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Daily Newswatch Wednesday, october 22, 2014
Daily Newswatch Wednesday, october 22, 2014
Companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reaction in order, say eminent Nigerian lawyers Continued from Page 4
â&#x20AC;&#x153;As far as the issue of the Newswatch case is concerned, the two judges, Justices Okon Abang and Ibrahim Buba, who gave two WXYZ[W\[Y]^ _`l]pqY\xy^ z{q^ YX\^ |X`Yl^ |}^ the decision of each other. This is because \Â&#x20AC;q}^z{q^_`l]qx^XÂ ^WXX{l[Yz\q^_`{[xl[W\[XYÂ&#x201A;^^ Â&#x20AC;q^lqW[x[XY^XÂ ^XYq^[x^XYÂ&#x192;}^Â&#x201E;q{x`zx[Â&#x2026;q^XY^ the order. Agbaje, however, said the management XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^WXpÂ&#x201E;zY}^xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^YX\^x\XÂ&#x201E;^Â&#x201E;{Xl`W\[XY^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ YqÂ&#x2020;xÂ&#x201E;zÂ&#x201E;q{y^ x\{qxx[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ XYWq^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ YX\[Wq^ XÂ ^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x192;^ zYl^ z^ pX\[XY^ Â X{^ x\z}^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^X{lq{^z{q^Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;qly^YX^WXY\qpÂ&#x201E;\^Â&#x201E;{XWqql[Y]^ can commence against them. Â&#x2C6; }^ zlÂ&#x2026;[Wq^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qÂ&#x2020;xÂ&#x2020;z\WÂ&#x20AC;^ pzYz]qpqY\^ [x^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^ xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^ ]X^ zYl^ Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;q^z^pX\[XY^Â X{^x\z}^XÂ ^qÂ&#x2030;qW`\[XY^\X]q\Â&#x20AC;q{^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^z^pX\[XY^XÂ ^YX\[Wq^XÂ ^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x192;^xX^zx^\X^ x`xÂ&#x201E;qYl^\Â&#x20AC;q^{[]Â&#x20AC;\^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2026;[W\X{^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^WX`{\Â&#x201A;^^ In fact, I would be shocked if the two pX\[XYx^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ YX\^ zÂ&#x192;{qzl}^ |qqY^ Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;ql^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^qYl^XÂ ^\Xlz}^Â&#x2039; W\Â&#x201A;Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;y^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;^^ YWq^\Â&#x20AC;q^ two motions are before the court, it is no Â&#x192;XY]q{^WXY\qpÂ&#x201E;\^XÂ ^WX`{\^X{lq{Â&#x201A;^^ Â&#x20AC;q^WX`{\^ [x^zÂ&#x2020;z{q^\Â&#x20AC;z\^[\^Â&#x20AC;zx^YX\^]X\^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x2020;q{^ \X^ zl_`l[Wz\q^ XY^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pz2q{Â&#x201A;^ ^ \x^ Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x2020;q{^ [x^ x`|_qW\^ \X^ z^ {qÂ&#x2026;[qÂ&#x2020;^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;z\q^ WX`{\Â&#x201A;^ ^ Xy^ }X`^ WzY^ ]X^ zÂ&#x20AC;qzl^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ }X`{^ Â&#x201E;`|Â&#x192;[Wz\[XYÂ&#x2019;y^Â&#x20AC;q^[Yx[x\qlÂ&#x201A; Y^ |`_z^ |zxql^ Â&#x192;q]zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;{zW\[\[XYq{y^ z{{^ Innocent Daagba, while commenting on `x`zÂ&#x192;^ WXYZ[W\[Y]^ lqW[x[XYx^ |}^ _`l]qx^ XÂ ^ xzpq^ _`{[xl[W\[XYy^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z[Yql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x192;zWÂ&#x201D;^ of regular conferences for judges was {qxÂ&#x201E;XYx[|Â&#x192;q^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qp|z{{zxxpqY\^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^
_`l[W[z{}Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is because of a situation like this that there is the need for judges to be holding WXY q{qYWqx^ {q]`Â&#x192;z{Â&#x192;}^ \X^ {qÂ&#x2026;[qÂ&#x2020;^ Â&#x192;zYlpz{Â&#x201D;^ _`l]pqY\xÂ&#x201A;^ `l]qx^xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^z2qYl^WXY q{qYWqx^ where judgments of this nature will be {qÂ&#x2026;[qÂ&#x2020;ql^W{[\[WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^\X^zÂ&#x2026;X[l^qp|z{{zxxpqY\Â&#x201A;^^ Justice Ibrahim Buba has given his own _`l]pqY\Â&#x2022;^ Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x2020;qÂ&#x2026;q{y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pz2q{^ WzY^ x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ |q^ WXY\qx\ql^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;z\q^WX`{\yÂ&#x2019;^Â&#x20AC;q^zllqlÂ&#x201A;^^ Former chairman, NBA Ikeja branch, XYlz}^ |zY[y^ xz[l^ Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x20AC;q{q^ [x^ YX\Â&#x20AC;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ xz}x^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ z^ lqW[x[XY^ X ^ WX`{\^ X ^ WXX{l[Yz\q^ jurisdiction is binding on another. You can XYÂ&#x192;}^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\^[x^WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^Â&#x201E;q{x`zx[Â&#x2026;q^z`\Â&#x20AC;X{[\}Â&#x201A;^ \^ [x^ XYÂ&#x192;}^ z^ WX`{\^ X ^ Â&#x20AC;[]Â&#x20AC;q{^ _`{[xl[W\[XY^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ can make a ruling that the lower court must  XÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2020;^|}^Â&#x2020;z}^X ^Â&#x201E;{qWqlqY\^\X^qx\z|Â&#x192;[xÂ&#x20AC;^X{lq{^ zYl^zÂ&#x2026;X[l^zYz{WÂ&#x20AC;}^[Y^X`{^Â&#x192;q]zÂ&#x192;^x}x\qpÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; z}Xlq^ _`Â&#x192;Xy^ Â&#x20AC;`pzY^ {[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ zW\[Â&#x2026;[x\^ zYl^ WXYx\[\`\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x192;zÂ&#x2020;}q{y^ xz[l^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ [xx`q^ X ^ \Â&#x2020;X^ WXYZ[W\[Y]^ _`l]pqY\x^ [x^ z^ {qZqW\[XY^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Yz\`{q^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{[zY^ `l[W[z{}^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^ zY}\Â&#x20AC;[Y]^ WzY^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qYÂ&#x201A;^ ^ q^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ Â&#x201E;{z[xql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ management of Newswatch for going on zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x192;^XÂ&#x2026;q{^\Â&#x20AC;q^Wzxqy^x\{qxx[Y]Â&#x2DC;^Â&#x2C6; q^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X`{\^X ^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x192;y^`Â&#x201E;^\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^ `Â&#x201E;{qpq^ X`{\Â&#x201A;^
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south west
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
news 9
Lagos decries low patronage of family planning sites CHIOMA UMEHA
agos State Government has lamented the low patronage by pregnant women to its Prevention-of-Mother-to Child-Transmission (PMTCT)/Family Planningâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sites, stressing that it has increased the risk of Motherto-Child-Transmission of HIV across the state. Wife of Lagos State Governor, Dame Abimbola Fashola, spoke while she was |q[Y]^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ `YÂ&#x2026;q[Â&#x192;[Y]^ as the Face of PMTCT in Lagos, disclosing that the state is recording new HIV infections through motherto-child transmission. Fashola expressed worry as she emphasised that available records have shown that only few pregnant women have actually been counselled and tested for HIV, adding that the state has remained one of the 12+1 states that account for 70 per cent of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s burden of Mother-toChild Transmission of HIV (MTCT). According to her: â&#x20AC;&#x153;This problem has remained even with the governpqY\Ă x^q X{\x^\XÂ&#x2020;z{lx^Y[Â&#x201E;ping it in the bud through various strategies including free prevent mother-tochild transmission services, increase of service delivery points from 66 in 2012 to
312 in 2014 among others. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With 5.1 per cent prevalence, based on 2010 survey that translates that over 1 million people live with HIV in Lagos State, the x\z\q^ p`x\^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}^ x[]Y[Â&#x2021;WzY\^ {XÂ&#x192;q^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ q X{\x^ \XÂ&#x2020;z{lx^ eliminating mother- tochild transmission of the disease. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Today, we call for action on the part of all including
women leaders to stop this trend and join the global drive to eliminate motherto-child transmission of HIV and also encourage healthy timing and spacing of pregnancies. â&#x20AC;?We need to coordinate X`{^ q X{\x^ \XÂ&#x2020;z{lx^ q fectively mobilising, enlightening and educating women on the availability of PMTCT and family plan-
ning services in their communities.â&#x20AC;? Meanwhile, Commissioner for Health, Dr Jide Idris, said the state has developed many strategies towards ensuring that the children and their mothers live qualitative and productive lives. Idris added that success of the strategies could be seen in the improvement
on immunisation records among others. Also, Special Adviser to the Governor on Public Health, Dr Yewande Adesina, said more PMTCT sites are being activated across \Â&#x20AC;q^ x\z\qy^ {q]{q2[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ access to them and family planning services by pregnant women still remains poor even with the governpqY\Ă x^q X{\xÂ&#x201A;
! " #$%&'(%) *+ -./&0*'8 :*%'. ;<(0=*)< >%=&*) :?&@.<'0 F*?).%=&*) -).? -+*@%G& #$&<+ JQ<V?=&/< W+XV<' Gemstone Group, Fela Durotoye and Head of Youth Segment, Airtel Nigeria, Segun Aderinokun; at a news conference on â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Deliver the Futureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Leadership and National Building Project organised by Gemstone Group in Lagos Stateâ&#x20AC;Śyesterday. Photo: Bode Agbede
Chibok schoolgirls: APC female members protest in Ondo PETER DADA, Akure
embers of the women wing of Ondo State Chapter of All Progressives Congress (APC) took to the street of Akure, the state capital, yesterday to protest non-re-
lease of the schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram insurgents at Chibok in Borno State about six months ago. The women, who were in their hundreds and dressed in red uniform, began the peaceful protest on Oba Adesida and Oyemekun roads in Akure, which led
\X^ xÂ&#x192;[]Â&#x20AC;\^ \{zIW^ Â&#x192;X]_zpx^ XY^ the roads. Leader of the protesters, Mrs Kehinde Adeniran, who spoke on behalf of others, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We came as pX\Â&#x20AC;q{x^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^|[2q{Yqxx^zYl^ anger. We are feeling the pains of missing these innocent young girls in their re-
spective homes for the past six months. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were deceived by Federal Government that the abducted schoolgirls would be released last Monday, but there is no inkling of their whereabouts as at now.â&#x20AC;? Also, former Women
INEC to redistribute PVCs in Oyo OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
ndependent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has disclosed that it will commence the second batch in the distribution of permanent voterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cards (PVCs) across 669 polling units in Oyo State. The exercise is slated to hold between October 24 and 26, while continuous voters registration (CVR) will begin on October 29 and end November 3 in the state. The state Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Alhaji Nasir Ayilara, spoke yesterday during the stakeholdersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; election forum, which was held in Ibadan, the state capital, emphasising that the two electoral exercises will be conducted in all affected local government councils
of the state. }[Â&#x192;z{z^xz[l^\Â&#x20AC;q^z qW\ql^ councils include Egbed a, Ibadan North-East, Ibadan South-East, Ibadan SouthWest, Ibadan North, Lagelu and Ogbomoso South. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In view of the shortfalls witnessed during the distribution of PVCs and conduct of CVR in some polling units, INEC has
accorded the feelings and lqx[{qx^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^z qW\ql^Â&#x2026;X\q{x^zx^\Â&#x20AC;[x^XIWq^Â&#x201E;{Xp[xql^ to conduct second leg of both distribution and registration. The second leg of distribution of the cards at the affected polling units will hold between October 24 and 26 from 8 am to 4 pm each day, while the continuous {q][x\{z\[XY^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^z qW\ql^
registration areas will be held between October 29 and November 3.â&#x20AC;? He, however, enjoined the electorate to desist from multiple participation during the continuous voters registration, warning that anybody with double registration will not be allowed to vote during elections.
Mob beat suspected kidnapper to death curity agents in the town are yet to unravel the cirY^`Y[lqY\[Â&#x2021;ql^ cumstances surrounding middle-aged the jungle justice passed on man suspect- the man, just as nobody has ed to be a kid- WXpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;z[Yql^XÂ ^zY}^z2qpÂ&#x201E;\^ napper has to kidnap his/her child or been beaten to death and ward. Meanwhile, journalists set ablaze by mob at LagÂ&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ z2qpÂ&#x201E;\ql^ \X^ \zÂ&#x201D;q^ benro area of Ogbomoso in photograph of the victim Oyo State. It was gathered that se- were prevented by the OLUSAKIN IBADAN
mob, though some youths that were sighted at the scene when police combed the area have been whisked away for screening. Y^XIWq{y^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^Â&#x201E;{q q{{ql^ anonymity, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make arrest. We only picked some suspects and would release innocent ones after our interrogation.â&#x20AC;?
Leader of the defunct Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Mrs Akindele Johnson, said the delay in rescuing the schoolgirls has created tragedy and distress in many homes, adding that several of them (the abducted children) would have faced serious physical and psychological distress in the hand of their abductors. However, the women urged President Goodluck Jonathan to bail out parents of the schoolgirls of the present predicament after praying in different languages for their quick release. Meanwhile, the state Chairman of APC, Isaac Kekemeke, commended the protesters for their concern, courage and bravery, stressing that it is unfortunate that those in the corridors of power are callous and unconcerned with plight of the masses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They said they know where the missing schoolgirls are, but up till now, no rescue from any quarters. It is a shame on the present leadership in the country. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Action of the president and his lieutenants has clearly shown that they are incompetent, hence they must leave the stage next year.â&#x20AC;?
Security guard detained over studentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s murder OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
lame security ]`z{l^ z2zWÂ&#x20AC;ql^ \X^ Iky Best Hotel Ogbomoso, Mathew Ayanwusi, has been detained at Homicide Department of Oyo State Police Command for allegedly shoot[Y]^ z^ Â?ÂŽÂŻ}qz{ÂŻXÂ&#x192;l^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ year electrical engineering student of Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso. It was gathered that the student, who is simply [lqY\[Â&#x2021;ql^ zx^ qp[\XÂ&#x201E;qy^ died four days after being zlp[2ql^z\^Â&#x20AC;XxÂ&#x201E;[\zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; However, Ayanwusi zlp[2ql^ Â&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[Y]^ qp[tope though insisted that Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ xÂ&#x20AC;X\^ [Y^ xqÂ&#x192;Â ÂŻ defence because he suspected that the deceased alongside other men was an armed robber. It was further gathered that proprietor of the hotel, Ikechuwu Kama, reported the incident to Ogbomoso Police Divix[XYzÂ&#x192;^ IWq{y^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ zxsigned some police to apprehend the suspect in his Â&#x20AC;X`xq^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;[Y]^ Zql^ \Â&#x20AC;q{q^ for safety. However, the state police spokesman, SP Bisi Okuwobi-Ilobanafor, conÂ&#x2021;{pql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ [YW[lqY\^ zYl^ disclosed that the suspect will be charged to court after conclusion of inves\[]z\[XY^[Y\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^pz2q{Â&#x201A;
Industrialist advocates technical education for Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s growth RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti
wner of Onward Hotels and Suites Limited in Ekiti State, Johnson Ogunleye, has urged Federal Government to emphasise on technical education for growth of the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s industrial sector. Ogunleye spoke while commissioning N250 million worth Onward Hotels and Suites Limited in Ilupeju-Ekiti in Oye Local Government Council of the state, stressing that Federal Government should invest in technical education to provide skilled manpower that could help the growth of businesses. â&#x20AC;&#x153;FG must strengthen the polytechnics to be able to produce enough manpower that would drive the economy. Graduates are coming out, but without skills and how do you get jobs nowadays without skills? So, FG must do enough here to promote the business sector.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch
World Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Another U.S. patient recovers from Ebola
Y [ \ q l^ \z\qx^ z\[qY\^ X^ zx^ zx ql^ \X^ {qpz[Y^ zYXY}pX`x^ zx^ {qWX q{ql^ {Xp^\ q^ |X z^ [{`x^ zYl^ zx^ {q qzxql^ {Xp^ \ q^ Xx [\z y^ pX{}^ Y[ q{x[\}^ qz \ Wz{q^ xz[l^ XY^ XYlz} q^ pzY^ zx^ [Y qW\ql^ [\ ^ |X z^ [ q^ [Y^ [q{{z^ qXYq^ zYl^ zx^ z[{ [ \ql^ [\ ^ \ q^ z[l^ X ^ \ q^ ^ \z\q^ q z{\pqY\^\X^ \ q^ \ zY\zy^ qX{][z^ Xx [\z ^XY^ q \qp|q{^Â q^ z\[qY\^ zx^ l[xW z{]ql^ {Xp^ \ q^ Xx [\z ^ XY^ W\X|q{^ Ây ^ \ q^ Xx [\z ^xz[l Y^ WXX{l[Yz\[XY^ [\ ^ \ q^ ^ qY\q{x^ X{^ [xqzxq^ XY\{X ^zYl^ {q qY\[XY ^ zYl^ qX{][z^ q z{\pqY\^ X ^ `| [W^
qz \ y^ \ q^ z\[qY\^ zx^ lq\q{p[Yql^ \X^ |q^ {qq^ X ^ [{`x^zYl^\X^ Xxq^YX^ `| [W^ qz \ ^\ {qz\ \^ zllql^ \ z\^ \ q^ z\[qY\^ zx^zx ql^\X^{qpz[Y^ zYXY}pX`x^ zYl^ q \^ \ q^ Xx [\z ^ X{^ zY^ `Yl[xW Xxql^ XWz\[XY ^ q^ [ ^ pz q^ z^ x\z\qpqY\^ z\^ z^ z\q{^lz\q q^ pzY^ [x^ \ q^ \ [{l^ ^ z\[qY\^ X^ zx^ {qWX q{ql^ {Xp^ |X z^z \q{^ |q[Y]^ \{qz\ql^ z\^ pX{}y^ [Y^ zll[\[XY^ \X^ p[xx[XYz{[qx^ qY\^ {zY\ }^ zYl^ zYW}^ {[\q|X ^ X^ q{q^ [Y qW\ql^ X q{^ \ q^ x`ppq{^ [Y^ [|q{[zy^ \ q^ z{lqx\^ [\^Yz\[XY^[Y^ qx\^ {[WzÁx^ |X z^X`\|{qz q^q [lqp[W^ zx^ [ ql^ pX{q^ \ zY^ yÄ ^ qX qy^ pz[Y }^ [Y^ [|q{[zy^ `[Yqzy^ zYl^ [q{{z^ qXYqy^ x[YWq^\ q^|q][YY[Y]^X ^\ q^ }qz{ YX\ q{^ p[xx[XYz{}^ lXW\X{y^ [W ^ zW{zy^ zYl^ z^ {qq zYWq^ X\X_X`{Yz [x\y^ x X z^ ` Xy^ q{q^\{qz\ql^ X{^ |X z^z\^ q|{zx z^ ql[Wz ^ qY\{q ^ zW{z^ zx^ {qWX q{ql^ zYl^ ` X^ [x^ x\[ ^ |q[Y]^ Wz{ql^ X{^\ q{q Y^ zll[\[XYy^ \ q{q^ z{q^ \ X^ ^ Y`{xqx^ X^ q{q^l[z]YXxql^ [\ ^ |X z^z \q{^Wz{[Y]^ X{^z^ [|q{[zY^pzY^ X^l[ql^X ^\ q^ l[xqzxq^XY^ W\X|q{^Å [Yz^ zp^ [x^ |q[Y]^ \{qz\ql^ z\^ \ q^ z\[XYz ^ Yx\[\`\qx^X ^ qz \ ^ [Y[Wz ^ qY\{q^ [Y^ q\ qxlzy^ z{} zYly^ zYl^ p|q{^ [YxXY^[x^|q[Y]^\{qz\ql^z\^ pX{} q^ `YYzpql^ z\[qY\^ zx^ \{qz\ql^ [Y^ pX{}Áx^ q{[X`x^ Xpp`Y[Wz| q^ [xqzxq^ Y[\y^ zYl^ {q qzxql^ z^ |{[q ^ x\z\qpqY\^ zx\^ qq ^q z[Y[Y]^\ z\^ [x^ {qWX q{}^ zl^ |qqY^ XY]^zYl^WXp [Wz\ql [ qY^ \ q^ Yz\[XYz ^ X-
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Hong Kong students, officials set for first talks on political crisis
enior Hong Kong government of W[z x^ [ ^ pqq\^ x\`lqY\^ qzlq{x^ X{^ \ q^ {x\^ \[pq^ XY^ `qxlz}^[Y^zY^z2qp \^ \X^ lq `xq^ pX{q^ \ zY^ \ {qq^ qq x^ X ^ {X¯lqpXW{zW}^ {X\qx\x^ [W ^ z q^|{X`] \^ z{\x^X ^\ q^ x[zY^ YzYW[z ^ WqY\q{^ \X^ z^x\zYlx\[
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A pro-democracy protester sleeps beside supplies at a make-shift logistic centre on the blocked Nathan Road at Mongkok shopping district in Hong Kong
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Australia set to help China seize assets of corrupt Chinese officials
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Daily Newswatch
African Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
If no checks, more Ebola cases might spread from Africa
new study underscores the potential danger of airplane passengers infected with Ebola leaving West Africa: If there were no exit screening in place, researchers estimate that three people with the disease might Z}^X`\^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^{q][XY^qzWÂ&#x20AC;^ month. The hardest-hit West
African nations have been checking passengers since summer, but the new work is a reminder of how much easier it could be for the virus to travel outside the outbreak region if those measures werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t in place â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and that screening canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t catch every case. Since the Ebola out|{qzÂ&#x201D;^ Â&#x2020;zx^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ [lqY\[Â&#x2021;ql^ in March, there have been
only two known exportql^Wzxqx^[YÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x192;Â&#x2026;[Y]^Z[]Â&#x20AC;\xy^ one before and one after screening began in Liberia. A Liberian-American ZqÂ&#x2020;^ \X^ []q{[z^ [Y^ `Â&#x192;}^ and sparked a small outbreak there, which has since been contained. The second man, Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan, passed a screening when he left for the U.S. last
month; he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a fever or symptoms until days after arriving in Dallas. For the study, researchers used international Z[]Â&#x20AC;\^ lz\z^ zYl^ |XÂ&#x192;z^ case tallies to calculate that â&#x20AC;&#x201D; without screening â&#x20AC;&#x201D; three infected people z^ pXY\Â&#x20AC;^ WX`Â&#x192;l^ Z}^ X`\^ XÂ ^ the region. They noted that screening isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t foolproof: It can take up to
three weeks for people exposed to Ebola to develop symptoms, so it is likely some cases will slip through. The out-of-control epidemic has killed an estimated 4,500 people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As the outbreak grows, we will be seeing more international exportations of Ebola,â&#x20AC;? said Dr. Kamran Kahn of St. Michaelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital in Toronto, the studyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s senior author. He added that disaster could strike if people Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ |XÂ&#x192;z^Z}^\X^Â&#x192;qxx^lqveloped countries. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What might happen if cases were to wind up in a slum
[Y^ z[{X|[^X{^ `p|z[Ă&#x160;Â&#x2019; Kahn noted that there Â&#x2020;q{q^ Â qÂ&#x2020;^ Z[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ Â {Xp^ the West Africa nations of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia even before the outbreak. He and his colleagues calculated that countries most at {[xÂ&#x201D;^ XÂ ^ ]q2[Y]^ [pÂ&#x201E;X{\ql^ Ebola cases are the nearby Ghana and Senegal, followed by Britain and France. Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x2020;zx^ x[]Y[Â&#x2021;cantly further down the list, followed by India, Kenya and Germany. The study was published onÂ&#x192;[Yq^ XYlz}^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ _X`{nal Lancet.
Pistorius starts five-year term for killing Reeva Steenkamp
lympic and Pa r a l y m p i c sprinter Oscar Pistorius started his Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;qÂŻ}qz{^ _z[Â&#x192;^ xqY\qYWq^ }qxterday for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, marking the end of a trial that has gripped South Africa and millions around the world. His uncle, Arnold PistoVolunteers pick up bodies of people who died of the Ebola virus on October 8, 2014 in Freetown rius, indicated he would not appeal. x^ _`l]q^ Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x201D;XÂ&#x2122;[Â&#x192;q^ Y[\ql^ z- statement that Edmond zYl^ XpzY[z^ X q{ql^ urged nations to dig Masipa gave her decision on the 27-year-oldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culpa\[XYx^ x\z ^ Bangura-Sesay, who contributions to the deep in their pockets. member in had been a driver for the fund, bringing the total The fund is separate ble homicide conviction, Sierra Leo- agency since 2005, died amount of pledges to from a $1 billion appeal Pistorius, whose downfall ne has died on Saturday after testing $43.5 million. \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Y[\ql^ z\[XYx^ has been likened to that of from Ebola, the third em- positive for Ebola. ^ qW{q\z{}^ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ has launched to beef up pq{[WzY^ XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^x\z{^ Â&#x201A; Â&#x201A;^ ployee from the world He was placed in quar- Ban Ki-moon last week the Ebola response. So Simpson, stood resolutely organisation to succumb antine on October 14 af- caused a stir when he far, $433 million have in the dock. His only reaction was to to the deadly virus, the ter his wife fell ill. complained of having been donated to the ap ^ xÂ&#x201E;XÂ&#x201D;qxpzY^ xz[l^ She remains under care only $100,000 in cash on peal which is earmarked wipe his eyes before two Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[Wq^ XIWq{x^ Â&#x192;ql^ Â&#x20AC;[p^ \X^ Monday. at an Ebola treatment hand for the fund and  X{^ ^z]qYW[qxÂ&#x201A; the holding cells beneath The man, who was a WqY\{q^ zYl^ z^ ^ pql[the High Court in the heart l{[Â&#x2026;q{^ X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Xp- cal team was working to of the South African capien agency, passed away trace all the people who tal. at the weekend in Sierra came in contact with the [Yq\}^ p[Y`\qx^ Â&#x192;z\q{y^ zY^ Leone and his spouse is l{[Â&#x2026;q{y^xz[l^ ^ XpqYÂ&#x201A; armoured police vehicle currently receiving treatThe worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s worst Ebcarrying Pistorius - still ment, said spokesman ola outbreak has killed dressed in dark suit, white \qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;zYq^ `_z{{[WÂ&#x201A;^ at least 4,500 people in shirt and black tie - left the â&#x20AC;&#x153;All measures to pro- West Africa where the building through a throng \qW\^x\z ^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^l`\}^x\z- Y[\ql^ z\[XYx^ [x^ Â&#x192;qzlof reporters toward Pretotion in Sierra Leone are [Y]^zY^q X{\^\X^|qz\^|zWÂ&#x201D;^ ria Central Prison, where being taken as best as the virus with a massive he is expected to serve his possible under the cur- [YZ`Â&#x2030;^X ^z[lÂ&#x201A; time. rent circumstances,â&#x20AC;? said ^ ^\{`x\^ `Yl^xq\^`Â&#x201E;^ Once the execution site `_z{{[WÂ&#x201A; to provide quick fundfor opponents of South AfA Sudanese national ing to confront the Ebola ricaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former white-minorÂ&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ Â&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;ql^ zx^ z^ ^ emergency got a boost [\}^ ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YpqY\y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ _z[Â&#x192;^ [x^ health worker in Libe- when Australia depositnow home to the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ria died in Germany last ed $8.7 million and more most hardened criminals, week while a Liberian pledges have come in. including the man known Chile, Estonia, Finwoman died of probable as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Prime Evilâ&#x20AC;?, apartheid Â&#x192;zYly^ Yl[zy^ zÂ&#x2122;zÂ&#x201D;Â&#x20AC;x\zYy^ Ebola last month. ^ XpqY^ xz[l^ [Y^ z^ qÂ&#x2020;^ qzÂ&#x192;zYly^ X{Â&#x2020;z}^ Oscar Pistorius in court yesterday
Third UN employee dies from Ebola
death squad leader Eugene de Kock. {[xXYx^XIW[zÂ&#x192;x^xz[l^ [xtorius, whose lower legs were amputated when he was a baby, would be housed in a separate and secure hospital wing of the massive complex. In delivering her decision, 67-year-old Masipa x\{qxxql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ l[IW`Â&#x192;\}^ X ^ arriving at a decision that Â&#x2020;zx^Â&#x2C6; z[{^zYl^_`x\^\X^xXW[q\}^ and to the accusedâ&#x20AC;?. Â&#x20AC;q^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ {q|` ql^ x`]gestions that Pistorius - a Â&#x2020;qzÂ&#x192;\Â&#x20AC;}^ zYl^ [YZ`qY\[zÂ&#x192;^ white man - might be able \X^ xqW`{q^ Â&#x201E;{q q{qY\[zÂ&#x192;^ _`xtice despite the â&#x20AC;&#x153;equality before lawâ&#x20AC;? guarantee enshrined in the post-apartheid 1996 Constitution. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would be a sad day for this country if an impression were created that there is one law for the poor and disadvantaged, and one law for the rich and famous,â&#x20AC;? she said. Steenkamp, a 29-year-old law graduate and model, died almost instantly on Valentineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day last year when Pistorius shot her through a locked toilet door at his luxury Pretoria home. Prosecutors pushed for a murder conviction, but the athlete maintained he Â&#x2021;{ql^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ p[x\zÂ&#x201D;qY^ |qlief an intruder was hiding behind the door, a defense that struck home in a country with one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s highest rates of violent crime.
