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Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Nigerians optimistic of peaceful, secure environment during festive period –Poll =9>? 1@B:19= Abuja


he Annual Special End of Year Poll results released by NOIPolls revealed that Nigerians (86 percent) reported that the environment in which they would be spending the holidays will be ‘peaceful & secure’, even as they mostly ^_`jkqxz{q|}_q~x € x‚_^z_q~ƒx in the ability of the police to respond to any security alert during this festive season. {^_x|q}kq…†x^_‡_jˆ_}x~‰j~x the larger share of Nigerians (51 percent) will be ‘staying at home to relax’ during the end of year festive period while a considerable proportion ‘will be travelling’ (29 percent). A statement by NOIPoll limited and made available to Newswatch Times in Abuja stated that compared to the previous year (2013), the proportion of Nigerians that are staying home to relax or trav-

elling has declined by 4-points and 3-points respectively. Furthermore, in 2014 there was a 6-points increase in the percentage of those that will continue to run their businesses during the festive period. Most Nigerians anticipate a general rise in prices during the festive period because activities that take place at the end of year typically require extra spending, however

this perception has declined steadily from 2012. Though poll results do not specify the reason for this observation an indication from responses given suggest it could be as a ^_†™ˆ~x {šx ~‰_x }_zˆkq_x kqx kq›jtion rates as reported by the National Bureau of Statistics. ‰_x kq›j~k{qx ^j~_x }_zˆkq_}x for the third straight month ~{x  Â?žÂ&#x;x kqx {‡_` _^x ¥¢£¤¼x †ˆk…‰~ÂˆÂŚx }{§qx š^{`x €Â?ÂŁÂ&#x;x kqx the previous month due to

lower food prices. {^_x |q}kq…†x š^{`x ~‰_x 2014 poll revealed that Nigerians (52 percent) mostly anticipate a rise in the prices of food while 29 percent anticipate a rise in the cost of transportation and 10 percent anticipate a rise in the price of clothes. However, there was a 13-points decline in the proportion of Nigerians who anticipated a general rise in the

prices of food items from 2013 to 2014 with a corresponding increase in the proportion of those that anticipate an increase in the cost of transportation. In reaction to anticipated price increase in 2014, most kÂ…_^kjq†x  Â€x ‚_^z_q~ƒx š{^_see a general increase in their spending although a small proportion (10 percent) af|^`_}x~‰j~xk~x§kˆˆx‰j‡_xq{xk`pact on their spending.

Refute fanaticism allegation, PFN chair tells Buhari =<BKL Q>?R< =? #"*"3"%


s the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, warms up for the 2015 election, Chairman of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Cross River State chapter, Bishop Emmah Isong, has said the retired Â…_q_^jˆx †‰{™ˆ}x |^†~x z{q‡kqz_x Nigerians that he would not Islamise the country if elected president. Speaking to journalists Tuesday, Isong, who is also senior pastor of the Calabar-based Christian Central Chapel International (CCCI), said Buhari was yet to categorically debunk allegations of religious fanaticism hanging over his head and called {qx ~‰_x x ›jÂ…š _j^_^x ~{x clear the air on the issue before seeking votes from Nigerians. According to him, the APC presidential candidate must tell Nigerians what his intention for Christians in the country is before he begins campaign, noting that it was k`‚{^~jq~x~{x Â™kˆ}xz{q|}_qz_x across religious divides. “Well, so far, Buhari has not shown any sign that he will do otherwise. He has never come out to say he is not a fanatic or a dictator. What he keeps doing is picking pastors as running mate each time he runs an election. Buhari should come out and make a categorical statement that he will never islamise Nigeria; that he will allow the country to remain a secular state as enshrined in the constitution of the country.

Commander, Joint Task Force (JTF) in the Niger Delta (Operation Pulo Shield), Major-General Emmanuel Atewe (right), and !" #$$% !&"'$% #$* +.'"/0" 1&2" 3%! 4&6 & 7.8 & !& 9 &"6$" :"; *." <'"' ; .' % ";

APC condemns PDP for attacking its presidential candidate 1@BH1IB 1 19>


ll Progressives Congress (APC) has condemned the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for engaging in mudslinging against it and its leaders, particularly in

the aftermath of its successful national convention in which Gen. Muhammadu Buhari was elected as the APC’s presidential candidate. The party in a statement issued in Abuja on Tuesday by its National Publicity Secre-

According to APC the spokespersons for President Goodluck Jonathan and the PDP, apparently stung into a stupor by the rancour-free emergence of the party’s candidates for the 2015 general elections and the overwhelmingly positive reactions from Nigerians, have thrown caution and decency to the wind by their crude, rude and rambling statements. road. ‘’What is issues-based in x †x j~x ~‰_x ~k`_x {šx |ˆkqÂ…x this report, moves and nego- calling Gen. Buhari a ‘semitiations were being made by literate jackboot’ as the the Deputy Governor to pla- PDP’s National Secretary cate the rampaging youths, Wale Oladipo has incau§Â‰{x §_^_x  _q~x {qx Â…_ kqÂ…x tiously said? Where are the their own share of the na- issues in the pejorative reference to Prof. Osinbajo as tional cake. When contacted on the an ‘acolyte’ of Tinubu, or in development, the Deputy describing Tinubu himself Governor’s Press Secretary, as a puppeteer, as the PDP’s Augustine Avwode, denied National Publicity Secretary that his principal was held Olisa Metuh has said in the hostage, saying there was no most vitriolic and irresponreason whatsoever for such sible statement that can ever be issued by the spokesman an action. “It would be recalled that of a ruling party anywhere? ‘’Where are the issues conthese boys have been staging peaceful demonstrations tained in the statement by the for some time now concern- serial bumbler and gormanding their unpaid monthly izer called Doyin Okupe, who stipends. On Monday, the regards Gen. Buhari’s refusal boys protested and yester- to enrich himself from the day only went to express public till as a vice rather than their grievances upon hear- a virtue? Why would a ruling that H E was at Gov- ing party go after the jugular ernment House Annex , of the opposition simply beWarri. They subsequently cause it took its time in choosdispersed after expressing ing its presidential running their grievances in the hope mate, especially since it did that H E will relay it to high- not run foul of any electoral law in doing so?â€? er quartersâ€?, he said. tary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said the same PDP that has been preaching issues-based electioneering campaign has done nothing but mudslinging against the person of Gen. Buhari, his running mate Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, its leader Bola Tinubu and the entire APC.

Ex-militants hold Delta deputy gov hostage in Warri the stipends being paid them by the Federal Goveputy Governor ernment insisting that they of Delta State, were tired of poverty that Professor Amos bestowed them in the face. Utuama, was It took the deployment of yesterday held combined team of soldiers, hostage for several hours at particularly the Navy and the Government House An- policemen, to maintain nex, Warri, by aggrieved ex- peace but were prevented militants who were protest- from using force to break ing alleged non-payment of the siege of the ex-militheir allowances by the Am- tants. q_†~ÂŚx 7z_xkqx  Â™ÂşjÂ? The ex-militants had proNewswatch Times gath- tested to the state owned ered that the Deputy Gov- Delta Broadcasting Serernor was at Government vice (DBS) but were disapHouse Annex for meeting pointed that the workers when the protesting ex-mil- had shut down the station itants besieged the venue in compliance with the na{qx Â…_ kqÂ…x kqš{^`j~k{qx ~‰j~x tionwide protest of RAThe was in the premises and TAWU. blocked the only access road They then moved to the ~{x{7z_Â? nearby Government House At the end of the meet- Annex when information ing, Professor Utuama was reached them that the Depblocked from leaving the uty Governor was holding premises until he was pre- a meeting in the premises. pared to address some of Motorists along the NPA their grievances and strike a expressway were subjected deal with them. to various hardships as They demanded that the the protesting ex-militants state government and its blocked the two sides of the agencies should augment <9IUB< BV >@=HW 7"%%!



Media coverage of democracy unimpressive -Lawmaker =I1>@B =9BIW@B >3" "&


he Chairman, House of Representatives Com`k __x {qx `_}kjx jq}x ‚™ Âˆkzxj3jk^†¼x jÂľj^kx {‰j`med, has said that the media has not done enough to unearth the dirt in the polity. The federal lawmaker who represents Baruten/Kaiama Federal Constituency of Kwara State made the disclosure while entertaining questions from members of the Correspondents’ Chapel of the Oyo State Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ). The lawmaker had earlier delivered a paper entitled, ‘The Nigerian Press and Democratic Governance; the Journey So Far’ at the Chapel’s Guest Forum. In his assessment of the media performance in the last 15 years of democratic experience in Nigeria, the lawmaker, who was a journalist before joining politics, submitted that the media coverage of democracy during the period has been unimpressive. He maintained that there were a lot of vices going on within the polity which the Nigerian media had not done enough to unearth, adding, “not only that our media practitioners are not doing enough of whistle blowing, the political actors run to the media for coverâ€?. The lawmaker implored media practitioners to place the interest of the country above any other consideration, declaring, “to entrench democracy, we should not monetize the profession, we owe this country a lot, other z{™q~^k_†xj^_x{qÂˆÂŚx _ _^x~‰jqx Nigeria because of organization. “The dullest of lawyer is treated with decorum, there must be an entry point into the profession like the medical, law, accounting and other professions to enhance the dignity of the profession, the image of journalists should be worked upon.â€? Honourable Mohammed revealed that he and some lawmakers in the National Assembly have been making _3{^~†x ~{x _q†™^_x ˆ_Â…k†ˆj~k{qx against poor remuneration of journalists, promising that he on his part would not relent to ensure that the legislation becomes a reality. He also disclosed that no fewer than 33 bills passed by the House are currently awaiting assent by President Goodluck Jonathan, stating that the prevailing situation in the country could not allow the legislators to invoke relevant portion of the constitution to make the bills become act.

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Obi laments high cost of governance CYPRIAN EBELE, Onitsha


mmediate past governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi, has lamented the high cost of governance in the country, charging civil society groups to help in reversing the trend. Speaking while receiving an award for good governance from coalition of civil societies in Anambra State, Obi insisted that there is enough money to take care of every Nigerian, j ^k Â™~kqÂ…x ~‰_x ‚^_†_q~x †™3_^kqÂ…x kqx ~‰_x z{™q~^ÂŚx to misplaced priorities by those in power. “There is enough money to govern every state, local government and the country in a way that there will be improvement. All that is required is to cut down on the cost of governance,â€? the former governor stated, adding “Your work as civil society is to question the waste in the society. If you change Nigeria, you change Africa.â€? Revealing how he was able to leave a healthy balance in government z{3_^†x}_†‚k~_xšj†~š~^jzÂľing Anambra’s development without borrowing a kobo, he said: “We didn’t print money; all that we did was to cut

down on the cost of governance.â€? {x Â™ ^_††x‰k†x‚{kq~ÂĽx‰_x said his administration did not maintain a Government Lodge in Abuja as is customary among Nigerian states but that he stayed in hotels anytime he visited Abuja. He also disclosed how he refused to build a Presidential Lodge, which would

have cost Anambra about half a billion naira. The former governor stated further that to solve the problem of where to accommodate the then President Olusegun Obasanjo during a visit to the state, he vacated the Governor’s Lodge for the august visitor and checked into a hotel with his wife for the period of

the visit and spent just over N100,000, adding, “I never travelled with more than four persons and never travelled outside this country with an uninvited person.� Speaking earlier, coordinator of the group and Inter-society Board Chairman, Emeka Umeagbalasi, explained that the group does not usual-

ly give awards but had to Â…k‡_x{q_x~{x  kxš{^x†_ kqÂ…x a record in governance in the country. Umeagbalasi noted that in the past 40 years, no governor in Nigeria has _‡_^x |qk†‰_}x ‰k†x ~_^`x without borrowing and still left a lot of money in cash and assets (over N80 billion) in the state treasury.

L-R: Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Chukwu Machukwume; Imo State Deputy Governor, Eze Madumere; Imo State R$‰ %&$% V$Š0". =2$%$Š0" & 7 #0! ‹ + 6 $‹ <'"' +.'!Š K".Š0"* ?&" ! 0!. 7!‹ "& $'0 % $‹4Š!"*. "' '0 swearing-in of the new Chief Judge in Owerri, Imo State‌recently. Photo: NAN

500 APGA, LP members defect to PPA



o fewer than 500 members of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and Labour Party (LP) from Nnewi South and Aguata Local Government areas of Anambra State yesterday defected to Progressive People’s Alliance (PPA). They made the defection at Ekwulobia Township Stadium when PPA, led by its state leader, Chief Godwin Ezeemo, ‚^_†_q~_}x ›j…†x ~{x ~‰_x candidates of the party who won the primaries in preparation for the 2015 general elections. Ezeemo charged the people to vote PPA as the party that would rekin}ˆ_x~‰_k^x‰_j^~xjq}x _ _^x their welfare, revealing, “People have become disenchanted with what is happening in APGA, PDP and other political parties. They want a reliable party and that is why they are defecting to PPA.â€? Urging the people to vote for PPA candidates, he said, “We are here it presents flags to candidates

today to showcase our qualitative candidates by giving them the party ›j…†Â?½ x _z_k‡kqÂ…x‰k†x›jÂ…xš^{`x the party leader, the House of Assembly candidate from Nnewi South Constituency who led half of the defectors to the arena, said “because of what is happening in

APGA, selection instead of election, we have to leave the party for PPA where one is given the opportunity to contest.� He described PPA as a party that allows for level-playing ground and urged those who felt cheated to support PPA by coming over. The House of Repre-

sentatives candidate for Aguata Federal Constituency, Mrs. Angela Okoye, said she joined PPA to help her provide dividend of democracy to the people, adding that before now, she has been helping the people. x _{3^_ÂŚÂĽx§Â‰{x}_š_z~ed from Labour Party and is contesting for

Aguata North in the state House of Assembly and Clinton Vitus Amara, who also is for the state Assembly, Nnewi II, all pledged to provide dividends of democracy and to help the people and commended Ezeemo for using his money to help the party.

Christmas: Chime urges peace, tolerance KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu


overnor Sullivan Chime of Enugu has urged Nigerians to use the occasion of this year’s yuletide celebrations to renew their commitment to the promotion of values of tolerance, brotherhood and unity among all groups in the country. Chime, who stated this in a message signed by his Chief Press Secretary Chukwudi Achife, said ~‰_x z_ˆ_ ^j~k{q†x {3_^_}x Nigerians the opportuni~ÂŚx~{x^_›_z~x{qx {}٠xˆ{‡_x and compassion demonstrated by his gift of his  _Â…{ _qx†{qxš{^x~‰_x†jˆ‡jtion of the world.

_x †jk}x †™z‰x ^_›_ztions would help Nigerians understand the need to respect one another’s rights, especially the right to life and to enjoy peaceful co-existence with their neighbours. “As we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and the joy it brings to the world, we must urge ourselves to use this to rededicate ourselves to values that promote peace, tolerance, brotherhood and unity among all Nigerians,â€? the governor said. Extending his good wishes to the people, the governor assured that necessary measures to ensure that the citizens and visitors to the state enjoyed the celebrations without hitches. Chime further enjoined citizens to eschew any act that would disturb peace during the celebrations, stressing that they should rather engage themselves in acts that would only ^_›_z~x~‰_xÂş{ÂŚxjq}x‰kˆj^k~ÂŚx the season is associated with.

Imo 2015: Extraneous factors deplored to destabilise APGA, says Iheanacho EMMA MGBEAHURIKE, Owerri


ormer Minister of Interior and Imo State gubernatorial candidate of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Capt. Emmanuel Iheanacho, has accused Chief Okey Ezeh, whom he defeated in the governorship primary election, of being sponsored by some external forces to destabilise the party ahead 2015 general elections. In a statement signed on his behalf by the DirectorGeneral of Captain Iheanacho Campaign Organisa-

tion (CICO), Dr. Anthony Ihedoro, made available to newsmen in Owerri, the capital of Imo State, the former minister described APGA under the leadership of Sir Victor Umeh and Peter Ezeobi at the national and state levels respectively as one united political famkÂˆÂŚx~‰j~x^_`jkq†xz{``k _}x to reclaim its mandate in the state, come 2015. The APGA governorship hopeful, however, described the report of his purported suspension as a hoax and part of orchestrated plot by those external forces that have found Ezeh as a willing tool to execute

their failed bid to weaken and deny the party victory in 2015. He added that having won the primaries and the †Œ` {ˆkzx x ›jÂ…x ‚^_sented to him as the candidate of the party at the recently concluded APGA Special Convention held at Awka, Anambra State, the issue of the governorship candidacy in Imo APGA remains foreclosed, as anyone parading himself as the candidate is merely com`k kqÂ…x k`‚_^†{qj~k{qx jq}x †‰jˆˆx}_|qk~_ÂˆÂŚxšjz_x~‰_xz{qsequences. The statement reads: “The j _q~k{qx {šx j‚~Â?x ‰_jqj-

cho and his esteemed supporters has been drawn to sponsored newspaper reports which purportedly suspended the former interior minister and now Imo State gubernatorial candidate of APGA from the party by one Prince C.C. Nwaka. Iheanacho’s candidacy was also authenticated a few days ago during the party’s national convention at Awka, Anambra State, when the national chairman, Sir Victor Umeh of|zkjÂˆÂˆÂŚx ‚^_†_q~_}x ‰k`x §k~‰x x ›jÂ…x ~{x †Œ` {ˆkzjÂˆÂˆÂŚx unveil him as the party’s governorship candidate in

Imo. “We urge Imolites to disregard the malicious, misleading and false reports, as APGA in Imo State, under Barr. Ezeobi remains united and focused in its avowed commitment to enthrone a visionary and responsible government in Imo state come 2015. There is no gainsaying that Capt. Emmanuel Iheanacho, the APGA gubernatorial candidate remains the best material for the governorship position, having demonstrated enormous capacity and competence in the private and public sector before declaring interest for the state plum job.�


{^x†_‡_^jˆx‰{™^†¼x economic and commercial activities were ‚j^jÂˆÂŚÂ†_}x ÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚx kqx `{†~x ‚j^~†x {šx ^{qx kqx ¾§jx  {`x ~j~_ÂĽx j†x _ˆ}_^†¼x ÂŚ{™~‰†x jq}x§{`_qxš^{`x~‰_x|‡_x ˆ{zjˆx Â…{‡_^q`_q~x j^_j†x ~‰j~x`jÂľ_x™‚x~‰_x ^{x_~‰qkzx qj~k{qjˆk~ÂŚx †~jÂ…_}x jx ‚^{~_†~xjÂ…jkq†~x§Â‰j~x~‰_ÂŚx ~_^`_}xĂ„~‰_x†z‰_`kqÂ…x{™~x {šx ~‰_x ^{x j~k{qx š^{`x ~‰_xÂ…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x^jz_ÂźÂ? ‰_x ‚^{~_†~_^†¼x §Â‰{x told newsmen they would be on the streets š{^x {q_x §__¾¼x jzz™†_}x {‡_^q{^x {}†§kˆˆx ¾‚j k{xjq}x~‰_x^™ˆkqÂ…x _{‚ˆ_†x _`{z^j~kzx j^~ÂŚx {šx }_ˆk _^j~_ÂˆÂŚx †‰™ kqÂ…x {™~x ^{x j~k{qxš^{`x{zz™‚ŒkqÂ…x~‰_x{7z_x{šxÂ…{‡_^q{^x ~‰^{™…‰x~‰_x _z_` _^x€¼x ¥¢£¤x Â…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x ‚^k`j^ÂŚÂ? ^ _ † k } _ q ~ š _ q _ ^ j ˆ ÂĽx ^{qx qk{qÂĽx ~‰_x ‰k…‰_†~x ‚{ˆkzÂŚx `jÂľkqÂ…x  {}ÂŚx š{^x ^{x j~k{qÂĽx ‰k_šx †™Å™{x qk™¾k`xjzz™†_}x ¾‚j k{x {šx }{kqÂ…x _‡_^ÂŚ~‰kqÂ…x ~{x ^{ x ~‰_x ^{x ‚_{‚ˆ_x {šx ~‰_k^x ^k…‰~x ~{x ‚^{}™z_x jx Â…{‡_^q{^x š{^x ~‰_x †~j~_x q_Æ~x ÂŚ_j^ÂĽx jš~_^x §jk~kqÂ…xš{^xÂĄÂ xÂŚ_j^†Â? qk™¾k`x†~j~_}x~‰j~x ^{x ‚_{‚ˆ_x §kˆˆx q{~x jzz_‚~x jqÂŚx {~‰_^x j^^jqÂ…_`_q~x



A’Ibom 2015: Oron nation may bomb oil platforms over marginalisation š^{`x ¾‚j k{x{^x Â? The youths vowed to  _Â…kqx ~‰_k^x {§qx ‡_^†k{qx {šx `kˆk~jqzÂŚÂĽx §Â‰kz‰x `jÂŚx ^_†™ˆ~x kqx  {` kqÂ…x {šx {kˆx ‚ˆj~š{^`†x jq}x Â…j†x ‚ˆjq~†x ˆ{zj~_}x kqx ~‰_x |‡_x ˆ{zjˆx Â…{‡_^q`_q~x j^_j†x {šx

^{šÂˆjq}xkšx~‰_x^™ˆkqÂ…x‚{ˆk~kzjˆx ‚j^~ÂŚx kqx ~‰_x †~j~_ÂĽx ÂĽxšjkˆ†x~{xÂ…k‡_xjqx ^{x ‚_^†{qx ~‰_x Â…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x ~kzÂľ_~x{šx~‰_x‚j^~ÂŚÂĽx~{x‚^{duce a successor to Gov_^q{^x ¾‚j k{xq_Æ~xÂŚ_j^Â?

‰Œ†kzjÂˆÂˆÂŚx jqÂ…^ÂŚx _ˆ}_^†x jq}xÂŚ{™~‰†x†jk}x~‰_x‚^_†k}_qzÂŚx jq}x ~‰_x †~j~_x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x ‰j‡_x ~jÂľ_qx ~‰_x ^{x ‚_{‚ˆ_x š{^x Â…^jq~_}x š{^x~{{xˆ{qÂ…xjq}xk~xk†x~k`_x ~{x†‰{§x~‰_`x~‰_x‚_{‚ˆ_x are not docile as they er-

^{q_{Â™Â†ÂˆÂŚx _ˆk_‡_Â? ‰_x x x ÂĽx the umbrella body of ÂŚ{™~‰†x kqx ~‰_x |‡_x ^{x ˆ{zjˆx Â…{‡_^q`_q~x j^_j†x led by its international ‚^_†k}_q~ÂĽx ˆj‚x †™Å™{x q§_`_ÂĽx †jk}x q{x `j~-


elta State Police Command said yesterday that an AK ¤ x ^k›_x jq}x ¿¤x `jÂ…jĂ€kq_†x were recovered from the armed robbers that raided jx q_§x Â…_q_^j~k{qx  jqÂľx {q}jÂŚx kqx Â… {^x kqx Âľjx

NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt


court case initiated by former Minister of Pe~^{ˆ_™`ÂĽx }_kqx º™`{Â…{ kjÂĽx jÂ…jkq†~x ~‰_x ‚^{z_††_†x ~‰j~x ˆ_}x~{x~‰_x_`_^Â…_qz_x{šx~‰_x k``_}kj~_x ‚j†~x kqk†~_^x {šx ~j~_xš{^x }™zj~k{qÂĽx ÂŚ_†{`x kÂľ_ÂĽx j†x ~‰_x Â…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x zjq}k}j~_x{šx _{‚ˆ_†x _`{cratic Party (PDP) will not be §k~‰}^j§qÂ? xz‰k_š~jkqx{šx ÂĽx qj Â†x j^jš Â… _x ‰j†x †jk}x {qÂˆÂŚx ~‰_x court can decide whether or q{~x kÂľ_x zjqx ^_‚^_†_q~x ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx kqx ~‰_x Â…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x _ˆ_z~k{qÂ? ‰_xzj†_Ăƒx }_kqx º™`{Â…{ kjxjq}x{~‰_^†x †x ÂĽx kÂľ_x jq}x{~‰_^†¼x§j†x|ˆ_}x Œx~‰_x š{^`_^x`kqk†~_^xkqxjx _}_^jˆx

k…‰x {™^~xkqx  Â™ÂşjÂ?

_x `jkq~jkq_}x ~‰j~x Ă‚~‰_x _`_^Â…_qz_x {šx kÂľ_x §j†x jqx k`‚{†k~k{qx jq}x jx †ˆj‚x {qx `_` _^†x {šx ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx §Â‰{x †jz^k|z_}xk``_q†_ÂˆÂŚxš{^x~‰_x ‚j^~ŒŸ†xÂ…^{§~‰¼xj†x§_ˆˆxj†x~‰_x †~j~_٠x‚_jz_xjq}x†_z™^k~ÂŚÂ?½

~_^x §Â‰j~x ¾‚j k{x }{_†¼x k~x k†x ~‰_x ~™^qx {šx ^{x ~{x ‚^{}™z_x jx Â…{‡_^q{^x š{^x the state and that is what `™†~x‰j‚‚_qÂ?

