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Daily Newswatch Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Boko Haram membersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; decomposing bodies litter Mubi as residents beg for medication OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola
ecomposing bodies of Boko Haram memQRSTU VWHRSRXU Mubi in Adamawa State, with residents of the area crying to government and non-governmental organisations to come to their aid with medical materials ]^XU]HR^_W`^jU Mubi, the second largest
town in the state, had been a theatre of war as the military fought to drive away the Boko Haram insurgents who occuqWRXU_xRU]SR]UV]_RVzjU The 23 Armoured Brigade based in Yola, the state capital, yesterday conveyed journalists to the areas for onthe-spot assessment, where decomposing bodies of the W^TÂ&#x20AC;SÂ R^_TUÂ&#x201A;RSRUTRR^UVWHRSW^Â U _xRUqV]Â&#x192;RTUÂ&#x201A;xRSRU_xRUÂ&#x201E;Â x_W^Â U
Â&#x201A;]TUÂ&#x201E;RSÂ&#x192;RT_jU In the same vein, damaged Hilux vehicles and motorcycles used by the insurgents, as well as bombed military hard ware, including APCs, were seen in strategic locations in the town, especially at Mararraba-Mubi, where intense Â&#x201E;Â x_W^Â U _``Â&#x2030;U qV]Â&#x192;RÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU also led to the destruction of Â&#x2039;]^zUQÂ&#x20AC;WVXW^Â TUW^U_xRU]SR]jU It was also observed that al-
most all the commercial banks in the town were vandalized and looted by the Boko Har]Â&#x2039;UW^TÂ&#x20AC;SÂ R^_TjU Many residents, besides QRÂ Â W^Â U Â?`SU Â&#x2039;RXWÂ&#x192;]VU ]HR^tion, also pleaded that GSM communication networks destroyed in the area too should be restored to link them to the `Â&#x20AC;_TWXRUÂ&#x201A;`SVXjU The residents believed that with the restoration of the
L-R: Executive Secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission, Mr. John-Kennedy Opara; Israeli Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Uriel Palti and President Goodluck Jonathan, during the presentation of a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Candle light of Hanukaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; by the Israeli Ambassador to the president at the Presidential Villa in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
communication networks, _xRzUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;VXUÂ&#x192;]VVU`^U_xRWSUÂ?RRW^Â U members of their families to come back with the return of qR]Â&#x192;RjU A septuagenarian, Mallam Sule Yau, said there was no doubt that many people do not yet know that the military has actually restored law and `SXRSUW^U_xRU_`Â&#x201A;^jU Another resident, Mallam Habibu Abdulaziz, said they need the government to ensure that all medical personnel in their hospitals come back and drugs supplied to the facilities so that the sick qR`qVRUÂ&#x192;]^UQRU]HR^XRXU_`jU RU also would want government to quickly ensure that all the XR]XUQ`XWRTUVWHRSW^Â U_xRU_`Â&#x201A;^U were evacuated to avoid the `Â&#x20AC;_QSR]Â&#x2030;U`Â?URqWXRÂ&#x2039;WÂ&#x192;jU Other residents of the areas, who spoke to journalists in Mubi, expressed happiness with the restoration of peace as they said they feel secure ^`Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRUÂ&#x2039;WVW_]SzUW^UÂ&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;U Â&#x192;`^_S`VU`Â?U_xRUqV]Â&#x192;RjU A visit round the town also showed improved human activities, but the major streets remained deserted with many shops closed and abanX`^RXjU xRSRUÂ&#x201A;RSRÂ&#x160;Ux`Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U some few traders at the Central Market in the town who `qR^RXUTx`qTUÂ?`SUQÂ&#x20AC;TW^RTTjU
Seized aircraft, laden with weapons released from Kano airport TED ODOGWU, Kano
he Russian-made Antonov 124 aircraft, laden with weapons, explosives and two helicopters, intercepted by Nigerian Air Force at the Malam Aminu Kano International Airport (MAKIA), Kano, is said to have been released by Nigerian au_x`SW_WRTj TU ]_U _xRU _WÂ&#x2039;RU `Â?U Â&#x201E;VW^Â U _xWTU SRq`S_Â&#x160;U ]_U ]Q`Â&#x20AC;_U Â&#x203A;jÂ&#x153;Â?U qÂ&#x2039;U zRT_RSX]zÂ&#x160;U ^`U `3Â&#x192;W]VU of the Kano Airport was willing to disclose who precisely ordered the reVR]TRU`Â?U_xRU]WSÂ&#x192;S]Â?_j Nigerians have variously expressed dissenting views over the purported release of the aircraft, which was said to have made an emergency landing at the Kano airport, due to a technical xW_Â&#x192;xU]^XU_`USRÂ?Â&#x20AC;RVj In the past three days, French and Russian authorities have variously made statements, suggesting that the weapons Â&#x201A;RSRU`3Â&#x192;W]VVzU`SXRSRXUQzU x]Xj
UNICEF declares 2014 devastating year for children CHIOMA UMEHA
R]SU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x; U x]TU been one of horror, fear and despair for millions of children, as Â&#x201A;`STR^W^ U Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_TU ]Â&#x192;S`TTU the world saw them exposed to extreme violence and its consequences, forcibly recruited and deliberately targeted by warring groups, the United Nations Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fund (UNICEF) said `^X]zjU Yet, many crises no longer Â&#x192;]q_Â&#x20AC;SRU _xRU Â&#x201A;`SVX¤TU ]HR^tion, warned the childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ] R^Â&#x192;zj A statement signed by R`5SRzU ÂĽ`Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;Â&#x160;U `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^Wcation Specialists, UNICEF, quoted Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, as saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This has been a devastating year for millions `Â?U Â&#x192;xWVXSR^jU xWVXSR^U x]Â&#x2019;RU been killed while studying in the classroom and while sleeping in their beds; they have been orphaned, kidnapped, tortured, recruited, raped and even sold ]TU TV]Â&#x2019;RTjU RÂ&#x2019;RSU W^U SRÂ&#x192;R^_U memory have so many children been subjected to such Â&#x20AC;^TqR]Â&#x2030;]QVRUQSÂ&#x20AC;_]VW_zjÂŞ As many as 15 million children are caught up in Â&#x2019;W`VR^_U Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_TUW^U _xRU R^tral African Republic, Iraq,
= > ?@ABDGHM ?OPQ@R PT AM >OVWG ?WMXBA?RY South Sudan, the State of Palestine, Syria and Ukraine â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including those internally displaced or living as refu RRTjU V`Q]VVzÂ&#x160;U]^URT_WÂ&#x2039;]_RXU Â&#x17E;Â&#x153;Â?UÂ&#x2039;WVVW`^UÂ&#x192;xWVXSR^UÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SSR^_-
ly live in countries and areas ]5RÂ&#x192;_RXUQzU]SÂ&#x2039;RXUÂ&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_Tj ^UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â Â&#x160;UxÂ&#x20AC;^XSRXTU`Â?UÂ&#x192;xWVXSR^U have been kidnapped from their schools or on their way _`U TÂ&#x192;x``VjU R^TU `Â?U _x`Â&#x20AC;T]^XTU
have been recruited or used by ]SÂ&#x2039;RXU Â?`SÂ&#x192;RTU ]^XU Â S`Â&#x20AC;qTjU _tacks on education and health facilities and use of schools for military purposes have inÂ&#x192;SR]TRXUW^UÂ&#x2039;]^zUqV]Â&#x192;RTj
In the Central African ReqÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;Â&#x160;U Â&#x17E;jÂ&#x153;U Â&#x2039;WVVW`^U Â&#x192;xWVXSR^U ]SRU ]5RÂ&#x192;_RXU QzU _xRU Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_Â&#x160;U Â&#x20AC;qU_`UÂ&#x;Â?Â&#x160;Â?Â?Â?UÂ&#x192;xWVXSR^U]SRUQRlieved to have been recruited by armed groups over the V]T_UzR]SU]^XUÂ&#x2039;`SRU_x]^UÂ Â&#x153;Â?U children have been killed
and maimed â&#x20AC;&#x201C; three times as Â&#x2039;]^zU]TUW^UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153; ^U ]Â]Â&#x160;U ° Â&#x160;Â?Â?Â?U Â&#x192;xWVXSR^U were left homeless as a reTÂ&#x20AC;V_U `Â?U _xRU °Â?ÂłX]zU Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_U during the summer that also saw 538 children killed and Â&#x2039;`SRU_x]^UÂ&#x153;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x203A;Â?UW^ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;SRXj
Lack of legislation hinders INEC capacity on party primary list, says Jega SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
hairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor H]xWSÂ&#x20AC;U RÂ ]Â&#x160;U zRT_RSX]zU XRcried lack of enabling legislation as hindrance to the ability of the commission to make public authentic candidates who emerged at party primaSWRTj
R ]U Â?]Â&#x20AC;V_RXU _xRU VR ]VU qS`Â&#x2019;WTW`^U`Â?Uq]S_WRTÂ&#x160;UTÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHW^ U to INEC, names of candidates who did not even contest party primaries, even as he assured that the commission was very much ready Â?`SU _xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U  R^RS]VU RVRÂ&#x192;_W`^Tj The INEC chairman, who made the disclosure in a keynote address delivered during INEC-Traditional Rulers National Summit on Peaceful Elections held in Abuja, explained that inability of the National Assembly to con-
clude work on the amendment of the Electoral Act, created a vacuum that the political parties are exploiting, saying this is a constraint to _xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^j Âą RU x]Â&#x2019;RU TÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU SRÂ&#x192;ommendations for improvements to the legal framework, especially the Electoral Act
and the Constitution, to the ]_W`^]VU TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzjU RU TÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU _xRTRU SRÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;R^X]tions about two years ago and the National Assembly has  `^RUÂ&#x2019;RSzUÂ?]Sj â&#x20AC;&#x153;We regret that it has taken time but we are still hopeful the legal framework will be ]Â&#x2039;R^XRXUQRÂ?`SRU_xRUÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°URVRÂ&#x192;-
tions, because it will help us to improve on many areas of XWTÂ&#x192;SRq]^Â&#x192;WRTÂ&#x160;ÂŞUxRUT]WXj
R ]UR²qSRTTRXUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x192;RS^U`^U _xRU ]HW_Â&#x20AC;XRU `Â?U q`VW_WÂ&#x192;W]^TÂ&#x160;U warning that the conduct of many critical stakeholders in the political arena is capable of generating and inciting Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_TU]^XUÂ&#x2019;W`VR^Â&#x192;RÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU
might pose serious threat to _xRUÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U R^RS]VURVRÂ&#x192;_W`^Tj â&#x20AC;&#x153;The greatest challenge ]^XU _xSR]_U _`U Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U  R^RS]VU elections, as we see it in the commission, is the conduct capable of generating and inÂ&#x192;W_W^ U Â&#x192;`^Â?WÂ&#x192;_TU ]^XU Â&#x2019;W`VR^Â&#x192;RU by many critical stakeholders W^U_xRUq`VW_WÂ&#x192;]VU]SR^]j
EU to spend 65m euros on immunization in Nigeria for six years and ensure there is proper accountability, transparency in ead of the budgeting and allocation and Health Unit _xRUSRVR]TRU`Â?UÂ?Â&#x20AC;^XTj of European Ayeke stated this in Abuja Union (EU) XÂ&#x20AC;SW^Â U _xRU Â&#x201E;ST_U qx]TRU `Â?U `SWDelegation in entation workshop on the WÂ RSW]Â&#x160;U SjU ^_x`^zU zRÂ&#x2030;RÂ&#x160;U EU Support to Immunization yesterday said EU is to exGovernance in Nigeria, EUpend 65 million euros on imSIGN, for 24 states that benmunization in Nigeria for six RÂ&#x201E;_RXU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U _xRU Â S]^_U W^U _xRU zR]STj Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzjU xRU T_]_RTU W^Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;XRU Ayeke, however, urged the Federal Capital Territory, Nigerian government not to QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]j see the grant as substitute to According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The QÂ&#x20AC;XÂ R_UÂ?`SUWÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^WÂ]_W`^j main idea is not to make govHe explained that the fund ernment do what it is supwas to support government TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
posed to do but help it do Â&#x201A;x]_UW_UTx`Â&#x20AC;VXUX`jÂŞ He hinted that the project T_]S_RXU W^U ]SÂ&#x192;xÂ&#x160;U Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x;U ]^XU that 55 million was originally planned for the intervention, adding that talks are on with the World Health Organisation to increase the grant to 65 Â&#x2039;WVVW`^URÂ&#x20AC;S`Tj According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is one of the interventions of the European Union support _`U WÂ RSW]jU U Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^WÂ]_W`^U is taken as a window of opportunity to strengthen the qSWÂ&#x2039;]SzU xR]V_xU TzT_RÂ&#x2039;jU _U WTU
actually one of the strategic thrust of our development ]^XUÂ&#x192;``qRS]_W`^j â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had interventions in the past but one of the lessons we learnt is that there is the need to really focus on the governance of a project, issues that revolve around building the management capacity, accountability issue; and ensuring there is enough critical mass of trained people that can deliver immunisation services as well as providing the infrastructure and equipment _`UX`U_x]_j
Newswatch Times Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Judge, again, withdraws from sacked Olotuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suit PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja
ter, Jimoh-Lasisi posited that Justice Ademola had equally sued NJC in the same Federal High Court. The NJC lawyer insisted that Justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suit, marked FHC/ABJ/CS/689/2014, is presently before Justice Abdulkadir QXÂ&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2030;]Â?]S]_WU ]^XU WTU TqRÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;cally seeking to restrain NJC from investigating and acting on a petition against Justice Ademola.
Jimoh-Lasisi held that since NJC had vehemently opposed Justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hearing of the case on grounds of lack of jurisdiction, saying it would negate the principle of fair hearing and justice for Justice Ademola, whose case against NJC is also pending at the same Federal High Court to entertain _xRUÂ&#x2039;]HRSj The NJC had argued that Justice Olotuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suit is labour related
and therefore ought to be filed at the National Industrial Court and not the Federal High Court. Faced by the scenario, Jimoh ]TWTWUTÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU_x]_UW_UÂ&#x201A;`Â&#x20AC;VXU be inappropriate for Justice Ademola to proceed to hear the NJCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s preliminary objection ]^XUTÂ&#x20AC;QT_]^_WÂ&#x2019;RUÂ&#x2039;]HRSU]_UT]Â&#x2039;RU time, because â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is clear what his position on the issue was.â&#x20AC;? He argued that since Justice Ademolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grouse is similar to
that of Justice Olotu and Justice Ademola having chosen to sue at the Federal High Court, his position on whether or not the court has jurisdiction to hear such a case was already known. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will not be proper for your lordship to take the applications (defendantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; objection to Justice Olotuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s suits) because we already know your position on this issue,â&#x20AC;? the NJC counsel declared.
ustice Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court, QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]Â&#x160;U]Â ]W^Â&#x160;Ux]^XRXU`5U the suit in which sacked Justice Gladys Olotu of the same court is challenging her compulsory retirement from the bench based on the recommendation of National Judicial Council (NJC). Justice Ademola withdrew from the case yesterday with ]UqS`Â&#x2039;WTRU_`UTR^XUW_TUÂ&#x201E;VRU_`U_xRU Chief Judge for his decision on the issue, on the grounds that the lawyers representing the respondents in the suit (NJC), Phillips Jimoh-Lasisi (SAN) ]^XU H`S^RzÂł R^RS]VU `Â?U _xRU Federation (AGF), Dr. Soni Ajala, had raised the issue of likelihood of bias. This is the second time he would withdraw from the case. He had returned the case Â&#x201E;VRTU_`U_xRU xWRÂ?U Â&#x20AC;XÂ RU`^U Â&#x20AC;VzU 10 but it was later re-assigned to him for adjudication. At the commencement of the case yesterday, NJC lawzRSUTÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU_x]_U Â&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU Xemola should withdraw from handling the suit, alleging likelihood of bias. Advancing reasons before ! "#$%&'(#& &%()&%$ *#+ /0# 1+'2)0'23 4%2%&'+ 1578%& *#99'2$)2< =)>)?)#2 "'@#& 4%2%&'+ F)990 =)Q) '2$ X&%?)$%2( Z)<%the court on why the trial judge &)'2 4[)+$ #5 \$)(#&? "& ]%9) /$%?)2' '( (^% Z)<%&)'2 /&90 _8^##+ #5 X[Q+)8 %+'()#2? '2$ `25#&9'()#2 Z/_X ` 9%$)' q#&w?^#z 5#& Tx`Â&#x20AC;VXUx]^XTU`5UÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U_xRUÂ&#x2039;]_- $)&%8(#&'(% #5 /&90 X[Q+)8 %+'()#2? 1578%&? *#99'2$)2< 1578%&? '2$ =%5%28% *#&&%?z#2$%2(? )2 '<#? 0%?(%&$'0
National Conference lacks constitutional basis, says ASUU Lagos, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In May 2014, our union warned the country that t the just con- the solution to the crisis of the cluded National Nigerian State would not be Executive Coun- found in the National Confercil meeting of the ence because the main thrust Â&#x192;]XRÂ&#x2039;WÂ&#x192;U _]5U smacks of political and class Union of Universities (ASUU), deception and the conference its national president, Dr. Isah is not capable of making any Faggae, described as dubious TÂ&#x20AC;QT_]^_W]VUqS`Â SRTTUW^U]H]W^and illegitimate, the National ing the desired goal of dealing Conference, adding that the away with structures of domiconception is dubious in in- nation.â&#x20AC;? He said since its processes tent. Faggae declared yesterday were rigged, the conference ]_U ]U qSRTTU QSWRÂ&#x201E;^Â U `SÂ ]^WTRXU has no constitutional basis, to conclude the three-day hence its outcome must be conference held at the Lagos deemed illegitimate, even if State University (LASU), Ojo, the National Assembly comes
\_F|\ }/~/ \
to endorse it. The ASUU president described as historical fallacy, argument that the core problem of Nigeria is amalgamation of diverse cultures, thus Nigeria cannot survive as a multi-cultural, multi-religious society. According to him, the problem in Nigeria is that essentially, class rule and class oppression have deprived the vast majority of citizens the Â?Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x201E;VVÂ&#x2039;R^_U `Â?U ]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;RTTU _`U Â ``XU standard of living. â&#x20AC;&#x153;ASUU rejects as false, the idea that major explanation of the crisis in Nigeria is the
Austerity: NLC threatens to resist workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sack cent devaluation of the naira he Nigeria Labour translates to hard times as Congress (NLC) the purchasing power or efhas warned it fective demand of workers is would oppose and ]5RÂ&#x192;_RXÂ&#x160;U ]XÂ&#x2019;WTW^ U Âą `Â&#x2019;RS^frustrate any move ment should rather revisit the by Federal Government to cost and streamline the cost retrench workers as a means of governance and introduce to cut down costs as part of tax on luxury items, such as austerity measure implemen- private jets, celebrative spirits among others but it should tation programme. Making this submission Â&#x201E;ST_U`Â?U]VVÂ&#x160;UXRÂ&#x201E;^RUÂ&#x201A;x]_UVÂ&#x20AC;²Â&#x20AC;SzU while interacting with labour items are.â&#x20AC;? On the socio-economic correspondents in Lagos situation in Nigeria, he said, weekend, Secretary-General â&#x20AC;&#x153;The current situation in of NLC, Dr. Peter I. Ozo-Eson, said the congress disagreed the country frightens us; with the proposal to sack the country is at war but the Â&#x201A;`SÂ&#x2030;RSTUW^U_xRU Â&#x20AC;WTRU`Â?UÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;HW^ U body language of politicians costs, stressing that the start- does not portray it. There is ing point of austerity measure need for a change and as a should be the cut back in the SRTÂ&#x20AC;V_Â&#x160;U _xRU U x]TU Â&#x201A;SWHR^U ]UVRHRSU_`U_xRUqSRTWXR^_U]^XU cost of governance. Ozo-Eson noted that the re- is awaiting reply. The reply
would enable us to know the next appropriate step to take.â&#x20AC;? Speaking on his agenda for NLC in his capacity as the new Secretary-General, he said he would focus on repositioning, reorganisation and revitalisation of the secretariat to play the role of NLC. With this, the congress would be able to identify qS`QVRÂ&#x2039;TU ]^XU Â&#x201E;^XU T`VÂ&#x20AC;_W`^Â&#x160;U noting that the greatest challenge facing NLC is relationship of the secretariat with state councils. Â`Âł T`^U WXR^_WÂ&#x201E;RXU ]^other problem as lack of unity and cohesion in executing decisions taken by congress, stressing that whatever state TRÂ&#x192;SR_]SW]_UX`RTU]5RÂ&#x192;_U_xRUWÂ&#x2039;age of NLC.
clash of religions or clash of culture resulting from the 1914 amalgamation. ASUU rejects the position that the systematic crisis in Nigeria is caused by the existence in the society of irreconcilable difference in ethnic or cultural origin,â&#x20AC;? he said. ]Â Â ]RU ]3SÂ&#x2039;RXU _x]_U _xRU crisis is as a result of evolution of the neo-colonial society, where peoples yearning for economic, political and social freedom has been betrayed by the indigenous ruling class in collaboration with the centresâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Â V`Q]VU Â&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;RU Â&#x192;]qW_]VU W^U _xRU United States, Europe and Asia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From the Structural Adjustment Programme,
through NEEDS, SEEDS and the Transformation Agenda, it has been one self-same story; a story of economic plunder of the wealth that belongs to the Nigerian people by a ruling class dominant in Nigeria but subservient to a capitalist class in Europe, the United States and parts of Asia,â&#x20AC;? he claimed. He explained that the Jaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;amatu Allis Sunna Linddaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; AwatiWai-Jihad, known as Boko Haram, which has historical antecedents in the brutalisation of its members, is complex and hydra-headed and basically a result of the inequalities and a treacherous exploitation of the dispossessed for base political goal.
Intâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;l calls on our network now 50% cheaper â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Glo
lobacom, one of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national telecommunications operator, has said international calls on its network are now 50 per4 cent cheaper, courtesy of Glo IDD Promo. In a press statement in Lagos, signed by Globacomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head of Glo Gateway, Steve Stretch, the company said it had launched a new International Direct Dialing (IDD) promotion, which allows its subscribers to enjoy 50 per cent discount on calls made to popular international destinations. xRU `5RSU WTU ]qqVWÂ&#x192;]QVRU _`U calls made to all lines in the United States, Canada, India and China as well as calls _`U Â&#x201E;²RXU VW^RTU W^U _xRU ^W_RXU Kingdom. Stretch explained that 50 per cent discount is available on the IDD pack, which ]HS]Â&#x192;_TU ]U SR^_]VU Â&#x192;x]S RU `Â?U N500 for N500 bundled airtime for 30 daysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; validity period. Instead of the 20 kobo base rate, the subscriber is charged only 10 kobo per second. Customers are to dial *170*25# to enjoy this ]Â&#x2039;]ÂW^ U`5RSj He urged Globacom subscribers to take advantage of the IDD Promotion to con^RÂ&#x192;_U]^XU_]VÂ&#x2030;U]_U]UÂ&#x192;`T_ÂłR5RÂ&#x192;tive rate with their friends and relations in the countries covered by the promo during this festive season. The IDD promo complements the Glo Unlimited Roaming promo, which allows Glo subscribers who travel outside the country to receive calls on their lines free for 15 days. Roaming subscribers will also enjoy up to 60 minutes of outgoing calls at a competitive rate of N100 per Â&#x2039;W^Â&#x20AC;_RjU xRU `5RSU W^Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;XRTU 15 free SMS and ability to browse the internet at 15 kobo per kilobyte. _SR_Â&#x192;xU T]WXU _xRU `5RSU comes with a subscription fee of N2,500 for a validity period of 15 days.
Akpabio, eminent scholars to grace Abuja ACLD lecture series
head the 2015 general elections, Akpabio Centre for Leadership Development (ACLD), has concluded plans to bring in eminent individuals to address Nigerians on its Akpabioism Leadership Conference, Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xUÂ&#x201A;WVVUx]Â&#x2019;RUW^U]HR^X]^Â&#x192;RU Akwa Ibom State Governor, Godswill Akpabio. Speaking on the theme of the conference, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;The Next Generation of Leadersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, which will be held Friday at Transcorp Hotel in Abuja, Chancellor of ACLD, Pastor Bassey James, said it is very timely and apt to Nigeria, as the nation will be going to
the polls in 2015. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had an economic summit few months back but this summit is very dear to us because Nigeria will develop more if we train youths, based on the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Transformation Agendaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of President Goodluck Jonathan, who has performed excellently well over the years. We are empowering Nigerians to do the right thing, so that Nigeria will not only be good for Nigerians but it will also be a good reference point in the comity of nations. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also intend to promote the strides of our hardworking governor, who in no small way has brought
positive change to our lives through his developmental strides in Akwa Ibom State. We are indeed proud of him and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget that Akpabioism was set up because of the uncommon transformation of Governor Akpabio,â&#x20AC;? Bassey said, while addressing journalists Monday. Vice-Chancellor of University of Abuja, Professor Ahmed Alkali; Director General, Professor Adikwu; Senior Special Assistant to President Jonathan on Youth 5]WSTÂ&#x160;U S`Â?RTT`SU `V]U Â&#x2030;W^terinwa; Comrade Jude Imakwe and Interior Minister, Abbah Moro, are some of the speakers and individuals who will grace the event.
Demolition: Oritsejafor sues Lagos Govt Ekiti monarch tasks FG FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU
Building Control Agency, he Incorpo- Physical Planning Permit rated Trustees Authority and Task Force of Word of Life on Environmental SanitaBible Church tion as respondents in the and its found- suit. He is praying the court er, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, have initiated a suit for â&#x20AC;&#x153;an order of interlocuagainst Lagos State Gov- tory injunction, restrainernment at the state High ing the defendants, their Court, praying the court ]Â R^_TÂ&#x160;U TRSÂ&#x2019;]^_TÂ&#x160;U `3Â&#x192;RSTÂ&#x160;U to stop the state govern- privies or otherwise from ment and six others to demolishing or further stop proposed demoli- demolishing, destroying, dispossessing or forcibly tion of the church. Oritsejafor, who is also ejecting the claimant from President of Christian continuing to take steps Association of Nigeria or in any other manner (CAN) joined Gover- engaging in any activity nor Babatunde Fashola, detrimental or contrary H`S^RzÂł R^RS]VU `Â?U _xRU to the rights of ownerstate, the state Ministry ship or possession of the of Physical Planning and claimant in respect of the Urban Development, claimantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; land located at
Plot 21E, Abdulrahman Â&#x2030;R^RU V`TRÂ&#x160;U 5U WÂ ]VWU Ayorinde Street Victoria Island, Annex Lagos.â&#x20AC;? The cleric emphasised that after applying for building plan approval from the respondents and it was not forthcoming within the regular period, the claimants made due enquires, wrote sevRS]VU VRHRSTU ]^XU ]VT`U xRVXU meetings with former governor of the state, Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Fashola. However, the defendants in their counter afÂ&#x201E;X]Â&#x2019;W_U _`U _xRU Â&#x2039;`_W`^U Â?`SU interlocutory injunction argued that the claimantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; action of not complying with rules and
regulations generated their supposed action. They added that the claimants commenced erection of the structure on the property without Â&#x201E;ST_U`Q_]W^W^ U]UXRÂ&#x2019;RV`qment permit. Meanwhile, counsel to the church, A Ndu Nwokocha, prayed the court yesterday to further ]XÂĽ`Â&#x20AC;S^Â&#x2039;R^_U _xRU Â&#x2039;]HRSU towards enabling him to respond to the defend]^_T¤U Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_RSU ]3X]Â&#x2019;W_U served on him at the court. Subsequently, the court, which was presided over by Justice Deborah Oluwayemi, adjourned the Â&#x2039;]HRSU _WVVU ]^Â&#x20AC;]SzU Â&#x;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;U 2015.
Governor Abiola Ajimobi of Oyo State (left) and Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala; at the wedding ceremony of the Accountant-General of the Federationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s daughter, Jonah Otunla; held at St Patrick Catholic Church, Basorun, Ibadanâ&#x20AC;Ś at the weekend.
FG commended over Ikere dam
ommunity leaders across Oyo North Senatorial District have commended Federal Government for showing renewed interest in revamping Ikere Gorge Dam, a project that has been allegedly abandoned by successive governments since President Shehu Shagari-led administration was ousted by the military. A statement issued by Chief Press Secretary of Senator Hosea Agboola, Mallam Adebayo Muritala, quoted the leaders who comprise heads of community, gender and religious leaders as well as traditional rulers of XW5RSR^_U _`Â&#x201A;^TU ]TU RÂ&#x2039;phasising that President Goodluck Jonathan-led administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolve to harness the turbine components, which were allegedly abandoned for more than 20 years to-
wards generating electricity is at the instance of Agboola. The statement added that the senator called _xRU ]HR^_W`^U `Â?U Â `Â&#x2019;RS^ment to the needs and challenges of Oke Ogun people and commended him for championing the course of Oke Ogun in the Senate. According to the state-
ment: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We noted with satisfaction the pace of work at Ikere Gorge Dam. We believe and know that by the time reconstruction of the road that leads to the dam is completed, Ikere would become potential ]HS]Â&#x192;_W`^U Â?`SU Â&#x2039;RXWÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;U and small-scale industries, which would reduce unemployment rate in the area.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are expressing conÂ&#x201E;XR^Â&#x192;RU W^U xWTU ]QWVW_zU _`U take Oke Ogun to greater heights as the country marches towards general elections next year.â&#x20AC;? Meanwhile, they urged Federal Government to expedite action on the project towards redounding on the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s welfare and development of the area.
ment. Meanwhile, chairman prominent tra- of the event, Clement ditional ruler Olabintan, enjoined the in Ekiti-South youth not to allow some Local Govern- unscrupulous politicians to ment Council use them as political thugs, of Ekiti State, Arajaka of imploring politicians to put Igbara Odo, Oba Edward their community before Olatunji Jayeola, has urged qRST`^]VU`SUTRVÂ&#x201E;TxUW^_RSRT_j â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to belong Federal Government to place more emphasis on to the same party. What is technical education towards important is what we bring checking the alarming rise x`Â&#x2039;RU _`U QR^RÂ&#x201E;_U `Â&#x20AC;SU _`Â&#x201A;^jU of youth unemployment In this town today, we need ]^XUW_TU]HR^X]^_UqS`QVRÂ&#x2039;Tj a tertiary institution. We Jayeola spoke at the week- also need to encourage our end during the celebra- qR`qVRU _`U RT_]QVWTxU Â&#x192;`H] RU tion of Ajodun Igbara Odo industries. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need and launch of N200 mil- political violence.â&#x20AC;? Also, Chairman of Ajolion development fund for dun Igbara Odo Planning ultra-modern civic centre, Â&#x2039;WSRÂ&#x2030;`V]U lamenting several economic `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRÂ&#x160;U woes confronting the coun- `V]XRÂ&#x160;U XRTÂ&#x192;SWQRXU _xRU qS`try, especially youth unem- gramme as home-coming ployment, which are end for all sons and daughters products of the deliberate of Igbara Odo as well as opneglect of technical educa- portunity to bring progress to their homeland. tion by government. `V]XRU _`VXU ÂĽ`Â&#x20AC;S^]VWT_TU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Technical education is the only saving grace that _x]_U _xRU RÂ&#x2019;R^_U WTU Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RÂłX]zU can take us out of the eco- programme, which feanomic mess that we now tured sport competition, Â&#x201E;^XU`Â&#x20AC;STRVÂ&#x2019;RTU]TU]UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzjU beauty contest and other If our youths are exposed social activities, while the to vocational training, I am  S]^XU Â&#x201E;^]VRU Â&#x201A;]TU Â&#x192;`^Â?RSsure they would engage ment of honorary chiefthemselves in productive taincy and merit awards on ventures rather than idling some prominent sons and away and looking for non- daughters of the town. Some of the prominent existing jobs or taking into indigenes of the town that crime.â&#x20AC;? The monarch, therefore, were honoured include commended Ekiti State Clement Olabintan, a pharGovernment for establish- macist; Erelu of Igbara Odo, ing technical college in his Chief Mrs Yemisi Adetown and appealed to gov- tayoan; Charles Osunlola, ernment to equip the col- Ayodele Omotosho, Bada lege so that it would achieve Olukayode George and the purpose for its establish- Mrs Margret Adelusi. RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti
Protests mar Ogun APC senatorial primaries BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta
enatorial primaries of Ogun State Chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC) was marred by various protests yesterday by supporters of some aspirants in Ogun Central, Abeokuta, the state capital. A member of House votes. U ^]_W`^]VU `3Â&#x192;RSU `Â?U _xRU of Representatives, Chairman of the elector- party, Mrs Rachel Akpa]VUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRÂ&#x160;U RxW^XRU Â&#x2030;- bio, urged the delegates Ganiyu Hamzat, while journalinola, declared announced to go all out, work for the addressing Tinubu as the winner hav- candidate and ensure she ists at Iwe Iroyin in ing scored the highest law- emerges victorious in the Abeokuta alleged that ful votes and by implica- general elections. the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leadership tion she would represent Meanwhile, the state failed to conduct the APC in the constituency in Secretary of APC, Wasiu primaries even with the the 2015 elections. Eshilokun, described in- fact the delegates were Tinubu pledged not to troduction of primaries accredited. let the party down, stress- by the party as response Meanwhile, it was W^Â U _x]_U _xRU Â&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;XR^Â&#x192;RU to yearnings of the people, gathered that the acreposed in her is debt and who have been demandshe would pay by ensur- ing for internal democ- creditation didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t start until 4:30 pm at Mosing quality representation. racy.
Tinubuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife emerges senatorial candidate ife of former Lagos State Governor and National Leader of All Progressives Congress (APC), Mrs Oluremi Tinubu, has been re-elected as the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s candidate in its senatorial primaries for Lagos Central District. Tinubu scored 2,354 votes to defeat Adetokunbo Odutola, who polled only 25 of the total 2,428
on technical education
hood Abiola Interna_W`^]VU _]XWÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;U Â&#x20AC;_`Â&#x160;U Abeokuta and crisis began when it was speculated that another aspirant, Prince Lanre Tejuoso, who was allegedly supported by elder brother to Governor Ibikunle Amosun, Alhaji Abidoye Amosun, was conducting another primaries inside June 12 Cultural Centre. It was further gathered that there was sporadic shooting by miscreants who were on ground to checkmate the alleged plan by Abidoye to rig the primaries in favour of Tejuoso and people started scampering to safety, but Hamzat and his supporters went to address journalists at Iwe Iroyin on the matter.
South west
news 9
SSANU charges FG on implementing 2009 agreement OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
hairman of R^W`SU _]5U Association of Nigeria Universities (SSANU), University of Ibadan Branch, Adewale Akinremi, has told Federal Government to prepare for agitation and confrontation by members of the union in 2015 for not implementing the agreement signed with it (SSANU) in 2009, which bordered on improved welfare and upgrade of public universities across the country. Akinremi spoke yesterday while addressing journalists in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, shortly ]Â?_RSU `3Â&#x192;W]VU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;R^Â&#x192;Rment of activities marking SSANU Week in the institution, stressing that members of the union across the country have endured enough and would not tolerate nonimplementation of the agreement any longer by Federal Government from 2016. He emphasised that members of SSANU have begun to doubt whether executive of the union
have not sold out to government on the issue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Must we shut down the universities before we get our dues? Fed-
eral Government signed an agreement with us in 2009, but they have not given us arrears, neither have they implemented
the agreement. It is getting to a position now that we cannot help matters. This outgoing year, our members have not
enjoyed their dues. However, right from next year, if Federal Government fails to implement the agreement, we
shall confront them. Federal Government owes us a lot of money. We are talking of billions of naira here. There is no member of SSANU that has been employed since 2009, who wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get N1 million at least. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are going to make sure that we get our dues from Federal Government. Federal Government has been unfair to our members. Our members have endured to the limit. It has even got to a point that our members are even suspecting that something â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;sinisterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is between us and Federal Government.â&#x20AC;?