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Daily Newswatch
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Daily Newswatch
Eagles debutant bags goal in China
U-23 Team: Siasia to keep faith in local players
aron Samuel has adp[2ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ `zY]zhou R&F had a difÂ&#x2021;W`Â&#x192;\^]zpq^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Ă&#x17D;ÂŻĂ&#x17D;^l{zÂ&#x2020;^ with Shandong Luneng in the Chinese Super League on Sunday, but he was delighted to score his sixth goal of the season nonetheÂ&#x192;qxxÂ&#x201A; Â \q{^ xÂ&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201D;[Y]^ X ^ zY^ ankle complaint he picked up while on international duty for Nigeria, SvenGĂśran Eriksson introduced the 20-year-old in the 81st minute in his bid to save his
\qzp^ {Xp^lq qz\Â&#x201A; Samuel repaid the managerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s faith by scoring in the 89th minute, which brought the scoreline to 3-2 before
}`YÂŻ XX^ zY]^ Yq2ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qĂ&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2122;q{^[Y^[Y_`{}^\[pqÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We were three goals down in the second half, it Â&#x2020;zx^z^l[IW`Â&#x192;\^]zpqÂ&#x201A;^ `\^Â&#x2020;q^ did our best to get back to 3-3 and I scored the second ]XzÂ&#x192;yÂ&#x2019;^ zp`qÂ&#x192;^{qzW\qlÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We played against a very good team and we Â&#x2020;q{q^ |zl^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x192;Â Â&#x201A;^ The goalkeeper had probÂ&#x192;qpx^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;{x\^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x192;Â Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think we can qualify for the AFC Champions League if we win our next ]zpq^z\^Â&#x20AC;XpqÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Samuel moved to Guangzhou R&F on a two and a half year deal from z{Â&#x201E;x|X{]^Â?Ă&#x2026;^[Y^ `Â&#x192;}^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Â&#x201A; His 11 goals this calendar year for both teams is his best single season total since he departed the shores of the country for greener Â&#x201E;zx\`{qx^[Y^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â?Â&#x201A;
Adejo wins it for Kalloni
ormer U-20 centre back, Daniel Adejo scored Kalloniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lone goal as they claimed a 1-0 win over Kerkyra in the {qqÂ&#x201D;^ `Â&#x201E;q{^ qz]`qÂ&#x201A; The 25-year-old, playing from the right full back spot in the game as opposed to his regular role as a centre |zWÂ&#x201D;y^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2021;\ql^ Â {Xp^ z^ qozinho assist to score what turned out to be the winner in the 66th minute to move his team to third spot after x[Â&#x2030;^]zpqxÂ&#x201A; He has been a regular at Greek super league surprise team, Kalloni since _X[Y[Y]^ Â {Xp^ \zÂ&#x192;}Ă x^ q{[q^ ^
side Reggiana in the sumpq{Â&#x201A; His past experience in \XÂ&#x201E;^ Z[]Â&#x20AC;\^  XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x2020;zx^ ]z{nered in 2008/2009 in the Italian Serie A when he made 8 appearances for q]][zYzÂ&#x201A; q X{q^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;XY[y^ lq_X^ has played his whole career z\^ q{[q^ ^ x[lq^ q]][zYz^ from where he was selected to be a part of Nigeria squad to the under-20 World Cup [Y^Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201A;Â&#x201A; Slowly building a reputation as a goal scoring defender he has now scored four times in the past three xqzxXYxÂ&#x201A;
Martin Odiete, Abuja
he newly appointed national U-23 team coach, Samson Siasia has hinted that he may not rely heavily on foreign-based players, but to keep faith in local â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;boysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; to form his team for the forthcoming Africa and Olympic zpqx^Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;q{xÂ&#x201A; Siasia said considering the fact that the qualify-
ing series do not fall under FIFA calendar, he would be forced to rely on players plying their trade in the Nigeria Premier League for the se{[qxÂ&#x201A; He said in order to get the right kind of players for screening, he had contacted all the coaches of the various clubs in the premier league to give him names of very good players in their respective WÂ&#x192;`|xÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have to start an early preparation so that we can pick the best players through elimination by substitution so that we
can blend the team be X{q^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;q{xy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ are billed to commence in q|{`z{}yÂ&#x2019;^Â&#x20AC;q^xz[lÂ&#x201A; The former Super Eagles coach said he wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t |q^ xÂ&#x20AC;`2[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ lXX{^ XY^ the foreign based players entirely as they would join the team at a later date when the team is ready for major champiXYxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The foreign-based players, especially some of them in the Super Eagles team, who are still within the age limit, would still make the team; but that would be at very crucial point
or when we must have Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;qlÂ&#x201A;^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;The problem is that our competition is not in FIFA calendar; so securing their releases from their clubs would be very l[IW`Â&#x192;\Â&#x201A;^ `\^ Â&#x2020;q^ z{q^ x`{q^ to get them when we eventually qualify,â&#x20AC;? Siax[z^xz[lÂ&#x201A; This will be Siasiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second coming to the U-23 team as the Chief WXzWÂ&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;^ q^Â&#x192;ql^\Â&#x20AC;q^\qzp^\X^ Â&#x2020;[Y^ x[Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;q{^ z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ q[_[Y]^ Olympics Games in 2008, which had notable players like Isaac Promise, xzÂ&#x2122;q^ lqpÂ&#x2020;[Y][qy^q\^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;
Obuh allays fears on Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; qualification
Eze canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop scoring
ith a host of Nigerian players Â&#x2021;Yl[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ |zWÂ&#x201D;^ of the net in various European leagues, not much pqY\[XY^Â&#x2020;zx^pzlq^XÂ ^Â&#x192;[2Â&#x192;q^ known Friday Eze of Serbia Super Liga side, Mladost Lucani despite scor[Y]^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ Â&#x2021;Â \Â&#x20AC;^ ]XzÂ&#x192;^ [Y^ Y[Yq^ games as his side claimed a 2-1 away win over Donji {qpÂ&#x201A; Eze, a close childhood friend of AS Trencinwide-
man Moses Simon, gave his team the lead with a glancing header 13 min`\qx^[Y\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^]zpqÂ&#x201A; The strike was his second in competitive games after scoring in their 2-1 Â&#x192;Xxx^\X^ z{\[Â&#x2122;zY^ qÂ&#x192;]{zlqÂ&#x201A; Locally he turned out for Zamfara United before a two year stint with Africa Sports of Coteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;dIvoire from where he joined Rad [Y^ q{|[zÂ&#x201A;
Obuh, who spoke with Newswatch Sports on chances of the Super Eagles to be in Morocco next year, said that all what the Super Eagles players need Maduabuchi Kalu [x^qÂ&#x2030;\{z^zYl^pzÂ&#x201D;q^xzW{[Â&#x2021;Wq^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course I believe ormer Under-20 that we can still qualify coach, John Obuh, for next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup has backed the SuX ^ z\[XYx^[Y^ X{XWWXÂ&#x201A; per Eagles to qualify for â&#x20AC;&#x153;We still have opporthe 2015 Nations Cup in tunity of making it to MopX{XWWX^ lqxÂ&#x201E;[\q^ Â&#x2021;Yl[Y]^ rocco if only we will be themselves in a precariable to do the things weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ous position in the qualix`Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;Xxql^\X^lXÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2021;q{xÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the onus lies With two teams to XY^X`{^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}q{xÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q}^Yqql^ qualify from Group A, \X^xqq^\Â&#x20AC;[x^Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;Wz\[XY^zx^ the African have found z^ WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ \X^ Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ xq{Â&#x2026;[WqÂ&#x201A;^ themselves languishing Â&#x2C6; `{^ X{XWWX^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;Wzin third position with just tion should be seen by the four points to trail behind players as a task that must Â&#x192;qzlq{xy^ z zYz^ z zYz^ X ^ |q^ lXYqÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q}^ xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^ {qSouth Africa (eight points) solve to go the extra mile and Red Devils of Congo to enable them qualify for {zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;zÂ&#x2026;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;qÂ&#x2039;xqÂ&#x2026;qY^ Â&#x201E;X[Y\xÂ&#x2018;^ the continental football as they risk missing out showpiece next year in  {Xp^Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;Wz\[XYÂ&#x201A;
X{XWWXyÂ&#x2019;^ |`Â&#x20AC;^xz[lÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Secondly, they should be open to work with the YqÂ&#x2020;^ \qWÂ&#x20AC;Y[WzÂ&#x192;^ W{qÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ change of guard should not be a stumbling block \X^X`{^Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;Wz\[XY^\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^ z\[XYx^ `Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q{q X{qy^ there is every need for the players to go the extra mile to enable us qualify the biennial championxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the time for them to prove their worth and prove that they are Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;ql^\X^Â&#x201E;`\^XY^\Â&#x20AC;q^Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ WXÂ&#x192;X`{xÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q}^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ to rise up and defend their YzpqxÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q}^\XX^Yqql^\Â&#x20AC;[x^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;Wz\[XY^zx^Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^zx^\Â&#x20AC;q^ WX`Y\{}^Yqqlx^[\Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think that they should emulate the exploits of their predecessors who when confronted with this type of situation, came out smoking and
prove all doubting Thomases wrong by qualifying the country in two competitions, Nations Cup and X{Â&#x192;l^ `Â&#x201E;Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;If former players were able to overcome this type of huddle, nothing prevents the present crop of players from doing same with the same coach,â&#x20AC;? |`Â&#x20AC;^xz[lÂ&#x201A;
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Manteau, Okoro win Ladies Open Golf tourney
fter a keenly contested performance at the golf course of the Benin Club Golf Section (BCGS), golfers Valentine Manteau and Chukwudi Okoro emerged winners in the ladies and professional category respectively at the 20th Benin Ladies Open Golf Championship, which ended in grand style on Sunday. Manteau who recently returned to the game after a long break, left no one in doubt when she posited a total of 162 gross to emerge winner in the ladies category that featured about 100 golfers across the country. q^ {x\^ {`YYq{¯` ^ in the category went to E. Oyome from Ikoyi Golf Club with total of 170 gross while F. OkohBaya, former lady captain of Ibori Country and Golf Club (ICGC), Asaba was adjudged the second runner-up with total gross of 179. The duo of Debby Otabor of BCGS and R. Danjumah from IBB Golf and Country Club, Abuja placed fourth and \ ^ [\ ^ \X\z ^ ]{Xxx^ X ^ 180 and 184 respectively in the three day champi-
onship. Earlier on, the professional cadre of the tournament trophy was won by the Okoro from BCGS having recorded 71 gross while his compatriot, Ibrahim Ocheje grossed total was 72 to claim the {x\^{`YYq{^` ^z qzl^X ^ Victor Enaigbe of UBTH golf club whose gross total was 73. However, the junior children category played on over four holes saw Egheghie Ade-Akhani, daughter of the Club lady captain, justify the WXY lqYWq^ {q Xxql^ [Y^ her by her Parents to win the encounter with 33 gross ahead of The Mahmud sisters, Aisha and Hauwa as both had 37 and 39 gross respectively to place second and third; while the fourth position went to Mercy Ojeifor Ofure with 46 gross. Moreover, in the BCGS men’s category, S.D. Moses emerged [YYq{^ [\ ^ ®Î^ Yq2^ ahead of the Club Captain, Dr. Bola Atua second on count-back against Darlington Ogie zx^|X\ ^ z}ql^® ^Yq2^z\^ the game while the best gross award went to O. Iyare with total of 86 gross.
inally the era of Stephen Keshi in the national team has come to an end. So bad, it didn’t end on a happy note. But the man really deserved to go [Y^z^| z q^X ^] X{} ^ [x^ z2q{^lz}xÁ^[YW [Yz\[XY^l{q ^z^ lot of criticism and turned him from hero to villain. If anybody was oblivious of how unpopular Keshi had become, events at the Abuja National Stadium venue of \ q^ ^Ã`z [ q{^z]z[Yx\^ `lzY^ X` l^x ql^pX{q^ light on that. The fans came to the arena brandishing various banners with the same message ‘Keshi must go’. One even read ‘Win or lose, Keshi must go!’ It must be noted that these fans came individually from their homes. It wasn’t as if some interest group was projecting an agenda. So while Mr. A left his home in Nyanya unhappy with Keshi, Mr. B, who lives in Kubwa, came to the stadium in the same mood. A z{\[W` z{^ [YxW{[ \[XY^ zx^ {[2qY^ XY^ z^ pz q¯x [ \^ Wz{\XY^ X ^ |q q{z]q^ l{[Y ^ q^ z2q{^ zY^ l[lYÁ\^ zY\^ \ q^|X2 q^YqW ^X ^z^pX{q^WXY qY\[XYz ^ z q{y^ q^_`x\^ wanted to convey his message. Then when the Super Eagles players came out for the pre-match loosening up, the fans went rapturous with cheers. The message was clear; ‘though, you have not been doing well recently, we are still behind you, because we have no other country but Nigeria’. But when Keshi appeared, the boos were deafening. With the fans chanting ‘you must go! You must go!!’ At that point, it was obvious that they may support the team but not the man. After the match the fans waited beside the team bus to hail the players and vent their spleen on Keshi but the well discerning security personnel did well to delay the team’s exit and arrest the situation. q X{q^\ q^pz\W y^ ^ zx^ q ^z z{q^X ^\ q^q X{\x^pzlq^ by Keshi and his big friends in the corridors of power to stall his removal. Keshi was so sure of keeping the _X|^zYl^ [x^WXY lqYWq^]z q^ [x^x` X{\q{x^\ q^ [ ^\X^ nurse the notion that by Thursday morning, he will still be in the running for a fresh contract. Incidentally, some of those big wigs clamouring for Keshi witnessed all that transpired at the stadium. They did not need to be told that their man was no longer wanted. In fact, it will even be riskier having him at the helm of z z[{x ^ ^ q^ zx^xz ql^ {Xp^\ q^ {z\ ^X ^\ q^ zYx^XY^
NSC postpones National Sports Festival
he 13th edition of the National Sports Festival ^ ql^ \X^ hold from November 23 to December 3 in Calabar may not hold if information emerging from the National Sports Commission (NSC) is anything to go by. Newswatch Sports gathered from a reliable source within the NSC that the festival has been shifted to March 2015. According to the source, the Sports Ministry was forced to postpone the festival because of lack of fund to bankroll
it. “I can reliably tell you that the National Sports Festival will no longer hold in November. The reason is that the Sports Ministry doesn’t have the YzYW[z ^ p`xW q^ \X^ `Yl^ the festival. “They’ve decided to shift it to March 2015 with the belief that the Ä^ YzYW[z ^ z XWz\[XY^ for the Ministry would have been released by the federal government,” he said. The 13th edition of the festival has been thrown open for both local and foreign-based athletes.
Udoh eyes Aneke’s record
nyimba striker and top goal scorer in the ongoing 2014/2015 Nigeria Professional Football League, Mfon Udoh has declared that henow aims at beating Jude Aneke’s all-time record of 20 goals in a single league season. The Akwa Ibom born forward now has 17 goals for the People’s Elephants and need just three more goals to equal the 20-goal mark, or four to break the record.
The Voice of Sports Clement Nwankpa Jnr. 08033305552 sportswar@yahoo.com
Amodu again? Wednesday, would you guarantee his safety in the next Xpq^ \`{q^z]z[Yx\^ X`\ ^ {[WzÊ^ ^\ q^xzpq^ zYx^ X^ were singing his praises after AFCON 2013, are now advocating for his removal, then it means he has lost it. When he fell out with his employers (NFF), he still had the fans overwhelmingly behind him. But now that he has lost all, there was nowhere to lean on. The fans were further irked by his perceived arrogance. When at a press parley last week, he said ‘this should be the last time anybody should ask me about Ike Uche’, he drew many criticisms. At that point, his big friends had assured him that his job was secured, so he got more daring. But truly, that was the last time anybody will ask him about Uche because there wouldn’t be any need for him to be held responsible for team selection anymore. But how could Keshi have z qY^ {Xp^]{zWq^\X^]{zxx^xX^xXXYÊ^ ^\ [Y ^ q^x X` l^ not forget so easily the height he took our football to in 2013. He inherited a team that failed to qualify for AFCON 2012 and won the trophy in 2013. He was at the helm of a team that had not secured CHAN ticket in three previous editions but won the bronze in 2014. X`] ^ q^z ^|q [q q^ z] qx^WX` l^ z q^lXYq^|q2q{^z\^ the World Cup, the fact is that before the 2014 World Cup, the team had not made it beyond the group stage in the last two editions it participated just as the last time Nigeria won a game at the World Cup was in 1998. But with Keshi on the saddle, won beat Bosnia [Y^ z^ ]{X` ^ \`{q^ zYl^ |XX ql^ z^ zWq^ [Y^ \ q^ xqWXYl^ round. Though we may not be happy with the team’s misfortunes recently culminating in Nigeria, at some point, being last in an AFCON qualifying group that
And realizing how close he is to achieving that, he says he has set his sights on breaking the record even though there are only four more games left. “The target was 20, I said that at the start of the season, but that doesn’t mean I will stop there because if the opportunities WXpq^\X^x`{ zxxy^lq Y[\qly I will. “I hoped to score 20, now I’m on 17 and hopefully I will score more to
equal that record and to surpass it and I’m working hard to achieve that,” he said. His goals have helped propel Enyimba towards another league title as they get ever closer to leaders Kano Pillars with four rounds of matches left. The six-time league champions are currently third on the log with 54 points from 34 matches, and host El-Kanemi War{[X{x^[Y^\ q[{^Yq \^ \`{q
has South Africa, Congo and Sudan, we should note that Keshi left some fond memories behind. In fact, it was under his reign that we started nursing the notion that another golden era of Nigerian football was born. Truly, a golden era had emerged but Keshi’s shift in focus equally created a ‘shift’ in our fortunes. After the loss to Sudan in Khartoum, he had asked for forgiveness. Many were of the opinion that he wasn’t worthy of forgiveness because he had not forgiven the likes of Uche but we should all forgive the Big Boss, at least for the sake of the good times he gave to us. `\^ YX ^ \ z\^ q^ z q^ ]X2qY^ {[l^ X ^ qx [y^ zx^ `z[|`^ pXl`^ \ q^ {[] \^ W X[WqÊ^ X{^ \ q^ zx\^ q^ years, this column has traversed three national papers namely The Nation, National Life and Daily Newswatch. In The Nation in 2009, I was one of Amodu’s biggest critics. I had faulted his overtly defensive inclination and the knack to stick to established players at the expense of fresh talents. Amodu, it was who declared that our league was substandard and lacked the type of quality needed in the national team. Expectedly, he never used any home-based player in his last stint that lasted over two years. So while Keshi could deploy two home-based z}q{x^[Y^\ q^ Yz ^X ^ y^ pXl`^WX` l^YX\^q qY^ use one in a friendly. The Keshi template that led to success at the earlier stages is the way to go. I would have embarked on a one-man protest if Amodu was to be given the job on a permanent basis but since it is just X{^\ q^{qpz[Y[Y]^\ X^ ^Ã`z [ }[Y]^ \`{qxy^YX^ problem. He knows how to get the tickets but he is not really a tournament winning coach. He is not one to be counted upon in the long term because he is not really z^|`[ lq{ ^ ^z xX^|q [q q^[Y^\ q^Yq ^WXzW ^q qW\ ^ ^ q^ p`x\^ |qz\^ XY]X^ [Y^ {z z [ qy^ q^ Yqql^ \ z\^ q qW\ ^ The task is simple; let him invite all the players hitherto ignored by Keshi namely, Uche, Kelechi Iheanacho, Brown Ideye and Sunday Mba. The likes of Gbenga Arokoyo, Abiola Dauda, Bartholomew Ogbeche and Carl Ikeme could also get a look-in. That way, there will be competition for places. It was the absence of x`W ^ WXp q\[\[XY^ \ z\^ z qW\ql^ q^ p{XxqÁx^ X{p^ [Y^ the national team.
Daily Newswatch Sports/ CHELSEA WATCH Mata: I had no relationship with Mourinho Terry: We can cope without Costa
uan Mata has said his move from Chelsea to Manchester United was driven by Jose Mourinho - and claims he had â&#x20AC;&#x153;no relationshipâ&#x20AC;? with the Portuguese boss. The Spaniard won the Chelsea Player of the qzxXY^zÂ&#x2020;z{l^[Y^Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x2021;{x\^\Â&#x2020;X^}qz{x^z\^ \zp X{l^ Bridge, leading the Blues to successive Champions League and Europa League triumphs. However he struggled to secure regular Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}[Y]^ \[pq^ z\^ Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;xqz^ l`{[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ Â&#x201E;z{\^ of last season, following Mourinhoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return to London. Asked about his exit during an interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais, Mata said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;You never know what life holds for you. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I had two fantastic seasons at Chelsea, winning titles and being voted the player of the year by both my teammates and the fans ... But he [Mourinho] came and I started to have limited time to play.â&#x20AC;? Speaking about his relationship with the Portuguese manager, Mata added: â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was not good or bad. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We had no relationship, there was no dialogue [between us]. I was not happy, but I always gave the most of myself and try to respect my colleagues.â&#x20AC;? With the World Cup on the horizon Mata
didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think twice when Manchester United zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XzWÂ&#x20AC;ql^Â&#x20AC;[p^\X^pXÂ&#x2026;q^\X^ Â&#x192;l^ {z X{lÂ&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;zY[z{l^pXÂ&#x2026;ql^\X^ Â&#x192;l^ {z X{l^[Y^ a ÂŁ37.1m deal, becoming the club recordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s signing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Then United came to sign me. I wanted to play the World Cup and I did not think muchâ&#x20AC;?. X`{[YÂ&#x20AC;X^{qWqY\Â&#x192;}^_`x\[Â&#x2021;ql^Â&#x20AC;[x^lqW[x[XY^ \X^xqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ z\z^\X^ zYWÂ&#x20AC;qx\q{^ Y[\ql^Â X{^Â&#x2021;YzYcial reasons.
ohn Terry believes Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s title charge will not be derailed in the absence of Diego Costa. Costa has been indispensable for the Blues this term, and before Sergio Agueroâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s exploits for Manchester [\}^z]z[Yx\^ X2qYÂ&#x20AC;zpy^Â&#x20AC;q^ was the Premier Leagueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top scorer. Chelsea beat Crystal Palace 2-1, although they did that without Costa, who returned from international duty with Spain injured. But despite Costa appearing to be a big loss, Terry thinks Chelsea have enough strength in depth to cope without him. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are strong as anyone and hungry to win the league,â&#x20AC;? said Terry. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Like Jose Mourinho, Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s captain cherishes those victories which demand character as well as
class. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We showed we have strength in depth by winning without Costa,â&#x20AC;? Terry added. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That was the one question mark about us. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done so well people wondered, if he was out, who could come in and do it? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Loic Remy was very sharp and has looked it in
training. We have Didier Drogba and his qualities. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The guys are showing maturity away from home. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what is needed from us this year.â&#x20AC;? Costa, who did not feature for the Blues in Tuesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Champions League against Maribor, is unlikely \X^|q^Â&#x2021;\^\X^Â zWq^ zYWÂ&#x20AC;qx\q{^ United on Sunday.
Chelsea scout Imbula
helsea watched longterm transfer target Giannelli Imbula in action on Sunday, according to reports in France. The Blues have been tracking the Marseille midÂ&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;lq{^ Â X{^ xqÂ&#x2026;q{zÂ&#x192;^ pXY\Â&#x20AC;x^ and had scouts present at the Ligue 1 game against Toulouse on Sunday afternoon. A scouting list from the
]zpq^WXYÂ&#x2021;{px^\Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;xqz^ representatives were there, claims Le10Sport. Imbulaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side won the game 2-0 and the 22-yearold put in an impressive performance for Marseille. Chelsea were linked with Imbula during his time with Guingamp in Ligue 2, but he opted to stay in France and joined Marseille in 2013. The Blues have continued to monitor the France Under-21 internationalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress. Their scouting q X{\x^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ |qqY^ x\qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ql^ up again following recent comments from Imbula that indicated that he might be considering making the next step in his career. You can see highlights from the game in the video above. Imbula is Marseilleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s number 25. He plays a nice role in the neat passing leading up to the second goal.
Mourinho rules out Blue invincibility
anager Jose Mourinho has insisted that it is out of the question for his team to replicate Arsenalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2003/04 campaign and not lose a single Premier League game. Just over 10 years ago, the infamous Gunners side, known now as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the Invinciblesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, lifted the title without losing a single game along the way, a feat which has rarely looked like being replicated since. But after Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s barnstorming start to the season, many pundits and fans have tipped the Blues as having the best chance in years of reproducing that kind of level of dominance. Boss Mourinho, however, insists it is not only out of their thinking, but also entirely out of the question, claiming that \Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x192;qz]`q^[x^z^Â&#x2026;q{}^l[ q{ent one to that of a decade
ago, reports the Guardian. â&#x20AC;&#x153;No, no, no,â&#x20AC;? he responded when asked if his team could go right through the season unbeatable. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is the Premier League and in this moment, 10 years after the last one to do it, football has changed so much, and the Premier League has changed so much that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impossible to do it.â&#x20AC;?
Cech: Agent in talks with Liverpool, Man Utd
he agent of outof-favour Chelsea goalkeeper, Petr Cech has suggested that moves to Liverpool or Manchester United are possibilities. The Czech Republic international is known to be l[x]{`Y\Â&#x192;ql^ z\^ x[2[Y]^ XY^ the bench behind Thibaut Courtois after falling behind the young Belgian in Jose Mourinhoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pecking order. Cech, aged 32, has indicated he will seek a move away from Stamford Bridge if he remains second-choice over a sustained period. His agent Vitkor Kolar was initially asked about a possible move to Serie A side Roma for his client. He told ASRomaChannel.eu: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are many options, not just one. There are many teams in-
terested in Petr.â&#x20AC;? Kolar went on to suggest that he could hold talks with Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premier League rivals Liver-
pool and Chelsea. He continued: â&#x20AC;&#x153;There are many clubs with which we can speak â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Roma, Real Madrid, Liv-
erpool, Manchester United. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We can talk with many clubs that have shown interest in Cech.â&#x20AC;?