... Youths threaten mass defection if PDP annuls Udom’s mandate BASSEY ANTHONY, Uyo


L-R: Convener, East-West Road Projects, Prof. Kunle Wahab; Chairman, Sure-P, Gen. Martin Agwai (Rtd.) and CoOrdinator, Programme Operations, Sure-P, Mr. Ali Fatoma, during a news conference on the East-West road project in Port Harcourt , Rivers State‌yesterday.

Bank robbery: We recovered AK 47 rifle, 34 magazines –Delta police SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba


{™~‰x {zjˆx {‡_^q`_q~x ^_jx{šx~‰_x†~j~_Â? The state Police Public _ˆj~k{q†x 7z_^ÂĽx _ˆ_†~kqjx jÂˆÂ™ÂĽx jx _‚™~ÂŚx ™‚_^kq~_q}_q~x{šx {ˆkz_x ÂƒÂĽx said in a statement that ‚{ˆkz_x{7z_^†x}_‚ˆ{ÂŚ_}x~{x the scene also recovered jx k††jqx j~‰|q}_^x __‚x §k~‰x ^_Â…k†~^j~k{qx x €ž¢x DC used by the hoodlums

š{^x~‰_x{‚_^j~k{qÂ?x Kalu disclosed that 509 ˆk‡_x j``™qk~k{qÂĽx ÂŁÂžĂˆx _Ƃ_q}_}x j``™qk~k{qx jq}x two locally made dynamites were also recovered š^{`x~‰_x^{  _^ÂŚx†z_q_Â? zz{^}kqÂ…x ~{x ‰_^ÂĽx ~‰_x ‚{ˆkz_x ‚j~^{ˆx ~_j`†x `{ kˆk†_}x ~{x ~‰_x †z_q_x |_^z_ÂˆÂŚx _qÂ…jÂ…_}x ~‰_x ‰{{}ˆ™`†x kqx jx …™qx }™_ˆx z{q~^j^ÂŚx ~{x

insinuations that soldiers were the ones that foiled  jqÂľx^{  _^ÂŚÂ? x ‰_ÂĽx ‰{§_‡_^ÂĽx z{q|^`_}x ~‰j~x jx ‚{ˆkz_`jqÂĽx jqx q†‚_z~{^ÂĽx§j†x§{™q}_}x kqx ~‰_x …™qx }™_ˆx §k~‰x the robbers and that he §j†x^_z_k‡kqÂ…x~^_j~`_q~xkqx jqx ™q}k†zˆ{†_}x ‰{†‚k~jÂˆÂĽx †~^_††kqÂ…x ~‰j~x ~‰_x Â…jˆˆjq~x _3{^~†x {šx ~‰_x ‚{ˆkz_`_qx

‚^_‡_q~_}x ~‰_x  jq}k~†x š^{`x  ^_jÂľkqÂ…x kq~{x ~‰_x vaults as a result of their ~k`_ÂˆÂŚx^_†‚{q†_Â? _§Â†§j~z‰x k`_†x ‰j}x _Æzˆ™†k‡_ÂˆÂŚx ^_‚{^~_}x ~‰_x incident yesterday that †{ˆ}k_^†x _qÂ…jÂ…_}x ~‰_x  jq}k~†x kqx jx |_^z_x …™qx }™_ˆx at the end of which the driver of the robbers was †‰{~x}_j}Â?

We won’t withdraw court case against Wike, says PDP chieftain j^jš Â… _ÂĽx jx š{™q}kqÂ…x `_` _^x {šx ÂĽx ~{ˆ}x Âş{™^qjˆk†~†xkqx {^~x j^z{™^~ÂĽxÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚÂĽx ~‰j~x }_†‚k~_x ~‰_x ^_z{qzkˆkj~{^ÂŚx`{‡_†x_` j^Âľ_}x ™‚{qx  Œx kÂľ_x ~{x j‚‚_j†_x jÂ…Â…^k_‡_}x j†‚k^jq~†x §Â‰{x j^_x{‚‚{†kqÂ…x‰k†x_`_^Â…_qz_x j†x‚j^~ÂŚxzjq}k}j~_ÂĽxĂ‚ kÂľ_xk†x q{~xjzz_‚~j Âˆ_xjq}xzjqq{~x _x seen to be the candidate that zjqx §kqx ~‰_x Â…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x _ˆ_z~k{qÂĽxz{`_x _ ^™j^ÂŚÂ?½

_x†~^_††_}ĂƒxĂ‚ ‰_xk††™_x{šx Ă€{qkqÂ…x§k~‰kqx x^_`jkq†x †jz^{†jqz~ÂĽx j^…™kqÂ…x ~‰j~x k~x §kˆˆx _x}jqÂ…_^{™†xš{^xjx‚j^~kz™ˆj^x_~‰qkzxÂ…^{™‚x~{x†_kĂ€_x ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx‚{§_^xkqx~‰_x†~j~_¼½x q{~kqÂ…Ăƒx Ă‚ ‡_qx ~‰{™…‰x ~‰_x case was in court before the x‚^k`j^ÂŚÂĽx~‰_x†~j~_xˆ_j}_^†‰k‚x{šx~‰_x‚j^~ÂŚx†~kˆˆx§_q~x j‰_j}x §k~‰x k~ÂĽx _Ă†Â‚ÂˆjkqkqÂ…x ~‰j~x~‰_xz{™^~x‰j†xj}Âş{™^q_}x ~‰_x `j _^x ~{x jq™j^ÂŚx ÂŁĂ ÂĽx

¥¢£à Â?½ ‰k_šx j^jš Â… _x _`‚‰j†k†_}ĂƒxĂ‚ x _ˆk_‡_xkqx~‰_x‚^kqzk‚ˆ_x~‰j~x‚{§_^x`™†~x^{~j~_Â?x k‡_^†x ‚_{‚ˆ_x `™†~x _q†™^_x ~‰j~x ‚{§_^x ^{~j~_†x j`{qÂ…x ~‰_x ‡j^k{™†x _~‰qkzx Â…^{™‚†x kqx ~‰_x †~j~_Â?x ‰_x ‚_{‚ˆ_x j^_x ~‰_x `jkqx ^_j†{qx ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx †~jq}†x jq}x kšx jx ‚j^~ÂŚx }{_†x q{~x{ _ÂŚx~‰_x§kˆˆx{šx~‰_x‚_{‚ˆ_ÂĽx~‰_x_ˆ_z~{^j~_x`™†~x‡{~_x {™~x_‡kˆÂ?½

_xkq†k†~_}ĂƒxĂ‚ ˆˆx§_x§jq~x the court to do is to clarify §Â‰_~‰_^x{^xq{~x‚™ Âˆkzx†_^‡ants are allowed by law to z{q}™z~x _ˆ_z~k{qx ‚^k`j^k_†x j†x §j†x ~‰_x zj†_x kqx k‡_^†Â?x _^†{qjÂˆÂˆÂŚÂĽx x†~jq}xš{^x_Â…jˆk~j^kjqk†`Çx x j`x jx ˆjq}ˆ{^}x {šx xjq}xš{^x~‰j~x^_j†{qÂĽx x §{qÂź~x ˆ_j‡_x ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚÂ?x {ÂĽx x‰j†x~{x}{x§Â‰j~xk†x^k…‰~x kqx{^}_^xq{~x~{xšjkˆÂ?½

{™~‰x Â…^{™‚†x kqx ¾§jx  {`x ~j~_x have thrown their §_k…‰~x _‰kq}x~‰_xq{`knation of Udom Gabriel Emmanuel as candidate {šx _{‚ˆ_†x _`{z^j~kzx j^~ÂŚx ƒxkqx¥¢£à xÂ…{‡_^q{^†‰k‚x_ˆ_z~k{qÂ? After several hours {šx `__~kq…†x kqx ÂŚ{ÂĽx ~‰_x †~j~_x zj‚k~jÂˆÂĽx ÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚÂĽx ÂŚ{™~‰†¼x q™` _^kqÂ…x {‡_^x £¢¢¼¢¢¢¼x kqx ™qk†{qx zjˆˆ_}x on the national leader†‰k‚x{šx xq{~x~{x§k~‰draw the mandate freely Â…k‡_qx ~{x ``jq™_ˆx kqx jx z{q~_†~x §k}_ÂˆÂŚx jzÂľq{§Âˆ_}Â…_}x jq}x j}º™}Â…_}x j†x z^_}k Âˆ_ÂĽxš^__xjq}xšjk^Â? ‚_jÂľkqÂ…x~‰^{™…‰x~‰_k^x ˆ_j}_^x {†_†x ^`†~^{qÂ…ÂĽx the youths threatened to }_š_z~x~{ÂĽxj†x§_ˆˆxj†xzj`‚jkÂ…qx š{^x {‚‚{†k~k{qx ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx‚j^~k_†xkqx~‰_x†~j~_x kšx ~‰_x `jq}j~_x Â…k‡_qx ~{x Emmanuel by over 90 ‚_^xz_q~x{šx~‰_x}_ˆ_Â…j~_†x k†xjqq™ˆˆ_}Â? The youth reminded ~‰_x‚j^~ÂŚx~‰j~xk~x§j†x{qÂˆÂŚx ``jq™_ÂˆÂĽx §Â‰{†_x j†‚k^j~k{qx ^_z_k‡_}x †~j~_š wide endorsement and jzz_‚~j kˆk~ÂŚÂ? Ă‚ _š{^_x ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx ‚^k`j^k_†¼x ``jq™_ˆx §j†x endorsed as the sole can}k}j~_x{šxÂ…^{™‚†¼x†™z‰xj†x  k k{x ˆ}_^†Ÿx {^™`ÂĽx š_x qqjqÂ…ÂĽx ^{qx {™~‰†x {^™`ÂĽx ~kx qqjqÂ…x jq}x {‡_^x £¼¢¢¢x †{zk{x z™ˆ~™^jˆx jq}x ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx Â…^{™‚†¼½x ^`†~^{qÂ…x ^_zjˆˆ_}ÂĽx j††™^kqÂ…x ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx ~‰j~x ``jq™_ˆx k†x zj‚j Âˆ_x {šx §kqqkqÂ…x ~‰_x Â…_q_^jˆx _ˆ_z~k{qx š{^x ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx j†x ‰_x ^_`jkq†x ~‰_x ‚{‚™ˆj^x z‰{kz_Â?

Police rescue 3-year-old boy from kidnappers


ivers State Police Command has rescued a three-year-old  {ÂŚxš^{`xjxÂľk}qj‚‚_^†x}_qxˆ{zj~_}xj~x ™`™{}{…™xj^_jx{šx {^~x j^z{™^~ÂĽx k‡_^†x ~j~_xzj‚k~jˆÂ? {ˆkz_x{‚_^j~k‡_†x~^jzÂľ_}x and stormed the hide-out ~‰_x  {ÂŚx §j†x  _kqÂ…x Âľ_‚~x †kqz_x ‰_x §j†x Âľk}qj‚‚_}x

_z_` _^xÂŁĂ Â? Police Public Relations 7z_^x ÂƒÂĽx x ‰`j}x {‰j``j}ÂĽx §Â‰{x z{q|^`_}x ~‰_x ^_†z™_x {‚_^j~k{qÂĽx †jk}x ~§{x †™†‚_z~†¼x _qx ˆ_q§{x jq}x Â…_ˆ_x ÂľkÂŚ{ÂĽx §_^_x j^^_†~_}x jq}x ™‚{qx kq~_^^{Â…j~k{qÂĽx ˆ_}x ‚{ˆkz_x~{x§Â‰_^_x~‰_k^xĂ‚z{`^j}_x kqx z^k`_ÂĽx  _Ă€kqx †k‰¼x

§j†xj^^_†~_}Â?½ {‰j``j}x †jk}ÂĽx Ă‚ ‰_x Âľk}qj‚x {šx ~‰_x ~‰^__šŒ_j^š old boy was conceived and kqk~kj~_}x  Œx Â…_ˆ_x ÂľkÂŚ{ÂĽx who is a co-tenant with ~‰_x ‡kz~k`٠x ‚j^_q~†x kqx ~‰_x †j`_x z{`‚{™q}ÂĽx §Â‰kˆ_x _qx ˆ_q§{ÂĽx§Â‰{x‚{†_}xj†x ~‰_x z‰kˆ}٠x †z‰{{ˆx ~_jz‰_^ÂĽx _Æ_z™~_}x ~‰_x Âľk}qj‚‚kqÂ…Â?x The victim has since been

handed over to his father ‚_^†{qjÂˆÂˆÂŚx  Œx x jqx j~™^_xkqx‰k†x{7z_Â?½

_x j††™^_}Ăƒx Ă‚ ‰_x z{`mand will not relent in |…‰~kqÂ…x z^k`_x jq}x ~{x z{q~kq™jÂˆÂˆÂŚx^_j††™^_x~‰_x‚_{‚ˆ_x of its readiness of sustained kq†~jq~x^_†‚{q†_x~{x~k‚š{3†x jq}x ‚^{`‚~x ^_†‚{q†_x ~{x }k†~^_††x zjÂˆÂˆÂ†ÂĽx §Â‰kˆ_x `_` _^†x{šx~‰_x‚™ Âˆkzxj^_x™^Â…_}x

to volunteer credible and timely information about any character or moves zj‚j Âˆ_x {šx ™q}_^`kqkqÂ…x ~‰_x _Æk†~kqÂ…x ‚™ Âˆkzx ‚_jz_x and security at the nearest ‚{ˆkz_x †~j~k{qÂĽx {^x zjˆˆx ~‰_x š{ˆˆ{§kqÂ…x ‚{ˆkz_x }k†~^_††x ‚‰{q_x ˆkq_†x ¢Â€¢¿¥¢¢¿à £¤¼x ¢Â€¢¥Â€Âž£à ¤Ăˆ¢¼x ¢Â€¢¥Â€Âž£à ¤ĂˆÂĄx jq}x¢Â€ÂŁĂˆ¢ ¥¿Â€ÂžÂĄÂ?½


Newswatch Times

World Report WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014

N. Korean websites back online after shutdown


ey North Korean websites were back online yesterday after an hours-long shutdown that followed a United States vow to respond to a crippling zÂŚÂ _^j jzÂľx{qx {qÂŚx kztures that Washington  Âˆj`_†x{qx ÂŚ{qÂ…ÂŚjqÂ…Â? The White House and the State Department declined to say whether ~‰_x Â? Â?xÂ…{‡_^q`_q~x§j†x responsible for the Internet shutdown in one of the least-wired and poorest countries in the §{^ˆ}Â? Although North Korea is equipped for broadband Internet, only a small, approved segment of the population has any access to the {^ˆ}x k}_x _ Â?x _§x North Koreans have access to computers; those who do are typically able to connect only to a }{`_†~kzx q~^jq_~Â? Though it denies responsibility for the Sony ‰jz¾¼x ÂŚ{qÂ…ÂŚjqÂ…x ‰j†x called it a “righteous deedâ€? and made clear its fury over “The Interview,â€? a comedy that depicts the assassination of the North’s authoritarian leader, Kim Jong Un, ~‰_x‰_j}x{šxjxÂŁÂ?ÂĄx`kˆˆk{qš man army and the focus of an intense cult of per†{qjˆk~ÂŚÂ? {™~‰x {^_jqx {7zkjÂˆÂ†ÂĽx speaking on condition

of anonymity because {šx {7z_x ^™ˆ_†¼x †jk}x ~‰_x {^~‰Ÿ†x {7zkjˆx {^_jqx Central News Agency and the Rodong Sinmun newspaper, which are the main channels for of|zkjˆx {^~‰x {^_jx q_§Â†ÂĽx ‰j}x _j^ˆk_^x  __qx }{§qÂ?x But the websites were  jzÂľx ™‚x ˆj~_^x ÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚÂ?x Among the posts glorifying the ruling Kim family was one about Kim

{qÂ…x qx‡k†k~kqÂ…xjxzj~|†‰x šj^`Â? Â? Â?x z{`‚™~_^x _Ƃ_^~†x described the Internet outages in the North as sweeping and progres†k‡_ÂˆÂŚx §{^†_Â?x k`x {§k_ÂĽx chief scientist at Dyn Research, an Internet performance company, said in an online post that the North came back online jš~_^xjxžxɚ‰{™^x{™~jÂ…_Â? {††k Âˆ_x zj™†_†x š{^x ~‰_x †‰™~}{§qxkqzˆ™}_xjqx_Æ~_^qjˆx j jzÂľx {qx k~†x š^jÂ…ile network or even just power problems, Cowie §^{~_Â?x ™~ÂĽx ‰_x j}}_}ÂĽx Ă‚ _xzjqx{qÂˆÂŚx…™_††Â?½ Last year, North Korea †™3_^_}x †k`kˆj^x  ^k_šx qternet shutdowns of websites at a time of nuclear ~_q†k{q†x §k~‰x ~‰_x Â? Â?ÂĽx South Korea and other z{™q~^k_†Â?x {^~‰x {^_jx blamed Seoul and WashkqÂ…~{qxš{^x~‰_x{™~jÂ…_†Â? ^_†k}_q~x j^jzÂľx  j`jx ‰j†x †jk}x ~‰_x Â? Â?x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x _Ƃ_z~_}x to respond to the Sony hack, which he described j†x jqx _Ƃ_q†k‡_x jz~x {šx


Kim Jong-Un

“cyber vandalismâ€? by {^~‰x {^_jÂ? Obama did not discuss details, and it was not immediately clear whether the Internet connectivity problems represented the retribu~k{qÂ?x ‰_x Â? Â?x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x ^_Â…j^}†x k~†x {3_qsive cyber operations as ‰kÂ…Â‰ÂˆÂŚxzˆj††k|_}Â? ™~x Â? Â?x {‚~k{q†x š{^x acting against North {^_jx j^_x ˆk`k~_}Â?x ‰_x

country already faces massive international jq}x Â? Â?x †jqz~k{q†x {‡_^x its repeated nuclear and ^{zÂľ_~x~_†~†Â? The hack has been a nightmare for Sony, which cancelled plans to release “The Interviewâ€? after a group of hackers made threats against theatres that planned to †‰{§xk~Â? {^_x ~‰jqx jx `kˆlion people use mobile

Satellite images show 290 heritage sites in Syria damaged by war


atellite imagery kq}kzj~_x ~‰j~x ¥ž¢x cultural heritage sites in Syria, whose history stretches back to the dawn of civilization, have been damaged by its ongoing civil war, the United Nations’ training and re-

search arm (UNITAR) said ÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚÂ? Syria’s heritage spans the great empires of the k}}ˆ_x j†~x  Â™~x z™ˆ~™^jˆx sites and buildings around the country, such as Alep‚{٠x `jÂŚÂŚj}x {†Å™_ÂĽx have been looted, damaged or destroyed in the

Ruined columns at the historical city of Palmyra, in the Syrian desert

Sri Lankan leader promises reforms to presidency

~‰^__šŒ_j^š{ˆ}xz{q›kz~Â? Using commercially available satellite pictures, x š{™q}x ~‰j~x ¥¤x sites were completely de†~^{ÂŚ_}ÂĽx £€žx †_‡_^_ÂˆÂŚx {^x moderately damaged and a further 77 possibly damjÂ…_}Â? This is “an alarming testimony of the ongoing damage that is happening to Syria’s vast cultural heritageâ€?, UNITAR said in a q_§x^_‚{^~Â?x “National and interna~k{qjˆx _3{^~†x š{^x ~‰_x ‚^{tection of these areas need to be scaled up in order to save as much as possible of this important heritage š{^ƒx‰™`jqÂľkq}Â?½x ˆj†‰_†x  _~§__qx ^_†kdent Bashar al-Assad’s forces and rebels have damaged historical sites

and buildings throughout ÂŚ^kjÂ?x kˆˆjÂ…kqÂ…x‰j†x~‰^_j~ened tombs in the desert ~{§qx {šx jˆ`ÂŚ^jx jq}x {man temples have been }j`jÂ…_}Â? The report documented widespread damage to cultural heritage sites inzˆ™}kqÂ…x x {^ˆ}x Heritage Sites, mostly in the q{^~‰_^qxzk~ÂŚx{šx ˆ_‚‚{Â? {~‰x †k}_†x kqx ~‰_x z{q›kz~x have used ancient fortresses j†x`kˆk~j^ÂŚx j†_†Â?x ‰_xj^`ÂŚx has positioned snipers on Aleppo’s Citadel, one of the oldest and largest cas~ˆ_†xkqx~‰_x§{^ˆ}Â? Insurgent forces also {‡_^^jqx ~‰_x ž¢¢šŒ_j^š{ˆ}x Crac des Chevaliers Cru†j}_^xzj†~ˆ_Â?x ‰_xj^`ÂŚx^_~{{Âľx k~x kqx j^z‰x  Â™~x {qÂˆÂŚx after months of bombard`_q~Â?

phones in North Ko^_jÂ?x ‰_x q_~§{^Âľx z{‡_^†x most major cities, but users cannot call outside the country or rez_k‡_x zjˆˆ†x š^{`x {™~†k}_Â?x The North’s Intranet gives access to government-sanctioned sites and works with its own browsers, search engine and email programmes, according to South Ko^_j٠x qk|zj~k{qx kqk†~^ÂŚÂ?

^kx jqÂľjqx ^_†k}_q~x j‰kq}jx jjapaksa promised yesterday to reform his country’s powerful presidency as part of a new constitution that he intends to introduce if he is elected to office for jx~‰k^}x~_^`xkqx jq™j^ÂŚÂ? Rajapaksa’s promise in his policy statement comes in response to increasing public support for his main challenger, jk~‰^k‚jˆjx k^k†_qjÂĽx whose campaign has centered on democratic reforms, including heavily reducing presidential powers and strengthenkqÂ…x‚j^ˆkj`_q~Â? Rajapaksa said he would ask parliament to draw up a new constitution and reform the presidency within one year {šx _kqÂ…x_ˆ_z~_}Â? He had used an overwhelming election success previously to scrap a two-term limit for the presidency and give himself the power to appoint all key officials, including top º™}Â…_†¼x _ˆ_z~k{qx {7zkjÂˆÂ†ÂĽx and police and military ‰_j}†Â? The moves prompted widespread demands for political reforms, with the United Nations’s then-human rights chief saying last year that Sri Lanka was sliding to§j^}xj™~{z^jzÂŚÂ?

China says reports it helped cut off North Korea’s Internet ‘irresponsible’


eports that China was involved in cut~kqÂ…x {3x {^~‰x Korea’s Internet are “irresponsibleâ€?, ‰kqj٠x {^_kÂ…qx kqk†~^ÂŚx †jk}xÂŚ_†~_^}jÂŚÂ? kqk†~^ÂŚx †‚{Âľ_†§{`jqx Hua Chunying made the remarks at a daily news  ^k_|qÂ…Â?x ‰kqjx zjˆˆ_}x on the United States and North Korea to talk to each other about the hackkqÂ…x j jzÂľx {qx {qÂŚx kz~™^_†¼x†‰_x†jk}Â? “We have noted recent Â? Â?x ^_`j^¾†x jq}x z{`ments from North Korea,â€?

™jx †jk}Â?x Ă‚ _x  _ˆk_‡_x that the United States and North Korea should communicate about this is†™_Â?½

The United States has  Âˆj`_}x ÂŚ{qÂ…ÂŚjqÂ…xš{^x~‰_x ‰jzÂľkqÂ…x j jzÂľx {qx {qÂŚÂ?x The United States has also asked China to identify any North Korea hackers operating in China and, if found, send them back to {^~‰x {^_jÂ? {^~‰x {^_jx_Ƃ_^k_qz_}x a complete Internet outage for hours before links were ^_†~{^_}x{qx ™_†}jÂŚÂĽxjx Â? Â?x company that monitors In~_^q_~x kqš^j†~^™z~™^_x †jk}Â?x The country’s sole Internet link to the outside world is ~‰^{™…‰x ‰kqjÂ? _‡_^jˆx Â? Â?x {7zkjˆ†x close to the investigations {šx ~‰_x j jzÂľx {qx {qÂŚx kz~™^_†x†jk}x~‰_x Â? Â?xÂ…{‡_^qment was not involved in any cyber action against ÂŚ{qÂ…ÂŚjqÂ…Â?


