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Newswatch Times
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m most qualified to pick APC presidential ticket â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Kwankwaso PATRICK OKOHUE
overnor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso of Kano has said that among all aspirants gunning for the presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and even from other political parties, he is the UVWXYZ[\]^_`jqYxyYz`\WV{Y of experience to govern X}`Y~V[{Xzy Kwankwaso said because of that reason and from what the delegates Â&#x20AC;VzY XVj\y WY Y Â&#x201A;z`W^j`{X^\]Y Â&#x201A;z^U\zyY }\Â&#x192;`Y seen and heard he has done in the past and as a Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzqY }`Y ^WY ~V{_j`{XY that he will be elected as X}`YÂ&#x201A;z`W^j`{X^\]YÂ&#x2026;\Â&#x201E;Yx`\z`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;\zXyY\XYX}`Y`{jY VÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;z^U\zy The governor, who spoke with some journal-
^WXWY ^{Y \Â&#x201E;VWY y`WX`zj\yqY said with his background as a civil servant, a twotime governor, a former House of Representatives member and former defence minister, it will be wise for the delegates to queue behind him, be~\[W`Y}`YWX\{jWYX}`Yx`,`zY chance to turn the counXzyY\zV[{jYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`Yx`,`z
`Y W\^jqY Â&#x160; Y \UY Â&#x192;`zyY U[~}Y ~V{_j`{XY X}`Y j`]egates will do the right thing tomorrow and the right thing is to vote Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, who has all the credentials, who has all it takes XVYU\Â&#x2039;`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Yx`,`zYÂ&#x20AC;VzY \]]YVÂ&#x20AC;Y[W â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was a civil servant Â&#x20AC;VzYÂ&#x17D;Â?Yy`\zWY^{Y \{VqY Y]`Â&#x20AC;XY service in 1991 and joined politics and in 1992, I was elected member of the House of RepresentaX^Â&#x192;`WY\{jYx`~\U`Yj`Â&#x201A;[XyY Speaker of the House and
^{Y Â&#x17D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Y \Â&#x20AC;X`zY X}`Y U^]^X\zyY XVVÂ&#x2039;YVÂ&#x192;`z Y YÂ&#x2014;\WY\{Y`]`~Xed member of the constitutional conference and from 1990 to 2003, I was governor of Kano and in 2003, I was appointed minister of defence, a position I held for about Â&#x20AC;V[zYy`\zW Â&#x161; He noted that when he was minister of defence, X}`Y \zUyqY \^zY Â&#x20AC;Vz~`qY {\Â&#x192;yY and all other para-miliX\zyYÂ&#x20AC;Vz~`WY^{YX}^WY~V[{XzyY Â&#x2014;`z`Y Â&#x192;`zyY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zÂ&#x20AC;[]Y \{jY strong; â&#x20AC;&#x153;in fact, during UyY X^U`Y \WY \Y U^{^WX`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y j`Â&#x20AC;`{~`qYÂ&#x2014;`YÂ&#x2014;`z`Y{VXYV{]yY protecting the territorial ^{X`Â&#x201E;z^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}^WY ~V[{XzyY but were also in Liberia and Sierra Leone, maintaining peace, in Darfur, [j\{Y \{jY U\{yY VX}`zY parts of African conti{`{X Y {YX}VW`Yj\yWqY^Â&#x20AC;YV[zY U^]^X\zyY \z`Y {VXY Â&#x201A;\zXY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \{yY Â&#x201A;`\~`Y Â&#x2039;``Â&#x201A;^{Â&#x201E;qY X}`{Y
it is obvious something is U^WW^{Â&#x201E; Â&#x160; [XqY XVj\yqY Â&#x2014;`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y \Y situation where we cannot even defend ourselves, we had to go and beg some people, who before now, were coming to ^Â&#x201E;`z^\YXVYx`Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;VzYUV{`yY XVY Â&#x201E;VY \{jY Â&#x201A;\yY `Â&#x192;`{Y X}`^zY
W\]\z^`WqY `WÂ&#x201A;`~^\]]yY V[zY neighbours, like Niger, }\jY\{jY \U`zVV{ Y VqY things have changed and for those of us who have been opportune to be members of the extended Â&#x20AC;\U^]yYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YU^]^X\zyqYÂ&#x2014;`Y \z`Y W}V~Â&#x2039;`jqÂ&#x161;Y Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVYW\^j
Chidoka launches helpline, passenger service portal TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
inster of Aviation, Chief Osita Chidoka, has launched aviation passenger service portal and help line to improve on W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y j`]^Â&#x192;`zyY ^{Y \^zÂ&#x201A;VzXWY\~zVWWYX}`Y~V[{Xzy Chidoka emphasised that it is imperative to create the platform towards bridging critical lapses in
Cross-section of participants at the 73rd Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Council of Ministers in Abujaâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
the manner airports and airlines across the counXzyY~[zz`{X]yYVÂ&#x201A;`z\X` The minister added that the initiative would imÂ&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;`YV{YW`zÂ&#x192;^~`Yj`]^Â&#x192;`zyY at airports and redress j`]\yWqY ~\{~`]]\X^V{WqY dearth of information and deplorable services x`j`Â&#x192;^]]^{Â&#x201E;YX}`YW`~XVz
`Y `§Â&#x201A;z`WW`jY ~V{_dence that the passenger service portal and helpline would create onestop platform for passengers to access information about hotels, car hire services, hospitals among others on line, stressing that with its commissioning, the service portal and help line would assist passengers and airport users to seek redress for W}VjjyYW`zÂ&#x192;^~`W Also, Chidoka has diz`~X`jY X}\XY [{z[]yY Â&#x201A;\Wsengers at airports are to x`YÂ&#x201A;zV_]`jYX}zV[Â&#x201E;}YU\{j\XVzyY ^j`{X^_~\X^V{Y Â&#x20AC;VzY checking-in process and Â&#x201A;VWW^x]yY x`Y x\zz`jY Â&#x20AC;zVUY Â&#x2026;y^{Â&#x201E;Y X}zV[Â&#x201E;}Y \^zÂ&#x201A;VzXWY \~zVWWYX}`Y~V[{Xzy He, however, urged members of the public to access the services proÂ&#x192;^j`jY xyY X}`Y Â&#x201A;\WW`{Â&#x201E;`zY W`zÂ&#x192;^~`YÂ&#x201A;VzX\]
FG took measures to punish corrupt officers â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Onolememen TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
he Minister of Works, z~ Y ^Â&#x2039;`Y {V]`U`U`{Y y`WX`zj\yYW\^jYX}\XYÂ&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;ernment has taken measures in ensuring that those who Â&#x2014;^]Â&#x20AC;[]]yY^{Â&#x20AC;z^{Â&#x201E;`YX}`Yz^Â&#x201E;}XWYVÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ~^X^Â&#x;`{zyY XVY X}`Y Â&#x201E;VVjY ]^Â&#x20AC;`Y \{jYj^Â&#x192;^j`{jWYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`^zYÂ&#x2026;`jÂ&#x201E;]^{Â&#x201E;Y j`UV~z\~yY \z`Y xzV[Â&#x201E;}XY XVYxVVÂ&#x2039; He made this known at the joint marking of the InternaX^V{\]Y {X^ Vzz[Â&#x201A;X^V{Y \yY xyY X}`Y `j`z\]Y ^{^WXzyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Works in collaboration with =~`YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y [zÂ&#x192;`yVzY `{`z\]YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y `j`z\X^V{YÂĄ ¢Y \{jY `j`z\]Y V\jWY \^{X`{\{~`Y Â&#x201E;`{~yYÂĄ ¢ ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY }^UqX}`Y j\yY is to sensitize members of the ^{X`z{\X^V{\]Y ~VUU[{^XyY XVY X}`Y ^UÂ&#x201A;`z\X^Â&#x192;`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y \x^j^{Â&#x201E;Y xyY X}`Y Y X`{`XWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Xz\{WÂ&#x201A;\z`{~yqY \~~V[{X\x^]^XyY \{jY Â&#x201A;z[j`{~`Y
^{Y Â&#x201A;[x]^~Y W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y j`]^Â&#x192;`zy Y This is to ensure that services rendered to the public are j`]^Â&#x192;`z`jY Xz\{WÂ&#x201A;\z`{X]yqY \~~V[{X\x]yY\{jYÂ&#x2014;^X}YÂ&#x192;\][`YÂ&#x20AC;VzY UV{`y Onolememen stated that XVj\y WYV~~\W^V{Y^WY{VXY\YÂĽ\Uboree but one that calls for WVx`zYz`Â&#x2026;`~X^V{qY\WYX}`Y`@`~XWY of corruption on the quantum \{jY Z[\]^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y j`]^Â&#x192;`zyY XVY V[zY Â&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y ^UU`{W` According to the minister, X}`Y Xz\{WÂ&#x201A;\z`{~yY ^{X`z{\tional released its Corruption Perception Index last Â&#x2014;``Â&#x2039; Y }`Yz`Â&#x201A;VzXY}\WYx`~VU`Y \Y z`\WV{\x]yY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x201A;[]\zY Â&#x201E;\[Â&#x201E;`Y of how the incidence and prevalence of corruption in various countries polled are Â&#x201A;`z~`^Â&#x192;`jY xyY Â&#x192;\z^V[WY WX\Â&#x2039;`}V]j`zWY Â&#x2014;Vz]jÂ&#x2014;^j` Y XY Â&#x2014;^]]Y ^{X`z`WXYyV[YXVY{VX`YX}\XYÂ&#x20AC;zVUY
a rank of the 36th â&#x20AC;&#x153;most corz[Â&#x201A;X^V{Â&#x161;Y ~V[{Xz^`WY ^{Y X}`Y Â&#x2014;Vz]jY ]\WXY y`\zqY ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Y }\WY improved on its corruption perception to the 39th â&#x20AC;&#x153;most ~Vzz[Â&#x201A;X^V{Â&#x161;YX}^WYy`\z Onolememen said this is a veritable evidence that Presij`{XY VVj][~Â&#x2039;Y V{\X}\{Â WY
transformation agenda is having a positive impression on international investors \{jYÂ&#x192;^W^XVzWYXVYX}`Y~V[{Xzy He however urged Nigerians to see themselves as leaders in our various rights and role models who must conW~^V[WY`@VzXWYXVY]`\Â&#x192;`Y\Yx`,`zY
environment than the one we U`X He therefore stated that Anti-Corruption war is not X}`Yj[XyYVÂ&#x20AC;Y qY Y\{jY ACTU alone but one in which Â&#x2014;`Y U[WXY ^{j^Â&#x192;^j[\]]yY \{jY ~V]]`~X^Â&#x192;`]yY ^{Â&#x192;V]Â&#x192;`jY ^{Y \{jY ~VUU^,`jYXV
Ondo workers begin warning strike PETER DADA, Akure
ivil servants across 18 local government councils of Ondo State }\Â&#x192;`Y x`Â&#x201E;[{Y XÂ&#x2014;V j\yY Â&#x2014;\z{^{Â&#x201E;Y WXz^Â&#x2039;`Y y`WX`zj\yY Â&#x20AC;V]]VÂ&#x2014;^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y WX\X`Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{X WY alleged refusal to remit the UV{`yY j`j[~X`jY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`^zY salaries to the cooperative so~^`X^`WY\{jYx\{Â&#x2039;WYÂ&#x2014;}`z`YX}`yY obtained loans for over three UV{X}W The workers also vowed to commence total strike tomorrow should the state government fails to meet X}`^zYj`U\{jW When Newswatch Times visited the state government secretariat at Alagbaka in Â&#x2039;[z`qYX}`YWX\X`Y~\Â&#x201A;^X\]qYy`WX`zj\yqY \]]Y X}`Y V=~`WY Â&#x2014;`z`Y [{j`zY ]V~Â&#x2039;Y \{jY Â&#x2039;`yY \{jY some of the workers met in the premises were monitor^{Â&#x201E;Y~VUÂ&#x201A;]^\{~`YXVYX}`YWXz^Â&#x2039;` Y WX\X`U`{XY ^WW[`jY xyY X}`Y state Chairman of Joint Public Service Negotiating Coun~^]Y ÂĄ ¢qY [{j\yY j`]`y`qY emphasised that the workers were directed to embark on strike if the state government Â&#x20AC;\^]WYXVYÂ&#x201E;z\{XYX}`^zYz`Z[`WX According to the statement: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If our request is not \,`{j`jYXVY\Â&#x20AC;X`zYX}`YÂ&#x2014;\z{^{Â&#x201E;Y strike, total strike shall be declared thereafter without res`zÂ&#x192;\X^V{W Y VzÂ&#x2039;`zWY \{jY X}`Y `{X^z`Y~^X^Â&#x;`{WY\z`Y{VXYÂ&#x20AC;VV]W Â&#x161; j`]`y`YW\^jY{V{ Â&#x201A;\yU`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y\]]Yj`j[~X^V{WY^{YX}`YW\]\zyY W}VÂ&#x2014;WY Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{X WY ^{W`{W^X^Â&#x192;^XyY XVY X}`Y Â&#x201A;]^Â&#x201E;}XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ~^Â&#x192;^]Y servants in the state, hence the need for them to embark V{YWXz^Â&#x2039;` Â&#x160; V{ Â&#x201A;\yU`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \]]Y j`ductions including cooperatives, shilling funds and UV{X}Y ]V\{Y z`Â&#x201A;\yU`{XY j`ductions among others for the month of September, October, November and `~`Ux`zY ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2013;Y xyY X}`Y WX\X`Y government has exposed Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{X WY }`^Â&#x201E;}XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ^{W`{W^X^Â&#x192;^XyY XVY X}`Y Â&#x201A;]^Â&#x201E;}XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y workers and the masses in Â&#x201E;`{`z\] â&#x20AC;&#x153;The mood of workers and the entire populace in the state are full of hopeless, recurrent disappointment, j^W`{Â&#x20AC;z\{~}^W`U`{XqY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x192;`zXyY z^jj`{qYx`Xz\y\]YVÂ&#x20AC;YXz[WXY\{jY VÂ&#x192;`z x[zj`{ Â&#x161;
NEMA recovers diverted relief materials in Gombe Taiye Agbaje, Abuja
}`Y \X^V{\]Y U`zÂ&#x201E;`{~yY \{\Â&#x201E;`U`{XY Â&#x201E;`{~yY ÂĄ ¢Y }\WY z`~VÂ&#x192;`z`jY the relief materials diverted xyY \Y Xz\{WÂ&#x201A;VzX`zY ^{Y VUx`Y State, a statement from the \Â&#x201E;`{~yY}\WYW\^j The two trailer-load relief items, which were successÂ&#x20AC;[]]yY^{X`z~`Â&#x201A;X`jYxyYX}`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Y `~[z^XyY\{jY ^Â&#x192;^]Y `Â&#x20AC;`{~`Y Corps (NSCDC) following a X^Â&#x201A; V@qY}\Â&#x192;`Yx``{Yj^WXz^x[X`jY
to victims of windstorm in \{Â&#x201E;Vx\Y VUU[{^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \kara in Sardauna Local Government Area of Taraba State xyYX}`Y\Â&#x201E;`{~y The Director General of qY [}\UU\jY \{^Y Sidi, while addressing the U`j^\Y ^{Y X}`Y ~VUU[{^XyqY said though there was an attempted diversion of the relief items, the prime suspect who was the transporter is current]yY[{j`zY^{Â&#x192;`WX^Â&#x201E;\X^V{
`Â&#x201A;z`W`{X`jY xyY X}`Y WW^Wtant Director of Training in X}`YV=~`qY y^V]\Y Â&#x2039;\{j`qY \{^Y ^j^Y ~VUU`{j`jY X}`Y V=~`zWY of the NSCDC for a job well jV{` DG, who stated that a comU^,``Y}\WYx``{Y~V{WX^X[X`jYXVY ^{Â&#x192;`WX^Â&#x201E;\X`Y X}`Y \,`UÂ&#x201A;X`jY j^version with a view to unravel \{yYÂ&#x201A;VWW^x]`Y^{X`z{\]Y~V]]\xVration, added that such move would help to prevent future V~~[zz`{~`
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whenever there is approval for relief materials to j^W\WX`zY Â&#x192;^~X^UWqY \Y {VX^_~\X^V{Y ]`,`zY ~V{X\^{^{Â&#x201E;Y j`X\^]WY of quantities of the items is [W[\]]yY W`{XY XVY X}`Y WX\X`Y VÂ&#x20AC;_~^\]WY Â&#x20AC;VzY \~Â&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;]`jÂ&#x201E;U`{Xq  Y }`YW\^j Sani Sidi, however, urged WX\X`YV=~^\]WYXVY\]Â&#x2014;\yWY~zVWWY check items delivered to them before distributing them to Â&#x192;^~X^UWYVÂ&#x20AC;Yj^W\WX`zW
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Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 10, 2014
CBN allocates N4.4bn to physically-challenged 12 4)68 8 ) &868 #(
n a bid to encourage the physically challenged, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has allocated N4.4 billion out of the N220 billion development fund for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to people living with physical disabilities. This was disclosed by representative of Director, Consumer Protection Department of CBN, Hajiya Khadijat Kasim, in Minna, Niger State capital, at the consumer sensitization campaign. Kasim said â&#x20AC;&#x153;60 per cent of the fund has been earmarked Â&#x20AC;VzY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j^{Â&#x201E;Y _{\{~^\]Y W`zvices to women in order to increase their employment opportunities, create wealth and engender inclusive growth.â&#x20AC;? According to her, the N220 billion MSMEs development fund was meant to strengthen the sub-sector of the economy in order to forestall the inevitable adverse socio-economic ~V{W`Z[`{~`WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y_{\{~^\]Y`§clusion. She said the government wants all women to be economically engaged, adding X}\XY Â&#x2014;^X}Y _{\{~^\]Y ]^X`z\~yY programmes for women, all women would soon be able to access micro credit to enhance their businesses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is the best interest of all concerned that consumers of _{\{~^\]YÂ&#x201A;zVj[~XWY^{Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Y are protected and included in policy initiatives,â&#x20AC;? she noted. Kasim also disclosed that CBN has been educating consumers on the importance
Fire razes insurance company in Lagos 8;<+<?< 8;< 86:8
roperty worth millions of naira was lost yesterday, as a building belonging to Mansard Insur\{~`Y VUÂ&#x201A;\{yqYx`}^{jY §§on Mobil at Aboyade Cole in Victoria Island, Lagos was z\Â&#x;`jYxyY_z` Newswatch Times gathered that the incident, which threw residents of the area into panic, occurred due to an electrical fault in the building. Giving an account of the incident, an eye witness said the inferno was caused by a fuel-laden tanker, which `§Â&#x201A;]Vj`jY \XY X}`Y Â&#x20AC;zV{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y the building, adding that X}V[Â&#x201E;}Y _z`Y _Â&#x201E;}X`zWY \{jY other sympathisers came in to curtail the inferno, major part of the building was razed. Lagos Police Public RelaX^V{Y =~`zqY Y `{`X}Y Â&#x2014;VÂ&#x;[qY ~V{_zU`jY X}`Y ^{~^dent.
VÂ&#x20AC;Y x`^{Â&#x201E;Y _{\{~^\]]yY ]^X`z\X`qY stating that it is crucial for the economic growth and development of the nation. ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY }`zqY x`^{Â&#x201E;Y _nancially literate, the custom-
`zWYÂ&#x2014;V[]jY}\Â&#x192;`Y~V{_j`{~`Y^{Y X}`Y _{\{~^\]Y WyWX`UqY \jj^{Â&#x201E;Y that lack of consumer sophistication was a major factor responsible for the near col]\Â&#x201A;W`YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y_{\{~^\]YWyWX`UY
CBN Branch Controller in Minna, Alhaji Mohammed Kabiru, said the campaign is in conformity with the mandate of CBN, which seeks to Â&#x201A;zVUVX`Y W\Â&#x20AC;`Y _{\{~^\]Y WyW-
tem. Kabiru noted that it will address the complaints from members of the public and enable consumers know their rights as consumers.
NEMA recovers diverted relief materials in Gombe 48):< 8G=81< 8! >
he National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has recovered the relief materials diverted by a transporter in Gombe State, a statement from the agency said. The two trailer-load relief items, which were intercepted by the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) following a X^Â&#x201A; V@qY }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y j^WXz^x[Xed to victims of windstorm in Bangoba Community of Kakara in Sardauna Local Government Area of Taraba State by the agency. The Director General of NEMA, Muhammad Sani Sidi, while addressing the media in the community, said though there was an attempted diversion of the relief items, the prime suspect, who was the transporter, is ! " # $ % & $ '( ( )$* % ( + / $ 0 $ % 0 currently under investigation. Represented by the Assistant Director of Training ^{YX}`YV=~`qY y^V]\Y Â&#x2039;\{j`qY Sani Sidi commended the of_~`zWYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y YÂ&#x20AC;VzY\YÂĽVxY well done. The DG, who stated that 49:)6 8;<=8:9 8! > than for keeping faith with aged in Nigeria. other complications, particu- \Y ~VUU^,``Y }\WY x``{Y ~V{Available evidence shows larly post-surgical complica- stituted to investigate the ice President his promise to assent to the that over 5,000 Nigerians tions. \,`UÂ&#x201A;X`jY j^Â&#x192;`zW^V{qY Â&#x2014;^X}Y \Y (WAR), Com- National Health Bill (NHB). Enabulele said currently, visit India and other counOn the average, over $800 view to unravel any possible monwealth Medical Asso- lots of Nigerians, includ- tries every month for medi- million is lost annually by internal collaboration, addciation and the ing top political office cal tourism, with lots of these Nigeria on account of foreign ed that such move would immediate past president of holders travel frequently Nigerians faced with various medical trips, the National help to prevent future occurrence. Nigeria Medical Association to other countries in search risks and challenges, includ- Health Act will help to substantially reâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Whenever there is ap(NMA), Dr. Osahon Enab- of medical care, even for ing misdiagnosis, legal and medical conditions that `X}^~\]Y ^WW[`WqY `§Â&#x201A;VW[z`Y XVY verse the trend of frequent proval for relief materials to ulele, yesterday applauded President Goodluck Jona- can be satisfactorily man- infectious diseases, as well as and sometimes unnecessary j^W\WX`zY Â&#x192;^~X^UWqY \Y {VX^_~\foreign medical trips and X^V{Y]`,`zY~V{X\^{^{Â&#x201E;Yj`X\^]WY make Nigeria a destination of quantities of the items is for medical tourism. [W[\]]yYW`{XYXVYX}`YWX\X`YV=A statement made avail- cials for acknowledgment,â&#x20AC;? able to Newswatch Times he said. yesterday in Abuja by EnabSani Sidi, however, urged @8 F&8+ 619?2 8! > Â&#x201A;]^~\X^V{WYÂ&#x2014;\WYÂĽV^{X]yY_]`jYV{Y applicants leave to appeal, ulele, stated: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I received with WX\X`Y V=~^\]WY XVY \]Â&#x2014;\yWY behalf of the people of Kebbe/ \]WVY_§`jY `~`Ux`zYÂ&#x17D;šqYÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2013;qY \Y W`{W`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x20AC;[]_]U`{XqY {`Â&#x2014;WY cross check items delivered Federal High Tambuwal Federal Constitu- for hearing of the applications of the assent to the National to them before distributing V[zXY W^,^{Â&#x201E;Y ency by Chairman of Kebbe for stay of proceeding, dated Health Bill by the President them to victims of disasters. in Abuja has Local Government Area, Bala December 2 and 3 respective- of the Federal Republic of He said although the regranted leave Konkani and Chairman of ]yqY_]`jYxyY Wz`\]Y ]Vz[{j\z`Y Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Jonalief items in the two trucks to members of Tambuwal Local Government on behalf of Tambuwalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s con- than GCFR.â&#x20AC;? being diverted were found the Kebbe/Tambuwal Federal Area, Sambo Modo. The National Health Act to be intact, the agency has stituents. Constituency of Sokoto State The other application was }V[Â&#x201E;}YX}`Y~V[zXY\jU^,`jY provides for stricter regulation decided that henceforth, XVY _]`Y \{Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]Y ~}\]]`{Â&#x201E;- _]`jY^{YX}`Y{\U`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y~V{WX^X[- that â&#x20AC;&#x153;time is of essenceâ&#x20AC;? as of all medical referrals abroad any relief material leaving ing a court ruling which had ents by Abdussamad Dasuki, pointed out by Ustaz Usman and emphasises greater colits warehouse would be esrestrained them from join- Suleiman Hantsi and Shuaibu qY ~V[{W`]Y XVY X}`Y Â&#x17D;WXY \{jY laboration between public and ~VzX`jY xyY ^XWY V=~^\]WY XVY X}`Y ing in the suit instituted by Umar, representing Tambu- 2nd respondents (PDP and private health care facilities in destination. X}`Y `Ux\,]`jY Â&#x201A;`\Â&#x2039;`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y wal East, Tambuwal West its national chairman, Adamu Nigeria. A leader of the communiHouse of Representatives, and Kebbe constituencies re- Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu), Justice MohamAccording to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I recall ty, Jauro Yaya, who said they Aminu Tambuwal, against spectively in the Sokoto State med opined that it would be vividly that when I (as then heard the story of diversion the Peoples Democratic Party, House of Assembly. improper to deviate from the President of the Nigerian of relief materials meant for its national chairman and the Medical Association), led a their community, thanked VXYW\X^W_`jYÂ&#x2014;^X}YX}`Yz`Â&#x20AC;[W\]Y procedure of the court. House of Representatives. of Justice Ahmed Mohammed On the suggestion of Tam- delegation to see Mr. Presi- the Federal Government for Other defendants in the suit to join them in the suit as in- buwalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s counsel, Lateef Fag- dent on Tuesday, 8 October, the eventual delivery of the are the Deputy Speaker of the terested parties, the applicants bemi SAN, and some other ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂźqYVÂ&#x192;`zY^WW[`WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y{\X^V{\]Y relief assistance. House, Emeka Ihedioha, acting \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]^`jYÂ&#x20AC;VzY]`\Â&#x192;`YXVY_]`Y\{Y\Â&#x201A;- counsels for the motion for importance, including the The items, which included Inspector General of Police, Su- peal, as well as an application WX\yqY X}`Y ~VUU^,\]Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]^~\- need for his quick assent food and non-food items, laiman Abba, the Independent for stay of proceedings on the tion against the Inspector to the National Health Bill were jointly distributed with National Electoral Commission W[xWX\{X^Â&#x192;`YU\,`zYÂ&#x201A;`{j^{Â&#x201E;YX}`Y General of Police and the sub- whenever it was passed by the assistance of community ÂĄ ¢Y \{jY ,Vz{`yY `{`z\]Y determination of their appeal at WX\{X^Â&#x192;`YU\,`zYXVYx`Y}`\zjYV{Y the National Assembly, Mr. leaders, Taraba State Emerof the Federation and Minister the Court of Appeal. X}`Y{`§XYj\X`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y\jÂĽV[z{U`{XqY z`W^j`{XY}\jY_zU]yYÂ&#x201A;]`jÂ&#x201E;`jY gency Management Agency of Justice, Mohammed Bello Nevertheless, in a short the court noted that it would to assent to the Bill (NHB) af- \{jY ]V~\]Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY V=Adoke, SAN. ruling yesterday, Justice Mo- be prejudicial to go ahead and ter it has been passed by the cials under the supervision One of the two joiner ap- hammed, having granted the hear the pending applications. National Assembly.â&#x20AC;? VÂ&#x20AC;Y YV=~^\]W
NHB will reverse loss of $800m annually on foreign medical trips
Tambuwalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constituents get courtâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nod to appeal ruling
South West
Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Lagos PDP members urged to close ranks ADEWALE AJAYI
ational leader of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and a member of the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Board of Trustees, Chief Olabode George, has pledged to reach out to the members who lost in the Lagos State governorship primaries, which was held Monday where Jimi Agbaje emerged as candidate of PDP,
stressing that it is better for the party to go for the 2015 elections as united family. George spoke yesterday while addressing journalists in Lagos, emphasising that it is obvious that some aspirants would feel aggrieved as they lost in the primaries, but he is appealing to them to put everything behind and work for the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s success in the general elections. He described the state-
ment credited to one of the aspirants, Musiliu Obanikoro, that he contested against him (George) and not Jimi Agbaje as insulting and the action shows that he (Obanikoro) lacks decorum. Meanwhile, the PDP chieftain said people of the state have spoken loud and clear with Agbajeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory and there was no ambiguity in their vision. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no hesitation in their col-
lective truth. They have chosen Olujimi Agbaje as their choice in the PDP governorship primaries in Lagos State. This victory, which is a presage of next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s general elections, is a testimony of the choice that the good people of Lagos State are clamouring for. People of the state need breath of fresh air. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have rejected the past with its twin venom of thuggery and
hooliganism, with its virulent emblem of intolerance and calumny. We are now marching forward with sure-footedness and certainty of purpose. We are now embracing new vision of hope and progressive articulations. The corrupt, insensitive old order is now yielding place to the new. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This triumph is far beyond the limiting confines of personal celebration. This victory is
...Ogun chapterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s senatorial primaries aborted again BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta
he primaries of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ogun Central Senatorial District,
which was rescheduled for yesterday, has hit the rock again. It was gathered that some of the delegates, who converged on the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat
at Kuto in Abeokuta, the state capital, were disappointed to discover that the leadership didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any arrangement on ground for the elec-
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yoruba should resist being used for selfish agendaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
former aspirant for Oyo State House of Assembly position, Sina Akinpelu, has urged Yoruba at home and abroad to resist the temptation of being [W`jY Â&#x20AC;VzY W`]_W}Y \Â&#x201E;`{j\Y by some leaders, who he ~]\^U`jY \z`Y Â&#x201A;]V,^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY sell the race out. Akinpelu spoke while chatting with journalist in Ibadan, the state capital, on political development ^{YX}`Y~V[{XzyY\WY^XY\@`~XWY South-West. He emphasised that he is not comfortable with the relationship of former Governor of Lagos State, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo who, according to him, are more favourably disposed to northern feudalists and never wished Yoruba well. The ex-legislator cautioned politicians never to allow the 2015 elections turn Nigeria to batX]`Y _`]jqY WXz`WW^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY â&#x20AC;&#x153;we should constantly remember the wicked prediction of cliques in United States, which put 2015 as a year of disintegration of our great country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;God is not an author of confusion and would not want evil for his people. America cannot play God. Our country would remain one contrary to the position of prophets of doom.â&#x20AC;? Meanwhile, Akinpelu expressed optimism that the current spate of ter-
rorism in the country will soon become a thing of the past, adding that President Goodluck Jonathan is doing his best to tackle the menace.
He implored Federal Government to beam its searchlight on the main VÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VW^X^V{Y Â&#x2014;}VW`Y [,`zances suggest of being supporting insurgency.
tion. The state Chairman of PDP, Dayo Bayo, announced postponement of the primaries Sunday till yesterday following what he described as unfriendly atmosphere. Meanwhile, two aspirants for the position, Bisola Sodipo-Clark and Lanre Laoshe, went to the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s secretariat for the primaries, but were surprised to discover that no arrangement was on ground for the poll.
The aspirants and delegates left the venue after waiting for some time. However, some sources revealed that Bayo has been summoned to the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national secretariat in Abuja for allegedly conducting illegal governorship primaries in the state Monday contrary to its directive. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respond to the phone calls put across to him when contacted to comment on the development.
+ QV FX( <Z ([ 9 !( )=4F & *%( /$ @* # $ * ; [(% = X \ 9/ F ]]($$( = %/ % @* ( / # $ 9* ^ % # 0 \ FX( <Z ([ 9 !( )=4F @ $( # / $ +(]( % ; ; ] * / * % FX( <Z ([ 9 !( )=4F = " :( " (\ X !( )=4F *( $_ %( ( + / $ ` X ^ " %
Wife divorces pastor over money-making ritual OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
ife of a pastor, Mrs Folasade Olanrewaju, has been given the go-ahead to leave her husband, Ojo, who she ac~[W`jYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x201A;]V,^{Â&#x201E;YXVY[W`Y}`zY for money-making ritual. President of Oja Oba Ibadan Customary Court, Chief Odunade Ademola,
granted Folasadeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s application for dissolution of their marriage, which is blessed with two children and ordered her husband to be paying N5,000 for the woman every month. Ademola said the money is meant for upkeep of the two children of the marriage, who are two years and six months old respectively. Meanwhile, Folasade
told the court that Ojo took one of her shoes to a spiritualist after which she developed swollen feet. She added that a prophet revealed to her that Ojo is behind her ordeal, stressing that he later ran away from their home at Monatan in Ibadan, Oyo State capital \{jYz`W`,]`jY\XY Â&#x2039;^z` However, Ojo debunked his wifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s allegations and described them as mere
blackmail meant to tarnish his reputation and Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calling. He disclosed that when Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s calling made him to relocate to Ikire in Osun State, both of them agreed to go, but he wondered why the woman changed her mind on the eve of their departure, adding that he married another Â&#x2014;^Â&#x20AC;`Y \Â&#x20AC;X`zY _Â&#x192;`Y UV{X}WY XVY avoid fornication.
far beyond the restrictive reaches of factional applause. This is victory fully designed and authored by the workings of providence, but in larger sense, there are no vanquished here. There are no losers. We have all won outstanding victory for all the good people of Lagos State.â&#x20AC;?
Oyo Assembly Speaker wins APC senatorial ticket OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
peaker of Oyo State House of Assembly, Hajiya Monsurat Sunmonu, has won the primaries of All Progressives Congress (APC) to contest for Oyo Central Senatorial District position in the 2015 elections. Sunmonu was declared winner after defeating two other aspirant with 1,531 votes. Returning Officer for the primaries, Paul Chukwuma, who announced results of the election, which was held at secretariat of Akinyele Local Government Council of the state in Moniya, Ibadan, the state capital, Commissioner for Works, Bimbo Kolade and Tunde Oyewo polled 904 and 129 votes respectively, while 28 votes were invalid. Chukwuma described the election as very peaceful and commended both the delegates and aspirants for their orderly manner before, during and after the poll. Meanwhile, Sunmonu lauded the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leaders, delegates and other aspirants for their doggedness, commitment to APC as demonstrated through the spirit of understanding, which accounted for success of the primaries. She also used the opportunity to pledge her loyalty and commitment to social and economic development of the state if eventually elected as senator in 2015, urging people of the state to continue giving their support to APC towards winning all elections in Oyo State and the entire country.
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Missing corpse: My children are not my flesh and blood -Nwobodo KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu
ormer Governor of old Anambra State, Sen Jim Nwobodo yesterday disowned his children who he accused of stealing the corpse of their elder brother, Dr. Ifeanyi on Friday, 5 December 2014, which prevented his burial on the said date. Ifeanyi passed on at a private Hospital Enugu on Sunday, November 16, 2014. Nwobodo who was visibly pained and gave free reign to his anger, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;As I speak to you people now, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know where the corpse of my son is, it shows the character of their mother. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Please I want to make one appeal to the media, I have only one wife (Patricia), I divorced this woman before I became governor (in 1979). Please donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t write that I have two wives; save me the embarrassment of saying matrimonial problem, the Church would not have wedded me if I had another wife. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The children donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have UyYÂ&#x2026;`W}Y\{jYx]VVjY^{YX}`UY because if they do, there are certain things they will not do. My children who }\Â&#x192;`Y UyY Â&#x2026;`W}Y \{jY x]VVjY (children of Patricia) lavish love on me; to steal the corpse of their brother, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unheard of, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an abomination,â&#x20AC;? he lamented. The former governor and senator (Enugu East-19992003) declared never to have anything to do with the burial again, saying,
â&#x20AC;&#x153;After that day (December 5th, 2014), as far as Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m concerned I have completed the burial, I will never be part of it againâ&#x20AC;?. Going down the memory lane, he explained that his late first son, Dr. Ifeanyi Nwobodo Jnr was sick for months and hid it from him, noting that it was somebody who visited him and saw that he was dying that raised an alarm and informed him (Nwobodo) upon which he made arrangement with the help of his wife to get American visa and flew him to Houston Texas. Senator Nwobodo stat-
ed that his son though at stage four of the cancer, was already cured at Anderson Medical Cancer Centre in Huston Texas USA, one of the best in the world, and was asked to stay longer in USA but that he returned to Nigeria because of pressure from his (Ifeanyiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) wife and that when he came back and developed pains on the legs, he (Nwobodo) took him to a consultant oncologist with the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, UNTH, Enugu. He revealed that the doctor instead of taking his son to the teaching
hospital where there are facilities for emergency, the consultant rather referred his son to his private clinic where the doctor administered his son with an injection that led to complications and his eventual death. Nwobodo explained that his present abode was a piece of land he acquired and not ancestral home, saying that he had provided the land opposite his house, which he acquired at the same time as the place he built his home, and ensured that a bungalow was erected in the place within three weeks.
n Onitsha Chief Magistrate Court, Anambra State, presided over by His Lordship, M.N.O. Okonkwo, yesterday ordered the Standard Organization of Nigeria, SON, to return all equipment that it removed from the factory of Bendusco International Agency Limited, belonging to Mr. Benjamin Nwaizu and Nduka Nwaizu. Delivering judgment in a ~\W`Y _]`jY xyY Y \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY Bendusco Agency Limited, in Onitsha, Magistrate Okonkwo said that SONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s action of removing the said equipment from the factory of the defendant was far above the scope of the order his court gave on September 3, 2014. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am constrained to make an order and it is hereby ordered that all plants and / or machinery that are uprooted/ removed from the factory of the defendant by the Â&#x201A;]\^{X^@YVzY^XWY\Â&#x201E;`{XWÂżÂ&#x201A;z^Â&#x192;^`WY
FUTO set to run MSC programme in global human resource mgt
X}`Y~`{Xz`YÂ&#x2014;}^~}Y^WYX}`Y_zWXY of its kind outside Israel he Federal Uni- would run programmes in versity of Tech- higher education managenology Owerri ment and other related (FUTO) in collab- short course. He made this known oration with the Galilee International Man- Â&#x2014;}^]`Y xz^`_{Â&#x201E;Y {`Â&#x2014;WU`{Y agement Institute (GIMI) on the 26th and 27th conhas entered into collabo- vocation ceremonies of the ration agreement to run a institution during which masters degree programme he announced that a total in Global Human Resource of 4,000 degrees and di \{\Â&#x201E;`U`{XY Â&#x2014;^X}Y `@`~XY plomas of the university from 2014/2015 academic would be awarded at the ceremony. session. He stressed that arrangeAccording to the Vice ment had been concluded Chancellor of the universifor the establishment of ty, Prof. Chigozie Asiabaka, Research and Technology park at the institution which when fully develVÂ&#x201A;`jYÂ&#x2014;V[]jYV@`zY\Y{[Ux`zY of shared resources such as technology incubators programme and collaborative activities, uninterruptible power supply telecommunication hubs, reception and security, man\Â&#x201E;`U`{XYV=~`WqY}VX`]Y\{jY conference centre, banks, entertainment and sports facilities, adding that TETfund had provided the ^{^X^\]Y X\Â&#x2039;`Â V@Y Â&#x201E;z\{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y N1.0billion for the park. As part of the internationalization of the University, Professor Asiabaka who is the 6th substantive VC of the 34 year old institution said that his administration had entered into partnership with the Technical University Munich Germany and Imo State Former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi; Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala Polytechnic to develop a car Director General, National Pension Commission, Mrs. Chinelo Anohu-Amazu, at the National Insurance Summit for the Subâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sahara Africa . EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri
2014 in Abuja.