Alonso tips Blues for another UCL success
abi Alonso reckons Chelsea are the Premier Leagueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only candidates to win an â&#x20AC;&#x153;openâ&#x20AC;? UEFA Champions League this title - and not Group E rivals Manchester City. The former Liverpool p[lÂ&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;lq{^ pXÂ&#x2026;ql^ Â {Xp^ Real Madrid to Bayern Munich and is now attempting to win European club footballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest Â&#x201E;{[Â&#x2122;q^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^Â&#x20AC;[x^\Â&#x20AC;[{l^l[ q{ent club. And the Spaniard, now 32, named the German champions and Jose X`{[YÂ&#x20AC;XĂ x^ x[lq^ zx^ Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;q^ potential champions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Real Madrid, Barcelona, Chelsea, ourselves - Dortmund are always a tricky club to play
against,â&#x20AC;? Alonso said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I respect lots of clubs; Paris Saint Germain as well. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s quite open.â&#x20AC;? The German champions play in Italy on Tuesday against a Roma team who
held Manchester City 1-1 away in the last round of matches. The second club in Serie A are also a former club of Bayern coach Pep Guardiola. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You could see last season that have taken a step up - they are playing great x\` yÂ&#x2019;^ Â&#x192;XYxX^\XÂ&#x192;l^ Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We faced them in a pre-season friendly with Madrid, so I know how \Â&#x20AC;q}^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q}^ z{q^ lqÂ&#x2021;nitely going to be chalÂ&#x192;qY][Y]^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ W`lq2Xy^ and they want to reach the next stage in the Champions League. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So for us, the one in Xpq^ÂŻ^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;{x\^XYq^ÂŻ^[x^z^ vital game, because we have got six points from \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ \Â&#x2020;X^ ]zpqx^ zYl^ we are in a good position.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
arry Redknapp has backed Chile striker, EduarlX^ z{]zx^\X^Â&#x2021;{q^qYX`]Â&#x20AC;^ goals for the Râ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to guide them to safety. Vargas looks to have secured his immediate future in the side with a brace against Liverpool on Sunday which had looked as though it would salvage a point. A last gasp own goal from Steven Caulker robbed the Râ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of a much deserved point but Redknapp was remaining positive. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got no doubts weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be okay and that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll stay up,â&#x20AC;? said Redknapp, despite QPR remaining rooted to the |X2Xp^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ {qp[q{^ League. Â&#x2C6; Yl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x192;[2Â&#x192;q^ |X}^ Vargas has given me qÂ&#x2026;qY^pX{q^WXYÂ&#x2021;lqYWqÂ&#x201A;^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;To see him come on and get two goals, when he got two for Chile as well in midweek: heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a goalscorer.
UEFA Champions League... UEFA Champions League...
Vargas earns Redknapp praise
Bale doubtful for Liverpool â&#x20AC;&#x153;And he nearly scored another at the end with Skrtel, when he was coming in to dive in and head it.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll score goals and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be a big asset for us. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to be l[IW`Â&#x192;\^\X^Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x2026;q^Â&#x20AC;[p^X`\^ of the team.â&#x20AC;?
Okore not ready for EPL action yet â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Lambert ston Villa manager Paul Lambert has revealed that Jores Okore needs to raise his game before he gets the nod in the Premier League. The Danish defender has not played a single minute for Villa this season despite |z2Â&#x192;[Y]^ |zWÂ&#x201D;^ Â {Xp^ zY^ zY\qrior cruciate ligament injury. Okore has only made the matchday squad twice this season and has been restricted to development team football so far this term. Now Lambert has explained why heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s favoured four other centre halves ahead of the 22-year-old as his absence continues to generate debate. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s played U21 football but Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not quite sure heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s too ready to go into this enÂ&#x2026;[{XYpqY\^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x2021;{x\ÂŻ\qzp^ Â XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^\XÂ&#x201E;ÂŻZ[]Â&#x20AC;\Â&#x2018;^_`x\^}q\Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been a |[\^ {qÂ&#x192;`W\zY\^ Â&#x2039;\X^ `xq^ Â&#x20AC;[pÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;^ Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got to get more game time under his belt for his
knee. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I know heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s playing U21 games with Denmark but I think to throw him in at this level is too early.â&#x20AC;? At present Okore is VilÂ&#x192;zĂ x^ Â&#x2021;Â \Â&#x20AC;^ WÂ&#x20AC;X[Wq^ WqY\{q^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x192;Â ^ behind Ron Vlaar, Philippe Senderos, Nathan Baker and Ciaran Clark. Vlaar returned to action
from injury on Saturday but Senderos missed out with a thigh injury. Lambert is hoping to have the Swiss defender back in time for the trip to Queens Park Rangers next Monday but he may be without Baker who injured his hamstring in the defeat to Everton. Commenting on Bakerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s injury, Lambert said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Losing Nathan never helped (on z\`{lz}Â&#x2018;^ |qWz`xq^ ^ \Â&#x20AC;[YÂ&#x201D;^ heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been playing really well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s his hamstring. It Â&#x192;XXÂ&#x201D;x^ Â&#x201E;{q2}^ |zl^ z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pXment. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just have to see how it is. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think we missed Senderos, too. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been excellent but hopefully heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be back for QPR. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see how he does in the next week or so.â&#x20AC;? Villaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defensive errors are starting to get punished and fans are continually waiting to see if Okore can pzÂ&#x201D;q^z^l[ q{qYWqÂ&#x201A;
iverpool have been handed a boost ahead of their Champions League clash with Real Madrid, with Gareth Bale ruled out of the game for the Spaniards. The Welshman picked up an injury to his gluteal muscle on international duty with Wales last week, and sat out his clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 5-0 La Liga win over Levante on Saturday as a consequence. Yl^ Â `{\Â&#x20AC;q{^ xWzYx^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ WXYÂ&#x2021;{pql^ that the 25-year-old will miss the trip \X^ YÂ&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;ly^zx^Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^zx^ z\`{lz}Ă x^Ă&#x2014; Â&#x192;zx[coâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; against Barcelona at the Bernabeu. qzÂ&#x192;^ z{q^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ xÂ&#x2020;qz\[Y]^ XÂ&#x2026;q{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;\Yqxx^ XÂ ^ p[lÂ&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;lq{^ `Â&#x201D;z^ Xl{[Wy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ limped out of the game at Levante, \Â&#x20AC;X`]Â&#x20AC;^ pzYz]q{^ z{Â&#x192;X^ YWqÂ&#x192;X2[^ [x^
Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x201E;q `Â&#x192;^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{X|Â&#x192;qp^[x^Â&#x192;[2Â&#x192;q^pX{q^\Â&#x20AC;zY^z^ knock. Real, who will arrive on Merseyside on Tuesday afternoon, are currently top of Champions League Group B, having \zÂ&#x201D;qY^ pzÂ&#x2030;[p`p^ Â&#x201E;X[Y\x^  {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q[{^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ two games.
Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fixtures AtlĂŠtico Madrid Leverkusen Galatasaray Anderlecht Olympiacos Liverpool Ludogorets
Vidal returns for Olympiacos
rturo Vidal could replace Andrea Pirlo for Juventusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; trip to Olympiacos, while Alvaro X{z\z^ [x^ [Y^ Â&#x192;[Yq^ Â X{^ z^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ start, according to reports. The Bianconeri are in Greece for the third matchday of the Champions League in a Group A with all four teams level on three points. Â&#x20AC;q^ zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;q2z^ lqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X^
Â&#x201E;X{\y^ z^ \zpÂ&#x201E;z^zYl^ `2Xsport all report that Pirloâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s performance in Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s draw at Sassuolo could open the door for the Chileanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return to the side in his place. Vidal was not included in the squad for the Bianconeriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s trip to Sassuolo, with Coach Massimiliano Allegri believing the 27-year-old was tired after international l`\}y^ zYl^ Â&#x2020;X`Â&#x192;l^ |q^ |q2q{^
Ospina blow for Arsenal
I couldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been a Gunner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Manolas
or a while during the summer it appeared that Arsenal were in pole position to sign Kostas Manolas, but in the end Roma pounced.
The Greek international defender was known to be on his way out of Olympiacos as the 2013-14 season ended and clubs began to ask for information during the World Cup. Roma had been watching Manolas for some time, but Juventus were also keen and Arsenal entered the fray. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Juventus came looking for me after the World Cup,â&#x20AC;? the 23-year-old told Il Tempo. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I could also have ended up at Arsenal, but I never went to London as has been reported. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now only Roma exist for me. I am very happy to have come here and I want to stay for many years.â&#x20AC;?
Roma paid around ÂŁ12.5 million for Manolas, but there are signs that he has been a wise investment. Manolas featured in La zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;q2z^ lqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X^ Â&#x201E;X{\Ă x^ |qx\^ \qzp^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ x[Â&#x2030;^ Â&#x2020;qqÂ&#x201D;x^ of the Serie A season and he played so well against Empoli, CSKA Moscow, Cagliari and Parma that the Italian press claimed that former Roma star Mehdi qYz\[z^Â&#x2020;zx^Â X{]X2qY^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Stadio Olimpico. Â \q{^ zWĂ&#x192;`[2[Y]^ Â&#x20AC;[pxqÂ&#x192;Â ^ well against Verona and Manchester City, Manolas chose a bad time to show his less appealing side when he Â&#x2020;zx^xqY\^X ^z]z[Yx\^ `Â&#x2026;qY\`x^Â X{^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\[Y]^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x192;Â&#x2026;z{X^ Morata.
vs MalmĂś vs FC Zenit vs Dortmund vs Arsenal vs Juventus vs Real Madrid vs FC Basel
rsenalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s injury crisis has worsened with goalkeeper David Ospina reportedly ruled out of Wednesdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game at Anderlecht. The Colombian stopper was expected to start with Wojciech Szczesny suspended after his red card against Galatasaray. However, The Mirror report that Ospina has been ruled out with Emiliano Martinez set to be given the gloves. The 22-year-old Argentine made his debut for the
Gunners in September 2012 against Coventry and has been on the bench for Prep[q{^ qz]`q^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;\`{qxÂ&#x201A; He was in goal for the 7-5 win over Reading in the League Cup but was unable to produce a commanding performance. Martinez spent last seaxXY^ XY^ Â&#x192;XzY^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x20AC;qIqÂ&#x192;l^ Wednesday and was an unused substitute against Manchester City in the Community Shield win as well as in Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2-2 draw with Hull.
served recuperating in Turin. However, a six-goal showing in a practice game in training may have impressed the Coach enough to restore Vidal to the starting line-up. While La Stampa reports that Vidalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s return will be facilitated by Pirlo dropping X`\y^ `2XxÂ&#x201E;X{\^ |qÂ&#x192;[qÂ&#x2026;qx^ Claudio Marchisio will be the player who makes way. In addition, Fernando Llorente has been struggling with a back injury, and z^ \zpÂ&#x201E;zy^ zÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2122;q2z^ lqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X^ Â&#x201E;X{\^ zYl^ `2XxÂ&#x201E;X{\^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ all speculated that compatriot Alvaro Morata will pzÂ&#x201D;q^Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x2021;{x\^ `Â&#x2026;qY\`x^x\z{\^ in Piraeus after his summer transfer from Real Madrid. Angelo Ogbonna, Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini are expected to retain their places in defence while Martin Caceres and Andrea Barzagli remain sidelined, and Kwadwo Asamoah is likely to replace Patrice Evra at left-wingback.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Bosh join call Adeogun hungry Deng, for Ebola solution for titles M iami Heat players - Luol Deng and Chris Bosh have joined in the call for urgent action to tackle the menace of Ebola outbreak in some qx\^  {[WzY^ WX`Y\{[qxy^ which has also spread to Spain and United States of pq{[WzÂ&#x201A;^ Deng, who was born in South Sudan but raised in England and has been a Â&#x201E;z{\^X ^pzY}^  {[WzY^{qÂ&#x192;[q ^ projects during his career, zlp[2ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ |XÂ&#x192;z^ outbreak has created huge fear among people. He disagreed with those who want the United States to close its border against \Â&#x20AC;q^ z qW\ql^ WX`Y\{[qx^ |`\^ rather the crisis should be made number one priority by all countries. Â&#x2C6; ^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^|qqY^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^XÂ&#x2026;q{^  rica. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to Senegal, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to Nigeria,â&#x20AC;? he told the Sun Sentinelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ira
helped San Beda College lqx\{X}^ {qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;zYX^ Y[Â&#x2026;q{x[ty 76-44 points in game one XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă&#x201A;Â?\Â&#x20AC;^ ^ zxÂ&#x201D;q\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}ql^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xz^ Stories by {qYz^[Y^ zxz}^ [\}Â&#x201A; Francis Ajuonuma The win moves San Beda close to the title with two n-form San Beda more games to be decided Red Lionsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; center, as another victory in game Â&#x192;z^ lqX]`Y^ xz}x^ two on Wednesday will he caresless about guarantee them the title. his impressive statisThe big man recorded tics in the National Colle- 14 points, 14 boards and ][z\q^ \Â&#x20AC;Â&#x192;q\[W^ xxXW[z\[XY^ Â X`{^ |Â&#x192;XWÂ&#x201D;x^ zx\Â&#x20AC;q^ {qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;zYX^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ qz]`q^ [Y^ Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;[Â&#x201E;- Chiefs were always at the pines but to help the team receiving end in the larger win laurels. part of the game. lqX]`Y^ Â&#x2020;zx^ X`\x\zYlâ&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mind about my ing on Monday night as he stats. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thinking more of
helping the team win,â&#x20AC;? said lqX]`YÂ&#x201A; San Beda head coach, Boyet was excited with the victory and looks forward to a repeat performance in the game two on Wednesday at the same venue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re happy we won the game but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just one game,â&#x20AC;? Fernandez said after the game. zxq{^ pq{^ x\qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ql^ `Â&#x201E;^ |[]^zYl^Â&#x2021;Y[xÂ&#x20AC;ql^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^z^Â&#x2026;q{satile line â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 17 points, seven zxx[x\x^zYl^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;q^{q|X`YlxÂ&#x201A; pq{^ Â&#x2020;zx^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ [Yx\{`mental when the Lions roared to an 11-0 start and erected a 26-21 lead, their
biggest in the game, late in \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ Ă&#x192;`z{\q{^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;qY^ Â&#x20AC;q^ \qzpql^ `Â&#x201E;^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Y\Â&#x20AC;XY}^ Semerad. Â&#x2C6; \Ă x^ pz2q{^ X ^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}[Y]^ WXYÂ&#x2021;lqY\Â&#x192;}yÂ&#x2019;^ xz[l^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?ÂŻ}qz{ÂŻXÂ&#x192;l^ pq{y^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^Â&#x20AC;zx^ a year left in his eligibility but is unsure if heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s returning. X{^ {qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;zYX^WXzWÂ&#x20AC;^ q{{}^ Codinera, they just succumbed to pressure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t level up, we  qÂ&#x192;\^\Â&#x20AC;q^_[2q{xyÂ&#x2019;^xz[l^ Xl[Yera, who steered his team \X^ [\x^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ qÂ&#x2026;q{^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;x^ zÂ&#x201E;pearance since joining the Â&#x192;qz]`q^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;q^}qz{x^|zWÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A;
Olajuwon backs Howard for MVP award
ouston Rockets legend, Hakeem Olajuwon says Dwight Howard is ready to once again dominate his position, and that he should be \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă x^ |qx\^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}q{^ [Y^ 2014-â&#x20AC;&#x2122;15.
XÂ&#x2020;z{l^[x^Â&#x2021;\^zYl^Â qqÂ&#x192;[Y]^ strong again, having recovered from a 2012 operation on his back, and Olajuwon thinks the Rockets have what it takes to contend for a championship. Dwight, 28, averaged 18.3 points, 12.2 rebounds and 1.8 blocked shots in his Â&#x2021;{x\^xqzxXY^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^\Â&#x20AC;q^ XWÂ&#x201D;ets. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s healthy. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strong. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ready,â&#x20AC;? said Olajuwon, who won the award in 1994 when he led \Â&#x20AC;q^ XWÂ&#x201D;q\x^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ XÂ ^ their back-to-back championships. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Now itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ z2[\`lq^ \X^ ]X^ out every night and dominate.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s older, more mature and you can tell that he [x^Â qqÂ&#x192;[Y]^|q2q{^Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;}x[WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}yÂ&#x2019;^ Olajuwon said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I like what I saw. He is a very hard
worker. He takes the job seriously and you can see that he has used some of the things we talked about last season and is making them part of his game.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I played at a time when were so many players that WX`Â&#x192;l^ Â&#x2020;[Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ qzWÂ&#x20AC;^ year â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone. It meant you werenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going to win the ^ qÂ&#x2026;q{}^ }qz{Â&#x201A;^ `\^ }X`^
Â&#x20AC;zl^ \X^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}^ Â&#x192;[Â&#x201D;q^ zY^ ^ and have your name in the conversation. I believe thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s where Dwight is now. He is healthy. He is Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;}x[WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^Â&#x2021;\Â&#x201A;^ q^[x^x\{XY]Â&#x201A;^ He wants to win but It is z|X`\^ z2[\`lqÂ&#x201A;^ q^ xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^ have a season that makes everyone vote for him as Â&#x201A;^ Â ^\Â&#x20AC;z\^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qYxy^\Â&#x20AC;q}^ should be contenders for the championship. I believe that. Now they have to believe it.â&#x20AC;?
Thibodeau backs Gibson sixth best player award
hicago Bulls forward Taj Gibson has been a godsend for his team this season, and head coach Tom Thibodeau is hopeful his guy gets rewarded with the Sixth Man of the Year award at seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end. Gibson is averaging zY^ Y\XY[X^ Â&#x201E;`{x^ 13.2 gpoints u a r d /and f o r 6.8 w a rred bounds and Leonard has emerged Kawhi will zx^ z^ ]XÂŻ\X^ X qYx[Â&#x2026;q^ zYl^ likely miss the remainder defensive player with in the of the preseason an fourth quarter. infection in his right eye think to that bigthatâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Ispread his the left eye. gest thing for him is what Leonardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s availability he to us for has the contributed October 28 reguwinning,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Thibodeau lar-season opener against the Dallas Mavericks is said Saturday. also doubt. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iinhate to lock into inâ&#x20AC;&#x153;It is going back and dividual awards. I think forth between the two players are recognized
when the team has success. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a huge part of it. The way he has played all year, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m hopeful that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be recognized. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The things that he does for us are all teamoriented. He plays great defense, challenges shots, XÂ&#x201E;XÂ&#x2026;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ x`]]qx\ql^ guards everybody, runs that Sarver should have \Â&#x20AC;q^ ZXX{^ xq\x^ ]{qz\^ put on a Â&#x20AC;z{ly^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;chicken suitâ&#x20AC;? screens, does his job, gets when the owner apolodeep post position. When gized over the public the secondsystem guy comes, he address before makes thenightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s play. He has Thursday presea]X2qY^ son game.WXp X{\z|Â&#x192;q^ [Y^ pick-and-roll situations. The Minnesota Timâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s had a terberwolves exercised the third-year on Yl^ for{[Â&#x2021;W^ }qz{^options  X{^ `xÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x2020;z{l^ Y\Â&#x20AC;XY}^ qYYq2y^ I hope he does get center Gorgui Dieng and recognized,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;said Thiboforward deau. Shabazz Muham-
Leonard doubtful for NBA opener
Â&#x2039;q}qxÂ&#x2018;yÂ&#x2019;^WXzWÂ&#x20AC;^ {q]]^ XÂ&#x201E;ovich said on Saturday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crazy. Kawhi is still out for 10 more days.â&#x20AC;? XÂ&#x201E;XÂ&#x2026;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ Â&#x2020;zx^ W{[\[WzÂ&#x192;^ XÂ ^ Â&#x20AC;XqY[Â&#x2030;^ `Yx^ XÂ&#x2020;Yq{^ Robert Sarver, who apologized to Suns fans when \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;`{x^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}ql^ Â&#x20AC;XqY[Â&#x2030;^ without their star players, including Leonard.
mad for 2015-16, the team announced Sunday. The Sacramento Kings picked up the 2015-16 option on guard Ben McLemoreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s contract, the team announced. The Kings also waived 7-foot-5 center SimBhullar, guard Deonte Burton and forward David Wear.
Cousins apologises to Elliot
Celtics trade Anthony for Bynum he Boston Celtics have acquired guard, Will Bynum  {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ q\{X[\^ [x\XYxy^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^WqY\q{^ XqÂ&#x192;^ Y\Â&#x20AC;XY}^ heading in the other direction. Bynum completed his seventh season in the ^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ }qz{y^ lqxÂ&#x201E;[\q^ being undrafted in 2005. The 31-year-old point guard averaged 8.7 points and 3.9 assists over 56
Winderman. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been to Ghana, a lot of times. Sometimes you hear about things. I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been there this summer and I havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been there in a while, so all I know is what I hear. But Ă p^ x`{q^ [\Ă x^ z qW\[Y]^ qÂ&#x2026;qrybodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of living.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only thing I want people to do is just really Â&#x2021;Yl^z^Â&#x2020;z}^\X^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;^[\^zYl^W`{q^ [\yÂ&#x2019;^Â&#x20AC;q^x\z\qlÂ&#x201A;^Â&#x2C6; Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^\Â&#x20AC;q^X\Â&#x20AC;q{^ x\` y^ \Â&#x20AC;z\Ă x^ YX\^ XY^ pq^ \X^ Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^{`Â&#x192;qx^X{^xÂ&#x201E;qzÂ&#x201D;^z]z[Yx\^ anything. My whole thing [x^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ [x^ z qW\[Y]^ z^ Â&#x192;X\^ XÂ ^ lives and a lot of people, and so whatever we could lX^\X]q\Â&#x20AC;q{^\X^Â&#x2021;Yl^z^xXÂ&#x192;`tion to ending it, because {[]Â&#x20AC;\^ YXÂ&#x2020;^ [\Ă x^ ]q2[Y]^ Â&#x2020;X{xq^ qÂ&#x2026;q{}^ lz}Â&#x201A;^ qXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^ are ignoring it, but itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going to reach everybody. I just really hope that more action would take place to do something to end it,â&#x20AC;? he said.
]zpqx^ X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^ [x\XYx^Â&#x192;zx\^ season. Y\Â&#x20AC;XY}y^zÂ&#x192;xX^`Yl{z \qly^|q]zY^Â&#x20AC;[x^ ^Wz{qq{^ in 2007 with the Miami Heat, only moving to the Celtics in January where he scored 22 points in 21 games. Y\Â&#x20AC;XY}^Â&#x20AC;zx^zÂ&#x2026;q{z]ql^ 2.3 points and three rebounds in his seven years in the league.