Newswatch Times

African Report WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014

Tanzania arrests Kenyan suspected of big-scale ivory smuggling


anzania has arrested a Kenyan businessman suspected of ~^j7zÂľkqÂ…xk‡{^ÂŚx jq}x {~‰_^x  kÂ…šÂ…j`_x ~^{phies, the police said yesterday. Feisal Mohamed Ali,

47, was arrested in Dar es Salaam on Monday on a warrant issued by In~_^‚{ˆx §Â‰kz‰x k†x ~^ÂŚkqÂ…x ~{x ~^jzÂľx }{§qx j^`_}x Â…jq…†x ~‰j~x Âľkˆˆx _ˆ_‚‰jq~†x š{^x ~™†¾†xjq}x^‰kq{†xš{^x‰{^q†x to be shipped to Asia for use in ornaments and

medicines. “The businessman is z{{‚_^j~kqÂ…x §k~‰x ~‰_x ‚{lice to establish if he is kq‡{ˆ‡_}x kqx ~‰_x jˆˆ_Â…_}x z^k`kqjˆx jz~k‡k~k_†¼½x ™†~j‡x j kˆ_ÂĽx ‰_j}x {šx qterpol in Tanzania, told _™~_^†¼xj}}kqÂ…x~‰_xkq‡_†-

~kÂ…j~k{qx§j†x†~kˆˆx{qÂ…{kqÂ…Â? Police suspect Ali, from Kenya’s port city of Mombasa, is behind an interqj~k{qjˆx k‡{^ÂŚx ‚{jz‰kqÂ…x †Œq}kzj~_x ˆkqÂľ_}x ~{x jx 3-tonne haul of elephant ~™†¾†x †_kĂ€_}x kqx {` j†jx in June.

Presidents meet to discuss peace in South Sudan

{jz‰kqÂ…x ‰j†x ^k†_qx kqx recent years across Africa. In Tanzania, 10,000 _ˆ_‚‰jq~†x §_^_x Âľkˆˆ_}x kqx ¥¢£¿x jˆ{q_ÂĽx jzz{^}kqÂ…x ~{x outh Africa’s president q‡k^{q`_q~jˆx q‡_†~kÂ…jmet with the leaders of ~k{qx Â…_qzÂŚx ÂƒÂĽxjx {q jqĂ€jqkjx jq}x Â…jq}jx }{qš j†_}x z{q†_^‡j~k{qx {qx {q}jÂŚxš{^x~jÂˆÂľÂ†x{qx~‰_x Â…^{™‚Â? South Sudan peace process, {™~‰x š^kzj٠x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x said. _k…‰ {™^kqÂ…x z{™q~^k_†x ‰j‡_x‰_ˆ‚_}xq_Â…{~kj~_x~‰^__x ‚^_‡k{™†x z_j†_|^_x jÂ…^__ments in South Sudan, all of §Â‰kz‰x‰j‡_xšjkˆ_}Â?x ^_†k}_q~x Jacob Zuma’s trip to Tanzania, where he met President

jÂľjÂŚjx k¾§_~_ÂĽx jq}x ~{x Â…jq}jx ~{x `__~x ^_†k}_q~x {§_^kx ™†_‡_qkxj^_xjx‚j^~x {šx{qÂ…{kqÂ…x^_Â…k{qjˆx~jÂˆÂľÂ†x~{x end the crisis in the world’s newest nation. k…‰~kqÂ…x ^{Âľ_x{™~xkqx~‰_x oil-rich country about a ÂŚ_j^xjÂ…{ÂĽx‚k kqÂ…x kk^٠x†™‚‚{^~_^†xjÂ…jkq†~xš{^`_^x kz_x ^_†k}_q~x _kÂľx jz‰j^٠x followers. Kiir, an ethnic kqÂľjÂĽxjzz™†_}x jz‰j^ÂĽxjqx _~‰qkzx ™_^ÂĽx {šx ~^ÂŚkqÂ…x ~{x oust him in a coup. Tens of thousands of ‚_{‚ˆ_x ‰j‡_x }k_}x jq}x ÂŁÂ?žx `kˆˆk{qx `{^_x ‰j‡_x  __qx displaced by warfare in the ÂŚ{™qÂ…x qj~k{qÂĽx ~‰_x qk~_}x j~k{q†x†jΠÂ?x ‰_x x _z™^k~ÂŚx {™qcil blamed South Sudan’s “man-made political, security and humanitarian ca~j†~^{‚‰_½xjq}x~‰_x~‰^_j~x{šx šj`kq_x{qxk~†xš_™}kqÂ…xˆ_j}ers. The council has threat ~j~_†Ÿx _q~_^†xš{^x k†_j†_x ened to impose sanctions {q~^{ˆx jq}x ^_‡_q~k{qx jÂ…jkq†~x |…™^_†x ‰kq}_^kqÂ…x ƒÂ? the peace process. Ă‚ j}x §_x ‰j‡_x _†~j j†~x š^kzjqxqj~k{q†x‰j‡_x lished this centre last year, also threatened political š^kzjx `k…‰~x ‰j‡_x ^_- and economic sanctions sponded early and could jÂ…jkq†~x kk^٠x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x ‰j‡_xz{q~jkq_}x~‰_x‡k^™†¼½x and Machar’s faction, if the he said. ‡k{ˆ_qz_xz{q~kq™_†Â?


African nations should be more engaged in Ebola fight–Ethiopia


frican nations need to be more enÂ…jÂ…_}x kqx ~‰_x |…‰~x jÂ…jkq†~x ~‰_x  {ˆjx ‡k^™†x jq}x †~{‚x ^_ÂˆÂŚkqÂ…x{qxjk}xš^{`x _†~_^qx Â…{‡_^q`_q~†¼x ~‰k{pia’s prime minister said Monday.

jkˆ_`j^kj`x _†jˆ_Â…qx said the response to the _‚k}_`kzx kqx _†~x š^kzjx should not be “only for ~‰_xq{qš š^kzjq†½¼x™^Â…kqÂ…x African states to respond to an African Union ap‚_jˆx~{x†_q}x`_}kzjˆx†~j3x ~{xj3_z~_}xj^_j†Â? Ă‚ _x †‰{™ˆ}x †‰{§x ~‰j~x there is a solidarity within ~‰_x š^kzjqxz{™q~^k_†¼½x‰_x told reporters. “Usually the notion is ~‰j~x §Â‰_q_‡_^x ~‰k†x Âľkq}x of epidemic happens, it is ~‰_x _†~_^qxz{™q~^k_†xjq}x {~‰_^x  kÂ…x z{™q~^k_†x ~‰j~x ‰j‡_x ~{x  _x kq‡{ˆ‡_}¼½x ‰_x said. ™~x ‰_x j}}_}Ăƒx Ă‚ _x ‰j‡_x ~{x  ^_jÂľx ~‰k†x jq}x show that Africans also are there for Africans. _x†‰{™ˆ}x~^ÂŚx{™^x _†~x~{x  ^kqÂ…x š^kzjqx†{ˆ™~k{q†x~{x š^kzjqx‚^{ Âˆ_`†Â?½ j†~x§__Âľx ~‰k{‚kjx†_q~x £€ x ‰_jˆ~‰x ‡{ˆ™q~__^†x ~{x k_^^jx _{q_x jq}x k _-

Volunteers arrive to pick up bodies of people who died of Ebola virus

^kjÂĽx~‰_xˆj^Â…_†~xz{q~kqÂ…_q~x of medical professionals from any African country since the Ebola crisis beÂ…jqÂ?x _†jˆ_Â…qx †jk}x jx š™^~‰_^x£¼¢¢¢x‡{ˆ™q~__^†x§_^_x ^_j}ÂŚx~{xÂ…{Â? A number of African †~j~_†¼x ‰{§_‡_^ÂĽx j^_x ^_-

ˆ™z~jq~x ~{x †_q}x ‡{ˆ™q~__^†¼x }™_x ~{x _k~‰_^x jx ˆjzÂľx of means or fears they are not equipped to deal with any who return infected §k~‰x~‰_x‡k^™†Â? Ethiopia’s health mink†~_^ÂĽx _†_~_x k^‰jqx }masu, said the Ethiopian

‡{ˆ™q~__^†x ^_~™^qkqÂ…x home would be placed ™q}_^x `_}kzjˆx †™^‡_kˆˆjqz_xš{^x~‰^__x§__¾†Â? ™~x‰_x‰j†xjˆ†{xzjˆˆ_}x{qx African nations to accelerj~_x _3{^~†x ~{x _†~j Âˆk†‰x jx z{q~kq_q~jˆx z_q~^_x jˆ{qÂ…x the lines of the United

Veteran Essebsi wins Tunisia’s first free presidential vote

V Beji Caid Essebsi

eteran Tunisian politician _Âşkx jk}x †sebsi won the z{™q~^ŒŸ†x |^†~x free presidential election in ~‰_x|qjˆx†~_‚x{šxjx~^jq†k~k{qx to democracy after an up^k†kqÂ…x ~‰j~x {™†~_}x j™~{z^j~x kq_x ˆš  k}kq_x _qx ˆkxkqx 2011. ††_ Â†kÂĽxjxš{^`_^x _qx ˆkx {7zkjÂˆÂĽx  _j~x ^k‡jˆx {qz_šx j^Ă€{™¾kx §k~‰x Ă Ă Â?ĂˆÂ€x ‚_^z_q~x {šx ~‰_x ‡{~_x jÂ…jkq†~x 44.32 per cent in Sunday’s ^™qš{3x  jˆˆ{~x  _~§__qx ~‰_x ~§{x `_qÂĽx jzz{^}kqÂ…x ~{x ^_sults released on Monday by electoral authorities. {~‰x zjq}k}j~_†x zjˆˆ_}x š{^xzjˆ`xjš~_^x^k{~kqÂ…x ^k_›Œx

 ^{Âľ_x{™~xkqx†_‡_^jˆx†{™~‰_^qx ~{§q†x kqx ‚^{~_†~x {‡_^x ~‰_x^_~™^qx{šxjqx{ˆ}x…™j^}x |…™^_ÂĽx jq}x §k~q_††_†x †jk}x jqx{7z_x{šx ††_ Â†k٠x k}jjx {™q_†x‚j^~ÂŚx§j†x†_~xjˆk…‰~x in one town. A former parliament †‚_jÂľ_^x™q}_^x _qx ˆkÂĽx †sebsi recast himself as an experienced technocrat.

k†x †_z™ˆj^x ‚j^~ÂŚx k}jjx {™q_†x šx jˆˆx š{^x ™qk†kjx šx ‚^{|~_}x š^{`x jx  jzÂľÂˆj†‰x jÂ…jkq†~x ~‰_x ‚{†~š^_‡{ˆ~x †ˆj`k†~x Â…{‡_^q`_q~ÂĽx §Â‰kz‰x `jqÂŚx ‡{~_^†x  Âˆj`_}x š{^x turmoil after 2011 “I will be president for all ™qk†kjq†¼½x ††_ Â†kx †jk}x kqx a brief speech on state tel_‡k†k{qÂ?

™~†k}_x ~‰_x k}jjx Tounes headquarters in ~‰_x zj‚k~jˆx ™qk†¼x †_‡_^jˆx ‰™q}^_}x º™ kˆjq~x †™‚‚{^~_^†x ~{{Âľx ~{x ~‰_x †~^__~†x ~{x z_ˆ_ ^j~_x §k~‰x ›j^_†x jq}x `™†kzÂĽx §j‡kqÂ…x ™qk†kj٠x ^_}xjq}x§Â‰k~_xqj~k{qjˆx›jÂ…x jq}x‰{qÂľkqÂ…xzj^x‰{^q†Â? Ă‚ _٠x ~‰_x ^k…‰~x `jqx š{^x ~‰_x ^k…‰~x ~k`_¼½x †jk}x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x |qjqz_x †‚_zkjˆk†~x jqjx _qx jk}x j~x ~‰_x †sebsi rally. qx jx †‰{^~x ~_ˆ_‡k†k{qx j}}^_††x j^Ă€{™¾kx jzz_‚~_}x his defeat despite what he †jk}x §_^_x †™†‚_z~_}x ‡{~_x k^^_…™ˆj^k~k_†¼x §Â‰kz‰x ‰_x §{™ˆ}xq{~xz‰jˆˆ_qÂ…_Â? Just after results were anq{™qz_}ÂĽx‚^{~_†~_^†x†_~x|^_x

~{xjx k}jjx {™q_†x‚j^~ÂŚx{š|z_x kqx j~j{™kq_x kqx †{™~‰ern Tunisia, witnesses said. _†k}_q~†x†jk}x^k{~kqÂ…x ^{Âľ_x {™~x kqx †_‡_^jˆx †{™~‰_^qx ~{§q†¼x kqzˆ™}kqÂ…x j``jÂĽx §Â‰_^_x‚{ˆkz_x|^_}x~_j^Â…j†x~{x disperse hundreds of youths who burned tyres to demonstrate. ^k~kz†x {šx ††_ Â†kÂĽx jqx €€šŒ_j^š{ˆ}x§Â‰{x‰j†x†‚_q~x |‡_x }_zj}_†x kqx ™qk†kjqx politics, see his return as jx †_~ jzÂľx š{^x ~‰_x ¥¢££x ™‚^k†kqÂ…x ~‰j~x {™†~_}x _qx ˆkx jq}x‚™~x~‰_x {^~‰x š^kzjqx country on the road to full democracy, with a new constitution and free parliamentary and presidential elections.

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Newswatch Times


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth


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17cm x 3 25cm x 4 25cm x5 Half Page Full Page

Sizes in inches 1x1 1x 2 2x2 3x2 4x2 5x2 6x2 7x3

Amount (N) 4,843.50 9,828.00 19,691 .02 29,536.65 39,382 .20 49, 227 .75 60, 112 .50 131, 625 .00

10 x 4 10 x 5 10 x 6 7.25 x 6 14.5 x 6

236,293 .20 354, 439.80 425, 327 .76 250, 404 .00 442, 500 .00

SPECIAL POSITION (COLOUR) FP Strip BP Strip Centre Spread Centre Spread

2x6 2x6 Full Page Half Page

506,762.25 492,278.25 1,417,500.00 802,945.11


7.5cm x 2 15cm x 2 Quarter Page 25cm x 5 Half Page Full Page

1x1 1x2 2x2 3x2 4x2 5x2 6x2 7x3 10 x 5 10 x 6 7.25 x 6 14.5 x 6

4,470.04 8,916.67 1 7,833.35 26,832.22 35,666.71 44,583.39 53,664.57 101,412.97 279,503.32 335,403.98 212,519.51 363,375.00

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ENQUIRIES: The Advert Manager,

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Energy House: 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos. E-mail: Tel: 0709-882-1624

Newswatch Times Ltd.



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Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Newswatch Times Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Advertise ʨLĘƒÉ“ XÉĄ

And get GREAT mileage through your ADVERT Obasanjo, Atiku parley behind closed Pg.3 doors

8 2?;@;:A9

2015: I’ve no Pg.3 reason to step down for Jonathan – Tafawa Balewa

8 -9:;<=;:

Saturday Newswatch Newswatch Times -Tradition built on Truth

-Tradition ww my www mynewswa swbuilt ttch hon hti timesn tim ti i Truth esng g com com

Vol. 1, 01, No. Vol. No. 1003


November 15, 2014 Saturday, March 23,, 2013

N N200 N200

Another m military helicopter hes in Adamawa, awa, 3 killed crashes

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&' . ') !& % ( , ( ' & % % )#* ' % )'% ! '# !$!+ )/ 0 $,* * '#' + ) Chopperr not shot – Air Force

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Saminu aminu Ibrahim, Ibrah Abuja


Jonathan Jonath yesterday, re turned his expression of interest and nomination forms the 2015 ms to contest c presidential idential election. Thee forms, form submitted on his behalf by Vice President Namadi Sambo, may Nama have ended speculations ende over whether wheth the President would run o on the same ticket with h Sambo. Sam

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military helicop nother ter reportedly crashed

on Thursday night in Adamawa State, killing all &&& ' &"& % three persons on board. ! # # The helicopter was believed " UV EH WXYZJ UV[D\G] *V^EY

/VFD_ *V`H\Z^HZU $\HD which had earlier been taken by Boko Haram insurgents. Thursday’s crash caused confusion in Yola and its environs, as students and residents of Sangere where the incident occurred ran for cover, believ insurgents ing that Boko Haram [H\H VZ D I\H]q V:HZ]Y`H 7qY] 3 %2 3 6 ! 3 2 is against the backdrop of "an #3 3 3 $ # 2 earlier rumour that ! the insur $ ! # 3 gents were set to overrun ! 3"#the # 3 # 2 ! " " 3 3 #"3 3 state capital. !" 3 3 3 ! 2 Some residents of % the area 3 # 3 # 3 #3 !3 3 3 when said they got# 3panicky # 1"3 $ "3 3# 3 in rapid they heard explosions # #3 -/ " 3 ! ]zFFH]]YVZ D] ,*+ {\H JzUUHG % 3 & 3 UqH

% $ 3 ! ! 3" 3 !03! 2 3 crashed chopper. & # ! &# 3 "# !"3 3 # * + ! % "# 3 % 3 ""$! 3 by “I was awakened a loud 3 ! ! "3 (3 ! " # 3 after 3 # 3 ! " #3 # $" $ the sound of explosion # ! $ 3 !" 3 " 3" 3 3" # # 2 plane crashed,� $ a resident of $#" # & 3 " ! % $ "3 !3

! # 3 3 the area, Mr. David ! !# 3 ! $ 2 ! 3 Molomo, !3 ' "# ! # ' ! 3 3 "3" 3 $ / 2 said. 3 $ #! &" 3 ( " In the midst of the3 ! confusion, 2 3 3 # 3 ! 3 03 $ several residents# ! reportedly (3 3 !3 # "# !3 "# !3 3 3 WHG UV ZHD\EX Ez]q IHD\YZJ # 3 (3 ) 3 2 that the Boko Haram0 insurgents President, nt, Nigerian Association A of Petroleum Explorationists sts (NAPE), Mrs. Adedoja Ojelabi and Fellowship receipient, !/3

3 "3 03# 6 3! " " 3 had arrived, on their march 3# to Awards ceremony of the association held at r Taiwo Ajayi, Ajay during the 32nd Annual International al Conference/Exhibition Conferen " & 03" "$! "3 Professor 3

$ "3Hotell and Suites, Eko Suites Victoria Island, Lagos...on Thursday. y. PHOTO: ABIODUN OMOTOSHO 3 '3 >>Continued on Page 2 2 3 ! %


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cess by which he return returned ) ' & the completed forms was orms w ! interpreted as a tactical actical en- ! " '" dorsement of Sambo mbo as his !%& vice presidential candidate. andid ! transformed and The President picked icked the- Nigerians "!% & into largest forms on Octoberr 30, the the country the and Africa the _D]U GDX UqH ŠD\UX X {‹HG X {‹H IV\ economy in

their purchase, before fore it fur- 26th in the world.

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The Peoples

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$F& MWXY =>? Z[ \[XW ]^ \^[ –Coach Garba

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2nd Sandie Beach Rugby holds Dec 27

_x ‰{§_‡_^x ^_Â…^_ _}x discrimination against the sport which he described as a beautiful game that emphasises on discipline, hard work and Francis Ajuonuma team work. “Rugby is not just a he Rugby community in Lagos fantastic sport; it’s a way will be treated to of life. It’s principled, it’s an uncommon version }k†zk‚ˆkq_ÂĽx{qxjq}x{3x~‰_x of the game this yuletide pitch, which is generally season with the 2nd edi- referred to as a rough tion of the Sandie Beach game played by gentleRugby Tournament men. It preaches hard ÂľkzÂľkqÂ…x{3xj~x~‰_x _^~kÂ…{x work, team work, reLongue, Elegushi beach, spect, self-development, Lekki on December 27, camaraderie and a lot more that you have to ex2014. Initiator of the tourna- perience to understand. ment and head coach of Rugby is beautiful, a way Racing Rugby football {šx ˆkš_ÂĽx `jÂľ_†x ÂŚ{™x z{q|club Lagos, Olatunbosun dent, a tool that unites! Johnson noted that the As used by Mandela, “A annual event is designed language that the world for the rugby communi- ™q}_^†~jq}†Â?½ Lots of prizes, both in ty, to showcase the game, to the general public, as cash & products donated well as celebrate the fes- by U.B.A. & Aristo mix tive season, as a family. multimedia will be won ‰_x Â…j`_x §j†x ™q{7- by the participants. Meanwhile, Rugby cially introduced to the Lagos rugby community Educator, Ntiense Williams, popularly called in the year 2013. “We are inviting the Ă‚ ^Â?x ™… Œ½x‰j†x~‰^{§qx general public, all rugby his weight behind the enthusiasts, and curious project, saying it is a welNigerians; both male come development for and female to celebrate the game in Nigeria. “Beach Rugby is a verthe festive season at the famous Elegushi beach sion of Rugby, which is fast catching up around on December 27th. “It promises to be an the world, and Nigeria jz~k{qx ‚jzÂľ_}x š™qš|ˆˆ_}ÂĽx with its beautiful beaches and educative day, with should encourage this lots of prizes too be version of the game. “It is a very good §{qÂ?½ At the maiden edition stamina training which last year, eight teams fea- does not require much tured with Team Yusuf equipments such as boots emerging champions, & stockings. It is sure a after outscoring Eco II welcome development Rugby team by 3-1 in the for our teaming rugby enthusiasts. _‚kzx|qjˆÂ?


AYC draw: We fear no foe –Coach Garba


Ephraim Nwosu


lying Eagles coach, Manu Garba has declared that he is ready with his wards to face any of their group opponents at the forthcoming African Youth Championship slated to hold in Senegal (AYC) in March next year. The Nigeria U-20 team were on Sunday drawn in

group A alongside hosts Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire and Congo. But reacting on the group described as ‘group of death,’ Manu told Newswatch Sports on phone that there should be no cause for alarm. “No cause for alarm. We have to be ready to beat any of the teams if we really want to be the champions in Senegal as there is no easy team in football. We can’t shy away from any opposition and I know my players are not scared of any team. We will take each game as it comes. No

shaking! ’’Manu quipped. Manu said he was impressed with the quality of players he had assembled for the African youth football showpiece jq}xj†x†™z‰x‰_x§j†xz{q|dent Flying Eagles would z{`_x {™~x kqx ›ŒkqÂ…x z{ˆours. “The good thing is that we are blessed with abundant and talented young players, who are hungry and good enough to wear the green and white colours of Nigeria. The boys know what is at stake and they will not underrate any team. Our main priority in Senegal

is to qualify for the World Cup and I am sure they will go all the way to do just that at the championship,’’ he posited. The coach said because of the enormous talents at his disposal, he would continue to introduce new faces into the team in the bid to build a formidable squad. “I will prefer a situation whereby we can boast of three players for each position in the team so that if anyone is not available, we can quickly |ˆˆx kqx ‰k†x ‚ˆjz_¼½x ~‰_x š{^mer Golden Eaglets han}ˆ_^x†™ `k _}Â?

Sheath sword, support Amaju, Egbe charges $ % & ' ( ) ( & Nigerian Football in the outgoing year is that we ‚_^š{^`_}x _ˆ{§xj‡_^jÂ…_¼½x Egbe began. Maduabuchi Kalu Ă‚ †x jx `j _^x {šx šjz~ÂĽx §_x ormer national team did not do well at all; pargoalkeeper, Ita Egbe, ticularly when you considhas called on Nige- er the fact that we are the rian Football stakeholders African champions and we to close ranks and support couldn’t qualify to defend the Amaju Pinnick led the trophy we won just last board of the Nigeria Foot- year in South Africa after ball Federation (NFF) to 19 years of being in the doltake the country’s football drums. “As far as I am conto the next level. Egbe told Newswatch cerned, leadership crisis is the bane of Nigerian FootTimes Sports in an interview that he has implicit ball particularly the recent z{q|}_qz_x {qx ~‰_x q_§x one after the 2014 World NFF board to steer Nige- Cup, which lingered for a rian football to a greater while even after the expiraheight based on their in- tion of the tenure of Alhaji tegrity, vision, focus and Aminu Maigari led last board. honesty to deliver. “I am, therefore, calling “My assessment of on those who are always


š{q}x{šx|q}kq…x{q_xj‡_q™_x to capitalize on to foment troubles to please bury the hatchet and see the need to support the current lead-

ership of the NFF led by Amaju Pinnick. “My call for support for Amaju is based on conviction that this Amaju led

NFF has integrity and vision to take our football to the next level. Therefore, there is every need for us to give the new board all the support they need in order to achieve their set tarÂ…_~x š{^x kÂ…_^kjqx š{{~ jˆˆ¼½x Egbe said. Speaking further, Egbe said the country football has paid more than enough in the crisis which he believed contributed to Eagles’ inability to qualify for next year’s Nations Cup and their general poor performance. “We have paid more than enough prise in our football due to the incessant leadership tussle at the NFF. There is no way any rational person would separate the poor performance of our national team from

NFF’s leadership crisis. “Of course the crisis has tremendous negative impact on the team because even if we qualify for 2017 Nations Cup, some of the current players may not be a part of the team either because they are old or because they are out of form or any other thing. “I, therefore, want to once again plead with the warring parties to shield their sword and allow peace rein in our football so that the leadership of the NFF will have to operate under a peaceful at`{†‚‰_^_¼½x Â… _x‚ˆ_j}_} He also maintained that even the underage teams are not spared of the negative impact of the NFF crisis as their own preparations for championships j^_x jˆ†{x j3_z~_}x kqx {q_x way or the other by the NFF leadership crisis.