Court orders SON to return illegally removed machines to owners CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha
be restored back to the factozyYxyYX}`YÂ&#x201A;]\^{X^@Y\WYX}`Y\~XY of removal of the machines is far above the scope of our order of September 3, 2014â&#x20AC;?, the court stated. The Magistrate also said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;SON execution of the same order in Kano and Lagos, if it is true, is contrary to the WÂ&#x201A;`~^_~Y Â&#x201A;]\~`WY ^XY U`{X^V{`jY
in Anambra State, is a clear case of illegality, as the order is concise and clear on its scope of jurisdictionâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is necessary for me to remark that the said order of court was to be executed at the premises of the defendant located at R2/667 Main Market Onitsha, K15 Onitsha Owerri Road, Obo-
si, No. 2 Nwaziki Street Awada Obosi, or any other places in Onitsha Town or environ. The execution of the said order in Kano or Lagos, if it is true is a clear case of illegality as the order is concise and clear on its scope of jurisdictionâ&#x20AC;? he said.
APC alive, kicking in Anambra - Ngige ALPHONSUS EZE, Awka
enator Chris Ngige representing Anambra Central Senatorial zone in the upper chamber of the National Assembly under the platform of All Progressives Congress (APC), has said that the party is alive and kicking in the state. Ngige who spoke in Awka after he emerged as the candidate of the party for the next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s election, against the background of insinuation by his po-
litical opponents that the party is dead in the state , said there is nothing they have not done to scotch the party out of existence in the state by trying to rig them out in the past elections but all have failed. Ngige whose endorseU`{XY Â&#x2014;\WY \=zU`jY xyY 1,832 votes out of 1, 834 votes cast, with two of them being voided, said APC was ready to do battle in the coming election, declaring that the party will not only win the Central Senatorial zone but
make forays into the Anambra North and South Senatorial zones. He said that as an incumbent, he has reference to make of the achievements he has recorded in the past three and half years he has been in the Senate to the 57 communities that make up the senatorial zone, especially in the area of power, education and scholarship, water supply among many others, including bills and motions he has sponsored in the Senate.
2015: Anambra CP cautions politicians, parents, youths ALPHONSUS EZE,
he Anambra State Commissioner of Police , Mr. Hoseah Karma, has warned politicians , young people and parents to be careful not to foment trouble or be used to cause breach of peace in the activities leading to 2015 general election in the state and during the election proper. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I implore the politicians to play seasoned and mature politics and shun every form of violence as there would none to govern if the people are killed. I urge them to play according to the rules so that they will have people to govern after the electionâ&#x20AC;?. Karma cautioned that there would be zero tolerance for violence in this election, in the state, warning the youth to be careful and parents to closely monitor their children and
wards in this election period, so that they would not be used as thugs of any sort. He urge them to always shun advances by politicians to use them as thugs, rather they (politicians) should recruit their children, wives and relatives , most of whom are staying in far away America and [zVÂ&#x201A;`Y XVY ~VU`Y \{jY _Â&#x201E;}XY for them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;These politicians will abandon you at last after \~}^`Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YX}`^zYW`]_W}Y^{X`zest. Therefore, be wise and do your civic responsibility without any form of monetary or material inducement,â&#x20AC;? he counselled. The Police commissioner assured that the Police Command was ready for the 2015 general election, saying that the command has sent some of their of_~`zWYXVYXz\^{^{Â&#x201E;YV{Y}VÂ&#x2014;YXVY maintain peace and order during elections.â&#x20AC;?
ormer governorship candidate and secretary to the Edo State Government, Prof. Julius Ihonvbere yesterday failed to secure the All Progressives Congress ticket to the Senate to represent Edo North Senatorial district. Incumbent Senator representing the zone, Senator Domingo Obende, also crashed woefully as he came a distant third in the primaries that lasted till Tuesday morning. An aspirant that was regarded as a weakling in the race, Major Francis Alimekhena, won the primaries by scoring 831 votes. Meanwhile, the Senator representing Edo Central Senatorial district on the Platform of Peoples Democratic Party, Mr. Odion Ugbesia lost the party’s primaries to his rival, { z Y ]^@VzjY zj^\Y xyY 61 to 141 votes. And in another development, the State Assembly Speaker and Majority leader, Messers Uyi Igbe and Philip Shaibu of the All Progressives Congress picked their constituents tickets for the House of Representatives.
More surprises as bigwigs fail to get ticket in Edo primaries Speaker Uyi Igbe defeated the incumbent representative of Oredo Federal Constituency, Hon.
Rasaq Bello to clinch the APC’s ticket. The election was peaceful in some of the voting
centres monitored by our correspondent. However, a defeated aspirant of the PDP, Hon.
Abubakar Momoh, expressed concern over the composition of the delegates.
“Nobody can fault the process today. You and I know that the delegates’ election was not allowed to hold”, he stated.
Another C’River Senator loses in PDP primary JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar
he drama which characterized the Peoples Democratic Party primaries continued yesterday as a sitting Senator, Prince Bassey Otu, was defeated in a contest for Cross River South senatorial seat. In a rescheduled primaries which took place in the main bowl of the UJ Esuene stadium yesterday, Otu polled 99 votes while the eventual winner, Chief Gershom Bassey scored 135 votes. Another aspirant and one time State Chairman of PDP had 76 votes. Announcing the result, Members of the Independent Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission (ICPC) and NYSC members the Returning Officer on a road walk to mark the 2014 World Anti-Corruption Day in Port Harcourt, Rivers State…yesterday. Alimi Abdul-razaq said “after collation of votes cast, Chief Gershom Bassey scored 135 votes. EMMANUEL IRIOGBE, returned to the House of state’s incumbent lawmak- Mu’azu alleging that the wei and his supporters.”He Ntufam Ekpo Okon 76 Abuja Representatives as the par- ers from returning to the Bayelsa National Assembly (Ayawei) hired the services votes while Senator Basprimaries was marred by of ex-militants to intimidate sey Otu scored 99 votes. ty’s authentic candidate. National Assembly. rotesting youths violence and intimidation of and threaten delegates. We One vote was voided. Ofongu, a strong ally of Governor Dickson, who from Bayelsa state therefore demand that Mr. President Goodluck Jona- was a member of the House delegates. “By the power conyesterday blocked The petition co-signed by Nimibofe Ayawei should than, representing Southern before becoming governor, ferred on me. I hereby roads leading the group’s Chairman, Dr. x`Yj^WZ[\]^_`jY^{Y]^{`Y ^X}Y Ijaw federal constituency of had earlier declared that to the National declare Gershom BasBayelsa, Jonathan’s home none of the present lawmak- Michael Amaegberi and its the provision of the PDP headquarters of the Peoples sey as duly elected repstate lost to Nimbofa Aya- ers would return in 2015 on Secretary, Mr. Lovely Sogo rules and electoral act, Democratic Party, PDP, askwei, who got 49 votes. Dan- the platform of the party. At read in part: “The House and Hon. Henry Daniel- resentative of the party ing for the cancellation of iel-Ofongu got 24 votes. the PDP headquarters, the of Representatives primary Ofongo be declared the for Cross River South in the party’s primary election Recall that the Bayelsa protesters under the aegis of election in southern Ijaw party’s candidate for the the 2015 election.” for the Southern Ijaw FedChief Gershom Basstate Governor, Seriake the Southern Ijaw Political was marred with the use of 2015 National Assembly eral Constitution. Henry Dickson in a brazen \{ [\zjY W[xU^,`jY \Y zV- thugs and hijacking of elec- elections in order to dis- sey is the Chairman of The protesting youths show of political muscle, X`WXY ]`,`zY \jjz`WW`jY XVY X}`Y toral personnel and materi- courage thugery and in- Cross River State Water want Hon. Daniel Ofongo Cooperation and a close blocked all (but one) the National Chairman, Adamu als by Mr. Nimibofe Aya- timidation.” ally to Governor Liyel AMAKA AGBU, Imoke. Port Harcourt It could be recalled he All Progresthat Senator Ndoma sives Congress Egba was also defeated (APC) in Rivby member of House of ers state has de- watched with amusement emergence of Chief Wike “What is more, for Presi- Clark, that the dangers of Hon scribed the emer- the macabre dance by PDP in spite of the alarm jointly dent Goodluck Jonathan and Wike’s candidature por- Representatives, John Owan Enoh last gence of the former Minister and its leadership which raised by the 16 protesting the PDP leadership to disre- tends to the peace, progress, of State in the Ministry of culminated in the imposi- PDP gubernatorial aspirants gard the warning and pleas and unity of Rivers State Sunday. With this defeat, it j[~\X^V{Y\WYX}`Y \ Yx`\z`zY tion of Chief Nyesom Wike spoke volumes about the ex- by Rivers State elders such simply demonstrates the of the Peoples Democratic \WYX}`Y \zXy WY \ x`\z`zY VzY tent to which the leadership as Alabo Tonye Graham- level of disdain and scorn means no sitting senator Party (PDP) as an easy vic- the 2015 gubernatorial elec- of the party was prepared to Douglas, Chief A.K. Horse- that the Presidency and PDP from Cross River would tory for the party. go to humiliate the people of fall and Jonathan’s own eth- leadership have for Rivers fly the party’s ticket in tion.” In a statement issued from 2015 elections. nic Ijaw leader, Chief Edwin State and her people.” The APC stated that the Rivers State.
PDP primary: Bayelsa youths protest Reps’ ouster
X}`YV=~`YV YX}`Y Y }\^zman, Dr. Davies Ibiamu Ikanya, the party stated that Chief Nyesom Ezebunwo Wike could not in any way be compared with Dr. Dakuku Adol Peterside, say^{ Y X}\XY X}`Y x\,]`Y \WY X}`{Y between the Rivers State people and some forces unknown to the people. The statement which was signed by Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, the Senior Special Aide to the APC Chairman on Media and [x]^~Y @\^zWYW\^jY `Y}\ `Y
Rivers 2015: Emergence of Wike easy victory for APC, says party chairman
NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt
...Princewill set to dump PDP
Says Wike, Peterside were imposed on Rivers people
ne of the 17 governorship aspirants that boycotted the primary conducted by the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, on Monday, December 8, to select its candidate for the Rivers State gubernatorial election slated to hold on Saturday, February 26,
is set to dump the party to contest the forthcoming election on the another party. He may contest the gubernatorial election under the aegis of the Labour Party, LP; All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, or the Peoples’ Democratic
Movement, PDM. This hint was given yesterday in a statement signed by the media aide, Wabiye Idoniboye-Obu. z^{~` ^]]Y z` z`,`jY X}\XY the two leading political parties in the state, the PDP and the All Progressives Congress, APC, have
in choosing their governorship candidates have treated the Ijaws and the Ogoni’s as irrelevant in the political dynamics of the state. It was, however, gathered that Princewill’s latest UV `Y \WY^{ [`{~`jYxyYX}`Y resolve of some Ijaw elders,
including Chief Edwin Clark; Chief Albert Horsfall and a former Governor of the state , Chief Rufus Ada-George, with the tacit support of the presidency to ensure that the principle of rotation and zoning enshrined in the PDP’s constitution is upheld.
Newswatch Times
World Report WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014
Philippine rescuers struggle to reach villages after typhoon damages
hilippine emergency workers were struggling yesterday to reach coastal villages on an island hardest hit by a typhoon where thousands of homes have been wrecked, suggesting the Red Crossâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s estimated death toll of 27 may rise. Nearly 13,000 houses were crushed and more than 22,300 damaged on the eastern island of Samar, where Typhoon Hagupit made landfall on Saturday and made slow progress across the ~V[{XzyqYV=~^\]WYW\^j The storm, one of several typhoons to hit the tropical archipelago each year, has since been downgraded to a tropical storm and was headed west towards Vietnam. Roofs were ripped from houses, wooden huts were reduced to matchwood and coconut trees torn up by the roots. Most of the victims, on Samar and in Iloilo province to the west, were Â&#x2014;\W}`jY \Â&#x2014;\yY ^{Y Â&#x2026;VVjWY and some hit by fallen
trees, the Philippine Red Cross said. }`Y V=~^\]Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{ment death toll is only three. Â&#x160; ~~`WWY^WYÂ&#x192;`zyYj^=~[]X Y There are landslides, some are one-lane roads. In the inner barangays (villages), many of the roads have been washed V[XYxyYÂ&#x2026;\W}YÂ&#x2026;VVjWqÂ&#x161;Y `jY Cross chairman Richard Gordon said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;...Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a long trek (to the villages), itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like Yolanda \]]Y VÂ&#x192;`zY \Â&#x201E;\^{qÂ&#x161;Y VzjV{Y said, referring to super typhoon Haiyan, which hit the same area of the central Philippines last year. But the damage was nowhere near that wrought by Haiyan, which destroyed or damaged more than a million homes. Learning lessons from Haiyan, which left more than 7,000 dead or missing, authorities launched a massive evacuation operation days ahead of the storm, emptying whole towns and villages. Bank employee Arnalyn Bula told Reuters
how howling winds had pounded the walls of her auntâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two-story concrete home in Dolores in Eastern Samar, where her family sought shelter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our kitchen was wrecked. Around us, our neighboursâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; homes were Â&#x2026;\,`{`jY ]^Â&#x2039;`Y Â&#x20AC;V]j`jY Â&#x201A;\Â&#x201A;`zqÂ&#x161;YW\^jY []\qYÂŤÂ? Y Some residents in Dolores hung signs that z`\jY Â&#x160;}`]Â&#x201A;Y [WÂ&#x161;Y \WY X}`yY appealed for food, water and shelter. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were inside an evacuation site when X}`Y zVVÂ&#x20AC;Y ~\Â&#x192;`jY ^{qÂ&#x161;Y \Y woman told local radio. â&#x20AC;&#x153;God saved us. There were no casualties. There will still be Christ- A general view of damaged houses swept by Typhoon Hagupit in Eastern Samar, in central Philippines December 8, 2014 U\WYÂ&#x20AC;VzY[W Â&#x161;
Syria calls for UN sanctions on Israel over air strikes
yria asked the United Nations Security Council on Monday to impose sanctions on neighbouring Israel, a day after accusing the Jewish state of bombing areas near Damascus International
Airport and in the town of Dimas, near the border with Lebanon. Israel has struck Syria several times since the start VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y X}z``Â y`\zY ~V{Â&#x2026;^~XqY mostly destroying weaponry such as missiles that Wz\`]^Y V=~^\]WY W\^jY Â&#x2014;`z`Y
Trucks carrying MH17 wreckage arrive in the Netherlands
rucks carrying wreckage from Malaysia ^z]^{`WY Â&#x2026;^Â&#x201E;}XY MH17 crossed into the Netherlands overnight where investigators waited to try and rebuild the airliner alUVWXY _Â&#x192;`Y UV{X}WY \Â&#x20AC;X`zY ^XY crashed.
The Boeing 777 came down in eastern Ukraine on July 17, killing all 298 people on board, twothirds of them Dutch. Washington and its allies said pro-Russian rex`]WY _Â&#x201E;}X^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{Y X}`Y \z`\Y hit the plane with a surface-to-air missile. Russia, caught up in its worst
confrontation with the West since the Cold war, said the missile came from a Ukrainian government jet. Relatives of the dead passengers and crew waited outside the Dutch Airforce base in the southern town of Gilze-Rijen where the wreckage was due to ar-
rive later in the afternoon. Grieving families have protested against delays in investigating how the plane broke apart - debris lay strewn across the crash site for months after the crash. One group last week called for a United Nations envoy to take over the investigation, saying the Dutch authorities had failed to build a case. The Netherlands launched the largest criminal investigation in its history after the crash and supervised the collection of the debris by Ukrainian emergency services. The wreckage was transferred under a deal with Kiev and, through mediation by the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the pro-Russian separatists. The Dutch Safety Board said the bits of wreckage would be photographed, scanned and categorised and experts would then 8 ; X " 0( / ] $ # * 0$( 8( *( $ Â&#x2014;(/X #& ($ Â&#x2DC; " % % ( / ( $ \,`UÂ&#x201A;XYXVYz`~V{WXz[~XYX}`Y transport in Katy Wroclawskie, near Wroclaw airliner.
destined for their long-time foe Hezbollah in Lebanon. {Y \Y ]`,`zY XVY Y `~z`tary-General Ban Ki-moon and Chad, Security Council president for December, Syria said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;such aggressions will not stop it Â&#x20AC;zVUY _Â&#x201E;}X^{Â&#x201E;Y X`zzVz^WUY ^{Y all its forms and manifestation across the entire terriXVzyYVÂ&#x20AC;Y yz^\ Â&#x161; â&#x20AC;&#x153;At the same time, the Syrian Arab Republic calls on the international community and the Security Council to shoulder their responsibility and forcefully condemn this brutal attack and to cease covering ^XY [Â&#x201A;Y [{j`zY \{yY Â&#x201A;z`X`§XqÂ&#x161;Y X}`Y]`,`zYz`\j â&#x20AC;&#x153;Syria also calls for the imposition of stern sanctions against Israel ... and requests that all measures prescribed under the Charter of the United Nations should be taken to prevent Israel from again commitX^{Â&#x201E;Y W[~}Y \Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;z`WW^V{WqÂ&#x161;Y ^XY said.
Israel has avoided taking sides in Syriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s civil war and does not publicly ~V{_zUYxVUx^{Â&#x201E;YU^WW^V{WqY a policy it sees as aimed at avoiding provoking reprisals. Syria also accused Israel of carrying out the air strikes to â&#x20AC;&#x153;cover up internal Israeli divisions and jz\Â&#x2014;Y \,`{X^V{Y \Â&#x2014;\yY Â&#x20AC;zVUY the collapse of the Israeli coalition Government and Israelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s extreme policies, particularly its continued occupation of Arab terriXVzy Â&#x161; A U.S.-led coalition is also bombing in Syria to target the Islamic State militant group, one of Syrian President Bashar al-Assadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest foes. Syriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s war started with a pro-democracy movement which grew into an armed [Â&#x201A;z^W^{Â&#x201E;Y\{jY}\WY^{Â&#x2026;\U`jY regional confrontations. Some 200,000 people have died, the United Nations said.
Islamic State in Syria beheads man for blasphemy
he militant Islamic State group beheaded a man in northern Syria after accusing him of blasphemy, a militant website and a rights group said yesterday. The man was killed in a public square in the town of Sulouk on Monday in front of a crowd that included children, the Brit-
ish-based Observatory for Human Rights said. Rights groups say Islamic State has beheaded and stoned to death many people in areas it controls in Syria and Iraq for actions they see as violating their interpretation of Islamic law, such as adultery, stealing and blasphemy. They have also killed a smaller number of foreign captives.
Newswatch Times
African Report WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014
Ugandan maid pleads guilty to child torture
Ugandan nanny on M o n d a y pleaded guilty to charges of torturing a child who was under her care in a case that shocked Ugandans and sparked debate about the role of maids in raising children in this East African country. }`Y {\{{yqY  y`\z V]jY
V]]yY [U[}^^zÂ&#x2014;`qYÂ&#x2014;\WY~V{victed Monday although her lawyer voiced concern that she had not been given a fair trial. She will be sentenced today and faces up to 15 years in jail. {Y \Y Â&#x192;^j`VY Â&#x2014;^j`]yY ~^z~[]\X`jY V{Y WV~^\]Y U`j^\qY [muhiirwe is seen slapping, kicking and stomping on her employerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s child, a girl [{j`zYX}`Y\Â&#x201E;`YVÂ&#x20AC;YXÂ&#x2014;V Y }`Y video had been recorded by a secret camera planted in the house by the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father, who beat the maid when he saw the footage.
Ugandan maid Jolly Tumuhiirwe, left, speaks with her lawyer Ladislaus Rwakafuuzi
}`Y U\^jY X}`{Y z`Â&#x201A;VzX`jY \Y case of assault to the police, but the man presented footage of the nanny beating up his daughter to explain his violent reaction, according to Ugandan attorney Ladislaus Rwakafu[Â&#x;^qY \Y ]\Â&#x2014;y`zY Â&#x20AC;VzY [U[}^irwe. }`Y]\Â&#x2014;y`zYW\^jY}^WY~]^`{XY did not understand the torture charge and would not have pleaded guilty if he had been present in court. He said he was late for the court session Monday and asked for an adjournment that was not granted. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She has been convicted on her own plea of guilty. She did not understand what she was pleading to,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You cannot charge people with such serious offences unless that they have legal representation in court.â&#x20AC;? When the video was released on social media last month, it sparked an uproar among Ugandans shocked by what appeared to be the savage beating of a toddler who had vomited food the nanny forced her to eat. Local police initially said she would be charged with \,`UÂ&#x201A;X`jYU[zj`zqY\{jYX}`Y police chief, Kale Kayihura, has since called for X}`Y V=~^\]Y Â&#x192;`,^{Â&#x201E;Y \{jY ~`zX^_~\X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201A;VX`{X^\]Y nannies before they can be employed.
Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vice President Joyce Mujuru enters the Harare Magistrates court during the inquest of her husband liberation leader General Solomon Mujuru
country. State media say Mugabe is now expected to name them this week. Mujuru said some â&#x20AC;&#x153;forcesâ&#x20AC;?, which she did not name, had pushed for her to quit both her state and party posts ahead of last weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s congress, but when that failed there were â&#x20AC;&#x153;direct threats against my person and my lifeâ&#x20AC;?. gerated,â&#x20AC;? state prosecutor She said she decided Gerrie Nel argued before \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY \,`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y Masipa ZANU-PF congress to Masipaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decision to rule avoid public humiliation. out murder was criticised Â&#x160; XY Â&#x2014;\WY ^UÂ&#x201A;VzX\{XY XVY by several legal experts and maintain the dignity the Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s League of the VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y V=~`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ^~`Y ruling African National President even in the face Congress (ANC) as an erof such unwarranted vioroneous interpretation of lence by a section (of) the the law. party membership,â&#x20AC;? said Pistorius, who was not Mujuru. in court yesterday, and his Mujuru, a former guerlegal team are opposing the rilla, had been seen by appeal. {Y V[X}Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\{Y]\Â&#x2014;qYX}`Y }`Y Â&#x20AC;\U^]yY VÂ&#x20AC;Y }^WY Â&#x2014;^Â&#x20AC;`Y }`Y ÂźÂ&#x2013; y`\z V]jY }\jY \]- some in Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ritish businessjudge who handed down a man Shrien Anni said they would Â&#x2014;\yWY j`{^`jY Â&#x201A;]V,^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY business community as verdict decides on whether Dewani is pre- decide after Christmas arrange the shooting of a common-sense leader the judgement can be apparing to leave whether to launch a civil his bride in the back of who could have helped pealed. their taxi while on honey- restore relations with the South Africa action against him. Mr Dewani has been in moon in November 2010. West that disintegrated after a judge cleared him Mrs Dewaniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y ]\,`zY }\]Â&#x20AC;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y of arranging the murder \Â&#x201A;`Y VÂ&#x2014;{Y W^{~`Y x`^{Â&#x201E;Y of his wife on their hon- extradited from the UK have said they are heart- [Â&#x201E;\x` WY ÂźÂ&#x2013;Y y`\zWY ^{Y in April. He is thought to broken the case was dis- power. eymoon. Political analysts say
[jÂ&#x201E;`Y `\{`,`Y z\- x`Y Â&#x2026;y^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY [x\^Y z\X}`zY missed before Mr Dewani the sidelining of Mujuru verso dismissed the case than taking a 12-hour di- X`WX^_`j Her uncle Ashok Hin- clears the path for Jusagainst him, after de- z`~XYÂ&#x2026;^Â&#x201E;}XYXVYX}`Y scribing evidence from }`Y z^WXV]Y x[W^{`WW- docha said the decision tice Minister Emmerson prosecution witnesses as manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s entire family has to halt the trial before Mnangagwa, a hardline â&#x20AC;&#x153;riddled with contradic- been based in the city for Dewani gave evidence Mugabe loyalist known tionsâ&#x20AC;?. the past eight months as meant there were â&#x20AC;&#x153;holes \WY Ă&#x192; }`Y zV~Vj^]`Â qY XVY Mr Dewani arrived at they waited for the trial, XVY x`Y _]]`jÂ&#x161;Y ^{Y X}`Y WXVzyY position himself to take Judge Thokozile Masipa \Â&#x201A;`Y VÂ&#x2014;{Y {X`z{\X^V{\]Y which took place at West- \xV[XY }^WY {^`~`Â WY _{\]Y over when Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oldest }`\jY VÂ&#x20AC;Y WX\X`Y _{\]]yY j^`WY listens in court in Pretoria, Airport earlier. ern Cape High Court. days. South Africa, yesterday or retires.
South African prosecutor appeals Pistorius verdict outh African prosecutors appealed yesterday against the culpable homicide verj^~XY \{jY _Â&#x192;`Â y`\zY Â&#x201A;z^WV{Y term imposed on athlete Oscar Pistorius for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, saying it was â&#x20AC;&#x153;shockingly inappropriateâ&#x20AC;?. Pistorius, an Olympic and Paralympic track star, maintained throughout his seven-month trial that he shot Steenkamp on Febru\zyY Â&#x17D;Â&#x2013;qY ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂźqY xyY U^WX\Â&#x2039;`qY thinking she was an intruder hiding behind the bathroom door in his house in Pretoria. }`Y Â&#x201A;zVW`~[X^V{Y Â&#x20AC;\^]`jY to convince Pretoria High V[zXY [jÂ&#x201E;`Y }VÂ&#x2039;VÂ&#x;^]`Y Masipa of Pistoriusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; intent XVYÂ&#x2039;^]]YÂ&#x2014;}`{Y}`Y_z`jY\XY}^WY girlfriend, leading to his conviction in October for negligent killing - culpable }VU^~^j`YÂ Y\{jY\Y_Â&#x192;`Â y`\zY jail term. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Based on all the evidence, perhaps the element of mercy was over-exag-
Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mujuru says anti-Mugabe plot charges â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ridiculousâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
imbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vice president, accused last week by President Robert Mugabe of treachery and corruption and purged from the ruling party, dismissed the charges against her yesterday as â&#x20AC;&#x153;ridiculousâ&#x20AC;? and said she had faced threats to her life. At a congress of their ruling ZANU-PF party on `~`Ux`zY Â&#x2013;qY X}`Y Â&#x2022;ÂŹÂ y`\z old Mugabe denounced Joice Mujuru, until just a few months ago his presumed successor, as leader of a â&#x20AC;&#x153;treacherous
cabalâ&#x20AC;? bent on removing him from power. }`Y j`{[{~^\X^V{Y Â&#x2014;\WY the culmination of a three-month campaign \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY [ÂĽ[z[qY Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2022;qY xyY Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state media \{jY [Â&#x201E;\x` WY Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022; y`\z old wife Grace. {Y }`zY _zWXY z`WÂ&#x201A;V{W`Y since losing the number two post in ZANU-PF, Mujuru -- who remains Zimbabweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vice president for now -- said there was a â&#x20AC;&#x153;vociferousâ&#x20AC;? attempt to portray her as a murderer, traitor and sell-out without any evidence. Â&#x160; }`Y \]]`Â&#x201E;\X^V{WY X}\XY qY
alone, or together with various distinguished comrades have sought to remove His Excellency Y Y [Â&#x201E;\x`Y Â&#x20AC;zVUY V=~`Y are ridiculous,â&#x20AC;? Mujuru said in a press statement published in two private daily newspapers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My loyalty to His Excellency and my country Zimbabwe is unquestionable.â&#x20AC;? Last week Mugabe promoted his wife to the top ranks of ZANUPF but delayed naming his two party deputies, prolonging anxiety over his lack of a successor in the southern African
Shrien Dewani prepares to leave South Africa
Newswatch Times
EDITORIAL Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on truth
OUR VISION To support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quest for justice through intellectual approach
Published by Newswatch Times Ltd. (RC 1220646)
To fight for justice using intellectual approach, balanced, indepth reporting; providing a veritable platform for Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth, deploying our God-given talent and resources through enduring commitment and loyalty that will justify public confidence
! " # $ % $ ! editorial@mynewswatchtimesng.com and addressed to the Editor, Newswatch Times, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
Curbing menace of trade in fake drugs
he shutdown of several pharmaceutical stores in Kano and Lagos drug markets recently highlights the renewed activities of merchants of death in the face of weak regulatory agency and the lack of interest of the National Assembly in speedily passing the bill to tighten the noose on poison peddlers. The constitution of a support federal task force recently signals that the National Agency for Food Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has lost grip in checking the mushrooming of counterfeit drugs importers and manufacturers. The current massive proliferation of substandard drugs freely sold without inhibition in open markets is a giant reversal of the good works of the late NAFDAC boss Prof. Dora Akunyuli who survived assassins bullets in the bold drive to chase out of business merchants making blood money from poisons peddled as medications.
VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqYX}`YW`\]YV@YVÂ&#x20AC;Y about 400 pharmaceutical shops in Idumota and Mushin in Lagos and in Sabongari in Kano recently might reduce the widespread of fake drugs distribution, if sustained and not compromised with bribery and corruption, and if the national legislature and federal government stand up to their responsibility of passing speedily the bill for life jail for peddlers of fake drugs. The bill has been marooned at the National Assembly for about two years with no one telling the public why such an important bill to protect the health of innocent Nigerians should be ignored. The Federal Task Force on Fake and Counterfeit Drugs and Unwholesome Processed foods, which seized substandard drugs worth N700 million in the raid, is made up of NAFDAC, and other stakeholders, including the Pharmacy Council of Nigeria, the Police, and the Customs department. NAFDAC Director General Dr. Paul Orhii said the raid uncovered counterfeit
and expired drugs, such as antimalarials, antibiotics, aphrodisiacs with pornographic pictorials as well as fake and expired prescription, controlled drugs for treating terminal diseases. However, observations show that the shut shops in Mushin have been reopened and now dispense the bogus drugs from hideouts outside the prying eyes of regulatory agency. The task force must be vigorous and sustain incorrigibly the clampdown to route the merchants of death. More importantly the FG and NASS must bring out of the cooler the NAFDAC bill prescribing life imprisonment for fake drug manufacturers and importers. The House of Representatives had 18 months ago commenced debate on the vital bill to check impunity of poison medicine manufacturers, importers and peddlers. Newswatch Times had in over one year repeatedly drawn FG \{jY Y\,`{X^V{YXVYWÂ&#x201A;``j^]yY passing the bill into law. The long bureaucracy delay had fuelled suspicion, which we asked government to dispel, that fake drug barons might x`Y\,`UÂ&#x201A;X^{Â&#x201E;YXVYW}VVXYjVÂ&#x2014;{Y the NAFDAC amendment bill, as drug counterfeiting is a global, multibillion-dollar illicit business. Nothing much has been heard on the billâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress after passing second reading in the House. The bill is to tighten the noose on manufacturers and distributors by amending the Fake Drugs and Unwholesome Processed Foods (miscellaneous) Act Cap C34 of 2004. The maximum of life sentence new bill is to replace the slap-onwrist maximum jail of 15 years with an option of N500,000. In the new amendment, hawkers of prescription drugs risk seven years jail term, while all convicted fake drug producers and peddlers would }\Â&#x192;`YX}`^zYÂ&#x201A;zVÂ&#x201A;`zX^`WY~V{_W~\X`jY XVY~VUÂ&#x201A;`{W\X`Y^j`{X^_`jYÂ&#x192;^~X^UWY of fake drugs. Hawkers in open markets may pay N5 million
_{`Y^{Y]^`[YVÂ&#x20AC;Y^UÂ&#x201A;z^WV{U`{XY or serve both sentencing. The draft bill however provided for an option of N10 million _{`WYÂ&#x20AC;VzYU\{[Â&#x20AC;\~X[z`zWYVzY]^Â&#x20AC;`Y imprisonment or both. Also trapped in the new punishment are aiders and \x`,VzWYXVYW`]]YVzYj^WÂ&#x201A;]\yY â&#x20AC;&#x153;any counterfeit, adulterated, banned or fake, substandard or expired drugs or unwholesome processed food in any form Â&#x2014;}\XWV`Â&#x192;`zY~VUU^XWY\{YV@`{~`Â&#x161; YY China and India are the major sources of counterfeit drugs to Nigeria and the rest of the world. It must be noted that China will not spare the life of any fake drug peddler. Top NAFDAC V=~^\]WY}\Â&#x192;`Yx``{Y\~~[W`jYVÂ&#x20AC;Y allegedly recycling some seized Â&#x20AC;\Â&#x2039;`Yjz[Â&#x201E;WYÂ&#x20AC;VzY_]X}yY][~z` However, the maximum penalty hardly deters all diehards under a nonchalant regulator. Fake drug manufacturers thrive partly
because regulatory NAFDAC allegedly conspire to cover up criminality. There must be continuous and rigorous campaign against this illicit trade. Research shows 85 per cent of the anti-malarial drugs in Nigerian markets were impotent contributing to the epidemic of treatment failures, drug resistant malaria parasites, disability, and death. The operational licence of any pharmacist involved should also be withdrawn while the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) should delist culprits from its membership. All states should domesticate the law, after its passage by the National Assembly, for stronger `@`~XY\XY`}YÂ&#x201E;z\WWzVVXWYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y]\zÂ&#x201E;`Y victims. Imperative is the resuscitation of the pre-shipment arrangement, in which NAFDAC agents monitor the shipment
of drugs from overseas before ]\{j^{Â&#x201E; Y }`Y~V]]\xVz\X^Â&#x192;`Y`@VzXY with other countries that was hitherto under Akunyuli would W[=~` Federal government should prioritise its foreign policy and ensure that the international collaborators of these drug V@`{j`zWY\z`Yx]\~Â&#x2039;]^WX`jqYWVYX}\XY they cannot under any guise, do any business in Nigeria. This punishment must be more stringent and strictly enforced, if the law is to have any desired `@`~X Y This must be so, because many renal diseases, such as, kidney failure, liver problem and cancerous bones have been traced to the use of fake drugs. The Senate should also expedite action on the bill, so it does not die like several other bills. A dynamic person should replace the incumbent NAFDAC Director-General.