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Crime Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Human Rights and Terrorism
errorism strikes at the very heart of everything the United Nations stands for. It is a global threat to democracy, the rule of law, human rights and stability, and therefore requires a global response.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Â&#x2039; qW{q\z{}ÂŻ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ XÂ&#x2021;^ YYzYy^Â&#x152;ÂŽ^ `Yq^Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;y^ Ă&#x2DC;^ Ă&#x2DC;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x17D;ÂŽÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q^ \q{{X{[x\^ z2zWÂ&#x201D;x^ XY^ Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^ qÂ&#x201E;\qp|q{^ Â?Â?Â?Â&#x152;^ [Y^ qÂ&#x2020;^ X{Â&#x201D;^ zYl^ zxÂ&#x20AC;[Y]\XY^ pzlq^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^ against terrorism a top political priority for the [Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^WXpp`Y[\}Â&#x201A;^ Y^Â?Ă&#x2026;^ qÂ&#x201E;\qp|q{^Â?Â?Â?Â&#x152;y^ the UN Security Council adopted Resolution Â&#x152;Ă&#x17D;ÂŽĂ&#x17D;^ `Ylq{^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201E;\q{^ ^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Â&#x20AC;z{\q{y^ WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;[Y]^`Â&#x201E;XY^x\z\qx^\X^[pÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qpqY\^pX{q^q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^ counter-terrorism measures at the national level and to increase international co-operation in the struggle against terrorism. The Resolution W{qz\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ X`Y\q{ÂŻ q{{X{[xp^ Xpp[2qq^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ \X^ pXY[\X{^ zW\[XYx^ XY^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ [xx`q^ zYl^ \X^ receive reports from states on measures taken. XÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2020;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zlXÂ&#x201E;\[XY^ XÂ ^ qxXÂ&#x192;`\[XY^ Â&#x152;Ă&#x17D;ÂŽĂ&#x17D;y^ a substantial number of states have adopted plans for further measures to combat terrorism. qW`{[\}^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^ qxXÂ&#x192;`\[XY^ Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x2122;y^ zlXÂ&#x201E;\ql^ [Y^ Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x17D;y^WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^XY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^\X^WXYx[lq{^Â&#x20AC;`pzY^{[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ [Y^[\x^Â&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;^}q\^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^Â&#x20AC;zx^[]YX{ql^\Â&#x20AC;q^ impact on human rights of its activities in relation to repressive governments that justify human rights violations with reference to antiterrorism pqzx`{qxÂ&#x201A;^ YX\Â&#x20AC;q{^ [xx`q^ XÂ ^ WXYWq{Y^ [x^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;z}^ entities or individuals are added to the terrorist list maintained by the Security Council. The absences of review or appeal for those listed raises serious accountability issues and possibly violates fundamental human rights norms and XYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XYxÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^z2zWÂ&#x201D;x^XY^\{z[Yx^[Y^ zl{[l^[Y^ Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;^zYl^\Â&#x20AC;q^ XYlXY^\{zYxÂ&#x201E;X{\^x}x\qp^[Y^Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201E;^ reminded world leaders that terrorism poses a serious threat to the security and the lives and freedom of citizens worldwide. In Resolutions Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x17D;Â?^Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;^zYl^Â&#x152;Ă&#x2122;Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201E;Â&#x2018;^\Â&#x20AC;q^ qW`{[\}^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^ WXYlqpYql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ z2zWÂ&#x201D;x^ zYl^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;{qxxql^ [\x^ reinforced determination to combat all forms of terrorism, in accordance with its responsibilities under the UN Charter. Twelve Conventions have been drafted at the UN level to deal with terrorism; recent ones are the Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Xp|[Y]x^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;ÂŽÂ&#x2018;y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ XYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XY^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ `Â&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{qxx[XY^ XÂ ^ [YzYW[Y]^ q{{X{[xp^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^ zYl^ the International Convention for the Suppression XÂ ^ W\x^ XÂ ^ `WÂ&#x192;qz{^ q{{X{[xp^ Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201E;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;qxq^ Conventions and others establish that states are under the obligation to take the measures needed to protect the fundamental rights of everyone within their jurisdiction against terrorist acts. Practically all forms of terrorism are covered by these Conventions, in addition to the Geneva Conventions and the Rome Statute of the ICC. Despite a plethora of instruments addressing \q{{X{[xpy^ [\^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ |qqY^ l[IW`Â&#x192;\^ \X^ {qzWÂ&#x20AC;^ zY^ [Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ WXYxqYx`x^ XY^ z^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ XÂ ^ \q{{X{[xpÂ&#x201A;^ ^ WÂ&#x192;qz{^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ [x^ YqWqxxz{}^ zx^ without it oppressive governments violate human rights with reference to security; opponents of government policies may be categorised as \q{{X{[x\x^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^xzpq^Â&#x2020;z}^zxy^Â X{^qÂ&#x2030;zpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qy^xXpq^ x\z\qx^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;ÂŽÂ?x^Â&#x192;z|qÂ&#x192;ql^Â&#x201E;q{Wq[Â&#x2026;ql^Ă&#x2014;l[xx[lqY\xĂ ^ zx^ WXpp`Y[x\xÂ&#x201A;^ Y^ Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x17D;y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ÂŻ qW{q\z{}^ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ qx\z|Â&#x192;[xÂ&#x20AC;ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []Â&#x20AC;ÂŻ qÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;^ zYqÂ&#x192;^ XY^ Threats, Challenges and Change to generate new ideas about policies and institutions required for \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^\X^|q^q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â?Â&#x152;x\^WqY\`{}Â&#x201A;^ Y^[\x^ report, the Panel recognised that the ability of the UN to develop a comprehensive strategy has been constrained by the inability to agree on an zY\[ÂŻ\q{{X{[xp^ XYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XYy^[YWÂ&#x192;`l[Y]^z^lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ of terrorism. The Panel recommended (Report, Â&#x201E;z{zÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x152;Ă&#x2122;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ z^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ XÂ ^ \q{{X{[xp^ xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^ include the following: Â&#x2039;zÂ&#x2018;^ qWX]Y[\[XYy^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{qzp|Â&#x192;qy^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \z\q^ use of force against civilians is regulated by the Geneva Conventions and other instruments, zYly^[Â ^XÂ ^x`IW[qY\^xWzÂ&#x192;qy^WXYx\[\`\qx^z^Â&#x2020;z{^W{[pq^ Ă&#x2014;
President Jonathan
Barr. Giwa Amu
by the persons concerned or a crime against humanity; Â&#x2039;|Â&#x2018;^ qx\z\qpqY\^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ zW\x^ `Ylq{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x152;Â?^ preceding anti-terrorism conventions are terrorism, and a declaration that they are a crime under international law; and restatement that \q{{X{[xp^[Y^\[pq^X ^z{pql^WXYZ[W\^[x^Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x20AC;[|[\ql^ by the Geneva Conventions and Protocols; Â&#x2039;WÂ&#x2018;^ q q{qYWq^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XYx^ WXY\z[Yql^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;^ Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ XYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XY^  X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and qW`{[\}^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^{qxXÂ&#x192;`\[XY^Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x2122;Ă&#x2122;^Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2022; Â&#x2039;lÂ&#x2018;^ qxW{[Â&#x201E;\[XY^ X ^ \q{{X{[xp^ zx^ Ă&#x2014;zY}^ zW\[XYy^ [Y^ zll[\[XY^ \X^ zW\[XYx^ zÂ&#x192;{qzl}^ xÂ&#x201E;qW[Â&#x2021;ql^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qÂ&#x2030;[x\[Y]^ WXYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XYx^ XY^ zxÂ&#x201E;qW\x^ X ^ \q{{X{[xpy^ the Geneva Conventions and Security Council {qxXÂ&#x192;`\[XY^Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x2122;Ă&#x2122;^Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x2018;y^\Â&#x20AC;z\^[x^[Y\qYlql^\X^Wz`xq^ death or serious bodily harm to civilians or noncombatants, when the purpose of such an act, by [\x^Yz\`{q^X{^WXY\qÂ&#x2030;\y^[x^\X^[Y\[p[lz\q^z^Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x201E;`Â&#x192;z\[XYy^ or to compel a Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any actâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Â&#x20AC;q^ z{Â&#x192;[zpqY\z{}^ xxqp|Â&#x192;}^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^X ^ `{XÂ&#x201E;q^Â&#x20AC;zx^lqÂ&#x2021;Yql^zY^zW\^X ^\q{{X{[xp^\X^|q zY}^ X qYWq^ WXpp[2ql^ |}^ [Yl[Â&#x2026;[l`zÂ&#x192;x^ X{^ groups resorting to violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, [\x^Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x201E;`Â&#x192;z\[XY^[Y^]qYq{zÂ&#x192;^X{^xÂ&#x201E;qW[Â&#x2021;W^[Yl[Â&#x2026;[l`zÂ&#x192;x^ which, being motivated by separatist aspirations, qÂ&#x2030;\{qp[x\^ [lqXÂ&#x192;X][WzÂ&#x192;^ WXYWqÂ&#x201E;\[XYxy^  zYz\[W[xp^ or irrational and subjective factors, is intended \X^ W{qz\q^ z^ WÂ&#x192;[pz\q^ X ^ \q{{X{^ zpXY]^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;^ authorities, certain individuals or groups in society, or the general public (Recommendation Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;Â?Ă&#x2122;^Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Y^ Â?Â?Â?Â?y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ `{XÂ&#x201E;qzY^ Y[XY^ zlXÂ&#x201E;\ql^\Â&#x20AC;q^Ă&#x2014; {zpqÂ&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;^ qW[x[XY^XY^ q{{X{[xpĂ y^ WXY\z[Y[Y]^ z^ lq\z[Â&#x192;ql^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ xÂ&#x201E;qW[ }[Y]^ z^ terrorist act as: Ă&#x161; Ă&#x203A;Y^ zW\^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ pz}^ xq{[X`xÂ&#x192;}^ lzpz]q^ a country or an international organisation Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^ WXpp[2ql^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ z[p^ X Â&#x2DC;^ xq{[X`xÂ&#x192;}^ intimidating a population, or unduly compelling
a Government or international organisation to perform or abstain from performing any act, or seriously destabilising or destroying the fundamental political, constitutional, economic or social structures of a country or an international organisation. Â&#x20AC;q^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ qY`pq{z\qx^ Y[Yq^ \}Â&#x201E;qx^ X ^ \q{{X{[x\^zW\xy^[YWÂ&#x192;`l[Y]Â&#x2DC;^zÂ&#x2018;^Wq{\z[Y^z2zWÂ&#x201D;x^XY^Â&#x192;[ q^ zYl^ [Y\q]{[\}^ X ^ Â&#x201E;q{xXYxy^ |Â&#x2018;^ xq[Â&#x2122;`{q^ X ^ z[{W{z \^ zYl^ xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;xy^ WÂ&#x2018;^ Â&#x201D;[lYzÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;[Y]^ X{^ Â&#x20AC;Xx\z]q^ \zÂ&#x201D;[Y]y^ lÂ&#x2018;^ causing destruction of government property or [Y {zx\{`W\`{qy^qÂ&#x2018;^pzY` zW\`{q^X ^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\^zpX`Y\x^ \X^Â&#x2020;qzÂ&#x201E;XYx^X ^pzxx^lqx\{`W\[XY^zYl^WÂ&#x2018;^[Y\q{ q{[Y]^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ z^ WX`Y\{}Ă x^ {qxX`{Wqx^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ q qW\^ X ^ endangering human life. Terrorism thrives in environments of dejection, humiliation, poverty, political oppression, qÂ&#x2030;\{qp[xp^ zYl^ Â&#x20AC;`pzY^ {[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ z|`xqÂ&#x2022;^ [\^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ ZX`{[xÂ&#x20AC;qx^ [Y^ WXY\qÂ&#x2030;\x^ X ^ WXYZ[W\^ zYl^  X{q[]Y^ XWW`Â&#x201E;z\[XYÂ&#x2022;^zYl^[\^Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2021;\x^ {Xp^Â&#x2020;qzÂ&#x201D;^x\z\q^WzÂ&#x201E;zW[\}Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ W`{{qY\^ Ă&#x2014;Â&#x2020;z{^ XY^ \q{{X{[xpĂ ^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ [Y^ xXpq^ instances corroded the very values that terrorists target: human rights and the rule of law. The UN
[]Â&#x20AC;ÂŻÂ&#x192;qÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;^ zYqÂ&#x192;^{z[xql^WXYWq{Y^\Â&#x20AC;z\^Ă&#x2014;zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XzWÂ&#x20AC;qx^ to terror focusing wholly on military, police and [Y\qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;[]qYWq^ pqzx`{qx^ {[xÂ&#x201D;^ `Ylq{p[Y[Y]^ q X{\x^ to promote good governance and human rights, alienate large parts of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s population and thereby weaken the potential for collective action against terrorismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Preventive measures XÂ \qY^zpX`Y\^\X^WXpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ&#x2030;^XÂ&#x201E;q{z\[XYx^[Y\q{Â q{[Y]^ with the privacy and rights of many citizens. XÂ&#x192;[\[WzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x192;qzlq{x^ p`x\^ |q^ xqqY^ \X^ \zÂ&#x201D;q^ q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^ measures and it is therefore not surprising that large-scale operations are mounted in reaction \X^pz_X{^z2zWÂ&#x201D;xÂ&#x201A;^ Y^qÂ&#x2030;zpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^XÂ ^x`WÂ&#x20AC;^pqzx`{qx^ was the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in the United States. In the EU, as a reaction to the Madrid bombings, an EU security co-ordinator was appointed and the so-called solidarity clause whereby states pledge to assist qzWÂ&#x20AC;^X\Â&#x20AC;q{^[Y^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\[Y]^\q{{X{[xp^ÂŻ^[YWÂ&#x192;`l[Y]^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ p[Â&#x192;[\z{}^pqzYx^ÂŻ^Â&#x2020;zx^[YÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x201D;ql^Â&#x2039; {\[WÂ&#x192;q^Â&#x17D;Â?^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ YqÂ&#x2020;^ XYx\[\`\[XY^Â X{^ `{XÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x2018;Â&#x201A;
Terrorists often set out to create an atmosphere XÂ ^qÂ&#x2030;\{qpq^`YWq{\z[Y\}^[Y^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^YX{pzÂ&#x192;^lqW[x[XYÂŻ pzÂ&#x201D;[Y]^ Â&#x201E;{XWqxxqx^ |qWXpq^ l[IW`Â&#x192;\^ [Â ^ YX\^ impossible and as such interfere with democracy and the rule of law. The Security Council has lqWÂ&#x192;z{ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\y^ `Ylq{^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201E;\q{^ ^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Charter, states have the duty to protect persons under their jurisdiction from terrorism and to qpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;X}^\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^pzÂ&#x2030;[p`p^\Â&#x20AC;q[{^Â&#x192;q]zÂ&#x192;^Â&#x2020;qzÂ&#x201E;XYx^\X^ repress and prevent terrorist activities. Terrorism, however, must be fought within the framework of the law and with respect for the principle of proportionality and non-discrimination. In \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;X{lx^ XÂ ^ qW{q\z{}ÂŻ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ XÂ&#x2021;^ YYzYÂ&#x2DC;^ Ă&#x2014;\Â&#x20AC;q{q^ [x^ YX^ \{zlqÂŻX ^ |q\Â&#x2020;qqY^ q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^ zW\[XY^ against terrorism and the protection of human {[]Â&#x20AC;\xĂ Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^z]z[Yx\^\q{{X{[xp^[pÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;[qx^Â&#x192;XY]ÂŻ term measures with the aim to preventing the causes of terrorism, by promoting, in particular, cohesion in our societies and a multicultural and inter-religious dialogue. Counter-terrorism must be lawful, respect human rights â&#x20AC;&#x201C; i.e., never make use of torture - and be subject to appropriate supervision. The UN Global Counter-Terrorism \{z\q]}y^ zlXÂ&#x201E;\ql^ [Y^ Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x2122;y^ {qzI{pql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ importance of respect for human rights for all, international humanitarian law and the rule of Â&#x192;zÂ&#x2020;^zx^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â `YlzpqY\zÂ&#x192;^|zx[x^Â X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^z]z[Yx\^ \q{{X{[xpÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ ^qÂ&#x192;z|X{z\ql^XY^\Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x201E;Xx[\[XY^ [Y^ qxXÂ&#x192;`\[XY^Ă&#x2122;Ă&#x17D;Ă&#x2DC;Â&#x152;Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x201E;^Â&#x2039;Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; Y^Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201A;ÂŽy^\Â&#x20AC;q^ `|ÂŻ Xpp[xx[XY^XY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ {XpX\[XY^ and Protection of Human Rights recommended the appointment of a Special Rapporteur to conduct a comprehensive study on human rights zYl^\q{{X{[xpÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;qW[zÂ&#x192;^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X{\q`{^x`|p[2ql^ a series of reports to the Sub-Commission. In her Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;^{qÂ&#x201E;X{\^qY\[\Â&#x192;ql^Ă&#x2014; Â&#x201E;qW[Â&#x2021;W^Â&#x20AC;`pzY^{[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ issues: New priorities, in particular terrorism and counter-terrorismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, she noted that accountability for acts of terrorism - and the need to distinguish between what is terrorism and what is something qÂ&#x192;xqy^qÂ&#x201A;]Â&#x201A;^p[Â&#x192;[\z{}^XÂ&#x201E;q{z\[XYy^X\Â&#x20AC;q{^z{pql^WXYZ[W\y^ X{^ Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\[Y]^ z]z[Yx\^ WXÂ&#x192;XY[zÂ&#x192;^ lXp[Yz\[XYy^ zÂ&#x192;[qY^ XWW`Â&#x201E;z\[XY^zYl^{zW[x\^{q][pqx^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^qÂ&#x2030;q{W[xq^XÂ ^ the right to self-determination - is an issue that needs to be addressed. The report discusses, inter alia, state terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism and the continuing debate over the applicability of human rights norms to non-state zW\X{xy^ qÂ&#x2030;\{zl[\[XYy^ [pÂ&#x201E;`Y[\}^ zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă&#x192;`qx\[XY^ of periodic review of national counter-terrorism measures and their compliance with human {[]Â&#x20AC;\xÂ&#x201A;^ Y^Â?Â?Â?Â&#x17D;y^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Xpp[xx[XY^XY^ `pzY^ []Â&#x20AC;\x^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X[Y\ql^zY^ YlqÂ&#x201E;qYlqY\^ Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;q{\^XY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism and in Â&#x201E;{[Â&#x192;^Â?Â?Â?Ă&#x201E;y^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[xx[XY^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X[Y\ql^z^ Â&#x201E;qW[zÂ&#x192;^ Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. The mandate was assumed
In 1997, the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights recommended the appointment of a Special Rapporteur to conduct a comprehensive study on human rights and terrorism. The Special Rapporteur submitted a series of reports to the Sub-Commission
Continued on page 44
Daily Newswatch
Wednesday, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Human Rights and Terrorism Continued from page 43
by the Human Rights Council. Several other special procedures of the former Commission and the Human Rights Council have drawn attention to the negative impact of numerous measures taken in the context of counter-terrorism efforts. For instance, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism and the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment initiated a Joint Study to examine the practice of secret detention from a global perspective with the aim to produce new findings regarding the nature and scope of the practice. In 2003, the special rapporteurs/representatives, experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the UN Commission on Human Rights issued a joint statement in which they expressed alarm at,inter alia, the growing threats against human rights and voiced â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;profound concern at the multiplication of policies, legislations and practices increasingly being adopted by many countries in the name of the fight against terrorism, which affect negatively the enjoyment of virtually all human rights - civil, cultural, economic, political and socialâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. They drew attention to the dangers inherent in the indiscriminate use of the term â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;terrorismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, reiterated the non-derogability of certain rights and deplored the fact that, under the pretext of combating terrorism, human rights defenders are threatened and vulnerable groups are targeted and discriminated against. Finally, they affirmed that any counter-terrorist measures must be in accordance with international human rights law (E/ CN.4/2004/4, annex 1). The statement was reiterated in 2004. As a result of the work of the Special Rapporteur on torture, the OHCHR published in 2003 the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Digest of Jurisprudence of the UN and Regional Organisations on the Protection of Human Rights Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^ X`Y\q{[Y]^ q{{X{[xpĂ Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^l[]qx\^WÂ&#x192;z{[Â&#x2021;qx^ the concept of non-derogable rights under the UN and regional human rights systems and addresses the core principles of necessity and proportionality, which are fundamental to lawful counter-terrorism measures. In 2005 the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x20AC;[]Â&#x20AC;qx\^ z2z[Yz|Â&#x192;q^ x\zYlz{l^ XÂ ^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;}x[WzÂ&#x192;^ and mental health, the Special Rapporteur on Torture and the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued a joint statement expressing their deep regret that that the Government of the United States had still not invited them to visit those persons arrested, detained or tried on grounds of alleged terrorism or other violations in Iraq, Afghanistan or the Guantanamo Bay naval base. The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention has expressed its concern about the transfer practice known as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;renditionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;extraordinary renditionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (E/CN.4/2006/7) and the use of secret prisons or â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;black sitesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as a total disregard for human rights protections (E/CN.4/2006/7). In December 2008, the Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression of the UN, OSCE, OAS and AU issued a joint declaration on defamation of religions and anti-terrorism and anti-extremism legislation. Â&#x20AC;q^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;q{\x^ WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^ Â X{^ z^ Yz{{XÂ&#x2020;^ lqÂ&#x2021;Y[\[XY^ XÂ ^ terrorism and of incitement to terrorism, and for anti-terrorism legislation to respect the role of the media. UN bodies and NGOs have documented extensive human rights abuses perpetrated under the pretext of combating terrorism, inter alia, torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, enforced disappearance, arbitrary lq\qY\[XYy^ {zW[zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2021;Â&#x192;[Y]y^ |{qzWÂ&#x20AC;qx^ XÂ ^ Â&#x201E;{[Â&#x2026;zW}^ rights and violations of due process rights and q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^ {qpql[qxÂ&#x201A;^ Ylq{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ \{qz\}ÂŻ|zxql^ x}x\qpy^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ `pzY^ []Â&#x20AC;\x^ Xpp[2qq^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ expressed concerns regarding counter-terrorism pqzx`{qx^\zÂ&#x201D;qY^|}^x\z\qxy^zYl^Â&#x20AC;zx^{qzI{pql^[Y^ its concluding observations that states parties must ensure that the measures undertaken in order to implement Security Council Resolution
Mohammed Adoke
Suleiman Abba, IGP
1373 (2001) conform fully with the ICCPR. X{qXÂ&#x2026;q{y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ qÂ&#x2030;WÂ&#x20AC;zY]ql^ |{[qÂ&#x2021;Y]x^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X`Y\q{ÂŻ q{{X{[xp^ Xpp[2qq^ on their working methods and areas of concern. Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^ Â&#x20AC;zx^  `{\Â&#x20AC;q{pX{q^ lqW[lql^ [Y^ individual communications concerning human rights violations perpetrated in the context of the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;war on terrorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Examples include Yasoda Â&#x20AC;z{pz^Â&#x2026;Â&#x201A;^ qÂ&#x201E;zÂ&#x192;^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^ X`Yl^z^ violation of the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right not to be subject to arbitrary detention, the right to humane treatment while in detention and the {[]Â&#x20AC;\^\X^zY^q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^{qpql}^l`q^\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^qY X{Wql^ disappearance of Surya Prasad Sharma, a member of a political party deemed by the authorities to be a terrorist organisation. In Sayadi and Vinck Â&#x2026;Â&#x201A;^ qÂ&#x192;][`p\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;l^\Â&#x20AC;z\^ qÂ&#x192;][`p^Â&#x20AC;zl^ violated the rights to freedom of movement and to privacy of the applicants who were subjected to restrictive measures following their insertion in the UN Al-Qaeda and Taliban Terrorism Lists. Y^ zÂ&#x201D;x`lXÂ&#x2026;^q\^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;^Â&#x2026;Â&#x201A;^ }{]}Â&#x2122;x\zY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^ ruled that Kyrgyzstan was responsible for the arbitrary detention and transfer of four Uzbek citizens to Uzbekistan, where they faced charges X ^ \q{{X{[xp^ X qYWqx^ Wz{{}[Y]^ z^ Â&#x201E;Xxx[|Â&#x192;q^ lqz\Â&#x20AC;^ sentence, in breach of Kyrgyzstanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s obligations `Ylq{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^ Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;l^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ the applicants faced a substantial risk of being subjected to torture or other ill treatment, that there had been a violation of the right to life and that they had been denied the right to a remedy. Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Xpp[2qq^ pXY[\X{xy^ [Y\q{^ zÂ&#x192;[zy^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;X\qY\[zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ l[xW{[p[Yz\X{}^ q qW\x^ of counterterrorism legislation and the CAT Xpp[2qq^WXYx[x\qY\Â&#x192;}^{qp[Ylx^x\z\qx^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^YXYÂŻ derogable nature of the prohibition of torture, reiterating that no exceptional circumstances Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\xXqÂ&#x2026;q{^pz}^|q^[YÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x201D;ql^zx^z^_`x\[Â&#x2021;Wz\[XY^X ^ torture. It established core principles in Agiza v. Sweden where it acknowledged that â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;measures \zÂ&#x201D;qY^\X^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^\q{{X{[xpy^[YWÂ&#x192;`l[Y]^lqY[zÂ&#x192;^X ^xz q^ haven, deriving from binding Security Council Resolutions are both legitimate and important. Their execution, however, must be carried out with full respect to the applicable rules of international law, including the provisions of \Â&#x20AC;q^ XYÂ&#x2026;qY\[XYy^ zx^ zI{pql^ {qÂ&#x201E;qz\qlÂ&#x192;}^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Security Council.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; In 2009 the International Commission of Jurists published â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Assessing Damage, Urging Actionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, the report of its Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, Counter-terrorism and Human Rights. The Panel conducted a comprehensive survey on counterterrorism and human rights since 2001. It found extensive evidence of grave human rights abuses: Ă&#x153; Yl[Â&#x2026;[l`zÂ&#x192;x^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^|qqY^z|l`W\ql^zYl^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;l^[Y^ secret prisons, where they have been tortured and ill-treated; Ă&#x153; q{{X{[x\^ x`xÂ&#x201E;qW\x^ z{q^ Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;l^ [YWXpp`Y[WzlX^ for extended periods before being charged and
before they have access to lawyers, courts and the outside world in conditions that are conducive to, and have led to, torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment; Ă&#x153; Yl[Â&#x2026;[l`zÂ&#x192;x^WÂ&#x20AC;z{]ql^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^\q{{X{[xp^z{q^XÂ \qY^ tried before special or military courts, which lack the requisite guarantees of independence and [pÂ&#x201E;z{\[zÂ&#x192;[\}y^zYl^lX^YX\^X q{^qxxqY\[zÂ&#x192;^Â z[{^\{[zÂ&#x192;^ guarantees; Ă&#x153; qÂ&#x201E;X{\z\[XYy^ lq\qY\[XY^ zYl^ zlp[Y[x\{z\[Â&#x2026;q^ pqzx`{qx^zlÂ&#x2026;q{xqÂ&#x192;}^z qW\[Y]^Â&#x201E;q{xXYx^x`xÂ&#x201E;qW\ql^ of being involved in or supporting terrorism are often ordered on the basis of secret intelligence Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^[x^YX\^l[xWÂ&#x192;Xxql^\X^\Â&#x20AC;q^z qW\ql^Â&#x201E;q{xXYxÂ&#x2022; Ă&#x153; {XzlÂ&#x192;}^ Â {zpql^ zY\[ÂŻ\q{{X{[x\^ Â&#x192;q][xÂ&#x192;z\[XY^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ encroached upon fundamental freedoms of speech, opinion and assembly; Ă&#x153; zY}^ WX`Y\q{ÂŻ\q{{X{[x\^ pqzx`{qx^ Â&#x192;zWÂ&#x201D;^ |zx[W^ safeguards such as due process and adequate oversight mechanisms; Ă&#x153; ^ W`Â&#x192;\`{q^ XÂ ^ xqW{qW}^ [x^ |qWXp[Y]^ Â&#x201E;q{Â&#x2026;zx[Â&#x2026;q^ and, in the case of secret detentions, suspects are being placed beyond the basic protections z X{lql^ |}^ Â&#x20AC;`pzY^ {[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ x\zYlz{lxy^ international humanitarian law and all domestic constitutional guarantees; Ă&#x153; Â&#x20AC;q^ xqW{qW}^ lqpzYlql^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ intelligence and security bodies frequently amounts to impunity for wrong-doing, and [YYXWqY\^Â&#x2026;[W\[px^XÂ ^Â&#x20AC;`pzY^{[]Â&#x20AC;\x^Â&#x2026;[XÂ&#x192;z\[XYx^Â&#x2021;Yl^ themselves with no avenue for redress. All regional bodies have also exposed both the threat of terrorism as well as the potentially negative impact of anti-terrorist measures on human rights. The Council of Europe adopted an early instrument on terrorism, the Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism (1977). In the wake of \Â&#x20AC;q^Â?Â?Â?Â&#x152;^\q{{X{[x\^z2zWÂ&#x201D;x^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^XÂ ^ `{XÂ&#x201E;q^ began to implement a plan of action, which resulted in the adoption of an important set of [Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^[Yx\{`pqY\xÂ&#x201A;^ W\[Â&#x2026;[\[qx^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;l^ z{q^Wz{{[ql^X`\^|}^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Xpp[2qq^XÂ ^ Â&#x2030;Â&#x201E;q{\x^XY^
Terrorism (CODEXTER) which brings together governmental experts. The Council adopted \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă&#x2014; `[lqÂ&#x192;[Yqx^ XY^ Â&#x20AC;`pzY^ {[]Â&#x20AC;\x^ zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^ z]z[Yx\^ \q{{X{[xpĂ ^ [Y^ Â?Â?Â?Â?y^ {qzI{p[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ obligation of states to protect everyone against terrorism, lawfully and without arbitrariness, and reiterating the absolute prohibition of torture. They also set out a framework concerning the collection and processing of personal data and measures that interfere with privacy, arrest, police custody and pre-trial detention, legal proceedings, extradition and compensation of victims. The document strikes a balance between the obligation of states to protect their citizens on the one hand and the obligation to comply with human rights in counter-terrorism activities on the other. The text also makes direct reference to the extensive case-law of the European Court on issues such as due process and compensation. Other instruments intended to combat terrorism include the European Convention on Extradition (1957), the European Convention on Mutual xx[x\zYWq^ [Y^ {[p[YzÂ&#x192;^ z2q{x^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x201A;Â&#x2018;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Convention on Cybercrime (2001) and the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and XYÂ&#x2021;xWz\[XY^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ {XWqqlx^Â {Xp^ {[pq^zYl^XY^ the Financing of Terrorism (2005). An instrument worth special mention is the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (2005). The purpose of the Convention is to qYÂ&#x20AC;zYWq^ q X{\x^ [Y^ Â&#x201E;{qÂ&#x2026;qY\[Y]^ \q{{X{[xp^ zYl^ [\x^ Yq]z\[Â&#x2026;q^ q qW\x^ XY^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â `Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ qY_X}pqY\^ XÂ ^ human rights, in particular the right to life, both by measures to be taken at national level and through international co-operation. The Convention contains several provisions concerning the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, both in respect of internal and international co-operation on the one hand and as an integral part of new criminalisation provisions (in the form of conditions and safeguards) and the situation of victims on the other hand. The drafters considered this a crucial aspect of the Convention, given that it deals with issues which are on the border between the legitimate exercise of freedoms, such as freedom of expression and association or religion, and criminal behaviour. The Convention does not lqÂ&#x2021;Yq^YqÂ&#x2020;^\q{{X{[x\^X qYWqx^[Y^zll[\[XY^\X^\Â&#x20AC;Xxq^ included in the existing Conventions. However, [\^ W{qz\qx^ \Â&#x20AC;{qq^ YqÂ&#x2020;^ X qYWqx^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ pz}^ Â&#x192;qzl^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ \q{{X{[x\^ X qYWqx^ zx^ lqÂ&#x2021;Yql^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;Xxq^ Conventions: public provocation to commit a \q{{X{[x\^ X qYWqy^ {qW{`[\pqY\^ Â X{^ \q{{X{[xp^ zYl^ training for terrorism. They are coupled with z^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2026;[x[XY^ XY^ zWWqxxX{}^ Â&#x2039;zYW[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;z{}Â&#x2018;^ X qYWqx^ (Article 9) providing for the criminalisation XÂ ^ WXpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;[W[\}^ Â&#x2039;x`WÂ&#x20AC;^ zx^ z[l[Y]^ zYl^ z|q2[Y]Â&#x2018;^ [Y^ the commission of the three aforementioned X qYWqx^zYly^[Y^zll[\[XYy^XÂ ^z2qpÂ&#x201E;\x^\X^WXpp[\^ zY^ X qYWq^ `Ylq{^ {\[WÂ&#x192;qx^ Ă&#x2122;^ zYl^ ÂŽ^ Â&#x2039;{qW{`[\pqY\^ and training). Safeguards are provided with respect to extradition and mutual legal assistance that make clear that the Convention does not derogate from important traditional grounds for refusal, for example, refusal of extradition where the person will be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or to the death penalty.