INEC urged to make collection of PVCs continuous
chieftain of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Alimosho Local Government Council of Lagos State, Segun Adewale, ! X#+)8% X[Q+)8 %+'()#2? 1578%& '<#? _('(% X#+)8% *#99'2$ ~%2 Zq#?[3 |%'$ #5 _%8[&)(0 Â&#x2021;2)( /88%?? }'2w has implored Chairman X+8 *^[w? "'^'3 |%'$ #5 `2(%&2'+ /[$)( Â&#x2C6;)2w' F)'9)0[3 '<#? _('(% *#99)??)#2%& #5 X#+)8% *#&2%+)[? ~'0#$% of Independent National /$%&'2() '2$ |%'$ #5 *#9z+)'28% '2$ `2(%&2'+ *#2(&#+ /88%?? }'2w X+8 X'(()?#2 }#+%)<^'3 $[&)2< (^% #578)'+ Electoral Commission z&%?%2('()#2 #5 ' z'(&#+ >%^)8+% '2$ #(^%& #z%&'()#2'+ %Â&#x2030;[)z9%2( (# '<#? _('(% X#+)8% *#99'2$ `w%@'Â&#x160;0%?(%&$'0 (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega, to evolve strategy in making the ongoing registration and distribution of permanent voterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cards (PVCs) continuous exercise told the tribunal that she is However, counsel to Aracross the country. election â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Mrs Racheal Ba- thus the poll was not maneither a member of APC egbesola sought adjournAdewale, who is a batunde (a trader), Folorun- nipulated. nor any other political party ment till today and it was senatorial aspirant on sho Olojede (a retired police The candidate of Peoples and got to the polling unit in granted. `3Â&#x192;RSĂ&#x192;Â&#x160;U XR^WÂĽWU Â&#x2030;W^S`q`U Democratic Party (PDP) in the platform of PDP, Counsel to APC, Rotimi (a retired civil servant) and the election, Iyiola Omisore, Ward 8 of Olorunda Local emphasised that the exRauf Ajide Olaegbon (a is challenging the victory of Government Council of the Akeredolu (SAN), said the ercise would have been trader) told the court yes- Aregbesola and APC on the state where she was proper- request was strategic as the Â&#x2039;`SRU XWÂ ^WÂ&#x201E;RXU ]^XU VRTTÂł terday while testifying be- ground that there were no ly accredited and eventually petitioners have not made cumbersome if it could any case before the tribufore it as witnesses that they proper accreditation, addi- voted on the election day. be continuous like the She added that the pro- nal. are not politicians and were tional polling booths were Also, Omisoreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s counsel, unhindered collection of properly accredited before not created and some voters cesses followed during the poll were peaceful as noChris Uche (SAN), said international passports voting on August 9 and the were disenfranchised. body was harassed nor prethey were happy with the and driving licence. process was also hitch-free, Meanwhile, Babatunde vented from voting. He spoke at the weekprogress made so far. end while addressing journalists on state of the country shortly after he gregation at beginning a way of chastising us for might). What is bad in also miny and shame of state collected his PVC, stressof the year that the insur- our wicked deeds and un- trying the Olive branch as arrest, trial and execution.â&#x20AC;? ing that INEC should He prayed for journal- Â&#x20AC;_WVWTRUW_TUÂ&#x203A;Â&#x203A;Â U]SR]U`3Â&#x192;RTU gency would not exceed godliness. We must seek alternative! It is not an act this year, but emphasised the face of God in true of cowardice, it is consid- ists in the state as they across the country and celebrate this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Press made it compulsory for that it could only be pos- repentance and worship ering the Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s option. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The insurgents may Week, stressing that choos- citizens above 18 years to sible if government care- for peace to return to the have reached the hard- ing church for the thanks- register and collect their fully grants amnesty to all country. PVCs, so that the electorâ&#x20AC;&#x153;If we believe that wag- hearted stage of no return, members of Boko Haram giving service is divine as ate would not be disening war against the insur- SRT`VÂ&#x2019;W^Â U _`U Â&#x201E;Â x_U ]^XU XWRU with sincerity of purpose. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boko Haram insurgen- gents is the dictate of com- gallantly to the last man God used the event to send franchised. cy is allowed by God as mon sense (employing our rather than face the igno- message to Nigerians.
Aregbesola opens defence as voters testify before Osun Election Tribunal MICHAEL OLANREWAJU, Osogbo
overnor Rauf Aregbesola of Osun State has opened defence against the petition before the state Election Petition Tribunal challenging his victory in the governorship election, which was held on August 9. Some of the voters in the
Cleric advocates proper amnesty to end insurgency OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
icar of St Andrewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Anglican Church, Ayekale, Ibadan, Canon Oluwole Adelowo, has said that only carefully worked out declaration of unconditional pardon for members of Boko Haram by Federal Government can end the lingering insurgency, which has led to the death of several people across the country. Adelowo spoke at the weekend through a sermon at the thanksgiving TRSÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x192;RU_`UÂ?]Â U`5U_xRUÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â U Press Week of Oyo State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ). The cleric disclosed that God revealed to his con-
APC NASS candidate pledges quality service
dressing journalists shortly after he was declared as winner of the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s primaries to represent Ibadan North Federal Constituency, stressing that needs of members of the constituency, Oyo State and entire country would be his priority and he would not pursue TRVÂ&#x201E;TxU]Â R^X]j He scored 140 of the 336
candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) in Oyo State for House of Representatives, Abiodun Awoleye, has pledged to enhance quality service if elected into the National Assembly in 2015. Awoleye spoke in Ibadan, the state capital, while ad-
valid votes to defeat his close rival, Umar Faruk Arisekola, who polled 114, seeking the electorateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s TÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_U _`Â&#x201A;]SXTU R5RÂ&#x192;_W^Â U meaningful change, which APC wishes to bring into governance across the country. The APC chieftain, who is currently representing the constituency in the
House of Representatives, emphasised that it is glaring that the party being the strongest opposition in the country would give Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) serious run following PDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s insensitivity in the areas of unemployment, security, health, education, agriculture and housing among others.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;In this country, we need a party and candidates _x]_U Â&#x201A;`Â&#x20AC;VXU R5RÂ&#x192;_U ^RÂ&#x192;RTsary change in the areas of education, health, economy, agriculture and housing, that is what our great party (APC) and our candidates including my humble self stand for. We shall give PDP serious run in the 2015 elections.â&#x20AC;?
Newswatch Times
World Report TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
Indian driver earlier accused of rape arrested for assault
Hong Kong splinter groups fast-track rearguard action ahead of camp clearance A
Huge protest banners block a main road along with tents set up by pro-democracy protesters outside the government headquarters at Admiralty in Hong Kong
plinter protest groups calling for democracy for Hong Kong are springing up and fast-tracking action plans as student-led demonstrators consider a retreat from the main campsite which has blocked key downtown arteries for more than two months. Protesters were thin on the ground yesterday ahead of an expected
mid-week clearance of the main camp site at Admiralty, home to governÂ&#x2039;R^_U `3Â&#x192;RTU ]^XU ^R²_U _`U the main Central business district. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Umbrella Movementâ&#x20AC;? protests have been largely peaceful in their demand for a free vote in the Chinese-controlled city. But Chief Executive C.Y. Leung, who has branded the protests illegal, over
the weekend rejected calls for more talks on political reform and warned protesters not to turn to violence when the clearance starts. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The government doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respond to peaceful demonstrations, so naturally there will be more and more radical  S`Â&#x20AC;qTU TRHW^ U Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x160;ÂŞU T]WXU Wong Yeng-tat, founder of Civic Passion which tried to break into the
Legislative Council building last month. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What the government is doing now is pushing people to being more radical.â&#x20AC;? Clashes between protesters and police increased after the clearance of protest sites in the densely populated working-class district of Mong Kok district, on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong harbour. One man
U.S. sanctions aimed at changing power, Russian envoy says
senior Russian diplomat accused the United States yesterday of trying to bring down President Vladimir Putin with the sanctions it has imposed on Moscow over the crisis in Ukraine. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told parliamentary deputies that ties between Moscow and Washington were in a very deep chill and were likely to remain so if the sanctions remained for a long time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is hardly a secret that the goal of the sanctions is to create social and economic conditions to carry out a change of power in Russia,â&#x20AC;? Sergei Ryabkov told a
hearing in the lower house. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There will be no easy or fast way out of this.â&#x20AC;? He said he did not expect the United States to recognise Crimea as part of Russia â&#x20AC;&#x153;for decades to comeâ&#x20AC;? and accused Washington of trying to drive a wedge between Russia and the other former Soviet republics. Ties between Russia and the United States took a dive this year as the Cold War-era foes traded accusations over the crisis in Ukraine, and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has accused Washington of seeking â&#x20AC;&#x153;regime changeâ&#x20AC;?. President Vladimir Putin has portrayed Western T]^Â&#x192;_W`^TU ]TU ]^U ]HRÂ&#x2039;q_U _`U contain Russia and punish
it for becoming strong and independent. State media have often repeated this message and an opinion poll released by the independent Levada research group yesterday showed 74 per cent of Russians have negative views
of the United States, compared to 18 per cent who think the opposite. RÂ&#x2019;]X]U T]WXU _xRU Â&#x201E; Â&#x20AC;SRTU marked the lowest point in Â&#x20AC;TTW]^T¤U ]HW_Â&#x20AC;XRTU _`Â&#x201A;]SXU the United States since 1990, the year before the Soviet Union collapsed.
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov
was jailed for six months on Monday for threatening to burn Mong Kok demonstrators with paint thinner, media said. Since the Mong Kok violence, Civic Passion has started a trend dubbed â&#x20AC;&#x153;shopping revolutionâ&#x20AC;?, in which between 50 and 200 protesters gather in Mong Kok stores which are hugely popular with mainland Chinese. Joe Ling, 26, said he would continue to â&#x20AC;&#x153;shopâ&#x20AC;? to send a message to mainland tourists. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If we continue this, they can see it, and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take these memories back to the mainland, and I think this is necessary,â&#x20AC;? Ling said. Hong Kong, a former British colony, returned to China in 1997. Under a â&#x20AC;&#x153;one country, two systemsâ&#x20AC;? formula, the city has some autonomy from the Communist Partyruled mainland and a promise of eventual uniÂ&#x2019;RST]VUTÂ&#x20AC;5S]Â Rj Beijing has allowed a vote in the next election in 2017, but insists on screening any candidates Â&#x201E;ST_j Another splinter protest group called the Student Front was founded on Saturday, urging protesters to use shields to defend against any clearance, rather than wait to be arrested. It said the protest movement could no longer be restricted to the idea of non-violence. Sporadic movements and fragmented groups are also appearing online through anonymous forums. A message posted on Facebook last week urged people to â&#x20AC;&#x153;partyâ&#x20AC;? at the protest sites over the Christmas holidays, bringing sticks and bricks, media said. But Joshua Wong, one of the key student leaders since the beginning, said his group would maintain the principle of nonviolence during the clearance of the Admiralty site. Âą VR]S]^Â&#x192;RUWTU]UÂ&#x2039;]HRSU`Â?U time,â&#x20AC;? said Chan, 69, who helped build and maintain the studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; study area at the site. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will continue until the last moment and then we will walk away.â&#x20AC;?
n Uber taxi driver appeared in an Indian court yesterday accused of raping a young female passenger, as the popular U.S. online ridehailing service came under Â&#x201E;SRU Â?`SU xWSW^ U ]U Â&#x2039;]^U Â&#x201A;x`U was arrested for a sexual assault three years ago. Indian police said they were considering legal action against the online taxi service for failing to run background checks. The company said there were ^`U XRÂ&#x201E;^RXU SÂ&#x20AC;VRTU W^U ^XW]U on background checks for commercial transport licence and it was working with the government to address the issue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What happened over the weekend in New Delhi WTUx`SSWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;Â&#x160;ÂŞU S]Â&#x2019;WTU ]V]^WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;U QRS¤TUÂ&#x192;xWRÂ?UR²RÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_WÂ&#x2019;RU`3Â&#x192;er, said in a statement. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will do everything, I repeat, everything to help bring this perpetrator to justice.â&#x20AC;? xRU]H]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;UWTU_xRUV]_RT_U_`U XS]Â&#x201A;U ]HR^_W`^U _`U _xRU X]^gers faced by women in the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second-most populous nation. Even after the enactment of new laws imposing stricter penalties and establishing fast-track courts, India is struggling _`U_]Â&#x2039;RU]HW_Â&#x20AC;XRTU_x]_UVR]Â&#x2019;RU women vulnerable to harassment and rape. The arrested driver, Shiv Kumar Yadav, was expected to appear in court yesterday afternoon. He was arrested for raping a woman three years ago QÂ&#x20AC;_UÂ&#x201A;]TUV]_RSU]Â&#x192;Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;WHRXÂ&#x160;Uq`lice said.â&#x20AC;?Every violation by Uber will be evaluated and we will go for legal recourse,â&#x20AC;? said Madhur Verma, deputy commissioner with the Delhi police. Police said the 32-yearold driver dropped the Â&#x201A;`Â&#x2039;]^U x`Â&#x2039;RU ]Â?_RSU ]H]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;ing her and warned her not to inform the authorities. She managed to note the driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number and take a photograph of his car, they said. Police accuse Uber of failing to check whether the driver had a clean police record or had a satellite location device in his car. The sexual assault happened two years after the fatal gang rape of another young woman taking public transport in New Delhi. That case led to nationwide protests and forced the government to address demands for heavier sentences for rape.
Newswatch Times
African Report TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
South Africa court acquits Briton Shrien Dewani in murder trial
` _xU rican court VR]SRXU SW_WTxU Q TW^RTT ]^U xSWR^U R ]^WU zRT_RSX]zU ` U x]S RTU _x]_U xRU q]WXU xW_ R^U_`U WVVUxWTU W RU xWVRU _xRzU RSRU`^Ux`^Rz ``^U W^U ]qRU ` ^U ` SU zR]STU ago. _]_RU qS`TR _`STU x]XU ]S RXU _x]_U R ]^WU q]WXU ° U S]^XU ÅÆ ÃU W^U ]U qV`_U W_xU _]²WU XSW RSU `V]U
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Uganda maid admits torturing toddler after secret filming
maid in ]^X]U x`U ]TU TR SR_VzU V RXU QR]_ing and kickW^ U]U_`XXVRSUx]TUqVR]XRXU WV_zU_`U_`S_ SRjU
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The courtroom was packed as Jolly Tumuhirwe asked for forgiveness
xRU ``_] RU` U_xRU]Q TRU x]TU QRR^U TRR^U `SU Tx]SRXU _x` T]^XTU` U_W RTU`^UT` W]VU RXW]j _RSU ]q_ SW^ U_xRU W`VR^ RU`^U V U_xRU WSV¤TU ]_xRSUSRq`S_RXU_xRUW^ WXR^_U _`Uq`VW RU`^U U ` R QRSj TU xWS R U x`U ]TU ^`_U SRqSRTR^_RXU QzU ]U V] zRSUW^U ` S_ U^` U ] RTU qU _`U °U zR]STU W^U qSWT`^U `SU _xRU SW RU `SU ]U ^RU ` U ]Q` _UÆ UÅÈ É ÃU`SUQ`_xjU ^RU ` U ]^X]¤TU VR]XW^ U ]X ` ]_RTU `5RSRXU _`U SRqSRTR^_UxRSUQ _U_xRU ] WT_S]_RU XR^WRXU xWTU SRÄ RT_U T]zW^ UxRUx]XU^`_U `S ]VVzU^`_W RXU_xRU ` S_j xRU ¤TU ]_WR^ RU _ x]WSRUW^U_xRU ]qW_]V U ] q]V] UT]zTU_xRU_`XXVRS¤TU ]_xRSU QS` RU X` ^U W^U ` S_U xR^U _xRU ]WXU T]WXU TxRU was sorry. xRU ] WT_S]_RU S]^_RXU _xRU T_]_RU ]H`S^Rz¤TU SRÄ RT_U `SU]^U]X¥` S^ R^_U ` U _ `U X]zTU T`U _x]_U TxRU ` VXU ]_xRSU `SRU ] _TU `^U_xRU ]TRjU _RSU_xRUq QVW U` _S] RU _x]_U `VV` RXU _xRU WXR` U q`VW RU x]XU WTT RXU ]U T_]_R R^_UT]zW^ U_xRU x]S RU` U _`S_ SRU ` VXU QRU ] R^XRXU_`U]HR q_RXU SXRSjU
Honeymoon murder accused Shrien Dewani
Yemen migrant boat carrying Ethiopians sinks killing 70
boat carrying African migrants has sunk `5U R R^¤TU RT_RS^U `]T_ U WVVW^ U U qR`qVR U R R^WU `3 W]VTU said. xRU Q`]_ U ]SSzW^ U `T_VzU _xW`qW]^U W S]^_T U T]^ U `5U R R^¤TU ]V³ ] x]U q`S_U X RU _`U strong winds and rough ] RT U TR SW_zU `3 W]VTU said. R^TU ` U _x` T]^XTU ]__R q_U_`U S`TTU_xRU RXU R]U W^_`U R R^U R RSzU zR]S U ` _R^U W^U SW R_z U ` RS S` XRXU RTTRVTjU ^XSRXTU x] RU XWRXU ] W^ U _xRU¥` S^Rzj R R^U WTU WR RXU QzU ]^zU W S]^_TU]TU]U ]_R ]zU_`U_xRU WXXVRU ]T_U`SU S`qRj xRU V]_RT_U TW^ W^ U ` ]^XU _xSR]_R^W^ U _`U WVVU SSRXU`^U ]_ SX]z U W_xU xW U W^U _xSRRU X]zTU W U _xRU j jU XWXU ^`_U RR_U _xRU SRq`S_TU ` U _xRU W^ WXR^_U S` q¤TU ^TqR W RXU XR- R RS W^ U`^U ^X]zj xRU RXU R]U S`TTW^ U mands.
U.S. unaware of S/African hostage talks –Envoy
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Newswatch Times
Editorial Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on truth
OUR VISION To support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest for justice through intellectual approach
Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)
To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence
! " # $ % $ ! editorial@mynewswatchtimesng.com and addressed to the Editor, Newswatch Times, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
FGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inactive taskforce on abandoned projects
early three years after federal government investigative SRq`S_TUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXU that more than 20,000 federal projects have been abandoned, the clueless government said September 15 it is just mooting _xRUTRHW^Â UÂ&#x20AC;qU`Â?U]U_]TÂ&#x2030;UÂ?`SÂ&#x192;RU_`U x]V_U_xRUS`Â Â&#x20AC;RUÂ?RRÂ&#x192;W^Â U`Â?U_xRU nation. If the executive arm of government is guilty of gross inaction and insensibility, the legislative arm too has demonstrated any serious Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;W_Â&#x2039;R^_UWTUÂ&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;W^Â U_xRU waste of government funds in the abandoned projects that VWHRSU_xRUÂ&#x192;`^T_W_Â&#x20AC;R^Â&#x192;WRTU_xRzU supposedly represent. For instance, more than 15 months after, the National Assembly is yet to pass the bill Â&#x2039;``_RXU_`UÂ&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;UÂ&#x20AC;^QSWXVRXU wastage and corruption in abandoned projects; mum is the word from the National Assembly, as if they were unconcerned that the welfare of their constituencies means nothing to them so far their pecuniary appetites are VÂ&#x20AC;T_Â?Â&#x20AC;VVzUT]_WTÂ&#x201E;RXjUU Head of Service of the Federation Mr. Danladi Kifasi said in Abuja Sept. 15 before directors in the service that government was worried by the waste from abandoned projects by federal ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). He said government has resolved to set up a project performance and monitoring _]TÂ&#x2030;Â?`SÂ&#x192;RU_`UqÂ&#x20AC;^WTxUÂ&#x192;`^_S]Â&#x192;_`STU who collect mobilization funds and disappear. However, this cannot be unless the odious image of the Civil Service is redeemed in order to restore qÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;XR^Â&#x192;RU]^XUSRÂ&#x2019;RSTRU the notion that â&#x20AC;&#x153;government business is nobodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s businessâ&#x20AC;?. To what extent Kifasi can clean the Service rot, which has QRÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;RU]UÂ&#x192;]^Â&#x2030;RSÂ&#x201A;`SÂ&#x2039;Ă&#x2039;U Indeed, the abandoned projects by Federal Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDA) had climbed from 11,886 three years ago to 20,000, Â `W^Â UQzUÂ&#x201E;Â Â&#x20AC;SRTUTÂ&#x20AC;qqVWRXUQzU
the Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Â&#x192;`^`Â&#x2039;zU STjU  `ÂWU Â&#x2030;`^ÂĽ`Âł Iweala. qR]Â&#x2030;RSU `Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U Representatives, Hon. Aminu Tambuwal had mooted in July last year a bill to compel MDAs to implement national budgets in order to halt disturbing trend of failed and abandoned projects. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is _WÂ&#x2039;RUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x192;x]^ RXUÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U_xRUT`Âł Â&#x192;]VVRXUÂ&#x192;]TxÂłQ]TRXUQÂ&#x20AC;X R_W^ U TzT_RÂ&#x2039;U_`UqRSÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;]^Â&#x192;RÂłQ]TRXU budgetingâ&#x20AC;Ś.We hope that all arms of government, especially the Legislature and the Executive will learn _`UQÂ&#x20AC;WVXU_xRUÂ&#x2030;W^XU`Â?UTz^RS zU that will encourage budget implementation and reduce poverty in the land.â&#x20AC;? In addition, Tambuwal noted, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Presidential Projects TTRTTÂ&#x2039;R^_U `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRUĂ&#x2026;_Â&#x201A;`U years ago) estimated that over 11,886 projects valued at N7.7 trillion were abandoned after government had spent N2.2 trillion on them, and N9 trillion is required to complete the abandoned projects. This is unsupportable wastages. I advocate performance budgeting.â&#x20AC;? Indeed, when similar unaudited abandoned projects by the 36 states and 774 local governments are added, the Â&#x201E; Â&#x20AC;SRUÂ&#x201A;`Â&#x20AC;VXUQRU]T_`Â&#x20AC;^XW^ jUU Many National Assembly Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSTUÂ?RRÂ&#x192;RU_xS`Â&#x20AC; xUQ` Â&#x20AC;TU and unaccounted constituency project votes. The legislative â&#x20AC;&#x201C; executive feud over N80 billion constituency projects has bogged down implementation of the 2013 Appropriation Act. xWTUÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;RXUÂ&#x201E;TÂ&#x192;]VU W^XWTÂ&#x192;WqVW^RÂ&#x160;U Â&#x2030;`^ÂĽ`Âł Â&#x201A;R]V]U SR SRHRXUx]TU]VV`Â&#x201A;RXU_xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_Sz¤TUXRQ_UqS`Â&#x201E;VRU_`UÂ&#x192;VWÂ&#x2039;QU to $37 billion, almost to the position before the expensive bailout during the Obasanjo administration. Despite executive agencies and the SRTWXR^Â&#x192;zUÂ?]WVW^ U_`UÂ&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U SRW^UW^UÂ&#x201E;TÂ&#x192;]VUW^XWTÂ&#x192;WqVW^RÂ&#x160;U_xRU Finance Minister is strangely advocating the collection of more foreign loans when
previous loans have remained unaccounted for and projects ^`_UTRR^U_`UQR^RÂ&#x201E;_U_xRUqR`qVRjUU The Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) was enacted in July Â&#x17E;Â?Â?Â&#x203A;jU ^Â&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;^UWTU_xRUWÂ&#x2039;q]Â&#x192;_U of the Fiscal Responsibility Commission set up to manage prudently the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s SRT`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x192;RTÂ&#x160;UR^TÂ&#x20AC;SRUV`^ ³_RSÂ&#x2039;U macroeconomic stability, secure greater accountability ]^XU_S]^Tq]SR^Â&#x192;zUW^UÂ&#x201E;TÂ&#x192;]VU operations . Bureau of Public Procurement, established to Â&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U_xRTRUÂ?S]Â&#x20AC;XTÂ&#x160;Ux]TUQRR^U W^R5RÂ&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;RjUU The NASS that should perform oversight function on the executive has largely slept on its duty. This is why in the past 14 years federal recurrent expenditures is about 75 per cent to service a few thousands `Â?UqÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;U`3Â&#x192;RUx`VXRSTUÂ&#x201A;xWVRU]U Â&#x2039;WTRSVzUÂ&#x17E;°UqRSUÂ&#x192;R^_U_]Â&#x2030;RTUÂ&#x192;]SRU`Â?U
the rest 160m million people. During a tour of abandoned projects last year Minister of ^Â?`SÂ&#x2039;]_W`^U ]Q]S]^U ]Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;U x]XUÂ&#x201E;^Â RSRXU_x]_U_xRUXRTWSRUÂ?`SU RÂ `UÂ&#x192;SRXW_U_]Â&#x2030;W^Â Â&#x160;US]_xRSU_x]^U service delivery, was behind the drive for new projects and abandoning of old ones. The embarrassing trend might stall new projects in 2014 and 2015. The abandoned projects include power projects, for which billions of dollars have QRR^UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXUÂ&#x201A;W_xU^`U production of electricity, road, rail, and water transportation infrastructure to jumpstart the economy and provide job opportunities, education, and health institutions provisioning, infrastructure to provide X`Â&#x2039;RT_WÂ&#x192;UTRVÂ?ÂłTÂ&#x20AC;3Â&#x192;WR^Â&#x192;zUW^U food and fuel. Other factors are pitiable planning, inadequate
budgeting, delay in releasing project funds, which leads to project execution delay, increased contract cost variation and ultimate abandonment ]^XUÂ&#x192;`^_S]Â&#x192;_UTqVWHW^ U_`U WÂ&#x2019;RU jobs for the boys. President ``XVÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U `^]_x]^UÂ&#x192;]^^`_U ]5RÂ&#x192;_Uq`TW_WÂ&#x2019;RVzU`^UqR`qVRTU welfare without urgently Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SQW^ UÂ&#x192;`SSÂ&#x20AC;q_W`^UQzU`3Â&#x192;W]VTU using fraudulent ploys: upfront payments for contracts prior _`UR²RÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_W`^Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;xW_RÂłRVRqx]^_U Â&#x2039;`^RzÂłV]Â&#x20AC;^XRSW^ UqS`ÂĽRÂ&#x192;_TU proposed principally to pull out money from the treasury. Exposing contractors that have collected money for jobs not done and bringing _xRÂ&#x2039;U_`U_SW]VUÂ&#x201A;WVVUR5RÂ&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;RVzU Â&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U_xRUÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;V_Â&#x20AC;SRU`Â?UWÂ&#x2039;qÂ&#x20AC;^W_zU in abandoned projects. The ]Q]^X`^RXUqS`ÂĽRÂ&#x192;_TUQ]XVzU]5RÂ&#x192;_U peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; welfare countrywide.
Newswatch Times
View Point Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Police road blockade and FRSC extortion in Anambra
xÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;QVzU Â&#x201A;WTxU _`U XS]Â&#x201A;U z`Â&#x20AC;SU ]HR^_W`^U _`U _xRU XRVWQRS]_RVzU W^XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;RXU _S]3Â&#x192;U x`VXÂłÂ&#x20AC;qU W^U _xRU Â&#x192;]qW_]VU `Â?U ^]Â&#x2039;QS]U _]_RÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;Â&#x2030;]Ă&#x2022; Amawbia due to the irrational blockage of one lane of Zikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Avenue by the former `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^RSU `Â?U `VWÂ&#x192;RjU xR^U _xRU SÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;SU `Â?U `Â&#x2030;`U ]S]Â&#x2039;UW^Â&#x201E;V_S]_W`^U_`U_xRU _]_RTUW^U_xRUT`Â&#x20AC;_xU Â&#x201A;]TU ]W^W^ U S`Â&#x20AC;^XÂ&#x160;U_xRUÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;RSU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^RSU`Â?U `VWÂ&#x192;RUXRÂ&#x201E;RXU]VVUTR^TRU`Â?UÂ?]WS^RTTÂ&#x160;UXRÂ&#x192;R^Â&#x192;zÂ&#x160;UqÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;U W^_RSRT_Â&#x160;USRT`VÂ&#x20AC;_W`^U`Â?U_xRU ^]Â&#x2039;QS]U _]_RU `Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzU]^XU`Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;V]SUqS``Â?U`Â?U_xRU_S]3Â&#x192;UqS`QVRÂ&#x2039;U created and blocked the Federal High Way in front `Â?UxWTU`3Â&#x192;RU`^U WÂ&#x2030;¤TU Â&#x2019;R^Â&#x20AC;RÂ&#x160;U]_U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x201A;QW]jU RUx]XU _xRU_RÂ&#x2039;RSW_zU]^XUR5S`^_RSzU_`UX`UW_UTWÂ&#x2039;qVzUQRÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;TRU some of the irrationally minded Northerners still SR ]SXU_xRU  Q`U]TUÂąÂ&#x192;`^Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;RSRX¤¤UqR`qVRUÂ&#x201A;x`UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;VXU ^`_U Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;RT_W`^U ]^zU Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x192;`^TÂ&#x192;W`^]QVRU ]^XU SRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;VRTTU actions against personal or collective interest. `U `VWÂ&#x192;RU 3Â&#x192;RSU Â&#x201A;W_xU W^_R SW_zU Â&#x201A;`Â&#x20AC;VXU x]Â&#x2019;RU W^XÂ&#x20AC;V RXU W^U TÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;xU Â?] S]^_U ]QÂ&#x20AC;TRU `Â?U `3Â&#x192;RU W^U _xRU Northern States of the Federation. In virtually all _xRU _]_RU ]qW_]VTÂ&#x160;U `VWÂ&#x192;RU`3Â&#x192;RTU]SRUV`Â&#x192;]_RXU]V`^ U the streets and major roads and none of them was Â&#x192;V`TRXU _`U _S]3Â&#x192;U QRÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;TRU `Â?U _xRU WÂ&#x2039;] W^]SzU Q`Â&#x2039;QTU of the dreaded Boko Haram religious extremists. xRSRU ]SRU `_xRSU _Â&#x201A;`U `VWÂ&#x192;RU `3Â&#x192;RU ]V`^ U _xRU S`]XTU W^U Â&#x201A;Â&#x2030;]Â&#x160;U`^RUWTUQRxW^XU_xRU SWT`^TU]^XU_xRU`_xRSUWTU at the court road but they were not blocked due to imaginary dread of Boko Haram bomb scare. There WTU^`_xW^ UTqRÂ&#x192;W]VU]Q`Â&#x20AC;_U_xRU `VWÂ&#x192;RU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^RS¤TU `3Â&#x192;RU]_U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x201A;QW]U_`UÂ&#x201A;]SS]^_U]UQV`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;] RU`Â?U]UÂ&#x2039;]ÂĽ`SU road which had subjected motorists to agony from _S]3Â&#x192;U SWXV`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;jU
_`UX`UÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRUTRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SW_zU`Â?U_xRU `VWÂ&#x192;RU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^RSjU After all it has been there since the state was ^U SR]VW_zU _`X]zÂ&#x160;U `Â&#x2030;`U ]S]Â&#x2039;U ]Â&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;W_WRTU x]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x192;SR]_RXUW^UÂ&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x;jUU Â&#x192;`^Â&#x192;R^_S]_RXUW^U_xRU `S_xÂł ]T_Uq]S_U`Â?U_xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzU R^]Â&#x192;RU`Â?U_xRU RXRS]VU `]XU ]Â?R_zU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^U and there are no reported cases of bombing police Ă&#x2026; Ă&#x192;UW^U S]3Â&#x192;U SWXV`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;UÂťU Â&#x20AC;RU_`UÂ&#x192;S]TTUWÂ&#x2039;qÂ&#x20AC;^W_zÂ&#x160;U stations in the Southern part of the country. Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU WTU _xRU `SXRSU `Â?U _xRU X]zU W^U WÂ RSW]Â&#x160;U _xRU Motorists have been subjected to agony as they `qRS]_WÂ&#x2019;RTU`Â?U_xRU UÂ VRRÂ?Â&#x20AC;VVzUT_]_W`^U_xRÂ&#x2039;TRVÂ&#x2019;RTU divert and meander through the narrow streets along Zikâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Avenue near Paul University and the ]^XU _xRU `^RÂłV]^RU S`]XU _`U Â&#x201A;Â&#x2030;]U `Â&#x20AC;_xU `Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x192;WVU road to the Ministry of Works to supposedly check Polycarp Onwubiko
Motorists have been subjected to agony as they divert and meander through the narrow streetsâ&#x20AC;Ś. cyclists and tri-cyclists who earn meager income to avoid social problems due to pervasive unemployment `3Â&#x192;RU]^XU_xRU SWT`^TjU SWÂ&#x2019;RSTU`Â?UV`^Â UÂ&#x2019;RxWÂ&#x192;VRTUÂ&#x201A;W_xU heavy loads recount their ordeal in the narrow QR^XW^Â Â&#x160;U]^XU]VT`U_xRU`^RÂłV]^RUx]TUQRR^UX]Â&#x2039;]Â RXU XÂ&#x20AC;RU_`UxR]Â&#x2019;zU_S]3Â&#x192;U]^XU_xRUÂ ]SÂ ]^_Â&#x20AC;]^UÂ&#x201A;RWÂ x_U`Â?U _WqqRSTUÂ&#x201A;W_xUT]^XÂ&#x160;U_S]WVRSTU]^XU`WVU_]^Â&#x2030;RSTj Removing the road block will not have anything
Â&#x2039;`_`SWT_TU Â&#x201A;x`U X`U ^`_U ]3²U TR]_U QRV_U ]^XU `_xRSU _xW^ TjU xWTU_x`Â&#x20AC; x_VRTTUx]QW_UÂ&#x192;SR]_RTU_S]3Â&#x192;Ux`VXU Ă?Â&#x20AC;qTU]^XUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;RSÂ&#x192;W]VUXSWÂ&#x2019;RSTÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;RSÂ&#x192;W]VUÂ&#x192;zÂ&#x192;VWT_TU and try-cyclists avoid them by going through narrow and dilapidated streets and subjecting q]TTR^ RSTU_`U] `^zU]^XUQWHRSUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qV]W^_Tj
xRUSR]T`^]QVRUR²qRÂ&#x192;_]_W`^UWTU_x]_U UÂ&#x192;]SSzU out their duties along the high ways and not T_SRR_TĂ&#x2022;S`]XTU SW x_U W^TWXRU _xRU _`Â&#x201A;^TjU R]_U QRV_U WTU WXR]VVzU]^XUTqRÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]VVzUÂ&#x2039;R]^_UÂ?`SUxW xÂ&#x201A;]zTU]^XU roads where vehicles engage in speed. It is not Â&#x2039;R]^_UÂ?`SUT_SRR_TÂ&#x160;US`]XTU]^XUW^TWXRU_`Â&#x201A;^TUQRÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;TRU drivers do not go on speed that would engender fatal accidents due to many vehicles on the road ]^XU_S]3Â&#x192;jU xRU U`3Â&#x192;W]VTUTxRRqWTxVzUÂ&#x192;VW^ U_`U_xRUSÂ&#x20AC;VRU of seat belt but fail to make use of their reasoning Â?]Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;V_zU _`U T]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x2039;`_`SWT_TU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U ] `^zU W^U _S]3Â&#x192;U gridlock and snarls since seat belt is not for the streets and roads inside the towns and villages. It is meant to minimize the impact of accident due to speed in roads and expressways where speed is inevitable. My prayers to the Inspector General of Police is to direct the dismantling of _xRU S`]XQV`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U W^U Â?S`^_U `Â?U xWTU `3Â&#x192;RjU xRSRU WTU ^`U threat of Boko Haram bomb in Anambra State. xRU U RÂ&#x192;_`SU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;]^XRSU W^U ^]Â&#x2039;QS]U _]_RU Tx`Â&#x20AC;VXU SRÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x2019;RU xWTU `3Â&#x192;W]VTU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U _xRU S`]XU W^TWXRU Â&#x201A;Â&#x2030;]U ]qW_]VU W_zU]^XUVR_U_xRÂ&#x2039;U `U_`U_xRU Â&#x2039;]ÂĽ`SUS`]XTUVWÂ&#x2030;RU Â&#x2039;]Â&#x201A;QW]UÂłU Â&#x2030;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;V`QW]US`]XU]^XU Â&#x2039;]Â&#x201A;QW]UĂ?U ^W_Tx]U ²qSRTTU ]zUÂ&#x201A;xRSRUXSWÂ&#x2019;RSTU go on speed and enforce the necessity for seat QRV_U]^XU`_xRSUÂ&#x192;xRÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;TjU xRU U`3Â&#x192;W]VTUx]Â&#x2019;RU^`U Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VÂ&#x2039;TUW^UR²_`S_W^ UÂ&#x192;zÂ&#x192;VWT_TU]^XU_SWÂłÂ&#x192;zÂ&#x192;VWT_TUÂ&#x201A;x`U earn meager income to avoid social problems due to pervasive unemployment.
Mr. Onwubiko is a commentator on national issues and author, Awka, Anambra State.
Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Haram havoc same as failed, rogue politicians
hen we begin to conceptualize that Boko Haram has done more damage to our nation as did the q`VW_WÂ&#x192;W]^TUÂ&#x2039;]zUQRUÂ&#x20AC;^XRSU_x]_USR]VWTÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;WVVUÂ?Â&#x20AC;TRU the puzzle together and clearly understand that we ]SRU^`_UÂ&#x201E; x_W^ UXRÂ&#x2039;`^WÂ&#x192;UR²_SRÂ&#x2039;WT_TĂ&#x17D;UÂ&#x201A;RU]SRUQ]HVW^ U with a colony of blood sucking men who use anything at their XWTq`T]VU_`UÂ&#x192;VW^ UÂ&#x20AC;^_`Uq`Â&#x201A;RSjU `UWÂ?URÂ&#x2019;RSUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;W^U_xRUQ]HVRUÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRTRU Â&#x20AC;^SRqR^_]^_UTRÂ&#x192;_TÂ&#x160;U_xRU]Â&#x192;_Â&#x20AC;]VUÂ&#x201A;]SUÂ&#x2039;W x_UT_WVVURVÂ&#x20AC;XRUÂ&#x20AC;TU]VVj Boko Haram has always been with us only that they were of a XW5RSR^_U^]Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x160;UÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;U] R^X]U]^XUW^Â?Â&#x20AC;R^Â&#x192;RjU TUXWXUÂ&#x2039;WVW_]^Â&#x192;zU_x]_U Â&#x201A;RUTÂ&#x20AC;XXR^VzUSR]VWÂRXUW^U_xRUĂ&#x201C;Â?¤TÂ&#x160;UW_Ux]TU]VÂ&#x201A;]zTUQRR^U]UV`^ U]Â&#x201A;]W_RXU struggle for self-recognition of depriving a region of their actual due. `_UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVU_xRUVWÂ&#x2030;RTU`Â?U `Â&#x2039;q`V`U_xRU¹ `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_ÂŞÂ&#x160;U T]SWU `Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;Q`U]^XU their likes took up arms against the government before we woke up to our deafening reality; that you do not unjustly justify a wrong; you X`U^`_UWÂ&#x2039;q`Â&#x2019;RSWTxU]UqR`qVRU_x]_UqS`Â&#x2019;WXRU]Q`Â&#x20AC;_UĂ&#x2021;Â?Ă&#x201D;U`Â?Uz`Â&#x20AC;SU^]_Â&#x20AC;S]VU resources; it is clear that when you push a man so close to the wall Â&#x201A;W_x`Â&#x20AC;_USRTq`^TRUz`Â&#x20AC;U]SRUQ`Â&#x20AC;^XU_`URÂ&#x2019;R^_Â&#x20AC;]VVzUTVÂ&#x20AC; UW_U`Â&#x20AC;_UW^U]UQ]HVRU`Â?U resistance. `_Â&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVU_xRU]Â&#x2039;^RT_zUqS` S]Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;RU_x]_U]Â&#x192;_Â&#x20AC;]VVzUQS`Â&#x20AC; x_U]UTR^TRU`Â?U peace to the Niger Delta region although massive work still need to be done in Niger-Delta at least it is nationally clear that most of the Niger RV_]Uz`Â&#x20AC;_xTU]SRU^`UÂ&#x2039;`SRUSRT_VRTTÂ&#x160;U_xRzUx]Â&#x2019;RUQ]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;RXUX`Â&#x201A;^U`^U_xRWSU vengeful mission to run down the Nigeria government to some extent a reclusive peace was found along with the amnesty. `Â&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUÂ&#x201A;RUS]qWXVzUQR W^U_`U_]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;VRUWTTÂ&#x20AC;RTUVWÂ&#x2030;RU_xRUXSR]XRXU Q`V]U disease the likes of Boko-Haram will continue to poke their ugly head on our seemingly helpless political landscape. Politicians clearly x]Â&#x2019;RUV`T_U_xRUTzÂ&#x2039;q]_xzU`Â?U_xRUqR`qVRÂ&#x160;U_xRz¤SRU]QT`VÂ&#x20AC;_RVzUXWTÂ&#x192;`^^RÂ&#x192;_RXU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U_xRUqR`qVR¤TU_SÂ&#x20AC;T_UÂ&#x201A;xR_xRSU_xRUVWÂ&#x2030;RTU`Â?U RTÂ&#x2039;`^XU VÂ&#x20AC;Tx`V]U VVW`_Â&#x160;U ]Â&#x2019;WX`Â&#x160;UĂ&#x201C;WÂ&#x192;RU`SU ]Â&#x2039;RTU `^XUWTUR^_RSW^ UW^_`Uq`VW_WÂ&#x192;Tj It is visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that the system Â&#x201A;WVVU^`_U`^VzUÂ&#x192;`SSÂ&#x20AC;q_U_xRWSUV]Â&#x20AC;X]QVRUW^_R^_W`^TÂ&#x160;UW_UÂ&#x201A;WVVUÂ&#x192;`^TÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;RUW_U]^XU SRÂ&#x192;zÂ&#x192;VRUW_UW^_`U_xRU RÂ&#x2030;zVU]^XU zXRUÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;U`Â?Uq`VW_WÂ&#x192;TUW^UÂ&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU_xRSRUWTU an elusive Godfather and a robber who keeps his on part of the deal. If politicians can loot public funds without being held accountable Â?`SU_xRWSU]Â&#x192;_W`^TÂ&#x160;UWÂ?U]^UÂ&#x20AC;^_`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x192;x]QVRUÂ&#x192;]Q]VUÂ&#x192;]^UTÂ&#x2030;WVÂ?Â&#x20AC;VVzUXÂ&#x20AC;qRUÂ&#x;°Â?U Â&#x2039;WVVW`^UqR`qVRUÂ&#x201A;W_x`Â&#x20AC;_U]^zUÂ&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;UR²qV]^]_W`^U`SUSRqSWÂ&#x2039;]^XUÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U_xRU government that constantly vows to protect their interest; if thirty-six grown men did an election and still shamelessly agree that sixteen votes overrides nineteen votes; then actually we are only a country W^UTRVÂ?ÂłXRÂ&#x192;RW_U]^XUÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUÂ&#x201A;RUSWTRUÂ&#x20AC;qU_` R_xRSU_`UTqR]Â&#x2030;U] ]W^T_UW^ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RÂ&#x160;U ^Rq`_WTÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;UÂ?]Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;SW_WTÂ&#x2039;U]^XUÂ&#x192;`SSÂ&#x20AC;q_W`^Â&#x160;U `Â&#x2030;`Âł ]S]Â&#x2039;UÂ&#x2039;W x_UÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_UQRU]U_WqU of ice-berg. 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Are we ready to give them the best medical and psychological care that _xRUÂ&#x201A;`SVXUÂ&#x192;]^U`5RSĂ&#x2039;UWÂ?U^`_UÂ&#x201A;RU]SRU`^VzUÂ&#x192;]SSzW^ U]UVWÂ&#x2039;W_RXUqV]Â&#x192;]SXU`Â?U x`qRVRTT^RTTÂ&#x160;U]UqV]Â&#x192;]SXUÂ&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xUÂ&#x201A;SW_RTUÂą SW^ U ]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U Â&#x20AC;SU WSVTÂŞUÂ&#x201A;WVVU
Ademola Orunbon XRÂ&#x2039;]^XUÂ?S`Â&#x2039;UÂ&#x20AC;TU]U^RÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x2030;W^XU`Â?UÂ?]Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x160;U]U^RÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x2030;W^XU`Â?Ux`qRU]^XUWÂ?U`Â&#x20AC;SU purpose is as limited as supposed then the girls should rather stay aloof because what greater death will it be to have lived for months in the hands of terrorists eventually to be released into a society where T_W Â&#x2039;]_WÂ]_W`^UqSRÂ&#x2019;]WVTÂ&#x160;U]UT`Â&#x192;WR_zUÂ&#x201A;xRSRUq`Â&#x201A;RSUx`VXRSTUX`^¤_U WÂ&#x2019;RU]U _Â&#x201A;`Ux``qUW^U ]XRTU]Q`Â&#x20AC;_UxRSUÂ&#x192;W_WÂR^TÂ&#x160;U]UT`Â&#x192;WR_zUÂ&#x201A;xRSRUW^Â?S]T_SÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_Â&#x20AC;SRUWTU XRÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;WR^_Â&#x160;U]UT`Â&#x192;WR_zUÂ&#x201A;xRSRUÂ&#x20AC;^W_zUWTU]^UWVVÂ&#x20AC;TW`^U]^XUV`Â&#x2019;RU]U^`^³ S]_W]j xWVRUÂ&#x201A;RU]SRUQRXRÂ&#x2019;WVVRXUQzU]^UÂ&#x20AC;^SRqR^_]^_U `Â&#x2030;`Âł ]S]Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RU]SRU ]VT`Ux]^XWÂ&#x192;]qqRXUQzU]UTRÂ&#x192;_U`Â?UÂ&#x192;]Q]VTU_x]_Ux]Â&#x2019;RUÂ&#x2019;`Â&#x201A;RXU_`UT_WÂ?RU_xRU treasury. Boko Haram uses the conventional tactics while our erstwhile q`Â&#x201A;RSUx`VXRSTUÂ&#x20AC;TRTU_xRUÂ&#x2039;`XRS^UÂ&#x192;V]TTWÂ&#x192;]VU_RÂ&#x192;x^WĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;RTU_`UÂ?`^XVRU_xRU ^]_W`^¤TUSRT`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x192;RTUÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRWSUÂ&#x192;`VVRÂ&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;RU SRRXjU `Â&#x2039;RX]zÂ&#x160;U Ux`qRU]Â&#x192;S`TTU _xRUT]Â&#x192;SRXU]WTVRĂ&#x17D;U]^XUQRz`^XU_xRU_xSRTx`VXU`Â?U SRRXUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;WVVUV``Â&#x2030;U]xR]XÂ&#x160;U QRz`^XU_xRUÂ&#x192;`SSÂ&#x20AC;q_W`^U`Â?U_xWTUqSRTR^_URS]Â&#x160;U]Q`Â&#x2019;RU_xRUÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x192;RTU]^XUÂ&#x2019;WS_Â&#x20AC;RTU of our power holders even beyond the smoking anger of the dreaded Boko-Haram sect so that the struggles of our heroes past. xRUq]W^TU`Â?U`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ?]VVR^UÂ&#x2039;R^UW^UQ]HVRÂ&#x160;U_xRUq]TTW`^UW^U_xRUÂ&#x192;`]_U`Â?U ]SÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;U_xRUÂ&#x2019;WTW`^TU`Â?U`Â&#x20AC;SU^]_W`^]VUÂ?] UTx]VVU^`_UQRUW^UÂ&#x2019;]W^jU xR^UVRTTÂ&#x160;U WÂ?UÂ&#x201A;R¤SRUQ`Â&#x2039;Q]SXRXUQzU_xRUVWÂ&#x2039;W_RXUÂ&#x201E;SRUq`Â&#x201A;RSU`Â?U_xRTRUV`_TÂ&#x160;UWÂ?UÂ&#x201A;RU]SRU Â&#x192;`^T_]^_VzU_RSS`SWÂRXUQzU`Â&#x20AC;SUq`VW_WÂ&#x192;]VUÂĽÂ&#x20AC;  RS^]Â&#x20AC;_TÂ&#x160;U_xR^UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x192;]^Ux`VXUĂ?U `^U`Â&#x20AC;SUV]_R^_UxR]S_U_xRU `VXR^UÂ&#x192;`V`Â&#x20AC;STÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x192;]^U ]VV]^_VzUSWTRU]Q`Â&#x2019;RU`Â&#x20AC;SU recurring hopelessness so that the dreams of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youngsters will blossom. TUÂ&#x201A;RU_xR^UÂ?]^Â&#x2030;Âł`Â&#x20AC;_UW^U`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ&#x2019;]SW`Â&#x20AC;TUS`VRTU]TU^]_W`^UQÂ&#x20AC;WVXRSTÂ&#x160;U SR ]SXVRTTU`Â?U`Â&#x20AC;SUq`VW_WÂ&#x192;]VU]3VW]_W`^TÂ&#x160;USRVW W`Â&#x20AC;TUÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;QSRVV]U]^XUR_x^WÂ&#x192;U Â&#x192;`V`S]_W`^Â&#x160;UVR_¤TUQR W^U_`UTqR]Â&#x2030;UW^U`^R^RTTU]V_x`Â&#x20AC; xUW_UT`Â&#x20AC;^XUÂ&#x20AC;^SR]VUQÂ&#x20AC;_U W_¤TUq`TTWQVRU]_UVR]T_U_`UT_]^XU_` R_xRSU_`UÂ&#x192;`^T_]^_VzUÂ&#x192;`^XRÂ&#x2039;^U]^XUÂ&#x201E; x_U ] ]W^T_UÂ&#x192;`SSÂ&#x20AC;q_W`^Â&#x160;UW^ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU]^XUq``SUW^Â?S]T_SÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_Â&#x20AC;SRjU RUÂ&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;T_UT_]^XU ]^XUQRUxR]SXUÂ?`SÂ&#x160;UW_UÂ&#x201A;]TUW^U`Â&#x20AC;SUXWÂ&#x2019;WTW`^U `Â&#x2030;`Âł ]S]Â&#x2039;U`qR^VzUÂ&#x192;SRq_UW^Ă&#x17D;UW_U was in our overtly reclusiveness and resignation to circumstances that has dragged us thus far. ]_RVzÂ&#x160;U_xRUTRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SW_zU]H]Â&#x192;xĂ?TU`Â?U_xRUTqR]Â&#x2030;RSUW^U_xRUx`Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U representative were withdrawn due to his political manoeuvring from R`qVRTU RÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;S]_WÂ&#x192;U ]S_zUĂ&#x2026; Ă&#x192;U_`U VVU S` SRTTWÂ&#x2019;RU ]S_zUĂ&#x2018; Ă&#x2019;Â&#x160;U_x]_UW^U itself is wrong but whether the Inspector General of Police has the legal
You do not unjustly justify a wrong; you do not impoverish a people that provide about 80% of your natural resources; it is clear that when you push a man so close to the wall without response you are bound to eventually slug it out in a battle of resistance.
backing to act in such manner is a debate for another day and also if it is not only absurd or abnormal for the I.G.P to be at the beck and call of the executive instead of the people. The greatest pain isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the atomic aches of the speaker but the W^Â&#x201E;^W_RTWÂ&#x2039;]VUq]W^TU`Â?U_xRU xWQ`Â&#x2030;U WSVTÂ&#x160;U_xRU ^]TxW^ U`Â?U_xRWSUW^^`Â&#x192;R^Â&#x192;RÂ&#x160;U _xRU_R]STUW^U_xRWSURzRTUÂ&#x201A;xWVRU_xRUT_S]^ RSUW^TRS_TUxWTUQV``XUT_]W^RXUS`XÂ&#x160;U their rights and body been violated openly; still we live in a nation which boast of leaders and politicians. It is time for us to be serious and let go of these charlatans and never-do-well bunch of politicians. RU]SRUTWÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U]^XU_WSRXU`Â?U_xRWSUW^Â&#x192;]q]Â&#x192;W_WRTU]^XU^R VW R^Â&#x192;RÂ&#x160;U_xRU  `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_UÂ&#x2039;W x_Ux]Â&#x2019;RUÂ?]WVRXU_xRU xWQ`Â&#x2030;U WSVTUÂ&#x201A;RU]VVUW^U`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ&#x2039;WR^U]^XU disposition might have failed these girls but failure is actually not total `SUÂ?]_]VÂ&#x160;UĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;WHW^ UWTj I love Nigeria and sincerely speaking I could die for my country but is my country courageous enough to replicate this love to her Â?RVV`Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x192;W_WÂR^TÂ&#x160;UWTU_xWTUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzUSR]XzU_`UV]zUX`Â&#x201A;^UxRSU SRRXÂ&#x160;U]Â&#x2019;]SWÂ&#x192;RU and nepotism for the greater good. I might be ready to obey all laws qS`Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;V ]_RXUQzUQ`_xU_xRU R^]_RU]^XU_xRU `Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U RqSRTR^_]_WÂ&#x2019;RÂ&#x160;UQÂ&#x20AC;_U are our immune power holders ready to do likewise? I might be ready to pay exorbitant price for both power and qSRÂ&#x2039;WÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;UÂ&#x2039;`_`SUTqWSW_UT`U_x]_UW^U^`UTx`S_U_WÂ&#x2039;RUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;VXUTÂ&#x2039;WVRÂ&#x160;UQÂ&#x20AC;_U]SRU our power holders ready to reduce their exorbitant salaries? So that _xRUq]W^TU]^XU]Â&#x192;xRTUÂ&#x192;]^UQRUÂ&#x20AC;^WÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;UzRTUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x2039;W x_UÂ&#x201A;]W_UÂ?`SU°³Â&#x;Â?zR]STU Â?`SUÂ&#x20AC;TU_`UTRRU ``XUS`]XTÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RVVURĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;WqqRXUx`TqW_]VTU]^XUÂ&#x192;VR]^UqWqRUQ`S^RU Â&#x201A;]_RSUQÂ&#x20AC;_Â&#x160;U]SRU`Â&#x20AC;SUq`Â&#x201A;RSUx`VXRSTUSR]XzU_`UT_`qUqVzW^ U_xRU]WSÂ&#x201A;]zTU whenever they are moving from Lagos to Ibadan? Are they ready to stop patronizing international hospitals whenever they have headache or toothache? Are they ready to become Nigerians for once? Â?U^`_Â&#x160;U UÂ?R]SUÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;WVVUÂ&#x192;S]TxUQR^R]_xU_xRUSÂ&#x20AC;TxW^ UÂ&#x201A;W^ TU`Â?U_xWSXU mainland bridge. Most of us can agree that Boko-Haram is vaguely ]^UWXR]U]^Â&#x192;x`SRXUQzUÂ?]^]_WÂ&#x192;TÂ&#x160;U]V_x`Â&#x20AC; xU_xWTUWXR]UÂ&#x2039;W x_UQRU^RÂ?]SW`Â&#x20AC;TUW^U nature and deluded in reality; but to repress or kill an idea we must x]Â&#x2019;RU]UQRHRSUWXR]UÂ&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xUTÂ&#x20AC;qRSTRXRTU_xRWSTÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;T_UÂ&#x201E;ST_UÂ&#x20AC;^XRST_]^XU _xRWSUT`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x192;RU`Â?UW^Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x160;U_xRWSUÂ&#x2039;R_x`XU`Â?UÂ&#x201A;]SÂ?]SRÂ&#x160;U_xRWSUTqRÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;UV`Â&#x192;]_W`^TU and their background. RUx]Â&#x2019;RU `^RUW^_`UQ]HVRUÂ&#x201A;W_xUÂ&#x2039;R^UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;U^`_xW^ U]Q`Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RU x]Â&#x2019;RUVÂ&#x20AC;SRXU`Â&#x20AC;SUT`VXWRSTUW^_`U_xRUx]^XTU`Â?UÂ&#x2039;]XUÂ&#x2039;R^Â&#x160;U]^XUÂ&#x201A;RUx]Â&#x2019;RUqÂ&#x20AC;_U _xRUÂ&#x192;]S_UQRÂ?`SRU_xRUx`STRjU Ux]Â&#x2019;RU]VÂ&#x201A;]zTUQRVWRÂ&#x2019;RXU_x]_Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RU]SRU]UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzU _x]_Ux]Â&#x2019;RU^`_U]H]W^RXU^]_W`^x``XĂ&#x17D;UÂ?`SU^`UT]^RU^]_W`^UÂ&#x201A;WVVU]VV`Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â?U W^^`Â&#x192;R^_Â&#x160;Ux]SÂ&#x2039;VRTTU]^XUz`Â&#x20AC;^ U WSVTU_`UQRUW^U_xRUx]^XTU`Â?U_RSS`SWT_UÂ?`SU months and still the country remain calm as though we are not in a dilemma. We must then sleep with the fact that until Boko-Haram become a _xW^ U`Â?U_xRUq]T_Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;WVVU^`_UÂ&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;UqR]Â&#x192;RUÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUVR]XRSTU]^XUÂ&#x201A;RU]VVUQR W^U _`U_]Â&#x2030;RUSRTq`^TWQWVW_WRTUÂ?`SU`Â&#x20AC;SU]Â&#x192;_W`^TÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVU S]XÂ&#x20AC;]_RTU]SRU ]W^Â?Â&#x20AC;VVzU RÂ&#x2039;qV`zRXÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVU_xRUT_]^X]SXU`Â?UVWÂ&#x2019;W^ USWTRTU]Q`Â&#x2019;RU_xRUÂ&#x17E;Â?Â?U ]WS]UqRSU X]zÂ&#x160;UXW] ^`TWTUÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUSW x_TU`Â?URÂ&#x2019;RSzUÂ&#x192;W_WÂR^UWTUqS`_RÂ&#x192;_RXÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;RSTU`Â?U laws stop being breakers of laws until our borders are guarded with XW ^W_zU]^XUx`^RT_zUÂ&#x201A;W_x`Â&#x20AC;_UÂ?R]SU`SUÂ?]Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVU`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ&#x2039;R^UW^U]SÂ&#x2039;TU ]SRU WÂ&#x2019;R^U_xRU]qqS`qSW]_RUW^_RVVW R^_USRq`S_U_`UÂ&#x201E; x_UÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRWSUxR]S_TU ]^XU Â&#x20AC;^TÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;WVVU`^VzUSRÂ&#x2039;]W^U]UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzĂ&#x17D;U]UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzU_x]_UWTU^`_U`^VzU damned but dangerous to itself.
Ademola Orunbon 17, Ajanosi Street, Oke-Posu, Epe, Lagos State, 08034493944 Via: orunbonibrahimademola@gmail.com
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Newswatch Times
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Shearer blames Mikel for Chelsea loss
ewcastle United legend, Alan Shearer has blamed Nigeria international, Mikel Obi for Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2-1 loss at Newcastle on Saturday to end their unbeaten run. Shearer said Mikel did not do well enough in _xRU Â&#x2039;WXÂ&#x201E;RVXĂ&#x17D;U RÂ&#x2039;qx]TWTing that Jose Mourinho TWXRU Â&#x2039;WTTRXU TÂ&#x20AC;TqR^XRXU Nemanja Matic. Âą xRVTR]U XWX^¤_U qV]zU that well,â&#x20AC;? Shearer said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no doubt they missed Nemanja Matic. He has started every game for them this season, but John Mikel Obi was in there against Newcastle and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do as well.
Âą ^U _xRU QÂ&#x20AC;WVXÂłÂ&#x20AC;qU _`U Newcastleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second goal, Mikel dives in, Eden Hazard dives in. There is no `^RUTWHW^ UW^UÂ?S`^_U`Â?U_xRU back four. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That said, it was a re]VVzUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXU RÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;]T_VRU qRSÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;]^Â&#x192;RjU xRzU Â&#x201A;RSRU really well organised and RÂ&#x2019;RSzU qV]zRSU Â&#x2030;^RÂ&#x201A;U Â&#x201A;x]_U job they had to do. It was a thoroughly deserved win.â&#x20AC;? The Serbia international who has scored a goal and two assists in 14 EPL  ]Â&#x2039;RTUÂ&#x201A;]TUTÂ&#x20AC;TqR^XRXUÂ?`SU _xRU _SWqU _`U Ă? xRU ] qWRT¤U ]Â?_RSUxRUqWÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;RXUÂ&#x20AC;qUxWTUÂ&#x201E;Â?_xU booking of the season in ]UÂ&#x153;ÂłÂ?UÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x192;_`SzU`Â&#x2019;RSU `HR^x]Â&#x2039;U `_TqÂ&#x20AC;Sj
Akpala brace lifts Karabukspor
igeria striker,
`TRqxU Â&#x2030;q]V]U has rediscovered his form in front of goal ]TU xRU ^RHRXU ]U QS]Â&#x192;RU Â?`SU ]S]QÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2030;Tq`SU`^U Â&#x20AC;^X]zU in a 3-0 win over hosts WÂRTq`SU W^U ]U Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x2030;WTxU league game. The former Werder Bremen striker has now scored three goals within a week.
WTU QS]Â&#x192;RU Â&#x201E;SRXU xWTU _R]Â&#x2039;U ]U qV]Â&#x192;RU ]Q`Â&#x2019;RU SRVegation zone having
 ]_xRSRXU Â&#x;Â&#x;U q`W^_TU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U 15 games, and sent RizRTq`SU `^U Â&#x;Â?U q`W^_TU W^U Â&#x;Ă&#x2030;_xUqV]Â&#x192;RUW^_`USRVR ]_W`^U zone. xRU `TÂłQ`S^U qV]zRSU TÂ&#x192;`SRXU xWTU Â&#x201E;ST_U  `]VU of the day in the 37th minute to give his side a Â&#x17E;ÂłÂ?UVR]XÂ&#x160;U]^XUxRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qVR_ed his double in the 85th minute to seal the victory for the visitors.
WTU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]_SW`_U `Xfrey Oboabona was not VWT_RXUQzU WÂRTq`Sj
Kayode welcomes interest from Glasgow Celtic
larenwaju Kayode says xRU WTU Â?]_tered that Glasgow Celtic are interested in his TWÂ ^]_Â&#x20AC;SRÂ&#x160;U ]Â&#x2039;WXU TqRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;V]tion linking him with a XRq]S_Â&#x20AC;SRU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U ]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]QWU Netanya in the January transfer window. xRU Â&#x192;`HWTxU SRÂ&#x2039;WRSU
R] Â&#x20AC;RU Â&#x192;x]Â&#x2039;qW`^TU Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;T_U TRRU `5U Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qR_W_W`^U Â?S`Â&#x2039;U Club Brugge and Gent in their bid to sign the 21-year-old striker. Ă?¤ WST_VzÂ&#x160;U W_¤TU ]U  SR]_U feeling to be linked with Celtic because everyone Â&#x201A;]^_TU _`U QRU W^U _xRU _`qU clubs in the world, and sure I will be successful there if I am signed,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said
Olarenwaju. Ă?¤ RV_WÂ&#x192;U WTU ]U QW U ]^XU fantastic club, and my brother Efe Ambrose is there. Everything about this club is right for my career.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Â&#x;Â?j^ UÂ&#x192;]^USRq`S_U_x]_U Celtic are in direct talks with Israeli agent Dudu Dahan, who handles the ]5]WSTU `Â?U _xRU z`Â&#x20AC;^ U W-
gerian. It was understood that ]U SRqSRTR^_]_WÂ&#x2019;RU `Â?U RVgian side, Gent was in the stands last Wednesday to run the rule over Kayode in Maccabi Netanyaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 4-0 loss to Maccabi Haifa. Kayode has averaged a goal in every two matches in the Israeli _`qÂ?WÂ x_U_xWTUTR]T`^j
2015 FIFA W/Cup: Mabo tips Falcons to upset USA, Sweden Francis Ajuonuma
eteran Nigerian football coach, Ismaila Mabo has _WqqRXU _xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU _`UÂ&#x20AC;qTR_U ^W_RXU _]_RTU]^XU Â&#x201A;RXR^U ]_U _xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U U `Â&#x2039;R^¤TU `SVXU Â&#x20AC;qU W^U Canada. xRU Â?SWÂ&#x192;]^UÂ&#x192;x]Â&#x2039;qW`^TU ]SRU XS]Â&#x201A;^U W^U ]U qSRTÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;RXU  S`Â&#x20AC;qU`Â?U R]_xUÂ&#x201A;xRSRU_xRzU have to face former chamqW`^TÂ&#x160;U ^W_RXU _]_RTÂ&#x160;U Â&#x20AC;S`qRUq`Â&#x201A;RSx`Â&#x20AC;TRÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;RXR^U and Australia to determine _xRWSUqV]Â&#x192;RUW^U_xRUÂ&#x2030;^`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;`Â&#x20AC;_U stage. But Mabo, while reacting to the draw held in H]Â&#x201A;]Â&#x160;U ]^]X]U `^U ]_urday, told Newswatch WÂ&#x2039;RTU q`S_TU _x]_U _xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TUÂ&#x192;]^Uq`T_U]USRqR]_U qRSÂ?`SÂ&#x2039;]^Â&#x192;RU `Â?U _xRWSU Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;U Â?R]_Ă&#x17D;U Â&#x201A;xRSRU ] ]W^T_U all odds, they scaled the
 S`Â&#x20AC;qU U xÂ&#x20AC;SXVRU _x]_U Â?R]tured United States, North Korea and Denmark. The ex-international, who was in charge of the Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU W^U Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;U ]TU he guided them to the
Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]S_RSÂłÂ&#x201E;^]VTU Â&#x201A;xRSRU _xRzU crashed out to Brazil, noted that with adequate and Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VW_zU qSRq]S]_W`^TU _xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU Â&#x192;]^U qWÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U ]U Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]S_RSÂłÂ&#x201E;^]VU _WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;R_U W^U _xRU  S`Â&#x20AC;qU ]_U _xRU R²qR^TRU `Â?U
United States and Sweden. Âą RVVÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201E;ST_U ]^XU Â?`SRÂ&#x2039;`T_U Â?S`Â&#x2039;U Â&#x2039;zU R²qRSWR^Â&#x192;RU ¤VVU T]zU  S`Â&#x20AC;qU U WTU _xRU toughest in the whole of _xRU Â&#x201E;²_Â&#x20AC;SRTU ]^XU WÂ?U z`Â&#x20AC;¤SRU talking about our chances, U Â&#x192;]^U `^VzU _]VÂ&#x2030;U `^U R²qRSWence. You can agree with Â&#x2039;RU_x]_UW^UÂ&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;U_xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU Â?`Â&#x20AC;^XU _xRÂ&#x2039;TRVÂ&#x2019;RTU W^UTWÂ&#x2039;WV]SUTW_Â&#x20AC;]_W`^Ă&#x17D;UTRRXRXU alongside USA, Denmark ]^XU `S_xU `SR]Ă&#x17D;U^`Q`XzU gave us a chance but the Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU qS`Â&#x2019;RXU them wrong by qualifying _`U _xRU Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]S_RSÂłÂ&#x201E;^]VTU XRTqW_RUV`TW^ U_xRUÂ&#x201E;ST_U ]Â&#x2039;RU against United States 7-1. `U U R²qRÂ&#x192;_U _xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]Vcons to do it again. Âą xRU Â&#x20AC;qRSU ]VÂ&#x192;`^TU have come of age and I believe they have what it takes to win the World Â&#x20AC;qjU U U `Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U _xRU W RSW]U ``_Q]VVU RXRS]_W`^U Ă&#x2026; Ă&#x192;U Tx`Â&#x20AC;VXU R^TÂ&#x20AC;SRU _x]_U the team have adequate ]^XUĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VW_zUqSRq]S]_W`^TÂ&#x160;ÂŞU he said.
Adepoju advises young players
ole Administrator of Kwara Football Academy, KFA, Mutiu Adepoju has called on footballers to always maintain high level discipline and commitment to achieve greatness in their careers. Adepoju gave the charge at a seminar organized by Phreestyle Sports for the KFA players. The former Super Ea VRTUÂ&#x2039;WXÂ&#x201E;RVXRSUq`qÂ&#x20AC;V]Sly called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;headmasterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in his playing days noted that players will always make it big in football if they have good connection with the round leather object and show respect for it, just as he charged them to value education as it will assist them greatly after their playing days. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have always told you that hard work and discipline are important for any player that wants to excel in this game. You need to be at your best always to stand out among your peers. There is need to honour football for you to be honoured, if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respect it, you will get the same from it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget that education is important for you as players, it will help you greatly after your playing days. You can use education to give back to the game,
with education, you can become administrator, playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s agent, team X`Â&#x192;_`SÂ&#x160;ÂŞUT]WXU XRq`ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;j Earlier, the brain behind Phreestyle Sport, Shogo Shodunnke emphasized the need for players and other actors in the game of football to understand and interpret the terms used W^UÂ?``_Q]VVU_`UQRHRSU_xRWSU lives. He advised footballers to always see themselves as ambassadors of their clubs with their ]HW_Â&#x20AC;XRU Q`_xU `^U ]^XU `5U _xRUÂ&#x201E;RVXjU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obvious and concerned that football is applicable to our lives and business but the main actors fail to understand the secret in _xRUÂ ]Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x160;ÂŞ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Football is played and knocked around to achieve teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goals and objectives, by scoring goals and becoming the champion and so it is in our daily activities, as human being. If you fail to set you goals and plan your life, more intelligent and business minded people will use you to achieve their own ]WÂ&#x2039;TU]^XUÂ `]VTjÂŞ Phreestyle Sports have organized seminar on career talks to the players of ABS FC, All Stars and Nationwide FC.
Nkwocha: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not done with Falcons yet ! " # $ % & '(
Ephraim Nwosu
ormer Super Falcons captain, Perpetua Nkwocha has exclusively revealed to Newswatch Sports that she has no plans to quit the national team yet; even amidst calls that she calls time to her illustrious Super Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; career. Nkwocha, 38, has participated with the Nigeria national team in three CAF Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Championships (2002, 2004, and 2006), winning all three of them. She also has participated with the Super Falcons in the 2003 and 2007 FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cups as well as the 2000, 2004, and 2008 Olympic Games; yet she believes it is not however time to quit the stage. â&#x20AC;&#x153;People can say whatever they like. All I can say is that I still feel strong and have what it takes to play for the national team for at least three or four more years. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s possible if I keep on doing the right thing and remain healthy and my doctor has Â&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXU _x]_Â&#x160;ÂŞU TxRU _`VXU Newswatch Sports. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can reason with them if they say I have been with the team for a long time, but that should not be used as a z]SXT_WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U_`UR]TRUÂ&#x2039;RU`5jUU â&#x20AC;&#x153;If they say I am old, they are all entitled to their opinions. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true I am no longer  RHW^ Uz`Â&#x20AC;^ RSÂ&#x160;UQÂ&#x20AC;_UT`UV`^ U ]TU U ]Â&#x2039;U Â&#x201E;_U ]^XU xR]V_xzÂ&#x160;U _xRU fans will continue to see the QRT_U`Â?UÂ&#x2039;RÂ&#x160;ÂŞU]TTÂ&#x20AC;SRXU Â&#x2030;Â&#x201A;`-
cha who currently plays for Swedish club Sunnana SK. The African Women Footballer of the Year in in 2004 and 2005 was surprisingly relegated to the bench for new kid on the block, Asisat Oshoala during the 2014 AWC in Namibia and when asked to comment on how she felt about it, she added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everybody in the team is an important player; so whoever is called up by the coach needs the support of all the players including me. There is no doubt that Oshoala is
a good player, I am happy for her and I wish her well. She will always bank on our experience to guide her to  SR]_RSUTÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;Â&#x192;RTTjUÂŞ Meanwhile, Nkwocha has tipped Nigeria to progress from its group after the Super Falcons were drawn in Group D at the forthcoming FIFA womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup in Canada alongside USA, Sweden and Australia . The group that has been tagged â&#x20AC;&#x153;Group of Deathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; by football pundits but Nkwocha is optimistic that Nigeria will qualify from the group and
go far in the tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a tough group indeed, but that notwithstandW^Â Â&#x160;U U]Â&#x2039;UÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;XR^_UÂ&#x201A;RUx]Â&#x2019;RU a good team that will qualify from there and probably go far in the competition. We respect every team that qualiÂ&#x201E;RXU Â?`SU _xRU `SVXU Â&#x20AC;qU QÂ&#x20AC;_U we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fear them. I am 100 per cent sure we will scale through. We will take the games one step at a time. The tournament is still far away, so letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wait till then.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Nkwocha has played 32 times for the Super Falcons scoring nine goals.
Fear no foes, Chukwu charges Falcons Glo League ponders kick-off date
igeria league could Â&#x2030;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U `5U RW_xRSU on January 21 or March 7, it has been specially learnt. League Management Company (LMC) has asked the 20 clubs to the championship to vote on the competition starting on January 21 or March 7. ^U ]U VRHRSU _`U _xRU Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;QTU signed by Salihu Abubakar, the clubs have till Friday, December 12, to choose between the two dates. The January 21 propos-
al will take in weekend and midweek matches to help tune up the clubs who will represent Nigeria in next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s CAF Champions League and Confederation Cup. The league will then break for the general elections between February 14 and 28. The other option is for the league to begin on March 7, which will allow for clubs to meet up club licensing requirements and get the clubs to clear any outstanding payables.
potential world champions since you must beat the best to win the World Cup. He said by describing Super Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; pairing as group of death people are instilling fears in Super Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; playMaduabuchi Kalu ers, which according to him, ormer national team is not good for the psyche of captain and coach, the team. Chukwu explained that Christian Chukwu, has the African women champidismissed the insinuations that African women Cham- ons should not entertain any pions, the Super Falcons of fears as far as the group is Nigeria are lumped in what concerned because they have is described as group of the same chance as others to death in the FIFA Women emerge from the group. He therefore, warned that World Cup with United States of America, Sweden people should stop describand Australia completing ing Super Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; group as group of death in the interest the pairing. Reacting to the draw, of the African champions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is nothing like Chukwu said people should group of death in any ^`_U q]^WÂ&#x192;U ]^XU Â&#x201A;SW_RÂł`5U _xRU Nigerian representatives competition. Why should because any side that quali- anybody describe Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Â&#x201E;RXUÂ?`SU_xRU `SVXU Â&#x20AC;qUWTU]U World Cup group as group `Â?UXR]_xĂ&#x2039;ÂŞU xÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2030;Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;UQRÂ ]^j
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Are they calling Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; group â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;group of deathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; because the United States, Sweden and Australia are in the group? The fact is that any _R]Â&#x2039;U _x]_U Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VWÂ&#x201E;RXU Â?`SU _xRU World Cup stands the same chance of winning it like
every other team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Falcons are the African champions and if they are going to the World Cup to win it, there is no need for them to fear any side because whether they like it or not, they must play these teams on the way to winning the trophy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At this point, I would like to advise those who have been describing the Super falcons group as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;group of deathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to refrain from that because what they are doing has the possibility of instilling fears into the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They should be encouraged instead. The girls should be courageous enough to go there and play their game; who knows, they may surprise those who ]SRU Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;U _`U Â&#x201A;SW_RU _xRÂ&#x2039;U `5U against those they perceived ]TUÂ?]Â&#x2019;`Â&#x20AC;SW_RTUÂ?`SU_xRU_S`qxzÂ&#x160;ÂŞU Chukwu said.