Newswatch TIMES




Eagles’ve no assessment value –Lawal about the Super Eagles to comment on. Ă‚ ‰_^_xk†xq{~‰kqÂ…x~{xj†sess about the Super Eagles in this outgoing year. What is there to assess about Maduabuchi Kalu the Super Eagles as far as this outgoing year is coneneral Manager of cerned? Kaduna United, “We did not qualify for Garuba Lawal has 2015 Nations Cup and so declared that there is noth- what is there to be assessed ing to assess concerning about the Super Eagles? the Super Eagles perfor- ‰_^_x k†x q{~‰kqÂ…x ~{x j††_††x mance in the outgoing as far as I am concerned. year. Ă‚ j}x §_x řjˆk|_}x š{^x Lawal, while reacting to the Nations Cup, then the a question by Newswatch issue of assessment of the k`_†x ‚{^~†x{qx ™‚_^x j- Eagles would have been gles performance in 2014, reasonable; but for now, especially since they did there is nothing to assess. not qualify for the 2015 Ă‚ ‰_x šjz~x k†x ~‰j~x †kqz_x Africa Cup of Nations in Eagles are not going to parEquatorial Guinea, de- ~kzk‚j~_x kqx ~‰_x q_Æ~x ÂŚ_j^٠x clared that as far as he j~k{q†x ™‚¼x x }{qÂź~x ‰j‡_x k†x z{qz_^q_}ÂĽx ‰_x }{_†qÂź~x any interest in the champisee any interesting thing onship.


Eagles’ Int’l friendlies:

Amokachi replaces injured Zango with Idris

Unknown foreign-based S players demand inclusion


Martin Odiete, Abuja


ome uncapped Nigerian players, who are based in Europe have bombarded the Secretariat of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) with calls demanding to be included in the Super Eagles that would play two international friendly matches in January. One of the players is a Swiss U-20 international,


~_‡_qx z‰k {qÂ…x 7{qÂ…x Ukoh, who plays his football with Biel-Bienne FC, §kĂ”_^ˆjq}Â? A senior member of the Super Eagles told Newswatch Times Sports in Abuja that the player called the Football Federation at the weekend to signify his intention to play for the Eagles in the two January friendlies. Ukoh, who was recently cleared by the world football governing body FIFA to play for Nigeria at the senior level, was born on June 19, 1991 to Nigerian parents in Berne, §kĂ”_^ˆjq}Â?x ‰_x ‡_^†j~kˆ_x

“Look! I love my country passionately and since my country is not going to be a part of the champion†‰k‚x x}{qÂź~x‰j‡_xjqÂŚxkq~_^est. I can decide to watch some of the matches for the š™ˆ|ˆˆ`_q~x {šx ^k…‰~_{™†ness sake. “I can still decide not to watch any of the matches. I can decide to watch any other thing on Supersport because nothing concerns me with the Nations Cup,â€? Lawal said. On the economic im‚jz~x ~‰_x j…ˆ_٠x j Â†_qz_x would have on the team, Lawal stated that he was not in a position to answer the question since he is not the coach who prepared the team. In his opinion the national team coach is the {qÂˆÂŚx ‚_^†{qx řjˆk|_}x ~{x answer the question.


`k}|_ˆ}_^٠x ‚j^_q~†¼x ^chibong Ukoh and Helene, hail from Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom. “Stephen Ukoh called us at the weekend to signify his intention and availj kˆk~ÂŚx š{^x ~‰_x ~§{x j…ˆ_†Ÿx friendly matches against jˆkxjq}x {~_x}Âźx ‡{k^_xkqx Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates slated for January next year. “Coach Daniel Amokachi was ecstatic about this and the player is anxiously looking forward to joining us as we try to bring back smiles back to the faces of Nigerians with

the two friendly games,� the source added. Further information from the glass house noted that two other Arsenal players, Alex Iwobi and Semi Ajayi also want to be part of the Nigerian contingent to the matches.  ‰_^_x k†x jx …^_j~x ‚{†sibility that the two Arsenal players, Alex Iwobi and Semi Ajayi may join us (the Super Eagles) for ~‰_x `j~z‰_†�x ‰_k^x ^_‚^_sentatives have given their words that they will join Eagles in Abu Dhabi. So we are hopeful of having them with us for the Abu Dhabi friendlies,� he said.

uper Eagles assistant coach, Dan ‘the Â™ÂˆÂˆÂźx `{Âľjz‰kx ‰j†x swung into action as preparation for the FIFA free window games jÂ…jkq†~x {~_x }Âź ‡{k^_x and Mali in Abu Dhabi, United Araba Emirates gathers steam. ‰_x ™qk†kjx Ÿž¤x jtions Cup and Atlanta ÂźÂžĂˆx ÂˆÂŚ`‚kz†x §kqq_^x has moved quickly to stabilize the team for the friendlies by dropping injured Kano Pillars central defence ace, Zango Umar for emerging Mighty Jets of Jos star defender, Ahmed Idris. He reiterated that despite the absence of Coach Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, the team will gather in Abuja on Sunday, December 28, to commence preparations š{^x ~‰_x Â…j`_†Â?x ‰_x ~§{x games are scheduled for January 9 and 13 in the UAE. In a similar development, members of the national team, the Super Eagles and the leadership of the Nigeria Football Federation, headed by Melvin Amaju Pin-

nick have celebrated the successful wedding of national team striker, Fuad Gbolahan Salami in Lagos. ‰_x ~jˆ_q~_}x †~^kÂľ_^x Â…{~x‰{{Âľ_}x|qjÂˆÂˆÂŚx~{x‰k†x ‰_j^ ‰^{ ¼x ‚{ˆ{ÂŚ_^™x Surat Ololade in an impressive event held at the Glover Memorial Hall, kq™ Â™x řj^_ÂĽx j^kqjÂĽx §k~‰x j…ˆ_†x _j`x }ministrator, Dayo Enebi Achor, representing the national team and the NFF. Achor, said apart from the leadership of the NFF sending their goodwill message, the Super Eagles technical crew and players led by Skipper Vincent Enyeama, sent in words of encouragement to the player, wishing him the best that mar^kjÂ…_x {3_^†x jq}x jˆj`kx himself was quite appreciative of the presence of {7zkjˆ†x {šx ~‰_x x jq}x the national team. Ă‚ ~٠xjx†kÂ…qx~‰j~x§_xj^_x Â…_ kqÂ…x`{^_x^_†‚{q†k Âˆ_x players who see marriage as a way to stabilize their lifestyle and career,â€? Achor said of the event.

Newswatch TIMES Sports/ Chelsea Watch Khedira offered pre-contract Mourinho: Players must respect my selection




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Allardyce plots to dent Blues’ title dream

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Spartak Moscow ready to splash £11m for Salah

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Silva puts City pressure on Blues


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Sports/Euro League


Ronaldo hopes Real retain UCL title


ristiano Ronaldo has said his target for 2015 is to retain the Champions League with Real Madrid. Ronaldo was speaking at the unveiling of a statue of himself in Portugal, in Funchal, Madeira, which AS notes stands 2m 40cm high and weighs some 800kg and is located near the Cristiano Ronaldo museum. The forward was also presented with a medal in the local legislative assembly and spoke of what it means to him to be honoured by his community. “I am very proud to be here, where I grew up, where I have my roots and my family,� he said. “These are moments that help me want to keep playing and winning. I’m very happy. This is very important to me. It’s a privilege to receive this medal. I have no words. “Speeches aren’t my

š{^~_ÂĽx Âź`x _ _^xj~xš{{~ jˆˆÂ?x But it’s an historic moment that will have a special place in my life. It gives me motivation to move forward. Thanks to everyone who has made this so special for me. “I hope 2015 will be just j†x ™qš{^Â…_ j Âˆ_x j†x ¥¢£¤x and we can win again everything we have this year. Especially, in 2015 I hope to repeat the Champions League win.â€?

Griezmann: I’m motivated for every match


We need to win titles, Xavi declares


arcelona captain, Xavi Hernandez recently spoke about his decision to stay at the club and admits that if the team doesn’t win something this year, it will be a disappointment. In an interview in Cairo at a presentation for a footballing camp for children, Xavi spoke about his desire to have his career continue for as long as it can and that his ambitions for this season remain high. “We’ll see how many years I have left in me, I ~‰kqÂľx~‰_x}k3_^_qz_x _~§__qx this year and last year is that we’ve changed players, we have a new manager, there j^_x }k3_^_q~x `{~k‡j~k{q†x but the objectives remain the same. There’s a brutal challenge ahead of us and we need to win titles because if we don’t, it’ll be a disappointing year.â€? Xavi went on to add that the best years of his career were in the Pep Guardiola era between 2008 and 2012 jq}x ~‰j~x Ă‚k~٠x }k7z™ˆ~½x ~{x

compare that team to this team, but felt that last Saturday’s 5-0 win over Cordoba put them “on the right trackâ€? and even though they’re second to a “very strongâ€? Real Madrid side, they will “con~kq™_x |…‰~kqÂ…x ™q~kˆx ~‰_x  _†~x of the season to complete

their objectives.� Xavi concluded by stating that he’s happy he decided to spend his entire 16year career with Barcelona, j}`k kq…x~‰j~x ™k†x q^kř_x convinced him to stay and hopes to continue motivating youth players and im-

parting his wisdom, through his camps and eventually coaching. “I’ll try to teach what I learned in Barcelona’s school, the school of life that is Barcelona, the concepts of football and humanity as well.�

Hummels hits out at rubbish Dortmund


orussia Dortmund captain Mats Hummels says there are no guarantees his side will improve in the second half of the Bundesliga season, describing BVB’s away form so far as “rubbish.â€? A 2-1 defeat at Werder Bremen on Saturday sealed Dortmund’s worst |^†~x ‰jˆšx {šx ~‰_x †_j†{qx kqx several decades. Jurgen Klopp’s side have won ÂŁĂ x ‚{kq~†x kqx ~‰_k^x |^†~x ÂŁÂ x games, with only four of them -- a 3-2 win at Augsburg and a 2-2 draw at Paderborn -- picked up on the road. Despite going undefeated in their last three home

games of 2014, Dortmund will spend the winter break in the relegation zone, and Hummels is under no illusions that the 2013 Champi{q†x _j…™_x|qjˆk†~†xj^_xkqxjx ^_ˆ_…j~k{qx|…‰~�

The Germany interna~k{qjˆx ‰j†x  __qx |…‰~kqÂ…x with injuries ever since the {^ˆ}x ™‚x |qjˆx jÂ…jkq†~x Argentina in mid-July, and ‰j†x †~^™……ˆ_}x ~{x |q}x š{^`x for BVB. While Hummels scored BVB’s consolation goal on Saturday, he was directly involved in both Bremen goals, and later told reporters that a third consecutive away defeat was hard to digest. The availability of defender Mats Hummels is still in doubt for Borussia Dortmund. Hummels has  __qx|…‰~kqÂ…xš{^xš{^`xjq}x |~q_††xš{^x x†kqz_x^_~™^qing from the World Cup.

ntoine Griezmann revealed Atletico Madrid’s 4-1 victory over Athletic Bilbao on Sunday was inspired by a halftime pep-talk from Diego Simeone. Los Colchoneros went into the break a goal down at San Mames but came back out to put the Basques to the sword, and the hattrick hero explained that his side’s improvement were the fruits of a few choice words from their Coach. Ă‚ _x ‰j}x jx ‚{{^x |^†~x half. The Coach gave us the necessary words at the break, and in the second ‰jˆšx§_x}k}x _ _^¼½x‰_x~{ˆ}x reporters after the game. “Simeone told us to enjoy ourselves, give it our all, |qk†‰x~‰_xÂŚ_j^x{3x§_ˆˆxjq}x

that we’d been fantastic. “I’m motivated for every match. I have to take full advantage of the minutes I’m given by the Coach. “It was my best game since I got here. Now I must go on like this and continue working. Hopefully this will be my usual level, or even higher.�

Mancini considers Lucas for Inter


nter Milan are considering making a January  k}xš{^x`k}|_ˆ}_^x ™zj†x Leiva. Roberto Mancini, the Inter manager, told La jÀÀ_ jx}_ˆˆ{x ‚{^~x~‰j~x‰_x is ready to bolster his squad and that the Brazilian is part of his plans. “I have already made the point, we are looking for a winger and preferably two,â€? Mancini said. “We

need a player who is strong, very fast, direct, good technically and capable of scoring goals. Ă‚ šx§_xzjqÂź~x|q}xjx‚ˆjÂŚ_^x with these qualities, then it k†x _ _^xq{~x~{x Â™ÂŚxjqÂŚ{q_x at all. [Alessio] Cerci, Lennon and Lucas Leiva are all good reference points and not random choices.â€? Neto, the Fiorentina goalkeeper, is edging towj}†xjx`{‡_x~{x q|_ˆ}x§k~‰x the Brazilian stalling on a contract renewal according to Fifa agent Stefano Caira. š~_^x |^†~šz‰{kz_x Â…{jˆkeeper Simon Mignolet fell out of favour with manager Brendan Rodgers, the club have been tracking Neto for the past few weeks but will face competition from Serie A sides Roma and Juventus.




Okafor could make mid-season return

James, Waiters boost Cavaliers



eBron James had 25 points and 11 assists, Dion Waiters scored 13 of his 21 points in the fourth quarter, and the host Cleveland Cavaliers handled one of the Western Conference’s best teams, beating the Memphis Grizzlies, 105-91, on Sunday. James scored 16 in the second half, and the Cavs shot a season-best 61 perz_q~x ^{`x ~ _x |_ }x ~{x k`prove to just 3-6 against West teams. Anderson Varejao scored 18, and Kyrie Irving had 17 points and 12 assists for the Cavs, who are 11-3 since their sluggish 5-7 start. Cleveland, which has won eight of nine at home, is 9-2 when James has at least nine assists. Marc Gasol scored 23 and added 11 rebounds for the Grizzlies, who played without forward Zach Randolph. He’s nursing a sore and swollen right knee he injured in Friday’s loss at Chicago. Pelicans 101, Thunder 99 - Anthony Davis scored 38 points to lead New Orleans to a road victory over Oklahoma City.

meka Okafor could be on his way to NBA side, Dallas Mavericksafter the club declared interest to have him in their roster in the ongoing season. Maverick interest on the former Washington Wizards Center/Power forward has been necessitated following the rez_q~x~^j}kq x{3x{ x ^jq}jx Wright to Boston Celtics. Okafor, who is still recovering from a neck injury which has forced him to the sideline 2012/2013 season, plans to make a midseason return. Once traded for Tyson Chandler, Okafor averaged 9.7 points and 8.8 rebounds as a starter for the Washington Wizards in his last season. However, should the Mavericks fail to capture Okafor, they could turn to another Center/Power forward, Jermaine O’Neal of Golden State Warriors, whom they have listed as alternative to Okafor.

Van Gundy: Piston blames everybody for defensive woes


obody is immune from criticism when it comes to the Detroit Pistons’ defensive problems this season. Put some on the players, put some on the boss and put some on the coaching ~j3 All are part of the problem, according to Stan Van Gundy, the Pistons’ president and head coach who Stories byusing the next few plans on Francis days of Ajuonuma practice to try and get his team straightened out on the defensive end. “Our defense is not giving us a chance to win games,” Van Gundy said after Sunday’s 110-105 loss to the Brooklyn Nets at the Barclays Center. “If you’re going to give up 53 percent (shooting) and 110 points, ¡ x ^__¹~ ^{§x j _` ~ ¥x we don’t have a chance.”

Azubuike classical at City of Palms Classic It was an interesting game that had two of the dominant centers – De Andre Ayton for San DiegoBalboa City and Azubuike Stories by go head-to-head but Ayton Francis Ajuonuma j}x~ _x _ _^x ~j~ x§k~ x¡¿x points and 20 rebounds. { _^¼ x

{ _x Azubuike, who has Christian Acad- only been playing basketemy (PHCA) ball for three years, had a Lions center, dunk in overtime to put Udoka Azubuike the Lions up 50-46. Ayton is enjoying the rave of the responded with a sweet moment status in the City reverse layup but a moof Palms Classic following ment later Azubuike hit jx | _¹ ~j^x _^ {^`jqz_x another power slam to over San Diego-Balboa ~x { _^¼ x { _x xÁ¡¹ City on Sunday. 49. Atyon came back with The 6-foot-9 inch tall jx j`x {3x jqx j _¦¹{{ x Nigerian, who weigh with 40 seconds left, but about 270 poundsscored }{µj¼ x|qj x j`x§k~ x¡¢x 20 points and pulled down seconds left, put the Lions 10 rebounds as PHCA Li- up 54-51 for good. ons stunned San Diego“Udoka is very agile, Balboa City in a keenly he dribbles the ball crossoz{q~_ ~_}x _`k¹|qj x z j x ver and he’s even shooting that ended, 54-51, in over- from the three-point line,” time at Bishop Verot said his adoptive father,


Harry Coxsone, who is one of the pastors at Potter’s House. Before the game, Azubuike gave a Popeye-like ` z _x { _¥x {§kq x{3 xx During the game, he did a good job of using that strength to wear down the talented Ayton, who j}x £¤x {kq~ x kqx ~ _x |^ ~x half and nine in the second half and overtime period. Azubuike scored 14 of his points after intermission. “I took it personal,” Azubuike said of the challenge. “My coach said it was going to be a big game today, playing against DeAndre. I took it as an opportunity to improve `¦ _ x x~ kqµx x}k}x ^_ ¦x good. We won the game, so I’m happy. I feel like I did my best at the end of the game. My team depends on me, so I feel like I had to step up. It was great

competition.” Last winter in the International Game at the Jordan Brand Classic in Brooklyn, Azubuike was a force, but mostly on the defensive end. Sunday, he wanted the ball in key k~ j~k{q ¥x kq x ¦~{qx on his hip and sometimes on his back. “I think he adjusted but I also think the other guy got tired,” Coxsone said. “Can you imagine playing a guy almost 278 pounds for four quarters?” Unlike many big high school basketball players, who want to be seen as forwards, Azubuike sees himself as a pure center like Hakeem Olajuwon. “My coaches back home and when I came over here know I have always wanted to be a center,” Azubuike said. “I just feel that I am a center.”

Dalembert faces suspension for foul


nicks center, Samuel Dalembert said he was “upset’’ about k x|^ ~x x_º_z~k{qxÜx {^x elbowing Toronto’s Jonas Valanciunas in the face on q}j¦xÜxj}}kq x~ _x j tors big man wouldn’t be standing if Dalembert had tried to level him. Dalembert was called {^xjx j ^jq~¹x~§{x { xÜx jqx j ~{`j~kzx _º_z~k{qx Üx 1:01 into the second half of the Knicks’ 118-108 loss, when he elbowed Valanci qj xj x~ _x j ~{^x j _}x {^x{3_q k _x { k~k{q Dalembert claimed he was the recipient of a Valanciunas elbow earlier in the game and was simply trying to break free of his opponent’s hold. Under NBA rules, the league ^_ k_§ x j ^jq~¹¡x kq ^jztions for possible suspensions. “I did see the replay,’’ Dalembert told The Post while mingling with his Canadian relatives.

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Newswatch Times


Crime Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Students who feel they have the right to cheat Ă‚

IGP, Suleiman Abba

“I killed my son because of stubborness� NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi

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t is our democratic right!â€? a thin, addled-looking man named Pratap Singh once said to me as he stood, chai in hand, outside his university in the northern †~j~_x {šx j^x ^j}_†‰Â?x Ă‚ ‰_j~kqÂ…x k†x {™^x  k^~‰^k…‰~Â?½ {^^™‚~k{qx kqx ~‰_x ™qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx _Æj`x system is common in this part of q}kjÂ?x ‰_x ^kz‰x zjqx  ^k _x ~‰_k^x §jÂŚx ~{x _Æj`kqj~k{qx †™zz_††Â?x ‰_^_٠x _‡_qx jx §Â‰{ˆ_x †™ Â†_~x {šx ~‰_x ÂŚ{™~‰x ‚{‚™ˆj~k{qx §Â‰{x j^_x  ^{Âľ_^†x  _~§__qx desperate students and avaricious j}`kqk†~^j~{^†Â?x ‰_qx ~‰_^_٠x jq{~‰_^x zˆj††x {šx †~™}_q~x jˆ~{Â…_~‰_^ÂĽx§Â‰{xj^_x†{x§_ˆˆxÂľq{§qxˆ{zjÂˆÂˆÂŚx šx †{x ^_q{§q_}x š{^x ~‰_k^x ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx ˆkq¾†x šx kq‡kÂ…kˆj~{^†x }j^_x q{~x ~{™z‰x ~‰_`Â?x Ÿ‡_x heard that these local thugs sometimes ˆ_j‡_x}jÂ…Â…_^†x{qx~‰_k^x}_†¾xkqx~‰_x_Æj`x ‰jˆˆÂ?x ~٠xjx†kÂ…qx~{xkq‡kÂ…kˆj~{^Â†ĂƒxĂ‚ _j‡_x`_x jˆ{q_Â?Â?Â?x{^x_ˆ†_Â?½ {x kšx ~‰{†_x §k~‰x `{q_ÂŚx {^x ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx kq›™_qz_xzjqxz‰_j~ÂĽx‚{{^_^x†~™}_q~†xj†¾¼x §Â‰ÂŚx†‰{™ˆ}qÂź~x~‰_ÂŚĂ? ‰_ÂŚx`jÂľ_x{~‰_^xj^…™`_q~†x~{{Â?x ‰_qx x§j†x§{^ÂľkqÂ…xkqx§_†~_^qx j^x ^j}_†‰¼x kq…‰x ™†‰_^_}x `_x kq~{x ~‰_x  {§_ˆ†x {šx a smoky canteen in the middle of his zj`⪠Â?x kzÂľkqÂ…xjx†~^jÂŚx}{Â…x{3xjxz‰jk^ÂĽx ‰_x~{{Âľx{™~xjx‚jzÂľ_~x{šxzkÂ…j^_ _†Â?x Ă‚ q}kj٠x™qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx†Œ†~_`xk†xkqxz^k†k†¼½x ‰_x  _Â…jqÂĽx ˆk…‰~kqÂ…x ™‚x jq}x  Âˆ{§kqÂ…x ~‰_x †`{Âľ_x ~{§j^}†x ~‰_x z_kˆkqÂ…Â?x Ă‚ ‰_j~kqÂ…x ‰j‚‚_q†x j~x _‡_^ÂŚx ˆ_‡_ˆÂ?x ~™}_q~†x  ^k _x ~{x Â…_~x j}`k††k{qx jq}x Â…{{}x ^_†™ˆ~†Â?x _†_j^z‰x†~™}_q~†xÂ…_~x‚^{š_††{^†x~{x§^k~_x ~‰_k^x }k††_^~j~k{q†Â?x q}x ~‰_x ‚^{š_††{^†x cheat too, publishing articles in bogus Âş{™^qjˆ†Â?½x x †Œ`‚j~‰k†_}x §k~‰x kq…‰Â?x qx {q_x occasion, the registrar at a college in j^x ^j}_†‰x †_q~x `j†~_^†x †~™}_q~†Ÿx dissertations to be graded by students j~x jq{~‰_^x z{ˆˆ_Â…_Â?x ‰k†x ~Œ‚_x {šx ~‰kqÂ…x k†x common, but in this case, school pupils _q}_}x™‚x`j^ÂľkqÂ…x`j†~_^†šÂˆ_‡_ˆx§{^ÂľÂ? Ă‚ x ‰{q_†~ÂˆÂŚx }{qÂź~x Âľq{§x §Â‰_~‰_^x ~{x laugh or cry,â€? he said, hunched over the Formica table in the canteen and shooing j§jÂŚx ~‰_x ›k_†Â?x Ă‚ ‰_x _řk‚`_q~x kqx {™^x science labs should be ripped out and ~‰^{§qx}{§qxjx§_ˆˆ¼½x‰_xj}}_}Â?xĂ‚ ~xk†xˆkÂľ_x ™qk‡_^†k~k_†x§_^_xkqx~‰_xÂŁÂžà ¢Â†xkqx ^k~jkqÂ?½ _š™†kqÂ…x~{xz‰_j~ÂĽx`jqÂŚx†~™}_q~†x§{^Âľx kq~{x~‰_xqk…‰~x~{x‚j††x_q~^jqz_x_Æj`†x {q~kq™_x^_j}kqÂ…x~‰_x`jkqx†~{^ÂŚx I tried to study properly, but my seniors º™†~x~{ˆ}x`_ĂƒxĂ„ ™Œx~‰_xz‰_j~x {{¾†Ÿ½ Pinki Singh Student x §Â‰kˆ_x  jz¾¼x x  ^{™…‰~x ™‚x ~‰_x ~{‚kzx §k~‰x kqÂľkx kq…‰¼x kqx ~‰_x š_`jˆ_x ‰{†~_ˆx {šxjx‚^{`kq_q~xz{ˆˆ_Â…_xkqx j^x ^j}_†‰Â?x _x§_^_x†k kqÂ…xkqxjx†‚jz_x~‰j~x§j†x‰jˆšx study area and half courtyard for urban ˆk‡_†~{zÂľÂ?x Ă‚ x §kˆˆx ~_ˆˆx ÂŚ{™x j {™~x _}™zj~k{q¼½x †‰_x †jk}Â?xĂ‚ ‰_xz™^^kz™ˆ™`xk†x‚{{^ÂĽxjq}x§Â‰_qx ˆ_z~™^_^†x§{qÂź~x~_jz‰x‚^{‚_^ÂˆÂŚÂĽxÂŚ{™x‰j‡_x to get private tutorials or just memorise š^{`x~_Æ~ {{¾†Â?½ Ă‚ šxÂŚ{™x^_jÂˆÂˆÂŚx§jq~x~{xÂľq{§x~‰_x~^™~‰¼½x †‰_xj}}_}ÂĽxĂ‚~‰_^_٠xq{x‚{kq~xkqx†~™}ÂŚkqÂ…x ‚^{‚_^ÂˆÂŚÂ?x {™xº™†~xq__}x~{x Â™ÂŚx{q_x{šx~‰_x cheat books sold in the bazaar and learn ~‰_xjq†§_^†Â?½ Ă‚ qx`ÂŚx|^†~xÂŚ_j^x}{kqÂ…x‰k†~{^ÂŚx x~^k_}x~{x study properly, but my seniors just told `_ĂƒxĂ„ ™Œx~‰_xz‰_j~x {{¾†Â?Ÿ½ {`_x {šx ~‰_x q_§x ‚^k‡j~_x ™qk‡_^†k~k_†x