Safeguards are provided with respect to extradition and mutual legal assistance that make clear that the Convention does not derogate from important traditional grounds for refusal, for example, refusal of extradition where the person will be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, or to the death penalty
Daily Newswatch
r. Christopher Kolade [x^ z^ Â&#x201E;`|Â&#x192;[W^ Â&#x2021;]`{q^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ excellent leadership WÂ&#x20AC;z{zW\q{y^ zYl^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ has served his country [Y^ Â&#x2026;z{[X`x^ WzÂ&#x201E;zW[\[qxÂ&#x201A;^ Yq^ p[]Â&#x20AC;\^ not need a broader introduction because his achievements speak volumes of him. His life style is an embodiment of humility and {qxÂ&#x201E;qW\^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x20AC;q^qz{Yql^[Y^Â&#x2026;z{[X`x^ positions he held as an administrator X ^ l[ q{qY\^ X{]zY[Â&#x2122;z\[XYxy^ |X\Â&#x20AC;^ [Y^ the public or private sectors. He has l[x\[Y]`[xÂ&#x20AC;ql^ Â&#x20AC;[pxqÂ&#x192; ^ zx^ z^ pzY^ X ^ [Y\q]{[\}^YX\^XYÂ&#x192;}^[Y^Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x2021;qÂ&#x192;l^|`\^[Y^ all capacities he had opportunity to lead. Â&#x20AC;{[x\XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;q{^ XÂ&#x192;zlq^ Â&#x2020;zx^ |X{Y^ [Y^ Erin-Oke, Osun State, in 1932. He completed his secondary school ql`Wz\[XY^ z\^ XÂ&#x2026;q{YpqY\^ XÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;q]qy^ |zlzYy^ z \q{^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x20AC;zl^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ tertiary education at Fourah Bay XÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;q]qy^ {qq\XÂ&#x2020;Yy^[Y^ [q{{z^ qXYqÂ&#x201A; He is a veteran broadcaster, communicator, and a former [{qW\X{ÂŻ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{[zY^ {XzlWzx\[Y]^ X{Â&#x201E;X{z\[XYÂ&#x201A;^ q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^xqWXYl^ []q{[zY^\X^XWW`Â&#x201E;}^\Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x201E;Xx\Â&#x201A;^ q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ z^ WXÂ&#x192;XY[zÂ&#x192;^ q{z^ l`Wz\[XY^ IWq{^[Y^ []q{[zÂ&#x201A; A quintessential information l[xxqp[Yz\X{y^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ [x^ Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ zYl^ [Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ {qYXÂ&#x2020;Yql^  X{^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ |`x[Yqxx^ xÂ&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;x^ zYl^ [Y\q]{[\}y^ Kolade has promoted business [Y\q]{[\}^ [Y^ []q{[z^ \Â&#x20AC;{X`]Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ WÂ&#x20AC;z[{pzYxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ X ^ X{]zY[xz\[XYx^ x`WÂ&#x20AC;^ zx^ Y\q]{[\}^ {]zY[xz\[XY^ \l^ and The Convention on Business Y\q]{[\}^ \lÂ&#x201A;
q^{q\[{ql^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^z]q^XÂ ^Â&#x17D;Ă&#x201E;^zx^\Â&#x20AC;q^ [{qW\X{ÂŻ qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{[zY^ {XzlWzx\[Y]^ Xpp[xx[XY^ zYl^ _X[Yql^ zl|`{}^ []q{[z^ Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;^ zx^ Administration Director, from Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^ Â&#x20AC;q^ {Xxq^ \X^ |qWXpq^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pzYz][Y]^l[{qW\X{^zYl^WÂ&#x20AC;z[{pzYÂ&#x201A;^ He has served as chairman, chief qÂ&#x2030;qW`\[Â&#x2026;q^ XIWq{^ zYl^ l[{qW\X{^ XÂ ^ Â&#x2026;z{[X`x^ WXpÂ&#x201E;zY[qxy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ [YWÂ&#x192;`lq^ zl|`{}^ []q{[z^ Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;y^YXYÂŻqÂ&#x2030;qW`\[Â&#x2026;q^ l[{qW\X{^XÂ ^ \zY|[W^ ^ zYÂ&#x201D;^ Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;y^ since 2008, Cornerstone Insurance Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;y^ WX{Y^ q\{XÂ&#x192;q`p^ Â&#x192;WÂ&#x201A;y^ zYl^ }x\qpxÂ&#x201E;qW^ \ly^\X^pqY\[XY^z^Â qÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201A; XÂ&#x192;zlq^ [x^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ z^ Â X{pq{^ []q{[zY^
[]Â&#x20AC;^ Xpp[xx[XYq{^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Y[\ql^ [Y]lXp^ zYl^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ pq{[\X{[X`xÂ&#x192;}^ served in many national and [Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ |Xl[qxÂ&#x201A;^ q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{[zY^ Yx\[\`\q^XÂ ^ zYz]qpqY\^Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x201E;Ă?Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;Â&#x2018;y^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Yx\[\`\q^ XÂ ^ q{xXYYqÂ&#x192;^ zYz]qpqY\^ XÂ ^ []q{[z^Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x2026;Ă&#x2026;Ă?Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2018;y^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Y\q{Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Yx\[\`\q^Â X{^ Xpp`Y[Wz\[XYx^Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;ÂŽĂ&#x17D;^ Ă?^ÂŽĂ&#x201E;Â&#x2018;^zYl^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X{Â&#x192;l^ xxXW[z\[XY^Â X{^ Â&#x20AC;{[x\[zY^ Xpp`Y[Wz\[XY^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;ÂŽĂ&#x201E;Ă? Ă&#x2026;Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x201A; {XÂŻ Â&#x20AC;zYWqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;X{^ zYl^ Â&#x20AC;z[{pzY^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ XÂ&#x2026;q{Y[Y]^ X`YW[Â&#x192;^ XÂ ^ zYÂŻ \Â&#x192;zY\[W^ Y[Â&#x2026;q{x[\}y^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ XYq^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2026;[x[XYz{[qx^\Â&#x20AC;z\^xXÂ&#x2020;ql^\Â&#x20AC;q^xqql^ Â X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^qÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x192;`\[XY^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{qx\[][X`x^ z]Xx^ `x[Yqxx^ WÂ&#x20AC;XXÂ&#x192;^ zYl^ zY^ Â {[WzY^ Y[Â&#x2026;q{x[\}^ÂŻÂŻ^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^Â&#x20AC;q^x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x192;qW\`{qx^XY^ qzlq{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^zYl^{qÂ&#x192;z\ql^ `x[Yqxx^ zYz]qpqY\^\Â&#x20AC;qpqxÂ&#x201A;
Christopher Kolade:
Veteran broadcaster, consummate administrator Y^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â?y^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X[Y\ql^ Chairman of the Subsidy q[YÂ&#x2026;qx\pqY\^ zYl^ pÂ&#x201E;XÂ&#x2020;q{pqY\^ {X]{zppq^ Xz{l^ |}^ {qx[lqY\^ Goodluck Jonathan, a position he handled creditably before he {qx[]Yql^[Y^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x201A;^ Even at his retirement from active service, as he claimed, Dr Kolade [x^x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^X q{[Y]^Â&#x20AC;[x^xq{Â&#x2026;[Wqx^\Â&#x20AC;{X`]Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x192;qW\`{[Y]y^xqp[Yz{x^X{^WÂ&#x20AC;z[{[Y]^XYq^ function or the other. As chairman of various companies, the consummate administrator is zÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;z}x^ z\^ Â&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;^ q^ WXppzYlx^ z^ Ă&#x192;`zY\`p^ XÂ ^ {qxÂ&#x201E;qW\^ zpXY]^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ peers and juniors in business circles. And as chairman of the board of a media company, he is embedded Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^{qĂ&#x192;`[x[\q^Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2020;qxx^[Y^]{XÂ&#x2020;[Y]^ z^ WXY\qpÂ&#x201E;X{z{}^ pql[z^ X`\Â&#x2021;\^ zx^ Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ [Y^ Â&#x20AC;`pzY^ pzYz]qpqY\^ zYl^ Â&#x2021;YzYW[zÂ&#x192;^pzYz]qpqY\Â&#x201A;
As an entrepreneur, he is very zYzÂ&#x192;}\[WzÂ&#x192;^ [Y^ Yz\`{q^ zYl^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ ]XXl^ zYxÂ&#x2020;q{x^\X^qÂ&#x2026;q{}^Ă&#x192;`qx\[XY^\Â&#x20AC;z\^XYq^ pz}^ \Â&#x20AC;{XÂ&#x2020;^ z\^ Â&#x20AC;[pÂ&#x201A;^ [x^ [lqXÂ&#x192;X]}^ is simple but experimental, not YqWqxxz{[Â&#x192;}^x`Â&#x201E;q{Â&#x2021;W[zÂ&#x192;^|`\^Â&#x20AC;[x^[lqzx^ Â&#x2021;\x^ [Y\X^ zY}^ x[\`z\[XYy^ YX^ pz2q{^ WÂ&#x20AC;zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;qY][Y]^ [\^ p[]Â&#x20AC;\^ |qy^ |qWz`xq^ X ^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ Â&#x192;[x\qY[Y]^ zYl^ [YYXÂ&#x2026;z\[Â&#x2026;q^ xÂ&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;x^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ zlXÂ&#x201E;\ql^ [Y^ \{zYx X{p[Y]^pzY}^|`x[Yqxx^Â&#x2021;{pxÂ&#x201A; Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;z}x^ zWWqxx[|Â&#x192;qy^ zYl^ YX\^ XYÂ&#x192;}^ \X^Â&#x20AC;[x^WXY\qpÂ&#x201E;X{z{[qxy^|`\^\X^}X`Y]^ XYqx^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ Â&#x2020;zY\x^ Â&#x20AC;[p^ \X^ xÂ&#x20AC;z{q^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ Â&#x201D;YXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x192;ql]q^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^\Â&#x20AC;qpÂ&#x201A;^ q^xz}xy^Â&#x2C6;  ^ z^}X`Y]^pzY^WzY^Â&#x2020;zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201D;^`Â&#x201E;^\X^pq^\X^ discuss a problem, then the least I can do is listen to him.â&#x20AC;? {Â&#x201A;^ XÂ&#x192;zlq^[x^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;z}x^{qzl}^\X^Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201E;^ zx^Â&#x20AC;q^xÂ&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192; `Â&#x192;Â&#x192;}^]`[lqx^}X`^\XÂ&#x2020;z{lx^ zY^ zYxÂ&#x2020;q{^ |}^ Â&#x20AC;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x201E;[Y]^ \X^ qÂ&#x192;[p[Yz\q^ xXpq^ XÂ&#x201E;\[XYx^ |`\^ Â&#x192;qzÂ&#x2026;qx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ decision to you. And once he has
As an entrepreneur, he is very analytical in nature and has good answers to every question that one may throw at him
zxxqxxql^}X`^\X^|q^\{`x\Â&#x2020;X{\Â&#x20AC;}y^Â&#x20AC;q^ tends to be implicit in his trust. This particular feature perhaps makes Â&#x20AC;[p^]X^ z{^[Y^Â&#x20AC;[x^qYlqzÂ&#x2026;X`{xÂ&#x201A; Another credit to his lifestyle is his Â&#x192;X}zÂ&#x192;\}^Ă?^\X^Â&#x20AC;[x^Â&#x201E;{X\Ă&#x17E;]Ă&#x17E;qxy^|`x[Yqxx^ associates, friends and country Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x192;[x\[WzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}Â&#x201A;^ [2Â&#x192;q^Â&#x2020;XYlq{y^ {qx[lqY\^ Jonathan entrusted into his care the pXx\^ WXY\{XÂ&#x2026;q{x[zÂ&#x192;^ z]qYW}^ ÂŻÂŻ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zWW{`ql^ x`|x[l}^ pXYq}y^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ Â&#x192;z\q{^ X{pql^ ÂŻ Â&#x201A;^ Despite his busy schedule, he x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x2021;Ylx^ \[pq^ \X^ xÂ&#x20AC;z{q^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;}^ pXpqY\xÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;X`]Â&#x20AC;y^ Â&#x20AC;q^ WqÂ&#x192;q|{z\ql^ his 80th birthday quietly, many still  X`Yl^z^Â&#x2020;z}^X ^xÂ&#x20AC;z{[Y]^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^_X}^X ^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^XW\X]qYz{[zYÂ&#x201A;^ One tribute describes him as one X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^Ă&#x2014;]qY\qqÂ&#x192;^]qYq{z\[XYĂ Â&#x201A;^ `\^XYq^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ zllql^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ zx^ Â&#x2C6;XÂ&#x201E;qY[Y]^ himself early to God, and has been {qÂ&#x2020;z{lql^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^z^Â&#x192;[ q^X ^]{zWqÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019;^ q^ has provided an oasis of sanity and [Y\q]{[\}^ \X^ zY^ X\Â&#x20AC;q{Â&#x2020;[xq^ WÂ&#x20AC;zX\[W^ and corrupt environment. Dr. Kolade has lived an exemplary life in all standards. And as a {qÂ&#x2020;z{l^  X{^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ WXY\{[|`\[XY^ \X^ Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ lqÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x201E;pqY\y^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ WXY q{{ql^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^\Â&#x20AC;q^ XppzYlq{^X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{y^z^ z\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ q{[\^ Â&#x2020;z{ly^  X{^Â&#x201E;{Xp[YqY\^ []q{[zYxÂ&#x201A; He also received the medal of the {lq{^ X ^ \Â&#x201A;^ `]`x\[Yq^  {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ {WÂ&#x20AC;|[xÂ&#x20AC;XÂ&#x201E;^ X ^ zY\q{|`{}^ Â&#x2039;Â&#x152;Ă&#x201A;Ă&#x2026;Â&#x152;Â&#x2018;y^ zYl^ [x^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ z^ z}^ zYXY^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in the Diocese of Guildford.
Daily Newswatch
Midweek Pulse Hard life of Lagos street-sweepers WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
oday, Eko o ni baje has become a very popular slogan among Lagosians. By semantic extension, it was coined by the state government to show that the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Centre of Excellenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is working. At least, every resident in the state is expected to imbibe this philosophy. But if that should be taken for granted, the credit should not only go to the ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YpqY\Ă x^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;xy^ |`\^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ `Ylq{ÂŻ{qÂ&#x201E;X{\ql^X{^`Yx`Y]^q X{\x^XÂ ^xXpq^ men and women whose strengths and sweats contribute to the much-touted ongoing transformation in the state. These are people who ensure that roads and drainages are always kept neat especially the street sweepers, the waste police XIWq{x^ zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ l{z[Y^ l`WÂ&#x201D;x^ xÂ&#x20AC;X`Â&#x192;l^ |q^ celebrated, appreciated and remunerated appropriately. A journey into the world of the streetsweepers will bring you face-to-face with nothing but sorrow and anguish. There is \Â&#x20AC;q^\qYlqYW}^\Â&#x20AC;z\^}X`^Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^|q^Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ zY]q{^ Â&#x201D;YXÂ&#x2020;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^ x` q{^ `Y\XÂ&#x192;l^ hardship daily. While some of them lay their heads wherever possible and relax `Ylq{^|{[l]qx^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^WÂ&#x20AC;z2[Y]^zÂ&#x2020;z}^\Â&#x20AC;q[{^ time, many can be seen begging for alms which, according to them, is meant for â&#x20AC;&#x153;food and pure waterâ&#x20AC;?. And then, you wonder if they are being paid for their services at all. Kehinde Adeleke, 46, (not real name) is a sweeper at the Onike Roundabout in Yaba LCDA. In a recent encounter with Daily Newswatch, he gave a rather disheartening picture of his life as a sweeper, saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was working as a welder, but had to join the street-sweepers because of epileptic electricity supply. I have a wife and three children to take care of. But there was usually slack business; ^ Â&#x2020;zx^ |z2Â&#x192;[Y]^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x192;XÂ&#x2020;^ Â&#x201E;z\{XYz]qÂ&#x201A;^ Xy^ I decided to look for another source of income. But since I started streetsweeping, it has not been easy. My monthly salary is nothing to write home about. It is so ridiculous. This is not to talk about the accompanying stress and pain involved in walking back and forth the streets, in order to ensure that the entire streets are clean. In my case, I resume at this point everyday by 6:30a.m. and this goes for every one of us. Come rain or sun, we are also there to ensure that the {Xzlx^z{q^Â&#x201D;qÂ&#x201E;\^WÂ&#x192;qzYÂ&#x201A;^ zÂ&#x192;z{}ÂŻÂ&#x2020;[xqy^[\^[x^\[pq^ the government looked into our case; they should review our salaries upward. The operators, who engaged us, are not fair \X^`xÂ&#x2022;^\Â&#x20AC;q}^z{q^YX\^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\[Y]^X`{^WX`{xq^z\^ all. They are only concerned about their well-being. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I understand that LAWMA contractors are paid N18, 000 by the government for the sweepers, while they receive N25, 000 for the supervisors. But what do we see? The sweepers are paid N10, 000 monthly. It was just recently that it was increased to N12, 000. But we face the challenge of waking up as early as possible, in spite of the obstacles. But they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t appreciate X`{^q X{\x^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^qYl^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^lz}Â&#x201A;^ q^z{q^ exploited, dehumanized and exploited. How far can the salary take one? This is why many of us have taken to begging to sustain ourselves. This is not fair and it needs to be addressed. Maybe the government needs to engage us directly; or at least, let them pay the minimum Â&#x2020;z]qy^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^[x^|q2q{^\Â&#x20AC;zY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x152;Â?y^Â?Â?Â?y^ we are being paid now.â&#x20AC;?
â&#x20AC;ŚMany now take to begging to augment their salaries
Street sweepers
Also, in an interview with Daily Newswatch, Taju, a.k.a. Too Much, a Â&#x2020;zx\q^ Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[Wq^ XIWq{^ ^ z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ z|X^ zÂ&#x2030;[x^ XÂ ^ Yaba LCDA, complained of what he described as â&#x20AC;&#x153; the killing work-hour.â&#x20AC;? Taju, who also condemned the dead wage and the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Greek giftâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; given to them by their employers, further said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We work for several hours in the day, but we receive meagre salaries monthly. We work between 12.00 a.m. and 5.00a.m. every day. When everyone is asleep in the comfort of his or her home, we are out there in the cold.. We monitor those that are in the habit of dumping refuses by the road sides during the ungodly hours. We are like vigilance group; we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sleep to ensure the environments are clean. But at the end of the month, Â&#x2020;q^ z{q^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ xWzÂ&#x201E;q]Xz\x^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ x` q{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ wickedness of the contractors. This work is very risky, but we are forced to do it because we have no alternative means of survival. How can a grown-up, who has dependants, be receiving N10, 000 as monthly salary? Are we saying this is the worth of the contract? No, it canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be. We are being short-changed by the operators. We stand the risk of being z2zWÂ&#x201D;ql^|}^W{[p[YzÂ&#x192;x^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^p[llÂ&#x192;q^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ night; we risk our lives, leave our families at home to mount guard on refuse sites only to be given N10, 000 at the end of the month. That is why you see many of our colleagues begging for alms because their salaries are spent before the end
of month. This is saddening. I know we are not government workers per se and I doubt if the government is aware of our conditions of service. I will implore the government to look into our case.â&#x20AC;? However, a supervisor, who spoke under anonymity, told Daily Newswatch that the project was instituted as address the poverty level in the society. According to her, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is also aimed at assisting the less-privileged members of the society, particularly the elderly ones. The sweepers work two shifts between 5:00a.m. and 1:00p.m. A good number of them are old-and they are the main reason for the establishment of the project. As you know, many of them are old people, having retired from their various places of work; so, they are dependent on their immediate and extended families for survival. But in order not to over-burden their families, so to say, they chose to engage themselves in sweeping the streets, so as to earn some money at the qYl^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^pXY\Â&#x20AC;Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x192;xXy^}X`^WzY^x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^Â&#x2021;Yl^ pockets of young men and women who are parts of the programme. They chose to do it so they can sponsor themselves through trade and schools.â&#x20AC;? While commenting on the meagre salaries being paid the workers, he said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;The sweepers are expected to have other things that they are doing, which will complement their incomes. \{qq\^ ÂŻxÂ&#x2020;qqÂ&#x201E;[Y]^ [x^ XYÂ&#x192;}^ \X^ WXpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qpqY\^ whatever else they are doing. They
We work for several hours in the day, but we receive meagre salaries monthly.We work between 12.00 a.m. and 5.00a.m. every day
work daily for some hours, so they still have time to engage in some economic activities before the end of the day. The amount that is being given to them is to add to their main incomes, in order to qzxq^ \Â&#x20AC;q[{^ Â&#x2021;YzYW[zÂ&#x192;^ |`{lqYxÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x201E;z{\^ Â {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;YzYW[zÂ&#x192;^ zlÂ&#x2026;zY\z]qy^ [\^ [x^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ Â X{^ physical exercise too, as it enables them to |q^Â&#x2021;\^zYl^z][Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201A;^ Xy^ ^Â&#x2020;X`Â&#x192;l^YX\^Â&#x2020;zY\^`x^ to look at the salaries they are paid alone, but the intent, which is poverty reduction; and I think we have achieved this so far.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Â&#x20AC;z{[Y]^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;q{[qYWq^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ z[Â&#x192;}^ Newswatch, Oriyomi Olakunle, who claimed to have been accosted by the sweepers for alms on several occasions, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is expected that these sweepers need more than they are earning to sustain themselves and their families. Many of them are victims of broken homes and poor parental upbringing. It is either they are not educated or they dropped out of schools for lack of sponsorship. Most XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;qp^ l[lYĂ \^ Â&#x192;qz{Y^ zY}^ Â&#x20AC;zYlÂ&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;Â&#x201A;^ Xy^ they are left with no other option than to Â&#x2021;Yl^zY^zÂ&#x192;\q{Yz\[Â&#x2026;q^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;y^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;[x^xqYxqy^[x^ street-sweeping. But it does not mean that they should be taken advantage of. The N12,000, they receive as monthly salary is demeaning. This is why you see them begging for almost everything. At the BRT |`x^x\z\[XYy^\Â&#x20AC;q}^WÂ&#x192;z[p^\X^|q^Ă&#x2014;x\z Ă y^x[YWq^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^WzYYX\^z X{l^\X^|`}^|`x^\[WÂ&#x201D;q\xÂ&#x201A;^ Yl^ at their sweeping points, they accost you, demanding money to either buy food or water. There is no day I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t encounter \Â&#x20AC;qp^XY^p}^Â&#x2020;z}^\X^p}^XIWqÂ&#x201A;^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Last week, at the computer Village in Ikeja, I saw two sweepers, who were obviously old and weak, and I wondered where they got the strength to engage in the job. They came to me begging for money. What then is the pride in the job, if they cannot pay the bills? These men and Â&#x2020;XpqY^lqxq{Â&#x2026;q^|q2q{^Wz{q^zYl^z2qY\[XY^ than they are being given; after all, they are Nigerians. Â&#x2C6; Â&#x20AC;q^ z]Xx^ \z\q^ zx\q^ zYz]qpqY\^ Authority has to review the contract of \Â&#x20AC;qxq^ xÂ&#x2020;qqÂ&#x201E;q{x^ zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ XÂ&#x201E;q{z\X{x^ because I doubt if they know the dead wage they are being paid. The sweepers are humans with pride. Therefore, they should be treated as such.â&#x20AC;?