Newswatch Times
View Point Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Of Shemaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cockroaches and political desperadoes
ince the United States made a Â&#x201A;z`j^~X^V{Yy`\zWYx\~Â&#x2039;YXVYX}`Y`@`~XY that Nigeria would break up in ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;qY ^Â&#x201E;`z^\{WY\{jYVX}`zY_§\X`jY countries dubbing it our makeor-mar year. With barely few months to the dawn of that year and with only three months to the general elections, the signal moving across the country especially from members of the ruling party and the President are not encouraging â&#x20AC;&#x201C; to put it very clearly. Consider all the shocking statement made by Governor Ibrahim Shehu Shema of Katsina State recently, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;you should not be bothered by cockroaches of politics. You know what to do when you have cockroaches in your house. You kill them; YES you must crush themâ&#x20AC;?. UV{Â&#x201E;YX}`Y_zWXYXVY~V{j`U{YÂ&#x2014;}\XYÂ&#x2014;\WY widely regarded as â&#x20AC;&#x153;ultra-raw hate, inciting and reckless statementâ&#x20AC;? were the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU). The EU Head of Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Ambassador Michel Arrion, who said such statements tend to incite violence. Hear him: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would say itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really the beginning of something that is a very serious source of concern for us â&#x20AC;Ś that kind of statement is, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sorry to say, extremely dangerous and not acceptable â&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? The USA Ambassador in Abuja said they were deeply troubled by Shemaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [,`z\{~` YÂ&#x160; }`Yz}`XVz^~\]YX}z`\XYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;^V]`{~`Y undermines the democratic process and ^WY[,`z]yY[{\~~`Â&#x201A;X\x]`Y^{Y\Yj`UV~z\X^~Y society. The United States reiterates its call upon Nigerians to refrain from advocating, fomenting, or condoning violence before, during, or after the electionsâ&#x20AC;?. Even as that strident admonition was being made, the same sort of dictatorial tendency which undermines democracy was being enacted before our eyes in Ekiti State. In a move brimming with all the ingredients of a Nollywood movie, seven members of that state house of Assembly conducted a curious legislative business. Despite the fact that this 26-member body needs at least ten members to form a
: Olukayode Ogunjobi
quorum, the seven members proceeded to do as they pleased. Backed by a platoon of heavily armed policemen, they approved Governor Ayodele Fayoseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Commissionernominees and also Okayed his list of LGA Chairmen in record time. Even as the universal outrage which trailed this legislative rascality was yet to
controlled by the Federal Government are used as if they were an appendage of PDP. As if determined to catapult recklessness to another level, the powers-that-be raised the bar penultimate Thursday at the National Assembly. Their target was the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Aminu Tambuwal. In a dare-devil bid to stop Tambuwal from gaining access to the Assembly complex that fateful day, the
% $ #
" " $ $ $ &'% (& $ subside, the same gang of seven who are all members of the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) sat a couple of days later and removed the Assemblyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Speaker, Adewale Omirin, and his deputy. Omirin and his 18 other colleagues are members of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC). Dele Olugbami was appointed as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Protem Speakerâ&#x20AC;? by his six other PDP colleagues. It would be recalled that just as Ekiti State is still bruising under the onslaught of a group of PDP Legislators, many other states such as Rivers, Edo, Nasarawa and Ebonyi have also been smarting from the same malaise in recent months. Incidentally, with the exception of Ebonyi, all these states are controlled by APC, yet PDP legislators who are in the minority in these states, have seemingly made it a point of duty to turn lawmaking into lawbreaking with reckless abandon. No less sobering is that in all these instances, the police, who are
police blockaded the whole place. Only X}VW`YÂ&#x20AC;\Â&#x192;V[z`jYxyYV=~^\]jVUqY^{~][j^{Â&#x201E;Y the Deputy Speaker, Emeka Ihedioha, were \]]VÂ&#x2014;`jY[{}^{j`z`jYÂ&#x201A;\WW\Â&#x201E;` Y @VzXWYxyY Speaker Tambuwal and his colleagues to move in were not only frustrated, but led to X}`^zYx`^{Â&#x201E;YX`\z Â&#x201E;\WW`jYÂ&#x2014;^X}YW`]Â&#x20AC; ~V{_j`{~` What makes that show of shame disturbing is that barely a fortnight before then Tambuwal had taken the Federal Government to Court over suck reckless conduct, including the unconstitutional removal of his security personnel. As the case drags on, the court had extracted an undertaking from the Federal Government to be of good conduct and refrain from breaching the Speakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fundamental human rights. Political analysts who spoke on the latest development were unanimous in their verdict that it bodes ill omen for the forthcoming general elections. According to them two of the common strands in the
ongoing onslaught against various statesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Houses of Assembly and the House of Reps are the use of the police to enforce  WYÂ&#x2014;}^UWY\{jY~\Â&#x201A;z^~`WqY\{jYX}`Y[,`zY contempt for due process, the rule of law and democratic tenets. [,^{Â&#x201E;YX}`Yz`~VzjWYWXz\^Â&#x201E;}XqYV{`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y the analysts, Mohammed Anebi, a legal practitioner based in Abuja, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;One thing that characterised the recent governorship polls in Ekiti and Osun States was the funny use of security agents and even soldiers, including the unlawful arrest \{jYj`X`{X^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;YW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzX`zWY\{jYV=~^\]WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y the opposition party. Should such highhanded indulgence be repeated in the coming general elections, I really feel sorry for Nigeria.â&#x20AC;? Even the National Publicity Secretary of APC, Lai Mohammed, was equally unsparing in his analysis of the federal governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s late exploits. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Does anyone need any more evidence that the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sole preoccupation is how to win the 2015 elections, rather than the fate of the maimed at the epicentre of the insurgency? The President decided to use the reconvening of the House as an Opportunity to remove the speaker â&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? ^X}YW[~}Yj`Â&#x192;^] U\y ~\z`Y\,^X[j`Y allegedly permeating the presidency â&#x20AC;&#x201C; all in a desperate bid to demolish every opposition ahead of the 2015 poll â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the conventional wisdom is that dark days loom. This is more so as it is on record that President Jonathan rarely demurs in resorting to strong â&#x20AC;&#x201C;arm tactics in dealing with his political foes, as evident in the z\Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;\zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y\,z^X^V{YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State. As some Nigerians are understandably alarmed that with the sort of recklessness on parade across the country, insecurity and a host of other serious challenges confronting the country, the remaining two months ahead may vindicate the USA and EU infamous prediction on the country . Ogunjobi wrote via johnsonkay20002000@yahoo.com. 08034234646
2015 test of Nigeriansâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; gullibility
as the president failed? itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a question you now look silly for asking because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite obvious to the poor masses, okada riders in the street, even the regular office worker can do a 30-minute recitation on the failures of the present administration. The fact that Nigerians are ruled by a clueless leader isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t enough for some people; theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather have him again and again. This set of people includes the PDP members, his Ijaw kinsmen, and the TAN group which clearly seems to be the chief mobilizer for the Jonathan movement; but clearly Nigerians canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be fooled or can we? Maybe letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wait till the election in 2015 to know and gauge the gullibility of Nigerians. As a leader this present administration is a total write off when placed on a scale of security which is the raison d etre of government. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s common knowledge that Nigerians now die in droves, especially in the northern part of the country; you hear bombs going off, you hear children getting kidnapped, the elusive search for the Chibok girls still continues. The Nigeria we dreamed of was clearly not this place where Christians and Muslims now skip worship for fear of being bombed out of existence. The military who where once the pride of Africa are now battle weary that they run at the hearing of any gunshot; the ceasefire which the government now regularly announces is also another sign of respect for the infamous rag-tag group which takes pride in
Aderemi oluwatobi Moses
killing . Talking corruption the government now condones and even pardons convicted criminals Mohammed Abacha, and Diepreye Alamiesiegba are a few of the beneficiaries; but come to think of it, a president who says â&#x20AC;&#x153;stealing is not corruptionâ&#x20AC;? is surely the chief in corrupt practices. The EFCC which was once the fear of all corrupt public holders has now turned a toothless bulldog. Oil thieves are having a field day as our coast is now clear for stolen crude oil as long as you can â&#x20AC;&#x153;settleâ&#x20AC;?; we have clearly gone back to the
! " # $ $
IBB days of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;chop I chopâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. On electricity, every Nigerian can claim to be a minister of power because we provide for power by ourselves. South Africa with a 55 million population makes use of 45,000 mw while the so-called giant of Africa struggles to produce 3000 mw after a huge $25 billion expended in the past 15 years. 2015 should not be a time to vote based on primordial sentiment; ethnicity and religion should be the last yardstick used to vote in a new leader which in my view and that of other well meaning Nigerians is obviously not Goodluck Jonathan. Nigerians do not need a good luck; instead we need a leader who will work his socks off for the betterment of the country. The example of ex Singaporean PM who transformed his country from third world to first world is clear and Nigeria may be the next country to repeat the feat if we take a step in the right direction. We obviously donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want a leader who will dance on graves of school children reciting the national anthem by declaring to run for election in a time that should be used for national mourning .I would end my article with a quote which former Nigerian commander Odumegwu Ojukwu made after leaving prison: â&#x20AC;&#x153;the citizens of this country are mature enough to make their choicesâ&#x20AC;?. Fifteen years of PDP misrule is certainly enough; the time for change is now. Moses wrote via brainiacmoses@gmail.com. On twitter on @aderemimoses
Newswatch Times
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
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Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Advertise ʨLĘ&#x192;É&#x201C; XÉĄ
And get GREAT mileage through your ADVERT Obasanjo, Atiku parley behind closed Pg.3 doors
2015: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve no Pg.3 reason to step down for Jonathan â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tafawa Balewa
Saturday Newswatch Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth
-Tradition on ww my www www.mynewswatchtimesng.com mynewswa swbuilt ttch h hti tim ti i Truth esng esn g com com
Vol. 1, 01, No. Vol. No. 1003
November 15, 2014 Saturday, March 23,, 2013
Another military helicopter crashes in Adamawa, 3 killed
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Jonat Jonathan returns nomination min 2 form, silent on VP
Saminu aminu Ibrahim, Ibrah Abuja
YO[RZO YO[RZOUL *MMZ^z]Â&#x20AC; Jonathan yesterday, reJonath turned his expression of interest and nomination forms ms to ccontest the 2015 presidential idential election. Thee forms, form submitted on his behalf by Vice President Nama Namadi Sambo, may have ende ended speculations over wheth whether the President would on the same tickd run o et with Sambo. h Sam
' & % three persons on board. "& # ! The helicopter was believed # " LM NO PQRUV LMWXYZ[ *M\NR
/M]X^ *M_OYU\OUL $YOX which had earlier been taken by Boko Haram insurgents. Thursdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crash caused confusion in Yola and its environs, as students and residents of Sangere where the incident occurred ran for cover, believ ing that Boko insurgents Haram WOYO MU X jYO[q M!OU[R_O 7qR[ 3 %2 3 ! "3 2 is against the backdrop of an ! #3 $ # 2 3 3 earlier rumour that the insur$ # 3 3"#! gents were set to overrun ! the # 2 # 3 3 ! " " 3 #"3 3 state capital. % !" 3 @ 3 ! 2 3 the Some residents area 3 # 3 # of 3 3 3 !3 3 when said they got# panicky 1"3 $ # # "3 3# 3 in rapid they heard explosions # #3 -/ " 3 ! 2 [z]]O[[RMU X[ ,*+ {YO VzLLOZ % 3 & 3 LqO
% $ 3 ! ! 3" 3 !03! 3 & 3 crashed chopper. &# 3 ! # # "# !"3 "# 3 % ! % 3 $! 3 3 "" â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was awakened by a 3loud ! ! ! " # 3 ( 3 # 3 ! " "3 # $" $ sound of explosion after #3 # ! $ the " $!" 3 "3" 3 3" 3 2 # # plane crashed,â&#x20AC;? & a resident of "3 !3 3 $#" $ % # ! # 3! the area, Mr. David Molomo, ( ! !# 3 ! $ 2 ! 3 3 !3 # ' "# ! 3 / ' ! 3 said. 3 $ "3" 2 #! ( " $ 3 3 In the midst of the confusion, 3 &" 3 !2 3 3 #! $ 03 # several residents# ! reportedly (3 3 # !3 !3 # 3 3 + " "# !3 3 POZ LM UOXYNQ Nz[q # jOXYRUV 3 + (3 ) 34 2 that the Boko Haram insurgents President, nt, Nigerian A Association of Petroleum Explorationists sts (NAPE), Mrs. Adedoja Ojelabi and Fellowship receipient, " 3 "3 03 !/3 " 3! had arrived, on their march 3# to r Taiwo Ajayi, Ajay during the 32nd Annual International al Conferen Professor Conference/Exhibition Awards ceremony of the association held at 3
& 03" "$! "3 " 3
$ "3Hotell and Suites, Eko Suites Victoria Island, Lagos...on Thursday. y. PHOTO: ABIODUN OMOTOSHO 3 '3 >>Continued on Page 2 3 2 3 ! % 3
night in on Thursday Adamawa State, killing all
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Cyril Mbah, (Abuja) and Owolabi Adenusi, Yola
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9 9 ( &9 ( & 9 ) " ( 9 ther extended the date to (9+ 9 ) 9 & I am presenting 9 9 ( &9 ' * 9 ,9 (49 -'9 &Nigerians, %) &
9( ( + 9 &9Mr. ( &'39 November 6. ' . 9 ( 9 ) ) 9 Chairman to to')&forward ' 9 ) 9( 9 ('9 (9 the (9 9 ) 9 9 5 @9 &(9 9 9 9 ( Sambo who arrived the to&'9
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(& -9 ( 9 ( -9 , 9 9 ( ' * 9 * '9 '(&) (9 & 9( that their administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nomination forms of Mr. 9 %( ( 9 9 )"9 & & ( 9 & 9 9 ( & 49 Transformation Agenda President for the presiden! & ) 9 5 69 %)
&( &'49 has touched the lives of all tial election,â&#x20AC;? Sambo said.
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cess by which he return returned # $ % the completed forms was orms w ! interpreted as a tactical actical en- ! " $ " dorsement of Sambo mbo as his !&% ! vice presidential candidate. andid and transformed The President picked icked the- Nigerians "!& % into the largest forms on Octoberr 30, the the country and the ^X[L ZXQ LqO Â&#x160;XYLQ Q {Â&#x2039;OZ Q {Â&#x2039;O jMY economy in
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Doha 2014 Swimming Championship: Nigeria’s exploit in Doha excites Jesimiel By Maduabuchi Kalu
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Success promises more La Liga goals ! " # $%
Korean Ambassador Cup for Rowe Park
Francis Ajuonuma
\zz^{ Y [{ Vz`W``{Y }^X~}`WqY X}`Y ÂX}Y `j^X^V{Y V Y X}`Y Vz`\{Y Ux\WW\jVzY \` V{jVY }\U ^V{W}^ Y ^]]Y }V]jY zVUY `~`Ux`zY «Y Y \XY X}`Y V `Y \z Y VzXWY `{Xz`qY \x\qY \ VW V{WVz`jYxyYX}`Y Vz`\{Y Ux\WWyY^{Y ^ `z^\qYX}`Y ~}\U ^V{W}^ Y\]WVY {V {Y \WYX}`Y Vz`\{Y [ Y ^]]Y `\X[z`Y` `{XWY^{Y `\UY yVz[ ^Y ¡ ¿ ¢qY `\UY VVUW\`Y ¡ ¿ ¢qY {j^ ^j[\]Y z`\X^ `Y VVUW\`Y \{jY {j^ ^j[\]Y `~^\]Y ^]]W ~~Vzj^{ Y XVY X}`Y Vz`\{Y Ux\WWyqY X}`^zY ~V{X^{[`jY W V{WVzW}^ Y V Y X}`Y ~}\U ^V{W}^ Y ^WY \^U`jY \XYj` `]V ^{ YX}`YW VzXY^{Y ^ `z^\Y\{jYWXz`{ X}`{^{ Y X}`Y X^`Y x`X ``{Y X}`Y X VY ~V[{Xz^`W ` `Yj`~^j`jYXVYX\ `Y [ Y X}^WY W V{WVzW}^ Y ^{Y X}`Y]\WXY_ `Yy`\zWYx`~\[W`Y x\~ Y}VU`Y^{YV[zY~V[{XzyqY X\` V{jVY^WYV[zYXz\j^X^V{Y \{jY ` z`Y}V]j^{ YV{YXVY^X \]`{XWY \xV[{jY ^{Y ^ `z^\Y\{jY\]]YX}\XY^WY{``j`jY ^WY}\z{`WW^{ YX}`U Y ` `Y W V{WVz`jY X}^WY XV[z{\U`{XY V `zY X}`Y ]\WXY V[zY y`\zW Y }^WY^WYX}`Y_ X}Y`j^X^V{Y \{jY `Y }V `Y XVY ~V{-
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Ephraim Nwosu
onder kid, Isaac Success is relishing his _zWXY \Y ^ \Y V\]Y VzY z\{\j\Y Y V]]V ^{ Y X}`^zY Y jz\ Y \ \^{WXY \]`{~^\Y V{Y [{j\yY{^ }XÒYX}[WY z^X^{ Y}^WY
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Appeals Committee verdict, confusing – Chukwu Maduabuchi Kalu
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2015 Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s W/Cup: Ikhana confident of Falcons Martin Odiete, Abuja
oach KadiriIkhana has tipped the Edwin Okon led Super Falcons to spring some surprise at next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World cup scheduled to hold from June 6th through to July 5th in Canada. Speaking with Newswatch TimesYWÂ&#x201A;VzXWqY Â&#x2039;}\{\Y who was in charge of the Falcons at the 2012 edition of the Africa Women Championship in Equatorial [^{`\qYÂ&#x2014;}`z`YX}`yY_{^W}`jY in a disappointing fourth Â&#x201A;VW^X^V{qY \jU^,`jY X}\XY X}`Y present Super Falcons under Okon have improved so well. He believes that the Super Falcons have evolved over the past three years and have what it takes to hold their own against the best ^{Y X}`Y Â&#x2014;Vz]jqY ^{W^WX^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY
he has no fear for the team doing well. Reacting on the draws which pitched the Super Falcons in the group of j`\X}Y Â&#x2014;}^~}Y }\WY X}`Y qY Â&#x2014;`j`{Y \{jY [WXz\]^\qY X}`Y current Enyimba FC of Aba says it is not about been afraid of the opponents but urged the leadership of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to expose the women XVY_zWXY~]\WWYÂ&#x20AC;z^`{j]yYU\X~}es. He argued that Falcons doing well at the World cup depends largely on how YÂ&#x201A;z`Â&#x201A;\z`WYX}`YX`\UqY{VXing that having done well at  qY \]~V{WY ~\{Y \XY Â&#x2014;VzWXY Â&#x201E;`XYXVYX}`YZ[\zX`zY_{\]W â&#x20AC;&#x153;The draw is tough but I expect the Super Falcons to follow the USA to qualify from the group. Sweden and Australia from that group will not be pushovers but the experience and quality of USA and Nigeria will over power them â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am optimistic that if the Falcons get adequate Â&#x201A;z`Â&#x201A;\z\X^V{WqY X}`yY Â&#x2014;^]]Y Â&#x201E;VY \WYÂ&#x20AC;\zY\WYX}`YW`U^Y_{\]W YY }`Y NFF should arrange some top quality friendly matches Â&#x2014;^X}Y ~V[{Xz^`WY ]^Â&#x2039;`Y }^{\qY z\{~`qY VzÂ&#x2014;\yY \{jY \Â&#x201A;\{Y VzY`Â&#x192;`{Y {Â&#x201E;]\{jÂ&#x161;Y}`YWX\X`j He also urged the NFF to aside from preparing the Falcons for the world cup they should also update the technical crew so that they could be at speed with the dynamics of the game and guide the team successfully.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Facts are facts and cannot disappear on accounts of your likesâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Josh Billing. here doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to be an end to the crisis NFF has been embroiled in since after the World Cup. It must be restated that the inability of the Sports Minister to nick this crisis in the bud had led to its degeneration. It should also be noted that this crisis cannot be divorced from Eagles inability to qualify for AFCON. Most of Eagles matches were prosecuted amidst the crisis. So while our group opponents were busy perfecting WXz\X`Â&#x201E;^`WYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`YZ[\]^_`zWqYÂ&#x2014;`YÂ&#x2014;`z`Y}VÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;zVUYV{`Y stage of the crisis to the other. But when we were trying XVYÂ&#x201A;^~Â&#x2039;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;^`~`WYVÂ&#x20AC;YV[zY{VW` j^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;VVXx\]]YÂ&#x20AC;VzX[{`WqY X}`Y Y ]`~XVz\]Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^,``Y~\U`YV[XYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y^XWY Â&#x192;`zj^~XÂĄW¢ Y [WXY V{`Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^,``Y Â&#x2014;\WY W`XY [Â&#x201A;Y xyY the NFF Congress but we have two verdicts. What an enigma. Â&#x20AC;X`zYX}`Y VUU^,`` WYÂ&#x201A;[x]^~Y}`\z^{Â&#x201E;qYX}`YÂ&#x192;`zj^~XYÂ&#x2014;\WY `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jYXVYÂ&#x20AC;V]]VÂ&#x2014;Y^{Y\YU\,`zYVÂ&#x20AC;Yj\yW Y [XYX}`{Y^XY]^{Â&#x201E;`z`j Y VÂ&#x2014;qYÂ&#x2014;`YÂ&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;YÂ&#x2014;}y Y }^]`YX}`Yj`]\yY]\WX`jqYX}`Y]^Â&#x2039;`WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y \z Y yÂ&#x2039;`Y Â&#x201E;xVÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2014;`YXz^`jYXVYÂ&#x201A;z` `UÂ&#x201A;XYX}`Y~VUU^,`` Y XYÂ&#x2014;\WY \]]`Â&#x201E;`jYX}\XYX}`Y VUU^,``YÂ&#x2014;\WY[{j`zY^UU`{W`YÂ&#x201A;z`WW[z`Y XVY\]X`zY^XWY_{j^{Â&#x201E;W Y }V`Â&#x192;`zYj^WU^WW`jYW[~}Y~]\^UWYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y a wave of the hand will not do so now. It is only for that z`\WV{YX}\XYÂ&#x2014;`YÂ&#x2014;^]]Y}\Â&#x192;`YXÂ&#x2014;VY~V{Â&#x2026;^~X^{Â&#x201E;Yz`Â&#x201A;VzXWYÂ&#x20AC;zVUYX}`Y W\U`Y VUU^,`` Y ^zWXY \Y Â&#x201A;`z~`^Â&#x192;`jY U\ÂĽVz^XyY ~\U`Y V[XY with a verdict on Wednesday while the only lawyer in X}`Y~VUU^,``Y\{jY^XWY~}\^zU\{qY Â&#x2039;`yY ÂĽ[{Â&#x2014;\Yj`]^Â&#x192;`z`jY his on Thursday. The former verdict authenticated the `Â&#x201A;X`Ux`zYŸY`]`~X^V{YÂ&#x2014;}^]`YX}`Y]\,`zY~\{~`]`jYÂ&#x20AC;V[zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;VW^X^V{WY ^{~][j^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y Â&#x201A;z`W^j`{XqY U\ÂĽ[Y ^{{^~Â&#x2039; Y §Â&#x201A;`~X`j]yqY \]]Y X}`Y WX\Â&#x2039;`}V]j`zWY }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y trumping up the verdicts to suit their positions. The NFF ^U\Â&#x201E;`Y U\Â&#x2039;`zqY `UV]\Y ]\ÂĽ^z`Y }\WY X}`z`Â&#x20AC;Vz`Y x\,]`jY XVY validate the verdict that upheld Pinnickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s election. In the W\U`YÂ&#x192;`^{qYX}VW`YÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x2014;^]]Yx`{`_XYÂ&#x20AC;zVUY\YÂ&#x20AC;z`W}Y`]`~X^V{Y \z`Y]`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y~z`j`{~`YXVY ÂĽ[{Â&#x2014;\ WYÂ&#x192;`zj^~X My task here today is not to decide which of the verdicts should be adopted. It is all up to FIFA to come out with a position after studying the various submissions. Whatever interests one has not however taken away the Â&#x20AC;\~XWYV{YX}`YÂ&#x201E;zV[{j Y `XYU`YÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x192;`YyV[Y\Y]^,]`Y\WW^Â&#x201E;{U`{X Y [XY xVX}Y jV~[U`{XWY ÂĄÂ&#x192;`zj^~XW¢Y W^j`Y xyY W^j`qY Â&#x2014;}\XY jVY
Falconsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll survive â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;group of deathâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Oshoala
[Â&#x201A;`zY \]~V{WYWXz^Â&#x2039;`zqY Asisat Oshoala has said her side has the capacity to progress V[XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y zV[Â&#x201A;Y Y ^{Y the preliminary stages of the 2015 Fifa Women World Cup in Canada. ^Â&#x201E;`z^\qY Â&#x2014;}VY `U`zÂ&#x201E;`jY champions of Africa for a record seventh time in NaU^x^\Y^{Y ~XVx`zqY}\Â&#x192;`Yx``{Y drawn alongside two-time Â&#x2014;^{{`zWY qY Â&#x2014;`j`{Y \{jY Australia in the competition scheduled to hold between
[{`YšY\{jY []yYĂ&#x201A;qYÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A; W}V\]\qYÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x2014;\WY{\U`jY the 2014 Fifa U-20 Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup and African Women Championship `WXY ]\y`zqYW\^jYW}`Y}\jY}`zY mind ready to face any opposition at the World Cup and had no reason to nurse fears. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was expecting any (opposition) because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s called draws - anything can hapÂ&#x201A;`{ Y }`Y X`\UWY ÂĄ qY Â&#x2014;`den and Australia) are no X}z`\XY XVY [WY \XY \]]qÂ&#x161;Y W}V\]\Y said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have more than enough good players who will make Nigeria progress from the group stage. I believe we have the capacity to advance and nothing to Â&#x20AC;`\z Â&#x161; On the scare of facing Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s usual tormentor Y \Â&#x201E;\^{qY X}`Y ^Â&#x192;`zWY {gels double-title winner said the present national side will
shock the two-time champions as they are â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;no threat because they are living on their past gloryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think we would have any problem in that Â&#x201E;zV[Â&#x201A;qY ^Â&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2014;`Y \~X[\]]yY Â&#x201E;VY V{Y proper training and quality preparation before the comÂ&#x201A;`X^X^V{qÂ&#x161;Y W}V\]\YW\^j
The Voice of Sports Clement Nwankpa Jnr. 08033305552 sportswar@yahoo.com
A tale of two verdicts yV[Y W``Ă&#x201D;Y W{ XY V{`Y Â&#x2014;`]]Y j`X\^]`jY ^{Y ][~^jY ]`Â&#x201E;\]Y ÂĽ\zÂ&#x201E;V{WY while the other looks more or less like a press release? VÂ&#x2014;qYÂĽ[§X\Â&#x201A;VW`YX}`Yj^@`z`{XYÂ&#x201A;`X^X^V{WqYÂ&#x201A;\zX^~[]\z]yYX}\XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201E;xVÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2014;`qYÂ&#x2014;^X}YX}`Yj`Â&#x20AC;`{W`YW[xU^WW^V{WY\XYX}`YÂ&#x201A;[x]^~Y }`\z^{Â&#x201E;qYÂ&#x2014;}\X WYyV[zYX\Â&#x2039;`Ă&#x201D;Y }^~}YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x192;`zj^~XWYÂ&#x2014;V[]jY jVY ÂĽ[WX^~`Y XVY xVX}Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;`X^X^V{`zWY \{jY X}`Y j`Â&#x20AC;`{j\{XWĂ&#x201D;Y VÂ&#x2014;qY]`XYU`Y\WÂ&#x2039;YyV[Ă&#x2019;Yj^jYÂ&#x2014;`Y}\Â&#x192;`Y V[X}Y \WXYz`Â&#x201A;z`W`{X`jY by two Abians and North West by two Kano indigenes aftermath that September 30 election? If the answer ^WYy`WqY^WY^XYz^Â&#x201E;}XĂ&#x201D;Y \WY }`}[Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VYj^WZ[\]^_`jYV{YX}`Y Â&#x2026;VVzYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WWĂ&#x201D;Y Â&#x20AC;Yy`WqYÂ&#x2014;\WY^XY\]WVYz^Â&#x201E;}XĂ&#x201D;Y }^WY]^,]`Y \WW^Â&#x201E;{U`{XYW}V[]jYÂ&#x201E;[^j`YyV[zYÂĽ[jÂ&#x201E;U`{X Y YjV{ XY`§Â&#x201A;`~XY you to publicly acknowledge which of the verdicts you believe is right but your conscience knows it. Whoever was in Warri for the Elective Congress knows exactly what transpired. Even the biggest x`{`_~^\z^`WYÂ&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;Y\YÂ&#x201E;z`\XY^{ÂĽ[WX^~`YÂ&#x2014;\WYjV{`YXVY\zz^Â&#x192;`Y\XY that end. First was the fact that State Security apparatuses Â&#x2014;`z`Yj`Â&#x201A;]Vy`jYXVYWXVÂ&#x201A;Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VYÂ&#x20AC;zVUY~VU^{Â&#x201E;YXVY \zz^ Y [XY `Â&#x192;`{Y\XYX}\XqY}`YÂ&#x2014;\WYWX^]]Y`]^Â&#x201E;^x]`YXVYx`YÂ&#x192;VX`jYÂ&#x20AC;VzY^{YÂ&#x201A;zV§y Y ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;YXVYX}`Y ]`~XVz\]Y [^j`]^{`WqYV{~`Y\Y~\{j^j\X`Y Â&#x2014;\WY ~]`\z`jqY }`Y W}V[]jY x`Y V{Y X}`Y x\]]VX Y }`X}`zY }`Y came to the Congress or not was secondary. But if the W}`{\{^Â&#x201E;\{WY}\jYWXVÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`jY\XYx\zz^{Â&#x201E;Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VYÂ&#x20AC;zVUYW}VÂ&#x2014;^{Â&#x201E;Y [Â&#x201A;Y^{Y \zz^qYX}`YÂ&#x201A;`X^X^V{YÂ&#x2014;V[]j{ XY}\Â&#x192;`Y}\jYW[xWX\{~` Y {Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;V WY\xW`{~`qYX}`YVX}`zY~\{j^j\X`WY}\jY\Y_`]jYj\yY campaigning for votes at the election venue. That should have placed them on the advantage. But it was perceived that a greater number of the Congress still wanted to Â&#x192;VX`YÂ&#x20AC;VzY ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VY^{Y}^WY\xW`{~` Y }`Y ]`~XVz\]Y VUU^,``Y ~}\^zU\{qY \UWV{Y xVU}`YÂ&#x2014;\WY[{j`zY^{X`{W`YÂ&#x201A;z`WW[z`Y XVY j^WZ[\]^Â&#x20AC;yY ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VY x[XY X}`Y yV[{Â&#x201E;Y U\{Y Â&#x2014;\WY \j\U\{XY
The 20-year-old Super Falcons star said it will be dream come true if selected to play for Nigeria at the sen^VzY]`Â&#x192;`]Y\XYX}`Y_{\]WY^{Y \{ada where she won the Fifa U20 Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup Best Player and top scorer award in August. Â&#x160; `]]qY Y jV{Â XY Â&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;Y ^Â&#x20AC;Y Y
Â&#x2014;V[]jYx`YX}`z`qYx[XY YÂ&#x2014;^]]Yx`Y very glad and excited if Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m given the opportunity to represent my country in Canada \Â&#x201E;\^{qÂ&#x161;YW}`YW\^j Nigeria will begin their 7th Fifa Women World Cup campaign against Sweden on June 8 at the Winnipeg Stadium in Canada.
X}\XY ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VY}\jYU`XY\]]YX}`Yz`Z[^z`U`{XWY\{jYX}`z`YÂ&#x2014;\WY {VYÂ&#x201A;z`U^W`Y[Â&#x201A;V{YÂ&#x2014;}^~}Y}`Y~V[]jYx`Yj^WZ[\]^_`j Y `Y\]]Y waited for over three hours as an election earlier billed XVYWX\zXYÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17D;Y\UYÂ&#x2014;\WYj`]\y`j Y XYX}\XYÂ&#x201A;V^{XqY{`Â&#x2014;WY_]X`z`jY in that the reason for the delay was because Ebomhe had x``{Yj`X\^{`j Y }`{Y xVU}`YW}VÂ&#x2014;`jY[Â&#x201A;YU[~}Y]\X`zqY he announced that the Electoral Guidelines had been \]X`z`jqYWVYÂ&#x2014;}V`Â&#x192;`zYÂ&#x20AC;\^]`jYXVYX[z{Y[Â&#x201A;Y\XYX}`YÂ&#x192;`{[`YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y election would be deemed to have withdrawn from the `]`~X^V{ Y }\XY\{{V[{~`U`{XYÂ&#x2014;\WYU\j`Y\XYX}`YÂ&#x2026;VVzYVÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WW Y VYx`Â&#x20AC;Vz`YV[zYÂ&#x192;`zyY`y`WqYX}`YzV]]Y~\]]YÂ&#x2014;\WY U\j` Y \^Â&#x2014;VY Â&#x201E;[{ÂĽVx^qY ^{{^~Â&#x2039;qY VU^{^~Y VzÂ&#x20AC;\qY U\{Â&#x;`Y ~}`Â&#x201E;x[]`UqY xx\Y V]\Y\{jY ^Â&#x2039;`Y U`}YÂ&#x2014;`z`YÂ&#x201A;z`W`{XY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VY Â&#x2014;\WY \xW`{X Y VY ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;V WY {\U`Y Â&#x2014;\WY WXz[~Â&#x2039;Y V@YX}`Yx\]]VX Y }\XYÂ&#x2014;\WY}VÂ&#x2014;Y ^Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;VqY\YÂ&#x20AC;zV{XYz[{{`zqYÂ&#x2014;\WY j^WZ[\]^_`jY\{jY ^{{^~Â&#x2039;Y`U`zÂ&#x201E;`jYÂ&#x2014;^{{`z Y {YX}`YW\U`Y Â&#x192;`^{qY `]^§Y {y\{W^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x2014;[qY Â&#x20AC;zVUY x^\qY Â&#x2014;\WY `]`~X`jY XVY z`Â&#x201A;z`W`{XY V[X}Y \WXYÂ&#x2014;}`{YX}`YÂ&#x;V{`Y\]z`\jyY}\jY Y ~}\^zU\{qY U`Â&#x2039;\Y {y\U\qY \]WVY Â&#x20AC;zVUY x^\Y V{Y X}`Y Y Board. Rabiu Inuwa got elected from North West when Â&#x20AC;`]]VÂ&#x2014;Y \{VY ^{j^Â&#x201E;`{`qY ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Y \X^V{Â&#x2014;^j`Y `\Â&#x201E;[`Y ~}\^zU\{qY }U`jY \Â&#x2014;VYÂ&#x2014;\WY\]z`\jyY\YU`Ux`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y Board. {Â&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;{Y XVY U\{yqY ÂĽ[{Â&#x2014;\Y Â&#x2014;\WY ^{Y \zz^Y \{jY Â&#x2014;^X{`WW`jY \]]Y X}`W`Y ]^Â&#x192;` Y VY Â&#x2014;}`{Y X}`Y VUU^,``Y therefore called for a public hearing and consequently X}`Y j`Â&#x20AC;`{j\{XW Y W[xU^WW^V{WqY ^XY Â&#x2014;\WY V{]yY \Y U`z`Y Â&#x20AC;VzU\]^Xy Y `YÂ&#x2039;{`Â&#x2014;Y\]]YX}\XYXz\{WÂ&#x201A;^z`j Y `Y}\WYÂĽ[WXYjV{`Y a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Pontius Pilateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on Nigerian football. When it got to the point when he was under compulsion to give a verdict that went contrary to what we all witnessed in \zz^qY}`Y}\jYXVYÂ&#x2014;\W}Y}^WY}\{jWYVÂ&#x20AC;Y^X Y `z`YÂ&#x2014;\WY\YU\{Y who had a legal career to protect. His integrity was at WX\Â&#x2039;` Y Xz^Â&#x2039;`zWY\z`YÂĽ[jÂ&#x201E;`jYxyYX}`Y{[Ux`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x201E;V\]WYX}`yY W~Vz`qY]\Â&#x2014;y`zWY\z`YÂĽ[jÂ&#x201E;`jYxyYX}`^zY^{~Vzz[Â&#x201A;X^x^]^XyY\{jY \x^]^XyY XVY ^{X`zÂ&#x201A;z`XY WX\X[X`WqY ~V{WX^X[X^V{WY \{jY VX}`zY legal documents. He has studied the NFF Statutes and Electoral Guidelines and has given a verdict he deems ideal given the circumstances. Whether it is accepted or not is no longer his business. He will walk away with }^WY}`\jY}`]jY}^Â&#x201E;}qYX}[UÂ&#x201A;Y}^WY~}`WXY\{jYW\yYĂ&#x192; Yj^jYX}`Y z^Â&#x201E;}XYX}^{Â&#x201E; Y }`YÂ&#x20AC;\~XWY\z`Y{VXYW[xÂĽ`~XYXVYyV[zY~V{ÂĽ`~X[z` Y V[YU^Â&#x201E;}XYW^XYV{YX}`YXz[X}qYx[XY^XWY}`\jY\]Â&#x2014;\yWYWX^~Â&#x2039;WYV[X
Newswatch TIMES Sports/ Chelsea Watch Park cows, Mourinho slams Newcastle Cech’s top quality goalkeeper – Mourinho
ose Mourinho has blasted Newcastle’s tactics during their 2-1 Premier League win over Chelsea on Saturday, after saying the Magpies may as well have ‘put a cow’ on the pitch. Newcastle condemned the Blues to X}`^zY_zWXY]`\ [`Yj` `\XYV YX}`YW`\WV{Y\XY St James’ Park after Papiss Cisse came V@YX}`Yx`{~}YXVYW~Vz`YX ^~`Y^{YX}`YW`~V{jY half. `W ^X`Y X` `{Y \y]VzY x`^{ Y W`{XY V@Y for the home side and Didier Drogba scoring soon afterwards, Alan Pardew’s men held on for the famous victory – which also helped Manchester City close the gap at the top of the table to just three points. Following the defeat, Mourinho criticised Newcastle’s physical approach to the game before giving a typically classic line when asked if he would employ similar tactics to win a match. ‘No,’ he simply said. ‘With anything? You may as well put a cow in the middle of the pitch. And
then stop the game because there was a cow. ‘You cannot do just anything in football. You have to defend with your 10 men, put the 10 men on the goal line, park the bus, but football needs a ball. Not two or zero. Do what you can to win but not everything. ‘Sometimes there were zero balls and that cuts the dynamic of the team who is trying to win the game.’
ose Mourinho has reiterated Petr Cech’s importance to Chelsea, saying the Premier League leaders “like, respect and need” their back-up goalkeeper. Cech has been linked with a transfer W^{~`Y]VW^{ Y}^WY_zWX X`\UY ]\~`YXVY }^x\[XY Courtois, but Mourinho remains adamant that his importance to the team remains undimmed, and his future is at Stamford Bridge. Mourinho told Yahoo-Eurosport: “The most important thing is what he brings to the team on the pitch, which is top quality. “When Courtois was injured against Arsenal and Petr Cech comes to play on minute 20, I was so calm. I wasn’t worried about a change of goalkeeper. So when you have on the bench a super goalkeeper like Petr Cech this is the most important thing. “Obviously he wants to play, which is why sometimes I make him play. I have to feed the natural ambition of somebody who feels he is a top goalkeeper. “I have to feed that ambition to keep him... I’m not saying happy happy, because to be happy a player must play every game... but at least to make him feel that we like him, we respect him and we need him.”
Cech has played 475 times for Chelsea, but the 32-year-old risks spending his z^U`YV[XYV YX}`Y_zWX X`\UY ^~X[z`
`Y}\WY ]\y`jY¥[WXY_ `YX^U`WYX}^WYW`\son, with only one Premier League appearance replacing the injured Courtois. Nonetheless, his agent Viktor Kolar W\^jY]\WXY `` YX}\XY `~}Y j`_{^X`]yY V{ XY move in the January transfer window.”
Karanka sure of Bamford’s loan extension at Boro
iddlesboro boss, Aitor Karanka ^WY ~V{_j`{XY X}\XY Chelsea loanee Patrick Bamford will extend his stay until the end of the season As things stand, the 21-year-old Chelsea striker’s loan deal lapses in January but all indications point to him agreeing to stay. Blues boss Jose Mourinho, Karanka and the player have all indicated that they would be happy for the contract to be extended. Bamford’s reputation has never been higher.
His goal at Millwall on \X[zj\yY \WY }^WY _ X}Y ^{Y six games and, in recent weeks, he’s frequently selected ahead of Boro’s No1 summer transfer target Kike Garcia. Karanka said: “I am happy, not because Jose said he is happy, I am happy because Patrick wants to be here. “If he is not happy it’s not the best (situation) the most important thing is Patrick is happy with us. “Patrick is an important player for us and I am sure he will be with us at the end of the season.”
Cerezo regrets Diego Costa sale
Kane suffers shoulder injury
ristol City are sweat^{ YV{YX}`Y_X{`WWYV Y Todd Kane in the aftermath of Sunday’s FA Cup win over AFC Telford United. The on-loan Chelsea youngster was poleaxed by Godfrey Poku late in the game, forcing City to _{^W}YX}`YX^`Y ^X}YX`{YU`{qY having used all of their al]V,`jYW[xWX^X[X^V{W \{`YW[@`z`jY\YW}V[]der injury and boss Steve V,`z^]]YW\^j×Y X WYXVVY`\zly to know how bad it is. “It’s a shoulder injury. It’s not dislocated but he’ll
have to be assessed before we can make a judgment on how bad he is. “It may be that he stays
here to receive treatment or goes back to Chelsea. We will talk to Chelsea about the next step because he’s their player. “But it’s a real shame, because he’s been itching to get involved and had a really good game.” Kane operated from a ~`{Xz\]Y U^j_`]jY VW^X^V{Y V{Y }^WY _zWXY WX\zXY VzY X}`Y club. V,`z^]]Y \jU^,`jY X}`Y youngster was set to play in Wednesday’s Johnstone’s Paint Trophy tie against Coventry City but that now appears unlikely.
ose Mourinho is insistent that Chelsea striker Diego Costa will rediscover his earlier deadly form YYYYYV{~`Y}^WYU\X~}Y_X{`WWY improves. The Spaniard made a blistering start to life in England when he bagged an incredible seven goals ^{Y}^WY_zWXY V[zY \U`WY\XY the club – but a run of just two in seven has seen him struggle in front of goal. Costa was the centre of a club versus country row after Spain continued to select him when Mourinho insisted he wasn’t
_XY ÕY U`\{^{ Y X}`Y WXz^ `zY missed four games with a recurrence of the hamstring injury that plagued the forward last season. He was left out of the latest national squad but }^WY _X{`WWY }\WY {VXY []]yY recovered and Saturday’s defeat to Newcastle was the third game in a row he has not scored. The Portuguese boss however is backing his £32m man to come good once again when his sharpness returns. He said: “For me, the problem is not the goals - they will come as a consequence of his condi-
tion. “He has to improve his condition. He was injured and obviously X}\XY U[WXY }\ `Y \{Y `@`~XY on a player in the way he runs, the way he moves and in his co-ordination. “I don’t think there is any problem but he has to recover.” Despite his struggles Costa’s Chelsea record is still impressive – with 11 goals from 14 games so far. His recent baron spell has allowed Sergio Aguero to overtake him as the league’s top scorer though.