Newswatch TIMES Sports/ MAN U WATCH Hoddle fears for De Gea Herrera excited to work under Van Gaal
ormer England, xRVTR]U ]^XU `HR^ham manager, Glenn Hoddle, has claimed that David De Gea has been “overworked” by Man United this season. The former manager also argued that the Red Devils shouldn’t be relying on him to keep them in games. De Gea, 24, joined Man United for a fee of around £18 million back in 2011, joining from Atletico Madrid. Following an initially slow start to life in the Premier League, the Spain international has become indispensable at Old Trafford, with the goalkeeper constantly making gamechanging saves to protect the Red Devils. Hoddle said: “David de Gea has had a really good start to the season but the reality is he has been over-
worked for a Manchester United goalkeeper. The side really should not be relying on him to keep them in games.” Furthermore, the former England manager defended Man United for struggling defensively. ± _U XW5RSR^_U _W RTU xRU has lost Jonny Evans, Phil Jones, Chris Smalling, Marcos Rojo, Daley Blind
and Luke Shaw for significant periods. Even if he x]XU xWTU ST_³ x`W RU Q] U four, we all would have pointed to the defence as a potential weakness. Being denied his best players and with constant chopping and changing, it is hardly surprising they have struggled in that area,” Hoddle insisted.
errera, who signed from Athletic Bilbao in the summer, said his Manchester United team-mates are enjoying the competitive nature of training after four straight victories in the Premier League. “I enjoy the sessions the day before a game because we work on ball possession, shooting and set-plays,” he told the Manchester Evening News. “All the mini matches are important because the coaches are always looking at us before each game. We have a very competitive squad - we always want to win in matches or training. “I think this is the right tactic because you play
like you train.” Meanwhile, winger Ashley Young says the squad is in buoyant mood after their impressive run of form. “When you are win^W^ U ] RTU _xR^U `^ dence is always sky high. When you have been on a run of wins-both at home
and away - then it is fan_]T_W U `SU `^ XR^ Rj “Everybody is pulling in the right direction and feeling good and we will take that into the game against Southampton. It is going to be a big game ]^XU _xRSRU ]SRU XR ^W_RVzU no easy games in the Premier League.”
Man U’s transfer policy upsets Ferguson
anchester United’s most successful manager Sir Alex Ferguson has major concerns over the club’s willingness to spend big in search of instant success, according to the Daily Mail. Ferguson worked tirelessly for a quarter of century to make United the Premier League’s biggest success story by quite some distance, but is reportedly growing increasingly worried that those endeavours will be undermined by a trigger-happy approach to
the transfer market. United spent a clubrecord £150 million last summer and are ready to go again with big bids for world-class stars next sum RS U xW xU WTU qSRHzU xU in direct contrast with the way Ferguson built suc RTT VUTWXRTU]_U VXU S]5`SXU time and time again. The Mail reports that Ferguson’s reservations about United’s spending spree are in no way blamed on current Red Devils chief Louis van Gaal, a coach the Scot rates very highly and thinks is the right man to take United forward. Ferguson is rather more upset with the club’s hierarchy though and must be concerned that the path for United youngsters to break through and emulate the famous Class of 92 by formW^ U_xRUQ V U` U_xRU ST_³_R] U will be blocked, because the club is so desperate to earn an instant return to the Champions League and stay there.A
Moyes plots Old Trafford raid
avid Moyes is looking to pillage his former club and sign Ashley Young, Phil Jones and Rafael for his new club Real Sociedad. Moyes recently took over the La Liga side and is looking to snap up players he can rely on to help push the San Sebastian side back up the league and into European contention. The most ridiculous link between Moyes and his former club is that he’s looking to sign Juan Mata if not on a permanent basis then at least on a loan deal for the rest of the season. While Ashley Young has found some more ST_³_R] U `qq`S_ ^W_WRTU coming his way since
Luke Shaw’s injury, the winger turned defender might fancy the switch so he can get back to playing his natural position and on a regular basis. Phil Jones’ season has been hampered by injury, but with Paddy McNair ]^XU zVRSU V] RHU QSR] W^ U_xS` xUW^_`U_xRU ST_³ team for Louis van Gaal and the Dutchman’s fondness of using young players, Jones might also fancy some more game time. Brazilian right-back Rafael might also fancy a move to warmer climes after missing several games through injury in recent weeks, but he has been a ST_U x`W RU `SU ]^U ]]VU xR^U _j
Smalling dares to dream Red Devils’ UCL return
efender, Chris Smalling, has vowed to help his side to return to the Champions League next season. United have been mainstays in Europe’s premier club competition since its rebranding but a disappointing 2013-14 campaign - in xW xU_xRzU ^WTxRXUTR R^_xU - meant that they failed to qualify for European football this season. The Red Devils appear to have turned a corner under the stewardship of Louis van Gaal this term, though, and a victory at Southampton on Monday would leave them third in the Premier League table. Centre-back Smalling is driven by their absence from the Champions League and has no intention of missing out on it for any longer. “I was watching it the other week,” he told the
V Q¤TU`3 W]VU RQTW_RjU± R^U when we were in it, I would watch it on the other night anyway - even more so this year. ± _¤TU ]U QW_U HW^ U _x]_U
we’re not involved but you can see the standard of football we need to make sure we rise to. “You hear the Champions League music when they all
line up and it’s just a case where we’ve been in it year after year, so it’s a sad time. “We’ll be making sure we don’t miss out again next year.”
LVG: Why I chose Man U ahead
ouis van Gall has challenge, not so easy, but revealed how he I accept that.” rejected four clubs Though it has taken in order to manage Man- time for Van Gaal to adapt chester United. Van Gaal succeeded David Moyes as Red Devils boss and he has explained that the allure of taking over the reins ]_U VXU S]5`SXU ]TU _``U good to turn down. “I had choices,” he said. “I could have chosen four other clubs, but this was the challenge for me and why I am here. I know of course it is a big
to the rigours of Premier League football, he believes United are heading in the right direction. He added: “I don’t expect anything. It is at the end of the season that it counts where you are. “Now doesn’t count. We are going the right way, despite the injuries we have had. “But I think the most important thing is that the players want to follow the philosophy I have, which is why we have to continue despite the many changes we have made.”
UEFA Champions League... UEFA Champions League...
Rodgers banks on Anfield crowd to stop Basel
rendan Rodgers is expecting an atmosphere to rival some of ^Â&#x201E;RVX¤TU  SR]_U occasions against FC Basel on Tuesday - and he beVWRÂ&#x2019;RTU _xRU TÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_RST¤U q]Tsion can inspire a vital vic_`SzU W^U _xRU Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;T_ÂłÂ&#x201A;W^U Â&#x201E;^]VU x]Â&#x2039;qW`^T¤U R] Â&#x20AC;RU S`Â&#x20AC;qU game. The Northern Irishman endured a frustrating afternoon in the Barclays SRÂ&#x2039;WRSU R] Â&#x20AC;RU `^U ]_-
tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will get great support and there will be energy,â&#x20AC;? Rodgers _`VXU _xRU WÂ&#x2019;RSq``VU Â&#x192;x`jU â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember against Zenit _U R_RSTQÂ&#x20AC;S U Ă&#x2018;W^U Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;Ă&#x2019;U Â&#x201A;RU needed to win by two goals ]^XU Â&#x201A;R^_U Â&#x;ÂłÂ?U X`Â&#x201A;^U R]SVzU on which meant we had to win by three. We then came Q]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U_`UÂ&#x201A;W^U_xRU ]Â&#x2039;RUÂ&#x153;ÂłÂ&#x;j â&#x20AC;&#x153;We could not muster that last goal. But it showed then that the support and the players coming together can be a real force. I am V``Â&#x2030;W^ U ]_U _x]_U ]TU QRW^ U ]U big advantage for us. I am SR]VVzU V``Â&#x2030;W^ U Â?`SÂ&#x201A;]SXU _`U the atmosphere. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Those games at the end of last season show it is imble, and now we are fourth. q`S_]^_Uz`Â&#x20AC;UT_]zUÂ&#x192;]VÂ&#x2039;jU `_TU `U Â&#x201A;RU x]Â&#x2019;RU _`U Â&#x2030;RRqU `^U of other teams have lots of experience in the competiÂ&#x201A;`SÂ&#x2030;W^ j â&#x20AC;&#x153;The thing we aim for tion. But the only way you the most is qualifying for get that experience is by be_xRU x]Â&#x2039;qW`^TU R] Â&#x20AC;RÂ&#x160;U ing in it.â&#x20AC;? which is what this club deserves. I also want to win ti- Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fixtures tles, but I am aware that we will have to go step by step, !" ! #$%" since the manager and some &#'(% ) !" ) #* +' of the players are new. * ' " # - !" #" * â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is a long way to go until the end of the sea %! '%" !" '* '. & son, but Chelsea already .! #/&&* !" " * have many more points _x]^UÂ&#x20AC;TjU RUÂ&#x201A;WVVUÂ&#x201E; x_U_`U_xRU & & !" 0 .' R^XÂ&#x160;U_x`Â&#x20AC; xÂ&#x160;UT`UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x192;]^UÂ&#x201E;^ *-(/. $&" !" *(& ish as high as possible in the )#.) !" %)&1&# '" table.â&#x20AC;?
Â&#x20AC;SX]zU ]TU Â&#x20AC;T_]Â&#x2019;`U `zR_¤TU Â&#x20AC;^XRSV]^XU SRÂ?Â&#x20AC;TRXU _`U yield on Merseyside and the Reds were forced to TRHVRUÂ?`SU]Uq`W^_UÂ?`VV`Â&#x201A;W^ U a 0-0 draw.
`Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U `X RST¤U ]_tentions will now shift immediately to an all-ornothing encounter against _xRU SRW ^W^ U Â&#x201A;WTTU Â&#x192;x]Â&#x2039;qW`^TÂ&#x160;U W^U ]U Â&#x201E;²_Â&#x20AC;SRU _x]_U WÂ&#x2019;RSq``VU Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;T_U _]Â&#x2030;RU _xSRRU points from in order to TRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SRU Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]_W`^U _`U _xRU Â&#x2030;^`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;`Â&#x20AC;_U T_] RTU `Â?U _xRU
I miss Championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; League football â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Di Maria
]^Â&#x192;xRT_RSU ^W_RX¤TU Angel di Maria concedes he has missed the allure of ChamqW`^TU R] Â&#x20AC;RUÂ?``_Q]VVjU The Argentina international became the most expensive British signing of all _WÂ&#x2039;RUÂ&#x201A;xR^U ^W_RXUq]WXU R]VU ]XSWXU]S`Â&#x20AC;^XUĂ&#x2C6;Ă&#x2030;Â?Â&#x2039;UÂ?`SUxWTU services in August. xRU RXU RÂ&#x2019;WVT¤U x]Srowing campaign last term means that they are not involved in continental action this season, and Di Maria says he is desperate to re_Â&#x20AC;S^U_`U Â&#x20AC;S`qR¤TU_`qU_]QVRjU Di Maria told the ManÂ&#x192;xRT_RSU Â&#x2019;R^W^ U RÂ&#x201A;TÂťU Âą U Â&#x2039;WTTU x]Â&#x2039;qW`^TU R] Â&#x20AC;RU football. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will have to do our best this season so that we Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VWÂ?zUÂ?`SU^R²_UzR]S¤TU_`Â&#x20AC;Snament. Âą _U Â&#x201A;`^¤_U QRU R]TzjU Â&#x20AC;_U T`Â&#x2039;RU Â&#x201A;RRÂ&#x2030;TU ] `U Â&#x201A;RU Â&#x201A;RSRU seventh or eighth in the ta-
Galatasaray promises tough time in Istanbul
Sports/euro league
alatasaray manager,
]Â&#x2039;Â]U ]Â&#x2039;Â]`Ă&#x;VÂ&#x20AC;U has told Arsenal to expect a very tough clash as they visit Istanbul in a  S`Â&#x20AC;qU UÂ&#x201E;^]VUS`Â&#x20AC;^XUÂ&#x201E;²_Â&#x20AC;SRU tonight. xRU W`^TU TRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SRXU ]U Â&#x17E;ÂłÂ&#x;U Â&#x201A;W^U `Â&#x2019;RSU Â&#x2030;xWT]SU `^U ]_Â&#x20AC;SX]zU ]_U _xRU Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x2030;U RVRÂ&#x2030;`Â&#x2039;U Arena with both goals comW^ UÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U Â&#x20AC;S]Â&#x2030;U WVÂ&#x2039;]Âj The 44-year-old managRSÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;x`U Tq`Â&#x2030;RU Â&#x201A;W_xU SRq`S_ers after seeing his side, beat Â&#x2030;xWT]SU RVRXWzRTq`SUÂ&#x17E;ÂłÂ&#x;U`^U ]_Â&#x20AC;SX]zU QRVWRÂ&#x2019;RTU _x]_U _xRU clash is very import ant for
_xRUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;XR^Â&#x192;RU`Â?UxWTUV]XTj â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a game against Arsenal coming up,â&#x20AC;?
]Â&#x2039;Â]`Ă&#x;VÂ&#x20AC;UT]WXj â&#x20AC;&#x153;This match is important for us both in terms of prestige and moral.â&#x20AC;?
]Â&#x2039;Â]`Ă&#x;VÂ&#x20AC;U ]VT`U Tq`Â&#x2030;RU about his sides position in the league. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have the same chance as our opponents of winning the league. We curSR^_VzU]SRUW^UÂ&#x201E;ST_UqV]Â&#x192;RUx]Â&#x2019;ing played an extra game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our aim is to be top of the table going into the win_RSUQSR]Â&#x2030;jÂŞ
Â?_RSU _xRU Â&#x201E;^]VU Â&#x201A;xWT_VRU `^U ]_Â&#x20AC;SX]zÂ&#x160;U the Bayern faithful TRSR^]XRXU S]^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U WQĂ?SzU for minutes on end, as the Frenchman had scored yet another crucial goal to seal a hard earned victory over RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;TR^jUÂą _UÂ&#x201A;]TU]^UWÂ&#x2039;portant goal,â&#x20AC;? chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge V]_RSUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXÂ&#x160;U]^XUW_UÂ&#x201A;]TU qRST`^]VVzU TW ^WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]^_U Â?`SU WQĂ?SzU_``ÂťUxWTU°Â&#x;T_UÂ&#x2039;W^Â&#x20AC;_RU Â&#x2019;`VVRzUÂ&#x201A;]TUxWTUÂ&#x;Â?Â?_xU `]VUW^U Â&#x20AC;^WÂ&#x192;x¤TUÂ?]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;TUSRXUTxWS_j Âą _¤TU ]U  ``XU  `]VU Â?`SU me, but especially for the team,â&#x20AC;? a visibly pleased WQĂ?SzU T_]_RXU ]Â?_RSÂ&#x201A;]SXTjU The player has always had a special relationship with the Allianz Arena fans. Âą _¤TU QRR^U VWÂ&#x2030;RU _xWTU RÂ&#x2019;RSU since I arrived and I hope W_UÂ&#x192;`^_W^Â&#x20AC;RTÂ&#x160;ÂŞU S]^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;R^_RXjU xRU Â&#x153;Â&#x;ÂłzR]SÂł`VXU made no secret of his delight on a special afternoon Â?`SUxWÂ&#x2039;ÂťUÂą ¤Â&#x2039;UT`Ux]qqzĂ ÂŞ xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;U RT_U V]zRSU in Europe contributed far more than simply the match-winning goal. The RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;TR^U Â&#x192;V]TxU Â&#x201A;]TU xWTU Â&#x;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2030;_xU Â&#x20AC;^XRTVW ]U ]qqR]S]^Â&#x192;RÂ&#x160;U _]Â&#x2030;W^ U xWÂ&#x2039;U q]T_U R²³ _Â&#x20AC;H ]S_U XRÂ?R^XRSU ]__xWRÂ&#x20AC;U RVqWRSSRUĂ&#x2026;Â&#x;Ă&#x2021;°Ă&#x192;UW^U_xRU S]^Â&#x2030;W^ U `Â?U SR^Â&#x192;xU qV]zRSTU W^U _xRU RSÂ&#x2039;]^U _`qU Â?W x_jU WQĂ?SzU x]XU ]VSR]XzU `Â&#x2019;RS_]Â&#x2030;R^U Â?`SÂ&#x2039;RSU U xRS`RTÂ&#x160;U
Ribery delighted with goal record
WVVzU ] ^`VUĂ&#x2026;Â&#x;Ă&#x2021; Ă&#x192;U]^XU W²R^_RU WÂ]S]ÂÂ&#x20AC;UĂ&#x2026;Â&#x;Ă&#x2021;Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;U`Â&#x2019;RSU_xRU V]T_UÂ?RÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x201A;RRÂ&#x2030;TjUÂą ]_TU`5U_`U him,â&#x20AC;? agreed Rummenigge. Ă? R¤TU^`_UX`^RUzR_¤ Âą S]^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U x]TU xWTU qV]Â&#x192;RU in the history of this club,â&#x20AC;? commented Pep GuarXW`V]Â&#x160;U ÂąxR¤TU `^RU `Â?U _xRU best non-German players W^U ]zRS^¤TU xWT_`SzjÂŞU xRU coach singled out the wide qV]zRSU Â?`SU QRW^ U ÂąÂ&#x201E;_ÂŞU ]^XU Âą]  SRTTWÂ&#x2019;RÂ&#x160;UQ`_xUW^U]H]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U and defence.â&#x20AC;? Mehdi Bena_W]U qS]WTRXU S]^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;¤TU _`_]VU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;W_Â&#x2039;R^_U _`U _xRU _R]Â&#x2039;ÂťU Âą R¤TU Â&#x192;]q]QVRU `Â?U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;W^ U
_xRU XW5RSR^Â&#x192;RU W^U ]H]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;U QÂ&#x20AC;_UxR¤TU^`_U]Q`Â&#x2019;RUqÂ&#x20AC;HW^ U in a defensive shift for the team.â&#x20AC;? The Frenchman swiftly returned the compliment. Âą R¤SRU ]U  ``XU _R]Â&#x2039;U ]^XU the mood is excellent. My team-mates are superb, Â&#x201A;R¤SRU]VÂ&#x201A;]zTU_` R_xRSU]^XU always want to win,â&#x20AC;? said WQĂ?SzÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;x`USRÂ&#x2019;R]VRXU]UVW__VRUTRÂ&#x192;SR_ÂťUÂ&#x201A;x]_UR²]Â&#x192;_VzUXWXU ]Â&#x201E;^x]UÂ&#x201A;xWTqRSUW^UxWTUR]SU ]Â?_RSU _xRU  `]VĂ&#x2039;U Âą RU T]WXÂťU ÂĽRU _¤]WÂ&#x2039;RU Ă&#x2018; U V`Â&#x2019;RU z`Â&#x20AC;Ă&#x2019;Â&#x160;ÂŞU S]^Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U V]Â&#x20AC; xRXÂ&#x160;ÂŞU T`U U SRqVWRXÂťUÂĽRU_Ă?]WÂ&#x2039;RjÂŞU
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m back â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;nâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; better â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Carroll
ndy Carroll feels xRUWTUÂ&#x201E;^]VVzUÂ&#x20AC;qU]^XU running again for rampant West Ham after his brace helped down Â&#x201A;]^TR]UÂ&#x153;ÂłÂ&#x;U]_U q_`^U ]SÂ&#x2030;U `^U Â&#x20AC;^X]zU]Â?_RS^``^j ]SS`VV¤TUÂ&#x201E;ST_U_Â&#x201A;`U `]VTU of the season cancelled out WVÂ?SWRXU `^z¤TUÂ&#x192;``VVzÂł_]Â&#x2030;R^U`qR^RSU]^XÂ&#x160;U]Â?_RSU Â&#x201A;]^TU  `]VÂ&#x2030;RRqRSU Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2030;]TÂU ]QW]^TÂ&#x2030;WUÂ&#x201A;]TUXWTÂ&#x2039;WTTRXUÂ?`SUÂ?`Â&#x20AC;VW^ U W]Â?S]U ]Â&#x2030;x`Â&#x160;U _xRU R^egalese notched a third for the Hammers. The win propels West
]Â&#x2039;U ]Q`Â&#x2019;RU `Â&#x20AC;_x]Â&#x2039;q_`^U ]^XU ]^Â&#x192;xRT_RSU ^W_RXU - who meet on Monday night - and up to third place in the Premier R] Â&#x20AC;RU_]QVRj Former Newcastle and WÂ&#x2019;RSq``VU T_SWÂ&#x2030;RSU ]SS`VVU had only managed four appearances this term having only returned from injury in November, and he admits scoring twice against _xRU Â&#x201A;]^TU x]TU VWÂ?_RXU ]U Â&#x201A;RW x_U`5UxWTUTx`Â&#x20AC;VXRSTj â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a tough game ]^XU UÂ&#x201A;]TU RHW^ UxRVXU]UQW_U but we got the two goals and got the win,â&#x20AC;? he told Â&#x2030;zU q`S_TUÂ&#x;j â&#x20AC;&#x153;It means a lot to the lads and it obviously Â&#x2039;R]^TU]UV`_U_`U R_UQ]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U`^U the scoresheet. Âą ¤Â&#x2019;RU qV]zRXU ]U Â?RÂ&#x201A;U  ]Â&#x2039;RTU]^XU Ux]Â&#x2019;RUÂ?RV_UVWÂ&#x2030;RU U ]Â&#x2039;UQ]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;UQÂ&#x20AC;_U`QÂ&#x2019;W`Â&#x20AC;TVzÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x20AC;^_WVUz`Â&#x20AC;UTÂ&#x192;`SRÂ&#x160;Uz`Â&#x20AC;UX`^¤_UÂ?RRVU z`Â&#x20AC;¤SRU XRÂ&#x201E;^W_RVzU Q]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U ]^XU ^`Â&#x201A;U ¤Â&#x2019;RU  `_U _Â&#x201A;`U _`X]zU W_U means a great deal.â&#x20AC;? xRU R]T_U `^X`^U Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;QU now trail second-placed Manchester City by only six points after following up victories over Newcastle and West Brom with
their third win on the spin - a feat no other team has Â&#x2039;]^] RXU_xWTUÂ&#x201A;RRÂ&#x2030;j Âą _¤TU SR]_Â&#x160;ÂŞU ]SS`VVU]XXRXjUÂą _¤TU]UÂ&#x2039;]TTWÂ&#x2019;RUQ``T_j Âą U _xW^Â&#x2030;U Â&#x201A;R¤SRU _xRU `^VzU team to do that (win three  ]Â&#x2039;RTĂ&#x192;U T`U W_¤TU  SR]_U Â?`SU Â&#x20AC;TU
as club to achieve that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Obviously you could see that the lads today Â?`Â&#x20AC; x_U Q]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U Â&#x201A;xR^U Â&#x201A;RU Â&#x201A;R^_UÂ&#x;ÂłÂ?UX`Â&#x201A;^Â&#x160;UVWÂ&#x2030;RUÂ&#x201A;RUXWXU against West Brom, and we won the game.â&#x20AC;?
Benitez apologises for Napoli draw
apoli coach, Rafa Benitez, has apolo WTRXUÂ?`SUxWTU_R]Â&#x2039;¤TU inability to beat Tuscan Â&#x2039;W^^`Â&#x201A;TÂ&#x160;U Â&#x2039;q`VWUW^U RSWRU A. The Partenopei drew Â&#x17E;ÂłÂ&#x17E;U]_Ux`Â&#x2039;RU_`U_xRU ÂÂÂ&#x20AC;Sri but the Napoli coach praised goalscorers Duvan Zapata and Jonathan De Guzman for being able to perform well despite
having limited opportunities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am sorry for this draw. At home we always win but at the beginning of the game, no one would have said that nothing was missing,â&#x20AC;? Benitez told Â&#x20AC;H`U RSÂ&#x192;]_`U RQj Âą RU _``Â&#x2030;U Â?`Â&#x20AC;SU _`U Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RU Tx`_TjU RUÂ&#x2039;]XRU]UÂ&#x2039;WT_]Â&#x2030;RU but the balance is found Â&#x201A;xR^U _xRU ]H]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;W^ U Â&#x201A;W^ RSTU Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;RU _xRU XW5RSR^Â&#x192;RjU Ă&#x2026; RU Â&#x20AC;ÂÂ&#x2039;]^U ]^XU ]q]_]Ă&#x192;U have shown again that they can give Napoli a hand. Both of them will be important during the season. Âą Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2019;]^¤TU`^VzUqS`QVRÂ&#x2039;U WTU _x]_U _xRSRU WTU Ă&#x2026; `^Â]V`Ă&#x192;U Higuain and he must Â&#x201A;`SÂ&#x2030;UVWÂ&#x2030;RUxRUXWXU_`X]zU_`U earn minutes.
Kimetto ease to Montferland Run victory
R^^WTU W RH`U ]XRU ]U V` ³ RzU SR_ S^U _`U S] W^ UW^U ST_U` _W^ U TW^ RU QSR] W^ U _xRU ]S]³ _x`^U `SVXU SR `SXU ]^XU ^WTxRXU ]U `XRT_U _xU ]_U _xRU `^_ RSV]^XU ^U ` RSU ° UW^U_xRU _ xU_` ^U` U ÝT³ RRSR^QRS U`^U ^X]zj W RH`U S`TTRXU_xRUVW^RU W^U » U VR]SVzU ^`_U _] ³ W^ U _xRU S] RU _``U TRSW` TVz U ]^XU ] RUx` RU `SRU_x]^U _xSRRU W^ _RTU QRxW^XU _xRU SW_SR]^U W^^RSU WT RVU R RVXR U x`U `^UW^U » j R^z]¤TU `QRS_U W R^U ]^XU R`5SRzU `R xU RSRU TR `^XU ]^XU _xWSXU W^U » U ]^XU » USRTqR _W RVzj _U x]TU QR ` RU T` R³ _xW^ U ` U ]U _S]XW_W`^U `SU R^¤TU ]S]_x`^U `SVXU SR³ `SXU QSR] RSTU _`U _xR^U R_U Q] U_`US] W^ U W_xU]^U]q³ qR]S]^ RU ]_U _xRU `^_ RS³ V]^XU ^j
_RSU W RH`¤TU ` q]³ _SW`_U WVT`^U WqT]^ UQS` RU _xRU ]S UV]T_UzR]S UxRU ]XRU _xRU `^_ RSV]^XU ^U xWTU ^R²_US] R U¥ T_U]TUXWXU ]WVRU RQSTRV]TTWRU XWXU W^U ÎU Q _U xWVRU_xRU _xW`qW]^UVR ³ R^XU `^U W^U ÝT³ RRSR^QRS U W^U U WqT]^ U ^WTxRXU]U XWT_]^_U _xU U `^_xU] `j `SU_xRU ST_U_W RUR RSUW^U _xRUR R^_¤TU dzzR]SUxWT_`Sz U Q`_xU ]S]_x`^U `SVXU SR³ `SXU x`VXRSTU RSRU qSRTR^_U ] V]U ]X VW5RU _`` U q]S_U ]^XU ^WTxRXU _xU W^U _xRU ` R^¤TUS] RUW^U° » Çj
] W^ U Q]HVRXU W_xU ]U V`^ ³_RS U ``_U W^¥ SzU ` RSU _xRUq]T_U R UzR]ST U_xRU V³ _WqVRU `SVXU x] qW`^U `^U _xRUS`]XTU]^XU S`TTU ` ^_SzU R]SVWRSU_xWTU] _ ^U ]XRU]U V` ³ RzUSR_ S^U_`US] W^ UW^U ]UÄ RT_U_`UQRU _UR^` xU_`U `^_RT_U^R²_UzR]S¤TU `^X`^U ]S]_x`^j
Makau back to winning ways in Fukuoka
`S RSU `SVXU SR `SXU x`VXRS U ]_SW U ] ] U ` U R^z]U `^U _xRU ` ]U ^_RS^]_W`^]VU ]S³ ]_x`^U`^U ^X]zj ] ] U x`UTR_U]U `SVXU SR `SXU ` U U x` ST U U W^³ _RT U ÇUTR `^XTU]_U_xRU U RSVW^U ]S]_x`^ U S`TTRXU _xRU _]qRU ]_U RW ]X]WU _]³ XW UW^U » Ç» U ÉUTR `^XTU ]xR]XU ` U _xW`qW]¤TU ]¥WU TTR ]jU RS³ XU ]_³ xWSU ` U `^ `VW]U ]TU _xWSXU W^U » Ç»° j ]T] ] U ¥W ]S]U^]S³ S` VzU WTTRXU]Uq`XW U ^³ WTx U_] W^ U ` S_xUW^U » Ó» ÉU
W^U_xRUS] RU_x]_UX` QVRXU]TU]U Ä ]VW RSU `SU_xRU °U U `SVXU _xVR_W TU x] qW`^³ TxWqTU W^U RW¥W^ U W^U T_jU
]q]^³Q]TRXU XR R^XW^ U x] qW`^U ]S_W^U ]_x]_xWU ` U R^z]U ]TU T_U` RS]VVj ¥W ]S]U ]HR q_RXU _`U x]TRU X` ^U _xRU VR]XW^ U q] U]TUxRU_`` U_xRUVR]XUW^U _xRU Q]HVRU `SU ` S_xU qV] RU QR `SRU_xRU ³ U ]S UQ _U RVVUTx`S_UW^UxWTUR^XR] `Sj R^_]S`U ] ] `_` U x`U ^WTxRXUTW²_xU]_U_xRU `^X`^U Vz qW T U RVVU QRxW^XU ] _RSU _xRU ³ U ]S U ]^XU ^³ WTxRXUW^U _xUqV] Rj
Radcliffe advocates life ban for drug cheats
] V]U ]X VW5RU x]TU ]VVRXU `SU VW RU Q]^TU `SU ]^zU ]_xVR_RU ` ^XU WV_zU ` U X`qW^ U ] WXU ]VVR³ ]_W`^TU_xRUqS] _W RUWTU WXR³ TqSR]XUW^U TTW]^UTq`S_j ]T_U RR U]U RS ]^U_RV³ R WTW`^U X` R^_]SzU qSR³ TR^_RXU x]_U W_U V]W RXU ]TU R WXR^ RU ` U WXRTqSR]XU XS TU TR U xWVRU W_U ]VT`U ]V³ VR RXU _x]_U `SS q_W`^U R²³ _R^XTU QRz`^XU TTW]U ]^XU W qVW ]_RXU_xRU UW^U ` ³ RSW^ U qU_xRU]Q TRj xRU TTW]^U _xVR_W TU RXRS]_W`^U T]zTU _xRU ]VVR ]³ _W`^TU ]SRU ^_S R U xWVRU _xRU ¤TU W^XRqR^XR^_U R_xW TU ` WTTW`^U WTU ]VSR]XzU W^³ RT_W ]_W^ U _xRU ]VVR ]_W`^TU ]^XU_xRU `SVXU ^_W³ `qW^ U R^ zU x]TU SR R]VRXU W_U WVVU `VV` UT W_j ]X VW5R U _xRU ` R^¤TU ]S]_x`^U `SVXU SR `SXU x`VXRS UXRT SWQRXU_xRU]VVR ]³ _W`^TU ]TU ÝTx` W^ U ]^XU TW ³ R^W^ ¤U ]^XU XRTqW_RU U T]zW^ U_x]_UVW RUQ]^TU `SU]_x³ VR_RTU `^ W _RXU ` U X`qW^ U `5R^ RTU ]SRU ^R^ `S R]QVRU W^UV] UTxRUQRVWR RTU_x]_U]^zU ]_xVR_RU WV_zU ` U _xRU `5R^ RU Tx` VXU^`_UQRU]VV` RXU_`USR³ _ S^U_`U_xRUTq`S_j ± U ` VXU ]X ` ]_RU ]U VW RU Q]^U `SU ]^zQ`XzU W^_R^_W`^³ ]VVzU X`qW^ U Q _U RU ^` U _x]_U ^ `S_ ^]_RVzU_x]_U ]^¤_U QRU W qVR R^_RXU `SU VR ]VU SR]T`^T ªUT]WXU ]X VW5Rj ± _RqqW^ U qU _`U ]U ` S³ zR]SUQ]^U ]TU]UQW UT_RqU]^XU U _xW^ U ¤XU VW RU _`U TRRU T]^ ³ _W`^TU ` RU W^_`U qV] RU `SU RXRS]_W`^TU xR^U _xRzU q]TTU ]U RS_]W^U^ QRSU` Uq`TW_W RU ]TRTU ]^XU RS_]W^VzU `SU _xRU R^_` S] RU³U_x]_UWTU_xRU `] x³ RTU]^XU_xRU ]^] RSTj
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Mungara regains Singapore Marathon title
xRU XSR] U VW RU ` U R^^R_xU ^ ]S]U `^_W^ RU W_xU _xRU ³zR]S³`VXU SR ]W^W^ U xWTU _]^X]SXU x]S_RSRXU ]S]³ _x`^U W^ ]q`SRU _W_VR U ]^U U `VXU ]QRVU `]XU ] R U`^U ^X]zj ^^W^ U ] ]W^T_U R^U qU_`U UzR]STUz` ^ RS U_xRU `S RSUQ]SQRSUT_]zRXU W_xU _xRU S` qU` U]UX`R^U ]T_U SW ]^TU `SU ¥ T_U U WV`³ R_SRT UQR `SRUT_SW W^ U` _U QzU xW TRV U ]^XU Q WVXW^ U qU ]^U ^]TT]WV]QVRU VR]X U xW xU x]XU T_SR_ xRXU _`U _ `³]^X³x]V U W^ _RTU ]_U _xRU ^WTxj _U ]TU ^`U V`TRU Tx] RU ]_U _xRU ^WTxU ]TU ^ ]S]U ] RU x` RU W^U » É» U q`TTWQVzU _xRU `VXRT_U R RSU W^^RSU ` U ]^U U `VXU ]QRVU `]XU ] R U W_xU `V³ VR] RTU ] WXU ]S TU ]^XU x]SVRTU ]^z]`U `VV` W^ U W^U » Ó» U ]^XU j Ó» ÇU SR³ TqR _W RVzU `SU TR `^XU ]^XU _xWSXUqV] Rj xRU R²qR _RXU x`_U ]^XU x WXU `^XW_W`^TU_x]_UqSR³ ]WVUW^U W^ ]q`SRU]V `T_U]VVU
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Newswatch Times
City & State TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
Collapse of reading culture diminishes Nigerian education system – Agada ISAH IDRIS, Abuja
ver the years there has been palpable fear about the falling standard of Nigeria’s education system, particularly among the pupils, students and graduates being churned out yearly from Primary, Secondary and Tertiary institutions. While some people believe that new and additional ideas have continued to be imbued in the old syllabuses and curriculum of studies, the latest being the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), now broadening peoples’ horizon of knowledge, majority of Nigerians have cited the sustainable trend of mass failure in school examinations and inability of the graduates to prove their worth or express themselves as a prove of falling standard of education. ^U ]X ` ]_RU ` U R5R _W RU SR]XW^ U ]^XU learning culture for creative education in W RSW] U S` jU RSSzU ]X]Ux]TU]HSWQ _RXU this persistent failure in schools and production of substandard graduates to a dying culture of reading in schools. Prof. Agada gave the indication during the ‘Mastering School Debate‘ organized for the Nursery and Primary Schools and colleges in Nyanya in the Federal Capital Territory at the weekend. The winner of the legendary Kwame Nkruma Award and former minister of state for Education, Agada, said the initiative is geared towards reviving the culture of reading back in our schools, as being carried out through schools’ debate throughout the country under the President Jonathan’s debate programmes which he chairs. Agada said, “Nobody can take part in the school debate brilliantly well if that person does not read very well, if the person does not conduct researches, if the person does not comport him/herself properly to be able to speak in the public”. “So, what we are seeing today is the totality of action we want in Nigeria to be able to right the wrongs that led to the falling standard of education in Nigeria today.” Agada, who is also the Chairman of Presidential Advisory Board of School Debate in Nigeria said ,“there is a global action going on in the same direction, while Nigerian pupils and students are also being taking round at both national and international level for the schools debate among their peers. So, what you see today is part of our contribution to the V`Q]VUR5`S_U_`USR W RUR5R _W RUSR]XW^ ªj In the debate contests, about 15 schools featured pupils from Nursery and Primary Schools as well as students from Secondary Schools within Nyaynya FCT and Mararaba in Nassarawa state. Among those from the Nursery and Primary category that participated in the debate, were Misericordiea Nursery and Primary School, Nyanya which emerged overall winner, followed by Darussalam Academy, Mararaba which came 2nd while Glorious International Academy, Mararaba emerged in the 3rd position. In the secondary school category of the contest, Hope International School emerged 1st, while Peoples’ Comprehensive Academy took 2nd with Apex Star Academy coming 3rd in the race, all from Nyanya and Mararaba environs. Though Davies Kiddies Academy was ^`_U] `^ U_xRU ST_U_xSRRU W^^RSTUW^U_xRU
Award winners
Nursery section, but produced the best speaker in the Nursery and Primary School contests with the pupil, Magaret Ameh emerging the best speaker in the tournament. Mrs Rosemary Igbele, Proprietor of Misericordiea Nursery and Primary School who spoke to Newswatch Times, expressed happiness that her school took ST_U q`TW_W`^U xW xU TxRU ]HSWQ _RXU _`U rigorous preparation by her pupils for the contests. “I am highly excited. Initially, our intention of coming here is to get our pupils exposed, socialized and interact with others,. but to my greatest amazement, I saw them victorious. So,
my gratitude is beyond measure”. “Though we put our best in preparing for the debate contests, we never believed we could emerge overall winner because of the array of schools that participated ,but we still believed in ourselves that we are in the best category”. She expressed the readiness of the school to maintain their current rating QzU ]V ]zTU q HW^ U _xRWSU QRT_ U ^`_U `^VzU during competitions but at all times to distinguish the school among its pears. Miss Magaret Ameh from Davies Kiddies Academy, Mararaba who emerged the best overall speaker told the Newswatch Times that “I was excited
Though we put our best in preparing for the debate contests, we never believed we could emerge overall winner because of the array of schools that participated ,but we still believed in ourselves that we are in the best category
to be declared the best speaker which I never thought I could. By this victory, I am now happy and encouraged to do QRHRSU_`U ] RU zUT x``VU]U W^^RSUW^U_xRU future contests”. The organizer and National Coordinator of School Debate Concept, Mr. Akinsola Oladipo Ahmed expressed happiness _x]_UQ]TW UT x``VTUx] RUT_]S_RXUQR^R _W^ U from his books on school debate, while commending the participating schools for the job well done. “We are trying our best and we shall continue to organize this debating contest not only in the Urban, but also in rural schools so that, we can bring back the debating concept and revive reading culture in Nigerian schools”. He explained that he has published U `qWRTU` U_xRU ST_URXW_W`^U]^XU U of the second edition of his books on school debate and is helping the students in the contests. On the alleged suspicion of foul play in selecting the winners by panel of Judges, Ahmed explained that the members ` U q]^RVU ` U ¥ X RTU ] RU S` U XW5RSR^_U areas and knew none of the schools or their pupils. His words: “because of our human nature, whatever you do may not go down well with some few individuals”. He however promised to ensure continuity of the contest while making merit a golden rule for the emergence of the best brain in the contest.