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Midweek Pulse
2015: Aspirants, stakeholders, express concern over exorbitant form fees EMEKA IBEMERE
olitical partiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; nomination forms are actually selling like hot cakes in Nigeria. That is because the rich Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[\[W[zYx^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ WzY^ z X{l^ it see money as nothing. The forms may have become one of the most expensive items relative to their respective ambitions. Apparently, Nigerian political partiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; forms are the most expensive [Y^  {[WzÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;qzl^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;^ []q{[zY^ ]qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYy^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{[Y]^ WzYl[lz\qx^ z{q^YX\^Â&#x2021;Yl[Y]^[\^qzx}^Â&#x201E;`{WÂ&#x20AC;zx[Y]^\Â&#x20AC;q^ various party nomination forms of their parties. Â&#x20AC;q{q^z{q^x\{XY]^[Yl[Wz\[XYx^\Â&#x20AC;z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^ cost of picking the forms may have Â&#x192;[\q{z{[Â&#x192;}^Â&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^\Â&#x20AC;q^zp|[\[XYx^X ^xXpq^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^[Yl[Wz\ql^[Y\q{qx\^ to go for political positions that have |qqY^lqWÂ&#x192;z{ql^Â&#x2026;zWzY\^ X{^{qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;zWqpqY\^ [Y^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;Â&#x201A;^ W{Xxx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ l[ q{qY\^ Â&#x201E;z{\[qxĂ ^ spectrum, the cost of party nomination  X{p^[x^zx^Â&#x20AC;[]Â&#x20AC;^zx^Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x2026;ÂŻWz{z\^]XÂ&#x192;lÂ&#x201A;^^ Nigerians arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t comfortable with the nomination forms price tags of political parties as the aspirants go Â&#x20AC;qzl^ \X^ Â&#x20AC;qzl^ [Y^ Â&#x201E;[WÂ&#x201D;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^  X{px^  {Xp^\Â&#x20AC;q[{^l[ q{qY\^Â&#x201E;z{\}^xqW{q\z{[z\xÂ&#x201A; \^ Â&#x2020;zx^ ]z\Â&#x20AC;q{ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ pXx\^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^xqqÂ&#x201D;[Y]^\X^|q^WzYl[lz\qx^X ^ the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) [Y^xXpq^x\z\qx^z{q^Â&#x2020;X{{[ql^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;qY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;z{\}Ă x^ Yz\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x192;qzlq{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ [Yx[x\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^ p`x\^ Â&#x201E;z}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pzYlz\X{}^ Â&#x152;Â?^ million each for the nomination forms for those vying for governorship election. YÂ&#x2026;qx\[]z\[XY^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ xÂ&#x20AC;XÂ&#x2020;ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ aspirants for the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Assemblies Yqql^ \X^ WX`]Â&#x20AC;^ X`\^ Â&#x152;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ qzWÂ&#x20AC;y^ while House of Representativesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^z{q^\X^Â&#x201E;z}^ Â?^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;Xxq^ ]X[Y]^ X{^ qYz\q^z{q^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\ql^\X^lXÂ&#x192;q^ X`\^ Â&#x17D;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\[zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x201E;q `Â&#x192;x^z{q^\X^Â&#x201E;z}^ Â?Â?^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;z}pqY\x^z{q^YX\^{q `Ylz|Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q}^ z{q^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\ql^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ Â&#x152;^ million each for expression of interest form, bringing the total fee payable to Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYÂ&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q^WÂ&#x20AC;z[{pzY^X ^ ^Â&#x2020;zx^{qÂ&#x201E;X{\ql^ \X^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ \XÂ&#x192;l^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;z{\}^ [x^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\[Y]^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ [Y\q{qx\ql^ Â&#x201E;q{xXYx^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pzYlz\X{}^ Â&#x152;Â?^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ for the nomination form, while the expression of interest form also goes  X{^ Â&#x152;p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYÂ&#x201A; The insistence on the payment of \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x152;Â?^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ YXp[Yz\[XY^  qqy^ [\^ Â&#x2020;zx^ ]z\Â&#x20AC;q{qly^ pzlq^ pz_X{[\}^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ \X^ lqÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x201E;^ WXÂ&#x192;l^  qq\y^ zx^ `zÂ&#x2122;`^\XÂ&#x192;l^\Â&#x20AC;qp^\Â&#x20AC;z\y^\Â&#x20AC;z\^Â&#x2020;zx^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^  {Xp^ Yzp|{z^ \z\q^ Â&#x201E;z[l^ l`{[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YX{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ WXY\qx\Â&#x201A;^ q X{q^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201D;[\[^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYy^ }XlqÂ&#x192;q^ z}Xxqy^ z}X^ lq}q}q^ zYl^ }X^ {[xq^ ÂŻÂŻ^ Â&#x201E;z[l^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zpX`Y\^ |q X{q^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ primaries, where Fayose won. z[Â&#x192;}^ qÂ&#x2020;xÂ&#x2020;z\WÂ&#x20AC;^ ]z\Â&#x20AC;q{ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ some aspirants are begging that the price of the nomination forms be l{XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ql^\X^|q\Â&#x2020;qqY^ Ă&#x201E;^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^zYl^ Â?Â&#x201A;Ă&#x201E;^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYy^z^x`]]qx\[XY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ {q_qW\qlÂ&#x201A;^^ \^ Â&#x2020;X`Â&#x192;l^ |q^ {qWzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^ ]qYq{zÂ&#x192;^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYy^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qx^ qpXW{z\[W^ z{\}^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;q]qlÂ&#x192;}^ pzlq^
APC chairman, Oyegun
z|X`\^ Ă&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Â?|Y^Â {Xp^\Â&#x20AC;q^xzÂ&#x192;q^XÂ ^Â X{px^ XÂ ^[Y\q{qx\^zYl^\Â&#x20AC;q^YXp[Yz\[XY^Â X{px^ \X^ [\x^ pqp|q{xy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ WXY\qx\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^]qYq{zÂ&#x192;^qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYx^XY^[\x^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z\Â X{pÂ&#x201A; X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYy^ \Â&#x20AC;q{q^ z{q^ [Yl[Wz\[XYx^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ XÂ&#x2026;q{^ Ă&#x17D;yÂ?Â?Â?^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ zW{Xxx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Yz\[XY^ Â&#x20AC;zl^ Â&#x201E;z[l^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ nomination of party forms because of the November primaries which is WÂ&#x192;Xxq^z\^Â&#x20AC;zYl^Â X{^Â&#x2026;z{[X`x^Â&#x201E;Xx[\[XYxÂ&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{[Wq^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;^ YXp[Yz\[XY^ Â X{px^Â&#x2020;q{q^[YW{qzxql^zx^z]z[Yx\^Â?Â?Â&#x152;Â&#x152;^ when nomination forms were not as high as next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s election. Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;z{\}^ Â&#x20AC;zl^ xq\^ Â&#x201E;{qWqlqYWq^ with Anambra State where the Â&#x201E;z{\}^ Â&#x201E;q]]ql^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;{qxx[XY^ XÂ ^ [Y\q{qx\^ Â X{p^ zYl^ YXp[Yz\[XY^ Â X{p^ Â X{^ ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YX{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XY^ z\^ Â&#x152;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ zYl^ Â&#x152;Â?^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ {qxÂ&#x201E;qW\[Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;}Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ xzpq^x`p^Â&#x2020;zx^Â&#x201E;z[l^|}^]XÂ&#x2026;q{YX{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^[Y^ Â&#x201D;[\[^zYl^ x`Y^x\z\qxÂ&#x201A; Previously, governorship aspirants Â&#x201E;z[l^ Ă&#x201E;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ Â X{^ YXp[Yz\[XY^
Gen. Buhari
 X{px^zYl^ Ă&#x201E;Â?Â?yÂ?Â?Â?^ X{^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;{qxx[XY^X ^ interest form. zÂ&#x192;q^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X{px^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^WXppqYWql^ zW{Xxx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ WX`Y\{}^ WXYx[lq{[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ lz\q^ Â&#x2021;Â&#x2030;ql^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ YlqÂ&#x201E;qYlqY\^ z\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x192;qW\X{zÂ&#x192;^ Xpp[xx[XY^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ X{^Â&#x201E;{[pz{[qxÂ&#x201A; X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ {X]{qxx[Â&#x2026;qx^ XY]{qxx^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;y^ z^ lXW`pqY\^ {qÂ&#x192;qzxql^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;z{\}^ XY^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{qxW{[|ql^  qqx^ x\z\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;z{\}Ă x^Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\[zÂ&#x192;^zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ z{q^ \X^ WX`]Â&#x20AC;^ X`\^ Â?ÂŽÂ&#x201A;Ă&#x201E;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^  X{^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\[zÂ&#x192;^ YXp[Yz\[XY^  X{py^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ governorship aspirants are to pay Ă&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Ă&#x201E;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^  X{^  {qxÂ&#x20AC;^ ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YX{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ zYl^ Â&#x152;Â?Â&#x201A;Ă&#x201E;^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^  X{^ x[2[Y]^]XÂ&#x2026;q{YX{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\xÂ&#x201A;^ [2[Y]^ xqYz\X{x^z{q^\X^Â&#x201E;z}^ Ă&#x201E;Â&#x201A;Ă&#x17D;^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^ fresh senatorial aspirants are to pay Ă&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Ă&#x17D;^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYÂ&#x201A; Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ xzpq^ Â&#x2026;q[Yy^ x[2[Y]^ X`xq^ X ^ Reps members who want to contest z{q^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ Ă&#x17D;Â&#x201A;Â?^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^ zYl^  {qxÂ&#x20AC;^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\x^ z{q^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ Â?Â&#x201A;Â?^ p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XYy^
If occupying elective office requires selling of properties or acquiring loans, some of the members of the political class will see an elective position as a business
Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^ x[2[Y]^ X`xq^ XÂ ^ xxqp|Â&#x192;}^ pqp|q{x^ z{q^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ Ă&#x2026;Â?Â?yÂ?Â?Â?y^ zYl^ Ă&#x201E;Ă&#x201E;Â?yÂ?Â?Â?^ Â X{^ Â {qxÂ&#x20AC;^ zxÂ&#x201E;[{zY\xÂ&#x201A;^ Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ female aspirants to any position, Â&#x20AC;XÂ&#x2020;qÂ&#x2026;q{y^z{q^\X^Â&#x201E;z}^Ă&#x201E;Â?^Â&#x201E;q{^WqY\^Â&#x192;qxxÂ&#x201A; However, the Alliance for qpXW{zW}^Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^Â&#x201D;[WÂ&#x201D;ql^z]z[Yx\^Â&#x20AC;[]Â&#x20AC;^ cost of nomination forms. The party says the high cost of nominations forms for aspirants in some political Â&#x201E;z{\[qx^ WX`Â&#x192;l^ Â&#x192;z}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â X`Ylz\[XY^ Â X{^ corruption. Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;z{\}y^[Y^z^x\z\qpqY\^{qÂ&#x192;qzxql^XY^ `Ylz}^YX\ql^\Â&#x20AC;z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{[Wq^\z]^WX`Â&#x192;l^ turn politics into a business, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports. Â&#x2C6; Â ^XWW`Â&#x201E;}[Y]^qÂ&#x192;qW\[Â&#x2026;q^XIWq^{qĂ&#x192;`[{qx^ xqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;[Y]^XÂ ^Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x201E;q{\[qx^X{^zWĂ&#x192;`[{[Y]^Â&#x192;XzYxy^ some of the members of the political class will see an elective position as z^ |`x[Yqxx^ zYl^ zY^ XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X{\`Y[\}^ \X^ [YW{qzxq^ \Â&#x20AC;q[{^ Â&#x2020;qzÂ&#x192;\Â&#x20AC;yÂ&#x2019;^ zWWX{l[Y]^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^x\z\qpqY\^x[]Yql^|}^ zÂ&#x2021;`^ zÂ&#x192;z`y^ the partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s national secretary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The high cost of these forms will \`{Y^Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[\[Wx^[Y\X^|`x[Yqxx^zYl^\Â&#x20AC;z\^[x^z^ x`{q^Â X`Ylz\[XY^Â X{^WX{{`Â&#x201E;\[XYÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[zYWq^ Â X{^ qpXW{zW}^ lXqx^ YX\^ see politics as business. It is for the xq{Â&#x2026;[Wq^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;qXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;qÂ&#x201A;^ XY\qx\[Y]^ Â X{^ elective positions is to contribute to the lqÂ&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;XÂ&#x201E;pqY\^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^WXYx\[\`qYW[qx^[Y^ Â&#x201E;z{\[W`Â&#x192;z{y^zYl^\Â&#x20AC;q^Yz\[XY^[Y^]qYq{zÂ&#x192;yÂ&#x2019;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^x\z\qpqY\^{qzlÂ&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^\Â&#x20AC;q^{`Â&#x192;[Y]^Â&#x201E;z{\}^Â&#x20AC;zx^z]{qql^XY^ {qx[lqY\^ XXlÂ&#x192;`WÂ&#x201D;^ XYz\Â&#x20AC;zY^ zx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Peoples Democratic Partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consensus WzYl[lz\q^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\[zÂ&#x192;^ qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYy^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\^Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^\X^Â&#x201E;z}^ Â?Â?^p[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[XY^Â X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;z{\}Ă x^YXp[Yz\[XY^ form. For the All Progressives XY]{qxx^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;Xxq^ YXp[Yz\[XY^ Continued on Page 48
Daily Newswatch
Midweek Pulse
2015: Aspirants, stakeholders, express concern over exorbitant form fees Continued from Page 47
form is sold for N27 million. AD, however, said it was giving out its forms free to all aspirants vying for positions. The party said its decision was because “the elective positions are not for the candidates, but the people.” Meanwhile, an aspirant for the Benue House of Assembly, Mr Joseph Boko, has called on the All Progressives Congress (APC) to reduce the cost of its nomination forms so as not to block quality aspirants from contesting. Boko is vying to represent Kwande constituency. According to him, the high cost placed on the nomination forms will q W `lq^pXx\^zx [{zY\x^zYl^z qW\^\ q^ party’s chances of winning the 2015 elections. Boko, who picked his nomination form last week at the party’s state secretariat, and said he was going into the race to improve the quality of legislation and enhance the living conditions of the people, adding that the expression of interest form for the state house of assembly which costs X q{^ Ù y ^[x^p`W y^zYl^{q]{q2ql^ \ z\^pzY}^zx [{zY\x^p[] \^YX\^z X{l^ it. He believed that reducing the cost of the forms would throw the contest open and the environment for the best candidates to emerge. “The high cost of nomination forms x X x^ YX^ [lqX X][Wz ^ l[ q{qYWqx^ between the APC and the ruling PDP, which has also hiked the cost of forms beyond the reach of its ordinary members.” He said the APC, as a grassroots political party need to have the right candidates to enable it uproot the PDP in the 2015 general election. While purchasing the N25 million nomination forms at the APC’s national secretariat, Buhari lamented the high cost of the nomination form, |`\^ xz[l^ \ z\^ q^ zx^ {ql^ |}^ [x^ ambition, and so procured a bank loan through the assistance of an unnamed bank chairman. Buhari procured his party’s N27.5 million expressions of interest and nomination forms at the national secretariat but lamented that the cost of the forms were high, he said that it took the understanding of his bankers in Kaduna and Abuja to raise the money. \Áx^z^ [\}^ ^WX` lYÁ\^[YZ`qYWq^\ [x^ amount to be put down as in the case of ladies and the disabled that intend to participate. I always looked left and right in our meetings but I could not read sympathy, so I kept my trap. “But I felt heavily sorry for myself because I don’t want to go and ask somebody to pay for my nomination forms, because I always try to pay myself, at least for the nomination. “N27 million is a big sum, thankfully I have personal relationship with the manager of my bank in Kaduna and early this morning, I put an early call (and) I told him that very soon the forms are coming, so, whether I am on red, or green or even black please
PDP chairman, Adamu Muazu
honour it, otherwise I may lose the nomination,” he added. “I was about to go to Kaduna this morning and I told the Chairman (John Odigie-Oyegun), but he said in \ z\^ Wzxqy^ }X`^ |q2q{^ [W ^ }X`{^ X{p^ and keep a straight face. That means there is no excuse.” But the APC’s national Chairman, Chief Odigie-Oyegun, replied Buhari that the N27.5m was carefully chosen to “separate men from the boys.” “Let me say that the N27.5m is to separate the men from the boys. It is quite clear. We know you. I don’t expect you to have N27m under your bed. But I expected that there are Nigerians who will vouch for you any day and who are ready to stand for you any day and that is the result that we have obtained today,” he said. Reacting on the cost of party nomination forms, Kenneth Ukwuoma, a community leader in Lagos said the cost explains why politicians after winning election, try \X^ X xq\^ \ q^ XzYx^ \ q}^ [YW`{{ql^ \X^ pick the nomination forms. Ukwuoma said such gives room for godfathers in politics. According to him, should Buhari win 2015 election,
the tendency is for the chairman of the bank that gave him the loan of N27.5 million to either be the CBN governor or his bank becoming the ‘apex bank’ for the country. He said the bank and the chairman would dictate the direction of the economy of the country. Ukwuoma claimed that most of the aspirants are racking banks down by their excessive borrowing to pay for their nomination forms which they are not sure of repaying if they lose. He tasked the parties to lower their prices so as to avoid godfathers who would be milking some states and candidates after the election. Meanwhile, the APC may have collected N57million from Atiku Abubakar and Mohammadu Buhari alone, as others are yet to pay. The party in a special National Executive Council (NEC) meeting held at its headquarters in Abuja {z\[ ql^\ q^ z}pqY\x ^ Xpq^ []q{[zYx^ have reacted to the fees describing it as outrageous and fund raising for the party. Emmanuel Onwubiko, president of Human Rights Writers’ Association (HURRIWA), described the fees as
APC, as a grassroots political party need to have the right candidates to enable it uproot the PDP in the 2015 general election
outrageous and targeted against General Mohammadu Buhari. q^ XIWq^ X ^ {qx[lqY\^ X ^ []q{[z^ should not be for the highest bidder. The fee is outrageous and way above z\^zY}^lqWqY\^ []q{[zY^WzY^z X{l ^ It will encourage money bags to hijack the party and the process. There are quite a number of decent Nigerians in APC and this amount of money will simply scare them away. I suspect that this outrageous amount of money is targeted against General Buhari, whom Nigerians know may not be z| q^\X^z X{l^\ [x^ [Yl^X ^pXYq}y ^ q^ stated. For Barrister Abdul Mahmud, president of Public Interest Lawyers League (PILL), said though it was within the rights of parties to impose fees on aspirants, but this amount leaves many unanswered questions. “It is within the prerogative of parties to impose fees, there is nothing wrong with that. But there is a wider question. Is the party not indirectly pXYq\[ [Y]^ \ q^ q qW\[ q^ XIWqxÊ^ Because if somebody pays that kind of money and per chance is elected, \ q^ {x\^\ [Y]^ q^lXqx^[x^\X^{qWX` ^\ z\^ money. It is too expensive and will not encourage poor Nigerians who have ideas to come forward,” he said. ^ `| [W^ z z[{x^ zYz }x\^ zYl^ {qx[lqY\^ X ^ X`\ ¯ zx\^ {X]{qxx[ q^ Assembly, Ebere Uzoukwa, said the fee meant that APC is using it for fund raising. ^ ^ WzY^ ^ \ q^ {[Wq^ X{^ \ q[{^ nomination form for this amount, then it does not take any soothsayer to tell Nigerians that the party does not have the interest of Nigerians at heart. The party has an agenda far from what Nigerians desire and they have proven that they do not have solution to Nigeria’s many problems,” he said.
Daily Newswatch
City & State WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
MTNF kicks off nationwide breast cancer screening
L-R; Rachael Oniga, Nollywood Actress; Mrs. Abimbola Fashola, Wife of Lagos State Governor and Ms. Nonny Ugboma, Executive Secretary, MTN Foundation at the MTNF Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign which held at Freedom Park, Marina, Lagos NGOZI OKPALAKUNNE
reast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women. According to report, more than 400,000 women die every year from breast cancer which is diagnosed in about one million women annually in Nigeria. The first sign of breast cancer often is a breast lump or an abnormal mammogram. Breast cancer stages range from early, curable breast cancer to metastatic breast cancer, with a variety of breast cancer treatments. Investigation shows that a lot of women die of breast cancer because they are too afraid to even get tested. It was against this background that MTN Foundation (MTNF), recently began a free breast cancer screening for 1,500 beneficiaries across the six geopolitical regions of Nigeria. This was announced during the MTNF Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, which took place in Lagos last weekend , to commemorate the annual global awareness on the scourge of breast cancer held every October 18th . MTNF Director, Mr. Akinwale Goodluck, said that the free mammography screenings will be carried out in partnership with Deux Projects under the MTNF Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, adding that it is one of the many new projects that the
MTN Foundation is particularly very passionate about because of the positive impact it will make on people’s lives, Goodluck said. ‘‘This initiative, which underscores the essence of the Foundation to positively impact the lives of Nigerians, will be providing free breast cancer screening at MTN Mammography centers located at the, General Hospital, Marina, Lagos State; Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, Kogi State; Federal Medical Centre, Nguru, Yobe State; Usmanu Dan Fodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto State; University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu State and Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Edo State,’’ he added. As part of the awareness walk, MTN executives, stakeholders and key influencers who participated in the awareness road-show which kicked off from Falomo roundabout and terminated at Freedom Park, Marina, Lagos
distributed fliers and educated the public on breast cancer. ‘‘This walk will be replicated in beneficiary states which include Edo, Enugu, Sokoto, Yola and Kogi, to sensitize the public about breast cancer with medical practitioners and specialists on ground to enlighten people and encourage women to get screened at designated points,’’ he stated. Speaking at the flag off ceremony of the breast cancer awareness campaign in Lagos, Mrs. Abimbola Fashola, wife of the Lagos State Governor, also a breast cancer survivor stated that consistent screening and early detection saved her from the killer disease. ‘‘Early detection and screening is the reason I am alive today. This initiative is a welcome idea as more people will become better informed about this silent killer disease and participate in the free screening provided by MTN at the MTN Foundation mammography centres across the country,’’ she
Breast cancer kills one in every 25 Nigerian women and urged women, to get screened every year to prevent untimely death
said. On his part, Dr. Femi Olaleye, Medical Director, Optical Cancer Care Foundation, said breast cancer kills one in every 25 Nigerian women and urged women, to get screened every year to prevent untimely death. “The incidence of breast cancer is one in 25, but because we don’t screen our population, it’s actually a death sentence. Here in Nigeria, most of the diagnoses are made when it is too late, thereby leading to several needless and painful deaths of our beloved mothers, sisters, aunts, friends and colleagues. One or two in every 25 Nigerian women are at risk of breast cancer, but higher risks exist for women who are older than 45, older than 30 at birth of their first child, and women with family history,’’ he added. At the event, Dr. Olaleye demonstrated how breast selfexamination is done to check for lumps, thickenings and nipple discharge. Medical practitioners were also available to perform clinical breast examination and offer free advisory services. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared breast cancer as the number one cancer scourge afflicting people, and one in eight women is at risk of having breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is currently the commonest cancer in Nigeria. Early detection can help put a check on several needless and painful deaths of our women.
Daily Newswatch
City & State
‘Osun’s poor WAEC results, failure of education policies’ By Our Correspondent
s fallout of poor performance recorded by students in the recently released West African Examination Council (WAEC) results by the examination body, the Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) through its Osun State Chairperson, Alfred Adegoke has registered his displeasure over the non impressive performance of Osun students in the examination as q^z2{[|`\ql^x\`lqY\xÁ^ z[ `{q^\X^\ q^ bankruptcy of the education reform policy in the state. According to Adegoke at a forum held recently in Osogbo, Osun State came distant twenty second in the examination. While 35 percent of the hundreds of thousands of students who stood for the examinations Yz\[XYz }^ zxxql^ [\ ^ z\^ qzx\^ q^ credits including English Language and Mathematics. “In spite of the education reform policies of the government in Osun State, the sector since the introduction of the policy has witnessed a great deal of decline as Osun State was on the twenty two position on the performance table. This is worrisome zx^x\`lqY\xÁ^ q{ X{pzYWq^[Y^\ q^x\z\q^ have fell much below the average of expectation of parents and stakeholders in the education sector in the state. “The government, few months into coming to power, organised what could be termed an elitist Education Summit in which in my X [Y[XY^ qX q^ X^ Yq ^ [2 q^ X{^ nothing about the state of education in the state were brought to decide the fate and future of hundreds of thousands of young people, without the democratic input of teachers, parents, students, education workers and the communities, who constitute the primary constituencies zYl^ x\z q X lq{x^ [Y^ \ q^ x\z\qÁx^ education sector. Could there be any meaningful development in the sector without the input of teachers, parents, students and other education workers who are directly involved zYl^z qW\ql^|}^ z\q q{^ X [W}^\ q^ state government introduced in the state? Therefore, I make bold to say that the outcome of the summit is a package of policies that, though may appear harmless to the future of the state and of our children on the surface, but it is aimed at furthering the interests of the politicians and contractors” he noted. As a result of the detachment of the real constituencies and stakeholders from the policy formulation, he said that the implementation of the Summit resolutions has, rather than improve, actually worsened the poor state of education in the state.
Education Minister, Shekarau
Continuing he said: “The merger policy of the state government in which several schools were merged together without consideration for convenience of and implication for morale of students and teachers, is a classical example of this. It was observed that many public schools under this present administration were merged without provision for improvement and expansion of facilities. “While, the state government on its
\ q^ z2z[YpqY\^ X ^ Ã`z [\}^ ql`Wz\[XY^ for our children. Also, this is why government wants to collapse over 2, 100 public schools into 900, even when the national population projection shows that student and pupil population, currently at over a p[ [XYy^[x^|X`Yl^\X^]{X ^x[]Y[ WzY\ }^ in the coming period. But rather \ zY^WXpp[2[Y]^ `| [W^{qxX`{Wqx^\X^ improving the conditions of schools by heavily investing in provision of infrastructures like classrooms, libraries, laboratories, sport facilities, ICT facilities and employment of zlqÃ`z\q^\qzW [Y]^zYl^YXY¯\qzW [Y]^ x\z y^ \ q^ ]X q{YpqY\^ qp|z{ ql^ on piecemeal reform by rebuilding handful of schools. “While the SPN welcome any [p {X qpqY\y^ YX^ pz2q{^ X ^ [2 qy^ we make bold to state that unless this improvement is holistic and premised on democratic planning and genuine interest of the working and poor people, such reform will |qz{^ [2 q^X{^YX^{qx` \ ^ q^z{]`ql It could be recalled that the deplorable educational system [Y^ x`Y^ x\z\q^ ql^ {q]|qxX zÁx^ administration to set up an education summit in February 2011. The summit was made up of prominent scholars and educators, and it was charged with the responsibilities of developing a blueprint for restructuring the educational system in the state which would bring about a comprehensive reform of primary and secondary education throughout \ q^x\z\q^ [\ ^\ q^X|_qW\[ q^X ^ Yl[Y]^ ways at improving the education sector in the state and of establishing q qW\[ q^ x` q{ [x[XY^ zYl^ Ã`z [\}^ control measures; and of reducing part claimed to have reconstructed WXx\xy^ [\ X`\^xzW{[ W[Y]^Ã`z [\} While commenting on the state of 40 primary and secondary schools out of over 2, 100 schools that exist public schools in the state after the in the state. Whereas in the real introduction of the reform policy, sense of it, what the government Kola Ibrahim, State Secretary of the is interested in is not fundamental Socialist Party of Nigeria said “the improvement in education system, state of our public schools is not but a political arrangement that will palatable in all aspect. Currently, {ql`Wq^ ]X q{YpqY\Áx^ x qYl[Y]^ XY^ the few schools that have been running of schools while diverting completed and put to use are public resources and facilities of vital becoming overcrowded as more schools like Fakunle High School to pupils and students are leaving their dilapidated schools for the few private ends. “This is jeopardy and a disaster for new schools. While government WXpp[2ql^ pX{q^ \ zY^ ^ |[ [XY^ on these new schools, the remaining over 2, 000 public schools lack basic zW[ [\[qx^ zYl^ zlqÃ`z\q^ \qzW [Y]^ x\z He added that “In many of the secondary schools, including those that were merged, there are few teachers for general subjects like mathematics and English language. In most of these schools youth corps members have become the only saving grace. Laboratories and [|{z{[qx^ z{q^ [ ¯qÃ`[ ql^ zYl^ YXY¯ functional in virtually all the schools, while no school can boost of working computer centre or ICT facility.
It was observed that many public schools under this present administration were merged without provision for improvement and expansion of facilities
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Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 22, 2014
LG polls: Ijaw, Itsekiri trade words over elective positions SYLVESTER IDOWU Warri
alpable tension continued to envelope Warri and environs yesterday as Ijaws insisted that they must be given elective slots in this Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Local Government elections into the 25 council areas in Delta State. They accused their Itsekiri brothers of allegedly cornering all the elective positions using the instrumentality of state machinery with their kinsman, Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan, allegedly as the principal manipulator. The Ijaws, under the aegis of Warri Ijaw Peace Monitoring Group (WIPMG), in a statement signed by its Spokesman, Comrade Paul Bebenimibo, warned that there must be equity and justice in the election for peace to reign in the state. It described as the height of exhibition of ignorance the claim by Mr. Boro Opudu that the Ijaws of Warri South West Local Government only agreed on chairmanship rotation and not House of Assembly noting that such position taking by the two ethnic groups did not include that of the state legislature. According to the statement titled, â&#x20AC;&#x153;warning to the Itsekiris on their greedy stand to corner all elective positions in the three Warri local government areasâ&#x20AC;? the group noted that the same electoral wards for chairmanship equally make up that of the house of assembly. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We want to let Mr
mmediate past Commissioner for Transport in Enugu State, Chukwuka Utazi has announced that he will contest Enugu North senatorial district elections in 2015, a position presently occupied by Senator Ayogu Eze. Utazi who briefed journalists in Enugu yesterday after he had earlier turned in his {qx[]Yz\[XY^Â&#x192;q2q{^zx^ Xpp[xsioner, stated that all the odds favour him as he is endowed with the capacity, training and public service experience. Besides, Utazi said he was a former member of Enugu state House of Assembly, who understands the workings of the legislature and therefore
Akwa Ibom proposes N492bn budget for 2015
total of N492 billion draft budget for 2015 Â&#x2021;xWzÂ&#x192;^}qz{^Â&#x20AC;zx^|qqY^^Â&#x201E;{XOpudu know that the ope West LGA, where all foundation member of there must be justice and posed and forwarded to Akwa same electoral wards that the people are Urhobos, the WIPMG that has been equity for peace to reign Ibom House of Assembly for make up the chairman- the chairmanship and championing the course in any society warning consideration and approval. ship equally make up the house of assembly slots of the oppressed Ijaws that the Ijaws of Warri The amount which was house of assembly con- are rotated among the in Warri adding â&#x20AC;&#x153;so it is should be allowed to fea- against N498.5 billion for stituency. Let him also various clansâ&#x20AC;?, it added. wrong for him to deny ture a candidate in the 2014, showed that Capital Exknow that other LGAs in The group recalled that the chairman of the body Warri South West and the penditure is given N268 billion Delta State are doing so the said Mr. Opodo who and describe him as a Warri North council areas against N336 billion for last stressing â&#x20AC;&#x153;it is then peace year while Recurrent Expendifor justice, equity and fair claimed the body was not faceless personâ&#x20AC;?. play. For instance in Ethi- in existence was once a WIPMG noted that will reign permanentlyâ&#x20AC;?. ture has N94.7 billion against N74.2 billion for last year. The Commissioner for Finance, Akan Okon, who announced this Tuesday at the executive chambers of GoverYX{Ă x^ IWqy^ }X^ \X^ XÂ&#x2026;q{Yment House correspondents, said members of the state Executive Council presided over by the state Governor, Chief Godswill Akpabio, approved the draft budget. Okon, explained that the state government was committed to the completion of such Zz]xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ Â&#x201E;{X_qW\x^ zx^ {XÂ&#x201E;[WzYz^ Entertainment Centre, roads, specialist hospital and fourpoint Sheraton Hotel, Ikot> Ekpene, among others. The Commissioner for FiYzYWqy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ z2{[|`\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ increase in Recurrent Expenditure for next year to the employment of additional 5,000 teachers and more civil servants, lauded the state Governor for his vision in embarking on L-: President, Enugu Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (ECCIMA), Dr. Ifeanyi Okoye; Director General, ECCI- and completing the key proMA, Mr. Emeka Okereke and Head of Administration, Phinoimar Nigeria Limited, Chief Augustine Onyia, during a sympathy jects, hoping the next admin/&0&= =* 3$&)*(%' 3*?@='8 +*@@*Â&#x2022;&)Â&#x2013; =$< X'< &)V&.<)= %= =$<&' ?@='% (*.<') Â&#x2014;*?@='8 $%=V$<'8 &) >Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;* J)?Â&#x2013;? 6=%=< 8<0=<'.%8 istration would sustain the projects.
