because what baffles me was that it was the blacks that dominated the full cages. My escort began by telling me that all human races were duly represented here before, but after some time, some of them started escaping and the remaining ones were the ones who had been unable to escape due to one reason or the other. He claimed some of them had no power to escape while some were too lazy to escape. On the other hand, he noted that some of them donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to escape at all because of the food and drinks being given to them every minute of the day. I asked him to tell me the reasons some particular colours were more than others and he answered that some were wiser than the other. He pointed to the empty cages and said that the spirits of the cages were the wisest; hence they have all escaped. He pointed to the nearly empty ones where there were only adult ones and said that all the younger ones had escaped leaving the adult ones and the adult ones were not ready to escape because of the good things they enjoy there. Continues next week ŠAanu Adegun
Daily Newswatch
Chef of the Week
Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2014
I got insight of my dreams from working in restaurant –Fadamiro
hen she was about xqW ZzwxTW YTzW ¬`XvW examination in Tyq` Xz W yYqqv W her father encouraged YTzWxqW^x_ WvXZWw`WxYTW_`wUTz^wx VW ^W xYTW q`v W T XvTW yYwv W q W YTzW mXzT`x^ W she did her father’s bidding and m_xW w`W qzW vXZW ZYT`W ^YTW q xXw`T W YTzW `w¬T W TzxwXz W Xxzwy_vXxwq`W X w`Xxwq`W ¿ qz Tzv W `qZ`W X^W
qw`xW w^^wq`W X` W Xxzwy_vXxwq`W qXz ÀW qz VW W YTW ZzqxTW xYTW T X W X` WyX TWq_xW^_yyT^^ _vv WWxYw^W XUTW her an automatic admission into the _`wUTz^wx VW
qZTUTz W ^YTW qz TwxT W xYTW X w^^wq`VW Y ÌW w qvXW X X wzqW ^Xw W YT`W W mX^^T W xYTW T`xzX`yTW T X w`Xxwq`W w`xqW xYTW _`wUTz^wx W W zTyTwUT W W X w^^wq`W vT TzW q`W W wzxY X VW W ` qzx_`XxTv W W yq_v W `qxW Xy `qZvT TW xYTW X w^^wq`W TyX_^TW W T^xW zwyXW X w`Xxwq`W q_`ywv W ¿ À W zT^_vxW ZX^W ^Tw T VW W xYTW xw TWwxWZX^WzTvTX^T W WYX W qz TwxT WxYTW X w^^wq`V
qZTUTz W xYTW w``XxTW w xW qzW xYTW y_vw`Xz W YTzW X^xqzW ^XZW w`W YTzW X TW Yw Wyq_`^TvWYTzW`qxWxqWZX^xTWYTzWxXvT`xVW YTW wTv T W xqW YTzW mX^xqz¢^W X UwyTW X` W ZzqxTW W T X w`Xxwq`W W X` W qxWWX w^^wq`WWxqWWW^x_ W XxTzw` WX` W X`X T T`xWWWXxWWxYTW X XW qvvT TWq W TyY`qvq W¿ À W X q^VWW Yw^W Tyw^wq`W w W`qxW qW qZ`WZTvvW with my father because that was not xYTWWyq_z^TWYTWWZX`xT WW TWxqW^x_ VW YTzT qzT W W XyT W xYTW yq`^T _T`yTVW
TW w `¢xW xXv W xqW TW qzW XW TXzV W YTW zTUTXvT VWW
qZW ZX^W ^YTW X vTW xqW yXxTzW qzW YTzW
`TT ^W ZYwvTW ^yYqqvw` ÌW YTW ^Xw W vxYq_ YW W XxYTzW ZX^`¢xW mvTX^T W ZwxYW TW TyX_^TW W w `¢xW ^x_ W vXZ WW YTWmzqUw T WXvvW W`TT ^WZYT`W WZX^W w`W ^yYqqvVW q X W W XxYTzW w^W ZTvvW mvTX^T WZwxYW TW TyX_^TWYTW`qZW^XZW xYXxW ¢ Ww`WxYTWWzw YxWmzq T^^wq`WX` W ¢ W _v¬vvT WZwxYWZYXxW ¢ W qw` V xTzW ^YTW yq mvTxT W YTzW ^x_ wT^W XxW W ^YTW Zqz T W ZwxYW w?TzT`xW TXxTzwT^W T qzTW T^xX vw^Yw` W YTz^Tv VW YTW`qxT WxYXxW^YTW Xz`TzT WXW vqxWq W `qZvT TWw`WXvvWxYTWTXxTzwT^W^YTW Zqz T WX` WxYw^W X TWYTzWXW^_yyT^^ _vW yXxTzTzWxq X VW ¢UTWZqz T Ww`W^qW X` W mvXyT^W W w`yv_ w` ¤W W _w` TT^W W ¤W YT W yX Þ W W wz^xW X` W XxTzTz^W zXw`w` W yYqqvW¤WW X^x W zwT W Ywy T`W¤W X¸T^x W wxyYT`WX` WXWYq^xWq WqxYTz^V mXzxW zq WxYTW `qZvT TW WYX Ww`W ^yYqqv W WZq_v W^X WXvvWxYTW `qZvT TW q W yqq w` W W YX W w`W xYTW mvXyT^W W Zqz T W YTvmT W TW XW vqxW w`W ^xXzxw` W W _^w`T^^VW YT`W W ZX^W w`W X¸T^x W wxyYT` W W q`¢xWYXUTWWxw T W WZqz T W zq W qz`w` WxwvvW`w Yx W W XUTWwxW WXvvW X` W xYXx¢^W ZYXxW w^W TTmw` W TW qw` W `qZVW W XvZX ^W xTvvW mTqmvT W w W q_W XzTW
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She garnered a lot of knowledge in all the eateries she worked and this made her a successful caterer today
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Daily Newswatch
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Criminal litigation: Legal execution of search warrants, admissibility of evidence
Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe
earch, in legal parlance especially in criminal law, constitutes the examination of a personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body, apartment, premises, office areas, vehicle, aircraft and other such places by a police officer or other categories of law enforcement agents for the purpose of finding evidence of crime with which to prosecute a suspect or an accused person in a court of competent jurisdiction. Searches therefore are an integral part of pretrial investigations under section 6 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Act (CPA), Section 28 Police Act, Section 44 (3), 78, 79 and 127 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) and section 150 (1) of the Customs and Exercise Management Act (CEMA among other enabling laws and enactments. Criminal litigation is procedural and highly technical which is why failure to adhere to certain rules may set a criminal free or punish an innocent person. Evidence is the core aspect of criminal prosecution and it is the prosecution (the Commissioner of Police on behalf of the State or Attorney General either State or Federal) that has to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt that the accused person actually committed the offence. Therefore, to prove the actual commission of a crime by the accused person, the police during pre-trail investigation must ensure that a proper investigation was carried out and necessary exhibits relating to the offence are obtained through various means. He or she has to conduct searches on the body of suspects, home, office, car, aircraft, ship, personal effects and such other places or properties to obtain documentary or material evidence, whenever necessary during investigation, with which to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt. A police officer is empowered under Section 28 of the Police Act, Section 1 of the Criminal Procedure Act and Section 44 of the Criminal Procedure Code to search the body of suspects whenever arrest is made especially if the subject matter of the offence can be immediately found on him. For example if a suspect is alleged to have snatched a sum of money from a victim and was immediately apprehended under Section 4 of the Police Act, it is expedient that the Investigating Police Officer (IPO) should search the body of the suspect with a view to recovering the said sum or conduct a search on his personal effects if carrying a bag or such other property of the suspect. Section 29 of the Police Act permits a police officer to detain and search a suspect but limited to
Justice Aloma Mukhtar (CJN)
offences of fraud or dishonesty. The power of police officer is further expanded in Section 4 of the Police Act which expressly, among other lawful duties, to prevent and detect crime, to apprehend offenders and to preserve law and order, protect life and property, et al. It must be stated that where a search is to be conducted on a woman, it must be done by a woman law officer or law enforcement officer as stipulated under section 6 (2) Criminal Procedure Act, Section 44 (3) Criminal Procedure Code, Section 32 National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) and Section 150 (1) of the Customs and Exercise Management Act. That a law enforcement officer is authorized to search a suspect does not translate to inflicting bodily harm on the suspect during search or subjecting the suspect to inhuman treatment which is why Section 82 of the Criminal
Mohammed Adoke
Procedure Code expressly provides that searches shall be with strict regard to decency and respect for the dignity of the human person. A search warrant is procurable by a police officer or law enforcement agent upon information on Oath and the warrants when issued enables the executing police officer(s) to enter into a premise or aircraft to search items specified therein and shall seize and material suspected to be in connection with the alleged offence under investigation. The general rule is that for a search to be conducted on premises, the police officer or any other officer conducting the search must arm himself or herself with a search warrant and when search is conducted on premises without a warrant it becomes an unlawful search. Exception to this rule is where a person to be arrested is suspected be within particular premises such apartment or premises
Evidence is the core aspect of criminal prosecution and it is the prosecution (the Commissioner of Police on behalf of the State or Attorney General either State or Federal) that has to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt that the accused person actually committed the offence
may be searched for purposes of having him arrested. The authority to issue a search warrant is vested in a Judge or Magistrate under section 107 of the Criminal Procedure Act and Section 74, 75 and 76 of the Criminal Procedure Code. A Justice of the Peace is also a competent person to issue a search warrant as well as a superior police officer above the rank of Cadet Assistant Superintendent of Police, preferably a Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP). Such power of the superior police officer to issue search warrant is limited only to matters relating to recovery of stolen property or other such proprietary offences. Warrants when issued remain in force until it is either executed or cancelled by the court that issued it as provided under Section 109 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Act. A search warrant may be issued and executed on any day including a Sunday and public holiday as provided under Section 111 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Act and shall be executed between the hours of 5.00am and 8pm unless there is an endorsement permitting its execution at any other time. The executing officer has right of ingress and egress within the validity period of the warrant to break into and out of the premises for the sole purpose of reasonably executing the warrant. See also Section 7, 8 and 112 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Act and Sections 34 (3) and 84 of the Criminal Procedure Code. It is trite that where a warrant expressly states specified time of execution and the executing officer violates such lawful order; such act of the police officer becomes unlawful and can be set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction and police officer liable in a civil action. The valid execution of a search warrant is anchored on Section 78 of Continued on Page 51