Newswatch TIMES
35 Sports/Euro League UEFA Champions League... UEFA Champions League... Realâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Carvajal dreams Club World Cup glory
aniel Carvajal has insisted Real Majz^jY\z`YÂ&#x2039;``{YXVYÂ&#x2014;^{YX}`Y ][xY Vz]jY Cup and add yet another piece of silÂ&#x192;`zÂ&#x2014;\z`YXVYX}`^zYXzVÂ&#x201A;}yY~\x^{`X }`Y }\UÂ&#x201A;^V{WY `\Â&#x201E;[`YÂ&#x2014;^{{`zWY]\WXYZ[\]^_`jYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`Y~VUÂ&#x201A;`X^X^V{Y^{YÂŤÂŹÂŹÂŹqYÂ&#x2014;}`{YX}`yY came in fourth behind Corinthians, Vasco da Gama and Necaxa, and Carvajal is deterU^{`jY XVY jVY x`,`zY X}^WY X^U`Y \zV[{jY ^{Y X}`Y tournament in Morocco. \jz^jYU``XYX}`YÂ&#x2014;^{{`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YU\X~}Yx`XÂ&#x2014;``{Y z[Â&#x;Y Â&#x;[]Y\{jY `WX`z{Y yj{`yY \{j`z`zWY^{YX}`YW`U^ _{\]WYV{Y `~`Ux`zYÂ&#x17D;š Â&#x160; `^{Â&#x201E;Y\x]`YXVYÂ&#x2014;^{YX}^WY{`Â&#x2014;YX^X]`Y^WY\Y}[Â&#x201E;`Y UVX^Â&#x192;\X^V{YÂ&#x20AC;VzYU` Y XYÂ&#x2014;V[]jYx`Yz`\]]yYWÂ&#x201A;`~^\]qY \WY ^XY ^WY {VXY `\WyY XVY Â&#x2014;^{ Y XY Â&#x2014;V[]jY x`Y \Y Â&#x201E;z`\XY Â&#x2014;\yY XVY ~]VW`Y X}`Y W`\WV{qÂ&#x161;Y X}`Y j`Â&#x20AC;`{j`zY W\^jY Â&#x192;^\Y \jz^j WYV=~^\]Y Â&#x2014;^,`zY\~~V[{X Â&#x160; }`Y Â&#x201E;zV[Â&#x201A;Y ^WY Â&#x20AC;[]]yY \Â&#x2014;\z`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ^UÂ&#x201A;VzX\{~`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ]^Â&#x20AC;X^{Â&#x201E;Y X}^WY X^X]`Y \{jY Â&#x2014;`Y \z`Y Â&#x2039;``{Y XVY Â&#x2039;``Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x2014;^{{^{Â&#x201E; Â&#x160; `^{Â&#x201E;Y\x]`YXVYX\Â&#x2039;`YÂ&#x201A;\zXY^WY\Yjz`\UYÂ&#x20AC;VzYU`Y x`~\[W`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y}VÂ&#x2014;Y}\zjY^XY^WYXVYZ[\]^Â&#x20AC;yY\{jY  ]]YXzyY XVY`{ÂĽVyY^XY\WYU[~}Y\WYÂ&#x201A;VWW^x]` Â&#x161; }`Y Â&#x201A;\^{Y^{X`z{\X^V{\]YW\yWY}`YÂ&#x20AC;``]WYÂ&#x201A;zV[jY to be part of the Madrid set-up after returning
Gervinho turns pressure on Man City G
ervinho has turned up the heat on Manchester City ahead of their decisive trip to Roma in the Champions League by saying all of the pressure is on the Premier League champions. Gervinho, 27, got Romaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [zVÂ&#x201A;`\{Y~\UÂ&#x201A;\^Â&#x201E;{YV@YXVY\Y Â&#x2026;y^{Â&#x201E;Y WX\zXY Â&#x2014;^X}Y XÂ&#x2014;VY Â&#x201E;V\]WY ^{YX}`^zYĂ&#x201A; Â&#x17D;YÂ&#x2014;^{YVÂ&#x192;`zY Y VW~VÂ&#x2014;qY x[XY X}\XY z`U\^{WY VU\ WY V{]yY Â&#x2014;^{Y ^{Y X}`Y group stage going into the _{\]YzV[{jYVÂ&#x20AC;YU\X~}`W City have also only Â&#x2014;V{Y V{~`Y   Y Ÿ Y \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY X}`Y \]z`\jy Z[\]^_`jY \y`z{Y -- leaving them level on Â&#x201A;V^{XWY Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y ^\]]VzVWW^Y \{jY Y Â&#x201E;V^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{XVY Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s decisive W}VÂ&#x2014;jVÂ&#x2014;{ VW~VÂ&#x2014;Y \z`Y ^{Y [{^~}Y
\{jY ~V[]jY x`{`_XY Â&#x20AC;zVUY \Y jz\Â&#x2014;Y^{Y VU`YxyYW{\X~}^{Â&#x201E;Y W`~V{jY Â&#x2014;^X}Y Â&#x192;^~XVzyY VÂ&#x192;`zY \y`z{ Roma entered the competition as outsiders in a group dominated by \y`z{qYy`XYX}`yY}\Â&#x192;`Y}VU`Y \jÂ&#x192;\{X\Â&#x201E;`YÂ&#x20AC;VzY\YÂ&#x201E;\U`YÂ&#x2014;}^~}Y Â&#x2014;^]]Yj`X`zU^{`YX}`YXÂ&#x2014;VY~][xW Y future in Europe this season. `~\[W`YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Yz`WÂ&#x201A;`~X^Â&#x192;`Y expectation levels, the Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY zW`{\]Y Â&#x2014;^{Â&#x201E;`zY W\yWY City have everything to lose. Â&#x160; ^XyY\z`YVx]^Â&#x201E;`jYXVYÂ&#x2014;^{qÂ&#x161;Y }`Y XV]jY X}`Y [{Y V{Y [{j\y Y â&#x20AC;&#x153;They have all the pressure. Not Roma. City are in the same period that Chelsea [W`jY XVY x`Y x`Â&#x20AC;Vz`Y X}`yY Â&#x2014;V{Y it. It becomes complex until yV[YÂ&#x2014;^{YX}`YXzVÂ&#x201A;}y â&#x20AC;&#x153;The trophy their ^{Â&#x192;`WXVzWY `§Â&#x201A;`~XY XVY Â&#x2014;^{Y ^WY
Rode has no Bayern regret the Champions League. ^Â&#x2039;`Y VU\{Y xz\UVÂ&#x192;^~}Y \XY Chelsea. They are a bit more ]^x`z\X`jY{VÂ&#x2014;qY }`]W`\ Â&#x160; [XY ^XyY }\Â&#x192;`Y \Y ]VXY more pressure than us given the expense they have undertaken to create this team. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the Champions League that they desperately Â&#x2014;\{X Â&#x161;
Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fixtures Ajax Bilbao Barcelona Bayern Chelsea FC Porto Maribor Roma
vs vs vs vs vs vs vs vs
Apoel BATE PSG CSKA Sporting Shakhtar Schalke Man City
Nani out of Stamford Bridge clash
Â&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y ^WxV{Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y Â&#x2014;^X}V[XY U^j_`]j`zY Nani as they tackle Chelsea in tonightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; League group stage game. The playmaker has a X}^Â&#x201E;}Y ^{ÂĽ[zyY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y ^WY Â&#x2039;``Â&#x201A;ing him on the sidelines. Furthermore, the report also x`]^`Â&#x192;`WY X}`Y Â&#x201A;]\y`zY Â&#x2014;V{Â XY `Â&#x192;`{YXz\Â&#x192;`]YÂ&#x2014;^X}YX}`YX`\UYXVY London. \{^qY ÂŤĂ&#x201C;qY ÂĽV^{`jY Â&#x201A;VzXing on a season long loan deal has been a big success back in Portugal. The playmakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best form has come ^{Y [zVÂ&#x201A;`qYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y \{^Yx`^{Â&#x201E;Y the heartbeat of the Portuguese side in the Champions League. The Portugal interna-
tional has scored four goals ^{Y _Â&#x192;`Y }\UÂ&#x201A;^V{WY `\Â&#x201E;[`Y Â&#x201E;\U`WqYÂ&#x2014;}^]`Y}`Y}\WY\]WVY~z`ated a staggering 17 chances in Europe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; more than any VX}`zY Â&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x201A;]\y`z Y [zthermore, he has also assist`jYXÂ&#x2014;^~`YXVV Â&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y {``jY \Y jz\Â&#x2014;Y against Chelsea to progress
XVYX}`Y]\WXYÂ&#x17D;šYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y }\UÂ&#x201A;^V{WY `\Â&#x201E;[` Y VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY X}`yY ~V[]jYÂ&#x201E;VYX}zV[Â&#x201E;}Y^Â&#x20AC;Y ~}\]Â&#x2039;`Y fail to beat Maribor. }`]W`\Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y Â&#x201A;]`\W`jY Nani is set to miss the game \XY X\UÂ&#x20AC;VzjY z^jÂ&#x201E;`Y \WY X}`Y U^j_`]j`zY}\WYx``{YÂ&#x201A;]\y^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y ~V{_j`{~`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY Â&#x201A;VzXing.
Milner: City can beat Roma without Aguero
anchester City U^j_`]j`zY \U`WY Milner insists they can beat Champions League opponents Y VU\Y Â&#x2014;^X}V[XY `zÂ&#x201E;^VY Â&#x201E;[`zV Â&#x201E;[`zVY]^UÂ&#x201A;`jYV@YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y damaged ligaments in his left knee just 75 seconds ^{XVY X}`Y Â&#x17D;Â ÂŹY Â&#x192;^~XVzyY VÂ&#x192;`zY Everton after tangling Â&#x2014;^X}Y V@``WY U^j_`]j`zY [}\U`jY `W^~ Milner said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;People ~\{Y W\yY Â&#x2014;}\X`Â&#x192;`zY X}`yY Â&#x2014;\{XY^Â&#x20AC;YX}`yYX}^{Â&#x2039;YÂ&#x2014;`Â z`Y\Y V{`Â U\{YX`\U Y VU`YÂ&#x201A;`Vple have been saying ChelW`\Y}\jYÂ&#x2014;V{YX}`Y]`\Â&#x201E;[`YÂ&#x17D;ÂŹY Â&#x201E;\U`WY^{Y\{jY}`z`YÂ&#x2014;`Y\z`Y
XVYX}`Y \{X^\Â&#x201E;VY `z{\x`[Y^{YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂźYÂ&#x20AC;V]]VÂ&#x2014;^{Â&#x201E;Y\Y V{`Â y`\zYWÂ&#x201A;`]]YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y \y`zY `Â&#x192;`zÂ&#x2039;[W`{ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have goose bumps each time I enter X}`Y `z{\x`[Y Â&#x2014;`\z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}^WY W}^zXY \{jY WX\{jY ^{YÂ&#x20AC;zV{XYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y \jz^jYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzX`zWqÂ&#x161;Y}`YW\^j â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is my second home and my life reÂ&#x192;V]Â&#x192;`WY\zV[{jY `\]Y \jz^j Â&#x161;
Â&#x2014;^X}Y\YX}z`` Â&#x201A;V^{XYÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x201A; Â&#x160; VW^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x201E;[`zVYÂ&#x2014;^]]Yx`Y \Yx^Â&#x201E;YU^WW Y `Y^WY\YÂ&#x2014;Vz]j class player, one of the best on the planet, and has been absolutely outstanding so the injury has come at a bad time. Â&#x160; `zÂ&#x201E;^VY ^WY Â&#x192;`zyqY Â&#x192;`zyY j^=~[]XYXVYz`Â&#x201A;]\~`Yx[XYÂ&#x2014;`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y \Y ]VXY VÂ&#x20AC;Y _z`Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`z Y ^X}Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;]\y`zWY Â&#x2014;`Y jVY have up there Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not too Â&#x2014;Vzz^`j â&#x20AC;&#x153;Edin coming back is a positive and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fantastic goalscorer. Hopefully X`Â&#x192;\{YW}V[]jYx`Y\Â&#x192;\^]\x]`Y ÂĄÂ&#x20AC;VzY VU\¢Y \WY Â&#x2014;`]] Y `Y have a fantastic squad of Â&#x201A;]\y`zW Â&#x161;
ebastian Rode has stressed that he does not have any regrets over his decision to leave ^{Xz\~}XY z\{Â&#x20AC;[zXYÂ&#x20AC;VzY \yern Munich. [`WX^V{Y U\zÂ&#x2039;WY Â&#x2014;}`z`Y z\^W`jY VÂ&#x192;`zY Â&#x2014;}`X}`zY X}`Y ÂŤÂ&#x2013; y`\z V]jY Â&#x2014;V[]jY Â&#x201E;`XY much playing time at the ]]^\{Â&#x;Y z`{\Y Â&#x201E;^Â&#x192;`{Y X}`Y competition for places from the likes of Philipp Lahm, \WX^\{Y ~}Â&#x2014;`^{WX`^Â&#x201E;`zY\{jY \x^Y ]V{WV
VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY Vj`Y }\WY already made 14 appearances in all competitions Â&#x20AC;VzY \y`z{Y\{jY}`Y^WY}\Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;yY Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y Â&#x2014;\yY X}^{Â&#x201E;WY }\Â&#x192;`Y gone for him so far. Â&#x160; YÂ&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;Y Yj^jY`Â&#x192;`zyX}^{Â&#x201E;Y z^Â&#x201E;}XYxyYÂĽV^{^{Â&#x201E;Y \y`z{Y\{jY Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve already learned a huge amount from my teamU\X`WY \{jY X}`Y ~V\~}qÂ&#x161;Y
Vj`Y ÂĽV^{`jY X}`Y V=~^\]Y \y`z{YÂ&#x2014;`xW^X` Â&#x160; [XY YÂ&#x2014;\{XYUVz` Y Y}VÂ&#x201A;`Y Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll play more in the future and become a regular at some point. Â&#x160; Y\zz^Â&#x192;`jYÂ&#x2014;^X}YÂ&#x201A;]`{XyYVÂ&#x20AC;Y z`WÂ&#x201A;`~XY x[XY Y WVV{Y W`,]`jY ^{ Y \y`z{Y \z`Y ~`zX\^{]yY \Y
big step up compared to Eintracht. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been very positive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The coach has made it clear he values me from X}`Y Â&#x192;`zyY _zWXY j\yY \{jY X}`Y best evidence of that is the increasing amount of play^{Â&#x201E;YX^U`Y Â UYÂ&#x201E;`,^{Â&#x201E; Â&#x161;
Rolfes calls it quit at Leverkusen
ayer Leverkusen U^j_`]j`zqY ^UV{Y Rolfes has announced his decision to retire from football at the end of the season, accord^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY X}`Y ~][x WY V=~^\]Y Â&#x2014;`xW^X` }`Y Ÿ y`\z V]jY ^WY V[XY of contract at the end of the season and though the club had been hoping to convince him to extend his stay, but he has
instead decided to step \Â&#x2014;\yY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`Y Â&#x201E;\U`Y ^{stead. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The decision to quit in the next year as a player ^WY {VXY `\WyY Â&#x20AC;VzY U` Y VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY Y Â&#x2014;\WY VÂ&#x201A;`{Â U^{j`jY about many things dur^{Â&#x201E;YUyYÂ&#x2014;}V]`YÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Yy`\zWY^{Y professional football and also investigated other ^{X`z`WXW Y Y {VÂ&#x2014;Y X}^{Â&#x2039;Y X}`Y time has come to make a cut and me develop both
professionally and personally, â&#x20AC;&#x153;said Rolfes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The time in Lev`zÂ&#x2039;[W`{Y Â&#x2014;\WY Â&#x20AC;VzU\X^Â&#x192;`Y Â&#x20AC;VzYU` Y \y`zYÂŹÂ&#x2013;Y^WY\Y `zU\{Y Â&#x201E;^\{XWY Â&#x2014;^X}Y z`Â&#x201E;[]\zY international presence, here I am become a naX^V{\]Y Â&#x201A;]\y`zqY }`z`Y Y Â&#x2014;\WY able to enjoy the Champions League. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m all employees and decision-makers in X}`Y ~][xqY Â&#x2014;^X}Y Â&#x2014;}VUY Y }\Â&#x192;`Y \]Â&#x2014;\yWY U\^{X\^{`jY very close, personal relationships, grateful that W}`Y j^jY X}^WY Â&#x2014;^X}Y Â&#x201A;VWW^ble. In the summer Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to look back on a great and eventful time \XY \y`zYÂŹÂ&#x2013; Â&#x161; V]Â&#x20AC;`WY `\z{`jY šY ~\Â&#x201A;WY for the Germany national side and featured for his ~V[{XzyY\XYxVX}Y [zVYÂŤÂŹÂŹĂ&#x201C;Y \{jY Vz]jY [Â&#x201A;YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂŹ Having spent the maÂĽVz^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y }^WY ~\z``zY Â&#x2014;^X}Y Leverkusen he made VÂ&#x192;`zY Â&#x2013;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201A;Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\z\{~`WqY W~Vz^{Â&#x201E;Y Â?ÂŹY Â&#x201E;V\]WY ^{Y X}`Y process.
Mentors in high spirit for Championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cup
s the FIBA Africa Championsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cup for men gets underway this weekend in Tunisia, the spirit in the camp of Mark Mentors Basketball Club of Abuja has been described as high. Mark Mentorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach, Peter Ahmedu made the declaration in Abuja, as the X`\UY zV[{jWY V@Y Â&#x201A;z`Â&#x201A;\z\tion for the 10 days championship ending on December, 22, 2014. The former Dodan Warriors of Lagos coach, who is guiding the Abuja based x\WÂ&#x2039;`Xx\]]YW^j`YXVYX}`^zY_zWXY ever club continental championship in Tunis is impressed with the playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; response in training and z`U\^{WY~V{_j`{XYX}\XYX}`yY will do well in the competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had some injuries
Newswatch TIMES
Sports/Basketball and I am happy we have been able to take care of them now. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The spirit of the boys in training is high. So, hopefully, by the time we get to X}`Y_{\]WYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y ][xY }\U-
pionship in Tunisia the team will do well.â&#x20AC;? Ahmedu, who had also handled ASPAC basketball ofCotonou, Benin Republic,has been impressed with the club man-
agement as the team have been well motivated. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The arrangement and preparation for us to get there successfully has been done and the boys have been put into a closed camping for us to have a close watch over them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Also, their allowances have been paid. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But I am hoping that the club Chairman will come out with an amount of money that we will be rewarded with so as to increase the intensity of the motivation,â&#x20AC;? he added just as he appealed to Nigerians to support and pray for the club success in Tunisia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are asking Nigerians to believe in us and pray for us because we are not only going there to take part in the championship but to do the nation proud.
Pillars may shun ACCM
Jesuit coach hails Ikechukwu, Eboigbodin additions
he addition of two 6-foot-9 Nigerian youngsters â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Eke Donatus Ikechukwu and Greg Eboigbodin in Detroit U-D Jesuit boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; basketball squad in the coming season has been hailed as a big boost for the team. Jesuit coach Pat Donnelly made the declaration, while accessing, the quality of players in his team for the new season â&#x20AC;&#x153;We havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t had that kind of size since Jordan Morgan was here in 2009,â&#x20AC;? Donnelly said, looking back on his years with Morgan, who became a University of Michigan standout. Y Â&#x160; XY jV`WY \jjY \Y j^@`zent element to our team, having that shot blocking, having that rebounding, having that scoring in the low post. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something new that we are working with. Our guards are getting used to feeding bigger post players.â&#x20AC;? Both Ikechukwu and Eboigbodin were restricted from playing last year by
the MHSAA after transferring in from Nigeria, the two 15-year-old giants had to wait a whole year on the sidelines to have the opportunity to play. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was tough,â&#x20AC;? Ikechukwu said about having to sit out last season. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going to the games and watching the games every time, it was tough. Seeing my teammates play, I felt kind of shy sometimes but it was tough to me.â&#x20AC;? After being transferred V[XY XVY `WXY ]VVU_`]jY and then brought back after changing host families, both are happy that all of the drama is in the past and they can play for the school that they wanted to play for all along. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last year, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any choice,â&#x20AC;? Eboigbodin said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They were pushing me all over the place. At `WXY ]VVU_`]jqY Y Â&#x201A;]\y`jY summer league with them but I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to go there but I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have any choice. Thank God I made the right decision and I stayed.â&#x20AC;?
Memphis Grizzlies back to winning ways
onship after all. The Nigerian champions, failed to make the cut at the recently held FIBA Â&#x20AC;z^~\Y V{` ŸY Z[\]^_`zWY Stories by in Burkina-Faso, having Francis Ajuonuma placed third but were considered for a wild-card spot espite picking based on their continental up a wild-card consistency in the past sevto compete en years. Pillarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; coach Sani at the 29th }U`jqY Â&#x2014;}VY ~V{_zU`jY FIBA Africa Champions Cup for Men receipt of the wild-card, ÂĄ ¢Y j[{Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y V@Y X}^WY hinted Newswatch Times weekend in Tunisia, Pillars Sports that their chances Basketball Club of Kano of participating in the Tumay not be at the champi- nisia basketball showpiece
looks very slim, considering the short time they have to prepare and sort out the relevant travelling documents for the 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C;day competition, which ends on December 22. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, unfortunately the ]`,`zY Â&#x2014;\WY W`{XY ]\WXY z^j\yY and the competition starts on Wednesday. We have to source for funds from government; so weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still looking for funds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been training since about a week ago, but weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re waiting for the government approval. If there
is money, then weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll go and if there is none, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll not go,â&#x20AC;? he said. Pillars join anotherNigerian side; Mark Mentors basketball club of Abuja to contest for the diadem against 10 other teams- Abidjan Basket Club (Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire), Club Africain (TUN), E.S Rads (TUN), U.S Monastir (TUN), Sporting Club dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Alexandrie (EGY), ASB Mazembe(COD), Malabo Kings (GEQ), CRD Libolo (ANG), C.D Primeiro de Agosto (ANG) and B.C.M
he Memphis Grizzlies returned to winning ways after two straight losses with a 103-87 victory over the Miami Heat on Sunday evening. Jon Leuer came up big for the home side at Fed ExForum with a seasonhigh 20 points and 12 rebounds, while Dwyane Wade led all scorers with ÂŤĂ&#x201A;Y \WY X}`Y `\XY W[@`z`jY their fourth consecutive loss. In the dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s early game, Rajon Rondoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s triple-double helped the Boston Celtics record their third straight win in a 101-93 triumph over the Washington Wizards.
The point-guard had 13 points, 13 rebounds and 11 assists as the Celtics held on in the late stages after surrendering a hefty lead. The Atlanta Hawks now have the joint second-best record in the East with the Wizards after their sixth straight win yesterday afternoon. They beat the Denver Nuggets 96-84, with Paul Millsap top-scoring for the hosts while Wilson Chandlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s season-high of 29 led all scorers. The Dallas Mavericks poured in the biggest total of the night as they cruised past the Milwaukee Bucks 125-102.
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Newswatch Times
Crime Wednesday, December 10, 2014
N211.3 Scam: More witnesses testify against Gbenga Daniel OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has presented another set of witnesses in the trial of a former Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel. Daniel is being prosecuted on a 38-count charge of stealing public funds, bribery, and fraudulent conversion of public property and false declaration of assets to the tune of N211.3million. At the last adjourned date Thursday December 4, 2014, prosecuting counsel, Mr Rotimi Jacobs, SAN, had presented a witness, Mr AJibola kaka, who legal representative of one Mr Adeniyi Adenuga whose land was appropriated by the former governor. In his testimony, Kaka explained to the court how his client, Adenuga called him, sometime in 2004 to tell him X}\XY}`Yz`~`^Â&#x192;`jY\Y]`,`zYÂ&#x20AC;zVUYX}`Y [z`\[YY of Lands and Survey, inviting him for a meeting with the Surveyor General . The outcome of the meeting was that, the government wanted to use his clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s land in Government Reservation Area, GRA, Sagamu for public purpose and that the government will relocate his client to a nearby land. â&#x20AC;&#x153;My client later called to tell me that he Â&#x2014;\WYW\X^W_`jYÂ&#x2014;^X}YX}`Y]\{jYz`Â \]]V~\X`jY to him, but much later, he told me that }`YÂ&#x2014;\WY{VXYÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x192;`{Y\Y]`,`zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y\]]V~\X^V{ Y XY that instant, I advised him to fence the ]\{jY\{jY\]WVY~VUÂ&#x201A;]\^{`jYXVYX}`Y [z`\[Y which he did. However, after the fence was constructed, some people came into the land and started erecting a structure, a twin duplex apartment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At that point when my client told me of the development, I advised him to go and put a gate but he was stopped by the same people constructing the apartment. Eventually, some people from the press met me, requesting for an interview regarding the property and I told them what I knew about itâ&#x20AC;?, he said. Consequently, Kaka said his client called him again, telling him that he Â&#x2014;\WY ^{Â&#x192;^X`jY xyY X}`Y [z`\[Y z`Â&#x201E;\zj^{Â&#x201E;Y the interview he granted to the press and asked Kaka to represent him in the meeting. At the meeting, Kaka said that \YÂ&#x20AC;z`W}YV@`zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y\{VX}`zY]\{jYÂ&#x2014;\WYU\j`Y XVY}^WY~]^`{X Y }`YV@`zYÂ&#x2014;\WY\~~`Â&#x201A;X`jYx[XY compensation was demanded for the fence already constructed on the initial land allocated to Adenuga. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr Akogunu and I agreed on a payment of N2, 500,000 (Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira Only) as compensation to my client which was paid to me in cashâ&#x20AC;?, Kaka said. When asked by Jacobs whether the initial land was used for public purpose \WY WX\X`jY xyY X}`Y [z`\[Y qY \Â&#x2039;\Y W\^jY }`Y discovered that the land was used to build a personal house for the former governor . The defense counsel , Professor Taiwo Osopitan, SAN, while cross examining the witness asked him, whether he was instructed by his client to come and give a testimony. Jacob quickly came in and stressed that his testimony was proper and legal. Justice Olarenwaju upheld the prosecutionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s argument, saying that the witness is a witness of the state. Justice Olarenwaju discharged the Â&#x2014;^X{`WWY\{jY zWY V]\{]`Y y[{[Â&#x201E;\YÂ&#x2014;\WY invited by Jacob as his second witness . Mrs Ayunuga, former Head, Revenue
the testimonies, adjourned proceedings to Friday December 5, 2014. At the resumed hearing on December 5, 2014, Jacobs presented two more witnesses: Christopher Olusanjo Oyebade and Meojuola Oladimeji \j`z^{Â&#x2014;\qYÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;YÂ&#x2014;^X}YX}`Y [z`\[Y of Land and Survey, Abeokuta and \Â&#x201E;\U[Y V{\]Y =~`Yz`WÂ&#x201A;`~X^Â&#x192;`]y }`Y _zWXY Â&#x2014;^X{`WWqY y`x\j`qY \Y z`X^z`jY Assistant Surveyor General, was the z^{~^Â&#x201A;\]Y `~}{^~\]Y =~`zY^{Y x`VÂ&#x2039;[X\Y V{\]Y =~`Y \XY X}`Y X^U`Y X}`Y \]]`Â&#x201E;`jY V@`{~`YÂ&#x2014;\WY~VUU^,`j He explained to the court that sometime in March 2004 the then Surveyor General sent him on \WW^Â&#x201E;{U`{XY Y XVY \Â&#x201E;\U[Y V{\]Y V=~`qY where he carried out survey on a parcel of land at Sagamu GRA as instructed. Exhibit 13 was shown to the witness \{jY}`Y^j`{X^_`jY^XY\WYX}`YÂ&#x17D; šY}`~X\z`WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y land he was asked to survey but denied any knowledge of the original owner of the land when asked by Jacobs. Asked whether there was any building on the land at the time he carried out Ibrahim Lamorde, EFCC Chairman the survey, the witness said there was a dual perimeter fence on the property and beacons at the boundaries which showed that a survey had already been executed on the land. The witness also denied receiving any payment in respect of the survey. The second prosecution witness, \j`z^{Â&#x2014;\YÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x2014;\WYX}`Y V{\]Y [zÂ&#x192;`yVzY ^{Y X}`Y \Â&#x201E;\U[Y V=~`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y [z`\[qY from 2009 to 2012, while explaining what transpired in 2012, disclosed that sometime in 2012 he was accompanied by operatives of EFCC to Sagamu for ^{WÂ&#x201A;`~X^V{Y \{jY ^j`{X^_~\X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y WVU`Y property in Sagamu GRA but could not remember their exact location. He further revealed that after they ^j`{X^_`jY X}`Y ]\{jqY Y VÂ&#x201A;`z\X^Â&#x192;`WY requested for composite plan of the property. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The composite plan comprise of a number of plots. I later subdivided the contents of the plots and revealed the plots as they were before being merged to become oneâ&#x20AC;?, he told the court . The witness was shown the Sagamu Master Plan as well as the composite Â&#x201A;]\{YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y]\{jWYÂ&#x20AC;VzY^j`{X^_~\X^V{ Y }`yY were eventually tendered in evidence Gbenga Daniel, former governor, Ogun State by the prosecution and marked as `~X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y [z`\[Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y \{jWY \{jY Nigeria Limited, Gateway Foundation exhibit 57 and 58 respectively. Survey, in her testimony, disclosed that and others she could not remember. zY \j`z^{Â&#x2014;\Y Â&#x20AC;[zX}`zY XV]jY X}`Y ~V[zXY she was in charge of the preparation She said after going through that exhibit 58 shows that Plots 1a, 1b, of weekly and monthly revenue report X}`^zY z`~VzjqY W}`Y ~V[]jY V{]yY _{jY 1c were merged together with plot 12, \{jYW[Â&#x201A;`zÂ&#x192;^W^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;Yz`Â&#x192;`{[`YWX\@ Y evidence of registration payment and NEPA quarters and another piece of She said sometime in 2012, operatives Administrative charges but the evidence land that was supposed to be a road VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Y ~\U`Y XVY }`zY V=~`qY of premium capital contribution and going by the master plan, to become requesting for evidence of payment in survey were not there. one Plot. Justice Olarenwaju, after listening to all respect of Mr and Mrs G. O Daniel, Aron When asked by the prosecuting counsel if it is normal practice in his profession to conduct a survey on a road, he answered, NO! Y `Y \]WVY ~V{_zU`jY X}\XY X}`Y ~V{X`{XY of exhibit 58 (The composite plan) distorted the master plan of Sagamu. During cross examination, the Defense counsel asked the witness if he knew about the revised version of the Ogun State master plan, to which he answered, no. The defense counsel then requested the court for adjournment in order to produce the revised version of the master plan. Justice Olrenwaju adjourned the case XVY Â&#x17D;šX}Y \{[\zyqY Â&#x2013;X}Y \{jY Ă&#x201A;X}Y `xz[\zyY 2015 for continuation of trial.
When asked by the prosecuting counsel if it is normal practice in his profession to conduct a survey on a road, he answered, # J $ of exhibit 58 (The composite plan) distorted the master plan of Sagamu
Newswatch Times
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Husband kills wife, dumps body in bush over adultery ROBERT AKPAN
smiala Salau, a 45 year old man who is cooling his heels in the net of the Operatives of State Criminal Investigation Department of Lagos Police, has confessed to killing his wife, Silifat Yakubu with pestle and dumped her body in a bush over suspected adulterous act at Badagry area of Lagos. Finding by Newswatch Times revealed that the horrible incident which happened recently at No 18 Igbele Street, Araromi, Badagry, occurred when an argument came up between the couple over the husband’s allegation against his wife to have been involved in adultery. A resident of Araromi who briefed our correspondent on the ugly occurrence explained that; on that fateful day, Ismaila had accused his wife of flirting around, committing adultery within the community. “A friend of mine who narrated the incident to me said when the feud grew stronger between them on that day, Ismaila hit Silifat, his wife with pestle on the forehead and she died almost immediately before she could be rushed to hospital. A police source who reiterated on Ismaila’s confession posited that
Aderanti, Lagos CP
Ismaila, realizing the consequence of what he has done quietly waited for the night to fall and dumped the corpse inside a bush in the village. He added that “Two days later, Ismaila salau, as part of his tactics to cover his evil deed track, headed to police station to and reported
his wife was missing. Meanwhile, before we discovered the corpse whereabouts, a search party was organized by the people in the village explained that their findings over the declared missing woman from her elder brother revealed that her husband, Ismaila had earlier told
him that his wife has travelled on a crucial journey. “After a frantic effort by the search party lead by the Bale of the village, corpse of Silifat was recovered in the bush with different bruises on her body, while the husband was invited for identification of the corpse. But surprisingly, Ismaila declined recognizing the corpse as his late wife. Meanwhile, our investigation revealed that Ismaila before his discovery, had gone back home to destroy all the photographs of his late wife in order for the police or anyone to know what he has done. On how he finally confessed to the crime, source maintained that four days after his first invitation by police over the case, the head of the village invited police operatives to arrest his for more investigation after which some evidences and findings had proved him to be the first suspect of his wife’s death. “After series of interrogations and tortures, Ismaila confessed to the crime, saying that his wife was going out with so many men, committing adultery within the village”. He added that Ismaila salau, the father of two who is an indigene of Ilorin, Kwara, state would be charged to court as ongoing investigation on the case is concluded.
Accident victims left to die slowly by men of Lagos State Ambulance Service ADELEKE ADESANYA
hat looks like a tale from fairy land played out in Lagos over the weekend, as two accident victims one by moving train and the other by a hit and run driver were left to die slowly by the Lagos State Emergency Agency who despite the numerous calls put through their emergency numbers, refused to come to their aid. One of the victims who was able to mutter his name as Tayo and who says he resides at No 10 Arogun Street Iyana-Ipaja a suburb of Lagos was said to have been knocked down by a hit and run driver around the Ile Zik area of Ikeja while the other victim who was said to have mental challenges was hit by a moving train around the railway crossing also in the same area. When our correspondent visited the scene of both accidents, the victims were seen soaked in their blood and writhing in pains. One Mr. Obinna Ede who incidentally is a member of the Red Cross Society told our correspondent that with the cooperation of some members of the public immediately rushed the victim to the Lagos State Teaching Hospital where the victim was treated and hurriedly discharged on the excuse that medical staffs were on strike The train accident victim who gave her name as Toyin but could not vividly describe her home address was brought back to the scene of the accident by the now distraught Mr. Ede and his accomplice who could not fathom why the medical
Tayo, a victim
personnel they met at the General Hospital could have turned back an accident victim which such glaring shattered leg on the spurious excuse that medical staffs. It was on the strength of this information that our correspondent who arrived at the scene at about 9.54am immediately pulled calls through to all the emergency lines which embarrassingly kept assuring that an ambulance was on the way. At exactly two hours of waiting for an ambulance that was not forth-coming, our correspondent called on Mr. Balogun, the Officer-in Charge of the Ikeja terminus of the Nigeria Railways who said he was never informed by any of his staffs that there was any incident of an accident, he immediately called the Lagos State Ambulances Services and subsequently followed our correspondent to the spot where the victim lay groaning in pain. The waiting game was to continue because sadly and very unfortunate his efforts could not pull the men of Lagos State out to come to the aid of two Lagosians who were accident victims. As at time of filing this report hours after the promise made by Lagos State officials to come to the rescue of the victims the victims lay under the scorching sun waiting to die.
Toyin, another victim
Prof. Niyi Osundare: Award winning satiric poet, writer OLADELE DADA
rof. Niyi Osundare is among the writers whose scholastic skills have not gone unnoticed.
`Y^WY\YÂ&#x20AC;\~XY_{j`zY\{jY{VX}^{Â&#x201E;Y best describes this poet than that he is an enigma. When it comes to the world of writing, Niyi Osundare is \{Y ^UÂ&#x201A;VzX\{XY _Â&#x201E;[z`Y Â&#x2014;}VW`Y Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x2014;`WWY ~\{{VXY x`Y Z[\{X^_`j Y `Y }\WY [W`jY both his academic and writing skills to impart creditably the education sector and the society at large. He is a man rolled into many. He is a poet, dramatist, literary critic, essayist and media columnist. Prof. Osundare WY \Y Â&#x201A;V`XqY }`Y }\WY Â&#x2014;z^,`{Y VÂ&#x192;`zY X`{Y volumes of poetry, two books of selected poems, four plays, a book of essays and numerous articles on literature, language, culture and society. Prof. Osundare was born in 1947 in Ikere-Ekiti, in Ekiti State. He was educated on three continents. He bagged B.A. (Honours) from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria; M.A. from the University of Leeds in England, and Ph.D. from York University, Toronto, Canada. The wide and varied exposure accruing from this has proved very useful for his writing and teaching careers. He began his teaching career at the University of Ibadan in 1974 and rose to the position of a full professor there in 1989. From 1993 to 1997, he was the chair of its Department of English. He was a Fulbright scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, from 1990 to 1991, and in 1991/92, an associate professor of English at the University of New Orleans, where he returned as full professor in 1997, and was selected university research professor in 2001. His areas of specialization are African literature, literature of the African Diaspora, literary stylistics, socio-linguistics, and creative writing. He has always been a vehement champion of the right to free speech and is a strong believer in the power VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2014;VzjWqY W\y^{Â&#x201E;Ă&#x2014;Y Â&#x160; VY [,`zY ^WY XVY alter.â&#x20AC;? Osundare is renowned for his commitment to socially relevant art and artistic activism and has Â&#x2014;z^,`{Y W`Â&#x192;`z\]Y \zX^~]`WY XVY W`{W^X^Â&#x;`Y the government on good governance. Osundare believes that there is no choice for the African poet but to be political. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You cannot keep quiet about the situation in the kind of countries we _{jY V[zW`]Â&#x192;`WY ^{qY ^{Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\ Y }`{Y you wake up and there is no running water, when you have a massive power outage for days and nights, no food on the table, no hospital for the sick, no peace of mind; when the image of the ruler you see everywhere is that of a dictator with a gun in his hand; and, on the international level, when you live in a world in which your continent is consigned to the margin, a world in which the colour of your skin is a constant disadvantage,
Prof. Osundare
everywhere you go â&#x20AC;&#x201C; then there is no other way than to write about this, in \{Y\,`UÂ&#x201A;XYXVY~}\{Â&#x201E;`YX}`YW^X[\X^V{YÂ&#x20AC;VzY X}`Yx`,`zqÂ&#x161;Y}`YVÂ&#x201A;^{^V{\X`j Under the rule of the dictator, Gen. Sani Abacha (1993-1998), Osundare regularly contributed poems to a Nigerian national newspaper (now part of the collection Songs of the Season) that criticised the regime and commented upon the lives of people in Nigeria. As a result, he was frequently visited by security agents and asked to explain his poems and to whom they referred. Following his contributions to
humanity and the country, President Goodluck Jonathan, recently conferred the 2014 National Order of Merit Award on Prof. Niyi Osundare, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. He emerged the 71st recipient of the award which was begun in 1979 with the investiture of the late renowned author, Chinua Achebe. The highest and the most prestigious honour Nigeria bestows on its citizens at home and in the Diaspora -- for intellectual and academic contributions for national and ^{X`z{\X^V{\]YW^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{~` He was presented with a medal
Following his contributions to humanity and the country, President Goodluck Jonathan recently conferred the 2014 National Order of Merit Award on Prof. Niyi Osundare
\{jY ~`zX^_~\X`Y Â&#x2014;}^]`Y X}`Y \Â&#x2014;\zjY \]WVY has a N10 million cash reward which the President said would be made available to the winner electronically. President Jonathan commended the organizers of the award for doing an excellent job in the scrutinizing and selection of the award recipients. He \]WVY \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;z`~^\X`jY X}`Y `@VzXWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y governing board of the award for sustaining the highly commendable award such as National Order of Merit which has spanned over 35 years. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The awardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s standard has never fallen below expectation. With only one awardee this year, the total number of Nigerians who have been honoured now stands at 71. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This merit-driven evaluation procedure underlines the selection of the winners of the award must be maintained and we have to thank the Chairman and the team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have no doubt that Prof. Niyi Osundare, our awardee this year meets our nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expectation and like others who have received this prestigious award and hold high the banner of creativity and intellectual development. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no doubt also that the knowledge, expertise and contributions of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s recipient will x`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ^UU`{W`Y x`{`_XY XVY V[zY VÂ&#x192;`z\]]Y development agenda, in particular, the successful implementation of this administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformation `@VzXW Â&#x161; As a point of fact, the Chairman, Governing Board of the award, Prof. EtimEssien, disclosed that the panel of assessors found Prof. Osundare worthy as the lone recipient of the award among the 22 nominees who were evaluated by the Governing Board and its four specialized ~VUU^,``WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y\WW`WWVzW Essien described the awardee as â&#x20AC;&#x153;a Â&#x201A;zV]^_~YÂ&#x2014;z^X`zqYjz\U\X^WXY\{jY]^X`z\zyY critic, a champion of the right to free speech and a strong believer in the power of words.â&#x20AC;? Prof Niyi Osundare is a holder of numerous awards for his poetry, as well as the Fonlon/Nichols award for â&#x20AC;&#x153;excellence in literary ~z`\X^Â&#x192;^XyY ~VUx^{`jY Â&#x2014;^X}Y W^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{XY contributions to Human Rights in Africa.â&#x20AC;? He was applauded by the administrators of the award, which he described as a reward of hard work and continuous advocacy of good governance. He has been an exponent of doing things right, even when he was in active academic service. There is no student that passes through Niyi Osundare that will not testify to his `=~\~y Y \{yY VÂ&#x20AC;Y }^WY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x201A;VW^X^V{WY and challenges he encountered when lecturing was well captured in his inaugural book: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The universe of the university.â&#x20AC;? There, he explained how the University of Ibadan which happened to be his alma mater lost its sovereignty and autonomy. He also Â&#x201A;zV@`z`jY WV][X^V{WY XVY X}`Y ~}\]]`{Â&#x201E;`WY the university has been facing.