Defection: Obi replies Bianca Ojukwu EMMA MBEAHURIKE, Owerri.
he former Governor of Anambra State, Mr Peter Obi, has reacted to an interview recently granted a national newspaper by Nigerian Ambassador to Spain and wife of the late Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu, Her Excellency, Mrs Bianca Ojukwu, where she expressed
shock and disappointment over the former governorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s joining of the PDP. She said, inter alia, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is undeniable that Peter Obi made immense contributions to APGA. I remain proud of his achievements, as governor . His exit diminishes us, and many of his supporters and grassroots crusaders are disappointed and demoralisedâ&#x20AC;?. Mrs Ojukwu also de-
scribed the action of the former governor as a betrayal of her late husband and renowned Igbo leader, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu who had such great trust in him and his assurances that he, Obi, would always stand by APGA. In his reaction, Obi, who has so far ignored all comments made about his political decision opened up
by pointing out that Bianca Ojukwu was not a frivolous person and that her comments must be taken seriously more so when he was the wife of his leader. But he reminded the public that loyalty to a cause does not change with a change of platform; and that there has not been any change of principles on his part. Speaking to the press, Obi
Utazi declares for senate, promises to complement Uguanyi KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu
would not learn on the job, as he would also get choice chairmanship position due to his rich legislative background. Above all, the former Commissioner for Transport who is a lawyer and political sci-
entist by training said that the zoning policy in Nsukka zone favours him too as his area, Uzo-Uwani local government was yet to produce a senator. He said that with his public service experience having
held appointive positions as Special Adviser to Governor Sullivan Chime, a position he resigned in 2011 to contest senate but was asked to drop, and having been served as Commissioner
for Transport; he would assist Hon Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, the Peoples Democratic Partyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (PDP) consensus governorship candidate to coordinate Nsukka zone when they get into government.
Anyanwu has no programme for Imo -Okorocha EMMA MBEAHURIKE, Owerri
he Imo State government has reacted to the comment credited to the Senator representing Owerri Zone, Senator Christ Anyanwu where she accused the State Government of plunging the state into debt zYl^ x`|p[2ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ ^ xÂ&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ no programme for the State. In a release made available to news men and signed by the
SSA Media to the Governor, Hon. Sam Onwuemedo. The Government stated that they have read with concern the media reports credited to the Senator representing Owerri zone in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, Senator Chris Anyanwu in which, she accused the Governor of the state, Owelle Rochas Okorocha of plunging the state into huge debt, including local debts of
about N50 billion, among othq{^Â&#x201E;q2}^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;q]z\[XYx^xÂ&#x20AC;q^pzlq^ against the governor of her home state. According to the Government, Senator Anyanwu came up with the unfounded allegations while declaring her ambition to run for the governorship of the state on the platform of the PDP in 2015, and after she had bought the governorship nomination form of her party.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let us start our reaction by acknowledging that Chris Anyanwu is a distinguished senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria who deserves certain degrees of respect. She is also a lucky politician having been the Â&#x2021;{x\^Â&#x201E;q{xXY^[Y^ Â&#x2020;q{{[^^xqYztorial zone who has gone to the senate for second term of 8 years even when the late Evan Enwerem could not achieve that feat.
said this response would be Â&#x20AC;[x^ Â&#x192;zx\^ XY^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pz2q{^ \X^ qYable him channel his time and energy alongside other well-meaning Igbos to work for the re-election campaign of President Goodluck Jonathan and the place of Ndigbo in the Nigerian politics. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of all those who have spoken, and who continue to speak, on the issue of my leaving APGA, only Bianca spoke with sincerity. She does not fall into the class of those who are now displaying dated video clippings zYl^ Â&#x201E;{qxqY\[Y]^ pz2q{x^ X`\^ of context for political reasons, without appreciating \Â&#x20AC;q^ xzW{[Â&#x2021;Wq^ Â&#x201E;`\^ [Y\X^ |`[Â&#x192;ling the House they are now destroyingâ&#x20AC;?. Continuing, Obi said: â&#x20AC;&#x153; I want to have it on record that Bianca was right when she reported my exchange with the Ikemba when he called me and asked whether I would leave APGA, after the events of Abia State at that time, when the Governor left APGA for reasons I believe to be genuine. I wish to reiterate that I am still loyal to our great leader, in terms of what serves the interests of our people and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Everyone knows today that APGA is not what it used to be.
south west
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Oyo sets up special committee on street trading OLAIDE OYELUDE, Ibadan
yo State Government has set up special committee headed by Commissioner for Information, Prince Gbade Lana, to ensure that street trading is totally eradicated from the state, especially in Ibadan, the state capital and its environs. Other members of the WXpp[2qq^ [YWÂ&#x192;`lq^ Xpmissioners for Trade, Investment and Cooperatives and Environment and Habitat, Mrs Funke Oworu and Lawrence
Church donates borehole to school
Lagos-based church, The Lightspring Church, Egbeda, recently donated a borehole to Egbeda Primary School. Speaking at the commissioning of the borehole, Joshua Abuh, senior pastor of the church, described intervention in the school as a culmination of the vision to raise champions. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Lightspring Church is a knowledge-based assembly that exists to transform ordinary people to living champions. This we do by transforming the people within people. We believe real change must come inside, otherwise it will not last. People, not mineral resources, are the most important reserves of any nation,â&#x20AC;? Abuh said, adding that â&#x20AC;&#x153;they are the main collateral and assets of a nation.â&#x20AC;? Saying that darkness in any part of the society is a threat to peace and well being of a nation, he quoted CIA World Fact Book of 2013/2014 edition that says four out of 10 Nigerian adults are illiterate. According to him, everybody needs to recognise that physical poverty is only an expression of poverty of the soul, the poverty within and this should move everybody to lend a helping hand. He said since 2012 till date, the church has spent closed to N1.5 million on award of education scholarship to pupils of the school, provision of exercise books, school uniforms among others. Speaking at the commissioning, special assistant to Governor of Lagos on SUBEB Project, Laolu Akoni, who represented Mrs. Gbolahan Dawodu, executive chairman State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), thanked the church for coming to the aid of the school by providing the borehole.
Olujide Adewale respectively, among others. Lana spoke yesterday at a press conference in Ibadan, which was jointly addressed with the two other commissioners, stressing that the state government has declared zero tolerance for street trading and severe sanctions henceforth await those engaging in the act. According to him, man-
lz\q^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ WXpp[2qq^ includes â&#x20AC;&#x153;enforcement of the law banning street trading by YES-O cadets and other security agencies, building of consensus between the state government and market leaders towards working together in ensuring that the law is obeyed, establishment of database of market traders to know the number of people in-
volved as well as facilities/provisions to be put in place to accommodate \Â&#x20AC;q^z qW\ql^\{zlq{xy^zxx[x\^ ]XÂ&#x2026;q{YpqY\^\X^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;zY^q qWtively for their accommodation and establishment of expanded consultative forum, which would consist of chairmen of local government councils, market leaders, security agencies, governpqY\^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;x^ zYl^ X\Â&#x20AC;q{^
stakeholders to meet and discuss the enforcement from time to time until compliance is ensured.â&#x20AC;? The development is aftermath of gory fuel tanker accident, which occurred at Molete market in Ibadan penultimate z\`{lz}^\Â&#x20AC;z\^Â&#x192;qzl^\X^Â&#x2021;{q^ disaster during which no fewer than 22 people and property worth millions of naira were loss.
Group commends Jonathan for tackling Boko Haram insurgency RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti
group under the auspices of Jonathan Peace Ambassadors has commended Federal Government and the military for displaying sincerity and professionalism in dealing with the menace of Boko Haram insurgents, who are fomenting crises in the northern part of the country. Director-General of Jonathan Peace Ambassadors, Daniel Erekake, spoke yesterday in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State capital, during a community service rendered by the group, showering encomiums on President Goodluck Jonathan for resisting attempt by some people to push him into committing genocide in dealing with the insurgents and described it as rare display of patriotism. Erekake described the ceasefire truce reached by Federal Government with Boko Haram #$%&'(%) W8* 6=%=< #*''<0Â&#x2014;*).<)=0Â&#x2DC; #$%Â&#x2014;<@ W@% -Â&#x2122;%8& @<+= Â&#x2014;'<0<)=&)Â&#x2013; V%'. =* -@%%X) *+ W8* WG% !%(&.& -.<8- as commendable step, emi; to mark his 76th birthday in Oyo...yesterday. though pleaded for caution towards preventing the military from being caught napagos State it has established pro-ac- ful containment of Ebola \{}^ XÂ ^ qzÂ&#x192;\Â&#x20AC;^ xzW{[Â&#x2021;Wql^ ping by the insurgents. Chapter of tive health sector over the virus. We note that some themselves to ensure that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Some said Mr PresiAll Progres- years, which naturally people and groups are the disease didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spread dent should level the sives Congress rose to challenges posed positioning themselves farther than it entire Boko Haram-rid(APC) has com- by the ravaging virus. for the accolades for this did. We note that before den North-East. This mended the state governis genocide in the real According to the state- feat, but what is not in any other person or pqY\^ Â X{^ [\x^ Â&#x201E;zWqÂŻxq2[Y]^ ment: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lagos State Gov- doubt is that Lagos State sector could react, the sense of it. How can inrole in the way it con- ernment, indeed, showed Government through its state has mapped out nocent people be killed tained the Ebola Virus leadership in tackling the Ministry of Health and strategies for the control because of the bad conDisease (EVD). novel virus, which led pql[WzÂ&#x192;^x\z ^xq\^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;zWq^ of Ebola, set out facili- ducts of few? A statement issued by to its successful contain- for controlling the virus ties for the treatment and â&#x20AC;&#x153;The president resistthe state Publicity Secre- ment in the country. The and led the way in dictat- quarantine of Ebola vic- ed this advice and went tary of APC, Joe Igbokwe, state continues to show ing the best possible way tims and deployed the to tell us that the life of emphasised that Gover- the limitless possibilities towards ensuring that x\z ^ XÂ ^ [\x^ Â&#x20AC;qzÂ&#x192;\Â&#x20AC;^ zYl^ zÂ&#x192;- every Nigerian is prenor Babatunde-led ad- possessed by Nigeria if it spread of the disease is Â&#x192;[ql^ p[Y[x\{[qx^ \X^ |z2Â&#x192;q^ cious to him.â&#x20AC;? ministration dictated the has the right leadership. He, however, disput under control. the novel disease and its pace for successful conclosed that the group â&#x20AC;&#x153;We note that Nigeria is â&#x20AC;&#x153;We note that many fallouts.â&#x20AC;? tainment of EVD because gloating over the success- x\z ^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ x\z\q^ [Y[xdecided to embrace Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformational agenda by setting up a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;community volunteer teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; toBOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeoeconomic Advancement the state governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ties of the industries. wards helping in comkuta in Ogun Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and slated zero tolerance for enviâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Over the years, our munal services in all o fewer for October 28 and 29 at ronmental pollution. environment has been the 36 states to further than six Ota in Ado-Odo/Ota LoHe emphasised that the exploited, misused and reinforce the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s i n d u s t r i e s cal Government Council state Ministry of Environ- abused without any de- unity and expand the have been of the state. ment didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take delight Â&#x192;[|q{z\q^ q X{\^ z\^ zÂ&#x2026;q{\[Y]^ scope of democratic shut by However, Olubori said [Y^xÂ&#x20AC;`2[Y]^[Yl`x\{[qx^|`\^ or ameliorating the dev- dividends . Ogun State Government all the industries have itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important that health astating consequences. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our efforts include for environmental pollu- been reopened after of the people, particuâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The summit would performing communal tion. meeting all the environ- larly host communities is provide platform for services like clearing Commissioner for En- mental laws and require- protected. stakeholders to review of drainages in all the vironment, Ayo Olubori, ments. Olubori said the sum- several adverse impacts states of the federation xÂ&#x201E;XÂ&#x201D;q^ z\^ z^ Â&#x201E;{qxx^ |{[qÂ&#x2021;Y]^ According the commis- mit became necessary to of their activities and op- and preach to youths, Â&#x20AC;q{zÂ&#x192;l[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ ]`Y^ sioner, the state has been rub minds with captains erations on the environ- regardless of politiState Environmental able to raise its revenue of industry on how to ment while also examin- cal leanings, to eschew Summit tagged â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Sustain- Â {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;Yqx^ XÂ ^ WXpÂ&#x201E;z- protect the environment ing the best approaches violence and acts that able Environmental De- Y[qx^\Â&#x20AC;z\^ZX`\ql^qYÂ&#x2026;[{XY- towards avoiding natural to minimise and mitigate could bring bad blood velopment: Key to Socio- mental laws following disasters following activi- such impacts.â&#x20AC;? and disunity.â&#x20AC;?
APC commends Lagos for containing Ebola
Ogun goes tough on environmental offenders
Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 22, 2014
North East
Jonathan sues for peace at airport commission DAHIRU SULEIMAN, Dutse
resident Jonathan has commissioned the multi- billion Naira Dutse International Airport, and urged Nigerians to close ranks with government in confronting the security challenges facing the country for peaceful coexistence. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no way there will be development while in crisis. So, we plead with Nigerians to uphold peace for even developmentâ&#x20AC;?, he said. According to Mr. President, no any nation could develop in chaos, stressing we can achieve development if we can live in peace and act positively, in the overall interest of the country. On Dutse Airport, he assured Nigerians that federal government will remain comp[2ql^ [Y^ [\x^ l{[Â&#x2026;q^ \XÂ&#x2020;z{lx^ making all our airports are safe. On liabilities incurred by Ji-
gawa state government in the construction of Dutse Airport, the President assured that Federal government will give positive support diligently in
X xq2[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zWW`p`Â&#x192;z\ql^ debt amicably. Earlier in his speech, the Aviation Minister, Osita Chidoka stated the coming on board of
Dutse Airport as part of President Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformation agenda in the aviation sector. â&#x20AC;&#x153;With this development, we in the aviation ministry, have
given approval towards the construction of cargo terminal to Dutse Airport for provision of employment opportunities to the peopleâ&#x20AC;?
NGO drums support for ex-chief executive of NHRC as gubernatorial candidate AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
A L-R: Governorship Aspirant, Bauchi State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bappah Azare; Bauchi State Di'<V=*' ;<)<'%@ 3*@&=&V%@ -@$%Â&#x2122;& '%Â&#x2022;% .%G%'& %). 3'3 #$%&'(%) .&'X !*V%@ ;*/<')(<)= -@$%Â&#x2122;& -@& 0?0=%Â&#x2014;$% %= =$< aspirantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s news conference in Bauchi State...yesterday.
INEC in Kano set to deploy 10,000 staff to distribute PVC, CRV place, while 10,000 of the zlÂŻÂ&#x20AC;XW^ x\z y^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ ^ Â&#x2020;q{q^ {qndependent National cruited from the NYSC and Electoral Commission ^ x\z ^ ^ Â&#x2020;X`Â&#x192;l^ |q^ `xql^ (INEC) in Kano has during the two exercises, inconcluded arrangement cluding students of tertiary to deploy not less than institutions, just as security Â&#x152;Â?yÂ?Â?Â?^zlÂŻÂ&#x20AC;XW^x\z ^\X^qp|z{Â&#x201D;^ arrangements have also been on the distribution of Perma- pzÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;ql^ X`\^ Â X{^ q qW\[Â&#x2026;q^ nent Voters Card, including continuous voters registration. The exercise is expected to TED ODOGWU, Kano kick start on November 7, 2014 in the entire Kano state, he Project Direcas all necessary arrangetor, Graduate Inments have been concluded ternship Scheme for a hitch-free distribution. (GIS), Mr. Peter Addressing newsmen on Parka, yesterthe preparedness of INEC, day in Kano described the the Resident Electoral Com- scheme as a unique platform missioner in the State, Alhaji for the reduction of vulnerAbdullahi Umar Danyaya, ability among unemployed disclosed that the distribu- graduates, which provides tion of PVC, according to the soft landing for many unemtime table will commence on ployed graduates in eking a the 7th and ends on Novem- living, either through jobs or ber 9, 2014, while the CVR entrepreneurship. will start between 12th and However, he observed 17th of November, 2014. that in order to deepen this Also, Danyaya explained partnership, he disclosed that all vital materials for that a Youth Empowerment both the distribution of PVC Export Skills Acquisition and CVR have been received Programme YEESAP) has in the national headquarters been initiated by the Nigeria and would be accordingly Export Promotion Council , l[x\{[|`\ql^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;^ XWzÂ&#x192;^ with pilot projects to be run Government Areas, while Â&#x2021;{x\^[Y^ z]Xx^zYl^ zYXÂ&#x201A; the PVC is been expected any According to him, YEEmoment from now. SAP will focus on proper According to him, a total training of graduates number of registered votinterns on export trade, ers in Kano State stood at Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ z2zWÂ&#x20AC;pqY\^ Â X{^ Â&#x2020;X{Â&#x201D;^ 4,751,818, with 8,074 polling experience in companies alunits, adding that Kano State ready in related businesses had been allocated with ad- Making the assertion in ditional 1,735 polling units, Kano yesterday at a stakebringing the total number holders forum for export to 9,809 polling units in the xqW\X{^ zYl^ Â&#x2021;{pxy^ X{]zY[Â&#x2122;ql^ state. by GIS in collaboration with All logistic arrangements, Nigeria Export Promotion he said have been put in Council (NEPC), Mr. TED ODOGWU, Kano
strategy to provide adequate security during the exercise under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner of Police, Aderenle Shinaba. Already, Danyaya disclosed that the Commission has embarked on effective Voters education
programme for full mobilisation of the people of the state to participate in the exercise, as all registered voters will collect their PVC where they registered during the 2011 registration exercise. In conclusion, Dayaya hinted that the CVR is for those
who have not registered be X{q^ zYl^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ z2z[Yql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ age of 18, just as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also intended to cover those who have earlier registered but whose names did not appear on the Voters register to revalidate during the period of the exercise.
GIS, reduces vulnerability among unemployed graduates
Parka disclosed that each graduate is given the sum of N30, 000 every month as a stipend. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;In 2012 when partial subsidy on petroleum products was removed, President Goodluck Jonathan made a commitment to the citizens that the proceed will be channelled to areas, Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;Xx[\[Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x192;}^ z qW\^ their livesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. This, he explained led to the creation of the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SUREP), adding that the GIS, which is one of the intervention of SURE-P, is a platform
that provides graduates with one year temporary work experience to make them stronger candidate for job opening in the labour market, as well as boosting their chances of being self employed. He however pointed out that, key lessons emerging  {Xp^ l[ q{qY\^ Â&#x201E;z{\Yq{[Y]^ Â&#x2021;{px^z{X`Yl^\Â&#x20AC;q^WX`Y\{}^[Ydicated that many graduates are willing to excel and are utilizing the GIS to do so. Â&#x192;xXy^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x20AC;[Y\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x2021;{px^ are using the scheme to determine prospective candidates for their employment.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Thousands of Nigerian youths on the scheme are zÂ&#x192;{qzl}^xq2[Y]^`Â&#x201E;^\Â&#x20AC;q[{^XÂ&#x2020;Y^ businesses on a large scale, as well as mobilizing start capital, through the establishment of interns cooperativesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Parka equally enjoined Â&#x2026;z{[X`x^ Â&#x2021;{px^ \X^ `\[Â&#x192;[Â&#x2122;q^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ opportunity by embracing the scheme, through applying for graduates from the body, noting that they have nothing to lose because the Federal Ministry of Finance is shouldering the responsibility of paying their monthly stipend of N30,000.
Dakingari sacks SSG AYO AJOGE, Kebbi
ebbi State Governor, Saidu Usman Dakingari yesterday sacked his Secretary to the state government Alhaji Nuradden Usman Kangiwa over what was described by some government insiders as excessive overbearing of the SSG. It was gathered that Kangiwa insulted one of the elders of Kebbi State
who is also a prominent PDP elders at the national level publicly at a meeting of PDP Board of Trustees (BOT) lead by its Chairman, Chief Tony Anenih and some aggrieved party members in the state. This behaviour of the SSG irritates the governor that he has to relive him of his appointment. But in a reaction to the sack through a press statement issued and signed by the Press Sec-
retary to the state government, Alhaji Abubakar Muasu Dakingari and made available to Newsmen stated that the SSG resigned his appointment for him to purse his political ambitions against the 2015 general elections. The statement also informed that Governor Dakingari has reappointed a former SSG in the state, Alhaji Rabiu Garba Kamba to take over from the sacked SSG immediately.
head of 2015 general elections, a non-governmental organisation under the auspices of Concerned Citizen for Social Justice (CCSJ), Kebbi state has voiced out its support for the candidature of Alh.Buhari Bello, the former Executive Secretary of National Human Rights Commission, Abuja, to vie for the governorship of kebbi state on the platform of APC. The chairman of the association Suleman Mohammed made this known to newsmen in Birnin Kebbi yesterday after the general meeting of all the members comprising the 21 local government coordinators of the association. According to the chairman the association after analyzing the track public service record of Bello at the then National Electoral Commission, National Human Rights Commission and various international and national committees he had work for, have unanimously endorsed him for the post. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In view of the clean public record of Buhari Bello at various sensitive organisations in the country Nwe have endorsed him to succeed Governor Dakingari in 2015 we are therefore appealing to the APC national Working Committee , Board of Trustees and the entire national executives of APC to support the candidature of Buhari Bello to become the next governor of our dear state in the interest of justice, equity and development.â&#x20AC;? he added. The secretary of the Association, Adamu Abdullahi also told newsmen that the association will mobilize grassroots support for Buhari Bello in all the nooks and crannies of the state.