Newswatch Times
Woman of Substance TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
Women should support each other â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Uche Obi NGOZI OKPALAKUNNE
rs. Uche Obi, the brain behind Courier Masters, can be described as a woman of substance due to the achievements she has recorded in her various endeavours. Mrs Obi life experience was made manifest later in her adulthood most especially in the business sector. She was involved in the process of restructuring, reconstructing and rehabilitating businesses. Speaking in an interview with Newswatch Times recently in Lagos, Mrs. Obi disclosed that after her graduation from the University of Jos, in Plateau State, she got employment with First Bank of Nigeria Plc., after which she moved to IAS/TNT Ltd., where she rose from the rank ]^XUÂ&#x201E;VRUT_R]XWVzU_`U_xRUq`TW_W`^U of a managing director. According to her, she worked with IAS/TNT Ltd Â?`SUzR]STUQRÂ?`SRUTRHW^ UÂ&#x20AC;qUxRSU own company, Courier Mas_RSTU ³³U ]U Â?Â&#x20AC;VVÂłÂ?]  RXU V` WT_WÂ&#x192;TU and courier company in 2000. It is interesting to note that she had since 1999 developed interest in politics and has been a strong stakeholder in the Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Democratic Party (PDP) in Anambra State. She was appointed a zonal comÂ&#x2039;WHRRU Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSU QR_Â&#x201A;RR^U Â&#x17E;Â?Â?°U and 2008. Her ambition now is to represent Orumba North and South at the Federal House of Representatives under the platform of the PDP. On what motivated her into politics, she said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since 1999, l had this burning desire to serve my people, nothing but service. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a community leader, l have done quite a lot in improving the lives of my people in Ufuma town, so l feel that if l have the opportunity of serving my people as a member of the House of Representatives, not only will I give them a very qualitative representation, but will assist a lot of people like the widows and the youth,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she said. Highlighting some of her activities towards improving the lot of her people before now, Mrs. Obi said she has done quite a lot as an individual, adding: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Every year, l organize a health outreach
it takes to go out there and do a whole lot of things because they are passionate. So when a woman wants to serve, she will use what she has been given to serve her people, but the problem is, how do you get there? And you know politics requires a whole lot `Â?U Â&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;RU ^`_U ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_U _xRU Â&#x2039;`^RzU to give the electorate, but also _`UQRU]QVRU_`UÂ&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;RU`_xRSUUV`gistics involved in one project or the other and women do not have it. So the issue of finance is indeed a huge factor that determines how successful a woman will be in politics.â&#x20AC;? On whether politics in Nigeria has become money politics, she said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Money is needed in politics everywhere in the world. You need money to be able to tour round each ward to know qR`qVRUW^U_xRWSUXW5RSR^_UÂ&#x201A;]SXTU and so Nigeria is not a peculiar place. Democratic dispensation costs money to run.â&#x20AC;? Considering the generally held belief that women do not support their fellow women when it comes to politics she said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have had quite a lot of women talk about this problem of women not encouraging each other. But I tell you that we need to train and educate our women. It is a question of creating a lot of awareness. Women need to know that we need to encourage each other. We form the major bulk of the electorate. We come out to vote. We stay there from morning till night waiting for us to be given that opportunity to vote. Then why should we not encourage ourselves because it is only a woman wearing the same shoe with another fellow woman that will understand where the problem is. Uche Even the President, Goodluck in the month of August. l widows and youth empower- other, but at the end, just few Jonathan, has been saying the bring in medical doctors and ment programmes. So many of them would make it. What same thing that we need to ennurses to give health facilities TÂ&#x192;x``VTUx]Â&#x2019;RUQR^RÂ&#x201E;HRXUW^UÂ&#x2039;zU do you think is responsible? courage each other. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t to my people and this is one area through this youth emResponding to this, she said: x]Â&#x2019;RU _`U QRU qÂ&#x20AC;HW^Â U `Â&#x20AC;STRVÂ&#x2019;RTU programme they always look powerment programme.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;l think there is no other rea- down,â&#x20AC;? she added. Â?`SÂ&#x201A;]SXU_`Â&#x160;U]^XUW^U_xRUV]T_UÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RU During this period you will T`^U _x]^U Â&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;W]VU qS`QVRÂ&#x2039;jU Commending women who years l have not disappointed see a lot of women coming out A lot of women have what it are in politics, she said that them. Besides, l have done to contest for one seat or the takes to serve, they have what they have done well . In her words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Women who are in politics have done well, but a lot of other women have to be encouraged by training and educating them. We should also encourage them by creating awareness and then be able to access funds that will enable them to handle any project,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; she noted. Mrs. Obi holds a degree in Economics from the University of Jos, Plateau State and a Masters degree in ManageÂ&#x2039;R^_UÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U S_xÂ&#x20AC;SU jU WHVRU ^T_W_Â&#x20AC;_RÂ&#x160;U `T_`^U ]TT]Â&#x192;xÂ&#x20AC;TRHTÂ&#x160;U United States of America. She is married to Engr. Ike Obi, and the union is blessed Â&#x201A;W_xUÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RUÂ&#x192;xWVXSR^jUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Women need to know that they are to encourage each other. We form the major bulk of the electorate
Chaz B: Remembering late pleasant presenter OKEY OBIOZO
n the media page of Newswatch Times, as we celebrate the living so also we do for the dead qS`VWÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;U QS`]XÂ&#x192;]T_RSTU whose works remain remarkable and have imparted the media W^XÂ&#x20AC;T_SzjU xWVRUÂ&#x201A;RUXSRÂ&#x201A;U]HR^_W`^U_`U the role of media in the forthcoming election, so was the sudden demise of an air personality whose programme helped amend many broken hearts and healed homes. Such was the fate of Chaz B whose real name was Charles Bruce Chukuma. His death was a great blow to his family, his fans who has over the years followed his relationship programme, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sharing Life Issues with Chaz Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. He died in the early hours of Saturday, November 22, 2014 of kidney failure. He made it known to his audience _x]_U xRU Q]HVRXU _xRU XWTR]TRU Â?`SU zR]STU until his sudden death because he once shared in his programme, his near death encounter back in October 2012 and which resulted in successful kidney transplant surgery where his wife donated her of one of her kidneys for his transplant in India and returned to work thereafter. His programme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sharing Life TTÂ&#x20AC;RTU Â&#x201A;W_xU x]ÂU ÂŞU Â&#x201E;ST_U XRQÂ&#x20AC;_RXU on Inspiration 92.3 FM and in the process grew to become one of the most popular evening shows on Lagos airwave before he moved to pitch his tent with Rhythm 93.7 FM where his programme came alive on Monday, April 15, 2013 when it was clear he had sorted out the challenges that encumbered the programme. Though it was rumoured that he left the parent station that brought him to limelight under controversial circumstance in March 2013, but his penchant to take his programme to a higher pedestal could have prompted him instead as a result of his new deal with Rhythm FM, his programme was syndicated and aired in other cities; Port Harcourt, Benin, Jos, Awka, Aba, Enugu, Umuahia, Warri, and Sapele when Silverbird Group had their network stations daily. Like he clearly said then, â&#x20AC;&#x153;To all my friends, family, fans & supporters, just like Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve said on Facebook , my resignation from Inspiration FM is only to allow us have a much bigger platform.â&#x20AC;? That singular opportunity catapulted him to new zenith and opened fresh doors of reaching wider audience for him. Of course with the prospect at his beck, he soared like an Eagle, touching many lives in the process. The popular show tackled the many life issues that centred on marriage, work, low self-esteem, and sexual abuse e.t.c. With his deep, smooth and jazzy voice, Chukwuma brought impressive array of expertise
Chaz B
to radio programming. TU]US]XW`UqRST`^]VW_zÂ&#x160;UxWTUÂ?Â&#x20AC;R^Â&#x192;zUW^U Q`_xUÂ&#x2019;RSQ]VU]^XUÂ&#x201A;SWHR^U SR^Â&#x192;xUÂ&#x2039;]XRU him versatile. With his programme, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sharing Life Issuesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with Chaz B on Rhythm FM, he touched thousands of lives; this was indicated by the large number of listeners that called in to acknowledge him for a job well done during his lifetime. Looking back now, fans will fondly remember xWTUÂ&#x20AC;TÂ&#x20AC;]VUW^TqWS]_W`^]VUTWÂ ^U`5UTV`Â ]^U as he was known to quote from Proverbs 4:23 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.â&#x20AC;? U Â?]^U Â&#x201A;]TU Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;`_RXU _`U x]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x201A;SWHR^U thus, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I usually follow the show
impacted by this vessel, please drop a word of encouragement for him here.â&#x20AC;? Such is the testimony of the out pouring of hearts that had followed his programme and in response, made it a must listen especially during the drive time show when ]Â `TW]^TU ]SRU xRVXU Â&#x20AC;qU W^U _S]3Â&#x192;U `^U their way home. He also at a certain time served as General Manager of an Abuja-based radio station, Hot FM in the process before his days at Inspiration FM where he left as Assistant General Manager. Within his short shot to fame through his counselling programme, he along the line took up speaking engagements and used the opportunity to encourage, admonish, instruct and prod his listener to RÂ&#x2039;QS]Â&#x192;RUQRHRSU]^XUÂ?Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x201E;VVRXUVWÂ?RjU He was a speaker at Harvesters International Christian Centreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ]Â&#x2030;W^Â U ]SSW]Â RTU RHRSĂ&#x17D;U xRU Tq`Â&#x2030;RU at Holiborg Reform & Rehabilitation Centre, a branch of Jesus Life Outreach International, Ikeja and many other places. He seized every chance to introduce people to the T_SR^Â _xU]^XUÂĽ`zU_x]_UVWÂ&#x2019;W^Â U]UÂ?Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x201E;VVRXU life could bring. Chukwuma is an ex-student of the famous Kings College, Lagos. He had an Advanced Business Management RS_WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]_RU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U `S_xU RÂ&#x192;x^WÂ&#x192;]VU Education Centre in Florida and an Associate of Science Degree in Hotel, Travel and Tourism Management from Miami Dade Community College (North), Florida, USA. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sharing Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Issueâ&#x20AC;? everyday of With over 20 years of experience the week and overtime have grown garnered in the Hospitality fond of Chaz B and Uwana. This Management Industry of the United evening while listening to the show States of America, he came back marking, The World Kidney Day; to consult on management turned Uwana announced that Chaz B is no around the hotel and entertainment more with Inspiration FM. sectors in Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It will not stop me from making The news of his death was made the show as much as I can, but I will qÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;U QzU U xÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;WVW_zU `^U _Â&#x201A;WHRSÂ&#x160;U really miss Chaz B. God bless you; ]^XU Â&#x201A;]TU ]VT`U Â&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXU `^U U ]TU you are a counsellor and my prayer breaking news. is that you continue to be a wonder According to him, Chaz B who was to your generation. Ride on strong; on air and had to excuse himself at a Â&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;W^Â U _x]_U RTÂ&#x20AC;TU x]TU Â&#x201E;^WTxRXU q`W^_UXÂ&#x20AC;SW^Â U_xRUTx`Â&#x201A;Â&#x160;UÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;W^Â UxRU anything that thinks it can stop you Â&#x201A;]TU]UVWHVRUÂ&#x201A;R]Â&#x2030;U]^XU^RRXRXU_`USRT_jU on earth. He then asked Chike, his colleague â&#x20AC;&#x153;My love to Monalisa and your to takeover. His last statement on air lovely you know y you were was;â&#x20AC;?see you on Mondayâ&#x20AC;?. y Wife.â&#x20AC;? If y It was reported that he started feeling uncomfortable, complaining of rumbling within his system and promptly left the programme mid-air.
RUÂ&#x201A;]TUV]_RSU]XÂ&#x2039;WHRXU]_U _jU WÂ&#x192;x`V]TU Hospital, Broad Street, Lagos, where ]U_R]Â&#x2039;U`Â?UX`Â&#x192;_`STUQ]HVRXU_`UT]Â&#x2019;RUxWTU life but failed.
WTU XR]_xU ]TU ]U Â&#x2039;]HRSU `Â?U Â?]Â&#x192;_U Â&#x192;]Â&#x2039;RU to the industry as a rude shock, especially for the fact that over the years he has been an inspiration to his numerous listeners. ]XVzÂ&#x160;U x]ÂU UV`T_U_xRUQ]HVRU`Â?UVWÂ?RU to the cold hands of death in his mid-50s, leaving behind his wife and children.
He seized every chance to introduce people to the strength and joy that living
Faces & Places TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014
Excitement as Thermocool celebrates anniversary AANU ADEGUN
unday November 30th , 2014 was indeed a day of fun and excitement for _xRU T_]5U U ]^XU Â&#x2039;]^] RÂ&#x2039;R^_UU `Â?U xRSÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;``VÂ&#x160;U `^RU `Â?U W RSW]¤TUU VR]XW^ Ux`Â&#x20AC;TRx`VXU]qqVW]^Â&#x192;RUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^WRTUU]TUU_xRzUUÂ&#x2039;]SÂ&#x2030;RXUU_xRWSU Â?_xU year anniversary recently in La `TjU It was an event where the famous V`z]V_zU SÂ&#x20AC;VRTU SRW ^TU ]TU _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^z¤TU T_]Â&#x2030;Rx`VXRSTÂ&#x160;U _S]XRU q]S_^RSTU ]^XU RÂ&#x2039;qV`zRRTU Â&#x201A;RSRU x`^`Â&#x20AC;SRXU ]^XU Â&#x192;RVRQS]_RXU Â?`SU _xRWSU Â&#x20AC;^Â?W^Â&#x192;xW^ UV`z]V_zU`Â&#x2019;RSU_xRUzR]STj Consequently, it was all thrills ]^XU Â?SWVVTU ]TU _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zU _SR]_RXU  Â&#x20AC;RT_TU _`U ]^U R²Â&#x192;W_W^ U RÂ&#x2019;R^W^ U `Â?U Â&#x192;RVRQS]_W`^U Â&#x201A;W_xU TÂ&#x192;W^_WVV]_W^ U qRSformances from Sound Sultan, ImÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;V]_RÂ&#x160;U WÂ&#x2039;WU ]Â&#x2030;`V`Â&#x160;U TR^T]_W`^]VUÂ&#x20AC;qU]^XUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;W^ UÂ&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;TWÂ&#x192;]VUqS`XW zU Kanwulia and a host of other ar_WT_RTU W^U _xRU TqWSW_U `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;RVRQS]_W`^j U qR]Â&#x2030;W^ U]_UU_xRUURÂ&#x2019;R^_Â&#x160;U ]^] W^ U WSRÂ&#x192;_`SU U `Â?U xRSÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;``VÂ&#x160;U SjU ]^`TU ]_TWTÂ&#x160;UR²qSRTTRXUxWTUXRVW x_U ]_U_xRUÂ&#x192;`^_W^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x20AC;TUTÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_U_xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zU x]TU R^ÂĽ`zRXU `Â&#x2019;RSU _xRU zR]STU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U W_TU T_]Â&#x2030;Rx`VXRSTU ]^XU W RSW]^TU]_UV]S RjU The Director, who was visibly x]qqzU ]^XU XRVW x_RXU ]VT`U TRWÂRXU _xRU `qq`S_Â&#x20AC;^W_zU _`U ]TTÂ&#x20AC;SRU T_]Â&#x2030;Rholders of more fruitful years of Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VW_]_WÂ&#x2019;RU ]^XU W^^`Â&#x2019;]_WÂ&#x2019;RU qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_TUW^U W RSW]j He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are very honoured _`U QRU xRSRU _`U Â&#x192;RVRQS]_RÂ&#x160;U SRÂ&#x192;` ^WÂRU ]^XUSRÂ&#x201A;]SXU`Â&#x20AC;SURT_RRÂ&#x2039;RXUq]S_^RSTU who have consistently demonT_S]_RXU SR]_UV`z]V_zU_`U`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zU Â&#x201A;W_xU _xRWSU Â&#x20AC;^Â?W^Â&#x192;xW^ U TÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_U _`U`Â&#x20AC;SU S`Â&#x201A;_xU]^XU]TqWS]_W`^TU`Â&#x2019;RSU _xRU q]T_U  Â?U zR]STjU `Â&#x20AC;SU WÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;R^TRU R5`S_TU x]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x192;`^_SWQÂ&#x20AC;_RXU _`U _xRU qxR^`Â&#x2039;R^]VU  S`Â&#x201A;_xU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zÂ&#x160;U ]^XU Â&#x201A;RU ]SRU W^XRRXU qS`Â&#x20AC;XU ]^XU_x]^Â&#x2030;Â?Â&#x20AC;VU_`UQRU]TT`Â&#x192;W]_RXUÂ&#x201A;W_xU youâ&#x20AC;? qR]Â&#x2030;W^ U Â?Â&#x20AC;S_xRSÂ&#x160;U xRU ]XXRXÂ&#x160;U Âą xR^U Â&#x201A;RU T_]S_RXU `Â&#x20AC;_U W^U W RSW]U W^UÂ&#x;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x203A; Â&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUÂ&#x201A;RSRU]Â&#x201A;]SRU`Â?U_xRUq`_R^_W]VTUW^U_xRU W RSW]^UÂ&#x2039;]SÂ&#x2030;R_jU RU SRÂ&#x192;` ^WTRXU _xRU ^RRXÂ&#x160;U _xRU XRTWSRU `Â?U W RSW]^TU _`U R^ÂĽ`zU VWÂ?RĂ&#x17D;U SÂ&#x20AC;^U _xRWSU QÂ&#x20AC;TW^RTTRTU ]^XU qRST`^]VU Â&#x192;x`SRTU with relative ease and as an innoÂ&#x2019;]_WÂ&#x2019;RUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RUT`Â&#x20AC; x_U_`UÂ?Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x201E;VU_xRTRU^RRXTUQzUqS`Â&#x2019;WXW^ UÂ&#x201A;`SVXU Â&#x192;V]TTU qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_TU _x]_U Â&#x201A;RSRU _RÂ&#x192;x^`V` zU SRVRÂ&#x2019;]^_U W^U _x]_U RS]U ]^XU RÂ&#x2019;R^U TÂ&#x20AC;Sq]TTW^ UW_ÂŞj Âą TU Â&#x201A;RU Â&#x192;RVRQS]_RU _xRTRU q]T_U Â?`Â&#x20AC;SU XRÂ&#x192;]XRTÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;RU ]SRU  V]XU _`U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;RU ]U bold re-commitment to an endurW^ U q]S_^RSTxWqU ]^XU SRV]_W`^TxWqÂ&#x160;U ]^XU ]VT`U ]U SR^RÂ&#x201A;RXU qVRX RU _`U `Â&#x20AC;SU W RSW]^U Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;T_`Â&#x2039;RSTU _x]_U Â&#x201A;RU Â&#x201A;WVVU not waver in our resolve to con-
Managing Director, HPZ/TEC, TEC Appliances, Mr. Panos Katsis and PZ Chairman, Chief Kolawole Jamodu at the Thermocoolâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 40th anniversary
T_]^_VzU R^TÂ&#x20AC;SRU _x]_U _xS`Â&#x20AC; xU ]VVU `Â?U family best moments â&#x20AC;&#x153;we will alÂ&#x201A;]zTUQRU_xRSRÂŞU qS`Â&#x2019;WXW^ U TÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_U _xS`Â&#x20AC; xU`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ&#x201A;`SVXUÂ&#x192;V]TTUW^^`Â&#x2019;]_WÂ&#x2019;RU S]^ RU`Â?Ux`Â&#x20AC;TRx`VXU]qqVW]^Â&#x192;RTUÂ?`SU ]^UR^x]^Â&#x192;RXUVWÂ?RT_zVRÂŞÂ&#x160;UxRUÂ&#x192;V]WÂ&#x2039;RXj UU ^UxWTUq]S_Â&#x160;U ]SÂ&#x2030;R_W^ U WSRÂ&#x192;_`SU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;q]^zÂ&#x160;U SjU WÂ&#x2030;S]Â&#x2039;ÂĽRR_U W^ xU U U U U xRSÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;``VU U T]WXU U _xRWSU qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_TU ]SRU TqRÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]VVzU XRTW ^RXU and tailored for the comfort of Ni RSW]^Tj He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;At Thermocool, our ] RÂłV`^ U _S]XW_W`^U `Â?U QSW^ W^ U qR]Â&#x192;RU `Â?U Â&#x2039;W^XU _`U W RSW]^U x`Â&#x20AC;TRx`VXTU SRÂ&#x2039;]W^TU `Â&#x20AC;SU SRT`VÂ&#x2019;RĂ&#x17D;U _`X]zU _x]_U_S]XW_W`^UWTUSRTqVR^XR^_UW^U`Â&#x20AC;SU R²_R^TWÂ&#x2019;RU U qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_U S]^ RU W^Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;XW^ Ă&#x17D;U SRÂ?SW RS]_`STÂ&#x160;U Â?SRRÂRSTÂ&#x160;U ]WSÂł Â&#x192;`^XW_W`^RSTÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;]TxW^ U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x192;xW^RTÂ&#x160;U Â&#x2039;WÂ&#x192;S`Â&#x201A;]Â&#x2019;RTÂ&#x160;U _RVRÂ&#x2019;WTW`^U TR_TÂ&#x160;U  R^RS]_`SU]^XUT`Â&#x20AC;^XUTzT_RÂ&#x2039;TjU Âą xRU ÂĽ`Â&#x20AC;S^RzU `Â?U _xRU V]T_U Â?`Â&#x20AC;SU XRÂ&#x192;]XRTUx]TUSRTÂ&#x20AC;V_RXUW^U SR]_UTÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;Â&#x192;RTTRTUÂ&#x201A;W_xU_xRUR²q]^TW`^U`Â?U`Â&#x20AC;SUqS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_U Â&#x192;]_R `SWRTÂ&#x160;U `Â&#x20AC;SU XWT_SWQÂ&#x20AC;_W`^TU channels, our clientele and overall `Â&#x20AC;SURT_RRÂ&#x2039;RXUQS]^XĂ?U xRSÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;``VjU RU x]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x192;`^_W^Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x20AC;TVzU T`Â&#x20AC; x_U Â?`SU Â&#x201A;]zTU _`U Â&#x2030;RRqU _`U _xWTU qS`Â&#x2039;WTRU `Â?U Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VW_zÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU x]TU TW ^WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]^_VzU WÂ&#x2039;q]Â&#x192;_RXU`^U_xRUXz^]Â&#x2039;WÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x192;x]^ RTU Â&#x2039;]XRU _`U `Â&#x20AC;SU qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_TU ]^XU Â&#x192;x]^^RVTU`Â?UXWT_SWQÂ&#x20AC;_W`^jÂŞU RUÂ&#x192;V]WÂ&#x2039;RXj VT`U TqR]Â&#x2030;W^ U `^U _xRU ]SS]zU `Â?U qS`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_TU `^U XWTqV]zU ]_U _xRU RÂ&#x2019;R^_Â&#x160;U W^ xU T_]_RXU _x]_U _xRU XWTqV]zU Â&#x201A;]TU TWÂ&#x2039;qVzU ]U XRÂ&#x2039;`^T_S]_W`^U `Â?U xRSÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;``V¤TU W^^`Â&#x2019;]_WÂ&#x2019;RU XSWÂ&#x2019;RU ]^XU ]Â&#x2039;]ÂW^ U ^RÂ&#x201A;U XRTW ^TU ]^XU x]TU
At Thermocool, our age-long tradition of bringing peace of mind to Nigerian households remains our resolve QRR^U TqRÂ&#x192;W]VVzU WÂ RQRR^ TqRÂ&#x192;W]VVz XRTWÂ ^RXU XRTWÂ ^RX Â?`SU Â?`S WÂ R rian consumers in mind, for examqVRU ^RÂ&#x201A;U S]^Â RU `Â?U Â R^RS]_`STU Â&#x201A;W_xU `^RU _`Â&#x20AC;Â&#x192;xU T_]S_U QÂ&#x20AC;H`^U ]^XU xWÂ xVzU Â?Â&#x20AC;RVUR3Â&#x192;WR^Â&#x192;zU_RÂ&#x192;x^`V`Â zÂ&#x160;U RÂ&#x201A;UW^^`Â&#x2019;]_WÂ&#x2019;RU S]^Â RTU `Â?U ]WSU Â&#x192;`^XW_W`^RSU Â&#x201A;W_xUV`Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x2019;`V_]Â RUT_]S_U]QWVW_zÂ&#x160;UÂ?]T_U Â&#x192;``VW^Â Â&#x160;UxR]V_xU]^XUR^RSÂ zUR3Â&#x192;WR^_U Â?R]_Â&#x20AC;SRTÂ&#x160;U SRRÂRSTU ]^XU SRÂ?SWÂ RS]_`STUÂ&#x201A;W_xUqR^_UÂ&#x192;``VU_RÂ&#x192;x^`V`Â zUUUÂ?`SU Â?]T_U Â&#x192;``VW^Â U ]^XU V`^Â RSU SR_R^_W`^Â&#x160;U Â&#x201A;]TxW^Â U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x192;xW^RU Â&#x201A;W_xU T`]Â&#x2030;W^Â U
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Faces & Places
ll roads led to the Tafawa Balewa Square, (TBS), Lagos, the location Nigeria got her independence last Friday as it was agog with people from all walks of life who came to worship and sing praises to almighty God at the ninth edition of “The Experience”. The annual event which started nine years ago is regarded as the biggest music concert in Africa and arguably one of the biggest music concerts in the world . At this worship concert, gender, nationality, status and race cease to exist as people lifted up one voice to one God. The evening was not just about music alone. In spite of the numerous tribes represented in Nigeria, the strength and beauty in diversity was also witnessed. This year’s musical concert with a stronger chosen theme tagged, “One God, One Voice” saw gospel artistes around the world which included Don Moen, Frank Edwards, Cece Winans, Tye Tribbett, Donnie McClurkin, The Mid-Night Crew, Wale Adenuga, Glowreeyah Braimah, Yolanda Adams, Eben to mention a few, leading the massive attendants in a night of music, worship and prayers. Speaking with journalists few hours before the event, the convener of “The Experience,” Pastor Paul Adefarasin, who is also the founder of House on the Rock Church, noted that this year’s musical concert coincides with the 20th anniversary of House on the Rock as a church. Explaining further, Adefarasin said, “This year, our agenda and purpose is to praise, worship and pray to the Almighty. Our praise would be loud and extravagant, robust and hilarious, clamorous and emphatic. Because we are assured that Jehovah is enthroned as we lift up our voices in one accord, our worship would be deep, intimate, passionate and sincere, recognizing that in the presence of the Almighty God, all men become equal. No tribe nor tongue, no class nor position is exalted; no name other than the name of Jesus Christ, our savior would be glorified. All things were created for His pleasure and I can only imagine how it will please the heart of God to see his people gather from all corners of the world to worship and adore Him.” It would be recalled that “The Experience Lagos” played host to no fewer than 700,000 worshippers with over a tenth of that number streaming the event live online. The all-night worship event had performing gospel artistes from various parts of the world who sang praises to God. The Experience Lagos 2014 was better as an interesting lineup of local and international artistes and ministers were present at the programme. The artistes that were present at this year’s edition include regulars such as Don Moen, Donnie McClurkin, Israel Houghton, and Chevelle Franklin. Others include: Micah Stampley, Midnight Crew, Freke Umoh and Frank Ed-
Lagos agog as ‘The Experience 2014’ holds
Pastor Ifeanyi Adefarasin and Pastor Paul Adefarasin at ‘The Experience 2014’ held at TBS, Lagos last Friday
wards also joined the list of artistes who have previously appeared and returned for this year’s musical concert. Also, there were some additions of new gospel artistes this year and they include: popular worship leader Sinach, Nathaniel Bassey, Angella Christie, Onos Ariyo, Chioma Jesus, amongst others. Adefarasin disclosed that one of the reasons for this year’s theme was because of the fact that Nigeria is crying for justice and peace especially as the 2015 election is around the corner. He added that the event will serve as a time where people all over the globe will cry out to the only true God with one voice in petition. According to him, “This year’s theme resonates with our prayers as members of the body of Christ for unity in our great nation Nigeria. More than ever, before this clarion call to unity is bolstered by a cry for peace, justice and equity to prevail in our nation in particular, Africa as a whole and the world at large.” Continuing, “On the platform of
the Experience, repentant men and women from all corners of the earth would worship and lock hearts with the people of Nigeria as we petition God to forgive our sins and come and heal our land at this pivotal moment in our national history on the eve of the 2015 elections.” This year’s event witnessed over 600,000 men, women and children who came en masse for the concert. The Lagos Metropolitan Gospel Community Choir opened the event alongside Sammie Okposo, and thereafter came ministrations from Freke Umoh, Onos Ariyo and Midnight Crew. There were also moments of prayers for Nigeria, the nation’s economy and other state matters led by several Christian leaders such as Pastor Taiwo Odukoya of the Fountain of Life Church, Rev. Sam Adeyemi of the Daystar Christian Centre, Bishops Mike and Peace Okonkwo of the TREM church, amongst others intermittently . One remarkable moment of the Experience 2014 was Nathaniel
This year’s event witnessed over 600,000 men, women and children who came en masse for the concert
Bassey. Micah Stampley surprised the delighted audience when he joined the trumpet playing artiste on stage for a rendition of his popular song, “Imela”. Not long after, Grammy award winning singer, Donnie McClurkin joined the duo into what became an awesome trio as the Americans belted out “Imela” like it was sang in their native language. Apart from the stories of mental, physical and spiritual healing, testimonies of remarkable breakthroughs after the all-night concert abound as many often received encouragement for the new-year after a seemingly unproductive year. Tafawa Balewa Square has played host to “The Experience Lagos” since 2006 when the first edition of the programme was held. The venue had ultramodern digital surround sound and large screens all over the grounds and the overflow to ensure that participants enjoy the concert no matter where they are seated. For the benefit of worshippers and gospel music fans in other parts of the country and across the world, the concert was streamed via live video and audio feeds from the Tafawa Balewa Square. Also, there were adequate sitting arrangements for those who attended the event with the surrounding cricket pitch prepared as an overflow for expected guests. Security was also guaranteed as various categories of law enforcement officers were on ground to maintain law and order. Notable figures who attended the Experience 2014 includes, Jimi Agbaje, The First Lady of Lagos state, Dame Abimbola Fashola, former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode, Lady Maiden Ibru among others.
Teens & Kiddies
Aanu Adegun - 07030663980
TUESDAY, December 9, 2014
elcome to today’s edition of your favourite page. Permit me to wish you happy Christmas in advance. I also want to inform you that Newswatch Times has started visiting schools. If you want your school to feature on this page this season, you can invite us.
The truthful parrot
here was a Blue parrot which knew how to speak and had this nasty habit of correcting anybody who did not tell the truth. The parrot was the pet of an untruthful woman, and she found the bird’s habit so inconvenient, that she decided to get rid of it. One day, a man who happens to be a neighbour was passing through her house, and the woman called him from the doorstep to come and see the beautiful tame parrot which she intended to give him as a present. The man asked her why she desired to part with such a QR] _W V âU ]^XU U U _xRU ` an replied: “Because it eats a great deal, and I am poor.” The parrot cried out. “She VWRTàªâ The neighbour took no notice, thanked the woman, and SR_ S^RXU x` RâU W_xU _xRU bird on his shoulder. When he reached his house, his wife asked him where he had found the bird. “As I came through the forRT_ UW_U R UX` ^U]^XUqRS xRXU `^U zâU Tx` VXRS ªU SRqVWRXU the man, but the parrot quickly cried out: “He lies!”
The man soon discovered how awkward it was to have such a truthful pet, and he was often tempted to squeeze the bird’s neck. It happened that this man was dishonest, and stole ]^zâU]S_W VRTU xW xUxRUQ Sied in a deep hole, unknown to anybody. He would have been quite secure but for the wonderful parrot. When the thefts were discovered, a search was made W^U _xRU ]^¤TâU x` TR U Q _U nothing was found there. The searchers were therefore forced to consider that he was innocent. As they went out, they said to him: “Are you sure you have not stolen these things?” “I am sure!” said the man indignantly; but the parrot SWRXU` _»U± RUVWRTàªâ The man was so enraged that he seized the bird and _ WT_RXU W_TU ^R âU Q _U _xRU suspicion of the searchers was aroused, and eventually they discovered the hole, which was marked with a little stake, and all the stolen articles were found. Had it not been for the truthful parrot, the secret would not have been revealed.
Children in festive mood, as they happily mark the end of the year harvest and thanksgiving service last Sunday, November 30, 2014, at the Assemblies of God Church, 5, Kayode Street, Morgan Estate, Ojodu.
Pupils of Saint Peter Anglican School, Ikeja, during assembly. Photo: Abiodun Omotosho
The talking fish
cross a certain river, a q``SU TxRS ]^U TR_U ]U row of stakes, and on each stake was fastened a basket in which he hoped to trap _xRU TxRTU]TU_xRzUT ] UX` ^U the river. But his luck was very bad, and every evening, as he went from basket to basket in his canoe, he ]TU XWT]qq`W^_RXU _`U ^XU _x]_U ^`U TxRT U `SU `^VzU ]U R U RSzU small ones, had been caught. This made him very sad, and xRU ]TU `S RXU_`UVW RU ]SR VVzjâ One day, he found a stranger lying asleep on the river-bank. ^T_R]XâU ` U WVVW^ U _xRU T_S]^ RS U_xRU TxRS ]^UTq` RU W^XVzU to him, and invited him to share his evening meal. The stranger appeared very pleased and ate and drank, but Tq` RU ^`âU `SXU ]_U ]VVjU xRU TxRS ]^U_x` x_»U± RUTqR] TU another language.” Quite suddenly the stranger vanished, and only the remains ` U_xRU R]VU `^ W^ RXU_xRU Txerman that he had not been XSR] W^ jâ
The next evening when he went to empty his baskets, he ]TâU]T_`^WTxRXU_`U ^XU_xR U ` RS ` W^ U W_xU TxjU RU ` VXU not account for his good fortune, and his surprise was even greater when the same thing occurred the next day. On the third day the baskets were again Ä W_RU VV U]^XU xR^U_xRU TxRSman came to the last basket he saw that it contained a single `^T_S` TU Txj “Do you not know me?” said _xRU Txjâ “Indeed no, Mr. Fish. I have never seen you before!” de V]SRXU_xRU TxRS ]^ U^R]SVzU qTRHW^ U_xRU ]^`RUW^UxWTU]T_`^WTx R^_jâ ± ] RUz` U `S `HR^U_xRUT_S]^ger whom you treated so cour_R` TVz˪âUT]WXU_xRU TxjU± _U ]TU U]^XU U] U_xRU W^ U` U_xRU TxRTjU I am grateful for your kindness and intend to reward you.” xR^U_xRU TxU¥ qRXUW^_`U_xRU river with a great splash. But R RSâU ] _RS ]SXTU _xRU TxW^ ³ baskets were full every evening, ]^XU_xRU TxRS ]^UQR ] RUSW xU and prosperous.
Teens & Kiddies
Girlsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Corner
Nature Zone White-tailed Deer
The white-tailed deer is also known as the Virginia deer, or simply the whitetail. It gets its name from the fact that the underside of its tail is covered with white hair, and when it runs it often holds its tail erect so that the white undersurface is visible.
