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Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
APC urges FG to explain $5.7m arms deal in S/Africa
Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W `[Â&#x201A;`UX- these cash-for-arms scansives Congress bQÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x152;W TU|W VQ^ZW |[Â&#x2020;W Z[W Q^Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;W TQXW XVU`W ]`dZd]QÂ&#x2026;W §Â&#x2020;UXZd[^XW [^W QXÂ&#x160;UbW `UXd- ZTUWÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;dZ|W[_W|[Â&#x2020;`WQbÂ&#x2039;d^dXbU^ZW [[bÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2020;]Â&#x160;W trationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s repeated conduct.
[^QZTQ^W Z[W Â&#x2020;`Â&#x201A;U^ZÂ&#x2026;|W Qb- TU|W VQ^ZW Z[W Â&#x160;^[VW ZTUW dress Nigerians on the serial dbU^ZdZdUXW[_WZTUWZV[W dÂ&#x201A;U`dUÂ&#x2039;\Q``QXXÂ&#x2039;U^ZXW Z[W VTd]TW Q^XWVT[WVU`UWQ``UXZUbWVdZTW his administration is sub- an Israeli in South Africa ÂĄU]Zd^Â&#x201A;WZTUW][Â&#x2020;^Z`|WZ[Wd^WZTUW [Â&#x2021;U`WZTUWÂŁ`XZWdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;WbUQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;WUX][Â&#x2039;dZ|W[_W^QZd[^XÂ&#x152; {U]dQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|WXd^]UWZTUW X`QUÂ&#x2026;dWTQXW W bdX]Â&#x2026;[XUbW ZTdXW Q_ZU`W been named. another seizure of $5.7 million of Nigerian arms monU|WVQXWXUdÂ&#x192;UbW\|WZTUW [Â&#x2020;ZTW African authorities. FRANCIS IWUCHUKWU In a statement issued in ead of Liti QÂ&#x201A;[XW |UXZU`bQ|W \|W dZXW Qgation, BiZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]dZ|W U]`UZQ`|Â&#x201E;W [ Â&#x2020; ` Z ^ U |W Alhaji Lai Mohammed, the `[Â&#x2020;{Â&#x201E;W [Â&#x2026;QW {Q`Z|W XQdbW ZTUW dXXÂ&#x2020;UXW XÂ&#x2020;` XT[\dÂ&#x201E;W |UX`[Â&#x2020;^bd^Â&#x201A;WZTUWÂŁ`XZWXUdÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;`UW[_W ¤¼Â&#x152;ÂŚWÂ&#x2039;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;d[^WTQÂ&#x2021;UW|UZWZ[W\UW`U- ZU`bQ|W d^XdXZUbW ZTQZW ZTUW solved before the latest scan- group is not indebted to the bQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;WV[^bU`d^Â&#x201A;WVT|WZTUWÂ&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;- Asset Management CorU`^Â&#x2039;U^ZWV[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bWVQ^ZWZ[WZÂ&#x2020;`^W poration of Nigeria (AM dÂ&#x201A;U`dQWZ[WQW`[Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;UW^QZd[^W\|W Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;W Z[W ZTUW ZÂ&#x2020;^UW [_W ÂŽÂ?W ZQÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W [V^U`XTd{W [_W Â&#x2039;[^U|W billion. Speaking at a press conlaundering and other acts of _U`U^]UW |UXZU`bQ|W d^W QdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;dZ|Â&#x152; Â&#x17D; Â&#x201A;Qd^Â&#x201E;W `Â&#x152;W `UXdbU^ZÂ&#x201E;W Â&#x201A;[XÂ&#x201E;W XT[\dW XQdbW Â&#x17D; UW TQÂ&#x2021;UW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^XW Q`UW Â&#x2020;`Â&#x201A;d^Â&#x201A;W |[Â&#x2020;W VQZ]TUbWVdZTW\UÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XUÂ&#x2039;U^ZÂ&#x201E;W to please come clean over ZTUWT|XZU`dQWVdZTWVTd]TWZTUW Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AM Â&#x153;WQ^bWdZXW][Â&#x2020;^XUÂ&#x2026;WTQÂ&#x2021;UW `U{UQZUbÂ&#x2026;|WQXXU`ZUbWd^WbQdÂ&#x2026;|W publications and press inZU`Â&#x2021;dUVXW ZTQZW dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|W Limited and associated entities have signed an Of-
Â&#x17D; dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^XW VQ^ZW Z[W Â&#x160;^[VW VT|W ZTUW {Â&#x2020;`{[`ZUbW Q`Â&#x2039;XW procurement for the govU`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW dXW b[^UW dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W \UZVUU^W {`dÂ&#x2021;QZUW ][Â&#x2039;{Q^dUXWZTQZWQ`UW^UdZTU`WÂ&#x160;^[V^W nor registered for dealing d^W Q`Â&#x2039;XÂ&#x152;W ^bW VT|W Q`UW ZTUW movement of monies not Z`Q^X{Q`U^ZÂ&#x2026;|W b[]Â&#x2020;Â&#x2039;U^ZUbW _[`W VTQZW ZTU|W `UQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W Q`UÂ&#x201E;W d_W ZTU|WQ`UWZ`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;|W_[`WÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;dZdÂ&#x2039;QZUW
purposes? Â&#x17D; TU|W VQ^ZW Z[W Â&#x160;^[VW VTUZTU`W d^bUUbW ZTUW VUQ{[^XW VTd]TW ZTUW Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW dXW XUUÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W X[W _Â&#x2020;`d[Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x2026;|W Z[W {`[]Â&#x2020;`UW Q`UW _[`W ZTUW \Q Â&#x2026;UW QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;W [`W _[`W a sinister motive, considerd^Â&#x201A;WZTUWbUX{U`QZd[^W[_W|[Â&#x2020;`W administration to continue Z[W`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;UWQZWQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W][XZWQ^bW\|WQ^|W Â&#x2039;UQ^XW {[XXd\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x152;W TU|W VQ^ZW
Z[WÂ&#x160;^[VWVTUZTU`WUÂ&#x2021;U`|W dgerian should begin to fear VTQZW VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W TQ{{U^W d^W ZTUW bQ|XW Q^bW VUUÂ&#x160;XW Â&#x2026;UQbd^Â&#x201A;W Z[W the forthcoming general elections, against the backb`[{W[_W|[Â&#x2020;`WQbÂ&#x2039;d^dXZ`QZd[^W Q^bW {Q`Z|ÂŞXW b[ÂŤ[`ÂŤbdUW {[Â&#x2026;dtics. Â&#x17D; `Â&#x152;W `UXdbU^ZÂ&#x201E;W d_W ZTUW funds involved in the latest XUdÂ&#x192;Â&#x2020;`UW VU`UW XU^ZW ZT`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TW
N50bn debt: Bi-Courtney denies owing AMCON
BPE consults stakeholders over airports concession
_U`W U U`W VTd]TW Â&#x201E;W VTd]TW][^XZdZÂ&#x2020;ZUXWQ^WQbÂ&#x2039;dXXd[^W[_WÂ&#x2026;dQ\dÂ&#x2026;dZ|WZ[W W in the sum of N50 billion. Â&#x17D; TUW\QbW_QdZTÂ&#x201E;Wd^Xd^]U`dZ|Â&#x201E;W breach of trust and outright falsehoods underpinning these statements and publications are being presented to the courts and the appro{`dQZUW XZQZÂ&#x2020;Z[`|W `UÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZ[`|W bodies for investigation, resolution and appropriate sanctions and remedies. Â&#x17D; TdÂ&#x2026;UW VUW ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2026;|W \UÂ&#x2026;dUÂ&#x2021;UW that the appropriate forum to address and resolve the bdX{Â&#x2020;ZUW \UZVUU^W dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|W Q^bW W Q`UW ZTUW courts of the land and not ZTUW {QÂ&#x201A;UXW [_W ^UVX{Q{U`XÂ&#x201E;W dZW dXW ^U]UXXQ`|W Z[W `UX{[^bW to these statements so that innocent members of the {Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]W Q`UW ^[ZW Â&#x2020;^Vd d^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;|W
Â&#x2039;dXÂ&#x2026;UbW \|W ZTUXUW Â&#x2039;dX`U{resentations of facts, half truths and falsehoods. Â&#x17D; {Q`ZW _`[Â&#x2039;W [ZTU`W UÂŹtenuating facts and circumXZQ^]UXÂ&#x201E;WVUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WÂ&#x160;^[V^WZ[W\[ZTW W Q^bW dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|Â&#x201E;W QXW VUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W QXW ZTUd`W `UX{U]ZdÂ&#x2021;UW ][Â&#x2020;^XUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;W VTd]TW Â&#x2039;QÂ&#x160;UXW ZTUW {Â&#x2020;`{[`ZUbW [9U`W Â&#x2026;U U`W ^[^ÂŤ \d^bd^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;W dZW XÂ&#x2020;0]UXW _[`W ZTUW time being to state that the [9U`W Â&#x2026;U U`W \Ud^Â&#x201A;W \Q^bdUbW Q`[Â&#x2020;^bW\|W WQ^bWdZXW ][Â&#x2020;^XUÂ&#x2026;W TQXW ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW ][^bdZd[^XW precedent set out at pages ÂŚÂŤÂŽW[_WZTUWÂ&#x2026;U U`Â&#x152; Â&#x17D; TUW §Â&#x2020;UXZd[^W W ^UUbXW Z[W Q^XVU`W dXW VTd]TÂ&#x201E;W d_W Q^|Â&#x201E;W [_W ZT[XUW ][^bdZd[^XW precedent have been fulÂŁÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbÂ&#x152; Â&#x17D; Â&#x2020;`ZTU`Â&#x2039;[`UÂ&#x201E;W ZTU`UW dXW Q^W UÂŹZQ^ZW ÂĄÂ&#x2020;bÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZW [_W ZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W dÂ&#x201A;TW [Â&#x2020;`ZW
VTd]TW TQXW bUZU`Â&#x2039;d^UbW ZTQZW ZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW of Nigeria is indebted to dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|W d^W ZTUW XÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W [_W N132 billion. Â&#x17D; TUW XQÂ&#x2039;UW bU]dXd[^W TQXW bd`U]ZUbWZTUW WZ[WbUbÂ&#x2020;]ZW and remit to AMCON from ZTUW ÂĄÂ&#x2020;bÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZW XÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Â&#x201E;W Q^|W claims due to AMCON from dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|WQ^bWZ[W{Q|WZTUW \QÂ&#x2026;Q^]UWZ[W dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|Â&#x152; Â&#x17D; WdXW_Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|WQVQ`UW[_W this judgement. AMCON is [_W][Â&#x2020;`XUWQ^WQÂ&#x201A;U^]|WQ^bWd^ZUÂ&#x201A;`QÂ&#x2026;W{Q`ZW[_WZTUW Â&#x152;W TUW ÂĄÂ&#x2020;bÂ&#x201A;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZWXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;WQVQ`bUbWZ[W dÂŤ [Â&#x2020;`Z^U|W]Â&#x2026;UQ`Â&#x2026;|WUÂŹ]UUbXW ÂŞXWÂ&#x2020;^][^ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;UbWQÂ&#x2026;legations.â&#x20AC;? Oshobi further stated that the assertion that Bi-Court^U|WdXWd^bU\ZUbWZ[W W is nothing but AMCONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [V^W\Q`UWQXXU`Zd[^Â&#x152;
Z`[^Â&#x201A;W ][^XÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026;ZQZd[^XW VdZTW critical stakeholders in the aviation sector is said to have commenced over {Â&#x2026;Q^XW\|WZTUW Â&#x2020;`UQÂ&#x2020;W[_W Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]W ^ZU`{`dXUXW Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;W Z[W ][^]UXsion Federal airports nationVdbUÂ&#x152; TdXW VQXW ][^ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;UbW \|W ZTUW
UQbW [_W Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]W [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;^d]QZd[^Â&#x201E;W Â&#x201E;W `Â&#x152;W TdÂ&#x201A;\[W ^d]TU\UÂ&#x201E;W VTdÂ&#x2026;UW X{UQÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W VdZTW QdÂ&#x2026;|W UVXVQZ]TW [^W ZTUW privatisation of the airports under the control of Federal d`{[`ZXW Â&#x2020;ZT[`dZ|W[_W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQW Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;Â&#x152; ^d]TU\UÂ&#x201E;W VT[W bU^dUbW ZTUW ]Â&#x2026;QdÂ&#x2039;W ZTQZW ZTUW W TQXW ][Â&#x2039;menced the processes of privatising the airports, told DaiÂ&#x2026;|W UVXVQZ]TWZTQZWVTQZW W has in process is concession agreement and it is in consulZQZd[^W VdZTW ]`dZd]QÂ&#x2026;W XZQÂ&#x160;UT[Â&#x2026;bers in the sector.
UW UÂŹ{Â&#x2026;Qd^UbW ZTQZW ZTUW W V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW ^[ZW \UÂ&#x201A;d^W ZTUW ][^]UXsion process until after the Q{{[d^ZÂ&#x2039;U^ZW[_WQbÂ&#x2021;dX[`XWVT[W V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bWQbÂ&#x2021;dXUWdZW[^WT[VWZ[WÂ&#x201A;[W about the process. Â&#x17D; TQZW TQXW \UU^W d^W {`[]UXXW is concessioning but that it TQXW ^[ZW ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^]UbW d^W Q^|VQ|W \Â&#x2020;ZW VUW Q`UW XZdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W b[d^Â&#x201A;W stakeholdersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; engagement, to ]Q``|WQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WZTUW]`dZd]QÂ&#x2026;WXZQÂ&#x160;UT[Â&#x2026;bers in the sector along. That dXW VTU`UW VUW Q`UÂ&#x201E;W VUW TQÂ&#x2021;U^ÂŞZW ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^]UbÂ&#x152;W TU^WVUWXQ|WVUW ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^]UbWdXWVTU^WVUWTQÂ&#x2021;UW appointed advisors for the concessioning,â&#x20AC;? he said. On the involvement of the Infrastructure ConcesXd[^W UÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZ[`|W [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;dXXd[^W Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;Wd^WZTUW{Â&#x2026;Q^^UbW][^]UXsion of the airports, Anichebe XQdbW Â&#x201A;[d^Â&#x201A;W \|W ZTUW Q]ZW ZTQZW UXZQ\Â&#x2026;dXTUXW Q^bW VTd]TW W V[`Â&#x160;XWVdZTW WdXWQWÂ&#x2039;UÂ&#x2039;\U`W [_W ZTUW ZU]T^d]QÂ&#x2026;W ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUW [_W ZTUW Â&#x152;
bank transfer, can the govU`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW UÂŹ{Â&#x2026;Qd^W VT|W `dZXUÂĄQ_[`ÂŞXW {Â&#x2026;Q^UW VQXW XZÂ&#x2020;9UbW VdZTW ]QXTW Q^bW Z`Q^X{[`ZUbW Z[W [Â&#x2020;ZTW _`d]QÂŻW Q^W|[Â&#x2020;`W administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s embar`QXXd^Â&#x201A;W UÂŹ{Â&#x2026;Q^QZd[^W ZTQZW dZW dXW ]Â&#x2020;XZ[Â&#x2039;Q`|W _[`W [ZTU`W ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|ÂŞXW XU]Â&#x2020;`dZ|W QÂ&#x201A;U^]dUXÂ&#x201E;W d^]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;bd^Â&#x201A;W VdZTW Â&#x201E;W WQ^bW Â&#x201E;WZ[W]Q`ZW plane loads of cash across ZTUWV[`Â&#x2026;bWZ[W{Â&#x2020;`]TQXUW\Â&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;W Â&#x2039;Q`Â&#x160;UZW VUQ{[^XW T[Â&#x2026;bW Q^|W Â&#x2039;[`UW VQZU`W ^[VÂŻW TUXUW Q`UW some of the questions Nigerians are asking, not an unZU^Q\Â&#x2026;UWX{d^W\|WÂ&#x2020;^Z`Â&#x2020;ZT_Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;W Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW[0]dQÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022;W TUW{Q`Z|WQÂ&#x2026;X[WV[^bU`UbW VTUZTU`W ZTUW _Â&#x2020;^bXW \Ud^Â&#x201A;W _U``dUbWÂ&#x2020;{WQ^bWb[V^W\|WZTUW QbÂ&#x2039;d^dXZ`QZd[^W VU`UW Q{{`[{`dQZUbW \|W ZTUW QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W XXUÂ&#x2039;\Â&#x2026;|W [`W VTUZTU`W ZTU|W are part of the missing $20 \dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;d[^W[dÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x2039;[^U|Â&#x152; W XÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;UbW ZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW _[`W dXXÂ&#x2020;ing childish and immature threats against South Africa threatening its investments d^W ZTUW ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|Â&#x201E;W d^XZUQbW [_W addressing the pertinent questions surrounding the illegal arms procurement deals.
Arms deal: Guber aspirant calls for thorough investigation NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
Left: Chairman/MD Mobil Producing Nigeria (ExxonMobil), Mr. Nolan Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neal and Chairman Heirs Holdings, Mr. Tony Elumelu, after the signing ceremony of the agreement between ExxonMobil and Tenoil, a subsidiary of Heirs Hold'*+0 12 32445*35 75*2'890 ;<'88'*+ =<2+<>445 '* $1> 2'8 ?58; @58; '* J>+20Q<535*18V
Kukah bags Outstanding African Leadership award BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
atholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Rt. Rev Q TUVW QXsan Kukah, is Z[W \UW ][^_U``UbW VdZTW ZTUW 2014 Outstanding Afri]Q^W UQbU`XTd{W QVQ`bW \|W Voice Magazine in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. TUW[`Â&#x201A;Q^dÂ&#x192;QZd[^Â&#x201E;WVTd]TW bdX]Â&#x2026;[XUbWZTdXWd^WQWÂ&#x2026;U U`W[_W ZTUW QVQ`bW XU^ZW Z[W dXT[{W Kukah, also stated that ZTUWQVQ`bWV[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW\UWÂ&#x201A;dÂ&#x2021;U^W to him on October 17. W Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;QTÂ&#x201E;W VT[W TQXW QÂ&#x2026;`UQb|WQ]]U{ZUbWZTUWQVQ`bW Q^bW QW ][{|W [_W ZTUW Â&#x2026;U U`W Â&#x2039;QbUW QÂ&#x2021;QdÂ&#x2026;Q\Â&#x2026;UW Z[W QdÂ&#x2026;|W
UVXVQZ]TW d^W QbÂ&#x2020;^QÂ&#x201E;W XQdbW TUW V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW ][^Zd^Â&#x2020;UW Z[Wb[WTdXW\UXZWQ^bWV[`Â&#x160;WZ[W ZTUW Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;[`|W [_W [bW Q^bW ZTUW TÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Q^dZ|Â&#x152; The selection commitZUUW[_WZTUWQVQ`bWd^WZTUWÂ&#x2026;UZZU`W XdÂ&#x201A;^UbW \|W QXZ[`W Â&#x2026;Â&#x2021;dXW `Â&#x2020;TÂ&#x201E;WVT[W]TQd`XWZTUW][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUÂ&#x201E;W XQdbW Â&#x17D; ^W \UTQÂ&#x2026;_W of The Voice Magazine and The Voice Achievers VQ`bW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUÂ&#x201E;W VUW have the honour to inform |[Â&#x2020;W Xd`W ZTQZW ZTUW VQ`bW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUW _[`W Â?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;W TQXW {`[Â&#x2020;bÂ&#x2026;|W ^[Â&#x2039;d^QZUbW Q^bW ][^_U``UbW[^W|[Â&#x2020;`W{U`X[^Â&#x201E;W [XZW UÂ&#x2021;Â&#x152;W `Â&#x152;W Q TUVW
QXXQ^W Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;QTÂ&#x201E;WZTUW dXT[{W of Sokoto Diocese in Nigeria as our Outstanding Af-
`d]Q^W UQbU`XTd{W VQ`bW Vd^^U`W_[`WÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;WW Â&#x17D; [Â&#x2020;`W XUÂ&#x2026;U]Zd[^W _[`W ZTdXW QVQ`bW VQXW QW Â&#x2020;^Q^dÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2020;XW ]T[d]UW \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUW [_W |[Â&#x2020;`W tremendous contribution to the rebirth and development of the Christian _QdZTW ZT`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TW |[Â&#x2020;`W ][Â&#x2039;mitment to righteousness and upliftment of social and moral values in our ^QZd[^W Q^bW d^Â&#x2021;Q`dQ\Â&#x2026;|W ZTUW continent and the rest of ZTUWV[`Â&#x2026;bÂ&#x152; Â&#x17D; [Â&#x2020;W TQÂ&#x2021;UW ZQÂ&#x160;U^W |[Â&#x2020;`W T`dXZdQ^W V[`Â&#x160;W \U|[^bW the shores of Nigeria and it is quite commendable.â&#x20AC;? Q`ZW [_W ZTUW Â&#x2026;U U`W QÂ&#x2026;X[W XZQZUbWZTQZWÂ&#x17D; [Â&#x2020;`WU9[`ZWQXW QWÂ&#x2039;Q^W[_W [bWTQXWXUU^W|[Â&#x2020;W
Â&#x201A;`[V^Wd^WXZQZÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x201E;W^[ZWQ_`QdbW to call a spade a spade Q^bW]Â&#x2026;[XUÂ&#x2026;|WVQZ]Td^Â&#x201A;W[Â&#x2021;U`W ZTUWQ9Qd`XW[_WZTUW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^W state despite probable `dXÂ&#x160;XWZ[W|[Â&#x2020;`W{U`X[^QÂ&#x2026;WÂ&#x2026;d_UW Q^bW XQ_UZ|Â&#x152;W TUW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x2021;UXW [_W millions of Nigerians matZU`WÂ&#x2039;[`UWZ[W|[Â&#x2020;WZTQZW|[Â&#x2020;`W {U`X[^QÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2026;d_UÂ&#x152;W [Â&#x2020;W Q`UW bUZU`Â&#x2039;d^UbW Z[W XUUW QW \U U`W ]TÂ&#x2020;`]TÂ&#x201E;W {U[{Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201E;W X[]dUZ|W Q^bW][Â&#x2020;^Z`|WQZWÂ&#x2026;Q`Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; Kukah, born on August 31, 1952, hailed from Anchuna, Zangon Kataf Lo]QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW `UQÂ&#x201E;W Kaduna State, and holds a doctoral degree from the School of African and OriU^ZQÂ&#x2026;W ZÂ&#x2020;bdUXÂ&#x201E;W ^dÂ&#x2021;U`XdZ|W of London.
Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W `[Â&#x201A;`UXXdÂ&#x2021;UW [^Â&#x201A;`UXXW Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;W Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;\U`natorial aspirant in Bauchi State, Barrister MoTQÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;UbW \Â&#x2020;\QÂ&#x160;Q`Â&#x201E;W |UXZU`bQ|W ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW _[`W ZT[`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TW investigation into the controversial $9.3 million arms deal intercepted in South Africa. \Â&#x2020;\QÂ&#x160;Q`W XQdbW Q^|[^UW indicted in the arms saga should be brought to book. {UQÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W Z[W ^UVXÂ&#x2039;U^W d^W Bauchi, Abubakar noted ZTQZWdZWdXWÂ&#x2020;^TUQ`bW[_WZTQZWQ^|W ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|Wd^WZTUWV[`Â&#x2026;bWdXWZQÂ&#x160;ing cash to purchase arms in \Â&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;W Â&#x2039;Q`Â&#x160;UZÂ&#x201E;W XQ|d^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x17D;ZTU`UW is more to it than meet the U|UÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; ]][`bd^Â&#x201A;W Z[W TdÂ&#x2039;Â&#x201E;W Â&#x17D; TUW d^ZU`]U{Zd[^W [_W Â&#x2039;[^U|W d^W the name of importing arms into Nigeria must be invesZdÂ&#x201A;QZUbW ZT[`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TÂ&#x2026;|W \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUW ZTU`UW dXW ^[W ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|W d^W ZTUW V[`Â&#x2026;bW ZTQZW {Â&#x2020;`]TQXUXW Q`Â&#x2039;XW in the black market. It is [^Â&#x2026;|Wd^WZTUW\Â&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;WÂ&#x2039;Q`Â&#x160;UZWZTQZW |[Â&#x2020;WZQÂ&#x160;UW]QXTWQ^bW{Â&#x2020;`]TQXUW items. Therefore this saga of $9.3 must be investigated ZT[`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TÂ&#x2026;|W Q^bW Q^|\[b|W involved must be brought to book. There is more to it ZTQ^WÂ&#x2039;UUZWZTUWU|UÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; ^W ZTUW d^Q\dÂ&#x2026;dZ|W [_W ZTUW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQW `Â&#x2039;|W Z[W ]Â&#x2020;`\W ZTUW menace of the insurgents, Abubakar blamed the failure on the serious graft going on in the Armed Forces and the usage of obsolete arms used during the World Q`W Â&#x201E;W XQ|d^Â&#x201A;W UÂ&#x2021;U`|ZTd^Â&#x201A;W possible must be done to stem corruption in the counZ`|Wd_W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQWÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XZW{`[Â&#x201A;`UXXÂ&#x152;
Daily Newswatch
South West
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
SPN chides Oyo Govt over studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; poor performance in SSCE OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
ocialist Party of Nigeria (SPN) has faulted Oyo State Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stance on the recent poor performance of the state in the just concluded Senior ]T[[Â&#x2026;W U`ZdÂŁ]QZUW ÂŹQÂ&#x2039;d^QZd[^WÂ&#x203A; Â&#x153;Â&#x152;W
The state recorded 34th {[XdZd[^W d^W ZTUW UÂŹQÂ&#x2039;d^QZd[^XW and had the worst result in [Â&#x2020;ZT UXZÂ&#x152; Meanwhile, the state ComÂ&#x2039;dXXd[^U`W[_W bÂ&#x2020;]QZd[^Â&#x201E;W `[fessor Solomon Olaniyonu, blamed the poor performance on studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lackadaiXd]QÂ&#x2026;WQ dZÂ&#x2020;bUWZ[WXZÂ&#x2020;b|Â&#x201E;WXZ`UXXing that teachers and parents
must play their roles in justifying the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s investment d^WZTUWUbÂ&#x2020;]QZd[^WXU]Z[`Â&#x152; However, a statement issued by Secretary of SPN, Bamigboye Abiodun, blamed the state government for gross underfunding of the education sector, urging teachers to reactivate the agitation and demand for full
implementation of N18,000 minimum wage and not carried away by the 10-30 per cent pay rise recently announced by the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led QbÂ&#x2039;d^dXZ`QZd[^Â&#x152; According to SPN: â&#x20AC;&#x153;While not completely ruling out the need for teachers and students to always work harder
towards improved academic performance, the reality is ZTQZW Â&#x2026;Q^d|Q^ÂŞXW Q dZÂ&#x2020;bUW [_W urging students, parents and teachers to complement Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZÂŞXW U9[`ZW VdZT[Â&#x2020;ZW acknowledging deplorable condition of the stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s education sector following poor funding by government is like giving false impression
Lagos PDP councillors mobilise for Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s re-election AYODELE OLALERE
eoples Democratic Party (PDP) Â&#x2026;U]ZUbW [Â&#x2020;^]dÂ&#x2026;lorsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Forum in Lagos State has mobilised support for reelection bid of President Goodluck Jonathan in Â?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x152; The 16 councillors, who were elected on the platform of PDP in 2011, emphasised yesterday that Jonathanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s achievements
compelled them to throw their weight behind his reUÂ&#x2026;U]Zd[^W\dbÂ&#x152; Vice-Chairman of the group, Jelili Shodipo, who is serving at Yaba Local Council Development Area (LCDA), disclosed that the councillors said their closeness to the grass roots would enable them to canvass support for the {`UXdbU^ZÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We, the elected councillors, are well grounded
in our various wards and command great influence among the electorate and [Â&#x2020;`W {U[{Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x152;W TdXW VUW TQÂ&#x2021;UW proved by emerging as councillors in our various VQ`bXÂ&#x152;W U]U^ZWXÂ&#x2020;]]UXXUXW`Ucorded by various security agencies have made it clear that obviously there would always be light at end of ZTUWZÂ&#x2020;^^UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Improvement has also been witnessed in other sectors of the society in-
cluding technology advancement, health sector, road construction as well as improvement on facilities at all government[V^UbW Qd`{[`ZXÂ&#x152;W Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W ZTUXUW achievements prompted us as elected councillors to throw our weight behind the ambition of Mr President because we believe in ][^Zd^Â&#x2020;dZ|Â&#x152;Â&#x2022; UQ^VTdÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x201E;W ZTU|W UÂŹpressed optimism that PDP would win the gover-
norship position of Lagos State in 2015 and promised to use their influence and popularity towards ensuring that the party takes over the state even as it is being currently controlled \|WZTUW[{{[XdZd[^Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is high time we laid claim to our right here in Lagos State because we are all aware that the state has remained the only elusive in South-West to be govU`^UbW\|W[Â&#x2020;`WÂ&#x201A;`UQZW{Q`Z|Â&#x152;Â&#x2022;
IG petitioned over attempted murder
PDP â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll oust APC from South-West in 2015 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chieftain OLUSAKIN BABALOLA, Ibadan
n Ibadan-based Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Chief Nathaniel Oke, has petitioned Inspector-General of Police and Oyo State Police Command over complaint [_WQ UÂ&#x2039;{ZUbWÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;`bU`Â&#x201E;WVTd]TW allegedly resulted in assault and harm against his client, Â&#x2026;bU`W Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;XUÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;^W Z[Â&#x2026;[`d^Â&#x201E;W who escaped death by the VTdXÂ&#x160;U`XÂ&#x152; Copies of the petition were also sent to Minister [_W [Â&#x2026;d]UW 9Qd`XÂ&#x201E;W XXdXZQ^ZW Inspector-General of Police, Zone 11 and the state ComÂ&#x2039;dXXd[^U`W[_W [Â&#x2026;d]UÂ&#x152; Oke claimed that Otolorin, who is an interested party in a land suit pendd^Â&#x201A;Wd^W][Â&#x2020;`ZÂ&#x201E;WVQXWÂ&#x17D;Q Q]Â&#x160;UbÂ&#x201E;W brutalised and physically injured alongside two men by Alhaji Audu Kawu and his son, Audu Ibrahim, who dXWQWXU^d[`W{[Â&#x2026;d]UW[0]U`WQ^bW TdXW ][Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UQÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;UXÂ&#x152;W [Â&#x2039;UW {[Â&#x2026;d]UW [0]U`XW Q Q]TUbW Z[W Â&#x160;[\[W Division, Ibadan who were detailed to follow Otolorin, VU`UWQÂ&#x2026;X[WQ Q]Â&#x160;UbÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; He emphasised that the complaint are gave enough to be investigated and necessary legal administrative actions taken thereon by the {[Â&#x2026;d]UÂ&#x152;W ]][`bd^Â&#x201A;W Z[W TdÂ&#x2039;ÂťW â&#x20AC;&#x153;It would be appreciated if |[Â&#x2020;WÂ&#x2020;XUW|[Â&#x2020;`WÂ&#x201A;[[bW[0]UXWZ[W investigate these complaints and the culprits are brought to book accordingly and ZdÂ&#x2039;UÂ&#x2026;|WZ[[Â&#x152;Â&#x2022;
that payment of the so-called Â&#x152;ÂŽW\dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;d[^W W`UÂ&#x201A;dXZ`QZd[^W fees annually is required to guarantee studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; academd]WUÂŹ]UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;U^]UÂ&#x152; Â&#x2022; ZWdXW§Â&#x2020;dZUWÂ&#x2020;^_Qd`WZ[W\Â&#x2026;QÂ&#x2039;UW XZÂ&#x2020;bU^ZXÂŞW Q dZÂ&#x2020;bUW Z[W UbÂ&#x2020;]Qtion as reason for the poor {U`_[`Â&#x2039;Q^]UW d^W Â&#x201E;W UX{Ucially under the prevailing situation in the state where schools are bedevilled with serious infrastructural decay, lack of development {`[Â&#x201A;`QÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;UXW_[`WXZQ9Â&#x201E;WÂ&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;W[_W adequate facilities for proper ZUQ]Td^Â&#x201A;WQ^bWÂ&#x2026;UQ`^d^Â&#x201A;Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;In many cases, there are close to 100-140 students in one classroom with a teacher being responsible for miniÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W [_W XdÂŹW ]Â&#x2026;QXXUXW [^W ZTUW QÂ&#x2021;U`QÂ&#x201A;UWQ]`[XXWÂ&#x2021;Q`d[Â&#x2020;XWÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x152;W Under this kind of ugly circumstances, it is very apparent that proper student monitoring through assignments, tests and other forms of continuous assessment rarely takes place because of the volume of scripts the teachers TQÂ&#x2021;UWZ[W][^ZU^bWVdZTÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022;
Lagos State governorship aspirant of All Progressives Congress (APC), Senator Ganiyu Olanrewaju Solomon (second left); being =<505*15; 12 454Z5<0 2[ 1@5 =><1V ZV 0245 85>;5<0 \@'5[ ]205=@ ^8_ $`>V' k54Z5 85[1 >*; q28>0@>;5 ^8>Z>*`' ^Z> ;_<'*+ 2[?3'>8 declaration of his bid at Ikorodu Town Hall, Ikorodu...yesterday.
