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Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Nigeria, Cameroon hold parley on terrorism CYRIL MBAH, Abuja
bilateral defence meeting between Nigeria and Cameroon has been scheduled to
commence Wednesday at UVWX WÂ&#x2021;WZ\WX WY[_`YÂ&#x192;ters, Abuja, in furtherance of international contacts Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX zZX W@]Â&#x192;UX U]X stamp out terrorism in the sub-region.
Director of Defence Information, Major General Chris Olukolade said the three-day meeting will be hosted by the Chief of DeÂ&#x2021;WZ\WX UY@Â&#x201C;X zÂ&#x192;X VzWÂ&#x2021;X YÂ&#x192;shal Alex Badeh and will
Â&#x2026;WX Y6WZ[W[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Vz^X Yqeroonian counterpart, who will lead his countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s military delegation. He said the forum, which is a follow-up to previous international
and regional meetings to foster a common ground zZX UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX zZsurgency and terrorism, will fashion out ways of strengthening the existing working relationship and cooperation between the two armed forces in the war against terror in the West African sub-region. Olukolade said the bilateral talk is expected to advance the collaboration to contain activities of terrorists in the two countries through coordinated
military operations along the borders. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The meeting between the two countries is coming at the heels of a similar parley of foreign ministers of Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin Republic, held earlier in the week on appropriate legal framework for crossborder military operations against the Boko Haram terrorists in the region,â&#x20AC;? the general said in a statement.
President won war against Ebola - Health Minister dent directed him and the 36 states governors inister of including the FCT with H e a l t h their health commisP r o f . sions to be on red alert in O n y e - \Y^WX Â&#x2026;] YX Â&#x201E;Z[^X zUX Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;X b u c h i into the country. President Jonathan Chukwu yesterday said that the Federal govern- also met with them to ment embarked on a ensure pair review so world class institution to that states can emulate ensure a healthy Nigeria. other best procedures in Federal Road Safety Corps, Surulere Unit Command, during a safety campaign for Ember months in Lagosâ&#x20AC;ŚyesAccording to him, this curbing Ebola. terday. According to him, leadership traits help President Jonathan also Nigeria in tackling the donated the sum of dreaded Ebola Virus DisN3.55m to other counease (EVD). FIDELIS UGBOMEH placement in Nigeria. Nigeria has today become region. Speaking at the 2014 UÂ&#x192;zW^X zZX UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX Council further emphaThe council reiterated the one of the leading producministerial press brief- Ebola and approved he National Hu- ers of internally displaced legal obligations of Nige- sised the shared obligations ing, held at Radio House budget in Nigeria to halt man Rights Com- persons and refugees glob- ria as a state party to the of the Federal government in Abuja, he said that, its spread. mission, NHRC Y  Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX Y6WZ[YZUX \]Z- African Union Convention and international partProf. Chukwu stressed has expressed ^W_`WZ\W^X]ZXUVWX ` ZWÂ&#x192;YÂ&#x2026; WX for the Protection and As- ners, especially within the When you are talking that, â&#x20AC;&#x153;With the recent concern about the groups, particularly women, sistance of Internally Dis- United Nations system, about how to combat Eboutbreak of the Ebola continuing insurgency in the children and the aged, he placed Persons in Africa to cooperate and share ola worldwide, Nigeria North East of Nigeria which said. Virus Disease, the Fed(Kampala Convention) to burdens in finding urgent is a reference point. makes the country one of Odinkalu pointed out that ensure the effective pro- and durable solutions to President Jonathan, eral Ministry of Health â&#x20AC;&#x153;the leading producers of the security situation in the tection of the human rights, the food security and huhe said should take the in collaboration with the internally displaced persons North-East has forcibly dis- dignity and well-being of all manitarian crises in the glory for the success Ni- states through the Naand refugees globally with ¤ Y\W[X Â&#x2021;YÂ&#x192;qzZÂ&#x201A;X YZ[X Â&#x201E;^VzZÂ&#x201A;X ¤WÂ&#x192;^]Z^X Y@W\UW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X zZUWÂ&#x192;ZY X North-East. geria recorded in the war tional Council on Health UVWX Y6WZ[YZUX \]Z^W_`WZ\W^X communities out of their displacement in Nigeria. UX Y ^]X \Y  W[X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Y6WZUz]ZX against EVD. on the vulnerable groups, livelihoods, destroyed sucVY WX Y[W_`YUW Â&#x2020;X \]Z UX UVWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;WX \Y  ^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X W@W\- to urgent need to guarantee He said as at March tained further spread of particularly women, children cessive farming seasons tive inter-agency collabora- access to education and safe and the agedâ&#x20AC;?. 2014, Nigeria had no case the diseaseâ&#x20AC;?. and created an alarming tion in urgently addressing ^\V]] zZÂ&#x201A;X ]Â&#x2021;X \Vz [Â&#x192;WZX Y@W\U X \]qq`Zz_`{X YUX UVWX WZ[X food security crisis in the the situation of forced dis- ed by displacement. of Ebola but the presiHe stated that as at toof the councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meeting in day (yesterday), the toOwerri, Imo State recently UY XZ`qÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;X\]ZÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qW[X Y\ Z]Â&#x20AC; W[Â&#x201A;W[X UVWX ^Y\Â&#x192;zÂ&#x201E;\WX cases in Nigeria still reof the men and women of the armed forces saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;Council SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja Osoba is currently toy- ship, that is why we are interacted as brothers; it mains 19 (15 in Lagos acknowledges the relentless and 4 in Port-Harcourt), stranged former ing with the idea of get- not making noise in Osun is a group that we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t 12 cases have been disW@]Â&#x192;U^X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X UVWX YÂ&#x192;qW[X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;\W^X chieftain of All ting a new party regis- because we were defeated deny one another and charged and 7 have died. to end the insurgency and in P r o g r e s s i v e s UWÂ&#x192;W[X U]X Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX q]^`Z¨X and we are not making possibly assist one anothparticular salutes the bravery The minister stated YZ[X^Y\Â&#x192;zÂ&#x201E;\WX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXqWZXYZ[X Congress (APC) His appearance at the noise and I call on the op- er, this group is interested that Nigeria Centers for women of the armed forces and former gov- PDP secretariat, how- position to follow suit,â&#x20AC;? in oneness of Nigeria,â&#x20AC;? Disease Control and PreMuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu added. who have lost their lives in ernor of Ogun State, Chief ever, sent tongues wag- he said. Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, apparently jusEarlier, leader of the vention (NCDC) helped the defence of the country Olusegun Osoba made a ging that he could team against insurgency. Council up with the ruling party UzÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;XUVWX^zÂ&#x201A;ZzÂ&#x201E;\YZ\WX]Â&#x2021;X delegation, Nwobodo the Federal governsurprise visit to the Natherefore commiserates with against his former APC the forum, led by former said the visit is to drum ment in development, families of these departed tional Secretariat of the allies. and governor of old Anam- support for the need for implementation, Peoples Democratic Party Service Men and Womenâ&#x20AC;?. evaluation of disease reReceiving the forbra, Chief Jim Nwobodo, peaceful, free and fair It also expressed serious (PDP) in Abuja yesterday. ^¤]Z^WX W@]Â&#x192;U^X YZ[X ¤Â&#x192;]Osoba, who has been mer governors, Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu said â&#x20AC;&#x153;almost everybody is election, stressing, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We grams that contribute to worry about the refugee and food crises resulting from the VY zZÂ&#x201A;X YX Â&#x192;`ZZzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2026;Y6 WX pledged to meet his coun- a member of this forum, are here because election a strengthened public insurgency. with his former ally and terpart in the All Progres- President Jonathan, Vice is coming and it is time health infrastructure in According to the commu- incumbent governor of sives Congress (APC), President Namadi Sam- when people abuse each Zz_`{XWZ[]Â&#x192;^W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XzU^X VYzÂ&#x192;- Ogun State, Senator Ibi- Chief John Oyegun, in the bo, Senate President, PDP other, we want contest- Nigeria especially in the chairman, APC chairman, ants to shake hands after case of Ebola. man, Prof. Chidi Anselm kunle Amosun, who has spirit of sportsmanship. He added that Mr. Odinkalu and Executive The meeting, accord- Kwankwaso, Atiku, Bu- the elections. vowed to make his secPresidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformaSecretary, Prof. Bem Aning to Muâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;azu, is to show hari are all former goverâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The body is meant to gwe, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Council notes that the ond term bid impossible, PDPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s commitment to de- nors, which means we are give advice, there is no tion agenda in the health growing insurgency in the came in company with mocracy and the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chosen.â&#x20AC;? former governor that has sector through the naNorth-East which has forced some other former govspirit of sportsmanship. He applauded the for- Z]X zZÂŞ`WZ\WX zZX Vz^X ^UYUW¨X tional governance strucover one million persons ernors from across the He, however, called on mer governors for re- We regard this forum as tures for accountabilinto internal displacement country. the opposition to join the maining focused and as- unity forum and later we ity and Universal Health in North East Nigeria and The team, under the coverage entailing comalso many more as refugees umbrella of Former Gov- party to follow suit in this sured that as a member, believe you will give us VWXÂ&#x20AC;z  XY6WZ[XUVWzÂ&#x192;XqWWU- good electioneering cam- pulsory insurance and into neighbouring countries ernors Forum, met with initiative. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will visit the APC ings after the PDP prima- paign, without acrimo- improving geographical including Chad, Cameroun PDP National Chairman, YZ[X Â&#x201E;ZYZ\zY X Y\\W^^X U]X and Niger. chairman soon, we must ries. ny,â&#x20AC;? Nwobodo solicited. Alhaji Adamu Muazu. health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Council is concerned that have spirit of sportsmanâ&#x20AC;&#x153;In this forum, we have TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
NHRC commends military on insurgency
2015: Osoba in surprise visit to PDP HQ
Daily Newswatch
South West
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Ekiti Assembly passed 70 laws in four years RAPHEAL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti
overnor Kayode Fayemi of Ekiti has asserted that the state House of Assembly has proven to be the most productive assembly in Nigeria
for passing over 70 laws in the last four years under his administration. Fayemi made this assertion at the valedictory session organised for him by the Assembly in Ado-Ekiti on Monday, commended the
lawmakers for the feat said, noting, â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no other state Assembly in the federation that came anywhere close to the number of bills passed by the Assembly in the last four years.â&#x20AC;? He described the achieve-
ment as due to the manifesto of the All Progressives Congress, which the Assembly upheld and recalled that the vision of his administration ]ZX Y^^`q¤Uz]ZX ]Â&#x2021;X ]/\WX Â&#x20AC;Y^X to eradicate poverty, while his mission was to return the
state to the path of glory. The governor added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to assure you that I remain irrevocably committed to democratic values our people have received in the last four years.â&#x20AC;? He promised that interest
of the Assembly will be paramount to him as the leader of the party in the state.â&#x20AC;? The Speaker, Dr. Adewale Omirin, said Fayemi had set a benchmark for governance that subsequent administrations will struggle to meet. Omirin described the governor as a patriotic son of Ekiti, who turned the fortunes of the state around, as Sources informed our cor- the 2015 elections. months, the party has refused aka No case and Adeyemi, the majority leader, ChurchÂ&#x192;W^¤]Z[WZUX UVYUX YX  ]6WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X VWX  Y^UX Â&#x2026;Y6 WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX to come to his aid or assist in with some mobile police of- ill Adedipe, said Fayemi was YÂ&#x201A;WZUÂ&#x201C;X ^zq¤ Â&#x2020;X z[WZUzÂ&#x201E;W[X Y^X claimed lives of their follow- his release. They were shout- Â&#x201E;\WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X U]X YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UX ^]qWX ]Â&#x2026;YX leaving a legacy of vision. A member of the Assembly, VWÂ&#x192;z@X  Y^zYX YZ[X YX Â&#x2020;WUX U]X ers, was said to have started ing, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;No Toba, no APC, no boys, because of the SaturBunmi Orilowo, said there z[WZUzÂ&#x201E;W[X ¤WÂ&#x192;^]ZÂ&#x201C;X  ]^UX UVWzÂ&#x192;X Saturday afternoon after electionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; they were breaking day disturbance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But what surprised eve- was no village, hamlet, town  z W^XzZXUVWX^\`ÂŹW¨ some hoodlums embarked Â&#x2026;]6 W^Â&#x201C;´X^Yz[XUVWX^]`Â&#x192;\W¨ VWÂ&#x192;z@Â&#x201C;X YX ÂÂŽÂŻÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;ÂŻ] [X qYÂ&#x192;- on a protest for the release of However on Sunday, it ryone was that one of them UVYUX[z[XZ]UXÂ&#x2026;WZWÂ&#x201E;UXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX YÂ&#x2020;ried man, who was father their leader, Joel Oloruntoba, was learnt that by 9am, three Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;YÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W[XUVWXÂ&#x192;zÂŞWX]Â&#x2021;X]ZWX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX emiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s developmental projects. ]Â&#x2021;X ]ZWÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X YX Â&#x192;WqzWÂ&#x192;X ]6]X aka Toba, who has been re- men of the Toheebâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gang, ]/\WÂ&#x192;^XYZ[X^UYÂ&#x192;UW[X^V]]UzZÂ&#x201A;¨X agent, was said to have been manded in Ikoyi prison. riding on a motorcycle, start- This made people angry and \Y`Â&#x201A;VUXzZXYZXW°\VYZÂ&#x201A;WX]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;WX According to a source, Toba ed a raid on residents along they countered with equal between the two factions. boys were angry about his the Railway Line, very close Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;W¤]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;¨X Vz^X [z^Â&#x192;`¤UW[X According to reports, the incarceration, while others ar- to Ereko Street, where Toba activities in the area. In fact, Mushin area of Lagos has rested with him have been re- and his boys reside and dis- church services were brought become notorious for vio- leased and they subsequently possessing people of their to abrupt end and people sustained gunshot wounds,â&#x20AC;? lence of cult clashes between embarked on destruction of all valuables. two gangs: Toba gang, loy- political posters and banners â&#x20AC;&#x153;They broke into some added another source. Lagos Police Public Rela- CHIOMA UMEHA alists of APC and Toheeb belonging to APC. shops and carted away boys, PDP supporters. Both â&#x20AC;&#x153;They went on rampage, goods. Later our boys went Uz]Z^X /\WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X X WZZWUVX o ensure mental groups, it was gathered, tearing the posters, because YÂ&#x2021;UWÂ&#x192;XUVWqXzZX\]`ZUWÂ&#x192;ÂŻY6Y\ ¨X Nwosu, lamented Alasiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wellbeing of the have continued to engage in they believe that Toba is an They later returned, led by death, saying the police tried citizen, Lagos State Â&#x2026;Y6 WX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ^`¤Â&#x192;WqY\Â&#x2020;X YVWY[X APC boy and for the past six three men, Aloma, Akeem, their best to stop any death. Government has reiterated its commitment to a mental health policy that seeks to combat stigma and discrimination against individuals or groups with mental health problems. In line with this, it called for emotional and practical support for people living with Schizophrenia, a long term disorder of the Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;YzZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX Y@W\U^X V]Â&#x20AC;X a person thinks, feels and acts. Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Dr. Jide Idris, who disclosed this yesterday at a press conference to commemorate this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Mental Health Day (WMHD), noted that the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mental health policy seeks to increase awareness and L-R: Deputy Managing Director, Daily Newswatch Newspaper, Mr. Makinde Bankole; out-going Staff/Audit Manager, Mr. Ajayi sensitisation of individu#$%&'() *+ 01(23 462'78(92 <3='2$ *$ *>)2) ?>@%Q2V( %&W X'8(&Z XWV(&()8$%8(92 *%&%Z2$ 4[>&7Z\7 XV%$%'1( %8 812 als, communities, vulner)2&8 3>$81 >3 *$ X]%Q( %8 812 '>V^%&Q_) ^$2V()2) (& `%Z>) Q2)82$W%Q q1>8> X[(>W7& <V>8>)1> able and special groups to mental health, combat stigma and discriminaPatrick Okohue sides of busy roads at night On another occasion, she very rampant in most parts tion against individuals YZ[X Y6Y\ X `Z^`^¤W\UzZÂ&#x201A;X q]said she was stopped in a of the state, especially where or groups with mental igerians have health problems. been alerted to torists, especially those driv- UÂ&#x192;Y/\X Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;z[ ]\ X YZ[X ^YÂ&#x20AC;X UVWX there are no street lights. The policy also promote Â&#x192;]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;^XY6Y\ zZÂ&#x201A;XUVWXÂ&#x20AC;]qYZX Fafunmi said he had such a new strategy ing in cars. their social inclusion as Raising this security alert in the car behind hers, who, experiences and had made rebeing employed well as teach early detec`Z[WÂ&#x192;XqY6WÂ&#x192;^X]Â&#x2021;X`Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;WZUX¤`Â&#x2026;following the threats, rolled ports at one point or the other by armed robtion and management of bers to rob motorists and car lic importance, she explained down the window glass of her to law enforcement agents, sub-normality, autism owners of their vehicles and her personal experience with car and handed them her bag. just as a lawmaker, Lanre and other childhood and such robbers on the OshodiShe recalled that the state Ogundimu, expressing a con¤WÂ&#x192;^]ZY XW@W\U^¨ adolescent mental health A member of the Lagos Apapa Expressway recently, government had done every- trary view, made case for the issues through mental State House of Assembly, saying on the occasion, the thing to sanitise Oshodi but police, noting that they were health promotion. Omowunmi Olatunji-Edet , robbers stopped her, banging that crimes were beginning poorly equipped, had low Idris stated that menwho raised the alarm, said in on the car and asking her to to take toll on people who morale to properly do their tal health contributes wind down the window glass have cause to pass through jobs and that their number is many instances, the robbers, the area and pleaded with the zZY[W_`YUWX U]X W@W\Uz W Â&#x2020;X ^W- directly to about 14 per have succeeded in carting of her car. Olatunji-Edet said she had House to intervene and save cure the lives and properties cent of the burden of away money and personal bediseases, stressing that longings of their victims and to summon the courage to residents of the state, as many of the people of the country. the contribution of menshout down the robbers, tellother people pass through Deputy Speaker, Taiwo since it is dark, most times, tal health to burden of the victims hardly recognise ing them she would deal with same experiences without as- Kolawole, who presided at diseases is underscored them in such a way they never sistance. UVWX^z6zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X^Yz[XUVWX ]`^WXVY[X them. Supporting her, Dayo Saka always called on the police to by many study reports, According to the lawmaker, experienced, adding, howevincluding the World Derepresenting Oshodi-Isolo er, that the robbers ran away Fafunmi, representing Ifako- act and bring peace to the state, velopment Report and Constituency 2, these robbers from the scene on hearing her Ijaiye Constituency 1 said adding that the complaint was Global Burden Disease such incidents had become another of such calls. now place themselves on both warning. Report.
Two dead as political hoodlums clash in Lagos ADELEKE ADESANYA
wo lives were lost Monday evening when a clash ensued between thugs loyal to the All Progressives Congress (APC) and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at Fadeyi end of Ikorodu Road, Lagos State.
Accord chieftain calls for LG polls in Oyo
SENATORIAL aspirant on the platform of Accord Party in Oyo State, Engineer Abiola Olaniyan has called on the state government to constitute state electoral commission in order to conduct the local government election in the state. Olaniyan made the call in Ibadan Tuesday while speaking with newsmen after collecting his form for expression of interest for the Senate at the Accord secretariat. The senatorial aspirant pointed out that it was unfair for the incumbent government to hide under a pending appeal case to deny the masses of grass-root democracy for many years, thereby crippling development at that level. He alleged that the appeal made by the governor against the ruling of the  ]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;X \]`Â&#x192;UX U]X ¤YÂ&#x2020;X ]@X ¤Y^UX OYSIEC chairmen and put up a new one for election, was deliberately not pursued in order to put APC men as interim council chairmen till next year. According to him, Accord Party has toured the 33 council areas and discovered the frustration of the masses who were clamoring for the party in the state in 2015. Olaniyan disclosed that over 200 other party supporters in Ibarapa have defected to Accord â&#x20AC;&#x153;because they believe in the leadership of Senator Rashidi Ladoja, who is a credible party chieftain.â&#x20AC;? He faulted the activities of some security operatives, who, he alleged, were harassing innocent people, adding that the allegation against a military personnel of Operation Burst, accused of rape was nauseating, as he promised Oyo people to make a [z@WÂ&#x192;WZ\WXÂ&#x20AC;VWZXVWXÂ&#x201A;WU^XU]XUVWX
Mental disorder: Lagos pledges increased commitment to end stigma
Lawmaker raises alarm over rising crime wave in Lagos
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Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
South South
Enugu launches erosion control project, urges more FG support  WZÂ&#x201A;W^¨ UVYUX X YZ[X `Z[WÂ&#x192;X ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X VzqWX YzÂ&#x192;YXUVz^XÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;XY^XÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x192;UVWÂ&#x192;X VWX ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W6W[X ]Â&#x192; [X YZ X Â&#x20AC;]` [X VW ¤X VY[XWqÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;Y\W[XUVWX¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UX contribution to the counterpart requirements overnor Sul- UVYUX UVWX qWZY\WX ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x201A;`  Â&#x2020;X ^UYUWX zZX UY\  zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX WÂ&#x192;]- ¤Â&#x192;]q¤U Â&#x2020;¨ ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;¨X Â&#x20AC;YZ Â&#x20AC;]X ^Yz[X and assured the people erosion has led to damsion menace as was done  z YZX VzqWX of Enugu age of infrastructural pro- zZX VzZYÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;YÂľz X YZ[X ^- that Enugu State has ful- of Enugu State that he Â&#x201E;  W[X UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX \]Z[zUz]Z^X would not disappoint State has ÂşW\UX^`\VXY^X^W WÂ&#x192;Y XÂ&#x192;]Y[^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x192;YW ¨ Earlier in his address Â&#x201A;z WZXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWX ]Â&#x192; [X YZ X UVWq¨ c o m m e n d - VzÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x192;W^WÂ&#x192; ]zÂ&#x192;^XYZ[X ZXVz^XÂ&#x192;WqYÂ&#x192; Â&#x201C;XUVWX ]Â&#x192; [X W[X Â&#x192;W^z[WZUX ]][ `\ X ¤z¤W zZWXZWUÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; ^XY^XÂ&#x20AC;W  X UVWX Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UX \]]Â&#x192;[zZYU]Â&#x192;X for the state to participate Ebele Jonathan and the Y^XZYU`Â&#x192;Y XY^^WU^X z WX¤Â&#x192;]- X Z`Â&#x201A;`Â&#x201C;X ZÂ&#x201A;z- Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X ¤YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;X X UVWX Â&#x192;W_`zÂ&#x192;W[X YZ X ]`ZUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X zÂ&#x192;W\U]Â&#x192;X ZWWÂ&#x192;X zqW]ZX Â&#x20AC;YZ Â&#x20AC;]X initial counterpart fund for Nigeria Africa Region ]Â&#x192; [X YZ X zZX UVWzÂ&#x192;X WÂ&#x2021;- ductive farm and forest Noting that Enugu State expressed delight that ]Â&#x2021;X ŽÂ&#x201C;ÂŽÂŽÂŽÂ&#x201C;ÂŽÂŽÂŽX¸^z°UÂ&#x2020;Xqz - YÂ&#x192;zWX Â&#x192;YZ\]z^WX YÂ&#x192;zWX forts towards the control W  Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;W¤Â&#x192;W^WZUW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;X of erosion menace in the has the greatest number as one of the South East-  z]ZX YzÂ&#x192;YšXzZXŸŽ½Â¨ He said that the Gov- q]^X Â&#x2026;`XUVYZ W[X ] of erosion sites in Nigeria ern states of Nigeria on ]`UVX Y^UXÂľ]ZW¨ The Governor made the while Anambra state has whose erosion challenges ernor also approved the WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X VzqWX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X qY zZÂ&#x201A;X brought about the birth of ^`qX ]Â&#x2021;X ¸ ŸŽŽÂ&#x201C;ÂŽÂŽÂŽÂ&#x201C;ŽŽŽšX UVWXUY WX]@X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UX commendation through the worst, he however Â&#x201C;X Z`Â&#x201A;`X ^UYUWX Two hundred million ¤]^^zÂ&#x2026; W¨ W°¤Â&#x192;W^^W[X \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX Vz^X[W¤`UÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X W ¨X Y¤VYW X Â&#x2021;WYZÂ&#x2020;z\V` Â&#x20AC;`X Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x2020;WXzZX an address during a state launch of the Nigeria Ero^z]ZXYZ[X YUWÂ&#x192;^VW[X YZYÂ&#x201A;WqWZUX Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UX ¸ šXYUX z\VYW X ¤Y YX _`YÂ&#x192;WXzZX Z`Â&#x201A;`¨ ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X VzqWX ^Yz[X UVYUX Y  X W@]Â&#x192;U^X qY[WX Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X the State and Local government area as well as con^UzU`WZ\zW^XU]X\]ZUÂ&#x192;] XÂ&#x201A;`  Â&#x2020;X erosion, before now, were YUXÂ&#x2026;W^UX¤YÂ&#x192;UzY  Â&#x2020;X]Â&#x192;XUWq¤]Â&#x192;YÂ&#x192;z Â&#x2020;XW@W\Uz WXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x192;WY^]Z^X that included improper road designs, inadequate [Â&#x192;YzZYÂ&#x201A;WX ^Â&#x2020;^UWq^X YZ[X poor solid waste manageqWZUXzZX Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;YZXYZ[X^WqzÂŻ Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;YZXYÂ&#x192;WY^¨ Others, he said, are destructive and unsustainable land use practices that remove protective vegetation cover, over grazing, deforestation, cultivation of marginal lands and uncontrolled mining L-R: Commander, 302 Artillery Regiment, Onitsha, Col. Anwal Jubril Fagge; Anambra State Governor, Chief Willie for building materials Obiano; Anambra State Commissioner of Police, Hosea Karma and other dignitaries during the presentation of 27 patrol vans to the members of Operation Kpochapu in Anambra by the governor â&#x20AC;Śon Monday. and climate change chalKENNETH OFOMA. Enugu
Eze Ndigbo Ghana Anambra commends Obiano OKANU EMELUMBA
^W\`Â&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;XzZXUVWX^UYUW¨ In a press release ze Ndi Igbo qY[WX Y Yz YÂ&#x2026; WX U]X Yz Â&#x2020;X G b u r u g b u r u WÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x20AC;YU\VÂ&#x201C;X ÂľWX X ] I, Ghana, Eze wugo said he and the Igbo W]@Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2020;X ] - in Ghana will continue to wugo, has ex- ¤Â&#x192;] z[WX ^] z[YÂ&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;X YZ[X pressed total satisfaction support for Obiano and with the Governor Willie his administration from Obiano administration UVWX zY^¤]Â&#x192;Y¨ in Anambra state, com ÂľWX ] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;V]Xz^X mending him for the also the Ichie Amabor II of massive infrastructural Â&#x20AC; `Âľ`Â&#x201C;X [W^\Â&#x192;zÂ&#x2026;W[X ] development going on ernor Obiano as an exYZ[XUVWXVzÂ&#x201A;V Â&#x2020;Xzq¤Â&#x192;] W[X Wq¤ YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X  WY[WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;V]X VY^X
laid massive footsteps in the sands of time within UVWX  WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X ^V]Â&#x192;UX ¤WÂ&#x192;z][X ]Â&#x2021;X Vz^X Y[qzZz^UÂ&#x192;YUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X ^YÂ&#x2020;ing that such leadership _`Y zUzW^X Â&#x20AC;]` [X Â&#x2026;WX [z/\` UXU]XÂ&#x192;W¤ z\YUW¨ ] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;]X YZ[X ]UVWÂ&#x192;X leaders of the various Igbo Socio-cultural organisations in Ghana de\ YÂ&#x192;W[XUVYUXUVWXVzÂ&#x201A;V Â&#x2020;Xzq¤Â&#x192;] W[X ^W\`Â&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;X ZWUÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; X and the massive infrastructural development
in the state has restored zZ W^U]Â&#x192;^ÂśX \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX and encouraged its citizen to return enmasse to UVWX^UYUW¨ He declared that ¡ ]^UWÂ&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;z  X Y Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^X remember Governor Obiano as the fastest achiever in Anambra State who restored the Anambra spirit in Anambra citizensâ&#x20AC;? He appealed to all Anambra citizens at home
and in the Diaspora to support the governor as VWX^UÂ&#x192;z W^XU]XUY WX ZYqbra State through new and uncharted heights of excellence ÂľWX ] Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201A;]X [W\ YÂ&#x192;W[X UVYUX  WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X ^]]ZX YX high powered delegation of Anambra State citizens living in Ghana Â&#x20AC;z  X¤YÂ&#x2020;XYX^] z[YÂ&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;X z^zUX to the governor to show their appreciation¨
Ebonyi: Elechi explains Chukwuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s choice by the people CLEMENT NWOJI, Abuja
Â&#x2026;]ZÂ&#x2020;zX UYUWX ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;Â&#x201C;X VzWÂ&#x2021;X YÂ&#x192;UzZX  W\VzX Â&#x2020;W^UWÂ&#x192;[YÂ&#x2020;X Y[ YZ\W[XÂ&#x192;WY^]Z^XÂ&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X the people of the ^UYUWXYÂ&#x192;WX[W^zÂ&#x192;]`^X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX zZz^UWÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;X WY UVÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;W^^]Â&#x192;X ZÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2026;`\VzX V` Â&#x20AC;`XU]X^`\\WW[XVzqX zZXŸŽ½ž¨ Among other reasons, Governor Elechi noted that though, Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;¨X V` Â&#x20AC;`XVY^XZ]UX¤] zUz\Y X YqÂ&#x2026;zUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX Â&#x2026;]ZÂ&#x2020;zX ¤W]¤ WX were of the view that, he is serious minded, focused, good and determined to do what is
Â&#x192;zÂ&#x201A;VU¨ VWX ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X^¤] WXU]X UYUWX
]`^WX ]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;W^¤]Z[WZU^X Â&#x20AC;Vz WX Â&#x201E;W [zZÂ&#x201A;X _`W^Uz]Z^X ^V]Â&#x192;U Â&#x2020;X YÂ&#x2021;ter a meeting with President ]][ `\ X ]ZYUVYZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX Y ^]X\]zZ\z[W[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWX zZz^terâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s visit to Presidential Villa, Â&#x2026;`ÂşY¨ According to him on the speculation that he intend U]X VYZ[X ] WÂ&#x192;X U]X UVWX zZz^UWÂ&#x192;X ]Â&#x2021;X WY UVÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;X ZÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2026;`\VzXX V` Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201C;XVWX^Yz[X¡ VYZ XÂ&#x2020;]`X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Â&#x2020;]`Â&#x192;X _`W^Uz]ZX YZ[X  WUX qWX ¤`UXUVWXÂ&#x2021;Y\U^X^UÂ&#x192;YzÂ&#x201A;VU¨X VWXV]Zourable minister of health has no ambition to become gover-
Z]Â&#x192;X]Â&#x192;XV] [XYZÂ&#x2020;X]UVWÂ&#x192;X¤] zUz\Y X ]/\W¨ ¡ `UÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;WXUVWX¤W]¤ WX]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x2026;]ZÂ&#x2020;X state have assessed him and said he is a good material to do UVYUX Âş]Â&#x2026;¨X ]Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX YÂ&#x192;WX Y¤¤WY zZÂ&#x201A;X to him, he is not canvassing, we want to conscript him to YZ^Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;X UVWX \Y  X ]Â&#x2021;X Vz^X ¤W]¤ W¨X VYUÂś^XUVWXUÂ&#x192;`WX¤]^zUz]Z¨X On what brought about UVWX \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX zZX VzqX ¸ Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;X V` Â&#x20AC;`šÂ&#x201C;X VzWÂ&#x2021;X YÂ&#x192;UzZX ^Yz[XX ¡ XVY WX Z]Â&#x20AC;ZXVzqXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XqYZÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^XY^XUVWX VzWÂ&#x2021;X W[z\Y X zrector in our Teaching HospiUY Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;Y\ XV]qW¨X WXz^XYX^WÂ&#x192;z]`^X qzZ[W[X¤WÂ&#x192;^]ZXYZ[XY^XUVWX zZ-
ister of Health, the nation is his Â&#x20AC;zUZW^^¨X WXz^XÂ&#x2021;]\`^W[XYZ[X[Wtermined to do things right and XUVzZ XÂ&#x20AC;WXZWW[X¤W]¤ WX z WXUVYUX Â&#x20AC;V]X[]XUVzZÂ&#x201A;^XÂ&#x192;zÂ&#x201A;VU¨´ `Â&#x192;UVWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X VzWÂ&#x2021;X  W\VzX W°¤ YzZW[X UVWX Â&#x2026;]ZÂ&#x2020;zX ¤W]¤ WÂś^X [W\z^z]ZXU]XVY WX Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;X V` Â&#x20AC;`X as their next Governor did not \]ZUÂ&#x192;Y WZWXYZÂ&#x2020;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX W]¤ W^X Wq]\Â&#x192;YUz\X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;XX¸ šXÂ&#x192;` W^X but noted that since the people had made their choice of VzqXYVWY[X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;Âś^X^UYUWX \]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^Â&#x201C;XzUXÂ&#x20AC;]` [XqY WXUVzZÂ&#x201A;^X WY^zWÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;¨ On whether this is against the position of the Peoples
Wq]\Â&#x192;YUz\X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X ¸X šX YUz]ZY X ]Â&#x192; zZÂ&#x201A;X ]qqz6WWX ¸X šÂ&#x201C;X UVYUX Z]X Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X ^V]` [XWZ[]Â&#x192;^WXYZÂ&#x2020;X\YZ[z[YUWÂ&#x201C;X he said â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, we have not en[]Â&#x192;^W[Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;WXYÂ&#x192;WX^YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;XUVYUXVWX ^V]` [X^V]Â&#x20AC;XzZUWÂ&#x192;W^U¨X UXz^X^Uz  X the state congress that will select who ever that the people Â&#x20AC;YZU^¨X UXz^XZ]UXYÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UXYZÂ&#x2020;X¤]^zUz]ZX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX ¨ On the issue that conscription has not favoured Nigeria, VWX W°¤ YzZW[X ^YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X ¡ ]Z^\Â&#x192;z¤Uz]ZXz^X]`UX]Â&#x2021;XzU¨X VWÂ&#x192;WXz^XZ]X conscription in our own case Â&#x20AC;VWZXÂ&#x2020;]`XY¤¤WY XU]X^]qWÂ&#x2026;][Â&#x2020;X U]X^V]Â&#x20AC;XzZUWÂ&#x192;W^U¨
Ngigeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scholarship, a greek gift â&#x20AC;&#x201C;APGA
he scholarship programme for some students in Anambra State Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X WZYU]Â&#x192;X VÂ&#x192;z^X Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x201C;XVY^X Â&#x2026;WWZX [W^\Â&#x192;zÂ&#x2026;W[X Y^X YX Â&#x192;WW X Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x2021;UXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;¨X UYZX W WÂ&#x201C;X ¤W\zY X ^^z^UYZUX¸ W[zYšXU]XUVWX YUz]ZY X VYzÂ&#x192;qYZX ]Â&#x2021;X   X Progressive Grand Alliance ¸ šÂ&#x201C;X VzWÂ&#x2021;X z WX qWV¨ Reacting to the Scholar^Vz¤X ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;YqqWX Â&#x192;W\WZU Â&#x2020;X YZZ]`Z\W[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X UVWX WZYU]Â&#x192;X Â&#x192;W¤Â&#x192;W^WZUzZÂ&#x201A;X ZYqÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;YX WZUÂ&#x192;Y XzZXUVWX WZYUWÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;¨X W WX Â&#x20AC;]Z[WÂ&#x192;W[X Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;WX Â&#x20AC;Y^X announcing such a programme for students, four months to the end of his ten`Â&#x192;WXY^XYX WZYU]Â&#x192;¨ ¡ Vz^Xz^XzZ[WW[XYX Â&#x192;WW XÂ&#x201A;zÂ&#x2021;UX and the people of Anambra UYUWX ^V]` [X  ]] X Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2020;]Z[X the esthetics of such a proÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;YqqWÂ&#x201C;X ¤YÂ&#x192;Uz\` YÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;VYUX it is intended to achieve,â&#x20AC;? W WX¤]zZUW[X]`U¨X He said that giving scholarships to these students at a time his tenure was comzZÂ&#x201A;XU]XYZXWZ[Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;Y^X\WÂ&#x192;UYzZ Â&#x2020;X YX ¤ ]Â&#x2020;X U]X V]][Â&#x20AC;zZ X ZYqbra State electorate, particu YÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;XUVWX¤W]¤ WX]Â&#x2021;X ZYqÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;YX WZUÂ&#x192;Y XÂ&#x20AC;V]^WX ]UW^XVWXÂ&#x20AC;z  X solicit in the 2015 Senatorial W W\Uz]ZXzZXUVWX^UYUW¨ ¡ Â&#x2021;X VWX Â&#x201A;WZ`zZW Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;YZU^X U]X give these students scholarship, he should write out cheques that will cover their Â&#x2021;WW^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Â&#x2021;]`Â&#x192;X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x2026;W\Y`^WX UVWÂ&#x192;WXz^XW WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X¤]^^zÂ&#x2026;z zUÂ&#x2020;XUVYUX when he loses his Senatorial seat after the election, he will abandon the scheme, UVWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X ÂşW]¤YÂ&#x192;[zÂľzZÂ&#x201A;X YZ[X mortgaging the education of these innocent studentsâ&#x20AC;?, UVWX ¨ X W[zYXU]X X YUz]ZY X VYzÂ&#x192;qYZX¤]zZUW[X]`UÂ&#x201C;X explaining that it was more disturbing that most of the students offered these bogus scholarships were in secondYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X^\V]] ^XzZX ZYqÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;YX UYUWX Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX^W\]Z[YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XYZ[X¤Â&#x192;zqYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XW[`\YUz]ZXYÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;WW¨ `Â&#x192;UVWÂ&#x192;q]Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;¨X W WX Â&#x20AC;]Z[WÂ&#x192;W[X Â&#x20AC;VYUX WZ¨X Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x201A;WX did with all the monies voted Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X \]Z^UzU`WZ\Â&#x2020;X X ¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\U^X zZX his Senatorial zone, recalling that during the Governorship Debate in Anambra UYUWÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;VWZX Y^ W[X Â&#x20AC;VYUX VWX had done with such huge ^`q^X]Â&#x2021;Xq]ZWÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;XVz^XÂ&#x192;W^¤]Z^WX was that he built toilets for the people of his constituWZ\Â&#x2020;¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to restate that should the distinguished Senator lose the 2015 Senatorial election in Anambra State, he wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the resources to sustain such a scholarship scheme and I believe that the people of Anambra State should have Â&#x2026;WWZX Â&#x20AC;z^WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Z]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;X ]¤WZX UVWzÂ&#x192;XWÂ&#x2020;W^XYZ[XY^ X_`W^Uz]Z^X about this bogus Scholarship ¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\U´Â&#x201C;X W WX\]Z\ `[W[¨
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
South South
JTF arrests six oil thieves, tugboats, destroys 31 illegal refineries UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa
ity (NPA). The troops also discovered an illegal oil bunkering hose connected to Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) with two Cotonou boats Â&#x201E;  W[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX^`^¤W\UW[X^U] WZX crude oil. The items were
destroyed in situ in line with the mandate of the Task Forceâ&#x20AC;?. He further disclosed that about thirteen illegal oil distillery camps were also brought to extinction around Gbarum Market in
Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State where oil thieves operate with plastic tanks Â&#x201E;  W[X Â&#x20AC;zUVX ^`^¤W\UW[X z  Wgally acquired crude oil. Anka noted that the sites and the equipments were
destroyed along with the trucks and products, while other items discovered includes 32 plastic tankers with capacity of 200 liters WY\VX Â&#x201E;Â Â W[X Â&#x20AC;zUVX ^`Â&#x2026;^UYZ\WX suspected to be stolen crude oil siphoned from an
he special squad of the anti illegal oil bunkering of the Joint Task Force Operation PULO SHIELD has intercepted and arrested an illegal bunkering tugboat Christened MV Tobester loaded with suspected il WÂ&#x201A;Y  Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;ZW[X `U]qYUW[X Gas Oil (AGO) along Tonmogbene area in Warri South West LGA of Delta State. In a statement issued yesterday in Yenagoa by the Coordinator, Joint Media Campaign Centre, Lt. Col. Mustapha Anka said the captain of the boat, Mr Akinfemiwa Bojo and the Engineer Mr Solomon Ogunlona on board the vessel were also arrested and handed over to Sector 2 JTF for preliminary investigation before being handed over to the prosecuting agency. According to him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;while Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha (left), receiving a communiquĂŠ from the Leader of the Joint National Assothe vessel is anchored at '(%8(>& >3 q2$)>&) \(81 +()%[(@(8Q ?<Â&#x2026;Xq+ *$ 01$()8(%& XV%2'1( W7$(&Z % '>7$82)Q 9()(8 [Q ?<Â&#x2026;Xq+ >3='(%@) 8> the Nigeria Port AuthorGovernment House in Owerri, Imo Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday.
How Alameiseighaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son was killed in Dubai â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Family UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa acts have emerged on how the son of former Governor of Bayelsa state, Mr. Oyamuyefa Alamieyeseigha was murdered in Dubai, the United Arab Emirate (UAE) last week end.
Alameiseigha, the IYC calls for probe Diepreye 32 years old Oyamuyefa This is as the umbrella body of the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) has called for a full investigation into the death of the young Alamieyeseigha, saying his death is a great loss to the Ijaw people. According to the family of the Former Governor Chief
Alamieyeseigha was not killed in the house owned by the former Governor as was reported in some quarters. While some report claimed the late Oyamuyefa, was killed in the house belonging to his father in the Arab country, the family claimed
that Oyamiefa was murdered by unknown gunmen who stormed his apartment on Sunday night. In a statement issued yesterday and signed by the former Bayelsa Commissioner of Sports Prince Opukiri Jones-Ere he said that Mr Oyamuyefa Alamieyeseigha ( 32years) Was found dead out-
side his apartment in Dubai in the early hours of Saturday 11th October 2014. Opukiri Jones-Ere also \]ZÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qW[XYX[WÂ WÂ&#x201A;YUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X\]qprising members of his family and associates had left for Dubai, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The family wishes to thank the govt. and Nigerians for their outpouring of sympathy.â&#x20AC;?