NFF, Danagogo at loggerheads over foreign coach
cold war is brew[Y]^|q\Â&#x2020;qqY^ []q{[z^ [Y[x\q{^ Â X{^ Â&#x201E;X{\xy^ zpp}^ zYz]X]X^ zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x192;qzlq{xÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ []q{[z^ XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ qlq{z\[XY^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ over the issue of a foreign WXzWÂ&#x20AC;^Â X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^ `Â&#x201E;q{^ z]Â&#x192;qxÂ&#x201A; ^ xX`{Wq^ z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;X{\x^ Commission said the coun\{}Ă x^Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[W}^Â {XÂ&#x2020;Y^z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x20AC;[{[Y]^XÂ ^Â X{q[]Y^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;z\{[z\qxÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\y^ XXlluck Ebele Jonathan has outlawed the hiring of forq[]Y^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;z\{[z\qx^[Y^zY}^xqW\X{^ XÂ ^ []q{[z^ [Y\q{qx\y^ xX^ ^ Â&#x2020;XYlq{^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;}^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^Â&#x2020;zY\x^ XYqyÂ&#x2019;^xz[l^\Â&#x20AC;q^xX`{WqÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; \Ă x^x[pÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;}^Â X{^\Â&#x20AC;z\^{qzxXY^\Â&#x20AC;z\^\Â&#x20AC;q^ [Y[x\q{^Â&#x2020;zY\ql^ qxÂ&#x20AC;[^\X^{qpz[Y^zx^WXzWÂ&#x20AC;y^ but he was sacked without
\Â&#x20AC;q^ [Y[x\q{Ă x^ WXYxqY\^ X{^ Â&#x201D;YXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x192;ql]qÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; qxÂ&#x201E;[\q^ WÂ&#x192;z[px^ pzlq^ |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\y^ pz_` [YY[WÂ&#x201D;^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^  XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x20AC;X`xq^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ ]X\^ z^ xÂ&#x201E;XYxX{^ \X^ Â&#x201E;[WÂ&#x201D;^ `Â&#x201E;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;z]qx^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ }q\^ \X^ |q^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X[Y\ql^  X{q[]Y^ |Xxxy^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^\XÂ&#x201E;^|{zxx^[Yx[x\^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;X[Y\pqY\x^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ \X^ |q^ {`||q{x\zpÂ&#x201E;ql^ |}^\Â&#x20AC;q^WX`Y\{}Ă x^zÂ&#x201E;qÂ&#x2030;^xÂ&#x201E;X{\^ body. Â&#x2C6;  ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ ^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^xX`{Wql^  X{^ z^ xÂ&#x201E;XYxX{^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;z\{[z\qy^ [\Ă x^ z^ Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x192;WXpq^ [lqz^|`\^x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^[\^Â&#x20AC;zx^\X^|q^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2026;ql^|}^\Â&#x20AC;q^ yÂ&#x2019;^zllql^ the source. He, however, said if the ^z{q^z|Â&#x192;q^\X^lq qYl^\Â&#x20AC;q[{^ Â&#x201E;{q q{qYWq^X ^z^ X{q[]Y^WXzWÂ&#x20AC;^ to an indigenous coach in  {XY\^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\^ \Â&#x20AC;qY^ they might have their way. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The way out for them [x^ X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{qx[lqY\^\X^]{zY\^ \Â&#x20AC;qp^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2026;zÂ&#x192;y^ X\Â&#x20AC;q{Â&#x2020;[xq^ \Â&#x20AC;q{q^[x^YX^Â&#x2020;z}^\Â&#x20AC;q^ z\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;X{\x^ Xpp[xx[XY^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;^ X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^ [Y[x\q{^WzY^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2026;q^ x`WÂ&#x20AC;yÂ&#x2019;^WXYWÂ&#x192;`lql^\Â&#x20AC;q^xX`{WqÂ&#x201A;
CAF to inspect Uyo Stadium for Eagles, Bafana cracker
he Confederation of African Football (CAF) has agreed to xqYl^ [\x^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;x^ \X^ [YxÂ&#x201E;qW\^ the brand â&#x20AC;&#x201C;new Akwa Ibom International Stadium, Uyo, which is being Â&#x201E;`\^ Â X{Â&#x2020;z{l^ |}^ []q{[z^ as venue for next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Â?Â?Â&#x152;Ă&#x201E;^ Â {[Wz^ `Â&#x201E;^XÂ ^ z\[XYx^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;q{^|q\Â&#x2020;qqY^\Â&#x20AC;q^ `Â&#x201E;q{^ Eagles and Bafana Bafana of South Africa. Initially, CAF raised the issue of the fact that the ven`q^Â&#x20AC;zl^YX\^}q\^|qqY^[YxÂ&#x201E;qW\ed and therefore would not stand a chance of hosting the match. However, the ^ zxx`{ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ WXY\[YqYtal body of the quality of the facility and the readiness of
the Akwa Ibom State Government to guarantee safety zYl^ xqW`{[\}^ X ^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;q{xXYx^ at the match. On Tuesday, CAF agreed \X^ xqYl^ zY^ XIW[zÂ&#x192;^ \X^ WÂ&#x20AC;qWÂ&#x201D;^ out the venue next week, as \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^Â&#x201E;`xÂ&#x20AC;qx^zÂ&#x20AC;qzl^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ all arrangements to have a hitch â&#x20AC;&#x201C;free match between the Eagles and the Bafana z zYz^XY^ qlYqxlz}y^ Xvember 19. Â&#x20AC;q^Ă&#x17D;Â?yÂ?Â?Â?^WzÂ&#x201E;zW[\}y^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Ă? covered facility with a bulÂ&#x192;q\Ă?Â&#x201E;{XX ^ \z\q^ XÂ&#x2030;^  X{^ ÂŽÂ?^ Â&#x201E;q{xXYxy^ [x^ XYq^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pXx\^ pz]Y[Â&#x2021;WqY\^ xÂ&#x201E;X{\[Y]^ [Yfrastructure on the African WXY\[YqY\Â&#x201A;^^ \^Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^|q^XIW[zÂ&#x192;ly commissioned on Thurslz}y^ XÂ&#x2026;qp|q{^Ă&#x2122;Â&#x201A;
Amaju woos corporate Nigeria
he new Executive Xpp[2qq^X ^ []q{[z^ Football Federation \zÂ&#x201D;qx^ [\^ |XYl[Y]^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Â&#x201E;z{\Yq{x^ zYl^ Â&#x201E;X\qY\[zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;z{\Yq{x^ to a new height on Friday when it hosts the crème-deÂ&#x192;zÂŻW{Ă pq^ X ^ X{Â&#x201E;X{z\q^ [geria to a grand ball at the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. ^ {qx[lqY\y^ pz_`^ [YY[WÂ&#x201D;y^ xz[l^ XY^ `qxlz}Â&#x2DC;^ Â&#x2C6; \^ [x^ z^ xÂ&#x201E;qW[zÂ&#x192;^ qÂ&#x2026;qY\y^ z\^ which we want to sell our YqÂ&#x2020;^ l[{qW\[XY^ \X^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ \XÂ&#x201E;ÂŻ of-the-range family of CorÂ&#x201E;X{z\q^ []q{[zÂ&#x201A;^ q^z{q^zÂ&#x192;xX^ ]X[Y]^ \X^ xqÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ \{zYxÂ&#x201E;z{qYW}y^ zWWX`Y\z|[Â&#x192;[\}^ zYl^ Â&#x201E;{X|[\}^ and tell them that we have WXpq^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^z^\X\zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^l[ q{qY\^ way of doing things. Â&#x2C6; Â&#x20AC;qY^ WX{Â&#x201E;X{z\q^ X{ganisations know that their pXYq}^ Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ |q^ Â&#x201E;`\^ \X^ _`l[cious use, they are keen to Â&#x201E;z{\Yq{^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^}X`Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Â&#x201E;X{\x^ [Y[x\q{y^ {Â&#x201A;^ zp-
p}^ zYz]X]Xy^ Â&#x20AC;z[{pzY^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qYz\q^ Xpp[2qq^ XY^ Â&#x201E;X{\xy^ qYz\X{^ lzp`^ Gumba and the Chairman X ^ X`xq^ Xpp[2qq^ XY^ Â&#x201E;X{\xy^ XYÂ&#x201A;^ Xl {q}^ z[}z^ Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ \qzp^ `Â&#x201E;^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ team to make their case to \Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;{XxÂ&#x201E;qW\[Â&#x2026;q^[YÂ&#x2026;qx\X{xÂ&#x201A; Already, a big buzz is {XWÂ&#x201D;[Y]^ X{Â&#x201E;X{z\q^ []q{[z^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ z^ Y`p|q{^ X ^ \XÂ&#x201E;^ Â&#x2021;]`{qx^ WXYÂ&#x2021;{pql^  X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ |[]^ show. Oba Otudeko, ChairpzY^ X ^ XYq}Â&#x2020;qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ {X`Â&#x201E;^ and one â&#x20AC;&#x201C;time Chairman of Association of Shareholders X ^ []q{[zy^[x^zpXY]^\Â&#x20AC;q^|[]^ Yzpqx^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\qlÂ&#x201A; Â&#x192;xX^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\ql^ z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ qÂ&#x2026;qY\^|q[Y]^Â&#x201E;`\^\X]q\Â&#x20AC;q{^|}^ [YzYW[zÂ&#x192;^ q{[Â&#x2026;z\[Â&#x2026;qxy^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x201E;Xxql^ Â&#x2021;YzYW[zÂ&#x192;^ WXYx`Â&#x192;\zY\x^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ y^z{q^\XÂ&#x201E;^XIW[zÂ&#x192;x^  {Xp^ {[WqÂ&#x2020;z\q{Â&#x20AC;X`xqy^ slated to audit the books of the Federation and Ben & Co, who will be the management consultants.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve lost touch with coaching â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Amodu ! "# $ Martin Odiete, Abuja
igeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s caretaker coach, Amodu Shuaibu may Â&#x2021;Yl^ [\^ Â&#x20AC;z{l^ WXp[Y]^ \X^ terms with modern day coaching techniques as he admits he has long lost \X`WÂ&#x20AC;^Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^WXzWÂ&#x20AC;[Y]^Â&#x201E;{Xfession. It was against this |zWÂ&#x201D;l{XÂ&#x201E;^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x20AC;q^ WXYx[lq{ql^ lqWÂ&#x192;[Y[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ X q{^ of interim Eagles coach when he was announced |}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ pz_`^ [Y[WÂ&#x201D;^ Â&#x192;ql^ []q{[z^ XX\|zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ qlq{ztion. Amodu said he also \Â&#x20AC;X`]Â&#x20AC;\^ X ^ {q_qW\[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ _X|^ |qWz`xq^ Â&#x20AC;q^ YqÂ&#x2026;q{^ |qlieved that sacking SteÂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;qY^ qxÂ&#x20AC;[^Â&#x2020;zx^\Â&#x20AC;q^xXÂ&#x192;`tion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The truth is that my coming back to handle the national team again Wzpq^zx^z^x`{Â&#x201E;{[xq^\X^pqÂ&#x201A;^ `{Â&#x201E;{[xq^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^xqYxq^\Â&#x20AC;z\y^ I have been disconnected with football coaching at the national team level  X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x201E;zx\^ X`{^}qz{xÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; X^ ^Â&#x192;qzx\^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;qW\ql^\X^ |q^Yzpql^ X{^\Â&#x20AC;q^_X|Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ \Â&#x20AC;[Y]^ \Â&#x20AC;z\^ Wzpq^ \X^ my mind was to say outright no. The reason being that we should have pzlq^ xq{[X`x^ q X{\x^ \X^ avert the removal of my WXÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;qz]`qyÂ&#x2039; \qÂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;qY^ qxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x2018;^ {Xp^\Â&#x20AC;[x^_X|^|qWz`xq^ it was remaining only two matches. Â&#x2C6; }^ {qzxXY^  X{^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ [x^
that I believed it was not all over. I thought if we Â&#x2020;q{q^ Â&#x201E;z\[qY\^ qYX`]Â&#x20AC;^ Â X{^ Â&#x20AC;[p^ \X^ Â&#x201E;{X|z|Â&#x192;}^ Â&#x2021;Y[xÂ&#x20AC;^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ _X|^ Â&#x2020;q^ Â&#x2020;X`Â&#x192;l^ x\[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ qualify. At that level, we would have been able \X^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{z[xq^ Â&#x20AC;[p^ Â&#x2039; qxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x2018;^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x201E;q{Â&#x192;}Â&#x201A;^ `\^ [\^ Â&#x192;XXÂ&#x201D;ql^ Â&#x192;[Â&#x201D;q^ x`Â&#x201E;q{[X{^ {qzxXY[Y]^ overtook my sentiment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So the decision was taken after I made serious q X{\x^\X^xqq^[Â ^\Â&#x20AC;q^x[\`ztion would be salvaged. `\^ [\^ Â&#x2020;zx^ lqqÂ&#x201E;q{^ \Â&#x20AC;zY^ what I can see from outside. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I wanted to have a pqY\zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;[W\`{q^ XÂ ^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\^
\Â&#x20AC;q^_X|^[x^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^z|X`\^|q X{q^ I would take over the suÂ&#x201E;q{Â&#x2026;[x[XY^ X ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ \Â&#x2020;X^ {qmaining matches. I made my condition very clear that if I were to come and \zÂ&#x201D;q^ XÂ&#x2026;q{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ _X|^  X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ remaining matches, we p`x\^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{qW[z\q^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;q{q^ we are coming from. As z^ Â&#x201E;{X qxx[XYzÂ&#x192;y^ ^ \Â&#x20AC;X`]Â&#x20AC;\^ I was going to be close to \Â&#x20AC;q^ \qWÂ&#x20AC;Y[WzÂ&#x192;^ lqÂ&#x201E;z{\pqY\^ where I was assigned to man for over a year ago now; but without the inx\{`pqY\^X ^XIWq^\X^lX^xX^ [Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;{x\^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;zWq^zY}Â&#x2020;z}Â&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; Â&#x20AC;q^ ^ {qx[lqY\^ assured me and I know
he is a man of honour. So I let him go out with the announcement. As I xÂ&#x201E;qzÂ&#x201D;^ \X^ }X`^ YXÂ&#x2020;y^ ^ zp^ not going to dwell on WXY\{XÂ&#x2026;q{x[qxÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Amodu revealed that ^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ pzlq^ Â&#x20AC;[x^ _X|^ easy by making available \X^Â&#x20AC;[p^z^Â&#x192;[x\^XÂ ^Ă&#x2122;Ă&#x2122;^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}q{x^ from where to take his Â&#x201E;[WÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A; Ă&#x2014;Ă Â&#x20AC;z\^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ \qWÂ&#x20AC;Y[WzÂ&#x192;^ lqÂ&#x201E;z{\pqY\Â&#x20AC;zx^ lXYq^ Â X{^ me is very good. They Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ _`x\^ Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x2026;[lql^ pq^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ z^ Â&#x192;[x\^ XÂ ^ Ă&#x2122;Ă&#x2122;^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}q{x^ both home and foreign|zxql^ \X^ l{zÂ&#x2020;^ Â {XpyÂ&#x2019;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ added.
Oscar Pistorius jailed five years
xWz{^ [x\X{[`x^ Â&#x2020;zx^ taken away in a Â&#x201E;XÂ&#x192;[Wq^ Â&#x2026;zY^ Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ barred windows Tuesday \X^x\z{\^xq{Â&#x2026;[Y]^z^Â&#x2021;Â&#x2026;qÂŻ}qz{^ Â&#x201E;{[xXY^xqY\qYWq^Â X{^Â&#x201D;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;[Y]^ girlfriend, Reeva SteenÂ&#x201D;zpÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201A; qÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2026;q{[Y]^ Â&#x20AC;q{^ xqYtence, Judge Thokozile zx[Â&#x201E;z^ W[\ql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2C6;]{Xxx^ Yq]Â&#x192;[]qYWqÂ&#x2019;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ lX`|Â&#x192;qÂŻ zpÂ&#x201E;`\qq^ Â&#x192;}pÂ&#x201E;[W^ {`Yner showed when he shot \qqYÂ&#x201D;zpÂ&#x201E;^p`Â&#x192;\[Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;q^\[pqx^ through a toilet cubicle door in his home. [x\X{[`xy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ Â&#x20AC;zl^ cried and vomited during his trial, was unemotional as he stood to hear his xqY\qYWqÂ&#x201A;^ [x^Â&#x201E;{[xXY^\q{p^ begins immediately and
Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2020;zx^ Â&#x192;ql^ lXÂ&#x2020;Y^ z^ Z[]Â&#x20AC;\^ of stairs and toward holding cells before leaving the South African courthouse in the armored vehicle. [x\X{[`x^ WX`Â&#x192;l^ |q^ {qleased after 10 months in _z[Â&#x192;^\X^xq{Â&#x2026;q^\Â&#x20AC;q^{qpz[Ylq{^ under house arrest, acWX{l[Y]^\X^Â&#x192;q]zÂ&#x192;^qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;q{\xÂ&#x201A; \qqYÂ&#x201D;zpÂ&#x201E;Ă x^ Â&#x201E;z{qY\x^ were also in court to hear the sentence and the dead modelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother, June, said _`x\[Wq^ Â&#x20AC;zl^ |qqY^ lXYqÂ&#x201A;^ ^ WÂ&#x192;Xxq^Â {[qYl^XÂ ^ \qqYÂ&#x201D;zpÂ&#x201E;y^ [Yz^ }q{xy^xz[lÂ&#x2DC;^Â&#x2C6; ^{qzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think any of us will heal anytime soon ... there Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^zÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;z}x^|q^Ă&#x192;`qx\[XYxÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; [x\X{[`xĂ ^ `YWÂ&#x192;qy^ {YXÂ&#x192;l^ [x\X{[`xy^ xz[lÂ&#x2DC;^ Â&#x2C6; xWz{^ Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ qp|{zWq^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ XÂ&#x201E;-
Â&#x201E;X{\`Y[\}^ \X^ Â&#x201E;z}^ |zWÂ&#x201D;^ \X^ xXW[q\}Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019;^ q^ zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;qzÂ&#x192;ql^ \X^ {qÂ&#x201E;X{\q{x^\X^][Â&#x2026;q^\Â&#x20AC;q^ zp[Â&#x192;}^ Â&#x201E;{[Â&#x2026;zW}^ z \q{^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;z\^ Â&#x20AC;q^ called â&#x20AC;&#x153;20 months of reÂ&#x192;qY\Â&#x192;qxx^Â&#x201E;`|Â&#x192;[W^\{[zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019; [x\X{[`xĂ ^ `YWÂ&#x192;q^ zÂ&#x192;xX^ W{[\[W[Â&#x2122;ql^ x\z\q^ Â&#x201E;{XxqW`\X{x^  X{^ Â&#x201E;`{x`[Y]^ z^ Â&#x201E;{qmeditated charge against [x\X{[`xy^ zYl^ xz[l^ Â&#x2C6;\Â&#x20AC;q}^ lqW[lql^\X^[YZ[W\^zx^p`WÂ&#x20AC;^ collateral damage as they WX`Â&#x192;lÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; zx[Â&#x201E;z^ xz[l^ Â&#x20AC;q{^ xqYtence was a balancing act between retribution and clemency. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am of the view that a non-custodial sentence would send a wrong message to the commuY[\}yÂ&#x2019;^ zx[Â&#x201E;z^ xz[l^ z \q{^
x`ppz{[Â&#x2122;[Y]^ Â&#x201E;z{\x^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Wzxq^ zYl^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z[Y[Y]^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;}^ she reached her decision. â&#x20AC;&#x153;On the other hand, a long sentence would not |q^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XÂ&#x201E;{[z\q^q[\Â&#x20AC;q{^zx^[\^ would lack the element of pq{W}Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019;
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014
AWC s/final: NFF boss charges Falcons
^ {qx[lqY\y^ Amaju Pinnick has charged the Senior Women National qzpy^ `Â&#x201E;q{^ zÂ&#x192;WXYxy^ \X^ play with all their heart when confronting the Banyana Banyana of South Africa in the semiÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;x^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Ă&#x201A;\Â&#x20AC;^ Â {[WzY^ Women Championship in Namibia on Wednesday. Victories over Cote lĂ Â&#x2026;X[{qy^ zp|[z^zYl^ zmibia shot the six â&#x20AC;&#x201C;time champions to the semiÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;x^XY^pzÂ&#x2030;[p`p^Â&#x201E;X[Y\x^ Â {Xp^ \Â&#x20AC;q[{^ \Â&#x20AC;{qq^ pz\WÂ&#x20AC;qxy^ with victory against South Africa to guarantee a Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;zWq^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^\X`{YzpqY\^Â&#x2021;nal and a berth at the 2015 FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World `Â&#x201E;^Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;x^[Y^ zYzlzÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am truly impressed with the way the team has played in the tournament zYl^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ YX^ lX`|\y^ made Nigerians happy. XÂ&#x2020;y^ \Â&#x20AC;q}^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ WXpq^ \X^ a point where they cannot z X{l^ \X^ pzÂ&#x201D;q^ zY}^ p[xtakes. Â&#x2C6; ]z[Yx\^ X`\Â&#x20AC;^ Â {[Wzy^ we have to be close to perfection. The rivalry between our two countries will make the match more WXpÂ&#x201E;q\[\[Â&#x2026;qÂ&#x201A;^ Xy^ Â&#x2020;q^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ to be at our very best. Our girls must play with their Â&#x20AC;qz{\xÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; The clash at the Sam Nujoma Stadium in [YlÂ&#x20AC;XqÂ&#x201D;y^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^x\z{\x^z\^ 5pm Namibia time (4pm []q{[z^ \[pqÂ&#x2018;y^ [x^ z^ {qÂ&#x201E;qz\^ of the 2012 matchâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;up between both teams in Ă&#x192;`z\X{[zÂ&#x192;^ `[Yqzy^Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[WÂ&#x20AC;^ the Banyana won to reach \Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have told the girls that they have to overcome the South Africans \X^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â }^ Â X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;y^ because I want to travel to Namibia to watch them Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ XY^ z\`{lz}yÂ&#x2019;^ [YY[WÂ&#x201D;^zllqlÂ&#x201A;
AWC: South Africa must fall â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Falcons
head of their W{`YWÂ&#x20AC;^ xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ clash in the African Women ChampiXYxÂ&#x20AC;[Â&#x201E;^ Â&#x2039; Â&#x2018;y^ `Â&#x201E;q{^ Falcons central defendq{y^ YXpq^ |[^ xz}x^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ match is key to reclaiming the title they lost two years ago in Equatorial Guinea. YXpqy^ z^ Â&#x201E;{Xp[YqY\^ member of the team that lost to Van Wykâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s solitary strike at this same stage in 2012 said they would not allow the mistakes of that defeat to repeat itself again in Namibia. She said that the mistakes were actually that XÂ ^Â&#x201E;XX{^Â&#x2021;Y[xÂ&#x20AC;[Y]^[Y^Â {XY\^ of goal and being complacent during the game adding that they have learnt their lessons and will not allow such to happen again.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We lost to Banyana last time because we were not able to take our chances and they took theirs and converted their only chance to win. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have learnt our lesson and that will be our guiding principle when
we meet on Wednesday Â&#x2039;\Xlz}Â&#x2018;^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192; â&#x20AC;&#x153;This match means so much to us. We know a win will give us ticket to the Women World Cup aside taking home the trophy. So we shall take the match as if it is the
Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;^ â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have to avenge that loss and restore our pride as African queens. We just have to beat \Â&#x20AC;qp^\X^{qzWÂ&#x20AC;^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192; Â&#x2C6; X^ pqy^ \Â&#x20AC;[x^ [x^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ most important game for `x^ zx^ z^ Â&#x2020;[Y^ Ă&#x192;`zÂ&#x192;[Â&#x2021;qx^ `x^ for the World Cup next year and it will further show we are the best in Africa. We have young and energetic players who have made Falcons z^ x\{XY]q{^ \qzpyÂ&#x2019;^ xÂ&#x20AC;q^ said. Onome who plies her trade in Belarus with FK Minsk stated that her WXYÂ&#x2021;lqYWq^ [x^ |XXx\ql^ by the calibre of strikers and the energy the young girls bring into the team; adding that zY}zYzy^ zY}zYz^ Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ no doubt be tough but that they must fall.
Presidency rules out Nigeria hosting AFCON 2015
igeria have become the third country to decline the idea of hosting next yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Africa Cup of Nations according to a source at the presidency. South Africa and Ghana both turned down ^ {qĂ&#x192;`qx\^ \X^ \zÂ&#x201D;q^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ X q{^ z \q{^ [Y[\[zÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x20AC;Xx\y^ Morocco declined for fear of Ebola disease. The Presidency sourceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reaction came after x\z\qpqY\x^W{ql[\ql^\X^ [Wq^ Â&#x20AC;z[{pzY^X ^\Â&#x20AC;q^ y^ Seyi Akinwumi stating Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s interest to host AFCON 2015 in the eventuality of Morocco failing to do so. â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is no chance of this happening for now as we are going to have the general elections z{X`Yl^xzpq^\[pq^zx^\Â&#x20AC;q^\X`{YzpqY\yÂ&#x2019;^\Â&#x20AC;q^xX`{Wq^ said. Â&#x2C6; qx^Â&#x2020;q^z{q^ |XÂ&#x192;z^ {qq^|`\^xqW`{[\}^Â&#x2020;[xqy^[\Ă x^YX\^ ideal to host the cup of nations in same months as X`{^]qYq{zÂ&#x192;^qÂ&#x192;qW\[XYxÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2019; X{XWWXy^Â&#x20AC;Xx\x^X ^YqÂ&#x2030;\^}qz{Ă x^  {[Wz^xXWWq{^Â&#x2021;qx\zy^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^xX{\^ X{^[\^\X^|q^Â&#x201E;Xx\Â&#x201E;XYql^ {Xp^[\Ă x^xWÂ&#x20AC;qluled date to later in the year due to the Ebola virus currently ravaging West African countries . CAF in the interim have turned down their request and according to reports South Africa and Â&#x20AC;zYz^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^|qqY^zÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;{XzWÂ&#x20AC;ql^|}^\Â&#x20AC;q^xXWWq{^|Xl}y^ |`\^Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^|X\Â&#x20AC;^lqWÂ&#x192;[Yql^\Â&#x20AC;q^X q{Â&#x201A;
Bring back trophy, Danagogo tells Falcons
A UEFA Champions League results CSKA Mosco 2-2 Man City Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fixtures Atletico vs Malmo Olympiakos vs Juventus Liverpool vs Real Madrid Ludogorets vs Basel qÂ&#x2026;q{Â&#x201D;`xqY^ Â&#x2026;x^ qY[\^ XYzWX^ Â&#x2026;x^ qYÂ&#x2021;Wz^ Anderlecht vs Arsenal Galatasaray vs B. Dortmund
s the Super Falcons |z2Â&#x192;q^ X`\Â&#x20AC;^ Â {[WzĂ x^ Banyana Banyana in \Â&#x20AC;q^ xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ XÂ ^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â {[can Women Championship [Y^ zp[|[z^ \Xlz}y^ Â&#x201E;X{\x^ Minister and Chairman Na\[XYzÂ&#x192;^ Â&#x201E;X{\x^ Xpp[xx[XYy^ Dr. Tammy Danagogo has urged them not to lower their guard until the World Cup ticket and trophy are in \Â&#x20AC;q[{^Â&#x201D;[2}Â&#x201A; Â&#x20AC;q^ zÂ&#x192;WXYxy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ won six out of the seven ql[\[XYx^XÂ ^\Â&#x20AC;q^WXpÂ&#x201E;q\[\[XYy^ lost the 2012 title in Equatorial Guinea via a lone goal by the South Africans at the xzpq^xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^x\z]qÂ&#x201A;
X^ ]q\^ \Â&#x20AC;`x^ Â z{y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ zÂ&#x192;cons won all their group pz\WÂ&#x20AC;qxy^ |qz\[Y]^ X\q^ lĂ Â&#x2026;X[{q^Â&#x17D;ÂŻÂ?y^ zp|[z^Ă&#x2122;ÂŻÂ?^zYl^ host Namibia 2-0 to amass nine points. A win against South Africa assures them a ticket to the FIFA Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s World Cup next year in Canada. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Falcons have shown that they are truly African Champions and are ready to reclaim their title. I urge them to continue winning their matches until the World Cup ticket and the \{XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x20AC;}^z{q^Â&#x2020;XYÂ&#x2019;y^ {Â&#x201A;^ zYzgogo said. He reiterated Presi-
dent Goodluck Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s promise to continue to reward deserving Nigerian z\Â&#x20AC;Â&#x192;q\qxy^ x\{qxx[Y]y^ Â&#x2C6; ^ zp^ ready to take them to Mr. President to reward them for bringing honour to the WX`Y\{}Â&#x201A;Â&#x2019; Cameroon who topped Group B of the competition Â&#x2020;[Â&#x192;Â&#x192;^ \zÂ&#x201D;q^ XY^ X\q^ lĂ Â&#x2026;X[{qy^ who placed second behind the Falcons in the second xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;Â&#x201A;^ Â&#x20AC;q^ \Â&#x2020;X^ Â&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;ists qualify automatically for the World Cup while a third place winner completes the number of African representatives at the mundial.
Falcons must show champions stuff â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Ordega
`Â&#x201E;q{^ zÂ&#x192;WXYx^ x\{[Â&#x201D;q{y^ Francisca Ordega has declared that her team must show purpose if they hope to win against South  {[Wz^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ X ^ the African Women Championship on Wednesday (today) in Namibia. Nigeria reached the last four as Group A winners Â&#x2020;[\Â&#x20AC;^ Y[Yq^ Â&#x201E;X[Y\xy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;[Â&#x192;q^ xqp[ÂŻÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;^ XÂ&#x201E;Â&#x201E;XYqY\x^ X`\Â&#x20AC;^  {[Wz^ Â&#x2021;Y[xÂ&#x20AC;ql^ zx^ runners-up in Group B with four points edging X`\^ Â&#x20AC;zYz^ XY^ ]XzÂ&#x192;^ l[ q{ence. {lq]zy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;X^ Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}x^ [Y^ Sweden as striker for Pitea y^ Â&#x192;z`lql^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ [pÂ&#x201E;{qxx[Â&#x2026;q^ l[xÂ&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}^zYl^z2[\`lq^X ^Â&#x20AC;q{^ teammates in the prelimiYz{}^ x\z]qy^ \Â&#x20AC;X`]Â&#x20AC;^ [Yx[x\ing they must step up their game against the Bayana Bayana. lp[2[Y]^ YX^  qz{x^  X{^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ X`\Â&#x20AC;^  {[WzYxy^\Â&#x20AC;q^ X{mer Delta Queens forward believes the Super Falcons have everything to win the qYWX`Y\q{y^ |`\^ qÂ&#x2030;Â&#x201E;{qxxql^ worry at the class of quality in the ranks of the coach Vera Pauwâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ladies. The 21-year-old star said her sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ultimate ambition is to win the championship despite their rough preparation and tough start to the eight-nation women tournament. Â&#x2C6; W\`zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^ [Y^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2021;{x\^ ]zpqy^ ^ Â&#x2020;zx^ YX\^ z{X`Yly^ xX^ ^WzYĂ \^\zÂ&#x192;Â&#x201D;^z|X`\^[\y^|`\^ the second game and third XYqy^[\^Â&#x2020;zx^{qzÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;}^XÂ&#x201D;z}Â&#x201A;^ `\^ we can be 100% sure we have been fantastic. We Â&#x20AC;zÂ&#x2026;q^ X`{^ p[x\zÂ&#x201D;qxy^ ^ |qlieve we will correct them when we play in the semiÂ&#x2021;YzÂ&#x192;yÂ&#x2019;^ {lq]z^zllqlÂ&#x201A; â&#x20AC;&#x153;What really makes me proud in the Super Falcons so far in the tournament are their courz]qy^ Â&#x2122;qzÂ&#x192;^ zYl^ qz]q{YqxxÂ&#x201A;^ ^ WzYĂ \^ qÂ&#x2026;qY^ \qÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;^ [\^ zÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;y^ |qcause everyone is ready \X^WXpq^X`\^[Y^\Â&#x20AC;q^Â&#x2021;]Â&#x20AC;\^\X^ win. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know if it was because we lost the last championship to Equato{[zÂ&#x192;^ `[YqzyÂ&#x2019;^xÂ&#x20AC;q^xz[lÂ&#x201A; Â&#x2C6; `\y^ ^ |qÂ&#x192;[qÂ&#x2026;q^ qÂ&#x2026;q{}XYq^ Â&#x20AC;zx^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ z|[Â&#x192;[\}y^ Â&#x2122;qzÂ&#x192;^ zYl^qz]q{Yqxx^\X^Â&#x201E;Â&#x192;z}Â&#x201A;^ Xy^ Â&#x2020;Â&#x20AC;qY^ ^ Wzpq^ [Yy^ ^ xzÂ&#x2020;^ [\y^ I was so happy and I deW[lql^ \X^ Â&#x201E;[WÂ&#x201D;^ `Â&#x201E;^ \Â&#x20AC;q^ Â&#x2122;qzÂ&#x192;^  {Xp^X\Â&#x20AC;q{x^\XXyÂ&#x2019;^xÂ&#x20AC;q^WXYtinued.
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