Students at graduation


kqx j^x ^j}_†‰x kqx ~‰_x _j^ÂˆÂŚx £žž¢Â†ÂĽx ~‰_x †~j~_٠xz‰k_šx`kqk†~_^xÂ…j‡_xkqx~{x}_`jq}†x and repealed an anti-copying act - he jz~™jÂˆÂˆÂŚxjˆˆ{§_}x†~™}_q~†x~{xz‰_j~Â? ^k`_x kqk†~_^x {}k٠x j‚‚^{jz‰x k†x }k3_^_q~Â?x _٠x ~^ÂŚkqÂ…x ~{x z‰jqÂ…_x ~‰kq…†Â?x ‰_^_x k†x jx q_§x ^_…™ˆj~k{qx †Œ†~_`x š{^x ‰k…‰_^x _}™zj~k{qÂ?x ™q}kqÂ…x š{^x ™qk‡_^†k~k_†x kqz^_j†_}x  Œx j {™~x jx |š~‰x kqx ~‰_x `{†~x ^_z_q~x k‡_x _j^x ˆjqx š^{`x z_q~^jˆxÂ…{‡_^q`_q~Â?x ™~x†™z‰x^_š{^`†xj^_xˆkÂľ_xjxz™`kqx†__}xkqx jxzj`_ÂˆÂźÂ†x`{™~‰Â?x q}xjqΤjÂŚÂĽx}_ˆk‡_^kqÂ…x education is the job of Indian states rather than central government, and states like j^x ^j}_†‰xj^_xq{~xkq‡_†~kqÂ…x‚^{‚_^ÂˆÂŚx kqx‚^{‡kqzkjˆx™qk‡_^†k~k_†Â?x ‰k†x ˆ_j‡_†x `jqÂŚx †~™}_q~†x `j^{{q_}x by modernity, clinging to the sinking †‰k‚x{šxjqx{™~}j~_}x™qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx_}™zj~k{qÂ?x ‰_x^k…‰~x~{xz‰_j~xjÂ…k~j~k{qxk†xq{x{}}k~ÂŚx šxk~xk†xjqxk^{qkzxz{``_q~x{qx q}kjx~{}jÂŚÂ? ^jkÂ…x _3^_ÂŚx k†x ^{š_††{^x {šx _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x _{Â…^j‚‰Œx j~x ~‰_x z‰{{ˆx ‰_x ř_†~k{qx k†¼x §Â‰j~٠x ~‰_x †{ˆ™~k{qĂ?x {šx _{Â…^j‚‰Œx jq}x ~‰_x q‡k^{q`_q~ÂĽx ‰_qx ‚^{šz‰_j~kqÂ…x ^jˆˆk_†x §_^_x ‰_ˆ}x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx{šx ƚ{^}Â?

j^_xq{x _ _^Â?x ‰_x~{ˆ}x`_xj {™~x{q_x~‰j~x §j†x _†~j Âˆk†‰_}x ^_z_q~ÂˆÂŚÂĽx zjˆˆkqÂ…x k~†_ˆšx j‚x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚÂ?x Students paid large sums of money to enrol online, but then the university just }k†j‚‚_j^_}xš^{`x~‰_xkq~_^q_~Â?x ~x‰j}xq{x physical location and no trace could be š{™q}x {qx ~‰_x §_ Â?x kqÂľkx kq…‰x ~{ˆ}x `_Ăƒx Ă‚ ~xº™†~x§_q~xĂ„Ă€j‚Ÿ½Â? †x x~‰kqÂľx jzÂľx~{x~‰_†_xz{q‡_^†j~k{q†¼x I conjure up in my mind an image of the ™qk‡_^†k~k_†x Ÿ‡_x †__qx kqx j^x ^j}_†‰Â?x ~z‰_}x kqx `ÂŚx `_`{^ÂŚx j^_x `{™ˆ}_^kqÂ…x  {{¾†¼xˆ_j¾Œx‰{†~_ˆ†xjq}x j^_xˆj§q†Â?x q}x ~‰_qx x ^_`_` _^x ~‰_x †kÂ…q†x {šx opulence that surround some of this }_zjÂŚÂ?x ‰_x _Ƃ_q†k‡_x †x jq}x ~‰^__š storey houses of the principals, the fancy †‰{‚‚kqÂ…x`jˆˆ†xjq}x~‰_xš_§x™qk‡_^†k~k_†x kqx~‰_x^_Â…k{qx~‰j~xj^_xÂ…_q™kq_ÂˆÂŚx{3_^kqÂ…x §{^ˆ}x zˆj††x _}™zj~k{qx šx ~‰_k^x ›j†‰Œx signboards and glass fronts mocking the {^}kqj^ÂŚxz{ˆˆ_Â…_†Â?x


Newswatch Times


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

NDLEA arrests man for selling fake NDLEA recruitment forms

Nigeria police academy begins sale of application forms



he National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) has arrested a thirty-nine yearold man who parades himself as x†~j3x Œx_Æ~{^~kqÂ…x`{q_ÂŚx from unsuspecting victims and promising them employment and auction vehicles. The suspect, Adewunmi Ajide Olayinka also known as Adewunmi Adeyinka Siaka z{ˆˆ_z~†x _~§__qx†_‡_q~__qx~‰{™†jq}x|‡_x hundred (N17,500) and forty thousand qjk^jx ¤¢¼¢¢¢Âƒx š^{`x `_` _^†x {šx ~‰_x ‚™ ÂˆkzÂ?x _x jˆ†{x _Æ~{^~_}x ~‰_x †™`x {šx †kÆx hundred and eighty thousand naira (N680,000) from another victim for the purchase of two NDLEA auction vehicles and employment of his son. ‰jk^`jqĂž ‰k_šx Æ_z™~k‡_x {šx ~‰_x NDLEA Ahmadu Giade who is pleased with the arrest of Adewunmi said that it will serve as a warning to other fraudsters. According to Giade, “the NDLEA is not conducting recruitment and will not recruit secretly. We are determined to deal decisively with fraudsters who defraud `_` _^†x {šx ~‰_x ‚™ Âˆkzx ™q}_^x ~‰_x …™k†_x {šx _`‚ˆ{ÂŚ`_q~x {^x ‰_ˆ‚kqÂ…x ~‰_`x ~{x  Â™ÂŚx j™z~k{qx ‡_‰kzˆ_†Â?x _` _^†x {šx ~‰_x ‚™ Âˆkzx should learn from this case and avoid dealing with fraudsters. The suspect will †{{qx _xz‰j^Â…_}x~{xz{™^~½Â? ‰_x x {††xj}}_}x~‰j~x~‰_x Â…_qzÂŚx does not conduct secret recruitment and zjˆˆ_}x{qx`_` _^†x{šx~‰_x‚™ Âˆkzx~{xjˆ§jΠx z{q|^`xš^{`x~‰_xq_j^_†~x x{7z_x~{x j‡{k}x _kqÂ…x†§kq}ˆ_}Â?xxx NDLEA investigation revealed that Adewunmi had defrauded many victims under the guise of helping them to secure employment with the Agency. The tide turned against him when ten victims ‡k†k~_}x ~‰_x  j}jqx {7z_x {šx ~‰_x Â…_qzÂŚx ^_ř_†~kqÂ…x š{^x kqš{^`j~k{qx j {™~x ~‰_x q_Æ~x  j~z‰x {šx ~^jkqkqÂ…x j~x ~‰_x x zj}_`ÂŚx kqx {†x †ˆj~_}x š{^x _z_` _^x ÂŁĂˆÂĽx 2014. Adewunmi was eventually traced and arrested at a private location in  j}jqÂ?x ~_`†x^_z{‡_^_}xš^{`x‰k`xkqzˆ™}_x curriculum vitae of applicants, Nigeria Immigration Service recruitment form and his international passport with the name Adewunmi Adeyinka Siaka. NDLEA Oyo State Commander, Mrs. `{ˆj}_x j {ÂŚ_}_x †~j~_}x ~‰j~x †‰_x §j†x surprised as some of the victims came to the command asking for the details {šx ~^jkqkqÂ…x š{^x q_§ÂˆÂŚx ^_z^™k~_}x †~j3Â?x “We were shocked when we received complaints from some of the victims §Â‰{xzj`_x~{x~‰_x{7z_x~{x|q}x{™~x}_~jkˆ†x j {™~x ~‰_k^x ~^jkqkqÂ…Â?x ‰j~x §j†x ‰{§x §_x commenced investigation and in the process the suspect was apprehended. In the course of interrogation, we got another complaint from a man who paid N680,000 for the employment of his son and purchase of two auction vehicles from ~‰_x  Â™Âşjx{7z_x{šx~‰_x Â?x _~x`_x™†_x this opportunity to call on whoever has paid money for employment to contact ~‰_xq_j^_†~x x{7z_xš{^xjxš{ˆˆ{§x™‚x kq‡_†~kÂ…j~k{q½x `{ˆj}_x†~j~_}Â? The suspect in his statement said that k~x §j†x Âş{ Âˆ_††q_††x ~‰j~x z{`‚_ˆˆ_}x ‰k`x into the criminal act. The 1997 Ordinary National Diploma (OND) graduate of Business Administration hails from IlaOrogun, Osun State. “I told a man that I work with the NDLEA and that I can assist his son Â…_~x Âş{ x ~‰^{™…‰x {qšÂ…{kqÂ…x kq~_^qjˆx ^_z^™k~`_q~Â?x _x ~‰_qx Â…j‡_x `_x ¤¢¼¢¢¢x naira and I discovered that it was easy for people to pay money for recruitment. That was how it all started. ~x §j†x Âş{ Âˆ_††q_††x ~‰j~x `j}_x `_x ~{x }{x

‰k†xk†x~{xkqš{^`x~‰_xÂ…_q_^jˆx‚™ Âˆkzx that the sale of online application forms for admission into the 3rd Regular Course of Degree Programmes of the Nigeria Police Academy, Wudil, Kano State, has commenced on 12th {‡_` _^ÂĽx ¥¢£¤x jq}x §kˆˆx _q}x {qx ¿£Â†~x March, 2015. Admission to the Academy is open to  {~‰x`jˆ_xjq}xš_`jˆ_x kÂ…_^kjq†x{šxÂ…{{}x character. Application/admission requirements jq}x }_~jkˆ_}x kqš{^`j~k{qx j^_x j‡jkˆj Âˆ_x j~x~‰_xkq†~k~™~k{q٠x§_ Â†k~_Ăƒ

Adewunmi Ajide Olayinka

IGP, Suleiman Abba

Police assures of adequate security nationwide


he Nigeria Police has put in place operational strategies to enhance security provision during this ÂŚ_j^٠x ‰^k†~`j†x‰{ˆk}jΠxjq}x _ÂŚ{q}Â?

NDEAL boss Ahmed Giade

k~x _zj™†_x x§j†x†_ˆˆkqÂ…x kÂ…_^kjx|ˆ`†xkqx  Â™Âşjx™q~kˆx xˆ{†~x`ÂŚx†‰{‚xjq}x^_†k}_q~kjˆx accommodation. I also collected money š^{`x jx `jqx ~‰j~x x §kˆˆx ‰_ˆ‚x ‰k`x ~{x  Â™ÂŚx Toyota Sienna and Toyota Camry at a very cheap price during NDLEA auction

†jˆ_†xkqx  Â™ÂşjÂ?x {`_x‚_{‚ˆ_x‚jk}x`{q_ÂŚx kq~{x`ÂŚx jqÂľxjzz{™q~x§Â‰kˆ_x{~‰_^†x‚jk}x zj†‰Â?x {§x~‰j~x xj`xj^^_†~_}x xš__ˆx j}x and I advise others defrauding people to řk~x~‰_xz^k`kqjˆxjz~x _zj™†_x~‰_ÂŚx§kˆˆx _x j^^_†~_}x†{`_}jŒ½x }_§Â™q`kx†~j~_}Â?

We were shocked when we received complaints from some of the victims /01 2345 61 605 17825 61 89: 1;6 :563<=> 3?1;6 605<@ 6@3<9<9A B036 /3> 01/ /5 21445925: <9C5>6<A36<19 39: <9 605 D@125>> 605 >;>D526 /3> 3DD@5059:5:

The Inspector-General of Police, IGP ™ˆ_k`jqx   jx ÂĽx ÂĽx ÂĽx`qkx has since directed all Zonal Assistant Inspectors-General of Police and Commissioners of Police in charge of ~j~_x {``jq}†x~{x‚™~xkqx‚ˆjz_x_Æ~_q}_}x {ˆkz_x ‡k†k kˆk~ÂŚx jq}x ‚j~^{ˆ†x ~jÂľkqÂ…x kq~{x consideration their peculiar security situation in order to protect the citizens j†x ~‰_ÂŚx z_ˆ_ ^j~_x ~‰_x ‰^k†~`j†x jq}x new year season. The various striking ™qk~†x {šx ~‰_x {^z_x kÀÇx {ˆkz_x { kˆ_x Force, Special Protection Unit, Counter _^^{^k†`x qk~ÂĽx Ă†Â‚Âˆ{†k‡_x ^}kqjqz_x Department, Dog Section, Mounted ^{{‚x ‰j‡_x jˆ†{x  __qx }_‚ˆ{ÂŚ_}x j†x ‚j^~x of the water-tight security measures. The Police Airwing will carry out air surveillance patrols while the Marine Police will ensure a sustained patrol of all water ways. Meanwhile, the IGP heartily rejoices with Christians nationwide as they Âş{kqx ~‰_x ‰^k†~_q}{`x kqx z_ˆ_ ^j~kqÂ…x this year’s Christmas and enjoins them to practice the virtues of Jesus Christ  Œx ‚^{‚jÂ…j~kqÂ…x ‚_jz_ÂĽx }_`{q†~^j~kqÂ…x love and forgiveness. Similarly, he jˆ†{x ^_Âş{kz_†x §k~‰x jˆˆx {ˆkz_x {7z_^†x j†x he wishes them and their supportive šj`kˆk_†xjxÂş{ÂŚÂšÂ™Âˆx ‰^k†~`j†Â?x _x~‰jqÂľ_}x jˆˆx 7z_^†xš{^x~‰_k^x~k^_ˆ_††xjq}x†_ˆ›_††x service to the nation. ‚_^j~{^†x{šx‚™ Âˆkzx‚ˆjz_†xj^_xš™^~‰_^x j}‡k†_}x ~{x  _x ‡kÂ…kˆjq~x jq}x _q†™^_x ~‰_ÂŚx properly screen all visitors/users of their šjzkˆk~k_†x}™^kqÂ…x~‰k†xÂŚÂ™Âˆ_~k}_xz_ˆ_ ^j~k{qÂ?x _` _^†x{šx~‰_x‚™ Âˆkzxj^_xjˆ†{x™^Â…_}x~{x report any suspicious movement in their areas to the Police.




Kunle Olasope: Renowned veteran broadcaster OLADELE DADA


t’s always interesting to have a veteran who is dexterous, vast and competent in his chosen |_ˆ}Â?x ~x `jÂľ_†x ‰k`x _q‡kj Âˆ_x jq}x jx ^_š_^_qz_x ‚{kq~x kqx ‰k†x |_ˆ}Â?x ‚j^~x from the respect and accolades which his professionalism accords him, many fans would see him as an idol jq}x§{™ˆ}xˆkÂľ_x~{xš{ˆˆ{§x‰k†xš{{~†~_‚†¼x q{~x{qÂˆÂŚx _zj™†_x{šx‰k†x‚^{š_††k{qÂĽx Â™~x jˆ†{x _zj™†_x{šx‰k†x‚_^†{qjˆk~ÂŚÂ?xx Kunle Olasope, the retired veteran  ^{j}zj†~_^ÂĽx k†x q{~x º™†~x jqx k}{ˆx  Â™~x jx ‚jz_x †_ _^x jq}x ^_š_^_qz_x ‚{kq~x j†x šj^x j†x  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x k†x z{qz_^q_}x kqx kÂ…_^kjÂ?xx

_x§j†x {^qxkqx  j}jqxkqx£ž¿ ¼xkq~{x ~‰_x šj`kÂˆÂŚx {šx ^Â?x jq}x ^†Â?x ˆj†{‚_Â?x

k†xšj~‰_^x§j†xjqxkq†‚_z~{^x{šx§{^¾†x j~x ~‰_x _‚j^~`_q~x {šx ™ Âˆkzx {^¾†x ™q}_^x ~‰_x ~‰_qx _†~_^qx _Â…k{qjˆx Â…{‡_^q`_q~xkqx~‰_xÂŁÂžà ¢ŸÂ†Â? He had his primary education at the Â… _qkx _~‰{}k†~x z‰{{ÂˆÂĽx kqx  j}jqÂĽx jq}x š^{`x ~‰_^_x ‰_x §_q~x ~{x Â… { kx {ˆˆ_Â…_ÂĽxkqx jÂ…{†¼xkqx£žà £Â? In the college, Kunle Olasope  _zj`_x š{q}x {šx §{^}†Â?x ~x §j†x š^{`x there that his potentials as a presenter, news reader/caster was developed š{^x ‰_x §j†x jx `_` _^x {šx ~‰_x †z‰{{ÂˆÂźÂ†x ˆk~_^j^ÂŚx jq}x }_ j~kqÂ…x †{zk_~ÂŚx jq}x represented the school in various }_ j~kqÂ…xz{`‚_~k~k{q†Â?x zz{^}kqÂ…x~{x‰k`ÂĽxĂ‚ _š{^_x~‰k†x~k`_ÂĽx xÂľq_§x x‰j}x~‰_xÂ…kš~x{šx~‰_xÂ…j Â?x x§j†x _ˆ{ř_q~Â?½x ~x Â… _qkx _~‰{}k†~x z‰{{ÂˆÂĽx x §j†x ~‰_x {7z_x  {ÂŚÂ?x ‰j~x §j†x ~‰_x ‚{†k~k{qx Â…k‡_qx ~{x †{`_{q_x §Â‰{x §{™ˆ}x  _x _řk‡jˆ_q~x ~{x ~‰_x ‰_j}š {ÂŚx {^x ~‰_x †_qk{^x‚^_š_z~xkqx~‰_x†_z{q}j^ÂŚx†z‰{{ˆÂ?x x ~{{Âľx ~‰_x _j^ÂˆÂŚx j _q}jqz_x kqx ~‰_x zˆj††_†x jq}x §^{~_x ~‰_x |…™^_†x {qx ~‰_x  {j^}x kqx ~‰_x ‚^kqzk‚jÂˆÂźÂ†x {7z_Â?x x jˆ†{x `j}_xjqq{™qz_`_q~†xj~x~‰_xj††_` ÂˆÂŚx {qx ^k}jΠÂ?x _š{^_x Â… { kx}jŒ†¼x x‰j}x ~‰j~xj§j^_q_††xjq}x Â… { kx}_‡_ˆ{‚_}x it the more with the opportunity of  _kqÂ…x kqx ~‰_x ˆk~_^j^ÂŚx jq}x }_ j~kqÂ…x †{zk_~ÂŚÂ?x qx`ÂŚx|qjˆxÂŚ_j^xj†xjx‚^_š_z~ÂĽx we were the ones reading the lessons š{^x†_^‡kz_†Â?½

_x §^{~_x ~‰_x †z‰{{ˆx z_^~k|zj~_x _Æj`kqj~k{qx kqx £žà à x jq}x zj`_x {™~x with grade one; four distinctions and š{™^x z^_}k~†Â?x x x _x ‚^{z__}_}x ~{x ~‰_x kÂ…_^kjqx {ˆˆ_Â…_x{šx ^~†xjq}x zk_qz_†¼x  j}jqx ^jqz‰¼xš{^x‰k†xĂ„ x _‡_ˆ†Â?Âź ~x~‰j~x~k`_ÂĽxk~x§j†x~‰_x{qÂˆÂŚx~_^~kj^ÂŚx institution apart from the University {šx  j}jqÂ?x ~x ‰j}x ~‰^__x  ^jqz‰_†Çx  j}jqxĂ&#x;x§Â‰kz‰xˆj~_^x`_~j`{^‚‰{†_}x into the University of Ife (now  jš_`kx §{ˆ{§{x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚÂƒÂĽx ~‰_x j^kjx  ^jqz‰x ˆj~_^x  _zj`_x ~‰_x ‰`j}™x _ˆˆ{x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚÂĽx §Â‰kˆ_x ~‰_x q™…™x ^jqz‰x _zj`_x~‰_x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx {šx kÂ…_^kjÂ?x š~_^x z{`‚ˆ_~kqÂ…x ‰k†x †_z{q}j^ÂŚx _}™zj~k{qÂĽx‰_x§{^Âľ_}x ^k_›Œxj†xjxzˆ_^Âľx kqx  j}jqxš{^x~‰^__x`{q~‰†x _š{^_x‰_x ^_†kÂ…q_}ÂĽx†kqz_x‰_xÂľq_§x‰_x§j†qÂź~xz™~x {™~xš{^xjx‚_qšÂ‚™†‰kqÂ…xÂş{ Â? q}x  _zj™†_x ‰_x ‰j}x jˆ§jΠx ‰j}x jx ÂľqjzÂľx š{^x  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…ÂĽx ‰_x }k}qÂź~x waste time at all as he proceeded to ƚ{^}x {™†_ÂĽx  j}jqx _†~x _Â…k{qjˆx

Kunle Olasope

^{Â…^j``_†x j~x j}k{x kÂ…_^kjÂƒÂĽx where he was told to come for a ‡{kz_x ~_†~Â?x j‡kqÂ…x }{q_x _Æz_ˆˆ_q~ÂˆÂŚx §_ÂˆÂˆÂĽx ‰_x  _zj`_x jx q_§Â†zj†~_^x §k~‰x j}k{x kÂ…_^kjÂ?x ~x §j†x š^{`x ~‰_^_x ‰_x †~j^~_}x  Âˆ{††{`kqÂ…x jq}x j~x ~‰_x ~k`_x ~‰_x x §j†x j}‡_^~k†kqÂ…x š{^x ~‰_x ‚{†~x {šx jqq{™qz_^†Â?x _x ‚™~x kqx ‰k†x kq~_^_†~x ŒxjÂ‚Â‚ÂˆÂŚkqÂ…Â?x ™zÂľkÂˆÂŚxš{^x‰k`ÂĽx ‰_x §j†x j Â†{^ _}x ~{Â…_~‰_^x §k~‰x †{`_x §Â‰{x  _zj`_x ~‰_x ‚k{q__^x †~j3x {šx ~‰_x ~_ˆ_‡k†k{qx†~j~k{qxkqx£žà žÂ?x He rose rapidly as his duties cut across `jqÂŚx ‚{†k~k{q†Â?x _x §j†x jx ‚^_†_q~_^x newsreader/caster, producer, writer, z_^_`{qkjˆx jq}x †‚{^~†x z{``_q~j~{^Â?x