Buhari asks Rivers to support progressive change in Nigeria NATH OMAME, Port Harcourt ormer Head-ofHead, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, has enjoined the people of Rivers State to support him in his quest to contest the February 14, 2015 presidential election in furtherance of his drive to secure Nigeria and its people as well as guarantee the future of the coming
â&#x20AC;ŚYouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a Nationalist, detribalised Nigerian, says Amaechi generations. Buhari spoke at Government House, Port Harcourt, yesterday, when he came to formally invite Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi and his supporters to join him at his formal declaration to contest the 2015 presidential election. Responding to Buhariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s speech, Amaechi hailed the
inherent qualities of former Head-of-State, Gen. Mohammadu Buhari, who is expected to formally declare his presidential ambition on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC, at Eagle Square, Abuja, today. Amaechi commended Buhari for his sterling qualities in a country where politics is often blurred by tribal senti-
ments, saying â&#x20AC;&#x153;those who describe you as a religious bigot do not know you. Frankly, I used to think that way when I was in the Peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Democratic Party, PDP, but all that changed when I joined the APC and had the opportunity to relate with you very closely as a politician that is truly detribalized in the true sense of the
Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t dare us, Bakassi Monarch warns politicians JOSEPH KINGSTON, Calabar
he Paramount Ruler of Bakassi and Chairman, Cross River State Council of Chiefs, HRM Etinyin Etim Okon Edet, has warned politicians to ensure that opinion of traditional rulers are sought if Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s democracy is to achieve its expectations. The Monarch spoke with Newswatch in Calabar yesterday. He said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;although we are not partisan politicians, we nevertheless have roles to
play on who emerges political leaders in our domain. For the fact that we are not partisan does not mean we are not politically relevant. We control people and can decide where the pendulum swings. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When you, without our inputs, take your political decision on who leads us, we could come out in the evening and ring our bells and direct our subject on who they should vote for. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Politicians who ignore us and underrate our capabilities do so at their own perils. As 2015 draws near, we have ^zÂ&#x201A;ZzÂ&#x201E;\YZUXÂ&#x192;] W^XU]X¤ YÂ&#x2020;¨´
On the fate of displaced Bakassi people, Etinyin Edet said he was aware funds were provided for in the 2014 Â&#x2026;`[Â&#x201A;WUXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x192;W^W6Â WqWZUX]Â&#x2021;X the displaced people, adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;we know nothing tangible has been recorded yet, but we are still watching and praying.â&#x20AC;? To him, â&#x20AC;&#x153;President Goodluck Jonathan is doing well particularly with his governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to handle the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease YZ[X UY\ Â zZÂ&#x201A;X W/\zWZUÂ Â&#x2020;X UVWX Boko Haram insurgency.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I know Jonathan is very sincere as regards this Boko
Haram war, but we Nigerians must encourage him too. What every leader needs is encouragement to perform. You can see that the tide is gradually turning against the insurgents. Those who called Jonathan clueless are beginning to hide their faces in shame. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jonathan is not an ethnic man. He sees himself as the President of the whole of Nigeria. He is not power drunk but is intelligent and methodical. I think if he is given enough time, many problems of the country would be history.â&#x20AC;?
wordâ&#x20AC;?. The governor explained: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember the question you asked me while we were discussing the problems of Nigeria and the erroneous impression some people have about you as a religious bigot. And you asked me: how can you and Obasanjo had been tribalistic at the time both of you served in the Nigerian army? Having related closely with you politically, I can ^YÂ&#x2020;X\]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZUÂ Â&#x2020;XUVYUXÂ&#x2020;]`XYÂ&#x192;WX a nationalist and detribalized Nigerianâ&#x20AC;?. Governor Amaechi then pointed out: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The problem that you have in politics which I have come to observe, is that those who managed your image in the past did not manage it properly. They allowed the erroneous label of you being a religious bigot to stick. Let me take myself for example, if you accuse me once, I accuse you 20 times and then go to the media to tell them my own side of the storyâ&#x20AC;?.
oil well head. He also disclosed that JTF troops patrolling along Igbemotoru area extincted ½à Xz  WÂ&#x201A;Y X\Â&#x192;`[WX]z XÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201E;ZWÂ&#x192;ies at sector 2 axis where oil thieves operate with 7 ]U]Z]`X Â&#x2026;]YU^X Â&#x201E;  W[X Â&#x20AC;zUVX stolen AGO and 13 illegal storing facilities, adding that the camps and the products were destroyed in site, while seven suspects were also arrested along Nonwa Tai road operating a truck containing 160 drums of stolen oil.
2015: Pressure mounts on Akwa Ibom SSG to run... may resign on Friday
arely a week to the expiration of the date given to political ap¤]zZUWW^X YZ[X ¤`Â&#x2026; z\X ]/\WÂ&#x192;^X who are interested in runZzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ]ZWX ]/\WX ]Â&#x192;X UVWX other in 2015, by the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), pressure is currently being mounted on the Akwa Ibom State Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Mr Udom Emmanuel to seek to succeed Governor Godswill Akpabio from May 29,2015. As at today, over 150, political groups and associations with spread across the three senatorial districts, have continued to mount pressure on the former Zenith Bank Executive Director to contest the governorship election in 2015. Already, sources close to the \Yq¤X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX X\]ZÂ&#x201E;[W[XzZX this reporter that, the SSG may hearken to the call and resign to take up the challenge on Friday. Notable among the groups who have thrown their weight behind the yet to be declared ambition include, Itai Afe Annang, Ati AnZYZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VX Â&#x20AC;YY[X z[XYZ[X youth groups. The people of Ekid nation have concluded plans to host a political rally to drum support for the 2015 governorship aspiration of former Zenith Bank Executive Director, Mr Udom Emmanuel. In a release signed by the Chairman of the Central  YZZzZÂ&#x201A;X ]qqz6WWX YZ[X Executive Chairman of Eket Local Government Council, Hon Aniekan Akpan, at the Eket Township Stadium had zZXY6WZ[YZ\WXUVWXUÂ&#x192;Y[zUz]ZY X institution, present and past ¤] zUz\Y X ]/\WX V] [WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X UVWX political class, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), the organized labour, women groups, youth organizations, political associations and indeed the generality of the people of Akwa Ibom State.
Daily Newswatch
World Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Nina Pham identified as Dallas nurse diagnosed with Ebola
he Texas nurse who contracted Ebola while caring for the ^UX ¤W ^]ZX to die of the virus in the United States has been z[WZUz W[X Y^X ¼»¯ WY ¯] [X Nina Pham.
WY UVX ]/\zY ^X VY WX not released the nurse’s name, but Yahoo News z[WZUz W[X VYqX UV ]` VX public records and a state nursing database. Then on Monday, VYq¶^X Yqz X\]Z qW[X her identity to Dal Y^X X W ^X Y/ zYUWX WFAA. Pham, a critical care nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, is one of at least 50 to 70 people who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan before he died last Wednesday. Pham has been in isolation since late Friday. The X\]Z qW[XVW X ]la diagnosis on Sunday. It z^XUVWX ^UXUzqWXUVWX[WY[ X virus has been transmitted in the United States. The Dallas resident graduated from Texas Christian University’s accelerated nursing pro YqqWX zZX ¼®½® X UVWX school said in a statement. State records show Pham received her nurszZ X z\WZ\WXzZX `ZWX¼®½®¨ The CDC director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, said Pham is in stable condition at Texas Health Presbyterian. “Our team lead in Texas has spoken with her on multiple occasions,” Frieden said. “She’s been extremely helpful.” ZX`Zz[WZUz W[X¤W ^]ZX Pham had close contact with last week is also being monitored, but Frieden said that individual has shown no symptoms of Ebola. Investigators have not determined how Pham ^¤W\z \Y X \]ZU Y\UW[X the disease from Duncan, who died on his 10th day of intensive care at the hospital. “If this one individual was infected and we don’t know how within the isolation unit, then it is possible that other individuals could have been infected as well,” Frieden said during a press conference. “We consider them to be at risk, and we’re doing an in-depth review and in-
+%@@%) &7$)2 (&% q1%V
vestigation.” A day earlier, Frieden characterised the transmission from Duncan to Pham as a possible breach in safety protocols. On Monday he apologised for those remarks. “Some interpreted that Y^X Z[zZ X Y` UX zUVX UVWX hospital or the health care worker, and I’m sorry if that was the impres-
sion given. That was certainly not my intention,” Frieden said. “What we need to do, is all take responsibility for improving the safety of those on the front lines. I feel awful that a health care worker became infected in the care of an Ebola patient. She was there trying to VW ¤XUVWX ^UX¤YUzWZUX^` vive.”
Tom Ha, a longtime friend of Pham’s family, told the Dallas Morning News that it is in the nurse’s genes to go out of her way to assist others. “I expect, with the big heart that she has, she went beyond what she was supposed to do to help anyone in need,” Ha told the newspaper. Pham, a Fort Worth native, graduated from Nolan Catholic High School YZ[X ^Uz X Y6WZ[^X ` X Lady of Fatima Catholic Church with her family. Parishioners there held a prayer service for the nurse on Sunday. In light of what happened to Pham, Frieden said the CDC will be “doubling down on the amount of education, training, outreach and support we provide not just to this hospital but to other hospitals and ]UVW X VWY UVX \Y WX ^W6zZ ^X that are concerned appropriately about the possibility of detecting Ebola and safely caring for it.” In addition to retraining in infection control, other immediate changes at Texas Health Presbyterian include a buddy system so Ebola caregivers spot one another while dressing and undressing in protective gear. The type and amount of protective gear is being reviewed to see if the removal might be too cumbersome and prone to
mistakes. The number of health care workers treating an Ebola patient will be reduced as will the number of repetitive procedures, both of which might help reduce the risk of worker exposure. UY@X z X Y ^]X WY X W^piratory protection in an Ebola patient’s room
when carrying out procedures that increase exposu WXU]X ][z Xª`z[^¨ “Care for a patient with Ebola requires meUz\` ]`^X Y6WZUz]ZX U]X [Wtail, and we’re looking at every aspect to see how we can make it safer and easier,” Frieden said.
Guerrilla groups hunt down Islamic State in Syria
mall groups of Syrians are hunting down Islamic State VUW ^XzZX]ZWX] X their main strongholds in eastern Syria in a new guerrilla campaign that has emerged as a response to the Islamists’ growing brutality. The main aim is to generate fear in Islamic State’s ranks, said the head of “White Shroud” - a group that says it has killed more than ½®®X ^ Yqz\X UYUWX VUW ^X zZX Y6Y\ ^X zZX Wz X Y ¯ Zor province in recent months. VWX ZYqWX WªW\U^X UVYUX aim: White Shroud is a reference to the death shroud it says awaits ^ Yqz\X UYUWX VUW ^X responsible for crimes against the Syrian people, said the group’s leader, Abu Aboud, in an interview via Skype.
As the United States advances plans to train and equip the moderate opposition to President Bashar al-Assad as part of its strategy to tackle Islamic State, the appearance of such groups shows how it has generated new enemies on the ground. Abu Aboud, who declined to give his real name for security reasons, was a commander in an anti-Assad insurgent group crushed by UVWX W6W X Y qW[X YZ[X nanced Islamic State as it seized almost full control of Deir al-Zor earlier this year. The small band he now leads is in no position to deal a major blow to Islamic State. But it does pose an extra challenge as the United States and its allies target the group in air strikes in both Syria and Iraq.
North Korea leader Kim re-appears, with walking stick
orth Korean leader Kim Jong Un, shown using a cane for support, re-appeared in state media yesterday after a lengthy public absence that had fueled speculation over his health and grip on power in the secretive, nuclear-capable country. Several pictures on the front page of the Rodong Sinmun newspaper showed Kim smiling and gesturing on a visit to a housing development, although there was no indication which day the event took place. He was surrounded by aides and wearing his signature [Y X `6]ZW[X ^`zU X YZ[X
appeared to be supporting himself with a black walking stick. VW WXVY WX WWZXZ]X]/cial reports on the 31-yearold Kim appearing in ¤` z\X ^zZ\WX VWX Y6WZ[W[X a concert with his wife on September 3. He missed an important political anniversary on Friday as well as a recent session of the country’s parliament. X ^U] X zZX UVWX ]/\zY X KCNA news agency on two public appearances by Kim was dated Tuesday but also did not specify on which day he made the visits. It also did not mention Kim’s health or lengthy absence from public view. Reuters could not independently verify the re-
ports. The KCNA report, which was typical of its chronicling of Kim’s activities, ^Yz[X VWX · Y WX W [X `z[ance” to the new Wisong Scientists Residential District and visited the newly built Natural Energy Institute of the State Academy of Sciences. “Our scientists are patriots who are devoting all their lives to building a rich and powerful nation,” Kim was quoted as saying. The reports of Kim’s activities may be aimed at dispelling rumours outside the country and to ease any concern inside the North and its military following an exchange ] X `Z WX ]ZX z[Y X W-
tween North and South Korea, an analyst said. “He’s the military leader, and there was military action a few days ago,” said An Chan-il, who served in the North’s Y q XY^XYXº`Zz] X]/\W X Wfore defecting to the South
in 1979, and now heads a private think tank on North Korea in Seoul. “There was likely concern inside the North’s military as well as among the public,” which would be eased by Kim’s reappearance, he said.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un holds up his ballot W7$(&Z 812 =381 )2))(>& >3 812 81 7^$2V2 q2>^@2_) X))2V[@Q >3 >$81 >$2%
Daily Newswatch
African Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Prosecutor: Pistorius being portrayed as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;victimâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
^\YÂ&#x192;X z^U]rius was being portrayed as a â&#x20AC;&#x153;poor victimâ&#x20AC;? ahead of his sentencing for killing girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, the chief prosecutor said yesterday. Â&#x192;]^W\`U]Â&#x192;X WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;zWX W X Â&#x20AC;Y^X\Â&#x192;]^^ÂŻW°YqzZzZÂ&#x201A;X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^ÂśX YÂ&#x201A;WZUÂ&#x201C;X WWUX  YZX Zyl, on the second day of a sentencing hearing in South Africa for the double-amputee Olympic runner who was found guilty last month of culpable homicide by Judge Thokozile Masipa. The judge has wide latitude when deciding on YX ^WZUWZ\W¨X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^Â&#x201C;X ÂźĂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X \]` [X Â&#x192;W\Wz WX YX Â&#x201E;ZWX YZ[X a suspended jail sentence or as many as 15 years in prison. Another defence witness, social worker AnZW6WX WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x192;W\]qmended against prison UzqWX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^Â&#x201C;X ^YÂ&#x2020;ing South African jails are violent and overcrowded and that the athlete would be under particular duress because of his disability and fragile mental state following Steenkampâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s killing. Additionally, WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WWÂ&#x192;X ^Yz[Â&#x201C;X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^X has the potential to be a productive member of society again and a sentence of house arrest that includes periods of work at a school for disabled children would be more appropriate. Â&#x192;z^]ZX ¡Â&#x20AC;z  X Z]UX Y^^z^UX him but will break him as a person,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The exposure of the accused on his stumps to inmates Â&#x20AC;z  X VY WX YX ^W WÂ&#x192;WX W@W\UX on him.â&#x20AC;? Agent van Zyl was \Y  W[X U]X UW^UzÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X z^toriusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; defense lawyers, who are arguing that Masipa should be lenient on the multiple YÂ&#x192;Y Â&#x2020;q¤z\X \VYq¤z]ZÂ&#x201C;X who they say has suffered emotionally and financially after the ^V]]UzZÂ&#x201A;¨X YZX Â&#x2020; X UW^Uzfied Monday regarding Â&#x20AC;VYUX VWX \Y  W[X z^U]riusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; extensive charity work before the FebruWÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X½Ă&#x192;Â&#x201C;XŸŽ½ÂX^V]]UzZÂ&#x201A;XU]X death of Steenkamp and ^Yz[X UVYUX z^U]Â&#x192;z`^X VY[X now lost all his product endorsements because of the killing. Cross-examining van
Â&#x2020; Â&#x201C;X W X ^Yz[X ¡ ]`X  zWÂ&#x20AC;X Â&#x192;¨X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^X Y^X YX ¤]]Â&#x192;X victim of this case.â&#x20AC;? YZX Â&#x2020; X[WZzW[XUVYU¨ W X Y ^]X _`W^Uz]ZW[X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^ÂśX q]Uz W^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Â&#x201A;W6zZÂ&#x201A;XzZ ]  W[XzZX\VYÂ&#x192;ity work, saying it was a smart career move for
athletes to lend their names to good causes and that he was obligated to participate in such activities for their sponsors. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They market themselves by being involved zZX \VYÂ&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;´X W X ^Yz[¨X
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s merely an advancement of your career to become involved.â&#x20AC;? YZX Â&#x2020;Â X^Yz[XzUX\]`Â [XÂ&#x2026;WX perceived that way, but added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that a lot of sportsmen really want to make a difference and to contribute.â&#x20AC;?
W X \VY  WZÂ&#x201A;W[X  YZX Zyl after he said â&#x20AC;&#x153;maybe there would still have been some opportuniUzW^´X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX it not for alleged inaccuracies in media reporting ]ZXUVWX\Y^W¨X YZX Â&#x2020; X^Yz[X
No murder trial for S. African mother over child killings
A Oscar Pistorius enters court yesterday to face day two of sentencing processes for the shooting to death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp
South African woman who admitUW[X ^`@]\YUing her three disabled children at their home in London will not face trial for their murder, British prosecutors said on Monday. YZzYX  YÂ&#x192;WZ\WÂ&#x201C;X Ă&#x192;ÂźÂ&#x201C;X pleaded guilty to the manslaughter by diminished responsibility of her threeyear-old twins Ben and Max and four-year-old daughter Olivia in April.
She denied murder and was due to go on trial early next year, but state prosecutor Zoe Johnson told a hearing at the Old Bailey court in London that this charge had been dropped. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is clear on the evidence Mrs Clarence killed her three children because she wanted to end their ^`@WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X YZ[X YUX UVWX UzqWX ^VWX \]qqz6W[X UVWX Y\UX ^VWX could not see any alternative or any other way out ]Â&#x2021;XUVWzÂ&#x192;XÂş]zZUX^`@WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;´X^VWX said. Johnson told the court UVYUX  YÂ&#x192;WZ\WXVY[X^`@WÂ&#x192;W[X from a â&#x20AC;&#x153;major depressive episodeâ&#x20AC;? which amounted to an â&#x20AC;&#x153;abnormality of mindâ&#x20AC;?. She tried to commit suitoo,â&#x20AC;? said the nurse, who cide after killing the childid not wish to be named. dren. zZWUÂ&#x2020;ÂŻÂ&#x201E; WX zÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;zYZX Clarence, who was not in health workers have died court, will be sentenced on so far in the epidemic, and ] WqÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X ½Ă&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;VWZX ^VWX z^X their surviving colleagues expected to be remanded want pay commensurate in a secure hospital. to the acute risk of dealShe was detained after ing with Ebola, which her childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bodies were spreads through contact found at the family home Â&#x20AC;zUVXÂ&#x2026;][z Â&#x2020;XÂŞ`z[^XYZ[XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X in the wealthy suburb of which there is no vaccine WÂ&#x20AC;X Y [WZÂ&#x201C;X ^]`UVÂ&#x20AC;W^UX or widely available treat- ]Z[]ZÂ&#x201C;X]ZX ¤Â&#x192;z XŸŸ¨ ment.   X UVÂ&#x192;WWX ^`@WÂ&#x192;W[X Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX Danger money aside, UÂ&#x2020;¤WX ÂźX ^¤zZY X q`^\` YÂ&#x192;X YUTamba said many workers rophy, a genetic condition were not even being paid Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX WY W^X^`@WÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX their regular wage to com-  z6 WX\]ZUÂ&#x192;] X]Â&#x2021;XUVWzÂ&#x192;Xq] Wbat an epidemic that has ments and can drastically z  W[X q]Â&#x192;WX UVYZX ÂźÂ&#x201C;ÂÂŽÂŽX zZX shorten their life expecLiberia and overwhelmed tancy. its skeletal health service.
Liberia medics on strike as WHO calls Ebola â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;worst health crisisâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
octors and nurses across Liberia went on strike on Monday to demand danger money to care for Ebola patients, as the World Health Organisation called the health crisis the worst in modern times. Health care workers in West Africa are on the frontline of the worst-ever Ebola outbreak, which has killed more than 4,000 people this year, mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and the hardest-hit, Liberia. The Liberian walkout \YqWX Y^X ¨ ¨X ]/\zY ^X ^Yz[X the United States must â&#x20AC;&#x153;rethinkâ&#x20AC;? its approach to Ebola after a female nurse in Texas contracted the tropi\Y X zÂ&#x192;`^Â&#x201C;XzZXUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX\Y^WX]Â&#x2021;X contamination on U.S. soil and the second outside Africa. As the U.S. case fuelled Â&#x201A; ]Â&#x2026;Y X Âşz6WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x192;W^z[WZUX Barack Obama and his French counterpart Francois Hollande issued a joint call for â&#x20AC;&#x153;stepped-upâ&#x20AC;? Â&#x201A; ]Â&#x2026;Y XW@]Â&#x192;U^XU]X\]qÂ&#x2026;YUXUVWX disease. And European Union ministers called a meeting for Thursday to discuss
screening travellers from Ebola-hit West Africa, in line with steps taken by Britain, the United States and Canada. In the face of panic that was â&#x20AC;&#x153;spreading faster than the virusâ&#x20AC;?, the WHO issued a stark warning that the Ebola crisis was â&#x20AC;&#x153;the most severe acute public health emergency in modern timesâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have never seen a health event threaten the very survival of societies and governments in already very poor countries,â&#x20AC;? said WHO chief Margaret Chan in a statement delivered on her behalf at a Manila conference. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have never seen an infectious disease contribute so strongly to potential state failure.â&#x20AC;? In Liberia, the chairman ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX YUz]ZY X WY UVX Workersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Union, Joseph Tamba, said his strike call had been heeded. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Health workers across the country have downed tools as we asked them to []Â&#x201C;´X YqÂ&#x2026;YXU] [X ¨ In the capital Monrovia, YX ¤YUzWZUX _`]UW[X ]ZX  ]\Y X radio described scenes of desolation with the sick [W^WÂ&#x192;UW[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X^UY@¨
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are at the Ebola Treatment Unit and no one is taking care of us,â&#x20AC;? the unnamed man said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last night several patients died. Those who can walk are trying to escape by climbing over the fence.â&#x20AC;? Journalists have been banned from Liberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ebola clinics, making the ^zU`YUz]ZX UVWÂ&#x192;WX [z/\`Â UX U]X ascertain. But a nurse at the capitalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JFK Medical CenUÂ&#x192;WX ^Yz[X ^UY@X VY[X ^V]Â&#x20AC;ZX up for work there even though they supported the strike action. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are here to help the patients. They could be our parents
that, since the killing, he had received some inviUYUz]Z^X Y^ zZÂ&#x201A;X z^U]Â&#x192;z`^X to address audiences and share his life story. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The legacy that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left behind is still relevant today,â&#x20AC;? he said.
The entrance to the Ebola Island Clinic in Monrovia
Daily Newswatch
EDITORIAL Wednesday, October 15, 2014
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! " # $ % $ ! editorial@mydailynewswatchng.com and addressed to the Editor, Daily Newswatch, 159/161, Broad Street, Lagos Tel: 0709 850 4488, 0709 882 1624
Elections without voters: Task for parties, INEC
rowing apathy of voters during elections is a sure alarming signal that the \zUzÂľWZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Xz^X ]^zZÂ&#x201A;X\]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX in the democratic process. The refusal of registered voters to turn out and cast their votes cannot in anyway help sustain democracy as a peaceful method of changing  WY[WÂ&#x192;^Vz¤XYUX[z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX W W ^¨XX In the 2011 governorship election in Anambra only 28.8 percent of registered voters turned out to vote or 29 voters out of 100; and subsequent turn out recently was about 30 percent. The recent governorship election in Ekiti state only recorded marginal improvement over Anambra as about 50 percent of voters turned out, a feat reportedly achieved by the personal mobilisation of Ayo Fasoye, who won in a landslide. There is therefore urgent need for all stakeholders in the democracy project to remedy the lacunas responsible for citizens losing interest in participatory and representative democratic process. The Chairman, Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Professor 6YVzÂ&#x192;`X WÂ&#x201A;YXÂ&#x192;W\WZU Â&#x2020;X expressed lamentation that few voters were turning out Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XW W\Uz]Z^Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W6zZÂ&#x201A;XzUXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XYX negative development. The major culprits of votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; apathy are the INEC that is empowered by the Electoral Act to conduct civic education and promote knowledge of sound democratic practices and the political parties that jostle for votes of the electorate. The failure of INEC to conduct regular and continuous updates of voters; register has excluded disenfranchised several eligible voters while names of the dead and relocated persons pad the votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; register. The inconsistency of the electoral
umpire on what mode of election to adopt causes a lot of confusion and apathy. In fact, many ready and willing citizens get frustrated in identifying where to register for elections. This was major snag in the 2011 elections in which many potential votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; were disenfranchised through INEC incompetence. Often times, electoral materials get to polling booths very late thereby frustrating potential voters who might have waited in vain in the rain or sun. In the 2011 governorship election in Anambra State, only 28.8 of the 1.4 million registered voters turned out to vote, according to the then INEC Resident Electoral Commissioner in Anambra State, Prof. C. E. Onukaogu, who spoke at a Civil Society/ INEC dialogue organised by the Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre in Abuja. The subsequent governorship election in November 2013 [z[XZ]UXÂ&#x2021;YÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;XY^XYÂ&#x2026;]`UXÂÂŽX per cent of registered voters showed interest in voting. But is the political fervor and enthusiasm waning alarmingly to the extent of threatening the foundations of participatory popular democracy? INECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  WUVYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;z\XY6zU`[WXU]X¤WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qX creditably by overcoming its legendary logistics hurdles over the years, particularly Â&#x201A;W6zZÂ&#x201A;XW W\U]Â&#x192;Y XqYUWÂ&#x192;zY ^XU]X polling venues on time; and poor enlightenment campaigns to drum up awareness on the rules and regulations guiding polls and inability to update voters register to capture new eligible candidates of voting age. VWX[]ÂŻ]Â&#x192;ÂŻ[zWXY6zU`[WX]Â&#x2021;X politicians to win elections via all crooked means imaginable and the grand failure of zZ\`qÂ&#x2026;WZUX]/\WXV] [WÂ&#x192;^XU]X allow democracy dividends trickle to the electorate as promised hitherto contributes largely to voter apathy.
Many voters see elections as routine rituals to empower a few people to feather own nests only when they assume ¤]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;¨XX VWÂ&#x192;WXz^X z6 WXU]X^V]Â&#x20AC;X in quality of life of citizens after 15 years of sustained, uninterrupted democracy. Electricity supply is still at the level of anticipatory promises and plans in the legendary pipelines, massive corruption and public sector looting at all tiers of government has combined to deny the people vital provisions for socioeconomic welfare and job opportunities. The insecurity that pervades periods of elections also discourages quality voter turnout, thereby leaving the political space to largely UV`Â&#x201A;^Â&#x201C;XYÂ&#x192;WYXÂ&#x2026;]Â&#x2020;^¨XX WÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W6YÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X even security agencies that should protect lives, limbs and property are often biased. However, it is instructive
UVYUX Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;X WÂ&#x201A;YX^YÂ&#x2020;^X XVY^X set up a National Inter-Agency [Â z^]Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;X ]qqz6WWX]ZX ]UWÂ&#x192;X Education and Publicity as part of 2012-2016 strategic plans to promote national awareness and education which help to reduce propensity for electoral violence. The \]qqz6WWXz^X\VYzÂ&#x192;W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XYZX INEC national commissioner, Dr. Chris Iyimoga, and is made up of representatives of National Orientation Agency; Federal Ministry of Information; Federal Ministry ]Â&#x2021;X ]qWZX @YzÂ&#x192;^XYZ[X Social Development; Federal Ministry of Communication; Federal Ministry of Education and National Broadcasting Commission. Others are Nigerian Communication Commission; Nigerian Television Authority, Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria, News Agency of Nigeria, Nigerian Guild of Editors;
Nigeria Labour Congress; zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX Zz]ZX ]`Â&#x192;ZYÂ z^U^Â&#x201C;XYZ[X Federal Ministry of Youths Development. Indeed, a comprehensive approach is required to reverse voter apathy and this is not INECâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job alone. Political parties must be in the forefront of mobilising and educating and enlightening their members. INEC must put its house in order and conduct civic votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; education. We believe strongly that political parties, INEC and other democracy stakeholders can do more to reverse this negative trend of citizens not ^V]Â&#x20AC;zZÂ&#x201A;X^`/\zWZUXzZUWÂ&#x192;W^UXzZX voting, which defeats purpose of participatory popular democracy for citizens to have a sense of belonging in actively participating in choosing the leading people or parties.
Daily Newswatch
View Point Rites for turncoat Labour Party Wednesday, October 15, 2014
t had to be that the Labour Party would be stretchered into the Banquet Hall of Aso Rock in a body bag, even in a state of coma. It had to be that at the head of that team would be a Medical Doctor to superintend ] WÂ&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x201E;ZY XÂ&#x192;zUW^X]Â&#x2021;X¤Y^^YÂ&#x201A;W¨X UXVY[XU]XÂ&#x2026;WXUVYUXUVWX [WYUVX\WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUWX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX YÂ&#x2026;]`Â&#x192;X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;]` [XVY WX the imprimatur of the Presidency. The rites, of a necessity, had to be at the Presidential Villa. It is now up to us to make anything of it Was that a gathering of party members in the Â&#x192;W^z[WZ\Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X]/\zY XÂ&#x2026;`^zZW^^X]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XzUX]ZWX]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX]/\zY ^X¤Yz[XU]X^WÂ&#x192; WX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYZ^X partying and politicking, while they were supposed to be at work? The distinction between governance and politics had long been lost on the ]\\`¤YZU^X]Â&#x2021;X]`Â&#x192;XVzÂ&#x201A;VX]/\W^Â&#x201C;X^]XUVYUÂ&#x201C;XzZXzU^W Â&#x2021;Â&#x201C;X[]W^X not count for much. The inappropriateness of the venue must have been lost on the conveners who were so much in haste to conduct a funeral mass, while the patient was still in coma. It was a simple ceremony, though - The Doctor pronounces the patient dead. He places the cadaver before a coterie of undertakers and pall bearers gathered to help put a benefactor away and welcome the prodigal son back home. He makes a speech and the mourners beam with smiles. Such a ceremony to mark the death of the Labour Party and celebrate the gains of another catch had to be at the ultimate seat of power. It is safe to assume that the Labour Party has now been quarantined in a morgue. It has fallen victim to the shenanigans of politicians who sold UVWXÂ&#x2021;]`Z[WÂ&#x192;^XYX zWÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;]`Â&#x201A;VUXUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X]@XUVWqXYZ[X exchanged it for an umbrella. But the unravelling of the party has only been long in coming, it is no surprise. The poison that triggered its implosion lies in the seed that launched it into prominence. It has only taken time for the inevitable to become obvious. A strange romance between the Labour party, which ought to represent the extreme left of the political spectrum and the PDP, which lies at the extreme right, has hardly been hidden. When Comrade Issa Aremu, Deputy Secretary of the party and Vice President of the NLC frantically called Dr Mimiko to order, months back, over his controversial support for the Jang-led group of Governors, some of us chuckled. He sought then to remind him Mimiko that the Governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s conduct of the Governor was not in line with the ideology
Simbo Olorunfemi ]Â&#x2021;XUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UXUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XU]]X z6 WÂ&#x201C;XU]]X YUW¨X VWX falcon was no longer listening to the falconer, he should have known. But truth be told, we never really had a Labour Party. What masqueraded as one was a caricature, cobbled together by strange bedfellows lacking in rudimentary understanding of what such a party should symbolise, with the Nigerian Labour Congress only carrying on as a nominal passenger. Rather than build a movement of workers, artisans, traders, students, intellectuals, farmers and the like, leaders of the Labour party were more at home, frolicking in the dark corridors to hand over the party platform, for a plate of ¤]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;z[Â&#x201A;WÂ&#x201C;XU]XY  ¯\]qWÂ&#x192;^¨XX VWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;`Â&#x192;W^XYUXUVWXVWY[X of the party were seemingly more interested in a platform with which to negotiate for crumbs from the tables of the overlords, rather than building an authentic workers party. Political Jobbers, Hustlers and Itinerants
Illustrious Nigerians such as the Ekiti State Governor-elect, Ayodele Fayose, Ifeanyi Uba of Anambra State, Femi Pedro, Timi Alaibe and Senator Andy Uba, were once candidates of the party. The Ogun state chapter of the party remains YXÂŞ]YUzZÂ&#x201A;XÂ WVz\Â WX]Â&#x2021;X\]ZÂ WZzWZ\WXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ]Â WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X Gbenga Daniel to maintain relevance in the everdynamic politics of the state. That is what has become of the Labour Party. It does not even have a functional website. But the party itself might have continued to wallow in obscurity, but for the fortuitous move by Dr Segun Mimiko to adopt the party platform in the 2007 gubernatorial elections in Ondo State, having been shut out by the PDP. Victory was to come for him, through the instrumentality of the court, in 2008. With that, the Labour party took on a new life. The Governor became the leader of the party with Dan Nwanyanwu serving as National Chairman. Both men struck a working partnership that suited them both. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Nwanyanwu has chosen this moment to
Rather than build a movement of workers, artisans, traders, students, intellectuals, farmers and the like, leaders of the Labour party were more at home, frolicking in the dark corridors to hand over the party platform, for a plate of porridge
of varied political persuasion showed up as \YZ[z[YUW^XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;XYUX[z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX W W ^¨X The party for workers had become a haven for mercenaries angling for political power at all cost. `ZZzZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X]/\WX]ZXUVWX¤ YUÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qX]Â&#x2021;X YÂ&#x2026;]`Â&#x192;X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X began to look more like a routine â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;buying and sellingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; business, consummated at the car-park of Alaba market. The platform, it would seem, was available to the highest bidder, with no pretence of Y/ZzUÂ&#x2020;XU]XYZÂ&#x2020;Xz[W] ]Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;X\ ]^WXU]XUVWX WÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UX]Z Â&#x2020;X one founded on convenience and infrastructure of the stomach. The list of politicians who found accommodation on the Labour Party platform is a rich one.
step down as Chairman, with Mimiko having abandoned the boat, mid-stream. But the tragedy that has befallen the Labour Party is not one for the party alone to bear. Indeed, its looming demise is no accident. It is a deliberate manipulation by the ruling elite to ensure that alternative political platforms do not thrive in Nigeria. The objective is the continuation of same and domination by the oligarchy at the helm of Y@YzÂ&#x192;^XzZXUVWX\]`ZUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;¨X UX[]W^XZ]UXÂ&#x2026;][WXÂ&#x20AC;W  XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWX future of Nigeria. At every point in the historical journey of Nigeria, organised labour has turned up to play a progressive role. It was at the vanguard of the
struggle against the colonial powers, with its 52-day strike in 1945, helping, in no small way, to bring about independence for Nigeria in 1960. Even then, the Labour party that was formed in 1946 fell victim to the shenanigans both within and outside, it died prematurely. A resurrection came in 1989 in response to the political transition programme of Ibrahim Babangida. The Nigerian Labour Congress, under the leadership of Paschal Bafyau, descended into the political arena. The argument then was that â&#x20AC;&#x153;those who are out to change society for UVWXÂ&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;VYUW WÂ&#x192;XZYqWXUVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x201A;]Â&#x201C;Xq`^UX^WUX out consciously and fastidiously to win political power.â&#x20AC;? It was a valid submission that made sense to some of us. Drunk on idealism, we bought the dream and pounded the streets of Nigeria in its pursuit, before IBB pulled the plug on that dream. X Â&#x192;YÂ&#x201A;z\Y  Â&#x2020;XUV]`Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x201C;XzUXz^X[z/\` UXU]X^WWXUVWX current Labour Party as an encapsulation of that dream or desire to change society. The faces that VY WX\]qWXU]XÂ&#x2026;WXz[WZUzÂ&#x201E;W[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWX¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;XZWzUVWÂ&#x192;X echo the dream we had 25 years ago nor resonate with the vision for the future. This Labour Party has nothing in common with that of 1946 or 1989. It does not inspire us into remembering the heroic Â&#x192;] WX¤ YÂ&#x2020;W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWX]Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;YZz^W[X YÂ&#x2026;]`Â&#x192;XzZXUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX for the validation of June 12 elections and the enthronement of democracy in Nigeria. That the Labour party has neither been able to carve a niche for itself in the political space nor successfully engineered the buy-in of workers and intellectuals from the progressive fold that should ordinarily serve as its constituency, speaks volume. Yet again, the vultures have sucked life out of the bones of another Labour Party; its carcass now lies in state at Wadata Plaza. Though the funeral rites for the Labour party might have begun, yet the party might only just be in a state of coma. Who knows if there is someone lurking in UVWX^VY[]Â&#x20AC;^X ]] zZÂ&#x201A;XU]XVzÂ&#x192;WXUVWXÂŞYÂ&#x201A;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX YÂ&#x2026;]`Â&#x192;X Party for another political adventure? Who knows if we might yet have a Nigerian Labour Party in line with the dream we shared and worked on, [YÂ&#x2020;XYZ[XZzÂ&#x201A;VUXzZX Yz[`Â&#x201A;`Â&#x192;zÂ&#x201C;XUÂ&#x20AC;WZUÂ&#x2020;ÂŻÂ&#x201E; WXÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X ago? Who knows if Labour party might yet be the â&#x20AC;&#x153;organisational expression of the Nigerian conscienceâ&#x20AC;?, as was once the dream? Simbo Olorunfemi works for Hoofbeatdotcom Communications Consultancy. simboor@yahoo.com
Between a free press and rogue journalism
igeria has one of the freest press in the world. The democratization of the press in Nigeria is however caught up in the dragnet of impunity by individuals avariciously out to make money by blackmailing politicians and heads of businesses in the country. The recent trend fast eclipsing the nobility of the profession of journalism in the country is the blackmail for money practice Nigerian youths are engaging themselves on social platforms in recent times. Many are already succeeding in defrauding politicians who have something to hide while some are cooling their heels in detention, awaiting trial for daring those who have nothing to hide. Rogue journalists use social media platforms to perpetrate their criminal journalism. They put up sensational headlines against government officials/business moguls, distribute across social media groups and watch it go viral, then wait for their prey to come and negotiate. Rogue journalists thrive in their trade primarily on account of the systemic rot itself. The prey on the perception (based on failed leadership) of Nigerians mostly skewed towards hating their leaders on account of financial impunity. Impunity practiced by the ruling class has however permeated all strata of the society including the jobless man on the street. While everybody hates impunity, most people wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mind if they are at the benefitting end of it. The media is expected to be the conscience of the ruling class, the advocate of the masses and the unconstitutional parliament where every view is offered equal representation. The media is expected to put the people and government in check with seamless information, entertain without sentimentality and educate without stains of cultural imperialism. The systemic rot the media (social media) is expected to fight is becoming only a leverage to extort and assassinate character. Alas the free press enjoyed in Nigeria is being abused on a platter of greed by a few youths who have no idea of the ethos of the profession of journalism except for their own self based agenda flagrantly displaced on the cyberspace.
Ayegba Israel Ebije It is more worrisome that these young rogue journalists who are on social media platforms blackmailing government officials for money have strings of people feeding from their errands of blackmail. Interestingly itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a game of hovering vultures in the entire mix as some self acclaimed rights activists barrel their way to defend a criminal minded social media practitioner to either establish relationship with rights organizations or show proof they are utilizing funds already received for rights violation (itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about the money). The chain of those benefitting from any media faceoff between government and these miscreants stretches quite long. Politicians especially in the opposition use them too. Soon these mercantile online reporters on account of the 2015 election will be on the loose blazing from all directions with fallacious claims to extort.
This is however not to say social media practitioners are not helping to correct the injustices in the system. There are very credible online organizations helping as whistle blowers, setting agenda for mainstream journalists to beam searchlight on virtually every issue but the problem is the advent of junk journalism
The online mischief writers operate as a ring primarily set to benefit from a vulnerable client (however not in all cases). The ring also protects anyone caught in the dragnet of the law. Sadly, reputable rights organizations are blindly dragged into the squabble while the rogues are made to look like heroes. This is however not to say social media practitioners are not helping to correct the injustices in the system. There are very credible online organizations helping as whistle blowers, setting agenda for mainstream journalists to beam searchlight on virtually every issue but the problem is the advent of junk journalism. If the impunity in the profession gradually mutating towards corrupting the practice of journalism in Nigeria is routed, citizen journalism, will indeed partner very well with mainstream in agenda setting as earlier intimated. Citizen journalism has given the ordinary citizen the power to be heard, the power to force government to conform to the general opinion of the masses. However, the abuse of this power is what must be addressed. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s therefore take it for granted that impunity created by the ruling class has permeated the profession of journalism in Nigeria, there must be conscious moves to guard against the possibility of the system of impunity clamping on the growing trend of rogue journalism practiced by these mercantile profession killers. Just like the malaise of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;yahoo, yahooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; boys, the mania of rogue journalists is gradually gaining strength especially as Nigerians are mostly interested in sensational news story. Yes the concept of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;injury to one is injury to allâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; adopted by union of journalist is very important in protecting rights abuse of media practitioners, but this very concept is fast offering rogue reporters sanctum to perpetuate their criminal activities. Unions must therefore investigate and route the quacks. Ebije is the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Niger state (To be continued on Thursday)
Daily Newswatch
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
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Daily Newswatch
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Sanitize our football, Orumen charges NFF By Maduabuchi Kalu
]]U Y X Y \z]ZY[] X Barrister Dudu Orume has called on the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to rise up and reposition the game in the country. Orume, who runs Cowbell Football Academy, said that the Super Eagles under Coach Stephen Keshi have been left in ruin and need urgent intervention. “Well, I have never been a fan of Keshi since he took over the reins at the national team because his selection process is very poor,” Orume began, Orume told AM Metro Sports’ on Monday. “Why should a national team coach leave players that should give him result for players who everybody knows don’t have any business being in the national team? Tell m, does it show good judgement? Orume asked.
“I am therefore, urging the NFF to use this particular period that our football is passing through turbulent time to sanitize it so as to reposition and return it to the Nigerian people. Anything short of this will be unacceptable to Nigerians. There z^XZ]X W6W X¤W z][XU]X[]XUVYUX than now. “Meanwhile, I totally disagree with the school of thought that has it that the recent poor performance of the Eagles stems from the NFF crisis. As far as I am concerned, the NFF crisis has nothing to do with the disgraceful outings of the national team in the Africa `¤X] X YUz]Z^X_`Y z W ^¨ “There has always been crisis at the NFF. Was there no crisis when Lulu was there? Why did the Eagles qualify for the World Cup? Eagles always perform their duty even with crisis in the Federation because they are professionals. So, the recent imbroglio at the NFF has nothing to do with the poor performance of the team,” `qWX^` qz6W[¨ He also decried a situation whereby somebody who is appointed as a coach will also be managing playW ^X UVW W X VY zZ X \]Zªz\UX of interest. “One important thing that the NFF should also consider is the issue of the ¤]^zUz]ZX] XUVWX Y@W X] XUVWX team.”