Solomon declares intention for Lagos governorship race BOLU-OLU ESHO, Abeokuta
inority Whip of the Senate, Ganiyu Olanrewaju Solomon, TQXW [0]dQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W bU]Â&#x2026;Q`UbW TdXW ambition to contest for the governorship position of LaÂ&#x201A;[XW ZQZUWd^WÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x152; Solomon reeled out several programmes for the people while declaring his intention to contest at Ikorodu Town Hall in Ikorodu Local Government Council of the state and was subsequently
adopted by the traditional chiefs and leaders of All Progressives Congress (APC) in ZTUWQ`UQÂ&#x152; The declaration ceremony coincides with inauguraZd[^W [_W TdXW ]QÂ&#x2039;{QdÂ&#x201A;^W [0]UW in Ikorodu where members and supporters of APC converged in their thousands to UÂŹ{`UXXWÂ&#x2020;^Âżd^]Td^Â&#x201A;WXÂ&#x2020;{{[`ZW for the senator in his â&#x20AC;&#x153;unwavering commitment and drive to take Lagos State to ZTUW^UÂŹZWÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152;Â&#x2022; He disclosed that he offered to serve people of the
state following its status as economic capital of the country, stressing that it needs â&#x20AC;&#x153;constant improvement and regeneration of infrastructural facilities and the people deserve the best {[XXd\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; Solomon analysed how APC has â&#x20AC;&#x153;changed face of the state and improved on quality of lives of the people since inception of the new democratic dispensation in 1999, commending former and incumbent governor of the state, Asiwaju Bola Tinu-
bu and Babatunde Fashola respectively, for taking it (the state) to greater heights â&#x20AC;&#x153;that left no one in doubt that Lagos is a reference {[d^ZW_[`WÂ&#x201A;[[bWÂ&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Q^]UÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; He also lauded leadership of the party, emphasising that â&#x20AC;&#x153;I commend our party leaders for this laudable initiative and look forward to transparent and rancour-free {`dÂ&#x2039;Q`dUXÂ&#x152;W Â&#x201E;W ZTU`U_[`UÂ&#x201E;W ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW on my supporters to go back to your respective wards and mobilise for the party prima`dUXWQ^bW[Â&#x2020;`WXÂ&#x2020;]]UXXÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022;
ormer Senate Leader, Teslim Folarin, has said that there are ongoing moves embarked on by Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to send All Progressives Congress (APC) parking from South West in 2015, urging faithful of PDP to join hands with its leadership towards ensuring actuQÂ&#x2026;dXQZd[^W[_WZTUWÂ&#x2039;dXXd[^Â&#x152; Folarin while addressing supporters of PDP who thronged his familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s compound at Challenge in Ibadan, Oyo State capital, to felicitate with him on ZTUW[]]QXd[^W[_W dbÂŤUÂ&#x2026;ÂŤ Q\d`W emphasised that there will not be room for rigging from any quarters in the 2015 elections as votes must ][Â&#x2020;^ZÂ&#x152; He disclosed that President Goodluck Jonathan has repeatedly assured Nigerians and the entire world that the 2015 elections will be free and fair with Independent QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2026;U]Z[`QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;dXXd[^WÂ&#x203A; Â&#x153;WQbTU`d^Â&#x201A;WXZ`d]ZÂ&#x2026;|W to the spirit of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;one man, one Â&#x2021;[ZUÂŞW d^W QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W dZXW `QÂ&#x2039;dÂŁ]QZd[^XÂ&#x201E;W thus the electorate need not entertain fear over the forth][Â&#x2039;d^Â&#x201A;W{[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;XÂ&#x152; Meanwhile, the PDP chieftain enjoined them to participate in the votersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; registration and ensure the register contains their names as it is ZTUW[^Â&#x2026;|WVUQ{[^WZ[WUÂŹU`]dXUW their franchise and eventually send APC parking from |[W ZQZUÂ&#x152;
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
South South
2015: Confusion hits Câ&#x20AC;&#x2122;River PDP over zoning KINGSTON Calabar
eaders of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Cross River state Q`UW Xd^Â&#x201A;d^Â&#x201A;W bd9U`ent tunes over the issue of zoning elective positions in ZTUWXZQZUWQXWÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŽW{[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;XWÂ&#x201A;`QbÂ&#x2020;ally draw near. While Governor Liyel Imoke and some party chieftains are harping on zoning all positions, particularly governorship, the party Chairman, Ntufam John Okon, posits that â&#x20AC;&#x153;there is no more zoning of any position in the state.â&#x20AC;? Last year, Governor Imoke, during a media chat had insisted that since both the South and Central had produced governors, it was only fair to zone the position to the north. The Governor has been singing this tune at every given opportunity. But speaking last weekend at the PDP secretariat while receiving Senator Bassey Otu who was on a consultation visit over his re-election bid for Southern Senatorial District which reports say the party has zoned to Calabar South and not Odukpani where Otu comes from, the party Chairman said â&#x20AC;&#x153;we have not authorized any zoning of any position in the state.â&#x20AC;? Okon added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;we believe
that the process of zoning must be through discussion and consensus building. There is no more zoning in the party; the party no longer recognizes that. Any aspirant from any part of the state is free to declare and contest any political position in the party.â&#x20AC;? Daily Newswatch gathered that with the earlier reports of the party zoning arrangement, some aspirants,
including Senator Bassey Otu had expressed determination to resist it since such arrangement tactfully reÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UbWZTUW`Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;W[9WZTUd`W_UUZÂ&#x152; Otu told his supporters last weekend that he was ready to go back to the senate, â&#x20AC;&#x153;zoning or no zoning.â&#x20AC;? This did not go down well with some of the aspirants from the Northern senatorial district, particularly those who recently resigned from
the state Executive Council, to vie for the governorship seat. In a chat, the immediate past Commissioner for Youth and Sports Development, Mr. Patrick Ugbe said the Chairmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s statement only referred to other political positions and not governorship which, he said, has been zoned to the north already. However, the Governor,
speaking through his Chief Press Secretary, Christian Ita, insisted that the zoning arrangement stands, adding that the party chairman may have been quoted out of context as â&#x20AC;&#x153;the chairman may not have said it the way it is presented.â&#x20AC;? But the CPS did not say whether or not the alleged Â&#x192;[^d^Â&#x201A;W[_WQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WUÂ&#x2026;U]ZdÂ&#x2021;UW[0]UXW stands also.
L-R: Special Adviser to Imo State Governor on Culture, Mr. Paddy Obinna; Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha and Deputy Governor, Prince Eze Madumere, at the Imo Carnival in Owerri, Imo Stateâ&#x20AC;Śrecently.
Group commends Jonathan over appointment of designer of national flag SYLVESTER IDOWU, Asaba
political pressure group, J o n a t h a n Again, has commended President Goodluck Jonathan over his appointment of Pa. Michael Taiwo Akinkunmi, the designer of ZTUW^QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;WÂżQÂ&#x201A;WQXWTdXW {U-
cial Assistant and placed on salary for life. The group, in a statement signed by its President, Dr. Destiny Oberhiri Okotie, said the gesture of the President was aimed at encouraging other Nigerians to be patriotic. It said the appointment of Pa. Akinkunmi was a wel-
come development considering the fact that past Nigerians failed to recognise him for his patriotic zeal in bUXdÂ&#x201A;^d^Â&#x201A;W ZTUW ^QZd[^ÂŞXW ÂżQÂ&#x201A;W which is still being used till today. The group also noted that the award of the National
[^[Â&#x2020;`XW [_W 0]U`W [_W ZTUW Order of the Federal Repub-
lic (OFR) on Pa. Akinkunmi was long overdue and truly deserved. It thanked President Jonathan for the national honours award on Pa. Akinkunmi along with a taxi driver, XZUVQ`bÂ&#x201E;WZ`Q0]WVQ`bU^WQ^bW other Nigerians who truly have contributed greatly to the growth and develop-
ment of Nigeria. Dr. Okotie while congratulating all the recipients of national honours award XQdbW ZTQZW ZTUW ÂżQZW `UXdbU^ZW Jonathan gave to the taxi b`dÂ&#x2021;U`Â&#x201E;W Z`Q0]W VQ`bU^W Q^bW steward would encourage other Nigerians to be more patriotic.
UNEP report: Treat us as separate entity from Ogoni, Eleme people tells FG AMAKA AGBU, Port Harcourt
he current moves by the Federal Government to implement the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) Report is now giving the people of Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers state cause to worry. The people are consequently calling on the Federal Government to treat Eleme as a different entity from Ogoniland in the implementation of the
report. In an 11-point communiquĂŠ at the end of their meeting at Oghali town in the local government council yesterday, the people of Eleme demanded that they should not be lumped together with the Ogonis in the current steps taken by the Federal government in implementing the UNEP report. Reading the communiquĂŠ to journalists at the end of the meeting, the PresidentGeneral of the Eleme General
Assembly, Mr. Jonah Chijor, said that Eleme land was more impacted by oil pollution than Ogoni and added that Eleme should be given what was due to it as spelt out by UNEP. He said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We, the people of Eleme, are separate people from the Ogonis hence we cannot be lumped up with them in the various steps taken towards the implementation of the UNEP report. Oil production stopped in Ogoniland since 1990 and that
of Eleme has continued from Â&#x2018;ÂĽÂŽĂ&#x201E;W ZdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W bQZUÂ&#x201E;W ZTU`U\|Â&#x201E;W ]`UQZing more devastating impact on the people of Eleme ethnic nationality. We, therefore, demand that whatever is due the Ogonis should be given to them while that of Eleme should equally be given to us instead of lumping us together under an Ogoni umbrella.â&#x20AC;? Speaking also on the sacking of Ekporo community in Eleme by their Ogu neighbours in Ogu-Bolo local government
Delta 2015:Group urges Clark,others to support Ijaw candidate AYODELE OLALERE jaws in Delta State under the aegis of Ijaw for Governor Outreach Movement have advised Chief Edwin Clark and other Ijaw sons and daughters to support the emergence of an Ijaw man as the next governor of the state. Speaking yesterday in Port Harcourt after their meeting in Delta state, the leader of the group, Comrade Fullpower Bussa said the incumbent gov-
ernor, Emmanuel Uduaghan, was reportedly eyeing the Senate seat, the only elective position being occupied by Ijaw in Delta state, adding that the Ijaws would do everything within the law not to lose out in the political equation in the state He said no Ijaw man had been governor and deputy governor since the creation of the state and advised Ijaw leaders to promote the common good of the area by canvassing for an
Ijaw as governor. He appealed to prominent Ijaws like Chief Edwin Clark, Government Tompolo, Tunde Smooth, Senator James Manager, Chief P.Z Anginighan, and others to champion the crusade _[`WQ^W ÂĄQVWÂ&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^[`Wd^WÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŽÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will never forgive Ijaw leaders if they fail to come together and harness their resources to enable the emergence of an Ijaw governor. We must act fast knowing that the incumbent governor is also in-
terested in the position of the senate which is currently being occupied by an Ijaw son. So it will be an injustice to the Ijaw nation to lose the senate and also the position of Delta State governor. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are not going to take it lightly, we will promote violence if at the end we are not considered, but I know that this is the time to call on other ethnic groups in the state to return the support which Ijaw gave them in the past,â&#x20AC;? he said.
council which rendered the people homeless, the President-General said that the people of Eleme had decided to stage a peaceful protest on October 13, to show their displeasure over the incident. Reading from the communiquĂŠ, Mr. Chijor said â&#x20AC;&#x153;that the sack of Ekporo Community in the Eleme LGA by the people of Ogu in Ogu-Bolo LGA, both in Rivers state, is condemnable and unacceptable to us. We condemn in its entirety the silence of the governments at various levels and the various security agencies over the sack of Ekporo. Ekporo people and the people of Eleme have resolved to stage a peaceful protest match on the Oct. 13, Â?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x152;Â&#x2022; The President-General said that there was no going back on the protest match unless the governments and security agents took urgent and decisive steps to return the people of Ekporo to their ancestral home as well as restore sustainable peace to the two neighbouring towns.
Chevron operations threatened in Delta SYLVESTER IDOWU, Warri
perations of Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) in Escravos, in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta State is being threatened as members of the Gbaramatu/Egbema Host Communities Welders Q^bW d U`XWÂ&#x203A; Â&#x153;WTQÂ&#x2021;UW threatened a total show down with the oil company in protest against the sack of 10 of their colleagues. The aggrieved workers, in QW Â&#x2026;U U`W bQZUbW ]Z[\U`W Â?Â&#x201E;W Â?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;W to the Warri Area Manager of CNL, said all will not be well with the operations of the com{Q^|WX[[^Wd_WZTUWQ9U]ZUbWÂ&#x2039;UÂ&#x2039;bers were nor recalled to their duty post by the oil company. ^W ZTUW Â&#x2026;U U`W XdÂ&#x201A;^UbW \|W ZTUW chairman of the Gbaramatu/ Egbema Host CommuniZdUXW UÂ&#x2026;bU`XW Q^bW d U`XÂ&#x201E;W `W George Timiyan, warned of a rough time for the company in the days ahead and appealed to the relevant authorities to {`UÂ&#x2021;QdÂ&#x2026;W[^WZTUW[dÂ&#x2026;WÂŁ`Â&#x2039;W^[VWZ[W recall the 10 of their members. TdÂ&#x2026;UW XQ|d^Â&#x201A;W ZTUW Q9U]ZUbW VUÂ&#x2026;bU`XWQ^bWÂŁ U`XWVU`UWV[`Â&#x160;ing in the Abiteye, Makaraba, Opuekeba, Otuanana, Olero Q^bW d\dW ÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bXW \U_[`UW ZTU|W VU`UWÂ&#x2026;QdbW[9Â&#x201E;W `W dÂ&#x2039;d|Q^WUÂŹpressed displeasure with the company for the use of non inbdÂ&#x201A;U^[Â&#x2020;XWVUÂ&#x2026;bU`XWQ^bWÂŁ U`XWZ[W work in their land. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chevron is undermining the Local Content Law by this act of using non indigenous VUÂ&#x2026;bU`XW Q^bW ÂŁ U`XW Z[W V[`Â&#x160;W in our land. The company is now using people from different parts of the country to work in our land and sacking host communities welders and ÂŁ U`XW Q^bW VUW TQÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2021;[VUbW Z[W resist this; we are not going to accept this from Chevron.â&#x20AC;?
Ak/Ibom Assembly endorses Udomâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aspiration
he leadership and members of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly have thrown their political weight in support of the Governorship aspiration of former Zenith bank executive director, Mr Udom Emmanuel. The decision of the house to endorse Mr Emmanuel was communicated to political stakeholders by the Speaker of the House, Rt Hon Sam Ikon in his Ewet Housing, Uyo residence after the Assembly members had a closed door meeting with Mr Udom Emmanuel. After about two hours of deliberations, Speaker Ikon made public their declaration and support for the SSGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ambition. Rt Hon Sam Ikon thanked the party elders and supporters who accompanied Mr Emmanuel to the meeting for their time and patience.
Daily Newswatch
World Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
India monitoring possible new Ebola victim from Japan
Syrian town about to fall to jihadists, says Erdogan
Japanese tourist visiting India is reportedly suspected to have contracted the Ebola virus that is wreaking havoc across West Africa and causing scares from Dallas to France. Kawakubo Yuko, 27, was visiting Imphal, the capital of the Indian state of Manipur, after touring ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW[ZTU`W][Â&#x2020;^Z`dUXWQ^bWQ`riving from Myanmar, The Hindu, an English-language daily Indian newspaper, reported Monday. Yuko was planning to tour Manipur, but her trip was cut short when she began to exhibit symptoms of a potential Ebola infection. After tests for more common illnesses came up negative at Imphalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hospital, doctors sent blood samples to Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Institute of Virology to be tested for Ebola, The Hindu reported. If sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s found to be positive for Ebola, Indian health [0]dQÂ&#x2026;XW Â&#x2039;Q|W bU]dbUW Z[W have her moved to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, because it has an isolation ward, which Imphalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s J.N. Institute of Medical Sciences, where sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currently being held, does not, according to Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Z News service. Z News added that Indian ofÂŁ]dQÂ&#x2026;XWÂ&#x2039;Q|WbU]dbUWZ[WX]`UU^W visitors to Manipur for the Ebola virus infection. Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;[ÂŞXW]QXUWdX^ÂŞZWZTUWÂŁ`XZW to raise alarms about Ebola potentially spreading to India. A 26-year-old Indian man named Alip Das was reportedly suspected earlier this month of having contracted Ebola during a trip to Nigeria, which has had a number of Ebola cases. But tests showed that he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have Ebola, according to the Echo of India newspaper. But fears and anxiety about the deadly virus have been -- and remain -- high across India, as the country works to keep Ebola from reaching its people. Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan spoke out in late August to quash rumours that a person who had travelled to Liberia had brought the hemorrhagic fever back from the Ebola-ravaged country, Indiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NDTV reported. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are carefully screening all passengers coming from Ebola infected countries at the airport itself. As of today there is no suspected case of Ebola in India,â&#x20AC;? the health minister said in Indore.
he Islamic State group is about to capture the Syrian border town of Kobani, Turkeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s president said yesterday, as outgunned Kurdish forces struggled to repel the extremists with limited aid from United States-led coalition airstrikes. XÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x2039;d]W ZQZUW ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZU`XW using tanks and heavy weapons looted from captured army bases in Iraq and Syria have been pounding Kurdish forces in the strategic town for days. Since the militantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; [9U^XdÂ&#x2021;UW \UÂ&#x201A;Q^W d^W Â&#x2039;dbÂŤ September, more than 400 people have been Â&#x160;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW d^W ZTUW ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZd^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;W Q]tivists said. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the coalition air campaign launched last month would not be enough to halt the Islamic State groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advance and called for greater cooperation with the Syrian op{[XdZd[^Â&#x201E;W VTd]TW dXW ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZing both the extremists and forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kobani is about to fall,â&#x20AC;? Erdogan told Syrian refugees in the Turkish town of Gaziantep, near the border. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We asked for three things: one, for
Turkish soldiers on tanks hold their positions on a hilltop in the outskirts of Suruc, at the Turkey-Syria border,
QW ^[ÂŤÂż|W Â&#x192;[^UW Z[W \UW ]`Uated; two, for a secure zone parallel to the region to be declared; and for the moderate opposition in Syria and Iraq to be trained and equipped.â&#x20AC;? Turkish tanks and other ground forces have been stationed along the border within a few hundred metres (yards) of the ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZd^Â&#x201A;Wd^W [\Q^dWĂ&#x2026;WQÂ&#x2026;X[W Â&#x160;^[V^W QXW |^W `Q\W Ă&#x2026;W but have not intervened. Just days ago, Turkey said it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let Kobani fall. Syrian Kurds, however, TQÂ&#x2021;UWX][9UbWQZWZTUW`TUZ[ric coming out of Ankara. They say that not only are the Turks not helping, they are actually hindering the defence of Kobani
by preventing Kurdish militiamen in Turkey from crossing the border into the town to help in ZTUWÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are besieged by Turkey, it is not something new,â&#x20AC;? said Ismet Sheikh Hassan, the Kurdish defence chief for the Kobani region. Despite Erdoganâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dire assessment, Kurdish forces managed to push Islamic State militants out of most of the eastern part of Kobani on Monday, hours after the extremists stormed into neighbourhoods on the edge of town, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The Kurds may have been helped by a round of airstrikes late Monday against Islamic State positions. Two more rounds followed yesterday morning, when journalists on the Turkish side of the border heard the sound of warplanes before large plumes of smoke billowed just west of Kobani. Those strikes helped slow the Islamic State groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shelling of Kobani, Hassan said. The U.S.-led coalition has launched limited airstrikes over the past two weeks near Kobani in a bid to help Kurdish forces defend the town, but the sorties appear to TQÂ&#x2021;UW b[^UW Â&#x2026;d Â&#x2026;UW Z[W XÂ&#x2026;[VW
the Islamic State groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s advance. The militantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; onslaught has forced more than Â?Â?Â?Â&#x201E;Â?Â?Â?W {U[{Â&#x2026;UW Z[W ÂżUUW d^W recent weeks, Erdogan XQdbÂ&#x152;W TUd`WÂżdÂ&#x201A;TZWdXWQÂ&#x2039;[^Â&#x201A;W the largest single exoduses of the three-year Syrian ][^Âżd]ZÂ&#x152; The Observatory, which relies on a network of activists across Syria, said Tuesday that 412 people have been killed since the [\Q^dWÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZd^Â&#x201A;W\UÂ&#x201A;Q^Â&#x152; On Tuesday morning, []]QXd[^QÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;^ÂŁ`UW ][Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW \UWTUQ`bWd^W [\Q^dÂ&#x152;W WÂżQÂ&#x201A;W of the main Kurdish force known as the Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Protection Units, or YPG, VQXWXUU^WÂż|d^Â&#x201A;W[Â&#x2021;U`WQWTdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W in central Kobani.
Four hospitalised in Spain after first Ebola transmission outside Africa
our people have been hospitalised in Spain to try to stem the spread of Ebola after a Spanish nurse be-
]QÂ&#x2039;UW ZTUW ÂŁ`XZW {U`X[^W d^W the world known to have contracted the virus outside of Africa, health authorities said yesterday. The nurse, who tested
Health workers attend a protest outside La Paz Hospital calling for Spainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Health Minister Ana Mato to resign after a Spanish nurse contracted Ebola, in Madrid
positive for the virus on Monday, her husband, who is showing no symptoms of the disease, and two other people are being closely monitored d^W T[X{dZQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;W TUQÂ&#x2026;ZTW [0cials told a news conference in Madrid. One of those hospitalised is a health worker who has diarrhea but no fever. The other is a Spaniard who travelled from Nigeria, said Rafael Perez-Santamaria, head of the Carlos III Hospital where the infected nurse treated two Spanish missionaries who contracted the disease in Africa. With concerns growing around the world of the Ebola pandemic spreading beyond West _`d]QÂ&#x201E;W ZTUW {Q^dXTW [0cials sought to reassure the public that they were tackling the threat. Twenty-two people
who came into contact with the nurse are being monitored, PerezSantamaria said. They have not been isolated but they are having their temperature taken twice a day to check for signs of infection. Officials said they were still investigating how the nurse was infected. She went on holiday after the second of the missionaries she had been caring for died on September 25, although, they stressed, she had not left Madrid. She began feeling ill on September 30 and was diagnosed with Ebola on Monday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This has taken us by surprise,â&#x20AC;? said PerezSantamaria. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are revising our protocols, improving them.â&#x20AC;? A spokesman for the
European Commission said the case would be discussed at an EU Health Security Committee meeting on Wednesday. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The priority remains Z[WÂŁ^bW[Â&#x2020;ZWVTQZWQ]ZÂ&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W happened,â&#x20AC;? he said. Jonathan Ball, a professor of molecular virology at Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s University of Nottingham, said the nurse should not have contracted the deadly disease if appropriate containment and control measures had been taken. Â&#x17D; ZWVdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W\UW]`Â&#x2020;]dQÂ&#x2026;WZ[WÂŁ^bW out what went wrong in this case so necessary measures can be taken to ensure it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen again,â&#x20AC;? he told Reuters. The nurse is being treated with antibodies from previous infected patients, Perez-Santamaria said.