_x §{qx z{``_q}j~k{q†¼x  {q™†_†¼x jq}xjzz_ˆ_^j~_}x‚^{`{~k{q†Â? Kunle Olasope made history in his a career as he recorded many ^_`j^Âľj Âˆ_x jz‰k_‡_`_q~†Â?x _x §j†x ~‰_x |^†~x ~{x j‚‚_j^x {qx ~_ˆ_‡k†k{qx kqx š^kzjx §Â‰_qx ~‰_x x _†~_^qx kÂ…_^kjx _ˆ_‡k†k{qƒx~‰_x|^†~x~_ˆ_‡k†k{qx †~j~k{qx §j†x †_~x ™‚x  Œx ~‰_x ˆj~_x ^_`k_^x {šx _†~_^qx kÂ…_^kjÂĽx ‰k_šx  jš_`kx §{ˆ{§{Â?x ‰_x †~j~k{qx §j†x z{``k††k{q_}xkqx  j}jqxkqx£žà žÂ?x

_x §j†x ~‰_x |^†~x k^_z~{^x {šx {``_^zkjˆx _^‡kz_†x kqx  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x kqx kÂ…_^kjx j~x Ăž ÂĽx  j}jqÂĽx š^{`x ÂŁÂžĂˆÂ€x ~{x £ž à Â?x _x §j†x jˆ†{x ~‰_x

Before this time, I knew I had the gift of the gab. I was eloquent

pioneer Chairman and so far the |^†~xjq}x{qÂˆÂŚx Æ_z™~k‡_x ‰jk^`jqx{šx ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x _^‡kz_†x {šx Âľk~kx ~j~_x ¥¢¢¢š¥¢¢ĂˆÂƒx jq}x §j†x ~‰_x |^†~x ‰k_šx ^_††x _z^_~j^ÂŚx{šx ‰k_šx k†kx qj jqÂş{ÂĽx ~‰_xˆj~_x {‡_^q{^x{šx …™qx ~j~_xš^{`x £ž€¢x~{x£ž€¥Â? ™qˆ_x ˆj†{‚_٠x ™qš{^Â…_ j Âˆ_x z{q~^k Â™~k{qx ~{x  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x kqzˆ™}_†x ‰k†x kq›™_qz_x kqx ~‰_x writing of Commercial Codes of Ethics and Practice for radio and ~_ˆ_‡k†k{qx ‚^jz~k~k{q_^†x kqx kÂ…_^kjÂ?x

k†x z{q~^k Â™~k{qx kqx š{^`kqÂ…x ~‰_x  {}ÂŚx ^_†‚{q†k Âˆ_x š{^x ~‰_x z{q~^{ˆx {šx advertisement on radio and television in Nigeria and the array of prominent  ^{j}zj†~_^†xššx‚j†~xjq}x‚^_†_q~x§Â‰{`x ‰_xkq†‚k^_}ÂĽx^_z^™k~_}x{^x~^jkq_}Â?x ‰_ÂŚxkqzˆ™}_xˆj~_x jqÂľ{ˆ_x jˆ{…™qÂĽx jx š{^`_^x k^_z~{^š _q_^jˆx {šx j}k{x kÂ…_^kjÇx ˆj~_x {`kx qj {ÂˆÂ™ÂĽx š{^`_^x _q_^jˆx jqjÂ…_^x {šx …™qx ~j~_x _ˆ_‡k†{qx ÂƒĂ‡x jq}x ˆ™†_†jqx Âľk†{ˆjÂĽx ‚k{q__^x _q_^jˆx jqjÂ…_^x {šx jÂŚx {§_^x£¢¢Â?Ă x Â? ~‰_^†x kqzˆ™}_x {}_x ˆjˆj}_ÂĽx š{^`_^x _q_^jˆx jqjÂ…_^ÂĽx x ‰jqq_ˆx  Ă‡x {‰qx {`{‰¼x ^{‚^k_~{^x {šx ‰jqq_ˆx _ˆ_‡k†k{qÇx ˆj~_x kqÂľjx ^jkÂ…ÂĽx ™ˆk_x {Âľ_^ÂĽx ^{šÂ?x kÂľ_x Â… {qx jq}x ^{šÂ?x Âľkqx ÂŚ_ {}_ÂĽxš{^`_^x kz_x ‰jqz_ˆˆ{^ÂĽx qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx{šx }{š Âľk~kxššx ~{x`_q~k{qxjxš_§Â? {ˆˆ{§kqÂ…x‰k†xk``_q†_xz{q~^k Â™~k{q†x ~{x  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x kqx kÂ…_^kjÂĽx ‰_x §j†x  _†~{§_}x §k~‰x ~‰_x qj~k{qjˆx ‰{q{™^x {šx _` _^x{šx~‰_x ^}_^x{šx~‰_x kÂ…_^x ƒx kqx ¥¢¢¢Â?x {~x š{^Â…{ _qx  Œx ‰k†x z{™q~^ÂŚx jq}x ‰{`_x †~j~_ÂĽx ~‰_x Âľk~kx ~j~_x {‡_^q`_q~x ‰{q{™^_}x ‰k`x kqx ¥¢¢¤Â?x _x §j†x ‰{q{™^_}x §k~‰x ~‰_x }k†~kq…™k†‰_}x _~_^jqx ^{j}zj†~_^٠x §j^}x  Œx ~‰_x j~k{qjˆx ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x {``k††k{qx ƒxkqx¥¢¢¢Â?x He was also awarded two doctorate }_Â…^__x j§j^}†x ‰{q{^k†x zj™†jƒx  Œx ~§{x `_^kzjqx ™qk‡_^†k~k_†Çx {z~{^x{šx k‡kqk~ÂŚx  Œx ‰jˆ{`x k Âˆ_x qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx {šx {§jx kqx ¥¢¢¤x jq}x jx ‰Â? x kqx jqjÂ…_`_q~Ăž ™ Âˆkzx }`kqk†~^j~k{qx  Œx _^zÂŚx q~_^qj~k{qjˆx qk‡_^†k~ÂŚx {šx j^ÂŚÂˆjq}xkqx¥¢¢ĂˆÂ? qx‰k†x{‡_^xà ¥šŒ_j^†xkqx ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…ÂĽx ~™q jx ˆj†{‚_ÂĽx ‰j†x _Ɖk k~_}x great versatility and intellectualism, ~‰_^_ Œxz^_j~kqÂ…xjxqkz‰_xš{^x‰k`†_ˆšxkqx kÂ…_^kjqx ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…Â?x q~kˆx ‰k†x ^_~k^_`_q~ÂĽx ‰_x ‰j†x  __qx jx †{™^z_x {šx kq†‚k^j~k{qx ~{x  ^{j}zj†~_^†x and media houses as he continually chips in ideas and renders professional †™‚‚{^~x~{x~‰_`Â?x ‰{™…‰¼x‰_x‰j†x^_~k^_}x Â™~xq{~x~k^_}x {šx~‰_xĂ„`kzÂźxj†x‰_x}k†zˆ{†_}x~‰j~x™‚{qx ‰k†x }_j~‰¼x ‰_x §{™ˆ}x ˆkÂľ_x ‰k†x z‰kˆ}^_qx ~{x  Â™^ÂŚx ‰k`x §k~‰x jx `kz^{‚‰{q_x º™†~x ~{x }_‚kz~x ‰{§x `™z‰x ‰_x ˆ{‡_†x  ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…Â? ~™q jx ^ƒx ™qˆ_x ˆj†{‚_x ^_~k^_}x ~{x‰k†x‰{`_xkqx Âľk~kx ~j~_x§Â‰_^_x‰_xk†x ‡_^ÂŚx jz~k‡_x kqx ^_ˆkÂ…k{™†x `j _^†x jq}x ~‰_x }_‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x {šx š{qx ˆjÂŚ_ÂĽx ‰k†x ‰{`_x~{§qxššx§Â‰_^_x‰_x‰j†x jÂ…Â…_}x~‰_x z‰k_š~jkqzÂŚx ~k~ˆ_x {šx ~™q jx …™q†{ÂŚ_x {šx š{qx kqÂ…}{`Â?x ™^^_q~ÂˆÂŚÂĽx ‰_x anchors an editorial review of the }jkˆk_†x {qx Âľk~kx ~j~_x ^{j}zj†~kqÂ…x _^‡kz_Â?



Midweek Pulse WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014

Why bridging current housing deficit is too critical to ignore BY TAIYE AGBAJE, ABUJA


he present administration’s commitment to bridge the ‰{™†kqÂ…x }_|zk~ÂĽx z™^^_q~ÂˆÂŚx ‚™~†x j~x ÂŁÂ x `kˆˆk{qÂĽx zjqq{~x  _x over-emphasised. k~‰kqx~‰_x‚j†~xš_§xÂŚ_j^†¼x ^_†k}_q~x {{}ˆ™zÂľx {qj~‰jqx jq}x ‰k†x ~_j`x kqx ~‰_x kqk†~^ÂŚx {šx jq}†¼x {™†kqÂ…x jq}x ^ jqx _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x ™q}_^x ~‰_x ˆ_j}_^†‰k‚x {šx ^†x Âľ{qx ÂŚjÂľ_qÂŚkÂĽx §Â‰{x k†x z™^^_q~ÂˆÂŚx ~‰_x `kqk†~_^ÂĽx ‰j‡_x jz‰k_‡_}xjx^_`j^Âľj Âˆ_xš_j~xkqx‰{™†kqÂ…x }_ˆk‡_^ÂŚÂ? ‰_xz{``k~`_q~x§j†xjˆ†{x^_j7^`_}x j~x~‰_x›jÂ…š{3x{šx~‰_xqj~k{q§k}_x`j††x housing programme for Nigerian §{^Âľ_^†x j~x ~‰_x ‚{x j|ÂŚjx ^{Âş_z~x k~_x kqx ~‰_x _}_^jˆx j‚k~jˆx _^^k~{^ÂŚx ÂƒÂĽx  Â™ÂşjÂ? ‰_x‚^{Âş_z~ÂĽx§Â‰kz‰xk†x~‰_x|^†~x‚‰j†_x {šx ~‰_x †z‰_`_x  _kqÂ…x ™q}_^~jÂľ_qx kqx z{ˆˆj {^j~k{qx §k~‰x ~‰_x kÂ…_^kjx j {™^x {qÂ…^_††x ÂƒÂĽx ^j}_x qk{qx {qÂ…^_††x ƒx jq}x ‚^k‡j~_x }_‡_ˆ{‚_^†¼x §kˆˆx _q†™^_x ~‰j~x j~x ˆ_j†~x £¢¢¼x ¢¢¢x ‰{™†kqÂ…x ™qk~†x j^_x ‚^{‡k}_}x kqx jˆˆx ~‰_x †~j~_†x {šx ~‰_x š_}_^j~k{qx §Â‰kˆ_xÂĄÂĄÂĽx¢¢¢x§kˆˆx _x Â™kˆ~xkqx  Â™Âşjxš{^x kÂ…_^kjqx§{^Âľ_^†Â? ‚_jÂľkqÂ…xj~x~‰_x{zzj†k{qÂĽx ^_†k}_q~x

{qj~‰jqÂĽx §Â‰{x zjˆˆ_}x {qx ~‰_x ˆj {™^x ˆ_j}_^†x ~{x §{^Âľx jq}x ‚j^~q_^x §k~‰x government for the interest of the §{^Âľ_^†¼xj††™^_}x~‰j~x‰k†xÂ…{‡_^q`_q~x k†xz{``k _}x~{x ^k}Â…_x~‰_xÂŁÂ x`kˆˆk{qx ‰{™†kqÂ…x}_|zk~x§k~‰x~‰_xjk`x{šxÂ…k‡kqÂ…x jˆˆx kÂ…_^kjq†x {‚‚{^~™qk~ÂŚx ~{x ˆk‡_x kqx decent houses.

_x†jk}x~‰_x‚^_†_q~xj}`kqk†~^j~k{qÂĽx ™q}_^x ‰k†x ˆ_j}_^†‰k‚¼x `_jq~x §_ˆˆx š{^x jˆˆx kÂ…_^kjq†x j†x k~x k†x ~‰_x  _ˆk_šx {šx ‰k†x Â…{‡_^q`_q~x ~‰j~x Ă‚~‰_x z{™q~^ÂŚx  _ˆ{q…†x~{xjˆˆx{šx™†Â?½ Ă‚ _xjˆˆx‰j‡_x_řjˆx†~jÂľ_xkqx kÂ…_^kjÂ?x q}x ~‰j~x k†x ~‰_x †‚k^k~x jq}x ~‰j~x k†x {™^xx _ˆk_šÂ?x {x §Â‰j~x k†x ‚jkqš™ˆx ~{x~‰_x §{^Âľ_^†xk†xjˆ†{x‚jkqš™ˆx~{x™†¼½x‰_x†jk}Â?x The president stressed that within ~‰_x j^Æk†~x{šxqj~k{qjˆx}_‡_ˆ{‚`_q~ÂĽx ~‰_x‚{~_q~kjˆx{šx~‰_x‰{™†kqÂ…x†_z~{^x~{x z‰jqÂ…_xˆk‡_†xjq}x_qÂ…_q}_^x_z{q{`kzx }_‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x k†x ~{{x z^k~kzjˆx š{^x jqÂŚx Â…{‡_^q`_q~x ~{x kÂ…q{^_ÂĽx Â…k‡kqÂ…x ~‰_x `™ˆ~kÂ‚ÂˆÂŚkqÂ…x_3_z~†x~‰j~x~‰_x†_z~{^xzjqx _qÂ…_q}_^xjq}xz^_j~_x†{x`jqÂŚxÂş{ Â†xj†x §_ˆˆx j†x ‚ˆjÂŚx †kÂ…qk|zjq~x ^{ˆ_x kqx {™^x Â?x

_ÂĽx‰{§_‡_^ÂĽxz{``_q}_}x~‰_x x jq}x ÂĽx §Â‰kˆ_x j††™^kqÂ…x ~‰j~x ~‰_x ‚^{Âş_z~x §{™ˆ}x  _x }_ˆk‡_^_}x kqx Â…{{}x time. Ă‚ _x §kˆˆx z{q~kq™_x ~{x  Â™kˆ}x j3{^}j Âˆ_x ‰{™†_†x š{^x jˆˆx kÂ…_^kjq†x †{x~‰j~x§k~‰kqxjx^_j†{qj Âˆ_x‚_^k{}x{šx ~k`_ÂĽxz{†~x{šx‰{™†_†x§kˆˆxz{`_x}{§qx jq}x kÂ…_^kjq†xˆk‡_xkqx}_z_q~x‰{`_†¼½x ^_†k}_q~x {qj~‰jqx†~j~_}Â? qx‰_^x†‚__z‰¼x~‰_x kqk†~_^x{šx jq}†¼x

{™†kqÂ…x jq}x ^ jqx _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~ÂĽx ^†Â?x Âľ{qx ÂŚjÂľ_qÂŚkÂĽx §Â‰{x _qÂş{kq_}x †~j~_x Â…{‡_^q`_q~†x ~{x Âľ_ÂŚx kq~{x ~‰_x ‚^{Âş_z~ÂĽx†jk}x~‰j~x~‰^{™…‰x‰_^x`kqk†~^ÂŚx jq}x k~†x ~§{x ‚j^j†~j~jÂˆÂ†ÂĽx _}_^jˆx {^Â…jÂ…_x jqÂľx {šx kÂ…_^kjx ƒx jq}x ~‰_x _}_^jˆx {™†kqÂ…x ™~‰{^k~ÂŚx ÂƒÂźÂ†xkq~_^‡_q~k{q†¼xjx~{~jˆx{šx¤¿¼£¥à x housing units have been added to the qj~k{qjˆx†~{zÂľxš^{`x Â™ÂˆÂŚx¥¢£¢x~{x}j~_Â?

Housing estate ‰_x ^_j7^`_}x ~‰j~x ~‰_x _}_^jˆx {‡_^q`_q~x §{™ˆ}x q{~x ^_†~x {qx k~†x {j^†x ™q~kˆx k~x †kÂ…qk|zjq~ÂˆÂŚx ^_}™z_xx ~‰_x ‰{™†kqÂ…x }_|zk~x kqx ~‰_x z{™q~^ÂŚx jq}x _q†™^_}x ~‰j~x jˆˆx kÂ…_^kjq†x j^_x ‚^{‚_^ÂˆÂŚx ‰{™†_}x kqx ‚^{‚_^ÂˆÂŚx functioning communities with jzz_††x~{x_††_q~kjˆxkqš^j†~^™z~™^_xjq}x services. Ă‚ ~x k†x kqx ~‰k†x ^_Â…j^}x ~‰j~x kqx _j^ÂˆÂŚx

jq™j^ÂŚx ¥¢£à ¼x ^x ^_†k}_q~x §kˆˆx  _x ‚_^š{^`kqÂ…x jq{~‰_^x {7zkjˆx Â…^{™q}x  ^_jÂľkqÂ…xz_^_`{qÂŚx{šx~‰_x|^†~x j~z‰x {šx £¢¼¢¢¢x j3{^}j Âˆ_x ‰{`_†x ~{x  _x ‚^{‡k}_}x ™q}_^x jx ‚™ ÂˆkzšÂ‚^k‡j~_x ‚j^~q_^†‰k‚x ƒx ‰{™†kqÂ…x }_ˆk‡_^ÂŚx †z‰_`_x {šx ~‰_x _}_^jˆx kqk†~^ÂŚx {šx jq}†¼x {™†kqÂ…x jq}x ^ jqx _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~ÂĽx §k~‰x †™‚‚{^~x {šx ~‰_x _}_^jˆx kqk†~^ÂŚx {šx kqjqz_x jq}x {~‰_^xÂľ_ÂŚx†~jÂľ_‰{ˆ}_^†Â? Ă‚ {}jŒŸ†x _‡_q~x k†x ~‰_^_š{^_x ~{x ™q}_^†z{^_x~‰_xšjz~x~‰j~x ^Â?x ^_†k}_q~x zj^_†x š{^x ~‰_x §_ˆšj^_x jq}x §_ˆˆš  _kqÂ…x {šx jˆˆx kÂ…_^kjq†¼x ‚j^~kz™ˆj^ÂˆÂŚx ~‰_x kÂ…_^kjqx §{^Âľ_^†x §Â‰{x j^_x ~‰_x

 jz¾ {q_xjq}x~‰_xkq~_ˆˆ_z~™jˆxzj‚k~jˆx {šx~‰_xqj~k{q٠x_z{q{`Œ¼½x~‰_x`kqk†~_^x said. ‰_x x kqk†~_^ÂĽx _qj~{^x jˆjx {‰j``_}ÂĽx^_`j^Âľ_}x~‰j~x~‰_x^k…‰~x ~{x †‰_ˆ~_^x k†x jqx _z{q{`kzÂĽx †{zkjˆx jq}x z™ˆ~™^jˆx^k…‰~xj†x^_z{Â…qk†_}xkqx`jqÂŚx qj~k{qjˆx z{q†~k~™~k{q†x jq}x kqx ~‰_x qk‡_^†jˆx _zˆj^j~k{qx {šx ™`jqx k…‰~†¼xq{~kqÂ…x~‰j~xk~xk†xkqx^_z{Â…qk~k{qx {šx ~‰k†x ^k…‰~x ~‰j~x {qj~‰jqšÂˆ_}x j}`kqk†~^j~k{qx‚ˆjz_}x‰k…‰x‚^_`k™`x {qx‚^{‡k†k{qx{šx‰{™†kqÂ…xš{^xjˆˆxkqxk~†x ^jq†š{^`j~k{qx Â…_q}jÂ? Mohammed stated that over ~‰_x ‚_^k{}x {šx ~k`_ÂĽx x ‰j†x  __qx }ÂŚqj`kzx kqx ‚^{‡k}kqÂ…x kqk~kj~k‡_†x †™z‰x j†x zz_ˆ_^j~_}x _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~ÂĽx 3{^}j Âˆ_x {™†kqÂ…x jq}x k†~^kz~x _‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x ~{x j}}^_††x ‚^_‡jkˆkqÂ…x ‰{™†kqÂ…x}_|zk~Â? qx~‰_xqj~k{q§k}_x§{^Âľ_^†Ÿx‰{™†kqÂ…x †z‰_`_ÂĽx ~‰_x `kqk†~_^x ^_‡_jˆ_}x ~‰j~x x j}`kqk†~^j~k{qx Â…j‡_x jx §jk‡_^x {šx j {™~x ¥€x  kˆˆk{qx {qx ~‰_x ˆjq}x ‚^_`k™`x jq}x j {™~x à à ¢x `kˆˆk{qx

We all have equal stake in Nigeria. And that is the spirit and that is our belief. So what is painful to the workers is also painful to us

§jk‡_^x {qx  Â™kˆ}kqÂ…x ‚ˆjqx j‚‚^{‡jÂˆÂĽx noting that his administration gave ~‰_†_x §jk‡_^†x ~{x `jÂľ_x ~‰_x ‰{™†_†x _‡_qx `{^_x j3{^}j Âˆ_x ~{x ~‰_x §{^Âľ_^†x §Â‰{xj^_x~‰_x_q}x _q_|zkj^k_†Â? ‚_jÂľkqÂ…ÂĽx ~‰_x ™‚_^‡k†kqÂ…x kqk†~_^x {šx j {™^xjq}x ^{}™z~k‡k~ÂŚÂĽx j^^k†~_^x j k^x Â?x ™^jÂľkÂĽx †~^_††_}x ~‰j~x ~‰_x ‚^{Âş_z~x §{™ˆ}x †kÂ…qk|zjq~ÂˆÂŚx ^_}™z_x ~‰_x ‰{™†kqÂ…x }_|zk~x kqx ~‰_x z{™q~^ÂŚx jq}x jˆ†{x ‰_ˆ‚x ~{x ~^k`x }{§qx ~‰_x Â…j‚x between the rich and the poor. “The present administration has shown its commitment to the course {šx§{^Âľ_^†Â?x ‰_x‰{™†_†x§kˆˆx _x{šx‰k…‰x řjˆk~ÂŚÂĽx}_z_q~xjq}xj~xj3{^}j Âˆ_x^_q~Â?x ~x§kˆˆx_q‰jqz_x _ _^xˆk‡kqÂ…xz{q}k~k{qx š{^x kÂ…_^kjq†x§{^Âľ_^†Â?x xz{qÂ…^j~™ˆj~_x xjq}x xkqx‚j^~q_^kqÂ…x§k~‰x~‰_x _}_^jˆx {‡_^q`_q~¼½x ™^jÂľkx†jk}Â? qx ‰k†x ‚j^~ÂĽx ~‰_x ^_†k}_q~x {šx ~‰_x ÂĽx {`^j}_x  }™ˆ§j‰__}x `j^ÂĽx q{~_}x ~‰j~x †‰_ˆ~_^x k†x š™q}j`_q~jˆx j`{qÂ…x†_‡_^jˆxq__}†x{šx`jqÂ? `j^ÂĽx §Â‰{x ~‰jqÂľ_}x ~‰_x ‚^_†k}_q~x š{^x ~‰_x ‚^{Âş_z~ÂĽx zjˆˆ_}x {qx ~‰_x _}_^jˆx Government to ensure that the §jk‡_^†xÂ…k‡_qx{qx~‰_x‚^{Âş_z~x~^jq†ˆj~_}x kq~{x j3{^}j Âˆ_x z{†~x š{^x §{^Âľ_^†x jq}x ~‰j~x~‰_x‚^{Âş_z~xk†x}_ˆk‡_^_}x§k~‰kqx~‰_x time frame. qx~‰_x‚_^z_q~x}_‚{†k~ÂĽx§Â‰kz‰xk†x†jk}x ~{x  _x ¿¢Â&#x;ÂĽx ~‰_x x ‚^_†k}_q~x ™^Â…_}x ^_†k}_q~x {qj~‰jqx~{x_q†™^_x~‰j~x~‰_x }_‚{†k~xk†x‚™~xj~x£¢Â&#x;xkqxšj‡{™^x{šx~‰_x §{^Âľ_^†Â? Ă‚ ^x ^_†k}_q~ÂĽxˆ_~xq{x{q_x†‚{kˆxÂŚ{™^x Â…{{}x Âş{ Â?x ˆ_j†_x †k^ÂĽx ~jÂľ_x }_zk†k{qx kqx šj‡{™^x{šx kÂ…_^kjqx§{^Âľ_^†¼½x‰_x†jk}Â? ˆ†{x †‚_jÂľkqÂ…ÂĽx ~‰_x ^_†k}_q~x {šx ^j}_x qk{qx {qÂ…^_††x ÂƒÂĽx {`^j}_x jˆjx jkÂ…j`jÂĽx ˆj`_q~_}x ~‰j~x ~‰_x ‰{™†kqÂ…x }_|zk~x j`{qÂ…x ~‰_x §{^ÂľkqÂ…x‚{‚™ˆj~k{qxk†x‡_^ÂŚx‰™…_Â? jkÂ…j`jÂĽx §Â‰{x z{``_q}_}x

{qj~‰jqÂĽx†jk}x~‰_xk`‚ˆ_`_q~j~k{qx{šx ~‰_x ‚^{Âş_z~x §{™ˆ}x Â…{x jx ˆ{qÂ…x §jÂŚx {qx §{^Âľ_^†x‚_^z_‚~k{qxj {™~x~‰_x‚^_†_q~x administration.