Echiejile puts defeat behind
uper Eagles left back, Elderson Echiejile says they have to put the disappointing 1-0 loss to Sudan last Saturday behind them and look to the future, which is against the same Sudanese team on Wednesday in Abuja. The reigning African champions lost to the Sudanese minnows in a CAF Africa Cup of Nations qualifying match in Khartoum. And Echiejile, who had a game to forget, has charged Nigerians to put Saturday’s disappointment behind them and look forward to Wednesday’s game. “Wishing you guys YX WYUX WW ¨X `6zZ X the past behind and focusing on the game on Wednesday. #SuperEagles,” he said via his U z6W XY\\]`ZU¨ The 26-year-old Monaco of France defender has struggled for game time at his French club since he recovered from the injury, which ruled him out of the World Cup in Brazil, and Nigerians keep wondering why he plays ahead of Juwon Oshaniwa, who
had a great World Cup and also plays more regularly for his Israeli club, MS Ashdod. The loss to Sudan marks yet another disappointing outing for the West Africans, as they have failed to impress in the games played since the last World Cup. First they lost 3-2 at home to Congo, then played a drab 0-0 draw against South Africa in Cape Town, before losing 1-0 to Sudan on Sat` [Y X UVWz X ^UX ]^^X U]X the Sudanese Falcons in WX[W\Y[W^¨ The Sudanese also ^\] W[X UVWz X ^UX ]Y X ] X the campaign against the African champions.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
AFCON qualifiers: Blame Keshi if Eagles fail –Chukwu Maduabuchi Kalu
oach Christian Chukwu has declared that coach Stephen Keshi should be held responsible if Nigeria fail to qualify for next year’s African Cup of Nations in Morocco. Chukwu, who made this declaration while reacting to the poor performance of the Super Eagles in the ongoing AFCON `Y z W ^ X ¤Y Uz\` Y X UVWX Saturday’s disgraceful outing in Khartoum, against Group A strugglers, Sudan, rejected the idea that when the team does well, the coach takes the glory but when the team fails the blame goes to the players. He questioned Keshi’s decision to experiment zUVX X _`Y z W ^X with untested players. “Honestly, I wouldn’t know the mind of Keshi when he invited unknown players from obscure league to prosecute the Af z\YX `¤X] X YUz]Z^X_`Y z ers,” Chukwu began. · ^X YX qY6W X ] X Y\U X X was shocked to the marrow when I saw the names on the list made available by Keshi including some unknown players and today, what did we get from that ¯¯X ^UX z\U] X ] X `[YZX over Nigeria in 40 years. “A competitive engagement like the AFCON _`Y z W Xz^XZ]UX^`¤¤]^W[XU]X be experimental encounter.
If you want to experiment, you do that during friendly games and not in a competitive match like AFCON _`Y z W ^¨ “As far as I am concerned, Nigerians should hold him responsible if at the end of the day the Eagles fail to qualify for the Morocco 2015. “And with the situation on our hands, it’s unlikely that Eagles will qualify. “I don’t know whether he realises the embarrassment it will be for the
country when countries converge in Morocco and the defending champions are nowhere to be found. “It will be a big shame that just a year after winning the AFCON in South Africa, Nigeria will not be there to defend her trophy. “If after ignoring wise counsels to invite Nigeria’s best legs to represent the country, he should have no reason to point ac\`^zZ X Z W ^XU]XYZ ][ X for the team’s failure. He should be prepared to
accept responsibility for whatever happens to the team “The Eagles have no reason not to be in Morocco if the team was handled well. We had luck in the sense that in our Group, countries that made up the group are teams that ordinarily our home based players would have beaten to securethe maximum points from all the matches, but look at where we are,” Chukwu lamented.
Eagles can still qualify –Ekpo Francis Ajuonuma
x-international, Friday Ekpo has predicted that the Super Eagles can still make it to the 2015 Africa Nations Cup in Morocco in spite of their poor standing in group A ] XUVWX_`Y z W ^¨ The defending champions currently sit last in group A with just one point to trail leaders, South Africa (seven points), Congo (six points) and Sudan (three points). But Ekpo while speaking with Newswatch Sports, believes that a victory over Sudan can boost the `¤W X Y W^X \]Z [WZ\WX
and revive their chances in the group. “It’s not all over yet for the Eagles. I want to believe that there is still hope if they are able to win against Sudan on Wednesday and follow it with victories over
South Africa and Congo. “To me, I see the game against Congo as the key that will decide the Super Eagles fate. They need to win that game convincingly because of head to head decision. With three
victories, the Super Eagles will end up at 10 points and could tie with Congo should the Congolese drop points,” he said. VWX ] qW X qz[ W [X maestro went ahead to challenge the Eagles to see today’s game as a q`^UX zZX Z]X qY6W X UVWX opposition. “My advice for the Super Eagles is that they q`^UX ¤`UX UVWz X [z@W WZ\es behind and work as a team. With hard work, commitment and determination they can achieve the needed result. “Coach Stephen Keshi on his part should also ensure that he parades players that have wining mentality and are ready to put in everything for the success of the team,” he said.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Sack fever grips NFF staff Â&#x192;W^`qW^X]/\W¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;As I talk to you now, we are all living in fears of the unknown because ]Â&#x2021;X [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX ^U]Â&#x192;zW^X Â&#x20AC;WX have been hearing. They Martin Odiete, Abuja say the new NFF presiVWX^UY@X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX zÂ&#x201A;W- [WZUXÂ&#x20AC;YZUXU]X[]Â&#x20AC;Z^zÂľWXUVWX ria Football Federa- ^UY@X ^UÂ&#x192;WZÂ&#x201A;UVX YZ[X Â&#x20AC;WX []X tion (NFF) are living not know who will be afin fears over the news that fected. ¡ `UÂ&#x201C;X]ZWXUVzZÂ&#x201A;X X Z]Â&#x20AC;X the new president, Amaju zZz\ X qYÂ&#x2020;X []Â&#x20AC;Z^zÂľWX UVWX is that Amaju cannot sack work force in the Secre- any of us, he can only redeploy us because we are tariat. In addition, there is also all federal government the fear that some of them employees. They cannot will be witch-hunted for also employ our replacetheir roles in the ongoing ments and if they do,such NFF crisis, where some of people can only be on conthem supported the op- tract basis. This is the only \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX Â&#x20AC;WX VY W¨X X `UX posing camp. ZWX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX ^UY@Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X they can decide to render did not want his names any of us redundant by on print, told Newswatch refusing to assign us any Sports that they remain Âş]Â&#x2026;¨´ The problem has startunsure of their fates as they do not know what ed playing out as RobAmaju will do when he inson Okosun, the team psychologist was dropped from the Super Eagles because it was alleged that they could not ascertain his total loyalty. It is still not certain who will take charge of the NFF Secretariat as there are still two factions of the °W\`Uz WX ]qqz6WW¨X VWX Amaju board is still under the fear of the court case, which is expected to give judgment on the 23rd of this month.
uring the WYC in 1999, while Tunde Disuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Flying Eagles faltered, national team Technical Adviser, Thijs Libregts was detailed to salvage the situation. The team made it to the second round as the best third placed team but it was obvious the team has serious technical problems going into the tournament. There was a big question mark on the quality of players Disu listed for the tournament with regards to those left out. The team however wobbled and fumbled beyond the group stage but in the next round, they were brought down to earth by the Seydou Keita and Mahmadou Diarra inspired Mali who won 3-1. After the loss, Libregts had exclaimed; â&#x20AC;&#x153;the [z^WY^WX Â&#x201E;ZY  Â&#x2020;X z  W[X UVWX ¤YUzWZU´¨X VWX `U\VX UY\Uz\zYZX had been sent on a redemption mission but the team was â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;terminally illâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. The problem was much beyond Libregts Right from the AYC, many of us knew Disuâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team was not good enough and he did nothing about the issues raised till they boomeranged at the WYC. Didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t most of us envisage Eagles defeat in Khartoun? On this page last week, I had questioned the rationale behind Stephen Keshi leaving out an in-form Obafemi Martins in the list of invited players. I had observed that given Emmanuel Emenikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s poor run of goal-scoring form for club and country in recent times, the team needed another proven scorer who could be counted `¤]ZXU]X[W z WÂ&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x201A;]Y ^XzZX[z/\` UX^zU`YUz]Z^XY^X\]` [X be provided in Khartoun. I had anticipated a situation where we could be in dire need of goals. If Emenikeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s goal drought continued, I wondered who among the strikers listed by Keshi would bail the cat. Martins may have had a bad outing the last time he was invited by Keshi but has he not heard the saying that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;form is temporary, class is permanent?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; The situation we were presented in Khartoun was akin to what we faced against Kenya in Kasarani in UVWX [W\z^z WX ŸŽ½ŽX ]Â&#x192; [X `¤X _`Y zÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;¨X WX Y  X ^YÂ&#x20AC;X V]Â&#x20AC;X Martins rose to the occasion on that day. The Khartoun situation was not for unproven China-based strikers like Aaron Samuel. It was not also a platform for the likes of Gbolahan Salami and Osaghona Ighodaro. It needed Â&#x2026;Y6 WÂŻUW^UW[XÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;z]Â&#x192;^X z WX YÂ&#x192;UzZ^¨X VWX]UVWÂ&#x192;X¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;XUVYUX would have been useful on the night was Ike Uche but his grouse with Keshi is well-documented. Imagine if, while in Eagles quest for goals last Saturday, the coach had thrown Uche, Martins and Emenike into the fray. How could the Sudanese have survived it? Instead when
Jonathan to commission Uyo Stadium Nov. 6 Â&#x201E;  W[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWX\]q¤ WUz]ZX of this stadium in record time. The stadium is a beautiful piece of architectural master piece that Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x201E;U^X UVWX Â&#x201A;]][X ¤W]¤ WX ]Â&#x2021;X Maduabuchi Kalu Akwa Ibom. ¡ UXz^XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX]Â&#x2021;XzU^X zZ[XzZX istory will this part of the world and be made on we are donating it to the November federal government as a ÂťX zZX Â&#x20AC;YX part of our contribution Ibom State to the development of capital, Uyo during the ^¤]Â&#x192;U^XzZXUVWX\]`ZUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;¨´ commissioning of the The Super Eagles will 30,000 capacity ultraÂ&#x2026;WXUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UXUWYqXU]X¤ YÂ&#x2020;XYUX modern Ibom Internathe Stadium as they host tional Stadium by PresiSouth Africa in the return dent Goodluck Jonathan. leg of the ongoing Africa The World class archi `¤X]Â&#x2021;X YUz]Z^X `Y zÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;^X tectural master piece is in November. one of the legacies that The Akwa Ibom State the governor of the state, Government, last week, Godswill Akpabio will handed the stadium over leave behind for Akwa to the Federal govern Â&#x2026;]qzUW^Â&#x201C;XVY zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x2021;` Â&#x201E;  W[X ment, when the newly one of the promises that elected board of Nigehe made to the people to ria Football Federation give them a stadium that (NFF) led by its President, Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x201E;U^XUVWq¨ Melvin Amaju Pinnick Governor Akpabio distoured the stadium. Goodluck Ebele Jonadent and other dignitarclosed this much recently And it was during the while addressing news- than, was in Uyo to lay ies who will come from occasion of the tour of the the foundation ceremony [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX ¤YÂ&#x192;U^X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX men about the commisstadium that the decision sioning ceremony that of the Ibom International country and outside the to play the Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; AFStadium and chosen Nocountry for the commiswill bring down King CON qualifying return W WX ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x192;YÂľz X YZ[X qYZÂ&#x2020;X  WqÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X ÂťX U]X \]qqz^^z]ZX sioning ceremony the staleg was announced by zU¨ ]XÂ&#x20AC;V]XYqX XU]X^YÂ&#x2020;XZ]Ă?´X dium. other dignitaries to the Amaju in appreciation for Akpabio asked. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am happy that the country for the event. the donation of the staâ&#x20AC;&#x153;We will be privileged promise I made to the â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is recalled that Mr. dium by the state governPresident, His Excellency to play host to Mr. Presi- good people of Akwa Ibom State has been ful- ment.
The Voice of Sports Clement Nwankpa Jnr. 08033305552 sportswar@yahoo.com
And the disease killed the patient the team needed goals badly, Keshi could only call upon Ighodaro who was only wearing his second cap. Keshi had the opportunity to have a pool of quality strikers to choose from but he limited his options. None of UVWXZYUz]ZÂś^XV]6W^UX^UÂ&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XzZXUVYUXUWYq¨X WÂ&#x2020;]Z[X \VWX and Martins, there were the likes of Abiola Dauda and YÂ&#x192;UV] ]qWÂ&#x20AC;X Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;W\VW¨X WX ] WÂ&#x192; ]] W[X Y  X UVW^WX ^UÂ&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;^X and enlisted Samuel from China of all places. Keshi has really made nonsense of merit in his team selections. How else would one explain his choice of clubless Uche Nwofor against Congo in Calabar? Nwofor rode on the back of that ]`UzZÂ&#x201A;XU]XWYÂ&#x192;ZXYXq] WXU]X W Â&#x201A;z`qXÂ&#x2026;`UXUVWX¤Â&#x192;zÂľWXÂ&#x20AC;WX¤Yz[XÂ&#x20AC;Y^X UVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX\]q¤WUzUz WXV]qWX ]^^XzZXÂÂXÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^¨X X Z]Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x20AC;WX[]ZÂśUX have to force players upon Keshi. I subscribe to a coach being given a free hand to select his players but there are lowest set standards that a coach must keep in his choice of players. Keshi went way below these standards. In fact, VWXVY^XzZ^` UW[X]`Â&#x192;X^WZ^zÂ&#x2026;z zUzW^¨X WX[z[XZ]UX[WWqX Â&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;ZX Ideye good enough to make the provisional World Cup list but took Michael Uchebo all the way to the Mundial. In UVWX^YqWX WzZÂ&#x201C;XVWX[Â&#x192;]¤¤W[Xq]Â&#x192;WX]@WZ^z WXqz[Â&#x201E;W [WÂ&#x192;^X z WX Nosa Igiebor and Sunday Mba and deployed a holding qz[Â&#x201E;W [WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Yq]ZX ÂľWWÂľX zZX YX ¤ YÂ&#x2020;qY zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x192;] WX YUX UVWX World Cup. It was even more appalling that the Chelsea qz[Â&#x201E;W [XWZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X z W X Â&#x2026;zXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XÂ&#x201A;z WZXUVWX z\WZ^WXU]XÂ&#x192;] WX zZXYX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYZXqz[Â&#x201E;W [XÂ&#x20AC;VWZXUVWÂ&#x192;WXYÂ&#x192;WX¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x20AC;V]X\]` [X ¤ YÂ&#x2020;X UVYUX Â&#x192;] WX Â&#x20AC;zUVX q]Â&#x192;WX WY^W¨X ZX W^VzÂś^X  Y6WÂ&#x192;X [YÂ&#x2020;^Â&#x201C;X VWX VY^XU`Â&#x192;ZW[X z W XzZU]XUVWXq]^UX z zÂ&#x201E;W[X¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;XzZXUVWXUWYq¨X
WXVY^X^]]ZXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;]6WZXUVWXÂ&#x192;] WXzZXÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VXVWXVW ¤W[XUVWXÂ&#x201A;`Â&#x2020;X Â&#x201E;Zz^VX XŸŽ½ÂXY^XUVWX^W\]Z[XÂ&#x2026;W^UX¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;¨X z W Xz^XZ]X longer the playmaker of 2005 WYC. He has since lost the
creativity. At best, he is a deep-lying playmaker in a twin [WÂ&#x2021;WZ^z WX qz[Â&#x201E;W [X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qYUz]Z¨X UX Â&#x201C;X W^VzX Â&#x201E; W[X VzqX]`UXzZXYXqz[Â&#x201E;W [XUÂ&#x192;zYZÂ&#x201A; WXUVYUXVY[XVzqXYZ[X Â&#x201A;WZÂ&#x2020;zX ZYÂľzX YUX UVWX Â&#x2026;Y^WX YZ[X Â&#x2026;YX YUX UVWX U]¤¨X Vz^X Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X z W X didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the sole defensive responsibility as he was \]q¤ WqWZUW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X ZYÂľzX Â&#x20AC;Vz WX UVWX UY^ X ]Â&#x2021;X [Â&#x192;z zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX team forward was handled by Mba. It paved the way for Mikel to orchestrate things from a deeper role. It was in this role that he lorded it over the likes of Yaya Toure 0and Cheik Tiote at AFCON. He didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t face the embarrassment of running out of ideas while biting more than he could \VWÂ&#x20AC;XzZXq]Â&#x192;WX[YÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XY6Y\ zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;YÂ&#x2020;^¨X `UXUVW^WX[YÂ&#x2020;^Â&#x201C;XzZX UVWX YÂ&#x2026;^WZ\WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX q]Â&#x192;WX ]@WZ^z WX qz[Â&#x201E;W [WÂ&#x192;^X  z WX Â&#x2026;YX and John Ogu, Mikel has been made to what he is not accustomed to. Sometimes I feel Keshi intentionally set that boy up. How else can one explain the recent roles the coach has handed to him in the national team. `UX Â&#x20AC;Vz WX Y  X ]Â&#x2021;X `^X Â&#x2021;W UX UVWX UWYqX Â&#x20AC;Y^X zZX [zÂ&#x192;WX ZWW[X ]Â&#x2021;X creativity in the middle of the pack, Keshi thought otherwise. Since the days of Austin Okocha, we have not had a more natural number 10 like Kelechi Iheanacho. `UXW WZXY^XUVWXUWYqXÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;ZW[XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x2026;]Â&#x2020;Âś^X^WÂ&#x192; z\W^Â&#x201C;X W^VzX termed him â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;too young for the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. At Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s level, I expect him to know a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;special talentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; when he sees one but VWXz^XUVWX]Z Â&#x2020;X]ZWXÂ&#x20AC;V]XVY^XÂ&#x2021;Yz W[XU]X\YUWÂ&#x201A;]Â&#x192;zÂľWX VWYZY\V]X as such. Pele was younger than Iheanacho when he won UVWX ]Â&#x192; [X `¤XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX Â&#x192;YÂľz XzZX½Ă?ž¨X Â&#x2021;XY  XUVWX z\U]Â&#x192;z]`^X U-17 players, Iheanacho is the only one being touted to break into the senior team right away. That shows UVWX ^U`@X VWX z^X qY[WX ]Â&#x2021;¨X VWX Â&#x2026;]Â&#x2020;X [z[ZÂśUX Y ^]X ^V]Â&#x20AC;X ^`\VX nerves, as Keshi portrays, when he shone at Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s preseason matches when he played alongside the likes of Yaya Toure, Sergio Aguero, Stevan Jovetic and Edin ÂľW ]¨X VWXUWYqXW°¤W\UW[ Â&#x2020;X^UÂ&#x192;`Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A; W[XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X¤]^^W^^z]ZXzZX VYÂ&#x192;U]`ZX Â&#x20AC;VWZX VWYZY\V]Âś^X Â&#x201A;`z WX Â&#x20AC;]` [X VY WX ^`/\W[¨X The team resorted to long thrusts because there was no player with the artistry to run at the Sudanese defense Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVWXqz[Â&#x201E;W [¨ So ultimately, the shortcomings we noticed in the team cost Nigeria all three points in Khartoun. Keshi VY^X ]@WÂ&#x192;W[X Vz^X Y¤] ]Â&#x201A;zW^X Â&#x2026;`UX Â&#x20AC;WX []ZÂśUX ZWW[X UVWq¨X VWX honourable thing for him to do is to walk away and let YZ]UVWÂ&#x192;X ¤WÂ&#x192;^]ZX ^`¤WÂ&#x192; z^WX U][YÂ&#x2020;Âś^X Â&#x192;WU`Â&#x192;ZX Â&#x201E;°U`Â&#x192;WX YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX Sudan. Then in his future endeavours, he should learn to forgive and forget. Enough is enough!
Daily Newswatch Sports/ Chelsea Watch Lampard wins best player award Wenger insists no Fabregas regret
rank Lampard has been voted Manchester Cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Player of the Month for September. Lampard, who is loan from New York City FC, only made his debut for the club a month ago in the 2-2 draw at Arsenal on September 13. However, the 36-year-old has grown in importance to the Premier League champions in that time, scoring four goals against Chelsea, VW/W [X W[ZW^[YÂ&#x2020;XYZ[X `  X zUÂ&#x2020;¨
z^X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Â&#x201A;]Y X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X zUÂ&#x2020;X \YqWX zZX [Â&#x192;YqYUz\X Â&#x2021;Y^Vz]ZX Y^X VWX ZW6W[X YX  YUWX W_`Y z^WÂ&#x192;X YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX former club Chelsea, where he spent 13 years before leaving in the summer. The former England international took more than a third of the 6,095 votes cast, beatzZÂ&#x201A;X]@XUVWX\VY  WZÂ&#x201A;WX]Â&#x2021;X YqW^X z ZWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;V]XÂ&#x201E;Zz^VW[X ^W\]Z[Â&#x201C;X YZ[X Y z[X z  YÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X Â&#x201E;Zz^VW[X third. Lampard is due to return to NYC FC in
YZ`YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XzZXUzqWXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWX^UYÂ&#x192;UX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXZWÂ&#x20AC;X YÂş]Â&#x192;X League Soccer season, although there has been speculation that City will look to extend the qz[Â&#x201E;W [WÂ&#x192;Âś^X^UYÂ&#x2020;XYUXUVWX UzVY[X UY[z`q¨X
Stuttgart dismiss Rudigerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stamford Bridge link
WÂ&#x192;qYZX ^z[WX U`6Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x192;UX VY WX Â&#x192;WÂşW\UW[X ^¤W\`lation linking their talented centre-back Antonio Rudiger with a move to Chelsea. The Germany international, aged 21, was touted as a Chelsea transfer target by the Daily Star over the weekend. But the Bundes zÂ&#x201A;YX ^z[WX YÂ&#x192;WX \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZUX UVYUX Rudiger will sign a new contract with them. U`6Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x192;UÂś^X ^¤]Â&#x192;UzZÂ&#x201A;X [zÂ&#x192;W\U]Â&#x192;X ]\VWZX \VZWz[WÂ&#x192;X claims he is talks with Rudiger agent Uli Ferber over a new deal. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our intention is to extend the contract Â&#x20AC;zUVX ZU]Zz]X `[zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;¨´ Schneider also claims UVYUX VWX YZ[X UVWX U`6Â&#x201A;YÂ&#x192;UX hierarchy have a good relationship with Chelsea and
the Blues would make a direct approach if they wanted to sign Rudiger.
WX Y[[W[Ă&#x2022;X ¡ Wœ WÂ&#x201C;X YX good relationship with Chelsea from borrowing Oriol Romeu among other things. They would make UVWq^W  W^X Z]Â&#x20AC;ZXU]X`^XĂ&#x2019;zÂ&#x2021;X they were tracking RudiÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;Ă&#x201D;¨´
Mourinho reveals why Man U missed out on Varane
VW ^WYX Â&#x2026;]^^X ]^WX Mourinho has revealed that Raphael Varane was on the verge of making a move to Manchester United before he Âş]zZW[X WY X Y[Â&#x192;z[XzZXŸŽ½½¨ Comments relayed by The Special One in the Daily Yz XY¤¤WYÂ&#x192;XU]X\]ZÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qXUVYUX Unitedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s apparent interest in Varane when Sir Alex Ferguson was in charge was indeed genuine, with Mourinho claiming to have scuppered a deal when it Â&#x20AC;Y^XzZXzU^X Y6WÂ&#x192;X^UYÂ&#x201A;W^¨ VWX _`]UW^X Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX UVWX Blues manager, originally
given to Telefoot, back up the theory that United were well in the race for the Madrid star, and give Red Devils fans even more reason to detest Mourinho. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was on holiday and in Madrid. Zinedine Zidane arrived with a DVD and I thought â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;That player, with two yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; work with us, Â&#x20AC;]` [XÂ&#x2026;WXÂ&#x2021;YZUY^Uz\ÂśÂ&#x201C;´X ]`Â&#x192;inho said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Varane had one foot at Manchester United but Real Madrid are very strong and Y¤VYX\YqWXU]X`^¨´ After making the switch to the Santiago Bernabeu from RC Lens, Varane went on to become a surprisingly ¤]¤` YÂ&#x192;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;`Â&#x192;WX [`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X Vz^X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX ^WY^]ZX Â&#x20AC;zUVX Y[Â&#x192;z[¨X Rather than being restricted to the fringes of the club UVWXÂ&#x2020;]`ZÂ&#x201A;^UWÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XY@]Â&#x192;[W[X plenty of game-time by ]`Â&#x192;zZV]Â&#x201C;X YZ[X _`z\  Â&#x2020;X YZnounced himself as one of the most gifted rising centrebacks in the game.
rsenal boss Arsene WZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;X^YÂ&#x2020;^XVWXVY^X no regrets about not resigning Cesc Fabregas YZ[X  W6zZÂ&#x201A;X VzqX Âş]zZX Â&#x192;z Y ^X Chelsea in the summer. The Spanish playmaker spent eight years at the Gunners before moving to Barcelona in 2011 but after failing to hold down a regular place â&#x20AC;&#x201C; while also being played out of position â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the 27-year-old decided to leave his home town club. W^¤zUWXVY zZÂ&#x201A;XUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX option to buy back the ¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;X WZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;X^Yz[XVWXÂ&#x20AC;Y^X not needed with the club having enough creative qz[Â&#x201E;W [WÂ&#x192;^XzZXUVWX^_`Y[¨ Fabregas came back to haunt his former boss with YXÂ&#x201E;ZWX[z^¤ YÂ&#x2020;XzZX VW ^WYÂś^X recent 2-0 win over Arsenal with the Spaniard playing the ball of the game for
Diego Costa to seal the win late on. `UX WZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x192;WqYzZ^X adamant he did the right thing not taking Fabregas back. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t regret not taking Cesc because we already had a lot of creative ¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;^X zZX ]`Â&#x192;X qz[Â&#x201E;W [Â&#x201C;´X WZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;X^Yz[¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chelsea will also have YX [z/\` UX ¤WÂ&#x192;z][X Ă&#x2019;zZX UVWX season]. Our schedule was W°UÂ&#x192;WqW Â&#x2020;X [z/\` UX YZ[X X have the belief that we can \ ]^WXUVWXÂ&#x201A;Y¤XU]XUVWq¨´ Fabregas, meanwhile, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve always played in clubs where I wanted to play. At the end of last season I saw Chelsea as the best option. I always thought about a return to England, and I talked to Ă&#x2019; ]^WĂ&#x201D;X ]`Â&#x192;zZV]X YZ[X Â&#x192;WY ised this was the best opUz]Z¨´X
oma are reported in the Metro to be deep in talks with Chelsea FC over the transfer ]Â&#x2021;X WUÂ&#x192;X W\VXzZX YZ`YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;¨ The Czech international has been a stand-out performer for the Blues since his ÂŁ7 Million move from Rennes back in 2004. He kept a clean sheet on his debut in a 1-0 win over Manchester United, and went on to keep a record 21 clean-sheets in his opening season, leading him to win the Golden Glove award at the end of the season. He also won the Golden Glove last season having held 15 shutouts, the same Yq]`ZUXY^X ]Âş\zW\VX \ÂľW^ZÂ&#x2020;X of Arsenal, but has failed to feature in the Premier League so far this season. Thibaut Courtois returned from his loan this season, after helping his Atletico side to win La Liga by keeping a huge 19 clean-sheets, and has since been selected to start in every Chelsea game so far bar the Capitol One Cup tie against Bolton. Cech is expected to be growing more and more frustrated with his lack of game-time, and although he has been keeping a professional head, he is more UVYZX z W Â&#x2020;XU]X^WW XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UÂŻUWYqX football elsewhere. Should Chelsea and Roma agree on a fee, the 32 year-old would be in line for a reunion with former Blue Ashley Cole.
Cech: Roma in talks with Chelsea
Ward plots Palace coup against Blues
Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;^UY X Y Y\WX [WÂ&#x2021;WZ[WÂ&#x192;X ]W X YÂ&#x192;[XVY^XÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;ZW[X VW ^WYXVz^X side are ready to hand them a title setback for a second successive season. Palace take on the unbeaten League leaders at Selhurst Park on Saturday, having beaten them 1-0 in UVWX\]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;W^¤]Z[zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x201E;°U`Â&#x192;WX Y^UX^WY^]Z¨ Then under Tony Pulis, the Eagles were in the midst of a winning run towards the back end of last season, Â&#x20AC;VWZX ]VZX WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;XzZY[ WÂ&#x192;UWZU Â&#x2020;XVWY[ed Palaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winner in the second-
half. YÂ&#x192;[XÂ&#x20AC;Y^X¤YÂ&#x192;UX]Â&#x2021;XYX^U`Â&#x192;[Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x2026;Y\ line which kept the title-chasers at bay in April and the 24-year-old believes a repeat scoreline is possible on Saturday. YÂ&#x192;[X ^Yz[Ă&#x2022;X ¡ WX ¤Â&#x192;] W[X zUX  Y^UX year, we held our own. I think we were unfortunate at the start of this season against Arsenal so hopefully we can replicate the same form we did last year against Chelsea and take a share of the points, if not Y  X]Â&#x2021;XUVWq¨´
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Sports/Euro League
Tonnies backs Di Matteoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appointment
Berlusconi labels Balotelli rotten apple
C Milan owner, Silvio Berlusconi, has revealed he never wanted to sign Liverpool striker, Mario Balotelli. The Italy international left Manchester City for the San Siro for ÂŁ19million in January 2013. But Berlusconi has
branded Balotelli a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;rotten appleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; after selling the 24-year-old to Liverpool in August. The Milan chief sugÂ&#x201A;W^UW[X UVWX Y6Y\ WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X scored 26 Serie A goals during an 18-month spell in Italyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second city, had a negative impact on the rest of the squad. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I remember he was bought against my ad-
 z\WÂ&#x201C;´XVWXU] [X YX Y¾¾W6YX dello Sport. Five questions for Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers during the international break. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have many champions: (Jeremy) Menez, (Keisuke) Honda, (Stephan) El Shaarawy, (Fernando) Torres, (Nigel) De Jong... â&#x20AC;&#x153;The base is there. And
we no longer have a rotten apple in the dressing room.â&#x20AC;? Balotelli has scored just once since his ÂŁ16million summer move to ZÂ&#x201E;W [X YZ[X z^X ^Uz  X Â&#x20AC;YzUzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Vz^X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Â&#x192;WqzWÂ&#x192;X League goal for the Reds, but recently asked fans to give him time to show his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;geniusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
Varane taunts Ronaldo
aphael Varane has expressed his delight with how well the French team dealt with his Real Madrid team mate, Cristiano Ronaldo in the friendly against Portugal. Les Bleus won 2-1 in Paris with goals coming from Real forward Karim Benzema and one-time Los Blancos target Paul Pogba, Portugal grabbed a goal back with 15 minutes to go but the French held on to record the win. And speaking after the game, Varane told journalists he was proud of how his fellow defenders kept Ronaldo quiet. The 21-yearold has seen the striker at his devastating best this season, with the Ballon dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Or holder having scored 17 goals in 11 club games so far. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We controlled Cristiano Ronaldo well,â&#x20AC;? the France centre-half told journalists. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We all know his fantastic ability and the fact he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t score is good for us.â&#x20AC;? Ronaldoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hat trick for Real against Athletic Bilbao last weekend drew him level with Alfredo di Stefano for the record number of hat tricks for the club â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 26. He has scored 50 goals or more for Los Blancos in each of the last four seasons, and will easily surpass that number should
he keep up his scoring rate. Speaking about the game in general, Varane added he was pleased with things overall. He stated: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It may have been a friendly but you saw the intensity in this match and it was a Â&#x192;WY X zZUWÂ&#x192;ZYUz]ZY X Â&#x201E;°U`Â&#x192;WX Ă&#x2013;X zUÂś^X Y Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^X [z/\` UX U]X ¤ YÂ&#x2020;X against Portugal. We have carried on from our World Cup performances and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re playing good football.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;&#x153;He (Heldt) was looking for a fantastic coach and he got one. It is all down to him and he did a great job.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got my full backing,â&#x20AC;? the Schalke president told Sport Bild magazine. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He was looking for a fantastic coach and he got one. It is all down to him and he did a great job.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;?
I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lost my fire â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Klopp
urgen Klopp has told FAZ he accepts there is frustration among Borussia Dortmund supporters but remains convinced the club can still enjoy great success this season. Dortmund have collected only one point from their last four Bundesliga games, dropping to 13th in the table, amid an injury crisis that has seen the likes of Marco Reus, Ilkay Gundogan and Henrikh Mkhitaryan out of action. There have been some suggestions in the media that Klopp, who had led the club to back-to-back Bundesliga titles in 2011 and 2012, is no longer able U]X W°WÂ&#x192;UX UVWX ^YqWX zZÂŞ`WZ\WX over his players after seven years at the helm. He said he is aware that there has been in a change in mood recently, even among
some BVB supporters. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The discussion certainly has a taken a new tack, and sometimes I catch something of the mood -- not primarily what the journalists say but rather what the fans say,â&#x20AC;? Klopp said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just act like this all happens in a vacuum. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Personally, I am a very grateful person, but I have never expected thanks. Indeed, the discussion about me personally has a [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX^ YZU¨´ X ]Â&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UXUzqWÂ&#x201C;X¤W]¤ WX
Ayew relishes Tamale experience
Inzaghi wants to emulate Ancelotti ilippo Inzaghi says he is in it for the long haul as AC Milan coach, insisting he will not Â&#x2026;WX ^YUz^Â&#x201E;W[X `ZUz X VWX VY^X Wq` YUW[X YÂ&#x192; ]X Z\W ]6z¨ Z\W ]6zÂ&#x201C;X UVWX \`Â&#x192;Â&#x192;WZUX Real Madrid coach, won the Serie A title in 2004, the Champions League and the UEFA Super Cup twice each and the FIFA Club World Cup once, as well as lifting one Coppa Italia. Inzaghi has just embarked on life as Rossoneri boss this summer having already been successful with the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s youth team, and he has set the bar extremely high by stating his desire to do at least as well as one of the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most successful
chalke president, Clemens Tonnies, has given his support to the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s director of sport, Horst Heldt for hiring RobWÂ&#x192;U]X zX Y6W]XY^XqYZYÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;X after sacking Jens Keller last week. The move may also seen as a test for Heldt as he will be judged on how successÂ&#x2021;`Â X zX Y6W]Xz^XzZXUVWX ]Â&#x2020;YÂ X Blues hotseat. Prior to removing Keller, Heldt had already relieved Felix Magath and Huub Stevens of their duties while Ralf Rangnick also left the club due to exhaustion. It was Heldt who picked the new coach each time and his decision to bring in the former Chelsea manager has been praised by Tonnies.
coaches of all time. Inzaghi hopes to match the coaching achievements ]Â&#x2021;XVz^XqY^UWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Z\W ]6zÂ&#x201C;XYZ[X eyes long-term success at Milan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m going to be staying here until I have managed to emulate my master Z\W ]6zÂ&#x201C;´X VWX U] [X z YZX Channel. â&#x20AC;&#x153;He won the Champions
WYÂ&#x201A;`WXVWÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UXY^XYX¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;X and then as a coach. I have a fantastic job at a club which has given me a great deal already, and I hope to give plenty of satisfaction back to them and the president.â&#x20AC;? `Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Â&#x2021;WÂ&#x20AC;X weeks of the season, Inzaghi was doing just that with Milan matching Juventus stride for stride until they were beaten by the defending champions at the San Siro. Since then, they have drawn two and won one, slipping seven points behind the Bianconeri. There is nevertheless still a renewed enthusiasm surrounding the club, characterised also by the return of President Silvio Berlusconi to a more handson role.
lympique Marseille star, Andre Ayew, is excited at the ¤Â&#x192;]^¤W\UX]Â&#x2021;X¤ YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;XVz^XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Ghana game before his hometown fans in Tamale. Ghana will be hosting Guinea in the 2015 Africa `¤X]Â&#x2021;X YUz]Z^X_`Y zÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;XzZX Tamale today (Wednesday). UX Â&#x20AC;z  X Â&#x2026;WX UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX UzqWX the Black Stars played a competitive game in the Northern Region since the construction of the Tamale Stadium in 2008. The Ghana FA is now making do with its earlier policy of rotating Black Stars matches across the four standard stadia within the country. The Black Stars have played most of its recent home games in Kumasi but the relative hostility of the fans towards the last Ghana game served as a catalyst
for the implementation of the GFAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rotational policy. And Andre Ayew, who hails from the Northern part Ghana is bubbling with excitement ahead of his imminent international showcase before his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have not played in Tamale before but I have been there so many times,â&#x20AC;? he said.
Daily Newswatch Sports/Basketball Oladipo not hurrying his return Caldwell-Pope hurts knee
rlando Magic rookie, Victor Oladipo says he is not in a hurry to make a return to the court. VWX¼¼X WY X] [X^V]]UzZ X `Y [ X ^`@W W[X YX knee injury during preseason training on October3 and was expectedto miss15 NBA in the new season, which begins on October 28. However his rehabilitation has been progressive as he was seen on z[Y XU zZ XU]XqY WX]@¯ road sprints in training. · ¶qX ZW ´X VWX U] [X UVWX Orlando Sentinel. · VYZ X ][ X q X zZjury is not too serious. “I take time to recover. I’m in no hurry. I do what X\YZXYZ[X XU XU]X WW¤X U¨X When I’m ready, I’ll come
back, “he said. Despite his sideline, Oladipohad some words of encouragement for his good friend, Pacers All-Star swingman, Paul W] W X V]X Y ^]X ^`@W W[X fracture to his right leg’s Uz zYX YZ[X ` YX [` zZ X a USA Basketball scrim-
mage on August 1 — a gruesome injury that almost certainly will keep George out for the entire 2014-15 season. “As a friend, you should encourage your friends. “But his mind is good. You can just tell he’s gozZ X U]X \]qWX Y\ X W6W ¨X You’ll see.” Oladipo went ahead to recall memories with Gorge. · WX Y^X]ZWX] XUVWX ^UX people to tell me I could be good in this league because I play both ends of UVWXª]] ¨X · VYUX \]qzZ X ]qX him and him being the calibre of player he is, it kind of gave me a lot of \]Z [WZ\W¨X ]X X Y¤¤ W\zated that from him.”
etroit guard, Kentavious CaldwellPope sprained his left knee in the third quarter in the Pistons’ 9189 exhibition loss to the Washington Wizards on Sunday. Caldwell-Pope, a second-year player out of Georgia, fell underneath Washington’s basket and ZWW[W[X Y^^z^UYZ\WX W6zZ X to the locker room. He did not return after scoring 12 points in 24 minutes. Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy said Caldwell-Pope will be looked at when the team returns to Detroit. “We’ll re-evaluate it going forward,” Van Gundy said. “We’ll get him an MRI and we’ll go from there, see what’s going on.” Caldwell-Pope is aver-
NBL: Ekene shines in Breakers’ Season opener
aging 16.7 points through WU ]zU¶^X ^UX UV WWX ¤ W^WYson games after scoring 5.9 per game in his rookie season. He joins Will Bynum (right hamstring) and Jodie Meeks (back spasms) as Pistons guards dealing with injuries. “It happens, we’ll see what they say with (Caldwell-Pope) when they get it done,” Van Gundy said.
“You go through these things, everybody goes through them.” John Wall led the Wizards (3-1) with 15 points in their preseason home opener and Marcin Gortat added 11 points and 11 rebounds. Kevin Seraphin scored 14 points, including the go-ahead dunk that made it 90-89 with 5.7 seconds remaining.
Al-Farouq happy with Mavericks switch
igerian international, Al-Farouq Aminu says he is happy with his recent switch from New Orleans Hornets to Dallas Mavericks. Aminu, who has also starred for Los Angeles Clippers in 2010-2011, thinks playing for top NBA teams will make him a better professional player. “Yeah, a lot of players, as I’ve seen throughout the years, have moved around, as well — and they were great players,” Aminu said. “Sometimes you’re just Z]UXUVWX z VUX U¨X VYUX WW¤^X me from being discouraged. I just try to be a pro and hopefully, one of these days, it’ll work out.” · VW ¶ WX Y Y ^X YX \]Ztender in the West,” he said of the Mavs. “Just to be part of this environment has been great so far. Just been
learning a lot and picking up a lot.” Aminu feels that playing Y ]Z ^z[WX z WX ^]ZX VYZdler, who has had 13 years of NBA experience is an opportunity to learn from the veteran player. “Yeah, I’d heard about him and that he was all about defense — that works for me,” Aminu said of Carlisle.
Durant faces eight weeks out
of Germany player exhibited great form forBreakers as they beat defending champions, Perth Wildcats by 80-70 points Francis Ajuonuma in the National Basketball League (NBL) opener in ¶ z W ^X ] - Perth, Australia. ward, Ekene Ibekwe contributed Ibekwe at 10 points to the victory, the weekend teammate, Cedric Jackshowed why son had 22 points to New Zealand Breakers’ his credit, while former Coach, Dean Vickerman Perth player, Rhys Carter went the length to ensure ^\] W[X ½ÃX ¤]zZU^X ]@X UVWX his capturedhim from bench in his regular seaSpanish top side, San Se- son debut for the Breakbastián Gipuzkoa. ers. VWX ] qW X Y W`UVX With an unconvincing
four pre-season games, an elated Vickerman adqz6W[X UVYUX VWX WY^UX W°pected the victory. “We never had that UWYqX]ZXUVWXª]] X ] XYZ X one of those games. So W¶ WX zZ[X ] X YX z6 WX zUX of a mystery to ourselves. UX Y^X YX Zz\WX z6 WX q ^tery the way we played UVWX ^UXVY XYZ[X WX W WX good enough to hold on down the stretch.” z [\YU^X \]Y\VX W ] X Gleeson felt his side had too many “passengers” ]ZX UVWX \]` UX zZX UVWX ^UX half.
· VW WX W WX ¤ ] Y X too many slaps on the back and we didn’t come to work,” Gleeson said. “Our heads weren’t in the game. “We missed assignments and missed layups, and they (New Zealand) were coming out here having fun. “It’s our court and it’s very disappointing. · VWX Y^UX \]`¤ WX ] X days (at training) were WYU¨X VW X W WX ^V] UX and sharp, but we came out here and laid an egg.”
he Philadelphia 76ers have agreed to a three-year partially guaranteed contract with rookie free agent, Ja Karr Sampson on September 14, according to multiple re¤] U^¨X VWX »¯ ]]U¯ÍX `Y [Ø forward went undrafted in this year’s NBA draft after leaving St. John’s following his sophomore season. Sampson played for the Sixers Orlando Summer League World Championship team, where he averaged 8.2 points and 4.8 re ]`Z[^X zZX WX YqW^¨X VWX 2013 Big East Rookie of the Year averaged 12.8 points and 6.1 rebounds for the Red Storm this past season. Sampson’s best asset is athleticism and his length -- he has a 7-foot wingspan. Sampson is a decent rebounder is has nice touch on his mid-range jumper. But he needs to improve his perimeter shooting and
ball-handling skills. Samp^]ZX ]Z X Y6Wq¤UW[X ½X three-pointers while at St. John’s and was just 2-of-7 from long-range during the summer. Seth Cohen, Sampson’s agent, said that Sampson has put on seven pounds of muscle to his frame and resolved a hitch in his jump shot. Cohen added that based on his conversation with Sixers’ general manager Sam Hinkie, he believes Sampson has a shot at making the Sixers roster.