Daily Newswatch
African Report WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
Liberia justice minister quits, says president blocked investigation
iberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s justice minister has stepped down, saying President Ellen
[T^X[^W d`Â&#x2026;UQ_W \Â&#x2026;[]Â&#x160;UbW her investigation into fraud allegations against the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Security Agency (NSA), which is headed by the presidentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son. Johnson Sirleaf, a Nobel Peace Prize winner praised for her leadership of Liberia in the aftermath of civil war, is under growing pressure from opponents who accuse her of corruption and nepotism. She has appointed several family members to senior government posts, but denies any favouritism. Her legacy of helping rebuild her country is ^[VW QÂ&#x2026;X[W QZW `dXÂ&#x160;W [_W \Uing overshadowed by an \[Â&#x2026;QW [Â&#x2020;Z\`UQÂ&#x160;W ZTQZW TQXW QÂ&#x2026;`UQb|WÂ&#x160;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW[Â&#x2021;U`WÂ?Â&#x201E;Â?Â?Â?W people in Liberia. Despite more than a decade of peace, Liberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s health sector reÂ&#x2039;Qd^XWd^WZQ U`XWQ^bWVQXW §Â&#x2020;d]Â&#x160;Â&#x2026;|W[Â&#x2021;U`VTUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2039;UbW\|W the epidemic. Months of unpaid wages led to XZ`dÂ&#x160;UXW\|WTUQÂ&#x2026;ZTWV[`Â&#x160;U`XW in state-run hospitals. Announcing her resig^QZd[^W d^W QW Â&#x2026;U U`W bQZUbW October 6, Justice Min-
ister Christiana Tah said she could not remain in [0]UÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;I cannot be the Minister of Justice and not supervise the operations of the security agencies under the Ministry of Justice,â&#x20AC;? she wrote. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What is the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;rule of lawâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; if the president asserts that she does not trust the Ministry of Justice to independently
investigate allegations of fraud against the National Security Agency?â&#x20AC;? she added. The NSA is run by Johnson Sirleafâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son, Fumba Sirleaf. Tah did not give details of the allegations against the agency. Johnson Sirleafâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofÂŁ]UWVQXW^[ZWdÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;UbdQZUÂ&#x2026;|W available for comment on Tahâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s claims but is-
sued a statement on [^bQ|W ][^ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;d^Â&#x201A;W ZTUW resignation had been accepted. She suspended her son Charles from his position as deputy governor of ZTUW ]U^Z`QÂ&#x2026;W \Q^Â&#x160;W d^W Â?Â?Â&#x2018;Â?W for failing to declare his assets to anti-corruption authorities, though he remains in the post. Another son, Robert Sirleaf, resigned as chair-
man of Liberiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s state oil company, NOCAL, and stepped down from his role as a senior advisor to his mother last year. Johnson Sirleaf said his resignation had nothing to do with accusations of favouritism, stating that he had simply completed his assignment to restructure NOCAL and draft a petroleum law. Johnson Sirleaf has
been president since 2006 and the country has stabilised, secured debt `UÂ&#x2026;dU_W Q^bW Q `Q]ZUbW \dÂ&#x2026;lions of dollars in investment under her rule. However, the Ebola [Â&#x2020;Z\`UQÂ&#x160;W TQXW `UÂ&#x2021;UQÂ&#x2026;UbW QW bUU{W Â&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;W [_W Z`Â&#x2020;XZW \Utween many Liberians and a government that critics say has failed to deliver on concrete social change.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;France, UN must step up fight against Islamists in Maliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
aliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s prime minister said on Monday Islamist militants had been given an opportunity to return to the north of the country after France redeployed troops across the region and urged French and United Nations _[`]UXWZ[WÂ&#x201A;[W[^WZTUWQ Q]Â&#x160;WZ[W stop their resurgence. d^UW W {UQ]UÂ&#x160;UU{U`XW _`[Â&#x2039;W dÂ&#x201A;U`W VU`UW Â&#x160;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW [^W Friday when gunmen on Â&#x2039;[Z[`\dÂ&#x160;UXWQÂ&#x2039;\Â&#x2020;XTUbWZTUd`W convoy on Friday, the deadÂ&#x2026;dUXZW Q Q]Â&#x160;W |UZW [^W ZTUÂ&#x2039;W d^W the West African nation. TUW Q Q]Â&#x160;W TdÂ&#x201A;TÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x201A;TZUbW QW X{dÂ&#x160;UW d^W XZ`dÂ&#x160;UXW [^W _[`Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf speaks during an interview with Reuters in Brussels eign troops based in Maliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s northern desert region - particularly since Paris turned its Mali operation into a regional counter-militancy force this year after driving out Islamists from northern A transitional govern- Mali in early 2013. he Christian- Edouard Ngaissona, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;The French forces are less coordinator, ment was formed at the d o m i n a t e d national concentrated and spread end of August comprisQ^ZdÂŤ\QÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x160;QWÂ&#x2039;d- told AFP. out across the Sahel-SaThe CAR, an impover- ing representatives of litia in the Cenhara and so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s appeared tral African ished former French col- civil society, political Republic has demanded [^|Â&#x201E;W TQXW \UU^W V`Q]Â&#x160;UbW {Q`ZdUXW Q^bW ZTUW UÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x160;QW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x160;UW Q^W [{{[`ZÂ&#x2020;^dZ|W _[`W the countryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presi- by coups, unrest and Q^bW Q^ZdÂŤ\QÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x160;QW QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;dQ^]- the groups to come and set up,â&#x20AC;? Moussa Mara told bU^ZW `UXdÂ&#x201A;^W Q^bW QXÂ&#x160;UbW misrule since it gained es. Two ministers close to Reuters in an interview on its members to quit the independence. The country plunged ZTUW Q^ZdÂŤ\QÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x160;QW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;U- the sidelines of an OECD transitional government, one of their chiefs told into fresh unrest and ment hold the tourism forum on Africa. Since the Islamists were \Â&#x2026;[[bÂ&#x2026;U d^Â&#x201A;WQ_ZU`WQW][Â&#x2020;{W and environment portAFP on Monday. X]Q U`UbW \|W `U^]TW _[`]UXÂ&#x201E;W The 48-hour ultimatum last year which felled folios. elections have been held Â&#x17D; TUWQ^ZdÂŤ\QÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x160;QWÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;Uto President Catherine president Francois Bozand rebels who distanced Samba Panza came after ize, a former army chief ment gives (President themselves from militant a media report that $10 who himself seized pow- Samba Panza) 48 hours Â&#x201A;`[Â&#x2020;{XW TQÂ&#x2021;UW \UÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;^W ZQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x160;XW to step down,â&#x20AC;? the namillion (7.9 million eu- er a decade earlier. VdZTW ZTUW QÂ&#x2039;QÂ&#x160;[W Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Human rights abus- tional coordinator addros) of Angolan aid had ment. es against civilians by ed, without specifying been pilfered. But the peace process is â&#x20AC;&#x153;The coordinators of mainly Muslim former when the deadline endmoving slowly and MaZTUW Q^ZdÂŤ\QÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x160;QW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;U- `U\UÂ&#x2026;XW_`[Â&#x2039;WZTUW UÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x160;QWQÂ&#x2026;- ed. lian troops abandoned most The president, who was ment are of the view that liance and vengeful mipositions in the north earthe transitional authori- litias from the Christian appointed in January, lier this year after clashes ties no longer inspire majority have claimed TQXWbU^dUbWXd{T[^d^Â&#x201A;W[9W with the rebels, leaving a ][^ÂŁbU^]UW Q^bW QXÂ&#x160;W QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W thousands of lives since Angolan funds. She has vacuum for insurgents in a its representatives in March 2013 and dis- been struggling to bring zone awash with drugs and government and in the placed more than a quar- peace to the country and weapons smugglers and reCentral African Republic Interim President Catherine cabinet of the prime min- ter of the population of heal wounds opened by bels groups. Samba-Panza speaks at the Brookings Institute ister to resign,â&#x20AC;? Patrice 4.6 million people. ZTUW\Â&#x2026;[[bÂ&#x2026;U d^Â&#x201A;Â&#x152;
Christian militia calls on C.Africa president to resign
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Daily Newswatch
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Daily Newswatch
Sports Development: Obi’s Aide, Commissioner trade banters
NFF Congress: Election losers gang-up against Amaju
By Cyprian Ebele, Onitsha
al Obienyem, Media aide to former Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi has disagreed with the State Commissioner for Sports, Tony Nnaecheta, on the state of sporting infrastructure in the State. Nnaecheta had in a recent comment described as a shame the state of sports met on ground by Chief Willie Obiano administration that took over from Obi in March, 2014. Reacting to Nnecheta’s comment, Obienyem argued that Nnecheta might have been misquoted or lacks the capacity to convey his thoughts the best way they should be without endangering facts, insisting that Obi was the only Governor the State had in the past that worked in all sectors. “By the time he became Governor, no aspect of the state was working. In sports, Anambra State was laying prostrate, but tobQ|WZT`[ TWZTUWU9[`ZXW[_W Mr. Obi the State now has three mini stadia- Justice {UQ W ZQbd W ^dZXTQW South Stadium and Awka stadium (on- going). “Obi rehabilitated the Ime Obi and Rojenny stadium at Onitsha and Oba respectfully. Obi reintroduced school sports in the State and from15th position in 2011 Anambra came 5th in 2012 and 3rd in National School sports in 2013”. Anambra won Gold Medals in both male and
female National Youths Sports Federation (YS Wd^W WZTQZW§ Q d£UbW Anambra to represent Nigeria at the World Youths Sports Federation held in Oslo, Norway. In May 2013, Anambra funded Anambra footballers to World pre-season tournament at Antalia, Turkey, where 6 Anambrarians were selected for professional careers in Eu`[{U W \dWd^dZdQZUbWZTUW£`XZW ever Governor’s Unity Cup Q^bWZTUW£`XZW `QbU`XW {Wd^W ¦ W \dWd^dZdQZUbWZTUW£`XZW disabled sports competition in the State. He hosted the Flying Eagles twice and placed members of Old Rangers on monthly stipends, provided buses for them, the Ministry of Sports, Anambra State Chapter of Nigerian National Supporters Club, and the National Youth Council”. “Rather than acknowledge this and try to build on them and even surpass them, all Nnaecheta could say was to describe the state of sporting facilities as shameful. When prominent person in the state said they voted the present Governor because of Obi’s work in the State, what does the Commissioner think they were saying?”, Obienye masked. Obienyem who recalled ZTQZW XZd]UW {UQ W ZQdium that prompted the Commissioner’s reaction was built over seven years ago, said he thought that continuity meant amending, expanding or even shortening parts of the stadium when necessary.
Chima in pole position for history
aniel Chima has expressed his delight after Molde clinched the Norwegian Premier League title with four games to spare, following their 2-1 win over T[ UWZUQ W d d^ W[^W QZurday in the 26th round. TUW d]Z[`|W QZW ZTUW dking Stadion (Stavanger) means Molde have opened up an unassailable 13 - point lead over nearest challengers for the Tippeligaen crown, Odd Grenland, who lost ground after drawing 2 - 2 with Aalesund. ‘’This year have been
my best season in Molde. I got to play a lot of games which, build my self con£bU^]UWd^WZTUW Q U ‘’The reason we have ZTUW Zd UW ^[VW dXW ZTQZW VUW kept our focus and didn’t drop our guard for a moment. The name MOLDE scares most teams,’’ a delighted Daniel Chima said. Having wrapped up the title in style, there is a possibility that the Molde number 27 will become ZTUW £`XZW _[`Ud ^U`W Z[W Vd^W £ UW ZdZ UXW d^W _[ `W XUQX[^X W if the newly crowned Tippeligaen champions don’t stumble against Odd `U^ Q^bWd^WZTUW {W£^Q ‘’We are aiming for the Cup title as well to win it back to back. I am among the four foreigners in the history of Norwegian Football to win gold four times in a row. ‘’Winning the cup will break the record and make me and my teammate the two foreigners Z[W Vd^W £ U« [ bW d^W _[ `W years in Norway,’’ Daniel Chima concluded.
Maduabuchi Kalu
ewly elected President of the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), Pinnick Melvin Amaju, faces a Herculean task when he QXX UXW[0]UWd^W \ ¡QWZTdXW week as plot to frustrate him thickens. The Delta Football Association Chairman was elected last week’s Tuesday to succeed Alhaji Aminu Maigari, whose last stay in [0]UW VQXW ]TQ`Q]ZU`d UbW \|W crisis culminating to his impeachment by his lieutenQ^ZXW UbW \|W £`XZW d]UW `UXddent, Chief Mike Umeh. The emergence of Amaju as the new NFF president was not without dissenting voices as allegation and counter allegation of money exchanging hands in ensuring that the Chairman of Delta State Sports Commission, whose original intention, according him, was to chair the NFF electoral com d UU W [ZWU U]ZUb W Daily Newswatch Sports learnt from one of the candidates that lost the election to Amaju, that some other contenders who lost in the Congress election have teamedup with Christopher Giwa _Q]Zd[^W Z[W \Q UW ZTUW W president. One person who didn’t hide his disapproval of of Q¡ ªXW d]Z[`W dXW ZTUW d]UW Chairman of Lobi Football Club of Makurdi, Dominic Iorfa, who refused to shake hands with Amaju in protest to what he alleged was money Congress. Iorfa is just one of the oppositions that the new NFF
boss has to contend with as Newswatch Sports can authoritatively report that there are many other forces that will contend with him in a few days to come and how he handles them remain in the womb of time. According to Newswatch Sports reliable source at the NFF: “The greatest opposition against Amaju in the next few days will emerge from stakeholders from the northern part of the country who feel shortchanged in the whole exercise as those who planned and executed the elections did not put into consideraZd[^WZTUW^[`ZT«X[ ZTW [^d^ W
arrangements,” the source began. “Moreover, the Giwa challenge is still there and nobody should just sweep it under the carpet because it has to do with court of competent jurisdiction. “As you are aware, the £`XZW `UQ]Zd[^W \|W dVQW Q_ZU`W the elections in Warri was to fault the elections and a call on all his board members to `UZ `^W Z[W [0]UW [^W T `Xday, October 4 as he declared that he was not going to relinquish his mandate. “Already, Jos High Court has summoned the immediate past board to explain why they should not be
Houston Dash extend Osinachi’s contract
ouston Dash have invoked the option to extend the contract of Falcons defender, Ohale Osinachi for an additional season, according to her Italian agent, Claudio Marcone. But the 21-year-old may be farmed out on loan to an unnamed European team before the start of the 2015 season. ‘’The NWSL ended in August and transfer windows were only available in Germany and France. Obviously Sweden and England Q`UW £^dXTd^ W ZTUd`W ]TQ {donship in 1-2 weeks. ‘’I will not disclose names of clubs we are talking about, but an eventual loan move after the NWSL season is on ZTUW]Q`b WW [VU U` WZTUW£`XZW priority for Osinachi is to get
back to Nigeria and prepare with the National Team. ‘’She is still under contract with the Houston Dash and will re-join her teamearly 2015. For now, focus is on National Team to get the ticket for Canada 2015,’’ says Claudio Marcone. Marcone says he is convinced that Osinachi impressed in her debut in NWSL season, and has pointed out that the decision to extend her stay at ZTUW W [ {QXXW ZQbd W was due to her form. ‘’We believe that having the Houston Dash call for the option and also request Osinachi for 2015 says it all. It is not easy at all to adapt quickly to the American style of football. ‘’However, an athletic
football player like Osinachi adapted and learned quickly. The head coach desires her back and therefore Osinachi will be playing in the US Professional League in 2015,’’ he added. Ohale Osinachi made 19 appearances for Houston Dash last season, scoring once against Washington Spirit.
][ d UbWZ[W{`dX[^W\|WbdXobeying her orders by going ahead to conduct election when the court already said they should not. “You see, due to the inability of the Warri elecZd[^XW Z[W ]UbUW ZTUW £`XZW d]UW president to the North and the uncertainty of where the Secretary General of the federation will come from, stakeholders from the North are considering teeming-up with Giwa to Q UW ZTd^ XW bd0] ZW _[`W Amaju. “Another card on the table of the northern stakeholders, who came to terms with the reality after the Warri elections, are to bid for opportunity to impeach Amaju and install one of their own as president or ZTUW£`XZW d]UW{`UXdbU^Z W “The point is this, if the northern stakeholders are to blame anybody for their inability to get what they expect, it is the immediate past president of the federation, Alhaji Aminu Maigari, who in a bid to ensure that those he considered his enemies did not return to the board, refused to ensure ZTQZWQ WZTUW [^UXWQ`UW]Q``dUbW along. “As at now, the plum job has been taken by the South South candidate while the £`XZW d]UW `UXdbU^ZW VU^ZW to the South West even as ZTUW [^UWQ X[WTQXWZTUW d`U]tor General of the National Sports Commission (NSC), Hon Gbenga Elegbeleye,” the source said.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
Ipaye: Keshi should remain Eagles boss
x-Nigeria international, Wasiu Ipaye, who is the current coach of Nigeria National League side, First Bank FC of Lagos has advised the Nigeria Football FederaZd[^W Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;W Z[W [9U`W Â&#x2020;{U`W QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;UXW ][Q]TÂ&#x201E;W ZU{TU^W Okechukwu Keshi a new contract to continue with the team. The former Eagles player, Wasiu who was at the 1990 Africa Cup of Nations tagged Algiers 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; said itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s of no use at this stage for Nigeria to change coach; insisting that all the country needs now is continuity. The new board of the NFF led by Amajau Pinnick are expected to decide on the way forward on Wednesday October 8, as regards Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future, \Â&#x2020;ZWZTUW QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;UXWÂ&#x201A;Q9U`WVT[W won the Africa Cup of Nations as a player in 1994 and as a coach in 2013 is out of contract but will Â&#x2026;UQbWZTUW Â&#x2020;{U`W QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;UXWd^WQ^W W §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁU`W QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW Â&#x2020;bQ^Wd^WZTUWd^ZU`dÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need to be changing coaches as if we are changing clothes. We donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t need that at this point,â&#x20AC;? Ipaye exclaimed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What we need now is continuity. The â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Big Bossâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t doing badly. Why do we need a new coach? Ipaye asked. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If a new coach is
brought in, then that means we are starting afresh,â&#x20AC;? First Bank FC are one of the strong contenders in the Nigeria National League (NNL) Group B to secure one of the two Premier League ticket and Ipaye said he is focused on ÂŁ^dXTd^Â&#x201A;WZTUW`Q]UWXZ`[^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;|W and also bringing Premier League football back to Lagos. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do rate my team, First Bank FC high, we are currently in the third position on the log and the focus and target to secure promotion is still very much intact. The dream to bring Premier League football to Lagos is still active,â&#x20AC;? Ipaye stated. With three matches left in the NNL, the league board have suspended the Â&#x2026;UQÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;UW Z[W Q U^bW Z[W {U^bing issues and all the participating teams now have even much more time to prepare, but the last three games remain important to Ipayeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s First Bank FC. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have two home games, one of which is a derby against City of David United FC (COD Utd FC) and Ekiti United while our last game is away to Go Round FC. We do have a strong chance Z[WÂŁ^dXTWÂ&#x2020;{WXZ`[^Â&#x201A;W\Â&#x2020;ZWVUW are very focused at this stage of the marathon,â&#x20AC;? Ipaye concluded.
ZTd^Â&#x160;WZTUWZdÂ&#x2039;UWTQXW][Â&#x2039;UW_[`W ZU{TU^W UXTdWZ[W\UWUQXUbW out of the national team. I have solidly stood behind him all this while. When a coach wins the AFCON against the odds, he should be accorded some respect. Knowing where we were coming from, my backing Keshi was the ideal thing to do. The fact is that he took Nigerian football from ground zero, that of not qualifying for AFCON 2012, to African champions. But the way the guy is going, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see him replicating that AFCON triumph. Frankly, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think Keshi has any other thing Z[W[9U`W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^W_[[Z\QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x152;W UWTQXWZ`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;|WbU{Q`ZUbW_`[Â&#x2039;WZTUW stickler for merit that he was at the onset to a coach whose selections have consistently come under criticism. It is hard these days for Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lists to pass the acceptance test. It is not mere coincidence that the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fortunes are dwindling. From the African champions that dazed all, the team is becoming easy prey for the likes Congo. The team is losing the fear factor so soon. I thought Keshi V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW TQÂ&#x2021;UW \Â&#x2020;dÂ&#x2026;ZW [^W ZTUW Â?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŚW _UQZW Q^bW {dÂ&#x2026;[ZW ZTUW Â&#x2020;{U`W Eagles to the zenith but he has given it up so soon. Keshi has reached his apogee and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go any further than this. [VÂ&#x201E;W WZ`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;|WQÂ&#x201A;`UUWZTQZWdZWdXWUQXdU`WZ[WQ Qd^WXÂ&#x2020;]]UXXWZTQ^W sustaining it. I was forced to jump into this conclusion after seeing TdXWÂ&#x2026;dXZW[_W{Â&#x2026;Q|U`XW_[`WZTUW Â&#x2020;bQ^WÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UXÂ&#x152;W TUWÂ&#x2039;Q^WdXWXdÂ&#x2039;{Â&#x2026;|W unrepentant. One of the key reasons why he should leave is that he is about the stunt the growth of Kelechi Iheanacho. The supremely gifted kid has been left out of the national team for the umpteenth time while the team is in dire need of creativity in the middle of the pack. It amazes me that despite playing and managing football at the highest level (he captained and managed a team at the World Cup), Keshi is yet to take into cognizance the provision for special talents. The likes of Pele, dUÂ&#x201A;[W Q`Qb[^QÂ&#x201E;W U^`|W V[XÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W VQ^Â&#x160;V[W Q^Â&#x2020;WQ^bW Wayne Rooney fall into this category and such players usually get their breaks at much younger ages than their ][^ZUÂ&#x2039;{[`Q`dUXÂ&#x152;W TUQ^Q]T[W_QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;XWd^Z[WZTdXW]QZUÂ&#x201A;[`|Â&#x152;W Â&#x2020;]TW players defy age and can hold their own in any arena and on any occasion. It was for this reason that when TUQ^Q]T[W ÂŁÂ&#x2026;UbW [Â&#x2020;ZW \UXdbUW Q^]TUXZU`W dZ|ÂŞXW XÂ&#x2020;{U`W stars during the pre-season, he still excelled. Not every player will have that type of impact. No stage will be too
Siasia: Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not desperate for Eagles job Ephraim Nwosu
[Q]TW QÂ&#x2039;X[^W dQXdQW TQXW ^[ZW hidden his desire to re{Â&#x2026;Q]UW ZU{TU^W UXTdW QXW Â&#x2020;{U`W QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;UXÂŞW Â&#x201A;Q9U`W QÂ&#x201A;Qd^Â&#x201E;W \Â&#x2020;ZW ZTUW _[`mer Olympic team coach is not desperate for the plum job. The erstwhile Flying Eaglesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; tactician saidrather than lay fallow waiting for the job, he will spend his time doing other things until the opportunity presents itself again. dQXdQW XQdbÂťW Â&#x17D; UXÂ&#x201E;W W XQdbW WTQÂ&#x2021;UWQ^WÂ&#x2020;^ÂŁ^dXTUbW \Â&#x2020;Xd^UXXW VdZTW ZTUW Â&#x2020;{U`W Eagles and I stand by my word.I want to be given another opportunity to _Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;ÂŁÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W Â&#x2039;|W b`UQÂ&#x2039;W _[`W ZTUW national team, but that does not mean itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a do[`ÂŤbdUW Q9Qd`W [`W ZTQZW W QÂ&#x2039;W desperate to be there at all cost. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When the time comes and the NFF feel I deserve a second chance with the national team, I will be
happy to be back but I am not desperate about it. By Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grace I am comfortable and I am okay with what I am currently doing and I also give God the glory. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The FA and Nigerians are the ones to decide if the time comes; when there is vacancy and I am
The Voice of Sports Clement Nwankpa Jnr. 08033305552 sportswar@yahoo.com
Time for Keshi to go big for that boy. I am just shocked that Keshi, who has V[`Â&#x160;UbWQZW]Â&#x2026;[XUW§Â&#x2020;Q`ZU`XWVdZTWZTUW\[|WbÂ&#x2020;`d^Â&#x201A;WZTUW W build-up, has not noticed this. That boy is the future of Nigerian football and we have to protect him. If we get him involved early enough in the national team, he will earn more respect at City. By extension, the national team VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W\U^UÂŁZW_`[Â&#x2039;WTdXWTÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201A;UW]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;\WUÂŹ{U`dU^]UÂ&#x152;W _W TUQ^Q]T[W truly comes into his own in football, he has the potentials to take Nigeria to unprecedented heights. The sooner TUW\Â&#x2026;[XX[Â&#x2039;XÂ&#x201E;WZTUW\U U`W_[`WÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x201E;W\Â&#x2020;ZWdZWdXW^[ZWÂ&#x2026;[[Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;WÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x160;UÂ&#x2026;|W under Keshi. It is understood Keshi has shunned the boy \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUWTUWÂ&#x2026;U_ZWZTUW W]QÂ&#x2039;{WZ[WXdÂ&#x201A;^W_[`W dZ|Â&#x152;W ZWdXWQÂ&#x2026;X[W for non-footballing reasons that he has repeatedly left Â&#x160;UW ]TUW[Â&#x2020;ZW[_WZTUWZUQÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152;W UXTdW^[VWTQXWZ[WÂĄU dX[^WZTUXUW sentiments and select our best players. One only does this VTU^WZTU`UWQ`UW\U U`W[{Zd[^XW\Â&#x2020;ZWVTU^WZTUWZUQÂ&#x2039;WdXWd^Wbd`UW need of such playersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; services, it is important to bury the hatchet. The team struggled to keep possession against [^Â&#x201A;[W Q^bW [Â&#x2020;ZTW _`d]QW |UZW QW {Â&#x2026;Q|U`W [_W TUQ^Q]T[ÂŞXW quality is holding a Nigerian passport. In his quest to X[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2021;UWZTUWÂ&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bW{`[\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x2039;Â&#x201E;WTUWTQXWd^Â&#x2021;dZUbW QTUUÂ&#x2039;W QVQÂ&#x2026;W \Â&#x2020;ZWVT|WTQXWTUW`U{UQZUbÂ&#x2026;|WdÂ&#x201A;^[`UbW Q`Â&#x2020;^QW Â&#x2020;Â&#x160;Â&#x2039;Q^ÂŻW XWdZW ^[ZW|UZWZdÂ&#x2039;UWZ[W`U]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W Â&#x2020;^bQ|W \QÂŻW QX^ÂŞZWTUWTUQ`bWQ\[Â&#x2020;ZW a certain Abuljeleel Ajagun that plays for Panathinaikos? [`W ZTUW `U][`bXÂ&#x201E;W ÂĄQÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;^W VQXW ZTUW Â&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bW {Q`Z^U`W [_W Ramon Azeez and Ogenyi Onazi at the U-17 team in 2009. Back to Uche and the teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dire need for more goal scoring options outside Emmanuel Emenike. Emenike has now endured a long period of goal drought for club and country and last weekend was on the bench for the U^Zd`UWbÂ&#x2020;`QZd[^W[_W U^U`\QT]TUÂŞXWÂ&#x2026;UQÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;UWÂŁÂŹZÂ&#x2020;`UÂ&#x152;W dXWV[`Â&#x160;W rate might still be high but only the goals count. If Ucheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
also free, then why not? I am a Nigerian and I am looking forward to it. It would be an honour to coach my country once again.â&#x20AC;?