Daily Newswatch
Law 53
Tuesday, august 5, 2014
Legal execution of search warrants, admissibility of evidence
Nigerian Policemen on duty Continued from page 50
the Criminal Procedure Code which expressly states that a search warrant should be executed in the presence of two (2) respectable inhabitants in the neighbourhood to be summoned by the person to whom the warrant is addressed. If the premise to be searched is occupied by a woman in Purdah and unless she is the one to be arrested, she shall be informed that she is at liberty to withdraw before the executing officer enters the premises and shall give her every reasonable time or facility to perfect her withdrawal. This procedure is only applicable in Northern Nigerian where the Islamic injunctions are adhered to in certain pre-trial investigations. It will therefore be unlawful for a police officer to enter the apartment of a Muslim woman in purdah to execute a warrant without first adhering to this provision. A customs Officer may, without a search warrant, enter or break into a place where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that something worthwhile and liable to forfeiture is kept or concealed under Section 147 (1) of the Customs and Exercise Management Act, while Section 32 of the NDLEA Act empowers a Police Officer, a custom officer, any member of the armed forces, the director or any officer of the NDLEA to enter without search warrant, search any land, building, et al, which he has reasons to believe is connected with the commission of an offence under the Act. Before a search is conducted by a police officer, it is necessary that such police officer should first be searched to ensure that he or she is not in possession of certain incriminating materials or weapons which can be planted in the premises to implicate the suspect where there the warrant executing officer has personal scores to settle or have been settled to implicate the suspect. It is also to prevent the suspect alleging that the exhibit found in his premises was planted by the warrant executing police officer. This process is however not a legal requirement hence the failure to search the officerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s body before he
or she conducts the search does not make the search illegal or unlawful or wrongful. It is recommended that a person whose body or premises is to be searched should first be given the right to search the body of the warrant executing officer (the police) before commencing the search. In State versus Musa Sadau (1968) NMLR 208, the accused persons alleged that the item recovered in the course of the search was buried there by the officer who conducted the search so as to implicate him. Section 37 of the 1999 Constitution (As Amended) provides for the right to privacy which is why whenever a constitutional or statutory right of a citizen is to be derogated from, maximum care must be taken to ensure that derogation is for good cause and every provision relating to such derogation must be complied with. Therefore, whenever a person causes the premises of another to be searched wrongfully, he or she would render himself or herself liable in civil
action. This rule states that if a person without reasonable cause, procure or cause the procurement of a search warrant pursuant to which another personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s property, car, ship, office, personal effect or any other device was searched by a police officer, or even leading to his arrest, detention and/or prosecution, the person who laid such malicious complaint on the basis of which the police officer acted will be liable in damages. In the same vein, in the case of a complaint leading to the arrest and detention of the suspect, the complainant will be liable for false imprisonment. In Mgarba versus Maigoro(1992), Balogun Versus Amubikahu (1989), Ojo versus Lasisi (2003) and UAC Plc versus Sobodu(2006), the courts maintained that the complainant who set in motion investigation, arrest and prosecution of the accused person will be liable for civil liability arising from unlawful arrest, detention and prosecution. Therefore, it is important that the complainant must be sure of the complaint brought to the police or law enforcement agent otherwise may end up paying huge compensation to the accused person if the prosecution fails to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt leading to discharge and acquittal of the accused person. Materials illegally or wrongly obtained in the cause of executing a search warrant are admissible in evidence during trial irrespective of how such evidence is obtained. The implication of this evidence rule is that even if material evidence was obtained by force or fraudulently or even by violating the rights of the accused person shall be admitted in evidence provided it is relevant to the prosecution. In Kuruma versus R, R versus Lecthan (1861), Musa Sadau & Another versus The State, the courts held that illegally obtained piece of evidence is admissible so long it has direct relevance to the case. Section 15 of the Evidence Act 2011 provides for circumstances which the court should consider before admitting piece of evidence obtained illegally
It is trite that where a law enforcement agent in the course of carrying out his duties decides to execute a warrant in a manner inconsistent with laid down procedure or otherwise obtain evidence illegally, he or she will render himself or herself liable in a civil action as was decided in the English case of Elias versus Passmore
or wrongfully. These include; the probative value of the evidence; the importance of the evidence in the proceedings; the nature of the relevant offence, cause of action of the defense and the nature of the subject-matter of the proceeding, the gravity of the impropriety or contravention; whether the impropriety or contravention was deliberate or reckless; whether any other proceeding has been or is likely to be taken in relation to the impropriety or contravention; and the difficulty, if any, of obtaining the evidence without propriety or contravention of law. The above section has brought remarkable innovations into the admissibility of illegally and wrongly obtained material evidence in criminal litigation in Nigeria. It has put final paid to the era of impunity in pre-trail investigation process by stating conditions for which illegally obtained material evidence can be admissible. In the English case of Elias versus Passmore (1934), it was held that a police officer who obtains evidence illegally may be liable in a civil action. The decision in State versus Sadau is no longer good law in Nigeria. The constitution also provided some rights of the accused person in police custody which has also curtailed the reckless obtaining of evidence in pre-trail process. These rights include; right to remain silent or avoid answering of questions from a police officer until he has consulted a legal practitioner of his own choice under section 35 (3) of the 1999 constitution (As Amended); The right to be informed in writing in the language he understands explaining the grounds of arrest or the nature of offence under Section 35 (2), right to be tried within a reason time under Section 35 (4) (5), right to fair hearing under Section 36 (1), et al. The accused person also have the right to pubic apology upon a wrongful procurement of warrant of arrest leading to actual arrest and false imprisonment in violation of Section 35 of the 1999 constitution (As Amended). The Court decisions in Agbakoba versus SSS, Giwa versus the State, et al. Search warrants not properly obtained are generally illegal and police officers should ensure that only the authorities empowered to issue warrants are approached. It is trite that where a law enforcement agent in the course of carrying out his duties decides to execute a warrant in a manner inconsistent with laid down procedure or otherwise obtain evidence illegally, he or she will render himself or herself liable in a civil action as was decided in the English case of Elias versus Passmore. In the next article, I will be discussing Pre-Trial and Police Interview with special focus on Judgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rule, Alibi, and Confessional statement of an accused, Trial within trial, Identification parade, Police bail and exhibits in Police custody. Dr. Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe, is a member of the Human Rights and Political Communication Committee of the American Political Science Association (APSA) chaired at the New York University, USA. He is also a full member of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) and International Political Science Association (IPSA).