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Crime Wednesday, October 15, 2014
How I ply my trade abroad â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Robbery suspect ADELEKE ADESANYA
Jude Dike is one of the recently paraded armed robbery suspects by the Lagos state Police command for ' $ % " ( " ) % "' !# ( " *# # # * $ $ alongside others include; sponsoring % $ * !# % "$ %% " ! " ! " # '#* + , Sales of stolen goods for the robbers "$ !# ) -# .. /+ / $ ' +0 # $ !, $ "' "! 1 * ! !# $ ' "$ ' 1 "! # % " 2 ! !# ! 1 "! + "$ $ # % " !# " !) * 1 , " !# "! 1 * * !# % "$ "!, $ 3 $ "+ , # 1 $ % " *0 "' $ # illegal deals across Nigeria shore # 4 # * # $ ! $ ' $, # ! " # * !# ' "' " ! 5 3 "' "$ ! ! ! " " ! +) ! ! $ " # !) 2 ! )
Jude Dike (left) among the robbery suspects during parade at Lagos police command, Ikeja.
told me that he and some friends of his had some goods they could supply me to sell if I could get the buyers, and I told him I could do it since itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about money. And from there, he and his colleagues would bring goods for me to sell for them for over time. In short, he was the one that made me an tell us why you were arrested patronize them. by the police? Before you ventured into the medicine I was unfortunate to have selling of a thing, what were you doing? patronized a group of armed WÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;WXUVWXqW[z\zZWXÂ&#x2026;`^zZW^^XzZX YÂ&#x201A;]^Â&#x201C;X XÂ&#x20AC;Y^X robbers. Though they are not not in Nigeria. I was based in Italy where I the source of my business, but occasionally, deal in business of various kinds. Italy was the I bought goods from them which I resell to place I made my fortune before I came back to qY WX¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201E;U¨X Nigeria to start my medicine business. Why were you arrested by the police, some What were you doing in Italy? two months ago? In Italy where I spent 8 years, I was an The robbery gang brought some stolen goods intermediary between people who deal in for me to sell for them. Though, when they Medicines before bringing them down to brought it, I was initially suspicious of them Nigeria. In this deal, my role was linking but I never knew they were robbers. Having people from Nigeria to business partners who being suspicious of them, I had to send them sold those medicines, jewelries and others. And to my younger brother to get the goods from in those days, I took them to various places for them and sell while I have some part of the the business. I took them to a place like ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201E;UX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x201A;]][^¨X `UX `ZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;U`ZYUW Â&#x2020;X ¤] z\WX Milan. And after linking them for the came to arrest me over the issue. business, I usually collect my commission on How long have you been doing this? whatever transaction involved. I have been receiving goods from the gang Do you have contact with people dealing in and others for the past three years. And prostitution in Italy? whenever I get them, I sell and give their q]ZWÂ&#x2020;XU]XUVWqXYÂ&#x2021;UWÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x192;WY zÂľzZÂ&#x201A;XqÂ&#x2020;X]Â&#x20AC;ZX¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201E;U¨X And like I said earlier, it is not all the goods UVYUX X^W  XzZXqÂ&#x2020;X^V]¤XUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x201A;]6WZXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVWX NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi robbery gang. What do you do for a living? VWX Y`\VzX ^UYUWX ] z\WX ]qqYZ[X I am a medicine seller at Asagbo Street, has arrested a 27-year-old by name Idumota, Lagos Island. Alkassim Hassan Madaki who How did you venture into this? ^¤W\zY z^W[X zZX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zZÂ&#x201A;X \WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^X I got connection with the gang through one YZ[X]@WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x2021;Y WXY¤¤]zZUqWZUXU]XVz^X of them bearing Ejike. As at that time, I never clients and victims. knew he was an armed robber. He was with VWX ] z\WX `Â&#x2026; z\X W YUz]Z^X /\WÂ&#x192;X¸ šÂ&#x201C;X me in Idumota where I ply my trade. On the Mohammed Haruna in a press statement long run, when our relationship got deeper, he
That one was not my direct business. Though, I have friends that link people for prostitution. All I deal with then was medicine business. And if I have anyone who has interest in linking with those my friends in prostitution line, I give them the link while I have my share on whatever business they do. How did you know that the gangs you were paraded with were robbers? I knew they were robbers. That was why I sent them to my younger brother. When they brought the goods and a bus for me to sell for them, I soon discovered from the price they wanted to sell it that those goods were stolen. The reason being that the items were far cheaper in term of naira and kobo than their normal market price. Also, I noticed they are robbers with the manner they brought the goods to me. And immediately I suspected them, I told my friend that they are robbers. So I directed them to my younger brother on commission basis if he does the business successfully. I sent them to him because I would not want to stain myself with such impunity Why didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you report to the police? I would have reported to police but I was scared they would apprehend me because I have patronized them a lot in the past. Apart
from that, I was thinking that the gang may bounce back on me and by devouring me. X X VzWÂ&#x2021;X z WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X `ZUz X Vz^X YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UX Â&#x20AC;Y^X YX resident of Ajegunle, Lagos, also confessed to being the sponsor of the robbers by providing them with weapons for their operation. He equally revealed that he used to facilitate the sales of whatever proceeds they steal from any of their victims. The arrested suspects with Jude include the following: Joel Eghon, Ifeanyi Onwegbuchi, Solomon Igwe, Emmanuel Ifeanyi, Ejike Omegwo and Leonard Afoakwu. The Lagos police boss, Kayode Aderanti, Â&#x20AC;Vz WX Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;zWÂ&#x201E;ZÂ&#x201A;X ZWÂ&#x20AC;^qWZX ]ZX UVWX YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x192;]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x201A;YZÂ&#x201A;X^Yz[XVz^XÂ&#x201A;Y  YZUX]/\WÂ&#x192;^XYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UW[X the gang based on information received on September 20, the robbery gang of armed robbers, who had earlier snatched a Toyota
zY\WX Â&#x2026;`^X Y ]ZÂ&#x201A;X  WX Â&#x2021;WX ]Y[Â&#x201C;X VY[X \]Z WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W[X YUX YX ¤ Y\WX zZX Â&#x2026;`UWX W6YX YÂ&#x192;WYX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX ^UYUWÂ&#x201C;X planning for yet another operation. Accordig to him, In a follow up to the case, YX WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W6YX¤z^U] Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWX WÂ&#x192;zY X ]X XĂ&#x201A;ž½Â½Â&#x201C;X 9 rounds of 9 mm ammunition, three locally qY[WX¤z^U] ^X\`UXU]X^zÂľWXYZ[XÂÂX z WX\YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x192;z[Â&#x201A;W^Â&#x201C;X were recovered from one of the suspects named Joel Eghon .
Jude Dike
Police net certificate forger in Bauchi
qY[WX Y Yz YÂ&#x2026; WX U]X ZWÂ&#x20AC;^qWZX zZX Y`\VzX ^Yz[X ¡UVWX ]qqYZ[XYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UW[X]ZWX  Y^^zqX Y^^YZX Y[Y zÂ&#x201C;X qY WÂ&#x201C;X YZ[X ÂźĂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X ]Â&#x2021;X ZÂ&#x201A;`Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;X zqÂ&#x201C;X Y`\Vz¨X `^¤W\UX ^¤W\zY zÂľW[X zZX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;zZÂ&#x201A;X \WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^X YZ[X ]@WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2021;Y WX Y¤¤]zZUqWZUX U]X his clients/victims.â&#x20AC;? He disclosed that exhibits recovered from the ^`^¤W\UXzZ\ `[W[XUVWXÂ&#x201E; WXÂ&#x2021;Y WX X\WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^Ă&#x2122;X UVÂ&#x192;WWX Â&#x2021;Y WX z¤ ]qYX \WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^Ă&#x2122;X UÂ&#x20AC;]X Â&#x2026; YZ X Ă&#x2DC; X \WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^Ă&#x2122;X WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^X ]Â&#x2021;X
IGP appoints CSP Olabisi Kolawole,â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;force gender adviserâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
I Abba Suleiman, IGP
n a bid to consolidate on the gains qY[WXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX ] z\WX ]Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x201C;X in stemming the tides of violence against women and girls in the country, the Inspector-General of ] z\WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x201A;¨X X ` WzqYZX Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;YXXVY^XÂ&#x192;WÂŻ \]Z^UzU`UW[XUVWX ]Â&#x192;\WX WZ[WÂ&#x192;X ZzU¨ X ZX UVz^X  zÂ&#x201A;VUÂ&#x201C;X UVWX X VY^X Y¤¤]zZUW[X X  YÂ&#x2026;z^zX ] YÂ&#x20AC;] WX Y^X UVWX ]Â&#x192;\WX Gender Adviser to head the newly re\]Z^UzU`UW[X ZzUÂ&#x201C;X Y¤¤]zZUzZÂ&#x201A;X  YÂ&#x2026;z^zX YÂ&#x2020;][WÂ&#x201C;X YX VzWÂ&#x2021;X `¤WÂ&#x192;zZUWZ[WZUX ]Â&#x2021;X ] z\WXU]X^UWWÂ&#x192;XUVWXY@YzÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX ZzU¨ X Yz Â&#x2020;X WÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x20AC;YU\VX Â&#x20AC;Y^X zZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qW[X that the newly constituted unit, among
other things is expected to see to the implementation of a robust capacity Â&#x2026;`z [zZÂ&#x201A;X ¤ YZX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ]/\WÂ&#x192;^X zZX Â&#x201A;WZ[WÂ&#x192;X related issues. The unit, it was further learnt shall ensure the inclusion of gender training zZX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX ] z\WX\`Â&#x192;Â&#x192;z\` `qXYUXY  X W W ^¨ \\]Â&#x192;[zZqÂ&#x201A;XU]XÂ&#x2021;WW WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVWX]/\WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX ]Â&#x192;\WX `Â&#x2026; z\X W YUz]Z^X /\WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X qqYZ`W X Âş` Â&#x20AC;`Â&#x201C;X YX ]qqz^^z]ZWÂ&#x192;X ]Â&#x2021;X ] z\WÂ&#x201C;X UVWX ZzUX ^VY  X ¡^WWX U]X UVWX W^UYÂ&#x2026; z^VqWZUX]Â&#x2021;X WZ[WÂ&#x192;X W^ X]/\WÂ&#x192;^X zZX ] z\WX ]Â&#x192;qYUz]Z^X ZYUz]ZÂ&#x20AC;z[WÂ&#x201C;X besides enhancing the already existing collaboration with other stakeholders in the area of gender equality.
\\`¤YZ\Â&#x2020;X¸ ]Â&#x2021; šÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x192;zqYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X^\V]] X\WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;\YUW^X YZ[X UÂ&#x20AC;]X X \YÂ&#x192;[^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X zÂ&#x201A;VX ]`Â&#x192;UX ]Â&#x2021;X `^Uz\WÂ&#x201C;X Y`\VzÂ&#x201C;XYq]ZÂ&#x201A;X]UVWÂ&#x192;^¨ The statement said on the same Sunday, police detectives in Ningi, the headquarters of Ningi Local Government Area of the state, arrested one Hamisu Saidu, who conspired Â&#x20AC;zUVX UÂ&#x20AC;]X ]UVWÂ&#x192;^X Z]Â&#x20AC;X YUX  YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WX YZ[X Y6Y\ W[X ]VYqqW[X W  ]X]Â&#x2021;X YZZYX z  YÂ&#x201A;WXzZXUVWXYÂ&#x192;WY¨ According to the statement, the suspects stormed the resident of their victim with the intent of robbing him of his money, which was the proceed from the cow he sold during the market day. The statement added that the victim was shot and killed by the suspect and his accomplices. Meanwhile, a 29-year-old resident of Jahun YÂ&#x192;WYX]Â&#x2021;X Y`\VzXqWUÂ&#x192;]¤] z^Â&#x201C;X]ZWX YÂ&#x2026;]X qYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;Y^X YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UW[X]ZX ]Z[YÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X¤Â&#x192;]\`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XYX½ÂÂŻÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;ÂŻ] [X Â&#x201A;zÂ&#x192; XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWXzZUWZUz]ZX]Â&#x2021;XVY zZÂ&#x201A;Xz  z\zUXY@YzÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX VWÂ&#x192;XYUX `ZUzZX Y[YXYÂ&#x192;WYX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX^UYUWX\Y¤zUY ¨ VWX^UYUWqWZUX^Yz[Â&#x201C;X¡ ZXUVWX½ÂĂ&#x2DC;½ŽĂ&#x2DC;ŸŽ½Ă&#x192;X]ZWX YÂ&#x2026;]X qYÂ&#x192;X qY WX YZ[X ÂźĂ?X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X ] [X ]Â&#x2021;X YV`ZX Y`\VzXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UW[XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X¤Â&#x192;]\`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XYX½ÂXÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X old girl into the bush with intent to have illicit Y@YzÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXVWÂ&#x192;XYUX `ZUzZX Y[Y¨´ However, the statement further disclosed that all the suspects arrested were assisting the police with useful information that would assist the police in their investigations.
Daily Newswatch
Wednesday, OCTOBER 15, 2014
EFCC; beyond the bribery allegation OWOLOLA ADEBOLA
ecently, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC drew UVWX Y6WZUz]ZX ] X UVWX WZW Y X ¤` z\X U]XYX W¤] UX^Yz[XU]XVY WX WWZX z[W X ^ Z[z\YUW[X zZX UVWX ZW ^¤Y¤W ^X YZ[X ]Z zZWX qW[zY¨X VYUX Y^X ]ZX ]Z[Y X \U] W X » X ¼®½Ã¨X VWX ^Yz[X ¤` z\YUz]ZX UVYUX Y^X YUW X [W^\ z W[X X UVWX YZUz¯ Y UX Y WZ\ X Y^X · `^W´X Y W W[X UVWX zZ ] WqWZUX ] X ]/\zY ^X ] X UVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX zZX YX z W X ^\YZ[Y X ] W X UVWX Y YZX zWX Y^X ]ºW\UX zZX Y W ^YX UYUW¨X VWX W¤] UX Vz\VX z^X ¤` ¤] UW[ X Y^W[X ]ZX YX ¤WUzUz]ZX U]X UVWX ]`^WX ] X W¤ W^WZUYUz W^X X YX \W UYzZX Vz[zX Y z[X [W YZ Y XY\\] [zZ XU]XUVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX·]` VUXU]X WXz Z] W[XY^XUVWXq]Uz WX z^X W^^WZUzY X U]X W `[[ WX UVWX \Y^WX ¤WZ[zZ X Y YzZ^UXUVWX¤WUzUz]ZW XYUXUVWX W[W Y X z VX ]` U X `ºY¨´X The Commission said it was constrained to W^¤]Z[X zZX UVWX zZUW W^UX ] X WY[W ^X V]X qz VUX VY WX WWZXqz^ WY[X XUVWX^¤]Z^] W[X^U] \\] [zZ XU]XzU X· ] XUVWXY ]z[YZ\WX] X[]` U X UVW WX z^X Z]X U `UVX zZX UVWX \ YzqX X [W YZ YX UVYUX ]/\zY ^X ] X UVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX [WqYZ[W[X YUz \YUz]ZX ]qX VzqX U]X UV ] X UVWX \Y^W¨X UX z^X zZ\]Z\Wz Y WXUVYUXYZ X]/\zY X] XUVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX z XY^ X ] XYX z WX WUXY ]ZWX¤ ]qz^zZ XU]XqY WX WU` Z^X U]X UVWX 6] ZW X WZW Y X YZ[X zZz^UW X ] X `^Uz\W X ]VYqqW[X W ]X [] W¨X Vz^X z^X ¤ W¤]^UW ]`^Ú´X \\] [zZ X U]X [W YZ Y X ·X UVWX z W^X W WX [WqYZ[W[X zZX ¼®½½´¨X X VWX ]qqz^^z]Z X UV ]` VX zU^X ^¤] W^X ¤W ^]Z X ¨X z ^]ZX ` zW WZX \]Z^W_`WZU X _`W^Uz]ZW[X UVWX [W YZ YXYZ[X YZUW[XU]X Z] X V X·XzUXVY^X UY WZXVzqXUV WWX^] z[X WY ^XU]X ]X¤` z\X zUVXUVWX Y W YUz]Z ` zW WZX [WZzW[X YZ X z W X zZ ] WqWZUX ^Y zZ ÙX ·UVWX WY zU X z^X UVYUX Z]UVzZ X ] X ^`\VX VY¤¤WZW[¨X VWX\]ZU z YZ\WXz^XYX¤ ] XU]X[z^\ W[zUX UVWX \Y^WX zZ^UzU`UW[X X UVWX X Y YzZ^UX [W YZ Y¨X VWX¤WUzUz]ZW Xz^X\` WZU X^UYZ[zZ X U zY X W ] WX UVWX W[W Y X z VX ]` U X `ºYX ]ZX \VY W^X ] X ] UYzZzZ X q]ZW X `Z[W X Y ^WX ¤ WUWZ\W¨X · WX Y W W[ X X `^W[X Vz^X ¤]^zUz]ZX Y^X ZUW Y\WX YZ W X ] X VW XU]XW°U] UXVz^XWq¤ ] W X UV ]` VX YX ¤V]Z X \]Z^` UYZ\ X zZX \]ZZz YZ\WX zUVX ]/\zY ^X ] X UVWX Y W ^YX UYUWX X zZz^U X ] X YZX W W ]¤qWZUX WX Y W W[ X Y Y [W[X Vzq^W X YX \]Z^` UYZ\ X \]ZU Y\UX `^zZ X Vz^X \]q¤YZ X· ] ^UW\V´X WzZ X `ZX XVz^X z zWZ[ X µ]qYX W XYZXY\\]q¤ z\W¨X VWX·UWYq´Xqz W[X VW X ] X ½¨Í z z]ZX zZX \]Z^` UYZ\ X \VY W^X ] X UVWX Y YZX zWX Y^X¤ ]ºW\U¨ · VWX ¤V]Z X [WY X YUW X \]^UX VzqX Vz^X º] ¨X VWX qY6W X Vz\VX Y^X W ] WX `^Uz\WX Y[ ^X ]U`X Y^X YUW X WY^^z ZW[XU]X `^Uz\WX [WZz zX [Wq] YX Y UW XUVWX ] qW X W UXUVWX WZ\V¨ · YUVW X UVYZX ¤ ] WX Vz^X zZZ]\WZ\WX zZX \]` U X [W YZ YX W^] UX U]X ^W X VW ¤X X ¤WUzUz]ZzZ X UVWX ]`^WX ] X W¤ W^WZUYUz W^X YZ[X ^WW zZ X U]X ^\YZ[Y zµWX UVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX UV ]` VX ^¤` z]`^X Y W YUz]Z^¨ UX z^X W W6Y WX UVYUX YX ^W\Uz]ZX ] X UVWX qW[zYX ]` VUX UVz^X Yq zUX X `^VzZ X U]X ¤` z^VX zUV]`UX YZ X Y6Wq¤UX YUX W z zZ X UVWX \ YzqX ] X ^WW zZ X UVWX zW ^X ] X UVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX ]ZX UVWX ¤` ¤] UW[XY W YUz]Z¨X · X UVz^X ]qz^^z]ZX z^X ¤Y UX ] X YZX Y WZ[YX U]X Wq Y Y^^X YZ[X [z^U Y\UX UVWX X ]qX ¤` ^`zZ X UVWX \Y^WX Y YzZ^UX [W YZ Y X zUX VY^X Yz W[¨X ]XYq]`ZUX] X^¤]Z^] W[X¤` z\YUz]Z^X]ZX `Z ]`Z[W[XY W YUz]Z^X z X^U]¤XUVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX ]qX [z z WZU X ¤ ]^W\`UzZ X UVWX \Y^WX Y YzZ^UX [W YZ Y¨¨¨UVWX ]qqz^^z]ZX^Yz[¨´ ]qWX U]X UVzZ X ] X zUÙX z W X Y W YUz]ZX z^X YX ^W z]`^XqY6W Xq]^UXW^¤W\zY X VWZXzUX\WZU W^X]ZX YZX] YZzµYUz]ZX^Y[[ W[X zUVXUVWX W^¤]Z^z z zU X ] X VUzZ XUVWX^\]` W¨X V]XUVWZX[]W^XZ]UX Z] X UVYUX z WX \] ][W^X zZUW zU ÏX ][Y X z W X Y ]`Z[XUVWX ] [Xz^XW^UzqYUW[XYUXY ]`UXÛ½XU z z]ZX ¸ÜÃÍà Z¹¨ UX VY^X zZ[WW[X UY WZX YZX ] YZzµYUz]ZX z WX UVWX X`Z_`YZUz W[XUzqWXU]X `z [XzU^X W¤`UYUz]Z¨XX ]`X UVWZX UVzZ X Y ]`UX UVWX W@W\UX ] X \]Z[`\UX ]ZX W¤`UYUz]ZÚX `UXUVWZ X z W Xz^XYZXY\UX] X z zZ X q]ZW X ] X z UX zUVX UVWX zW X U]X Y UW zZ X UVWX WVY z] X] XUVWX W\z¤zWZUXzZX Y ]` X] XUVWX z W ¨X UX
Lamorde, EFCC boss
z^ X]ZXYX Y W X¤ YZW XYX z UX Y\W[X zUVX[z^V]ZW^U ¨X UX \]` [X WX z WZX [z W\U X ] X zZ[z W\U X U]X UVWX W\Wz W ¨X UX Y X [W¤WZ[^X ]ZX UVWX \z \`q^UYZ\W¨X ¤Y UX ]qX UVWX Y\UX UVYU¨X z W X \]Z^UzU`UW^X YX \ zqzZY X ]@WZ\WX ] X Vz\VX ]UVX UVWX z W X YZ[X UVWX W\Wz W X\]` [X WX¤`Zz^VW[Xz X ]`Z[X `z U X zZXYX\]` UX] X Y XX Y\ ¶^X Y X z\Uz]ZY XXY ^]X [W ZW^XUVWX^]\zY XqWZY\WXY^XUVWX]@W zZ X z zZ X W\Wz zZ X ] X ^] z\zUzZ X ] X YZ X zUWqX ] X Y `WX U]X zZª`WZ\WX UVWX Y\Uz]Z^X ] X YZX ]/\zY X ] X ]UVW X ¤W ^]ZX zZX \VY WX ] X YX ¤` z\X ] X W Y X [`U ¨X X W°UWZ^z]Z X z W X z^X \Y¤Y WX ] X ` z^VzZ X UVWX U]UY zU X] XYXqYZXz X\Y` VUXzZXUVWX W ¨X Vz^Xz^XUVWX q] WX WY^]ZX V XUVWX WY[W ^Vz¤X] XUVWX \]Z]qz\X YZ[XUVWX zZYZ\zY X zqW^X ]qqz^^z]Z X¸ ¹X ^V]` [X ]X W ]Z[XUVWXqW WX W `UWX] XYX Wz VU X Y W YUz]ZX ] X z WX ÖUY zZ X ]ZX UVWX ¤Y W^X ] X ZW ^¤Y¤W ^¨X VWX ]qqz^^z]ZX^V]` [X YUVW X ]X U]X W[ W^^X UVWX z^^`WX YUX UVWX Y¤¤ ]¤ zYUWX _`Y UW X ¨ X^V]` [XUY WXZ]UWX] XUVWX Y\UXUVYUXzUXz^XZ]UX UVWX^YqWXZ`q W X] X¤W]¤ WXUVYUX WY[XUVWX· z [X Y W YUz]Z´X UVYUX ]` [X WY[X UVWX · WY\Uz]Z´¨X VWX z WX Y W YUz]ZX ^V]` [X WX UV] ]` V X zZ W^Uz YUW[X ] XqYZ X WY^]Z^¨X ZXUVWX ^UX¤ Y\W X X Y^X YZX ] YZzµYUz]ZX z^X [`U X ]`Z[X U]X WX Y ] WX ¤W\`ZzY X zZ[`\WqWZU¨X VWX WZ\ X z^X UVWX Y^UXV]¤WX] XUVWX W X¤YU z]Uz\X z W zYZ^X V]X WZ`zZW X W zW WXzZXº`^UXYZ[XW Y zUY zYZX^]\zWU X VW WX^]\zY Xz ^X^V]` [XZW W X WXqY[WXU]X ] qX YX W W WZ\WX ¤]zZU¨X X X Y^X · ` z\X z ` W´ X z^X UVWX W WX ] X UVWX \]`ZU X YZ[X UVYUX VYUW W X VY¤¤WZ^X zUVzZXzUX W¤ W^WZU^XUVWXU]UY zU X] XUVWX \]`ZU ¨X UXz^X W X YUz zZ XU]X^Y XUVYUXqYZ X] X UVWX]¤W YUz W^XY6Y\VW[XU]XUVWXYZUz¯ Y UXY WZ\ X VY WX] W ¯^UY W[XYUXUVWz X[`U X¤]^U¨X `\VX]/\W ^X ZWW[X WXq] W[XY ]`Z[X^]XUVYUXUVW X\]` [XZ]UX \]Z^UzU`UWX·^]\zY XqWZY\W´XU]XUVWX WY[W ^Vz¤X] X YZX] YZzµYUz]ZX Z] ZXU]XVY WX[]ZWX\ W[zUY X W X ] XUVWXzqY WX] XUVWX\]`ZU ¨X VWXzq¤`ZzU X \` U` WX UVYUX ·YUX UVWX X zZ ^X []X Z]UX ]X ]ZX WY W´X^V]` [X WX WºW\UW[XzZXzU^XWZUz WU ¨X UXz^X ] UV X] XqWZUz]ZzZ XUVYUX z U^X] Xq]ZW X ] X ]UVW X zUWq^X ] X Y `WX ] X YZX ]¤WZX ZYU` WX U]X
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From a legal point of view, active bribery can be defined for instance as the promising, offering or giving by any person, directly or indirectly, of any undue advantage [to any public official], for himself or herself or for anyone else, for him or her to act or refrain from acting in the exercise of his or her functions
Y^X `ZºW¨X UX UVWX ¤] z\WX ^UYUz]Z^ X zUX z^X \Y W[X WzUVW X ] W X] X^W6 W¨X VWX\`^U]q^X^W z\WXY ^]X \Y XzUX·^W6 W´XYUXUVWz X Y z]`^X^ZWY zZ X¤]zZU^¨X ] zUz\zYZ^X z zZ X z WX U]X X YX W¤] UW X z^X \Y W[X · ] ZXWZ W ]¤Ý´X Z[XUVWX YZ `Y WX ]W^X]Z¨ ] q^X] X z W ZXYX Y W X^\Y W XqYZ XU ¤W^X] X z W^XW°z^UÕX Uz¤ X z U X^]¤ X¤W X^ zq X Y ] X[z^\]`ZU X Yz W[X WWØUz\ WU X WWX ]][ X WWXY[ X WWXU z¤ X WWXUz\ WU^ X ^ WWUVWY UX [WY X z\ Y\ ؤY Y\ X `Z[zZ X zZªYUW[X^Y WX] XYZX] ºW\UX] X¤ ]¤W U X `\ YUz WX \]ZU Y\U X []ZYUz]Z X \Yq¤Yz ZX \]ZU z `Uz]Z X `Z[ Yz^W X ^¤]Z^] ^Vz¤Ø Y\ zZ X Vz VW X ¤Y zZ Xº] X^U]\ X]¤Uz]Z^ X^W\ WUX\]qqz^^z]Z X] X ¤ ]q]Uz]ZX¸ z^WX] X¤]^zUz]ZØ YZ ¹¨ ZWX q`^UX WX \Y W ` X ] X [z@W zZ X ^]\zY X YZ[X \` U` Y X Z] q^X VWZX W°YqzZzZ X z W ¨X °¤W\UYUz]Z^X ] X VWZX YX q]ZWUY X U YZ^Y\Uz]ZX z^X Y¤¤ ]¤ zYUWX \YZX [z@W X ]qX ¤ Y\WX U]X ¤ Y\W¨X ] zUz\Y X\Yq¤Yz ZX\]ZU z `Uz]Z^XzZXUVWX ] qX] X \Y^V X ] XW°Yq¤ W XY WX\]Z^z[W W[X\ zqzZY XY\U^X ] X z W XzZX^]qWX\]`ZU zW^ X Vz WXzZXUVWX ZzUW[X UYUW^ X ¤ ] z[W[X UVW X Y[VW WX U]X W W\Uz]ZX Y X Y WX W Y ¨X z¤¤zZ X ] X W°Yq¤ W X z^X \]Z^z[W W[X z W XzZX^]qWX^]\zWUzW^ X Vz WXzZX]UVW ^XUVWXU ]X \]Z\W¤U^XqY XZ]UX WXzZUW \VYZ WY W¨ ZX ^]qWX ¤YZz^V¯^¤WY zZ X \]`ZU zW^ X z W^X Y WX W W W[X U]X Y^X ·q] [z[Y´X ¸ zUW Y X · zUW´¹ÙX zZX Y X \]`ZU zW^X UVW X Y WX Y\V Y¨X WZ\V¯^¤WY zZ X \]`ZU zW^X ] UWZX `^WX UVWX W°¤ W^^z]Z^X ·[W^^]`^¯[W¯UY W´X ¸·`Z[W ¯UVW¯ UY W´X \]qqz^^z]Z^¹ X ·¤]U¯[W¯ zZ´X ¸ zUW Y X · zZW¯¤]U´¹ X ] X ·\]qqz^^z]ZX ]\\` UW´X ¸·^W\ WUX \]qqz^^z]Z´X ] X · z\ Y\ ´¹¨X Vz WX UVWX Y^UX U ]X W°¤ W^^z]Z^X \]ZUYzZX zZVW WZU X YX ZW YUz WX \]ZZ]UYUz]Z X UVWX W°¤ W^^z]ZX ·[W^^]`^¯[W¯UY W´X \YZX WX] UWZX`Z[W ^U]][XY^XYX\]qq]Z XY\\W¤UW[X `^zZW^^X¤ Y\Uz\WX¸ ] XzZ^UYZ\W X]ZXUVWX]\\Y^z]ZX ] XYX WY XW^UYUWXU YZ^Y\Uz]ZX W ] WXUVWXZ]UY XYX ¤Y UzY X ¤Y qWZUX qY[WX WU WWZX UVWX ` W X YZ[X ^W W ÙX ZWW[ W^^X U]X ^Y X UVz^X z^X YX ]][X Y X U]X Y`Z[W Xq]ZW ¹¨X ZX W qYZ XUVWX\]qq]ZXUW qX z^X \VqzW W [X¸·^q]]UVzZ Xq]ZW ´¹¨ VWX ]@WZ\WX qY X WX [z z[W[X zZU]X U ]X WYUX \ Y^^W^ÕX UVWX ]ZW X VW WX YX ¤W ^]ZX zZ W^UW[X zUVX ¤] W X z^X zZ[`\W[X X ¤Y qWZUX U]X `^WX zUX `Zº`^U ÙX UVWX ]UVW X VW WX ¤] W X z^X ] UYzZW[X X ¤` \VY^zZ X UVWX ^`@ Y W^X ] X UV]^WX V]X \YZX zq¤Y UX zU¨X z W z^W X UVWX z W X qz VUX V] [X YX ¤] W ` X ] WXYZ[X\]ZU ] XUVWXU YZ^Y\Uz]ZÙX] XzZX ]UVW X\Y^W^ XYX z WXqY X WXW@W\Uz W XW°U Y\UW[X ]qXUVWX¤W ^]ZX¤Y zZ XzU XY UV]` VXUVz^Xz^X W6W X Z] ZXY^XW°U] Uz]Z¨ VWX ] q^X UVYUX z W X UY WX Y WX Z`qW ]`^¨X ] X W°Yq¤ W X YX q]U] z^UX qz VUX z WX YX ¤] z\WX ]/\W XZ]UXU]Xz^^`WXYXUz\ WUX ] X^¤WW[zZ XYX\zUzµWZX ^WW zZ X ¤Y¤W ] X ] X `Uz zU X zZWX \]ZZW\Uz]Z^X qz VUX z WXYX `Z\Uz]ZY X ] X Y^UW X^W z\W¨ z W X qY X Y ^]X UY WX UVWX ] qX ] X YX ^W\ WUX \]qqz^^z]Z X YX ¤ ] zUX qY[WX X YZX Y WZU X zZX UVWX \]` ^WX] XVz^XWq¤ ] qWZU X zUV]`UXUVWX Z] W[ WX ] X Vz^X ¤ zZ\z¤Y ¨X `¤VWqz^q^X Y ]`Z[X ] X UVz^X ¸\]qqz^^z]Z X ^ WWUWZW X z\ ¯ Y\ X WU\¨¹X z W ^X YZ[X W\z¤zWZU^X ] X z W X Y WX z W z^WX Z`qW ]`^X Y UV]` VX z W ^XVY WX]ZWX\]qq]ZX[WZ]qzZYU] X YZ[XUVYUXz^XUVWX zZYZ\zY XY z zU XU]X z W¨ UX ]W^X zUV]`UX ^Y zZ X UVYUX W@] U^X VY WX WWZXqY[WXzZX W\WZUX WY ^X XUVWXzZUW ZYUz]ZY X \]qq`ZzU XU]XWZ\]` Y WX\]`ZU zW^XU]X[z^^]\zYUWX YZ[XzZ\ zqzZYUWXY^X^W¤Y YUWX]@WZ\W^ XY\Uz WXYZ[X ¤Y^^z WX z W ¨X ]qX YX W Y X ¤]zZUX ] X zW X Y\Uz WX z W X\YZX WX[W ZW[X ] XzZ^UYZ\WXY^XUVWX ¤ ]qz^zZ X ]@W zZ X ] X z zZ X X YZ X ¤W ^]Z X [z W\U X ] X zZ[z W\U X ] X YZ X `Z[`WX Y[ YZUY WX ÒU]XYZ X¤` z\X]/\zY Ô X ] XVzq^W X] XVW ^W X] X ] XYZ ]ZWXW ^W X ] XVzqX] XVW XU]XY\UX] X W YzZX ]qXY\UzZ XzZXUVWXW°W \z^WX] XVz^X] XVW X `Z\Uz]Z^¨X ¸ Uz\ WX ¼X ] X UVWX zqzZY X Y X ]Z WZUz]ZX ]ZX ] `¤Uz]ZX¸ X½Â¹X] XUVWX ]`Z\z X] X ` ]¤W¹¨X Y^^z WX z W X \YZX WX [W ZW[X Y^X UVWX W_`W^UX ] X W\Wz¤UX Ò X YZ X ¤` z\X ]/\zY Ô X [z W\U X ] X zZ[z W\U X] XYZ X`Z[`WXY[ YZUY W X ] XVzq^W X ] XVW ^W X] X ] XYZ ]ZWXW ^W X] XUVWXY\\W¤UYZ\WX ] XYZX]@W X] XYX¤ ]qz^WX] X^`\VXYZXY[ YZUY W X U]XY\UX] X W YzZX ]qXY\UzZ XzZXUVWXW°W \z^WX] XVz^X ] XVW X `Z\Uz]Z^X¸Y Uz\ WXX] XUVWX zqzZY X Y X ]Z WZUz]ZX]ZX ] `¤Uz]ZX¸ X½Â¹¨ / 0123 415645137896;57
Daily Newswatch
hen we talk of the accountancy profession in Nigeria, one name worthy of mentioning is Chief Akintola Williams. He brought the profession to limelight and set standards for practitioners in Nigeria. Apart from being the only surviving founding father of the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Chief Akintola z  zYq^XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;z\YZXU]X_`Y zÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2020;X as a chartered accountant. He is a major player in the founding of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. During a long career, Williams has received many honours and awards. Akintola Williams was born in 1919 in Lagos. For his primary education in the WYÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;X ½Ă?ÂÂŽ^Â&#x201C;X VWX Y6WZ[W[X  ]Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;]Â&#x20AC;]X Methodist Primary School situated at Bankole Street, Apongbon, in Lagos Island.
WX Y6WZ[W[X UVWX Â&#x2021;Yq]`^X X Grammar School, in Lagos, and later proceeded to the Yaba Higher College on a UAC scholarship, obtaining a diploma in commerce. In 1944, he travelled to England Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX VWX ^U`[zW[X Â&#x2026;YZ zZÂ&#x201A;X YZ[X Â&#x201E;ZYZ\WX at the University of London. He graduated in 1946 with a Bachelor of Commerce degree. He furthered his ^U`[zW^X¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;W^^z]ZY  Â&#x2020;XYZ[X_`Y zÂ&#x201E;W[XY^XYX chartered accountant in 1949. X X ]Â&#x192;`Â&#x2026;YX]Â&#x2021;XZ]Â&#x2026; WXÂ&#x2026;Y\ Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;]`Z[Â&#x201C;X  ]Â&#x2020;WX Williams is one of the founders of the Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;WX q]X [`[`Â&#x20AC;YX ÂŻÂŻX YZX zZ[zÂ&#x201A;WZ]`^X Yoruba group established in the Diaspora zZX ¤`Â&#x192;^`zUX ]Â&#x2021;X ]Â&#x192;`Â&#x2026;YX ^]\z]ÂŻ\` U`Â&#x192;Y X values while in London, with late Dr. ZzX WÂ&#x192;W WÂ&#x201C;XY^X¤Â&#x192;W^z[WZUXYZ[X YUWX VzWÂ&#x2021;X Â&#x2026;YÂ&#x2021;WqzX Â&#x20AC;] ]Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x201C;XY^X^W\Â&#x192;WUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;¨ ZX Â&#x192;WU`Â&#x192;ZzZÂ&#x201A;X U]X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX zZX ½Ă?žŽÂ&#x201C;X Chief Williams worked with the Inland W WZ`WX Y^X YZX Y^^W^^qWZUX ]/\WÂ&#x192;X `ZUz X YÂ&#x192;\VX½Ă?žŸÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;VWZXVWX WÂ&#x2021;UXUVWX\z z X^WÂ&#x192; z\WX and founded Akintola Williams & Company, in Lagos. The company is the Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX zZ[zÂ&#x201A;WZ]`^X \VYÂ&#x192;UWÂ&#x192;W[X Y\\]`ZUzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qXzZX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;z\Y¨ At that time, the accountancy business Â&#x20AC;Y^X []qzZYUW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x201E; WX  YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;WzÂ&#x201A;ZX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^¨X  UV]`Â&#x201A;VXUVWÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;X ]\Y XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^Â&#x201C;X UVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX\WÂ&#x192;UzÂ&#x201E;W[XÂ&#x192;YUVWÂ&#x192;XUVYZX\VYÂ&#x192;UWÂ&#x192;W[X accountants. Williams gained business from indigenous companies, including Nnamdi Azikiweâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s West African Pilot, ¨ ¨X Â&#x2026;Y[zÂ&#x20AC;WÂś^X Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;z\YZX Z^`Â&#x192;YZ\WX Company, Fawehinmi Furniture and Âş` Â&#x20AC;`X Â&#x192;YZ^¤]Â&#x192;U¨ He also rendered professional services U]X UVWX ZWÂ&#x20AC;X ^UYUWÂŻ]Â&#x20AC;ZW[X \]Â&#x192;¤]Â&#x192;YUz]Z^X ÂŻÂŻX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX zZ\ `[W[X UVWX  W\UÂ&#x192;z\zUÂ&#x2020;X Corporation of Nigeria, the Western Nigeria Development Corporation, the Eastern Nigeria Development Corporation, the Nigerian Railway Corporation and the Nigerian Ports Authority. VWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX ¤YÂ&#x192;UZWÂ&#x192;X zZX UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201C;X VYÂ&#x192; W^X ¨X YZ WÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X Y¤¤]zZUW[X zZX ½Ă?žĂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X followed by a Cameroonian, Mr. Njoh Litumbe. Litumbe opened branch ]/\W^XzZX ]Â&#x192;UX YÂ&#x192;\]`Â&#x192;UXYZ[X Z`Â&#x201A;`Â&#x201C;XYZ[X  YUWÂ&#x192;X ^¤WYÂ&#x192;VWY[W[X UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂś^X ] WÂ&#x192;^WY^X expansion. In 1964, a branch was opened in the Cameroons, followed by branches in Ă&#x;UWX [Âś  ]zÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;YÂľz YZ[X YZ[X Y/ zYUW^X in Ghana, Egypt and Kenya. By March
Chief Akintola Williams: Doyen of accountancy profession ½Ă?Ă?ÂźÂ&#x201C;XUVWX\]q¤YZÂ&#x2020;XVY[X½Ă?X¤YÂ&#x192;UZWÂ&#x192;^XYZ[X Ă?Ă?Âź UV V [ ½Ă? U [ žÂžX^UY@¨ The demand grew as a result of the ]q¤YZzW^X \UX]Â&#x2021;X½Ă?à Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VXÂ&#x192;W_`zÂ&#x192;W[X that companies operating in Nigeria formed locally incorporated subsidiaries and published audited annual accounts. VWX[Â&#x192;z WXzZXUVWXWYÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;X½Ă?Ă&#x201A;ÂŽ^XU]XWZ\]`Â&#x192;YÂ&#x201A;WX indigenous ownership of businesses Y ^]X zZ\Â&#x192;WY^W[X [WqYZ[¨X ZX ½Ă?Ă&#x201A;ÂÂ&#x201C;X X Consultants Ltd, a management consultancy headed by Chief Arthur Â&#x2026;YZWÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X ^¤`ZX ]@¨X VWX \]q¤YZÂ&#x2020;X Y\_`zÂ&#x192;W[X YX \]q¤`UWÂ&#x192;X ^WÂ&#x192; z\WX \]q¤YZÂ&#x2020;X YZ[X YX ^W\Â&#x192;WUYÂ&#x192;zY X ^WÂ&#x192; z\WÂ&#x201C;X YZ[X zZX ½Ă?Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X the company entered into an agreement with Touche Ross International, based ]ZX ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201E;UX ^VYÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;¨X z  zYq^X z^X Y ^]X YX board member and major shareholder in a number of other companies. He retired in 1983. WUÂ&#x20AC;WWZX ¤Â&#x192;z X ½Ă?Ă?Ă?X YZ[X YÂ&#x2020;X ŸŽŽĂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Akintola Williams & Co merged with UÂ&#x20AC;]X ]UVWÂ&#x192;X Y\\]`ZUzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^X U]X \Â&#x192;WYUWX zZU] YX z  zYq^X W ]z6WÂ&#x201C;X UVWX  YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W^UX
¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x2021;W^^z]ZY X ^WÂ&#x192; z\W^X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qX Â&#x2021; z  Y\\]`ZUYZ\Â&#x2020;X U z Â&#x201E; zZX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYXÂ&#x20AC;zUVXYX^UY@X]Â&#x2021;X] WÂ&#x192;XŽŽ¨ Williams also played a leading role in establishing the Association of Accountants in Nigeria (AAN) in 1960 with the goal of training accountants. He Â&#x20AC;Y^XUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX¤Â&#x192;W^z[WZUX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXY^^]\zYUz]Z¨X
WX z^X YX Â&#x2021;]`Z[zZÂ&#x201A;X qWqÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X YZ[X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX president of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN). He was also involved in establishing the Nigerian Stock Exchange. He remained actively involved with these organisations into his old age. At a stock W°\VYZÂ&#x201A;WX \WÂ&#x192;Wq]ZÂ&#x2020;X zZX YÂ&#x2020;X ŸŽ½½Â&#x201C;X VWX called on operators to protect the market and ensure there was no scandal. He said that, if needed, market operators should not hesitate to seek his advice on resolving problems. Public sector positions he has held include chairman of the Federal Income Y°X ¤¤WY X ]qqz^^z]ZWÂ&#x192;^X¸½Ă?žà Ă&#x2013;½Ă?à šÂ&#x201C;X member of the Coker Commission of Z_`zÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XzZU]XUVWX UYU`U]Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;X ]Â&#x192;¤]Â&#x192;YUz]Z^X
In 1964, a branch was opened in the Cameroons, followed by branches in CĂ´te dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire, Swaziland and affiliates in Ghana, Egypt and Kenya
off th the fformer W Western Region of t zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX ¸½Ă?ŸšÂ&#x201C;X qWqÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x2026;]YÂ&#x192;[X of Trustees of the Commonwealth ]`Z[YUz]Z¸½Ă?Ă&#x2013;½Ă?Ă&#x201A;žšÂ&#x201C;X \VYzÂ&#x192;qYZX ]Â&#x2021;X the Lagos State Government Revenue ]  W\Uz]ZX YZW X ¸½Ă?Ă&#x201A;šX YZ[X \VYzÂ&#x192;qYZX of the Public Service Review Panel to correct the anomalies in the Udoji Salary W zWÂ&#x20AC;X ]qqz^^z]ZX¸½Ă?Ă&#x201A;žš¨X UVWÂ&#x192;X ¤]^zUz]Z^X zZ\ `[WX ¤Â&#x192;W^z[WZUX ]Â&#x2021;X the Metropolitan Club in Victoria Island, Lagos; founder and council member of the Nigerian Conservation Foundation and founder and chairman of the board of trustees of the Musical Society of Nigeria (MSN). ZX½Ă?Ă ÂźÂ&#x201C;X z  zYq^XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XV]Z]`Â&#x192;W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYZX ] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUXÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUVWX Â&#x192;[WÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;X UVWX W[WÂ&#x192;Y X W¤`Â&#x2026; z\X ¸ š¨X ]  ]Â&#x20AC;zZÂ&#x201A;X his retirement in 1983, Williams threw himself into a project to establish a music centre and concert hall for the Musical Society of Nigeria. ZX ¤Â&#x192;z X ½Ă?Ă?Ă&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X VWX Â&#x20AC;Y^X Y¤¤]zZUW[X YX ]qqYZ[WÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX ]^UX °\W  WZUX Â&#x192;[WÂ&#x192;X of the British Empire for services to the accountancy profession and for the promotion of arts, culture and music through the Musical Society of Nigeria. The Akintola Williams Arboretum at the Nigerian Conservation Foundationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s VWY[_`YÂ&#x192;UWÂ&#x192;^X zZX YÂ&#x201A;]^X z^X ZYqW[X zZX Vz^X honour. X ZXĂ UVX YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;XŸŽ½½Â&#x201C;XUVWX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYÂŻ Â&#x192;zUYzZX Association presented awards to the past President of Ghana, John Kufour, and Y ^]X U]X VzWÂ&#x2021;X zZU] YX z  zYq^X ÂŻÂŻX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X their contributions to democracy and development in Africa.