Midweek Pulse Dame Jonathan advocates legislation on education of girl child WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014
he Nigerian girl child has always been relegated when it comes to education. It is an age long practice that has its root in both religious and cultural believes. As a result, it has strongly impeded the education of a girl child. In some cultures in Africa, it is ludicrously said that the place of a woman is in the kitchen, while others believe that when a woman is empowered with knowledge, she becomes uncontrollable, for these reasons therefore and myriad of VX}`zWY \{yY \,`UÂ&#x201A;XY X}zV[Â&#x201E;}Y \{yY means to change such cultural j^WÂ&#x201A;VW^X^V{YU``XWYWX^@YVÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VW^X^V{ Statistics show that out of the 774 million illiterate adults worldwide, 64 per cent are women. According to Gender Statistics of 2010, this statistic virtually has not changed from the early 1990s. As a result, the United Nations Millennium Development Goal (MDG) is set to promote gender equality and empower women by using education as its target and the measure of gender disparity in education as its indicator of Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x201E;z`WW Y }zV[Â&#x201E;}YX}`Y`@VzXWYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y international community, the UN hopes to eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education in all levels of education not later than 2015. It was against this backdrop and the renewed campaign for the liberation of tomorrowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s women through education that the wife of the president, Dame Patience Jonathan, stressed the need for a legislate instrument to protect the right of education of the girl child. Speaking at a dinner organized ^{Y}V{V[zYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Yz`X^z`jY_zWXYÂ&#x20AC;`U\]`Y Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Aloma Murtar by the Northern Women Progressive Initiative, Mrs. Jonathan stressed the need for a legislative instrument that will protect the right of education of the girl child. Dame Patience Jonathan said that Justice Muktar impressive rise to power in the judicial system in Nigeria supports the importance of girl child education adding that the retired Chief Justice is not just a pride to women in the northern Nigeria, but all Nigerian women. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She did not only contribute immensely to the reform of our judiciary system, she has and will continue to be an epitome of apostasy of wrong judicial system.â&#x20AC;? The wife of the vice president, Hajiya Amina Namadi Sambo who hosted the dinner under the auspices of Northern Women Progressive Initiative said that Justice Muktar
L-R: Dame Patience Jonathan, Rtd. Chief Justice of Nigeria Aloma Muktar, President Goodluck Jonathan }\jY^{Y\YW}VzXYX^U`Y\@`~X`jYÂ&#x201A;VW^X^Â&#x192;`Y reforms in the judiciary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;A fact by her colleagues and associates and all those that have come in contact with her as the most incorruptible judge in Nigeria, we hope that the new Chief Justice of Nigeria will continue the good work that she has started.â&#x20AC;? She said. Arc. Yemisi Suswan, the First Lady of Benue State spoke on behalf of the wives of Northern States Governors , said that Justice Muktar is a great inspiration to women and urged women to learn from her successful story which was engendered by education and determination. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is great to identify women who can truly do us proud and inspire others.â&#x20AC;? Justice Aloma Muktar was glad by the honour done to her and thanked President Goodluck Jonathan for the opportunity to serve as the
countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number one judge. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve said so many things, but if this is what it will take XVYxz^{Â&#x201E;Y\xV[XY\Yx`,`zYÂĽ[j^~^\zyYX}\XY the people will trust to have justice then so be it and the reward is what you are seeing now.â&#x20AC;? Retired Chief Justice of the federation is described as indeed \Y Â&#x2014;VU\{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y U\{yY _zWXWĂ&#x2019;Y X}`Y _zWXY Â&#x20AC;`U\]`Y ]\Â&#x2014;y`zY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`Y {VzX}qY _zWXY female high court judge from the {VzX}qY X}`Y _zWXY Â&#x20AC;`U\]`Y z`Â&#x201E;^WXz\zY ^{Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\qY\{jY_{\]]yYX}`Y_zWXYÂ&#x20AC;`U\]`Y chief justice in Nigeria. It will be recalled that Justice Muktarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appointment and assumption of duty as the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 13th Chief Justice of Nigeria on Monday, July 16, 2012 by President Goodluck Jonathan was remarkable. The process of her \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;V^{XU`{XY WX\zX`jY Â&#x2014;^X}Y \Y ]`,`zY which the president sent to the Senate nominating her for the prime
She did not only contribute immensely to the reform of our judiciary system, she has and will continue to be an epitome of apostasy of wrong judicial system
ÂĽ[j^~^\]YV=~` Y Born on November 20, 1944, Kano State born Justice Aloma \z^\UY [Â&#x2039;}X\zY \,`{j`jY X Y Georgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Primary School, Zaria, St. Bartholomewâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s School, Wusasa, Zaria, Rossholme School for Girls, East Brent, Somerset, England, Reading Technical College, Reading, Berkshire, England, Gibson and Weldon College of Law, England. She was called to the English Bar in absentia in November, 1966 and to the Nigerian Bar in 1967. Mukhtar began her career in 1967 as Pupil State Counsel, Ministry of Justice, Northern Nigeria and rose through the ranks. She worked ^{Y =~`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y `Â&#x201E;\]Y z\Â&#x20AC;XWU\{qY Interim Common Services Agency, Magistrate Grade I, North Eastern State Government, 1971, Chief Registrar, Kano State Government Judiciary, 1973, Judge of the High Court of Kano State, 1977â&#x20AC;&#x201D;1987, Justice of the Court of Appeal of Nigeria, Ibadan division, 1987â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1993, Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, 2005â&#x20AC;&#x201D;2012 and Chief Justice of Nigeria, 2012 - 2014. Known as a liberal, highly principled, calm, and with an aversion to acts inimical to due process and the course of justice, some of the highlights of the prominent political cases she was involved was when she, Justices George Oguntade and Walter Onnoghen, almost voided the outcome of the 2007 election that brought the late President Musa Yarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Adua and Goodluck Jonathan to power. While the quartet of Justices Kutigi, Katsina-Alu, Niki Tobi and Dahiru Musdapher dismissed the appeal by then presidential candidate of the All Nigerian Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Party (ANPP), Justices Mukhtar, George Oguntade and Onnoghen held a dissenting view. They maintained that the allegation of substantial non-compliance with the Electoral Act 2006 was proved by the petitioner. Her awards of honour during the course of her meritorious service ^{~][j`Ă&#x2019;Y \Y V]jY `z^XY Â&#x2014;\zjY in1993 for her Contribution to the Development of Law in Kano State. She was recognised by the International Federation of Women Lawyers in 1989 and 2003 and was inducted to the Nigerian Hall of fame in 2005. Conferred with the Nigerian National Honour of the Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger (GCON) by President Goodluck Jonathan, she is a life member of the International Association of Women Lawyers.
Midweek Pulse
Politicization of national health policies responsible for sectoral challenges â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Dr Obembe $ & ' ! ( $ ) * + + + - / -+ OKEY OBIOZO
uring the meeting of the National Council of Nigeria Medical Association (NCNMA) recently, in Jos, Plateau State, where over 400 doctors \,`{j`jYÂ&#x20AC;zVUY\~zVWWYX}`YÂ&#x20AC;`j`z\X^V{qY z Y Kayode Obembe, the president of the association said that the politicization of national health policies is responsible for X}`Y~}\]]`{Â&#x201E;`WYx`^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;\~`jY^{YX}`YW`~XVz
`Y \jU^,`jY X}\XY X}V[Â&#x201E;}Y Â&#x201E;\^{WY }\Â&#x192;`Y been recorded in the sector over the last decade, the country should not lose focus of the aims of the founding fathers which is to make the health system one of the x`WXY^{YX}`YÂ&#x2014;Vz]j The Supervisory Minister of Health, Dr Khaliru Alhassan, who was represented by the Chief Medical Director of Jos {^Â&#x192;`zW^XyY `\~}^{Â&#x201E;Y VWÂ&#x201A;^X\]qY zVÂ&#x20AC; Y Edmund Banwat, noted governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolve towards ensuring best services within the available resources at the Z[^~Â&#x2039;`WXYÂ&#x201A;VWW^x]`YX^U` }`Y ^{^WX`zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y \X`zY `WV[z~`WqY zW Y Sara Ochepe, who was represented by }`zY `{^VzY Â&#x201A;`~^\]Y WW^WX\{XqY zVÂ&#x20AC; Y ^x^WY \^]\_\qY `UÂ&#x201A;}\W^Â&#x;`jY X}`Y zV]`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2014;\X`zY in promoting and sustaining the health of Nigerians, especially through water W\{^X\X^V{Y\{jY}yÂ&#x201E;^`{`Y~\UÂ&#x201A;\^Â&#x201E;{ Y zW Y ~}`Â&#x201A;`Y~\]]`jYV{Y YXVY_Â&#x201E;}XY quackery, illegal health institutions and fake drugs that has contributed in denting the image of the country in the ~VU^XyYVÂ&#x20AC;Y{\X^V{W The Governor of Plateau State, Jonah Jang, who was represented by the state Commissioner for Education, Paul White, stated that the state is working on strategies that will enhance health workers retention which will encourage X}`UYXVYÂ&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;Y^{YX}`Yz[z\]Y\z`\W Y The Plateau State Chairman of Nigeria `j^~\]Y WWV~^\X^V{Y ÂĄ ¢qY z Y VÂ&#x2039;VÂ&#x201A;Y Hopeweather, described the theme of X}^WYy`\z WYU``X^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;}^~}YÂ&#x2014;\WYÂ&#x160; =~^`{XY Healthcare Delivery: An Indicator of Good Governance,â&#x20AC;? and he harped especially on it as the country approaches X}`YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y`]`~X^V{W Meanwhile, the ongoing strike of the
V^{XY `\]X}Y `~XVzY {^V{Y }\WY \@`~X`jY the smooth running of the health sector ^{Y{VY]^,]`YU`\{W In Abuja, some residents who are victims of the strike embarked upon by the union in the state are full of ]\U`{X\X^V{W Y Â&#x160; }`z`Y \z`Y {VY Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;`zWY }`z`Y \{jY {VxVjyY ^WY Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E; Y }`{Y Y came here, it was only the doctors who were working and Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m surprised over the j`Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;U`{XqÂ&#x161;YW\^jY ]}^z[Y }U`j â&#x20AC;&#x153;I recently gave birth to a baby boy X}zV[Â&#x201E;}Y Y \{jY Â UY }`z`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY UyY Xz`\XU`{X Y Y ÂĽ[WXY ~\U`Y ^{XVY X}`Y }VWÂ&#x201A;^X\]Y \{jY YjV{Â XYz`\]]yYÂ&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;YÂ&#x2014;}\XYXVYjV Y XY^WY V{]yYX}`YjV~XVzWYX}\XY\z`YÂ&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E; Â&#x161; Though the union has been admonished XVY W}`\X}`Y X}`^zY WÂ&#x2014;VzjqY \{jY XVY _{jY \Y lasting solution to the crises in the interest of patients, the situation has resulted in {V{Â \jU^,\{~`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y{`Â&#x2014;YÂ&#x201A;\X^`{XWYW^{~`YX}`Y process for such has been hampered by X}`Y^{j[WXz^\]Y\~X^V{ The strike which started on November 19, 2014, initially involved only federal health institutions but by last week the `@`~XY}\WY^{~z`\W`jYÂ&#x2014;}`{YWX\X`Y\{jY]V~\]Y government health institutions joined X}`Y\~X^V{ The Vice Chairman of Joint Health `~XVzY {^V{qY z Y y[x\Y \x\qY
Obembe, NMA President highlighted the demands of the striking union as: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Non-promotion of our members from salary CONHESS 14 to 15 as directors having stayed for 14 and 15 years on the same salary grade level in spite of the provision on our various W~}`U`WYVÂ&#x20AC;YW`zÂ&#x192;^~` â&#x20AC;&#x153;The immediate release of circular on the adjustment of salaries since January 2014, that is due our members because there was a process of collective agreement between the federal government and the Joint Health Sector {^V{ The National Secretary of the union, [W[@Y \jU[WqY W\^jY X}\XY X}V[Â&#x201E;}Y W`z^`WY of meetings have been held with the Ministry of Health but without any Â&#x201A;VW^X^Â&#x192;`Yz`W[]X Y â&#x20AC;&#x153;The doctors, whom they believe can take care of everything and do the work of other health professionals, cannot do ^X Y VYXVY\{yY}VWÂ&#x201A;^X\]Y\{jYW``qY`Â&#x192;`zyÂ&#x2014;}`z`Y ^WY~]VW`jqÂ&#x161;Y}`Y^{Â&#x20AC;VzU`j
Dr. Alhassan, Health Minister An eye witness at Wuse General Hospital, in Abuja, confessed that the doctors are handicapped in the successful performance of their duties due to the absence of the usual assistance they get Â&#x20AC;zVUYVX}`zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y}`\]X}YÂ&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;`zW Especially is the treatment of `U`zÂ&#x201E;`{~yY~\W`WYÂ&#x2014;}^~}YX}`YjV~XVzWY_{jY j^=~[]XY XVY }\{j]`Y Â&#x2014;^X}V[XY X}`Y }`]Â&#x201A;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y other professionals, so the result is that patients are turned back with a promise XVY\,`{jYXVYX}`^zY~\W`WY\WYWVV{Y\WYÂ&#x201A;VWW^x]`Y which has not been possible due to the WXz^Â&#x2039;` It is a known fact that hospitals cannot function without the services of other Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x20AC;`WW^V{\]WY^{YX}`Y}`\]X}YW`~XVz â&#x20AC;&#x153;Patients are coming but there is nobody to make payment to, nobody to issue cards, even though doctors are on ground to work, when all these things are not in place doctors really canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039; Â&#x161; The Minister of Health, Dr Khaliru
The ongoing strike of the Joint Health Sector Union has affected the smooth running of the health sector in no little means
Alhassan, insisted that most of the demands of the union have been met \{jYX}\XYX}`YWXz^Â&#x2039;`Y^WY[{~\]]`jYÂ&#x20AC;Vz â&#x20AC;&#x153;The union demanded for adjustment of salary for the union members, it was done as it was done for NMA to match one-to-one including the payment of two months arrears for adjustment on qY\YW[x ~VUU^,``YÂ&#x2014;\WYW`XY[Â&#x201A;Y XVY ]VVÂ&#x2039;Y ^{XVY X}`Y _{\{~^\]Y ^UÂ&#x201A;]^~\X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y these demands and the report has been W[xU^,`jY \{jY \Y W[UY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Ă&#x201C; Â?Y x^]]^V{Y was computed by the National Salaries, {~VU`Y\{jY \Â&#x201E;`WY VUU^WW^V{ Â&#x161;Y In Lagos State, on a visit to the once ever busy Lagos Island Hospital on Broad Xz``XqY X}`Y WXVzyY ^WY {VXY j^@`z`{XY \WY X}`Y place looks scanty with very few patients W``{Y \XY X}`Y }VWÂ&#x201A;^X\]Y Â&#x201A;z`U^W`W Y }`Y reception area that used to be jammed with people seeking for information was `UÂ&#x201A;XyY \{jY X}`z`Y Â&#x2014;\WY {VY V=~`zY V{Y X}`Y ^{Â&#x20AC;VzU\X^V{Yj`WÂ&#x2039;Y\XYX}`YX^U`YVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;^W^X At the Family Medical Department and Surgical Out-Patient Department, jV~XVzWY Â&#x2014;`z`Y W``{Y V{Y j[XyY \,`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y to patients alone except for few nurses that were seen on duty wearing mufti in WV]^j\z^XyYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`YWXz^Â&#x2039;` The casualty section of the hospital W``UWYXVYx`YX}`YÂ&#x2014;VzWXY}^X Y }`Y[{^XYÂ&#x2014;}^~}Y used to be crowded with patients and X}`^zYÂ&#x20AC;\U^]yYU`Ux`zWYÂ&#x2014;\WY\]UVWXY`UÂ&#x201A;Xy Y The few nurses found at the section were \]WVY^{YU[Â&#x20AC;X^ A pathetic case was that of a patient who was found lying on the iron seat placed at the entrance of the unit with }^WY Â&#x192;VU^XY [{\,`{j`jY XV Y `Y Â&#x2014;\WY W``{Y lying there probably because there was {VYV=~`zYXVYÂ&#x201A;zV~`WWY}^WY\jU^WW^V{YÂ&#x2014;}^]`Y the medical doctors at the unit seemed }`]Â&#x201A;]`WW Y ^X}Y X}`Y W^X[\X^V{Y Â&#x201E;`,^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;VzW`qY however, the Health Minister has urged the striking union to go back to work in X}`Y^{X`z`WXYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;\X^`{XW
Midweek Pulse
Increased access to family planning information averts maternal, child deaths –Report
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A woman accessing Family Planning `@`~X^ `qY }^ } y^`]jY ^{X`z `{X^V{WY X}\XY `§^WXY XVj\y }`Y ^U VzX\{~`Y V Y \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y ^{Y z`j[~^{ YU\X`z{\]Y\{jY~}^]jYUVzX\]^XyY~\{{VXY x`Y V `zY `U }\W^W`j Y \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y }`] WY XV×Y z` `{XY [{^{X`{j`jY z` {\{~^`WY \{jY X}`Y {[Ux`zYV Y[{W\ `]yY `z VzU`jY\xVzX^V{W \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y ~V[]jY \]WVqY z` `{XY \WY U\{yY\WYV{`Y^{Y` `zyYX}z``YU\X`z{\]Yj`\X}WY xyY \]]V ^{ Y VU`{Y XVY j`]\yY UVX}`z}VVjqY W \~`Y x^zX}WqY \ V^jY [{^{X`{j`jY z` {\{~^`WY \{jY\xVzX^V{WqY\{jYWXV Y~}^]jYx`\z^{ Y }`{Y X}`yY}\ `Yz`\~}`jYX}`^zYj`W^z`jY \U^]yYW^ ` {Y jj^X^V{qY \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y }`] WY ^{Y z`j[~^{ Y ~}^]jY UVzX\]^XyÒY \ X`zY ^ ^{ Y x^zX}qY \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y ~\{Y }`] Y VU`{Y \^XY \XY ]`\WXY X VY y`\zWY x` Vz`Y Xzy^{ Y XVY x`~VU`Y z` {\{XY \ \^{qY X}`z`xyY z`j[~^{ Y {` xVz{qY ^{ \{XqY \{jY ~}^]jY j`\X}WY W^ {^_~\{X]y Y ]WVqY ``{Y z` {\{~^`WY VW`Y }`\]X}Y z^W WY {VXY V{]yY VzY X}`Y x\x^`WY x[XY \]WVY VzY X}`Y yV[{ Y UVX}`zWqY \zX^~[]\z]yY X}VW`Y [{j`zY \ `Y Ó Y \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y ~\{Y }`] Y yV[{ Y VU`{Y \ V^jY }\ ^{ Y ~}^]jz`{Y j[z^{ Y X}^WY }^ } z^W Y X^U`Y\{jY\]WVY\ V^jYX}`YWV~^\]Y\{jY`~V{VU^~Y ~V{W`Z[`{~`WYV Y`\z]yY~}^]jYx`\z^{ [zX}`zY UVz`ÒY \U^]yY ]\{{^{ Y z`j[~`WY j`\X}WY zVUY Y }`Y ~V{W^WX`{XY \{jY ~Vzz`~XY [W`Y V Y ~V{jVUWY ~\{Y W^ {^_~\{X]yY z`j[~`YX}`Yz\X`YV Y{` Y Y^{ `~X^V{W Y \{yY
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The importance of family planning in reducing maternal and child mortality cannot be over emphasised. Family planning helps to: prevent unintended pregnancies and the number of unsafely performed abortions
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City & State WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014
FG moves to ensure safety at workplace TAYO SALAMI
afety at workplace is one of the moral responsibilities employersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; owed their employees. Employers should provide all the basic necessities that will prevent their employers from Â&#x201E;`,^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{ÂĽ[z`jY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y ~\zzy^{Â&#x201E;Y V[XY X}`^zY duties. Federal and state governments strictly regulate organizational safety practices. The government views safety violations very seriously, and the penalties for violating safety laws can be quite severe. In a bid to reposition pressure vessels ^{WÂ&#x201A;`~X^V{Y WyWX`UY Â&#x20AC;VzY `@`~X^Â&#x192;`Y W`zÂ&#x192;^~`WY delivery, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity in collaboration with U\ÂĽVzYWX\Â&#x2039;`}V]j`zWYVzÂ&#x201E;\{^W`jY\Yz`Â&#x20AC;z`W}`zYY and assessment exercise for revalidation VÂ&#x20AC;Y`§^WX^{Â&#x201E;Y~`zX^_~\X`WY\{jYX}`Y~`zX^_~\X^V{Y of new applicants recently in Lagos. Speaking at the event, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Dr. Clement Illoh, who was represented by the Director VÂ&#x20AC;Y \~XVz^`WqY zW Y V_W\XY zVÂ&#x201E;[{j\j`qYY said the training represents another U\ÂĽVzY ^{X`zÂ&#x192;`{X^V{Y V{Y \Y ~z^X^~\]Y \WÂ&#x201A;`~XY of the mandates of the Ministry that have been faced with some challenges in recent times. Illoh also noted that the four-day exercise aimed at enhancing technical capacities of authorised inspectors and assessing their level of competence for purpose or revalidating existing ~`zX^_~\X`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y~VUÂ&#x201A;`X`{~`Y\{jY^WW[\{~`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y new ones, adding that. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Competence focus is in respect of statutory inspection of pressure vessel was to address current challenges and to keep in tune with international best practise.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pressure vessels are of critical use in heavy duty industries. The equipment, however pose high risk as they are prone to failures due to abuse, misuse, poor maintenance and integrity-related Â&#x201A;zVx]`UW Y }`Y \~XVz^`WY ~XY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j`WY for the basic component requirement, equipment usage, checks and routine inspection for sound integrity. It provides for statutory inspection of steam boilers and other pressure vessels by persons approved by the Director of Factories.â&#x20AC;? ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;YXVY}^UqYÂ&#x160; Â&#x192;`zYX}`Yy`\zWqYX}`Y process has not witnessed any review in concurrent with contemporary global standards and local challenged. Thus, this programme kick started with various stakeholders meetings for necessary inputs to improve the entire process.â&#x20AC;? }`YÂ&#x201A;`zU\{`{XYW`~z`X\zyY\jU^,`jYX}\XY X}`Y \X^V{\]Y ~~[Â&#x201A;\X^V{\]Y \Â&#x20AC;`XyY \{jY the health system required the support and contributions of all stakeholders for `@`~X^Â&#x192;`{`WW Y He urged various professionals and sectoral institutions to collaborate and continuously consult for a sustainable national focus. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The process of appointment of approved persons and authorised inspectors should continue to involve appropriate consultation with stakeholders. New applicants shall undergo induction training and transparent assessment while every authorised inspector shall be expected to undergo regular capacity building workshops for continuous development. The Ministry would also ensure continuous auditing of the companies involved in inspection of lifting
......Trains authorised inspectors of pressure vessels
Stakeholders and participants at the training organised by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity recently in Lagos.
equipment to sustain their capacities.â&#x20AC;? he stated. ]WVqY zW Y V_W\XY zVÂ&#x201E;[{j\j`qY X}`Y Director of Factories, Federal Ministry VÂ&#x20AC;Y \xV[zY \{jY zVj[~X^Â&#x192;^XyY j`_{`jY \Y pressure vessel as a closed container designed to hold gases or liquids at a Â&#x201A;z`WW[z`YW[xWX\{X^\]]yYj^@`z`{XYÂ&#x20AC;zVUYX}`Y ambient pressure. }`Y W\^jqY Â&#x160; }`Y Â&#x201A;z`WW[z`Y j^@`z`{X^\]Y is dangerous and fatal accidents have occurred in the history of pressure vessel development and operation. Pressure vessel can become time bombs if the statutory inspections are not done regularly, promptly and correctly. They are required to be of good construction, sound material, and adequate strength, free from patent defects and be properly maintained for safe use in the workplaces. Pressure vessels failure can be fatal and ~V{W^j`z`jY \Y U\ÂĽVzY }\Â&#x;\zj Y {Y Â&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}^WqY U[~}Y \,`{X^V{Y ^WY z`Z[^z`jY xyY X}`Y \~XVz^`WY ~XY ÂŤÂŹÂŹÂ&#x2013;Y \{jY X}`Y ^{`z\]Y ^]WY ÂĄ \Â&#x20AC;`Xy¢Y ~XWYXVYx`YÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x192;`{YXVYU\^{X`{\{~`qY repairs and prompt examination of these critical plants that are commonly used in the workplaces.â&#x20AC;? She added. zVÂ&#x201E;[{j\j`Y WXz`WW`jY Â&#x20AC;[zX}`zY X}\XY safety and health at work is synonymous with productivity quest.
}`Y [zÂ&#x201E;`jY X}\XY `Â&#x192;`zyY `@VzXY U[WXY x`Y made to ensure safety and health center on plant and process integrity, which according to her, is the main requirement Â&#x20AC;VzY`=~^`{XYÂ&#x201A;zVj[~X^V{ Y In her words: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Equally, production done with minimum loss due to j\U\Â&#x201E;`WqYW^~Â&#x2039;{`WWqY^{ÂĽ[z^`WqY\xW`{X``^WUY and compensation, signals improved productivity. Well maintained and examined pressure vessels perform optimally and pose less risk to the investment,â&#x20AC;? she stated. In the same vein, Engineer Tunde Liadi disclosed that the populace needs this refresher course to educate them on the importance of safe use of steam boilers and other pressure vessels. ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY }^UqY Â&#x160; {Y \jÂ&#x192;\{~`jY countries, safety of these equipment starts from the manufacturer. They comply with strict regulations and code in order to market their products. In Europe, United States, India and many other countries, boilers and pressure vessel must comply with respectively the Pressure Equipment Directive, ÂĄ ¢qY ^XY U[WXY x`Y ~`zX^_`jY W\Â&#x20AC;`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY [W`Y xyY \{Y ^{j`Â&#x201A;`{j`{XY {VX^_`jY xVjyqY XVY ensure compliance with all regulations. In Nigeria, we are doing the same, but
Pressure vessels are of critical use in heavy duty industries. The equipment, however pose high risk as they are prone to failures due to abuse, misuse, poor maintenance and integrity-related problems
it has not been easy because of peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s \,^X[j`Y XVÂ&#x2014;\zjWY W\Â&#x20AC;`Xy Y VY \~}^`Â&#x192;`Y X}^WY feat and come out shining like other countries, we must put in our best, we must be determined and we must be passionate about safety.â&#x20AC;? Liadi advised that all hands must be on deck as it is expedient and germane for all boiler and pressure vessels users, to comply with the international boiler and pressure vessel code which establishes rules of safety governing the design, fabrication and inspection of the power plant equipment during construction. Liadi also noted that the Lagos state government established an arm of Lagos State Safety Commission, (LSSC), to help ensure the safety of her citizens, adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;LSSC is saddled with the responsibility of ensuring that safety is a lifestyle in Lagos and one of its responsibilities is to ensure that all owners of elevators and allied vertical transportation equipment in Lagos state are safe for usage. Government cannot do it alone; the Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x201A;[]\~`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y XVY ~}\{Â&#x201E;`Y X}`^zY \,^X[j`Y towards safetyâ&#x20AC;?. Corroborating other speakers at the programme, the Zonal Director (South-West) of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity, Dr. Ifeoma {y\{Â&#x2014;[X\Â&#x2039;[Y W\^jY X}`Y Xz\^{^{Â&#x201E;Y ^WY ^{Y line with the mandatory requirements for safe use of plants as provided for in X}`Y \~XVz^`WY ~XqY \Â&#x201A;Y Â&#x17D;qY \Â&#x2014;WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y `j`z\X^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\qYÂŤÂŹÂŹÂ&#x2013; In her words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Ministry is in the process of reviewing the process VÂ&#x20AC;Y ~`zX^_~\X^V{Y \{jY z`Â&#x192;\]^j\X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ~`zX^_~\X`WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \[X}Vz^Â&#x;`jY ^{WÂ&#x201A;`~XVzWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y steam boilers and other pressure vessels, so as to further improve on the process Â&#x20AC;VzY x`,`zY W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y j`]^Â&#x192;`zyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ~VUÂ&#x201A;`X`{XY persons and the universal credibility of X}`^zY~`zX^_~\X`WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y~VUÂ&#x201A;`X`{~` Â&#x160; Y Â&#x20AC;\^][z`Y XVY ~V{j[~XY z`Â&#x201E;[]\zY \{jY thorough inspections of pressure vessels can result in a greater likelihood VÂ&#x20AC;Y \~~^j`{XWqY ^{ÂĽ[z^`WqY ]VWWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ]^Â&#x192;`WY and damage to property, alongside environmental damage, the costs of Â&#x2014;}^~}Y~\{{VXY\]Â&#x2014;\yWYx`YZ[\{X^_`jYÂ&#x160;qYW}`Y concluded.
City & State
FG assures quality education for people living with Albinism OKEY OBIOZO
lbino Foundation is the umbrella body that brings together people living with Albino. The foundation has over the years, rallied support for the plight of Albinos while providing them with great sense of belonging and familyhood. Established in 2006, the Albino Foundation (TAF) pride itself as principally an organization that is established by and being run solely by People living with Albinism. According to the foundation, “We are a special focus organization advocating for the recognition and respect of the rights and socio-economic inclusion of people living with albinism.” Recently, the foundation went on a courtesy visit to the Minister of State for Education, Professor Viola Onwuliri and the outcome was federal government’s promise to continue to implement policies that will improve the quality of education of persons living with Albinism. The minister made the fact known while commending the foundation V{YX}`^zYz`WV[z~` []Y`@VzXY^{YX}`Y^{troduction of an enhanced vision device. She said the ministry will collaborate with the foundation and the manufacturers of the device to purchase more at a subsidized rate. “We are just being introduced to it essentially and we have made our promises that we will help them enhance learning and productivity and the government is going to procure the equipment for them, as much as we can.” The President, Albino Foundation, Mr Jake Epelle used the opportunity of the visit to call for the full implementation of the national policy on Albinism. “The policy is one document that we did in 32 days. Your predecessor described it as fastest government document ever. The Ministry of Education has done a lot with us; today `Y }\ `Y \Y {\X^V{\]Y V]^~yqY X}`Y _zWXY policy globally. We want to state that a lot need to be done in terms of implementing the police. This is where we need your assistance.” However, the progress of the National Policy on Albinism is commendable as it was an arduous process and its accompanying Implementation Guidelines has made progress after been taken to the Federal Executive Council (FEC) by the Honourable Minister of Education and returned as an approved document. The policy document advertently emanated when the foundation started receiving complaints from parents and teachers over the children with albinism’s performance in school. It was the complaints that resulted in the ensuing inquiry that exposed a very high level of ignorance in albinism education. The revelation raised the need for the Federal Ministry of Education to integrate albinism into the Nigerian educational system by instituting \Y U^{^WX`z^\]Y ~VUU^,``Y X}\XY `z`Y
Albino children
mandated to develop a draft policy on albinism. }`Y ~VUU^,``Y ^UU`j^\X`]yY `{XY into action and necessitated the processes of a draft blueprint that was presented at the 57th National Council on Education Meeting in Sokoto in 2011 and which later culminated into the 59th session that was held in Abuja in 2013 and a comprehensive policy document was produced. For a group of people that could be termed endangered species, it ^WY z`]^` ^{ Y XVY X}`Y V[{j\X^V{Y XVY _nally be on the threshold of having a government policy that stands as an umbrella, backing and shielding for children with albinism. The success of the policy serves to protect them from the hazards that previously encumbered them in school \{jYU\j`Y]`\z{^{ Yj^=~[]X Y With the development, child with albinism now has all that it takes to succeed through every level of the Nigerian educational system. The foundation further lamented X}\XY `zyY]^,]`Y`@VzXY}\WYx``{YU\j`qY either at the policy or programme level to address the issues of people with albinism. They pointed out
respect to a group who are unfortu{\X`YXVY}\ `Y\Yj^@`z`{XYW ^{Y~V]V[z Speaking further on the vision device project, Mr Epelle expressed that the project is an on-going activity in partnership with government, corporate bodies and individuals and which is designed to highlight and positively engage the visual challenges of People with Albinism (PWA) through creative and cost effective solutions. In line with the objectives of the project, the foundation has embarked on a nationwide campaign and advocacy that has culminated in the inclusion of albinos in “extra time slot” policy designed to provide succour and support to the visViola Onwuliri ually impaired during examinations that till date; albinism has been ill- conducted by examination instituserved extremely by the vast major- tions in Nigeria. The project has been considered ity of programmes targeted at marto have garnered massive support, ginalized and discriminated groups. A case in quote is special the treat- acceptance and success as several ment given to other groups such examination bodies have now recas People Living with HIV & AIDS V {^ `jY ]x^{VWY \WY x`{`_~^\z^`WY XVY (PLWHA), the disabled and the the extra time slots policy. The chief executive of the foundaphysically challenged which the tion further disclosed that that the foundation complains to exclude its members, maintaining that if such foundation over the years have also privilege is to exist at all, it ought to evolved strategies, programmes, afx`YU\j`YXVYW`z `Y z`\XYx`{`_XY ^X}Y _]^\X^V{WY\{jYWXz\X` ^~Y \zX{`zW}^ WY with multilateral bodies, National governments, public institutions, VX}`zY {V{ zV_XY Vz \{^ \X^V{WY \{jY well meaning individuals to promote the rights and privileges of the Albino to live as an active and contributing socio-economic member of society despite their health condition and vulnerability status. “We strive for the recognition, consideration and active inclusion of the condition in the design of public policy by governments and policy makers as impacts society.” He said. Mr Epele advised persons living with Albinism to stay away from sunlight to prevent skin cancer. Prof. Onwuleri was presented with X}`Y\ \zjYV YX}`Y_zWXY Ux\WW\jVzYV Y Albinism in Nigeria during the visit.
They pointed out that till date; albinism has been ill-served extremely by the vast majority of programmes targeted at marginalized and discriminated groups
Newswatch Times
Public Sector Forum WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2014
o less than Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2022; Ă&#x201A;ÂŹYXz^]]^V{Y is required to bridge the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s housing j`_~^XWY`WX^U\X`jY\XYÂ&#x17D;Â?YU^]]^V{Y [{^XWqY X}`Y Vz]jY \{Â&#x2039;Y has stated. Revealing this at the justconcluded workshop for Business Editors and Financial Correspondents ^{Y \XW^{\qY Â&#x2014;``Â&#x2039;`{jqY X}`Y Managing Director/Chief §`~[X^Â&#x192;`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\Y Deposit Insurance CorporaX^V{Y ÂĄ ¢qY ]}\ÂĽ^Y U\z[Y xz\}^UqY {VX`jY X}\XY ^XY Â&#x2014;\WY on the basis of this that the `j`z\]Y VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY }\WY taken a giant step towards Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j^{Â&#x201E;Y \@Vzj\x]`Y }V[Wing to all Nigerians. {`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y W[~}Y Â&#x201E;^\{XY WX`Â&#x201A;WqY }`YW\^jqY^{~][j`jYX}`Yz`~`{Xly launched Nigerian MortÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x201E;`Y `_{\{~^{Â&#x201E;Y VUÂ&#x201A;\{yY ÂĄ ¢Y ^{Y \{[\zyqY this year after meeting the Vz]jY \{Â&#x2039; WY~V{j^X^V{YÂ&#x20AC;VzY X}`Y jz\Â&#x2014;jVÂ&#x2014;{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Ă&#x153;ÂŤĂ&#x201A;ÂŹY million (about N40billion) International Development Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grant. The objective of the qY \~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY xz\}^UqYÂ&#x2014;\WYXVY`{~V[z\Â&#x201E;`Y\{jY promote home ownership ^{Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\qY xyY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j^{Â&#x201E;Y _{\{~^\]Y Â&#x20AC;\~^]^X^`WY XVY X}`Y UVzXÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x201E;`Y ]`{j`zWqY \jj^{Â&#x201E;Y that both deposit money banks and mortgage instiX[X^V{WqY\UV{Â&#x201E;YVX}`zY^{Â&#x192;`Wtors are involved in raising of the initial equity of Â&#x17D;ÂŹY x^]]^V{qY ^{Y \jj^X^V{Y XVY X}`Y X\Â&#x2039;` V@Y Â&#x201E;z\{XY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`Y Vz]jY \{Â&#x2039; xz\}^UqY Â&#x2014;}VY Â&#x20AC;[zX}`zY spoke on the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mi~zVqY WU\]]Y \{jY U`j^[UY `{X`zÂ&#x201A;z^W`WY ÂĄ W¢qY \]WVY lamented that the sub-sector is still characterised by }[Â&#x201E;`Y _{\{~^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x201E;\Â&#x201A;qY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y has impacted negatively on its speedy growth. He noted that it was against this backdrop that the Central Bank of Nigeria ÂĄ ¢Y }\jqY V{Y [Â&#x201E;[WXY Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;qY ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂźqY ]\[{~}`jY X}`Y ^~zVqY Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund Â&#x2014;^X}Y\YX\Â&#x2039;` V@YW``jY~\Â&#x201A;^X\]Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ÂŤÂŤÂŹYx^]]^V{qYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y\YÂ&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;Y to channelling low inter`WXY Â&#x20AC;[{jWY XVY X}`Y W[xW`~XVzqY especially in recognition VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y W^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{XY ~V{Xz^x[tions of the sub-sector to the growth of the economy. Â&#x160; VY \~}^`Â&#x192;`Y ^XWY VxÂĽ`~X^Â&#x192;`qY šY Â&#x201A;`zY ~`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Y Fund had been earmarked Â&#x20AC;VzYÂ&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j^{Â&#x201E;Y_{\{~^\]Y`UÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zU`{XY XVY Â&#x2014;VU`{qÂ&#x161;Y }`Y WXz`WW`jqY `UÂ&#x201A;}\W^W^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY â&#x20AC;&#x153;the fund also prescribed 50:50 ratio for on-lending to micro enterprises and SMEs respectively. Â&#x160; VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY V{]yY {`Â&#x2014;Y SMEs would be allowed to x`Y_{\{~`jYxyY WY[{j`zY X}`Y [{jqY \]X}V[Â&#x201E;}Y WÂ&#x201A;`~^\]Y consideration would also be given to participating _{\{~^\]Y ^{WX^X[X^V{WY ÂĄ W¢Y that have signed Memorandum of Understating with the CBNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Enterprise Development Centres (EDCs) XVY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;^j`Y _{\{~^\]Y W`zÂ&#x192;^~-
2015: Nigeria, EU pledge commitments on credible polls
N59.50tr required to bridge nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s housing deficits â&#x20AC;&#x201C;World Bank N
MD/CEO, NDIC, Alhaji Umaru Ibrahaim
es to its graduates. That is not all; two per cent of the wholesale component of the Fund would go to economically active persons with j^W\x^]^X^`W Â&#x161; The NDIC boss also spoke on other emerging global _{\{~^\]Y WyWX`UY ^WW[`WY
and their challenges and X}`Y ~VzÂ&#x201A;Vz\X^V{ WY `@VzXWY XVY X\~Â&#x2039;]`YX}`U Y }`W`qY}`YW\^jqY ^{~][j`Ă&#x2014;Y _{\{~^\]Y ]^X`z\~yqY ~V{W[U`zYÂ&#x201A;zVX`~X^V{qY_{\{~^\]Y^{~][W^V{qYUVx^]`Yx\{Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;qY W[WX\^{\x]`Y x\{Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y \{jY`§X`{W^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;Yj`Â&#x201A;VW^XY^{surance coverage to deposi-
tors of non-interest banks. On mobile banking serÂ&#x192;^~`WqY}`YW\^jYX}\XqY^{YVzj`zY XVY `{Â&#x201E;`{j`zY Â&#x201A;[x]^~Y ~V{_j`{~`Y ^{Y X}`Y WyWX`UqY }^WY corporation has perfected strategies to provide deposit insurance cover to its subscribers in the form of pass
through deposit insurance. VzY `@`~X^Â&#x192;`Y }\{j]^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y j`Â&#x201A;VW^XVzWÂ Y ~VUÂ&#x201A;]\^{XWqY he said the corporation has established a 24-hour Help Desk with a toll-free telephone line for speedy communication and intervention.