Daily Newswatch
Tuesday, august 5, 2014
Keyamo wants IG to probe death of Lagoon Restaurant’s staff Sam Popoola
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Mohammed Abubakar
zT^y_TWxYTW TyTX^T WX` Wq`TW zVW X w WxYTW X`X w` W wzTyxqzW q W xYTW X qq`W T^xX_zX`xWw` qz T Wq_zWyvwT`xWxYXxWxYTW T^xX_zX`xW YX W`qWvw TW¸Xy Tx^ W wUTz^WqzWw` TT W^X Tx W XmmXzXx_^VW mq`W q_zW yvwT`x¢^W mTz^w^xT`yT W xYTW X`X w` W wzTyxqzWw`UwxT WXWvX WUw TWXW xTvTmYq`TWyq`UTz^Xxwq`WZYqWw T`xw¬T WYTz^Tv WX^WXW qvwyTW JyTzW zq W XzW TXyYW qvwyTW xXxwq`Ww`WyYXz TWq WxYTWw`UT^xw Xxwq`^WV `WT` _wz WX^WxqWxYTWT xT`xWq Ww`UT^xw Xxwq`^ Wq_zWyvwT`xWZX^W v_`xv Ww` qz T W WxYTW qvwyTW JyTzW xYXxW w`UT^xw Xxwq`^W YX W TT`W yq`yv_ T W X` W xYXxW ^YTW TvwTUT W xYXxW xYTW TyTX^T W ^vwmmT W TvvW w`xqW xYTW vX qq`W X` W yq`^T _T`xv W vq^xW Yw^W vw TVW _zW yvwT`xW ZX^W y_zwq_^WX^WxqWYqZWxYTWw`UT^xw Xxwq`^Wyq_v W YXUTW TT`Wyq`yv_ T WZYT`WxYTW q Wq WxYTW TyTX^T WZX^W^xwvvWw`WxYTW X qq`WX` W`q`TW q W xYTW T T´Zwx`T^^T^W qzW xYTW X`X T T`xW q W xYTW X qq`W T^xX_zX`xW YX W TT`W _T^xwq`T VW _zWyvwT`x¢^Wyq`yTz`^WZTzTWw `qzT W WxYTW qvwyTW JyTzWX` WxYTW TyTX^T WZX^W abandoned in the Lagoon despite the agitaxwq`^Wq Wq_zWyvwT`xWxwvvW Ë m V _zW yvwT`xW _zxYTzW w` qz T W _^W xYXxW xYTW `T xW X W ¿ ÆxYW _`T W ÉÀ W YTW Uw^wxT W xYTW XzW TXyYW qvwyTW xXxwq`WZYTzTWYTW TxWZwxYW xYTW wUw^wq`XvW qvwyTW JyTzW¿ ÀWX` WT` _wzT W X q_xW xYTW zTyqUTz W q W xYTW q W q W xYTW TyTX^T W X` W _zxYTzW w`UT^xw Xxwq` W xqW q_zW yvwT`x¢^W _ TzW TZwv Tz T`x W xYTW W T`wT W `qZvT TW q W xYTW T w^xT`yTW q W xYTW yX^TW X` W xYTW XvvT T v W yq`yv_ T W w`UT^xw Xxwq`^VW YTW W^_ ^T _T`xv Wqz TzT WX`W w`UT^xw Xxwq`WX` WX`Ww`UwxXxwq`Wq WXvvWxYTWT TW Zwx`T^^T^Ww`yv_ w` WxYTW X`X w` W wzTyxqzW q WxYTW X qq`W T^xX_zX`xVW YTW W ^_ ^T _T`xv W wzTyxT W XW zTyqUTz W q W xYTW q W q W xYTW TyTX^T VW xW X q_xW
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Chris Onaghise, when he was alive Ë m W q`W _T^ X W ÆxYW _`T W É W xYTW q Wq WxYTW TyTX^T WZX^WXvvT T v WzTyqUTzT W zq W xYTW ^X TW ^mqxW w`W ZYwyYW YTW ZX^W ^Xw WxqWYXUTW^vwmmT VW Wy_z^qz Wvqq WXxWxYTW q Wq WxYTW TyTX^T W w^yvq^T W z_w^T^WX` W vqq W^xXw`^WXvvWqUTzWxYTW XyTW^_ T^xwUTWq W XWmY ^wyXvWyq` zq`xXxwq`W T qzTWxYTWXvvT T W zqZ`w` VW qW _zxYTzW yq`¬z W xYTW qzT qw` W ^_^mwywq`^ W xYTW TyTX^T W q W w W `qxW ^YqZWX` W^w `^Wq W qZTvWT`vXz T T`xWyq`^w^xT`xWZwxYW zqZ`w` VW qW¬` WX XyYT Ww X T^Wq WxYTW q Wq WxYTW TyTX^T WxqW _ zT^^W xYTW qzT qw` V YTW _T^xwq`W T w` W xqW TW X`^ZTzT W
Justice from foreign lands In court, digital evidence can shine or fizzle
he State v. Justin Ross Harris Zq`¢xW TW xYTW ¬z^xW `Xxwq`Xvv W w` X q_^W xzwXvW xqW zTv W YTXUwv W q`W TUw T`yTW vTX`T W zq W xYTW T T` X`x¢^WqZ`WTvTyxzq`wyW TUwyT^VW X^TW X xTzW yX^TW YX^W ^YqZ`W YqZW xYTW _ w _wxq_^W w wxXvW xzXwvW ZTW vTXUTW yX`W vX W XzTW xYTW q^xW mzwUXxTWzTXyYT^Wq Wq_zWvwUT^ WmzT^TzUw` WZYXxW ZTW w YxWZw^YWxqWq ^y_zTWqzWq vwxTzXxTW´´WX` W w YxWYXUTWw`WxYTWmzT´ w wxXvWX TV WvT TzW^xX^YT WXxWxYTW q q Wq WXW zXZTzW w^WTX^wv W _z`T WqzWxYzqZ`WXZX ¤Wwx^W w wxXvW yq_`xTzmXzxW X WT w^xW`qxWq`v Wq`W q_zWYXz W zwUTW _xWq`W^TzUTz^WXyzq^^WxYTWyq_`xz VW `yzw w`Xxw` Ww` qz Xxwq`Wy_vvT W zq WXW qq W w`W xYTW vw zXz W ^xXy ^W vTXUT^W `qW xzXyT¤W X`W `xTz`TxW^TXzyYW qT^VW ` WTUT`Ww W^q TxYw` Ww^W TvTxT Wwx¢^W`qxWzTXvv W TvTxT W_`xwvW`TZW XxXW ZzwxT^WwxWqUTzVW x¢^Wvw TWxYTWw`wxwXv^W q_WyXzUTW w`xqW yvw?W XxW xYTW ^TX^YqzT W vTXUTW TYw` W X` W ^qq`W qz TxËW YT WzT Xw`W_`xwvWxYTWZw` WX` W xw TW^yq_zWxYT WXZX V `W Xyx WxYTW X^^wUTWmqZTzWq W w wxXvW qzT`^wy^WYX^W Tyq TWXW _z T`WX^WZTvvWX^WXW qq`W xqW mzq^Ty_xqz^VW _^xW X^W XW W T?Tyx W YX^W mzq _yT W ¸_zwT^W xYXxW T mTyxW wzq`´yvX W W TUw T`yTW TUTz W xw T W XW w wxXv´xzXwvW T?TyxW w^W
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Daily Newswatch
Crime TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2014
Hope in war on illicit drugs …as war on corruption gets boost
President Jonathan OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
T`wqzW `wxT W Xxwq`^W qJywXv^W zTyT`xv WyXvvT W qzWXW zTXxTzW qy_^Wq`W TUTvqm T`xWXyxwUwxwT^WX` WXvxTz`XxwUTW yzqm^Ww`Wyq_`xzwT^WZYTzTWxYTWxw YxW zwmW q W z_ W vqz ^W YX^W w^z_mxT W mTXyT W ^Ty_zwx W X` W TUTvqm T`x W ¸_^xW X^W XW yq_`xz W vw TW w TzwXWZX^Wzq_` v WmzXw^T W qzWZX w` W _`zTvT`xw` W ZXzW q`W yqzz_mxwq`VW TyXvvT W xYXxW `qxW _wxTW vq` W X qW ZX^W xYTW YTX W q W xYTW `wxT W Xxwq`^W JyTW q`W z_ ^W X` W zw TW ¿ À W `xq`wqW XzwXW q^xX W mzXw^T W w TzwX¢^WT?qzx^Ww`W zw` w` WX q_xWXW yvw XxTW yYX` T Ww`WX wx_ T^WX` WmzXyxwyT^WX^^qywXxT W ZwxYWyqzz_mxwq`V W ` TT W yqzz_mxwq`W w^W XW yq mvT W ^qywXv W mqvwxwyXvWX` WTyq`q wyWmYT`q T`q`WxYXxWX?Tyx^W XvvW yq_`xzwT^VW qzz_mxwq` W X^w TW xYTW XyxW xYXxW wxW yqzzq T^Ww`xT zwx WYX^WXv^qW TT`W`qxT WxqWYXUTW _` _X`xw¬X v W yq`xzw _xT^W xqW w`^xX wvwx W ¸_^xW X^W wxW_` Tz w`T^Ww`xTz`Xxwq`XvW^Ty_zwx VW yyqz w` W xqW W xW X Xy ^W xYTW q_` Xxwq`W q W T qyzXxwyW w`^xwx_xwq`^W W w^xqzxw` W TvTyxqzXvW mzqyT^^T^W X` W mTzUTzxw` W xYTW z_vTW q W vXZVW xW _` Tz w`T^W T _wxX vTW Tyq`q wyW TUTvqm T`xW X` W T XyTz XxT^W mqUTzx VW ^W ^_yY W yqzz_mxwq`W YX^W TT`Ww T`xw¬T WX^WXW X¸qzWw mT w T`xWxqWxYTW XyYwTUT T`xW q W xYTW wvvT``w_ W TUTvqm T`xW qXv^V WW mTX w` WXxWxYTWqyyX^wq`Wq W `xTz`Xxwq`XvW `xw´yqzz_mxwq`W X W q`W ÇxY TyT TzW Ç W TyzTxXz ´ T`TzXv W X`W w´ qq`W T mYX^w T W xYXxW yqzz_mxwq`W w^W xYTW Zqzv ¢^W U_v`TzX vTW ZYqW ^_?TzW ¬z^xWX` WZqz^x W Wyqzz_mxwq`V `W w TzwX Wyqzz_mxwq`WYX^W TT`WX q` WxYTW X¸qzW TUTvqm T`xWyYXvvT` T^VW YTW w TzwX`W qUTz` T`xW YX^W T^xX vw^YT W xYTW ZXzW X Xw`^xW yqzz_mxwq`W X q` W xYTW Tw YxW mwvvXz^W _mq`W ZYwyYWxqW _wv Wwx^W w^wq`W Ë VW YTW `wxT W Xxwq`^W q`UT`xwq`W X Xw`^xW qzz_mxwq`W ¿ À WZYwyYWZX^WzXxw¬T W WxYTW T TzXvW qUTz` T`xW q`W ÉW TyT TzW É W mzqUw T^W XW_`w _TWxqqvW qzW TUTvqmw` WXWyq mzTYT`^wUTW zT^mq`^TW xqW xYw^W vq XvW mzq vT VW TyzTxXz W T`TzXvW X`W w´ qq`W `qxT^W xYXxW xYTW W q`UT`xwq`WX Xw`^xW qzz_mxwq`Ww^WxYTWZqzv ¢^W ^xzq` T^xW vT XvW w`^xz_ T`xW xqW _wv W w`xT zwx W X` W¬ YxWyqzz_mxwq` V W xYzq_ YW wx^W q_`xz W JyTW w TzwX W YX^W TT`W yqqmTzXxw` W ZwxYW xYTW T TzXvW qUTz` T`x W wx^W ^mTywXvw T W X T`ywT^ W w`W mXzxwy_vXzW xYTW yq`q wyW X` W w`X`ywXvW zw T^W q w^^wq`W¿ ÀV YX` ^W xqW ^xzq` W mqvwxwyXvW vTX Tz^YwmW X` W
Ahmed Giade
XW TXzvT^^W X`xw´yqzz_mxwq`W X T`y W Yw YW vTUTvW qJywXv^W ZYqW _^T W xqW TW T^xTT T W qzW TXzT W TyX_^TW q W xYTW q`T W xYXxW xYT W ^xqvTW XzTW `qZW TYw` W Xz^ W ^Xw W zVW q^xXVW zTXxTzW w`xTz`Xxwq`XvW yqqmTzXxwq`W ´W qzW T X mvTW X^W XW zT^_vxW q W xYTW W X` W qzv W X` W xqvT`W ^^TxW ¿ x ÀW TyqUTz W `wxwXxwUTW ´W w^W YTvmw` W xYTW mTqmvTW q W w TzwXW xqW zTyqUTzW ^q TW q W xYTW T^xw XxT W¹É W wvvwq`WxYXxWZX^W^xqvT`W TxZTT`W ÇÍ WX` W ÇÇÇVW zTUT`xwUTW TX^_zT^WxX T`W WxYTW m_ vwyWX` WmzwUXxTW^Tyxqz^W^Yq_v WYTvmWxqWzT _yTW xYTWzw^ Wq W^_yYWmv_` TzWqyy_zzw` Ww`WxYTW _x_zTV YTW W YTX W mzXw^T W xYTW Zqz W q W xYTW yq`q wyW X` W w`X`ywXvW zw T^W q w^^wq`W ¿ À W yXvvw` W wxW xYTW q^xW T?TyxwUTW X`xw´ yqzz_mxwq`W X T`y W w`W zwyX VW TW YX W xYT`W T^yzw T W xYTW q w^^wq`¢^W YXwz X` W zVW XvvX W _Y_W w X _ WX^W XWyzw T´ _^xTzW X TW q W xYTW YXz T^xW ^xTTvW Xvvq W TUTzW X`_ Xyx_zT VW
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He also urged the Nigerian authorities to do more to crack down on cyber-crime originating in Nigeria, to strengthen the accountability of !" #$ %&'&#* + #&/0 #$&% #12 He underlined UNODC’s on-going commitment * !*%&#1*3&# 4 $ #*&1% */ #$ + % '& transparency and accountability in business transactions in Nigeria
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Daily Newswatch
Trado-Medical team spell hell in police homicide detective net ADELEKE ADESANYA