Daily Newswatch
Midweek Pulse WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Lagosians react to Oct. 15 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Horn-Free Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Governor Fashola
he Lagos State Government had declared October 15 2014 as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Horn Free Dayâ&#x20AC;? to sensitize residents in the centre of excellence on the VYÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2021;` XW@W\U^X]Â&#x2021;XZ]z^WX¤]  `Uz]ZX]ZX human health. Vz WX^¤WY zZÂ&#x201A;XYUXUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UXW[zUz]ZX ]Â&#x2021;X ¡ YÂ&#x201A;]^X Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;^ÂśX ¤¤Â&#x192;W\zYUz]ZX dayâ&#x20AC;? which was held at the Lagos Chamber of commerce and Industry
]`^WÂ&#x201C;X  Y`^YÂ&#x201C;X WÂşYÂ&#x201C;X ] WÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X Fashola disclosed that the Horn Free Day was an initiative of his administration to dissuade residents in Lagos State from indulging in Z]z^WX ¤]  `Uz]ZX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX VY^X Â&#x2026;WWZX found to be harmful to their health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are gathered here today to ^WZ^zUz^WX]`Â&#x192;^W  W^XzZX¤Â&#x192;W¤YÂ&#x192;YUz]ZXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X the day we have chosen as a Horn Free day; the No-Noise day which is aimed at bringing down the noise in our society. On that day, each one of us and all of us will be consciously doing something to start this very W°\zUzZÂ&#x201A;X Âş]`Â&#x192;ZWÂ&#x2020;X zZX ]Â&#x192;[WÂ&#x192;X U]X Â&#x192;W[`\WX noise in our societyâ&#x20AC;? Fashola said. However, as laudable as the \Yq¤YzÂ&#x201A;ZXYÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UXZ]z^WX¤]  `Uz]ZXz^Â&#x201C;X UVWX Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; YÂ&#x2026;z zUÂ&#x2020;X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX zZzUzYUz WX Y^X observed by residents in the Lagos UYUWXÂ&#x192;WqYzZ^XYZX`¤Vz  XUY^ XY^XUVWÂ&#x2020;X observed that the unruly nature
Opeifa, Commissioner for Transport
YZ[X Â&#x192;W\  W^^X [Â&#x192;z zZÂ&#x201A;X ]Â&#x2021;X \]qqWÂ&#x192;\zY X bus drivers in the state threaten the ^`\\W^^Â&#x2021;` X zq¤ WqWZUYUz]ZX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX scheme. \\]Â&#x192;[zZÂ&#x201A;X U]X YX ^UY@X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX YÂ&#x201A;]^X UYUWX zZz^UÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x192;YZ^¤]Â&#x192;UYUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X the Horn Free Day initiative of the state government is designed to \VW\ XzZ[z^\Â&#x192;zqzZYUWX`^WX]Â&#x2021;XV]Â&#x192;ZXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X q]U]Â&#x192;z^U^Ă&#x2122;XU]XÂ&#x192;W[`\WXZ]z^WX¤]  `Uz]ZX YZ[X U]X ^V]Â&#x20AC;X Â&#x192;W^¤W\UX Yq]ZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x192;]Y[X users and also to maintain road [z^\z¤ zZWXUVYUXz^XÂ&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X \U]Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X½žXz^X set aside as a day without the use of V]Â&#x192;ZXYZ[X^zÂ&#x192;WZXzZXUVWX^UYUWXW°\W¤UXzÂ&#x2021;X needed safe lives.
The big question is, how realisable is this day achieving the target ]Â&#x2026;ÂşW\Uz WX ¤YÂ&#x192;Uz\` YÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;X zZX [WZ^W Â&#x2020;X ¤]¤` YUW[X YÂ&#x192;WY^X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX ^UYUWX ^`\VX as Oshodi, Lagos Island, Oyingbo, YÂ&#x2026;YXYZ[X]UVWÂ&#x192;X¤YÂ&#x192;U^X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX^UYUW¨ ]Â&#x192;X zZÂ&#x2026;][W z\VWY Â&#x201C;X YX Â&#x192;W^z[WZUX zZX YÂ&#x201A;]^X ^UYUWÂ&#x201C;X UVWX ¤`Â&#x192;¤]^WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX initiative has been defeated from the ÂŞYÂ&#x201A;ÂŻ]@X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX^\VWqW¨ According to him, Lagos State zZX^¤zUWX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXqWÂ&#x201A;YX^UYU`^XUVYUXzUXz^X Â&#x2026;WzZÂ&#x201A;X Y\\]Â&#x192;[W[X z^X Z]UX Â&#x192;z¤WX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ^`\VX scheme. He said â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;horn free dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; initiative as achieving its
I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think setting aside a day as a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;no noise dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is necessary instead the government should concentrate more on tackling issues that would impact positively on peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lives directly
¤`Â&#x192;¤]^WX Â&#x2026;W\Y`^WX zÂ&#x2021;X UVWX W[`\YUW[X drivers strictly adhere and observe zUX U]X UVWX  W6WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;VYUX YÂ&#x2026;]`UX UVWX uneducated commercial bus drivers? X []ZÂśUX Â&#x20AC;YZUX U]X Â&#x2026;WX ¤W^^zqz^Uz\X YÂ&#x2026;]`UX UVWX Â&#x20AC;V] WX z[WYÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX X UVzZ X the government needs to be more cautious so as not to record casualties on our roads on this day as a result of this horn free day. I believe with the ¤]]Â&#x192;X ^UYUWX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX W\]Z]qÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX over-laden hearts of many Nigerians, UVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;Y XUVWXÂ&#x192;]Y[XYÂ&#x2026;^WZUÂŻqzZ[W[ Â&#x2020;¨X qYÂ&#x201A;zZWXYX^zU`YUz]ZX z WXUVz^XYZ[XÂ&#x2020;]`X YÂ&#x192;WX Z]UX W°¤W\UW[X U]X V]Z X UVWX V]Â&#x192;ZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;VYUX []X Â&#x2020;]`X UVzZ X Â&#x20AC;]` [X VY¤¤WZĂ?X How many Lagosians are even aware of the day? The commercial bus drivers are good at indiscriminate blaring of horn, has the government UY WZXYZÂ&#x2020;X^UW¤XzZXWZ^`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XUVWÂ&#x2020;XYÂ&#x192;WX adequately educated in this regard? Many of the commercial drivers ^WWX V]Â&#x192;ZX Y^X YX U]] X ]Â&#x2021;X ¤ YÂ&#x2020;X YZ[X Z]UX to avoid collision this is why they sound it even when it is necessary. They said on that day motorists are not to use their horns and siren at Y  X W°\W¤UX U]X ^Y WX  z W^¨X  ^]Â&#x201C;X UVYUX zUX is aim at ensuring safer roads, safer driving and safer commuters but I UVzZ XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVz^X^\VWqWXU]XY\VzW WXUVWX aforesaid, more enlightenment need U]XÂ&#x2026;WXWqÂ&#x2026;YÂ&#x192; X`¤XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWXÂ&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX Continued on Page 47
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Midweek Pulse
Lagosians react to Oct. 15 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Horn-Free Dayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Continued from Page 46
on the right use of horn and siren. I []ZÂśUXUVzZ X^W6zZÂ&#x201A;XY^z[WXYX[YÂ&#x2020;XY^XYX Ă Z]X Z]z^WX [YÂ&#x2020;ÂśX z^X ZW\W^^YÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X zZ^UWY[X UVWX Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX ^V]` [X \]Z\WZUÂ&#x192;YUWX q]Â&#x192;WX]ZXUY\  zZÂ&#x201A;Xz^^`W^XUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;]` [X zq¤Y\UX ¤]^zUz W Â&#x2020;X ]ZX ¤W]¤ W^ÂśX  z W^X [zÂ&#x192;W\U Â&#x2020;´¨ VWX YÂ&#x201A;]^X UYUWX ]Â&#x192;ZX Â&#x192;WWX YÂ&#x2020;X Yq]ZÂ&#x201A;X ]UVWÂ&#x192;X UVzZÂ&#x201A;^X z^X U]X \VW\ X Z]z^WX ¤]  `Uz]ZX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX z^X ^Yz[X U]X be harmful to human health. But Emeka Ossai, a trader, has argued UVYUX UVWX ¤WÂ&#x192;\WZUYÂ&#x201A;WX ]Â&#x2021;X Z]z^WX UVYUX WqYZYUW[XÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXV]Â&#x192;ZXV]Z zZÂ&#x201A;X\]` [X Z]UX Â&#x2026;WX \]q¤YÂ&#x192;WX U]X UVWX Z]z^WX UVYUX z^X Â&#x201A;WZWÂ&#x192;YUW[XÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVWX`^WX]Â&#x2021;XW W\UÂ&#x192;z\zUÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x201A;WZWÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;X YZ[X UVWX zZ[z^\Â&#x192;zqzZYUWX ]Â&#x2021;X  ]`[X VYz WÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;W zÂ&#x201A;z]`^X V]`^W^X [`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;XUVWzÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192;^Vz¤¨X \\]Â&#x192;[zZÂ&#x201A;X U]X VzqÂ&#x201C;X UVWX ^UYUWX Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX ^V]` [X \VYZZW X UVWX Â&#x192;W^]`Â&#x192;\WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX ^UYUWX zZX []zZÂ&#x201A;X something meaningful and not qz^Y¤¤Â&#x192;]¤Â&#x192;zYUzZÂ&#x201A;X zUX ]ZX Â&#x20AC;Y^UWÂ&#x2021;` X  WZU`Â&#x192;WXY^XUVWXV]Â&#x192;ZXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWX[YÂ&#x2020;¨ ¡ Â&#x2021;X XqYÂ&#x2020;XY^ Â&#x201C;XV]Â&#x20AC;X[z[XUVWXV]] zÂ&#x201A;YZ^X UVYUX\]Z^UzU`UWXZ`z^YZ\WX]ZX]`Â&#x192;XÂ&#x192;]Y[^X get there? Is it not the import of bad Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZYZ\WX YZ[X Â&#x2021;Yz `Â&#x192;WX ]ZX UVWX ¤YÂ&#x192;UX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX YZ[X ¤] zUz\Y X  WY[WÂ&#x192;^Ă?X X\YZX^YÂ&#x2020;XY`UV]Â&#x192;zUYUz W Â&#x2020;XUVYUX qYZÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x192;]Y[X`^WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x2026; YÂ&#x192;WXXXUVWzÂ&#x192;XV]Â&#x192;ZXY^X YXÂ&#x192;W^` UX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXYZZ]Â&#x2020;YZ\WX\Y`^W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X these hooligans on the road. Have Â&#x2020;]`XÂ&#x20AC;zUZW^^W[XYX^\WZYÂ&#x192;z]XÂ&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XYXX V]] zÂ&#x201A;YZXÂ&#x20AC;]` [XÂ&#x2026;WXÂ&#x2026;WZUX]ZX\]  W\UzZÂ&#x201A;X Vz^X U]  X Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX YX \]qqWÂ&#x192;\zY X [Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;X and the driver refusing him and that YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;Y YUzZÂ&#x201A;XzZU]X z] WZ\WXYZ[XUÂ&#x192;Y/\X Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;z[ ]\ X]ZXUVWXÂ&#x192;]Y[¨X ZXUVz^XzZ^UYZ\WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;]` [XÂ&#x2020;]`XÂ&#x192;YUVWÂ&#x192;X^]`Z[XÂ&#x2020;]`Â&#x192;XV]Â&#x192;ZX U]XÂ&#x201A;WUX]@XUVWXV]] X]Â&#x192;XZ]UĂ?X Â&#x201A;YzZÂ&#x201C;XUVWX noise pollution that is generated from UVWX `^WX ]Â&#x2021;X ¤]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x201A;WZWÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;X \YZZ]UX Â&#x2026;WX \]q¤YÂ&#x192;WX U]X Z]z^WX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX V]Â&#x192;ZX ^]`Z[zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X q]U]Â&#x192;z^U^¨X Â&#x2021;X UVWX ^UYUWX Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUXz^XzZUWÂ&#x192;W^UW[XzZXÂ&#x192;W[`\zZÂ&#x201A;X death rate from noise pollution, let UVWqX¤`UXzZX¤ Y\WX^UYÂ&#x2026; WXW W\UÂ&#x192;z\zUÂ&#x2020;X^]X UVYUXÂ&#x192;W^z[WZU^XÂ&#x20AC;]` [XZ]UX¤]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;XUVWzÂ&#x192;X V]qW^X Â&#x20AC;zUVX W W\UÂ&#x192;z\zUÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x201A;WZWÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;¨X VYUXUVWÂ&#x192;WXYÂ&#x192;WXZ]z^W^XW WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WXzZX the state is due to the failure of our  WY[WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;]ZÂśUX UVWÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2026;WX Z]z^WX ¤]  `Uz]ZXÂ&#x20AC;VWZXUVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x2021;Yz W[X`^¨X VWÂ&#x2020;X VY WX Â&#x2021;Yz W[X U]X Â&#x2021;` Â&#x201E; X UVWzÂ&#x192;X W W\U]Â&#x192;Y X ¤Â&#x192;]qz^W^¨X VWÂ&#x2020;X VY WX Â&#x2021;Yz W[X U]X []X ]`Â&#x192;X Â&#x2026;z[[zZÂ&#x201A;^X YZ[X Â&#x20AC;WX VY WX [W\z[W[X U]XUY WX]`Â&#x192;X[W^UzZÂ&#x2020;XzZX]`Â&#x192;XVYZ[^XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X ^]`Â&#x192;\zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Y UWÂ&#x192;ZYUz WX qWYZ^X ]Â&#x2021;X Y\VzW zZÂ&#x201A;X UVz^¨X Vz^X W°¤ YzZ^X Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X UVWÂ&#x192;WXYÂ&#x192;WXZ]z^W^XW WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;XZ]z^WX]ZX our streets, noise in our homes, at the ¤ Y\W^X ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192;^Vz¤X YZ[X W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX YZ[X XUVzZ XUVz^XUÂ&#x192;WZ[XÂ&#x20AC;z  X\]ZUzZ`WX until the government stands up to its Â&#x192;W^¤]Z^zÂ&#x2026;z zUzW^X´ ^^YzX[W\ YÂ&#x192;W[¨ W^WYÂ&#x192;\VWÂ&#x192;^X VY WX ¤`UX UVWX VYÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2021;` X Z]z^WX W W XYUXĂ&#x201A;ÂŽX[W\zÂ&#x2026;W ^XYZ[XYÂ&#x2026;] WX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX Y\\]Â&#x192;[zZÂ&#x201A;X U]X UVWX Â&#x201A; ]Â&#x2026;Y X standard for measuring noise is rather too high and harmful to human health. q]ZÂ&#x201A;X qYZÂ&#x2020;X `^W^X ]Â&#x2021;X V]Â&#x192;ZX YÂ&#x192;WX U]X Y ]z[X\]  z^z]Z^¨X UXz^X`^WXU]XUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XU]XÂ&#x201A;WUX ¡WÂ&#x2020;WX \]ZUY\U´X Â&#x20AC;zUVX ]UVWÂ&#x192;X [Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;^¨X X q]U]Â&#x192;z^UX qYÂ&#x2020;X UY¤X Vz^X V]Â&#x192;ZX U]X Y WÂ&#x192;UX YZ]UVWÂ&#x192;X [Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;V]X qzÂ&#x201A;VUX U`Â&#x192;ZX zZX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]ZUX]Â&#x2021;XVzqXYZ[X\Y`^WXYX\]  z^z]Z¨ ZXZYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;Xq]`ZUYzZXÂ&#x192;]Y[^Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2020;]`X \YZZ]UX ^WWX YUX  WY^UX ŸŽŽX Â&#x2021;WWUX YVWY[X ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x2020;]`Â&#x192;X  WVz\ WÂ&#x201C;X V]Â&#x192;ZX zZX UVz^X
Motorists are major noise makers
Â&#x20AC;z^WX \]` [X Â&#x2026;WX `^WX U]X ¤Â&#x192;W WZUX UVWX ]\\`Â&#x192;Â&#x192;WZ\WX]Â&#x2021;XY\\z[WZU^¨ Therefore, as Lagosians observe the V]Â&#x192;ZXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWX[YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;VYUXÂ&#x2026;W\]qW^XUVWXÂ&#x2021;YUWX ]Â&#x2021;X \]qq`UWÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X q]U]Â&#x192;z^U^X YZ[X ]UVWÂ&#x192;X road users? WVzZ[WX [WÂ&#x2020;Wq]X zZX Vz^X Y\\]`ZUX Â&#x2026;W zW W^XUVWXÂ&#x20AC;V] WXW°WÂ&#x192;\z^WXz^XYX¤ `^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X YÂ&#x201A;]^X UYUWXUÂ&#x192;Y/\X]/\WÂ&#x192;^XY^XzUXz^X YZXY WZ`WXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWqXU]XÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x192;UVWÂ&#x192;XWZÂ&#x192;z\VX themselves. ¡ ]X qY6WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;VYUX UVWX zZUWZUz]ZX ]Â&#x2021;XUVWX^UYUWXÂ&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUXz^Â&#x201C;X XÂ&#x20AC;]` [X ¤Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x192;XU]X zWÂ&#x20AC;XUVWXzZzUzYUz WXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVWX ¤WÂ&#x192;^¤W\Uz WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVYUX Â&#x201C;X X YZ[X]UVWÂ&#x192;XUÂ&#x192;Y/\X]/\WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x20AC;V]XÂ&#x20AC;]` [X Â&#x2026;WX]ZXUVWXÂ&#x192;]Y[X]ZXUVYUX[YÂ&#x2020;XU]XWZ^`Â&#x192;WX ^UÂ&#x192;z\UX \]q¤ zYZ\W¨X YUVWÂ&#x192;X UVYZX \]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;W\UzZÂ&#x201A;X WÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X q]U]Â&#x192;z^U^Â&#x201C;X UVWÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;]` [X¤Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x192;XU]XqY WX^\Y¤WÂ&#x201A;]YUX]`UX ]Â&#x2021;XUVWqXYZ[XUVWZX\]  W\UXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;zÂ&#x2026;WXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX UVWq¨X VYUXVY^XÂ&#x2026;WWZXUVWXY6zU`[W^X]Â&#x2021;X UÂ&#x192;Y/\X ]/\WÂ&#x192;^X ]ZX YÂ&#x201A;]^X Â&#x192;]Y[^X YZ[X I believe this is not going to be an W°\W¤Uz]Z´X [WÂ&#x2020;Wq]X[W\ YÂ&#x192;W[¨ On his part, Adeola Keshinro, a ^]\zY X\]qqWZUYU]Â&#x192;X]¤zZW[XUVYUX]`Â&#x192;X fate in Nigeria has been in our hands
Y^X^`\\W^^z WXÂ&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUXVY^XÂ&#x2021;Yz W[X zZX¤]^zUz W Â&#x2020;XY@W\UzZÂ&#x201A;X]`Â&#x192;X z W^¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Horn Free initiative of the Lagos State Government is a laudable idea. But the issue is that Governor Fashola need to put some ]UVWÂ&#x192;XUVzZÂ&#x201A;^XzZX¤ Y\WXUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;z  X^WÂ&#x192; WX as a lasting solution to the problem of noise pollution in the state.You []ZÂśUX Âş`^UX Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X `¤X z[WY^X Â&#x2026;W\Y`^WX ]UVWÂ&#x192;X\]`ZUÂ&#x192;zW^XYÂ&#x192;WX[]zZÂ&#x201A;XzU¨X WXYÂ&#x192;WX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYZ^¨X WX VY WX ]`Â&#x192;X ¤W\` zYÂ&#x192;X ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x2026; Wq^X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX X UVzZ X Â&#x20AC;WX ^V]` [X ^]  WX ¤`6zZÂ&#x201A;X zZX qzZ[X ]`Â&#x192;X ¤W\` zYÂ&#x192;X nature and our understanding of the ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x2026; Wq¨ `Â&#x192;XÂ&#x192;]Y[^XXXYÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x192;z[[WZXÂ&#x20AC;zUVX ¤]UV] W^X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX X z[WZUzÂ&#x201E;W[X Y^X UVWX qYÂş]Â&#x192;X\Y`^WX]Â&#x2021;XUÂ&#x192;Y/\XÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;z[ ]\ X]ZX]`Â&#x192;X roads. This is also responsible for the zZ\W^^YZUX`^WX]Â&#x2021;X^zÂ&#x192;WZ^XYZ[XV]Â&#x192;Z^XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X motorists. But if our roads are made q]U]Â&#x192;XYÂ&#x2026; WÂ&#x201C;XUVWÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x20AC;]ZÂśUXÂ&#x2026;WXYZÂ&#x2020;XZWW[X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWX`^WX]Â&#x2021;XV]Â&#x192;ZXY^XUVWÂ&#x192;WXÂ&#x20AC;z  XÂ&#x2026;WXYX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWXÂŞ]Â&#x20AC;X]Â&#x2021;XUÂ&#x192;Y/\¨X  ^]Â&#x201C;XUVWÂ&#x192;WX^V]` [X Â&#x2026;WX Â&#x192;]Y[^X ^zÂ&#x201A;Z^X W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX ]ZX UVWX VzÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^X Â&#x20AC;zUVX ¤Â&#x192;]¤WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x192;]Y[X qYÂ&#x192; ^X UVYUX Â&#x20AC;]` [X Y[[Â&#x192;W^^X UVWX ¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x2026; Wq^X
The move by the Lagos State Government to address noise pollution is a welcome development, but I think it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be a one day affair
of street trading. If the street lights, ÂľWÂ&#x2026;Â&#x192;YX\Â&#x192;]^^zZÂ&#x201A;^Â&#x201C;XUÂ&#x192;Y/\X zÂ&#x201A;VU^Â&#x201C;XWU\XYÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2021;`Z\Uz]ZzZÂ&#x201A;X YUX qY°zq`qX  W W X Â&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;]` [X YZÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026;][Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;YZUX U]X ^]`Z[X zU^X V]Â&#x192;ZĂ?X ]zZÂ&#x201A;XUVW^WX\]` [XVW ¤XÂ&#x192;W[`\WX noise generated from horn honking YZ[X Z]UX [W\ YÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X YX [YÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X zU¨X ]X Â&#x2020;]`X Z]Â&#x20AC;X V]Â&#x20AC;X q`\VX Â&#x192;W^]`Â&#x192;\W^X UVYUX Â&#x20AC;]` [X VY WX Â&#x2026;WWZX W°¤WZ[W[X ]ZX UVYUX V]Â&#x192;ZX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWX [YÂ&#x2020;X ¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UĂ?X `^UX zqYÂ&#x201A;zZWX zÂ&#x2021;X zUX z^X \VYZZW X zZU]X ]UVWÂ&#x192;X ^W\U]Â&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Z]X qY6WÂ&#x192;X V]Â&#x20AC;X  z6 WX zUX z^Â&#x201C;X zU^X zq¤Y\UX Â&#x20AC;]` [X Â&#x2026;WX Â&#x2021;W UX Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X YÂ&#x201A;]^zYZ^X YZ[XUVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;]` [XÂ&#x2026;WXÂ&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XzU¨X WUX UVWX Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX \]Z\WZUÂ&#x192;YUWX ]ZX zZÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;Y^UÂ&#x192;`\U`Â&#x192;WX [W W ]¤qWZUX Â&#x20AC;zUVX ^Uz@X ¤WZY UÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X zU^X  z] YUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X UVWÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x20AC;]` [XÂ&#x2026;WXYX\VYZÂ&#x201A;WXzZXUVWXY6zU`[WX]Â&#x2021;X q]U]Â&#x192;z^U^XYZ[XÂ&#x192;]Y[X`^WÂ&#x192;^´¨ Vz WX\]qqWZUzZÂ&#x201A;X]ZXUVWXzZzUzYUz WÂ&#x201C;X YX W[z\Y X X X ¤Â&#x192;Y\UzUz]ZWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x192;¨ YÂ&#x192;WX Y\Y` YÂ&#x2020;X VzÂ&#x201A;V zÂ&#x201A;VU^X UVWX W@W\U^X ]Â&#x2021;X noise pollution on human health. ¡ VWX q] WX Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X UVWX YÂ&#x201A;]^X UYUWX Government to address noise ¤]  `Uz]ZXz^XYXÂ&#x20AC;W \]qWX[W W ]¤qWZUÂ&#x201C;X but I think it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be a ]ZWX [YÂ&#x2020;X Y@YzÂ&#x192;¨X ]Z^z[WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX UVz\  Â&#x2020;X ¤]¤` YUW[X ZYU`Â&#x192;WX ]Â&#x2021;X YÂ&#x201A;]^X UYUWÂ&#x201C;XW WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X[YÂ&#x2020;X^V]` [XÂ&#x2026;WX[W\ YÂ&#x192;W[X Z]UXYXV]Â&#x192;ZXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWX[YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UXYXZ]z^WXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;WWX [YÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x2026;W\Y`^WX zUX VY^X Â&#x2026;WWZX ]Â&#x2026;^WÂ&#x192; W[X qW[z\Y  Â&#x2020;X UVYUX Z]z^WX ¤]  `Uz]ZX \]Z^UzU`UWX qYÂş]Â&#x192;X \Y`^WX ]Â&#x2021;X ^UÂ&#x192;W^^X Â&#x192;W YUW[Xz  ZW^^W^Â&#x201C;X^¤WW\VXzZUWÂ&#x192;Â&#x2021;WÂ&#x192;WZ\WÂ&#x201C;X hearing loss, sleep disruption, and  ]^UX ¤Â&#x192;][`\Uz zUÂ&#x2020;¨ VWX zqqW[zYUWX YZ[X Y\`UWX W@W\UX ]Â&#x2021;X Z]z^WX ¤]  `Uz]ZX to a person, over a period of time, is impairment of hearing. Prolonged W°¤]^`Â&#x192;WX U]X zq¤` ^z WX Z]z^WX U]X YX ¤WÂ&#x192;^]ZX Â&#x20AC;z  X [YqYÂ&#x201A;WX UVWzÂ&#x192;X WYÂ&#x192;[Â&#x192;`q¨X VWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;WXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXUVz^X¤WÂ&#x192;^¤W\Uz WÂ&#x201C;XUVWX government should take it upon itself to address the problem of noise pollution in the state to save the lives ]Â&#x2021;XzU^X\zUzÂľWZÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;´XVWX^Yz[¨
Midweek Pulse
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
We expand social security awareness in Nigeria–Akparakwu
hat is Policing Nigeria Awareness Initiative all about? It is a projection of Egbe Akparakwu (EA) Foundation, A public private partnership (PPP) between the foundation and the Nigerian Police Force. It was formally endorsed and given recognition by the Federal Government in 2013 and duly W z^UW W[X X UVWX ] ¤] YUWX @Yz ^X Commission as an incorporated trustee platform. Policing Nigeria Initiative is designed to promote social security awareness programme across and beyond the country. We hold sensitization on social security network, social security seminars and awareness lectures as well as schools and religious programmes on security alert. We are doing all these through the African Partners Project. PNAI is building African human development camp for the purposes of having a training camp on training the trainers who will in-turn expand the social awareness security programme across the nation. It has been observed that government agencies are culpable in the sale of employment starting with the sale of forms, a typical example is the military, customs where applicants pay through their nose for them to secure employment, sadly, most of the victims don’t get these, what has your organization done in this regard? We are working seriously to build the African Human Development Camp which is sighted in Obubra in Cross River State and the camp site in Asaba, we will do open training programmes for capacity building and empowerment activities at [z@W WZUX W W ^ X z X WX WUX UVYUX []ZW X ]ZWX []Z¶UXZW\W^^Y XVY WXU]X WXYZX X]/\W X ] X ] z\WX ] X W WZX Y X /\W X ] X ]`X to survive. Once one has a skill even as a graduate, you have an opportunity to walk into the camp and be trained for three months and come out with a skill. These are the areas we are looking at and in achieving this feat, we will build the brain of the unemployed, where they will use the wisdom acquired from the training for security against crime, they are strategic programmes and planning on human development and it is what the country needs today, and until the government keys into it, we will not be able to solve the insecurity problem living with us. 2<13 073 1253 <)019=53 8>3 945@FG8J5=3 graduates towards skill acquisition knowing that they are mostly interested in just white collar jobs, any remedy to that? The youth and graduates having interest in white collar jobs and not being interested in trying other ventures is as a result of the corrupt white collar job operators around them who in their premises would have sixty vehicles owned by one man, he z^X YZX ]/\zY X ] X ] W ZqWZUX zUVX qYZ X expensive and luxurious automobiles and large bank account. When the youth see all this, they will be tempted to be in government, we are doing our possible best with a view to re-directing their brains to knowing what is necessary and what is to be done at the right time. And if it is not passed to them at the right time we will still not be able to achieve the set goals we have set in place to achieve. Now to politics, we often witness proliferation of interest groups when general elections are coming closer, but 125753 7<@53 K689F73 LMMG53 8913 <>1563 1253 election, is your organization one of the pretending socio-political group? GSN is not a sycophancy group, some of the groups you see now coming when W W\Uz]Z^XY WX\]qzZ X\ ]^WXYZ[X[zWX]@XY UW X the elections are designed for the purpose
High Chief Egbe Akparakwu is the chairman, Policing Nigeria Awareness Initiative (PNAI), he also manages other related subsidiaries working in tandem to achieve set goals. In this interview with NNAH DOUGLAS, he answered various questions on the state of the nation, advising the President on some key areas to further encourage the total growth and development of Nigeria. Excerpts:
Chief Egbe Akparakwu
of sycophancy. GSN is a registered body pursuing capacity development programmes, we live beyond campaign. We are campaigning for sensitive human development capacity programmes. We are not identifying with Mr. President because we want him to be the next President, rather, we are identifying with his transformation agenda, so that if he is not there tomorrow and another person comes, whatever the President is promoting we will identify what relates to the general public. Anything that add value to the interest of the common man-where the common man will have shelter, clothes to wear, food to eat and any programme that is in line with that is what we will key to promote. We do all of these with our fund and not government money as it were. I want to point out that there are groups doing some kind of jamboree programmes in the country and Transformation Ambassadors of Nigeria (TAN) is doing a jamboree programme, they will gather crowd, make noise and unfortunately, they don’t even know the people that are gathered at their rallies. Sometimes they will have about two million people on ground but the Secretary to the Government of the
Federation will come out to say they have 1.6 million signatures from TAN and I see that to be sycophancy. We identify projects which are index platforms. We know what the unemployed need in the area of science and technology, we have ICT wasted. Federal Government mounting free internet facilities in Gwarinpa area of Abuja will give more than 50,000 people employment but their fear is that people will take advantage of it to involve in Y`[` WZUX Y\U^¨X UX z^X W6W X ] X UVWqX U]X involve themselves in internet fraud than ]ZWX ^z6zZ X [] ZX zZX ]ZWX ] W ZqWZUX ]/\W X z zZ X¤W]¤ WXV]¤WXUVYUX z XZW W X qYUW zY zµW¨X VW WX Y WX [z@W WZUX W W X ] X crimes that government hardly knows the one to tackle, when we have questionable characters in government, using their pens to loot public funds in the name of medical trip abroad and buying equipment they don’t need, equipment that can be bought for huge amount of money, and at the end of the day they said purchased equipment will be dumped, peradventure they buy the said goods with 50,000 dollars, they will claim they bought the goods with 50 million naira and what is the [z@W WZ\WX WU WWZX zZUW ZWUX Y`[^UW ^X YZ[X \] `¤UX ] W ZqWZUX ]/\zY ^ÏX VW^WX
We have questionable characters in government, using their pens to loot public funds in the name of medical trips abroad
groups emerge during elections to enable them make money and fail to exist after campaigns. Sometimes, their sponsors will promise them that if they eventually win, UVW X z X WZW UX ]qX UVWz X ] W ZqWZU X but if the promise fail to happen, they VY WX Z]X ]UVW X ]¤Uz]ZX UVYZX U]X [zWX ]@ X UVWX W^` UYZUX W@W\UX ] X UVWqX ^`^UYzZzZ X UVWX ]`¤X z^X z] WZ\W¨X VW X [zWX ]@X zUVX ]^^X ] X V]¤WÙX UVW X [zWX ]@X zUVX Z]UX Z] zZ X VW WXU]X ] XUVW X[zWX]@X zUVXUVWXqzZ[^WUX of the person who mobilized them has ZY X Y YZ[]ZW[X UVWqX W\Y`^WX VWX VY^X grabbed what he want and that is why our programme is mainly geared towards reaching out to other places. In the churches and Mosques for example, we have PNAI monitors or volunteers as the case may be. We have human development agents both in schools and religious organizations and other places we can think of. As soon as we are able to position these volunteer workers zZXY XUVW^WX W [XYZ[X ] W ZqWZUXz^XY WXU]X release funds for the required authorities that are ready to do genuine service and Z]UX¤`6zZ XUVWX `Z[^XzZXUVWXVYZ[^X] X]ZWX armed robber in the name of a politician, who will never know the people talk more of giving them what is due to them. GSN is not involved in political jamboree group, an existing group made up of African Partners Project which are made up of investors, entrepreneurs, politicians and people with like minds who came together to champion the group, therefore GSN did not come did not exist because of Goodluck Jonathan, rather it is standing as a platform to promote human capacity development programmes. People talk of high corruption in F9QG0;38-;573R01289131<4K0QG535.8613QJ3 K8S564@5413 <4=3 0K560<473 183 U9723 1253 bad eggs out of the system, is there any form of conspiracy somewhere? The President once told us that there exist Boko Haram in government, it then means that the Presidency knows some of them, yes, the President did not mention names, but he has shown a lot of them the way out of his government and some of them are armed robbers and he will yet remove others and they should not conclude that they are not seen, but at the proper time they will be removed and embarrassed if they fail to change unacceptable ways of behaviour as it regards to public funds. If we are waiting for the President to know the people before removing them from ]/\WX UVWZX \] `¤Uz]ZX z X Z]UX ] X UVYUX z^X why we are calling on patriotic Nigerians to come on board. If you know a man that has 60 vehicles all alone, over 50 houses while he sleeps only on one part of the bed in a room yet, he is just an Assistant Director and in most cases, they are even º`Zz] X ^UY@X zZX \z z X ^W z\W X `UX ]`X VY WX same people driving cars that are sold ] X ¼®®X qz z]ZX ZYz Y¨X VW WX ` W^X Y WX supposed to be 10,000 naira, he will make it 100 million naira in order to loot the funds. We must not wait for the President to know the criminals, but we as citizens must play our part in exposing such people, and that is why we are policing Nigeria and expanding volunteer programmes that the Federal Government should take advantage of, and convert to complement UVWz X W@] U^ X UV ]` VX UVWX ^W z\W^X ] X policing marshals, PNAI Monitors and Special Intelligent Volunteers. It will help also to add value to the services of these security agencies in the country.