Abuja Centenary City to gulp $18.6bn NNAH DOUGLAS Abuja
nvisaged as a specX\~[]\zY ~^XyY }[xqY the Abuja Cente{\zyY ^XyqY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y ~VÂ&#x192;`zWY \xV[XY Â&#x17D;qŸY }`~X\z`WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ]\{jqY ^WY \{Y \zrangement of a world class modern city with grandeur and great architectural masterpiece and when ~VUÂ&#x201A;]`X`jqY Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`~VU`Y \Y game changer for economic growth of Abuja which is `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jYXVYÂ&#x201E;[]Â&#x201A;Y\xV[XYĂ&#x153;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201C; šY x^]]^V{qY j`Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;`zWY }\Â&#x192;`Y said. ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY \Â&#x201E;]`WY ^]]WqY a major developer of the project and designer of worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s UVWXY x`\[X^Â&#x20AC;[]Y `j^_~`qY X}`Y city according to the design Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y Â&#x20AC;[z{^W}`jY Â&#x2014;^X}Y šY Â&#x192;^]]\WqY ÂŤĂ&#x201A;šY \Â&#x201A;\zXU`{XY x[^]jings ranging from four-nine x`jzVVUY [{^XWqY Â&#x17D;ÂźY Â&#x2014;\X`zY Â&#x20AC;zV{XY \{jY z`X\^]Y \z`\WqY Â&#x17D;ÂźÂ&#x2022;Y V=~`Y x[^]j^{Â&#x201E;WY \WY Â&#x2014;`]]Y \WY Â&#x2013;ššqY ÂŤÂ&#x2022;Ă&#x201C;Y ÂŤY ^{_{^XyY Â&#x201A;VV]Y amongst others. ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY ^XWY §`~[X^Â&#x192;`Y ^z`~XVzqY Â&#x20AC;z^~\qY \^U\]Y }`zÂ&#x201E;^]]qY ^{Y \Y Â&#x201A;z`WWY xz^`_{Â&#x201E;Y ^{Y x[ÂĽ\qY X}`Y ^XyqY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y ^WY `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jY XVY x`Y \Y Â&#x2014;Vz]jY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ^XWYVÂ&#x2014;{qYÂ&#x2014;^]]Y\]WVY}\Â&#x192;`YXV[z^WXY \,z\~X^V{Y ~`{Xz`WqY Â&#x2014;^X}Y a museum and smart city where residents and visitors \]^Â&#x2039;`Y\z`Y`§Â&#x201A;`~X`jYXVY~V{{`~XY
.Set to employ 87,000 workers to share ideas. {X`z`WX^{Â&#x201E;]yqY X}`Y `{X`{\zyY ^XyqY `{Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;`jY ^{Y \Y z``Y V{`Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y `§`UÂ&#x201A;XY X`{ants from the payment of Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY X\§`WY \XY \]]Y ]`Â&#x192;els. {Y X}`Y ^{^X^\]Y X\Â&#x2039;` V@Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y the gigantic project and its `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jY `UÂ&#x201A;]VyU`{XY Â&#x201E;`{`z\X^V{Y x\W`qY \^U\]Y W\^jqY Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;`Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y }\Â&#x192;`Y Ă&#x201C;Â?qÂŹÂŹÂŹY Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;`zWqY \{jY ^{Y \jj^X^V{Y XVY X}\XqY Â&#x2014;`Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y }\Â&#x192;`Y Â&#x17D;ÂźÂ?qÂŹÂŹÂŹY z`W^dents and a bulk of these Â&#x2014;^]]Yx`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\{W Â&#x161;Y He also said there will be XÂ&#x2014;VY WX\Â&#x201E;`WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y ÂĽVxY VÂ&#x201A;`{^{Â&#x201E;WqY which include the construction phase as well as the W`zÂ&#x192;^~`WY W`~XVzqY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y \]WVY \jj^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XqY X}`Y ~VUÂ&#x201A;]`X^V{Y of the project will be for over 10 years. {Y X}`Y ^WW[`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zqY }`Y said that arrangements are on in collaboration with its Â&#x201A;\zX{`zWqYX}`Y `{X`{\zyY ^XyY qY\WYÂ&#x2014;`]]Y\WYX}`Y \WY\{jY V\]Y [x]^~ z^Â&#x192;\X`Y \zX{`zship to bring about constant power supply to its residents and assured Nigerians that the city is not only for the rich but an inclusive venture. Â&#x160; [zY_zWXYÂ&#x201A;}\W`Y^WY\Yxz\{jed hotel to showcase basically our design and construc-
tion abilities and housing options for all income earn`zW Â&#x161; Journalists covering the event were ushered to a taste of hospitality as the developers took them round to showcase the architectural U\WX`zÂ&#x201A;^`~`Y `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jY XVY U\Â&#x2039;`Y [Â&#x201A;Y X}`Y ~^XyqY \Y _,^{Â&#x201E;Y tribute to the formation of
100 years of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s `§^WX`{~` `\{Â&#x2014;}^]`qY Â&#x20AC;VzY X}`Y z`~VzjWqY \Â&#x201E;]`Y ^]]WY ^WY \{Y Abu-Dhabi based private real estate investment and development company focused on the development of spectacular city hubs in high-growth international markets.
FCT Minister, Sen Bala Mohammed
igeria and the European Union (EU) have restated their commitments to ensure credible elections come 2015. This was contained in a communique issued at the end of the 5th Nigeria-EU Ministerial Dialogue held in Abuja. The communique was signed by the Minister of X\X`Y Y Â&#x20AC;VzY Vz`^Â&#x201E;{Y @\^zWqY zY [z[j``{Y [}\UU`jqY and the representative of the EU who is the State SecreX\zyY Â&#x20AC;VzY Vz`^Â&#x201E;{Y @\^zWY \{jY International Cooperation of X\]yqY zY \z^VY ^zV â&#x20AC;&#x153;Both parties underlined Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to democratic processes and in X}^WY z`Â&#x201E;\zjqY WXz`WW`jY X}`Y ^Uportance of holding peaceÂ&#x20AC;[]qY Xz\{WÂ&#x201A;\z`{XqY ^{~][W^Â&#x192;`Y and credible elections in ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;qÂ&#x161;Y^XYW\^j It emphasised the importance of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and the security forces in ensuring proper and peaceful conduct of the elections. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Both parties stressed the desirability of conducting `]`~X^V{WY ^{Y X}`Y \z`\WY \@`~X`jY xyY VÂ&#x2039;VY \z\UqY Â&#x2014;}^]WXY at the same time recognising X}`Yj^=~[]X^`WqÂ&#x161;YX}`Y~VUU[nique added. The EU also pledged to support Nigeria through the deployment of its election observation mission to monitor the elections. Y Y }`Y U``X^{Â&#x201E;qY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y \]WVY focused on wide-ranging j^W~[WW^V{Y V{Y x^]\X`z\]qY z`gional and international isW[`WqY`§Â&#x201A;z`WW`jY~V{~`z{YX}\XY the Boko Haram menace was becoming deep-rooted rather than abating. According to the comU[{^Z[`qY X}`Y xz`\Â&#x2039;jVÂ&#x2014;{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y state structures coupled with the lack of perspective and disenchantment of the youth in the North-East could contribute to greater instability. Â&#x160; }`yY `§Â&#x201A;z`WW`jY ~V{~`z{Y that the violence was impacting also on Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neighbours and leading to considerable internal displacements and refugee UVÂ&#x192;`U`{XWY\~zVWWYxVzj`zWqÂ&#x161;Y it said. On investment and indusXz^\]^W\X^V{qY xVX}Y Â&#x201A;\zX^`WY `§pressed their commitment to the development of renewable energy sources and welcomed the possibility of signing a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Joint Declaration on Renewable Energy/EnerÂ&#x201E;yY =~^`{~yÂ&#x161;Y\XYX}`Y [WX\^{able Energy for All (SE4ALL) High Level Forum in Tanzania in February 2015. The communique noted that due to the robust relaX^V{W}^Â&#x201A;qY Y Vz`^Â&#x201E;{Y ^z`~XY Investment (FDI) stock grew from ÂŁ25.3 billion in 2011 to ÂŁ27.2 billion in 2012.
Public Sector Forum
Newswatch Times WEDNESDAY, december 10, 2014
Power sector reform, a huge success, says Wakil ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
inister of State for Power, Hon Mohammed Wakil, has reviewed development in the power sector in the last one year and af_zU`jYX}\XYX}`YW`~XVz WYz`Â&#x20AC;VzUY under President Goodluck Jonathan is a huge success considering what the administration inherited from previous government. Delivering his review at this y`\z WY ^{^WX`z^\]Y Â&#x201A;z`WWY xz^`Â&#x20AC;^{Â&#x201E;Y^{Y x[ÂĽ\qYX}`YU^{^WX`zYW\^jY after long years of stagnation, the power sector is set for unprecedented growth. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Jonathan administration has W`XY\{Y[{x`\X\x]`Yz`~VzjY^{YX}`Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW`~XVzq  Y \Â&#x2039;^]YW\^j He dissected the power sector reforms so far and concluded that the fundamental frameÂ&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;Y Â&#x20AC;VzY W[WX\^{\x]`Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY
W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yY }\WY x``{Y ]\^jY V[XY \{jY X}\XYX}`Yz`Â&#x20AC;VzUY^WY{VÂ&#x2014;Y_{`Â X[{^{Â&#x201E;YX}`YX``X}^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x201A;zVx]`UWYX}\XY emerged from the exercise. According to Wakil, the administration has successfully Â&#x201A;z^Â&#x192;\X^W`jY Y X}`Y j^WXz^x[X^V{Y \{jY X}`Y Â&#x201E;`{`z\X^V{Y W[xY W`~XVzWqY Â&#x201A;zVU^W^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY W[xWX\{tial investment is ongoing in X}`Y Xz\{WU^WW^V{Y W[xW`~XVzY XVY address decades of infrastructural neglect while private secXVzY Â&#x201A;\zX^~^Â&#x201A;\X^V{Y ^WY \]WVY x`^{Â&#x201E;Y looked into. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The power sector is undergoing a revolution under President Goodluck Jonathan. While we are not fully there, Â&#x2014;`Y}\Â&#x192;`YX\Â&#x2039;`{YU\ÂĽVzYWX`Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x20AC;VzÂ&#x2014;\zjYXVÂ&#x2014;\zjWYW[WX\^{\x]`Y`]`~Xz^~^XyY W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yY XVY V[zY Â&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]` Y Y appeal to Nigerians to exercise patience. Just as the nation VÂ&#x192;`z~VU`WY X}`Y X``X}^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x201A;zVxlems during the telecom sector reform, so also are we going to resolve challenges arising from X}`Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY W`~XVzY z`Â&#x20AC;VzUqÂ&#x161;Y X}`Y Minister of State (Power), Hon. Mohammed Wakil minister said.
Book on Kwara CJ for presentation
}`Y Â&#x201A;[x]^~Y Â&#x201A;z`W`{X\X^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YxVVÂ&#x2039;YX^X]`jÂ&#x161;Y zVUY }`Y \]]`yY VY }`Y ^{{\~]`Â&#x161;Y ^{Y }V{V[zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Hon Justice Ayinla OlaX[{ÂĽ^Y \U^Â&#x201E;xV]\qY }^`Â&#x20AC;Y [jÂ&#x201E;`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Kwara State will come up tomorrow under the chairmanship of z`X^z`jY [WX^~`YY [WX\Â&#x201A;}\Y Â&#x2039;\{x^qY Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY }\^zU\{YVÂ&#x20AC;Y {j`Â&#x201A;`{j`{XY Corrupt Practices and other relat`jY @`{~`WY VUU^WW^V{Y ÂĄ ¢Y ^{Y ]Vz^{qYX}`YWX\X`Y~\Â&#x201A;^X\] The Chief Presenter is Dr Wale \x\]\Â&#x2039;^{qY qY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y VY z`W`{X`zWY\z`Y }^`Â&#x20AC;Y \X``Â&#x20AC;Y \Â&#x201E;x`U^qY qY [W[Â&#x20AC;Y ]^qY Y }`Y xVVÂ&#x2039;Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y z`Â&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;`jY xyY X\z[Y VÂ&#x2014;]\{jY XVy\}qY Y }`Y }^`Â&#x20AC;Y VWXY ^WY ]}\ÂĽ^Y xj[]@\}Y }U`jqY X}`Y Kwara State governor. j^XVzY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y xVVÂ&#x2039;qY z `U^Y j`x^W^qY ^{Y \Y Â&#x201A;z`WWY WX\X`U`{XY W\^jYX}`YxVVÂ&#x2039;Y^WYj^Â&#x192;^j`jY^{XVYÂ&#x20AC;V[zY U\ÂĽVzY Â&#x201A;\zXW Y \zXY V{`Y W`zÂ&#x192;`WY \WY Â&#x160;^{XzVj[~X^V{Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;zV_]`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y`U^{`{XYÂĽ[z^WXqYÂ&#x201A;\zXYYXÂ&#x2014;VY~V{tains comments from Nigerians on the personality and professional integrity and competence of His Lordship, part three fo~[W`WY V{Y ÂĽ[jÂ&#x201E;`U`{XY z`Â&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y some of the selected cases while part four presents some selected ~\W`WY^{YÂ&#x17D;ÂŹYW`~X^V{WqYz\{Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;zVUY z^U^{\]Y \Â&#x2014;qY {X`zÂ&#x201A;z`X\X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Statutes, Constitutional Law, ApÂ&#x201A;`\]qY }^`Â&#x20AC;X\^{~yY \,`zWqY ^X]`YXVY \{jqY \xV[zY \Â&#x2014;qY [{j\U`{X\]Y Rights, Tort, Negligence, DefaU\X^V{ Â&#x161;
WHO urges partners to collaborate in fight against HIV/AIDS Y \yqY Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y X}`U`Ă&#x2014;Y Â&#x160; ]VW`Y X}`Y \Â&#x201A;qÂ&#x161;Y W\^jY X}`Y j\yY he Regional Director, was to provide an opportunity World Health Or- for intensive advocacy, treatganisation (WHO), ment, care and support service zY [^WY \Ux\qY }\WY to people who have no access called on all coun- to treatment, and are, therefore, tries and partners to sustain x`^{Â&#x201E;Y]`Â&#x20AC;XYx`}^{j and strengthen solidarity in the ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY }^UqY [xY \}\_Â&#x201E;}XY \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY Âż Y ^{Y Â&#x20AC;- ran Africa has the area hardest rica region. }^XY xyY X}`Y Âż Y Â&#x201A;\{j`U \Ux\qY^{Y\YU`WW\Â&#x201E;`YXVY~VU- ^~Y Â&#x2014;Vz]jÂ&#x2014;^j`Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y \]UVWXY ÂŤĂ&#x201A;Y U`UVz\X`Y X}^WY y`\z WY Vz]jY million people living with the
scourge. The WHO Regional Director WX\X`jYX}\XY{^{`YV[XYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x17D;ÂŹYVÂ&#x20AC;Y\]]Y ~}^]jz`{Y]^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y Âż Y ^{YX}`YÂ&#x2014;Vz]jY\z`YÂ&#x20AC;V[{jY^{Y [x Saharan Africa. He further stressed that the {`Â&#x201E;\X^Â&#x192;`Y ^UÂ&#x201A;\~XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Âż Y ^WY `Â&#x192;^j`{XY \WY ^XY \@`~XWY `Â&#x192;`zyY sphere of life as parents and Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;`zWYW[~~[UxYXVY Yz`]\Xed diseases, the structures and j^Â&#x192;^W^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ]\xV[zY ^{Y }V[W`-
holds and communities are disz[Â&#x201A;X`jY\{jYj\^]yY]^Â&#x192;`WY\@`~X`jY Â&#x2014;^X}Y Â&#x2014;VU`{Y x`\z^{Â&#x201E;Y U[~}Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Yxz[{X Â&#x160; ^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{XY Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x201E;z`WWY }\WY x``{Y U\j`Y ^{Y X}`Y {[Ux`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y {`Â&#x2014;Y Y ^{Â&#x20AC;`~X^V{WY \UV{Â&#x201E;Y adults and children. Today, more people than ever are receiving antiretroviral treatment ^{YW[x \}\z\{Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\ Y Y {YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂźY\]V{`qYÂ&#x17D; Ă&#x201A;YU^]]^V{Y\jj^X^V{\]YÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y]^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y Y
Govt has done well in power sector â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Nebo ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
Prof Chinedu Nebo
inister of P o w e r , Professor Chinedu ` x V qY made a revealing presentation which drew applause and commendation from the audience at this y`\z WYU^{^WX`z^\]YÂ&#x201A;]\XÂ&#x20AC;VzUY held at the Radio House in x[ÂĽ\ At the event, the Minister announced that, for the first time, the sector had recorded a generation of x`XÂ&#x2014;``{Y Â&#x2013;qÂŹÂŹÂŹY \{jY Â&#x2013;qĂ&#x201A;ÂŹÂŹY megawatts, consistently, in the past six weeks. Y }`Y U^{^WX`zY j`W~z^x`jY this as an unprecedented achievement, which he \XXz^x[X`jY XVY z`W^j`{XY VVj][~Â&#x2039;Y V{\X}\{ WY~VUmitment to deliver on his mandate.
Y `Y WX\X`jY Â&#x160; `Â&#x20AC;Vz`Y z`W^dent Jonathan was sworn in, it appeared everything Â&#x2014;\WY UVz^x[{j Y XY Â&#x2014;\WY V{`Y step forward, two steps x\~Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\zj Y WY ^~`Y z`W^dent, he convinced the states to continue with the YÂ&#x201A;zVÂĽ`~XW Y VU`YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y Â&#x201A;zVÂĽ`~XWY }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y ~VUpleted and commissioned while few others will soon x`Y~VUU^WW^V{`j â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jonathan gave direction xyY ]\[{~}^{Â&#x201E;Y \Y zV\jU\Â&#x201A;Y for power, to heal the ailU`{XYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW`~XVz Â&#x161; Y zVÂ&#x20AC;`WWVzY `xVYj`~]\z`jY that the current move to put to good use already completed and commissioned gas-fired Power Plants across the country }\WY x``{Y W[~~`WWÂ&#x20AC;[]qY Â&#x2014;^X}Y concrete arrangements now in place to make gas WÂ&#x201A;``j^]yY \Â&#x192;\^]\x]`Y XVY \]]Y X}`Y YÂ&#x201A;]\{XW
were put on antiretroviral ther\Â&#x201A;yqYxz^{Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;YX}`YXVX\]Y{[Ux`zY of people receiving treatment to more than nine million. As a result of the increase ^{Y \~~`WWY XVY Y Xz`\XU`{XqY X}`Y{[Ux`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`YÂ&#x2014;}VYj^`Y Â&#x20AC;zVUY Y z`]\X`jY ~\[W`WY }\WY z`j[~`j Â&#x161; According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the achievements resulted from the W}\z`jY z`WÂ&#x201A;V{W^x^]^XyY \{jY WV]^darity of Africa governments and many partners through W^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{XY_{\{~^\]Y^{Â&#x192;`WXU`{XY ^{Y X}`Y Âż Y z`WÂ&#x201A;V{W`W Y Drugs and commodities have x``{Y U\j`Y UVz`Y \~~`WW^x]`Y ^{Y all countries, and innovative ways of delivering services }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y `§Â&#x201A;\{j`jqY \~X^Â&#x192;^WUY }\WY Â&#x201A;zVUVX`jY Â&#x192;^W^x^]^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y
Âż Y `Â&#x201A;^j`U^~Y \{jY ~z[~^\]]yqY Â&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y ]^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y Y }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{Y \XY X}`Y Â&#x20AC;Vz`Â&#x20AC;zV{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y z`WÂ&#x201A;V{W` Â&#x161; He further stressed that the continued hope they have made so far gives hope that X}`yY~\{YÂ&#x2014;^{YX}`Yx\,]`Y\Â&#x201E;\^{WXY
Âż qY x[XY U[~}Y UVz`Y {``j`jY XVY x`Y jV{`Y x`~\[W`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`YW^Â&#x201E;{^_~\{XYÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x201A;WYz`U\^{^{Â&#x201E; Y \Ux\Y \jj`jY X}\XY UVWXY Â&#x201A;`Vple in the region are not aware VÂ&#x20AC;YX}`^zY YWX\X[WqY[{j`zW~Vz^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y {``jY XVY `§Â&#x201A;\{jY Y testing.
`Y WX\X`jY X}\XY \~~`WWY XVY Y drugs, treatment remain inadequate, especially for children and high risk populations who \z`Y]`Â&#x20AC;XYx`}^{j Y He, however, urged all countries to close these gaps and prioritise the investment of more resources to help expand X}`Y YÂ&#x201A;z`Â&#x192;`{X^V{Y`@VzX
Public Sector Forum
Newswatch Times WEDNESDAY, december 10, 2014
World AIDS Day:VP’s wife cautions youth against casual sex TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
ife of the Vice President, Hajiya Amina Namadi Sambo, has urged Nigerian youth to abstain from a moment pleasure of casual sex that can prevent them from reaching their desired goals in life. She made this known at a programme to commemorate the World AIDS Day for Secondary Schools in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) organised by the National Orientation Agency (NOA) in collaboration with the Medical and Educational Foundation for Rural Mothers (MEDFORM), held at Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) Arena, Abuja. ` z`W`{X`jY xyY \¥^y\Y \_W\XY Abubakar on the occasion, she lamented that young people constitute about 40 per cent of new infection of the virus and the need for parents to teach their children X}`Y `@`~XY V Y ¿ qY X}`z` Vz`qY arose. According to her, the highest rate V Y ¿ Y ^WY z`~Vzj`jY \UV{ Y the youth and this calls for concern because most of them are not \ \z`YV YX}`Y`@`~XYV YX}`YW~V[z ` Earlier, the Director General, National Orientation Agency (NOA), Mike Omeri, said the day is set aside to reinforce behavioural change of people towards the dreaded disease. According to him, the campaign is to educate students on X}`YW~V[z `YV Y ¿ Y^{YVzj`zY to minimise or eradicate it, saying, ^XY^WY\{Y^{ `~X^V{YX}\XY~\{Yx`Y V,`{Y
through your own behaviour and the choice you made. He opined that at the end of the programme students are expected XVYx`~VU`Y VVXYWV]j^`zWY^{Y_ }X^{ Y X}`YW~V[z `YV Y ¿ Y^{Y ^ `ria. Omeri further stated the resolve V Y }^WY \ `{~yY XVY _ }XY ¿ Y with the same aggression it fought the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), stressing the need to overcome it
as soon as possible. ~Z[^z`jY UU[{`Y j`_~^`{~yY Syndrome or Acquired Immuno `_~^`{~yY y{jzVU`Y ¡ ¢Y ^WY a disease of the human immune system caused by the Human ImU[{VY `_~^`{~yY ^z[WY¡ ¢ Y }^WY condition progressively reduces X}`Y `@`~X^ `{`WWY V Y X}`Y ^UU[{`Y system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumours.
Hajia Amina Namadi Sambo
ECAN honours Rukayyat, Ojerinde, 8 others as outstanding educators ISAH IDRIS, Abuja
ducation Correspondents Association of Nigeria (ECAN) has commended 10 Nigerians for their outstanding contributions to the development of education sector in the country. Chairman of ECAN, Mr Chuwunyem Ukwuatu (Chuks) led the ECAN members in their maiden award of excellence to the deserving Nigerians deemed to have contributed to the growth of Nigerian education at the National Press Centre in Abuja at the weekend. Those that were crowned with award of excellence in education sector include: immediate past Minister of Education, Prof Rukayyatu Ahmed Rufai, Registrar of Joint Matriculation Examination Board (JAMB), Prof Dibu Ojerinde; Chairman of Education Trust Fund (ETFund), Dr Musa Babayo (Taliban Tatagun); Prof Elias Bogoro, Executive Secretary, TETFund; and Executive Secretary, National Universities Commission (NUC), Prof Julius Okogie. Also included are, the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Education, Dr MacJohn Nwabiala; proprietor of Gregory University,
Uturu, Chief Gregory Ibe; Executive Secretary, Universal Basic Education (UBEC), Alhaji Dikko Suleiman; Registrar of National Examination Council (NECO), Mr Promise Nwachukwu Okpala and the former Minister of state for Education, Bar Ezenwo Nyesom Wike. The players in the education sector have been commended for innovations, excellence and outstanding contributions to education sector even as the sector has had a dose of series of crisis, espe~^\]]yY ^X}Y ~\j`U^~Y X\@Y {^V{Y of Universities (ASUU), AssociaX^V{Y V Y X\@Y V Y V]yX`~}{^~WY ¡ UPP and Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) in the recent times. Prof Rukayyatu Ahmed Rufai who expressed profound appreciation for recognising her small contribution towards transforming the education sector while on the saddle said the awards is a big inspiration to do more for the country’s education system. As a returnee lecturer to her school, Bayero University, Kano, she explained that for her schedule of duty in her school, she wouldn’t have been physically around for the award but as an educationist, she feels challenged by education reporters who have been a torch
light and information experts on education. Others who were represented by their aides all expressed appreciation for the good judgement passed by professional reporters on the nation’s education on their contributions to education and national development. Chairman of Nigeria Union of Journalists, FCT Council, Comrade Chuks Ehirim, hailed the ECAN members for the innovation in the maiden award and good judgement of achievers in education sector. While congratulating the awardees for their achievements, he urged the ECAN to continue with their innovation and encouragement in promotion of excellence and recognition for those that deserve it. Chairman of ECAN, Mr Chuwunyem Ukwuatu, said the selection of the awardees was based on their contributions as monitored by the education reporters over time. While commending the awardees for being good ambassadors in education sector, he called on others to take cue from the achievers and assured that those selected actually merited the awards, as they were screened by several ~VUU^,``W Y
NERC begins aggressive monitoring of metering programme ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
he Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has embarked on a public consultation and fact finding mission on its Credited Advance Payment for Metering Implementation (CAPMI). This metering scheme allows people that have billing estimation or crazy billing issues to come forward and pay in advance for meters and the cost will be deducted from their monthly fixed charge bills. The scheme, it was gathered, was for a willing customer to pay for a meter which otherwise would have been provided by the service provider, but is not the case due to certain challenges and transition the sector is going through, hence, the service providers have not been able to meet this obligation. It is on this premise, according to NERC, that the public consultation is necessary to create awareness on the CAPMI scheme. Speaking at the public consultation forum organised in Port Harcourt by NERC, the representative of the Commission’s Chairman, Dr Abba Ibrahim, lamented that over 50 per cent of electricity consumers were not metered and, therefore, subjected to what he called estimated billings, popularly known as crazy billings in Nigeria. “CAPMI which came into effect through NERC Order 05 in 2013 is a stop-gap measure to ensure that people have meters. A lot of people have and are still complaining on the crazy billing otherwise known as estimated billing. Hence, NERC in consultation with other stakeholders came up with the scheme called CAPMI to mitigate their sufferings,” he stated. He explained that the scheme enables willing customers who cannot wait for their distribution companies to come up with their own metering plan to make deposit and get a meter not later than 45 days and get a rebate from the fixed charge component of the bill which will be a discount from the fixed charge for a duration of two years. Dr Ibrahim said, “idealy, it is the distribution company that should provide the customers in its jurisdiction with meters, but we understood that they had no fund to do it, hence we came up
with the CAPMI scheme. “Besides, the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) is partnering with a bank here locally and the bank is providing credit for its customers to support this scheme.” According to the Port Harcourt Distribution Company’s Assistant General Manager, Customer Services, Mr Godwin Orovwiroro, the company has installed over 1,600 meters within the company areas of license, even as it is also deploying additional 20,000 meters and that so far has exceeded the number of people who paid for meters. Mr Orovwiroro said distribution companies were bound by regulation to refund the money paid for meters by customers, and that if they failed to do so, customers could go back to NERC to lodge complaints as it is actionable. “Because the money was advanced to Distribution Company, the company is expected to pay interest on it to the customer, it is not free money and the interest is 12 per cent. The money will be refunded through the fixed charge component, each time you come to vent, there are two ways, either through deduction from the fixed charge or energy,” he maintained. He added that when MYTO2 came into effect in 2012, it was built on the acquisition of meter for customers but a lot of cost elements came in due to the unbundling and the privatisation which resulted in increase in wage bill and as a result the DISCOs were not able to meet the 18 months’ deadline. “Besides, the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHEDC) is partnering with a bank here locally and the bank is providing credit for its customers to support this scheme.”
NERC Chairman, Dr. Sam Amadi
Public Sector Forum
Newswatch Times WEDNESDAY, december 10, 2014
Osunyikanmi: The change agent at TAC Intergovernmental Affairs and Multilateral Relations from 2009 to 2010, AC is the acroand later, a Commissionnym for Technier for Education, Osunyical Aid Corps. kanmi understood quite For those who well the prospects that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t remem Y V@`zWY Â&#x20AC;VzY \Y W`z^V[WY ber, TAC was founded in minded public servant 1987 by the military adto prove his worth. Beministration of President ^{Â&#x201E;Y Y\XY qYX}`z`Â&#x20AC;Vz`Y Ibrahim Babangida. Its V@`z`jY }^UY X}`Y X^U` main objective was to rehonoured opportunity cruit necessary Nigerian to be involved in human manpower, through a capacity development for volunteer scheme, in aid Nigeria and volunteer of African and Caribbean recipient countries. Said states in their socio-ecoother way, serving Ninomic development. geria at TAC, presents to Y Â&#x201A;`~^_~\]]yqY Y Â&#x2014;\WY him the opportunity to be empowered to recruit part of humanity, in such volunteers, organise oria way that he adds value entation courses for seto human development lected volunteers, assess within and outside Niand periodically review geria.TAC has, therefore, progress of the volunteer DG, TAC, Dr. Pius Olakunle Osunyikanmi become a fulcrum upon scheme, deploy same to on society. money he would make which Osunyikanmi esthe recipient countries, Of course, TAC is not a V[XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y }^WY V=~`Y z\X}`zY pouses his human develmaintain regular con- revenue generating agen- than what transforma- opment ideas. tacts with supervising cy of government. So, the tional impacts he would It has also become missions on welfare of prospects of holding back make, is likely to desire. for him, a pedestal for volunteers and general a certain percentage of But Osunyikanmi had greater service to Nigeoperations of the scheme, income, as it is the prac- \Y j^@`z`{XY Â&#x201A;`zWÂ&#x201A;`~X^Â&#x192;` Y z^\ Y \Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;`jY Y maintain regular contact tice in some parastatals \Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YW`zÂ&#x192;`jY^{YW`Â&#x192;`z\]Y into a re-generated and with recipient countries of state, was lacking. This capacities, including be- very important agency on their manpower needs, is not what the average ing Special Adviser to for government, for the receive and debrief vol- technocrat, who has his Governor Olusegun Mi- translation of Nigeunteers on their return to `y`WY _§`jY V{Y }VÂ&#x2014;Y U[~}Y miko of Ondo State on riaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s good brotherliness Nigeria at the end of their two-year service as well \WY Â&#x20AC;\~^]^X\X`Y z` W`,]`U`{XY of ex-volunteers, especially into their former employment. Noble as these objectives are, which have actually given Nigeria a internationally by 2019 U^{^{Â&#x201E;Y ^XWY \,z\~X^Â&#x192;`{`WW Y ONYEKA AJUMOBI strong foothold in all the is a massive positive and This also explains why ONOCHIE, Abuja recipient countries, the highlights the vast oppor- most SMEs often expand p p r o x i scheme had remained tunities for Africa from into markets that resemmately 40 comatose until the transan investment and job ble their own. per cent of formation train of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is evident in Afcreation perspective,â&#x20AC;? he global SMEs Goodluck Jonathan adrica, as companies lookstated. (small and ministration stopped by Brewer says that ac- ing to expand into the \{jY jzVÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`jY V@Y zY ^[WY medium-sized enterpris- cording to the study, continent, often make use Olakunle Osunyikanmi, es) do not perceive Africa which surveyed 480 SME VÂ&#x20AC;Y \Y Ă&#x192;V{`Y W^Â&#x;`Y _XWY \]] Y \Â&#x201A;who until being sent to as a growth opportunity, executives and experts Â&#x201A;zV\~} Y [`Y XVY X}`Y Â&#x192;\z^ Y \WY ^z`~XVzY `{`z\]Y despite the positive eco- from business lobbying ous cultures, languages and Chief Executive, was nomic growth stories and groups, SMEs are de- and customs on the conSpecial Adviser on Inter- growing middle class in terred by Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s low tinent, vast amounts of national Relations to the the regions, an in-depth average consumer spend, research need to be done President. Between when study conducted by the cultural and infrastruc- into each region, and the Intelligence he was appointed in 2013 Economist ture challenges, as well as services and products \{jY XVj\yqY zY W[{y^- Unit (EIU) on behalf of ^{`=~^`{~^`WYW[~}Y\WY~Vz- {``jYXVYx`YWÂ&#x201A;`~^_~\]]yYX\^kanmi has proved that in- Y §Â&#x201A;z`WWY }\WY z`- ruption and political risk lored to each country. Afdeed, one man can cause vealed. rica is not one country,â&#x20AC;? in the region. . The report further rechange to happen. Faced Y `Y`§Â&#x201A;]\^{`jYX}\XYVÂ&#x192;`z- says Brewer. with the challenge of re- vealed that while many ~VU^{Â&#x201E;Y j^@`z`{XY U\zÂ&#x2039;`XY In terms of expansion engineering TAC and re- multinationals and state- environments is the big- tactics, the survey shows vitalising its failing objec- owned companies are gest hurdle. The quality that partnerships are an tives, Osunyikanmi has actively taking advan- of a target market´s in- important consideration driven the TAC process tage of the opportunities frastructure, the stability for SMEs, with the study through a process that X}\XY Â&#x20AC;z^~\Y V@`zWqY WY of its politics, administra- identifying a number of now makes it the envy still remain apprehensive tive costs for establishing innovative approaches of many appointment and are choosing to trade a local presence and cul- in this area, such as pigseekers. Prior to this, not with other emerging mar- X[z\]Y j^@`z`{~`WY^{YjV^{Â&#x201E;Y gybacking on another many politicians, or even kets instead. business were all cited by companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s existing retail Charles Brewer, Mantechnocrats, saw any the executives surveyed as network to enter the sub\Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;Y ^z`~XVzY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y prospects in TAC. factors that deterred them Saharan market in Africa. In fact, some who were Express Sub Saharan from entering new marâ&#x20AC;&#x153;A number of multipencilled for appoint- Africa, says that despite kets. nationals and corporate ment as chief executive of current challenges to atY `Y WXz`WW`jY Â&#x20AC;[zX}`zqY bodies have experienced TAC have had to request tract global SME interest, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The unfamiliarity of for- great success in Africa, a cancellation because it X}`Y _{j^{Â&#x201E;WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y WX[jyY eign markets received Y x`^{Â&#x201E;Y \Y Â&#x201A;z^U`Y `§was believed that TAC highlight the untapped Â&#x201A;\zX^~[]\zY \,`{X^V{qY Â&#x2014;^X}Y ample. And the good Â&#x2014;\WY j`\jY \{jY Â&#x20AC;VzÂ&#x201E;V,`{ Y potential that still exists 84 per cent of respondents news for SMEs is that Most did not see it as an in the continent. describing understanding they have the advantage â&#x20AC;&#x153;The fact that SMEs agency of government a target marketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culture of being more agile to through which positive expect to generate up to or language as important adapt quickly and exploit impacts would be made 50 per cent of revenues or very important in deter- the opportunities availBy EMMANUEL IRIOGBE, Abuja
around African and Caribbean countries in need, Osunyikanmi proves that indeed, and in truth, the hood does not make the monk. For his astuteness, purposeful leadership and sense of mission, Osunyikanmi brings a new understanding with added impetus to the mission and vision of TAC. As it presently stands, I am sure many appointment seekers would be tacitly willing to list TAC as their next agency of choice. Before TAC becomes the next destination of choice for some appointment seekers, it is important to emphasise that it took the visions of President Jonathan, shared by Osunyikanmi, to bring change to the Corps. What this shows is that indeed, Nigeria is not lacking of quality manpower. What it has always lacked is that patriotic ability, zeal and insight, to put round pegs in round holes. It has been proven, over and over again, that square pegs in round holes only drive destruction and devaluation of
human endeavour. If therefore, Osunyikanmi could take TAC from the doldrums and transform it, giving it a new image, impetus and importance, it therefore means that many other federal government agencies and parastatals can undergo the same change if the right kind of leaders, who are driven by vision and purpose, are empowered to cause change. For now, Osunyikanmi enjoys the support of many Nigerians who are privy to what TAC used to be. That is the sort of support that would propel him to the next WX\Â&#x201E;`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y }^WY W`]Â&#x2026;`WWY W`zvice to Nigeria, Africa, Caribbean nations and X}`Y Â&#x2014;Vz]j Y `XY [WY X}`z`fore, not fail, to remind President Jonathan of the need to appoint the likes of Osunyikanmi â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and they abound- next time he seeks a purposedriven Nigerian to drive change in any agency or parastatals of government. State governments may also wish to take a cue.