group of trado-medical doctors with their nursing sistersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; counterpart have been going through rigorous investigations in the hands of homicide operatives of Lagos police command. Their journey into police cell is bordering on murder malice afore thought. The suspects that are presently answering series of questions in the hands of homicide detectives include Alhaji Sikiru, the herbal doctor in charge of Ikeoluwa tradomedical clinic at 31, Kayode Olaniyan street, AIT road, Ayetobi, alagbado, Lagos, Lasisi Olayinka, and Saula Riliwan, a Tradomedical nurse that were found with baby. Recounting on the case that led the suspects into police net, Daily Newswatch gathered recently, Commissioner of police Lagos State, Umar Manko received information on the criminalsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; evil operations in their abode at Alagbado area of Lagos. As mXzxW qÂ&#x2022;W Yw^W XJ`wxÂ&#x2018;W xqW ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;Yxw`Â&#x2C6;W yzwÂ&#x201D;TW w`W xYTW ^xXxTÂ&#x201C;W xYTW W Â&#x2019;wzTyxTÂ&#x2019;W qJyTzW in Charge of Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) in the state command, Superintendent Aba Kyari to take a swift action over the case. Responding to the CPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s order over the case, a team of SARS operatives under Aba kyari and led by DSP Adetarami Adegbehin were briefed and deployed to take over the case. Later, the team, upon series of intelligence investigation arrested some suspects who include: Alhaji Sikiru, the herbal doctor in charge if Ikeoluwa tradomedical clinic and Lasisi Olayinka, while the corpse of a day old baby girl with blood in both mouth and nose was recovered from one Saula Riliwan, a Tradomedical nurse. The suspects confessed to the offence and took detectives to the above mentioned hospital. Giving his account on the havoc that cost the neonateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life, Rilwan Saula confessed that a nurse in the hospital named Bolaji Fagbemi sold the baby to him for money ritual adding that the deal was in agreement with the hospitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s management. Daily Newswatch upon investigation over the case gathered that the nurse on duty on the that the baby was able to give out the baby to the Rilwan through the babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signature that was forged, thereby, making people to believe that the father of the baby was the one that came for the baby. It was further learnt that the confession of the said Saula Rilwan led to the arrest of other suspects which include, Alhaji Surajudeen Faronbi who was arrested with two human heads and Taofeek Abidakun with one human being head. It was also gathered that Rilwan who is otherwise called Alfa is a dealer of human heads. Daily Newswatch gathered that during series on interrogations with the homicide detectives of the SARS operatives, he confessed to have sold two heads to Alhaji Surajudeen Faronbi. Meanwhile, one of the suspects, Bola XÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2030;TÂ&#x201D;wÂ&#x201C;WZYwvTWÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x161;_T^xwq`^WÂ&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W our correspondent over the illegal act of the group confessed to have truly sold the baby to one of the suspects, Taofeek. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am 38 and I started work in the
The suspects
hospital on February 6, 2014. I am from Osun State. I was given the baby to throw away, so I gave it to Taofeek. I met him at Algbado area where I live. Taofeek has been coming to me for parts qÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x2019;TXÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2030;XÂ&#x2030;wT^VW xW ÂŹz^xÂ&#x201C;W W zTÂ&#x2022;_^TÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW I was forced to succumb to his pleas Â&#x2030;TyX_^TW qÂ&#x2022;W Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W ÂŹ`X`ywXvW ^wx_Xxwq`VW Â&#x2018;W house rent was due and my children school fees had not been paid, so when he approached me last year, I had no other choice but to do his will. He paid Â&#x201D;TW Â ÂĄÂ&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;WÂ&#x2022;qzWxYTWÂŹz^xWÂ&#x2019;TXÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;XÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;WZYwyYW was delivered to him. I did not steal the dead baby, it was the mother who gave it to me for burial,â&#x20AC;?she said. YTWXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;WxYXxW^YTW^qvÂ&#x2019;WxYTWÂ&#x2030;qÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;WqÂ&#x2022;W the dead child without the knowledge of the mother. In his own statement, Taofeek Â&#x2030;wÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2014;_`Â&#x201C;W XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201D;w TÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW YTW w^W XW The suspects spiritualist.
2nd Niger Bridge: Navy beefs up security, partners rights CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha
n a bid to ensure the security of equipment meant for the construction of the second Niger Bridge, the Navy said yesterday that it has beefed up security around the site and also within the River Niger. Making this disclosure when the Campaign for Democracy, CD, SouthEast zone, led by its Chairman, Comrade Dede Uzor A. Uzor stormed the Naval outpost at Onitsha, Anambra State on an over sight function, the Commander,
In the middle is Navy captain M.G. Oamen
Navy Captain M. G. Oamen, recalled that prior to his arrival, the criminals had held Onitsha and its environs hostage adding that it took the Navy military precision and force to restore sanity in the area. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;before my coming in things were bad so we needed to use force. I employed the force tactics and then begin to lecture the criminals q`W xYTW `TTÂ&#x2019;W xqW ÂŹ`Â&#x2019;W XW Â&#x2030;T TzW Â&#x201D;TX`^W qÂ&#x2022;W livelihoodâ&#x20AC;?. According to him the Navy does `qxW `TTÂ&#x2019;W xqW w`xTzÂ&#x2022;TzTW w`W X?Xwz^W _mvX`Â&#x2019;W
but because of the national securing challenges it intervened. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is when the nation is threatened that we come outâ&#x20AC;?. On the alleged alarming activities of ^qÂ&#x201D;TW qÂ&#x2022;W Yw^W qJyTz^Â&#x201C;W YTW ^XwÂ&#x2019;W xYXxW ^_yYW qJyTz^W Zq_vÂ&#x2019;W `qxW Â&#x2030;TW ^mXzTÂ&#x2019;W ZYT`W caught adding that some of them may have acted based on over zealousness. Reiterating the resolve of the Navy to work in partnership with CD, the Commander hinted that through information, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we were able to dislodge the criminalsâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now that we have sanitized the area, what we do is unannounced raidâ&#x20AC;?. Earlier, the South-East Chairman of CD, complained of torture against the citizenry by his men. The CD boss who was accompanied by the state chairman, Comrade Vincent Ezekwueme, Chukwunenye Nwamebe and Unah Zacheaus Olodi, members zTÂ&#x2C6;zT TÂ&#x2019;WxYXxW^qWÂ&#x201D;X`Â&#x2018;Ww``qyT`xWUwyxwÂ&#x201D;^W have been intimidated, assaulted and manhandled as common criminals. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;just two days ago one man ZX^W Â&#x2022;qzyTÂ&#x2019;W xqW vwTW w`W XW Â&#x2DC;qqÂ&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2C6;_ TzW for hours and another beaten to coma Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W xYTW XUXvW qJyTz^W XxW Â&#x2C6;XW ¸_`yxwq`Â&#x201C;W Onitshaâ&#x20AC;? Â? qW ZTW XzTW YTzTW xqW qJywXvvÂ&#x2018;W vXÂ&#x2018;W xYTW complaints about your men activitiesâ&#x20AC;?