Daily Newswatch
City & State WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
Day NDLEA destroyed N6bn cannabis farm EMEKA IBEMERE
UX Y^Z¶UX YX q ^UW X W X `UX ]ZWX z ZzUW[X X UVWX YUz]ZY X ` X Y X Z ] \WqWZUX WZ\ X ¸ ¹ X zZX zU^XY ] W[XY6Wq¤UXU]XqY WX z W zY X [ ` ¯ WW¨ ] X UV WWX [Y ^ X V` ^[Y X \U] W X Í X U]X `Z[Y X \U] W X ½¼ X zUX Y^X z WX Y ¨X W VW WX zZ^z[WX UVWX ]Z YZX ] W^UX W^W WX zZX W[Y[WX ]\Y X ] W ZqWZUX WYX ] X ^`ZX UYUW X VW WX \YZZY z^X z^X ] ZX Y^X]ZX W¨X VYUX [Y X X U]] X UVWX ]¤W YUz]ZX Vz\VX Y^UW[X ] X UV WWX [Y ^X U]X UVWX ¤ YZUYUz]ZX Y UW X ^W W Y X q]ZUV^X ] X zZ W^Uz YUz]ZX U]X ]\YUWX UVWX z z\zUX \YZZY z^X ] W^UX Y W W[ X ] ZW[X X ]ZWX ] X UVWX Y ]Z^XzZXUVWX\]`ZU ¨ W ] WX UVWX [W^U `\Uz]ZX ] X UVWX ] W^U X UVWX VYz qYZØ VzW X °W\`Uz WX ] X UVWX YZUz¯[ ` X Y WZ\ X VqY[`X zY[WX VY[X [W¤ ] W[X YX U Y\U] X ] X UVWX [W^U `\Uz]ZX ] X \YZZY z^X ¤ YZUYUz]ZX YUX ]Z YZX ] W^UX W^W W¨ zY[WX ^Yz[X UVYUX UVWX WZ\ X U]] X UVWX zZzUzYUz WX zZX W^¤]Z[zZ X U]X UVWX ] zZ X qY ZzU`[WX ] X \YZZY z^X \` Uz YUz]ZX zZX UVWX ]`UVX W^UX UYUW^¨X VWX W^UzqYUW[X ^U WWUX Y `WX] X»Â» Á®® X] X[W^U ] W[X\YZZY z^X ]ZXUVWX¾ÂXVW\UY W^Xz^X »¨ÁX z z]Z¨ VWXYZXY W W[X^¤]Z^] X] XUVWX\` Uz YUz]ZX ] XUVWXq` Uz¯ z z]ZXZYz YXz z\zUX¤ YZUYUz]Z X ][^¤] W X Vz ] ` X ¾½¯ WY ¯] [ X V]X Y W W[ X ZYZ\W[X UVWX \` Uz YUz]ZX ] X UVWX \YZZY z^X ¤ YZUYUz]Z^X VY^X WWZX X U Y\W[X U]X Vz^X¤ z YUWX W^z[WZ\WXzZX Y[YZ X ]X UYUW¨
WX Y^XY¤¤ WVWZ[W[X XUVWX]¤W YUz W^X ] XUVWXY WZ\ ¨ Vz ] `X Y^X [ z WZX U]X UVWX ] W^UX U]X zUZW^^XUVWX[W^U `\Uz]ZX] XUVWX¤ YZUYUz]Z¨XX X W` W]UXî»X^Y ]]ZX\Y X W ]Z zZ XU]XUVWX ^`^¤W\UX Y^XY ^]Xzq¤]`Z[W[¨XXX X X VYz qYZX ¤ ]qz^W[X U]X Y W^UX q] WX Y ]Z^X YZ[X [W^U ] X \YZZY z^X ¤ YZUYUz]Z^¨X · Vz^X z^X UVWX ^UX UzqWX UVWX X z^X WZ Y zZ X UVWX ^W z\W^X ] X YX U Y\U] X zZX UVWX [W^U `\Uz]ZX] XYX\YZZY z^X Y q¨X VWX Y q^X Y WX^]X Y WXUVYUXzUXUY W^X^W W Y X[Y ^XYZ[X WW ^X U]X [W^U ] X qYZ`Y ¨X W¤ ] zZ X VWY X [`U X W_`z¤qWZUX U]X UVWX Y q^X qY W^XUVWXUY^ X^zq¤ W XYZ[X Y^UW ¨X UXz^XY ^]X YX [Wq]Z^U YUz]ZX ] X ]` X \]qqzUqWZUX U]X UVWXW Y[z\YUz]ZX] X\YZZY z^X\` Uz YUz]Z¨X ZX UVWX¤Y^UX W Xq]ZUV^ X WXVY WX[W^U ] W[X ^W W Y X\YZZY z^X¤ YZUYUz]Z^¨X ] WX Y ]Z^X ^VY X WXY W^UW[XYZ[X\YZZY z^X¤ YZUYUz]Z^X [W^U ] W[ ´X zY[WX^UYUW[¨ X \\] [zZ X U]X UVWX X VYz qYZ X \YZZY z^Xz^XUVWX WYUW^UX[ ` X\VY WZ WXzZX UVWX\]`ZU ¨X· VWXqYº] X[ ` X¤ ] WqXzZX UVWX\]`ZU X WqYzZ^X\YZZY z^¨X UXY\\]`ZU^X ] X ] W X ZzZWU X ¤W \WZUX ] X U]UY X [ ` X ^WzµW[X X UVWX ¨X WX Y WX UVW W ] WX \]Z\WZU YUzZ X W@] U^X YUX Y[[ W^^zZ X UVWX ¤ ] WqXYUXUVWX Y^^X ]]UX W W ´ XVWXY[[W[¨X · Y zZ XUVWX Y6 WXU]XUVWX Y q^XVY^X zW [W[X ^z Zz \YZUX ^`\\W^^¨X WX Y WX [WUW qzZW[X U]X [W^U ] X Y X \YZZY z^X Y q^X YZ[X \`UX ]@X ^`¤¤ X U]X `^W ^¨X Vz^X z^X ]ZWX ] X ]` X ^U YUW zW^X] X W[`\zZ X\ zqWXYZ[X z] WZ\WX zZX]` X\]`ZU ´¨ X VWX X z W\U] X] X ¤W YUz]Z^XYZ[X WZW Y X Z W^Uz YUz]Z X ¨X ` WZ YX Y ]XW°¤ W^^W[X[W z VUX zUVXUVWX^`\\W^^X ] XUVWX]¤W YUz]Z^¨X \\] [zZ XU]X Y ] X·UVWX ^`\\W^^ ` X Y W^UX ] X UVWX ^`^¤W\UW[X [ ` X Y ]Z X ][^¤] W X Vz ] `X V]XVY^X WWZX ]ZXUVWXU Yz X] XUVWX WZ\ X`Z[W ^\] W^XUVWX Y\UXUVYUX[ ` X Y ]Z^XVY WXZ]XVz[zZ X¤ Y\W¨X WXY WX¤ W¤Y W[XU]X\ ]^^Xq] WX z W ^XYZ[X \ zq Xq] WXq]`ZUYzZ^XU]X[W^U ] X\YZZY z^X ¤ YZUYUz]Z^´¨ X WYZ Vz W X UVWX Y qX ]¤W YUz]ZX UVYUX Y^UW[X ¼X V]` ^X Y^X W[X X UVWX X ]qqYZ[W X] XUVWX ]zZUX Y^ X ] \WX¸ ¹ X
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Nigeria is working tirelessly in line with international drug conventions to ensure that narcotic drugs are only used for health and scientific purposes
^W z\W^X U]X ¤W ^]Z^X zUVX [ ` X Y `^WX ¤ ] Wq ´XVWX^UYUW[¨ VWX [W^U `\Uz]ZX ] X \YZZY z^X ¤ YZUYUz]ZX Y^XzZX\]q¤ zYZ\WX zUVXYX\]` UX] [W X ] X UVWX XU]X[W^U ] X X¤` z\X ` ZzZ X ZY \]Uz\X [ ` ^X Wz VzZ X ½ »½½¨»¾½ X ¤ `^X »Â½X ¤zZ\VW^X ] X ]\YzZWX YZ[X VW ]zZX Vz\VXz^X] W X½¨»XU]Z^X] XVY [X[ ` ^¨X VWX [W^U ] W[X[ ` ^XzZ\ `[WX YZZY z^X YUz YX Y ^]X Z] ZXY^X Wq¤X½ ¾ÁÁ¨Á X ]\YzZWX ®¨½½¼Á X ¤ `^X ½ÂX ¤zZ\VW^ X W ]zZX Y WX ®¨®¾¼ X ¤ `^X ¾ÃX ¤zZ\VW^X YZ[X U ]X UzW^X Vz WX¤^ \V]U ]¤z\X^` ^UYZ\WXz^X¼¼¨» ¨X zY[WX Vz WX WZ`qW YUzZ X UVWX z ^X ] X [ ` ^X\Y W[X ] XYXqY^^XY\Uz]ZXY YzZ^UX[ ` X U Y/\ zZ ¨ X · VWX ^UX zZWX ] X Y\Uz]ZX zZX \ zqWX ¤ W WZUz]ZX z^X W@W\Uz WX [ ` X \]ZU ] ¨X Y \]Uz\X[ ` ^XY WX z WX\YZ\W ]`^X ] UV^X UVYUX ^¤ WY[X U]X ]UVW X ¤Y U^X ] X UVWX ][ X z X W UX `Z\VW\ W[¨X ` X Y[[z\Uz]ZX WY[^X U]X \ zqzZY X WVY z]` ¨X ` XY `^WXz^X\ ]^W X zZ W[X zUVXU Y/\X]@WZ\W^ Xq` [W XY qW[X ] W X Y^^Y^^zZYUz]Z X Y ^]Z X Y Y YUW[X Y^^Y` UX YZ[X UW ] z^q¨X Vz^X `Z[W ^\] W^X UVWXZW\W^^zU XU]X^`¤¤] UX[ ` XW Y[z\YUz]ZX ¤ ] YqqW^´ XVWX^UYUW[¨
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Daily Newswatch
City & State
Onitsha celebrates Ofala in style OKEY OBIOZO
ulture they say is peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of life, which is why when the Onitsha people rolled out the drums on Saturday, October 12, 2014, to celebrate the 13th Ofala festival of Igwe Alfred Nnaemeka Achebe, the Obi of Onitsha, and to commemorate a tradition that has lasted over 500 years, it became a melting point to dignitaries from far and near, heads of government and other government functionaries, traditional rulers, chiefs and indigenes of Onitsha. The festival was sponsored by one of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s telecommunication giants, Globacom -- as the weeklong festival that started with an arts exhibition on Thursday at the Ime Obi -- the kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s palace -- where [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUXÂ&#x192;WZ]Â&#x20AC;ZW[XYÂ&#x192;Uz^U^XzZX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX and in the Diaspora came together to showcase their works. The exhibition which was in its second version was tagged: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oreze, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crowdâ&#x20AC;? and packaged as a special feature of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition of the festival in recognition of the abundance of creativity of the people and in celebration of their heritage. It will be recalled that the arts exhibition was introduced into the festival calendar last year by the festivalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s major sponsor and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growing as it highlighted over 80 works of arts of notable artists from far and wide. Arts grand master, Prince Demas Nwoko, who has produced several masterpieces, was on ground to declare the exhibition open. He noted with joy that corporate organisations have been showing profound interest in the promotion of arts in Nigeria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our happiest moments are such times when we are given the chance to put up an exhibition. ¡ ^X YÂ&#x192;Uz^U^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX YÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2021;` Â&#x201E;  zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX purpose for which we are created. Art is the essence of life and no man can live without the works of arts. This is why we must thank the Igwe and Globacom for including this exhibition in Ofala festival,â&#x20AC;? he remarked. On the Ofala day, as early as 8:00 Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock in the morning, the ancient \zUÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192;WX YX [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX  ]] X Â&#x20AC;VWZX youths set the town agog -- waking residents to a mock traditional processions round the city, called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Igba Ilo.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; They appeared in various regalia, depicting the royals, chieftains, warlords, the women society called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Otu Oduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and other recognised groupings that make the entire society and Onitsha tick. They marched from the palace, passing through the inland town. Their train went far and painted the entire city in pomp as a precursor of what was to come, thereby prepared the peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s minds in readiness of what to expect in the course of the ceremony. As Onitsha is known to be the melting point of culture in the whole of South-East, culture was accorded its full value and was made to assume its rightful place of honour and
Obi Achebe
respect as traditions of the people Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX ^V]Â&#x20AC;\Y^W[X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX VYZ[X YUX UVWX Obiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ofala. The festival day was peaceful as UÂ&#x192;Y/\X Â&#x20AC;Y^X \]Â&#x192;[]ZW[X ]@X UVWX W WÂ&#x192;X busy Awka Road -- where the palace is located and the venue of the celebration. Also, to boost security, security details were readily at hand to maintain law and order within and outside the venue. Quite early in the morning, indigenes of the town arrived from far and wide to honour their king and tradition, started trickling in to Â&#x201E;  X`¤XY  XY Yz YÂ&#x2026; WX^¤Y\W^XÂ&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WXUVWX best of tradition will be celebrated in grand style. Before long, the palace court Â&#x20AC;Y^X Â&#x201E;  W[X Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2020;]Z[X \Y¤Y\zUÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX people waiting for the excitement to come. Music was blaring from loud speakers adding to the excitement YZ[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX¤W]¤ WX[YZ\zZÂ&#x201A;XY6Â&#x192;Y\Uz W Â&#x2020;X to the royal tunes of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Egwu Otaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; from the red cap chiefs as the tradition
demands from them before they take their seats at the venue. In the same vein, political leaders Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX [z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX ¤YÂ&#x192;UzW^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX ]ZX VYZ[X to pay their respects to the Obi and the tradition of Onitsha people. First was Governor Willie Obiano, of Anambra, whose grand entry was rousing and grand as the people acclaimed his good works in the state. The stage was set to start all traditional proceedings as tradition requires when the king arrived the venue. In his speech, he welcomed all and sundry to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s festival and prayed for peace and progress for his people and guests as they step into the New Year. The governor used the forum to congratulate the Obi for yet another Ofala and prayed for many more years of fruitfulness and health. In his speech, while talking about his administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard work to give a new lease of life to the state and her
The exhibition which was in its second version was tagged: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oreze,â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the kingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crowdâ&#x20AC;? and packaged as a special feature of this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition of the festival
people, he did not stop from calling Y6WZUz]ZX U]X Vz^X `ZÂŞzZ\VzZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX against crime. He admonished the citizenry to desist from crime because he is ready to crush all forms of crime and bring criminality to a total halt in the state. Other politicians from the state were also there to pay their homage. Among whom were Senator Ben Obi, Presidential Adviser on Inter YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X Y6WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X Â&#x20AC;Y^X UVWÂ&#x192;WX U]X represent the President of the federal republic; Senator Margery Okadigbo, representing Anambra-North; Mrs. Josephine Anenih, representatives from both federal and state houses of assembly, councillors of local governments, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Agbalanzeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Otu Oduâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; societies, traditional rulers from neighbouring towns and numerous political appointees. Undauntedly, in his characteristic stance of service to the people, Douglas Nwachukwu Egbuna, chairman of Onitsha-North Local Government Area and his deputy, Nonso Abua, were on ground and actively on duty, providing services to the people while the festival lasted. The festival continued with series of entertainment events that had been  zZW[X`¤XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUVWX]/\zY X^¤]Z^]Â&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX festival till late night. Top Nigerian artistes and comedians were on ground to entertain the crowd and added colour and funfair to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Onitsha Ofala festival. Meanwhile, the celebration of the new yam continued in the same vein for other villages in the town in continuation of the month-long festival as Onitsha tradition entails.
Daily Newswatch
Public Sector Forum WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2014
PTDF begins payment of scholarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; allowance in Naira
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ensure our roads are safe â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Minister
he Petroleum Technology Development Fund ¸ šXVY^XÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x201A;`ZX implementation ]Â&#x2021;XYXZWÂ&#x20AC;X¤] z\Â&#x2020;X]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x192;Wqz6zZÂ&#x201A;X the allowances of its scholars studying in foreign universities in naira denominated VISA debit cards. In a statement signed by PTDFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head of Press and External Relations, Kalu Otisi, the Fund said that, apart from paying the tuition fees of its scholars directly to the universities of study, it also pays allowances covering living, accommodation, utility, books, laptop and other incidentals directly to the scholars. According to the statement, the Fund resorted to paying the allowances of its overseas scholars in ES/CEO, PTDF, Mr. Femi Ajayi ZYzÂ&#x192;YX [`WX U]X UVWX [z/\` UzW^X in accessing scarce foreign 2014/2015 academic year are YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;WX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX[z/\` UzW^XYZ[X exchange and the high cost being issued the Naira VISA continuing challenges in acand delays associated with cards at the point of depar- cessing foreign exchange ¤Â&#x192;]\W^^zZÂ&#x201A;X YZ[X Â&#x192;Wqz6YZ\WX ture to their universities of due to its scarcity and high study,â&#x20AC;? he informed. cost of processing. The Fund in foreign currency. He also added that the zZXzU^X\]ZUzZ`W[XW@]Â&#x192;UXU]XÂ&#x201E;Z[X Otisi noted that a test run of the new payment system Executive Secretary of the Â&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^X ]Â&#x2021;X Y[[Â&#x192;W^^zZÂ&#x201A;X was successfully imple- Fund, Mr Femi Ajayi, had the hardship faced by scholmented with the distribu- so far, visited some PTDF ars as a result of delayed retion of Naira VISA cards to scholars in the United King- qz6YZ\WX]Â&#x2021;XY  ]Â&#x20AC;YZ\W^Â&#x201C;XVY[X 150 ongoing scholars in UK dom, where he intimated decided to make payments universities while arrange- them on the new payment of all allowances in Naira, ments are on to extend the system instituted, as part of which before now, has been new payment system to the measures to address some in foreign exchange. of the challenges confrontâ&#x20AC;&#x153;It has become absolutely rest of the scholars. ing their academic and welnecessary to implement this â&#x20AC;&#x153;New scholars of the policy shift to ensure swift Fund who will be com- fare issues. Ajayi said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You may be payment of all allowances mencing their studies in the
as and when due, because of the high cost of foreign exchange and even the time it takes to do the conversion.â&#x20AC;? He, therefore, urged the scholars to complete the account opening forms presented to them and activate the card account by changing the sealed PIN accompanying the Naira Visa Card. He continued, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The card would enable you to spend the British Pound equivalent of your allowances as measures have been put in place to ensure you are not underpaid or short changed
in anyway. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Petroleum Technology Development Fund is consulting with the management of the Central Bank of Nigeria for a special dispensation that will ensure quick and predictable payment of scholarsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tuitions to the universities of study, and eliminate delays associated with the rigorous system presently in place, which often results in the rejection by some universities of PTDF scholars. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There should be pride YZ[X \]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\WX zZX ]`Â&#x192;X ]Â&#x20AC;ZX currency. In fact, we are going to denominate our scholarship in naira such that those people we have Â&#x201A;z WZX YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;[X  W6WÂ&#x192;^X zZÂ&#x201C;X may be, pound sterling or []  YÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;z  X Â&#x2026;WX Â&#x201A;W6zZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX correct equivalence of their money. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Going forward, we were paying part of their money in naira and pound sterling, but from now, we are going to domesticate every scholarship or loan in naira, even as we will also make sure that we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t short change our scholars in the process,â&#x20AC;? the Executive Secretary said. Meanwhile, there are over 600 Nigerian youths curÂ&#x192;WZU Â&#x2020;X`Z[WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;]zZÂ&#x201A;X[z@WÂ&#x192;WZUX study programmes in oil and gas related disciplines at undergraduate, Masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Doctorate levels in various universities abroad under the PTDF Overseas Scholarship Scheme.
TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja inister of Works, Arc Mike Onolememen, at the weekend, said that the Federal Government is committed to making sure that Nigerian roads are no longer death traps for commuters, stressing that it has never been in governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s character to play politics with the issue of road networks and the citizenry. The minister, who stated this while receiving, in his office, in Abuja, the Governor of Bauchi State, Mallam Isa Yuguda, gave assurance of governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s determination to award NingiYada-Gungume-Fusther-Mata road this year. According to him, this is in line with the Federal Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformation agenda, which Bauchi State is part and parcel of, and will also have its fair share of the road network. Onolememen assured the governor that he will deploy his team to the place within two weeks to see the state of the road in question. Earlier, Governor Yuguda, who led the delegation of his executive team to the ministerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s office, had noted that the state is in dare need of a bypass as the last one was built in 1973. According to him, the over two million people displaced from the neighbouring states due to insurgency have increased the population of the state and the need for a network of roads to ease the sufferings of the people hereby arose. He, however, commended the minister for his prompt response to the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s request drawing his attention to the need for a bypass, when it wrote him some time ago.
Ekweremadu commissions water project in Enugu of the people by eradicating water borne diseases in the he Deputy Presi- area. dent of the Senate, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have had cases of Senator Ike Ekwer- water borne diseases, but toemadu, has com- day, by this project, we are missioned a N75 bringing the challenges to million Ogbombara Spring an end. We have an elaboWater Harvestation project, rate plan for our people to Ndeaboh, in Aninri Local ensure that their challenges Government Area of Enugu of water were addressed State. exhaustively from Aninri to X VWX ¤Â&#x192;]ÂşW\UX Y6Â&#x192;Y\UW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Awgu, from Awgu to Oji him in the 2013 Federal Gov- River and from Oji River to ernmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Budget, was com- Ezeagu. missioned last week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;From the N12 billion Ivo It has a three-Ogbombara Multipurpose Dam Project Spring Water Reticulation in Okpanku, to the ongoing project in the 2014 Budget Ugbo Dam Project, which and will provide potable wa- has been transferred from ter to Ndeabor community the Anambra-Imo River Baand its environ. sin Development AuthorSpeaking during the com- ity to the Federal Ministry missioning ceremony, Sena- of Water Resources for adtor Ekweremadu said the equate funding, and the execution of the water pro- Greater Oji River Water Project represented part of the ject, the Ogbambara Water bold moves to address the Project is just an example of challenges of portable water, what we are doing to resolve not just in Aninri, but in the the challenges of portable entire senatorial district he water facing our people. represents. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whereas Oji supplies waHe stressed that the Og- ter to Enugu city, that localbombara Water Project ity has no access to portable would improve the health water itself. Today, we have TAIYE ODEWALE, Abuja
brought in the Federal Government to undertake about N1 billion water scheme project, starting with an initial N400 million, which is in the process of being awarded by the Federal Ministry of Water Resources. The scheme will supply water to the 12 communities of Achi Ishilabo as well as Inyi and Awlor, among others. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I and my team are, indeed, very grateful to God for giving us an opportunity to serve our people and today, I am excited just as any other person here to see that our mission at the National Assembly is being achieved,â&#x20AC;? he said. Ekweremadu who relished the special ties he has had with Ndeaboh community over the years, noted with delight that the problem of infrastructural decay in the area was being gradually tackled. X WX Â&#x192;WÂŞW\UW[Â&#x201C;X ¡ VWZX X started my political career, Igwe Herbert Ikpenwa, together with members of his cabinet, prayed for me and Â&#x201A;Y WX qWX UVWX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ¸^UY@šX ]Â&#x2021;X
Ndeaboh people and told me to go ahead, that I would get to the pinnacle of my career. God has answered their prayers. Today, when the dances were going on, I was restraining myself from shedding tears of joy because I could see from their hearts, the happiness and gratitude to God for answering their prayers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a people, we have been challenged by infrastructural decay, we have been challenged by poverty, we have been challenged by ignorance, but by the grace of God, we are overcoming them one by one.â&#x20AC;? Speaking earlier, the President-General of Greater Ndeaboh Development Union, Chief Christopher Obuaka, expressed gratitude to Senator Ekweremadu for the execution of the water project and the numerous other ways he had impacted positively on the community, including appointments into high positions, provision of electricity, scholarship awards, establishment of adult literacy
centre, and construction and asphalting of the Oji RiverAwgu-Ndeaboh-Mpu-Okpanku-Akaeze road, among other numerous roads in the area. He also pledged the total support of the community to the future political aspirations of Senator Ekwer-
emadu. Also speaking, Engr. Patrick Ikpenwa, Executive Director, Federal Road MainteZYZ\WX Â&#x201A;WZ\Â&#x2020;X¸ šX^Yz[X Ekweremadu had brought tremendous development to the zone and called for his \]ZUzZ`zUÂ&#x2020;X zZX ]/\WX Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2020;]Z[X 2015.
Deputy President of the Senate, Senator Ike Ekweremadu
Public Sector Forum
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, october 15, 2014
Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s key economic indicators sound â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Okonjo-Iweala
he Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, has described Nigeria as an economic powerhouse that deserves inclusion in the Global Hall of Fame among its peers like the G-20, lamenting, however, that more often than not, the country is underrated Â&#x20AC;zUVX zU^X ^]Â&#x192;WX ¤]zZU^X qYÂ&#x201A;ZzÂ&#x201E;W[X Â&#x2026;Wyond belief, particularly in the Western media. ¡ Â&#x2020;X \]`ZUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;W\Wz W^X  z6 WX ]Â&#x192;X Z]X praise even when things are done Â&#x192;zÂ&#x201A;VUÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX z^X  WÂ&#x2021;UX Â&#x2026;Y6 zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX prejudice of a country where nothing works,â&#x20AC;? Okonjo-Iweala complained. Speaking at a series of talks on â&#x20AC;&#x153;New Africaâ&#x20AC;?, in partnership with Thomson-Reuters with the theme â&#x20AC;&#x153;Vision for Sustained Prosperity in Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;? at The Atlantic Council in Washington DC, USA, as part of the just-concluded World Bank/ IMF event, the minister maintained that Nigeria remains a classic example of the Africa Rising phenomenon, and perhaps one of its most successful stories. She noted that the return to democratic rule at the turn of the millenZz`qX VY[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x192;]`Â&#x201A;VUX Â&#x20AC;zUVX zUX Â&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;X macroeconomic management and a series of reforms that unleashed economic growth, with GDP growing at an average 7 per cent per annum over the last decade. This, she said, was driven by the strong growth in the non-oil sector, particularly telecommunications, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail, to name a few. The recent GDP rebasing exercise, she stressed, had revealed that Nigeria is now the largest economy in Africa and the 26th largest in the world, with a GDP of $510 billion, and perhaps the most diverse economy on the continent, noting that only 15 per cent of GDP is from resources (mainly oil and gas) while the services sector accounts for 51 per cent, just as agriculture stands at 22 per cent, telecoms â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8.7 per cent, manufacturing â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6.7 per cent, and UVWXZYUz]ZÂś^XÂ&#x201E; qXzZ[`^UÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X Z]Â&#x20AC;ZXY^X Nollywood - 1.2 per cent. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Nigeria is also Africaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest population with about 170 million people â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or nearly 20 per cent of the continentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population, and also its largest market. A recent report by the McKinsey Global Institute reveals that there are almost 40 million Nigerians in the consuming class households â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which are households with incomes exceeding $7,500 per Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;´X^VWX^UYUW[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVX\]ZÂ&#x201E;[WZ\W¨ She continued, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Take as an exYq¤ WÂ&#x201C;X UVWX Â&#x192;W\WZUX Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;VUX U]X \]ZUYzZX UVWX [WY[ Â&#x2020;X Â&#x2026;] YX  zÂ&#x192;`^¨X VWX W@]Â&#x192;U^X of Nigerian medical personnel that prevented the early spread of this deadly disease to the United States are rarely acknowledged. The individual, now known as the index case, who brought the disease into Nigeria from his own country, Liberia was actually on his way to the U.S. when he took ill and was quarantined in a hospital in Lagos after he was found to have been infected by the deadly virus. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sadly, members of the medical team that looked after him also died. They remain the true heroes of this global war against Ebola. X U]UY X ]Â&#x2021;X ½Ă?X \]ZÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qW[X \Y^W^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX found in Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C; most of them primary contacts of this index case.
For the Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, every public forum presents an opportunity to x-ray what she calls consolidated schedule of accomplishments of the Jonathan administration. And so, when she was invited as a guest by the Atlantic Council in partnership with Thomson-Reuters at the just-concluded World Bank/IMF forum in Washington DC, USA, to speak on Nigeria, she did what she knows best, describing Nigeria as an economic powerhouse of Africa. Deputy Editor (Abuja), ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, brings you the report.
0%Â&#x2026; *>9 *>W\(& 4V2=2@2 Seven of these people died, while 12 recovered, thanks to the work of our medical personnel. Hundreds of people were quarantined Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ¤WÂ&#x192;z][^X ]Â&#x2021;X UzqWX zZX YZX W@]Â&#x192;UX U]X curb the spread. For about a month now, no new cases of the Ebola virus have been found â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which, for a country of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s size, is truly remarkable and I believe this is due to the measures put in place by our government,â&#x20AC;? she further stressed, adding, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Had the Nigerian governqWZUXÂ&#x2026;WWZX^ ]Â&#x20AC;XU]XY\UX]Â&#x192;XzZW@W\Uz WX to tackle the spread of the virus, the reality would be much worse. Nigeria has also supported other West African countries who are struggling to contain the disease with a US$3.5 million grant. Yet, until the past week, Nigeria did not receive q`\VX\Â&#x192;W[zUXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVW^WXW@]Â&#x192;U^¨´ Speaking on Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bright future and challenges, the minister underscored the real contradictions which need to be redressed on account of frequent misinterpretations of the country, its citizens and way of life. She came again, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whereas the echoe of optimism in an Africa rising reverberates across the globe, the narrative on Nigeria â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a key driver of the continentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transforqYUz]ZXĂ&#x2013;Xz^X]Â&#x2021;UWZXÂ&#x201E;  W[XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXUY W^X]Â&#x2021;X pessimism. Yet, the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future is very bright and its key economic indicators sound. This year, we are expecting the economy to grow by
#(&%&'2 *(&()82$ <Â&#x2013;>&]> ,\2%@% 6.5 per cent, even though the IMF expects us to grow by about 7 per cent â&#x20AC;&#x201C; which is one of the fastest Â&#x192;YUW^X zZX UVWX Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; [¨X Z[X ]`Â&#x192;X Â&#x201E;^\Y X [WÂ&#x201E;\zUX z^X  ]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;X W°¤W\UW[X YUX ½¨ŽÂX ¤WÂ&#x192;X \WZUX ]Â&#x2021;X X zZX ŸŽ½Ă&#x192;Â&#x201C;X W WZX Y^X zZÂŞYtion is in single digits, and reserves relatively strong at almost $40 billion, including $4 billion in savings in our Excess Crude Account and $1.55 billion in our Sovereign Wealth Fund. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our Pension Fund has $27 billion in savings. Our stock market has Â&#x2026;WWZX ]ZWX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x2026;W6WÂ&#x192;X ¤WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qzZÂ&#x201A;X ]ZXUVWX\]ZUzZWZUÂ&#x201C;XW WZXUV]`Â&#x201A;VX¤Â&#x192;]Â&#x201E;UX taking by investors has slowed the market down this year. The study by the McKinsey Global Institute shows that Nigeria has the potential to expand its economy by 7.1 per cent per annum through 2030, raising GDP to more than US$1.6 trillion, thus bringing the country to a top-20 economy with the potential to lift 70 million of its people out of poverty.â&#x20AC;? She made reference to Dr Peter Phamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article in the Fall 2014 issue of The Ambassadors Review, which says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Though the story of Africa is increasingly one of economic dynamism, there are very real security, humanitarian and developmental challenges which remain to be \]ZÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]ZUW[Â&#x201C;´X Y[qz6zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X zZ[WW[Â&#x201C;X YX number of challenges, but urged the need to address them for the vision of prosperity to come to pass in Ni-
geria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Today, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to mention a few of these challenges and also say a few words about what our government is doing to overcome them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;First, like in most of Africa, NigeÂ&#x192;zYXÂ&#x2021;Y\W^XYX YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WXzZÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;Y^UÂ&#x192;`\U`Â&#x192;WX[WÂ&#x201E;cit. The inadequate infrastructure is holding back economic growth by at least 2 per cent per annum, according to a recent World Bank study, and we need about US$ 14.2 billion per year to bridge the infrastructure gap, with about $10.5 billion needed for federal infrastructure alone, although current spending is only $5.9 billion,â&#x20AC;? the minister emphasised. According to her, absence of adequate infrastructure in Nigeria, particularly poor electricity supply adds a massive 16 per cent to business costs in Nigeria compared to 2 per cent in South Africa, 5 per cent in China and 10 percent in India. For a country of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s size, she stated, the country is underinvested in transportation infrastructure, particularly roads and rail and current Â&#x2020;X Â&#x2021;Y\W^X YX V]`^zZÂ&#x201A;X [WÂ&#x201E;\zU^X ]Â&#x2021;X YÂ&#x2026;]`UX ½Ă&#x201A;X qz  z]ZX `ZzU^Â&#x201C;X Y[qz6zZÂ&#x201A;X UVYUÂ&#x201C;X ]Â&#x2021;X a truth, the dearth of infrastructure is further exacerbated by the lack of Y\\W^^X U]X  ]ZÂ&#x201A;ÂŻUWÂ&#x192;qX Â&#x201E;ZYZ\WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX makes investment in long-term projects almost impossible. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Second, in spite of recent proÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^X zZX W\]Z]qz\X [z WÂ&#x192;^zÂ&#x201E;\YUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X Nigeria remains highly dependent
on oil. Some 70 per cent of government revenues come from taxes on the oil and gas sector, and oil and gas make up more than 90 per cent of exports, providing the critical source of foreign exchange to support Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consumption of imports. So, our economy is still highly susceptible to price shocks in the global oil market. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Third, like many emerging and developed countries in the world, we face the challenge of economic inclusion and high youth unem¤ ]Â&#x2020;qWZU¨X VWX¤Y6WÂ&#x192;ZX]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;UVXzZX our economy is highly unequal. In other words, growth is fast but inequality has increased. Latest World Bank data available shows that our zZzX ]W/\zWZUX Ă&#x2013;X YX qWY^`Â&#x192;WX ]Â&#x2021;X zZequality in income distribution among individuals â&#x20AC;&#x201C; has worsened over the last decade. In Nigeria, the \]W/\zWZUX Â&#x192;]^WX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX Ă&#x192;٬Ă?X zZX ŸŽŽĂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X to 48.8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; where 100 imply perfect inequality by 2010. For comparison, China is 42, OECD â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 31, South Africa â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 63, and Brazil â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 55. Such disparity in equality fuels social tensions and violence in the society,â&#x20AC;? she went on. Okonjo-Iweala also observed that closely linked to this economic exclusion is the jobless growth trend that the country has observed in recent years. While jobs are being created in Nigeria, they are not beContinued on page 53
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, october 15, 2014 Continued from page 52 ing created fast enough to absorb the 1.8 million new entrants into the nation’s labour force each year, leaving several of the youth unemployed, she revealed. “We have to deal with this chal WZ WX _`z\ X YZ[X W@W\Uz W X zZX view of our Youth Bulge showing that Nigeria has one of the youngest populations in the world with median age at 17.8 years, and about 70 per cent of the population under 35. By 2050, we will have the third largest population in the world, and the 5th youngest. “In addition, our human development indicators, though improving, are still not very good. Our maternal and infant mortality rates are high, and we have large numbers of children out of school. The absence of social safety nets leaves the unemployed highly vulnerable to poverty. In many countries in Africa, UVWX zZ ] qYUz]ZX W_`z W[X U]X W6W X target the poor and the unemployed is not available,” she owned up, stating that “We lack sound idenUz \YUz]ZX [YUYX YZ[X z]qWU z\^X UVYUX can support safety nets. We equally Y\ X W@W\Uz WX UY°X ^ ^UWq^X UVYUX \YZX help redistribute income in favour ] XUV]^WXYUXUVWX ]6]qXWZ[¨´ The fourth challenge, according to her, is the issue of corrupt practices in public domain. “Corruption continues to be a challenge, and happens to be one of the most talked about problems of the country. But what is not often said is that corruption in Nigeria is neither peculiar to Nigerians only Z] X z^X zUX zqzUW[X U]X ¤` z\X ]/\zY ^X diverting government resources. There is an element that arises as a result of Transfer Pricing and InterZYUz]ZY X Y°X Y^z]Z X Vz\VX]\\` ^X qYzZ X UV ]` VX W°¤] U^X ] W ¯zZvoicing, and the illegal circumvenUz]ZX] X\Y¤zUY X\]ZU ] ^XYZ[XUY°W^X X global companies. “In fact, it is the single biggest ] qX] Xz z\zUXq]ZW Xª] ^X ]qX rica, representing between 60 and »¾X¤W X\WZUX] XU]UY Xª] ^ XY\\] [zZ X to the Washington-based think tank, Global Financial Integrity (GFI). So, the private sector is also culpable,” she charged. VWX qzZz^UW X ` UVW X [ W X Y6WZtion to the corrupt theft of the naUz]Z¶^X ]z X X YZX zZUW ZYUz]ZY X qY YX comprising Nigerians and foreigners which is presently creating ^z Zz \YZUX W WZ`WX ^V] U Y ^X ] X the government, even as the country loses up to 100,000 barrels of oil per day to theft from onshore and swamp operations alone. This amounts to several billions of dollars in mathematical terms. “Fifth is the security challenge we presently face, particularly the Boko Haram insurgency, which reached a crescendo when over 200 schoolgirls of the Government Secondary School in Chibok, were abducted from their dormitories last April. This terrorist sect’s key objective was to destroy formal or Western education in Nigeria. This year alone, we know that Boko Haram has murdered over 170 teachers in Borno State, and an estimated 300 educational facilities have been de^U ] W[X zZX UVWX UV WWX q]^UX Y@W\UW[X states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe, including 80 primary schools in Borno State alone. Over a thousand Nigerians have lost their lives to these insurgents this year. We VY WXZ]UX ] ]6WZX]` X Vz ] X z ^X and the government continues to search for avenues to bring our girls back alive,” she promised. According to her, the terror being waged is not only a Nigerian problem, as the country bears the burden of an international terrorist gang up associated with vari]`^X ] [ z[WX W°U Wqz^UX ]`¤^X
Public Sector Forum
Jonathan administration has done well, says Okonjo-Iweala
President Jonathan operating in surrounding countries, stressing that the nation’s military is making recent gains and pushing the terrorists back. She went further, “Lastly, there is absence of appropriate institutions that will translate economic policies into practical solutions which can yield concrete results. Today, both developed and developing countries face many similar challenges. All countries want to create jobs for their citizens, they face challenges in dealing with terrorists and militant groups, and they want to combat UY°X W Y^z]ZX YZ[X \] `¤Uz]Z¨X ] ever, whether we look at national ^W\` zU X] X VUzZ X\] `¤Uz]Z X]ZWX ] XUVWX W X[z@W WZ\W^X WU WWZX]`Ucomes in developed and developing countries is the strength and quality of their domestic institutions. “President Obama emphasised this point in his lecture to the Ghanaian parliament, when he stated that ‘in the 21st century, capable, reliable and transparent institutions are the key to success’ and that ‘Africa doesn’t need strongmen, it needs strong institutions.’ The absence of good regulatory bodies and frameworks leads to a great deal of distortion in the economy. We have no competition law, and so, monopolies and oligopolies have developed in a number of sectors with anticompetitive behaviours.” The minister who also spoke on the way forward, revealed the various steps being taken by President Goodluck Jonathan administration to tackle the trend. She said, “You have heard the dis\]` ^WX] XUVWX^z Zz \YZUXZ`q W X] X problems we face. I have dwelt on it for some time, so that critics of our optimism will not say we are Pollyannaish and refuse to recognise our problems. A number of steps are currently being taken to tackle these challenges in line with President Goodluck Jonathan’s Transformation Agenda. “First, on security, our military men and women are confronting an unprecedented challenge with courage and bravery. The president recently increased the number ] XU ]]¤^XUVYUXY WXzZXUVWX ] UVX Y^UX from 15,000 to 20,000. Regional co]¤W YUz]ZX]ZX^W\` zU XVY^X ]6WZX WUter following decision by neighbouring countries – Chad, Cameroon,
Benin and Niger, to each contribute YX Y6Y z]ZX] X^] [zW ^ XU]X VUX ] ]X Haram alongside Nigeria. President Goodluck Jonathan has accepted offers from the international community for more surveillance, aircraft cover, and equipment that enhances ]` X Y z zU X U]X ]\YUW X VUX YZ[X ]]UX out the insurgents. · VW^WX W@] U^X Y WX W zZZzZ X U]X qY WX YX [z@W WZ\WX YZ[X UVWX Uz[WX z^X now turning. Not too long ago, the leader of the Boko Haram sect thought to have masterminded the kidnap of the Chibok girls was arrested. “But we are not relying on the military alone to tackle our security issues. We are prepared to do whatever is necessary today, tomorrow and in the future to secure the country. Given linkages between insurgency and high youth unemployment, we are trying various schemes to assist the youth in the region where possible. “Using monies from our Subsidy WzZ W^UqWZUX ] YqqWX ¸ ¯ P), we are implementing a Community Services Scheme that engages the youth in public works, and have so far recruited 11,500 youth into this programme - 4000 in Borno, 3500 in Adamawa and 4000 in Yobe states. We are also supporting young entrepreneurs with grants of up to $70,000 and training to setup enterprises. Over the longer term, the government will vigorously pursue economic empowerment in the region through a Presidential
ZzUzYUz WX ] XUVWX ] UVX Y^UX¸ ¹X which is currently being developed,” she informed. The coordinating minister stated that, in similar spirit, the Federal Government is presently working with state governments, traditional and religious leaders within the q]^UX Y@W\UW[X W z]Z^X ] X UVWX \]`Ztry, to encourage dialogue with the Boko Haram sect. Following this, the president has set up a dialogue \]qqz6WWX UVYUX ] ^X WVzZ[X UVWX ^\WZW^ XzZXY[[zUz]ZXU]XYX Y\U¯ Z[zZ X \]qqz6WWX]ZXUVWX Vz ] X z ^¨ She stressed, “Now, I also want to tell you that the president has asked me, as the Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for UVWX \]Z]q X U]X ] X zUVX UVWX international community led by UVWX X ¤W\zY X Z ] X ] X ] Y X [`\YUz]Z X ] []ZX ] Z X ] qW X Prime Minister of the UK, on a Safe Schools Initiative. The initiative is designed as a nationwide intervention programme aimed at making the school environment safe for our children and their teachers and will ¤ z] zUz^WX^\V]] ^XzZXUVWX ] UVX Y^Uern states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe, where a lot of damage has already been done by Boko Haram. · ]X UVz^X W@W\U X UVWX z W zYZX ] ernment has set aside $10 million, and funding of another $10 million or more will come from the private sector-led Victim’s Support Fund launched by our president. The African Development Bank is supporting the initiative with a US$1 million grant and DFID has committed one million pounds in technical assistance. The Norwegian government has already disbursed US$1.5 qz z]ZXU]X XzZX^`¤¤] UX] XUVWX initiative, and the German government is processing a grant of two million euros for the initiative. “While we do not aim to turn our schools into fortresses, the Safe Schools Initiative will deploy physical measures that will either up Y[WX W°z^UzZ X ^W\` zU X ^ ^UWq^X zZX schools or put in place new systems VW WX UVW X \` WZU X []X Z]UX W°z^U X and we are already piloting this intervention in 30 schools across the ] UVX Y^U¨´ Another approach under the initiative, she emphasised, is the transfer of school children from insecure locations in parts of the region to schools in other parts of the country that are safer, noting that after receiving parental consent, government is now preparing to send about 2,400 school children to their preferred Federal Unity Schools elsewhere in the country on full scholarship to continue their educa-
Using monies from our Subsidy Reinvestment Programme (SUREP), we are implementing a Community Services Scheme that engages the youth in public works, and have so far recruited 11,500 youth into this programme - 4000 in Borno, 3500 in Adamawa and 4000 in Yobe states
tion, even as government will also provide counselling on an on-going basis to the school children, particularly the girls and also provide Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) to their parents to encourage them. On infrastructure, she said the government has developed a 30year Nigerian Integrated Infrastructure Master plan for accelerating infrastructure development in the country, aimed at raising Nigeria’s stock of infrastructure from the current 35-40 per cent of GDP to 70 per cent by 2043. In the power sector, “we have embarked on one of the largest privatisation programmes to ever take place in Africa, and put in place supporting institutions such as the Ni W zYX ` X W\U z\zU X Y[W X¸ ¹X YZ[X UVWX z W zYX W\U z\zU X W ` YU] X ]qqz^^z]ZX ¸ ¹X U]X WZcourage more private investments in the sector. Just over a year ago, we completed the formal privatisation of our four power generation companies and 10 power distribution companies, which have yielded over $2billion in revenues. We are also in the process of privatising 11 National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) assets. “We have liberalised the sector by ¤`6zZ XzZX¤ Y\WX\]^U¯ WªW\Uz WXUY z@^X to ensure that private investments are recouped. The Federal Government recently raised a $1billion ` ] ]Z[X ] X UVWX \Y¤zUY z^YUz]ZX ] X UVWX X`¤ Y[W^X] X¤] W XU YZ^mission and the construction of gas infrastructure to power generation plants. All of these demonstrate the government’s commitment to using all its instruments to ensure that this long-standing problem of inadequate electricity supply is resolved. “Already, we see a lot of new private investments in the sector. For W°Yq¤ W XUVWXþ®q X µ` Y¯ []X X has signed a PPA with US$1 billion backing from 14 high quality investors including: Standard Chartered, IFC, First Rand Bank, Siemens Bank. An additional 10 power stations that will add 5,091mw to the grid are also under construction.” In the roads sector, she said the government has launched the construction of the second Niger Bridge Vz\VX zZ ^XUVWX W^UXYZ[X Y^UX] XUVWX country, and when completed, this bridge will facilitate the enormous trading and business opportunities between two of the economic regions of the country. This is in addition to massive construction and improvements of our road network, with more than 32 road rehabilitation and construction projects completed and several more ongoing. VW^WX W@] U^ X Y\\] [zZ X U]X VW X have reduced travel times between origins and destinations of most arterial routes, citing the journey from Benin to Lagos which took upwards of nine hours in 2011 to between UV WWXYZ[X ]` XV]` ^XZ] XY^XYZXW°ample. She continued, “Our rail lines, which had been moribund for nearly two decades are being refurbished. The western line of 1,124 km from Lagos to Kano is completed and functional, while the eastern line from Port Harcourt to Maiduguri is nearing completion. Over 25 locomotives have been procured ]qX WZW Y X W\U z\X U]X ^W z\WX these lines, and we have already seen a large increase in the number of rail passengers and cargo.
Public Sector Forum
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, october 15, 2014
Why government should give account of stewardship, by BPE DG ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
irector General of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE), Mr Benjamin Dikki, has argued that the major reason governments are saddled with the responsibility for the development of their nations was on account of them being custodians of the collective resources of the people, even as these resources are held in trust. On the basis of this, he said, the various governments, therefore, ought to give account to the people U]X º`^Uz X UVWX \]Z [WZ\WX reposed in them. Delivering a lecture on “Accountability in Governance and National Development,” to Course 23 of the National Defence College (NDC), Abuja, the Director General noted that governments ought to owe the ultimate owners of the resources an explanation on how the resources have been used in developing the people. In relation to the Nigerian state, the DG opined that in Nigeria, the articulated development objectives were indicated under Sections 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, which included: That for development to take place, the state must guarantee the security of life and property; education, healthcare and rights to the people. “These are not all. The state must also provide healthcare to the people, preserve and sustain the environment, their culture and strive to ensure respect for life and well being of the people. “The state must also ensure consistent improvements in the resources of the people, respect the constitution, laws and policies of the state and carry out its civic duties to the state,” he stressed. The BPE boss believes the role of accountability in governance was to `z [X\]Z [WZ\WXYZ[XU `^UX between the government and the governed and ensure optimisation of use of resources through dialogue and consultation and meeting of the actual needs of the people. Others, according to him, was to encourage the practice and culture ] X ZYZ\zY X YZ[X ^ ^UWq^X checks and balances that ensure consistent good behaviour of those entrusted with the nation’s
BPE DG, Benjamin Dikki
collective resources from one generation to another and to also ensure public understanding of government policies and support
for them. Dikki further pointed out the critical role the BPE had played in enthroning accountability
and good governance in the new Nigeria to include: formation of Pension Commission which had ensured accountabil-
zU X] X^UY@X¤WZ^z]ZX[W[`\tions, informing that the sector has, so far, accumulated over N4 trillion in stable deposits now ready for development investment. “There are also the formation of the Debt ManY WqWZUX /\WX Vz\VX resulted in the continued determination of Nigeria’s total external borrowings and made a concrete case for debt cancellation and rescheduling; formation of the EFCC that has increased accountability and has assisted in reducing theft of government funds now freed for development and has secured the conviction of many corrupt ]/\zY ^ÙX [W W ` YUz]ZX ] X the telecom sector and the participation of private telecom companies like MTN, Glo, Airtel, Etisalat, Visafone and the rest. And today, Nigeria is enjoying over 123 million active telephone lines compared to 450,000 lines before the reform. This is even as the sector now employs over One (1) million Nigerians and has attracted over $40billion in investments,” he noted. He came again, “There are also the unbundling of PHCN into 18 successor companies and the successful privatisation of the Electric Power Sector,
which has taken the power sector out of government budget and now, we can calculate the revenue shortfalls in the power market. “The concession of the various sea ports had takWZX UVWqX ]@X ] W ZqWZUX budget and the private sector has made massive investments that government could not have contemplated. Today, the quantum of cargo has increased tremendously due to the comparative improvement in processing time,” he further stressed. Dikki, however, maintained that Nigeria needed to do more in certain areas to sustain accountability and good governance. These include: ideological articulation of the concept development and ensuring its general acceptance; sustenance of value re-orientation UV ]` VX VUX Y YzZ^UX zZdiscipline and corruption; conservation of the environment as a critical resource for development; development of entrepreneurship and reduction of unemployment; improvement in security and its perception; sustenance of development initiatives and improvement of communication between the leadership and the led.