UWÂ&#x2020;`Â&#x201A;UbW WZ[WÂ&#x2039;QÂ&#x160;UW haste in deciding the man to tutor the team in the remaining matches of the 2015 African Cup of Na-
Zd[^XW §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁU`XĂ&#x152;W Qbbd^Â&#x201A;W the delay in giving Keshi a new contract has been [Â&#x2021;U`ÂŤÂż[Â&#x201A;Â&#x201A;UbÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;For me, Keshi has done well. At this stage there is need for him to be given a sense of belonging so he could know his fate. I think the earlier the \U U`W_[`WÂ&#x2020;XÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022;W
well documented fall-out with Keshi is responsible for his continued absence in the national team what of Obafemi Q`Zd^XWVT[WTQXW^[Z]TUbWÂ&#x2018;Ă?WÂ&#x201A;[QÂ&#x2026;XWd^WZTUW WZTdXWXUQX[^ÂŻW Last weekend, he refreshed our memories with a brace for UQ Â&#x2026;UW [Â&#x2020;^bU`XÂ&#x152;W Q`Zd^XÂŞWXZ`dÂ&#x160;UW{Q`Z^U`W Â&#x2026;d^ZW UÂ&#x2039;{XU|Â&#x201E;W VT[WQÂ&#x2026;X[WTQXWÂ&#x2018;Â&#x2019;W WÂ&#x201A;[QÂ&#x2026;XWX[W_Q`Â&#x201E;WdXWQW`UÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Q`Wd^WZTUW W team, so why not Martins? Given the importance of the b[Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;UWTUQbU`WQÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW Â&#x2020;bQ^WQ^bWZQÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;Wd^Z[W][Â&#x201A;^dÂ&#x192;Q^]UW the fact that the Omdurman clash might be particularly daunting, I felt Keshi would have cashed in on Martinsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; vast experience and current form. I remember the mustVd^W [`Â&#x2026;bW Â&#x2020;{W §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁU`W QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW U^|QW QZW ZTUW QXQ`Q^dW ZQbdÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W d^W Â?Â?Â?ÂĽW VTU^W Q`Zd^XW ZÂ&#x2020;`^UbW Â&#x2020;{W ZTUW TUQZW Q^bW QdbUbW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂŞXW §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁ]QZd[^Â&#x152;W [Â&#x2020;W ^UUbW XÂ&#x2020;]TW {Â&#x2026;Q|U`XW QZW such moments. But Keshi had other ideas. In his opinion, Martins might be in great form but he prefers â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;players for the futureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. But one of his â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;strikers for the futureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is Aaron QÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;W VT[W {Â&#x2026;Q|XW _[`W Â&#x2020;Q^Â&#x201A;Â&#x192;[Â&#x2020;W Ă&#x17D; W d^W Td^QÂ&#x201E;W VT[W scored a goal in 15 goals for Valeranga in 2012/2013 season Q^bWÂ&#x2018;Â?Wd^WÂ?Ă&#x201E;W_[`W Q`{X\[`Â&#x201A;Wd^WZTUWÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŚĂ?Â?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;WXUQX[^Â&#x152;W TQZWdXW the player who is preferred ahead of Martins in a must-win game. Even if Keshi wanted to opt for a younger striker, what of Abiola Dauda who is in good goal scoring form for Dutch Eredivisie club, Vitesse Arnhem, the club in whose colours Wilfred Bony emerged Dutch League top scorer two seasons ago? The fact is that Keshiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s criteria for inviting {Â&#x2026;Q|U`XWZ[WZTUW^QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;WZUQÂ&#x2039;WTQÂ&#x2021;UW][Â&#x2039;UWÂ&#x2020;^bU`W§Â&#x2020;UXZd[^Â&#x152;W UW handed a starting shirt to a clubless Uche Nwofor against Congo and a few days later, the boy latched upon that to secure a new club. If there was a new invitee one would have thrown his full weight behind, it would have been Wolvesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Carl Ikpeme who should provide solid cover and competition for Vincent Enyeama and Austin Ejide but Keshi wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do that because the lad would threaten the place of his beloved Chigozie Agbim. This should be the time for Keshi to give us a more solid national team. By now, he should have the core of the team but the penchant to keep inviting fresh players who Q`UW^[ZWZ`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;|Wd^ZU`^QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;WXZÂ&#x2020;9W][Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW\U][Â&#x2039;UWTdXW ]TdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UXW
UUÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x152;W TUWÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;|WTQXWÂ&#x2026;[XZW_[]Â&#x2020;XWQ^bWÂ&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;XWZTUW]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;UWQXWZ[WT[VW ZTUWZUQÂ&#x2039;W][Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bWÂ&#x201A;[W_Â&#x2020;`ZTU`WZTQ^WVTU`UWdZWdXÂ&#x152;W [WbUX{dZUWTdXW `UXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026;ZXWd^WZTUW Â&#x2020;bQ^WÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UXÂ&#x201E;WTUWXT[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bWÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UW[^Â&#x152;
Daily Newswatch Sports/ CHELSEA WATCH Terry admits to City pressure Luiz reveals Blues rejection
ohn Terry believes Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s early dominance of the Premier League has put them under extra pressure. TUÂ&#x2026;XUQW Â&#x2039;Qd^ZQd^UbW ZTUd`W ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UÂŤ{[d^ZW lead at the top of the table with a 2-0 victory against title rivals Arsenal at Stamford Bridge. The Blues skipper said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Clearly itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [the title race] not over â&#x20AC;&#x201D; other teams have been in this position. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice to have the lead but when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the top everyone wants to shoot you down. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the good thing about the Premier League and why everyone loves it. Teams are out to get us because we are at the top and playing well. The international break is here and we need to come back and maintain our form after that as well. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very important we do that.â&#x20AC;? Chelsea led from the front on the three previous occasions when they were crowned champions. Terry admits his sideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impressive form has put their title rivals under pressure. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s [\Â&#x2021;d[Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x2026;|W \U U`W Z[W \UW Â&#x2026;UQbd^Â&#x201A;W ZTQ^W \Ud^Â&#x201A;W behind,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;But when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re behind, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been there, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nice to chase as well, VTU^W|[Â&#x2020;WTQÂ&#x2021;UWX[Â&#x2039;UZTd^Â&#x201A;WZ[WÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZW_[`Â&#x152;
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just hoping when youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re at the Z[{W Q^bW TQÂ&#x2021;UW QW ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UÂŤ{[d^ZW ]Â&#x2020;XTd[^W Q^bW more on certain teams, a couple of them slip up again and that increases. If that happens, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of points to give up early on. All we can do is keep winning and wait for those teams to slip up.â&#x20AC;? Chelsea took the lead with an Eden Hazard penalty but it took Diego Costaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ninth goal in seven League matches to seal the result.
avid Luiz turned down a contract extension in the XÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U`W [9U`UbW Z[W TdÂ&#x2039;W by Chelsea in favour of a blockbuster move to PSG. The Brazilian centre\Q]Â&#x160;WVT[WXÂ&#x2020;9U`UbW [`Â&#x2026;bW Cup heartache during the summer eventually sealed a mammoth ÂŁ50m transfer to the Ligue 1 champions, making him the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most expensive ever defender. David Luiz couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get into Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team last season, and Blues supporters were delighted that they managed to get such an enormous fee for his services as a result. It turns out though that the Blues tried to keep him, and only decided to part ways when
the 27-year-old told them he wanted to sign for PSG. Â&#x17D; TUÂ&#x2026;XUQW [9U`UbW Â&#x2039;UW QW new contract to stay but it was my choice to come here. I was happy with ZTUW {Â&#x2026;Q^W W [9U`UbW Z[W me and I think it was exactly the right moment to move,â&#x20AC;? claimed the likeable stopper.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was so happy at Chelsea, I won two European titles and the FA Cup, it was great for me. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a lucky guy. I was playing for a big club like Chelsea and now Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got another opportunity to play for another big club.â&#x20AC;? Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m enjoying it here.â&#x20AC;?
Cech: Blues are well organised and dangerous
etr Cech was back in Premier League action yesterday and the goalkeeper discussed a well-executed game plan afterwards. The man with the most clean sheets in Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s history came on midway ZT`[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TW ZTUW ÂŁ`XZW TQÂ&#x2026;_W Q_ter Thibaut Courtois sustained a knock in a colli-
sion with Arsenalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Alexis Sanchez. It was goalless when U]TW U^ZU`UbW ZTUW ÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bW [_W play but Chelsea quickly established an advantage through Eden Hazardâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s penalty. Diego Costa then wrapped up the victory after the break in what was a typically competitive London derby between two sides that went into the match unbeaten in the Premier League. Cech has no doubt had busier days between the sticks but his focus was evident throughout, nota\Â&#x2026;|W d^W ZTUW ÂŁ`XZW TQÂ&#x2026;_W VTU^W he dived at the feet of the [^`Â&#x2020;XTd^Â&#x201A;W Q]Â&#x160;W dÂ&#x2026;XTU`UÂ&#x201E;W and in the second when he thwarted Lukas Podolski from close range.
Hazard pays tribute to Costa, Fabregas
den Hazard has paid tribute to Diego Costa and Cesc Fabregas, believing the arrival of the duo will allow him to take his game to new levels this season. Jose Mourinhoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side cruised to a 2-0 win over Arsenal on Sunday 5 October to open up a commanding ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW {[d^ZW QbÂ&#x2021;Q^ZQÂ&#x201A;UW [Â&#x2021;U`W second-placed Manchester City, with Hazard playing an integral role in the victory. TUW ]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;\ÂŞXW Â&#x2026;Q]Â&#x160;W [_W ÂŁ`Upower last season saw much of the goal-scoring responsibility laid at the feet of Hazard, something that saw the 23-year-old become a marked man in the Premier League. But following the arrivals of former Arsenal skipper Fabregas and Costa, the Â&#x2026;Q U`W VT[W Â&#x2026;UQbXW ZTUW Â&#x201A;[QÂ&#x2026;ÂŤ scoring charts with nine in seven league games, Hazard feels he now has more
room to operate at his creative best, a worrying development for clubs looking to quell Chelseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premier League title charge. Â&#x17D; ZW dXW bd9U`U^ZW Z[W Â&#x2026;QXZW season,â&#x20AC;? Hazard told Sky Sports. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a lot of freedom now because I remember last season a lot of games one, two or three players were against me, and now dZW dXW bd9U`U^ZW \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUW ZTU|W have to take Costa or Fabregas, not just me.â&#x20AC;?
Mutu faces financial ruin
drian Mutu faces â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;living like a pauperâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; after being locked in a Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;W \Q Â&#x2026;UW VdZTW TUÂ&#x2026;XUQW over his sacking for a positive cocaine test, but he insists that he has â&#x20AC;&#x153;no regrets.â&#x20AC;? The Romanian striker joined Chelsea from Parma in 2003 for ÂŁ15.8 million, but despite a relatively dÂ&#x2039;{`UXXdÂ&#x2021;UW ÂŁ`XZW XUQX[^W QZW Stamford Bridge, his stint in the Premier League was brought to an abrupt end after testing positive for cocaine in September 2004. Mutu was handed a seven-month ban by the
FA, but Chelsea took the decisive step to release the striker from his contract. The now 35-year-old returned to Serie A after his ban expired, joining Juventus on a free transfer, which is when the leÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2026;W \Q Â&#x2026;UW XZQ`ZUbÂ&#x152;W TUÂ&#x2026;XUQW are reportedly suing their former player for an eightÂŁÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;`UWXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;WĂ&#x201D;WVTd]TW Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x2020;W ]Â&#x2026;QdÂ&#x2039;XW ^[ZW Z[W TQÂ&#x2021;UW Ă&#x201D;W Q^bW have even looked into seizing property he owns in Florida. In an interview with The Timesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Rory Smith, Mutu is quoted as saying: â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you ask me about Chelsea again, I will get up and leave. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give a f***,â&#x20AC;?
\U_[`UW XU Â&#x2026;d^Â&#x201A;W b[V^W Q^bW opening up about his illfated 12 months in west London. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I try not to think about it too much,â&#x20AC;? he adds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I made some mistakes, and if I could go back and not make them, then of course I would. But it is too late to do anything about it. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I do not think about what I lost. I do not like to talk about Chelsea. It was f***ing 10 years ago; it is always the same thing. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know what the Â&#x2026;QZUXZWdXÂ&#x152;W Wb[^ÂŞZW]Q`UÂ&#x152;W T|W would it be hard, because WTQÂ&#x2021;UWZ[WVQdZWZ[WÂŁ^bW[Â&#x2020;ZW what will happen? I am
used to it now. It has been going on for 10 years, and I still do not know what will happen. I try not to make myself worried, because that will not do any good, but of course it is not easy, not after all this time.â&#x20AC;? Mutu continues to ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZW TdXW ][`^U`W QXW TUW `Ufuses to cough up millions of pounds to his former employers, but, should the courts decide that compensation is due, then the Romanianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest lucrative switch to Indian Super League side FC Pune City may be the smartest thing heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done in the last decade.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
35 Sports/EURO LEAGUE Shaqiri rejects Reds
Robben unstoppable X â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Rummenigge
herdan Shaqiri has insisted he will not sign for Liverpool and will remain with Bayern Munich The Swiss winger is working hard to cement a {Â&#x2026;Q]UWd^W Q|U`^ÂŞXWÂŁ`XZWZUQÂ&#x2039;W after complaining about being left out over the summer. The 22-year-oldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comments lead to speculation over his future at the German champions but he looks to have put any talk of a move to bed. Shaqiri said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve still got a contract until 2016 and the club have already told me I wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be going anywhere so Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve just got to accept that. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For as long as I am here, I will give everything Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I try to do my best in training and when the
coach rewards me with appearances, like today against Hannover, then ZTQZÂŞXWUÂ&#x2021;U^W\U U`Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m always delighted when I can start games, and I show that too, like I did this time. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think everybody could see how hungry I am Z[W{Â&#x2026;Q|W_[[Z\QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x152;Â&#x2022;
Ausilio admits Inter problem
ayern Munich president KarlHeinz Rummenigge has hailed Arjen Robben as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;unstoppableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; when he is at the top of his game. And according to Rummenigge, he is exactly that at the moment. After helping Holland to the World Â&#x2020;{W XUÂ&#x2039;dÂŤÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x201E;W [\\U^W has played a vital role in Bayern Munichâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s impressive start to the season. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Arjen has been in incredible form recently,â&#x20AC;&#x2122; the Bayern president told Bild. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;He has already showed what he can do at the World Cup. He was unstoppable and no defender could hold on to him. Not even Spainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ser-
gio Ramos.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;It looks like he has managed to maintain this superb form. He has been amazing.â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bayern are unbeaten Q^bW Xd d^Â&#x201A;W {`U |W QZW ZTUW top of the Bundesliga after
ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW Vd^XW Q^bW ZV[W b`QVXW _`[Â&#x2039;W ZTUd`W ÂŁ`XZW XUÂ&#x2021;U^W matches. Robben himself has contributed with three goals and two assists, as the champions have already extended a four-
Kalou eyes Pokal success at Hertha Berlin
Motta welcomes Brandaoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 6-month ban
TdQÂ&#x201A;[W [ QW TQXW told Canal+ he feels Brandao has been justly punished with a sixÂ&#x2039;[^ZTW\Q^W_[`WTUQb\Â&#x2020; d^Â&#x201A;W the Paris Saint-Germain Â&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bU`Â&#x152; Brandao, 34, will only be able to play for Bastia, for whom he signed this summer, from Feb. 22 next year after the French Football League (LFP) hit him with the half-year-long XÂ&#x2020;X{U^Xd[^WQ_ZU`WTUW\Â&#x2020; UbW [ QÂ&#x201E;WÂŚÂ?Â&#x201E;W_[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;[Vd^Â&#x201A;W ÂŞXW 2-0 win over the Corsican club on August 16. In the immediate aftermath of the incident, PSG president Nasser Al TUÂ&#x2026;QdÂŁW TQbW ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW _[`W Brandao to be suspended
point lead over their closest rivals. The players were even rewarded with a trip to Oktoberfest on Sunday, after their impressive 4-0 win over Hannover the previous day.
nter Milan director of sport Piero Ausilio has said his side â&#x20AC;&#x153;have a few {`[\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x2039;XÂ&#x2022;WQ_ZU`WQWb`QÂ&#x2039;QZd]W slump in form. But Ausilio, speaking after watching Walter Mazzarriâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s side beaten 3-0 at Fiorentina on Sunday, said they would emerge from their wretched run if they stayed united. The heavy defeat followed a 4-1 home thrashing by Cagliari last weekend, and Ausilio told Interâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ofÂŁ]dQÂ&#x2026;W VU\XdZUÂťW Â&#x17D; UÂŞÂ&#x2021;UW Q^Qlysed things in the dressing room with the coach and the lads, and the situationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not pleasant.
for life, but though he was left with a broken nose, [ QW `U_Â&#x2020;XUbW Z[W d^ÂżQÂ&#x2039;UW the situation, and now seems keen to put it behind him. Brandao was handed a
six-month ban by the LFP after just his second appearance for Bastia. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think the league did its work. They felt it was a fair punishment, and I have nothing to add to that. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s normal that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s like that. Apologies count for nothing, and will never ][Â&#x2020;^ZW _[`W Q^|ZTd^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;W TUW said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frankly, I prefer my name be associated with matches like those against Barcelona, with the Champions League, with players like [Lionel] Messi, [Zlatan] Ibrahimovic or Thiago Silva, rather than it be asso]dQZUbWVdZTW `Q^bQ[Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;WXQdbW the former Barcelona and ^ZU`W dÂ&#x2026;Q^WÂ&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bU`Â&#x152;
alomon Kalou has his eyes on DFB-Pokal success with Hertha Berlin after making a strong start to life in the German capital. Kalou has three goals _`[Â&#x2039;W ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2020;^bUXÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x201A;QW Q{pearances this season after making the switch from French side Lille at the end of August. Having scored a winner against Wolfsburg in September, Kalou was on target twice in Herthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3-2 Vd^W [Â&#x2021;U`W ZÂ&#x2020; Â&#x201A;Q`ZW [^W `dday - sending the 29-yearold into the international break in good form. On his return, Hertha Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XZW^UÂ&#x201A;[ZdQZUWÂ&#x2026;UQÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;UWÂŁÂŹtures against Schalke and Hamburg before travelling to Arminia Bielefeld in the Pokal, with Kalou eager to ][^Zd^Â&#x2020;UW TdXW ÂŁ^UW ]Â&#x2020;{W `Ucord with his new club. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have a dream; I want ZTUWÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;WZTUW_[Â&#x2020;`ÂŤZdÂ&#x2039;UW W Cup winner told Bild. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want to be one of the ÂŁ`XZWZ[WVd^WZTUWZ`[{T|WVdZTW Hertha. You have to aim high to develop. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must not underestimate [Arminia] but if we win there, there are only three wins through to the ÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152;Â&#x2022;
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a few problems. Some of them are physical, but we will resolve them. We all feel a sense of responsibility and we want to work, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just work harder. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not the real Inter. We will give more and we will get out of this together. I hope our negative form ends here. Mazzarri has seen his side concede seven goals in two league games. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I thought it [losing to QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;dQ`dĂ&#x2014;WVQXWÂĄÂ&#x2020;XZWQW[^UÂŤ[9Â&#x201E;W but todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s game makes us think. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got an experienced coach and, together, we will resolve all of our {`[\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x2039;XÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; QÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;U QW bUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;[W {[`ZW reported the experienced Mazzarri, who is facing increasing pressure, as telling reporters: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best if I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say anything or people will say Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m just looking for ex]Â&#x2020;XUXÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;W QÂ&#x192;Â&#x192;Q``dWXQdbÂ&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;After you lose 3-0, no Â&#x2039;Q U`WVTQZW WXQ|Â&#x201E;WdZWVdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W\UW V`[^Â&#x201A;Â&#x152;Â&#x2022;
Janmaatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s injury blow for Oranje
ewcastle defender Daryl Janmaat has pulled out of Holland squadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for their upcoming European qualdÂŁU`XWQ_ZU`WXÂ&#x2020;9U`d^Â&#x201A;WQWTQÂ&#x2039;string strain. The 25-year-old rightback played the full 90 minutes of Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 2-2 draw at Swansea City, despite being hampered by the {`[\Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x2039;Â&#x201E;W\Â&#x2020;ZWTdXWÂŁZ^UXXWVdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W not be risked by Dutch boss coach Guus Hiddink, who has recalled Paul Verhaegh. Hiddink initially dropped the Augsburg player after he was named in the preliminary squad, but he returns to contention for Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home match against Kazakhstan and the meeting against Iceland in
Reykjavik next Monday Janmaat has been a regular starter for Newcastle since joining the club in a summer move from Feyenoord, making nine appearQ^]UXW Q^bW X][`d^Â&#x201A;W TdXW ÂŁ`XZW goal in the 3-3 draw with Crystal Palace.
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
Nash feeling good at Lakers
FIBA Africa Club Championship:
Mark Mentors eye zone 3 ticket L
[XW ^Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x2026;UXW QÂ&#x160;U`XWÂ&#x2021;UZeran, Steve Nash has revealed that he feels 100% ready for the coming season, despite previous injury setbacks while playing for the franchise. Nashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time at the LakU`XWbdb^ÂŞZWÂ&#x201A;UZW[9WZ[WZTUW\UXZW of starts as he picked up an often-returning leg injury VTdÂ&#x2026;UW][Â&#x2039;{UZd^Â&#x201A;Wd^WTdXWÂŁ`XZW season at the team, but the point guard has now stated ZTQZW TUÂŞXW ÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W _UUÂ&#x2026;d^Â&#x201A;W d^W top shape again. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I was playing soccer, and I went out there and after a few minutes I said, holy sâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 100 percent. Stop, start, change direction, mobility, explosiveness â&#x20AC;&#x201D; I could go as hard as I wanted,â&#x20AC;? Nash said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So the next step was,
recently returned to the ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|W _`[Â&#x2039;W Â&#x2039;U`d]QÂ&#x201E;W where he had gone to receive some basketball lessons, said in an interview Stories by that Mark Mentors are Francis Ajuonuma stormingOuagadougou ark Men- not just to participate but tors are to make an impressive imb a t t l e pact at theelimination for ready to ZTUWÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;ÂŽW W _`d]QW Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;\W pick up a TQÂ&#x2039;{d[^XTd{Wd^W \dbÂĄQ^Â&#x201E;W {[XdZd[^WQZWZTUW W _`d]QW Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire. With Mark Mentors Clubs Champions CupÂ&#x192;[^UWZT`UUW§Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁU`XWT[Â&#x2026;b- having Pillars of Kano, ing from October 20-29 in clubs from Benin RepubOuagadougou, Burkina lic, Togo, Ghana, Cote dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Ivoire, Niger, Liberia Faso. Head coach of the and host Burkina Faso to \Â&#x2020;ÂĄQÂŤ\QXUbW \QXÂ&#x160;UZ\QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W contest with for the two ]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;\Â&#x201E;W UZU`W TÂ&#x2039;UbÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W VT[W ticketsavailable in zone
ZT`UUÂ&#x201E;W ][Q]TW TÂ&#x2039;UbÂ&#x2020;W boasted he has the players to emerge winners in the zone. The former Dodan Warriors of Lagos coach revealed that he has some information on the opponents and hopes to utilise for good of the his lads, who are making a debut at ZTUW§Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dÂŁU`XÂ&#x152; Â&#x17D; UÂŞ`UW {Â&#x2020; d^Â&#x201A;W UÂ&#x2021;U`|thing in place to go and §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;d_|W _[`W ZTUW ÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;XW d^W \dbÂĄQ^Â&#x152; T[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TÂ&#x201E;W VUÂŞÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2026;d Â&#x2026;UW d^_[`Â&#x2039;QZd[^W Q\[Â&#x2020;ZW [Â&#x2020;`W[{{[^U^ZÂ&#x201E;WZTUWÂ&#x2026;d Â&#x2026;UWVUW have can be able to take us far. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The team has been
X[Â&#x2026;dbdÂŁUbW VdZTW ZV[W §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;ity players from Dodan Q``d[`XÂŤW Â&#x192;Â&#x2020;[Â&#x2039;QW dÂ&#x160;UW and Mamadou Savadogo, while the decision on the third player is still ongoing, but hopefully weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;dXUW TdXW XVdZ]TW \U_[`UW departing for Ouagadougou next week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re expecting a tough competition going by the quality of clubs listed for the elimination, but by the grace of God there is assurance that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going to pick a ticket because two clubs will emerge from the zone,â&#x20AC;? said the _[`Â&#x2039;U`W X{Q]W[_W [Z[^[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W Benin Republic coach.
SPO Rouen sack Akingbala
x-international, Â&#x160;d^Â&#x2026;[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;W Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;\QÂ&#x2026;QW has been sacked by top French side, SPO Rouen Basket,just three months after switching to the club from VOO Wolves Verviers-Pepinster of Belgium. The 31-year old centre and power forward was released by the Ligue Nationale de Basket side for not living up to expectations. In his three months spell at the club, the Clemson University graduate featured in only one Pro B game and did not score but had only two rebounds. The most of last seaX[^Â&#x201E;W Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;\QÂ&#x2026;QW X{U^ZW QZW VOO Verviers-Pepinster in Scooore League featuring in 23 games; he recorded 7.3ppg and 7.4rpg. Playing for Sluc Nancy d^WZTUWÂ?Â?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2018;ÂŤÂ&#x2018;Â?WXUQX[^Â&#x201E;W Â&#x160;ingbala impressed in 33
games, posting 12.2ppg, 7.8rpg and 1.1bpg as he helped club to make it to the French La Semaine bUXW W Â&#x2020;{W XUÂ&#x2039;dÂŤÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;XW and was named to Eu`[\QXÂ&#x160;UZÂ&#x152;][Â&#x2039;W Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;ÂŤ `U^]TW `[W WÂ?^bW UQÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152;W Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;\QÂ&#x2026;QW QÂ&#x2026;X[W `U{`Usented Nigeria at the 2009 _`d]Q^W TQÂ&#x2039;{d[^XTd{XÂ&#x201E;W Libya recording 6.1ppg, 5.2rpg, 1.2bpg, FGP: 64.7%, in nine games.
is this going to sustain itself? Because I was used to the whole â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;hey, something will happen in the next two weeks that will kind [_W Â&#x160;^[]Â&#x160;W |[Â&#x2020;W \Q]Â&#x160;Â&#x152;ÂŞW ^bW it never really happened. I just kept going all summer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I never really had a XUZ\Q]Â&#x160;Â&#x152;W ^bWdZWQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;[VUbWÂ&#x2039;UW to enjoy the summer in a way I couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the previous summer, where I was rehabbing twice a day for ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2039;[^ZTXÂ&#x201E;W \QXd]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|Â&#x152;W W ZTd^Â&#x160;W dZW Z[[Â&#x160;W QW Â&#x2026;d Â&#x2026;UW {`UXXÂ&#x2020;`UW[9WÂ&#x2039;UÂ&#x201E;WQ^bWÂĄÂ&#x2020;XZWQWÂ&#x2026;d Â&#x2026;UW bit of joy, where itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lifegiving, instead of crumbling.â&#x20AC;? TUW ^UVW W XUQX[^W gets underway on October Â?Ă&#x161;Â&#x201E;W VTU^W ZTUW Q^W ^Z[^d[W Spurs face the Dallas Mavericks.
Thibodeau backs Gibson sixth best player award hicago Bulls for- when the team has sucward Tajagrees Gibson cess.Nuggets Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a huge Faried has been a god- part of it. The way he send for his team this sea- has played all year, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m $60m son, and headextension coach Tom hopeful that heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be rec-
Thibodeau his enveris hopeful Nuggets guy gets rewarded with forward, Kenneth the Sixth Manhas of the Year Faried reached award at seasonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s end. QÂ&#x201A;`UUÂ&#x2039;U^ZW [^W QW ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UÂŤ|UQ`W is averaging $60Gibson million contract exten13.2 6.8 told resion, points league and sources Yahoo Sports. bounds and has emerged is part of the 2011 QXW Faried QW Â&#x201A;[ÂŤZ[W [9U^XdÂ&#x2021;UW Q^bW Wb`Q_ZW]Â&#x2026;QXXWUÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x201A;d\Â&#x2026;UW_[`W defensive player in the extensions until October 31. fourth quarter. Thethink deal includes â&#x20AC;&#x153;I that thea parbigZdQÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Q`Q^ZUUW d^W ZTUW ÂŁ_ZTW gest thing for him is what yearhas thatcontributed assures Faried he to he us will make no less than $52 winning,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Thibodeau million over the life of the said Saturday. contract, sources said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I hate to lock into inDenver general manager dividual awards. I think Tim Connelly and Fariedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s players are recognized agent, Thad Foucher of
ognized. for the Nuggets when the thingsup.that he gameâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The is speeded Faried does for are allpart teamplayed anus integral of oriented. plays great the UnitedHe States national defense, challengesperforshots, teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gold-medal mance the 2014 World guardsineverybody, runs Cup of Basketball in Spain. ZTUW Âż[[`W TQ`bÂ&#x201E;W XUZXW Â&#x201A;`UQZW Severaldoes other screens, hismembers job, gets of thepost 2011position. draft class are deep When negotiating with the secondextensions guy comes, he their teams, makes theincluding play. HeGoldhas en Stateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ][Â&#x2039;_[`ZQ\Â&#x2026;UW Klay Thompson, Â&#x201A;[ U^W d^W Q^W ^Z[^d[ÂŞXW QVTdW U[^pick-and-roll situations. ard,â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chicagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Jimmy had a Butler terQ^bW Q^bW `dÂŁ]W ZQTÂŞXW Â&#x2026;U]W |UQ`W _[`W Â&#x2020;`Â&#x160;XW Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x152;W ^bW EnesKanter. I Faried, hope 24, he is does get a tremenrecognized,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;said Thibodous success story in the deau. XW QW Ă&#x201E;ÂŤ_[[ZÂŤĂ&#x161;W {[XZW Â&#x152;W Wasserman Media Group, player out of mid-major started to seriously ex- Morehead State, Faried change proposals in the transformed himself from past week and ultimately the 22nd overall pick in the came to terms on a deal 2011 draft into an integral part of the Nuggetsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; longSunday night. Faried has developed term nucleus. Faried averaged 13.7 d^Z[W[^UW[_WZTUW ÂŞXWÂ&#x2039;[XZW `UÂ&#x2026;U^ZÂ&#x2026;UXXWZQÂ&#x2026;U^ZXÂ&#x201E;WQWÂŁU`]UW`U- points and 8.6 rebounds last bounder and defender who season. TQXW UÂŹ]UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW [9U^XdÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;|W
Cousins apologises to Elliot
Lakersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Young out for eight weeks
[XW ^Â&#x201A;UÂ&#x2026;UXW QÂ&#x160;U`XW guard, Nick Young is set to miss up to eight weeks of action, including the season opener, after tearing a ligament in his right thumb. Young was injured on Thursday in practice while trying to steal the ball from Kobe Bryant and will underwent surgery on Monday, before facing between six to eight weeks on the sidelines.
^W WUÂŹQÂ&#x2039;Wd^bd]QZUbW Young had a complete tear of the radial collateral ligament. The 29-year-old averaged a career-high 17.9 points last season, playing in 64 games, including nine starts. He signed a four-year, $21.5-million contract extension with the Lakers in July and is likely out of ZTUd`W ÂŁ`XZW `UÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Q`ÂŤXUQX[^W game on October 28.