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Daily Newswatch
NCS has no power over citizensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; registration, lawyer BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo
n Uyo-based legal practitioner, Mr. Uwemedimo Nwoko has faulted the directive of the National Council of States to stop state governments from registering non-indigenes living in their states for the purmq^TWqÂ&#x2022;WwÂ&#x2019;T`xwÂŹyXxwq`V Nwoko, who is also the Chairman Governing Board of the Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, said in a press conference yesterday in Uyo, that the NCS directive is illadvised in view of the worri-
some security situation in the country. According to him, the NCS has no constitutional powers to stop state governments from carrying out its constitutional responsibility of protecting the lives and property of its indigenes through the registration exercise meant xqW ZXzÂ&#x2019;W q?W _`Â&#x2019;T^wzXÂ&#x2030;vTW TvTments. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;One wonders from what source the NCS derived its powers to issue such a directive. I want to state categorically clear and without
any fear of contradiction that such directive is unconstitutional, illegal and ultra vires. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is neither rooted in any constitutional provision nor anchored on any statute. The WÂ&#x201D;_^xWyq`ÂŹ`TWwx^TvÂ&#x2022;WxqWxYTW Constitution and other extant laws of the land and restrain itself from issuing baseless orders and directives that cannot be sustainedâ&#x20AC;?. Nwoko raised the alarm that thousands of foreigners masquerading as Northern Nigerians are illegally entering the country on daily basis through
the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s porous borders, adding that these people could be terrorists on a mission to destroy the country. He disclosed that Akwa Ibom State is being threatened Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W xYTW w`Â&#x2DC;_Â?W `qzxYTz`Tz^W trooping into the nooks and crannies of the state, maintaining that there was need for XWmzqmTzWwÂ&#x2019;T`xwÂŹyXxwq`WÂ&#x201D;TyYanism to be put in place to ZXzÂ&#x2019;Wq?WmqxT`xwXvWxTzzqzw^x^V The legal practitioner also condemned the failure of the National Conference to agree on the increase of the
13 percent derivation principle, insisting that the oil producing states of the Niger Delta region would not accept anything less than 18 percent canvassed during the plenary session of the conference. Nwoko insisted that delegates from the oil producing states should make a strong case for a return to 50 percent derivation principle contained in the 1963 Constitution and condemned NorthTz`W Â&#x2019;TvTÂ&#x2C6;XxT^W Â&#x2022;qzW X TÂ&#x201D;mxw`Â&#x2C6;W to undermine the increase in the derivation formula.
2015: PDP a threat to us â&#x20AC;&#x201C;APGA chairman CYPRIAN EBELE Onitsha
s the 2015 general elections draw near, the chairman of All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA, in Oyi Local Government Area, Anambra State, Hon. Vin O. Anyakorah, yesterday disclosed that out of all the political parties contesting, only the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, poses a serious threat to APGA in the area. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;others are just steam in a tea cup as far as we are concerned. PDP feels it is their stronghold but we will teach them the lesson of their life when the time comesâ&#x20AC;? Speaking at the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat during its general meeting at Nteje, council headquarters, Hon. Anyakorah said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it will be a landslide victory for APGA, we have directed all ward chairmen to ÂŹ^YWÂ&#x2022;qzWÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;Tz^WX`Â&#x2019;WTÂ&#x2019;_yXxTW the electorate on the need to elect APGA come 2015.â&#x20AC;? He congratulated the National Party Chairman, Chief Victor Umeh for his victory both at Abuja and Enugu courts including Governor Willie Obiano on his Appeal Court victory as the duly elected Governor of the State. The Oyi Local Government APGA Chairman reiterated the resolve of the party to ensure the election of APGA candidates in both the National Assembly and at the state House of Assembly stating that the party would not give room to chances. He paid glowing tribute to chieftains of the party in the area that include the council chairman, Hon. Uchenna Charles Whipper, his Deputy, Hon. Magnus Orefo and Chief Edwin Aghadinuno adding that with their support and other stakeholders, there is hope for the party getting 100 percent votes in the coming election.
L-R: Senator Emmanuel Aguariawado; Deputy Governor, Delta State, Amos Utuama; Governor, Delta State, Emmanuel Udaughan; Senator Obadara Gbenga and Senator Barnabas Gemade, during a courtesy call to the governor, by the Senate Committee on Privatization in Asaba, Delta State...recently.
UNICEF, Enugu begins joint breast feeding awareness campaign KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu
nugu State government and the United Nations Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fund, UNICEF, have mounted fresh campaigns to encourage nursing mothers in the state to breast feed their new born babies for at least four to six months. The state government said the task is what it has taken up in collaboration with the Unicef because of the importance of breast feeding, especially exclusive breast feeding for infants from zero to six months. The Director, Public Health Services, Dr. Okechukwu Ossai, who spoke to journalists yesterday, while marking the 2014 World Breast Feeding Week said that Unicef has been supportive of the state government to ensure that every child born in the state is breast fed for four months and if possible for six months. Dr. Ossai maintained that the essence of breast feeding is to ensure that the early childhood diseases are avoided from the children. He disclosed that as a means of complementing the sensiti-
zation on the importance of breast feeding, the state government introduced free maternal services so that even if any child goes down with any illness, such a child would be taken care of without worrying about the medical bill. He stressed that every child and pregnant mother in the state access free health services irrespective of the personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s location, educational status or occupation in the state. Commending the Lagos
state government initiative on six months maternity leave for breast feeding mothers, Ossai noted that the policy will go a long way to encourage mothers practice exclusive breast feeding, adding that the Enugu state government could introduce such policy as a way of ensuring proper health foundation of the babies who he said are leaders of tomorrow. Dr. Ossai said that the importance of breast feeding
cannot be equated with any other food for infants because breast milk contains all the essential elements that every child needs at the appropriate proportion. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Breast milk contains immunity because the mother transfers immunity to the child which lasts for at least six months. It protects the child within that early child hood, moreover it contains all the essential elements that every child needs.
Senate:Group drums support for Obaze,Obiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ex-commissioner ALPHONSUS EZE,Awka
s politicians struggle for party ticket for the 2015, a group known as Equity Group, has said that former commissioner in Mr. Peter Obiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s administration, Dubem Obaze is the most competent to represent the Anambra North senatorial zone in 2015 senatorial race. Addressing newsmen in Awka yesterday, the group said that after a long and tedious search it came to incontrovertible conclusion that the former commissioner is the best candidate for the job. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As 2015 election draws near, we cannot stand aloof X`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;TWw`Â&#x2019;w?TzT`xWxqWxYTWÂ&#x2C6;qings in our countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s politiyXvWÂŹzÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x201D;T`xWX`Â&#x2019;Wq_zW^xXxTÂ&#x201C;W Anambra. We call on politicians to eschew violence and play the game according to the rules and without recourse to violence, mudslinging and bitterness. Our country cannot X?qzÂ&#x2019;WXW^wx_Xxwq`WZYTzTWmqvwxwcal anarchy will prevail when already we have got more than enough trouble from the security challenges bedeviling usâ&#x20AC;? said Tony Ifeanya, the group spokesman. He said in consonance with the emphasis on the principle and practice of equity, they called on well meaning persons and groups in the zone to rise to the occasion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We urge our brothers and sisters with impeccable character to step out and contest. W ^W XW ÂŹz^xW ^xTmW X`Â&#x2019;W xqW ÂŹzTW xYTW ÂŹz^xW ^XvUqÂ&#x201C;W TÂ&#x161;_wxÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2C6;zq_mW hereby calls on Chief Hon Dubem Obaze to come out and become the next senator of Anambra North senatorial zone, he said.â&#x20AC;? Continuing he said â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since our present governor comes from Omambala part of Anambra North, it is only just, fair and indeed equitable that the senatorial slot goes to the Ogbaru/Onitsha axis.
Council chairmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife empowers 10 widows CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha
n her bid to ensure a better welfare for the downtrodden in Awka-Etiti, Idemili South Local Government Area, Anambra State, Barrister (Mrs) Ogoo Ezenwa, wife of the Council Chairman, Henry Ezenwa, weekend empowered 10 widows by distributing wrappers to them and money to engage in small scale businesses. Presenting the items to them during the Awka-Etiti Women Wing Summit held at the town hall, she stressed the need to assist the downtrodden in the society pointing out
that days were gone when the women were relegated to the kitchen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Today it is no longer like that, women are equal to the men now, I think what a man can do a woman can now do Â&#x2030;T TzÂ&#x160;V â&#x20AC;&#x153;So many women are in position of trust in the state today, you have Hon. Amaka Obidigbo, a Supervisory Councillor for Education, she is here, Azuka Enemuo, a woman commissioner and the Commissioner for Education, Prof. Mrs Azuka Umeghalu and others too numerous mention. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The wife of his Excellency,
Mrs. Ebele Obiano because she wants to encourage and empower the down trodden women in the State has directed us to submit their names which include, 30 widows, 30 orphans and 30 destitute to her and I have done thatâ&#x20AC;?. Commending the wife of the council chairman, the Speaker of the Council, Hon. Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;XW Â&#x2030;wWX`Â&#x2019;WÂŹz^xWZqÂ&#x201D;X`W Councillor from Awka-Etiti community, assured that the Council First Lady would provide dividend of democracy to the downtrodden women and others. Her words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had earlier empowered 10 widows and
will do more because they need help from us and I believe we will not disappoint themâ&#x20AC;?. She described lady Ezenwa as a woman with large heart who needed their support to achieve her aims and objectives. Eealier in her speech, the President General of the Community, Women Wing, Professor Uchenna M. Nzewi comÂ&#x201D;T`Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;WxYTWyq_`ywvWÂŹz^xW XÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W Speaker and out-going women executive and chairman of the occasion, Professors Obiajulu Emejulu for their contribution towards moving the community forward.
