D.O. Palooza 2012

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The Daily Orange

SATURDAY, MARCH 3 (CONT.) Newhouse I Rooms 406 & 409

7 p.m. Alumni Meetup

12:15 – 1:30 p.m. Mentor lunches

Return to 744 Ostrom Ave. to catch up with D.O. alumni and meet the current staff. This past October marked Pete Waack’s 10th year at The D.O. and we will have a small celebration for our business manager. For those of you who could not come to the party in the fall, please feel free to stop by and thank Pete and share your favorite “Pete Waack-ism.” Light refreshments will be served.

Please bring clips, resume if interested in receiving suggestions from mentors.

1:30 - 2:15 p.m. (Choose one) Newspaper design With Upstatement


Hear tips from the Upstatement guys on designing for print.

10 – 10:15 a.m. Reaching out

Digging deep

Newhouse I Rooms 406 & 409 D.O. Management

Hear what is new with The Daily Orange and what has changed with the paper. Come in early and enjoy some coffee and light refreshments while catching up with the alumni and current staff.

10:15 – 11:15 a.m. (Choose one) Reporting for the web Steve Kovach and Meredith Galante (Business Insider), Justin Young (iTricks) Dave Levinthal (Politico) With more pieces becoming online exclusives, what’s the best way to keep up with the times?

Designing for the web With Tito Bottitta, Jared Novak and Mike Swartz (Upstatement) As they transitioned from print news design to web design, these former D.O. presentation directors realized the two mediums really aren't so different. They'll talk about how easy it is to get started on the web, especially with the skills you already have from print design

11:15 – 12.15 p.m. From Penn State to Syracuse

With Meredith Goldstein (Boston Globe), Melanie Hicken (formerly at Los Angeles Times Media Group ), Steve Kovach (Business Insider), Emily Kulkus (The Post-Standard), Dave Levinthal (Politico), Jared Novak (Upstatement) A panel discussion on covering the unflattering news that happens at the university level, including past issues and looking at coverage of the Bernie Fine allegations and Penn State.

**If you are a Daily Orange editor or reporter who has covered Bernie Fine or Penn State, please sit up front so you can join the discussion**

With Melanie Hicken (formerly at Los Angeles Times Media Group) Looking beyond the usual sources for reporting and organizing a story.

Sports Enterprise in the Twitter Age With Josh Barnett (The Philadelphia Daily News) How to find and execute stories that go deeper than the game and take more than 140 characters to tell.

2:15 – 3:00 p.m. (Choose one) Copy editing for the writer With Ashleigh Graf (The Express-Times) and Brittney Davies (The Star-Ledger) No, we’re not talking about spelling and AP style. This is about being concise, writing for your audience and saying what you mean.

Photo Q&A With AJ Chavar and Andrew Burton An open discussion on finding freelance work to developing a visual voice, to selfediting and working with editors.

SUNDAY, MARCH 4 The Sheraton

11:00 a.m. Brunch at Rachel’s Restaurant Join the staff and returning alumni for brunch at The Sheraton. Please contact us beforehand if you plan to attend so we know how many to expect.

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