Midweek Pulse


Should faith be considered in fielding party candidates? SUBAIR MOHAMMED


eligion pervades every aspect of human life, particularly, for Nigerians as it is believed that the level of individual faith and or religiosity determines his place in the scheme of things both politically and socio-economically. As Nigeria is transiting towards changing her leadership in 2015 general _ˆ_z~k{q†¼x‚{ˆk~kzkjq†xj^_x›_ÆkqÂ…x`™†zˆ_†x to testing their popularity among the electorates as political parties spell out modalities for the elections. These modalities at the presidential and governorship level amongst others include considering the faith of candidates and their running mates to _`_^Â…_xj†x‚j^~ÂŚx›jÂ…š _j^_^xj†x‚{ˆk~kzjˆx atmosphere and party policy do not allow for and encourage same faith candidates. Recently, Gov. Sule Lamido of Jigawa State while speaking with newsmen after a stakeholders meeting of the state chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, said promoting the parochial sentiment of religious politics is unethical and dangerous to ~‰_x_Æk†~_qz_x{šx~‰_xz{™q~^ÂŚxj†xjx†kq…ˆ_x entity.

{§_‡_^ÂĽx z{q†k}_^kqÂ…x ~‰_x _Æ~_q~x of political instability and religious intolerance in the country couple with multi-religion nature and diverse ethnic background of the country, should religion be a criterion for the emergence {šxzjq}k}j~_†x‡ŒkqÂ…xš{^x_ˆ_z~k‡_x{7z_Ă?x A man’s ethical behaviour, according to Albert Einstein, should be based _3_z~™jÂˆÂˆÂŚx{qx†Œ`‚j~‰Œ¼x_}™zj~k{qÂĽxjq}x social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Therefore, if advancing collective will and credible performance is the sole objective of governance then what does k~x `j _^ÂĽx kšx ‚j^~ÂŚx zjq}k}j~_†x jq}x ~‰_k^x ^™qqkqÂ…x`j~_†xj^_x{šx†j`_x{^x}k3_^_q~x šjk~‰Ă?x {^_x k`‚{^~jq~ÂˆÂŚÂĽx §Â‰j~x k†x ~‰_x implication of religion as a determining factor for a candidate seeking elective position rather than merit, integrity and ability of the candidate to deliver on his _ˆ_z~{^jˆx‚^{`k†_†x~{x~‰_x`j††_†Ă? For Reverend Sunday Adeyemo of the Christ Baptist Church, Alimosho how religious a candidate is or his faith is not jx…™j^jq~__xš{^x_Æz_ˆˆ_qz_x‚_^š{^`jqz_x as he observed that religion and politics j^_x}k3_^_q~x~‰kq…†xjˆˆx~{Â…_~‰_^Â? He added that, “Although there is no denying the fact that Nigerians are religious to a fault, but the fact remains that religion and politics are ~§{x}k3_^_q~x|_ˆ}†x~‰j~x‰j‡_xq{~‰kqÂ…xkqx common. Religion is moral and spiritual while politics is not necessarily so because it is all about clinching power jq}xkq›™_qzkqÂ…x~‰_x_ˆ_z~{^j~_Â?x Religion is not a guarantee for a good leader, but it is possible for a leader that truly has the fear of God in him to be a good leader. Therefore, as far as I am concern for any political party making religion a basis for selecting its candidate, I think it is not enough to justify seriousness or a guarantee for good governance. Also, we should not forget the fact that Nigeria is a multi-religious qj~k{qx jq}x kšx §_x j^_x ~^Â™ÂˆÂŚx z{``k _}x to nation building, we must see every kÂ…_^kjqxj†x{q_x^_Â…j^}ˆ_††x{šx}k3_^_qz_†x in our faith and mode of worship. Either that candidate is a Christian, ™†ˆk`x {^x jx `_` _^x {šx {~‰_^x šjk~‰x

Alhaji Adamu Muazu, PDP chairman †‰{™ˆ}x  _x {šx q{x k`‚jz~ÂĽx §Â‰j~x `j _^x most is his ability to take the country to the promise land. But if faith is prioritised, the i mplication is that the country might end up not having incompetent political jobbers as leader and the country will be worse for it. Over the years, we have had leaders of both faiths in the country, but what have they been able to achieve so far _Ƃ_z~xš{^x~‰_k^x}jqz_x{šx†‰j`_x}™^kqÂ…x their political campaigns. No meaningful progress is recorded. It is when politician are seeking political power that they see religion as a tool with which they deceive the electorate, but once they get there their actions and }__}†x §{™ˆ}x  _x }k3_^_q~x š^{`x ~‰_k^x religious claim. x ÂŚx j}‡kz_x k†x jqÂŚx ‚{ˆk~kzkjqx ~‰j~x believes he has something to contribute to the national’s development should be free to contest without any appeal to religion. Our focus should be on merit, integrity and credential of the candidate with this the future of the country will be assuredâ€?. On his part, Hon. Wasiu Erinkitola, a former supervisory councillor, Lagos jkqˆjq}x {zjˆx {‡_^q`_q~x  _ˆk_‡_†x that the faith of a candidate goes a long

Dr. Odigie Oyegun, APC chairman way in determining his credibility as he observed that there is no how one would dissociate politics from religion. “Even in religion there is politics. So, political parties making faith as the basis for selecting their candidate shows that ~‰_x ‚j^~ÂŚx k†x ‚™ kqÂ…x {}x |^†~x  _zj™†_x they know that with God all things are possible. Apart from that, it is another way {šx ™qk~kqÂ…x ‚_{‚ˆ_x {šx }k3_^_q~x šjk~‰x especially at this period when religious crisis is more pronounced in the country. Also, it is an avenue whereby both faiths get involved in governance and their interest protected. Therefore, through religion, we learn how to live a just and moral lifestyle, but for those of us that are politicians, how to be upright politicians that are z{``k _}x ~{x qj~k{qjˆx }_‡_ˆ{‚`_q~x k†x clearly narrated in the scriptures. So, religion plays a prominent role in bringing out the best in our leaders and politiciansâ€? Hon. Erinkitola disclosed. _jq§Â‰kˆ_x j†x {qÂ?x ^kqÂľk~{ˆjx perceives religion as a veritable tool towards enthroning a just leader, Prof. †‰jĂ…x Âľkq~{ˆjx {šx ~‰_x ™†ˆk`x k…‰~†x {qz_^qx ƒx ‰j†x zj™~k{q_}x ‚{ˆk~kzjˆx ‚j^~k_†x {qx |_ˆ}kqÂ…x zjq}k}j~_†x of same faith for the forthcoming general election.

Promoting the parochial sentiment of religious politics is unethical and dangerous to the existence of the country as a single entity

According to Prof. Akintola, it is relevant to caution political parties jÂ…jkq†~x ~‰_x _`_^Â…_qz_x {šx ™†ˆk`š ™†ˆk`x {^x ‰^k†~kjqš ‰^k†~kjqx ~kzÂľ_~†x because present political atmosphere in the country is not conducive for such a situation. Ă‚ ‰_x ™†ˆk`x k…‰~†x {qz_^qx ƒx ~‰_^_š{^_x kq‡k~_†x ‚^{†‚_z~k‡_x ™†ˆk`x ›jÂ…š _j^_^†x ‚j^~kz™ˆj^ÂˆÂŚx j~x ~‰_x presidential level to choose candidates from other faiths as running mates. This advice also goes to all states w here other faiths have substantial showing in the population. The faith of ~‰k†xz{™q~^ŒŸ†x‚^_†k}_q~x}{_†xq{~x`j _^Â?x ‰j~x `j _^†x k†x ‰k†x j kˆk~ÂŚx ~{x }k†‚_q†_x justice and equity in his handling of issues. ‰j~x`j _^†xk†x‰k†xzj‚jzk~ÂŚxš{^xÂ…k‡kqÂ…x equal opportunity to people of all faiths jq}x_~‰qkzx jz¾…^{™q}†Â?x ‰j~x`j _^†x is his readiness to shun favouritism, discrimination and primordial sentiment in the discharge of his duties. “Above all, we are more interested in the ability of the person at the helm of j3jk^†x kqx ~‰k†x z{™q~^ÂŚx ~{x ‚™~x  ^_j}x {qx our table, secure lives and properties, respect God-given fundamental human rights, generate policies capable of j ^jz~kqÂ…x š{^_kÂ…qx kq‡_†~{^†x jq}x ~{x provide necessary infrastructure, qualitative education and a sound public health policy. In short, what `j _^†xk†xÂ…{{}xÂ…{‡_^qjqz_Â? Ă‚ x ~‰_^_š{^_x k`‚ˆ{^_x ™†ˆk`†x j`{qÂ…x the emerging candidates at all levels of the contest to ensure that they have what it takes to establish good governance  _š{^_x z{``k kqÂ…x ~‰_`†_ˆ‡_†x ~{x ~‰_x adventure. “Also, we call on Islamic organizations nationwide as well as individual ™†ˆk`†x~{x_}™zj~_x ™†ˆk`xzjq}k}j~_†x on good governance in Islam as a ™†ˆk`x ˆ_j}_^x §Â‰{x šjkˆ†x ~{x _†~j Âˆk†‰x good governance will not make the paradise. x ‰_x ™^Âźjqx j7^`†x ~‰j~x ˆ_j}_^†x §kˆˆx be made to account for their tenure in {7z_xjq}x‚^{`k†_†x}{™ Âˆ_x‚™qk†‰`_q~x for bad rulers in the Hereafterâ€?, Akintola said.


Midweek Pulse


Nigerian twins threaten boycott of 2015 elections over INEC’s marginalisation .Demands N1bn compensation



o doubt, the country’s political landscape is at the moment gathering momentum of high proportion and mixed feelings, even as some individual political players, groups and other stakeholders are happy for the success they have achieved so far while some on the other hand are gnashing their teeth over what they believe is injustice done to them by a certain party or institution. Going forward, a non-governmental group with the name Twins and Multiple Births for Transformation in Nigeria (TMBTN), had raised alarm questioning the actions of the Jegaled Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), alleging that the electoral body had intentionally refused to recognise identical twins in Nigeria to disenfranchise them. Joint President of TMBTN, Akpos Anthony Dixon and Andos Andrew Dixon popularly known as the ‘Mamuzee Twin’ told Journalists at a Press Conference in Abuja, the continued marginalisation of members of the twin families in Nigeria and had threatened to mobilise its members in all states of ~‰_xš_}_^j~k{qÂĽx§k~‰xjx‡k_§x~{x {ÂŚz{ x~‰_x 2015 general elections. Consequently, the Mamuzee Twins said they have grown up from their early days, having to share and do things in common just like other identical twins all over the world. They have found themselves in natural positions which makes it possible to use their status and rare privilege assist the nation in several ways. Aside being musicians and actors, during the last general elections in 2011, the Mamuzee Twins stated that using their veritable platform, they successfully mobilized over one million {šx k~†x `_` _^†x †zj _^_}x jz^{††x ~‰_x country with the purpose to perform their civic duties. The twin brothers, dismayed by what

they referred to as suspicion on the claim by INEC that the biometric equipment k†x _3_z~k‡_ÂˆÂŚx §{^ÂľkqÂ…ÂĽx x ř_†~k{q_}x the inability of the equipment to }k3_^_q~kj~_x ~‰_`Çx kq†~_j}x x kqx jx zjˆz™ˆj~_}x j _`‚~x ~{x }k†_qš^jqz‰k†_x one of them allegedly insisted that double registration was perpetrated by the Mamuzees. Recalling their ordeals Akpos said, Ă‚{qx~‰_xx ™q_x€¼x¥¢£¢¼x ^{š_††{^x j‰k^™x Jega was nominated by President Jonathan as the Chairman of INEC, in the last four years, Jega embarked on massive transformation of the Electoral system with the introduction of the _^`jq_q~x {~_^†Ÿx j^}x ÂźÂ†ÂƒĂ‡x ~‰_x Continued Voters’ Registration (CVR) and the update of the INEC register amongst other reforms. Ă‚ š~_^x }jΠx {šx š^™†~^j~kqÂ…x j _`‚~†x to register, we were presented with temporary voters’ cards and on hearing that the temporary voters cards were to be returned in exchange of the permanent voters card (PVC), we proceeded to INEC to do the basics.â€? Continuing, one of the Mamuzee’s ¾‚{†ƒx †jk}x {qx Â…_ kqÂ…x ~‰_^_x ‰k†x x was sorted out and was eventually handed to him, which he said was complemented with his signature as a proof that he had collected his rightful material. But unlike his brother, Akpos, when it was the turn of (Andos), to

do the needful, he also presented his temporary voters card with every sense of hope to be handed his PVC, but that was not however, to be. Andos stated thus, “to my shock and  _§kˆ}_^`_q~ÂĽx ~‰_x x {7zkjˆx jš~_^x over 30 minutes of search, informed me ~‰j~x ~‰_ÂŚx z{™ˆ}x q_k~‰_^x |q}x `ÂŚx qj`_x on the register nor locate my PVC.â€? The embarrassing scenario sparked immediate protest by the Mamuzees ~‰j~x x{7zkjˆ†x}k^_z~_}x~‰_`x~{x~‰_k^x {7z_x kqx ™†_x {q_x  x ~{x `jÂľ_x š{^`jˆx complaint and later to the commission’s {7z_x j~x j^™¼x jx †™ Â™^ x {šx ~‰_x _}_^jˆx j‚k~jˆx _^^k~{^ÂŚx ƒÂ? Ă‚ qx{™^xj^^k‡jˆxj~x x{7z_ÂĽxjxˆj}ÂŚx who recognised us as Mamuzee and upon informing her of our mission, the lady in question said that she has sighted our voter’s cards. She even said §Â‰kˆ_x~‰_x x†~j3†x§_^_x†{^~kqÂ…x~‰_x cards, they had seen two persons that ˆ{{Âľ_}x jˆkÂľ_ÂĽx  Â™~x §k~‰x }k3_^_q~x qj`_†x and so, INEC assumed the similarity in ˆ{{¾†x †kÂ…qšÂ‚{†~_}x š^j™}™ˆ_q~x j _`‚~†x to register the same person twice,â€? he spoke. Sadly, the Mamuzee’s explained that they could not understand why INEC could not use their biometric data recordings to detect that they were two separate individual rather than the same person involving in double ^_Â…k†~^j~k{q†¼x ~‰_x †jk}x x {7zkjˆx whose name was not giving shockingly

To my shock and bewilderment, the INEC official after over 30 minutes of search, informed me that they could neither find my name on the register nor locate my PVC

replied thus, ‘This is Nigeria.’ k~‰x~‰_xkqj kˆk~ÂŚx{šx x~{xk††™_x{q_x of the twins his PVC, INEC according to them had also treated some of their members the same way, denying them their right to vote in election situations. The TMBTN through its legal ‚^jz~k~k{q_^†¼x x x x ‰j}x §^k _qx ~{x x on the unfortunate situation asking its fundamental questions as these: “Is it the case in previous elections that twins were rejected and disenfranchised on the assumption of †k`kˆj^k~ÂŚx }k3_^_qz_†Çx }k}x ~‰_x ‡{~_†x {šx identical twins and multiple births who ‡{~_}x kqx ~‰_x ˆj†~x _ˆ_z~k{qx }Â™ÂˆÂŚx z{™q~Çx what were the use of the biometric data kq‡{ˆ‡_x|qÂ…_^x‚^kq~†xkšx`_^_x†k`kˆj^k~ÂŚxkqx appearance was used to disenfranchise us and are twins and persons of multiple birth status being deliberately marginalized and discriminated against on the basis of circumstances of their births which is contrary to the provisions of section 42 of the constitution of federal republic of Nigeria 1999 as alteredâ€?? Based on the above, TMBTN through its lawyers had told INEC to issue the Andos his PVC to enable him exercise his fundamental and civil obligations j†x _q†‰^kq_}x kqx ~‰_x z{q†~k~™~k{qÇx ~‰j~x the sum of twenty million naira be paid as compensation for the trauma, psychological depression and feeling of societal rejection that the Mamuzee have been subjected to. According to them, “that if within 14 days from the date of your receipt of this ˆ_ _^x ~{x ÂŚ{™¼x ÂŚ{™x šjkˆx jq}Ăž{^x q_…ˆ_z~x ~{x carry out our modest demands, we shall without no further recourse to you, issue a writ against your organisation (INEC) demanding one billion naira as general damages for shame, obloquy and low esteem that your organization action has brought to bear on our client, in addition ~{xk††™kqÂ…x{™^xzˆk_q~٠x xjq}xˆ_ _^x{šx apology,â€? it stated. _jq§Â‰kˆ_ÂĽx ~‰_x ˆ_ _^x §Â‰kz‰x §j†x §^k _qx{qx~‰_xxx {‡_` _^xÂĄĂ ~‰¼x¥¢£¤x‰j}x surpassed the 14-day ultimatum issued.



City & State WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2014

Waves of protests across Niger Delta as Yuletide closes in

Ex-militants protesting ~{x _^`jq_q~x ~j3 x {`_x j _x§{^µ_}x for over 16 years ,said Ernest Obaru, ouths numbering over 100 have NDYM PRO. The youth also accused the company stormed the Obite gas plant, one of the facilities belonging of sponsoring cultists and kidnappers to the French oil giant, Total in the area just to discredit the youth of Fina Elf located in Egiland, Rivers State Egi land. One of the sacked workers, Dandison to protest what they described as endless oppression and injustice against the Ikechukwu from Akabuka, also in the people of Egi, the company’s host com- state, who said he had worked for the company for about 16 years disclosed munities. The peaceful protest which started that Elf once promised to convert the caas early as 5.30 am on December j x ~j3¥x{ _^x¿¢¢xkqxq ` _^x~{x^_ j^x 18 2014, was organized by a youth ~j3 x qx | `_q~x { x ~ _x ^{`k _¥x ~ _x group known as Niger Delta Youths company, sometime in June, 2014 conMovement(NDYM). Armed with plac- verted about 39 workers. But unfortuj^} x _j^kq x }k3_^_q~x ^{~_ ~x kq z^k - qj~_ ¦¥xq{q_x{ x~ _xz{q _^~_}x ~j3x§j x tions, the youth, on arrival at the Obite from Rivers State, not to talk of being j x jq~x ¦j^}¥x }_|_}x ~ _x x x ^_ _qz_x Egi indigenes. The action of the comof heavily armed security operatives pany forced the youth to embark on a guarding the facility, locked the en- peaceful protest. Elf however mobilized trance gates of the company, block- ~ x jq}x z ~k ~ x ~{x j jzµx ~ _x ^{ing every movement into or out of the testers. After the protest, the company premises. They occupied the company, sacked 49 of the workers who were ininsisting that they would not leave until volved in the protest, but later recalled 2 of them, remaining 47, said Ikechukwu. their demands were met. Major Frank Ekene, Chairman of the One of the youth who spoke to Newswatch Times on conditions of anonym- Movement said they have been patient ity, stated: “We have endured for a long with Elf, but have decided to embark time; we can no longer tolerate this. We have resolved not to leave this place unless our demands are met”. Part of their demands, as captured in some of the placards they displayed was the reinstatement of 47 workers of the company sacked by Elf for asking that they { }x _x z{q _^~_}x ~{x ^_ j^x ~j3x instead of continuing endlessly as ca j x ~j3 x _¦x ^~ _^x}_`jq}_}x~ j~x in addition to re-instating them, they { }x _x z{q _^~_}x kq~{x ^_ j^x ~j3x and more Egi people should be employed by the company. “Time of injustice is over. Sacking of 47 workers is illegal and unjust. They should be called back and converted THANKGOD OFOELUE, BENIN


on the protest because the company has continued to ignore all wise counsels urging them to do the right things. He told the protesters that the company has told him to come with some of the leaders of the group for dialogue. He said he expects the company to be properly advised so as not to incur the wrath of the community. The protesters accused Elf of sponsoring crises in Egi land by using some persons in the communities to terrorise the rest of the communities. In a related development, the EastWest road was over the weekend blocked to motorists for hours, following the protest activities of ex-Niger Delta militants under the Federal Government’s amnesty programme. The militants blocked the road in protest over alleged non-payment of their arrears. Following the agitations, authorities at the Presidential Amnesty Programme have appealed to the former agitators currently protesting delay in the payment of their November 2014 stipends to halt further protests so as not to heighten the tension in the already heated zone.

We have endured for a long time; we can no longer tolerate this. We have resolved not to leave this place unless our demands are met

The ex-militants had staged the protest at Mbiama junction of the busy highway, gateway to the South South states of Rivers, Akwa Ibom and Cross River. The protest, which took place at the Bayelsa wing of the junction, is the third in three days after the Wednesday inci}_q~x ~j _}x{qx~ _x j~jqkx jqµxkqx _ ~jx State, left several commuters including jx _qk{^x k^ {^z_x {7z_^x jq}x k x _ z{^~x stranded as the protesters refused to create a corridor for them. Ex-Militants had also held motorists to hostage at Five Junction in Benin City, Edo State in protest of non-payment of allowances. For several hours, motorists plying the Ugbowo-Lagos Expressway were prevented from movement, and drivers had to look for longer roads as alternative routes to their various destinations. The ex-agitators from Delta, Edo and Bayelsa states, Newswatch Times learnt, were protesting the non-payment of their November allowance by the Federal Government. One of the ex-agitators, simply iden~k|_}x j x ¥x j`_q~_}x ~ j~x `jq¦x { x the trained youths were jobless, warning that they might be forced to relocate to the creeks if their demands were not met. However, the Presidential Amnesty 7z_x j x _j}_}x§k~ x~ _x {^`_^xj k~j~{^ xkqx~ _x k _^x _ ~jxjq}x _q_|zkjries enlisted in the Presidential Amnesty Programme, to exercise patience and avoid violence as they work out solutions to the problem. _x `q_ ~¦x 7z_x`j}_xk~ xj _j xkqx a statement signed by its Head of Media and Communications, Mr. Daniel Alabrah, where he stated that the appeal became imperative following the wave of protests in the region..