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Daily Newswatch
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Ritualists pluck-out 9-yr-old boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes in Bauchi NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
uspected ritualists yesterday pluged out the two eyes of a nine-year
Zaria killing: Sultan calls on FG to probe incident AYO AJOGE, Sokoto
ultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Saâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ad Abubakar III has condemned the clash between soldiers and members of Shiite Muslim sect in Zaria town that resulted in killing of Sheik El-Zagyzagyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s three sons. He spoke at a dinner organised for alumni members of the 18th Regular Course of Nigerian Defence Academy held at his palace on Sunday. The monarch described the clash as â&#x20AC;&#x153;unwarranted and avoidable,â&#x20AC;? if the soldiers have engaged the sect members with minimum force, which they are being trained for. He urged the military to always be guided by the rule of engagement in the face of provocation from civilians. Abubakar also urged the Federal Government to show more concern on the Â&#x201D;X TzW X`Â&#x2019;W ^TxW _mW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w^sion of inquiry to get to the root of the killing. Sultan feared that the incident if not carefully handled by stakeholders could degenerate to something else. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The crux of the matter is something both sides could have curtailed not to degenerate to clash or extent of losing innocent lives, besides the sect were known for such yearly procession. He, however, commended the courage exhibited by the sect leader, Sheiklh Ibrahim Zakzaky, who lost three sons in the clash. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let us have a full investigation on the incident. And whoever found guilty must be punished.
old boy cattle rearer at Badiko ward of Toro Local Government Area of Bauchi State. Daily Newswatch gathered that the incident occurred on Sunday at about 2:00 pm when the boy Haruna Dahiru was rearing his cattle at Babujaye in Gumau. It was further gathered that the police rushed the victim to the Abuba-
kar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH) for medical attention and was said to be responding to treatment. The State Police Command, Public Relations Officer, DSP Haruna Mohammed confirmed the incident to newsmen that the incident occurred on Sunday around 14:00 hours.
fter a bloody clash last weekend (the eve of Sallah celebration) between police and soldiers in Zuru town, normalcy has since returned to the entire community. Daily Newswatch gathered that following the prompt intervention of the Emir of Zuru, who is a retired General of the Nigeria Army, Alhaji Sani Sami Gomo 11 the two security bodies came xqWxz_yTWxqWÂ&#x2030;_zÂ&#x2018;WxYTwzWÂ&#x2019;w?Tzences. The ugly situation was
division visited the scene and found the victim laying on the ground and rushed him hospital for medical attention and he is responding to treatment. He however, said investigation is in progress and all effort is being put in place by the police to ensure that the culprits are brought to book.
one-time Chief of zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W xX?WÂ&#x2019;_zw`Â&#x2C6;WxYTW Military era, General Ishaya Risi Bamaiyi has called on Nigerians to forget about xYTwzWxzwÂ&#x2030;XvWqzWzTvwÂ&#x2C6;wq_^WÂ&#x2019;w?Tzences and become partners in peace building and build a viral nation for peace and development. Bamaiyi who made this call in his country home of Zuru in Kebbi State, during the sixth anniversary of Sabatu Memorial private school, Zuru averred that Nigeria cannot become a great nation if the people decides to toe tribal and religion divide. He described peace and security as paramount in all facets of human endeavours pointing out that what the Nigeria societies now want is sustainable peace across the country. He said success is not measured by the size of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wealth, but the legacies left behind for the future generation to judge.
TWvX_Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2019;WxYTWT?qzxWqÂ&#x2022;W Tbbi State Government for its support for education sector in the state particularly ] {Â&#x201A; $4('"!00 | # |#(#! 1'&`! *&#? @04( & 1Q( 3 |4&' (7> + ` @0&?3 Â&#x161;(Q( 6 | # > |30#(' 6 | - the transformational agenda # @04( & |(Â&#x203A;(% @/3/( ( ('% ^Q& 6 +x('%3 @04( & ) 4(QQ!%  (*4( (# #4! 7 *# Q(# &"30(#& ' 6 | # initiative, urging parents to take advantage of the develPhoto: NAN |#(#! 1'&`! *&#? &' | # ?!*#! %(? opment and send their wards to school. In his remarks, the Chairman of the occasion, Brigadier General Bitrus Boka Ushe DAHIRU SULEIMAN, Dutse most people were evacuated At the palace of the Emir Jigawa state. (rtd) emphasized the need to public buildings for tem- qÂ&#x2022;W XÂ&#x2019;T¸wXÂ&#x201C;W xYTW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW Responding,the Emir of hree local govern- porary shelter.â&#x20AC;? Chairman who is also the Hadejia, Alh. Abubakar Maje for solid foundation in educament councils in tion pursuit for positive result TX`ZYwvTWXWyqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTWxqW state Deputy governor, AhJigawa State have ascertain the extent of dam- mad Mahmud assured that warned the people to relo- as he charged the students of been submerged age has been inaugurated by immediate action will be cate from river banks, as well the school to be good ambasas indulge from dumping reÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W Â&#x2DC;qqÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W xYXxW Â&#x2019;T- Governor Sule Lamido. sadors worthy of emulation. xXÂ&#x2014;T`W xqW xXyÂ&#x2014;vTW Â&#x2DC;qqÂ&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;W w`W fuse in water ways. stroyed over 200 houses. YTW^TUT`WÂ&#x201D;X`WyqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW YTWÂ&#x2DC;qqÂ&#x2019;WZYwyYWqyy_zzTÂ&#x2019;WX^W headed by the Jigawa State a result of heavy downpour Deputy governor, Ahmad lasted for 24 hours, thereby Mahmud has commissiondestroyed over 40 houses ers of Water Resources, Agin Taura local government riculture, Health, EnvironXzTXVW xYTzW yq_`ywv^W X?TyxTÂ&#x2019;W ment, and infrastructure as NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi tions and abuses and actions According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can are Hadejia and Ringim. In members, and are expectplans to stem the tide in the vividly recall a case where a articipants at the just Ringim over 150 houses were TÂ&#x2019;W xqW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TW xYTwzW ÂŹ`Â&#x2019;w`Â&#x2C6;^W North-east. police prosecutor connived concluded one day ZX^YTÂ&#x2019;WXZXÂ&#x2018;WÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;WÂ&#x2DC;qqÂ&#x2019;V One participant who is a with the State Criminal Invesknown to the government workshop on human `TWqÂ&#x2022;WxYTWX?TyxTÂ&#x2019;WUwyxwÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201C;W within shortest possible security agent, Okoh Philip tigative Department and sent rights has observed observed that many groups an innocent man to prison for Abdulrahman Isa told the time. that most cases of hu- that promote racial discrimi- ten years over his refusal to Daily Newswatch â&#x20AC;&#x153;we are YTW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW Â&#x201D;TÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2030;Tz^W still taken inventory of the have visited all the three af- man rights violations by secu- nation, religious persecution, give N30,000 for bail. â&#x20AC;&#x153; rity agents in northern part of and state-sponsored violence property damaged, while fected councils. He stressed that sensitizathe country take place in rural operate under the guise of lo- tion programmes should be yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;_`wxwT^Â&#x201C;W X zwÂ&#x2030;_xw`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW cal security agents. qzÂ&#x2C6;X`wÂ&#x2013;TÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x2022;qzW mqvwyTW qJyTz^W development to the high level He stressed on the need for in order for them to be enof ignorance by the residents of a proper documentation and lightened on the need to rea big surprise to people of man pointed out that the the areas. registration of the Danga se- spect and protect the rights of The participants made the curity (vigilantes) in the north suspects. Zuru and the entire state incident was erroneously because never in the history reported in some National observation during a one day X^WmXzxWqÂ&#x2022;WT?qzx^WxqWÂ&#x2030;_wvÂ&#x2019;WxYTwzW The North-East Coordinaof the state had such an inci- Newspapers, adding that workshop, titled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Construct- capacities towards the 2015 tor of National Human Right dent happened. the death recorded was that ing coalition to reduce human elections. Commission Babangida LaHowever, reacting to the of one soldier and two po- right abuses by security agenâ&#x20AC;&#x153; I recommend that local baran said that the commiscies in Northern Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;? or- security agents in the north ^wq`W YX^W ^Tx_mW XW yqÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;w TTW sad situation in a rejoin- licemen. der issued by the Police â&#x20AC;&#x153;The command wishes ganized by the North-East should be trained by the Civil to investigate cases of human authority in Birnin-Kebbi, to correct the inaccuracy of Nation Human Right Com- Defence Security agents in or- rights violations in the Norththe state capital, signed by these reports and inform mission at the Development der to regulate and monitor east, noting that such cases are the command PPRO and that there was an incident Exchange Commission (DEC) their activities. Through such y_zzT`xvÂ&#x2018;W zTyTwUw`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW X T`made available to newsmen, which led the death of a sol- in Bauchi. training, they will be sensi- tion of the commission. The workshop which had in tized on their duties and how averred that the incident dier and two Policemen.â&#x20AC;?He The coordinator who noted X T`Â&#x2019;X`yTW ¢^W¸q_z`Xvw^x^Â&#x201C;W to protect the rights of resi- that the violations has rewhich led to the death of added. one soldier and two Police Adding further that â&#x20AC;&#x153;pres- security agents, civil servants dents in their communitiesâ&#x20AC;? duced compared to past situmen had been brought un- ently, a joint investigation and national human right A lawyer, Inusa Jibo la- Xxwq`^Â&#x201C;WX zwÂ&#x2030;_xTÂ&#x2019;WzTvwÂ&#x2C6;wq_^WÂ&#x2030;Tder control and normalcy is on-going to ascertain the commission aims at updating mented the violation of the liefs in the north to high rate since returned. cause of the unfortunate in- stakeholders in the north on rights of some residents by of human violations in rural issues of human right viola- xYTWmqvwyTWqUTzWÂ&#x2030;XwvWÂ&#x201D;X Tz^VWW The Command spokes cident.â&#x20AC;? communities in the region.
