April 18, 2019

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NO. 24




Caroline Furrer had led the team through a tumultuous year, dealing with what she sees as a problematic new coach and a negligent administration. On the court, she was one of the team’s stars during one of the worst seasons in program history. Off the court, she was one of the team’s fiercest advocates in its fight to be heard and taken seriously. Furrer told her teammates on April 1 that she was leaving the volleyball program after three years. The captain’s deliberations were complex and calculated, but her reason was simple: There was no hope.

Her departure was merely the most recent development in a year’s worth of twists and turns that began last spring and continue today. Several players said that coach Iain Braddak’s conduct over the past year left many on the team feeling offended, mistreated, or dejected, but that Penn Athletics’ responses to the student-athletes’ concerns have left them feeling even worse. From the administration’s decision to hire Braddak, which the team advised strongly against, to its handling of the eight formal grievances filed against him since, multiple players on the team have alleged that they have suffered at the hands of a leadership that has consistently put them second.

Penn Dental staff receive racist email Dean announced the sender was an imposter MANLU LIU Senior Reporter

An external investigation into a racist email, which appeared to originate from Penn Dental’s chief financial officer, concluded the email was fraudulent and was sent from an account not affiliated with the University, Penn Dental Dean Mark Wolff announced Tuesday. Wolff added that Penn has launched an internal investigation to determine the identity of email’s sender, who addressed the message to a Penn Dental staff emailing list. The external investigation launched after staff at the Penn Dental Family Practice received an email on April 10 praising the closure of Penn Dental’s off-campus clinic and writing “All the blacks are almost gone!” The construction of the email, which was addressed to Wolff, made it appear as though Penn Dental CFO Janemarie Schultz accidentally sent the email to the entire staff and intended for the praise to be kept private. “Mark we did it! Berwyn is finally closing!” the email read, referring to the closure

of the Penn Dental Main Line clinic location on June 30. “All the blacks are almost gone! But we have to keep a few show ones around. Don’t you agree?? Joking.” In an email on April 16, Wolff wrote that the email sent to Penn Dental Family Practice staff was false and was sent by someone impersonating Schultz. The dean claimed that an external IT forensic investigation found that the email did not originate from a Penn account. Wolff added that Penn Police and senior University IT Security Officers have also launched an investigation into the sender of the message. “Words cannot convey how distraught I am that our employees were targets of such a hateful and divisive communication designed specifically to hurt and divide our community,” Wolff wrote. Schultz joined Penn Dental in July 2017. Prior to Penn Dental, Schultz had 25 years of industry experience in health care finance. Schultz’s position includes managerial and fiduciary responsibilities. Wolff added that he will be meeting with members of Penn Dental to “listen to suggestions on how we might begin to heal.”

“We are kicking, screaming, and crying out from rock bottom for help.” -Carmina Raquel

“I had to take a stand for what I believe in,” Furrer told The Daily Pennsylvanian after her resignation. “So, I didn’t quit the

team, I quit Penn Athletics and the coaching staff because of a lack of action and support. When eight out of 20 young women file grievances against a coach, there should be action and support — we got neither.” Furrer’s teammates say they’re proud of her decision, highlighting the precarious situation they’ve endured for the past year of balancing support for teammates with issues with their coach. Three players have quit. The remaining teammates are left to prepare for another season of playing the sport they love under conditions they don’t. At multiple points since the beginning of the school year, players have hoped for positive change from both Braddak and Penn Athletics, only to be disappointed with

what they saw. Over the course of the last six months, roughly a third of the team — including two of the team’s three captains — have spoken with the DP about their predicament. Multiple sources requested to speak off the record or anonymously, citing either skepticism that voicing their stories would bring about any real change or fear of potential retribution if they did speak out publicly. Yet, behind closed doors, the team has been fighting hard to be heard by the administration and see their grievances, formal and informal, addressed earnestly. What follows is a detailed account of the mistreatment that members of Penn volleySEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 9

Protests greet conservative activist at Penn Student groups hosted Owens on April 15 GRANT BIANCO Staff Reporter

Candace Owens, a prominent conservative commentator and political activist, was met with fierce protests before delivering a fiery, anti-Democrat speech on campus Monday night. At the April 15 event in College Hall, which was co-hosted by Penn College Republicans and conservative publication The Statesman, Owens criticized the #MeToo movement and sarcastically said women “never lie.” Owens also claimed that black people were being misled by the Democratic Party. Student groups such as the Penn Association for Gender Equity, Lambda Alliance, and the United Minorities Council denounced Owens’ ideology, criticizing her opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement and her past insensitive comments about transgender individuals. Minutes before the event, progressive and anti-fascist protestors voiced their disapproval of Owens’ presence. About 20 anti-fascist protestors from Philadelphia Antifa wore ski masks and bandanas and gathered on College Green, shouting “F**k Candace Owens” and “F**k the police.” PAGE protestors also gathered in a silent demonstration against Owens inside College Hall. UMC Chair and College sopho-

OPINION | Penn shouldn’t have hosted Owens “If we truly want to make any strides toward resolving the policy issues we care about...we cannot continue to enable these provocative distractions from genuine discourse.” PAGE 5

SPORTS | Penn’s Own Rowing Family

Spanning 50 years and an extended family of athletes, the Konopkas and Penn rowing go way back. BACKPAGE



Student groups like Penn Association for Gender Equity, Lambda Alliance, and the United Minorities Council denounced Owens’ ideology, criticizing her opposition to the Black Lives Matter movement.

more Kevin Zhou said the 6B — Penn’s six main minority coalition groups — met prior to Monday’s event to discuss the response and to denounce Owens. “We all know what she’s been doing around here. A lot of mocking, a lot of racist statements, saying racism doesn’t exist, mocking sexual assault victims,” Zhou said. “UMC was in full support of [the protest].” College freshman Kate Silva, who silently protested against Owens inside college hall said Owens approached her and other protesters while she was inside. Silva said

while Owens was “polite” in her interactions with them, she disputed their criticisms of her. “She was coming over and looking at a lot of the posters and then asking students who were holding posters to give her examples of when she had said things or done things,” Silva said. At the event, Owens sharply attacked the #MeToo movement and questioned why black Americans would be supportive of the antisexual assault campaign. “The concept that we should just believe women is exactly what got my ancestors lynched,” Owens said. “We’ve learned our lesson the hard

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way with that.” Owens also promoted the “Blexit” movement, a campaign she launched that encourages black Americans and other minorities to leave the Democratic Party. From 1972 to 2016, the Democratic presidential candidate received an average of 87% of the black vote, FiveThirtyEight reported. “We’ve given our vote for the last 60 years to the Democrat[ic] Party and we have absolutely nothing to show in return,” Owens said. “Why the hell did Hillary Clinton get SEE PROTESTS PAGE 3


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