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Crime Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s emerging Caliphate in Nigeria: Will Maiduguri fall? By: JACOB ZENN
n August 29, several hundred Boko Haram militants stormed the town of Gwoza in Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s northeastern Borno State. Government buildings were taken over and churches destroyed, while local inhabitants were told that the town will be governed according to Shariâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;a (Sahara Reporters, August 12). A Boko Haram leader, possibly using the pseudonym of Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s leader since 2010, Abubakr Shekau, then issued a video stating that Gwoza was now an â&#x20AC;&#x153;Islamic Stateâ&#x20AC;? that â&#x20AC;&#x153;has nothing to do with Nigeria anymoreâ&#x20AC;? (Africa Examiner, August 24). Several weeks earlier, this Shekau also declared his â&#x20AC;&#x153;supportâ&#x20AC;? for the leader of the Islamic State (formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, among other jihadist leaders (Vanguard [Lagos], July 13). dZTd^W ZV[W VUUÂ&#x160;XW [_W ZTUW V[Â&#x192;QW Q Q]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;W Boko Haram also took control of Buni Yadi and Bara in Yobe state, Madagali, Gulak, Michika and Bazza in Adamawa state, Banki, Gamboru-Ngala, Ashigashiya, Kerawa, Dikwa, Damboa and Bama in Borno State, and several areas along the border with Cameroon. In total, an estimated ten towns in Yobe, ten towns in Borno and ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UW Z[V^XW d^W bQÂ&#x2039;QVQW VU`UW ]Q{ZÂ&#x2020;`UbW by Boko Haram in September 2014 (AFP, September 18). Nigerian military personnel Q^bWÂ&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW[0]dQÂ&#x2026;XWd^W [`^[WTQÂ&#x2021;UWÂżUbW to Maiduguri, Bornoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capital, and other states, while many of the traditional rulers, [`W QÂ&#x2039;d`XÂ&#x201E;W TQÂ&#x2021;UW ÂżUbW Z[W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂŞXW ]Q{dZQÂ&#x2026;W [_W Abuja. These amirs abandoned their palaces, which in some cases Boko Haram occupied and enslaved the amirsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; wives (Nigerian Tribune, September 6). Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capture of towns on Bornoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s perimeter and in Yobe and Adamawa states as well as in Cameroon is likely intended to isolate Borno from the rest of Nigeria and the neighboring countries of Niger, Chad and Cameroon. Borno was the birthplace of the Boko Haram movement in 2002 and is the homeland of the Kanuri people, who comprise the majority of Boko Haram members and leaders. Boko Haram will likely try to establish its own Islamic state roughly within the boundaries of presentday Borno State. Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s early governance in Borno conforms to the plans that Shekauâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s former spokesman, Abu Qaqa, articulated to the Nigerian security forces during his interrogation in 2012. Abu Qaqa said Boko Haram wanted to â&#x20AC;&#x153;to reduce the powers of the sultan to traditional rulership functions while all religious authority would be vested with [Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s] leaders,â&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;any ruler who would obstruct [Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s] plans would regret his actionâ&#x20AC;? (This Day [Lagos], March 8, 2012). Abu Qaqa meant that Boko Haram believes Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s traditional religious leaders, such as the sultan of Sokoto and amirs, are illegitimate and deserve to be killed because they QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;[VW ZTUW Â&#x2039;dÂŹd^Â&#x201A;W [_W XÂ&#x2026;QÂ&#x2039;W VdZTW Â&#x17D;d^ÂŁbUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2022;W systems of democracy, Western education and secularism. Therefore, the sultan and amirs may only be called tribal leaders, or chiefs (serkin), while Boko Haram-approved religious leaders will take over religious positions as sultans and emirs. [1] In executing this strategy, Boko Haram
Abba IGP
President Jonathan
Adoke, AGF
TQXW Q UÂ&#x2039;{ZUbW Z[W QXXQXXd^QZUW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂŞXW traditional religious leaders since Abubakr Shekau announced the start of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;jihadâ&#x20AC;? in 2010. Most recently, in May 2014, Boko Haram killed the amir of Gwoza while he was on the way to the funeral of the amir of Gombe (the amirs of Askira and Uba were also with the amir of Gwoza but survived ZTUW Q Q]Â&#x160;Â&#x153;W Â&#x203A; `UÂ&#x2039;dÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W dÂ&#x2039;UXW Ă? \Â&#x2020;ÂĄQĂ&#x2014;Â&#x201E;W Q|W 30). Boko Haram took over Gwoza in August and in September took over Bama, a city of over 200,000 people, and expelled the Amir of Bama (Leadership [Abuja], September 14). Boko Haram has since selected its own members to replace the amirs of Gwoza and Bama, including Muhammad Danjuma in Bama, who is reportedly known for his brutality. Boko Haram also replaced the amir of the historic Kanuri capital of Dikwa and the town of Damboa with Boko Haramapproved amirs (Vanguard [Lagos], May 31; Abusidiqu.com, August 13). QZTU`W ZTQ^W XU d^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x2020;{W QbÂ&#x2039;d^dXZ`QZdÂ&#x2021;UW bureaucracies in Borno, Boko Haram will likely allow its amirs to govern according to ZTUd`WZUÂŹZÂ&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;W QÂ&#x2026;QÂŁXZWd^ZU`{`UZQZd[^W[_W TQ`dÂŞQW Law and its militants in areas under Boko Haram control to serve as the enforcers of the amirsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; dictates. However, civilians may
\UW Â&#x2026;U_ZW Z[W Â&#x2039;Q^QÂ&#x201A;UW ZTUd`W bQ|ÂŤZ[ÂŤbQ|W Q9Qd`XW based on Islamic principles and Kanuri Z`QbdZd[^Â&#x152;W [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;ÂŞXWQ{{Q`U^ZWTQ^bXÂŤ[9W governance system stands in contrast to the reputation of the Nigerian security forces, who are feared in many parts of Borno for their occasional abuse of power and intrusions in the everyday lives of civilians. Boko Haram, though feared for killing and expelling civilians, especially Christians, and kidnapping young men and women, dXW ^[ZW Â&#x160;^[V^W _[`W XU d^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x2020;{W Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW [0]UXÂ&#x201E;W Â&#x2039;d^dXZ`dUXW Q^bW bU{Q`ZÂ&#x2039;U^ZXW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x160;UW QÂ&#x2026;ÂŤ Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) did when they controlled parts of Mali and Yemen in 2012 and 2010. For Boko Haram to sustain its control over territories in Borno in the long term, it will likely need to capture Maiduguri, located in the center of Borno. Such a development would be as symbolic and strategic a victory for Boko Haram as ISIS capturing Mosul in northern Iraq from the Iraqi government in June 2014. Moreover, it would show Nigerians that Boko Haram is not only a fringe movement on Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s northeastern periphery, but that it can control a state of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s several thousand armed militants may not have the strength in numbers to take Maiduguri. However, the militantsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; probable strategy would be Z[W Q Q]Â&#x160;W ZTUW ]dZ|W d^W VQÂ&#x2021;UXW Â&#x2020;Xd^Â&#x201A;W _[`]d\Â&#x2026;|W recruited foot soldiers and weapons stored in towns outside Maiduguri and coordinate with cells in parts of this province that have long been sympathetic to Boko Haram. If Boko Haram could give the impression that it was invading and winning, including by distributing pamphlets and videos of beheadings of soldiers for psychological U9U]ZÂ&#x201E;W dZW dXW {[XXd\Â&#x2026;UW ZTQZW X[Â&#x2039;UW X[Â&#x2026;bdU`XW Q^bW ZT[Â&#x2020;XQ^bXW [_W ]dÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;dQ^XW V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW ÂżUUÂ&#x152;W TdXW would leave the city â&#x20AC;&#x201C; or at least parts of it â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s taking. Boko Haram began gaining momentum around Maiduguri in early September, UX{U]dQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W VdZTW dZXW Q Q]Â&#x160;W [^W ZTUW Â&#x2039;Q`Â&#x160;UZW town of Mainak, to the northwest of the capital on September 18 (Daily Trust [Abuja], September 19). Previously, Boko Haramâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s encampments around Maiduguri were mostly to the southwest, northeast and northwest of the city. However, on September 22, Nigerian and Cameroonian sources reported the death in Konduga, just south of Maiduguri, of Bashir Muhammad, who was using the pseudonym of Abubakar Shekau to issue statements on behalf of Boko Haram. The militaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory over Boko Haram in Konduga and the death of Bashir Muhammad could signal a morale \[[XZW_[`W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQWQ^bWbUÂżQZUW [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;ÂŞXW propaganda and lead to factionalization of its ranks. dZTW [`W VdZT[Â&#x2020;ZW Â&#x17D; TUÂ&#x160;QÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201E;Â&#x2022;W ZTUW \Q Â&#x2026;UW _[`W Maiduguri will likely become a turning point for the Nigerian Islamist group: Either the Nigerian government will defend the city and roll back Boko Haram in Borno, [`W [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;W VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W d^ÂŁÂ&#x2026;Z`QZUW ZTUW ]dZ|W Q^bW further cement its budding Islamic state.
The militaryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s victory over Boko Haram in Konduga and the death of Bashir Muhammad could signal a morale boost #$%& '()%'*&*+,&,).*/)& $0$& *%*123& propaganda and lead to factionalization of its ranks
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Daily Newswatch
Wednesday, OCTOBER 8, 2014
My first fime in prison JOHN G. DILL
he stories are true. When a threeinch thick steel door (operated \|W QW ][``U]Zd[^Q W [0]U`W \UTd^bW bullet-proof glass) closes behind you with a deafening metal ZT b W |[ W `UQ d UW |[ W Q`UW d^W QW bd9U`U^ZW world. You are not free to do as you like. Where you go, where you sit and what you can carry on your person are tightly controlled. And although this seems eerily Xd d Q`W Z[W ¿|d^ W [^W QW ][ U`]dQ W Qd` d^U` W this environment was completely new to me, because, as I will explain, this was my £`XZWXZd^ZWd^W{`dX[^ Fortunately for me, my time “in the joint” only lasted a couple of hours. I traveled to Livingston, Texas, to visit a prisoner, Steven Jay Russell. Russell stole about $800,000 from his employer, and now he is serving a life-sentence in a Texas maximum-security prison. Now Texas does have a reputation _[`WXZd9WXU^ZU^]UX W\ ZWZTUW d_UWXU^ZU^]UWVQXW ^[ZW_[`WZTUW_`Q bWTUW[`d d^Q |W][ d Ub W You see, Steven escaped from prison four times. And as he found out, the state of Texas does not take kindly to its prisoners walking out the door without permission. Russell’s case has obtained some notoriety. He has been the subject of several articles and a book: I Love You Phillip Morris: A True Story of Life, Love, and Prison Breaks by Steve McVicker. The book was adapted into a movie in 2009 starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor. I wrote to Russell earlier this year to see if he would be interested in talking to me. It might surprise you to learn that I write to convicted fraudsters quite often. Before the ACFE was founded in 1988, Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA, discovered that a great deal can be learned about fraud by talking to the people who commit it. He and Jim Ratley, CFE, have interviewed dozens of [9U^bU`X WQ^bWZTU|WVU`UW_[`Z ^QZUWU^[ TW to have videotaped most of these. These clips have been used in our training courses for more than 25 years. I have also enjoyed interviewing fraudsters. You can learn a great deal about what motivates these individuals. In Russell’s case, it was simple greed — he wanted money. Originally, he had a good job working for a food service business, but he was
John D. Gill, J.D., CFE ACFE VP of Education
£`UbW TUWQ U UX W_[`W\Ud^ WT[ [XU¬ Q W [W earn money, he began a series of insurance frauds – mainly “slip and fall” cases in retail stores. He soon got caught and received a three-year sentence. While in prison, he met Phillip Morris, and they fell in love. Later, Russell and Morris were released on parole and started a life together. But Russell did ^[ZWVQ^ZWZ[WXU UW_[`WXU][^b«\UXZ Needing a generous income, Russell _Q Xd£UbWTdXW`ßX ßWZ[W UZWTd`UbWQXWQW]TdU_W £^Q^]dQ W[0]U`W_[`WQW Ubd]Q W Q^Q U U^ZW company. This company typically made payments to physicians on behalf of insurance companies. If a payment was returned by a doctor because it couldn’t \UW U`d£Ub W XXU W V[ bW Xd { |W bU{[XdZW the check in a separate company bank account he opened. He withdrew money from this account to fund his increasingly lavish lifestyle. Over the course of just a few months, he stole around $800,000. He wasn’t caught by management, internal audits or external audits. He was tripped up when he used funds from the company Q]][ ^ZWZ[W`U£^Q^]UWTdXWT[ UW [`Z Q U W TUW bank thought it suspicious that funds for the down payment were coming from a business account. They called the company to verify, and the jig was up.
Russell received 45 years for his embezzlement, but not to be deterred, he escaped soon after by using highlighters to dye his prison uniform green and walk [ ZW [_W ZTUW {`dX[^W d^£` Q`|W {[Xd^ W QXW QW doctor. But this ingenious escape did not XZ[{W Td W _`[ W U d^ W ]Q TZW Q^bW [d^ W back to prison. His escapes and frauds are chronicled in the book and the movie. He faked an AIDS diagnoses and symptoms to escape from a treatment center, and TUW {[XUbW QXW Q^W Q [`^U| W QW ¡ b UW Q^bW Q^W FBI agent to get either himself or Morris transferred or released from various ][^£^U U^ZX Ultimately, he was sentenced to more than 150 years in prison for both the frauds and the escapes. His release date is July 12, 2140. `UXU^Z | WTUWdXWd^WX[ dZQ`|W][^£^U U^Z WQ^bW has been for the last 18 years. He is released one hour a day to shower and exercise. He has no physical human contact whatsoever. TU^W WX{[ UWZ[WTd W XXU WVQXWXd d^ Wd^W a small booth with bullet-proof glass in the front and steel bars in the back. We spoke using telephone receivers beside the glass. Q d^ | W TUW dXW ^[ZW \d U` W ^W _Q]Z W W found him quite likable. He says solitary has given him a lot of time to think (no argument there), and he is certain that he will not repeat his mistakes. He says that despite his long sentence, he is hopeful ZTQZW TUW Q|W UZW {Q`[ UbW d^W ZTUW ^U¬ZW £ UW years. I would love for him to speak at an event to illustrate that sometimes trust can be misplaced. Russell was a master at gaining trust, and then using that trust for his own purposes. Listening to his story is a reminder to stay on guard, and that even the most likable person can have an ulterior motive. W Q W QX d^ W ZTUW {`dX[^W [0]dQ XW _[`W permission to conduct a video interview to record more about his story and share it with ACFE members. If you know of a fraudster who might be willing to be interviewed, please contact me at JGill@ACFE.com. I am looking for anyone who is willing to talk. I am willing to interview them almost anywhere, but I’ll have to confess, I would rather interview them in a hotel meeting room, and not behind barbed wire and steel doors. My few hours in a maximum security prison were enough for me to give up all my criminal plans.
Lack of parental care made me join armed robbery gang ...says Chadian robbery suspect their Owners before driven them across the border posts to sell. He explained that since 22-year old suspected Chadian he was recruited into the robbery gang, he armed robber, Jamal Nasiru, had snatched over 7 Toyota Camry cars and four others of his notorious which he sold give-away price. According armed gang, have confessed to the suspect, each Camry cars, depending that lack of parental care made on the Model, sells between N 350, 000 and him to go into armed robbery business. N650, 000. He revealed that a car such as He said cross border armed robbery High Lander saloon jeep sells for between business in Nigeria is very lucrative but N550, 000 and N 700, 000.He also confessed deadly after all. that he normally look out for clean Toyota The suspect who was recently arrested by Camry cars, especially on the High ways, the Lagos state Special Anti-Robbery Squad or those ones parked at the Super- markets, operatives commanded, by Superintendent before snatching them at gun point from P. Abba Kyari following the killing on May their owners. 11, 2014 of one Jamiu Nasiru, a security According to him, Toyota Camry cars sell guard at No.7 Street, Isheri Magodo area, like pure water in sachets across the border. Lagos South West Nigeria confessed that He revealed that another style of entering ZTUW TdU_W U] `dZ|W 0]U`W W [_W ZTUW into Nigeria would be to hide under the Omole Estate Mohammed Abubakar, who guise of bringing in cows into the Country happened to be their gang leader, normally and sells them at Kara market in Ogun recruited them from Chad to strike along the State where they usually form assemblage Lagos Ibadan Express way, from where they with other gang members. He said that would rob innocent travelers and at times sometimes, their gang leader, Mohammed, snatch expensive cars at gunpoint from would hire a bus after arming them with ROBERT AKPAN
Man sues Police authority over officers’ misconduct ADELEKE ADESANYA
ne Olaoye Ojo has tendered a petition in court suing the Nigerian Police for what he called illegal arrest and detain of him and his pregnant wife. Olaoye, who described the police acts to him and his wife as illegal and unconstitutional in his petition to the high magistrate court, Lagos Judicial division, pushed that the Court Orders the police force pay him twenty million naira (N 20,000,000) as compensation and also for the police to tender a published apology in a National daily newspapers in the country. According to the petition, Mr Oloye VQXWX[ TZWQ_ZU`W\|W[0]U`XW[_WZTUW [^UW 2 police command headquarters Onikan Lagos because he stood as a guarantor to a Driver who was involved in a drastic ]Q`WQ]]dbU^Z W\ ZWVTU^WZTUW{[ d]UW[0]U`XW dXdZUbW TdXW T[ UW Q^bW bdb^ªZW £^bW Td W they dragged his pregnant wife (who was close to her delivery date) to their police division without allowing her pick anything from her home. It added that ZTUW{[ d]UW[0]U`XWQ X[Wbdb^ªZW{`[ dbUWZTUW pregnant woman with any food while she was being held in detention till the evening of the same day. When one Mr Mathew Oyeyemi came to bail her out, she was only allowed to leave after an undertaking which was signed by the man, guaranteeing that her husband would be present at the station the following day as it was late. The petition explained further that “The next day Mr Oyeyemi escorted Mr. Ojo to the Idimu Police station based on his undertaking, and at the place, the { Qd^Zd9WVQXWbUZQd^UbWZd W QZUWZd UWd^WZTUW same day after which he was transferred to Onike police station along with one Mrs Adebiyi Olajumoke, who reported Mr Ojo to the police. “The following day, he was brought out of the cell and asked if he knew any Bashiru Ramoni Aminu , and he concurred that he knew him. He acknowledged that Bashiru is his very good friend and he had even stood in place as a guarantor for Bashiru when he wanted to get a job as a commercial bus b`d U` WW UWQ0` UbWZTQZW QXTd` WV[ bW not run away with the vehicle kept in his possession. Unfortunately, Bashiru was involved in a terrible car accident and the car had been damaged, it was for this reason that mrs Olajumoke reported Mr Ojo to the police and this report led to his arrest.
dangerous weapons taken from his armory at Omole Estate. He disclosed that with the help of one of TdXW\`[ZTU`XW ^[V^WQ^bWdbU^Zd£UbWQXW Q` W Abubakar, who was arrested along side with him, would lead the operation. Among those arrested in the dawn raid by the police include; Sala Abubakar, Ahmed Mohammed and Umaru Abubakar, all suspected member of Chadian cross boarder Robbery gang. He said their mode of operation, is usually dictated by the gang leader, who normally gives them guns to rob. Said to have been recovered from them include; 3 Ak.47 `dÊUX W®W {W ]Zd[^W ^X W®W []Q |W QbUW pistols cut to sizes, 15 live cartridges, sack of dangerous charms, Seven daggers, 2 long range Dane guns, 2 long sharp cutlasses, 4, UTC Axes, 45, GSM Handsets, 7, lap tops, several gold wrist watches and one brand new Jin Sing motorcycle with registration no QN 641BDG Further checks revealed that SARS operatives had been on the trail of the Chadian illegal armed gang before it was £^Q |WX QXTUbWZT`[ TW{Qd^XZQ d^ WU9[`Z Suleiman Abba, IGP
Daily Newswatch
part from earning him many accolades and a place in the hearts of many people, his love and compassion for humanity has stamped his footprint on the sand of times especially as he launch himself into the political sphere of Lagos State, his state of origin. Born on the 15th of October 1967 into the Gbadamosi-Odesanya family of Ikorodu in Lagos State, Babatunde Olalere Gbadamosi, spent his early days under the care of his late grandfather, Alhaji Chief Sulaimon Gbadamosi, and later his uncle, Chief Rasheed Gbadamosi. Fondly called BOG by his friends, colleagues and admirers, Babatunde Olalere Gbadamosi was a member of the pro-democracy movement, NADECO-Forum in the United Kingdom, an organisation he joined through his membership of the National Conscience Party, UK Chapter. Indeed, his success story is best described as that of hard-work, perseverance, contentment and diligence as it found expression in his narration on his early days Â&#x17D; W Q U^bUbW Â&#x152;W [ZÂ&#x2020;^W ^Â&#x2020;`XU`|W and primary school in Surulere, Government College, Victoria Island and Government College, Ikorodu, School of Basic Studies, Agidingbi and Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos. I proceeded thereafter to the United Kingdom in the early 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and rose from doing menial job to co-owing one of the biggest information technology ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;XWd^W [^b[^Â&#x201E;WZ`Qd^d^Â&#x201A;W[Â&#x2021;U`WÂ&#x2018;Â?Â?W consultants in Oracle applications to help plug a yawning skills gap in the corporate market thenâ&#x20AC;? he disclosed. As current Chairman of the {Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]dZ|W][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUW[_WZTUW Wd^W Lagos State, Gbadamosi has work relentlessly at all levels to see that his party continues to make giant strides in the nation particularly in Lagos State which he aspire to govern. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m friend to many and enemy of none. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve engages people and encourages them to become more involved as well as their community. I never shy away from supporting issues that impact positively on Lagos State and the country as a whole. So with these, I believe I am best suited to steer the wheel of the state to an enviable destinationâ&#x20AC;? he stressed. His love and compassion for humanity is further displayed through his philanthropic gesture at all levels, both to the aged and young. He has done so much to empower his people, his country and Nigerians in general, irrespective of their ethnicity or religion. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In 2011, I started the Lagos First Initiative for the sole purpose of helping small entrepreneurs
BOG,an icon of repute Q^bW UÂŹ{Q^bW b {U |W Z`QbU`XW b b ZTUd`W T d businesses with small non interest Q^bW ^[^W {`[ÂŁZW XTQ`d^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x2026;[Q^XÂ&#x201E;W with an initial trial in Ikorodu. The initiative started with a three million grant with a rotating loan [_W^[ZWÂ&#x2039;[`UWZTQ^W[^UWÂŁ_Z|WZT[Â&#x2020;XQ^bW Naira per individual, and as low as Twenty thousand. The loans are repaid back weekly, free of interest over a period of one year. So far [Â&#x2021;U`WĂ?Â?Wd^bdÂ&#x2021;dbÂ&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;XWTQÂ&#x2021;UW\U^UÂŁZUbW from the scheme. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lagos, popularly referred to as the center of excellence is the commercial nerve center of Nigeria. With a population of about 21 million people, it is ranked among one of the fastest growing cities in the world. With its rising population comes the responsibility of good governance
and the d delivering d li i h dividends di id d off democracy to the good people of Lagos. Lagos State is not only home to its indigenes, but plays host to other ethnic nationalities as well as foreigners who see Lagos as their home. Hundreds of people troop into the state daily to seek greener {QXZÂ&#x2020;`UXÂ&#x201E;WQ^bWX[Â&#x2039;UÂ&#x201E;WZ[WXU Â&#x2026;UWb[V^Â&#x152; â&#x20AC;&#x153;The task of managing its vast TÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Q^Â&#x201E;W ÂŁ^Q^]dQÂ&#x2026;W Q^bW ^QZÂ&#x2020;`QÂ&#x2026;W resources rests upon the shoulders of the number one citizen of the state, the Executive Governor, VT[W {`UXdbUXW [Â&#x2021;U`W dZXW Q9Qd`XÂ&#x152;W TUW responsibility of administering a state like Lagos is no mean feat and not one to be taken for granted. From the issues of security to youth empowerment, education, health, infrastructure and sustaining the Lagos Legacy governance in Lagos
His love and compassion for humanity is further displayed through his philanthropic gesture at all levels
calls for experience and expertise on the part of the individual that XUUÂ&#x160;XW Z[W \UW QZW ZTUW TUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2039;W [_W Q9Qd`XW in Lagos. It calls for a people person, a visionary, an exemplary, ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UbW Q^bW bUbd]QZUbW Â&#x2026;UQbU`W that is still in touch with reality hence my aspirationâ&#x20AC;?, he noted. In recognition of his outstanding leadership qualities and humanitarian nature, he has received and continues to receive various awards from reputable organisations both home and abroad. He is the recipient of the distinguished leadership award for excellence from the National Youth Vanguard of Alimosho Local Government; Kwame Nkrumah leadership award from the African Students Union Parliament; Distinguished Speakers award, Award of Excellence from the Association of Christian Journalists of Nigeria, Role Model Award from Ikorodu Development Association, among others. His amiable and accommodating nature endears him to millions, both at home and abroad. His open door policy, which he has maintained over the years, sets him apart as a leader people can easily reach and relate with.