Flood wreaks havoc in Jigawa
... Normalcy returns to Zuru after clash AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the boy Haruna Dahiru, a 9 years old from Badiko ward of Toro LGA was attacked and his eyes were forcefully removed by yet to be identified persons suspected to be ritualists while he was rearing cattle at Babujaye in Gumau.â&#x20AC;? Mohammed said immediately the men and officers of the Toro LGA
Bamaiyi urges Nigerians to build viral nation
Workshop identifies ignorance as cause of human rights violation
Macaulay hits brace in Sivasspor debut
Hapoel Tel-Aviv unveil Ikande
orea 2007 Under-17 xqmW^yqzTzÂ&#x201C;W XyX_vay Chrisantus got Yw^W wUX^^mqzW XzTTzW q?W xqWXWÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W^xXzxWÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2018;WYw w`Â&#x2C6;W XWÂ&#x2030;zXyTWw`WYw^WÂŹz^xWÂ&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;TWXW 7-0 preseason victory over FC Arnhem in Holland. Hailed by Coach Roberto Carlos as a quality ^xzwÂ&#x2014;TzÂ&#x201C;W Yzw^X`x_^W vwUTÂ&#x2019;W up to the tag by scoring twice after been introduced at the half time Â&#x2030;zTXÂ&#x2014;WzTmvXyw`Â&#x2C6;WÂ&#x2022;TvvqZW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW qY`W xXÂ&#x2014;XV The free signing from Las Palmas also grabbed an assist for his sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 7th and last goal as Sivasspor shape up for the start of the season with a comprehensive 7-0 win.
However while Chrisantus had a dream ^xXzxW xqW Yw^W yXzTTzW qY`W xXÂ&#x2014;XW ZYqW mvXÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;W xYTW ÂŹz^xWĂ&#x2030;ÂĄWÂ&#x201D;w`_xTÂ&#x201C;W^xz_Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;vTÂ&#x2019;W to get among the goals before been substituted at the start of the second half. YTW _zÂ&#x2014;w^YW vTXÂ&#x2C6;_TW is set to resume in two ZTTÂ&#x2014;^¢WxwÂ&#x201D;TWX`Â&#x2019;W wUX^^mqzW ZYqWÂŹ`w^YTÂ&#x2019;WÂĄxYWvX^xWÂ&#x2018;TXzW will be hoping their newvÂ&#x2018;W XyÂ&#x161;_wzTÂ&#x2019;W ^xzwÂ&#x2014;TzW Â&#x201D;Xw`xXw`W Yw^W ^yqzw`Â&#x2C6;W ^xzTXÂ&#x2014;W w`W the League proper. A good run of form will also enhance the Korea 2007 golden boot and silver ball winner hopes qÂ&#x2022;WTXz`w`Â&#x2C6;WYw^WÂŹz^xW^T`wqzW cap with the Super Eagles.
ormer Nigeria junior and youth inter`Xxwq`XvÂ&#x201C;W XzÂ&#x201D;q`Â&#x2018;W Â&#x2014;X`Â&#x2019;TW YX^W qJywXvvÂ&#x2018;W been unveiled by thirteen xwÂ&#x201D;T^W ^zXTvwW yYXÂ&#x201D;mwq`^Â&#x201C;W Hapoel Tel-Aviv. YTW _`UTwvw`Â&#x2C6;W xqqÂ&#x2014;W place at Hapoelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BloomÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;W^xXÂ&#x2019;w_Â&#x201D;Ww`W Tv´ UwUW vX^xW Xx_zÂ&#x2019;XÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W Â&#x201D;_yYW xqW the delight of a handful of fans and club directors who witnessed the event. Â&#x2014;X`Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x17E;ÂşÂ&#x201C;W `qZW ¸qw`^W Yw^WTwÂ&#x2C6;YxYWyv_Â&#x2030;Ww`W _zqmTÂ&#x201C;W just as sl10 reported a yq_mvTWqÂ&#x2022;WZTTÂ&#x2014;^WXÂ&#x2C6;qVW YTW Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzW YX^W ^wÂ&#x2C6;`TÂ&#x2019;W XW one-year contract with a clause that he could leave w`W xYTW X`_XzÂ&#x2018;W xzX`^Â&#x2022;TzW Zw`Â&#x2019;qZWwÂ&#x2022;WXW^_wxXÂ&#x2030;vTWq?TzW comes. The contract also comes with the option of extension beyond the q`T´Â&#x2018;TXzW Â&#x2019;_zXxwq`Â&#x201C;W ^v Â&#x;W have exclusively gathered. TX`ZYwvTÂ&#x201C;W xYTW Â&#x2022;qzmer AC Milan starlet has
told sl10 that he hopes to emerge from the doldrums with his move to Hapoel. He says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have been in the wilderness for too long and people have Â&#x2022;qzÂ&#x2C6;q T`W XÂ&#x2030;q_xW Â&#x201D;TÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for me to return
xqW xYTW vwÂ&#x201D;TvwÂ&#x2C6;YxÂ&#x201C;Â&#x160;W YTW xqvÂ&#x2019;W sl10 exclusively. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have stayed quiet for ^qÂ&#x201D;TW xwÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;qxYW q`W X`Â&#x2019;W q?W xYTW mwxyYÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW W YqmTW xqWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TWXWY_Â&#x2C6;TW^xXxTÂ&#x201D;T`xW with my performances for
4 / 6 7898:;9: ';6<=>?6 $;6><@ A;:<6;8 76 B<:D9 E:D9F89G8 H6<F<9>;9: >I< $;6><@ J;F;9: B>86F B<8F?9 K6?HIG >? &8H>8;9 ?L ,@?6;9 K<8M 76 ,F88= $MDN8 OI?>? %?N< $:Q<N<
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have one wish as it w^Â&#x201C;W X`Â&#x2019;W xYXxW w^W xqW ^xXÂ&#x2018;W ÂŹxW and prove myself again. I have to prove myself again and I can only do xYXxW Â&#x2030;Â&#x2018;W ^xXÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W ÂŹxW X`Â&#x2019;W mvXÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;W ZTvvW w`W Â&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;T^Â&#x201C;W and hopefully it will be a great season for Hapoel X`Â&#x2019;WÂ&#x2022;qzWÂ&#x201D;TVÂ&#x160; Â&#x2014;X`Â&#x2019;TW YX^W vq`Â&#x2C6;W YTvÂ&#x2019;W so much promise and was once touted as a fux_zTW _mTzW XÂ&#x2C6;vTÂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x2030;_xWw`juries and other circumstances have deprived xYTW xXvT`xTÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzW xYTW qmmqzx_`wxÂ&#x2018;W xqW Â&#x2022;_vÂŹvW his potentials and become a Super Eagles star.
TWÂ&#x2022;TXx_zTÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x2030;zwTÂ&#x2DC;Â&#x2018;WÂ&#x2022;qzW Nigeria at the 2009 FIFA Â&#x17E;Â&#x;WZqzvÂ&#x2019;Wy_mWw`W Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2018;mxÂ&#x201C;W but his tournament was cut short by injury. He was also a part of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2011 Olympic team that failed to qualify for the 2012 Olympic Games in London under Austin Eguavoen.
Lazio ready to offload Onazi Ameobi targets big season
ewcastle United of England forZXzÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W XÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;W Ameobi says this coming season is going to be the biggest of his career. Ameobi says: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am no vq`Â&#x2C6;TzW XW Â&#x2014;wÂ&#x2019;Â&#x201C;W W XÂ&#x201D;W w`W xYTW last year of my contract with Newcastle and I have to start it with a bang. I have had a lot of injuries which I am hoping I YXUTW Â&#x2C6;q T`W qUTzW `qZW ^qW I need to play very well to either get a new contract with Newcastle or be able xqW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TW XW Â&#x2C6;qqÂ&#x2019;W Â&#x201D;qUTW Tv^TZYTzTÂ&#x160;W YTW xXvvW vTÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2018;W X XyÂ&#x2014;TzW was also says how his brother has been a huge w`Â&#x2DC;_T`yTW q`W Yw^W yXzTTzVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;he has always been there
Â&#x2022;qzWÂ&#x201D;TÂ&#x160;WYTW^XÂ&#x2018;^WqÂ&#x2022;WÂ&#x2022;qzÂ&#x201D;TzW TZyX^xvTW ^xzwÂ&#x2014;TzW X`Â&#x2019;W older sibling Sola Ameobi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;whenever I have needed advice he would volunteer it and also if I xzÂ&#x2018;W xqW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TW Â&#x201D;qUT^W xYXxW might have derailed my yXzTTzWYTWYX^WÂ&#x2030;TT`WÂ&#x161;_wyÂ&#x2014;W xqWm_vvWÂ&#x201D;TWÂ&#x2030;XyÂ&#x2014;Wq`WxzXyÂ&#x2014;VW It is great to have a proper professional as an oldTzWÂ&#x2030;zqxYTzÂ&#x160;W On his international future â&#x20AC;&#x153;it will be a great honour to play for Nigeria. I would love it. I have seen how it has been with my brother and the world cup was a great experience which I would love to experience and YTvmW Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;TW ^_zTW wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW mXzxwywmXxT^Ww`WXÂ&#x2C6;Xw`Â&#x160;W
talian Serie A side Lazio have said they are prepared to sell wÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzÂ&#x201C;W Ogenyi Onazi but only if their valuation of the player is met. Lazio president Claudio Lotito has told Onaziâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s representatives that the 21-year-old will not leave the club for less than â&#x201A;Ź10 million ($13.5m). He has been the subject of enquiries from English Premier League trio Everxq`Â&#x201C;W q_xYXÂ&#x201D;mxq`W X`Â&#x2019;W Sunderland.