Ebola’s post traumatic disorder treatable – Expert ISAH IDRIS, Abuja
he prevailing terrorism and Ebola scourge have increased the rate of post traumatic disorder among the people of West African sub-region including Nigeria, an Abujabased Senior Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon, Dr Suleiman Ahmed, has said. According to him, poor understanding and slow response to the treatment of post orthopaedic and psychological trauma effects could be devastating for the victims of emergencies. Ahmed who stated this at a sensitisation forum in Abuja during, weekend, said poor understanding and slow response to the U WYUqWZUX] XU Y`qYXW@W\U^X of casualties resulting from Ebola diseases, terrorism, Y qW[X \]Zªz\U^ X \Y X YZ[X
qY zZWX Y\\z[WZU^ X \]Zªz\UX injuries, kidnapping and related casualties, have the tendency of causing series of deformities in the victims. Nigeria and neighbouring Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leon currently suffer terrorism and Ebola Vi `^X Y6Y\ ^X \ YzqzZ X ^]qWX thousands of lives in the West African sub region. The coordinator of Orthopaedic Trauma Initiative Project (OTIP) explained that prevention of deadly Ebola Virus Diseases (EVD) and other causes of U Y`qYXW@W\UXVY^X WqYzZW[X the best cure for the related diseases. Early detection and response to the treatment of the post-traumatic disorder conditions associated with the unfortunate casualties are necessary for cure and mitigation of the disease likely to cause avoidable deformities in the victims, Ahmed said.
On Ebola Virus Diseases, the surgeon explained is real and requires precautions against touching of the dead and the infested victims with]`UX WzZ X¤ ]¤W X z6W[¨ Ahmed said, “Ebola fever, just like HIV/AIDS is real. It is not a fallacy. VW WXz^XYX¤` W X^\zWZUz \X statement that Ebola virus really exists. It is in West Africa, including Nigeria and parts of the world.” He called for universal precaution by avoiding body contact with victims and particularly washing of dead victims who can alternatively be sprinkled Health Minister, Prof Onyebuchi Chukwu with water for burial. He called for vigilance Orthopaedics deformities Ahmed also warned that likely to result from non- among the people in bomb Ebola is prone to post-trauproper and early treatment explosive domains of ter- matic stress disorder either of the causalities, Ahmed ] z^U^X zUVXYZXzZ^UYZ\WXªYUX to the primary person (vicsaid, are skeletal deformi- lying before rescue opera- tim) or the parents or both ties, hydrocephalous and tions, while prompt move- which can be treated in contractions of hands, ment to care centres for general hospitals, specialist micro-datele and related resuscitation became a pri- hospitals and specialised mary concern for victims. problems. private clinics in FCT.
Public Sector Forum 55
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, october 15, 2014
FRSC arrests 9, 862 traffic offenders during Sallah special patrol 7 '" 8.9 TAIYE AGBAJE, Abuja
he Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) mobile court has arraigned ŸžŽX UÂ&#x192;Y/\X ]@WZ[WÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X  z] YUzZÂ&#x201A;X  YÂ&#x192;z]`^X UÂ&#x192;Y/\ÂŻ Â&#x192;W YUW[X ]@WZ\W^X Â&#x2026;WUÂ&#x20AC;WWZX September 30 and OctoÂŻ ber 7, 2014. The FRSC, in the bid to reduce the rate of road crashes during festive ¤WÂ&#x192;z][^X Y`Z\VW[XYZX z[ÂŻ W ¯ YÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x192;X^¤W\zY X¤YUÂ&#x192;] XZYÂŻ Uz]ZÂ&#x20AC;z[WXÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VXWZ[W[X]ZX Sunday, October 12, 2014. The mobile court, preÂŻ sided over by Chief MagÂŻ istrate Friday Igbenosa at YqYUX YÂ&#x192; XzZX WZzZÂ&#x201C;X []X UYUWÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X ^Yz[X U]X VY WX UÂ&#x192;zW[X ŸžŽX UÂ&#x192;Y/\X ]@WZ[ÂŻ ers for violating various UÂ&#x192;Y/\ÂŻÂ&#x192;W YUW[X ]@WZ\W^X ranging from dangerous driving, overloading, use ]Â&#x2021;X ¤V]ZWX Â&#x20AC;Vz WX [Â&#x192;z zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X Z]ZÂŻ`^WX]Â&#x2021;X^WYUXÂ&#x2026;W U^Â&#x201C;X[Â&#x192;z ¯ zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX W°¤zÂ&#x192;W[X  WVz\ WX papers, among others. Details of the mobile \]`Â&#x192;UX W°WÂ&#x192;\z^WÂ&#x201C;X zZX YX ^UYUWÂŻ ment made available to UVWX Yz Â&#x2020;X WÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x20AC;YU\VÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X the Corpsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Public EducaÂŻ Uz]ZX /\WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X UW  YX \VWÂ&#x201A;ÂŻ bu, indicate that a total ]Â&#x2021;X Ă?Â&#x201C;à ŸX UÂ&#x192;Y/\X ]@WZ[WÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UW[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X X operatives along various Â&#x192;]`UW^X]ZXqYÂş]Â&#x192;XVzÂ&#x201A;VÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x2020;^X for contravening 10,598 UÂ&#x192;Y/\ÂŻÂ&#x192;W YUW[XÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;` YUz]Z^¨ According to the reÂŻ  WY^WÂ&#x201C;XŸžŽXUÂ&#x192;Y/\X]@WZ[WÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;YzÂ&#x201A;ZW[Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX ÂźÂÂŽX Y6Â&#x192;Y\UzZÂ&#x201A;X YÂ&#x192;z]`^X[WÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;WW^X ]Â&#x2021;X \]Z z\Uz]Z^X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX UVWÂ&#x2020;X ¤Yz[X Â&#x201E;ZW^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz WX ½Ă?X
]UVWÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX [z^\VYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W[X YZ[XY\_`z6W[¨ X ¤WY zZÂ&#x201A;X]ZXUVWX]@WZ[ÂŻ WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;V]X Â&#x20AC;Y^X ^WZUX U]X ÂşYz Â&#x201C;X the Edo State Sector ComÂŻ mander of the FRSC, OluÂŻ Â&#x20AC;Y^`^zX Yqz ]ZzÂ&#x201C;XZYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;YUW[X V]Â&#x20AC;X Â&#x192;X ^Y^X ^YÂ&#x192;`ZÂŻ Â&#x20AC;WZÂ&#x2026;]X VY[X [Â&#x192;z WZX Â&#x192;W\ ÂŻ  W^^ Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;Vz WX Y¤¤Â&#x192;]Y\VzZÂ&#x201A;X the FRSC patrol team at Â&#x192;YÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;WZzX YÂ&#x192;WYX ]Â&#x2021;X WZzZX YZ[X Â&#x20AC;Y^X ^U]¤¤W[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X UVWX corpsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; operatives. X ¡ ZX UVWX \]`Â&#x192;^WX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Z]Â&#x192;qY XÂ&#x192;]`UzZWX\VW\ Â&#x201C;XUVWX [Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X Â&#x2021;]`Z[X U]X Â&#x2026;WX \YÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;X W°¤zÂ&#x192;W[X  WVz\ WX ¤Y¤WÂ&#x192;^X YZ[X Â&#x20AC;Y^X Y^ W[X U]X ¤`  X] WÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;Vz WXYZXYÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W^UÂŻ ing Marshal entered his Ford bus to accompany him to the mobile court. ZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;U`ZYUW Â&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X VWX ^¤W[X ]@X Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX YÂ&#x192;^VY X YZ[X drove to a distant locaÂŻ Uz]ZÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XUÂ&#x192;Yz W[XÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XYZX FRSC team. X ¡ ZX Â&#x201A;W6zZÂ&#x201A;X U]X YX  ]\YÂŻ tion, the driver jumped ]`UX YZ[X zZ\zUW[X ¤Y^^WÂ&#x192;^ÂŻ by against the FRSC team and even used a spade to zZÂŞz\UXqzZ]Â&#x192;XzZÂş`Â&#x192;zW^X]ZXYZX X^UY@Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XW WZÂŻ U`Y  Â&#x2020;X ] WÂ&#x192;¤]Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;W[X YZ[X brought before the Chief YÂ&#x201A;z^UÂ&#x192;YUWX Â&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X YÂ&#x2021;UWÂ&#x192;X thorough legal process, VWX Â&#x20AC;Y^X ^WZUX U]X YX q]ZUVÂś^X zq¤Â&#x192;z^]ZqWZUX Â&#x20AC;zUVX YZX option to pay N100,000 Â&#x201E;ZW¨´ The Sector Commander Y ^]X^Yz[XUVYUXUVWX]@WZ[WÂ&#x192;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X \VYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W[X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Â&#x192;W\  W^^X driving, failure to use seat belt, violation of caution sign and assault on a MarÂŻ shal on duty. X ¡ VWZX UVWX ]@WZ[WÂ&#x192;X ^V]Â&#x20AC;W[XUVYUXVWX\]` [XZ]UX
COMACE, FRSC, Boboye Oyeyemi
¤YÂ&#x2020;X UVWX ^Uz¤` YUW[X Â&#x201E;ZWÂ&#x201C;X the Chief Magistrate had U]X^WZ[XVzqXU]XÂşYz Â&#x201C;´X YqzÂŻ  ]ZzXÂ&#x192;WqYÂ&#x192; W[¨ In a related develÂŻ opment, the FRSC has ¤Â&#x192;]^W\`UW[X Â&#x2021;]`Â&#x192;X ÂŞWWUX ]¤¯ erators in Port Harcourt, Rivers State capital for Z]ZÂŻ\]q¤ zYZ\WX Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX set standards under the Road Transport Safety Standardisation Scheme ¸ šÂ&#x201C;XzZX zZWXÂ&#x20AC;zUVX W\ÂŻ tion 10(4) of the FRSC Establishment Act, 2007 and Section 220 of the NaÂŻ Uz]ZY X ]Y[X Â&#x192;Y/\X WÂ&#x201A;`ÂŻ lations, 2012. Details of the prosecuÂŻ tion indicated that the [WÂ&#x2021;Y` UzZÂ&#x201A;X ÂŞWWUX ]¤WÂ&#x192;YÂŻ U]Â&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2021;]`Z[X Â&#x20AC;YZUzZÂ&#x201A;X during the corpsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; routine \VW\ X ]ZX ÂŞWWUX ]¤WÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;^ÂśX compliance status, durÂŻ zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VXĂ&#x192;ÂťXUÂ&#x192;YZ^¤]Â&#x192;UWÂ&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX z[WZUzÂ&#x201E;W[Â&#x201C;X ½½X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX served notice of prosecuÂŻ Uz]ZXÂ&#x20AC;Vz WXÂ&#x2021;]`Â&#x192;X]UVWÂ&#x192;^XYÂ&#x192;WX presently undergoing  zUzÂ&#x201A;YUz]ZX¤Â&#x192;]\W^^XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XZ]ZÂŻ \]q¤ zYZ\WXÂ&#x20AC;zUVX^Uz¤` YUÂŻ ed standards. X UX Â&#x20AC;z  X Â&#x2026;WX Â&#x192;W\Y  W[X UVYUX UVWX\]Â&#x192;¤^XVY[XzZXŸŽ½ŸÂ&#x201C;XUY ÂŻ WZX UÂ&#x20AC;]X ÂŞWWUX ]¤WÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;^X U]X YX WZzZX \]`Â&#x192;UX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X \]ZUÂ&#x192;YÂŻ vening the provisions of the Road Transport Safety Standardisation Scheme. After the judgement, UVWX[W zYZUXÂŞWWUX]¤WÂ&#x192;YU]Â&#x192;^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x201E;ZW[X žŽÂ&#x201C;X ŽŽŽ¨ŽŽX each and later made to \]q¤ Â&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWX ¤Â&#x192;]ÂŻ visions of the scheme bordering on minimum safety standards for their vehicles, adequate trainÂŻ ing for their drivers, appointment of safety manager, among other reÂŻ quirements.
How safe is your child?
s parent, or guardian, do you Z]Â&#x20AC;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWX¤Â&#x192;] z^z]Z^X]Â&#x2021;X W\ÂŻ Uz]ZX ½Ÿ¸½¯žšX ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX YUz]ZY X ]Y[X Â&#x192;Y/\X WÂ&#x201A;` YUz]Z^Â&#x201C;XŸŽ½ŸX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VXqY W^XzUXqYZ[YU]Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X all occupants of a vehicle to use a seatbelt Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWzÂ&#x192;X^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;Ă?X ]XÂ&#x2020;]`X Z]Â&#x20AC;XUVYUX W\Uz]ZXÂX ^¤W\zÂ&#x201E;\Y  Â&#x2020;X^UYUW^XUVYUX¡UVWX[Â&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x2021;XYXq]U]Â&#x192;X vehicle shall be responsible for the children Â&#x20AC;V]X YÂ&#x192;WX ¤Y^^WZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;^X zZX ^`\VX YX  WVz\ WX YZ[X ^VY  X WZ^`Â&#x192;WX UVWX ¤Â&#x192;]¤WÂ&#x192;X `^WX ]Â&#x2021;X \Vz [X  ]\ ^X zZXW WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X WVz\ WXÂ&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WX]ZWXz^XzZ^UY  W[Ă&#x2122;XUVWX proper use of child safety seats for every \Vz [XUVYUXz^X^W WZXÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^XYZ[XÂ&#x2026;W ]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;XYZ[XUVYUX \Vz [X^WYU^XYÂ&#x192;WXZ]UXzZ^UY  W[XzZXUVWXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]ZUXÂ&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;´¨X VWX^YqWX^W\Uz]ZXzZX `Â&#x2026;^W\Uz]ZXĂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;XV]Â&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X W°Wq¤U^X]Z Â&#x2020;X\Vz [Â&#x192;WZXÂ&#x20AC;zUVXqW[z\Y XÂ&#x192;W¤]Â&#x192;UX by a licensed medical practitioner that it is inÂŻ advisable on medical grounds for the child U]XÂ&#x20AC;WYÂ&#x192;XYX^WYUXÂ&#x2026;W U¨ X X Z]Â&#x20AC;XUVYUXUVWX`^WX]Â&#x2021;X^WYUXÂ&#x2026;W UÂ&#x201C;XW^¤W\zY  Â&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X Yq]ZÂ&#x201A;X Y[` U^X z^X \]qqWZ[YÂ&#x2026; W¨X ZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;U`ÂŻ nately, most of us do not see any sense in ¤Â&#x192;]UW\UzZÂ&#x201A;X ]`Â&#x192;X \Vz [Â&#x192;WZX Â&#x20AC;Vz WX [Â&#x192;z zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X strapping them. Some lap them. Others  WY WXUVWqX`ZY6WZ[W[XU]XzZXq] zZÂ&#x201A;X WVzÂŻ \ W^¨X ]qWX\ YzqX^UÂ&#x192;Y¤¤zZÂ&#x201A;XUVW^WX z[^XzZXYX\YÂ&#x192;X seat is alien. This group maintains that strapÂŻ ¤zZÂ&#x201A;X\Vz [Â&#x192;WZXzZXYX\YÂ&#x192;Xz^XqWYZUXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XUVWXÂ&#x20AC;VzUWX qYZÂ&#x201C;XZ]UXYXÂ&#x2026; Y\ XqYZ¨X XÂ&#x2026;W zW WXUVz^XÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;]`¤X Z]Â&#x20AC;^XÂ&#x20AC;VYUXUVWÂ&#x2020;XYÂ&#x192;WX^YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;¨X Â&#x2021;UWÂ&#x192;Y  Â&#x201C;X UVW^WX  WVz\ W^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WX qYZ`Â&#x2021;Y\ÂŻ tured in Oshodi by our engineers. Others say the cost for a car seat is high even though UVWX\VWY¤W^UXYq]ZÂ&#x201A;XUVW^WX\YÂ&#x192;^X\]^U^XY^X ]Â&#x20AC;X Y^X žŽŽÂ&#x201C;ÂŽÂŽÂŽÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;Vz WX]UVWÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x201A;]XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XY^XVzÂ&#x201A;VXY^X žX qz  z]ZÂ&#x201C;X \]q¤YÂ&#x192;W[X U]X \YÂ&#x192;X ^WYU^X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX range from just about N25,000 or less for the protection of the life of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s precious gift. VW^WX^YqWX¤YÂ&#x192;WZU^XÂ&#x20AC;]` [XZ]UXqzZ[XVYZÂ&#x201A;ÂŻ zZÂ&#x201A;X]`UXÂ&#x20AC;zUVXÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;zWZ[^XYZ[XÂ&#x2026;`^zZW^^X¤YÂ&#x192;UZWÂ&#x192;^X U]X^¤WZ[XUV]`^YZ[^X]Â&#x2021;XZYzÂ&#x192;YX]ZX[Â&#x192;zZ ^Â&#x201C;X¤W¤¯ ¤WÂ&#x192;X^]`¤XYZ[X]UVWÂ&#x192;XW°UÂ&#x192;Y^¨X VWXÂ&#x2021;WqY WX]ZW^X Â&#x20AC;]` [X¤Â&#x192;WÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x192;X^¤WZ[zZÂ&#x201A;XUV]`^YZ[^X]Â&#x2021;XZYzÂ&#x192;YX on designer shoes and bags, but not on the ^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;X]Â&#x2021;XUVWzÂ&#x192;X\Vz [Â&#x192;WZ¨X Vz^Xz^XÂ&#x20AC;VYUXÂ&#x20AC;WX\Y  X choices. Seat belt driving culture is, no doubt comÂŻ mendable, yet, motorists donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t seem to care about child safety. Daily, these children, Â&#x20AC;VWUVWÂ&#x192;XzZX^\V]] XÂ&#x2026;`^W^X]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;Yqz Â&#x2020;X WVz\ W^Â&#x201C;X YÂ&#x192;WX UÂ&#x192;YZ^¤]Â&#x192;UW[X Â&#x20AC;zUV]`UX YZÂ&#x2020;X z]UYX ]Â&#x2021;X ^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;¨X Despite the series of child safety campaigns Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVWqW^X ^`\VX Y^Â&#x201C;X ¡[]ZUX z  X UVWX \Vz [Â&#x201C;X z  XUVWXÂ&#x2026;Y[XVYÂ&#x2026;zU´XYZ[X¡\Vz [Â&#x192;WZXYÂ&#x192;WX]`Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;`ÂŻ U`Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X¤Â&#x192;]UW\UXUVWqÂ&#x201C;´XYzqW[XYUXÂ&#x192;Yz^zZÂ&#x201A;X^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;X YÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;WZW^^Â&#x201C;X\Vz [X^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;Xz^X^Uz  XZ]UXYX¤Â&#x192;z]Â&#x192;zUÂ&#x2020;X among motorists. Road safety crisis is the leading cause of ¤Â&#x192;W WZUYÂ&#x2026; WX [WYUV^X ÂŻX UVWX ÂÂ&#x192;[X  YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W^UX \Y`^WX of disabilities. In Africa, it is the 2nd largest cause of death after HIV/ AIDS and even the ZWÂ&#x20AC;XWZUÂ&#x192;YZUÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;] Y¨X ZXUVWX^YqWX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;z\YÂ&#x201C;XUVWÂ&#x192;WX z^XÂ&#x201A;WZWÂ&#x192;Y  Â&#x2020;XZ]X\]^UzZÂ&#x201A;X[YUYXqY zZÂ&#x201A;X\]^UX]Â&#x2021;X \Â&#x192;Y^VW^X[z/\` UXU]XW^UzqYUWÂ&#x201C;XW°\W¤UXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x20AC;X \]`ZUÂ&#x192;zW^¨X X ^U`[Â&#x2020;X VY^X ^V]Â&#x20AC;ZX UVYUX ½ŽX ¤WÂ&#x192;X cent of global road deaths occur in Africa, UV]`Â&#x201A;VX]Z Â&#x2020;XĂ&#x192;X¤WÂ&#x192;X\WZUX]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; [Âś^XÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;z^UWÂ&#x192;W[X vehicles are in the continent. This study posÂŻ zU^XUVYUXzÂ&#x2021;XÂ&#x192;W¤]Â&#x192;UzZÂ&#x201A;X]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x192;]Y[X\Â&#x192;Y^VW^XÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXU]X zq¤Â&#x192;] WÂ&#x201C;XUVWXÂ&#x192;]Y[X\Â&#x192;Y^VXzZ[W°XzZXUVWX\]ZUzÂŻ ZWZUXÂ&#x20AC;z  XÂ&#x2026;WX[z@WÂ&#x192;WZUXY^XzUXq]^UX z W Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x20AC;]` [X ^V]Â&#x20AC;Xq]Â&#x192;WX[WYUV^¨X ]`UVX Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;z\YXYZ[X zÂ&#x201A;WÂŻ ria, according to this study accounts for most of the reported deaths. These deaths, according to the study, are
caused mostly by human error, and vehiÂŻ \ WX Â&#x2021;Y\U]Â&#x192;^X UVYUX zZ\ `[WX UVWX Â&#x2021;]  ]Â&#x20AC;zZÂ&#x201A;Ă&#x2022;X ] WÂ&#x192;X ^¤WW[zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X [YZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;]`^X ] WÂ&#x192;UY zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;X Y \]V] X and drug abuse, negligence of drivers, poor driving standards, overloaded people or goods vehicles, poor tyre maintenance, burst tyre, bad roads and hilly terrain, negligence of pedestrians, distraction of drivers by pasÂŻ sengers, cell phone use, among others. VWX UÂ&#x192;`UVX z^X UVYUX UVWX Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; [X z^X \]Z\WÂ&#x192;ZW[X about child safety. This is because road trafÂŻ Â&#x201E;\X zZÂş`Â&#x192;zW^X Y ]ZWX YÂ&#x192;WX UVWX  WY[zZÂ&#x201A;X \Y`^WX ]Â&#x2021;X [WYUV^XYq]ZÂ&#x201A;X\Vz [Â&#x192;WZX½ž¯½Ă?XÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^XYZ[XUVWX ^W\]Z[X  WY[zZÂ&#x201A;X \Y`^WX Yq]ZÂ&#x201A;X ½Ž¯½Ă&#x192;X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^X old. These injuries are not inevitable. They are preventable. Ironically, most parents are not concerned despite the rights of children U]X^YÂ&#x2021;WUÂ&#x2020;XY^X\]ZUYzZW[XzZXUVW½Ă?Ă Ă?X ZzUW[X YÂŻ tions convention on the rights of the child, Â&#x192;YUzÂ&#x201E;W[X Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Y q]^UX Y  X Â&#x201A;] WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX ^UYUW^XUVYUX\Vz [Â&#x192;WZXYÂ&#x192;]`Z[XUVWXÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; [XVY WX a right to a safe environment and to protecÂŻ tion from injury and violence. The convenÂŻ tion stresses the responsibilities of society to protect children (from birth up to the age of ½à XÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^š¨X  WZXUVWXŸŽŽŽX ZzUW[X YUz]Z^X z ¯ lennium Development Goals resolution sets Y^XzU^XÂ&#x2021;]`Â&#x192;UVXÂ&#x201A;]Y Â&#x201C;XUVWXZWW[XU]XÂ&#x192;W[`\WXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUÂ&#x20AC;]X thirds the mortality rates of children under the age of 5 years. ZX ŸŽŽŸÂ&#x201C;X UVWX ZzUW[X YUz]Z^X WZWÂ&#x192;Y X ^ÂŻ sembly held a Special Session on children, Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX YX []\`qWZUX ¡ X ]Â&#x192; [X Â&#x201E;UX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X Vz [Â&#x192;WZÂ&#x201C;´X Â&#x20AC;Y^X ¤Â&#x192;][`\W[¨X Vz^X []\`qWZUX sets out a number of health goals for chilÂŻ [Â&#x192;WZ¨X ZWX]Â&#x2021;X^`\VXÂ&#x201A;]Y ^XÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VXz^X^¤W\zÂ&#x201E;\XU]X zZÂş`Â&#x192;zW^Â&#x201C;X \Y  ^X ]ZX Y  X qWqÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x192;X ^UYUW^X U]Â&#x201C;X ¡Â&#x192;WÂŻ duce child injuries due to accidents or other causes through the development and imÂŻ plantation of appropriate measures.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ZXŸŽŽžÂ&#x201C;XUVWX^YqWX XYZ[X Xz^ÂŻ ^`W[X\Y  ^XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;WYU Â&#x2020;XW°¤YZ[W[XÂ&#x201A; ]Â&#x2026;Y XW@]Â&#x192;U^X U]X¤Â&#x192;W WZUX\Vz [XzZÂş`Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;¨X Vz^XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XÂ&#x2021;]  ]Â&#x20AC;W[XzZX ŸŽŽXÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;X Âś^X½Ž¯Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;X¤ YZX]Â&#x2021;XY\Uz zUzW^X]ZX child injury. ZX Y[[zUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X UVWX Ă&#x2DC; X zZX ŸŽŽà Â&#x201C;X zZX YX Â&#x192;W¤]Â&#x192;UX UzU W[Â&#x201C;X ¡ ]Â&#x192; [X W¤]Â&#x192;UX ]ZX Vz [X ZÂş`Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x192;W WZUz]ZÂ&#x201C;´XW°¤Â&#x192;W^^W[X\]Z\WÂ&#x192;ZXUVYUX W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X [YÂ&#x2020;X YÂ&#x192;]`Z[X UVWX Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; [Â&#x201C;X UVWX  z W^X ]Â&#x2021;X more than 2000 families are torn apart by the loss of a child to an unintentional injury ]Â&#x192;X^]ÂŻ\Y  W[XY\\z[WZU^XUVYUX\]` [XVY WXÂ&#x2026;WWZX preventedâ&#x20AC;Ś.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; It noted that childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inÂŻ juries have been neglected for many years. Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s maturity and their interest and ZWW[^X[z@WÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qXY[` U^Â&#x201C;XUVWXÂ&#x192;W¤]Â&#x192;UXÂ&#x2021;`Â&#x192;UVWÂ&#x192;X stated. Therefore, simply reproducing inÂŻ jury prevention strategies that are relevant to adult does not adequately protect children, zUXÂ&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;ZW[¨X VWXÂ&#x192;W¤]Â&#x192;UXY/Â&#x192;qW[XUVYUXUVWÂ&#x192;WXYÂ&#x192;WX ¤Â&#x192;] WZXzZUWÂ&#x192; WZUz]Z^X^`\VXY^X\Vz [X^WYUXÂ&#x20AC;Vz\VX is the trust of this campaign. Others include, \Â&#x2020;\ zZÂ&#x201A;X VW qWU^Â&#x201C;X \Vz [ÂŻÂ&#x192;W^z^UYZUX ¤Y\ YÂ&#x201A;zZÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X qW[z\YUz]Z^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x2021;WZ\zZÂ&#x201A;X YÂ&#x192;]`Z[X ^Â&#x20AC;zqqzZÂ&#x201A;X ¤]] ^Â&#x201C;XV]UXÂ&#x20AC;YUWÂ&#x192;XUY¤XUWq¤WÂ&#x192;YU`Â&#x192;WXÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;` YUz]Z^X YZ[XÂ&#x20AC;zZ[]Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x201A;`YÂ&#x192;[^Â&#x201C;XU]XZYqWXYXÂ&#x2021;WÂ&#x20AC;¨ VWXYÂ&#x2026;] WXz^X¤Â&#x192;]]Â&#x2021;XUVYUX\Vz [Â&#x192;WZXÂ&#x192;YZ XVzÂ&#x201A;VX in the vulnerable user graph. Last year, the zZ\z[WZ\WX ]Â&#x2021;X \Vz [X [WYUVX Â&#x20AC;Y^X Â&#x20AC;]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;z^]qW¨X zUVX UVWX ŸŽ½žX WZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;\WqWZUX [WY[ zZWX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X compulsory use of seatbelt by all occupants, Â&#x20AC;WXq`^UXWq` YUWXÂ&#x201A; ]Â&#x2026;Y X^YÂ&#x2021;WX¤Â&#x192;Y\Uz\W^Â&#x201C;X^`\VX Y^XUVWX ZzUW[X zZÂ&#x201A;[]qXÂ&#x20AC;VWÂ&#x192;WXXXY YÂ&#x192;qX] WÂ&#x192;X UVWX¡[z^Y^UÂ&#x192;]`^´XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A;`Â&#x192;W^XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XŸŽŽX ` ZWÂ&#x192;YÂ&#x2026; WX road users, particularly children prompted drastic actions.
Daily Newswatch
Public Sector Forum
WEDNESDAY, october 15, 2014
NDIC highlights operational challenges, initiates mechanisms to achieve mandate ONYEKA AJUMOBI ONOCHIE, Abuja
he Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC) has lamented an aggregated hiccups impeding quicker realisation of its statutory mandate, calling on concerned stakeholders to do something fast to control the trend. Raising the concern recently in a press chat with financial journalists in Abuja, the corporation’s Managing Director/Chief Executive, Alhaji Umaru Ibrahim, noted that, although the challenges were enormous, his management has, on its own, initiated functional mechanisms to ameliorate things. Some of the challenges, he said, hinge on liquidation activities, legal and judicial process and inadequate public awareness. On liquidation activities, he lamented the corporation’s inability to locate some of the closed primary mortgage banks (PMBs) which licenses had been revoked by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), stressing the absolute difficulties in dealing with organisations that existed only in name. This is in addition to unsatisfactory rendition of returns by some of the micro-finance banks (MFBs). Ibrahim also lamented the litigations by erstwhile shareholders of closed banks and their creditors, which, he said, has the potentials of slowing down the speed of the corporation’s activities, as would have desired, even as debits to the corporation’s account with the CBN on account of Garnishee Order, Nisi, served on CBN further compounds the problem. On legal and judicial process, he said, “There exist a lot of delays in the legal and judicial process in relation to failed banks cases. Up to date, Peak Merchant Bank, one of the 36 banks closed between 1994 and 2003, is still contesting the withdrawal of its licence in court, while Savannah Bank is yet to resume operation after court had passed judgement in its favour, hence in-
MD/CEO, NDIC, Alhaji Umaru Ibrahim
nocent depositors of the two banks could not have access to their trapped funds.” The NDIC boss further raised concerns about the corporation’s inadequate public awareness, observing that activities have remained low despite all the efforts to improve them, stressing that a recent survey on the corporation’s public awareness carried out at two-year interval, had indicated that the level
of awareness was still about 40 per cent. He, however, noted that, despite the challenges facing the corporation, the board, management and staff are determined to ensure that it achieves its broad mandate of protecting depositors and providing a stable financial system in Nigeria. He listed some of the achievements despite the challenges to include: aggressive
human capacity development through re-positioning of the Human Resource Department, establishment of a training school, recruitments, technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Treasury and capacity building for operators of MFBs and PMBs. There was also the creation of Non-Interest Deposit Insurance Fund (NIDIF) for non-interest banks, in addition to the
Up to date, Peak Merchant Bank, one of the 36 banks closed between 1994 and 2003, is still contesting the withdrawal of its licence in court, while Savannah Bank is yet to resume operation after court had passed judgement in its favour
adoption of the Concept of Target Fund Ratio to ascertain the adequacy of its funds to meet its obligations when they crystallise. “There has also been continued public awareness initiatives, including the printing of NDIC stickers, which are now pasted at conspicuous entry points in all insured financial institutions across the country and printing of public awareness materials, which are translated into the three major Nigerian languages and distributed across the six geo-political zones in the country, as well as the sponsorship of television and radio programmes tagged NDIC Calling, which is usually transmitted electronically nationwide,” he informed. He also stated the corporation’s effort in the conduct of various research studies and projects aimed at gathering information, proffering solutions or sharing knowledge on certain issues and developments in the financial services sector and the economy as a whole, stressing the establishment of a robust 24-hour Help Desk kitted with toll free line 0800063424357. The Help Desk, according to him, was established as part of initiatives to promote protection of depositors and other stakeholders. He emphasised, “Help Desks were set up in the Head Office and relevant departments in the Lagos office, namely Bank Examination and Special Insured Institutions departments, and had been receiving calls and e-mails from depositors and the general public on complaints and clarification of issues relating to insured institutions and closed DMBs, MFBs and PMBs.” Ibrahim, who further stated the various corporate social responsibility projects supported by the corporation through granting of financial assistance to several educational institutions in the country to improve their learning facilities, also revealed the corporation’s efforts in making donations to victims of natural disaster and violence in the country, as well as sponsorship of sport-
ing activities in furtherance of its CSR projects across the country to promote and develop sports at the grassroots. He came again, “Also in line with the corporation’s drive for international partnering and collaboration, the corporation continued to cooperate with other sister DIS in organising workshops, seminars, attachment programmes and specialised courses for its staff. “The corporation collaborated with other safety-net players in recent times more than ever before through the Financial System Regulation and Coordinating Committee (FSRCC), which facilitates information sharing amongst members, thereby strengthening the supervisory framework in the system. “Furthermore, the corporation has improved on its processes and systems with a view to improving its service delivery, and consequently, a number of software and systems were introduced, namely: Information Technology Security System and Architecture (ITSS&A), Performance Management System (PMS) Automation, Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), Corporate Performance Management and Budget Software and Oracle Treasury Management System. Others include: Automation of Service Level Agreement (SLA), Development and Automation of Corporation-Wide Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manual, ERMS Disaster Recovery, Multimedia Digital Archiving System (MDAS), among others.” Ibrahim, who also relayed breakthroughs on a wide range of the corporation’s core mandate, also reiterated its vision and mission, touching on its general routine for which it is commonly known. These include: deposit guarantee, bank supervision, failure resolution mechanism, liquidation activities, payment of insured and uninsured deposits, financial system stability, capacity building and public enlightenment, among others.
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Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 15, 2014
NEC Nigerian pilgrims are Ebola free –NCPC boss UPN suspends TOYIN ADEBAYO, Abuja
he Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC), Mr John Kennedy Opara yesterday reiterated that there is maxi-
Hand washing, an important tool in Ebola fight – UNICEF
mum alertness on the issue of the dreaded Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) by the commission and so no cause for alarm. He made this known Vz WX zW Z XUVWXqW[zYX]ZX the preparedness of comqz^^z]ZX ] XUVWXªY X]@X] XUVWX 2014 Christian Pilgrimage exercise held at the conference hall, Abuja. According to him, there is no cases of Ebola in any Nigerian hospitals today, “it is only in Nigerian that we have post Ebola status that even US has come to see
how the epidemic was managed and eradicated. Opara added that, the commission will however leave no stone on turned as our medical team had screened and will still screen pilgrims before being airlifted.
WX^Yz[XUVWX ^UX^WUX] X zgerian pilgrims to be airlifted will be the 250 FCT contigents on the Saturday 18th October 2014. According to him, the second edition of A Day with Jesus,(a day where all pilgrims are expected to fast
and pray for the peace of Nigeria).hold on the 24th-26th, October. He added that all clergy both men and women will join in praying for Nigeria like they did when President Jonathan visit Israel. Opara stated that the commission is expecting about 30,000 pilgrims, payment is still ongoing and hope they will hit above it. According to him, the medical team are working tirelessly to ensure zero mortality in this year’s pilgrimage exercise.
He however stressed that the commission has been able to bring down the abscondment rate to zero percent. The 2014 pilgrimage exercise will go smoothly because. Israel has assured us of the security of lives and properties, he said. On the issue of Mount Sinai, he said the commission is working with the security report and if it is favourable the pilgrims will visit. It but if not they will not put the life of the pilgrims at risk.
s the world celebrates the seventh global Hand washing Day, UVWX VUXY YzZ^UX ] YX ` UVW X underscores the importance of hand washing with soap in disease prevention and spread. UNICEF has been supporting the governments in raising awareness about Ebola in Nige zYXY^X W XY^XzZX]UVW XY@W\UW[X countries, working to counter misconceptions about the disease that put even more people YUX z^ ¨X ZXUVWX VUXY YzZ^UXUVWX spread of Ebola Virus Disease, hand washing with soap has been an important tool, an additional line of defence. This year’s theme “Choose hand washing, Choose Health” is apt given that hand washing with soap not only protects the individual, but also protects his/her family against the infections and prevents the spread of disease outbreaks. Everyone can choose to wash hands with soap after using toilet & before eating/preparing food and thereby protect themselves and their families. Global Hand washing Day a reminder that the simple practice saves lives In Nigeria, more than 10 million people will be reached with hand washing messages through various activities planned for this year’s commemoration of Global hand washing Day. Nationwide hand washing promotion through high profile hand washing demonstrations in schools and communities, mass rallies, road shows, airing of jingles on radio and television, and dissemination of hand washing messages on U-Report, Facebook and Twitter have been planned for creating massive awareness on hand washing with soap in the country. Every year over 150,000 children die from diarrhoea alone, largely caused by unsafe water, sanitation & hygiene practices. Hand washing with soap is one of the cheapest, simplest and most W@W\Uz WX qWYZ^X ] X ¤ W WZUing diarrhoea & pneumonia, the leading causes of child deaths in Nigeria. As the Ebola response takes its toll on the VWY UVX^W z\W^XzZXUVWXY@W\UW[X countries, the practice of hand washing is even more imporUYZUXzZX Y [zZ X]@XUVW^WX\]qmon diseases.
L-R: Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal, Alex Badeh; Minister of Defence, Alhaji Aliyu Gusau and Deputy Commandant, National Defence College, Maj.-Gen. Adeniyi Oyebade, at the Armed Forces Remembrance Day min()82$(%@ [$(2=&Z (& X[7]% Q2)82$W%Q
Defection: Court hears APGA suit against Okorocha Nov 5 PASCHAL NJOKU, Abuja
Federal High ]` UX ^z6zZ X zZX `ºYX VY^X °W[X further hearing in the suit seeking the removal of Governor of Imo state, Owelle Rochas ] ]\VYX ]qX]/\W¨ ¤W\z \Y X UVWX X ]gressives Grand Alliance,
ing the deputy governor of Imo State or Speaker of the Imo State House of Assem X] XYZ X]/\W XZW°UXzZX zZWX to the position of the governor of Imo, who is a member ] XUVWX¤ YzZUz@X¸ ¹XU]X WX sworn-in as the governor . The party also prayed the court for an order directing the 2nd defendant, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to is^`WX YX \W Uz \YUWX ] X WU` ZX U]X tors (MD) of Tertiary Hospi- UzY X Y6WZ[W[X U]X ] X [W z - the person declared as govtals in Nigeria being skewed erately ignored. The Fed- ernor as the prayer above in favour of Medical Practi- eral Government had set up and an order annulling the tioners, Composition of Man- Y z]`^X ]qqz6WW^X V]^WX \W Uz \YUWX] X WU` ZXz^^`W[XU]X agement Boards of Tertiary assignments seemed unend- Okorocha (1st defendant) by Hospitals which is lopsided ing. The Union is tired of this virtue of his defection to the in favour of Medical Practi- unpleasant strategy of time APC. APGA is also seeking a tioners, Abolition of the Of- buying by the Federal Govdeclaration that by virtue \WX ] X W¤`U X VYz qYZ X ernment.” Medical Advisory CommitIt therefore stated that, of the provisions of Section tee and Deputy Head of Clin- “Since the Government had 177(c) and 221 of the Constiical Services in some Tertiary decided not respond to our tution of the Federal RepubHospitals, Holding of Stake- ultimatum which expired on lic of Nigeria 1999 as amended and Section 97 of the holders Conference. the 30th of September, 2014 Other issues at stake are: and our demands, the Un- Electoral 2010 (as amended) Non-promotion of our mem- ion has no choice than to YZ[XUVWXW@W\UX] XUVWX `¤ WqWX bers to director position, call out her members for an Court decision in Amaechi non-payment of specialist zZ[W ZzUWX ZYUz]Z z[WX ^U z W¨X Vs INEC reported in 2008, allowance, refusal to issue This strike commences by 5 NWLR part 108, 227 parcirculars after concluding 8.00am of 16th October, 2014 ticularly at page 317-325, the Imo State governorship mancollective bargaining meet- until further notice. ings, creation of Department “Till date most of the issues date given at the April 2011 of Medical Laboratory Sci- contained in the MoU are yet elections remains with the ¤ YzZUz@X¸ ¹XYZ[XUVWX^Yz[X ence, complete autonomy to be implemented.” mandate should be exercised for Teaching Hospitals, imThe union apologized to ¤]^zUz]ZX ] X Zz W ^zU X ^UY@X Patients and the entire mem- by the deputy governor of as heads of departments and bers of the public for this Imo State or Speaker of the others. avoidable action, saying that House of Assembly or any These issues according to the Government should be ]/\W XZW°UXzZX zZWXU]XUVWX] \WX] XUVWX ] W Z] ¨ the union “are either par- held responsible for this.