Daily Newswatch
Midweek Pulse UAD restates need for better Nigeria WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
ba, the commercial capital of Abia State came alive recently when foremost human rights group, United Action for Democracy (UAD) held its annual national convention in the ever-busy city. The epoch-making event saw a line-up of Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s best crop of human rights activists discussing the future of Nigeria based on the realities of the day. The event was also remarkable, since the second day of the convention, 21st September coincided with the day Late Comrade Chima Ubani died in a motor accident in Potiskum, Northern Nigeria in 2005. The activists, who held a solidarity march around the streets of Aba, chanted and sang solidarity songs to remind Nigerians that a lot needed to be done to rebuild the country. Celebrating the life of Ubani, Comrade Baba Aye, who is the national Convener of the UAD, reminded the people that the Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;Q]|W _[`W VTd]TW ZTUW ÂŁU`|W ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZU`W bdUbW Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XZW ^[ZW \UW _[`Â&#x201A;[ U^Â&#x152;W UW said that the choice of Aba, which was also very close to the home town of Ubani, Obete Umuoha, Obingwa Local Government Area of Abia State was because the young activist lived for the liberation of the people, and should also be honored in his own home. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chima Ubani died at Potiskum on September 21, 2005 while mobilizing against incessant fuel price hikes, on the platform of the Labour and Civil Society Coalition Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;Â&#x152;W UW VQXW ÂĄÂ&#x2020;XZW Â&#x2019;Â?W |UQ`XW old. All his adult life, from when he was a studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; union leader at the University of Nigeria till he died as the Executive Director of the Civil Liberties Organisation, Chima dedicated his mind and energies to the struggle for system change. This essentially means the self-emancipation of the poor, exploited and oppressed workers, artisans, farmers, women and youth. The system of capitalism which Chima and the United Action for Democracy which he was a leading light of from its inception on May 17, 1997 fought Q^bW ][^Zd^Â&#x2020;UW Z[W ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZW dXW [^UW ZTQZW makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It is also inherently anti-democratic for the immense Â&#x2039;QÂĄ[`dZ|W [_W ZTUW {[{Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZd[^Â&#x201E;W even when it takes the form of a democratic republic. We, the poor people are never consulted, not to talk of any consideration being given to our positions before state policies and legislations are enactedâ&#x20AC;?. The organization also has cautioned the Federal Government and Nigerian Army against
...Celebrates late Chima Ubani
President Jonathan
executing the twelve soldiers _[Â&#x2020;^bWÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;dÂ&#x2026;Z|W[_WÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Zd^|Wd^WZTUWÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZW QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152; UAD made its stand known in a press statement Daily Newswatch obtained during the demonstration. Signed by Comrade Baba Aye, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s National Convener, Comrade Zulu Ofoelue, General Secretary and Comrade Styvn Obodoekwe, the National Publicity Secretary, the human rights organization argued that it was the corruption in the army that the soldiers were protesting against, and should not be held for defending the truth: â&#x20AC;&#x153;the twelve soldiers must not be killed. The condemnation of twelve rank and ÂŁÂ&#x2026;UW X[Â&#x2026;bdU`XW Z[W bUQZTW _[`W Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Zd^|W `UÂżU]ZXW ZTUW ]`dXdXW [_W ZTUW X|XZUÂ&#x2039;W d^W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂ&#x152;W TdÂ&#x2026;UW ¤Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;\^W TQXW \UU^W spent so far on defence, rank
Q^bW ÂŁÂ&#x2026;UW X[Â&#x2026;bdU`XW Q`UW dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W U§Â&#x2020;d{{UbÂ&#x201E;W under paid, demoralized and frustrated, while the generals and politicians feed fat. This was what prompted the protest action by the X[Â&#x2026;bdU`XÂ&#x152;W WdbU^ZdÂŁUXWVdZTWZTUXUW patriotic soldiers and categorically ][^bUÂ&#x2039;^XWZTUWÂ&#x2020;^{[{Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Q`WÂĄÂ&#x2020;bÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2039;U^ZW and sentence passed against them. We demand the immediate release of the twelve men, and call for a probe of whooping sums of monies allocated thus far, supposedly for â&#x20AC;&#x153;security and defenceâ&#x20AC;? Expressing its support for the civilian JTF, UAD stated that Nigerians should develop self-defence militias, in order to protect lives, property and legacies: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We must demand, win and defend social, economic and political reforms, but must not allow ourselves to fall into the
The organization also has cautioned the Federal Government and Nigerian Army against executing the twelve soldiers found guilty of mutiny in the fight against Boko Haram
illusion that such gradualist tokens in themselves can lead to our liberationâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When a government cannot guarantee the security of lives and livelihood of the citizens, it loses all legitimacy. But what we see today in Nigeria is a situation where the socio-economic crises of capitalism and the use of religion as a political tool by the elites has turned the lives of millions of Nigerians, particularly in the north eastern zone, into hell. Over 12,000 persons have been killed, 8,000 maimed and 700,000 displaced in this 5-year war. The bulk of those adversely Q9U]ZUbW Q`UW ZTUW {[[`W {U[{Â&#x2026;UW d^W both urban and rural areas. The `d]TW]Q^WQ9[`bWZ[W{Â&#x2020;`]TQXUW{`dÂ&#x2021;QZUW security or relocate easily from the zone. UAD asserts that we cannot Nigerians cannot put be assured of their security in the hands of the government, whose armed forces have killed as much people as Boko
Q`QÂ&#x2039;Â&#x152;W UW ]`dZd]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W XÂ&#x2020;{{[`ZW ZTUW resistance being led by the Civilian JTF in the region and call on our brothers and sisters in this war torn zone of the country to massively build self-defence militias. They should not have faith in either [Â&#x160;[W Q`QÂ&#x2039;W[`WZTUWQ`Â&#x2039;|Â&#x152;W UÂ&#x201E;WZTUW people alone, have no interest, but that of the defence of our lives and livelihoodsâ&#x20AC;?. Â&#x17D; ZW dXW §Â&#x2020;dZUW ]Â&#x2026;UQ`W Z[W Â&#x2020;XÂ&#x201E;W QXW dZW VQXW to Chima Ubani that the only way Z[VQ`bXW \Â&#x2020;dÂ&#x2026;bd^Â&#x201A;W QW \U U`W X[]dUZ|W Continued on Page 47
Daily Newswatch WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
Midweek Pulse
UAD restates need for better Nigeria Continued from Page 46
for us and the future generation is to change the system and build a \U U`W V[`Â&#x2026;bW \QXUbW [^W ZTUW _Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UXZW democracy for us the 99 percent that are today exploited and oppressed. [W b[W ZTdXÂ&#x201E;W VUW Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XZW bUU{U^W our independent organisations rooted in the communities and V[`Â&#x160;{Â&#x2026;Q]UXÂ&#x152;W UW Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;XZW bUÂ&#x2039;Q^bÂ&#x201E;W Vd^W Q^bW bU_U^bW X[]dQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;W U][^[Â&#x2039;d]W and political reforms, but must ^[ZW QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;[VW [Â&#x2020;`XUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2021;UXW Z[W _QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W d^Z[W the illusion that such gradualist Z[Â&#x160;U^XW d^W ZTUÂ&#x2039;XUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2021;UXW ]Q^W Â&#x2026;UQbW Z[W our liberation. They are at best, rungs in the ladder of our selfemancipationâ&#x20AC;? It also described the constitutional ][^_U`U^]UW QXW QW {[XdZdÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x201E;W but called for a referendum to _[`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZUWQW^UVW][^XZdZÂ&#x2020;Zd[^W\QXUbW on the report of the conference: Â&#x17D; ^UW[_WXÂ&#x2020;]TWÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2039;U^ZXW[_WVd^^d^Â&#x201A;W reforms presented itself in the form of the recently organized National Conference. UAD has no illusion that the Conference in itself could \`d^Â&#x201A;WQ\[Â&#x2020;ZWQW^UVÂ&#x201E;W\U U`W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂ&#x152;W But reforms can gained from the implementation of some of its `UX[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;Zd[^XW VTd]TW VU`UW Â&#x2039;Qd^Â&#x2026;|W pushed by delegates representing [`Â&#x201A;Q^dÂ&#x192;UbW Â&#x2026;Q\[Â&#x2020;`W Q^bW ZTUW ]dÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;W society organisations such as the UAD. More importantly, mass mobilization for a referendum on the report of the conference, {Q`Zd]Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Q`W ZTUW XU]Zd[^XW VTd]TW bUÂ&#x2039;Q^bW ][^XZdZÂ&#x2020;Zd[^QÂ&#x2026;W `UÂ&#x2021;dUVW V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW XU`Â&#x2021;UW QXW QW {Â&#x2026;QZ_[`Â&#x2039;W _[`W bringing the masses into the arena of politically deciding the VQ|W _[`VQ`bW _[`W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQW QZW ZTdXW crucial juncture. UAD maintains that the 1999 constitution is dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;dZdÂ&#x2039;QZUÂ&#x201E;W TQÂ&#x2021;d^Â&#x201A;W W \UU^W ]`Q_ZUbW and passed by a small minority of ZTUW {[{Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZd[^Â&#x152;W UW ZTÂ&#x2020;XW bUÂ&#x2039;Q^bW QW `U_U`U^bÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W Z[W _[`Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZUW QW ^UVW constitution, based on the report of the constitutional conference. W]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;XW[^WQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W]dÂ&#x2021;d]WQ^bWV[`Â&#x160;U`XW organisations to join hands in Â&#x2039;[\dÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x192;d^Â&#x201A;W_[`W`U_U`U^bÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;W^[VÂ&#x2022;Â&#x152; It condemned the current political structures in the country, VTU`UW [^Â&#x2026;|W QW _UVW \U^UÂŁZW _`[Â&#x2039;W ZTUW bdÂ&#x2021;dbU^bXW [_W bUÂ&#x2039;[]`Q]|Â&#x201E;W and decried the sale of PHCN to {`dÂ&#x2021;QZUW _[`Â&#x2039;XÂ&#x201E;W QW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UW ZTQZW TQXW |dUÂ&#x2026;bUbW ^[ZTd^Â&#x201A;W {[XdZdÂ&#x2021;UW d^W ZTUW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x2021;UXW [_W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^XÂťW Â&#x17D; TUW ]dÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;dQ^W {[Â&#x2026;dZd]dQ^XW QÂ&#x2026;VQ|XW ]Â&#x2026;QdÂ&#x2039;W ZTQZW ZTU|W Q`UW {`[Â&#x2021;dbd^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x17D;bdÂ&#x2021;dbU^bXW [_W bUÂ&#x2039;[]`Q]|Â&#x2022;W Z[W ZTUW Â&#x2039;QXXUXÂ&#x201E;W UÂ&#x2021;U^W d_WQXWÂ&#x2039;U`UW]`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2039;\XWQ_ZU`WZTU|WTQÂ&#x2021;UW ZQÂ&#x160;U^WZTUWÂ&#x2026;d[^ÂŞWXTQ`UW[_W`UX[Â&#x2020;`]UXÂ&#x152;W Â&#x2020;ZÂ&#x201E;W ÂŁ_ZUU^W |UQ`XW d^Z[W ZTUd`W democracy, these remains far from being trueâ&#x20AC;?. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The sale of public corporations to QW_UVWUÂ&#x2026;dZUXWd^WÂ&#x2026;d^UWVdZTWZTUWbd]ZQZUXW of imperialist forces represented \|W ZTUW [`Â&#x2026;bW Q^Â&#x160;W Q^bW W QXW VUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W QXW XÂ&#x2020;]TW {`[ÂŤ`d]TÂ&#x201E;W Q^ZdÂŤ{[[`W {[Â&#x2026;d]dUXW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x160;UW ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U`]dQÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x192;QZd[^Â&#x201E;W monetization, and concessioning, TQÂ&#x2021;UW [^Â&#x2026;|W Â&#x2026;UbW Z[W ZTUW V[`XU^d^Â&#x201A;W [_W V[`Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W {U[{Â&#x2026;UÂŞXW Â&#x2026;dÂ&#x2021;d^Â&#x201A;W conditions, despite increasing
Participants at the event
U][^[Â&#x2039;d]W Â&#x201A;`[VZTÂ&#x152;W ZW dXW [\XU`Â&#x2021;Q\Â&#x2026;UW ZTQZW[^UW|UQ`WQ_ZU`WZTUW{`dÂ&#x2021;QZdÂ&#x192;QZd[^W [_W Â&#x201E;W ZTUW {[VU`W XdZÂ&#x2020;QZd[^W d^W the country has gone from bad Z[W V[`XUÂ&#x152;W UZW ZTUW ][Â&#x2039;{Q^dUXW TQÂ&#x2021;UW d^]`UQXUbW ZQ`d9W \U|[^bW ZTUW `UQ]TW [_W ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;[^W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^XW Q^bW TQÂ&#x2021;UW _Â&#x2020;`ZTU`W dÂ&#x2039;{[Â&#x2021;U`dXTUbW ZTUW Â&#x2039;QXXUXÂ&#x152;W It is the position of the UAD that ZTUW QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201A;UbW dÂ&#x2039;{`[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZW d^W ZTUW supply of electricity to Nigerians VTd]TW VQXW Â&#x201A;[Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZÂŞXW argument in selling of NEPA is ^[ZTd^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;W\Â&#x2020;ZWbU]UdZÂ&#x152;W UZÂ&#x201E;WZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZWdXW^[VWXUZWZ[WQÂ&#x2026;X[WXUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W [9W ZTUW `Q^XÂ&#x2039;dXXd[^W [Â&#x2039;{Q^|W [_W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQĂĄW UWXZ`[^Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;|WbUÂ&#x2039;Q^bWZTQZW NEPA and all public corporations X[Â&#x2026;bWZ[W{`dÂ&#x2021;QZUWUÂŹ{Â&#x2026;[dZU`XWXT[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW\UW made public property and placed under the democratic management Q^bW ][^Z`[Â&#x2026;W [_W ZTUW V[`Â&#x160;U`XW Q^bW communities. W QÂ&#x2026;X[W {[XdZUbW ZTQZW UÂ&#x2021;U`|W Nigerian must be guaranteed decent housing, demanding a
Â&#x2039;QXXdÂ&#x2021;UW][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;dZÂ&#x2039;U^ZW[_W`UX[Â&#x2020;`]UXW Z[Wd^_`QXZ`Â&#x2020;]ZÂ&#x2020;`QÂ&#x2026;WbUÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;[{Â&#x2039;U^ZWQ^bW ZTUW{`[Â&#x2021;dXd[^W[_W§Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dZ|WT[Â&#x2020;Xd^Â&#x201A;WZ[W all. It stated that the only assured VQ|W [_W b[d^Â&#x201A;W ZTdXW dXW VTU^W ZTUW {[[`W V[`Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W {U[{Â&#x2026;UW Q`UW d^W ZTUW b`dÂ&#x2021;d^Â&#x201A;WXUQZW[_WZTUW{`[]UXXÂ&#x201E;WQ^bW^[ZW ZTUW ÂŚÂ?ÂŤ|UQ`W {`[ÂĄU]ZW [_W ZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZW _[`W d^_`QXZ`Â&#x2020;]ZÂ&#x2020;`QÂ&#x2026;W bUÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;[{Â&#x2039;U^ZWZTQZWÂ&#x2039;U`UÂ&#x2026;|WQÂ&#x2039;[Â&#x2020;^ZXW to another channel for siphoning funds and perpetuating our exploitation. ZWT[VUÂ&#x2021;U`W][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^bUbW dÂ&#x201A;U`dQ^XW for its timely containment of Ebola d`Â&#x2020;XW dXUQXUÂ&#x201E;W ^[Zd^Â&#x201A;W W ZTUW W U9[`ZXW [_W ZTUW UbU`QÂ&#x2026;W Q^bW QÂ&#x201A;[XW ZQZUW [Â&#x2021;U`^Â&#x2039;U^ZXÂ&#x152;W ZW ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UbW [^W ZTUÂ&#x2039;Â&#x201E;W and international community Z[W ZQÂ&#x160;UW QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W ^U]UXXQ`|W XZU{XW QZW curtailing the rampage of this Â&#x2021;d`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;U^ZWbdXUQXUÂ&#x152;W [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^Zd^Â&#x201A;W [^W ZTUW UÂ&#x2021;U^ZÂ&#x201E;W [Â&#x2039;`QbUW \Â&#x2020;]TÂ&#x2020;Â&#x160;VÂ&#x2020;W TQ\Â&#x2020;U^|dW Â&#x192;dÂ&#x160;UW XQdbÂťW Â&#x17D; TU^W TdÂ&#x2039;QW \Q^dW
It also described the constitutional conference as a positive move, but called for a referendum to formulate a new constitution based on the report of the conference
bdUbW d^W Â?Â?Â?ÂŽÂ&#x201E;W UÂ&#x160;[W Â&#x2020;ZdW VT[W VQXW QÂ&#x2026;X[W [^UW [_W ZTUW Â&#x2026;UQbU`W [_W ZTUW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZWbUX]`d\UbWTdÂ&#x2039;WZTdXWVQ|ÂťW Â&#x17D;TUWVQXW[Â&#x2020;`W\UXZÂ&#x2022;Â&#x152;W [Wd_W Â&#x2020;ZdW][Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W TdÂ&#x2039;QW \Q^dW[Â&#x2020;`W\UXZÂ&#x201E;W|[Â&#x2020;W^[VW Â&#x2020;^bU`XZQ^bWZTQZWTUWTQbW^[WU§Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;XWd^W ZTUW ^QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W Â&#x2026;d\U`QZd[^W Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZW d^W ZTUW ][Â&#x2020;^Z`|Â&#x152;W TdÂ&#x2039;QW \Q^dW VQXW [Â&#x2020;`W \UXZW \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUW TUW \UÂ&#x2026;dUÂ&#x2021;UbW d^W ZTUW §Â&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;dZ|W [_W {U`X[^W d``UX{U]ZdÂ&#x2021;UW of sex, age, religion or belief. This VQXWQWÂ&#x2039;Q^WVT[XUW{Q`U^ZXÂ&#x201E;W\`[ZTU`XW Q^bW XdXZU`XW VU`UW T`dXZdQ^XW \Â&#x2020;ZW he married a Muslim against the VdXTW[_WZTUW{Q`U^ZXÂ&#x152;W TUW[^Â&#x2026;|WVQ|W to continue to remember Chima is for us to continue in struggle for liberation, unity, respect for ZTUW`Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;UW[_WÂ&#x2026;QVÂ&#x201E;WTÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Q^W`dÂ&#x201A;TZXWQ^bW _Â&#x2020;^bQÂ&#x2039;U^ZQÂ&#x2026;W {`d^]d{Â&#x2026;UW [\ÂĄU]ZdÂ&#x2021;UXW of the stateâ&#x20AC;?. TUW ^QZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W {`UXdbU^ZW [_W dÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;W d\U`ZdUXW `Â&#x201A;Q^dÂ&#x192;QZd[^Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;Â&#x201E;W Q``dXZU`W ]TUW dXb[Â&#x2039;W Â&#x2020;`Â&#x2020;UÂ&#x160;UW on his part stated: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chima Ubani VQXW QXW Q^W d^ZUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;U]ZÂ&#x2020;QÂ&#x2026;W ]QZQÂ&#x2026;|XZÂ&#x201E;W QW `UÂ&#x2021;[Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;Zd[^Q`|W [_W ZTUW Â&#x2039;QXXUXW UÂŹZ`Q]Zd[^Â&#x201E;W QW Â&#x201A;[[bW ÂŁÂ&#x201A;TZU`W Q^bW QW Â&#x2039;Q^W [_W TdÂ&#x201A;TW {`[\dZ|Â&#x152;W UW VQXW X[Â&#x2039;U[^UW |[Â&#x2020;W ][Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW `UÂ&#x2026;|W [^Â&#x201E;W Â&#x2021;U`|W TQ`bW V[`Â&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W Q^bW XdÂ&#x2039;{Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201E;W TUW VQXW ^[ZWbdX]`dÂ&#x2039;d^QZ[`|Â&#x201E;W\Â&#x2020;ZWTUWVdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WbUQÂ&#x2026;W VdZTW|[Â&#x2020;WQXWQWTÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2039;Q^W\Ud^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;WTUWVdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W bUQÂ&#x2026;W VdZTW |[Â&#x2020;W [^W {`d^]d{Â&#x2026;UXW Q^bW dXXÂ&#x2020;UXÂ&#x152;W Â&#x2021;U^W X[Â&#x2039;UW ZdÂ&#x2039;UXW TUW VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W share some core ideological belief Q^bWQÂ&#x2026;VQ|XWbVUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WVdZTW[^WZTUWdXXÂ&#x2020;UXW ZTQZW \`d^Â&#x201A;W UÂ&#x2021;U`|\[b|W Z[Â&#x201A;UZTU`Â&#x152;W ZW VQXWQWTÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201A;UWÂ&#x2026;[XXWZ[WZTUW{`[Â&#x201A;`UXXdÂ&#x2021;UW Â&#x2039;[Â&#x2039;U^ZW[_WZTdXW][Â&#x2020;^Z`|WÂĄÂ&#x2020;XZWÂ&#x2026;dÂ&#x160;UWZTUW loss of my good friend Bamidele ZÂ&#x2020;`Â&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W Q^dW QVUTd^Â&#x2039;dW Q^bW ZTUW rest of them.
Daily Newswatch
Midweek Pulse
Corruption impedes Army from conquering Boko Haram –Security expert OLADELE DADA
ZW TQXW \UU^W £ UW [^ZTXW ^[VW ZTQZW ZTUW Td\[ W d` XW VU`UW Q\b ]ZUbW Q^bW Q W U9[`ZXW Z[W `UX] UW ZTUW d` XW TQ UW {`[ UbW Q\[`Zd U W ^WZTUW_Q]UW[_WX[W Q^|W Q{{`[Q]TUX W ZTUW d^X ` U^ZXW TQ UW `U Qd^UbW `U]Q ]dZ`Q^ZW bU Q^bd^ W ZTUW U¬]TQ^ UW [_W ZTUW Td\[ W d` XW VdZTWZTUd`WbUZQd^UbW U^ TUW d^X ` U^ZW VQ`W VTd]TW TQ UW ] Qd UbW ZT[ XQ^bXW [_W d UXW [_W d^^[]U^ZW d U`dQ^X W TQXW ZT`[V^W Q^|W _Q d dUX W d Q UX W XU U U^ZW Q^bW ]dZdUXW d^Z[W bUX[ QZd[^ W TUW ` d^XW Q^bW {Qd^XW ZTU|W TQ UW b[^UW Z[W {U[{ UW ]Q^^[ZW \UW [ U`U {TQXd Ub W UX{U]dQ |Wd^WZTUW^[`ZTU`^W{Q`ZW[_WZTUW ][ ^Z`|W VTU`UW ZTUd`W [{U`QZd[^XW Q`UW X[Wd^ZU^XU {{Q`U^Z | W ZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W dXW d^W bd U Q W TUW d U`dQ^W [ U`^ U^ZW dXW Q [XZW X ]] \d^ W U U^W QXW ZTUW TQ^bXW [_W ZTUW [ [W
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X \ d Ub U dZ[{UW bU U Q^ W QW XU] `dZ|W Q^bW d^ZU d U^]UW ][^X ZQ^Z W XQdb»W TQZWZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W^UUbXWdXW ^[ZW U¬]TQ^ d^ W d^W {T|Xd]Q W ][ \QZW VdZTW ZTUW [ [W Q`Q W XU]Z W \ ZW Z[W d^ZU d U^Z |W Z`Q] W ZTU W ^bW Z[W ]Q``|W[ ZWX ]]UXX_ W dXXd[^X WZTU`UW dXW ^UUbW _[`W ZT[`[ TW X ` Ud Q^]U W \|WX[Wb[d^ WZTU`UWdXW^UUbWZ[Wd^ [ UW bUZU]Zd UXW VT[W Vd W ]Q``|W [ ZW d^ UXZd QZd UW[{U`QZd[^X TUW [ [W Q`Q WTQXW\U][ UW\[ bW ZTQZWZTU|W d UWU U^WQ [^ Wd^^[]U^ZW d U`dQ^X W TU`U_[`U W ZTUW Qb[{Zd[^W [_WXU] `dZ|W{U`X[^^U WVT[WTQ UW QXZW ^[V Ub UW d^W ]`d UW Q^bW ZU``[`dX W ]Q^W [WQW [^ WVQ|Wd^W ^][ U`d^ WZTUW `[ {WQXWVU WQXWZTUd`WTdbUW[ ZX UQ^VTd U W ][ Q\[`QZd[^W VdZTW _[`Ud ^W ][ ^dZdUXW dXW Q X[W U`|W d {[`ZQ^Z WQXWZTdXWVd W][ { U U^ZW ZTUd`W U9[`ZX W TUW d^X ` U^]|W TQXW X{`UQbW ZTUd`W ZU^ZQ] UXW UX{U]dQ |W d^W X[ UW{Q`ZXW[_WZTUW [`ZTU`^W{Q`ZXW[_W ZTUW][ ^Z`| W TU`U_[`U WZTUW d U`dQ^W
Gen. Badeh
` |W ^UUbXW Z[W XZU{« {W ZTUd`W Q UW \|W Qb[{Zd^ W Q^[ZTU`W UZT[bW Z[W ][ \QZWZTUW [ [W Q`Q WVTd]TWTQXW \U][ UWd^ d^]d\ U W ]][`bd^ W Z[W ` W [W [ QbU W QW X{U]dQ dXZW d^W ]`d d^[ [ | W TUW XQdb»W _W QW Z` ZT W ZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W dXW `UQ |W V[` d^ W TQ`bW Z[W [ U`][ UW ZTUW [ [W Q`Q W TU|WQ`UWV[` d^ W `[ ^bWZTUW] [] WZ[W`UX] UWZTUW Td\[ W d` XW QXW `U{[`ZUbW \|W ZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W X{[ UX{U`X[^ W Q¡ W U^ W T`dXW [ QbU WVUW^UUbWb[WdXWZ[W[9U`W][ U]Zd UW X {{[`ZW Z[W ZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W \|W \Ud^ WXU] `dZ|W][^X]d[ XWQ^bW`U{[`ZW U U`|W X X{d]d[ XW [ U U^ZW Z[W ZTUW {[ d]U \ d[ X | W ZU``[`dX W dXW ^UVW Z[W d U`dQ W ZW Vd W \UW QW dX QZ]TW Z[W ][ {Q`UW ZTUW [ bW d U`dQ^W X[ bdU`XW VT[W_[ TZWZTUW dQ_`Q^WVQ`WQ^bWZTUW {`UXU^ZW [^U W \U]Q XUW ZTU|W Q`UW ZV[W bd9U`U^ZW dXXd[^X ^W ZTdXW Ud^ W dZW dXW {U`Zd^U^ZW Z[W `U« Z`Qd^WZTUWX[ bdU`XWZ[W\UWQ\ UWZ[W QZ]TW
It is not as if the present Nigerian Army is not well trained but because they have lost the morale and commitment in fighting for their fatherland
ZTUWZ`U^bW[_W£ TZd^ WZU``[`dX W ZWdXWQW Q U`W[_WZd U W d U`dQWVd W[ U`][ UW ZTUWZU``[`dXZX WTUW][^] bUb `X W ¡UZ ^ [\dW ¡Q[ W QW {X|]T[ [ dXZW Q^bW bd`U]Z[`W [_W QW ^[^«W [ U`^ U^ZQ W [` Q^dXQZd[^ W Td bªXW 9Qd`XW U^Z`U WQ^bW`UXdbUXWd^W Q [X W XQdb»W TUW XZQ|W [_W ZTUW Td\[ W d` XW dXW {`[Z`Q]ZUb W TUW d` XW V[ bW TQ UW \UU^WU¬{[XUbWZ[Wd^bU]U^ZW d_UWXZ| UX W ZT`UQZXWQ^bW{X|]T[ [ d]Q Wd \Q Q^]U W ^bW QXW d` XW ZTU|W Q`UW ^U`Q\ UW Z[W bdXUQXUXW VTd]TW d TZW TQ UW QbUW d d^ W ^\UQ`Q\ UW _[`W ZTU W |W Q{{UQ WZ[WZTUW_UbU`Q W [ U`^ U^ZWdXW Z[WU¬{UbdZUWQ]Zd[^WQ^bWb[WVTQZU U`W dXW^UUb_ WZ[W`U« ^dZUWZTUXUWd^^[]U^ZW d` XW VdZTW ZTUd`W _Q d dUX W XTUW ][^] bUb ZT[ TW ZTUW d U`dQ^W ` |W X{[ UX{U`X[^W TQXW XQdbW ZTQZW dZW TQbW d UbW ZTUW [ [W Q`Q W UQbU` W \ \Q Q`W TU Q W b `d^ W [^UW [_W ZTUW_[ `WQ Q] XWVdZTWZTUWd^X ` U^ZXW d^W [b ^ Q W [`^[W ZQZU W UWQbbUbW ZTQZW Q^|W [_W TdXW QdbUXW VU`UW Q X[W d UbWd^WZTUWQ Q] WVTd]TW UU{XWT[{UW Q d UW ZTQZW U`|W X[[^W d U`dQ^XW Vd W X d UW[ U`WZTUW`U UQXUW[_WZTUW Td\[ W d` X W ZW ZTdXW TQXW ^[ZW ][^X[ dbQZUbW ZTUW_QdZTW[_W Q^|W d U`dQ^XWQXWZTU|W Q`UW UQ`^UXZ |W [[ d^ W _[`VQ`bW Z[W TQ d^ WZTUW Td\[ W d` XW\Q]
[VU U` W d^W `UX{[^XUW Z[W ZTUW Q dZQZd[^XW [_W Q^|W d U`dQ^X W `UXdbU^ZW [[b ] W [^QZTQ^W TQXW QXX `UbW ZTUW Td\[ W d` XªW {Q`U^ZXW b `d^ WTdXW UUZd^ WVdZTWZTU WX[ UW Zd UW Q [ W ZTQZW TUW dXW bUZU` d^UbW Z[W ][ \QZW ZTUW [ [W Q`Q W d^W `U« ^dZd^ W ZTUW Q\b ]ZUbW d` XW VdZTW ZTUd`W [ UbW [^UX W UW Q X[W `UdZU`QZUbW TdXW ][ dZ U^ZW Z[W £ TZW ZU``[`dX W `U]U^Z |W d^W Q^W d^ZU`^QZd[^Q W ][^_U`U^]UW [^W [ ^ZU`W U``[`dX W d^W
Daily Newswatch
City & State WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014
Day Igbo leaders stormed Enugu to galvanize new course for Abia THANKGOD OFOELUE
orried by the stagnancy in the infrastructural development of Abia State, leaders from ZTUW £ UW XZQZUXW [_W ZTUW [ ZTW QXZW d U`dQW UZW d^W ^ W `U]U^Z |W Z[W discuss the way forward for the 23 year old state. Abia was among the states created in August 1991 by the Ibrahim Babangida administration alongside others like Osun, Delta, and Jigawa. Despite its promising beginning, Abia has been left behind \|W ^Q \`Q W ^ W [ W Q^bW U U^W \[^|d W VTd]TW VQXW ]`UQZUbW years after. Political pundits have continued to wonder why the state could not move forward, despite been among the richest Igbo State in crude oil production, as well as owning the prestigious Ariaria International Market, Aba. Addressing Ndi Igbo, who had QZTU`UbW QZW ZTUW ^ W ][ ^Z`|W home of one of the Igbo leaders, TdU_W `ZT `W U W TdU_W U QW Kalu, who is a candidate running for the governorship of Abia, under the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), decried the current decay in the state, designated as ‘God’s Own State’. He also wondered why a promising city like Aba would now be reduced to the status of the ‘dirtiest city in Nigeria’ and Q{{UQ UbW Z[W Q W QZTU`UbW Z[W {`[9U`W solutions on how Abia can move forward like other Igbo states. He explained that he has a grand master plan to transform Aba into an industrial, commercial city, like \Qd W Q^bW Q `Q]ZW d^ UXZ U^ZW d^Z[W ZTUW XZQZUW d_W U U]ZUbW d^Z[W [0]UW ][ UW 2015. Kalu said a successive government of Abia has made the state a personal business empire, from where they spin money for them and their cronies. He went on to say that his government will focus on job provision, by establishing industries across the state. TUW U^ d^UU`W Q X[W ZTQ^ UbW UW for his timely statement that Abia needs help with its leaders, stating that his mission under APGA was to replicate what the likes of Chief Jim Nwobodo and Chief Sam Mbakwe did in the old Anambra and Imo States respectively, and recently, what ex-Governor Peter Obi did in Anambra, in the spirit of ‘Onye aghala nwanne ya ‘(be your \`[ZTU`ªXW UU{U` WVTd]TWdXWZTUW [ [W of the party(APGA). It will be recalled that in late XZ W UWTQbW QbUWQW`U Q` Q\ UW comment on the sorry state of the commercial nerve centre of Abia State, Aba and its capital. He had ]TQ`Q]ZU`d UbW ZTUW XZQZUW QXW XZd^ d^ W thereby urging the state governor to
Abia guber candidate, Chief Emeka Kalu speaking while Chiefs Emeka Ani and Arthur Eze listen with attention
seek help from President Goodluck Jonathan, if he has become unable to govern the state. Continuing, he said: “Abia is stinking, “Right from the Abia Tower in Umuahia, the rot hits you,” the oil magnate continued. “Abia State is now the dirtiest in the country. Garbage everywhere, along with bad roads. The people are really X 9U`d^ WQ^bW|[ WXUUWdZWd^WZTUd`W_Q]UX W Are there no elders in Abia again? If so, what are they doing? What are the senators, the members of House of Representatives, and other elected people doing? Nothing” , he added. Then, he addressed the governor, Chief Theodore Orji: “If you do not know what to do again, please write to President Goodluck Jonathan, and let him come to your aid. Abia ZQZUW^UUbXWTU { W UWXQdb WW ^W QXX[]dQZUW [_W TdU_W W UW TQbW
][^£` UbW ZTUW XZ[`|W Z[W ¡[ `^Q dXZXW and said that the state of Abia State was really dispiriting, with decay and despondency everywhere. ” I am sure most of the dignitaries § dUZ |WQ `UUbWVdZTW TdU_W U W[^ |W that they could not do so openly. One XZW][ U^bW TdU_W UªXW][ `Q UW for being bold enough to speak out. Not many people can do so today, not many people can speak out. But VUW XZW][ U^bW TdU_W UW_[`WTdXW boldness and conviction.” Responding to Kalu, Chief Arthur UW ZQX UbW Td W Z[W \UW XZUQb_QXZW d^W his commitment in repositioning the state, citing that the burden of leadership now falls on the shoulders of the youth. He therefore informed him of his readiness to assist in restoring the state to its lost glory. He also narrated the history of how
The people are really suffering, and you see it in their faces. Are there no elders in Abia again? If so, what are they doing?