Tara Fela-Durotoye
a ey live n Canad souther and all m Where th o r f Canada America
uthern ntral North und in ost of so throughout Ce o f m e it r b a a h r s iled dee . They in e reache White-ta entral America tes. Their rang ges of ta C the frin prin o through inland United S d n a ften fou e found of the m to Bolivia. ut are o e-tailed deer ar b , d n la a Americ fer open wood g country. Whit , d rivers e eams an qR^U Deer pr as and in farmin crest. tr s g n e e TjU alo urban ar st of the Cascad includes areas ^RXUTxSÂ&#x20AC;QUÂ&#x201E;RVX . S a t y e a Â&#x20AC; b r it y UQ a b il X e a r ^ n e rh ma Â&#x160;U ] iled Dee Â&#x160;U Â?]SÂ&#x2039;TÂ&#x160;U Â?`SRT_T ubs or forest ar ta e it h r T W h ``XV]^X n thick s Â&#x2039;W²RXUÂ&#x201A; used only whe e areas ar
asheer in W e d e h t f o id s and shy teristically from s d u o v r e n boun harac e most er are th wave their tails c ery agile and may e d il a t e eer re v . Whit hite-tail d e startled. They a rough the forest (fawns). W . n o t g h r s t in a eir babie per hour hen they to side w of up to 30 miles y protective of th ffspring in a hid r o e at speeds ed females are v ales leave their waiting for their il a e t f , e ecks While d m Whit g for foo hours at a time. ound with their n in k o lo e gr . When t four for abou wns lay flat on th st the forest floor lly in e c la p g in fa cia ged again ne), espe o return, mother t ed, well camoufla solitary (live alo her fawns, ald h y outstretc deer are generall it is a female an ether in large n g Whitetail he basic social u erved to graze to T s . b r o e from been summ e y h a ve g mainly late h t in d h e g e u f o , th at is om scular, th ter, and again fr g dayu p e r c herds. e r la deer a e durin hours Whitetail n until several est or are inactiv r aw before d until dusk. They n o afterno s. r light hou
ction Reprodu d during , but are use rs to a d re p ales. ons against rve as weap s fight to breed with fem w se t o n o d s Antler e male and gro ason, when th ary to March the mating se tlers are shed from Janu The bucks an e spring. th out again in
The story of Tara Fela-Durotoye
desewa Adeoye, 24, is a 2011 graduate of Accounting. By all standards, she wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to traverse the length and breadth of _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_SzU QRÂ?`SRU Â RHW^Â U ]U Â ``XU ÂĽ`QÂ&#x160;U especially if academic excellence is the main criterion. And this, indeed, is the thinking of many of her family members and friends. But it appears many of them are in the dark about her future plans. And strangely too, she kept the dream close to her chest for some time. So, it was like a rude shock when, upon graduation, she shared her hitherto kept secret with a few friends. What she T]WXU ÂĽ`V_RXU _xRÂ&#x2039;U QRz`^XU XRTÂ&#x192;SWq_W`^jU â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is crazy! How can you have a 2.1 in accounting and all you want to do is to go into makeup business? Nonsense! x]_U Â&#x201A;WVVU z`Â&#x20AC;U _xR^U X`U Â&#x201A;W_xU _xRU ÂĽ`QU `5RSUW^U_x]_UVR]XW^Â UÂ&#x192;`^TÂ&#x20AC;V_]^Â&#x192;zUÂ&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;Ă&#x2039;ÂŞU bellowed highly disappointed Kemi Â&#x2030;R`Â&#x201A;`Â&#x160;U]UÂ&#x192;xWVXx``XUÂ?SWR^Xj x]_U Â&#x201A;]TU ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_U `^RU `Â?U _xRU _R^TRU moments that beautiful Adeoye had to face immediately she dropped the bombshell. But a calmer Bukky, who is also her childhood friend, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let her follow her heart. If she has chosen to go into the make-up business, we can only wish her the best in her next move; after all, the likes of Tara Fela Durotoye, who also trained as a lawyer, is faring well in the business ]^XUWTU^`Â&#x201A;U]Ux`Â&#x20AC;TRx`VXU^]Â&#x2039;RjÂŞ That seems to be like an elixir for Adeoye. The name Tara Fela-Durotoye touched in a chord in her. And then, she revealed her plans, with subdued emotion: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Do you know what? I am trying to get her contact. I have heard so much about her. And I desire to learn the art of makeup under her and ^`U`_xRSUqRST`^jÂŞ But can you blame her for choosing Tara as her role model? No! 36-year-
old Tara, a pioneer in the bridal make-up profession in Nigeria, came into consciousness in 1999 when she V]Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x192;xRXU _xRU Â&#x201E;ST_U QSWX]VU XWSRÂ&#x192;_`SzÂ&#x160;U ]U qÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;]_W`^U _x]_U R^ÂĽ`zRXU S]Â&#x2019;RU SRÂ&#x2019;WRÂ&#x201A;TU and public applause. xRU Â?`Â&#x20AC;^XRSU ]^XU U `Â?U `Â&#x20AC;TRU `Â?U Tara International would later set up an international makeup studio. But beyond this, Tara, who is also _xRU Â&#x192;SR]_`SU `Â?U ]S]U SRÂ&#x2030;RVRÂ&#x201A;]U R]Â&#x20AC;_zU Range, Inspired Perfume and HIP QR]Â&#x20AC;_zU S]^ RÂ&#x160;U SRÂ&#x192;`SXRXU ]^`_xRSU Â&#x201E;ST_U Â&#x201A;xR^U TxRU `qR^RXU _xRU Â&#x201E;ST_U Â&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;RÂ&#x20AC;qU school in Nigeria. Born at St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos, in 1977, Taraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s background was steeped in some not-too inspiring tales. When she was barely eight months `VXÂ&#x160;U xRSU Â?]_xRSÂ&#x160;U SjU `x^U ÂĽR WU ] ]zÂ&#x160;U ]^XU Â&#x2039;`_xRSÂ&#x160;U STjU RVWÂ&#x192;W]U Â&#x2039;] x`^WÂ&#x160;U got separated. So, she was raised by her fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife, Mrs. Modupe Agnes Sagay, in a polygamous home. But Tara rose above her childhood challenges. From Command Children School, Victoria Island, Lagos to W RSW]^U ]Â&#x2019;zU RÂ&#x192;`^X]SzU Â&#x192;x``VÂ&#x160;U ÂĽ`Â&#x160;U Lagos, she later proceeded to the Lagos State University, where she read Law. Interestingly, the university campus was the fertile ground where the seed of her interest in makeup business had Â&#x201E;ST_U RSÂ&#x2039;W^]_RXj She didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t waste time in pursuing her dream after graduation. It is too beautiful to allow it wither away; so, she gave it all that it took to nurture it to fruition. Like a restless soul, TxRU _xRSR]Â?_RSU ]HR^XRXU x]SVRTU `²Â&#x160;U Convent Garden, London, where she Â&#x201A;]TU_S]W^RXU]^XUÂ&#x192;RS_WÂ&#x201E;RXU]TU]UÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;RÂ&#x20AC;qU artist. SÂ&#x2039;RXU Â&#x201A;W_xU _x]_U Â&#x192;RS_WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;]_W`^Â&#x160;U TxRU `5RSRXU _xRU  V`Q]VU Â?]TxW`^U Â&#x201A;`SVXU a beautiful gift: House of Tara International.
Chef of the Week
TUESDAY, December 9, 2014 TAYO SALAMI
he dream of an average undergraduate in Nigeria is to come out with a good grade, get his or her dream job and then TRHVRU X` ^U _`U R^¥`zU _xRU QRT_U _x]_U VW RU ]^U `5RSjU _ U W R^U _xRU T` W`³ R `^` W U `^XW_W`^TUW^U_xRU ` ^_Sz U ]^zU undergraduates are now forced to turn into entrepreneurs so as to survive and VW RU R]^W^ VUVW RTjU One among those undergraduates is V R WU ]^^W U x`U T_ XWRXU `VW_W ]VU WR^ RÕ ` W]VU _ XWRTU ]_U _xRU ]WU `V]SW^U ^W RSTW_zU ` U X ]_W`^U Å Ã U W^U ^U _]_RjU q`^U ` qVR_W^ U xWTU ST_U XR SRRUW^U Ç UxWTUx`qRU` U RHW^ U]U xW_RU `VV]SU¥`QU ]TUX]TxRXjU RU]qqVWRXU `SU¥`QTU W^UXW5RSR^_UqV] RT UQ _UT]XVz UxRU ` VX^¤_U R_U xWTU XSR] U ¥`QjU U SW^ U _xRU qRSW`XU xR^UxRU ]TU]qqVzW^ U `SU¥`QTUW^UXW5RSR^_U `S ]^WT]_W`^T U xRU XWX^¤_U ]^_U _`U T_]zU ]_U x` RUWXVRjU RU ]TUTW qVzU ^ ` `S_]QVR U RTqR W]VVzU QR ] TRU xRU WTU `^T W` TU ` U _xRU T]zW^ U _x]_U ]^U WXVRU x]^XU WTU _xRU XR WV¤TU `S Tx`qjU ]W^T_U _xWTU Q] XS`q U xRU XR WXRXU_`U `UW^_`U_xRU ` WRUW^X T_SzU_`U Tx` ]TRUxWTU_]VR^_jU xR^ UxRU ]TU ^XRSU _xRU _ _RV] RU ` U `^RU `VRU ¥``¥`V U `SU three months before his brother, who is a Q] RS UR^ ` S] RXUxW U_`UVR]S^U_xRU]S_U` U ] R³Q] W^ j ]^^WU x]XU `S ]VU _S]W^W^ U S` U xWTU QS`_xRSU `SU _ `U zR]STU ]^XU xR^U xWTU QS`_xRSU ` VXU _x qU xWTU xRT_U _x]_U xRU ` VXUT_]^XU`^UxWTU` ^ UxRUTR_UxW U SRR U T`U_`UT]zjU x T U ]^^WUV] ^ xRXUxWTU` ^U VW^RU` U ] R³Q] W^ UQ TW^RTTj xWVRUxRU ]TU W_xUxWTUQS`_xRS UxRUVR]S^_U x` U _`U Q] RU XW5RSR^_U _zqRTU ` U ] RT U ` VXU x]S] _RST UXRTW ^U ] RTU]^XUR R^U ] RUT^] Tj ^U UxRURT_]QVWTxRXU V R WU ^WÄ RU ] RTjU ` R RS UxRUx]XUT` RU x]VVR^ RTU ]_U_xRU` _TR_U` UxWTU R^_ SRjU RUT]WX»U± xRU ]¥`SU x]VVR^ RU U x]XU ]TU _x]_U xR^U U T_]S_RXU zU Q TW^RTTU W^U Ó U ^`Q`XzU ]^_RXU _`U q]_S`^WTRU RU QR ] TRU _xRzU QRVWR RXU U ]TUT_WVVU]^U] ]_R SjU xRSR `SR U _xW^ TU RSRU XW3 V_U `SU RjU U ]TU ]Tx³ T_S]qqRXU]^XU^`Q`XzU ]TU WVVW^ U_`UxRVqU Rjª
` R RS U xWTU RVXRSU QS`_xRSU QR ] RU xWTU T] W^ U S] RU ] ]W^jU ± U `_U zU ST_U `^_S] _U _xS` xU zU QS`_xRSjU RU x]XU ]VSR]XzU Q] RXU _xRU ] RU ]^XU xRU TR^_U W_U _`U RU _x]_U U Tx` VXU XR `S]_RU W_jU U _`` U zU _W RU_`UX`U_xRUXR `S]_W`^UQR ] TRU U ^R U _xRU ` _ ` RU ` U _xRU XR `S]_W`^U ` VXU QRU _xRUW qSRTTW`^UqR`qVRU ` VXUx] RU]Q` _U RjU RXW]_RVz U U ^WTxRXU XR `S]_W^ U _xRU ] R U_xRU ST_U` _TWXRSU_x]_UT] UW_U ]TU ]U ` ]^U x`U ]TU ^R]SU zU qV] R U TxRU RVVUW^UV` RU W_xU_xRU ] RU]^XU `^_S] _RXU xRSU T`^¤TU QWS_xX]zU ] RU _`U R U xW xU U XWXUqRS R _VzU]^XUQR] _W VVzjU U ]TU RSzU W qSRTTRXU W_xU x]_U_xRU ` ]^U_`VXU RU xR^UTxRUT] U_xRU ] RU]^XU_xWTU ] RU RU _xRU ` S] RU _`U RRqU `W^ U `^U W_xU zU `S ªU ]^^WUT_]_RXj ]^^WUSR R]VRXU_x]_UW^U]U RR UxRUQ] RTU ^`_xW^ U VRTTU _x]^U U ] RTjU RU ]VT`U T]WXU _x]_U xRU x]XU T xRX VRXU xWTU `S U W^U T xU ]U ]zU_x]_UxRU ` VXUXRVW RSUxWTU ] RTU_`U xWTU T_` RSTU ]_U _xRU ]qqS`qSW]_RU _W RjU `SXW^ U _`U xW U ± U U x] RU _`U XRVW RSU VW RU ` SU `SU RU ] RTU `^U RX^RTX]z U U Q] RU `^U `^X]zU ]^XU X`U _xRU W W^ U `^U RTX]z UT`U_x]_U U WVVU^`_UXWT]qq`W^_U zU T_` RSTjª W^ RU ] R³Q] W^ U x]TU _] R^U ]U ^R U XW R^TW`^ U _xRU Q] RSU x]TU _`U QRU SR]_W RU and aware of certain changes in the T` WR_zjU x T U_`U qX]_RUxWTUT WVV U ]^^WU
Cakes are beautiful to behold –Femi Akanni
] RTU T SRU xRU WTU `^ RST]^_U W_xU _xRU XR RV`q R^_TU `W^ U`^UW^U_xRU `SVXÎU]^XU ]_U_W RT UxRU_] RTUxWTU_W RU]^XUSRTR]S xU_`U RRqU]QSR]T_U` U^R U_xW^ Tj `SXW^ U_`UxW UX]z³W^ UX]z³` _ U_xRSRU ]SRU x]^ RTUW^UqS`X _TU]^XU_R x^`V` WRTjU ± xRU ] RUXRTW ^TU_x]_U RSRUW^U ` RUW^U U]SRUXW5RSR^_U S` U x]_UWTUW^U ` RU ^` jU ` U x]_U UX`UWTU_x]_U xR^R RSU UTRRU ^R U XRTW ^TU ` U _xW^ TU _x]_U ` VXU QRU ` U QR^R _U_`U R U U_] RU zU_W RU_`UqS] _W RUW_U ]^XUTx` UW_U_`UqR`qVRU]S` ^XU RU_`U]TTRTTU W_jU UQRVWR RU_x]_UqS] _W RU ] RTUqRS R _W`^ÎU T` U W U U X`^¤_U R_U x]_U ¤ U ]W W^ U ]_U _xRU ST_U _W R U U q _U W^U `SRU R5`S_TU T`U ]TU _`U W qS` RU`^UW_ ªUxRUR²qV]W^RXj ]^^WU Q] RTU XW5RSR^_U _zqRTU ` U ] RT U xW xUW^ V XRUTq`^ R U x` `V]_R U ]SQVR U S W_ U T_S] QRSSz U xW_RU `SRT_ U QV] U `SRT_ U x` `V]_RU W^X V R^ R U SRXU RV R_U ]^XU ` `^ _U ] RTj
RU qV]^TU _`U _S] RVU ` _U ` U _xRU ` ^_SzU _`U W qS` RU xWTU T WVVTU ]^XU QR ` RU `SRU ^` VRX R]QVRU `^U xWTU ¥`QjU ± U ]^_U _`U QR ` RU ^` ^U _xS` x` _U _xRU `SVX ªU xRU `^ V XRXj `SU xW U ] RU WTU ^`_U ]Q` _U HW^ U ]^XU R]_W^ U W_jU ] RU WTU ]U R `S]QVRU _xW^ U ]^XU ]U TW x_U _`U QRx`VXjU ` R_xW^ U z` U ` VXU TRRU ]^XU ]qqSR W]_RjU xRSR `SR U xRU ]V ]zTU]X WTRXUxWTU VWR^_TU^`_U_`UVR_U_xRWSU x]qqzUX]zU `U W_x` _U RVRQS]_W^ UW_U W_xU `^XRS VU ] RTjU
If I have to deliver like four or five cakes on Wednesday, I bake on Monday and do the icing on Tuesday, so that I will not disappoint my customers.
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Newswatch Times
Sam Popoola samolapop@yahoo.com
Supreme Court verdict: End of the road for Taraba Acting Gov PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja
fter two years, one month and 17 days, respite came the way of impeached Deputy Governor of Taraba state, Alhaji Sani Abubakar Danladi, as the Supreme Court ordered his reinstatement with immediate R5RÂ&#x192;_jU `^TRĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;R^_VzÂ&#x160;U ]SQ]U Â&#x2039;]SÂ&#x20AC;U Â&#x201A;x`U Â&#x201A;]TU _xRU QR^RÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;W]SzU `Â?U _x]_U impeachment was sent packing QzU _xRU ]qR²U Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_jU U U xRU W^Â?]Â&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;TU impeachment process of Danladi started on September 4, 2012, when members of the Taraba State House of Assembly laid before the Speaker of the said House, a notice of complaint of gross misconduct ] ]W^T_UxWÂ&#x2039;jU On the said 4th September, the complaint was served on Danladi for xWTUSR]Â&#x192;_W`^jU RUXÂ&#x20AC;VzUqSRq]SRXU]^XU forwarded his reply to the charges V]WXU] ]W^T_UxWÂ&#x2039;jU ^U Rq_RÂ&#x2039;QRSUÂ&#x;Ă&#x2021;Â&#x160;U 2012, the House passed a motion, qÂ&#x20AC;STÂ&#x20AC;]^_U _`U RÂ&#x192;_W`^U Â&#x;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2026; Ă&#x192;U `Â?U _xRU Constitution of the Federal Republic `Â?U W RSW]U Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;U Ă&#x2026;]TU ]Â&#x2039;R^XRXĂ&#x192;U _`U investigate the allegations of gross Â&#x2039;WTÂ&#x192;`^XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_U] ]W^T_U ]^V]XWjU `^TRĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;R^_U Â&#x20AC;q`^U _xRU SRT`VÂ&#x20AC;_W`^U of the House to investigate the allegation, the Speaker of Taraba _]_RU `Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzUSRĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;RT_RXU the Acting Chief Judge of the State to constitute a 7-man panel to investigate the allegations pursuant _`U RÂ&#x192;_W`^UÂ&#x;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2026;°Ă&#x192;U`Â?U_xRU `^T_W_Â&#x20AC;_W`^j ^U ]U TÂ&#x201A;WÂ?_U SR]Â&#x192;_W`^Â&#x160;U ]^V]XWU Â&#x201E;VRXU an originating summons and a motion restraining the panel from investigating the allegations against xWÂ&#x2039;jU ^UTqW_RU`Â?UxWTUÂ&#x2039;`_W`^Â&#x160;U_xRUq]^RVU went ahead with the investigation, at the conclusion of which it TÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU W_TU SRq`S_U _`U _xRU `Â&#x20AC;TRjU `SRUT`Â&#x160;U ]^V]XWUÂ&#x201E;VRXU]^U]Â&#x2039;R^XRXU originating summons to incorporate new issues relating to denial of fair hearing in the proceeding of the q]^RVjU ^U TÂ&#x20AC;qq`S_U `Â?U _xRU ]Â&#x2039;R^XRXU `SW W^]_W^ U TÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;`^TÂ&#x160;U xRU Â&#x201E;VRXU ]U Â&#x153; U q]S] S]qxU]3X]Â&#x2019;W_jU xRU SRTq`^XR^_TU Â&#x201E;VRXU ]U ÂĽ`W^_U Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_RSÂł]3X]Â&#x2019;W_U `Â?U Â&#x17E;Â&#x203A;U q]S] S]qxTU ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_U ]TU ]^V]XWU Â&#x201E;VRXU ]U Â?Â&#x20AC;S_xRSU ]3X]Â&#x2019;W_U`Â?UÂ&#x; Uq]S] S]qxTj W_xU _xRU Â&#x2039;]HRSU zR_U _`U QRU Â&#x2019;]Â&#x192;]_RXU at the Taraba state High Court, the House went ahead and impeached ]^V]XWU `^U Â&#x192;_`QRSU  Â&#x160;U Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x17E;jU However, the trial court presided by the then acting Chief Judge, Justice
`TRqxW^RU Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2030;Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x160;U`^U ]SÂ&#x192;xUÂ&#x;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x160;UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;U Â&#x20AC;qxRVXU_xRUWÂ&#x2039;qR]Â&#x192;xÂ&#x2039;R^_U`Â?U ]^V]XWj The trial judge ruled, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since the qV]W^_W5U x]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;R^Â&#x192;RXU _xWTU Â&#x192;]TRU by way of an originating summons and not through writ of summons, Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;RT_W`^TU ]^XU ]VVRÂ ]_W`^TU `Â?U XR^W]VU of fair hearing which will certainly involve acrimonious and riotous
Alhaji SANI Danladi Abubakar Deputy Governor of Taraba State
Taraba State Governor Suntai
Garba Umar
dispute of fact will be inappropriate on the part of this court to proceed to resolve this complaint under the procedure chosen and adopted by _xRUqV]W^_W5jU The objection raised by the defendants therefore has merit as _xRU XRÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;WR^Â&#x192;WRTU xWÂ xVWÂ x_RXU W^U _xRU Â&#x192;]TRU]SRUÂ?]_]VjU xRUÂ&#x192;]TRUWTU`^VzUÂ ``XU for striking out and it is hereby T_SÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U`Â&#x20AC;_ÂŞj The sacked deputy governor felt aggrieved and proceeded to the ]qqRVV]_RU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_U W^U TR]SÂ&#x192;xU `Â?U ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RjU Again, the Court of Appeal, Yola WÂ&#x2019;WTW`^U ]3SÂ&#x2039;RXU _xRU SÂ&#x20AC;VW^Â U `Â?U _xRU _SW]VUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_jU ^UxWTU]qqR]VU_`U_xRU `Â&#x20AC;S_U of Appeal against the judgment of the trial court, Danladi formulated the following three issues from his
grounds of appeal for determination in his brief of argument: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whether having regard to the fact that no order or relief is sought against either the Acting Chief Judge of Taraba State or Taraba State House of Assembly their non-joinder is Â?]_]VU _`U _xRU qV]W^_W5¤TU TÂ&#x20AC;W_jU Ă&#x2026; S`Â&#x20AC;^XU one of the notice and grounds of ]qqR]VĂ&#x192;jUUU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whether the action being commenced by originating TÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;`^TUWTUW^Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qR_R^_jUĂ&#x2026; S`Â&#x20AC;^XUÂ&#x17E;U `Â?U_xRU^`_WÂ&#x192;RU]^XU S`Â&#x20AC;^XTU`Â?U]qqR]VĂ&#x192;jU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whether the trial judge ought to have set aside the proceedings and the report of the 7-man panel which investigated the allegation of gross misconduct against the appellant Â?`SU Â&#x201A;]^_U `Â?U Â?]WSU xR]SW^ jU Ă&#x2026; S`Â&#x20AC;^XU Â&#x153;U
`Â?U_xRU^`_WÂ&#x192;RU]^XU S`Â&#x20AC;^XTU`Â?U]qqR]VĂ&#x192;j The Court of Appeal resolved WTTÂ&#x20AC;RTU Â&#x;U ]^XU Â&#x153;U ] ]W^T_U ]^V]XWU ]^XU WTTÂ&#x20AC;RUÂ&#x17E;U] ]W^T_U_xRUSRTq`^XR^_Tj `^TRĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;R^_VzÂ&#x160;U `^U Â&#x20AC;VzU Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x160;U Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;U the appellate court in upholding judgment of the trial court said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;notwithstanding the resolution of issue two in favour of the appellant, on a calm view of issues one and three, I hold that this appeal lacks Â&#x2039;RSW_U ]^XU WTU XWTÂ&#x2039;WTTRXjU ]S_WRTU _`U QR]SU _xRWSU SRTqRÂ&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;RU Â&#x192;`T_TÂŞjU xRU court held that the Taraba State House of Assembly complied with RÂ&#x192;_W`^UÂ&#x;Ă&#x2021;Ă&#x2021;UĂ&#x2026;Â&#x;ÂłĂ&#x201C;Ă&#x192;U`Â?U_xRUÂ&#x192;`^T_W_Â&#x20AC;_W`^U in the impeachment of the deputy  `Â&#x2019;RS^`SjU Â&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU Â&#x20AC;T]U QQ]Âł ÂĽWU in the lead judgment dismissed the appeal brought before the court by the impeached deputy governor, T]zW^ UW_UV]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;RXUÂ&#x2039;RSW_j â&#x20AC;&#x153;The respondents followed all the procedures for the removal of the appellant, in accordance with _xRU V]Â&#x201A;ÂŞU Â&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU QQ]Âł ÂĽWU SÂ&#x20AC;VRXjU The appellant court then upheld the judgment of the Taraba High `Â&#x20AC;S_UXRVWÂ&#x2019;RSRXU`^U ]SÂ&#x192;xUÂ&#x;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x160;UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;jU â&#x20AC;&#x153;Accordingly, this appeal is hereby dismissed for lacking in merit,â&#x20AC;?
Â&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU QQ]Âł ÂĽWUxRVXj qq]SR^_VzUÂ&#x2039;W5RXUQzU_xRU`Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;RU of his appeal at the appellate court, Danladi headed for the Supreme Court, where he insisted that he was denied fair hearing by the 7-man panel set up by the Taraba Assembly to investigate allegation of gross Â&#x2039;WTÂ&#x192;`^XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;_UVRÂ&#x2019;RVVRXU]Â ]W^T_UxWÂ&#x2039;jU ]S_WRTU W^U _xRU VW_WÂ ]_W`^U ]SRU Vx]ÂĽWU ]^WU ]^V]XWU Ă&#x2026;]qqRVV]^_Ă&#x192;Â&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xWVRU Barrister Nasiru Dangiri, Arch TÂ&#x2039;]^U W^Â ]Â&#x160;U ]SSjU j U Â&#x2030;W_]Â&#x20AC;T]WÂ&#x160;U VXRSU ]qxR_U Â&#x20AC;Q`^Â&#x160;U VxjU Â&#x20AC;T_]qx]U Sani, Hajia Aishatu Muhammed and Mr Julius Kaigama - members of the panel set up by the Taraba Assembly ÂłU]SRUSRTq`^XR^_Tj Eminent jurists who sat on the
Since the plaintiff have commenced this case by way of an originating summons and not through writ of summons, questions and allegations of denial of fair hearing which will certainly involve acrimonious and riotous dispute of fact will be inappropriate on the part of this court to proceed to resolve this complaint under the procedure chosen and adopted by the plaintiff
To be continued
Newswatch Times
Law 53
End of the road for Taraba Acting Gov panel are Justices Walter Onnoghen, Suleiman Galadima, Olabode Rhodes-Vivour, Sylvester Ngwuta, Kumai Bayang Akaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ahs, Kudirat Kekere-Ekun and John Okoro. At the apex court, the appellant (Danladi) had appealed on 11 grounds from which he distilled the Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RUWTTÂ&#x20AC;RTUW^UxWTUQSWRÂ?U`Â?U]SÂ Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;R^_jU The seven-man panel of the Supreme `Â&#x20AC;S_UÂ&#x20AC;^]^WÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;TVzUxRVXÂťUÂą ^UR5RÂ&#x192;_Â&#x160;U at all times, the appellant, Alhaji Sani Abubakar Danladi remained and still remains the Deputy Governor of Taraba state and he is to resume xWTU W^_RSSÂ&#x20AC;q_RXU XÂ&#x20AC;_WRTU `Â?U xWTU `3Â&#x192;RU forthwithâ&#x20AC;?. The appeal marked SC/416/2013 is against the judgment of the Court of Appeal, Yola Division on appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Taraba State, which struck out appellantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s originating summons seeking to set aside his impeachment by the Taraba State House of Assembly. Delivering judgment on the appeal on Friday November 21, Justice Nwali Sylvester Ngwuta, in a leading judgment said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Based on the Â&#x20AC;^XWTqÂ&#x20AC;_RXUÂ?]Â&#x192;_TUW^U_xRU]3X]Â&#x2019;W_TU`Â?U the appellant, I am of the considered view that the court below ought to have resolved the issue of denial of fair hearing against the respondents and in favour of the appellant. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The court below ought to have declared the entire proceedings of the panel made up of the respondents null and Â&#x2019;`WXU]^XU`Â?U^`UVRÂ ]VU`SUÂ?]Â&#x192;_Â&#x20AC;]VUR5RÂ&#x192;_U whatsoeverâ&#x20AC;? Justice Ngwuta stated. Consequently, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I allow the appeal and vacate the judgment of the Court of Appeal. I hereby order that the entire proceedings of the panel that purported, at the instance of the Taraba State House of Assembly, to investigate the allegation of gross misconduct made by the House against the appellant, the deputy governor of Taraba state, up to and including the incomplete and edited report relied on in removing the appellant by the House, be, and is hereby, declared null and void and of no legal or factual consequence whatsoeverâ&#x20AC;? Justice Ngwuta held. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Parties are to bear their respective costs. Appeal allowed. Proceedings and report of the panel declared ^Â&#x20AC;VVÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x2019;`WXU]^XU`Â?U^`UR5RÂ&#x192;_jU qqRVV]^_U to resume his duties forthwith as the deputy governor of Taraba stateâ&#x20AC;? the Supreme Court Justices ordered. The Supreme Court wondered Â&#x201A;xzU _xRU q]^RVU xÂ&#x20AC;SSWRXVzU Â&#x201E;^WTxRXU its hearing without deeming it necessary to hear out the appellant. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Here is a panel that had three whole months to investigate the serious allegations of gross misconduct against the appellant, a Deputy Governor of the State. For no apparent reason for the indecent x]T_RÂ&#x160;U_xRUq]^RVUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qVR_RXUW_TUTWHW^Â U ]^XU qSRq]SRXU ]^XU TÂ&#x20AC;QÂ&#x2039;WHRXU W_TU report to the Taraba State House of Assembly between the 28th day of September 2012 and the 3rd day of October, 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a period of six days W^Â&#x192;VÂ&#x20AC;TWÂ&#x2019;RU`Â?U_xRUÂ&#x201E;ST_U]^XUV]T_UX]_RTÂŞU the Supreme Court noted with
`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRU `Â?U _xRU ]SU `Â&#x20AC;Â x_U _`U QRU drawn to itâ&#x20AC;?. The Supreme Court Justices posited that impeachment of elected q`VW_WÂ&#x192;W]^TU WTU ]U Â&#x2019;RSzU TRSW`Â&#x20AC;TU Â&#x2039;]HRSU and should not be conducted as ]U Â&#x2039;]HRSU `Â?U Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;STRÂ&#x160;U ]XXW^Â U _x]_U â&#x20AC;&#x153;whether it takes one day or the three months required by law, the rules of due process must be strictly followed. The Court cautioned that WÂ?U _xRU Â&#x2039;]HRSU WTU VRÂ?_U ]_U _xRU Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x2039;TU and caprices of politicians and their panels, a state or even the entire country could be reduced to the status of a banana republic. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The procedure for impeachment and removal must be guarded jealously by the courtsâ&#x20AC;? the apex court stated. U TWÂ&#x2039;WV]SU ]qqR]VU Â&#x201E;VRXU QzU _xRU appellant was dismissed by the panel. President of the Court of Appeal, Justice New Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice The appeal marked SC/418/2013, Zainab Bulkachuwa Mahmud Mohammed was between the appellant (Alhaji a mere sham and that the removal Sani A. Danladi) and Taraba State dismay. Justice Ngwuta observed that â&#x20AC;&#x153;as `Â?U _xRU ]qqRVV]^_U Â?S`Â&#x2039;U `3Â&#x192;RU Â&#x201A;]TU ]U House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. if the rushed justice was not bad done deal as it were. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In my view, Istifanus Gbana, Speaker Taraba enough, the panel presented to the respondents, in their purported Assembly, Hon. Justice J.Y Tukur, the Taraba House of Assembly an investigation of the allegation made Acting Chief Judge of Taraba, The incomplete and edited report upon against the appellant, merely played H`S^RzU R^RS]VU `Â?U ]S]Q]U T_]_RÂ&#x160;U which the appellant was removed on out a script previously prepared and The Governor of Taraba state, Alhaji October 4, 2012, the day following handed over to the panelâ&#x20AC;? he stated. Garba U maru, deputy governor, the submission of the report. At least, According to the panel of Justices, Taraba state. the respondents did not disclaim the â&#x20AC;&#x153;The most disturbing aspect of the The appeal emanated from the Kangaroo panel is that it was headed proceedings of a panel set up by incomplete and edited reportâ&#x20AC;?.
Â&#x20AC;T_WÂ&#x192;RU Â Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;_]U Â&#x201A;]TU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;U by a man described in the processes the Acting Chief Judge of Taraba view that the facts averred by the before this court as a barrister â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one state at the instance of the 1st appellant stood unchallenged Barrister Nasiru Audu Dangiri. respondent to investigate allegation ]^XU Â&#x201A;RSRU XRRÂ&#x2039;RXU ]XÂ&#x2039;WHRXU QzU The third member of the panel was of gross misconduct against the the respondents who could have also described as a barrister â&#x20AC;&#x201C; one appellant. Based on the report of the XWTqÂ&#x20AC;_RXUT]Â&#x2039;RUR5RÂ&#x192;_WÂ&#x2019;RVzUQÂ&#x20AC;_UÂ&#x192;x`TRU Barrister R.J Ikitausai. If these two panel, the 1st respondent removed to dance around the facts. He said men are actually members of the _xRU ]qqRVV]^_U Â?S`Â&#x2039;U `3Â&#x192;RU ]TU _xRU the impact of what happened in the noble profession to which Your Deputy Governor of Taraba state. panel on the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impeachment Lordships and my humble self, by In the appeal, the appellant sought jurisprudence was too alarming to the Grace of God have the honour the following reliefs; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Allow the to belong, and not people who are, appealâ&#x20AC;?. contemplate. In addition, Justice Ngwuta held for self aggrandizement adopted the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Set aside the judgment of the that from the undisputed facts of nomenclature â&#x20AC;&#x153;barristerâ&#x20AC;?, the harm Court of Appeal, Yola judicial the case, â&#x20AC;&#x153;one has the inevitable but they have deliberately perpetrated Division in its entirety delivered disturbing impression that the panel W^U _xWTU Â&#x2039;]HRSU WTU T`U TRSW`Â&#x20AC;TU _x]_U `^U Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;_xU Â&#x20AC;VzU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â&#x153;Â&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU ]3SÂ&#x2039;RXU composed of the respondents was _xRU ]HR^_W`^U `Â?U _xRU WTÂ&#x192;WqVW^]SzU judgment of the trial court. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Set aside the judgment of the trial court dismissing the appellantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s originating summons. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nullify the impeachment proceedings and the impeachment (removal) of the appellant as the Deputy Governor of Taraba state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;An order reinstating the appellant as the Deputy Governor of Taraba state. The Supreme noted that the appellant in appeal SC/418/2013 is also the appellant in SC/416/2013, in which he sought substantially similar reliefs against the 7-member panel which investigated the allegation made by the 1st respondent against him. In his judgment, Justice Ngwuta said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is no live issue in the appeal; the reliefs sought have been dealt with in appeal SC/416/2013. It is my view that issues in this appeal have become academic in view of the judgment in SC/416/2013. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The proper order in the circumstance is one for striking out and I do hereby strike out the appeal. Parties to bear their respective costsâ&#x20AC;?.
Based on the undisputed facts in the
Newswatch Times
Produce Coca-cola, NBC bosses in court, judge tells counsels PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja
ustice Evoh Chukwu of the FedRS]VU W xU `Â&#x20AC;S_U QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]Ux]TUW^TWT_ed that the Managing Director of Coca-cola Chief Adeola Adetunji and Ben Langat, Managing DiSRÂ&#x192;_`SU `Â?U W RSW]^U `HVW^ U `Â&#x2039;q]^zU (NBC) should appear in court in view of Â&#x192;SWÂ&#x2039;W^]VUÂ&#x192;x]S RTUqS`5RSRXU] ]W^T_U_xRÂ&#x2039;U by the Federal Government. xRU H`S^RzU R^RS]VU `Â?U _xRU RXRS]tion, Mr. Mohammed Adoke SAN had Â&#x201E;VRXU]U`^RÂłÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_UÂ&#x192;x]S RU] ]W^T_U U and its Managing Director and a twocount charge against Coca-Cola Nigeria limited and its Chief Executive, for criminal breach of certain provisions of the Consumer Protection Council (CPC) Act. Also, the defendants contended that the suit constituted an abuse of court process as a similar suit is before the same court. At the last adjournment, Justice Chukwu had ordered for substituted service on the two chief executives of Coca-cola and NBC by pasting hearing notices and summons in the premises of their companies respectively.
`Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U ]_U zRT_RSX]z¤TU TWHW^ Â&#x160;U Q`_xU men were not in court, a development that forced the judge to insist on them being present in court since he had made that order. ^U_xRUÂ&#x201E;ST_UTÂ&#x20AC;W_U] ]W^T_U `Â&#x192;]ÂłÂ&#x192;`V]Â&#x160;U_xRU court opined that since Godwin Elias, Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^TRVU_`U `Â&#x192;]ÂłÂ&#x192;`V]Ux]XU]XÂ&#x2039;WHRXU_x]_U
In a related development, Oluyole Opesanya representing the NBC and its Â&#x192;xWRÂ?UR²RÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_WÂ&#x2019;RU`3Â&#x192;RSU R^U ]^ ]_Â&#x160;UÂ?]Â&#x192;RXU similar situation as the court stressed that the NBC boss must be in court. Opesanya, however told the court that Langat was out of the country, a situation that made the court to allow him move his objections challenging the courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jurisdiction and the appearance of Chief Bayo Ojo, as prosecution counsel. Â?_RSU ]S Â&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;R^_Â&#x160;U _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_U Â&#x201E;²RXU Rcember 18 for ruling on the preliminary `QÂĽRÂ&#x192;_W`^UÂ&#x201E;VRXUQzU_xRU j Arraignment of the two chief execu_WÂ&#x2019;RTU`Â?U_xRU W RSW]^U `HVW^ U `Â&#x2039;q]^zU (NBC) Limited and Coca-Cola Nigeria Limited respectively has been put on hold due to the application challenging _xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_¤TUq`Â&#x201A;RSU_`UxR]SU_xRUÂ&#x2039;]HRSj The court had refused to grant an application by the Federal Government for a bench warrant to be issued against the accused persons for failure to appear in Managing Director, Coca-Cola Nigeria Justice Auta court. The Federal Government had earlier Adeola Adetunji was served, it behoved down for Elias to go and produce AdeÂ&#x201E;VRXU]UÂ&#x192;x]S RU] ]W^T_U U]^XUW_TU ]^on him to be in court. tunji. The court posited that Adetunji ought
`Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xR^U _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_U SRTÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;RXÂ&#x160;U aging Director, Ben Langat alleging that to be in court, but not to take plea, add- Adetunji told the court that the Coca-co- _xRU_Â&#x201A;`U]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;TRXUqRST`^TUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXU]^U ing that he is facing a criminal summon. la boss was indisposed; a situation that `5R^Â&#x192;RU QzU Â&#x2019;W`V]_W^ U _xRU `SXRSU `Â?U _xRU Justice Chukwu pointed out that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;you made the court to direct that he should Consumer Protection Council for refusing to comply with cannot come seeking for justice and be in court on the next adjourned date you are now standing in the face of the of December 3, when his counsel, Elias _xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x192;WV¤TU`SXRSÂ&#x160;U]^U`5R^Â&#x192;RUÂ&#x192;`^_S]SzU court, just as the court reasoned that the is expected to move his preliminary ob- to Section 21 of the Consumer Protecsanctity of the court must be protected. jection challenging the courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s jurisdic- tion Council Act, Cap C. 25, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, `^TRĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;R^_VzÂ&#x160;U xRU T_``XU _xRU Â&#x2039;]HRSU tion. 2004.