International SMEs not recognising Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth potential - Report
able. An entrepreneurial spirit is vital for the success of small businesses, we ourselves started out as an SME in 1969, and as they say, the rest is history. We too have focused on partnerships in Africa, and now have a retail presence of over 3500 outlets across Africa. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We work with thousands and thousands of SMEs across Africa and
have witnessed how these businesses are able to successfully establish a presence in the region. With the support of the right partners, a well-designed supply chain, clear understanding of their competitive strengths and the right mindset, SMEs can break through any border and make the world their market,â&#x20AC;? concludes Brewer.
SSAP-MDGs, Dr Precious Gbeneol
Public Sector Forum 55
Newswatch Times WEDNESDAY, december 10, 2014
Obiano lays foundation for $350m trade centre in Ogbunike project, Governor Obiano revealed that the state government controls 7 per cent n a strategic move to while the host community implement his four pil- }V]jWYÂŤ Ă&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;`zY~`{XYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y`Zlars of development, uity. Governor Willie ObiAccording to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the ano of Anambra State Ă&#x153;ÂźĂ&#x201A;ÂŹU^]]^V{YX}\XY^WYÂ&#x201A;zVÂĽ`~X`jY has laid the foundation cor- for this market is broken nerstone for the proposed jVÂ&#x2014;{Y\WYÂ&#x20AC;V]]VÂ&#x2014;WYĂ&#x2022;Y Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201A; Â?Â&#x2013;x{Y multi-million dollar West Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y `§Â&#x201A;`{j`jY V{Y ^{Â&#x20AC;z\Africa Inter-Continental WXz[~X[z`qY Â&#x2013; Â&#x2022;x{Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y Trade Centre in Ogbunike, spent on providing elecOyi Local Government of tricity to the centre while the state. N31.8bn will go into the The proposed trade centre construction of residential is a major component of the areas in a new layout that Trade and Commerce cat- takes into consideration egory of Governor Obianoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the factory layout style of Four Pillars of Development. the project. My administraThe other pillars are agricul- tion will do everything to ture, industrialisation and oil make this project a resoundand gas. This is even as the ing success,â&#x20AC;? the governor governor has already made promised while appealing z`U\zÂ&#x2039;\x]`Y`@VzXWY^{Y`§Â&#x201A;]V^X- to all stake- holders to rise to ing the pillar of agriculture, the challenge and deliver the \,z\~X^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x192;`zY Ă&#x153;Ă&#x201A;ÂŹÂŹU^]]^V{Y Â&#x201A;zVÂ&#x201A;VW`jYXz\j`Y~`{Xz`Y^{YÂ&#x2013;ÂŤY investments to the sector. months as projected. On completion, the interEarlier in his remarks, continental trade centre is Obiora Anyaralu, President, `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jY XVY x`Y X}`Y ]\zÂ&#x201E;`WXY West Africa International and most comprehensive z\j`Y `{Xz`Y}\jY`§Â&#x201A;]\^{`jY commercial and entertain- X}\XY ^XY Â&#x2014;\WY z`Â&#x201E;z`,\x]`Y X}\XY U`{XY~VUÂ&#x201A;]`§Y^{Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\qY\~- for ages, generations of incommodating a large num- dustrialists and entrepreber of wholesale plazas and neurs from Anambra State retail clusters, state-of-the-art had invested their resources residential blocks, eateries, and genius in developing convention centres, bou- virtually everywhere else tiques, hotel and a motel that but their home state. will all be operated by leadâ&#x20AC;&#x153;I do not see any reason ing brands across the globe. why we should not have Located about 7 kilometres something that is of internaaway from the Onitsha Main tional standard; something Market, West Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest that can appeal to our brothmarket, the Intercontinental ers and sisters in Nigeria Trade Centre is conceived and in the Diaspora to come as a one-stop commercial home and invest in. We landmark in the entire South have always done our best Eastern economic bloc and a to invest and develop other symbol of the entrepreneur- places but we have never ial and commercial acumen taken the need to invest in of Ndigbo. our home state seriously. The trade centre will also But all that has come to an serve as a sanctuary of hope end under the leadership of for all Nigerian entrepre- Governor Obiano,â&#x20AC;? the busineurs who are looking for ness magnet declared. a friendly business climate Mr Anyaralu further beto begin their lives anew af- moaned the fact that Anter being dislocated by the ambra businessmen and encyclical violence in the women usually build manNorthern parts of Nigeria sions in their country homes and the relentless despolia- and abandon them for cocktion caused by Boko Haram. roaches, rats and reptiles to Laying the foundation occupy because there had stone of the trade centre, not been any serious planChief Obiano described the {^{Â&#x201E;YXVY`§Â&#x201A;\{jYX}`Y~VUU`zday as a historical day in the cial and industrial capacities life of Anambra State. of the state on a scale that He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Today marks a remarkable day in the history of our great state. It is a sure sign that our people are marching in the right direction. Recall that my administration is focused on Four Pillars. Today I am happy X}\XY Â&#x2014;`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y \,z\~X`jY X}`Y much needed investment in the trade and commerce sector. This symbolic groundbreaking ceremony marks the beginning of construction works on the most modern market in Africa right here in our beloved state.â&#x20AC;? Giving a rare insight into the equity structure of the Gov Willie Obiano ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
would accommodate the entrepreneurial energies of the people. Y Â&#x160; }`Y {`§XY Â&#x201A;}\W`Y ^WY X}\XY we will change the psyche of Ndi Anambra on the way we should live. We shall Â&#x201A;]V[Â&#x201E;}YX}`YW[UYVÂ&#x20AC;YĂ&#x153;ÂźĂ&#x201A;ÂŹU^]lion into building mega housing estates in Anambra State to provide world class residential areas for our people who want to set up businesses and relocate their families to Anambra. The estates will be built on locations Â&#x2014;^X}Y ~]VW`Y Â&#x201A;zV§^U^XyY XVY X}`Y trade centre so that residents can access the centre in less X}\{YÂŤÂŹYU^{[X`WqÂ&#x161;Y}`YWXz`WW`jqY adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;when this centre is completed, it will be the only such centre in all of Africa. The only other place you can see a similar project is either in Europe or America,â&#x20AC;? In his own remarks, the Managing Director of SGN Housing and Infrastructures Limited, the funding partners, Mr Dominic Menouh, thanked Governor Obiano for having the inspiration to envision a world class market that compares only to the very best in Europe and America. Said he: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a market that not only integrates the Nigerian idea of a place of commerce but a market that represents a point of gathering, a point of entertainment and a location where people can meet and socialise. Indeed, it is the _zWXY X^U`Y X}\XY \Y U\zÂ&#x2039;`XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y this type will be built in Nigeria and Africa.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;this ~VUÂ&#x201A;]`§Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y {VXY V{]yY z`Â&#x201A;resent a new approach to the selling of goods and services but will also be built in line with the new and green X`~}{V]VÂ&#x201E;y Y }`Y ~VUÂ&#x201A;]`§Y will not only house a large number of wholesale plazas and retail clusters but also a state-of-the-art residents, eateries, convention centres, a boutique, hotel and a motel operated by leading brands. Let me congratulate Willie Obiano for his drive for modernisation while still preserving the traditions of the people of this land.â&#x20AC;?
Is that call worth your life?
atrick Adenusi of Safety without Borders, a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) on road safety, is one safety crusader whose passion I admire. Although Patrick is from the South West of the country, we call each other twin brothers from another mother. Patrick, like I said earlier, runs an NGO - Safety beyond Borders. This piece is not about Patrick. However, the title of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s piece is xVzzVÂ&#x2014;`jY Â&#x20AC;zVUY Y X`§XY W`{XY xyY \Xz^~Â&#x2039;Y Â&#x2014;}VY lately bombards me with all sort of materials as his way of keeping me on my toes in the divine assignment of saving lives on V[zY zV\jW Y `Â&#x192;`z\]]yqY Y }\Â&#x192;`Y Â&#x2014;z^,`{Y V{Y X}`Y use of phone infraction which has become common place among motorists under titles such as, the Black Berry phobia, the Black Berry craze, the last call, that call can wait \{jYXVj\y WYX^X]`YÂ&#x2014;}^~}Y]^Â&#x2039;`Y YW\^jYÂ&#x2014;\WY^{Â&#x2026;[`{~`jY xyY \Y z`~`{XY X`§XY U`WW\Â&#x201E;`Y W`{XY XVY U`Y by my friend and brother, Patrick and the need to alert us as we draw nearer to the December rush which is often categorised by increased violation, especially driving and phoning by motorists eager to meet both Â&#x20AC;\U^]yY\{jYÂ&#x201A;`zWV{\]YY`§Â&#x201A;`~X\X^V{W z^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YVzYÂ&#x201A;}V{^{Â&#x201E;qYVzYx`,`zYWX^]]qYj^WXz\~Xed driving, is a global concern. Despite the `@VzXWY^{Yj`Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;`jY~V[{Xz^`WqYX}`z`Y\z`YWX^]]Y calls by some, especially in countries such as the United States of America for distracted driving to be a legislative priority, devoid of steps referred to by some observers as baby steps. This group maintains that driving and phoning should demand tougher and WX^@`zYÂ&#x201A;`{\]X^`WYÂĽ[WXY]^Â&#x2039;`YX}`Y~\W`YVÂ&#x20AC;Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y [{j`zY X}`Y ^{Â&#x2026;[`{~` Y }`yY ~\]]Y Â&#x20AC;VzY Â&#x201A;`{\]XyY points and licence suspensions for chron^~Y V@`{j`zWqY \zÂ&#x201E;[^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XqY Â&#x160; {yV{`Y Â&#x2014;}VY spends time behind the wheel sees that toj\y WY_{`WYjV{ XYj`X`zYjz^Â&#x192;`zWYÂ&#x20AC;zVUYX\]Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y VzY X`§X^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;}`{Y X}`yY W}V[]jY x`Y Â&#x201A;\y^{Â&#x201E;Y \XX`{X^V{YXVYXz\=~Â&#x161;qY\jj^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x20AC;[zX}`zYX}\XYÂ&#x160;^XY^WY not the physical act of holding a phone that creates the danger; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the mental distraction of a conversation.â&#x20AC;? This group maintains further that drivers do lots more than jz^Â&#x192;`Ă&#x2019;Y X}`yY X\]Â&#x2039;Y XVY Â&#x201A;\WW`{Â&#x201E;`zWqY _jj]`Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y the radio or GPS, eat, drink or smoke. But these behaviours donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t match the uninterrupted distraction of a phone call. The multi tasking of conversation â&#x20AC;&#x201D; speaking, listen^{Â&#x201E;Y \{jY z`WÂ&#x201A;V{j^{Â&#x201E;Y Ă&#x17E;Y ~z`\X`WY Â&#x160;^{\,`{X^V{Y blindnessâ&#x20AC;? to the road. Driving while using a handheld device, Â&#x2014;}`X}`zY X\]Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y VzY X`§X^{Â&#x201E;qY }\{j}`]jY VzY hands-free, should be outlawed. The dangers of distracted driving rival those of drunken driving. So, should the penalties. In the U.S., the National Transportation Safety Board recommends a ban on all Â&#x201A;}V{`WYÂ&#x2014;}^]`Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YĂ&#x17E;YX\]Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;YVzYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;qY handheld or hands-free. Polls conducted by the board showed 64 per cent of Americans approved this position. Data sourced from X}`Y \X^V{\]Y ^Â&#x201E;}Â&#x2014;\yY z\=~Y \Â&#x20AC;`XyY jministration shows that U.S. drivers, like their Nigerian counterparts, are more than willing to use their mobile devices while behind the wheel, and most believe phone ~\]]WY }\Â&#x192;`Y {VY `@`~XY V{Y X}`^zY jz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E; Y }`Y j\X\Y W}VÂ&#x2014;WY X}\XĂ&#x;Â?Â?Y Â&#x201A;`zY ~`{XY Â&#x2014;^]]Y \{WÂ&#x2014;`zY calls while driving; 41 per cent say they will U\Â&#x2039;`YÂ&#x201A;}V{`Y~\]]WYÂ&#x2014;}^]`Ă&#x;Â?šYÂ&#x201A;`zY~`{XYÂ&#x2014;^]]YW\yY WVU`X}^{Â&#x201E;Y XVY \Y jz^Â&#x192;`zY X`§X^{Â&#x201E;Y VzY ` U\^]^{Â&#x201E; Y }`Yj\X\YÂ&#x20AC;[zX}`zYW}VÂ&#x2014;WYX}\XĂ&#x;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2013;YÂ&#x201A;`zY~`{XYW\yY talking on a handheld device makes no difÂ&#x20AC;`z`{~`YV{YX}`^zYjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x201A;`zÂ&#x20AC;VzU\{~`Ă&#x2019;Ă&#x;Â&#x2013;ÂŹYÂ&#x201A;`zY cent will say something about unsafe driv^{Â&#x201E;YXVY\Yjz^Â&#x192;`zY[W^{Â&#x201E;Y\Y}\{j}`]jYÂ&#x201A;}V{`Ă&#x2019;Ă&#x;ÂŤĂ&#x201A;Y Â&#x201A;`zY~`{XYW\yYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;YU\Â&#x2039;`WY{VYj^@`z`{~`YV{Y X}`^zYjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Ă&#x2019;Ă&#x;Â&#x17D;ÂŹYÂ&#x201A;`zY~`{XYÂ&#x2014;^]]Yz`\jYX`§XYU`W-
sages while 6 per cent say they will send a X`§X YY YWX[jyYjV{`YV{YX}`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\{Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y habits will be our focus at a later time. What is testing while driving? According XVY qYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;}^]`Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y^WYX}`Y \~XYVÂ&#x20AC;Y~VUÂ&#x201A;VW^{Â&#x201E;qYW`{j^{Â&#x201E;qYz`\j^{Â&#x201E;qYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;Y messages, and e-mail or making other similar use of web on the mobile phone while operating a motor vehicle. This act is dangerous and has fatal consequences. Globally, the act has been outlawed in some parts of the world or restricted. In the United Kingdom, the use of a hand-held mobile or similar device while driving or supervising a leaner is illegal. This includes when WXVÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`jY\XYXz\=~Y]^Â&#x201E;}XWĂ&#x2019;YX}`YV{]yY`§~`Â&#x201A;X^V{Y is emergency calls. In the United States, such as Arizoma, Alaska, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Georgia, Louisi\{\Y \{jY \zy]\{jqY \UV{Â&#x201E;Y VX}`zWqY X`§X^{Â&#x201E;Y while driving has been outlawed. The State VÂ&#x20AC;Y `§\WY Â&#x201A;zV}^x^XWY W~}VV]Y x[WY jz^Â&#x192;`zWY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X`§X^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;}^]`YXz\{WÂ&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y\Y~}^]jY[{j`zYÂ&#x17D;Â?Y y`\zWY\{jYV{Y ~XVx`zYÂŤÂŹÂŹÂ&#x2022;qYX}`Y {^X`jY X\X`WY Department of Transportation announced z`W^j`{XY \z\Â&#x2039;Y x\U\ WYW^Â&#x201E;{^{Â&#x201E;YVÂ&#x20AC;Y\{Y`§ecutive order directing federal employees {VXYXVY`{Â&#x201E;\Â&#x201E;`Y^{YX`§XYU`WW\Â&#x201E;`YÂ&#x2014;}^]`Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y government owned vehicles. This, according to the department, sends clear signal to the American public that distracted driv^{Â&#x201E;Y^WYj\{Â&#x201E;`zV[WY\{jY[{\~~`Â&#x201A;X\x]` Y `§X^{Â&#x201E;Y while driving led to increased distraction behind the wheel. {YšqY ^x`zXyY [X[\]Y {W[z\{~`Y zV[Â&#x201A;Y ~V{j[~X`jY \Y W[zÂ&#x192;`yY VÂ&#x20AC;Y UVz`Y X}\{Y Â&#x2022;ÂŹY X``{WY Â&#x20AC;zVUYUVz`YX}\{YšY}^Â&#x201E;}YW~}VV]W Y }`Yz`W[]XY shows that 37 per cent consider testing to x`Y Â&#x160;`§Xz`U`]yÂ&#x161;Y j^WXz\~X^{Â&#x201E; Y Y WX[jyY xyY X}`Y American Automobile Association discov`z`jY X}\XY Â&#x2013;Â?Y Â&#x201A;`zY ~`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X``{WY \jU^,`jY XVY being distracted behind the wheel because VÂ&#x20AC;Y X`§X^{Â&#x201E; Y ^WXz\~X^V{Y Â&#x2014;}^]`Y jz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y ^WY \]\zU^{Â&#x201E;Y x`~\[W`Y Â&#x2013;ÂŹY Â&#x201A;`zY ~`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \]]Y U`z^can teens say they have been in a car when the driver uses a cell phone in way that puts X}`UY ^{Y j\{Â&#x201E;`zĂ&#x2019;Y Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A;`zY ~`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \Â&#x201E;`WY Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201C;Y  Y Â&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x2014;`z`Y^{Â&#x192;V]Â&#x192;`jY^{Y\Y~z\W}Y\jU^,`jYX}`yY Â&#x2014;`z`Y W`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y VzY z`~`^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y X`§XWY Â&#x2014;}`{Y X}`yY crashed. Y {YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;ÂŹqYX}`Y{\X^V{\]Y}^Â&#x201E;}Â&#x2014;\yYXz\=~YW\Â&#x20AC;`XyY administration reported driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s distraction was the cause of 18 per cent of fatal crashes Â&#x2014;^X}YÂźqÂŹÂ&#x2022;ÂŤYÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`YÂ&#x2039;^]]`jY\{jYÂ&#x2013;Â&#x17D;šqÂŹÂŹÂŹYÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y ^{ÂĽ[z`j Y }`Yz^WÂ&#x2039;YVÂ&#x20AC;Y~z\W}^{Â&#x201E;qYÂ&#x2014;}^]`YX`§X^{Â&#x201E;qY ^{~z`\W`WYxyYÂŤÂźYÂ&#x201A;`zY~`{XYx`~\[W`Yz`\j^{Â&#x201E;YVzY W`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y X`§XWY j^Â&#x192;`zXWY X}`Y jz^Â&#x192;`z WY `y`Y Â&#x20AC;zVUY the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the W\U`Y\WYjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YX}`Y]`{Â&#x201E;X}YVÂ&#x20AC;Y\YÂ&#x20AC;VVXx\]]Y_`]jqY \XYĂ&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;YUÂ&#x201A;} Y Although talking on the phone while driving is considered dangerous, the risk ^{~z`\W`WY \WY W}VzXY U`WW\Â&#x201E;`Y W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y VzY X`§ting becomes popular. Many studies have ]^{Â&#x2039;`jYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;}^]`Yjz^Â&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;YXVYW`z^`WYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x20AC;\X\]Y crashes. The International Telecommunication Un^V{YWX\X`WYX}\XYX`§X^{Â&#x201E;qYU\Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y~\]]WY\{jYVX}er interaction with in-vehicle information and communication systems while driving is a serious source of driver distraction \{jY^{~z`\W`WYX}`Yz^WÂ&#x2039;YVÂ&#x20AC;YXz\=~Y~z\W}`W Y }`Y Virginia Transportation Institute found out X}\XYX`§XYU`WW\Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;Y^{~z`\W`WY\Y~z\W}Yz^WÂ&#x2039;YÂŤÂźY times worse than driving while not distracted. Even the use of hands free, according to the transport research laboratory, makes drivers four times more likely to have an ac~^j`{XqY ~V{~`{Xz\X^V{Y ]`Â&#x192;`]Y z`j[~`jY Â&#x20AC;VzY Â&#x17D;ÂŹY minutes after the call had ended. The report also showed that drivers making hand free calls had slower reaction times than those who were slightly over the drink limit.
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Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 10, 2014
North Central
Traditional ruler laments incessant power failure in Kogi ADEMU IDAKWO-Lokoja
he paramount ruler of Lokoja, Kogi State, Alhaji Muhammed \^Â&#x2039;\z_Y }\WY \Â&#x201A;pealed to the management VÂ&#x20AC;Y x[ÂĽ\Y ]`~Xz^~^XyY ^WXz^bution Company (AEDC) XVY ^UÂ&#x201A;zVÂ&#x192;`Y V{Y X}`^zY W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y \{jY _{jY WV][X^V{Y XVY ^{~`WW\{XYz\X^V{^{Â&#x201E;Y\{jY`Â&#x201A;^]`Â&#x201A;X^~Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yY^{YX}`Y X\X` The royal father, Maigari of Lokoja made the apÂ&#x201A;`\]Yy`WX`zj\yY^{Y}^WYÂ&#x201A;\]\~`YY when the Executive Director of the company in charge of z`Â&#x201E;[]\XVzyY \{jY WX\Â&#x2039;`}V]j`zWY \@\^zWY Y zY x^UxV]\Y j[x^y^Y ]`jY U`Ux`zWY Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y the management team of X}`Y ~VUÂ&#x201A;\{yY V{Y \Y ~V[zX`WyY Â&#x192;^W^X According to the mon\z~}Â&#x161;YUyYÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y\z`YW[@`z^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{Y W^]`{~`Y VÂ&#x192;`zY ]\~Â&#x2039;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]y Y YWÂ&#x201A;`{XYUVz`Y than N180,000 on monthly x\W^WY ^{Y Â&#x20AC;[`]^{Â&#x201E;Y UyY Â&#x201E;`{`z\-
tor after the maintenance j[`Y XVY X}`Y ^{~`WW\{XY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY Â&#x20AC;\^][z` Â&#x160;Y `Y Â&#x2014;\{XY ^UU`j^\X`Y WV][X^V{Y XVY X}`Y ^{~`WW\{XY z\X^V{\]Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y `]`~Xz^~^XyY W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yY ^{Y VÂ&#x2039;VÂĽ\Y \{jY ^XWY `{Â&#x192;^zV{W Y People kept on paying for W`zÂ&#x192;^~`Y X}\XY \z`Y {VXY z`{dered to them and now heat ^WY ~VU^{Â&#x201E;Y \{jY X}`z`Y ^WY {VY ]^Â&#x201E;}XÂ&#x161; Y `Y]\U`{X`j
`Y }VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zY \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]`jY XVY the company to improve in X}`^zYW`zÂ&#x192;^~`Yj`]^Â&#x192;`zyYWVYY\WY to encourage people to pay X}`^zYx^]]W
`WÂ&#x201A;V{j^{Â&#x201E;Y qY Y j[x^y^Y Â&#x2014;}VY W\^jY X}`yY Â&#x2014;`z`Y ^{Y Lokoja to interact with ~[WXVU`zWY Â&#x2014;^X}Y \Y Â&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;Y XVY Â&#x2039;{VÂ&#x2014;Y X}`^zY Â&#x201A;zVx]`UWY \{jY }VÂ&#x2014;Y XVY Â&#x20AC;^{jY ]\WX^{Â&#x201E;Y WV][X^V{YXVY^XqYW\^j YX}`Y~VUÂ&#x201A;\{yY ^WY {VXY }\Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;yY \xV[XY X}`Y `Â&#x201A;^]`Â&#x201A;X^~YYÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yYY^{Y VÂ&#x2039;VÂĽ\
`Y Y Â&#x201A;V^{X`jY V[XY X}\XY X}`Y Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY WX\X^V{Y \XY `z`Â&#x201E;[Y in Kogi State where the Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY ^WY x`^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x201E;`{`z\X`jY ]\~Â&#x2039;Y`{V[Â&#x201E;}YÂ&#x201E;\WYXVYÂ&#x201E;`{`z\X`Y power up to their full capac^Xy
`YW\^jqYYÂ&#x160;Â&#x2014;`Y\z`YV{]yY\]]V~\X`jY Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D; Ă&#x201A;Y Â&#x201A;`z~`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y XVX\]Y {\X^V{\]Y Â&#x201E;`{`z\X^V{Y Y VY^Â&#x20AC;Y^XY^WY]VÂ&#x2014;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;`z~`{X\Â&#x201E;`Y \]]V~\X`jY XVY [WY \]WVY jzVÂ&#x201A;WY which invariably hamper V[zYj^WXz^x[X^V{ Y XY^WYV[XYVÂ&#x20AC;Y X}^WY Â&#x201A;`z~`{X\Â&#x201E;`Y X}\XY ^Â&#x201E;`zqY \W\z\Â&#x2014;\qY VÂ&#x201E;^Y \{jY x[ÂĽ\Y W}\z`j â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are right now in x[W^{`WWY X\]Â&#x2039;Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y x\ÂĽ\{\Y `U`{XY ^Â&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2014;`Y ~\{Y [W`Y X}`^zY `§~`WWY\{jYV{~`YX}\XY^WYjV{`Y `Â&#x201A;^]`Â&#x201A;X^~YÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;]yYÂ&#x2014;^]]Y x`Y \Y X}^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;\WXY ^{Y VÂ&#x2039;VÂĽ\ Y `Y\z`YV{]yYj^WXz^x-
[X^{Â&#x201E;Y {VXY Â&#x201E;`{`z\X^{Â&#x201E;Â&#x161; Y `Y {VX`j ]WVY WÂ&#x201A;`\Â&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y §`~[tive Director in charge of z^WÂ&#x2039;Y \{jY ~VUÂ&#x201A;]^\{~`Y zY V]^{WY }\x[Â&#x2039;\Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]`jY XVY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY ~V{W[U`zWY ^{Y X}`Y WX\X`Y XVY j`W^WXY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`Y [W`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x160; Y ÂŤÂ&#x161;Y XVY WV]Â&#x192;`Y \{yY Â&#x20AC;\[]XY While cautioning the people the danger inherent in X`UÂ&#x201A;`z^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y ^{WX\]]\X^V{qY }\x[Â&#x2039;\Y \jÂ&#x192;^W`jY Y ~[WXVU`zWYXVY\Â&#x192;V^jYX`UÂ&#x201A;`z^{Â&#x201E;YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y }^Â&#x201E;}Y X`{W^V{Y Â&#x2014;^z`qY Â&#x2014;\z{^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY^XY~\{YÂ&#x2039;^]]Y^{WX\{X]y
Ex- Benue Assembly Speaker, Tarzor, wins PDP guber primary
ormer Speaker of the Benue X\X`Y V[W`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y WW`Ux]yqY zY Terhemen TarÂ&#x;VzqY }\WY Â&#x2014;V{Y X}`Y WX\X`Â WY `VÂ&#x201A;]`WY `UV~z\X^~Y
Party, PDP, governorW}^Â&#x201A;Y Â&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY }`]jY \XY the Aper Aku Starium, Makurdi, in the early }V[zWYVÂ&#x20AC;Yy`WX`zj\y The 42 year old hold`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y \Y \WX`zWY `Â&#x201E;z``Y
Former Governor of Plateau State, Senator Joshua Dariye (left), embracing Governor Jonah Jang, at the People Democratic Party Plateau gubernatorial primary in Jos, Plateau Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
^{Y [W^{`WWY jU^{^Wtration from Abua in Makurdi local governU`{XY \z`\qY Y Â&#x201A;V]]`jY Ă&#x201A;Â&#x17D;Â?YY Â&#x192;VX`WY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y }^WY ~]VW`WXY rival, Chief Steven LaÂ&#x2014;\{^Y Â&#x2014;}VY ^WY X}`Y j`Â&#x201A;[XyY Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YWX\X`YÂ&#x201E;VXY ÂźÂ&#x17D;Â&#x17D;YÂ&#x192;VX`W }`YÂ&#x20AC;VzU`zYU^{^WX`zYVÂ&#x20AC;Y WX\X`YÂ&#x20AC;VzY z\j`qY {j[WXzyY \{jY {Â&#x192;`WXU`{XY W`~[z`jY Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;YÂ&#x192;VX`WYÂ&#x2014;}^]`YYX}`Y^UU`j^\X`Y Â&#x201A;\WXY U\{\Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;Y director of Lower Benue ^Â&#x192;`zY \W^{Y `Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;U`{XY [X}Vz^XyqY zWYY j\Y }`{Â&#x201E;`qY Y }\jY Â&#x2013;Â?Y Â&#x192;VX`WY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y X}`Y Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY U^{^WX`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y WX\X`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY ^ger Delta, Mr Sam Ode, Â&#x201A;V]]`jYÂ&#x2013;Ă&#x201C;YÂ&#x192;VX`W The former attorney Â&#x201E;`{`z\]Y \{jY U^{^WX`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y [WX^~`qY ^Â&#x2039;`Y \\W`Y V{j\Â&#x2039;\\qY qY W~Vz`jY ÂŤĂ&#x201A;Y Â&#x192;VX`WY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y X}`Y Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY ~VUU^WW^V{`zY Â&#x20AC;VzY V~\]Y VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY \{jY }^`Â&#x20AC;X\^{~yY Â&#x20AC;Â&#x20AC;\^zWqY zY `z}`Ux\Y }^ÂĽ\Y}\jYÂź The former managing director of the Federal Medical Center, Makurj^qY zY \XX}^\WY y^Â&#x201E;`y\Y }\jY Y Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;VX`WY Â&#x2014;}^]`Y X}`z`Y
Â&#x2014;`z`YĂ&#x201C;Y^{Â&#x192;\]^jYÂ&#x192;VX`W VU`Y }V[zWY XVY X}`Y Â&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY `]`Â&#x192;`{Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y \WÂ&#x201A;^z\{XWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y YÂĄ \W`Â&#x192; Y }\z`Â&#x192;qY Nongov Development WWV~^\X^V{¢Y WX`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`jY jVÂ&#x2014;{Y Â&#x20AC;VzY zY \zÂ&#x;Vz Y Prominent among them were Dr Eugene Aliegx`qY zY ^{Â&#x201E;\}Y ^`UqY zY \xz^`]Y y^XW`qY VUrade Simon Anchaver and Engr Felix Atume, Y Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY WÂ&#x201A;`\Â&#x2039;`zY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y X\X`W WY V[W`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y WW`Ux]yqY zY \Â&#x192;`Y Vz}`Ux\qY Â&#x2014;}VY ^WY \]WVY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y `§Xz\~X^V{Y }\jY withdrawn from the race before the primaz^`W The four local gov`z{U`{XWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y \Â&#x2039;[zj^qY [U\qY Â&#x2014;`zY\{jY Â&#x2014;`z Y `WXYU\Â&#x2039;`Y[Â&#x201A;Y Before the commenceU`{XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y W~z``{^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y j`]`Â&#x201E;\X`WY \{jY Â&#x192;VX^{Â&#x201E;qY VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY \xz^`]Y [WÂ&#x2014;\UY \{jY X}`Y `{\X`Y z`W^j`{XqYY \Â&#x192;^jY \zÂ&#x2039;qY }\jY W`Â&#x192;`z\]Y }V[zWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y U``X^{Â&#x201E;Y \XY X}`Y VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY V[W`qY \Â&#x2039;[zj^
PDP: Jang commends Plateau delegates for peaceful primaries GYANG BERE Jos
]\X`\[Y X\X`Y VÂ&#x192;`z{VzqY z Y V{\}Y \Â&#x192;^jY
\{Â&#x201E;Y }\WY X}\{Â&#x2039;`jY \]]Y j`]`Â&#x201E;\X`WYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y `VÂ&#x201A;]`Â WY `UV~z\X^~Y \zty (PDP) and the good people of Plateau State for conducting X}`UW`]Â&#x192;`WY Â&#x201A;`\~`Â&#x20AC;[]]yY j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y YÂ&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY}`]jY^{YX}`Y WX\X` Y \{Â&#x201E;Y ^{Y \Y z`WWY X\X`U`{XY W^Â&#x201E;{`jYxyY}^WY ^z`~XVzYVÂ&#x20AC;Y z`WWY \{jY [x]^~Y @\^zWqY \U`WY \{{VÂ&#x2039;Y ~V{Â&#x201E;z\X[]\X`WY \]]Y X}VW`Y Â&#x2014;}VY`U`zÂ&#x201E;`jYÂ&#x192;^~XVz^V[WY\XYX}`Y Â&#x192;\z^V[WY YÂ&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY}`]jY^{Y X}`Y WX\X`qY X}`Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY [zÂ&#x201E;`jY them to extend olive branch to VX}`zYÂ&#x20AC;`]]VÂ&#x2014;Y~V{X`WX\{XWYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`Y Â&#x201E;zVÂ&#x2014;X}YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;\zXy
VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY \{Â&#x201E;Y[zÂ&#x201E;`jY\]]Y\WÂ&#x201A;^z\{XWYX}\XY~V{X`WX`jY\{jY]VWXY to accept the outcome of the ~V{X`WXWY\WYX}`YÂ&#x2014;^]]YVÂ&#x20AC;Y VjY\{jY collectively work for the party \WY\YÂ&#x20AC;\U^]y
While appreciating the peoÂ&#x201A;]`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY X}`^zY W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzXY XVY X}`Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XqY VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY \{Â&#x201E;Y \jj`jY X}\XY X}`Y WX\X`Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XYz`U\^{WY~VUU^,`jYXVY\Y Â&#x20AC;z``Y\{jYÂ&#x20AC;\^zYÂ&#x201A;V]]WY~VU`YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y
`{`z\]Y ]`~X^V{W }`Y VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY\]WVY~\]]`jYV{Y Â&#x201A;V]^X^~^\{WY XVY `{Â&#x201E;\Â&#x201E;`Y ^{Y Â&#x201A;V]^X^~WYVÂ&#x20AC;Y^WW[`WqY^j`\WY\{jY^{Â&#x201E;`nuity in order to add meaning XVYÂ&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Â WY]^Â&#x192;`W
`Y{VX`jYX}\XYj`UV~z\~yY^WY the hallmark of development \{jY [zÂ&#x201E;`jY \]]Y ~^X^Â&#x;`{WY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y WX\X`YXVY~VU`YV[XY`{YU\WWY\{jY participate in the forthcoming Â&#x201E;`{`z\]Y`]`~X^V{W
2015: Nigeria youths, Plateau council chairman pledge support for Pwajok GYANG BERE, Jos
Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y \WÂ&#x201A;^z\{XY during the recently concluded PDP governorW}^Â&#x201A;Y Â&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY ^{Y ]\X`\[Y \{jY Chairman of Shendam Local VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY z`\Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y X\X`qY z Y ^~V]\WY `U^Y W}`Y }\WY Â&#x192;VÂ&#x2014;`jY XVY W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzXY X}`Y `VÂ&#x201A;]` WY Democratic Party and gover{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y ~\{j^j\X`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y \zXyqY `{\XVzY y\{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;\ÂĽVÂ&#x2039;Y j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;YÂ&#x201E;`{`z\]Y`]`~X^V{W Similarly, the Nigeria ProÂ&#x201E;z`WW^Â&#x192;`Y V[X}Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WWY }\WY Â&#x201A;]`jÂ&#x201E;`jYX}`^zYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzXYXVY `{\tor Pwajok and called on Nigez^\{Y V[X}WYXVYW[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzXY}^WY~\{j^j\X[z`Y^{YÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;YÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`YVÂ&#x192;`z\]]Y j`Â&#x192;`]VÂ&#x201A;U`{XYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YWX\X` z Y W}`Y WX\X`jY X}^WY y`WX`zj\yY j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y \Y ~V[zX`WyY ~\]]`jY on Senator Pwajok and accept`jY j`Â&#x20AC;`\XY j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;\zXy WY Â&#x201A;z^U\z^`W
`Y`§Â&#x201A;z`WW`jYVÂ&#x201A;X^U^WUYX}\XY X}`Y `VÂ&#x201A;]` WY `UV~z\X^~Y \zXyY ÂĄ ¢Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y Â&#x2014;^{Y X}`Y ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y `]`~X^V{Y ^{Y X}`Y WX\X`Y \{jY ~\]]`jY V{Y VX}`zY \WÂ&#x201A;^z\{XWY Â&#x2014;}VY]VWXYX}`YÂ&#x201A;V]]YXVYÂĽV^{Y}\{jWY with Pwajok to deliver PDP in X}`YWX\X` }`Y ^Â&#x201E;`z^\{Y zVÂ&#x201E;z`WW^Â&#x192;`Y V[X}Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WWY ^{Y \Y z`WWY X\X`U`{XYW^Â&#x201E;{`jYxyYX}`Y z`W^j`{XqY }\z]WY }`U`Â&#x201E;x[]`UY\{jY U\j`Y\Â&#x192;\^]\x]`YXVY `Â&#x2014;WÂ&#x2014;\X~}Y ^U`WY ^{Y VWY [zÂ&#x201E;`jY ]\X`\[Y ~^X^Â&#x;`{WYXVYYz^W`Y\xVÂ&#x192;`YXz^x\]Y\{jY z`]^Â&#x201E;^V[WYW`{X^U`{XY\{jYÂ&#x192;VX`Y\Y credible and competent candij\X`Y j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y Â&#x201E;`{`z\]Y `]`~X^V{W \zXWYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YWX\X`U`{XYz`\jWqY Â&#x160; `Y\z`YÂ&#x201A;\zX^~[]\z]yY^UÂ&#x201A;z`WW`jY x`~\[W`YÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x2014;`zY}\WYx``{Y}\{j`jYVÂ&#x192;`zYXVYX}`YyV[X}WYÂ&#x2014;}VY~V{WX^X[X`WY X}`Y U\ÂĽVz^XyY Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x201A;[]\~`Y ^{Y X}`Y WX\X`Y Y XY ^WY Â&#x2014;VzX}yY XVY {VX`YX}\XY VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY V{\}Y \Â&#x192;^jY \{Â&#x201E;Y}\WY`§}^x^X`jYZ[\]^XyY ]`\j`zW}^Â&#x201A;Y ^{Y ]\X`\[Y \{jY }\WY j^z`~X`jY X}`Y Â&#x201A;`VÂ&#x201A;]`Y XVÂ&#x2014;\zjWY Â&#x201E;VVjYÂ&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{\{~` â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have hope in Senator Pwajok that he will build on X}`Y ]`Â&#x201E;\~yY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzY \{Â&#x201E;Y \{jYÂ&#x2014;`Y\z`Y~\]]^{Â&#x201E;YV{YX}`YU\WW`WYXVYz^W`Y\xVÂ&#x192;`YXz^x\]Y\{jYz`]^Â&#x201E;^V[WY W`{X^U`{XY \{jY W[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;VzXY X}`Y W`zÂ&#x192;^{Â&#x201E;Y W`{\XVzY Â&#x2014;}VY }\Â&#x192;`Y x``{YX`WX`jY\{jYXz[WX`jYÂ&#x20AC;VzYX}`Y total redemption of Plateau X\X` Â&#x161;
Pwajok emerges Plateau PDP governorship candidate GYANG BERE, Jos
`{\XVzY z`Â&#x201A;z`W`{X^{Â&#x201E;Y Plateau North in the \X^V{\]Y WW`Ux]yqY y\{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;\ÂĽVÂ&#x2039;Y }\WY Â&#x2014;V{Y X}`Y `VÂ&#x201A;]` WY Democratic Party (PDP) Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y ~\{j^j\X`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY Plateau State during the \zXy WYÂ&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x201A;z^U\z^`WY }`]jY V{Y V{j\yY \XY X}`Y
Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x201E;Y \UY VÂ&#x2014;{W}^Â&#x201A;Y X\j^[UY VW `{ Y Â&#x2014;\ÂĽVÂ&#x2039;Y W~Vz`jY Â&#x2013;ÂźĂ&#x201A;Y Â&#x192;VX`WY XVY x`\XÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y VX}`zY \WÂ&#x201A;^z\{XWYÂ&#x2014;}VY~V{X`WX`jYX}`YÂ&#x201A;V]]Y \~zVWWY X}`Y X}z``Y W`{\XVz^\]Y Â&#x;V{`WqY ^{~][j^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y WX\X`Y `Â&#x201A;[XyY VÂ&#x192;`z{VzqY Ux Y Â&#x201E;{\X^[WY V{Â&#x201E;ÂĽ\{YÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x201A;V]]`jY\Y XVX\]Y{[Ux`zYVÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x17D;šŸYÂ&#x192;VX`WYXVY X\Â&#x2039;`YX}`YW`~V{jYÂ&#x201A;VW^X^V{ {{V[{~^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y z`W[]XY \XY
\xV[XY Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x2014;Â&#x2013;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x201A;UY V{Y V{j\yqY Chairman of Plateau State Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{VzW}^Â&#x201A;Y`]`~XVz\]Y~VUU^,``qY ]} Y xj[]]\}^Y }^VU\Y W\^jY Y `{\XVzY Â&#x2014;\ÂĽVÂ&#x2039;Y }\WYW\X^W_`jYX}`Y~V{WX^X[X^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;\zXyY \{jY W~Vz`jY X}`Y }^Â&#x201E;}`WXY Â&#x192;VX`WY Â&#x160;^WY X}`z`xyY j`~]\z`jY\WYX}`Y~\{j^j\X`YVÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;\zXyY Â&#x20AC;VzY X}`Y ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y Â&#x201E;`{`z\]Y`]`~X^V{ Â&#x161; ]} Y }^VU\YWXz`WW`jYX}\XY
Ă&#x201C;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201C;Y j`]`Â&#x201E;\X`WY Â&#x2014;`z`Y \~~z`jited while the total number VÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;VX`WY~\WXYÂ&#x2014;`z`YÂ?Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;qY\jj^{Â&#x201E;Y X}\XY X}`Y `]`~X^V{Y Â&#x2014;\WY conducted peaceful accord^{Â&#x201E;YXVYX}`Y~V{WX^X[X^V{YVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y \zXy
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damawa State National delegates and stakeholders of the Peoples Democratic Party have resolved to abstain from the national convention of the party slated for Wednesday (today) in protest against imposition of unpopular candidates, â&#x20AC;&#x153;against the wish of the people.â&#x20AC;? The stakeholders of the party which included six of its gubernatorial aspirants unanimously distance themselves from the party primary which produced Malam Nuhu Ribadu as the standard bearer for the February
Delegates boycott PDP national convention over Ribaduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory 2015 general election. The stakeholders who made their position known on Tuesday during a press conference, in which they claimed that anything short of cancellation of the kangaroo primary by the NWC will be resisted and leave them with no option but to follow the views of the entire great majority of the people of Adamawa state. The embattled state chair-
man of the party chief Joel Madaki who spoke at the press conference said that the party members regreted the way and manner the party was thrown into confusion, â&#x20AC;&#x153;with the flagrant and open abuse of the rule and law with impunity with regard to party primaries and is a thing of serious concern that is heading to the complete eradication of the party in the minds of our grassroots sup-
porters.â&#x20AC;? Also corroborating other gubernatorial candidates which include Aliyu Kama, Dr Ahmed Modibbo, Engr Marcus Gundiri and the state Governor Bala James Ngillari who was represented by Sen. Abubakar Girei stressed that contrary to the Electoratal Act and party guidelines which state that should there be any change of election venue, there must be a notice of not
less than seven days and more to that, all elections be held in the various constituencies. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But unfortunately in the case of Adamawa state all the delegates and aspirants were in Yola without any communication either from INEC or the party, while a purported election was said to have taken place in Abuja, â&#x20AC;&#x153;he fumes. Ngillari supported that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is our unanimous resolution
to distance, condemn and reject it in its entirety, and that in protest to that we will not be part of any illegality that is happening within our party.â&#x20AC;? Dr Ahmed Moddibo one of the gubernatorial aspirants lamented over role played by the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC to contravene the nationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s constitution by supervising illegal primary.