APGA was formed in his house, with the key players- Chief Chekwas Okorie, Victor Umeh, Peter Obi and others holding several meetings to ensure that the party, which was designed to be a rallying point for Igbo political ideology became a reality. He therefore charged Kalu, as well as other politicians who chose to identify with the party to continue to preserve the dignity of the Igbo people politically, stating that Igbo presidency cannot be achieved when \[XWQ`UWX]Q U`UbWQ^bWbdX ^dZUb He also called for support for the re-election of President Goodluck Jonathan next year, describing the president as an Igbo man by proxy: “his wife, Dame Patience’s mother is Igbo. Have you not seen her speaking Igbo before? His own grandmother is Igbo. He is also named after one of our heroes, Chief ^Q bdW d dVU W [ W dXW TUW ^[ZW [ `W son? Please he should be given all the support he needs”, he stated. TdU_W U QW Q W [^W TdXW {Q`ZW assured him of his unwavering support for Mr. President who has been backed up by the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA) as their presidential candidate come 2015. Other dignitaries who graced the []]QXd[^W d^] bUbW UW ` VQ W [_W U^bUW W TdU_W U QW ^d W TdU_W [ d^XW [ [WQXWVU WQXWZTUW TQ£QW War Dance Group, which brought entertainment all the way from Abia State.
Daily Newswatch
City & State
2015: Group beams its searchlight on Abia
Aba-Owerri Road, Aba
s the 2015 general elections draw closer, political players, activists and sociopolitical interest groups are busy scheming for avenues to score political points. The fact is that, there are certain ]`dZU`dQW XUbW \|W bd9U`U^ZW {U[{ UW [`W `[ {XW d^W U Q QZd^ W {[ dZd]Q W [0]UW holders and yet utilize the avenue to compare their achievements with that of their predecessors. Observation had clearly indicated that Abia, proudly called ‘God’s own State’ had from time immemorial come ^bU`W£`UW[Vd^ WZ[WZTUW{U`_[` Q^]UW[_W administrators, although many political analysts and observers have divided views and opinions on role of its past and present Chief Executives with regard to their input in transforming the state. Consequently beaming its searchlight on the level of development, a group known as Coalition of Patriotic Democrats (CPD) had disclosed that in Abia today as compared to what it used to be, there are reforms in key sectors of economy. According to its National Coordinator, Chief Ako Atulomah in a media chats in Abuja “CPD as a concerned patriotic coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are deeply concerned about the growth and development of democracy in Nigeria. “We decided to carry out a nationwide, constituency focused, political development mapping and ZTU^W U U`Q UW [^W [ `W £^bd^ XW Z[W { ZW the records straight before the Nigerian Electorates.” Based on its driving philosophy, CPD noted that as developing nation who understands that infrastructural
development is inseparably linked to its evolving democratic personality, the country needs constant appraisal and readjustment of its democratic processes both at the national and constituent levels. To this end, the group said it carried [ ZWQW_Q]ZW£^bd^ W dXXd[^Wd^W \dQW ZQZUW to ascertain the level of development compared to what it was in previous administrations. Atulomah spoke: “the team was able to verify through physical on-site U`d£]QZd[^W Q^bW XQ { d^ W [_W dUVXW [_W critical stakeholders from the state. We can pronounce without any fear of contradiction that the Abia State Government was able to achieve more than it published on its projects catalogue, he noted.” On Mass economic empowerment CPD said that investigation it carried out Indicated that Theodore Orji led administration has empowered a large number of youths, men and women across the state. “Most people who had no hope of having a means of livelihood in Abia
State before now have them now by virtue of the present government’s empowerment projects and this has drastically brought down the crime rate in the state.” Speaking further, Atulomah said his group has noted claims of farreaching infrastructural development, mass economic empowerment, decent political environment and ambient peace by the Abia State Government. “We also observed that the case of Abia is quite peculiar in terms of infrastructural development. No other administration in the state had before now undertaken any noticeable infrastructural project, be it road construction, utility facilities and other tangible deliverables.” Going down memory lane, the group noted that, “the only administration that was able to achieve a noticeable mileage was the government of Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu which was able to build the landmark Abia Tower of Peace, which this present administration of Theodore Orji has enhanced and upgraded. All other governments before this administration have nothing to show
The group said it carried out a fact finding mission in Abia State to ascertain the level of development compared to what it was in previous administrations
for the period they existed in the state,” it stated. In furtherance of his statement, the CPD National Coordinator, sadly recalled when kidnapping and ritual killings was the order of the day in the State which necessitated residents of Aba, the commercial nerve center, to scamper for safety in their numbers as a result of the threat caused to their lives as well as their properties. In his statement: “More so, it is a Q U`W[_W`U][`bWZTQZW[^]UW {[^WQWZd UW in Abia, kidnapping and ritual killings were the order of the day in, at that time, residents of Aba, the commercial nerve center, left the town in their numbers because of the single reason that the security of their lives and properties were no longer guaranteed.” In the light of the above, the Political Activist said bankers in past administration were forced to devise ways of masquerading their middle class status by stripping their corporate Q d`UXW Q_ZU`W V[` W T[ `XW d^W [`bU`W Z[W avoid being abducted while every resident and visitors living and passing by the state live in perennial fear of what he described as ‘franchise kidnap rings’ who virtually ran the state. However, CPD also states that the ][^XZQ^ZW Q Q] W [^W â ]TU^b[ªW \|W his predecessor Orji Uzor Kalu and wonders the basis for the virulent criticisms of the present administration. “This is because for the eight years Kalu was governor of the State, he cannot point one project that could be credited to his administration. To this end, Atulomah called on the citizens of the state not to allow themselves and their democratic aspirations to be derailed by the antics of the former governor which he noted is rising to its crescendo particularly as the 2015 election approaches.
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Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 8, 2014
NANS protests Chinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s denial of visa for EKSU students over Ebola RAPHAEL ADEYANJU, Ado-Ekiti
ational Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), Zone D has condemned the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria for denying some students of Ekiti State University (EKSU) visa over Ebola scare. NANS emphasised that it may be forced to organise protest to the Chinese Embassy if it continues to deny some students of EKSU, who are travelling to China to represent Nigeria in an international academic completion tagged â&#x20AC;&#x201C;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Enactus 2014â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Coordinator of NANS, Zone D, Asofon Sunday, told journalists yesterday in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State capiZQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x201E;WZTQZWZTUWQ9U]ZUbWXZÂ&#x2020;bU^ZXW under the umbrella of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EKSU Enactus Teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; won national phase of the competition, which is an entrepreneurial/ academic contest among over 100 Nigerian tertiary institutions last June. Members of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EKSU Enactus Team were expected to visit China before October 25 to represent Nigeria at
Man drinks to death on Sallah day ADELEKE ADESANYA
47-year-old man, who is simply identiÂŁUbW QXW `ZTÂ&#x2020;`W Q^bW QW Christian, died after drinking to stupor when celebrating Eid-el-Kabir with his friends at the weekend. It was gathered that Arthur, who is a resident of Idimu area of Lagos State, after taken more than enough beers while celebrating sallah with his friends was hit by a runaway commercial motorcyclist (popularly known as okada rider) Saturday evening and later died Sunday morning in the hospital after he was allegedly abandoned for 12 hours at the spot. It was further gathered that the deceased was fasting on the day as instructed by his pastor before his Muslim friends came to lure him out for sallah celebration Saturday afternoon. However, the state Police Â&#x2020;\Â&#x2026;d]W UÂ&#x2026;QZd[^XW 0]U`Â&#x201E;W DSP Kenneth Nwosu, when ][^ZQ]ZUbW [^W ZTUW Â&#x2039;Q U`Â&#x201E;W UÂ&#x2039;{TQXdXUbW ZTQZW TdXW [0]UW has got not signal over the case from the division concerned, though promised to get back to us, he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as at press time.
the global contest where all other teams representing their respective countries will also be. Sunday urged President Goodluck Jonathan to wade d^Z[WZTUWÂ&#x2039;Q U`Â&#x152;W According to him: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We
view this singular act of the Chinese Embassy as the highest form of injustice and racial discrimination against young, vibrant and patriotic Nigerians who have prepared assiduously to make their country proud in an in-
ternational competition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is instructive to note that Nigeria has been declared free of EVD since September 23 and all international agencies including World Health Organisation Â&#x203A; Â&#x153;WQ UXZWZ[WZTdXÂ&#x152;
â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is not about â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;EKSU Enactus Teamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; but much more an embarrassment to the cordial diplomatic relationship between Nigeria and China. We further view it as deliberate plan by the Chinese government to prevent
Nigeria from being represented at the competition.â&#x20AC;? Also, Director of Entrepreneurial Centre and Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Adviser of EKSU, Professor Awe Abel Ariyo, said attempt to deny the students visa by the Chinese Embassy amounts to denying Nigerians visa and would be Â&#x2039;UZWVdZTWXZd9W`UXdXZQ^]UÂ&#x152;
Extend zoning to national, state assemblies, group urges Chime KENNETH OFOMA, Enugu
head of the 2015 general elections, a group under the aegis of Nsukka West Constituency Emancipation Forum has urged Governor Sullivan Chime to use his position as leader of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Enugu State to maintain zoning arrangement in other electoral positions in the state. The group said that zoning principle, which the Former Governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi (middle) with some chieftains of PDP shortly after he joined the party governor and PDP adopted at his residence in GRA, Onitshaâ&#x20AC;Ś yesterday. in endorsing a consensus governorship candidate in the person of Hon Ifeanyi Uwuanyi should be mainALPHONSUS EZE, Awka Directorate of State Security state government does not ascertaining the level of in- tained. [^d^Â&#x201A;W [_W UÂ&#x2026;U]ZdÂ&#x2021;UW [0]UXW (DSS) to move in and arrest all rise up to the occasion, the volvement of any member of ivil Liberties Or- those involved in this heinous commercial city will sooner or the State Executive Council in the state since the ongoing ganisation (CLO) economic sabotage to the state later erupt in turmoil because or indeed, any government civil rule according to the in Anambra State and bring them to justice. the people cannot tolerate [0]dQÂ&#x2026;Wd^WZTUWVT[Â&#x2026;UWÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201A;Â&#x2026;|WbU- group, had ushered in peace has decried the Decrying the uncivilized these gross abuse and deg- velopments, stating that an- in the state as well as reduce return of illegal mode of operation of these radation of their human and yone found to have a hand in unnecessary litigation, rift, revenue collectors to the hoodlums who intimidate, economic rights. the act of criminality should and rancour among political state, especially in the state extort and engage in broadgladiators. TUW Â&#x201A;`[Â&#x2020;{W d^W ZTUW Â&#x2026;U U`W be adequately sanctioned. commercial city of Onitsha daylight robbery, the human signed by the Legal secretary It however, applauded CLO alleged that the and its environs. right body said â&#x20AC;&#x153; the state Comrades Uche Justus Ijeo- hoodlums were extorting governor Chime, and the Consequently, the organi- must not be allowed to degen- ma and the Vice-Chairman, between N10,000 to N45, 000 state PDP for remaining zation has called on Governor erate to a Hobesian state of Olisa Adibe said that there from each of their victims, resolute as Apostles of jusWillie Obiano of the state to as Q9Qd`XÂ&#x201E;WVTU`UWÂ&#x2039;dÂ&#x201A;TZWdXW`dÂ&#x201A;TZÂ&#x2022;Â&#x152; should also be a thorough who they search after man- tice, equity, and fair play, QWÂ&#x2039;Q U`W[_WWÂ&#x2020;`Â&#x201A;U^]|Wbd`U]ZWXU W W d^W QW Â&#x2026;U U`W Z[W [Â&#x2021;U`- investigation of the activities handling them and force- â&#x20AC;&#x153;by keeping the promise of curity agencies, preferably the nor Obiano warned that if the of the group with a view to fully drive their vehicles to zoning the governorship poZTUd`W[0]UWQZWZTUW Â&#x2026;bW d^dX- sition to Enugu North senatry of Works GRA, Onitsha, torial district in 2015.â&#x20AC;? The group in a statement behind Basislica of Most UCHENNA NWAFOR, Yenagoa by the Southern Ijaw Local ceased boat owner while his Holy Trinity . signed by its chairman, mobile phones and boat were The group asked the Anam- Barr. Emmanuel Ezema, and wo personnel of the Government Council. The deceased boat owner in their custody. bra State Government to cat- made available to journalists Bayelsa State ComContacted on the develop- egorically take a stand on the in Enugu yesterday, alleged mand of the Nige- was alleged to have hired rian Security and out his boat to some youths ment, the Public Relations Of- issue of emblems in the State ZTQZWX[Â&#x2039;UWXUÂ&#x2026;ÂŁXTW{[Â&#x2026;dZd]dQ^XÂ&#x201E;W Civil Defence Corps but the boat was used for il- ÂŁ]U`W [_W ZTUW ZQZUW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Q^bÂ&#x201E;W and make sure that such state- including those in govern(NSCDC) have been linked to legal oil bunkering and got Mr. Alex Akhigbe, who con- ment is followed up with Ra- ment are bent on thwartthe controversial death of Mr. dÂ&#x2039;{[Â&#x2020;^bUbÂ&#x152;W TUW Q UÂ&#x2039;{ZW \|W ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;UbW ZTUW bUÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;[{Â&#x2039;U^ZW XQdbW dio and Television announce- ing the zoning arrangement in Nsukka/Igboeze South Akunama Agunza, a 25 years the boat owner to secure the though investigation is on- ments. release of the boat led to his going into the circumstances They also called on the gov- federal constituency of the old boat owner in the State. death in a controversial cirsurrounding the death of the ernor to set up a panel of In- state. The authorities of the BayelThe group used the meboat owner with the arrest of quiry to conduct public hearsa state Police command said cumstance. According to the spokes- two NSCDC personnel who ing on this issues and those dium to applaud Chime for the accused were alleged to have conspired with some man of the deceasedâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family were yet to be handed over to found culpable by the Com- using his 4- point agenda in [ZTU`WÂ&#x2020;^dbU^ZdÂŁUbW{U`X[^XWd^W and Elder Brother, Silas Okiri, the police, new twist has how- mission should be made to transforming the state, asXÂ&#x2020;`d^Â&#x201A;WTdÂ&#x2039;W[_WZTUd`WÂ&#x2020;^Âżd^]Tface severe punishment . the incident that led to the ar- the case was reported to Opo- ever been added. Akhigbe said two famiâ&#x20AC;&#x153;It is completely unaccep- ing support at all time. rest and drowning of the boat roma Police Station after the family discovered the decom- lies were laying claims to the table in any civilized sociThey appealed to Chime owner. posing body of Akunama not to allow such self-cencorpse of the deceased, sayUZ|Â&#x201E;W ^[W Â&#x2039;Q U`W T[VW TdÂ&#x201A;TÂ&#x2026;|W It was gathered that the deceased boat owner, Akunama Agunza along the Ofonigbene ing, â&#x20AC;&#x153;while the other family is connected some people are tred politicians from Nsukclaiming it was their brother, to constitute themselves into ka extraction â&#x20AC;&#x153;who believe Agunza, was allegedly arrest- River in Southern Ijaw. According to Okiri, the another family came up to say a force against the tide of a they have the connections UbW[Â&#x2021;U`WTdXWQ UÂ&#x2039;{ZWZ[WXU]Â&#x2020;`UW ZV[WQ]]Â&#x2020;XUbW W[0]dQÂ&#x2026;XW it was their missing son found peaceful and orderly society to manipulate the existing the release of his wooden boat impounded by the Illegal Oil were unable to tell the family Âż[QZd^Â&#x201A;Wd^WZTUW`dÂ&#x2021;U`Â&#x152;W UWQ`UWd^- ÂĄÂ&#x2020;XZW_[`WZTUd`WXUÂ&#x2026;ÂŁXTW{U]Â&#x2020;^dQ`|W zoning arrangement in the constituency.â&#x20AC;? interestâ&#x20AC;? said the group. Bunkering Task Force set up the whereabouts of the de- vestigating.â&#x20AC;?
CLO decries return of illegal revenue collectors in Anambra
NSCDC linked to killing of 25-year-old Bayelsa boat owner
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Daily Newswatch Wednesday, October 8, 2014
3 killed in Bauchi Water Board fire incident NANKPAH BWAKAN, Bauchi
ZW Â&#x2026;UQXZW ZV[W XZQ9W of the Bauchi State Water Board and a welder were yesterday consumed by inferno at Misau local government area of Bauchi state.
It was gathered that the inferno razed a section of the state Water Board building when a wielder was mending a leaking oil tank. According to an eye witness who pleaded anonymity, the VUÂ&#x2026;bU`WbdUbWQ^bWQWXZQ9W[_WZTUW water board also died instantly as a result of the sudden ex-
plosion that burnt them while the other people sustained serious injuries. The witness added that the victims were later conveyed to the Federal Medical Centre Azare and later referred to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Teaching Hospital Bauchi. Another witness Misau
Yerima Abdu, said whenevU`WZTU`UWdXWQWÂŁ`UW[Â&#x2020;Z\`UQÂ&#x160;Wd^W the area, it often gets out of ][^Z`[Â&#x2026;W \U]QÂ&#x2020;XUW ÂŁ`UW XU`Â&#x2021;d]UW personnel have to come all the way from Azare to help {Â&#x2020;ZW[9WZTUWÂŁ`UÂ&#x152; According to him â&#x20AC;&#x153;the state government should come our aid by establish-
d^Â&#x201A;WQWÂŁ`UWXZQZd[^Wd^W dXQÂ&#x2020;WÂ&#x2026;[cal government to minimize ZTUW[]]Â&#x2020;``U^]UXW[_WÂŁ`UWWd^]ddence.â&#x20AC;? He however, called on the people of the area to always be cautious while operating their electrical appliances in order to avert a re-occurrence of the incidence .
Kaduna communities disown statement against Gurara State creation opment closer to the people.â&#x20AC;? traditional rulers of Southern Gurara State. lims and Christians, as well as BABA NEGEDU, Kaduna
he two major native communities that make up Jere Chiefdom, in Kagargo Local Government Area, of Kaduna State, yesterday disowned a statement \|W [^UW W Â&#x2026;TQÂĄdW Q|Â&#x2020; UU^W Sulieman, that Jere people do not support the creation of Gurara State from the Present Kaduna State. Speaking at a combined Press Conference in Kaduna yesterday, the Gyagi and Koro communities said they make up 95 percent of Jere Chiefdom, and are in total support for the creation of a new state from the present 13 LGAs that make up Southern Kaduna. Mr. John Bako, Chairman, Gbagyi Development Union, and Mr. Joseph Gajere his Secretary spoke on behalf of the Gbagyi people while Dr. Ayuba Kura, National President, Koro Community Development Association, and the Secretary, Mr. Emmanuel Haruna spoke on behalf of the Koro people. According to Bako, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We the Gbagyi of Jere hereby condemn in strong terms and dismiss in entirety the unauthorised statement of Alhaji Hayuteen Suleiman. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We joined the other 56 tribal groupings of Southern Kaduna to unconditional ly support the creation of Gu`Q`QWXZQZUÂ&#x152;W _WZTUWXU Â&#x2026;U`XWd^W U`UW who make up just about 5% of our population do not want a new state where we will have accelerated development for all, they certainly do not represent the majority, and their view should not be binding on us. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We the indigenous people of Jere make up 95% of the {[{Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;QZd[^Â&#x201E;WVTdÂ&#x2026;UWZTUWXU Â&#x2026;U`XÂ&#x201E;W who do not want a new state, make up the rest 5%. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The call by Suleiman and his group on the National Assembly that in an event that a Gurara state is created, a boundary adjustment should be made to either merge Jere Chiefdom with the Federal Capital Territory Abuja, or that the Chiefdom be left in the old Kaduna State, is without majority support, unrealistic and unconstitutional. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We urge the National Assembly and the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, to please help in creating Gurara state to help solve the many crisis that has engulfed this state and to bring devel-
On their part Dr. Ayuba said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Koro Community wants to place on record that
Kaduna, including the Chief of Jere, Alh Saad Usman, have signed a paper in Support of
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The signatories to the memorandum for the creation of Gurara State include Mus-
leaders of 56 ethnic nationalities that make up the Gurara area.
Member representing Bogoro Constituency, Bauchi State House of Assembly, Ms Rifkatu Danna (l), presenting bags of rice to Muslims women leader, Bogoro lga, Hajia Rakiya Saleh and Muslims men leader, Alhaji Musa Haruna, during distribution of Eid-el Kabir gifts in Bogoro lga, Bauchi state yesterday. Photo:nan
Polio: Committee calls for focus of resources on virus reservoir TED ODOGWU, Kano
he expert review ComÂ&#x2039;d UUW Â&#x2039;[^dZ[`d^Â&#x201A;W Nigeriaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s progress, including polio eradication has warned that the country must focus resources and activities on the remaining polio virus reservoir in efforts to end the transmission of the virus this year. ]][`bd^Â&#x201A;WZ[WZTUW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUÂ&#x201E;W success in Nigeria is dependent on success in Kano being one of the storage reservoirs of the virus and the only state still reporting polio cases in about ÂŁÂ&#x2021;UWÂ&#x2026;[]QZd[^XWQZWZTUWZdÂ&#x2039;UW[_WZTUW ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUÂŞXWÂ&#x2039;UUZd^Â&#x201A;Â&#x152; TUW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUW XQdbW ZTUW Â&#x2026;QÂ&#x2020;^]TW[_WQ^WQÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W[Â&#x2020;ZWU9[`ZWZ[W stamp out wild polio virus in Kano will among others include intense supervision through community mobilization and full use of valuable tools as sub-national immunization exercise between September and December this year. Also, members of the comÂ&#x2039;d UUW {`[Â&#x2039;dXUbW Z[W Â&#x2039;UUZW with the Governors of Kano, Borno, Yobe, Bauchi, Kaduna, Sokoto, Jigawa and QÂ&#x2039;_Q`QW d^W dZXW U9[`ZXW Z[W XUcure state commitments, as well as track performance of Council Chairmen and push for full release of funds.
US tightens screening for Ebola at airports Continued from page 4
Ebola-infected airline passengers will mean devising a way Z[W ]TU]Â&#x160;W ZT[Â&#x2020;XQ^bXW [_W ÂżdÂ&#x201A;TZXW arriving daily at U.S. airports for those who are ill but symptomfree.â&#x20AC;? While United and Delta airlines are the only U.S.-based operators serving Africa, heightened Ebola vigilance would require a broad net, covering travUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;U`XW [^W [ZTU`W ^[^XZ[{W ÂżdÂ&#x201A;TZXW from the continent and those who connect via European carriers in hubs such as London Q^bW Q`dXÂ&#x152;W ZÂŤ`dXÂ&#x160;W ÂżdU`XW V[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW then need to be scrutinized for any history of exposure to the disease, the report said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably good politics at ZTdXW{[d^ZWZ[WXQ|WVUW^UUbW\U U`W screening and more screening,â&#x20AC;? said Richard Bloom, director of terrorism, intelligence and security at Embry-Riddle Aero^QÂ&#x2020;Zd]QÂ&#x2026;W ^dÂ&#x2021;U`XdZ|W d^W `UX][ Â&#x201E;W Arizona. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Unless someone is blatantly symptomatic - having diarrhoea, bleeding from body [`dÂŁ]UXWQ^bWÂ&#x2021;[Â&#x2039;dZd^Â&#x201A;WÂŤWdZÂŞXWÂ&#x2021;U`|W bd0]Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;ZWZ[WÂŁÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2020;`UW[Â&#x2020;ZWVT[WÂ&#x2039;dÂ&#x201A;TZW pose more of a risk than others.â&#x20AC;? With Ebola spreading in West _`d]QW Q^bW ZTUW ÂŁ`XZW ]QXUW bdQÂ&#x201A;nosed in the U.S. last month, Obama promised more-rigorous passenger scrutiny yesterday, without saying how the plan may work. Anthony Fauci,
director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, said in a CNN interview yesterday, that U.S. airport screenings may include taking temperatures of passengers and asking them about exposure to people with Ebola - methods now used at departure in some West African airports. The goal is an â&#x20AC;&#x153;extra layer of entry screening,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What that would look like is under discussion, but likely retaking the temperature and asking some additional questions so you have screening at both the exit and the entry.â&#x20AC;? The Washington-based Airlines for America trade group representing the biggest U.S. carriers said it was discussing Ebola among its members and had asked to be kept informed about any new federal measures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a level of anxiousness - and appropriately so - from people in the business,â&#x20AC;? said Peter Goelz, a former managing director of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board who is now senior vice president at lobbying and conXÂ&#x2020;Â&#x2026;Zd^Â&#x201A;W ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;W ÂŞ UdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W Ă&#x17D;W XX[]dates in Washington. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This is a Â&#x2026;[^Â&#x201A;ÂŤZU`Â&#x2039;W\Q Â&#x2026;UWQ^bW Wb[^ÂŞZWXUUW what I think ought to be longZU`Â&#x2039;WÂŁÂŹUXÂ&#x152;Â&#x2022; Any new policies have to go
beyond whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expected from ÂżdÂ&#x201A;TZW Q U^bQ^ZXW ][^_`[^ZUbW with an ill passenger, Goelz said. Aircraft cleaners and airport workers who push wheelchairs also have to be considered and trained, he said. Current standards from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for handling {[XXd\Â&#x2026;|W d^_U]Zd[Â&#x2020;XW \[b|W ÂżÂ&#x2020;dbXW have worked so far, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but I sense it wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t take too much to push it over the edge, for people to say, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wait a minute. Is this enough?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Goelz said. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;What are VUW b[d^Â&#x201A;W Z[W {`[ZU]ZW [Â&#x2020;`W ÂżdÂ&#x201A;TZW crews?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Obama sought to quell fears about the potential for the virus to spread in the U.S. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;I know that the American (AAL) people are concerned about the possibility of a Ebola outbreak,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Obama said at the White House yesterday, after Â&#x201A;U d^Â&#x201A;W \`dU_UbW [^W \[Â&#x2026;QW \|W his national security team and Thomas Frieden, the CDC director. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Procedures are now in place to rapidly evaluate anybody who might be showing symptoms.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
UQÂ&#x2026;ZTW[0]dQÂ&#x2026;XWTQÂ&#x2021;UWââÂ&#x2026;UQ`^UbW lessonsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; from the case in Dallas and the chance of an epidemic in the U.S. is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;extraordinarily low,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; he said. To prevent additional infections entering the U.S., the government is â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;work-
ing on protocols to do additional passenger screening.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Rejecting Bans 0]dQÂ&#x2026;XWQ`UW^[ZW^[VW][^XdbU`d^Â&#x201A;WQW\Q^W[^WÂżdU`XW_`[Â&#x2039;W UXZW Africa, as some U.S. lawmakers have urged, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said. Ebola has killed more than 3,400 people in Africa, mostly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and the U.S. is sending as many as 4,000 military personnel to the region to build treatment centers and train healthcare workers. The U.S. has ][Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UbWZ[WX{U^bWQXWÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2020;]TWQXW $1 billion. TUWÂŁ`XZW][^ÂŁ`Â&#x2039;UbW \[Â&#x2026;QW]QXUW in the U.S. is a Liberian man, Thomas Eric Duncan, who arrived in Dallas on September 20, from Brussels. He took two united jets to Dallas, changing planes in Washington, after arriving in the Belgian capital from Monrovia, Liberia. Connecting passengers such as Duncan show up in U.S. government data as European travellers. The three largest U.S. airlines - American Airlines Group Inc., United Continental Holdings Inc. and Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) - had no comment about the administrationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proposal for tighter screening. Duncan developed symptoms four days after he arrived.