Justice from foreign lands Protests erupt after decision in chokehold death
he cell phone video of the last moments of Eric Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life was watched millions of times on the Internet, clearly showing ]UÂ&#x201A;xW_RUq`VWÂ&#x192;RU`3Â&#x192;RSUx`VXW^ U_xRU unarmed black man in a chokehold, even as he repeatedly gasped, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t breathe.â&#x20AC;? But despite that visual evidence, and a medical examinerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ruling that the chokehold contributed to the death, a Staten Island grand jury decided Wednesday not to bring any charges against the ofÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;RSU W^Â&#x2019;`VÂ&#x2019;RXÂ&#x160;U qS`Â&#x2039;q_W^ U qS`_RT_TU ]Â&#x192;S`TTU the country and sending thousands onto New Yorkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s streets, where they marched, Â&#x192;x]^_RXU ]^XU QV`Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;RXU _S]3Â&#x192;U W^_`U _xRU ^R²_U morning. While legal experts note itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impossible to know how the grand jurors reached their conclusion, they say the Garner case, like Michael Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death in Ferguson, Missouri, once again raised concerns about the W^Â?Â&#x20AC;R^Â&#x192;RU V`Â&#x192;]VU qS`TRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_`STU x]Â&#x2019;RU `Â&#x2019;RSU _xRU qS`Â&#x192;RTTU`Â?UÂ&#x192;x]S W^ U_xRUq`VWÂ&#x192;RU`3Â&#x192;RSTU_xRzU work with on a daily basis. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The video speaks for itself,â&#x20AC;? said Jeffrey Fagan, a professor at Columbia Law School. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It appears to show negligence. But if we learned anything from the Brown case, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the power of prosecutors to construct and manage a narrative in a way that can shape the outcome.â&#x20AC;? Ekow N. Yankah, a professor at Cardozo School of Law, agreed that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is hard to understand how a jury doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see any probable cause that a crime has been comÂ&#x2039;WHRXU`SUWTUQRW^ UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXUÂ&#x201A;xR^UV``Â&#x2030;W^ U at that video, especially.â&#x20AC;? Another observer, James A. Cohen, who teaches at Fordham University Law School, went further, saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Logic doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play a role in this process.â&#x20AC;? j jU H`S^RzU SWÂ&#x192;U `VXRSU T]WXU Â?RXRS]VU prosecutors would conduct their own investigation of Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s July 17 death as `3Â&#x192;RSTU Â&#x201A;RSRU ]HRÂ&#x2039;q_W^ U _`U ]SSRT_U xWÂ&#x2039;U Â?`SU TRVVW^ UÂ&#x20AC;^_]²RXUÂ&#x192;W ]SRHRTU`^U_xRUT_SRR_jU xRU New York Police Department also is doing
an internal probe which could lead to adÂ&#x2039;W^WT_S]_WÂ&#x2019;RUÂ&#x192;x]S RTU] ]W^T_U 3Â&#x192;RSU ]^WRVU Pantaleo, who remains on desk duty. The grand juryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision prompted emotional protests around New York and in cities from Atlanta to California. ^U ]^x]H]^Â&#x160;U XRÂ&#x2039;`^T_S]_`STU V]WXU X`Â&#x201A;^U in Grand Central Terminal, walked through _S]3Â&#x192;U `^U _xRU RT_U WXRU W xÂ&#x201A;]zU ]^XU blocked the Brooklyn Bridge. A City CounÂ&#x192;WVUÂ&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSUÂ&#x192;SWRXjU Â&#x20AC;^XSRXTUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x2019;RS RXU`^U the heavily secured area around the annual Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting with a combination of professional-looking signs and hand-scrawled placards reading, Âą V]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;U VWÂ&#x2019;RTU Â&#x2039;]HRSÂŞU ]^XU Âą RVV`Â&#x201A;U Â&#x201A;xW_RU people, wake up.â&#x20AC;? And in the Staten Island neighborhood where Garner died, people reacted with angry disbelief and chanted, Âą UÂ&#x192;]^¤_UQSR]_xRĂ ÂŞU]^XUÂą ]^XTUÂ&#x20AC;qUäUX`^¤_U choke!â&#x20AC;? New York City police said early Thursday that more than 60 people were arrested, most for disorderly conduct. Âą xWTUÂ&#x201E; x_U]W^¤_U`Â&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;UW_UÂĽÂ&#x20AC;T_UQR Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x160;ÂŞUT]WXU Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s widow Esaw. But the demonstrations were largely peaceful, in contrast to the widespread arson and looting that accompanied the decision nine days earlier not to indict the `3Â&#x192;RSUW^U S`Â&#x201A;^¤TUXR]_xj _]_R^U TV]^XU WT_SWÂ&#x192;_U H`S^RzU ]^WRVU Donovan said the grand jury found â&#x20AC;&#x153;no reasonable causeâ&#x20AC;? to bring charges, but unlike the chief prosecutor in the Ferguson case, he gave no details on the grand jury _RT_WÂ&#x2039;`^zjU xRU XWT_SWÂ&#x192;_U ]H`S^RzU T]WXU xRU will seek to have information on the investigation released. ^U`SXRSU_`UÂ&#x201E;^XU ]^_]VR`UÂ&#x192;SWÂ&#x2039;W^]VVzU^R ligent, the grand jury would have had to determine he knew there was a â&#x20AC;&#x153;substantial riskâ&#x20AC;? that Garner would have died. ]_]VR`¤TUV]Â&#x201A;zRSU]^XUÂ&#x20AC;^W`^U`3Â&#x192;W]VTU]S Â&#x20AC;RXU that the grand jury got it right, saying he Â&#x20AC;TRXU]^U]Â&#x20AC;_x`SWÂRXU_]Â&#x2030;RX`Â&#x201A;^UÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x2019;RUäU^`_U ]U Q]^^RXU Â&#x192;x`Â&#x2030;Rx`VXU äU ]^XU _x]_U ]S^RS¤TU poor health was the main cause of his
death. The Rev. Al Sharpton, who has led protests over the custody death of Garner and the police shooting of Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, said the New York decision is yet another reason he has lost Â&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;XR^Â&#x192;RU W^U T_]_RU Â S]^XU ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;SWRTU ]^XU V`Â&#x192;]VU prosecutors to bring such cases. â&#x20AC;&#x153;State grand juries tend to be too compromised with local politics because local qS`TRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_`STU SÂ&#x20AC;^U Â?`SU `3Â&#x192;RU ]^XU _xRzU x]Â&#x2019;RU to depend on the police for evidence,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t we have the right to question grand juries when weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking at a video and seeing things that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make sense?â&#x20AC;? The video shot by an onlooker showed the 43-year-old Garner telling a group of q`VWÂ&#x192;RU `3Â&#x192;RSTU _`U VR]Â&#x2019;RU xWÂ&#x2039;U ]V`^RU ]TU _xRzU tried to arrest him. Pantaleo responded by wrapping his arm around Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neck in
what appeared to be a chokehold. The heavyset father of six, who had asthma, was heard repeatedly gasping, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t QSR]_xRĂ ÂŞU RUV]_RSUXWRXU]_U]Ux`TqW_]Vj The medical examiner ruled Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s death a homicide and found that a chokehold contributed to it. A forensic pathologist hired by Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family agreed with _x`TRU Â&#x201E;^XW^ TÂ&#x160;U T]zW^ U _xRSRU Â&#x201A;]TU xRÂ&#x2039;`Srhaging on Garnerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neck indicative of neck compressions. Columbiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fagan said another factor was that the Staten Island grand jury came from the most conservative and least raÂ&#x192;W]VVzU XWÂ&#x2019;RSTRU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;W_z¤TU Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RU Q`S`Â&#x20AC; xTÂ&#x160;U and home to many current and retired poVWÂ&#x192;RU`3Â&#x192;RSTU]^XU_xRWSUÂ?]Â&#x2039;WVWRTj Âą _]_R^U TV]^XU WTU ]U Â&#x2019;RSzU XW5RSR^_U Q`Sough,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In fact, it may be closer to suburban St. Louis, and we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t discount that.â&#x20AC;?
Eric Garner on the left and getting arrested on the right
Newswatch Times
Crime Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Police endangering our lives â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Community leaders OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
he people of Aji, an agrarian community in Enugu Ezike, Igbo Eze North Local government area, Enugu State, have cried foul over Nigeria Police decision to have released some suspected murders who they believe their presence in their community is a treat to their livelihoods. The released suspects according to information gathered, are the seven members of a rival vigilante group by the police in Abuja who were initially arrested for alleged gruesome murder of some indigenes of the community, early this year. It was gathered that the death of two illustrious sons of the community around ]SÂ&#x192;xÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x; Â&#x160;UTq]SÂ&#x2030;RXU`5UÂ&#x201A;WVXUqS`_RT_TUW^U_xRU area leading to the swift intervention of crack detectives from Force headquarters, Abuja. This was after the police in Enugu allegedly foot-dragged over the nefarious activities of the suspects which the community alleged was severally reported to them. Worse still, members of the community alleged also that the government of Enugu blatantly looked the other way after series of reports about the mastermind of the killings in the community who is a top government `3Â&#x192;W]VÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;RSRUÂ&#x2039;]XRU_`U_xRÂ&#x2039;j A leader in the area, Chief Ignatius Ugwuanyija who recalled how their sons were gruesomely killed by the suspects told Crime Guard that they were sent to their graves within one month. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;It started with Oforma Itodo. He was slain on March 3, 2014, barely four days after burying his mother. He was butchered like a fowl. Two weeks later, another son of the community, Obinna Onoja, was also hacked to death `^U Â?WÂ&#x2039;TzU SR]T`^TU _x]_U xRU ]VVR RXVzU T_`VRU buckets of paint from the building site of the _`qU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U`3Â&#x192;W]VUÂ&#x201A;x`Ux]WVTUÂ?S`Â&#x2039;U_xRU community. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; On that fateful day, members of the vigilante group who have been terrorizing the community at the instance of the top government employee went to the residence of Obinnaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parents and told them that they were sent to fetch him by the government `3Â&#x192;W]VjU xRUÂ?]Â&#x192;RTU`Â?U_xRU S`Â&#x20AC;qUÂ&#x201A;RSRUÂ&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;^U to the mother of the victim. After few days, he never came back and his mother went to ask of him only to be told that he was hale and hearty in their custody. They could not take any action because the government `3Â&#x192;W]VU]^XUÂ&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSTU`Â?UxWTUÂ&#x2019;W WV]^_RU S`Â&#x20AC;qU were dreaded by all in the area. From then till now, the poor man has not been seen and the family and concerned members of the community are unable to take any action QRÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;TRU_xRzUÂ?RRVU_x]_U_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U`3Â&#x192;W]VU is untouchable and cannot be questioned because of his connections with Igbo Eze North police and Enugu State Criminal Investigations Department, CID. Âą xRU  `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U `3Â&#x192;W]VU T]_U `^U _xRU Â&#x2039;]HRSU RÂ&#x2019;R^U ]Â?_RSU T`Â&#x2039;RU QS]Â&#x2019;RU Â&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSTU `Â?U the the community raised alarm and duely informed the police. However, since the parents of Obinna are wretched and are RÂ&#x2019;R^U Â&#x20AC;^]QVRU _`U Â&#x201E; x_U _xRWSU Â&#x192;]TRU ÂĽÂ&#x20AC;XWÂ&#x192;W]VVzÂ&#x160;U _xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U`3Â&#x192;W]VUR²qV`W_RXU_xRWSUq``SU Â&#x192;`^XW_W`^U]^XUT]_U`^U_xRUÂ&#x2039;]HRSUQzUÂ&#x2039;]Â&#x2030;W^ U sure that it never saw the light of day. He allegedly engages on regularly lobbying of the father with money and other incentives. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Then came a temporary relief after we petitioned Force Headquarters, Abuja and the Inspector-General of Police graciously hearkened to our pleas and sent down a team of crack detectives to round up all the suspects we mentioned. As soon as they
Enugu CP Abubakar Adamu Mohammed
Â&#x201A;RSRU]SSRT_RXÂ&#x160;U_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U`3Â&#x192;W]VUÂ?RÂ&#x201A;U to Abuja and spent just one week only to come back boasting openly that they would soon regain their freedom. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It came to pass barely few months later as they stormed the village one early morning and since then, their nefarious activities have worsened. Nobody dare challenge them and we are all living in fear till date.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Investigations revealed that barely few weeks after their release, the killings started ] ]W^jU U xWTU _WÂ&#x2039;RU ]S`Â&#x20AC;^XÂ&#x160;U ]U Â&#x2039;`_xRSU `Â?U Â&#x201E;Â&#x2019;RU children, Cecilia Ijeh from Umuodoeje village in the community was assassinated on Nov. 2, 2014 and her lifeless body dumped inside a water tank in the village. Following this development, crime has also risen uncontrollably in the community Â&#x201A;xWVRU]^²WR_zUx]TU SWqqRXU_xRUSRTWXR^_Tj Meanwhile, the alleged killer group are said to be moving freely boasting that their â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;godfatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; remains unchallenged in _xRU ]5]WSTU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^W_zU Â&#x201A;xWVRU _xRWSU traditional ruler, Igwe Simon Osisi Itodo, as _xRU xWRÂ?UTRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SW_zU`3Â&#x192;RSU`Â?U_xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^W_zÂ&#x160;U groans in agony and total disappointment. Findings from the members of the community had it that bodies of the slain members of the community are said to be lying at an undisclosed mortuary in the state, while police investigation has allegedly been concluded even after the autopsy carried out on the serial killings indicated brutal murder. The autopsy report dated July 9, 2014, which was carried out in the presence of Sani Sunday,(ASP) as investigating police `3Â&#x192;RSUĂ&#x2026; Â&#x160;U ^TqRÂ&#x192;_`SU Â&#x20AC;^X]zU ^]xÂ&#x160;U QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]U and Corporal Paul Evarest, Enugu stated unequivocally that Oforma was well until
Late Obinna
he was reportedly cut at general parts of his body with matchet and died a day after the injuries. xRU  R^RS]VU R²]Â&#x2039;W^]_W`^U Tx`Â&#x201A;RXU `^U _xRU autopsy table was a mummifying body of a dark, well built, African male with abrasion _`U_xRUqS`²WÂ&#x2039;]VUq`S_W`^TU`Â?UQ`_xUÂ&#x20AC;qqRSUVWÂ&#x2039;QTU while wounds were found on his body. Speaking to Newswatch Times over the ugly development, the President-General of the town union, Chief Arumah Thaddeus, q`W^_RXU]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;TW^ UÂ&#x201E;^ RSTU]_U_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U `3Â&#x192;W]VUÂ&#x201A;x`Â&#x2039;UxRU]VVR RXUWTU_xRUÂ&#x2039;]T_RSÂ&#x2039;W^XU and sponsor of the killings. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;I made observations that both the town union, the neighbourhood watch and Onyishi (eldest man) palace are threatened as some people were bent on hijacking the three arms of  `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_UR²WT_W^ UW^U ÂĽWUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^W_zj â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Some of the elders have compromised and had since kept silent while our people are living in fear just because of one man. There is a parallel town union; one was at the instance of some people who used `3Â&#x192;RSTU`Â?U ^Â&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;UT_]_RU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U]^XU_xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WTTW`^RSU_`UTRVRÂ&#x192;_UÂ&#x192;]SR_]Â&#x2030;RSUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRjU We contested it in the court of law because there was no provision for care- taker Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRU W^U `Â&#x20AC;SU Â&#x192;`^T_W_Â&#x20AC;_W`^jU xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_U granted an injunction and ordered the other group to stop parading themselves as Â&#x192;]SR_]Â&#x2030;RSU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRjU xRU _xSR]_U WTU T_WVVU `^U because the other group has failed to obey court order. This is a serious threat to the town because the court restored powers of the town union. The security network is at the prerogative of the traditional ruler. Ă?¤ ^U _xRU WTTÂ&#x20AC;RU `Â?U q]S]VVRVU TRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SW_zU `Â&#x20AC;_Â&#x201E;_U in the community, someone forced a team of barbarians on us as the elected
Investigations revealed that barely few weeks after their release, the killings started again. This time around, a R ,] ^ R ] _ was assassinated on Nov. 2, 2014 and her lifeless body dumped inside a water tank in the village
neighbourhood watch. Aji had an election and one man (NAME WITHELD) was imposed us as the chairman of the neighbourhood watch. The government `3Â&#x192;W]VU Â&#x192;`^Â&#x2019;W^Â&#x192;RXU ^Â&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC;U T_]_RU Â&#x2039;W^WT_SzU Â?`SU poverty ]VVRÂ&#x2019;W]_W`^U`3Â&#x192;W]VTU]^XUWÂ&#x2039;q`TRXU_xRU_R]Â&#x2039;U that has failed the community.They dance glaringly to the tune of their master. When it was obvious that the hand was that of Esau and the voice of Jacob, we moved to Enugu state commissioner of police to discuss the issue. The commissioner pointed that the _S]XW_W`^]VUSÂ&#x20AC;VRSUWTU_xRUÂ&#x192;xWRÂ?UTRÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;SW_zU`3Â&#x192;RSU in any community and nobody should have parallel security in a community as it will W^_S`XÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;RU]^XU R^RS]_RUÂ?]Â&#x201A;TjU â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Flaws started developing; these set of barbarians in neighbourhood uniforms were armed. They are well armed by master who claims the arms were on police records. At a time, they challenged the other group that have allegiance to the traditional ruler, surrounded and disarmed them of their catapults, torch lights and arrows and up ill now, those things are still in their custody. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Since the emergence of the rival neighbourhood watch, there have been several killings. Oforma Itodo was apprehended and hacked to death at the market place, then within a gap of two weeks Obinna Onoja was also butchered to death. Just recently, a woman was killed and dumped in a tank. Some people were arrested, later released and still leaving in _xRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;^W_zÂ&#x160;U Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHW^ U ]VVU Â&#x2039;]^^RSU `Â?U crime rape, robbery and killing. It is strongly QRR^USÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;SRXU_x]_U_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_U`3Â&#x192;W]VU released them after paying large sums of money in Abuja.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; While appealing to the new InspectorGeneral of Police, Suileman Abba and human right activists to come to their aid, members of the community, maintained that so many people are disappearing from their area and the long arm of the law should, ]TU ]U Â&#x2039;]HRSU `Â?U Â&#x20AC;S R^Â&#x192;zÂ&#x160;U Â&#x192;]_Â&#x192;xU Â&#x20AC;qU Â&#x201A;W_xU _xRU notorious sponsor of ritual killings in Enugu Ezike. Meanwhile, When contacted over recent developments in the area, Police spokesman in the state, DSP Ebere Amarizu, said he had R]SVWRSUÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXU_xRUÂ&#x2030;WVVW^ TUW^U_xRU]SR]jUĂ?¤ U assure you that as soon as investigations are concluded, we will charge the suspects to court. For now, I am assuring the people of the community that there is no cause for ]V]SÂ&#x2039;jU `Q`XzÂ&#x160;U ^`U Â&#x2039;]HRSU x`Â&#x201A;U xW xVzU `SU V`Â&#x201A;VzUqV]Â&#x192;RXÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x192;]^UW^Â?Â&#x20AC;R^Â&#x192;RUÂ&#x20AC;TÂ&#x160;¤¤UxRUT_]_RXj
Newswatch Times
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
EFCC arraigns two for How I promised my currency counterfeiting abductors N1billion â&#x20AC;&#x201C;GUO ADELEKE ADESANYA
he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has arraigned the duo of Sunday Kogi and James Gideon before Justice A. Kafarati of the Federal High Court Maitama, Abuja on a three count charge bordering on currency counterfeiting. The accused persons are alleged to be members of a syndicate which specializes in counterfeiting foreign currencies and duping unsuspecting members of the public. The accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge when it was read to them. Count one of the charge reads: â&#x20AC;&#x153;That you Sunday Kogi and James Gideon on or about the 19th day of May, 2014 in Abuja within the jurisdiction of this honourable court conspired to be in possession of one hundred and ninety eight (198) pieces of 100 counterfeit dollar notes amounting to the
sum of Nineteen thousand, Eight Hundred `VV]STU ]^XU _xRSRQzU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXU ]^U `5R^Â&#x192;RU contrary to Section 6(1)(b) of the Counterfeit Currency, Special Provisions Act, CAP C35 LFN 2004 and punishable under section 5(1) of the same Act.â&#x20AC;? Based on the plea of the accused persons, counsel to EFCC, Samuel A. Ugwuegbulam ]TÂ&#x2030;RXU_xRUÂ&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;S_U_`UÂ&#x201E;²U]UX]_RUÂ?`SUxR]SW^ j
`Â&#x201A;RÂ&#x2019;RSÂ&#x160;U Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^TRVU _`U _xRU Â&#x201E;ST_U ]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x20AC;TRXÂ&#x160;U Mike Enahoro Ebah told the court that his Â&#x192;VWR^_U x]XU ]U SÂ&#x20AC;q_Â&#x20AC;SRXU ]qqR^XW²U ]^XU TÂ&#x20AC;RXU to be allowed to move the bail application orally, a request that was opposed by the EFCC counsel. Justice Kafarati ordered the defence Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^TRVU _`U Â&#x201E;VRU ]U Â?`SÂ&#x2039;]VU ]qqVWÂ&#x192;]_W`^U Â?`SU bail and adjourned the case to January 29, 2015 for hearing. He also directed that the accused persons be remanded in EFCC custody pending the determination of the bail application.
Lamorde, EFCC boss
Awka Road to Nkpor Junction down n Onitsha based transport to Nkpor-Umuoji Road, moved to Alor, magnate,Chief Godwin Adazi- Ani to Adazi- Enu until they Ubaka Okeke has told an moved into a house between Adazi- Ani Onitsha High court he had and Adazi- Enu, saying that only two promised to pay those of the kidnappers covered their faces who abducted him N1billion ransom while others did not, thereby giving him room to identify them. to calm their already frayed nerves. xRU Â&#x192;x]WSÂ&#x2039;]^U ]^XU Â&#x192;xWRÂ?U R²RÂ&#x192;RÂ&#x192;Â&#x20AC;_WÂ&#x2019;RU Chief Okeke who was led in evidence of G.UO and Sons Transport said that by his Counsel, Mr Chris Ajugwe ,said one of the accused persons was his that the kidnappers had demanded personal security guard in his AdaziN100million ransom but he decided to Ani village and that he disappeared `5RSU _xRÂ&#x2039;U `^RU QWVVW`^U ^]WS]Â&#x160;U T`U _x]_U W_UU after the kidnap incident, stating that would douse their temper. he was able to recognize his kidnappers The business tycoon said that as because he stayed long with them and soon as his abductors heard the they did not cover their faces. pronouncement they dropped their guns and became friendly with him. Narrating his ordeal in the hands of the kidnappers, Chief Okeke said that he was abducted at about 11:30am after a church service at All Saints Cathederal, Onitsha. He said that they blocked his both the front and the rear of his SUV Jeep as he was driving out of the Cathedral, shooting indiscriminately i into the air. Chief Okeke said he jumped out of his vehicle in confusion, pounced on one of the kidnappers in his front and pushed him into the drainage system. At this juncture Chief Okeke who is over 70 years said he snatched the AK47 but other members of the kidnapping gang pounced on him and the struggle for the control of the gun ensued. As they were struggling the kidnappers were shooting indiscriminately even as they beat him from behind, but he was holding forte apparently for the arrival of policemen, but they did not. He told the court presided over by Justice A.O Okuma,that the kidnappers Suleman Abba, IGP drove him from the place through ALPHONSUS EZE, AWKA
Tribute to Jude Isuguzo:Good night Mr. Truth is deadâ&#x20AC;?. How, when, what happened escaped from my mouth before I hen my very good could fully grasped the enormous friend and colleague calamity that has just befallen the Robert Akpan of Crime Crime Reporters Association of World Magazine call Nigeria (CRAN) for which he was pull through to me for an irreplaceable worthy member in the third time at 11;35am on Saturday particular and the world of crime the 28th of November2014, I thought reporting in general. he wanted to update me about the zU Â&#x2019;RSzU Â&#x201E;ST_U R^Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;^_RSU Â&#x201A;W_xU Â&#x20AC;XRU `^ `W^ U Â&#x2019;`_RSTU SR WT_S]_W`^U R²RSÂ&#x192;WTRU Isiguzo was at the Crime Reporters holding in our locality- we are both secretariat located within the domiciled in the Alimosho Local precinct of Oduduwa Police Mobile Government Area of Lagos. Force Premises. He was the Nation Another thought that also ran Newspaper Senior Correspondent and through my mind in that split seconds, Â&#x201A;]TU _xRU R²qRÂ&#x192;_]_W`^U _x]_U _xRSRU Â&#x192;`Â&#x20AC;VXU have been the news breaking in the crime world. Those of us in this special area of journalism are wont to be on our toes with our ears to the ground for the V]_RT_U Â&#x192;SWÂ&#x2039;RU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRXU _`U _xRSR]Â?_RSU inform our numerous audiences. Robert had earlier in the day R²qSRTTRXU xWTU XWT]qq`W^_Â&#x2039;R^_U Â&#x201A;xR^U it dawn on him that he was amongst those who will have to go through the Â&#x201A;x`VRU R²RSÂ&#x192;WTRU `Â?U SRÂłSR WT_RSW^ U Â&#x201A;W_xU _xRU]HR^X]^_Uq`TW^ UUQRÂ?`SRU]UÂ&#x192;]Â&#x2039;RS]U and the hordes of questions from INEC `3Â&#x192;W]VTj So one can only but imagine how the sudden passage on of our revered, worthy, esteem and trusted friend and colleague would have counterbalanced me when he blurted out â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jude Isiguzo
I at the Peoples Daily Newspaper. _U Â&#x201A;]TU V`Â&#x2019;RU ]_U Â&#x201E;ST_U TW x_U QRÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;TRU `^U that day several years back now, there was the usual general meeting of Crime Reporters and throughout the duration of that meeting, I observed that his contributions though brief was without ambiguity or distortion. His rich contribution at that occasion were laced with absolute truth that put _x`TRU Â&#x201A;x`U x]_RXU QRR^U R²q`TRXU W^U ]^U uncomfortable situation. U Â&#x201A;]TU _`U Â&#x201E;^XU `Â&#x20AC;_U V]_RSU _x]_U xRU Â&#x201A;]TU also a bag of humour, even the way he speaks elicit laughter. His body
A gentleman of repute, a courageous defender of the oppressed, he however hates troublemakers and avoid those whose trade in stock is fomenting trouble but will not allow himself to be cowed by bullies who think that been in position makes them tin gods
language will tell you where he stands and never a yes man who will quickly say no when placed under any kind of pressure. He stood for truth and will even in the face of threat remain undaunted and showed those who are referred to as associate members of CRAN that he is their voice on issue that borders around their welfare. A gentleman of repute, a courageous defender of the oppressed, he however hates troublemakers and avoid those whose trade in stock is fomenting trouble but will not allow himself to be cowed by bullies who think that been in position makes them tin gods. He showed these traits any where he found himself. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What can he do or what can they doâ&#x20AC;? he will intone When beggars die there are no comet seen the heaven themselves blaze forth the death of Princes and so it was when the news of Jude Isiguzo passing on made the rounds the heavens blazed Â?`S_xU xWTU XR]_xU ]TU _R]STU Â?`Â&#x201A;RXU Â?SRRVzU from the faces of his colleagues on the crime beat even as they made contact with themselves over the devastating news.
RU Â&#x201A;]TU ]U Â ]VV]^_U Â&#x201E;Â x_RSU Â&#x201A;x`TRU sobriquet is Mr. TRUTH. There is no doubt that his epitaph will simply read â&#x20AC;&#x153;here lays a journalist that preaches the truth, lives the truth and died with truth encased in his heartâ&#x20AC;?. God night Mr. TRUTH.
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Senate Leader rejects PDP primaries result district of Cross River state, which, on Sunday, tactically he Leader of the T_`qqRXUxWTUÂ?`Â&#x20AC;S_xU_RSÂ&#x2039;U]Â&#x2039;QWSenate, Senator Vic- tion. qR]Â&#x2030;W^Â Â&#x160;U X`Â&#x2039;]U Â Q]U _`SU X`Â&#x2039;]U Â Q]Â&#x160;U x]TU SRÂĽRÂ&#x192;_RXU _xRU said â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am formally lodging result of PDP pri- ]^U]qqR]VjU R_UW_UQRU`^USRÂ&#x192;`SXU maries in Central senatorial that the primaries were funJOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar
damentally flawed, and cannot stand any scrutiny. They donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even meet the minimum level of integrity. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was a complete sham, and I can confidently say that if what I saw was an election, then our democracy is on re-
cession.â&#x20AC;? Newswatch Times reports _x]_U_xRUÂ&#x2039;RÂ&#x2039;QRSUSRqSRTR^_W^Â U _Â&#x20AC;^Â Ă&#x2022; QÂ&#x20AC;QS]U Â?RXRS]VU Â&#x192;`^stituency, Hon John Owan Enoch, was given the ticket to fly PDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s flag after defeating X`Â&#x2039;]U Â Q]UÂ&#x17E;Â&#x;Â&#x203A;U_`UÂ&#x153;Â&#x203A;UÂ&#x2019;`_RTj
Uko Inaku, Returning Officer of the election said the election was free and fair. Our reporter gathered that the appeal committee was sitting and was yet to give its verdict as at press time on yesterday.