TW YX^W Xv^qW X zXyxTÂ&#x2019;W
interest from German and Spanish clubs. The Nigerian internaxwq`XvW Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzÂ&#x201C;W ZYqW TXz`^W ¸_^xW šÂ&#x17E;Ă?ÂÂ&#x201C;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;W mTzW Â&#x2018;TXzÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W YwÂ&#x201D;W q`TW qÂ&#x2022;W the lowest earners at the xXvwX`W yv_Â&#x2030;Â&#x201C;W YX^W Â&#x201D;XÂ&#x2019;TW wxW clear he wants to leave. It is believed interested clubs are reluctant to pay XÂ&#x2013;wq¢^W X^Â&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;W mzwyTW Â&#x2022;qzW a player they bought for vT^^W xYX`W šĂ&#x2030;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x201C;Â&#x;Â&#x;Â&#x;W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W Nigerian amateur side My People FC in 2011. YTWmvXÂ&#x2018;Tz¢^WXÂ&#x2C6;T`xÂ&#x201C;W q`XxYX`W Xz`T Â&#x201C;WYX^WzTmqzxTÂ&#x2019;ly demanded an improved
deal for Onazi or for Lazio to lower their valuation of his client. Xz`T W ZX`x^W XW ^qvwÂ&#x2019;W recognition of the player as an emerging star in world Â&#x2022;qqxÂ&#x2030;XvvÂ&#x201C;W Â&#x2030;_xW xYTW yv_Â&#x2030;¢^W xqmW qJywXv^Ww`^w^xWxYTÂ&#x2018;WZwvvW`qxW sell Onazi for a reduced fee. Lotitio has not ruled out the prospect of selling the Super Eagle this sumÂ&#x201D;TzW Â&#x2022;qzW xYTW zwÂ&#x2C6;YxW mzwyTÂ&#x201C;W X^W the club is aware he could leave on the cheap next year. His current deal at the Rome-based club runs out w`W _`TWÂ&#x17E;Â&#x; Ă?VW
After representing NiÂ&#x2C6;TzwXW XxW Â&#x2018;q_xYW vTUTvÂ&#x201C;W xYTW Â&#x201D;wÂ&#x2019;ÂŹTvÂ&#x2019;TzW YX^W T`¸qÂ&#x2018;TÂ&#x2019;W XW meteoric rise over the last Â&#x2022;TZWÂ&#x2018;TXz^W^w`yTWÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2014;w`Â&#x2C6;WYw^W senior debut in October 2012. He played in all four of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s games at the World Cup in Brazil and has now recovered from xYTW w`¸_zÂ&#x2018;W YTW ^_?TzTÂ&#x2019;W against France in the last 16 that saw him leave the stadium in a wheelchair. Onazi has made a total of 22 appearances for the African champions and scored once.
Ajala canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop scoring
oses Simon Ajala continued his goal scoring streak for Slovak side AS Trencin as they secured a 2-0 victory over Spartak Trnava in a league game. Prior to yesterdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game Ajala has scored 5 Â&#x2C6;qXv^Ww`WYw^WvX^xWÂŹUTWÂ&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;T^W for AS Trencin both in the League and Europa TXÂ&#x2C6;_TWÂ&#x161;_XvwÂŹTz^V Ajala scored Trencinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second in the 3rd minute of time added on after 90 minutes in addition to his assist to HolĂşbek in the 69th minute for his team opener. He has now scored 2 league goals in three games helping Trencin move up to second in the Slovak league standing. The 19 year old who was rejected by Ajax Amsterdam last summer after signing a pre contract with the Dutch giant joined Trencin in the winter of 2014 and scored 7 times in 14 games last season. Already he is teammate to Kingsley Madu but they have now been joined by Ex Sporting Lisbon, PSV, Celtic and Kilmanorck playmaker Rabiu Ibrahim X`Â&#x2019;W vw vTW Â&#x2014;`qZ`W XÂ&#x2019;_`XW based upcoming forward Emmanuel Edmond. Trencin are presently campaigning in the EuzqmXW TXÂ&#x2C6;_TWÂ&#x161;_XvwÂŹTz^WX`Â&#x2019;W they will take on English Premier League side Hull City at the KC stadium in England next week after Â&#x2019;zXZw`Â&#x2C6;W xYTW ÂŹz^xW vTXÂ&#x2C6;_TW 0-0 at home.
Osaze ready for EPL kickoff
Onuachu Extends FC Midtjylland Contract
eter Odemwingie cannot wait for the 2014/15 season in England to commence and he is looking to inspire Stoke City to success this campaign. Odemwingie, who had a brilliant outing with Nigeria at the 2014 Fifa World _mÂ&#x201C;W ¸qw`TÂ&#x2019;W xYTW q Tz^W Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W XzÂ&#x2019;w?W wxÂ&#x2018;Ww`WXW^ZqmW deal that saw Kenwyne Jones move in the opposite direction on January 27. The forward now has his sights set on the upcoming season and says he is â&#x20AC;&#x153;happy to be a part of the team again.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m really looking forward to the new season and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m happy to be a part
Falconets change base he Falconets have moved into their Fifa designated hoxTvW XYTXÂ&#x2019;W qÂ&#x2022;W xYTW Â&#x2014;wyÂ&#x2014;´q?W of the 2014 Fifa Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Under-20 World Cup on Tuesday. The Nigeria U-20 female national team have
been in Canada for a precompetition tour since July 27, and have been lodged at the at Crowne Plaza Hotel downtown Moncton. The team have now checked into the Delta Beausejour Hotel, where they are expected to stay till August 10 as they ZwvvW mvXÂ&#x2018;W xYTwzW ÂŹz^xW xZqW matches against Mexico and Korea Republic in Montcon before leaving for the venue of their ÂŹ`XvW Â&#x2C6;zq_mW Â&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201D;TW w`W Â&#x2019;monton. The Nigerian team has continued to train at Bernice McNaughton High School pitch.
of the team again. We have signed some strong players that have added to the talent we already have here and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking forward to working with them,â&#x20AC;? he xqvÂ&#x2019;WxYTWyv_Â&#x2030;¢^WqJywXvWZTÂ&#x2030;site, www.stokecityfc.com. Odemwingie was one of Stokeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best players last ^TX^q`WZYT`WYTW`T TÂ&#x2019;W^wÂ?W goals in 15 league appearances but he admits he will need to work even harder to keep his place in the squad this term. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have to work hard to earn my spot in the side, without competition you perhaps donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work towards the best of your ability. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The new signings have made the squad stronger
and it brings healthy competition into the team,â&#x20AC;? he noted. A year is a very long time in football. Odemwingie was left out of the Nigeria squad to the 2013 Africa Cup of Nations and he courted negative headlines following his reaction to the snub.
w^W X TÂ&#x201D;mxW xqW Â&#x2022;qzyTW XW move to QPR from WBA was also well documented but he turned the corner to have a great second half of the 2013/14 season for Stoke and also impressed for the Super Eagles at the 2014 World Cup. He freely admits that he has grown up as a human being and promises to be consistent in his new found
lease of life. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My aim is to carry on Â&#x2022;zqÂ&#x201D;W ZYTzTW W vTÂ&#x2022;xW q?W vX^xW year. Since joining the club, I feel I have matured and Â&#x2030;TyqÂ&#x201D;TWXWÂ&#x2030;T TzWmvXÂ&#x2018;TzVW â&#x20AC;&#x153;It may sound odd, but not scoring as many goals has certainly helped me improve as a team player. Â? WÂ&#x2022;TTvWÂŹxWX`Â&#x2019;WzTXÂ&#x2019;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201C;W^qW W am looking forward to the new season very much. Hopefully we can do as well as we did last season. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With a stronger squad xYw`Â&#x2C6;^W yX`W q`vÂ&#x2018;W Â&#x2C6;TxW Â&#x2030;T TzW ^qW ZTW XzTW Â&#x2019;TÂŹ`wxTvÂ&#x2018;W vqqÂ&#x2014;ing up. With the quality of players we have Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m positive we can continue our great team spirit and have another good season,â&#x20AC;? he said.
anish Superliga side FC Midtjylland have extended their agreement with Paul Onuachu through the 2017-2018 season. The youngster has been rewarded for his brilliant start to the season which has seen him make two appearances in the Championship, X`Â&#x2019;W^yqzw`Â&#x2C6;WYw^WÂŹz^x´TUTzW goal for the Wolves in the xqmÂ&#x2DC;wÂ&#x2C6;YxWw`WxYTwzWqmT`w`Â&#x2C6;W ÂŹÂ?x_zTV â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Paul is a striker we strongly believe in at FC Midtjylland, and therefore we are also pleased to have extended the contract with him. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;He is a great talent that has developed very well since he came to Denmark.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;He is a striker who has the makings of becoming a top player, and he is a player we have great faith in the future,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; sports director Claus xTw`vTw`WxqvÂ&#x2019;WxYTWqJywXvW webpage. Paul Onuachu added: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; I am happy to have signed a new contract. For me, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about continuing to work hard and develop myself. I look forward to giving everything to the team and our fans.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ă&#x2019;¢ W ZwvvW ÂŹÂ&#x2C6;YxW xqW Â&#x2C6;TxW even more playing time. qWÂ&#x2022;XzW WYXUTWyqÂ&#x201D;TWw`Wq?W the bench, but my goal is to playing the starting line-up. But Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m patient. Duncan does it well, and my time will come. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; In each of the last three seasons, the 20 - year - old striker has played at least one game for FC Midtjylland in the top division.
Ideye secures UK visa
est Bromâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s club-record signing, Brown Ideye will link up with his new team-mates after being granted a visa. The Nigerian striker signed for West Brom on July 18 for a fee believed to be in the region of ÂŁ10million but has been forced to wait in his homeland whilst the visa issues were resolved. Â&#x2019;TÂ&#x2018;TWzTUTXvTÂ&#x2019;WxYTW`TZ^Wq`WYw^WqJywXvW Zw TzWXyyq_`xW^XÂ&#x2018;w`Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x2039;WÂ? qWYXmmÂ&#x2018;W to announce my visa has been issued. Will join the team ASAP.â&#x20AC;? Head coach Alan Irvine has described Ideye, who put pen to paper on a three-year deal with an option for a fourth season, as â&#x20AC;&#x153;strong, quick and powerfulâ&#x20AC;?. Ideye, however, will now have to integrate himself quickly into the squad ahead of the Premier League.
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