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas sent him home after he sought treatment. Obama suggested that Duncanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s failure Z[W \UW QbÂ&#x2039;d UbW dÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;UbdQZUÂ&#x2026;|W means the hospital didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t follow CDC guidelines distributed to health-care facilities. Duncan is listed in critical condition. Candace White, a spokeswoman for the hospital, said yesterday that Duncan had Â&#x201A;[ U^W TdÂ&#x2039;U`dÂŹW ^]Â&#x152;ÂŞXW UÂŹ{U`dmental medicine brincidofovir, starting on the afternoon of October 4. Duncanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s diagnosis marks the ÂŁ`XZWZdÂ&#x2039;UW \[Â&#x2026;QWTQXW\UU^Wd^Qbvertently carried out of Africa in the almost 40 years since it was discovered. A Spanish nurse also has been diagnosed with the virus at a Madrid hospital where two Ebola patients have been treated. The nurse is the ÂŁ`XZW{U`X[^WÂ&#x160;^[V^WZ[W\UWd^_U]Zed with Ebola outside of Africa. Fact Sheets Incoming passengers from West Africa now get fact sheets about the disease, but are not X{U]dÂŁ]QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|WZUXZUbW_[`WQW_UÂ&#x2021;U`W[`W asked if they had contact with someone who had the disease. Duncan was asymptomatic while travelling. Earnest said airline crews are Â&#x201A;U d^Â&#x201A;W Â&#x2039;[`UW Z`Qd^d^Â&#x201A;W Z[W X{[ZW and handle someone who may have Ebola-like symptoms.
Battle of Khartoum: Sudan vs Nigeria AFCON qualifier
Sudan, difficult foe โ Ambrose
dย U`dQW bU_U^bU`ย W _UW ย \`[XUWTQXWXZQZUbW ZTQZW ZTUW b[ย \ย Uยซ TUQbU`W Wย ย ย ยฎWยงย Qย dยฃU`XW Qย Qd^XZW ย bQ^W Vdย ย W \UW ZTUWย [XZWbd0]ย ย ZWย Qย UXW_[`W ZTUWZUQย WQ_ZU`W_Qdย d^ย WZ[WVd^W d^W ZTUd`W ยฃ`XZW ZV[W ย Qย UXW d^W ZTUWยงย Qย d_|d^ย W`[ย ^bย ย [`Wย Uย WdZยชXWย [d^ย WZ[W\UW ZTUWย [XZWbd0]ย ย ZWZUXZW_[`Wย XW QXW VUW TQbW {[[`W `UXย ย ZXW d^W ZTUW ย Qย UXW VUW {ย Q|UbW ย QXZW ย [^ZTย W X[W VUW ^UUbW Z[W Vd^W ZTUXUW ZV[W ย Qย UXW Z[W \UW d^W ZTUW `Q]UW Z[W ยงย Qย d_|W _[`W ZTUW QZd[^XW ย {ย ย W W TUW Z[ย bW ZTUW Uย Zd]WVU\XdZUย ย XWZTUWbU_U^bd^ย W]TQย {d[^Xย WVUWTQย UWZ[Wยงย Qย d_|ย WX[W ZTUXUWQ`UWย Qย UXWVTd]TWVdย ย W \UW d^ZU^XUย W ย bQ^W Q`U^ยชZW {ย XT[ย U`Xย W Q^bW d^W _`d]Qย W Uย U`|W][ย ^Z`|WVQ^ZXWZ[W\UQZW dย U`dQWVTd]TWZTQZWย Qย UXWdZW TQ`bU`ย ย UW ย ^[VW VTQZW VUW ^UUbW Z[W b[W Q^bW ZTUW ][Q]TW Q^bW ZTUW ZU]T^d]Qย W XZQ9W Vdย ย W TQย UWย Q{{UbW[ย ZW[ย `WXZ`QZUย |W_[`Wย Xย W [ย WdZยชXWย {WZ[Wย XW Z[W ย [W [ย ZW ZTU`Uย W UยฌU]ย ZUW dZW Q^bWย UU{W[ย `XUย ย UXWd^Wย [[bW XTQ{UWd^WZTUWยงย Qย d_|d^ย ย ย
dยฌW {[d^ZXW _`[ย W ZT[XUW ZV[W ยฃยฌZย `UXW V[ย ย bW \UW Q^W dbUQย WUQ`ย |W\d`ZTbQ|W{`UXU^ZW _[`W ย \`[XUย W VT[W Vdย ย W ]Uย ebrate turning 26 on his reZย `^W_`[ย W^QZd[^Qย WXU`ย d]Uย
UW TQX^ยชZW ย QbUW {ย Q^XW T[VW Z[W ย Q`ย W ZTUW []]QXd[^W QXW |UZย W \ย ZW dZW Vdย ย W d^ย [ย ย UW X{U^bd^ย W Zdย UW VdZTW TdXW |[ย ^ย W_Qย dย |ย ย W XT[ย ย bW \UW \Q]ย W Q_ZU`W \Ud^ย W QVQ|W VdZTW dย U`dQW X[W VUW Vdย ย W XUUW VTQZW TQ{{U^Xย W \ย ZW W Vdย ย W ]Uย U\`QZUW dZW VdZTWย |W\Q\|WQ^bW_Qย dย |WQZW T[ย Uย ย WQbbUbWZTUW{ย Q|U`ย
Keshi picks Kaduna for Sudan return leg
oach Stephen KeXTdWTQXWXQdbWTUWV[ย ย bW prefer Nigeria host ย bQ^W d^W Qbย ^QW Q^bW ^[ZW \ย ยกQW\U]Qย XUWZTUW_Q^XWVdย ย W come out in their numbers Z[W]TUU`WTdXWZUQย WZ[Wย d]Z[`|ย TUW `Uย U`XUW ยฃยฌZย `UW \UZVUU^W dย U`dQW Q^bW ย bQ^W on October 15 has been ยฃยฌUbW _[`W \ย ยกQย W \ย ZW ZUQย W [0]dQย XW Q`UW V[``dUbW ZTU|W ย Q|W ^[ZW ย UZW U^[ย ย TW Xย {{[`ZW _`[ย W ZTUW _Q^XW Q^bW X[W V[ย ย bW[{ZW_[`W^Udย T\[ย `d^ย W Qbย ^Qย WVTd]TWTQXWQWย ย ]TW Xย Qย ย U`W XZQbdย ย ย W \ย ZW dZW dXW ย ย Q`Q^ZUUbWZ[W\UW{Q]ย Ubย ย UXTdW TQXW XQdbW TUW V[ย ย bW ย [ย UW Z[W _Q]UW ย bQ^W
d^W Qbย ^QW \U]Qย XUW TUW dXW Xย `UWZTUW_Q^XWVdย ย W][ย UW[ย ZW in their numbers to cheer TdXWZUQย ย WZTdXWVdย ย W^[ZW\UWZTUW ]QXUW d^W \ย ยกQย ย W QW Z[{W ZUQย W [0]dQย WbdX]ย [XUbย TdXW |UQ`ย W ZTUW ย ยฎย ย ย ย ยซ]Q{Q]dZ|W Tย Qbย W Uย ย [W ZQbdย ย W TQXW Qย `UQb|W T[XZUbW ZTUW ยงย Qย d_|d^ย W ย QZ]TUXW [_W ZTUW][ย ^Z`|ยชXW ย ย WZUQย ย WZTUW ย |d^ย W Qย ย UXย TUW Qย ย UXW TQย UW {ย Q|UbW their home matches for the {QXZW ZV[W |UQ`XW QZW ZTUW W Xย U^UW ZQbdย ย Wd^W Qย Q\Q`W QXWQW`UXย ย ZW[_WZTUW{[[`W{dZ]TW [_W ZTUW \ย ยกQW QZd[^Qย W ZQbdย ย ย
Omeruo: No margin for error
U_U^bU`ย W U^^UZTW ย U`ย [W TQXW XQdbW Nigeria have targetUbWQWย Qยฌdย ย ย Wย ย W{[d^ZXWd^W ZTUd`W `Uย Qd^d^ย W _[ย `W ยงย Qย dยฃU`XWZ[Wย ย Q`Q^ZUUWZTUd`W{QXXQย UWZ[W^UยฌZW|UQ`ยชXW W d^W [`[]][ย TUW _`d]Q^W ]TQย {d[^Xย W VT[W _Qdย UbW Z[W ยงย Qย d_|W _[`W ZTUWย ย ย ย W ย WQ`UWZTd`bW d^W `[ย {W W VdZTW QW {[d^ZW Q_ZU`W ZTU|W ย [XZW ยฆยซย W QZW T[ย UW Z[W [^ย [W Q^bW TUย bW T[XZXW [ย ZTW _`d]QW Z[W QW ย [Qย ย UXXW b`QVWย QXZWย [^ZTย [^ย [W ย UQbW ZTUW XZQ^bd^ย XW VdZTW XdยฌW {[d^ZXย W VTdย UW [ย ZTW _`d]QW Q`UW XU][^bW VdZTW_[ย `W{[d^ZXย TUW ย {U`W Qย ย UXWZQ]ย ย UW ย bQ^W[^W QZย `bQ|Wd^W][^Zd^ย QZd[^W [_W ZTUW ยงย Qย d_|d^ย W Z[ย `^Qย U^ZW \U_[`UW ZTU|W host the same team in a reย U`XUW]ย QXTW[^W Ub^UXbQ|ย W ]Z[\U`Wย ยฎย TUd`W[ZTU`Wยงย Qย dยฃU`XWQ`UW
QVQ|W Z[W [^ย [W d^W [d^ZUยซ [d`UW Q^bW QW ยฃ^Qย W ย `[ย {W ย Qย UW Qย Qd^XZW [ย ZTW _`d]QW Qย ย Wd^W [ย Uย \U`ย ย UW Q`UW QVQ`UW [_W ZTUW ZQXย WQTUQbWQ^bWX[WVUWTQย UW `UX[ย ย UbW Z[W V[`ย W TQ`bW Z[W {d]ย WZTUWQย Qdย Q\ย UWย ย W{[d^ZXW d^W [ย `W `Uย Qd^d^ย W ยงย Qย dยฃU`Xย ย W XQdbW ^ย ย Q^bยซ\QXUbW bU_U^bU`W ย U`ย [ย W VT[W VQXW Qย [^ย W ZTUW ย ร W {ย Q|U`XW VT[W Z`Qd^UbW d^W \ย ยกQW ย UXbQ|Wย [`^d^ย WQTUQbW[_W QZย `bQ|ยชXW ]`ย ^]TW ]ย QXTW d^W ย bQ^ย
Babatunde out of Sudan game
ย `Qd^UW \QXUbW ย {U`W Qย ย UXW ย dbยฃUย bU`ย W Q\QZย ^bUW d]TQUย W TQXW \UU^W `ย ย UbW [ย ZW [_W ZTdXW QZย `bQ|ยชXW Wยงย Qย dยฃU`WQย Qd^XZW ย bQ^Wd^W TQ`Z[ย ย WQ_ZU`W Qย ^[]ย W[^WZTUWย ^UUWVTdย UW {ย Q|d^ย W_[`WTdXW]ย ย \ย W Q\QZย ^bUW Q``dย UbW Qย ย UXยชW ]Qย {W d^W \ย ยกQW d^ยกย `UbWQ^bWbdbW^[ZWZ`Qd^W VdZTW ZTUW `UXZW [_W TdXW ][ย ย UQย ย UXWQXWZU]T^d]Qย W]`UVW T[{UbW TUW V[ย ย bW ][ย UW ย [[bWQ_ZU`W`UXZd^ย WZTUWd^ยกย `|ย ย ZW Q_ZU`W Uย U^d^ย W Z`Qd^d^ย W |UXZU`bQ|W VdZTW ZTUW {ย Q|U`W XZdย ย W d^W {Qd^Xย W Coach Stephen Keshi
`ย ย UbWTdย W[ย ZW[_WZTUW]ย QXTย W \ย ZWVQXWยงย d]ย WZ[WQXXย `UW[_W QW]Q{Q\ย UW`U{ย Q]Uย U^ZW\U_[`UWZTU|Wย UQย Uย Wย UWTQย UWQWย [[bW][ย U`W _[`W Tdย W Q^bW VUW {`Q|W ZTQZW he bounces back before ZTUW `UZย `^W ย Uย W Qย Qd^XZW ย bQ^Wd^W dย U`dQย ย W UXTdWbU]ย Q`Ubย d]TQUย W Tdย XUย _W VQXW Uย {TQZd]W VTU^W TUW X{[ย UW Q\[ย ZW TdXW d^ยกย `|ย W ย W `UQย ย |W VQ^ZW Z[W {ย Q|W ZTdXW ย Qย UW Qย Qd^XZW ย bQ^W \ย ZW _QZUW XQ|XW W Vdย ย W ^[ZW \ย ZW \|W ZTUW `UZย `^W ย Uย W d^W dย U`dQW W XT[ย ย bW \UW \Q]ย ย W TUW b[]Z[`XWTQย UWQXXย `UbWย UWZTQZW WVdย ย W\UWยฃZWVdZTd^W_[ย `WQ^bW ยฃย UWbQ|XยชWZdย Uย ย W
Keshi rues injuries but remains confident
oach Stephen Keshi has reย `U UbW ZTUW d^juries that have hit Nigeria, but TUWXQdbWZTU|WQ`UWXZdย ย WbUZU`ย d^UbWZ[W`Uย dย UWZTUd`Wยงย Qย d_|d^ย W]Qย {Qdย ^W_[`WZTUW Wย ย ย ยฎWd^W ย bQ^ย TUW _`d]Q^W]TQย {d[^XW Q`UWZTd`bWd^W `[ย {W WVdZTW QW {[d^Zย W [^ย [W Z[{W ZTUW XZQ^bd^ย XW [^W XdยฌW {[d^ZXย W VTdย UW [ย ZTW _`d]QWQ`UWXU][^bWVdZTW_[ย `W{[d^ZXย TUW ย {U`W Qย ย UXW Q`UW ย ย UXZXW [_W {[d^Zย UXXW ย bQ^W [^W QZย `bQ|ย W \U_[`UW ZTU|W VUย ][ย UWZTUWXQย UWZUQย WZ[W dย U`dQW_[ย `WbQ|XWย QZU`ย Z[ย UW dZ|W Vd^ย U`ย W d]Z[`W [XUXWVQXW`ย ย UbW[ย ZWQZW ZTUWVUUย U^bW[^WQ]][ย ^ZW[_W d^ยกย `|ย WVTdย UWQWZTdย TWd^ยกย `|W ][ย ย bW Qย X[W ย UU{W [ย ZW Q\QZย ^bUW d]TQUย ย ย ZW UXTdWXQdbWTUWT[{UXW ZTUW Qย ย UXW b[W ^[ZW Xย 9U`W ย [`UW d^ยกย `|W {`[\ย Uย Xย W VTdย UW QXXย `d^ย W ZTU|W TQย UW {ย ZW \UTd^bW ZTUย W ZTUW bdXQ{{[d^Zd^ย W `UXย ย ZXW [_W ย QXZW ย [^ZTWZ[W_[`ย UWQTUQbย ย UW {`Q|W ZTQZW Uย U`|\[b|W V[ย ย bW \UW d^W ย [[bW TUQย ZTW \U]Qย XUW ZTQZW dXW ย U`|W dย {[`ZQ^Zย W UW TQย UW Qย `UQb|W ย [XZW ZV[W {ย Q|U`XW ^[Vย W WT[{UWZTQZWV[ย ย bW\UW ZTUWย QXZย ย WTUWXQdb โ We have put the past \UTd^bW ย Xย W UW Q`UW {`U{Q`d^ย W [ย `XUย ย UXW Qย Qd^XZW ย bQ^W d^W ย bQ^ย W UW Q`UW Z`|d^ย W [ย `W \UXZW Z[W {`U{Q`UW [ย `XUย ย UXW_[`WXย ]]UXXย W ^|W team that is going out for a ย Qย UW {`U{Q`UW ZTUย XUย ย UXW Z[W\UWย d]Z[`d[ย Xย ย [ย UZdย UXW\Ud^ย WZTd`bW [^W ZTUW ZQ\ย UW b[UX^ยชZW ย QZZU`ย W dZW [^ย |W ]TQย ย U^ย UXW |[ย W ย [`Uย W ย Qย UXW |[ย W _[]ย XW ย [`UW Q^bW ย [`UW bUZU`ย d^UbWQ^bWZTQZWdXWVTQZWVUW ย [d^ย WZ[Wb[ย ย
Sudan switch venue for Nigeria
ย bQ^W TQย UW ย [ย UbW QZย `bQ|ยชXW W ยงย Qย dยฃU`W Qย Qd^XZW _rican champions Nigeria Z[WZTUW ย ^d]d{Qย W ZQbdย ย W d^W TQ`Z[ย ย ย W VTd]TW TQXW Q^WQ`Zdยฃ]dQย W{dZ]Tย W[0]dQย XW TQย UWbdX]ย [XUbย โ We have just been d^_[`ย UbW ZTQZW ZTUW ย QZ]TW Vdย ย W ^[VW \UW {ย Q|UbW [^W Q^WQ`Zdยฃ]dQย W{dZ]TWQ^bW^[ZW ^QZย `Qย W [^Uย W TQZW dXW VT|W VUWQ`UW^[VWZ`Qd^d^ย WQZWZTUW
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ย [ย W ย ย Q^ย Uย W ย U^dย UW Q^bW ย bU`X[^W ]TdUยกdย Uย UQ^VTdย Uย W ][Q]TW ZU{TU^W UXTdWTQXWQXย UbWZTQZW ZTUWZUQย Wยฟ|W[ย ZWZ[W ย bQ^W [^W QW ]TQ`ZU`UbW ยฟdย TZW Z[W Qย [dbW_QZdย ย Uย W ][ย ย U`]dQย W ยฟdย TZW V[ย ย bW ย UQ^W ZTUW Qย ย UXW Vdย ย Wย [XZWย dย Uย |WXZ[{W[ย U`W d^W bbdXW \Q\Qย W ZTd[{dQย W Q^bW [^ย |W Q``dย UW d^W ย bQ^W the night before the SaturbQ|WXT[Vb[V^ย
63 Sports/News Ighalo begins afresh with new coach â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wonder Goalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; award delights Olabiyi
igerian forward, Odion Jude Ighalo is to begin life under a new tactician after his English team, Watford named Russian Â&#x201A;Q9U`Â&#x201E;W U`\dQ^W Â&#x2026;QÂ&#x2021;dXQW
[Â&#x160;Q^[Â&#x2021;d]W QXW ZTUW ]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;\ÂŞXW new manager.
[Â&#x160;Q^[Â&#x2021;d]W XÂ&#x2020;]]UUbXW Billy McKinlay, who was unbeaten during his short tenure in charge, taking four points from games against Brentford Q^bW `dÂ&#x201A;TZ[^WĂ&#x17D;W [Â&#x2021;UW Â&#x2026;bion. TUW U`\dQ^W VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W ^[VW look to steer the club to the English Premier League and hopefully \U U`W Â&#x2026;QXZW XUQX[^ÂŞXW {U`formance.
[Â&#x160;Q^[Â&#x2021;d]W VdÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W Â&#x2026;[[Â&#x160;W to begin his reign at the club on a winning note
as he prepares his side for the next league tie against TU0UÂ&#x2026;bW Ub^UXbQ|W who sit six places below Watford in ninth spot. Ighalo, a centre-forward, who is on-loan _`[Â&#x2039;W bd^UXUW TQXW ^U UbW
Mikel, Chelsea strength â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Gary Nevile
ormer England and Manchester United defender, Gary UÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UW TQXW XQdbW ZTQZW Nigerian international, John Obi Mikel made Chelsea stronger and sterner when he came on in the 2-0 win against `XU^QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152; Chelsea won the game after goals from Eden Hazard and Diego Costa Q^bWZTU|WÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2021;UWQWÂ&#x2021;U`|WQXXÂ&#x2020;`UbWbU_U^XdÂ&#x2021;UWbdX{Â&#x2026;Q|Â&#x152; UÂ&#x2021;dÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x201E;W VT[W VQXW X{UQÂ&#x160;d^Â&#x201A;W [^W Â&#x160;|W X{[`ZXW after the game, said that TUW \UÂ&#x2026;dUÂ&#x2021;UbW ZTUW Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;UXW were in total control of the match and that alZT[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TW `XU^QÂ&#x2026;W {Â&#x2026;Q|UbW VUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x201E;W TUW ^UÂ&#x2021;U`W ZT[Â&#x2020;Â&#x201A;TZW they would win. The former defender turned pundit said that he thought Chelsea always had an extra gear in their locker as well QXW TQÂ&#x2021;d^Â&#x201A;W QbbdZd[^QÂ&#x2026;W
strength if they needed it in the form of Mikel. Â&#x17D; W bdb^ÂŞZW ZTd^Â&#x160;W `senal played badly â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I thought they started the game well, as Jose Mourd^T[WXQdbWĂ&#x201D;W\Â&#x2020;ZW|[Â&#x2020;W^UÂ&#x2021;U`W felt Chelsea were in danger of not winning,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;You always felt Chelsea had a gear to go up to if they needed to, while John Obi Mikel came on in the second half and they seemed to get stronger and sterner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The big moments were taken by Chelsea â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Hazard got the penalty with a great run and then the combination between CescFabregas and Costa in the second half was a fantastic goal,â&#x20AC;? he added.
UW ÂŁ^QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;|W ][^]Â&#x2026;Â&#x2020;bUbW that Chelsea are at a TdÂ&#x201A;TU`W Â&#x2026;UÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;W ZTQ^W `XUnal.
one goal for the club in the England second tier bdÂ&#x2021;dXd[^Â&#x152; The former Flying Eagles skipper has made six appearances from a {[XXd\Â&#x2026;UWUÂ&#x2026;UÂ&#x2021;U^WÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UXWX[W far played by the club.
^|dÂ&#x2039;\QW Â&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bU`Â&#x201E;W Rasheed Olabiyi has expressed delight after he was announced as ZTUW âV[^bU`W Â&#x201A;[QÂ&#x2026;ÂŞW Vd^^U`W by the League Management Company (LMC) on Tuesday. TUW Â&#x2039;dbÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bU`W VQXW nominated for his strike in the 3-3 draw against city `dÂ&#x2021;QÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x201E;W \dQW Q``d[`XW d^W the Nigeria Professional Football League, alongside Ifeanyi Egwim of Dolphins Q^bW Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Q^Â&#x2020;UÂ&#x2026;W ÂĄdQW [_W Â&#x2026;ÂŤ Kanemi Warriors. ^bW Q_ZU`W Vd^^d^Â&#x201A;W ZTUW award, which is worth N100,000, the skillful midÂŁUÂ&#x2026;bU`W]Q^^[ZWXUUÂ&#x2039;WZ[W][^tain his excitement. Â&#x17D; Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;WZTQ^Â&#x160;XWZ[W Â&#x2026;Â&#x2026;QTW_[`W the LMC award, Nigeria Glo Premier League wonbU`W Â&#x201A;[QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x152;W TQ^Â&#x160;W |[Â&#x2020;W Â&#x2021;U`|W Â&#x2039;Â&#x2020;]TW Z[W ZT[XUW VT[W Â&#x2021;[ZUbW for me. Who am I without
you guys,â&#x20AC;? he said on his Facebook page. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kudos to my teammates who made the goal possible. Big thanks to my coaches, the management of Enyimba international, the supporters club, all my fans QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;W [Â&#x2021;U`W dÂ&#x201A;U`dQÂ&#x201E;W Â&#x2039;|W Â&#x2026;[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x2026;|W family and big thanks to
the organisers of the award (LMC). â&#x20AC;&#x153;Words cannot express my gratitude and appre]dQZd[^W _[`W [Â&#x2021;U`VTUÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2039;d^Â&#x201A;W XÂ&#x2020;{{[`ZW _`[Â&#x2039;W UÂ&#x2021;U`|\[b|W shown to me. I really ap{`U]dQZUÂ&#x152;W Q|WZTUW Â&#x2026;Â&#x2039;dÂ&#x201A;TZ|W [bW \Â&#x2026;UXXW |[Â&#x2020;W QÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2026;Â&#x152;W Â&#x2039;U^Â&#x152;W Â&#x2020;]TWÂ&#x2026;[Â&#x2021;UÂ&#x201E;Â&#x2022;WTUWXQdbÂ&#x152;
Amaju charges Eagles to win in Sudan
ewly elected President of the Nigeria Football Federation, UÂ&#x2026;Â&#x2021;d^W Â&#x2039;QÂĄÂ&#x2020; d^^d]Â&#x160;Â&#x201E;W [^W Tuesday stormed the training session of the national team, who are preparing _[`W QW Â&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UW QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW Â&#x2020;bQ^W [^W QZÂ&#x2020;`bQ|Â&#x201E;WbU]Â&#x2026;Q`d^Â&#x201A;WZTQZW he will bring the much desired changes to Nigerian football. bb`UXXd^Â&#x201A;W ZTUW {Â&#x2026;Q|U`XW bÂ&#x2020;`d^Â&#x201A;WZTUWUÂ&#x2021;U^d^Â&#x201A;WXUXXd[^W after a hectic two hours Z`Qd^d^Â&#x201A;Â&#x201E;W Â&#x2039;QÂĄÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W XQdbW TUW was in tune with most of the players, assuring them
that trust will be the hallmark of his administration, UÂ&#x2021;U^W QXW TUW bU]Â&#x2026;Q`UbW ZTQZW ZTUW Â&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UW QÂ&#x201A;Qd^XZW Â&#x2020;bQ^W XT[Â&#x2020;Â&#x2026;bW\UWZTUWZQÂ&#x160;UW[9W{[d^ZW for his administration. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The last NFF regime has been wonderful in ZU`Â&#x2039;XW [_W Q]TdUÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZW Q^bW we want to continue from there. That is why I must XQ|W ZTUW Â&#x2020;bQ^W Â&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UW dXW QW must win for us; because dZÂŞXW ZTUW ÂŁ`XZW ][Â&#x2039;{UZdZdÂ&#x2021;UW game under this dispensation. On our part we are determined to continue to support the team and soon you will see what we would do through Corpo-
rate Nigeria and the rest of ZTUWÂ&#x201A;QÂ&#x2039;UÂŞXWXÂ&#x2020;{{[`ZU`XWQ^bW sponsorsâ&#x20AC;?, he declared. He said all rumours regarding pronouncements allegedly made by him should be disregarded, assuring that he was starting on a clean slate to build on ZTUWdÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2039;U^XUWQ]TdUÂ&#x2021;UÂ&#x2039;U^ZXW of his predecessors. He was accompanied to the training session by NFF Vice `UXdbU^ZÂ&#x201E;W `Â&#x152;W U|dW Â&#x160;d^VÂ&#x2020;^Â&#x2039;dÂ&#x201E;W ÂŹU]Â&#x2020;ZdÂ&#x2021;UW [Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;d UUWÂ&#x2039;UÂ&#x2039;\U`Â&#x201E;W TdU_W UÂ&#x2026;dÂŹW ^|Q^XdW Â&#x201A;VÂ&#x2020;Â&#x201E;W VT[W \[ZTW promised to keep a close tab on the workings of the national team. There were
also NFF, Director of Technical, Dr Emmanuel Ikpeme and Dr Mohammed Q^Â&#x2020;XdÂ&#x201E;W VT[W dXW ZTUW d`U]tor of Competitions at the Football. Â&#x2020;{U`W QÂ&#x201A;Â&#x2026;UXW XÂ&#x160;d{{U`Â&#x201E;W Vincent Enyeama, who responded on behalf of the {Â&#x2026;Q|U`XW Q^bW [0]dQÂ&#x2026;XÂ&#x201E;W QXsured that the team will not let the nation down in the course of qualifying for Maroc 2015 Nations Cup. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr President, no shaking. But we must congratulate you on your election and assure Nigerians that with God all things are possible,â&#x20AC;? he declared.
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