City & State

FRSC, CLEEN seek stress-free drivers licence procurement

! " # " Emeka Ibemere


o you know that you can obtain your driver’s licence without tears any longer? This is what the Federal Road Safety Corps and CLEEN Foun}j~k{qx j^_x §{^ÂľkqÂ…x _3{^~ˆ_Â†Â†ÂˆÂŚx ~{x _qsure that obtaining driver’s licence would no longer be a problem as they ~{kˆx~{x_ˆk`kqj~_x~‰_x { ˆ_q_zÂľx~‰j~x†~k›_}x~‰_x‚^{z_††Â?x Last week in Lagos State, the Sector Command, CLEEN Foundation, Journalists and members of the National Youth Service Commission, NYSC, took to the streets in Lagos State on sensitisation and awareness campaign to educate Nigerians and Lagos State residents on the application procedures for obtaining and renewal of }^k‡_^†xˆkz_qz_Â?x ‰_x ^jˆˆŒšx ˆkÂľ_x _‡_q~x §Â‰kz‰x ~{{Âľx {3x j~x ~‰_x Âş{~jx {ˆˆx j~_x {7z_x {šx ~‰_x FRSC, last week was equally ob†_^‡_}x ~‰^{™…‰{™~x ~‰_x z{™q~^ÂŚÂ?x ‰_x motor-Cade tour of duty campaign went through Ojodu to Ojota and to the Alausa axis of Ikeja to Agidingbi before berthing at the FRSC Headquarters at Ojodu Berger area of Lagos ~j~_Â?x Addressing journalists after the sensitisation and awareness tour, Godwin Ogagaoghene, Assistant Corps j^†‰jÂˆÂĽx {qjˆx {``jq}kqÂ…x 7z_^x of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Lagos State explained that the campaign was to create awareness and sensitise the populace on what FRSC is doing to ease the tension arising from proce}™^_†xkqx{ ~jkqkqÂ…x}^k‡_^٠xˆkz_qz_Â?x On touting issue that has brought bad image to the FRSC, Ogagaoghene stated that touting at the road safety, is being treated with every sense of seriousness, adding that the issue of ~{™~kqÂ…xk†x _kqÂ…x_^j}kzj~_}Â? “We must say that we are doing everything possible within our power to †__x ~‰j~x k~٠x _^j}kzj~_}x _q~k^_ÂˆÂŚÂ?x _x have arrested some, and we caught some and handed them over to the po-

ˆkz_xš{^x‚^{†_z™~k{q½¼x‰_xj}}_}Â?x Ă‚ _{‚ˆ_x†jÂŚx†{`_x{šx{™^x†~j3†xj^_xkqvolved; we have also put machinery in `{~k{qx~{x_q†™^_x~‰j~xjqÂŚx†~j3x†__qxÂ…_~ting himself or herself in touting, will be }k†`k††_}xš^{`x~‰_x {^‚†½Â?x Speaking on the duration for obtaining driver’s licence, Assistant Corps Marshal further stated that the Corps are bringing the duration of obtaining driver’s licence down and because of that the Corps have opened more driver’s licence centres, in Lagos State, he said they have more centres now than before and they have started sensitising people about the existence of these new z_q~^_†Â?x “We have also made jingles on radio and televisions to tell people the new driver’s centres and we are telling people to go to these new centres because the old ones are always over crowded and that is why we have delays and  jzÂľÂˆ{Â…Â?x {ÂĽx q{§x ~‰j~x ~‰_x z_q~^_†x ‰j‡_x been distributed, people can now go to these new places to ease the backlog jq}x}_ˆjΠ½Â?x Ogagaoghene assured Nigerians that with the system on grounds Nigerians can now obtain their driver’s licence §k~‰kqx¿¢x~{xĂˆ¢x}jΠÂ?xx On those who obtain driver’s licence

without proper training, he said that the Corps is also on the spot assess`_q~xjq}xz‰_z¾†Â? “Our men can dictate if your licence is genuine or not on the spot check, if your licence is not genuine, they take ÂŚ{™x~{x‚{ˆkz_x†~j~k{qxš{^x‚^{†_z™~k{qÂ?x The process of obtaining new driv_^†xˆkz_qz_xk†xÂ…_ kqÂ…x_j†Œxjq}x†‰{^~er and when people know that they won’t be wasting more time there, they will go to these new centres instead of patronising those who issue šjÂľ_xxĂ x}^k‡_^†xˆkz_q†_½¼x‰_xj}}_}Â?xxxx In another development, he explained that the Corps had put machinery on ground to have free-acci}_q~xÂŚÂ™Âˆ_~k}_Â?x According to him, “We have a meeting where we talk to our stakeholders, they need to come together to make sure that Lagos-Ibadan road is reduced of auto crash this period, that meeting was fruitful and we are †~kˆˆx `__~kqÂ…x ~{x |q}x ~™q_x {™^x jÂ…^__ment to make sure that our roads are jzzk}_q~xš^__x~‰k†xÂŚÂ™Âˆ_~k}_½¼x‰_xxq{~_}Â?x “We want to say that within this end of the year, we are giving our words that people will not sleep on the road as it has always been; we

We must say that we are doing everything possible within our power to see that it’s eradicated entirely

™†™jÂˆÂˆÂŚx ‰j‡_x }_j}ˆ{z¾†x {qx ~‰_x ^{j}Â?x This period will be seamless period, when people get to their destinations §k~‰{™~x‰k~z‰_†½Â?x Raphael Mba of CLEEN Foundation and the coordinator of the campaign for proper procedures for obtaining driver’s licence, disclosed that he was happy the way the event went, because according to him, many Nigerians, especially the Lagos State residents can now know the process of obtaining their licences without going through touts and scammers at the ÂĽx‚^_`k†_†Â? “We believe that with this campaign, we are going to make sure that Nigerians doesn’t experience delay again in obtaining their licences and ^_q_§kqÂ…xk~Â?x “What we are doing today is sensitisation programme of drivers licence on how Nigerians can obtain their licences without being duped by touts, because we discovered that a lot of wrong things have been going on in FRSC, and Nigerians reported to us about what they are going through in obtaining their licences from FRSC, so what we did today, was to partner with FRSC, to sensitise them on how best they can go about itâ€?, Mba diszˆ{†_}Â? “We listed out the procedures on what they should do and warned them not to pay to anybody whether in uniš{^`x{^xq{~Â?x _xj^_x~_ˆˆkqÂ…x~‰_`x~{x‚jÂŚx at the designated banks provided by ~‰_xj™~‰{^k~Œ½Â?x On what motivated CLEEN Foundation to partner with FRSC, he said: “ We are collaborating with them bezj™†_xx{q_x{šx{™^x`k††k{q†xxxk†xx~{x|…‰~x against corruption at all levels, so by going into this campaign, we tend to remove the obstacles in obtaining liz_qz_†x§Â‰kz‰x‰j‡_x __qx`j}_x}k7z™ˆ~x  Œx~{™~†½Â? Speaking further, he revealed that 70 years old persons and above are not řjˆk|_}x š{^x }^k‡_^٠x ˆkz_qz_x  _zj™†_x jÂ…_x§j†xq{xˆ{qÂ…_^x{qx~‰_k^x†k}_Â?xx


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Newswatch Times


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Yero presents N203 bn budget to Kaduna Assembly BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna


aduna State governor, Mukhtar Ramalan Yero, yesterday presented the 2015 appropriation budget proposal of N203,700,855,271 to the State House of Assembly. The budget proposal shows that Recurrent Expenditure within the year will gulp N72,788,841,776 (Seventy two billion, even hundred and eighty eight million, eight

hundred and forty one thousand, seven hundred and seventy six naira only), representing 35.72% of the total budget. The Capital Expenditure estimate is put at a total sum of N130,912,013,495 (One hundred and thirty billion, nine hundred and twelve million, thirteen thousand, four hun}^_}x jq}x qkq_~¦x | _x qjk^jx only), amounting to 64.28% of the budget. The breakdown of the budget shows that Works and

Transport receives the highest allocation of N29.4 billion followed by Education with N20.5 billion. Allocations to other key sectors include; Water Supply N16.8 billion, Health N12.2 billion and Agriculture with N7.17 billion. In his budget speech, Governor Yero said his administration will give priork~¦x j _q~k{qx ~{x z{` _~kq x ongoing projects across the State saying “completion of all ongoing roads projects in

2015 is our number one priority in this sector as doing so will facilitate the movement of goods and people for the economic growth of our dear State.” He said ongoing projects earmarked for completion include, “Garu KuramaKurandai-Lere-Baudu-Kasuwa – 21.7km (Lere LGA)60% completion, Hayin Jirgi – Bomo road-3.7km (Sabon Gari LGA)-52% completion, Igabi-Turunku road-8.5km

(Igabi LGA)-75%completion, Farar Gada – YakawadaIyawata-28km (Giwa LGA)48%completion, construction of road from Zonal Police Headquarters Kafanchan to Kaduna State University Campus Kafanchan Phase I (Jema’a LGA) among others. The budget tagged “Budget of Consolidation & Continuity” the governor said is based on Governments genuine determination to ensure the completion of all ongoing projects

Saraki dedicates N45m pension to indigent students BISI ADEDAYO, Ilorin


he chairman of the _qj~_x z{``k __x on Ecology and immediate past governor of Kwara State, Dr. Bukola Saraki has launched a scholarship scheme to assist indigent students in tertiary institutions in the state. No fewer than 100 students §k x _q_|~x ¦_j^ ¦x ^{`x ~ _x scheme tagged: Abubakar Bukola Saraki Students Foundation (ABSSF). This was disclosed in a statement signed by Saraki’s media aide, Bamikole Omishore and made available to Newswatch Times. “This scholarship initiative by Senator Saraki is aimed at improving the access of promising young Kwarans to scholarships for their educa~k{qÇx _q jqzkq x ~ _x _3_z~k _x engagement of students in academics; creating opportunities for under-privileged students to participate in the learning process; and, promoting civic engagement amongst scholarship recipi_q~ x~{x _ _^x~ _k^x^_ _z~k _x communities. “Senator Saraki, who served as a two term Governor of Kwara State, and as the chairman of the Nigerian Governors Forum (NGF)

during his tenure, has also announced that he will be donating his accrued pension arrears from the time of his Governorship (N45 million) which he has not taking a kobo of, to kick-start the start-up funding of the foundation”. “Senator Saraki has also z{``k _}x k x ~ ^_x _q k{q x from his time as a governor towards this initiative to ensure the long-term sustainability and viability of the program.

“Recipients of the ABS scholarships will also be mandated to dedicate at least four hours of their time each month in the development of their immediate communities. “Under the guidance of ABSSF supervisors in the various institutions, recipients will be tasked with developing community programs such as after-school tutoring classes for primary and/or secondary school students in the community. The aim of the ABSSF

is to maximize the impact of the scholarships for not only ~ _x _q_|~x { x ~ _x ^_zk k_q~ ¥x ~xj {x~ _x _q_|~x{ x~ _x^_cipients’ immediate community. x  _x {7zkj x j qz kq x { x the ABSSF, was announced in Kwara on December 19th, 2014, concurrently with the birthday celebration of the Senator. “To ensure that the ABSSF is well-funded even after the initial start-up funding is covered by the Senator’s

spread across the state. In his response the speaker of Kaduna state house of assembly Right Honourable Shehu Usman Tahir said he was very hopeful that all the allocations will be achieved within the year under review. He then promised that the house will seriously take a look at the budget with a view to passing it for the continuous development of the state.

Health ministry officials in Kano apprehend fake doctor

pension, the programme will be incorporating and adopt a scholar initiative for friends and associates of Senator Saraki to help contribute to the program. Each year, these friends and associates will rez_k _xjx ^{| _x{ x z { j^xkqx~ _x Ted Odogwu, Kano program, with an itemized list fake doctor was of the scholars’ needs and be yesterday in Kano asked to adopt the entire cost apprehended by ofof funding the scholar for the |zkj x { x ~ _x ^k j~_x _j ~ x year, or adopt segments of the Institution Registration Unit associated cost of sending that of the Ministry of Health. scholar to school. Parading the alleged suspect before newsmen in Kano yesterday, the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Private Health Institution, Dr. Salisu Ahmed Ibrahim, said the fake doctor has been put under surveillance until his correct identity was established. Furthermore, Dr. Salisu disclosed that the fake doctor is in charge of Ideal Hospital on Emir Road, Sabon Gari Kano. Responding to a question from newsmen, the fake }{z~{^x j}`k _}x k ~x jq}x pleaded for forgiveness, adding that he was faking Ibrahim Mohd’s name instead of his own name, Adamu Aliyu, pointing out that he was a school drop out from the School of Bauchi State Governor, Isa Yuguda (left), during his visit to the bomb explosion victims at the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Nursing, Kano. Hospital Bauchi, Bauchi State...yesterday. Following the discovery, the hospital was subsequently shut down, while the proprietor was promptria which was held at the In his remark, the guest challenge facing the nation, to him has been capitalised ly ordered to report to the Presidential Banquet Hall, speaker, Prof. Idris Mu- especially Muslims, and upon by anti-Islamic forces Health Ministry for further Birnin Kebbi, yesterday. hammad Buguje, spoke the issue of sectarianism to aid Boko Haram insur- investigation. His words: “ I am sure extensively on the security in Islam, which according gency. you are all aware that it is only with quality educa~k{qx ~ j~x ¦{ x zjqx }k3_^entiate between good and BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna to newsmen, El-Rufai said “I therefore call on all tinued prayers, advice and bad and prevent unrest in he felicitates with the entire Christians and the entire untiring support in respect aduna state Christian community in the people of Kaduna State to of my candidature, I wish the school environment g o v e r n o r s h i p state and all over the coun- _x z{``k _}x ~{x ^_ k k{ x to use this occasion to call and give your maximum candidate of the try, urging them to always harmony, peaceful living on the good people of the contribution towards the All Progressives cultivate the spirit of peace. peaceful coexistence of our and understanding of one State to come out en masse Congress (APC), society which is seriously Part of the message noted another as it has been. and collect their Permanent Mallam Nasir Ahmad El- that “Christmas is not only in need “. “This festive season is im- Voters’ Cards and also regisThe Sultan, who was Rufai, yesterday called on a time for celebration, but a {^~jq~x {^x x ~{x ^_ _z~x {qx ter during the forth-coming represented by the emir of the people of the state to _^k{}x {^x { _^x ^_ _z~k{qx ~ _x { }_qx j ^k ~_ x ~ j~x voter registration exercise Maradun, Alh.Garba Mo- always strive to be tolerant and stock-taking of God’s bonded us together in the to enable the emergence of hammed, also called for of each other irrespective of blessings as Christians cel- past, regardless of our reli- credible leaders in the 2015 more investment in edu- ^_ k k{ x jq}x _~ qkzx }k3_^- ebrate the birth of Jesus k{ x {^x _~ qkzx }k3_^_qz_ ¥x general elections. cation at all levels and en- ences. Christ. I wish Christians a and re-embrace them so that “I wish the Christian comIn his Christmas mes- happy period of celebration the state can rise to become munity in Kaduna State and forcement of discipline on sage to the people of the children so that they will jq}x^_ _z~k{q x{qx~ _x_Æj`- a role model in peaceful and the entire nation a merry be good leaders of tomor- state, which he personally ple of Jesus Christ as an em- harmonious coexistence. Christmas and prosperous signed and made available bodiment of peace and love. row. “While soliciting for con- New Year,” he said.


Sultan urges Muslim students to seek more knowledge for societal good AYO AJOGE, Kebbi


he Sultan of Sokoto, Dr. Muhammadu Saad Abubakar, has enjoined Muslims, especial Muslim students, to vigorously seek for knowledge for the common good. The Sultan said it was imperative for Muslim students to dedicate themselves to the pursuit of µq{§ _} _xj xjx|^ ~x`_z anism towards loyalty to God and leaders as well as for peace in the society. The Muslim spiritual leader made the remarks during the 72nd Islamic Vocational Course and the presentation of Annual Hijra Calendar of Muslim Students Society of Nige-

Xmas: El-Rufai calls for religious tolerance, peaceful cog existence


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First Lady made Grand Matron of Nigeria Women Football

NFF divided over Keshi’s new contract


irst Lady, Dame Patience Ebele Jonathan has accepted a proposal of the Nigeria Women Football League to be conferred with an honour of the Grand Matron, Women football in the country. Head of the Nigeria Women Football League, Mrs. Dilichukwu Onyedin`jÂĽx §Â‰{x z{q|^`_}x ~‰k†x kqx ‰_^x {7z_x {qx ™_†}jÂŚÂĽx †jk}x the First Lady conveyed her jzz_‚~jqz_x ~‰^{™…‰x jx ˆ_ _^x dated 24th November, 2014 and signed by Rosana Oba. Quoting her words, Mrs. Onyedinma said: “We are happy to inform Nigerians that the First Lady Dame Patience Ebele Jonathan has accepted our proposal to be {™^x ^jq}x j~^{qÂ?x ‰_xˆ_~ter which was addressed to me read in parts ‘reference ~{x ÂŚ{™^x ˆ_ _^x }j~_}x ¿£Â†~x October, 2014 on the conferment of Honour of the Grand Matron of Women Football in Nigeria and presentation of the Super Falcons and Africa Women Championship to the First Lady, I am directed to acknowledge receipt and to convey Her Excellency’s approval to host you. Nevertheless, we understand that Mr. President should be hosting you before Her

Excellency, the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria’â€?. {q~kq™kqÂ…ÂĽx ~‰_x ˆ_ _^x stated: “You may wish to contact us after you have been seen by Mr. President. ‰_x k^†~x j}ÂŚx j‚‚^_zkj~_†x jˆˆx ÂŚ{™^x _3{^~†x kqx §kqqkqÂ…x the trophy and Nigerians are indeed proud of you. ‰jqÂľx ÂŚ{™x š{^x ÂŚ{™^x Âľkq}x consideration and please accept the assurance of Her Excellency’s consideration jq}x _†~x^_Â…j^}†¼½x~‰_xˆ_ _^x concluded. Mrs. Onyedinma appreciated the First Lady for accepting the honour, and said that would be the best thing that would happen to Women Football in Nigeria in recent times. ‰_x x Æ_z™~k‡_x Board member also appreciated the “Women Sports Developer Award bestowed on her by the Oyo State Chapter of the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN). She dedicated the award to all Women Football Stakeholders in Country, saying that their passion and interest has sustained the game in the country till date. She promised that ~‰_k^x_3{^~†x§{™ˆ}xq_‡_^x _x in vain.

Coaches scramble for Obuh’s job


t can be revealed that at least half a dozen coaches have applied to replace John Obuh as coach of Enugu Rangers. An inside source at the ‘Antelopes House’ said that some top-notch coaches in the domestic league are among those who have indicated interest to take over from Obuh, who was recently informed by the management of Rangers that his contract has expired. Obuh and his assistants were told by Rangers management in a letter that reminded them about the expiration of their contracts that the club would contact them if their services were still needed. “I think at the last count

by the end of last week, {‡_^x †kÆx z{jz‰_†Ÿx ˆ_ _^†x of interest have been rez_k‡_}Â?x ‰{™…‰x x j`x not too sure about their names as they are being kept a closely guarded secret, I am sure that before the end of the year, it will be clearer who is the front runner to get the job.â€? jqÂ…_^†x |qk†‰_}x j~x the eighth position on the League log last season. It would be recalled that since the emergence of Paul Chibuzor-led management, it has hired and |^_}x{‡_^x|‡_x‰_j}xz{jz‰es - Christian Chukwu, Alphonsus Dike, Okey Emordi (twice) and John Obuh - with the ‘Flying Antelopes’ yet to win a major trophy in over three decades.


igerian football bosses are at loggerheads over giving Coach Stephen Keshi a new contract with a majority still seriously opposed to this. It has exclusively been gathered that a section of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) leadership want Keshi to be given a

new contract despite failing to qualify Nigeria to the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations so as to at least keep their plum jobs. A top source revealed that this group believes Keshi’s “very powerful š^k_q}†½x §kˆˆx |qjÂˆÂˆÂŚx jzcept them if they give ‘Big Boss’ a new deal. However, this group is opposed by a majority on the NFF executive com-


`k __x§Â‰{x‰j†x†~™zÂľx~{xjx “unanimous decisionâ€? in October to sack Keshi. It will be recalled that x |^_}x ~‰_x z{jz‰x {qÂˆÂŚx to later be forced to rescind this decision on the orders of Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan. ‰_^_x k†x z_^~jkqÂˆÂŚx q{x love lost between Keshi and his employers even before this sensational u-turn and the frosty re-

lationship has been worsened by Sports Minister’s decision to directly pay the coach 14 million Naira as salaries for his work in October and November. Most recently several top coaches including Shuaibu Amodu, Christian Chukwu and Adegboye Onigbinde have asked Keshi to walk away from the job because he has failed.

Iwobi open to Nigeria inivitation


rsenal striker, Alex Iwobi is open to the idea of featuring for Nigeria’s ÂˆÂŚ`‚kzx j~k{qjˆx _j`ÂĽx according to his uncle and retired Nigeria international, Emmanuel Okocha. ‰_x q…ˆjq}x ÂŚ{™~‰x international was called ™‚x ~{x ~‰_x ^_j`x _j`x by Coach Samson Siasia for a training camp earlier this month, but the 18-year-old did not turn up for the screening exercise. ‰k†x š™_ˆˆ_}x †‚_z™ˆjtion that he would prefer to wear the colours of the ‰^__x k{q†x~{x~‰j~x{šx‰k†x country of birth, Nigeria. But speaking to SL10. ng, Emma Okocha has put those suggestions to bed, saying Alex Iwobi will honour future invita-

tions, even though he will keep his options open. Ă‚ ‰_x  {ÂŚx k†x £€x jq}x he is entitled to his own opinion. He is a young boy, but he has potential at the same time,â€? Okocha. “People with dual citi-

zenship are torn between choosing the country they want to represent. He will honour Nigeria’s call up in future and weigh his options. “He grew up in England and playing for NiÂ…_^kjx k†x jx }k3_^_q~x _Ƃ_-

rience. In future, he will know where to lay his bed.â€? Okocha has tipped his nephew to be successful in his professional career, but resisted the urge to z{`‚j^_x ~‰_x j jzÂľ_^x ~{x either himself or ex-Super Eagles skipper, Jay JayOkocha. “No two players are the same. Alex is a great potential, he was picked for Arsenal since he was seven and a half years and has been growing with them,â€? he added. “We always pray our ÂŚ{™qÂ…_^x {q_†x j^_x  _ _^x than us. I see him being a great player, but I don’t want to compare him to Jay Jay or myself.â€? Iwobi penned a twoyear professional contract with the Gunners in May.


Haruna discusses with Nice, Monaco


he future of forgotten Super Eagles `k}|_ }_^¥x µ`jqx Haruna appears not to be kqx µ^jkq_x §k~ x ^_ {^~ x kqµkq x ~ _x ¦qj`{x k_ x `jqx §k~ x jx `{ _x ~{x kz_x jq}x {qjz{ x __ _^x ^{`x~ _x ^_qz x `_}kjx jk}x ~j µ x j^_x j ^_j}¦x q}_^§j¦x {^x~ _x¡¤x ¦_j^x { }x {qx jx ^_~ ^qx jzµx ~{x ^jqz_¥x § _^_x _x {qz_x {qx jx ~k`_¥x ~j^^_}x {^x {qjz{ {qjz{x jz_x ~k3x z{` _~k~k{qx {^x k x _^ kz_ x ^{`x kz_x§ {xj^_xj {xkqx ~ _x`j^µ_~x {^xjx}_ _q k _x `k}|_ }_^x~ k x§kq~_^

j^ qjx k x jzµx ~{x x ~^jkqkq x {^x ¦qj`{x k_ x j ~_^x ^_z{ _^kq x ^{`x jx µq__x ^ _^¦¥x ~x _x k x ¦_~x ~{x j¦x kqx ~ _x _j _x }_ k~_x j _j^kq x ~ ^kz_x {^x ~ _x ^_ _^ _x ~_j`x j x _x k} x k x§j¦x jzµx~{x`j~z x z{` _~k~k _q_ qx k x ^_ k{ x ~kq~x kqx ^jqz_¥x _x`j}_x¤¤xj _j^jqz_ x {^x {qjz{x z{^kq x ~ ^__x ~k`_ x _ {^_x _j kq x ~ _x ~_j`x { {§kq x ~ _k^x ^_ _ j~k{qx ~{x ~ _x {§_^x _j _xkqx¡¢££ kqz_x {kqkq x ¦qj`{x k_ x _x j x `j}_x Á¢x j _j^jqz_ x §k~ x | _x {j x ~{x k x qj`_x kqx ~ ^__x ¦_j^ x §k~ x~ _x~_j`



Olympic qualifier: Siasia settles for 39 players Europeans


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 {^x ~ { _x { x ¦{ x _ _z~_}¥x ¦{ x j^_x º ~x zµ¦¥x ~x ~{x µ__ x ¦{ ^x jz_x kqx ~ k x~_j`x¦{ x` ~x {x jzµx {`_xjq}xz{q~kq _x~^jkqkq x {xj xq{~x~{x j x ¦x~ _x§j¦x k}_x§ _qx§_x _ kqx~ _xq_Æ~x j _x { x zj` kq x x x j _x __qx k` ^_ _}x §k~ x § j~x ¦{ x ¦ x j _x {§qx `_x jq}x xzjqx j _ ¦x j¦x§_x j _x jx ~ ^_ ½ kj kjx jk}x _x kzµ_}x{q ¦x { ^x {^_k q¹ j _}x j¦_^ x {x~ j~x~ _x~_j`x§{ }xq{~x ^_ ¦x _j k ¦x {qx ~ _`¥x ~x that as the team progresses `{^_x{ x z x j¦_^ x§k x _x j}}_}x~{x~ _x~_j` _x _ _z~_}x {^_k q¹ j _}x j¦_^ xj^_à q jz kx j x _^x ¹¹x x k}~º¦ jq¥x _q`j^µÇx Aminu Umar --Samsun {^¥x ^µ_¦Çx ~jq _¦x ` Àk_x ¹¹ j { {¥x ~j ¦Çx ~jq}jx {}kÅx ¹¹x x { {qkjx¹¹x jqkj

Flying Eagles: Pros battle home-based players for shirts

Edo Queens protest 2-years’ salary arrears By ThankGod Ofoelue, Benin


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~x §k x _x jx j _x { x the foreign-based ^{ xjq}x~ _k^xz{ qterparts based at {`_x§ _qx~ _x ¦ing Eagles resume trainkq x zj` x kqx j} qjx {qx j~ ^}j¦ {jz x jq x j^ jx j x kq k~_}x qkq_x ^{ x ~{x j _x¡£x j¦_^ x j _}xj~x {`_x {^x~ _x¡£x jz_ x{qx ~ _x|qj x Å j}x~{x~ _x¡¢£Áx ^kzjqx { ~ x j` k{q k xkqx _q_ j _x ^{ x kqz }_x ^jqj}jx x ~^kµ_^¥x jjzx zz_ ¥x jk§{x §{qk¦kx ^{`x

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Clubs jostle for Eduok


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