SPORTS Starting on the first day of classes, we published 628 sports stories, 289 more than the fall. This included 110 features, 150 write-ups and 368 game coverages, 10 fewer, 4 fewer, and 303 more, respectively, than the fall. The Sports staff analyzed 398 of these stories (63.4% of the total coverage), 136 (34.2%) of which were features. Of the 136 features, 30 focus on a topic relevant to marginalized communities (22.1% of the feature stories analyzed). Of the 398 stories, 47% pertained to mens sports (19% less than the fall), 44% women pertained to womens sports (10% more than the fall) and 9% pertained to neither or both (9% more than the fall).
Sources: Total sources directly interviewed in 398 stories: 386
26.7% identified as people of color
27.7% identified as female
73.3% identified as white
72.3% identified as male
*Added since fall 2020