X`Â&#x2039;]U Â Q]U WTU T]WXU _`U QRU fighting a powerful force, led QzU _xRU _]_RU Â `Â&#x2019;RS^`SÂ&#x160;U WzRVU Â&#x2039;`Â&#x2030;RÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x201A;x`UWTUQRVWRÂ&#x2019;RXU_`UqSRfer the Chairman of House of Representatives Committee on Appropriation, Hon John ^`xUÂ?`SU_xRU RXU x]Â&#x2039;QRSj
Rivers 2015: Ogoni ethnic nationality condemns APCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice of Peterside $ * + -/ / !0 * + elections in the State. The communiquĂŠ, which Â&#x201A;]TU TW ^RXU QzU _xRU SRTWXR^_U he People of Ogoni of the Supreme Council of ethnic national- Ogoni Traditional Rulers ity of Rivers State (SCOTR) King Godwin Ginhave strongly con- W^Â&#x201A;]Â&#x160;U _xRU QR^RÂ&#x2039;R^RU z`demned the deci- kana Kingdom, King Wilsion of the All Progressives VW]Â&#x2039;TU ÂWXRRÂ&#x160;U QR^RÂ&#x2039;R^RU Congress (APC) of choosing ]QQRU W^ X`Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;U W^ U RVHon. Dakuku Peterside as ford Noryaa, President of _xRUq]S_z¤TUÂ?] UQR]SRSUW^UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U KAGOTE, Dr. Peter Medee, instead of an Ogoni person. ]^XUSR_WSRXUÂĽÂ&#x20AC;X RU`Â?U_xRU WÂ&#x2019;In a communiquĂŠ issued at ers State High Court, Justice the end of a one-day meeting Peter Akere, appealed to at Saakpenwa, headquarters other political parties that of Tai local government area were yet to pick their standof the state, the Ogoni ethnic ]SXUQR]SRSTU_`UÂ&#x192;`^TWXRSU  `^WU nationality said that the ac- person as their governorship tion of the APC has denied Â&#x192;]^XWX]_RU Â?`SU _xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U  R^them the opportunity of pro- eral elections. The Ogoni ethnic nationGovernor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State while casting his vote, during the governorship primaries of the ducing its governorship canXWX]_RU Â?`SU _xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U  R^RS]VU ality appealed to Senator Peoples Democratic Party in Uyo, Akwa Ibom Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. ] ^Â&#x20AC;TU QRÂ&#x160;U SRqSRTR^_W^ U Rivers South-East Senatorial District, who lost to Hon. Dakuku Peterside in the guhe supporters Prince Tonye Princewill, faulted the outcome and ed: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Early hours of today, the PPA leaders, Hon Ta- QRS^]_`SW]VU qSWÂ&#x2039;]SWRTU V]T_U of one of the yesterday, prevented him the process that led to the supporters of Prince To- munotonye Lilly clearly week, to consider retaining government as- Â?S`Â&#x2039;U]HR^XW^ U_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS- conduct of the primaries. ^zRU SW^Â&#x192;RÂ&#x201A;WVVÂ&#x160;U Q]SSWÂ&#x192;]X- stated that the PDP has his seat at the National AsIn a statement issued ed his residence; insisting not only ridiculed their TRÂ&#x2039;QVzÂ&#x160;U T`U ]TU _`U  Â&#x20AC;]S]^_RRU pirants on the norship primary. Princewill is one of the ]^XU TW ^RXU QzU SW^Â&#x192;RU _x]_U xRU X`RTU ^`_U ]HR^XU qSW^Â&#x192;Wq]VÂ&#x160;U QÂ&#x20AC;_U ]VT`U Â&#x2039;]XRU the people of Ogoni continuplatform of the ÂĽRT_U`Â?UXRÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x192;S]Â&#x192;zUW^U WÂ&#x2019;- ous quality representation at Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic Par- ]  SWRÂ&#x2019;RXU Â&#x;Â&#x203A;U  `Â&#x2019;RS^`S- WVV¤TU RXW]U 3Â&#x192;RSÂ&#x160;U ]- the PDP primariesâ&#x20AC;?. the highest level of legislation qR]Â&#x2030;W^ U `^U QRx]VÂ?U `Â?U ers State. ty, PDP in Rivers State, ship aspirants who have QWzRU X`^WQ`zR`QÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x160;U T_]_in the country. The communiquĂŠ read in part, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In view of the persis_R^_USRÂĽRÂ&#x192;_W`^U]^XUq`VW_WÂ&#x192;]VU^Rglect, the Ogoni people have cided to act when it was the Bayelsa West senatoriof the accreditation and I purportedly collating the TAIYE ODEWALE, Abuja discovered that rather ]VUqSWÂ&#x2039;]SzUQzÂ&#x;Â? °]Â&#x2039;U]^XU was there to present my- results, scampered out of TÂ&#x20AC;5RSRXUW^U_xRUq`VW_WÂ&#x192;]VURĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]enator Heineken than comply with Article I was confronted with the TRVÂ?UÂ?`SU_xRUR²RSÂ&#x192;WTRjU UÂ&#x201A;]TU the venue. tion in Rivers State, despite `Â&#x2030;q`QWSWU Â&#x201A;x`U Â&#x17E;Ă&#x2021;U Ă&#x2026;QĂ&#x192;U `Â?U _xRU Â&#x160;U Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU S`]XTU QRW^ U Q]SSWÂ&#x192;]XRXU there with some statuâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereafter, the au- W_TUÂ&#x192;]q]Â&#x192;W_zU]^XUÂ&#x192;`^_SWQÂ&#x20AC;_W`^TU represents Bayel- stipulates that â&#x20AC;&#x153;accredita- with security vehicles. tory delegates including thentic delegates con- _`U_xRUÂ&#x201A;RVVÂłQRW^ U`Â?U_xRU _]_RU and Nigeria, the congress sa West Senato- tion of delegates should â&#x20AC;&#x153;I got to the venue with former acting governor, verged on another ven- consisting of chiefs, elders, rial District de- _]Â&#x2030;RU qV]Â&#x192;RU Â?S`Â&#x2039;U Ă&#x2021;]Â&#x2039;U _`U my supporters around RT_`SU W^WQ`Â&#x160;U ]^XU Rq- Â&#x20AC;RÂ&#x160;U W^U ]^U ]TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzU x]VVU Â&#x192;V]SRXUzRT_RSX]zUW^U QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]U Â&#x;Â&#x17E;^``^Â&#x160;U T`Â&#x2039;RU Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x2030;^`Â&#x201A;^U Â&#x;Â&#x;ÂťÂ?Â?]Â&#x2039;U]^XU UT]Â&#x201A;UT`Â&#x2039;R- uty Chief Whip of the of the secondary school religious leaders, the political class, academia, women and that he won the Peoples `3Â&#x192;W]VTUÂ&#x201A;RSRU]VSR]XzUÂ&#x192;`V- Q`XzU Â&#x201A;x`U qÂ&#x20AC;Sq`S_RXVzU T_]_RU `Â&#x20AC;TRU`Â?U TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzÂ&#x160;U W^U ] Q]Â&#x2039;]Â&#x160;U_xRU]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;SRXW- youths among others, met Democratic Party ( PDP) lating the results, as the was counting the results `^jU Â&#x2039;qRSRU Q]Â&#x2039;Â&#x20AC;]j tation was then done, it _`X]zÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x203A;_xU`Â?U RÂ&#x192;RÂ&#x2039;QRSÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x; Â&#x160;U primary election held on time he arrived the venue. of the primary. I quickâ&#x20AC;&#x153;After I insisted that R^XRXU QzU Â&#x;Â&#x17E;ÂťÂ?Â?qÂ&#x2039;U ]^XU and resolved as follows. Sunday and not Evangeâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Congress condemned in He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;By the party ly asked him, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;what are the accreditation was then, voting took place list Fister Ogola as report- guidelines, accreditation you doing? The primary TÂ&#x20AC;qq`TRXU _`U QRU `^³ `strong terms the fragrant disand I was duly declared regard for the aspiration and ed in the media. T_]S_TUQzUĂ&#x2021;ÂťÂ?Â?]Â&#x2039;U]^XUWTUR²- WTU TÂ&#x20AC;qq`TRXU _`U R^XU QzU ing at that time, there He said the authenticity qRÂ&#x192;_RXU_`UR^XUQzUÂ&#x;Â&#x17E;ÂťÂ?Â?qÂ&#x2039;U Â&#x;Â&#x17E;ÂťÂ?Â?qÂ&#x2039;j was pandemonium, the Â&#x201A;W^^RSU Â&#x201A;W_xU Ă&#x201C;Â&#x153;U Â&#x2019;`_RTU QzU agitation of Ogoni people in SRV]_W`^U_`U Â&#x20AC;QRS^]_`SW]VUÂ&#x192;]^of his victory lies on the QÂ&#x20AC;_U `_U_`U ] Q]Â&#x2039;]U_`Â&#x201A;^Â&#x160;U â&#x20AC;&#x153;I told them that we still governor left and oth- _xRU SR_Â&#x20AC;S^W^ U `3Â&#x192;RS, Pefact that authentic del- which was the venue of had one hour to the end ers including the person ter Bufumoh,â&#x20AC;? he added. didate of the All Progressives Congress (APC). Congress egates accredited for the frowns at the continuous election participated at marginalization of Ogoni the primary here he was people politically in a state duly elected. they co-founded and ap `Â&#x2030;qWQWSWÂ&#x160;U Â&#x201A;x`U WTU _xRU pealed to political parties that Chairman, Senate Comhave not decided on standard QR]SRSTU_`UÂ&#x201E;RVXU  `^WUT`^U`SU Â&#x2039;WHRRU `^U ]_RSU RT`Â&#x20AC;SÂ&#x192;They also said govern- daughter as their candidate. They said that out of the Â&#x192;]q_Â&#x20AC;SRXU ]Â&#x2039;`^ U _xRU QR^es, stated this at a news THANKGOD OFOELUE, Âą `^ SRTTUQRW^ UÂ&#x192;`^TÂ&#x192;W`Â&#x20AC;TU `Â&#x2019;RSU Â&#x17E;Â?Â?U `Â?U _x`TRU ]5RÂ&#x192;_RXU RÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;W]SWRTU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x201A;]SU _xRzU ment should, â&#x20AC;&#x153;take a secÂ&#x192;`^Â?RSR^Â&#x192;RUW^U QÂ&#x20AC;ÂĽ]U^`_RXU Benin `Â?U_xRUR5RÂ&#x192;_U`Â?U_xRU]QTR^Â&#x192;RU`Â?U ond look at the issue of ]^XU ^`Â&#x201A;U V]QRVVRXU QR^RÂ&#x201E;fought. that the intrigues which ome workers in Â&#x192;W]SWRTUQzU_xRU `Â&#x2019;RS^Â&#x2039;R^_¤TU They appealed to the gov- deducting part of the value representation at the highest characterized the primaEdo state have `5RSÂ&#x160;U _xWS_RR^U `Â?U _x`TRU ]Â?- ernor to direct the HOS to of the total hard-earned VRÂ&#x2019;RVU`Â?UVR WTV]_W`^Â&#x160;UÂĽ`W^UW^U_xRU ries of the Bayelsa West faulted the state call on our son, distinguished fected are still in the lurch, WTTÂ&#x20AC;RUSRÂ&#x192;]VVUVRHRSTU_`Â&#x160;UÂą_x`TRU T]V]SWRTU QzU `3Â&#x192;RSTU Â&#x201A;xWVRU R^]_`SU ] ^Â&#x20AC;TU  RWU QRU_`U Senatorial district, on governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sewith their fate unknown. `Â?UÂ&#x20AC;TUÂ&#x201A;x`UÂ&#x201A;RSRU]5RÂ&#x192;_RXUQzU inactive service from their consider retaining his seat as Sunday was unnecessary. lective recall and Messrs Peter Imansolo_xRU ^`^ÂłqR^TW`^Âł]QWVW_zU `Â?U _RSÂ&#x2039;W^]VU QR^RÂ&#x201E;_Ă&#x2026; S]_Â&#x20AC;W_zĂ&#x192;U senator representing SouthThe two-term senator reinstatement of some said that he decided to set of their colleagues who RÂ&#x2019;]U]^XU xW WR Q]U R^T`^UU the period of study leave as they were deemed quali- East senatorial district of _xRU SRÂ&#x192;`SXTU T_S]W x_U QR- were granted approval for who spearheaded the peti- without pay not yet re- Â&#x201E;RXUUÂ?`SUR²_R^TW`^U`Â?UTRSÂ&#x2019;WÂ&#x192;RU Rivers State and direct our cause of alleged mislead- study leave without pay tion to the state House of stored to service (after re- Â&#x201A;W_xW^U_xRUXR]XVW^RU`Â?UÂ&#x;°³Â&#x17E;Âł sons and daughters aspiring ing media reports that he ]^XU Â&#x201A;RSRU ]5RÂ&#x192;_RXU QzU U _xRU TTRÂ&#x2039;QVzU Â&#x20AC;q`^U Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU W_U tirement in error) so as to Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;Â?UTR_UQzU_xRU`3Â&#x192;RU`Â?U_xRU for other elective positions to SRT`VÂ&#x2019;RXU_x]_U]VVU]5RÂ&#x192;_RXUQRU QRU W^U _]^XRÂ&#x2039;Â&#x160;U RĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;W_zU ]^XU HOS., had tacit approval to Â&#x192;`^_W^Â&#x20AC;RU ]^XU QRU ]TTÂ&#x20AC;SRXU `Â?U lost the primary. ^`^ÂłqR^TW`^Âł]QWVW_zU `Â?U _xRU our support,â&#x20AC;? the communirecalled, in a statement in pari materia with our lucky work and got paidâ&#x20AC;?. `Â&#x2030;q`Q`SWU U T]WXU xRU XR- period. quĂŠ stated. Benin City said they are not earlier matesâ&#x20AC;?. AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt
Princewillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s supporters stop him from attending PDP primaries
I won Bayelsa west senatorial primaries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lokpobiri insists
Edo workers protest selective methods in awarding benefits by govt
South East
Newswatch Times Tuesday, December 9, 2014
APC alleges destruction of billboards in Enugu KENNETH OFOMA, ENUGU
he All Progressives Congress (APC), Enugu state chapter yesterday raised an alarm over the alleged existence of â&#x20AC;&#x153;killer squadâ&#x20AC;? in _xRU T_]_RU Â&#x201A;W_xU TqRÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;U W^struction to assassinate her political aspirants. The party also alleged the destruction of billboards belonging to the governorship candidate of the party, Barr Okey Ezea and a House of Representative candidate in Nsukka zone of the state. Addressing a press conference in Enugu, the State Chairman of APC, Dr. Ben Nwoye said they have ofÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;W]VVzU V`XÂ RXU Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;qV]W^_TU to the appropriate security agency over the developments. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As you know, few days ago, on the fourth of this month, we had a very peaceful gubernatorial primary whereby Okey Ezea RÂ&#x2039;RSÂ RXU]TU`Â&#x20AC;SUÂ?]Â UQR]SRSjU And then today we were scheduled to have primary for House of Representatives. Before the primary people were wondering if Gburugburu (Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP guber candidate) and other candidates were the only
candidates in Enugu. But immediately after Okey Ezea emerged, we kicked `5U`Â&#x20AC;SUqÂ&#x20AC;QVWÂ&#x192;W_zUQzUÂ&#x2039;`Â&#x20AC;^_ing billboards. We are not thanking Enugu people since it was members of APC executives that elected Okey Ezea. But the bill-
boards were to advertise our candidate, to tell the world that here is our candidate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unfortunately, the evil makers and those who are interested in ensuring that there will be no democracy in Enugu and who have in-
deed found their own safe haven in PDP, who have perfected these acts of evil from 1999 to date; they resurrected last night and went on a rampage, they destroyed billboards mounted by us where Okey Ezea in this
case at Nsukka. They also went to Obba and destroyed billboards mounted by our aspirant, who has just won our candidate for Igboeze North-Udenu Federal Constituency,â&#x20AC;? he said. The APC chairman while
appealing to members of the party not to retaliate, called on the national leadership of PDP and the presidency not to turn Enugu into Rivers State, where he alleged such acts of violence and destruction of APC billboards happen daily. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Before now we get a lot of calls by members in Nsukka area, supporters of Okey Ezea, supporters of APC, have been receiving threats by the killer squad who have been groomed and put in place since the PDP leadership, since 16 years ago, who have perfected the act of intimidation and murderous movement. And to put example as to what they are going to do to us they destroyed two billboards; one for our gubernatorial candidate and House of Representatives candidate,â&#x20AC;? he insisted.â&#x20AC;&#x153;So we are appealing to all lovers of democracy and all APC supporters not to retaliate so that the ugly face `Â?U _xRU Â&#x;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Â?TU _`U R]SVzU Â&#x17E;Â?Â?Â?Â&#x160;U when Enugu was in turmoil because of politicians will be averted. And we are also appealing to the national leadership including the president that they do not turn Enugu state into what L-R: Commissioner for Transport, Anambra Srate, Hon Chuma Mbonu; Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie Obiano and Comman$'2( ] _* /8'$%90 /*" ~%22%(^ Zq'%<Q% $[&)2< (^% X'??)2< 1[( X'&'$% #5 (^% 2%q+0 5#&9%$ /2'9Q&' _('(% F&'578 "'2'<%9%2( they have turned Rivers State where PDP has squad Agency(ASTMA) and the launching of Anambra City Cab Scheme at the Alex Ekweme Square, Awka...at the weekend. of destroyers who go from post to post destroying images of APC.â&#x20AC;? HRÂ&#x2039;q_U _`U Â R_U SR]Â&#x192;_W`^TU of the PDP or Hon Ifeanyi behaviour of the delegates â&#x20AC;&#x153;As you can see the elecHis words did not go that if his name is replaced Ugwuanyi proved abortive and cooperation of every tion was peaceful, fair, down well with the del- it would not only mar as they were still busy with other person that partici- transparent but the party at egates who felt the victory APGA but would also re- the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s governorship pated in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exerciseâ&#x20AC;?, _xRU T_]_RU VRÂ&#x2019;RVU x]TU _xRU Â&#x201E;^]VU of Obaze may be upturned sult in protest votes against primary at press time. he stated. sayâ&#x20AC;?, he posited. at the state level stating APGA.
APGA primaries: Obiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ex-commissioner wins senate seat CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha
ormer commissioner for Local Government and chieftaincy matters during the administration of former Governor Peter Obi, Hon Dubem Obaze has won the Anambra North Senatorial District Primaries of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). The APGA Senatorial primary, which was weekend conducted at the Chuba Ikpazu Mini Stadium, Onitsha South Local Government Area saw Obaze emerging the winner with 219 votes, while the runner up, Chief Patrick Obianwu got 145 votes. Others were, Chief Mike Areh, 39 votes, Nelson Onubuogu, 26votes and Chief Emmanuel Okafor 13 votes. Chairman of the electoral panel, Hon Tony Nnacheta, a serving commissioner for youths and sports while addressing the aspirants and delegates said shortly after counting the votes and result known that the panel was happy with the behaviour of the aspirants, delegates and stakeholders during the conduct of the primaries. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are grateful with the
Imo guber 2015: Iheanacho emerges APGA candidate EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri
he All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) yesterday elected aptain Emmanuel Iheanacho as its standard Â?] UQR]SRSUW^U_xRUÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U `Â&#x2019;ernorship Election in Imo _]_RjU ^U _xRU Â&#x201A;RVVU ]HR^XRXU delegate election, delegates voted overwhelmingly for captain Iheanacho thereby paving the way for his emergence as the authentic candidate of the party. The Election saw Captain Iheanacho got 972 votes against his opponent, Chief Okey Ezeh who scored a distant 44 votes to emerge as the second position. Other contestants as Doctor Unaegbu recorded 3 votes in the said election. In a related development, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Senatorial results for the three zones in the state has been released. In Owerri zone, a lawmaker in the Imo State House
of Assembly, Hon. Samuel Anyanwu emerged victorious in the election thereby clinching the ticket to contest the senate seat for Owerri Zone. Okigwe Zone resulted in the defeat of the incum-
bent Senator representing the zone, in the person of Ambassador Mathew Nwagwu being defeated by Chief Athan Achonu, popularly known as (One Arm General). The result in Orlu zone was expected
as the incumbent Senator, Chief Hope Uzodinma who is gradually taking the position of smooth operator in Imo political landscape, dusted all other contestants to pick the ticket in the representation of Orlu zone
once more. The PDP Governorship primaries is still in progress as accreditation was being concluded for the delegates _`UXRÂ&#x192;WXRUÂ&#x201A;x`UÂ?] TU_xRUq]S_z¤TU Â?] U W^U _xRU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U `Â&#x2019;RSnorship Election.
Umahi emerges PDP guber flag bearer in Ebonyi KENNETH OFOMA, Abakaliki
he Deputy Governor of Ebonyi state Chief Dave Umahi yesterday emerged the winner of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) primary elec_W`^U Â?`SU Â&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°U  `Â&#x2019;RS^`STxWqU election in the state. Umahi defeated six others that stood for the election after polling a total of 541 votes with his closest rival Senator Paulinus Igwenwagu who polled 15 votes. Other aspirants who participated include Senator OfÂ&#x201E;]U Â&#x201A;]VWÂ&#x160;U ^ SjU ]Â&#x20AC;VU Â&#x2030;`SWRÂ&#x160;U Dr. Igwe Aja Nwachukwu,
Hon. Mike Udeumanta and Chief Hyacinth Ikpor. Speaking after announcing the result of the primary, the gubernatorial electoral Â&#x192;`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRU x]WSÂ&#x2039;]^UÂ?`SU_xRU state and governor of Ekiti state Chief Ayo Fayose commended the party delegates for conducting themselves in orderly manner during the primary election. He appealed to the party faithful to put their personal interest aside but work for _xRUQR^RÂ&#x201E;_U`Â?U_xRUqR`qVRU]^XU the state, saying that PDP emergence was more important than any personal interest and urged all those who
contested and lost to join hands to ensure that PDP Â&#x201A;W^TUXÂ&#x20AC;SW^ UÂ&#x17E;Â?Â&#x;°URVRÂ&#x192;_W`^j Meanwhile, Governor Martin Elechi and his supporters including former minister of Health Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu who is also governorship aspirant Q`zÂ&#x192;`HRXU _xRU  Â&#x20AC;QRS^]_`SW]VU Primary in the state. The Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Dr Onyekachi Eni in a press QSWRÂ&#x201E;^ Uq`W^_RXU`Â&#x20AC;_U_x]_U_xRU PDP under the leadership of Elechi had not participated in all the primaries in the State since November 24, when the National Working
`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRU `Â?U _xRU q]S_zU ]^nounced the postponement of the exercise in Ebonyi, Adamawa Ondo and Taraba states. He stated that the main stream PDP in the state had stayed away from the splinter group primaries in the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;According to him, Elechi is not participating and has not participated in the primaries. Eni therefore advised politicians in Ebonyi to be modRS]_RU W^U _xRWSU Â&#x20AC;HRS]^Â&#x192;RTU _`U avoid heating up the polity and for peace to reign in the state.
Newswatch TIMES
Amoebi in Newcastle transfer talk
Solomon breaking Croatian records
ammy Amoebi’s wish to remain at English Premiership side, Newcastle United is close to becoming a reality with reports suggesting that he is TR_U_`UQRU`5RSRXU SRTxU_RS TU on a three year deal. The 22-year-old will be free to open discussions with other clubs interested in him from January as he ]qqS`] xRTU _xRU ^]VU TW²U months of his deal. However, manager Alan Pardew appears to have seen enough reason for him to be given a new deal to ]SXU`5UW^_RSRT_U S` U`_xRSU clubs. SL10.ng can reveal talks are expected to start this week with its completion expected to be done before
Christmas. Newcastle United have recovered from a poor start to the season and are presently in the top TW²U W_xU `RQWU ^ RSRXU among those who helped steadied the team. Last weekend, the Nigerian picked up his third assist of the season providing the through ball from which PapissCisse T `SRXU R ]T_VR¤TU ST_U goal in their shock 2-1 victory over league leaders Chelsea. His only goal this seaT`^U ] RU ] ]W^T_U `HR^ham Hotspur when he scored from the start of the second half eight seconds after his introduction during the half time break.
ccording to Sport Novakalist, a reTqR _RXUTq`S_TU` _ _U in Croatia, HNK Rijeka on loan forward, Theophilus Solomon went into the record books for his goal in Zadar’s 2-5 loss to Lokomotiva. The-18-year-old playW^ U `SU_xRU ST_U_W RU`^UxWTU SR_ S^U S` UW^¥ SzU ^WTxRXU expertly with a rasping drive from the right to put his team up in the fourth minute, and the goal makes Solomon the youngest foreigner to score in the Croa_W]U_`qU W x_UVR] Rj However, the youngest ever goal scorer title still remains with Barcelona B forward, Alen Halilovic with Solomon’s strike second on the list of youngest goal scorers. Also his goal makes him NK Zadar youngest ever goal scorer in the league in
]XXW_W`^U _`U QRW^ U _xRU ST_U man to score a hat-trick for the club in the Croatian cup. His hat-trick in the club’s 5-1 win over Zagora in a cup game back in September also makes him the club youngest ever player to score a hat-
trick. Solomon, who narrowly missed out on a move to Juventus two years ago due to an ownership tussle, was also a late omission from the Nigeria Under-17 team that won the World Cup in the
UAE. Snapped up by Rijeka from Football Academy Abuja alongside six others, he is the only one playing _`qU W x_U ``_Q]VVU ]TU _xRU rest play in the third division with Rijeka B team. Nicknamed the Nigerian Ronaldo by the press in Nigeria due to similarities in his play with that of the Portuguese legend, he was initially billed to remain with the B team of Rijeka this season. His goal return of seven W^U RU ] RTU ]_U _xRU É ^XU edition of the International Kvarnerska Rivijera tournament which earned him the MVP and top scorer award forced a rethink. The Europa league campaigners were, however, unable to register him as they have already V VVRXU_xRWSU `SRW ^UÄ `ta hence his loan to NK Zadar.
Oliseh fears for Nigerian football Udegbe wants Okoroji to choose Nigeria
erman-Nigerian goalkeeper Robin Udegbe has urged Bayern Munich left-back, Chima Okoroji to choose Nigeria in favour of England. Dream Team coach, Samson Siasia, is trying to persuade Chima Okoroji to commit his future to W RSW] U ]^XU x]TU `5RSRXU the youngster a carrot after he was invited for the Under-23 national team screening exercise. “I think Chima Okoroji will have a great future with Nigeria because he has the chance to learn from the best coaches and players,” Udegbe said. “It is also a big chance for him to associate with older Nigerian players. Fur-
_xRS `SR UW_UWTU RSzUXW3 V_U to decide which country he should play for. “It is his own decision, but I would be very happy to see him a Super Eagle in the future. If I am to decide for him, I would advise him to choose Nigeria.” The 17-year-old Chima has shown great potential in the UEFA Youth League this season. He has appeared three times for the German champions in the competition, and this is supplemented by the nine games under his belt in the Under-19 Bundesliga. `SXW^ U_`U_xRU`3 W]VU website of UEFA, the wingback is also in the possession of a Gabonese passport.
ormer Nigeria captain, Sunday Oliseh believes the glory days of the country’s national team will not return unless they “get their house in order”. Nigeria have been on a downward spiral in the past year and failed to qualify for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations. Oliseh said: “We have got technical problems and administrative problems - it is too much for one nation, even if you are Nigeria. “At the moment it is bleak. We need to face up to the job and get organised.” Oliseh knows what it takes to achieve success, having been part of the Nigeria squad that won the Africa Cup of Nations in
1994 and the Olympic gold medal two years later. He also played at the World Cup in 1994 and 1998, helping the Super Eagles to the last-16 at both tournaments and in the latter he scored a memorable winner as Nigeria shocked Spain 3-2 in a group match. x`TRU _R] TU RSRU VVRXU with players referred to as the “golden generation” of Nigerian football; among them were Jay-Jay Okocha, Nwankwo Kanu and Finidi George. But Oliseh cannot see where the next generation is going to come from. “During the 1990s a lot of the players were products of the Nigerian league. Those who were playing in Europe had only left two or
three years before. Myself, I had moved to Europe only four years before the 1994 World Cup. “It was not as if it was Europe that made us - the Nigerian league produced us, it was so competitive then, it was viable and credible. “The national team does not create players - you select your best players from your clubs to play in the national team. ± _U ^` U ` SU ]HR^_W`^U is more focused on the national team and we have neglected the domestic league, that is the major problem in Nigerian football. “If we cannot get the league in order we will never have another golden generation.”
The former Ajax and
R^_ TU WX RVXRS U x`U played 63 times for his country, is also concerned ]Q` _U _xRU WTT RTU `5U _xRU RVXj Nigeria’s Football Federation is in disarray be ] TRU` UW^³ x_W^ U` RSU_xRU presidency - ongoing battles that have led Fifa to ban the team for governmental interference in football matters. And there has been instability in management, with coach Stephen Keshi removed from his position only to be re-appointed following intervention by President Goodluck Jonathan before being released again after his side were eliminated from Nations Cup qualifying.
LMC pays clubs entitlements
ccording to the League Management Company (LMC), all 20 Clubs that participated in the recently ended 2013/14 Glo Premier League season have been paid the Financial Merit Award as well as receiving their television coverage incentive. Salihu Abubakar, the xWRÂ?U qRS]_W^ U 3Â&#x192;RSU `Â?U _xRU U Â&#x192;`^Â&#x201E;SÂ&#x2039;RXU _x]_U SRÂ&#x2039;WH]^Â&#x192;RU `Â?U _xRU N75m set aside for the seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Merit Award to the clubs has been completed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Payments to the clubs were approved by the LMC Management during the last week and we have made the remittance to the clubsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; bank accounts based on their standing on the league table with Kano Pillars earning the highest amount of N15m while the lowest earning of N1.5m was by Nembe City,â&#x20AC;? Abubakar said. The merit award represents cash earnings shared to the 20 clubs in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) relative to their placing `^U _xRU Â&#x201E;^]VU VR] Â&#x20AC;RU _]QVRU S]_WÂ&#x201E;RXU QzU _xRU VR] Â&#x20AC;RU body. LMC Chairman, Hon. Nduka Irabor had weeks ago announced the new award value which meant clubs earned 50% higher than what was paid for particular positions on the table. The LMC had increased by 50% the Glo Premier League annual Merit Distribution Award. It raised the total amount to be shared by the 20 clubs from N50m in the 2012/13 season to N75m in the last season. The LMC has also said revenue distribution amongst clubs would continue to increase as the league continues to enjoy friction free and stable seasons, and described the 2013/14 season as relatively stable compared to the previous season that Â&#x201A;]TUQRXRÂ&#x2019;WVVRXUQzUÂ&#x201E;²_Â&#x20AC;SRU disruptions.
Okon relishes Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; group of deathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
uper Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Coach, Edwin Okon has stated categorically that the â&#x20AC;&#x153;group of deathâ&#x20AC;? his side are drawn in will bring out the best in his team. Falcons are drawn against former world champions, USA and top female football nation, Sweden and Australia in group D with Winnipeg as host city. An upbeat Okon said he was not afraid of the big names in the group. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not afraid of any team as no group is simple. Every group is tough, having USA in our group does not put fear in us, instead it will  WÂ&#x2019;RU Â&#x20AC;TU _xRU R²_S]U XR_RSmination to train and qSRq]SRUQRHRSjÂŞ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going into the World Cup as African champions, they too
are afraid of us. We have set a target for ourselves which is going farther than we have ever done in the World Cup. This is achievable but we cannot ]5`SXU _`U Â?R]SU ]^zU _R]Â&#x2039;Â&#x160;ÂŞU said Okon. Okon added that his
team does not need too much information about their opponents but focus on preparing well for the tournament. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to know about our opponents; all we need to do is to prepare very well and
then come out to play. We are not nervous about any team, every team is good; we just have to prepare very well.â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are hoping to top our group, which is our target. With God on our side and good preparation, we hope to top the group and go all the way.â&#x20AC;? xWTU WTU _xRU Â&#x201E;ST_U _WÂ&#x2039;RU ever that the World Cup will be played by 24 countries.The event runs from June 6 to July 5, 2015. Falcons start their World Cup campaign against Sweden on June 8. Meanwhile, the team delegation has undergone workshops and seminars before leaving for Winnipeg for venue inspection. The delegation returns back to Nigeria this week.
U-23 team camp: Foreign-based players stranded in Abuja
number of invited foreign-based players have not resumed training with the Under 23 National Team because the Nigeria Football Federation failed to make adequate arrangements for their accommodation. Apart from paying _xRWSUÂ?W x_U_WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2030;R_TUW^UÂ?Â&#x20AC;VVÂ&#x160;U the players have had to pay hotel bills out of their own pockets since the T_]S_U `Â?U _xRU TÂ&#x192;SRR^W^ U R²ercise on Saturday. One of the invited players who pleaded for anonymity in order not to be victimized said: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;I have been in Abuja since Saturday, but the hotel wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t ready for us (the foreign based players), so they asked me to wait. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;The coordinator told me they will call me Â&#x201A;xR^U_xRUx`_RVUWTUÂ&#x201E;²RXjU U am just hanging around. I was at the Goal Project ground this morning. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;They said they will
get back to me on or before 1 pm. I saw a lot of players, I guess home based, training this morning.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; However, coach Samson Siasia and the coordinator of the team have denied that they are facing challenges regarding accommodation, with both claiming they are yet to set their sights on any of the invited foreign professionals. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;They should come to camp, none of them came for training this morning. We have not seen any foreign based player. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;There is an arrangement for them, they should come to the hotel,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said Siasia. In their bid to select a squad, Siasia and his Q]Â&#x192;Â&#x2030;S``Â&#x2039;UT_]5Ux]Â&#x2019;RUQRR^U running the rule over players based in the domestic championship, ahead of the All African ]Â&#x2039;RTU Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VWÂ?zW^ U Â&#x201E;²_Â&#x20AC;SRU against Gabon in February 2015.
NTTF Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cup gets new date
ollowing the political activities that will engulf Lagos this week, the Nigeria Table Tennis Federation (NTTF) have decided to move the maiden Presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cup from December 17 to 18 at the Molade Okoya-Thomas Hall of Teslim Balogun Stadium. According to NTTF, the tournament is aimed at inspiring the players as well as put them in good shape for the major competitions in 2015. The change in date was prompted as the venue would be used for political event this week. The players listed for the N1.8m prize money _`Â&#x20AC;S^]Â&#x2039;R^_U ]SRU R²qRÂ&#x192;_RXU to arrive for the competition on December 16. Top 16 players within and outside the country will be invited for the tournament holding at the Molade Okoya-Thomas Hall of Teslim Balogun Stadium and the event will also be used to honour outstanding players ]^XU`3Â&#x192;W]VTU_xWTUzR]Sj In the prospectus released by the organizers, the 16 men singles and the 16 women singles players shall be drawn into four groups of four players in each group. The matches will be played in a round robin format with the top two players progressing to the ^R²_U T_] RU `Â?U _xRU Â&#x192;x]Â&#x2039;qWonship. The top eight players will also be drawn into two groups of four each with the top two advancW^ U_`U_xRUTRÂ&#x2039;WÂ&#x201E;^]VUT_] Rj On the eligibility of the players, the organizers said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The NTFF TechniÂ&#x192;]VU `Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;WHRRU Tx]VVU XRtermine the other criteria for invitation which shall include for each event, but not limited to available top four Nigerians in the current world rankings as well as performances during the year 2014. Only players registered by clubs Â&#x201A;xWÂ&#x192;xU]SRU]3VW]_RXU_`U_xRWSU state association and or the NTTF are eligible.â&#x20AC;? They added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;All players shall hold the current NTTF Playerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s License, which must be produced on demand.
Sweden coach dreads Nigeria
wo-time Olympic gold-winner and Coach of Sweden, Pia Sundhage has said that Group D remains the toughest in the FIFA World Cup in Canada. The former FIFA World Coach of the Year for Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Football disclosed that the Super Falcons of Nigeria would be the team to beat because
they are a great side coming into this competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a very tough group. If you look at each team you will know what I mean. â&#x20AC;&#x153;USA is probably the best team in the world and then you have Nigeria who are a very tough team; playing them in the Â&#x201E;ST_U Â ]Â&#x2039;RU Â&#x201A;WVVU QRU _`Â&#x20AC;Â xU because they are good in
the air. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I followed them at the U-20 and the fact that _xRzU SR]Â&#x192;xRXU _xRU Â&#x201E;^]VTU ]QT`VÂ&#x20AC;_RVzUQÂ&#x20AC;HSRTTRTU_x]_U they have good players; so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be real tough and you add Australia to that who are well organised, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be ]USR]VU_`Â&#x20AC; xU]^XUR²Â&#x192;W_W^ U group. â&#x20AC;?I hope Sweden is among the two teams
that make it out of the group because US are at the top right now. So itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s them and any other team which I am hoping its Sweden,â&#x20AC;? Sundhage said. Canada 2015 will be Swedenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seventh appearance at the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup, maintaining their perfect record durW^Â U_xRUĂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;]VWÂ&#x201E;RSTj
Newswatch Times
-Tradition built on Truth
Vol. 1, No. 29
December 9, 2014
We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools. â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Martin Luther King Jnr
Kano mosque bomb confirms Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Haram unIslamic
he Kano mosque bomb that killed more than 120 people should be indicative enough to everybody in Nigeria to come to terms with the reality that the phenomenon called Boko Haram has no bearing with Islam as some enemies of the religion would want the world to accept. How will somebody who claimed to be a Muslim kill scores of worshipers during a Jumat prayer? For what purpose will he/she do that? To achieve what objective? When the bokos began their madness, I posited in this column some 20 months ago that they cannot lay claim to any Islamic ideology or philosophy as espoused in the Glorious Qurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;an or the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Education, I mean all forms of education are mandatory for all Muslims and the principle of Islam is â&#x20AC;&#x153;when you educate a lady you educate a whole nation. And the directive of the prophet is to seek knowledge even if it is in China when China was considered the farthest place to Saudi Arabia and when China was a pagan state. Where then is the foundation for bokoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideology of education as being ungodly or unislamic? These are known to Christian of Nigeria (CAN) theologians. Yet the Christian Association Under Oritsejafor x]Â&#x2019;RUÂ&#x2019;WVWÂ&#x201E;RXU TV]Â&#x2039;U]^XU Â&#x20AC;TVWÂ&#x2039;TUÂ?`SU_xRU]^_WU Islamic claims of the bokos and the media played along instead of looking deeper and appreciate the fact that the boko insurgency is a conspiracy against Nigeria and Nigerians. Scapegoatism and stereotype against Islam is not a new concept in global politics. I recalled the statement of ex-President Bill Clinton in his last state-of-the-nation address to the American Congress where he unequivocally declared, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Next millennium shall not witness a struggle between America and Russia or between American and communism but will be characterised by a struggle between American civilisation and Islam. Check the entire world today, less than 20 years after the Clinton declaration, that America is involved in one war or the other against Islam, if not against Muslims. Ux]XU]VT`Uq`TW_RXU_x]_U_xRUSWTW^Â UqS`Â&#x201E;VRU`Â?U Nigeria economically and its emergence as the biggest economy in Africa has come with its own challenges. After watching China take the world by storm economically, and
Liad Tella
08057912567 SMS only E-mail: liadtella33@gmail.com
dominating every aspect of commerce and industry, will the west watch at akimbo a Nigerian phenomenon in the global economic arena? This is a food for thought for _x`TRUÂ&#x201A;x`UqS`Â&#x201E;_UÂ?S`Â&#x2039;UqSR_R^_W`Â&#x20AC;TU xSWT_W]^Ă&#x2022; Muslim or Christianity/Islam divide. Many of the stand-up actors in this terror enterprise were trained in America and they know themselves. But as restated by General Muhammadu Buhari (which I have persistently stated in my columns across decades) it is a wild goose chase to pursue
boast that the Hindus will go to hell? It is gratifying to state here that last Wednesday when I was travelling between Ife and Osogbo I tuned to Orisun FM station, a station under the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation and I was pleased to listen to a pastor who pointedly declared Boko Haram ]TU]UÂ S`Â&#x20AC;qU`Â?UW^Â&#x201E;XRVTU_x]_Ux]TU^`_xW^Â U_`UX`U with Islam. He quoted several portions of the Qurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;an to drive home his point; I think I will
Lamido Sanusi , Emir of Kano
Oritsejafor, CAN president
the goal of Christianising or Islamising the entire population of Nigeria. It is a pipe dream. God did not intend that for the universe that we live in now. He created man from a single soul and yet today there are more than 20,000 languages globally. What stops him from giving the world a universal language? ]^U Â&#x201A;RU SRÂ?RÂ&#x192;_Ă&#x2039;U ]^¤_U Â&#x201A;RU _xW^Â&#x2030;Ă&#x2039;U ]^¤_U Â&#x201A;RU understand or are we all mad in Nigeria? The population of Muslims and Christians put together globally is not up to 60 percent of the Hindus. Why then is the fratricidal rivalry? Can anybody, Christian or Muslim,
write the radio station to please send a CD of the programme to CAN President, Pastor Oritsejafor so that he can join the crusade to drop his Boko stereotype against Islam over Boko Haram. His tantrums against the Sultan and Muslim leaders in Nigeria for not doing enough, to me, were a misplaced aggression Ă&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;W_RUÂ&#x20AC;^R²qRÂ&#x192;_RXU`Â?UxWTUxW xU`3Â&#x192;RjU Ridding the horse of sentiment in the present situation of the country now is not the right thing to do. Unfortunately, he has not found his voice. What all right thinking leaders, men and women of this country need to do is to follow the clarion call of the
Emir of Kano Lamido Sanusi that Nigerians should rise up and defend themselves against the blood-sucker group, Boko Haram. The Bombing of the Kano central mosque during Friday Jumat prayer has more than any other incident washed Islam clean of the bloody image being planted on it by those Â&#x201A;x`U_S]XRU]^XUqS`Â&#x201E;_UÂ?S`Â&#x2039;UTÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x192;xU]VVRÂ ]_W`^TU for persecution. As a Muslim, a good number of my close friends and associates are Christians, including, but not limited to the following, Emeka Izeze, the managing director of the Guardian Newspapers, Pastor Segun Babatope, ex-Chairman of the Editorial board of the Concord Newspapers, Dele Alake, Femi Adesina, Professor Akinpelu, among others. All these people are very passionate about me and I am equally very passionate about them. We share the same philosophy of life of being useful to as many as come our ways without the colour of religion or race. Soni Asuelimen of the Newswatch Time worked under me at the Concord and he remains my blood till today, why will anybody dream of making them my enemies? For what reason would ]^zQ`XzUÂ&#x201A;]^_U_`UX`U_xWTĂ&#x2039;U xR^U_xRUqV`HRSU plots evil he forgets that God is the greatest `Â?U]VVUqV`HRSTĂ xWTU x]TU QRR^U _xRU q]HRS^U W^U _xRU V]T_U `^RU year. Many Muslims are now of the opinion that this is a systemic depopulation plan in Nigeria by some foreign powers to arrest the march of Nigeria to the status of a world economic power. Anybody who may think of this as farfetched should remember Lebanon of the1966. The nation was emerging as an alternative London as the economic and Â&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;W]VU xÂ&#x20AC;QU `Â?U Â&#x20AC;S`qRjU x]_U ^]_W`^U Â&#x201A;]TU thrown into a bloody ethno-religious war for 30 years. The wars ended some two decades ago but it is yet to regain its position as the Â&#x201E;^]^Â&#x192;W]VUxÂ&#x20AC;QU_`URÂ&#x2019;R^U_xRU WXXVRÂł ]T_jU Nigeria must avoid this orchestrated ]HRÂ&#x2039;q_U _`U SRÂ&#x2019;RSTRU _xRU Â&#x201A;xRRVU `Â?U qS`Â SRTTU in Nigeria. The president should invite all religious leaders to a meeting for them to T_`qUW^Â?]Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;]_`SzUT_]_RÂ&#x2039;R^_TU]^XUTÂ&#x20AC;QT_W_Â&#x20AC;_RU the gospel of hate for that of love. Enough of religious bigotry in Nigeria. We must learn to live together in peace.
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