APGA had approached the court seeking that Okorocha be asked to vacate the governorship seat since he has defected to the All Progressives Congress, APC. VWX qY6W X Vz\VX Y^X slated for hearing yesterday before Justice Ahmed Mohammed could not hold as the judge was absent; and
the court clerks did not give reasons for his absence. However, counsels were called to take a date, after Vz\VX UVW X ^W6 W[X ] X ]vember 5. ZXUVWX^Yz[X^`zUX W[XUV ]` VX its counsel, Victor Odjemu, the All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA is praying the court for an order direct-
Joint health workers to commence strike Thursday JIDE AJIA
he Nigerian Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP), has announced plans to commence a nationwide strike on Thursday, October 16, 2014 following its inability to resolve its issues with the Federal Government. The union comprises of pharmacists, laboratory scientists, nurses and other health workers. According to a statement signed by the union president, Messers Felix Faniran and O.C Ogbonna, the union stated that most of the issues contained in the MoU signed with the government are yet to be implemented. The unresolved issues are: The appointment of Chief Medical Directors (CMD), Advertorials on the post of Chief Medical Directors (CMD) and Medical Direc-
Fasehun MIKAIL MUMUNI, Abuja
he National Executive ]qqz6WWX¸ ¹X] XUVWX Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) has announced the zZ[W ZzUWX ^`^¤WZ^z]ZX ] X zU^X National Chairman, Dr. Frederick Fasehun for alleged antiparty activities. The party in a communiqué released in Abuja yesterday at the end of its 4th NEC meeting held at Agura hotel said the Deputy National Chairman, Dr Manzo Abubakar will now serve as acting national chairman. The 17-point communiqué jointly signed by Dr. Abubakar and Hon. Bari Adedeji Salau, National Publicity Secretary in part said “(a) Some of this actions which the Chairman was indicted included the contempt with which he treated principal of \W ^X ] X UVWX ¤Y U X [W^\ z zZ X them as gangsters and calling them unprintable names and making unsubstantiated accusation against them in a press conference. (b) Sending thugs to disrupt the meeting of the Lagos State Branch of the party at its Unity House in Ikeja. (c) Deliberately maligning the character of some top of \zY ^X] XUVWX¤Y U XzZX[W z W YUWXY6Wq¤UXU]X[z W UXY6WZUz]ZX from his own misdeeds. (d) Engaging the party in an embarrassment on the selection process for Osun State gubernatorial election where he ordered that the winner of the process be made the deputy governor for the loser candidate to run as governor. (e) Treating the resolutions of the NEC with contempt X`Zz YUW Y X zUzZ X W6W ^X of appointment of Chairmen to illegitimate individuals Y YzZ^UXUVWXW@] U^X] XUVWX X members of the State who were mandated to do the job. ¸ ¹X Zz YUW Y X zZ X YX ^`zUX against the Independent National Electoral Commission on the creation of additional 30,000 polling units on behalf of the Unity Party of Nigeria without the authority of the party NEC and denying same in a speech he delivered to the NEC on Monday.” The communique noted that Dr. Fasehun presided over the Abuja NEC meeting but added that he later stagged a walk out. It added that “the National Organizing Secretary Dr. Tunji Olateju, while conceding to the Chairman, the right to leave the meeting when he [WWqW[X U X W UX UVWX qWWUing could not end without due process. He then moved a motion that the deputy chairman, Dr. Manzo Abubakar, continue where the Chairman stopped and the motion was carried by the substantial majority of qWq W ^X^z6zZ ¨´
Daily Newswatch
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Confusion trails security beef-up in Kaduna Assembly BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
here was palpable tension in Kaduna metropolis yesterday following speculations that the Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Right Hounourable UsmanTahir was going to be impeached by lawmakers opposed to his leadership style in the House. The speculation gain momentum when residents woke up to a heavy presence of security operatives, comprising of the Police, The state security ]`UÂ&#x201E;UX ]¤WÂ&#x192;YUz]ZX Y zÂ&#x201C;X qWqbers of the civil defense corps among others. A source in the Assembly also told our correspondent that the unusual heavy pres-
Ngilari tells Nyako, Atiku to retrace their steps OWOLABI ADENUSI, Yola
ollowing mass defection of some political supporters of the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and ousted Governor Murtala Nyako, from the ruling Peoples Demo\Â&#x192;YUz\X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;¸ šXU]X   X Â&#x192;]Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^z W^X ]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^X ¸ š last year, the newly sworn in Governor Bala James Nggilari has called on all aggrieved members of PDP, who defected to other political parties to retrace back their step. Bala who is the leader of the party in the state stated this on his return from two [YÂ&#x2020;^X ]/\zY X Y^^zÂ&#x201A;ZqWZUX from Abuja addressing the party faithful yesterday at the state secretariat he said that his priory is to lead a political party that will win 2015 general election conveniently in both gubernatorial and Presidential polls. He said that the door of PDP is wide open to accommodate those that want to join the fold adding that the state is PDP, control one. According to Bala, as state leader of PDP the present administration is going to be inclusive one, where peo¤ WÂś^X ]z\WXqY6WÂ&#x192;¨ However the Former Secretary of the ruling Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wq]\Â&#x192;YUz\X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X ¸ šX zZX Adamawa State Mr.P.P. Elisha has commended Governor Bala James Nggilari for calling on defected members of the party to retrace their steps into the fold. Elisha said that the state leader of the party has displayed maturity showing that he is a true democrat adding that the Governor need to impress on the present leadership of the party at all level to implement his directive.
Sokoto Assembly, rubber stampâ&#x20AC;Ś says Danfulani SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
head of next year general elections, an aspirant, Sanusi Danfulani eyeing the Sokoto state House of Assembly yesterday took swipe of the All Progressives ]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^X ¸ šX []qzZYUW[X state assembly saying, it is a mere rubber stamp legislature. He also said the defection of Governor Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko to the APC is a welcome development for the state insisting that the governor has failed to bring infrastructures to the citizenry. It would be recalled that Sokoto state has been engulfed in political skirmishes between the governor, Aliyu Wamakko and his deputy, Muktar Shagari occasioned by refusal of the later to join his boss to the APC. ¡ WXYÂ&#x192;WXVY¤¤Â&#x2020;X¸ YqY ]šX has left the PDP for APC, if he had remained in the PDP, I am sure the PDP will not deliver Sokoto stateâ&#x20AC;? he said. Speaking with newsmen yesterday at the PDP secretariat in Abuja shortly after he bought his nomination and expression of interest forms however insisted that his desire is to add to deepening of democracy and entrench good governance. He emphasized that the APC dominated Sokoto state legislature has allegedly not brought any change to the dif` 5 Â&#x2DC;>$@W %%&Â&#x2013; >3='(%@) >& +2%@81 *%882$) *$ *Q>$ZQ #$(8)'12 XW%V%\% Â&#x2021;8%82 *>92$&>$ %%@% Â&#x2026;Z(@@%$( %&W +$ <@7\>@2 ferent constituents that make up the state. <W78>@7 W7$(&Z 812 9()(8 >3 *$ *Q>$ZQ #$(8)'12 8> 812 *>92$&>$ (& Â&#x2122;>@% XW%V%\% Â&#x2021;8%82Â&#x161;Q2)82$W%Q ence of the operatives was to prevent a supposedly planned protest by a group from the southern part of the state, who were angry with the incessant and unabated killings of their kinsmen and wanted to show their displeasure. However another source said the planned protest was by the workers of the comatose textile company in Kaduna
state who were planning to take their case to the state Government House and the state House of Assembly to protest their case. However plenary session of the Assembly was held smoothly inside the chambers while the stern looking operatives kept vigil at the entrance to forestall any break down of law and order.
It was also gathered that during the session a bill for the law to establish the Kaduna state Christian pilgrims welfare Board, 2013 and the repeal of edit Number 2 of 1994, passed through second reading. Meanwhile When contacted on the development the Kaduna state Police command spokesman SP Aminu Lawan said the security beef up was
â&#x20AC;&#x153;a normal security routine and there was no cause for alarmâ&#x20AC;?. On his part, the Public RelaUz]Z^X /\WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X¸ šX]Â&#x2021;XUVWX Yduna state House of Assembly, V`YzÂ&#x2026;`X Y YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201E;X ^Yz[X UVYUX VWX was not aware of any threat to impeach the Speaker and contended that only the security apparatus can speak on the build-up of security at the Assembly complex.
2015: Bagoja on why Southern Kaduna should support Yero BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
aduna state Deputy governor, Amb. Nuhu Bajoga yesterday revealed that GovWÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X ` VUYÂ&#x192;X YqY YZX WÂ&#x192;]X is contesting the 2015 governorship election to consolidate on the gains the administration has recorded so far. He therefore charged his kinsmen of Southern Kaduna and the state as a whole to support the Governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ambiUz]ZX U]X \]ZUzZ`WX zZX ]/\WX Â&#x2026;Wyond next year. Speaking yesterday during a visit to traditional rulers in the southern senatorial zone of the state to update them on the recent purchase of nomination form and expression of interest form by the governor, Bajoga task traditional rulers to continue to preach peace and unity among their people. He also told them that the purchase of the form by govWÂ&#x192;Z]Â&#x192;X WÂ&#x192;]X  Y^UX YU`Â&#x192;[YÂ&#x2020;X VY^X Â&#x201E;ZY  Â&#x2020;X ¤`UX ¤Yz[X U]X ^¤W\` Ytions making the rounds in the state that the governor was not going to contest to retain his seat in 2015. The deputy governor noted that the visit even though on a short notice to the traditional Â&#x192;` WÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x20AC;Y^XU]X]/\zY  Â&#x2020;XzZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qX them of the current develop-
ment and to also alert them on the need to disregard falsehood being spread by detractors of the administration in the state. His words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am here per^]ZY  Â&#x2020;X U]X ]/\zY  Â&#x2020;X zZÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qX you that governor Muhktar YqY YZX WÂ&#x192;]XÂ&#x20AC;z  X\]ZUW^UXUVWX 2015 governorship election.
I personally accompanied VzqX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX U]X UVWX ^UYUWX ¤YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X ]/\WX YZ[X  YUWÂ&#x192;X U]X UVWX X headquarters in Abuja last Saturday where he picked the expression of interest and nomination forms. So do not believe those spreading rumour to the contrary.â&#x20AC;? Bajoga observed that as the
custodian of the people, it was imperative for the traditional rulers to hear the story Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UVYZ[X Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;]qX Â&#x201A;]Â WÂ&#x192;ZqWZUX because of the revered position they occupy in the society. He then applauded their role in the restoration of peace and harmony in the state and urged them to continue to
support the government in the quest for development and enhancement of the welfare of its people. The chiefdoms and emirates visited included Moroa, Kagoro, Jemaa, Jaba and Ikulu all in four local government areas of the southern senatorial zone.
Taraba aspirant calls for equity SAMINU IBRAHIM, Abuja
avid Sabo, a governorship aspirant for Taraba, yesterday urged the Peoples Democratic YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X ¸ šX U]X ¤Â&#x192;] z[WX YX  W W X ¤ YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x201E;W [XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XY  XY^¤zÂ&#x192;YZU^XzZX the party primaries. He noted that he would emerge the state next governor if the PDP provide a level playing ground for aspirants in 2015 election. Sabo spoke yesterday shortly after he picked the party`s nomination and expression of interest form at the party secretariat in Abuja. He expressed optimism of becoming the state`s next governor saying, he has been endorsed by PDP stakeholders in the state. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The elders that did the endorsement are the same elders
that have been endorsing candidates in the past. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you put the factors together, I think it is the most popular, most acceptable and most sellable candidate that will have the day and I think am the oneâ&#x20AC;? he said.
He gave a roll call of those that endorsed him to include; a former Deputy Governor of the state, Dr Ezie Gani, Mr Junbril Alphani who represents the palace and the state`s traditional institution.
He said that he consulted with political stakeholders in the state before deciding on contesting its governorship position, but however added that; ``its not everybody that will be given a positive responseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
Two PDP governors soon to defect to APC, says Kwankwaso TED ODOGWU, Kano
Presidential ticket of the All ano State Governor, Â&#x192;]Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^z W^X ]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^X¸ š¨ Kwakwaso, who was howRabiu Musa Kwankwaso has hinted that ever silent on the said govertwo governors from the Peo- nors expressed optimism that ¤ WÂś^XX Wq]\Â&#x192;YUz\X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X¸ šX the duo will defect to the APC will soon defect to the All Pro- sooner than later. Already, former Vice President Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^z W^X ]ZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x192;W^^X¸ š¨ Kwankwaso made the con- Atiku Abubakar has picked up Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;qYUz]ZX Â&#x2020;W^UWÂ&#x192;[YÂ&#x2020;X [`Â&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X the N27.5 million APC Presidenhis courtesy visit to his Kwara tial nomination form. From all indications, Kano State counterpart, Abdul Fatah Ahmed in Ilorin, as part State Governor, Rabiu Musa of his consultations for the Kwankwaso and two-time
Presidential aspirant on the platform of defunct All Nigeria W]¤ WÂś^X YÂ&#x192;UÂ&#x2020;X¸ šÂ&#x201C;X WZWÂ&#x192;Y X Muhammadu Buhari may be heading for a collision course, as both political juggernauts are interested in the APC ticket. However, it was gathered that Kwankwaso wants all the Presidential aspirants on the platform of the APC to test their popularity during the forthcoming Presidential primaries of the party.
Fit-again Babatunde confident of Eagles
it-again Eagles Â&#x20AC;zZÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X YÂ&#x2026;YU`Z[WX Michael has declared Nigeria will still _`Y zÂ&#x2021;Â&#x2020;X Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X X ŸŽ½žX despite the tight corner UVWÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x201E;Z[XUVWq^W  W^XzZ¨ ¡ WÂ&#x192;^]ZY  Â&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X XVY WXZ]UX lost hope. I believe we can still make it to the Nations Cup. Instead of me U]X  ]^WX V]¤WÂ&#x201C;X X Â&#x20AC;z  X `Â&#x192;Â&#x201A;WX everybody in the team to declare war on our opponents from Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â&#x201A;YqWX YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX `[YZÂ&#x201C;´X Michael said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think there is any player in this team that doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to play YUX UVWX YUz]Z^X `¤Â&#x201C;X YZ[X that is more reason why we cannot lose hope irrespective of the circum-
DAILY NEWSWATCH Sports/NEWS Lack of competition, Eagles bane â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Fashanu
stances we are in. ¡ Â&#x2021;X \]`Â&#x192;^WÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX YÂ&#x192;WX zZX UzÂ&#x201A;VUX \]Â&#x192;ZWÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX ]¤timism can play a big role in this situation. As YX UWYqÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX Y  X Â&#x2021;W UX Â&#x2026;Y[X  ]^zZÂ&#x201A;X zZX `[YZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX YUX UVWX^YqWXUzqWÂ&#x201C;XYZÂ&#x2020;X]UVWÂ&#x192;X big country could go to Sudan and lose on that ¤zU\V¨´ The Volyn of Ukraine player added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am not trying to defend our loss zZX `[YZÂ&#x201C;XzUXVY^X\]qWXYZ[X gone but we can still be in Morocco next year. ¡   X ]`Â&#x192;X W@]Â&#x192;U^X q`^UX be channeled towards winning the game on W[ZW^[YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX VY WX nothing to do but to beat `[YZÂ&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;WX\YZZ]UXY@]Â&#x192;[X YZÂ&#x2020;Xq]Â&#x192;WX^ z¤^¨´
ormer Wimbledon ^UÂ&#x192;z WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X ]VZX Y^VYZ`X is of the opinion that  Y\ X ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x2026;Y6 WX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ^¤]UX zZX the Nigeria senior national team is harming the team performances. Fashanu told SL10.ng in YX\VYUXUVYUXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UXUWYqX¤ YÂ&#x2020;ers of the Super Eagles are not pushing to hold on to their spot unlike the past YZ[XUVYUXVY^XY@W\UW[XUVWzÂ&#x192;X performance. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a set of players who know their posiUz]ZX zZX UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX UWYqX z^ZÂśUX `Z[WÂ&#x192;XUVÂ&#x192;WYUÂ&#x201C;XUVWÂ&#x2020;XYÂ&#x192;WXZ]Â&#x20AC;X complacent and their perÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;qYZ\WX z^X YX ¤Â&#x192;]]Â&#x2021;Â&#x201C;´X VWX said. ¡ ZX UVWX ¤Y^UX UÂ&#x20AC;]X Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;X there were home based
players who were preferred ahead of the foreign professionals. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They were on their toes and the foreign pros were eager to displace them and claim their spot.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;It brought about a healthy rivalry which culminated in the team lifting UVWX `¤X]Â&#x2021;X YUz]Z^Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x2026;`UXYÂ&#x2021;UWÂ&#x192;XUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;WX ]^UXzU¨´ Fashanu insists that competition for spots in the
team was not fresh after the AFCON victory as players called up are below the ^UYZ[YÂ&#x192;[X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX UWYqX players. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The players called up to the Eagles after the AFCON triumph are way below those they are supposed to displace and it has been a case of working Â&#x20AC;zUVXYX^WUX]Â&#x2021;X½ÂX¤ YÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201C;´XVWX added.
]Â&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X UVWX W°¯ ZÂ&#x201A;land International insists the team should beat Sudan on Wednesday regardless of any constraint they are facing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I expect them to beat Sudan regardless and anything short of that will be a ^VYqWÂ&#x201C;´XVWX\]Z\ `[W[¨
Shut up, Keshi tells Nigerians
A Keshi to ring changes
\\]Â&#x192;[zZÂ&#x201A;XU]X WY ^Â&#x201C;X head coach of the Super Eagles Ste¤VWZX W^VzX Â&#x20AC;z  X W@W\UX changes into his starting line up in todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s must win game from the team that started the last game against Sudan. YVWWqX YÂ&#x20AC;Y Â&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;WX Â&#x192;W zYÂ&#x2026; Â&#x2020;X Â&#x201A;YUVWÂ&#x192;W[Â&#x201C;X VY^X played his way into the starting line-up after his substitute appearance in
the last game and might Â&#x192;W¤ Y\WX ]^YX Â&#x201A;zWÂ&#x2026;]Â&#x192;Â&#x201C;X who was withdrawn for Aaron Samuel on Saturday. Despite coming through Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trainzZÂ&#x201A;X `Z^\YUVW[Â&#x201C;X VqW[X Musaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spot in the team isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t guaranteed yet as there is still doubts if he VY^X ^VY WZX ]@X UVWX zZjury niggle he sustained against Sudan. If he fails to convince UVWX\Â&#x192;WÂ&#x20AC;XÂ&#x20AC;zUVXVz^XÂ&#x201E;UZW^^Â&#x201C;X his spot in the starting line-up might be taken up by Omatsone Aluko who didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make the match day squad 18 for the last match. ZX UVWX Â&#x2026;WZ\VÂ&#x201C;X YÂ&#x192;]ZX Samuel and Sunday Emmanuel are already marked for the chop as the duo of Babatunde Michael and Osaghona Ighadaro lies in wait to replace them on the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bench. VWX \VYZÂ&#x201A;W^X Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X V]Â&#x20AC;W WÂ&#x192;Â&#x201C;X ^`Â&#x2026;ÂşW\UX U]Â&#x2020;esterdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s last tactical training where technics and formation for todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game was perfected.
fter alleging sabotage against him in Nigeria 1-0 loss to Sudan during yet another limp and lethargic display in a CAF Africa Cup of Nations _`Y zÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;X Y^UX YU`Â&#x192;[YÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201C;X `¤WÂ&#x192;X YÂ&#x201A; W^X\]Y\VÂ&#x201C;X UW¤VWZX Keshi has declared that his \Â&#x192;zUz\z^q^X YÂ&#x192;WZÂśUX Â&#x201A;WZ`zZWÂ&#x201C;X but mere propaganda. W^VzXY[qz6W[XU]XÂ&#x2026;WzZÂ&#x201A;X disappointed in not beatzZÂ&#x201A;X UVWX `[YZW^WX Y \]Z^Â&#x201C;X but said the criticism he and his team have come under since the unfortunate result in Khartoum has been pure propaganda U]X z  X UVWX UWYqÂ&#x201C;X YZ[X Z]UX just about the loss to Sudan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was disappointed that we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t play well and we didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t win our Â&#x201A;YqWÂ&#x201C;´X^Yz[X W^Vz¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The criticism is not YÂ&#x2026;]`UX UVWX Â&#x201A;YqWÂ&#x201C;X zUÂś^X Âş`^UX propaganda. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something that people just want to do to kill this team that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to put together because of one thing or the ]UVWÂ&#x192;X]Â&#x192;X^W Â&#x2021;ÂŻzZUWÂ&#x192;W^U¨´ VWX `Z[WÂ&#x192;ÂŻÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;WX žŸ¯Â&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;ÂŻ old former Super Eagles captain also warned that whoever doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to support his team should just â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;keep quietâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;stay homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. ¡ Vz^X z^X Â&#x2020;]`Â&#x192;X ZYUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s our nation. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t VY WX U]X ^W  X zUÂ&#x201C;X zUÂś^X Z]UX Â&#x2021;]Â&#x192;X ^Y W¨X `¤¤]Â&#x192;UX zUÂ&#x201C;X zÂ&#x2021;X Â&#x2020;]`X donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to support zUÂ&#x201C;X Âş`^UX WW¤X _`zWUÂ&#x201C;X WW¤X your mouth shut and stay V]qWÂ&#x201C;´XY[[W[X W^Vz¨ â&#x20AC;&#x153;But if you know you want to contribute to your \]`ZUÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;Âś^X ^`\\W^^Â&#x201C;X \]qWX YZ[X Â&#x2026;WX Â&#x20AC;zUVX UVW^WX Â&#x201A;`Â&#x2020;^Â&#x201C;X give them support and \VWWÂ&#x192;X UVWqX `¤Â&#x201C;X zUÂś^X Z]UX WY^Â&#x2020;XU]XÂ&#x2026;WX]`UXUVWÂ&#x192;W¨´
The former Mali coach also reiterated his claim ]Â&#x2021;X ^YÂ&#x2026;]UYÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x201C;X zZ^z^UzZÂ&#x201A;X UVYUX some persons are just out to sabotage his team. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a shame that Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll
Â&#x2026;WX ^YÂ&#x2020;zZÂ&#x201A;X UVz^Â&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;`UX œ  X ^YÂ&#x2020;X it because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s my country. If weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going around to sabotage the team not to ^`\\WW[Â&#x201C;XUVWZXÂ&#x20AC;WÂśÂ&#x192;WX z  zZÂ&#x201A;X ourselves because if we
[]ZÂśUX Â&#x201A;]X U]X ]Â&#x192;]\\]Â&#x201C;X Â&#x2020;]`X Â&#x20AC;]ZÂśUX Â&#x2026;WX UVWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYZ^X are only going to watch ]ZX X UVYUÂś^X Y  ¨X `Â&#x192;X ÂŞYÂ&#x201A;X Â&#x20AC;]ZÂśUX Â&#x2026;WX UVWÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;´X VWX ¤]^ited.
Countries waiting for me, Keshi boasts
oach Stephen Keshi has boasted he has several countries waiting to hire him should he be sacked by Nigeria. Keshi has come under heavy criticisms as his team recorded a mere point from an available ZzZWX zZX UVWX X ŸŽ½žX _`Y zÂ&#x201E;WÂ&#x192;^¨ The former Eagles capUYzZÂ&#x201C;X Â&#x20AC;V]X z^X ]ZX UVWX Âş]Â&#x2026;X
without a contract said: ¡ UÂś^XZ]UXYÂ&#x2026;]`UXUVWXÂ&#x201A;YqWÂ&#x201C;X itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about other personal ^U`@¨X ]Â&#x201C;XzÂ&#x2021;XU]q]Â&#x192;Â&#x192;]Â&#x20AC;XUVWÂ&#x2020;X ^YÂ&#x2020;X W^VzX  WY WÂ&#x201C;X UVWÂ&#x192;WX z^X no shaking because other UÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x201C;X UVÂ&#x192;WWX \]`ZUÂ&#x192;zW^X YÂ&#x192;WX waiting (for me). â&#x20AC;&#x153;My job is about hire YZ[XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;W¨ ¡ zÂ&#x201A;VUX Z]Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201C;X X VY WX been to other places I have coached before I VY WX Z]UX Â&#x2026;WWZX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;W[¨X Â&#x2021;X zUX
\]qW^X []Â&#x20AC;ZX U]X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYÂ&#x201C;X X VY WX Â&#x2026;WWZX VWÂ&#x192;WX Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201C;X _`Y zÂ&#x201E;W[X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYXÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;XŸŽŽŸX World Cup with Amodu VYzÂ&#x2026;`Â&#x201C;XÂ&#x20AC;WXÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXY^ W[XU]X  WY W¨´ Keshi has also handled Togo and Mali. And recently his agent \ YzqW[X ]z ¯Â&#x192;z\VX YÂ&#x2026;]ZÂ&#x201C;X Angola and Equatorial `zZWYXVY WXUYÂ&#x2026; W[X]@WÂ&#x192;^X for him.
Musa promises Birthday goals
s has become the tradition in the Super Eagles camp, Russian based striker, Ahmed Musa received a surprise birthday gift when all the players took turns to drench him with water during Tuesday early morning training session. The players took the petit winger by surprise, when he returned to training on Tuesday morning after resting for a day following a knock he received zZXUVWX ^UX W X YqWXzZX `dan. Those who could not grab water cans, poured balls on him before training started under the early morning breeze of Abuja. Musa said he has suspended celebration till after the much desired win against Sudan on Wednesday. “After that we can paint the town red because we ]` [X VY WX ]6WZX ]` X _`Y z \YUz]ZX V]¤W^X Y\ X on track. However, team skipper Vincent Enyeama, said there will be a short \Y WX \`6zZ X \W Wq]Z X during dinner, according to him, just to show him that he is loved by all and sundry in the team.”
Our loss in Sudan unexplainable – Aluko
one Aluko was an unused substitute in Nigeria’s historical loss to Sudan in Khartoum. Even 25-year old is at a loss on what happened in Khartoum. He spoke to SL10: It hasn’t been a great start to Nigeria’s qualifying campaign for Morocco 2015, what the feeling among the players? We feel hurt, everybody feels bad and we’re disappointed with the way things have turned out for us. It has been a W X [z/\` UX UzqWX ] X UVWX players and I’m sure nobody expected things to turn out this way because when we left our clubs for Nigeria, there was so much optimism and we thought things would go well but unfortunately they haven’t, and we feel bad. So what would you say the problem could be and why has it been so =0-;9G1] U¶^X [z/\` UX U]X ^Y X Wally because we have been training well, there are no injuries and we arrived early so it’s hard to say this or that is the problem. I don’t know really but I know it’s one of
those times when you keep working hard but nothing seems to coming through, it’s quite frustrating and disappointing. It’s just hard to say this or that but we are towards making amends on Wednesday. It is widely believed that the players haven’t given enough. Do you agree with that? That’s not true, it isn’t
at all. These things happen in our personal lives and there are times when you think you’re doing everything right but things aren’t just going the way ]`X YZU X zU¶^X [z/\` UX `UX it doesn’t mean you’re not giving enough. It’s an unfortunate situation, I agree but it’s far from saying we’re not giving enough. We have put in a lot of
hard work but it’s just not working out at the moment. Some of your teammates have blamed the weather and the pitch for the loss, do you share the same sentiment? My brother, that game is gone now and we can’t do anything about it; so we must focus on Wednesday’s game and think forward. If we win on Wednesday, it gives us some leverage and we move on from there because anything else I say about the loss on Saturday []W^Z¶UX qY6W X YZ q] W¨X Let’s focus on Wednesday and see how it turns out. What do you think are Nigeria’s chances of qualifying? I think we still have a chance and all have to do is beat Sudan on Wednesday and then we focus on South Africa and Congo. We have a chance but we must win against Sudan here in Abuja to stand any chance. All of the players want to be in Morocco next year so there is no reason why we shouldn’t be con [WZUX ] X ]` X \VYZ\W^X YZ[X I strongly believe that we will be there.
Maroc 2015: Danagogo Sudan’s defeat, embarrassing sure of Eagles —Etoroma
Maduabuchi Kalu
ore reactions are still trailing Super Eagles’ defeat in Khartoum on Saturday with Hon. Engineer Ejiro Etoroma, describing it as very embarrassing. He, however, said as believer in miracles, he thinks that Coach Stephen Keshi and his wards can still turn the tide through grace of God. According to him: “I must confess to you that that even as we speak, I am yet to recover from the shock due to defeat in Khartoum on Saturday,” Etoroma started. “If somebody had told me that Eagles will lose to Sudan, I would have considered the person as someone who did not know what he was saying. “I had concluded that the three points from the Sudan match were already zZX]` X z6 XW WZX W ] WX WX played the game. But I was wrong. “The defeat to say the least is highly embarrassing. I never expected this type of result from the team that I have very high regard for.”
t was a busy and exciting day for the Super Eagles and their crew as Sports Minister, Hon Tammy Danagogo accompanied by the Director General of the National Sports Commission, Hon Gbenga Elegbeleye and X W^z[WZUX zZZz\ X Amaju, paid a surprise visit to the team during its evening training session at the main bowl of the National Stadium in Abuja. The Minister in his brief address to the players said he was doubly sure that Nigeria will qualify for the championship in Morocco, adding that noticed obstacles have been eliminated. He assured players YZ[X ]/\zY ^X ] X UVWX UWYqX ] X W^z[WZUX ]][ `\ X Jonathan’s support in the WqYzZzZ X UV WWX _`Y z W ^X WY[zZ XU]XUVWX ZY ^XzZX Morocco. The Minister said the team must not be distracted by criticisms from Nigerians, adding that they were doing that because of the huge belief they have in the capacity of the team to deliver. “If someone has absolute belief in you and you [z^Y¤¤]zZUXVzqXYX z6 W XVWX
gets overboard; but go and restore that belief by winning the remaining three matches which will ensure you land in Maroc 2015,” he said. VWX X W^z[WZUX spoke in a similar vein, declaring that whatever the team will need to qualify, including
his possible resignation ] X _`Y z \YUz]ZX z X WX made available. Amaju later came to the Eagles camp at the Bolton White Apartments, where he held two separate meetings behind \ ]^W[X []] ^ X ^UX zUVX the technical crew led by Stephen Keshi and later
the players. He refused to disclose his interaction with both parties, saying he was only making consultation with them because he wants a very strong and positive start for the new leadership of the NFF, which he heads.
Africa Women’s Championship: Falcons wallop Zambia 6 – 0
he Super Falcons were in a rampant mood as they thrashed Zambia 6-0 in their second African Women’s Championship clash at the Sam Nujoma Stadium. VWX Y \]Z^X ]UX ]@X U]X the perfect start as they went ahead inside the ]¤WZzZ X WX qzZ`UW^ X thanks to a close range Zz^VX ]qX ]µzX ] zX after being teed up by ¤Y YZ]µzW¨ Three minutes later the lead was doubled, as another good set-piece from Ngozi Ebere picked VY WX ^zZY\Vz X V]X headed into the far corner. [ zZX ]Z¶^X ^z[WX continued to dominate after scoring their second and increased their advantage in the 25th qzZ`UW X Y^X ¤Y YZ]µzWX converted from the penalty spot, after a Zambian defender was adjudged to have handled the ball in the area. Zambia should have pulled one back in the 33rd minute, Captain Kabange, pounced on some sloppy Nigerian defending before placing her W@] UX z[WX zUVX]Z X Wcious Dede to beat. The Falcons task was qY[WX WY^zW X WX qzZ`UW^X before the halftime break, as Grace Zulu was shown her second yellow card in the half for a late chal WZ WX]ZX ¤Y YZ]µzW¨ The score would have been a lot worse but for ^]qWX ZWX ]Y WW¤zZ X from the Zambia shotstopper, who thwarted ^z^YUX ^V]Y YX ]ZX YX \]`ple of occasions. ]Z¶^X^z[WXW WZU`Y X added a fourth in the 66th qzZ`UW X Y^X ^V]Y YX ]^WX highest to head home into UVWX Y X\] ZW X ] XVW X ^UX of the campaign. ¤Y YZ]µzWX UVWZX got her second and the team’s fourth in the 82nd minute, as she latched onto a through-ball be ] WX ^ ]6zZ X `Z[W X UVWX Zambian goalkeeper. W ¤WU`YX ]\VYX ]`Z[W[X ]@X UVWX ^\] zZ X in the 85th minute, the striker showed good skill to beat her marker before curling one into the top corner.
Daily Newswatch www.mydailynewswatchng.com
-Tradition built on Truth
Vol. V l 2, 2 No. N 428
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Managing Naira exchange rate â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is far easier to propound theories and preach lofty ideals than to put them into practiceâ&#x20AC;? Anonymous.
Chris Enyinnaya
shall in Nigeria be deemed instead to be made , executed, entered into, done and had in, and in relation to Naira on the basis that one Nigerian pound equals two Naira.â&#x20AC;? There were other price W@W\U^X ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX [W\zqY zÂľYUz]ZX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX ZWW[X Z]UX Â&#x2026;WX discussed because they are outside the scope and focus of this study. V`^Â&#x201C;Xq`\VX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXq]ZWUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XYZ[XÂ&#x201E;^\Y X¤] z\zW^Â&#x201C;X Y\\]Â&#x192;[zZÂ&#x201A;XU]X ¨X WÂ&#x201E;WX Âľ]YÂ&#x201A;YX¡qWÂ&#x192;W Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x192;WÂŞW\UW[X a calculated determination to sustain the familiar colonial relationship with the metropolitan country in trade and payments. .... The implication ]Â&#x2021;XUVz^XĂ&#x2013;X^`\VXY^Xzq¤]Â&#x192;UW[XzZÂŞYUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X[WUWÂ&#x192;z]Â&#x192;YUzZÂ&#x201A;X
anagement of Naira exchange rate in the international money market by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) over the years has been a hydra headed problem. The main reason for this is policy inconsistency YZ[XzZYÂ&#x2026;z zUÂ&#x2020;XU]X^Â&#x2020;Z\VÂ&#x192;]ZzÂľWXq]ZWUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XYZ[XÂ&#x201E;^\Y X policies between the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Federal Ministry of Finance. Consequently, the CBN over the years has been unable to maintain the exchange rate of the Naira to other foreign currencies, especially, the US Dollar at a level that is at the best interest of the Nigerian Economy. For instance the Federal Government through the Federal Ministry of Finance had, between 1970 and 1986 maintained import substitution as economic developmental strategy while the XqYzZUYzZW[XYXÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;zqWX]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x201E;°W[XW°\VYZÂ&#x201A;WXÂ&#x192;YUW¨XX Then in 1986, the General Ibrahim Babangida (IBB) administration ushered in a regime of deregulated exchange rate and devalued the Naira, thereby making the Naira content ]Â&#x2021;X zq¤]Â&#x192;UW[X Â&#x192;YÂ&#x20AC;X qYUWÂ&#x192;zY ^X `ZY@]Â&#x192;[YÂ&#x2026; WX U]X manufacturers, especially assembly plants, light industries and other small and medium scale players in the real sector. This led to the collapse of many industries in the industrial towns of Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, Port Harcourt, Aba, Onitsha, Z`Â&#x201A;`Â&#x201C;X Â&#x2026;Y[YZXWU\XUVYUX\]` [XZ]UXY@]Â&#x192;[XUVWXV`Â&#x201A;WX Naira requirements for imports of essential raw materials and spare parts for plant maintenance. Even service industries like airlines. Railways and waterways were not spared. . We shall return to this subject later. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE VWX q]ZWUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X YZ[X Â&#x201E;^\Y X ¤] z\zW^X ]Â&#x2021;X W[WÂ&#x192;Y X Government of Nigeria which impact on exchange rate directly for the decade 1960 to 1970 Â&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXZ]UX\ WYÂ&#x192; Â&#x2020;X[WÂ&#x201E;ZW[¨X Vz^Xz^XÂ&#x2026;W\Y`^WX zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX was still tied to the apron strings of her colonial Okonjo-Iweala, Finance minister masters as Nigerian Pound was linked to the earnings from export of agricultural produce, British pound until the advent of Naira in 1973 YZ[XÂ&#x2026;Y YZ\WX]Â&#x2021;X¤YÂ&#x2020;qWZUX[z/\` UzW^XX\]q¤]`Z[W[X through the Decimal Currency Decree No 21 of the problems of Nigerian policy makersâ&#x20AC;?1 ½Ă?Ă&#x201A;ÂX Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX Â&#x201A;Y WX W@W\UX U]X UVWX \`Â&#x192;Â&#x192;WZ\Â&#x2020;X \VYZÂ&#x201A;WX However, the period 1967 t0 1969 witnessed the over from Pounds Shillings and Pence currency Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Â&#x192;WY X Y6Wq¤UX U]X qY WX YX ¤] z\Â&#x2020;X ¸Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;YqWÂ&#x20AC;]Â&#x192; çX unit to Naira. that addressed the challenges of governance The Decree stipulates among other things that at that time with regard to management of the â&#x20AC;&#x153; a} the unit of currency in Nigeria shall be the economyâ&#x20AC;?. The primary objective of the policy NAIRA which shall be divided into 100 kobo b} during the period July 1967 through December every contract, sale, payment, note instrument 1969 was total mobilization of resources and and security for money and every transaction , W°¤YZ^z]ZYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X q]ZWUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X YZ[X Â&#x201E;^\Y X ¤] z\Â&#x2020;X [WY zZÂ&#x201A;Â&#x201C;XqY6WÂ&#x192;XYZ[XUVzZÂ&#x201A;XÂ&#x20AC;VYU^]W WÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x192;W YUzZÂ&#x201A;XU]X qWY^`Â&#x192;W^X U]X Â&#x201E;ZYZ\WX UVWX Â&#x20AC;YÂ&#x192;¨X Vz^X Â&#x20AC;Y^X YÂ&#x201A;YzZ^UX money or involving the payment of or the liability UVWX Â&#x2026;Y\ Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;]`Z[X ]Â&#x2021;X q]`ZUzZÂ&#x201A;X zZÂŞYUz]ZÂ&#x201C;X Y[ WÂ&#x192;^WX to pay any money in relation to Nigerian pounds balance of payments position and increasing
QUOTABLE QUOTE Investors should remember that excitement and expenses are their enemies. And if they insist on trying to time their participation in equities, they should try to be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Warren Buffett
Â&#x2026;`[Â&#x201A;WUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;X[WÂ&#x201E;\zU^´ŸX¸Wq¤VY^z^XY[[W[š Monetary and Fiscal policies for the years 1970 t0 1974, and 1976 to 1980 were to follow Â&#x20AC;Vz\VX  YÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;W Â&#x2020;X zZÂŞ`WZ\W[X UVWX W\]Z]qz\X ¤] z\Â&#x2020;X of the country today, especially as they relate to interest rate and exchange rate in the domestic economy. In particular the monetary measures of ½Ă?Ă&#x201A;Ă?Ă&#x2DC;Ă ÂŽXÂ&#x201E;^\Y XÂ&#x2020;WYÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x20AC;WÂ&#x192;WXUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;WUW[XYUXqYzZUYzZzZÂ&#x201A;X price stability, and improvement of balance of payment position. ^WÂ&#x2021;` XY^XUVWXzq¤Y\UX]Â&#x2021;XUVWXq]ZWUYÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;XYZ[XÂ&#x201E;^\Y X policies made between 1980 and 1986 may be to our study, the radical departure from a regime ]Â&#x2021;XÂ&#x201E;°W[X YzÂ&#x192;YXW°\VYZÂ&#x201A;WXÂ&#x192;YUWXU]XUVWX X ]  YÂ&#x192;XU]X deregulated foreign exchange market around August 1986 by the regime of General Ibrahim Babangida makes its study irrelevant to the objective of this study. NAIRA EXCHANGE RATE DETERMINATION THROUGH STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT By August 27 1985 when General Ibrahim Babangida came to power forcefully, the regime zZVWÂ&#x192;zUW[XYZXW\]Z]qÂ&#x2020;XUVYUXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XzZXUY6WÂ&#x192;^X^`@WÂ&#x192;zZÂ&#x201A;X from chronic balance of payment disequilibrium. The regime assembled economic experts, mostly
foreign trained Economists whose names we do not need to mention here since our focus is on the policy not the team members, to advise him on the best way to correct the disequilibrium. They decided to implement an economic package called STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT PROGRAMME. (SAP) The policy thrust of the programme was aimed at earning more foreign exchange to correct the lingering balance of payment disequilibrium. The logical way to achieve this, in their thinking, was to boost export earnings, mainly from crude oil exports and nonoil exports, mainly agricultural products. The experts claimed that Naira exchange
rate of N1 to US$1.3326 was too high and that the overvalued Naira was responsible for the poor export earnings. They decided to devalue the Naira to make exports cheaper and imports more expensive so as to encourage Nigerian citizens to embark. On export while discouraging imports and in that wise grow the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foreign reserves which at that time could not support 90 days import bill which is the globally acceptable benchmark in international trade credit worthiness. Because the regime was a benevolent dictatorship, Naira devaluation was made a national issue and subjected to nationwide debate .It will be recalled that the same method was used to decide on whether or not to accept International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout loan UVYUXÂ&#x20AC;Y^X]ZX]@WÂ&#x192;XU]X zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYXÂ&#x20AC;VWZX XÂ&#x2021;]Â&#x192;\WÂ&#x2021;`  Â&#x2020;X came to power, which demanded about 20 % outright devaluation of the Naira among other conditionality.. The loan was eventually unanimously rejected by Nigerians which was why the IBB regime embarked on home grown Structural Adjustment Programme that recommended determination of the exchange rate of Naira to US$ through the interplay of market forces of demand and supply in contradistinction Â&#x20AC;zUVXXX¤Â&#x192;WÂŻ XWÂ&#x192;YX]Â&#x2021;XXÂ&#x201E;°W[XW°\VYZÂ&#x201A;WXÂ&#x192;YUWXÂ&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;zqW¨X Apparently, SAP was imposed on Nigerians who were made to believe that it had the approval of IMF whereas it was not so. This assertion is vindicated by the fact that Dr Ibrahim Ayagi {as he then was } who opposed the policy in a public lecture was relieved of his plum job as YZYÂ&#x201A;zZÂ&#x201A;X zÂ&#x192;W\U]Â&#x192;X YZ[X VzWÂ&#x2021;X °W\`Uz WX /\WÂ&#x192;X of defunct Continental Merchant Bank Ikoyi Lagos through radio announcement barely two hours after the lecture. The reason for termination of his appointment, according to Government ]Â&#x2021;X UVWX [YÂ&#x2020;X Â&#x20AC;Y^X UVWX ¡zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;W\]Z\z YÂ&#x2026; WX [z@WÂ&#x192;WZ\WX between his views on the SAP and his position as Managing Director of a Government owned bankâ&#x20AC;? VWX Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX Y`\Uz]ZX ]Â&#x2021;X X ]  YÂ&#x192;^X U]X  z\WZ^W[X banks conducted and supervised by the CBN took place in August 1986. At that time this writer was the Treasurer and thus an active operator in Nigerian money market at IndoNigerian Merchant Bank (now a legacy group in Sterling Bank). Exchange rate on the date ]Â&#x2021;X Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX `\Uz]ZÂ&#x201C;X YÂ&#x192;]`Z[X UVWX ½Ă?UVX `Â&#x201A;`^UX ½Ă?Ă ÂťX was N1 to US$1.3326. At the end of bidding session for that day, the closing rate was N3 to US$1, a devaluation of over 400%. It will seem that it was crazy of IBB regime to reject 20 % devaluation demanded by IMF and go for 400% devaluation in one fell swoop.. That was when zÂ&#x201A;WÂ&#x192;zYX \]qqz6W[X W\]Z]qz\X ^`z\z[W¨X ]Â&#x192;^WX still, the IBB regime implemented the severe IMF conditionality that led to belt tightening by Nigerian citizens in the management of the economy while rejecting the loan. This brings to _`W^Uz]ZXÂ&#x20AC;VÂ&#x2020;X X ]YZXÂ&#x20AC;Y^XÂ&#x192;WÂşW\UW[XzZXUVWXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;^UX place especially as IMF demanded only 20% devaluation of the Naira. (To be Continued on Thursday inside Viewpoint Page)
Enyinnaya a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria wrote via chrisenyinnaya2005@yahoo.com
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