Ex-comptroller of Customs emerges APC senatorial candidate, vows to crush Yuguda NANKPAH Bauchi
F Maiha bridge linking Pela-Maiha-Mubi road, destroyed by insurgents in Mubi, Adamawa State...yesterday.
ormer Comptroller of Customs, Malam Ali Wakili has polled 1464 votes to clinch the All Progressives Party (APC) ticket to contest the Bauchi South Senatorial district seat in 2015 and vowed to crush his main opponent Governor Isa Yuguda. Wakili who thanked his supporters for believing in him also exÂ&#x201A;z`WW`jY ~V{_j`{~`Y X}\XY he would defeat Yuguda at the polls. The former Bauchi
Badaru, Ringim declared winners in gubernatorial primaries MOHAMMED SULEIMAN, Dutse
he immediate past National President of the National Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture(NACCIMA), Alh. Badaru Abubakar of the (APC) and Aminu Ringim of the (PDP) have won gubernatorial primaries held in Dutse, and Gumel respectively. Ringim who is also the }^`Â&#x20AC;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y WX\@Y XVY VÂ&#x192;`znor Sule Lamido , polled 1120 votes beating two other PDP aspirants who withdrew few hours to the commencement of the PDP gubernatorial primaries held in Dutse, while Badaru Abubakar of the (APC) scored over three thousand votes out of four thousand, three hundred and sixty accredited votes cast. Those withdrawn from the race were former state commissioner of Land Architect Aminu Kani, and former Federal Legislator, Hon. Abba Anas Announcing the result
of the (PDP) gubernatorial primary elections, the Chief Electoral Presid^{Â&#x201E;YV=~`zY ]}\ÂĽ^Y \[]\}\Y Aliyu stated that, the total number of 1126 delegates were accredited for the party gubernatorial primary elections. According to him initially â&#x20AC;&#x153;three aspirants were in the contest, but Aminu Kani personally announced his withdrawal. Also one Abdulkadir Hadejia informed us that, Hon Abba Anas has
also step down, but due to lack of any legal evidence we conducted the election with two aspirantsâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Out of the total vote cast Malam Aminu Ibrahim Ringim scored 1120 votes, Hon Abba Anas 0 while 6 votes were recorded invalids.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Having scored the high`WXY Â&#x192;VX`WY \{jY W\X^W_`jY \]]Y electoral criteria, I am declaring Malam Aminu Ibrahim Ringim as duly elected Jigawa state PDP
gubernatorial candidate for the 2015 gubernatorial electionsâ&#x20AC;? Kaulaha said. In his acceptance speech Malam Aminu Ringim promise to continue from where governor Sule Lamido stopped in terms of leadership with justice, fairness accountability, in transforming Jigawa state XVY\Yx`,`zYWX\X`Y^{YX}`YÂ&#x20AC;`jeration. He also announced his decision in nominating Minister of (state) foreign
\@\^zWY zY [z\jj``{Y [hammed as his running mate after duly consultations with all stake holders in the state. In his acceptance speech, Badaru Abubakar pledged a transparent governance based on peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s oriented policy. He commended all APC supporters and its executives who contributed towards his success, assuring he will not let them down.
Why I dumped PDP - Aliero AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
ormer Governor of Kebbi State and Minister of Federal Capital Territory, yesterday gave reason for yet another defection from PDP to APC, saying it is necessary and timely for him to join hands and salvage the state from total collapse. Speaking to some selected journalists midnight, the senator said
after eighteen meetings to mend fences between him and the Kebbi state governor, Saidu Dakingari he was left with no option but to leave the party which he said betrayed him and his supporters. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we suffered discrimination and subjected to humiliation in the PDP in the state with a lot of disrespect to our principles of all inclusive government that work
in line with aspirations of the electoratesâ&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is no longer secret that our supporters were denied the PDP membership card as a deliberate attempt to scheme us out of relevance.â&#x20AC;? The former Minister confirmed his acceptance to contest the Senate seat thereby abandoning same ambition in the PDP, adding that, he was given an automatic ticket in
APC including two house of Representatives and six state assembly tickets for some of his followers as part of reconciliatory move for him to move to the party. Sources close to PDP camp inform that prior to the Alieroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defection the governor was plotting to field Abubakar Gari Malam to contest against Aliero who happens to be his close political associate.
State deputy governorship candidate of Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) in 2011 general elections beat Abdullahi Matori who polled 153 votes and Barrister Lawal who got 140 votes. Shortly after his declaration as the winner of primaries, Wakili said that the main task ahead now is â&#x20AC;&#x153;to defeat the monster called PDP which has retarded the development of the state.â&#x20AC;? The politician who carpeted the governor for non-performance said that all the indices are pointing to the facts that the people of Bauchi are increasingly disenchanted with the ruling PDP. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some of us refer to the days of former governor Ahmed Adamu Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu in terms of governance but if you look at my brother Mallam Isa Yuguda,whom people are agitating for to come and contest for the Bauchi South senatorial election, he has lot his chances.â&#x20AC;? According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Look at the quantum of money coming into the state treasury right from the time he became governor till date. You will discover that the physical presence on ground and other social amenities, infrastructure and the living standard of the people do not match the quantum of money that comes into the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s treasury.â&#x20AC;? He added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Certainly, you have visited a good number of hospitals but how medical personnel are there? What is the state of the health facilities? Go and check the health indexes in terms of mortality and child birth and what is the situation now?
Newswatch Times
North West
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
78 small scale business operators in Kano secure Agric Bank loan TED ODOGWU, Kano
programme, facilitated by Growth and Empowerment in States (GEMs 1) has disbursed loan facilities to not less than 78 people, comprising men and women from the Bank of Agriculture to enhance their small scale
businesses. GEMs1 Deputy Team Leader, Alhaji Bello Yakasai during an interactive session Â&#x2014;^X}Y x`{`_~^\z^`WY ^{Y \{VY yesterday, said the loan was granted basically for the improvement of their small scale businesses, adding that GEMs 1 conducted an analysis, as well as monitored their busi-
nesses, kept records and at the close of the day established X}\XYX}`yYÂ&#x2014;^]]YWÂ&#x201A;`~^_~\]]yY[W`Y the loan for the purpose for which it was collected. According to Yakasai, all X}`Yx`{`_~^\z^`WY\z`YVÂ&#x20AC;X`{Y\Wsembled and sensitised to judiciously utilise the loan, to expand their businesses, Â&#x2014;}^~}Y^WYXVYX}`^zYVÂ&#x2014;{Yx`{`_XqY
just as he charged all those, Â&#x2014;}VYx`{`_X`jYXVY[W`YX}`Y]V\{Y judiciously as GEMs planned for them to secure the loan. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; We have tripartite monitoring system, We have the association on the one hand and we also have a project called GEMs and its partner INL, which is a service provider and we have the
bond, just as we are working in consort to ensure proper monitoring , not only just for the repayment but to ensure that the businesses for which the money is borrowed is expanding and growing.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Yakasai also explained X}\XY x`{`_~^\z^`WY W`~[z`jY
2015: El-Rufai cannot make any positive change in Kaduna â&#x20AC;&#x201C;PDP chair BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
A L-R: Representative of the Minister of Health, Dr. Taiwo Sheikh; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Kaduna State, Dr. Paul Dogo and Chairman, Board of Management, Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Alhaji Ramalan Yero, at the 45th annual / * ] ( / % $ ( ( X 8$$ ( ( @$0 X( ($ $ ( 6(/ ( ( ? % 0 $ % 0
Ganduje will not betray me, insists Kwankwaso the projects initiated by his administration, as well as to ano state Gov- continue with the APC and ernor, Rabiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;u Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVÂ WY Â&#x201A;]\{Y Â&#x20AC;VzY X}`Y [W\Y Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;- state. waso, yesterday He however advised his ^{Y \{VY z`\Â&#x20AC;- deputy to continue with _zU`jY }^WY VÂ&#x201A;X^U^WUY X}\XY an open door policy of this his deputy Dr. Umar Abdullahi Umar Ganduje, who emerged the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s APC gubernatorial candidate would not betray him when he beAYO AJOGE, Kebbi comes elected as governor of he Peoples Demothe state in 2015 cratic Party(PDP) Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVqYÂ&#x2014;}VYÂ&#x201E;\Â&#x192;`YX}`Y Gubernatorial priassurance while responding mary Election in to questions from newsmen `xx^Y X\X`Y Â&#x2014;\WY during a live Radio and Tel`Â&#x192;^W^V{Y ^{X`zÂ&#x192;^`Â&#x2014;Y \XY \{VY botched Monday night after Government House, noted three contestants protestthat over 90 per cent of the ed what they described as present administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fraud in the whole process. Atmosphere at the Haliru programmes were initiated Abdul Stadium in Birninwith Ganduje. ~~Vzj^{Â&#x201E;YXVY Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVqY `xx^Y U`XzVÂ&#x201A;V]^WY Â&#x192;`{[`Y VÂ&#x20AC;YY U\{yY ~VUU^,``WY ~V{WX^- the counting of votes became tuted by this administra- charged at about 8.30p.m as tion were headed by Gan- three retired Generals of the duje, stressing that there is Nigeria Army who are also no way his deputy would in the contest took center turn his back on him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;con- stage to protest the abnorsidering the fact that even malities in the voting prowhen he was a Minister of cess. In other to save the situDefence, Ganduje was his \X^V{Y Â&#x20AC;zVUY Â&#x201E;`,^{Â&#x201E;Y V[XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y adviserâ&#x20AC;?. Ganduje is conversant hands, the chairman of the with this administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ]`~XVz\]Y VUU^,``qY }^`Â&#x20AC;Y policies, more than any Celestin Omehia accordVX}`zY Â&#x201A;`zWV{qÂ&#x161;Y Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVY ing to the regulatory power noted, assuring that his dep- conferred on him has to uty would continue with all announce the suspension
administration, in order to sustain the transparency and purposefulness of the Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\W^yy\Y \jU^{^WXz\tion.
VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY Â&#x2014;\{Â&#x2039;Â&#x2014;\WVY ]\mented that the immediate past administration had crit-
icized his 1999-2003 tenure, pointing out that his second mandate has erased all that negative perception from the public, just as he has Â&#x2014;z^,`{Y}^WYVÂ&#x2014;{Y}^WXVzyYÂ&#x2014;^X}Y Â&#x201E;V]jqYxyYXz\{WÂ&#x20AC;VzU^{Â&#x201E;Y \{VY state to a mega city.
WY X}`Y x\,]`Y Â&#x20AC;VzY 2015 hots up in \j[{\Y WX\X`qY chairman of the ruling Peoples Democratic party (PDP), in the state, Chief Abubakar Gaya Haruna yesterday said, the All Progressives Congress, (APC) Gubernatorial candidate Mallam Nasir ElRufai would not be able to make any positive change in the state. Gaya therefore called on the residents of the state to vote for the PDP which according to him has what it takes to improve their well being. Addressing newsmen at the Nigerian Union of Journalists, (NUJ) secretariat, Gaya said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is no any other political party in the state, what I know is PDP and El-Rufai is the product of PDP and his manifesto is that of PDP, he cannot change anything PDP is ready since 1999 and it will continue to be readyâ&#x20AC;?.
PDP primaries: Kebbi election suspended
of the election, adding that another date will be announced very shortly. z^`_{Â&#x201E;Y {`Â&#x2014;WU`{Y V{Y the sordid development, a member of the campaign VUU^,``YXVY `{`z\]Y `]]VY Seriki Yaki, one of the aspirants, Alhaji Haliru Abubakar explained that, at the
time the protest started, more than 80% of the voting process has been done. He pointed out that he cannot say precisely or explain what the protestants reasons were, but one of them said that names of their delegates were missing from the list of delegates, adding further
that only them can explain what their grievances are. Alhaji Abubakar said there was no parallel election contrary to what mischief makers insinuate, adding that accreditation took place at the Race Course while the election proper took place at the Stadium.
Gaya retains APC Kano south senatorial ticket TED ODOGWU, Kano `{\X`Y VUU^,``Y Chairman on State and Local Government AdministraX^V{qY `{\XVzY \x^z[Y Ibrahim Gaya, yesterday in \{VYz`X\^{`jY}^WY `{\XVz^\]Y seat on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, (APC). \y\qY z`Â&#x201A;z`W`{X^{Â&#x201E;Y \{VY South Senatorial District Â&#x2026;VVz`jY }^WY VÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;V{`{XqY \haya Isa Zarewa in a land slide victory, polling 4,121
votes against that of his opponentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 732 in a keenly contested primary held in Rano town, Rano Local GovernU`{XY\z`\YVÂ&#x20AC;Y \{VY X\X` It would be recalled that \y\qY \Y Â&#x20AC;VzU`zY \{VY X\X`Y governor is making his third term in the Senate. In his acceptance speech, he noted that it is another opportunity for him to offer meritorious service to the people of his senatorial district, consisting 16 local government areas, just as he
N150,000 loan at the pilot stage which is repayable within a period of one year.. Responding, three of the ]V\{Y x`{`_~^\z^`WqY Â&#x2014;}VY spoke on behalf of the others, pledged to judiciously utilise the loan to enhance their respective small scale business enterprises.
appealed that whoever he U[WXY }\Â&#x192;`Y V@`{j`jY j[z^{Â&#x201E;Y the primary election to bury the hatchet and forgive him. Also, he appealed to those, who lost the primaries to join hands with him in x[^]j^{Â&#x201E;Y \{VY V[X}YW`{\XVrial district. However, in the primaries ~V{j[~X`jY \XY \{VY `{Xz\]Y Senatorial District, the incumbent State Commissioner for Works and Housing, xx\Y \x^zY [W[Â&#x20AC;Y `U`zÂ&#x201E;`jY winner of the primaries.
Asked on the use of money during the primaries, the chairman said â&#x20AC;&#x153;let me quickly correct you, you are a journalist, and I know you read widely, in America where we operate the same system with them, even before you contest, you bring the statement of your account before the party and if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have enough money then you face j^WZ[\]^_~\X^V{YX}\XY^WY\WYW^Uple as that.â&#x20AC;? He continued, â&#x20AC;&#x153;let me tell you sometimes if you are not WXzV{Â&#x201E;Y _{\{~^\]]yqY ^{Y Â&#x20AC;\~XY ^XY ^WY stated in our constitution, it is in the guidelines if you are bankrupt that is number one j^WZ[\]^_~\X^V{qY X}`Y Â&#x201E;\U`Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y politics is the game of those that are strong enough, it is now left for the delegates, you could have money, and be good you could not even have money and you can be good Â&#x2014;}\XY}\WY}\Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`{`jY_zWXY^WYX}`Y determination of the leadership of the party not to involve themselves in money siphoning from aspirants. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You allow delegates to go and do their duty and every aspirant give the delegates some money to drink water there is nothing wrong with that, it is your conscience that will judge you.â&#x20AC;? He then revealed that, after the governorship primaries,the party secretariat in the state has not received any complaint or petition from the aspirants that lost the election. He thanked the media for cooperating with the leadership of the PDP in the state for a very long time inspire of some of the challenges saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153; it was not our making neither was it our doing and on behalf of our party \j[{\YWX\X`Y~}\Â&#x201A;X`zYÂ&#x2014;`Y\z`Y sorry for what happened and we want you to forgive us because we are also human beings.â&#x20AC;? The chairman also appealed to journalists in the state to work for the growth of the country, pointing out that if Nigeria refused to grow it is the members of the NUJ that refused to work for its development.
Sokari to undergo scan for injury
Electoral Appeals Committee Reports:
{y^Ux\Y WX\zqY ^{Â&#x201E;W]`yY VÂ&#x2039;\z^Y }\WY ÂĽV^{`jY [Â&#x201A;Y with the Flying Eagles WZ[\jY ^{Y \j[{\qY x[XY Â&#x2014;^]]Y [{j`zÂ&#x201E;VY \Y W~\{Y XVY j`X`zU^{`YX}`Y`§X`{XYVÂ&#x20AC;Y}^WY}\UWXz^{Â&#x201E;Y^{ÂĽ[zy VÂ&#x2039;\z^Y Â&#x201A;[]]`jY V[XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ÂĽVÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;^{Â&#x201E;Y `§`z~^W`Y \XY V{j\y WY Xz\^{^{Â&#x201E;Y \{jY X}`Y ]y^{Â&#x201E;Y \Â&#x201E;]`WY {VÂ&#x2014;Y }VÂ&#x201A;`Y XVY \W~`zX\^{Y X}`Y W`Â&#x192;`z^XyY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y }\UWXz^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{ÂĽ[zyY X}`Y U^j_`]j`zY W[@`z`jY ^{Y X}`Y _{\]Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y `j`z\X^V{Y [Â&#x201A;Y \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY V]Â&#x201A;}^{WY ]\WXY UV{X} X}`zÂ&#x2014;^W`qY VÂ&#x2039;\z^Y }\WY W\^jY}`Y}\WYx``{YÂ&#x2014;\zU]yYz`-
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NFF denies receiving World Cup windfall
igeria Football Federation (NFF) gen`z\]Y `~z`X\zyqY [W\Y U\j[Y }\WY j`x[{Â&#x2039;`jY ~]\^UWYX}\XY ^Â&#x201E;`z^\YÂ&#x2014;^]]YX}^WY Â&#x2014;``Â&#x2039;Y z`~`^Â&#x192;`Y X}`^zY Â&#x201A;z^Â&#x;`Y UV{`yY Â&#x20AC;zVUY X}`Y z`~`{XY Vz]jY [Â&#x201A;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y \xV[XY {^{`Y U^]]^V{YjV]]\zW U\j[YW\^jqYÂ&#x160; [zYUV{`yY^WYWX^]]YÂ&#x2014;^X}Y Y\{jY^X WY safe. Â&#x160; ^WX`{qY Y ^WY ]^Â&#x2039;`Y \Y x\{Â&#x2039;YÂ&#x20AC;VzY\]]Y^XWYÂŤÂŹÂ&#x2022;Y\WWV~^\X^V{W Y Â&#x192;`zyY~V[{XzyY}\WY^XWY VÂ&#x2014;{Y\~~V[{XY\{jYV[zYUV{`yY^WY^{YV[zY\~~V[{X Â&#x161; }`Y Y\z`Y`§Â&#x201A;`~X`jYXVY z`Â&#x20AC;[{jY XVY Â&#x201E;VÂ&#x192;`z{U`{XY X}`Y W[UY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Ă&#x153;Âź Ă&#x201C;Y U^]]^V{qY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y Â&#x2014;\WY \jÂ&#x192;\{~`jY XVY X}`UY XVY Â&#x201A;\yY X}`Y Â&#x201A;]\y`zW Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\z\{~`YÂ&#x20AC;``YXVYX}`Y Vz]jY [Â&#x201A;Y in Brazil. It is understood that FIFA are not in a hurry to z`]`\W`Y X}`Y ~\W}Y [{X^]Y X}`Y ]`\j`zW}^Â&#x201A;Y ~z^W^WY X}\XY }\WY
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Foreign-based players shun U-23 team screening
}`Y {\X^V{\]Y Â ÂŤÂźY Â&#x20AC;VVXx\]]Y X`\UqY X}`Y z`\UY `\UY W``UWY XVYx`YWXz[Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;]^{Â&#x201E;YXVY\,z\~XY X}`Y Â&#x2013;Â?Y ^{Â&#x192;^X`jY VÂ&#x192;`zW`\WY x\W`jY Â&#x201A;]\y`zWY Â&#x20AC;VzY W~z``{^{Â&#x201E;Y \}`\jY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Z[\]^_`zWY Â&#x20AC;VzY X}`Y ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Ă&#x201A;Y ]]Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\Y \U`W {]yYXÂ&#x2014;VYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y^{Â&#x192;^X`jY Â&#x201A;]\y`zWY}\Â&#x192;`YW}VÂ&#x2014;{Y[Â&#x201A;YXVY X}`YX`\UÂ WY~\UÂ&#x201A;Y\WYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y UVz{^{Â&#x201E;Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y [`Wj\yqY `~`Ux`zYÂŹÂ&#x2022;qYÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2013; VzU`zY ]y^{Â&#x201E;Y \Â&#x201E;]`WY WXz^Â&#x2039;`zqY U^{[Y U\zY Â&#x2014;}VY Â&#x201A;]\yWY Â&#x20AC;VzY \UW[{WÂ&#x201A;VzY ^{Y [zÂ&#x2039;`yY \{jY \U[`]Y y^{VÂ&#x2039;VY VÂ&#x20AC;Y {Â&#x201E;`]}V]UWY VÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x2014;`j`{Y \z`Y X}`Y only two invited overseas x\W`jY Â&#x201A;]\y`zWY X}\XY }\Â&#x192;`Y
z`Â&#x201A;VzX`jY XVY X}`Y X`\U WY ~\UÂ&#x201A;qY `Â&#x192;`{Y X}V[Â&#x201E;}Y X`\UY V=~^\]WY z`U\^{Y ~V{_j`{XY X}\XY \XY ]`\WXY X}z``Y UVz`Y Â&#x201A;]\y`zWY Â&#x2014;^]]Y ~VU`Y ^{Y xyY Tuesday evening and or `j{`Wj\yYUVz{^{Â&#x201E; Â&#x160; Â&#x2014;VY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`UY \z`Y \]z`\jyY ^{Y ~\UÂ&#x201A;Y \{jY V{`Y ~\]]`jY X}\XY }`Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y \zz^Â&#x192;`Y this evening (Tuesday) \{jY Â&#x2014;`Y }\Â&#x192;`Y XÂ&#x2014;VY UVz`Y ~VU^{Â&#x201E;Y ^{Y XVUVzzVÂ&#x2014;Y ÂĄ `j{`Wj\y¢qÂ&#x161;Y ^U^Y x^Â&#x2039;\Â&#x201E;xVzVqYX}`YX`\U WYU`j^\Y V=~`zY~V{_zU`j x^Â&#x2039;\Â&#x201E;xVzVY }VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zY z`Â&#x20AC;[W`jY XVY j^W~]VW`Y X}`Y {\U`WYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`YÂ&#x201A;]\y`zWYX}\XY \z`Y `§Â&#x201A;`~X`jY x`XÂ&#x2014;``{Y Tuesday evening and `j{`Wj\yYUVz{^{Â&#x201E;
FIFA throws-out Ajunwaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s verdict Emeka Ezeugwu
o r l d football g o ve r n ing authority, Y }\WY Â&#x2014;z^,`{Y XVY \~~`Â&#x201A;XY X}`Y Ă&#x192;U\ÂĽVz^XyY z`Â&#x201A;VzX Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y Y ]`~XVz\]Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^,``Y z`Â&#x201A;VzXqY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y [Â&#x201A;}`]jY^{Y`{X^z`XyYX}`Yz`sults of Nigeria Football `j`z\X^V{YÂĄ ¢Y`]`~X^Â&#x192;`Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WWY V{Y `Â&#x201A;X`Ux`zY 30 in Warri, Delta State. Nigerian football was, V{~`Y UVz`qY X}zVÂ&#x2014;{Y ^{XVY ~V{Â&#x20AC;[W^V{Y ]\WXY Â&#x2014;``Â&#x2039;Y Â&#x20AC;V]]VÂ&#x2014;^{Â&#x201E;Y XÂ&#x2014;VY j^@`z`{XY z`Â&#x201A;VzXWY z`]`\W`jY xyY X}`Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^,``Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y \]]Y X}`Y U`Ux`zWY j^WU^WW^{Â&#x201E;Y \Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY \Â&#x201E;\^{WXY X}`Y `Â&#x201A;X`Ux`zYŸY`]`~X^V{YÂ&#x20AC;VzY various reasons, while the }\^zU\{qY Â&#x2039;`yY ÂĽ[{Â&#x2014;\qY ^{Y }^WY VÂ&#x2014;{Y z`Â&#x201A;VzXqY \{{[]]`jY X}`Y `]`~X^V{Y \{jY j`~]\z`jY Â&#x20AC;V[zY W`\XWY Â&#x192;\~\{X [XY^{Y\Y]`,`zYj\X`jY `~`Ux`zYÂ&#x2022;X}Y\{jY\jjz`WW`jY XVY  WY `{`z\]Y `~z`X\zyqY [W\Y U\j[qY Y {VX`jYX}`YU\ÂĽVz^XyYz`Â&#x201A;VzXY VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^XX``Y [Â&#x201A;}V]j^{Â&#x201E;Y X}`Y z`W[]XY VÂ&#x20AC;Y `Â&#x201A;X`Ux`zYŸY`]`~X^V{WY \{jY\jj`jYX}\XYX}`yY]VVÂ&#x2039;Y Â&#x20AC;VzÂ&#x2014;\zjY XVY Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y ^{{^~Â&#x2039; U\ÂĽ[ ]`jY {`Â&#x2014;Y`§`~[X^Â&#x192;`W Y }`Y]`,`zYW\^jY^{X`z]^\Ă&#x2014;YY Â&#x160; `Y {VX`Y X}`Y U\ÂĽVz^XyY j`~^W^V{Y VÂ&#x20AC;Y X}`Y ]`~XVz\]Y Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`\]WY VUU^,``Y XVY [Â&#x201A;}V]jY ^{Y X}`^zY `{X^z`XyY
the results of the NFF ]`~X^Â&#x192;`Y V{Â&#x201E;z`WWY }`]jY ^{Y \zz^YV{YŸY `Â&#x201A;X`Ux`zY ÂŤÂŹÂ&#x17D;Â&#x2013; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are therefore Â&#x201A;]`\W`jYXVYx`Y\x]`YXVYWX\zXY Â&#x2014;VzÂ&#x2039;^{Â&#x201E;Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y X}`Y {`Â&#x2014;Y V=~` x`\z`zWY }`\j`jY xyY X}`Y Y z`W^j`{XqY U\ÂĽ[ ^{{^~Â&#x2039; Y Y `Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y ~V{X\~XY yV[Y ^{Y X}`Y ~VU^{Â&#x201E;Y
days to organize an introj[~XVzyYU``X^{Â&#x201E;Yx`XÂ&#x2014;``{Y z Y ^{{^~Â&#x2039;Y\{jYX}`Y Y z`W^j`{XY^{Y [z^~} Â&#x161; }`Y ]`,`zqY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y Â&#x2014;\WY W^Â&#x201E;{`jYxyY Â WY `{`z\]Y `~z`X\zyqY `zVU \]~Â&#x2039;`qY \]WVY ~VÂ&#x201A;^`jY Y z`W^j`{XqY WW\ \y\XV[ YY
VÂ&#x2014;`Â&#x192;`zqY Y `{`z\]Y `~z`X\zyY [W\Y U-
\j[Yj`{^`jYz`~`^Â&#x201A;XYVÂ&#x20AC;YX}`Y ]`,`zYy`XqYÂ&#x2014;}`{Y~V{X\~X`jY xyY `Â&#x2014;WÂ&#x2014;\X~}Y Â&#x201A;VzXWqY and instead referred the inquirer to his President, U\ÂĽ[ Â&#x160; `z}\Â&#x201A;WY X}`Y ]`,`zY is with the President. I }\Â&#x192;`{Â XYW``{Y^XYUyW`]Â&#x20AC; YY VY Â&#x2014;}yY jV{Â XY yV[Y ~\]]Y }^UY V{Y}^WY]^{`Ă&#x201D;Â&#x161;Y}`Y\jÂ&#x192;^W`j
Granada bar Success from Dream Team
Â&#x201A;VzX^{Â&#x201E;Y ^z`~XVzY VÂ&#x20AC;Y z\{\j\qY [\{Y \z]VWY Vzj`zVqY }\WY ~V{_zU`jY X}\XY X}`Y ~][xY Â&#x2014;^]]Y z`WXz^~XY W\\~Y [~~`WWY Â&#x20AC;zVUY \,`{j^{Â&#x201E;Y \Y Xz\^{^{Â&#x201E;Y ~\UÂ&#x201A;Y organized by the Nigeria Football Federation for X}`^zY {j`zYÂŤÂźYWZ[\j {jY XVY U\Â&#x2039;`Y U\,`zWY Â&#x2014;VzW`qY X}`Y z\{\j\Y ~}^`Â&#x20AC;Y }\WYjzVÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;`jY\Yx^Â&#x201E;Y}^{XYX}\XY X}`Y\,\~Â&#x2039;`zYÂ&#x2014;^]]Y{VXYÂ&#x20AC;`\X[z`Y ^{YX}`Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\{Y V[X}Y }\UÂ&#x201A;^V{W}^Â&#x201A;qY Â&#x2014;}^~}Y x`Â&#x201E;^{WY ^{Y X}z``YUV{X}W YX^U` Ă&#x192; W\\~Y [~~`WWY Â&#x2014;^]]Y z`U\^{Y Â&#x2014;^X}Y z\{\j\Y [{X^]Y X}`Y }V]^j\yW Y `WqY }`Y Â&#x2014;^]]Y {VXYXz\Â&#x192;`]YXVY ^Â&#x201E;`z^\q  Y [\{Y \z]VWY Vzj`zVY\=zU`j Ă&#x192; `YÂ&#x2014;^]]Y{VXYx`Y\]]VÂ&#x2014;`jY XVY\,`{jYX}`Y Â&#x20AC;z^~\{Y V[X}Y }\UÂ&#x201A;^V{W}^Â&#x201A;Y W^{~`Y ^X WY V[XW^j`YX}`Y Y~\]`{j\z   }\XYW\^jqY W\\~Y [~~`WW Y
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63 Sports/News Agbim heading abroad for greener pastures Orlando City swoop on Okugo
ombe United goalkeeper, Chigozie Agbim has W\^jY}`Y^WYU[]]^{ YV@`zWY from Asia after his club were relegated this past season. “I have some clubs from Asia and some from the domestic league who are already asking for my services, but I am taking my time to make the right choice next season. Very soon it will be made public.” Agbim, who led Nigeria to this year’s CHAN in South Africa, said it was really disappointing Gombe United were relegated this past season. “It is quite painful X}\XY V[zY `@VzXWY ~V[]jY not help Gombe United
retain their premiership status,” he said. “We played some wonderful brand of football in the second round, but luck was not on our side
Para-Athletics Federation set for national championship
Francis Ajuonuma
he Nigeria ParaAthletics Federation has concluded plans for the Para-Athletics National open Championship, which holds from tomorrow to Friday at the Mainbowl of the National Stadium and the Teslim Balogun stadium both in Surulere, Lagos. President of the Nigeria Para- Athletics Federation Dr. Frank Thorpe, who disclosed this in Lagos on Monday, said the championship which is for physically challenged men and women athletes with physical, visual and intellectual challenges is open to athletes in 20, 30, 40 and 50 categories.
He said the competition is aimed at selecting Para- Athletes that would represent Nigeria at the forthcoming 2015 World Para- Athletics Grand Prix holding in Dubai in February and the 2015 All Africa Games in Congo as well the Rio 2016 Paralympics Games in Brazil. The Championship which is being sponsored by the Paralympic Committee Nigeria in conjunction with the president of the Para-Athletics federation of Nigeria, Dr. Frank Thorpe, will give cash awards to the _zWXYX}z``Y ^{{`zWY^{Y` `zyY category. ^X}Y ~]\WW^_~\X^V{Y \]ready in progress, athletics who are interested in the three- day championship, have been warned to forward their entries to reach the secretariat of the federation on or before Wednesday December 10, 2015 or forget the championship.
Ideye scores brace in friendly
uper Eagles forward, Brown Ideye scored a brace in West Brom’s friendly with Northampton Town FC played behind closed doors on Tuesday afternoon. The former Bayelsa United star, scored a goal in each half as the Baggies thumped League Two side, Northampton Town FC 5-2 in the practice game. Ideye and Kemar Roofe each got a brace while Adil Nabi’s goal U\j`Y^XY_ `Y VzYX}`Y \ ^`W Y j`y`qY }VY W}V `jY V@Y his customized gold plated edition of the iPhone 6 with his name Ideye Brown written on it on Instagram a couple of days back, hasn’t scored goals aplenty since his celebrated club record move to West Bromwich Albion, but goals in such practice games might put
him in his sweet spot in real match situations. In the 16th minute, Ideye made a fantastic solo run to double West Brom’s lead. While his second came in the second half, the 66th minute precisely, Ideye U\ ^{ Y \Y ~VV]Y _{^W}Y \ X`zY being played in on goal by Varela to make scores at 4-2.
in some games when we needed it most. “No doubt, the deed has been done, but Gombe will bounce back next season.”
ajor League Soc~`zYV[X_XqY z]\{do City SC have announced the swoop for versatile Amobi Okugo from Philadelphia Union. Philadelphia Union have traded the rights to the out-of-contract player, who reportedly sent allocation money and a Super Draft pick the other way. The 23-year-old has signed a new contract with the expansion MLS side. The Nigerian-born ace had a split time as a center back and defensive U^j_`]j`zY V `zY }^WY _ `Y years in Philadelphia. His future had been very much up in the air
after the Union let him play out his current contract. The expansion franchise also landed French defender, Aurelien Collin and goalkeeper Tally Hall. Okugo has been a mainstay in U.S. youth
national teams for many years. He played with the U-20s at the 2009 CONCACAF Championships and with the U-18s at the 2009 Australian Youth Festival, where he scored two goals in three games.
Bribery won’t get you into my team – Siasia
igeria U-23 team coach, Samson Siasia has warned players who intend to play for the team not to give money to anybody in a bid to secure a place in the team. Siasia gave this warning while addressing players after the team’s training session this morning at the FIFA Goal Project. “Do not give money to either my assistants or any agent with the hope of making this team. If I _{jY V[XqY X}`Y ]\y`z¡W¢Y ^]]Y be dismissed from camp. I did not mandate anybody to collect money on my behalf,” he said. “Anyone who falls prey to such cheats will be sent out of camp forthwith. Money cannot buy you a place in my team. Instead, your talent and discipline will take you to the top of your career. “As long as you hold the passport of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, you are eligible to play for this ~V[{Xzy Y Y \WYW V,`jY\{jY selected through this type of process. I’ll also like to give young ones like you the chance to play for our country. It is your country, too.’’ }`Y «¼Y \@`zY j^Wclosed that he has been fair to all who have taken time to try out their luck with the team, adding that Nigeria is blessed with so much talent. ‘’I’m overwhelmed with the turnout of players who are here for the screening exercise’’, he confessed. Turning to the invited foreign-based players, Siasia said that there would
be no sacred players as V{]yYX}`^zY_X{`WWY\{jY VzUY will determine their stay in camp. ‘’You can only secure a place in the team with dedication, hard work and discipline. Nobody is superior to another player in this camp,’’ he said.
He applauded all the players and advised those who could not make the team to try harder as not all players who turned up would be selected. So far, Umar Aminu from Turkey and Swedenbased Samuel Ayinoko of Angelholms FC have been
the early birds to arrive the Dream Team VI camp for their screening exercise. This weekend the Dream Team VI are expected to travel to Bauchi to play series of friendly games to put them in shape VzYX}`Yx\,]`WY\}`\j
Enyimba keep faith with Ikhana
wo-time African champions, Enyimba have maintained they have no plans to ditch coach Kadiri Ikhana for former coach, Salisu Yusuf. General Manager of ‘The People’s elephants, Jude Anyadufu dismissed media reports they will replace Ikhana, who led them to retain the Federation Cup last month. “It’s laughable to read
such reports in the media. We don’t have any problems with Kadiri Ikhana and by the grace of God he would led us to the CAF Champions League,” said Anyadufu. “Salisu Yusuf is a friend of the house, but there are no such moves to bring him back to the club.” Enyimba will represent Nigeria in next year’s Champions League along with champions Kano Pillars.
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